THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES S* 1. f). BAKER ''LAWYER DAlffe, TEXAS PHONOGRAPHIC AND PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. BY ISAAC PITMAN, INVENTOR OF PHONOGRAPHY, A SYSTEM OF PHONETIC SHORTHAND, BASED ON THE SOUNDS OF SPEECH AND THE SCIENCE OF PHONETICS. SIXTH EDITION. LONDON : ISAAC PITMAN & SONS, i AMEN CORNER, PATERNOSTER ROW. BATH : PHONETIC INSTITUTE. ENTERED AT STATIONERS* HALL. PREFACE. The popularity of PHONOGEAPHT arises from 1. A general desire to expedite the process of writing, 2. The scientific basis of the Art, and 3. Its abbreviating principles. PHONOGEAPHT is an exposition of that branch of the general science of Acoustics which has received the special name of Phonetics, or the science of articulate and vocal sounds. Phonetics treats of the elements of speech, and their collocation into words, and is included in the general " Science of Lan- guage," which treats not only of the composition and analysis of words, but of their relations to each other as signs of ideas. The claims of PHONOGEAPHT, as a system of Shorthand founded on the Alphabet of Nature, are briefly described in the " Manual of Phonography," pars. 20 to 24. On its claims as embodying a system of abbreviations for some letters of frequent occurrence, in addition to their alphabetical signs, and as thus giving a choice of two alphabetic forms for r, w, y, and three for h, it seems necessary to say a few words, because this principle opens the door to a diversity of stenographic representation for some words, and casts on the writer the necessity of deciding which form is most convenient. The present work is intended to relieve him of this labor, by presenting to him, without study, the shorthand outlines which experience has shown to be the best adapted for rapid writing. The " compensation" which the phonographer receives for the little labor either of judging for himself as to which is the briefest of two or three possible forms of a word, or referring to the Dictionary, is, that almost every word that contains above two stroke-consonants (and many that contain but two) has an outline of its own, and is thus distinguished to the eye from all other words that contain the same consonants. This is one of the causes of the legibility of PHONOGBAPHT. A list of above 600 of these words and classes of words, differentiated by their outlines, is given in the " Phonographic Reporter," pages 44-53. The source of this variety of outline is first the use of a circle for s ( o ) in addition to the alphabetic stroke ) s. The circle s conduces to brevity. It may be written at the junction of two other consonants without occupying perceptible time, for it is about as easy to write J tsk as | tk. This ingenious steno- graphic expedient was first adopted, or discovered, by Farthing in 1654, from whom it was copied by the more popular stenographer, Mason, and published in the second edition of his system of shorthand, 200 years ago. His book is en- titled, " Arts Advancement ; or the most exact, lineal, swift, short, and easy method of short writing hitherto extant," 1682. 448257 iv. Preface. The second cause of this diversity of outline is, that seven of the most frequent consonants, t, d, r, I, n,f, v, may be represented by abbreviating principles applied to the alphabetic form of the other letters. The result of the application of these principles to PHONOGRAPHY is, that there are distinct outlines for such words as the following, which, being of the same part of speech, would, in the absence of these principles, be liable to be mistaken the one for the other in reading or transcribing a verbatim report of a speech taken down at a pace which leaves no time for the insertion of vowels. The illustrations are limited to words that commence with the first letter of the Phonographic Alphabet, p : Optic, poetic petrify, putrefy patron, pattern passionate, patient pen, penny pun, pony pledge, apology pledger, pillager police, policy placid, palsied place- man, policeman (com)pletion, ( compulsion plant, planet, plenty purpose (t>.), pro- pose-^-property, propriety, purport appropriation, preparation part, party pretence, prettiness, uprightness aperture, operator, porter, parterre pride, parade proffer, prefer previous, pervious price (c.), pierce, peruse, pursue preceptive, perceptive poorest, purest priest, pursuit prosecute, persecute oppressor, piercer, peruser, pursuer pressman, press-money, parsimony prison, parson present (v.), presentee parsley, parasol Prussia, Persia oppression, operation, portion prince, appearance, poorness princes, princess pearls, prelacy, perilous, powerless. In this Dictionary the words are given in the Corresponding Style of Phono- graphy. By omitting the vowel marks, and by leaving out the endings of all long words (say, after writing three srofce-consonants) the writer will obtain the Reporting outline of each word. Jtily, 1889. ISAAC PITMAN. C_^ *-? Abjec'tion Abjudica'tion X X x Abjura'tion /? fV* Abju'ratory i / ' Abdominos'copy .v^j "\ Abdora'inous 1 fen Abduce' 'X v Abjure' >J < /^ A ^ ur d ' ' Abjuring ied ee' icr ling iment Ia'tion \ 'X Abduced' Gr, \2s Abdu'cent X A , Abdu'cing \Lj ~ Abduct' ^ , .. ! Abduct'ed i Abduc'ting . v , .xi_ Abduc'tion X - X/" 1. Abjur'er xi^ 1 " ^ Ablacta'tion '\/9 N/H Abla'tion Ab'lative c o Ablaze' 'NJ -\ A'ble Jt, ^_p A'ble-bod'ied ^> Abduc'tor >j A'bleness ent \:so -^p Abear'ance \(^"\ . s^* Ab'lepsy ^f ^^> Abeceda'rian ; ^r* Ab'luent .\J^ Abed' .v -^-j" -s/^x 1 Ablu'tion ent ^ Abele' " > Ablu'tionary x s) \.y Abe'lian \/X, c Ablu'vion ? Vu -V? A'belite ' ' X ' A'bly e \y~~l ^.a Aberne'thy .v ^< Aber'rance \^^. -\ . Ab'negate ^-^-1 Ab'negated '\}rt. .\ Aber'rancy ' ) N?> Aber'rant \^^_ 'V^-O Abnega'ting ' Ab'negation X Aberra'tion 'Vr q Abet' \^ V^ . Ab' negative [i. ' Ab'negator J X -V Abet'tal f -I Abet'ted X /- '\ Abnor'mal *-^~S ~O. Abnormity N. -\ Abet'ting I ^1 Abet'tor X .v/ Abnor'mous pL -^ l> ^ Aboard' ' \\ Abey'ance "] Abey'ant \eS^ \^^[ Abhor' ^ Nr^ * Abhorred' . , ^ 1) Abode' ' N ^ Abol'ish f,-\ ^ ,-^ Abol'ishable V \ V^ 1 Abol'ished al ../co -L/^] Abhor'rence i '\^) \^s-^~' / Abol'isher x^,. \^ t Abhor'rency \-^^ \.f^"'\ Abhor' rent ' Abol'ishing N^'7 .< x3 Abol'ishment ^^ s Abhor' rer ' Aboli'tion ip /^* \ Abhor'ring \$C \ A'bib ^o .^-xo Aboli'tionism ,J~N ' ' Aboli'tionist ate ated - X Abi'dance J" -v/ Abide' %(-* Abom'inable ating a'tion ator atory ature it \, . Abid'er v| Abid'ing \. Abid'ingly '\_- -VI Ab'igail AbiTity \. X Abintes'tate X^_^__ < Abom'inable- ^^^xO' ness <^^_j, -K^^j. Abom'inate | ^~^1 Abom'inated ^_^3 "V^ Abomina'tion 7* Aborig'inal e ed ing ^^h f__ Ab'ject, a. n, Abject', v. X X Abjectly >^^ ^--.j Aborig'incs v_p. Abor'tion .'y/1 Abor'tive ABORTIVELY 2 ACCLIMATION \Xl VI c, Abor'tively V Abor'tiveness Xv^NA \^\ Absorp'tion (^ Absorp'tive i ~T^ x ; '^X, Acad'emy Acal'epha .V A 'X A Abound' T Abound'ed '\p '\) Abstain' J" ^ Abstain'er ' ^' ^"^-t Acan tha > J" Acantha'ceous \^ Abound'ing So 'Vj Abstaining O t'TB" Abste'mious ^ ^-f : w Acan'thine l Acan'thus j or -v\ About' \t or \, Above' V, .^'V, Abste'iniously Mb pr^_pAbste'miousness i_/ll i_^ Acar'diac Ac'arus <\ _ Abracadab'ra ^"r - Abreast' >X Abridge' Sp Xp Abster'sion V> l^. Abster'sive '"^f - fa-* Acced'ing AccelVrati- f Abridged' -~? . .,-X^ Accelera'tion Accel'erative / ^\/'- ~ s) \^ AcceTeratoty < ^ Abroach'ment ,/C ^ Abroad' .<_ *\ Ab'rogate \- f Abstracted L-, Y~ Abstractedly o Jible l _ < ^ . - Accen'sion Ac'cent, n. ~ Ab'rogated C N^_ C C - Ab'rogating Abroga'tion \'\.. Abstract'edness 9 1 Abstract'er p .. Accent', v. nt'ed . ,^_. <^_^' Accenting V^ \./\>> Abrupt' N/^\J Abrup'tion \Xj. Abstracting -3 Abstrac'tion Accent'or '*f a ^\ Accent'ual \/>S^ '\^s Abrupt'ly Abrupt ness X Xjv> Ab'scess \'Nn. Abstractive li^ Ab'stractly " ' Accent'uate -^1 1 - a ^, Accentua'ted _>/- Accentua'tion Abscind' 'V. v .v Ab'stractness : o '~^V Accept' V, X_ Abscis'sion L o *1 \- Abstruse' Acceptability * y Abscond' \ '\^ = Abscond'ed ^^~1 ' Abscond'er \-^ 'V, o Abscond'ing b - ' 'Abstruse'ly X 'X Abstruse'ness 0\ . . ,, 5_p ' Absurd \M X^^ Absurd'ity =- ^H? Acceptable N X_p Accept'ableness 1 ~S, 1 ~. Acceptance J t) Accepta'tion ^*~' ^^ Ab'sence ^^ Absurd'ly <_^ t Absent'ed .y "V, Abun'dant ^ Accep'tion ^^ ^"1 Absentee' ** 2T Abun'dantly ' S^ = R Accep'tive Xo^ '\i.s Absentee'ism . Abuse', v. 1 > Accept'or \J^- ^-^ Absent'er >o" V" Abuse', . '"ON (~- Ac'cess 'V, \o . Absenting ^^ ^ Ab'sinthe Xs '\? Abused' f ^ Abus'er ~K Ac'cessarily - / '\/~i Ac'cessary \ Absin'thian ^v^ ^y Absin'thiated '\i No Abus'ing Nj - ; ' V Abusive V .1. Acccssibil'ity 'Q-s- - Q/~- Acces'sible "No Xl- Absiri'thine ^-\r ' Ab'solute '\S - V Abu'sively VJ X^^ Abu'siveness V V Acces'sibly . '?. Acces'siim .vy" 7 '\TvJ> Ab'solutely Ab'soluteness X X ' Abut; -| "Uj Abut'ment I Acces'sional -O - y Acces'sivi- V/T) -\j/-[. Absolu'tion 5 Od ^ Absolutism X 'X Abut'tal -f ~' Abut'ted ^ Accesso'rial v r^ ft'- Ac'cessorily Vx-n -\v/' Ab'solutist o,!> 0" Absol'utory \, X Abut'ter Abut'ting *-fj Ar'cossory '?. . p Ac'cii! V-v -> ^V Absol'vatory \s 8 Absolve' Vx-v "^^ Absolved' \. .-v ,- Abvsm' ^ *^ AbVs'raal v. \3_y Abyss' " Ac'cident T. q Accidental ip'ient Absolv'er "V^\. '\JL^ Absolv'ing ^* " Abyssin'ian HT- --, Aca'cia : x ' R Accip'iter X^. ]j Accip'itrine " Ab'sonant "' Aca'cian i^-v t^o Acclaim' Xv\ X-Ax Absorb' r i.f ' | . Acade'mial ' - Acclama'tion Absorbabil'ity v*' Acade'mian ,1 ^/- ^ Acclam'atoiy Vx\ -V/N Absorb'able 5 \ Absorbed' L.^ : K Acadom'ic ^ ; Academ'ical v ' Accli'mati- ,!_ - f _ Accli'matcd \^ 'N^Sy^ Absorb'ent ; | ~~\ . Academic'ian v ' Accli'mating "^ Absorbing HD ^ Acad'emist ^-'v) Acclima'tion ACCLIMATIZE 3 ACQUIESCENCE *-<>- r~r v Acclimatize *~\ L ,,j Accredited '^ ^_, Ace'tum V ^ V o Accli'matized '1 Accres'cence .^JU, * Achs'an i^^v t P*l Accli'matizing . ^ . -) Accres'cent _,. . Achai'an v kj> Accli'mature " Accre'tion " " Ache i-, i-,^ Accliv'ity H v^ Accli'vous n =17 Accre'tive Accroach' '/> Ached Ach'eron r^l r _,, Ac'colade Ac'colent * r c i Accrue' Accrued' '/ / / Achiev'able (. Achieve' ~T" . Accom'modable <- 1 v Accru'ing ^ Achieved' ^ - Accom'modate < 7 Accom'modated V^ Accuba'tion ~TT Accum'bency ( or L r/ Achievement S^, y. Achiever 1, Accom'modat- ). Accum'bent . Achiev'ing 1 ing [tion . ^_^, /} Accu'mulate ' Ach'ing _ Accommoda'- " " Accu'mulated ,._ sr " A'chor b Accom'moda- ~^f- ^.f-/^ 1 Accumulating Achromat'ic tive n Accumula'tion rpO. 'nr^X Achro'matisra TT ^\ Accom'modator ^~f\ Accu'mulativc ^ Achro'matize "l ^| Accom'panied " - " " v-; Accu'mulativel}' '") .( ^ \_j: Acic'ular ^o Accom'panier ~~X3* . /\ Accu'mulator " Ac'curacy " Acic'ulate ') /'X. ') Acic'uliform x- ~xT^ Accom'pani- f' Ac'curate " ^V^ [ Ac'id *" ment r ^' Ac'curately 1 ) ) Acidif'erous ^>.~ Accom'panist ^, Accom'pany 9 . ^ Ac'curateness Accurse' J .L .( Acidifi'able ^? -\ V-r> Acidifica'tion \_^Y v> Accom'panying Accom'plice ^- >t Accom'plish ) c^ Accom'plish- J^ \ able s: c-fP Accursed', //. ' Accurs'ed, a. =-78^ Accurs'ing Accus'able ^ e Accus'ant Accusa'tion ") ..., ') Acid'ified .( f\5i ( Acid'ifier Sj .1 vA '\j, Acid'ify ) .x ') Acid'ifying / f Acidim'eter V- - l '~^' .!. Acid'ity ) ' Accom'plisher ^ Accus'ative ') ) - Ac'idness ,Accus'tomarily ^V~, A citorm 1 K- ^ Accord'er -~ According '- ^. iccustmeT -V/--V Acknowledge "-y ic-i" Accord'ingly ( " Accord'ion ' ~ ^^^ Accus'toming ^* ^_// Acknowl'edged __/~T Ace * Acknowl'edger ^ ;P Accost' \ Accost'able : n . . Accost'ed 1 Accost'ing \~i . p Accouche'ment -^ Accoucheur' i \ % Acel'dama ~-y ^ Acknowledging ^ Aceph'ala * Acknowl'edg- Ni> Aceph'alous j ^-o : ^-" Ac'me [ment .) Ace point -- Ac'ne T^ A'cer j. /7 . /7 Acol'ogy '^y\ Ac'erate ' ' x "' Acol'othist : , _ Accoucheuse' Acerb' . r . /7 Ac'olyte V>V ^ a >~ - Account' .-, p Acer'bity ' v ' Aco'lyth . . . Accountability ^ Ac'erose /> Ac'onite A \ A ^ Account'able .\ ^p Ac'erous 1 "* ' A'corn ^*v Account'able - k< Aces'cence . ^, -_J^1~ A'corned ' ness \ "). Aces'cency A^.54B^don ^ % Account'ant f Account'antship ^ Aces'cent . Aceta'rious /T~ '} Acotyle dbnous -lyp v/ Acou'chy \ ^ Account'-book k< . Act'ually "U J Addu'fcr v 1 v Acquired' Act'uary ^ ^ Addu'cible . c . Acquire'ment ^~^Vi ^>vX Acquir'er '^ i_ Act'uate n 1 "' Act'uated '!-. | i Addu'cing ^^ ^3 Adduc'tion i v ' Acquiring C_g. c_p Acquisi'tion *~3 . ^ Act'uating '! " Acu'leate h'l | Adduc'tive 1 Adduc'tor 4. Acquis'itive _JZ\ (3> Acu'leated l^"' V~\ Ad'eling r p . Acquisitively Acu'leous x 1 Adel'opod fj c ~ T f Q c, Acquisitiveness . ^^ "^^ Acu'men 'b^y '|^_^ Adel'poia ^. "^ Acquit' Acu'minate Ademp'tion r- Acquit'raent J Acquit'tal ^^ . : ~rrV'1 Acu'rainate'd Acu'minating 'Lr\ 'Li Adenog/rapliy 1 V: ^ Adenoid c-,. c_l Acquit'tance d Acquit'ted _^-^) ^~^_P Acumina'tion " ' Acu'minous J - -i Adenolog'ical % JtL UP Adenol'ogy ^ = \ Acquit'ting *~\ i r- Acupunctura'- l= ^- ; ' ' Ad'enose < Ac'rasy "H^? tion I 9 L-c- Ad'enous . cr-7 A'cre ^Jsi, " :_ Acupunct'ure i* i p^ Adenot'omy ' A'creage ~o \ Adept' ' Ac'rid " Acute'ness J "J Ad'equacy =~l i-i Acrid'ity M Acrid'ness ^ = Ty Acrimo'nious e ~ /T ^ ( Acrimo'niously '\. Adac'tyl T / Adage r Ada'gio / Ad'amant "j[ 4- Ad'equate J 'I 1 ^ Ad'equately S' ^\ Adaptability \>~> '\O Adher'ing o " Adhe'sioii ._ y&* cr-j Acrocerau'nian M" T T Adapta'ble jj? lAy^' Adhesive " Ac'rogen V J^o \ Adapta'bleness Adhe'sively f 1 > Ac'rolith i- T -i- Adapt'ed ^V ' Adhib'it . C-T . Acron'ic c 3 I XJ A / T Acrop ohs lw Q_ v^^ Adapt'edness ' ^^^ Adapt'er V\ VN Adhib'ited * Adhib'ition c- 1 ^^^ ' r ^v_ Ac'rospire ^7> ' v> Ac'rospired 1 '| Adapt'ing l^ 1 Adapt'ive i^^lX'- '1 Adhor'tatory Adieu' i-o f-f Across I" Add '1 '[ . Adipoc'erate Acros'tic ?jj- Adden'da %j: y' Ad'ipocere c f ^-P Acros'tical 1 ^ -i Acros'tically P 1 ^ Adden'dum 'I L Adder 'I I, Ad'ipose S ^ Ad'iposis ~ or Act "-]" Act'ed '\ Addibil'ity I 'I Ad'dible \ Addict' .. '[ . Ad'ipous O >\ Ad'ipsy ^ ) Ad'it/ ' Ac'tian ' .,- Act'ing ^1 Addic'ted ^Ic Addict'edness /. /. Adja'cence ^-^ **^j Ailja'concy ~^~^ Actin'ic ~ v --\' --^_>r-s Actin'iform k '| Addict'ing _~^> Addic'tion / / Adja'ccnt ^ 7 Adia'cently ^^^ ' Ac'tinism 1 l_ Addic'tive / A, Ad'joct ._^~ -_^, Actin'ograph I, Ad'ding Adj' "'^^ *" Actin'olite '1 '^ Addit'ament / /. Adjecting : ~l~f^ '~~i^~~^\ Actinol'ogy .U Addit'ion - Adjection f 1 Actinom'eter i__ ~~3.s~ Ac'tion ^" Ac'tionable T Addit'ional T Ad'dle r> 'L<\ Ad'dled \Z- / 'L, Adjectival Hi rl Ad^ec-tivi- ;^ * v^ Ad'jectivi'ly ._. '~~2 Ac'tionary Ad'dle-head'ed y'' (>" Adjoin' * Ac'tionist T. T Ad'dle-pat'ed Adjoined' t. ^ ' i Ac'tionless *" Active ^1 ^ Ad'dling 1. 1, Address' ^r 1^, Adjoin'ing Adjourn' ~\ T Ac'tivcly V. .1. Activ'ity " 1 Act'or b u Addressed; '1 'T- Addressee' ). t*\ Address'er / /,,. Adjourned' Adjotirn'ing /o, Adjourn'ment ADJUDGE 5 ADVERTISED '/ x 7 s / Adjudge' / / ./ Adjudged' '1 ._ 1 Admit'ter ^ Admit'ting \-S) \- Adul'teress Adul'terous 1 Adjudg'ing Uj, U^=i Admix' .. f''- \-^' Adul'terously 7 / / Adju'dicate [_. .1 . _!_. Adju'dicated Adj u'dicating Admixed' 'J^^-. 'L_>, Admix'tion O* 1 ^^A Admix'ture P-'v Adul'tery KV_P f^Ci AT ft o Aoum brant 7 / /, Adjudica'tion I l-^--i Admon'ish ^JL^ jj-^v Adum'brate _{_3 ,\ Adju'dicator v/ ' * Admon'ished ^1 Adum'brated Ad v i'ument 1 ^_n 1^^ Admon'isher Ll^. p^ Adum'brating /, / Adjunct 1 -} ' 2^ Admon'ishing ^^ Adumbra'tion ^^ Adjunc'tion / / / Adjunc'tive Cid ~] "1 - Adjunc'tively CL ^' Adjunct'ly L-_. Admonit'ion ~^lj. Admon'itive (p 1 or t- ^> Admon'itor .. -. .. Adust' [> P u_P Adus'tion " Advance' '1^7 U_P^" Advanced' /? /-1~> Adjura'tion Adjured' l^.- "l-^xl Admon'itory i~[]X. i .(P Admortiza'tion 1 . '1 Adnas'cent S** Si Adnate' Advance'-guard U_P^> or l^- 2 - Advance'ment Lp^ 'L^jL^ Advan'cer />>' X Adj ur'er 1_^ . (__,, Adnom'inal Advan'cing ^\ Adjur'ing i ^ A Ad'noun H'l i Advan'cive 7 JC cX Adjust' ] ' Adjustable \ Adjust'ed ., J" r Ado' Q p ^\ Adoles'cence ^^^ ^j Adoles'cency 7 Advan'tage t=^ or li Advan'taged X- L^ Adjust'er Adjusting J~ "l~ 'P Adoles'cent /f l_5> <^ : Adone'an lw_ or U Advanta'geous vC J^ Adjust'ive \. [^ Adjust'ment * Adon'ic T P Adopt' 'L, gr L Advanta'geous- /.. Adjutancy _f ( ^1 Adopt'ed 'P 1" Adopt'er ^S, Adopt'ing i~ i- '|~ Adop'tion L . Ll \ Adop'tionist ^ ^ {. Adop'tive 1 Advanta'geous- /_5 ness ^y cr u Advan'tagin^; Ul - Advene' l>j? A , , . " Adve nient j? ^? Admeas'ure Admeasurement 'U\. l>\ o Adorable X - 9 Ador'ableness U "L Ad' vent ^j7 x Adventi'tious 1- ^p'? 5 'I ~o Admensura'tion Admin'ister |/o '1- Adora'tion ^ S Adore' Li l-^i Adventi'tiously ^^ <*LP Adventi'tious- _^/> ' Administered ^ ~^( Administe'rial '[- l^' Adored' S Ador'er tr- 'U^ix Advent'ual [ness Jif Adven'ture i 1 -. Administering y^^Of j 1 - \-s> Admin'istrable 'k |>"Y Ador'ing \ ' Ador'ingly "I!_ U^^x Adven'tured ^ Adven'turer X Administrate '|/> TJ Adorn' U-i-P^ Adven'turesome i 'K 'L Admmistra'tion Administrative ^ [,. ' Administra'tor '' Adorned' '(/* ' TX? Adorn'er Adorn'ing Adven'turess U '^\ \J~^_^~s . -, /, V Adven turmg _j^ U_^_ Adven'turous or L^X Jx>-i J~ /O Adorn'ment ~) v" Adven'turously 'L ^ Administra'tor- 1- ship Adoscula'tion 1, . Adown' |^_.__^ J Adven'turous- T^p ^"\ Ad' verb [ness Jy 1 b Administratrix I^^/C U-v/^v Admirs.bil'ity X " Adrift' V Adroga'tion ^ \ Adroit' J J ^ Adverb'ial ^Ay^ >i^" Adverb'ially ' \ . Ad'mirable \~^f l^f' Ad'miral .fv^- Adul'terated Adul'terating i I Advert'ent 4^, Vy i Advert'ently k'U Admirable .d Admit'tance 'pJ? M Adul'teration 1' Adul'terator L ' Advert'ing J Ad'vertise "^ Admit'ted \-^ Adul'terer C or C Afford'ing V"/* '^J. Affor'est U* Afforesta'tion . '1 '( Advisabil'ity WAVL Vt, Advis'able 'V . y . Affecta'tion b ' Affect'ed (V 'C^^ Affranchise ^^. th Affran'chise- VO\ Tp S^ p \ 1 ' -' hi \., -i Ad\-is'ably V \ Affect'edly V -V' T^ Affect'edness . r -^ Affray' [ment Affreight' L U Advise Advised' \ 'V^- Affect'er IN Affectibil'ity .<, v -vj/ Affright' ->.. H Affright'ed VAdvis'edly I,../ A J Viv' Advis er V 'V^_'v_- Affect'ible 1, Affect'ing % ( Affect'ingly \ v ._ Affright^er Affright'ing ~, '? . Affront' 1 1 1 Advise'ment V V f Affec'tion ^-^1 Affront'ed vfc" V:^ ^-ix Advis'ing 7~a ' Affec'tional . .<^, Affront'ing Advis'ory V V ' X *"* \ A J' KD/ 2 Ad vocacy 'I 1 Ad'vocate 'V ^-"3 Affec'tionate ^T -Y' Affec'tionately * "^,. Affront'ive \ n \"n Affuse' ^o J Affused' v ~ r t Ad'vocated \ .^ Affec'tionate- \,. .. Affu'sing |^. |:_. Ad'vocateship .r p ness ^^ ^ Affu'sion Ad'vocating '( r _3 1 Advoca'tion >" Advowee' V ' Affec'tioned y \_. -iv. AfFec'tive Hi 71 ^^Affec'tively 'V "V Afghan ^ >" Afield' S r Afire' 1 T'^ Advow'son v- Affi'ance '^ Afloat' Vj^, v ~ Advnam'ic -I 5L v^' ,-x Affi'anced V Afoot' '!' \ A ^y' tum IX Adze ^-^ Affi'ancer ^ o \J Affi'ancing >< > Afore' 'V_^ . . Afore' going v JE'dile, etc., ^^^ Affiche' ^7 ^s~^ Afore 'hand ^ ^ V^_v Affilia'tion Afore'time A'erated 7 Af finage ^_/]^- 'V_ A for'tiori ^1 "v\ A'erating 'V^j V^^ Affin'ity ' *( Afoul' " Aera'tion .1 ^\^^ Affirm ^ - . Afraid' "V > Ae ! rial a, Aene * 7\ *\v Aerifica'tion ^-rj | A'erified X^v_ Affirm'able S..Affirm'ably 'V^^ 'V Affirm'ance >rs " -^Affirm' ant 1 '^J Afresh' .^ Afric > r ~ r> African .\ (_ Africanders ' o " Afrit T\/ "A A'eriform V^ ^V-> Affirma'tion .. Afront' ^" ^ Aft- ^^^_ a >L_ Aerodynam'ics >^D "^ Affirm'ative r\IL \ V, Aft'er V_- Aerog'raphy ^v- "?v^ A'erolite - A'erolith ^V . ^ Affirm'atively ^] ~ Affirmed' V_w_S_ i Aft'er-ages '-\-' c Aft'er-birth > > Aft'er- clap /7 V7 Aer l'& st _ *. / Aerol'ogy \ . V-i Affix'i/.,Affixw Affixed' v.r ^.r Aft'e -damp Aft'e -guard ^N , iv^^ A'eroraancy y . \ Affix'ing \!~> Aft'e -hours ^^ Aorom'eter ^ Affix'ture ^ Aftjermath <, ; <, ^_ Aeromet'nc . c -G Affla'tion V.J Aft'ermost Aerom'etry t Afflatus ^^"^ ' Aft'ernoon >, <. A'eronaut "V ' Aeronau'tic Q_. Q_. Afflict' 1 1 Afflict'ed v^. y_. Aft'erpains o ^" Aft'erpiece %>- - A'erophyte ^5 \ *^ Aeros'copy A'erostat 'Q _.- Q_. Afflict'er ~1 Afflict'ing Q . Q__^ Afflic'tion Aft'erthought ^-C ^ Aft'envard Aft'envit ^ f\ Aerostat'ics ^ L Afflict'ive ^' A'ga Tl-io i-j Aerosta'tion .Q.^, tj- Affluence Again' ") ) jEsthet'ic (see ( ( Esthetic) 1. J Acsthet'ical ^^) Af'fluency Q/ Q, ' Affluent f Affluently ~^ ~** Against' ^^^ _ / ^ 1 Ag'araist :nous X Afar' ^_Lo Afflux ? \ Ag'apas AGAPE 7 ALBUMEN ^\ ^x^_. Agape' Agapem one 6 I ^ / Agita'tion |. Ag'itative .1 .^ Aid'ing Aid'less .__/ '" : ~~-~\ Ag'aric i 1 Ag'itator ^" Ai'glet 1 Ag'ate , ' t__ Ag'let e 1 ! . ,S Ai'gret ._ s ^_ Agave' Aglow 1 ' Aiguille' Agaze' ; -^- ^^, Ag'nail ^- ., Ail Hrf y Agazed' i Ag'nate ' Ailed Age ; ^ Agnat'ic y^-' /C Ail'ing ./ .^ A P ged ""^ Agna'tion Ail'ment A'gedly ^^-^ Agni'tion Aim / '(^ A'geing ~~~~ > - 1 Agno'men Aimed ^ A'gency / / Agen'da **J r A p gent '~^ ! f-0 Agnos'tic CT^ Agnos'ticism ^^ Aim'er Aim'ing ^-S ^v^~' Aim'less ,_ ^X-N^ Aggera'tion _j " r _~. Ago' Aim'lessly ^^ Agglom'erate i_. Agog' -j. Ain't GS~~~^ G/~~V*~^ Agglom crated i * Agglom'erating Agone ~\ -^ Air-bed <^f-~3 e Agglomera'tion i -* ~ Agon'ic Air-cells -L>^ Agglu'tinant 7 *-*" : ^, Ag'onism ">L Aired =-i = i Agglu'tinate Ag'onist ^ M Air'er **! **! Agglu'tinated t_ . (i_ Agglu'tinating * )Hj M Agglutina'tion ! ' "' Agglu'tinative ^-f ~rP .\gonis'tes Agonis'tic j~^-5 Agonis'tical Ag'onize "j\ T j ~~?y Air-gun ' Air-hole Air'iness c < = -^i v Ag'grandize *> Ag'grandized ^_^, { ^JC^ Ag'onized ~^ Air'ing Air'less Agonizing r" ^H Aggran'dize- ^ ment '^Y ^, Ag'onizingly '- Ag'ony T\ . "^ Air'-pump Vk ^ Air-shaft r^-jy ?~My Ag'grandizer **\ t/ Ag'grandizing i ' 1 Ag'ora * Agou'ti ~Sv ~^ Air'-tight "* Air'y r~V? Ag'gravate 1 Ag'gravated ^ * < f--?~^ Agra'rian Agra'rianism Vx _ .1 Aisle ^ Ait F~t. ?~V> Aggravating _^J> Agra'rianist /, . , Aggravation fr"*] ;__ Aggregate . Agra'rianize c-^ Agree' Aj'utage ' ' Ag'gregated Agree'ability Akim'bo e 7T^ c-j-i Ag'gregately e-r ! Aggregating * . .-^ t H Aggrega'tion . " Ag gregative ^'v. Agree' able r~? Agree' ableness c Agreed' Agreeing ~^ Akin' ./"Vj /^ Al'abaster ^- Alack' ^ ./^~\ Alack'-a-day "= 5^ ^_o Ag'gregator : . ^ c^P Agree'ment *~|i Alac'rity Aggress' L ^ .. Aggressed' ^__^ Aggress'ing ;" ' "" Agres'tic _^ Agric'olist 11 Ag'ricultor x^ .f^\^\ Alamode' ' A-la-mort f *\^^ Alarm' _ =^_ Aggres'sion Aggress'ive ^^^ j.^ Aggress'iveness Aggress'or -r ~* J \s- or Agricul'tural c ~ c| " f ) or Ag'riculture ' ^^ Alarmed' ('^^V-^^ f~^^-^s Alarm'ing I. Alarm'ingly cr-v Aggriev'ance ir ^4 J l. ' Aggrieve' " r Agricul'turist . ./. *~, Alarum jj -^-s Aggrieved' i_^->o Aggriev'ing = v =~> Aggroup' ! ?-?/-, r-p- Ag'rimony ^~Vj Agrostog raphy ^ Agrostol'ogy ^ so Al'ary i * Alas' ..- xx A'late Alb Aggroup'ed e-\ .r^ 3 . Aggroup'ing ' Aghast' L ' /^\_p Agile' Ag'ileness ^*; A Aground' j. A'gue A'gued /^Vj /^X. Alba'nian T Alba'ta f\\- */\ Al'batross b J Albe'it 'fA ? Agil'ity ' /n Ag'io 7 XI Aha' Ahead' ' ^^ -c/ Albigen'ses /- y Ag'iotage ]' if. f Agist' 7- ?!_ Ahoy' ^ Ahull' x-v ./'^vjp x Al bin * Al'binism X Agist'ment 1 / / Agist'or (5. / / Ag'itable \ "' Agitate 1 J Aid Aid'ance Aid-de-camp * Aid^ed i i Albi'noism ./"\ Y^\ " Albugin'eous "O> ' ' Albu go .(' / Ag'itated 1 j Aid'er ./^V-k ./^\^2 Al'bum [' Ag'itating CL Aid'ful Albu'men ALBUMENIZE 8 ALLOWING ./'"V-Cj? / \ -^-7 Albu'menize ^ 'fc . A'lienable ./^ '& Alleg'er "Albu'menizec ^\ } A'lienage Alle'giance /VA^jl^ Albu'menizing '(Z '( A'lienate ^1 ^1' A'lienated ./7 /^ ' Alleg'ing Allegor'ic /X^^-C^ -/^\_^\ Albu'minou '(I (^/j A'lienating x^ ' f* 3 - Allegor'ical 1 Albur'num *| A'lienation Al'legorist * Al'ca r~ 'f v A'lienator st^v* s^ Al'legorize J Alcade' Aliene' Al'legorized (- ^ Al'cahest *y i. Alca'ic 'fZ (Co_ Alienee' "* A'lienism t~^t^ AHegorizer ' Al'legorizing ^ f~;~ Alchem'ic j^, /^\1 Aliferous s^~' /^l- Al'legory -S^i ' Alchem'ical -^ Ariform ' Allegret'to (L^ ^L^. Al'chemist '!_. Alchemistic ,- ,-, Alight' A '' Alight'ed x c * :8 r s ' x 57 ?" Allegns'sirao '' Allegro j~^ /* Al'chemy . f, Alight'ing .f~/^f /^ Allelu'iah rf Al'cohol * ^ Align' Allemande' /^ s\s : Al'coholate i i Alcohol'ic xX ('t /v Align'ment X^ /V Alle'viate *1 AlK-'viatcd (,. _f* Alcoholiza'tion '.b ' Al'coholize /t/-^~^ _/) Alcohol'meter (^ C^.. AKiraent, ^^^" Aliment al ^i ^^M Aliment'ary ~~~b Alimenta'tion ./-^K. /v Alle'viating ' ^ Allevia'tion /^V x-. Alle'viative \ ^ Al'ley i ' Al'coran f 7* 1 _/>) Alcoran'ic 1 ' Al'coranist xi^. iij) Aliment'iveness U~P ' " Alimo'nious xi -S~\ Al'imony "O' S/ ^C All-fools"-day "/? 3 All-fours' /*.. -/H Al'cove 1 Aliped Lx^. .x?>n All-hail' 1 ^x Aldeba'ran ./ft /^"~ Al'iquant 'A '/-- All-hal'lows .ri- ^ Al'dehyde .vj vl Al'der Al'iquot .,-, s\ A'lish fs- /^_p Allia'ceous eV. /v. Alli'ance j V X~1^_ Al'derman V -/vV. Alive' XI -B Allied' ^r fc-a Alderman'ic y^ /',, Aliz'arine vl X v u All- ' ' v Allies ./X .s- Al'dine /^ ^7 AlTcahest x 1 -^ Alliga'tion J ' Ale ^ -. Alkahest'ic "^^ Al'ligator s-* (L." Aleak' f-9 "? ry Alkales'cency ,3 .x- 1 ).. Alli'sion * : ^fr-a ./" Alec'tryomancy - 1 "*J fc Alkales'cent Allitera'tion Alee' /r^- ]A Al'egar ' ** Ale-hoof y-\ XT Ale-house x* f- s* s\i Al'kali \ Alkalifi'able xV\ v xV\y Al'kalified _ S Al'kalify ./"T .xs Allit'erative t, Al'liura xl xl Al'locate - Allocated - Aleinbic x-v^-iv /*/7 Al'kalifying xl /% Al'locating f . / " AlemTiroth . '^y 5 Alkalig enous * Allocation X^ .^"i Alloca'tur I Alert' ?-* Alkalimet'ric ' v) Al'lochroite .^-^S 5 /~~^~ > Alert'ness '' J Aleu'romancy C_T^~ Alkalimet'rical ^\j />V^ Allocu'tion Allo'dial .~. /I Aleu'tian ' -^ Aleu'tic f f-^s- j3 Alkalim'etry Al'kaline /Tl- /7 Allo'dium ' ^ V Allonge' Vrx^ (Sj-nv/ Ale'wife ' J Alexan'drian /Ton i> Alexan'drine x~/^-i ( x"/g Alkalin'ity Alka'lious f~ S& jf> Alkaliza'tion /f\ ^> Allopath'ic ( : 4_, Allopath'ically J. ^ v^__. Alexiphar'mic Al'kalize XK ./p\ Allop'athist fin /TU Alexiter ic Ss\ r Alkaloid " v (. Allop'athy ^x ^p^ 1 " 1 Alexiter'ical '1 y Arkanet .x\ ,f~ Al'lophane /7. Al'ga A Al'gebra f^~% f /* Alker'mes i ' Al'koran - ----- Allof 5 ^-, Allot'ment /7 ./7. Algebra'ic X- ^11 Algebra'ical ^C or * All s- f" Al'lah * Allot'ted s^~ s~ Allot'ter ./y . /7 Algebra'ist 7! Allanite '- Allot'ting ^ ^'X Al geneb x^V ^ Allanto'ic /^ ,- Allot'rophy ./^ /T)_ Algerine' ^' i* Allanto'id ^^ < A Allow' Al'gol x* | Allanto'is 'A\ .(I\\_9 Allow'able fi- fl Al'gor / / V Al'gorithm ^ .^ Allay' /Tl /T> Allaved' Allow'ableness ,. .^-9 Allow'abl}- X /tv Al'gum Allay'er (A.\ .A- Allow'ance *^S AlhamTira ./2 s -' x%, Allay'ing ^x^j x^^S-^ Allow'anced xo /-V A'lias Allegation Iff /A- Allow'ancing '- N Al'ibi x^ ^7 Allege' X*1 Allowed' fj ?C\ A'lien "-"^ Alienability \ Allege'able .x7 ' Alleged' ' A ^ Allow'er .//T^ Allow'ing ALLOY 9 AMELIORATED fr -^J Alloy' Alloy'age v 1 or v /^ Al'tar Amal'gamating /I xx_, Alloyed' * Alloy'ing \/7 v /^T Al'tarage ' Al'tar-cloth ^^xT-^vi.^^f-j Amalgama'tion Amanuen'sis A \_Y_. All-saints"-day 1- C All-see'ing ~' Al'tar-piece ; V*~( 'T^~^ Am'aranth Amaranth'ine /-^T 1 )' */*Nb All-souls-day All'spice '/I or \/~" Al'ter f^/ \- /P Amaranth'us T*S Amarj-ll'is ./'I xn Allude' /v" ,/^\ Alterabil'ity x-j) -x^ Amass' ' Cl Allud'ed | % ' ^ '' Al'terable ' Amassed' /I x-^ Allud'ing '-U-' / -\ Allure' ./^\^ /^"^. Al'terableness Al'terably x-?^^ -x-jrs Amass'ing Amass'ment ,> .f^n Allured' x/^' ^/^b Al'terant ^-vi '*"~1 Am'ateur / Allure'ment Altera'tion Am'ative n " Allur'ing n.f*\_ Al'terative Al'tercate 'On xO^ Am'ativeness ' ' Amato'rial ( \. /^ Allur'ingly *l? ' Allu'sion /\_ ,f^\ -, Al'tercating Alterca'tion rj/' ''-^ Am'atory 11 Amauro sis /C Allu'sive ~f y-jj^ Amaz'ingly ' Allu'vium | ' Al'ternated Am'azon V^ 1 x All-wise' ./^\. /^L^i Alternately j^j^ OSj Amazo'nian * Ally' ~Y~' *\ Al'ternating Ambas'sador XTJ x-^- Allies' - v ./v Ally'ing f\3 -f\^ Alterna'tion '{,. Altern'ative <""S\. .^^ Ambas'sadress AmTjer S ^-^ Almagest ' / ' Alma-ma'ter -^j -^~\ AKmanac k-i .-7 Altern'atively d. ' ^ Althe'a x-^j) 'O . Am'bergris Ambidex'ter -/ ~) . - "^l.- Ambidex'terity J v Al'mandine \(\? or \ Although' p^I. ^Tj' Ambidex'trous v~, v^ Almight'iness v li> vl. Almight'y v-i (~*_s Al'mond ----- ' Al'moner i^-^ fj/- Altim'eter Altim'etry ^ ./I- Al'titude Al'to *"]_,. ^ Ambidex'trously "l* 1 " " Am'bient '^7 ' / k n Ambig'enal '/ "- 1 - Ambigu'ity v* Al'monry V/ T-X or ^3_ Altogeth'er -/ ^^s ^^^S Ambig'uous ' /^ Ambig'uously "*< ' or ^^ Al'most x^_/\iy J L Al'to-rilievo 1 ~~^T) ^ Ambig'uousness X^ Al'truism " -r : '' Am'bit x^ i .^^ Al'mug ^-1 /T Altruis'tic .^-j '^ Ambi'tion - Alms -V- ' ' Alu'del ^~- Ambi'tious 's~\ ,~ Alms'house /i. -L^ Al'um "^-^ '' ^ Ambi'tiously g ^>_i Aluminif'erous x ~fc -x^v Am'bling *^ ' I Hr Alpgot'rophy ^- ' Al'omancy ^V*\ ~J] Alu'minite ^i^, ^li__.i Alu'minous N_^ Am'bo V ~*N/^ > NS^ Ambro'sia d/ C^ Alone' i "^ Alu'minum ) Ambro'sial ^^ Along' ^31 ^Lo Al'umish ^-n~ > ~ f < A U ' 9 .A, Alongside ' Aloof .f^~ O\ Aloofness ^x i Alum'nus AL/ . ./-XO Alveary ' ^^ Alveolar ^^1 i Ambro sian x^Am'brotype : ^ < \. x^x Am'bry ' / -J Al'opecy /O '' x-r> , Al'veolary 7 Ambs'ace ./^| x-\ Aloud' " ^-^ Al'veolate <-+(? ^^" Am'bulance x Alp /'"V /^\?/ Al'veolite Am'bulant /\_ /\., Alpac^a v/v VJN Al'veolus ,^/H j^^/ 1 Ambula'tion [__ Alpen'stock Ao Al'vine " Am'bulator S\_ .f^~-\ Al'pha Al'phabet ^ ^^^ <"" .^T Al'way v-N-r 1 '' 1 : ^ < \ Am'bulatory AmTjurj' /X^^5 /^\. Alphabeta'rian Alphabetic /^ <"' J^. Al'ways xTjj.. .x-i Ambuscade' ^ Ambuscad'ed /^-y f^*~^s>-Z Alph a l> et: 'i ca l K^ '-r^ Am p ^_^ '^ Ambuscading Alphon'sin \ Amabil'ity ^ Am'bush /^ v v-^1 or*^! Al'pine '^~^ .^_.^ Am'adou 'O '"v Am'bushment Alread'y ' Amain' ^ ^ Ameer' v Ov/^ Al'so ^fT-'^'.^^-^ Amal'gam -x-vT^ . A^ Amel'iorate Alta'ic Amal'gamate ^" Ameliorated AMELIORATING 10 ANASARCOUS > _^-^- / > _ > -v? Ameliorating Ameliora'tion x^ Amel'iorative v-^lj '7~^Iy Amortiza'tion Amor'tize >->/l^ vi Amor'tizement j*>V \ s-^r-^-^ Anabaptist'ic (57- Anacamp'tics ' ^r Amel'iorator 1 ' ' Amount' i 5 -*""! ^ r Anacar'dic v-a x ~ : ~\ A'men' j j . Amount'ed Anacathar'tic \ Amenability ~^~^ Amount'ing J -T^- p ^. i -^~Nf Anach'ronism '""~r-\ , _, Ame'nable ''"X "\^ Amour' Anach'ronistic ^ Ame'nably ' ~ Am'phi i f-p . <^_^T" Anaclas'tic .^ v ~^' Amend' v ~ > \ X ~V <> Amphib'ia 1 - Anacolu'thon \ Amend'able j^ > Amphib'ian < ~ /! ~^ < -^T x - ! Anacon'da > ~'~~1 '*~^*i Amend'atory [/ Amend'ed *~V "' 1 ^ Amphib'ious : ^Sf Amphib'iously Anacreon'tic =^J- An'adem ^__^ .^^ Amend'er '"v^ Amphib'ious- * ~ < : Anzm'ic Araend'ing ^Sa_p ness < __^ Sf Ane'mia ""^J^ .^ Amend'ment ^^. -^\_^ _ Amphibol'ogy " .)" Anesthe'sia Amends' ''"^j .^ Amen'ity Ament' >/7 ^S/^Amphib'olous Vj^ Am'phibrach Sf .^_^i Anesthet'ic 1 - An'agh-ph i ^ ( _^^^' \ Anaglyph'ic "~ vi 1. > " x ^ii Amenta'ceous oy v 1"* Ament'um ^ i-> Amphictyon'ic Anagh-p'tic __^^Q : ~? Anagno'sis """X. x&/" Amerce' o *" Amerce'able f s ^ jo Amphic'tyons ' An'agogy i^zr^^~ -~- fr ~ < ~ " An agram '"^S. '^^Vs Amerced' Amerce'ment \_j--jj, Amphig'amous Anagrammat'ic - eT ~ r * : Anagrammat'i- / ""^ s s^P*/ Amer'cer i Amer'cing f-^"* '^~^ ( Amphithe'atre cal *-?! I L v Anagram matise '*** Amer'icanism ! ^\ '*~\. Amphitheat'ric ' s ~ t ~l < - fr ~ Anagram'matist ^-sX^ '"Tx Amer'icanize V 7 Ames'-ace 'O '"7: Am'ethyst * p ' Amethyst'ine 5 ~9; ^- Am'haric t vj Amphitheat'ri- ^ : cL.- cal '^\ -. ^ / Am'phitrite Vrty \^/ A ' 1. " Am pnora '^^\r '"^X Am'phoral An'agraph V -V Analec'ta 1 J""T : Analcc'tic Analem'ma N Amiabil'ity ^S^ Am'ple c ^. C.^ Analep'sy ~ < i *^s. Am'pleness ^^ S 15 Amplifica'tion Analep'tic ^ -V- -V. Analogical -C\ ^~fc A'miably Amian'thus "^\. ^^"Nv Am'plified X ^<, tff* Anal'ogism Anal'ogist "~>H *~ >r ~\ Amicabil'ity \ Am'icable '~v-^ .,- Am'icableness > ^k "-^X Am'plify \J \X. Am'plifying Vi ^ s Anal'osfize tfv /' Anal'osized 7^ -"/^ Anal'ogizing ^-r r Am'ice ^ ^ Amid' ^ ^-/ Am'plitude A ^-' Am'ply C, Anal'ogous VV". 'V'^ Anal'ogously Amidst' ' 1 Am'idine J. -s^\o Amid'ships -.,. .^ Ampul'la ** * Amputate '^<. '^|. Am'putated >" ~~ An'alogue 7\ Sf Anal'ogy Anal'ysis y_ '"I Amiss' ' ' Am'ity Am'putating ''"^. ._^ , Amputa'tion < -/' ^-j An'alyst J Analyt'ic .^-^, . - Ammo'nia Amuck' .j__ '"^. ..-^ Analj-t'ical ' " ' Ammo'niac _^_, sztM' Am'ulet T '^ -fe Analyz'able . ^ ^j] Ammoni'acal "^ Amus'able Analvza'tion ' Am'monite v ^_^^ n Ammo'nium .^-^ '^ik Amuse' n ' Amused' < -/ 'V An'nl'yze fev "' Analyzed' I ^^ Ammuni'tion s~tn -^SN Amuse'ment N ^^ -*7v An'alvzer '-~>P ">j Am'nesty '* Amus'er **-* An'alyzing Am'nion .^^_o v ""~'l_ i Am'nios .^_^ ^^f Amus'ing / " t *- /f Amus'ingly ^^-^/VQ <^^^_p Anaraor'phosis Ana'nas Amniot'ic >%\ Amu'sive *-^ T- < -^\ i Anan'drous ^-^y . Among' ^^ -^^ Amyg'dalate An'apest Amongst ., >~-~^\ Amj-g'daline >^Xp : ^ X( C J / Anapest'ic >~*s~ y s/C)- Am'orist '^^^ ' ' Amygdaloid L_: Anaph'ora Amoro'so s~\ s Amyla'ceous /^v 1J *-*J \ 'i ^_ An'glicanism -- An'glice An'glicism ; -^-g An'glicize v An'glicized _^< , Anglicizing An'gling \ 4 n- 1^/ An'glo-mania An'glo-Sax'on ^_/ An'gor 1 An'gora ^_y An'grily An'gry v - x ; -* Anguilhiorm ^~^ ( An'guineal > ?^ An'guish Vj An'guished *' An'guishing \ < *-r-zC An'gular Angular'ity " An'gularly An'gulated Anhela'tion Anhy'drous An'il An'ile .j^\ An'iline Anil'ity < ~~ r ~) An'ima Announced' "H" M, An'ta ." Antac'id * V Anthropomor'- V^/V_ phous * "^sr* or i.^iP-' Anno unce'ment ..rtX' Announc'er ! or ^7!.VA.ntag'onism <^ o<_p ^ Annoyance ^J_; or ^^ Antagonist'ic V SL. ous Annoyed' ^ f / Anthropoph'agy s^-s. f-^s Annoy'er * - Annoy'ing - J t-j, Antag'onize i>_<^> -.---Ls_ Antagonized "1 ^C ' An>ti ' f Antiac'id V -y An'nual Antagonizing s--\ >o ^Ht_ Antibil'ious "* An'nually < ^V2-r c -, ^ Antal'gic ^" An'tic <_ /s!/ <^t- An'nuent l^ 7 ^ Antal'k;ili .iCS- ; - s ~f^ An'tichrist " Annuitant *^\ " Antichrist'ian "^ **^f Annu'ity Annul' i or *" Antarc tic "M^ < --1 Antic'ipant ^ ckf Antic'ipate < ~^ \^s An'nular * t -^^- ^. _ Antartbrit'ic M "S-i M Anticipated " An'nulate : Antasthraat'ic "Nj o. *?5 Anticipating <_/-1 y An'nulated H. "J An'te Anticipa'tion "O Annula'tion v^Y -i-y An'nulet ' -Annulled' Ant-eater "-^ *"V Antecede' .r ' Anteced'ed Annu'merating ^~z~~-/' Annumera'tion 1J An'tedated An'tedating <- V s .. <^r i Antifed'eralism . n'tigraph <_^1P <_^\n Annun'ciate v l^i^_ ^^X^ Antedilu'vial M^ f < ~^j Antilog'arithm ^ Annun'ciated i / Antedilu'vian -^ -I- Antil'ogy *{' i ^ Annun'ciating < -^\ < ^|_^XJ" An'telope * 1>-^, Antin: * Annuncia'tion Antemerid'ian s *^ _ Antiraonarch'i- < -~if- < ~^f/ Annun'ciator *H. i < ~^. "/ Antemun'dane *~1_^ ^^l^. A nt ' mo/n ' a ' C ca l S Annun'ciatory ^i ' Antemu'ral ^f* ^"^1 Antimo'niate ^ f-H An'ode < H . ,. .^ Anteni'cene v^'-' Anten'na ' i ^t ^"l-^. Antirao'nious ^^f 1 ' ' An'timony ^ ^-^^- Anoint' ^^^ ^X I Anten'nae < -^--^i Antino'mian Anoint'ed " Antenup'tial 4 ^^j. Anoint'er "^N^ iyo Ante-pas'chal ^^^^j^-v^jv-^ Antino'mian- "" 7 Anoint'ing ^ Ante-past' 1 ism 5 '. . ^/tf^ Anoint'ment '^V < ~V / i Antepenult' < -^-^~> -^ An'tinomy ^i 1 ' Anom'alism ^^U- Antepenult'i- Antio'chian J _^^ ? i _^_y^-; Anom'alist mate ov *^> - : - / ^ Antipa'pal Anomalist'ic - 1 /' < _^^

\ ^\^^~ Antepilep'tic " Ante'rior \ ( ( Antipathet'ic | . v Antipath'ic $*!~*^ Anom'alous < ~^\J/\ /^' Anterior'itj- ^ ^ -V , Antip'athy ,^'^-~C' Anom'alously i~* Anom'aly " ' """Vc Ante'riorly < -^/^^ ! *~f . An'teroora (, V_. Antiphlogis'tic / An'tiphon <_? j H Anon' ^^ An'them ''-'' - An'tiquate ^j>\ ^-. An'swerable '~~-^ An'swered i *V- < ~^)~ Anthropol'ogist N/i V>f Anthropol'ogj- < -<-^5 An'tiquated ^ . . Antiqua'tion i^jt^" ,/^s An'swerer <- *)~ Anthropomor' ~*^ Antique' ~'- An'swering N^AK-s phism .^ .^ ^ . Antiquely _^ Ant ^ H- Anthroporaor'- Antique'ness \^j\ca phist ANTIQUITIES 13 APPENDAGE Antiq'uities Antiq'uity Antirheumat'ic Antiscorbu'tic { Y~ Antiscript'u- Antisep'tic [ral Antislav'ery Antiso'cial Antispasmod'ic Antis'tasis Antis'trophe Antis'trophic Antith'eses Antith'esis ^ Antithet'ic ' Antithetical Antitrinita'rian >r ^^K Antitrinita'ri- anism *1 "^"1 An'titype ;\ S. . Antityp'ical V Ant'ler ^ Ant'Iered v Ant'like Antonoma'sia Anu'bis >A'nus An'vil r \ i Anxi'ety ^"^7^ or ^. Anx'ious ^~^~^. or d~^ Anx'iously Ci or oG-Anx'iousness ~^ or ^^_ An'y "^-V -~p An'ybody ). ' An'yhow !^> or An'ything An'ywhere An'y\vise Ao'nian A'orist A'oristic Aor'ta Apace' Ap'agogy Apalach'ian Ap'anage Apart' Apart'ment Apathetic Apathet'ical Ap'athist Ap'athy Ap'atite Ape Apeak' Aped' Apel'lous Ap'ennine " V v 1, Apep'sy Ape'rient Aper'itive Ap'erture Apet'alous A'pex Apher'esis Aphe'lion Aph'ides Aphilan'thropy Aph'is Aphlogis'tic Aph'ony Aph'orism Aph'orist Aph'oristic Aph'oristical Aph'rite Aph'rodite Aph'tha Aph'thong Apia'rian A piarist A'piary Ap'ices Apic'ulated Apicul'ture Apiece' Ap'ing A'pis Ap'ish Ap'ishly Ap'ishness Aplas'tic Apoc'alypse - Apocalyp'tic Apocalyp tical Apocar'pous Apoc'opate Apoc'ope Apocrus'tic Apoc'rypha Apoc'ryphal Ap'odal Ap'ode Apod'osis Ap'ogee Ap'ograph Ap'olepsy Appollina'rian Apol'lo Apollon'icon Apol'lyon Apologet'ic Apologet'ical Apol'ogist Apol'ogize Apol'ogized Apol'ogizer Apol'ogizing Ap'ologue Apol'ogy Apophlegmat'ic Ap'ophthegm Apoph'ygy Apoplec'tic _ Apoplec'tical "V" 'V> Ap'oplexy Apos'tacy Apos'tate Apostat'ical Apos'tatize Apos'tatized Apos'tatizing Ap'osteme A posterio'ri Apos'til Apos'tle Apos'tleship Apos'tolate Apostol'ic - Apostol'ical Apostolic'ity '__, Apos'trophe Apostroph'ic Apos'trophize Apos'trophized ' Apos'trophizing Ap'ostume Apoth'ecary Ap'ethegm i Apothegmat'ic Apothe'osis Apothe'osize Apot'omy Appal' Appalled' Appall'ing Appall'ingly Ap'panage Ap'paratus Appar'el Appar'eled Appar'eling Appa'rent Apparently Apparit'ion Appar'itor Appeal' Appeal'able Appealed' Appeal'er Appealing Appear' Appear'ance Appeared' ~^ Appear'er Appearing Appeas'able Appeas'ableness Appease' Appeased' Appease'raent Appeas'er Appeas'ing Appel'lant Appel'late Appella'tion Appellative Appel'latively Appel'latory Appellee' Appellor' Ap'penage Append' Append'age APPENDANT 14 ARBITRABLE .... 'X Append'ant *"' r Append'ed C Y~ .c\. Apprais'al Appraise' 'VL^- * V ^V Approving 7. Approv ingly \. 'S Appending *"' b. Appen'dices X) X^ Appraised' f Appraise'ment <^ 'X Approximate J~ > .c. -A Appre'ciate "^ tfT) Approxima'tion ^*" Appertained' * ^^" Appre'ciated L- Appui' '\~^.^ Appertaining <\v^ \5 Appre'ciating \vo .^-^ Appulse' Apprecia'tion Appul sion \s*"* or \^^. Appertain'ment . - \ .v Ap'petence ! \JA *\y*'' Appre'ciative Appre'ciatory "N}^\ \^-~-S" Appul'sive Appurtenance j. J" > Ap'petency ). Ap'petent v. 'X_4 Apprehend' ^ ^*1 Apprehend'ed \VA^ X_: Appur'tenant i A'pricot . v '\ -v Ap'petite \ f V Ap'petitive u- Ap petize >X Ap'petizer t, Ap'petizing _^, <" Ap'pian ' | Applaud' Applau'sive X. \ Ap'ple X '^ Ap'ple-tree |. \ Appli'able XiA C X_ 1 Apprehend'er 1 (^ Apprehending Xl5 /- 'Xp Apprehensible ^3l Apprehen'sion Xip VlP ,- Apprehen'sive ^^-r ^Vf Apprehen'sively "Xic Apprehen'sive- ^>>^p ness "X^, *\.ai Apprentice ^b- !) Appren'ticed ' \^j Xs-i Appren'ticeship y *is Appren'ticing *\o Apprise' or Apprize' V/' *V\. A'pril / A'pril -fool c iy/' < A priori "* A'pron r .^ *C A'proned \ Ap'ropos \ X Apse v y~ Ap'sidal \_ .x s ^ Ap'sides . ^ Ap'sis '^- Ap'tera \yf a Ap'teral " ' '^-^ Ap'terous ! x' *V_* Appli'ance *^ '"^j Apprized' " Apt'itude J Appli'ancy Apprize'ment / -\ Apt'lv \-^>v or \ Applicability X %, Appriz'er 1 Apprizing ' V^ Apt'ness '\ ;- Ao'tote \-t or \ Ap'phcable \ -\ Ap'plicableness .cV '"X ixx Approach' ) ~/ ' \ Approach'able ' \ Approached' i ' i r A qua i-.^ * -~y^ Aquafortis V-/1 ' > Annn'rial ^*V^> / Ap'plicancy '\. \_. Ap'plicant X 'X Approach'er / / Approaching CL^* C .-N Aquarian Ap'plicate l \_ r) -\ Applica'tion L. Applicative ~ , -X t\- Approach'ment ' . ^ Aqua num > N ' N Approbate i^X ^-i Aquarius * 1 ' Approbated . L^ Aquat ic <\ ., *s. Ap'plicatory ^[/' v ) Applied' ^y n Appli'er A N.V Apply' ^ v -K Applying N /" .-^ Appogiatu ra [/" Appoint' V-< Appoint'able r Appoint'ed V ., X Approbating ^-i ^i Aquatint \ \- \ Approba'tion . J ' ^ Aqueduct ^ 1 Ap r probative <^>. a A q ueous X "X Ap'probativel v 7 Sf Aq ueousness > > Ap'probative- cY 7 ' iu-^ Aq ui me 1, kP ness - fS^** 11 X- s Ara bian Vv X^ Appro'priated -S ^x Ar'abic 1 Appro'priately V_- \_. Arablcal '*-' Appointing VJ or _^3._ Appoint'ment \(/> .^ Appor'tion V Appro'priate- "->, N^. Artibine ^SL9 ness \ ^= Ar'abist iC \l tl> v Appro'priatinj? i~v. -"N Ar'able xv ^y\ i . , c ^-i* i t i V) Appropria tion \ ^] Arach nida ^^ Appor'tioned \^/i -\f/y Appor'tioner n ^^ Apportioning *^| -%s. Appro'priative '~ N * ^ ~\^ Ar^chnol'oev U X Appro'priator ^ ^ Ar'agonite V/j^ "V^ Apportionment ^ Appos'er '**/; { \/ Appro'prietary 1 ^ ^ Arama-'.in Af Approv'able X>__ '~ x " Aramaic 'So 'S= Ap'posite j y~- Appositely ^' -v , - Ap'positeness <\ t \ ss - Approv'al Ara'tion *^- Appro\-e' . , ^ . Ar'balist . _'\' *\$_, Approved' Nf 5 \f^ Ar'balister \. i 3 Apposition " Apposltive *^ Approve'ment ^, -~^ <^ Arbiter \^ Approv'er "\. s " \ Arbitrable ARBITRAMENT 15 ARISTOCRATICAL Arbitrament Arbitrarily Arbitrariness Arbitrary A'bitrate Arbitrated Arbitrating r *) Arbitra'tion Ar'bitrator N. f . Ar'bitratrix X-'v s-v, Ar'bitress Ar'bor Ar'bored Arbo'reous Arbores'cence Arbores'cent Ar'boret Arbore'tum Arboricult'ural Arboricult'ure Arboricult'urist Arbor'iform ArTDorist Arboriza'tion Ar'borous Arbus'cle Arbus'cular Arbute' Arbut'ean Arc Arcade' Arcad'ed Arca'dian Arca'na Arca'num Arch Archaeolog'ic Archacolog'ical Archseol'ogist Archzeol'ogy Archa'ic Ar'chaism Archan'gel Archangel'ic Archapos'tle Archbish'op Archbish'opric Archem'ic Archdea'con Archdea'conry Archdea'con - ship Archdi'ocese Archdru'id Archdu'cal Archduch'ess // /f ^T^ Archduch'y Archduke' . Archduke'dom Arched Arch'er Arch'eress Arch'ery Arch'es-court Archetyp'al Archetype Archfiend' Arch'ical ^\ Archiepis'- \ copacy f Archiepis'copa Ar'chil 3 Archilo'chian I* Archiman'drite /J Archimed'ean Arch'ing Archipel'ago "^-i Architect Architect'! ve Architecton'ic Ar'chitectress Architect'ural or ' i Architecture "Vo. Ar'chitrave v Archiv'al Ar'chives Ar'chiv-ist Ar'chivolt Arch'ly Arch'ness Ar'chon Archpres'byter i _ Archpres'byter}- Archpriest' 1 Archpri'mate - Arch'stone > Arch'way Arch'wise Ar'cograph Artta'tion /] ^ Ar'dor Ar'duous A-Tduously . Ar'duousness Are /I v ^ <1 |/ ^^ -l\_. A'rea Are'ca Arefac'tion Ar'efy Arena'ceous Arena'tion Arenose' Are'ola Are'olar Are'olate Areola'tion Areom'eter Areomet'ric Areomet'rical Areom'etry Areop'agist Areop'agite Areop'agus Ar'gal Ar'gand Ar'gent Argent'al Argentiferous r'gentine Ar'gil Argilla'ceous Argilliferous Argil'lous Ar'give Ar'gol Argol'ic Ar'gonaut Argonaut'ic Argosy Ar'got Ar'gue Ar'gued Ar'guer Ar'guing Argument Argumenta'tion Argument'ative Argument'a- tively Argument'a- tiveness Ar'gus A'ria A'rian A'rianism Ar'id Arid'ity Arid'ness A'ries Ariet'ta Aright' Aril Arise' Aris'en Aris'ing Aristarch Aristarch'ian i: _ Aristoc'racy Aristocrat JAristocrat'ic Aristocrat'i- cal ARISTOTELIAN 1U ASHEN X. 'X. -/^ Aristote'lian 7-V Arrange' 11 .1 Article ";_ Aristotel'ic ~ Arranged' Ar'ticled M r Arith'mancy ~J{ -"^ Arrange'ment ^ j. vV-^. Ar'ticling xf ,/f Arith'metic ^^ **- Arithmet'ical :xf -x Arithmeti'cian A, [^ Arrang"er X- .^ Arran'ging f Ar'rant ' Artic'ular ^ ! ~ V Y* /Vj- Artic'ularly 1 Articula'ta 'Mj Ark ^y- r^ Ar'rantly -/t _; ^ ; Artic'ulate ^ '"X-x Arm Ar'ras ' Artic'ulated ^ ' ]' Arma'da .->? ./^ Array* Ssf -/t ._ Artif'ulately ^ ^ TX Armadil'lo Arrayed' ' ' Artic'ulating >* V-v Ar'mament "^f .-^ Array'er yt - / \a Articula'tion ^Xfxn '^V-vj Ar'mature 1 y Arm'- chair \ Array'ing ~V "\df Arrear' Art'ifice '\ ?' A. , Artificer -~ ~ Armed J Arrear'age ^ Artificial *^ ^^-^ Arme'nian r X~>. -x */- Arm'ful C_ *~~< ArmTiole r \_ v , X-v, Ar'miger . / . Armig'erous __ S*\-v '' Armil'la T> \ .-x,- Arrears' ^ Arrest' ~X '"K Arrest'ed Arrest'er U or Arrest'ment A. -i *\_?~s Artificial'ity "^T. Artificial'ness J>- ^^-^-. Artillerist ^r ^^ Artillery .^^~~^ .-x Artilleryman >r "v^> Art'isan '^"^ Arm'illary \i-^ Arriere' "X "X Art'ist T-X^ r X~~J> Arm'ing d> Ar'ris * ~* Art'iste ^~^-* " Armin'ian *X/ XJK% ^^\ Armin'ianism J. Armip'otence -"^ ^ Arrival v >- Arrive' ~\ ^\ Arrived' v^- V- Arriv'ing X "\ Artist'ic -J : Y Artist'ical ^ s-. _^Q Artist'ically i *v Art'loss s ~X->' "V* -x M Armip'otent \ b ^""^ Arm'istice / r^ i Ar'rogance %-TJ ^7 ^Vs Ar'rogancy >^rs> ry . Art'Iessness * Armless / Ar'rogant '"X". ^^ r ~JT Arundc'lian TX r ~Y~ ^ Arm'let ' f *^s~- r x_ Ar'rogantly \f^ ] o Arundif'erous ^-^ ' > Ar-mor Ar'rogate Vp Arus'pice "X- ^^ *\i^C Ar'morer - .^ Abrogated '"V - .s Arus'picy Armo'rial ^Tl *r- ;* Abrogating ^v *X / Ar'yan ^V^ ! "X--v/ T ^ i Armor'ic Arroga'tion J. As (a coin) Armortcan i^xr Arron'disement *\ '~\-^f- *X >/*<. Ar'morist ^ Arro'sion / or As Ar'mor-plated r X-x/' > rx^ Ar'mory ^^ v Arm'pit rv -> \Vn Ar'row ' ' Ar'row-head ^X^. : ~\" Ar'rowroot )" } ) Asafet'ida v:. >o S>^ Asbes'tine .1 J- b~" Asbes'tos =V_ "^-^T Arms < Ar'row- shaped '\_f- .\. As'caris - Arm's-lcngth r>r ^X., Arrowy Ascend' r.^ .-, . Ar-my ^"^ V^r- Ar*nica ' y^ Ar'senal r^ .- Arse'niate k*\ Ascend'able 4:0 Ascend'ant "X "^ &~^ ' Ar'senic, n. ') ')_ Ascend'ed g^^ Arnot to Arsen'ic, a. ^*| ^^0. Asccnd'ency r-sj' r X-v_: Aro'ma *\. M . r ~\^- Arsen'ical .. > Ascend'ing "^^ Aromat'ic Arsen'icate *-" ^ Asccn'sion "^^ ^^Y. Aromat'ical \$? Aro'matize ^_ l __. '\^^. Arsen'icated Arsen'icating ') i > /- Ascon'sion-day I" ^ Ascen'sional r X-x :N C^ 1 Aro'matizer Xv, 7 X i ^ Arse'nious .. -V.^ AsVent " >~ ' g~ Aro'matous ~^ ^ Ar'senite "' Ascertain' -s^ Arose' r-- -x Ar'son '\^-s 'Vc/ Ascortain'able k Around' ^ - Art "^"^X ained' ;-- -~V Arouse' r^jr f$ Arte'rial \^. V^^ Ascertain'er " \ Aroused' \-\ ^^ ' Arterializa'tion ^^^ Ascortain'ing rv> ^ .->. Arous'ing **' > *S Arpeg'gio r^^y j^> Arterialize' " ! \; Arte'rialized \^, \*^^ Ascc-rtain'ment /" Ar'pent ' * -^s ^X Arquebusade' C .P ?V> Ar'quebuse ff> .-f7Art Ascribe' '\ ) Ascribed' S _. ^ Ar'ragonite 1 v Arraign' "X >. Art'fully ^ ^*> Art'fulness ^N ^V^- Ascrib'ing ^ '\ Ascrip'tion ^. '~S^ Arraigned' "X =~v "X_ Arthri'tic ^X> ^-i Asep'tic ^ Arraign 'er ^-= V 1 Arthri'tis J J; Ash ^^ -rv- /\, Arraign'ing vt. ' '- Arthrod'ic Ashamed Arraign'ment <. Ar'tichoke ^ Ash'en ASIIERY 17 ASTHMA 'L- ') Ash'ery V-r \ Assail'able ^_^ j) v Assignor' ** Ash'es ^ "" Assail'ant r"l Assigns' 'Ji. 7-x Ash'-hole V-i VN Assailed' ')-vT\ "'Xs-r Assim'ilable f^ ^ Ash'ler x 1 ' Assail'er ' Assim'ilate } x ^-. Ash'lering 'Ix^' 5 Assail'ing ')_yn j,,^ Assim'ilated \ Ashore' ^^ Assas'sin Assim'ilating 1 V Ash'-pan J ^. Assas'sinate '^_^O '\_^/T Assimila'tion \ v Ash'-pit . '1 Assas'sinated Assim'ilative ') Ash'-Wednes- *f. ' Ash'y [da 'jvy '\ _. Assds'sinating . Assassina'tion ^ ^/' " % i Assim'ilatory ^ ! ' / A / Assist , ., A'sian ^ ^ T Assas'sinator '?) -\ Assistance ** ~ Asiat'ic Assault' 3' a 1 Assist'ant ;}" '~) Asiat'icism 'V^l O Assault'ed "\ '*) Assist'cd \ v \ Aside' Assault'er Cf- (7 .... 1 ' Assist ing ") '") As'inine '~^. 'V Assault'ing T ^ Assize' V ' Ask Assay' 1 Assiz'ed V_ ') Askance' *~ f* Askant' '1. V Assayed' ( A Assay'er 'Y ^ v Assiz'er ^-\ Assiz'es ) ") Asked *- f ~ Ask'er '') ') Askew' ") * X. Assay'ing ~~~^ N AssemlDlage "^/ '^y Associabil'ity " \ "\ Asso'ciable 'V "}./ Asso'ciate " ' Ask'ing % Y\ As j ant ; >^k or \^ Assem'ble " " Asso'ciated ')^L, '\9 Asso'ciating 7 ect V. Vj As'pen *^^ Assembling A*i or ^ Assem'bly / . )_^~ S AssemTjly- O^a T As'sonance ^ As'sonant V* '\. Assort' *" / ^' Assort'ed ') ') As'perate room S.N- Assort'er \y. ^~*> As'perated s ') Assent' Js^s I Assorting ') ') _ As'perating Xc ^-' XX Aspera'tion ') ') Asper'ity J **] Assent'ed "\ ) _3 Assent'er / Assuage'ment / / Assuag'er \r \s Aspersed' '^xj '^ Assert'ed 'V Qc Assuag'ing ) n^' ) n Aspers'er ^ Assert'ing / ^_ Assua'sive v- 5 ^ \y**' Aspers'ing '\xj '^xl Asser'tion ' '")c 'V As'suetude ') Asper'sion V' 7 v^i Asper'sive '} .NX- ') Asper'sory Assert'ive >1 '^) Assert'ively V_- ^~\ Assert'or u Assume' V, '^ C Assumed' n Assum'er \x ^/ Asphalt' "\xl">- '^ Assert'ory ^_o, ")_?> Assum'ing 1 Asphal'tic ^ ; ' Assess' f Assum'ingly v/L V/1A Asphal'tum 7, ) Asphodel "") '). Assess'able V~ Assessed' '")> '"p^ Assump'sit ;) Assump'tion N- , Asphyx'iated ^^, '"V Assessing ^ Assess'ment \ .-. Assess'or ^ 'ji ., N Assump'tive M> T < A> Assump'tively Assur'ance V^pV . ' As'sets V _V Assure' ). v - ; As'pic \ 1) Assev'erate "j^ "^ Assured' ") '^ Aspir'ant \^> \y. As'pirate ') . ') As'pirated N/a \*- / As'pirating C-. fe, Assev'erated '\ '") Assev'erating .v. jo Assevera'tion .x '") As'sident 7 7 Assur'edly X^ ' -X_P Assur'edness J^i-^ ^7 Assur'er "Ji Assuring ') ") > Aspira'tion V? V^ Aspi'rator > .L .L Assidu'ity ,1. ) Assid'uous T " Assyr'ian ) v - ) v Aspi'ratory N^iX ! S/ Aspire' ') .-> -~, Aspired' ) ') .^ Assid'uously L (- J, Assid'uousness 7*i "Lo Assign' ') '") Astat'ic t-* JS As'teism '\ .j^Ji As'ter v^ " Athens'um '' . Athe'nian V ^ Athirst' 4^ 'J- 'j._ Attainting Attaint'ment '> 'T Attaint'ure A At'tar *^ or i__<. Astonish 7 "/*. Athlete' V* '"'- -' Athletic L-^ t-^ Atti-m'per Attem'pered ^-3 or JLf.. Astonished '( ^* V Athwart' Vl . r Atilt' L~^. '[s--* Attem'pi-ring ^^ Attem'perment X5 <7r -??*- Astonishing V^-1 l^^ 1 Atlante'an ' Ji ' r) Atlan'tes '1 1 Attempt' K \ Attempt'able '^ i Atlan'tic hl^i^ Attempt'ed tor ^^f' Astonishingly At'las Attempt'er l^x-r-s. > CN Atmom'eter . Attempting ^j or _i-^._ Astonishment \ l At'mosphere L-^.. Ut.- " Atmospheric J ' Attend' i , Attend'ance 5* 'I3i Astound' 1 " ' > c Atmospher'ical < - s> ^ Attend'ant ** " Astound'ed |~ 1 At'om |. 1 Attend'ed ) .^ Astounding Atomic r J' Attend'er 'lX^ ii T Astrad'dle "1^" T Atomlcal v 'J Attending f < As'tragal At'omism Attent' ') } As'traf Y~ t Astray" "P [^ At'omist ^^ v s At'omize '1 J- Atten'tion ^^ V Atten'tive A "\ '\ Astrict' x ceous '1 i- At'tic 1 1 j*\ * . - At ticism 1 '1. At'ticize 'V. '}_ Astrol'ogize Tfc Tft Astrol'ogy T-^.. T-^-i - Atrament'al ~T" '' Atramenta'rious v) 5> At'ticized 1 "1 At'ticizing '} <1- Astron'omer tf^v } " ' Astronomic 1)-^^ \ Atramcnt'ous 5 >. Atrip' 'V, 'T..? At'num V_j. J Attire' '( ' Attired' S ; r'er ')_ '^_ Astronomical x Atro'cious 'I 1. Attiring *L^> . 1_^-., Astron'omy ji ty^ 7 T^cp Atro'ciously v\ '" At'titude ') A As'troscope JL t 1-Cy Astros'copy \ L \. ' " Astro-theology ) ') Astrut' C^ "V 1 ^ Atro'ciousness ._ 'I" j,- Atrocity b v.. I At'rophied - 1 - .1 V -= Atrophy \ttitu'dinal L. h> Attitu'dinize c -^ "Ui Attol'lent r K Astute' ... ... Attach' .n -,1 Att ^ Asun'der T Attached' "1" Attor'ncvship ViA Lx Asy'lum ^ x Attaching ^ U Attract'" ^M Asym'metral ),< ; \S Asj-m'metrical Attach'ment 4 " Attack' T_\ "L_ Attractabil'ity \ \ Attract'able Asym'metry Attackable ^\ rked' "T 'T> 1 . t'ile T T At'abal 'f '[_ Attack'er Attacking T T, Attracting 7^ Attract'ingly \ ^" At'aghan SAt'axy I. '' Attain' J '^A. Attainable "T "L, Attraction ^ M;. Attra<-' Ate '[^- '^-^o Atelier Athal'amous "1- "! Attainability \ -A_P Attain'ableness j. : Attain'der T T Attractively ^ \^_y Attractiveness (' .([, Athana'sian J" > ~' Attained' ''Y., Attr;: V <5~^ A'theism t '! , 1 Attaining At'trahent , / ./ A'theist ^ Attain'ment n ,.o .. Attrib'utable ^ u V ' Atheistic .. "1. Attaint' v- ^ v At'tribute, n. ' ' * : Atheistical r Attaint'ed '\ ' Attrib'ute. ATTRIBUTED 19 AVOUCHMENT 'T Attributed Sf Sfl Attributing -. ^V^" Au'ricled " Auric'ula 'P ~[~ Automatical ^^ TK Autom'atism <, "\ Attribu'tion I \ '1v Attrib'utive '~^ ,f^~\ ~~^^~~\^ Auric'ular Auric'ularly ~pL ~pl Autom'aton J~ f Autom'atous " [,. Attrite' '~\_j/? r^\ .y^l Auric'ulate '|~^_^ IL-ib Autonom'ic "I 'I Attrition " " Auric'ulated ~ ' ' Autonom'ous '" Attune' .. Attuned' /X *~^C Auriferous ^i ^^ v Au'riform -i- 1~ ~| Auton'omy \^~~= I >* Auto'type " Attuning *"V*\ rx Aurig'raphy v- Au'tumn xv Atyplc ^-' * Au'rist ~[i i , ^ Autum'nal N, . V Au'bin r^/ iX/V/^ Auro'ra ***s e>" ' Auxillar i\y , AuTiurn "-* Auc'tion " Auro'ra Borealis i~^/f *\ Auro'ral , vx 5 - is^/' Auxiliaries 6* " Auxiliary ! y. L_ Auc'tionary 5 Auctioneer' ' D xl.o Auctioneering a. * Auda'cious *^\j Ausculta'tion '\^ \ ^-. Auscul'tatory TT v . <. Au'spicate )/ Au'spice V V V Avail' ' f /V tf Availability x '\ Available \y\_p V Avail'ableness *\,a^~' ') 9_ o Auda'ciously IX \ ' Auda'ciousness '} , Q O .t^ 7 Auspi'cious XA \5^ Auspi'ciously ' Availed' y. \^ Availing 'T "I Audacity ') '\ Auspi'ciousness Qj fa Avails' | \ Au'dible \xC^ / Auster' ''^^-/ '^f- Avalanche' 'j U Au'dibleness V_p Audibility ^'1 _ Austere' Jr Austerely Av'arice 'C/l \/fc- Avari'cious 'J '! Au'dibly \. " Au'dience x\xj ^) Auster'ity ' y~ Aus'tral ** "'-'^ Avari'ciously V/L '\L-, Avari'ciousness -| Au'dit >' Au'dited xi xi Au'diting ^A Australa'sian ' jp Australian ,-. '] Aus'trian < ^ Avast' V.(. Avatar' ----- Avaunt' r, K, Au'ditor LJ ^L "(4 = Aus'tromancy ,W-N/' Wi, Ave-ilary ' ' x Au'ditory J ' ] Authen'tic ^1 Av'enage "I y Au'ditress L-, . Authen'tical i V Avenge' Auge'an **" Authen'ticate oy ^^-y A I* y ~ Avenged i ' . ' Au'ger "C-H -. Authen'ticated i X^.^ Aveng'er Aught "' Authen'ticating ^NM / ^3 Avenging ~/ , Au'gite v f ^ Aug'ment, n. '(. -., Authentication "(^3 1,- V Authenticity ' Av'ens V.^> Av'entail , L_x- ~j' Augment', z/. .[ Au'thor Avent'ure s^ Augment'able ' ^. ---> Augmenta'tion ~(~-9 ~(yt Au'thoress [. Authoritative V^__, 'V^_^ Av'enue > Aver' Augment'ative , ( Angment'ed '"^ Augment'er "(X-T -r-H Authoritatively j v-l Authorltative- 'V^^ Av'eraging , ,1 Augmenting "'* ' --- Au'gur ~(y\ 'i^Sl/- Authority v .l. X7V Au'thorisable ^* Aver'ment A^.^ 'V Averred' i >/ ^- Au'gural 7^0, "("x 9 Authorisa'tion ^ Aver'ring ' -- Au'gured ' Authorise ^. '^ Averse' , l-l Au'guring "C-" "C' 8 '^ Au'thorised u Aversely Au'gurship v v Authorising n .. Aver'sion i \/. ' 3 Au'gury "v/ "fe- Au'thorship v - > V Avert' Au'gust, n. -^ Nr ^ Autobiog'rapher .. yj 'Vv^X ^ VCrt ' e( i 'f Vp August', a. ,, ~[- Autobiographic ^^ Vx^-^ Averting " Augus'tan > y- r -: \~-i A.utobiograph'- X^/- \_ A'\-iary ^ P '""? Augus'tines V_- ical JS A^dlous o. S* August'ness i Auk "r'" Aula'rian Vj '7- Autobiog'raphy ^V, V_P Autoch'thonous *s '(^ Avidity 1. ^ Avoca'tion 'Vi .^? Av'ocative /" : ^_x- ^"'l' ~f-~ ~\L Autoc'racy {,. Avoid' ___ Auln " j. Au'tocrat >i -\? _ Avoid'able ^, ; \ Aunt ' Au'ra '_ 'P Autocratic 1 ; ^ LJ Autocratical ^ J Avoid'ance V ^ Avoid'ed j^.- ,>. Au'ral "|- "J _,_ Au'to de fe ^~ Avoid'er * Au'rate 1 ^, [-a Autog'enous 't ..- Avoiding r^. fY Au'rated ^- i Au'tograph ..^._ T< Sf Avoirdupois' Au'reate ~i-^ . '. Autographic >o ' Av'oset f^/' '~^/^ Aure'lia Aure'lian >^j Autographlcal "j "!_ Autog'raphy 'V A Avouch' A/ ' Avouched' r\^ ~i~\ Aure'ola ^J ]' Autom'ata 'V^, 'V. Avouch'er Au'ric "L 'r^_^ Au'tomath A/ 'V^ A ' Avouching ^A : Au'ricle ( ~ Automatic A^ Avouch'ment AVOW 20 BALANCING ., V Avow' '\ Avow'able ?')" Az'ote L, Azot'ic ^ si \ Backslid'den tx 5 Back'stairs 'Vy. .(^ Avow'al [ Avowed' Ly Az'tec "jv Az'ure \,. \ Back'stays ft f Back'sword 'v^ 'v A . Avow'edly T^ Avowee' J ') - n Az'ured * i Az'ygous S, \. , Back'ward (. Back'wardly \ .. Avow'er ^^N Avow'ing 'V \->v Az'ymite v '* Az'ymous S^_^^- ) \__o Backwardness t/v ^ Back'wards vv. '{*, Avow'ry ^^^ ~fl Avulsed' \ . < S k __^~i Back'water 5 | Backwoods'man 'V. . Avulsion' O ' Await' B V \ Ba'con 1 - Baco'nian /I &*' Await'ed JL v v Bad "^ Await'ing Bade , ~- Awake' ** ' \ Award'er \ S, Babbled V V Babbler X v Bab'bling \_^ \ Babe \ \ Ba'bel v S. Badig'eon j n l_i V^ Badinage' S Jiacl'ly S ^- ^Sp Bad'minton u Bad'ness \ ^^ Aware' \ \X- Ba'bery S. \ Baffle yish ' Babylo'nian \ xo_j\. ^=> Babylon'ic vl ^_ > Baffling ' I'-'ig \_ \ Bagatelle' ^~V" y Bag'gage f t . *\ Awe'stnick L - >/" Aw'ful \T~ ^3 Babylo'nish ^ \_r y " Bac ^ ^ Bagged ^- > Bag'ging "\^y>- 'V^ Aw'fully v (_p Aw'fulness ^ x Baccalau'reate \_ \ Bac'cate \_ \__r-, Bag'gy Bagman 'cS i Awhile', W ' Aw'ing , ^ tX Awk'ward ^~Z-S Bac'chanal \ \ Bacchana'lian ^"% Bac'chanals \^^ N Bagn'io " \ Bag'pipe ^ ' Awk'wardly >i \ Bac'chant \_ T^.- Bag'piper ! cA- 5 ' ,- Awk'wardness "^1. Bacchan'te ^V __ Bail ^' Awl O LA-' Awn S =\_p o Bac'chic \s\ Baccif'erous \^y \^* Bail'able llail'bond '"Y Awoke' x P o^S Bacciv orous ^VN r~NBach'elor r ' J'.ailee' "^ Awr/ . ,- . n Ax'al - Axe X v Bach'elorship v J ^- Back N^~N XT"' Bail'ie \A_ \f/~*~' Bail'ifF ^-p ,- AxeTiead \ \_ BackT>ar ' Bail'ing "1 1 -* Ax'ial \/ ^ Backbite \/-^ \S*~ C Bail'ment s ^ o : -^l Axif erous "^ Axi'form wT - Ax ' ;l \ v \ Backbiter N^ ^^? Backbiting Bail'iwick v . \ Bairn ^^ | Bait O O * /! Ax lie ^^" ^s~^' Axil'la * Axil'lary \ y^ \ Back'bitten 1 ^ Backboard u V X Bait'ed 1 1 Bait'ing y . Baize . n.^ . r Ax'inite --- Ax'iom \_^ x V Backbone ^ ^^ Jiake v V Baked '_& : : %^: Axiomat'ic Y l^ Back'door * ~T) Bake'house Axiomat'ical ^ o Backed \ y. Bake'meats . o ..- Ax'is ^ ^ r " Back'er ^ ^^ Bak'er Ax'le K, \ ,_, Backgam'mon v. . 1'ak'i'ry u_/N r r Ax'le-box ' A Back'ground ^>~^ ^ Bak'ing ~ P Ax'led ._/\ <-| Ax'le-tree "* > Ay (yes) \ , \ Back'handed ~\ j[) Back'house \ \_p Back'ing \-, ^^ Bak'shish J* ^* Bal'ance 1 V" Aye (ever) - 1 "" ' ^ Azalea ' XT Back'side V\_/^| Back'sight v/^f \^\ Bal'anced V Bal'ancer ')_. ')__. Az'imuth >v Backslide' .. . Bal'ance- -( -(/" Az'imuthal )-y Azo'ic \ /^~ \_/l Backslid'cr ^ ^^ Backslid'ing Vf V' sheet Bal'ancing BALCONIED 21 BARGAIN V"i ^ Vl^-* Bal'conied \.. V Bandan'a Bal'cony ^^s ^- BandTjox ' ^\. R ' h- \ VTL Bald r Bal'dachin \x \ J S/1 Bal'derdash . Bald-head \ " S , Band'ed I* k Band'elet \yy Ban'der " Ban'derole \. or >> Bap'tism C ^ Bald'ly ** ^LS> Bald'ness ^_ S. Ban'dicoot ' r Band'ied VBaptis'mal VI \.^ Bal'dric v Bale y^ . V Balear'ic < Baled \_i ^ Band'ing .1 Ban'dit ^ N/ Bandit'ti I. " Ban'dog . \ or >v Bap'tist V/\ W_ Bale'fire > vf Bale'ful V\/"' \\. Bale'fully -CpBale'fulness ^" ' " Balize' Vw- V Bandoleer* r^\ ^ Bandore' ^f V^ Band'roll |. Ban'dy v \H ,_L. Ban'd)-ing ** K Ban'dyleg \ \ Bap'tistery \x | . Baptist'ic o _(5~ \>, Baptist'ical ^ Baptiz'able < -C Balk ' Balked v. X_A Bane \f- Bane'ful \or \. Baptize' <_ < Balk'er V^ ^ Bane'fulness ' v ~~ Balk'ing \^=,- Bal'lasted y Ban ish ^ V Baptiz'ing ^*" ^" Bal'lasting V S^r Ban ished S. K .. Bar "C/T "V Ball'cock * ./ Ban isher ^ V^ Barb V r Balled \/r V/ Bal'let V_. V^ Ban ishing ^^ .,4 Ban ishment J Barba'dian ' * Bal'liage \^, ^_^ Ban ister v /\'/)\/\/ : Barba'rian TS-^~' N/^i Ball'ing /\ Banjo VN* Barbar'ic ' 1 Ballis'ta S. V Bank VS/ 5 ^ v / Barbarism v ^ . Ballis'ter "^\ Bank'able ^x Barbarity V^ v^ Ballis'tic < A Bank'-bill \x-VP \/KC Barbarize v,, v,,- Balloon' ^-^Y" N ^~VJ Bank'-book v\Z VV Barbarized v V ' Balloon'ing S. S. . Banked V\x^'s./\.? Barbarizing \ ^O> \y Balloon'ist ^^ ^^ Bank'er v VX^. BarTjarous V x Bal'lot T/^~-, i Bal'loting \^\ Bank'rupt v^ . \x^\ Bar'bate [ness ^^ " BarTaecue X V ^N T-* iif Ball room V V-Y^ Balm ^-5s) or '^ f \ Bankruptcy \/\i. \/\ Bar'becued " "' BarTjecuing v ~~ Balm'ily ^v^^ \^\ Bankrupted w v X Barbed \^-^i v^ Balm'iness ^"/~-] ^^- Bankrupting ^/ ^^ Bar'bel ^^ Balm'y V^-p. >c Bank'-stock s xv v i\ Bar'bellate S^r' \^~^ Bal'neal """[ * ' I^an'ner V^< V\ Bar'ber Bal'sam > ^ V,^ Ban'nered v x\ / \/N BarTjerry V^ ' \s* r> Balsam'ic ^ Ban'neret W *" -iBarbet Balsam'ical V^V. Ban'nerol S./V X/X/^ BarTjican \sfe-t V^~^Balsamif'erous Ban'ning BarTjule Balsamine' < \ Ban'nock .- ^__S~ \_ Bar'carolle VI- V=> Bal'tic V L- VT Bal'uster r~ Banns S^^_ "V^. Ban'quet V 5 ^ ^ Bard \y^ . \/V I^ard'ic Sy^l v.-o Bal'ustered ^^' Ban'queted ~^ Bard'ism ^ N Bal'ustrade V_^ ^^c_. Ban'queter \~ V/V- Bare \.^ X ^ Bamboo' Ban'queting * ^^ * BareTjone Bamboo'zle \^' < V_ > ^ S -' Bamboo'zled K^ S. Banquette' 5 Bans V v./ . Bared ' ^ Bare'faced Bamboo'zling \ V_x^ Ban v ^ X_p Ban'shee ^ ij Ban'stickle \X\io \.A, Bare'facedness Bare'foot Bana'na \ v Ban'co S .. \ Ban'tam \-~^ \ Ban'ter \/V \x^ Bare'footed 1 ' Barege' ^T ->... Band t \ \ l^and'age f Band'aged < \ \ Ban'tered S \ \J Ban'terer *^ """*' Ban'tering S\ V Bare'headed V^ 5 V" Bare'ly V/^p \/^> Bare'ness Is Band'aging \^^, Bant'ling ' ^^ Bar'gain BARGAINED 22 BAVARIAN v ^_^ ' -^" Bargained Bargainee' Xy'^-' Bargainer S_^ X Barter > n Bartered X_^ X_^ Barterer < Xp -v Bastile' ^4 .X a Bastina'do ' I- "1- Bastina'doed \S Bargaining \/ \ Bartering X Xa Bast'ing J Bast'ion f Barge'man \ Baril'la - 1 Barton V V -- Bast'ioned & Bas'yle \y ^ Baling v ' ^v b }3ary'tes . X v Bat v . x~^ V X % Bar'iron Baritone . Ba'rium ^-^ -as^e V/I i ~^~ Bary'tum v v^ ^6 Ba'sal S J V Bat'able ' X l "^ Bata'vian X X Batch / Bate \/ > c /- N- .Bark Barked v , Sy", . Basalt' V Basalt'ic \ X Bateau' 1- Bated Xy^ XU- ^Si'H Basalt'iform X X Bath V^~ ^ 5~^" Bark'er 5S -V^ a J ' Basalt'ine ( ( Bathe Bark'ery . Bark'ing X-r v. Bas'anite * ^ Base V \. Bathed < ) Bath'er \s ^ V" ^ ^ Bark'y ^ Bartey Xjx v. Base-born V" X Based X \ , Bath'ing O ' -'"^ Bath'-room ( Bar'ley-broth X/ro N^"' Baseless X X Bath'os v.^-S' _/* Barley- corn Basely C" 'ing *\f-\ X/^^ Bar'ley-meal k Barm V^ V v Base'ment * ^l Base'minded \X Batiste' V Bat'let rf ^\c> Bar-maid ?^ Bar'mecide V, a \ Base'ness ^^ > Bashaw' \" S- Bat'man Bat'on vl Barm'y N, X Bash'ful Xi X I'.atra'chia <- ^-^ Barn Ql <^t Bash'fully L L, Batra'chian v Bar'nacle v /* Barnacles X Bar'olite X ^. Bash'fulness Cl^_5 ~^ Ba'sic Xp v ND v Bas'ify Y^T Bat'rachite : | Bat'rachoid C Basil'ic VX Battal'ia k^ Battarion - Bar'onet X-H ^ \ c ; Basil'ica U ' Bat'ted V7 \^A Ba'r'onetage N Baronetcy Basil'ical X/-T^ v.,'^! Basil'icon < X Bat'tel I [^ Bat'teler \S~-~f' v s^/"^^ Baro'nial o Bas'ilisk X, X. Bat'ten i Bar'ony XQ^ >, Ba'sin J " Bat'tened \>rx ^?T~ \ . Baroscope ^-' Ba'sing X S^ Bat'tening Baroscop'ic X-i X Ba'sis t, Bat'ter \.'V~\ \sQ Baroscop'ical ^ ~~ Bask V \ Bat'tered v * Barouche' \ X Basked 1 V Ba( ^~ r /^, Barque v Bartacan . , Barrack Basket X X Bask'ing ~ Basque Xi Xi /-^ Bat'tering ! * Bat'tering-ram \. X, Bat'terv ^- ^* ' Barracoon' V'^\, i- Bas-relief ; Bat'ting V ' vv L/' Bar'ras Barrator \/\ Barratrous ^* Bass (a hassock v "So Bass (in music) ^ 1 Bas'set X v s Bat'tish > K Bat'tle J ' ' Bat'tle-array* \ Barratry \S Barred Bar'rel V Xp Bas'seted Bas'seting \^ \j\ Bas'sinet v v X. Bat'tle-axo > > K Bat'tled ^ ' liat'tle-dore XX ^ '"V, Bar'reled Bar'rel-organ Bassoon' \ ' No^ v .Bassoon'ist X \ Bat'tlement , 1 ^ Bat'tlemonted \x V Barrenness I Bass'wood X v v Bat'tle-piece "ss r*- I Hat/tier V AT 1 i/ ' i Barricade' V. \ \1 Bas'tard ! Bat'tling V^ Barricad'ed \^>' Barricad'ing q L lias'tardize b b 1 ' Bas'tardized X._ X Battol'ogy Y] I Bat'tue s Barrier . p. Bar'ring ^^ Bar'rister \ v V Bas'tardizing V 1 Bas'tardly | Bas'tardy \-C Baubee' . \ Bau^le . \ * Bar'row v Xp Baste X Baulk XX Bar- shot x Bast'ed ^ v./ 5 Bava'rian BAVAROY 23 BEFRIENDED XX Bav'aroy / >i Ba'vin X' \ Beast'ly r* .] Beat X s Bedeck' L- L Bedecked' < .- Baw'ble X - Bawd X. \i Beat'en .J -1 Beat'er V ._ t Bedeck'ing Bed'eguar < X Bawd'ily 1 Bawd'ry < \>~ Bawd'y X 1 Beatific Jj - 'V, Beatifical X\ v x. Bedev'il A > 7| Bedew' *>- k " Bedewed' 1 Mawl S. >: N Bawled X 15eatifica'tion > -. { > Beat'ify \X , - Bedew'ing VJT- Bed'fellow f Bawl'er ili. Vj. - ; . Beat'ing ^_^_j, \ Bed'-hangings /-*~/ . . Bawl'ing > Bay " Beau'tifier vl y ' Beau'tiful " Bed'-post V \,. Bed'-quilt J~ 4 Bedrag'gle \i X ^-1, Bay'-tree X S" Beau'tifulness Vl ~A Bed'rid [. ' Ba} r '- window ^~J ^-? Beau'tify V - J Bed'ridden X^ I--' = " Bazaar" *> ' Bdell'ium V 1 X Beau'tifying ,i. Beau'ty * \ ,- x Bee'master ^ ' ^--' Beaked V^, X^ Beck'on X-. \ -A ^ ' Beer X_i X-- Jleak ' er Beck'oned Beer'-barrel X Beam \_ \ Beck'oning \/0 \/}~ Beer'-house . -v 1 Seamed ' "^ ~ Becloud' X Beer' -shop X-: * ]5eam-ends \ . \. /-o Beam'ing V-5-> v v' IVam'less X X Becloud'ed Tl A Becloud'ing V_j3 S Bees'-wax ^ .1 Beet v \ X Beet/le X^_; v 1 Seam'y X . ^ or \ Become' X .L/\ ' Beet'le-brow " Bean v \_^-^, Becom'ing " ' Beet'ling V \X Bear ^ l. Becom'ingly X. v Beet'root ^ Bear'able \_J. -^ ,, \ Becom'ingness l/\ s " Be v. . \_ Bear'-baiting Xx ^ * Beard . \^ J5eard'ed X Beard'ing Bed \ N, X, Bedab'ble T 4 Bedab'bled \ X^ Bedab'bling X^ X^ x Befal' > V V Befal'len 1 (. '^, Befal'ling X v v Befell' X^--D \^x_p l-5eard'less ' Beard'lessness X. X,, Bedag'gle T-, Bedark'en x ' i Hf' L if' T '3 Befit'ted Bear-gar'den XV \. /i Bear'ing X X Bedash 1 ; -) v L Bedaub' K X Bedaubed X X Befit'ting X. V- Befool' % ' - r Befooled' J Bear'ish X; ^_1 v. o / Bear'like if ^^~ Bear's'-foot \ v v I^edaub'ing 1 >_ o? Bedaz'zle \-- * Bed'-chair \. . Befool'ing ^N-^ X- o f5 e f ore ' s (_, BeforeTiand \. rr- X_. Bear's' -grease > >'_^ Bed'-chamber \ , Before-time * ^~~ j Bear'-skin ^~^ % Bed'-clothes Xv-^ V Xj Befoul' v \b Beast ^' [^^ Beast'liness X . Bed'ded Bed'ding Befriend' \_. Befriend'ed BEFRIENDING 24 BERATED \ V ^ " 1 * r ' \. ^ V?' Befriend'ing Began' Beget' Beget'ter Beget'ting Beg'gar Beg-gared X-/V 1 Beg'garing Beg-garliness Beggarly Beg'gary Begged Beg'ging Begin' Begin'ner \- Begin'ning ^* Begird' Begird'ed Begird'ing Begirt' Beg'lerbeg Begone' Begot' Begot'ten Begrime' Begrimed' Begrim'ing Begrudge' Begrudged' Begrudg'ing Beguile' Beguiled' Beguil'er Beguil'ing Be'gum Begun' Behalf Behave' Behaved' Behav'ing Behav'ior Behead' Behead'ed Behead'ing Beheld' Be'hemoth Behest' Behind' Behind'hand Behold' Behold'en Behold'er Behold'ing Behoof Behove' Behoved' Be'ing- Bela'bor Belabored Belaboring Belate' Belat'ed Bela/ Belayed' V? V7 V? Bela ay'in ch Bek Belched Belch'ing ^.~ NT Believed' Believer' Believ'ing Believ-jngly V/"~ \^T Belit'tle Belit'tled s. C^ ^ .,- Belit'tling V >T Bell Belladon'na Belle Belles-let'tres Bell'founder Bell'-foundry Bell'-hanger \v-j Vl Bel'licose ^ V -' Bel'lied Belligerent Bell'man Bell'-met'al Bellow Bellowed Bel'lower Bel'lowing Bel'lows Bell'-pull Bell'-ringer Bell'-wether Bel'ly V/N \/\ Bel'ly-band' V \ Bel'ly-ful Bel'l}'ing Bel'omancy, Belong' Belonged' Belonging Belove' Beloved', pp. Belov'ed, a. Below' Belt Bel'tane Bel'ted Belv'ing Bel'vedere Bemire' Bemired' Bemoan' Bemoaned' Bemoan'er VD V,-, Bomoan'ing " Bemused' Ben Bench \ . n y' I'enedic'tive \-y. Benedic'tory Benefac'tion Benefac'tor ''tress Ben'efice Ben'i-ficed Beneficence 'ieent j'.cnef'icently Benefi'cial _ Bi'iiefi'cially \ Benefi'ciary V ^ J Ben'efit Ben'efited Pien'etiting Benev'olence Benev'olent Bi-ngalee' Bengalese' Benight' r'ed Benighting Benign' I'.enig'nant nantly Benig'nity V BERATING 25 BICORPORAL ^ ^ Berat^g Nu \n Bestrewed' l x I" Bestrew'ing V- \_: Bez'el Bezique' W- V^- BerJan^ v V v Bestrid' *1. I |v Bestrid'den V NM Be'zoar ^\ - Bezoar'dic \j?- *. 7 Bereave' -J Bestride' \. y^\ NO Bian'gular ^^' Bereaved' \ X, Bestrid'ing ^^" Bi'as \/V^ \>^ Bereave'ment T T- Bestud' NX ^Vc^ Bi'assed Bereav'er ^ y *. Bereav'ing >^ >* Bereft' S o X , Ber'gamot V N Bet t_ Betake' \\ Betak'en .1 Be'tel Bi'assing X.. -f~ N Biax'al T* \ Bib V ., V. Biba'cious Ber'gander N \ Beth'el XX. ^S Bib^er ~ ^ <\ Berlin' ' ^|. Ber'nardine /^_c v ./. Bernese' if \_f- Bethink' N \ Bethink'ing O '^~ Bethought' NN Bib'itory >. Bi'ble ^ ' ^^ N Ber'oe \X| v . Ber'ried N \ Betid' 1. -iv Betide' V\ Bib'ler \_. Bib'lical ' V Ber'ry Vf V Berth V ^1 Ber-yl N N Betimes' Us 'b, BetoTcen \N BetoTcened >s^_c\ Bib'licist . ' Bibliogfrapher /^ N= Ber'ylline "t^, Beto'kening Nr^ Bibliograph'ic v- 7 / Beseech' v v NJ Beseech'er N. \ Bet'ony "C. "LJ Betook' SQ__^^ Bibliograph'ical \ ,/ Beseech'ing ~ Beseech'ingly Beseem'ing \_V v, Beseem'ly No ' \. Betray' T Tr Betray'al N- \ Betrayed' V Betray'er \V \^ Betrav'ment \ n N ,, Bibliog'raphy V\ VI. Bibliol'atry \ V Bib'liolite VJ VX: Bibliolog'ical T Beset' >\- Beset'ting ^ Beshrew' ' 3 Betroth' ( V Betroth'al Ni-Sn- \-Betrothed' V^r \ o Besieg'er / Besieg'ing V V Bet'tered Bet'tering ^^^^^^ Bibliomani'acal \~ N_. Besmear' O *^^ Q ^~> 13 ,. j ' Besmeared \N<. Better'ment \ Bet'ters ^^^ Biblioma'nist \ - V/ Besmear'insr ^ *^ Be'som N \ Bet'ting | Bet'tor \V^ BibliophoTjia V, Np Besot' ^ff Bib'liopole Besot'ted Np V, Besot'ting '| Besought' ' Between' v /*' \ Betwixt' ?- Bev-el \^" Bibliop'olism ^P" X/^ Bibliop'olist \- N? No Bespan'gle X>i \ X Bespat'ter \ \ ^ Bespat'tered \ N> Bespat'tering \ > - Bespeak' N ^s. Bev'eled S- >- Bev'eling v \ v Bev'el-wheels \ t X Bev'erage / Bev'y V N Bib'liotheke \_. V Bib'list VV , Bib'ulous *-^' Bical'carate No No Bespeak'er Nr- 1 N_-. ]?espeak'ing \^ Nj^ Bewail' X Bewail'able ^ * VT"^ Bicap'sular \-, No Bespoke' v NL-, Bespok'en \^f \^f Bewailed' '( Bewail'er ^~C v/ BicarTjonate ^rl N> Hi^ ^v Bespread' y^ Si BesprinTde Best *\X( \^^ Bcwail'ing \* Beware' ^ \'"'l Bewil'der 1 i5ice VN^ Biceph'alous x> Bi'ceps >No Best'ial V Bewil'dered w Xo \-, Bichro'mate ; /^l Bestial'ity ^-^, v/ 5 ""* Bewil'dering Vp^ \ \ Bicip'ital Np Np Best'ialize \f S/ Bewil'derment .1 .b Bicip'itous PC? l^~ Bestir' NO v v Bestirred' V\ Bewitch' Bewitched' v . Bick'er ^~~ ^~ Bick'ered Y-^^ i Bestir'ring ^ V [ Bestow' V\-/~> Bewitch'er / Bewitch'ery \ - v Bick'erer " ^\ N Bick'ering V\- Bestow'al ' Bestowed' \^ \yf Bewitch'ing ^> Bewitch'ment . \/ Bick'ern ^~^ 4" Bicon'jugate Nj5_ No Bestow'er \}s C, Bestow'ment \ / \. Bewray' ^ x Bey \ /> \d-v_p Bi'corn i Bicorn'ous N^ Bestrew* \/> or "_ Bej'ond' \^_r\ ^- Bicor'poral BICRURAL 26 BITERNATE V ~f \ p Bicru'ral ' ' v Bicus'pid \L v Bi'cycle v/T~l v.' Bilked Bilk'ing \ V Bipen'nate ,"j Bipen'nated "- 1 v Bid \ \, Bid'den .J .1 Bid'der ^ J Billhook \ x . Billed /> v " Billet \ \^^ Bipet'alous |< ^ Bipin'nate \ .>:.. l!d e ding \/\ \ ri Billet-doux N Billeted V X . Bipolar \C} Bipolartty \ ., Bident'al 1 \ V Bidet' H Bid'ing v V2_' Billeting V - *- Bill'hook v ^ \s~^ Billiard N(x Ny_^ Bi'pont "^. I'.ipont'ine X., \V_ . Bien'nial *[ "7! Bien'nially V X' Bier * Biest'ings ' Billiards \j~~> \/*r Bii'ling V Billingsgate \/" v . Billion \\, -X\ Bipunct'ual ^y~~ ^v: Bipu'i V V Biquad'ra'.e i 1 |L_: Biquadratic V o X-.' Bifa'rious ' Bif'erous ^ Billot \/C \S: Billow VV/1- Biquint'ile Bira'diate X \ Biffin V V Bi'fid Billowy VL_. NC'^' Bill' sticker \X|v \// Bira'diati-il ' Birch X X v/ Bifidate Bilobate V/7 \ Birch 't-n \ S. >, 9 Bif idated v x\ v /^~\ Bilobed J ' ^ Bird '' -'l v ~ Xv Biflo'rous NT V Bi'fold -L^ Bifoliate ^ VT"'^ Biloc'ular S^__^ S^_^ Bimac'ulate " ' " Bima'na S\^_ Bird'cage / Bird'catcher \, \, Bi'forate X^~- 'xV-^f Bi'mane \^ ^X ^~< Bird'like v-c '^ > - Bif'orine ' i Bima'nous Birdlime \Y, V Bi'form \^-^/J. \^~ Bimar'ginate \_ ^ ^ ,- ; Bird v^ \^ Bi'forraed ' Bime'dial ^ V Bin-m,-'' \_ Xy Bifur'cate X^-v/3 ^v^pij^ Bimen'sal X/ 6 '' X/*!' Biros'trate 'V V-; Bifur'cated f f Bimes'trial > ' liiros'trated >y 'iL Biturca'tion ^Vu ^_c Bifur'cous X_^ v Bimonthly (/* *" Bin Vf \ ' }iirth ^ \ Birth'day \. ' V>-> Big \ ,. \v Bi'narv \A \j ' iiirth'place ^ : Big'araist *^ ^f| Bi'nate x% '/ r.irth'right \^-x \__- Big'amy sv V Bind X-= ^i Bis'cayan " Big'gin ----- \ Bind'er cotin Bind'ery V V. Bis'cuit v\ Big'ness Binding ^ V- ,. \ . \_ Bigno'nia "^T^ Big'ot J> \v Bind'weed tl ^ Binerv'ate V.- \_ Bisect'ed on o^ ,-.. ,. Bisect ing \_- V^ Bjff'oted ^ . ' 1 Big'otry \ \ Big'wig X_*_ V_^ Bin'nacle 1 Bin'ocle X^ -/~NV_v f Binoc'ular '^-o X 3 Bisec'tion Biseg'ment \/f \ Bise'rial N */ Bijou' i ' Binoc'ulate Biser'rate \ Y \v Bijou'try f 2' / " Biju'gate \V^/^ V . o Bino'mial i " i i Binom'inous X X~ J'.ise'tose .17 -b" Bise'tous -1. Biju'gous \ \ v V Binot'onous ^.% X Bi'sexous VvA" >y -^' Bila'biate *l3p ^-^ 5 Bi'nous " ^ Bi'soxual ^^ Bilam'ellate ' ' ^ Bioc'ellate v -x \")\y~~ : Bish'op v '.; H>Bilam'ellated ^/^" \ Bil'ander S|" V^ ^ Biodynam'ics ' ^-^ v, \ Biog'rapher ^\ -^ Bish'opric V \-, Bi7 Biological >*- '' Biol'ogy V \ o Bj'otine J \X. Bip arous V \'s- Bipart'ible \\ V Bip'artile Vi \ Bipar'tient \yl Bip'artite V V. _ Bisque *T^ Bissex'tfle Si, . . Kistip'uled f Xt V, |:is't,,rt .> u -..urj- X\. Xr'^ 1 ' liisul'cate ^ \'"V Bisul'cous 'phate \/^^- \/^~<^a Bilin'gual ' Bilin'guist V Ny Biparti'tion \/jj -^ Bipec'tinate \ K Bisul'phuret ] Bit X^-'^ X^ Bilin'guous Bil'ious s-S~\; Bilit'eral \ \ Bi'ped i f Bi'pedal \ \' Bitch ./ ^ v ] Bite \/ v ^ Bilk Nf Bi'pel'fate 71 ' - Bitern'ate BITING 27 BLITHESOME V \ Bit'ing v\ } Bitt ^ | Blab'ber "V^ ' ^ Blar'ney T \-' Bless'edly S. - Blab'bing \ v - Black Nv_, Black'amoor v^-^ - Blaspheme' \V,, Blasphemed' "' ^~c - Blasphem'er ^_ V Bless'edness 'L? ^ Bless'er v. . \ Bless'ing ^ Black'-art \! , *\ f Black'ball ^y, ^L-j Blasphem'ing ^"^-^ v^Ta Blas'phemous ^ Blest Black'balled ^, ^o Blas'phemously '*_p-^ Ble'tonism V_ ^--x Blackballing \^" f Black'-beetle V/T<^ ^S Blas'phemy i % ^. x Ble'tonist t %, Blast -Cfi Blew Blast'ed S. \ Blight ^ \ Black'berry %3 X\ Blaste'ma J vi Blight'ed ^V S, Black'bird U-^. Blast'er S. V Blight'ing S. ^ ^: Blackboard ^, \_j Black'book ^_p r \^Blast'-furnace ."] L V Blind""^ ^[ \ _Black'cap SL S| Blast'ing ^ \. ! n ^, ed \ r Black'-death J \_ ^^ Blacked *V^ Blastocar'pous c v -^ * '"d'f ""id SL r V/^ 1 Blind'folded Black'en Blas'toderm , ^ ^ Blind'folding ^^ 'v^ Black'ened T^ ? Blind'ing "" Black'ening . v So *ys- S^- s Blind'ly ^[ \^ Black'ener x>\ or ^v Blast'-pipe ^s^ Blind'man's-bufF T] Black'- eyed > cv ST Blind'ness S. . \^_ Black'fish S; \ Bla'tant *-*> ,| Blind'side V_y Ilack'guard Blay V_ \ Blink ^^^ o- Black'guardism ^ % Blaze Blink'ard ' Black'ing T Blazed \ . \ . Blinked V_ *V /I Black'ish 1 Black'lead %^ V/ K! a , z/in ^ Bla zon ^^ *-= Blink'er S. s Blink'ing O^" ^_^~ Black'leg S^ Vx Bla'zoned VJr ~' > Bliss Black'-letter ^ ^~^C %_ v _ ? Black'-mail "* Bla'zoner ^i, ^i,' -: Bla'zoning V V. Bliss'ful *^f ^-K_P Bliss'fulness Black'ness ^-^-' Bla'zonry - Sj, Blis'ter K /] ^L_ g-s Black'-rod Black'smith SN, Black'thorn '/> 1 Blad'der / Bleach'er % \ Bleach'ery .^ y Bleach'ing ^' Blis'tered ^XN. \p Blis'tering V' Blis'tery c V r Blithe > v( > Blithe'ful >* St " V Blithe'ly Blad'ed \_. Bleak 'v Blithe'some vo^ BLITHESOMENESS 28 BOLOGXESE % Blithe'someness V *!-_? Bliz'zard \ V Blowz'y *J ^ Blub^er \, \4 X-> Boast'fulness <4. T Boast'ing X V Bloat ^ V Blub'bered ^^ 1 Boast'ingly 1 Bloat'ed " X^> Blub'bering v X. X Boat V Si Bloat'edness J.P Bloat'er > t Blud'geon v V- Blue 1 J \S Boat-able 1 \ V Boat'bill V ^ Blue-berry V ^.^f N^ BoatTjuild'er 1 /^" ] ! 1 Boat'-hook V.- Blob-ber- lipped x Block s. \ Blue'-bird >^ V-J Blue'-book ^ ' ' Boat'ing \ V , Xi_^ Boat'man * '. Blue'-stock'ing Sg Bluff ^ Bluff'ness S \ Bluffy >< -J Blu'ish \ *. V Blu'ishly *-S' \ Blun'der H\ Bob'olink ^ ^| Bob'stays \\ Bob'tail ]. Bob'tailed N -1 Blood'ed V ; Blood'-guil'ti- MJ ' Blood-heat [ness .... s/"" Blood'hound ** Blood'ily S V V Blood'iness >y 5^ Blun'derbuss \^ 1 Blun'dered \Q \/ Blun'derer ..f Blun'derhead ^ . ^ Boc'asine ^~^~s N Bock'ing v ^ Bock'land x ^ x Bode V S. Bod'ed 1 (.,. Bod'ice ~^_P Blood'ing Bloodless \x - Blun'dering X^ Blunt < < . Bod'ied 1 Y Bod'iless y/ f " <(y^ Blood'letter Blood'-red V v Blunt'ed I *^ Blunt'ing V v , Bod'ily Bod'ing .^5 . Blood'-relation 5- ,- Blunt'ish ^^ ,^ Bod'kin '^ % Blood'root J^ ' Blunt'ly ' Bod'leian V v, Blood'shed S J* J: Blood'shot Blood'stained ' i ' ^\ V Blood'sucker V x % Blurt'ing \ < Bog ^ ' -] Blood'y ^^^ y Blush ^^ Bog'gle t ^ i/- Bloom S. \ Blushed X X Bog'gled ^"^ Bloom'ary y O Blush'ing - ^-^N Boiler <> , ^y-- 1 Bloomed *v ^ Blush'ingly X_ <_ Bog'gHnff J_. %_ ^** Bloom'er Blus'ter \^4^, \^i~ Bloom'ing t' \ \ B!us/tered ^- V n Bog'-land Bloom'ingly \^ Blus'terer x e i Bo'gus ^ i ^^ Bloom'y ^^ v Blos'som ^ y Blus'tering x Bo \//. V Bohea' }; Bohe'mian ^i S^^^ Blos'somed v \T : Bo'a J,- v Hoil'ing * <{ Blot'ter Board'ed ^T^^ N Boil'ing-point Ni "\4 Blot'ting X V Board 'er rous Blouse <-x V Blow x > Blow'er \ . Board'ing X~-^ X*~j. Board'ing-house ^^ Board'ing- \ / Bois'terously r X< Bo'lary v * Bold ^_, ^ Blow'ing \^x/ school * >=. Bold' faced Blown Board' -wages i^ it Bold'ly \\ % ^ Hlow'-pipe V V/V_ Blow'-valve \(/\ ^r Boar'ish * ^ Boast "~^- Bold'ness .,, x ;,)le V ^ Blowth C N A Blowze *So Blowzed v, Xj Boast'ed T N$> % Boast'ei V. Boast'ful v \^ x Bole'ro v/- ^?* Bo11 ' Bolognese' BOLOGNIAN 29 BOUQUET v/-^> \io Bologn'ian \_i \i Book'keep'ing YS V Bos'om XV ^f Bol'ster ~^^. ~^/ Book'-know- Bos'omed V/ 6 ! \ip' Bol'stered ledge X,, ^ Bos'porous ^r Bol'stering v XL-^^ Book'land XA ^ Boss v v ^ Bolt Xr V Hoh'ed * ^ Book'maker ^ ' r> ' Book'mark >^ Bos'sage \ Bossed y/' v, Bolt'er X K Bos'sy X" Bolt'ing \ t / XjZ~A Book'rack ). } Bot \^*-, N^ Bolt'ing-cloth Book'seller X X Botan'ic T, Bo'lus \_jy-\_; \ i A Book'selling ll> L-<__: Botan'ical \jL^ Bomb ~~*-^^~- Book'shelf ^- ^C \. Bot'anist \A<\ X^X Bom'bard, . \ i \ ip Book'stall 1 V_s L o Bot'anize Bombard', v. ^Y~ \y Book'store v v Bot'anizing X-^~r Botanol'ogy (L U 1 Bot'any / ' Botar'go Bombard'ment ^~* Boom'erang < <. Botch \-^ \A Bonibasin' Bombast X4j, v Boom'ing 8 Boon / 7 Botched C \ Botch'er Xr"b 0> - \^ Bombast'ic X^N vj. . Bombazette' \ ~^ Bombazine' X~s_ V-^ Bomb'-ketch V \_ Bo'ops ^o ^> Boor \^ ^V/ Boor'ish Boor'ishly V/ V Boose / . Botch'ery ?V Botch'ing / Botch'y V XN Both C > Both'er 7 V Bomb'-proof \An X_x - Bomb'-shell ,s<> v^ Bonapart'ean \ Boos'er \ \ Boos'y -) J Boot \. X Both'ered - O Both'ering N X Both'nian X_^x/ X^< A Bo'napartism a~~- ' X/t, Bo'napartist V m X Bona'sus Vfl) V' -,-> ., N Bon bon \ ' V Boot'ed _|. Bootee' X X Boo'tes -I. ,( Booth 5J (^, : Both'nic sr X, X Both'y > . Bot'ryoid 1 *j "K Botryoid'al ^- < Bond y^ Bond'age \ X v Boot'ikin -Lj ~\ ]/*; Bootjack' <_ X Bot'ryolite TV \ Bots K ^- Bond'ed f ' Bond'ing - ~'~ Bootless' v X \ Bootless'ly X X Bot'tle T ' Bot'tled c^ ^~j Bond'maid \C -H J. Boot-tree X K Bot'tling Bond'man 1. Boo'ty f jX Bot'tom cr^ or ^^ Bond'servant 7 \ Booze X J Booz'y K_ X_ Bot'tomed X I ~^x Bot'toming "r-> or V~i Bonds'man X\ \* o_ Bopeep' 'C V. Bot'tomless V ; x./ Bond'woman \ ^^ Borac'ic P/ U/. Bot'tomry ^ Bone M-.S Bor'age \ x Boudoir' . X, Boned iff Bone'lace Y V , Bone'set Xr Bo'rate V/ > C Bo'rax V ^^\ Bor'der _& XA Bough < \ Bought I \J Bou'gie y. j. ^ Bone'setter / Bone'setting NX-^ Bor'dered ^~\/ Bor'derer \sz \f'/^~ Bouil'li X Boul'der X s, \' Bon'fire ^-'V *J_^ T^ .. 7\ Bon ing S ' Bo'real Xj A X*oX Bounc'ed Bounc'er X_^ X Bon'netted 1 ./. Bon'nily V^? I'.t-i- Bo'reas ^ V^~ Bore'cole X, A X^i. Bounc'ing I Bounc'ingly * o Bonze 1 ^^ Born 11 ^ V XA Bound'ed J- Bound'en \ v Boo'by >. XJ Book ^s/, y Borne ^ ^ Bo'ron \\^_ Bound'er Bound'ing \ [ ^ y v Book'-account 7? \^ Book'binder \>^ "\/^ Bor'ough Bor'row "\A ' \^' Bor'rowed X^ X_ii S~' Bound'less V*> \*> Bound'lessly \^A.^^_P XA n Bound'lessness \ l v \i v Book'bindery " x Bor'rower \f^~^ ] Boun'teous >^- ^ Book'binding \ i n \ j Book'case I- Book'debt v; /^^ \n Bor'rowing ^^ Bos >C \ Bos'cage XA.^ X_t Boun'teously ^f~- fe_p Boun'teousness X^y Xji-j Boun'tiful \ i \i Book'ish *7 } 15osh Q_ C_AJ> Boun'tifulness T7 <3 Book'ishness <_ < Bosk'et \A \ i Boun'ty \_j_j. Book'keep'er *" *~~- Bosk'y ^\ Bouquet' BOURBONISM 30 . BRED VxX v W Bour'bonism .L . Bour-bonist L \ Boustrophe'don J "' Bous'y \Brad'-awl X Brad'ipod Brag ^*~^ Brav'ery \^ X^ Brav'ing Vl Bra'vo X \./^"** Bout A | ^ Bouts-rimes' \_ ^ Braggado'cio 'ti ^~ Brag'gart i^^" Bra'zen-faced ^ V Bowl'der X ... Brait cv. "V Bra'zenness V V <- Bowl'ed > v Bow'-leg 1 ^ Brake V, < V Brake'man "i Bra'zier V" \^ Brazil' s-y^-n v/~\ Bow'-legged Bowl'er ' Brak'y << V- t C V-^ Bram'ble O** 1> -I/- Brazil lan X^A C X^ Brazil'-wood \y. v/"^ Bowline \ >-^ Bramljling Bruz'ing >' Bowl'ing \V>r? v Bowl'ing-green ^"^ Bow'man "Vt "V-s Bram'bly X Bra'min c< X.. Bran X -v; Breach ./ Bread fv /> ^p Bread-corn V> V Bowse 7 Branch I u" Bread'stufF x ^ Bow'sprit \^_^ X^_ f~ Branch'ed *S cv. Breadth > \V-J| Bow'-string " Bran'chial '^ ^ Break ^ " I" Bow'- window XV v- Bow-wow ** ^- Box X^ ^-TT^C Bran'ching / j Branch'iopod *V X_^ Break'able \ / Break'age cy ^^n: Break'er \_o Boxed ^^" ^ Ji -' Box'en X^_, 'Xv Branchless 7 h- Branchlet ' ^* Break'fast X- . ( \. . Break'fasted ^ ^/ ^ Box'er \_^ K Branch'y ^ ^. Break'fasting '^ v ! 4- / B ox 'i n g / Brand ry >^ 'ing Xg. X_ex Box'-tree X. X Brand'ed ^ lireak'man ]. x Box'-wood <^ \v Boy o Brand'er X,.^ \ Bran'died X_n Boy'ishness *r ' . Bran'dished iX^, Bran'dishing ^^"^ Brandling >X,j cv Breast'ed \ Breast'fast ^> Breast'ing X,, c< Boy's'-play X ^ Brac'cate cv. c\. Brace "~ Bran'gle X_^^ \_ x _ Bran'gler ]P X Breastlcnot it \ Breast'pin ^ Braced "*tf- c \-^ Bracelet ^^ Bra'cer *\ Bran'gling X_, \_^ Bran'lin (,. ' Bran'-new *? or \ Breast'plate \ f~ < \_ Brach'ial 'V. >v Bran'ny c \p Breast'work \ ^ \ ^f\ Brach'iopod J Brachyg'rapher \_j__i ^\ n Brachyg'raphy <\ / X-. Brash V^ > x Bra'sier c< \ Brass >o <*> H] ^f ^V_ V Breath X cv Breath'able > > Breathe * ' Breathed "^v: Brachyl'ogy <\i^ '\ Bra'cing X, Xp Brassliand 5 -| Bras'set X\ \ Breath'er ./ $^s Breathing ^"' Brack'en P. <\ Brack'et V ^o R^s'sica ~ Brass mess X X Breathless V" /" Brec'cia V- ^ Brack'eted X Brass'y \ Bred BREECH 31 BROWSING reech'loader <\ \_ Brig sy *V Brocad'ed /* ' Breed - Brigade' 1 / Bro'cage c \n "V Breed'er .1 Breed'ing %_: . \. Brigadier' iirig'and \ j-~' ^.. Broc'coli i '' Brod'ekin n / Bro kerage ry. cv^/- Bro'ma V' t^.s Bre'viary tv . <\/S~' Brill'iant V^ vr^ Bro'mal Brevier' ^^ Vv Brill'iantly <\- *\^Cf Bro'mate V V v Brev'iped cv C V-; Brim ^^ ' Bromatol'ogy || x -i ^ Brevipen'nate v Brim'ful I \l^ 'X-j Bro'mide 1 ' Brev'ity V_yft> rv Brim'less Bro'mine <\y *\ Brew ^^ Brimmed f ^C^ i"~ Bron'chia 7/ Brew'age c\^ *\^j. Brim'mer " Bron'chial ^, ^^ Brewed ^"^ Brim'ming B ^_^ <^_^n Bronchi'tis >}( Brew'er 'V-^, \,i Brim'stone ^^]Q ' Bron'chus _ ., (\-p Brew'ery J- Brind'ed <-^ C Bronze \/ VA Brew'house c \l> Bring <\^ <\ Brood i " Bria'rean V^x \-^> Bring*er -1 Brood'ed ~ \ Bribe \ >. N\ Bribed * N 1 v Brib'er H Bring'ing c \v c\ Brin'ish J Brink "\ Brood'ing _| Brood'y (\. ^ \fr Brook V<\ Brib'ery t\ v 'V Brin'y VJ Brook'let vV Brib'ing ^-* Brisk (vi V~i Broom \ -) Broth'er \. Broth'erhood r^ NC Bride X<\.. Britan'nia i) L^ ;ft_ Broth'er-in-Iaw ~ Bride'cake \_t-i ]-5ritan'nic ~ / ' Broth'erly *y r> S ^^ l^ride'chamber Bride'groom "N 'S. Brit'ish ts J" Brit'on fy. << Brough'am *^^ 1 Brought ^-c ' c^ Bridc'less Bride'maid <\ v Brit'tle f .r_p Brit'tleness - A V 1 'N. Brow ^ > j Brow'beat (^/_^ ,,y liride'man Xt\ v Britz'ska 1 '' Brow'beaten a-^> Brides'man ^^ <\ Bride'well / Bridge v Brize "V V' \A_ BuraTioat s \. *X Bruis'ing _| Bruit \ \ Budg'et ' y Budg'ing | 1 >uin kin . , v Bump 'V-!^ 'Vj. Bru'mal | Brunette' I, Bud'let V ^ Buff ^^ ^ Bumped \^~v v ; Iiump'er *Xip ^ Brun'ion ^ Brunt \ - \ Buffalo X^ S- Buffel ^~~-^ Bump'ing \X ^ V-k Bump'kin cvO ~ Brush v V Buffer r} Bump'tious ^^ Brushed ><<. yy_, Brush'er ^ 1 Buffet X \ Buffeted NX y/ Bump'tiousness oO Bun ^~^ Brush'ing cvv^s \\s Brush'wood \^_ Buffeter X \ Buffeting \. Nj. Bunch / O> Bunch'iness ^-^ Brush'y Brusque Brusqueness o^ V Brus'tle ^ _f Bru'tal 1 X Buffo V ', \ Buffoon' >= }if' Buffoon'ery S. \ Buffoon'ing x^-- >- Buffy \, \, Bunch'y / ^| Bun'dle \r. Vv Bun'dled l" (^_> Bun'dling y, \i^A" Bung y/. 'N. Brutal'ity v \ i Bug v -' Bun'galow -v Bru'talize <\ % Bru'talized -t v ^'oL' Bru'talizing ^ ^^C/ BugTjear ^r "-* Bu'gle V\_^x_ Bung'-hole Bur, \ix_ Vu_^. Bun'gled \ cv Bru'tally J. _\ Brute \ Y^ Bu'gler ^ i Bu'gloss ^ Bun'gler \i. \U__> Bun'gling WBru'tified V^ V~?\_ Buhl 1 Bun'glingly Bru'tify Bru'tifying ^* Buhl'work \vf c Buhr'stone \ ,, V i Bun'ion >^ ^^ Bunk X "\ ,v Bru'tish J "\J. ] -,~s> Bru'tishly ^ Bru'tishness ^ ** Build ^ \/^~ Build'ed Build'er \, V Bunk'er ^ * Bunn , \, Bunt \lx "V Br}-'ony c v . Build'ing J. Bunt'ine \ Bub^le X - ^^ Built y \u Bunt'ing \ \ Bubbled xS y^y Bubbler \y\ . -.^ Bulb v Bulbed " Bun'yon N^ < Buoy N \ Bubbling X^ A, BubTily \/^\_x v^xx Bulbiferous ^ VV Bulb'let Buoyed ^- ST Buov'ancy \ \. Bu'bo Y c Buc'cal \ , N>^ Buccaneer' S^^w iu}!bu" s \V^^ '^J BulT)ule ^ ^H Buov'ant ^T V. Buoyantly f A Bur ^~*-S ="*-"*-' Buccaneer'ing Bulge vvv- VI Bur'bot \ ,-/p \ ,-. Buccella'tion ** ^i* Buc'cinal N^. Nf**" Bucen'taur v /^~< v^ Bu'lim}" ^^ J Bur'den v x^ N>1- Bur'dened V^ *" Bur'dening ^^ k Bu'ceros v Bulk NXl ' H 'rl . v Buck V^J \f~~\ s> BulkTiead ^^p- N isurdensome >J- >J- Buck'et Bulk'iness \X| oi Bur'densome- \i Buck'etful \V \> Bulk'y >~~~_P />- ^- J Buck'ing Bull \y1~ \J> Bur'dock \j_ Si Buck'ish 77 * BucTcle V/1^ v> Bull'-dog v 1 v Bul'let x Bu'reau "y^ 7 ") vjF~l . Bureau'cracy V \i BucTded v-^i V^\,' Bul'letin > v : Bureaucrat'ic '^X Buck'ler v Bullet-proof Vx^ 1 " 1 \??~l Bureaucrat'ical \ , \J^~x Buck'ling Buck'ram \ lf> \ i Buck'skin \ \s \\. Bull'-fight \fMf v V^ Bulr . finch Vy^X \S~\ Bull'-frog N " Bureau'cratist - k Burg ^^ "/ Bun; ~^J i/ 7 Buck'thorn ' Bull'ied >% Burgeois' \ i y f ! Buck'wheat ^' i Bucol'ic \/=> v>7 Bull'ion V - J Bull'ionist ^- Bur'gess <* Bull'ist ^ X Bul'lock "^ ^ Burgh'er f^ %_^ Burg'lar \ \ Bud'ded -I _]' Buddh'a V v \x% Bull's'-eye Bull'y \ Burgla'rious \ s~- **/ Burgla'riously \ \ Buddh'ism V^ 5 ' N. Z/3 Bull'ying *^-" Burg'lar}- "cK ,V Buddh'ist V y' Bul'rush 'X ^ \ xo Burg'mote V ^x Buddhist'ic h ' Bud'ding \v-o \^~\ Bulse ^" Bul'wark 1 ' Bur'gomaster 'S ^ Burke v ,., \v? Burked X V But H " r x/ Butch'er *(f \f-^~^ Cab'ala ^ Burk'er v V y \ v^tT^ Burk'ing \_ X Butch'ered y Butch'cring 1 ~^ a ^~^-^ Cab'alist,list'ic ^ v Burk'ism ,- x -K/ But'ler 7 K "^ But'lerage ' \JP-^ Cabalis'tical ^~V^~\ : ^ Cabal'ler ^ v Cab'alline . ^. . ^~V Cab'aret '\tsu- /| Bur'row \ y \_ But'ton-hole ~j ' ~JZ- But'toning ^ Cachet'ic ' 3^ ^ ^\ Cachet'ical Bur'rowed v vs./ v\./. Bur'rowing Vx \/ Burr'y VRiir'caT- ~,. iiursar Bur sary ^ X Bursch ^ V^ Burst X\, But'tress ~D But'tressed "Xfl \ But'tressing ^ ~t Butts \i _ \i Butyra'ceous ~\l% ~J Bu'tyrine V i XJjn. Bux'eous Cachex'y : ^p j^-* Cachinna'tion s Cach'olong n . Cacique', or Cazique _ ^JT T ~ t Cack'erel Cack'Ic \\ Burst'er 1 Burst'ing ^1 Bux'ine \j_^-^Xj_i-^'' Bux'om ^^_ -= ^ Cackled \X V^^ Bur'then Bur'ton Bux'omly VLJ^J; v Bux'omness r-^_.^~ ; r^~^ Cack'ling Cacochym'ic \.-s- \X S -"*' Bur'y Bur'ying Nv Buy \f N^ Buy'er i -^ " i~T Cac'ochyray Cacoe'thes ^ Bus M Buy'ing y, V BUZZ cr \. (7 Cacog'raphy ^" ' Cacol'ogy V V Bus'by \. ^J Bush \y \ Bush'el V-p Bush'iness Buz'zard Xf, V Buzzed I *^ Buzjzer 1 Vl_ : ~r^C^ p Cacophon'ic i Cacoph'onous i k^^ ] Cacoph'ony Q^/^ Cacta'ceous \ \ Bush'ing ^^ f Buz'zingly 1- '' 1 Cact'us ^ V*a Bush'man \v By D 1 /- i Cad \ \o Bush'y V J Bussed \\v Xv By'-and-by ' ' Bve ; ~~T ""]' Cadav'eric > i vo Cadav'erous (5^ NJO T^ US - ^ ^r isus mess \jx> V Bus'iness-like w V By'-end Xv> ' By'gone ^^ ^ By'-lane ~] . Y ; i Cadav'erously v> v^ , D Cadav'erousness ( ^^ Cad'dis X_v Busk v ' s By'-law i Cad'dy Y- V Busk'et v ^ v By'-name Cade ^"^ Busk'in V/ V Busk'ined "S-^ \ \. By'-path ( \By--play I. r ~l^^. Ca'dence ^j Caden'za ' Busk'y X/ \/ Buss N ^ Bust Xp vv Bys'sine ***-' \ By'stander J ' By'-street --,. .7 Cadet' Cadg'er n H" Ca'di \. Xi Bus'tard ^ 5 Bus'tle ^ \ ^>~,'- wa y " By word Cadillac ' I Cad'mia \i Bus'tled NO^^ Vt- Byzan'tian ^T^ kr^ r* j Cadrman ^) ] Byz'antine CADMIUM 34 CANARD Uv^ r ~l?. Cad'mium ^ Cadu'cean ^ p> ~ r ~\ r n Cadu'ceus i Cadu'cous _.' *^2 Cau'cum Caesu'ra . Cafe \t. ^_i Caffe'ic , , , cv Caffe'ine > Caf'fre v 7 Caftan /^ ^_/ < ^ 1 L_^ Calefac'tion I/'C alefac'tory -^ _/^ ^ a i^ : ' Calendar f^" ^ Cal'ender Cal'endered /^S /T 3 ' Cal'cndcrer ' : Cal'endering (3 /y Cal'ends "> Cal'enture ~7 i Cales'cence ~j^^ r ~li^. Caluin'niutcil ""I **] Calum'niating ~~L^, : ~^A Calumnia'tion u u 1 Calum'niatoi ~JL. ^Ip Calum'niatory ^~*^']/' Calum'nious ~{2-^ a ! ~&^i-? Calum'niously "1. " Caluin'nious- : ~^__ / _/*\- Cal'umny [ness Cal'vary : 3 ^> Calve' 7 / Cage , ' ~7 Caged ' Cag'ing _ /" /* v Cairn <-"> Cairn'gorm .,. """) Cais'son ~^ ' Cai'tiff ^ ^If- Caj'eput V ~ Cajole' :-7 ^7= Cajoled' r " Cajole'ment ff~^ /z-^~- Cajol'er ^ Cajol'ery r ~b^-s Cajol'ing *4 ----- Calf __^- J \ /A, Cal'iber Cali'bre _f? _^-r Cal'ice Cal'ico r^lj ^-^ Calid'ity 4 Caligraph'ic "-^"Vj c v Calig'raphy 9 Calipash' /\. A"\i Calipee' Cal'ipers f\^ ___f\. Ca'liph ' ' ' Ca'liphate C al\i-d rr?.'. Calv'ing ^^-v,:?!^ or c ~^_ Cal'vinism ^^ Ca'lyx "" Cam ^"^ / / * N Cam'ber ^ Cake - 1 . Caked < ~& s*\ Calisthen'ics *-* Cal'iver Cam'bering ^f /-<-> Cam'bial Caking _f\ _/\' Cal'abash S~* i Ca'lix "" Calk " - Cam'bist ' **[ . ~v^ Cam'bistry x ' Cal'abooze i I i Calked Cam binni /T"s ~f~_^_^ Cala'brian ^ '~i~ Calaman'co ~ Calk'er _f~*. , CalTcin ^-^ : '~*NJ Camboose' 1 Cam'brian l ^? ^ Cal'amite Came L r ~2_ Calam'itous 7k ^ Calam'itously "Z^. r jJI Calam'itousness Jr.. or ..^7. Called f~\ S~ cr V : Call'er , ^ __^ Cam 'el " Camp'llia __ / _ v ^ tN : ^T^ Camel'opard -l^f J Calara'ity TJ-- . Cal'amus T*> - > Calash' / - c ~ /"^ Cal'car Cal'carate o o_p Calca'reous 5 t-s^ g ^^^ Calca'reous- ness <^_p n ^, Cal'ceated OM| ^o Calceola'ria o~^i f^-QJ^Cal'ciform 1 Callig'raphy -=- "'-'ir-Call'ing .-^- _^ Calli'ope Callosity __TT Cal'lous X^ _/7>^ Cal'lously = Cal'lousness f- ; "~N Cal'low - Vx ~ Calm ^ g-.. Calmed Cam'eo ^-~~S __^J/f<\ Cam'era Cam'era lucida ^^-S'\__/ Cam'era ob- scura / / a ~ i ,-^-A Cameralist'ic ' '~~^ Cam'era li- ^-.'^ __^J? Cam'erated Camera'tion r-^r~-5 : ^^ ' Cam'let ^ f-

Calcina'tion 1/4 Calcin'atory <^ov - ay Calcine' ^^ __, ^^ Calm'est - Calra'ing s~/~- r^~^ Calm'ly Ca'mous _r-v ^ Camp Campaign' Calcined' ^JZi^> ^5^ Calcin'ing " Calcium -c-_ / Cal'culable N 11 jf Cal'culary e c^.^^ Cal'culate ^^r ^^1 Cal'culated c ^-^n Calculating ^-" Calcula'tion c =7-1 ^.^^ Cal'culative Cal'culator c -c_ ] - c /^? Cal'culatory Calm'ness (^ ^s ' Cal'omel x v Calor'ic _/^S . Calorific f~s V-rj Calorifica'tion : \ \^~~< Calorim'eter ; \ "^T^ Calorimo'tor _S\ S\ Cal'otype ^^X^ *~Y Campaign'er Campanile . ^T^J rx Campanol'ogy * ' Camped ^-"~\. : ~^\ f Camphene' _- Ca'n;ianite -^ Canaanit'ish ~r1 u r ~!>-f' Cana'dian ' /-^ -11* Canaille ' =S Canard' CANAKIN 35 CAPTAINSHIP __^^_, r ~ > 7' Can'akin r ~^^ j5; Canon'icals ' X/?^ \J^ > * f Capar'isoned 1 Canal' ^ - Can'onist Capar'isoning -"Y" K r ^^ Canalic'ulate T-^_ g v- ^P Canoniza'tion r^. \ Cape Cana'ry v Can'onize x v Cap'ellet ~y ._- v , Can'cel ^j^^ 8_^ Can'onized -r'X -r^ Ca'per Can'celate ' Can'onizing Ca'pering ^Jf\ ^^f? Can'celated _^s- ; ^^^^ Can'onry \/- ^\ V^ A Capilla'ceous Cancela'tion 1 ' Can'opied ' Capillaire' . ^a ' ^ . Can'celed ' ^\. __ V ^P Can'opy T ~\^ vr> ' \y- Capil'lament ^-' Can'celing i * Cano'rous I Capillarity : vj?^ " x-P-* Can'cer j-3 ^ Can't : \f/~' \/^L Cap'illary Can'cerate Cant ^i^~x Capil'liform ^jyC, : v-ff^f Cancera'tion Can'cerous " ^9^~^ Can'cerously ^ t Canta'brian J" Cantabrig'ian ; \f~ -, y^ 7 - Cap'ital Capitalist ; ^G ^^ Capitaliza'tion Can'cerous- ~/**\ -Y\ Can'taliver Capitalize : O~~vT ness ^~^ Can'criforra ->_s~^> . \jy Can'crine ' Can'taloupe n. Cantan'kerous Canta'ta \ ' \ Cap'itate .0 Capita'tion ^~ - Cap'itol 1 y 1 Candela'brum , ' ' k Canta'tion ^ Capito'lian v ^-, j^?"^ Cap'itoline V^ ' ' Can'dent .^ Cantatri'ce * ' Capit'ular _ N ^^y^__j=/' Capit'ularly : _^ ^-1 Can'did > 1 *-1 Cant'ed ~^- Capit'ulary Can'didate 1 Canteen' - yf ; ^/f\ Capit'ulate : "rt : Y^~ Can'didature ^T , 3 Can'tel Capit'ulated Can'didly Can'ter _ ,2) Capit'ulating : ^ip r-^i Can'didness r-i : ^, Can'tered '' ^ Capitula'tion Can'died T| Can'tering s^- i^-^ Capit'ulator ; y ~f r'-inVU*. 7 T^ <^an aie * Can'dlemas ' ^P. Canthar'ides Can'tharis "' Capit'ulura \ ' x, Capi'vi ~ ]_: . = Can'dlestick : "" ~^l: Can'ticle V_ ; Cap'lin Can'dor Can'tilate \_ ' V f~^ Cap'nomancy : M ^1 Can'dy ~~~\O s**^ Can'tilation ' /. ' Cap'nomor Can'dying Can'tilever -r< ., Ca'pon pa ~ ra y Cane _,_ ^-y Cant'ing x Capot' Cane'-brake 1 Can'tle ^ y ' \ Capote' _, ^ ( ^ Caned ^"^^1" ^ Can'to s/ Capouch' Canic'ular Can'ton : . t^ Capped ^_y ~^s Canine' T^ __, Can'tonal Cap'per Can'ing -^_p _^, Ca'nis 1 " s ^ Can'toned p Can'toning ^ r-%. Cap'ping Caprice' Can'ister " Can'tonize r-^N^ (\ -c/" Capric'ious _^ ^ Can'ker t^L^ ^. Can'tonment ^^ Capric'iously Can'kered -^_^_, r ~O> CanTcering ^^Vo ^ Can'vas r^^_,^ Can'vass !\ .Q_P ^^\ Capric'iousness ' Can'kerous Can'vassed : i \_^/ ! -"^x Cap'riconi T ~~ t jy_^ ^_ Can'ker-wonn ' ^'Vc^ ' " ^^ Can'vasser ' J Cap'rid Can'kery ^^ Can'vassing ^"'XjJ) "^^Xl Caprifica'tion f^ 7 ~ v- \ Can'nel-coal . io> Ca'ny ^"~V^ Cap'riform ^^-^i ' Can'nibal ^^ S, ^ ^y Can'nibalism 1 Can'non r-xJlJ, Can'yon 7 ^_x, Canzo'ne Canzonet' ./ _ix Caprig'enous i ' * Cap'rine : ^sj . ^-^_< Cannonade' ~^7 ' ~^7, . Caou'tchouc . *\y- '' \ ,k Cap'riole " Cannonad'ed Caou'tchousine Cap'sicuin . ^-^x.^ --' Cannonad'ing r ~ Vjy Cannoneer' ^\ -A\ Cap Capabil'ity \ ' \ Cap'size v) "" Cap'sizcd r-j^-^ ; \j : ~^-^/\ Can'non -proof Can'non-shot y^f r \ Ca'pable ' \ \p Cap'sizing \_, j Cap'stan ~ ^ -j ^ i ""Vp "A Ca'pableness V Ca'pably ^~\ ~/~ Cap'sular 1 ^J>- Cap'sulary or Can not ^7" . *-s Can'nula Can'nular 3 N? Capa'cious #* Capa'ciously ~A5 '"^V" 1 Cap'sulate Cap'sulated ^^. ^. ('an'ny ' Canoe' "3 \p Capa'ciousness * Capac'itate Y^" Cap'sulc . ^> ^-^j^s Can'on Can'oness 1 r A < j Capac'itated J Capac'ity J cr X Cap'tain : ~/~ y ; ^^<_: Canon'ic Canonical ~N V ,?_1/' Cap-a-pie' Capar'ison \ \ Cap'taincy J J . Cap'tainship CAPTION 36 CARTOGRAPHY : . Q Cap'tion ^-^ Cap'tious 1 Cap'tiously Cap'tiousness ~\ Cap'tivate ^1 Cap'tivated ~N Cap'tivating >? Captiva'tion ^X Cap'tive H Captiv'ity " \< Cap'tor i Cap'ture ! ~V. Cap'tured J, Cap'turing -, Capuchin' >* Cap'ulet _/V Car Carabine _jf Carack Caracal _/~l-. Car'acole Car'acoly . Carafe' ' Carat _/\^ > Caravan' Caravaneer' s\ Caravan'sary I Car'avel ?~ < V Car'away *^ ,1 . * Carbine \s ' Carbineer" CarTsolic Car'bon C arbona'ceous CarTionari CarTsonate CarTjonated Carbon'ic Carboniferous 'Carboniza'tion Carbonize Carbonized Carbonizing CarTjoy Car'buncle *~ CarTiuncled Carbun'cular ^~~\^ P Carbuncula'tion -y; ^~\% Car'buret Car'buretted / _ Car'cajou N Car'canet : . j-f-^; Car'cass i- / Car'cinologj- _O_^G~ *f-<~ i_ Carcino'ma 1 o Carcinom'atous __ g-V Card ^* Car'damine v Card'board ^ Card'case __/\ ' r ~\ Card'ed I Card'er F"II_ T' Car'diac * Cardi'acal ~1" Cardiag'raphy "ty -f ^ /CV _ ^ ^*j/' Car'dialgy Cardinal Car'dinalate Card'ing Car'dioid ICardiol'ogy - Cardi'tis Cardoon' Care Cared Careen' Careen 'age Careened' Careen'ing Career' Care'ful Care'fully Care'fulness Care'less Care'lessly Care'lessness Caress' Caressed' Caress'ing Caressingly Ca'ret Care' worn Car'go Car'goose Car'ib Caribbe'an Caribbee' Cariboo Car'icature Caricatured Car'icaturing Caricaturist Car'icous Ca'ries Caril'lon Cari'na Car'inate Car'inated Car'ing Car'iole Carios'ity Ca'rious Cark 9 Cark'ing Car'lings Carlovin'gian *"* Car'man Car'melite Car'niinated Carniin'ative Car'mine Car'nage Car'nal Car'nalist Carnal'ity Car'nalize Car'nalizing Carnally Car'nal-minded Carna'tion Carna'tioned Canie'lian Car'neous _^ ^ . Carney '~~*3 Carnifica'tion ,,, Car'nified ^ Carnity -\^_ Car'nifying ( Car'nival ^> Carniv'ora Carnivorous Carnose' 1 Carnos'ity ( Car'ol Car'oled s\ Car'oling ^ Carot'id n Carous'al Carouse' used' ' Carous'cr ^ Carous'ing Carp \* Car'pal . '. -~fifl Cas'tellany " Cas'tellated r T r ~[S Catarrh' ^ 1 Catarrh'al f^f j^- Car'tridge ** Cart'ulary trcX" C-/V Cart-way Cart-wright ^. _ g -- > Cast'er -" -' Cas'ters ^ . P Cas'tigate Hrj Cas'tigated Catas'trophe 1--4 ^7 Cat'call V^ Catch ^-J x7 Catch'er _/^-A /"^N. Car'uncle : P ^-f Castiga'tion ' V^ Catch'fly Carun'cular /^*r /^"V] Carun'culate ' Cas'tigating ^-f ^ r-P Cas'tigator 77 "/ Catch'ing V^/. Catch'penny Carun'culated ? Carve ^X 1 Castiga'tory ^-^ ^. Castil'ian ^~7 ^~7 Catch'up /\ "^ Catch'word - ' Carved u -" Cast'ing | |^_ Catechet'ic _x\ S Car'vel Y " Car'ver r-P ' P Cast'ing-vote ^6 vi Cast'-iron "L, Catechet'ical 'H '~Lc Catechisa'tion o A. Carv'ing ,- Cas'tle v Cat'echise : Carya'tes 1-6 Cas'tled ~1^ : 1 ./" Cat'echised . /i. Caryat'ic x-*- _/^~' Cas'tlery v v* Cat'echiser " u Car}-at'id r-6 Cast'ling ^ ' | . Cat'echising _/\ . " v Caryatides ' ~.b- Cas'cabel ^-> . p JX, Cas'tor Casto'reum V 2 -' ^ 5 Cat'echism ~~Lo r ~Lp Cat'echist <> t f~ Cascade' ' 1 ' o Cascaril'la : sit- : ~*IX Cas'tor-oil l -|y Castrameta'tion T . Catechist'ic i ~[ i _ ""L^S Cat'echu ^ Case __(). r-6|. Cas'trate " ' Catechu'men Cased /I yl Case'harden TO J ""^~O X.^ y-x ,1 Jf Case hardening 'l Cas'trated .61- ~ |J 1-) Cas'trating u Castra'tion '-7f~ v - : ' '' Catechumen'ic | ,_^.^_^ Catechumen'- -^-\_ Ca'seine = 61^- _^2 Cas'trel ical ~*^* v Case'-knife r ~ : o Cas'ual Lf_ji _r Categoremat'ic . _, -~. Case'mate , O 1 O 1 y~- * J Case mated ^ : \ Cas'ualty r ^> I- ./" Cas'uist . ' Categor'ical _p_a i_^. Cat'egorize _ _ -nj-^-i Case'ment Case'mented ""^i .^ Ca'seous ** Cas'ern . - ~-~) Case-shot : > ^7) . \ Casuist'ic vn- '' <*" Casuist'ical LJ *-* 'I Casuis'try ~. '~Lp Cat if Catacaustic Cat'egory _^_. ^> ^-. Catena'rian ^r^r Cat'enary r-^j^. Cat'enate ^^ Cat'enated Cash n .-"M* . Catachre'sis -^r) ~z*\ Catcna'tion T~) "^7 Cash'-account Catachres'tic Ca'ter A=> \ ' Cash'-book ^ ' [' ^ Cat'aclysm _^ ~^\>^ Ca'tered , 7 Cashed ' ' 3 ~^ i Cat'acomb Ca'terer J S r* l_ r \ Cashew ~J ^1 Cashier' JS a Cashiered' .IV ~~j' p . Catacous'tics "Lo -|_s Catadiop'tric -HI -H] Ca'teress ) Ca'tering =~1 . ^- Cat'erpillar ^~J^ Cashier'ing "Xy ' [_. . Catafalque' \/\ Cat'erwaul >\ Cash'ing Catagmat'ic _o .i v Gates r ~~) ^ ^~~)-^^ Cash'-keeper _. -. .jf 2 Cat'agraph v - y Cat'fish * '^ v ^\ Cash'mere Cat'alan : ~[_ ji/v^j, Cat'gut "37 p. Cash'oo _j^~^~\- ^/^XD Catalec'tic CatTiarpings "*' Cas'ing Catalep'sis ^T'O (^ : Cathar'sis _ CL -, r- Casi'no _/^\ _y^ = Cat'alepsy Cathar'tic ' ' Cask ) ' Catalep'tic ~7 ^ . 'TJ Cath'artical . fr 'V Cask'et ., y 1 Cat'alogue Cat'head * Cas'pian x ' Cat'alogued : 7- , Cathe'dra r-^ r H? Casque ^/~ _yT>-' Cat'aloguing (n- V I Cathe'dral ' Cassad'a Catalo'nian ' ' v 'Cath'eter o rf Cassa'tion ^ Cassa'va _./O _yl . CatalVsis Catalyt'ic Cr or C Cath'olic . i" ^TTX-. Cas'sia ' ' Cas'simere _s-^/> . . Catamaran' Catame'nia ~^i5^ (>q Catholicism -' Catholic'ity r -, rl Cas'sius Q - /1 Cas'sock *-^~Zt-f' _.^ Catame'nial A Cat'amount ^~T/\ ' (/^~* Cathol'icize " ") Cathol'icon , ^ Cas'socked : ~ :S \^ N ^Q Cat'apasm /nj" _/^~^ " Catilina'rian Cassonade' ^ x Catapet'alous Cat'ilinism ,/ _= Cas'sowary - . r^N^ Cataphon'ics "~| _y N - > Cat'kin -^ ----- Cast ^ Cat'aphract ' Cat'ling ""So -~P- Casta'lian r:t s r ^ -^ v Cat'aplasm _^ r^^\ Cat'ment " ^~1 Castanet' ' v Cat'apult " Cat'nip -f> _=, Cast'away r ^\Vl T Catapult'ic i- .-^L~^ Cat'onian -'- Caste ' - Cat'aract r Cat-o'-nine- ^3 Cas'tellan ; T Cataract'ous V\, Catop'tric [tails 448^57 CATOPTROMANCY 38 C EXT RI CITY r A >/1 _ _o_ p Catop'tromancy l- '^\ Cat's'-paw "V 7 \^j^ Cav'ernous Cav'esson ^^ . A1 Cel'lular 6 s Cel'lulated Cat'sup =~[ H" Cat'tlc J. Cat'tle-show t^ \ r Cauca'sian _ " l " r ~\f Cavet'to ^^\ Caviare' " ' C Cav'icorn f Cav'il tf^ >V Ccl'lule ^" Cellulif'crous Cel'lulose / Celt ' ' " Cau'cus i I i 1- Cau'dal ^ > Caviled Cav-iler ~^j 7 rl Celtibe'rian L - ' Cel'tic Cau'date i |- i f Cau'dated Cau'dle "b V Cav'iling T* Cav'il ingly -?3s 'H Celt'icism J Celt'ish 6^-M. Cement' p^ T Cauf .,. Cav'in Cemcnt'atory ^^^' ( i Caul \~f /~jf Caules'cent | v Cavy j 1 Caw rf-^x. Cement'er cr< -^ Cement'ing ** , ' Cau'licule -__ 1 Cawe,! <5 ^1 ^-c Cementi'tious x 'v _^"'^Caulic'ulous j Caw'ing oJ' *^ Cem'etery j ' Caulif'erous /'Vv _^X_ Cau'liflower 2 Cawk ^ Cax'ou ^ p-^A Cen'atory v ] Cen'obite 1 A\ ' N '^ Cau'liform ^ Cayenne' di>\ ,1i>i- Cenobit'iral Cay'man J ' /~-' n ^) : c f^ 1 r V.. y i ., Caulk Cazique (' -S] Cau'sal \ ) Cease Cen r ro-'- Causal'ity a- " Ceased <5_ov Cen'ser ./-\ e Cau'salty 1 ' Causa'tion ^ y" Cease'less 0' Ceasc'lessly "^ ^^" x Cens'ing $_f Cen'sor i~=^ -, P Cau'sative J ' ^L Cau'sativcly j p-p Cause t V Ceas'ing 1 Ce'city a Ce'dar <^ 1 Censo'rial /" Censo'rious Pjx> Censo'riously Caused ' - 1 Ce'dared \X_9 O^P/^ Censo'riousness _g ,~- Cause'less q P Ce'dani ''*' Cen'sorship i r~ 6 Cause'lessly J ' Cede i Cen'sure ^- ^ Ccn'sured i-f pf Cau'seyed Causid'ical T S Ce'drat Ce'drine i Cen'snrer Q Cen'suring ; ^ pf Caus'ing j x-^- Ce'dry "5^ ^^ Cen'sus Caus'tic Ceil V Cent P _n 1 , Caustic'ity P ' \ V? Cau'ter A ^'"^ Ceiled Ceil'ing 4\ Cent'age ^^- Cen'taur Cau'terant , y-^1 Ccl'andine > Cen'taur)- i \ / ^^ *~\& Cau'terism ' Cel'ature .^^ /. Centenarian Cauteriza'tion & >- Cau'tcrize * Cau'terized 6 r^s fo Cel'ebrate x^"- Cel'ebrated ^ < *^/~ Ccnten'nial o^ Centes'imal i \,9~' >~}S' Cau'terizing Cau'tery j- 3 ' Cel'ebrating v- r \. Celebra'tion 6 '\ Cel'ebrator % <>J -^fj^> Ccntesima'tion Centifo'lious <^~ i N Cen'tigrade ' Cau'tionary >- c v }^ Celeb'rity ' Ccn'tigram p > Cau'tioned .1. 5 Cele'riac .- : "-"L^,, Centil'itre , Cau'tioner ,[y\ ^y Celer'ity ^f ~" Centime' _D- t~J Cau'tioning v Cau'tious \^~: ' 7, Cau'tiously rr. Cel'ery >r C^~ Celest'ial %-> Q> ^ Centim'eter 1 Cen'tiped Q ~ L 7* ( Cau'tiousness ^~~\^T-I -~^j^~^ Cavalcade' 6T?< )>- (>' Celest'ialize J " n'tral l-t-j' Central'ity Cavalier' vro /" Cel'estin ' -1 Centrali/a'tion ' ^^^,^-^-v^ / - Cavalier'ly J- Ce'liac Q-:^ Q-^ Cen'tralize v Cav'alry ^X "X Cel'ibacy " Cen'tralized _-,- ' X^ Cavass' J | Cel'ibate ^~^ty Cen'tralizing Li Cavati'na 6T_ ^- Celidog'raphy ^-S Cen'tre 3 "-T? Cave ^\ : ^ Cell 1 Cen'trebit | Ca'veat s-s 6 Cel'larage o_._ x _ : Cen'tric Cav'ern '/~~* /* Cel'laret v_^ Cen'trical t> Cav'ernod ' ST Cel'larist |J_ Centrip'etal K Ces'tus Cham'bered ' / s^-, Chamlaerlain QjH O ^-1/3 Centu'rial Ceta'cean Chamljer-maid bf n Centu'rion .R .p . Ceta'ceous __^-^> /^r. Chameleon C_>) > . ^7 Cen'tury o/. Cet'ic ^\ Cham'fer ^2 Cephalal'gic ^/ Ceph'alalgy Cephalic p-^o Cephal'opod f ?^, Ce'tine >d - ' ;"> Cham'pioned v l Cer'asite / /' Chaff ' Cham'pioness o> .^ Ce'rate Ce'rated ^~ Chaff-cutter /; / Chaffed /C ,. Cham'pionship ^? c/ " Chance \ - , Cer'atrine V Chaffer > Chanced I ^* Cerbe'rean ~ Cer'berus /' r/' Chaffered S^ Chafferer / ^ Chan'cel Nf ( Chan'cellor py" & . " Cere . ,As Ce'real J' 1' Chaffering V ^/ Chaffinch / /. / Chancellorship V^' CP' <* Chan'cery ^ Cerebel'lum / k. Chaffy _J ' Chanc'ing JV/" ,-v , Cer'ebral Vj ' Chafing ^_^ / Chan'cre G-^^> *^' Cer'ebrum ^~ 5~? Chafing-dish , Chan'crous *! c^ Cere'cloth *" Cere'ment ^IJ? ." Chagreen' (" Chandelier' _^~? Chagrin' f Chand'ler 8! Vf>w' V~-^ Ceremo'nial Chagrined' (\ f. Chandlery ^y ""cK Ceremo'nialism ^ (/. Chain f y Change *L \^^ Ceremo'nious Y^ Ceremo'niously o Cer'emony o-^r ^-- / Ce reous Chained / A Chain'ing (/ ~-' i ,-,, . ~-^ Cham-pump / <6p 1 Chain-shot / O. Changeability /\ Chalcog'rapher f'^-' 1 Chang'er / ,. f . Changing / Sr v.- Chan'nel ' Y ' Channeled *^y ^^ Cer'tainly] ^ ; TT. ^~[f- Chalcog'raphy A J' Chan'neling ' Cer'tainty Chalda'ic \^ " Chant -a- * Hy/- cx\^ Cer'tes Certificate iTV- c i Chal'daism *^ J<- Chalde'an J- f Chant'ed J Chant'er 6-V j v Certifica'tion | c i />i^ Chaldee' /j J' Chant'iclcer Cer'tified ' Chal'dron ^jl Chanting oA_^ CPA^ Cer'tifier v Cer'tify L. A> Chalet' ^ ' ' Chal'ice /' /' Chant'ress H 1. Chant'ry o\v . Cer'tifying /^- A Chal'iced ") ~*7] Cha'os Cer'titude * Chalk ~ Chaot'ic CN> Ceru'lean /> /* Chalked /' ; Chap " ^ x Ce'ruse ^ Chalk'iness \ " Chap'eau . oA^ Ce'rused /N / x Chalk'ing / y Chap'el <^\ Cer'vical " Chalk-pit \ XX 1 - Chap'elry ^-j Cer'vine /%, /s Chalk-stone j ,. /^ / Chap'eron oAo Cesa'rean J- . Chalk'y K.^ \S- V, Chap 'fallen 1- V \ Ces'pitose TV. ^ Ces'pitous o Ces'sant />/'/' Challenge C/ 7 Ci-y Chal'lengeable 7 \ Challenged 6 -I Chapiter <. ./' J' Chaplain >; \ . Chaplaincy V V Cess'ion n 7 1 .^j Challenger -^ Chaplainship Cessa'tion Ces'sionarj- CL^ ^j . ^1 Challenging ' Chalj-b'eate y /' Chaplet \ So Chap'man CHAPPED 40 CHIEF / /' Chapped V \. Chap'py ^ .-^ Chas'ing Chasm Ai/ / Cheese-mong'er x> Cheese -press / /' /' Chaps < \ Nly Chap'ter ! / Chasseur N Chaste / / Chees'v .) .[' Chee'tah ^ \ K Chap'trel / / Char (a fish) \ 1 Char (to work bi s ~*~] r c the day) Character < 1 <= Charac- {\, or ff- Chaste'ly /. /. Chast'en <*-; * Chast'ened L/- Chast'ener *-^^ Chast'ening J. / ^ Chef-d'oeuvre' J- ^-: -^(^ Ch e ;goe V, . Cheirop tera /^ ^^^ Cheirop'terous yK Chem'ic ^ J^ Chem'ical ~" terist'ic ,/ J Chastise' Chemise' -- 1 Characteriza'- tion b v V Chastised' / c/' Chas'tisement ^4 Chemisette' !| ^ Chem'ist = 1v i- ' \ v Characterize 1 Characterized = TV c ^,0 Characterizing ** Char'acterless J, J^ Chastis'er /. / /. Chastis'ing [ v d Chas'tity ^ * Chas'uble i-^n /. Chem'istry ' ' ~ Cheque A 7V Charade' / " ) Chat ^3 /xfl Cher'ished 1 Char'coal |- Chateau' ^ Cher'isher / /. Chard 7' V' Chat'elaine j . Cher'ishing 7 A Chare [z* fr Chat'ellany '<* ' Cheroot' I/I l/l Charge / / Chat'ted A c-, / Cher'vil / IX Chariot % ^ Charioteer' {/ Cheap'en J> Cheap'ened V. * Chess o^ ^ Chcss'-board , . Char'itable '\ Vj Charitableness / ^/ Cheap'ener \_> > Cheap'ly ^^ ' Chess'-man / / Chest fa J\S Char'ity ' Charivan' py ^Y_. Char'latan ' Charlatan'ic T^Tp.^ y^\ Charlatanism '-^- Char'latanry f ^ Char'lock / / Cheap'ness \_p * Cheat .V_ Check'er-work / / Chewed " x Chew'ing /" / Char'on S Charred _ ZL^ Check'ing Check'mate / / Chib^al \ \_J Chibook' />. CharYing ^ Charry /_ / Check'mated t^^TN ( c. . . . . Check mating ) . J . Chicane' * j ^X,-' f^, , Lhican er / A Chart S Char'ta /. . / Check'string ^U Cheek J_. 1 Chican'ery ^ / Chich l/\* /I Charta'ceous oJ \ Char'ter /. o Cheek'-tooth ~) / .7 Cheer / ' / Chich'ling J~*> ' ~ Chick / /. Chartered C Cheered / A Chic-k'en 1 \X Char'terer ~c/ r* 7 Cheer'er ^\ D Chick'en-pox A, Char'ter-party AM ^ Chart'ism % ^s- Cheer'ful J r L~ Chcer'fulness J . /. Chick'ling \- Chiok'pea /H Chart'ist "^ Chartom'eter ' ^ Cheer'ily 7 Cheer'iness / / . Chick'weed -* t ' Chic'ory /^ Char- woman *^ ^' Cha'rv V= Cheer'ing J ZT, Cheer'ingly / / Chid 1 vl Chide J Chas'able \ Chase V * Cheer'less L>. / Chee'ry ' / / Chid'ed 4 $ Chid'er /. J. Chased > Chaser 6> Cheese ^^i Cheese'-cake C/ Chid'ing * Chief CHIEFLY 41 CHRONOGRAM f Chiefly Chieftain Chieftainship Chiffonier' ^^""1 ^ I Chirog'raphis v s v~ x Chirog'raphy /7 J\f Chirolog'ical ~v\ v C ' Chirol'ogy 'i-/ 1 r^ Cho'ralist Chord Chord'ed Chord'ing ^ Chig're y^~y x^ : Chi'romancy 6 -r^ Chore J 1 X Chil'blain V N / ~7~^ Chiroman'tic Chore'us \ Child /v^ ^_ / -"xChironom'io _^_. s' ^ ChoriamTiic / ChildTbed "V^' "v^ x Chiron'omy ~T^** I " Choriam'bus N Child'birth /^ /^s Chi'roplast -S' -J' Cho'rion v V r' Childe V s V N I Chirop'odist i Cho'rist r , i $ \ Child'hood Child'ing Child'ish Child'ishly Child'ishness Childless * < < < i / Chirp Chirped Chirp'er Chirp'ing Chir'rup Chir'ruped 'r Chil'dren A / " Chis'el o Q_ ,/ Chos'en ] Chilese' 7 U Chis'eled / k Chough - (^ Chis'eling Chis'leu Chis'ley (/ O ^4 Chouse Choused Chow'der Chil'iasm f. -'' Chit Chrematis'tics ^ ./ Chill Chilled Chil'liness Chit'-chat Chit'terlings Chival'ric ^O cms^" Chrestom'athy Chrism Chris'mal ^v Chilling Q-A) Chlo'ride cr-S-^\^ Christening /v > Chim'er , vl i Chlo'rine ^T or c Christ'ian Chime'ra - f - /. Chlo'rite ^ Chimer'ical Chim'ing Chim'ney Chim'ney-board Chim'ney-piece Chim'ney-pot Chim'ney-sweep Chimpanzee' Chin 'fl'i* . * 1 f ^-^ Chlorit'ic Chlorodine' Chlo'roform /. Chlorom'eter Chlorom'etry Chloro'sis Chlo'rous Chock Choc'olate Choice ^.fr. "CB^- ' r ~S'' C^ V ^AC^ Christianity Christianiza'- tion Christianize Christianized Christianizing Christ'ianly Christ'mas Christ'mas-box A 6: -\< Chi'na-aster _; Chin'capin 6 ^ A_ Choir Choke Choked n ^7 Christ'mas-day Christol'ogy Chro'mate a /, Chin'cough ^~i- Choke'-damp Chok'er 1 * Chromat'ic Chromat'ics ' y Chined A. A Chok'ing cy^~^-0 Cl- ; "' r v_- Chromatog'ra- 6^ Chinese' ^^^ / Chink r (^ ^~< Chok'y Chol'era ^7 ^ phy Chro'matology Chrome / / J^, . n . J: ^S*'~ f~* \ . Chol'eraic _ Chro'mic O L-fiink mg 1 /~~ J ^ ' /--! 1 t Chol'eric l^ =7^^" Chro'mium J. y L-hink. y Chinned f^~L, ' __ &. 4 Choose Choos'er ^^f" Chro'mograph Chro'mo-lith- 4 ( L,ninse / / Chintz > ( Chip Choos'ing Chop ^r^ og'raphy Chro'mosphere ( < /' < Chipped Chip'per Chip'ping Chip'py c$c c < Chopin' Chop house Chopped Chop'per Chop'ping f-^1 r^ Chron'ic : Chron'ical .cn::^"^ Chron icle Chron'icled Chron'icler _^f r ~ __^ Chira'gra /-O -// Chops ^^-eJb c^-*_-. Chron'icles v Chi'rograph < \p ^L- Chop stick Chron'icling _^~ ' Chirog'rapher L Chorag'ic /i r 1 r-N^^r-^J ^ C hron'ograph Chirograph'ic -^ Choral Chron'ogram CHRONOGRAMMATIC 42 CIRCUMSTANCE c-^- 1 : Chronogram- ' mat'ic *\ ?-^ Cicatri'sive Cicatriza'tion \ cx^~\: Circu'ity T] N Cir'culable i ' Chronog'rapher n S x - J lu Cic'atrize " Cic'atrized j*-~ -. .A Cir'cular 1 yS^ ' Circular'ity c-j-"V^. ^~*~1 Chronog'rapliy >\Chronol'oger r7^-Y f- J-V Chronolog'ic ~^y Cicero'ne "^ Cicero'nian n ./ Cichora'ceous ^x^ \x~- oX* 1 " Cir'cularly Cir'culate .^c x_. Circulated ^ ^ " " Circulating > X*-53 o/^n Circula'tion Cir'culative < _ ( i-_^ N 7"^" 1^ Chronom'eter Chronomet'ric P 1 Cich'ory <\ Cid <>xS-iv.. x ' [/ Cil'iated Cili'cian ;*T Cili'cious o" Cil'iojjrade o/ y^ v^ . Circumterr ^/' ] Cir'cumflect x o /^ Circumflex v_^o ^A^9 Circum'fluence / /, Chub'by "O ^"^ Cima o^< x Circum'fluent X- " Chuck . - ? > ^i> ^i^Vo Circum'flnous ^ / Chucked <5~~<\ . Circumfu'sile - Chuck'led PW-hn'na -/ ^^ Circumfu'sion / / Chuck'ling ' ffl - ' Chuff A /- . Chuf'fily V 3 Chuf'finess / A Chuf'fy *\ . ^^ v_,incno na '" Cincho'nia ^Cin'chonine Cinct'ure . Cinct'ured X ' rSnMor- V3 /." Circumgy'rate o^v Cin'erary Cmera tion <><_-. Circumnav'ig- >-<. abl,- ''^^-q Circumnav'igate *' Cin'nabar _*> 9 y Church'warden fa / r~~ Church'yard J *1 Churl ^o ^O-r Churl'ish ^ ^V^ Cin'nabarine ;< ^_ J , Circumnaviga- Cin'namon ' 1 tor ^^^ Cin'namonic O> V* Cinque v \ U Circumrota tion Churl'ishly 3o /K- Churl'ishness T i^" Churn ^XP ^" Cinque'-foil <5 Cinque'-ports \T fi f*~ VvlX' Circumro'tary o^^ Circumscrib'- / fisf Churned v Cipher - v ^ able Churn 'ing J- 5~.. 7'.!,' 3 j //_ o \ Circumscribe' 5 - Chyla'ceous ^ v Circumscribed' V^ ' Chyle ^/? c \_ 3 Cip olin o-fi i\(y6 v Circumscrib'er /\ __y\^ Chylifac'tion Circassian "^ v^^ Circumscribing ~3 '^ L Chylifac'tive X^ _^K Chylif'erous. 0^^ o jSy- Circe'an cv^o-^ Circumscrip'- ' Cir'cinal tion Chyl'ous _^ ^v Chj-me ^-3 Chj-mifica'tion ^ ,c/ Cir'cinate Circle ^x 1 -^^. Cir'cled >c ~\ o/o Circumscrip'tive (,. vu Circumspect s-< v \J > Chym'ify QS~ ' Cir'cler ^ o^s. Circumspec'tion ^ Ciba'rious ./v . CirVlet . >-a 'j. Circumspec'tive V *k/^ Cib'ol ^* *^ Cibo'rium v as Cir'c 'it** \+f~' Circumspect'ly Q-, ?-^. Cica'da - ^ Cir'cuited o-'is Cir'cumspect- 1 ' Cic'atrice o\ ^ Circu'itous ^^N^ 1 ness ?-"1. Cic'atrisant ^ ~^)f~- Circu'itously o/a. or P Cir'cumstance CIRCUMSTANCED 43 CLEANNESS f' or d Cir'cumstanced (^ Q_^ Civil'ian |1_ Civil'ity c_/V 5 _^VL Clarified \ Clar'ifier Class o/^ x' Circumvec'tion ^"^2 Circumvent' Clad c_^ CT ~ C "\ Claim -- Classed !H? ^ n ^ Class'ible &s? ^/ Circumvent'ed ^" | *-v3 Circumven'tion Claim'able r c ^ Claim'ant c_e_. ?-e_^ Clas'sical A^_ C Circumven'tive ^\t " Circumvest' Claimed , .-^ c _^^ Claim'er Claim'ing -' Classical'ity ?- ?-? Clas'sicist 4 ^ = Classit'ic o-^/O o/f/i Circumvola'tion >JV Circumvolve' r s^' - x^S Clain'oy'ance " ' Claii"\ - oy'ant ? ^ =,,0^ Classifica'tion *- Clas'sified o/:*.-. >| Cir'cumvolution f-^~~- c_. o Clam JHJv s^v. Clas'sifier V I Cir'cus z/\^ ^*. Cirrif'erous ' Cla'mant "H^ ^-^ Clam'ber ^\ Clas'sify ^-^/ *-%_, Classifying ""^ Cir'riform Clam'bered - Class'ing o^p ^\ Cirrig'erous | Cir'riped ?-^^^ F ^ Clam'bering Clammed ^-O , _ Clas'sis - Class'man _^ Cir'socele <^-*~~~~ e_,-v^ Clam'oring f-*i^- , ^~N^ Claus'tral Cisal'pine ' Clam'orous 1 Claus'ular ^) \. Cisatlan'tic p : ' Cismon'tane t^> * ^ Clamp Clamped ^TV Vv Cla'vate | l Cla'vated ^ } Cis'soid Cist c_^~.^ t_, Clamp'ing c_3 I 'fC\ Clave J Cist'ed Clan ^-^-^L^ ^~'L r - Clandes'tine Clav'elated ^T' / ^~V . Clav'iary Cister'cian ^. Clandes'tinely Clav'ichord c* .^, f) Cis'tera *** " Cis'tic F->^ f ~-1 Clang ' Clanged r-y^ c~~\^_f~~\ Clav'icle Clavic'ular f vP Cit 'X Cit'able ^^_ xs _ / ? "^ / Clang'ing =r \^_ V^o Cla'vier f- P. Cit'adel f u Cita'tion ^J' ? s_/ Clan'gorous 1 Clank ;= ~V f Clavig'erous JJ> ' ~" Claw vP' V P Ci'tatory !>-- Cite ^ __ "^-x^/ Clanked Clank'ing = i c Clawed 1 ..'. Claw'ing V P ,9 Cited ^^^ i^^_^/. Clan'nish ==-] Clay 1 Cit'er Clan'nishly " ' Clayed P P Cit'ing ?-r>| ^^ Clan'ship ^_a c . Clayes v i tx Cit'izen -' Clans'man " Clay'ey P Q c Cit'izenship ^-X ^N., Clap c <= Zj Clay'ing L^ > .J. Cit'rate Clap'-board Clay'ish \ Cit'rene c t_i\ Clapped c_H- S^. Clay'more ^ Cit'ric X Clap'per '' Clay'-pit Cit'ril f *\ ^^ Clap'perclaw <^_j c., Clean 3 .^ Cit'rine f Clap'ping Cleaned Cit'ron 1 Civ'et <^^ N- c A Clap'-trap k^ ^ Clarencieux c_^_.. - Clean'er Clcan'ing /" /- s~~? Clean'lily V Clar'et c/'- y. / Clean'ly, Civ'il f f /\_. Clar'ichord Clean'ly, adv. ^*%j* Civ'il-engineer ^^ Clarifica'tion ^^sj Clean'ness CLEANSE 44 CO ADJUTANT r _ -^ ,- Cleanse _> c-v -/ Clime Tl Vi Clothes'-line Cleansed ' Clinch ' c ~ v: -S^~ Cleans'er Cleans'ible d_, c -^? Clinched Clinch'er ^TT f \~V'S~ Cloth'ing \*~- V Clot'poll ^nj. c ^ Cleans'ing c ~~-f , l . t Clinch'ing ^ ^. Clot'ted " Clear "~ \. Cleaning *-^- ^~^- CHnk ^~\A c ~~l Cloud'ily " 30 Clear'ing-house Clinked A S- S? Cloud'iness c "x^ c N Clear'ly " - Clear'ness o__i z-^-r. Clink'er Clink'ing '~~\ TT> Cloud'ing AU Af- Cloud'lcss e -s , Clear'-sighted '& ^ Cleat ^i_^^ <^-iy : Clinom'eter Clinomet'ric ~\ / ff' ' : ~~\ Cloud'lessly *-'' *! Cloud'y c ~\r c_3 Cleav'age 7 ' Cleave ^ i .< c \ Clinomet'rical ^^ Clip __3 <^- Clough ' A Clout u c- 1 ^ Cleaved c , c c\ Clipped i^-. c_. Clout'ed Cleav'er > Clipper A Clout'ing c _ 3 =-7 Cleav'ing ' C ledge ^-\ . . Clip'ping Clique 5^^ 'VVi Clout'-nail Y | Clo'vate =-r u Cledg'y c 7 ,. . Cliqu'ish c_j Wo Clove * Clef *^ Cliqu'ism 1 Clo'ven ,. . Cleft " Cleg ^-JN c ~v Cli'vers d H Cliv'ity c -j-\ ^ e-j^ Clo'ven-foot'ed ^jl Clo'vcr <^TN ^^> Clem'atis o /. Clem'ency c V-1 Cloak 1 ' Cloaked ^ ^ .. Clo'vered 1 A Clown C _ J ^ ^^^^l Clem'ent c c Cloak'ing ^-vii "^-^JSj Clown'ish Clem'entine ' .1 clock ^ '2ff Clown'ishness ""ha- ^~^\,, Clep'sydra F r ^<~ f ^ Clock'-maker e_ 5-1 Cloy .1 '/' Clere'story Clock'-work * ' Cloyi-d yl y] C ler'cfy J^-i f-i Clod o_ "^A. Cloy'ing Clergyman 1 ' Clod'dy ---- /X Club "^\^ *_: Cler'ic "^ Cler'ical fn T~1 ClodTiopper K X Clod'pate c^^ ^V, Clubbed ^^ "^ Club'bist ^-V_ !L -A_, Clerk P~l e__ Clod'pated "^-v c \J f Club'-footed ^/ Clerk'ship "vH ,., \-* Clod'poll ^-l 'v! A Club'-house c _jA-j > ^-^ Cler'omancy Clev'er "y- "^Vo Clev'erly Clev'erness 1 N/ 'Cloff f ^i Clog 1 Clogged = _-, - ^- Clog'giness c -s^'^v / 1 Club'-law ' "'' Club'-room = U = -, Cluck 1 Clucked ^-i . "-V Clev'is "^ Clev'y i c . Cluck'ing Clue Clogging f r 5^ Clog'gy ^_ Clew Clois'ter c_Av - ^f^ Clump ~ Click -* ^ Clois'teral Clum'sily c i .-,_ Clicked ' -* ' Clois'tered i . , J-. Clum'siness " Click'er 5/-61 = _ _ Clois'terer ' ^^ } Clum'sy = j c Click'et "^\ ' Clois'tering c ~ v -4 , Clunch Click'ing ,_ ,. f> Clon'ic ' "^^^ Clung c_^ <^^^ Cli'ent ' ' ' Close, v. .^-. c__ Clus'ter *^ Cli'ented Cliflf ^ 'rXr Close, atij. i 1. Close'bod'ied ' Clus'tered ,si. *-& Clus'tering Clift ^Tf ^x-: Closed Clr. C ~*^ T. ^^ Climacter'ic : v Cli'mate "7" Close'ly c_Dp ^- x Close'ness =77 ^ Clutch / ^' Clutched c _ y ^__. c -^ . Climat'ic 1 ' T Clos'er V c Clutch'ing v Climat'ical < V~ 4 ~|y ^^v^^lv Cli'matize f-f ^ P Clos'et * Clos'eted "I Clut'ter c_n ^-f\ Clut'tered ^ Cli'matized l^f c_oj Clos'eting Clut'tering "v^^A. -<^CI Climatog'raphy ! " Clos'ing <^,~^ -^ Clys'mic Climatol'ogist C r9 f" Clos'ure ' Clyster c_fY7 e ^~^ Climatol'ogy X -- Clot ~~\7 ~<7 Coach v ' l ' "" Cli'mai fx f-7 Clot^ur ^ Coach'-horse ^v V^ Climb ^ ^ Cloth i/ , _> Coach'man ' Climb'able rr ^, Clothe ^* Co-ac'tion c_^ c _ -^ Climbed V Clojhed - ( ' "I ^T- Co-ac'tive * v Climb'er c ^-^ Climb'ing "jr "77 Clothes vs *V Clothes'-basket 1 ^~ Coadjust' ~\7 Coad'jutant COADJUTOR 45 COG-WHEEL 7^7 Coadju'tor Jj Coadju'trix w~ 1 " ' Coc'cyx i l^^" ~^\_y~^) Cod'ling * Co-effi'ciency ~4\^ . /\ C oadven'ture P7 (^ Coch'ineal W.7^ > Co-effi'cient i " Coag'ulable 77^ ' Coch'lea ; ^ Cce'liac . ^ :_<^ Coag'ulant 1 " ' Coag'ulate , (? Coch'lean ^ 'i-p 1 Co-emp'tion 1 I Co-e'qual . /Tl . r- Coag'ulated 1 ' " Coag'ulating /~^ V>.- Coch'leariform i TC^/1 T~> Co-equal'ity Coerce' ._ /O . /I Coagula'tion / ^ Coch leary -p>. ""> Coerced' 1 " i " Coag'ulative \ * ' " Coch'leate 1 %r Coerc'ible f. -/'Coag'ulator Coch'lite """X. /K_P~*~\^ Coerc'ibleness i " i -' Coag'ulatory ' * ' Cock i' 7 ^ Coerc'ing .-^ 17] Coag'ulum ^ n j ^j Cockade' ^_/> >^ Coercion , ' [ Co-aid' Cockad'ed ' ' Coercive' /^~ (\inl- j ^1 i 1 Cockatoo' ~^~\ . "* 'j , Coessen'tial i Coal ^ Cockatoon' ^^ ii J Coextend' fZ f*^ Co-ally' -< i Coal'-raine 1 1 . Cock'-eyed v| ' ^ Cock'-fight -^ P -^ P Coexten'sion vO ^*^_ Coexten'sive __/^- (~- Coal'pit ' Coal'y 1 ^k Cock'-horse - 1 - Cock'ing f-i n. 2 Coffee ^ ^ A Coffee-house ^.^p ~^~\ Coam'ings 1 Coapta'tion i c c_ Coc'kle ----- Coc'kled i V r- \ Coffee-pot ^ ' Coffer "7"\_ n Coarcta'tion b r Coarse c_ ^~ Cock'ling .'- i ^ Cock'-lott =>.- ^ Coffer-dam ' Coffered ,/' i U- Cock's\vain Cogged * Coast'-line Cock'-tail p*" i Cog'ger ~ifo ~ Coast'wise i ' "i i >^ Co'coa Cog'ging *% Coat __ Tl Coat'ed Co'coa-nibs i i y i = Co'coanut H7 ry '~7 Cog'itable '< 7 I Cog'itate ' Coatee' Cocoon' Cog'itated ' " Coat'ing Coax a __j/ Coaxed ^j,. j L^ Cocoon'er}' Coc'tile 2 ] I Coc'tion r/ 7-7 f Cog'itating ft Cogita'tion L. Cog'itative 1 ~i Coax'er Cod ^ c^ Coax'ing T f~T Co'da v ' ~""Y Cognac ' ^11 Coax'ingly Cod'dle Cog'nate 1 \ "T~ Cog'nateness ' Co'balt '"' Cod'dling Cogna'tion T\^l T\^| Cobal'tic T| "TJ A Code "^>-^ i ~^^ Cogni'tion Co'baltine Code'ine Cog'nitive i V . i ^ Cob'bing "71 ^ i \{J Co'dox i ^v/^ ^^_pji Cog'nizable N Cob'ble Cod'fish ' Cog'nizance r PX Cob'bled i *) r~}*~ Cod'ger _ v _5> ; xj> Cog'nizant 1 X ^ Cob'bler ' ' Cod'icil v Cog'nize i~X Cob'bling > ~' > CobT)y / "Tl _^ Codicil'lan- JZ, lrT ^ Codifica'tion i "- ^V ^^X Cognizee' '- i ' Cognizor' i \_. "i V Cob'nut H X Cob'web il ' ' ' Cocagne' Tl^ ^TL^ Codil'la ' * ' Cognom'inal j c^ Cocciferous Codille' f^ Cog'-wheel i COHABIT 7\^ ^:^ -^--^ 1 1 -j9 -rf-* S,- L Cohabit Cohabitant Cohabita'tion Cohabited Cohab'ter Cohabiting Co'-heir Co-heir'ess Cohere' Cohered' Coher'ence Coher'ency Coher'ent Coherently \ Cohering Cohesibil'ity Cohe'sible Cohe'sion Cohe'sive Cohe'siveness Cohiblt Cohibi'tion Co'hort Coif Coifed Coiffure Coigne Coil Coiled Coiling Coin Coin'age Coincide' Coin'cidence Coincident Coin'cidently Coindica'tion Coined Coin'er Coinhabltant Coining Coir Cois'tril Coit Coi'tion Cojur'or Coke Coked Coking Col'ander Colbertine' Col'chicuni Col'cothar Cold Cold'blooded Cold'-hearted Cold'-hearted- Coldlsh [ness Coldly Cold'ness Cole s^ Coleop'teral V Coleop'terist Coleop'terous Cole'seed : Cole'wort Colic Colicky Colin 46 Colise'um Collab'orate Collaboration Collab'orator /-\ /\ Collapse' .-- '. Ns ,-J. ^ Collapsed' - Collapsing Collar Collared Collaret .f Collaring f->*\ Collat'able _/H Collate' ' Collat'ed _^Y^-. a Collat'eral Collat'eralness /Ci Collating ; ' Colla'tion xT~ Collatlve i ' Collat'or fy Colleague Colleague'ship -^-, } Collect I ( Collect' F i. Collecta'nea S? Collecta'neous .. ,, Collect'ed ' Collect'edly c ~, Collect'edness S. Collectible ' =-i Collec'tion U Collective F n Collectively "^ Collectlveness * ^ Collect'or -* Collect'orship ^~K- College Colle'gial ^1^ Colle'gian Colle'giate Collet Collide' Collid'ed Colliding Collie Collier Colliery Collima'tion Collima'tor Collinea'tion Colliqua'tion Colliq'uative > Colliquifac'tion Colli'sion Collocate Collocated Collocating Colloca'tion Collocu'tion Collo'dion Colloid Collop Collo'quial Collo'quialism Col'loquist Colloquy Collude' Collud'ed x-vi A ' -*- 1 ' s COMB Collud'er Colluding Collu'sion Collu'i Collu'sory Colly Col'ocynth Colocynthlne ( 'll]llir n( ;' Colon Col'onel Col'onclcy Colo'nial Col'onist __ Coloniza'tion ".) Coloniza'tionist r ^, s~^* L r7"i / ^ Col'onize Col'onized Col'onizing Colonnade' Col'ony Col'ophon Col'or Col'orable Col'orableness f Col'orably Colora'tion irature Col'ored Colorific Col'oring Col'orist Col'porter Col'staff Colt Colt'ish Golfer Colt's'-foot C'fil'uber Col'ubrinc Colum'ba Col'umbary Colum'bian Colum'bic Coluinbif'erous Col'urabine Colum'bine Colum'bite Colum'bium Columella Col'umn Colum'nar Col'umned Colurania'tion Colure' Col'za Co'ma Co'mate Co'matose Co'matous Comb COMBAT 47 COMMUTATIVE V X. . . Com'bat \ \ Combat'able \ ^ Com'batant j i Commat'ic 1 <^ Com'matism n Commeas'ur- ^ j Commis'sioning 1 ' -1 Commit' ; K- Commit'ment V 'N^ Com'batcd \ able .l-r> ' Commit'tal Com'bater ^^ Commem'orable .j Commit'ted 'S. \ \ Com'bating > ^ Com'bative L. l%_y Com'bativeness .(^x'N "- ' Commem'orate ^/A Commem'orated i > ' Commem'orat- Commit'tee j j Committee' ' " ^ Commit'ter ^ _^~^ Combed ing Commit'ting 1 ' Comb'er ^.o Commemora'- Commix' Combin'al)le tion _-a > Commixed' \_< \~) ^ Combina'tion . /* Commem'ora- Commix'ing ^ Combine' - ' ' Commem'ora- |,j, Commode' ^^, \! Comb'ing tory Commo'dious 1 Combining __^/- v '\^ Comb'less .^^P . j Commence' Commenced' ^,jp Commo'diously *y Commo'dious- 1 Combust' Commcnce'- -j -i ness . _, V V Combustibil'ity ment *\ Commod'itj- \\ J T Combus'tible ._.. -^ Commenc'ing Com'modore \ x_s> Combus'tible- Commend' . < _^ -^-\ Com'mon . ^ ness w '-< Commend'able \ Com'monable NP ~^f> Combus'tion " Combus'tive \ ^< Commend'ably '^' "^l/- Commen'dam '^-J r s\ Com'monage ' " ' Com'monalty __^s or Come ^ ' Commend'atory ^ y? Com'mon- ^^ j '~\ Come'dian J L Com'edy ~* '-H Commenda'tion \j ' Commend'ator 1 coun'cil , .r^^ Com'moner ^-/~5\ , ^ Come'lier .^^ . . Commend'ed Com'monest ^~~^ Come'liest Commend'ing '^Y~. '^~f Com'mon-law ( /-: Come'lily f. Commen'sura- ' Com'monly '--J jZ-S*^ Come'liness sjpt\ bility ._/^^P '-i-u Com'monness , Come'ly Commen'sur- Com'monplace _^i-^T ^ Com'er ^p^X able '~ L ^<; Commen'surate \ i book \ - Com'et Commensura'- vi -V < ; -<_c Com'mon-pleas ./-^ .Cometa'rium '^ '*^]'s'. Com'ment [tion Com'mons 1 "-S ft Com'etary ^ Com'mentarj' ., Com'mon -sense _^__: ^ , Comet'ic . . J^ Com'mentate V -* J ' ./_( Com'monweal N Cometog'raphy Vj 'v_i Com'fit Commenta'tion '~^l s^^. Com'mentator - Com'monwealth i-M ^ ff^ 1 Common- 3, Com'fiture Com'mented wealth's-man v \ Com'fort '^~s Com'menter _ST~ ) '~9' Commo'tion '\ Com'fortable f-^. Com'menting ' ' Com'munal X Com'tbrtable- ' Com'merce ^_z . o Commune' ^_P ness SV Com'forted i ^ J or ^^~* Commer'cial Communed' ' v -'' r \ Communicabil'- ^- Com'fortor . *2 '^~~\~/. Commina'tion x ity '^ V Com'forting * Commin'atory ^ai vj-^-i Commu'nicable Com'fortless v ., .^^_ Commin'gle Commu'nicant 'cv ^, . Com'frcy Commin'gled v5_- -.n Commu'nicate i~om ic ^ ^-. Com'ical Com'minute L^ommu nicated v>^. . jj Commu'nicating 1 ^~~~? Com'icalness " ' Commis'erable ^-y ^.^ Commis'erate vj>^ j . Comruu'nicative ~~~^ ' Commu'nicator _^i^_^ or Com'ing 1 Commis'eratcd Oi j--, Commu'nica- i Comi'tia _^-X?^- s-^> Commis'erating tor>- -J" .1. Com'ity I *^ Commisera'tion s j j> _ / .^o, Commun'ing ^-^ '<- Com'ma |_ ^-^ .^-T^.,. Commis'erator Commun'ion ' Command' 1 Commis'erative ^j^ -xis--^ Commun'ionist .. . < *~/. Commandant' _^r ^.^ Commissa'rial Com'munism Command'atory ' "l ' J " Commissa'riat .^, '-Cp Com'munist .^_ ,4. ^ Command'ed .Com'missarj- 1 ' Communist'ic ' Command'cr i, Oi i ^s ^ Commis'sion -,. j j' Commut'able '^-^- '<-^ Command'ingly 1 ' Commis'sioned > 'b "1 Commuta'tion 'T Command'ment , ''";> Commis'sioner * ' Commut'ative COMMUTE 48 COMPROMISE j n \ Commute' Commut'ed \ \ Com'pensating \f >j ^-P Compensa'tion X^;-^ \ Com'plimenter * Com'pline i .. Commut'ing ' Compen'sative \" "xT Complot' J S* \_ Commut'ual 'v^ \. Compen'sator>- 1 Complot'ted Compact ^fcs- Compete' V '<" Complot'ter '< "\_ Compact'ed ) r Compact'edly X\_ Compact'ible Compact'ing \ \ Compet'ed X \ j- Com'petence I Com'petency \ . Com'petent __ ^ Complot'ting VN Complot'tingly -Ua^ Compluten'sian X. \ xi Compac'tion ^ ^ Compact'ly \ j. \ Competently f Compct'ing 'c v - \v Comply' Complj-'ing \ 'V Compact'ness ^>* Compa'ges \. Competi'tion | \ Compet'itive '\^ 'v Com'po Compone' \ \ Compan'ion Compet'itor V '\* Compo'nent *8 -^\. Compan'ionable \/-j \> Compila'tion * Comport' >N, Compan'ionless 7 Compan'ionship V" ^ Corap iie' >'\y~\ Compiled' '\f '\/l Comport'able ^\ Comport'ed \ \x Com'pany Compil'er \^>_, \, Comport'ing Com 'parable \"/~+s V Compil'ing Compose' '<, \ Com'parate v- Compar'ative \ \. Comparatively V ^ Compare' \ . }/ Compared' < \S Com parser 'X_ ''Xx 8 ^' Comparing ^* Compla'cence S. c Compla'cency \u y Compla'cent ' Compla'cently 'r. '<^ Complain' ^"\ Complain'able 'i^ 'j Complain'ant V NJ, Composed' f Y Compos'edly V \_ Compos'edness f V\ x^' Compos'er Compos'ing '<: \ Corapos'ite ,| Composi'tion \. Compar'ison *s Complained' 'x- X Compos'itive X < A Compart' \ % Complain'er .f. 1 Compos'itor y N/l Compart'ed ^ **' Complain'ing '\^ V Com'post '\/^ Compart'ing ^. > Complaint' ) Compos'ure ^ Compart'ment v_P Com'plaisance \- Com'pot \ V Com'pass \ Com'passable V. V Com'plaisant [ Com'plaisantly ^ V ^* Compota'tion Compound' \- V Com'pass-box \_o Com'passed 'y. \ Com'passes V < V i > v ^ Com'plement ^" y Complement'al V\\ Compound'able T Compound'ed 'x '^v Compound'er ^^ Com'passing \_-^. '^ Complement'aryi ^ Compound'ing \ ~x Compas'sion f Compas'sionate '; Compas'sion - Complete' \ x. ComplerV-d J (7 Completely r \. ' C \i 1 Comprehend' \ ^ Comprehend'ed r ated \, -^ Complete'ness ''y.n NO^ Compreher..' \ Compas'sion - Complet'ing I ^^_; Comprehending '- ately r \^ Comple'tion - Comprehen'sible v- Compas'sion- o. J|j Comple'tivo ^-Ji/' ^ J /' Comprehen'si- o p ateness 'Lji Compas'sion- ating Vt Comple'tory ^- Com'plex V \-_.s' Complex'ion ^ V bly K ' 1 \P Comprehen'sion ^-^ ^< Comprehen \. \ Compatibil'ity *-*5 T" Complex'ional Xic .-. Comprehen'- ' \ Compatible \ . '<\^ Complex'ionary ^V sively \ \ Compat'iblen ^ss ' r ^3 Complex'ioned N^ Comprehen'- X_p V Compatibly \ 'V Compat'riot 1* d 2 ^ Compat'riotism \.p 'x/^ Complex'! ty J. ^^ Com'plexly ^\^_p siveness \ \ Compelled' 'r Compel'ler jv. V . Compli'antly f - \ \_: Com'plicacy K. -^ Compress'ing ^-^ Compres'sion '\^**> '^ Compel'ling ' ' Com'plicate \K^ Compress'ive Com'pend V 'x^ Com'plicated "'N Compress'or \ \^^ Compen'dious ^ ^~^= Compend'iously *rj " Com'plicating 'c '^sij Complica'tion T^ J Complic'ity \ tvv- Compress'ure Compri'sal ^ "^ Comprise' "~\ Compend'ious- "^v "xv Complied' jf Comprised' '^P ness \ . Compen'dium ^^j,, ^P \if Com'pensate ^\ Compli'er 'Q x . Com'pliment VH v -^1^1-.* ,~, . ^, i Y Compliment al '^y . \: Compris'ing ^-^ I Com'probate ^ * " Com'pensated "^^/- Compliment'ary V Com'promise V COMPROMISED 49 CONDONE 'V-^ c V-a\ Com'promised v v ^\ Com'promiser ^V-,^ '~\ Com'promising "^1 'V ' Concentricity P / \ Concen'tual Con'cept -c 1' Concord'at " k- i Concordlst " "-* Con'course "* Com'promit f^^^^ c<^ Com'promitted .^ '9 Concep'tacle O Concep'tion o^- ' =; ^ Concres'cence ' Concres'cible "' Com'promitting \ .^ ^ Concep'tive -e _ >c Concrete' y ^ $, Comptroller '^ j Concern' ^^ Concret'ed ^X- Compul'satory |p Concerned' /" .^^j, Concretely \vO j Compul'sion 'X ^__, Concern'edly Concrete'ness V. Compul'sive p^ ' Concerning >c _. * Concreting i; \_ Compul'sively V_. ^>-^-t Compul'siveness ox -ox o^ >r * Concern ment Concre'tion ^ ./' Concre'tional .S* V/. Compul'sorily ^ Compul sory drL Concert & Concertan'te "^ -c-? Concre'tionary c i \^. Concretlve \ \i Compunc'tion ^ ^) Compunc'tious ^y^ .&*-> Concert'ed Concerti'na _^ ps\ m Concerting " "^7 Conculnnage \ . V Concu'binary Con'cubine "N^_3 *K Compurga'tion 1" Concerto \u )^ Concu'piscence Com'purgator P-^V 4 Con'cert-pitch Concu'piscent \ Comput'able ./ Conces'sion _4_ , Concur* >" \ v> Computation Compute' $- - Conces'sionary V# * Conces'sionist c-f -t- f, , ,. Concurred -L.. f Concurrence X \ Comput'ed J ) Comput'er \ y,. Conces'sive L. * Conces'sory cT-Vi-y -c^-xi/ ,^ , Concur rent -l-y .c-f Concurrently s/% \ Computing > ' j s^- *\ Conch Concurring (). Comput'ist Conch'ifer 3 p Concus'sion . . Com'rade ; -^-^ ^^- Conchif'erous 1 Concus'sive .^| ^ Con ' Conchlte LL k Condemn' i "rt _^-s/ Cona'tus ~^i~\ r^-q-r Conch'oid *^ ^^~N Condem'nable ' Concam'erate Conchoid'al ']. Condemna'tion ^s .._^ Concat'enate "^^7 ""^^y Concholog'ical -~O *^\y- Condem'natory Concat'enated *- ft Conchol'ogist j. Condemned' .._^ >- , ._ x .- ) Concat'enating '-| i^^ ^Conchol'ogy ^ *^ Condem'ner Concatena'tion * Conchom'eter kj. Condem'ning 3 Con'cave g, /ci Conciliate -^ d \ Condensability "^ Con'caved Conciliated j ! Conden'sable ~v\ ' 3. Con'caveness f,' /p Conciliating ^\f ^| Conden'sate ^^ " Con'caving Concilia'tion j I j Conden'sated ' V -i-i ^ Concavity J. "^ Conca'vous /^ /' Conciliator f f* Conciliatory ^ T-. Jn Conden'sating Condensa'tion /^ s\ Conceal' V '\i- Concise' i : i Conden'sative ? N Conceal'able * Concisely ], J' J' Condense' ,A /-~N Concealed' Si ? ' Conceal'er V .J)^ Conciseness ^ il Conci'sion Condensed' j ., j. Condens'er ^ N -' / " Conceal'ing p ., -. Concita'tion J ** 9 Condensing Conceal'ment Con'clave 3 I Con'der / Concede' c Conclude' "^ Condescend' .1 Conced'ed LP Conceding Conceit' p $^- Conceit'ed Conceit'edly ' - 1 Conclud'ed '^-0 ._. Conclud'er *' Concluding c "^rf Conclu'sion Conclu'sive j. L Condescend'ed t-i **^- > Condescending 4. Condescend'- v_^> ingly Condescen'sion p p t Conceit'edness c 7P Conclusively ^-r 5 Conclu'siveness i I v i Condign' J* 7 -O> Condign'ly % V^ Conceiv'able- r- / i i Conclu'sory ' " Condign'ness ^ g^ Conceive' [ness 1 ' Concoct' i . | Con'diment Conceived' 1 'i 1 Concoct'ed *? Condi'tion ^ ^ Conceiv'er Concoct'er Vi . Condi'tional ' Conceiving i ] . 3 Concocting f U Condi'tionally Condoled' '<^f|. 't^f\- Concentra'tion J' Con'cord r Condole'ment ^ Con'centrative tTi Concord'able PU'-N Condolence Qi/| Concentra'tive- LD ness 7 Concord'ance "^"^ ^, Concord'ancy Condo'ler U^_^ j- Condoling Q^^-^ b.^.. Concen'tric Concord'ant *^2 Condona'tion Concen'trical "V Concord'antly i Condone' CONDONED 50 CONGREGATING L Condoned' J * J -' Condon'ing a i Con'dor V_, V_ Confidential \nj 'Y Con'fidently 'cy^^l W Confrater'nity Confront' -ei \ fc ~ x ^ Confronted b Conduce' V_ V Confid'er Confront'er i i Conduced' b" fc"\ Conducibil'ity vl vL Confid'ing V^ V^j. Config'urate -e \_^ V^j Confronting Confu'cian i L Conduc'ible \ * Conducing Config'urating V^^n V.^. .. Configura'tion Vs \^j Confus'able N Confuse' [^ i Conducive Config'ure V2> ^ZfS' Confused' ^_ " Conduct ^| Conduct'ed V^j ^. Config'ured ^r Confin'able 1 v Confus'edly V" Confus'edness "% Conductibil'ity v^ \v Confine' ^^^i^/ ^2) Confus'ing i, j Conduct'ible Confined' Confu'sion ^ "- Conduct'ing . j ( j| Conduc'tion I i i I Conduct'ive ~ 1 Conductivity Vi^ or v vi-' Confine'ment V .. iy Confin'er Confin'ing X'v Confut'able 3' Confut'ant V 'ST Confuta'tion Jj _ U. Confut'ative j j , Conduct'or L - J i; Conduc'tress V^^ >j. Confirm' *\^_ *^ Confirm'able vj> V_^ Confute' "' Confuted L. . Con'duit V VA Confut'er y^ Condu'plicate v ^-x^ Confirmation Confuting Con'dyle Vo ^^1 Confirm'ative / * Con'ge j ^i , Con'dyloid b Congeal' V, \ 1 r~* 't 1 Cone V_ l^i I Congeal'able ^_^. V. Coney >v? Confab'ulate ^V-^ Confirm atively ^^ ' .r Congealed' b~^ h^ Congeal'ing 'v '-t Confab'ulated V* 1 \>.' Confab'ulating v_^ ^^ y. Confirma'tor ^^r^ 'Vv Confirmatory Congeal'ment 1^ / Congela'tion '' ^-" Con'gener ^Vyo^i^-, Confect ' Confect'ed ^ ; \ v _ = _^ Confect'ing h vjj ^> Confec'tion 'I Confec'tioner V.-/ V . Confec'tionery 1/J Confec'tory v * Confirmed' *w ^~\fi Confirm'edly V V^^ Confirmee' \^. ^S^vf Confirm'er v \._ g Confirm'ing _~\-^_> \ Confis'cable WV Con'fiscate N*O_, .^ . . , >H Con fiscated / /' . / Congeneric <^/ ' J~^ Jis Conge'nial Congenlal'ity / . / Conge'nialness JV*p N^-p-e Congen'ital ^ J Con'ger i\ / Conge'ries Congest' V. N Confed'eracy |X) 'V- Confederate Vj^^ V, n Con'fiscating ^* Confiscation / /. Congested J- J u^-* Congest'ible V V_^ x Confederated JXI ."l/^ Confed'erater V>, \^ Con'fiscator fc Confis'catory v.- '(^j Con'fit ' > Congestion c/ .c_, Congest'ive 1. ^ 7 - Congla'ciate ^-i J Confederating k^ r |/. Confedera'tion ^i .A V Confedera'tive V\" ^\ Confer' Conflagra'tion 'Q h Conflict 1 i Conflicted V <^ . Conflicting L. Conflict'ive *TV '"TV Conglo'bate ] ^ Congloba'tion f~\n -e^^i; Conglob'ulate *^ ' Conglomerate f~" Conglomerated \^_-/o Vy\. Conference ' ^ Confer'rable 'O/ C, Con'fluence *^iP ^-V^ ^-i in ^^-~vc^ Conglom'erat- Con'fluent S\ Conferred' ^^ Confer'rer .<^^~S2 Conglom'era- v^\ Conform' i tion SV-^ Confer ring Confess' Vji^ '^ Confess'ant VS - NV _^ x -v^ Conformabil'ity \ '~^ Conform'able , c _^ < ^ ,,_^ Conglu'tinant 1 ' Conglu'tinate '"Tri -*~^j Conglu'tinated Confessed' V'v. Confes'sedly x^^ /-^ r ^* Confess ing V. "v Conform'ably ^<~x v^5 Conforma'tion '^*^ Conglu'tinating .c^j ""P-i Conglutina'tion 1 u Conglu'tinative V i ./* Confes'sion VT '^ Conformed' r* f* t >J ^=-5 Confes'sional ^^\^ \ ^ Conform'ing ' ' Congrat'ulant V ./ V^/ Confes'sionary Confess'or \ ( Con'fidant V^ ^^-^^^^ Conform'ist ^^1 Conform'ity sr /n Congrat'ulate ' f Congrat'ulated ;. .^jO Congrat'ulating ( Con'fidante A 'v . Confound' 'r Congratula'tion V V Confide' Jl v] Confid'ed Vi V_-'\4. .-, .. j. . 1 Confounded 'V/, Confound'ed- s^ \/- Congrat'ulator . /" Consid'erate Con'gruence ^ jL \ T^1 Connoisseur' JV Mr Consid'erately . ^ -e ~| Con'gruent ' Con'notate 3 Consid'erate- Congru'ity i~>-1. _, Connota'tion ^r 9 ness e-r, p- a_: Con'gruous u ' ' Connote' <\. ^ Considera'tion Con'ic V^ _y Connu'bial .\J Consid'ered r^< = ; ^< : Con'ical n ' * Connumera'tion d LConsid'erer Con'ically -j-w ~CjY Co'noid ^ Consid'ering j-a_o -7^_5^ Con'ics ' Conoid'al x> & Consign' Co'nifer _^__: c . Conoid'ic Consigned' -p^^./. ""p~\j^> Conif erae ' Con'quer ' a Consist'ently '^-*' Consisting ^^ Consisto'rial Consist'ory Conjoint'ness i^ L. Con'scious [ness W /, / Con'jugal Con'sciously Vj Conso'ciate "' Conso'ciated ~ Conjugality I o ^ Con'sciousness \ / \ Conjugate Con'script W '\Tj Conso'ciating " Consocia'tion ^1 Conjugated ' \j , ai . Conscrip'tion ^\ ^> Consol'able / /i^ Conjugating ' Con'secrate .V ' Consola'tion Conjuga'tion .,-. ^_. Con'secrated >X ^~ Consol'atory /^" J Conjuga'tional Con'secrating *r Con sol . * Conju'gial / /-. Conjunct' **| *B Conjunc'tion .-> -o^-j, Consecra'tion Consecta'neous ojX 1 n Con'sectary r^ Yl Console' ? ' Consoled' ^/y Consol'er Iff" /^ Conjunc'tional 5 Consecu'tion ? * Consol'idant ** ^;. Conjunc'tive 'n v /""| Consol'idate /^ .j .- ( Conjunc'tively ! V.. Consec'utively ^J C!-^ /p Conjuncture | '"^-r -Q.Q Consec'utive- V| Conjura'tion "*> Consen'sus [ness ;> Con'jure Consentaneous P" s /T) Consol'ing Con'sols // Conjured' ? Con'jured o^^ -o . Consent'ed ^-^ Consent'er ^S. 'i-t-^v Con'sonance /. Con'sonancy / v/* /V Conjur'er 't^ ''~^s Consen'tient ftix^ 'V^j Con'sonant A^^ Conjurer . Con'juring fa^ -. ^.sji Conjur'or Consenting e^ &, Con'sequence Con'sequent ' ei ^=-c^ Consequen'tial .<^ci^ ' Consonant al c-;_ Con'sonous Con'sort SConsort'ed ~^fu '^, Connas'cent Gi-^fJ' Consequen'- Oonsort ing Conspec'tus . Con'nate s^1^ . Connat'ural Connect' tially e/'' x ^ t Con'sequently \ Conserv'able ^ - . V ^ Conspic'uous "/^ Conspic'uously -=>/. Connect'ed Connect'edly O^\A o ;X> ' 3 Conserv'ancy / ' Conserv'ant Conspic'uous- >/j ness ,_^. .--. Connect'ing Connec'tion n '~] Connective * v_' Connect'ively (j/Xy p-^. Conservation JK ConseiVatism .cXV &\. Conservative t. Vi Con'servator ^ s Conspir'acy Q S Conspira'tion ^< Conspir'ator Conspire' CONSPIRED 52 CONTRA ' bv / Conspired' v> V Conspir'er ' p Consubstantia'- p o tion j x j Contem'porary l^vf ^ Contempt' p c- Conspir'ing >-s <. J Con'stable ' V Constabulary p. p. Con'stancy ^ / ~" "1 Con'suetude P -P Consuetu'dinal \!, n| Consuetu'dinary L I^S Contemp'tible ""t ^ U Contemp'tibly v Contemp'tuous \ . Con'stantly ' x' Con'sulage 'O l*| ly '6 ^-, Con'sular -V Contemp'tuous- Constella'tion " ' "^ Con'sulate ' 7 " / ness "YjP \. Consterna'tion i ^f> v- Consulship J. Contend' Con'stipate i/ - 6 Consult' (' Contend'ed \. . -r, Con'stipated *| V v>' Con'stipating /Tl VI Consulta'tion * ' L. Consul'tative JContend'er J_^ J' Contending Constipa'tion VI v^" Consult'ed Content' p C j) Constit'uency (A -Ui Constituent "1 Con'stitute fe Consult'er v-. j5~^ Consulting N Consum'able 1 j Content'ed J- ip, J^ Contcnt'edly "^ Content'edness , i) Con'stituted , Consume' j_^ i Content'ing L -n ' Con'stituter 6 *" Consumed' *-^ Conten'tion Con'stituting n x-Cv Consum'er j i Conten'tious Jj, or U Constitu'tion .-<< Conter'minable D Constitu'tion- Consump'tion j I. Conter'minous (** ally p Constitu'tioned J* P j Constitu'tionist ' " Con'stitutive i tfS i Consump'tive S s ~1 H x5 ~]^ J ,Consump'tively " ' Consump'tive- , r j. Con'tact [ness ^^vJj ^ Contest' L j. i Contest'able _f P t Contesta'tion \ ^' r Contest'ed n q q Con'stitutively L v i/\ Contact'ual t, j Contest'ing J J' ll_x Constrain' (W Conta'gion r Lia Con'text CL- ^^ Constrain'able q. q_ Constrained' L* Constrain'er i. ;_ i. Conta'gionist /~ J' J^ Conta'gious &~ * Conta'giously i i Context'ural L-gr^_ W ' i Context'ure r A "'Conligu'ily q. jj. Constraining i j. ; , Conta'giousness j Contig'uous i--" Constraint' i) ^ Constrict' / J' C< Contain' '^ Containable a) ^U ^ J> Contig'uously ' ' Con'tinence ! i Constrict'ed q tj Constrict'ing Ui Contain'ant Contained' i Con'tinency ^^ * * Con'tinent "- 1 - 4l Constric'tion ^ . A Constrict'ive j. i. Contain'er * Containing i i Continent'al /^ ^~^ v Con'tinently M 1 _l_j Constrict'or [_^_.^ Contam'inable ' Contin'gence "" ' Constringe' C . q Constringed' \_j \* *--* Constring'ent " ' ' Constring'ing Q 9 p Construct' 1 ' | Construct'ed ~\. ^^-1 Contaminate r 1_ Contaminated * ~ri "H Contam'inating j- [ Contamination ^~~^i> 1,. Contam'inative ^-> L, ! Contingency Uj T ^ Contingent i i Contingently Ljx- i W Contin'uable i A n ( Contin'ual Q i 6 Construc'tional 1 ' s- L|-j LL, Construc'tionist L Construc'tive j i Contem'ner "~%_^ ^ ^ ^. Contem'ning SI Con'template < " Continua'tion 1 j | Contin'uative M^ L ^ . - ( Contin'uator ^ Constriic'tive- [J^P ness LJU Con'templated Con'templating Contin'ue j Contin'ued =j Q Construct'or 'K ' Contempla'tion ^j ^^~\ Contin'uer ' ' ' Con'strue i a Con'strued ^^ ^C Contem'plative \ Contem'pla- i i Contin'uing L_^^, * 1 ^A Continuity 1- Con'struing i j lively nl ',' Contin'uous e \ Consubstan'tial T P n Consubstan'tial -c/ >-c/ ist ^J ^^r Contempla- V_j 1 o tiveness \. Con'templator j Contin'uously HVs [7 [/i Contort' Contort'ed . Consubstan'tial x So An ity L.J t_, Consubstan'- l*i^s Contempora'- neous ^x^a^p Contempora'- i- j- Contort'ing I ^ Contor'tion : i- Contour' ^'- ^ tiate neousness L 1 Con'tra CONTRABAND 53 CONVULSIONARY \iy Contraband nq Control'lable 6 Conversa'tional L Contract ^J" Controlled' ^f Vi^SP Conversa'tionist n 'r Contract'ed .V, 1?'^x Control'ler ' v " Conver'sative u \ Y* Contract'edly [''^ ' y Control'lership \'t - Conversazio'ne i_ i Contract'edness \~^^f ]f^> Control'ling | \,^ ^> ^> Converse \i> L -\ Contractibillty ' Control'ment Conversed' Convertible -* Contradic'tion J^ Ly" l^r. Contuma'cious y , n v v _. 3 Con'vex 0- . t_: Contradic'tious V^ 'j (? Contuma'cious- Con'vexed "^7 S !< Contradictlve b- x ly y p \^ s-: Convexity .. "V . Contradict'or i,, Contuma'cious- I ^~^ Con'vexly I/' Contradict'ory j- n. Contradistinct' I . I i Contradistinc'- H V 3 tion ^V t~\ ness "^ " Con'tumacy i /" Contumelious 1 "/~ V~-i /~> /i. 1 1-J" Con tumely i \l~ Convey' * \ Conve/able *\ o {*- n/ Convey'ance Nl ~^^ Convey'ancer n- n- Contradistin'- L* 1 guish W Contradistin'- Contuse' \^ . 'vi Convey'ancing IT r If Contused' ^vJO Conveyed' 1 Contusing \^- 'v^ Convey'er guished j v ^ / |' Contusion ^^\ ' Conveying [[^ Contradistin'- Conun'drum 'v . i Convict' <* guishing y- xo 'r x= Convalesce' i Convict'ed n. T_ Contral'to (\- ^~^& Contramure' ryo iv/1 Con'traries V v v l Contrari'ety ^* ^* Convalesced' Li ^ Convalescence 7 Convales'cency "*^ * Convalescent v y Convicting j> 3 1 Convic'tion J Convictlve L . V Convince' i. /" TV & Con'trarily Con'trariness n >9 ^ xxP Contra'rious V . Convales'cing ' ^~S^~^i Convec'tion ** * Convectlve ^^-^ ^v-^> Convinced' v^ J 9^> (7r > -^^ Convnnce'ment 1% ix^-^^ Con'trariwise y^ ,- V . Conven'able V y i . Convinc'er n- |,j Contravene' Contravened' ^). Conven'iency y^u, ^ Convenient t Conve'niently > Convivial ^^. .0^.^ Convivlalist Conviviality T_. r Contra ven'er ^ i Con'vent ^ \^ Con'vocate "^"^ Ui^^x Contravening ^^ Conven'ticle ^^ ^l Con'vocated i. "1 Contraven'tion 1 "> i 'Gx Contraver'sion < Contretemps' v^._^ V Conven'ticler """^X ^^ Conven 'tion . ^-^ Conven'tional ^- . \- Con'vocating " 1 v3 Convoca'tion i . Contrib'utable v \ . ! Contrib'utary ^* *>/' s " Contrib'ute v^^ Vx> Conven'tional- ism \ ft i /^-] Conven'tionalist "y[_^^ V / Convoca'tional ^^7 * Convoke' ^, . . , Convoked' I . n Contributed >o \Q S. Contrib'uting O n Contribu'tion ^~^ ^- Conventionality V^j-" v -^ Conven'tionary ^^-* Conven'tionist s l^i v_AConvok!ng Con'volute //3 v_/^ N ConVoluted 1 i ^ Contrib'utive X *V l,^- Contributor nL. v ' Contrib'utory 'v, 't Convent'ual J / Converge' 6 t Converged' Convolution ^/\^ '^ xv_ Convolve' ^ Convolved' q v iv^, Con'trite ' s^ Converg'ence 'vy\. 'v./V/'^ Convolving ' Con'tritely ^o , , Converg'ency v Convolv'ulus n V Contri'tion fJ *^" Contriv'able ( V / Converg'ent j( Converging '^ ij Convoy' v_ Convoyed' A v n v Contriv'ance U_r u Contrive' r p Contrived' x Convers'able vp Se Convers'able- > ^"^ ness ^_ 'v Convoying * Convulse' V Convulsed' f ti ^ CLx Contriv'er 7- Contriving C On ConVersance Vp- Q \*^ .-, , Con versant S>- v iv Convulsing * ^ ** Convul'sion f\+^ Control' 6 Conversa'tion 'v Convul'sionary CONVULSIVE 51 CORPORATE Convulsive Convulsively Co'ny Coo Cooed Coo'ing Cook Cooked Cook'ery Cook'ing Cook'ey Cool Cooled Cool'er Cool'est Cool'-headed Cool'ie Cool'ing Cool'ish Coolly Cool'ness Coo'ly Coora Coop Cooped Coopee' Coop'er Coop'erage Co-op'erant Co-op'erate Co-op'erated Co-op'erating Co-opera'tion Co-op'erative Co-op'erator Coop'ering Coop'ery Co-or'dinance Co-or'dinate Co-or'dinate- ness Co-ordina'tion Coot CopaiTm Co r pal Copar'cenary Copar'ceny Copart'ner Copartnership Co-pat'riot CopayVa Cope Co r peck Coped Coper'nican Cop'ied Cop'ier Cop'ing Copious Co'piously Co'piousness Copi'vi Cop'per Cop'peras Cop'pcred Cop'perfaced Cop'pering T JV Vl - 1 = oppis Cop'rolite Cop'perish Cop'perplate Cop'per-smith Cop per-works Cop'pcry Coj Coprolit'ic i \ Coproph'agous * Copse Cop'sy Copt ; \f Cop'tic Cop'ula Cop'ulate Cop'ulated !~~\/C> Cop'ulating Copula'tion Cop'ulative Cop'ulatively "~\ Cop'y \ I Cop'y-book iA^ Cop'yer ^ Cop'yhold '""XsA, Cop'ying Cop'ying-press i v . Cop'>-ist H Cop'yright j i . Coquet' "y" Co'quetry -. 1 Coquette' Coquet'ted i "j ] Coquet'ting ! J Coquet'tish /H Cor'acle Cor'acoid or'al 'Coralla'ceous ^orallif'erous ^& t |~ *-' Coral'liform 3 ^y7Cor'alljne A. Coralloid'al :-/ Corb S* CorTjan ( Cor^eil \ Corbel Cord Cord'age . Cor'date Cor'dated Cord'ed '' Cor'delier Cor'dial Cordial'! ty Cor'dially Cor'dialness Cor'diform Cordil'lera - Cor'ding Cor'don Cor'dovan Cor'duroy Cord'waincr Core 4 * n^ r** n Cork'y y Cor'morant Corn S~* CornTiread Corn'crake ^ Cor'nea 1 Corned ST-^YU Cor'nel Cor'nelian ** Cor'neous Cor'ner -t_*^ Cor'nered -. Cor'nering t-^t' Cor'ner-stone Cor'net ^ X.. Cor'net-a-piston I Cor'netcy . - Corn'field ' Cor'nice _ s _ >[ _. Cor'nicle Cornic'ulate *-.. Cor'nifonn -^^ Cor'nish /y Cor'nist i Corn'-land . Corn'-laws Corn'lott "v Cor'no Corno'pean Corn'-plaster Cornuco'pia , t ^, Coraute' "' Cornut'ed -i _A Corn'y ' N ' Cor'ody SI Corolla i ' Corolla'ceous Cor'ollary Cor'ollate Cor'ollated Cor'ollet Coron'iform ^/Cor'onoid "' Cor'onule Cor'poral Corporal'ity t=-%O Cor'porally \ Cor'poralship ^ Corporate CORPORATENESS 55 COUNSELLING pi. c-*. ._jv A-r*^' Coi^porateness Corpora'tion Cor'porator Corpo'real Corpo'realist ' Corpo'realness :Corporeal'ity Corpo'really Cor'posant Corps Corpse Cor'pulence Cor'pulency Cor'pulent Cor'pus Cor'puscle Corpus'cular Corpuscula'rian Cor'ral Correct' Correct'ed Correctable Correcting Correc'tion Correctional Corrective Correct'ly' Correct'ness Correct'or Cor'relate Correla'tion Correl'ative Correl'atively Correl'ativeness Correspond' Correspond'ed Correspond'- ence C orrespond'ent Corresponding Corridor Corrigen'da Corrigibil'ity Cor'rigible Cor'rigibleness Corrob'orant Corrob'orate Corrob'orated Corrob'orating Corrobora'tion Corrob'orative Corrob'oratory Corrode' Corrod'ed Corrod'ent Corrod'iate Corrod'ible Corrod'ing - Cor'rody Corro'sibleness Corro'sion Corro'sive orro'sively Corro'siveness Cor'rugant ="] r^V Cor'rugate Cor'rugated Cor'rugating Corruga'tion t Cor'rugator Corrupt' Corrupt'ed Corrupt'er |r-^ Corruptibility \ Corrupt'ible c~x Corrupt'ibleness ' > Corruptibly j^-\ Corrupting ^ Corruption . -^ Corrupt'ive Corrupt'less (r-No Corrupt'ly Corrupt'ness i ^ Cor'sair Corse f Corse'let i fl Cor'set tr ^ i Cors'ned t~i . Cortege ' Cor'tes Cor'tical Corticate f 7 "^- Cor'ticated ^b Corticif'erous 9-1 Cortic'iform i Corus'cant Cor'uscate Cor'uscated JCor'uscating Corusca'tion . Corvette' Cor'vine i Cor'vus Co^ybant ; Coryban'tic ' Cor> r phene' ; Coryphe'us Cose'cant Co'sily Co'sine : Cosmet'ic Cos'mic Cos'mical ' Cos'mically ^osmog'onal ' Cosmog'onist Cosmog'ony Cosmog'rapher Cosmograph'ic osmog'raphy Cos'molabe Cosmol'atry Cosmolog'ical Cosmol'ogist Cosmol'ogy Cosmom'etry _, Cosmoplas'tic Cosmopol'itan v Cosmop'olite Cosmopol'itan- ism ] op< Cosmora'ma Cosmoram'ic Cos'mos C os'mosphere Cos'sack Cos'set Cost Cos'tal Cos'tard Cos'tate Cos'tated ^i^ Cos'termonger p P Cos'tive -t^ ~Q "^ T] . ~_ t^* " Cos'tively Cos'tiyeness Cost'liness Cost'ly Cost'mary Costume' Costum'er r- Co'sy _.. Cot Cotan'gent i. Cote Cotempora'- neous Cotem'porary Coterie' -y^ Co-ter'minous Cothurn'ate -& \J Cot'tier Cot'ton Cot'ton-gin Cot'tony /\~ Cotyle'don p ' >l_j Cotyle'donous /*! Cotyl'iform i * ' Cot'yloid Couch Couch'ant Couched Couchee' Couch'er Couch'-grass Couch'ing Cou'gar Cough Coughed Cough'er Cough'ing _I or Could ^~ ^-p Coul'tA "i Jf Coun'cil y ^s? Coun'cil-board "X i Coun'cillor Ay Ap Coun'sel Coun'selled s2 Coun'selling 7 A/ "77 fV COUNSELLOR 56 COZEN -* "2 Coun'sellor Coun'sellorship S\- f^ Coun'terstroke A c j/^ s "' Courtliness Court'ling s* -2 ^\ Count Count'able ->^^V ^^\* Countervail' f ' < Countervailed' ^ d ^, / Coun'tenancer A. tion 1 ^ "' "^ Cpurt'-yard -j^.^^^ _, Coun'tenancing p-^\n _^^-f Coun'terview ' -j< o Cous'in Coun'ter Counteract tr Coun'terweigh -r^** Coun'ter- L. ^ Cousin-ger'man ., Couteau A A 1 -) Coun'teracted weighed "' 1 Cove -- -A^3 Coun'teracting Counterac'tion f.* s~< t. * A*" weighing or ^. Cov'enant "^""X Counteract'ive .//, A "K Coun'terweight|^V is _^ A Coun'terwork | ~X<_-. Cov'enanted t, Covenantee' ~^ so Count'ing-house .A ) Tf Count'less -^ __ Cov'er CoVered ^v Counterbal'ance -^/^ /, Coun'trified T* Coun'trj- A } Cov'erer Cov'ering A < / .~^ > Counterbal'- -^ TJ^*^ Coun'try-dance _ ^ Cov'erlet anced Coun'tryman /v~ ' Cov'ert ~ 7r v > - Counterbal'anc- ing _o ^i Coun'try-seat 1*3 1. Coun'ty -^ 9V Cov'ertly Cov'erture A -t^ A V Coun'terbrace \^ Coun'ty- court ~> CoVet No *-x Coun'tercharm "" ' Coup ' N Cov'etable ~~*ZL x^' Countercheck Coun'terfeit ~]i^ "H* Coup-de-main' "!' Coup-d'etat' ~s ~\. Cov'eted 'V. Cov'eter _y\ _,/\ Coun'terfeited X V Coupe' ^ Cov'eting A ., A <^_ Counterfeiter ' "' Coupee' ^ - 5- CoVetous ** ^ Coun'terfeiting Coun'terfoil ~r . Couple '\ ' x Coup'led V- ~A CoVetously ' ^j, Cov'etousness ^ Coun'terguard X_ A "^ Coun'termotion ^ ' Cours'ing ^ CowTierd A > ~ X -N A < Countermure' ^ Court n $. CowTiide * Coun'terpane S> Court'-chaplin 7% ' Cowl A _ ^< Coun'terpart ^i_ cr+ |., Court'ed ^ / " Cowled ^ A V Coun'terplea " Court'eous A t Cow'lick ^ A-^S Counterplot' Counterplot'ted c+>._ C-H Court'eously a tP Court'eousness tv. -^-^ Co-work'er Cow'pox A Counterplot'- ting e+1 C+T Court'er v^s Court'esan -S /^\ Cow'ry A ' Cow'slip ~H 77 Coun'terpoint Counterpoise' Counterpoised' 'Counterpoising Court'esy "*! 1 (civility) j ) Court'esy (a bending) a-f- O. ^ ^y Cox comb 1 i Cox'combry ^~^-' Coxcom'ical A^-^^ Ji- Coun'terscarp Countersign' ^H Court'esying ** ^ Court'-hand Q_ I 1 ' 1 Coxcomical'ity Jtf i-^ f Countersigned' ^ c-H Court'-house 1~) Coy ~*r ~77 Countersign 'ing ^* L ^* Court'ier -: ' Coy'ish Countersink' "1 Court'lands /~. ^-\J> Coy'ly ~r~^ A**^ Coun'terstate- ^ ^- - Court'leet 1 Coy'ness ment Court'-like ~ ^ Coz'en COZENAGE 57 CRICHTONITE QJJ ' / ^. Coz'enage = ~\^- i Crape ^ ="1. Creden'tials Coz'ened > Crap'ula \ Credibility T^ -f*^ Coz'ener Coz'ening r^ r \A Crap'ulence Crap'ulent J T Cred'ible >_p Cred'ibleness ^ ^ Co'zily Co'zy r V l e Crap'ulous . j f~, Crash '{. c^-i Cred'ibly ' Cred'it ^"\ Crab Crab'-apple r^ "2^ Crashed *^ Crash'ing *{ ^~3 Cred'itable \. Cred'itably Crab'bed n c _ 6s Crass =~~i ^-^ Cred'ited ' ? V^ Crab'bedly .; Cras'sament '! Crediting ^^P ?-\ Crab'bedness Crab'by -f v / Cras'situde Cratch 1 ^ ]/^\ Cred'itor ' Credu'lity r^-V Crab'-tree Crab'yaw ^T f~7 Cratch'-cradle 6 Cratch'es ir ^lXT' Cred'ulous s Cred'ulously Crack 5_ CT-O Crate T^-i ' =""1 Cred'ulousness -- - ^ ^ Crack'-brained i Cra'ter r\ ' Creed r 1 c^~ Cracked C7 "lx s C T~ x -7' Crater'iform c : Creek Crack'er V^ Craunch Creek'y c-d_ Crack'ing z^*^f ~f Craunched / "^ Creel Crack'le o-" r* r-c- f-e-I Crack'led ^ crauncning ., Cravat' creep c ~\ i Creep'er Crack'nel ^^ Craved ^^ _^_ Creep'ingly f - Cracks'man Cra'ven (. c ^} r* t^- Cremation "T c-r Cra'dle = __ . Crav'er , j^i Cremo'na 1 "^1 Cra'dled > Crav'ing c T>- Cre'nate "T^- ** Cra'dling c ^"V c =X^? Crav'ingly ^"^^ Cre'nated Craft 7 Crav'ingness ^^T 5 ! " Cren'ature H> *~V -o Craft'ily c c y ; Craw r ^M c-x^. Cren'ellate ./: ^ Craft'iness ' Craw'fish I " Cren'ellated ^^s Crafts'man Craft'y i . Crawl 1 Crawled ^> c ~^rf Crenella'tion Crenelle' S 7| Crag /^~>i c f^s Crawl'er c-^,, Cren'elled _ '1 Crag'ged i i Crawl'ing ^f" Cren'ulate c ve c Crag'giness ~V_y <=2 ^_^ Cray 'fish ( _/- ^_C Creole l-^ -^ Crag'gy Cram ^ Cray on ^f Craze Jf Cre'olean cr ~^ Cre'osote ^ r- > Cram uo Cram'med ^ Crazed c ^ Cre'pance x. Cre'pane , = ^ Cram'ming Cramp ^ Cra ziness ^^ Craz'ing ' Cra'zy ^ 1" Crep'itate =~\ Crep'itated J* Crep'itating 5:-': ^^ ;/ Cramped Cramp'fish = '- c ! Creak 1 Creaked ^ j. . Crepita'tion Crept ^~^\K Cramp'ing . Creak'ing ^ = \? ^ Crepus'cular - ^ Cramp'-iron Cream Crepus'cule =-^ "^7 Crampoons' c '"}' C ran 'age " ! ' ^^ i y' Cream'-cheese v Cream'colored ^ ^~J Crepus'culous ^- Cres'cendo "T"^ A / Cran 'berry ^ Creamed D Cres'cent V -. j Crane 1 "" ^ Cream'ing rr-^--' c Cress CT^^P ^ CV"-^_^ CranesTjill ^ Cream'y c-rp .,-. Cres'set 1 Cra'nial ~ ^ Crease "I Crest ejA_,^ \~-i-j Craniogn'omy c _ e> ...^ Creased o c^^ Crest'ed J; Craniolog'ical Creas'ing ^ .)' Crest'fallen ** ^ Craniol'ogist Craniol'ogy ==% k Creat'able er l Create' " ^~ Creta'ceous C ~~T_^ Cre'tin Craniom'eter Creat'ed '"- Cre'tinism ^X "^-v Craniomet'rical Craniom'etry c^' -i Creat'ing c " Crea'tion ^^ c i Crevasse' Crev'ice ^ Cranios'copy <^.1 ^^ > Crank Ci/l C ~L? Creat'or c v <^\ Crib c-^^_ ^^ Cran'kle Cran'kled c i " ' ' Creat'ural ' / Crib'bage r^-- T^- Cran'kling ^ Creat ure **y Creat'urely "^ ^ V Cribbed Crib'bing =-^ c _^ / Crank y Cran'nied *3 hC re dence Creden'da C \ ~ N Crib'bled ""j" Cran'ny Grants 1 \| Crich'tonite CRICK 58 CRUMBING c :) Crick 1 Crick'et <= 1 c-^i Crick'eter "J ,- . Criticizing ^' .1 . **> Critique' ^ Criz'zel -fl 5_e/ Cross'-trees "* ' Cross'-way 1 Cri'coid "T 1 Croak j- &v ' ' Crotch c I TV-, Cried c " ' Croaked c 7 c , Crotched ^ Cri'er cj Croak'er 1 ' '' Crotch'et ^_s-*y rf< Crime **- Criminal c '^ Croak'ing 7] =T^ v Cro'at T7 T7 Crotch'eted 1- [ Crotch'ety e _^-^ x ^ _ . . Criminal'ity Cro'ceous T!-- n^-. Cro'ton '' Crim'inally ^T?. c-j-, Cro'ches Cro'tonic c-^~V| -^^-=1 Crim'inate -^ Croch'et c T\~s- c: ~7 Cro'ton-oil Crim'inated e: c / Crock^ J* A ' Crouch c ""^""l , :-j Cnm inating Crimina'tion c "S-^ c-^-^-, Crim'inative " ' Crim'inatory c ^\- - Crimp ( Crock'ery f ] T T ~[/' Crock'et Croc'odile f~*~\a T~> 1^1 Crocodilian r ' Crocodil'ity Crouching c \ ^"^ Croup ' 1 Croupade' c~\ , Crou pier Crimped . o Cro'cus Crout ^^ * "~^^5\ Crimp'ing ^~ Croft C F\ Crow Crimp'ing-iron .. f" Croft'er c '~ > Crow'-bar c ^ ^ Crim'ple \ * Crim'pled Crofting c-D ^^ Croi'ses =~r c , Crowd Al *' Crowd'ed c " _^-^ Crim'pling > ~" Crim'son .71... ' Crome c -4^^> ^^v^ 1 " Cromor'na c~1 C 7L Crowder Crowding ^, ^~g_^, Crim'soned Crim'soning 1 ' i Cromlech = Crone ^"l <= T\ Crow'dy A| - Crowed v Cri'nal "' '"' ^^ Cro'ny c _ , c Crow'foot "~^ Cri'nated i c j Crook Crow'ing c *', c""'-*' Cri'natory / Cringe c C ~^~ : L-^^ Cringed 1 Crooked c j c 1^. Crook'ed ' Crook'edly Crown ^ A " 3 A Crowned ^_ ^ ^ Crown'ed Cringe'ling *^-*~*l =~^y Cring'er Cring'ing c j i Crook'edness L^ c Crooking c~\ c^^ Crop c ^, c ^ Crown'er . . A^ c _ ? ^ Crown'-glass Crowning ~t^> T-^*_ Cring'ingly 1 Cropped c*C" iC~^\ Crown'-law i[ Crin'gle ^ r^\ Cropper Crown'-lawyer e^-ft-'t'- . Cro'quet /*> "^u Crown'less > Crown'-paper cr^ _~jc_ Cri'nite ' Crore 'A 7 ^ "vT^ Crown -post f t^-*-* Crin'kle ^-^jt_ ,_, CrinTded C _J/ y Cro'sier 1 *" Cro'siered Crown'-prince i^ P, Crown'- wheel * Cri'noid -- c- Cros'let c ~^-^ ' Crow's'-foot tr^S- <&y_s Crinoid'al ' Cross ^t!^. t-^ Crow's'-nest * c ?"-' Crinoid'ean r, t; -tr\ Cross'- action 1 Cru'cial Crip'ple ^-^ Cru'cible > ^. Cruciferous Crip'pling =~\s^ o- CrossT)earer ' * ' Cru'cified c- c-* Cri sis ' *"^ T >/ Cross'-bill | =7^y tr ^_j D Cru'cifier - " \ Crisp tr-^/ ^ Cross'-bow \ Cru'cifix =-^? ,__p Crisp'ated Cross'-breed c-jf ^"i^ Crucifixion ' x Crisped f~^ n Cross'-bun 5 ^~^V-N Cru'ciform e-^ cH9 Crisp'er ' ' Cross'cut c-^v =7^; Cru'cify Cris'pin f- f, n ,,^ Crucifying ~^/" *~N._c Cnsp'ly v^A^aa^u ^"1 ""l^ Crude ^" Crisp'ness ^-0^5-0 or ^- Q Cross-exam- ' Crudely Criss'-cross-row ina'tion "r *" G~? or c- -; Cross-examine "^n 7 Crude'ness -w_p ''] / Cru'dity ,_p c-rf; Cris'tate c P ^-j Cross'- eyed Cru'el l Cris'tated e ~l / >' ic "H-v "4-s. Cul'pable \ V^ Cul'pableness c 'k ^j, Crum'bling ^ '" : ^* Crum'my <^P^-V Cr>'stallog'- raphy c + > v C+A. Cul'pably V Cul'prit ^ c ^ Crump '1 Crumpet =-*1 ^P>X7 Crj'stal'lotype X \ ' Crj-stal'ology X"\ Cultivable \ Cul'tivatable ,_ s*~^ i Crum'ple N *~ ^ Crum'pled 1 ., ~A Cte'noid ij Cub d- "Vf Cul'tivate i Cul'tivated c-^\ f ~ I ^\ Crum'pling \ Crup'per x V Cu'ban * ** Cuba'tion ^^ '^.j Cul'tivating Cultivation l _Jj r =-rf Cru'ral Crusade' V. __. CuTsature ~1 -* Cubbed Xci. Cul'tivator Cul'trate c-^| =jf Crusad'er ' Crusad'ing ~ X^ \ Cub'bing " x Cube ^ ^-T, ^-i Cul'trated Ij. >- k. Cul'triform a c-yf Cruse Cru'set \ ">.. CuTjeb "N "~ Cu^ic Vs Cul'ture ^. Cul'tured 37 ,__, Crush <\. ^V\ Cu'bical -n ^^^^ CulVer Crushed "* CuTaiform Cul'verin c n ^-7 Crush'er " ^~ Crush'ing ^ erf. n Crust _y " {_) Crusta'cea Crusta'cean -^ -^ CuTjit ~~>- T> >i Cu'bital J ' Cu'bited , ~^J Cu'boid ^^ 1 Cuboid'al r| ~ ct-fy^" Cul'vert Cul'vertail i _f^. CumTjent Cum'ber _Js _ek^ Cumbered L n rt _P Crustaceol'ogy ( -^J>' ^ Cuck'ing-stool ^Jy -J T Crusta'ceous ~ Cuck'old ^-7 *% c<^> *-^ t / /- i / ^ Crusta ceous- : i -. Cuckoo Cumbering _ je l JS I N ^ t -l/'- CumTjersome Cum'bersomely rp Tfu Crust'ated [ness ' Cucul'late AB^J Cum'bersome- \f Crustal'ogy ^X 1 a,-*^, Cucul'lated ness T"P. p Crusta'tion Cu'cumber _^-x^ ! -<^' CumTirance Crust'ed yy ~^j Cucurliit o ^ Cumbrian e T^-i <=rf , Crust'ily Cud _Ay 1 ~ < S?'' Cumbrous . Crust'iness p p j^ \i Cum'brously ^. <^f Crust'ing ~L/ ~\ Cu d'dle ! ~<^o ' Cum'brousness ' Crust'y ^T ^^ Cum'ic ^7 c-^ Crutch ~T Cud'dled ^- v - ..y^ 1 Cu'mulate Crutched ~qr ~Z1 Cud'dling Cu'mulated "^ , - Crutch'ing ^ '' Cud'dy ^. ^/P Cu'mulating / >i_ Cry/ ~./ __ Cud'gel Cumula'tion " Cud'geled __^V^L ^/^" Cu'mulative Cr>-oph'orous ^ ~^ Cud'geler " " Cu'mulose ^^_^ Crj-pt n Cud'geling ^,-g-C^I' Cu'mulo-cirro- ^ Cryp'tjc ~H - . Cud'weed <(* t stratus ' " Cryptoga'mia *J ' Cue _^ ^ Cuff -TrT^jl Cu'mulo-stratus Crj-ptogam'ic ' Cuffed T- C_J Cuffing ^o jy- Cu'mulus " " / Cu'neal . ^? Crj-ptog'amist Cuirass' --v^ Cune'iform c ~^ ^'.r-Ni.^-s Cryptog'amy C * J J- Cul-de-sac' v - 5 v^ -~s_; Cu'niform Cryp'togram <^^L^ c^r-'s Cryp'tograph ' Cryptographer VI __y^-v_, Culdee' Culic'iform sr/- ~Y~ Cu'linary ^v^-^ ' Cun'ning TV s^^p Cun'ningly Cun'ningness Cryptograph'ic ^ ^ CulJ^ Cup'-bearer <^r-i Cryptograph'- -i ical J Cul'lender ^s~>. -.^s Cull'er - ^y- CupTjoard " Cu'pel e ^~~V c V(7 Crj'ptog'raphy ' ' ' Cull'ing v .-_. X. Cupella'tion Cryptol'ogy V> V 75 Cull'ion ^^ Q_Cup'ful crft^- c-^g^> Crys'tal Cul'lis ~j- Cu'pid " Crystalline c ~^- c ^ r p'V/^ Crys'tallite Y' 7" Cul'ly ^^ Culm * -1 Cupid'ity =~i^-^ Crj's'tallized ; Cul'minating Crj's'tallizing Cur'tained ev ea- Cyclical Cy'clograph < v e* Cy'cloid Cu'rate ** Curta'tion 71 1 1 Cycloid'al /] xX' Cur'ative -Tf u ' -7T ' Cura'tor _f- .-^ Curtly Curt'ness e^ u . Cj-cloidlan 1 J Si^x Cyclom'etry _X\ y^ Curb Curbed x\^ V\x? t Curbing "H Y Curt'sy ) "** Cu'rule e-t-v. ^^"V Curv'ate (p, ^~\ Cyclope'an 1" Cyclope'dia ' Curb'roof i Curv'ated e^. . a-X_ Cyclope'dic _XV, H ?fi Curb'stone S~ Curculio -^ ^ Curd c y^ Cyllndroid N^r Cured Cureless \? "~V Curving 1 Cur\-lty ^"/ = a-* Cylindromet'ric 6 IS ..... c ^, ma X. ^^V: Cur'er r;- ^ Cush'at C"<^ rf~x- Cymar' ^ ~ Cur'few Cushion ' \ Cyml)al ~, N Cu'ria _3 -pS Cushioned i*\^- a~? Cyml)iform " Curing J Cusp v^_^ Cyrae __xXZ_: A Curiol g' ic ' Curiosity _/*0- /^ Curioso' T\ "T\ Cuspidal f 1 -1, Cuspidated JTb ^^ Cy'mose ' Cjtian'che ^ >V" Cu'riously ~ Tf- Cus'tard I?- Custo'dial \ Cvn'ic q^,, . ?_^N Cv-nlcal ~~~ Cu'riousness J c-r Curl H Curled -rf -H? _ Custo'dian P ^ Cus'tody J 1. Cus'tom o^ Cynicism <2J^ >v_?-> Qj-pjj'onism 7^^ c-/" Curl'er ~Tp~ _js X 1 - Cus'tomable Ox- =\ Cy press Curlew *"\ ' \e~~s Cus'tomarily v Cy'prian xO /^-^ Curliness Curling -rft ,. f- Cus'tomary <\. <>C Cyp'rine ** ^ Cus'tomed Cyp'riot ^- ^-Ox Curly * Curmudge'on -?-g^x T^ Cus'tomer J Cus'tom-house > o/^ Cy'prus Cyrenalc y, ^XS Cur'rant -rf~, -7-- Cus'toms ^-3> 0x^7 Cyre'nian ^. Cur'rency Cus'tos ' 1 ^- ! Cvriologlc y, ^/^ Cur'rent ^ Cur'rently T 1. Cut ' V* Cuta'neous ^ i C ' vst ,. L_. Cystic j _ fT- ^ Cur'ricle ' Cute A .). . Cys'toce Curric'ulum ~^" Cute'ness (^ ^ C^Vtocele _i1 Curric'ula 1 CurVied y >1 Cur'rier ~7] 1 f~^ Cu'ticle "^ Hr Cutic'ular I. /^ Cu'tis to p Cystot'omy \n -b Cvtherean ^ /^- Cyt isine _X Currish " b I'' Cutlass ) V^x^ Czar __)/ v./ =^^ Cur'ry /^s _X Cutler >y ' ' Czarev'na Cur'ry-comb 'T 1 ' -^ Cutlery y>~> ^ [ Cur'rying | ^c -/V Cutlet YXN_X JxV^ Czari'na \ Czar'owitz Curse Cut'purse c 1 r Cursed n __ Cut'ter -N Dac'tyl Dam f pen Dar'ling u ^ J - ^ Dac'tylar T r^ Damp'ened |V> T Darn r > = I' ??. Dactyl'ic Dac'tylist [_/-i-s L/^~V Dactyl'oglyph ^" ' Damp'ening I Damp'er " Damp'est Darned i -S [/ Dar'ncl Dar'ner ^^ ' " Dactylog'raphy bDamp'ing [x 5 [S) Darn'ing , . ./7 '" Dactylol'ogy Damp'ish K ^ V*^ Dart'ing 1' Daeda'lus 1 I Dan 1 1' j Dart'inelv y< u Daff J Da'gon Dan'der J 1 Das'tard i 3 - * Daguer'reian 1 .. \^- Daguer'reotype ^^ 1" Dah'lia i. | 1- Dai'ly ) ' 1' Dand'ify ^ H Dan'dle 1 1 . Dan'dled *"f H^ Dan'dler Y~^ Das'tardliness 1 J Das'tardly \^- ' Das'tardy |. Da'ta r v -t< ^j Dain'tily Dain'tiness [ i i Dain'ty 1 i I' Dan'dling ^1" Oj. ^ Dan'druff ~ ' Dan'dy ^1- Data'ria r/: Da'tary " Date H l>^ Jv^ Dai'ry Dai'ry-maid J[_^ r Dan'dyish ^\y J^ Dan'dyism I. .. Dat'ed ]/(o h Date'less 1. b Da'is I- I- ., Dane 1 Dat'er ) Dai'sied Dane'gelt . 1- i Dat'ing 1- Dai'sy ( \_n . Dane'wort , Da'tive ) * Dak ^^ / "' / Dan'ger * ^ Da'tum b- l>~ Dale Dall pa p"| Dal'liance 1 1 i. Dan'gerous / b>- X Dan'gerously l *- 9 Dan'gerousness 1 i. .- Datu'ria I/ 1 ?> \ Datu'rine - ^ N Daub Dal'lied U|" Dan'gle I- p Daubed p^\ I',." Dal'lier l ~ < - Dan'gled * \ Daub'er Dai'ly p^^ : pi, Dalmat'ica ^* Dal'tonian r { r Dan'gler ^ ^** Dan'gling I- I Da'nish 1" |~ Daub'ing N^, \ Daub'y I" l~ Daugh'ter pTo-^ L Dal'tonism *3 ^~ Dank V Daughterly Dam 1" DanuTjian J' I* Daunt 1 1 .. Dam'age ^S \ Dap r Daunt'ed ~} J L-j Damageable \ Dam'aged I' [_ Daph'ne *** *\ Dap'per JP Daunt'er V" Daunt'ing ^y [^ . Dam'aging Dam'ascene I' Dap'perling V^ \ Dap'ple J 1 Dap'pled JV-- Daunt'less Y* V Daunt'lessly J" j^V, Daunt'lessness |L__ r^ Dam'ask \ \ Dap'pling pr"^ Dau'phin r> To- Dam'asked Damaskeen' 1 1. ' Dar > S Dare P r 1' Dau'phiness l -^ \ Dav'its -b - ? '-n Damaskeened' ^ l^. . Dam'askin 1. / Dared S p/ Dar'er 1- I" ' Daw P Daw'dle cr "^ ' ' s ~' Dam'asin J^ Dame \, j. Dar'ic \ Da'ring 1" p Daw'dled \^ Daw'dler Dammed |_ |; x Damn \/^~! \s^ Da'ringly ' ' Da'ringness 1" Daw'dling J Dawn ' \ Damnabil'ity '1 I Dark J~ |\ Dawned |]^_ . t_^_^ Dam'nable " ' Dark'en Dawn'ing \ ^>^_P Dam'nableness I Dam'nably 1 "1 Dark'ened ^ ^-^ Dark'ener 1. I- Day X_J Day'-book ^^v "r^ Damna'tion [ " . Dam'natory 1 T' Dark'ening ^~*-s Dark'er h [ Day'-break \ \^ Day'- dream DAY-LABORER 62 DECIMETRE Iv'V ! DayMaborer A r v Daylight I- ! Days'-man , 1 Debat'able !< ^. X Debate' ^ Debat'ed l- 1 ^ V-^ Dec'apod | Y. Decap'odous * \^/ Day'spring 1 . 1, Debat'er L.. - Decarbonate b 1- Da/-star |/ L~ Daytime k- L. H Debating \ ' / Debauch 7 ^>-H r*>f Decarboniza'- " 1 x -* tion t L Day--work Sv_ b Daze r l x [ Debauched' x x ?y Debauchee' \^f L.* DecarTjonize ^-? ^ X -f Decar-bonized t- T Daz'zle 7 J ' Debauch'er [ .. | . ., Decarljonizing 1* Daz'zled IX^ (. Daz'zling r* Dea'con L' L' L' Debauch'ery ?y Ss X Debauching * f * Debauch'ment ^-JL^ -L. 1 Dec'astich L-cv L/"\ Dec'astvle i ~K J ~ 6- x : Decasyllabic 1 . i i Dea'coness T* "-r J-4) Dea'conry ^ Dea'conship 1 i Debent'ure ^4. U L s\ Debent'ured ^ > 1 v J Debil 'itate 1 L Decay" ^~ M Decayed' I- I . Decay'er 1 | Dead J Ij. Dead'en Dead'ened 1 - 1 - Debilitated >/.![ >/! Debilitating 1 j, |. Debilita'tion ^~^ ' Decaying III Decease' (X 3 0^ Deceased ' ^ Dead'ening I. "1 b* DeadTiead J Dead'-heat .^- l^ Dead'-letter Ss^b Debility I 1 Debit W ^5 Debited Ll^ Debiting Deceasing III- Deceit' J 3 jf / Deceit'ful V. N-,C Deceit'fulness r Dead'lift l~v jr-xjp Deadlight Deadliness j^-r i^.^ Deadly ^o> Debonair* 1 i 1 Debouch' X k. . Debris' \r ' T>V,t i Li Deceit'less fe c X. b Deceiv-able ' ^ ^ Deceive' J- Deceived' Dead'-march XJ6DL t V b Deceiv-er Jj, . Dead'ness Ii i Debtec' n TifKf'1*c * Deceiving "^ Dead'weight Li T\ r 1*0 .] -L'cLll ILab ' r ' Debt'or f~^ or f~\ DecemTier L Deaf Deafen U*- U^-'w' _^ e . Deaf enmg I; 1- Deafmute , 1. I- Debut' xy V ^3 Debutant' ^ ' Debutante' Ul . Dec'achord *nr no^'adai KJ.^ Decem'fid "^ DecemVir Ji- 1^ Decem'v-iral " ^ Deafness [^ i^s. Deal Deal'er l/> ' U, Dealing | 1 'c C dUUi hi L- Dec'ade ^T. ^1-Deca'dence I Deca'dency | I De'cency ^J ^^' Decen'nary I L - Decen'nial 'QlS' f Death v \- DeathTjed [_._/*"" I . ^> Dec'alogue Decam'eron 1 .^ s L_^v Dec'ametre ~^ Decamp' | _ _ L^-v^ Decamped' J 1 i Decep'tiveness "S dL^ *\ Decep'tory U* * Decern' . t L Decerp'tion JAi f V P Decid'able J J v Deathless V V Deathlike Decamping 1.^ |_. Decamp'ment ^^ ^^ Dec'anal \ Decide' L 1 Decid'ed v vv^ Decid'edly 1 J I Deathly 'v t \^ ' Death s'-head f *Z Death/warrant 1 . 1 . Decan'dria ^\ i)" Decan'drian L- T _/^\ Decan'drous L L Decid'er 1 vP -h Deciding vl -y Decid'uous I Deba'cle S^ ^/ Debar- U [= Debark' ^ A-O Debarka'tion ^ 5 -'^xy~r' ' Decan'gular LI . Decant' ^"13 Decanta'tion 1 . Decant'ed LI- Decid'uousness Decigram L^i L-i Decilitre L 1 ' Debarked' ! ^^-|- ' "= Decant'er \_ N_. Debarking L | . . Decanting 1 . . Debarred' *** ^~\J? Decaphyllous i - Decillion pv_y L x- Decillionth * V * Decimal ^v^ l^/^-' (^^ Debar'ring Debase' 1 1 I Debased' k^ Sr\ XX Debase'ment ^ ^f Debas ' er 1 Debasing N<1_^ SL-. Decapitate . J. Decapitated SL. Decapitating ^_ Decapita'tion L-/J" t Decimalize Decimate L, 1. Decimated *H ** Decimating L L-^ I>ecima'tion "'} f Decimetre DECIPHER 63 DEFECATING i. JL' i. Deci'pher ra ' Vt $ Decipherable V V \ v- Deciphered >i f i Decomposite \i K A Decomposi'tion Decompound' I 1 Deda'lian .K/ 1 'K\ Ded'alous . Dedec'orous . Decipherer <5 ^ t Deciphering | ^A | ^ Decompound'ed f* Decompound'- LD Ii- 4-] Dedicate Dedicated ^N v ' Deci'sion I 1 . Dec'orate [ing L. |. -, Dedicating L L Deci'sive * ^ Dec'orated Dedica'tion V^ Vl/ Deci'sively Deci'siveness P L_ L Deck Decked L 1 o Dec'orating Decora'tion K[ . Dec'orative ^r_p Dec'orativeness (. . l__ Dedicator [/* Dedicatory L, I Deduce' L Deduced' 1 . L_ Deck'er [ 1 b Dec'orator '^ A * Deduce'ment Decking ii ^ Deco'rous LI Deducing 1 Declaim' *tr* Declaim'er j \ _ ^V Deco'rously -J-'V i v Deco'rousness U f" Deduc'ibli!^ J J Declaiming 'V--^.' P*S& Declama'tion | , ^_: | . x Decor'ticate Decor'ticated l I-.L Deduct' 1- Deduct'ed . JA. Declam'atory Lyr- | . / ^ Decor'ticating n [ i Deducting ^cy ' Declar'able i | Decortica'tion Deduc'tion ^\ * Declara'tion i /^v 1 Deco'rum i, i Deductive ** b. Declar'ative 4^ v Decoy' ^, '' Deed HI /.-. Declar'atively ^V' Declar'atory L_ | Decoy'-duck ^1 1 ^1 Decoyed' J- \ Deed'less Deem . - Declare' 1 l Decoying j_. |_^, Deemed cL-~ J- cL_^ Declared' -r ' ' Decrease' Deeming ' V 7 ^ ^V Declar'er Lo i P. Decreased' 1 . 1 Deem'ster ^J Declaring C ^O Declen'sion Decreasing Ln^ 1 Decreaslngly ^Tf Decree' \ Deep 1 Deep'en S, j Deep'ened J I Declin'able V^-\ d ^O> Declina'tion [^ [_. Decreed' "J\ Decre'er 1 I Deep'ening Sj^ > Deep'er 1 ^A- Dec'linator '^-r^' V* Declin'atory I 1 Decline' *^> r" Declined' 1 . 1. Decreeing * 3 Dec'rement KH-^ Decrepit '] Decrepitate kl Deep'est \. Deeply 1 1 Deep'ness >ji ;f Deep'seated f \ Deer r 1 Declin'er vt-- v3_^ Declining J ( 1 Declinom'eter ^l- 1 -;. Decrepitated j '.) Decrepitating ;\ V,_o Deface' II 1 Defaced' ks ko-^' Xx^ Deface'ment "^o--^ v^i 9 Declin'ous J. J. Declivitous ^s *1 Declivity Defama'tion I 1 Defam'atory i JJecoc tion 1 . , L_ Decrusta'tion X^J" NV-N Defame' K| , Decoct'ive . i * Decol'late HJ * Decry' | 1^. Decrying L| Defamed' Xr-x Defam'er | . fl [. ,-.. Decollated Decum'bence I Defaming i i ' Decollating |v | N Decum'bency \^-^s VO- Default' 1 JD \.j^~^\ Decolla'tion Decol'or Decum'bent | . Dec'uple 1 1 ' Defaulted Vyi Yj Defaulter 1 V ? -.^ Decol'orant ^^ 1 . (T Decolora'tion 1 y^ I VA Decol'ored ^^-\ s Dccol'oring i \,J5 v^ Decol'orize ^^ > Dec'upled h I /7 Dec'upling >. TT Decu'rion 1 "N^ (, Decur'rent v. Decur'sive | Defaulting xr" ^"2_^ Defea'sance 1 1 . Defea'sible Ve N^,^ Defea'sibleness \-^\^ \^J^ Decol'orized 1 . I Decus'sate 1. Defeat' ^2-' \^t Decol'orizing i~i-p i * p --. / , i il pT Decussated 1 !l Defeat'ed U_/C Y ^ Decompos'able 1 l^fo 1 Decompose' Lp 1 L> Decus'sating T[ "-r? ^f Decussa'tion 1. * 1 Defeating J * Defecate jX' f 1"^,^ Decomposed' Decomposing v-; Decus'satively J De'dal ^1 . Defecated **" Defecating DEFECATION 64 DELIRIUM ^ .-) |; Defeca'tion Defecator (^ [. Defect' 1 J Deflora'tion r{ p O P Deflouer' ^-^ j^ A^ Deflouerd' 1 1 1 Deject' / / LL-./: Deiect'ed * ^1 Dejectedly ^^ Defect'ible I . 1 . Defec'tion *= M, Defec'tive J J| 1 Deflour'er ?l ^Ln , Deflourtng ir *)tO Deflux'ion I i Deject'edness / J J Deject'er ^lc ^^ *~ Deject'ing Irn Irj.. Defect'ively \L. U-P Defect'iveness 1 I Defoliated XT 1 X/C3 Defolia'tion J J 1- Dejec'tion /. 'L^, J\. Deject'ory L_P IN*S Defence' Defenced' 1 _ 1 Defenceless ^f * Defend' I*P 1 Deforce' *~s-^ Deform' 1 J Deformed' v^ ^"^ Deform'er 1, l/r Deju're ,/2-. Delaine' lj~ pq Dela/ ' Delayed' Kl Defend'able Defend'ant Deform'ing Deform'ity V^~\ fa^' Delay 't-r Delay'ing hi , Defended ^^ Defend'er 1, J, Defraud' L-i |>t De'le 1 x Deieble 1- t-Lp Defending \ Defen'sibility 1 n 1_ Defen'sible J J Defraud'er > * Defraud'ing 1 1 Defra/ (1 rt _- r ti |/^~]- k^H Delec'table \ f Delecta'tion P f Delegate Vl Delegated " vi N/' ~ 1 v-. Defen'sive V*. 5* Defrayed [_ f _, Delegating Ljo x- Ui^' Defen'sively v ~^\j' Defen'sory Defra/er ?t ^t. 1 Defra/ing ' ^"^ Delega'tion L [^ Delete' |> |;jc Defer* ' Deft Delete'rious Deference I ^ Deftly i^v lr~ Delf . !) \.\s*~-~f y Deferent /. Deftness Deferen'tial U , X Deferred' ^ V Defer'rer i I Defer'ring 1^"' lj>o l^. Defeud'alize -^ Defi'ance hi Defunct' lv Def/ J J Def/ing L _/ / Degen'eracy ^J . Degen'erate J J 1 Degen'erated r P Deliberate K' 1 Deliberated P . Deliberately Kj^" ^J> Delib'erateness P f Deliberating >. ^O Delibera'tion 1 I /^ (y Defi'ant ^* ^ y* Degen'erately P f f Deliberative >CI^ " Defi'ciency ^"1 '( *r^> Degen'erateness N \ M Delib'erator l_? 1 i>/ Defi'cient J I J Degen'erating 1. \ J. Del'icacy ^ Hi Defi'ciently J* J y Degenera'tion f t s~- Del'icate 1 1 1 Deficit v>s *' ^ f *\. Degenerative L Uel'icately U> V. V Defied' vl ^ Defier* J i Deglu'tinate J^^-i l-^i. Degluti'tion f l^~) Del'icateness ^^ "K Delic'ious 1 1 1 Defile' U V ^ Defiled' . U O Degrada'tion ]_._ 1 Degrade' p-j,; J^-)^ Delic'iously ^^ "v 8 Delic'iousness f vf Defile'ment , ^H Degraded f -. I Deliga'tion 1 I Defiier f" v f Defil'ing Ki~ v Defin'able ^ Define' L.. L, Degrading /T Degrad'ingly 1 i ^\ Degree' " K 1 Dehort' 1 ^1 L^l Dehorta'tion H Delight' 1^1 C P V Delighted v - Delight'ful (f y L.. Delight 'fulness V^i v Delight'ing l^v t-^~\ Defined' Jf; U K 1,. Dehort'ative L-^ (>^3 Delight'some ' Defin'er x^/- L* Dehor'tatory V Delin'eament |^v^ r Defin'ing JjC vf De'icide |/^ v ' l^VI Delin'eate *^.s v** j3 e f; n jt e L| I,. Deific Delineated Definitely L *^~J> Definiteness I V Deifica'tion ' ;3 J De'ified \f^~s [s^~* Delin'eating Delinea'tion I. _ L^j Defini'tion I* (/ I De'ifier (^ / ^i rp.Delin'eator "^ .b Definitive V,^ ^5 \- De'iform Delineatory r. J J Definitively "~d Cc VCTT Deflagrabil'ity v>i v-x^~ De'ify L J- De'if>-ing L^^t_, (^^<_, Delinquency 5 Delin'quent VL \ > Deflagrable v Deign |^o ^^c_j Del'iquate J J Deflagrate - s-^n Deflagrated \^, Deigned "' Deign'ing Deliqua'tion L-C.D |,:c^i Deliquesce' dl Deflagrating \^ \" n Deil Deliquesced' er- Q^_2 Deflagra'tion '(/^ Deinothe'rium J^c^p 1/C-t, Deliques'cence 1 j Deflagrator i CL .Q. Deflect' 1 Deflected 1 - Deipnos'ophist \o 1 I De'ism r?* *'- s De'ist Deliqueseent \*H_, \^-%. Deliques'cing ' Delirtous J J . Deflect'ing VL. VV H- Deflec'tion ? ^- Deflo'rate 1 1 Deist'ic -* ' Deist'ical r *"< De'ity N^-^ L^YA. Delir'iously Delir'ium DELIVER 65 DENYING p ]' p Deliv'er Lty^ 1 ^~~^ Demol'isher L?T-J Ir-i. Den'igrated (J Sr p tional y\ V 'A V\ Delud'able L*,, I De'monize P Denom'inative 1 \ ' Delude' 1 v l v De'monized t |j. . | Denom'inato 1^, i/-i Delud'ed Delud'er KL 1/7 Delud'ing ' "I Del age [_. I i/T^I De'monizing tV 1 ^ i i Demonol'atry i [_^ Demonol'ogy "TY-A ' ' j. Demonstrabil'- 1 _ i i Denot'able y Srfc 1*1 Denota'tion \ ' U ' ' Denote' I I . i Oenot'ed L>7 1^7 Del'uged N ity ^-=-1 i| '-^^4^ I3enot'ing" -/ Del'uging (^ i {_ Demon'strable Denoue'ment LO > |AV_ Delu'sion 1 ? I -3, i|. Dem'onstrate 1 A O I^^Ao Ucn ounce' ' Delu'sive \ ' '' 1 Dem'onstrated J-)enounced' \/- [;-. Delu'sorj 7 pP V Delve ' i i I- Dem'onstrating l-^ ^5> IT Demonstra'tion D L Demonstrative L-O^- or L^fl^ Denounce'ment ^A^/ |AQ^ Denounc'er ' Delv'er L^ i j Demon'strative- Denouncing |/-\^ [^ Delv'ing "^ v Demagnetize J - Dem'onstrator J U }^ ense ,. /. -Dense ly 1 . Demagrogr'ic t* T *"" r-N T- i/ i ^> ^ JJem agogism Qj Demon'stratory 's' Demoraliza'tion LCP Lp Dense'ness ^~^ J Den'sity K 1 . Dem'agogue :~Y~" K7i Demain' 1 1. i Demand' t-i^^~| '~^1 Demand'able \ Demand'ant [A^_, [^-^ Demand'ed ^1" Demand'er L i f-^J Demanding \f*f ' Demarcation i s~& i /f Demor'alize V^S v \~S Demor'alized i /y*^[^. Demor'alizing l~< ; (^ : Demosthen'ic i [^ Demot'ic 1^ ^ Demp'ster 1 \-Q^ Uy 3 Demul'cent ^ 2 ~~' Demul'sion ,1. 1 Dent J ^^ Den'tal ^^_.^ i Den'tate . H; ^-H. Den'tated Denta'tion 1. 1 L. Dent'ed f **] i Den'ticle ' Dentic'ulate i i 1. k Demean' ^? ~ Demeaned' l^_ Lk Demur' ^v ^^^> Demure' *H ^ Dentic'ulated =i-j -~s> Demure'ly ^^y^ Demure'ness LO^ Uv Deraur'rage i *-j ^-\ ^ Den'tiform ^^H Demen'ted ^5> Demurred' I |^y Demer'it '"^^ Demersed' 1 -S) \ Demer'sion 1 ~ / ' *^ TN I Demesne i * ^^^ Demur'rer 1 4 0' -^ Demur'ring 1 . i Demy' V J Den L . j. Den'til J^ Dent'ing L L Den'tist t). jj - Dentist'ic L^. U-^ Dem'i **$ i Dem'igod ) 1^. Dem'ijohn J^ J J5 Denar'cotize "^ ' |j V vj/* Dena'rius J I ^o Den'ary 1 I 1 Den'tistry j- ^-! 1 Denti'tion 1. b 1 Den'toid !^/ x 'V 1 ^ Dem'iquaver \L/\ U\ Dem'irep -| ^cSf Denun'ciated ^ > ~' .J Dem'itone l^^or U^ |^_ g^ m , C c ' r r ^ t Cy Ul Den'droid ^^7. Dendrol'ogist Dendrol'ogv ^*vf L^Jg Denun'ciating u Denuncia'tion \~^ i or l~< Democrat'ic' ft i, ^(7 v <\ Deniable L LP I.,, Denunciator \ ri ^_ r < / Democrat'ical viv L^. ~ . ,, ^( v | Denied "L *,!/' Denunciatory 1 ' ~ I^V Demol'ish . ^J Demol'ished Lx-x \r- Deni'ei v^\ ' Den'igrate u u. D en >-;. Deny ing DEOBSTRUCT 66 DESCENDED risi 1 Deobstruct' n' L. e-^-t Deob'struent U- H ^ De'odand 1- I Deodoriza'tion I J Deplo)-'ing X. X^a Deployment | / 1, Deplume' , , \" Depo'nent * Depop'ulate . Depriva'tion \ Kv K^ Deprive' V ^ Deprived' . 1 Depriv'er X X. \ Depriving P*- [^/ Deo'dorize , 1 T-v ft 1 ' ^-^ ( Depth \- Iprjs Deo'dorized PJ pv Deo'dorizer \s JJepop ulated N/C1 ^v/i' Depopulating . Depth'less k x V ) L" Depul'sion | 1 /. x Deo'dorizing pS-' "V7 Deontol'ogy P Up in Deox'ydate _p J- 1 p Deox'ydated ' Deox'ydating V Depopulation Depop'ulator Deport' L L Deporta'tion " H *|i Deport'ed / * Dep'urate 1 Dep'urated \^4 \S>- ' Dep'urating ~ 1 J- Depura'tion Svxs ^~/t Dep'urator |"p P - Deoxyda'tion J- fv Deox'ydize L L Deport'ing "^ Deport'ment 1 i Dep'uratory y\~/ ^ l^ Deputa'tion i VLp LL> Deox'ydized 4L & Deox'ydizing Deox ygenate 1 Depos'able ^C U^- v^ Depos'al X " Depose' N *^ ol'/ ' Depute' . 1 Deput'ed S. v< ] Deput'ing L 1 Depart' ^ T. Depart'ed L L/X Deposed' >a ^a Deposer "- Dep'uty ^i [/?/ Derange' . Depart'er 3k IN *v-> Departing \ ' ' Depart'ment t^ Departmen'tal ^y^ Depart'ure [, L Depos'ing U No \p Depos'it 1 y ' Depositary \, 1 , Deposited

g Depos'iting Deposi'tion / Deranged' ^j \?C~f Derange'ment I-z Derang'ing y\ T^- 3 Der'elict Derelic'tion \-A \7\ Deride' 1 i i Depas'ture N> I/ ^ Depau'perate r " Depend' , 1, i Depositor > 7*y V Depository .1 r Depot' *Vl Kv Derid'ed l^l \yt Derid'er y\ ' V O Derid'ing i 1 i Depend'ant U \ t Depend'ed I Deprava'tion ^> Is? 1^, Deprave' A \'i \ t Derid'ingly v * '' IP v^~ Deri'sion ^ Depend'ence ^ Depraved' Deri'sive Si ' 1 Depend'ency ^ y Depend'ent ' Depend'ently K DepraVer ^x k^, NJ Depraving ' Depravity y^J^ ly^_ Deri'sively v ' " Deri'siveness 1 &* ]/\- Deri'sory 1 i .' Depend'er Nc U n . Depending % *" ^^ Dephlegm' Hv L Dep'recable ^t ^\j_ Dep'recate K v >v Deriv'able 1 A 1 f. -f~ Deriva'tion y^> K^ Deriva'tional J 1 Dephleg'mate _^r. \_ Depict' 1 i i Depict'ed *^-i*s^_. k^ . Depict'ing -" Depic'tion L I Dep'recated ^^-v-j ^t~ Dep'recating \_. 1 Dep'recatingly ^^7^ ^\_D Depreca'tion [/V I^Si Derivative \._ rl Deriv'ati\-elj- | -2 \s Derive' v' " Derived' ^L Depict'ure Depict'ured -^ 1 Dep'recative ^^\_ ^ i Dep'recator l/^N \f Deriv'er v Deriv'ing 1 1= /* Derm *X ., 1 Depic'turing 1 >^ Dep'ilate k^ |. Dep'recatory ^T/. -Vi Depre'ciate ^ ^ Derm'al 1 1 Dermat'ic *r Derm'atoid 1 ^ 1 Dep'ilated ^r' XX Dep'ilating 1 1 / Depila'tion Sy/D >^r Depil'atory 1 . L , Depre'ciated A^ ^^ N * / Depre'ciating 1 o [^ . Deprecia'tion KxJ/i ^>-it. Depre'ciative \y-1 l-^-^ Demiatol'ogy PS ' ^^y.. Dermog'raphy 1 < \~.-~ Derm'oid -i v ' Dermot'omj- . J . Deplete' 1 % J Deplet'ed 1 y 1 . , Depre'ciator ;\^sC ^-^[/- Depre'ciatory \/\ 1 Dern'ier v * i Der'ogate ' ' Deplet'ing J I Deple'tion SI 1 Dep'redate ^1. ^1. Dep'redated V 1 Der'ogated ^1 ' Der'ogating ^. iir Deple'tory 1 Dep'redating T Deroga'tion t| Deplor"able ^/^_f Deplo'rablene '1 Deplo'rably . >C-. Deplora'tion . J . Deplore' ^L 1 Depreda'tion ^l ^X Dep'redator T Dep'redatory 1 I Depress' ^y> ^> Depressed' Lp ""]/ Derog'atory Lx : I/V* Der'rick ^ Der'vis 1. J ^, Descant C. ls^ Deplored' 1 i Depres'sing ' Descant'ed Deplor'er *Vo. 7^ rxsDepres'singly \_ \- Descant'er J J Deplor'ing X^^ X Deplor'ingly J J Deploy" Sj x Deployed' ^"^ Depres'sion 1 1 | v Depres'sivc ^Sp r^*/ ^v s~ Depres'sor S y v Deprivable **^ Descant'ing LI Descend' ^~- Descend'ant ^Descend'ed - DESCENDENT 67 DETERSION 1 k Descend'ent xf^ - Descend'er 1 kf Desiring v\ Desir'ous I Destroyer P* T Destroying UDescendibil'ity *% Descendible Descending *"' vj Descen'sion if- 1 Descen'sional ^L Descen'sive L t, Desist' Y cT Desist'ance I L . Desist'ed >}'- Desist'mg Desk L. If] Des'olate J- ^ Destructibil'ity li\ 'T Destruct'ible d' or q J Destruc'tion ^ " ^ Destructive L{^^ Descent' Des'olated 1 ^X. Describ'able k. . Describe' tv\ (j-A Described' v Describ'er Lj i^~ Des'olateness ^r j Des'olater L. U7 Des'olating * Desola'tion fi ^' Destruct'ively ' J -i Destruct'iveness ^ L-^> L L Desuda'tion - i Describ'ing "\_, tv "7^ Descried' ' Descri'er o s -s or b Descrip'tion 1 ^_ - Descrip'tive *""V ^^ 1 Descrip'tively 'I vL v Descry' I. Descry'ing J- K Despair' N/ ^^ Despaired' J. I- Despair'ing <*^/*S *-* > r Des'picableness J Detail'ing i. i Desert'ed ck J:./ l Des'picably p~^-^ 0' Detain' Desert'er \\ ' Desert'ing ^^^ ; c!^ Despis'able .i . I Detain'der \J? i ,v Deser'tion ' ** Desert'less L? t., Deserve' a a Deserved' . i Despised' ckv o^l Despis'er * e xj^ Despis'ing 1 Despite' ii ' Detained J ^ Detain'er Lj.^ Detain'ing Detect' L-y. . ^ Deserv'edly /; f Deserv'er \y <*>f d^^ Despite'ful ^~ Despoil' \l^ Detect'able l Detect'ed' L?' l / \ > _ > Deserv'ing Deserv'ingly ly J- Despoiled' > * Desid'erating cj J- Desid'erative t ti- Desidera'tum j., Despond'ing ^^ ^ Des'pot J \- Despot'ic "Al^ *i^ Despot'ical K J- Des'potism T^ v Des'pumate] I/' V Deterg'ent 1 1 /I 1 /I Det erg'ing L>/ K ' / Dete'riorate "/ '1* Deteriorated i > 1 O t Dete'riorating lv"l ^X* ^w, Deteriora'tion 1. 1 Design' ^- \ Design'able |- [ Designate *~V ' r ~Vl Designated b-^^s \ Designating dt_^ 1- Des'pumated ^^ ^W. Des'pumating J- ^ 1- Despuma'tion N^O ?-^D Desquama'tion ^ Deter'ment ->. U. Deter'minable x ~>-\ ^^V^-' Determinant ^vNyj Deter'minate ' . Designa'tion Jv.^ ^ v Des'ignator ! L Dessert' PV*. ' *~\ Deter'minately fll t-K Destem'per ^^V^ ^~O Determina'tion Designed' Ly, Design'edly Design'er I- 1- - Destina'tion [ n t> Des'tine J - * Des'tined SL Deter'minative ''S Deter'mine L. Ly Designing "' fr Design less L^ hi Desirabil'ity LU Des'tining Fj Des'tiny L ^~--j Deter'mined ^> Y~' Deter'minedly ^\ IT\ Desir'able 1. 1 I- TV 'i'i. ^ l ^v_ Deter'miner IX. 1 Desir'ableness ^^ V, Desire' b (??" b p -Ues titute fk " I Destitu'tion ^~^-> ^*-s Determining 1 - i Deterred' ,v/ Desired' 1 J-" Destroy' 1 ,^ 1 Detcr'ring V ^ Desir'er "' Destroyed' > 1 ^7 D e ter'sion DETERSIVE 68 DIBBLED kl Deter'sive 1 r- Detest' 1 J Device' Vc ^. Devil t/. |v. | V . Di'adem n- Di'ademed \ Detest'able j I Detesta'tion h v, I Detest'ed J , Devilish C* 1 \J d / Devilishly ^^ > ^ Devilry -N K t- Di'adrom i Diagno'sis i> Detest'er I De'vious ^a ll^~^ Diagnostic U Detesting 3- Dethrone 7 Vio r* WP ge'viously De \nousness i |_ i Diagom'eter p' [Y Diag'onal 1 L Dethroned' D- 3;, t Dethrone'ment ki | Devis'able I/ U Devise' HL* ^^ Diagonally L I Dethron'er ^ * Devised' *^~^^ Di'agraph cC, y~ Dethroning I - 1 Devisee' P'" . 1 * Diagraphlc Detinue J, I~ "L, Det'onate V] ' Det'onated Det'onating L -("3 Qg Detona'tion *J Vr>X^ ! -' ^ e ^ s ' er ' ^ "^ Devising I Devis'or v&J/ ^-J Devitrifica'tion I/- i P^~l Di'alect K 1 L Dialectic IJf-H p''"'"! Dialectical K J u Dialecti'cian Detoniza'tion L 1^ Devoid' I'^_i 1 l v ' Dialec'tics I 1 I Det'onize 'b> ^f -Lo^ Det'onized v v v Det'onizing J] Devoir" 1 . Devolu'tion t/^ V/X Devolve' 1 D (_> Di'aling !" p^ Di'alist f. ' Di'allage I I Detor'sion [/> -[7 Detort' | 1 Devolved' V/*" V/V . Devolving L^T I/'I Dial'ogism "^ l \ Dial'ogist 1 1 Detort'ed fr -l> Detour' I DeVonport ""^^ -1 Devote' I/Y. . 1^ Dialogistlc '~ Di'alogue tL Detract' T V Detract'ed 1 1- Devot'ed -1 -^_y Devot'edness 1^. 1^, Di'al-plate Dial'ysis ' Detracting 1 L I Detrac'tion L. T Detractive J {, Detract'or t. i 1, Detract'ory 'L- ., h ^-^i Det'riment V '^ r Detriment'al 1 I Devotee' lj Vo -j Devot'er ' ' Devoting 1 1 f Devo'tion \C> VD Devo'tional I _^- [* Devour' Devoured' \^ [X ^ Diamagnetlc v ' Diam'eter [)^. ^\/ : Diam'etral ^^~- ' Diamet'ric |J^/* ' [T Diamet'rical i Di'amond IL> ILn- Dian'dria 1 t L Detri'tal t^ \s~^ r Devour'er 1 J Dian'drian J* h f Detri'tion \r Devouring IY_ (T Dian'drous 1 u g Detri'tus 1 L Devout' (j ^^ Dian'thus L Detrude' A| *V^ Devoutly 1"' ^' j v . Diapa'son " a Detrud'ed i I L Detruding Li b Devout'ness h r Dew \3Ls ^^1 k Diapen'te ' N Di'aper \ Hi 'y>-r| Detrun'cate ^ Dew'drop (XI, U-i Di'aphane Detrun'cated 1 . \?\ Dewiness ^] Diaphaneity L i i Detrunca'tion S* ' X Dew'lap jY" JX -^^ Diaphanlc Ll^- 3 *. b" Detru'sion kl Dew'point ^1 Diaphanom'eter Deuce \ L Deuterog'amist U Dew'y Ul Dex'ter l/\ Dexterity 1. \'; - Diaph'anous ' V -v.9 "- Diaphonlc \ h Deuteron'omy "T^- /S Deuterop'athy , I 1 Deu'to -L_f> ^*Vi Deutoxlde SI . Dex'terous {- Dex'tcrously |__ Dex'tral ^S- T^. Dextral'ity | . | . s~ Dex'trine IK l^' Diaphon 'sis ^. - Diaphoretic |Y' |^, Di'upliragm V v " Dia'rian P> j^, Di'arist "' s vf Devapora'tion 1 ^^ Dextror'sal Diarrhce'a j 1 1 Dev'astate 5^, Vf> V Dev'astated SI. Dex'trous Dey |/i I/'V Diarrlicctlc ' o% Diarthro'sis 'f ' Devastating 1 J i Devasta'tion Vp Sfi. i Devel'op J. '\ -^N Devel'oped , l v ' l v ' Dhow 1* S \ Diabe'tes b. 1 Diabetic I" \ v ' Diab'lery L> t v 5! >a 7 , 1^"- Diastole |J' V | y- Di'astylo p" Jf-= Diates'saron J A Devel'oper ^*X <\ Devel'oping Devest' L. 1 De'viate |\, |y ^J Diacaus'tic I - ' Diach'j-lon lv |^ Diac'onal rC** ' '' Diac'onate v J v ' I' Dial! ^ t. \s Diatoma'ceae Diatonic | v '," , Di'atribe , ! De'viated t, pll Diacous'tic 1 I J Dib De'viating A l . ^L_ Diacritic >x N N Dibble -1 vip Devia'tion p' Diacritical J Dib'bled DIBBLER 69 DINGED 1 1 Dib^ler \S \^, Dibbling Irf or ~b" Difficult 1 v Iv Dike " Diked . v lv Dib'stone V b ct- Dice L-^* or i ... Difficulty 1 v i s. Dik'ing ' K* Dilac'erate ^- s Dice'box iv iv Diceph'alous fc/S ^ Di'cer 1 1 Diffidence .3 .3 Diffident L I. Dif'form f f f Dilapidate ^). **\ K. Dilapidated 'l' -I' Dilapidating l_v_ [_i-^ Dichot'omous ' l^> ^ Dichot'omy CLe^.. L v Dichromat'ic ~ ^ Dic'ing L 1 Dick'ens Dick'er V^ 1_ Diffract' L . ^ Diffract'ed 4 k -i Diffract'ing 1 .\_. J Diffrac'tion 1 1 Diffuse', adj. V5 Vb Diffuse', v. ^P , Dilapida'tion ^S| y\ Dilap'idator Dilatabil'ity U .1 1/1. Dila'table '\ ' U Dilata'tion L Lri Dilate' |_. L/T Dick'y I - Diffused' Dilat'ed Dicotyle'don L- \o \r- ./ Diffuse'ly [^. LQ Dila'ting [^1 ! Dicotj-le'donous i Diffus^er Dila'tion "ir i- Dic'tate h. I Dic'tated . 1 -,. i. Dic'tating 1 Diffusibil'ity U\ L" U Diffus'ible N>\ % S<^ Diffusing t/^ 1 f* Dila'tor lr^ Dil'atorily Ij/v? i j /. Dil'atoriness " Dicta'tion [. , L^ Dicta'tor i 1 1 Diffusion 1 " Vo "vTo ^ Diffu'sive r Dil'atory l^T^ J/n' Dilem'ma 1 ^~Qf |- Dictato'rial ^^ ^- \/ Diffu'sively *-^- Dilettan'te "' _s Dicta'torship f [ Dic'tion j ~>-'- Dic'tionary I i iv Diffu'siveness Vi l_ L^Dig ^^ Digam'ma si' \ -j\^, Dilettan'tism ^t VJ Y" Dil'igence ^ Dil'igent Ui i Dic'tum ^ <" ' Did IV. J Digas'tric ^L / Digest' L-C7- [^ Dil'igently Dill |. , Didac'tic "1 : - Didac'tical 1 i J Digest'ed y- ) /\ Digest'er V" ' Dilute' L. . l_ . Didac'tyl Digestibil'ity |^1 \^\ Dilut'ed V? Didac'tylous 1 J J Digest'ible Dilut'er I J Did'dle <\f - .^_ Digest'ing L. [^ Dilut'ing .f P Did'dled Diges'tion * Dilu'tion J Did'dling l^, l y~ Didecahe'dral J i . Digest'ive ^ L U- - Digged Dig'ger ^yL l/^ Dilu'vial { Dilu'vian l/\ " 1 . Dilu'vium 1. I Didst 1 Dig'ging " Dim .1^,. Did'ymous L. / / Dig'it U-^ U- ,-> . , . ^ \ Dim pie ( |^^o; _j_ Differencing L; 1 -n Digressed' Digress'ing >S, Dim'pling 1 or ...j - Different j ~> i f Digres'sion ^^ Digres'sional 1 Dim'ply "^\. J Din 1 Differen'tial S^i^^y - - Differentiate J J Digres'sive -^_ -/j, {j, Digj-n'ian ' Dig'ynous 1 | v Din'archy ^^ J Dine iv I,, Dined 1 l v t Dihe'dral Di'ner V^, Differentia'tion I i Dif'ferently ^f or "if- y- T Dihe'dron 1 J Diju'dicate 4^ .^ Dijudica'tion [. 1 I . Ding H^ H Ding'dong Dinged DINGINESS 70 DISCOID 1 - I Din'giness l[c>~~' ^* Ding'ing Din'gle ^9 Dirt'iest 1 f' t^Js Dirt'ily I i Disarm'ing "\~^J/$ ^% Disarrange' / Disarranged' ^~i *L^ T-.. ,?>* 1 IJin ing l~^i or V Din'ing-room Dirt'iness I/I H Dirt'y L .' Dirtying y k Di Disabuse' J J f. Disas'trous Dint'ed J. L n Disabused' \ ^^ Disastrously iv | v !. Dioc'esan I -jj. Lx Di'ocese ^ ' ' Dioe'cia ^ ^^^ Disabus'ing I s <"- r> I 3 Disadvan'tage l [ L Disadvanta'ge- tr Disavow' 'x! \* Disavow'al f Disavowed' |^3? Js- Dioe'cian 1 : Diop'tric IV Svn lx r ^' Dioptrical J_: Diora'ma . \^T" Pxi- Dioram'ic O Diortho'sis ( O 5! p . \ ^^ Dipet alous ' y ous U L Disadvantage'- U \_. ously r~ | Disaffect' L.k Disaffect'ed ^~i Disaffect'ing fc> b Disaffection ' u ^N... Disaffirm' j ^X^N L X Disavowing Disband' 1 JL Disband'ed ( ^-* Disband'ing Y 1 Disband'ment ^=> X> w Disbelief i 1 Disbelieve' Xj * Disbelieved' 1 i i Disbeliev'er x~ P. cv Vl Disbeliov'ing 1 [,_ Diphthe'ria L L _. _. ,, N^ S>- N/J Disbur - den 6 \^> '< Diph'thong 1 j Diphthon'gal ^^ ^V-^ ^Dis affinn'ence 1 v JL vt Disburdened \S$ ^'vL, Disburdening v ^ % Dip'loe i Diplo'ma Vx V-. NT Diplo'macy ^ ' ) >*" Dip'lomate P L Disaffirming NY_^ XX 5 Disafforest I. L, Disagree' ,}v (Jv, Disburse' * ^ Disbursed' L J. . Disbursc'ment Jra es Disburs'er <' I Dip'lomated **"! x^_-j Diplomat'ic " ^ Disagree'able \,-, Disagree'able- V-/ ness L 1- Disbursing Nr * O T-*- x^/ Disc 1 \A Discard' * Discarded J 1 Discarding 0: > O~x T-I. f . o Discern 1 L Dipped Disagree'ment 41^. Discerned' S *\ Dip'per /H\ i^\ Disallow' Discern'er (^ | Dip'ping >. ~X3 Dips U. Dip'tera Vf Dip'teral Disallow'able J. ^_p L-i Disallow'ance JA. JA| Disallowed' \**~' U. Disallow'ing 1 i \ Discernible "^^^"Kv _, Discern'ing Discerningly Ix>a L I Discern 'ment II I ,. Dip'tote ^"^"^ Disan'imate 1- 'I 1 b Dip'tych L Jj Disannul' Aj^ / Discharge' Diradia'tion y ^T" Disannulled' A I. i Discharged' I 1 Dire Ji u Direct' L_ i i Disannul'ling X^. < '\/'(K X / C Disappear' fiy f> Discharg'er f ' Discharging T "]_._ Direct'ed i Directing T 1_. Direc'tion Disappear'ance I i Disappeared' ^--^Jx^X^^ J^ Disappearing L i f. Dis'ciform ^L < V Disci'ple '^-^ vX V Disci'plcship ^3 "[, Directive l^/' 1 Direct'ly ^~S Direct'ness Disappoint' J./ J Disappoint'ed ^ | *-^ Disappoint'ing L Li Dis'ciplinable k & T-i- - T f \. \ \ Disciplinarian 'V " *-* Disciplinary 1 . ]__ Direct'or JL j^ Disappoint'- ill Discipline '' Direct'orate "v^- " ment y ? Disciplined ^,. 1 Directorial l x Direct'ory Direct'ness fc^_B '~f\ T-V* i.r 1 r, Direct rix J, J^ i Disapproba'tion 'v ^\rt "^^Disap'probatory ~ 1. Disappro'priate VI i Disapproval tJ>^, J\/ Disapprove' ^-^ Disciplining I Disclaim' < V~" ^r- Disclaimed' L^ L DisclaimVr ^^ ^-^^^ Disclaim'ing 1 I |^ Dire'ful vS ^ lv Dire'fulness V- ^>J Dir'ge \/1 1" Dir'igent Disapproved' J\ , 1 Disapprovingly ^~f ^-~- Disarm' 1. Disclose' . Y 1 Disclosed' L . \, Disclos'er ,6 *r 5 -' Disclos'ing Dirk 1 Disarmament J, J Disclos'ure \, Dirt *V-v^ *V Disarmed' t~) *\ Dis'coid DISCOIDAL 71 DISGRACE I. 1 > \ Discoid'al $T ^ Discol'or j Y-'' \ ~y~^ Discolora'tion J x J Discol'ored ^J Discour'tesy Dis'cous i l_ . Discov'er ti. 1. -s Disembogue' OT^ fT^N/ T A Disembow^el L J^^' Disembow'eled ^f Disembow'eling 1. "/^~~\ K> Discol'oring ^\ \ c)-?\ Discoverable Jj-cv^ J-cy' Disembroil' Discom'fit V Discovered ' f Disembroiled' K [^ Discom'fited j- Discom'fiting i -^ _|_~ DiscoVerer 5t " r *fc pent 4I\' Discommod'ious In b\3 -r>.. , Discompose L, . i Discomposed' \ ONJ_/ o^ Discompos'ing Discompos'ure L ix' [o^l Disconcert' o Disconcert'ed L I Dis'crepance r-< ^^ ts, Dis'crepancy >. Dis'crepant l_3 Discrete' Discre'tion . ./- i / Discre'tional b-r-* IrP Discre'tionary L ^ I ^ DisencumTjer ^^"^ Disencum'bered L^ --^- Disencum'ber- ing L ^-\ Disencum'- o brance I k*s\l Disendow'ment yjv-*^ I- 1 - Disconcert'ing 1 l^_^^^ Discre'tive IJM, /"^^ Disenfranchise Disconnect' ^L. ^^^ Discrim'inate " Disengage' Ip-, l^_. Disconnected | . ^ ^_ . Discrim'inated L ^y 1^>T7 Disengaged' Disconnect'ing T ~ J ''1 ^K Discrim'inately A Disengage'ment l-^-j 1 XT Disconnec'tion 1 j^^, Lr^o Discrim'inating ^l T-V Discon'solate ^. Discrimina'tion L IJisengag ing 1 1 | Discontent' L^~^-i l-^""^^l Discriminative i\ Disenno ble ** "|| Discontented ^^1. ^^j Discrim'inator I L.... Disenno'bled (,!. (,, Discontentedly p" ^- Discontent'ing \_^.^ L Discrim'inatory ^~\/' Discrown' ^^7\ ^"V\^ Disenno'bling Vjjf L^V. Disenrol' LA LI Discontent'ment 1 I Discrowned' Disenslave' ^^ Discontin'uance ^^ Discrown'ing t /iV t^AV. Disenslaved' 1,1 1 1 L| Discontinua'tion U, bl_; L,-, Discontinue Ip 1 , Discur'sion ^S Discur'sive ' DisenslaVing I 1 Disentan'gle "c' "1 Discontin'ued l| II Discontin'uing l ~Z-' ^j. Discontinu'ity L.O , I_V< Discursively ^V Discur'sory J. lo Dis'cus ^s^_ ^~^. Disentan'gled 1 I _ Disehtan'gling P Disdain'fully > V/ *^ Disdain'ing 1, L L Disfa'vor Vr ^ ^r Disfa'vored \_ Disfa'voring bl Disfigura'tion J. ^ i-i- Dis'counter 1 I Disease' Vj_: Disfig'ure * Discounting ^ , L Discour'age " / u '' Discour'aged [^ Discour'age- J v Diseased' LJ_. > Oiseas'ing c '^ Disembark' l ,-3 Disembarka'- f**s tion 1 L Disfig'ured V*-; Vj^-^i Disfig'urement L / \) Disfig'urer ^-JT^S ^c Disfig'uring L_^, L_ Discour'ager b~7 "~~7 T-\- / / / JJiscour aging L> L/ Disembar'rass ' Disembar'rassed fc. ^ Disfranchise ~p ^^v Disfranchised ^ ,0 I. Discourse' L^ / 5^ / Disembar'rass- L - Disfran'chise- Discoursed' ing v^_^ af^l ment I X I. n Discours'er L /r> Disembar'rass - cZ, Disgorge' Discoursing *~~< ment !_// i-^L Disgorged' (._, ^ Discours'ive S 6 Discourt'eous L. j-i. Disembod'ied Vl. ' 1 Disembod'y ^~ ^ Disgorge'ment ( L^/ IB Disgorg'ing j. Discourteously L Disembod'ying 1 * Disgrace' DISGRACED 72 DISPLOSIVE . | I Disgraced' 1 i i Disinter'ment |rf= "\ krrf /-- Disgrace'ful ^X h*. k -^- Disinterred' f w Disgrace'fully w Disinthrall' JN jk Disorderliness ' \S^ ir '\/~- Disorderly L^, J_o Disgrac'ing v Disguise' L I Disjoin' /C T-v* " i/ v Disguis er t/i Disjoint L^ 1 Disorganized '^~H; ' ^y Disorganizer 1 - J ^-. Disguis'ing 1 Disgust' I Disjoint'ed f >b Disinint'inEr 1 1 Disown' *i> * Disowned' i 1 r. i Disgust'ed f ** ^| Disjunct' J v 1 Disparage *lf **T *T Disgust'ful V Disgust'ing \y 1 , Dish "V Dishabille' JL L > Disjunction /Q ^. 1 Dish'cloth , "~ ^ Dislike' <>V7' x C r c *vS Dispar'agingly { \5- Disheart'en L I i .r- 1 Disliked' T Dis'parate i^^3 L- x 'l. Disheart'ened \S. O' Disheart'ening \.. LA, Dished ! f Dislik'er L. 1^ rn Dislik'ing J 4* \ Dis'locate 1 . J Disparity *S/l S/ Dispart' J J Dispart'ed r Dishev'el J^ rj L^ ri Dis'located ^v^l *v ' Dispart'ing [A UV Disheveled ' '^_x DisheVeling \T~> L., Dish'ing ^ ! Dis'locating L. p 1^7 Disloca'tion Jx / Dislodge' i 1 1 Dispas'sion J^j, *^ 7 Dispas'sionate 1 ' Dispatch' Dishon'est \cLf> La Dishonest'ly U-T f'/ Dislodged' 3 -' Dislodg-ing J 1 Dispel' t_^ Disinclined' Dismask' I J Dispense' ^* v~* ' Disinclin'ing L L^ Dismast' ^ t> Dispensed' _ i Disincorporate U""* ktf-** Disincor'pora- ' ^ Dismast'ed 1 1 Dismast'ing I . I Dispens'er '\^/ \ Dispensing 1 ted L.-IS; Disincorporat- ing -^ "^S-o Dispeo'pled \ Disperm'ous 1 L Disincorpora'- V^O ^ tion 1^ J--r~- Disme Dismem'ber Disperse' V ^ Dispersed' 1 Disinfect' 1^ J-<^_x Dismem'bered J . Dispers'ive k^\ *-* Disinfec'tion ^*3 'M Disingenu'ity 1 Ix Dismiss' *> f Dismis's.-il J-^i ^-,_ Dismissed' J I Dispir'it \S- ^ Dispir'ited J 1 Dispirit'ing Sty Disingen'uous y" Disingen'uously Dismissing 1 (^ Dismis'sion ^^ ^^^ Dismis'sive < N> ^, Displace' 1 1 Displaced' X> io Displacement L .1 Disingen'uous- ^A Dismount' '^a_s> J, /J ness ; /? 1 Dismount'ed Disinherit 1 1 J 1 Dismount'ing I .^ \-.f^ Disinheritance \k~- "N. ^S u Disobe'dience Disinherited .J v Disobe'dient I i i Displacing . A. 4 Displant' ^ Displant'ed t. - Displant'ing *> i. Display' L S] Lr^r Disinheriting J i Disobe'diently X Display'ed *-o \ Disin'tegrable \Jv_ J^ IK Disobey' |. 1 Display'er I . I . Disin'tegrate ' '^ Disobeyed' -f Displeased' V. 1 Displeas'er it <^ Displeas'ing ~ i - x _J Displeas'ure k uisin terestea i 1 X, Disor'der i I Displode' . I > I Disin'terestedly ^X t\. ^ Disordered I, k, ^ Displo'sion ti!^: ^^" *-f Disin'terested- N ' ' Disordering ^> ^- Displo'sive DISPLUME 73 DISTINCTIVENESS 1 1> Displume' X ! N^-! Displumed' Ul Jx\ Disrespect'fully * V_. *> Disrobe' 1 I Disso'cial ~) sC Disso'ciate A , b Displum'ing v ^-^ -* Dispon er lx^ LJ\ Disrobed' Disrob'er J j i Disso'ciated J'" , .\J Disso'ciating J J Disport' Dissol'uble L 1 /- Dis'solute x Dispos'al 1 Jy Dispose' ^4 ""* Disposed' Dissatisfac'tion Dissect'ing Dis'sonance 1 1 Dispraise' \o V** Disproof I.-, J . Dissec'tion Dissec'tor L, [., Dis'sonancy *^ ^ otx^ T^- / r JJis sonant L. J^ Disproportion J. J. Disseize' L Lx| Dissuade' N, vyj .,- Disproportion - 7? 3 Disseized' Dissuad'ed X^ 1 V able J. J. Disseizee' l^' L Dissuad'er Jv- Dispropor'tional .7. y Disseiz'in ^ Dissuad'ing \ ^ \/) Disproportion - ^i_^ .>^ Disseiz'or L/j L J? Dissua'sion *^ Dissua'sive I' 1 Dispropor'- j-< . Dissem'blance ^py J-t Dissyllab'ic \, \^ tioned >, \ Dissem'ble ' N Dis'syllable Disprov'able ( j-^ Dissem'bled L 1 Dis'tafF 1 Disprov'al '^^ v' Dissem'bler C .] Distain' Q^ t\f ' Disprove' / Disproved' i^- J. . Dissem'bling N^ ^1 Dissem'inate L Distained' ' J;^ Distain'ing ^. I Disprov'er Ji^^^ J^v Dissem'inated L L Dis'tance 1 "\i_^ "V Disproving ^^ N Dissem'inating jf if Dis'tanced ^ Dis'putable 111 Dis'putant J^^-p l^^_^n Dissemina'tion 1 Dissem'inator L L Dis'tancing / " Dis'tant *NL *V < N < Disputa'tion L _ I Dissen'sion f L Distantly "b o5\ Disputa'tious *^ Dissent' ^- ^ Distaste' I i i Disput'ative *1 dli Ov. Dispute' -' Disput'ed ^L Dissent'ed ^^^ Dissent'er 1 j, 1^ Dissen'tient I L i Distast'ed R A* P . Distaste'ful ^ Distem'per JK I Disput'er \" s " Disputing ^^^" Dissent'ing J^[. J^" Disserta'tion *" Disserve' jj p_^ Distem'perance \^jf ^~^ Distem'pered i_ JL Disqualifica'tion \ ^ IV TV !' J lj y\j Disserved' Disserv'ice 1 Distem'pering t^v. -P Distend' Vi s Disqual ified -L Jf Disqualify J-^vi U 9 " Disserv'iceable \ ' Disserv'ing 1 i i Distend'ed J? P J? Distend'ing Vo; ^ ^^r Disten'sive ^ L Disqui'et ude V~U ^-' Disquisi'tion i. L Dissev'ering V-. J- ]^)is'sidence hi Dis'tich - Distil' 1 r i . , Disquisi'tional ^$y* Disregard' i . . Dis'sident t-

^ Ixv Disrep'utable " N Disrepute' I I Dis'sipate *^ Dis'sipated j^ Jj^, Distinc'tion L Distinctive Distincfness P^y or 0"^ Distin'guish I* 1 i Ditheist'ic (p T-. 1^^ Dith'yramb f DithyramT)ic i v I I Di'tone 1 Divi'sive >P ^A Vyj/ Divi'sively 11? \y> Divorce' b-~1 Lj, L- Distin'guishable ^ 1 ' Distinguished ' Dit'tany Dit'to 1 jv-i ,v- Dit'ty Divorced' \o>' \\^y' Divorc'er * Divorc'ible L^o L^. k - Distin'guisher j l^Q[ l^"-] i Diure'sis 1 *S^s \s^ Divorc'ing ^/ c ^. Distinguishing ~* Diuret'ic Divorce'ment I i i Distort' v~ P., P Distort'ed 1/1 u -' Distorting Ul Diurnal V_ Divan' 'i DivaTicate I . J Divulge' t d ^y Divulged' / ^ > Divulg'er L L Distortion po [H. Distort'ive J i Distract' <}. 4- Distract'ed Distract'ing J (J_ Divaricated =Tj j Divaricating I Divarica'tion V__ U I" Dive J j tv Divulg'ing V H ' Divul sion f ^^ i Di'zen .) Diz'zy J. J. i Distrac'tion t- t_ ' I Distract'ive I. J Distrain' kl J Distrain'able $ j. Distrained' Distrain'er J. J. Distraught' T 1 t Distress' J 4. Distressed' 1i * \^ Distress'ful V_ Distressing Dived . 1 , DiVer fj V t Diverge' * S > Diverged' J i_ ^ Diverg'ence Vi / >i Diverg'ency J ^. 7 Divergent i J Diverg'ing / vVo Di'vers J^ 9 \"=^ Di'verse l s or 1 Do f J' Dobbin N> \ Doc'ible U- t | Doc'ile J ' Docil'ity i- J_. p Doc[imacy_ ^~\ ^ . JT^/ Docimas'tic Docimol'ogy .- l~_ .- Dock L "-7 L Dock'age J. J. 1 Distributable " Diversely 7 Dock'et V L > Dis'trict Diversion \^ \f Diversity Divert' P ._ ._ Doc'toral Ly L, Lj) Doc'torate "> Distrust' L^-1 i / Divert'ed v - Doctored' I i J. Distrust'ed IT Divert'er ] | Doc'toring T. V \ D i sturb - Divest'ed L. or I Doc'trinal L i I Disturbance 1 i Divest'ible 7 \/\ P..* r^\ Disturbed' * , Disturb'er J Vfc, Vp n Divest'ing \ I/ Divest'ure f] or n Doc'trine J .1 KK-\ Disturbing Disul'phate l>-v L - Disul'phuret 1 i Divid'able M J.| Divide' 'v - Divid'ed 1 L^~^-- Doc ument <\^" S~ Document'al Q^_^^ l~ Document'ary J-' Disun'ion L Div'idend ^^^[/. Dodd U-^, ^-. Disun'ionist V V Di^d'er f Dod'der " v Disunite' L^jp Divid'ing 1 1 Dod'dered L L ^ Disunit'ed 1 *-* Disunit'er. 1 j Disunit'ing *6** 1 y Disu'nity / Disus'age ^ 1 Disuse', n. Divina'tion 1,^ ., J^v, Div'inator ~^ Divine' [v Jv Divined' (. Divinely li-^-x l^*^, Divin'er Dodec'agon ! , j ^7^ Dodecagyn'ian I" Dodecahe'dron M- 1 )" H^-/|- Dodecan'drian -J J ^) * Disuse', v. Divin'ing I" ~ i Dodecan'drous I J Disused' ^ Xi_, Disus'ing lO lX-*\ -s- Div'ing v Div'ing-bell H^-T- !-4A Dodecasyl'lable b I I Disval'ue P /,; / J Ditch ^ y Ditched HDivin'itv V\ V^' Divisibi'l'ity \ Divisible l~ Dodge / ' Dodged 1- J~ Dodg'er 1 1 Ditch'er ./ ;/ Ditch'ing 1" I" Di'theism V 1 Di\-is'ibleness >^P V3 Di\-i'sion / / Dodg'ing . 1 Do'do ~ I N \ Doe ^ C- Di'theist 1 /- Divi'sional Do'er DOES 75 DOVETAIL 1- ^ Does I/A I' Dol'phin Ix ' l/v Dor'ic Doe'skin k Dolt Dor'icism r r Doff Doffed |<-i M - Dolt'ish J -- j^o 1 - Dor'sel Dog'eared "_. ^~ Domes'ticate " Dor'sum r Dog'fish Dogged, /. fewse ^ Domes'ticated [~_ P^-3 Domes'ticating 1^,. I- Do'ry b Dose |_y^ Dog'ged, a. Domestica'tion L (j^ Dosed Dog'gedly |~ J' /^" Dog'gedness l^ |~/' |~ v Domestic'ity TO J^6 16 Dom'icile, . Do'sing r P-x Dos'ser Dog'gerel X Dom'icile, v. ^ Dos'sil LL H_^ Dog'gish .y Dog'ma IZV~J ._ ^/: Dom'iciled I^f Domicil'iary Ij PJ^i Domicil'iate . ~ 1- Dost b~ Dot X Dot'age J^ |" ^ Dogmat'ic Domicil'iated . . - Dot'al ^ 1 Dogmat'ical |- Doth J Dot'ing 7 Dot'ingly Sl^ Dog'matized / ' y' Dog'matizer P^. JZ^^ Dom'inative ^Mj. ' i Dom'inator |~ Dot'tard 1 '' Dot'ted ., ~ I Dot'terel 12 LLx 9 Dog'matizing |7 i- |~ Domineer' \^- Vi^ Dot'ting Su/ x Dog'- rose ^^ t-v ^N^ Domineered' Douane' I" |~ Dog's'-ear ^ Dog's'-meat r, L_ Dog'star IX ; Dog'-tooth 11,. O D g'- trot ' Domineering' | _;. . IZ_^ Domin'ical Domin'icans ~^~^* Domin'ion P . |I Dom'ino , , 1 Double Doub'leness 1 >/ Dog' watch "T^ i Dom'inus \ \ Doub'let 1?- Dog'wood ^ Dohl V] Do'nate Doubloon' 1^= U, Doi'ly Do'ing |- i Do'nated t( "1 t> Do'nating J , Doub'ly \. ** Doubt I T. " 1^ Doings 1^5 r/' Doit Dona'tion f~ \~ Don'atism JA A Doubt'able > ' Doubt'ed Dol'ce '^J~. Vfc. Don'atist L ,-JA Doubt'er }* L Dole r Doled |~ I- 1 Don'ative H J r J Done A! V. Doubt'ful r! A rlA Doubt'fully ]f\ P"V Dole'ful _' ,C_ Dole'fulness 1- l[\ Donee' ^ * J x Don'jon CV_ CJ-^-, Don'key > ^>tP Doubt'fulness k Ji^ Doubt'ing L Doubt'ingly \^^" I'xtf"^ Dol'ing J. Don'key-engine J A L. Doubt'less Dole'some (^ J~ Don'na 6 ^ Douceur' \tsG-j'~ [^cr-^c Dole'somely Donned' 1 x y 1- Douche ]^ole'someness LX" Vf Do'-little 1- Don'ning *^ Do'nor Dough \~ 1 Dough'nut ' Doll [^ i [_i Doom ^] ,|X Dough'tily p~^ ]^r^ Dol'lar Doll'man Doomed |_' i Doom'ing Li I Dough'tiness T Dough'ty [, ' \^~^~ Doi'ly >-^ ^. C Dooms'day Dough'y \ Dol'omite Door (j A [,A Douse \< J ~ > \^~\ Dol'omitic [- i^ i, Door'-keeper Doused Do'lor \_f\ K -,' \^ Door'nail (A 1- Dous'ing ..._X^ i- /^ Dolorif'erous Door'way Dove <\ ' *\ Dolorif'ic l~ \y- Dor 1 Ir 1 - Dove'cot hi_xf L-x^ Do'lorous >, Dor'ee I/ 1 - /* (i. Dove'like Do'lorously \?o Do'rian Dove'tail DOVETAILED 76 DRIZZLED J- i, . A . Dove'tailed V->-' d Dove'tailing N Dow'able n r \- . Drain'able t* / Drain'age ^ Drained 1^, 1-^ Dream'ing 7 Dream ingly 1 ,/co T Dream' less .A 1 Dow'ager 1- ] Drain'er ^~- k Dreamt y . A!^ Dow'dy ' Dow'dyish 1 - I, Dow'el ( f* / Dow'eled Drain'ing H- Drain'-trap ll_U Drake Dram 1 1 Dream'y S Drear IS Drear'iness Dow'eling IA L Dow'er "1* T Dra'ma *"" ^ Dramat'ic T/ T Drear'y / Dredge ^ Dow'ered L LTI Dow'erless 1- T 1_ Dramat' cal K_i *T. 'T* Dram'at st 1 '1 Dredged r / Dredg'er V Dow'las J< or ~J " Down b Dram'at ze IL X-, Dram'at zed ^v ' ]%_s Dram'at zing * ] Dredg'ing ) /., \-^y Dredg'ing-box ^\_c Dreg'giness I IA i Down'cast l^- * T Ll^f Down'fall /* ' DownTiaul *J^- *"Y Dram'-drinker _> \ Dram'shop \^ 1 Drench IT. (AJ, DownTiill J Down'iness n- '}. Drank ^ \ Drape 1- 1. Draped / Drenched 1 T Drench'ing 7 b Dress 1 tip 1 Down'right S. Draper 1_ 1 Dress'coat 1^x5" n *^f.p Down'sitting ^Down'stairs 'I- *V Dra'pery \- >>. Dra'ping "" Dressed 1 T Dress'er "**L or I" Down'stroke T . v Dras'tic Draught "^ ^^ Dress'ing V^_ t = Dres'sing-case I /. Down'ward ts^ 1^-y Draught'-board Dres'sing-gown Down'y . "* " Draught'-engine T; V~^ Dres'sing- l\ ^ Dow'ry t^s . Draught'-horse ^^\-^J room Dowse Draughts T T Draughts'man ^ 1 Draught'y 1 *. I Dres'sing-table ^- o 7 " 1 "" '. Dress'mciker V / Dressy 1- 1- Doze f Dozed 1- V Draw N, Drawback ] 1 Drib'b'le S^ > Drib'bled |_ 1. Doz'en VL <*S Doz'er S~. *i Draw'bridge |. k Drawee' LI Drib'bling S; Drib'let 1- . U Doz'iness Draw'er lv I" Dried *** ^-' Doz'ing H Drawn -bat'tle Draw'net T I Drink ^~ ^^~\ Drink'able 1 1 Drink'er 4^ '-' Drink'ing ^ L- Drag 1. V. Dray I. T Drink'olfering f_ Dragged ' Dray'-cart ^7^-. S Drip Drag'ging T T Drag'gle i * Drag'gled T T Drag'gling r \. 1^ Dray'-horse ' -/^ 3 Dray'man i). ")- Dread Dread'ed 1 1 Dripped >. Drip'ping 1 a 1V Drip'ping-pan \_X L, L Dnp'pirigs *- " Drag-net .q- a Dread'ful ^ '/ Drive T 1 Dragoman 1 ^> "r^> Drag'on T_ T Drag'onet r> '-"-Q. Drag'on-fly W. C, Dread'fully fr "j. Dread'fulness \-S Dread'ing i^v } Dread'less 1 1 Dri'vel / r Dri'veled ' '1 T, Dri'veler f (_, Dri'veling 1 r,- - Drag'onish ^~f L, 1 j Dragoon' c_c Dread'lessness <\. r V^ i Dread'naught 1 I Dri'ven "^ S Dri'ver -^ ' Dragoonade' /^ " Dream V^ \_^ Dri'ving ] T Dragooned' , r* Dragoon'ing 3 Drain 1_j <1 . Dreamed '^^-rx Dream'er *L<_s Dream'iness / Dri'%-ing-shaft 'K- 1 Driz'zle J < Driz'zled DRIZZLING 77 DURST W^ r \ Drizz'ling T 1 V Dry'ad v/~ I^-J? Dul'ly " Drizz'ly I' Dry'dock Dul'ness Tx- i-/" Dro11 r ]^ Dry'er 15. I i Du'ly DroU'ery A i Dry'-goods Y *~* Dumb Ti / 1_ Drom'edary t *^ J Drone ^ ^ Dr y 'ly g I" h Dumb'-bells ^\^ Vi Dumb'found 3- 1- Droned Dron'ing t- H Dron'ish T^ > Droop 1 V ] v Dry'ness S ^f" Dry'-nurse T/ n^-- Dry'-rot T Dry'salter *^v A Uk x Dumb'founded ^^1 ** Dumb'founding LV l-L_p Dumb'ly 1 1 Drooped / j-. Droop'ing 1% 1 Dry'- shod Dumb'ness l^ I i Dumb'show 1 rv- n - Droop'ingly J \* Du'alism _}^ * Dum'my Xy k V Dr P Drop'let f^ 1 Dump'ling ^ Dumps n- n_ ~ Drop'scene I L \ Drop'sical L ^ 1^ Du'bash /N y Dubbed |A J- Dum'py Dun ) Drop'sy 1" 1" Dros'ky I I Dub^er ^ X^/ DubTjing J- |_ Dunce J Dun'der *"* b Dross ._ 1^ ^ Dross'iness (j_p S Dross'y * Drought Drought'y J. ^ Drouth 1. 3- Drove \ v . . Dubi'ety 1 No S<^ -Du'bious 1. >o ,;S Du'biously 1 Du'biousness >i_P %. Du'bitable 1 Dubita'tion > cL li Du'cal J A ^ . Dune W Dun'fish 1, (, Dung *** H Dunged (i L> Dun'geon V J Dung'hill ^ Dro'ver 33 Duc'at ^^-" ' ^*^ Dung'y . Drown JA UA ^.^ _ Drowned |t \J Duc'atoon TL & Duch'ess \\_p\ or \_f Dung'yard ^ TA Drown'ing 1 Drowse I 1 , Duch'y Y ' Duck L. . Dun'nage T J Dunned y* Vo Drow'sily [J^ \j_ Ducked 1 J Dun'ner Drow'siness Duck'er * *^ Dun'ning TA 1 T Drow'sing *ix A! k Drowsy |i I, Duck'ing '^-^ Duck'ling 1 , 1- Dun'nish T? k Du'o * ^ Drub 1 i li Duck'weed |~ 1 -. 1 - Duodecen'nial 1 1 Drubbed x* /^^ Drub'bing "^ ' Duct [if LL, Duc'tile b^ f / t Duodecimal V ^ L, Duoden'ary ^ ~ Duode'num 1*1. 1 i Duolit'eral PI ,. Drud'ging y, L_ Drud'gingly ^ It Drugged i Drug'get 1^ V Drug'ging r Du'el L L Du'eler r O Du'eling 1, - Du'elist if Duel'lo I Duen'na Kr \ k. Dup'able ^ " Dupe 1 1 Duped /; > Dup'ery 1 Dup'ing >~ >. Du'ple Drug'gist r, T, Dru'id \S> - 1 Duet' Duet'to 1 1 Du'plex Xj) V-. Du'plicate * ') Dru'idess I- rl Duff I i i Du'plicated LI n Druid'ic r Druid'ical *- * Dru'idism li 1> Drum H Drum'-head , Du'rableness Ti i> 'i Drum'- stick ^|_ U i- Drunk \Jf " Dul cimer \^ ^ Du'lia IJo L? 1 Du'rance Dura'tion Drun'kard Dull 1 V>? I "t Dur'bar T, 1, Drunken i iy 1 Dul'lard Du'ress l^^, v^^j Drun'kenness K T Dulled 1 .1... r, , - 1 N 1 V Druce b x l>= Dul'ler 4, or \ Du ring Dry Dul'lest 1 Durst DUSK 78 ECONOMY |- is* Dusk Dusk'ily i- 1- Dusk'iness *~>^ V Dusk'ish J- 1^, Dusk'ishness >>. *>-. Dyspep'tic 1 _. j_, Dyspep'tical t k 1 Dys; P hagy t ^ X, Dys'phony ^ Dyspnoe'a N East'erly \ .l^> -^ East'ern East'ward ) \ Eas'y y Eas'y-chair < "^ Dusk'y U L- Dust K- Dust'-cart L. Dysthet'ic &- Dys'ury J J' Eat J < Eat'able 1. "I Eat'en U. K- Dust'ed U Dust'er , 1- . Dust'-hole K_ ^j, 6-" Dust'iness Dust'ing L- Dust'-man IT, Dust'y 1 I Dutch V V- Dutch'man tl 1 Du'teous 1 J* -l- Du'teousiy E / or _/_ Each . If Ea'ger Ea'gerly . Ea'gerness c ~^-y c Ea'gle *n c _ a Ea'gle-eyed vl Ea'gless ' J Eat'er .1 -L^ Eat'ing ^J Eat'ing-house -\ .yp -1 Eau de Cologne Vo Eau de vie' ^. VoV Eaves * \ Eaves'dropper \ . Ebb ' N X Ebbed \ \ v- Ebb'ing Xj. Ebb'-tide v) Eb'on Du teousness c_: Ea'glet ^ 'C Eb'onize 1 1 1 Du'tiable "> p| ^ Du'tiful \ 0. V Du'tifully Ea'gre ~N -x Ear ** Ear'-ache \^P - ^^ ~, . v Eb ony Ni ^v^ Ebri'ety -[_ ' Ebull'iency I I , Du'tifulness "\ ^ Ear'drum \^ V^-5 Ebull'ient 3 J tic^ Du'ty -ll, ' Eared " Ebulli'tion ^;P " " Duum'vir "N ">/" Ear'ing ^_ -^s, EcTjasis [M. J^v- Duum'viral Earl 1 . Ecbat'ic jf Duum'virate "VI ~ "N/ Earl'dom - 1 -^s-. _^n^_^ Ecljole J ^ 1 S Dwale ^ ' Y Earless Eccen'tric *f !/ Ear'liness . <_ : ~ g ~H > Eccen'trical Ixv i x? Dwarfed Ear-ly Eccentric'ity \ ^ Dwarfing ~\-S "> Ear'mark . . ^~~ ^^ p. . , . . i ^\^_y 1 Dwarfish *C ~( Dwell J . I ,/ Dwelled ** *4 Dwell'er Earn ->, ~\ Earned 1 Ear'nest ~N ^N Earnestly t-_ V Ecclesias'tes l or ^~) Ecclesias'tic \f bf Dwell'ing O ^) Dwell'ing-house *~~^ Ear'nest-money ~\ ~~\ Ear'nestness LP Earn'ing ^^_^ o> ) Ecclesias'tical \/ I Dwell'ing-place ^N -N . Earn'ings "3 "U' Ecclesias'ticism ^Vc J-r Dwelt "*' Ear'-ring 3-^ [ f~J Ecclesias'ticus 4. Dwin'dle LS U Dwin'dled U Dwindling 1 DVP "N , -^f Ear"- shot V /\ Earth A .. Earth'-born XT' ^ Earthed i Ecclesiolog'ical ,ox7 r'fj Ecclesiol'ogist <>- Ecclesiol'ogy Ly - ^ Ech'elon lv |v Dyed sf Sl:/^ Earth'en ^ v ' Echi'nate Earth'enware ^^^P . Echi'nus IL> k. T) .' .- // . .f Earth'iness v ' Ech'o \, j DyeTiouse t Dye'stuflf I'xl l v Dye'wood V \ *~* T*L ! A ijv in^ 'O X ^V/^ 7 Earth'ling ' L> Earth'ly ^ x Earth'quake t__*\\-(\- Earth'worm -j-j . Ech'oed ' ' Ech'oing . ^-^^ r^~l Echom'eter ' Echom'etry ' AVJ 1"(J 1 v l r Dyke Earth'y e^. C ^i Eclat' \ Dynam'eter 1 i H-s_6 Dynamet'rical J .' Dynamics l v l v Dj-nam'ical ' ^- **7| Dy'namite "\ 1 Ear'-trumpet 'T^l-o "\_ Ear'-wax Ear' wig N.A-P ) Ear'-witness '' Ease v .) Eased 1 ' ' Eclec'tic "-n ^-n Eclec'tical CT^ Eclec'ticisra =-^. "^^ Eclipse' > Eclipsed' ^^-x r Eclips'ing | v 1" Dy'namo Vl^-r^ S ^ ^ S -TV / I. Jjynamom eter C: Ease'ful .) VQ Ea'sel ^^ ^ Eclip'tic ^. _ r^~^ : Ec'logue 1 U Dynas'tic L_: ' | Dynasty Ease'less ) V-; Ease'ment ^ Eas'ilv 1 " Econom'ic rS 1 -,. . ^ Econom'ical K.. U^ Dysenteric ^X 1 Dy'sentery \ . .^ Eas'iness . ^^ p^v^ Econ'omize S^ -^-s*-}, Econ'omizing Econ'oniy ECSTASY 79 ELATION -^p. Ec'stasy V. V. Effect'ed Egged S "-&-! -". Ecstat'ic v ~^- 1 " 1 ^ Effect'ible - ! - Egging Ecstat'ical \ ' Effecting -^ Egg'-shell -M? ~\ Ecs'tasis > Ec'typal V^ V Effec'tion ~^,. Effective 4 t5 E ? gis Eglantine _i^-^_ . . Ecumen'ical ~~^ Ecze'ma TJ*"I l^? Eczem'atous x Eda'cious t .[' Edac'ity V_- V^_- Effectively rl ^_ Effectiveness v, ' k_. Effect'or ^ \> Effects' ^S -^ Eg'oism "J Eg'oist r~| n, Eg'otism ^ ^ E'gotist ^-i. -J-i . Egotistic Ed'da 1 . k_ . Effect'ual / Egotistical . Ed'der ~~Y ~^~ Effect'ually 7-Hv c^y Eg'otise Ed'died J -\^ Ed'dy Ed'dying ^-. !^^ Effect'uate I- I; 1 ' Effect'uated b 'b^ Egre'gious =jz. 5, Egre'giously "" E'gress U_ I Edem'atose jr ' J E'den ^4 Eden'tate . H' / Eden'tated 1 1 v Effect'uating h j Effeminacy V^^j, V^_^_; Effeminate -. , 5 Egres'sion c ^" n E'gret e~i ,/ Egrette' "1 \O Egyp'tian Edge *>"| ^^^ Effeminated / i i Egyptol'og>- /_, Edged Edge'less ^~^r^-. Effeminately 47 t v| Eh Ei'der J^r ~/( Edge'-rail 7 p-" Edge'-tool / o / Edge 'wise V>^_i '^^~ri Effemlnateness " LP ! Effeminating Jl r - Ei'der-down 1 " 1^ Ei'der- duck L 5 - Ei'dograph l* Edg'ing j i Ed'ible A S. .L Ed'ibleness V E'dict .1 . -I Edifica'tion .C ^ Effervesce' Vc Vt, Effen'esced' ^^> Effer\-es'cent \, Efferves'cible .1 .1 Eight J ' Eight'een , [ .' Eighteenth 'U V .J Eight'fold 1 r v Eighth V . "1 V Ed'ifice ^ j] Ed'ified ^ ^-gjj Effete' Effica'cious J , , Eighthly fxi 3 "T~\ Eightieth , -1 , v Ed'ify ! v H. y Ed'ifying , V , V ^ Efficaciously ~J~~- ol5 Efficaciousness "^ Eight'score E'dile y . J./^ Efficacy "'. vi^ f Eigne . Ed'it ~ ) ' Effi'cience (^ Eistedd'fod '!l Ed'ited Ed'iting 1 -I Edi'tion U ^ Ed'itor ^-^j or \^J Efficiency V_y or V / Efficient C - C Z^ Ei'ther v \ . - ' Ejac'ulate 'lLf\ Zlrf- Ejac'ulated " ^' Ejac'ulating V-U Edito'rial y Ed'itorship \ -ft V Efficiently '^<- -i Effigies /'^P^ j/^-/' Ejaculation " " Ejac'ulatory 1 '| Ed'itress !k ^^ Ed'ucable V g~9 Effigy / Effloresce' /_ / Eject' 1 Ejected '!" l_r Ed'ucate r i Ed'ucated C'/ Q"^ 9 Effloresced' '**' Efflores'cence ](_ / Ejecting ^ Ejec'tion ]_ .[ -, Ed'ucating Educa'tion O' s^. QI/?"' Efflores'cency ^^ ) ' Efflorescent / / Eject'ment *" Eject'or 1 /" j_X. Educa'tional <^' 9^> C . Efflores'cing . Eke M> Educa'tionist '^^ Effluence Eked I .h, Ed'ucator Q. C Effluent . /^Xf Eking ^~ fc Educe' ^ ^r^ Efflu'vium Elab'orate 1 -\ n Educed' O , i Efflux /^\^ s*^ Elab'orated <\. EduCible T5 Effluxlon C Elab'orately 1? [ Educ'ing v ^ :> Educ'tion ,- s. Effort 6 Effortless f~\^, f^\? Elab'orating Elabora'tion | i fy*? Educ'tor <^f^ Effront'ery /'S/l, /~\/'' Elab'orative Edul'corant ^ Efful'gence Elab'orator p-^" b*~ r ~ Edul'corate Edul'corator Vn Efful'gent <> Effuse' f? /\ Elaln ^ ' * Elapse' / ^> Eel Vi V" Effused' f\ 't^\>, Elapsed' E'en T '^-s Effusing Elapsing K VD Effable V^3 Vs Effu'sion f*-^ ^-, f~' Elas'tic X Efface' ^ Effu'sive ' Elas'tically ^ . Efface'able '\ -X3 Effaced' V^, ^ Effu'sively V/* p Effu'siveness ^ Elasticity ^ -f\ Elate' V \ Efface'ment v. ^ Eft Elat'ed ^" '^^ Effac'ing Eges'tion f -fC> Elating V. Effect' Egg Ela'tion ELBOW 80 KM BATTLE f\ f\. El'bow f f El'ement X^, X^y" El'oquent 7 El'bow-chair ~^Y Element'al x s El'oquently . .-s. El'bowed '/ Element'ary r /Oi Else ' ^ ' El'bowing x^ f El'emi Else'where -XVx""-' Y*\ El'bow-room V! * Blench' , q. /|t Elu'cidate f Vx- f | E ,, der x" X^o Elen'chus '1 Elu'cidated XI x- 1 /"I- El'derly r K f k El'dest ^< El'ephant T^^r f^"' Elephanti'asis ^fl. /^. Elu'cidating " Elu'cidation /Ixl. XTx-v El Dora'do ^J) Elephant'ine ^ m r\S Elu'cidative Elecampane' X7s^_.^ gT. Elephan'toid j- i'- 1 ^ Elu'cidator / Y Elect' ^> 3-* Eleusin'ian L Elu'cidatory ^1 Elect'ed ft/ s-\. Eleuthe'ria XI ^ Elude' x- ~ Elect'ing "- " El'evate -' '* Elud'ed * - 1 Elec'tion Xf .^ Xf Electioneer' X^- XTC. El'evated 1 ' El'evating XH n Elud'ible "<. Elud'ing ^^ ^j ?, Electioneered' X^j x^V. Eleva'tion X'l) ^C Elu'sion > .\ Electioneering ' v> El'evator V Elu'sive xf ... .x Elect'ive ^-^C^- t-^ Elect'or .xi ^X, Eleve' '* ^ Elev'en .-x^? _!/' Elu'soriness X|O XTo T 1 / ' / Elu sory ' Elect'oral X\ /\ Elev'enth .x, r Elves X" X". Elect'orate ' ^ ' ^ Elf rvo ^ Ely'sian b Elec'tress .., . .^ Elfin .xtf^N ^-e>\ Ely'sium j^ XT. Elec'tric 1 : J Elec'trical f^* ' ^-^ Elfish ^/< /*\ El'gin marTjles ' El'zevir ?Em _- x" -n- Electri'cian "1 UJ I L Electric'ity U .[ ^ Elec'trifiable ^ ^-1 Electrification V . NJ Elec'trified ~?- ' Elic'it v^l ^ Elic'ited ! Elic'iting /q ^, Elide' Elid'ed fi\. fj Elid'ing "*\ Eligibility , O, Ema'ciate ' Ema'ciated ?Ema'ciating " ex Eliqua'tion H *^ V. Emancipating ^\~ 1(7 Electrol'ogy j*) v-. Eli'sion ^n ^_^_o Emancipa'tion x* x" Electrol'ysis ^^? ^^ Elec'trol>-te Elite' x"x X^N. Elix'ir "^^^ ^^>^ Emancipa'tion- ~ ist XT.- XT.. Elec'trolyzable Y^y KP Elec'trolyze .^ Elizabethan f f Elk r R. ^ ^Eman'cipator N^ ' " Emas'culate "1- Elec'tro-magnet '~~~v *- Ell /\, /%) Ellipse' x Sj,_/!l.-Tj-^ r " Emas'culated Emas'culating ^U Elec'tro-mag- Ellipsis X^sp X^v>. Ellip'soid ^ f") ^f Emascula'tion Kmbale' ^^"^^T^ netism "T ^* Ellipsoid'al x*> xr^' Embaled' X" ^-1 Electrom'eter V-^-^ Vo Electroph'orous "J 1 "-J" Elec'tro-plate , *T\ Elec'troscope / o^ - y% . Ellip'tic Ellip'tical r\ ^. ./- Elliptic'ity Y V ^Ellip'toid I Elm 'L 'f El'men ' Embal'ing /{-v^s -r ^ Embalm' Embalmed' *~<~~ ^ -^ Embalm'er Embalm'ing <~^- -~-^x Embank' S^ /f Elec'trotype ^ Elm'y Embanked' v ^ Elec'trotyped S\ xV^ Elocu'tion c-~- f^^f "^ Embank'ing H^T /" Elec'trotyping v^- ^ J V 1 x Elec'trum " Elocu'tionary Q^ Elocu'tionist Eloge' _P Embarca'tion **/ ' f*f ' Embar'go ^L '(^_/' Elec'tuary V^ Eleemos'ynary X7 *9 . El'ogy x/ - * Elo'him Q_ C^ Elon'gate . x- . . . Embar'goed ^* x ^ < ^ s ' Embark'ing u^ ' L, El'egancy El'egant j^_ j^\ 1 Elon'gating ^ x ~ : ~^ Elonga'tion . 9 -f Embar'rass f*' ^^ Embar'rassed X"^ xyv- El'egantly Elegi'ac K\ ./x Elope' N 1* Eloped' 9> ./^ Embar'rassing ^** ' =J * J ^ Embar'rassment x?" xv Elegi'acal J e El'egist /C\. A^ Elop'ing Elope'ment f^et x^v- Embas'sador ) Em'bassv /^ El'egy / XC_ D El'oquence ^X Embat'tle EMBATTLED 81 ENABLED rS Embat'tled /^- ^f*~^ Empale'ment 'j-' Empal'ing X ^ Embed'ding x^-K' x- *' Embel'lish V -a ^xx, Embroil'meot \ Em'bryo ^L Empan'el ^-* ^^ Empan'eled ^^! Embel'lished ' V " > V^ s^tyl Embryog'raphy i . Empan'elling <~ Embel'lisher v ' Embryol'ogy ^^-^^ i*~J Empark' ^ - x ./") Embel'lishing *" Embel'lishment ' J -*C Em'bryonate 1 Em'bryonated / /*v Em'peror *^j VO Em'phasis "*% x-^*\ < Em'bers Em'ber-week _:^~^ Embryon'ic 1 . Embryot'ic *^& '^Vig Em'phasize P Em'phasized *T sr~\ Embez'zle Embez'zled ^ x 1 ^. Embryot'omy Emeer' '^Xg^ -^\ Em'phasizing ^^ 1 . Emphat'ic *? f^f~\ Embez'zlement Embez'zler ' -"-"i Embez'zling * fi *^[ Emend' X. Emend'able "^^-i. Emend'als x^v s*~+ Emphat'ical * ' : Emphatically /*>_ / : Em'pire ' Embit'ter r t Emenda'tion v\ jj Empir'ic -^\- ^i Emblaze' ^^^ '^~~H' Em'endator . ^ /j-% Empir'ical ^ Emblazed' |' I/- Emend'atory | ""^ ^j Empir'icism ' i v Emblaz'ing . ^^ Emend'ed .^ ^~\~ Empir'icist ^^w ^ Embla'zon Emend'ing '~^ r> ^~ Emplas'tic x^. ' J ^. / Embla'zoned St ^yi Em'erald s*-^ ^, Employ' >ix- ^^ Embla'zoner '*^ Emerge' \ Employed' x^x^. ^X- Embla'zoning v/ ^sj. Emerged' '^\j ^~^f Employ'ee XV^s '*' ^-^ Embla'zonry f^/ 1 Emerg'ence *^ Employ'er 'V, ^\._ Em'blem ~ Emblemat'ic '"X:^ Emblemat'ical **1 Emerg'ency ^~jtf. x^^Emerg'ent Emerg'ing 'S-* X-=-M Employ'ing ^^> Employ'ment ^, ,^ Empoi'son < ^ > Em'blements . s^A Emer'ited /-jV Empo'rium f~i Embod'ied x-^y ' v Emer'iti ^*v^^ ^^^ Empow'er . j\ Embod'ier <^~ x t .A Emer'itus *S / ">\ Empow'ered a n Embodiment . Embod'y ^x ^^ Em'eroids xT^. x^jv. Empow'ering Em'press n^ ./"I. Embod'ying x i*' J Embold'en ^/ * Emerse' ^-^) Emersed' 'h Emp'tied O. 7^\ |f Emp'tier x^/3 y^/1 Embold'ened Emer'sion Emp'tiest 1 Embold'ening X' . Em'ery '~^| x-S Emp'tiness ^s^y Em'bolisrm x Em'esis '-^9 ' Emp'ty ^~ Embolis'mal . xt> Embolis'mic ^^ Emet'ic /; *^ Emet'ical --S xS Emp'tying ! '; Emp'tj'ings r /X Em'bolus E'meu ' i< X ' Uc \ Empur'ple >-^-. ^jg~, Embor'der ^^^ Em'icant \ * Empur'pled i Embos'om , . . Em'igrant '~ 1 ~ Emboss' *~~^' '^ ^ Empyr'eal *T"&* ' /^-. Emboss'ing ' Em igrating ^ Empyre'an *S~ ^ Embow'el s~^r Em'inence Empyreumat'ic /& *' Embow'eled ^--Xi^ . . Em'inency ^^-^ Empyreumat'- ^7 x / ^/^ v -^ Embow'eler / ^ Em'inent ical A Embow'el ing X= >y- -~^ Eminently *_ ^__. Empyrtcal X y^ 3 /7X_^ Embow'elment 1. E'mir /^/ ^ E'mu A \ Embow'er ../' ^_^ Em'issary . _ j^/Tl Em'ulate <*N\. ^\ Embrace' **8 Emis'sion '~* J ' " Em'ulated Embraced' ^\. . ^,. Emis'sive ^-vj-. ,--^'C Em'ulating '~ \ ^., , c Endur'ing Enact'ing . Encour'age y End'wise vu> 1 ^_^ Enact'ive ^5-7 vj,r*7 Encour'aged ^ ^ _. Ene'id I- ^-^~^ Enact'raent ~ ^ Encour'agement Ene'ma , Enact'or vis~^ ^L^<7 Encour'ager vo--^ t-i^ En'emy "^ a^-J Enam'el Encour'aging ^^ : Energet'ic ^. ^ \^^f~ / Enam'eled Enam'eling .^-v ^^ Enam'eler ^s+7 ^JT7 Encouragingly /. /vJ77 Encroach' Encroached' ^^. ^-/ v Energet'ical " En'ergise ^-1 V "Iv En'ergist'd s * ' ^~ Enam'or v^"i"7 ^^^ Encroach'er ^ Energis'er ^ ^jr-^ Enam'ored ' Encroach'ing **1y "y En'ergising "" Enam'oring v^y ^^.^ Encroach'ment ^ ' En'ergj' f_^~ ^3, Enanned' ^~ ' Enarthro'sis 1 Encrust' ^j^ ^i^ Encum'ber ^'V x a Encum'brance ^>i c^-y^^ Ener'vating I Enen-a'tion Encamp' ^^ ^ VO-T -v-' Encamped' Encamp'ing v^7 y xa^v. i~V Ency'clical .)" Encyclope'dia VX. V^- Enen'e' Enerved' ^A V "V Enfee'ble v _^-^'^= v ~ i ^ ~~1 Encamp'ment ^ Encan'this v^-o ^j-P^ Encase' i^\ j i S. Encyclope'dian J .[ .Encyclope'dic \ > Enfee'bled ^^V^ ~^^x Enfee'blement Vo > / Enfee'bling ""* Encaus'tic ^j> v ^^ xiy , Encyclope'dist ^^\ ^^S. EnfeofP -. i^jjj, Encave' ^~\ a o^- Encyst' ^v. >^ Enfeoffed' Enceinte' ,b. Encyst'ed x - : -\ Xi ^^\ Enfeoff'ing ^^ly ' Ence'nia v. End N-- ^a Enfeoff'ment Encephal'ic "-^s/ ~^y*> Enceph'alon ll^ or L Endan'ger ^A^/jl ^-A^^I Enfilade' Enfilad'ed x Enceph'alos ^-j -.^ Enchafe' ^'l- v ^-l. Endan'gered 7 X Endan'gering v^\ /f\ ^^\f Enfilad'ing ^ f Enfold' * * Enchain' y^^ y^ Endear' ^A^^l ~^^. Knfold'ed v^ ^7 Enchained' ' * Endeared' f Enfold'ing . Enchain'ing ^_,. ^ Enchant' >i-v s^. x Endear'ing " lV Endear'ment ^AT ^Vr Enforce' 7} C Enforced' r Enchant'ed ^ ~~^t Endeav'or ^^A^P^ ^^V^ Enfor'cedly 7v^. Enchant'er ^_ (L Endeav'ored .^i Enforce'ment Enchant'ing ^H ^ Endeav'oring 5L. ^~p Endec'agon ^-^N/ ^"'^^C^ Enfor'c or IT o Enfor'cing ( iH o Enchant'ment T End'ed -^\ -JN Enfranchise ~- : ^' / Enchant'ress ^"^^ Endem'ic fi Enfranchised t - > g , Enchase' ^^-l. . . Endem'ical ^-*N Enfran'chise- V1 -/. ^y. Enchased' '"*-' ^^^ End'ing oS ment " ^ Enchas'ing vs-j y En'dive v^S ^T7 Enfranchising ^^ /p vi^_>Y Enchirid'ion '" ' "' Encho'rial . i n^~ Encir'cle 1 t> End'less >? "* End'lessly (^ . End'lessness <, ' Engage' v^__ ^~% l^iigagi'd' Engagc'ment Vc - :> ' Encir'cled vy s^ v^- En'dogen ^^~"7 ^^"7 Engag'ing ., v ^~\ Encir'cling or "Cj> S Endogenous Y Engag'ingly Enclasp' ' d Endorse' 7^-^? Engen'der v^< , ^^^ . Enclit'ic ^^ ^\~ Endorsed' ^ Engcn'dfied < Enclit'ical | v^_o ^^^ Enclose' ^ y" Endors'er vi T" ^~ Endorsing ^^ ^-4 Engendering f/ " Kn'gine 1 ' Enclosed' ^_- ^^ Endorse'ment v ~^ ~~j Engineer' . ._ *~ i ^~\) Enclosing "H" V H~ En'dosmriie c Kngineer'ed 1 Enclos'ure e " t "^--^ En'dosprrm ~~J. . ^~/. Engineering ^^^..^^v-^j-s-j Enco'miast ^1~ ^ En'dostome "^^-^ *-* En'ginery " L ' Encomiast'ic g^ U Endow' v^TT *_f\ Engird' 1 "J . Encomiast'ical ^, ~~^ Endowed' ^"^ ^ EndowVr I-'.ngird'ed ^__. *^"] Kn^ird'ing ^^ ^^ . ^X; Enco'mium "-^l ^^1^ ICndow'ing Engird'le 1 Ni Encom'pass \ ^f ^^ Encom'passed ^ Endow'ment "^ v^.^ Endue' J or \J En'glish N ^s Encom'passing ^^ Endued' ^7-^ or s^ En'glishman ~T^ Encored' ^\ Endtir'able /j ^ ^/ Engorge' Lff* Encor'ing vi-j 'j Endur'ance J.n gorged' ENGRAFT 83 ENTITLING j ^^V Engraft' v -'~}\ ^ Enno'ble :/ ~^--i^~\ Ensnar'er 1 Engraft'ed ^ Enno'bled v - lC - x ^ ' Ensnur'ing .j-T ^rrr Engrail' ^^ r< ^ r\,Enno'blement -^1? -^^ Ensphere' Engrailed' Enno'bling ~^ ^ Ensphered' ^/^* i ^^-S~^ Engrail'ing <^s*^ ^^] Ennui' ~-^_^ ^^^^ Enspher'ing Engrail'ment ' Enor'mity ^. "^ Enstamp' Engrained' . , ,- Enor'mous ^Tb f^-Ti5 Enor'mously ^^B ^t-^x Enstamped' Enstamp'ing ^5TT_^ v^j-r 1 Engrain'ing ^^o v-L-y Enor'mousness > ^1 ^4> Ensue' Engrave' 1 " Enough' "' Ensued' > . , r. Engraved' .-xiS ^~^ Enounce' ^J- ^ Ensu'ing ' Engrav'cr Enounced' "^ Ensure' jj. _n Engrav'ing 1 Engross' A _^ ^< Enounc'ing * Enquire' ^ v^i ^i- Entab'lature \, -/ Entail' ^ s Engrossed' si ^^j Enrage' * Entailed' ^^^ Engross'er ^^'/ Enraged' x - i "b-^- ^^x"' 3 Entail'ing ^r-Qs ^zG* Engross'ing ^^x*/ v^^v, Enrag'ing Entail'roent Engross'ment 1 Enrapt'ure ^_<__ ^^_ Entan'gle ,_}^\. ^-^ Engulf ~^f\, ^x^\ Enrapt'ured Entan'gled Enhance' * J, Enrapt'uring o< . - _ _^ Entan'gleraent ^4? ^-i& Enhanced' vox'V-/' ^iX\ Enrav'ish Entan'gling Enhance'ment ' ^ Enrav'ished v - i -r ^^ En'tasis vj.-xf ' v " = " 7 \_^_^_^ Enhancing l^^yv/^^^XVEnrav'ishing Entas'tic Enharmon'ic ^^ -4> Enrav'ishment ^"^ o~ ~~-^^ En'ter ^^ - . x^Enharmon ical J ^Sl Enrich' Enheart'en 4 Enriched' y/" ^f Enteral'gia v_^_irN ^- ^ ' Enig'ma vs/7 ^^1 Enrich'er En'tered Enigmat'ic '. Enrich'ing ^-^--^ ~^y' ' En'terer s ^_^ > v^, ^-> y Enigmat'ical ^/1 v^X\\ Enrich'raent Enter'ic b Enig'matise Enrobe' ^J^/(J En'tering ^- ' r \_ ^-y Enig'matist .. ^xs\i Enrobed' * ' Enterol'ogy Enjoin' ^-^* " s Enrob'ing ~^o ~^ Enterprise ^t ^~f 1 Enjoined' Enjoin'ing ^x/ ^^4 Enrol' Enrol led' En'terprised ^^ ^V>^ En'terpriser ^1* ^t/ 1 Enjoy' ^xif ~^-^( Enroll'er *^v ^* En'terprising \ Enjoy'able ^j 7 ~-^-> Enjoyed' '^-^ Enroll'ing / ^-i^l Enrol'ment J\i ^>l. Enterprisingly (^ J Entertain' Enjoy'ing ~-''* s ' Enroot' ^, ~-A- Entertained' ^-fi ^ Y Enjoy'ment ^.^/l v x / | Enroot'ed "^ Entertain'er Enkin'dle ^ . ^~f Enkin'dled ' ^ Enkin'dling "" Enroot'ing ^P v^tx-^. Ens x Ensara'ple A. ~|. M Entertain'ing ^^ J^ 01 u Entertain'ment ^-?" . ~^-^C- Entheas'tic viJ X y\ Enlard' _ .^^ ^C^T- Ensam'pled Enthrall' v^A Enlard'ed ^^ Ensam'pling ^Jipt > 'N. Enthralled' x/ v , , viiil^ ^j, Ensan'guine ' 1 Enthrone' ^j. t "" / Enlarge '~ Ensconce' ^r, ^Xl Enthroned' ^ or -^Enlarged' ^_n^ ^Q Ensconced' ^~^~~ Ensconc'ing Enthrone'raent ^=-^_ ^^"o, Enthron'ing ^yT^'s or 1 1 Enshrined 3^v v Enthu'siast ' *V Enthusiastic ^- CM Enlight'ened "^ Enlight'ener ^-^ ^"J) Enshrin'ing A | Enshroud' -^ ^ ^.^ Enthusiast'ical A" \^^t ^b En'thymeme ^^- ^-1- '--^I Enlight'ening ^> Enlight'enraent ~T^. Enlist' -H? "~x Enshroud'ed />! A(^ Enshroud'ing ^iJ?; ^5^ En'siform 2_. Entice' v^i v.^/ Enticed' " * Entice'ment Enlist'ed \^^ En'sign VJ -^v ^=-iy Entic'er ~^jLs~^h .~~f- Enlist'ing vjuu V T" En'signcy ^ ** Entic'ing Enlist'raent ' '/ En'silage v - i -1 v ^^ Entic'ingly ^"\= c^> Enliv'en v xr\_ -j-^Enslave' 5 -^ v ' Entire' * Enliv'ened ^- D Enslaved' v^Ny-- "^^v Entire'ly SjA^^ SAb^ Enliv'ener _->. ^./rv Enslav'er Entire'ness Enliv'ening N ** '^^ Enslave'ment ^-pi ^-1 Entire'ty ^"^1 -^.^, En'mity ^^\^. V^E^-^ Enslav'ing ' v f Enti'tle ^"^ En'neagon Ensnare' ^-l ^ Enti'tled -j_-tj|- Ennean'dria ^J^\ Ensnared' vf v| Enti'tling ENTITY 84 EQUIMULTIPLE 1 ~U En'tity Entomb' > ^\^ En'viously * En'viron '*T\ or \_ Epis'copal ~LS n^ Entombed' Entomb'ing --v> v^^v Envi'ron ^^ Envi'roned <*T\s* v^x Episcopalian Si *1 ^^i" Entomb'ment ~^V/ 1 ' ^X^H Envi'roning ^^ ^ Episcopa'lian- U i-^ t ; Entom'ic * Environment ai \j_^ TN Epis'copate [ism ^^j" ^1~ Entom'ical *^~\-/ -^ En'virons > v ^t ) Ep'isode ^''t : If* En'tomoid \ En'voy "r Episo'dial n^L Entomolog'ical ^i^Vf ^^ ^'"V, En'voyship En'vy \: \C~ Ep'isperm ^^ Epis'tle n^^p ^-7 Entomol'ogist * ' Entomol'ogy s *v . En'vying Enwrap' VX, Epis'tolary yy Epis'tolize " 1 r\_ r i --- Entomoph'a- Enton'ic [gous J. V^ E'ocene Eo'lian >\ Ep'istyle \, Ep'itaph ^, ' ^VV Entozo'on - f\/~ Eol'ic X "X Epithala'mium c/ Entr'acte t^ Eol'ipile (/: I Ep'ithet ^-y ~"t-^ En'trails Entram'mel ** ^i E'on Eozo'on jj X_ Epithet'ic ' y t_ ~^\~f -^ Entram'meled T * . E'pact ^| . L-> Epit'ome r Entram'meling * ^^ Ep'arch X. \ X_ Epit'omist ^^o- ^-Q' Entrance ^ . X/^* Ep'archy .L-^ j^-^ -L^> Epit'omize o Entranced' \/ Epaule'ment Epit'omized \ Entrancing Entrap' V \.^ Ep'aulet b Epen'thesis VX~ Epit'omizer V>^ Epit'omizing Entrapped' Entrap'ping *XS \ Epergne' E'pha X v X Ep'itrite ' Epizo'a ^1. ~v Entreat' Entreat'ed \-^S y_^^y Ephem'era Ephem'eral \. X .- Epizo'an \ , )- X Epizoot'ic ^ ^ i~> Entreat'er Entreat'ing Entreat'ingly Entreat'y ^ , . .a Ephcm'eris ^^^ Ephem'eron y Ephe'sians J Eph'od \ i Eph'or J 'L- Ep'och V X Ep'ode J 1 Epod'ic X Xi Epopee' X- Eprouvctte' En'tree ' Ep'ic . ^ i^J Epura'tion A Entrepot' V - Xh Ep'icarp ^^ \ Equabil'ity v^| v^u En'try Entwine' x-Ii "^ Ep'icene ^X : Epicra'nium C- c_. E'quable X X E'quably I ^^l 1 " Entwined' Ij Epicte'tian c<^_- or <^- E'qual ^d EnUvin'ing \ ^ \_/>*. Ep'icure >e ~1 cc_-o Equal'ity 2? ~.JL* Entwist' ^\ n Epicure'an F.qualiza'tion *24S ^~^T Enu'cleate Enu'cleated ^-*< ' " Epicure'anism te.s cll vf E'qualize K'qualized < TT| Enu'cleating "^ V^ Ep'icurism ccj<^ ct . Equalizing - Enuclea'tion n ~ Ep'icyclc E'qualled ^1 Enu'merate , Enu'merated >i X Epicj''cloid .Ux . Epidem'ic cc-. or c_. E'qualling cc.^; or - E'qually r5-~> Enu'merating ^1 Enumera'tion Enu'merative V \. Epidem'ical *f Epider'mal ^~^f-tf< Equan'gular PS-s c. Equanim'ity ^^*) Enu'merator Enun'ciate S, X^ Epider'mis 1 : Epigas'tric ' ' Equa'tion C1./1 V^-i, Equa'tor VJ ^ V v^i, ^ ^ ^ 4" Enun'ciated Enun'ciating Enuncia'tion 'c_; Epiglot'tir ' b Epiglot'tis 1 Eques'trianism -&v^. Envel'op N En'velope Envel'oped V r~> Epigrammat'- ical V^-i Epigram'matist .-. .. /^~\~\. Equian'gular J Equidis'tant VJ "\y\ ^^Ay \^Envel'oping Ep'igraph r _ f* r ^~ f* Equilnt'oral " Envel'opment ^^^ Ep'ilepsy C; - v Eqtiili'brate *^ V ^^V, _^ Enven'om \ Kpilep'tic _/JX ^.-\ Equili'brated r ' Enven'omed v Ep'ilogue ' e - y ' Equililirating v; "V v^^.. J? nven ' om ing i^^^ \ En'viable ~^-V ^. En'viably \> ^~ < Epiph'any "V Epiph'ysis \V T' 1 " Ep ipnyte ,. ,s ! \^ ^>Xi Kquilibra'tion C=-i Equilib'rious .ix (-^XX Equilib'rist X Envied V C"-/ ~ ] Enuilib'ritv En'vier s i Epis'copacy c\_/\^ c ' ^x Equilibrium ICn'vious / Equimultiple EQUINAL 85 ESTIMABLE 0,-v r- , Equi'nal Eq'uine ^V^*^ "Vv. Erelong Er'emite ) . ) Escheat'ed S / / Escheat'ing r . i d_^_e Equinoc'tial ~\^ . "^ Eremit'ic .' " / Escheat'or Eq'uinox ' Eremit'ical ) \ ) Eschew' C_ C1 A. r Equip' **\ \ c ^. Eq'uipage ~>. > Er'got 1 I ' j^ Er'gotism / i / Eschewed' v Eschew'ing S ** Equip'ment ^V-^-^ "^\_^ Eriom'eter ^ / Es'cort, n. C^i Ci> C/9 Eq'uipoise Er'raine i Escort', v. 5" ** Equipol'lence >\_ XI Er'mined )_/1 }_^^ Escort'ed c Sr X 7 Ci..- Equipol'lency ' Erode' Escort'ing V) V s Equipol'lent CI^-Q Equipon'der- ance ./j -^ Erod'ed * Ai ' Erod'ent x(L, ^s' Erod'ing \ -^ \ ~M Escritoir' 1^ ty ^~ / ^ > Escrito'rial Escula'pian C^x (-. Equipon'derant ^ Equipped' ^ c_e>^_p Equip'ping Equis'onance O_. C, Eq'uitable Y Escutch'eon ^J~y* oEscutch'eoned 1 Esoph'agus ^ \ Esoter'ic >' Eq'uitant ' ^ Er'rant [x : ^f*-\ Espal'ier -i c=-i Equita'tion .0 -o Eq'uites \ y\ Er'rantry ^T. Erra'ta l^ / j_ Espar'to J. - Equiv'alence y\ . y\L^ Errat'ic Erra'tum ^ r . Equiv'alency ~V ^ Er'rhine J. ' Equivalent Cs-.x Ci -v- Equiv'ocal Erred "^ X_P Err'ing \ ; or \ Especially e_ S^_ Equiv'ocally Erro'neous C/ V^__^ c^ Equiv'ocate ^H ^vj Equiv'ocated (. " Erro'neousness ~N ->. Er'ror -) v . \ Espi'al \i^ x/ Espied' } J > Espionage ^ C_^ Equiv'ocating *! ;~T3 Equivoca'tion S * Erse Stjj Erubes'cence X_,V. ^> Espoused' , Espous'er Q^_ p s. Equiv'orous ~^ , '/\ ^t Eructa'tion NX Nj^ V Espous'ing V< ' E'ra ^~U v' r L-i Er'udite Espy' x^1 >.1. Era'diate v ' Er'uditely ) v ')_-x- Espy'ing Era'diation f^\_. X]_ Erad'icable ^\. * Eradicate t,. ^* Er'uditeness 'nL 'C_ Er'udition Eru'ginous ^s Es'quimau j- ^ or ' Esquire' X| XL Eradicated ^ ' ' Eradicating /I -. X| . Eradica'tion ^\. Erad'icative "X -x. Eras'able ~^\ "N Erupt'ed n JO Erup'tion \Th Erysip'elas -). ) Es'say f Essayed' V- -V- Essa/er 1 Essay'ing ). J_p Es'sayist "Nr Erase' ^v S\ Erysipel'atous 3 Es'sence ~1 ~X^ Erased' *Vft ^ Erythe'ma V^ ^^ Es'senced ** f^rase'ment "1 f\ -L/ 1 Escalade' Es'sencing ~^W l^L^. Eras'er - 1 ' ' Escalad'ed ^ ) yc)r } Essenes' ^^ Eras'ing ^_/T|^ '1 <\ Escalad'ing ' ^CS ^~^ Essen'tial -x- ~\^ Era'sion *J ^j Eras'tian ~N ~>v Eras'tianism \j-> ^/ Era'sure Escal'op '! sj .^ Escapade' | ^~\ Escape' "K. t \jJ'or^) Essential'ity Essen'tially \^^ or {. Estab'lish -j^ Erat'ic } ) Escaped' , I > Established Ere ^^ """V-,. Escape'ment \ ' \_ Estab'lisher "V\ ">Y._ Er'ebus > " Erect' "V ~\ . Erect'able ) l_/\ Escap'ing ^^. Escarp' )_S\ ]_/\ Escarped' Establishing \^ or \ Establishment A 1 Erect'ed Escarp'ing J ^ Estafette' \.y- ; "\/*] Erect'ile L_/\n ^ Escarp'raent (. Estate' Erect'ility Eschalot' , V-i Esteem' ^\^_ >._. Erect'ing \_ i_ j /T Eschar' \ Esteem'able -J Erec'tion x ' ' Escharot'ic i^- j_. Esteemed' -x s~. "\ Erect'ly \- ' ^v_D r^ tt Erect ness , . ) Eschatol'ogv 1X7 ) /. Escheat' ^~^~ Esteem'ing > Esthet'ic "X Erect'or * \ Escheat'able (. ^^i Es'timable ESTIMATE 86 EVINCED , v. Es'timate y- ,- Etholog'ical y-^ V l-'.vadi-' '' Es'timated ^*-= Kf. Ethol'ogist 1 I'.vad'ed . s Es'timating Estima'tion f /7 V lA'yl ^ .t. !c g_p Kvad'ing Evancs'cence , p) Es'timator P- -P7 Et'iolate v SEvanes'cent V, Es'tival ^ \/. Etiol'ogy - Evan'gel 1 _ ^ Estiva'tion Estop' L -Lj Et'iquette Etne'an * : Evangel'ic ) \ ,- Estopped' /x/ Estop'pel ^ a^ Eton'ian Etrus'can ^V*" _: or ^^ Evangel'ical ,5 ) Esto'vers S^ \* Estrade' ix: Ul^ E' ui ' . Etymolog ic s- ^y^. Evan'gelisra 1'^ Evan'gelist 'Lv^7 1 /I i-tymolog ical S^^ Evan 'gel ixe ;) ) 1 Estrange' V V V Estranged' / ' 1-, Estrange'ment IKJ 'U Etj-molo'gist Etymol'ogy Et'ymon s! r^f Evan'gelized , I*'van'gelizihg ^ v Estrang'ing 1^ -^. \ Estrapade' / | '' Estray' S > _-,-P r^l^ Eucalyp'tus Eu'charist Eucharist'ic H^ ^v / Evap'orable V V. Evap'orate V^x Evap'orated ) Estreat' " 1 : Eucharist'ical -^^ I'*va]j'orating t- 1.| Estreat'cd ,. \ ^ Estreat'ing )j 1 v--^ Estrepe'raent Es'tuary ^) ,P^-s Eu'chre Eu'chymy Eu'crasy Eudiom'eter ^ SL^- , Evaporation >/L. PyV.-i])'orative y^. Kva'sible Eva'sion > ) i Es'tuate .[ L p. Estua'tion % f Eudiomet'ric Eudiom'etry \ \^n s-. Eva'sive ^/ Eva'sively "' '< Etcet'era /V /? Eu'logist Vie ^ Eva'siveness / ., Etch v C- \o Eulogist'ic ^^>_ ' * Eve Etched /7- ^7 Eulo'gium i^. Vj Evec'tion ; / Etch'er "V s *. x b v Eu'logize ^~b E'ven Etch'ing /^ /7 Eu'logized , V-^ E Vened 1 % Eter'nal T T Eter'nally <7. ,^- Eu'logizing Eu'logy t I'.'vcning V>j E'venly .1 q Eter'nity j ( "j Eter'nize \ Eu'nomy vL I'l'vcnness ^ F.' ven song \^ To, Eter'nized ^_^ ' \ Event 1 v Eter'nizing .1 ('/ Ete'sian ^ E'thal p .( ^ E'ther ) \ V- Eupep sy Eupep'tic Eu'phemism > V^_._ v Event'ful E'ventide V^ Event'ual 1 X[ Ethe'real v>^ V^ Eu'pheraist ^^2 Y~' Event'ually , (^ ft Ethe'real ize '\6 V Ethe'realized Euphemist'ic Eu'phemize v^, S^^ Event'uality '] E\-en'tuate / ./y' (/^^ Ethe'realizing v Euphon'ic .^ ''>' ^ Ev'er '^ ^~N^~ Ethcr'iforra ^C ^-%_o-^ Eupho'nious c^ .*<. Ev'ergreen ($, (^p Etheriza'tion >OJ n Eu'phonism f-^> Everlast'ing v E'therize (j> (,*' E'therized " * ' " E'therizing ^' ^ Eu'phony Ku'plirasy P^u'phuism V ^/"V. E\'i-rlast'ingly E'ver-liv'ing .( ( Eth'ic J~. "' Eu'phuist I ^-^ E\'ermore' Eth'ical Vj, ^\ Kuphuist'ic ^_. or ^ Kv'rry ( '(La Eth'ically ^-. Eth'ics i ^ Eura'sian Eure'ka H 5 - j P'.v'erybody i ^^^" Ev'ery-day r .(- Eth'iop "^0 P'u'ripus l. ' ' Ev'i-rvwhere \ \ Ethiopian f" -(^ Ethiop'ic ^-\. Euroc'lydon Europe'an *^1 ^. Evict* ii-t'ed \_j -^ Eth'moid (_./' f Ethmoid'al ^U .L, Eu'rythmy Eusta'ohian M x l,\ irt'ing ~i V^j) 1-Mc'tion /i Eth'narch v lx~\ Eu'style Ev'idence ^ (^ _ Eth'nic "' " iMiter'pean . ^ Evidenced Eth'nical Kuthana'sia T^-^> ~ Evidencing (^_c^ (t-J- 1 Ethnog'rapher Euthan'asy V . ^_. Ev'idcnt Ethnograph'ic ( C \ Ethnograph'ical S^- ^ ['.var'nant Evac'uate V*AS ^^ Evidential v Evidently '"^ ^~c> ' ^-' Ethnog'raphy ( 1^ E'hnolon'ic SSs,' P'vac'uated Kvac'uating Evacua'tion I V - E'vil C E'vil -iln.-r ;] E'vil-eyed 1 .(77 Ethnol'ogy ^ - Etholog'ic s.s I'^vac'uative Evac'uator V^j, Evince' Evinced' EVINCIBLE 87 EXECUTER V_jj S^o, Evincible P -p Exceed' e_= /"-~^i^_ i- Exclu'sively \f ~* Evincing 1 ^* Exceed'ed '^ ^^"'Exclu'siveness V^_p Vs^i Evin'cive ^> Evis'cerate \j0Xl Evis'cerated _ p \ Exceeding L> {. Exceedingly . n /^7 -n Excogitate 7 f / Excogitated Excogitating * so< **"^ Evis'cerating V^ \f Eviscera'tion Excel' ~^ ~^ Excelled' . r, .n^ Excogita'tion ( ^^~\ Excommu'nic- ^a>:.9 i ^ Evltable . vra f> Ex'cellence able \ Evoke' "^ ^. Ex'cellency -Hjc^ Excommu'ni- V .- Evoked' .f, ,^-. Ex'cellent cate I ^* Ev'olute -H> Ex'cellently ~*^3-+ Excommu'ni- \^t> _ Evolu'tion -g^^ -g^\ Excelling cated \S?r Evolu'tionary Excel'sior ~:^_i. Excommu'nica- C^ V^/"V_ Evolu'tionist . p -<^ Except' ting Evolve 1 N 1 Except'ed ^J^-P Excommu'nica- , ~ Excep'tion -*. : Excommu'nica- _ V. V Evolving O Evul'sion <; - L ' ! . Excep'tionable X/^ r^ Excep'tional tor __a_A, ^o_^ii Exco'riate ' Exco'riating ' ^y\ Ew'ry -=-jf^ j^V, Excerpt' i ~ i " Excoria'tion c * Exac'erbate |' Excerp'ta o /\_ _ J a_/Ljr ) Excorticate' xv -^-3^' Exac'erbated _^\ ^^x Excerp'tion ' ' Excortica'tion Exac'erbating ^ ' Excess' . ^ -o-^, Ex'crement -^-X'X -~'V_< Exacerba'tion -iP ~^/^ Exces'sive Excrement'al Exacerva'tion Exces'sively 'a ^^-j Excrementit'- . . Exact' 1 Exact'ed -^P 1^. Exces'siveness a-\ ious _. (i_n . ^ , v Excres'cence - ijt " Exact'er xc lang Kxcres'cent Exact ing -P Exchangeabil'- ^^ ' u j Excrete' ' n '_j o. Exac'tion /\ ty Excret'ed Exac'titude -^T- - 5 - n; -v_y Exactly ' : - Exact'ness -T? . ,-, ^^ Exchangeable ^V 1 ~5-/ ^-^ Exchanged' \ Exchang'er -, Excreting J I'^xcre'tion -H> i . s/- Ex'cretive ^ Exact'or -7? -^ -^ Exchanging * Ex'cretory Exag'gerate -^-f j /" Exaggerated / ^- "^ ' Exchequer -=- Examined t"7p Excita'tive I/ Exci'tatory ' ul^_ . iQ Excur'sive Excur'sus Examiner 'J^r Examining ^-P - n Excite' v ' "' Excit'ed n ^C ~" a ^^ Excus'able Excus'ably "\> or f:^_ Exam'ple -=-P -Hs) Excite'ment v ^ Excit'er ' n ^|V^ o o Excus'atory " Excuse' -^ t!i -^_. ^' . Exanthe'ma -=-0 -jf Exciting o \ \ Exhib'itive -^-S; _uJj.v Expanse' o\ Expansibil'ity o / T- ' . . ,, . ^ Exhib'itory "^T Exhil'arant -^. ^-R- Expan'sible ^-^v/" ^"^Expan'sion -^^l Executo'rial S*/' ^A Exhil'arate ** -^ Exhil'arated - : -'\ -^. Expan'sive ^, IX Expa'tiate y or tfy Exec'utorship -"^jr Exec'utory ^**' y. Exhil'arating " -=-6 Exhilara'tion .., _^^,. Exhort' " {-' Exhorta'tion ^j n _o Expa'tiated ,/v^J, ) Expa'tiating I ^-^ l ~ / - Expatia'tion ^r - n . n. Expa'tiator J n o/- Q_D Exec'utrix ^\ -yT Exhort'ative L. P* Exhort'atory ) ^j_ ' ^i. Expa'tiatory */* Expatriate -H ^ Exege'sis O. Exeget'ic _.^1 ^x^ Exhort'ed ~^ o Exhort'er ^\. -^; Expatriated M, v > Expatriating ~^ ~ ! ~ tfi \_ Exeget'ical ^> Exem'plar ^-s^ , Exhort'ing (fT - > Exbuma'tion \r v Expatria'tion tf\/- tfS /^ Ex'emplary N/ Ex'emplarily .- _ ij _ r Exhume' Exhumed' V^ or \ Expect' V* \^ Exemplifica'tion Ex'igence -=-p . r. .^_ Ex'igency ~^. ^^^^ Expect'ance J ^^ 1 Expect'ancy "^\ Exem'plified 'C- * g Ex'igent Exig^uous ~~ Xio Expect'ant ~ I *\ \f Exem'plifier .V .^ Ex'ile ~ v Ex'iled ^i) ^ \-H or ^ Expectation U Lr ^TS^^ s " Exem'plify v^^ -ijj^-o Ex'ilinjj Exinani'tion o Vj_j cr \ Expect'ed \v_ VJ_ Exem'plifying . _ Exempt' -43 _,o Exist' I Exist'ed \ i_ Expect'er 1 Exempted , , Exempting ^-G F> Exist'ence d' Exist'ent V_ or ~^. Expect'ing "- 1 Exemp'tion f -L- n Exequa'tur -43 p Exist'ing J Ex'it ~^~ ' Expec'torant Ex'equies -^6J^-x -^f Ex-may'or ~ l \ i >: ^\^y1 Expec'torate _^J^" Exercis'able "** Ex'ercise . ^ &s Ex'ercised Ex'ode T^. ~~^f. Exo'dium P Ex'odus Kxpec'torated ~ ! ~\^*^\_J? Expec'torating Expectora'tion -'o Ex'erciser J&-- -/ft Exercis'ing '- 1 Exercita'tion -i/ 5 -7f Ex'ogen *{* Exog'enous . g^jy n^xil Exon'erate ^_Q ~^s n Expe'dience ^ u J" ^s Expe'diencv " Expo'dient ~^o\ . , Exergue' Exon'erated -=-^. . -, -^ Ex'pediently ^ Exert' _LJ^->^ '_r,s? Exon'erating J^ ^s -jv Ex'prdite Xi _.>^ Exert'ed Exonera'tion '"' 1 Ex'pedited ~^ Exert'ing "7 -=-P. ._ Exertion ^.jj^Xl ^s' Exonerative -^^J^' Exon'erator -^l "^ Ex'peditely iy* '! v Ex'pediting -** ^ Exfo'liate ^n x -,^x^-. Exfo'liated . /\^ y\ Ex'orable .j Exorbitance ^^v. "^^v Expedi'tion \y \j/ Expedi'tionary Exfo'liating -^yQ L ^/^ r Exfolia'tion Exfo'Siative ^o ] .yA Exor'bitancy Y -,) Exorbitant -^-^ ^C Y~- Ex'peditious U^ -\J( Expedi'tiously \/~ ~^\f\ Expel' . v-r . _ Exhal'able 6 ^ Exhal'ant ./O y Exhala'tion "* - 1 * Exhale' ~*X\. -=-VO Exorbitantly fi~ Ex'orcise V^) v i^V Ex'orcised ' Expel'lable -^ ~^f~\ Expelled r Expel'ler -^\j^~s . Expelling -^= . v^^. Exhaled' **\ Ex'orciser * Expend' ~" Exhal'ing _ i v . fa Exhale'ment .y.v ,\XV Ex'orcising ""^ ~~ s Ex'orcism ~^< ~ 1J V^. Expend'od F Expending "^ . Kxhaust' ^i3 ,5 Exhaust'ed . yX\ -^-^y Ex'orcist " Exor'dial ?_ or ^Expenditure ^P J | Exhaust'ible > ' Exhaust'ing -TJV^ "^Si Exor'dium " Exos'seous ~iS Expense' _. p -^p> Exhaust'ion ~^i _. p . -r , Exosto'sis _J? , . "^ " Exhaustive L. ']/ 'IX^" 1 Exoter'ic v^P or \ Expen su'e fi . o Exhaust'less i< ^^ Exhib'it D Exoter'ical -^f ~5. Exot'ic o ^-^y^ Expen'sivcly - Expired' Expir'ing Explain' Bxplain'able Explained' Explain'er Explaining Explana'tion ^ Explanatory Ex'pletive Ex'pletory Ex'plicable = Ex'plicate Ex'plicated Explicating Explica'tion Ex'plicative Ex'plicator V'Ex'plicatory P Explic'it Explicitly Explic'itness Explode' Explod'ed " Explod'er Explod'ing Exploit' Exploitation Explora'tion Explor'atory Explore' Explored' Explor'er . Exploring Explo'sion r -^-6\ Explo'sive Explo'sively Expo'nent Exponen'tial Export' Exportable Exporta'tion Export'ed Export'er Export'ing Expose' Exposed' Expos'er Expos'ing Exposi'tion Expos'itive Expositor Expository Expos'tulate Expos'tulated ~ 1 ~ kp ~^%> n Expos'tulating ff. }/> Expostula'tion Expos'tulator Expos'tulatory _. A Expos'urc ~^ Expound' . Expound'ed Expound'er Expounding Ex-pres'ident ) Express' Express'age Expressed' Express'iblc Expressing Expres'sion Expres'sionless - Expres'sive -=-~; "^V, Expres'sively (^ ^ ^_p Expres'siveness Express'ly Ex'probrate Exprobra'tion Expro'priate Expro'priated Expro'priating Expropria'tion Expugn' Expug'nable Expugna'tion Expugn ed' Expugn'er Expugn 'ing Expul'sion Expul'sive Expunc'tion Expunge' Expunged' Expung'ing Expur'gate Expur'gated Expur'gating _ Expurga'tion Expur'gator j -y p "" e -f y~' 'L-f n ' i \ J Expur'gatory Ex'quisite Ex'quisitely Ex'quisiteness Exsan'guious Exscind' Exscind'ed Exscind'ing Exsic'cant Exsic'cate Exsicca'tion Exsuc'tion Extasy' Ex'tant ^T "N) ^-f . /-*-? / Extem'porary i"v j ^J Extreme' -=-S) x-. ~ 1 <1 Extreme'ly " Extremist X- Vc ^-(\ Fa'bling N^^ ^_. Fab'ric V^i. X^^. Fab'ricant V-a \r Fab'ricate v "jv v " jx Fab'ricated S^7 or s_/^ Extinguishing "\. ~ ! *l_. Extrem'ity n ^k Ex'tricable Vrj V- Fab'ricating *<- Vrv Fabrica'tion \-_r . - Fab'ricator "I* It Extinguishment ^^y > T? i.* ' i~i -=<) ' - 1 *) Ex'tricate ^1 Ex'tricated 't V_^ i Fab'ulist \^ \'^ Fab'ulous c^ \ Extir pable - 1 *] "^ Extirpate X 1 Extir'pated -** -=-] Extrica'tion 'T 3 L* ' Extrin'sic ^fl. -^-m Extrin'sical ^fci x Extrude' ^ , Facade' f ^ Face vv, Faced ^ f Fac'et "l^ Extirpating "^ -^ Extrud'ed < " Extrud'ing v^ W^" Fac'eted Facr -=-61 "if Extirpa'tion 7) \ Extir'pator -^-o "^^^o Extru'sion U- ExuTjerance - : -^ j -^-o ^^ Exu'berant V"? /" Face'tious "^'^ ^K Face'tiously v _> ^1= Face'tiousness -=_ -T- Extol' V^ Exu'berantly Va -^ r Fac'ial r ^ Extolled' -=- -^P Exuda'tion >V,^j. Fac'ile "^&-~\ ~^~^ Extol'ler t - 1 Exude' ^ ' Facil'itate Extol'ling P tf, Exud'ed ^^]. v v^!' Facilitated ~^ ~ 1 ~- Extor'sive Exud'ing ' Facilitating ^ ^ Extort' \^-. \>i Exul'cerate K^*I- ^O^l Fariliti'tion -^ ~~tr Extort'ed > Extort'er * - Exul'cerated .'/#** -J2 Exul'cerating "^ ^-fe 1 ^ Exulcera'tion -o-u -6 a. Facinty ^ Exult'ant V " e ^ all w 1 / Fac'torage ^ T> Extractive ^ _ E ^j I C \_ Facto'rial ^f.. -^Y ^&. Extract'or 1 1 |~ Extradi'tion * b Extra'dos ^ Eve'-glass v . /n Ej-e'ing ^ v '' y Eye'lash }%f I/" Fac'tory V. v- Facto'tum ^K >1 T Fac'ulty J lU^j Extrajudi'cial ^y J' Extramun'dane /f Eve'less v/ ^ Eve'let v/T^ v/1 Eyelet-hole 1 Fad'dle V: V Fade | ' Fad'ed ~^^/ ~ u *1. Extramu'ral V' Extra'neous r~ Eye'lid v)- Ey'er V^ Fade'less / Fadge -=. w 3 Extra neously V. Eye'salve v V^a V V\. Eye'-servant V? Vo' Fad'ing \^ Fa-'ccs *^T k. E}-e'- water \ ^ ^ tagot ary / Eye'witness "1 ^-^ Fahr'enheit \ r - e or Ti Extrav'agance "^ ^- Ey'ry V; uo V. Faience' f Fail "^^-5 or \ Extrav'agant H- 7- [ ' O Fail'ing nr or jf Extrav'agantly F V^/"^ v Fail'ure ^* Fain ~^' l^ Extravagan'za ^ ^^ Faint'ed ^7 .1" Extrav'asate i v? ^ Fa'bian ^^\ ^^ Faint-heart'ed "T-" Extrav'asated vp V Extrav'asating ^ \ Fa'ble V- v^ Fa'bled ^ ^/ Fa-bler Faint'ing j \t-,/- Faint'ish ' Faint'ly FAINTNESS 91 FATHOMED Faith'lessncss Fake Fakir' Falcade' Fal'cate Fal'cated Falca'tion Fal'chion Fal'con Fal'coner y* Fal'conet Fal'conry Fald'stool Faler'nian Fall Falla'cious Falla'ciously Falla'ciousness Fal'lacy Fal'len Fallibility Fal'lible Fairing Fallo'pian Fal'low Fal'Iow-deer Fal'lowed Fallowing False False-heart'ed False'hood False'ly False'ness Fal'ser Fal'sest Falset'to Fal'sifiable Falsifica'tion Famil'iarizing Famil'iarly ly ne sh shed shing Fam' Fam' Fam' Fam' Fam' Fa'mous Fa'mously Fan Fanat'ic Fanat'ical Fanat'icism Fan'cied Fan'cier Fan'ciful Fan'cy Fan'cying Fandan'go Fane Fan'fare Fan'faron Fanfaronade' Fang Fanged Fan'gled Fang'less Fan'-light Fanned Fan'ner Fan'ning Fan'tail Fantas'ia Fan'tasm Fantas'tic Fantas'tical Fantastically Fan'tasy Far Farce Far'cical Far'cin Far'cy Far'del Fare Fared Farewell' Far-fetched' Fari'na P'arina'ceous Far'ing IFar'inose Farm Farm'able Farmed Farm'er Farm'ery Farm-house . Farm'ing Farm-la'borer Farm'jard Fa'ro Farthing Farthingale Fas'ces Fas'cia Fas'cicle Fas'cicled Fascic'ular Fascic'ulate Fascic'ulated Fascic'ulous Fas'cinate Fas'cinated Fas'cinating Fascina'tion Fascine' Fash Fash'ion Fash'ionable Fash'ion ably Fash'ioned Fash'ioner Fash'ioning Fash'ionist Fast Fast-day Fast'en Fast'ened Fast'ening Fast'er Fast'cst Fastid'ious Fastid'iously Fastidiousness Fast'mg Fast'ness Fat Fa'tal Fa'talism Fa'talist Fatalis'tic Fatal'ity Fa'tally Fate Fa'ted Fate'ful Fates Fa'ther Fa'thered FVtherhood Fa'thering Fa'ther-in-law Fa'therland Fa'therlcss Fa'therliness Fa'therly Fath'om Fath'omable Fath'omed FATHOMING 92 FHRMENTING C <^ Fathom'ing i . v. Feast'er V/"^ V/^^ Felic'itous \X_> lX/ Fath'omless ~ Feast'ing Felic'itously t V Fatigue' !_: U Fatigued' \ Feat \. Feath'er \y| i >> Felic'ity ^ v Fe'line *S S Fatigu'ing [_. O Failing \.^ V Feath'er-bed v * Feath'ered V , .^ Fell r ^S Fel'lah ( ^"^ Fat'ness t \. Fat'ted 1 J Fat'ten \ . , Feath'er- edge ^7 V v Feath'ering 7 >- * Feath'ery V V. Fea'ture V V Felled f T Fell'er V. V. Fell'ing C^ /-Tii, Fell'monger Fat'ter X^- Febrifa'cient ^ Feb'rifuge v/x ) Fel'low Vy(n Fel'low-crea'- ' > ture v v Fat'test V_, , , .. \^yC~^\ \/0 Fel'low-heir S. [ - vc -- Fat'tiness r eb rue \ Fellowship Fat'ting V y- V_ TJ i,' V/^ VJ<\ F.-riy s_ K. Fat'tish v/^ or v reo ruarj r ) Fel'o-de-se / 1 Fat'ty V . V Fe'cal VJC \> ( . Felspath'ic V\ ^ Fau'cet Faugh \ f, \^ ( Fec'ulent -^ Fec'und ^^ Felt'ed X^- \r x-* Fault V . V . Fec'undate s . 1'rlt'er ^ Fault'ily ~*~1- ^^t Fecunda'tion V ^ Felt'ing /o Fault'iness V 'v Fecund'ity i -.^ VVT/" Feluc'ca ^-^ Fault'lessly *\jf ^^ Fault'lessness VV_n. _ Fed'eral ^ Fed'eralism ^>j ^--^ Fem'inal "* Feminal'ity C/1. ^ Fault'y faun V. V_n. Fed'eralist r 1 J? Fed'eralize V^^_j \^y Fem'inine 1 cin'oral <_ <" Fau'na V/.. Vj,. . Fed'eralized V^ Fe'mur > ' ^-^ T" 1 f raun ist 1 ,-j .l/*r~ T^ j/ i* IT* tv Fed erahzing "-^ Fen VV' Fauteuil' \. Faux pas SV Fed'erate |J Federa'tion ^j> V^ Fence tcnced ^ \ \^ Fa'vorable \ V Fa'vorably 1. > Feeble V^ V^jjX Fcnce'less b Fenc'er V^j5 ^-^j;^ Fenc'ibles , V .. Fa'vored V V, N.. Fav'orer ^ Fa'voring \\ ( Fee'bleness ^x / "X Fee'bler -J? \/ >> Fee'blest ^~\ "* Fenc'ing v^_ Fend 1 Fend'ed V. Vrv. Fa'vorite ' "^ Fa'voritism V V Fee'bly X. J Feed V ,. . Fcnd'er ^^ Fend'ing ^ <> Fawn \ ^-^-5>\, ^^m Fenes'tral Fawned ^^ ^C>-' Fawn'er 1 > Feeder J -l_, Feed'ing ' ''Fenes'trate V^^n. V>LJ>~> Fenostra'tion Fawn'ing V^, '^ Fawn'ingly Fay ^V ^ Fee'-farm ^^_^^ ' Fee'ing C> Fe'nianisra V V Fen'nel &S ^". Fon'ny VL V_ Fay'ing S Fe'al V V Feel S f" Feel'er V V Feoff X *^ Feoff'ee V/1 V Fe'alty v ' ^ Fear V V: , Feel'ing f C^ "^ Feel'ingly V v Fcoff'er >~ V^r> Feoff 'men t ,1V Feared O Fee'-simple \xl Wf Fera'cious S > > Fear'ful V. Feet * Ferac'ity V ^-vJ> Feartulness Y~ Fee'-tail \J \t" Fe'rial "v ^. Fear'ing \^ ^ Feign ^-ci v/v Fe'rine A V" Fear'less Feigned t \_, c X^ > v Fer'ment V, ^~- \ ^^Fear'lessly > ;/^~~^ Fear'lessness \!^ ^^ Feign'edly 7 Feign'ing ^^_^ X, Feign'ingly * Fermentabil'ity rv V^^.. '^i Ferment'able \ Fea'sible Feint \ \A \1. Fea'sibleness S-P Feast V^y^' V^. Felic'itate 1 Felic'itatcd w^^.. *\~^^ Fermenta'tive Vo W> Feast'-dav V s*\' N V/ / ^\j Fclic'itating [, irmentea p r Feast'ed Felicita'tion ^,^__ Fi'rment'ing FERN 93 FILLETING v/> v x^ Fern ^^ Fern'ery ^j- V^. Feu'dalizing -- Feroc'ity Fer'reous N^_ V , Fe'verfew ^ V-^ Fe'verish V V_^ Fif'er v v ' Fifing V_x \ -x Fer'ret v ~^ 1 Fer'reted V V .^Fe'verishly NV-^ . Fifteen v./^x Vx? Fer'reting Vt^X \_y^Fe'\ erishness v . ( Fifteenth Ferriage VXl V>^i Fer'ried '* ^^-t 9 Few'ness \ ^V Fifth Ferriferous r ^]_ Fias'co ? T^ Fifth'ly V^,y V_>/ Ferru'ginated ^V H Fi'at V_ V , Fiftieth 'Sri 'V s Ferru'ginous V^_ x V^x* Fer'rule V V Fib \ > Fibbed K > ^ ?! f ' ty 1 Fig Fer'ry V. ' V Fib'ber V.' V v Fight V^XV V.X^ 5 Fer'r3'-boat Fer'r3~-man \ \^_x Fib'bing V,< Viv^ Fi'bre Fight'er vj; V_/V Fight'ing ^^ ^,^\ Fertile > ^N^ Fi^rile Fig'-leai ' Fertility Vxv ' Vjv Fibril'lous V V^. Fig'ment >4 <\'^ Fertiliza'tion vV^ ^Jj( Fi'brine 1. Fig'-tree Fertilize Vjv ^V . Figure-head 1 ^* Fig'uring , \. Fesse V , Ficti'tiousness V/i~) V/ 13 ^ Fila'ceous ** ],- Fes'tal 1 ^ l> Fic'tor Fil'acer V~3 VJ, Fes'ter ^Xp ' Fi'cus V,'^ 3 V/^~^l~ Fil'ament u, Fes'tered Vp , Fes'tering Vb- A V Fes'tival V Fes'tive V V Fid 1 [ Fid'dle V_ Vl Fid'dled J |X Fid'dler Filament'ous . x"3 \s- Fil'anders v/ ^~T Fil'atory V_/^l v /^ Fil'ature Vp Va i. Fes'tively f I Festiv'ity V.; 1 ON Festoon' V V., Fid'dling L, | Fidel'ity , V . Fidg'et ' * ^ Fil'bert . .^ ^ Filch Vy V/ ' Filched Vp ^a Festooned' > ( \j> Fidg'eted \y^p .^^~' Filch'er 3- If^i Fes'tucine Fidg'etiness ^S Filch'ing ^ V Fes'tuccus LpO f Fe'tal v V V Fidg'eting > / 1-y Fidg'ety V V, File v( "' Filed V V, Fetch | cx Fidu'cial \ x^p- V Fil'emot y ' 7 Fetched V . , Fidu'ciary V/ vf Fil'er Vy. Fetch'ing Fete 1 V \ Fie ft S Fief .f V^_/C5 Fil'ial V./7 Filia'tion ^ V Fet'id .1 ^ Fetiferous V V v Field .> ^ N Field'-bed V /V V/V Filibus'ter V/ S V N>. Filibustering V. y Fet'ish J LL Fet'lock V V. Fe'tor Vv , V Field'-book .f^ f Field'er v /^VL V X^T 1 Filibus'terism v/ -jn vy 1 T^-I- j f-~ Fil icoid V/X V /^^Fil'iform ^2 ^- Fet'ter V- ^ Fet'tored ^-- Fet'tering VVr \~<^ D 7' Field'fare ''A Fie'd'-officer V\ . Field'-piece *Si \-f T-"lf V-. X/ 'iligrane iX-i V/ 1 ^ Fil'igree F'il'igreed V V_ Fe'tus Jr J Feud .r^' ' Fiend ^ ^-^-^ Fiend'ish V L Fil'ings V G> f Fill V V Feud'al Fiend'like V C Filled ! "J^ Feud'alisra k. % Feudaliza'tion S> TV Feu'dalize * - b Fou'dalized \. V Fierce TS %" Fierce'ly V ^^ Fierce'ness i^> ^y Fierc'er f ,f Fill'er . . \A Fil'let Fil'leted V_<- Fil'leting FILLIBEG 94 FLAGGY W^ V Fil'libeg ~ -O Fill'ing . . Finn ^* Finned ^ ^~V1^ Fish'monger VX\S/> II^JP^ V ^^- Fin'ny J Fin'-toed VVi ^_^' Fish'-pond Fish'-tackle \_yj~ y? Fish'- shop - Film VL V Fiord' \ v-/ Fish'-wife *y V Filra'iness * O> .^-N Film'y ^ >\ Fir V ^-~x Fire \J>' So FisVy .( Fis sue v. /Jo x^ Filose' 1 VJ Fil'ter ^ V v-^> Fire'-arms V*/"~1 . Fissil'ity V5 Fis'sion Vyi /~ > ~' Fil'tered \J Filtering V /7 V A/t Filth' ^-x. ^^^^ Fire'-brand ^> v A^i Fire'-brigade Vu ^3 v Fissip'arous ^xx? ^| ^ Fis'siped '1 '^ Fis'sure * ^ v Fiith'ily i /T S/7 Filth'iness ^ \S> * Filth'y v XI- v /*! Fil'trate ^ 1 Fil'trated ^~^\ ^^\ Fire'-brick ^ . . Fire'-clay \ \ . Fis'sured Fist v Vp v Fist'ic T La \? Fis'ticuffs ' " Fis'tula WT V_/V, Fil'trating Filtra'tion V^-i.,, , Fim'briate ^ V Fin V -^-. ^^ Fire'-engine \J. CV Fire'-fly V^ V Fire'lock Vp^ Vp, / Fis'tular Y^~~\ VT Fis'tulary W . v Fis'tulous T Fit'tul ^r * Final'ity NO N V ._r ire -p ug V- { Fifly V. v Fi'nally ** V>_5 Finance' ^-x V_ Fire'-proof vV / ^Xx VJVor V^_p V Fitness J- Fit'ted S^-j-y or v> Finan'cial . \ . Financier' ^~^ 7 Finch \> v\s Jc i rer V V Fire'-ship ~^V/\ v $ Fire'-side V V Fit'ter V_. ^ Fit'test V; V^. Fit'ting / Fit'tingly VX V Find NO Find'er v , v Find'ing ^^\ i vx v Fire'stone 3 ^-/ Fire'wood 1^. Vi Fit'tings Fitz V v > Fiv,- ^^ ^ Fine v , , v~ 0^ Five'-fold Vv/i- Fined ^^ Fine'-draw :? \^ ) '>. Firing ! V Fives'-court ^o 1 " V_ -o Fix k-/n-7 ^-^i' Fine'drawer t> ^_ > V_^ Fir'kin '^- V - e Fix'able K C * Fine'drawing ^A^ Fir'lot ^\ Fixa'tion ^_ vn ^x- Fine'drawn Vc\^ Firm \^ Fixed ^--^1 / T-" tt J / Finely * Firm'ament ^ <=> ^~ ; K T Fix'edh" V^j v ^v Fine'ness Fin'er \^y l V^vc, Fin'ery c>,^ ^N. Firmaraent'al < Fir'man v , V Firm'ly ^ P y .q^ Fix'edness S* Fix'ing ^j> Fine'-spun ^V^' ^V~_P Firm'ness ^ V_ J ,. Fix'ity Vo V^v/j Finesse' ^ or First ^ 1'ix'ture Fin'est C< /> First'-born . Fiz'gig v v^ Fine'still v *~" Firsf-class ^ ! ^ Fizz ^-f^ ^-^^ Fines'sing ,.- , <^^-' First'-fruits V ^ Fin'ger First'ling U U Fiz'zle " r Fiz'zled ^*" Fin'gered V,^. ./^' Fin'gering ^,. /] First'ly v. e Fiz'zling First'-rate (._, \^9 Flab'biness " ^-^ Fin'ger-ring v, v Fin'ial , X V Firth O Q Flab'bv ^\ T* Vcn_ Fir'-tree ^\ \^ Flabcriate ^T ^^^ Fin'ical V_^_ i _ ! ^ ^-^> i Fin'icalness ! Fisc Q' 1'labella'tion V^_ VV Fisc'al Nr^ J Flac'cid ' Fin'ikin Fish o . Flaccid'ity \J^.. \^^^ Fin'ing V V, Fished f V S Flag ^^-^ Fin'is > -J Fish'er J. k Flag'ellant V > Fin'ish ^^ ^* Fin'ished v V.^** 1 Fin'isher ^^TX Finishing ^) J^- Fish'erman *f* v_x Fish'ery i j , .^l Fish'gig Q; C Flag'ellate /- ^ Flag'ellated C ^_ Flag'ellating > 10 FLigella'tion Vv/ V_v Fi'nite v x Fi'nitely ^-~^ ^ ' Fish'-hook 1 'r*-> ^-^7v Fish'ing O; <^_ Flag'eolet /T 1 Flagged v^y^^ V^j Fi'niteness v n Fin'itude v^^ Fin'less ^ ' Fisb'mg-line V_^i-^ ' Fish'-market Q__j ^ Flag'giness Flag'gmg Fla_ FLAGITIOUS 95 FLOE Flagi'tious Flag'on Flag'-officer Fla'grance Fla'grancy Fla'grant tly c Fla'grantly 7 V P- Flag'-ship N. b Flag'-staff Flag'-stone Flail Flake Flaked Flake'-white Flak'iness Flam Flam'beau . Flamboy'ant Flame Flamed Fla'mon Flam'ing Flamin'go Flamin'ical Flammabil'ity Flam'mable Flam'meous Flam'y F lunch 7 Flange Flank Flanked Flank'er Flank'ing Flan'nel Flap v. Flap'dragon Flapped Flared ~~\ Flar'ing Ql Flash ? Flashed A Flash'er A ' Flash'-house /N _, Flash'ily Flash'ing Flash'y -^- Flask . Flask'et ^ Flat ;>N Flat'fish Flat'-iron j. Flat'ly Flat'ness Flat'ted J. Flat'ten Flat'tencd Flat'tening Flat'ter Flat'tered Flat'terer Flat'tering Flat'tery Flat'test ^ FLOG 96 FOND r- ~ Flog ~~l Flogged C Flog'ging -1 Flood 0* t p -\ 1 Fluc'tuating ,r .)" Fluctua'tion QL, O, Flud'der ^> V^^ Foaling O Foam ., VC-^^ Foamed teaming ^ Fluffy ^ \_^ Fob'bing V^_ V,, Fo'cal ^ i Floored , Q_ Flu'gelman J Fo'cile ^r> / Flooring ^-* Flo'ra CW ^/~^\ Flo'ral Florentine ^-^" J Fluid Q. c ^ Fluidity 7| ^y ^_f Fluldize Fluldness > ^^^1 TA 1,1 i I t odder *vn ^Cji Fod'dered (^. Fod'dering QJ^-* 1 Q P-' Flores'cence CLj (^ Fluke V VC~ Foe Flores'cent Flume Foc'man <^y, ^y*~ t ~k' Flo'ret Floricult'ural ^'/-M O'yl Floricult'ure <^_t,J, ^i^"- Flu'minous 1 Flum'mery Q^ ( ^o^- Flung >, Foe'tal \- Foetlcide ~~ Foe'tor y * ^ Florid Q"/| QO^V Florldness <^_9 Florif'erous ^y Flo'riform ^" Flunk'y C , ,^ ^L Flunk'yism *^ ;}| Flu'or ^/ 03 Fluoric ' V ^ Foe'tus t ;~ Fog C *C FogT>ank ^^v^_ | Fogged v Florin 'Vj v ' Flu'oride \^ ^ Fog'giness Q// QX Flo'rist *^7?- ^-~^_ Flu'orine -? Fog'gy ]^f Flos'cular <, Ql_/? Flos'cule 7/ " Flos'culous P" (> Floss ^j 1 ^ Flu'or-spar Cvi y. Flur'ried 1 Flur'ry C^/^-' Py Flur'rying Vf Fo'gy ^~ vt Fob \t, X' Foi'ble \ C Foil ^ 1" Flo'ta Flush * V Foiled <> Q- Flota'tion t, V Flotilla p" ^ (> Flot'sam ^j ^ Flounce Q <^ Flushed ~y Flush'er C x/^- ^ Flushing ^-^^ * Flus'ter ' Y Foil'er L\^ Foiling ^ Foist X! m \J^ Foist'ed >-' - Flounced vX Q^_ Flus'tered T Foist'er C^AO. CA Flouncing Flus'tering -c^ Vf Foisting x ^' Floun'der r Flute ( Fold C _ O Floun'dered ^1 7\ Flour Q_^ Floured ^ -1 Flut'ed c . Flut'er ^J Fluting )^- Fold'age V.'H ^/ Fold'ed Fold'er >8 A\ Flouring O d Flourish C C Flutist \ X. Flut'ter V V^/C) Folding v\ Folia'ceous A^ ^V Flourished] O Flut'tered \i_tf \^^ Foliage Flourlsher J ^\7^ Flourishing ^ . Flut'tering f^- Q Flut'y S > NiV? Flu'vial ' Foliate \j\ Vl/O Foliated Folia'tion CA Q Flout -' ' * Flu'vialist V/ycl \? s~~\ Fo'liature *" Flout'ed <- Flout'er VC , Flu'viatile Flux A ^^ "' Fo'lier Vj/^^' v Flow Qj^ ^ ^ Fluxa'tion ^f/^\~^ Vj/^ Fo'liomort / Flow'age ^ '& Fluxed Fo'lious Q; Flowed ^ i o Q, Fluxibillty Vr w Folk I ;^ Flower \l.\ ^^^ Fluxlble * Folkland r> Flowlngness ;> CN Flv'er ^/ V^o Folly ^-^ ^ Flown v^ ^^V_^ Flying-fish Foment' C/ ( -L' Flu'ate (L Fluctif'erous ^ST Qiif Fly'-trap N Fly'-wheel ^^^^ ' v i-~^-, Fomonta'tion ('j ' Foment'ed v/^_^ V^>_^ Foment'er ^-L, ^i Fluc'tuate i' 1-| Fluctuated V V' Foal f * Foaled Fomenting C/ Forbearance C Forbearing \ Forbid' Forbid'den >* Forbid'der Forbid'ding Forbore' Forborne' Force Forced Force'ful Force'less Force'meat For'aged For'ager For'aging Fora'men Foram'inated Foraminif'era Foraminif'erous Forasmuch' Fo'ray Forbade' Force'pump ^\ Forc'er ~y *V Forc'ible ~\ ^V' Forc'ibly *V ' o-' Forc'ing ^s Vs ->, For'cipated *i 'No Forcipa'tion ^ v/ /\ Ford -> \ vc/l Ford'able Ford'ed <* V Ford'ing ^ Fore s x -^. / Fore'-arm S " Forebode' \ Forebod'er '"^s. Forebod'ing >( \3 ForeTsrace i^ Fore'cast v-.. Fore'casting . \(s1. Fore'castle ** Fore'chains f , Foreclose' ^f*' Foreclosed' / \//T? Foreclos'ing Foreclos'ure \//J. Foredate' ' Foredat'ed v^/1 Foredat'ing ~ Fore'deck Fore'doom Fore'father . Forefend' f Forefinger Fore'front Foregath'er \- ^. Forego' Forego'ing Foregone' Fore'ground ForeTianded V f J Fore'head For'eign For'eigner Forejudge' Foreknew' Foreknow' Foreknow'er Foreknow'ing Foreknow'- 7 ledge Foreknown' ' Fore'land Fore'lock Fore'man Fore'mast Fore'most Fore'name Forenamed' Fore'noon Foren'sic Fore'- ordain Fore-ordained' Fore- ordain'ing Fore-ordina'tion Fore'part Fore'rank Fore'run Forerun'ner Fore'running Fore'said Fore'sail Foresee' Foresee'ing Foreseen' Foreshad'ow Foreshad'owed Foreshad'owing Fore- shore Foreshort'en Foreshort'ened Foreshort'ening Foreshow' Foreshowed' Foreshow'ing Fore'side Fore'sight Fore'skin ^ ^. s* f FORE-WOMAN 98 FRACAS Vi V-, V ^ V ^ Fore'-woman For'feit For'feitable Forfeited Forfeiture Forfend' For'fex Forgave' Forge Forged Forge'man Forg'er Forg'ery Forget' Forget'ful Forget'fulness ^ %^^ Forgetive J Forget-me-not *V \fyj Forget'ter Forging ? or \ Forgive' Forgive'ness Forgiv'er Forgiv'ing Forgot' V C Forgot'ten 1 \_ Fort Fork'y Forlorn' Forlorn'ness Form Form'al Form'alism vT ~ C _^ Form'alist Aj-V ' /^ Formal'ity For'malize Formalized Formalizing ' Form'ally Forma'tion Form'ative Formed For'mer For'merly For'mic Formicate Formica'tion For'midability For'midable For'midably Form'ing Form'less Formula Formularize Form'ulary For'nicate For'nicated Fornicating "L _ ... i *\ \f. ^ Fomica'tion For'nicator Fornicatress Forray' Forsake' Forsak'en Forsak'er Forsak'ing Forsook' Forswear Forswore' Forsworn Fort *1.^ \ Oo/ ^ % Forth'- coming Forthwith' Fortieth Fortifiable Fortifica'tion Fortified For'tifier Fortify Fortifying Fortis'simo For'titude Fort'nightly Fortress '" Fortuitous Fortu'itously Fortu'itousness Fortu'ity Fort'unate Fort'unately Fort'une Fortune-hunter Fort'une-tell'er Forty Fo'rum Forward Forwarded Forwarder Forwarding For'wardness Forwards Forzan'do Fosse'way Fos'sil Fossilif'erous Fossil ifica'tion Fos'silist Fossiliza'tion * .^ ^" Fos'silize Fos'silized Fos'silizing Fossil'og}- Fosso'rial Foss'way Fos'ter }^ Fos'terage Fos'ter-brother Fos'ter-child Fos'tered Fos'terer Fos'ter-father Fos'tering Fos'terling Fos'ter- sister i-.Qj-- ^C . V' Fos'ter-son ; "' V_ Foth'er K^, C Foth'ered ~ Fought V \^' Foul M Fou'Iard Fouled Foul'ing v -t - V Foul'ly A C,j> Foul'ne ^ V^An b" :ss Fou'mart Found Founda'tion Founda'tioner Found'ed Found'er Foun'Jered Found'erous Found'ery Found'ing Found'ling Found'ress Found'ry Fount Fount'ain Fount'ain-head Four Fourfold Fourfooted Fou'rierism Four-poster Four'score \fA Four'-square ^ J' Fourteen ^ s Fourteenth Fourth I. Fou'ty V' v^. Fo'veate VjJ' Fo'veolate Foril'la Fowl Fowl'er Fowl'mg Fowl'ing-piece C ' ^Ca Fox'- case f Fox'- chase <_^ Foxed '"j 3 Fox'glove C Fox'-hound ly Fox'like T, t Fracas LAWYER FRACTION 99 USEDCS; ^RTvOLOUS ^ <^ ., Frac'tion ^> * Frac'tional *S 'V . Freak J Freak'ish "Ji ^ Fret'fully ^ ^"S- 9 Fret'tulness *\ Cs , Frac'tious \ Fret'ted o^ i *^ Frac'tiousness ^ s \ Frac'ture ^ ^^ Freck'ling ^~' ^"^ Freck'ly rv _ cs ^-i Fret'ting \ Fret'ty >L x-x\ Fret'work cx^ e \ . Frac'tured \ \ Frac'turing ^i ^^-^/ ree / Free'-bench ^ *N Friabil'ity ^* cxv. Fri'able ^_ ^~,jf' Frag'ile f^ IT Frag'ilely ^x_> *\ Fragility X\ t Free'booter ' %/" Free'born ^\y- ^v Fri'ary fp^ Fria'tion / Frag'ment <\ ,. <\ Frag'mentary Fra'grance XL ex. Freed J " J Freed'man r sJ'~l Free'dom Free'hold ^-^ ^~]- Fric'andeau * r^ -r-i / j. * ra grant *\_/-= *V Fra'grantly \^ =^ FreeTiolder *v ' Free'ing c ^ 'V-p Fricassee' \ ' .1 Fricasseed' Frail cx^x * > y-* : Free-liv'er l:s \ . " <7 \_y Fric'tion ^ Cs y^ % r s> Frail'est Free'ly Fric'tionlcss Frail'ness . T-. * i \ I 1 ram able '^ c \-^> Free'man Free'mason ""VT^/^/- C V- Free'masonry ^. v Fri'day ^i N ^ Fried vl* 1 Friend '^V-^ ex- Frame v~l Free'minded ey< fj/^v 9 Friend'less ^ Framed ^N^ v Free'ness Friend'liness es i^_^ 'X-x, Fram'er X/ Free'-port *? ex p ' d'l ^?N n_ Frame' work "X x^ ^^ / _ Fram'ing 'V rx /- Fre'er > o 1 -' Free'-school ( \^ <" ^s Friend'ship Franc "k, <^Ni Free'spoken e NT \ Fri'er ^ "^ Fran'chise *<-., ^ Fre'est N * Frieze $ of Fran'chisement ^<^\ Franchising jL, Francis'can c. ^. r . Free'stone q' ( Free'thinker J" ** XJ ~ Free'thinking '^ ^l Frangibil'ity '\ / Fran'gible ex./ ex. Freewill' *" Freeze c-v ^l^v Freez'ing J' J' Fright'ened ' Frig'id 7 \ 7^ Frigid'ity J. Frig'idly "*-? Frank'! in ^ 'S '"N- J'rench ^x_ c .- Frig'idness ^ r y^_ Frank'ly j^ a French'-horn -i> ' Frigorif'ic ^***~ r ^ Sr Frank'ness o French'ified <^,^" 7i- F r !"&ed / Fnng'ing ' Frater'nit3" j e~? X-!, . Fre'quency C A. ^V Fring'y f > Frip'per -yx^e A yx_B Fraterniza'tion ^^ v Frat'ernize Fre'quent ^N, ^ . Frequent'ed *C . 'V Frip'perer >' Frip'pery $^~a i^^s>>' Frat'ernized v Frat'ernizer ~*~~^ < Frequent'er c \. ^V-x"- Frequent'ing -v cv Friseur' ^ ^ Frisk f Friv'olous 1 FRIVOLOUSLY 100 FURBISHER *\ ex, os. Frivolously j Go o- Friv'olousness "\1 n - Fruc'tifying ^- N_l .ll Fru'gal ^y-^/ iX 1 FuH'er's-earth * >< - p Friz Frugality V V Full'est v csv-- Frizzed Friz'zle * T rX ^^ Frugif'erous ,V -G Full'ing v V \ FuH'ing-mill "Yl C V~ > \ Friz'zled v * Frugiv'orous Friz'zler t-/ ^ Fruit -C^^' V' Vj ^Ful 1 l'y neS C V"^-'' <> Frizz'ling / Fruit'age <. V V Ful'minate 1 Fro >* cx/X 1 Fruit'erer '. . f^jk *^-j Ful'minated <>T ^ Frock T Frock'-coat x^_ cs" Frocked *r * Fruit'ery ' Fruit'tul v - ^^-9 Fruit'fulness cs' CN )* Fruit'ing M Ful'minating V V v Fulmina'tion /Co^- i' ^p Ful'minatory m \r^ Ful'ness K - Ky' : FrogTiopper ^> Frol'ic t/* Fruit'ion f^ j~~' Fruitless . y-x . s/ ^-i Fruit'lessness ^, x '-f~*- Frol'icsome _l. Fruit'y \ MX- VxV Fum'atory ^\ Fum'ble "V is>" Frol'icsomeness 1 Frumenta'ceous \" V^k Fum'bled as, * ^S Fum'bler c V- > or *\ From *V-L. . ~~\ Fru'menty ^~^. y Frush ^^t Vx-C Fum'bling v^ Fume K < Front'ing c, "\v Fry ^^^"' Fu'mitory XFront'ispiece ' Fry'ing ^~> ^Ca p ty^ c y r Front'less ^y . ^ Fry'ing-pan Front'let *S M Fu'cate ^t-^S Funam'bulate jC Frost v * V^_!V Fu'cated, i " o ^ Frost'-bite ^H J Fu'chsia X ^~/^ Funambula'tion S *L*s Frost'-bitten Vj Vf Fucofd^al ^^^-^'^ Funam'bulatory S^ J Frost'ed ^ ^ ^ F ^ cus \^^/, ^->JP Funam'bulist c< ^ Frost'ily k j H !* Frost'iness r* L_P ' Frost'ing ^1" -1 Fud'dle V, V.- Fud'dled -1 -l> Fud'dler Func'tion V ,f~ V. \S' Func'tional ^^ ^^ Func'tionary cC cs / Frost'work V._ ^- Fud'dling ^ S Frost'y 'L, / Fudge Fun'dament Sk_ 1. \ Froth V? - \ Fueg'ian ,sa \&S~' Fundament'al e AZ 5- Froth'ily - " Y Fu'el ^7 i ' S Froth'iness V % V -n Fuga'cious V ' ^~? ^ Froth'ing ^/, T Fugac'ity \" Froth'y S V ^J V Fu'gitive Fundament'ally V^i. ^^ Fund'ed ^l */ Fund'-holder Xi> ^-vi Frounce / ^ tixra Fu'gitively Frounced -L. Fu'gleman ^ Fund'ing Vi ., i Fu'neral 'N ex* Frounc'ing 1 V ; V _g Fugue XJtf ^^ Fune'real x-^^ \ V Frou'zy ' Fu'guist * Fun'gi Fro'ward VX*^ ^-^ Ful'crate 1 V^L,, V^i Fun'gia tNy* Fro'wardly V* Ful'crum ^/ Z-L Fun'gic 'X/^ 7 ^\ o J^ Fro'wardness \* Q Fulfil' ^-v^vC V_ , Fun'giform Frown C " Fulfilled' /. A^ ^ Fun'goid ^A Frowned \L c c- Fulfil'ler v ** Frown'ing X^S \ Fulfil'ling >CN' Frown'ingly i ~ Fulfil'ment Froze C o V Si Ful'gency vi^_o V^^ Fun'gous Fun'icle V. i^ .f ^ V_ Funic'ular " ^^ Fun'nel ex , TT. . 7. ^, ^-i b Ful'gent v , V Fun'ny ^v^ Vi-, rrozen tj> Fructes'cence ex , / C \L Fructiferous ) ' Fulig'inous s V, Fu11 f -ri Full'-aged ^^ ^ Fur V^ -, FurTjelow XX Fur'bish *-^ ^ 13 Fructifica'tion V. > \ Full'-blown e\, cv, Fruc'tified y > > Fulled ^ ^vV Fruc'tify X -' Full'er \ \ Fur'bished N^ J Fur'bisher FURBISHING 101 GAMBOLLING *\ . \_ Fur'bishing Futu'rity /" ^ Gal'eas x-'^ Fur'cate JU/l "'" V5 | Vi> p uze Ga'leate "^ "Y-j Fur'cated % Fuzz _/H _/ XJ ' Ga'leated Furca'tion Vfl ^ yv Fuzz'y Gale'na {"} n S~- Fu'rious V/n \ A) T , , . . \S t u nously t "St-p &~_ Fu'riousness TFrl ^ Fy G _ / <--: _/ r ? Galen'ic -*~^ Ga'lenism ^7 i^ 9 Ga'lenist Gali'cian _/4 /7 Galile'an Cx Furl'ing -^^ " Gal'iot b*\s~ Furlong * Fur'lough ^-\ r-^V Gab J. Gabardine' : ^ ^ Gab'ble /N" /^ Gal'ipot ' r Gall .,, j,- Gal'lant ^^^ ^_p Fur'menty s Gab'bled Gallant'ing 1 * Fur'nace r , '"v., Gab'bler s. s^ Gal'lantly ^ ^ Fur'nish ^ Gab'bling r^ Gal'lantness ft' Fur'nished TT TV Ga'bel ,./. _f-\ Gal'lantry ^ e^ Gal'lon -rc^ Gained e i- ^^i- GalVanism N ^ Fus'ible Gain'er ^*^* ^^^ Gal'vanist V^ vo Fu'sitorm T^-t fo Gain'ful c_. C ~^-, J Gal'vanize ^~ 7 ~V^ ( Fu'sil _r Gain'less ^ v Gal'vanized \cg ^ V^jj Fusileer' "^P "^7 Gainsaid' 5-^ y -v Gal'vanizer Fus'ing / Gainsay' ^^ \,' Galvanizing y, ^o Fussed ~r?^_ , ^ ^. Gainsay'er i^ J^< " '-^ Gainsay'ing ' Gair'ish "^. ^%;_^ Galvanol'ogist /. /. Galvanol'ogy * Fus'sily ^o. V Fuss'ing __/] "H Gair'ishness ""^V ' Gait ^^V^~l Galvanom'eter -^ Fuss'y . Vp Fust 1 /" Gait'er 1 -T- Ga'la ^^Y^. Galvan'oscope ^ J" Fust'ian \, \& *

r ^\Futil'ity /f3 / ^ Gala'tians V* * Gal'axy : TV ^* Gambo'gian J ^ Gam'bol V, V" o Fut'tocks S v; i _/"-~ Gal'banum : ^. Gam'bolled 'Lo ^ Fu'ture v - / ~ x Gale "^ Gam'bolling GAMBREL 102 GELATINE _^,v ,- ^ Gam'brel > Game -^ ? Gar'ish ^|- ei" ^ Gar-land Sr^ L^ 1 Gas'tronome Gastron'omer ^ _ Game'-cock r~ - e s Gaelic ~^1~ r ~*l~ Gastronom'ic 1 ' Gamed e ' Gar'ment v'^! ; ^" Gastron'omist _ . T^^X Game'ful ^- " Game'-keeper ^. ^ Game'some T^ c-r_-w e t, Gar'ner Gar'nered ' T~^ Gar-nering -^^ Gastron'omy Gas'tropod "^ N Game'ster _^~^ .r-- Gam'ing Gam'ma r^ Gar'net c*-f Gar'nish Gar'nished 1^-^ Gastropo'dous Gas'-works ^~, ^-^ Gam'mer *~*~2 a ~^y Garnishee' "~~1 "^1 Gat ' Gar'nisher ' ' Gate ., .-^ Gam'moned c-^-y c ~^ Gar'nishing ^ "H Gate'man - ' 4 Gam'moning 'O Gar'nishment r / Gar-risoned i~V ^ (iaud'ily Ganch'ing ' x Garrotte' Gaud'iness _ ___ Gan'der _/l / Garrot'ted i~H r^N Gaud'y Gang ; \ Garrot'ter Gauf'lering _^^ ' -t Gang'er Gan'gliac r-C- /n Garrott'ing ' Garru'lity -7 ^ Gauge Gauge able df3->k^ Gan'gliform _/? sf~- Gar'rulous ^ Gar'rulously -rr ~7 Gauged Gaug'er ~+^t ., s. Gan'glion er-0 ,__ Gar'ter "7 ^ Gaug'ing "' Gan'glionary Gar'tered ' i Gaul ; ^-^ i . : ^~t Ganglion'ic c~1 "^\Jk Gartering pO _^ Gaul'ish Gan'grenate ! Ga'rum Gault , . x_J"? Gan'grene __c / N, Gas =~5 _- Gaunt Gan'grened I Gasalier 7 rT^- Gaunt'let ^ ^ . b Gan'grening _ Gas'con /^ _/^ Gaunt'leted 1 Gan'grenous _.'.-J 1 Gasconade' Gaunt'ly ; ^ ^^^ Gar'den ? Gas'light x ,^ Gas'-meter rt v Gazetteer' Gaz'ing Gar'dened ~* Gasom'eter ^f -v Gaz'ing-stock g-t_^ ^^_^v^ Gar'dener \ / T- ^ Gasom'etry 1 . Gear Gar'dening Gasp ^ Geared -T-X A 7 Gare __ s-^ Gasped Gear'ing > Gar'fish ^ ' Gasp'ing / Geck'o e-c^ c-*^*^ Gar'garize ^ ' ^ Gas sing 1 Gee Gar'garizm Gas'sy mtM Geese J H /" Gar'get r " 6 l-Co Gas'tric Gehen'na Gar'gil 0|_ x Gastril'oquist l^\^ l^> Gel'able F" 5 tr-=_ Gar'gle Gar-gled r-Qy<. r- Gastril'oquy wL- Gastri'tis Gelat'inate Gelat'inated * Gastrol'ogy /o ^ Gelat'inating Gelatina'tion ^" Gar'goyle ~* Gas'tromancy i Gel'atine GELATINOUS 103 GIBCAT L .n r Gelat'inous (^ t. Ge'nial t-f^^" Ijf/ 1 ' Geomet'ric *i '' Geld ^7 Genial'ity Geomet'rical ^ >^~ Geld'ed -* > Geld'er f. ^ Ge'nially *l ' Genic'ulate /*/* : fciP- Geomet'rically Geometri'cian T- /xi Geld'ing ' -1 Gel'id .7^ ^ Genic'ulated ^*-~i ^*^> Genicula'tion l^/- /. . Geom'etry f~^ Geopon'ics l^ _^/ Gem A ~~ r ^ Gema'ra /. ' A, Ge'nii ^- :v T Genis'ta ls*~^ 7~ Geora'ma / George _^v/ : LS Gemar'ic Gem'el / / Gen'ital ^^ "^flj. Gen'itive /9~ Geor'gian /. Geor'gic ATJ X^ > Gem'ination /'' ^_^ Gen'itor T" V P /L Geor'gium Sidus " Gem'ini ^^ Gen'iture Z^o ' \ Geos'copy /z^i L^/' Gem'inous /,- / Ge'nius y ^^>~- Ge'rah i ' Gem'mary *^IP *-i-\ t~t t i) Genoese ~~ / - Gera'nium / /. Gem'mate ^\ Gem'mated / / Genteel' / f* Genteel'ly ? fe^ Ger'falcon ^f* ~^ Germ 1- [^ Gemma'tion Gemmed / -, / Gen'tian ^^ > Gen'til 2_ 2 ~ Ger'man f ^j ^ f~* j Ger mander /.^ ^- Gem'meous / i/ Gen'tile 7^ 7^,. : Germane' ^"^ -d Gemmiferous P^ r 5 """ Gen'tilism ^"^ German'ic h~. /'-cv Gem'ming ,/ ^_ Gentil'ity t_j>-^ ^_. . Ger'manism ' Gemmip'arous i Gen'tle Gerra'inal // I- Gem'mule ^L^ Gen'tlefolks 1^.^ 2* Germ'inant ^~^ Gem'ray "1 Germ'inate ^~ ^~ Gendarme' a 2^_j 9 Germ'inated ^"v- "^^--/ Gendarm'cry ^'-rj ] l~~~) Germ'inating; // / Gen'der -* ^-7 Genealog'ical cLi b. Geneal'ogist GL, Jf Gen'tlemanlike i v Gen'tlemanly Germina'tion C- ./ Geneal'ogy i^ o;- ^ Gen'tlemen f 3/ a/ Gerund'ial *? [; T Gesta'tion i^ 5^ Gen'era .Cj< or j Gen'eral J. J Generaliss'imo JT-: - " General'ity / * U, Gen'tleness , C Gen'tlewoman "^ < Gent'ly / ^i Gentoo' L H. Gen'try ^- ^^ Genuflec'tion >** Ges'tatory f yT cX Ges'tic T" L 1 Gestic'ulate " Gestic'ulated / c/ V Gestic'ulating L. L I : Gesticula'tion * Gestic'ulator '7- o>' Ghee iO or ^ Genera'tion ^~^ f~* Vin-'b-il jt-i / Gen'erative I "S-^ Gen'erator ^ /^ Gen'eratrix L_b V Gener ic f J i Gener'ical /^ . r^-P <^_> Generos'ity X / !* Geodif'erous <5^ ^T_ Geognost'ic i^j. Zl^^. Geognost'ical O . *"** Geog'nosy Z* /" Geogon'ic Geog'ony j/"^ ^i-: Geog'rapher Lrner Kin ~V . ^ Ghib'elline 1 Ghost *jfi^- -P Ghost'like r 5 Gbost'ly > , s~*-i Ghoul C ' Gialloli'no C' ^,' Gi'ant 1 Gen'erous 1 Geograph'ic ^^ Gi'antes J / r Gen'erously ^f /^) t- Gen'esis / ^ ^1 Geographical Sc_ ^ Geog'raphy / ~~\J Giaour A\ G'b'berish Gen'et /& f^i Geolog'ical i / i Gib'bet ^_ ^ . Geneth'liac VL: x Geol'ogise ^ >) < Gib'beted 'OC Genet'ic ^ /^ Genette' /^7 /^/ Geol'ogist ^ t- ' 1. Geol'ogy Gib'beting < .X Gib'bon ^Vj Gene'van lt^' lf Ge'omancer " ^ Gibbose' ^-\ ^^ Gene'vanism ^"^ ^^<5 Genevese' " Ge!omancy lt^. 12^ Geoman'tic 1 : Geom'eter ~^C, > Gibbos'ity T Gib'bous \_ Gib'cat GIBE 104 GLOOMIEST / / Gibe f\ /*) Girl'ish f r r, Glau'cous S > Gibed *' c ~^ ""r^ Girl'ishness __ Glaze / / Gib'er " v^^ Gib'ing l^v-t Girond'ist * ft. " Girt rf ..x Glazed ^* Glaz'er J / Gib'let v- / Girth r "/ c_o. Glaz'ier 1 S> Gib'lets -^ * Gist *~^ Glaz'ing / _, Gibs S> >p k Gib'staff < * Gid'dier ~lx t/ Git'tern I* Gius'to _j or Give ,__^. ^. Gleam Gleamed ^ ^^. Gleam'ing I- \S- Gid'diest ~~Va or GiVen fc ^"^' ' Gleam'y Y Gid'dily -A , Giv'er - c, Glean ~~[ . 1 Gid'diness Gives Gleaned ^ ' Gid'dy i. or . Giv'ing .- . ^^ Glean'er /-<_: _j Gier'eagle Gift f c >^ Giz'zard ~* Gla'brous ^^-^ ' Glean'ing ^ ^. Glebe ~V, Gift'ed T- ' Gig ,y/^ , x Gla'cial ^* ^* Gla'cier * Gleb'y , H- Glee /" fe /*' Gigante'an '~ a Gigan'tic . n c_ Gla'cis -- Glad '~~: Glee'ful , f i Glee'some _,_ Gig'gle ; i c_^ Glad'den ^^ ' Gleet ""^ " Gig'gled J ~ Glad'dened ^_, Glen ~ t - J > _^_. Gig-gler ?~i _^ Glad'dening J Glene Gig'gling ** Glade t_^ c v Gle'noid /. r Gig-ot c- ^ c. Glad'iate > Glib r ^ Gild \-| '-I H^f Glad'iator c_ x - q -\ Glib'ly xi /-- 1 Gild'ed Gladiato'rial X/ ' v o /^I'L* " -v r Glib ness - 1 J Gild'er ! h"^. ^- Glad'iatory c_ c_ Glide __ / Gild'ing r i Gill Glad'iole Oj> .x 1 Glad'iolus ^ vi Glid'ed VI V- Glid'er /^ i^ Gill Glad'ly ' Glid'ing ^ Gillie ^_p ^ Glad'ness ^v^ c_->^ Glid'ingly /^_^ _/"\ Gil'lyflower *" Glad'some L Glim'mer ~T\ "^ ^* Gil'pie , _ e , Glad'someness ^ _ . . Glim'mered /-. Gilt r N Gim'bal ^f^ 5 ^> Glair ^ Glaired = ^^^ Glim'mering '"s- Glimpse / _ ^ Gim'crack '^ . Glair'ing ~^*' ' Glis'sa " ^*^ Gim'let ^ *-~~- GlairV f _n J Glis'ten . / Gimp Glam or 1 ** ' ' Glis'tened ^^ ff /-* s~* ^ Gin'gerly Ging'ham (-) ^-/ /. Ging'ing / ^ * * Gin'gival , Glan'dered ^ Glan'ders ?~ i *-~<^ Glandiferous Vb ^V^ Glan'diform ,/~N c-/O Glan'dular -^l t. Glit'ter ' ' Glit'tered ^j ^^^s Glit'tering 1 Gloam'ing "71 Gloat Gin'gle Glandula'tion ~ Gloat'ed j ^_ fj. Gin'gled "" Gin'gling ,. ^Sn Glan'dule v .1. Glandulos'ity e n c_J\ Gloat'ing ! ' Glo'bard if (^ Ginned ^!*a 7~-\ Glan'dulous Vv Vs Glo'bate Gin'net Glare 1 Glo^ated J / Gin'ning ^j> Glared t l^ "^.^ Globe \ Gip " Glar'eous N Globose' / / /;, Gip'sy \ \, Gip syism \ -^ Giraffe' , x^-P r , -K Glar'iness \ Glaring . c_fl Glar'y ^^V ^^x GloTiosity Jy GloTjous [s^r .^g" Gir'andole V-^ .'..- Glass = v /^. c_v x- Glob'ular ' 1 If Gir'asole ,- ?- Glass'cutter i ' v - ' v Glob'ule <= Gird Gird'ed ' ,/ Glass'full ?-> c-ijj) GlassTiouse ?-\/S <= yxb Glob'uhne v v ' Glob'ulous cjO g., Gird'er A / . Glas'siness t_- ^> , ^^^ Glome Gird'ing e ~~T Gir'dle ^TTS vi Glass'works " u- ?-e/ ' Glass'wort Glom'erate _ x 1 ^^ --^ Glom crated T Gir'dled T ^T Gir-dler S ^ Gir'dling c-n. sj^. Glas'sy /! ' Glau'cJne c f^ ; rx.Glauco'ma i Glom'erating , ^5> ^t Glomera'tion ^-^^ Gloom C rS\ Girl Glauco'matous ^-<^ , Gloom'ier 1 GirlTiood J i Glauco'sis "*! ** Gloom'iest GLOOMILY 105 GOOD-WIFE t^ V - 'jp Gloom'ily ' Gloom'iness C TV Glu'tinate c^_. -j^^ Glu'tinated H~ fl. God'-daughter | b God'dess ^/-O - ' /I Gloom'ing *" ' ' Glu'tinating r^T iTl God'father e p- Gloom'y , /\ or r- Glo'ried "~r __ Glu'tinous *V Glut'ted GodTiead /"3 /- God'less Glorifica'tion "-] c i- Glut'ting j T"^ _ God'like e \ ' or t Glo'rified _/^ or _ Glo'rify ! ^ Glut'ton "a- *-!- Glut'tonize ^? S* Glut'tonous 51 y, Glut'tony 7~*~? ~_f~~- God'liness i _ i God'ly ^ N .^j, God'mother ! ' God'send ,^/V? c % Glo'rifying ~L^. ** Glyc'erine _st^, _n God'son Glo'rious r ^ < ^^^ Glyco'nian 1 ^* God'speed r- XT Glo'riously Glycon'ic ^^ Glyph ^/ -^ God'ward ' Go'er fc-/ or c Glo'ry Glyph'ic ^^Ce-a ^^C^ Glyph'ograph i ^7I_ 7"*- Gog'gle "" Gog'gled , S^ o Glo'rying r - L_ Gloss ' Glyphog'rapher T~=-i . n Gog'gle-eyed v ' J . Gog'gles ^ r /! Glossa'rial P*7 i 8 Glos'sarist -./ f^ Glos'sary " ~ Glossed . v t-X Glos'ser Glos'sier ^>pe* Glyphograph'ic c_-^ ^-i Glyp'tics Glyptog'raphy c ~\ Sjr Glyptothe'ca \_i Gnarl i ~ B ^| Gog'let T" or _~^. Go'ing _n Iji Goi'tre t \ t ti Goi'trous Gold -a c-"' Glos'siest c_,. aY Gnarled * ** Gold'en Glos'sily of ^ /-^ if Cruarl ing Hv K^r Gold'-beater ?*? ?-*^ Glos'siness s^y '^ Gnarl'y ^^. ^~] Gold'finch Glos'sing ^ Gnash t^ ) ^N! Gold'fish ' > Glossog'rapher j^ ^_j Gnashed <^ Gnash'ing ^S r Gold'-foil si Gold'hammer T it i Glossograph'- .^. /s^ Gnat ^^ -/" Gold'lace ^=^ ical Gnaw ^ Gold'ney f -of\ c-^7. Glossog'raphy ^* ' Glossolog'ical f^ ^_^ Gnawed Gnaw'er Gold'-plate 'te ^tO Gold'size c^7 - v"7 Glossol'ogist "f^*" ^? Gnaw'ing ^ V Gold'smith i^ ' Glossol'ogy f ) f-r Gloss'y Glot'tal f i ^T?7 Glot'tis " Gneiss v~^, ^^-> Gneis'sose Gnome i ~^ "^ x_^-;j Gno'mic f cjv Gold'stick "- 1 ' Gold'-thread ys HT--O Gold'-wire ' e/ * Gold'ylocks /^\. ^-~>v ^^1<^ b ** Glottol'ogy i Gno'mon /V r~vo ~> Gon'dola e_ < "~s 1 Glowed i^'i, ^~~? . Gnos'ticism " Gondolier" Glow'er 1-0 Gnos'tics 3 ^^^ Gone _. '""Jv Glow'ing ^-*> Gnu Gong *"* Glow'worm ~i~ or ^~" Go -^ fl i~?^^_. Goniom'eter v -i Good'-bye ' ' Gluci'nium j ' b- 1 - r~V Goat'sucker 7 r Good'- day e o < _ Glucose' " Gob'bet _^r _/~^\ Good-hu'mored 1 ' Glue v '~\ Gob'bing ' Good'lier *->. Glued ' >^ Gob'ble ^f s~^ Good'liest * Glu'er _, ' rx_ Gob'bled { ' Good'liness ,. Glu'ey ^\ Gob'bler /- -.- Good'ly > ' Glu'ing i = ^\ Glum F^., I~~\ Gob'bling s ' Gob'elin "* m *- Good-na'ture _v^ -^V^ Good-na'tured ^"^^ 4 Gluma'ceous s Gob'let '" Good-na'turedly , i Glume ~ v Gob'lin _^j _^ Good'ness ^s~^ c -^rb Glum'ous TV t- Go'by 1 " Good'-night "H 'Hy* G1UI * ' Go'- cart -^ or -D Goods -1 ' r Glute'al i~ or "" God -ft y Goods'-train t-j Glu'ten " yr God'child "* Good'-wife GOOD-WILL 106 GRASPING . 1 Good'-will ~^Q ~Tsi_ Gov'erness mZt ; , Gramme * -' Good'y Gov'erning Gram'pus ~^J -A_^ Goog'ings Goos'ander xV- or * Gov'ernment jy^ ^> Gran'ary - Grand o _~ x. Goose 1 ^v/ Gooseberry r ^ "T^ Govern ment'al ' ' Gov'ernor ( _-_^ "^7 Gran'dam r 1 Grand'child _ dl ^_^_ .x. Goose'neck 1 ~^ Goos'ery V^ Gov'ernor-gen'- ' Gor'dian 1 ~i~^ Gordian-knot' 'f-' Gore "~T_ Governorship '^7 K 'TP Gow'an \ Gown _, j.^ Gowned e ^ ?7 Grand'er Grand'est _ ^""^ Grand'eur X. Grand'father / x/ Gored ' > ' Gorge Gown'man _>_ ?~~\ Gowns'man r^^" Grandil'oquence /f T~l, Gorged o Gor'geous A* 7 ^ r~\ i_ Grab ^~~^ Grandil'oquent Grand'iose t r ~L-. e "7- Gor'geously a ^.9 Gor'geousness ^^ Grab'bing r^ r> Grabble c -~y/^ Grandju'ror , x/ Gor'get **' i Gorg'ing v Grace P^J C7 ^ Graced ^~T/ -or ^l/ Grand-ju'ry . _j( Gor'gon _ { Grace'ful er/^ PVT-V, Grand'ly * ' ' ' ' Gorgone'ia e _o ,-: ***>- Grace'fully Grand'mother / Gorgo'nian J- 1 1/-- 3 / Goril'la "" ^-^ xtlp Grace'fulness tr ^ e-^ ^ Grace'less ^~^\^, fok Grand'parent v\ Grand'sire i 1 i t""^ x- f j Gor inanu Grace'lessness | ^_ vs , c^^/ Grand'son ^ O < _ S) _ i . Gra'ces Grange Grac'ing ^~^"^b '^"^L,^ Granif'erous ^"^'L (: r ^~'1* Gor'mandism c^) ^"^ Gra'cious ^^V^> Grao'iform " Gor'mandize Gra'ciously c~>-t c~>^r^ Gran'ite c-^"* i v ^~^~~~'V' Gor'mandized " ^N Gor'mandizer ^Lg ?~J. Gra'ciousness ** Grada'tion n r , S _SV Gran'itoid c-<~^~-\v T~\ Gor'mandizing ^ Gorse F~l' Grada'tional ^ H Grant'ed /p-' | ^~ Gos'ling J- cr /^- /j- Gra ding Grantee' Gos'pel x- 1 >? Grad'ual e a e-s_, Grant'er T-R^ r~^-j^~\ Gos'peled T Gos'peler r r 7 Grad'ually T] i^l Grad'uate Grant'ing f7-\ ^^~f Grant'or fe"^ x . Gos'samer Grad'uated r ' Gran'ular ns"^ Gos'samery ; R. o Gos'sip ?! ''"J, Grad'uating . ,y- Gradua'tion S ^" Gran'ulary ^~< Gran'ulate ' Gos'siped r-R i"~l Gos'siping Fj] C H-. Grad'uator b Gradus xri ,Y?' Gran'ulated Gran'ulating Got r~7 -77_ Goth * V Go'thamite e- 3 c* Graff ..:_._. Graft rV = Graft'ed /> e"^ Granula'tion r ' ( Gran'ule ~ e ^\ Gran'ulous r p-^ rr Goth'ic 1 V ;' \ ' \ Goth'icism cK *t Goth'icize 1 *" Graft'er c"' f~ Graft'ing ^ Grail c~r* Grape crvy. C7 ~\ Gra'pery ^ y^ Grape'shot T~l. 7 Got'ten *' Gouge c3 e-j Grain Grained ^ j I CT X Grape'-sugar ^^^x \i Grape'-vine 7 77 Gouged CTTLX cr^, Grain'er c _ a : rX. , Graph'ic Goug'ing Grain'ing Graphical ^ xl Gourd c o f 1 Grains ^X ^--^-vjp Gramin'eal .rv.x'-TA GraDhomet'rical Gout'ily Gramin'eous > "^ ** *-i > * C-' Grap nel ~1 . 1 Gout'iness ALO g~\ .1 * Gouty r^^^^-o Graminivorous Grap'pled "^ or ~\^ Gov'ern e ^~^~~ c-^ Gram'malogue -^ Gram'mar r"\ ^~X^\ Grap'pling v ^ Grap'pling-irons ~TL^_^ ~Vi^c Gov'ernable \ ' Gov'ernance x^-X? e ^ ' Gramma'rian Grammat'ic e 9 r~\ Grasp V X Grasp'able ^>J Gov'ernante c ^ : e O Grammat'ical ^ ^ c _ e . Grasped ~~& or V^ Gov'erned fO Gram'matist e-9 Grasp'ing b- ' N - 1 GRASS 107 ( BROOMED ^ c- Grass n Graz'ing , Grig - Grassed " Grease, . r f Grill r-?N e-^ Grass'hopper Grass'iness <-. <^= Grease, z/. Greased ^ c-^ Grillade' Gril'lage 1" '' Grass'ing .^ Greas'ier /_< Grilled r_ ^~^ ^~~} Grass'-plot =T Greas'iest ""' tr~>^ Grill'ing Grass'y j* Greas'ily S~\ Grim * 1 en Grate c-4> f~~t < -r^ Greas'iness a Great'ness Grim'ly ^~~\ Grat'ify r- 5 ; Greaves p-'-si f~~! Gre'cian e "^ r^~~~^ Grim'ness CT 1 =r- n, V b' Grat'ingly Gra'tis c^ a Gre'cism Greed -d Grim'y Grin f H- ">- Grat'itude Gratuitous ^Y- %> Greed'ily Greed'iness ".. ^ Grind Grind'er -Aj r j Gratu'itously T, Greed'y ^ T$ Grind'ing H -. Gratu'ity c ~ Greek Grind'stone .l. e- Grat'ulant Greek'-fire Grinned Jf A Grat'ulate ^ s Green c-^_x Grin'ner r r Grat'ulated e-"-* ' er-5_> Green'-cloth ,- ~\ Grin'ning J-- J~> Grat'ulating Green 'er ' Grip ^ r Gratula'tion =77 cr'' Green'est ^\ Gripe / _.. Grat'ulatory Green'ery V c > Griped t-^"^ V^a Grava'men r^_^_ tr^. Green'finch Grip'er ' "N, Grave Grave'-clothes ^ Green 'heart Green'horn \N v^. Grip'ing Grisctte' c= ^ Graved j "V Green 'house | - " -. Gris'kin x^ Grave'-digger Grav'el "^ ^m, Green'ish Green'ness *-c*> ^ Gris'liness Gris'ly f Grav'eled Green'room n,o .-j Gri'sons < "\/^ > ^~V- Grave'Iess - Greens e^tiy (* * Grist ', Grav'eling c ~ v: p Green'sand y^ /^"" Gris'tle f ~V/^ err Grav'elly c ^i. >r Green'stone c^t> rro Grist'ly " v_* '^Xo "^v^ Grave'ly Grav'cn e-^*< /i n Green 'sward Greet ^ 1- Grit Grit'stone Grave 'ness Grav'er <^}- I Greet'ed Greet'er ru n. Grit'tiness Grit'ty rr^. Grav'est Grave'stone 1 ^-r^ Greet'ing Grega'rious ^^ ^ Griz'zle Griz'zled f Grave'j-ard Gravim'eter . ^> '= K " Grega'riously Grego'rian eH^ C T > Griz'zly Groan Grav'ing _ Grenade' Groaned CT *~UL ^~V Grav 'ing-dock C ~^f ^J Grenadier' P =7'-' Groan'ing ?~v ^^^ Grav'itate Grav'itated c^f =-I Gresso'rial Grew n n, Groat Groats ; ^s' "\ 1 Grav'itating Gravita'tion Grav'itative T r/^ Grey Grey'hound Grid'dle Grid'elin n^ c-r cpr- n.. Groats'worth Gro'cer Gro'cery Grog ^ "V Grav'ity Gra'vy % c-; Grid'iron Grief i Grog'gery Grog'giness eT "V Graj- =~V , Griev'ance = rs~^ Grog'gy ^ Gray'-beard T^J Grieve 1 1 Grog'ram ^ CT^^ Gray'ish Gray 'ling cr? ^N Grieved Griev'er T Grog'shop Groin p-^j, Gray'ness . t I, Griev'ing -f ^* Groined C7-V. Gray'wacke a-*' Griev'ous i^^' Grom'ill r^> ^ Graze Grazed > "^v Griev'ously Griev'ousness rr. < ~^' Grom'met Groom rr^ Graz'ier Griffon -^ Groomed GROOMING 108 GUTTA , _L~ Grooming r-r > ~' -TF* Grooms'man " ^X^o Gruffly Gruff'ness f* /n Guiltless T ' ' Guilt'y -. - Groove ^^-^ Grum Guim'bard 1 Grooved < ^ S Grumble "~^^ ' Guin'ea e- 1 ^ e _ a . GrooVer ' Grooving . t-^~\ Grumbled 4 ^ V\ Grum'bler ^-y *~^-\ . Guin'ea-fowl A' Guin'ea-pig *7\ Grope N e l\. /- J Groped __^lj. c ^~t Grum'bling \_> T Grum'blingly ^J> ^' Guise ....Y... '\ Guitar ,_!<. =T\ Grop'er / i / Grume A y. Gules ' Groping x r***f Grumly ' ' v Gulf n e _o Gross , Grum'met ^ . Gull ' ^> - Gross'beak = ** r "~^' Gru'mous -^ Gulled S'- _a_p Grossly .A/"' Grumpily "T Gross'ness =~^ Grump'y v- Gullet ^ '\ Gullibility 2-\ ri Gros'sular 1 Grot , Grunt ^"^ Grunt'ed >V _71 Gullible Gullied TV ^Vf' Grotesque' , ,_, Grunt'er ^x^*' /^ Gulling Grotesquely Grunting ' ' Gully TV t I Grotesque'ness *~^ ' T Grot'to c^ * 1^ ^^X Gualacum Guanif'erous XX v^ Gulp ' N r ^ Gulped -5 c ~^ Ground <^_, / ^ Guano ' Ground'age ' ' ' 1. Guarantee' _X\ i Gulping -^^ Gum ~5 "-*< rnJS h _/-1.^-| Guaranteed' -^W_s Gum- Ar'abtc J ^|=|i ^lr^ ass?- 6 Groundless : < : I Jj , .. ^. ^ -i.-^ 3 -' Gumljoil * Gum-elas'tic e-* x- Groundlessness Guaranty LP ** Groundline 1 SS^ ^A Gum'med ^_^-c>/ i . Gummif'erous e ^ e _ y j^ Groundling v ' Ground'-nut a . ( _ yn Ground'plot ^""^ A Ground'-rent c-v> ="$ Ground'sel Ground'sill ^V f~\ Ground'work *" ' Group ..^ c ~\ Grouped " ' Grouping n e ~"| Grouse 1 Grout ^| Grout'ed VJUdlU CU c-y S^_j> Guard'edly Guard'edness = 1 <~i" Guard'er Guardian c | v f Guardianship \y - Guarding C-y ""^X , Gua'va " ]/f Gubernato'rial TTs .^-i Gud'geon J c-T\o Guelfs fon~ s^ Guer'don J _J/' Guerilla ~~*^^^ Gum'miness t . Gum'mous "~^ ^> Gum'my i ^^-Jf-^ Gump'tion ~^"- > Gum-re'sin ^^^^^ !>n Gum-sen'egal 'Gum'-tree 3 "^vY Gun ' Gun'-barrel "TVi ^ Gun'-boat ] ' Gun'-carriage "i"? i- ^^/~ Gun'- cotton J ' ' Gun'-metal Grouting _ ^^ Guess ^ Gun'ner -. <~\ Grove 'f Grov'el fAj. ^~V Grov'eled ' jr" Grov'eler ^~V / Grov'eling '(. T" "M Grow Grow'er ^ _jj^ Guess'er "^ Guessing -T^. Guess'work J ' " Guest __- 71' Guffaw' \ Guid^able ""'-' "^^ Gun'nery ^^ ^vix Gun'ning Gun'ny T\ _s > Gun'powder XA i*^ Gun'room "^ "'^^ Gun'shot X Gun'smith Growln? CT f /"i , & ' e' Growl ^m^_f, "V Guid'ance Guide "79 T9^ Gun'stick ii 1 Gun'stock e^ (.J^ Growled Growl'er l V^ Guid'ed Guide'-post ^y yi Gun'wale 1 ' Gurge */^s < /^~T Growling . __. Guiding ...... ' Guild ^^ >t Gur'geon Growlingly T7 Grown * Growth T7 v^ Guildliall f ' Guile < ^ t ~ Gur'gle cr=_ Gur'gled Gur'gling ~^ ^-^ Grub J\. ' > /^ U !} C ,r U } e-^- "^ Gur'net Grubbed e _rw e v Grub'ber '^ "" ' Grub'bing _/ ,(j> Ouiletulness /* vy^"' Guileless _/ ^y Guilelessly Gush ^ "^^ Gushed Gushing *^7 -' \>~ Halcy'on Gut'turalness *[ Habit'uating Hale "^ ~ Gut'ty >j^N ^i^ Habitua'tion **X^ V TJolf Guy "^^ " Hab'itude ^^ or xlalt ,, Guz'zle 2^\ ? Hacien'da 'V Vtv Half-blood T*> ~ Guz'zled * ' Hack ^ ' Half-breed 77" / Guz'zler ? x^~" Hacked \j-<= *V_.. Half-caste \ Gybe Hack'er ^ Half-pay / / Gybed v\^. Gyb'ing / / Hack'ing * Hack'le xj*^i) Halfpence x/\ > V_,x- Halfpenny l-^j? / _^> Gymna'siarch x > Hack'ler o Vix. ^~t/: Jjalf -way *~Sr^ Gymna'sium * ^ Al Hack'ling ;V s/i ^V Half-witted L^jj /^j Gj-m'nast ^c : /' Hackly ^ . Gymnas'tic ' Hack'ney /^_p ^.p Gymnas'tical /_x > /' Hack'ney-coach T_ ^n_o'Gymnas'tics ^~^7 w! Hack'neyed ' Hal'ibut .-^ ^7^ Hal'ing Haliog'rapher ,f r \; ^ Haliog'raphy /_^jn /-i_o ..-. Gymnos'ophist lu 7' x- Hack'neying Hall "^ 'v Gym'nosperm Hac'matack *.rt .^ Hall'age , % Gvp'seous ") ^ G\TDsiferous ^ . ^L Haemat'ic O Haemato'sis ,, /V Haft 6. 6. Hallowing' J\ < ~ t> ^?-j Hal'lowmas -jT Hallucina'tion / / / Gyp'sum V- 1 \Gj-p'sy. '. J " '"' Hagiol'ogist ^^' Ham'adryad T/] ? Hagiol'ogy ^ .i Ha'mate v/ ' Hah " ' Hama'ted ? i^- Haha' / Hail ^.^ .^ . Hame Hamit'ic ^ ., , Hailed ^_^. /./^ Ham'let /* ^ v v_/X ^ a Hail'ing Ham'leted HaT)eas-cor'pus x-^V) ^/V Hab'erdasher n_ Jf\r-, Hail'stone Hail'storm > x/^\ Ham'mer * Ham'merable J Hab'erdine x^\ /fv^* Haber'geon /= S Hail'y rf*^ "* Hair f\-i .r* Ham'mer-cloth & \ f. Ham'mered /' Habil'iment i>' /^ Hab'it ' Habitabil'ity k -^ x Hairbreadth 7 fl ^ Hair'cloth ^ Haired f~^~\ f~~~*' Ham'merer - Ham'mering f ^ Ham'mer-man HAMMOCK 110 HARVESTING ,. Ham'mock S\ * Hap ^V-^, '^V-v^ Harm 'fulness '^~*~~ ' Ha'mous /V- Haphaz'ard ^--vj> Harm'ing f~~ f* Ham'per "' Ham'pered Haply *Y/f0.i ,""' Harm'less *~< Harmlessly ?** ' , ( J- Ham'pering Ham'-shackle \ ^ Hap'pen Hap'pened V-^^ Harm'lessness ^^ *TS Ham'ster '\^ -'N. Hap'pening A V ^_^_. A v __^ . Haimon'ic ** Hara'string > Hap'pier > ' " Harmon'ica *T *~fi| Ham'stringing l -*-' * Ham'strung 'Ni ''\/^ Hap'piest Hap'pily ^ .^V-vy Harmon'ical f^^" ^^* Harmo'nious S->\ dO Han'aper * Hances X3 Hap'pincss >-^^> ^~v-^_ " Harmo'niously ^ ^ IT J or Hand V or _\ Hap'py c Hand'breadth /^^>\ ^^^^ Harang-uer i^ ' v Har'monized V *" Hand'cart 6. dT Harang'uing ^V-^o x '\-^<) Har'monizer ix-y 3 >-T Hand'cuff Hand'cuffed ? S Har'ass y >s Harp'ist f Han'dler i^. -^is^* Hard'ening \^N Harpoon' ti ^ Han'dling ^- Hand'maid <-( "Hv Hand'maiden T K Hand'rail S-"\ Hard'er ' Hard'est S<. '^<^1 Hard'-fought Hard'head ' V Harpooned' X^ ^S. t Harpooneer' X -5 Harpoon'er i^-. <-i Hand'saw ) "~i Hand'screw <^ ^ Hand'sel f Hand'selled ^A ! V^ Hard'-hearted * Har'dier , /| ,^ Hard'iest <* 1 '^^ Hard'ihood ^x \^ Harpoon'ing \^, ^"S Harp'sicord f x ,1 Har'py , io^i/^ Hand'some Hardily \- 6. o. Har'ried ^^ s^^ Hand'somely ^ - 4^ . Hardi'ness -^ Har'rier (dog) tpJL^p isA;, Hand'someness Hard'ly / "' Har'rier (one Hand'somest A *& Hard'ness who harries) ij -^ Hand'spike V Hards .X" /\1 Har'row ^-* Hand'work Si < \ Hard'ship <{? 6. Har'rowed * 1 Hand'writing ^ ^\ Hard'ware /\\ /~ f Har'rower 0^ ' Han'dy ^*~' d^~^\^ Hang HangT^ird J l^_ 6 1 Hang'dog Hanged x| S Hard'y ^ ^ Hare k < Hare'bell \f '"V Hare-brained - , _, Hare'foot -' Har'ry S < Har'rying <-x ^ Harsh _} J Harsh'er ^~^\ (S^^s Hang'er MV Y> ^K Hare'lip A #x Harsh'est Hang'er-on Ha'rem J. y~- Harsh'ly S*~**^ ^~*"*~^ Hang'ings Hang'man s~T < Har'icot ^ Hars'let /~~y ^-^ Hang'nail > v - fk/C., Harl <5 ~ Hart Hang'nest ^" ^~" ' Hank Har'lequin ^yr. s y' Har'lequinade v HartsTiorn Hank'er TT ' s Har'lock \.JL_x' * Ha'rum-sca'rum X*^ x^v^ Hank'ured Hank'ering < X / T-\_ X >J xvj*' Hanove'rian .< .<. x* Har'lot X V Har'lotry \^x-~. Harm J^ ^\ Harus'pice 6 6. ) Harus'picy u Han'sard -o XMI Hanse " L ' Hanseat'ic N \| Harmat'tan . *>. Harmed ^ ^_ Harm'ful S. ^\ " Har'vest V. Vf Har'vested S. , 'x Harvester ^i. Han'som ^V-TH Harm'fully *o V>. Har'vesting HAS 111 HEAVENLY or Has ^ Hautgout ^1 ^1 Head'-wind ^ x\ Head'-work xl .5 Hash ^, 07* ^- Have ' & Hashed Heal ? .f Hash'ish J < Has'let X\^j ex. Ha'ven <^~~ Hav'ersack jxi^ ^ Heal'able Healds A o Hasp * ^ Hast x^ 9* Hav'oc 1 Health o ^ Has'tate ** Has'tated < .< Haste f Hast'ed ^^ X Haw s/~-^ cd Hawai'an a Hawed / ? Hawhaw' K"7 Heap Hast'iness ?> Q^ o^ Hawk'-eyed ' Heaped $_ Hast ing ~] Z ^ i^ Hawk'ing j\ x^v Heap'er < < .fv Hast'ive Hawk'weed " ' Heap'ing '( ') r\ Hast'y J> ?, Hawse / TT f xv *s Heap y u- 1. ' *vx Hasty-pudding s ^ Haws'er ^> J Hear / , Hat ^(y> ? Haw'thorn ^v Heard , Hear'er Hay'-field S -S^ Hear'ing y* Heark'en x/ ^ Hatch - Hatched 9. Z-, Hay'ing ' < *" Ha/loft .< <^ Heark'ened ^> ^T** Heark'ener sy x7 Hatch'el f Hatch'elled 4&~i\ <^}f^s Hatch'eller Hatch'elling & ^^ Hay'maker *** ^^ Hay'mow f^ Hay 'rick T Ha/stack .^ *\ x Heark'ening *5^ *V J Hear'saj- ' Hearse ^ , Heart x? SI Hatch'er ? pfc-j Haz'ard ^_^- Heart'-ache " ' Hatch'es "^ Haz'arded f^. "\ v Heart'-broken x?- /\. Hatch'et ? ^Xt- Haz'arding a ^^ Heart'burn Hatch'ing \ " Haz'ardous *\V_j- /( Heart'-felt Hat'ed .< .< Haze Hazed JT -i - Ha'zel ^ M Haz'iness 6 Hearth xf .< Hearth'- stone *^ Heart'ier . ^J> Hat'er i or ' He Heartless .< v <-^j> ^^ Heart'lessness ./) Hat'ing 'i^' *' Ha'tred Xj ,x1 Head "- Head'ache ^"^ Heart'rending < XT Heart's'-ease n ,^1 Hat'ter x<] xi Head'-band \) ^^ Heart'-sick df 1 5. 7 s Hat'tisher'iff => y Head'-dress f( Heart'y x. Haugh ^j. ^ Head'ed \ , Hcad'ily x^l x^T Heat'er * J * Heath "Jij is 1 - Haugh'ty ,<<1 - xl Head'iness x| S^(^ Hea'then ^ Haul u i^o o L > TT Jf . *^ Heading ^ ' TZ, Hea'thendom % ^ v *^/ Haul'age Xl. ^tp_ % Hea'thenish ^ Hauled Head'less '7y Hea'thenism x *r > Haul'er Xl^- 1 /ty^*' Head'-line Head'-master H^ ' Heath'er Haunched i? , Haunt * Haunt'ed S\ S\ Head'-quarters l ~v &~& TT J r 1 i| Heads man -< xT Heath'ery 1 *> Heath'y xvj. x 5 Heat'ing /^ ^ Haunt'er ^- ' Haunt'ing ,< Heav'en ^ Heav'enly HEAVENWARD 112 HERBACEOUS vex * Heaven'ward > Heir'dom *V 1 "V* Heir-ess r* ; Heir'less -f^-^^' ~j. Heirloom ' \l Heir'ship A Held ^ p^ Hem'atite "* ^"- Hematit'ic V-^ p, vx~ Hem'icrany ^ Hem'icycle '^'Tx- ^^_, Hemihe'dral Hem'ina X\ XV Hebeta'tion t, * Heb'etude He'liac p-c_ .^._, Heli'acal ^CN '-'t Hem'iopsy I ./ Hera'iplegy X. < Hebra'ic * J^ He'braism ^/<^ He'braist ^ Hel'ical /-*q A*?"! Hel'icite v] 1 Hel'icoid '^N,. ( *\, Hemip'teral r fe Hemip'terous A-=-jv * J -' S {_. Hem'isphere ^ , Hebraist'ic f^-i y~T$* Hel'icon ' Hemispher'ic \^ -\ He'braize Helico'nian ^SV ' i S\ Hemispherical V) vl Hebraized Y^o^-' - .^r^"* Heliocen'tric i - : ''F* Hemispheroid'al \ x A He'braizing vJ, V ^) He'brew He'liochrome ^f^ fr j ~ l He'liograph ^ <^1, Hem'istich 1 : '\ Hem'itrope ' HeTsrewess Heliograph'ic fjf ^ Hem'lock . .. He'lioscope Hem'orrhage t^f\ >i/l, ^ emorr hoid'al i * b Hem'orrhoids ? 2^-^ Hec'tical ' ^ * He'liostat l~*i >-< Hemp Hec'togramme KM~ A^^X .. He'liotrope Hemp'en ^x"" 7 ?.> ^ Hec'tolitre ' Hec'tometre Helispher'ic A- 10 iX" He'lix D,-> /-~I-A, Hem'stitch S i Hen 9 9 Hec'tor Hell Hen'bane ' "1 Hec'tored -jv K^** Hel'lebore x<> ? ._.. 2i/i Hec'toring ^ Helle'nian o Hence J^, Hec'torism f^s-* f^t^ Hellen'ic ^^X. or o yv ~^~- Hence- tft ,s^x Hendecasyl'la- * Hen'na [ble 6L ~ 6/ Hedg'er .xi ^~) Hell'-hound ~~^~~\^_ X^ Hen'pecked ^/^ d^ Hedge'- row Hell'ish Hepat'ic K -' Hedg-ing ,x*- ^^^^ Hell'ward x-^_. /\ Hepat'ical x1~ xl Hedon'ic Helm * Hep'atite ,, Xl xi Heed'ed p-r* \f^ Helmed Hel'met /*S s~- Heed'less xJX* Heed'lessly rf xjx t> --7 p ,x--" Heed'lessness r %/ Helminthol'ogy ^^8^ X Helms'man * |- x^*" Hepatos'copy oi~\. Hep'tachord Heel 6 Hel'ot < 5 XK p 3( /N-r_^ Hep'tagon ^ ^-^ Heeled r''L 'X\ Hel'otism Heptag'onal Heel'er ' Help X^ x^j- Heptag/nia jX-w ^*r Heel'ing !^^ /^\ Helped i* " J Heptahe'dron \ Heel'tap Help'er (i^^)" f^-f~\ Heptan'drian , ifJ-L Heft /x\ /^V^ Help'ful " Heptan'gular ' i Hegemon'ic <^_ A? Hegem'ony " " Hegi ra .?v ? Hei'fer ^- Help'less x^ x-tJ^'/^V fl>v> Help'lessly r^T Help'lessness /"\^ /^\~ Help'mate xXiv, J\. a Hep'tarch I L_ Hep'tarchy Sv X/ Her 1 <> Her'ald "^ X X Heigh'-ho <^ y\ Height Height'en ,. ,xd Height'ened Help'meet >x^y L^V Hel'ter-skel'ter f / Helve v>^\. ^\~. Helved Sxi Vl Her/alded Herald'ic VI S Her'aldry \ Herb Height'ener 1 . Helvet'ic S\ Herba'ceous HERBAGE \ X Sv. 'Sv *> ** ^\. \^ s ^\ SK /*"*> Herb'age Herb'al Herb'alism Herb'al. st Herba'riuin Her'bary Herbes'cent >i Herbiferous Si Herb'ist Herbiv'ora Herbiv'orous Herboriza'tion Herb'orize Herb'orized Herb'orizing Herb'ous Herb'y Hercu'lean Herd Herd'ed Herd'er Herding Herds'man Here Here'abouts Hereafter Hereat' Hereby' Hered'itable Hereditament Hereditary Herein' Hereof Hereon' Hereout' Here'siarch Heresiog'rapher Her'esy 'Her'etic Heretical o Hereupon' /- Herewith' Her'iot Her'iotable Her'isson Heritable Heritage Heritor Hermaph'rodite ^ Herraaphrodit'ic Hermeneu'tical /. T~> 113 X Her'nia ' f He'ro /$- Heroic 9 Hero'ical yC~^ Heroically <5 Her'oine J" Her'oism 6 Her'on ^^} Her'onry f* ^He'ro-worship S Her'pes Herpet'ic ./^^ Herpetol'ogy 6 Her'ring <- Hers _J Her'schel ^ Herse or J Herself Jf- Her'sillon ). Hesitancy X. Hesitant " Hesitate g$. Hesitated Hesitating ^f- Hesita'tion '[. Hesitative J^/> Hes'per " Hespe'rion > <>. Hes'perus > " Hes'sian p<< | Het'eroclite x -I : Heteroclitlc j 1^1- Heteroclit'ical Het'erodox ^ Ta Het'erodoxy Heterog'amous 1*f. Heteroge'neal 1 7l Heterogeneity tt^~i Heteroge'neous ^ Heterog'raphy r ~V^ Heteromor'ph- ous ^x Heteropathlc _: v (. Heterop'atby 9 Het'eropod " Hew 9 Hewed X\ Hew'er -., Hewing " Hewn Hex'achord Hexadac'tylous Hex'ade Hex'agon Hexag'onal Hexagy'nian Hexag'ynous - Hexahe'dral Hexahe'dron Hexahe'meron Hexam'eter Hexamet'ric Hexamet'rical Hexan'dria 3 Hexan'drous ?_ /*-= V SVP ? t <& \ , V vV Hexan'gular HIGGLE Hexapet'alous Hexaphyl'lous Hex'apla Hex'aplar Hex'apod Hex'astich Hex'astyle Hey Hey'day Hia'tus Hiber'nacle Hi'bernal Hi'bernate Hi'bernated Hi'bernating 1 Hiberna'tion Hiber'nian Hiber'nianism Hie Hied Hi'erarch Hi'erarchal Hierarchical Hi'erarchy Hieratic Hieroc'racy - Hi'eroglyph Hieroglyphic Hieroglyph'ical Hi'erograiu Hierogram- matlc Hierogram'mat - ist Hierog'rapher Hierographlc Hierograph'ical Hierog'raphy Hierolog'ic Hierol'ogist Hierol'ogy > Hi'eromancy Hi'erophant Hieros'copy Hig'gle HIGGLED 114 HOLY-STONE X-S Hig-gled ^*\L rf^St-? Hip'podrome /V ^-r Hob'bv-horse i Hig-gler IX, Hip'pogriff " *^ 'V Hobgob'lin <^' ^ Hi|h gHng s "^70 Hippopot'amus O ^t/ Q v^vf T t ( > - 1 J ( Hobnailed 9 V ?v High-born ^\? * ^^ v Hippu'ric d^X-y 9^ Hob'nob <^ *i High'-bred Hip-roof " ^^^ * Hock / v ov o High-church C A High'er 1 ' High'est o 9v v High-flown / <^^ Hired Hire'ling - - Hocked Hock'ey 9^ /* Hock'ing ^ ** Hock'le r/ v Qv <, High'-flyer V t\ Hir'er ^o Ao Ho'cus ^^ ^\ High'-handed ^ Hir'ing "^7 Ho'cus-po'cus 9V aV High'land ^ >T High'lander ^ Hirsute' T .O Or o TJ* C Hodden-gray ^ 2^t High'low High'ly 2X_Xi 9v High'-minded S* High'ness ? v ov s High'-pressure *^ S-. ^1 Hfgh'-priest High'road ,f\ < His'pid ] J Hiss < ' < Hissed i .. <_/ Hiss ing f .5- Hiss'ingly V Hist <4 ^ A Hodge-podge -x^ ^ c-. lr-> Hodier nal / *-* Hod'man 9 Xl Hoe /N O'l TT j Hoed 9\ Hoe'ing '* Hog 7 V 5>v High-spirited ^| i-. High'toned jl. U-7 Histog-raphy > x *- Histol'ogist 2: 21 Bogged Hog gmg 9 ' 9v, High-water % U- High-way &j ty> Histol'ogy Histo'rian L. fy Ho &'g' sh J / Hog'gishly 2/r^, 5V High'wayman \ High'wrought $!/ $^^ Histor-ic Histor'ical ^T Hoi'den .2 _s/1 Hila'rious jfff^\ ^~\^ Historiog'rapher ? 5 X Hoist K^ r ' Hilar-ity Historiog-raphy f Hoist'ed ./' X~ Hil'ary YT Hill J!/- jx"-= His'tory Histrion'ic ^ Hith'erward X^ Ho'lily / b^ or '"~a Himself ^^P p 4 .1 ^*^ Hit'ter ,, Hin Hit'ting d o ' <* Hind /^-v./- x^" Hind'berry y , Hive Hol'lander STS x^ Hin'derer '* Hoar <" < Hol'lands . Hinging " "'N' Hoarse'ness ^ ^ Holm Hin'ny ^ 9, Hoar'y X\ / ^ TT /' /^ Hol'ocaust ,0 x--Ji Hint 6 ' * Hint'ed o x " Hoax V. &^ Hoaxed o " (J^ % Hol'ograph X^V Hint'ing Hoax'ing \o ^-q Hol'ster Hint'ingly (i^S x^\ Hob Hol'stcred r Hor'ridly Horrific Hor'rified Hor'rify Hor'rifying Hor'ror Horse Horse'back Horse'breaker Horse'foot Horse'guards Horse'hair Horse' -jockey Horse'leech Horse- litter Horse'man Horse'manship Horse'power / Horse'shoe ^^ Horse'tail e Horse'whip Horta'tion Hor'tative Hor'tatory """I Hor'ticultor J~ I . Horticult'ural Horticulture , Horticult'urist Hort'ulan 9^ Hortussic'cus Hosan'na *y Hose -^ Hu'guenot e -*T ' Hulk Hung i^ y* jj-^i- Hunga'rian iff, ^ Hound ^ ^r Hu " 5 * Hun'ger " "9~* Hour <** Hulled .* s<~^> Hun'gered JLM /~r Hour'glass '/--- / - Hour'-hand ^s^ .i Hull'ing ' " Hum Hun'gering /sty^ .^r-^~ Hun'griest $s. r^~- Hour'i k~~S r" Hu'man 5^ Hun'grily o -?*- Hour'ly ^^ Humane' /^i^ ^ yO^ J /f\ House t^f u^, Humane'ly / or (, ' Hun'gry House'breaker ""' Hu'manist x^^~ /, Hunks Jd<_ . Jf House'breaking Housed ~^^ Humanita'rian ds Hunt x~i-t x-<^ Hunt'ed %~\ % House'hold /-2 i^_f>-^ Humanita'rian- << ' Hunt'er ^A jf Householder Jf-\ D House'keeper f * (riP House'less *" 4%^, House'maid *% ism j 1 - 5 i ^j^, Human'ity Humaniza'tion , L^^> Hu'manize . 9 Hunt'ing ^ ft' Hunt'ress AM ~A Hunts'man * ^ 6* Hur'dle A L House'wife gf-^j/- Jv House'wifery j i Hu'manized !^_p/ ;-C_D, Hu'manizer yr >f Hur'dled i Hum'bled *^f^ '^V I \^'' Hurl'ing / or A How >^ '^'^ Hum'bleness ^J ^"~\ Hum'bler Hur'ly-bur'ly y* X"'^ Hurrah' S /I' Howbe'it *l c How'dah t-*-* A 1 ^ Hum'bling' >^ \. Hum'bly 1 i Aj. Hum'bug o i5 Hur'ricane VI >1-' Hur'ried O\ X' Hur'rier ^ Howl /-^--N Hum'hum , ^x Hurt ' ^ Howled A_Q. K 1 Hu'mic - s \ Hurt'er jr *, How'let Hu'mid ^ A Hurt'ful ^""^ Howl'ing *-S ^^ Humid'ity CL ^ ^ Hurt'fulness t?i Howsoev'er * ' Humil'iate c x\ / Si Hurtleberry * Hoy ^/Cl ,"x. Humil'iated / \' n\ 3 TT '1 J Hus liand /S /X Hub 6 ' 6 X Hub'bub Humil'iating .vO (-=/] Humilia'tion ^?V ,- . Huck ' ' Humil'ity xL A/' Hus'bandman o- '"S Huck'aback , fr~^ Hummed tfsV^> /-?y T ,i i Hus banury s i o^^^ Huck'le Hum'mer r<<7 ^i Hush o ^- Huck'lebacked , . /-<_X. Hum'ming / (r- 1 Hushed x*- 1 -^ ./. ? i Huck'leberry ^~^^ TI Hum'ming-birc ^ jXO i Hush'ing v ^ Huck'ster ^ ^^ Hum'mock *' ~^' Hush'-moncj- 9, 2^ Huck'stered ^1 Huck'stering 1 * Hu'mor c^f~ f 3 - Hu'moral P x 1 - Husk ^ Husked ^f ^ Hud'dle Hu'moring ^s * v Husk'iness /f xf Hud'dler S -' Hud'dling 6 Hu'morist -r^ fti Hu'morless ? J 3 Husk'ing <5 X ^ N Htisk'y .. Q Hudibras'tic <; c Hu'morous / < Hussar' <^ly_; A (ff Hue fl~' f-TT~~- Hu'morously f f Hu'morsome O * ~f. Hus'sy f ~ Hust'ings j. Huffed -Jr^/" 7 . i Hu'morsomely <-* oV Hus'tle <5S Hyp'notize '. ^ H\-p'notized 1 Hyp'ocaust ^ Hj-pochon'dria Hypochon'driac o^-= v H>-pocliondri'- J acal *T% Hypochondri'- D asis Hj-p'ocist Hypoc'risy Hypocrit'ic ^^-a Hypocrit'ical 1 : Hypogas'tric Hypogas'trocele Hyp'ogene Hypoge'um Hypophos'phate Hypos'tasis Hypostat'ic <4^\p v Hypostat'ical V Hy'postyle Hypot'enuse Hypoth'ecate Ov\ 6 V / Hypothecation V-i-, o Hj^poth'esis Hypothet'ic _. Hypothetical 'ypothet'ically HjTJsoni'eter Hj-psomet'ric Hypsom'etry Hy'son Hys'sop -?.. ; Hyste'ria * V Hyster'ic Hyster'ical Hyster'ics I'amb lam'bic lam'bus Ibe'rian I'bex Ib'id Ibi'dem 1'bis Ica'rian Ice Ice'berg Ice'boat Ice'bound Ice'cream Iced Tce'floe IceTiouse Ice'lander Iceland'ic ; Ichneu'mon Ich'nograph \\ \_ ICHNOGRAPHIC 118 ILLUSTRATING /-" Ichnograph'ic P_ k __. |2 Idiomat'ic '"" Idiomat'ically j, /n Illa'tion ^ ' L. Illative ' ^t: Ichnograph'ical 7~f V^ ~^i IchnogYaphy ""iL -L Idiopath'ic ( ( Idiop'athy ./I / J> > Illaud'able ^ v * | TJ* / *" / L- 5 Idiosyncrat ic .r 1" Id'iot '[__: Idiot'ic r 1" r Idiofical J_. '[ ' Idiot'icon r ( Illegality ./^ Y^-r Ille'galize f C Illegally j/^. i/~l Illegibil'itj' ' \ / \ Illegible S] S?.-^ I'leg'ibly **' Vl Ichthyol'ogy i jy^>L Illegit'imate f I \Illev'iable ^) v \^ I'cicle vl/V 'V~>v I'dleness Ai /^ C \,> Ill-fa'vored ^ I'cily ' I'dler ' ^*.r y Illib'eral v\ *) I'ciness v ^ I'cing N ^ > -* ^1^"- I'dling I'dly j/cv v^V"- Illiberal'ity f ^ C Illib'erally , ^'-ff- ^-^ j ^-. Iconoclasm P- vp^- I'dol /Tj /*),-: Illic'it J_.L_I Icon'oclast Idol'ater r / ' K Illicitly p-> < p i-^_r^'~ Iconoclast'ic Iconograph'ic p-N_~v. y N x Iconography Hr-T. *Mv Idol'atress ' " Idol'atrize v t^l-- v j?''b : - Idol'atrous S\j, fS^\ HHc'itness f I Illim'itable f* Iconol'ater ' Idol'atrously j ,/^~\ ./*_ Illim'itcd v_yl ^-V7 Iconol'atry * Iconol'ogy r~V i^~Y " qn Icosahe'dral M^l v l^t> Idol'atry 1. iv I'dolize ^=> H^. I'dolized f Illini'tion ft) =/"3 Illis'ion f ) Illit'eracy i, X- i^r Icosahe'dron "' Icosan'dria ' I'dolizer T^ow- M^ I'dolizing -^V r^s, Illit'erate f i Illit'erateness p-tJK ly - Icosan'drous ' I'dj'l /N^\ ^V3i Ill-na'ture Ictertc \i - : Ill-na'tured iyt : j^, Icter'ical Y^ Idyl lie s*\~. 9 s~J Ill'ness \P^ Icteri'tious V ,_ V if f^-* Illog'ical "0 1 I/c >' . v^ "- -ii ' ^A /~*t Ill'-omened " Ide'a _^_P Ig'neous f S Ill'-starred \S M^TN Ide'al " ^^^ Ignes'cent / xj,, ^1. IH'-timed ' Ide'al ism M* M ?. Ide'alist Idealist'ic ^_r^"~^-i Ignif'erous 5 Ig'nis Fat'uus Ill'-treat xi /i Illude' '' ' Illud'ed ^ 1> Ideal'ity -k_i Ignite' ,- 1 ^. Illud'ing Idealization v v ^Ignit'able '*- *-* Illume' vr^ \(i Ide'alize ^_. -^^ Ignit'ed .- L _ . Illumed' r v ** Ide'alized *" v Ignit'ing *^ ^~N Illu'minable M^^ ^ MA Ide'alizing -. k^ Igni'tion ^, .(Zi Ulu'minant * Ide'ally ' ^ Ignoble t~~^' Illu'minary 1-, M . Idea'tion <. -; Q: Ignobly ^i -C-i^t Illu'minate "* I'dem " Ignorain'ious ^j Illu'minated ^\ ^ M Iden'tical ^.jy , Ignomin'iously fj. .fi~^. Il'umina'ti '-H ~] ^^ Identically ""* Ig'nominy '^^"]. '! Illu'minating <= ^ 3 Identifica'tion . f - Ignora'mus ._>?) ' Illumina'tion a v M. Iden'tifiable X Identified ' ' ~" '^ Ig'norance _ i , _jy^ Ig'norant ^l,. Illu 'initiative .{~ .(^ Illu'minator M. M. Iden'tify Ig'norantly " 1 - Illu'm'.no > Identifying __ _^. Ignore' /^ f Illu'mined ?^ Iden'tity Ignored' '^ J~*X Illu'minee I'deograph -^s.^ . s^> Ignoring ,s s- t Illu'miner x llj-^ ^L Ideographic ~* Igua'na ^^ --^-' Illu'ming ^Vj Ideographical .> <- x- Igua'nodon > , Illn'mining t" '^JPy Ideog'raphy ~^^' J ** Il'eura "~^" ~^ Illu'minism *"<, ltj Ideolog'ical ^7 ^l/y Ideol'ogist A E i'ie" S // r /T) Illu'minize *~V ' Illu'sion ' v* Ideol'ogy M r Ides / xi Il'iac *- *' Il'iad /75 /C Illu'sionist ' ' Vl Illu'sive b - \ T j - * ^ Idioc rasy n PI- Idiocrat'ic *-| . J *** Id'iocy Id'iograph ^i^ ^ Il'ium f Ilk /^" /^No HI Illapse' ./f Illu'sivoly V - lllu'siveness i^ /^l- Illu'sory ^P 11'lustrate |lj- P_^ Idiograph'icJ f\ /No, Illapsed' X^. y(^- Il'lustratcd Id'iora Illaps'ing 'i ' . Illustrating ILLUSTRATION 119 LMPAWNING f^SL fi?f Illustra'tion ^^ - Immate'rialist ^^^/v 1 . -f$ Immortalize (,. Illustrative " "' ' Immortalized /W ($\y- H'lustrator *~^ * Immateriality s^- ~^fv Immor'talizing Illus'tratory SG\n X*b< Illus'trious ^^^ ^ / ^ tr ^~\ Immaterially '~~^~~\ "^~*^\^ Immovabil'ity b ' Illus'triously Immature' 7^ A!\ Immov'able /rflL /*" Illus'triousness ^~ O 1 ' Imaginative *-^, Imag'ine ''~ v N-t ^-^^/\ Immed'icable ' " Mmmem'orable /-N_ /-.- Impact' 1 Impact'ed ,_. r-v Imag'ined ' * cl_ Imag'iner r-*f^f ^~^f Immemo'rial "' Immense' / ^ s ~x Impact'ing Impair' 7<-s Imagining '-~ J ^< s-^s_ Immense'ly ^^^ >" Impaired' I'man Immense'ness '^ -^^ Impair'er /^(T s*\ Im'becile ^~^-f . -/'*. Immen'sity / ~i/*~' ,-^C Impair'ing Imbecil'ity ^Immensurabil'- Impale' Tj *~V Imbed' v> Imbibe' / ""^X *" i< \ Imbibed' | v Imbib'er . T ^ ' M ./C ,^/f Immen surable ' Immerge' ^ s/ ^'^xS 1 v Impale'ment f~*^ ' Impalpability ^.c/^^v ^_2 Impal'pable '\ Impana'tion '""\, '"No I nl bib'ing Immerg'mg ^_. ^ Impan'el Imbibi'tion '^-^ - Sv Immerse' ^-** ^^ Impan'elled "^1 . Imbit'ter v Immersed' ^_^1v Impan'elling ""j Imbit'tered o^ , ./j Immers'ing ^ ' Impar'adise x ^ / ^y~x Imbit'tering ! \ Imbor'der ^s^ *& Immer'sion .^. '"~"^?- Immer'sionist ^..^X^-^ ' Imparisyllab'ic ^. ^^ . Imbor'derod ^~^ ' ' Immethod'ical _^/| ./ Impar'ity T \ Imbor'dering . . Im'migrant Impark' /^ir~^ Imbo'som ""i* 5 " Imbo'somed Im'migrate . . .. Im'migrated S /& F n m rl ' *-rf / i .*^,. 1 f*/ Imparlance ^^y Imbo'soming Im'migrating ^^ A Impart' ^ **" Im'bricate _3 ^-<^x_o Immigration < ~ . J ^^^ Im'mment \ -^^^"^ Impart'ing ^\^ '^^K Imbro'glio I. Im'minently / ,A Impartial Imbrown' ^^^_^_ ^s^~>_i Inimin'gle f-<^ C*/^* Impartiality . A ^ i< N. A Imbrowned' Immin'gled ./J x/ -f Impartially Imbrown'ing x-v-^ji_. '-<^a\ Immin'gling '^' , ^ Impar'tialness s~^*\s ^-, Imbrue' Immis'cibility . v s-\\^ Impartibil'ity ^^ Imbrued' ^~^~^\f ^^-^ Immis'cible "^^^ ' > Impartible '~ v \-r s-*<\s Imbru'ing Immis'sion ^^, ft^/' Impart'ment Imbrute' -'^^TT . Immit'igable Impas'sablc -^\ ^^ N/ Imbrut'ed * Immix' <^b\ <~S>-x-' Iinpassibil'ity -1 Imbrut'ing ^-^^\ s~~s Immobil'ity Impas'sible ^^ ^-\ Imbue' 1 ' Immod'erate O' <*"! Impas'sion " l Imbued' f~' . O Immod'erately [ Impas'sionate ^.^ ' ] Imbu'ing '"V' ^^T^ Immod'eration ^^j ^\^ Impas'sioned '\ Imitabil'ity '~ 1 Pl. / ~ 1 ri. Immod'est x Impas'sive O ^- Im'itable \ * Im'itate x ~i. <--s. Im'itated 1 Im'itating /^ Immod'estly ~^T> ^^ Immod'esty : i Im'molate ^_.y ^\ Impas'sively ^r 5 Impas'sivenoss TS^ f~& Impassiv'ity 3 b Impasta'tion '~i. ^~1- Imita'tion 1 x ' Im'molating XR; ' XT* Impaste' w L. Im'itative ^_.yO X Immola'tion Impast ed ~i ^_^_^ ^ Im'itator v , Im'molator x^c/^ Impast'ing 1 " Immac'ulate __^/' ^~/] Immor'al Impa'tience -r^-*^\ ^-^_^o, Im'manency Immoral'ity ,~^f s~^T Impa'tient Im'manent ^jf-S~' ^~s-~-f Immor'ally Impa'tiently ^ < - Immate'rial v ' Immortal Impawn' l^> O T J' ^.^-S /> Immortal'ity Impawned ' ^ Immate'rialism 1 | Immortaliza'tion ^_^ Impawn'ing IMPEACH 120 IMPOUNDED x-y O x-^ Impeach' ./ .\^ ' Impeach'able Impeached' y, ,-^Xl Imperishable ^ \^ Imperishable- "^ ^^ ness ^, -^p Implic'itly y Lr Implicitness s Xy ^ Implied' x-*> O^ Impeach'er * ** Impeach'ment " ' \ Impeccabil'ity '~^V x-=v ' tv *X ft. Impermeable x-^y x-s x .x^" Imp!' ' ^^ Implorer ^"*--^ / ^- 1 3 Impec'cable Imper'sonal ) Impec;cancy -\ ^. Impersonal'ity ^fc x-^Impeccant ^ ^ Imper'sonally 1 Impecumos ity | ' '"V/^-x ^ ! s(/ > 7' Imploring /. Implor'ingly x-v, OL Implumed' Imply' ^. . ^ s~i Impecu'nious " ' Impede' ^"X '"*\o/. Impersonate V i 1 Impersonated ^^ 4~V_x Imply'ing Impois'on _ "Tf Imped'ed ' "s. Imped'ible '- s< \j/^_ i , '"'V. Impersonating . Impersona'tion <-o <-* teS? "^\ x^ Impediment -^Vfi y-x- w^^x-^Impersua'sible S~- .^,-^j Impolite'ly ^ 'l_x Imped'ing "' * Imper'tinence f*" 5 '* ' "* ' Impolite'ness ^" x->- Impel' x<^^^\ _.,^, Imper'tmency _./q . >/^ Impolitic Impelled' /. Impertinent I Impolit'ical ^j, ^x N Impellent ^^v^'^v>Xv Imper'tinently x '~"x? -f ^ Imponderabil'ity / "^' '"^ '' Impeller Imperturbabil - ^ Impon'derable ,-^^f x-< Impel'ling ! ^*\> A y or s-<^' >*y P 3 ^ 6 ^~jf O^" I m Pn'derous ^* ' Impen' N Imperturba- Imporos'ity ^ x^^ Impend' ^sXX ^.iXVLv Imperturba'tion xrv^? *-*/ Impo'rous Impend'ed Imperviabil'ity Im'port ^.j^ '^L-A Impend'ence '^"^ / Impend'ency x w x- ^x^- Impos'able S Impercep'tible Im'piousness Impose' x^^A Impercep'tible- ^^ ness Q ^~^. v Imp'ish Implacabil'ity x^ 'Tfr^ Imposed' ' Imp < '\. Impercep'tibly ^X- ^X; Impla'cable ^ \. Impla'cably ^^ 'T*-^ Impos'ing 1 ' Impos'in '"X- or '~ c \ 1 Imperfect '"^ 'X Implant' ' Implanta'tion X T 1 >~ P , ^^ Impos'mg-stone Imposi'tion ^O or ^~*\> Imperfec'tion ^\ ^t-s y 1 an ,. '\ Impossibil'ity '~\ T S~' '^^f-^f Imperfectly ""^A. ^%, Implausibil'ity 't~\f x-sj T . -i i Imper'fectness N \ Implau'sible / " > ^ Implead'ing ** tin ("S x^s Impos'thume "' vC Impe'rialism -/ c? ^-/' Impe'rialist Imple'tion ^~S Of Im'plex Impos'tor f""8j 'T^. Impos'ture *<% / ~^- Impe'rially ^ JJ> T* Im'plicate * Impos'tured s"*^ ^.P Impe'riously ' / ^^_ 3 \ Implication L Im'plicative f~*. ?~\f Im'potent ' Im'potently x^ x^i Impound' X~CA x^-r- iinpe'riousness '"'L Implic'it 1 Impound'ed IMPOUNDER 121 INCAPACITY o. r T "\ Impound'er Impounding i . Impov'erish Impoverished i Impov'erisher I Impoverishing Impov'erish- ment cabillty mprac'tica- ble Im'precate Im'precated Im'precating Impreca'tion ^ Im'precatory Im'precision Impregn' Impregnability . xt\^ Impreg'- ^~" nable Impreg'nably Impreg'nate Impregnated Impreg'nating Impregna'tion Imprescriptible Impress Impressed' Impressibility Impressible Impressing . Impres'sion Imprcs'sionable Impressive Impressively Impress'ment Imprcss'ure Imprima'tur Impri'mis Imprint'ed Impris'on Impris'oning Impris'onmentl ^ Improbability k Improb'able Improb'ably Improbity Impromp'tu x Improp'er N/ Improp'erly Impro'priate ^v Impro'priated ' Impro'priating Impropria'tion Impro'priator ^^ Impropriety \ Improvabillty yo ii Improva'ble Improvc'able- ness Improve' Improved' Improve'ment Improv'er Improvidence Improvident ^~ Improvldently . Improving Improvisa'tion Improvis'ator / ^ r \. Improvisato're Vi> Im'provise Im'provised Improvis'er Improvising _ J Impru'dence ^-^v Impru'dent ~ f~ Impru'dently -J Im'pudence Im'pudent OL Im'pudently "P ^~3 Impudiclty Impugn' Impugned' ' Impugn'er ^/"> Im'pulse Impul'sion j*\j^' Impul'sive Impul'sively 3i ^>L Impu'nity " Impure' ^ ^J^-r- 1 Impurely Impure'ness Impu'rity Impur'ple Imput'able Imputation Imput'ative ^ Impute' Imput'ed ^n Imput'er "j -t Imputing " ^^ Imputres'cible or In Inaccessibility Inacces'sible ' Inac'curacy Inac'curate Inac'curately Inac'tion Inac'tive ^ t *~*~i d' '< ^-^ I Inac'tively t, 1 Inactivity Inadequacy Inadequate Inadequately =1 Inad'equateness >? Inadmissibil'ity ^^ Inadmis'sible Inadver'tence Inadver'tent Inadver'tcntly Inamora'ta Inamora'to Inane' ,, Inanimate Inanlmated Inani'tion Inanity Inap'petence Inap'petcncy Inapplicability -j Inapplicable ' Inap'plication Inap'posite Inappre'ciable Inappropriate Inapt' Inaptitude Inaptly Inarch' ~-'^r Inartic'ulate ' Inartic'ulately 'A_v Inarticula'tion Inartifi'cial / Inasmuch' : J- Inatten'tion V Inatten'tive 3- Inatten'tively ^-r" Inatten'tiveness -j Inaudibility \ Inaudible ^- s Inau'gural Inau'gurate , o Inaugurated *~A Inauguration i^R^ Inau'gurator N Inauspi'cious Vxj Inauspiclously In'born ^^^ Inbreathe' In'bred ^-^=7 In'ca Incage' Incalculable Incales'cence Incaleseency Incales'cent Incandes'cence Incandes'cent ' Incanta'tion Incan'tatory Incapability \ Inca'pable Incapa'cious Incapacitate vp Incapacitated \. Incapacity ^L, INCARCERATE 122 INCORRIGIBLY v _rj-6 { xl Incar'cerate Incar'cerated '< *~> v_^_^, Inclem'cncy Inclem'ent ^TC . Inc omprohen'si- Xii V ble v^^y-rj*^ vc i? Incarcerating Incarcera'tion ^y^-< v _ x _ Inclin'able Inclination ^< Incomprehi-n'- ^-V sive ^_f^j ^* ^ Incar'nate * Jt ->_5' V -*V Inclin'atory ^-f^v Incompressibil' Incar'nated Incline' N ity v_? v^-' fo I ncar 'nating ^-^ ^- !< -^Ji- Inclined' ' v ?i ^-o% Incompressible v ^->>r Incarna'tion "" Inclin'er \ \ Incomput'able v s fc-'L >0 Incar'native '~^n^. ^^_D Inclining *~j(^ ^f Inconceiv'able Incased' ^x^, . -, ^ Inclosed' ~~zLo^-. "r" Inconclu'sivcly Incas'mg 1 ' Inclos'ing ' ^^^ Incondens'able ^_y^-y ,^_j Incatena'tion ^-^rt , Inclos'ure ^C-TO. "-4 | Incon'gruent Incau'tion Include' *' Incongru'ity ^-TT^ V ~" /r ^~ ! Incau'tious Incau'tiously ^>^_ v_u_. Includ'ed -' ' Including ^^~v Incau'tiousness i ^^S^ Inclu'sion ""to ~~-&^ Incon'sequence i Incava'ted i ' Inclu'sive Incon'sequent X ~ > '~\D ^ fl ~^xr N Incava'tion v -" S>y^ v - > i Inclu'sively *-. ^ , 9 Inconscquen'tia] Incend'iarism a - / Tx. Incend'iary Incog* v 1 -^^^r"^/- Incog'nito \ Inconsid'erable v -*- i? In'cense v -Ai Incen'sive Incog'nizable ' " Incog'nizance P^ or \^ Inconsid'erate vju^ Incen'sor v-Aj-i ^R Incen'tive ^/"'OT\S Inconsid'erately ** ~J Incep'tion V - ! V V -=R Incep'tive Incohe'rence v->-f^ ^^^r?, Incohe'rency ^p or \^f Inconsidera'tion (,. \. Incep'tor -< Incera'tion ')_ Incohe'rent \_x-j-9 ,_, ^> ^p Incohe'rently I^A or J~ Inconsist'ency ^r" ^k Incertitude -U ^^ Inces'sancy ' * Incoin'cident ^r 1 *, ^\ Incombustibil'- ^ or 7 Inconsist'ent Inces'sant ~^Q- v -^. Inces'santly N> J ity '\ \ Incombus'tible %- Inconsol'able ^~3- -*-* v_xn Incest'uous ^ ^^\. Incommensura- ^ Incon'sonance 1 / "Clinch -) In'choate ^ v o In'cidence * In'cident ^-P M 1 Incidental ^y- ^-- Incidentally ^->^| Incin'erate ^^-^ Incin'erated v_:-'r '^suX 5 Incin'erating Incinera'tion ^-^j '-^ Incip'ience bil'ity > _5f Incommen'sura- *^ ble ^, - Incommen'su- rate "T^ - Incommode' ' "'' Incommod'cd ^ ~^|^ Incommod'ing "L_^ b Incommo'dious T<^ Incommunica- ' \ bil'ity ^ ~< Inconspic'uous ^5 sty* Inconspicuously v ^_^ ^. Incon'stancy /$ K- Incon'stant , Incon'stantly ^- ^^p ^-r' Inconsum'able \ ^" U-^Incontest'able i< Incon'tinence "Y (^ Incon'tinent "-** [ Incon'tinently J Incip'iency v;,_- Incommu'nica- ^^ ^_- Incontrol'lable V^AS, ^~ s fy- Incip'ient "^S. ble V\. !l~ Incontroverti- f Incip'iently \ ^_x Incise' **<3r-\ Incommu'nica- f u. tive C \ bil'ity ^ , Incontrovcrt'- ** v ^ Incis'ing ^ V_ Incompact' \ Inconven'icnce Inci'sion ^-^ y v ~-^ r Incom'parable V -J ~~^ Inconven'ient ^~^\ v ^~y Inci'sive ^^ V V Incom'parably ^^ ^ Inconvertibility S 9\ Inci'sor ^< *^[ Incompass'ion- ^ JN. Inconvertible *~w ~i Inci'sory P V ate \ Incorporate vl Incompat'ible ' ~~ ' Incorporating ** J Incita'tion M" ^.o Incite' \j. j- Incom'petence J Incom'petency ^_r~ r \J * ^-/ Incorjxirn'tion Incorpo'real Incit'ed M 1 ^ Incite'ment ** }* Incit'er ^_x ^ vj< Incom'petent \ j ^,- Incompetently J ^ Incomplete' x^s-^/| ^_f '~\ Incorpore'ity *' ' Incorrect' ^_j 1^-^- 5 1 Incorrect'ly ~f . Incit'ing ^< ~-^ Incompletely M Incorrect'ness v ~^>^. Incivil'ity jf ^ Incomplete'aess ^-^^y ^-^7 Incorrigibil'ity ^~*~^. v _ x _n Inclasp' ^i v -^. Incompos'ite \ N, Incor'rigible Inclasped' ^^H? -_*LJ Inclasp'ing x - ' Inclave' jf * Incompli'ant "C o Incomprehensi- ^\J. bil'ity ^ Incorrupt' Incorruptibility ^"^ ^f~^ Incorrupt'ible Tj ^* Indecid'uous S^ Indecipherable o-r= ^^ In'dicate ' ' In'dicated ^_.. ^_s In'dicating - Incorrup'tion v -i. ^^Uj Indeci'sion vjri ^ Indica'tion v - jS ~>o ~-=^~. Incorrupt'ness - vi_ Indeci'sive VJ' T ~J ~^n Indic'ative Incras'sate ^"k M|. Indeci'sively V. Indic'atively c s^r^P Incrassa'tion V y^-\ Indeclin'able > _ j ; ^/' In'dicator Incras'sative ^1 . .? "~1 -ir Indeco'rous In'dicatory ^^^ Increase i"^ Indeco'rousness ^ t| Indict' *~~^ ' Increased' ^-1 /^ s^u Indeco'rum \ Indict'able ^- r^ Increas'er i~^ " Indeed' ^j. 'ji Indict'ed Increasing *^f-y v^5T]. Increasingly ^S L . Indefatigabil'ity ^\ Indict'er ^i ^.j =, Indicting ' * Incredibil'ity \ Indic'tion ^-fj v ~*~3 Incred'ible > \. Incredibly M; ^. 1 . or N Indefatigable ^ 1 > "| Indic'tive Indict'ment vjST^i v_~a/^> Incredu'lity ' Incred'ulous r\ ^Svj,v ^'W Indefeasibil'ity ^ \ s / ? or _| Indifference ^TN^P 1 5 l^o-^ .j. Incred'ulousness > Indefea'sible ^-^ In'crement ~^__pv^-^~ Indefensibil'ity ^ or j Indifferent v_^~^Vj ^ Incrim'inate ^~\/^ Indefen'sible * ' ^^ Incrust' ~~\2, ~~^[^ Indefinable -jj^;- Indif'ferentism >~if. -o?7~ Incrust'ate Incrusta'tion ^N Indefinite "~t ~~\^_p Indefinitely N -1 N.^* (1^^ or -t^ Indifferently P ,-.. Incrust'ed ' Indefinitness ^ "T' In'digence Incrust'ing x _ > y ^ V; In'cubate "' In'cubated V - J ^ *~*\f\ Indelibil'ity \ ' Indel'ible ^^\ "t. Indelibly o/ In'digene ^ ^-i Indig'enous ^-f 9 'ol In'digent o- v ^^ V In'cubating ^ Indelicacy ^ Sr ^ Indigest'ed Incuba'tion ^ v ^-> \^ In'cubator ~~t ^~^f Indelicate Indelicately df' *] A/ Indigestibillty '\ ' Indiges'tible X In'cubus v *l . 1 . .^ Incul'cate >^^^V . Indemnifica'tion ^ HT Indigestion o^ J. Indigltate ^ Incul'cated v - i j^^^ s ~ ; t^_ A Indemnified vj^-=sJ or - Indig'nant *-* ri ^_^i Incul'cating ^~^~ ^~^~ Indem'nify v *-Sj^ or ^~~C Indig'nantly Inculca'tion ^^^ '^Ls Indemnifying ~**~~^? or Indigna'tion *-* r 1 ] ^"^^ Inculca'tor ^^~^. "1 Indemnity ^"""^-1 o ' Indignity \ Incul'pable ^. * J ^\, Indent' 1 In'digo v_*_, " \- Incul'pate 1 Incul'patcd Indenta'tion *-o* \isj.^ Indent'ed >>-x^~\ ^7-1 Indigom'eter " In'digotine . _^ ^ -^ Incul'pating ^ Inculpa'tion "^ Indenting x n\ or \^^ Indent'ure ^\ \_jJl Indirect' " "3 Indirec'tion >^i ^i/. \ Incul'patory ) Incum'bency ^s^ji or "^ Independence '^L or "** Indepen'dent ^_>> x 1 ' ^>0 Indirectly V^ Indirectness ~-^ v^ v_a Indiscernible ^-Z IncumTjent v - > Incur' o fi ^-^ ^ Incurabil'ity ~^L, ^b~* Independently ' \ Indescrib'able ^ ^ fc^ Indis'cipline V Indiscreet' ^- > 1/^ v -=i Indiscreetly 'N Incur'able ^-1 -1 Indestructibil'- " Indiscrete' v - 5 ' ^ Incur'ably ">,.^^ ' Incu'rious d q LL\ a ity \ Indestructible W 5 Indiscre'tion jC' ^^- Incu'riously ^^-^^ Incurred' ^^v- > _v Indeter'minable nr^~~V, or t Indiscriminate ^f vp ) Incur'rence Incur'ring ML v-V 5 ! Indeter'minate 'I x^t ^ Indiscrim'in- k-^*V ately 1 ^-t 1 "^ Incur'sion 1 M| . _ Indiscrimina'- Incur'sive ^c-t-y. ^'"X^ Incurv'ate ' Incurv'ated ^V-^^i-: Indeter'minately ^r -^ ->. Indevout' tion ib\ orS Indispen'sable ^? v5*\j Incurv'ating Incun-a'tion A] In'dex ^.^o ^ In'dexed ^j>\. or ^6 Indispen'sably v.5* >_i(P Incurve' V ~^ T ' In'dexer v -'1 Ml Indispose' Incurred ^_.p . ^ . n^, Index'ical * N ^ ) ^ Indisposed' ^jrH-. ^, Incun-'ing Indebt'ed -\ "^^1. Indebtedness ^) Inde'cency M. "-1. Inde'cent *" 7 Inde'cently In'dexing " Sr ^s\ X ~ = V~i Indexter'ity J ' In'diaman ^V ^^l/ 5 ^ In'dian In'dia-rubber w^ In'dicant ^-^ ^^ Indisposi'tion >o -\ Indis potable ^J-r, ^~i--x Indis'putably \- > Indissolubil'ity INDISSOLUBLE 124 INFECUNDITY -\_ >. Indissoluble Indis'solubly X -^V ~~~\_i Indissol'vable X H Indistinct' V - J 1 ^{J-H Indistinctly ~^- l^j> Indistinct'nes Indite' \Indite'ment Indit'er V "V. Individ'ual ^\ Individ'ualism Individualiza'- tion Individ'ualize Individualized Individualizing Individ'ually Indivisibility Indivisible Indoclble Indocile Indocillty Indoc'trinate v_u ^-~\~~ h n Indoctrinated LJ. V] Indoctrinating M_n /T" Indoctrina'tion [^3 ^ In'dolence V y. In'dolent 7 In'dolently Indorsable Indorse' Indorsed' Indorsee' Indorse'ment Indors'er Indorsing In'draught In'drawn Indu'bitable Indubitably Induce' Induced' Induce'ment Induc'er Induclble Inducing Induct' Induct'ed Inductile Inductllity Inducting Induc'tion Induc'tive Induc'tively Inductom'eter Induc'tor Indue' ^r^ rr n. n- ^ ^k sj-J-i ^^^1 C_: ^ ^j \ Inebri'ety Ined'ited Inef'fableness Ineffably Inefface'able Ineffective Ineffect'ual Ineffectually Ineffica'cious Inef'ficacy ~\^/ Ineffi'cien- cy -- ' InefB'cient -\J Ineffi'cient- ] >- Inelas'tic Inelasticity Inel'egance Inel'egant Inel'egantly Ineligibillty > Ineligible^ Inept' Ineptitude Ineptly Inept'ncss Inequality Ine'quitable Ineradicable Inerrabillty Inert' Iner'tia Inertly Inert'ness Inessen'tial Ines'timable Ines'timably Inevitable Inevitably Inexact' Inexact'ness Inexcus'able Inexcus'able- ness Inexer'tion nexhal'able Inexhaust'ed Inexhaustible Inexhaustibly Inexist'ence Inexist'ent Inex'orably Inexpe'diency Inexpe'dient Inexpen'sive Inexpe'rience Inexpe'rienced Inexpert' Inex'piable \ Inex'plicable ^ Inex'plicably J Inexplicit ^x^S^ v ~ > ^ \> Inexpres'sible > V Inexpres'sibly r. Inexpres'sive ^j^: " ^-A^, >. Inextinct' Inex'tricable v . liifx'tricably Ineye' Infallibility Infallible Infallibly " In'faraous In'famously In 'fa my In'fancy In'fant Infan'ta Infan'te Infan'ticide In'fantile In'fantine In'fantry Infat'uate Ini'at'uated Infat'uating Infatua'tion Infeaslble Infect' Infect'ed Infect'er Infecting Infec'tion Infec'tious Infec'tiously iy Infec'tiousnes Infec'tive ' Infec'und Infecundlty INFEFFMENT 125 INHERITED li V Infestiv'fty I ' In'fidel '-'V.I N >-\/ v l Infidelity Infil'trate -i /) *-\ A Infil'trated W 1 Infil'trating -\_f\ v ; V . Infiltra'tion ^ In'finite -"V^^p In'finitely In'finiteness Infinites'imal Inflam'ing Inflammability Inflam'mable Inflamma'tion Inflam'matory Inflate' Infla'ted Infla'ting Infla'tion Inflect' Inflect'ed Inflection Inflec'tional Inflect'ive Inflexed' | Inflexibility Inflexible Inflexibly Inflores'cence In'fluence or In'fluenced < v ^rf*- V^j^or- In'fluencing ^-^(_Jor* <-J Influen'tial -<_/ i- v ~^/ v ^.. Influen'tially ^^^ ^^) Influen'za -\_ ,, ^C-J, In'flux " Influx'ion "~-V ^, i Infold' r ^^ ' Infold'ed ^V ^*, Intold'ing : ^^ Info'liate ^^o/- V_ Inform' " "^sT^ Informal'ity ^^^^~- Inform'ally ^~^^. Inform'ant "^^^o/-^^ Informa'tion ' : X_^ ^-^j.-^ Informed' * Infprm'er ^^~ ^- : ''\__^ Infract' *- - ) Infrac'tion v_>x / Infract'or ^ Infran'gible r^ '^N Infre'quence < *5 Infre'quency ^-^X- "^^ Infre'quent " / Infringe' ^-^. ^^) Infringed' /!. Intringe'ment ^_*x. ^-=SN- Infring'er /t- / Infring'ing Infruct'uous Infrugif'erous Infundib'ular n/ , Infu'riate Infu'riated Infu'riating Intus'cate o Infusca'tion Infuse' \ v Infused' ^^ Infusibil'ity Infus'ible Infus'ing Infu'sion Info'sive In'gathering Ingel'able Ingen'erate Ingenera'tion Ingen'ious Ingeniously Ingen'iousness Ingen'uous Ingen'uously Ingen'uousness Inglo'rious Inglo'riously In'got Ingraft' Ingraft'ed Ingraft'ing Ingraft'ment Ingrain' , Ingrained' Ingrain'ing In'grate Ingra'tiate Ingra'tiated Ingra'tiating Ingrat'itude Ingre'dient In'gress In.^res'sion V_ In'guinal Ingulf ' Ingulfed' Ingur'gitate Ingurgita'tion Inhab'it S* ^{ ^ ^ Inbab'itable Inhabitancy Inhabitant Inhabita'tion* Inhab'itative- Inhab'ited [ness Inhab'iter Inhabiting Inhala'tion Inhale' Inhaled' Inhal'er Inhal'ing Inharmo'nious Inharmo'niously Inharmo'nious- ness Inhere' Inhered' Inherence Inher'ency Inher'ent Inher'ently Inherit Inheritable Inheritance Inherited INHERITING 126 INSERTING /\ xv- * J * . * 3> a, a, cj f^-f -5 i /-; ' ' Inheriting Inher'itor /> Inheritrix Inhib'it Inhibited Inhibiting Inhibition Inhibitory Inhos'pitable Inhos'pitably ' Inhospital'ity s Inhu'man Inhu'manly Inhuman'ity Inhuma'tion \ Inhume' Inhumed' j_. Inhum'ing Inim'ical "V Inim'ically \ Inim'itable -; Inim'itably Iniq'uitous , Ini'tiate Ini'tiated ! Initiating Initia'tion ,_ Ini'tiative ' Ini'tiatory Inject' 1 Inject'ed 1 Inject'ing ~3 Injec'tion ^ Injudi'cial _ Injudi'cious Injudi'ciously 3 Injunc'tion In'jure Injured In'jurer In'junng Inju'rious Inju'riously In'jury Injus'tice Ink Ink'horn Ink'iness In'kle Ink'hng Ink'stand Ink'y Inlace' Inlaced' Inlac'ing Inlaid' In'land In'lander Inlay Inlay'er Inlay'ing Inlock' In'ly In'mate Inmost' Inoc'ulable Inoc'ular fl Inoc'ulate Y^" Inoc'ulated f' Inoc'ulating Inocula'tion Inoc'ulator In'odorous InoiFen'sive Inoffen'sively InofB'cial Inoffi'cious Inop'erative Inop'portune Inopportune'ly Inor'dinacy Inordinate Inor'dinately Inordina'tion - Inorgan'ic Inos'culate Inos'culated Inoscula'tion In'quest Inqui'etude :^^v- Inquirable Inquire' Inquired' Inquiren'do /-^ Inquir'er Inquiring Inquiry Inquisi'tion Inquisi'tional Inquis'itive Inquis'itivuly ' Inquis'itiveness Inquisito'rial Inquisito'rially In'road Insalu'brious Insalu'brity InsaTutarj- Insane' Insane'ly Insan'ity Insutiabil'ity Insa'tiable nsa'tiableness Insa'tiably Insa'tiate Insa'tiately Insati'ety Insat'urable Inscrib'able Inscribe' Inscribed' Inscrib'er Inscribing Inscrip'tion Inscriptive Inscroll' Inscrolled' Inscrutabil'ity Inscru'table Inseam' In'sect Insect'ile Insec'tion Insectiv'orous ~ Insecure' Insecure'lv 1 Insecu'rity ' Insetn'inate Inscmina'tion Insen'sate f~ Insensibil'ity Insen'sible Insen'sibly Insen'tient _ Inseparability ' Inseparable Insep'arableness Inseparably Insert' Insert'ed Inserting INSERTION 127 INTELLECTUAL Insesso'res ^., *~*\/'\~y Inspira'tion r Inspi'ratory Hlnstruraenta'- tion v - ! \i< ~^f Insesso'rial *l ' Inset ^?x vj Inshore' v -=-^ x -^ Inspire' V\ v* Inspired' ^_SyS ^^_^ Inspir'er 'S or > T , . . /. C Insubjec tion l Insicca'tion ^ ^fc In'side vN Inspiring S S \>, S-J7 y\ Inspir'it 'V-^ Insubmis'sion v l . b Insid'ious ~-fi_ ^-P Insid'iously ^^ Inspir'ited vjo . v ~ J ^p Inspiriting ^V^ or ^^ Insubor'Jinate v ' In'sight ^^^^ .[^ Inspis'sate ^^V-JP or \Insubordma'- ^-B-J^x Insig'nia ^S^v^ r_ Insignifi- "^^ ^p Inspis'sated f [ Inspis'sating tion ~^sp V "^J X< \ > Insubstan'tial o ** cance ^-^ ^P. Inspissa'tion t- N Installa'tion cy n-^ ~Ji^Y Insincere' /J Installed' '' Insincere'ly ^fe^s "^f^a Installing ' or Insufficient ^^.gjp/l "^Hl Insincer'ity 1. " 1 Insin'uate ^^^.^ ^C-jj Insin'uated Instal'ment M'- M? In'stance (1 In'stanced ^f -/] In'sular ^ ' Insularity ^^. xr[ In'sulate ^" "'[ Insin'uating ^f v^p. In'stancing In'sulated ^ a _ J _j' ; v -'S-Ji Insinua'tion 9 * In'stant /) sf^- Insula'tion 4- Insin'uative v ^f JJ ^J;_ Instanta'neous ^d In'sulator -Ji__^; ^ Insin'uator " "[. Instanta'neously ^ -^ Insult' Insip'id -f ~^f Instant'er v - j6 ^^ Insult'ed ~-^v ~^V^ Insipid'ity J f~ In'stantly \s ' -. Insult'er Insip'idly ^a^ ^o_ Insip'ience ^> * Insip'ient ^_p. Insisting Insi'tion ^p x_p Instate' Instead' M 5 ^P Insteep' \ >N In'step ^-P ^P In'stigate 1 In'stigated ^ ^f-j In'stigating ~d> VJ * Insult'ing ^-r-"^ T nSult/in ^- 1. "'\ insuperability ^^'^/^^"^VX^. Insu'perable Insu'perably ^^^x ^"5<^ Insupport'able ^^ Insupport'ably ^P v_fLj^x In si'tu v l" Insnare' Instiga'tion -f . ~^f> In'stigator ~5j ^i-X Insuppres'sible '|^ \ Insur'able v..:!' >* Insnared' ^~ ' Instil' ^ ^~^-o ^) Insur'ance ^ v_2_/^ Insnar'er ^P^. "^P Instilla'tion Ji Insure' ^-^-^A "oCv Insnar'ing > Instilled' ^~J v -2>^' Insured' *] Insdbri'ety ^&~^ ^&~' I nst; l' ler TL Insur'er ^pi;^ ' Inso'ciable ' Instil'ling ^^X^/ ^yj Insur'ing K_i^ In'solate v ,-, ,,-, In'solated p** Instil'ment Insur'gent ^~~~^'f V~blnsurraount'able ^ ' ^6 Insola'tion "^ ^^y In'solence- Lx orT_> In'stinct \ Insurrec'tion . v )/ ry^? Insurrectionary u In'solent Vg> ^J^l In'solently ^" | Insolid'ity \//>v .- JS^ Insolubility " Insol'uble vo^X__ O. Insolv'able V - 1 P T_^ Instinct'ive ^,. Q_. Instinct'ively "~f 'k or ^- In'stitute ^f ~^o Instituted Insurrec'tionist ^j- ^J- Insusceptibility c ^'\ ^ Insuscep'tible ^3- V - > T Insuscep'tive V Intact' \^ 1. Insolv'ency 1 Instituting ^-^p^- v>i -/. Intag'ho ^Jf^> ^o!^ Insolv'ent " Insora'nious p ^~-f ^o Institu'tion T ,^J \ ^- Institu'tional 0^ / lc/ Institu'tionary \ Intangibil'ity "^ ^1 Intan'gible X X In'teger ^ insomucn -^fi "-f. In'stitutist ^sr-^~ ^r> In'tegral ^V v -"v T X. or x Inspect " A. In'stitutive ^r? ^ In'stitutor In'tegrant _^i. ^_ Integrate vj? ^-^ j Instruct' Integrated ^> . or ^ Inspect'cd "V , V Instructed ,JT" -i In'tegrating ^^^s^^ or ^^ Inspecting ^^ ^ or ^^ Inspec'tion 1 ^- Instructing A>. Interces'sor ' ^ Interces'sory -/ ^./> Interchain' ~^(^~? ^f, Interlinea'tion ' Interlined' *-Sf' ^^-' Interlining ^nr y T Intelligence >r j/ Intelligencer / In'terchange -^ Interchange- /\ ability Interlink' ^ { | Interlock' Interlocked' . /" or "7 Intelligent . Interchange'- "tL ~9 able -^ ^.^ *] Interlocking Interloc'utor Y Y Intelligen'tial t ~^" ./ Intelligently f-^J \ Intelligibility .^ -\_ci Interchange'- ^ ableness v-/. , Interchange'- _/ I/. ^^\ Interloc'utun- ^ si Interlu'nar}- * Intermarriage _/l .^ _/ Intermar'ried ~~l^for l-> Intem'perance ^Ti-j Intercolumnia'- tion /c ^ i /^*s T , Intermarry ^_^S*^ ^ j* Intennar'rying Intem'perant *~*/ ^-~P In'tercommon 1 Intermed'dle ^^ Intem'perate Intercos'tal ^-j, -5T" Intermed'dled ~~\^-J Intem'perately ~~*}-s^e ^^ Intem'perate- ^^ In'tercourse In'tercross , v x Infercur'rence ^N, Intermed'dler ^'"T ^^- Intermed'dling v^ w>s ' Intermi-'dial " Intend' [ness -* Intercur'rent .. ^. ^-^ Interme'diary ^**<-. ^_^ Intend'ancy ^| Interdepen'- ''^ ' Interme'diate ~~ Intend'ant ^-iP dence -^~1 W - Intermedia'tion Ovi ^ __. . Intend'ed 1 ^1 Interdepen'dent viV~N Interme'dium * ~" u ~ ' Intending ^ In'terdict ^"V.^ ^^^^ Inter'ment '~-^- ff Intense' "[ ^-|_. Interdict'ed ^~> Inter'minable "^^^ ' ' Intensely ^ ' Interdicting ~ J ~>\_^_ < ^ Intcr'minable- *J.-AJ>~ J ^ : '^_S Intense'ness ^.1 ^-| . Interdic'ticui >>-* ness ^^ Intensification o^jjv =^v Inten'sified ~~ A Inten'sifier ^j y. Interdictlve ^,1 -A, -P Interdict'orv ^ bo; ' I In'terest ^~^< Inter'minably ^^V_, ^-^ - Inter'minate ^-^^v^ --^ Inten'sify ' Intensifying ^ or v P In'terested Intermin'gle ^-~^ < _-^~^j' Intermin'gled Ov .-j ^^P Inten'sion u Inten'sity 5"' or I In'teresting Intermin'gling j, r^\ Intenn ^-vj.n Inten'sive ^u -'^^ Interfa'cial Intermis'sive ~" Intent' ^\^ A Interfere' ^-^ ^, . Intermit' oO ^-^5^ Inten'tion -V Jv/ Interfered' "" Intermit'tetl Inten'tional "" Interference -^]. ^ Intennit'tent i~- - Inten'tionally _V \J*-' Interfer'er Intennit'ting ^~ > ~*+*s\ Inten'tioned ^^^ Interfering ^ -n r~^^-, Intermix' ^' v^^ o Intently ~\^/~~f \ r Interferingl}' Intermixed' ' Intent'ness w Interfuse' _, r ^_^ i/ ^r x - J a Intermixing ._ Inter' In'teract ^5 -^j, ./ In'terim \f Inte'rior <* Interraix'ture ^^^.7' ^^^ Intermu'ral _ Interlace' v^.^ ^^ Interna'tionalist ^ JC ' ! Intercala'iion " Interlaced' ^-' > Internationally P ^p Intercede' '.. ^&^/ ^/^^^ Interlacing X_f_j. Interne'cine ' Interced'ed Interlapse' ViP ^1 Interced'ent 1 ^^/ ./\ Interlard' \, or J- Intern'ment ' Interced'er ' ""f Interlard'ed ~j_i. Ci '-jn Internun'cial P ^o Interceding __ _r^ * o/'V. Interlarding Intercept' * * In'tt-rleaf Internun'cio ->vr ^V^ : Interpellate v,9 ^-Sv Intercept'ed j ^-/"V_ *~/^\. Interleave' Interpellated 1 '' Intercept'er * ' Interleaved' v.^-j -^\ Interpella'tion _ ^9 Intercepting *7^V. ~~(* I nter l eav 'ing ^ \f- J fyf. Interplan'etary O Intercep'tion ' Interline' ^A ~-S^ Interces'sion ^s?^ ~~(~~\ Inti-rlinVal ^ -V Intei-plead' J J Interplead'er " -7^ Interces'sional < ' Interlin'ear Jv Interpleadlng INTERPOLATE 129 INVARIABLENESS ~\f ^r/*\ Interpolate ~-y > *, ^-> Interweave' ^1 I Introduce' v ' Interpolated Interweaved' ' Introduced' f/f ^X~ I' ltor 'polater ^V ^V Interpolating ^_, -. ^ ., Interweaving ^ Interwov'en ~U ^U Introduc'er i Introducing ~J\/O ^fr~ Interpola'tinn Intcrpos'al ^-^1- ^^i. ^_^ Intcs'table 1 Intrud'er L^J i Interroga'tion ] Intit'uled L ' s Intruding '"' w u Interrog'ative " v In'to ^o v - !/ l-. x _^ Intru'sion CT'j J ,- Interrogator " I/ 1 . Interrog'atory -f ^ j Intol'erable V\ < N Intol'erably y (^ b~ Intru'sive Intrust' ^ X " Interrupt' ' N n Interrupt'ed ~~~f ' '< Intolerance V^ r> Intol'erant -"-^T-. "^[^ Intrust'ed P Intrusting "C ~- Interrupt'er ~~L/^ v ~ > Lj Intol'erantly ^"1,, ^^In Intui'tion '\ * Interrupting ~* Intomb' 't/"~ L. Intuitive "t ^9 v/' s Interruption ., ^^ In'tonate ^-H ^ . ' Intuitively "0 v ' Interscap'ular ^^ "" In'tonated J" LTJ; L^ Intumescc' ^0.- v^ch. Interse'cant o/, ^^-5 In'tonating >: Intumesced' Intersect' Intona'tion v - ; Jn_ s - ; ^_,, Intumes'cence ^ . Intersect'ed ^^__^. 1^ In'tonator ^^"^^ -cr ^ Intumes'cing ^^ Qi " Intersecting " Intone' """j 1 - ^_j u Intwine' ^ ~~a^ Intersec'tion . . ! Intoned' Intwined' ^ Intersec'tional * ^ ^ Intoxicant "~t- 1 /? Intwin'ing ^-^sj, v -''^ Interspace' ^i n . in. Intoxicate *^' Intwist' ^^ Intersperse' ^^ Intoxicated v_^-Un.. ^--i-t Inum'brate J^ X/^ Interspersed' tl Interspersing ! . , o . Intoxicating ' ^ *- Intoxica'tion In'undate N - !/> -M t ^-j In'undated J~- J |_ < ^^ Intramur'al " Inure'ment C' ^J, Intertex'ture ""^l Intranquil'lity v ~ > ^\ v ~"/i Inuring -|v -1~ In'tertie ~~^li ^-^To Intransigent Inurn' ^fc_: Intertrop'ical ^* ^{, Intran'sitive ^_^. ^ Inurncd' ~J L ^.jt Intertwine' vi 'V ^-^1 Intransmis'sible Inurn'ing Intertwined' "^NT V Intrench' ^Pn ^l^ Inust'ion ^h "J\ Intertwining 7 Intertwin'ingly ^1 ^1 Intrenched' T / Intrenching Inu'tilo ^^1^1 v^vi Inutil'ity -J J . Intertwist' ^_.n ^ ^] Intrench'ment ' Invade' -^i Intertwist'ed ly [. *>' Intrepid ^V "-A^ Invad'ed ~\xf ^^ Intertwisting f In'terval "" .1. Intrepidity ^1 =<] Intrepidly 1 Invad'er ^^ ^"X/] Invading ^'^s ^ . Intervene' W ^^) In'tricacy In'valid Intervened' ~\> ^\ *, Inten'en'er v_-Ji ^j/| J.. In'tricate V V In'tricately ^ : \y'| ^^i- Invalid Invalidate ^^^ Intervenlent v - =/ l ^-JK Intrigue' ^-\y]- ^\y^l' Invalidated v-^^ "^D Intervening ~ Intrigued' Invalidating Interven'tion ^| =H _ Intrigu'er s ~ J \y'| ^X/\ Invalidity ^-\^ ^^ In'terview ~ Intriguing " Inval'uable In'terviewed <-J1 ^1 Intrin'sic ^ \jX ^^Xl^^ Invariability ~-iyr, *-Ve_ Inter'viewer ^-; Intrin'sically > Inva'riable ^\ ' Interviewing ^_;n- Introces'sion ^"Xi/^n Inva'riableness INVARIABLY 130 IRREGULARITY V I ^*a \jj Inva'riably Inva'sion Inva'sive Invec'tive Inveigh' Inveighed' Inveigh'er Inveigh'ing Invei'gle Invei'gled Invei'gler Invei'gling Invent' Invent'ed Invent'ing Inven'tion Inven'tive Invent'or In'ventory Inverse' > Inverse'ly Inversion Invert' Invertebral Invertebrate Inver'tebrated " Invert'ed Invert'edly ^nvert'ent Inverting ^-'Va V -\^ J Invest' T InVest'ed ^~\j-r \^i Inves'tigable \ Inves'tigate ^\_. --H-. Inves'tigated 5 Inves'tigating v V "^ ^-^V^; Investigation *'L- Inves'tigative Inves'tigator ' Inves'ting Invest'iture Invest'ment =v v V ^ N ^>v ^ , Invet'eracy Invet'erate Invid'ious Invid'iously Invig'orate In\*ig'orated In\ - ig'orating Invigora'tion In\-incibil'ity Invin'cible Invin'cibly In\-iolabil'ity ' Invi'olable Invi'olably Invi'olate Invisibil'ity Invisible Invis'ibly Invita'tion In^t'atory Invite' Invit'ed In\-it'er Invit'ing Invit'ingly Invit'rinable In'vocate Invoca'tion InVoice InVoiced InVoicing Invoke' Invoked' Invok'ing Involu'cellate r lnvolu'cral Involu'crate Involu'cre Involu'cred Involu'cret Involu'crum Invol'untarily Invol'untary In'volute Involuted Involution Involve' Involved' Involving ^X Invulnerability ^> Invul'nerable or ^~*/ In'ward v ^p In'wardly In 'wards x -Qy In'weave Inwork'ing ^^ In wrap' ^-^ Inwrapped' *^z/\ Inwrap'ping v I Inwrought' lod'ic *\v I'odide I'odine f I'odized ^U I'odizing I'odous vv] lod'uret I'olite Xi-, 1>on lo'nian : ^.| lon'ic ' lo'ta N IpecacuanTia Ipso facto Ira'nian Sv v\ _ Irascibil'ity dN \r Iras'cible o^x_9 Iras'cibleness Iras'cibly Irate' \- * _ ronmaster I'ronmonger ^ I'ronmongery I'ronmould I'ronside I'ronwork I'rnny Irra'diance Irra'diancy Irra'diant Irra'il Irra'diatcd Irra'diating Irradia'tion Irra'tional Irrational'! ty Irra'tionally Irrcclaim'able Irreclaim'ablj Irreronoil'able Irreconcil'ably Irrec'onciled Irrecov'erable -,. IrrccovVrably \ Irredeem'able Irredcem'ably Irreden'tist Irreduc'ible Irrefragabil'ity Irrefutable Irreg'ular Irregular'ity IRREGULARLY 131 JACOBINISM w Irreg'u- larly Irrel'ative Irrel'evance Irrel'evancy Irrelevant ~VT- Irrelig'ion * Irrelig'ious V-^. Irreme'diable :/"" Irremis'sible Irremis'sive Irremov'able Irremu'nerable Irreparabil'ity I rrep 'arable Irrep'arably rrepealabil'ity ~> . \ Irrcpeal'able \A . =VS * \- Irrepeal'ably Irreplace'able Irreprehen'sible Irrepres'sible Irreproach'able Irreproach'ably Irreprov'able X Irresistibil'ity ^ J T|\ Irresist'ibly X \. ' Irres'oluble Irres'olute Irresolu'tion Irresolvabil'ity Irresolv'able Irrespec'tive Irrespectively Irresponsibil'ity ^^-itsor o. Irrespon'sible Irriga'tion Irrig'uous Irri'sion Irritabil'ity Ir'ritable Ir'ritant Ir'ritate Ir'ritated Ir'ritating Isagog'ic I'sagon ) Ischiad'ic " ' Ischiag'ra ") / Ischuret'ic " Is'churia I'sobar Isobar'ic T/-* V L~/' Isobaromet'ri V\j - Isochi'mal i-^i ^ Isochromat'ic Isoch'ronal - Isoch'ronism Isoch'ronous I'solate I'solated I'solating Isola'tion Isomer'ic Isom'erism Isomet'ric Isomet'rical Isomorphism Isth'mus It Ital'ian Ital'ianize Ital'ic Ital'icize Italicized Ital'icizing Ital'ics Itch Itched Itch'ing Itch'y I'tcm It'erant It'erate I'vy- mantled J ab'ber ab'bered ab'berer ab'bering ac'amar a'cent ac'inth ack ackadan'dy ack'al ack'alent ack'anapes ack'ass ack'block ack'boot ack'daw ack'et ack'eted ack'- knife Jack'plane -j Jack'-pudding Jack'-screw T ack'wood acobe'an ,'ac'obin Jacobin'ic Jacobin'ical Jac'obinism JACOBITE 132 JOINHAND /' /' Tac'obite " ^ ' ' ' Jacobit'ical f { aunt'ed aunt'ily / / Jet'tee 'I. 't^ Jet'tison f- > /, -x- Jac'obitism f j- , aunt'ing f / "'''"' ]. i 5 Ja'cob's-lad'der aunt'y eu d espnt [' 6 6 avanese' ew Z_ L ac'onet t ave'lin ew ol . -^ r^ acquard' /- /; aw 11 ew fled r 1 acta'tion ^ awTjone XL^-' ew i-liT ^~b ci actita'tion /> /1 awed ew eling /i/o y^~; acula'tion ac'ulator f* \ aw'y ay I? l^/- ew fly ew elry i"-/' * ac'ulatory ' eal'ous / S ew ess S- ' ade ad'ed l*f' ^ eal'ously eal'ousy Jk ew ish ew s'-ear \ ad'ing / / ean Sj ^^ C^ Jew s'-harp s i- ad'ish T^ ears Jez'ebel agged, v. ^ 4 eer eered S S "libbcd I *r ag'ged, adj. .-X / eer'er / / Jib'ber r r ag'gedness r >. eer'ing > ^V_x Jib'bing ^~~? ag^ger / L^\ eers / , . jib'-boom 1 ' / d eho'vah .V i \ \. "li!"' ' ^ ag'heer A^. / eho'vist V- v\ N Jjp^ / / aguar 1 I/. ejune' u ^ k- /^ ah ail n r ejune'ness el'lied ig'ging ail'bird el'ly /_;. r ill V" *\ P~\ ail'er Ao A, era'idar A . ill ~ al'ap * > em'my An It'cd /^ /^ am ^-1 ^H en'net A- A ilt'ing amb ] ^^ en'neting / *- imp Z ~ '- ammed am'ming L. ./ en'ny eof'ail u. u. ingal' in*gle 1 /' ane / / eop'ard Lx- / in'gled J \,-f an'gle 1 eop'arded "~ V 'f . in'gling -*- (-* ^ an'gled an'gler / \ v \ eop'arding eop'ardize ^T ^T^ in' / J ob'bing Cjf" or O Jan'uary i, fe- er'falcon erk 2. /**. jork'ey | Jnck'ej'ed /' /' apan erked 12. ^-^ Jock'eying ^s v_S apanese' ^Vs* crkcd'-beef Jock'eyism < ' Jocosely Zioo /~\ J 01 '" 51 '' 1 '"^ 5 ' >' Joc'ular 2 ^ /^~^/~' Jocular'ity "( " Joc'tilarly /" /" Joc'und i If. Jocund'ity _ < < ^t ^" arred ar'ring ar'ringly b' &" est'er est'ing est'ingly - z: os'ging asTiawk iT es'uit / og'gle /" /' as'mine ^ / es'uitess og'gled *S as'per H \' J esuit'ic /~ j ~ og'gling jT / as'perated ) ! : i_' csuit'ical oin < . as'perj' aspide'an 1 ( "'ff^* "1 es'uitism et f Ji oin'der oined . oy'lessness V "1 Tun'ta oint'ing oy'ous ! /, / Jun'to * oint'ly oy'ously 1- x" upe b oint'ress - oy'ousness t . . ' u'piter K" 1 / 1 oint'-tenant / / u'bilant \ \ ^ upon' *" [x oint'ure JV^ >^ uTsilate y u'rat //J oint'ured / - y' ubila'tion fa l/^~s- ura'tion k tx^-' l~9 oint'uring ^*" J/" 1 u"bilee Pf . \f u'ratory / 1 oint'uress !oist oist'ed oist'ing oke oked ok'er ok'ing ok'ingly ole ollifica'tion ol'lily it/ H/ 7 / / y uda'ic uda'ical u'daism udaiza'tion u'daize u'daized u'daizer u'daizing udge udged udg'er udge'ship fa 1* . _ urid'ical urid'ically l^~>f Juriscon'sult Of f Jurisdiction L*) ^^ Jurisdic'tional ^ Judi'cial H t Judi'cially ^ J^- Judi'ciary A. {~ Judi'cious v~ 'ff~- fudi'ciously / i ust'ed us'tice [usti'ciary ustifi'able ** rt < r' oss /, /, Jug os'tle Ju'gal os'tled / i f^, Ju'gated os'tling i ' Tug'gernaut ot / / ug'gle lv ^- Justifiably ^>v o Justifica'tion ^i__j w^ Just'ificative l>- [/ Just'ificatory /. r / ot'ted *!- ug'gled ust'ified r [ * ot'ting / /. / , ug'gler C^L ust'ifier ounce "^"N 1 ^ ^ ' ug'glery ust'ify / i ounced "' ug'gling A y A^ ust'ifying 7 our'nal / g ^^ our'nalize > / , our'nalized ^ >,/ r\ our'nalizing '*' \ our'ney M, /^J our'neyed uice'less ui'ciness ui'cy u'jube u'lep ul'ian ul/ i / r / us'tled us'tling ust'ly ust'ness ut fute ut'ted ^ ^~ our^neyer ^ /> our neying \ u'mart um'ble 7 / i*. ut'ting ut'ty 7 9 our'neyman /i /i um'bled : ' uvenalia A *?"" our'ney-work ^> ^vX Jum'bler oust' ^i f, Jum'bling /;^aj> lzs>f uvenes'cence uvenes'cent C*- T oust'ed ^>_x Jump u'venile / A., oust'er ^, /J^_ Jumped uvenil'ity If* oust'ing Jump'er uxtaposi'tion /* A o'vial fl^, /*j Jump'ing /" ^"~ ovial'ity Tunc'tion A /A Jo'vially A., / Junc'ture r Jowl ' '"J, * June K l^ 1^ Jowl'er / /, ' Joy ^-<- c - un'gle un'ior A^. J.:.. .-/* ly e r d , /i /.^ unior'ity _r. _.jX Kaff'er v- Joyful ' i u'niper ' *" Kai'ser .^ /"? Joy'fully (j Cfj Joy'fulness is- U unk unk'et / ?q- Kale *^\ Kaleid'oscope KALEIDOSCOPIC 134 KNAVISH 71- f- Kaleidoscop'ic J ^X_ ' Ka'li tnS^-x -rffly Ker'seymere ' ' Kes'trel ^_p -^, Kind'ness ' Kin'dred sfS* T- Kal'somine /- 1 - Kal'muck ~7 -y Ketch X Ketch'up ^ _^ ; Kine Kinemat'ic ^/T^ __,-^ t Kamptu'licon _/- _/T- Ket'tle J _ t _. __ > ^_ i) Kinemat'ical Kam'sin ^ Ket'tle-drum v ' Kinemat'ics A ~-J" Kangaroo' 7 ~~ s ^ - Kant'ian X, D Kev'el T Kex . o Kinet'ic ^^ v Kinet'ics ~$_^ \J Kant'ism \j. Key ^v King Kant'ist *^ Key'-board ^^ ^ Kingbird _ ./*. ~^\ , Ka'olin 1 iy Keyed ^~~\ ^, Kinjpcrab U " Ka'tydid ' Ke>-Tiole ~^ King-craft _,. Kavass' ** -' Kaw sP s ^ a Key*- stone " Khan ~^~^\ King*cup _/- x Kayle ^ Keb ~~Y 1 Khan'ate Khedive' S "'t- N o; ' .. _ King'dom r. Keb'lah N " " KecTcle , Kib'ble ~^ Kib'bled *-H s^- King'fisher y LJi King'like _^_ Kec'kled " KecTding -\. v Kibbler ^N * Kibe w < ^ King'liness . O Kindling ^. . Keck'sy ). = Keck'y _^ Kibed v KibitTca -^ _^ Kindly Kingpost ~TJ __ Kedge -^ Ki'by ^? *r7 King's-e'vil ' * Kedged *" ' Kick \ King'ship 7 ~7 Kedg-er j _^ Kicked **-] Kink " ' Kedg-mg Kick'er ^^ > Kin'kajou _T -Jl Keel ' Keel'age ._ Kick'ing -^" Kick'shaw sjc v^p, Ki'no 1 Kins'folk Keeled ' * Keel'er -i -n Kid 1 ' Kid'der xr^ Kins'man "^ ^"^ Kins'woman /- y\ KeelTiaul _T I Keel'hauled 1 - ~T Kid'derminster *~** .1 Kid . dle \ j-jp y" s "' i-^, Keel'hauling f ' Keel'ing I. l-^-' Kid'dow ' Kid'ling % ^_, Kip'per ' Kip'skin __^~^ ~7 Keel'man *" Keel'son ~^^^ I Kid'nap \ > Kid'napped >X_ =7 Kirk 'l^ Kirsch'wasser -, -0 Keen ~^^\ 1 Kid'napper =0]- Kir'tle ? ' Keen'er N ' \ Kid'napping Kir'tled --2| f- Keen'- eyed 1 ' Keen'ly ~~1 _J\_ Kid'ney Kil'derkin Kis'met "^ Kiss _ > _P \> Kecn'ness Keep r -/I Kiu ' ' Kill'dee ^, ./ Kissed ~ Kiss'er % \. Keep'er .-^ Killed _o . _ Kiss'ing Keel'ing Kit ~^. -. Keep'sake Keeve ^ ^ Kill'ing ' Kiln 1 ~~1. Kit'cat +- J Kitch'en i 1v /"l v Ki!n'-dried ~7 -TT Kitch'ener ~ ^ Kefp Kiln'-dry Kite . 3 Kemp Ken f\v __f- N Kiln'-drying s Kil'ograra ~( _/ % -' Kith KH'ling ^ ^ Ken'nel Ken'neled / g ~ Kilogram'metre T] =-Xr-^ Kit 'ton Kleptoma'nia _^^^ ^, Ken'neling j^~~- ~~[^^ Kil'olitre = j Klick ' Ken'tle (C Kil'oraetre 1 Klirked _/7 Kent'ledge Kept ^ Kilt r <^ Kilt'ed v ^\ ^^ Knab '- Knabbed a-, /*. Ker'asine i. Kilt'ing ^v .v_> Knab'bing ^"^ -^ N Kerb ^ Kira'bo ^ ' Knack _y\ e"? Kerb'stone J- i- Ker'chief T, Kin -? ._' . Kind v_s .-^ Knnck'or - Knag ^-, , Ker'chicfed 6 / Kerf r ? ^^ Kin'der-garten ^ ^> *^i : Knag'giness Kn. >, ,, Ker'raes ^ ^ Kern ./[ Y Kind-lieart'ed ' Kin'dle *^-^\.. : ~-^ Knap'sack " Knap'weod ^_ Ker'nel ^ ^V Kin'dled ^^N c Knar Ker'neled Kin'dler ^ Knarled .TTJ, .^u- Ker'nely ' * Ker'osene s~^y "f Kind'liness v '"' Kin'dling VV V\^-' Knave Knav'ery "^ Ker'sey _^-. Kind'ly VV^y 1 Kna'vish KNAVISHLY 135 LADY'S-FINGER "*V VV^ - Kna'vishly ., ^x_L Known x- ~*- J (^ Lac'cine XX Kna'vishness 1 Knuc'kle Lace w ^ 1 Knead ^ "-^V Knuc'kled _ ^\. Laced ^ .1 Knead'ed P Knuc'kle-duster ' Lac'erable 1 Knead'er ^_^ ^y Knuc'kling (~& -ft\ Lac'erate Knead'ing ' Knurl ' t Lac'erated T" -~N Knee Knee'-cap <^ *y Knurled ' Knurl'y s&*J =J Lac'erating /^ Lacera'tion - \ Kneed Knee'-deep y .. Koa'la 1 " ' X Ko'ba xc$^1 /^T Lac'erative (; J- ' Lacer'ta ^f 7 Knee'-joint Kneel . Koh i ' ' N Ko'kob P .Xl Lacer'tian * r J Lacer'tine *~-s *~r' Kneeled 1 Koo'doo --, ,-C~* Lache TT J Kncel'er ^ \\^ Ko'peck '-^ (1 Lach'rymal \s ^ Y -r Kntel'ing Knee'pan Knelt ^ , Ko'ran i ' 6 Kou'miss X f Kour'bash > ^ Kraal .j=~^~^ ff^/' Lach'rymary * C Lach'rymatory ,* 1" /^ Lach'rymose Lac'ing "^ o (?>" N f Knew 5 ^ ^~S? Krak'en ( ^TD Lack ~^Xv Knickerbockers Knick'-knack Krem'lin =jf> ^ Kre'osote y Kreutz'er ^ ' Lackadai'sical n(^~~\ Lackadai'sy Lack'aday * Knife , Krout / i / Lacked Vev V-, Knife'-board "* ^~ Kru'ka Lack'ey '* JX V"*"* Knife'-cleaner 7~^\ i Krul'ler f | . j. Lack'eyed Xj. 3 ^ Knife'-grinder " ' Ku'fic ' Lack'ey ing V Knight _Y ^ Ku/ril & Lack'ing *7 ~-i Knight'age " v ' " Ky'anite (. Lack'lustre V Knight'ed _^rj ^_ Ky'anize f ^^ ! /~\ ~ * ! Lacon'ic ~~vk ^i^"- Knight-er'rant v ' v v- * K>-'anized Lacon'ical - Knight-cr'rantry ^ R ^ .. Ky'anizing f ^-- c ' f~\~~ J \ Laconically vl vY Knight'hood v 7 ^*-^ /" Kyr'ie "~^ Lacon'icism X 1 ^.5 Knight'liness Knight'ly /J ._ K)-riolog'ical / ^_?^^ s* Lac'onisra Lac'quer Knit ^ c Lac'quered ^-1 v Knit'table Knit'ter Knit'ting T Lac'quering / V,) f \/. Lac'tarine ' Lac'tary ' Knit'ting-nee'- j / . . f !. Lac'tate "t ^-A Knit'tle [die * Lacta'tion ,1 v^ Knives /" r La f 1^-- f ]" Lac'teal f-A ;~\ Knob ' "* La ! Lac'tean ^v? "H\ Knobbed Knob'biness (\^ f\/^ Lab'adist j. Lab'arura / 1 S 1- Lactes'cence 1. kj>>- * Lactes'cent Knob'by /^ / ^ La'bel f [_. f~~\ Lac'tic .^_> j~~~ Knock ' La'beled ~~ ' vcq Lactiferous Knocked ._ ^..^-^ La'beling f p x" :x -2' Lactom'eter ^-f '~^ Knock'er ''^^ ' Label'lum Lacu'na ' Knock'ing ^ (^\f La'bent f <^-5 x" ^ Lacu'nar Knock'-kneed ' La'bial Lacu'in ise ' ' Knoll (^*\ T ^'Kiofo /^TSL^ f~~^\ Lacus'tral V ^-^ Knollol Knoll'ing **M ija oiaie * ^y Labio-dent'al Lacus'trine /n HLA Lad \ \ ? ^\y Knop f^\ (\/\/- La'bor Lad'anum Knop'pern Lab'oratory f^\ /<~[ Lad'der Knot -^ ^\^^ La'bored Lade -~ '~^ / Knot'berry '' i La'borer ,-, /H. Lad'ed ^r^ 1 i 1 Knot'grass . (~^C%. La'boring '" Lad'en Knot't,-:! f-^J ' Labo'rious /tl ff Lad'ing j . ' Knot'tiness s-L f X~* -^\^ Laboriously La'dle ^Jj Knot'ting ' N/^ '" a^ La'borsorae /^T /O La'dleful M. - A Knot'ty Knout .y^ ^4 Lab'radorite ? v La'brosr Q_ ' La'dy XI. /H La'dv-bird ^^ Kno\\- x J X s _ x -\ f'X^y Labur'num .|- La'dy-day i ^\ Know'able k. Lab'yrinth ffy^ /^V'V La'dylike ^^-v ^^~> KnowVr jXX^jy^ f^\-x Labyrin'thian / La'dylove < \ I Know'ing W ' 1* Labyrin'thine /<]. ^, LaMv's-bad' "^T Know'ingly / ^ - Lac Tf rfe straw ^ W -Y Knowl'edge Lac'cic ^-^ La'dy's-fin'ger LADYSHIP /n., _-" Lan'guished ' ' '-J Lan'guisher ^*J f^$ Lan'guishing < -^ ^ Lan'guishment Lan'guor Lanit'erous ^^^.9 Lank Lank'ness f*-' Lank'y Lan'ner Q v Lan'neret Lans'quenet i- , Lan'tern ^-^~^ Lan'thanum /^^ Lanu'jjinous Lan'y-ards fi\u Laoc'oon Laodice'an Lap'dog Lapel' Lap'ful Lapida'rian Lap'idarj- Lapides'< enre LapidesVent Lapidif'ic Lapid'ified Lapid'ify La'pis Laplander Lapp r\ ^s. 1 _ ( x Lap'per ^. Lap'pet Lap'ping ^Xg Laps'able Lapse /^vj Lapsed Lap'sided ' >T Lap'stone Lap'sus * ^-^ Lap'wing f~*\. L ar Lar'board X- .fj Lar'cenj- K Larch ^/^J Lard v Larda'ceous /^~X Lard'ed | Lard'er ' 9. Lard'ing ( La'res or I _ Large Largely Large'ness Lard'er Larufhet'to I.arghis'simo Lar'go Lar'iat Lark LARKSPUR 137 LEAL (T^v f~\~^ Lark'spur N ' *l Lar'mier O- (T[_^ Lat'inism Lat'inist XV /-\ X Law'ful " J ^ Law'fully * * "~^ Lar'um /V x-XV- Lar'va i * Lar'vae ^ XI Latin'ity ^v Lat'inize X^^ Lat'inized v Lat'inizing (\ ex xo Lawfulness -Co'^ C Law'giver N Law'less /TT^X ^ Lawlessly ;\^ x-Xy- Lar'val <*\ -,. Lat'ish < C Lawlessness It' i Lar'vated J J Lat'itat ^^7^" /X" Law'- maker -^^-1^. .-/~~1~ Laryn'geal n n~ Lat'itude x ' Lawn I ' t Laryn'gean ^* Latitud'inal /^~\_f X^l Lawn'-tennis f"^^ L Laryngi'tis 4, ^> Latitudina'rian ,__^ Latitudina'rian- % "' Law'suit X~i\ / Law'yer / x-X^-| i \ Laryn'goscope x- 7 r i \ : Laryngoscop'ic ^ ism (T?> Latitud'inous La'trant X~ Lat'ria '' Lax , e f f Laxa'tion * ' Lax'ative ^ f f f Laxity ^^^"U Laryngot'omy /! ** Lat'robite s~~ Lat'ten Lax'ly / ?- p /T" Lax'ness /^* -e Lar'ynx [ Lat'ter ' ' Lay f * Las'car - X __ Lasciv'ious r" 'Xl Lat'terly ' b ' Lat'tice /^ ^ \ ay ' Cr - ( La}- enng ? NO P Lasciv'iously Vp f N; o T * ' ^ Lasciv lousness XI Lat'ticed ** Lat'ticing -f^ ^^x Layette' '** Laying /") J, Lash X] XJ Laud f^-^ /fo^s Lay'man C ' Lashed 'N 1 v \ Laud'able La'zar _ fj Lash'er Xv '<-' Lash'ing XT XJ' Laud'ableness \. Laud'ably ,-*< A^-!- Lazaret' ' (f ' Lazaret'to r o Las ?. Las sie Lead'ing- strings if~ ,-X La'ter xV ?^ Lau'reatcship lj Leads'man / * f Lat'eral ^_jX - ' >" Lat'erally \ S Laurea'tion -/ Lau'rel X\ XV Leaf / Leafage /^ Lat'eran y\r/$ ^\ Laterifo'lious \ * (^ Lau'reled _^ Lau'restine ,^_ /\ Leafed ' ' rv ' Leaf'iness /r Lath'cr ^^^ Lav'ender x ' f i League . /) Lath'ered ,0V ,-, La'ver ' ' Leagued f* *" Lath'ering (' '' ^- La'ving f . :. Leagu'er /7 XT Lath'ing V t V Lath'y (^ ^V Lav'ish ' Lavished ' ' Leaguing f- ' / i Leak (~\ ^ Latib'ulize A^ < '\_^ > *' Lav'isher Leak'age Nfc ' Lat'iclave Lavishing f i ^J> Leaked /I . <1 Laticos'tate if '^- Latiden'tate -rC ^- Lavishly s Law LeaWiness ., - s -. Leaking A.^> X~] Latifo'lious X\ - Law'- abiding ' Leak'y Lat'in S ^ ' ' Law'-breaker x 1 Leal LEAM 138 LEVANT -x- /^ Leam f ' Lean 0? Lee'-shore Leet r^ x^^ Length'ened "^ Lengthening .,, Leaned /^ ^.^ Lee'-ward (**{ Length'ily f? f^ 9 T , Lean er ' ' Lee'way v^ Length'iness xv-5-v. .0. Lean'faced ' ' ' Lean'ing f^- I ^> < ^ | Left ' ^ Left'-handed ^^ o /^^"f Length'wise ^-y * Length'y x-^V> /r> Lean'ness x-v /-^- Left'-off XX>^P x^- 5 ^ Le'nience Leant x^ ' Leg ' Le'niency x~| /^\ Lean'- to X. \ x^= i Leg'acy x^-i /~$(^ Le'nient * * Leap 1 '. Le'gal ' Le'niently ^-v j\ Leaped xii<5 Le'galism S*^\Y Len'ified '* Leap'er x^sf^ Le'gal ist /^^ ' V Len'ify (\* x-. Leap'frog l ' * Leap'ing /^~ xc* Legal'ity Legaliza'tion rt x^^ Len'itive ' Len'ity /^\ >" Leap'-year ^)\ i Learn rt ^o Le'galize v Le'galized rr^ ff> Le'no Lons x-' :/*? Learned, z;. r Learn'ed, adj. (^ S*~ Le'galizing ' Le'gally r* f^^\. Lent Lent'en _/V f~\^ Learn'edly x Learn'er ^] f . Legatee' ^O ^VJ Lentic'ular ^v^s Lon'tifurm >xr -J" Learn'ing ( Leamt r? x-^~| x Lega'tion Lega'to ^P (~~^\ ^ Lentig'inous i r.onti'go fZ\f~ S5> Leas'able -*J] x^7 Legator* x^ f~~^~ Len'til Lease I 1 Leg'end ^ Len'to ,<= ~J-&~\ Leased ' ' i' Lease'hold ^ x^j^ Leg'endary Legerdomain' f* ' v Le'oninc '/^~ s~\ LeaseTiolder r>. 'is Leash x^n Leg'er-line 1 Legged (^ / x \ Leop'ard Lep'er x| " Leashed ' '' Leas'ing x^ f^.\ Least Leath'er x" 1 .) x"f\ Leath'ern Leath'ery ^ x ^ Leg'ging Leg'gy x^ Leg'horn \ Legibil'ity /] Leg'ible \ Leg'ibly ^ ' |- Le'pidolite '*v. Lepidop'tera x^x Lepidop'terous .g Lepido sis f~\^ s\_ Leave x^7 f^i Le'gion X^i f*\S' Lep idote ' * Leaved '(/ *^ Le'gionary Js. v Lep'orine f~\s i Leav'en ' ' Leav'en ed ^ /^-] Legislate Legislated XX /-V x-x Lep'rosy ' \ / 'x> i '[/" Lep rous (\c^, f^o Leav'ening fj_ /^t-, Legislating / Leptodac tyl Leaves Leav'ing xT I ^j^ Leg*islative ' Les'bian ' ' Leadings *" L- / (/^ Legislator xO. fz Le'sion x^? f^L. Lech'er XT-/1 f^k\ Legislature Less Lech'erous (' A\ /. Legit'imacy /O X~ Lessee' rf] S^~\ . Lech'ery s~l^ /^- Legitimate Le-is'on ^ Lec'tern ' Legitimated ^~ /" I,cssVncd ^ D :<"' Lec'tion /T-S~~ -a . Legitimately *^-' Lcss'ening f Lec'tionary f*?l ' ' Legit'imating xTTX (;_ I J l'S<'i'r x M /^l Lect'or /T ^f i Legitima'tion ' ' Les'son Lect'ure r*B e Legit'imatize f~*^/\ /f 3 Les'sor t. x*^~'l Lect'ured XT_- ^_ " Legitimist Lest ' *\ Lect'urer f^*\ x" 1 ^ Lect'ureship Lect'uring " Leg'ume ^-~ ^ Legu'men Legu'minous /"I Leis'urably i n. Let ? Le'thal /^) Lethar'gic / Leth'arg) r ' Ledge V Leis'ure fl. A* ' x^l r\ Ledg-er ;^ Led'-horse ^ ,<-N Lcis'urely > Lem'ma Lethean ,r Lethiferous /^* /^~l Lee X^^"^' / p> Lem'ming ^o Lett Leech I Lem'on *r n Let'ter /T, ^-j Leech'craft ' Leeched r^ ir- 4 Lemonade' r Le'mur ( ' Let'tered s^~~\^ Let'tering x^7 -K ' Leech'ing ,^, Lend ( r N Let'ter-paper V * Leek f A --^ Leer i** ' ^^ Lend'able /3 . Lend'er ^ rLet'ter-press Let'ten ' Leered / Lend'ing s Lrt'ter-wri'ter J*~" S^f Leer'ing r f ' Leer'ingly x^-i< Le'ne * Length Let'tuce /P Lees r V Lc-ngth'cn V) /^v Levant' LEVANTER 139 LILY ^s\ Levant'er Levant'ine Leva'tor Levee Level Leveled /-v /-V. s*\ Lev'eler f> ' > A.I Leveling ' ^ Le'ver /"V XX Le'verage / ' Lev'eret f^L. /"VC Lev'iable \ G Levi'athan S\^ . Lev'ied | Lev'igate Lexicog'rapher Lexicograph'ic Lexicog'raphy Lexicograph'- ical Lexicol'ogy Lex'icon Lexigraph'ic Lexig'raphy Ley'den Liabil'ity Li'able Li'ableness Li'aison Li'ar Li'as Liba'tion Li'bel Li'belant Li'beled Li'beler Li'beling Li'belous Li'bcr Liberal Liberalism Lib'eralist Liberal 'ity Liberalize iberalized Liberalizing Liberally Liberate Liberated Liberating /^\- Libera'tion N Liberator -^ Liberta'rian ^1 Liberticide Jv Libertine s Libertinism |_ Liberty ,. f > ^ fP "t~r Licensee' Li'censer v Li'censing =2- Licen'tiate ' Licen'tious ^4- Licen'tiously _*, Licen'tiousness Li'chen /^ Lichenog'raphy ' ' Lic'it r\ r\ a Lief Liege Li en ^v_- Lieu ] Lieuten'ancy S\ Lieuten'ant ' v ^ Life /^v Life'-belt ^ :v LifeTjlood j Life'guard 'o Life'-insurance Life'lessness 'Life'like Life'-long Life'-preserver Life'time (~* Linnae'an f^Y" <^l^ rS> Lit'eral " v Li'mature ' * Lin'net Lit'eralism -X"* x^S Limb * ' 1 Lim'bate /~f f\ >>. Lin'seed ** < Lin'sey-woolsey /t. /^Vl Lit'eralist ' ' Literal'ity _^e f- Limbed ' ' Lim'ber /^=P- ,, Lin'stock ' Lint Xly-. /^lx! Lit'erally Lit'i-r.iry /^"'S 9 s~^~s Lim'berness -X ^ Lin'tel X3- ^-n. Lit'erate Limb'ing Lion Litera'ti XT* XT& Lim'bo Lim'bus ^-s-P xX 1 Li oness iv- \ s Li on-hearted x^. ^1 Litcra'tim 1 Lit'erature x~* -^y Lime X-V^B ,-^0 Li onize <^x^ /^ Lith'arge ' ' Limed ft, v t*~ Lipoth'ymy v > Lipped /^\_ /^\3 Lip'pitude Lith'ographed /7~ ^ ^T"^ Lithog'rapher ' ' V Lithograph'ic ;S~^^r x^^-****"' Lim'ner " >- Lip'- salve /^C_ Lithograph'ic- Lim'ning /^-i. ,- /^ Lithographing '^^ Lithog'raphy ~* f j ^\ Lim'per '' Lim'pet /-~t x-"1 Lim'pid ;|. Limpid'ity ^ j \^ Liquefi'able x- . /^ c i__^ Liq'uefied ' *\ Liq'uefier (* w / < ~^ Liq'uefy ^- " Liq'uefying fV lf/1 Lithoid'al If" -it Litholog'ic (\rt (Tjn Litholog'ically ' Lithol'ogy (\~ ' *~*n Lith'omancy " ' Limp'ing X"*-/ X"~* Limp'ingly ^Ciiiix. ^CJQ^X Liques'cency Liques'cent s . Lithontrip'tic Lim'y xo /^~1 Lin .x" ^ t j Liqueur* / .1 Liq'uid /T" f\~ Lithoph'a^ous '^7 V, Lith'ophane Linch f^~~f f^~~\- Linch'-pin >g " Lin'den ' ] /c- : Liq'uidate i Liq'uidated (T~ __i Lith'otint \). f*^ Lith'otome ._- /TH- Lithot'omist ' Lin'eage v/~ %^\ Lin'eal C ( Lineal'ity ^C-j. (*~~\ Liquidating t< Liquida'tion (^ (**\ /c . Liq'uidator I- 1 <~fe Liquid'ity ' t ^ s> Lithot'omy /Tx-1 /-I Lithot'rity 1 f .Lj r -L: Lit igant .1. Lit'igate "X- f*3 Lin'eally ' Liq'uidize ^K ^1 Lit'igated [ Lin'eament f3>\ f^ Lin'ear / < - j v ^~\j Liq'uidized -b \^ Liq'uidizing ~ ' ' Lit'igating /n_3 /^l Litiga'tion Lin'eation ^ f^P Lined .fr- - i- '? Liq'uor ' 1 Liq'uorice ' Lit'i^ator Lin'en /<< /JN Lis'bon '. ' Lit'mus f~^r>'\ f^~^ Lin'en -dra 'per ' S, Lin'er Lisp /**. ,-e\ Lisped /L-^^ x^ 5 Litram'eter f Li'tre ~? r^ Ling Lin'ger .^ /^-^-S Lin'gered Lisp'er ^. / .^, List ' ' Lit'tering s^? C**~\^ Lin'go n List'ed v^~ ,/^^ f) Lit'tle ' t^ Linguadent'al /"^-/ Lit'toral ' ' ^^X-^ Lin'guiform ^ X List'ened ^' ^ Litur'gic /~^*& C^^ Lin'guist ' : Linguist'ic k* List'ener ^^ .0. List'ening >/ M Litur '_ / ^ d - : r * Lit'urgy / SJ: -!f f** Linguist'ical ^^^ List'ing S\* f^\ Live i-i Lin'iment XQ,,j ./^T ' Live -r>. ^ ' Lin'ing i Y' or xo Ijist less ^ ^ Lived, w . ' v Link xn$^ s^ s> List'lessly ' Lived, aifj. f*^ >^ / ->_# LinkTjoy j ' List'lessness f\jT\ f\f**~^ Livelihood ' Linked ^ ^Tx Lit v ' v Live'liness r^ Link'ing ""' Lit'any f\j^^-' Live'long LIVELY HI LOOSENESS r* ' '- r^r^ -, ' v - Live'ly Liv'er Liv'eried Liv'erwort Liv'ery Liv'eryman Lives Lives, //. Live'stock Liv;id Liv'idness Liv'ing Livo'nian Li'vre Lixiv'ial Lixiv'iate Lixiv'iated Lixiv'iating Lixivia'tion Lixiv'ium ' Liz'ard Lla'ma Lo Loach Load Load'ed Load'ing Load'star Load'stone Loaf Loafer Loafing Loam Loam'y Loan Loaned Loan'ing Loath Loathe Loathed Loath'ing Loath'some Loath'someness Loaves Lob Lo'bate Lo'bated Lob'by Lob'byist Lob'by - mem'ber Lobe Lobe'lia Loblolly ^ Lob'ular Lob'ule N Lo'cal Lo'calism g Local'ity Localiza'tion Lo'calize Lo'calized - Lo'calizing Lo'cally I.o'cate Lo'cated Lo'cating /C [ Loca'tion Lo'cative Loch Lock Lock'age Locked Lock'er Lock'et Lock'ing Lock'ist Lock'jaw Lock'-out Lock'smith (Z ' v^ Lock'-up i Lo'co-foco Locomo'tion Lo'comotive Loc'ulament Loc'ular Loc'ulous Lo'cum tenens Lo'cust Lode Lodge Lodged s-y Lodge'ment s ' Lodg'er Lodg'ing-house Loft'ily ILoft'iness . Loft'y F~L~* Log: " !> ^~ s Log'arithm Logarith'mic Log'-book Logged Log'gerhead Log'-house s~A n. Log'-hut Log'ic /7 /7 Log'ical lc ' ~~'f Log'ically ri 02 Logi'cian x \ . Logis'tic <7 *? Logis'tical J . C Log'-line Log'ogram Logograph'ic Logog'raphy Logom'achist Logom'achy Logom'eter Logomet'ric Log'os Log'otype Log'wood Loin Loi'ter Loi'tered Loi'terer Loi'tering Loll Lol'lard j, " f Cc c~* c Lol'lardism Lolled Loll'ing Lol'lipop Lom'bard Lombard'ic Lo'ment Lon'doner ' Lone Lone'liness Lone'ly Lone'some Lone'someness Long Long'-boat Long'-bow Long'-cloth ' Long'-clothes Longed Long'er, n. ' Lon'ger, adj. Lon'gest Longe'val Longev'ity - Longe'vous Long'hand ft Long'-headt d Longim'anous Long'ing Long'ish Lon'gitude Longitud'inal Long'-lived Long'-run Long'- sight Long- sight'ed Long-sight'ed- Long'-stop [ness Long-suffering ' Long-wind'ed Long'wise Loo Loo'by Loof Look Looked Look'er D Look'ing Look'ing-glass Look'-out Loom Loomed Loom'ing Loon Loop Looped Loop'er Loop'-hole Loop'-holed Loop'ing Loose Loosed Loose'ly Loos'en Loos'ened Loose'ness LOOT 142 r\ % XI. < Loot Loo'-table C Lop J" Lophi'odon Lop^>er \^-V x^V Lord'-like // & r-i /Q Lopsid'ed Loqua'cious Loqua'ciously Loquac'ity or I Lord Lord'ed Lord'ing Lord'liness Xx" Lord'ling Lord'ly 'S Lord'ship or xS Lord>s - su P'- Lore Lorgnette' Lor'icate Lor'icated Lorica'tion Lorn Lo'ry Lose Los'er Los'ing Loss Lost Lot Lote'-tree Loth Lo'tion Lot'tery Lot'to Lo'tus Loud Loud'ly / Loud'ness ~* Lough x^-iy Lou'is d'or ' / Lounge >i Lounged ' Loung'er X/P Loung'ing ' Louse , Lou'sy Lout XI Lout'ish - Lum-brical Lu'minary Luminif'erous Luminos'ity Lu'minous Lump Lumped Lump'er Lump'ing Lump'ish Lump'ishly Lump'y Lu'na Lu'nacy Lu'nar Luna'rian Lu'nate Lu'nated Lu'natic Luna'tion Lunch Lunched Lunch'eon Lunch'ing Lune Lunette' Lunge X^V Lunged Lung'ing Lung"wort Lu'niform Luniso'lar Lunt Lu'nular Lu'nulate Lu'nulated Lu'percal Lu'pulin Lurch LURCHED 143 MAGNIFICENTLY ~yt /Ov Lurched 1 Lynched s-^. O Mad'ded f / Lurch'er ' ' . Lynch'ing J Mad'den ^yl x"^ Lurch'ing ' Lure r^ ' t~ ^fLynx vl Lynx'-eyed ^^ -n. Mad'dened J ' Mad'dening J> y\ Lured ^ ^ Ly'ra <~~] ^. Mad'der f i ' Lu'rid (7 * Ly'rate Mad'ding f ~\ /^~/\ Lu'ring ^ n N Ly'rated ^ ,- Made ~ Lurk (7 1 Lyre *"* Madei'ra s-^. N Lurked -" Lyr'ic f ^^ ^ Lurk'er r r Lyr'ical Mad'house i^7\ . Lurk'ing * > <. Lurk'ing-place /O /^^ Lus'cious ^ f ^ Lyr'icism Lyr'ist Lyte'rian ^ r<-i Mad'ly Mad'man l"i_P ' r ~l~ Mad'ness > - Madon'na Lus'ciously / _> o? - x-^__ Magazine' fP Lust -v X ~ N __ Mab ^,3 <^-, - Mag'dalen so /\o Lust'ed r^ c-r~i -^ Macadamiza'- /r ~ s ~^ Magellan'ic ' v ~ C Lust'ful (fy /fl Lust'ily tion -i- Macad'amize ^^^ '^^ Magen'ta n Mag'giore S 5 Lust'iness v& V" Macad'amized T^_ ^T~l ^ a ''S ot ,_. /v^lx- Lust'ing ^ Lus'tral ^"~W Macad'amizing ' Mag'goty ^> ^w Ma'gi /fl- /?5[. Lus'trate ^ ' s~- __/*^ Macaro'ni V " Ma'gian ~ Lustra'tion /o /^l Lus'tre / ^_y'> ^ Macaron'ic Macaroon' Mag'ic ^ - ! Mag-ical v '"* Lus'tring ^-^ Macaw' O ' r ~7 Mag'ically /?)- K%-. Lus'trous <^~. ^ O ^ Maccabe'an *'*! ^ Magi'cian Lus'trously ^LU /s^j Lus'trum Mac'coboy i-^C 3 -^ Magic-lant'ern Lust'y (\a ^Ix 9 Lu'tanist ' " Luta'rious ^T^ Mace'-bearer ,; Macedo'nian Mac'erate x-^_/\ 'V . Magilp' \^-f Magisterial /"] x, Luta'tion ' u Lute ^1 /I, Lut'ed ^^ _, Mac'erated Mac'erating fj Macera'tion eft* * Magiste'rially \f [ Magistracy '* Lu'teous /t 5 ] x^ Lute'string v-> '' J Lu'theran ^vr-^ " Machiave'lian ^ Machiave'lian- isra O ^ ^ Magistrate f- ' ~ Mag'ma '"> X[" 'v^ ; Mag'na Charta X^V /^ Lu'theranism ^w~~VyX5~^ ^ 7 .,- Mach'iavelism j Magnanim'ity ** Lu'thern i Machic'olate x-^ '"^^ /"' Magnanimous r\- f^\- Lut'ing ' Lu'tose ^^Al Machic'olated "^^ ^To Magnan'imously f '-f Lu'tulent ^./O <^^-r Machicola'tion Magne'sia '1 Lux'ate -> Mach'inal <~~ ^j < ~ ^, Magne'sian x-^f x ^e Lux'ating Mach'inate Magne'sium Luxa'tion ^ Mach'inated <~ v >: ~" ^x 'Mag'net i,x*o i X s ? Luxu'riance X O > O w | T , . ' t Luxu nancy r^^ r- -, Mach'inating Machina'tion Magnet 'ic "T^ 'R Mag'netism x *-tfJ /^~T5 Luxu'riant ' Luxu'riate o -Q f ci Machine' Machin'ery Mag'netize '1? 'p Mag'netized i_^Jl x- 1 2 N -' Luxu'riated ' Luxu'riating ^ r^ ^" Machinist Mack'erel 'N Mag'netizer T? ^^- <] Mag'netizing ij> i,5(f^ Luxu'rious 'T-^ ^_ Mackintosh Magne'to-elec'- ^ "" ^ ' Luxuriously ^ -^e. ~ Mack'le tric I'' -~ - A" Lux'ury ,~^ g-^ ^_ ^~^ Mac'rocosm [^--^1 Magne'to-elec- ^ I x.Lycan'thropy Macrom'eter tric'ity xtS^ ^1^ Lyce'um x- X~\_/. X-N _ ,j Mac'ula '"^-^ "-fc^x : Magnetom'eter ' v Lyd'ian Mac'ulate Magnetomet'ric /^ '^"^ Lye /r] / Mac'ulated ^P___^ '^T' Magne'to-mo'tor Ly'ing " Mac'ulating "~~^ ^ : Magnific (v^~^~^ s^~\ Lying-in' /O ,^ Macula'tion *^ ^VD Magnificat Lymph " ...;.. - Mad | ^*u> jjagniflcenca f^~~^i s^-f Lymphat'ic x-^-^ <*: v Mad'am x-v ^vV Magnificent L, ' ' Lynch ' Mad'cap VQ^ ^ LC ~j r ' Magnificently MAGNIFIED 144 MANGER Mag'nified Mag'nifier Magnifying Magnil'oquence Magnil'oquent Magnitude Magno'lia Mag'num Mag'pie ' r ~J~ Mag'yar *~^~* Mahog'any or ^^^j'Mahom'etan ^_o Mahom'etanism " * Mahout' ~^^\ Maid J Maid'en X7 "J Maid'enhair j.f Maid'enhood - ' T i. Maid'en-like f^ Maid'enly 1 -X* 1 Maidma'rian ** Maid'-servant .^ Mail ' ivrs Mail'able i ^/^~ r l Mail'-cart ' Mail'-coach r _^-^f Mailed Mail'ing ^^ Maim Maimed / ^- b Maim'ing Main '~ r ~~( Main'land Main'ly xr^ssy Main'mast ^ Main'prise ' T s> Main'sail ^ Main'spring '"" 1. Main'stay Maintain' ^^_^ Maintainable ^ " 3' Maintained' ^^ |. Maintain'er ''* Maintaining ^_^ Main'tenance Maize i_: Majes'tic Majes'tically or / Maj'esty _. '-ry Majpl'ica Ma'jor f-^, s*^ Ma'jor-domo ' Ij I Ma'jor-general Major'ity i Mai'us'cule ~ Make s ^~~\ Make"bait I V Make'-believe T--, Mak'er <-. Make'- shift \ ,~ Make'- up "* Make'-weight TN Mak'ing Mal'achite Malacol'ogy Maladministra'- tion Maladroit' Mal'ady Mal'aga Mal'anders Mal'apert ( Malapropos' Ma'lar Mala'ria Mala'rious Ma'late Malay' Mai ay 'an Mal'content Male _f. Maledic'tion I.Malefac'tor ^ Malefic Malev'olence Malfea'sance Malforma'tion Ma'lic ; Malic'ious Malic'iously Malic'iousness Malign' Malig'nancy Malig'nant Maligned' Malign'er Malig-n'ing ^-- Malig'nity Malign'ly '' Maling'er Maling'cred alin'gt-rer Maling'ering Mal'ison Mal'kin Mall, v. Mall (a walk) Mal'lard Malleabil'ity Mal'U-able ' Mal'leate Mal'leated Mallea'tion Mailed Malle'olar Mallet Mal'ling Mai 'low Mal'lows Malm Malm'sey Malprac'tice Malt Malt'ed Maltese' Mal'tha _ Malthu'sian Malt'ing x^li '' Maltreat' Maltreat'ed Maltreafing i-'ment J Malt'slcr s Malva'ceous Malversation Mam Mam'el(jn Mam 'el uke Mamma' Main'mal , Mamma'lia Mammalian Mammal'ogy Mam'mary Mam'mifc-r Mammit'erous Mam'mitorra ^_yCl Mam'milary Mam'milated " " Mam'mon Mam'monist -^ Mara'moth ^_ Mai ' Man'acled "~fl Man'. ' Mai "^ Mai:' ) Man'agement I Mar.' r ^_ Alar,' Man'akin f . Man. ^f Manchineel' ! Ma;'' ^ Mam! ^. Mandarin' Ma;:' "'j Man'datory \ Mar,' Mandib'ular Mandib'ulate *l Alan 'din : ; -]_ Man'doline Man'drake --'Y Man'drel Man'dril |^, ManMucate " Manduca'tion vj Mane Manege' -\ Ma'nes ( Man 'ful ^ v. Man'fully Man'gaby Manganese' Mangane'sian _, -r^ ^ Mangan'ic ' Mange i-* Mangel-wur'zel ^ 1 M^an'ger MANGINESS U5 MARROWY ' Tv ~/ . 'T v * Man'giness ^"^jP '. f Man'suctude '' = ~~i ^$ : Mare's'-tail " Man'gle J 1 Man'tel r~ ' Margar'ic r-~- r ^" < >. Man'gled ' Man'gler *~~~^- < ~^1 Man'telet ./ Man'tiger s^f"^ '" v ~"7 Man'grove ' Man'gy <~~^-^[ ?--, Man'tle Man'tled , //, ~^ 3 Margina'lia Mar'grave *s f~~~~] Man 'hater f~^~a '' Man 'hood <~^~( /r ~~^\ Mant'ling " Man'tua ^f\~> ^S*- Mar'gravine Mar'igold ,. Ma'nia *~~ \^r ^"^ Man'tua-maker s-^/ 1 ' ^-^"^ Marine' ' " ' Ma'niac ~ Man'ual Mar'iner <"~^"" , . _; Mani'acal ^^(i r ^~li__ Manuduc'tion /" /?\ Mariol'ater ^ Maniche'an "j " Manuduc'tor /T< '^ Mariol'atry ,-_^^_j < ^^f~ Man'ichee Manichee'ism ;: >-,_ Manufactory ,~^ ,/^~ Marionette' < ^ r ' *~^* Mar'ital f^-r* ^""A^ Man'ichord T~A '"^"^v Manufac'- ^/\^i, ^-~yT' Mar'itime Man'ifest M or ture ~^ ' *"> Mar'joram *~'^V ' ~^fi Manifesta'tion ^N, Manufactured /~ ,- Mark ^^ *~*S -\T 1 J J- \ Manifestable ^^-X^^ /~^X__ Manuf- Marked ^-~^~ s-^/~ M^ark'er <~^\>, <-^-v Manifested \^" ' act'urer Mar'ket Manifesting '"~~-\_ ^ Manufacturing ,- ^X s-^]- Marketable <~ VP ^"^"A^p Manifestly ^^-^^ Manumis'sion Mar'ket-day \- Manifes'to '""-A' <~^-= Man'ifold r~ ^ n Manumit' .1 < ~~~-^~^ Manumit'ted ^y^^ Mar'ket -gar'den ' " ~ "~ Man'ikin <~Y O-*- Manil'la (~~-^S ^^ Manumitt'ing ! Manure' .-^-^ MarTcet-gar'- f"* dener <-^_x ^^\""> Man'iple f ^ ^~"^\ -Alanured ' ** A ^\ Manur'er Mar'ket-man ^ Manip'ular ^^t/' *~*\ Manu'rial i ^y ! \- c ^y^^ Mar'ket-place r^-s\ f~>-\jf] Manip'ulate "' Manur'ing Mar'ket- voman Manipulated -~^-JS^> ^^_9 ^ Man'u- / ^~J ^"^ Mark'ing < \^J. ' \/o Manipulating script Marks'man Manipula'tion i-N^-" ^-^. Manx ^^^~6^v f~ Marks'manship ^_. - ^- Manipulative Man'y < Marl yi.^^^S ' Manip'ulator ^^- J~\ Mao'ri ..-/P c~> . <""],. Ma'n is Map Marled Man'ito ^ ~N. Ma'ple ^^ ^-/^\_1 Mar'line _-. r~y v Mankind' 1 Mapped o Mar'linespike L Man'like ^-<\ ^\ Map'pery ( -^^' c-J^-' Mar'ling <~~^/ " ! ~*~-f Man'liness ' Map'ping Marl'pit S 9 / Man'ly j , \2ySx Man-mid'wife rx - Mar > r* 1 v Mar'abou <~f' c~^\ Marl'y o Mar'malade r^/v \ Man-mil'liner ^/*~f' ^~^ -Z M^aranath'a c-^-tft Man'nerism : ~~ / ^ * Maraud'er " r ^^ N Marone' Man'nerist ^^A. *~~^s Maraud'ing ^./^ ^~J^\ Mar'onite < ~*^-f ' r ~^-r Man'mrliness v ]- Marave'do Maroon' S 9 (. Man'nerly ^/^ A Mar'ble ^y~^ ^^/ Manceu'vre ^*V* N - / Mar'bling '^ Marquee' ' Mana-u'vred ' ~^^ ' *^\ Manceu'vrer _. s~P Marc <^ "^ vl Mar'casite /& / ^j ;] Mar'quess Mar'quetiy ' ' Manoeuvring .-^s\ ^s Marces'cent ^^f? ^__y c -P Mar'quis ^~^_^' '<~^-~~. Man-of-war' ^ ' March ' Mar'quisate \ Manom'eter , s-*/l Marched ^^ I Marred =~>--~^ < ~^- Manomet'rical ^^ March'er Mar'riago < j_. Man'or ^-^1 ^~yf" March'ing ^/.l' A Mar'riagtable " r ~ e ~~\ ' r ~^f Man'or-house ^ Mar'chioness v ^~~~^ 1 A r i i \ -Married *' " I Mano'rial <--^f s~^$ Mar'cid y^ ^^ ( Mar'rier <~& ^-^o^Xi Manse 1 Marcid'ity <~*^ Mar'row Man'-sen-ant 'TX ~i> Mare , vC*\ ^ ^\- Mar'row-bone < --^ Man'sion 1 *^ Mare'schal Mar'rowfat 7^0r^_^ Man'slaughter '^~~\ y Mare's'-nest ^-/^ ' Mar'rou}' MARRY 146 MAYBE , v^ _/^* Marty f ~ v ^ Martying ^_^5 f ~\_ Mas'siness Mas'sive n_ 'r ( Mathematics <~-x "g~ Mars <^)^^ < ~ ir Mas'siveness 1-Y O Mathe'sis < ~~^ Marsa'la Mass'-meeting <3 d - Mat'in s~*s^} /J Marsh J -^ Mar'shal ^ ^-^4 Marthalsea ^ <- Mas'ter-builder <^s n Mas'tered ^ ^"'L Mat'rass b Mat'rice /-^^L/C Marsh'-mallow < - . <~S| Mas'tering 1 ; Mas'terkey ^ <~^ Mat'ricidal ^f Mat'ricide r~S)/* s-^} Marsh'-marigold *"*^ ' Marsh'y r-tfy-. <^\ Mas'terly >o Mas'terpiece <~*\ . Matric'ulate ^1 Matric'ulated .-^"v^" -~^\JX. Marsu'pial " """^ Marsu'pium ^~^V Mart <-O; ^5 Mas'tership I- Mas'terstroke ;> ' " Matric'ulating c ~rj Matricula'tion *\_^, Matrimo'nial ^ N Martel'lo ^^-^ y Marten <~ B \ nJ] Mas'ter-work >V_ Mas'tery ^v' t ~~~ f Mat'rimony { ~*T Mat'rix ,-V c ' Martial ^<'^ Mast'-head LJD u Mat'ron ^_> ^ Martin Martinet ,_ v ^x ^-> Martingal Marti'ni " Mas'tic <^| <""*> Mas'ticable ^"^ 'T Mas'ticate %. I Mas'tiff -n Mat'tock ^^ Mat'tress Martyring 1~ ^^ Mas'todon b Mat'urate ^-YT. .-"- " Martyrol'ogist r* *~4- Mat " Matura'tion * V7 ^y\. Martyrol'ogy ( Mar'vel Mat'adore ^7 O- Match oct ^^ Mat'urative Mature' ^v/S- ~^V Mar'veled ' S Match'able > Matured' ' \s Mart'eling ^_ < n Matched ,-VX/^ A. ^ Mar'velous ** X ^fatch'er y^ 1 "f- Mature'ly <~J^** MarYelously O O Match'ing T~-^ Matures'cent .^ ^__/^ Mas'cle / Matc-h'Iess >^ ^JA Matur'ing *~a' "^^ Mas'culine O. < "2_ < __ Matchlock *r^ Matu'rity O O Mash Match'maker ^> Matu'tinal -^ f Mashed < ~}_^_ ^ Match'making V 1 s _ ?' Maud < ~ f~j >[ash'er ' Mate 7 Maud'lin r <-' Mash'ing O .--v Mash'y O. ^i~. Ma'te Mat'ed in /" Mau'gre Maul ^ 5_2H Mask < __ ^ s _ Masked , ^^ Mat'elote ** ' Ma'ter r> ^/^^ Mauled ~' Maul'ing . : Mask'er < *^"^- s^ 5 ^ Mato'rial ^/^- ^ Maul'stick !AIask'ing Mate'rialism % Maund -^TI-- Masquerad'ed ^__^- ^> Mate'riel ^^^ T] Maw _^A -A Masquerad'er ' i Mater'nal . > - ^ Mawk'ish s~. ^^ Mass i ""1 O Mater'nity 4. ( Math <^^ s~ Ma\v'-\vurm * Maxil'la - Mas'sacre _-_y Mas'sacred ^(j^ . or ^ Mathemat'ic ^-P v . .' Max'illar <^f Max'illary $"-- "-^ Mas'sacrer . . O Mas'sacring {^ or ( Mathemat'ical r-^v: <~^ tp Max'illiform- "X-, Max'im '~^~ Mass'age ^ <~W Mass'-book '"? / s ' W cr ( Mathemat'icallj <^ e^- ^ Max'imum -- '^ May >^ ! ' Mas'seter ^7 ' T> \ '"X \r -TI '"V Mas'sicot ^~1 Mathematician U MAYDAY 147 MEMBRANIFORM '~ r \, ^* May'day / ^ N r i ^_jT-^ Mechanog'ra- ^y^' , _ t ~, M^eet'ly ^~A May'flower / ' r X '-if May'hap N *** May'hera .-, -^^^-r-^ Mech'lin / *^- ! -^ ' ' Mecom'eter Meg'acosra ^-^S[ ^-^_/{ Meg'alith Megalith'ic ^-^_, '~ r 'i~\ May'ing May'or ^ . j ^J~ Meco'nium 1 Med'al '^r i/ ^^~ Megalo'nyx ' I ~TY'| /T >\ May'oralty ' ) May'oress : ^ Medal'lic * Medal'lion ^^ . j$& Megalosau'rus ^ Maz'ard ^/^> yj Med'alist ff ' Med'alurgy ' y Megathe'rium s-ft^ 3 ' x-j>, Mazarine' T . Med'dle ^^^,^ V^j Me^grime .Maze ' r Med'dled Meio'sis ^- ^ Ma'zily V" Ma'ziness ^ ^ ^f~^ Med'dler ^ Med'dlesome ^-v^-r^ Melancho'lia ^67 s~? r ~ Mazol'ogy Mazur'ka -_, ^~l u Med'dling ' Me'dia Y-j-J' Mel'ancholic f ^\ ,r , yf O- Me'dial ^yzf~' 0> . ^-^ Mel'an- j .Ma zy Me'dian choly ^^ or ' " Me , "^L Me'diant ..^^ ./- Mel'anite ^ O-~ Mead j! Medias'tine ~J- v ^f' Melee' Mead'ow "jl ^ Me'diate _f->t ^x; Mel'ilot ""^-.n 'Th Mead'ow-grass Me'diated ^ -~^'" Me'liorate Mead'ow-sweet 31^ 71 Me'diately /! /*^X Meliora'tion '"}.. ^_ < _: Mead'owy ' Me'diating ~>fc Melliferous Mea'gre ^^1- "?)v Media'tion ,-J^V x-^TV .Mellific ./-: Mea'grely *J Me'diatize ^ T3 Mellifica'tion *"* Mea'greness Ti v 1|1 Me'diatized ^~/C/ x-VX_/ Mellifluence s~ ^x^vjo Meal o 1 Me'diator ^^ ^^ Mellifluent Meal'iness ^x^-" .q v Meal'man ^/- ^ . Mediatorial L - Me'diatrix '-^Vi . Mellifluous 1 X v^ 1 ATiil'K*- ^ " Meal'tirae /T V-T Med'icable / -Mel lit ^ ^M Meal'y N -^ Med'ical ., Mel'lite Meal'y-mouthed n ^ ._ Med'ically ^^* '- v; Mel'lon x 5 <- i Mean ^ Med'icament ^-^ /\1 Mel'low Mean'der / ^^ ,_ . Med'icate Mellowed C^ , ^^ Mean'dered '^ Med'icated /-^ ^-^^P Mellowing Mean'dering ( . ^ _ Med'icating ^^ Mel'lowness s^_, ^~^-f Mean'ing "^' ^~^ Medica'tion ~f^C s~ y^t Melo'deon Mean'ingless ^~"J ^?-D Mean'ly n'~i Med'icative V" Medic'inal Melo'dious ' ' Mean'ness >Q Medic'inally Melo'diousness x-y. Means ^^ Med'icine x-^ S~A 1 ^ r 1 1 3 Mea sled o /r |. Med'itate ' '' Med'itated '~ v/v U. . Melodramat'ical ^-^ ^: Mea'sles TJ. /r ^ > Med'itating wClL /^^l Melodram'atist ^^ Mea'sly U Medita'tion Mi * ' Mel'ody CJ -"p Meas'urable ^\ <1 Med'itative ~ ., Mel'on '\ V Meas'urably ' [, V* Mediterra'nean "^ '^ r Melt ^"^ ^-^ Meas'ure Me'dium .^ x" Melt'ed Meas'ured * i Med'lar ^^ ^^ Melt'er '^Q^o ^~0 Meas'ureless / ^"' | Med'ley f- ^-J^-f Melt'ing ^ Measurement " Mcd'oc /. Melt'ingly ^~^ ^ Meas'urer "S ^" Meas'uring v- , ./ Medul'la * /rv^ Med'ullary ^ or \ Mem'ber '-> Meat or ^" Mechan'ic v,;, O, Medul'line *^ ' V Medu'sa Meed *~^-- or \ Mem'bered ' cal s~^ . Meek'en ^^^~<\ Membrana'cf- ^~. ^ f ^^ Mechan'ically ^^ ^ Meekly ^ 7 o'X OUS ^"^ Mechani'cian r ^ ^^~~^~-?~~ Mechanics "^ Meer'schaura o Mem'brane Mech'anism O Meet ' ^^\_j^ Mcmbranifer- ^~^-^a Mech'anist J Meet'en OUS ""V-^J^... Mechanog'ra- phist 'v s ^) Meet'ing ' A ' Meet'ing-house ^^C^ Membra'niform MEMBRANOLOGY 148 METAMORPHOSED Membranol'ogy Mem'branous Memen'to Mem'oir __ '-"' ' i 1.9-> > 'V Memorabil'ia Memorabil'ity Mem'orably Memoran'da Memoran'dum Menu/rial Memo'rialist Memo'rialize Memo'rialized Memo'rializing Memoriter Mem'orize Mem'orized Mem'orizing Mem'ory Mem'phian Men Men'ace Men'aced Men'acer Men'acing Men'acingly Menage' Menag'erie '-^1 Mend X Mend'able s-^t ft /~ Menda'cious t-J Menda'ciously Menda'cious- ness Mendac'ity Mend'ed -f Menin'geal Menin'ges Meningi'tis Menis'cal Menis'coid Menis'cus Men'iver Men'nonite Men'ses Men'strual Men'struate Menstrua'tion Men'struous , Men'struum \ Mensurabil'ity Men'surable Men'sural Mensura'tion Men'tal Men'tally Men'thol Men'tion Men'tionable Men'tioned Men'tioning Men'tor Mento'rial Menu' Mephistophe' lian Mephit'ic Mephit'ical Mephi'tis Meph'itism Mer'cantile Mercenarily Mercenary Mercer Mercery >f Merchandise Mer'chant _*/ Merchantable r ^ > Merchantman Mer'ciful Mer'cifully jg ;g~- Mer'ciless ^r ^s*> Mer'cilessly ? Mercu'rial Mercu'rialist Mercu'rialize Mercu'rify Mercury Merc J' Merop'idan Merovin'gian MeTrily Mer'riment Merry . Mer'ry-Andrew Mer'rv-making ." Mer'rv-thought ' an5 < MeseeW : ^T^-^., Mesenter'ic ' Ules'entery ^~) Mesh \ Meshed O Mesh'ing " Mesh'y Mesmer'ic iles'merism Mes'merist Mesmeriza'tion Mes'merize Mes'merized Mes'menzer M^es'merizing Mesne Mesoro'Ion Mes'olabe Mes'othorax Mes'ot}-pe McSS Mes'sage Messed "j Mes'senger ^^v -~^. Messi'ad V 'J Mcssi'ah Messi'ahship ' r &> Messian'ic Mes'sieurs I Mess'mate Mes'suage Mestee' M^esti'zo Met >Ietab'asis Metab'ola Metabo'lian Metabol'ic ' 7 ^3~ s j_Metacar'pal Metacar'pus Metach'ronism Mefacism Me'tage Metagram'mat- Met'al [ism Metalep'sis Metalep'tic Metallic Metalliferous Metnl'liform Met'aline Met'alist Metaliza'tion Mct'alize Met'alixed Met'alizing Met'aloid Metaloid'al Metalur'gic Met'alur^ist Met'ali Met'alman Metamer'ic Metamor'phic Metamor'phist Metamor'phose Metamorphose< METAMORPHOSIS 149 MILKER ^^S~\, Metopos'copy -^x, n { \^^1 3 Micros'copy ^ Micturit'ion ^ Mid - Metaphor'ical / -x Met'ra ^ ! .J Mid'-day T*\ ""Y Metaphorically = : Met'aphorist Me'tre ^y ' ^/- ' Met'ric Mid'den -^~ v-, Mid'dle "*""& """% Met'aphrase Met'rical ^ v Mid'dle-aged Met'aphrast ^f^~~~ ,^" a Met'rochrome ^^T-o / _/-" r;:> Mid'dle-class '^S **\ Metaphrast'ic 1 . ; Metaphys'ic ^> Met'rograph J\] ,-y~T" * Metrol'ogy Mid'dleman / ^T^^^- ; ' Mid'dlemost 'T^ ^\ Metaphys'ical ' s - : Ns Metaphysi'cian *\ ' s Met'ronome i ^/i~^~> T^\O Metron'omy Mid'dling n O Mid'dy ' t \i ' T ^:_ Metaphys'ics x Metrop'olis ' Midge N Met'aplasm \&t\ ^/\ Metropol'i- ^ ' ^T Midg'et Tr ^ ^rjo Metas'tasis I b Metastat'ic \J p tan ,_/- .,5^ Met'tle ^1 Mid'ianite Mid'land Metatar'sus "* Met'tlesome ' ' Mid'most O' xr> D Metath'esis Mew _ xv Mid'night / L_: (y Metathet'ical Mewed ^>v ^/N Hid'rib Metatho'rax s-.^ ^2- Mew'ing 9 . , Mid'riff "> "> Meta'yer v^ J7 Metazo'on Mewl _ , ^-^ Mewled ^ Mid'ship /^>) _. Mid'shipman _ ,-. Mete "' *~* ~ Mewl'er ^ ^ Midst Me'ted .v. x-j, Mewl'ing ''SI. ,~-!vX Mid'-stream ^^t-Q Metempsycho'- '"^^ " Mews ' 5 ~"^ Mid'summer 1 sis ., Mex'ican / ^r Mid' way /7 ~"% r ^N Metempto'sis "Mez'zanine Mid-wick'et D ' Me'teor ^ Mezz'o , _/ M id' wife ,_3/ * n, Meteor'ic 7*'Tj "' i Mezz'otint **^ *V^ Mid'wifery ' v Me'teorite '^Mezzotin'to -, ^_ Mid'winter A rr^ cH Me'teorograph s-g~^ '^P^ Mi'asm V^ Mien ~f( *( Meteorograph'ic - Mias'ma O ^ Miff r3?*\. -%] Meteorog'raphy s- &-S^s-i?^ Mias'mal S v Might Me'teoroid * -l Miasmat'ic /- '"7) . Might'ily ^/v /^ Me'tcorolite v 'X Meteorolog'ic x--T5> . vT 8 "! Miasmat'ical --'- ^' Mias'matist _y '-i' Might'iness 'Tl ,~^~ Might'y /n . /7 Meteorolog'ical 'PC -fT * Meteorol'ogist ' v Mica'ceous ' " ' Mignonette' ^7~^ Mi'grate ~J\I ** K ^ < - Meteorol'ogy ^T> s~>. Mice 'V^M ^li'grated -T< x ' Meteorom'eter - ^^ Mich'aelmas .. -rr-c^ 3 Mi'grating -5j \. - x Meteoros'copy *^ X - Me'ter ^~y ^^ 'vT\ Mic'kle Migra'tion Mi'crobe A/^ [/ '^"1 Mi'gratory ( n. Metheg'lin ? Meth'ene 'v^Vxj<^ Microceph'alous . \r\i* _ ^.^/^^ s~*S/ JA ] lane ^ Mi'crocosm 1%A UbU X_r- "'" b Methinks' -*} ^-A jg^ ^,_ ^?> Meth'od 1 . Method'ic O- O- Method'ical ^ * - * ! Methodically v ' ' Mi'crocos'mic "vTT= Microcos'mical 'v^i ^f .'7 < r e -~V; Microcous'tic .-, xi Mil'dewed ^^ lo "" Mil'dewing kor ^=^ Meth'odism Microg'raphy -7x7X7 < ? X T-^~ N Microl'ogy Xlp or x-j/^^ 1 Mild'ness Microm'eter >- >i Mile -77"- O. '?- Meth'odist 1 V_i U Methodis'tic 'v^^ 71 ' Alicromet'ric ^ V x*~W / A ,., , ' Mileage / ^> ^y^1_ Mile'sian * Ij Methodis'tical ^_J^ ^ '7TA' Micronom'eter Mile'stone ^?- ^ > x ^->^ Meth'odize W 'W V Meth'odized b b cT Meth'odizer Mi'crophone '^ cr Xr :D Microphon'ics fs-J*> Mil'iary ^_vC3 , ' Meth'ylene ' ^vj) Microph'onous "^ > Mi'croscope ~~^^ Mil'itarism /'_^_y^!' Mil'itary / '~ v Mil'itate ^_/1- x-n Mil'itated v ' Methyl'ic s~. '~\' Met'ing T'' \ Microscop'ic 1 ^^ Mil'itating ^/~)" s Mili'tia ^~ Meton'ic '^|^^ _.'~^~^ Metonym'ic T1 V . Microscop'ical ^ ^ Milk ^/ 1 /^ Milked Meton'ymy -V 1 ! "j v.^ Mi'croscopist ^^ Milk'er MILKING 150 MISBEGOTTEN _/il J 1 jMm dam Milled Millena'rian Millena'rianism Mil'lenary Millen'ial Millen'ialist Mil'leped Mil'lepore Miller er's-thumb Millesimal Mil'let Mill'head Milliard Mil'liary Milligram ~> Mil'liliter Mil'limetre Millinery Mill'ing Million Millionaire Milllonary Millionth Mill'pond Mill'race Mill'rea Mill'stone Mill'wheel M.ill'ftT:ight Milt Miltonlc Milt'wort il'vus Mime Mimetic Mimetlcal Mimic Mimlcal Mimicked Mimlcker Mimicking Mimicry Mimog'rapber Mimo'sa Mina'cious Minac'ity Min'aret Min'atory 7' / ^s * > Minced ^ Mince'meat - Mince'pie f Mincing Minc'ingly . Mind < Mind'ed Mind'e'r Mind'ful Minding Mind'less Mine Mined Min'eral Min'eralist Mineraliza'tion Min'eralize Min'eralized Min'eralizing Mineralog'ic Mineralog'ical Mineral'ogist Mineral'ogy Min'eral-wa'ters Miner' va Min'ever Min'gle > N Min'gled Min'gler Min'gling Miniate Min'iature Min'iaturist Min'ie Min'ikin Min'im Min'imize _ Minimized Minimizing Min'imum Min'ing Min'ion Minister Ministered Ministe'rial Ministe'rialis Ministerially Ministering Minlstrant Ministra'tion Minlstress Ministry Minium Mink Utr Minnesinger Min'now Mi'nor Minority Min'otaur Min'ster Min'strel Min'strelsy Mint Mint'age Mint'ed Mint'er Minting Min'uend Min'uet Mi'nus Min'ute Minute' Min'uted Min'ute-book Min'ute-gun Min'ute-hand Minutely Minute'ness Minu'ti.i: Min'uting Minx bcene 'acle Mirac'ulous Mirac'ulously Mirage' Mire Mired Miriflc Miriflcent Mi'riness Mir'ror Mir'rored Mirth Mirth'ful Mirth'fully Mirth'fulness Mirthless Mir'za Misadvent'ure - Misadvent'ur- Misadvised' [ous Misalli'ance ), Misallied' \ Mis'anthrope o 'V Misanthropic Misan'thropy Misapplica'tion Misapplied' ^lisa; Misapplying Misapprehend' Misapprehend'- ed Misapprehend'- Misapprehen'- sion Misappropriate Misappro'pria- ted Misappropriat- ing Misappropna - tion Misbecome' ~^~ Misbecoming fi a'ten '">x__. MISBEHAVE 151 MISREPRESENT ^n- .^-, /I 3 - " ^' Misbehave' Misbehaved' Misbehav'ing Misbehav'ior Misbelief Misbelieve' Misbelieved' MisbelieVer Misbeliev'ing Miscalculate Miscalculated Miscalculating Miscalculation Miscall' Miscalled' Miscall'ing Miscar'riage Miscar'ried Miscar'ry Miscar'rying ^ Miscast' Miscellana'rian * Miscella'neous Miscella'neous- -*. Miscel'lanist [ly Mis'cellany . Mischance' ' Mischarge' _ Mis'chieif MisChief-maTcer f, Mis'chievous L.^ Mischievously Mischoose' ). MisCible ^ JNLis'citation Miscite' Miscomputa'- J tion Miscompute' -. Misconceive' Misconceived' Misconceiv'ing Misconcep'tion ; Misconduct Misconjec'ture Misconstruc'- 1 tion , Misconstrue' Misconstrued' Misconstru'ing " Miscount' Mis'creant Misdate' |. Misdat'ed Misdat'ing Misdeal' l - Misdeed' i Misdeem' . Misdemean' Misdemean'ant !_;._. or ' \ Misdemean'or ^L Misdirect' Misdirect'ed Misdirect'ing Misdirec'tion Misdo' Misdo'er Misdo'ing Mise Misemploy' Misemployed' Misemploying Misemploy'ment Misen'ter Misen'try v*v Mi'ser ' ^ -\r- t ti Miserable % Mis'erably Misere're Mi'serly Mis'ery Misfea'sance Misfit' Misform' Misfor'tune Misgave' Misgive' Misgiv'en Misgiving Misgot'ten Misgov'erp Misgoverned Misgov'erning Misgov'ern- ment Misguid'ance Misguide' Misguid'ed Misguid'ing *~) Mishap' V? Mish'mash 7) . Mish'na ^ Mish'nic ^* -Misimprove' ^ v _^ Misinform' ' 6 ~^L ; . ^-Q^ Misinfor- ^-O ' ma'tion ^ Misinterpret ^~Sf\^ Misinterpreta'- . Tj tion "~2*v ^2sx Misinterpreted * N Misinterpreter "2*. ^Jt Misinterpreting Misjoin' 7-r ^-^ 7 Misjoin'der " Misioined' *^1 *~J Misjoin'ing y Misjudge' 7^-^ ^-a Misjudged' -/ V Misjudg-'ing A Misjudg'ment- MislaVing Mis'le Mislead' Mislead'er Misleading Misman'age Misman'aged Misman'age- ment Mismeas'ured _^^_^ Mismeas'uring ^- Misname' -~t>^-^^ Misnamed' Misnam'ing -& "5. Misno'mer Misog'amist / Misog'amy "' Misog'ynist "^>v Misog'yn}' ^^ Mispick'el Misplace' Misplaced' "^ ^lisplace'ment Misplac'ing Misplead'ed Mispoint' Mispoint'ed Mispoint'ing Misprint' Misprinted Misprint'ing Mispris'ion Misprize' Misprized' Mispriz'ing "Mispronounce' Mispronounced' Mispronounc'- ing Mispronuncia'- tion Mispropor'tion Mispropor'- tioned Misproportion'- ing Misquota'tion ' Misquote' Misquot'ing 1 Misread' Misread' Misread'ing "' Misrecite' ^= Misreck'on Misreck'oned J* Misreck'oning Misrelate' ~ Misrela'tion ^ Misrcmem'ber ^^j^ Misremem' ' bered | Misreport' Misreported Misreport'ing Misrepresen X/ 5 MISREPRESENTED 152 MODULATE <""O\| Misrepresent'ed x^\ Misrepresent'- ^ s^l. Mistrust' P Mistrust'ed ^-j_^ Moan'ing ^ Moat ing /-/^ or '-/^ Misre P re - 1: '^L. Mistrust'ful Mistrust'ing ^^ f~\ Moat'ed Mob t senta'tion ^-trf /^-a Misrule' / ^T. Mistune' " Mistuned' CX__ TX Mob'-cap ^~\ ] Mobbed * Miss '-rff s~t> Mis'sal 'V ^ Mistun'ing > Mist'y Ov, ^-^ ., Mob'bing ^ ' ^^ Mob'bish Missed ? Misunderstand' ^^^ -T\ Mo'bile > s-^fYj Mis'sel -^Zv Misunderstand'- ^^ Mobil'ity Mis'selthrush * ing ^TX/^ Txxia Mobiliza'tion / ^ 7Si , x-^., Missend' 'Tf J Misunderstood' ' ^" Mo'bilize ^ Missent' ^ ^^ ^~ Misus'age /-^-v ^ ^~\/^^-' Mo'bilized ,-w^ ^*" Misserve' ^ Misuse', v. ^"^ Mo'bilizing Misserved' ' Misuse', n. pv^ f^ Mob'-law ^x*' '"*) Misserv'ing ^_ " 'T\ Misused' ^j Moboc'racy " << Misshape' **\ Misus'er ("V-^-- ^ Moc'casin ^""^ *^^ Misshaped' V Nj Misshap'en '^ ^^ Misus'ing ^^ Miswrite' M( cha <^ ^v_ Mock s-~(C ^?T ' Mis'sile ^^. ^-, Miswrit'ing Mocked Mis'sing ^~af^ '^ Miswrit'ten ,p , ^~ c ~ 7 Mock'er ^-^ ^-x/ Mis'sion ^-v^ ^, Mis wrote' - Mock'ery Mis'sionary ^~^ Miswrought' s-^_}?~ ^-*^_ Mock-hcro'ic *^i ^~^\ JMis sioner ^ ' Mis'sis ^V=- ^~ - Misyoke' Misyoked' o Alock ing ^-^^j^ ^^N Mocking-bird ^^ /-fy^-s' Mis'sive ^~> ^^ Mitch'els /^ Mock'-orange ^f Misspell' / TX /"'O\-/ N ^' Misspelled' 'r Misspell'ing TX ^~O\ Misspend' ^ Misspend'ing ^\ "1 ----- Mite . Mit'igable / ^ T3 Mit'igant n . Mit'igate Mit'igated 3 Mit'igating T^^V ^__ Mock'-turtle f ' ' Mo'co /- /^ /-/H Mo'dal 1 ' Modal'ity ^ ^f~~ Mode 1 ' Mod'el xrv /T) Misspent' ' 1 Mitiga'tion ;^| ... ^ Mod'eled Misstate' 'T>. ^-j-. Misstat'ed n" . Mit'igative Mit'igator i 1 or \ TV Mod'cler v^x^ ^^- Mod'cling l| ^* Misstate'ment '""IVP ' 7l> Mitrailleuse' ^ ^ ' Mod'erate '"h ^^ Misstat'ing r* ' Mi'tral ^^> ^/^' Mod'erated Mist ^-^ Mi'tre ' " ' Mod'erately t or \ Mistak'able Mi'tred *\! Mi'tring ^^ ^ Mod'crating 1 " ' Modera'tion * or Mistake' ^V^. 'V V-s Mit'riform O Mitt ^y\- ^y\\ Mod'cratism >*^ ' " Modera'to 1* t>r Mistak'en " _ J Mit'ten '"i Mit'timus ^ ^^\ Mod'erator f^ ' Mod'eratrix ^-f. Mistaking ,l-p3 v| - Mi'ty ,^s> -j/3. Mod'ern s iYListaugni x a ^~\ ^-^ Misteach' 1 J Misteach'ing ^ Mix'able ^-|P_ Mixed ^s^> ^^f. Mod'ernist 1 ' ^ Modcrni/.a'tion ' ' x Mis'ter s~^- Mix'edly ^ k y'^ > ,^,Mod'crnize ' ns V> 'T 7 ' Misterm' _^ / Mix'en i v / '/^^y- s - / ' Mod'c-rnizer O ^ v Misthought' ^ Mix'ing i v ' Mod'ernizing Mistime' '~ 5 ]v ^ v Mistimed' ^"^^ Mistim'ing L^wN K*^ Mixtilin'eal ^~^-=e, Mixtilin'ear " Mix'tion ^-. O- Tl Mod'est \ fc L. P Mod'cstly ^ ' Mod'esty / ~?| ,-.<^ Mist'iness /~ x ^fl ^^ Mix'ture ^_ ^^ Ov- Mod'icum S^ Mis'tle /ii Miz'zen i ^\ Modifiabil'ity -_-^^ ^ Miz'zle ^t " ^3 Modification / ^\ ^sy- Mistook' >-~\ /~^s Miz'zled - v Oy Mod'ified Mis'tral ^0 1 ^ "* Miz'zling ^ Mod'ifier {.y or f~ Mistranslate' ^S t ^_, = Miz'zly Mnemon'ic r\v ^i Mod'ify > Mod'ifying ^ffn ^~^-- Mistranslat'ed Mistranslating Jo Mistransla'tion ^ . o Mnemon'ical ~~^~^' Mnemon'ics ^^ Mne'motech'ny Moan ^/^ T*\ . Modil'lion i* 1 L' Mo'dish TI T\ Mo'dishly J? *> Mo'dist t Mis'tress ^i ^ ~~ V Moaned ,f Moan'ful Tl / Modiste' c - v Mod'ulate MODULATED 153 MONOPHYLLOUS T^") jj. Mod'ulated Mod'ulating ^ - Modula'tion Mod'ulator jo Mod'ule Mod'ulus ^- Mo'dus Mod'wall Q Mce'so-Goth'ic '^ Mogul' Mo'hair ~~1 Moham'medan Moham'medan- ism [ize Moham'medan- Moham'medan- ized '^ Moham'medism ~ M.>'hawk Mo'hock Mo'hur Moi'dore Moi'ety Moil Moiled r* Moil'ing Moi'neau . Moist Moist'en - Moist'ened Moist'ening ] Moist'ness * Moist'ure Mo'lar Mo'lary Molas'ses Mole Molec'ular Molecular'ity Mol'ecule Mole'-eyed Mole'hill Mole'hole f Mole'skin ^ Molest' Molest'ed Molest'er Molest'ing ! Mo'linism Mo'linist Mol'lah Mol'lient .Mol'lifiable "^ Mnllifica'tion Mol'lified Mol'lifier p^)* ' ^-| ^^ ^O< i '' Molt'en Mo'ly Molybde'na > Molyb'denous _^_^ Molybde'num Mome Mo'ment Mo'mentarily I/ Mo'mentary Mo'mently ^\\ Momen'tous Momen'tum ^ Mom'ier Mo'mus tf" Mon'achal Mon'achism Mon'ad ^ Mon'adelph Monadelph'ian Monadelph'ous Monad'ic Monad'ical ' T-. Monan'drian b Monan'drous __ Mon'arch ~ Monarchic ^ Monarchical "' M^on'archist Mon'archize M^on'archy Monaste'rial Mon'astery Monas'tic Monas'tical Monas'tically Monas'ticism Monas'ticon Mon'day Monde Mon'etary _ Mon'ey Mou'ey-broTcer Mon'eyed Mon'eyer Mon'eyless Mon'ger _f~ Mongol'ian Mon'grel Monil'iform Moni'tion Mon'itive Mon'itor Monito'rial Mon'itory Mon'itress Monk Monk'ery Mon'key '' Monk'hood 7J 3 Monk'ish Monk's'-hood S^ Monocar'dian Monocar'pous Monoceph'alous Monoc'eros rvrtf' r>l> f>-1- Mon'ochord Monochromat'u Mon'ochrome Monochron'ic Monoc'linous -s Monocotyle'don ^ Monoc'racy -f~\ Mon'ocrat Monoc'ular ' Mon'ocule Monoc'ulous Monodac'tylous Mon'odelph Mon'odist Mon'odon Mon'odram Monodramat'ic Mon'ody -^ Monog'amis Monog'amous Monog'amy Monogen'esis Monogenet'ic Monog'enism Monog'enist _^ Monogenist'ic Mon'ogram ' Monog'rapher Monograph'ic Monog'raphist ' Monog'raphy Mon'ogyn Monogyn'ian Mon'olith Monolith'ic Monol'ogist Mon'ologue Monom'achy Monoma'nia Monoma'niac Monometal'ic onomet'alism Monomet'alist Monom'eter Monomet'ric Mono'mial Monop'athy Monoper'sonal Monopet'alous Monoph'anous Mon'ophthong Monophthon'gal Monophyl'lous MONOPOLIST 154 MORTUARY i~i \j' a . Pr'V Monop'olist ^-^~ -^i/- Moon'- raker ^~S\' '--^1 Morda'cious v Monop'olize Moon'-raking 1 a/^ x .f 3 Mordac'ity f~> Vv" Monbp'olized '~^-i ^-1 Moon'shee . v Moon'shine T^ Mor'dant ' vv^ Monop'olizer ^^J-f s~*^f Moon'shiny <2s. * Moon'stone - or More 1 r>W Monop'olizing '\l_ Moon'-struck 1 ' I Morel' t~~\~^S~ f~> s^^/Monop'oly Monop'teral i x^l ^-^/ Moon'- '"^^ 1 wort J? 'f\ More'land T^ p/ Morel'lo i"V\ ^^_^~, Mon'optote , '^S. Moon'y <-~~^\ ^~J- MoreoVt-r K * Mon'orhyme "^~^ x Moor Moresque' *"V^ Monosep'alous ^Jy^-> Moor'age ^ / '1 Moor'-cock ^/T^S '^/^~ Morganat'ic i Mor'gay ''NX' 70 Monosperm'ous ^-- ^-J\_ Moored ' A/" Moor'- fowl 1 ' ' Mor'ibund "i^J^ Monospher'ical ~~^ ^ \p Moor'- game ' *"** Moor'-grass 1 ' i-*~^p-^ Mor'mon i i ~ J * ^ Moor'land Mor'monism ,_^"S V \~i~it. Monosyl'lable o^ Mon'otheism s-^s? ^~^' Moor'-stone " Moor*y e~^~\ ^/> Mor'monite vl _' Morn <~i~-f O~f- Mon'otheist ^ Q_- Monotheist'ic ^-jj *Tt\ Moose 1 5 ' Moose'wood ; Morn'ing PT'U ; "~i~l~p Mon'otone * Monot'onous ^ 0- Moot 1 \ Moot'able ^/>\ p^f Morning- > star i"T"T~ O--'|_. Monot'ony _ n ^~, Moot'case ^-J~*~ ^ Moroc'co ' r ~~ Mon'otreme ' Moot'ed v " ' Morone' "Prl {~i'~1 Mon'otype ^ v ^ Moot'er ^9 ~' Morose' \ S, Monotyp'ic 1 Moot'ing 1 x ; * Morosely .p^-fti-j. f~V Monseign'eur "x~\ Moot-point x _ v ?-t p ^-,/\2> ^ orose ' ness Monsieur' ^ Mop Mor'pheus ,~^o_j -O^* Monsoon' ^~t- Mon'ster T\ '^N. Mope X ] Moped "P"^ ~ Mor'phia _ r^- -^ Mon'strance o r ' o Monstros'ity Mons'trous T\ T\ Mop'ing x J Mop'ish f~N. f~\ Mopped *~*/\&^~S\Y7_- ^lor'phine i ' v Morpholog'ic I~SL_ """""I". . Mon'strously 1 -] Mop'pet ' Mor'ris o Montan'ic T\ t~\ Mop'ping ^..f ^.^P^ y Mor"ris-dance p i- >~~'~"T a Mon'tanism ) Mop'sey 1 l ~" Mor'ris-pike *-?"* ^ Mon'tanist _/? ^/' Moraine' ^jS r^> Mor'row ^^_,. T^H. Mon'tant ^ Mor-al Morse 1 Mon'te ^/ ^- Mor'ale JT s^ M'T'sel O-j^ ^~^i Mon'tem > ' Mor'alist px Mort ^ Month f-Yl ^i Moral'ity ^^y ^/ Mor'tal ' '-4s-. -^^^ Monthly Moraliza'tion *T ' 1 Mortality ' '^ Mon'ument ^~~> -3 Mor'alize .,-. ^ ^ Mor'tally P^Tf **>/ '~~^L Monumen'- " ^ y Mor'alized px* Mor'tar ' " r " tal ^^ ^ Mo / ^ r . ^y^, Mor'alizer ^ Moo'ing *~^ r~*S\ Morass' ~>-^ tf~ f Mortsrageor' ^^ ' i Mood'ily ' Morass'y Mort'g.; 1 * Mood'iness "~~| ,-3 Mood'y ^~^**J Mora'^an * 7 or :r~ Mort'gaging Moon '~ vi \^{ ,_^ MoonTieam p-^^v_s-^ Mora'vianism ^ AO^! Mortif'erous ^.xy , , Mdrtifica'tion "~^^"^ Moon'calf ^/V' -^/** MorTiid VrvT-vN Mor'tifie.1 *^^i Mooned ' y l Moon'-eyed ^^_i '~^-r' Moon'ish i ' .(. Morbidity ^/\S~~' r-jQ_y Morbidly ^^ ' Morbidness . ^y ^-^ v Mor'tifier ^S ' s Mor'tify s~J\y ^~~/l Mor'titying S Moon'less ^/\j_i ^~J\j& Morbific 1 "Mor' ^-^v. '~X' Moonlight 1 ' Morbil'lous ^~~/\ s-~^f. ^I r ' t ' i; ' ?c l ' y (v Moon'lighter ^y\^ ^/\, Morbose' i C*' Mor'tismg s~~~^f \ Moon'lighting Mor'bus __^yi ^^/Ip; Mort'main r ~^ 1 - Moon'lit ^^A^ Morceau' \ ^> ' ^ Mort'uary MORUS 155 MULTIPRESENCE ^_^9 _* Mo'rus 'K^j ,, Mount'ebank ^~V s~^ Muffineer' i > sn Mosa'ic ^^ ^~^ Mount'ed *-% < Muffle ,Y~ ,-JC Mos'chatel ^ -, xi^, Mount'er ^-^ '"C Muffled ^ i Moselle' Mount'ing ' >\ Muffler x-^ \~o~~ Mos'lem Mosque ,_/" ^_^, Mourn 1 Mourned '-T- '"V Muffling ^" 1. Mufti '^~ 8r ~l- s~~ti Mosqui'to ^S' T^^> Mourn'er i ^^^i Mug . >_.- Moss J Mourn'ful 'I Mug'get f^^i t~~S Moss'clad I V 3 Moss'iness T" 51 , "\~\ Moss'-trooper ^ / Moss'y s*^~\/^ s-^/t Mourn'fully Mourn'ing s^/fr~* - /> / ^~ > Mourn'ing- ; T^ ring '~tii_ / ^_!_ Muggleto'nian 2 ' Mug'gy Jh ^0^\. Mulat'to Mul'berry ..!_.. or Most A Moused W7 x-YH Mulch Mulct r*) 'TCy* . s-^~~' Mos'tick r ' Most'ly / ^ 73 ^ /wr> Mouse'-ear 1 Mous'er ^, . y i Mulct'ed ^f^r 1 \ Mulct'ing P Mote ^ ^ Moth 'A^ 'WT Mouse'tail \ Mouse'trap _Y \y. ^f~ Mulc'tuary Mule P? - ^ Moth-eat'en J ' Moth'er _^ O Mous'ing At Mouth /*\ <-V^*| Muleteer' ^\ J. Mulieb'rity ^^^ Moth'erhood ^-j ^_^ Mouthed ^7~i " _xh Mul'ish * ' ' Moth'ering A( A Mouth'er V s Mulish'ness ^-~^j'~. ^ ,xo Moth'er-in-law O -^7 Mouth'ful y- v- Mull Moth'erless V^ A Mouth'ing ^- Mul'la ^_^-vr- TV Moth'y ''vo ' Move Mul'let ' Motific ^--^ '~\/ Moved v^^ x-i^ Mul'ling __/! , , Motil'ity / Move'lcss Mull'ion ' Mo'tion ^ T3 Mo'tioned ' V^-. ^^ Move'ment ' " Mov'er x-^-^TT ' Multan'gular " Mo'tioner -T7\ -rY Mo'tioning ^^^ '~X_> Mov'ing / ' '^f Mov'ingly '~ N ^ r Multiartic'ulate Mo'tionless -T] Ti Mo'tive ^^ ^ Mow (of hay) ' TS Mow (to cut) ^^ ^\f~^i Multicap'sular \ Motiv'ity rS~' ^^ Mot'ley 1 ' ' Mot'mot ^ 'TX^ Mowed Mow'er ^_^^ ^-^ Mow'ing ^1 ^-^\. 9 Multiden'tate '*-=-|. ^r* Multifa'rious X-TN x-^f Mo'tor x **~' Mown S'- <., Multifa'riously 1 " ' Moto'rial P Y ^> - <;-^ Mox'a -^J? ^~ : Mul'tifid ^^ fT Mo'tory ' Mr ^yi x-V\/ Multiflo'rous r 1 Mot'tle ^o\ 'O . / Mrs Q/v T Mul'tifold p|. Mot'tled 1 r ' Mot'to ' ' " ; Much ^ / nAT Mu'cid ^^v-> Mu'ciform x-^ST ^\_^ Mul'tiform '^-^ | Multiform'ity s^_ ^ Moufflon /^7 s-fn Mu'cilage , ./^/- /y~ Multilateral i Mould " vJ Mucilag'inous *~* ' ^/ Multilin'eal ".1^ Mould'able ^j- ,, , Mucip'arous ""\x; ^^ Muck \J^o v^ 1 " 3 Multil'oquence *^ ^~f~~ Multil'oquent ^/H ^~S^~ Mould'ed ^^ ' x-^.!_^ Muck'heap ^^^^/"^X^Q Multino'mial 1 ' Mould'er > "^ Muck'worm i " V% Multip'arous ^-/l X' Mould'ered ^_, -^r? Muck'y vx M *~y\ Multip'artite T* Mould'ering ' Mucos'ity '/ Mul'tiped ^Vl . ^5. Mould'iness s~*-v /^rr-^ Mu'cous ^-^. ^"t. Mul'tiple - - Mould'ing " Mu'cronate > "* Mul'tiplex ^> ,/\ ^^f\ Mould'warp x->_ys> ^j_o Mu'culent ^-V^v S-^S^L Multipli'able "i< ' Mould'y 1 Mu'cus X. "^ Multiplicand' /<" ^-^1- Moult' ^ ^ Mud r4Vj"-^\_3 Mul'tiplicate ^ Moult'ed 1 Mud'dily *'* Multiplica'tion ,^-^x- ^ Moult'ing Mound Q . 'T- Mud'diness ^X x-Xx Mul'tiplicator Sr Mud'dle ^-r^ T Multiplic'ity ^ ~^' Mount ^-x CT Mud'dled x~Xv '~^ ; < Mul'tiplied . \ Mount'able Mud'dling Mul'tiplier ^-^^ '^l Mount'ain T| ^ Mud'dy x-X-y x Xy Mul'tiply ^ Mount'ain-ash ' ^ Muez'zin Multiplying iv 5 ^ ^ ^.jj Mountaineer' 1 Mount'ainous *-\ Muff "^ "^ Muffin x~^\ / ^' r ^" Myriali'tre Myriame'tre ~ Myr'iapod Myr'iarch " Myr'icine Myriora'ma Myr'ioscope Myr'midon ^lyrob'alan Myrop'ohst Mvrrh MYRRHINE 157 NAVVY / ^y > - Myr'rhine ^-~/C s~*X Myr'tiform ^_^ ^ /& Named Name'less ^ *rf' Natali'tial Na'tant v ' Myr'tle ^^~/^ ^jr^ Name'ly > 1- ^*-i ^H" Nata'tion *v" or /~~Z> Myself Nam'er ^_. v_x~-^- Name'sake '^ tT>- -i " Natato'rial Nat'atory -^- xrpj ./ Mys'tagogue * ^~ Nam'ing >v v ^/^ Natch \ ) Myste'riarch ^_y-i .& Nankeen' V Nath'less ^& .n ^-f. jf~- Myste'rious Nantes .J ,/'" Na'tion !< Y? Myste'riously j \. v\ Nap v-5 Nat'ional s-v\ -^ Mys'tery 1- ' ' Mys'tic s^a s^Oi Mys'tical rJ . J Mys'tically Nape ^-/X- iV ~V Na'pery r Naph'tha V -*V . * V,. Naphthal'ic ^fe ,O .0' >--' v Nationalism National'ity Nationaliza'tion Na'tionalize ^H \ Mys'ticism S_3 Mystifica'tion V v* Naph'thaline ^^V;-. Na'pier's-bones s^"- H. Na'tionalized Na'tionalizing Nationally 1 Mys'tificator Vq Si Mys'tified I VI o ^-^-- >A^ Nap'iform ^~X-^ ? Nap'kin M ^r 1 ^ Na'tive Nativ'ity Na'trolite ^ ^ Mys'tify V^ VJ, Mys'tifying ^ ^V/ ' ^v^ 3 ' Napo'leon ^ Napoleon'ic > ~'\_p ^~\ Nap'piness Na'tron Nat'ter Nat'tily -7 'O Myth ' Nap'ping ' ' Nat'ty (. \ : Myth'ic ^^ ?^\ Nap'py Mx?r -v TJ (' 1 O O Myth'ical *- *- Mythically v U Narcis'sus n <=> i 1^ Narco'sis r? or T" Nat'uralism O^ '~]^1 Mythog'rapher ' ~ Narcot'ic "3t' "T" Nat'uralist ^"^ *\ / Mythol'oger c ^_ tu _. o <: -T~'| Narcot'ical Naturalist'ic TV7 'TxV Mytholog'ic V V L A/iA Mythological * Nar'cotine M-J. M~lv Nar'cotism ^ b Nar'cotize ^ "J Naturalization Nat'uralize Nat'uralized .Mi fl. x\ o v Mythol'ogize OVy O>. Mythol'ogizing ^-T ly c -TTy Nar'cotized " ^ Nar'cotizing &- -r- Nat'uralizing Nat'urally *s4^. "* M} - th'ologue v_^ ^-1 Nard V] Nat'uralness '^^7 Mythol'ogy J ' Nard'ine "Xi S or v ^ Na'ture NI/ ^^^P. -^ f*~ Na'res N. ^V- Naught Nar'ghile * r Naught'ily N ^^1 Na'sal v\ ^^\ Na'val 1 ^>* Nail-brush ' Nasal'ity r Na'varch ^ ^" Nailed rv^j Nasaliza'tion ^~~?\ V\ Na'varchy 1 Nail'er ^ Na'salize ^> Nave ^/' ~^f Nail'ery ~r> ^ ' Nail'ing >rf VJ Na'salized ^ t** Na'salizing > ^ Na'vel Navette' Y V ^-^ Nail'-scissors v^ K ^ Na'ive ^f Na'sally ' ' Nas'cent '^V'^v-^ Navic'ular v Navigabil'ity A ,-. ^^"X^ Na'ively a ./^-9 ^~^r Nasicor'nous Nav'igable ~V/ ^. Na'ivete p~*T"*^ ^~V-N Nas'iform "| Nav'igate ^^T] '*-^~\/'- Na'ked Na'kedly V~T| V^X Na'kedness ^-r^ Nam'able M> . s-R. Nas'tmess M" Kv Nasturtium Nav'igated Nav'igating Navigation '-^~'\^^ ^^-^ Nam'by-pamb} Name vj? vl>- Nas'ty 1- Na'tal ^X" Nav'igator Nav'vy NAVY 158 NEUROLOGY W.. _ Na'vy Nay V--- Nec'tary *& " " Neol'ogy Naz'arene Need ~~-- <;"=> Neono'mian . tr* .s-iTv Naz'arite ^- ^1 Need'ed ^ o Xr'o-philos'o- /i Xaz'aritisrn ^-ft i Need'er N pher >J' ,, Neap Neaped M^ ^ .Y -Lp Need'ily Need'iness "^Y- LJS Xe'o-platon'ic S 7^_ Ne'o-pla'tonism r Neapolitan Neap'-tide X. -3t Need'ing Nee'dle Nee'dle-book 1> ~> L? Ne'o-pla'tonist ^-^r Neoter'ic Near Xeared Near'er %1< Xee'clleful Nee'dle-gun Nee'dle-shaped ^H v -^ v y? Nepen'the X'eph'eline "^/J- Xeph'ew ^^ Near'est " W ^^\j\ Need'less Xephral'gia ^ >^ Near'ing '* y-^ Need'lessly V_?>y^ ^_r^ Nephral'gy <^-?- t5v_P Xear'ly Near'ness Near'-sighted Neat ^ tx_ ^ "1 Nee'dle-wo'man Nee'dle-work Needs Need'y ^f Neph'rite ^?\ X'ephrit'ic v\j. Nephri'tis ,, Nephrol'ogy ^T ^ Neat'- cattle Neat'-herd Neat'ly ~~7^\ ^^"'i Ne'er Nefan'dous Nefa'rious ^ v fv ~ !> Xephrot'omy S -"J > Nep'otal /j s X'ep'otism ./ Neat'ness " N . Xejra'tion v is, V ~'X X'ep'otist ^v v -^V/' Neb v ^ r ~L. N -^v" -rn Xeg'ative Un X'ep'tune Neb'ula ^V^ ^~^v ? Neb'ular Neb'ule "~ i ] <7r i7Tr! Xrur'atively Neglect' [_5 ^^X Xeptu'nian L_2 Xep'tunist A./'o^V? \( J ' v Neb'ulous ~*^>-^-_ Neglect'ed ^ r Xe'reid -\ Xi.-r'oli vj? ^-Df" Necessa'rian Nec'essarily ^-ti_Uj *- ( Ne^lect'er Neglect'ful ^c <; 2-\_ Ner\-a'tion Nen'e ry^ c/ Nec'essariness Xeifligee' t ^-^. VV Nen-ed Nec'essary J. tf- Neg'ligence Nen-e'less "^-R vp Necessita'rian ^~*~7 ^^ < ~7- Negligent <;_^. Neir'ine vJ3 vJ? Neces'sitate Neces'sitated . ' ^.^ Negligently Negotiability j c ~Ai> ^ Xorv'ing *" A^ X'er'vous a| 'J Neces'sitating \, ^^ Nego'tiable ' X'er'vously ^C V 3 Neces'sitous X ~ x ~i7 Nego'tiate ^^~- ^oj Ner'vure I X'eces'sity ^-^T7 jX" Nego'tiated ^5i Nes'cience ^ ~T- Neck ^ TT s -^"7 Nego'tiating v^? x_p Nost ^-^ " '~T Xeck'cloth ex* Negotia'tion X'ost'ed ^"7 v^^^D Xeck'erchief T"7 ^-^r?" Nego'tiator ^L. ^,. Nest'egg w X T eck'lace _-^ v t^- : .itory Nest'ing "-n*^ 1 Neck'tie Necrol'atry -s^ ^ST Ne'gress Ne'gro ^f ^_ Nes'tle "^ Xcs'tled . /y ^/ 7 Necrologic -.5] Ne'groid V5> ^^j Xest'ling v_S7^ i Necrol'ogist * ' 'loid ^ * Xes'tor -T<7 Necrol'ogy -^ V Ne'gus Neigh ^ "T|5/i Xcsto'rian " ~^ Xesto'rianism ^-TN^ Nec'romancer V\ v^ NfighT)or NeighTiored V "" -t) o/ . ^^^ X;et ( ^n Nec'romancy ^ ^^^^ Neighborhood ^___, Neighboring '' => x . Xeth'erraost ' Xet'ted ->^-' Necroman'tic ' X'eigh'borliness ^^^ '.jorly ^-f X'et'ting 1 Net'tle v-^N*/"* Nec'ronite ^, Neighed , Y Net'tled- >' v ' Necrop'olis * Neigh'ing Xct'tler v> - n . r^ Xecroscop'ic v Nei'ther ^^ *~f Net'tle-rash \ : ^y 1 X'ecro'sis V j. Nerae'an ' Xrt'tling . Necrot'omy ^y^ Nem'esis "^"N .^i _ X'et'work ^-rr^ 1 Xec'tar ^O ' A Nen'uphar ^^ Xeu'ral ^^~Tx s ~ x ~ "l- Necta'real ^ J \ Neog'amist ^v^7 ' "~^~\/J Xeural'gia ^i%?H> Xecta'rean < Necta'reous Xectarif'erous 1/L^ Neog'raphy _'ian "^V7 ' Neural'gic ^?>. Xoural'gy Xou'rine _^-l ^^-^ 2, Nec'tarine /7 f3~^ ,/,'{(- v_^V ~~~^\/J Xeurog'raphy I/ 7 . Jfr X'ecta'rium -~li s-^ 1 *^ Ni'ul'ogism ' Neurorogist ^T? Nec'tarous ^1 ^6. Neol'ogist ^--s fl Xcurol'ogy NEUROPTER 159 NOCTAMBULISM <\ ^_^V^ Neurop'ter _^1 < ^_ 3 Nicolai'tan ^" ^_^*. Nim'bly -0. \ " s Neurop'tera t^ v 1 Nico'tian ^~ : Nina 'bus *^*V ' ' > Neurop'teran Nw*""% XT / Neuro sis V ^ v_xp- i Nico'tianine J- Nic'otine \^ Nin'compoop x] ^^XT; Neurot'ic ^-^ Nic'tate ^~-^, ^-^\r Nine r. S L- : " ' Neurot'omy ^-' i Nic'tated > Nine'fold ^- - ^T' Neu'ter Neu'tral 1 i- ^ ; Nic'tating U Nicta'tion v ~^v ^A,_ Nine'pence Nine'pins T A3a Neutrality Neutraliza'tion ~i ^ Nictita'tion v_^5-j ,^x^0ii Nine'score 1 "-Nine'teen ^Iv ^ v T^, Neu'trahze v Neutralized 'Ycr^ Neu'tralizer D ~V Nid'get ' i Nid'ificate ^^^. ^ ^f Nine'teenth " "^ Nine'tieth " Neu'tralizing ~\_ v -1 Nidifica'tion ^^^1 *^^,. Nine'ty r Neu'trally ^ ^ Nid'ulant ^-1^ Nid'ulate Nin'ny ,_, ^-^T < Nin'ny-ham'mei ""X. o ~y r v. Nev'er or S^ Ncv'ertheless' * Nidula'tion s __p Ni'dus Niece Niel'lo \ Ninth v ^-[f-. ^-^v Ninth'ly * ' Nip v_^ v-p. Nipped ' *-* Nig'gard * Nip'per " r - < MOW p pj^ Nig'gardliness *\ ^-^Xo Nip'perkin ^sS^/s "V" New'born s Nig'gardly Nip'pers " New'el . Nig'ger ^^\ ^~\ Nip'ping ^^ ^_^. New'er ^~ Nig'gle Nip'ple "'' New'est * !~. ^_^_^ Nig'gler C 5X V _^ v_A^. Nirva'na *~V. .^ Newfan'gled * Nig'gling ----- Ni'san New-fashioned ^-~" ^^ Nigh v"Y, Ni'si pri'us ^-i ^f\ New'ish Nigh'ness X V 1 ' Nit V - New'laid ^T V-O Ni s ht I Ni'trate y ^* New'ly X-. Night'-blooming v ^ -~>\ Ni'tre New'-made ^__ VJj Night'cap "" Ni'tric T News' ^-j^v News'agent News'boy > Night'dress t\ Night'fall v\ Night'-fire ^' Night'-gown Vi_3 Vk Nitrifica'tion vl Ni'trified ^,j_^ i News'man V A* v Night'-hawk \v *w Ni'trite ^ " ^ Xcws'monger . ^/' Night'ingale vjl'^xl^ ^"vl" Ni'trogen v ~^ N /-i News'paper ^v Night'jar v J ^p /,, Nitrog'enous ^N ^< Ncws'room ^- Night'light < ^ i v Nitrog'enize H^ ,/ News'-vendor ~n v News'-writer "U ' Night'Iy ^^.^^ Night'man V^~x! "~vT ^ Nitroglyc'erine Nitrom'eter *n. ^ Newto'nian vlr-3 ^^ Night'mare "VIX^ : ~*~v\. Ni'tro-muriat'ic "^J3 " Xew'year ^ . v^\t~ Night'-piece "" Ni'trose .X ^, Nex'ile v NO ^^ Night'porter v Tr V3"p Ni'trous JT) r *~^ Next v^v Nex'us -71 Night'shade y Night'shirt vT Ni'trous-ox'ide x Nib vl v Night'-stool v '' -I- Nit'ty s ^< Nibbed * Nib'ble V ^^ Night'-tirae f Night'-train \^, "^X Niv'eous M Nivette' ^S ^-\ Nib'bled ^ Nib'bler ] ^* Night'-walker ^/i Night'-walking =, '>-' \ Nix ^^"^ ' Nix'ie < ^o Nib'bling V \ v l/ Night'-watch . ^^ , Nizam' ^-^ Nice *-c/7 ^_f Si, Night'-watcher No ^~f ^-8^. Nice'ly V \/ v Nigres'cent ^^~, ~-'~~\ Noa'chian Ni'cene ^s-^_ ^~~? Nigrifica'tion ' " No'ah's ark OLP ^-P Nice'ness j --' Xi'grine v_^ /-\ Nob 1 Xi'cety . V ~~-rT^ 9 Ni'hilism ' x Nob'ble v ^, Niche ^ ^^' Ni'hilist ^ V\ Nobil'ity Niched Hfch_: * ^-i ' Nihilis tic \ N No'ble ^^ Xick v/^^- .1 Nihil'ity > T\^_^ ~T^ r No'bleman v^ Nicked ^~f ^-f Nil No'bleness ^ t Nick'el ' ' Nill T\, Y\. Noblesse' ' Nick'ing v7^~ v/"~ Nilom'eter No'bly V^ ^>- c ) v_ '-^-^ Nick'nacks ** s ~> i\ Ni'loscope ^Nj ^jj^ No'body Nick'name /^] v_^- ^ Non'plus Non'plussed Non'plussing Jf Non-produc'tion i J' Non-res'idence J? Non-res'ident Non-resist'ance Non'sense Nonsen'sical Nonsen'sically 1 Nonseq'uiter Non'such Non'suit \ ^ Nnn'suited Non'suiting Non-us'ance Non-us'er Noo'dle Nook Noolog'ical Nool'ogist Nool'ogy Noon Noon'day Noon'ing Noon'tide Noose Noosed Noos'ing No'pal Nor Norm Nor'mal Nor'mally Nor'man Nora Xor'roy Norse Norse'man North North -east' Xorth-cast'er " North-east'erly North-east'ern North'erly North'erner North'ernmost North'man Northum'brian North'ward North'wardly North'wards North-west' North -west'er Northwest'erly North-west'ern Nimve'giaii Nose NoseT>ag Nose'gay osological -x-7 Nosol'ogist ' tlos'tnl -^, Nos'trum Not No'ta be'ne Notabil'ia pt Notabil'ity * No'table YU/ No'tably | Nota'rial , No'tary i" 1 ' No'tate J. Nota'tion NOTCH 161 OBDURATENESS >-f ^-y Notch "~"^x * \^.^- Nubif'erous _pX^ ^0, Nurs'erj-man ' ' ' Notched n .d "" NuTjile Nurs'ing /-/ ^ Notch'ing '~-&^ > ^S^^ Nuciferous*^ Y 7 . **1 Nurs'ling 1 Note X s Nu'cifbrm ^ ft Nurture Y\i v_i Note'-book 1 '' Not'ed Y^y. ^C Note'-paper ^~-P ^^ Nu'cleal ~ Nu'cleated ^-^r ^ _, 9. Nucle'iform c_-i ^1 ^ Nur'tured L ^ ' Nur'turing Nut \ fr* Note'worthy ^~^v ^ " Nu'cleus ^-. ^. Nu'tant ~(^? or - ^x Noth'ing ^, n ^Y Nude * Nudge -U Xuta'tion yV^ ^5 c Nut'-brown "^^5 or -+^? Noth'ingness ^-\ VI No'tice Vy, No'ticeable ^ ^ Nudged / Nudg'ing VJ v^P Nu'dity * Nugac'ity. i Nut'crackers ^_/" ^^ Xut'gall 1 ' Nut'hatch .1 ^-\^-^_ Nut'-hook VI VI No'ticeably \. k No'ticed v_^-S- , Nu'gatory V- ^-^ Nug'get ^ ~ Xut'meg y_* ^-*] Nu'trient VI Yv . No'ticing ** ^^ Notifica'tion v^>/ "i A _ No'tified y^jjj, *zf Nui'sance 1 Null ^7" Cf-y Nul'lah "^ Nu'triment ^- r l 1 Nutriment'al .^> C^ Nutri'tial N No'tify YV ^^ Xo'tifying 1 No'ting IJ Nullifica'tion S-v "-KX Nullifid'ian J u ' Nul'lified ^^1 ^3 Nutri'tion -oJ, Nutri'tious VT| V ^1 T Nu'tritive ^_y tC^ No'tion 1 i No'tional CH^ S-\ Nul'lify ' Nul'lifying 'L ' Nut'-screw / y_^ Nut'shell V1x^'-^^^:' Nu'merary " ' Xu'merate A ' ^ Nova'tian ^TVA-^ ^ Nova'tianism ^^_^ ^^~^-s Xu'mt'rated " Nu'merating ^_^J? ^^->^ Numera'tion O --X ^. . Nov'el ' ~~f, Nu'merator ' V^ o Y ' **^ Novelette' ., ^-_v /< ' Numeric ' Oaf ^-X/" 1 ? i~~^ Nov'elist ~~-<~^ " Numerical \ ') i Oafish V ~ Nov'elty ^^ *\ o;- ^- NovemTjer .^-J /f -~^- , ^P Numerically x X'u'merous ..~'*-^* i Nu'merously '^-^ - Oak -L- , Oak'-apple A -^ Oak'en V^ Novon'nial ^^.--X Numismat'ics *~n~&~\^_^!iSj Numis'matist _Ln i Oak'-tree L -*^ Oak'um i~^? i^X; Nover'cal " " ' v '- Numismatol'ogy 7\ ^ Oar ^"~ NoVice ^^Ji.f~*\ , /' Num'mular Oared I'-'YxO- i^^V, Novilu'nar " *~?{- Num'mularj- "/v_ iN Oars'man Jv Novi'tiate -_^ "^ ^> Num'skull ^ * O'asis V\ or v ^ Now ' Nun x J Oast V ^ \-, --8> Obei'sance Obliv'ious 1 Obei'sant \(S~~ ,\^-sv Ob'elisk /V/^, '\/ N -' Obliv'iously fc Ob'long Obstruct ObstructVd ^ s Ob'elus 'V, Obese' \^y ' Obstruc'tion '\t '\^ Obey'er 1 Obey'ing /X 'V Obfus'cate \ Object'ed l f Objecting /. or Objec'tion \ '\ \ Objec'tionable (^ ^[ r f Objec'tive '} /. or \ Objectively Q^ I < Objectivity 'N^. xvjv, Obscen'ity * Obscur'ant /Xj ^ /X, ^ Obscur'antism "J-N Obscur'antist / \__7 / \ Obscura'tion *~^ d ~~^ Obscure' '\ . '\ Obscured' * d ~^V Obscure'ly '\_?V 'V-. Obscure'ness N Obscur'ing &-^\.or d Obscu'rity /Y^ 3 '\^D Obsecra'tion c Ob'sequies '\. 'VA Obse'quious -) ~r Obsc'quiously 'X^-i. ''NyNL^ Obse'quiousness V /v ^ Obtaining ']. >. U Obtest' '*-' J- Obtesta'tion /S. v ,. Obtest'ed \ '\^ ^1 Obtest'ing " Obtrude' , v 1X1 v Obtrud'ed T, ' H Obtrud'er '' Is '"Obtrud'ing x 'V 'X, Obtru'sion M ff A" Obtru'sive U - >s CL Obtru'sively /\, , v '\ Obtru'siveness L- 1 J- Obtund' V* " Obtund'ed l^f^ Obtura'tor '\ /X, Ob'jectless Zf*> / Object'nr T_c, S. Observ-'able '\/\^_ '\XV ^Obsen-'ably ^v ^^-^Ol ' u^^ Obtusan'gular 'X. <-\, Objura'tion /p 2 Objur'gate "V^ Observant 'X /\ Obtuse' t ^_ Obtuse'-an'gled A^ '\1 Objur'gated ^j Z. Objur'gating x\J/V ^ X^/" /^i - 3 VD Ac>\, '\^ ObVersely Obla'tion !/ Obsenx- Obvert' X /\ . Obligate s\y ,v S Obsen-ed' '\<^\ '\'/*-' Obvert 'ed ^H Obligated ' a^^ ObservVr *^ ^* Obvert'ing '\. '\_3 Obligating ^-r^ Obliga'tion /K. s. ' ^i- Obligatorily ^~I^/ * [/" Obligatory ,Q '\ Oblige' v / v > Obliged' X /V, Obligee' ./ ^ Oblig'er V/\XV . Observ'ing 8 Y' Observ-'ingly /\ '\n Obsess'ion ->P Obsid'ian 'Vj . 'V Obsid'ional C r 5 6 Obsoles'cence Y ^ ^ ObsolesVent . '\ 'V, Ob'solete 'V- J 1 1 Ob'stacle '> Oblig'ing y Oblig'ingly /V. 'V /Xp Obstetri'cian LA U, Ob'stinacy f~' ,_j Occa'sionally '-r-' Occa'sioned - ^ Obligor' (j ; 1 Ob'stinate i_ 3 . ^-^ Occa'sioning V-^ Oblique' X '^_^ Obliquely / \p 'V Ob'stm;itely Ol,--. k Obstipa'tion Occa'sive , p "-P Oc'cidont " l^" Occiil *-l L Obliq'uity X /\, Oblit'erate > .I,' Oblit'erated \ 151 Obstrep'erous ^^ Obstrep'erously L_o . Orrip'ital ?> * ^~3 Oc'ciput Occlu'sion OCCULT 163 OLEOMETER i V yi. Occult' - ' w Occulta'tion 1 sl^ -i Odd'ity K t Odd'ly X V A -v -o Offi'ciator 1 xy X \_X Offic'inal iy. i yj^ Occult'ing Odd'ment ^* ' Offi'cious Occult'ism ,-. ' v . , Ocoult'ly U'l Odd'ness b Odds 'V 'V.^ 5 Offi'ciously ^ Offi'ciousness J-J "i ^, Oc'cupancy J J Ode A^i ^Vn Off'ing / " Oc'cupant J * Ode'on ^. Off'scouring 1 i y Occupa'tion ~O ^ Oc'cupied '1 '1 Od'ic H Od'ically *"Vn ^ 'Vo Off'scum f Offset '- ^ i Oc'cupier "*^\ *^ Oc'cupy ,1 ,|. O'din J> b Odious 'Vp 'V . Offset'ting T < Off'shoot i- i , Oc'cupying * ' Occur' O'dium /V f 'V\_> Off'-side vf Off'spring i i Occurred' Occur'rence -| 'iy Odize' f Odized' \/\ or 'V^. Off'ward i i Occur'rent 'F 'p__" Odiz'ing 'V Oft c Occur'ring ^J -/^ . O'cean ^ ^^^ Odom'eter 'P/^_ : '/ Odomet'rical '^J. or 'Vo Often Ocean'ic Odom'etry '' v -^ i . 'S v Oftentimes A. ,\f, Ocel'late Ocel'lated 'IT 'I"" Odontal'gia ^7" rZ_, Odontal'gic Una l--o Oft'times J/ i w Ogee' _V ^rj O'celot 'T' / \~ Odontal'gy ^ Og'ham "x &"\ Ochra'ceous ^7_ H Odon'to V i O'give , c-i^, O'chre '|~ 'KV, Odontolog'ical * ^- O'gle 7 O'chreous M2, |<7 Odontol'ogy ^ c- O'gled i i O'chrey '1 't O'dor ^ O'gler 1 : \~ Oc'tachord O'dorant ci. . ' O'gling ' i. |_ Oc'tagon ; 3 rtx Octag'onal y J^ jV^n Odoriferous '\s?- ~~ O'dorless ,|"p ^Ix^"' O'dorous O'gre in V O'gress H v = Offend'er ^ ' Oil'y ., Offend'ing >. Offen'sive ^ Oint'ment O'kra 1 Oc'topod ^vup x-- /x ^-P Offen'sively ^~ f Old '\~ '-^- Octosperm'ous ^>/ ^VxJ 1 Offen'siveness "<-/ r] Old'-age H^ ^ Oc'topus /O .0 Offer ' J Old'en - i- 1~ Octoroon' U^> bj Qc'tostyle i^A. . L^'VV Octosyllab'ic T * Offered - 'Vo. S Office >-S> ^y* Old'-style i_f~\ i f~~\^' Oc'ular / " Oc'ularly ^^ Of'fice-bear'er \i_ '\~n^ Office-cop'y V \_ 7^7 . Old'-wife "V Oleag'inous 1 _ ( r L.^ 1 Oc'ulate l\ Officer r*./-) Olean'der Oc'ulated 'Vox '^. '1 Oc'ulist ^^ Officering 'V -i '\_p-~. Offi'cial ^^ ** Offi'cialism ^ y- O'lefiant "^ O'leic V'X y Oleif 'e rous hT ' od 'l^j- 'I Od'alisk ,V ]- 'V Offi'cially fc^ ^ Offi'ciate l ! - Olein 1 Odd 'IkjT Odd'-fellow 'V 'V Offi'ciated Jt '<^ Offi'ciating " Oleomar'garine ^L Oleom'eter 11* OLEO-RESIN 164 OPPRESSIVELY .,-> -v-o Oleo-res'in ' On N/T f\!^~ D Op'era-cloak fr ' O'leous . \_/n Op'era-glass v wl XV Olera'ceous 73 Olfac'tion ^ < 1 " Oncot'omy V^;/" 7 ^ /\. Operam'eter ^*" Op'erant V^V_ Y~V_,J-N Olfac'tory f/3 /^H One '\s ,\ -A Op'erate ]/' ' Olib'anum v ' One'-eyed ^^ Op'erated ? fr, : Ol'igarch !^^~\ ^-^^1 Oneirocrit'ic \j, = ^ Operat'ic l < v ' Oligarch'ic N Oneirol'ogy ^^^ Op'erating Ol'igarchy *> ^^{-^v. Onei'romancy x Oneiros'copy / \^ ) '\S] Opera'tion Op'erative */z~ ,y- o'Ho t/*^~^ >yS. One'ncss \y^ *\~\ Op'erator Ol'itory On'erary " Oper'cular XI. 9 sXV Oliva'ceous ./ S-A v 01 , ive V /^f On'erous One'-sided \ .. \_f> Oper'rulate "' " Oper'culated -^ vX\s Ol'iver J c- 1 On'ion <\ ^-A '\Xl' Oper'culum "' ^ Ol'ivine > ~ J> i -> On'-looker Oporet'ta x /^ Ol'la Ol'la podri'da f-r-s .- 1 ,_^ On'ly Onych'ia - Oph'thalray ^-k *~^ O'mer ^~T/7 ^, Ontol'ogy V^ | O'piate \^-O '~~%*> Om'inous '_. T Om'inously !^-~JP_O ^ / ^*\/' Om'inousness '-t/\ o O'nus r On'ward /\_ / x\v Opif erous ^ ^ Opine' ^ 'XJ. Opined' ^ Omis'sible -C^ : i ^^~> On'ycha '> '*^ Opin'ing x '-.-a Omis'sion ^> . Omis'sive ' On'ychomancy ^q O'nyx '\-_s or ^~* Opin'ion % , Omit' ^i/~ v O'olite ^_y ^L Opin'ionated "* ^ Omit'ted ~y\ f7 Oolit'ic Opin'ionative , '^^^i Omit'ting - ~ Oolog'ical \^k X-^-r O'pium ' Om'nibus fl vV7 Ool'ogist ! O'pium-L-ater Omnif'erous .) Ool'ogy .. Ooze '' Oozed T/~C Opodel'doc > Opop'anax ^^~^S~_i Omnif'ic V__^^ Om'niform ^ \ Ooz'ing * Ooz'y X< '\ Opos'sum o^ ..J Op'pidan A* 'V Oppo'nency >rv^ ^-/ Omniform'ity *^| . tJ ) Omnig'enous ,\ i Opa'cous O'pal ^} *-* Oppo'nt-nt '\-} / ^sj' Opportune' ^^"^ ( Opportum-'ly V ~" A v / |. Omniparity xV v Opalesce' ^^ Opalesced' 'X/^k.^ Opportuneness l^-^x . ^~^^\ Omnip'o- J' tence t X Opales'cence t* Opales'cent /^s^Ii^-x '\y~2- Op'po: Opportunist I -C / ~ s ~'\ Omnip'o- 0- or tent >v^ ^v O'palize N^-2| c" <\ Oppor- >~x_T\^ ^~^J\ Omnipres'- )<; O'palized /N ^ /N ^<) Oppos'able ^^ or ence W Opaque' "N \^^S\^ - ^- 5\ Omnipres'- A >^ Ope / /N SJ Oppos'ing J Op'p" ^~^3"or "~^~2 Omni'scient HL, V/| O'pen-hand'ed O'pen -heart'ed /< '~\^^ Opposi'tinn f 5 * Opposi'tionist ^_^ ! ^^ s *\ Om'nium ^_x X^ O'peninsj /K_ c.. Oppos'itive T ' \> nt, 1 . Omniv'ora V~x_T^" ipt Omniv'orous l_^ Omophag'ic J^-v x = ^\/^> Omphal'ic >ha 1 O pcnlv j|, ^j\t\> \~n O'pen-mouthed /0( , ''V. Oppn O'penness ' ^^ Oppressing '\S- O'pen-work ,t\. -, S\ n Oppr< ^ Om'phalos N Op'era \^_ Oppro-' / .. v^ Omphalot'omj- (\X \j' Op'era-bouffe Oppres'sively OPPRESSIVENESS 165 ORTHOLOGY : X^ Oppres'siveness ^N Oppress'or C,, Oppro'brious V ' Oppro'briously '\ Oppro'brium Oppugn' .ipug'nancy Oppug'nant Oppugned' Oppugn'er Oppugn'ing Opsiom'eter Op'tative Op'tic Op'tical Opti'cian Op'tics Op'tigraph Op'timacy Op'timate Op'time Op'timism Op'timist Optimist'ic /\ . ,\-f~ Op'tion ^ M Op'tional Op'tionally Optom'eter Op'ulence Op'ulent A-- P f \s ^^ Opus'cule o a - Opus'culum 'A or H Or -./* '\_~\ Or'acle Orac'ular Orac'ularly >* Orac'ulous s-- O'ral V O'rally ,-> Or'ange t Orangeade' . Or'angeism ^7~~-\ Or'angeman ft*. Or'angery V 7~"\ Orang'-outang ^t_, Ora'tion <"\, ,SV Or'ator | "I Orato'rial ,--^/ < ' /y*- Orator'ical Orator'ically r^ r\/' Orato'rio Or'atory --A /-\ Orb \ S. Orbed !~N r^ Orb'ic N - >_; Orb'ical N. ./^~~\ Orbic'ular r ~\ '~> Orbic'ulate CP \^ Orb'ing *\ *\ K Orb'it *" > \ Orb'ital .1 Orb'y r\ rN ^.- Orc 'J Orca'dian 7~\ <~\, Or'chard r f Orcharding '~V Or'chardist rx f> ^ *\ ^ Or'chestra Or'chestral Orchestra'tion Or'chestre Orches'tric Or'chid Orchida'ceous I 1 Orchid'eous Or'chil Or'chis Or'cine Ordain' Ordained' Ordain'er 1 Ordain'ing Or'deal ( Or'der Or'dered Or'derer ( Ordering Orderliness ; Or'derly ' Or'dinal . Ordinance Or'dinant Ordinarily Ordinary 5 Or'dinate Ordina'tion Ord'nance " Or'donnance Ord'ure Ore O'read "* Or'gan Organ'ic Organ'ical Or'ganism 1 Or'ganist Or'ganizable r i ^ Organiza'tion or ^3 Or'ganize or ^-B Organized J?^- Organizing 7 Vi Organog'raphist Organog'raphy Organol'ogy Or'ganzine Or'gasm Or'gies Orgues O'riel O'rient Orien'tal Oricnt'alism Orient'alist Orient'alize Or'ifice ^ Or'iflamme Orig'anum ^ Or'igenism Or'igenist Or'igin Orig'inal Original'ity Orig'inally Originate Originated Originating Origina'tion Orig'inative Orig'inator Oril'lon O'riole Ori'on Orismol'ogy Or'ison Orle Orleans Or'lop Ormolu' Or'nament Ornament'al Ornamenta'tion Or'namented "N^ Or'namenting Or'nate -.^ Ornith'olite ((I Ornithol'ogist J__ Ornithol'ogy >" Orog'raphy yt*. Orol'ogy O'rotund Or'phan ^w Or'phanage i, Or'phaned ^ Orphe'an Or'phic X^' Or'piment ,. Orpine Orrery Or'ris -1 Or'thodox ( /C- Orthodoxy C" Orthodrom'ic Or'thodromy Orthoep'ic Orthoep'ical , Or'thoepist Or'thoepy Or'thogon ' Orthog'rapher Orthograph'ic Orthographical Orthog'raphist Orthog'raphy Orthol'ogy ORTHOMETRIC 166 OUTWORK Vy ; V^^X Orthomet'ric 'V~\ 'l. Ost'ler -st ip_ Out-her'od Orthom'etry cr^ Os'tracism \f~* \ o* Out'-house y[ *\. Orthopce'dic j |x* Orthop'teran V v/1 Orthop'terous ^ b ' Or'tive ,> '} ') Os'tracize (ci Os'trazized b ^ Os'tracizing '1 ') ,.. Os'trich J L_ L-f Os'trogoth / "\ L ' Otacous'tic i U. Out'ing ! .y Outland'ish \* \.r Out'last --YT- IJ- Out'law _[ ? \^, Or'val vL V Oryctog'raphy '^7 'C or C Otal'gy Oth er "L- -b^> Out'let fv Out'line '"\i<7 '}-" Or yctol'ogy " " Os'cheocele ,(y J[ Oth'erwise *V ^Vj Otog'raphy r --l^v Out'lined ~IT OuHive "V* 'Vi Os'cillate 1* *' Os'cillated '~y. s\ Os'cillating '" Oscilla'tion ,- -l~ r Otol'ogy \l ? r Otop'atby L ^^ Otot'omy -H -1 Ot'tar "'" ^ Out'lying i-jvi Out'most , ') j. Os'cillatory 'X J f Os'citancy Ot'ter '/, r ot'to "C^^-^v w -)-\- Outnumber ) Os'citant Ot'toman _in. ._|.<\_ Outnumbered "> ") '1 Os'citate i I. ip Oscita'tion " Os'culant '\_ ^\ (3 Os'culate $. A / Oubliette' Ouch 1 or Ought ' ' Outnum'bering -If 1 .. Out-of-doors' t xy" Out-patient "* " Os'culated ^3 Ounce "l~>" I- Out'post f ]_p- '} /C> Os'culating ^^ or '^- Our ^=5 ^C/ Out'pour " Oscula'tion A ^/. '") /* Os'culatory ^f Os'cule "X^n ^C7 O urano o /ra P^y \ ' Ourol'ogy .I.... I -si Out'pouring X/ ' */ Out'rage -) -) O'sier j\ A O'siered "y ^?-- Ouros'copy ^"\ ' Ours -\s4 '&f' Out ' ra ? ed ') Outra'geous ^Jp "^-y O s ' /ns ^\O Of) 1 ' ~\7if ~\-sj Outra'geously I. Os'manli : ^f. or -z^-. Uurselvcs ^-- '/ Out'raging Os'mium A) A) O" St , , I Oust'ed 1. -I.,, Outre' *" V Outreach' ')_, ') Osmun'da ^^ ' * Os'naburg \ ,, Oust'er t\ A O- Qust'ing " 1 "i/'l Out'ride "VI ^ 1 Out'rider '} '\. Os'pray \ Os'selet A! or ._!... Out l^- 1 -1 Out'ri K/ Outright' 'J)n ')" . Os'seous Ossian'ic i -l- Oufbalance ~S> k- Outbid' -|> \y Outrun' ^ -f- Outsail' ') *~) Os'sicle ^ Ossif'erous _.!-_ -1 Oufblown Y V Oufbound j^ -I- Outsell' " zr "" ) Out'set ~) ) Ossif'ic \, . ^ ^ Ossifica'tion ^ ") _. Os'sified -U- i Oufbreak *X 'Xi" Oufburst "l.~ Out'cast J_. -I Out'shine cy v v f Out'side _J i 9 Outsid'er ^ 3=^ Out'skirts ~a ~ u - Out'standing , .. i i Outstretch' '\?- 'Ls A Os'suary \1 Ostensibinty . . Out'do "1 1 l~t Outdone' d"" d" "c{"" Outstretched' / ' X Outstn-tch'ing W *\o Osten'sible > V^" Osten'sibly k J " Out'door A! 1_ Out'er A T== Out'ermost' tl" . Outstrip - -.1 L.. Out-talk' N Outvote' "\_.n ~l^-- Osten'sive . 1 l Outface' . . ' Outvot'cd ^*V Hi Ostenta'tion V; ^ Outfaced' ~\^ 'IJ" "]^ Outwalk' '\- '\*, Ostenta'tious _i i Out'ward <&^ if- Ostenta'tiously -\ '~\ Os'teocele 1 - 1 Out'fit N ^ Out'fitter . Out'wnrd-bound (* f* p.. Os'teocope i. ' Out'wards > Vv^ O'val Ovalbu'men . V Overpass' Overpay' V V Ovid'ian JL O'viduct ^/' X i Ova'rian Ova'rious O'vary OVate xv> O'verplus OVerpoise Overpow'er H^ ^r Ovif'erous ^~\^^ OViform v Ovig'erous Nj_'\/^^' V; -s OVate-oblong n V - xV> Ova'tion \v_; Overpowered Overpow'ering v^ v< .-., P ' O vine >^, V , Ovip'arous >p ' > Ovipos'it ' ' <""-__ -- OVer ^\ '^-r' ^y Overpow'eringly ' x .1 .1 Ovipos'itor o- <. Overact' ~^^y~i ---'- Over-ran' . ,C OVisac -r- OVeralls C^ tji Over-rate' Xa^ " OVoid (*y y> / Overarch' --' Over-ra'ted' ^J .-- f Ovoid'al Overawe' o ^/f Over-ra'ting ' 1" >* A OVolo ^i ^*^ / Overawed' r. Over -reach' ^ /7 V ^_^ o Ovol'ogy ..fM-_. ^/---- Overbalance tsl ^/7 Over-reached' t*hf. ' v*V\ Ovovivip'arous V / ^ ^, 3 _Ov-erbal'anced / Over-reach'ing V V O'vular ^\f^ =*& Overbalancing O/l" Of Over-right'eous 'r /- OVule s Over-rule' ' O'vum -SxH^ Overbear Overbear'ing .w -V Over-ruled' Over-rul'er 4 Owe ~^\ Owed OVerboard Overbur'den ^ "^ Over-rul'ing Over-run' Over-run'ning ^ Oweity Ow'enite *~Z' Ow'ing ^ ^ ^ ^ Overcame' s "^- Oversee' s~ Owl 5.V J Overcast' Overcharge' OVercoat w Overseer' Overset' Overshade' N -V^N Owl'er ^-^, Owl'et " Owl'ing Ay i Overcome' Overshad'ow //O ^ Owl'ish o t^ Overcoming ^7--- Vj v.^^ Overshoot' / S Owl'-like '^1 Overcrowd' [- * Overshot' f , Own -^i -^U Overcrowd'ed Overcrowd'ing ^- ^ Oversight Oversleep' ^^ Owned '^j Own'er t J, ~ Overdo' ^_^\ C^ Overslept' ^ ' \ Own'ership --"^ -->!.. ^~I_ OVerdone .^K; Overspent' I'-' 1 Own'ing x J~ b O'verdose ^-\ *Lo C Overspread' vL>x Ox ^ % Overdraw* Overdrawn' 1 "\ K" Overstep' Overstepped' >-tf .s ! Ox'alate -> Oxal'ic \- V OVerdue Overflow' V H Overstock' Overstrain' ' Ox'eyed ^ Ox'fly M? Oxidabil'ity \ Ox'idable -_ , - Overgrown' {'' r~ ^TT O^ Overgrowth' S- -V- Overtask' 1 -, ' P, Ox'idate \ Overhang' cP to Overtax' ** 'I Ox'idated W (^r Overhaul' Overhauled s ^ L~ )- Overtaxed' Overthrew* '-f i p Ox'idating t)' Oxida'tion '^C --S Overhauling Overhead' *+ ^ Overthrow' Overthrowing ^r i-p Ox'idator vl Ox'ide H v Overhear' Overheard' *h~ H< Overthrown' OVertime ^ 1 p Oxidiz'able b / Ox'idize -^ .S^ Overheat' Overhung' ^ ^ OVertly Overtook' ^ ' P Ox'idized Ox'idizement t ^Al 7 - Overjoyed' Overlaid' f V .W^, Overtop' ^ Overtrade' '~$L i ^ Ox'idizing o * Ox'lip ^ - Oxo'nian -- - OVerlay OVerlaying V -V Overturn' Overturned' Up Ox'tail !_y> Ox'tongue ^q , Overleap' Overload' v Oxymuriat'ic ^ Ox'yopy ' Ox} r ph ony 's Ox'ytone O'yer '\ O'yez / Oys'ter , Oys'ter-bed Oys'ter-catcher ^ Oys'ter-knife Oys'ter-shell Oys'ter- wom'an Ozona'tion ^, O'zone .d Ozoniferous ._ Ozonifica'tion c, "Ijf O'zonize v v O'zonized .V"^^ O'zonizing i ^] Ozonom'eter {"_ Ozonomet'ric \. Ozonom'etry Pabular Pabula'tion Pabu'lous Pabu'lum Pa'ca Pace Paced Pac'er Pacha' Pachalic Pachydac'tylous Pach'yderm Pachyderm'al Pachyderm 'ata Pachyder'mat- Pacific [ous \ 1 Pack'age' Packed Pack'er Pack'et Pack'et-boat Pack'et -ship PackTiorse Pack'ing Pack'ing-case Pack'ing-needle * Pack'man Pack'thread Pack'wax Pa'co Pa'cos Pact Pac'tion Pac'tional Pacti'tious Pactolian Pad Pad'ded Pad'ding Pad'dle Pad'dle-box Pad'dled Pad'dler Padd'ling Pad'dock Pad'dy Padishah' Pad'lock Pad'locked c S Paduasoy' ? P.-e'an Pz'on Pa'gan 'ganish Pa'ganism Pa'ganize Pa'ganized Page Pag'eant Pag'eantry Paged Pag'inal Pagina'tion Pacifying Pacing Pack C Pain'less Pain'lessly -p Pains 1 Pains'taker V s ! : Palea'ceous Paled Pale'-eyed Pale'face Pale'faced Palc'ness Pa'leograph Paleog'rapher Paleograph'ic Paleog'raphist Paleog'raphy ^'- Paleol'ogy Paleontol'ogy Paleothe'rium Palestin'ean Pales'tra VI ~ Pales'tric ' Pal'etot Pal'ette Pal'firey Pa'li Palifica'tion Pal'impsest Pal'indrome Pal'ing 'alingene'sia Pal'inode Palisade' Palisad'ed Palisad'ing Palisa'do Pal'ish Pall PALLADIUM 169 PAPISTIC x ^o Palla'dium ^ Pal'las r Pal'let - Pal'liative ^./'l Pal'liatory ' Pal'lid _^ Pairing * Pal'lium Pall Mall Pallor .e-v Palm Pal'mar -c^ 1 ^ Pal'mary Pal'mate Pal'mated N ^ Palmed "7\_ Palm'er Palmet'to Pal'mine ^-" Palming ^ Pal'miped Pal'mister Pal'mistry Palm'-leaf ^l*. Palm'-oil r Palm' Sunday V^ Palm'-tree ' Palm'y Palp \\ Palpability ^ Pal'pable ^ Pal'pably Palpa'tion ^/" Pal'pebral Pal'pebrous Pal'piform Palpig'erous Pal'pitate Pal'pitated Pal'pitating Palpita'tion Pa Is 'grave Pal'sied Pal'sy Pal'sj'ing Pal'ter Pal'tered Pal'tering Pal'trily Pal'trincss Pal'try Palu'dal Palu'dinous Pal'y Pam Pam'pas Pam'pas-grass Pam'per Pam'pered Pam'pering Si Pam'phlet Pamphleteer' Pam'pre Pan Panace'a Panace'an Pana'da >_ Pan'cake Pan'carte Pancra'tium Pan'creas Pancreatic Pande'an Pan'dect Pandemic Pandemo'nium >> Pan'der Pan'dered _^ Pan'dering Pandicula'tion fS Pando'ra Pandore' Pan'dour Pane Paned 'PanegjT'ic Panegyrist Pan'egyrize Pan'el Pan'eled Pan'eling Pang Pan'golin Panhellenlc s Panhel'lenism Panhel'lenist Panic Panicle .; Panic-stricken ' Panic-struck I Paniv'orous Pannade' Pan'nage Pan'nel Pan'nier Pan'nikin Pan'oplied Pan'oply Panop'ticon Panora'ma Panoramic . Panslav ic anslav'ism Panslay'ist Pansoph'ical Pan'sophy Panstereora'ma ) Pan'sy Pant Pan'tagraph Pantalets' Pantaloons' Pantamor'phic Pantech'nicon Pant'ed Pant'er Pan'theism Pan'theist Pantheistic Pantheol'ogy Panthe'on Pan'ther Pan'tile Panting Pant'ler Pantoch ronom'- eter Pan'tofle Pan'tograph Pantographlc Pantog'raphy Pantolog'ic .. Pantol'ogist K/ Pantol'ogy A _ Pantom'eter Pantom'etry ^v Pan'tomime Pantomimic \^ Pan'tomimist J N Pan'ton ^^--l- Pantoph'agist ^y. Pantoph'agy ^ Pan'try Pants \ Pan'urgy \ Pap v Papa' it Pa'pacy X Pa'pal S, Pa'parchy Papav'erous *?_ Papaw 7 > Pa'per \. Pa'per-cut'ter Pa'pered WPa'pering Pa'per-ma'ker ^ Pa'per-weight v Pa'pery V Papes'cent Va Pa'phian Papler-ma'che Papiliona'ceous _/ Papil'la Papillary . Papillate P Paplllous Pa'pist _. Papistic PAPISTICAL 170 PARSIMONIOUS \, \ . \ \. - \ V? 3 \^ x \/\- v i~, c /CLv < /7 V b V ' Papist'ical Pa'pistry Pappoose' Pap'pous Pap'uan Pap'ular Pap'ulous Papyra'ceous PapjTOg'raphy Parabol'iform Parab'olist Parab'oloid Paracel'sian Paracel'sist Paracen'tric Parach'ronism Parachute' Par'aclete Parocros'tic Parade' Parad'ed Paradigm Parad'ing Paradi'sal Par'adise Paradisi'acal Paradoxical Par'adrome Par'affin Parago'ge Paragog'ic Paragon Par'agram Paragram'mat- ist Par'agraph Paragraphic Paraleip'sis Paralipom'ena Parallac'tic Par'allax Par-allel Paralleled Parallelism Parallel'ogram Parallelopip'ed Parallelopip'e- don Paral'ogism Paral'ogize Paral'ogy Paral'ysis - Paralyt'ic Paraliza'tion Par'alj'ze Paralyzed Par'alyzing Paramat'ta Param'eter Paramount Par'amour W^P \A \/\ Parapet v Parapeted v , "S^ Paraph y w Paraphernalia \ J^Z. < 9^-^ Parascene' ^^ V Parasce'nium 2P : \^f Parasele'ne \/0 v l Parasite OP. Vf Parasit'ic ' 'cL_! Parasit'ical \Jt- x -/^ Parasitism ^ V 6 Parasol . Parasolette Parasj'llab'ic Parath'esis Paravail' Parboil Parboiled Par'boiling Parbuckle V 1 ^ Par'cel 10 Parceled .^ , \ Parceling '^ Parcenary V M Par-cener Parch < /I Vf Parched ^/ Parch'ing \st \_ Parch'ment \ 7* Pard ^ Xl^^yl . Par'don Par'donable Par'doned Pardoner ole Paren'chyma Paren'chymous Parenet'ic Par'ent Paren'tal Paren'thesis Parenthet'ic V~ or Parenthet'ical Parent'icicle Parentless Par'er Pargasite Parget Par'geter Par'geting Parhel'ic < / Parhe'lion ^ Pa'riah ^ Pari'al ^ Pa'rian y. Pari'etal Pari'etary Pacing Parish Parish'ioner Paris'ian _._ Parisol'ogy Parisyllab'ic \/] Par'itor ' Parity Plrlc C\Px^ A "' " v - Par'lance VI P ;i; 1 Parleyed Parleying C V^Par1iament ;- Parliaiuenta'- rian T* Parliamcnt'ary Par'lor' Parnas'sian Paro'chial v . Parod'ic ^ Par'odied \/1 Par'odist ' Par'ody Par'odying Par'ol ' Parole' Par'onj-rae Paron'ymous Paron'j-my \ 1 I'aroquct' \ ' Parot'id Paroti'tis Par'oxysm \_ Par'oxysmal ' Par'quet Parquetry Part Panic id'al Par'ricide Par'rot Par'ty Par'rjing Parse Parsed Par'see Par'seeism 'ars'er " Parsirao'nious PARSIMONY 171 PATROLLING \x6T-'- \ CL/ ^ V^\ Participative Participator Particip'ial Participle Particle [^ Partic'ular Partic'ularist Particularity ~ Partic'ularize Partic'ularized Partic'ularizing -~ Partic'ular- Par'tisanship Par'tite Parti'tion Parti'tioned Parti'tioning Partitive Part'let Part'ly i Part'ner Partnership Partook' Par'tridge Parts Partu'rient Parturi'tion ' Par'ty Par'ty-cpl'ored Par'ty-spir'it Par' venue Pas Pas'chal \, 'y~- Pash Pasha' Pasig'raphy Pasque'-flow'er Pas'quin Pasquinade' Pass Pass'able Pass'ably Pass'ade Passado' Pas'sant Pass'-book" Passed Pas'senger Pass'er Pass'er-by Pas'serine Passibil'ity Pass'ible' Pas'sim Pass'ing Pass'ing-bell Pas'sion Pas'sional Pas'sionate Pas'sionately Pas'sion -flower Pas'sion ist Pas'sionless Pas'sion-play Pas'sion -week Pas'sive Pas'sively Pas'siveness rPassiv'ity Pass'ovcr Pass'port Pass'word Past Paste Paste'board Pas'ted Pas'tel Pastic'cio Pastille' Pas'time Past 'ing Pas'tor Pas'toral Pastoral'e Pas'torate Pas'try Pas 'try-cook Pas'turable Pas'turage Pas'ture Pas'tured Pas'turing Pas'ty Pat Patacoon' Patago'nian V V > V- o Patavin'ity > Patch Patched \ Patch'er / Patch'ing Patch'work s; Patch'y Pate Patee' -3 Patefac'tion Patel'la V N Patel'liform Pat'en ! Pat'ent "s, Pat'entable J- Pat'en ted f. Patentee' > Pat'enting T Pater'nal N 3 Pater'nity Pat'er Nos'ter Path \ Pathet'ic ""* Pathet'ically V. Path'less / Pathog'eny : Pathognomon'ic Pathog'nomy Patholog'ic Pathologically Pathol'ogist Pathol'ogy Path'os Path'way Pa'tience Pa'tient Pa'tiently Pat'in Pat'ina Pat'ly Pat'ois PPat'riarch Patriarch'al . Patriarch'ate Patriarch'ic Pat'riarchy Patri'cian Patricid'al . Pat'ricide Patrimo'nial Pat'rimony Pat'riot Patriotic Patriot'ically Pat'riotisin Patripas'sian Patris'tic Patrol' Patrolled' Patrol'ling PATRON 172 PEERAGE V \- Pat'ron J W Pat'ronage \Y|- Pat'ronal ^> Pat'roness \\- Peace'ably . <1 Peace'ful \. \- ^ Peacefully >C-. Peace'maker \3- \- , Peace'-offering ' *\jy Peace'-ofiScer \ . /fl \^/r Pec'ulated " Pec'ulating x X^/O\_._/< Pecula'tion " Pec'ulator ^-^ ' or N Peculiar \j- \- Pat'ronize l_9 ^S Pat'ronized \ \. Peach / /. Pea'chick \ . ^- . J^ Peculiarity *f ^-J* Pecu'liarize \ v v Peach'-tree \n \- T> t/ ./ > \- Peach'y >-=/ Y Pecu liarly ^J^ . I Pat ronizer Y^ V*-' Pat'ronizing |. '' Pea'cock \. > ., v Pea'fowl v f' X_^_-!/ Pecuniarily ^-itr Pecuniary \-_ Xn Patronyra'ic [_/-i J\ Patroon' X V Pat'ten V \y V Pealien Af Pea' -jacket \^ v Peak V;i- Pedagog'ic | Ped'agogue | Pat'ter X, Xn Pat'tered 1 Pat'tering X Pat'tern x - 1 Peaked \_. \/= Peak'ish J V Peal \ X/^*' Pealed X X Pe'dal f f Ped'al X N ^ Peda'lian R/ 1 Y[ Pedal'ity ] Pat'ty Pau'perize H 1 ^., Pau'perized \L/ Pau'perizing ./ Pearl'y \: XV^. Pearraain' v-ri \ Pear'-shaped v X \ Ptd'dling > A Ped'estal *-* 1 r Pedes'trial \ X \ Pedes'trian < Xp Pause \s/\ \o Pear'-tree a u dL cj u Podes'trianism T Paused ' -^ Peas'ant J LJB-- L-f Pedes'trianize V "C ? aus -? r A ^ Paus ing Xoi/i X Peas'antry ^^ Peas'cod >X Ped'icel fa Ped'icellate \. X. Pave V Pave' \^ ^i ^^ Pease'-pudding \ \ Ped'icelled ^ ^ Ped'icle v V Paved 'L ' Pea'soup x^ "v Pedic'ular J \_/-i Pave'ment \. Pea'shooter 'L^ i "A Pedicula'tion \ \_ . Pav'er v- Vjf Pavil'ion X>_, X Pav'ing *^-3N Pai^ior \ < , Pa'vo vl ^^ s - Pav'onine 1 \. "n> Peat ^ Peat'-moss X X Peat'y X Pebble X' X Pebbled ^ X- Peb^ly \ |^ Pcdic'ulous 'L-:/^ 3 ./ Pedig'erous \ \ Ped'igree ']: 'L-j Ped'iraent V", v Ped'ipalp < < Paw X v Peb'ble-stone O >., Ped'ler | Pawed Xo N-5 v-v_/ Pe-can' . " I/ Ped'lery X^ <^- Paw'ing X __ Pawl J N Peca'na \ \ \ Peccabil'ity - \ ^X Pec'cable |N\ 1^- Pedobap'tisra \ (^. Pedobap'tist ^ Pawnbroker "^ Pawned X . . \ Peccadil'lo ^Z ' ). Pec'cancy N~ \_ Ped'omancy . p awnee \. X /' Pec'cant T K^~~N ~\ Pawn'er ^ L Pawn'-ticket Pec'cary \ . \ Pecca'vi \ . X Pedomct'ric 'L/ 'Ljx Pedun'cle \ \_ P c Pax ^X: Peck \ \ ^^Pedun'culate ^-^ Pax'-wax v x Pecked [i, ft L"^ fi Pedun'cular N. V Pay N \ Pa/able v \ ^ Pay'-day ^ ^^^ Peck'er \ . Peck'ing x -^-- J Pec'ten \/* Peek V! v Peel N \ -s~ Pffled 1* Payee' f N/ ^ Pcel'.-r \^^^ \^ Pec'tinal ~sf" \^ Pay'er > Pav'ing ^*7 Pec'tinate V^ \ Peep' ng \^, Xo Pay'master V V -, Pec'tinated N \ \ Peeped Pay'ment ^n ^^ Pcctina'tion N, ^\ X^V" I'eepVr \ \ Paj-'nim V ^ s X Pea \ \_ L s Pec'tine J. " Pec'tolite 1 ' ** Peep'-hole \ \ Peep'ing \5 No Peace N^-n- N .... r: Pec'toral \ i Peer \ Peace'able Y " Pec'ulate \sif Peer'age PEERESS \Tvj? Peer'ess Peer'ing Peer'less Peer'lessm ss Peev'ish Peev'ishly Peev'ishness Pee'wit Peg'asus Pegged Peg'ger Peg'ging Peg'omancy Peg'top " Peiram'eter Peiras'tic Pek'an Pek'oe Pel'age Pela'gianism Pelargo'nium Pel'erine ' Pelf Pel'ican Pe'lion Pelisse' Pell Pel'lage - Pel'let Pel'licle ,/. Pellic'ular ^T Pel'litory j Pell'-mell 1 Pellu'cid Pellucid'ity \ ** Peloponne'sian . .., Pelt V '' Pel'tate . .,, Pel'tated >* ' Pelt'ed \y j \ Pelt'ing '' Pel'try .\T\o Pel'vic Pel'vis \ Pem'mican 3 Pen \ Pe'nal ^1. Pen'alty HPen'ance . Pena'tes Pence Pen'chant Pen'cil Pen'cilled Pen'cilling Pen'-cutter Pen'dant Pen'dence Pen'dency Pen'dent N Penden'tive \, ^ Pend'ing Pendra'gon Pendulos'ity VPen'dulous CO *^V ' Pen'dulum \J" 173 !f Penetrabil'ity ^ Pen'etrable Penetra'lia "3 Pen'etrant n Pen'etrate 'If Pen'etrated Pen'etrating li Penetra'tion Pen'etrative "? Pen'guin Pen'holder ff Pen'icil Penicil'late .- Penin'sula I Penin'sular Penin'sulate Penin'sulated Pen'itence Pen'itency Pen'itent ) Peniten'tial Peniten'tiary Pen'itently Pen'knife Pen'man Pen'manship Pen'nant Pen'nate Penned Pen'niform Pennig'erous Pen'niless Pen'non Pen'ny Pen'ny-post Pen'ny-a-liner Pen'nyroyal Pen'nyweight Pen'ny-wise Pen'nyworth Pen'sile Pen'sion Pen'sionary Pen'sioned Pen'sioner Pen'sioning Pen'sive Pen'sively Pen'siveness Pent Pen'tachord Pentac'rinate . Pentacros'tic s ^lt- V Pen'taspast Pentasperm'ous Pen'tastich w Pen'tastyle "ii^,, Pen'tateuch Pen'tecost Pentecost'al Pent'-house Penult' Penult'ima Penult'iraate V/ 1 Penu'riously Penu'riousness Pen'ury Pe'on Pc'onage Pe'ony Peo'ple Peo'pled Peo'pling Pep'per Pep'percorn Pep'pered Pep'pergrass Pep'pering Pep'permint Pop'per>- Pep'sin Pep'tic Per Peradvcnt'ure PeramTjulate Peram'bulated Peram'bulating Perambula'tion Peram'bulator Per an'num Perceiv'able PERCHED 174 PERPETRATING Perched Perchance'j Perch'er Perch'ing Perchlo'rate Perchlo'ric iPerchlo'ride Percip'ience Percip'ient Per'coid I Percolate Percolated Percolating Percola'tion Percolator Percuss' Percussed' Percuss'ing Percus'sion Percus'sion-cap Percus'sive Percu'tient Perdi'tion Perdu' Per'egrinate Peregrination Per'egrinator Per'egrine ( -o Peremptorily t^s^ Peremptori- ness V-Oy' Peremptory Peren'nial V . Per'fect T 1 Perfected \ Per'fecter ^ N Perfectibility ,v Perfect'ible V" Perfecting ^~) Perfec'tion .J^ Perfec'tionism Perfec'tionist ""^ Perfect'ive ^9 Perfectly Per fectness . Perfer'vid ^ Perfi'cient x, Perfid'ious JT- Perfid'iously ^V Perfid'iousness 1 Perfidy Perfo'liate \f* Ptrfo'liated -. Perforate ** Perforated ., ? Perforating ^ Perfora'tion , .X Perforative f ' Perforator v Perforce' o r v^ Perform' Perform 'able ^^X^j Perform'- 9 ance or x^/^Performed' Perform'er , Perfume' Perfumed' Perfum'er Perfum'ery Perfunctorily Per'functoriness Perfunctory Perfuse' Perfu'sive Pergame'neous Perhaps' Pe'ri Pericar'diac V ^ V_^ u Pericardial K" J Pericardian Pericardic Pericardi'tis < N? \ '" Pericardium MA ^^ Per'icarp Pericarp'ic Periclase Y v ^\ vb- Perk'in Pi-rk'y Per'raanence Per'manency Per'manent Pericra'nium |_ Per'iderm Per'idrome V/ v H> Perigee * \X Peri'graph Perihe'lion Perihexahe'dral Per'il Perilled Perilling Per'ilous 1 Perilously Per'ilousness Perim'eter Pe'riod \/l \Ji Periodical **- "cU Periodically Periodic'ity Perios'teum \A . F \/\ \ ./\/^ Peripatet'ic V, V -v p er iph' e ral V\ Periph'ery Periph'rasis Periphras'tic ^7-;-' Peripneumo'nia Peripneumon'ic Peripneu'mony Perip'terous Periphery Per'iscope Periscop'ic Permit'ted Permit'ter ^^^ Permit'ting J" Permixt'ion *\ Permut'able .[^ Permuta'tion Per'nancy Perai'cious Perni'ciously Porni'ciousness Pemocta'tion Per'one Perone'al Perora'tion Perox'ide Perpend' .\/\ Perpen- dic'ular Perpendicu- lar'ity Perpen- or \/\/~ dic'u- larly PeTpetrate Per'petrated > ' Per'petrating PERPETRATION 175 PETROUS Perpetra'tion Per'petrator Perpet'ual v Perpet'ually Perpet'uatc Perpet'uated Perpet'uating Perpetua'tion Perpetu'ity Perphos'phate Perplex' Perplexed' \Perplex'ing Perplex'ity \ \ S Per'quisite -f ^ X: Perquisi tion Per'ron \y~ r \y' Perroquct' Per'ry y i \y] Pcrscruta'tion ,-b Per se \-?~ v pi. Per'secute NT'tS Persecuted o^. X=^5 Per'secuting *^ Persecu'tion ^p V^Ljj Per'secutor Per'secutrix .^ "X^, . Persever'ance S-x X/ Persevere' Persevered' Persever'ingly Per'sian Per'sic J Persiflage ^> Persist' Persist'ed >Persist'ence Persistency Persist'ent \ r Persist'ingly Persist'i^e ^j/ Per'son ^N Per'sonable "^^ Per'sonage Per'sonal tx t^ Personal'ity Personally f^/. Per'sonalty Per'sonate *3a/^_, Per'sonated Per'sonating ~N^", Persona'tion Per'sonator Personifica'tion Person'ified "SQI^ Person'ify ^X. Person'ifying Per'sonnel Perspec'tive Perspectog'- raphy Perspica'cious Perspicac'ity v y Perspicu ity j Xj. Perspic'uous Xp v *\B Perspirabil'ity V\. v\. Perspir'able Perspira'tion Per'spiratory Perspire' Perspired' Perspri'ing Persuad'able V \5Xt Persuade' S' i&^l T J, -, Persuaded Persua'sible Vp \A- Persua'sion Persua sive Persua'sively iS^N.vJ 1 Persua'siveness j/ C XX^I Persua'sory ~&f Persul'phate \y~], v Persulta'tion i> (j \y pert . Pertain' ^^ \/^ Pertained' \>^_y Pertain'ing S~^ dJ.. Pertina'cious Pertina'ciously Pertinac'ity Pertinence I Pertinency Pertinent Per'tinently Pert'ly Pert'ness Perturb' Perturb'ance Perturba'tion Perturb'ate . Perturbed' Perturb'ing Pertu'sion Per'uke , Perus'al Peruse' Perused' Perus'er , Perus'ing Peru'vian Pervade' Pervad'ed Pervad'ing Perva'sion Perva'sive Perverse' Perverse'ly Perverse'ness ' Perver'sion . Perver'sity Pcrver'sive Pervert' Pervert'ed Pen'ert'er cv . , Pervert'ible Pervert'ing X n Per'vious vj_p Per'viousness \\ V-T^s Peti'tionary Peti'tioned Peti'tioner Petitioning Petit'-maitre Petre'an Pet'rel Petres'cence Petres'ccnt Petrifac'tion Petrifac'tive Petrifica'tion x/V Pet'rified . i-..i'_:t. Pet'rine X, j^ X- Petro'leum r Y>- Pet'roline ~~^]^, X- Petrolog'ical '<. 'v o Petrocili'cious 'iQ^ -fT^ Petrosi'lex S Pet'rous \7 PETTED 176 PHOSPHORESCENCE Pet'ted Pet'ticoat Pet'tifogger ~ Pet'tifoggery .: Pet'tifogging Pet'tily . Pet'tiness > Pet'ting Pet'tish Pet'tishly Pet'tishness Pet'titoes Pet'to Pet'ty > Pet'tychaps Pet'ulance Pet'ulancy Pet'ulant Pet'ulantly ' Petunse' v Pet'worth Pew Pe'wit Pew'-opener Pew'ter , Pew'terer \. . Pew'tery ^-? rw_'_:~ ;, II Pfen'nig Phac'oid Phaenog'amous Pha'eton Phagede'na - Phageden'ic i_ Phalange' Phalan'geal Phalan'gian lial'anstery Phal'anx Phal'lic Phal'lus Phanerog'amous Phan'tascope Phan'tasm Phantas'ma Phantasmago'ria Phantasmagoric Phantas'mal Phantas'ma- scope Phan'tom Pharaon'ic Pharisa'ic Pharisaical Phar'isaism Pharise'an Pharisee Phar'iseeism Pharmaceu'tic Pharmaceu'ti- . cal Pharmaceu'tist Phar'macist Pharmac'olite Pharmacol'ogist Pharmacol'ogy / Pharmacopoe'ia o Phar'macy X Pha'ro Pha'ros Pharj'n'geal vk.Pharyngi'tis Pharyngot'omy ^Phar-j-nx Phase Pha'sis Pheas'ant Phees'y Phen'gite Pheni'cian Pheni'cine Phe'nix Phenoga'mian Phenom'enal Phenom'enon Phe'on Phi'al Pbiladel'phian Philan'dering Philan'thropist Philan'thropy Philharmon'ic Philhel'lene Philhellen'ic Philhel'lenism Pbilhel'lenist Phil'ibeg Philip'pian Philip'pic Phil'istine V/S ._ . -y^t Phil'istinism ^^ V/: x I Philol'ogcr ^hilolog'ic Philolog'ical Philol'ogist Philol' Phil'omath ~ Philomath'ic Philom'athy Phil'omel Philope'na Philopolem'ical v^__ Philoprogen'i- tiveness Philos'opher Philosoph'ic Philosoph'ical Philosoph'icallj- Philos'ophism Philos'ophist Philos'ophize Philosophized Philos'ophizing Philos'ophy - Philotech'nic Phil'ter Phiz Phlebol'ogy Phlebot'omist Phlebot'omy Phlegm Phlegmat'ic Phh'if'mon Phleme Phlogis'tic Phlogis'ton Phlox Pho'ca Pho'cine PhoeTjus Phceni'cian Phonet'ic Phonet'ically Phonet'ics Phonetiza'tion Pho'nic Pho'nical Pho'nics Pho'nograph S Phonog'rapher r Phonograph'ic v^ Phonog'raphy Pho'nolite Phonol'ogist PhonolOgy Pho'not\-pe Phonotyp'ic Phonot'}~pist Phonot'vpy Phos'gcne Phos'phate Phos'phene Phos'phide Phos'phite Phos'pholite Phos'phor Phos'phorate Phos'phorated Phos'phorating Phosphoresce' Phosphores'- cence PHOSPHORESCENT 177 PILER \/_j Phosphores'cent ^v Phosphor'ic \L_A Phos'phorous ^ /v Phos'phuret V-/ 1 Phos'phuretted ^ Pho'to i^s^ Photogen'ic Photog'eny Pho'tograph Photog'rapher Photograph'ic Photog'raphy Photolog'ic Photol'ogy Photora'eter Photomet'ric Photom'etry Photopho'bia Photop'sia Photop'sy Pho'tosphere Phrase Phrased Phras'eogram Phraseol'ogist Phraseol'ogy Phras'ing Phrenet'ic Phren'ic Phreni'tis Phrcnolog'ical Phrenol'ogist Phrenol'ogy Phren'sy Phryg'ian Phthis'ic Phthis'ical Phthis'icky Phthisiol'ogy Phthi'sis Phylac'tery Phy'larch Phy'larchy Phyllo'dium Phyl'lopod Phylloxe'ra _: Phys'ic Phys'ical Phys'ically Physi'cian Phys'icist Phys'icked Phys'icking : Physicolog'ical Phys'ico-theol'- ogy Physiognom'ic Physiogn'omist Physicign'omy Physiog'raphy Physiolog'ic Physiol'ogist V ,L v Phytiv'orous i~ "7 Phytoch'emy ^ 1 ^~> Xi-'. TM , t f bytog eny -i ^7 . Phytog'raphy ^* c ^ Phytolog'ical "7 V/7 Phytol'ogist Phytol'ogy ^v. Phyton'omy ^T* Phytoph'agous w ,v Phytot'omy 'V* 5^7. Phytozo'a Phytozo'on Piac'ular j-^ "y,, Pi'a ma'ter Pia'nist X V_ A f Pia'no ^^/j- Pia'no-for'te -> ""s.. Pias'tre ) Piaz'za ,j\v Pib'corn I' V_ Pi'broch \__ar Pi'ca I Picador' x , Pic'amar -^~^ % !} t j Pic ard /^ \ . Picaroon' ^~^-^ Picayune' /^ Piccadilly ^ \-S' Piccalil'li /C \ . Pic'colo Pick \ ._ Pjck'aback \ . ' "^ Pick'aninny o y Pick'axe Vj Picked \_j^- Pick'er ^~^ Pick'erel _. V_: Pick'et 1 Pick'eted x Pick'eting " Pick'ing \ Pick'le ^ " Pick'led \. -f Pick'ling Pick'lock \ . Pick'pocket \r- ^\_f Pick'thank c \ . ^-. Pickwick'ian ~ Pic'nic \\^y Picotee' Pic'rolite -N \-y~s Pic'romel Picros'mine ;- x Picrotox'ine L-tU' ^^ Pict V-^" Pict'ish 7 'Y' Picto'rial n \_ui Pic'ture A\ i Pic'ture-book H 5' v A-- r Pie'rian Pier'-table Pi'etism Pi'etist Pietist'ic Pi'ety Piezom'eter Pig Pig'eon Pig'eon-breast'- ed Pig'eon-heart'ed Pig'eon-hole Pig'eon-house ' Pig'eonry Pig'eon-toed Pig'ger> Pig^gin Pig'-head'ed Physiol'ogy ph ys i que ' Picturesque' Picturesque'ness \^] Pic'turing v v_ Pigmen'tal Pig'mentary Pig'my Pignora'tion Pig'nut Pig'skin Pig'tail Pigwidg'eon Pike Piked \y n Pike'man t Pike'stafF Pilas'ter Pilas'tered ^7 Pilch Pilch'ard Piled Pile'-dri'ver Pil'er PILES 178 PITUITE V-o \ , ;r A P'les \v \> p ine \/\ Pirogue' V Pil'fer \x^ \^\ Pil'fered ^ Pin'eal \_v< 'S' Pine'-apple MV / Pirouette' Pis'cary *\ Pil'ferer \y*^ f - Pil'fering \f Pilgar'lick ^S - -- Pined \s, \JM p ! n 's r y 1. Pine-tree *TI^/ \ ,- Piscato'rial tf M/' Pis-catory ^ ,-y ^ ^ Ptt'grim / Pil'grimage ^V^-$ \y~%- Pi'it'erous \ v ^.A, Pin'ey >- Pin'fold v d> N e H Pis'ces ./ \s Piscicul'ture ' Pilig'erous \Vv^ V" Pil'ing *l Pin'hole S^^ X Pi'nic N IS (I N^ Piscicul'turist \f ^^ Pis'ciforra V^- pjll ^ V7 plKagrf Pining \. \. Pin'ion ^s *& if i- m Pin ioned \fc^ \j_i Pis'cina 7 Pis'cinal \j_> \to. o Pis'cine V7 V7 Pil'lager / Pillaging ^T^\ Pillar vf Pin'ite \^_\^_ Hnk S- / \ Pisciv'orous \ \ Pi'se .) .) Pish Pinked ^ \~-> Pis'iform N V'"~ N vx Pil'larbox %_> \v_ . Pink'er ^r-^-s vN Pis'mire Pink'ing ~^. Ny, Pi'solite ;/ ^S' Pillared NT V^ pjllarist \-J^ \j> Pin'money Pin'nace '^3 Pis'sophane i ^VD v,^ v . Pista'chio % Pillbox \_ v _ \- Pin'nacle *] Pin'nate j? ., p* Pistareen' J n ^' Y Pis'til \x x _iXl Pill'ion \\ Pilloried \ . x Pin'nated ^1 v Pinned \, . \a Pistilla'ceous t* V ~* T^. . . Pm nmg \o , V, Pistillif'erous p*^ f- Pis'tol \/-i Vn Pillow-case Pillowed ^>s. \_.4_ Pin'niped Pin'nock V, \U Pistole' }?- F Pis'tolet v x^^ \ x^^ Pillowing i ^ x * Pillow-slip \ x- \vxo Pillowy v^ V? pilose' V^ V Pilos'ity \. X^ Pin'nule / * Pin'point N V \ . Pint n^ Pin'tail \ ' s \ Pit'apat > / Pitch X Pitch'black *1 V pn ot \^ N Pioneered' ^^^ \^, Pioneer'ing Tj ' Pi'ony \ \ v Pitch-blende V { > Pitch-dark o L_ Pitched X, \ Pitch'er ./ < Pitch'er-plant "V \tf> Piloting ^ Vv Pilous V ' \ Pi'ous -) ~y- Pi'ously V. \ Pitch-fork ./ \ _/ Pitching \// x . Pil'ular W V.-V5 p im ' e i ite X-^.N^--^ Pimen'ta \ V Pipe \ N. Pipe'case \ \ " \ Pitch'pine ./ / ^> Pitch-pipe a v\ Pitch'y r Pimen'to vS^-c v-__ Pipe'clay \ N.^ Pit'eous V^ \ . Pim P , N ^ Pimped >- x_,^ Pim'pernel \ \ Piped v ] *\^J Pipe'-fish b .p-* Pit'eously V v x Pit'fall > f I/ Pith \ Pim'pled ^ v iL V Pipc'-laying v s/i ^' v\ Pip'er \\ Pip'erine V^. Pip'ing \ \ Pipis'trel ^ Pithily \ \ Pith'iness (o 6ra Pith'less \ ' v Pith'y > J" 1 Pitiable * \ " Pit'ied \ Pinas'ter Pin'cers \ V^ \ Pip'pin \ " T Pi'quancy v \ \ Pit'ier \. J 1 Pit'iful ^ ^ \^ Pitifully ' Vy N? p inch / V^- Pinchbeck * * Pi'quant v Pique ^ ; ^^ Piqued \ \ Pit'iless | pitiless ness \ Pit'man \. \- Pinched 6 Pinch'ers \i/\ Piqu'ing -- < Pi'racy \--s .L "il Pit'saw ) Pit'tacal V_i \- -> Pinch'ing / ' Pin'cushion Xx \ v/i Pi'rate v Pi'rated \ \ Pit'tance ;] -1 Pit'ted V_-| -X^.^^Pindar'ic ^^^c^. vv . Piratical N v Pit'ting l-^~ l^ Pin'darism x ^' Pi'rating *.{/ Pituitary \^_.^ Pin'darist \y Pirn N Pit'uite PITUITOUS 179 PLEASURABLE N \ Pitu'itous 45 |. Pit'y 'V LJU' Plat'inizing "\ \ ^ Plat'inode *\; V Pla'cableness \ "\ Plan'etule j. [. ]p Plat'inoid ^^v_P Plac'ard m Y~ Plan'gent f| 9 ] i Plat'inous *v ^ Plac'arded \ ^v Planifo'lious ^. *\ Plat'inum 1 ^ Plac'arding i v^y^ ] Planim'eter \_^ * Plat'itude Placed M \ *\ Planipet'alous >>- f> Plan'ish *-" v Pla'tonize ^ "^ (- Pla'tonized <^ j Plan'isphcre 'V ^1 Plank \ ^ Plat'ted f 1 Plat'ter V ^T Pla'cer Planked \^T Plat'ting ^ J Plac'id "V_. < s x _^_ Plank'ing 1. Plat'ypus V, r, r. Placid'ity f ^f> \s Plac'idly Pla'cing Plank'y ^ \ Planned ' Plan'ner . ^T Plau'dit VN, Plau'ditory .]. Plausibil'ity ^p *- Pla'gal V^- Plant'able **^ Plan'tam \ . \ 1'lay'bill V 1 I'layed "x *v Pla'giarism ^ "s, Plan'tar ^- "xr Play'er /^c~^ /J? Pla'giarist -> \ t; Planta'tion > V^v Play'fellow ^j^ ^ Pla'giarize <\ * ^_^< Plan'ticle Play'goer / ^ *x Plague ^ 'V. Plant'ing ^V, < X^A P'ay'ground ]y Plagued ^r Plant'let Play'house ^. s Pla'guer ^T v 1 ^ Plant'like \ V. Play'ing ^ ^ ' Pla'guily ^^ ']^~ Plant'ule Play'mate r. ! X Pla'guing ^ Pla'guy c ^V Plaice \ \ Plash ) -> Plashed K \ Plash'ing \r ^ * Play'thing ( S v ^-'^^ Play'time ^^ L Play'-writer ^ ) Plaid ^ J Plash'y \ \^ Plea % \- Plaid'ing L, Plain \ , V-^ Plasm O O' Tl 1 Plas ma * J Plead \ * P Plead'able ^^ "st, Plain'-deal'ing f-^-*' J, Plain'ly V , %. Plasmat'ic Q^ NJ Ttl IL Plas ter ]' 1 \ J'lead'ed \ ' J ]>lcad'er v ^<^_o Plain'ness ^> .. Plain'-speak'ing K ^m Plas'tered V Plas'terer * \ Plead'ing | \i, Plead'ingly ^jn o Plain'-spo'ken ~^-^ * Plaint ^ 'v> Plas'tering 1 . Plas'tic -' 7* J'lcas'ant \>- V Pleas'antly ^ . S \' Plain'tiff ^~:' **+. Plain'tive ^* (.. Plain'tively 7" \^_ ^ Plain'tivencss ' ^N p lait \. Plat'band (_ ^ Pleas'antness . ^sJn ^ Pleas'antry ' Please % 1 Plait'er \ Plait'ing "\ \ -Plateau' ]- 1 'Pla'ted ^J ore? }l caS , lngr K1 .\ \ Pleas urable PLEASURE 180 PODAGRIC *^5 or 3 Pleas'ure V <5 Plight'ed ^x V Plun'der %/i J? *\ Pleas'uring 1 v| Plight'er >> ^ Plun'dered ^or >y, piebe'ian V "v^. Plight'ing t NQ \.- Plun'derer T Plung'ing ' Plun'ket \ V Pledgee' / / Pledger \ Plu'pertect Xr- ^1 Plu'ral \ ,, ~ v . Pledg'et / > , Pledging \ ' b Plei'ads "^y~. '\*~ Plei'ocene *' Plenilu'nar i ) Plenip'otence ^^> Plough'man s* "sf Plough'share ? P-- Plough'tail < V' Plover TN ' Pluck V-' ' ^ Plus ^ S. ^ Plu sh ;) ,t-i O Plutoc'racy -^ } * Pluto'nian V < k_ Pluton'ic -^ Plu'tonism \i \. Plu'tonist ~y ary T S- Plu'vial S. ' \ Ple'nist ^"" ^J Pluck'ing J Plen'itude \ , \ , Pluck'y 'sx \' Pluviam'eter ^. , V- Plen'tiful <^_ ft Plentifully S 1 ^-- ^- Plug o i , Plugged >- Plug'ging ^^ ^ i Plum / Plu'mage V^. r ^ vo Plu'vious , V Ply Xv ^ Ply'crs Plumbag'inous ^'- Pneumatol'ogy \ i <\> o^, Ple'num \j^ ^v^ Plumba'go ^^~^ " ' ~ Pneumo'nia ^*^^ ^^ Ple'onasm l " PlumTjean ^_^. - v ^-. i Pneumon'ic ^-f Pleonas'tic \" \f^ Plumljeous ^* Plumb'er "' v b Pneumoni'tis -_^ ^. j Pneu'mony fff^^-N Plesiomor'phism < \AX- "\X Plumb'ery Plum'bic "' ' *~^ Pnyx V Po'a v ^ Ple'siosaur ^^L^ \^^ Plumbif'erous \ / Poach .V \7j, NX Plesiosau'rus d Plumb'ing V_ ^v Poach'ard ^ )< 1 pieth'ora V-Yv 3 *vX Plumb'line 7 ' Poached < \> Plethor'ic ^) . Pleu'ra Plum'-cake \j ^ Plume , f V ., Poach'er / / / Poach'ing \y\ 'v/l Pleu'risy VJ '>-> pieurit'ic ^^ Plumed \ *s \ */ Plume'let / ' * Poach'y < < Pock <^ V^x PleVin \j ^vx Plex'iform V '' V -S ~f~. , Plumery N^2 Plumig'erous v Pock'et C \< Pock'et-book ^\ i Pock'et -compass \ ^ . ^> Plexim'eter >S -^ ^-6 Plex'ure v--/ \-^_^ Plumil'iform "V^ Pock'eted _ ^ v Plex'us ^S x \ PHabil'ity <;v o v Pli'able c , ^ i . ^~\ Plum'ine \S-^^S \ TAI f J | Plu miped \_jy-7 Pock'et -hand'- 6 kerchief ^\" "V_^^ Pock'eting \ n PH'ancy

  • Plump'er Pock'y ^v-) \ j, Plica'tion ' J, Plic'ature - - v \v Plied \^ \ Pli'ers ' Plump'ness VCX ^i Plum'-pudding ,L^ L Pluin'-tree y ^\ /"X Po'co ~f " ^~~V-^ Poc'uliform ~\ K Pod 1 IT Pod'agra "I ^^ Pli'form ^ v Plight ^v *~/~ ^~? Plum'y ^S- /- \ Pod'agral l^ ]. : Podag'ric PODDED 181 POLYSTYLE X. X u ' P \ 1- . Pod'ded ) Podes'ta < Podg'y i-^ Pod'osperm Pod'rida Xj Poe'cilite Poecilit'ic Po'em s* Po'esy I Po'et , Po'etaster I Po'etess L - : Poetic Poetical Poetics Poet'-lau'reate Po'etry v,/^ | V Pole'cat v 1 f Poled ^ Polariza'tion Polarize ^Polarized Po'larizer Polarizing Po'lary XV" Pol'der Pole 1 Pole'-axe Polem'oscope Pole'star V? Police' Policed' V/ r ^-' Polisher ^ v Polishing C , x J^~' Polite' ^ X> Politely X^^jj \/^~\- Po'jte'ness v v b Politesse' A ,. Politic > * ' Political o "x Politically * : \.j Politi'cian ^ ^C/H Politics ' Polity xj^~ XT" Pol'ka Poll ^,. <^ Poll (Polly) x ^ Pol'lard ^\ , V Poll'-book V r Polled \/- V^\ Pollen V Poll'er X'/TOL \v-x^ Pollicita'tion V -b V Polling Pollinif'erous Pol'linose Poll'-tax ^ Pollute' Pollut'ed A - Pollut'er Polluting N \/'J .' , - Pollu'tion V ' V Pol'lux X/T \V^7 Po'lo * ' Polonaise' Polyan'dria Polyan'dry Polyan'thus Polyb'asite Polycar'pous Pol'ychord Pol'j-chroite Polychromatic Polych'romy Polycotyle'don Polyc'racy ~f Polyga'mia Polyg'amist ^~^ Polyg'amous Polyg'amy Polygas'tric Polyg'enous f-i X/^T^ Pol'yglot Pol'ygon ^TO- \/T~~ ~- Polyg'onal ' Polyg'onous -^~ iv -^ N-JT-^"^ Polyg'ony Pol'ygram / ^ v ^--Pol'y..:raph ' Polygraph ic V^N- . Polygraph'ical W^VL v* V Pol'ygyn Polygyny Polyhe'dral Polyhed'rical Polyhe'dron Polyhe'drous Polyhym'nia Polymathlc Polym'athy Polymorphous D Pol'yneme ' Polyne'sian Polyno'mial ^-f Polyon'omous Polyon'omy Polyop'tron Polyora'ma . Polyp'ary Pol'ype i Polype'an Polypet'alous VPolyph'agous - Polyphar'- )_ macy Polyphonic Polyph'onist Polyphyl'lous x / Polypldom * Polypif'crous < Pol'ypode I Polyp'ody Pol'ypous Polyprismatlc v Pol'ypus Pol'yscope i_ Polysep'alous Pol'ysperm i Polysperm'ous Pol'ystyle POLYSYLLABIC 182 POSITIVE Polysyllab'ic Polysyl'lable Polytech'nic Pol'ytheism Pol'ytheist Polytheist'ic Polytheis'tical Polyzo'na Polyzo'nal Polyzo'on Pomace' Poma'ceous Pomade' Poman'der Poma'tum Pome Pomegran'ate Pome'llion Pomif'crous Pom'mel Pom'meled Pom'meling - Pomolog'ical Pomol'ogist Pomol'ogy Pomo'na Pomp Pom'pion Pompos'ity Pom'pous Pom'pously Pon'cho Pond Pon'der Ponderability Pon'derable Pon'derance Pon'dered Pon'derer ' Pon'dering Ponderosity Pon'dcrous Pond'weed Po'nent Pon'go Pon'iard Pon'tac Pon'tage Pontee' Pon'tic Pon'tiff Pontif'ic Pontifical Pontificate Pon'tine Pontonier" Pontoon' Po'ny Pood Poo'dle Pooh Pooh-pooh' Pooh-poohed' Pool Pool'er \X_/ V X^" \X' Po'pery \ Pope's'-eye Pop'gun Pop'injay Po'pish Pop'lar Pop'lin Poplit'ic Popped Pop'pet Pop'ping Pop'py Pop'ulace Pop'ulacy Pop'ular Popularity Popularization Pop'ularize Pop'ularized Pop'ularizcr Pop'ularizing Pop'ularly Pop'ulate Pop'ulated " Pop'ulating Popula'tion ' Pop'uline JPop'ulous Pop'ulousness Por'cate Por'cated Por'celain Porch Porcine Por'cupine Pore Pored Po'riform Por'iness Por'ing Por'ism Porismat'ic Po'rite Pork Pork'-butcher Pork'er V\ \ X,/ v/" Port'age 7 ^ Por'tal Por'rigo Por'ringer Port Portability Port'able V- > Port-cray'on Portcul'hs Porte Porte-mon'naie Portend' Portend'ed v^(^O V ' Por'tent Porten'tive lr Portent'ous Por'ter Porterage Port'-fire Portfo'lio Port'-hole Portico Portion Portioned Portioner Portioning Por'tionist Portionless Port'liness t^ 1 Port'ly I- Portman'teau ^ Portrait N M. Portraiture "I ' Portray' <\ Portray'al r Portrayed' *\fl Portraj-'er r Portraj-'ing VjLJLj Portress Port'soken \, Port'-toll JA Port'-town V/-2> v /I Portuguese ^^ N v*C Port'-war'den Por'y Pose Posed Pos'er Pos'ing Pos'ited Posi'tion Y ^ \ Pos'itive POSITIVELY 183 PRACTITIONER "X- ^ v, 4 X- B>Zj V-j? \,j? V_/ - *^ Positively Pos'itivism Pos'itivcncss Pos'itivist Pos'net Posolog'ic Posol'ogy Pos'polite Pos'se Possess' Possessed' Possessing Posses'sion Possess'ive Possess'or Possess'ory Pos'set Possibility Pos'sible Post" Post'able Post'age Post'al Post'boy Post'-cap'tain Post'-card Post'chaise Post'date Post'dated Post'dating Post'-diluvial Post'-diluvian Post'ea .. Post'-entry ^ Post'er * Poste-res'tante Postc'rior " Posterior'ity Posteriorly Poste'riors ty Pos'tern Post 'fix Postfixcd' Postfix'ing Post'-haste Post'-horse Post'humous Pos'til Postil'lion Post'ing Pos'tique Post'man Post'mark Post'master VX, . Poste'ri V\ Poster'i i x V "^v/U Postmeridian Postmortem Postnup'tial Postob'it Post-office Post'paid Postpone' Postponed' * Postpone'mcnt Postponing Postposi'tion Postpositive Postpran'dial Postsce'nium PostScript Post-town Pos'tulant Pos'tulate Pos'tulated Postulating Postula'tion Pos'tulatory Pos'ture Pos'ture-mas'ter Po'sy Pot Po'table Potamog'rapliy Potamol'ogy Pot'ash Potas'sia Potas'sium Pota'tion Pota'to Po'tatory Pot'boiler Pot'boy Potch Poteen' Po'telot Po'tency Po'tent Po'tentate Poten'tial Potentiality Poten'tially Po'tently Poth'er Pot'-herb Poth'ered Poth'ering Pot'-hook Pot'-house Pot'shop Pot'shot Po'tion Pot'luck Pot'man Potpour'ri Pot'sherd Pot'tage Pot'ted Pot'ter Pot'tered Pot'tering Pot'tery Pot'ting Pot'tle Potwal'loper Potwal'loping \ > V \ Pouched A/ A/ Pouch'in Pot'ulent Pouch X /V ,| \/^~\ Poudrette' X>- Pour'party V V | \/ ^, Pourpres'ture Poussette' Pout'ed Pout'er Pout'ing Pov'erty Pow'der Pow'dered Pow'der-horn Pow'dering Pow'der-mill : Pow'der-monkey Pow'dery J\ Pow'er Pow'erful ^s-o Pow'erfully Pow'erless V Powl'dron A Pow'wow ' Pox x Poy Poy'al ^ Praam ^-\ Practicabil'ity ^-c Prac'ticable ^ Prac'ticably \ Prac'tical ^ Practicality Prac'tically _ Prac'tice . Prac'tise v. Prac'tised r" Prac'tiser Practising .(^ Practi'tioner PR.ECIPE 184 PREDISPONENT 'ND c V-iv Prae'cipe V 1 Pracor'dia 'V-o-^ 'V_>-~, Pncmuni're ^' "V Pre-admonlshed \~-y IT^O Pre-admoni'tion ^ \ Precluding r j) Preclu'sion t \^ 'N. Preclu'sive v T^ 5 Prjeno'mcn ^ r v Pre'amble ^^, <}*. Preco'cious c \. ,. c. _ PraHex'ta ^"^ ^l. Pre-antepenul'- >^ (v \ . Preco'ciousness La n V,, Pnc'tor ^T^ timate ^-r? Vf *7 Precocity T J ^ Prrctor'ian N^ t 'V Pre-assurance "^ - '' Precog'itate c \j, '\_^_; Prav-tor'ium J^> "J" Pre-au'dience Preb endary <\. ^. Preconceive' ts. x^'X/S y Prai'rie-hen v* ' Prai'rie-squirrel ,f~- <\ . Preca'riously V- ^r Preconceived' ^ 'V. IVeconcei^ing >i (^ Prai'rie-wolf c \_i^K s \. Prec'ative V-_. ^ Preconcep'tion * Preconcert'ed 1 *^ Prais'er j\ ^" cvy^ Precau'tionarj- p 9^^ \!\ Preconcerting "^so/f Praise'worthi- V 1 ness i i Precau'tioned f \_. ^ Precau'tious L Precontract C S^ 'VfP Precor'dial tv X" "\ Praise'worthy ^7 T Precede' Y~ ^^-. Precur'sive V^ 6 Prance *\^ ^Np Preced'ed cvivX Vt-,< / '' Prccur'sor *\ \ Pranced r .J^ Preced'ence Vh5 *T~ Precur'sorj- Pranc'ing Preced'ent ad. <\^ Prec'edent it. f ^ Prec'edented r Jff Preced'ently v <\ 1'reda'cean 'u "l!A Preda'ceous c <\. Pre'dal Y -|^ -L Pred'atorily ' ('' I Pred'atory ^ <\o . Prase ^ i Praslnous ^ -^ Predes'tinating | " Pratlc Is* Predes'tined ^\ t \.l^'^Predes'tining 5-^' ~^j Predeter'minate V \ Prat'tling " ! ! Pravlty %\i . Preces'sion " Pre'cinct fSyL Predetermina'- *^? tion \ N >~, Prawn <\ o /*! Pre'cious <\.i %! Predetermine ^O Praxis ^^ *\X Pre'ciously ^--j ^3 Predeter'mined ev. X Pray | Prayed t\9J: 6 Precipice "Xfl *\ u Predetermining ^VT^, Y Pre'dial ^N: Prayer ^ Pray'er < N^/\i^~x Prayer'-book Q_ Prayer'ful V^ '"Sv Prayerfully <^_. ^-KJ> PrayerTulness t^^ %, '"\ Preciplent 5 \. Precipitance d V Precipitancy ^ / >/^ Praj-er'lessness \ \ ^ Precipitating j", J- Precipita'tion f \ j Predica'tion 'LJD \ i Predicative <\- <\ Pra/mg % 5V u- N - ./ Preach <\ -. \ Precise' ' Precisely \ \ Predic'ted ' |. 'L. Predicting 'V. Pre-acquaint'- c v--- : ancc 'V ^ Precise'ness v^_p " Preci'sian Xt\ ^ Prediction C V v \. Pre-acquaint'ed *V "\9 Preci'sion U' S-^--| |X ^ Pre-adamlc " ^-r Preci'sive (> jjN- Predict'or \ c v Pre-ad'amite L^_, Pre-admonlsh v i i \ \ Preclude' e i ^ti Preclud'ed ^ tj J. Prcdilec'tion \, Predispo'nent PREDISPOSE 185 PRESAGING <\. *\- 'V Predispose' L J< <*<- ^re-disposed' ^ ^txPredispos in j \ Predisposi'tion Predominance Predominancy \ \^. Predom'inant C-^s-' M Predom'inate ^-^."V^, Preg-nancy ). Pregnant ^UJJ, - ^^f Prehen'sible * T Prchen'sile "Xjj) ^N^p/ Prehen'sion Prclien'sory Nf~, ry Prehistoric Prejudge' Prejudged' Predominated Predominating Predomina'tion Predoomed' Pre-elect' Pre-elcct'ed Pre-elec'tion Pre-em'inence Pre-em'inent ] 5 re-cmp'tion Preen Preened Pre-engage' Pre-engage'- ment Prcen'ing Pre-estab'lish Pre-estab'lished Pre-estab'Iish- ing Pre-exam'ine Pre-exam'ined Pre-exam'ining Pre-exist' Pre-exist'ed Pre-exist'ence Pre-exist'ent Pre-exist'ing Preface Prefaced Prefacer Prefacing Prefato'rial Prefatory Prefect Prefecture Prefer' Preferable Preferably Preference Preferential Preferment Preferred' Prefer'rer Prcfer'ring Prefig'uration Prefigu'rative Prefig'ure Prefig'ured Prefig'uring Prefix Prefixed' Prefixing Preflora'tion V \. , Prejudg'ing / v / Prejudg'ment / ^> Preju'dicate Prestis'simo > Price-rur'rent X/? or ^^ Presbyte'rianism ^c-v- 1 * PresT>ytery Pre'science Presumed' Ve. v^ ^ resum ;?r A Presum ing 'Njl- V^ Presump'tion I,. Presump'tive <\v *'S( * Price'less \^ <\_. Pric'ing Prick V_. <\. Pricked *\9 \^ Pre'scient Pre'scious C V C V Prescribe' oL t \6, Presump'tuous -\ * Presuppo'sal ' Prick'er ^ \ Prick'ing ^- -! Prick'le > v Prescribed' < \ A *V Prescrib'er *~~v\ tr >^ Prescribing ^'V Presuppose' > Presupposed' ^ ^\5, Presuppos'ing '\ J ^ < \ Prick'leback < ^"\_ "^^r 1 Prick'liness < \ C V Prick'ly ^ ,, "V Pre'script 5 >\ Prescriptibil'ity *\ Prid'ed \ " Prescrip'tion \ / Present 'Sn Pre'ter-imper'- 'Xj *\> Priest'ess ^V Present'able *^Nji. feet b I~ PriestTiood c \- "vu Presenta'tion <(j I Present'ative <\ 'X Pre'terit ^1. .(j Preteri'tion ^^ or ^^ Priest'like V \ Present'ed ^*1 H. Presentee' X^, Pretermis'sion *> Pretermit' Nj, . ! \' v ~ Priestli- f^7 ness \, . < \>^ Present'er ^^Vi Present'iment T \^ Presenting ~ ... 7 Preternat'ural V/| c \ Priest'-ridden / Pres'cntly \\.^ Preter-per'fect bj - p rig \, j IV \^1 Pri'ma don'na ll^ 7 Pri'mage *^j^ ^i? Preserver o Preserving c \p * N S p Preside' \ ,. <\ Pret'tiness 4*1 7- Prut ' tv ^ i f Prevail' *(^S~ v f Pri'mal ^\,-~^ Pri'marily f ^~v' ^^ Pri'mary vl v ' Presid'ed V . t Presidency Jr JP r i President J ' 1 ^- cV Presiden'tial 'V <\ Prevailed' V. .0. " \jv Prevail'ing Qj ' Prev'alence c \ \ Prev'alency Pri'mate 'X^-/-. "\U . Prima'tial _J ~~ Primat'ical %_v c\ Prime V'Np Presid'ial \S} \-f Prev'alent ^ Primed ys- Presid'iary *\<^ \t^~*^ P revar 'i ca te \ is- C \-^ Prime'ly %> 'Sp^. Presiding Prevar'icated ^-^ Prim'er^ vo "^^^~T3 Presignifica'tion V. v ^^ c \r Preven'tive ^\j Vb Pre'vious v ^ r ' & Primoge'nial y Np Prestige' J V-<^. Pres'timony "V i\ ;>. .Previously via \ \ Previ'sion (. Prey ^O "^O Primogen'itive Y' C_i_-^ Primogen'itor PRIMOGENITURE 187 PROFESSORSHIP j> "i- Primogeniture Primor'dial Prim'rose Pri'mum mo'bile Prince Prince'dom Prince'ly " Prince's-feath'er Prince's-met'al Prin'cess c / K /. \ 2. Prohibiting Prohibition Prohibi'tionist Prohibitive Prohibitory Project Projec'ted Projec'tile Projec'ture 1 Projet' Prolap'sus Prolap'sion Pro'late Prolegom'ena Prolegom'enary Prolegom'enon Prolep'sis Prolep'tic V/1- Propel'ling Propend'ency Propend'ent Propense' : Propen'sion Propen'sity Prop'er Prop'erly Prop'erty Proph'ecy Proph'esied Proph'esier Proph'esy Proph'esying Proph'et Proph'etess Prophet'ical Prophylac'- tic Propin'quity PROPITIABLE 189 PROTRUSILE Propi'tiable Propi'tiate Propi'tiated Propi'tiating Propitia'tion Propi'tiator Propi'tiatory Propi'tious Propi'tiously Pro'plasm Proplas'tic Pro'polis Propo'nent Propor'tion N^/i-/' Propor'tionable \>y Propor'tional f \(/ Y ^' Propor'tionally vV^-N. Proportionate Proportion- ately Propor'tioned Proper' tioning Propor'tionment Propos'al Propose' Proposed' Propos'er Proposing Proposition Proposi'tional Propound' Propound'ed Propound'er Propounding Propped Prop'ping Propre'tor Propri'etary Propri'etor Propri'ety .Proproc'tor Propt Propul'sion Propul'sive Propyloe'um "X ^C^l Prop'ylon N/ Pro' rata V s^ Prore > Prorec'tor V/^1- f^f/\) Prorcc'torate ^ ^* Prorep'tion , 'Nj, . " tx V- A. 5 u\ Proroga'tion Prorogue' Prorogued' Proroguing Prosaic Prosalcal Prosaism Prosaist Prosce'nium Proscribe' Proscribed' Proscrib'er ' Proscribing ' \) Proscrip'tion ^N^., Proscrip'tive Prose *\._ Prosec'tor " Pros'ecute J. Pros'ecuted ~ Pros'ecuting | _^ Prosecu'tion " Pros'ecutor ^i Pros'ecutrix ' I Prosed 5^| Pros'elyte 4 Pros'elyted '7L Pros'elyting Pros'elytism \fi y Pros'elytize -tl Pros'elytized '^^ Pros'elytizing A Pros'er <9 g^ 5 ;!^ Pros mess <^\, Prosing Pro-slav'ery \^ Prosodi'acal ty- Proso'dial \p Proso'dian t. Pros'odist Pros'ody \S Prosopopoeia ^o or N? Pros'pect \ Prospec'tion Prospec'tive Prospec'tively - Prospect'or Prospect'us Pros'per Pros'pered *. Pros'pering 1'rosperlty ^ Pros'perous C Prosperously P Pros'tate ( Prostatlc Pros'thcsis _. Prosthetic \g Pros'titute !(i- Pros'tituted IPros'tituting Prostitu'tion V'l '^ Pros'titutor Pros'trate Pros'trated Pros'trating Prostra'tion Pro'style Pros'y Prosyl'logism Protag'onist Pro'tasis Protatlc Pro'tean Protect' Protected Protecting Protec'tion Protec'tionist Protective Protect'or Protect'oral Protectorate Protecto'rial Protect'ress Protect'rix , Pro'tege Pro'teid Pro'teine Protem'pore Protest Prot'estant Prot'estantisra Protesta'tion Protest'ed Protest'er Protesting Protest'ingly Pro'teus Prothon'otary Protho'rax t^ Pro'tocpl (/ Pro'togine r Pro'to-mar'tyr ^J"x Pro'toplasm V Protoplas'mic '^* Pro'toplast Pun'ished Pun'isher \^ Pun'ishing ^3 Pun'ishment x~ ^ Pu'nitive I/' Pu'nitory , Punk ^^~ Pun'ka \. Punned Pun'ner ^^ Pun'net Pun'ning >^ Pun'ster Punt y^ Punt'er ^** Punt'ing \ Pu'ny A Pup \ Pu'pa \ Pupe \ Pu'pil ;;> Pu'pilage \W ' Pu'pilary Pupip'arous Pupiv'arous Pupped Pup'pet Pup'ping Pup'py Pup'pyism Pura'na Puran'ic Purblind Purchasable Purchase Pur'chased Pur'chase- mon'ey Pur'chaser Purchasing Pure^ Purer Purest Purfled *\ Purga'tion \j. Purgative Purgato'rial Purgatory Purge Purged \yj \y Purg'er Purg"ing Purifica'tion Purif'icative Pu'rificator Purificatory Pu'rified Pu'rifier Pu'riform ' ^^ Pu'rim x 5 |S ~ S \ 0? Pu'rism ^S ^ Pu'rist Puritan'ic Puritan'ical Pu'ritanism V Pu'rity Purl /X Purled Purlieu Pur'lin Pur'ling Purloin' ^ Purloined' e^s,- Purloin'er " Purloin'ing Pur'party Pur'ple Pur'pled Pur'pling Pur'port Purporting Pur'pose VI. > \ % vt \ ^> \ \ PURPOSELY 192 QUADRENNIAL Pu'tid Put'Iog Put'-off Putrcd'inous Putrefac'tion Putrefac'tive Pu'trefied Pu'trefy Pu'trefying Putres'cence Putres'cent Putres'cible Pu'trid Putrid'ity Put'tied " Put'ting Put'ty Put'tying Puz'zle Puz'zled Puz'zle-headed Puz'/ler Puz'zling Puzzuola'no Pyaj'mia Pyc'nite Pyc'nodont Pyc'nostyle Pye P/garg Pygrae'an Pyg'my Pyl'agore Pylortc Pylo'rus Pyr'acanth Pyral'lolite Pyr'amid Pyramidal Pyramid'ical Pyr'eform Pyrene'an Pyrene'ite sV/ Pyret'ic Pyretol'ogy Pyrex'ial Pyr'gom Pj-r'iform \ PjTita'ceous Pyrom'eter Pyroraet'ric Pyrom'etry Pyromor'phite romor'phous Pyroph'orous Pyr'oscope Pyros'malite Pyrotech'nic Pyrotech'nics Pyrotech'nist ' Pyr'otechny 'yrot'ic Pyroxene Pyroxyl'ic Pyr'rhic Py/rhite Pyr'rholite Pyr'rhonism \A \ . Pyi^rhotine v^j. .1 /* Pythagore' Pythagore'an ( Quar'ter-ses'- sions Quarter-staff Quartette' Quar'tile Quar'tine Quarto Quar'tose Quartz ^uartzif'erous )uartz'ose )uartz'y )uash )uashed Juash'ee Juash'ing Qua'si Quassa'tion Ouas'sia *~s s ^ ^ Quas'sine Qua'ter-cousm Quaternary Quater'nion Quat'ernity Quat'eron Quat'rain Qua'ver Qua'vered Qua'verer Qua'vering Quay Vuay age Queach'y Quean Quea'siness Quea'sy Queen ' Queen'ing Queen'like Queen'ly Queen'post Queen's-met'al Queer "' Queer'ish Queer'ly Quell Quelled Quell'er Quell'ing ' Quench uench'able uenched uench'er uench'ing uench'less uer'citron ue'ried uerimo'nious uer'ist uern uer po Quer'ulous Quer'ulousness Que'iy Oiu-'rying 8uest uest'ion Quest'ionable ionanr Questioned Quest'ioner Questioning Quest'ionist Quest'ionless Suest'man uest'or 8ueue uenod Quib Quib'ble Suib'bled uib'bler Quib'bling Quick Quick'en Qnick'ened Quick'ener Quick'ening 13 QUICKGRASS 194 RADICATING c , P ,x~\ Quick'grass c -^ Quick'lime ^^~ 1( ~^\ Quinquesyl'lable R r ,f c . q Quick'ly Quick'ness ~^~ c v/\ Quin'quevalve V c C f> Quick'sand ' Quick'set C ^x_. r Quinqui'na J Quin'sy />; XN Rabbet * ' Rab'beted C :p,_ > c> \ Quick'-sighted c ^ Ouint x\ /X Rab'beting ' o Quick'silver S> 3" Ouin'tain * ' Rab'bi c 'f Quick'step V. *^ Quick'-witted r ,/~ < ~~"^ Quin'tal Quin'tan XV. /V> ; Kab'bin * * " Rabbin'ic c c I (- Quid .1 T Quid'dity 1 Quid'dle ^^\ C ~^j Quintes'sence /\^< / / \^&~^ Rabbin'ical Rab'binism /\^> xs.- Rab'binist - ^-r Quid'dled ^^ '^\ Quid'dler X^ i Quid'dling v^!r Quid'nunc c_^ (^s* Quintet' Quintill'ion C \. c^ p. Quin'tuple ^^^ Quin'zaine * Rab'bit x\ /< Rab'ble <"V^, Rab'blement /^J S**^ Rabdol'ogy c i c Q u 'd P ro i uo \ "\ X"'^ ' ' ). Rabdom'ancy *V ^~} ^~3 Quiesce' v\ i^uire s^ /v ^-, Rab'id , Quiesced' c^- c ^ Quir'ister ** Rab'idly r ^ i r Quies'cence i^uirK ^v /T- Ra'bies ^^p i^\ v~~} Quies'cency ' Quies'cent c . ^~>\ Quirked ^- 7) Quirk'ish * Ra'ca "X" /-; Ra'cial v~\ < p-i Quies'cing < '1 Qui'et c- c_/i Qui'eted c. ^ Q>t , ' Quitch ^ ^ Ra'cily y 3 o Raccoon' / ' ' Race Qui'eter ^V^^ Quit'claim ^Jo* p Race'-course v~r Vl Qui'etest ^ Raced & 1 Qui'eting or Quite ^^-^ y(f^> Rare'-horse C-, c_ Oui'etism ~~- '> Qui'etist ^ ^ Quit'rent s& Racema'tion -t5~N _x* Raceme' v~t_: v"7lx- Q u i et ' st 'i c '6 ' Qui'etly v~i ^7-1 Qui'etness 'LP h Qui'etude Quits \ c r Quit'table d Quit'tance <- c^-0 Quit'tcd xf R _^^ /^? Rachil'la / X ' Ra'chis UJ5 o^ Ra'ciness C_, C_^ Quie' .IT ' Quill - 1 ' Quit'ter c_ '"-'^ Quit'ting *'^ r ^ /4 ^ Rac'ing / ^- Rack r_/^l -'_ Quill'-driver ' Quiv'er < Racked V *' Quill'ing ^-T- <~ Quill'wort 'I- Quilt r /I x^" Quilt'ed c__ C - E \ Quiv'ered ' Quiv'ering V C ^-p Qui vivo' ^-; '1 : Quixot'ic c -^f > r ^-p Quixot'ically = o^ Quix'otism i s-r Rack'er ' ' Rack'et y 1 ,-r- Rack'eted * " * Rack'eting y n x Rack'ety * ' * Rack'ing r / Quilt'er ;?/ r o Quix'otry , ^ ^^ Rack'-n-nt _ ._ r/ Quilt'ing I/ ? Quiz / Rack'-n/nter t ' v 5 ^ Qui'nary C -P c _^. Quizzed / 3 _xJ^ Racoon' r ^ t-^j Qui'nate I ^ Quiz'zer ' ' '. Ra'cy v Quince r~f, r- o; Quiz'zical x^ /ty~ Rad'dle ^ r , Quince'-tree Quiz'zing Ra'dial 1. L ~ v Cx Quincun'cial c ~~ix-v Quiz'zin'-g'lass /f\" ^]" Ra'diance c_ 3 _._ c -j> Quin'cunx ! , j Quindec'agon ^- r~^ Quoif j; Ra'diancy ^3" ^}" Ra'diant C ^J> c ^_x__^ Quinine' Quoin Ra'diantly --- ^^ Quinquages'iraa f\ Quinquan'gu- ^ cy-^ Quok Quon'dam XT/ x<1" Ra'diary 1" Radia'ta ~ v ^ -* lar d-^ | C Quo'rum xil- xil- Ra'diate ^^-"^ Quin'quefid ^ ^x^ Quinquefo'liate ^~~~ ' ' Quo'ta "vc Cpi Quot'able ' ij Quota'tion C_ c Quote 1 ' Ra'diated /i|- , * Ra'diating 1 ^M5 | Radia'tion ' Ra'diator c - > 1_/! 'r Quinquelit'eral 1 "I Quot'ed c p] ^^ Quot'er /J /!_ Rad'ical * ' ^T^ Radicalism ^"^rT' Quinquen'nial "^ ^x. Quinquep'artite 1 (. Quoth "1, C JT^ Quotid'ian .J Quo'tient /I xl Radical'ity ^^^~ ' ^~: Rad'icallv xl /]_ Rad'icnnt Rad'icate ^^ x. Quin'quereme *;- Quot'ing xl . /J_. Rad'icated " ' Rad'icating RADICATION 195 RATCHIL Xl , Xl Radica'tion - * Rad'icle f^\ f Ral'lier S X Ral'ly v Raffling ' C Raft Ram'ifying xv x^ Ra'phe ' .1- Raph'ides X 7 y Raft'er /^ ,x = ~^ Rammed x\ i xs- Raph'ilite Raft'ered Ram'mer x:Vx- v xf R ap 'id x?' X\ Raft'ing x x'~ v -*' X^} Ram'ming X\ ,x / 'V~' Rapid'ity cK> Rafts'man Ram'mish " .1. Rap'idly x /I ~'\i Ra& /x-> X 7 ' 5 Ram'my x^v_ X\ Ra'pier Ragamuffin Ra'mous *i " Rap'ine -"\ Rapparee' ' "^ Raged Rampa'cious ' * Rapped /"~V; x Rag'-fair X^ /^ Ram'pancy /\ J\ Rappee' ^ * Ragg. Ram'pant < N Rap'per XT- XTN.P Rag'ged ' * ' Rag'gedness X^ X^ Ram'part f r Ramped X/X - / ^ Raptor? -7 X^> Rag'ing ' - Rag-lan /~^~' X^ Ramp'ing Ram'pion XN X\ R 3 ? 1 " N Rap'tor /~*~* x Rag'man x^^Xj /r-J Ram'rod XVy /Ox? Rapto'rial 1 Ragout' v -* Ram'shackle IP*" " Rapto'rious X~7 V /-f, Rag'-shop ' \ < Rag'stone /"tf" ^-/P Ram'son ^f^ Ram'ulous /\n XvX? Rapt'ure X 4 Rapt'urous x / rx Raguled' < Rag'wort ^y x^J2/ Ran Rances'cent jS\s> / Ra'ra a'vis ** Rare Xl ^f Raid 1 Rail /*1 /~-i Ranch / - 1* R an ' c ho "* ' -^ Rarefac'tion .f ^ Railed ^ * Rail'er A-f X~~f Ran'cid ' ' ] Rancid'ity X^IL x^ Rar'efiable * \ x< Rar'efied xf , ^ Rail'ing ^ X Rail'lery X"-f ~.*^ Ran'cidncss " - Ran'cor xA^. X^ Rar'efj xi X ' Rar'efj'ing .~s(\ (Z Rail 'road ,j, /s^ Ran'ccrous j^ /^~f Rare'ly /? /? Rail'way < "^ Ran'corously x<^ x5 Rare'ness x^> ,3 Rai'ment x^^. Ran'dom ^^\ X 2 Rar'ity /- Rain * Rang . Ras'cal /3*s x-1- Rainbow /~1 s*~i Range S&- i. f* 3 Rascal'ity \ Rain'drop s, / ^C Rained Ranged X^ x^-/ Rang'er .1. X 1 ""^^ Rascall'ion ^ -. o Ras'cally f Rain'fall ' / Rang'ing ^ Rase X^ xv ^> Rain -gauge v_? \^ Ra'nine S) xO Rash ' ' Rain iness ^ Rank ' ' *. Rash'er ^^3- - ^rO Rasp'ing ^ Ras'ure Xl x<]L Rat ^ ^ Raked /: ' Ran'som ^ Ratabil'ity _ _y- Rakee' ' /. Rake'hell xg^ xj^_ Ran'somed ^ Ran'somer Xl" X Rat'able \ ' Vf Ratafi'a c > Rak'er ** Rak'ing -i-^ yJ-^ Ran'soming -: Ran'somless Xl xl Ratan' ' J *-! Rat'any X~? /^T7 Rak'ish < .A-^ Rant X/ .7 Ratch "^ Rak'ishness Rant'ed '/ < Ratch'et ><] Ral'lied ^x^" Ran'ter yLt Ratch'il RATE 196 RECALCITRANT Xl A Rate N_l Rate'-book XV Xl Raw'-boned \ C Raw'-hcad X\, /^x^-J Reap'ing Reap'inghook Xl n Rat'ed X^ 5 ^' Raw'ncss /S_ Xvx R ea PP ear ' ^\ \^X| Rate'payer < * Ray J / i>v ^ Reappear'ance ^ Rat'er f) or / Rath'er X x<1 R a 'y a h -* Rayed X^o Reappoinf ^V , Ratifica'tion r*v o Ray'less ^i- 1 -^ or /^ J Reappoint'ment ^"O ** Rafified xf x^ Razed X* x^L-^ Rear xv v - A v Rat'ifier "' ' * Razee' Rear'-ad'rairal -^ N Rat'ify Av A Ratifying ox <^' Raz'ing -^"^ x. Ra'zor Xl x^ Reared X ' X ^'.-r Rat'ing pXVx 1 /vx\ Ra'zor-bill X^^ If Rear'ing x<7 X" Ra'tio X /Ar \ Re-absorb' X^ Rear'guard Ratiocinate x7~ X)". Ratiocina'tion oi2> <* ^ Ratioc'inative x7 f Ra'tional X xi~ Reach'ing 1?C~\ .// Rearrange'ment ^-. sS^' R a ti na 'l e x React' X * X^ Rear'ward r^ < Ra'tionalism x^ , x X- Re a c'tion X^ x?~^ R ca scend' / ^ . Ra'tionalist ' Reac'tionary ** x Rea'son (^ f Rationalisfic x^ 1 1 xl Reac'tive ^J-x^^x? \^ Rea'sonablc sf\ x>xa Rational'ity X t- ' Read Rea'sonableness / .1. < v Ra'tionalize /Y~' /V 3 - Ra'tionally X^l XT Read, /. / Read'iness 'ijv Reassign' XI ' XI Ratteen' ' J- J Rat'ten /I Xl^ Read'ing ^^_J Read'ing-book w o?' *Jo Reassign'ment XI ,1 Rafter Rafting // ^-^. \ or /Ix"* R ea d'ing- room x\ -i7 j> Reassume' Xl)-,- A < ( XY Reassure' XT , Raftle I <* Rat'tled X xT Rat'tlesnake ' V ! Raftling 457 Readjust' T Readjusfed fa* x<1_ Readjusfing 3 Rcadmis'sion Rcas'ty /\ /\ Rebaptize' | v ] Rebate' "J 3 /-r Rau'city i I. Rau'cous A xl Readmit' S ' Read'y /V xAC Rebat'ed 1 1^ Rebate'ment /A. XV Rav'age / 7 Rav'aged <\_^ XV_.^ Read'y-made ^\--> Reaffirm' S*i x\ Rebat'ing 1 /v -- Re'bec /C, /A. Rav'ager -z3 ,X Rea'gent XX/" Rebel' ' / ' ./ Rav'aging *' Re'al \ R.-b'el -, - Rave ,^~ 56~~^ Real'gar /\ /V^' Rebelled' * * Raved C x Re'alism T Rebelling XV /V Rav'el f> p^. Re'alist XSX 3 x\ /f> Rebell'ion ' -f ' ^ Rav'eled x / Realist'ic Rebell'iom A -xo /y R av/e '' n * ^*^ '(3 Rav'eling f~\ fa\f Real'ity ^X J, /V V T3 / T 1- 1 C X Realizable X^ A x / X' Rebnund' ^^ Rebiiumred xAo x\ Ra'ven xfe' ^o Rcaliza'tion XV, X^l Kebound'ing <^ Rav'en x 7 X v Re'alize Rebuff' .^ XV Rav'ened ^^ Rav'ener ^ /v*""' Realized' X x Realizing ., ^ Rel.uffed' X^ X>>^ Rebuffing x\ /^_ o Rav'ening /V-_ ' ^5* Ravenous s X Really X ^ Realm , , c Rebuild' X^ Rebuild'ing /V. , _r-\ Rav'enously ^f -^" Rav'er xi /-^ Re'alty x^ L ' Ream ,. - /\ Rebuilt' / >'' Rebuke' XV /\s Rav'in ^= ' Ravine' X ^~i -r-i Rean'imate u * Rean'imated /V, /\_= R'^uked' -. ,, ( Rav'ing ** " *^ Rav'ish / ^1 ^_XT-J Rean'imating * Reanima'tion y^^ /V^j Rebuk'ing XV AJI Rav'ished ' ^ X Rav'isher yvi-^- /^- !: ^ e Reannex' Reannexa'tion xA /\ Rebu U f -] -1 Rebut'ted x \^_y~~' / \^. Rav'ishing x/ Rav'ishment A ^ S eap , ' Reaped x x S ) / XX Rebut'ter '> '! Rebut'ting X Raw _X\ Reap'er S"J Rccal'eitrant RECALCITRATE 197 RECREMENTAL /trip /ir-o,. Recal'citrate o x*l Recit'ed ^x x' Recommit' 1 Recal'citrated *^* Recit'er | Xi^ . Recommit'ted X-Q. Xu^*!-, Recal'citrating Recalcitra'tion xf . Reciting ^ /~ Reck Recommit'ting /, x< Recommit'ment /V- > Recall' . . Recked .1^ r Recommit'tal S^ Recalled' "^ -^ Recking /.. x^. Rec'ompense xf-^-- /^ Recall'ing ^ , x*" Reckless 6 ^ Rec'ompensed Recant' /^~~ \ Recanta'tion x^~l Recant'ed / X" 1 " Recklessly f^^-P /T^ Recklessness / Reck'on /\. xC> Rec'ompensing o. x> Recompose' Xvi /' x^i_ Recant'er ^^ xr~C-x Reck'oned f Recomposlng Recanfing ^' Reck'oner xx- / v x^ Reconcillatory ^-F o Recede' /-^-^3 /^^ Reclina'tion x^-^ x/ ^^ 1 T> / M* xfii xfe i Kec oncihnsr .1 xa Reced'ed Recline' Vl 1> t J-i 1 Kec ondite xf ,xf Receding x*-j > '.v. Reclined' x-j" x^V 2 - 9 Reconduct' i~x .1 Receipt' Reclin'er U- Recon'naissance xf j? Receipt'-book X"V^^ x /t 7 i> l^ ec 'i n '' n & xH_ K-e'centness i x^ rvX x o . Rec'ognizer 1 s - ^D Reconstruc'tion Recep'tacle v v Rec'ognizing xf. x^ Reconvey' ^Jt. / ^x^S. Receptac'ular xC^oix- _^^" Rccogniz'or ^ ^* Reconvey'ance Receptibil'ity v /-r Recoil' ^T /^~\ Record xi ^\ Recep'tible ^_ f~\ Recoiled' S Record'ed > " Recep'tion Recoil'er Jr i x 5 ^ Record'er \s\ /\ Recep'tive 1 3 Receptivity T^ r^ Recoiling: /* f+ Recoil'ment Recording / x^ X"^ 4 ! Recount' 1 Recess' /T~^ /7^~~/ Recoin' Recount'ed x^. e. Recessed' 1 Recoin'age X^*" x'^^ Recounting *^^ Reces'sion /- ^-i A- =-i Recollect' ' Recoup' X^-N" ^/-y Rech'abite 1 1 Re-collect' ^_ x^^v Recouped' Recharge' -< /-^ '-\ Recollect'ed / ? ' '" Recouping x/ ' X 3 5 x'. R ecneat ' ! Recollecting x"^N x 7 ^ Recoup'ment ' * Recher'che X* 1 x i^ Re-collect'ing ' Recourse' x^ x^\. Re-choose' -^ Recollec'tion x^-^/^^N Recov'or ' Recipe X b Re-collec'tion \ Recoverable x^x" x^o" Recipiency /~^ h /C -} Recollectlve ^jr^ x^^V Recov'ered Recipient " ^^ Recombina'tion / ^ Recov'erer X^C x^\ Reciprocal X\v x o Recombine' X'^vN ,/ Recov'ering Reciprocallty * ' Re-commence' 'x^"~ Recov'i-ry /f*\_ x^^V- Recip'rocally x > Re-commenced' ^JT? ^r= Rec'reancy " Recip'rocate x ^^ Re-commencing Rec'reant x 6 ^ xV . R ecl P' r cated X'o Recommend' >^ J? Rec'reate ^^ ' Recip'rocating xC< Recommend' Recreate' ^6\ -, x^\3 Reciproca'tion N able x ^=l ^j- Recreat ed L Reciprocity a ^xP Reci'sion X^--i Recommenda'- U tion Recreating x^=" ,-^p Recreating ^^ Recit'al xC_.. Rccommend'a- X " Recrea'tion D xf Recita'tion xjf. -tf 1 Recitative' b- V^_ Recitati'vo ^J? ' Recite' 1- x^-) tory x^l x^ "^ Rec'reative Recommend'ed ' Rec'rement Xs*x- /~-* Recommend;er ^-^-, Rccrement'al Recommend ing x |r RECRE-MENTITIAL 198 REFECTORY f ^\j Recrementi'tial Xl ^lv Redeemed' A Redeem'er xl XJ Redu'pHcated > ri S^ Rcdu'plicating f~^~~^\ Recrementi'- a/. tious S "H Recrim'inate XL, XT Redeem'ing ^ ^\ Redemp'tible Xl. XLvx. Redemp'tion ^" ^^ Redemp'tionary ^\ ^3 Reduplica'tion ^~p "V-i Redu'plicative Xj/^> /rf- Red'wing f "~T Recrimina'tion 5 ^~1 x~i Recrim'inative ^^S XL Redemp'tioner ~^ (,. Rederop'tive Re-ccn o .ATI y-^\" Re-ech'oed Re-ech'oing Recruit' XLi/ > - XL>x Redemp'torist XI XI Reed 5^1 f~^ j Recruit'ed Redemp'tory - J Rced'en Recruit'er X-J V Xl J. Red'eye Xl /V Reed'ing /V .^f~ Recruit'ing "^ Red'gum Reed'lcss x Rec'tal /^~* x^-"- R ectan 'gle Xl. ^\ Red-hand'ed H ,.| Redhead Xl p. Reed'y ' X' Reef Rectan'gled ,^^f \ Rectan'gular Xl Xl ^ Redhib'ition > *>^ Redhib'itory -. Reefed x Reefing >^ x>X\L Rectangular'ity ' ' \Rec'tinable y^\ v Rectifica'tion ^U RedTiot X\. Xl_, Redin'tegrate ^i. 1-ri Redin'tegrated / Reek" /-^ / = Reeked X / Reek'ing ^TS '^ Rectified XL, X^_..^ Redin'tegrating /-: ^/ Reek'y X^vt x\v Rec'tifier ^i. ^P Redintegra'tion ' .1 Rr,-l ^ x s Rectify xl xd Redispose' -/' xf . Rc-i-lect' y-yv ./^" Rec'tifying C N^ ) X, Redistrib'ute ^L^- "n Ke-elcct'ed ' x" 1 ^ Rectilin'eal .^2~s y-\ Rectilin'ear x ' Rec'titude t,- ~ 7 7 X^-^X Re-engage' Recurred' XL ^- -a i J, Recurv'ous Xl Xl Red'skin ^x iveer mouse X~S^\ X^ 1 *^ Recu'sancy ^ fe Red'start \^s-^ or \ Re-estab'lish Recu'sant X^ 6 Xl Recusa'tion ' Red Xj ^1 Red'streak !_. l^ Red'-tape X Re-e^tab'lish- \_, ment Xl XI Redac'tion J Redan' Xl /\ Red'breast V'l Red'-tapism P Red'top X ? ^ '' X s ' Reeved X^ Reev'ing ^> \ Red'cap xHo Xl Reduce' . o ~3 Ro-cxamina'- XL /1_o Red'coat b b ^ Reduced' tion i Red'cross Xl- Xl Red'den XI ' Xl Reduc'ent * ^ Reducible ^-% ! -a x o? Re-cxam'ine ' ' Re-exam'ined J ^^ Redden'dum ^ Xl- Red'dened XJ' --- Red'dening Xl y XI Red'dish W Reddi'tion XL- XI Reduc'ing ^ U Reduct' XT, Xli Reduc'tion J (j. Reduc'tive .-j, Xl. Redun'dance y-%~*_^ Jto Re-examin'ing / V Re-export' X\o XKJ R e f asn 'i on x^ Refash'ioned Xvj"" XV_- Refasbion'ing XI xf Red'ditive .[. ' Red'dle XI Xl . Redeem' ^\ Redeem'able > ^- s> ^1 Redun'dancy xi ^J Redun'dant "^ XV-- Redu'plicate '^~D Retec'tion ^X^- Regurgita'tion Rehabilitate Rehabil'itatcd Rehabilita'tion Rehear' Reheard' Rehear'ing Rohears'al Rehearse' ^hearsed' Rohears'er Rehears'ing REICHSRATH 200 REMIGRATE x~y f * x-H> Reichs'rath ' Reichs'tag x, Rei'gle *" Reign xr Reigned Reign'ing x-^v Reimburse' Reimbursed' ^, Reimbursement X '"y Reimbursing Reimprint' ; I Rein i Rein'deer \ Reined J) Reinforce' -~i Reinforced' ^~. Reinforce'ment -. Reinforcing ^x,^ Rein'ing Rein 'less ^f/ Reins Reinsert' tp- Reinspec'tion K Reinstall' ^~4>_ Reinstate' Reinstat'ed /-if! Reinstatc'ment Reinstating x~~5 Reinsurance "S Reinsure' ,^_ Reinvest' U, Reinvest'ment X} Reis'sue -I Reis'sued X-1. Reis'suing Reit'erate x'L^ Reit'erated Reit'erating A -xl Reitera'tion Reland' Relapse' Relapsed' Relaps'er Relapsing Relate' Relat'ed Relating Rela'tion Rela'tional Reit'e Rejec Rejec Rejec ative 'able 'ed x/ ^^^ Rejec Reject'ing Reject'ion Reject'ive Reject'ment Rejoice' Rejoiced' Rejoicing Rejoin' Rejoin'der Rejoined' Rejoining Rfju'venate Reju'venated Reju'venating Rekin'dle Rekin'dled / V /-\ Rekin'dlin ^ X Re ^ ./J -r-^ ,, Rencoun'ter /^. /\'' Repay' Remind'ed ** Rend x x \ Repayable - Remind'er .? Rend'cr /^\. /\o Repaying Reminding Ren'dered Repay'ment -St- Reminis'cence Reminis'cent -,. /^\^ Ren'dering Ren'dezvous ' Repealabil'ity - c Rem'iped -*, ^,. Rend'ible /*\S*\ /\ Repeal'able Reraise' Rending ' Repealed' -x Remised' /^-M S^- Rendi'tion /\f~^\ /\r^~^ Repeal'er Remising Ren'egade Repealing ^ Remiss; ' /*^~*- /^~*\. Renew' /^' /\ Repeat' Remissibil'ity Renew'able 1 Repeat'ed "5 Remissible /~~Y /^ Renew'al /\- /\ Repeat'edly Remis'si'in " * Renewed' " \' Repeat'er " Remissive ^^~\ ,*^~^, Renew'er yx; /*V~ Repeating Remissly ' Renewing Repel' / Remiss'ness Remiss'ory /^^Cl / ;-l. Ren'iform <"^ Ren'itence /\ /\xs Repelled' ' ' " Repel'lence * Kemit' ^M. s*^+. Ren'itency /\yT? /\^> Repel'lency Remit'tal ) ' Ren'itent ^ Repellent ~1 Remittance /v' /^& Ren'net /V~^ /\/^~^ Repel'ler Remit'ted Renounce' Repelling > Remit'tcnt ,^^y s^JS'-' Renounced' x\. /X_p Repent' Remit'ter / ' Renounce'ment Repent'ance Remifting AC/ ^-i-^^ Rcnounc'er /^ /^S Repent'ant Rem'nant /^- Renouncing " Repent'ed Rcmod'cl /^^ /T-^V; Ren'ovate /*$^, /\. Repenting Remod'eled ' Ren'ovated > Repeo'ple ^S Remod'eling Remoll'ient /~^._ A^Vo Ren'ovating /* Renova'tion S\ n x*V-= Repercuss' 1 ' Repercussed' "S Remon'strance /T^A. /^ Ren'ovator _S\ .. /\_J Repercuss'ing Remon'strant " Renown' ' ' ^ " ' Repercus'sion ^ Remon'strate ~ Renowned' x s\_p x^r\ Repercusslve u Remon'strated Rent ' V Rep'ertoire T. Remon'strating 1 Remon'strator /*\ ^^ Rent'able ^ Rent'al .^. Rente (Fr.) HI/- /\ Repertory a ' Repetend /~\ /^!( Repeti'tion ~b Rem'ora ' ' Rent'ed \y ' Repine' Remorse' .., ^. Rent'er xvy x^\v. Repined' , Replace'ment ^ Removabil'ity -x Remov'ablc x .T\i/ Rcordain' f** ^^ Replacing x^ /^ Replant' ^> Remov'al xK , /T^I Reorganiz- .^ Replenish "\ R emove' ' Removed' r^^jj " ; a'tion /r^ /;**. Reorganize /S< /V Replenished / ^ Replenishing \. Removing ^ ^-3 ^~^? Reorganized /V ^xSv- Replenishment Rem'phan x\ /\ Rep v4 Replete' Remunerabillty -\2 Remu'nerable /^ Repack' /X. /^< Repaid' 1 > Repair' \ Replev'iable ' Remu'nerate /^v ,v . -/ Repaired' /S-v / /< s. Replev'ied ^s Remunerated ' /-^/ Repair'er < \s Replevin Remunerating " Rcmunera'tion /^: -^ Repairing ' Rcpand' /V /Vs. Rcplev'y \j NI. Replev'ying b Rcmu'nerative /\. /K^V Repand'nus /<^ /Sv Rep'lica _B._y Remu'neratory ^^ Rep'arable ^ Rep'licant Rcnais'sance > Re'nal /\J> /\/1 Reparation Repar'ative /^x_. S\_ Replicate ' '^~i Replicated Ren'ard /\Xl X^o Repartee' /\_$ M Replica'tion ---) Renas'cence Repass' ' Replied' Renas'cency /V .< Repassed' /V XS^ Repli'er = Renas'cent /^Q-s Repass'ing *^ Reply' Rencon'tre /s^ Repast' /kv Replying REPORT 202 RESIDUARY \. > ^ \-^r ' Report' Report'ed Report'er Reporting Reporto'rial Repos'al Repose' Reposed' Reposing Reposlt Reposlted Reposlting Repository Repossess' Reposses'sion Repous'se Reprehend' Reprehend'ed Reprehending Reprehen'sible Reprehen'sion Reprehen'sive Reprehen'sory Represent' Represent'able 1> Representa'tion > Represent'ative Represent'ed Representing Repress' Repressed' Repress'er Repressing Repres'sion Repressive Reprieve' Reprieved' Reprieving Rep'rimand Rep'rimanded Rep'rimanding Reprint Reprint'ed Reprinting Repris'al Reprise' Reproach' Reproach'able Reproached' ' Reproach'ful Reproach'fully Reproaching Rep'robate Rep'robated Rep'robating Reproba'tion Rep'robative Reproduce' Reproduced' Reproduc'tion Reproduc'tive Reproof Reprov'able f- Reprov'al Reprove' Reproved' Reprov'er Reproving x f \' /\ Reprovingly ^1. \j Repta'tion Rep'tatory Rep'tile Reptilla Reptilian ^\ Republic /\ /\ Republican o \^, Republicanism Repub'licanize Repub'licanized Repub'licaniz- -\^X 1 Republica'tion Repub'lish Repub'lished /\ / jfl Republishing \ <^ Repu'diable Repu'diate Repu'diated Repu'diating Repudia'tion Repu'diator Repug*- /V, V -x-^t / ^ Repug'nancy Repulsing Repul'sion Repulsive Repulsively Repuls'ory Repurchase Rep'utable Rep'utably Reputa'tion Repute' ReputYd Reputing Request' Request'.'il Requesting Requir'able Require' Required' Require'ment Requiring Req'uisite Requisi'tion Requis'itive Requit'al Requite' Requit'ed Requiting Rere'dos Re-resolve' Rere'ward Resale' Rescind' Rescind'able Rescind'ed Rescinding Rescind'ment Rescis'sion Rescis'sory j. Rescribe' Res'cript Rescrip'tion Rescrip'tive Rescrip'tively Res'cuable Res'cue Res'cued Res'cuer Res'cuing Research' Reseat' Reseize' Resell' Resem'blance Resem'ble. 'Resem'bling Resent' Resent'ed _ Resent'er Resent'ful Resenting ' Resentlve Resent'ment Reserra'tiOD Reseired' Rcser\-'edly ReservYr Reser\'lng Reservoir* Reset' Resetting Reset'tle Reset'tlement Reship' Reship'ment Reside' Res'iil Residency Resident Residen'tial Kesiden'tiary Resid'er Residing Resid'ual Resid'uar5 - RESIDUE 203 RETICENCY Vx X 5 > jrv Res'idue Resid'uum Resign' Resigna'tion Resigned' Resign'edly Resignee' Resign'er Resigning Resil'ience Resiliency Resilient Res'in Resinif'erous Res'inous Resist' Resistance Resist'ant Resist'ed Resist'er Resistibil'ity Resist'ible Resisting Resist'ive Resistless Res'oluble Res'olute Res'olutely Rcsolu'tion Resolv'ability _ Resolv'able Resolve' Resolved' Resolv'ent Resolv'er Resolv'ing Res'onance Res'onant Resorb' Resorbed' Resorb'ent Resorb'ing Resorp'tion Resort' Resort'ed Resort'ing Resound' Resound'ed Resound'ing Resource' Resource'less Respect' Respectability Respect'able Respect'ably Respect'ant x Respect'ed Respect'er Respect'ful Respect'fully especting espect'ive ,, fr. Respect'ively Respell' Respirabil'ity Respir'able Respira'tion Respira'tional -. Res'pirator Respir'atory Respire' Respired' Respir'ing Res'pite Res'pited Res'piting Resplen'dence Resplen'dency Resplen'dent Respond' Respond'ed Respond'ence Respond'ent Responding Respon'sal Response' Responsibility f-. Respon'sive Respon'sively .., Respon'sory -^ Rest f Res'tant T, ^J>- Res'tau- Eu ' ^ rant o Restau'rateur " Rest'ed **[. Rest'ful Resting Restitution Res'tive Res'tiveness Y or J* Restless Rest'lessl}' Restlessness Restor'able ' K- \ ' K Restora'tion jjA ^/\ R estor a'tionist ^\^ * o- Restor'ative l^ J, Restore' ^ S Restored' p / ,#, Rcstor'er *V S. Restoring sG\ f ^f\. Restrain' J' =~\ Restrain'able .&* ,/*. Restrained' l ""^'- Restram'edly /?\. S?^ Restrain'er *^ Restraining Restric'tion Restrictive ^*- <3- Restrict'ively Restringe' Restrin'gency Restrin'gent Rest'y Result' Result'ance Result'ant Result'ed Resulting Resum'able Resume' Res'ume Resumed' Resuming Resump'tion Resumptive Resu'pinate Resurgence Rcsur'gent ' Resurrec'tion Resurrec'tionist r." Resur\'ey' ' Resus'citable )/ Resus'citant Resus'citate ^ Resus'citated ?.~ Resus'citating " Resuscita'tion ^, Resus'citative 'I Resus'citator Ret 1. Retail Retailed' Retail'er Retailing Retain' Retain'able Retained' 1 Retake' /j] Retaliate Retaliated /\Z^ Retaliating Retalia'tion /X\/- Retallative Retaliatory Retard' Retarda'tion /\A Retard'ative -H Retarded' Retarding Retch Retched Retching Reten'tion Reten'tive Ret'icency RETICENT 204 REVOCABILITY Retio'ular XL^ XI ./fl Retic'ulate ,x'~ ^ Retroces'sion P L^ Retroduc'tion XV/i /V -gy Rev'erence ' -Vx 1 ^ Rev'erenced XVX Rev'erencing " Retic'ulated Xj_./D XL/" Reticula'tion ^-3~ x3~ Ret'roflex V .n V_^> Ret'roflexed /y ^' or A- Rev'erend " Ret'icule XV C_ N ^ '^l. Ret'iform ^^V-N *-* Ret'ina X^I_ x^T Retrograda'tion Mb ^ Ret'rogradc X]~ Xll. Ret'rograded x / Vx' Rev'erent XV/^ 1 ^^ Reveren'tial XI . A Retinas'phalt *\f H Ret'inite XI Xl Ret'inoid | ^ Ret'inue XI Xl Retire' v^ v"> Retired' ^ Ret'rograding xH" -> X) p Retrogression ^L Retrogres'sive \j\'(T' Retropul'sive ''^ Retrorse'ly XVy^^ Reveren'tially XVv/^.^S. Rev'erently >X Rever'er XVX' >^ Rev'erie s< Revers'al XI , X Retire'ment ^y, W_ Retir;er v\ K.ctort' x^" J. Ret'rospect c \^_ >^ Retrospec'tion ^ J* Reverse' X^ X Reversed' v^ -r\/' Reverse'ly Xpl / *C V Retort'ed ^\ Rctort'er *S_. c *^ 1 Retrospect'- \r d^ ivcly f^^ if Reversing X^ X Rever'sion Xp^- Xlx? Retort'ing X]~ x3" Retrover'sion Vo * Ret'rovert xX' 1 X^ Rever'sionary X X^ i Rever'sioner Retor'tion Xl XJ Retouch' 'x' Retouched' Xl" ji- ^i Ret'roverted XVl Revest' Review' xT L. Retract'ed '"I \ Retractable -5 .^S Re-un'ion X" /i -i. / Re-unite X-~7l /V_e^ Re-united' XV: XV. Review'able \ f Rcview'al xv^ XV" Reviewed' xllyX XL R etr act'ile Revac'cinate X>^ ^*s. i ^\ Reviewer Retract'ing /X^ - XV Revaccina'tion A /\_ Reviewing _ /V .; Reveal' /v - v / Revile' x) Retreat'ed ' Retreat'ing />^yO xV. Revela'tion 'r Rcv'eled /V^X Xfe Revis'er ^^ Revis'ing xT^ X^l Retrench' XV A ./\_/ Rev'eler X\j XV$~ Revis'ion ^ W Retrenched' / /-^ Rev'eling Revis'ional xl^ /*\^, Retrenching ,, _x Revel'lent xV'X"' XV-) Revis'ionary / ^^ Retrench'ment /V ^ ^V/ Rev'elry /V> -J Revis'it XI xl Retrib'ute V Sf Retrib'uted y\_i , -> Reven'dicate ' XV. Revendica'tion /\*. X^v. Reviv'al vV. V-s~^ Reviv'alism xl X^l Retrib'uting X\^o, X^ Revenge' XV XV. Reviv'alist SC Vj 1 Retribu'tion ^/ ' ^ Revenged' v Vo' ^ Revive' \^A ^ Retrib'utive ^^ Retrib'utory ^^\ r, Retriev'able (* ^"U Retrieval ^~y x\ n Revenge'ful > Reviv'er S- Revivifica'tion Retrieve' X^-v^ or ''**' Rev'enue ^-S XS-.^ Revivi'fied j^ t xl Retrieved' v. Retriev'er X>w /Nv Reverberant ^X ^^ Reviv'ify X\._ X^r Retrieving ^3 Retroac'tion v Rrver'berate ^J 7 ^ X*^' Rever'berated /V. /V Reviv'ifying x1~ ^U Retroact'ive 1 Rever'berating T\y ^^-. Reviving ^,. .P Ret'rocede iX^Sv /^\< R e\ erbera'tion XV XV Revivis'cence Xl- 1 , /t Ret'roceded ' Rever'beratory ' >fiiP ^-P-' Revivis'cent P P -U Retroced'ent Re'troceding XV /V Revere' J * Revered' XV / Ni. v Reviv'or J>_ ' ' N Revocabil'ity REVOCABLE 205 RINDLE X\I /V Rev'ocable XlZ^_^ x^~^ Rhodomon'tade XlXo^ 'vL, R 'dic'ulously \ ^ Revoca'tion '' x Rhomb n "^ Rid'ing XC. xV Revoca'tory ~ jx Revoke' /s : x^^l Rhom'bic ^ x Rhom'boid 'vljxQ X|~Rid'ing-master I- Ridot'to XV. A, Revoked' XTT /XTb Rhomboid'al ? f Rife | **~ Revok'ing * > Riom'bus -^ >* Riff'rafif xVx- xv' /I Revolt' X\/\ x^ R u ' barb x. xV y, Ri'fle / ^' Revolt'ed ' Rhumb x-y S. V-/_^xJV.J^i'fl e . cor p s -,- X~ xV" Revolt'er >-X x^ Rhyme ' *> Ri'fled X>s/ /.V- Revolting / Rhymed x^v X ^S- Ri'fleman ,,- Rev'oluble cr-^ s-^ R ^y m ' er 'Aa r Ri'fler /V/\ XS** Rev'olute ., ^ x^.'^lX'' R evo l u 'ti n X /^ Rhyme'less x-^ X"^ Rhyme'ster A- ^ R ^ing C Rift /v/ * X\J Revolutionary XC/ 5 - 3 /\j'^< Revolu'tionist ' Rhym'ic /~^s S~^> Rh5'm'ing xA ?: Rift'ed ~ Rift'ing x) Revolutionize Rhym'ist xv x~~' Rif ' f y XV /7 /K/7 Revolu'tionized X{ xf Rhj'thm 1 R iff XV/v) ' %__, Revolu'tionizing XX/'V^ Revolve' '^^ = Rhyth'mical /( ^ Rhyth'mus X^~1 As- Rigadoon' J - v Ri'gel ' ^ Revolved' v ' Ri'al X^ /"^ R igged x'X/X^ X^yV Revolve'ment x-\ X\ Rib X / Rig'ger j Revolv'ency > ^ Rib'ald x / "~ i ' Xl Riff'&ing xX/~^ XX/V_ Revolv'er XVI xx Rib'aldry X v| Right Revolving L /- 51 Rib'and XV x^ x Right'-about xV , Revul'sion . Rib'-band - N ^ x _ Ribbed v v Right'-angle x^c. /i Right'-angled ^ Right'ed xo-*. xV-r R'b'bonism <1 ^r X^ R||ht^r USneSS V x^T R cwr i te ' '' Rewrit'ten /?0 Ri'bes X\p X] x<] Right'ful VL CL, Right'fully X\ .^SXSx Re/nard T" ., Rib'ston-pip'pin . Riifht'-hand Rhabar'barate \ *"V Rice v " Right'-handed X^"7 x^^"} Rhabdol'ogy ). Rhab'domancy x^v x^ird ~^> x Rice'-paper 'Cl-oi x^-P R'ght'-minded x^ x'J Rich ^ '^ Right'ness x^T^ ^v> Rhadaman'tine ^v ' T_j Rhapsod'ic Rich'es ^ x-f Rig'id ^L-. X7 Rich'l}- J Rigid'it}' X^> /V) Rhapsod'ical J ^ (> Rhap'sodist S* Rich'ness *-^~' -T*^~ Rig'idlv / : /-? Rick Rig'marole XNp X\> Rhap'sodize B 'p Rhap'sodized X\p x^p Rhap'sodizing 't^ '!. Rhap'sody X^y x*~~l R ^' en '' s ' 1 x ' Rick'ets / | /) Rick'ety / \. / ^' Ric'ochet , j .* Ricochetted' X /y -x^>- /I Ricochet'ting *- ,-D Rjg'or ^ ' Rigorous cf~' / V.. Rig'orously 1 Riif-Ve'da /f ., Rile . Rheom'etry Rid vl ^ Riled o XAx = Rbe'tian Rhet'oric x^l Xl Rid'dance ^ Rid'den V^Vi. -^f, Rilie'vo Ril'ing x^lx*"" 1 x'lx 1 .' Rhetor'ical Rhetorically Xl XI Rid'der ^^ Rid'ding ' -^ Rilled XI p. x < Rhetori'cian " / Rheum xf x.- Rid'dle 1 S* Rid'dled /r -< Rill'et ,^i : x~1 Rheumat'ic ' cT~- Rheum'atism XT xf Rid'dler 'A "*- Rid'dling X"^ ^-% Rim ' ' Rime ^^-i_: _x~J Rheum'ic xl Xl- Ride .^ x-^wx Rimmed Rheum'y vl Rideau' ^^ ' Rim'ming X^-' x^->'f R h'' no X*! XV Rid'er X^ X'^ Rimose' " ' /V"^" Rhinoce'rial v| v Rid'erless ' J- Rimos'ity .p? xC^^-p Rhinoc'eros s-1 xt Ridge /-Tb x>' Ri'mous /Vi % 1 . Rhinoplas'tic * ^^ Ridged ' / \ Rim'ple x^!T~V-, ^< Rhi'noplasty \_ ^ Rhizo'ma i ^1 x| ^" Ridg'ing x^~^ X^X. R ! m 'P le< i ' - Rid'icule Rim'pling ^ P ^xi" Rhizoph'agous Xl Xl / N Rid'iculed x-? x, Rim'y i " Rho'dian 'Ha" 'Ht ' Rid'iculer " '* Rind "" xCl Rho'dium 'MA |,_ Rhododen'dron Ixl /^xl / Rid'iculing ^* *-; Ridic'ulous i x^^ XT' ^' n ' i ' or P es ' ' Rin'dle RING 206 ROOKERY Ring Ring'bolt Ring'bone Ring'dove Ringed Ring'ent Ring'er 5 Ring'-fence Ringing Ring'leader Ring'let Ring'-shaped Ring'tail Ring'tailed _ Rmg'worm Rink Rink'ing Rinse Rinsed Rins'ing Ri'ot Ri'oted Ri'oter Ri'oting Ri'otous Ri'otously Ripa'rian Ripe'ly Rip'en Rip'ened Ripe'ness Rip'ening Rip'er Riphe'an Ripie'no Ripped Rip'ping R !P'.Pl e . ^ ^ ^^' ^ * Rip'pling Rip'rap Rise Ris'en Ris'er Ris'ible X^ Rjs'ibly Ris'ing o_ Risk ^^ Risked u Risk'er Risk'ing /\ Risk'y Rite x1x Ritornel'lo * Rit'ual /\z, Rit'ualism Rit'ualist xXip Ritualistic Y Rit'ually XL Ri'val ' Ri'valed RiValing Ri'valry RiValsLip Rive Rived ^ x V River x. Riv'er-horse /s Riv'et .^ Riv'eted - x ^' Riv'eting xAk* Riv'ing Rivose' Riv'ulet Rix-dol'lar X] Roach Road x<|\ Road'stead Road'ster /~~* Road'way Roam f~~* Roamed * Roam'er , ^> Roam'ing ' Roan S\ Roar v Roared X-^ Roar'er / "C Roar'ing D Roast ' <1 Roast'ed x,- Roast'er ^ Roast'ing xv Rob Robbed X\X Rob'ber Robbery /^ Rob'bin ^ ^^ Rob'bing xv Robe ^ Robed j, x^y. Rob'ertine - * Rob'in x-v^^ Rob'inet ^ ^"^ Ro'bing <1 Rob'in-red' Ni breast xO^ Rob'orant Robust' XS^-P Robust'ious Robust'ness x-r-x-y" Roc Roc'ambole ^xpX Rocel'lic ' Roche'alum X Roch'et Rock ,/ cr ~fy- Rock'-bound Rock'-crystal 9 Rocked < _ Rock'er / Rock'ery x Rock'et p x Rock'iness Rock'ing Rock'ing-horse Rock'ing-stone Rock'-oil Rock'-rose Rock'-salt Rock'work Rock'y Roco'co Rode Ro'dent Rodrn'tia Rodomontade' Roe Roe'buck Roga'tion Rogue Roguery Ro'guish Roil Roiled Koil'ing Roil'v Rois'terer Roll'-call Rolled Roll'er Roll'er-skate Rol'lick Rol'licked Rollicking Roll'ing x. Roost'er *^ v Roost'ing ^3- X"\j,. Rotund' ^ Rotun'da xC^s XH Row'boat 1 ' Row'dy x-1 ,! Root Root'ed / i Rou'ble s ^ Rough ^ < x Row'lock /^^r< Rope'-maker XV rs _ x\ .x. Rope'- making AV Rop'ery * Rough'cast xVyi /J^-O- Rough'draught ' 1 Rough'draw x\ xv, Rough'en -<^ /*^ Roy'al """ Roy'alism /? y - Roy'alist < % Roy'ally X\\i_ x's\-^ Rope'walk u Rope'-yarn XAo ' Rough'ened /, ^9 Rough'ening A Rough'-hew yO o >s Ro/alty 8 Rub'ble rjj ^/ Rosa'ceous ' Rough'ly xt /V" Rub'bly ^> N *\ Ro'sary /J^,, -r^l Rough'ness ^ ' Rubefa'cient o JS" Rose ^ v Rough'-rider xx>- x\x^" Ru'bellite -** Ro'seal /V Roulette' x "* Ru'bicel ^JT-X"- <(* Rose'mary A Rounce X^_; /V^, Ru'bicon '' -v 3 Rose'ola X^iL, x> Roun'ceval ' ' Ru'bicund /f ^f Ro'set f " Round x / \_i i xv- Rubicund'ity 11 ' ' Rosette' /, A Round'about 1 /^ Ru'bied x(S| ft/] Rose'-water ' ' Round'ed xv^/>^. Rubif'ic * ' Rose'wood ^X" ^X" Round'el * ^~^v-^ Ru'biform G-? -f Rosicru'cian A Round'elay xv /\ xA v Ru'bify < |J Ros'ied ^XA 3 .s^** Round'ers /\ v -/o ^^ Rubiginous ^SiX ^R-^ Rs'in Round'hand 1 Rubi'go x i Ros'iny /fj x^) Round'head J\ . /^_. Rubric ^P x^- Ross / "1 V Round'house Ru'brical v ' ' Ros'tel -* Round'ing x'N: x^V.-i Ru'bricate xf Ros'tellate A -J Round'ish ' Ru'bricist 1 ^ -^ Ros'ter x^jx- X 6 *' R s ' tra ' ,- S~- Round'let * * Round'ly X\: X\- Rub'stone j> ^ Ru'by x ' ' Ros'trate x^_p x^S' R un d'ness <^7 ^2- Ruche X s !- x" 6 ] ' Ros'trated A v Round-rob'in Ruche'ing > ^ Ros'trum x~n Round'-shoul- /+- xA Ruck A Ros'ulate jf^ dered ' U Ructa'tion < J Ros'y x\ o Roup x^J x^l Rudd x^ xlV Rot x * *"^* Rouse '' Rud'der s ' Ro'tary ^f pX Roused x^l . xf Rud'diness , 1 . xCl. Ro'tate ^/T Rous'er V> ' Rud'dle *' Ro'tated Q. x'l Rous'ing x^]~ x<1 Rud'dock Xl" xCl. Ro'tating ^ Rota'tion *^ A Rout xl /, Route Rud'dy xl xV 1 Rude XT Xl Ro'tative (,. ' Rota'tor '' ** Rout'ed /I xl Routine' ' Rudely x--1 / lji Rude'ness xVi x<1 Ro'tatory - Rout'ing ' . ' 1 Ru'denture [> ' Rote xO Roth'er-nail 1 V -> , Rove -< ^ Roved Xl xl Ru'diment *" fT~ i> p-' Ru'dimental - RUDIMENTARY 208 SAFELY XLr Xlx\ Rudiment'ary x-i,- /^V Run'let o^ ^ Sa'bian '^"^X ' Rudol'phine ' Run'nel ^ .J-^ Sa'bianism xl Rue xU-^ i Run'ner \ ^ Sal/ine '' Rued "^ Kun'net * A Sa'ble XV x\ x Rue'ful -> .^.j Run'ning ^ ^ Sabot' _'( V Rue'fully v " Run'nion Sa'bre T-j, -^ Rue'ing X*"^ ' :J^x Rufes'cent x, A l, unt - Rupee X. , v Q . Sa'bretache T ' I Sac 7 , Ruff X < Ruffed /. XX Rup'tion /Aj 1 Rupt'ure 'V n . / : Sac'cate X\^ XX, ^ Ruffian Ruffianism XKox ? Ruffianly f X Ruffing /V /\. Rupt'ured * A Rupt'uring x 5* Ru'ral / I /&. Ru'ral ist Sacchar'ic o x'V . xj Sacchar'ify ? ' Sac'( harine a_xj n . f [_. Sac'chavuid XV XV Ruffle > Ruffled X /V/o Ruffling (_^ ' Ru'fous \/"' n Ru'rally x^ v Ruse ^ -, Rush Rushed Saccholac'tic ~r y\*. Sac'cule "' \ Sacerdo'tal V|^ . Sacerdo'talism x- 1 - /TI Ru S ' / 1 Ru'gate X} X) Rusb'er ^ Rush'ing ^ Sa chem a ti Sa'chet /-r x^X" 1 Rug'ged ^-^ X^] Rusb'light X , Sack ' / Rug'gedly ^ . Rush'y ^ ' Q_ Sack'age /^S> -Zl Rug'gedness f ' Ru'gine p Rusk ^~ *< Russ ' v Sack'but i-r_. =*- Sack'cloth ,_ic ., Ru'gous ' ' ^ Ru'in J> ^xP Rus'set Rus'seting " ' ' Sacked . "-v . Sack'or o Ru'inate p Rus'sety ~ V Sack'ful X' 5 ' ' Ruina'tion ' *** Rus'sian x Sack'ing ., ^ Ru'ined x^ ,, Rust ^7^0 h ""^"Ix Sac'rament ~^ Ru'ining **^ **^ Rust'ed ' Sacrament'al /V 2> x/" Ru'mous ' ' -' Rule ^.P ^,P Rus'tic v ' : 'V Rus'ticate 6=~^^ i 1.xi ^i Sacramenta'rian L' 'I L- / i < i Sa cred - // Ruled *4 si Rul'er ^P ^P Rus'ticated vi V- Rus'ticating CT^IX c^l Sa'credly ' s-? Sa'crc-dness ^f x-^ Rul'ing x ^ / Rum f ^C .-P Rustica'tion X L_3 p *^j, Rutic'ity b \ o~\y Sacrific * : . Sac'rifice ^L -i Rum'ble f\S^ Rum'bled > Rust'iness ,,. X~ Rust'ing 6 iv o , v ./ Sac'rificed ^o V&x ., . -/^ sac rmcer x^> x"^> Ru'n'b'iug 1 X \_> R u'men ^-j . x-^_xo Ru'minal * ^~* '/ Ru'minant -< <" Rus'tle xT] Jo*' Rus'tled X^ X^ Rus'tling f Xl Rust'y ' V J ~V^> Sacrifi'cial ^^ ^-^ Sac'rirtcing xri ,y^ Sac'rilege o ' .b Sacrile'gious /-C 'i x~^ i Ru' mma t e 'M. 1 Rut ./7 jH? Sac'rile.^ist , X " 1 ' Ru'minated xf /t_^a, Ruth CT ~^ J Sac'ristan >~t^, x i^_P Ru'minating 'I / ' Rumina'tion "~" Ruthe'niura xf /o > /' Ruth'less i-r' 3 T Sac'risty 1. ' Sad ^ i_>1 ^--^ Ru'minator x 'Ar Ruth'lessly '(? =) Sad'dc-n ''/ Rum'mage XlX xM Ru'tile J Sad'dor .-^ .-k Rum'maged ' ' Ru'tiline f 'p Sad'dest ' ' ./ Rum'maging x ^l R}' 1 Sad'dle ^-^ c~\ Rum'mer / X Ru'mor XV Vx Ry'ot P . Sad'dle-bag \ Sad'dled cl f~^. Ru'mored f ' ' Ru'morer P fx- Sad'dler S Sad'dlery c~^^ /~- Ru'moring X / Rump l'/\ P Sad'die-shaped ^ Sad'dle-tree ^i, .-^ Rum'ple p T-, 'f Sad'dling / \ ' Rum'pled Q.+ ** Sabadil'la L^ V k Sadiluce'an -\_ ~ Rum'pling * Sal/aoth fcZ " Sad'ducee ' \ -^ Run SX^X^~" Sabbata'rian 'P Ji Sadducee'ism /^T\ ' f*(/. Run'agate " ^M Sabbata'rianism ^ O^ Sad'ducism 1 X^ " Run'away S. . Sag'ger Sag'itta ./V ^-^ Sal'ivated ^ * ' Sal'ivating o-S a-~^" ^a'mian Sa'miel J 10 "X Sag'ittal ^\j_-j x-v/., Saliva'tion .. ^\ Sam'let .1 .[x? Sagitta'rius 6vVo Sali'vous ^ Samothra'cian ff> Sag'ittary r Sag'ittate ,/q Sal'let 6 "' Sal'lied <5^ tTi Samp Sam'pan v ' Sagoin' i^r ^5 v - Sal'low ' b Sal'lowness "^V^.^ 6^ Sam'phirc ^\ N Sam'ple *> Sah'ib - ^ Sal'ly * Sal'lying : ""V- ^~\ Sam'plcr i N Sanabil'ity c/. f Sa'ic 1 Said Vs 3 ./AC, Sal'ly-lun o Sal'ly-port !^-< i^ San'able ' San'ative r- ^ Sail ^^ ^1 b\~i Salmagun'di ^f^ "lX- Sanato'rium 6 ^ Sail'able Salm'on * San'atory ^^7 ^T Sail'cloth o ' i 61 t^ -i j * Sailed Y /-%_/ Sail'er S~-~< b~j-i Salm'onet x '1 ' ' Salm'onoid v-^n .f~y Salm'on-trout ^ (^ Sanctifica'tion V, ^ Sanc'tified * o Sail'ing . y^X. ^^- Sail'-loft b " o Sail'maker - |A N Sal'on(Fr.) rt s~. Saloon' fr Sal'op \^ Sanc'tifier Vj' Sanc'tify ^ Sail'or ^f\ cr ^ Sail'yard f\ ^\^_ D Sal'picon ' Sal'pinx q^. .^i- Saltato'rious Sanc'tion V 5 ! Saint'ly " r Sal'tatory 43 *O' Sanc'tioned ^-^^i
  • \ .^ Salt'-cellar "* ' Salt'ed rj^5 Salt'er v o Salt'ern "[ ^f Sal'tier 3 Salt'ing Sanc'tioning n.^ or ^ Sanc'titudc 'H ^p.. Sanc'tity 1. * Sanc'tuarj- Q^i . a-i^ Sanc'tum v -- Sake v^l >.^p Salt'ish b Sanc'tus ^ ,- Sa'ki ^ " ' Salt'ness ^ ^ Sale'ableness -6 -b^ Saluta'tion 6'1 r? Salu'tatory p- Salute' ,- x^* Salut'ed V ^ ^ Sand'- eel * ^ ' San'derling ^JJ' H San'ders \_ San'devcr s-\ ; Sat'irize ^V V* Sat'irized 0^ Sand'y Sane i^^ ^\ Saracen'ic r ~6~^ Sar'casra l~' Sat'irizing ON Q*~O ^^ oanc ness Sang ^ '" cuA Sangaree' Sung froid ^-f" t-C r,' San'giac c^ M_p H. ;t j* *\^- Sarcas'tic -: Sarcastically , Sarce'net ^ Sar'cocarp r p ^. or A> Satisfac'tion c > (' .itisfac'torily if " Satisfac'tory ' Sanguif'crous **"< \^ _q^, .Sanguifica'tion ^~T3 San'guified "^ ?\_/ Sar'cocele Sar'cocol ? Sar'code F . f Sat'isfial.U; V (5, x. Sat'isfied N A Sat'isfier *^Xi "J-X u, Sanguif'luous 3 San'guify o ' n Sar'coline 7 Sar'colite f- 1 'P Sat'isfy \^ x*. Sat'isfying . " San'guinarily cLx.^/' "3--C, San'guinary 1 v 1 * ' Sarcol'ogy -. Sarco'ma b Sarcom'atous -^ 'V Sat'rap \ \ Sat'rapy ?X T- Sat'urable San'guine QLf /" Ox -5 San'guincly V Sanguin'eous "V^, v Sarcoph'agous / Sarcoph'agy ** ' Sat'urant B, f:, Sat'urate v > Saturated civ ^j>-' "^-^ Sanguiniv'orous ' San'guisuge C\ OT -V L " Sarcot'ic " Sard 'K~- V-?> Sat'urating Satura'tion c M\_ x . Q1 ^ ' San'hedrim ,jX| ... Sar'dine T-/I TV Sat'urday San'icle t~ ' Sardin'ian V\ ^ Sat'urn cj^y e^p Sa'nies o/l n A/1 Sar'dius R/^f '[\^-^f Saturna'lia Sa'nious b O ~" Sardon'ic *^ 'I ' (f Saturna'lian Ql^l Q^i San'itary ' San'ity 41^ ^ Sar'donyx - Sark 'fy^_s ' PV-^J Satur'nian v Sat'urnine t -/' '5^ San'jak *- Sank rx_. -JV Sar'king Sar'lak 'R/**^? T Sat'urnist Sat'yr (i^s- San'pan * " Sans Vv- Sarma'tian ~ Sarmat'ic V V Sauce A-D Saucebox ^ San'scrit ON o^ ? Sar'ment V j~ Sauced ^ ^ Sans culotte' Va ^ Sa'ros >> Sauce'pan <*fp V Sans souci San'taline tf^\ ._> Sar'plar ^ " Sar'rasin \~ Y-; Sau'cer ^ Sau'cily a * ! - 3 -9 San'tonine cv^/^ t 9 Sap'id \ '^ Sapid'ity ,_ ^ Sashed ~N Sash'-frame )~ ON_ Sau'cy ) ^ Sauer'kraut Sa'pience Q P) Sash'-line g-_j, Saun'ter u '\_u Sa'pient ^v 3 v > Sas'safras "^ ' ' Saun'tered V ^^9 Sapinda'ceous' JjL. V , Sas'senach ;^ ^ <^ ^^ Saun'tercr v V^ S ap ^ ss Sap ling Sas'soline 1 aaun tenng \/i o^l Sau'rian ST 1 ^- Sapodil'la V o^ Sapona'ceous .p- r . Sa'tan Sau'roid < x^_p 'N^AV- Saponac'ity u \ ^- ~~ Satan'ic y -ljf Sau'sage-roll T. ^^ Sapon'ifiable 1^_. -^ v Saponifica'tion ?' y 9 Satan'ical Satch'el .P., ^_ Sauterne' ' \ Sav'able ^> rj ^ Sapon'ified f -P Sate >xL Sav'age *\V v K^ Sapon'ify 1 Sa'ted f^> Sav'agely ~^-. ^*^~. Sapon'ifying '^v '^-- Sap'onine P Sat'ellite *v Sa'tiate '^1 .p .0- Sav'ageness To Z- Sav ' a cr y y Sap'onule =9 .' Sa'tiated **^ Savanna ^C~ '^\/\^ ^ n p' r ^ Saporif'ic r* i* Q Sa'tiating v Satia'tion e; e Savant' ^J-' *" L- Save '\/f ^ Saporos'ity Sati'ety jj' j, .,- Save'-all <' Sapped T I Sat'in ^^ Sav'cloy !\ 'P Sap'per J. f Satinet' - a Saved Sapph'ic .P T > Sat'ing ~ Sav'er '^-^ '^/ > ~ Sapph'ire ! l Sat'iny .p . \^_ Sav'in v \ Sapph'irine T 'O Sat'ire ^ ' ' Sav'ing S^p -^ Sap'piness Sap'ping SN i/ x ~ I/* Satir'ic : Satir'ical ***f Sav'ingly V "-NT Sap'py * X., Saproph'agan Satir'ically Sat'irist >-o;- Sav'ings-bank SAVIOUR 211 SCHOOL-BOOK S-^ or ^_ Sav'iour 9-r\ Scalp'ing o-^U c-^U Scarlatina 1 Scarlat mous t Sa'vor Sa'vored ^"-^^^-y Scalp'ing-knife Scarp P xi ., Sa'vorily T^ Sa vormess z_T Q-X-X Scal'y ^ Scam'ble o_/^ Q_^ Scarped Scarred? p 5Jj? Sa'voring ~ Sa'vorless o_^ ^ ^~^~^_> Scam'bled ' Scam'bling f x ?-T Scar'ring v Scath ro .p-r Sa'vory 9-^^-* c_^^ Scam'mony H-7 n Scathe "* ^ Savoy' . Scamp ^ Scathed '^/ " Savoy'ard 9- jr ^ a - r> Scam'per > Scene'-painter J Saxica'vous Scandinavian jj-^ aj A Scen'ery 3L -' o_j_^ Scanned ^-: Scene'-shifter ' ' Sax'on Scan'ning Q_^ ; cj^_: Scenic o_ijjp-^ &-<&> Sax'onism P ^J o_^_jj Scan'sion Scenlcal Sax'onist Scanso res a- 1 Jl^X.. Scenographlc ). }'- Say ' <-* Saying v- Q-. Scanso'rial ! ^ v *\ Z - Scant Scenog'raphy ^ <^ Scent * Scab ^ v Scab'by '-r-v v -T-V > Sca'bies v ^ Sca^ious 9 ^ ay" Scant'ling L> ' Scant'ly ?^\ *V\ Scant'y L ' Scape : = ' Scep'tical Q N ^n Scep'ticism d"^ 1 Scep'tre cL-iV 9i Sca'brous 1 Scad "V^ ^_o Scape'goat i ' Scape'grace R ^ Scep'treless p-v' F-v- Scaffold r f~ Scaffolding T>^ Q_^ Scape'ment v Scaph'ite V or .r^r Sched'ule a ]/~ Scaglla o__j Scaglio'la ^-^t- ^~^. Scap'olite v Scap'ple ^^f , Sche'matist c ^^ Scheme o/\ fT\ Scal'able \/^ ? xT"^ Scap'ula n ^. ^^. Schemed " Scalade' " ' Scap'ular Schem'er c, ^ Scald o /. V ^ Scap'ulary o_^i o_^; Scheming * i Scald'ed "V Scar Schemlst Scare'crow ' ^^ Scared o Schol'ar Cs ^ Scal'ing _ y ? a _^> Scarf ^~f^~~ ?^-- Schol'arlike JV o_ Scall Scarfed Schol'arly ' n Scalled n_J> a_J^ Scarf'ing f-jr ?~^ Schol'arship ^ /^-^ Scall'ion Scarf skin -^ S Schoias'tic ^^ Scal'lop _ / A^__. 3_/\_;. Scarifica'tion 1 Scar'ificator -r Y ' n /^i Scholas'tically i d~^ Scholas'ticism Scal'loping o__/^. a_/\^ Scarified f7-* "TT,^ Scholiast /^\ /^\ Scalp Scar'ify ^^ Scholium Scalped /\v a r-^. Scarifying o_ Scov'el A Scow A ' School'-hoase ^^ School'ing f-o 0-3 Sconce ' Scone y c Scowl " *T Scowled School'man v Q Scoop ^7- q~^ Scowling e_i/^i e-fr. School'-master ' ' Scooped ^-^ Scrab'ble School'-mate "M^sj. . x -^~-' School'- mistress a - 1 \ a -x Scoop'er ' / Scoop'ing o-, !r \^. Scrab'bled ' Scrab'bling School'-room a. ^ School'-teach'er ^\ ) ^^ School'-teaching '' Schoon'er J~ J~3 Schorl yy Q TA. Scoop'-net Scope Xi~V?' Sco'piform Scop'ulous <3 . 1 Scrag 1 Scrag'ged _/* a S? Scrag|gily ^crag'giness cr ~^\_ Scrambled a ^ Q /f Scorch ^\ ScramTjler y~ / Schorl'y "V uX Schottische' \"', y^-: Sci'agraph Sciagraph'ic i ' Scorched o_/l o-A Scorch'ing Scorch'ingly j ^ a Score Scranch . ' Scil'icet 'V-N _Jg Scoring 1 i Scrawl'er 4Scil'litine . i " Sco'rious -~/~^' o ^^- Scrawling 6 ": Scim'itar < *-*i~\ Scray J Scincoid'ian a _/ ! -' ys- *-i . Scintilla 1 _^ Scorn'ful . Screamed "^ Scin'tillant a_A V/* .j_/> Scorn'fully cpj: ^ Scream'er 1 i-M ! Scot'ograph o-fl " j Screw'driver v ^ Screwed \ .3 Scis'sors ^ jj Scis'sure .'._ i. Scot'omy "^ t^-^, Scots jj ; ry Screwing Si row'-jack p -""Vi Scitamin'eous U^_p > Sclavo'nian i Scots'man p-T p-i Scot'ticism Ch -' Scot'tish ''"V o~t Screw'-pine f * Scrib'ble u ~X_ Scrib'bled T-tf. e_yl Sclavonic ov/ a^-i_ Scoun'drel ^ ^\ Scrib'bler ** Scler'ogen A"^' A'tT^ Scoun'drelism o~V v ~A. Scribbling a v ? v Sclerot'ic .JT' x Scoun'drelly ^ A Scribe Scobs < ^ y ^ Scour tr-v ^N^ Scribed' o^> f-> Scoff a ^^ Scoured v Scribing " Scoffed ^ A '~ : \ Scour'er o-^> ^ s . Scrim'mage O_CN ^-^- Scoffer I _ V/ ^* Scourge Scrimp j Scoffing " Scourged a v. a s Scrip o_^ o_/1 Scold o_>7 a-^/ Scourg'er ' Script ** ' Scold'ed Scourg'ing cr ^\X' ^* 1 Scrip'holder 'y Scold'er x Scour'ing Tft. Scripto'rium SCRIPTURAL 213 SECONDER ^^"^~ or cr ~ Scrip'tural crl - ^^ Se'ance < 7 ~V . /] Scrip'ture- ^^ ^., Scur'rilously ) ) Sea'-pie l^l o> read'er o ' x ^ Scur'ry > ^/ Sea'port \. ~V Scrip'turist jt-v/"' "'A ' Scur'vily OS 0^-7 Sear ^. ^** Scriv'ener ^^ Scur'viness ;\ Search ^~\_. cr-y^y 5 Scrobic'ulate ' ' Scrofula oH o_ Scur'vy 1 Scut t _^ Search'ablc Searched a-\ /6 f Scrofulous % a ! Scu'tage ^ Search'er ' V ' <* Scroll "" Scu'tate ' Searching CTTT- f X Scrolled a ^7 o Scutch ~^ Seared i ' Scroll'- work ' ^^ Scutched > Sear'ing ""li, ~\ Scro'tum Scrub T7~ -^j Scutch'eon " / Scutch'ing %* ~\^~*t Seared'ness Sea'-room (j--^ cH\ Scrubbed o_ a/"- Scute \> r> N j. Sea'-rover Scrub'ber Scu'tel * 1 '^\ Sea'-scape u )\^ ^ \. Sea'-serpent J Sea'-shell Q-J o~\^ ScrufF ..^ 'hrv Scutel'lum \ \ Sea'-shore ' Scru'ple n Scutiferous JL Sea'-sick o \ ~\ Scru'j>lcd j s\r r Scu'tiform A Sea'-sickness ' ' Scru'pling ^"Vx Scut'tle if-^> -I Sea'-side ""V^ ~V\ Scru'pulosity /v " ' Scru'pulous a r Scut'tled '! Scut'tling V ^^ Sea'-snail Sea'son ~/~- ~\ Scru'pulously v-y?' _|' Scru'tator ^^ ^ Scu'tum Scym'itar ^s V Sea'sonable Sea'soned oi^-> ?r^9 Scrutineer' V C V C Scythe \ V^^ Sea'soner v Scru'tinize o^tf> Scyth'ian ^ Sea'soning P Sea'son-ticket ' v ' v Scru'tinizer '' Sea n^ Seat Scru'tiny ). > \ Sea'-board X. s^/ 1 > Sea'-born .p ). Seat'ed T_^ Sea' -term ~T -i Scrutoire' ~\ "' Scud / Sea'-breach \ ) ^ Sea'-breeze 1 ^y Seat'ing " Sea'-urchin P "H Scud'ded ^^ * Scud'ding <^ f\. fc Sea'-captain ] Sea'-chart If )_ Sea' -wall " Sea'ward -i =-, Scu'di \ } . Sea'-coast \ JSea'-water "' j Seces'sion > |-^ Sculpt'ural Sea'-level A <^ Seces'sionist ^t-X- e i-\ Sculpt'ure 1 N l Sculpt'ured /^~* C^-^ 1 Seal'ing Seal'ing-wax "ii ,,, Seclude' ^ Seclud'ed c \ \, Sculpturesque' j_ | Sculpt'uring \^> .-v-i Sea'-lion Vv Seal'skin >_. Seam X jo. Seclud'ing ^ Seclu'sion _ Seclu'sive t Q -^r Scum /5~N *^S 7- f Seaman '> ** Sec'ond a -^~^ ^~/ Scumb'ling i r Scummed \. ,. Sea'manship V" ^V ffv Sea'-mark c^/" /. Sec'ondarily ^*^ Sec'ondary "* a -^ N Scum'mer > Seamed ft . Sec'ond-best , o_ rv Scum'mings *-^>* ' N Scup'per '\ . Sea'-mew *-~J ff^~> o ! Seam ing s> ' ' Sec'onded ^> Sec'onder SECOND-HAND 214 SEMI-ANNUAL oi ^ Sec'ond-hand P Seduced' r'-] 'f^~\ Select'ed ^^ *** Sec'onding Dn <^ Seduce'ment *> ! Selecting ( ^-i Q.^ Sec'ondly -P, Seduc'er ^ Sec'ond-rate *^ X Seduc'ible - J Y '~\ Selec'tion b b k- Select'ive _ a^ Sec'onds P. .p, Seduc'ing ^ ^" Sec'ond-sight *' ^ Seduc'tion ,^ h ?~*~\ Select'-man b U, fa l_P Selcct'ness o-S . Se'crecy p .P^ p ~ Seduc'tive * trr Se'cret 'L-L ~j -f^. Seduc'tively .yt ~. Secreta'rial " C : Sedu'lity ' Secreta'riat .P^ p/6"~' Sed'ulous x~^ 1 x-^' Select'or Sele'niate >^s^ ; i^4 Selen'ic " Sel'enide /. ^* Sec'retary " v '\r Sed'ulously v-^iSV -s^s Selenif'erous ^ Sec'retary-bird ") ,. \ c pn o ' J - v Sel'enite Secrete' {"-'. /"*< : Selenit'ic ""= "^ Secret'ed P P Seed 6 Selenit'ical . -) Secret'ing "* Seed' -bud ( ^-> i x . n ^5r t ^ x Sele'nium cri Secre'tion _p f ;. Seed'ed 13 n Selenog'raphei o-n c-h Secreti'tious a./ '"' Secre'tive p p Sccd'liif Secta'rianism ' . Q . Seek'er c| s Self-deni'al " a ^% v Secta'rianize , ' Seek'ing Vf ' Self-esteem' P / Sect'arist Seem . t cv\ Self-ev'ident Sect'ary Seemed ^ ' N Self-help ^ Q Sec'tile . .^ Seem'er "Y ^> Self-in'terest ^^ Sec'tion ^^"^ Seem'ing Self-in'terested o^ Qj-r| Sec'tional ' * ^- Sec'ularist ) > Se'er -/ " Secular'ity 7> Sees o s -'^ c;- 9 Seculariza'tion ) \ 1 See'saw c ^\_ ^ Self-love' *^- &~! Sec'ularize v OK. s' See'sawed ' Self-made' ^^ -> 8 ^' Sec'ularized ' "*-^ See'sawing <^(- ~C y Sec'ularizing / p Seethe \ cV Self-possessed' 1 Self-posses'sion 7' Q. Sec'ularly " Seethed /* . y? Self-reli'ance *r ~ Se'cund (3 ( Seeth'er ^ v ' ^ ' Self-reli'ant ^^L, ai -^ Sec'undine - v N ^-' Sc-eth'ing J- "\ Secur'able ^__ . _ Seg'gar /T~^ 3/lf Self-rely'ing X vb Self-right'eous cii^ 3 . Secure' 3 Scs'ment ^jn Self-right'eous- * Secured' o^-h Segregate v ness o-^/~. - L TN Secure'ly *" Segregated ,, o/^ Self-same " \ Secur'er a^yXT ^-^ Secu'riform ^>-^ Secur'ing a ri Segregating ! ' Segrega'tion P i / Selvagee L " Se'dent ~ Seis'mic ^\> cp'v Selves P ^ f - Sed'entarily ^^/ ^/^r^ Sed'entariness ^^_^ ^ Seismom'eter 1 -\ Seiz'able 1 Scm'aphore ' Scm'o Sedg'y .P . f . Sed'iment ~^[/~ Sediment'ary .f .P ,* Sedi'tion '>, "* Seiz'in V ^ Seiz'ing C "K Seiz'or ^ x-" Seiz'ure 07^\ XL Semeiog'raphy ^ V d Semeiolog ical ^y7 ctl Semeiol'ogy v ' 1 ; Semeiot'ic J- " Sedi'tionary "S 6- Selah _^ Semes'ter .Po .P Sedi'tious Seduce' '/~r~ / H Sel'dom 6 ^ t 1 Select' "^ < Sem'i $-^-s Sem'i-an'nual SEMIBREVE 215 SERGt (T-'Xy ~-.s* Sem'ibreve Semicircle -* .p iijp Sensif'erous ^-^ > ' Sensif'ic ^ Sep'tate g-sj^ N tfH C" Semicircular ' ' x Sem'icolon a= 'Y ^-P Sens'ism Sensitive ^^X or V^ Septem'ber S*^ ^ Semi-diam'eter ~~^ Sem'inal ^j V Sens'itizing ^ *l* Septet' J. ~^ Sem'inarist *^ ^'i Senso'rial \ > 1 ^- Sept'foil <->: ^~^\ Sem'inary y^ ?/ Senso'rium ^ Sep'tic ' Sem'inate Vf Sens'ory S Sep'tical . .5 a^-^Y Semina'tion Seminiferous if^-y^ . "^X Seminif ic ] Sem'iped iv 3 o/f*"^ Sens'ual Sens'ualism iy 3 o-.x'! Sens'ualist " ^ L/ ^ " Sensual'ity L J 1 1 ). v Septici'dal Septic'ity Septifa'rious "' ing ^ . ^^ Sentiment'all}' %S Sequestra'tion Seques'trator Senil'ity '~^fy~- Sen'tinel <" . V~ Se'quin %^\ o /! Sen'ior Seniority Sen'nit ^V 1 rs Sep arating C7 > v Serenade' ^ 0- Sensa'tionalist .^, x Separa'tion . Serenad'ed s'' q^p Sensa'tionary j^ Sep'aratism a *1 XT"^ Serenad'er Sense \ "N. Sep'aratist \. 1,. Scp'arative y ( ' <^1' Serenading Serena'ta L Senselessly >^. "Xr Sep'arator 1 Sep'arator)- ^ ^ Se'pia ^ /f Serene' Serene'ly Serene'ness it} * * Se'pny ' Seren'ity ^y^ or\ Sens'ible ' ' *-^* Septan'gular o^ 1 ^~ Serf Serfdom 'tJ^'- Sensi'bly $* Septa'ria ^ Serge SERGEANCY 216 SHAMMING / . - Sergeancy * A O*t/' L< _ ] Sergeant J? .f Seta'ceous o^ \ic, Setif'erous J- J' Shab S \T ShabTjily csj o/" Sergeantry Se'rial p \- .^ Se'tiform V. u SP nff J' J' Shab'biness vJ \. ShabTjy &Z o^l Se riate s Seria'tim 'V-v PN P Se'ton J' ,. Shab'rack V- * Shack o^ .p Seri'ceous ' -b Se'tous / . Shack'le "^ Se'ries P f Sett ^ Shack'led nX 3 D/ - Seisin ' Settee' _/- , Shack'les Se'rio-comic q f Set'ter * Shack'ling -> /f Se'rious *" nXw o* i "* Seriously Set'ting .[ .p Set'tlc J J' Shad 1 L. Shad'dock o^r 5 .. Se'riousness Set'tled V y Shade ' Serjeant J f Set'tlement f P Sha'ded \_ ^-V s^ Sermon i^ v Sermonize A Set'tler f f Set'tling ^ } Shades t p Sha'dily < \-^. 3 \^^ f X Sermonized Set'-to L , . Sha'diness v v v Ser'monizer *\-~^jj_s .> Sermonizing .P ^ Set'wall Iff SeVen Cio P U Sha'ding ^^ *- ' Shad'ow 1 v "^s Seroon' ^J) oXj Seros'ity TJ * l Ser'otine 9 vAr Se'rous ? o Sev'en-fold > "* 3 Seven'night ' Sev'enteen !^_ . ^^ Seventeenth ^' V Shad'owed '" t, Shad'owing _y / Shad'owy I- f Sha'dy < ^ Serpent v v Serpent'iform ^ r ~ - V- ~. ^Serpentine ^V'- zS\~ Ser'pentry \ \ Sev'enth ^_^ ^^^1 Sev'enthly ^V~' ( Seventieth X A Shaft ' 1 Shaft'ed }*-. )' Shaft'ing *- Shag 1 Serpi'go _^ Ser'rate SP Seventy ' Sev'er J' . Shag'giness Shag'gy "^ Serrated o^l oX| Ser'rature vx/ or ^" Several 5"? . Shagreen' / -^ Shah ' 7\ Serried f- ^_ Severally ONT, OY? Serrulate >L/r ' / Severally A J. Shake "^ Sha'ken Serrula'tion P yo Sew'er (a drain) Ji < Shallot' S' y' / ^-*~*-z Scrv'ing "S * Sewer'age t^ Shal'low " Sorv'ing-man V V Sew'ing A\' J shal'lowness oXV cXv Serv'itor *-* ^P Sew'ing-machine S ^- ~' Sen-'itude Sewn / , c. , 1f V 1 Ses'ame Sex ' Ses'amoid -~f -f> Sexagena'rian /^ J^ Sha'ly VjL, ^- Ses'amum ^? ^. Sexag'enary Sham ' Ses'qui Q -/ 2 .., SexaKes'ima X / Sham'an ^-V r ^ Sesquial'ter V / *"' V^ Sesquicar'bo- 1 nate * rN ~ Scx'angle Sham'anism CL^--^/"*\ a - L ^Y Sexan'gular JL^ Z Sham'ble ' Scxen'nial \. ^> Sham'bled cr-n '^^v Sesquidu'plicatc 'f Sesquip'edal \ V-: Ses'quitone "^P o 41 Sex'tain r Sex'tant -*&, -Po Sex'tile ' * Sextill'ion / /. ShamTDling ^^fc X^X 1 \__> Shame / ^L Shamed - hame'faced '^j' Ses'silc ,\ 9^ Ses'sion (J <-* r* 1 ! ( Ses sional - . n 'M* -^c Sex'ton J. >^ Shame'ful j" l^" 3 ^ Shame'less \ \ j- Sess'pool *V V> Ses'tcrce a- -S Q_/i Sex'ual ist Shame'lessness ~-l- Sexual'ity /. )' Sha'ming V P Ses'tet n ^T p Sex'ually '^ Shammed t Set ^"' J ^~1 X Sforza'to /^ jr Sham'mer ^^ Se'ta > ' Sfuma'to " Sham'ming SHAMMY 217 SKIRTED 11 1 Sham'my j J Sheath J , Sherd Shampoo' 5- v Sheathe ^ ** Sher'if _ Ji, Shampooed' * p_J Sheathed i , Sher'iff *J ~7\ Shampoo'er ~^ \ Sheath'er *** -**" 1 Sher'ry , Y/ Shampoo'ing > J j Sheath'ing J ) Shew ^-* x Sham'rock 'V^- .V- Sheath'y * Shi'ah ) Shan'dygaff A ) ., Sheave J Shib'boleth %* <^~ Shank " ^^ Shechi'nah V( v Shic J- J' Shanked ~ ' Shank'er J J Shed r\ /( Shield t Shcd'der '. J ' _/ Shield'ed )' ,. Shank'ing J .) Shed'ding ' s\ /Vo Shielding Sha'nt L, Sheen J ^ J Y Shield'less J' J. Shan'ty J Sheen'y l \ Shape \ Sheep . _A Shift -^ H Shift'ed y. y. Shaped J J , Sheep'cot _A Shift'er N N/ Shape'less N^_ X, \'J Sheep'ish J jf Shi'ite S ^ Shard Sheep'ishly /f _A Shilla'lah A y Share V Shared ^y . />^^ Shareholder ) y Sheep'ishness .^j, xV-: Shil'ling fl <^ Sheep'-shearing q~^ ^' Shim'mer " Shark " < > "~^> Sheep'skin Shim'mered 7 . 9 Shark'ing F^ r L ln *> L j Shin'dy \ Sharp J ) Sheer I. " v Shine 1 <^ ^ nar P e( l ^ ^> Sheered Jv Shined <^ *N Sharp'cn < y' >. Sheer'ing y v J ^ Shi'ness _J" y'' 1 Sharp 'ened . J Sheers Shin'gle *i ^~x Sharp'ening 9 1 Sharp'er \ N^ Sharp'est < :n J Sheer'water o '1 ' Sheet j , Sheet'-anchor 1^ J^~ Shin'gled ^*~ < -* Shin'gles ^_ 2 - s hin'gling 9 9 Sharp'ing \T Sharp'ly '-' ^ Sheet'ing . . Sheets Shin'gly J.. Jv. Shi'ning ") 9 r. a Sharp'ness J Sheik '*' ^ Shi'ny \ V, -^ Sheki'nah J J Ship \ > Ship'board c)' }' Shas'ter ^ Shat'ter ; r Shat'tered /^l. xn , Shel'drake J * J * Shel'duck ... cA Shelf V^ Shipbuilder \ Ship'-building T ^ Shattering J )' Shat'ters CLS Shat'tery < ^~- " Shelf'y /- /_ Shell X >t Shel'lac S-\ Ship'-carpenter /, Ship'-chandler >V \ Shave ^^ /^ t-i j "* Shaved Y~\ T\ 'J Shelled J * J Shell'-fish y J Ship'-master XJQ Vr- Ship'mate <_; *^ a Sha'ven /^ ' /x Shell'ing -^ J J Shell 'work y j Ship'ment \-, V-vli Ship'-money 7^ ^i^_ , Sha'ver /-; /-] Shell'y ~J 1 Ship-own'er Sha'ving V X ' Shel'ter "^i^, \ Shipped -^ 'Vy Sha'ving-brush rt x-H Shel'tered ^/ _v . Shel'tering y J Ship'per \ *^> Ship'ping /- r Shawl / ** ^ , .1 f Shawm / V /H Shel'terless J " J ^ Shel'tie J J , Ship'-shape ">> %, <*r^~ Ship's-hus'band ) or j She 'A. A. Shelve N S Ship'wreck ; Sheaf * ^ Shelved ^ J Shear . Shelves J . ' Ship'wrecked \S X^ Ship'wright y i.^ Sheared Cx ^ C^s^- Shelv'ing "a -^ Shear'er <-^\ 1 Shelv'y J J Shear'ing " Shem'ite J Vs Shear'man ? Shemit'ic \ J )/] Shire *" v ^ A Shire'- town 7 9 Shirk ' J J Shears *-* J She'ol 21 Shirked < "Vi ~\ Shear'-steel *" ' 'i Shear'water J -i Sheat'-fish 1 J r\ Shep'herd s *^\ 2 Shep'herdess A t Sherbet . j Shirk'ing -2~ * Shirt ^ Shirt'ed SHIRTING -Ms SICKLE J J Shirt'ing y ; _7 Shriv'eled ~\ ^f Shirt'less \ \ or ' " 1OU1(1 v.. Shriv'eling y ,A_ Shit'tah ^ Shive >^1 /^1 Shoul'der < ' -% Nr-^houl'der-belt riv'en V ,\ ~ Shiv'er ' ^' Shiv'ered A~] /"I Shoul'der-blade -< V -C Shoul'd^red -. J~ nShrofF ^_ ^ S Shroffage _s\ T\ Shiv'ering " Shiv'ery /^l /"I Shoul'dering X ^ --< 'H Shoul'der-knot ' '' ' Shroud 7 J> Shroud'ed y S~ Shoad f x --\ Shoal . y Shout * Shout'ed "> (_,, Shroud'ing o Jl /-= "y., Shoal'lv -^ "S Shoar . V - Shoat 1 ,^ Shout'er -f *-* Shout'ing ^\^ j^ Shove Sj, <* Shrove-Tues'dav P '^ Shrub ** ~ Shock ^" Shoved n o n Shrub'bery i^ y~ Shocked -* *^ Shoc-k'headed J 1 Shov'el .v. > Shov'eled < . X h X Shrub'binesi ^V^ ' >* A Shrub'by ,-, y s Shock'ing ^-- r shod y^ / Shod'dy J n l . Shov'eler ^f Sliud'der y ^/ Shud'dered -^ Shoe'raaker y, y Show'-case -1 '1_ > Shud'dering J- ^y Shoe'making A Sho'er | x Showed y* y Show'er i ) Shuffle S^ ^ Shuffled oL j-. Shoe'string \ \ Show'er ^1 . Shuffler J_ J Shook ^pN. ) Show'er-bath ?\ Show'ered S^_ J-f -Shuffling Shu'mac ** Shoon y y Show'ering , , , Shun _y 1 Shoot A\ AY* Show'erless <^ ^ Shunned rv * v uu n'fi 1~. i Show'man <* ^ Shown , j Shut _X Shut't.-r > V. Shop litter te ! , Show'room y Shut'ting J~ y s Shop'man \ra X^ Shop'ping -^ Show'y } !' Shrank <^ -T Shut'tle p Shut'tlecock y x J~~ i Shop'walker "V, Shrap'nel -|__ '-'x ^ v Shwan'pan v v" 3 Shop'woman J 7 Shred Shy A y Shore ^ V Shored | (_> Shred'ding J? ^ Shrew yy )?.. Shy'ing <-> / Shy'ly _y~ y Shore'less * _| Shrewd JX 'l Shy'ness y' 3 Shor'ing 1^9 Shorl V Shorn o " n Shrewd'ly r>: f r Shrewd'ness .|^--L t/ Shrew'ish <^ ; - Si " ^ Siamese 5 " ^ (i;- .!- Short ^/" 9, Shre^-mole 1 *" Shrew'-mouse ? ^ ? Sibe'rian V \T V v Sib'erite y 7 Short'coming J^ Short'en 0. , Shriek *- -^ Shrieked <),3 < < v ^j Sib'ilance Sib'ilancy ~ s j. Short'ened c Short'ener "-^ ' Short'ening 9 Shriek'ing 9. \i S Shriev'alty 1 ' Shrift C ^ o Sib'ilant T Sibila'tion C S V/t Sib'yl ^. ^_^ Short'hand n v "L-' Shrike > N Sib'yline ^ Short'handed 21 / Shrill o^ o_- Sic j J Short'horn y~y "/"' Shrill'ness Sic'ca ^ ShortTiorned ' Shril'ly n^P Sic'cative >^v ^-i ; Short'lived Shortly ^. J Shrimp ~^~^ Shrimp'ing Si.'citv Y V-i Si--.- 2a ^ Short'ness , 1 9 Shrine Sii-il'ian ^ Shorts V <; -^~ Shrink o^ Sick <*" ,^ Short'-agbted ,*> } Shrink'a^p Q - i ^ Sick'-bed ' Shot ~^^7 ^~^ Shrink'er n. a_, Sirk'en , ~/~ Shote 9 Shrinking ^ ' Sick'ened x ^ Shot'free ^"^~~~ ' \~ ^ a _^ c i Sick'ening y^ ,^ Shot'ten J * Shough J) ' ; Shrived V <. Shriv'el ^ a ^' --^ Sick'ish e_: Sic'kle SICKLED 219 SINEW ^ SicTded ^~*s Sic'klewort ^^\r-^ or r Significantly > I \_ x 5 ^ SilVer-grey ' Sil'vering ^J\ Sick'- list " Sick'ly ^^^ j or I Significative (^ f\ Sil'ver-stick 1 . 1. Sil'ver-tree o_. . P Sick'ness v| Side "^^s-r^l or ^H Signif icator lf\. "T^-x Sil'very ' Simar' P vP Side'board ** - Sid'ed O-<_- Q >vn or lx Signif icatory ^^< ^-^ SimaruTia 6^" J Sim'ia fs~*-s v Px>^' Side'ling Side'long -<^ or ^3^ Sig'nified Sim'ilar ^ V P> Sid'eral - ( Side'real "^"^ or Sig'nify s-^g-^fV- Similarity ' Sim'ilarly P =T_ Sid'erite "TVi Siderog'raphy _y Sig'nifying "" Sign'ing .;-. (j-yT, Sim'ile f* Simil'itude n_ v t> Pi. Sid'eroscope S-*~\ ./"' Sign'ior ' > l if^' Sim'ilor c)-^. jfc V J Side'-saddle < ^ rx Sign'iory ^^^ Sim'ious x ' > Side'-table <&-^~^Y s' Sign'-manual Sim'mer J 3 V P Side'walk . vxa- Si'lenced a-^-s /r-v-s' Sim'ony / y Siege " " Si'lencing ^ ' ^^ Simoom' ^ Si'enite V v/-- Si'lent a~D errs Simoon' ,., _) Sier'ra ' * Si'lently ' Si'mous 7 Sies'ta YX~J J v Sile'sia Sim'per P Sieve ' Sile'sian 6 s ^ Sim'pered - Sift v ^ xil Si'lex g >c ^ Sim'perer e P Sift'ed 1 V Sift/er 6 " ' Sil'houette >-^- x^~j Sil'ica n * Sim'pering 5~<^ f\^v^ Sim'ple p Y' ' Sift'ing 6 o 1 Sil'icate ~^ Sim'ple-minded ; Sigh /^i ^ ^ Sil'icated d^^_ ''^^^ Sim'pleness P V Sighed 6 Silic'alcareous ^\ Sim'pler S Sigh'er )". P Sigh'ing <-" Sight X*X x** Siliciferous 6 ' Silic'ified /AH ^Ni Silic'ify ^s_ R^ Sight'liness Sil'icon *~\ f~x Sim'ply Sight'ly ^-~/^ xc_: Silic'ulose Sim'ulate v f vf f> Sight'-seeing b Sil'iqua ^^d < Sim'ulated ) ) ./^ Sight'- seer ^-^v; /TLc Sil'iquiform Sim'ulating ^** A Sig'il ' \-s ' Sil'iquose ff f> ---i^i p Simula'tion A^/ n .- Sigilla'ria x= ^^ Silk " Simulta'neous **^ * Sig'moid 6 b Silk'en g-^rxf Q_^. Simultaneously _^^- '^ Sigmoid'al / CP /" ^ Silk'iness "^ Sin Sign ' ^*> Silk'worm ?^] ^NLJ. Sinait'ic r, . o . Sig'nal ^T" y ^T f 0- ! ( ' v Sig nahze a^,, a -cc - / Sjg'nalized v v Sig'nalizing /^-= x* Silk'y 6 6 Sill xT\ >X Sil'labub 1 X f Sil'lery Sin'apisine "^V Q_J Sin'apism Since Q_P/ z_,J Sincere' I** Sig'natory Q-^_n ^v Sig'nature ./*-. /V Sil'Hly {f^ Sil'liness x-= x^ 1 ' Sil'lon Sincere'ly J -1- Sin'ciput <& e-^ Signed xi Silt " Sin'don Sign'er <> Silt'ed j^ IS ^ ^x Sine o-v Sig'net =.. / ^ Silt'ing Si'necural "*^S 6 " ; " Significance 6 b 1 Silu'rian ./I' XT; Silu'ridan - : ^.- i -^v Si'necure " Si'necurism ^^ ? or j Signif icancy xT-J b * s;1Va xA x^> SilVan ^v . y *M ( Si'necurist ' lv '' Si'ne die ^*"\ <^ or ... Significant fc ^ SilVer x^ SilVered liv^^ o^. Si'ne qua n on " Sin'ew SINEWED 220 SKYLARK Sin'ewed "V \ Sir'dnr ^ "-T,; Sketch'er Sin'ewy "I VI 1 Sire ' * ' Sketch'ily -^f Q - V S. Sinfo'nia ^ J Sin'ful <> o^ Si'ren * Sirene' 0-7 <, Sketching / '/. Sketch'y MJ" '"X Sin'fully - CP Sin'fulness . -V Sing oP - p Siri'asis v " <^ Sir'ius V= S Sirloin ' Siroc'co a a -7^ Skew ^ Skew' -back -^. -x Skew'-bridge ./ J SkeVer ' Singe :, &/\ Sirrah a-, _, Skid o_y ^ Singed Sir'up 1 "-* Skiff Singe'ing vv k Sirupy V ^7- Skil'ful -4 *^~\ Sin'ger ^7 ' Sise \i QL Skil'fully Sinjper <^^T: Q_^> Singhalese' Singing QJ *~\__! ^f^^s> Sing'ing-book Singing-master V., \ SisTcin J Sis'ter \ ) o> Sis'terhood / ./ . \~ Sis'ter-in-law A 7* ' Sis'terly *-7- Q Skil'fulness tf V -r Skill ^^5 ' Skilled . 'V Skillet O Skilling py Sithe a ^-sj: Q - x ~ ; ^i]" Skim'mings o_^_^ s CL ' < ~P Sin'gleness v v % < Sitol'ogy Skira'mington ~ Sin'gle-stick ,j_, Sin'gling 1 f Sit'ter Sifting n -? Skin ^ Skin'-dcep ^ Sin'gly 1is Sing'song P Sit'ting-room ^VJ .'1 Sit'uate ^^ ~^V - sk ' n 'flint ^^ _/" Skin'ful "J-To or i^-~ Sin'gular P Sit'uated ^ cy* Situa'tion , . ^ Skink **' ? Skinned Q-V-s/" Singularity q_j-jT~\^~' z_x_s Sin'gularly Sin'ical P o. p- Sitz'-bath 7 ^7 v Si'va Siv'an n ,,^ Skin'ner Skin'ning a.^j, Skin'niness ^ cLjQf^ Sin'ister a-ip x Six '' Skin'ny Sin'istral 130 r Six'fold \ Q Skip -*\j. Q^T Sin'istrous Sink -^R aj \". Six'pence Six'penny > ^ Skipped o-f\ 3 > Skip'per Q_., 'V ^ Sink'-hole Sink'ing \6 <*-*" Sink'ing-fund " Sin'less "V n- Sin'lessness - ;fl -pN a - I f Six'score J Six'teen ^ Q-JO Q_P, Six'teenth , ^ ^-^ s .^ h I Sixthly X Skip'ping o O a-O Skirmish | Skir'mished ^_^-^ a ") Skir'misher 'S "-^ Skir'mishing ^ ^ Sinned -f a_=p Six'tieth . Skir'rct ^^ o Sin'ner "( ' Six'ty ^ -^ Skirt Sin'net a ^)' Siz'able .. Skirt'ed t^^, ^->_ Sin'ning \ *\ Si'zar a -^ /l *-*** Skirt'ing ^"' Sin'-offering ?) 5' size a_y*^v a Skirt'ing-board 5_^ *->! Sin'ter ' \ Size'able > ^ Skit ' Sintoo' v) ^- Sized ^ ... Skiftish ^-j] d-ii Sin'uate Siz'el J ^ Skit'tishly " ' Sin'uated *-3 Q_^ Sin'uating T\ Si'zing o-r, a-.. Skit'tle-alley ^ .t Skit'tles Sinua'tion 5) -Jr Si'zy o_r-^ Q Ski'ver "^ '^ Sin'uose ' Skald * Skow .[. Sinuos'ity -'Ai "iijP Sin'uous o_ Q Skate ^1 Skafed l^ Siphon'ifer ^^ Skein v a- Skur'ry Si phuncle ^_^_/ ^ o Siphun'cular , /?' n Skel'eton J ^^-= Skep'tic -X -- Sky ^, o_ Sky'-blue n * Sipped \ \ Sip'pmg . x . -7 Sker'ry a - / / Sketch \ " Sky'ey ^-9 Q , Sky'-high Sir %_ Sir'car *-? Q, Sketchbook Y_ a (v Sky'larking ^v Slave 1 iCUv Slid ' in & v " v Sky'light o^ ^ Slaved ^i Slid'ing-scale Q__/~ T ~ Y' Sky'-rocket v^ Slave'-driver <5v ^1- Slight v x v^ Sky'-sail /^ "y (-\^ Slaveholder 7\ g\ Slab T Slave'holding Slight'ed XT" ^. Slight'er SlabTier g^V , f^\ Slave'-owner b _ Slight'ing ..^ f^^ Slab'bered Sla'ver 6v~f *S~" Slight'ingly t ' ^ Slab|berer _r^ s**\ Slav'er v Slight'ly Slab'biness * f Slav'ered __o y~' Slight'ness *^^ ^ Sli'ly ^ - Slab'by ^v 6- Slav'ering f^~^ ^^ Slim fa - v Slack (^ f\^\ Sla'very " Slime / 1 f~" Slacked b ' ' b - Slack'en Slave'- slip f\n. /TV Slave'-trade .^t -X- / Slack'ness 6 6 Slag ^~ Slavon'ic j-^ Slay /-^-> x^-^x Sling Sling'er s~ T xi- Slag'gy 6 * ' x Slay'er ,-vj^^ (T^* 1 Sling'ing ' Slaie /4 s ' ^\_ Slay'ing " Slink /f /: Slain Sleave xv^. /^\ Slink'ing 6 b Slake Q/f7] Slea'zy ' Slip f. 1 f*> Slaked b ' 6' Slake'less D 1 Ol J Sled ^-, /I Sled'ded 6"\ r% Slip-knot ' 1 b Slipped fi /^~^ Slak'ing /L ~r D V^> , ,, ... ,. Sledding x'\ XX^f; Slip'pcr - Slam t^' Slan'derous Sledge'-hammer ^ ' s~^~] Sleek b t> 1 Sleeked x ' -~zf~~' Sleek'ing b G Sleek'ly Sleep'er Slip'ping 7x\yxv Slip'shod & -B\ \ Slip'slop - /^ Slit b Slit'ter t^ 6*\ Slan'derouslv /~\/~- s\ Sleep'ily x.- x-^x-v/" Slit'ting ^ n -^ an & , b '^~r Slcep'iness Slit'ting-mill Slanged x\ /C^*\X^ Sleep'ing .x^N x / ^ Sli ver ^- ' ^ ' Slang'ing o " Slcep'lcss b Sloam Slang'y xA/^ x - p / ^-\ , Sleep'lessness _cx Sloat ff f-^. Slant " ^* Sloep'-walker * ^ N Slob'ber - * ' Slant'ed x-\, "\- Sleep-walking r^ (T^-x Slob'bered 6?' /^-^ Slant'ing ** Sleep'y * b ^ *N Slob'berer o- v SlantVise /n . Sleet x-'v Slob'bering -p. ^f\ Slap ' Sleet'iness ^^ % Sloe tx' Slap'dash x-i x"x Sleet'y Slog XA ^T\ Slapped Sleeve - Slo'gan 6 - '' ' Slap'ping ^V/ > "' H Sleeve'-link / I x 1 Slogged ^f ^ Slash ' Sloid x " Slog'ger Q (JT Slashed x x-%. > Sleigh x (T\ Slog'ging . _V^ Slash'ing | 6" 6 " v Sleigh'-bell Sloop - Slat /T*^ (Jv Sleigh'ing /P\ X^\ Slop /7 Slatch Sleight >a^> Slop'basin " Slate S~? .-^ Slcn'der 6 5 Slen'derly >v^" Slope J Slate'-pcncil /?~~ . Sla'ter x^?_o ^\ Slen'derncss o Slept /^\ ^^v Sloped " ' Slo'ping fa Sla'ting '/^ --^ Sleuth'-hound Ov x- /^ S'op'pail ^' SY Slat'tern 6 6 V> Slatternliness ' A Slew ,- xo Sley ' N/ "^ Slopped sS'- s*~\ Slat'ternly " Slice - \ Slop'ping CT ' Sla'ty _ ^^ Sliced x-\ C\ J Slop'py /^~ , -^ Slaughter 6* ov '\ Sli'cor 6 N v V/ " x^^ Slop'shop v+ ^ Slaugh'tcrer ? Slaugh'tering ON \* Slaugli'terous Slid'der ,0 x-1 Slide , XT s-, SlOtll ^C(_ 6H 6H Sloth'ful ^ SUV 61 6vl Slid'er ^- ^ Sloth'ful ly SLOTHFULNESS 222 SNATCHED 7 Sloth'fulness ^^, * Smart ^ Smoothed V-n^w ^ Slouch "' a -~ Smart'ed ^)or<5 x *~t Smooth'er Slouched ^_s* Smart'en ' 'V, Smooth'-faced "Z- <7 Slouch'-hat Smart'ened O ~?/-' Smooth'ing Slouch'ing j-^j-^^s T^ s. Smart'ening /v ^ A Smooth'ly . Slough (a bog) \ Smart'er cO^ jj-^^-I^Smooth'ness o A fa A. Slough (a cast -- v ^_' f~' Smart'ing *>^ ' ' Smor/an'ilo skin) Slov'enliness ^ ~*y f~~) Smash'er * **-* Smash'ing * ^ ,r-^n Smafter ^^ or f~\~^. Smoth'ering /^~ A Smoul'der ^ vj ^- ^r\ olov eniy " ' I Slow f /cV Slowly omat cereQ f \ (J v - Smat'terer Sraat'tering 1 omoul dereQ ^/^"f-S 1 } Smoul'dering tfr' ' ' Smoul'dry ft. Slow'ness . ^- Slow'-worm S^s. ,5-^ Smear ' Smeared i f~^S' Smear'ing "9 e-^i. Smudging ,v jy Slub'ber Smear'y Smug 6 A 6 ' Slub'bered ^ f~^ . Smec'tite /f> i 3~ii Smug'gle /}^_s J Slub'bering ' v Smegmat'ic 6 *" ~ Smug'gled Sludge ft f\ Slue f in . Smell ^ ** Smelled ^ ^ Smell'ing <5~> Smut / Smutch 6 g Slug'gard j-v^S. -f^ Smell'ing-bottle 0-^ ST? Smutched , '-> ,^-4-7 Sluggish 1*^ Smell'ing-salts ** Smutch'ing (, J (, Slug'gishly i. s~o Slug'gishness o vlP " Sluice ./* Smelt 9-\ Snaffle r Snaffled b ^ Slum'berer x~^ o~> Smile *-V ^ Snaffling ,^-^ A<\^ Slumbering 6 6 ^ Slumberous y Smiled \^^. ^C~^ Smil'er C Snag ^ V Snag-gy J,^ -^ Slum'ming a-~> M ^ Smil'ing :!rLr. f Snail 6 g Slump >-y Ji Smil'ingly Sr^-^- ^- Snail'-like s^s /^ Slung Smirch L-/ Snail'-shell ^ Slunk ., * Smirched 0^_ ^ Snake ^~^\ /"^ Slur <^ Smirch'ing Snake'root Slurred y ^ Smirk V~f Snake'stone /f~>\ _V Slurring b ! 6 Slush G*^ Smirk'ing 07 Smit J ' ^ x Snake'wood V~; 5^ SnaTcish ^/- ,- Slush'y C <* Slut /q /C Slut'tish Smite a~7^ Smi'ter > Smith ' SnaTcy S-^s, *An. Snap L, Snap'-dragon J 6 Sly 6 *) o~? Smith'ery v ' Smack ^ i_/ - Sneak'ing ' Snuff'iTS ' J. Soc'otrine 1- ^y *^~\ Sneak'ingly ^l^ ^"^ Snuff'ing Sneak'up ' /' Snuffle ^L *!_, Socrat'ic Sorrat'ical <5_X^ Q_^\ Sneer Q A ^-\ Snuffled y~\ ;. . Socrat'ically ^O Sneered ' (, Snuffles ' CT-N Soc'ratism /" ^. Sneer'er ', v ~\. ^~^~, Snuffling Sneer'ing (_^ t- Snuff'-taker *\ f Soe'ratist Sod 4-^*f 1 r Sneer'ingly o^ , Snuffy Jf P' So'da ^ Sneeze ' q -'~" Snug *v S/dalite Sf iX_ Snig'gle , , ^ Soak'ing - f^. Soaped V Soft'ened Sof't'ener Q A Snipe -\ Soap'ing ,o '/" Soft'ening V Snipped V, ^p Soap'stone Soft'ly i^\ (j- 'V^\ Snip'ping J 'fc Soap'suds '^_ g c_ Soft'ness > ^A *> Snip'snap SniVel Sniv'eled X 9 Soap'wort *' "V Soap'y ^^ _ Soar ); V So. ? 'gy So -ho Soi-disant > "h Sniv'eler Sniveling ' ^ Soared Ox '^ Soaring tfl Soil Soiled Q ~"'\ Snob N Sob ^^ ' "x Soil'ing r^X Snob'bery '^ /? Sobbed ; '" i O< Soir'ee Q_^V G^ Snob'bish ^^ Sob'bing *K f So'journ ' .^y Snood <\ So'bcr ' So'journed dVN Snooze ' So'bered ~F/>' fej. So'journ er Q R t Snore 5v ( \/~' So'bering So'journing _^ .,, Snored So'berly , . Soke i" Q^^^^ Sno'rer ^\_y ^S So'bcrncss 6 Sol CVN ' Sno'ring Sobri'ety V" /* So'la 1 ' Snort ?\ . o_ Sob'riquet v Sol'ace ., ^-^*^\ Snort'ed " ~ Soc ; x=> v /ftr- Sol'aced s^ 1 / Snort'er Snort'ing Snot o' V. Soc'age / if So'-called ..-rs-^ ^ v/ ci\ Sociabil'ity ^ Sol'acement Sol'acing Solana'ceous Snot'ter \ . So'ciable /^ Vi-C Sol'ander 1 ^ ^A Snout ,\,{ f vSo'ciably ^ 6. i So'lan-goose T_^\"^- Snow - V ^ So'cial -^.^ __ x^^ So'lanine i' 1 \ Snow'ball s "'nee vn VI Solecist'ic -^1 v ^\\ Sol'utive P p Soot **-' 6 ' Soled * Solvabil'ity si Soot'cd o Sol'emn /^V ^/^V Solv'able 6 \ Solve r- ScM,ti, - v Soothe x /^N* xr^^l Sol'emness ^~ x^Aj. Solved f, P Soothed " ' Solem'nity " " / Solv'cncy Sooth'er o * Sol'emnize " Solv'ent &, P Sooth'ing /T* Sooth'ingly ~^~~^ s~^_s? f Sol'emnized >^\ ^^V_. Solv'er f c c Sooth'say o 'o v Sol'emnizer Solv'ing > '1 - ')< Sooth'sayer % -^ S^ ^-^' Sol'emnizing ^6 Sol'emnly j^y Sornatol'ogy ' ' [X Somatot'omy ^ \ -* Sooth'saying P Soot'incss V V~ So ' len v _^ Soph'ist T Sophist'ic ~^ Solic'itant \/"i _x*t| Solicita'tion Jt . .A : Som'erset C^^'l rtS/ V/y c , , 'ii'i, Somervnhte It "i.L Sophist'ical L Sophisticate U "6 Sohc'ited >/"! v^ 3 Soliciting *"?. or e-w Some'thing %1 ,v\j Sophisticated . La Sophisticating ^ Solic'itor , v i v Some'time M l Sophistica'tion ^y Solic'itor- v general ^~^ cr^^ Some'times I/, ji. Some'what T ^ .?> Sophist'icator !/ Soph'istry v^U v ^^-. Solic'itous M Some'where i , _ ' _ Soph'omore '0 Solicitously v/*^. v /^ n Solic'itress '-j ^1 Solid'ificd -f\ *\ Solid'ify VI Si. Solid'ifyin- Jpx^ ^v/"~~ Somnam'bulism Jf-^.^^/^ Somnam'bulist ^.-Sv ^-~_^ Somniferous 'V Sopra'nist \ /^ Sopra'no ^ N Sorb J,/" 1 ^^, Sorbon'ical Xls v ^ i- Sol'idism * ' Somnif ic ' Sor'bonist Sol'idist 5-^y, \5~~y''- Somnil'oquencc o*.^/' Sorbonne' V /T1 ^(CV"' Solid'ity c_, * S~N Somnil'oquism i/S o Sor'cerer 1 Sol'idl y 'g~~~-f- <^^"\ Somnil'oquist fJ^J* pVP Sor'ceress \i^ /-f\ Solidun'gulous cC-> (. Somnip'athy v Sor'cerous " .j" Solifid'ian V"^/ t^-y" Som'nolence \f. o^^l. Sor'cery >^\, ,J?~3 Solifid'ianism ' LP ' C^v Som'nolency ' a Sord'es Lj> ^b " Solil'oquize , < Som'nolent o/\ ^/y Sor'did /^^ 3 /^ ^/ Solil'oquized N 6 v b ' Solil'oquizing . *~^ QJ^ Son oj^^p /] . Sor'go ' L Sori'tes i/**-? ,S' Sol'itariness ^<* * Sol'itary '>- N Son'net t^. ..'.,.. " Sonneteer' ' * ,5 Sorn Sorned ^ ^C^^ Sol'itude ^.^ o'^ Son'neting \ ?*\ Sorn'er Soliv'agant Son'nite ~^ Sorn'ing ^^-^ t ** ^s" Sohuiza'tion So'lo Q^~ Sow'bread 1 Spasmod'ic -~N. \/\ Sort'er 1 ' Sor'tie 'f ) A p Swed ^^ Sow'ens S_ Sr Spasmod'ical g> , OC : ^^ .,. ., v 11 \ bpasmod ically i/7 v /T Sor'tilege * /l l>/-6 Sortile'gious V V/ Sow'er A Sow'ing VV7 ^> Spasmol'ogy "7 1 ; Spas'tic , )- Sort'ing qi^ ) r Sown So o- o Spastic'ity ^ > So'-so Soy I _L_ >. o Spat ._ \~ ,r, Sospi'ro \- ^ Spa J. ' Spatha'ceous \/' [^ 1 Sostenu'to Space ^ <; Spathe J. Sot p /7 -f . Soteriol'ogy -kr'- Soth'ic % V/ S pac f. d Spac ing S; Sf Spa'cious ( ( . Spath'ic S>C S^ Spath'iform tTV> 1 Spat'ter -u ~P 'R. Sot'tish | J. S Sot'tishness -^ '" Sot'to vo'ce oA cP^"- Spa'ciously "< ^1 Spa'ciousness cxdP f Spad'dle Snl'Q ^ Spat'terdashes Jl-? 1 Spat'tered %, qV^ Spat'tering ) ^y~ Sou > *"' Souchong' p 'P Sough o So- Spade \ J \ -a Spade'ful ' V *-^' Spadi'ceous Spat'ula 0^, S, Spat'ulate \j Spav'in Sought Y ,/" Soul V^ Spadille' 1 h Spa'dix \ST Spav'ined Spawn 6 Soulless S- R* Spadroon' ~ ^* Spawned V=s . Soul'-stirring J^ Spah'i t_^ Spawn'er o "\ O t7 j bound \x Sound'ing Span J Spay'ing '**'' i Sound'ing-board ., ^ Sound'ings *^V << ^~ Ipan'gle 1 a > : or ..^- Speak '"P o Soundness ^ <^ _, Span'gled S \_: Speak'able Span'iard S :. or --\-- Speak'ing ' Sour x\ o> Source ' Soured S S Span'iel vf if Span'ish 9 1 S Spank p ^-^-T, Speak'ing- ^j trumpet o-^ >, Sour'ing A ._J Sour'ish >^" N Spanked ^ S' Spank'er Q ^-K_^ \_ Speak'ing-tube ^N c '^ "y- Sour'krout ^ N ^ Spank'ing x^ ,\ opear Sour'ly ^\ ) Sour'ness S' S Spanned * Span'ner <5 "S Speared * 3j Spear'ing V 9 N Sous S S Span'ning ^^ Sx^ Spear'mint \ \ Souse ^ >; Spar >-i Spear'wort Soused V P. Sous'ing 1- ^, Spare A ^ Spared \y or > Spec'ial ' U Soutane' P.S, p Sout'errain ^./^.P is Spare'ness \s Spa'rer \a. \ i Specialist ** Cl Special'ity ' ' ' South P ( Southcot'tian "TJ 1 A J South-east' f fi ,0 South -east'er /\ V/ Spare'rib Sparge >v i. Spa'ringly "? o \ p Specialize c^v C/v Specialized \y or \ Specially "\ A ] A\y South- east'erly ./ -/^ ' South -east'ern S/ ^y~) Spark Spark'ish \ , S. Specialty &i. is Spe'cie /^"' -C-s> South'erly -\^J ^-^ South'ern S/* c_: > .- Specifically A^T 3 V< South'ron C AV/P South'ward "^ ** South-west' t O- Spar'ling R- /I S Spa'roid ^ Sparred NO NO Specifica'tion ^-3 ^-"S 9 Specif'icness f ,, JP/o^- South -west'er k V: A eAv South-wcst'erly So- , Spar'ring ^^ Spar'row V % v Specified 'S vv Spec ify 16 SPECIFYING 226 SPLASH \9. Specifying ' * Specimen 9. ^. Spe'cious \ ^, Spewed n | ^^ Spew'er \n %io SpeVing j- ^-^ Spin'dle-tree h Lx Spin'dling ix -&~- Spe'ciously r Sphac'elate ^, v $v Spine \1 \ S P eck %" . Spec'ulator o ./ 9 i Spec'ulatory ^~f ^^ Spec'ulum * 9 Sped ] .} Speech N / ' opne roid $/f ^f Spheroid'al ->\ ;v^-s Spherom'eter Pry' a Spher'ule * ^-s n Spher'ulite P y. ^j, Sphe'ry ^-s \ Sphinc'ter 9 ,, P Sphinx ^'^ t Sphrag'id V^__ l ^^_. Sphragis'tics ~ Sphyg'mic ^ ._ . "^ Sphygnom'eter ' '1 Spi'cate 9^ v H^ . Spi'cated ^1 | Spicca'to 9v Qv Spice ^ X- Spiced ^ A/^ Spin'ule V9,^ Spin'ulous V -< Spi'ny \7~ \y/ Spir'acle ' Spi'ral o /-' V Spi'rally \7 7\ Spire \ Spirit ' Spirited -x Spiriting ^. Spiritist v Spiritless l V rTl .]- ^_ Spirito'so )^ ' Spir'itous -2 ^5~N Spiritual "V ^ j Spiritualist S. *?. 9. Speechified / ./ ./ Speechify Sf vj vL Speechifying 9v 'v^- Spi'cer "\ * Spi'cery Spiritualistic /n I^J Spirituality ** ' v^ Spiritualiza'tion 9 Speechless ^V ^^ Spi'cing ,^o -.5 Spiritualize ,/fc-o J Speed ^ S^ Spick'nel v/v tVv Spiritualized V<^ Speedily ^~^-^ ^"^ Spic'ular -XTTN 3>^ Spirltualizer U Speeding V9 Speed'well J Speed'y ^ -/f 9 2* Spic'ulate "' x ~* Spic'ule V-X ^-~^ Spic'uliform \ o Spiritually Spelled \, \_-" Spi'der v| l\ Spig'ot V \j - s pi'ry Ny^ 1 -i Spis'sated \y^N 9 s^-s Spell'er ^_v o Spike 9^ Spis'situde ^ V Spelling ^J. Spiked .E Spit 9. /^-*\_\ o Spelling-book \^~ \* Spike'let n ^ Spit'al V Spelt " o -S~ \^ Spel'ter V ^^ Spen cer ^ Spike'nard >-2k Spi'ky j~ L . Spitch'cock 9y v^ Spite _ 9 Spend * X, Spend'er Ry^ %* i Spile Spillkin "1 Spi'ted Spermatic \rt Spermatozo'a 9 Spew 9 X ^^ 9^^ Spina'ceous i^ / Spin'age \ ^A Spi'nal c3 | Spin'dle ^ P Spit'tle 9 ^T - Spittoon' J ^ , / Spianclinol'ogy <^- Splash SPLASH-BOARD 227 SPUTTERING ^" ~ Splash'-board \_L/,, \_i. Spon'giolite c^J^V^ t v x -r Spright'liness ^ > 3 s p' ashed f7 ^f Spon'gious Spright'ly * Splash'er VSpong'y S^, 'V>^ Spring < "N^y-x Springe "^ / Splay ^-^ N ^ Spon'sor / 1 Spring'er "^ \ Splayed ] ^ Splay'-foot ^_pV "C^ Sponso'rial (I Spontane'ity \_^< \^-y Springhalt Spnng'iness \~ Splay'-footed ^Tp "^ Spontaneous \^_> \. Spring'in^f y jl Spleen nT Spontaneously ^" Spring'-tide -^ Spleen'ish ^T v 2- Spontoon' \^. \j Spring'-time - * Splen'dent - o 1C 1 ^f Spoonful ^l^i. ' Spring'y S^X \_x_ Sprin'kle Sprin'kled "X^^,^ \^ ;s \ Sprout V. ^ Splenol'ogy ^^ < ify Spore A! Sprout'ed ?Tf Splice ^^\ Sport C\A < \j' Sprout'ing v ^v Spliced ^> ^^ Spli'cing , <3 Splint * .\ Splint'er ^ V Splint'ered ^ >S^. Splint'ering % ^Z Spor'ule cy ^ Spry ^ ^~ Split'ter "' \/ " Sporulif'erous " -1 Spud I / Splotch "^ cjX Spot ? ?~ Spue ^ "?_ Splotch'y Spot'less Spume / -] Splut'ter ^-,-f.^s ^' Spot'lessness o ^j" Spumed ' "? ^ Splut'tered V' ~ ~ ~] Spot'ted \X" v~&-S> Spumes'cerce '1 Splut'tering ^T 'C Spod'omancy I l o 1 x~ et it \-~ 1* \' Spod umene - Spumif'crous .d Spu'miness o , 9- Spu'ming ' 1 Spoil ?' ?"/^N Spoiled f V 1 Spoil'er *S 1V~ Spot'ty | o Spous'al > ^ a-r Spoil'ing Spouse'less V^ \.^- S P un & e ^~ Spoilt . Spur'gall ^-y 1<_^-^ Spoke'shave ^ Spokes'man A] Spout'ing Sprack N N Sprag \>Y ,x-) Spo'liate v Q.. Sprain \X? Spu'rious .ess ^^ ^" Spo'liated Sprained ^/C-i ^^ Spur'ling ^f/S fyd Spo'liating \. y^ Sprain'ing ^* Spurn Spolia'tion *'' Sprang o % l ? s )/ < Spurned ^(/l v X^ Spo'liative \ ^Y" Sprat Spurn'er ^ b. v " Spo'liator V Sprawl \y> '^ Spurn'ing *C **C Sponda'ic t_ il Sponda'ical . Spong'iform * Sprent 9 vxt v . Spurt ed Vy \,, Spong'mess "X-i "\j Sprilg-ed O> / Spong'ing ^^ Sprig-ging ^^ Spur/mg \"? Sputa'tion Jj Sput'ter ^V "^Jy,. Spong'ing-house ^ ' < Spri^h? %, Squint'ing ^ Ql /^~ Staked Squab'bled Squire Stake'-holder f-c fv. Squabbler e ^/ : e_/ > . Squirearchy c^_. -rfTl Stak'ing ^\ "" Squabbling v Squir'een Stalac'tic f-v Fn Squab'by Squad ^l- eJ^\ Squad'ron - x. ^-^v,^ Squire'ship y ^~* Squirm 6 N^ e x^^Squirmed ^ U ^ | v Stalac'tiform ^y^ ' Stalac'tite 1 Squal'id ^~~~^ Squirm'ing x L^ t v Stalactit'ic e_/1 e-f\_s> Squalid'ity Squal'idness e ~V P -/ Squir'rel Squirt * Stalag'mite _( " '" x^) Stalagmit'ic <~r fr Squall e_y e_^^ Squirt'ed Stal'der Squalled Squirt'ing s- ..-?. Stale <-,- <~f Squall'er ( Squall'ing \ % Stab 1 -. Sta'bat Mater Stale'mate /^j> ^. Stale'ness &J* eJ.\ Squall'y \ \ Stabbed 6 stalk Squa'loid Stabler Squa'moid {[ R StaTjle-keeper > "\ VJB Sta'bleness - X Stall ( Stalled " Squa'mous e .j ci^ Squan'der R ^ Stalling X^/ Stab'lish ^(fV -A, Stall'-fed T .1 Stall'-feed Squan'dered fi a^ e ,_, Squan'derer P S^O StaTily ^. Stabula'tion 'fV , - Stall'-feeding L- ^ Stall'ing Squandering e i-v ^-^ Square n^ Stacca'to - Stack si ^sf Stal'lion on Stal'wart Squared ^- **- Stacked cr\ \ Square'ly ^^ Square'ness ^ ^ GJ-^,-: Squar'er ~ " Stack'er <= "^-i Stack'ing ' Stac'te Stam'ina ir^Y !7 ^ 1 \ Stam'inal 1 1 Stam'inate *N Square'- rigged *^-^ e =~-\y Squar'ing P .P A Stad'dle J 1 KN Sta'dium [j cr* ^ ' Starnin'eous Staminit'erous Squar'ish 'P^" 5^7] StadtTiolder i^X^ -0-^ Stara'iner _% f-; Squar'rous 1 Stadt'holderate ' ^ Stam'mered Squash .0 c^ Staff j/ * TV N Stam'mei'er 'p? f-y Squashed ^" Stag ' ./ Stage'-player \t/ ' Sta'ger Stamped 'a~^ &~~** Stampede' .1 Stamp'rr Squat'tcd J/' -f Stage'-struck *\-f Stamp'ing G-O f- Squat'ter Stage'y -ranch Squat'ting .^~.. tl.. Stag'ger ^^ <^ Stanched p- Squaw Stag'gered ^^ / Stanch'ing 15 ' Squeak cr StagVerinc <^~1~ ^-f-o Stan'chion 6 j _ Squeaked = ^~ ! Stag'hound "/ '' Stanch'lcss G ' Squeak'ing f V Sta'ging $' F- Stand ^ &f. Squeal * Stag'irite '" Stand'ard Squealed ^- e- ^) Squeal'ing O-N_X_^, ^->J Stag'nancy ). Stag'nant P- y' P' Stand'ard-bearer ^<^S J StandVr "^ Squeam'ish t*-^j ^ Stag'nate $_ if' Stand'ing 2_^-y_ e ---J Squeam'ishly - ^"^1 Stag'nated -S Stand'ish /^ ' Squeam'ishness e ^-f Squeeze ,.. -^ _., Stag'nating ^"^^^ Stagna'tion A p.-- Stand'-point f f Stand'-still Squeezed .P Staid 3>^ ^^-^ Stang ^ e_q^ Squeez'er 1 ^ Stain ' Stan 'hope Squeezing ( -^- 7 - e -y Squelch ^^ cj. v Stained ' Stain'or i^- P- Stank cO. Stan'nary ^ * Squib 'V Sta'pcs *^ .^T" Staph'yline i- 1 Stat'ical 'Lo -f Stat ' ics /" P Stationary ' Ste'arine ^ ?\_ Star " & Sta'tioned P P Ste'atite Star'board R^ Ri^. Sta'tioner v l_j Steatit'ic ^ ^A-^ Starch ^ Sta'tionery p Steatom'atous "~^ Star'-chamber P .P Sta'tioning M>- Steed .0S] Starched " b ' Sta'tist f f~l Steel Starch'er ./->- =\ Star'ling ^ ^^ Star'lit p y Stat'utory p/ Staunch > ' Steep'ness \ CN Steep'y ^ c^f Star'ost "p-/v P ~ Stau'rolite > Steer \ x Star'osty \ k^So Staurot'ypous ^7 c> Steer'age P*\ ^~~^ > Starred Stave ' Steered Star'riness >X - -^ Staved \ "^ Steer'er o^ . Star'ring Q^ . Staves'acre *^ "' Steer'ing * ^ Star'ry ~^ ^ Sta'ving ^^s^ ,. Steers'man ^, P Star'-spangled \_x_ Start P .D Stay ' Stayed ^ ** Steeve Steeved p/, L Start'ed > Start'er P P Stay'er > ! Stay'ing ' Steev'ing =^-^~\,; Steganog'raph- fv-T5 P- Stay'lace ist 5 P^ Start'ful _/" Start'ing ' Stay'maker R R Stays o Stay'sail o^^x.. 1 ?^ f Steganog'raphy | Stegan'opod ^. . Stegnot'ic P,^ P Start'ing-point ' X Start'ing-post P P Star'tle Stead T TV T So Stead'fast Steadfastly ' ^ Stein /T '< 1 Ste'la - vl Stel'echite * Star'tled .p. p Stead'fastness . X~\ Stel'enc L,. Start'ling '*4f i Stead'ied ' Stel'lar ^^ Starva'tion -, Starve Starved p ' P p gtead'ily 1 Stead mess V- M> i Stead'y / . , Stel'lary f"^ Stel'late ,_, j^' Stel'latcd C (~ -cr? Starve'ling ^ > Starv'ing LStead'ying Ci! - Steak s* Steal r 1 tf ' d Stellif'erous 'S\_ .,-, Stel'liform ^V-^ v* Stell'ion J=V .V Star'wort ^ ^ Steal'er ^-\ Stel'lite 34 State ^. -ffT Steal'ing ^ (* ' Stel'lular L .p State'craft (P^ fl ^ Stealth X' 1 -/^"V Stel'ochite Sta'ted iiT/ ^ ^ Stealth'ily 0^ vl d x V. Stelog'raphy .0^ -^S> Sta'tedly State'liness V V_s stealth'iness r7 Stealth'y - Stem -' Stem'ming 9 -P/^ Sta'ter ^ e*: * j/ Steamed ^i- tv Stem'ple State'-room Steam'-engine N ' Stench .? .P States'-general t/ 5 0^ States'man ijr~i ^~n Steam'er ' / Stcam'-gauge ^p StenVil Sten'cilled STENCILLING 230 STOCK-JOBBING V' f^" 7 ^ Sten'cilling Stenographer <7\/> f Ster'torous N Stet f\ ^ Stilt'y Stim'ulant J'^n. t^-pr^ Stenograph'ical Stenographic .; ^ .?" Stethom'eter i^\ Steth'oscope ^-5i er-jf^ Stim'ulate Stim'ulated t^.5 i i^^^X.. Stenog'raphist Stenog'raphy ^' V Stethoscop'ic i\ . \y Steve'dore p.. cr^ f " Stimulating Stimula'tion <^^ ^b" Sten'tor " Stento'rian P P Stew '" -S Stew*ard ^/^ /T~ Stim'ulative " T% Stim'ulator ^ V ^ Step N >\ > Step'-brother p/> P p Stew'ardess V\ 'jy "I Stewardship 0-3? cs> Stim'ulus ^^ Sting ') Step'-child Stewed <^~v ^i^i Sting'er V|- Step'-dame *\ Step'-daughter . Stib'ium ^ ^ Sting'less ' Stin'go **"/ o> Stin'gy ^l <^ Steppe ^ , Stich Sting-y Stepped Ci ' Stich'ic <^r ^y- Stink \ \ Step'per f^O c*jrrS' Stich'omancy Stink'ard Step'ping '. ' ' Stichom'etry . ^, Stink'er o \ : \>Stor'eoscopist ^^~ Stiff-necked Stipulating -pe ^^ v ^ Sti'fle N/ ' Stip'ulator P P. Stereotyped W X > Ster'eotyper P / Sti'fled $ $*-. Sti'fling \f \ Stip'ule *r Stip'uled ^* : ^\ Stereotyping ^. .^^ ^- Stig-ma t^s^ Stigma'ria ^ ^ Stir Stir'iated P^ Stereotypog'ra- e * 1< ~\ oj-x_: Stig'mata !\ Stirred "v* 7 ~"v_: p fl y Stigmat'ic Stir'ring ^y^ ^/H Ster'ile ^.^ & ~ 1 ^lv Stigmat'ical 5^ /> Stir'rup ' Steril'ity c Stigmatize ^'- " Stitch <*.j-o C V^^' Ster'ilize taj< ^|y "^^ly Stig'matized ,, Q Stitched " Sterling D ^ Stig'matizing f '' Stitch'er ^ ^N Stern V fT\ f\ Sti'lar P P Stitching c ^ Stern'al v] Stil'bite ? *> Stith'y \<^ Stern'board If- S3- Stile Q_ v !y_ Stockade' J ' Stock'-broker vocalizing) ^\ , cr^-V,- Stern'ness (^s -f\. Still'ing ' C v Still'-life ^_j v, Storth'ing T^ /O c ^_ x _jO Stran'gulated 1 ^x- Stok'ing <^ Sto'ry Strangula'tion VI <' Stole Stoled yV_! "= s\S~ ;. Sto'ry-book Y ^ Sto'rj--teller ^"^ / T Stran'gury n v. Strap x^> ' Sto'lon ^* Stout 1' T Strap'ping IN er ~~ Stom'ach J P^, Stout'er k. b Strass , , Stom'achal /J * Stout'ly T ' J Stra'ta Strad'dling o. IV Strat'ified ^ ^'V^ Strat'iform Ci *^N- Stoned Stone'-fruit L T Strag'gle Stoop'ing 2>J ' Straiks 1 1 Streaked X *~7' Stoop'ingly S. n Strain " "-=" Streak'ing '\ /\ Stop J Strained <\ . ^. Streak'y x i Stopeock Stop'gap Stop'page q Strain'ing <\' Strait *L ^ . Streamed ^^\ Stream'er A '<\ Stopped T J- Strait'en 9 ^^/ Streaming Stop'per 2. Straitened ""^^ Stream'let \ Stop'ping Stop'ple - -' <^=> Strait'-jacket Strait'-laced R . Stream'y r~i T- Street Stop'watch rr . Strait-waist'coat Strake "1 T Strengthen ^- ^d Strengthened =x Stored 1^3 = * Stramin'eous 1 c i Strength'ener vO StoreTiouse " ''^"^^ Stramo'nium ~J ^j^ Strengthening STRENGTHLESS 232 STUPID V\ Strengthless ^9 Stren'uous C L_^ c \~ Strokes'man ^f^ ' Stro'king ^.i . ^, Stuc'coing "^^ ' " Stuck \^_^ \^s\ Stren'uously f Strew T T StromTjus *** S^ Strong P P Stu'dio -1" ^b" Stu'dious Strewed 1 y ^VJ ^ Stron'tia '^"^ ^'Nfl Stuffing-box >^ Strict ness C 1 1 Stnct'ure '-"I Strict'ured 1" ll^^ Stron'tian ^^ 1 ^T, Stul'tified ] ^-x Stul'tifier Y\ tfl Stul'tify V V. Stul'tifying *) 9 V Strid'ulous K u Strife V-y V^l Stro'phiolated =1- =1- Strove yVt-^ i Stultil'oquence K^ ^N Stum 3 U | tr ^' i! , /^ i Stngose Strow ]. 1_ Strowed ^ , Stum'ble \ '^ Stumbled 'I v <| Stri'gous ' Strowlng <^X_ "\. Stum'bler V* " Strike \ 1 . Strown ^^\ V_ , Stum'bling TV TV StriTcer 1 Stri'king TV., \. Strildngly J l Struck 1i-JV tlo Structural r ^J, Struct'ure ' Stum'bling- <7 \., * block \ Stummed /T String \j- ^ Ic-p String'-board ^^> ^^ String'-course Stringed Strin'gency 9 I Struggle ii- i. Struggled S, ^ Struggling = Strum <1 7 S, Stru'ma " Strummed , i Stum'ming <^ Stump i , . Stumped "^ -'' ' \ Stump'- orator \ \_^ Strin'gent < 1i^ t \i Strum'ming er^/' i Stump'-oratory ^JT- "^^N String'er "* Stru'mous < !r ^ Stump'y \"/ T-x String'-halt ^**\ Stringlness 1 Stringing UL 1 Strum'pet 1 ^ Strung Stun ^-^ ^^ Stung , , Stunk VwAw^ ^_>t Oi ^ Stringy o T Strut Stunned S \ Strip (5 Stru'thious tU ^ 0r ", \ \ Stu'pefier \^' ,VV> ^ u ^,^ ornl y V \ Stu'pefy Stub bornness ^\ lS ~ e! Strode % S, Stroke V cj _ Stub'by \ ^.- Stu'pcfying Stuc'co JJL. f Stupen'dous U Stroked V StroTcer =!-, =i-- Stuc'coed 1 1 ^ Stuc'coer 5 Stupendously t-. >j Stu'pid STUPIDITY 233 SUBSERVED \ VStupid'ity ' Stu'pidly fi 'V-, Subcos'tal p^ "C.P Subcuta'neous o .. Sublet' '^ ^" *" Subleva'tion J^-"^/? ^^ Sub-libra'rian P. V Stu'por " Stupose' Stu'prate A S. Subdea'con |-4 J. Subdean' Sublimate ^_. ^ Sublimated ^i ' Sublimating K. AJ Stupra'tion 5^ v -\ v Subdivide' <^_. ^_v Sublima'tion tfa* ^[^ Stur'dily 's ^| Subdivid'ed Sublime' *l Sturdiness 4- Sturdy Stur'geon Ai ^vj> Subdividing \ Subdivisible p v ^y Sublimed' -^^ Sublime'ly o v AV-i Subli'ming -^j J) Sturio'nean S _, Subdivi'sion X"' J Sublimity eS^ 1 Stut'ter \_) -v"^-^ Subdomlnant 5y^O- <{,<->. Sublu'nar -1 * A Stut'tered S, Stut'terer P Stut'tering -\ l ^ Subdu'able Jn V 2 Subdu'al Sublunary O^x>._ ^/- Sub-marine' **~*^ A- (f Sub-max'illary \ |v Sty ?v ^. Subduce' ^^_^ S^_v/ Sub-me'diant if V sf c-^- Styg'ian (^ %, Subduced' J" x Submerge' w 0. Stylagalma'ic V ^ Subdu'cing o ^ x^^i/ Submerged' V (O \- Sty'lar \^ I;. Subduct' ^~^ -v~v^- s u bmerg'ence U ] n ' Style ~_ Styled F Sty'let S S. Subduct'ed ^ LL. Subducting V^/ xV-^ Submerging o Submerse' ^^. ^x_ y ^' Submersed' v v^^ Sty'liform -> Sty'ling )--. Sty'lisb ^ Subduc'tion ']i /S S. Subdue' ^J l ' 1. Subdued' \ ' Submersing ?_^? ^- . Submersion '^" Submis'sion v Stylishly > Sty'list V o \ Subdu'er |X L Subduing C^ Subal'pine \r Subal'tern o \ \ Subjective \ f / Subjectively ^ f J Subjectivism \ Subjectivity f, 2- ^ Sub'ject-mat'ter R ? Subjoin' J/' vf Subjoined' S. ? Subjoining ^ < Sub-ju'dice 4 ' Sub'jugate \^ \^ oubo vate '\ ' N^_J Subpoe'na \ *i Subpce'naed N-V' \J>> Subpce'naing o /\ ? .-O Subrep'tion X/ *O A/^ Subroga'tion MSLj. Sub ro'sa Sub'salt -\ or\ Subscribe' ^V JL Subalter'nate ^ Suba'queous SJ Subas'tral '(y Subaudi'tion Q^_ Sub'-base x ^> Sub-bra'chial J. . -^ Subscrip'tion s. R Sub-bra'chian ^-T^ Subcla'vian X^ n . Sub-commit'tee \ K/X^^ 1 Subjunc'tive Oi ' '" Sublapsa'rian R_^, 5 Sub-sec'tion '> 'ore Sub'sequence ^ ^./^ Sub'sequent *.l. L Sub-con'tract A/SK .A3 Sublap'sary 'or> 'oi Sub'sequently R,, Subcon'trary rf Subla'tion A^ A^ Subserve' <*i/ '^' Subcor'date JV^ 3 . Sub-lease' '* * Subsened' SUBSERVIENCE 234 SUGGEST xSj'X^jjp ?sXVj, Subservience ^ /^ .,/^j, Subterra'nean ai^i^_; Q.LP Succumbing 7 Subserviency " Subterra'neous 1 Succussa'tion -V^ J " r< V' Subservient D Jl Sub'tile ?>> '> Subtiliza'tion a, "r^ Succus'sion Succus'sive V, $, Subside' * b Sub'tilize V , Such vT v ' Subsid'ed \ >.. Sub'tilized ' o ' t . . Suck a 3(c o. Subsid'ence S v IJLx Sub'tilizing ;_ i Sucked vf T -T-ySubsid'ency d 1 f Subsidiarily ,\ B Sub'tilty f T T Sub'tle c ~ Suck'er n i Sucking ^sc., X; Subsidiary ' Sub'tlety e- Suck'le .I/' vQ, Subsiding x[ ' v^ Subtly i Suck'led Xj $p Subsidize 'o : Subton'ic Suck'ling .(i' .1* Subsidized 5>p *Lj Subsidizing tx- T Sub'sidy V ?>o- Subtract' 1_ 1 Subtract'ed O i ol/f 1 Suc'tion 3 ' Sucto'rial y, P Sucto'rian 5p V) Subsist' r Subsist'ed Xp ^Q Subsist'ence J 1 ' a Subsist'ent 5

    ^ Subtrac'tive ^ " u Suda'tion P' ,P Su'datory \> J Sud'den ,j? -F Sud'denly f *~? Sud'denness SubSoil Q.. Sub'trahend 9 ( J\ ; _^ Sudoriferous 9" '^rj X* Sub'ulate vb Sudorific "ft .Xyp Subspe cies ^/ J SubStance '' Su'dra ^P i or'V Substantial V^xcx i ^ o xxv v ^xv Suburb'an xS/^ xV^o Sub'urbs .P ") Suds b ^ Sue 'V- X, Substantiality *- Substan'tiating L^~ ^-j Substantia'tion ^ Q Subvert'ed ^-, ^__ Subvert'er }l (, Subvertible ^r T^ ^V^ Subverting > Sub'way <* o^-f Succeda'neous - v - ' A Suf ferable (? <& Sufferance ^3 Suf ft-red NJ^ Sufferer Suffering PX. o v Suffice' Sr^ *-^ a - Succeda'neum *** Sufficed' N? Si Substantive V w" SubStantively OLC n . Succeed' J ' Succeed'ed a 4 > Qjo Succeeding A 'J or ^x' Suffi'ciency ^_/^ or ^ / Sufficient 'TV, or R Substitute l_/ "^tX Succen'tor QiO Success' ^_/r" ^^ Sufficiently ' L ' Suffi'cing x^ f S^, Substitu'tional / Cr^- Substitu'tionary S 5 SubStitutive (" SuccesSionist oIO alp x'- Successive V ^^-i Successively 2_i/ q , Success'or TJ ^x^xC Succif erous ^~ 5; Suffocate '*] ' I Suffocated >~^-i ^" Suffocating ! '^^3 Suffoca'tion *! Substrate V'jn Substra'tum "3 Substruction oifc cia^i Suc'cinate Sue cinated oUc^i c ^-^- Succinct* ' Succinctly ^' Suf focative '^~l. ' ~* SufTragan / ' Suffuse 5sp v Substruct'ure K Sub'style oi^l ^ , Succinct'ness >* a ~*- ; Succinlc !.,. Q^^JJ, Succinite 5- P,, Suffused' Suffus ing f ~. , Suffu'sion 5^^=- , __: Sug'arplum -^ > Sug'ary ^? Suggest' SUGGESTED 235 SUPERSCRIBING V" -X> Suggest'ed Suggest'er s 5 -^ i Sum'mer-house A) G~>^ Sum'mering o. ^^ ^ Superem'inency Suggestion I./6' .Ao^P Sum'mersault Sum'merset c ^ v ^^c' C '\y~ r Superem'inent Superer'ogate f<> > Suggest'ive H cfp Suggest'ively V vk ^ Suicidal i . i Sum'ming "X y ^perex cellent ' ^S Superfic lal P Ap Suitabil'ity T 3 Sum'mons L o. ,, <-.-,. Js )|. Superfic lalist \ \ Suit'able f~^^_^ Sum'mum | S-^' VJ Superficiality "/' "/' Suitableness V_P v Suit'ably P P Suite bo'num Sump "^ & N Sump'ter ^\ -i *\ Superfic'ially <^/ vJ< Superfic'ies ' ' Suit'ed o P n 1 Suit'ing Suit'or i -> tfS f~\ Sumpt'uary y^' b l Sumpt'uous ~) ~r- Sumpt'uously \^^ Superfine' j Superflu'ity X~n -,-n Sul'cate 1 6 ' Sul'cated ^"^ Sun'beam "^ o, ^ a Super'fluous ^> r^ra V^TS Superhu'man -, . r Sulk aiA.. {-* Sulk'iness o Sulks i bent Sullen yS 1 6^ Sul'lenly J/1 Sun'dried n " b Superinduced' Sul'k-nness Yl "/" Sul'lied fc ' fc Sul'ly Sun'dry a.. - Q! -O Sun'fish ^\ Sun'flower V_i ff"*! , Superinduc'ing A v^ ^3 Superinduc'tion /"O' v^-\._ Sul'lying n,. OI Sung "y^.^ ^_> Superintend' " Sul'phate Sunk " "' p Superintend'ed r\ \ sjp h atr ic | . v | Sul phide y^-3 oi.. Sunk'en ' v Sun'light cx v_^ Superintend'- " -L- 9 ence W lf\- Sul'pbite ^ Q^, Sun'like )j s _i ex Superintend'- ' S'.il'pho-salt Sun'lit ^"**i ^i. enc y v_/ Sun'niness i Superintend'ent f Sul'phur Sun'ning ^j. o ,./ Superintending V\ \ y~V v* Sul'pburate !^ QJ^ Sun'nite " t-' ;s< Supe'rior *> ^-s- 6 ^S' Sul'phurated VA^^V^-N^-I x p Sul'phurating b ^* Sulphura'tion Sun'ny ^? a-' Sun'rise W/TI Sun'rising /i < \?1 Superiority >vX.I. " N ' b - Superlative ^j/H \xO- Superlatively lr\ y V\ ' Sulphu'reous "iiP Ci^ Sun'set " v^ Superlu'nar 6 Vx< fc Vx ^ u i pl lurc t ^^ Sun'shine 'Ny'O-^.^j, Superlu'nary y-i ^/< Y\ / Sul'phuretted Sulphu'ric '^v Q -^, Sun' shiny Sun'stroke J' Supermun'dane "V "^ , Super'nal ^(^\ )f^X Sul'pnuring p *\ Sup ^^ '3 Superna'tant Sul'pburous ^ " Su'per y ^, Supernat'ural V^. V~|' Sul'pbury " Sul'tan \\ A \ Su'perable " * Superabound' "~Y ST" Supernat'ural- 1 o~> ism XT Sulta'na 6 V* Sul'taness Vl' VT/^ 1 Sul'tanry o J N , . Superaddi'tion *T* ' Superangel'ic ^L. A Supernat'uralist f ^ Supernat'urally < \_ e _^/- t, Supernu'merary " Ni Superphos'phate . Sum 6 ~ s fi:> Su'mach ^^ ^i^ Superannuate "^cl ifl Superannuated \V Superpose' X Superposed' cr^' j'"' Suma'tran ^^^ ^^J Superannuating \^f Superposi'tion " cps/ Sum'marily Tn " *\ Superannua'tion ' Super- roy'al 19 ^/ 7 Sum'marize Sum'marized ** Superb'ly <\fc /' Sum'marizing Sum'mary . i Summa'tion o 'V, Supersat'urate \2 I-? Supersatura'tion nb \ or o Superscribe' i , Sum'mer ^~^ ^ Sum'mered ij* tX_x^ Superdom'inant V Surmount'ed \ " Suppo'sal ' ^** Surmount'er v> ^p Supersede' J .Q* Superse'deas 5 % Suppose' 1 Supposed' /Y^, "A^,^ Surmount'ing x ^^^ Surmul'let ic v, Superseded x' .% Supposing ^""^ oX^ Sur'name '' .(_, Superseding c Supposit'ion Surnamed' "^o "JSti^ Supersed'ure Jr Supersens'ual yC, "xl Q- Suppositional /y i 'T Suppositi'tious v i -^' o> \; Surnam'ing Surpass ex. 'Np Superses'sion , r Supersti'tion oX, Suppos'itive "^p >^ Suppos'itory oXx_ vv Surpass'able N ^= Surpassed' Ox &" i \ Supersti tious ^_J ,Ji Supersti'tiously. Suppress' os. ^^ Suppressed' '^ Suppressing cXSii o>^ Surpassing Surplice "V, "^ Superstra'tum ( J s sj ^\3 Suppres'sion / Surplusage L^ Superstruc'tion v^ Suppres'sive ^ Surpris'al S\V\t Superstruct ure Supersul'phate < \^ o Suppres'sor **\ ^* Suppurate 'x.xl x. Sup'purated o^ 5 or _jo Surprise' 'V v Superton'ic L. : \j Supervene' ^^ -Xx>^' Suppurating o g 9^>i Suppura'tion oJ^X, or ^-- Surprised' <\ \ Supervened' ' ^^ ' ^* Sup purative ?. or ./ Supputa'tion ^^J^ or ~3sf. Surprising w " VP- Superve'nient tj ^- Supra-axillary v , &s*\ Surrebut' v "\ Superven'ing "Vo - >^O Superven'tion \ j. . Supervi'sal osx j/ ' Os/-x-x> Supracil'iary ju n s- Supralapsa'rian ^V-xi. "i^/X Supramun'dane ^ J -. Surrebut'ted (J/S/ ^, Surrebtit'ter '\ ^ ' ' Surrebut'ting "\Ca ^W iv Superv se 1 ^ Superv sed' J J Supra-or'bital "^vS c \^~t Suprem'acy ^11 oiy Surrejoin' " J Surrejoin'der X <\ Superv s'ing V^/ "\j Superv 'sion '^J '^ Supreme' o. "^ "\^ Supreme'ly \s> % Surren der **" Surrendered Ox v \ Superv 'sor \&S "\/' Superv 'sory ;i ^-"' ' Su'ral w ^yv ^ ur Dase ^^, a^S^ Surrenderee' 1 Surren derer 9 ^ v Supina'tion cs\i o'^-s, Sur'basement \^> _x, s Surrendering "r* no Supine y^. o)^.'/ Surbed' * ^ Surrep'tion 9 v 9 V Supine ly ivy' "\J Supine'ness P <\ Supped ^ ' Surcharge y^/t ^i/1 Surcharged' Surcharging ^ ] ^ '1 Surrepti'tious ) .JZ. Surrepti'tiously Sup'per o., x Sur'cingle ^/"~\ ^ Sur'rogate o_ 9 Sup^perless ^"^~~ or Sur'cle ' v Surround' P* Sup'ping t^_ ,,. Sur'coat y^ ^y Surround'ed . JC Supplant' i Surd Surround'ing '5 Supplanta'tion J) n Sure >v-"| <^\ Sursol'id ^ ^ Supplant'ed 1 / V. -^ Sure'footed " Surtout' r x \ Supplant'er r p Sure'tiship \ < y / V/ Sur'turbrand Surveil'lance X \_^ Sup'pled -^ ' Sure'ty Vl ^S- Survey ' Sup'plement ,o pM-. Surf "^ / Sun-ey'al ^^^. R-^ Supplemental ^ Sur'face x w Surveyed" ^^y~ "Supplement'ary , . <^\ Sur'feit ? n- Sup'pleness 1 Sur'feited T^ * Sup'pliant . v^ Sur'feiting ^^ ^ Surveying ^N/y* o/V;- Survey'or ^~^\ y Sur\-ey'orship Sup'plicate ^ & Wx Surged c>A>. >^-v Snrvi'val ^ ^_. Sup'plicated ^ * Su/geon ^. J- Survive' ^1 ' ' Sup'plicating *f\ <^t^ Sur'geoncy y^L. ^^V. Survived' ^-q ^ . Supplica'tion ; Sur'gery ^^ > Sun-i'ving Sup'plicator ^/j ^4 Sur'gical v\v ^^>^ Survi'vor % ., 5>v Sup'plicatory Surg'ing M/ ' Supplied' ^t s-r Surg'y \^ v J Survi'vorship ^^ ^tf Suppli'er Sur'icate V\ ' Supplies' ^^Y^ CTN/^ Sur'liness %v %f Supply' ' ^ Sur'loin \- V, Susceptibil'ity *5v X \ Suscep tible '^ > \ Suscep'tibly Supply'ing j /y^' ^\~^ Sur ly ^ ^(f Support' v Surmise' ^^ Support' able "-V-^ \->,^> Surmised' ot" ^ Surmis'ing \ Support'er <5\ 9^,^ Surmount ob Suscip'ient < $; x Suspect'ed ^ X Suspecfer tr* Swam Swamp Swamped Swamp'ing P r~ h^-i jp* D .- Sweet'-scented Sweet'-smelling Sweet-will'iam Swell * : vi- Suspect'ing \_ oh ,}~ Suspend' tn Q- Swamp'y Swan 6\ " ^ Swelled Swell'ing <>^ "V^ V Suspend'ed o Suspend'er H 4f A Swan'pan Swan's' -down y^~ f^ b Swel'ter Swel'tered j- V Suspending - ' a Suspense' ^ fi Swap Swapped 6 61- Swel'tering Swel'try ovv ^- Suspensibil'ity ^^-^Sy^" Suspens'ible ^ P Swap'ping Sward Sware Q 9 Q_; 6 6\ Swig Swill ^S- Sustaining JV-, Sustain'ment 6"" 61 Sweal Swealed f O Swin'dling Swine tSus'tenance **ti Sustenta'tion ^ \ 5 Sweal'ing Swear Swear'er t Q/' Swine'herd Swing Swinge _P -f Sut'ler 1 Swear'ing Qi ^ Swinged ~^\ " Suttee' .p p Sweat **! Swinge'ing p re o Suttee'ism 1 Sweat'ed Qx__ < ^\ Swin'gel 'L "1 -S. Sut'tle Q P6 Sweat'er Swing'er t)~^ Su'ture ^Uo A^~1 Su'zerain 1 .p Lj? P Sweat'iness Sweat'ing CL . Q^- Swing'ing Swin'gle ' Suzerainty sG ,0 Swab x ^ Swabbed .P /- Sweat'y Swede Swedenbor'gian Oi. Ox Swin'gled Swin'gling Swi'nish C\ '^li, Swab'ber I Py Q Swe'dish -X V ^ Swipe Swab'bing .i_^ ^ Sweep oY rsf Swirl '9- X P Swad'dle r Swad'dled ^ 9. Sweep'er Sweep'ing C V Swirled Swirl'ing 'R^^ ^^ Swad'dling O 9. Sweep'ings Swiss - Swag /O . Swage */ 1r * u Swal ing A" x/Sl Swal'low .P Sweet'heart Sweet'ing s 8, Swooped Swoop'ing Swallowed x/5T^ ^/<\^' Swal'lower p .^ Sweet'ish Sweet'ly ^ ,9 Swop Swopped Swallowing v ^y-" ^^-^ Swal'low-tail & Swoct'meat Sweet'ness 'R 9\ Swop'ping Sword O Swal'lowwort D \- Sweet'-pea V Sword'-bclt SWORD-BLADE 238 TABBIED qj ^ Sword'-blade J^J^ 6~~V SjTn'phonist Vs- Qii ~l Syno'vial ^ ' - Sword'-cane .-I ^ Sword'ed ^ ' ^ ' Sword'-fish . i\ _ Sword'- shaped ^^J ^^^ S>-m'phony ti Syntonlc ;_ Syc'ophancy 3J,- 0^^. Syn'agogue phllis a c . .Syc'ophant * Synale'pha ^ ' ^~^ Sycophant'ic S 1 -^ o=Xr^" Sj-n'archy vVa Sy'phon ?-\__^ Y Syc'ophantize Synarthro'sis y . Sy'ron ^^ v Sy'enite -^~NC, "l^STTL^ Sj-ncar'pous "^ " Syr'iac Y j-\. / Syenit'ic Syn'chronal *"- ! o.N/ Syl'labary < ^ ? ^^~\5-^-p Synchronism " Syrian /-\_ S\ Syllab'ic 6 - ^-J Syllab'ically ,^V -, / Syllable v Sj-n'chronize (jjr"^ 3 ?iS7^--fi ' Syn'chronized v v Synchronizing q_^,-^e 5- ;t - c X' Synchronous (jA-? ^a-> Syr'ianisra * Syr'iasm >--^- c/^yT Syrin'ga Syringe /^\ /^c Syllabub SjTicli'nal i^-y y^/ Syringed )\ l Syllabus H^^-r \>_sf Syn'copal Syringing X\r-. '-3k Syllep'sis ^ Syllogism ^ Syn'copate *'^~^ v v *^-D Syringot'omy 0/ ^ Syrinx ,-^r . xi Syllogist'ic " Syn'copating " JP Syllogiza'tion ^A~\ -n'cretist a - I J^b '"i'L Syndac'tylous ^b SjTidesmo'sis KJ_. ^^ Sys'tem q _ o Systematic *"" : "^ Systematical ^. J 1 Systematically v ~ Sylvan ^ . ^_. Syn'dic , *-= Sj-mbol'ically Syn'epy e_j ^-i Synerget'ic ^^ " Syner'gist ^-i Q ~ : f^ Syn'ergy ^| V-iv Systematized K 1 \ Sys'temized r Sym-bolize ^~^v t_i Syn'onym **^* (T^^ SjTn'metry Sj'nonjTn'ic ^L ^ lymS^cal ^^ ^T SSLs T ^< gTs" Sympathet'ically ' ^ Synonymously * : b Sym'pathize : ^^-^ ? J V Synonymy O <^ff Sj'm'pathized V ' ,5-^, Sj-m'pathy ' C V ' Symphonic ~X. Sympho'nious 1 Synop'sis Tab o>v_. Q^% Sj-nop'tic : Vn ^ Tab'asheer 1 ** Syno'via V Tab'bied TABBINET 239 TANNIC k^k Tabbinet' Tab'by Tab'ernacle (* 1' / Tac'tion U Tact'ual i Tad'pole L_>Tael Tae'nia Pr K 5 Tallow Tal'low-chan'- dler Tal'lowy Tal'ly ^,k^- ^ L Tab'ernacled Tab'ernacling Ta'bes Tabet'ic ^ ,. Taff 'erel Irf Taffeta Taff rail I' Taffy p-y s l/ 7 ^" 3 ^ Tal'ly-ho Tal'lying Tal'lyman Tal'mud L ^ Tab'id Tab'idness [_ . Tail'zie r rj/^ Tam'bour > J. Taint ^* v ~>^ K^"S/ Tambourine i- J- i Tab'let J- r Taint'ed i. 1. Tame i 1C Ta'ble-talk Ta'bling t. ^ Taint'ing \f Taintless t> IX Tamed Tame'less lv ^ Taboo' Tabooed' 4 I. Taint'ure * Take , Tame'ly Tame'ness ^ < Taboo'ing Ta'bor t^ I- Take'-in ^ Ta'ken r ^ Ta'mer Tam'ine t k. Ta'bored Tab'oret L^_ !_ Take'-ofF Ta'ker KT u, Ta'ming Tam'iny 1' L. Tabouret' h ... Ta'king ~ : v^b Tam'is k>. k Tab'ret i . ^"r Ta'kingness r r Tamp r " i "./^ Tab'ular r^v? fc"< Tal'apoin i^-x *** Tamped N/^^N/'^' Tab'ula ra'sa ' * Tal'bot P-N i*^ Tamp'er p 1- Tab'ularize ^ Y~~ i Talc <-~^\ Tam'pered ^V^^ ^v? Tab'ulate Tal'cite r _ Tam'pering !' 1 Tab'ulated V" '" ' i^-j- Talck'j' ^ Tamp'ing S/' 1 V Tab'ulating Talcose' 1 r Tam'pion r o r x^ Tabula'tion Is 1- - Talc'ous Ups Tam'poe v*-' ^x' Tab'ulator r r Tale r . 1' Tam'tam i r Tac'amahac i. .. s ' \:/\-/- Tale'-bearer U^-N J Tan i t-^ \ Tache Y\/ ' Tale'-bearing i- j- Tan'ager r r ' Tachom'eter r. |>~^ Tal'ent ^J IA. Tan'dem ' ' Tachygraph'ic Tach'ygraphy r 3 Tal'ented lv-o ; ^) Ta'les L S Tang rr x j p Tac'it ' ' Tales'man ^ l Tan'gent }h !&> Tac'itly Tac'iturn Taciturn'ity [X\ l^ts 7 ^ ; Tal'isman 1~ Talisman'ic |" Ly Tangen'tial Ci^^y ^\ Tangibil'ity ft/*-'] ' Tack L Talk r Tan gible r " r Tacked i- 1- Talk'ative tf L<- [^_^_ Tan'gle L 1 Tack'er ! 1 L Talked \ Tan'gled L. L Tack'ing Tack'le 11 _' Talk'ee-talk'ee 1 Xalk'er v U, Tan'gling Tan'gly L L. Tackled Tack'ling r \s- Talk'ing U L^ Tan'ist Tan'istry I C-L Tact Tac'tic L P^7 Tall &~\ Tal'lage L- i Tank Tank'ard r i' Tac'tical ' Tall'er j- Tan'nate ^ ^ Tacti'tian L^= l^i Tall'est V] Tanned L u ^ Tac'tics Tac'tile i>~> ' ' Tal'lied lp-^-O Tal'lier L L.' Tan'ner Tan'nery [/I. Tactil'ity Tall'ness Tan'nic TANNIER 240 TEASER IL~. f -) Tan'nier [ I/A Tarse /*C^^ P-J Tau'riform ^^ Tan'nin ^ v 3~ Tar'sus ^~V-> v Tau'rine ** *"*) Tan'sy" U-. Ta rt Tartan p-< Pp Tau'rocal " x Tau'rus J' T Tant vyo Tan ' ta i; sm f [" Tan'talite [Ay Tartar Tarta'rean ,, T ,, Taut |I_, h Tau'tochrone ^ Tau'tolite < r, ^ Xantaliza'tion 1' r" Tan'talize ^^ n^v Tan'talized L 1/k? Tar'tar-emet'ic > ** Tarta'reous I! ,. Tautolog'ical r7 K? l>7v Tautol'ogist >d_i v^l KA Tautol'ogize [ | . Tan'talizer Kv^ n?*' Tan'talizing I/I/ ' 1/1V# Tartar'ic Tartariza'tion 1^ I" j~ Tautol'ogized {ft pTv P7 Tautol'ogizing .. [ .. Tan'talum l^L^ l/l/^" Tar'tarize Y,t ^ >/, Tautol'ogy Lr^"-^^ Tan'tamount Tantiv'y v Tar'tarized /TSl^ I/TP Tar'tarizing I" Tautopbon'ical U-<_- Lo. Tautoph'ony l"n i f Tan'trum U-> '*' Tan'-yard !. Tap *** x Tar'tarous l/l'^ Ci Tar'tarus K "^ J/ Tart'ish , 1 > Tavern d Vj-*\ Tavern-keeper ' Taw \ *\ Tape 1- I- Ta'per \r l^> T , art/1 y 1 art ness i- P Taw'drily T^A Xz, a Taw'driness \ K Ta'pered 1 T Ta'pering K o| i Tap'estry 1. I Tap'eti [ o Tape'-worm *V-^ N^A Tap'house IVl- M. Tar'trate ^ ^^ Tartuffe' Sj- ,. Tar'-\vater o J- Task Tasked Task'er Task'ing ' Taw'dry 1- |~ Tawed 1 "^ Taw'er */ |~ Taw'ery Taw'ing 1. Tapio'ca J' ^ r Task'-master f . |' Taxabil'ity X__ \ Ta'pir 5\ . Task'work ^\/^ -^ Tax'able [ Ta'pis \. ^ Tapped Y*- Tasma'nian ''^^ r Tas'sel Lg." La Taxa'tion Taxed I" [' Tap'pet \ Tap'ping 1' y^-t Tas'selled 7* * Tas'selling r p, 1 c ") Tax'er ;\ Tax'gatherer I' i 1" Tap'-room \^ \/ x Tap'-root 1" Tap'ster XS A Tar L p Tas'ses / Tast'able L- 1- Taste 1' 1' Tax'iarch ""N l~ Taxider'mic [' n 1" Tax'idermist Vy i r f Tar'antism P Tast'ed ^Ua ^_ Tax'idermy < , ^> Taren'tism J^- 2 1^_ Taren'tula Tar'get J or (V_ Taste'fully ko l :; ~-r*' Taste'less Taste'lessness k. k Tast'er HI Tea'caddy ./ Teach J i Teach'able ,/ ^/ L Teach'ableness \ ^s / Teach'er 11 . t_A Targeteer' >(/ far'gum Y" Tast'ily ^ t Tast'ing 1. 1 Tea'-chest / ./ Teach'ing 1 ' \ 9- Tar'gumist 1 /^> I/ T, ,-n- Tariff 1' /> r &~\' Tar'in r Tast'y r ' Tat Tat'ta 1 . Li Tea'cup X 'Ct Tea'cupful V ' J Tar'latan I/ 3 l/~/ Tarn ^ Tar'nish ,. t ,. Tat'ter n Tatterdemal'ion l^C Tat'tered hi. Tea'-dealer ^ ' Tea'-garden I Teague \/~3 [/ 1 Tar'nished ,. I' Tat'ting L - L - i Teak '""-^ Tar'nishing f Tat'tle 1 /- I/- Tea'-kettle \sts> l/\^- Tarpau'lin I' Tat'tled Teal " Tarpe'ian I 1 {/ Tat'tler U. L-; Team |/7^> rp Tar'ragon ,. " Tat'tling ^ l ^ a Team'ster Tar'ras f Tattoo' I 1 Tea'pot I' 1V1 Tarred S Tar'ried .. y r Tar'rier " Tattooed' P .. Tattoo'ing ___ ._ J ._.. Taught S 7\ Tear (a drop) 1. / Tear (to rend) ^ \/ Tear'er [/ A Tar'ring I/ 1 /. Tar'rock \ ^ Tar'ry Taunt 1" 1' Taunt'ed J Taun'tor 1 . i Tear'ful > S ^ Tear'ing V Tease 5" Tar'sal i. JL* Taunt'ing i Taunt'ingly ! . 1. Teased P *\ Teas'er TEASING 241 TERCENTENARY \f J. Teas'ing j/"y K--6~^ Tele'sia V Tea'spoon ' Tel'esm 1. Tend d ' * Tend'ed \ \^\ . Tea'spoonful A. J Vo rt\ i I^T? ' L*u Telesmat'ic Teles'tich J^ 1 Ten'dency / J Ten'der V lea -service 1 . Teat ^ ' P Tel'ic Tell J- 1 /I Ten'dered ^ J 6 Ten'der-heart'ed | j. k Tea'-table \ 'J Tea'-urn f P Tell'er *\ Tell'ing , 1. 1 Ten'dering 1- Jx- Jic Ten'derly 1. 1. Tea'zle [V> Tell'-tale *~ ' Ten'derness I s Tea'zled i JT M Tellu'ral i J^_P Tend'ing 1 '. Tea'zler P,, [2. Tel'lurate 1 Ten'dinous (^ C, Teaz'ling * Tel'luretted \.- L^l Ten'don 1 . , Teb'eth S L s Tech'ily P> P- Tellu'ric ^ Tel'lurite ^J r Ten'dril A ^~' Tech'iness Px^ PJp Tellu'rium NO o Ten'ement 1 L_ Tech'nical ^ Tel'lurous ^^^ (Addthe "~^~^ "~j Technical'ity I . _ L^^-o Technically 1 x^ \^~y\ Temera'rious v~j? Temer'ity ~~^y hook in Tenement'al vocalizing) Tech'nics U l^i^ Tem'per U^,. LP-^. Tenement'ary I 1 Technolog'ic >~7 . }^-j Technological c-i Teehnol'ogist ^^ Tem'perament l~< or !* Tem'perance nX ' Tenes'mus , [ , Ten'et Ui ^> ^ Ten'fold Li C_, 1 Technol'ogy ** ~r~f. '/. Tech'y ^^ \^C' Tem'perate t- 1 ^ Tem'perately ' Te'nioid I o Li5t-^' Ten'nis Tecton'ic ^-^~ . Ted I-/1 L^^ Tem'perative ' ^ 1< Tem'perature ' ' Ten'nis-court 1^ [^ Ten'nis-la\\Ti | L Ted'ded r Lw^ Tem'pered (,* ' Ten 'on | Ted'der Li Ted'ding J^* Te De'um ' Tem'pering 1 U> L~ Tem'pest U^S TJ ] Tempest'uous J L _ Ten'or ' \^-. Tenot'omy L^v L^v Ten'penny L Te'dious 7 *y- Tempest'uously Sy ->'. ^> Ten'pins X, )(" ' Te'diousjy Us. k Tem'plar J- Lop Tense k| . Te'dium ^\/ \ Tem'ple Tense'ness *"^ Teem Kl. Tem'plet Jv ! Q . , Tensibil'ity U Teemed 1 Tem'po \ ^\^ Ten'sible ^^^ T 4 ' U-r 1 Teem'less UVf Uy Tem'poral 1 X Temporal ity U U | en >! le j| ^-^ I en sion 9m T 1 Teens 1 j Teeth i f- 1 ^^ Tem'porally >^c k**^ Tem'porarily 4 k Tensive .( .( Teethe L, Teeth'ing i / Us/^ Tem'porary V^; Temporiza'tion IA/ ,. Ten'sor ^^ Tent 4 -> Tecto'tal Teeto'taler [ L - Teeto'talism [.? Uv^ Tem'porize \ v ' Tem'porized 1 . ^ Li-/^ Tem'porizer L^.- L-i Ten'tacle H _ J . Tentac'ular '^ ' t L^a Teeto'tum t^V l v Tem'porizing L_^. -if- Tentac'ulum Teg'men [^ L^ Tempt J JL Ten'tative L^-^.. L_/~^i Tegmen'ta *^ Temptabil'ity I. ! Tent'ed 1 "' Tes'ular L^> b-~ i- Teg'ument U U Tempt'able \ ^ Temptation H J' Tent'er ., Ten'ter-hook [/ Tegument ary U, LA Tempt'ed l *~^- ^\ Tenth LA k' Tehee' ^ Tempt'er 1, , Tenthly r Teil U 1- Tempt'ing (^' "^ Tent'ing [^, p^^. Tei'noscope ^ J Ten L-V//-O Li Tenuifoiious ^^N ' r ~~ i ' Telamo'nes UTenabil'ity ^y^ ^] Tenu'ity ./ f . Tel'ary ^\ Ten'able Ten'uous r Tel'egram 1 1 Ten'ace *wiA Ox , . 9 A Ten ure [*.-, r Tel'egraph . i? v Tena'cious 1 Tepetac'tion Tel'egraphed p.^ p.... Telegraph'ic Tel'egraphing L L Teleg'raphist ^^=> ^x: Teleg'raphy 1 1^ Tena'ciously ^4 ^ Tenac'ity l.i 1 Tenac'ulum k>C ^^ l -^' T^ -11 1 T Tenaille J- J-^ Ten'ancy \s VJ ^v Tep'efied Tep'efy 1 i 1 Tepefying >s v ^ ^j Tep id V ' Tepid'ity ^p-1 p?7 Teleolog'ical ~l Ten'ant L L? Tep'or 'i-j ' '. Teleol'ogy J- J- Ten'antable \ Ter'aph [Vp p , Teleosau'rus "\ Ten'anted Ix\_; l/P? Ter'aphim o^ Tel'ephone (\ T. Telephon'ic ***^ ~*~i~\ ^r" l/ 1 \ 1 el escope Ji_ In Tenanting 1. lenantry Ten'antless ' "-' Teratol'ogy 1 ._ Terce ^ TT Ter'cel J Telescop'ic t V Tench p^-j Tercen'tenary 16 TEREBINTH iMi' THE L/V. l/^V-j Ter'ebinth ^ \>- Terebin'thine I/I-. L Tere'do 1 (>^- p Tersely ^J^- Terse'ness \f) 1 .^j Ter'tial Un- Tetram'eter \ Tet'rapla Terete' ]^i b< Tergem'inal *t> ^o Tergif'erous lP Cx> Tergiversa'tion ' / ^ ^ Ter'tian L^) U^,, Ter'tiary Ter'tiate l/V^ W^ Ter'za ri'ma Terzetto 1^-N L Tes'selar n- i i Tet'rapod k. } lyv Tet'rarch J ^~ y Tetrarchate L L. Tctrar'chy Y~~' C Tctras'tich \, , T." Ter'gum 1 ^ ^ Term U-^^ _ 1 Ter'magancy ) ^ Ter'magant * ' f Tes'sellate fc-[ L. Tes'sellated * Tes'sellating 1^5 k^ Tessellation J ~ Tessera'ic L i i Ti-t'rastyle l^v h>ir n Tetrasyllable p Ter'minated ! N. V" Testa'cean ID l_o Tex'tile \^ \g( IVxto'rial ^~*~vl ^*1 Terminating T-j 1_ 4" Termination "*^ ^^? Termina'tional "I . 1 Ter'minative t t b Tes'tacel R, L- S Testaceol'gy * / c/ s Testa'ceous 4f. ^ Tex'trine ""p- 1 Text'ual .. I. Text'ualist n^ ~/~ Text'ually ^~ ! ~\. ^^n Ter'minator F P <"" <}5 T^'f 30 ^ f [ _ | ' Text'uary 1 1 Ter'minatory "^i/ ^- Ter'miner 1. Testament'arj- ^X 1 ;J, Tuxt'ure fx-T* l^ s Thal'amus "l^ . 1_ . Term'ing 1 Ter'minus i v Ter'mite f K ^Tes'ticle c! - : '-' Testification fe Thane l^ro L/9 Term'less Tern I , Tes'tified ^ ^^ ^il Tcs'tifier \^^ pr _v Thank | x / i {/^- Ter'nary Ter'nate \/\_ L /l. \-s Terpsichore'an '' *^ Ter'ra 1 o ly? Ter'race Ter'raced '^ ' Tes'tiiY 1- t Tes'tii'vintr Nf- $* Tes'tily Ef^Y or ^Y Testimo'nial (' / Thanked ^~ -$Z~ Thank'ful / X Thank'ful ly "Vj" "x_9 Thank'fulness ( ( Thank la^ Ur; r Ter'racing ' Ter'ra-cot'ta >C^" v^ Ter'ra-firm'a , L i Tes'timony Jt^-' P. w Tes'tiness I V 'i- lest ing 1 t^ 1 Testoon' ----- -g= Thank'less ( ..L_ Thank'lessness ()^S> X^- Thank'-off. : \y^- > -\ ^ Ter'ra-incog'- ' nita t ^N b Test'-paper ! < ~^ Testu'dinal (^-or G Thanks LA. hx__ o Ter'rapin f Terra'queous t> t . Testu'dinate t Testu'do (^- i>r '^.^ Thanks'-;. \S > . \-f Terrene' Ter'reous "Li J, t Tes'ty \/\. Thank'worthy KK/S"^ Terreplein' Terres'trial \yt 1 x Ter'rible X\ l/\ Ter'ribly Ul. . Tetan'ic Lp J Tet'anus ' X Tetch'y . ., Tete ( r Thatch / > Thatched i y | -^ Ter'rier '* '' * Tete-a-tete ,. C (* Thatch'er 1 1 TethVr W / ""1- Thatch'ing \y^( 1 .> Ter'rified ;) ^ Teth'ered \ Thau'matrope * > Ter'rity tjj Terrig'enous . L Toth'ering \ ^. Tetrabran'chi- *-' ^<^=- ate (*yi ("V^ Thaumatur'gic ^~^l -. ^/t. Thaumatur'gist (-yi (~ Thau'maturgy lyl.. Lxl'^ Territo'rial 1 1 1 Tet'rachord ' Thaw ^St J' Territory 1 -K_ 1 Tct'radrachm (- f* Thawed i / 1 /rtr^ Ter'ror \/ <; Ter'rorism y L Ter'rorist ]/ ^ Terse i ^ l-^ ' Tet'ragon I L Tetrag'onal T_ t t Tetrahe'dral rtx Jp" ..j Tetrahe'dron | Thaw'ing (. Thaw'y ( or . The THEANTHROPISM 243 THORAX VJY- (J? -. Thean'thropism V-^ The'archy ( / The'atine (. (f- The'ory \*^ *P m. / 'V i 1 heosoph ic (? < Theos'ophist 'Xi, 'Xj Theos'ophy ( ( Tliieved V v^- Thiev'ery ( ( Thieves \o v. Thiev'ing t ], (* The'atre (j/Ng^ fx-_ Therapeu'tic ( (v Thiev'ish ^ / u C," Theat'ric vi \ J . Theat'rical L- 1 i-= Theat'rically Therapeu'tical ) ') ) There V There'about \_J Thigh (" ( Thigh'bone H .r Thill'er f / The'ban > ^ The'ca r ) *) Thereafter V '[ Thereat' (/o ( . Thills V V > T-I, . ,, . \ 1 him ble C_i f ( . The'caphore ^v J' The'codunt ^ Thereby' CV (\ ^ f .Thimbleful C^ ^\y Thim'ble -rig i (^ or ) There'fore > (. or f Thee r , Theft V. 1 ^ . Therefrom' V-^ ^-'' Therein' L-^ e ' Thim'ble-rig'ger f . Thim'ble-rig'- ( \L \J> The'iform ^ ])" Thereof ^ gin" * V^ The'ine -V^ Thereon' ( (v / Thin ") * \i or >J_ T^L; ri {_> or ^ Thing \^ OJ . ( xhink , , (,. The'ist U V f Theist'ic ( / f }< The'riac V - ** Theri'acal f. ( Think'able - Theist'ical (A" 1_/~ Theriot'omv ^N ^ Think'er vK #;- v Them Ther'mal ^ *}_ Ther'mic ( I Think'ing ^ ^-* Thin'ly ( . I . Theme V - V~& Tl_ / - The mis ^~J Ther'midor *^ Ther'mo- / ( Thinned *-* Thin'ner WTVo c;- t> Themselves' ^^_-^, dynam'ics I )_^~ "L Ther'mo-elec- U( . Thin'ness ^^ Thin'mng /. ( Then ' tri'city ly (^ Thin'nish * ^ Thence c )_/^7 'L"^-^, Thermol'ogy ^ ^^ Thin'-skinned Wf Thenceforth . ^^-tx Thencefor'ward t (* Theobro'ma i * i Thermom'eter >p^-^~-s^_: Thermomet'ric >r1, ) -o Third ' -~^ Third'ings Third'ly \r~^ ^v3 ThcobrWmine To_^ *) Thermomet'rical ' Thirds (^ (_ A- Theoc'racy ~) | .'ic , ' (" , Theocrat'ical K ( ]o_ 6 Ther'mostat Thcrmot'ics L^ <}, Thirl'age ''I 9 Thirst ^ ^ Thirst'ed tc!l-; I \- Theod'icv 1 Tl, i * Thirst'er .) w Tbeod'ulite 1 ^> Thesau'rus 3 Thirst'ily y The'ologue x ' Theol'ogy (^ Theom'achy V" ry,, , . ^, Thes pian , ( Thet'ical *-i } . Thesis . ' *) " r. Thir'teenth [ ) Thirtieth v 4 ' Thir'ty The'omancy Cra" C Theop'athy j ^ Theoph'any ^fl- /. The'urgy / (. ( Thews U ^ or They ( ( d This Vo or \ j* This ' tle (. / This'tly C \. Thith'er V A' 1 - Theophilo- \-- S 1 ^ . soph'ic S, Thibet'ian ^L-i V_3 Thick Thick'en C. , Thith'erward 9~ - <^/r Thorac'ic i,^/ (*-' The'orizer *-f X- Thief ' ' Tho'ral (ly ^y T-i_ , v\i The onzing r Thieve (,, Tno'nx THORINA 244 TIDING C-xv (- Thori'na ^. J) Three'score ^L^ (j > Thump'er v ^v Tho'rite ^*l Threne "* Thumping {-s^ (/> Tho'rium *> V/ Thren'ody x / / Thun'der Thorn *l Thresh (- (~ VL^ Thun'der-bolt (y^~r < (/" "V Thorn'-apple x Thornl)ut . VI ") Thresh'old V I < Threw " \^ Thun'der-clap {^_n ( Thun'dered (/" / (~/ Thorn'-hedge ' Thorn'y (V (XXo Thor'ough v Thor'ough-bass D *) Thrice ^ | Thrid ') ^ Thrift C ' A\\ Thun'der-storm (v* O<\L Thor'ough-bred v x ^ "\ Thor'oughfare ") M -o Thriftlness ' Thurif'erous (^\^ *>TS- Thurifica'tion ^~O Thurl (y\* Thor'ough- ,x_ Thrive 3 ( / Thurs'day paced T J Thrived "] "^ Thus / ,, (~>\ Thor'oughwort VC ^ X Thorp 7- V> Thriv'en ') o. Thriving f ( .^ Thwack V ^ Thwacked (- f (~ Those >^ ; Throat ( , ( Thwacking or ( Thoth V V Throat'wort *t Thwaite (A or (- Thou Throat'y T V Throb (^^] or \/ Thwart \ or _i _ Though C ,T Thought \ N Throbbed "). Throb'bing X_> Throe C St ( " Thwart'ed tf V^ Thwarting (v _ ( '.' . Thy V, Thought'ful C V" ")_ ThromTius v or _ v^; Thvlne-wood J- 1~ Thought'fully ^* y Throne fv Ly Thylte vj ^-s_p Thought'fulness ) Throned v | Tliyme /'!" Thoughtless >* Thoughtlessly * ' Throng ")- y~ Thronged ^ Ow Thronging ' ^^ Thvm'y (Y/l (j> Tliy'roid J* ', Thought'less- D- 3^~ .Throning * 1 Tlivrse ^p Xj, ness Thros'tle (.f ( ThVr'soid Thou'sand y^/ V Thros'tling ^1 ^^ Thvr'sus Sr c\ Thou'sand-fold tL lr Thou'sandth f Throt'tle 3~ 3T- /i Throt'tled (V .^ Thyself ^ Tia'ra * Thra'cian I" fV/V Throt'tle-valve I I Tibia pl ~ 'C- Thral'dom 3" r .?)_. Throt'tling S ^ Tiblal ' V^ r Thrall 7 *iJ Thrap'ple \ Thrash v " ' Through J^ _ Throughout' V^ Throve 1 1 '/ Tic p^ Tic'-doloureux L L Tick "V Thrash'er <)- ^1 Throw A Throw'er "- 1 U Ticked Ul Tick'en 'Y/w c. Threadbare / j Thread'ed 3 Thread'en "), Ti f Thrummed " Thrum'ming ^y ^- Thrush -" Tickle 1 J Tickled ** '^ Tickler L"J Threading |^A Thread'-shaped Thrust 3> ^ Thrust'er . J . Tickling L ^-j Lf Ticklish J ^ Thread'y Thrusting ^ ' Tick'seed |. V Threap ^- (_,_ Thrustlngs L Tick'-tack l ) n Threat ^ Thug ^_ Tid ") * / Threat'en J Threat'ened Q. (j_ Thuggee' Thug'gery , I Ti'dal [1 I Tid'bit Lt\ _ Threat'en er f A Threat'ening tx Three f i _ f/ 1 Thuif'gism ^" V Thule (-^. Ci Thumb l V v Tide , v I . Tid'ed M{r-tx ^ Three'-cornered Thumbed vL ^ vK xideless |1- Three'-decker b V ; n Three'fold f ' Three'-legged ^i (^ Thumbing 1 Thumb'screw ( / i~ f Li^r~~: Thumb'stall Y Thum'mim . 1 1 Tide'-mill / T vj Tide'-waiter vl-V ,: is? Tide'-way . 1 , Ti'dily \^ Three'pence CX ( Thump | v | 1 Ti'diness X^- Three'penny Thumped . v Ti'ding TIDINGS 245 TOASTING-FORK v Lp v Ti'dings Ti'dy u- u- T ,i m :',d f J limid'ity \^jf 1 Tirail'leur v\ Tire ' Tie U/" Uo Tim ' idl y 1 1 Tired V Tied Ti'ming v* v^-!^ Tire'some k l ' Tier A Ti'er l^, [_y Ti'mist ^^ Timoc'racy 1 t 1 Tire'someness va-^P ". Ti'ring fierce 7^ -f Tier'cel K| .9 Timoneer' Y-*S\ ~. , \ 1 im orous Tiro'nian L 1 Tierce'let 1 ,g~' 1,^ Tim'orously . 1 -^ I Tir'wit V l Tiff ^~^ ' (j Timo'thean l/ b- j'p- Its J L*_ Tin 1 k^ Tis'ical U-^- Tiffin Tin'cal (^ Tin'foil bTitanif'erous ~>, vL Ti'tanite vl i ^ _ Tight'er Tight'ly Tight'ness Ting Tinge l^_V L^v T^- to j / ^ Tinged Ut ! Tita'nium N v( Tit'bit J -\ Tith'able -_9 Tights 1 . [ , Tinge'ing 1 1 Tithe [y.i |_i Ti'gress / ^^ Ting'ing J ^ Tithed |v ]f Ti'grine v. Tike Tin'gle ^ ^<- Tin'gled 1 J Ti'ther y) vC Ti'thing ' Til'bury l> ,v/f Tile k Tile'-earth 1 1 Tin'gling U W- Tink 1 J Tinked L! Ti'thing-man \fjf Tith'ymal yi r X Tiled Ti'ler - Ti'ling ^- ^ Tink'er 1 J Tink'ered ** c ->>-' Tink'ering 1 1 Tit'illate [; K! Tit'illated Tit'illating ' Till, . and v. 1 1 . Tink'ing y- K) Titilla'tion , or -p- Till, prep. U W - Tin'kle 1 L^_ Tin'kled 'l J Tit'lark Jr\_ vf Ti'tle \/\ y. i Till'able ^*- " Tin'kling . J i Ti'tled Till'age [_ j Tin'man J V L v n Ti'tle-page \ v~ >v Tilled Tinned / ! Ti'tling ./ Till'er - Till'ering J 1 Tin'ner ^ ** Tin'ning U, I Tit'mouse Jl. v > Ti'trate Till'ing 1 1 . Tin'ny 1 Ti'trated v^ ; Til'mus L - > - y Tin'sel 1 Ti'trating Y Tilt lx> L^ Tin'seled v> 1 Tit'ter V^ \s " Tilt'ed T ^O Tin'seling i 1 Tit'tered V Tilt'er 1 Tin'smith Tit'tering 1x7 1 ' - Tilth ^ J - Tint . l ' Tit'tle ' \ * Tilt'-hammer I i Tint'ed P ff' \y-^ Tit'tle-tattle V- U Tilt'ing P *- Tinting -1 T -^ Tit'ular r fn \ Tim'bal Tim'ber j^. ^/ 1. Tintinnab'ulary ^^* ' Ti'ny 1 / Tit'ulary JX *s Tiv'y x Tim'bered 1 Tip ^D Tme'sis I 1 Tim'berin" \ \_ lip'cat i , 7 . ; - TO [x^^^'. i^ Tim'bre f 1 ' Tipped k ' ^ Toad L-itX. ' _v Tim'brel "> S Tip'pet Is [~ Toad'-eater Iv U v Time , Timed Tip'ping S. \ Tip'ple I Ij 1 1 Toad'ied $. Toad'stone 1*1 ' Time'-honored ^o Time'-keeper Time'less J J ' Tip'pled \ \y Tip'pler J 1 Tip'pling K | Toad'stool L , '1 load'y Y~ ^^ Toad'ying Lv^ 9 L- vf- Timeliness 1 k^ Tip'silv U I- Toad'yism Time'ly 1 " 1 ' 1 Tip'staff Toast 1 V ''"X ~^> s^ Time'piece SP- \ S< Tip'sy k U Toast'ed N, I-TS Time'-sei-ver " I l"Tip'toe P U Toast'er UV^U .,/ Time'-table Time'-worn 1 i / \ * Tip'-top S- L /' k| Tip'ulary k ^ Tirade' i ^ {-, IT^^ Toast'ing ' Toast'ing-fork TOAST-MASTER 246 TORREFYING

    Tom'fool k p To'ping \ \T-^ Top'-gallant l x l~ C Toph J ,i- loa -1' or "j. To-day' U^ X- 1- Tomfool'ery 1 x*"^ I i T> / v/ To mm L V^ N Toph'aceous oA -^ Top'-heavy J- p Tod'dle P f Tod'dled t - i Tomnod'dy IT 1- To; P het ] V^, iophus tp Tod'dling i. Tod'dy lpv\ or v ~^ x To-mor'row p P Top'ic N fc^ Top'ical K To-do' |~ Tom'pion P i^ i- Top'-knot 1 I. To'dy *^ i- Tom-tit' X. L L Top'man Is p Toe L Toffee pi i- Tom'tom ^ J Ton H V^\^ Top'mast U- Is Toft - * To'ga U Ton (Fr.) ^^ Tone P ^c ex Top'most v^ i Topog'rapher ~\ or \_ Togeth'er r_ |1_ Tog'gel |~ Toned g Tone'less Co Lv Tongs P X < Topograph'ic Nr-'~~ V Topog'raphy ^ \- T^ Tongue , (, , Tongued p p Topped ^ \ Top'ping f Toiled P~^ Toil'er si-j ;7. ki,^ Tongue'-shaped ' ' Tongue'-tied 1 Top'ple \ N Top'pled Toi'let L^ C^_: Tongu'ing J" \~ -^- Top'pling l?>^ R-y- Toil'ing Ton'ic \ ^-$ Top'sail Toilinette' i.^/ rr^ Toilless ' f Toil'some (~ p o Ton'ical T. Tonic'ity (. J- To-night' SIM p Top'sy-turvy v "N Topt 4 /> r Toil'worn Y^ Toise ^1 To'ning p__ 1 , Ton'ka [^_ [s_ Toque Toquet 1- 1- Tokay' 7 Ton'nage P fcf Tor -^> To'ken P., Ton'sil A ' Torch b- - To'la V^ ^-r T^ f -i .f ^T Ton silar !/. k Torchlight r Told P - r S~\ Ton'sile '* ^ Tore I/- 1, Tole **~^' V--tl .1 : T^ -1'i^' .1 lonsiht ic [j : 'T Toreu'tic r 1 Toled p_V] CoV Tonsili'tis x I'or'ment I>T ]^ Tole'do v b' ! Tonso'rial \^_^^ \. Torment'ed \ Tol'erable tLq C/i Ton'sure ^~~^l Tormcnt'er O ]^xo Tol'erably ' Tol'erance P T 1 " Tol'erant k Tol'erate j/ Ton'sured C, b. Tontine' J. 1 ny 1 ,- Li To "L.. . \^ Tor'nu-ntil ^~^V ^^ Tormenting _ T T |^ Torment'or U-T-^J |. ^ Torment'ress Hxl LJ. Tol'erated Took Torn K^l KS^* Torna'do "P/3 1^-' Tolera'tion -*" Tooled * ' " * To'rous *** To'ling L^^ Lv^ Tool'ing lx\ l/\o Torpe'do [^ l^^V Toll Toon'-\vood J . Torpes'cence ( Toll'-booth i I Toot [/No., [/^- Torpes'cent 1?*\ k Toll'-bridge ' / ^ Tolled "H Toot'ed L i Toot'er Tor'pid 1? v l?^~i Toil'er J - x Toot'ing * Tor'pified 1 Toll '-gate ^~*\ 1^) Toll'-gatherer 'S Toll'-house ! 1 Tooth ( / L , Tooth'ache ,\ AA. --\y Toothbrush ?\ l/X Tor'pify Vv \. Fortifying l/\, [A lor'pitude b^-' L*^^ 1 Toil'ing Toll'man 1 J 1 Toothed J ( (^TJ Tooth'ing J-> ' Tor'por p<_^ p^ Tor'quated I^T> [?~ Tol'men ,v ,\_ x Toothless Torque ' Tol'sey I? IX Tolt Tolu' ^J. Tooth'leted JVj Tooth'pick \/~ |/\y__ Torqued ' D Torrefac'tion \~/?<_ CA^ Tor'refied P S; I_ [^ Tom'ahawk j~ Toma'to 1 1 Tooth'some (j^ / Tooth'wort Tor'ri'ty p> v iiir'rofying TORRENT 247 TRAITRESS p r/ jZ* Tor'rent Torricellian li- <1^- o Tou'sled Tou'sling 1\ T Tractabil'ir- \ ^^ Tract'able Sr ~/~> To 'sel To 'sion k ^1 Tout Tout'ed T r \_/> Tract'ably \, Tracta'rian r/> P To 'so L ,, Tout'er ! \y^~f> - V Tracta'rianisiii /" ' Tort 4 Tout'ing i- Trac'tate ^ Tor'teau J Tor'tile I- / Tow Tow'age "L/" 11/1 Trac ' tile ' Tractil'ity v> {/\n Tor'tion Tor'tious c; ^r i Tow'ard, prep. Trac'tion ^ {,. Trac'tive K. '/i Tort'i\x- Tor'toise IV v 3 t Tow'ardly Tow'ardness Trac'tor I/"' Trac'torv 1^ i~^o Tor'toise-shell Tort'ulous 1- JA Tow'ards Towed t^ . T Trac'trix \_s> \ 1 rade Plo r>i _ Tortuos'ity 1 r Tow'el '1. ./ Tra'ded -; Rfr ^ Tort'uous > L Tow'elling I S-w' Trade'-mark i ~> Tort'ure C ?\ Tow'er Xv Tj Trade'-price L ^/ Tort'ured L Tow'ered J Tra'der 71 Y Tort'urer S /?\ *^' Tow'ering ] "k Trade'-sale T_ _ A Tort'uring Tow'ery f- V: Tradesfolk A I/ 1 Tor'ulous ^ Tow'ing r^ 1^2 Trades'man L p ~, To'rus ^ To-wit' < ^ > Trades'-union P\ ^' To'rv ]^ IA Tow'-line n. r l- Trade'-wind l/<7-^ To'ryisra rv u Town ** U Tra'ding K. Toss 1 A 1 A_ Town'-clerk LT Tradi'tion 1- r Tossed -^- x _-,- \ Town'-crier [^ Tradi'tional V T, Tosf- ^ ^ Tnwn'-hall Town'-house (i- 1 / T Tradi'tionary 1 ^ \ L Tradi'tionist k To'tal , I, |- Total'ity ^ ^ pr 1 To'tally > Towns'folk Tuwn'ship .1 Trad'itor I 1" Traduce' b^- L Traduced' f To'tera j [to ^-r-, To'temism L^P ^> T'oth'er > Towns'man Townspeople tTradu'cent iix k 4. ra j, c ?u, \ N. Tradu cible \ 1 Tot'ter K JA L~ Tot'tered ^_ ^ I Tot'tering -r \\,_ . Town'-talk Tow'ser Tow'y "I T T ' Tradu'cing I-, 1 i 1 Traduc'tion ^^ L Traduc'tive U 1 Tou'can X Touch : r r Tox'ical T . T . Traffic Trafficked ,J J Touched T7 '-fy if*" Touch'-hole * Toxicol'oly* 1 t_;. Trafficker Vr- 1 Trafficking 1 J Touch'iness p . I'' Toxoph'ilite 1 X Trag'acanth -. / Y . Touch'ing ^^ 'v Toy ~ ~~f ~*~^ Trag'alism '' \ Touch'-me-not 1' V 1 Toyed j J j Touch'stone | Q_ Toy'fiil c/ y \J Touch 'wood * !*Toy'ing *] 'V n- Trage'dian / f ) Trag'edy .J '1. ^- Trag'ic V 5 / i* i ' louch y j,/ L^ Tough A^ T Tough'en ' a Toy'ish Toy'-shop Trabea'tion J } ] Trag'ical ^ c/. ~ Tragically |, Tragi-com'edy !- k Totisrh'ened "] 1- Trace l^ b^-^-^X rri i_ o O T- T_ i Tough emng -\ Trace able T T Tragi-com'ic ^-^ ^f. . Tragi-cora'ical b^ I Tough'ish 1. 1 \ ' -. CT , r1 u ON ~^ lough IV 1 Traced Tra'cer 1>- ' \ Trail f Trailed U-_c Tough'ness 3 s " b Tra'cery Tra'ces \^-^f r |. Trail'ing Train l^ j Toupee ' Toupet V K Tra'chea Tra'cheae K p . . Train'able "~^ Train'bands 1 , x ' , v Tour " 1. s- 1- f S 1/V^ l> Tourbill'ion Tra'cheal Tra'cheocele ]. Trained "^ Train'er S Tour'ist _ V ^ Tracheot'oray 1- "1- Train'ing W v ^, Tour'maline i^ v Tour'nament -, T: ^^~ Tour'ney ^ ^V Tour'niquet \ Tra'chyte Tra'cing TruVing-pa'per "^ -ff Train'-oil H. n. Traipse Vo Trait "] T- Trait'or 1 *^ LA Tour'nure T T Track ^ [^ Trai'torous > O T* 1 ouse Toused L. Tracked Track'ing '] --, ' Trai'torously (X '], Trai'tress TRAJECT 848 TRANSSHIPPING J. 'J T Traject Z_ /. Traiec'tion J I/' Traject'ory 1>Q T Trala'tion *U -3 I* Transfigura'tion ^cr ^*^ 1 ransng ure to . X-P . Traflsfig;ured V-- ^x* Transfig unng JjI^-D ^\ Transm igra'tion Trans'migrator ^'^/ % ' >/J. Transmissibil'ity ^ Tram r \^f 1L Tram'mel '! T Transfix' x^jo ^_^ Transfixed' T^ 1 Transmis'sible \(' ^2) Transmis'sion r Tram'meled f _/^ r 1X_<. Tram'meling T Transfixing ^^-^^ "^ 5 Transfixion Transmis'sive ''^V ' Transmit' ' v " Tramontane 1^ Tramp To , T Trans'fluent a^i~s ^-%r Transform' Jy Jl Transm t'tal .J' Transm t'tance Tramped JL J~x Transm t'ted T->^ 'W Tramping n V-% 1 ' Transm t'ter N Tram 'pie ^^, Transform'able T T Transm t'tible K 1^ ./ ? rara >! ed x \/ 1 ram pier T ^ &* Transm t'ting Ti ' ' Transmutabil'ity K r \ J A Tram'pling ^^ Transforma'tion *"\ X Transmu'table Tram'-road t) T 3~x Transmuta'tion L , Tram'- way ^^ d Trance n- n Mr LT:. Transform'ative d~) vl. Transmuta'tion- "" ol -0 ist *!!<_. 1L~ Tran'quil ' ;l iranquil ity Tranquiliza'tion L r p l_< " rj-. I* ... v Iranquilize V~i ^> Transformed' b La LP Transforming \-^^ /,/ Trans'fuge T T Transmute' *7l Transmu'ted T x j|^ Transmu'ter " " Transmu'ting T .. Tran'quilized ^f ^Vtf Tran'quilizer 1"^ *V^ Tran'quilizing T - Transfuse' ( P I O r,, f 3 f ^^o ^\s Transfused T i Lst Tran'som J. Trans'padane v^-' ^*~ Tran'quilly T_^ 1\y Transact' V ^^^^ Transfusing Lo, or i^- Transpired' Irans] La^- Transcendent'al i t n. to- Transient ^^ /^ Tran'siently . 1 T Transplant' 7> X Transplanta'tion Tg^^ Transcendent'- 1^^^ T Tran'sientness 5 [, r Transplanted ^5C alism T . Transcendent'- lT alist To.^., To-v Transcend'ently v ^ p Transil'ience T r ,. ,,. Transil'iencv tL LP 3, Tran'sit j| Transi'tion \J Transplanter 5 . Transplanting 1 ' Y Trans'plcndent *^* - s *~ / Transcending 'Y/^' T Transi'tional ^ * Transfer n x "UJi Transla'tory fS " b Transla'tress H ^ Trans: "^5 ^^ Transposed' N v I TL* Transfer'able ~^r ^^S* Transferee' T "]' Transference ^-^.p ^ Transferred' T "T Transloca'tion 1>-r > ^' jf Translu'cence f ^ J-V'-Translu'rid Transmarine' T 1' 1 Transposing i* "Sp '^pTransposi'tion ^-^ r Transposi'tional T n. n Transpos'itive r" J 1 Transship' b. ' * Transshipment n ft Transfer'n-r ^~N v_ Transferring T . T Transmigrate : ^'migrated ^. Transmigrating 3*1 j oy Transshipped' S \ Transshipping TRANSUBSTANTIATE 249 TRICKLING ov, . 1 Transubstan'- \ tiate 1 '1 Treach'erous , y Treach'ery n n. 1 Trepan'ning li^ U_l ^s Trephine' T Trea'cle *** .(jTrepida'tion c*v , Transubstan'- 1 tiated | Tread 1 "I Tread'er n t n n Tres'pass ck^ JL Trea'son *~\ Trea'sonable T. 1 Tressed J) Tress'ure . 'f . Transuda'tion L-P jT l_p Transu'datory J [/, <-l Transude' 31 Treas'ure ;) Treas'ured n 1 n Treas'urer k J J) Treas'ure -trove 1 Tress'ured ? ) Tress'y T;- W Tres'tle Tres'tletree T IP Tlr Transu'ded ^ \; ^^ Treas'uring '). Tret ' f 71, ^^ Transu'ding 'L n Treas'ury T U T^ / L \ Trev'et "^ Transvec'tion $ ^ Treat ' n. V Trey n - n- LD in Transvers'al 3. I Treat'able L/^ Transvola'tion .1 Treat'ing T n Treat'ise ,(j "* Treat'ment r ^Lj\^ Tri'alogue v J Trian'drian nv nv Trian'drous \ \ Trapan' T T Trapanned' >> S^ Trapan'ning 0" [- T Trap'-door \ 1 Ni^ Trapc'zian 1' Lj T Trape'ziform 'cr ^\ Trape'zium T Treat'y Sv Treb'le "1 Treb'le-cliff Va 5. V Treb/1 F d ^-^ Treb'ling ] 1 Treb'ly \. VL Tre'bucket '| t ]-, Tree \__ Tree'-frog ^ L - t - Tri'angle nv. nv X-N Tri'angled l -c- (t^-J- Trian'gular 1^ /^\^C~\^' Triangular'ity "1 "' Trian'gularl}- 1^ 1^1,_ Trian'gulate ^*V ^^TI Trian'gulated llx_ 11^ Trian'gulating ^"^" ^^T? Triangula'tion T f T Trapezohe'dron si- vP ?f Trap'ezoid 1 . Tree'nail Y C. Tref'le !/ r TT Tri'archy Tri'as -J 1 T Trapezoid'al Trap'pean % N Trapped n W 'ft-y Tre'foil y' ' Treil'lage rv nv Trias'sic \ \ Tri'bal 1 1 Tribe T T Trap'per r \s-o 'bo Trel'lis > v ^o Trap'pist T ']' j Trap'pous X Trash Ty T Trash'y Trass 1~ '} Traumat'ic "^1% Treman'do "U 1^. Trem'ble \ ^ Trem'bled V'^ Trem'bler vJ Trem'bling Trem'olo i AA Tre'mor W^> TxTj^-P Trem'ulous \ \r-*t Trem'ulousness 1 1 /"^ Trib'une ^f v/ Tributarily VM" Trib'utary VC Trib'ute "] v ' r l v Tricap'sular ^~^r~^ o Trice V 1' Trav'ersed \a VoX Trav'ersi'r T 1 'J renrh ^ 4?" Trench'ant qv T' qv Tricen'nial Trichot'omy T T T ' Trav'esticd Vjs ^, Vp Trav'csty " | j. Trav'estying Zr-a / Trenrh'ing ' "]: Trend I J Trend'ed "iv n Tri'chroism | T^ L-- Trick n r i Tricked T ' r r>-' Trav'is Vo Trawl n !) Trend'ing ** "( Tren'dle Trick'ery 1 '| Trick'ing ]- n ;/' N Trawled f Trawl 'er n Tren'tal 1 % Trepan' UA 77 Trick'ish n on Trick'ishness V^*~r 1?^ Trawl'ing Trawl'-net I n Trepan^' \^ Hj Trepanned' "-7 2j 'L Trick'le Trick'led f |. Tray ') Trepan'ner 1 , Trick'ling TRICKSTER 250 TROLL Lds Lai- Trick'ster 1 Trick'-track V T Trill -r Trilled r 1 Tri'pos \o Tripped L 2-. Trick'y ^^ Tric'linate \"*~ ' \<*3 Trilling " Trillion I I Tri P ; per N >. 1 rip ping 3 y y. 2* Triclin'iary : Triclin'ic T^v 1^ Triloliate Trilobed ft ft rr> t ' Ln V Trip sis >^ H. Trip'tote *|? Ijy^N Tricoc'cous ' Tri'color FN nv_/^\ Trilobite x vl <" Triloc'ular VJ, IV. '\^~~' Trip'tych T^y-^ 1" i>- - Tri'colored T^y ^. Tril'ogy Tri'reme ' Tricor'poral Trim 1/<> Oy Trirhomboid'al ^> ! o Tricus'pid |. Tricus'pidate IX "U-^x- Trimes'ter Trim'eter 1X-n \r-*f~' Trimet'ric Tris ^ y_ Triscct'ed Trisecting 1* . J Tridac'tvlous L/? *-| Tri'dent '1 . Trimly "L, 1c- Trimmed ^> Trim'mer T!i $f _ Trisec'tion ^^ s Trisep'olous 1 Trisperm'ous ,1 Tri'dented *M T^ Tridentif'erous ^^ Trim'ness I" Tri'nal ^T Trist TJ r-i ^y Trisul'cate ' " ' Trisyllabic n o I L. Triden'tine ^-] Xo/, Tridiapa'son V Trine T r |V n Trinerv'ate ^t J_^'-< Tri'ner\-ed K r l v Trisyllable Trite r^ T^> Tritely 1 or 1 '[v Tried Trin'gle Trite'ness V J " ~~f Trien'nial V, T' Trien'nially *[ ^ Tri'er T 1^. ^^Trinita'rian .1^ .1^ Trinita'rianism V M 1" Tri'theism fe_ / 4 Tri'theist * L Trithcist'ic nv / 1 V Tri'erarch KjC Tri'fallow "h ' u SsS 1* n ** Tri'thing / L Tri'ton 1VP nv Trifa'rious UA l| '1C 1 1 Tri fid Vn n Trifist'ulary A (J Tri'fle 1 n 3 Tri'fler T _n l v ; Trin'ketrv V^T. <~~^ / Trinoc'tial '^^_^- ]- Trino'mial i " ' Tri'o nv 11^. Triob'olar f\} T^- Trioctahe'dral ^ -jj J> Tri'tone Kn n Trit'urable ". Trit'urate -l^'Trifuratcd 1 1 Trit'urating Ij^*' _L? Tritura'tion Q ri V_. Tri'fling v^\ v v Tri'flingly r \'Y Vf" Tri'octile 1X^ ^^Triumph'al ^v r ' Triflo'ral X C<^ < v/? Triflo'rous Tri'olet T'^ 1 Tri'or IX IX Triumph'ant vy Triumph antly 1" Trifoliate XT- V/^ 1 Trifoliated A S Trip *L n Trip'artite IX TXs. Tri'umphed ^V > Tri'umpViiT nv _ Trifoliolate ^s ^ I Triparti'tion "J5,. T 1 Tri'umphing \ff-^ \ff Tri'foly Iv U X Tripe ^v_ '^^N Trium'vir <1 ' V Trifo'rium k/"^ * V-N Tri'form n nv L L Trip'edal T ^1 Tripen'nate 1X\ ,- TX\- Trium'viral ^ ^~^ Trium'virate T" Tjl Tri'une SJ V Triformlty S ri Trifur'cated Tx. T-x_ Triper'sonal (2_x <2^? Triper'sonalist T]. Triu'nity . ' Trig'amous 1_ i ^ 1 . Trig'amy Trigged *L_; L; Trig'ger V^Q Tripersonallty ^^ Tripet'alous *] f~~ v, Trip'-hammer \^ Triph'thong 1. XI ^^ V T- *1 ' t V/V /^ Tnvalv ular l^ Triv'et 1 ^- Trivial C/l Triviality Trig'ging ^ T Tri'gH-ph Tn gon 1 . Triphthon'gal W S/' Triph'yline U*] v c/ ^ Trivlum Tri'-weddy 1- (. Tro'car 1 *) ^^^ Trig'onal T . H Triph'yllous * Trochaic i^ rT^t-i Trigonomet'ric V/f < Triple 1- '|- Trochan'ter 1 1! ^Trigonom'etry Tripled 3 Tro'chee "^"1 Tri'gram ? < Triplet % / = 1~ /cb Trochillc 1" ,, . "jlj Trigrammatlc Tri 'graph 333 Triplicate ' Troch'ilus \_. ^ T) NO Triplication 1- _ " Tro'chings Ziw nv Trigj-nla T^- h- Trihe'dral I Triplic'itv J 3 Tripling 5- Tro'chlea *U '!" Tro'choid " *' -J Trihe'dron r fr f ^- "p^-t Trilat'eral / Trilin'gual t y f y" r ^ Trilit'eral \ S v Triplite < \t" r 1 Tri 'pod ^i ^s>, >, Tripo'dian I J 1. Trip'ody n 1 Trod 31~ /> Trod'den x Troglodyte H c [^- Tro'jan Trillthon L Trip'oli -st'ing V^ ' '1^\ Troll'ing 1 1_i_ Truffle Tryst'ing-place * ' Trol'lop X. Trug 1. i i T'-square T" 1~ Trom'bone L'p'" Tru'ism ^ L L Tub * Tromp Trull ^ Tu'ba r |^ / ^ ; 1~ Tromp'il Tro'na T^G' "LA Trulliza'tion ' Tru'ly Tub'bing X-/ X- Tub'by '1 "1 Troop > > Trooped Trumped i Tube S > Tubed 1 Troop'er > >. 'Troop'ing I *n n Troop'ship y \- IT Trope \^y- IV. Trump'ery | 1 rump'et \L \^r\ Trump'eted ^+ 1 Trump'eter 1 L Tu^er > > ^_ Tu'bercle "i- A & i Tuber'cular ' Tro'phied M- 1~ Tro'phy V. \ . Trop'ic 1" 1-. Trop'ical S,_^ ^ Tro'pist 'T T Tropolog'ical ^~(j . ^J^J Tropol'ogy T 'I ' Trot 1> L Trump'et- ] | tongued 'Lv, 1.i^ Trump'ing ^**-' ^-* Trun'cal 1 , T , Trun'cate V -n- Trun'cated 1^, I, -, Trun'cating ^^* Truncation 1 L ,v Tuber'culate ;V- ^ ^ i" Tuber'culous 1 i [,. Tuberif'erous ;W rN^j ^f Tu'berose c " " Tuberos'ity 1 1 Tu'berous >> >*-s Tu'bicorn ( Troth T, T, Trun'cheon S^, Tu'biform H- V Trot'ted y'' ^ Trun'dle "^ ^_^ >>^/ Tu'bing T 1 Trot'ter n- 1 n Trot'ting 71 J Trou'badour n n Trun'dle-bed "f iL. Uf Trun'dled N ^ Trun'dling L^ I '} Tu'bipore ^ V- > Tu'bular * * Troub'le n <] Troub'led ^6" Trunk'-hose 1 1 < Tu'bulate >A > Tu'bule > 5v^ 7 Troub'ler 3 1 Troub'lesome /Vk Jv-' Troubling r r Troub'lous ;7 " Trun'nion 1 , 1~ Trun'nioned *^ U Truss Lp-j^ Tubu'licole l^y^ Tubu'liform ^ h Trough V "b- Trussed [' r. I , Tu'bulous 3 Trounce D Truss'el V^ 5 Tuck OA UA T- J 1 rounced 1 1 Trounc'ing T- V Truss'ing ** b Trust 1 , h Tucked " Tuck'er > Troupe 'U 1 Trou'sers (l. or Trust'-deed 1, 1 , Tuck'et ' Tuck'ing ^ _)~ Trousseau' b Trust'ed 1 ! Tu'dor n . Trout b b T- , r \. Irustee ! ( Tues'day 1 C T / V- Irouveur f \- '!*, Tro'\*er n |~ Trustee'ship 1 1 1 Tu ' fa t Vt t Tufa'ceous l rjl V. i row y Trust'er v ^ Tuff 1 \ Trow'el n 1- Tuft /""^ ^ Trow'eled ? or ^T Trust'ful 1" T Tuft'ed Y V Troy Tuft'hunter ' ^i Troy'-\veight 1- V Trust'fully KJ^ U^^ Tuft'hunting 41 ^ Tru'ancy H Tru'ant 1 ' Tj Truce Truck 5, Y-- Trust'ily r b- n n Trust'iness L_j, u ' ""/" Trust'ing Trust'ingly !_,_ 1, ' Tug Tugged 1 i 1, Truck'age ^7 U 'Trucked ^-^j \- >[ Trust'worthiness *^V ^ V Trust'worthy 1, |r Tug'ger Tug'ging 1 * 1_,_ Truck'cr Truck'ing > J or 1 Trust'y 1 L Tui'tion k/2 p^- Tui'tionary Truck'le i- ^ Truc'kle-bed n 1 | n Truck'lcd Jj_ N Jj Truck'ler 1 1 Truth'ful *C. X- Truth'fully ^ KS ? u :i ip . f Tu hpist L?v l^\o Tulipoma'nia ^^5^ T. Tu'lip-trce Trtick'ling T T \/ a Truck'man ^ - Tru'culence L. or H Truth'ful ness ^_P \> \L Tulle \ Tum'ble 1 | [> i Tum'bled 1 t/ ?j 1_ ^ Tum'bler '] I Trudge y 7 Trudged l v Y Try U /v li Tum'blerful ^/- ^^^^ Tum'bling IT T Trudg'ing y s '"' "1 True TL Try'sail L_!_^ Tum'brel TUMBRIL 252 TWINNED 1. . Uy TumTiril >r 3 Tumefac'tion U/. Ltf Tur-gent 1J 1 Turges cence i,. i , . Turges'cency ll ^ Tu'toring l Tutsan "1 1 Tut'ti Kl Tu'mefied l/ti-j l^fc^ ^- Turges'cent ,L A. Tut'ty H<. Tu'mefy Tur'gid J, i \ Tuwhit' t-^ Ls Tu'mefying \L ' Tu'raid l x / A- Turgid'ity L - Turk i>. i/\ Tuwhoo' 1 V Tu}-'ere U U Turaid'ity > i Tu'mor Q. ' q-_^ Tur'key ^ Tur'key-buzzard ^ \ Twad'dle I 3 P Twad'dled Lq/^"^ [^/v Tu'mular Tu'muli 1 TurTcey-cock ^ J Turk'ish " \^ Twad'dler J 3 , ,. Twad'dling 1 ./b 1 ,,v Tu'mulous W Tu'mult 1__ 1 n Turk'ism \ Turk's'-cap [^ Twain \~_, Twaite 1 /" lcXf" Tumult'uary ^ Tumult'uous ^V 1 L-5/^ 3 Tumult'uously Tu'raulus 1_y? *V^/ : Tur'malin Tur'meric V/" V> Tur'moil -\ Tu'nable \^-^_ k Turn'coat Turned C P 'Twas Tune [X ! v xv^ Turn'er Twat'tle Jn J " Tuned '^^ Turn'erj- P ^ Twaftling Ul 1 x Tune'ful V l ~~V/' Tune'fully l>3- [>^'< Turn'ing Turn'ing-point T lyi Tur'nip f *** Tway'-blade It It Tweak U Tweaked 1 Tuneless ** "^ Tu'ner *-% ' Turn'key h i \J/ < Turn'out j Tweak'ing 1 , LLP Tung'state *"~ Turn'over 1 J C Twee'dle ^T T- Tungsten IX 1 y v ^ Twee'zers [ . 1 n Tu'nicated * ^^^ "" Turn 'stone B^v I^V Twelfth ^^ v -~ Tu'nicle 1 1- * Tu'ning J n ~f -4^^T_ T i r i x i u ning-fork IV-1 1 I Turn '-table V J' p 7 Tur'pentine x J \ Tur'peth ( ^i Twelfth'-night - , ,'V-^V Twelve I Tuni'sian ^-^ ^ Tunk'er 1 (, Tun'nage Y / Tun'nel 1 , Tur'pitude X A \^f Turquoise' '" ' Tur'rel Iv 1 Vl- Tur'ret V Twelve'-month ( ^-->^_^ '/'X Txvelve'pence ^% ^ NS ^-^- Twelve 'penny U 1 U. Twen'tieth 1 , [i Tun'neled ^ ^ Tur'reted J 1 1 wen'tv W \_, Tun'neling I Tun'ny k - u - W Tup |\ c Tur'ret-ship \y* T Tur'rilite S 1 Tur'tle v Twen'ty-fold I 1 - . I 1 - Twi'bil v i i ; ? Tu'pelo ] i i Tur'tle-dove h 1 j Twioe'-told >/C Tura'nian P [/ d?^ Tun-es W Twid'dle 'y\ !V\/' TurTian 1.- Tus'can 1 , , Twid'dled ' " Tur'bary 1 1- Tush ^^U Twid'dling |V\- |y\ Tur'bid y Tusk I 1 - j__c Ti'fallow i/ *^ 1 T* l-*J/i .1. lurbidity L L. Tusk'ed \j< Twig \/\- o [XVJ 1 Tur'bidness f" <^ Tusk'v 1 c l u T\\"ig'gv * . ' Turbill'ion J#- 1- Tus'sle ' ^' Twi'light 'VS. - I/V TurTjinate ^ ^ V Nri Turtinated r> Tus'sled I j;f-o Tus'sock i \* Twill "^ *^ Twilled l>^- 1 V\ Tur'bit Tus'sock-grass 1 ., Twill'ing K . Tur^ot u Tus'sockj- *^_ *^* Twin 1 ! Tur'bulence r 1 Tut Twine >r ^>/) Tur'bulency j Tu'telage Twined 1 n ' Tur'bulent V^ ^*^ Tur'cism T_^ IT, Turc'oman i ^^ ^ Tureen' ,r^ rA Tu'telar I ^/. Tu'telary ^[^^ 4-i> Tu'tenag Lj> Ll, Twinge / ~~^ Twinged / ^^ Twi'ning b> ly. Turf *^ Turfed l!A 1 1^" Turf'iness V ^S> / Turf'ing 1 - Tu'tor h J Jl Tu'torage 1 / Tu'tored i Tu'toress 1 e ' It Twin'kle '-*- *-* Twin'kled [ t ^ ; ^>-' Twinkling ^^ Twinling KA Turfy 'A Y,/ Tuto'rial Twinned TWINNING L>r>3 UNANSWERABLY \^ I /< Twin'ning I/^H" ]/^~S Tyran'nicide Twirl v ' ' ' Tyr'annize r~M' Ultramon'tanist L_^> V< I- X Twirled Twirling L/^ 1/V^ ' Tj-r'annized Tyr'annizing ^L^i. v^ Ultramun'dane ^\J* 1 Ul'ulate \ p. 1 o Tw ; ist [/^o |/^~^ Tyr'annous xk. i -x-^ Um'bel ts i Twist'ed Tyr'anny N ** ' UmT)elIar \ /O ^>- Twist'er IX lx Ty'rant A/T A/-1 Um'bellate i^* c Twisting " Tvr'ian '~^ Um'bellated L J .f Twit [^ 1 /^ Ty'ro , .^-v- i Umbelliferous , Tzar Umbillc i . Twitching Y/O- Tzari'na ^i/* ' ^/^~*~\ Umbilical *^J t- "I Twit'ted Umbillcate \'/. 1 ) Twit'ter ^ ^ Twit'tered LS~~i *\ Umbilicus No Um'bles V~ Twit'tering :! ^^ Twit'ting u > 1"V1 Um'bo ' UmTjonate 1 c 1 'Twixt ^-^ ' i< \ UmTjonated ?r N Two ^ V- Ubi'ety UmTsra y . Two'-decker [111 N ' Two'-edged _^~. . v^ i Two'fold 7- Two'-handed s-\ ^i Two'-legged V 1 v Two'-lobed L L Two'pence |. U'biquist \_ "r - Ubiquita'rian JX 9 \L /- Ubiq'uitary V . ^. Ubiq'uitous j 1 Ubiq'uity N / :~-\_^ Umbrac'uliform ^J ^S Um'pire v\ -^ Unabashed' ~ i Tying Ty'ler ^ -^T Ug'lily >^-v vi< Unabat'ed x Una'ble | \ Tym'bal i Tym'pan i /"S^ i/^ Ug'liness Ug'ly .sl/v vi= e^|. Unabridged' f Unaccen'ted Irt r~ s ,-" t c Tym panum ^_> x^ Ukase' ^. n "^TT Unaccep'table i Tym'pany 6 * U'lan "^^ I Unaccom'mo- T~ k ~'- Js Ty'pal Y^~\ Y^' Ul'cer dating LL , Type 'v Type -writer Type'-writing ' Ul'cerate j^l y-&*s Ul'cerated Ul'cerating ^~ ^V=-^ Unaccom'panied ^| Unaccount'able \^/s_x )i^_x Tvpho'ean ^J? \ g? Ulcera'tion *~is~*r vlxri Unaccount'abl v IV 1 IV Ty'phoid / 1 Ul'cerous ^' Unaccus'tomed rj " Ty'phon n , f^i . Ule'ma ~t~^^ ^C, Unacquain'ted L Typhoon' ( Ty'phous ( Ty'phus "Y Uliginous >7 >?v Ul'lage aJ^ L Ima'ceous V" ^ L'l'mic Unadorned' .-!-i. yl : "Tv Unadul'terated ^ Unadvi'sable U l I 1 ? yp ;i c , > Typical Ul'mine "(~ -& Ul'na >-^ ~ Ul'ster ^1. ^M Unadvi'sedly ^ ^*1 Unaffec'ted L k Typically < Typifica'tion s ./ ^^ Ulte'rior r^Z r-f Ulte'riorly VJ >V ^. Unaffec'tedly ^^^~' *"" Unaid'ed T\-plfied y- v->i Ul'tima .si/^1 \i/Tl Unallied' >\v S^y L T /*r >v 1 vp ItV r~v5<> Ul'tima-ra'tio Unalloyed' ,V 1* Typifying x., ^ Ul'timate "" Ul'timated V /-X s /^\ Unal'terable vU ^ ^ Unal'terably l^ <. _ s Ty'po ' Typog'rapher ^y 1 -y. Ul'timately ^ Ul'timating .y^H -~^~) Unal'tered X Unambi'tious ^ ^ Tj-pographlc "V Typographical Typography x/i Typ'olite \,.- v-i Ultima'tion Ultima'tum v,. V'V Ul'timo ^T" Ul'tra )^T ^"T Ul'traism .Xv ' Ul'traist V ' < 'X > Una'miable /^"^^ J or (f~ Unanimity i~^ ^ or ^ ^^ Unanimous H? ^^-^ Typol'ogy Tyran'nic ^luy.^TX^, Ultramarine' *j* Ultramon'tane <; '^ * . or t mously <_: Tj'ran'nical }^1_^_^. Ultramon'tan- vlx^?\ vjj_ o^\ .Unan'swerable Tyran'nically ^lL?-^ ism Unanswerably UNANSWERED 254 UNDERSOIL .\ii\_y1 Unanswered ' Unappre'ciated ^-^~>- / ^--' = Uncanon'ical j^ /I ^T^v Uncord'ed 1 ' Un'cork , 5V, S - L -'"V Unapprised' ^\ ^^^N. . Unceas'ing ^ ^ v^5*T,. Uncoun'ted \ o/' Unapproach'- c ~ / 7" Unceas'ingly Uncour'teous \ able ^LS*.^ i ^ i ^Uncereino'nious ^t^~' Unrunrt'Iy ~^v N^\ Unappro'priated 1 Unarmed' ' " Uncertain sLjy~Y -isy^ Uncertainly 1- Uncertainty * Uncouth' ^^-^7 '~^~\^~- Uncouth'ness ' I'lH-ov'enanted .sixi *iA Unasked' \J~- ; ' Unaspi'ring ^. W. ~^. Unchain' !/ y ^f Unchangeable six ^ I'nrov'er I'nrreat'cd ^^y^c ~~^\ Unassail'able " ^ Unchangeably i "^/. vjy. Unchanged' o ^^l, Unc'tinn -) Unc'tuous .^i-V/]. '^s,, Unassor'ted Cy /^\ Unchanging ^^y. , ,->> Uncul'ti\ated ^-' Unassu'ming Unchar'itable I ^^ Uncur'rcr.t -J-i .vlxi. Unattached' ~\ Unattain'able ^^ Unchar'itable- >O ness vl/r y ^-i. Uncut' '1 Unda'tcd >~L\ . >-^i Unattemp'ted *% F Unatten'ded vy- ' ^4. Unchar'itably "^ Unchaste' ~~H" ~~^i' Undaunt'ed \' y~ Undaunt'edly r- 1 - 1 } x ' Unattrac'tive H.. ^ Unau' sjj"^ ~^*Q Unchris'tian / Unchurch' , ~^\_ vL( Undec'agon 1- P 1 i (M n Unauthen'tic i , XJ -?: Un'cial | ' ' ~ ' ' Undeci'ded t-^- 1 \S' Unau'thurised "~<-s ^^~~\^^ Un'citorm --i-i. ^V Undefend'ed :J AiyT\ ^"'"V. Unavail'able i ,_x Un'cinate ^-1 > Undefiled' ^, Unavail'ing v ~" ^ Uncir'cumcised ^ ^1 Undefined' $JsW sJ-Ai Unavoid'able ^-f Ujp ^> Unciv'il ^^ V\ Undeni'able \ *V Unavoid'ably ./ ? Unaware' ./" * Uncivilized vij^y ; , Unciv'il ly ^i^ ^^-f Undeni'ably fi^ iJ-^s Unawares' s ' Un'cle \^-v l \/~~ a ^-\_^ Unbal'anced Vi^_, vlx-y^' Unclean' '" or ^^ Under ^A Unbar' Unclean'ly v^/ Un'der-agent -!-vx -J-v. ; Unbear'able vx ^^ Unbearably vjvc-,- ^_o Unclean'ness 1 Unclose' derbicP ^ ^<\jyl Un'derbred x - ! -'\ ^V Unbecom'ing j. vi/ . Unclothed' Dn'derbrush \. Unbefit'ting ^*l ^A!' Uncloud'ed \^^ < 77 Un'der-cK j rk ~^\ ^\f Unbegot'ten \f^ \\j-^-S~' Uncoil' ^ Un'derclothing Unbelief Uncome'ly ~x> v,(, Un'dercnnrent XL \ VN '-- ! \. Unbeliev'er ^ ^" Uncom'lbrtable Un'derdose :\ ^~" ' Unbeliev'ing S,,. \, Uncom'fortably ^,1. _^_, Un'derdrnin vl^. -f-^, \^*. Unbeloved' ^1, ~*-. Uncom'mon J ~" ^~ Un'der-es'timate ^ ' ^* Unbend' jf Uncom'monly , Un'der-es'ti- ^i-v VLA- Unbend'ing ^^-^ 5 Unbent' <^^ Uncomplaining " ^^ mated ^ Un'der-es'ti- ^-^-^ ^^^^Vj Unbi'as Unbi'ased ># Uncom'promis- ^e*J ing ~^- mating . Underfoot' J-v ^i? Unbid'den v -gl ^_i^ Unconcern' ^ V/ T - 1 ' ^ ' Undergo .J ^^ Unbind' * ^ Unconcerned' , Undergoing "JA. ~-H Unbit' / Unbleached' ^U.^ ^^ Unblem'ished ^j 1 Unconcern'edly 'K ' 7 Uncondi'tional "' ~ v Undergone' ,J7| , Undergrad'uate l w A " Underground ^" L ~^ Unblest' ^ , Uncondi'tion- ^77 w Un'dergrowth ^^S N J^J^- Unblush'ing ^- Unbolt' V b ally ' Uncondi'tioned ~*-f ^, y Unconge'nial ~" ^ ** Un'derhand ^j-^ s~ Un'derhanded Underlay' * Unbor'rowed Cj '-j \ Unconnec'ted | \ Uncon'querable "^ s_^ ^^ Uncon'scionable _ Un'derlease *~f . -^>f Underlet' ^f~ v / Underlie' ^L^^ ^ U nbos om ~^ 1 Unbought' ~^ o-^ c*^ Uncon'scious Uncon'sciously ' v Underline' ^XN_^ ^.^ Un'derling vLV s! - A ^ Unboun'ded ^~< Uncon'scious- ' w v ~ Undermine' r v Unboun'dedly ^S^ ness > _- f w \ Underneath' -J^v \L?V Unbri'dle v p "^ Unbro'ken p M 1 Unconstitu'- 'V ^"* U firing! v * Underpin' -\. xXl Underpin'ning vJJV ^LA Unbroth'erly ^y- *1- Unbuck'le 7 iionai Unconstitu'- "^ 1 Un'der-rate ^j^C 7 wV~N Under- run' xlx\\/| Vx^/1 Unbur'den " Unbur'ied ^" tionally ^ ^ Uncontrol'lable Underscore' y- Undersell' ^L-\ ^i^ Unbut'ton -J- ^- Uncalled'-for V^ r Uncontrolled' ^< i Unconverted vfa -^ Un'dershot a /^ Un'dersized ~J"- i. Uncan'did ^-). ~~ '' ^ Uncord' v -^ b Un'dersoil UNDERSTAND UNHALLOWED ~\ I; 'I Understand' Understanding Understood' Un'derstrapper Underta'ken Underta'ker Undertaking Undertook' Undervalue Underwent' Un'derwood Un'derwork Underwrite' Underwriter Undeserved' Undeserving Undesigned' Undesign'ing h Undesi'rable "i Unde'viating r M_ Undig'nified Undimin'ished Undimmed' y- l. ^ Undo'er Undo'ing Undone' Undoubt'ed Undoubtedly Undress Undue' Un'dulant ^-U A Un'dulate Un'dulated Un'dulating Undula'tion Un'dulatory Unduly Undu'tiful Undy'ing Unearth' Unearthed' Unearth'ing Unearthly I'neas'ilj- ^L^ Uneas'iness * Uneas'y Uned'ucated Unembar'rassed Unemployed' Unencum'bered Unend'ing Unendur'able Unendur'ably Unengaged' Unenlight'ened Unen'viable Unen'viably ' Une'quable , . Une'qual Une'qualled U-i_/- Une'qually * Unequiv'ocal vi/-^ Unequiv'ocally ' , Uner'ring v - Uner'ringly or L^ Unessen'tial --i-y. , Une'ven I UneVenly ^-AJ. Une'venness _/^ Unevent'ful i-^nvyf- ^ Unexcep'tion- V" able ^\ Unexcep'tion- V" ably 1) ^* Unexhaust'ed Unexpec'- ted Unexpec'tedly Unexplained' xl^=-6v Unexplored' Unexpressed' Unta'ded Unfa'ding Unfail'ing Unfail'ingly Unfair' Unfair'ly Unfair'ness Unfaith'ful Unfaith'fulness \ _^ Unfam- il'iar Unfash'ionable Unfash'ionably Unfash'ioned Unfast'en Unfast'ened Unfast'ening Unfath'omable \^ or ^^r Unfavorable Unfeel'ing Unfeigned' Unfeign'edl Unfelt' nfor'tunately Unfound'ed Unfrequent'ed Unfre'quently Unfriend'ly Untruit'ful Unfruit'fulness Unfulfilled' Unfurl' Unfurled' Unfurn'ished Ungain'h- Ungen'erous Ungen'erously Unge'nial Ungen'tle Ungen'tlemanl}' Ungod'liness Ungod'ly Ungov'ern- able Ungov'ernably Ungrace'ful Ungrace'fully Ungrace'fulness Ungra'cious Ungra'ciously Ungrammat'ical Ungrate'ful Ungrate'fully Unground'ed Ungrudg'ing Un'gual Unguard'ed Unguard'edly Un'guent Un'guentary Unguen'tous Ungoic'nlate " Unguic'ulated Unhal'lowed UNHAND 256 UNNAMED i si>^~- Unhand' ^.^j^, ^T Uninten'ded ,/q , ilade' Unhand'some 1 > ^^) Uninten'tional Unlatch' ij~iy'" i ^^J Unhand'somely 'UnTiandy ^^ovj Uninten'tionally ^^ j_/y Unlatched' Unlatch'ing "-i'lS/* vj '\jp' Unhap'pily Unhap'piness t or - --^ Uninterest'ed ^ ^-/v Unlaw'ful V__. Unlawfully vL/v vi/ \o Unhap'py Unhar'ness -LM> vL ^\ Uninterest'ing 1 i Uninterrupt'ed ?* ^/> Unlnw'fulncss ! -TX ^^\ Unhar'nessed ^_L~K ^~-iyv Uninterruptedly fj L n learn . -*' Unhar'nessing 'v~ l Uninvi'ted / ^ >-V Unlearned' i'/l iYT Unhealth'iness Si/ LP Si/ V Unheahh .y ~- ; H^. Uninvi'ting ^3 ,-_U_P-^ U'nion ^r^ /^^ Unlearn 'ed '^S Unleav'ened \_L/^ i /v Unheard' * 6 U'nionism o Unless' v ^ ' Unheed'ed /?^~~ > . T T ';rtTiicf ' ' ^1 ^7j Unlet'tered -!^\. yi^P- Unheed'ing ^-o ' Unhes'itating ^Z ^L^jf Unhesitatingly 7 ' Unhinge & fi^~~f' or 61 U'nion-jack vJX 9 /'x Unip'arous *< < :J U'niped v^u 1" Unliquidated ^L^-~ Unho'liness ^pZ ^-, Unise'rial lAl jyO Unload' /" | i TInho'ly -"[ ". " Unise'riate i Unload'ed vi^\ Unhon'ored -o/- 2 ^y/^ Unisex'ual iyl ^Vs Unloading -^ ! -^ Unhook' "^ U'nison ^*" Unlock' Unhooked' "jj'^_s> xsii? Unis'onance -VN -^- Unlocked' ^-9 , iX}. Unhook'ing 5 >. Unhoped' -for vi/7\ "^"'Y Unhorse' Unis'onant y^j-j, ^O; Unis'onous 1 U'nit \ Unlocking , , ^ l*nlooked'-for Unloved' d Unhorsed' ^v\ sV\ Unhors'ing -A. /) -A. ._i>^Unita'rian % *d ' Unita nanism f^^& Unlove'liness <> ' ' Unhurt' /-**/ A, U'nitary ^lf^*f~ ~-y i f- Unlove'ly . f ^j^/ 1 Uniax'al * V ' Unite' Unluck'ily U'nicorn /^f\ S^-'Y'' Uni'ted ~~7~ ^^ Unluck'y . X~T^ ^l*i ^- Unicorn 'ous ' Uni'tedly ti. Unmade' ~~^' v ' Unide'al ^_> /^^ -Uni'ter - J -\. j^^_ Unmaid'enly >A> ^-2\ Unifa'cial Uni'ting Unmake' C/ : Unif'ic xO? /**^\ Uni'tion , . v _ 1 ^ r - a Unmak'ing ^\_ "^Cx? Unifica'tion ' U'nity Unman' O x Unif'lorous ^X/V^V A- U'nivalve ~~^^-f ^-T^-- /^y- Unilat'eral Unilit'eral X-~^-j Uniustifi'able fr^ Unjustifi'ably 0^s> ^j Unmer'cifully j^^^ ^^^7 Unimpaired' *^-te. ' Unjust'ly ,^yj ._/' Unmcr'ited ^^ -^ Unimpeach'able ,~-i- *" Unkempt' *~>~*r -_ Unmil'itary *J^-*S^ nr ^ Unimpor'- i tant ^-^s -^^^ Unken'nel ~" Unkeu'nelcd ^-^J v ^ v _.^ Unmind'ful Unmin'gled J- =<\j' or -~^~~ Unimproved' O^ i\ t ^*, Unimprov'- vi ^-.^^^ , ^^T" Unken'ncling "~ Unkind' ti> - ^ Unmitigated S Unmoor' '-' ing ~^~~f vj^_^< Uningen'uous ^?; J' Uninhab'itable ^/ V .> ~~7 Unintel'ligible ^i v ^\s-S~- \j^s_j> Unkindly * ' Unkind'ness ^^ ^-^Y Unknit' ' Unknowingly \s^> **}? Unknown' 1 D Unlace' ~L-~ ^UnmothVrly / Unmoved' " Unmur'muring ^_^- Unmu'sical ' " Unmu/.'zle J or 4^ Unintel'ligibly -^ -re Unlaced' Unlac'ing ^n. j ^ Unmuz'zled Unnamed' UNNATURAL 257 UNSELFISH "~ or .**&- Unnat'ural i QY Unnat'urally 1 Unnec'essarily / *~3\f- Unnecessary Unneigli'borly Unnerve' r^V /-^Vv / \ ^L-t 1" \ Unoblig'ing Unobser'vable Unobser'vant Unobser'ving Unobtru'sive Unoc'cupied Unoffend'ing Unofficial Unoffi'cious Unorganized Unostenta'tious Unostenta'tious' ly Unpack Unpacked' Unpacking Unpaid' Unpal'atable Unpar'alleled Unpar'donable Unpar'donably men'tary Un patriotic Unpaved' Unperceiv'able Unperceived' Unphilosoph'- ical Unpin' Unpinned' Unpin'ning Unpit'ied Unpit'ying Unpleas'ant npleas'antly Unpleas'antness Unpleas'ing i Unpoet'ical ^1 Unpol'ished Unpollu'ted Unpop'ular Unpopular'ity Unprac'tical Unprac'ticed -\ Unprecedented J Unprej'udiced \3~ Lx^?- Unpremed'- itated Unprepared' Unprepossess'- ing Unpreten'ding Unprin'ted Unproduc'tive Unprofessi'onal Unprofitable _; Unprof itably Unprom'ising Unpronounce'- able Unpropi'tious NO Unpros'pcrous Unprotec'ted Unprovoked' Unpub'- lished Unpun'ished " ^ Unqualified y. Unquench'able ^ or~~ ( ~ Unques'tionable ^-ti-o Unques'tion J ably If T^ Unques'tioned ^Lx Unquestioning J<_, Unqui'et v Unqui'etly ,^xV Unrav'el Unrav'eled . A Unrav'eling viX| Unread' ^l/\ Unread'able ' Unread'y Unre'al r -+?/ Unreal'ity \ Unrea'sonable ^ Unrea'sonable- s Unredeemed' Unregen'eracy Unregen'erate Unregistered Unrelent'ing . Unreliable 'Unremit'ting Unremun'era- tive Unrequi'ted I" n reserve' I'nreserved' 1 Unreser'vedly Unresist'ing , C' Unrest' Unrest'ing /I Unrestraint' N Unrewar'ded ; Unrid'dle 'V>. Unright'eous Unright'cously Unright'eous- ness \ Unripe' 7 Unri'valed /" Unrobe' Unroll' f Unrolled' Unroll'ing ^^ Unromant'ic Unroof ^\ Unroofed' Unroofing '^f- Unruffled Unru'liness r, Unru'ly ' Unsad'dle ^ Unsad'dled Unsad'dling f^ Unsafe' Unsafely ^ Unsaid' Unsale'able Unsanc'tified ^_yj'~ Unsatis- fac'torily ^f Unsatisfac'tory Vjj. Unsatisfying vJ - J ). Unsa'vory Unsay' vlsivT Unsay'ing Unscathed' ^-f Unscjiol'arly ' Unschooled' vj^s~i Unscientific Unscrew' .__. Unscrewed' Unscrew'ing Unscrupulous Unscrupulously Unseal' Unseal'ed Unseal'ing Vnsearch'able Unsea'sonable Unsea'sonably Unseat' Unseat'ed vjo - ! A, Unseating ! \ Unsea'vvortliy ~**\ k Unsec'onded ~* Unsei-'ing op . Unseem'ly Unseen' ') Unselfish UNSERVICEABLE 258 UPON jj>^\_ ^f?,. Unserviceable ^X. Unset'tle "^)- -^^1- ^ Unsuspi'cious N_9 xX Unsuspiciously ^,s/\ Unwarrantably ^f *- ! ^s Unset'tled ! ^\ D ^ \A Unswathe' /*-1- , /' Unwar'ranted 'r Unset'tling * * Unswathed' "^-K *-< Unwa'ry ^_/ ^M. Unshackle *^ UnshaTcen ^jl _j^4 Unsheathe' jj^f *** r 7 Unswathing " .]_. Unsympathetic J^x/'N i /I Unwav'ering ^" c/ ' Unwea'ried , }1s~> . ^>Unwea'riedly v *" Unsheathed' ^V "-H. Un'systematic ~^^ '' ^"^ Unwear'y ^i^( ^y Unsheathing V Untaint'ed \ y \ 7> Unweave' "^5 Unship' --M ^ Unshipped' s \ Unship ping 7" -Lj Unshod' ** Unshrinking ^iP^OJ -J^-- Unsight'liness v Hi^ "^l. Unta'mable ^\ p Untast'ed VL,. "^L Untaught' Sf\ Untenable " L (^_ Unthanked' ^' c/< Unweaving . /^ .|/T~ Unwel'come Unwell' J^/^ Vtr- Unwept' sJU Unwholesome J-^$ Unwhole'some- Unsightly ^f ^-T Unskil'ful V. v^j Unskil'fulness U*T si>^\ Unskilled' ^v.x r- or ^A_ Unthank'ful 11.. rX- Unthank'fully ._^.. . \^p Unthank'fulness ^f*^ ness iifi ^ i s~\ Unwield'iness vjy i p siF 1 TT i i ' Unwield y i i " v *' ^iC'^'f Unwilling ' Unwillingly Unso'ciable ^f ^-f Unthinking s-^~y^ ^^ Unwillingness ^_f^\- v/'" Unso'ciably Y Unthinkingly v Unwind' ^LSv Unso'cial .x, ^L^J- Unsold' Unsolicited T( Unthought'ful ^1 Unthrifty , j, Unwinding "^^ ^L<--v Unwise' /T'j.t/V Unwisely v_p . Unsophis'ti- 'T. O^' catcd ^1 ^1 ' Unti'dy vl. Untie' J r A Unsought' J ' Until' vit/^i i /J-i Unwon'ted v - a ' Unsound' ~a f ^ Unsoundly L ^-j^V 3 Unsound'ness ^-'-V/-. l s Untimely v\ Unti'ring "~"^ J.9 Unwon'tedness , >f >o Unworldly 'Y^ v ^-f Unworn' v - i -^/v-' -^.xW Unsparing ^ f Unsparingly ^M Un'to u ^* Untold' V/ ; V/ . Unwor'thily 3-4S v J-) Untruth' ,/ , ... ( ^ ^ Untw ne' Lnyoklng Unstint'ed ' Untw ned' \ \ .. v -^| ) . ^^ Unstop' Unstopped' O^6\ . ^-Ltfj Unstring' ^ ^ Unstrung' U-u '^s, Untw nlng A "'' N J ^' Untw st' /\^ \(v U'pas ^1 yf ! /? Untw st'ed Upbraid' *^ Untw sting ; V^ > o Unsubstan'tial ~7^ or J? Unu'sual J-ji -y Unu'sual ly Upcast' \x-A. \xi Upheav'al x O > xVl TT I y Upheave v!AiP jj<-ip >: Unsuccessful "^ -\ Unut'terable y o Vf 7 ' Upheaved' X Unsuccessfully t-Jf Unsuitable " Upheld' 'o ' ' v Up'hill ^1P -JXTl Unsuit'ed .^ Unva'rying \/f \ */^~ Uphold' **^ ' Unsullied v!_!^//j Unsung' ^^-' ' Unsupport'cd JyV ^") Unsurpassed' ^ Unsuscep'tiblc ^V -v Unveil' f r Unveiled' ~ J -v? '^\/ v ^ Unveiling (_, ' Unverified /^" , S < ? > Unwa'rily ^^X^^ ** Unwa'riness 'V\ V Uphold'er v, .N^P Upholding ^* > Uphol'sterer \A-6\ Xx, Uphol'stery ' ' Upland V% VX Uplift' 1 Uplift'ed \ "' ""L. Unsuspect'ed c/'UL Unwarliko \f\- Uplifting Unsuspecting ^l^ \ Unwarrantable ^N, 01 \ Upon' UPPER 259 VAKEEL . V^ Up'per V X Ur'suline ^ U'vea Up'permost U'rus c U'veous X/? /Nv ^ Upraised' "^ or ) Us ^ ^f U'vular \f N >Uprais'ing -)' ""^ Uprear' \ ). U'sable / U'sage i y Uxo'rious X>*1> ^^ Uprear'ing . U'sance " --)- Use, n. / Vy~^ . f~~- Up'right /Vv Up'rightly \ o_- Up'rightness ^^ Upris'en *' or \ ) . Use, v. Used (accus- tomed to) V ^ \ / Upris'ing A /V A Up'roar V^_ X/\ Uproar'ious j ^ Uproot' ^~NJ> Uproot'ed .q) Use'ful vl: Use'fully Vo Usefulness V TT ri Useless ^1^ s ^ Va'cancy Va'cant Va'cate Va'cated x* '^ Uproot'ing Xo Uprose' f Upset' ^ - KCN _9 Uselessly Use'lessness y U'ser >! > Va'cating Vaca'tion Vac'cinate T X Upset'ting J- Up'shot "^ Ush'er ,J Ush'ered ^ u^,, i< Vac'cinated Vac'cinating * ^ X Up'side ^- ' Up'spring V, Upstairs' , Up'start X Up'stroke "i_> "^ ^ ^*" Ush'ering )^" U'sing -) Usquebaugh' J 1 Ust ion *-? Vac'cination Vac'cinator * Vac'cine Vac'cinist : Vach'ery V V V J' Up'-train \Upturn' Upturned' \ Upturning fr* Up'ward ^ _ Up'wards k Ura'lian t =, Ustula'tion J U'sual !/ t U'sually ^ i U'sufruct y v v O\ -T f C^ 1 ^ Vac'illancy Vac'illant Vac'illate Vac'illated Vacillating Vacilla'tion 1 Vac'uist X ^.- ^ U'ranite ^ > s" Usufruct'uarv i- s -,-,, \ \^ ^ ' Vaci'o'us -\ _ x /^Uranog'raphy Vac'uum x: "? ' Uranol'ogy ', Vp S^ Uranos'copy *^ ^ . ~g~' Usu'rious VL V ) Usu'riously 1-^iX Va'de-me'cum S Vag'abond "'A \. "V_p U'ranus )X\ ^ |u&' i0n ^ ^1 s Va^abCndfsm \ >t >1 S_ -^ Urban'ity "X U'rea ^.. Ure'ter V/ Ure'thra "7 Urge >/ Urged **J Urgency V-*. Ur'gent ' / Ur'gently V ^ . >* \y, Uten'sil s. V. VL "^ ' U'terine /* 7,. 7 T ^, ^^ -f *- ^ly* U terus / ' A* Utilitarian V \L \,^\ Utilita'rianism 7 7^ ^^ " Y * Util'ity ' ' l-o Utiliza'tion V: v "** U'tilize v Vagi'na Vag'inal Vag'inant Vag'inate ^ Vag'inated Va'grancy Va'grant Vague '1 / Urg'ing -k J U'tilized L -- V , Utilizing vc ' Vague'ly 9 Vague'ness U'ric I /.^ Ut'most V V; Vail ~N. . *< U'rim I^J **\ Uto'pia f Vain ^ 7^ U'rinal *^ U'rinary '[ U'rinative a ' Utopian V V^^ J Uto'pianism -^ U'tricle *^_/ "1 Utric'ular ' Vain'er Vain'est Vainglo'rious i ";, ' U'rine i U'rinous ->, Urn 'x 1 Ut'ter ' y. S DC Ut'terable ~~~*~^" J L T t'terance V^ '. \^, Vainglo'riously Vainglo'ry '^ *~S Uros'copy ->. v Ur'sa-major -i _'| I't'tered "^V < ^^ I't'terer V^ . , Vainly Vair JL Ur'sa-minor ~,\^ Ur'siform v-v " L'i'sine 1 ji L\/-. Ut'tering > *-/ ' Ut'terly 1 V \L I't'tormost ^* J V \ air'v A ai'vode Vakeel' 17* VALANCE Val'ance Vale Valedic'tion Valedic'tory Valenciennes' Val'entine Vale'rian Val'et Valetudina'rian Valetu'dinary Valhal'la " Val'iant Val'id Valid'ity Val'idly C/'S' W 9 Val'inch ' Valise' VL/P M V f Valla'tion Val'ley Val'lum Valo'nia Val'or Val'orous X^C /\ Val'orously ^- ' A Val'uable. r? r XI Valuation * w ' Val'uator ^ I f\ ^ V r y^ Val'ue Val'ued Val'ueless Val'uer Val'uing Val'vate Valve Valved Valv'let Valv'ular Valv'ule 1 Vam'brace Vamp Vamped Vamp'er ' Vamp'ing Vam pire Vam'plet .. Vana'dium Van'dal Vandal'ic Van'dalism Vandyke' Vane Vang , Van'guard Vanilla Van'ish Van'ished Van'isbing Van'ity , Van'quish Van'quishable Van'quished Yan'quisher Vanquishing V. /^ 260 Van'tage Van'tage- ground Vap'id Vapid'ity Va por Va'porable Vapora'tion Va'por-bath Va'pored Va'porer Vaporif'ic Va'poring Va'porish Va'porizable Vaporiza'tion Va'ponze Va'porized Va'porizing Va'porous Va'pors Va'pory Variability , Va'riable Variableness Va'riably Va'riance Va'riant Varia'tion Var'ices Var'icose Va'ried Va'rtegate Va'riegated Va'riegating Variega'tion Vari'ety Va'riform VELVET v Jv VT o >v_/ a ^^ Vari'ola Vari'olar Variola'tion Variol'ic Va'riolite Va'rioloid Vari'olous " Vario'rum ' Va'rious '^*? Va'riously C> V Va'rix Var'let P y Var'nish ^* Var'nished Var'nisher Var'nishing Va'ry Va'rying Vas'cular Vascular'ity Vasculif'erous Vase Vas'iform Vas'sal Wr/ f Vas'salage \".i-t VS ^ r atic'inating kj Vaticina'tion ^ y" ^ * V-*- T Vaude'ville ^/ Vaudois' Vault Vault'ed Vault'er u Vault'ing ~ Vaunt Vaunt'cd Vaunt'er Vaunt'ing Vaunt'ingly , Vauque'linitc 'Vav'asour Veal Vec'tor Ve'da Vedette' Veer Veered Veer'ing Veg'etable Veg'etal . c^eta nanism S, *s ^s ^'lli( a'tion \'el'lum Veloc'ipeda Vel'vet VELVETED 261 VERY Vel'veting ~ I Vel'vety V. ^ Ve'nal Venal'ity \^- ^^_^ Ven'ary v enat ic ^ -. . Vena'tion ^^ * Vend L V Vend'ed ^N^-l '-4 -T- J f I. Vendee V vJV Ven'der ^^ N Vendibil'ity Vendible Vend'ing Vendi'tion Ven'dor Ven'due Veneer' Veneered' Veneer'ing Venefi'cial , Ven'erable Ven'erate Ven'erated Vy -, Ven'erating Venera'tion Veu'erator Vene'real Ven'ery Venesec'tion Vene'tian Ven'geance Venge'ful Venge'fully VV_- Ve'nial 1. Venial'ity ^V ^ ^>. ^ Ventril'oquize Ventril'oquized Ventril'oquizing . Vj'- 1 Ventril'oquy c ~ Vent'ure Vent'ured Vent'urer Sj Vent'uresome Vtr ^ Vent'urin "y Vent'uring Vent'urous ^ Vent'urously ^ Ven'ue Ven'ulose Ve'nus Vera'cious Vera'ciously Verac'ity Veran'da Vera'tria Vera'trine v ^ * Verb \ V' VerT>al V-^'X. Verbalism V? Ver'balist Verbera'tion Ver'biage Verbose' Verbose'ly Verbos'ity "^V^ Ver'dancy Ver'dant >^ Verd-antique' Ver'derer . _ Ver'dict " Ver'digris L-^ Ver'diter ~ Verd'ure ^ Verd'ured Verd'urous Ventila'tion Ven'tilator ent'ing Vent'-peg Vent'-pin Ven'tral Ven'tricle Ven'tricose Ventrilocu'tion Ventrilo'quial Ventril'oquism Ventril'oquist v VX.1 < \ Verifiable Verification \erifying Ver'ily Verisira'ilar Verisimilitude Ver'itable Ver'ity Ver'juice . r-3> ^-^ ^Xj 1 ^^ Vermeol'ogist n ' Vermeol'ogy "^ Vermicel'li Verniic'ulate Vermic'ulated Vermicula'tion i Ver'micule Vermic'ulous Ver'miform ' Ver'mifuge V-^ Ver'mil Vermil'ion C V-^_ J ^ Ver'min J Vertninate ^> Vermina'tion Ver'minous Vermip'arous Vermiv'orous Vernac'ular Ver'nal Verna'tion Ver'nicose Ver'nier Veronese' Veron'ica Verr'ucose Ver'sant Ver'satile Versatility Verse Versed Ver'sicle Ver'sicolor Ver'sicolored Versifica'tion Ver'sified Ver'sifier Versifying Ver'sion Verst Ver'sus Versute' Vert Vertebra Ver'tebne Vertebral Vertebra'ta Vertebrate Ver'tebrated Vertex Ver'tical Vertically Verticil Vertic'illate Vertic'ity Vertiginous Ver'tigo Ver'vain Verve \"cr'y ^1 =\V VESICAL ^ V^ . 1 V V V U VJ Ves'ical Vesicant Vesicate Vesicated Vesicating Vesica'tion Vesicatory Vesicle Vesic'ular Vesic'ulate Vesic'ulous Ves'per Ves'pers . Ves'pertine > ^<- \ \ % S- T.S Vest Ves'ta Ves'tal Vest'ed Vestia'rian Ves'tiary Vestib'ular Ves'tibule Ves'tige Vesting Vest'ment Ves'try Ves'try-man Vest'ure Vest'ured Vesu'vian ^ Vetch |^ Vet'eran V^ Veterina'rian 3_> Vet'erinary V Ve'to * Ve'toed Ve'toing Ve'toist Vettu'ra Vetturi'no . ,-. S V ! 1* M^ M^ S^ 262 Vibra'tion Vi'brative ViTjratory s Vibur'num ^_^ Vic'ar T Vic'arage .j^ Vica'rial Vica'riate ^" : Vica'rious " Vica'riously ^ Vice v) 4 Vi'ce > Vice-ad'miral Vice-cham'ber- " lain } Vice-chan'cellor V. Vice-con'sul **) Vicege'rency ^P^ Vicege'rent : V^c'enary ^Xp Vicen'nial Vice-president ^/ Vice-re'gal ' Vice'roy I Viceroy'alty '^^ Vi'ce ver'sa w Vicinage ^-^ Vicinal ^} Vicinity Vicious Viciously Viclousness ^ . Vicis'situde I < Vic'tim V> .. Vic'timize Vic'timized Vic'timizing Vic'tor Victo'ria '. Victorine' : Victo'rious Victoriously V Vic'tory I/- .[ Vict'ual ^ i ,o_p ~- ^-^- V ^r b."H 1 VL \. Vict'ualled ]y Vict'ualler C Victualling [, Vict'uals Vi'de Videlicet Vidette' Vie Vied ^ Viennese' View S Viewed View'er I fi Viewing Viewless igilancy VIOLENT Vigilant Vigilantly Vignette' Vig'or Vig'orous Vig'orously Vi'king Vile Vilely Vile'ness Vil'er - - ilification Vil'ified Vil'ifier k^ va- V!> Vindictively Vindic'tiveness Vine Vine'-clad s Vin'egar Vi'nery Vine'yard Vi'nous Vin'tager ,~ Vint'ner ^ Vi'ny Vi'ol Viola Viola'ceous Vi'olate Vi'olated M'olating Viola'tion Vi'olator Vi'olence Vi'olent VIOLENTLY 263 VOLITATION i * - IS Violently Violes'cent Vi'olet Violin' Violin'ist Vi'olist Violoncellist Violoncello Violo'ne Vi'per Vi'perine Vi'perous Vires'cent Vir'gate Virgil'ian Vir'gin Vir'ginal Virgin'ity Vir'go Vir'gulate Virid'ity Vir'ile Viril'ity Virtu' Virt'ual Virt'ually Virt'ue . Virtuo'so Virt'uous Virt'uously Vir'ulence Vir'ulency Vir'ulent Vir'ulently Vi'rus Vis Vi'sa Vi'saed Vis'age Vis-a-vis' Vis'cera Vis'ceral Vis'cid Viscid'ity Viscos'ity Vis'count Vis'countess SVis'cous Vis'cus Vi'se Vish'nu Visibil'ity Vis'ible Vis'ibly Vis'igoth Visigoth'ic Vi'sion Vi'sionariness Vi'sionary Vis'it Vis'itable Vis'itant Visita'tion Visitc' Vis'ited Vis'iter Vis'iting Vis'itor Vitu'perator Viva'ce Viva'cious Viva'ciously Vivac'ity Vi'vary Vi'va vo'ce Vives Viv'ianite Viv'id Viv'idly Viv'idness v V X \ X' , /^l W Vj/ J Vix'en Vix'enish Viz'ard Viz'ier Viz'ierate Vo'cable Vocab'ulary j Vocab'ulist Vo'cal Vocal'ic Vo'calism Vo'calist Vocal'ity Vocaliza'tion Vo'calize Vo'calized Vo'calizing Vo'cally Voca'tion Voc'ative Vociferate Vociferated > Vociferating ' Vocifera'tion Vociferous Vociferously Vogue Voice Voiced Voice'less Voic'ing Void Void'able Void'ance Void'ed Void'er Void'ing Void'ness Vo'lant Vol'apuk Vol'atile Volatil'ity * Volatili'zable Volatiliza'tion Vol'atilize Vol'atilized VOLITION 264 WALKING ^C/^ ^/Tj. Voli'tion Vol'itive C/" 1 C/l Voi'iey V 1 %& * * i|; f Vol'leyed ^* ^ Volt ey ' V V V A^ouchsafed' A/ *i *l A'ouchsafe'ment " -Xn V^. A'ouchsa'fing ' 1 Vol'taplast ^T Vi/ T> Vol'tatj-pe i,, ^* A'oussoir' t^l * AVage \!&S x^ / C^7 nr j Vow \\ a^ed .. V Vow'eled c^ o<^ AVa'gerer ' ^ Vow'er 3^ / AVa'gering k^ v? Voltigeur' vji ^~^T Vow'ing '^jf *' j C/C 1 C/S. Volubil'ity \? A r ox pop'uli i_. Wa|very _ > > Vol'uble l^y-V C Vol'ubly \? \f Voy'age *-^ AVag'ging / f A'oy'aged \ *-, x _- l Wag"gish *" ^-<; Vol'ume C C Vol'umed ft/ Volumet'ric > /~= Volu'minous t-^T 5 V^/t^ Vol'untarily ^ *$ Wager / ./ Voy'aging VT O^ 7 " 3 ^ Voy'al r Vulca'nian vj^ 1 " 3 " ^y~' ^^ Vulcan'ic Vul'canist AVag'gishly ex*- cx<- W r a s' le AV r ag'gled I ? ;y AVag'on Lyy^ Cx-v^" ^ Vol'untary y^y^ *X\y^ seVul'canite ' AVag'on aee Vol'untaryism A'ulcaniza'tion , j AVag'oner V^i vy 'v Volunteer' v :\ Volunteered' vyr v.j>^J^ ^jVul'canize Vul'canized A\"ag-onette' C/*v xVX Volunteering A I/" Volupt'uary i y-^ O^/ VV 5 A r ul'canizing ^* A'ul'gar ' O^T -\Vaisfcoat ^_^ ^_ Vom'iting C i? Vul'pine ., AA'ait J Vomi'tion ^j I/ Vult'ure "* AVait'ed K^ | ^- s Vom'itive L. .N Vomi'to O ^_ Vult'urine \S>. " Vy'ing AA'ait'ing y^^/- j- 'j. Vomitory ^. t^A AVait'ing-maid v -^ vX ^ Vomituri'tion c-5Xv-/> - AVait'ress ^Xl_ O4- Vora'cious ' Vora'ciously O? 'O/ Vorac'ity /_o Vorag'inous w ^ -, AA r aits ** AVaive - Waived * ^^ AA'aiv'er x ^ Vor'tex t *. AVab'ble y AVaiv'ing ^^ ^ ! Vor'tical N x *C* Wab'bled ** ^~ AVake "t Vor'tically *-< 7*" Vor'ticel f^. AA T ab'bling x ^^ *< AVack'e .. ^-H Waked _i> AVake'ful Vt V; Vo'taress [2 [/ Vo'tary ^ ^. Wad v ' ' AVad'ded '-^v AVake'fulness >,>. AA'a'ken v^ Vf Vote ,/\ f'T AA'ad'ding V A\'a'kened | 1 Vo'ted s W AVad'dle ^. ,. AVa'kener V. ^< Vo'ter x *- Vo'ting .- ^f AA'ad'dled ^ l S AVad'dler ^( ^ AVad'dling ^^ ^^ AA'a'kening =^-^ , AVa'ker 'I AVa'king U ^s A T o'tive t (! Vo'tively 1 **' A\"ade s\ ^\ Wa'ded AVa'der v/^l. V^*" A\ iildcn'scs O Tl'" ^1 .(fy- w aled v, 'U Vouch //I <^\ AA r a'ding ' AA'al'halla A/ ' Avouched * AVa'fer i i- AValk V_ V/j Vouchee' .f^i -xT\ ^' a 'f ere( i " A\'alked *7 */ Vouch'er AVa'fcring =-->, > AValk'cr V. A^ouch'ing ^\ AA r af'fle 1 AValk'ing WALKING-STICK 265 WATER-ROTTING ^L >/\. Warehousing cx^v 7 2T" Wasp'ishly N i-/ ,/ Was'sail jf>, j> Was'sailer 'T v Wast ^S^ '* Wall'-fruit Waste'ful " ^ N Wal'low ^^j-v Wal'lowed Warm j^X^ ^f~^ Warmed / or cA/ 1 Waste'fully ^ V 6* 'i Wal'lower V X\, Wal'lowing ' Wall'-paper Warm'er .^z x^^ 1 Warm'est >^ Warm'-hearted C ^ ness i "1 or c ^\^ Waste'-pipe -.f, Waltz r^~^y^~^\ Warm 'ing j \ v <^> Waltzed Warm'ing-pan ^ a- Wast'er ^"O' >-> Waltz'ing ^^~ /~> Warm'ly \ Wam'ble /^ ' l Warmth ^ "^ Wast'ing -x^V (x^/ Wast'rel 3 K j-v^ Wampee' ^ Warn Watch Warned - AVand ^ Warn'ing si /\ War r -paint ( Wan'dering ( War'-path r < 'Clj Watch'fully cxy jX Watch'tulness ^ Wane x^ jX\ Warped ^CLo !=_D Watch'-glass ' Waned *^ Warp'ing , y^\. Warrant ^( ?/ Watch'-house e^ Wan 'ness ./> y, War'ranter ., / i War'rantor r 1 War'ranty A^ > Watch'word , ^ , AVa'ter / War'-worn ** ^fc Wa'tering-place N Warble ./V War'bled x^ ^ Wa'ry ') ) Was \ ., 1 x^ Wa'terish ^ r AVa'ter-lily X< ^ War'bler f~v War'bling "' * Wase cx^l cXl AVash V. , \ Wa'ter-logged ^ \ >ra AVa'terman \_ >/! War'-cry , .} Ward War'-dance ,/!. Ward'ed x f ^ Wa'ter-mark ^ ^ Washboard JT . , w^eTmllT ^> ' <<^ Washbowl W ^ Wa ' ter -pot J/l Ward'en } Washed 3 i \/^~^ Wa'ter-proof In 'L j/ 1 "! Ward'enry Ward'er y^ Ward'ing 1 Ward'mote Wash'er "N/ Wa'ter-ram 2 e^J AVash'erwoman 1 A\'a'ter-rat j4' i) Wash'-house *i \f Wa'ter-rot t^\ i/y^~ Wash'ing \ * \ Wa'ter-rot'ted >/ L/V AVard'robe -i. Week ' Week'-day , Weekly Weel ' Ween ^,- Weened Weening ^ Weep ''* Weep'er V. Weeping sz Weep'ing-wil'- y low t/V Weev'er f Wee'vil ^ Weft ' A\"eft'age .. Weigh ^^ Weigh'able <*?\ Weigh'age / Weigh'-bridge ,/ A\"eighed <^i. Weigh'er . Weigh'-house "" AV'eighlng ^ Weight Weight'ed <^L. Weightier Weightiest f^[ . Weightily Weightlness /*O Weighting -/. Weightless >> AN'eight'y r Weir /-t/! Weird " Wel'away >r Wel'come ^_ir~* AVel 'corned i Wel'comer r\ Wel'coming Weld '(\ Weld'ed Welding ;^~~? A\'el'fare Wel'kin (A' ^' el1 Well'-a-day ^ Well '-being 6 Well'-bred f^l Well'-done Well-dressed' .^^ Welled Welling (\_, Well'-doer Well'-doing s-^ AVell'-known 6 Well -met' f\^ Well'-nigh Well'spring y~~) Well'-wisher ' Welsh (Q^ Welsh'er Welsh'man ^ Welt 6 ' Welt'ed ^ Wel'ter Wel'tered WELTERING 267 WHITEN 'S~^ (' Wel'tering d Welt'ing /,x Cx^) Whecz'ing C/^^V^ cx^ WhimT)rel ' Wheez'y Whim'per x XI Werne'rian ^*^ ^_ Whencesoev'er ex 4 ' Whined <^ u *^ Wert /j" /^? Wes'leyan f; c*^ J~\ Wes'leyanism > O^ Where'abouts ^ Whin'nying e-rf>-j a- West'ern * Whereas' C/^jf- txA, Whin'stone ^ West'ing ^\ <^xX\ Whereat' ' Whip '' or r c V W* Wherewithal' Whacked xl X Wher'ret C/Xx 1 C/\o Whip'po-will t Whip'staff - c . . Whack'er V Whack'ing CX 1 ex Wher'ry f J\ .. , Wheth'er c/Np Whip'stick r. '_ Whip'stock 'C 'C^> Whale x ^ Whet , >s. ^ x^ Whipt Whale'bone ^ff c^P Whet'slate ^ Whir '/^~* ., Whale'man ^ Whet'stone jX xK. Whirl 'I Wha'ler , xi r^ 5 ! Whet'ted ^^ >X^ Whirl'about Wha'ling C ^ 1 ' C ^ 1 Whet'ter x/ x^ Whirl'bone '(j^~ \\ Whap ;tv Whet'ting cX^ io. Whirl'wind 0| ----^WhaL,r ^-/ ^"* ^^^ *, What'not / / Whichev'er '' C_ What'soever tf )* C^* Whichsoever s* Wheal ' ^~ {. Whiff xl X^ Whirred CX 1 \ . j*. Whis'per (Xf P Wheel'ing Y\ '^^- Whilcd S \ White j-Xy Wheel'wright ' v Whi'ling k' WhiteTjait C C^" Wheeze (^P Wheezed ' ,/--v Whilst h Whi'ted (^ ^ Whim | J Whi'ten WHITENED 26S WINTERED Jj. h Whi'tened ^-i, *-j Wick'edly *-x Wil'some L*> 4_x Whi'tening " Wick'ered < 6 Wilt , -i , Whites 1 o~> I White'smith ' White'throat Csc/1 cxx^ White'wash i_, ,x- < \y Wick'et " Wickliffite >, V Wide 1 ^ Wideawake' /H x;- Wilt'ed Wilt'ing *,-. -^ Wilv 6 \ Wini'ble v >. J v White'washed S.-. >, Widely >X > p Wim'ple <-*^*) iS) White'washer r J Wi'den N ^ Wim'pled V NX v i- Win , . Widespread ,0 ~ Wince CJ) S Whithersoev'er L Wi'dest ^ "^ Winced t <M ' -1 Whit'tle /^ xi Wield'ed "" round) ( ^r cA Whit'tled 6 6U Wielding .^i . . Wind'age Whit'tling . o Whi'ty-brown S{ Wind'ed \ V/ Wife-hood ^a_/ wind'gall 9 Who Zm& V V^ Wife'lv ^T3 ^, Windier / or , _^. whoev'er Wig * ex I- r/^^S> Windiest C ex Wind'iness '^ Whole'ness 1 , . S Wig'ging f ^_i Winding ^Y~ i-TT^ Whole'sale Wight v ^ Winding-sheet i^ Whole'some , x ^ ^ Wig'wam xo s-' Windlass v^r^o i-/^ - Whole'someness ^^T "^ Wild * Win'dle f^ 5 ^^ -^ Wholly s ^- ^ Wild'cat ~-~^ e/^~"t Wind'mill /' or /^^ Whom ^ 6 6 Wilder ' Win'dow r ~\. S\ Whomsoev'er <^ 6 ' Whoop x\ /\ Whooped x-^1 x-1 Wil'dered L ^- Wil'dering /*^~2 /I Wil'derness 6 6fc Wild'est j/N-xj- -/^l- Win'dow-glass i-3 J Win'dow-sash >/^~\; ^ Wind'-pipe * f ' Whooping c v^ l v '^ff Wild'fire i i/e ^ ^^ Wind'row ^\ -. Whooping- yj f Wildly ^ Wind'ward cough e--/- / Wild'ness cx^-1 ^> Wind'y xv dxA Whop ^-P Wile > ^v Wine C N ^ Whop'ped xV >i x-. Wil'ful exx< x^, Wine'-bibber t\ r/\ Whop'per _/" " Wil'fullv ^N ' Wine'-cellar Cf \ \ . W r hop'ping /H v -nr-1'f i " .x^--^- 11 Wine'glass x w > ?~^ Wir fulness r tX v - /r -i\-' < A Whore -Vj "> Wilier W ; "fed U Whore'dom - wnjest ^ ^^ winging ^ *>. Whore'monger "" o Wilily r-j: .^, Wingless ^^ '_) Who'rish ^j > w - q . "be/' Wing'y )/ }t Whorl ^r .^_ Wink CXI c/' Whorled x-" ... x -nr-ii ^ ^ Winked ^ y[ Whort " or '- 1V '" .^x- ^ Winking cX 1 c/ l^- Whor'tleberry ' xi ^ Willed Win'ner ) nf \ Wlinso Willing ^. (X^-^ Win'ning (Ay x^^) Willingly X; Win' i) .-/... ..^... ^Tiosesoev'er Willingness .^, -j, Win'now J> )~ J- Who'so xi ^ o xC Will'-o'-the-wisp ^ ' Win'nowed V^ Whosoev'er " Willow x^^-^ ^^-> AVin'noucr C^. or .... Why /fl x^r Willowed ' ' ' " ' Win'nowing " ' " Willowy l /^~~ Win'some ^-j Wick * ' 1 Wick'ed x-7 o Will'-with-a- ^xs Win'ter t V/'N. wisp ^ Win'tered WINTER-GREEN 269 WORKER -? * AVin'ter-green AVin'tering (M &f t) * AVithhold'en AVithhold'ing v^ 1 ^, AVon'drously v AVon't ^r- t/ AVin'terly AVin'try X>or~t- AVithin' ^ x^ Wont 1 AVont'ed ^ ^ AVi'ny AVinze '^j or < A\ r ithout' X^IP ^^, Wont'edness * Woo ^ ^ AVipe AViped % ^ f <-' AVithstand' Withstanding f ' AVish'fully rjx y| AViz'ard o-a ~<^ AVood'ward j/X^V t^ W r ish'ing Wish'y-wash'y AVisp Wist *.'+ AViz'ardry AViz'en AViz'ened Woad ^ Wooed ^ AVoo'er 4- AVista'ria L<^ AVo'den AVoe ^ (XV, AVoof ' Woof'y c -^ or e ^^- Wist'ful " "^ Woe'-begone Woe'ful n AVoold J 6X- V AVit .f s\ AVold I Woold'er V > AVolf'ish "T/ 5 -^ ./X Witch'ery N x\_ X\o AVolf'ram ^-r\ ^o Wool'-gathering X7 A AVitch'ing Y v>. v^ AVolf's'-bane J i ^ Wool'len / c A\ r it'ena-gemote . . _^^, AVolverine' AVom'an ^ > AVool'Iiness 6 AVool'ly C V or (? ( With AVithal' 5 <_1 J 1-. >l > Wom'anhood Wom'anish /\ XCT AVool'-pack 66 Wool'sack cV cVi- AVithdraw V-' AVom'ankind C. ? v Wootz ,M> AVithdraw al AVithdraw er AVithdraw ing ^r ^ AVom'anliness AVom'anly AVomb ^ o/- ^ AVord TV xl AVord'-book 1 o ^^\-^' AVithdraw ing- ? j ^_^. room AVom'bat AVom'en -vxi "' Word'ed \jj Word'ily '^1- c^l AVithdrawn' e^ 1 Won 5K Word'iness AVithdrew' Won'der VI AVord'ing of ^f Withe ^ ^ AVon'dered *S 1. Word'y s ^ A^r ^-^ Won'derful : ^X ^ Wore *\~ Work t*^i (X^O AVith'ered oo^V/"' XV Won'der- ">\ >i . AVork'able -^ -v. ixO ( r With'ering ' AVith'ernam ic^X'V x 7 With'ers -( 9 ' fully \VonMerfulness AVon'dering V Work'bag T\ Work'box D |- Work'-day ^w Jo ' Withheld' ,/** ^ Won'dormont ~^^ -. AVorked c Work'er WORKHOUSE 270 YARD 7\ -^ Work'house x^-< x /s ~ < - Wran'gle TD ' Work'ing Wran'gled O^\ i -7-1 Wri'ting-book *~Wri'ting-desk ^\_^i ~5\_ > __^. J Work'ing-day ' * \ _^_* Wran'gler xy-^^ Wri'ting-mas'tei ~^V '^" Work'ing-man Wran'gling -5^\. XK^X Wri'ting-pa'per -^ >V^~., Work'man xv Xv Wrap ^ *~* ' ^VWork'manlike ' \ / Wrap'page \ Writ'ten X^ <^ 1 Wrong V\ Wrong'-doer ~^~~t' <^ Work'manship -V ^- \Yrao uer /\ o ^Yrap'ping /. N. X Wrasse / > ~1_j /"H Wrong'-doing x Wronged 3 i ,>. -^j^./ Work'shop 7 3\_^-> \Vork'-woman X X Wrath ' v ' C_ Wrath'ful ^ (^ Wrong-fully /^. /^~f^ Wrong'-headed * X World X _: Wrath'fully *^O World'liness ' ^ / Wreak Wrong'ing /V x\1 Wrong'ly y( ^ World'ling /-* . '- Wreaked Cj "Y Worldly Wreak'ing " ' ' Wrote xf X Wroth * World'ly- ^! ^7 Wreath N ' Wrought rv^ mind'ed ^ : Wreathe /'i' / Wrung X -. World'-wide ^ s( Wreathed ^ Wry *" * ^ Worm -^ '^ Wreath'ing TV-. -^ Worm'-eaten si x Wreath'y J J> ~ Wormed x Wreck X-^ 1 - \ -xo Wry'neck ^ ^ Wyvern ^ - Worm'ing /^7 ^. Wreck'age n--^ 7V>T Worm'like ' /^ Wrecked "3*. >V^. Worm'wood c- 1 - . Wreck'er 'TJ '~ i Worm'y ^ ^ Wreck'ing s> X*^" ^ r rn X" /^/ Wren C\ X^ Wor'nil Wrench V^ V Xan'thian x 1 >\ Worn'-out v? Wor'rying Wor'shiped >^) .-XV Wor'shiper p Wrest X ^n Wrest'ed /p x5' Wrest'er *^ Wrest'ing /T" - b ' Xero'tes \ >. Wor'shipful -<7 .* Wretch ) (< Xiph'ias jX^ X/' VVor'shipfully Q^ *^ \. Wor'shiping v^ 1 Worst'ing cX ' Wort ^f V\ Worth Wor'thier x -^' Wretch'ed /y-. x-^j. Wretch'edly Wretch'edness ,<_^ x-: Wrig'gle Wrig'gled ,<_^ /c_=. Wrig'gler ^^ -^ Wringing A ^ Wnght vl Wring ^o ^ Xiph'oid V -^ Xy'lite ^ C Xy'lograph yte*^ . -r- Xylog'rapher > A^ Xylograph'ic ^r i y--i Xylog'raphy \ " Xyloi'dine Vn ^ Xyloph'agous C X^,- -^tx' Wor'thiest x- / ^ i * v ^' _x-NWri n g'-bolt - ^ ' Xvst " ^ Wor'thily ' ' Wring'er ;-f ,^X Wor'thiness /vi^ /o* Wring'ing ,) ,) Xys'ter ^ Xys'tos .j Worth'less Wrin'kle y_p ^Yor'thy -tr n i Y o- 1 Wot Wrist ..:._ 3| or > Wou i d Would'-be H^ <" X^' Wrist'band < cr^l Yacht . * Yacht'er -X" ** Wound (a hurt) ^ Wound (did XI Wrist'let k ' Writ ,.-, > Yacht'ing &* *< Ya'ger wind) /I ,. r . A , Ya'hoo /v_J . Wound'ed "1 \ rite S* ' Yak * Wound'ing ,n ., S~* /*^r. Yam .^, y^ 7 Wound'wort v[ or ^-^" \\ n tt-T * Van'kee * X^ Wou'rali ^^1 . x ^ Wri'tership x>_^ =tf ^ Yan'keeism ., v Wove v \ v Writhe * ^ Yap c-< i, x\o Wo'ven , ( Writhed x.- c ^\ Yap'on x xf Wrack '^ vV ^ Wri'thin- <^ ^ ' Yap'ping < ' Wraith -N ' Wri'ting A Yard YARDARM 271 ZYTHUM *K_ * Yard'arm Yo'king v N ) Zeug'ma ^"^ 1 Yard'stick /> Yolk ii^ ^f "> Zeux'ite /" x< Yarn &* s Yon vl 1 Zib'et < < Zinc ^NX^ Zinciferous ^ Ixn 5i n F k '^ 1 Zm code XT^y 7 --- Zirco'nia Zirco mum S^-* ( ' Youths ) V Zith'ern / Yean'ling ofc Yt'tria j ^ Zo'cle -^ o,-.:^.. X , -^v^-* Year Year'-book i T , Yt'trious )- -j^ y Zo'diac Yt'trium [ (' 1_ Zo'diacal Year'ling .-An y^ 3 Yufts \ Zo'etrope -vx ^*" Ycar'ly ei /^ Yu'lan ). \-~ ZoTiar v/^ J K Zoll'verein ^y Zo nal J? Yeast V ^, Zone .-^ )^-, Zoomor'phism Vi Zeal'ot "~^ ' ' Zoon'omy '<*^ Zeal'otism )- )- Zooph'agan & Yeo'man Yeo'manry Yerk V V^o Zeal'otry '^-, * r Zooph'agous ' Zeal'ous )/ )~ o Zoophor'ic \Zeal'ously vy '^~X^ Zooph'orous /""" X Yerked K Ze'bra x \-r )-; Zo'ophyte Yerk'inij Yes \, ). Ze'bu i v ^-|>. Zoophyt'ic ? Ze'chin J. "C7 Zoophytol'ogj' P Yes'ter \ " Zech'stein )^ )- fo Zoot'omist n f if v Zed 'l^, *t^ V Zoot'omy A Yes'terday Yes'ternight I ^- Zed'oary J Zoroas'trian ? Zemindar' )^ y Zoroas'trianism sVt ^ Yet Yew ) Zem'indary TO-.V ^Zouave' ' * i *" Zena'na ^^ Zounds ^ /"^ Yew'en Yew'-tree ) . Zend ) Vy 7 Zu'folo : i S,,, L Zendavcs'ta vA ~ Zumolog'ical 7 1 ^r x^ Ze'ta J Zetet'ic \-^l X^l Zumol ogist 1 '0. \ s ' Zumol'ogy \-^_^ J. Zumom'eter ^~\/ Zygodac'tyl h\ v Zygodac'tylous j^ ' ' Zygomat'ic Lv7 X Zymolog'ic "> v ^ : \ Zymot'ic Y , v Zytliep'sary V cl Zythum ' ' PROPER NAMES. A '^-j \^ > ~ > Ad'elaide v^\ ^> Al'bigensis r\ Ad'elina <> Al'bion \s*. '[^1 Ad'eline ^-> vQ Al'ccster Aar "-' Adel'phi V* ' M A i 1^- t. Alecs tis * Aa'ron 'Ix^J' ! Ad'elung ./^'Sv /% Alcibi'ades \ "S Abbeville' ./" ^ Ab'botsford A'den '\^\' \~ Adol'phus ' ^ *-* Ado'nis {,. Alci'des ^1 \/1 Ald'borough N x/ 7 Ald'bourne .*?~ Ab'diel \ $. Abed'nego L-: N A'bel . ^-' *\_y> Ab'elard 'I- V Ad'rian Adria'na 'T 1" Adriano'ple i\ [_, Adriatic /"I '/I. Aldeb'aran V 5 ^ Al'dcrbury '/ Ir-^v;/. Al'derraanbury ^- ' Ab'ercorn 'h-^-^ / Adul'lam s/^1 >/^I Al'derney ^ ^ '\/J. Abercromljie ^\ Aberdare' u JEge'aa *^ Al'dersgate V'T^ i/^L Al'derson \Xt N/1^. Aberdeen' >* Aberdeen'shire \Xl s \_ Aberdour' jEs'chylus )_/rV ) ^scula'pius \ ^Es'op ,p Al'derston /n . V^l Al'dint^on ^* / Al'dridge 7* ^^x^- Abergaven'ny - ./^-^So v Aberne'thy V (. r -Sr^Aberyst'with <( Abie'zer V ^A Afghanistan' ;f "~ Africa ?v . Africa'nus ^^T ' Agamem'non xv ^ji- Alep'po ' ' N 1 Alessan'dria . l^Kn., Alexan'der 1 Alexan'dria '\ '\- ^ Al'ford \_^ \ i Ab'ney ^^v ; ^ Aglionby ~t -^ Al'fred ' Aboukir' Ag'nes '' J^ Al'freton ^9- or f^, Abraham ._^ . Ag'new - - A'gra S7z /To Alge'ria ?T / Al gernon c^ % \-^^ Aljram r~^ i_ . A'gram ./7 xf Algiers' ''"^ N Ab'salom Agric'ola % *" Alison \!_> ""!" Abyssinia ' Aca'dia c <^ =~Vj. Agrip'pa - Aggrippi'na ,T, Algo'a ^ ' ' Alice : y x""~*"~ ^ * i~Acapul'co t ,/\ A'hab yO- /~S Alicia . J Ac'crington -^ ' jj Ahasue'rus t-' x" Alipacha' /> ^. Ach'eron x ' r Ach'ill ^ yV ATiaz ^ ' * Ahazi'ah /^' v^7 Allahabad' / S. / All'church >o ~|~ Achilles - 1 ' Q_ Achit'ophel '*~) . Ah'med ' Ai'kin > g: Aii'cott Alleghany .\ ^> A'cis if */b^- Ains'worth S C Allen Ack'ermann ^^ Aire'dale ^ ^ Allendale X ,, Ack'worth = */ ' A eland ^' ' Aix ^-' C Al'lerton ' ^^ Allingham ._ f~X/^ A'cre . /f\ op Aix-les-bains /*". ^- Arlington Acrop'olis 1 v vl Ak'enside ^- /> Alloa '\ ' i- Action * J Ac'ton /'% . ./^J Alaba'ma Alad'din /^v >- Al'lonby ^\ fc-^_o Almack's' .1 I- A'da >1 Adair' ^ / : Alas'tor JT Al'aric v 1.^. ^_^ Almondljury Aln'wick Ad'ara s-* S\_s Al'ban (^- (^*^\ Alon'zo ^ N- Ad'derbury ' " Alba'nia ^- -) Alphe'us 1 . 1 Ad'dingham ^-^ *~f Ad'dington ,->, ,-^ Al'bans St <^ <> -^^-i Al'bany /\v -^VH Alphon'so 7" J~ Alping'ton U/ \s~ Ad'dison Ad'ela /~\^X ^^ Al'bcmarle ' ' ' Al'bert x-% /O' Alps Y ^ / > Al'sace ALSATIA 273 AUBURN /9" *Sf Alsa'tia ^ An'tioch ~v^> ^X^jj Arme'nia J J Al'ston "1 Antip'ater " " Armin'ius /I*- >/r/*\ Althz'a "^V v -t/^ r ' Antip'atris ^V/^ 7 "V^^ Arm 'ley V V/ \ Al'thorpe o x Antoinette' _ V O Arm'strong x /n v /T~ Al'ton i 4 -4 c Anto'nio x. rx Ar'naud u . Al'tona *~~*rr Anto'nius " Arne rt^ >7 Al'tringham Alve'church oc, ^^U An'tony Antrim' ! Xx5 ~\- Arn'heim 'T Ar'nold *Vv^ /%- T^- Ah o'lcv AJ'verstoke ^/^ -\r- Ant'werp Apel'les '"V ; -^ Ar'nott i 3 Ar'ragon X a Al'\erthorpc Am'adis Amaryllis ^ 1 Ap'ennines Aphrodi'te 5 /^~ Ar'ran Ar'reton /V Ar'rowsmith Jr-* -ct>~s Am'azon S'^^JI Apol'lo rjf \_D Artaxerx'es ^_^ Amazo'nia ' N/5 - \/\ Apollo'nius .^^^ '"^N Ar'temis f^ T^~ Am'berg Am'berley v \ Apoll'yon Ap'pleby 7X ' Artemis'ia v[ Am'bleside Am'brose Ame'lia Amer'ica >s J Ap'pledore Ap'plegate Ap'pleton Aps'ley M OF t \ u Arthu'rian Y Ar'undel V. As'aph ')' As'cham '^s' '/*' Am'ersham Aqui'nas ^n. Ashantee' ^ ^ Ames'bury Am'herst "\ V Arabella Ara'bia Ar'agon & y J . Ash'bourne NX*""" Ash'burnham ^w3 '^^f Am'lwch -< r-\ A'ram \z ^ ^ ; s, Am'mon V-> V Ar'arat Y^l Ashby-del'a- jf- A'mos 'N, ^N Ara'tus Zouch TT> " Ampt'hill $ f -? Arbroath' j 1 Ash'cott Ani'sterdam (. V~ i Ar'buthnot i vT Ash 'ford S~fy | s -. A'my ~x ^y Arca'dia .. ., y Ash'ley Anac'reon H-i^ ^^~f^ Archan'gel ' t A p Ash'over ^_S-^-^ s^- A'n;ik "~\J^ d Archela'us ^ J Ash'ton -r ^ An'andale Anani'as S Ar'chibald Archime'des i "X. Ashton-under- Lyne ^p- Andalu'sia ^3-^\7 Archipel'ago Ar'cole > i u Ash'well ^ A'sia <2i^ <"' < | 'Us An'derson ' Ar'cot Arc'tic L, V As'kew ^^^ Asmode'us <_^i ^1 An'derston L. L-^ Arctu'rus ) ^ .v Aspa'sia R. 0' An'des /!' -/I. ' Ardagh' i -N { Assam' t; n An'dover An'drew Ardee' Ar'den )1 * Assi'si \s Assump'tion QiOi ; ~ r r b, Andrews St Androm'ache ^ ^ Ardennes' Ard'glass , " Assyr'ia Ast'bury *-^l~ * O"- ^> L- j V ' Androm'eda Androni'cus An'dros - \^^ Ard'ing Ard'leigh Ardnamur'chan V Ast'ley '\ As'ton T_, Astracan' . .^^~ Angel'ica Angel'ina *\*~ Ardros'san Aril'wick ? '(\ Astu'ria o3 Athana'sius f^~~ /C" An'gelo *V. "^^^x- Areop'agus Iptf [ Ath'elstan ^ ^'" An'glesey Ango'la Anjou' \-^ \ X. 'YO" Arequi'pa Arethu'sa Ar'gos 4 ^ Athe'ne (1 Ath'ens f- Ath'erstone % Ann n>- Anne ^ Argyle' r '(/-? Ath'erton An'na \ f v *** Ariad'ne j-. N Athlone' -<~^> An 'nan "X^ r X V' A'riel '( Ath'ol < _ A , s^ Annap'olis An'nesley An'nibal \ v> Arimathffi'a Arios'to Aristar'chus U ; Ath'y 'I At'kins -^^ At'kinson An'selm "> ^ '~Ji- An'son ! [ y q-^_p J" An'stead h. Aristi'des Aristoph'anes Ar'istotle i "1 At'las T At'terbury At'terclifte *-f ^ =-1 7 1- X An'stey An'thony Antig'onus Anti'gua Antilles' X? A'rius Arkan'sas Ark'low Ark'wright Ar'liss Armagh' "^ ' At'tica |^ T, At'tila ^ At'tleborough tv At'wood *A /V Au'bery '\y Au'burn AUDENSHAW 274 BEDMINSTER 'I 'U"- Au'denshawl V^ v ,- Bain'ton \/| . v /r Bartimaj'us *y\ ' Aud'ley ^ ^^ Bake'well ^? V Bart'lett "1 1 ~SS t _ Au'drey Augs'burg ~P *-& Augus'ta / \.s-^~** Ba'la ^* v- Ba'laam S^\_^r, ^ Bal'beck <^ , ^> Bar'ton ~^^ / Bas'church ' ' * Augus'tine Bal'combe Sp v,^ Bas'ford o^P '-y-p. Augus'tine St S/T_ 'SVTjc Bal'dock ^^^ * Bas'il "' " Augus'tus , r^s* Auk'land c Bald'win ^ /, \/X_ Balfe ^Ojstf \!_P Basinghall' 1- liasingstoke' Aure'lia v v ;> Bal'four \ ;A_ \j. Bas'kcrville i~v qJV" Aure'lius v/^^ \s~^~ Bal'guy ./ Bassa'nio Aus'tel St ^ Bal'iol >\t>>i /> Bas'sett \ or } Aus'terlitz ') Aus'tin Ss^-o V iv Bal'kans ^r " " Bal'lantyne T / ^' V/T-X Bal'lard "' ' Ballina' ^/ Bas'singbourne v,^, \p . Bas'sora * K Bastile' X. >: Bas'wick ') '\ Australa'sia t/?^f> < x'/'^^-'.Bariinasloe \- K [ ^ Bata'via ^9 W Tjf Australia Bal'lymoney v. Bat'combe 'Y -I-. Aus'tria T Autol'ycus N/"> x t-^ Ballyshan'non iP 9 V^ Balraor'al \ V l^ate'man Ira t, Bates v V-v x A'va ^ '^vX' Ave'bury i . ^j/V 3 Ave'ning VT__, KX*-- Bal ' tic : Bal'timore \-t\o V--CN Bam'berg ^ S \ Bath 7 6 Uathoast'on 1 J v * Bathford' "*' Aver'nus VOP "^~i- Av'ignon ^} Av'ington ... ; V A'von * / Ax'bridge " ^- Bara'ford \-^ 'V-A. /. Bamp'ton J ^^ Ban'bury >r V. Ban'crott ^"-** j 1 Ban'don ^ % Bath'gate V[ CA Bath'sheba VV Bat'hurst L Bathwick' . _>-. v-sv Ax'minster ' ' Ayles'bury ys\ ./-d"^ Ayles'ford ' ' Ayles'ham -. X Ayr '* J) Ayr'shire ^V_ Bangalore' S^ ^ . Ban'gor *" ^^~- Ban'ham v \, Banks X - ^ Bax'ter \_, \^<. Ban'quo ^T~ ^T-N Ban'tam V \-/s Bav'ard ^ v Ba'yeux R \ s _n v p Ban'try \/-- v/o Bay'ley u I- ^-* Ban'well Xs I'.'iyonne' \i-~ vK-^-i Ba'al v /v V/\ Barab'bas VX \- Barba'does Sv. v Beac'onsfield ^^T V" Beale ^* ^ Ba'alira \ \ Ba'bel * K, v ,K , Bar'bara VV W Bar'bary . . \__- Bea'minster ^^^ J Bea'mish \ ^s. Babelman'deb \/S/\ Sy^S. Barbaros'sa ^> ^ f Bar'bauld \. V Be'atrice /.L .1. Beat'tie \X . Bab'ington v V? Bab'ylon ^ K^ v x__Barcelo'na \r ^/ ' Bar'clay \J/\ c >N Bar'dolph \ V Beau'champ l~~ ^ Beau'fort_ .^ P \/ Beauma'rii \_o \ , Bac'chus > ^ V Bar'ford ^^^ ' Beau'mont ' " Bach \_, \,, Ba'con tf Badajos' \_^ _ _ J o. \ Baffin's Bay V /^ ' /^-^^^ Bar'nett ^"^^ ^j" Bcck'ington ' ' Bag'dad ^* ' V'^ Bar'ningham \ \. Beck'ley \ \ Bag'ot 1 | S* Bag shaw N^. v Bag'shot _^" ^=> Bag'ster < C/-- s ly'-S./^y 5 Barns'bury . Barns'ley Bod'dington ^ T , Bed'dow Sc. X/H^ Baha'ma v XA 5 )^ Bar'rett . s, ' J'.i'de k~-^ Bail'don ^ J Bar'rington ^'ford X_J\ v Bai'K-y v / v / Bar'row \>- v^H- Bed'fordshiw \f^ ./ o Bnin'bridge ^^ ^ Bar'ry J " Bed'liiv^ton Baines ^? Barthol'omew V-^iJ Bed'minster BED WIN 275 BOW v x> v x^ Bed'win " Bed'worth V/^v. X^. -o Beel'zebub X *T Beeral'ston \?1 ^ BloomsTjury V ^ >^ Bel 'ford / - K Bewd'ley o , % Blu'cher \/7? c Bel'gium \__x-. \. Bex'ley N ^ v( Blyth ^ ^ Belgrade' ^-6 N>Xv Bey'rout V v, Boadice'a s v >' Belgrave' ^ Vr Be'lial \ >^ Be'za .)' ^' Bic'ester */ X) Boaner'ges .)^ 6 - Bo'az ^P v .,- Belisa'rius V^ ^ BeHa Vf N Bick'ersteth \ J- Bid'denden V X Boccac'cio A ~~^ Bock'ing S ^_^ Bod'enham ^^ ' Bellar'mine V -x^X- \> f^ Bel'lerby \f Beller'ophon V\ Bid'dulph .1. Bid'dy V .. vv Bid'etbrd lii ^ "^ Bod'min X N - Boe'thius .fe ^-^ Bog'nor . x-^J-^v vc+^Bel'lingham ! J Y ^-vx^ Bid'stone \ ^ Bogue V V Bel'more * J Bi'erley " -t^' Bohe'mia \ x ^f? K . cs Beloochistan' V J >r > Bel'per \ . \^ Big'gleswade c] i Big'low ^j" \_ o. Boi'leau A^ Bokha'ra V^- VT Belsbaz'zar ^ J Bel'ton V\ --y^ B ! lba '? V^~^ Bil'lericay V ^ Bol'ingbroke \yo-^. \^\ Belzo'ni ^V^~/\ /**S~^ Bil'Hnge ^* -/ Bem'bridge Billingham \^/? \^. Bena'res \/^ s f ..0:^5 Bil'lingsgate XV^ Bol'ivar \t/~*~' v/1^ Bolo'gna X^ V J Bol'ton 1 : Ben'edick Tl* Bil'lingshurst ^-- X_x Bombay' V^.^..\ /" Ben'enden ~\I ' Ben'gal \/P- Vr Bil'ston J ^V Bin'field *^~ ^"\^ Bo'naparte ^y_. X Bon'iface \^__yf" V^ Bengue'la ^ Ben Lo'mond \_^^ \^> Ben Xe'vis ^D ' Benin' ^ . \. Bing'ham ^-^^ 7 Bing'ley v V~ Bin'ney >J S Bi'on ^"^f Bonn <,_ir" X.,j Bon'nycastle ~*~* '( Bon'sall X"^^ /q X. BonVilstone V^. \^- Ben'jamin i'V *V Birk'beck ^^J IT .J' Boo'tan AT, i Ben'nett \_^ "r] Bir'kenhead >>x/j % Booth \i_>^ v Ben'nington *\__ ^ Bir'kett Bordeaux' J v-iEC' Ben'son V^. .. Ben'tham *^ Bir'mah t \ i _ s- _.i_ x %, Bir'mingham VX' Bordes'ley i*-x Bore'ham IK ** Ben'tinck p- Bir'stall *\./f *- . Bor'gia \_ V_^_ Bent'ley v. \J\-' Bis'cay 1 V " Bor'neo y- J Ben'ton o^" N ' Bish'op's Cas'tle ^-f erri Bish'opsgate KX^-^ N^ 5 ^ Bornou' ^^ * ^/ Bor'oughbridge __> Xj.,^^ Bor'oughgreen \/vr^ v x^Z Bereni'ce \J/\o?^ Bish'op's Stort'- ^^ ' Bosan'quet * ^s Bere Re'gis \ * ford *ey- \^ Bos'castle V j^ Vy^> Ber'esford ^^ Ber'gen X^/S \^-. Bish'opton v .r * Bis'ley ^ " Bos'nia XV , v Bos'phorus v y< \ w Berke'ley V-^/~" ^V Bis'marck ^^ T Berkhamp'stead .J^ Bit'ton Vx< ^^ Bossuet' Xp N^- Bos'ton \_y, Berks iS^ K_rX: Black'burn J- Bos'well .^ Berk'shire \x ^^ Blackfri'ars cv^ X , Berlin' \_ < L-/ Black'ley * ) Ber'mondsey *"> Black'lock < if 1 Bos'worth >^ V L Botes'dale V&-, 'V Bermu'das - ^ Black'moor < < Both'well ^ Ber'nard V^nfr *- ^ Black'pool (^ y-- Bot'ley \y N^/ Berne ^- v ^_ ^- Black'wall v S. Bou'cher Ber'ridge x ~f \ 1- Bourne'mouth \^ Beth'any | ~ N Blake'ney '( V: ) Bo'vey Tra'cey \ Beth'el \_^ Blan'chard y ' Bow BOWDEN 276 CA.MPBHI.LTOWN N. ^A Bow'den C --, Broad'water ^ /ij- ^> Bowes * Broad'way > V Bus^y \/ Bush'ey ^ ' Bowling V o K _. Bowness' "^ Box'ford ? v _ Boyd \|_y *V Brob'ding;ag ^ \ 1. Bro'die ~ . , . cv , /- Bromliam ^Y~' \ Bute -[s But'ler \'n But'terley J^ Bux'ton ^* Boyle V**^ V- Y ' Bromley . V s^~\ Byng ^ \v Brack'ley Bradliourne C V^_ <^ , Bromp'ton ^* ^*^V ^V fc ^ T- * VV J Bromsgrove \ ^- Bv'rum C By'ron \ V ^- Broth'erton ^^ ^1 Cabul' Cade ._ <\ Brad'well J^ Bru'ton * Caffra'ria <\_ 5^ *-_ Bram'field ^>. ^r*f Bramley \ HQ Bru'tus y- b J- Brj-'anstone : '~ __y{T < *| Caglia'ri os'tro %_ r !L-vy Bramp'ton "t V, Br}''ant ^^ __, Ca'her ^p ^ Bran'denburg ^^| v_/? Buceph'alus Cain c \^_ x ^_ S. Bran'don \] ] Bras'sey \ i \ . Buchan' / V ^ ^^ Buchan'an ' ,' Cairns Cai'ro *\f \_p Brazil' j Braun'ston \ ^ \ i /._ Bucharest' s --^^ Buckingham Caith'ness tv Bray v N. i Buckland -^-, _/*\ Cai'us College " N ' Breage ^^ ^^ Buck'nall * Cala'bria \- <\^. Brech'in ^^ ' Breck'nock V \ Bu'da , J J Bud'dha _ J ^'*\ Cal'ais Cal'bourn t\ < Y_._^ Brec'on v iY >^ tp Bud'worth ? n 5~i, Calcut'ta " Brem'en *^ ' V-f>^ Bue'nos Ay 'res Cal'deron _ C V>. Brem'ner ^~^ i Brent'ford v ^-/ S u , fffo ". ' n_- >a Bulga na p __/"X Cal'dicott Caleb H^^_ Brent'wood o A Breslaw . ~ v >-. Bul'well =n. N' ^" c ^ Bul'wer \^ /X Caledo'nia Caliban _ ' \ Brest \> \.^. . Bum'stead _f~; ^-r /;-x Cal'icut ^ -| Brett r ^N/' Bunljury California k Bun'yan a y Bur'bidge ^ ^ ^ Calig'ula Cal'lan S--, Call'cott J Cal'lington __/"l~ Calne ' " Cal'ton .1* Brid'port <\_ Burdett' %-\ , __/^ >l Cal'vary ">^ Bri'erley V* ^ Bur'ford ^ Cal'vert ^'V^ ^ ; Brigg ,. 'N. Brig'ham \_^ *\ , Bur'goyne "^i f^ ^l. Bur'gundy ^ Cal'vin Cam >> -^^ v! Bright . V^1 X Burke s^ ^ -^^.^Cam'berwell *\ 'V Bright'lingsea vr^}. y ]~ Brigh'ton >^ " Burlington < \_^ \vv Bur'mah ^^y ' Cambo'dia _^_~ p CamTjorne <\_.p -x Brig'stock [" .) Brindi'si ^^ Bur'net ^ yy^. XV ^ Bur'ncy ^-^ ^r Burn'ham ^ ^ C'ain'i ray -^-'~ < X Cam'bria ./ Cam'bridge "X^. "V^-*. Brind'ley Y~~ ^ Bris'lington v \/S~' v --^o Burnley r-^. ^^ ^^ Burns J __^/^ Cam'den Cam'eltord <\, \ Bris'tol p- .J- Brit'ain \V c y-^ v Bur'rell Burslem ~- ^^> Cam'elot : "~^ Cam'eron ]- c \ Britan'nia v /" Bur'ton > * fc - x \X But'well & Camilla Camillus ^ ^-^ Britan'nicus \S- Bur'y ^ -T~J Cam'oons N \ . Brit'tany L, /" Brix'ton \>M Bur ' J " St Ed '" ^^; H 3 munds -~X Camp'bell ' J k Campljelltown CAMPEACHY 277 CLECKHEATON *-? -TV Campea'chy Ca'naan J ^ Ca'ton / / Cat'tegat J, Chert'sey Ches'ham ' M' O Can'ada Cat'terick / /. Chesh'ire 1 ^"V^ Cana'ries I: _K Catul'lus ) * Ches'hunt r - v -l" Candahar' - , . Cau'casus X. A Ches'ter ^ Can'dia i ^> Cav'an U ^f- Ches'terfield " ^""^1 Can'dy Can'ford r-s^ I/ Cav'endish / / / Caw'thorne [ , f V Ches'terton Chet'wynd S 3 Cannes ' F - Cax'ton *. if ] Chev'iot Can'ning U Cayenne' ,/ ^A Cheyne ' * "^Is , Can'nington /^ ~ i ~c/ / \ Cay'ley 1 Chica'go ^_^ Can'nock ^ Can'onbury "v- v- Cay'thorpe Cec'il / ^ Chich'ester Chilcomp'ton ^ Cano'va y f/u Cecil 'ia /> f P Chil'ders / : ~^~" Can'terbury y-V. /^ Cel'ebes f If f' Child'wall V* * Can'ton, t/.-S'. 6 'V) D u Ce'lia b Tf f-*- Chil'ham : -p rv Canton', China ?T3- / Cel'sus h L Chil'i u M Can'tyre CX <~ij Cen'ci Chill'cott Cap'per Q '. /\ i> Cenis' /> )S /v Chil'lingworth ' > V Ca'pri Chad'wick Chalde'a ct -t Chlo'e Cholm'ondeley / JL Ca'rey /.,. /^. Chal'font 1 Chorassan ' Carew' Chal'lis ^_ J^_, Chor'ley -_/ A ~f" Car'ibbee i^rti /^"S- Chal'mers ^" ^M Chor'leywood : '3* V Carin'thia J Chalons' Z^lx r^f Chorl'ton 1 * Car'isbrook l^/? /. Cham'berlain J Christ : ^ Car'leon Car'lisle Car'low x^-b <-- ' Cham'bers Champagne' Chan'ning ^tt Christ'church Christia'na i-hris'tie _/T J~~ Carl'ton / / Chan'trey Christi'na o Car'oline 1* ?"! / 7 Charles'ton \" "inderel'la I G Carpa'thian r^~ S P~ - Char'leville r ^^ Jin'derford y : o Car'rick .1 Char'ley g^ o^l Circas'sia ' Carrickfer'gus J' 1^ Char'lotte ^7" i Cir'ce __/^" - ,f Car'rington x J Charl'ton o^\ ^ r ~> J ' Ci'rencester * 1 1 Car'roll 2"'. 21 Char'minster J Clackman'nan /> VI " Car'ron /-~<3 A-> Char'mouth !,. ^ = Clan'ricarde c 6 J Carshal'ton '"^C, i-s. Cha'ron ^"^ Clap'ham ? 'L Car'thage Carthage'na Cart'wright Cash'el ^)" * Let Char'terhouse Charyb'dis C hateau'briand Chat'ham Chat'teris c *\ / ^^ ^ Clap'perton Clar'a Clare Clare'mont Clar'ence ~~2 : ^ Cash'mere /' / % / Chat'terton J Clar'endon ^ . ^ I Cas'pian Sea L K i Cassan'dra J^ Chau'cer Chea'dle ^ ^~x_ Claris'sa Clark : 6 Cas'sel {SB Cheapside' f s o > Clark'son r-p^ X^ Castile' if ( -&, Cheet'ham ^''Hs 'Clat'worthy : fa Cas'tleford vl -^ Chelms'ford f-j 'r-j- Claude' ^ V^T "T^ Cas'tlereagh /? , -. Cas'tleton j ), ^^^ Catalo'nia , / n Cath'arine ; Vp ^ Clau'dia Clau'dio ClaJMius Clav'erhouse Clav'erton v/ Cath'erine /^-i- Ls^~*T~ Cher'iton c f-\~ c |- Clay'ton -7v* ~i"~l Cat'iline " Cher'rington J -J Clea'ton Ca'to ^ Cher'son ^2 Cleck'heaton CLEMENT 278 CYTHEREA c o c-^^^j Clem'ent 1 ^ _^^ Con'naught ^-Ax_ ( __ v _y-^ Cran'ford >-* Clementi'na ' Connecticut Cran'mer ^v^ P y *s~ Cleopa'tra pc^ r^-- Con'nel cv\ Cras'sus T ClerTtenwell Con'nor r^ *"> Cra'\-en c x c -v Cler'raont 1 J \p Cleve'don A i Con'rad =" Con'stance 1- *\7 Cred'iton Creech c v ^ ( a Cleveland Cleves 6-v ^ Con'stantine S Constantino'ple ^ Crerao'na Cres'sida e^ ^-v. Clifford 3* Clifton / . Con'way ! ~^ cX Cooke "1 ,_ Cres'sy Crete c _,^ c Clin'ton t , '-f Cook'ham \-/ ^p Crew'keme ' ** y ' Cli'o " A Cooks'town Crich'ton ^^ "v-x Clith'eroe ' ' Clog'her t- TT\ Coop'er ' Co'os =-^ /I Crick 1 Cricklade c_ > _J''~ =_, Clonmell' TX ' Copeland C 7^ Crime'a Cloyne ^ "^-i Clut'terbuck Sj. vl Clyde 1 " ^^"Copenha'gen 1 \_^T Coper'nicus CT ^T-t Crip'plegate cj-7>/ Cris'pin FA. '~S Cob'bett | } Cob'den - v TV Cob'lentz ^ ' N Co'burg i~\/^ Copley 1 \ v~\p Cop'perfield .V J Cop'pleston .3i ^ Croa'tia <^ Crot-'sus -' . ( ^^ Crom'arty r"7^V ; A Coch'in Chi'na ' ' Coch'rane FT^ fr-ii/ Cordelia > ' Cordilleras ' ^y Crom'bie c x_p Crom'wcll ' '^ ~ c ~ Cock'erham . ;- c ? r~T^ Cock'ermouth /t. Cor'dova 1 Core'a ._ Corfe c-^~* T\- Cron'stadt c _^> Crosljy 1 Crossland ^* Cod'rington ^VJ Corfu' /^ ,_ Cross'lcy -^v Corna'ro ^, c-f) Crowland *frj_ e L_. Col'chester t~^Y t^ -/ Corneille' "T"^ Crow'ther " ~~ Cold'stream Cornelia ?~i~ c ~l. Crov'don , . ~>T_ Cole'ford fc-^ v" 5 " Cornelius J ' J CruMen 1 ^\ . -x f~, . . Coleman * ; ' Comhill' ' c ', x Cruik'shank __f\ n Colen'so jf ?f Corn'wall 2- " (.' ru'soe i /" *i-S' Coleraine' i ; ^ Cornwallis \ Cu'ba ,_./\ ,, s- Cole'ridge ^\~^^~~\f- Fy Coroman'del \ > Cuck'field ^r-l T-> Coles'hill '" Correglo T/i ' ^s-, Cud'worth S _s- Collard ^~- Cor'sham S ' Cul'len ' ' Col'lett |rns ~^ ' Cor'sica ^ _>q Culliford __T^ rr Collier V *V-! Collingbrook i Cos'sacks ^ Cullo'den 1-^-, Cul'lumpton rr": rr Collingham *"*^ V *A Col'lingwood rr rr n Collins ^ ^^ Collinson "77" f* Col'man ; ^i~ _^ Cos'sington 1 Cotliara _^_^ '~~J- Cot'tenham ^~^~ "*^\ Cot'tesmore r-V- Cott'rell ' Cum'berland '^s Cum'ming ^- / Cum'nock " ' Colne - v: " Courland ^s^2-^ Cunard' -^C 1 t-Vl- Cologne' cK.^- Court'ney "S Cun'ningham Colora'do Vs: -1 Cov'ent \ Cu'par ^O ., Colos'sus Gar'den ^ ] Cu'pid ~"^^ Colquhoun' _/S- r~\" Col'ston .s *** Cov'entry ' ^* ** Cov'erdale 7 x/j Curdistan' * Cur'ran ~ ' J Col'ton TTi rr< Colum'bia ~ , Tr'V Cov'erley '^ ./ Cov/bridge eH ~l Cur'rie '' Cur'tis - ^ Colum^o 1. Cow'den ~^i 4> Cuth'bert r7> P-V Colum'bus A Cow'en ^> J Cux'ton f~ ColVille o f~' Cowes P-i Cuz'co P-i _^-^ Col'vin A " Cowley i t- Cyclades ' ' Co'mo ; "i, ; t- Comp'ton J Comte Cox c v j^ Crabbe f\ /T. Cyclops Cym beline Cyn'thia Is"!" -o Concor'dia ' ' Cra'cow t * Cyp'rian J" Confu'cius ^^X/ 7 Craig y crx>- Cy'prus -c j x V" 1 ^T Con'gleton Cranljorne ** Y Cyr'il Con'go T~^-\_,^~ 1 ~VCran'brook vO Cy'rus t-? Con'greve ' Cran'field y~ Cythere'a DAGENHAM 279 DUNDEE 1.^1 &~~^~ Do'herty K_/> .X Delarue' Dolgel'ly < r^" Delaware' I- Q t^ Dom'bey 1^9 l^?v Del'hi ^~^~>~ Domin'go St r , 1- Dag'enham K < ' Del'hi (U.S.) . |" . Dom'inic "-^ r Da'gon [^ J. Daho'my ,.JT , x 1 Deli'lah K \T Delisle' Domini'ca P \~4\ Domit'ian ^" Da'kin J^TV L^TT Del'phi *"* * ' Donaghadee' l^-\ P' 7 Dalhou'sie Del'phos (~ 1^3 Don'aldson '-' r * Dalkeith' p-o p-^-X Dal'las Lxi- . / Del'ta *> Demera'ra ^x Don'caster [~ r Don'egal * Dalma'tia Liy, U- Deme'trius ^t*" \|^ Don'nington 1/T" P^R^ Dal'ston ^g ^^^b Democ'ritus I'x T Do'ra J J Dal'ton \y" r %~ Daly t^b 1^ Demos'thenes Dor'cas |""xt I'/ Dor'chester K" Dal'ziel \iP. ^"\( Den'bigh "^ Do're ^5! P-^_O Dam'aris 1 .. 1 Den 'ham T T 1" Dor'king Damas'cus Den'is ^-^ ^^ Dor'mer 1 |_ Damiet'ta [ 1 j Den'man p^ \/^~\~* Dor'othy *| Dam'ocles ^* ** Den'mark ^ * " Dor'rington l~, I. Da'mon ";\ Dam'pier 1 I Den'ton L*. J ^ Dept'ford |^J> p-P Dor'set '1 J) Dor'setshire I' 1 Dan U V -v ./- T , ,, ^\/ Dan bury J 1 i De Quin 'cey I/V lX\ Der'by I; | . Dort v Douay' I 1 Dan'by ^ V Dan'iel (. [~ Dan'te H' d-^ Dant'zic .y 1 Der'byshire 1 1 ^^^ Dere'ham iV^ lx ^ Der'went I. |. / Des'borough 1 |- Doug'las ^~ Y~ Dove'dale I, IA Do'ver (^ Dow'ling llxv L-T> Dan'ube ^;S Dan'vers I IU.. Daph'ne ll ~'- KX D'Ar'blay t *V > )^ Descartes' U| Desdemo'na i . Detroit' V Det'tingen 1 A I A' Down'end ^^ ^^ Down'ham , . - Downpat'rick ^\\ v4J) Lij - Down'shire l/\- 1 Dar'by 1,^ Devi'zes L; ^ " Down'ton ^? Dardanelles Vb Dev'on p. ^ Doyle |/\ Kx3 Dar'field t Da'rien I-/ . 1 / n Dev'onport lj -% X u< ' I T . +. . v X Devonshire Drake I. 1 Dray'ton l' o V"K Dari'us *** J Dar'laston T^^'" I'-a Dar'lington " T Darm'stadt L | v Dews'bury oC -/ v^x T -. . , * ^\/ JJia na 1 . , Dib'din S. U UDick J' 3 Dres'den 1 , V Drif'field I \^\ DrogTieda J ,/ Droit'wich |>\ l/1_ Dart'ford X Dart'mouth ^ , r^X? Dar'ton J. Dick'ens 1 Dick'enson I -^ L S I* Diderot' . 1~ n ^ Dromore' ^^ H Ci Dron'field 1 .r V^ Dront'heim Dar^win V 1 T-l -t J Di do 1 '!/ Drum'mond bo U~^~^ Dau'phiny JN Didot' V s Dru'ry Dav'enham 1 . . Dids'bury) T/_- 1 V Drusil'la ILi/v, k-i-0 Dav'enport J , L L\ Dieppe' * J. Dry'den ^^C- 1. Dav'entry V' *> ^ Dig'by J I , Dub'lin 1. ! Da'vey V, "1 Da'vid L'H- Da'vidson !t Da'vid's St L-b |v Dil'lon *^ Di'nah [ . U Din'gle *-*- VT Din'ton 5^. ^^V Duck'infield yf Duck'worth L!-J/ 'l_^^ Dud'dington ( ( Da'vies Vj, \ Da'vis [ [ Da'vison VjjV Dav'itt I. 1^. Da'vy l v ~ o^A -J" Diodo'rus Sic'u- [;? " CJJ Diog'enes [lus | v ~ 1 Dionys'ius S3" *5_ Dip'lock I I Dud'ley ,V~ % Duf'ferin 1 , Duf'field 1 K^ s K7 Dul'verton -> J Dul'wich L. Daw'ley p") , Daw'lish Daw'son V~. - / ' Dis'ley * #S Disra'eli 1 1 Diss 1 / r^S*. Du'mas J~ Dumbar'ton I 1 Deans >-o Di'ves . _ [^ Dumfries' V*>-. Deb'enham 1. J_ Deb'orah * Dnie'per "X ^- Dec'ca ^>. \~ Dnies'ter (. 1 Dunblane' 1 I . Dec'can Dodd ^^ ' Dun'can ^ Deck'er . Ded'dington' 1 A ' Ded'ham Dod'dington 1 . P/ &rf Dod'dridge S T > ' Dods'well 1 I Duncan'non li _j *^9 LiiN Dun'church / " Dundalk' T" Dee 1 Defoe' *s Dod'well S^X' Dog'berry 41 Dundas' ^-|. Dundee' DUNDONALD 280 EZRA li-j- 1 Dundon'ald S' ^^-^-V. Dunferm'line [^ ^y LL Dungan'non ' C_P Dungeness' IL/* . ^ Ed'win Eg'bert ,l> ? Ege'ria J" Kg'erton -=-J~^ Eg'ham " i~ ,.^0 Eg'linton '^^ "7* Ep'som VK V ',>' u , orth Eras raus ^X|- ~A Er'ato , 'furl 1 \ 1. Dun'hara Dunkirk' ' Eg'remont -v Er'ic -V ^ l''.'ri(.- li/T\ LL- .-eX" Dun'lop Dunman'way ./ '^^^p E'gypt Jv Ehrenbreit'stein -x "^ Kr 'in Kr'ncst Lf*s Li^-x Dunmore' 1 Dun'mow fc .-v Elaine' f^ El'ba "X ~\ Er'skine O 3 ^t 1 T-* ' \~i Erzenun 1" lix*\a Dunn j^. rj- Elbe )" ^ ^\?. E'sau Dunra'ven ' ^ El'don ' l'',scula'pius 1 . Du'rer |>" T* lu> Dun'stable \ J Dun'stan /^p^ /" El Dora'do "^ El'eanor XS^S ^^>_<' Elea'zar J' Es'senden A. ^ Dun'ster ^| Elephan'ta i^o Es'sex Dur'ham K, J-. Dur'rant X~ xi El'gin ' E'li *^ or j Es'ther Durs'ley /= .-, E'lia ) H, .(/\ Estremadu'ra 1 1 Dut'ton '" ' v - Eli'as Is/ Eth'olbald -J- % Dwight | v Dwi'na XP> /7? Elie'zer ' ' Eli'hu (j-A , xl Eth'clbort v Eth'elred *-* P Dy'raond r r, Dy'sart ZTJ- y~\ Eli'jah ' ln ' El'iot / V^j x\ EthVluald *> ^ Dy'son /O- /O' Eli'sha " ^ Eli'za fa -1 Ethio'pia X, N-' Et'na '/*\ .^ Eliz'abeth ( * El'land Ix- 1" Eto'lia ^- /* El'lenborough '"I ^[ Eu'clid K u gone' ('., ~^i Ea'ling '(P~~^\ /~\ El'lesmere ^/ ,^_a Eu'genie ^*^ ./* Earn'shaw El'liott ^ Eu'nice ~^ .}_., Ears'don J" J" Eas'ington ) (T\ W> Eas'ingwold ^- i/ East'bourne .^ El'lis f '*-' El'lison .s-,-. A^> Elm'sley J^ El'phinstone <^_ A^^ p^uphra'tes ^,. ^_ Eurip'ides \/\ Eu'rope , -ii East'ham if XH^ El'sinore j Euryd'ice "^"* Li East In'dies V J El'ton ") ) EuseTjius \_^^ .") East'ington /^ ci^ E'ly ^so ^ Eus'tace J JT P^as'ton '^- El'zevir r) n_ Eus'ton iT \^_pX Eat'on <^*f ,-^y Eman'uel J" "Xo Eutro'pius Ebene'zer " Em'ary _^v t Eux'ine Y Emman'uel / /nf\ Em'sworth C .(y, F.N-'orott ] { Ev'ersloy 1 -1 F'den J' 'r T^J^ Ed gar "-^-P 1 En'dor \ *"* Endym'ion C Vr Ev'crton J- 'ham Sp '_j\ Edg'baston ^\ . . En^field 2\ sf Ew'art ^r ^ ( u ' n o x Edge'combe ^^9 or ^T En'gland s^Z ^- Eu'ing L^- ./>-f Edgehill' v Edge'worth ^>Y | sj ^ v Edge'worthtown J A ^N^\ Edinburgh ' En'nis ^y_A ^j_,^ Enniscor'thy I v Enniskillen ( ^ / Ex'bourne . p .. ~^\ Ex'bury ^^ '' Ex eter . j "^7 Ex minstor .1 Ed'ison ^_j, ., E'noch Ex mouth *-^ ( E'dith 1 ^^ En'sor ~ : ~f- ^x Ex ton .| , .1^ Ed'mondson V. CN. Eph'esus J v ' Ev lau 1 ' ^~^] N Ed'monton 5~ ^^ Eph'raim -s, )."- Eyre [^ ^p^ Ed'raund 1 ' E'dom .1 Ed'ward \_^ \ y Epicte'tus ^f " v Epicu'rus * Ezo'kiel V Ez'ra FABIAX 281 GERARD F ^-^. x V .0 Fin'don (^^j^ ^V Freycinet J V/ Finisterre' x FriTjurg V ^- . Fa'bian V-., V_ o Fin'land ~/^> (Add ^ . ,,. ^^ ^\S Fins'bury f^ the hook Friendly ^ V^ Fabric'ius Vj. j. Fish'er in vocalizing) \ c /\/ > Vi/^_c Fair'bairn t? Fish'guard *fr Fries'land Fair'fax V^/V, Vr Fair'field u/o V> Fitzclar'ence ^r Fitzarer'ald ^L e j. Frith ( ^ FrodsTiam f 4_ Fair'ford V^ -. C. Fa'kcnham -^ Vo'X Fitzher'bert "^ c\ Froe'bel ^ N/ Fitzoz'borne \ *\ Froissart' *^~* f-f^i Fal'coner y- /= Fal'kirk v ^Falkland \, ^-- Fitzpat'rick 1 : * Fitz'roy ^ , v, Frome ^~> J Froude i-c-x i 2^~^ Ful'tord /l x V Ful'larton t^ \A. Fan'ny Q; Q' n Flax'man VX J _r Fuller Far'aday J^ Flax'ton V_/1~ V;, Ful'ton Vr r/ 4* Fare'ham >A-^ J Far'ingdon 0^ C Fleet'wood "^ ^-^~^^ Flem'ing r Fu'seli Vfe Fust ^/^-i" ^^/^ Far'ington / rv- /o Flo'ra Farn'bam ^^ ^-/ Flor'ence _ V ^_ _^ GaTsriel .- ?/ ^.^ Farn 'worth Cl/l' O ~-t^ Flor'ida " ^* Gain'ford \S*\ VA Far'oe Islands ' ^~~ Flush'ing T"- 1 ^/ r^N Gains'borough ,. f ,. s" Far'quhar S- V^_p Foles'hill Gai'us ^-^ ^f Far'rar ,. <^-, Faust ^i J s Folke'stone \f \j^. C < Folk'ingham _/TT; (^1, Gal'ashiels Galate'a ^ g Faus'tus SJ ^ Fol'let _/= _^O- Ga'len ^TV "VQ Fav'ersham '^M.x ^- /^ Fontainebleau' Galic'ia ^ 1 Faw'cett ^^ Forbes /7H '- / Galig'nani V <_c ^, Fawkes (Guy) 1 Fayette' V^ ^C^^^ Eord ~* FordTiam ^S Gal'ilee St^f^T Galile'o v v /~)v Feath'erstone ^P ^* S ?!/ j; ' r ehc la ^^L/V \^/|v Fordingbridge' / For'dj-ce J ' ' Gallip'oli fi^ sT/Z Gal'loway r ' , Gal'way \J '\y r \S Fe'lix - ^ i- if ?~ *~| Gamaliel Fel'lenberg ^^/\ X^. * or lar . , r^ Gambet'ta V -,>~~* Vi^~ Feltliam \ ) ormo sa _ ( ^ N ' ~f Gam'bia ^ J ~^ Fel'ton ,- \^/ For'ster "' Gan'ges >V^^, Fen'church (, Fen'elon ^^ y ^ Forsyth' "C^/V. ^C/f For'tescue "~" ^ Forth <-t_^. Gar'dener Gar'diner cr , ^3 Gard'ner , ^^^^ Fen'ning J Fen'ton . ., *\ Fer'dinand ^v O^i Fortrose' g ' b Fortuna'tus '^ Gar'grave g^/n /* Garibal'di Gar'onne Fer'gus *\_p/, c \~^, Fer'guson ^_^ T- t~f Fow'Ier _/{ _o ,_ Garth Gas'conj' ^ Fernan'dez V- ^i.'N -. Foj'hill ~n C GatesTiead i -/ , v Ferra'ra ^~^~^^ Fram'ingham f ' Gaul / V ' Fer'ro cs. ,s_^ N^N^_ Fram'lingham J Framp'ton ~ ""]" Gau'tama J Gay'ton vj^ v^ J'er'rv *\ ^ France TV ^ Ga'za \^\ V^ Fer'rybridge o/ Fran'ces Gehen'na / i-- Festus ^S ^^ Fran'cis /.. ^J Gene'va \j\ , Feth'ard (J i" Fran'conia V ~^"\ Gennes'areth ij- ^l > _ / _^.o Frank ^ (/ Geno'a . V Fez'zan ^ ^vT" Frank'enstein i V! Geoffrey ^^ -f Field'ing ^3 V^c-^ Fies'ole i ' Fig'aro ^^ c. S: Frank'fort ' -? Frank'lin *\ c \_^ Guin'ea ***> ^^ Ger'vase 1 ^ Gos'port ^^ Guin'evere f. ~"7._^ Ges'ner ^-^ Geth'semane, 7- ,-f Gosse Gos'sett ay o Guis'borough ^ / * " Guise Gey'sers TT?" ' b "^ Ghauts c-- ~T|' Gos'well HT Go'tha ) __/^> Gui'zot Gul'liver Ghent ^^ i~l GotTiard St _-^ "^^P Gun'ning /^' & x Gi'ant's Cause' - *" Goth'land Gun'ston ^r*^ way i |. v r~| . Got'tenburg ~vi-i^ cfv_^ Gun'ton v . Gib'bon \/ V Got'tingen " ~~^ Gur'ncy * Gibbs V / /""" Gib'eon V Gibraltar "^to/, ~~P Gib'son r^ 7- Gough - Gould _-^3 Gounod' 1 A '' Gow'er f\ Gusta\ us Vic Guth'rie ""!] ~v~ Gut'tenberg V^^ Guy Gid'eon ? r ^9 Grac'chus .., Guy'on _ex ,. .Q c Gifford Gig'gleswick ^ _O Gil'bert / Grace'church r\ , Grafton J v rr ^^ GraTiam ' Guzerat' * '" Gil'ead "7 c- J' c^_^ Gran'ada /o s^s Gil'lics ^ Gran'by <-^-N/VI^ Haarlem ' r Gil'ling l *~*~\i^ a Grand'ison Hab'akkuk _/ N ~ ; '~" Gillingham Grant "^M, ^~^V GrantTiam / ? Hack'cl - Hack'et _/\. / Gil'pin ' ^ I- Giot'to .1 Gran'ville ..^j-^ f~j - Gras'mere Had'denham *P t^-v^^ Glad'stone - Glamor'gan 7 - 1 Grat'tan e _ s CT V Hague ' Hahn'emann c_c c^> Glos'sop .t->, * Greaves .^-^ . - Hail'sham "*^ i Glouces'ter r, ( _ T ^) Greece v * Hai'nau C.T* Glouces'tershire c ~^ Greenland j?-T3 --- Hall's J ^ Glov'er , c ~^j r Green'ock Hales'owen __ ,7 Go'a ( ' God'alming . __ God'dard ' * God'frey Grcen'wich . /' C ~" S -T Greg^ory 1 Gren'ada e-vi-i GrenoTjle /i- .^"^ Hal'ifax r ^-c r Hal'lam y 7 " /" Hal'lett ~B~~> Hara'raersmith . ^ Hara'mond v\ Cape of Grote - r ^-> _/1 Good'enough ^J7^ ^^H Gro'tius *-\ l Hamp'den J y Hamp'shire ' ' ' Good'rich Grun'dy >-x *-^ Hamp'stead t v ^o * r ~l" Gor'bals "^^ J Gordon . v/ ^^v Guadalaxa'ra T; ' Guadaloupe' Hamp'ton ., S-^i Ham'stcad / PT^:-^ Goree' ^n ^ XL, Guatimala ' " Han'rock ' Gorgonzola ^j . v Gor'litz 1 ^> Gorst ^ Gortchakoff' t ' Guel'derland ^, _X> Guelph l ' ^- c Guern'sey *~*-' Guia'na -v- x>^ Han'del -^, Hexliam Hej-'lin Hea'ton .xtx y- Heytesljury < Hey'wood C^-r^ \' St- ' Han'way ' Han'worth Har'borne ,xA x'X'X Heav'itree .!. J-./ Heb'denbridge 0' ^f if- Hezeki'ah \ Hiawa'tha V V Hiber'nia s/* VT v_ Har'court Hard'castle Hardicanute' ^ < He'be * > * He'ber S>- 4C Heb'rides Zi> A Hicks J> Hicks-Beach' ^ ^ Har'ding Hard'wick .{,. ^ He'bron 9. x . Heck'ington ^^*p o Hec'la z >- 9 Hicks Pasha' ^ Hig'gins ^ \ Har'dy Hares'field J _ 9 Hec'tor ^^ Hec'uba ^ A High'bury ^~] High'gate xX'i ^y^~~~ Harc'wood ^Lii^ x< Hed'ingham % I;L Highlands <( Har'lech ' He'gel ^ ^\ High'worth ^Y^ ''S^^i' Har'ley Har'lington A 2r Hei'delberg "N_ ^^ Heigh'am >^ ,/} Hil'ary 1 Hil'da ^vr -S Har'lowe l Hei'ne r^. Hil'lier V^j Har'man * ' Hel'en K^\ " Hil'lington x x tf^ Hele'na St /** l^\ HiHs'borough J" Hil'perton /^ J ' S Har'rington Har'ris 9- Cl 1>-v Hel'ens St "V4P r "d Hel'iers St o~ .f Hil'ton ' Himala'ya S" s Har'rison Har'row js-^ 1 -* Y\~\ Hel'igoland ' Hel'oise fc^" x._^ Him'raaleh ' Hinck'ley x<\ . xfH d. Har'rowby Har'rowgate -x-\ y^\. Helps ' ^ *J Hel 'stone ^t X^-l Hind'ley '* Hindoo* ^ 'v Har'ry Hart'field XI" /'V 7 Hel 'ton r ^^ Helve'tia o s^-s Hindoostan' Hin'ton .< fy^ Hart'ford / ..^ He'mans /\. /~r* ' /\r-\ Hippar'chus >. ,r Hart'ington ^^ > "^-' Hem'mings o ^*^ tf Hippoc'rates < -*\ Hart'land <^ /^f Hems'well f*^. His'cock "V Vv Hart'lebury ^ Hems'worth cT" "i Hispaniola . .- , Hart'lepool ^^\/' x^-i-Ax Hen'bury c s\o Hodges' & ^o* Hob'house J^J 'f '0 Has'lingden ,/\ -n i r. /I x\ Hod'son His'tines ' /^L^-^ r x -Hensmgnam ^v Vi^ ^^~^~^ T^TriflT'maTi '^r-| X Heracli'tus (f b a Herat' fv S/^- Her'bert . ^ ^ Hogg s\^ /\ Hol'beach <5T V Hav'elock 4^ /-n X^ 1 Her'cules ./ "" Hol'beck 't_ f^y^ Ha\''erfordwest " ' o Her'eford ^s~\f x^x-^ Hol'bein ^exf " Hav'erhill ^?\ *\ Herefordshire . Hol'born o ?- Hawes * J Herne s ^\ s ^*\ Hol'brook c Haw'ick "S. >"1 Hern'hutt Hol'croft ^hA ^-o ^\^ HawkesTjury Hawkes'worth Haw'kins Haw'thorne ^f Her'od 5-1"" .> ' Herod'otus 6 t o Her'rick S^. , Her'schell <" x~-^T Holds'worth Hol'inshed ^.x-^- Hay 'ley tffi <. ^ Hesi'od /-T) Hol'stein ^ Haj''man ?"* Hes'se Cas'sel , * /q Holt r*a Hay'ti 1 < Hes'se Darm'- <\ Hol'j-head .Xl xx\ Hay'ward T .J stadt ,-X" Hol'yoake ^_ Ha}-'\vood ^ / Hes'ter S ' Hol'pvell HOMBURG 284 JEREMY >-\, c-~. Hom'burg *- <^ Ho'mer 2/x" 5 7 V Hux'ley ^ Huy'gens s- s~. I'sla v '- - Isle of Wight' S~-\ 3> > ' *" Hondu'ras \ ^ " Hong Kong" V X Hy'd^abad v\^_?/ ^v_i- Isle'worth * " Is'lington J*~]~ S\ Hon'iton >^ y^X Hy'men ^' _^ Isoc'rates v ' ' Hood -/" Hypa'tia ^>- NJ^ 3 Ispahan' c - iv Hook'er 6 ' Hoop'er <( Hjthe Vf i } s ! ra . el I Is tna /V^ S. Hop-kins HOT ace 1^ . / It'aly Itch'en ./)* V Hora'tio < > Hor'field I i I'vanhoe \ V Ives St S^ \~\ Horn'castle X7~ ^ ^ a '& V V> 'Jf Iv - i( - a Hor'ner ~ Iceland v^/-^ 1 -^ I'vo'rj- Coast /x A < Hor'sa 1 *> "Vx Horse'fall ' ' Hors-ham , v--v_/* Ich'abod ^^ ' I'colmkill 1' vH Fda Ixi'on f*)(~* '^^\ Hors'ley Id'desleigh T J" Horten'sius - 1 s^l Igna'tius J 2t Hor'ton '^- < HorVich <*" ' Il'chester /^ /*\_^! H'ford / / JaTjesh < <, Hose'a ' Il'fracombe xy XT Ja'bez Hot'spur /]* y^? Hough'ton of Imman'uel V Ja'go St /A ^ How'ell fiCl n How'itt J" 1 Hox ton 2? rt-SV Hov'land ^^^-i. ^-1" In'cledon J ' In'dia vj*L^ 'L^ Indian'a \r In'dies East /^_ AI> Jamai'ca James fi^,, [ Jame'son J* James'town Hub'bard c/ ^ ; t ^--u In'dies West / r Jane /%. 4> Hu'bert / ... T " * ^ y Hud'dersfield Ing'ham s&Ls< J anei r' yl^ *) Hud'son s - x vy ^<< .^In'gleborough j, Jan'et *^ 7 - Hugh ^ x J In'gleton Ja'nus o Hughes "" i Hu'go ^_ jr HUH ^""^ In'glishcombe ^^tc . In'goldsby Iv /^ Jardine' *^ \iQ y~-*~ Hun'fleet v \/ V, I'owa Jed'do Hun'gary cy Ips'wich x~-J^^ ^^ Hun'gertord y>^ VI- Ire'land ^ / eff V^/^ Jefferson * Hun'slet v J Ire'ton g-j y^ Hunt "A r> i/1 Irkutsk' 7 '( Tef feries ffg ) Jeffries o Hunt'er S i ~~~\- s*-*^\ Hunt'ingdon ' Hunt'ingford 1 * ^ Irrawad'dy v^. -\ I'ris VJ Ir'vine / V Je'ffry X.- -x Jehoi'akim y* i *-'J N y^ Hunt'ington ~\ vy IrVing * " jemi'ma ' Huntley ^^ ~ I'saac />- 6-c ^' n;i <^ /^ Hurd 6 v Hu'ron "V ) I'saacson ^-^ V Is'abel en'kins / __ _/ enTdnson <. u__ J j/ x Hurst HusTcisson Y vv* Isabel'la ~" ^~^ en'ner N/^" ' Isa'iah / ^h en'net o (jd^ Huss .) , Jj- Iscar'iot en'nings Hutch'ings Ish'mael / 2^ en'ny rf^sj^ y^ x Hutch'inson .J_^ ^ Ish'maelites ^ v eremi ah Hut'ton ' * ** I'sis 7^ er'emy JERICHO 285 LAING 2^ er'icho .+ ^ Kil'loe i *~~ er'ome ' Kil'lylcagh l^i / er'rold c _^-^/^~~ __/ e ^ Kilmar'nock ? .2 er'ry er'sey ^-f- x-^ Kal'mucks ^^ ' ^- Kamtchat'ka Kilmore' ^_^ _j^> Kil'ner i i** / t-""-\ eru'salem ^~T ^-^D Kandahar' Kilrush' IA. / er'vis , ~ " Kan'sas ST/* -/^Kil'wvn r VO \ i es'se = - Y Kant Kim'berley es'sica es'sie Kars'lake V^L Kash'mere *X ~^^ Kimbol'ton J ' Kincardine /*. ^ es'sop e'sus ew'ry ez'ebel ^ Kate ""T^, . 3 Kath'arine Kean "Tlv _o Keat'ing -* ^ <\ King'lake ./ Kings'bridge v-^i ^f King's' County ' Kings'down ^ ^ im oan Keats -^ f^, Ke'ble ^ ^f> Kings'land ' Kings'ley /, / oan'na ^* Keel'ing ~^- -^jj^y, King'ston \ ob 3 ~(f Keene Kingswin'ford '- / oe o'el Keighley ~{ .,- Keith ' .. ^-Hs Kings'wood King'ton A /- ohn v ' % Kel'loe o -^-f Kinross' John'son r . ..~ Kel'ly ~~^ Kinsale' /- / ohn'stone KeFsall .. - ..^ Kirk'dale "~* Kirk'ham Vi Jo'scphine "^[ ^^ Ken'drick ^ j]J",- /M Kirkhea'ton 4 f\ 6 6. t l' : !ose'phus osh'ua osi'ah osi'as ore Ken'elm y< ^ Ken'ilworth ~*^ Kentuck'y ~~~^ Ken'uyn ^., _- Ken'yon Keogh ^^ ' Knel'ler "v^J" v o\ Knight'on / Knights'bridge ^^ ^f Knollys ^ Knot'tingley ^Y ^__ n Knowles -0 Jud'kins ~^V_ N Kep ler ^ ^ Kerr ' 6 ' Knox ^1 =-^-^~^^ Knuts'ford _| ' Jug'gernaut /. c-i^ Ker'ry ' / Ker'shaw Kon'igsberg _ J / D c p Ko'riacs /, , /_' [u-j'ur'tha " r P^ Kcs'teven 1 " Kra'cow **7' fl* Y M ^ Ju Iia L^> /^>-^ Ju'Iian Kes'wick C ~T. > Kurdistan' p mb Kuriles' " " Julian'a /i fi Ju'liet Ket'tering o~| i t_ Khartoom' ^* Ju'lius ' Khi'va SCF\. ^J, Jung'frau P^ 1_ =. Khorassan' n Ju'nius " Kid'dermmster Cj- \ 4 U ' n -I ^^ ^^ Kil'burn t *" Lac'cadives i \. Jupiter __/- f \ /T Kilbur'nie xtx /C^Us LaceTjy /> g/. Tu'ra Kil'da 11 Lacede'mon j. Jus'tin c ~i. ^"l Kildare' /^~) f^\- La'cj- yC i Kild'vvick Ladrones' T\ c/~ J ustm lan ^ ,- Kilken'ny ^V- C^.^, Lafayette' g Justus ^-; f^ Killa'la ><] ^~3 - Lafontaine' / L Jut'land -A" .y^ 1 - Killa'loe I? /^ Ju'venal v L Killar'ney f*L s-*^s Lahore' ' \ ' Laing LAKENHAM 286 LONGMAN .^ xix^ --r~v^ l La'kenham r\ rf Le'ar x 6 ,^~ Lil'ian ' Lamartine' f Leath'erhead r /^' Lil'leshall x-* 1 "^ f Lam'berhurst f\^> s^- Leb'anon f* ,v^ Lil'liput Lam'bert fs f ^ Lebrun' f* r Lil'ly f^t f~^*\ Lara'beth * ' Lam'bourne r^~b r~- Leckharap'ton Leck'y (^ x^^ 1 ' Li'ma LimTaer ST^S -;_,_/) Lan'ark r+-^ ^k Leclerc' r^\~ x^J? Lira'burg ' * Lanarkshire Led'bury "'V / A T _ B 1 -imc house ^^-n -^^0 Lan'cashire fL r^ Leeds ,-^. x-^TS Lim'erick Lan'caster 1 D f Leek ' .V Limps'field ^o C^~fc Lance'lot f*\ Lees x^^r= {^~^J Lin'coln Lan'chester S&* Lee'ward ' ^ Lincolnshire si. *3~^ Land'port i yy Islands C**^r /^) Lind'field ^ Land'seer /^ * /* -i ?" Legge ' Lind'sey s^a* s^~s^ Land's End' ' Lane' End * A Leghorn' Legrand' ^ x/^( Lin'ley I ' i Linlith'gow s~*s C~\^ Lang B Leib'nitz X-v^p s^~^c Linnai'us Lang'dale ^ {\ Leices'ter r^z Lin'thwaite j^y\ f^^~^ Lang'ford * Lang'ham ' r . J Leices'tershire Leigh f^k x-^<^( Lin'ton Lin'wood XN^-X /^r" LangTiorne ' s ' ' Lang'ley ^\, Leigh'ton Buz'- zard or ' ^^ Lip'ari x>_xxx /^-T/ Lang'port '- v Lan'gridge r ^v^ Lein'ster Leip'sic (^ ,-BV Lis'bon ' * Lis'burn C^~y~ /f"!' Lang'ton /"/ XL, Leith /%~ /* LisTceard Lan'guedoc Lei'trim f f Lisle (^fi ff\ Lans'down .)/ Laodice'a i Le'land Lem'nos ^ ^L Lisraore' i- Lithua'nia ,0 /^\x> Laplace' /^^]" s~~i- Len'ton x^- ,-5v Lit'tlebury f. ND \? Lap'land J r Le'o n X Lit'tleham ^\. C\. La Pla'ta x- x ^> x"^ Leora'inster /]- ff\t Lit'tlejohn J Lapu'ta f r* Le'on (a'tleport x--^l ^/\ Lard'ner /"" /^ t Leon'ard S3" aLit'tleton ' Laris'sa / '" -b Leon'idas f' Liv'erpool ^^-vr^Lark'field x^ ^> Leono'ra Le'opold ^ ^\-^_n Liv'ersedge ;J1 Liv'mgstone r - Lark ins x~\ C\_ Las'sa ^S-r^ Lepan'to Lor'xvick ^^ ^. Livo'nia ' Liv'y ' Lataki'a /v9 x^>^ Le Sage' f^~\ vC 1' LlandafF' /^x-> /"C^ La'tham r Les'lie ll (A n( l so with the La'thom _^ ^ Lesseps' five following words) s-^ C\__ Lat'iraer r^o v ' Les'sing C^f saf Llanel'ly f i Lattakoo' /I. n Le'the ' ' ' Llangol'len x-v /^l Lau'ban Letit'ia x^^TN ^o^ Llano'ver ' ** Laud Levant' (^71 Llanrwst' /^] xH- Lau'der r^ r>a Lev'en J*- ,^1 Llewel'lyn ' " Laugh 'ton f^~f- .-S Laun'ceston ^> rx Lev'eridge Le'vi Xi " ' Lloyd x-^*- ^ Loan'go \ Lau'ra s\ Lausanne' *^ '-^ Lavalette' ^ Lew'enhoeck SLew'es rt Loch'abar ^ ^ Lock'hart Lock'ing f^f/"\^^^ Lava'ter t? Lew'is i r ~ rv \ ^ /C1 Lock'wood 1 La'venham xXT^- /^^^l^ Lew'isham ' Lo'di iTVs^^ /^^^. Lav'ington \] " Lavin'ia /^ ' \l ^\ ^1- Lex'ington Lcy'burn i ^r-s Loffo'den Log'an /^V^ ,-0 Lavois'ier )" % Lawes ^f ^' Law'rence /C ** Law'rie ^ ' J r<_p x^> Le}-'den Ley 'land Loy'ton Lib'anus f^^ Loire Lo'mas J> Lo'raax N Lom'bard & (C\^ Law'son ' - Nfc -' f V\r Libe'ria n^i'nus f^^\ /^ Leam'ington x*\ XX' Lit'ibrd CT ,-^sn Long-;ioy 1 J ni Lean'der . Light'foot K 1. Long'man LOXGPORT 287 MARTHA /^7" ^ Long'port Long'ton Lons'dale Loochoo' <1 Loren'zo Loret'to Lome Lorraine' Lostwith'iel Lot Lotha'rio Lo'thian Lofty Lou'don Lough Tjorough Loughrea' Lough'ton Lou'is ^p. Loui'sa ' > Louis'burg /^V Louisian'a Y Louis'ville fa Louth, Line. A Louth, Ireland f\_ Lovelace 7 Lov'ell ,q Low'ell ' v " Lowes'toft fl Lowndes A Lowth f*^ Loyola ' ^-^ Lu'beck /-r i Lubtiock ' Lu'can ^- Lu'cas Luc'ca /) Lucerne' Lu'cia Lu'cifcr .. L ^_x Lu'cius ' ,* Luck'now x^~7 Lucre'tia Lucre'tius /^J. Lu'cy J Lud'denden fl Lud'ford ^"1 Lud'gate f^\ t Ludlow Lud'wick y^-f Luke r Lullington Lumley Lu'nenburg Lup'ton Lush Lush'ington Lu'ther Lu'ton Lut'tenvorth Lux'embourg Lux'or Lyce'ura Lyc'idas - LjTne v Lym'ington Lyn'combe Lynd'hurst Lyne'ham Lynn Re'gis Lyt'telton L}-t'ton M ^^ cH-T C\_ Lycnr'gua ' v T.yd'gatc /T ' J Lj-d'ia I.yd'ney Ly'ell " Macas'sar Macaulay Macbeth' Mac'clesfield Mac Cul'loch Macedo'nia Macgreg'or Mach'iavel Mackay* Macken'zie Mackintosh Macknighf Maclar'en *~t. Maclean' A l Macleod' MacMahon M^acpher'son <~*~] M^acquar'rie Macrea'dy Macroom' Madagas'car Ma'dan Mad'dox Madei'ra Madeley Mad'ison Madras' Madrid' Ma?ce'nas < ~^\ Mael'strom Maes'tricht Mag'dala Mag'dalen Mag'deburg Magellan Ma'gog Mah'di /] Mahom'et ^' Mahraftas Maid'enhead Maid'stone Maine Main'waring Mait'land Maior'ca Malabar' Malac'ca Mal'ton Mal'vern ~t. Malvi'na u Man'chester T? Mandin'go ' Man'gotsfield Man'heim Manilla Manitol)a Manley Man'ning Man'ningtree Mans'field Man'son Man'tua Mara'jo ^Jf. '(? ' J <~^ Marjor'ibanks ^ M^ark Mark'ham Markland Marl'borough Marlow Mar'maduke Mar'mion Marmontel' Mar'mora Mar'ple Marque'sas Mars Mars'den Marseilles' Mar'shall Mar'shallsay Mar'sham Marsh'field Mar'ston Martaban' M^ar'tha MARTIN 288 MORRISON . Mar'tin ' ~^1 ,--^ Mentz 'Q\ ^^~^~~' Mississip'pi *"^ ^~~^ ' Mar'tineau Merca'tor MissolongTii ,-^N-x-p i Martini'co j.^ / x->_ Mer'cury ;x. f ~~>- Missou'ri /! ~ v Mar'tock ' Mere 7* Mitrh'am , /. Mar'ton ^A ,^> Mer'edith O^- "^ Mitch'oll Mer'lin *^^ x s/ Mer'riraan ^^?) x-vX) Mer'ryweather ' Mer'sey Ix-t, M it 'ford \ Mithrida'tes Mi/'pah xr-s. xr>v -: Mn'a!. ^-^ x-w^ Mas'hara "^ Ma'son O . Massachu'setts n I . , Mer'thyr Tyd'fil H ' "^ ""' Mer'ton N ^^ Mobile' ^~. x-cv ^! 1 v -M.-d'bury ^ ' Masse'na <~\ -r~tf-^ Mas'sey Q -TT^s Me'shech ^ Mes'raer T) ^^. Mo'dena ^- l " Moftat Mas'singer OS] <~~*) Master'man ra ' Math'er '^C^ ^^!\ v ' Mesopota'mia ' Messi'ah 'T)-^ Messi'na P^i f "^2. x-^~ Mogodor' ' 1 ^ T ~ Moiiara'raed *" /T Math'eson . Matil'da O Mat'lock ^^ '~:t Met'calfe / Methu'selah ^T^ ^ Mold ,_y|. ;f Molda'via 1 KL T^^^ Molos'worth ^ Vn Matth'ew MexTiorough x /C"^ ^-S^- > ~^ L ' ^ ' " ' O Ov. Matth'ews ^ Matthi'as . n . V^ Mex'ico 1 Mey'er 1 Mol'ineux xV x-<~ Mol'ly T ^_^$> Maud x-, ^- > Mi'cah 1 Moloch ' Mau'rice Mi'chael _/1 x-/l" Molt'ke x-^/) -p^i Mauritius O x-> Michigan v ^ J Mol'ton i - . 'Vl Mic-k'lethwaitc ^~ ' Alo'inus ^-C^" -""- Max'well " b Mi'das , Mon'aghan ^~( Mayence' -S*\ .^^-*. Mid'dleburg "^ ' ' ' Mon'crief ^ > May'field "^ Mid'dlehara f^~^|. ^-^^^..xf- Monde'go T9 xr^ May'hew .0 ^1^ Mid'dlesex v ' Mongo'lia May'nard Tf .{ Maynooth' "'~ Mid'dleton / ^7 "^ Mid'dlewich i^ xa X-N^ i Monk'land J Monk'ton ,\ May'o Mid'hurst {-* ^i^ T? Mon'mouth 'TK^ .. Mazep'pa _'/*-'| v Mid'summer "\ y Mon'mouthshire Mazzi'ni Nor'ton r^' Mon'roe '~~-x O Mears /3 ^^/\/ > Mil'an s~^iS* x. Mon'ta.^ue ' d - v Meath '"^ ' Mil'bourne <^--l. """^^Lx-^ Monjtaigne' ^ '~ t ri Mec'ca ^^ Mid'dlesborough Mont'L-alm ** Meck'lenburg ^~|^ "7 Mcde'a Medi'cis - /i L, or^~f Mil'denhall j, v^., Mil'dred x-^^J X^JT- : i Montenegro X Mon'te Vid'eo -^ . ^1. Medi'na s~S rJ ~ Mile' End '^ Mediterranean v ^, ^x Miles O-^ , 'i~ s ~ly'. Monte'go i " Mon'terey '"} , Medu'sa -^ xV Mil'ford O |. x^ _ -/Montes'quieu ) **** Med'way xo ^x Miilais' < '~" v ' MoTit^om'erv ^.^y~j^-^~ [-Mei'ningen j ^" '~~ 1 ' Mil'lard xo .--. O"^ Montpel'ier v ' Melank'thon x6 . Mills ^ ^ ' Montreal' ^/\/> ^ Mel'bourne -' ^^^ Mil'ner O~t ''~ v ~l> Mor.! 1 ' *** Mel'combe ^A-f-A .-./^l- Miln'thorpe <^ Montser'rat SP" -r-^\- Mclic'ent 1 Melin'da ^{~\ s S~N Melis'sa * Mil'ton '~ / V x Mil'verton x^Xv. Mora'via ^^X x-^1 Moray' Melk'sham ^^LJ^ Minchinhamp'- 1 Mor'aan ;^T> ^/\_^^ Mcl'moth ^J v ton T^x x More ~"' Melpom'ene / ^~~~ > \- ^^\ ^I> n 'den ' ^ M..n-'a _ .^% s-^-*~^ Melrose' "' Mine'head x^ x x'l Moreau' ~* Melt'ham x-t_>v ,^v Miner'va i ' J More'ton ^^/l-x-,-\. Mel'tonMow'- ! Minor'ca x^^ i-x Mor'gan bray . ,-^_p Min'ories "^ vx 7 -^ Mor'ison v~v _ Mel'ville 7" - :v ^^ Mem'el *^^* v ' Mi'nos ^ ^^ Mor'land ^^'^ Mor'ley -^Y Men'ai ^ X-VCN Mirabeau' ^_y ***] '^x-p Mor'nington Mcn'delssohn f^\ x-^/V. Miran'da ' U/ T S < Moroc'co ~^-N 'AP Men 'ton " rP". Mephistoph'eles ' Mir'field ^/~* ^^ Mir'iam Mis'itra //V p Mor'peth ( -^^^ Mor'ris xpvX?^ Mor'rison MORRISTON 289 NYKOPING ^ ^ Mor'riston Mor'timer > *-1^- Nathan'iel " Nato'lia A . New Zea'land Ney i Mor'ton -_>Y NaumTierg ^._/ ^j, Xiag'ara ^ To" Mosambique' Xav'an V ' Nice .^_ Mos'cow > ~\^--'^j ^ '"~V_^ Navari'no . Xich'olas i~T TJ> Mo'selle ^ Navarre' C_D Xich'ols ir ^ Mose'ly ... Mo'ses ~-y Xay'land ' Naylor wtJ^^T-^ Xich'olson Xic'obar -V Mos'heim ^_ps( ^, Naz'areth "Tl ^^S-. Xicode'mus fTT^ Tb Mo'sul ' Neale T* / Nie'buhr n^ -/j ^[ot'tram Moul'tan *t *V- Neath ; ^W ^^ Nebraska Nie'per Xie'ster '-> Z~ '""^J Mountcas'tle , ^y Nebuchadnez' ( ^_^- ^ * Xi'ger A . D ^_ Mount'ford zar A ight'ingale f ~~^\ 1 ' * Mow'bray ^J NeedTjam v/ '^-^ Nil'sson TOts ,-/" Mozart' ^ ^^, Xe'groland .^A ^~f Nim'rod ># V Moze'ley Mulhau'sen "i. ^' * Xeg'ropont l ^> ^^ Xehemi'ah |v-^v^i. ^~^V Nine' Elms Nin'eveh "^ Cl- ^V Mull 'v Nel'son Nin'field "-y^^ v Mul'lingar r~ *\ \ Ni'obe ' ' "~VA Mum'ford 0-^a *~^/- Xeots St .. Nis'sa /^"~^ (^ Munchau'sen " Nepaul' J ^^Hs Nix'on -V^- Mundel'la Alu'nich 1 ^/^ Xep'tune Xe'ro ^ V* No'ah Noakes . Mun'ro ,--3 Nes'ton ^ff ^ . No'el "SJfC ~>D Mun'ster Xes'tor NootTca Sound s-Z ^>r Murat' Mur'cia "^~r^' V^' Xeth'erlands / -1 k- Xeufchatel' I \_ Xord'berg r-y^ ^/ Mur'phy Mur'ray V JL Neu'stadt ; -4-i t-<-a NorTiam lTVj T*r Mus'grave New 'ark Nor'man ^r\- ^ Mus'selburgh ^ +., Mv'ers ^ v_^\ v/ Xew'bery t--r-a ft ^~~ i "^ XewTjorough ^ Nor'manby Xor'mandy ^/ v ^ My'ra ^\ Mj-'sore / t,. Xew'bridge j t-^-~ j, ^^. "' XewTjurg " ' Nor'manton Xor'ris ^Vv/3 ^^x. Xew"burn k~j.r\* !=-/ Xorthal'lerton "^ Xew'bury \[\ W Xor'tham N ^T Newcas'tle ^-i Xewcas'tle-on- ^ %I Northamp'ton Xorth'cote ^-^c Xa'aman XaTjoth v_^-^ 5 Jy Tyne s~Y\ Newcas'tle- under-Lj'me V%"w Xorth'field Xorth'fleet Xorthleach ^ ~T?I Xagpoor' ^ A ^TTT] New'corab fc-^~ l^-f J^ Nor'throp [land * NaTium Xew'digate \ v^^X 3 Northum'ber- "T^ V' v^^^ Nails'worth x ~f>~M. ^^^ New'enden *W ^--i. Xorth'\vood e/ \ . JNairn Xew'ent ^\ " Nor'ton ^rt Namur* V ^VO Nan'cy J ^-<^1 Xewfoundland' Xew'gate c^< ^ Nor'way Xor'wich - 3-3 Nankin' V_A v -< s --] v Newha'ven ^_^ ^o-v Xor'wood Nan'ny Xew'ington % ' Xot'tingham s-^. ^^li Nantes Xantuck'et ^ _^ Xew'land Xcw'man '"~^/ '^-" Xot'ting Hill Xo'va Sco'tia ^*^V Nant'wich Na'omi ^r-^ Xew'market ^~^~^~* NewnTiam ^^N. Xo'va ZemTjla VT ^ V ^ "^ \__ A ^^^ Xovgorod' ^N Nj Na'ples ^< New'ry i > ^ X T uT>ia v _- , ^x\-,^ Napo'leon o "^ New'sam v Nu'gent VX ' V Nap'oli ^s f , New South ^3 -*-^r^ Xu'ma Nar'beth *4 Wales ^-^\- : Xun'eaton ( L ' Xarcis'sus ^\~~ ^T^A Xew'ton Xune'ham ^^^ ^"^\. Nares Nase'by Nash V7: l Xew'town i^ Xew'townards ^CT^ Xu'nemburg Nu'rcmburg *y 1* Nassau' ""I./" '~~\- Xew'town ^ x ^_ Nut'tall 1 *~-^, TkT i I/ "UA' Natal Na'than / . Limava'dy or ^ New York -%, NyTcoping 19 OAKFORD 290 PATRICK o _-. Vx^. O'riel '' Or'igen rx,^- -x Orino'co V \ Pad'dy I. ^y Pad'crborn _. . Oak'ford N - L> ^ OakTiam _LJ-v , ^ Oakhamp'ton f -^ Oak'hill i ' Ori'on > '"Y-^ Oris'sa . J ' Ork'ney ~y^~-> *Y^~Js Orlandi'no VI Pad'iham P Pad'stow \ 'V - Pad'ua , . , s-. Oak'ingham Orlan'do 1- ""'' Pagani'ni ^ ~ J Oak'ley A. \ Obadi'ah ]" s O'ban O'berlin TV^ v> ;; r , ean ^ Or mond rVj,. 'V-c Orms'by 11 OrmsTcirk ) . Pag'et f * Paine \^_^ \_9-J Paing'ton sV A^T Q'beron * \ Or'pen \]~ Pains'wick NK^ V^v^ Pais'ley '\- O'by V" . i-t\ , Ocean'ica Ock'brook 'A '\. . Or'pheus VD ^j" Or'pington & Pak'enham - K Palat'inate NTs' V^ Pal'atine J^ , O'Con'nell ^ ') Or'ton vx~\ ^ v v rc t V ' P a ' er ' m r*-s O'Con'nor i - <^y, Os'borne ' " Pal'estine ^ i Octa'via '^ ')--i Os'car V/'- "Vr' 713 Pa'ley * Xc Octa'vius / ^^]~ Os'mington ^f N 7 ^ Pal'grave .k_ 1 Odell' O'der ') '\ Os'mond r> < -*\_ Os'naburg \/~i v xo Pal'issy ^ ^^ Pal'las ,\ -\ Odes'sa ') 'V Os'sett K ^^ ,. Pal'liser ) J O'din .| Os'sian v 3 \ V pal'mcr .1 ti- CEd'ipus H> V O'gilby ,, ') Ostend' * [^ Os'tiacs \r~j$- -i.s-~-/ Pal'merston " ^s* Palmy'ra ci, o O'gilvie ') 'Xn ( Os'wald ,. \_./^-' P ara 'P as A.. "/^ Ohi'o v^ ^* Os'waldtwisle ^^ N/~v ' Pampclu'na ' sx-v Okhotsk' 3- .* Ol'aveSt ') c -l>1 Oswe'go , ! Otahei'te ^V V^^-- P ain pbyl'ia ^V/T Panama' y v .,- Old'bury \ M> Qld'castle "I. -(^ Ot'ham t ^ v< Othel'lo *\y V_^ Pan'cras St ]? Pando'ra VI. VI Ol'denburg S/~~ > Old'field 'I ,| s Ot'hman O'tho 'L-. 'r Ot'ley \_*> /) V_, PangTiourne ^\s \)i- Panthe'on V VI OldTiam VT Ot'tawa \. \* Paracel'sus N ' * Old'land VV Olds'worth ^^ X Ol'iphant 'U^Uy- Ot'tery St Ma'rj' 'rvk Ot'toman \/<__ Paraguay' \^X<~N/\" Paramaribo Ol'ive "^ v ' Em'pire \/ f ~\ v yv_x Paramat'ta VV ^/^^ Ol'iver '1 1 Ot'way ' Nj 3 Para'na xx Ol'ivet ^ A| Oude ... t . Par'fitt v ^ ^'^ Oliv'ia _XT Ol'lendorff ' J Oul'ton . , \/ ri Par'ker W^j v ' J Ol'lerton T* ^_ Oun'dle NX ' Park'^atc > -f Ol'mutz fj *-* Ol'ney " Ou'ral ) JU O u f e . -^ < . ^jj/^ ParkTiurst NX V ParTcinson v/\p "^ Ol'veston Ou'tram XTN \/>^ Par'nia ^p " Ol}-m'pia (? C^ O'verbury NX^ v Parnas'sus X /T. i Olym'pus ^^ =~ v Omagh' '^\X' '^ s - / O'verend C C,,, O'verton ^ ^ D Parncir V ^ : ^ Pa'ros ^ey_, , Om'bersley if '"*+- Oraeg'a i-~s^, O'nier 7 J % ' Overys'sel 'Vj' Ov'id **" |> Ovie'do NX \X"^ Par'sons ~\5^-f > \/f Par'sonstown r^ ' Om'maney vV O'Neii \^^^ _^ O'vingham ' O'wen JA y^> Par'thcnon - V Par'tridge 3T l! - J ~" On'gar \s- . Ows'ley ' v ^, Ons'low r )X Onta'rio \ \ f O'penshaw '^>~ ^* Ophe'lia A/ x. O'oie *r *tr_s Qw'ston i-j^.. , Ox'enden *' ~^ Ox'ford i-T Ox'ley \__ "V Pass'more "^N IX Pasteur' < ^-^_x Patago'nia /xv Pat'emoster W^ Row \ ' \ /I " , '\. ^1* Opor'to -k s. O ram *VN 'i O'ran P o/^ v ^p Pat'erson NX^ Xv Pa'tience -o-p-^ ^^^ Pat'more >. O'Rcil'ly >/ ' \> Q'renburgh s Pacific ,-N Or'ford \ . U, Pad'dington > Pavne Pelew' Islands Pel'ham Pell Pem'berton Pen'dleton Penel'ope Penn Pen'nant j, Pen'nington 'J* Pen'niston Pennsylvania Pen'rith Pen'ryn Pens'ford Pent'land Pentonville' Pen'wortham Penzance' Pep'in Pep'ys Per'cival Per'cy Per'egrine Per'gamos Per'icles Per'kins Pernambu'co Perranzab'uloe Per'rin Jrer sia Perth ^ Peru' v Peru'gia A\ Peshaw'er Pestaloz'zi Pesth Pe'ter Peterborough Pe'terchurch Pe'terhead Petersburg St X_ Philadelphia s~ Phile'mon i* Phil'ip /Xp Philippines JA Phil'ipstown ,. Phil'istine * Phil'lac , ^ Phil'lips Vr ' Phil'lis VP l[ > ott > Phin eas ^^ Phipps >i Phce'bus ^ Phryg'ia ^ ' Phyl'lis Piccadil'ly 4 s ~ / Pick'ering . .^ Pick'ett Pick'ford XPick'wick Pied'mont -^t- Pi'late ^^ Pil'kington ^ Pil'ton \ . Pinch'beck ^ Pin'dar X . Pin'kerton " Pin'ner X. Pin'nock .) Pi'sa j Pit'man "M* Pit'tington ^ Pi'us 5 Pizar'ro C, Plantag'enet X Pla'ta |~ Pla'to ^ Platt ft Plau'tus Plimp'ton ' Plin'y Plumb'land 1 Plumptree < i v' X/i , v * -- N*/: Vfa \ Plum'stead Plun'ket Plu'tarch Plu'to Plyrap'ton Plym'stock Plynlim'raon Po Pock'lington Po'cock Poe Poitiers' Po'land Pol'lard Pol'lock Pol'lockshaws Pol'ly Po'lo Polo'nius Polyb'ius Polyne'sia Pomera'nia Pomo'na Pompadour' Pompe'ii I 'om'pey Pondicher'ry Pon'sanooth ' Pon'sonby Pon'tefract or Pom'fret Pon'tesbury Pon'typool Poole Pop'lar Por'lock Por'phyry Por'son Port'adown Port 'bury Port'chester Por'teus Port Glas'gow Por'tia Port'ishead Port'land Portmad'oc Port'man Port'o P.ello -C^ Port'o Ri'co ). Port'sea i -> Ports'lake 'V. Ports'mouth Port'ugal !j ^ Po'sen Pos'tlethwaite Pot'iphar Poto'mac Poto'si Pots'dam Pot'ten Pot'tornr Pot'tersham Poul'ton 19' POWELL 292 ROCHESTER V V Pow'ell 'f ^T / Pow'erscourt *>]. Queen's County A A A Red^ridge \ ^ /H RedTnirn v V 1 Pow'ick ^-" .) Pow'is c -^Jy. c -ft Queens'ferry / v> R e( j'f c . rn Queens'land A -, A^ Red'irrave \ ? _ Pow'nall f J Poyn'ton C-vjo "^^^-i- Qucens'town J A J Quen'don A, A/ Rcd'land <\ . Praed (? r Qui'loa *'^ Red'ruth Prague ^ ^ Pratt Quin A ,., Red S ) ' ^~^ Recp'ham Preiss'nitz I Quintil'ian o xVo Rees *\ ^K Pren'dergast >^ % PresTaurg '^L^i c ~"^ 1 i^ Quin'tin "- J Qtiin'ton ' x ^' Rfcvt-s xt st R V % Pres'cot |> c 'f Qui'to ^' Reg'inald \X Prest'bury Quix'ote /] //"H Reid . \ V Pres'ton 1 Rei'gate ]l J J Pres'tonpans' J 6 c/ Prest'wich X^^ 1 /T6 Rcin'brandt ' Re'mus c^- *\ Pri'am /*^~f /y*' Re'nan ^~~ .N Prid'eaux Ren'dell *\p ^ Priestley V^ ^* Prin'gle /\x- /d Rab'elais * ' Ra'chel /~^_^ /^f\ R en d'ham "^ '^ Ren'frew rt(~ \j*s Pri'or gv A Racine' f^f ,^. Ren'nell Pris'cian S" -^ Rad'clifFe ' ' Ren'nie -^ *\ Priscil'la /I /I Rad'ford y^^ /V Ren'shaw * Pritch'ard ^ "x Rad'ipole ^ J^ Rep'ton \ CN vf P roc ' tor / ' I Procrus'tes A /L Rad'nor 'V Rad'stock A ,^ Ret'ford *-. -^ Reu'ben \C_, ^ Prome'theus /V x_, Raffles ^] s*^, Reu'ter . \X Pros'pero 6 Rag'lan "* Reyn'olds V. % Pros'ser ^ )- Proth'eroe > v- y" Ragu'sa ^ J A Raikes s~e /> Rhc % iras 7 * Rhine -^ Prout fN ,f^ Rain'ford ^1' /(I* Rho'da Prov'ence ^ Rain'ham Rhode I'sland iyy -Z. Prus'sia s> f- Rain'hill Xl x 7 Rhodes ^- ' Psy'che S < Ra'leigh b v Rhone r_^K . Ptol'emy XJ - Puck /V ^^/^ Ralph r ^^ Ram'illies /\ f^~i Rib'chester J x ' Ricar'do -1 X/"" 3 Pud'sey 1 v Pul'man /'^S. /^- Rams'bottom U-^ Rams'dcn X/' x- Rich'ard S /lx^ Rich'ardson N/CVjx-/ Pu'lo Pinang' . x ^-/ Pul'teney \ Pun'jaub ^~\ /^T1 Kani'sey ' ' Rams'gatc /T ^\^ Ran'dall Ran'dolph s*~. i /?f-^ Rangoon' * ' ' Ran'some ^, /j_^ Richelieu *** ' Rich'mond X-M /> Rich'ter 7 Rick'etts x ^ ^- !> 'V Rick'mansworth \ V Pur^eck \ . N '- Pur'brook S\. /\ . Ra'phael r * Ra'pin /I s,, Ridge'mount V ^^ .Ridge' well ^^ \ Pur'cell /^ / ^ Ras'selas ^~^ - - 1 Rien'zi * ^ Pur'fleet < ^^ Rat'cliffe ' x Ri'ffa =X \ Pur'nell ^ J Pu'sey xf X 1 Rath'bone ' X JA Rath'down ^r^^ / V --' A RU'in(fton Ring'uood N! '^, Put'ney 't^, Put'son N V Put'tenham "lj^5- J' P-v Puy de Dome 1 -4: Rath'downy M a Rat'isbon XV^. ^ r. /V^^ Ra'vonglass ^T^^- s\f- R ' Janei'ro ys- x' Rip'on / >> . Rit'son ^ -^ n x Pym XV^_^> XVi- ? { Ka'vcnscroft j Riv'ington \ y^v \ Pyr'enees .t- Pythag'oras Ra'vrnsvvorth /<} ^~ Raw'cliffe x^ ^ Riz'zio > < v' R,,l/ert Raw'don /\9i^ /^V Rob'ertson /(a ^f / Raw'lings '-^F~^' N"/ Robespierre' Q * ^ a -^ Raw'linson o^ ^^i Raw'son /V. /I /V .u/^ Rob'in Hood X O 0. 1 \ -^^-x ^ Rob mson Ra}''mond /x rf Rob'son f~^/o ~\ Quarles > Quatre Bras' /<-* /I Ray'niT Reade X >ix ^ Roch'dale ( -. c ^ v Quebec' /] c-~. Read'ing V. "N ' Rochc'foucault ^^~ \/C Queen'borough ^-_ - /C T} 1 Keau mer ^Xl^ <3- Rochelle', La < ~^-y Queen'hithe ** /\_j_ Rebec'ca ^ * Rochester ROCK FERRY 29B SETH - / V_X/ > ;v ^ Rock Fer'ry xt X3 Ruth &xj ^S~ Sat'urn Rock'ingham ' x ^ Ruth'erford Saul X\ X7 Rod'cric 17 Rodg'er X) x( Ruth'erglen 4, / / r Ruth'in 3^ P . Saun'ders 13 *~^ Saun'derson Xl /7 Rod'ney Rog'er ^ ^ Ryde and x j>, tk^ Sauterne' ^ Savan'nah X? X 7 Rog'ers v 6 " Ro'land /^] ^ Rye'gate / Ry'mer ^f -or Savonarola ^ ~ Savoy /? -tf Rol'lin r Roiis ,^r-^_^ /-^ Roma'nia r oix- V Saw'bridgeworth \ v, cJ Saw'ny /xA J Saw'ston xx " " Rome {" tiJ1 T J \__ Saw'try /-x^ X^ Ro'raeo Saxe Co'bourg jvom^ioru ^^-\ *^C_^ ^->air Saxe Mein'ingen s~^ s~ ' R m 'illy Sabi'na < Rom'ney O,-vT Rom'sey X Rom'ulus x i Sachev'erell ^^V^ > Sack'ville PX 'B- v Sad'dleworth ^V*~- Saxe Wei'mar CL^-J_|. o_i>ix Sax'mundham f. x\ Ro'per ^ * Sad'ler ^> Sax'ony "* Ro'sa ^V Scarborough t^yk X^T- Ros'cius Salaman'ca -Ai)' Schaffhau'sen Ros'coe .-, A Sal'amis ,- J Schiller XV" "*" ft Roscom'mon .&T . >^ Sal'combe ' ^ V Schoef'fer XV Rose'bery .,-x^ , ;/ V' Sa'lem 9 . V 11 Schreve'lius ..- o X) Rosel'la" -< -Tf V Roset'ta Y Rosh'erville -6 Saler'no ^ ^. Sal'ford "* '" Salis'bury O 53 "" Schwartz X 3 , c Schwartzljurg "\) -^ Schwer'in P X= Ross * ' ' Rosset'ti xi ,a Sallee' & Sal'lust >= ). Scil'ly Isles C Sci'o o_j. X) rv Rossi'ni f^ ' S-f*- Roth'erfield --: bra Sally 6 Salm'on XJ or ^~^< Scip'io Roth'erham ^^-^ ^X Salo'me P-\/ ?r- Sclavo'nia X) f"f Roth'erhithe * v ( ) Rothe'say f> .xT Roths'child /v Y Roth'well * ' o Salt'er -^^ ,f P Salt'ford s V Salt Lake City 'f ^ Salz'burg J^ c Scotland Q- a_yTl Scott' b Scul'coates ^-i.,. _ . Scu'tari Q-=x-^ Sea'combe ^xi. ,j^x Rot'terdam "<5^ ._^/^> Sara , 1 Sea'forth Rou'en *^^ Samarcand' ^^ 2^ Sea'ham xs^ ' s-if^ Rouma'nia x vj--^ Samar'ia P, Searle ' " f^' Roumelia "^^ ^ Samo'a Y Sea'ton .* ; Rousseau' , Sa'mos . ^ , Sebas'tian -'- *v Rowe'na ( -^ <5^~' Samp'son ^p ^" J Sebas'topol JP y^ Rowland ^y- . , Sam'uel ^ Sedan' ^ ^C Row'ley - Rox'bury G* Q - 5 ' San'croft cL cLj San'dall i "^ San'deman p /= Sed'berg 't ( ^ Sedge'field ^~ * Sedgley Y- xf- Rox'well Q_J> San'ders _ X Sedg'wick / ' Roy'ston R San'derson '-1 Seeley XI - X^ Roy'ton A Rua'bon 1 Sand'gate Q f\L c^ Sego'via Seine X\ Ru'bens _^,^ o^ Sand'hurst ;^V/j ^. Sel'borne / '^ > ' jv Ru'binstein ^^ c ' Sand'wich o ^ Sel'by Xjx ^ Ru'dall -C n 3-x. San Francis'co '/"i /^^ Sel'den ' ^ ' Rudg'wick 1 ~ '~ San'key bj b Seli'na /Vo >-!-<. Ru'fns a^XT^ { H' -s an Re'mo .tt />. Sel'kirk ' X V Rug'by i San'ta Cruz t Scl'wyn /l^ x^ Ru ? S JX Santia'go f~y^~^ ,j-^f Som'ersham **""" ~^ Sev'ern ^ ^^ Simp'kin a ^ ' Som'erstown .e e Sev'ille / * Sevres <5~?r ., Simplon * < n>-' Simp'son iyt_, ~.s ^V Sheerness' Sis'mondi C 7 ^ 1 <\, o . , , I. ^^ Shel'burne o / Q_ Skar'a /* \x\ South'wick (A- /^ Shel'don ' Skeat Sow'erby -^ Shelley n ^<] v o Skel'ton 9" ^- Spa (-^ i Shel'ton ^^ Skibbereen' ' Spain cj * Shem < ^n J Shen'stone Q -i- j,^ Skid'daw ^ Skin'ner R' ^/i" Spal'ding r Spar'ta J- * Shep'perd J -L-r^ Shep'py N J" Shep'ton Mallet a -\ V Skip'ton > --Skye (T\ C\ Slade ' J s Slap'ton \. Vi-^ s P een SpeenTiamland o .f ^\o^- Spen'cer ^*^ ^[x 3 Spen'nithorne % l>\ SherTiorne \y> -J Shertdan -c^ xTr- 5 Slea'ford ' Sles'wick ? _X Y^ Spen'ser ^^ *^ Spi'cer 7 . _, Sherlock f-J- T> SH'gO < v/ J S. ^-c Spils'by < x wfs* 01 . . ^\C ^^ Sber win 6 x Sloane ^^ ^ i) Spino'za J Sher'wood ^ Shetland rv ,- Slo'per ^ ^ Slough S/"\, ^ Spit'alfields 6 '1 Spithead' ^ J> Shiff'nall _^/*\ a/^ Small'bridge %.o ^C Spitzberg'en Vc^ Shil'lingstone rf * X \ o ll / Smal ley ^-TD \S{ Spof'forth V , Ship'ton >> JJ> ^/* Shiras' J Jv Spoon'er > Spring'field /. ,, Shore'ditch V-O^/ Shore'ham Shrews'bury 5. jv Shropshire MS f Shuttle'worth Ul N Smith ^^-^V Smith'field Smolen'sko o-^ _^yi-- Smollett o Qs^J^ Spur'geon \tf~- y St. Paul's v Churchyard e ... Sta'cey ) ^ Staffa 1^ Shylock "~^' Smvr'na ? Stafford y o .. Siam' v, 'Y Snaith v. ' Staines '' ^ vv^ Sibc ria V v ^ ib ! ford V-, P Sicily ^ ** Snel'ling O-~M^ ^I-fi Snen'ton Snod'grass yiv a, Snow'don ,,... /\ Stain'land " 6 ./ Stal'bridge OSta'lybridge ' Stan'field '-( Sid'ney x- ' Sod'om _> >i-^> Stan'ningley *_ Y" Sier'ra Leone' i- >.,, Soho' ' " Stan'ton "*^ Sig'ismund /. Solent ^~ J?, Stan 'well y~> / P Sile'sia t> ^ Silk'stone , . y Soleure' * ^ '6' Sol'ihull \.^" Sta'pletield f P. Sta'pleford ^\- /^t Silva'nus i J 1 Silverton .^r-^ Vo Sol'omon "* '- Solon ' \ \ ^ -. Sta'pleton * }"'key j^. /\ SilVester C^> k^- si 1 Via "g^. < Sol'way Firth 7 e ~ i: Som'ers ^\- n f. Staun'ton " *-" Stavc'lev 60 Sinims f N Sua'bia ^~^ * Tam'worth (s ^ Ste'phen * - Ste'phens Q^_, ,? SuaTcim N- Sud'bury L L, Tangier' p^ ^^- Tanjore' "fLc ^*LS ^te'phens St \ \ \ Sue j' Tan talus Ste'phen son i 'Ca / Sueto'nius ^? \- Tap'lin \ c=* Step'ney " Suez ^/^--i T Taran'to " Sterne n ^\^ Suffolk ^vn Tar'land ^s ^3^ Ste'vens Ste'venson Sul'livan Y~- cpn- Sul'ly \/} Tarle'ton S Sun'derland [^, IX^/- Tar'rant "d ' d Stil'lington c^l n^^.^-, Surat' Tar'tary (f\~ * Stour Q-< Qj) Swin'ford \ ' Swin'stead L>^> \f Tel'ford Tell *^w p Stourtridge / ^Vr y^- Stour'port ' ^ ' Stow'ell Q^i^ o^/f Swin'ton J * Swith'in St jP P , Switzerland ^ 1^ Tem'pe j Tem'pleton ^/-=- T Stow'market Xy Strabane' V Hx _ Stra'bo X ' L Strad'brooke ^V> Syd'enham L ovo Syd'ney *-? Svkes .. >, Syl'la 1 TenTjury ^V ^A, Ten^y 1- TenerifFe' **% Ten'nant i ^s Straf'ford Stral'sund / /; C -* ,. . b - 6 ^- Syl via ^ ,/^ Sym'ons h Tennessee' T Ten'niel c j_^ q- ,/ Strang'ford 1 * Stran'raer T c v Stran'ton Sy'ra r- S ^^. Syracuse' Syr'ia i Lo, Ten'n) - son v Ten'terden J ]" ~\/ Stras'burg \yf> \y\ ,/ Ter'ence ^' j Strat'ford ^T Terpsich'ore J~ Strat'ton T l/b-Vj \^s. Terra del Fue'go <^ Streath'am > JL i Ter'ry .t, ^ Strel'itz |Xp l\ Tertul'lian 3- 1 Strot'ford v J* Stret'ton T <] Strick'land Lr Taba'go , >-r Tabas'co * Tet'bury 1 "n | .n TewkesTsury \S- Tex'as "-** ^ String'er < \_^ [~ Strom'boli i^ ^^ Stromness' 1" i. Tab'itha N K B Ta'bor C - B Tac'itus | . /- (' Tex'el Thack'eray (sv ] Tha'les <] S Strood ,| J Stroud n P Strutt LTad'caster 1 / 1 Than et ^ Stu'art \ . v, Stub'bing io oj T- 3 .^!!? i Tahi'ti (' ( Thatch'am A So Thebes ^ ^o Stubbs ^^^ Stur'minster , fy\s Tait Talave'ra s- CA. / Thel'wall (f Z, i* Themis'tocles ^ The'obald ,p^ _> Stut'ton Tal'leyrand ^ fi Theoc'ritus J ^ Styr'ia Ta'mar ^g Jx' The'odore THEODORET 296 ULSTER , (f. (. Theod'oret \- T~ K. Theodo'sia j j* Theodo'sius (" \X\ Theoph'ilus X/ **> There'sa . 1- , Todd |_y< >~ Tod'morden > J Tokay' Pq^ y<\i Tole'do Tol'stoi 1 1 T , r !P /oli >/" t-^ Tris'tram ^. 1\ Trollope x ./ Trowbridge 1__ L Thermop'ylas C-N 1 Tom T^o t^ Tro'ilus f^V* I Thes'saly ~~~? Tom'kins Tromp Thet'ford J S, S Thibet' i 1 ^ Thiers' --/-^fi^ LjJv Tom'linson ./ Ton'bridge 1:-,, 1 f Tro'sachs Troy l_i T-kj True'man V, Thirsk ^ Thom'as 1X__; P, Thom'asin v^-- Q^^ Tongataboo' L, Tonquin' ^^"" Trum'pington T> 1i/r Tru'ro s ^> i Truxil'lo Thomp'son 1- 1 i To'ny L \ilu'am T , f~/ Thom'son - "- 1 Tooke ' Tu'bingen Thor U\ O Thorn'bury f \ Thome LT Toot'ing N/^l. Top'lady I i Tuck'er 'Lj-s Tud'denham (>^ A. ?" Thor'ney v^ Thorn'hill ;-. y^ Q^-., Thorn'ley r k^ Tops'ham V^ ) Top'sy I l)--^ 1 ^ Tu'dor ,1 Tullamore' \y IV- Tul'loch v^ J Thorn'ton p/V l/f Torbay' S n Tul'low /- 0' fe Thorpe (/\ \p f Thrap'stone J- L. Thucyd'ides Tor'nea [/ 1 p : Toron'to Torquay* iv, Lti\r ? ul 'fe'., K^ V lun bridge f/ Wells f/ 2 - V- Thu'le p^-1- p4^- Tor'rington 1 /- L p , I . u ' n , is ^" Thur'low Torto'la ^-^ (^ Tun'stall ) / Thur'so ) ? Thwaites i- V/ Tort'worth ' L i/j. ;}: u p'p, er '\ 1 urin ' T'*u 1 . 1 1 ber U^ L_p Totnes' 1 1_p Tur'key ^S >v/ Tibe'rias 1 1 Tibe'rius !>^ S/? 3 Tibul'lus L Tottenham l_A~ Tot'tington y Turkistan' ']/" I v Tur'lev '-V Turn'bull I Tice'hurst ^b '\ TichTsorne IA> UD Toulon' ' ' Toulouse' I^V I Tournay* L\y\ Tur'ner * Tur'pin \,, lv\ Tur'ton J 1 Tich'field C c Tweed 1 i >^ Ty'btirn Y\ 1^, Til'lotson v vt* ^^^ Timbuctoo' \.ff L-% Timo'leon 1^, . H Tranquebar' P^ Y^ '^^ ^V/ ^ Transvaal , , T ^. n . dal / 1 " " Ti'mon tjTV T Transylva'nia l^ Tyn'dall hla^ Tim'othy V 5\. r^. n ' Timsbury >^ \ Trapp T.^^ 1 Iravancore Tyne Jv V_>^i -,.- / .! -( I yne mouth 1 1 Tin'dal ^^ SVQ/, Treb'izond [S \^ Tyr'ol 'Y' jf Tip'perary 1 1 | Tip'poo Saib ^6 ^N Tip'ton ^S J" V- Tita'nia r \^. \~ Trelaw'ny K ^ Tren'chard r l Trent ^^ Trent'ham i ' x Tyrone' \s L Tyr'rell 'T Tyr'whitt Ti'tian I- ']. Trevel'yan vr^\ i}' 101 " u v ^~ Ti'tus f- Treves J | Tiv'erton s. \c r- N_ Tiv ' oli J ^* i Toba'go 1 D Trev'ethin \L S Tre'vor U 1^ Tobi'as 'L, Trichinop'oly ,. Ni, > To'bit }~^-- Trieste' ( ^ U'kraine h L Tobolsk' <*T*~ ^< To'by 1 1 Tring ^ H Trinidad >\ x,^ Ul'lesthorpe \ " Ul'ster ULLSWATER 297 WELLER V-fi v-- Ulls'water L s-? "^A_ Ve'ra Cruz s^V/' x^ Wai 'pole ^ Ulm ^ ^ Verd, Cape 6 V ^6 Wal'sall *f\- ft*. Ul'verstone ji ' Ulys'ses ^V^ ^->_? Vermont ' Ver'non ,x-> xtT- Walsh ^ 6 Wals'ham i }S\ /- ,~~i Ummerapoo'ra < Una v jXS^ ^x^ Vero'na *'* S Versailles' G Wal'ter ^~] Undenval'den or L T ntenval'den oy^^ C Ver'ulam 'ft Ver'\-iers x Hi^ ^iTU,, Walt'ham ri |- WaltTiamstow vj> L'nder'wood V - L "^ v B Uni'ted States \j? ^p Vespa'sian CS '%' Vesu'vius s/n- v _?f Wal'ton u 6 v Wal'worth i /7 v Un'win ^**^ - ; ~~ Up'ham V _ij \. Vick'ers ^^"^ ^^^ Vick'ery ..cJf A/ Rr Wands'vvorth ( V 4 > Wans'ford \> \ __^ Up'hill , L'pperkirk'gate V\0-^ \~ Up'pingham ^ Up 'sal V^^,^ y_ . Vic'tor" M Victo'ria C V Vien'na ^^ Vienne' ^^''i ers /v, . x^l War'burton iT Sov'ern ^" ~ Vince 3/V ~' ' Ward \o~ -^./- Up'well ^^.0, Vfe Vin'cent v/V >^fj< Ward'law ^^ *" U'ral Vines ^ Ward'leworth "7\ Uran'iburg V S Ur'ban VCU> ^ Vi'ola / A Ware ^ ^ Ware'ham -^ > U'ri ^ ~}r? Ur'quhait t 'S Vir'gil r~ 5-J Virgin'ia Wark'worth X^i^ ?V-_ War'lingham ' " " Ur'sula -v \J' L T r'wick '* - i* L T sh'ant ^'V-^V^ Visigapatam' \T Vis'tula ^^ War'minster /^ y^-- Warm'ley War'ner ^ ^f Usk L T s'\vorth ^.o V. Viv'ian va >Sa Viv'ien y/~V .^ Warn'ford > War'ren '\ Uto'pia Q_ ^ f^,. Vladi'mir l_^/ ^-' Vol'ney 5/^1^ /. War'rington J ^^ War'saw /L 'L-l Utrecht' | L^ttox'eter ^/ [ C Volog'da { Voltaire' v/l- ,/ : A\'ar'ton War'wick -^-^v L T xbridge \^/^~~ Vul'can y ^. Wash'bourne \/> " Washington ^ \ Wat v Xj Wa'terbury V W 11 Wa'terford w) Wa'terhouse ^ ' V_ Valdiv'ia ^* * Valen'cia ^ s*^- \i Valenciennes' ftJJ- Val'entine v Waugh ! V/" ^""^ 6^0 Max'imus ^ i^rx Wake'field x I/-Y Wa'verley /"XyT ^ Y, 1 Valet'ta, La *"" Valladolid' > Wake'ford v^-'X v /f^ 1 Wal'brook , s^t Weald * Wear'mouth Q^. v XN. Valparai'so \r\_J i W al'cot cxC cx^\ Wea'verhead Vfl- ^ x ' A'al'py x^j"!^ x(f] x Wal'deck 1. Wea'vertree 'L-.-r-x V Vancou'ver V' 1 Wal'denburg c/\ ,/\ Webb ' ^>.^ Van'derbilt e^ ^^ Wales * Wai 'ford jsv xv. We'be^ ^ Van Die'man's a__ , .. Walk'er \ cx^j Web'ster ^\~~ z^a Vs Land Vandyck' , C */" Vaughan ^ L ^-^~ Walk'ingham ^x> ^-o AVal'lace V 6' Wal'lachia /^- Walmes'ley " Wel'ler WELLESLEY 298 WYNN ,S~- ip-'XX Wel'lesley h Wig'an cX|^ ,^A Wit'li.-nn ft Wel'lingborough w 1 Wight With'i-rs /"^p -/-a Wellington J * Wells S ?r^- Wight'man U> ^ Wig'ram jX---. tx-^\ Wit'ney ~ Wit'tenberg ft ^ . Welsh'pool ^_ a-,, Wig'toft >vy, c/1 Wo'burn ~ B \__ Wen'dover vv Wil'cox -^ s< > Wol'ga c^i S^ Went'worth .^ /^ Wil'ford ,^1- ^ Wol'laston 1 Wer'ner Wil'frid 6 -J 6 Wolse'ley S\.v S\ WertTieim b- West In'dies /; p West'lake / x ^ s - /i Wil'lenhall ' Wil'liam e t Wil'liams ^ '\. Wood'bury ** <^ West'land tx&-. <*{L West'ley lr V West'macott H-, Pev( Wil'liains- borough xS /^~i~ Wil'liarason 7 cXl Wood'church / ^_ Wood'fall c^f > N >. Woolhamp'ton 6 J 6 Wool'lry (T tC^" "Wool'los Ma're xf^ ,^-r Wil'mington ~* " Wools'ton f x- x Westpha'lia ' $ G Wil'raot x-y {Xl^ Wool'wich c<"4_yC c^\x West'port txV i^, Weth'erell j^jC i^_x Wilms'luw 6 Wil'na '' ' Woot'ton .0 ~^ Worcester ^^ Wexford fy ,/* Wils'den C ^ N *' Won] ,/^~t , C Wey'mouth ^ ^ Whal'ley 6 J ^ Wil'son (Xl^ ^. Wil'ton jy| "J\ ^ Words'worth J x Work'i n gton. \/1" / ^ Whal'ton " Wilt'shire "?\ n ^/^""r Work'sop OJ C/ Wharn'cliffe /x^l" L >- i _i/t Wor'lingworth C^ C-f- Wheel'er -> "W" r 't n ' n i -y Wott'ton Bas'set P ' Wotton-un'der- v ^ Wrag'by [Edge < v ' \\'ray rxv Si Whiteha'ven I ^^f 1 ^ .^ Win'grove ^, s*^*.y/. Wren >^> 1 .WhiteTiead <^ Win'ifred Wren'bury cxi ' e * "^ Wymond'ham ._ f ^ Wick'low ^xX (/ J^8-> Wis'bech cX 5 - Wynn -* "-^ Wic'liffe X* Wiscon'sin c/\_^ Wid'combe jxjtTi Wise'man XANTHIPPE 299 ZWINGLE V s X Xanthip'pe Xenoc'rates Xen'ophon Xerx'es S?* /Y Yar'borough Yard'ley Yar'mouth Yar'row Yates Yat'ton x*a Yax'k-y * Yem'eri s? 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Price 6d. 20 ( 4 ) KEY to the " Reporting- Exercises ;" in which all the Exer- cises are presented in Shorthand, in Reporting Style. Price is. ; cloth, is. 6d. The GRADUATED DICTATION BOOK for a-quiring Speed in Shorthand. The reading matter is divided on a new and improved plan. Divided for speeds of 50, 80, and IOO words per minute. 47 pages, crown 8vo. Price 4d. ; post-free 4^d. The ACQUISITION of SPEED in PHONOGRAPHY. By E. A. Cope. Price id. ; post-free i^d. The INTERLINED SPEED PRACTICE BOOK, containing widely spaced print alternating with lines to write on. 48 pages in note-book form. Price 2d. The GRAMMALOGUES and CONTRACTIONS of Pitman's " Phonographic Reporter ;" for use in Classes. 2d. The PHONOGRAPHIC PHRASE BOOK, containing above two thousand useful phrases in Phonography, with a Key in the ordinary type. Price is. ; cloth, is. 6d. PHONOGRAPHY: The "Manual," "Reporter," and " Phrase Book," in one volume. Price, cloth, 6s. 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Contents : Introduction Failures, their Causes and Remedies Shorthand as a means of obtaining a Situation General Qualifications Applying for a Situation On Entering a Situation The Shorthand Clerk at Work Transcribing Other duties and opportunities Writing materials, books, and routine Special Preparation Business Phrases and Contractions Business Outlines The Use of Figures Influence of Longhand upon Shorthand Sources of Error Business letters General Hints Conclusion. Price is. 6d. ; cloth, as. "Brimming ovei with sound sense and valuable suggestions." Scotsman. ( 5 ) The SHORTHAND COMMERCIAL LETTER W^RITER ; a Guide to Commercial Correspondence in the Reporting Style of Phonography, presents specimens of the kind of correspondence used in business, so that the student can train himself in the art of writing business letters from dictation. The learner who practises correspondence with the assistance of this book, will familiarize himself with the peculiar phraseography current in the legal and com- mercial world. 94 pages fcp. Price is. ; cloth is. 6d. KEY to the "Shorthand Commercial Letter Writer," containing all the letters of the Shorthand Commercial Letter Writer in ordinary type. Price 6d., cloth is. The SHORTHAND COMMERCIAL LETTER WRITER and KEY, in one vol. cloth 2s. The PHONOGRAPHIC RAILWAY PHRASE BOOK; an adaptation of Phonography to the Requirements of Rail- way Business and Correspondence. Price 6d. The PHONOGRAPHIC LEGAL PHRASE BOOK; an adaptation of Phonography to the Requirements of Legal Business and Correspondence. Price 6d. FRENCH PHONOGRAPHY, an adaptation of Phono- graphy to the French language ; by T. A. Reed. Price is. LA STENOGRAPHIC PHONETIQUE: Pitman's Pho- nography adapted to French ; by J. Randall Bruce, is. 6d. 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GLEANINGS from POPULAR AUTHORS, with a key at the foot of each page, containing The Clergyman's Story, from the " Pickwick Papers ;" A Run on the Bank, from "John Halifax, Gentleman ;" Two Adventures, from "The Small House at Allington ;" The Friendly Waiter, and My Child Wife, from " David Copperfield ;" Moses and the Spec- tacles, from " The Vicar of Wakefield ;" A Melting Story, by Mark Twain ; and The Candid Man, from " Pelham," by Lord Lytton. Price is. 6d. ; cloth, 2s. ; extra cloth, 2s. 6d. The VICAR of WAKEFIELD. illustrated. In preparation. In the Reporting Style. SELECTIONS, No. I ; containing " Character of Washing- ton," " Speech of George Canning at Plymouth," " The Irish Church," "Calvin, Galileo, and Shakspere," etc., with printed Key. Price 6d. SELECTIONS, No. 2; containing "Address of the Earl of Derby on being installed Lord Rector of the University of Edinburgh," " The Civilizing Influence of Music," etc. 6d. 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Ruth and Naomi ; a Sermon by the Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott. Wealth and Poverty ; a Sermon by the Rev. Alfred Rowland, LL.B., B.A. No. 2. Punishment of Death ; Rt. Hon. John Bright. How I got Married without " Popping the Question." No. 3. Mr Gladstone on Mental Culture. Lord Palmer- ston and the Reporters. Books. No. 4. The House of Lords ; by Lord Salisbury. The Rejected Bribe. No. -,. On Food ; a Lecture by Prof. Henry E. Armstrong, Ph.D., Sec. C.S. Xo. 6. Friendship; a Sermon by Geo. Dawson, M.A. The Valley of the Shadow of Death ; Forgiveness of Sins ; Sermons by the Rev. H. P. Browning, M.A. No. 7. The Commercial Value of Ideas and Physical Facts ; an Address by Chauncey Smith, esq. The Study of Literature ; an Address by the Rt. Hon. John Morley, M.P. Others in Preparation. The LEGEND of SLEEPY HOLLOW, by Washington Irving ; with printed Key at the foot of each page. Price 6d. The NEW TESTAMENT, in an easy Reporting Style of Phonography, 368 pages, with two colored maps. Size of page, 6^ in. by 4 in. Price, Turkey morocco, gilt edges, ~,z. ; roan, red edges, 43. " Of all the shorthand editions of the sacred volume so far published, and several have been issued within the last thirty or forty years, this is un- questionably the best. Hitherto they have been produced by lithography, and the characters, though in most cases marvelously clear and distinct, have been lacking in that sharpness and beaut}' of outline which we find in characters reproduced, as in this case, from engraved plates. We are at a loss which to admire most the beauty and clearness of the outlines down to the minutest vowel points, or the scrupulous accuracy which characterises the volume as a whole." Barnsley Chronicle. The BOOK of COMMON PRAYER, in an easy Reporting Style of Phonography, 296 pages. Size of page 6^ in. by 4 in. Price, Turkey morocco, gilt edges, $s. > roan, red edges, 43. "A charming little volume, and will prove of great assistance to those beginning to read, the familiar text rendering the deciphering easy." The Bookseller ( 8 ) NATIONAL PHONOGRAPHIC LIBRARY. The AUTOBIOGRAPHY of BENJAMIN FRANK- LIN. 192 pages. Cloth, is. 6d. THANKFUL BLOSSOM, by Bret Harte. Paper, is. ; cloth, is. 6d. A CHRISTMAS CAROL, by Charles Dickens. Price is. ; cloth, is. 6d. The PICKWICK PAPERS, by Charles Dickens. Vol. I., 384 pages, fcp. 8vo, cloth 35. 6d. Vol. II. now being pub- lished in monthly parts, price 3d. ; post-free 3jd THE PHONETIC JOURNAL. PITMAN'S SHORTHAND WEEKLY. Circulation 22,000 Weekly. Published ever)' Saturday, 16 pages, price id. ; post-paid, ijd. Monthly, in a wrapper, 5d., post-paid, 6d. Can be obtained of all Newsagents, Booksellers, and Smith's Railway bookstalls. Each number contains ten columns of shorthand, in the Learner's Corresponding and Reporting Styles, with Key ; articles in common spelling on matters of interest to Shorthand Students and Reporters. Should any difficulty be experienced in obtaining the PHONETIC JOURNAL, the public are requested to communicate with the Publishers, giving the name and address of their local agent, together with the London agent of the same. The PHONETIC JOURNAL can also be had by post DIRECT from the Pub- lishers. The terms are 3 months, post-free is. 8d. 6 months, ,, ... ... ... ... ... 35. jd. 12 months, ,, 6s. 6d. Bound volumes from 1843 to 1875 are out of print. Volumes from 1876 to present date, 6s. each, post-free. Handsome covers for binding the present or past yearly volumes of the Journal, is. each, post-tree is. 3d. Cloth Reading Covers for the Journal, is., post-free is. jd. BUSINESS Communications connected with the PHONETIC JOURNAL should be addressed to Isaac Pitman & Sons, i Amen Corner, London, E.G. ADVERTISEMENTS and EDITORIAL Communications to Isaac Pitman & Sons, Bath. _ PHONOGRAPHIC STATIONERY, ETC. :o: REPORTERS' NOTE-BOOKS. Isaac Pitman & Sons' id. REPORTERS' NOTE-BOOK, 80 pp., red lines, suitable for pen or pencil. Price id., post-free i^d.; six copies, post-free, gd.; twelve copies, post-free, is. 4d. Isaac Pitman & Sons' 2d. REPORTERS' NOTE- BOOK, 160 pp., red lines, suitable for pen or pencil. Price ad., post-free 3d. ; six copies, post-free, is. 4d. ; 12 copies, post-free, 2s. 6d. ( 9 ) Isaac Pitman & Sons' 3d. REPORTERS' NOTE-BOOK, 200 pages, price 3