%l THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES l^. Cpclopaetim 38i6Iiograp|)ica : A LIBRARY MANUAL OF THEOLOGICAL AND GENERAL LITERATURE, AND GUIDE TO BOOKS FOR AUTHORS, PREACHERS, STUDENTS, AND LITERARY MEN. ANALYTICAL, BIBLIOGRAPHICAL, AND BIOGRAPHICAL. BY JAMES DARLING. A— H LONDON: JAMES DARLING, 8i GREAT QUEEN STREET, LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS. 1854. London : Printed by G. Barclay, Caftle St. Leicefter Sq. 77/6^ V, I PREFACE. THE want of an extenfive and well-digefted bibliographical work on Theology and kindred fubje6ts has long been felt as a great inconvenience both by authors and readers. Owing to this deficiency in our literature, authors are deprived of much affiftance which they would otherwife obtain in perfecting their works, and readers have often to be content with fuperficial books when fuch a guide would at once direft them to the beft fources of information. In the "Cyclopaedia Bibliographica" an attempt is made to fupply this defideratum. It is formed on a plan calculated to make known the produ6lions of former ages, as well as thofe of the prefent time, in the eafieft as well as the moft exaft manner, the refult of many years' ftudy of the beft bibliographical fyftems and of the wants of literary men. Many errors have been introduced into bibliographical works, owing to their being compiled from fecond-hand fources, and not from an actual infpeClion of the books defcribed. The greater part of the prefent work is the refult of a careful infpedlion, often leaf by leaf, of the books contained in the Metropolitan Library, founded by the compiler in January 1840, in order to fupply a want greatly fait for an inftitution, where, for a fmall annual fubfcription, members could obtain at their own refidences the ufe of books of a fuperior order, ancient as well as modern, efpecially in Theology, and in the various languages, — an inftitution which continues to be of eflential ufe in promoting the ftudy of facred literature. The object for which the Library was formed, and the " Cyclopaedia Bibliographica" publiftied, is the fame j the books which are requifite for the one are exadly thofe which ought to be defcribed in the other. It is, therefore, claimed as a peculiar advantage of the prefent work, that it is founded on an exifting library, and thus poflefles every fecurity for corredtnefs ; while it is not fo peculiarly fo, but that other books, not yet in the Library, are added, in order that it may have that completenefs which may render it a ufeful guide in all libraries. Such additions are dis- tinguifhed by an afterilk at the end of the date or title, or by their being placed in the form of notes as " Other works." For thefe the fame degree of accuracy is not claimed, although, in general, they are given from a careful infpedtion of copies in other libraries. b PREFACE. Although Theolog)' is the chief fubjecSt of the prefent work — and for fome confidera- tions it might have feemed advifable that it had been confined entirely to that — yet other confiderations have weighed greatly in favour of embracing in the fame publication, not only connate fubjecfls, but, in a greater or lefs degree, moft branches of human knowledge. Theology, properly confidered, extends over all departments of human purfuit, and receives illuflration and confirmation from all fources of information. The well-furnifhed divine requires, quite as much as the poet defcribed in " Raflelas," to be poflefled of univerfal knowledge. It may alfo be obferved, that there are few really great men who have not at fome time had their attention dire6led to the fubje6l of deepeft intereft to man, and left fome work on Theology. Lord Bacon, Milton, Sir Ifaac Newton, Locke, may be in- ftanced in confirmation of this, the enumeration of whofe works cannot be made without including moft departments of knowledge. The " Cyclopaedia Bibliographica," therefore, contains fele6tions of the beft and moft ufeftil books in various branches of literature, while it is chiefly occupied with Theology and cognate fubjedls, including Biblical criticifm, commentaries, fermons, diftertations, and other iiluftrations of the books, chapters, and verfes of Holy Scripture ; the conftitution, government, difcipline, and liturgies of the Chriftian Church ; dodtrinal, praflical, and polemical divinity ; ecclefiaftical hiftory and biography j the complete works of the Fathers of the Church and other divines, ancient and modern j beft editions. It has been requifite, however, even on the fcale adopted, to obferve a principle of fele6lion, otherwife the work would have run beyond reafonable bounds ; yet it is hoped that nearly all the beft books are introduced on all ufeful topics. The name of each Author is accompanied by a ftiort, but as comprehenfive as poffiblc, BIOGRAPHICAL AND CHARACTERISTIC NOTICE, fo far as Can be afcertained from authentic fources. In this, regard has chiefly been had to his country, his education, the ftation he occupied in fociety, the party he attached himfelf to, the religious principles he profefled, and other particulars likely to have given a bias to his opinions j and as it is defirable to know in what eftimation an author and his writings have been held, a brief characSler has generally been fubjoined, formed from a careful inveftigation of what has been delivered by the moft impartial and able writers, often in their own words, but with fuch modifications as a due regard to exa(9: appreciation feemed to require. Thefe Biographical Sketches, fliort as they are, have not been given without much previous labour and refearch. Such as have been found in the ufual biographical di6tionaries have been carefully compiled from a comparifon of various. authorities. But the great difficulty has been to furnifti information refpe£ling authors whofe names have not found their way into dictionaries. Many authors of moft important works have pafled their lives in fuch obfcurit)', or have had fo few incidents recorded of their hiftory, that, in the abfence of anything likely to intereft the general reader, their names have been pafl'ed over by biographers ; yet readers of their books will always be glad to know fomething about them. Such negle6led biographies have been diligently fought out for the prefent work. Many have been fearched for in vain 3 but notices, more or lefs complete, of feveral hundred i, PREFACE. VU important authors will be found in the prefent work, given for the firft time. As a remarkable inftance of this deficiency in biographical information, the name of the founder of the Bampton Le6lure may be quoted, who, although not an author himfelf, has originated one of the moft valuable feries of defences of Chriftianity ; the fcanty notice given of him here was only found, after a long fearch, in that ftorehoufe of Englifh biography, the " Gentleman's Magazine." Much time has been occupied in afcertaining the Authors of Anonymous Worksj and a great many of thefe will be found ranged under their names ; where the fearch has failed, fuch works have been placed under the moft prominent word of the title. The notice of each author is followed by the full titles of all or the most IMPORTANT OF HIS WORKS, with Critical notices where neceflary. The variations of Editions are fpecified, and thofe that are confidered the beft are indicated. In all cafes where more than one fubjedl is treated of under a general title, often very deceptive, or giving but a very imperfecSt idea of the fubjeils treated on, the whole are enumerated i fo minutely is this done, that the methods of the beft authors in treating their fubjefts are exhibited, and in books of bibliographical intereft, from their rarity, expenfivenefs, or other caufes, the analyfis given will ferve as an exa£l collation. No tables of contents have been followed, but a careful examination has been made in order to exhibit the moft eflential topics of every book, and give a full analytical view of the fubjedls on which each author has written. It muft not, however, be expelled that every book publiftied by every author whofe name is introduced is intended to be enumerated ; that would have extended the work much beyond the limits prefcribed ; yet much care has been taken to furnifti complete lifts of all the writings of fome important authors, fuch as Richard Baxter and Bifliop Patrick ; and with regard to nearly all authors whofe works have been pubhflied in a complete colle61:ion, every book in each volume, as well as the minute contents with references to the pages, has been given. Occafionally the fize and date of a feparately publiftied edition of fome of the books in fuch collected works have been placed within brackets ; but this has in general been done only when they happened to be in the Metropolitan Library, — and this, mainly as a fpecimen of a method which might be carried out with advantage. Important Pamphlets have not been negle£led ; great facility has been obtained in attending to them from the rich and extenfive colleilion contained in the Metropolitan Library formed from various libraries, and, in particular, containing that made by Dr. Flexman, an indefatigable collector of ufeful trafts. The value of fuch fmaller works, judicioufly felecled, is generally recognifed. They often illuftrate interefting points not touched upon in larger books : in hiftory they are often of great confequence. " The writers of them," fays Dr. Johnfon, " frequently have opportunities of enquiring from living witnefles, and of copying their reprefentations from the life, and preferve a multi- tude of particular incidents, which are forgotten in a fliort time, or omitted in formal relations, and yet afford light in fome of the darkeft fcenes of ftate." He compares the viii PREFACE. impreflion produced on the mind of him who fhall confult thefe trails, and of another that refers merely to formal hiftorians, to the difference between him who hears of a vidlory and him who fees the battle. To diftinguifli pamphlets, the number of pages they contain is generally inferted. It will be found to be no unimportant feature of this work, that the books contained in the collected publications of early and middle-age writers, and others, are enume- rated at length; — fuch as the Bibliotheca Patrum of De la Bigne, of Defpont and Gallandius, the Bollandine Adla San£lorum, the collections of Combefis, Routh, Cote- lerius, Martene and Durand, D'Achery, Mabillon, Muratori, Tartini, Canifius, Affemani, Ugolini, Bifhop Gibfon, Wharton, Gale and Fell, Twyfden, the Boyle, Moyer, Bampton, Hulfean, and Warburtonian Ledlures, with numerous other colledlions ; each book being alfo placed under the name of the author, with a reference to the colle6lion, the volume, and the page where it may be found. In the enumeration of the edition of the Councils of the Church edited by Coletus, not only the dates of all the Councils may be afcertained, but a complete lift of the Popes of Rome will be found, with the dates of their afcent to the Papal chair. In that of Le Quien's Oriens Chriftianus will be found the names of the Eaftern diocefes ; and many incidental advantages will be derived from the full deve- lopment now given to the contents of books. Such is a brief outline of what has been attempted in the volume now publifhed of the " Cyclopaedia Bibliographica." It will be perceived that the plan embraces objecSls which have never yet been attempted on a complete fcale in any bibliographical work, and that it is calculated to develope the valuable contents of numerous volumes, which for want of fuch lifts are of comparatively little ufe to the ftudent. In the profecution of thefe labours, now of nearly ten years' duration, occupying every hour that could be fpared from a laborious occupation or necefTary reft, much encouragement has been derived from the approbation given to the plan, and the folicitude evinced for its being carried out, by fome of the moft eminent Authors of the prefent day. To the Subfcribers — a lift of whom is fubjoined — the beft acknowledgments are due, for no pecuniary advantages over thofe who may purchafe the completed work have been offered to them, and they have given their names folely to promote a work which they confidered to be worthy of encouragement. Without fuch patronage it would not have appeared ; for the advantages of bibliographical fcience are not yet to any great extent either underftood or appreciated in this country, — undoubtedly they are not fo in quarters where fuch would be moft expeded. To the Literary Journals thanks are particularly due ; the numerous notices which have appeared during the progrefs of the publication have been of the moft generous and favourable defcription. The various criti- cifms and fuggeftions contained in thofe notices have been duly appreciated and attended to. The compiler has to acknowledge affiftance during the progrefs of the work from various gentlemen, particularly from the Rev. John Rogers Pitman, the Rev. J. Twycrofs, and the Rev. W. Anderfon. To Guftave Maffon, Efq., he is indebted for the abftrads PREFACE. IX of the contents of the " Edinburgh Review," the " Quarterly Review," and the " Bibliotheques" of Le Clerc ; alfo for many of the notices of French authors, which will be found to exhibit that gentleman's intimate knowledge of the literature of his country. The Rev. A. Lowy, one of the minifters of the Weft London Synagogue, has enriched the work with the articles on Buxtorf's Rabbinical Bible (Col. 286), on Jarchi, Jonathan Ben Uzziel, Maimonides, Mifchna, Onkelos, Talmud, Targum, and, in the Appendix, MendelfTohn. To the perfevering induftry of his daughter the compiler is indebted for the analyfis of the fermons ; with fuch care has this willing fervice been rendered, that many errors in the original works have been difcovered and filently corrected ; and although it is very poflible that others may yet remain which have not been noticed, it is hoped that as much accuracy has been reached as is attainable where fo many numerals occur. The fpace occupied by the fermons may to fome appear too large ; but the plan of the work could not otherwife have been fully carried out, and it is believed that this will not be found to be the leaft ufeful part of the book. Even in the times of Lord Bacon and Bifhop Wilkins, the publiftied fermons that had then appeared formed an important branch of theological ftudy. " It is the common opinion," fays Biftiop Wilkins, " that amongft all fuch kinds of works our Englifh fermons are moft elaborate and ufeful. It was the judgment of a very learned man (Lord Bacon), that if the choice and beft obfervations which have been made difperfedly in our Englifh fermons had been fet down in a continuance, it would be the beft work in divinity that hath been written fmce the Apoftles' time." The labour of correding the prefs — no eafy matter in a work of this nature — has been rendered comparatively light by the admirable manner in which it has pafled through the accurate prefs of Mr. Barclay. The Volume of Subje£ls is preparing for publication, for which Subfcribers' names will be received by the publiftier. It will contain a fcientific as well as alphabetical arrange- ment of fubjedls, by which a ready reference may be made to books, treatifes, fermons, and diflertations, on nearly all heads of divinity ; the books, chapters, and verfes of Holy Scripture ; the feftivals, fafts, &c., obferved throughout the year ; and ufeful topics in literature, philofophy, and hiftory, on a more complete fyftem than has yet been attempted in any language, forming an index to the contents of all Similar libraries, both public and private, and a cyclopaedia of the fources of information and difcuffion in theology, and, to a great extent, of univerfal knowledge. It will embrace the whole of the matter contained in the Volume of Authors, arranged under heads or common-places in fcientific order, with an alphabetical index, by which any topic may be eafily referred to, and all authors of any authority who have written on it at once exhibited, with the titles of their works, treatifes, diflertations, or fermons, and an indication of the volumes and pages where they may be found. Thus a great choice of authors will be prefented to the reader, who will always be aflifted in his choice by a reference to the Volume of Authors, where he will find accounts fufficiently ample to guide his feleilion. It is no uncommon thing for an author in writing his preface to acknowledge having only heard, jf PREFACE. after the reiult of his labours had been printed, of the exiftence of fome important book, which, if previoufly feen, would have enabled him to produce a better work. The " Cyclopedia Bibliographica " propofes to remedy this evil ; and it is hoped that it will be the means of promoting the advancement of knowledge, enabling each author to make a ftep in advance of what has already been accompliftied. It is a remark of Cicero, that thofe who know not what has been previoufly written on a fubjedl always remain in a ftate of childhood. And a late writer has well faid, — " He that will be fo original as to fcorn to borrow from others, may indeed acquire the wifdom of age, but he throws away the wifdom of ages. In this world that originality is fufficiently original, which having firft acquired the knowledge and practice of others, improves on them, — adds one flory to the original edifice." SUBSCRIBERS TO CYCLOPAEDIA BIBLIOGRAPHICA. The Royal Libraey {two copies). His Grace the Duke of Majsichester. The Right Hon. and Most Rev. the Lord Archbishop op Armagh. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of St. Asaph {three copies). The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Rochester. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop op Chichester. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop op Oxford. The Right Rev. the Bishop of St. Andrews. The Right Rev. the Bishop op Adelaide.. The Right Rev. the Bishop of Cape Town.- The Very Rev. the Dean of Bristol. The Library of Sign College. The Library of the Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn. The Signet Library, Edinburgh. Exeter College Library, Oxpord. Worcester College Library, Oxford. The Library op the United Presbyterian Church, Edinburgh. The Library of the Marischal College, Aberdeen. The Diocesan Library, Aberdeen. The Library op Merchant Taylors' School. The Library op the English Presbyterian College. The Library of Burlington College, New Jersey. The Library of the New College, Edinburgh. The Library of St. James' College, Massachusetts. Agnew, Samuel, Esq. Philadelphia, U.S. Aikman, Rev. John Logan, Edinburgh. Ainsworth, Rev. Thos. Vicar of Kimbolton. Airey, Rev. J. A. L. Merchant Taylors' School. Aitken, Rev. Dr., Minto. Allen, Rev. Richard. Allibone, S. Austin, Esq., Philadelphia. AUiott, Rev. Dr., Western College, Plymouth. Allport, Rev. Josiah, Birmingham. Anderson, Rev. J. S. M., Preacher of Lincoln's Lin. Anderson, Rev. William. Andrews, Rev. Charles. Appleyard, Rev. E. S. Archer, Henry, Esq. Armstrong, Rev. J. H., Dublin. Ashwell, Rev. A. R. Atkins, Rev. W. B. Aylott and Co. Messrs., Booksellers, Paternoster Row. Bain, Mr., Bookseller, Haymarket. Baker, Mr., Bookseller, Goswell Street, Baldock, Mr., Bookseller, High Holborn. Barham, Francis, Esq. Bristol. Barker, Rev. T. R., Spring Hill College, Birming- ham. Bates, Rev. E., Wakefield. Batho, Rev. F. G., Cheshunt. Bayfield, Rev. B., Vicar of Shinfield. Beaufort, Rev. D. A., Warburton. Beckwith, Rev. H. W. Begg, Mr. J. A., Bookseller, Glasgow. Bell, Mr. George, BookseUer, Fleet Street. Bell, Mr. J. Gray, Bookseller, Bedford Street, Covent Garden. Bellamy, Rev. J. W., B.D., Vicar of Sellinge, Kent. Bennet, Rev. William, Poole. Bennett, Rev. W. J. E. Bernays, Rev. L. J., Elstree. Best, The Hon. and Rev. Samuel. Bigg, Messrs. J. and Son, Booksellers, Parliament Street. Biggs, Rev. Michael, King's College. Bingham, Rev. Richard. Blew, Rev. W. J. Bliss, Rev. James, Marlborough. Bohn, Mr. H. G., Bookseller, York Street. Bonar, Rev. John James, St. Andrews, Greenock. Bonnar, Rev. James, B.D., Philadelphia. Boothby, Rev. C. Bowdler, Rev. Thomas, Secretary to the Church Building Society. Bowman, Rev. Samuel, D.D., Philadelphia. Broderip, Rev. J. S., Rector of Cossington, Brodie, Rev. W. Brown, Rev. John, D.D., Edinburgh. LIST OF SUBSCKIBERS. Brown, Rev. Thomas, Edinburgh. Brown and Co., Messrs. A., Booksellers, Aberdeen. Brown, Jlr., Bookseller, Old Street, St. Luke's. Browne, Uev. T. Cooper. Burney, The Yen. Charles Parr, D.D., Archdeacon of Colchester. BiuTiside, Rev. A. W., Famingham. Burt, Rev. J. T. Bush, Rev. Robert Wheler. Caddell, Rev. H., Wayford Rectory, Somerset. Cadman, Rev. W. Calverlev, Rev. Henry, South Stoke. Campbell, Rev. Hugh, D.D. Cardale, John B., Esq. Cavendish, The Hon. Richard. Chambers, J. D., Esq., Lincoln's Inn. Chapman, Mr. John, Bookseller, Strand. Chenery, C. G., Esq. Childe, Rev. T. C. Chisholm, The. Chiu-ch Association, The. Church of England Young Men's Society. Clark, Jlessrs. T. and T., Edinburgh. Clarke, Rev. H. J. Cla\ton, Rev. John. Clissold, Rev. Aug., Stoke Newington. Cole, Rev. Heniy, D.D. Collinson, Rev. G. J. Compton, Rev. John, Rector of Minstead, Lynd- hurst. Coney, Rev. C. B. Cooke, Rev. W., Examining Chaplain to the Bishop of Chester. Cooke, Rev. H. Cooper, Rev. Allen T. Cooper, Rev. J. E., St. John's College, Cambridge. Cope, The Rev. Sir William H., Bart,., Bramshill, Hants. Coplestone, Rev. W. J., Rector of Cromhall, Gloucestershire. Cornish, Mr., Bookseller, High Holbom (two cojjies). Corrie, Rev. G. E., B.D., Master of Jesus College, and Norrisian Prof, of Di\inity, Cambridge. Cox, Rev. John Edmund, F.S.A. Coxe, The Yen. Archdeacon. Craven, Mr., Bookseller, Piccadilly. Crawford, Rev. Dr., Rector of Woodmansteme. Cresswell, Rev. H., Canterbury. Creswell, S. J., Esq., Philadelphia, U.S. Crowfoot, Rev. J. R., Caius College, Cambridge. Cruse, Rev. Francis, Erlestoke, Westbury. Cumming, Rev. John, D.D. Cummins, J. J., Esq. Cureton, Rev. W., Canon of Westminster. Curteis, Rev. Thomas, Rector of Seven Oaks. Davidson, Rev. Samuel, D.D., Univ. of Halle and LL.D. Da\idson, Rev. Edward. Davies, Rev. C. T., Rector of Ecton. Da%ies, Rev. James. Deane, Rev. John ]?athurst. Denman, Rev. W. J. Dewar, Messrs. James and Son, Perth. Dobbin, Rev. Dr., Hull College. Dolman, Mr. Charles, Bookseller, 61 New Bond Street (two copies). Douglas, Rev. Henrj-. Dow, Rev. W. Dredge, Rev. J. Ingle, Pateley Bridge, Yorkshire. Drew, Rev. G. S. Driffield, Rev. G. T., Bow. Drjscoll, Rev. Charles;. Drummond, Rev. W., Hayes Common. Dulau and Co., Messrs., Foreign Booksellers, Soho Square. Dunlop, John, Esq., Advocate, Edinburgh. Dunn, James, Esq., Partick. Edmonds, Mr., Bookseller, Covent Garden. Edmonstone, Rev. C. W. Edwards, Rev. J. C. Ellis, Rev. W. Ely, James, Esq., Philadelphia. Evans, Rev. John, Evans, Mrs. A. and Sons, Printsellers, 403 Strand. Fagan, Rev. G. H. Falconer, Thomas, Esq. Fellowes, Rev. William, Dulwich College. Fenwicke, Rev. G. Ouseley, Vicar of Aston. Ferris, Rev. G. R., University College, Durham. Field, Rev. S. P., Debach Rectory, Woodbridge. Flower, Rev. W. B., Stoke Damerel. Ford, Rev. R. R. Forster, Rev. J., Incumbent of the Savoy, Strand. Forster, Rev. W., Kentish Town, Freeman, Rev. John, Ashwicken. Garbett, Rev. E. Garbett, The Yen. Archdeacon G. J. Garden, Rev. Francis. Garrett, Rev. Samuel. Gilderdale, Rev. J., Walthamstow. Giraud, Rev. E. A. Glascott, Rev. C. C. Goddard, Rev. G. F., Vicar of Chigwell, Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of Rochester. Goode, Rev. W., Rector of Allh allows the Great. Goodman, Rev. Godfrey, Bishop Stortford. Gordon, Rev. John, Coventry. Gordon, Rev. William. Gorham, Rev. G. C, Brampford Speke. Gower, Rev. S. Grantham, Rev. Thomas, Bramher, Sussex. Greatheed, Rev. S. S., Norwood. Greene, Rev. T. H. Grinfield, Rev. E. W., Brighton. Grossart, Mr., Falkirk, N.B. Guilding, J. M., Esq. Haigh, Rev. Daniel. Halkett, P., Esq., Windham Club. Hallward, Rev. J. W. Halson, Rev. C. A., Monmouth. Hamilton, Rev. J. H., Incumbent of St. Michael's, Pimlico. Harcourt, Rev, L. Vernon. Hardisty, Rev. W. L. Harness, Rev. W., Incumbent of All Saints, Knightsbridge. Harington, Rev. Chancellor, Exeter, Harris, Rev. Joseph, City of London School. Hamson, Rev. D. Hart, William Henry, Esq. Haslewood, Rev. A. B. Hatchard, Messrs., Booksellers, Piccadilly. HawtajTie, Rev. W. G., Blackheath. Hay, Rev. C. R. Hayne, Rev. W, B., Sydenham, Kent. Heath, Mr., Boo^cseller, Oxford Street. Hessey, Rev. J. A,, D.C.L., Preacher of Gray's Inn, and Head Master of Merchant Taylors' School. Hill, Rev. C. G., Stanmore. Hoare, the Yen. C. J., Archdeacon of Surrey. Hoare, Rev. WUliam H. LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Hodges and Smith, Messrs., Dublin {three copies). Hodgson, Rev, ^Yilliam, Sti'eatham. Holden, Eev. Henry, Durham. Holden, Mr. Adam, Bnokseller, Exeter. Horne,i{ev. TliomasHaitwell,F.S.A., Prebendary of St. PaiU's. Howson, Eev, J. S., Principal of the Collegiate Institution, Liverpool. Button, Rev. T. P., Felbridge, East Grinsted. lUingworth, Rev. E. A. Ilhngworth, E. S., Esq. Irons, Rev. William J., Brompton. Invin, Rev. Alexander. James, Rev. H. D. Janvrin,. Rev. J. H., Winchester. •Jai-man, Rev. D. F., Bedford Chapel. Jenkinson, Rev. J. S., Vicarage, Battersea. JenkjTis, Rev. H., D.D., Professor of Di\inity in the Universit}', Durham. Jeremie, Rev. Dr., Regius Professor of Di\inity, Trin. Coll., Cambridge. Johnson, Rev. J. P., Thame, Oxfordshire. Johnson, Rev. W. W. Manchester. Johnstone, Rev. W. H., Addiscombe. Jones, R. C., Esq., Manchester New College. Jones, Thos., Esq., Chetham Library, Manchester. Joy, Charles Ashfield, Esq. Kendrick, Mr., Bookseller, Ludgate Street. Kennedy, Rev. J. D. Kennion, Robert, Esq. Kent, John, Esq. KeiT, Eobert, Esq., Paisley. King, Eev. Eobert. ' ■ Kingsbury-, Eev. T. L. Kingsmill, Eev. Henry, Buxted, Sussex, Kitto, John, D.D., F.S.A. Kuowles, Eev. J. Lambert. Landon, Eev. E. H. Leslie, Mr., Bookseller, Great Queen Street. Leahy, Eev. Dr., Principal, The College, Thurles. Liveing, Eev. H. T. Lonsdale, Eev. John, Secretary to the National Society. Loring, Eev. E. H., Cobham, SmTey. Lowe, Eev. E. T., Gainsborough. Lowy, Eev. A., West London Synagogue. M' Anally, Rev. D. Macbeth, Rev. L. M'Caul, Rev. Dr., King's College. Macurdy, Rev. D. H., New J rsey. Major, Rev. Dr., Head Master, King's Coll. School. Major, Rev. J. R., King's College, London. Male, Rev. Edward. Marsh, Rev. William, D.D. Marson, Rev. Charles. Mason, Rev. Robert Monk. Massingberd, Rev. F. C, Rector of Ormsby, Lin- colnshire. Masson, Gustave, Esq., Harrow. Masters and Co., Messrs. Booksellers, Aldersgate Street, and New Bond Street {two copies). Maurice, Rev. F. D. May, John, Esq. Mayor, Orlando, Esq. Mendham, Rev. Joseph. Miles, Rev. John. Miller, Rev. J. A. Montgomery, Eev. Eobert, Percy Chapel, Moody, Rev. Clement, Perpetual Curate of Se- bergham. Morris, Eev. George. Neale, Rev. John Mason, SackriUe College. Neave, Eev. Henry L., Vicar of Epping. Neely, Eev. A. C. Nelson, Eev. E. H. Newbold, Eev. F. S., D.D., Lyndhurst. Newman, Mr., Bookseller, High Holborn. Nichols, James, Estj. Nicolson, Eev. A. D. Nisbet and Co., Messrs., Beniers Street. Norman, Eev. George Bethune. Norman, John Manship, Esq., M.A., Dencombe, Crawley. Norris, Mr. Thomas, Bookseller, Uttoxeter. Nutt, Mr., Foreign Bookseller, Strand. O'Brien, Eev., Professor, King's College, London. Ogle, Eev. A., Begbrook. Ogle and Son, Messrs., Booksellers, Glasgow {seven copies). Ollard, Eev. Henry, F.S.A., Derby. Palin, Eev. W., Eector of Stifford, Essex. Pautin, Eev. T'. P., Westcote Eectoiy, Stow-in- the-Wold. Parker, Eev. William, Pateley Bridge, Yorkshire. Parker, Mr. John Henry, Bookseller, Oxford {tlvree copies). Parkes, Eev. W. J., Eector of Hilgay, Norfolk. Pai'kes, Joseph, Esq. Patteson, Eev. John, Incumbent of St. Jude's, Ujiper Chelsea. Peck, the late Eev. Jasjjer. Penny, Eev. Edward. Perowne, Eev. John J. S., lung's College. Perry, Eev. T. W. Phelps, Eev. Joseph F. Philpott, Eev. Hem-y, D.D., Master of St. Cathe- rine's Hall, Cambridge. Pickford, William, Esq. Piggott, Eev. F. A. Pitman, Eev. J. E. Pope, Eev. T. A. Popoff, Eev. Eugenius. Power, Eev. P. B., Minister of Wobum Chapel, St. Pancras. Pridden, Eev. W., West Stow Eectory.. Eees, John, Esq., Kentish Town. Eeeve, Eev. E. J., Stondon Massey. Eichardson, Eev. H. Kemp. Eoberts, Eev. G. E. Eolandi, Messrs., Booksellers, Berners Street. Boss, Eev. C. W. Eule, Eev. W. H. Eussell. Eev. Fredeiick, Southampton. Eyan, Eev. W.,MetropoUtan Training Institution, Highbury. Eyde, Eev. J. G., Aberdeen. Eyland, J. E., Esq., A.M., Northampton. Scott, A. J., Esq., M.A., Principal of Owen's Col- lege, IManchester. Scott, Eev. J. A. Seaman, Pierce, Esq. Seeley, E. B., Esq., Fleet Street. Selwyn, Eev. E. J., Blackheath. Seymour, the Eev. Sir John, Bart. Sharp, Eev. Theophilus, Chelsea. Sing, the Very Eev. Thomas, Derby. Skeffington, Mr., Bookseller, Piccadilly. LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Slatter, Mr. H., Oxford {tivo copies). Slocock. Rev. F. Smith, Rev. Charles, Newton Rectory. Smitli, Hev. Samuel, Incumbent of St. George's, Camberwell. Smith, Rev. W. Brow-nrigg. Smith. :Mr. J. Russell, Bookseller, Soho Square. Sotljehy and AVilkinson, Messrs., Auitioneers, ^Vellington Street. Sotheran, Messrs., Booksellers,. Tower SUeet, and Strand {two copies). Southgate and Barrett, Messrs., Auctioneers, Fleet Su-eet. Steere, Dr. Steinthal, S. Alfred, Esq. Stephen, Thomas, Esq., Medical Librarian, King's College, London. Straker, .Mr. William, Bookseller, Adelaide Street, West Strand. Sutton, Rev. R. W. Tabor, Rev. R. Stammers. Tegg, Messrs. and Co., Booksellers, Queen Street, Cheapside. Temple, Rev. Robert the Lache, Chester. Thomas, Rev. M. Thomas, Rev. Owen. Thomson. Rev. Wm., Slateford, near Edinbm-gh. Till, Rev. L. AV. Todd, Rev. James Henthom, D.D., Trinity Col- lege, Dublin. Townsend, Rev. Dr., Canon of Durham. Tregelles, S. P. Esq., Ph-mouth. Trench, Rev. R. C, Professor of Divinity, King's College. Trevor, Rev. G. A. Wythybam. Tripp, Bev, W. 0., Silverton, Devon. Tnrnbull, W. B., D.D., Esq., Advocate. Twycross, Rev. J. Tyssen, J. R. Daniel, Esq., F.S.A. Utterton, Rev. J, S., Rector of Calbourne. Vernon, William, Esq., Edinburgh. Vincent, Rev. F., Slinfold, Sussex. Vogan, Rev. T. S. L., Prebendary of Chichester. W'ade, Rev. Nugent, Rector of St. Ann, Soho. AVainwriglit, Charles Henry, Esq. Warwick, Mr., Essex Gazette, Colchester. Watkin, Rev. J. S. W., AVarwick. Weaver, Rev. Joseph, New Jersey. Webb, Rev. J., Tretire Rectory, Herefordshire. Webster, Rev. W'., Christ's Hospital. Wertheira and Macintosh, Messrs., Booksellers, Paternoster Row. Wheatley, Mr., Bookseller, Bedford Street, Covent Garden. Wheelwright, Rev. George. Whitaker, Mr. J., Bookseller, Pall Mall. Whitear, Rev. W'ilham. Wilde, Rev. Spencer D., Vicar of Fletching. Williams and Norgate, Messrs., Foreign Book- sellers, Henrietta Street. W^illis, Mr., Bookseller, Covent Garden. Wilson, Rev. Dr., Southampton. Witherby, George, Esq. Woodman, Rev. F. T. Wordsworth, Rev. Christopher, D.D., Canon of Westminster. Worlledge, Rev. Edmund, Enfield. Wright, Rev. J. P. Wright, Rev. T. P., Hackney. AVroth, Rev. W. R. Cpclopaelim 33iI)liograpt)ica. BAELARD, Peter [or, Abelard, Abaylart, Abeillard, Abulart, Es- baillart, Allebart, Abailard, Bailar- dus, Abelhardus, &c.] Born at Le Pallet, near Nantes, 1079 ; died, 1 142. The hiftory of this unfortu- nate man h now well known. Although not remarkable as an original thinker, yet he was an acute dialectician, and Ihowed unqueftionable talent in his quarrels with the Realifts and with St. Bernard. " Abaelard and his Ichool," fays M. Coufin, " reprefent in fome lenfe the liberal and inno- vating fpirit of the time, with its frequently deceitful pro- mifes and the unavoidable mixture of good and evil, of fobriety and extravagance." Abaelard's doftrines were condemned in 1 140 at the Council of Sens, prefided over by Louis VII. King of France. M. Coufin has collected, in 4to., the unpublirtied works of this philofopher, 1836. (See Remusat.) An edition of Abaelard's complete works, in three 410. volumes, is now in progrefs by MM. Coufin, Jourdain, and Defpois. The firft volume only has yet appeared j it was publiflied in 1849, and contains, — Epiftolae, Heloiflae problemata, Car- mina, Sermones per annum, Expofitio orationis Dominica, Symboli, et Symboli Athanafii, Expofitio in Hexameron, Fidei confeffio, De Dionyfio Areopagita epiftola. Contra quemdam canonicum regularem, Inveftiva in quemdam ignarum dialeftices. Appendix. Petri Abaslardi, filofofi et theologi, abbatis Ruy- enfis, et Heloifae conjugis ejus, prims Para- cletenfis abbatiffae. Opera, nunc primum edita, ex MSS. codd. v. illuft. Francifci Amboefii. Cum ejufdem prasfatione apologetica, et cen- fura doftorum Parifieniium. 4°. P^r. 1616 Praefatio apologetica _ - . _ _ Yf, 19 Elenchus operum - - _ _ _ Ff. 2 P. Abaelardi apologia, feu confeflio fidei - - Ff 3 Cenfura doftorum Paris - - - - Ff. 3 Abaslardi et Heloifls epiftolae - - - - i Abaelardi et aliorum epiftolae - - - 217 Diplomata pontificum ad Heloiflam, abbatilTam - 346 P. Abaelardi expofitiones in Orationem Do.minicam, Sym- bolum Apoftolorum, Symbolum S. Athanafii - 357 HeloifTae problemata, cum Abaelardi folutionibus 384 Abaelardi adverfus haerefes liber _ _ _ ^^2. Commentariorum fuper S. Pauli epiftolam ad Romanos libri v. ------- 489 Sermones per annum legend! _ _ _ y^y Introdudlio ad theologiam, dlvifa in iii. libros - 973 De beata Virgine, profa - - - - 1136 Andreae Quercetani Turonenfis notae ad hiftoriam ca- lamitatum Petri Abaelardi - - - - 1139 Index rerum et verborum - . - - 1198 Errata, Sec. - - - - - - -F. i ABAELARD, Peter {continued). The fame edition, and of the fame date, occurs, with an alteration in the title of Quercetanus [Andrew Duchefne] inftead of Amboefius as editor, a dedication, preface of three pages, and Teftimonia veterum, added, and without Amboe- fius's Praefatio apologetica. Petri Abaelardi et Heloiffe epiftols, cura Ri- cardi Rawlinfon. 8vo. Lo?id. 17 18 An excellent edition. Hiftory of the lives of Abelard and Heloifa, comprifing a period of 84 years, from 1079 to 1 163, with their genuine Letters from the colleftion of Amboife. By the Rev. Jofeph Berington. 4°. Land. 1784 Ethica feu Liber : fcito teipfum. Pez, Thefaur. iii. p. ii. 626 Rithmus de Trinitate. Martene et Durand, ampliif. colledt. 9. 1092 Theologia Chriftiana. Expofitio in Hexameron. Martene et Durand, Thef. Nov. 5. 11 39 Vie d'Abelard, &c. See Remusat. ABARBANEL. See Abrabanel. ABAUZIT, Firmin. A French Proteftant, born in Languedoc,'i679 ; fought refuge in Geneva after the revocation of the Edidl of Nantes; vifited Holland and England 1698, when he became acquainted with Newton ; on his return to Ge- neva, 1726, he was appointed public librarian and prefented with the freedom of the city. Died, at Geneva, 1767. Abauzit's principles were Unitarian. RoufTeau and Voltaire had for him the higheft efteem. Mifcellanies, on hiftorical, theological, and cri- tical fubjefts. Tranilated by E. Harwood, D.D. 8°. Lond. 1774 Life of the author _ _ _ - _ i._xxiv. Refledlions on idolatry ----- i Of myfteries in religion _ _ _ _ 41 Letter to a lady of Dijon in regard to the dodlrines of the Church of Rome _ . _ _ 60 Of the confequences of the firft tranfgreflion - IC3 An enquiry whether the dodlrine of the Trinity be found in a pafTIige in Genefis [3. 22] - - 113 Reply to a profeffor's letter - - - 122 A paraphrafe on St. John, I. 1-14 - - - 143 Explanation of i John, 5. 20 - - - 163 An illuftration of Hebrews, i. _ _ _ 173 An explication of Philippians, 2. 5, 6 - - 190 Of the honour due to Jefus Chrift - - - 200 Of the knowledge which Jefus Chrift attributes to himfelf - - - - - - 216 ABAUZIT, Firmin (continued). Of the power which JelusChrift afcribes to himfelf 218 Ot the Holy Spirit .... - 223 Exphnation ot Chrift's charge to his Apoftles, " Go, and teach," &c. - - - - - 231 A general idea of the Eucharift ... 234. Letter to William Burnet, Efq. - - - 242 An explication of Daniel, u. - - - - 248 An hillorical dilcourfe on the Apocalypfe - 283 ABBADIE, James, D.D., Dean of Killaloe, in Ireland. A French Proteftant divine, univerfally efteemed for the excellence of his charadler, and one of the moft elo- quent and learned men of the age in which he lived. Born at Nay, in Berne, 1654 (or, according to fome au- thorities, 1658). He ftudied chiefly at Sedan, where he received the degree of Dodtor in Theology. At the Re- volution he accompanied Marfhal Schomberg to England, and was promoted to the Deanery of Killaloe. Died, in London, 1727. Traite de la verite de la religion Chretienne. Troifieme edition, revue, corrigee, et aug- mentee. 2 vol. 12°. Rotter d. 1692 Vol. I. De I'exiftence de Dieu - - - i La verite et la neceflite de la religion contre ceux qu'on nomme Deiftes - - - - 1 1 1 La verite de la religion JudaYque - - - 167 Que la revelation Judaique nous conduit a la verite de la religion Chretienne - - - - 337 Vol. 2. Preuves de la religion Chret. tireesdu temoignage de ceux qui I'ont premierement annoncee - i La divinite de la rel. Chret. etablit, en examinant I'ecriture du Nouveau Teftament - - 31 Preuves jufqu'au degre de la demonftration - 157 La verite de la rel. Chret. par la confideration de fa nature et de fes proprictes . _ _ 280 This w'ork was received with enthufiafm immediately on its appearance by Roman Catholics as well as Proteft- ants. The beft critics have agreed in confidering it one of the moft perfedt of its kind, uniting ftrength of reafoning with a lively, pure, and elegant ftyle. The firft edition was publiihcd in 1684, the fecond, much augmented, ap- peared in 1688. A vindication of the truth of Chriftian religion againft the objedlions of all modern oppofers. Rendered into Englifli by H[enry] L[ii{ran]. 8°. Lond. 1694 A tranflation of vol. I of the preceding work. Traite de la divinite de notre Seigneur Jefus- Chrift. 12°. Rotterd. 1689 L'art de fe connoitre foy-mefme, ou la re- cherche des fources de la morale. 12°. Rotterd. 1693 An excellent fyftem of morality. In the edition at Lyons (1693), all the paflages which favour the Proteftant religion were left out. Le triomphe de la providence et de la religion ; ou, I'ouverture des fept feaux par le Fils de Dieu ; oil Ton trouvera la premiere partie de I'Apocalypfe clairement expliquee par ce qu'il y a de plus connu dans I'hiftoire et de moins contefte dans la parole de Dieu. Avec une nouvelle et tres fenfible demonftration de la verite de la religion Chretienne. 4 vol. 12°. Amft. 1723 One of the boldeft commentaries on the Apocalypie ever publifhed. The accomplifliment of prophecy in the cha- radter and condudl of Jcfus Chrift. From ABBADIE, James, D.D. {continued). the imprcflive treatile on the truth of the Chriftian religion. 12°. Lond. 1810 Sermons ctpanegyriques. 3 vol. 12°. Amfl. 1760 Vol. I. Eftai hiftorique fur la vie et les ouvrages de M. Abbadie ---__. iii_lvi Rom. 6. 23. Le principe de la mort et de la vie i Prov. II, 18. Les fruits du vice et de la vertu - 57 Gen. 22. 10. Le facrifice d'Abraham - - 104 Jean, 14. 6. Le chemin qui conduit a Dieu - 151 Jean, 4. 24. Sur Tadoration fpirituelle - - 203 Luc, 12. 49. Le feu des afflictions - - 305 Vol. 2. 2 Cor. 5. 17. La nouvelle creature - 1 I Rois, 10. 9. Sur le couronnement de fa ferenete ele(Storale de Brandebourg - - - - 113 I Cor. 13. 8. L'efprit du Chriftianifme, ou Texcellence de la charite ----- 203 I Cor. 1.2. La fcience du Chretien - - 290 Nomb. 23. 10. La morte du jufte - - 399 Vol. 3. Pf. 72. 1-19. Sur la regne glorieux de Jelus- Chrift fur la terre - .- - - - i Panegyrique du M. I'Eledleur de Brandebourg - 151 Panegyrique de Marie Stuart, Reine d'Angleterre, d'Ecoffe, de France, et d'Irlande - - 211 Lettres ------- 283 ABBADIE, The Abbe, Canon of Comminges. Nouvelle differtation touchant le tems auquel la religion Chretienne a ete etablie dans les Gaules. 12°. Toul. 1703 ABBAUDUS, an Abbot. Tradlatus de fraftione corporis Chrifti. Mabillon, Vet. Analed. 52 ABBIAS, Rev. John, A.M. Sermon, i Tim. 2. i, 2 [Acceffion]. 8vo. Lond. 1826 ABBO OF NEUSTRIA. Lived in the ninth and tenth centuries, monk of the Abbey of S. Germain des Pres, at Paris. Chiefly known for a poem on the fiege of Paris by the Normans (885-6), which has been publifhed feveral times. Befides the five fermons which are printed, there appear to be thirty-two more in MS. preferved at the National Library, Paris. Sermones V. felefti. Bibl. Patr. Gallandii, 14. 99 D'Achery, Spicil. i. 336 ABBO FLORIACENSIS. Lived in the tenth century. He was born in the diocefe of Orleans. Died 1004. Apologeticus adverfus Arnulphum. Epiftolje et canones. Pithcei Codex Canonum, 391 Bibl. Patr. Gallandii, 14. 137 Colledlio canonum, ad Hugonem et Robertum rcges Francorum. Mabillon, Vet. Analeft. 133 ABBOT, George, Archbifhop of Canterbury. One of the tranflators of the prefent verfion of the Bible, and a man of great abilities. In doctrine a Calvinift. 1 Born at Guildford, in Surrey, 1562. From Guildford School he entered at Baliol College, Oxford, where he ob- tained a Fellowfhip. In 1597 he was chofen Mafter of Univerfity College, and two years afterwards was made Dean of Winchcfter. He ferved the office of Vice-Chan- cellor, in which he difplayed great zeal againft Arminianifm. In 1609 he was confecrated Biftiop of Lichfield, a month afterwards tranflated to London, and in 161 1 Archbifhop of Canterbury. Died at Croydon, 1633. An cxpofition upon the Prophet Jonah. A new edition by Grace Webfter : to vv^hich is added a life of the author. 2 vol. large 1 2°. Lond, 1845 5 ABBOT, Abp. {continued). Vol. 1. Life of Archbifhop Abbot. Chap, i.-ii. 9. Vol. 2. Chap. ii. lo-iv. Firft publiihed in 1600, and received with great applaufe. A true narration of the bloody maflacre com- mitted upon the Proteftants by the Papifts in the greater part of the Valtoline, in the year 1620. [Anonymous.] Fox's Ads and Monuments, edit. 1684, 3. 952 Quzeftiones fex, totidem prseledlionibus in fchola theologica Oxonis, pro forma habitis, difcuflk et difceptat^E anno 1597. 4°. Oxf. \<^g%* Reprinted at Frankfort, 1616, in 4°. Treatife of the perpetual vifibility and fucceffion of the true Church in all ages. [Anonymous.] 4°. Lond. 1624* A briefe defcription of the whole world. 12°. Lond. 163^* With a frontifpiece, containing the author's portrait, by W. Marfhall. Many editions of this work were printed between 1 599 and 1664. ABBOT, Jacob. A popular American author. His " Young Chriftian" and "Corner-Stone" have been commended by the late Dr. Arnold (Life, i. 388) as original and powerful, and as containing American illuftrations, whether borrowed from the fcenery or the manners of the people, which are very ftriking. His works are very numerous. The young Chriftian ; or, a familiar illuftration of the principles of Chriftian duty. With a preface and correftions by the Rev. J. W. Cunningham, M. A. Fourth edition. 12°. Lond. 1833 Confeflion, prayer, difficulties in religion, evidences of Chriftianity, ftudy of the Bible, the Sabbath, &c. The teacher ; or, moral influences employed in the inftruftion and government of the young. 32°. Lond. 1836 The fire-fide ; or, the duties and enjoyments of family religion. 32°. Lond. 1836 The corner-ftone ; or a familiar illuftration of the principles of Chriftian truth. With a Preface, by John Pye Smith, D.D. 12°. Lond.\2,T,^ The way to do good ; or, the Chriftian charadler mature. The fequel to the " Young Chriftian " and " Corner-Stone." 32°. Lond. 1836 China and the Englilh ; or, the charadlers and manners of the Chinefe. 32°. Lond. 1837 ABBOT, John, S. C. The path of peace ; or, a praflical guide to duty and happinefs. 32°. Lond. 1837 ABBOT, Robert, D.D., Biftiop of Saliftjury. Elder brother of Archbifhop Abbot. Born at Guildford, 1560. Educated at Guildford School, and chofen fcholar of Baliol College, Oxford, 1575. Eleded Fellow, 1581. Redlorof All Saints, Worcefter, 1588. Soon after, pre- fented to the rich living of Bingham, Nottinghamfhire. Mafter of Baliol College, 1609 ; Regius profefTor of divinity at Oxford, 1612; Bifhop of Salilbury, 161 5. Died 16 17. He was confidered one of the firft polemical divines of the age ; inclined to Calvinifm, but not fo decidedly of thofe principles as his brother. A defence of the reformed Catholicke of M. W. Perkins, lately deceafed, againft the baftard counter-Catholicke of D. Bifhop, feminary ABBOT, Bp. [continued). pricft, the firft part, for anfwer to liis calum- niations generally framed againft the fame, and againft the whole religion and ftate of our Church, in his cpiftle dedicatory to the king. 4°. Lond. 161 1 The fecond part of the defence of the reformed Catholicke. Wherein the religion eftablifhcd in our Church of England (for the points here handled) is apparently juiiified by au- thoritie of Scripture, and teftimonie of the auncient Church againft the vaine cavillations collefted by Dr. Bifhop. Publifhed under the name of the marrow and pith of many large volumes. 4°. Lond. 1607 That Rome is Babylon and the Pope Antichrift, Free will, Of original fm after baptifm. The certainty of falvation, Righteoufnefs imputed not inherent, Of faith whereby we are juftified. Good works, &c. ABBOT, Robert, M.A. Originally of Cambridge, but incorporated M.A. at Ox- ford in 1607. In 1623, he is ftyled " Preacher of God's word at Cranebrooke, in Kent." At the Rebellion, he joined the Preityterians, and was inftituted minifter of Southwick, in Hampfhire, and afterwards of St. Auftin's, Watling Street, London. Died 1653, at an advanced age. A hand of fellowfhip to help keepe out fmne and Antichrift. In certaine fermons preached upon feveral occafions. 4°. Lond. 1623 Pf. 27. 4. David's defires - - - - i James, 2. 4. The Affize at Home - - 53 2 Cor. 5. 17. The hid man of the heart - - 97 I Pet. 4. 7. A preventer of fecuritie - - 145 Gal. 2. 20. The new man's new life - - 193 James, I. 27. The trial of true religion - 233 ABBOTSFORD Club MisceUany. Vol. i. 4^. Edin. 1837 Inter alia, — Seledlions from the papers of the family of Boyd, of Kilmarnock ------ 5 Difpute between the abbot and convent of Lindores and the inhabitants of Newburgh, 1309 - - 51 Burlefque fermon of the fifteenth century - 57 Brevis narratio martyrii venerabilis facerdotis Thomae Maxfieldii ------ 97 Epiftolas virorum clarorum ad Jacobum VL - 103 Epiftola M. Cafauboni - - - - 125 Epiftola L. Andrews ad P. MoHnasum - - 126 Trials for witchcraft, forcery, and fuperftition, in Ork- ney - - - - " . ■ . " '33 Letters and papers relating to the hiftory of Great Bri- tain during the reign of James L - - - 227 Letters and papers relative to Irifh matters - 265 Satire againft Scotland, 16 17, and anfwer - - 289 Correfpondence between G. Redpath and Wodrow 353 ABDIAS of Babylon. The luppofitious author of an apocryphal book profels- ing to be written by one of the feventy-two difciples of Jefus Chrift. Hiftoria certaminis Apoftolici. Fabricii J. A. Codex Apoc. 2. 402 ABDIEL. See Brooks. ABDY, Stotherd, M.A., Archdeacon of EfTex. Sermon, Lam. 4. 5. [Sons of the Clergy] 4°. Lond. 1759 ABENDANA, Isaac. A learned Jew, who refided many years in England, and more particularly at Oxford, preceding the year 1706. 8 ABENDANA, Ifaac [continuecT), Difcour(es of the ecclefiallical and civil polity of the Jews : viz. of their courts of judicature, laws concerning tithes, inllitution of the prieft- hood, their liturgy, their fchools, their feafts, falls, coins, weights, and meafures. 8°. Land. 1706 ABERCROMBIE, John, M.D. An eminent pliylkian and met.iphylkal writer, began to practife in Edinburgh 1803. Became phyfician to the king for Scotland, and Vice-Prefident of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Received the degree of M.D. from the Univerfity of Oxford 1S34; Lord Redor of the Marifchal College, Aberdeen, 1835. Died 1844. Inquiries concerning the intelle£lual powers and the invcrtigation of truth. Tenth edition. 8°. Lond. 1 840 The philofophy of the moral feelings. Seventh edition. Small 8°. Lond. 1841 Elfays and tracfts. 18°. Edin. v. y. Harmony of Chriftian faith and charadler. Culture and difcipline of the mind. Addrefled to the young. Think on thefe things [Philip. 4. 8.] The conteft and the armour [on Eph. 6. 10-18.] The MclTiah as an example. ABERCROMBY, Patrick, M.D. Born of a good family, at Forfar, 1656. On returning home, after travelling in foreign countries, he embraced the Romifh faith, and was made phyfician to James II. Died about 1720. The martial atchievements of the Scots nation ; being an account of the lives of fuch Scotfmen as have fignalized themfelves by the fword at home and abroad. 2 vol. fol. Edin. 171 1-15 ABERNETHY, John, Bilhop of Caithnefs, in Scotland. Inftituted Minifter at Jedburgh 1607; preferred to the BiHioprick of Caithnefs 1624; deprived by the Prelby- terian AfTembly of 1638. A Chriftian and heavenly treatife, containing phyficke for the foule ; very necelTary for all that would enjoy foundnefs of mind and peace of confcience. Newly correfted and enlarged by the author. 4°. Lond. 1622 Preface and verfes to the author - - Ff- 5 Matth. 9, 12. Spiritual ficknefs - - - i Rom. 3. 17. Blindnefs of mind I(. 42. 19. Blindnefs of mind, or ignorance of God 2 Tim. 3. 9. Madnefs of mind . . _ Heb. 3. ]2. Evil heart of incredulity - Heb. 3. 15. Hardnefs of heart - - _ If. 29. 10. The fpirit of flumber J Tim. 4. 2. A cauterized confcience Prov. 18. 14. A wounded fpirit - - - Eph. 4. 19. Dedolent impenitency - - - 2 Tim. 3. I, 2. Peftilent felf-love Matth. 23. 27. Putrid hypocrify 19 34 58 65 81 91 103 114 138 15s 164 Luke, 8. 13. The falling ficknefs, or cpilepfy of apo- ftacy ------. j86 - ._ rr-L ,-1 r ^^^ 216 232 245 271 2 Tim. 2. 17. The gangrene of herefy I Kings, 8. 38. The plague of difcont'entment Pf. 42. 5-11. The grief of impatiency - James, 5. 5. The excefs of intemperancy - Rom. 7. 5. Phrenfy of pafTion - - - Eph. 4. 26. The fiiry of anger Gal. 5. 19, 20. The paflion of hatred - Prov. 14. 13. The confumption of envy - 312 ABERNETHY, John, Bp. [continued). Dcut. 28. 65. A trembling heart - - 32a Prov. 12.25. The heavinefs of forrow - - 343 Job, 7. 15. Violent defperation - - - 367 Prov. 30. 15. Infatiable avarice - _ _ 377 I Cor. 4. j8. The tympany of pride - - 392 Prov. 14. 13. The paffion of joy . . _ 407 Phil. 3. 19. The paflion of gluttony - - 417 Eph. 5. 18. The paffion of drunkennefs - - 426 1 Cor. 7. 9. Burning luft - - - - 435 2 Tim. 3. 2. Leprofy of ingratitude - - - 447 James, 3. 8. The poifonous tongue - - 463 If. 42. l8. The deafncfs of the ear - - - 486 Mark, 7. 22, 23. The evil eye - - - 499 Index. ABERNETHY, John, M.A. An eminent Prelbyterian divine, educated at the Uni- verfity of Glafgow, and afterwards at Edinburgh. Born at Colraine, in Ireland, 1680. Minifter at Antrim 1708 ; removed to Dublin 1730, where he died 1740. His dis- courfes on the being and attributes of God were recom- mended by Archbi/hop Herring, and have always been held in much efteem. Difcourfes concerning the being and natural per- fedlions of God, in which that firft principle of religion, the exiftence of the Deity, is proved. 2 vol. 8vo. Lond. 1743 Vol. I. Rom. I. 19, 20. The being of God proved from the frame of the material world - - - i Rom. I. 19, 20. The being of God proved from the animal and rational life _ _ _ ^6 Rom. I. 19, 20. The being of God proved from human intelligence and morality - - - - 72 John, 4. 24. The fpirituality of the divine nature ex- plained and aflerted - - - - 106 Deut. 6. 4. The unity of God proved from the apparent unity of defign in his works . - - 146 Pf. 90. 2. Abfolute eternity explained, and fhown to be a peculiar attribute of God _ - . 182 Pf. 139. 7-10. The doftrine of God's omniprefence ex- plained and vindicated - - - - 216 Gen. 17. I. God's almighty power, by what adls mani- fefted, and in what fenfe to be underftood - 24S Pf. 147." 5. The true notion of divine omnifcience, of its nature, manner, and extent - _ _ 288 I Tim. I. 17. The wildom of God manifefted in the conftitution and government both of the natural and moral world ----- 326 Vol. 2. Rev. 15. 4. Moral agency explained, and in what fenfe it is to be attributed to God - - I Mark, 10. 18. The goodnefs of God proved from his works _--___ ^.8 Mark, 10. 18. The principal objedlions againft the goodnefs of God anfwered - - - - 95 Mark, 10. 18. The goodnefs of God explained and im- proved --___- 144 Pf. 89. 14. The juftice of God explained and proved 180 Job, II. 7. The divine perfedlions incomprehenfible. (Two fermons) - - _ 219 and 252 Job, 28. 28. Religion diftinguiihed from fuperftition, and fhown to be true wifdom - - _ 282 Sermons on various fubjefts. 4 vol. 8°. Lond. 1 748-1 75 1 Vol. I. 1748. A large preface, containing the life of the author. Matth. 16. 24. Of felf-denial - - - I James, 2. 12. The gofpel a law of liberty - 24 Matth. 4. 17. Of repentance. (Two fermons) 50 & 74 Matth. 26. 74. Peter's denial of his Mafter practically improved ______ loi Rom. 4. 16. Of juftification by faith - - 128 Afts, 24. 16. Of a confcience void of offence - 152 ABERNETHY, John, M.A. {continue^. 1 John, 4. 17, 18. Perteft love gives boldnefs in the day of judgment - - - - - 177 Matth. 10. 37. Loving Chrift above all, the charadter of his true difciples . - - - 203 Ecclef. 7. 2-4. Of the proper improvement of occafions offorrow ...--- 230 If. 3. 10. The happinefs of the righteous in all cir- cumftances illuftrated - - - - 255 Prov. 4. 18. The path of the juft like the fhining light 279 Vol. 2. 1748. Rom. 15. 2. Mutual edification the duty of Chriftians 1 Matth. 7. 21-23. Sincere obedience neceffary to our acceptance vi^ith God . - . . 30 Matth. 6. 22, 23. The caufes and danger of felf- deceit - - - - - - "55 2 Pet. I. 5. Of Chrlftian fortitude - - 86 2 Pet. 1. 5. Of knowledge - - - - 114 2 Pet. I. 6. Of temperance ... 141 2 Pet. I. 6. Of patience - - - - 170 2 Pet. I. 6. Of godlinefs - - - - 197 2 Pet. I. 7. Of brotherly kindnefs and charity - 223 John, 7. 17. Sincere obedience the beft preparation for knowing the truth . . - . 249 I Cor. 4. 3, 4. Of the vanity of men's judgment com- pared with that of God . - - - 275 Prov. 3. 6. Of acknowledging God in all our ways 302 Ezek. 14. 12, 13. On a public faft - - 328 Matth, 7. 6. Prudence neceflary in converfing upon re- ligious fubjedls - - - - - "357 Mai. 3. 16, 17. Religious converfation recommend- ed 384 Job, 28. 28. Religion fhown to be perfeftly confiftent with the true intereft of mankind - - 3 14 Matth. 22. 37. The love of God explained and recom- mended -..-.. 347 Pf. 62. 8. Of truft in God, and praying to him - 380 Vol. 3. 1751. Prov. 1. 1-4. Religion and virtue confidered under the notion of wifdom ----- i Prov. 8. 6, 7. The excellency of wifdom - - 30 Prov. 3. 17. The ways of wifdom ways of pleafant- nefs 58 Prov. 24. 5. Wifdom the ftrrength of the mind - 86 Prov. 8. 35. The favour of God obtained by wifdom 114 Prov. 3. 16. Long life, riches, and honour, the fruits of wifdom ------ 140 Prov. 8. 17. The love of wifdom neceffary to the at- taining of it ------ j66 Prov. 8. 17. Diligence in feeking wifdom always fuc- cefsful - - - - - - - 190 Prov. 25. 28. Self-government eflential to wifdom 214 Prov. 14. 6. The proud and fcornful incapable of at- taining to wifdom ----- 240 Prov. 8. 34. Attending to publick inftru(flion and other inftrumental duties recommended - - 267 Prov. 13. 20. Walking with wife men a means of at- taining to wifdom - - - - - 293 1 John, 3. 19-21. The foundation of confidence towards God explained. (Two fermons) - 317 and 344 2 Cor. 5. 7. Walking by faith, not by fight, explained and recommended - - . . . 370 Vol. 4. 175 1. James, i. 13, 14. Temptations to evil not from God i James, I. 14. Men tempted to evil by their own lufts ------- 27 Gal. 5. I. Of natural, moral, and civil liberty - 54 Gal. 5. I. Of Chriftian liberty. (Two fermons.) 84 and 1 17 Rom. 14. 17. Of the kingdom of God - - 155 I John, 3. 23. Of believing in Jefus Chrift - 181 Jer. 13. 23. Of inability to do good arifing from vicious habits ------- 206 Ps. 34. 11-14. To young people - - 236 ABERNETHY, John, M.A. {continued). Ecclef. 5. 1-8. How divine worfiiip is to be acceptably performed --.-.. 268 Luke, 12. 15. The evil and folly of covetoufnefs 294 Luke, 16. 8-12. The proper improvement of temporal pofleflions ------ 325 Matth. 5. 8. Ofthe blelTednefs of the purein heart 350 Matth. 5. 9. Of the bleffednefs of the peacemakers 377 Philip. I. 27. A converfation becoming the gofpel re- commended ------ 405 Scarce and valuable trafts and fermons, occafion- ally publifhed. Now firfl colledled together. 8°. Lond. 1 75 1 Reafons for the repeal of the Sacramental Teft - I The nature and confequences of the Sacramental Teft confidered ------ 77 Seafonable advice to the Proteftant diffenters in the north of Ireland. [On fubfcription to articles, &c.j 137 Sermons, Rom. 14. 5. Religious obedience founded on perfonal perfuafion - - - - - -215 Matth. 5. 44. Perfecution contrary to Chriftianity 255 ABICHT, J. G. A German theologian and orientalift ; born 1672 ; died 1740. He wrote largely on fubjedVs of biblical literature. DifTert. de lapfu murorum Hierichuntinorum. Ugolinus, 32. 839 ABRABANEL (Abravanel or Abarbanel), Isaac. A celebrated rabbi, and a violent oppofer of Chriftianity, Born, at Lilbon, 1437- He was minifter of finance to Alphonfus v., king of Portugal, and afterwards to Ferdi- nand and Ifabella, of Spain. He acquired great wealth, and was one ofthe moft diftinguifhed men of his nation. Died, at Venice, 1508. In his works he fhows a profound knowledge ofthe Hebrew fcriptures, and of general learn- ing. Father Simon fays that his works are the moft ufe- ful of all the rabbinical writings for the ftudy of the Old Teftament. Niceron gives a full lift of his works in vol. 41. Commentarii in Efaise Prophetam 30, cum ad- ditamento eorum quje R. Simeon e veterum diftis collegit. Heb. fubjundla hujufmodi refutatione et textus nova verfione ac para- phrafi ; ut plena de Chrifti fatisfaflione doc- trina exhibeatur, authore Conftantino L'Em- pereur. 8°. L. Bat. 1631 Differt. de ftatu et jure regio. Ugolinus, 24. 825 Differt. de judicum et regum differentia. lb. 24. 825 ABRABANEL, Solomon. The complaint of the children of Ifrael, repre- fenting their grievances under the penal laws, and praying, that if the tefts are repealed, the Jews may have the benefit of this indulgence. Sixth edition, pp. 39. 8°. Lorid. 1736 ABRAHAM, a Sancta Clara. A popular Roman Catholic preacher of Vienna. Born 1642. Entered at eighteen into the order of Barefooted Dominicans. Died 1709. Grammatica religiofa, qus pie docet declinare a malo et facere bonum, ample£li perfeftum in prsfenti et refpuere imperfeftum. Opus ap- prim^, religioforum tyronum, magiflris, et etiam verbi divini praeconibus, prout ex indice concionatorio, S. Scripture, fermonum, et authorum annexe patebit, non inutile. Editio noviffima. 4°. Col. Ag. 17 19 Containing fifty-five fermons. 1 1 ABRAHAM, C. J. B.D., Fellow of King's Coll. Cambridge, and affiftant-mafter of Eton. Feflival and Lenten ledures, delivered at St. George's chapel, Windfor, with fpecial refe- rence to the ecclefiafticaJ and focial queftions of the day, in 1 848-9. 8°, Oxf. \ 849 Feaft of St. Luke i Feaft of St. Simon and St. Jude - - - 10 Feaft of All Saints 19 St. Andrew's day 29 St. Thomas's day ------ 40 Chriftmas day S^ St. Stephen's day 60 Feaft of St. John the Evangelift - - - 73 Holy Innocents' day ----- 88 The feaft of Circumcifion - - - - 99 Feaft of the Epiphany - - - - -iii Converfion of St. Paul - - - - 122 Purification of the B. V. M. - - - - 134 On the Church Catechifm. Lent, 6 ledlures - 147 Confirmation ------ 205 St. Matthew's day - - - • - 214 Feaft of the Annunciation - . - - 228 Heb. 12. 25. Good Friday - - - - 240 2 Tim. 2. 8. Eafter day . - - . 252 St. Mark's day 264 St. Philip and St. James's day - - - - 274 John, 16. 28. Afcenfion day - - - 286 Whit Tuefday 294 St. Barnabas' day ----- 304 The Queen's acceflion - - - - - 318 St. John the Baptift's day - - - - 326 St. Peter's day 339 St. James the apoftle . - . . 347 Feaft of St. Bartholomew - - - - 358 Feaft of St. Matthew - - . - 369 Day of fafting and humiliation becaufe of the cholera 380 Feaft of St. Michael and all angels - - 393 ABRAHAM, Ben David, Rabbi. Commentarius de templo, ab Ugolino Latina interpr. illuftratus Heb. et Lat. Ugolinus, 9. i Commentarius de fuffitu, ab Ugolino ex Heb. Latine redditus et notis illuftratus. lb. u. 257 Diflert. de veftitu facerdotum Hebrasorum, Heb. et L.at. Ugolinus, 13. i ABUCARA. See Theodorus. ABULGASI-BAYADURCHAN, Khan of the Tartars. Born, at Urgens, 1605; died 1663. Some time before his death he refigned his throne to his fon, and in his re- tirement wrote the hiftory of the Tartars. Hifloire genealogique des Tartars, traduite et enrichie d'un grand nombre de remarques authentiques et tres curieufes fur le veritable eftat prefcnt de I'Afie feptentrionale, par D — [Bentinck.] 12°. Le;jde, 1726 Hilloria Mongolorum et Tartarorum nunc pri- mum Tartarice edita. Pp. ix & 210. Large folio. Cafani, 1825* ABUL-PHARAGIUS, Gregory, [or, Bar-He- bra:us.] Born at Malatia, in Afia Minor, 1226. Confecrated Biftiop of Cuba at the age of twenty. Soon after tranflated to Aleppo ; at the age of forty became primate of the Eaftern Jacobites. Died 1286. His great work on univerfal hiftory he wrote in Syriac, and tranflated it into Arabic. Gibbon fpeaks of this author in high terms of praife. Hiftoria compendiofa dynaftiarum [orientalium]. ABL'L-PHARAGIUS, Gregory {continued). hiftoriam compleftcns univerfalem, a mundo condito ufque ad tempora authoris. Arabice edita et Latine verfa, ab Ed. Pocockio, cum fupplemento Latine confcripto. 2 vol. 4°. Oxon. 1663* Vol. I. Arabice. Vol. 2. Latine. Specimen hilloris Arabum, auftore Ed. Pocockio; acceffit hirtoria veterum Arabum, ex Abul- Feda, cura Ant. If Silveftre de Sacy. Edidit Jofephus White. 4°. Oxon. 1806* The "Specimen" is a fliort extraft from the preceding work, and was originally publifhed 1650. Chronicon Syriacum, e codd. Bodleianis defcrip- fit, maximam partem vertit, notifque illuftravit Paul lac. Bruns ; edidit, ex parte vertit, notafque adjecit G. G. Kirfch. 2 vol. 4°. Lips. 1789* This work contains the firft part of the Syriac text of Abul-Pharaglus's hiftory. No more has been publifhed. One volume contains the Syriac text, the other the Latin tranflation. Nomocanon ecclefias Antiochenas Syrorum, La- tine, interprete Aloyfio Affemano. Mai Script. Vet. 10, p. 2. 1-268 ABULPHEDA, Ismael. A celebrated hiftorian and geographer, born at Damafcug 1273 ; Sultan of Hamath, 131 1 ; died 1331. Excerpta ab Abulphedae chronologia univerfali, ex Arabico codice MS. Muratorii Ital. Script, i, pars 2. 249 Annales Muflemici, Arab, et Lat., cum notis J. J. Reifkii. Edidit J. G. C. Adler. 5 vol. i^. Hafn. 1789-94* ABYDENUS. A very early hiftorian. [See Cory, J. P. Fragments.] ACACIUS. Bifhop of Conftantinople in 471. Died 489. He was a determined oppofer of the Roman fupremacy. Valefius de Acacio, epifcopo Conftantinopoli- tano. Eufebius, Reading, 3. 597 A CASTRO. See Castro. ACCIUS, L. A Latin tragic poet, born in the year of Rome 583. Fragmenta. Maittaire, Opera Poet. 2. 1487 ACERNO, Thomas de, Epifcopus Lucerienfis. De creationc Urbani VL Pontificis, et creationc domini Gebennenfis in antipapam. Muratorii Rer. Ital. Script. 3, pars 2. 715 ACHARD [Achardus]. A prelate and ecclefiaftical writer of the twelfth century. Was abbot of S. Vidtor, at Paris; bifhop of Avranches in 1 161 j died 1 171. Befides the following letters, two of his works are ftill extant in MS. Epiftolje duo. Martene et Durand, Colkaio, 6. 230 ACKERMANN, Dr. Fourerio. Introduftio in libros facros Veteris Foederis, ufibus Academicis accommodata. 8°. Vienrite, 1825 ACLAND, Hugh Dyke. See Arnaud. ACKLAND, Rev. Thos. Gilbank, M.A., Reftor of St. Mildred's, Bread Street, London. Sermon, John, 19. 30. Arraigned dodrine its own advocate. 8". Lond. 1820 n H ACOSTA, Joseph. Born at Medina del Campo, of Portuguefe extradlion, about 1539. Entered early into the order of Jefuits. Pro- vincial at Peru, 1572. Afterwards became vifitor of Ar- ragon and Andalufia. Died 1600. De Chrifto revelato, libri novem. Simulque, De temporibus noviffimis, libri quatuor. 8°. Lugd. 1592 De promulgatione Evangelii apud barbaros. 8°. Col. 1596* ACRES, Joseph, Vicar of Blewberry, Berkfhire. Sermon, Pf. 78. 4. The true method of propa- gating religion and loyahy. 8°. Lond.\']\\ Sermon, Pf. 126. 5, 6. Glad tidings to Great Britain. [Acceffion.] 8°. Lond. 171 5 ACTA Pauh et Thecl^. Gr. et Lat. Bibl. Patr. Gallandii, i. 167 Grabe, Spicilegium, i. 95 ACTA SS. Pionii et fociorum ejus martyrum. Bibl. Patr. Gallandii, 3. 324 ACTA Synodi Nationalis, autoritate DD. or- dinum generalium fcederati Belgii provinci- arum, Dordrechti habitae anno 1618 et 16 19. Accedunt plenillima de quinque articulis theo- logorum judicia. 4°. Dord. 1620 The "Judicia Theologorum" are not contained in the folio Elzevir edition of the fame date. ACTA San£lorum quotquot tote orbe coluntur, vel a Catholicis scriptoribus celebrantur, quae ex Latinis et Grascis, aliarumque gentium antiquis monumentis, collegit, digeiht, notis illuftravit Joannes Bollandus, Societatis Jefu theologus, fervata primigenia fcriptorum phrafi. Operam et ftudium contuht Godefri- dus Henfchenius, ejufdem Societatis theologus. 55 vol. folio. J?itv. 1 643-1 845 The moft remarkable book which has ever been pro- duced, whether it be regarded as to its fubje(ft-matter, the period of time which has been required for its production, or the indefatigable induftry, great learning, and untiring refearch of its authors. In giving the adls and achieve- ments of faints, it unfolds the hiftory of Europe during the middle ages on a more extenfive and minute fcale than is done in any other produftion, including at the fame time much of Eaftern hiftory, and containing innumerable im- portant documents and interefting hiftorical differtations. It throws great light on the early records of Chriftianity and the practice and difcipline of the firft Chriftians, the origin and progrefs of the monaftic orders, annals of bifhopricks, and nearly all important events in the Church of all ages. Its produdlion has already occupied above two hundred years, and it is ftill going on to its completion. Two in- terruptions have occurred during that period : firft, when the Jefuits were fupprefled in 1773, after which the work was refumed in 1779 ; and the fecond, at the period when the French troops entered Belgium, in 1794. It was again refumed in 1837, and a volume publifhed in 1845. As one of the great efforts of the Jefuits, that body has always been able to furnifh the men moft qualified to continue the gigantic work as one after another has deceafed. The honour of commencing the undertaking is due to Father Heribert RofTweide, of Utrecht, born 1569. He made great colleftions towards it, but died in 1629, before any part was printed. He was fucceeded in his labours by John Bollandus (born 1596, died 1665), from whofe name the authors who have been engaged in the work are now called BoUandifts. Having found his labours accumulate, he aflbciated others with him, one of whom, Daniel Pape- ACTA Sandlorum {continued). broch, continued his labours for fifty years, and brought into contribution an ample private fortune. The names of the authors in their regular fucceffion are given in the ac- companying enumeration of the contents of the volumes, which are all of the original and beft edicions. The firft forty-two volumes were reprinted at Venice 1734, finiftiing at 15 Sept. That edition has never been completed, and is in little eftimation, as, befides its imperfeft ftate, it is full of errors of the prefs, and is printed in an inferior manner. Note, that each volume contains, — Index fanftorum, Index chronologicus. Index hiftori- cus. Index topographicus. Index onomafticus, Index moralis. An alphabetical index of the faints of the firft fix months of the year is given in the feventh volume of June ; and a fimilar index for July, Auguft, and September, is given in the firft volume of Oftober. An index to the contents of the preliminary differtations, &c,, is given in the firft volume of October. [I] Januarii, vol. i. Anfu. 1643 Bollandi de aftis fanftorum eorumque dilucidatione et editione praefatio ----- ix-lxii Vitas fandlorum xv. priorum dierum. [2] Januarii, vol. 2. Dies 16-31. Ant'v. 1643 [3] Februarii, vol. i. Dies 1-6. Ant'v. 1658 De adlis fanftorum menfis Februarii praefatio. 4] Februarii, vol. 2. Dies 7-16. Ant'v. 1658 5] Februarii, vol. 3. Dies 17-29. Ant-v. 1658 '6] Martii, vol. i. Dies i-S. Ant-v. 1668 A G. Henfchenio et Daniele Papebrochio. De vita, operibus, et virtutibus Joannis Bollandi. i-xlviii [7] Martii, vol. 2. Dies 9-18. Anfv. 1668 Martyrologium Ven. Bedae, cum Au(Sario Flori et aliorum. [8] Martii, vol. 3. Dies 19-31. Ant-v. 1668 De S. Theophanis chronographia. De genealogia regum Dagobertinorum. [9] Aprilis, vol. i. Dies i-io. Anfv. 1675 Catalogi veteres antiquiorum pontificum. [10] Aprilis, vol. 2. Dies 11-21. Ant-u. 1675 De diplomatis difcernendis. De conventibus Carmeliticorum. De martyrologio Brixiano. [II] Aprilis, vol. 3. Dies 22-30. Ant'v. 1675 Exegefis praeliminaris innovans et ftabiliens diatribam olim editam de tribus Dagobertis Francorum regibus. [12] Maii, vol. 1. Dies 1-4 [B. Pii V.] Ant-v. 1680 Ephemerides Graecorum et Mofcorum horum figuratae, iftorum metricae, Latine redditae et obfervationibus variis illuftratae. Jan.-Dec. [13] Maii, vol. 2. Dies 5-11. Ant-v. 1680 Joannes Phocas de locis fandtis. Antonini Placentini itinerarium. [14] Maii, vol. 3. Dies 12-16. Ant-v. 1680 Epifcoporum et Patriarcharum Hierofolymitanorum his- toria chronologica. [15] Maii, vol. 4. Dies 17-19- Anfv. 1684 A G. Henfchenio et D. Papebrochio, operam et ftudium conferentibus Francifco Baertio et Conrado Janningo. [i6j Maii, vol. 5. Dies 20-24. Ant-v. 1685 [17] Maii, vol. 6. Dies 25-28. Anfv. 16S8 [18] Maii, vol. 7. Dies 29-31. Ant-v. 1688 D. Papebrochius de vita, operibus, et virtutibus Godetridi Henfchenii ------ 1 G. Henfchenii exegefis hiftorica de epifcopatu Tungrenfi ac Trajeftenfi xviii D. Papebrochii exegefis de epifcopis Mediolanenfibus liv Appendix ad omnes feptem tomos Maii - - 517 [19] Propylaeum ad ada fanftorum Maii. Auftoribus G. Henfchenio et Daniele Papebrochio, operam et ftudium conferentibus F. Baertio et C. Janningo. Ant'v. Jine anno. P. G. Odefcalcus introduftor ad Ada SS. Maii - 1-28 15 i6 ACTA Sanftorum {continued). D. Papebrochii conatus hiftoricus ad Catalogum Ro- manorum Pontificum, cum praevio ad eundem Ap- paratu G. Hcnfchenii atque F. Poflini, a S. Petro ufque ad Pafchalem II. deduftus ante tomum 4, de Adtis SS. Mali, [viz.J Apparatus ... - - 1—56 Conatus 1-220 Conatus, pars ii. . - - - 1-172 Indices 173-182 D. Papebrochii Paralipomena addendorum, &c. in Co- natu, &c. 1-151 Index - - - - - 7 - 351 With numerous plates, containing portraits of all the popes, ^-c. [20] Junii, vol. I. Dies 1-6. Ant-v. 1695 C. Janningi pro A£lis San(Slorum, hadlenus editis opus- cula apologetica repofita antirrheticis Adm. R. P. Se- baftiani a S. Paulo, provincial! Carmeli Flandrobelglci. [21] Junii, vol. 2. Dies 7-15. ylncv. 1698 Nicolai Rayaei traftatus de acoluthia officii canonici pro ecclefiis Orientalibus Graecorum, in folenni com- memoratione trium dodlorum Bafilii, Nazianzeni, et Chr)'foftomi ----- xv-lxxxi [22] Junii, vol. 3. Dies 16-19. Anfv. 1701 D. Papebrochii ad leges palatinas Jacob! II., regis Ma- joricarum, praefatio genealogica. With engravings. f'S] Jui'ij vol. 4. Dies 20-24. Ant-v. 1707 24J Junii, vol. 5. Dies 25-30. Ant-v. 1709 A G. Hcnfchenio, D. Papebrochio, F. Baertlo, C. Jan- ningo, et Joanne Bapt. Sollerio. J. B. Sollerii patriarcharum Alexand. hiftoria chronolo- gica, et appendix de Coptis Jacobitis. i-xx et 1-156 [25] Junii, vol. 6. Pars i. Ant-v. 1715 A C. Janningo. Joannis Pienii hiftoria de vita, geftis, operibus, ac vir- tutibus R. P. Danielis Papebrochii - - 1-21 Appendix addendorum, &c. ad quinque tomos Junii. Uiuardi monachi martyrologium, ab additamentis ex- purgatum, caftigatum et quotidianis obfervationibus illuftratum, opera et ftudio Joannis Baptiftae Sollerii, Soc. Je(u thcologi. Ant-v. 1714. Parsi. Jan.-Junius. [26] Junii, vol. 7. Seu Pars 2. Ant-v. 1717 Supplementum addendorum, &c. Petri Manlii et Maphasi Vegii commentarlus de Bafilica S. Petri apoftoli antiqua in Vaticano ejufque figil- latim altaribus - - - - - 35 Ephemerides univerfales fanftorum fex primis facri anni menfibus illuftratorum. Index alphabeticus fanftorum fex primis anni menfibus. Martyrologia Hieronymiana contracta. Rhinovienfe, Auguftanum, Labbeanum, Corbeienfe brevius, Reginae Sueciae. Ufuardi martyrologium. Pars 2. Julius-December. [27] Julii, vol. I. Dies 1-3. Ant-v. 1719 A C. Janningo, J. B. Sollerio, et Joanne Pinio. DifTertatio de xii Sanftis ex Syria in Umbriam advenis. Ada S. Rumoldi, epifcopi et martyris, apoftoli et pa- troni Mechlinenfium, coUegit, digeffit, illuftravit Joannes Baptifta SoUerius, Soc. Jefu. Ant-v. 17 18 This is a diftindl publication, bound up with this volume, feparately paged. It contains a portrait, fifteen leaves of preliminary matter. Pages 1 to 98, which follow, are the fame as are given in the body of this volume of the Adla Sandtorum. All that follows is additional matter, being pp. 99 to 188 and indexes. [28] Julii, vol. 2. Dies 4-9. Ant-v. i-jzi Elogium R. P. Francifci Baertii, Hagiographi Soc. Jefu, auftore Gulielmo Cupero. [29] Julii, vol. 3. Dies 10-14. Ant-v. 1723 A J. B. Sollerio, Joanne Pinio, Guiliclmo Cupero. Elogium R. P. Conradi Janningi, Hagiographi Soc. Jefu, audtore Petro Bofchio. [30] Julii, vol. 4. Dies 15-19. Ant-v. 1725 ACTA Sandlorum [continued). A J. B. Sollerio, J. Pinio, G. Cupero, Petro Bofchio. Petri Bofchii tradtatus hiftorico-chronologicus de patri- archis Antiochenis. [31] Julii, vol. 5. Dies 20-24. Ant-v. 1727 Ab iiidem. [32] Julii, vol. 6. Dies 25-28. Ant-v. 1729 Joannis Pinii tradtatus hiftorico-chronologicus de litur- gia antiqua Hifpanica, Gothica, Ifidoriana, Mozara- bica, Toletana, Mixta. [33] Julii, vol. 7. Dies 29-31. A»t-v. 1731 Ab iiidem. [34] Augufti, vol. I. Dies 1-4. Ant-v. 1733 Gulielmi Cuperi hiftoria chronologica patriarcharum Conftantinopol. [35] Augufti, vol. 2. Dies 5-ia, Ant-v. 1735 [36] Augufti, vol. 3. Dies 13-19. Ant-v. ij^l Ab iifdcm. Elogium R. P. Petri Bofchii, Hagiographi Soc. Jefu. [37] Augufti, vol. 4. Dies 20-24. Ant-v. 1739 A J. Pinio, G. Cupero. [38] Augufti, vol. 5. Dies 25, 26. Ant-v. 1741 A J. Pinio, G. Cupero, Joanne Stiltingo. Elogium J. B. Sollerii, Hag. Soc. Jefu, audlore J. Stiltingo. [39] Augufti, vol. 6. Dies 27-31. Ant-v. 1743 Ab iifdem. Elogium G. Cuperi, Hagiographi Soc. Jefu, audlore Joanne Limpeno. [40] Septembris, vol. 1, Dies 1-3. Ant-v. 1746 A J. Pinio, J. Stiltingo, Joanne Limpeno, Joanne Veldio. Joannis Pinii tradtatus de ecclefias diaconiflis. [41] Septembris, vol. 2. Dies 4-6. Ant-v. 1748 A J. Stiltingo, J. Limpeno, J. Veldio, Conftantino Suyfkeno. DifTertatio de converfione et fide Ruflbrum. [42] Septembris, vol. 3. Dies 7-11. Ant-v. 1750 A J. Stiltingo, J. Limpeno, C. Suy/keno, Joanne Periero. Elogium J. Pinii, audlore J. Periero. J. Stilting! dilTertatio de tempore Natal! S. Greg. Naz. [43] Septembris, vol. 4. Dies 12-14. Ant-v. 1753 A J. Stiltingo, C. Suyfkeno, Joanne Periero. [44] Septembris, vol. 5. Dies 15-18. Ant-v. 1755 A J. Stiltingo, C. Suyflceno, J. Periero, Urbano Stickero. [45] Septembris, vol. 6. Dies 19-24. Ant-v. 1757 A J. Stiltingo, C. Suy/keno, J. Periero, Joanne Cleo. Differtatio de fratribus Domini Jacobo, Juda, &c. [46] Septembris, vol. 7. Dies 25-28. Ant-v. 1760 Ab iifdem. [47] Septembris, vol. 8. Dies 29-30. Ant-v. 1762 Ab iifdem. [48] Odtobris, vol. I. Dies 1-2. Ant'v. 1765 A J. Stiltingo, C. Suyfkeno, J. Periero, Cornelio Byeo, Jacobo Bueo, operam conferente Jofepho Ghefquiero. Elogium Joannis Stiltingi, audlore Jacobo Bueo. Elogium Joannis Perieri, audlore Cornelio Byeo. Ephemerides univerfales fandlorum Julio, Augufto, et Septembri menfibus illuftratorum. Index alphabeticus univerfalis fandlorum Julio, Augufto, et Septembri menfibus illuftratorum. Syllabus nominum et rerum notabilium quae in praefa- tionibus, tradlatibus, diatribis et exegefibus praelimi- naribus, noftro de Adlis Sandlorum operi hadlenus prasfixis, reperiuntur. [49] Odlobris, vol. 2. Dies 3, 4. Ant-v. 1768 A C. Suyfkeno, C. Byeo, J. Bueo, J. Gliefquiero. [50] Odlobris, vol. 3. Dies 5-7. Ant-v. 1770 Ab iisdem. [51] Odlobris, vol. 4. Dies 8, 9. BruxeUis, 1780 A C. Suyfkeno, C. Byeo, J. Bueo, J. Ghefquiero, Ig- natio Hubeno. Elogium Conftantini Suyfkeni, audlore Ignatio Hubeno. [52] Adla Sandlorum Bollandiana apologeticis libris in unum volumen nunc primum contradlis vindicata, feu fupplementum apologeticum ad adla Bollandiana. Ant-v. 1785 17 ACTA Sandtorum [continued). Continens, — Confpecftus, &c. - - - - - Ff. 7 Prasfatio ------ i_xxvi Elucidatlo hiftorica A(florum in controverfia fuper origine, antiquitate, et hiftoriis facri ordinis B. M. de Monte Carmeli ------ 1 C. Janningi pro Aed Provoft of King's College, Cambridge. Sermon, Ps. 33. i. [Thankigiving for the taking of Namur, and the fafety of his majefty's perfon.} 4°. Lovt^. 1695 Sermon, Afts, 28. 5, 6. 4°. Lo»^. 1705 Sermon, Rev. 2. 10. [Funeral.] 8°. ZoW. 1708 Sermon, Jer. 3. 15. [Confecration of bifhop.] 8°. Lofi£ 1708 Sermon, Hof ii. 9. 8^. Lond. 1709 Sermon, Pf. 5. 11. [Thankigiving.] Before the Lord Mayor, &c. 4°. Lok^. 1709 Sermon, Joh. 6. 6j, 68. 8°. Z(?W. 1709 Sermon, Joh. 21. 17. [Confecration ofBifhops.] 8°. Lofi^. 17 10 Sermon, If 49. 23. [Thankfgiving on the day her Majefty began to reign.] 4°. Lond. 171 1 ADAMS, Rev. John, A.M., Matter of the Aca- demy at Putney. Sermons on the exiftence of the Deity, the im- mortality of the foul, the authenticity of the Bible, and other important fubjedls. 8". L/)nii. 1805 Pf. 19. I, 2. On the exiftence of the Deity - i Job, 37. 14. On the fludy of the works of God 1 6 Ecclef. 12. 7. The immortality of the foul - 30 Pf. 113. 5. Providence - - - . 47 Pf. 139. 7. The omniprefence, and omnifcience of the Deity - - - - - - - 61 Pf. 119. II. The divine origin of the fcriptures 75 Pf. 42. II. Religious hope - . _ 9-^ Prov. 3. 17. The pleafures of religion - - 107 John, 7. 46. The internal excellency of the Chriftian religion - - - - - - 119 Prov. 4. 23. The government of the thoughts 136 Pf. 4. 4. Religious retirement - - . j^^ Pf. 90. 12. True wifdom - - - 162 Hag. I. 7. On confideration - - - 176 John, 4. 34. On the character of Jefus, as a divine teacher - - - - - - 191 John, 13. 34. Chriftian benevolence - - 205 ADAMS, Rev. John {continued). Luke, II. 9, 10. The advantages of prayer and pious contemplation ----- 220 John, 5. 28. On the refurredlion - - - 233 I Cor. 2. 9. On the joys of heaven - - 248 John, 14. 2. The certainty of future happinefs 265 Matth. 22. 37, 38. On the love of God - - 282 Job, 14. I, 2. On human life, duelling, and fuicide 296 ADAMS, Rice, Prebendary of Sarum. Sermon, Prov. 10. 9. The excellency, wifdom, and ufefulnefs of an upright and fincere con- verfation. [Vifitation ] 8°. Land. 1708 ADAMS, Thomas. A pious and excellent divine, and a writer of great ani- mation of ftyle, full of bold metaphor and ftriking allufions. In 16 14 he was " preacher of God's word at Willington, in Bedford/hire." He afterwards became Redlor of St. Bennet's, Paul's Wharf, London, from which he was fe- q^ueftered for hia loyalty in the grand Rebellion, and died before the Reftoration. Dr. Southey, with whom he was a favourite author, faid that he had " all the oddity and the felicity of Fuller's manner." An expolition of the fecond Epiftle general of St. Peter. Imp. 8°. ZsW. 1839 Originally publifhed in folio, London, 1633. Pp. 1634. Dedication and index. A hiatus occurs on the paging be- tween pp. 764 and 801. Workes, being the fumme of his fermons, medi- tations, and other divine and moral difcourfes. Collefted and publifhed in one entire volume, with additions of fome new aad emendations of the old. Folio. Lofic^. 1630 Dedications and contents - - - - Ff. 4 Ifa. 21. II. The gallant's burden - - - i John, 12. 6. The white devil, or the hypocrite uncafed 32 Dan. 12. 3. Heaven and earth reconciled - 61 Pf. 118. 27. The facrifice of thankfulnels - 82 Gen. 25. 27. Politick hunting - - - 104 Gen. 25. 27. Plaine dealing- - - - 122 I Cor. 13. 13. The three divine fifters - 134 James, 3. 8. The taming of the tongue - - 143 Matth. 2. II. Chrift his ftar, or the wife men's oblation 155 Prov. 9. 17, 18. The fatal banket. (Four fermons.) 167 Jer. 8. 22. The finner's palling bell, or a complaint from heaven for man's fins - - - 246 Jer. 8. 22. Phyfic from heaven - - - 271 Jer. 8. 22. England's ficknefs. (Two fermons.) 302 Matth. 12. 43. The black faint, or the apoftate 349 Luke, 10. 3. Lycanthropy, or the wolf worrying the lambs ------ 379 Rev. 4. 6. The fpiritual navigator bound for the holy land ------- 392 Matth. 21. 28. The two fons, or the diffolute con- ferred with the hypocrite - - - 414 Matth. 13. 33. The leaven, or a direction to heaven 429 The foul's ficknefs : a difcourfe divine, moral and phy- fical -----_, 440 Ecclef. 9. 3. Myftical bedlams, or the world of mad- men ------- 478 Heb. 12. 22-24. The happinefs of the church 529 Pi. 66. 12. The rage of oppreffion - - 605 Pf. 66. 12. The vidtory of patience with the expiration of malice - - - - - - 614 Pf. 66. 13. God's houfe, or the place of praifes 622 Gal. 6. 7. Man's feed-time and harveft, or lex talionis 637 Rev. 22. 14. Heaven-gate, or the pafHige to paradile 651 Eph. I. iS. Spiritual eye-falve, or the benefit of illu- mination - - - - - -661 Luke, 12. 20. The cofmopolite, or world's favourite 673 Gal. 5. 9. The bad leaven, or the contagion of fin 693 Luke, 17. 19. Faith's encouragement - 716 23 24 ADAMS, Thomas {continued). Eph. 4. 13. The faints' meeting, or progrefs to glory 736 Rev. 6. 16. Prefumption running into defpair - 751 Matth. 27. 51. Majefty in mifery, or the power of Chrift even dying - - - - " 7"' Prov. 14. 9. The fool and his fport - - 772 Luke, 12. 49. The fire of contention, or the trouble that follows the Gofpel . - - 780 Eph. 5. 2. The Chriftian's walk, or the king's highway of charity ------ 799 Eph. 5. 2. Love's copy, or the beft precedent of cha- nty 808 Eph. 5. 2. The crucifix, or a fermon upon the pafllon 8 1 7 Matth. 10. 16. The good politician directed - 829 Matth. 2. 12. The way horne - - - 840 Hcb. 13. 8. Semper idem, or the immutable mercy of Jefus Chrift - - - - - - 850 Prov. 3. 16. God's bounty, or the bleflings of both his hands ------ 858 Luke, 19. 10. The loft are found - - 877 Pf. 58. 4. A generation of ferpents - - 888 Pf. 35. 3. Heaven made fure, or the certainty of falva- tion. (Five fermons preached upon lundry efpccial occafions.) ------ 898 Job, 42. 6. The finner's mourning habit [on the death of James I.] ----- 921 Adls, 15. 36. At vifitation of Bilhop of London 931 A(fls, I. 24. The holy choice. Eleftion of lord mayor 940 Luke, 13. 7. The barren tree - - "951 2 Cor. 6. 16. The temple - . - ^69 2 Cor. 13. II. Eirenopolis : the citie of peace - 993 Heb. 6. 7, 8. A divine herbal, or garden of graces 1016 Hcb. 6. 7. The praife of fertilitie - - 1027 Hcb. 6. 7. A contemplation of the herbes - 1036 Heb. 6. 8. The foreft of thornes - - 1049 Heb. 6. 8. The end of thornes . _ - 1061 Judg. 5. 8, 9. The fouldier's honour - - 1069 Meditations upon fome part of the creed - - 1087 The white devil ; the two fons ; the leaven ; the black devil ; the wolf worrying the lambs ; the fpiritual navigator. 4°. LoKd. 1 61 5 ADAMS, William, M.A., late Student of Chrift Cliurcli, and Reftor of Staunton-upon-Wye. A divine of great zeal and integrity, piercing wit, copious thought, and flowing ftyle, well tempered with clear rea- foning, and a deep and difcerning judgment. Fifteen difcourfes, occafionally delivered before the Univerfity of Oxford. Publifhed by Henry Sacheverell, D.D. 8°. Lon^. 1716 1 Cor. I. 23. Chrift crucified. Good Friday. i 1 Cor. 15. 55-57. Death and fin vanquifhed in the refurredlion ---__- 08 John, 20. 27, 28, Infidelity convinced in the example of St. Thomas 74 I Tim. I. 13. The do(5lrines of the church inviolable Vifitation fermon 104 Philip. 2. 12. Faith without pradice not fufficient to falvation 130 Philip. 2. 12. The methods of working out our falva- tion - - 168 Gal. I. 10. Men-pleafing confiftent with religion 208 Gal. I. 10. The danger and folly of pleafing men rather than God ------ j^g Matth. 4. 7. The feveral ways of tempting God, and fin, folly, and danger thereof (Two fermons.) 272 & 305 I Cor. 16, 22. The love of Chrift ftated and enforced 343 I Cor. 16, 22. Not loving Chrift, a prodigious fin 370 Ecclef 7. 29. The ftate of man before the fall - 407 Ecclef. 7. 29. The ftate of man after the fall - 435 John, 14. 16. The divine office and difpcnfations of the Holy Ghoft 483 ADAMS, William, D.D. Born 1707. Became fucceflively prebendary of Glou- cefter, Mafter of Pembroke College, Oxford, and Arch- deacon of Llandaft". Died 1789. He was an intimate friend of Dr. Johnfon, and much efteemed by him. His anfwer to Hume's ElTay on Miracles is diftinguifhed by acutenefs, elegance, and urbanity ol ftyle. Sermons and trafts upon religious fubjedls. 8°. Shrewjburj, 1777 Effay in anfwer to Mr. Hume's effay on miracles i Rom. 2. 14, 1 5. The nature and obligation of virtue. Bifhop's vifitation - - - - - 129 Luke, 9, 55, 56. Falfe zeal reproved. Nov. 5. 197 Pf. 122. 6, 7. The love of our country. Faft Sermon, Nov. 10, 1742, for war with Spain - 221 Gal. 6. 9. Perfeverance in well-doing. For infirmary 245 Gal. 6. 2. The duties of induftry, frugality, and fobriety. Society of tradefmen and artificers - - 281 1 John, 4. I. A teft of true and falfe dodlrine 313 Paftoral advice to young perfons before confirmation 353 Sermons upon feveral fubjedls. 8°. Shrezvf. 1 790 Mark, 10. 17. The attainment of eternal life - Ff. i Matth. 19. 17. Keeping the commandments 19 2 Cor. 13. 5. Examination of a right faith in Chrift 43 A&s, 20. 24. The fublime motives and principles of Chriftianity ------ 63 Rom. 12. II. Diligence in our religious duties. (Two fermons.) ------ 83 2 Kings, 20. I. Preparation for death - - 125 1 Theff. 5. 23. Chriftian fandlification - 147 I Cor. 13. 4. Chriftian charity - - - 171 Luke, 22. 19. The facrament of the Lord's fupper. (Four fermons.) - - - - - 191 John, 16. 7. Chriftian confolation - - - 277 I Pet. 3. 13, 14. The tendency of piety to promote happinefs ------ 299 Hag. I. 5. Confideration. (Two fermons.) 319 Eph. 4. 26. The due regulation of anger - 353 ADAMS, the Rev. W., M.A., Vicar of St. Pe- ter's, Oxford. Died January 17, 1848; aged 34. Warnings of the Holy Week, &c. : being a courfe of parochial leftures for the week be- fore Eafter and the Eafter Feftivals. Third edition. 12°. Lond. 1849 The events of the Sunday - - - - i Mark, 14. 7. Sunday before Eafter. The warning given at Bethany ----- 3 The events of the Monday - - - - 23 Mark, 11. 9. Monday before Eafter. The warning of the day of excitement - - - - 27 The events of the Tuefday - - - - 43 Mark, 11. 15. Tuefday before Eafter. The warning of the day of chaftifement - - - - 45 The events of the Wednefday - - - 65 Mark, 11. 21. Wednefday before Eafter. The warning of the fig-tree ----- 78 The events of the Thurfday - - - - 95 Mark, 14. 18-20. Thurfday before Eafter. The warn- ing of Judas ----- 98 The trial of our Lord before Pilate - - 121 Mark, 15. 15. Good Friday. The warning of Pilate i 31 The events of Eafter eve - _ - - 159 Luke, 23. 56. Eafter eve. The warning of the day of reft - - - - - - -161 The vifion at the holy fepulchre - - 179 Matth. 28. 5, 6. Eafter day. The figns of our Lord's prefence - - - - - -181 The journey to Emmaus - - - - 195 Luke, 24. 35. Eafter Monday. The remedy for anxious thoughts - - - - - -199 25 z6 ADAMS, Rev. W. {continued). Our Lord's appearance to St. Thomas - - 219 John, 20. 27, 28. Eafter Tuefday. Comfort under de- fpondency - - - - - - 221 Sacred allegories. Second edit. 12°. Z&W. 1851 The fhadovv of the crofs. The old man's home. The diftant hills. The king's meffengers. A remembrancer of Bonchurch, Ifle of Wight, the burial-place of the Rev. W. Adams. Sm. 8°. ZoW. ADAMSON, Patrick, Archbifhop of St. Andrews. One of the moft learned and moft elegant writers of the age in which he lived. Born, at Perth, 1543. At the age of twenty-three he went abroad as tutor to a young gentleman. At Bourges he narrowly efcaped at the time of the maffacre of Paris. He lived in concealment feven months, during which time he tranflated into Latin verfe the Book of Job, and wrote the tragedy of Herod, alfo in Latin verfe. In 1 573 he returned to Scotland, became minifter of Paifley, and was foon raifed to the Arch- bifhoprick of St. Andrews ; the accepting of which brought him into continual trouble, perfecution, and affliftion until his death, in great poverty, 1591. His works were printed at London, 1619. Paraphrafis poetica Jobi, Threnorum Jeremiae, ac Dialogi. Poet. Scot. Mufae Sac. 2 ADAMSON, John, M.A., Prebendary of Lin- coln, and Redlor ofBurton-Coggles,Lincolnfh. Sermon, Rev. 14. 13. [Funeral.] 8°. Lond. 1707 ADAMSON, M. A friendly epiftle to neighbour John Taylor, of the city of Norwich ; occafioned by looking over his fermon preached at the opening of his new chapel : containing an earneft invita- tion to him to join the Quakers, and not at- tempt to raife up a new feft when there are fo many in the world, ., Provoil of Queen's Coll. Oxford. Educated by the care of Bernard Gilpin, and fcnt by him in 1579 to Oxford at the age of ig. M.A. 1586; Vice- Chancellor, 1606. Died 1616, aged 57. He was a divine of great holinefs, integrity, learning, gravity, and indefati- gable pains in the dilcharge of his minifterial functions : in doilrine a Calvinift. Leftures upon the whole epiftle to the Philip- pians, delivered in St. Peter's church, in Ox- ford, and now publiflied for the ufe of God's Church, by C[hriftophcr] P[otter], M.A. 4°. Lond. 1618 AISTULPHUS, Rex Langobardorum. Leges. Muratorii Rer. Ital. Script, i pars, 2. 87 ALAMANNI, Luigi. Opera Tofcane. Sm. 8°. Lugd. \k^t,2 ALANUS MAGNUS. A monk of the Ciftercian order who lived in the twelfth century, and for his great learning called Do<£lor Univerfalis. Libri V. de arte Catholicas fidei ex rationibus naturalibus demonftratas. Pez, Thes. i, p. 2. 471: ALB AN, Saint. ^ Flourilhed 1297. Ada S. Albani martyris. Canifius, 4. 153 ALBASPINUS[Gallice, Gabriel del'Aubefpine.] Born 1579; died 1630. Bifhop of Orleans in 1604. This prelate, belonging to one of the moft illuftrious fami- lies in France, is confidered as the firft author of that country whofe writings threw fome light on the ancient liturgy and difcipline of the church. De veteribus ecclefis ritibus Obfervationum libri duo. Notx in canones concilii Eliberini, concilio- rum Hifpanis, Afis, in caput ii. epift. iii.. ALBASPINUS [continued). S. Innocentii ad Exuperium, in canones conciliorum Gallia^, Carthaginenfium. Notce in quofdam Tertulliani libros. 4°. Par. 1623 ALBERGATI, Nicolai. A Carthufian monk, bifhop and cardinal of Bologna. Vita, ex ea quam Italice edidit F. Bonaventura Cavallus. 4°. Par. 1659 ALBERICUS GENTILIS. See Gentilis. ALBERTUS SARTHIANENSIS. Epillola; feleftce. Martene et Durand, iii. ALBERTUS OBERALTAHENSIS. Liber de vita S. Alberti Oberaltahenfis. Pez, Thefaur. i, p. 3. 535 ALBERTUS, Archiepifcopus Cail'ellenfis in Hy- bernia. Vita. Pez, Thefaur. ii. p. iii. 181 ALBERTUS MAGNUS. An eminent fcholaftic divine ; of the family of the counts of Bollftaedt; born at Lavingen, in Suabia, in 1193 according to fome, and according to others in 1205. Studied at Pavia. Entered the Order of Dominicans, 1 22 1. Went to Paris and ledlured on Ariftotle with great repu- tation. Provincial of the Dominicans in Germany, 1254, and refided at Cologne. Bifhop of Ratilbon, 1260. Died, at Cologne, 1280. His pre-eminence over his contempo- raries in learning, his extraordinary proficiency and experi- ments in the mechanical and phyfical fciences, were fo wonderful that, like Roger Bacon, he was the fubjedl of many legendary ftories. In divinity he followed Peter Lombard. With him began the fecond period of the fcholaftic philofophy. Opera qus hadlenus haberi potuerunt. Sub Thoma Turco, Nicolao Rodulphio et J. Bapt. de Marinis in lucem edita, ftudio et labore Petri Jammy. 21 vol. folio. Lugd. 1651 Vol. I. Vitae B. Alberti Magni, ex gravifTimis authoribus epitome, per P. Jammy, index librorum, &c. Ff. 16 Logica. Index. Vol. 2. Index traftatuum - - - - Ff. 13 Phyficorum libri viii. De ccelo et mundo, lib. iv. De generatione et corruptione, lib. ii. De meteoris, lib. iv. De mineralibus, lib. v. Vol. 3. De anima. Metaphyficorum lib. xiii. Vol. 4. Ethicorum lib. x. Politicorum lib. viii. Vol. 5. Parva naturalia> De fenlu et fenfato. De memoria. De fomno et vigilia. De motibus animalium. De aetate, five de juventute et fenedlute. De fpiritu et refpiratione. De morte et vita. De nutrimento. De natura et origine animas. De unitate intelleiflus, contra Averroem. De intelleftu et intelligibili. De natura locorum. De caufis et proprietatibus elementorum. De pafTionibus aeris. De vegetalibus et plantis. De principiis motus proceflivi. De caufis et proceflu univerfitatis a caufa prima. Speculum aftronomicum ; in quo de libris licitis etillicitis. 37 38 ALBERTUS MAGNUS {continued). Vol. 6. De animalibus, libri xxvi. Vol. 7. Commentarii in Pfalmos. Vol. 8. Commentarii in Threnos Jeremiae, Baruch, Da- nielem, 12 prophetas minores. Vol. 9. Commentarii in Mathasum, in Marcum. Vol. 10. Commentarii in Lucam. Vol. II. Commentarii in Joannem, in Apocalypfim. Vol. 12. Sermones, de tempore, de fandtis, de euchariftia. Orationes fuper evangelia dominicalia totius anni. De muliere forti, liber. Vol. 13. Commentarii in D. Dionyfil librum de ccelefti hierarchia, librum de ecclefiaftica hierarchia, librum de myftica theologia, epiftolas. Compendium theologicae veritatis, in feptem libros di- geftum. Vol. 14. Commentarii in I. librum fententiarum. Vol. I 5. Commentarii in II. et III. lib. fententiarum. Vol. 16. Commentarii in IV. lib. fententiarum. Vol. 17. Prima pars Summae Theologiae : De fcientia theologiae, De Deo, De diftindlione perfonarum, De praedeftinatione, providentia, &c. Vol. 18. Secunda pars Summas Theologiae: De primo principio, De angelorum creatione, &c., De tentatione dasmonum, De miraculis, De creatione aliarum rerum, et praecipue operum fex dierum diftiniftione, De primi hominis ftatu, De libero arbitrio, De peccato originali, &c. Vol. 19. Summa de creaturis. Pars I. De quatuor coaequasvis, fcilicet materia prima, coelo, et angelo. Pars II. De homine : i, fecundum ftatum ejus in feipfo, 2. De habitaculo hominis. Vol. 20. Super evangelium, Mijfus eji angelus Gabriel, Sec. Luc. I. Quaeftiones ccxxx. De laudibus Mariae, lib. xii. Biblia Mariana. Vol. 21. Philofophia pauperum, five Ifagoge in libros Ariftotelis, Phyficorum, De ccelo et mundo, De gene- ratione et corruptione, De meteoris et de anima. De apprehenfione et apprehenfionis modis, lib. I. De facrificio miflae, lib. i. De facramento euchariftiae, lib. i. Paradifus animae, five de virtutibus libellus. De adhaerendo Deo, libellus. De alchimia, libellus. ALBERTI, Leo Baptista. An architect. Born at Venice about the beginning of the fifteenth century; died about 1485. Commentarius de conjuratione Porcaria, cui prae- mittitur vita ejufciem fcriptoris. Muratorii Rer. Ital. Script. 25. 293. De pifturje prasftantiffima et nunquam fatis lau- data arte. Sm. 8*^. Baji/. 1540 ALBERTINUS, Edmundus. De Euchariftias facramento, libri iii. Folio. Daventriay ^^55* ALBINUS. See Alcuin. ALC-ffiUS. A Greek lyric poet ; born in the ifland of Lefbos about 600 B.C. He was the contemporary of Sappho. He writes in a meafure which has obtained the diftinftion of his See Poetx Graeci Veteres, 2. 94. ALCHERUS CISTERCIENSIS. De fpiritu et anima. S. Auguftini Opera, 17. 1606. ALCIATI, Andrew. A celebrated and learned lawyer. Born, at Milan, 1492; died, at Pavia, 1550. His Emblems have gone through many editions, and his whole works have been collefted ALCIATI, Andrew {continued). and printed feveral times in four, five, and fix volumes. His book againft the monaftic life [infra) was written to dilTuade one of his friends from taking the vow. Traftatus contra vitam monafticam, cui accedit fylloge epiftolarum virorum clariffimorum, notis Antonii Matthaei. 4°. Hag. Com. 1740 ALCIMUS AVITUS. See Avitus. ALCMAN. The firft Greek poet who adopted the lyric meafure. Flourilhed b.c. 670. See Poetae Graeci Veteres, 2. I 30. ALCOCK, Nathan, M.D. The rife of Mahomet accounted for on natural and civil principles. Pp. viii. 38. 8°. Lond. 1796 ALCOCK, Thomas, A.M. Sermon, Gen. 27. 38. An apology for Efau. [Vifitation.] 8°. Plymouth, 1791 ALCORAN. See Mahomet, Sale, Du Ryer. ALCUIN [or Albinus Flaccus]. A learned Englifliman of the eighth century. Born at York about 725. Educated at York under the diredtion of Archbifhop Egbert. After entering into orders he went on an embafly from King Ofta to Charlemagne, who formed fo high an opinion of him as to become his pupil. Died at his abbey of St. Martin, at Tours, in 804. The moft complete and beft edition of his works is that of 1777. Opera, poft primam editionem a D. A. Querci- tano curatam, emendata opufculis plurimum aufta, &c., ftudio Frobenii Abbatis. 2 vol. in 5, folio. ^111 Vol. I, p. I. Prefatio generalis ... x Vita Albini - - - " - - - xiii Synopfis epiftolarum. Epiftolae -..-.-- i Mantiffa ad fuperiores epiftolas . - - 222 Vol. I, p. 2. Interrogationes et refponfiones in librum Genefeos ------- 303 Benedidliones patriarcharum, &c. - - 334 Expofitio in Pfalmos Pcenitentiales, in Pfal. cxviii. et in Pfalmos Graduates ----- 342 Compendium in Cantica Canticorum - - 391 Commentaria fuper Ecclefiaften - - - 410 Interpretationes nominum Hebraicorum progenitorum Jefu Chrifti 449 Commentarii in Joannem - . . - 457 Explanatio in epift. ad Titum, Philemon, et Hebraeos 649 Vol. I, p. 3. Opufcula dogmatica. De fide S. Trinitatis 701 De proceflione Spiritus Sandli - - - - 743 Adverfus haerefin Felicis epifcopi - - 759 Contra Felicem Urgelitanum, libri vii. - - 783 Adverfus Elipantum, Toletanum epifcopum - 860 Epiftola Elipanti -915 Confeflio fidei Felicis - - - - 917 DifTertatio hiftorica de hasrefi Elipanti et Felicis 923 DilTertatio dogmatico-hiftorica de haerefi Adoptianorum944 Vol. 2, p. I. Opufcula liturgica et moralia. Liber facramentorum . - - - \ De Pfalmorum ufu - - - - - 21 Officia per ferias ----- 52 De baptifmi caeremoniis - . . - 127 De virtutibus et vitiis - - - - 128 De animae ratione ----- 146 Vitae fanctorum, S. Martini, S. Vedafti, B. Richarii, et S. Willibrordi 157 Carmina ------- 201 Vol. 2, p. 2. De grammatica - - - 265 De orthographia - - - - - 301 39 4° ALCUIN {continued). De rhetorica et virtutibua - - - De ilialcdtica . - - - - Uf curl'u et iJltu lunx ac bilTexto Opui'cula dubia. Contcflio fidei et J. Mabillonii difquifido Difputatiu puerorum de variis matcriis Propofitionts variae - - - - Carmina dubia . . - - Opusculi fuppofititia. De divinis officiis liber . . - Epidola de cafremoniis baptifmi Libcllus de Antichrifto - Homiliae quatuor . - - - Caimina . . - . - 313 334 355 369 418 440 449 461 5'9 527 531 545 Appendix, compledlens quafdam epiftolas, &c. ad res et ada B. Alcuini pertinentes - - - 555 Index 621 Sacramentorum liber. Pamelii Liturgica, 2. 517 Liber de officiis divinis. Hittorpius, 225 Conf'effio, five doflrina de Deo. Grynasus, Lat. 1730 De pontificibus et fanftis ecclefiae Eboracenfis, Poema. Britifti Hift. Gale, i. 701 De bcnedidionibus Jacobi patriarchs. S. Auguftini Opera, 16. 309 Speculum. Ibid. 17. 1856 Quaeftiones de Trinitate. Ibid. 17. 2355. Epiftolas : Epiftola ad Eanbaldum ; Epiftola de confeffione peccatorum facienda ad pueros S. Martini ; Homilia in Natalem S. Willi- brordi, &c. Canifius, 2, p. i- 379 Dialedlica et Grammatica. Canifius, 2, p. I. 484 Epiftola de illo Canticorum loco : Sexaginta funt re gin a et oBoginta concubina, ut et ejujdem Epiftola de ceremoniis baptifmi ad Carolum M. Canifius, 2, p. i. 539 Epiftolae ii. ad Gallicellulam. D'Acher)', Spicil. iii. 321 Epiftola ad Fridugifum. Ibid. iii. 322 Prefatio ad Arnonem epifcopum Saltzburgenfem, in expofitioncm Pfalmorum quos Poenitentiales et Graduales vocant, ac Pfalmi cxviii. Ibid. iii. 323 Verfus de Aquila epifcopo Saltzburgenfi. Mabillon, Vet. Analedt. 348 Epiftola; novas xxvi. Ibid. 398 Verfus de Cuculo. Ibid. 409 Opufculum dc comparatione Veteris et Novi Teftamenti a Denario ufque ad unum, &c., cum Epiftolis vii. ad Arnonem Archiep. Salzburg. Pez, Thes. ii. p. i. i Commentariorum in Apocalypfm libri quinque. Mai Script. Vet. 0. 2C7 ALDER, Robert, D.D. One of the general fecretaries of theWefleyan Miflionary Society. Wefleyan miffions : their progrefs ftated and their claims enforced. With obfervations and fug- geftions applicable to kindred inftitutions. 8°. Lond. 1842 ALDHELM, Saint. An cjily Engliih divine. Horn in Wedex about 656. Educ ited by Adrian in Kent. Embraced the monaftic life, and founded the abbey of Malmlbury, of which he was the firft abbot. Eifliop of Sherborne, 705. Died 709. Opera quae extant, omnia e codicibus MSS. emendavit, nonnulla nunc primum edidit J. A. Giles, LL.D. S'^. Oxonii,\%\i^ Life of Aldhelm ..... xi De laudibus virginitatis .... 1 Epiftolas ------ 83 Poemata, De laudibus virginum, De o;. 1843 Switzerland and the Swifs churches ; being notes of a Ihort tour, and notices of the principal religious bodies in that country. Sm. 8'^. G/af. 1846 ALEXIUS ARISTENUS, Steward of the Church of Conftantinople. Flourilhed 1 166. Scholia in canones. Beveregii Pandeft^e, I Epiftolarum canonicarum fynopfis. lb. 2 pars i Synopfis canonum, Gr. et Lat. Juftelli Bibliotheca, 2, 673 ALEXIUS L COMNENUS, Emperor of Con- ftantinople. Born 1048. Proclaimed emperor 1081. Died 1118. De donariis et rebus facris refcriptum, five ora- tio quam auream bullam infcripfit. Bibl. Max. Patr. 19. 957 Novella. Cotelerii Monumenta, 2. 178 43 ALFERIUS. Alil'iii, Ogcrii, ct Guilliclmi Ventura? chronica Allcnfia. Muratorii, Rcr. Ital. Script. 1 1. 133 ALFORD, alias Griffith, Michael. Burn at London, I 587. Entered the Society of Jefuits, 1607. Studied in Spain and at Louvain. Refidcd five years at Rome. Returned to England, where he relidcd for thirty years as mifl'ionary from the Society of Jeluits. Died at St. Omers, 1652. Fides Rcgia Britanrica, five annales ecclcfh-e Britannica;, ubi potiffimum Britannorum Ca- tholica Romana, et orthodoxa fides per quin- que prima Ikcula, e rcgum, et auguftorum f'aftis, et aliorum fanftorum rebus e virtute geftis, afleritur. 4 vol. folio. Leodivi, 1663 Vol. I. Ad leftorcm de audlore, praefatio, &c. - Ff. 1 1 Annales ecclefis Britannicae a Chrifto nato, ad annos 5C0 1-642 Vol. 2. Annales ecclefiae Anglo-Saxonicae, a.d. 500— 800 1-693 Vol. 3. Annales ecclesiie Anglicanae, a.d. 800-1066. Index chronologicus. Index rcrum hodie controverfiarum. Index alphabeticus fandlorum Angliae ad annum ufque 1066. Index virorum apoftolicorum, e Britannia egrefforum, &c. Vol. 4. Annales ecclefias Anglicans, a.d. 1066-1189. 1-328, and 1-344 Index rerum. ALFORD, Henry, M.A., Vicar of Wymefwold, Leicellerfliire. The confiftency of the divine conduft in reveal- ing the dodtrines of redemption : being the Hulfean Leflures for 1841. To which are added two fermons, preached before the Uni- verfity of Cambridge. 8". Catnb. 1 842 Heb. 12. 29. Divine purity and human corruption i Judges, 13, 22, 23. Reconciliation with God - 25 Heb. II. 3. The method of reconciliation - 42 If. 53. 6. The ftricken fubftitute - - - 60 Rom. 15.8. The angel of Jehovah - - 81 John, 3. 10. The gift of the Spirit - - loi A6ls, 26. 8. The refurredtion - - - 120 Gal. 3. 19. The ufe of the law ... 14^1 Heb. 12. I, 2. The crofs of Chrift - - 161 Matth. 5. 48. Chriftian perfedlion - - 173 The confiftency of the divine conduft in reveal- ing the doftrines of redemption. Part fecond. Being the Hulfean Leftures for 1842. 8°. Camb. 1843 I John, 2. 8. The fhining light . - i Heb. 8. 10. The law written in the heart - 22 I John, 3. 3. The pure in heart . . 41 John, 16. 13. The fpirit of truth - - . 62 Adts, 17. 26, 27. Providential preparations - 82 Heb. 7. 26. The life of Chrift - - - 103 If. 5. 4. The Arts of the Apoftles - - 121 St. Mark, 4. 28. The epiftles - . - 141 Sermons. 8°. Und. 1850 Gen. 4. 9. Charitable Society ... i Matth. 8. 2, 3. Our Englifh Zion. The leper 21 Pf. 48. 11-13. S. P. C. K. and S. P. G. F. P. 39 Jer. 9. 23, 24. The glory of man. S. P. C. K. and S-P-C-F.p g^ 1 Pet. 4. 10. The ftewardrtiip of grace. For fchools 81 2 Tim. 3. 15. Stability in the faith. For a fchool 99 Gal. 6. 7 God is not mocked. For a fchool - 115 44 ALFORD, Henry, M.A. {continued). Atts, 7. 48. God's real dwelling-place. Re-opening of a church - - - - - - 131 Lam. 3. 22. Affliftions not all judgments. Thanks- giving for exemption of the parifli from cholera 160 1 Cor. 9. 26 ...... lyg Mark, II. 22- - - - - . 197 I'i'- 37-3 *i3 Gen. 3. 19. Funeral pomp ... 228 2 Tim. 3. 5. The form and the power - - 242 Deut. 30. 19. Life and death. (Two fermons.) 259 2 Cor. 2. II. Satan's devices - - - 301 1 Pet. 5. 9. Conflift with Satan ... 320 Pfalms and hymns adapted to the Sundays and holydays throughout the year. To which are added fome occafional hymns. 18°. Lond. 1844 The Greek Teftament : with a critically revifed text, a digeft of various readings, marginal re- ferences to verbal and idiomatic ufage, prole- gomena, and a critical and exegetical com- mentary. For the ufe of theological ftudents and minifters. 2 vol. 8°. Lond. 1849 Vol. I. 1849. The four gofpels. Vol. 2. Audi alteram partem. A reply to a recent ar- ticle in the " Chriftian Remembrancer." Pp. 55. 8°. Lond. 1 85 I ALFRAGAGNUS, Muhamed. A celebrated Arabian aftronomer. Flourifhed about A.D. 800. Chronologica et aftronomica elementa : additus eft commentarius, qui rationem calendarii Ro- mani, y^igyptiaci, Arabici, Perfici, Syriaci et Hebrasi explicat. Autore M. Jacobo Chrift- manno. Sm. 8°. Franc. 1590 ALFRED THE GREAT. Born 849, died 901. The life of Alfred, or Alured, the firft inftitutor of fubordinate government in this kingdom. By Robert Powell, of Wells, one of the So- ciety of New Inn. 12°. Lond. 1634 ALFRIC. See ^lfric. ALGER [Algerus, Adalgerus], called Scho- lafticus. Died about 11 51 or 1 152. Deaconin the collegiate church of St. Bartholomew, at Liege ; transferred afterwards by his bifliop to the cathedral of St. Lambert. Died in the mo- naftery of Cluny. Some of his writings have been very celebrated. Libellus de libero arbitrio. Pez, Thefaur. iv. p. 1 1. I n Praefatio in librum de mifericordia et juftitia. Mabillon, Vet. Analeft. 130 Liber de mifericordia et juftitia. Martene et Durand, Thef Novus, 5. 1019 De facrificio mifiTas. Mai, Script. Vet. 9. 371 De facramento corporis et fanguinis Domini. Bibl. Max. Patr. 21. 251 This work, written to refute the tenets of Berenger, has been highly praifed by Pierre de Cluny and Erafmus. Dupin differs from Pierre de Cluny in preferring to it Lanfranc's treatife on the fame controverfy. '15 46 ALGER {continued). Algeri Scholaftici elogium, auflore Nicolao Leo- dinenfi Canonico, ejus squall. Mabillon, Vet. Analedl. 1 29 ALHACEN. A learned Arabian. The hillory of Tamerlane the Great from the time of his being made regent of Sachetay till his death. Originally written in Arabic. Tranflated, abridged, and methodifed from the French of Jean du Bee, abbot of Mor- temer. With political notes. 8°. Lond.i'j'^o The author of this work could not be Alhacen, as ftated on the title-page, that writer having lived three centuries before Tamerlane. It muft be viewed as a compilation by J. du Bee. ALISON, Alexander, Efq. An effay on church reform. Pp. 88. 8°. Lond. 1851 The fecond Reformation ; or, Chriftianity de- veloped. 12°. Lond. 1 85 I The future ; or, the fcience of politics. 1 2°. Lond. 1852 ALISON, the Rev. Archibald. Born in Edinburgh 1757. Entered the Univerfity of Glafgow 1772. Having received an exhibition to Baliol College, Oxford, he took there the degrees of A.M. and LL.B. Vicar of Ercal, in Shropshire, 1797. In 1800 he became fenior minifter of the Epifcopal congregation at Edinburgh, for which afterwards St. Paul's Chapel, York Place, was erected, and in which charge he continued until 1831, when he relinquifhed it from ill health. Died 1839. Effays on the nature and principles of tafte. Sixth edition. • 2 vol. 8°. Edin. 1825* Thefe efTays, originally publifhed in 4°, 1 790, have ob- tained great celebrity. A critique on them by Lord Jeffrey will be found in the "Edinburgh Review," 18. i. Sermons, chiefly on particular occafions. 2 vol. 8°. Edin. 1815 Vol. I. Fourth edition. 18 15. Pf. 102. 27. On the beginning of the century i Job, 42. 5. On fpring - - - - 22 I Kings, 3. 7 & 9. On the youth of Solomon - 41 Prov. 19. 21. On the general faft, 1801 - 69 Pi. 90. 3. On feafons of fcarcity " " - 93 Mark, 8. 9. On the encouragement which the Gofpel affords to adtive duty - - - - 113 Luke, 21. 19. On the general faft, 0£V. 20, 1803 133 Prov. 3. 13,15, 16, 17. On the religious and moral ends of knowledge - - - - -151 Prov. 3. 13, 15, 16, 17. The fame continued, with re- gard to the young in the higher conditions of life 171 Judges, 5, 31. On fummer ... i^i Matth. 17. 4. On the thankfglving for the viftory at Trafalgar - - - - - -217 I Cor. 15. 33. On evil communication - 237 Pf. 80. 19. On the faft, Feb. 27, 1806 - - 255 I Peter, 2. 16. On freedom of thought - 276 Matth. 16. 3. On the general ii.^, Feb. 9, 1 809 298 Gen. 24. 63. On autumn . - - - ^21 Gen. 43. 27, 28. On the jubilee appointed for the fiftieth anniverfary of the king's acceflion, 0 1814 446 Vol. 2. 1815. Mark, 10. 14. On religious education - i Matth. 22. 37-40. On religious education - 21 Luke, II. 2. On the Lord's prayer. (Three fermons.) 41,. 57)73 Phihp. 2. 5. On the example of our Saviour's piety 90 Mark, 15. 39. On the evidence which arifes from the nature and charadler of the gofpel - - 107 A(5ts, 12. 24. On the evidence which arifes from the progrefs of the gofpel - - - - 1 30 Heb. I. I, 2. On the evidence which arifes from the Jewifh revelation - - - - 153 Gen. 22. 15-18. On the evidence which arifes from the accomplifhment of prophecy - - - 181 Philip. I. 10. On the love of excellence - 205 Rom. 7. 15. On the dangers of moral fentiment when not accompanied with aftive virtue - - 228 Gen. 13. II. On the moral dangers of the fociety of great cities ------ 250 Ecclef. 12. I. Upon the importance of religious ex- ample. After an execution - - - 271 Luke, 10. 21. On the importance of the education of the poor -.--.. 293 Gen. 49. 4. On inftability of charadler - - 317 Luke, 19. 16, 17. On ftability of charafter - 338 Luke, 15. II. On the parable of the prodigal fon. (Three fermons.) . - - 356, 378, & 401 Luke, 15. 7. On repentance before heaven. Eaftcr eve 422 John, 5. 4. On the power of Chriftian faith. Firft Sunday after Eafter ----- 442 John, 14. 2, 3. On our Saviour's aicenfion. Afcenfion day ---.... ^.62 Thele fermons are written in language uncommonly pure, appropriate and elegant. The author is compared by Lord Jeffrey ("Edinburgh Review," 23. 424) to Bofl"uet ; but he is cenfured in the "Quarterly Review," (14. 429,) for being deficient in ftating the truths of the gofpel. ALISON, Archibald, F.R.S E., LL.D., Ad- vocate. Son of the preceding. Hiftory of Europe from the commencement of the French Revolution in 1789 to the re- ftoration of the Bourbons in 1815. Seventh edition. 18 vol. 12°. Edin. 1847-48 Vol. I. Introdudiion, \l'j\- Vol. 11. 1807, 1808. In- 1789. dia, 1756-1806. Vol. 2. 1789-1792. Vol. 12. 1S08, 1809. Vol. 3. 1792, 1793. Vol. 13. 1809-181 1. Vol. 4. 17937 1794- Vol. 14. 1810-1812. Re- Vol. 5. 1794-1797- volution in S. America, Vol. 6. 1797-1799- 1812- 1826. Vol. 7- 1799-1801. Vol. 15. 1812. Vol. 8. 1 799- 1 804. Vol. 16. 1812, 1813. Vol. 9. 1805, 1806. Vol. 17. 1813. Vol. 10. 1806, 1807. Ge- Vol. 18. 1813, 1814. neral fketch of the B ritiih Vol. 19. 1S14, J815. empire in India. Vol. 20. 1815. Index. A criticifm on this important work will be found in the "Edinburgh Review," 76. i. Effays, political, hiftorical, and mifcellaneous. 3 voh 8°. Edin. 1850 Vol. I. The reform bill - - . - i Military treafon and national guards - - 72 The French revolution of 1830 ' " " 93 The Britifh peerage - - - - 135 The fall of the conftitution - - - . 169 47 ALISON, Archibald {continued). Negro emancipation ----- 208 Ireland ^39 Commercial crifis of 1S37 - - - 275 Colonial government and the Weft India queftion 302 Leflbns from the paft - - - - -33^ Free-trade and protedion - - - - 362 Thirty years of liberal Icgiflation - - - 389 Fall of the throne of the Barricades - - 435 The navigation laws ----- 476 The crowning of the column and the crufhing of the pedeftal 5°^ Crime and tranfportation .... 543 Free trade at its zenith - - - • 618 Vol. 2. Montefquieu ----- i Homer, Dante, and Michael Angelo - - 37 The Greek drama ----- 68 The Roman republic - - - - 103 Mirabeau ------- 128 The Britiih fchool of painting - - - 158 The Tyrol 181 Hannibal 203 Napoleon ------- 230 Partition of the kingdom of the Netherlands 261 The Athenian democracy - - - - 286 Robert Bruce 313 National monuments - . . . 329 The crufades ------ 3^7 The Carlift ftruggle in Spain - - - 376 The copyright queftion ----- 419 The decline of Turkey - - - - ^y Lamartine ------- 47S The Roman Campagna - . - - 500 France in 1833 ------ 534 The AfKghaniftan expedition - - - 612 The old ScottilTi parliament - - - * 635 Ships, colonies, and commerce - - - 658 Vol. 3. Chateaubriand ----- i Virgil, Tafib, and Raphael - - . 42 Guizot - - - . . . - 73 The romantic drama ----- 105 Wellington - - - - - - -139 Humboldt --.-.. 160 The Britifti fchool of architedlure ... jg^ Sifmondi ------ 220 Poland ------- 256 The year of revolutions - - . - 278 Britifh hiftorj- during the eighteenth century - 311 Madame De Stael ----- 24.0 M. de Tocqueville - - - - - 358 Autobiography - - - - - ^is Michelet's France - - - - - 411 The fall of Rome ----- ^q Karamfin's Ruflia ----- aqj The hiftorical romance - - • . 521 The Britifh theatre - - - . -551 Diredt taxation ... - - enj Macaulay ------- 628 Free-trade, reform, and finance - - 675 The royal progrefs - - . - . yjo ALKADI' SCIOHABADIN. Continuatio hiftoria; Saracenorum in Sicilia. Muratorii, Rer. Ital. Script, i pars, 2. 251 ALKIBLA. Sec Andrews, John. ALLAN, James, M.A., Minifter at Eyemouth. Sermon, Pliil. 4. 5. Moderation explained and recommended. Preached before the Synod of Merfe and Teviotdale. 8°. £<^in. 1749 ALLATIUS [or Allacci], Leo. A laborious and indefatigable writer, of a vaft memory, whofe writings difplay great reading. Born in the Iflc of 48 ALLATIUS, Leo {continued). Chios of Greek parents, 1586. Having been admitted into the Greek college at Rome, he embraced the Roman Catholic religion, and was eventually appointed keeper of the Vatican library by Pope Alexander VII. Died 1669. De ecclefias Occidentalis atque Orientalis per- petua confenfione, libri tres. Gr. et Lat. Ejufdem diflertationes, De dominicis et hebdomadibus Grscorum. De mifTa praefanftificatorum ; cum Bartoldi Nihufii ad hanc annotationibus de commu- nione OrientaUum fub fpecie unica. 4°. Col. Jg. 1648 De oftava Synodo Photiana, annexa eft J. H. Hottingeri difputationis apologeticas, de eccle- fis Orientalis tarn in dogmate quam in ritibus diflenfu et Juvenis Ulmenfis exercitationis hiftorico-theologicas de ecclefia Graecanica hodierna refutatio. 8°. Rom. Cong. Prop. Fidei, 1662 Confutatio fabuls de Joanna Papifla, ex monu- mentis Graecis. Bartoldus Nihufius recenfuit, prologo atque epilogo auxit, nee non tcle- fcopium adjunxit. 8°. Col. Ag. 1645 J. H. Hottingerus, fraudis et impofturs mani- feft^ convidus. 8°. Roma, 1661 Diatriba de Methodiis et Methodiorum fcriptis, &c. Hippolyti Opera, 2. 75 De Engaftrimytho fyntagma. Critici Sacri, vol. 2. Opufcula, Grsca et Latina. Byzantine Hiftories, 21 ALLEGRETTIS, AUegretti de. Ephemerides Senenfes, 145 0-1496. Muratorii, Rer. Ital. Script. 23. 763 ALLEINE, Joseph. A Nonconformift divine. Born at Devizes, 1633. Entered Lincoln College, Oxford, at 16. In 16 51 obtained a fcholarfhip in Corpus Chrifti College. In 1655 became aiTiftant in the miniftry to Mr. G. Newton of Taunton. Deprived, in 1662, for Nonconformity. Died 1668. A man of great learning and greater charity ; though a Non- conformift, he preferved a great refpedl for the Church. His writings breathe a true fpirit of piet)'. His Alarm to the Unconverted, fometimes printed under the title of a Sure GuiJe to Heaven, has always been one of the moft popular books of the kind. An admonition to unconverted finners. 1 2°. Another, entitled, A fure guide to Heaven, with the refolution of fome cafes of confcience. Sm. 8°. Land. 1704 A call to Archippus ; or, an humble and earneft motion to fome ejefted minifters (by way of Letter) to take heed to their miniftry, that they fulfil it. Pp. 31. 4°. Lond. printed 1664, reprinted 1703 ALLEINE, Richard. Born 161 1, at Ditchet, Somerfetftiire, where his father was redor for fiftj- years. Entered St. Alban's Hall, Ox- ford, 1627. Thence he removed to New Inn Hall, where he took his M.A. degree, and entering into orders, became afTiftanf to his father. In 1641 fucceeded to the living of Batcomb, Dorfetftiire. At the Reftoration ejefted for Non- conformity. Died 1 68 1. He was a man of great learning, piety, and exemplary life, and his works have been held in high reputation among Calvinifts. 49 5° ALLEINE, Richard (continued). Vindici^ pietatis ; or, a vindication of godli- neffe, in the greateft ftridlnefs and fpirituality of it, from the imputations of folly and fancy. Together with feveral direftions for the at- taining and maintaining of a godly life. [On Ephes. 5. 15, and John, i. 47.] Sm. 8°. ZoW. 1664 The godly man's portion and fanftuary : being a fecond part of Vindicias Pietatis. [On Philip. 4. 9.] Sm. 8°. Lo/2d. 1664 Heaven opened ; or, a brief and plain difcovery of the riches of God's covenant of grace. Being the third part of Vindiciae Pietatis. Sm. 8°. LoKi/. 1666 The world conquered ; or, a believer's viftory over the world. Laid open in ieveral fermons on I John, 5. 4. Sm. 8°. Lo?iJ. 1668 ALLEN, Fifield, D.D. Archd. of Middlefex. Sermon, 2 Kings, 8. 11, 12. [Jan. 30.] 4°. ZoW. 175 1 Sermon, Pf. 32. 9. The reafonablenefs and ne- ceffity of human laws and penalties. [Aflize.] 4°. ZoW. 1739 ALLEN, John, M.D. Sermon, 2 Cor. 5. I. [Funeral.] 8°. Lok^. 1740 ALLEN, John, M.A., Vice-Principal of Mag- dalen Hall, Oxford. Difcourfe, Eccl. 7. 16. The weaknefs and wickednefs of being righteous over-much ; the folly of afFefted wifdom ; and the ruin con- fequent upon both, aflerted. 8°. Land. 1759 Sermon, i Cor. 9. 27. The enthufiaft's notion of eleftion to eternal life difproved ; or, God's favour obtained by the obfervance of his laws. 8°. Oxf 1769 Sermon, If. 8. 9, 10. AfTociations againft the eftablifhed Church indefenfible. 8°. Ox/. 1773 ALLEN, John. Paftor of a Baptift congregation, Spitalfields, from 1764 to 1767. During which time he went into bufmefs as a linen-draper, and failed. He was tried at the Old Bailey for forgery, but acquitted, and afterwards involved himfelf in debt. He then fettled with a congregation near New- caftle, who foon difmifTed him for mifconduft, and he went to New York, where he preached to large congre- gations until his death. He was a high Calvinift, of good abilities, but deficient in principle. His Spiritual Magazine is highly commended by Romaine. The fpiritual magazine ; or, the Chriftian's grand treafure, wherein the peculiar doftrines of the Gofpel are unfolded, and the types and fhadows of the Old Teftament unveiled, and fpiritually explained, in familiar dialogues : with preface by Romaine. 3 vol. 8°. Lon^. i8io Originally publiihed in 1752. ALLEN, John. A learned Diffenting layman. Born at Truro, in Corn- wall, 1 77 1. He conducted a private academy at Hackney, London, for upwards of thirty years, where he died 1839. He publifhed tranflations of Calvin's Inftitutes, fermons from Superville, and Outram on Sacrifices. I ALLEN, John (continued). Modern Judaifm ; or, a brief account of the opinions, traditions, rites, and ceremonies, of the Jews in modern times. Second edition, revifed. 8°. Lom^. 1830 Originally publifhed in 18 16. The beft work on the fubjea. ALLEN, Joshua, Reftor of St. Bride's, Pem- brokefhire. Twenty-fix fermons on the moft important fub- jefts of the Chriftian religion, as well dodlrinal as pradlical. Preached at St. Vedaft, Fofter Lane, and Long Acre Chapel, in 1742-43. 8°. Lom^. 1 75 1 I John, 5. 7. The doctrine of the blefTed Trinity proved from fcripture. (Three fermons.) - - I Jer. 23. 6. The divinity of our bleffed Saviour aflerted and maintained. (Two fermons.) - - 99 Jer. 23. 6. The doftrine of our juftification, by faith in Chrift, explained and defended. (Three fermons.) 147 Jer. 23. 6. The application of the doftrines of our bleifed Saviour's divinity, and of our juftification, by faith in him. (Two fermons.) - - - 225 Pf. 139.7-12. OntheomniprefenceofGod.(Twofer.)273 Pf. 139. 7-12. On theomnifcienceof God. (Twofer.)32i Matth. 5. 45. The unequal difpenfations of Providence accounted for, and vindicated. (Four fermons.) 357 I John, 5. 4. The general nature of the Chriftian faith 421 I John, 5. 4. The efl^ential properties of the Chriftian faith 447 I John, 5. 4. The benefits and advantages of the Chrift- ian faith 477 Luke, 13. 3. The nature of true repentance 503 Luke, 13. 3. The power and efficacy of true repent- ance - - . - - - "539 Luke, 13. 3. An earneft exhortation to true repent- ance ------- 569 Luke, 22. 20. The duty of receiving the blefled facra- ment : and the preparation neceflary to the worthy participation thereof - - - - "5^5 Luke, 22. 20. The benefits and advantages of the worthy receiving of the blefled facrament : and an exhortation thereunto ------ 609 ALLEN, Rev. L N. B.A., Affiftant Chaplain on the Hon. E. I. Company's Bombay Eftab. Diary of a march through Sinde and AfFghaniftan with the troops under the command of Gen. Sir William Nott, K.C.B., &c. ; and fermons delivered on various occafions during the cam- paign of 1 842. Sm. 8°. LokJ. 1 843 Sinde and Aftghaniftan ----- i Sermons, Deut. 4. 39,40. Preached at the camp near Kabul 385 Pf. 107. I, 2. The captives delivered - 403 Pf. 109. 6-8. The retrofpeft - - - 421 Luke, 2. 10-14. Chriftmas - - - 437 2 Cor. 13. II. The farewell . . - 452 ALLEN, Miss Lydia. Experimental Chriilianity of eternal advantage, exemplified in the life of, by Edward Barnard. Second edit, greatly enlarged. 8°. Lo?it/. 1741 ALLEN, Robert. The doftrine of the Gofpel, by a plaine and fa- miliar interpretation of the particular points or articles thereof, with the promifes, com- forts, and duties feverally belonging to the 52 ALLEN, Robert {continued). fame. Whcreunto is added, a declaration of the danger of" not knowing, not believing, or not obeying any one of them. Likewife, a rehearfal of the manifold herefies wherein many have erred contrary to them all. [Anonymous.] Folio. Land. 1606 ALLEN, Thomas, Rcdor of Kettering. Born 16S2. Educated at Wadham College, Oxford. Rertor of Kettering, 1714, in which he continued until hi« death, in 1755. ^ pious divine, and exemplary in all the duties of the paftoral office. An apology for the Church of England, and vindication of her learned clergy ; or, the clei"gyman's ^rcc gift to Mr. Woolllon. Where- in the bold challenge of Mr. Woolfton is ac- cepted, and a loving, impartial, and faithful anfwer is returned to all that is worth anfwer- ing, in a pamphlet intitled, A firll, fecond, &c. free gift to the clergy, &c. Ff. 2, pp. 56. 8°. Lojid. 1725 The Chriftian's fure guide to eternal glory ; or, living oracles, moil comfortable, holy, and inftrudive, of the Lord Jefus Chrill from heaven, in his royal embafly to the feven churches of Afia [on Rev. ii. iii.] ; with prayers. 8°. Lotid. 1733 ALLEN, Thomas. Nonconformirt. Born in Norwich, 1608. Educated at Caius College, Cambridge. Became miniftcr of St. Ed- mund's, Norwich, but filenced in 1636 for refufing to read the Book of Sports. Redtor of St. George's, Norwich, 1651 ; ejefted for Nonconformity, 1662. Died 1673. His Chain of Scripture Chronology obtained much reputa- tion. One of his biographers compares him to Bucholtzer, who, being weary of controverfy, betook himfelf to chro- nolog)-, faying that he would rather compute than difpute. A chain of Scripture chronology from the crea- tion of the world to the death of Jefus Chrift. 4°' Lofid. 1659 ALLEN, WUliam. A Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. Born at RofTall, in Lancafnire, in 1532, of a good family. Entered Oriel College, Oxford, 1547. During the reign of Queen Marj-, about 1556, he was made principal of St. Mary's Hall. On the acceflion of Queen Elizabeth he retired to Louvain, where he undertook the education of fome Eng- lifli youths. In 1568 he was one of the founders of the Englifli College of Douay. He was made Cardinal in 1587 at the requcft of Philip II. of Spain, when he was preparing the Armada, and the Admonition w^as written in order to be diftributcd on that expedition fucceeding. He had a principal fliare in the produdlion of the Douay Bible. (See Bible.) Died at Rome, 1594. An admonition to the nobility and people of England and Ireland, concerning the prefent warres, 1588. Reprinted with a Preface by Eupator [the Rev. J. Mendham]. Sm. 8°. Land. 1842 ALLEN, William. A tradeJman of London, whofe works were held in great efteem by Bi/liop Kidder, Bifhop Williams, and others. He was originally an Independent, but from convidlion ioined the Church of England in 1658. Died 1686, in a good old age. He writes with great clearnefs and ftrength, and in an unaftefted ftyle. ALLEN, William [continued). Works, confining of thirteen diflinft trafls on feveral fubjefts. Folio. Lorid. 1707 Preface concerning the author and his writings, by John Lord Billiop of Chichefter [Bilhop Williams]. A difcourfe of the nature, ends, and difference of the two covenants ------ i A difcourfe of faith - - . - . yi A view ofjuftification,or the work of faith with power 95 Animadverfions on that part of Mr. R. Fergufon's " Intereft of reafon in religion," which treats of jufti- fication - - - - - . -187 The Chriftian's juftification ftated, fhowing how the righteoufnefs of Chrift, the gofpel covenant, faith, and God himfelf, do operate to our juftification 215 A difcourfe of divine afliftance, and the method thereof, A praftical difcourfe of humility - . 337 A perfuaiive to peace and unity among Chriftians, not- withftanding their different apprehenfions in leffer things - - 387 A ferious and friendly addrefs to the Nonconformifts, beginning with the Anabaptifts, or an addition to the Perfuafive to Peace and Unity - . 443 Catholicifm, or feveral inquiries touching vifible church memberftiip, church communion, the nature of fchifm ; and the ufefulnefs of national conftitutions for the fur- therance of religion ----- ^89 The grand error of the Quakers - - 571 The myftery of iniquity unfolded, or the falfe apoftles and authors of Popery compared in their fecular defign and means of accomplifhing it - - - 607 Of the ftate of the church in future ages, or an infpec- tion into the Divine prophecies touching the ftate of the church in the latter ages of the world - 641 A difcourfe of the nature, feries, and order of occur- rences, as they are prophetically reprefented in Reve- lations, xi -..-.. 723 Sermon at his funeral, by Bp. Kidder [Heb. 13. 14] 747 Myftery of Iniquity. Land. 1673 Difcourfe of divine afliftance. 1679 Difcourfe of humility. 168 1 In I vol. 8°. ALLEN, William [alias Col. TitusJ. Killing no murder : briefly difcourfed in three queftions, F. i, pp. 27. 4°. 1689, j-. /. ALLESTEEE, Richard, D.D., Prov. of Eton. Born at Uppington, Shropfhire, 1619. He became ftudent of Chrift Church, Oxford, and in 1 641 took arms in the royal caufe. On the ruin of the king's affairs he entered into orders. At the reftoration he took his dodlor's degree, and was appointed regius profeflbr of divinity at Oxford, and canon of Chrift Church. In 1665 he ob- tained the provoftftiip of Eton, where he died 1680. An eminent divine, in whom were united in great perfeftion memory, fancy, judgment, elocution, modefty, a compre- henfion of things, and fluency of words, an aptnefs for the pleafant and fufficiency for the rugged parts of knowledge ; a courage to encounter, and an induftry to mafter all things. Forty fermons, the greateft part preached before the king and on folemn occafions. 2 vol. folio. Oxf. 1684 Vol. I. Preface [containing the author's life, by Bp. Fell]. I Peter, 4. i ----- - i Pf- 73- I - 15 Lev. 16. 31. Lent 29 John, 15. 14 ----- . 43 Ezek. 33. II. Lent ----- 57 Pf. 73. 25 - - - - - - 69 Mark, i. 3. Lent 81 53 54 ALLESTREE, Richard, D.D. {continued). I John, 5. 4 95 Gal. 2. 20. Lent . . . - . 109 Luke, 9. 55. November 5th - - - 123 Luke, 16. 30, 31. Faft-day for the plague - 137 Luke, 2. 34 - - - - - 151 James, 4. 7 - - - - - - - 165 Phil. 3. 18. Lent 181 Mark, 10. 15 - - - - - 19s Afts, 13. 2. Confecration of bifhops - - 209 Hof. 3. 5. Twenty-ninth of May - - - 227 Matth. 5. 44. St. Stephen's day - - 243 Vol. 2. 2 Tim. 3. 15. The Divine authority and ufe- fulnefs of the holy fcripture afferted - - I Rom. 6. 3. Of the obligation of baptil'm - 21 Matth. 9. 13. Of the prerogative of mercy, in being the beft facrifice - - - - - - 36 Pf. 102. 13. 14. Of God's method in giving deliver- ance ------- 50 Afts, 24. 16. Of the exercife of confcience, in the avoiding of offence towards God and men - 65 Matth. 5. 4. Of the bleifednefs of mourners 79 1 John, 3. 3. Of the cleanfing power of Chriftian hope - - - - - .' . - . 93 If. 26. 20. Of the hiding-place from indignation 107 Matth. II. 28. Of the reft to be obtained by them that labour and are heavy laden - - - 1(8 1 Cor. 15. 57. Of the Chriftian's vidlory over death, fin, and the law - - - - - 133 Pf. 17. 15. Of the Chriftian's bleflednefs in beholding God's face ------ 143 John, 20. 28. Of Chrift's being Lord and God 157 Mark, 9. 24. The believer's concern, to pray for faith 170 Matth. 5. 16. The ChrifUan's light is to ftiine before men .-.-.-- 191 2 Cor. 6. 2. Of the accepted time, the day of falva- tion - - - - - - -201 2 Tim. I. 12. Of the evidence of faith - 215 Luke, 16. 8. The children of this world are wifer than the children of light - . - - 230 Matth. 6. 22, 23. The light of the body is the eye. (Five fermons.) ----- 247 The duty of Chriftian refolution. Trails of Angl. Fathers, 4. 121 ALLEY, William, Bifhop of Exeter. Born at Great Wycomb, in Buckinghamfhire, and edu- cated at Eton School. In 1528 he went to King's College, Cambridge. He afterwards ftudied at Oxford. He was prefented to a living, and became a zealous reformer. Dur- ing Queen Mary's reign he retired into the nortii of Eng- land. On the accefTion of Queen Elizabeth he was made reader of the divinity ledture in St. Paul's, London, and Prebendary. Confecrated Biftiop of Exeter 1560. Died 1571. He tranflated the Pentateuch for the Bible pub- liflied by command of Queen Elizabeth. The poor man's library. Folio. Land. 1565 Including an expofition of i Peter. ALLIACO, Petrus de. See Ailly. ALLIES, Thomas William, late Reftor of Laun- ton, Oxon, now in the communion of the Church of Rome. The Church of England cleared from the charge of fchifm, by decrees of the feven ecumenical councils and the tradition of the Fathers. Second edition enlarged. 8°. Oxf. 1 848 Journal in France in 1845 ^" ANDREAS CiESARIENSIS. Flourifhed, according to fomc, at the end of the fifth century, according to others in the middle of the ninth. In Apocalypfim commentarius. Bibl. Max. Patr. 5. 590 ANDR.S1AS, Epifcopus Margorenfis Hifp. Gubernaculum conciliorum. Concilium Confl. 6 ANDREAS, Prcftyterad S. Magnum Ratifbons, Ord. Canonic, regular. S. Auguftini. Chronicon generale a Chrillo nato ufque ad an- num Mccccxxii. Pez, Thefaur. iv. p. iii. 273 ANDREWES, Rev. Gerrard, A.M. Born 1750. Reftor of St. James', Weftminfter, 1802; Dean of Canterbury, 1809. Died 1825. Sermon, i Tim. 6. 17. [Corporation of Trinity Brethren.] 4°. Lond. 1803 ANDREWS, John, Vicar of South-Newington, Oxfordfhire. Alkibla ; a difquifition upon worfhipping towards the Eaft. Wherein are contained the general antiquity, the rife, and reafonablenefs of this religious ceremony in the Gentile world ; its early adoption into the Church of Chrift ; with a free and impartial examination of the reafons affigned for it by the ancient Fathers. [Anonymous.] 8°. Lond. 1728 The Kebla, Part 2 ; or, a further defence of eaftward adoration. With fome remarks on the anatomy of the Kebla. Pp. 68. 8°. Lond. 1729 ANDREWS, John, LL.B., Vicar of Marden, in Kent. The Scripture doftrine of divine grace. Second edition. 12°. Lond. 1769 ANDREWES, Lancelot, Bilhop of Winchefter. Born, in London, 1555. From Merchant Taylors* School he was fent to Pembroke Hall, Cambridge. After becoming fucceflively Vicar of St. Giles's, Cripplegate, Dean of Weftminfter, and Bifliop of Chichefter, in 1609 he was tranflated to Ely, and in 1 61 8 to Winchefter, which he held, with the Deanery of the Chapel Royal, until his death in 1626. He was one of the moft pro- found of Englifh theologians, of great learning, piety, zeal, and charity. His fermons are charafterifed by learning, found fenfe, great depth of meaning, and ftrength of rea- foning, with powerful appeals to the confcience. An article on the edition defcribed below will be found in the " Britifli Critic," 31. 169. Ninety-fix fermons. 5 vol. 8°. Lib. of Anglo- Catholic Theology. 0.x/^ 1841-43 Vol. I. 1841. Matth. 2. I, 2 (2ferm.) 233 Eph. I. 10 - - - 265 Pfa. 2. 7 - - - 284 On repentance and failing. Afh-Wednefday. Pfa. 78. 34 - - - 305 Deut. 23. 9 - - 321 Jer. 8. 4-7 - - - 338 Joel, 2. 12, 13 - 356 Matth. 6. 16 (2 ferm.) 375 Match. 3. 7, 8 - - 417 Matth. 3. 8 - - 435 Vol. 2. 1 841. Lent. Pfa. 75. 3 - - - 1 The Nativity. Heb. 2. 16 - . 1 lia. 9 6 . - 18 I Tim. 3. 16 . - 32 Gal. 4. 4, 5 - - 4S Luke, 2. 10 II - - 64 John, I. 14 - - 85 Heb. I. 1-3 - - 102 John, 8. <;6 - - 118 11a. 7 14 - - - 135 Mic. ?. 2 - - 153 Pia. 8 <;. 10, II - - 17s Luke, 2. 12- -14 - 196 Luke, 2. 14 - - - 215 11 78 ANDREWES, Lancelot [continued). Pfa. 77. 20 - Mark, 14. 4-6 Luke, 17. 32 Luke, 16. 25 - a Cor. 12. 15 On Good Friday Zech. 12. 10 - Lam. I. 12 - Heb, 12. 2 - - Of the Refurreftion. Day. Rom. 6. 9-1 1 1 Cor. 15. 20 - Mark, 16. 1-7 - John, 20. 19 - Job, 19. 23-27 119 - 138 158 Eafter - 187 206 - 221 238 252 Pfa. 118. 22. Eafter day 270 290 309 323 344 364 383 4.04 I Cor. 5. 7, 8 - Col. 3. I, 2 - Phil. 2. 8-11- John, 2. 19 - I Pet. I. 3, 4 - - Matth. 12. 39, 40 I Cor. II. 16 - Vol. 3. 1 841. Of the Refurreftion. Eafter Day. John, 20. 11-17 - - 3 John, 20. 17. (Two fer.) 23 Ifa. 63. 1-3 - - 60 Heb. 13. 20, 21 - - 80 Of the fending of the Holy Ghoft. Whit-Sunday, Afts, 2. 1-4 - Afts, 2. 4 - John, 14. 15, 16 107 - 130 145 John, 16. 7 - - 163 Afts, 19. 1-3 - - 180 Eph. 4. 30 - Pfa. 68. 18 - Luke, 3. 21, 22 John, 20. 22 - Luke, 4. 18, 19 A6ls, 2. 16-21 Ads, 10. 34, 35 I John, 5, 6 - James, I. 16, 17 1 Cor. 12. 4-7 Vol. 4. 1841. Of the confpiracy of the Cowries. 2 Sam. 18. 32 - - I Sam. 26. 8, 9 I Chron. 16. 22 Pfa. 89. 20-23 Pfa. 21. 1-4 Efther, 2. 21-23 I Sam. 24. 5-8 Gen. 49. 5-7 - Of the Gunpowder Treafon 5 th Nov. Pfa. 118. 23, 24 - - 203 Pfa. 126. 1-4 - - 223 Luke, 9. 54-56 - - 241 Lam. 3. 22 - - 261 Prov. 8. 15 - - - 277 Prov. 24. 21-23 - 296 Pfa. 145. 9 - - - 318 Ifa. 37. 3 - - - 341 Luke, I. 74, 75 - - 361 Efther, 9. 31 - - 385 -201 221 - 241 261 - 280 301 - 323 341- - 361 377 3 24 43 76 lOI 126 153 "3 Vol. 5. 1843. I Tim. 6. 17, t8, 19. Spittle fermon A6ts, 2. 42. Of the wor/hipping of imaginations. the fecond commandment _ _ - Jer. 4. 2. Of the lawfulnefs and form of fwearing. the third commandment . - - - John, 20. 23. Of the power of abfolution. Eafter Jer. 23. 6. Of juftification in Chrift's name - Matth. 22. 21. Of the giving Csefar his due 3 On 54 On 71 82 104 127 Numb. 10. I, 2. Of the right and power of caHing aftemblies ------ Judges, 17. 6. On the coronation-day James, i. 22. Of the doing of the word Pfa. 82. I. The opening of the parliament Pfa. 106. 29, 30. In the time of peftilence - Pfa. 144. 10. Before two kings - - Heb. 13. 16. A fermon by Biftiop Buckeridge at the funeral of Bifliop Andrewes - - - 25^ Nineteen Sermons upon Prayer in general, and the Lord's Prayer in particular. Preparation to Prayer, 2 Cor. 3. 5 . . . - _ James, I. 16, 17 - Matth. 7. 7 - - . _ . Rom. 8. 26 - Luke, II. I Luke, II. 2- The Lord's Prayer. Luke, 11. 2. Our Father - - . _ _ Which art in heaven - - - _ 141 169 186 203 223 235 303 311 321 332 342 351 Hallowed be thy Name . _ _ Thy kingdom come . _ . Thy will be done - . _ _ In earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our debts - - - As we forgive them that trefpafs againft us 362 372 381 390 396 405 413 424 432 ANDREWES, Lancelot (continued). And lead us not into temptation ... 441 But deliver us from evil - - - - 449 For thine is the kingdom, power, and glory, for ever and ever ______ ^jg Amen ------- 467 Seven Sermons upon the temptation in the wildernefs. Matth. 4. i-ii - - - - - 479 The ninety-fix fermons were originally published in 1629. Reprinted 1631, 1641, and 1661, all in folio. A pattern of catechiftical doflrine, and other minor works. [Lib.of Anglo-Cath. Theology.] 8°. Ox/. 1846 A pattern of catechiftical dodtrine, wherein many profi- table queftions touching Chriftian religion are handled, and the whole decalogue fuccindtly and judicioufly expounded. With additions - - - i Judgment of the Lambeth articles ; annexed to which is the judgment of the cenfure upon Barret 289 Form of confecration of a church and churchyard 307 Summary view of the government both of the Old and New Teftament ; whereby the epifcopal government of Chrift's Church is vindicated - - 335 Difcourfe of ceremonies retained and ufed in Chriftian churches - - - - - - 363 The pattern of catechiftical doftrine at large ; or, a learned and pious expofition of the ten commandments. With an introduftion, con- taining the ufe and benefit of catechifing ; the general grounds of religion, &c. Third edition, corredled and perfefted according to the au- thor's own copy, and thereby purged from many thoufand errors. Folio. Land. 1 67 5 The beft and moft complete edition. ATroiTTruo-fAciTtcc Sacra ; or, a colleftion of pofthu- mous and orphan lectures, delivered at St. Paul's and St. Giles his church. Folio. Land. 1657 Sermons on the firft four chapters of Genefis. Sermons on feveral choice texts : Ifa. 6. 6, 7 - - - 515 Matth. 6. I - - 522 John, 6. 27 (2ferm.) - 528 Luke, 12. 15 - 2 Pet. 1.9- John, 8. 56 - Pfa. 47. 10 - Matth. 25. 30 - I Sam. I. 27, 28 Apoc. 2. 7 Heb. 6. II - Apoc. 12. 7, 8 John, 6. 37 538 - 544 550 - 555 561 - 565 572 - 578 586 - 594 Afts, 2. 37 Luke, 24. 32 1 Cor. 12. 13 - 2 Pet. 1.4- 2 Pet. I. 5 (2 ferm.) 2 Pet. I. 6 - 2 Pet. I. 7 Lam, I. 12 - 2 Pet. 2. 25 - John, 16. 16 Pfa. 106. 29, 30 Addenda 601 - 607 614 - 620 624 - 631 - 635 - 639 - 644 - 648 652 657-694 Thefe leftures were publiftied from notes taken when they were delivered. The volume has become very fcarce. It has a portrait of Andrewes by Vaughan. Opufcula quasdam pofthuma. 4°. Lo/id. 1629 Prov. 20. 25. Concio ad clerum pro gradu dodloris I A(5l. 20. 28. Concio ad clerum in fynodo provincial! Cantuarienfis Provincias _ - - 25 Pfa. 144. 10. Concio, Latine habita, coram regia ma- jeftate -------47 Ifa. 62. 5. Concio, in difceflu Palatini - 71 Quasftionis, nunquid per jus divinum, magiftratui liceat a reo jusjurandum exigere, theologica determinatio 91 De ufuris, theologica determinatio - - - 113 De decimis, theologica determinatio - - 141 Refponfiones ad Petri Molinasi epiftolas tres, una cum Molinaei epiftolis - - - - -161 19 8o ANDREWES, Lancelot {continued). Stridurae; or, a brief anfwcr to the eighteenth chapter of the firft book of Cardinal Perron's Reply, written in French to King James his anfwer, written by Mr. Cafaubon in Latine ----- i An anfwer to the twentieth chapter of the fifth book of Cardinal Perron's Reply - - . . ?9 A fpeech in the Starr-Chamber againft the two judicial opinions of Mr. Tra/ke - - - - 63 A fpeech in the Starr-Chamber concerning vows, in the Countefs of Shrew/buries cafe - - 79 Tortura Torti ; five ad Matthaei Torti librum refponfio, qui nuper editus contra Apologiam fereniflimi potentis- fimique Principis Jacobi, pro juramento fidelitatisi-402 Tortura torti ; five ad Matthaei Torti librum re- ponfio. [Library of Anglo-Cath. Theology.] 8°, Oxon. 1851 Refponfio ad apologiam Cardinalis Bellarmini. [Library of Anglo-Cath. Theology.] 8°. Oxon. 1851 Opufcula quasdam pofthuma. [Library of Anglo- Cath. Theol.] 8°. Oxon. 1852 For contents, fee firft eight articles in "Opufcula" edi- tion, 1629, defcribed above. This volume has an index to this and the two preceding volumes. Preces privatae quotidianse, Gr. et Lat. Editio tertia et emendation 1 2°. Lend. 1 848 Greek devotions. Tranflated and arranged. Trafts for the Times, 5. 88 Private devotions. Tranflated by the Rev. Peter Hall. With Manual for the fick, by the fame prelate. 12°. Lond. 1839 Devotions. Tranflated by Dean Stanhope. 1 8°. Lond. 1826 Notes on the Common Prayer. Nicholls, W. Commentary A fermon preached at Whitehall on Eafter day, i6th April, 1620. [On John, 20. 11-17.] 4°. Lond. 1620 The forme of confecration of a church or chap- pel, and of the place of Chriftian Buriall. Pp. 52. 18^. n. d. On remiflion of fins in the Church, and chiefly concerning abfolution. Trafts of Angl. Fathers, i. 107 Seventeen fermons ; modernifed for the ufe of general readers, by the Rev. Charles Daubeny, Archdeacon of Sarum. 8°. Lond. 1821 Heb. 2. 1 6. Chriftmas Day - . - . i Luke, 2. 10, II. On the nativity - - 26 Micah, 5. 2. On the place of our Saviour's birth 55 Jer. 8. 4-7. On Afli-Wednefday - - 89 Pfa. 77. 20. On St. Matthias' day - - 109 Luke, 17. 32. Lent - - _ _ 1^0 Lam. I. 12. On the Paflion - _ _ j^S Heb. 12. 2. On Good Friday - - - 182 Job, 19. 23-27. On the Refurreftion - - 203 Philip. 2. 8-11. On Eafter day - - 225 Ifa. 63. 1-3. On Eafter day _ _ _ 252 Afts, 19. 1-3. Of the fending of the Holy Ghoft 282 Luke, 3. 21, 22. On Whitfunday - - 318 Luke, 4. 18, 19. Our Saviour's fermon on the day of Pentecoft ---.__ 350 Ephef. 4. 14. On the worftiipping of imaginations 377 James, I. 22. On being doers of the word - 408 Pfa. 75. 3. On the pillars of government - 430 ANDREWES, Lancelot [continued). Nineteen fermons concerning prayer. A new edition, adapted for general reading, and pre- faced by a memoir of the author. 8°. Lond. 1830 ANECDOTES. Interpofitions of Providence. 1 8°. Lond. n. d. ANGE de la Paflion, Le Pere. Le difcipline pacifique de Saint Auguflin, fur la liberie, la grace, et la predefliination, avec une diflertation preliminaire de I'autorite de S. Auguft;in. [Anonymous.] 4°. Par. 1715 ANGELOCRATOR, Daniel. A divine of the reformed church. Born, at Corbach, 1569. He was Paftor of Koethen, and prefent at the fynod of Dordt, 1618. Died 1635. Doftrina de ponderibus, monetis et menfuris per totum terrarum orbem ufitatis, ex probatifli- mis fcriptoribus conquifta. 4°. Franc. 1628 ANGELOMUS LUXOVIENSIS. A Benediftine monk of Luxeuil, in Tranche Comte ; lived during the ninth century. The editor of the "Bibl. Patrum," following a blunder of Trithemius, defcribes Angelomus as a monk of Lifieux (Lexovienfis) inftead of Luxeuil (Luxovienfis). Enarrationes in quatuor libros Regum. In Cantica Canticorum enarrationes. Bibl. Max. Patr. 15, 307 Commentariusin Genefim. Pez, Thef. I, p. i. 45 ANGILBERT [Angilbertus]. Was Abbot of the Benedi/. 1843-52 Vol. I. 1843. Das leben Anfelmi. Vol. 2. 1852. Die lehre Anfelmi. ANSELMUS GEMBLACENSIS, Monachus. Died 1135. Chronicon. Piftorius, i. 943 ANSELMUS, S., Epifcopus Lucenfis. Lived in the eleventh century. Contra Guitbertum antipapam. Bibl. Max. Patr. 18. 602 Canifius, 3. pars i. 369 Meditationes in orationem Dominicam, in falu- tationem angelicam, fuper falve regina, et de geftis Domini noftri. Bibl. Max. Patr. 27. 436 Colleftanea. Canifius, 3. p. i. 369 ANSELMUS HAVELBERGENSIS, Bifhop of Haerlbourg, in Saxony. He was ambalTador from Lothaire II. to Conftantinople in 1 140. Became Archbi/hop of Ravenna, where he died 1149. Liber de ordine canonicorum regularium. Pez, Thefaur. iv. p. 2. 173 Libri tres: I. De variis Chriftians religionis formis ; alii duo difputationum adverfus Gras- cos. D'Achery, Spicil. i. 161 Containing fome interefting illuftrations of the ecclefi- aftical hiftory of the twelfth century. ANTIDIDAGMA; feu Chriftians et Catholics religionis per Dominos Canonicos metropoli- tans ecclefiae Colonienfis propugnatio, ad- verfus librum quendam univerfis ordinibus, feu ftatibus dicecefis ejufdem, nuper bonae titulo Reformationis exhibitum. Sententia item, de vocatione Martini Buceri. 8°. Par. IXA.Q ANTIOCHUS, Monachus. Flourirtied a.d. 614. He was Abbot of St. Sabaa, in Paleftine, when Cofrhoes, King of Perfia, took Jerufalem, and carried off, as it is faid, the real crofs. Homilia;. Exomologefis. Ad Euftathium de eogitationibus. Bibl, Max. Patr, 12. 214 ANTIQUITATES Ecclefis Orientalis clariffimo- rum virorum Card, Barberini, L. Allatii, L. Holftenii, J. Morini, Abr. Ecchellenfis, N. Peyrefcii, P. a Valle, T. Comberi, J. Buxtorfii, H. Hottingcri, &c. Quibus prsfixa eft J. Mo- f'ml yita. 8°. Lo»J. 1682 ANTISOCINUS, hoc eft folida et exafta con- futatio omnium et fingulorum errorum, quos olim Ariani, Ebionitae,Samofateniani, Pelagiani, et Tritheitae, horribili audacia propugnarunt. 8°. Franc. 161 2 ANTHONY, Saint [S.Antonius Magnus, Abbas.] Celebrated as the founder of Monafticifm. He was of Egyptian origin, and born 251, of Chriftian parents. Early in life he gave up his paternal eftate, which was confider- able, to the people of his native village, and having fold his moveable property and diftributed it to the poor, he re- tired into folitude. At the end of twenty years, a.d. 306, his fame became fo great that multitudes joined him in his afcctic life. He died 356, aged 105 years, in great reputa- tion for fandlity. Epiftols vii. Sermo de vanitate mundi. Bibl. Max. Patr. 4. 77 Sermones, epiftolae, regula et documenta, Gr. et Lat. Bibl. Patr. Gallandii, 4. 633 Epiftols. Grynseus, Lat. 25 Vita. Athanafii Opera, I. pars 2. 626 ANTONINUS HONORATUS, Bifhop of Con- ftantina, in Africa. Flourifhed 437. Ad Arcadium aftum in exilium, a Generico rege Wandalorum, epiftola confolatoria. Herold, Hserefologia, 684 Bibl, Max. Patr. 8. 665 ANTONIUS PLACENTINUS. Itinerarium. Ugolinus, 7. 1 207 ANTONIUS NEBRISSENSIS. A profefTor at Salamanca, who affifled Cardinal Ximi- nes in his Polyglott. Died 1 544. Quinquagena, five quinquaginta S. Scripture locorum explaiiatio. Crit. Sac. 8 Homilias tres, Grynseus, Lat. 1934 ANTONIUS, Petnis. Diarium Romanum, ab anno 1404 ufque ad annum 1417. Muratorii Rer. Ital, Script, 24. 969 ANTOINE, Paul Gabriel. Born, at Luneville, 1679 j died 1743. Became a Jefuit in 1694, and acquired fome reputation as a lefturer on divinity and on moral philofophy. Theologia moralis univerfa, comple£lens omnia morum prsecepta, et principia decifionis om- nium confcientias cafuum fuis quaeque mo- mentis ftabilita. Ad ufum parocharum et confefTariorum. Editio nova, emendatior, et non parum aufta. 4 vol. 1 2°. Nanceii, 1 73 1 This work was adopted in the college of the Propaganda at Rome, by order of Benedict XIV. In 1762, the par- liament of Paris reje(Sled feveral paffages. It has pafled through many editions. ANTONINUS, Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome, furnamed the Philofopher. Born, at Rome, a.d. 121 ; died 180. His meditations have been univerfally admired for the excellence of their morality. De feipfo et ad feipfum, libri xii. recogniti et notis illuftrati, Gr. et Lat. 12°. Oxon. 1680 De rebus fuis, Gr. et Lat. Gatakeri Opera Critica. is 86 ANTONINUS, Marcus Aurelius {continued). De rebus fuis, live de eis qux ad fe pertinere cenfebat libri xii. locis baud paucis repurgati, fuppleti, reftituti, verfione infuper Latina nova, ledlionibus item variis, locifque parallelis ad marginem adjeftis, ac commentario perpetuo, expllcati atque illuftrati. Studio operaque Tlioms Gatakeri, Londinatis. Huic fecundas editioni acceffere annotationes feleftiores A. D'Acerii latinitate donate, necnon Antonini vita a G. Stanhope. 4°. LokJ. 1697 The Emperor Marcus Antoninus. His conver- fation with himfelf, w^ith the preliminary dis- courfe of the learned Gataker ; as aHb, the Emperor's life, written by Monlieur D'Acier, and fupported by the authorities collefted by Dr. Stanhope ; to which is added, the Mytho- logical Pifture of Cebes the Theban, &c. Tranflated from their refpeftive originals, by Jeremy Collier, M.A. S"^. Lond. ijoi ANTONINUS. Itinerarium Britanniarum. Brit. Hift. Gale, 1 . 733 ANTONINI, L'Abbe Annibal. Born, at Salernum, 1702; died there, 1755. He was a teacher of the Italian language at Paris for many years. Diftionnaire Italien, Lat. et Francois. 2 vol. 4°. JmJI. 1760 APHORISMS for youth, with obfervations and refleftions, religious, moral, critical, and cha- rafteriftic, fome original, but chiefly feledled during an extended courfe of reading from the moft diftinguiftied Englilh, French, and Italian writers. 12°. Lond. 1801 APOCALYPSE. The Apocalypfe of Jefus Chrift, briefly yet mi- nutely explained and interpreted, to the 19th chapter inclufive. 12°. Lond. 1829 APOLLINARIS, Claudius, Bifliop of Hierapolis, in Phrygia. Flourifhed about 176. He wrote an Apology for the Chriftians, and other books, which are loft. Fragmenta, Gr. et Lat. Bibl. Patr. Gallandii, I. 680 Routh, Reliquiae, I. 157 Epiftolas. Cotelerii Monumenta, 2. 84 APOLUNARIUS LAODICENSIS, Epifcopus. A man of great abilities and learning. Son of Apolli- narius, the prefbyter. Taught rhetoric at Laodicea about A.D. 335. Bifliop of Laodicea about 362. He originated the herefy of the Apollinarians, who held that the Logos fupplied the place of a rational foul in our Saviour. Of his numerous writings very little remains. Metaphrafis Plalmorum Davidis, verflbus he- roicis. Lat. Bibl. Max. Patr. 5. 547 Gr. et Lat., Bibl. Patr. Gallandii, 5, 359 This work by fome has been attributed to the elder Apollinarius, both father and fon having rendered moft of the books of the Old Teftament into Greek metres for the inftrudlion of youth, in confequence of Julian the Apoftate's decree forbidding Chriftians to read or teach Greek authors. Fragmenta commentariorum in Lucam. Maii Claffici Audores, 10. 495* APOLLINARIS SIDONIUS. See Sidonius Apollinaris. APOLLONIUS. An early and a very eloquent writer, of whom only fome fragments remain. Flourifhed 21 1. Fragmenta ex libro adverfus Cataphrygas, Gr. et Lat. Bibl. Patr. Gallandii, 2. 199 Routh, Reliquiag, i. 465 APOLLONIUS COLLATINUS, Peter. Preftiyter of Novara. Flourifhed 700. One of the pureft in ftyle of Chriftian Latin poets. De excidio Hierofolymitano, Carminuin libri iv. Bibl. Max. Patr. 12. 751 APOLLONIUS of TYANA. See Philostratus. APOLOGIE des Jugemens rendu en France con- tre le fchifme par les tribunaux feculiers, I'injuftice des refus de facremens a ceux qui ne font pas foumis a la conftitution Unigenitus, &c. Troifieme edition, corrigee et augmentee. 3 vol. 12°. 1753 Written by the Abbe Mey and M. Maultrot. APOSTLES, Canons and Conftitutions attributed to the. Canones Apoftolorum, Gr. et Lat. Grynsei Monumenta, Gr. i. 369 ; Con- cilia Labbei, i ; Cotelerii, SS. Patr. Opera, i. 424; Corpus Juris Canonici ; Balfamon, Canones Canons of the Apollles. Tranflated. Voice of the Church Conftitutiones Apoftolorum, Gr. et Lat. Concilia Labbei, i ; Cotelerii SS. Patr. Opera, l . 1 99 ; Bibl. Patr.Gallandii, 3.1; Gr. and Eng. Whifton, Prim. Chrift. 2 APOSTLES' Creed. Symboli Apoftolici explanatio, ex antique item codice. Mai Script. Vet. 9. 384 The Apoftles' Creed paraphrafed, by a Sea- Officer. 8°. Lond. 1751 APPIAN of ALEXANDRIA. Lived in the reigns of Trajan, Hadrian, and Antoninus Pius. A good compiler of hiftory. Only a part of his hiftory is extant. Romanarum hiftoriarum, Celtica, Libyca, vel Carthaginenfis, Illyrica, Syriaca, Parthica, Mithridatica, Civilis, quinque libris diilinfla, Gr. Folio. Lut. C. Stephani, 155 1 Editia princeps, very rare, but not fo complete as lub- fequent editions. Romanarum hiftoriarum, qus fuperfunt, Gr. et Lat. Large 8°. Par. 1839* Fragmenta. Mai Script. Vet. 2. 367-368 Iberica. De geftis animalibus. See Ctesias. The hiftory of Appian of Alexandria, in two parts : the firft confifting of the Punick, Sy- rian, Parthian, Mithridatick, Illyrian, Spanilh, and Hannibalick wars ; the fecond containing live books of the civil wars of Rome. Made EnghflibyJ. D. Folio. Lond. 16] () 87 88 APPONIUS. Flourillicd A.D. 680. Expofitio in Cantica Canticorum. Bibl. Max. Patr. 14. 98 All that remains of this author. A well-executed mys- tical interpretation. APPRENTICE. A prefent for an apprentice ; or, a fure guide to gain both efteem and an eftate. With rules for his conduft to his inafter and in the world. By a late Lord Mayor of London. Pp. 80. 8"^. Lond. 1740 APTHORP, East, D.D. A learned divine. Born in New England 1758. Edu- cated at Jefus College, Cambridge. Refided fome time at Maflachuletts as a milTionary from the Society for the Pro- pagation of the Gofpel. Returned to England, and in 1765 obtained the vicarage of Croydon. Reftor of St. Mary-le-Bow in 1778. Prebendary of St. Paul's, 1793. Becoming blind, he went to refide at Cambridge, where he died 1816. Sermon, Jer. 18. 7-10. Fail:, for the pardon of fins, averting judgments, imploring vidlory, and perpetuating peace to the Britifh empire. 4°. Lond. 1776 Sermon, Pfa. 95. 6. The excellence of the Li- turgy of the Church of England. [Hutchin.] St. Mark's day. 4°. Lond. 1^1% Letters on the prevalence of Chriftianity before its civil eftablifhment ; with obfervations on a late Hiftory of the Decline and Fall of the Ro- man Empire. 8°. Lond. 1778 Difcourfes on prophecy, read in the chapel of Lincoln's Inn, at the ledlure founded by W. Warburton, Bifhop of Gloucefter. 2 vol. 8°. Lond. 1786 Vol. I. Ifa. 29. II, 12. Hiftory of prophecy - i Ifa. 29. II, 12. Canons of interpretation - 49 Ifa. 7. 14; Ifa. 8. 18 ; Ifa. 9. 6; Ifa. 11. i. Prophecies of the birth of Chrift . . - - 108 Dan. 9. 24-27. Chronological charadters of the Mes- fiah ------ - 185 Dan. 9. 24. Theological charafter of the Mefliah 257 Dan. 9. 24. The chain of prophecies relating to the Mefliah - - - - - - 311 Vol. 2. Ifa. 53. Prophecies of the death of Chrift i Pfa. 2. Prophecies of the kingdom of Chrift. (Two fermons.) ------ 80 Ifa. 57. Character of Antichrift - - - 185 Ezek. 28. The myftic Tyre - - - 2^.0 Rev. 10. 7. Prophecies of origin and progrefs of the Reformation ------ a^y APULEIUS. A Platonic philofopher. Lived in the fecond century. The metamorphofis, or golden afs, and philofo- phical works. Tranflated from the original Latin. By Thomas Taylor. 8°. Lond. 1822 AQUINAS, St. Thomas, called the Angelical Doftor. One of the greateft of the fcholaftic divines. Born in Italy 1224, or, according to fome authorities, 1226, or 1227. At the age of feventeen he entered the Society of Preaching Friars at Naples. In 1244 he went to Paris, and from thence to Cologne, where he attended the leftures of Al- bertus Magnus. He afterwards returned to Paris, and read Icdtures on the Book of Sentences with great applaufe. In 1263 he went to Rome, and after teaching divinity in various univerfities, fettled at Naples, the archbifliopric of AQUINAS, St. Thomas {continued). which he rcfufed. Died 1274. He had much penetration and perfpicuity of thought and exprefllon ; he poflefTed a very retentive memory, the faculty of correft inference, and the moft minute accuracy, hence his great work the Summa Theologian is ftill a ftandard work. The editions of it are very numerous. The edition of his works generally con- fidered the beft on account of the beauty of its typography is that of Rome, 1570-71, 17 vol. in 18, folio. Other editions, Venice, 1593, 18 vol. folio; Antw. 1612, 19 vol. folio; Par. 1636-41, 23 vol. folio. That defcribed below has the advantage of poflefling the Diflertations of De Rubeis. A commentary on the Apocalypfe, and other works, have been attributed to Aquinas, which have not been printed with his colledted works. Opera, editio altera Veneta, ad plurima exempla comparata, et emendata, accedunt vita ejus a J. Echardo, et B. M. de Rubeis in fmgula opera diflertationes previse. 28 vol. 4°, Venet.X']']^ Vol. I. Vita S. Thomae. Commentarii in Job, Pfalmos 1-5 1, et Canticum. Vol. 2. Commentarii in Efaiam, et Hleremiam ejufque Threnos. Vol. 3. Commentarii in evangelia S. Matthaei et S. Joannis. Vol. 4. Aurea catena in Matthasi et Marci evangelia. Vol. 5. Aurea catena in Lucae et Joannis evangelia. Vol. 6. Expofitio in Romanos et Corinthios. Vol. 7. Expofitio Gal. — Heb. Vol, 8. Expofitio in x. praecepta, in Orationem Domini- cam, in falutationem angelicam, in articulos fidei et facramenta ecclefiae, in Symbolum Apoftolorum, in decretalem i. et ii., in librum B. Dionyfii de divinia nominibus, in librum Boetii de Hebdomadibus, in librum Boetii de Trinitate. Vol. 9. Scriptum in i. Sententiarum librum P. Lom- bardi, ejufque editionum integritate. Vol. 10. Scriptum in ii. Sententiarum librum. Vol. II. Scriptum in iii. Sententiarum librum. Vol. 12. Scriptum in diftinifliones xxii. libri quarti Sen- tentiarum. Vol. 13. Scriptum in reliquas xxviii, diftindtiones libri quarti Sententiarum. Vol. 14. Quaeftiones difputatas de potentia. De potentia Dei, de creatione, de miraculis, &c. Vol. 15. Quaeftiones difputata de potentia. De malo, de peccatis, de peccato originali, de peccato veniali, de ira, de daemonibus, de anima, &c. Vol. 16. Quaeftiones difputata de virtutibus et de veritate. De providentia, de praedeftinatione, de fide, &c. Vol. 17. Quaeftiones novem poftremae de veritate. De bono, de voluntate, de libero arbitrio, de gratia, &c. Qu^aeftiones quodlibetales. Vol. 18. De veritate Catholicas fidei contra Gentiles. Vol. 19. Opufcula theologica. Contra errores Graecorum. Declaratio quorundam articulorum contra Graecos, Ar- menos et Saracenos. Compendium theologije. Refponfio ad Joannem de Vercellis. De forma abfolutionis. Refponfio ad Ledorem Venetum de articulis 36. Refponfio ad Ledtorem Bifuntinum (Vefontinum) de fex articulis. Tradtatus de fubftantiis feparatis, feu de angelorum natura. De unitate intelledlus contra Averroiftas. De differentia divini verbi et humani. De natura verbi intelledtus. Tradlatus de fortibus. De judiciis aftrorum. De aeternitate mundi contra murmurantes. De fito. Contra impugnantes Dei cultum et religionem. 89 90 AgUINAS, St. Thomas {continued). De perteftione vitae fpiritualis. Contra peftiferam dodtrinam retrahentium homines a religionis ingrefiu. Officium de fefto Corporis Chrifti. De regimine principum. De regimine Judaeorum. Vol. 20. Summa theologica, pars i. Vol. 21. Summa theologica, prima fecundae. Vol. 22. Secunda fecundae, priores qusftiones c. Vol. 23. Summa theologica, fecunda fecundae rellquae fupras c. quaeftiones. Vol. 24. Summa theologica, pars iii. Vol. 25. Summa theologica, fupplementum partis iii. Vol. 26. Indices Summae Theol. Vols. 27 & 28. Index rerum. Index locorum S. Scripturae. Catena aurea, commentary on the Four Gofpels, collefted out of the works of the Fathers, tranflated. [Edited by Pufey, Keble, and New- man.] 4 vol. in 8. 8°. Oxf. 1841-45 Vol. I, part I, St. Matthew, i-io; part 2, St. Matt. 11-21 ; part 3, St. Matt. 22-28. Vol. 2, St. Mark. Vol. 3, part I, St. Luke, i— 10 ; part 2, St. Luke, 11-24. Vol. 4, part I, St. John, i-io; part 2, St. John, 10-21. An article on this work will be found in the Britifli Critic, 30. 197. Prima fecundae et fecunda fecundae Summ^ Theo- logicas, Thomse a Vio, Cajetani, Cardinalis commentariis illuftrata. FoHo. Lugd. 1575 ARATOR, Subdeacon of the Roman Church. Born about 490. In early life he pradlifed as a lawyer with fingular eloquence. Entered the Church as fubdeacon 544. Died 556 or 560. Hiftoriae Apoftolicas carmen. Ad Parthenium epiftola. Bibl. Max. Patr. 10. 125 Hiftoria Apoftolica et epiftolae tres. Bibl. Patr. Gallandii, 12. 93 All that has been printed of this author. His verfes are confidered fuperior to thofe of contemporary poets. Bede ufed many of his allegories in his commentary on the Afts of the Apoftles. Hiftoriae Apoftolicse lib. ii. Fabricii G. Poetae Chrift. 570 ARATUS. A Greek poet, held in great efteem among the ancients. Flourifhed about b.c. 300. In the Phenomena he fhows much skill in aftronomy. St. Paul quotes from him (Adts, 17. 28) the paflage, " For we are alfo his offspring." See fifth line of the Phenomena. Phenomena et Diofemeia, cum Theonis fcholiis et Eratofthenis Catafterifmois, &c. Gr. acceffere annotationes in Eratofthenem et hymnos Dio- nyfii. 8°. Oxon. 1672 This edition was edited by Bi/hop Fell, and is much efteemed. Phsenomena et prognoftica. Maittaire, Opera Poet. 2. [1546] ARCADE. Philofophie naturelle, ou les phenomenes natu- relles font expliques par les lois de la me- canique. 2 vol. 8°. Par. 1820 ARCHDALL, Mervyn, A.M. Monafticon Hibernicum ; or, an hiftory of the abbeys, priories, and other religious houfes in Ireland. 4°. Dub I. 1786* ARCHELAUS, Bifhop of Mefopotamia. Flourifhed 278. Afta difputationis cum Manete Haerefiarcha, Gr. et Lat. Bibl. Patr. Gallandii, 3. 569 ; Eufebius, Reading, 2. 399 ; Hippolyti Opera, 2. 196; Routh, Reliquis, 5. 3 Latine, ex antiqua verfione, Zacagnii Colleftanea. ARCHILOCHUS. A Greek fatirift, the inventor of Iambic verfe. Born about B.C. 660. See Poetae Graeci Veteres, 2. 131. ARCHER, Edmond, B.D. Fellow of St. John Baptift's College, Oxford. Sermon, Zech. 7. 4, 5. Jan. 30. 8°. Lond.ijii ARCHER, James. A Roman Catholic prieft, and a popular writer of fermons. Sermon on the Feftival of St. Patrick, the Apoftle of Ireland. 8°. Land. \-jg^ Sermons on various moral and religious fubjedts for all the Sundays and some of the principal feftivals of the year. Second edition. 4 vol. 12°. Lo7id. 1794 Vol. I. Luke, 21. 26. Advent I. The general judg- ment ------- I Rom. 15. 8. Advent 2. Redemption through Chrift 27 John, I. 23. Advent 3. On deferring our converfion 49 Luke, 3. 4. Advent 4. On deferring our converfion 73 Luke, 2. 14. The Nativity. On the wifdom taught by iefus in the ftable of Bethlehem - - 97 . 5. 14. Sunday after the Nativity. Value and em- ployment of time - - - - -118 1 Cor. 14. 40. Sunday bef. Epiph. On regularity in the condudl of life . - - . - 143 Rom. 12. I. Epiph. I. On exterior devotion and reli- gious ceremonies - - - - - 166 Luke, 2. 21. Epiph. 2. On the facred name of Jefus 197 Matth. 8. 10. Epiph. 3. On the evidence and comforts of Chriftianity 217 Rom. 13. 9. Epiph. 4. On the civil duties of a Chrift- ian ..-..-- 246 Col. 3. 17. Epiph. 5. On purity of intention 277 Matth. 13. 31. Epiph. 6. On the beginnings and pro- grefs of the operations of divine grace on the fouls of men 300 Vol. 2. I Cor. 9. 25. Septua. Sunday. On the compara- tive aftivity of Chriftians and worldlings in their re- fpedtive purluits . . - . - i Luke, 8. 4. Sexa. Sunday. On reading and hearing the word of God ----- 19 Luke, 18. 31. Quinqua. Sunday. On the remembrance of death ------ 45 2 Cor. 6. I. Lent i & 2. On the works of felf-denial. (Two fermons.) ----- 67 Luke, II. 14. Lent 3. On the examination of con- fcience - - - - - - -113 Pfa. 51. 17. Lent 4. On contrition - - 139 John, 8. 46. Pafllon Sunday. On the danger of habitu- ally confenting to venial fin - - - 161 Matth. 21. 5. Palm Sunday. On communion 182 Lam. I. 12. Good Friday. The fufterings and death ot Jefus 202 Mark, 16. 6. Eafter Sun. The refurreftion of Jefus 234 I John, 5. 4. Low Sunday. On relapfing into fin 256 I Pet. 2. 24. Eafter 2. Means of avoiding a relapfe into fin 277 Vol. 3. I Pet. 2. 15. Eafter 3. On devotion I I Pet. 2. 15. Eafter 4. The injuftice of the afperfions thrown on devotion - . - - 24 9» ARCHER, James {conunuid). Juhn, i6. 23. Eafter 5. The ncceflity and advantages of prayer .------46 Mark, 16. 19. Sunday after the Afcenfion. On the afccnfion of Jcfus ----- 74 Adls, 2. 4. Whitiunday. On die defcent of the Holy Ghoft - - 93 Rom. II. 33. Trinity Sunday. On the incomprehenfi- bility of fome dodlrines of the Chriilian religion 116 Luke, 14. 16. zd Sunday after Pentecoft. The eftefts produced by a worthy participation of the facred mys- teries - - - - - - -142 Luke, 15. 7. 3d Sunday after Pentecoft. The parable of the loft rtieep 167 Luke, 5. I. 4th Sunday after Pentecoft. Advantages of retirement - - - - - -188 I Pet. 3. 10. 5th Sunday after Pentecoft. On detrac- tion 208 Mark, 8. I. 6th Sunday after Pentecoft. Advantages of poverty - -233 Rom. 6. 19. 7th Sunday after Pentecoft. On the pas- fions 251 Rom. 8. 12. 8th Sunday after Pentecoft. On the means of fubduing the paflions . . - - 269 J Cor. 10. 13. 9th Sunday after Pentecoft. On afflic- tions ------- 286 Vol. 4. I Cor. 10. 13. loth and iith Sunday after Pen- tecoft. On afflidtions. (Two fermons.) - I Luke, 10. 27. Pentecoft 12. Fraternal charity 44 Luke, 17. 17. Pentecoft 13. The vice of ingratitude 71 Gal. 5. 19. 14th Sunday after Pentecoft. The fourcesof herefy and infidelity ... - 95 Luke, 7. 12. 15th Sunday after Pentecoft. On the death ofthejuft - - - - - - 117 Luke, 14. I. 1 6th Sunday after Pentecoft. Good ex- ample ....-- 141 Eph. 4. I. 17th and i8th Sunday after Pentecoft. On the Chriftian's vocation. (Two fermons.) - 160 Matt. 22. 13. 19th Sunday after Pentecoft. On the miferies of the reprobate - - - 202 Eph. 5. 16. 20th Sun. after Pentecoft. On the excellence and utility of the truths contained in the gofpel 220 Eph. 6. 13. 21 ft Sunday after Pentecoft. On the im- portance of falvation - . - . 239 Phil. I. 6. 22d Sunday after Pentecoft. On rafh judg- ments ------- 258 Phil. 3. 20. 23d Sunday after Pentecoft. On converfing with heaven ------ 276 Matt. 24. 35. 24th Sunday after Pentecoft. Immuta- bility of the divine law - - - 295 A fecond feries of fermons for all the Sundays of the year. 3 vol. 12°. Land. 1801 Vol.1. Luke, 2 J. 27. Advent I. The general judgment I Matt. 2. 7, 8. Advent 2. Senfual enjoyments 22 John, I. 23. Advent 3. On doing penance - 45 Luke, 3. 4. Advent 4. The confolations of repentance 65 Gal. 4. 4. Sunday after the Nativity. Man's redemp- tion ------- 85 I Cor. 7. 29. Sunday before Epiphany. The employ- ment of time ------ 106 Luke, 2. 52. Epiph. I. The neceflity of ferving God in our youth ------ 130 Rom. 12. 10. Epiph. 2. The means of preferving peace with our neighbours - - - - - 152 Matt. 8. 4. Epiph. 3. On confefllon - - 171 Matt. 8. 24. Epiph. 4. The fufferings of this life 194 Col. 3. 12. Epiph. 5. On forgiving injuries - 217 1 ThefT. I. 2. Epiph. 6. The prefent advantages of a Chriftian life - - - - - 237 1 Cor. 9. 25. Septua. Sunday. The importance of fal- vation - - - - - - -257 2 Cor. II. 23. Sexa. Sunday. The importance of lal- vation --...- 280 Luke, 18. 35. Quinqua. Sun. Spiritual blindnefs 305 92 ARCHER, James [continued). 2 Cor. 6. 2. Lent I. The faft of Lent - - 329 1 Theff. 4. 3-6. Lent 2. The vice of injuftice 353 Vol. 2. Eph. 5. 3. Lent 3. The vice of impurity i Gal. 4. 31. Lent 4. The motives to converfion 24 John, 8. 46. Paflion Sunday. The happinefs of a vir- tuous life ..--.- 46 Matt. 21. 5. Palm Sunday. The difficulties of reforma- tion not infurmountable . - . 67 Rom. 6. 9. Eafter Sunday. The refurreftionof Jefus 86 I John, 5. 4. Low Sunday. The means of preventing a relapfe into fin - - - - - - ic6 I Pet. 2. 21. Eafter 2. On human refpefts 128 John, 16. 16. Eafter 3. Encouragements to perfever- ance in good - - - - - 149 John, 16. 8. Eafter 4. The miraculous propagation of the Chriftian religion - - - - 174 John, 16. 23. Eafter 5. The duty of prayer 197 J Pet. 4. 7. Sunday after Afcenfion. On praying with proper difpofitions - - - - 221 Ads, 2. 4. Whitfunday. The defcent of the Holy Ghoft -...--- 243 Matt. 28. 19. Trinity Sunday. The excellence of the Chriftian faith 268 I John, 3. 17. Pentecoft 2. On poverty and alms- deeds ------- 289 Luke, 15.4. Pentecoft 3. The goodnefs of Jefus in feeking the loft fheep - - - - 309 Luke, 5. 5. Pentecoft 4. The mutability of earthly things ------- 330 I Pet. 3. 10. Pentecoft 5. The vice of profane fwear- ing 350 Matt. 8. 3. Pentecoft 6. The virtue of temperance 371 Vol. 3. Matt. 7. 15. Pentecoft 7. True piety - I Luke, 16. 2. Pentecoft 8. The good employment of our talents ------ 22 Luke, 19. 43. Pentecoft 9. Death-bed repentance 41 Luke, 18. 10. Pentecoft 10. Humility - - 6i Mark, 7. 35. Pentecoft 11. Detraftion - 84 Luke, 10. 27. Pentecoft 12. The love of God 104 Luke, 17. 18. Pentecoft 13. The virtue of gratitude 123 Matt. 6. 25. Pentecoft 14. Confidence in divine provi- dence ------- 145 Luke, 7. 10. Pentecoft 15. Benefits to be derived from the meditation on death - - - 166 Eph. 3. 20. Pentecoft 16. Replies to the objections againft a virtuous life - - - - 189 Matt. 22. 39. Pentecoft 17. Fraternal charity 209 Matt. 9. 2. Pentecoft i8. Fraternal charity 230 Matt. 22. 13. Pentecoft 19. The future punifliment of the wicked ------ 251 Eph. 5. 18. Pentecoft 20. The vice of drunkennefs 275 Eph. 6. 17. Pentecoft 21. Hearing the word of God 295 Phil. I. 9. Pentecoft 22. Hearing the word of God 3 16 Matt. 9. 18. Pentecoft23. Death the paflage to a bleffed immortality ------ 338 Col. I. II. Pentecoft 24. The happinefs of heaven 360 Sermons on various moral and religious fubjefts, for fome of the principal feftivals of the year. 12°. Land. 1789 Rev. 7. 9. All Saints. The poflibility and facility of attaining to fanftity ----- I Tit. 2. 17. The circumcifion. The means of obtaining interior peace ----- 32 Matt. 2. I. The Epiphany. On the leflbns to be learned from the condudt of the wife men - - 60 Luke, I. 30. The Annunciation. The wifdom and good- nefs of God in the incarnation of Jefus - 92 Luke, 24. 34. Eafter Monday. The model which is placed before the juft man is the refurreftion of Jelus 121 I Pet. 4. 8. Sunday after Afcen. Forgiving injuries 152 John, 14. 26. Whit-Monday. The excellence of the Chriftian difpenlation - - - - 185 93 94 ARCHER, James [continued). I Cor. II. 24. Corpus Chrifti. The euchariftic facrifice of the new law - - - - - 221 Matt. 16. 15. SS. Peter and Paul. The real and pre- tended motive for infidelity - - - 253 Cant. 6. 9. The afTumption of the B. V. M. Honour- ing and invoking the faints and angels - 288 Sermons on matrimonial duties, and other moral and religious fubjedls. 12°. LokJ. 1804 John, 2. I. Matrimony. (Two fermons.) - i Eph. 5. 25. Duties of married perfons - 46 Eph. 6. 4. Duties of married perfons - - 67 Prov. 29. 15. Duties of married perfons - 88 Eph. 6.4. Duties of married perfons - - 109 Matt. 4. 8. Lent i. The prodigal fon - 132 I The/r. 4. 7. Lent 2. The prodigal fon - 155 Eph. 5. 8. Lent 3. The prodigal fon - - 177 Gal. 4. 31. Lent 4. The prodigal fon - - 199 I Cor. I. 22. Good Friday - - - 221 Luke, 14. 16. The facrifice of the mafs - 256 1 Pet. 5. 10, II. The facrifice of the mafs - 280 Pfa. 142. 2. All fouls - - - - - 301 Rev. 21. 2. Public worfhip. At the opening of a chapel ARCHER, John, fometime preacher of All- Hallows, Lombard Street. The perfonall reigne of Chrift upon earth. In a treatife wherein is fully and largely laid open and proved, that Jefus Chrift, together with the faints, fhall vilibly pofTelTe a monarchicall ftate and kingdome in this world. Which flieweth, I. That there fhall be fuch a king- dom ; 2. The manner of it; 3. The duration of it; 4. The time when it is to begin. 4°. Lorii^. 1642 A very fcarce work. ARCHER, John. Sermon, i Kings, 2. 15. The kingdom turned about. [Acceflion.] 8°. Land. 1714 An effay in vindication of the ufe and advantage of prayer, being the fubftance of two fermons. Pp. 46. 8^. LoTiJ. 1730 ARCUDIUS [Arcudio], Petrus. A Greek ecclefiaftic of the ifle of Corfu, went to ftudy at Rome, and was fent by Clement VIU. to Ruffia to fettle fome difputes about religion. Died, at Rome, about 1635. Renaudot charges him with want of veracity, and afferts that he was employed to detradl the Greek Church. Opufcula Aurea theologica, quorundam clarifTi- morum virorum pofteriorum Graecorum, circa proceffionem Spiritus Sanfti, viz. I. Vecci, Beffarionis Cardinalis, Demetrii Cydonis, &c. Gr. et Lat. 4°. Rom. Cong, de Propag. Fide, 1630 De Concordia ecclefiae Occidentalis et Orientalis in vii. facramentorum adminiflratione. 4°. Par. 1 619* ARCULF, Bifhop. Travels in the Holy Land, towards a.d. 700. Paleiline (Early Travels in), I ARDVENNAS, Joannes Robertus, Soc. Jefu, S. Theologiae Doflor et ProfefTor. Myflicae Ezechielis quadrigje, id efl; SS. quatuor Evangelia hifloriarum et temporum ferie vin- culata, Gr. et Lat. Folio. Moguni. 161 5 ARETINUS, Leonardus. Rerum fuo tempore geftarum commentarius, ab anno 1378 ufque ad annum 1440. Muratorii Rer. Ital. Script. 19. 909 ARETHAS [Aretas], Bifhop of Csfarea, in Cappadocia. Flouri/hed 540. Explanationes in Apocalypfin. Oecumenii Opera, 2 Bibl. Max. Patr. 9. 741 ARETIUS, Benedict. A botanift and theologian, native of Berne. Appointed Profeflor of Logic at Marburg, 1 548 ; ProfefTor of Lan- guages at Berne, 1563 ; and fubfequently made Profeffor of Theology. Died 1574. He embraced the reformed religion, and adopted the principles of Calvin. Commentarii in omnes Epiftolas D. Pauli, et canonicas, itemque in Apocalypfin D.Joannis. Folio. Morgiis, 1683 A fhort hiftory of Valentinus Gentilis, the Tri- theift, tryed, condemned, and put to death by the Proteftant reformed city and church of Bern. Tranflated for the ufe of Dr. Sher- lock. Sm. 8°. Lond. 1696 With a preface attributed to Dr. South. ARETIUS, Claudius Marius. Liber de fitu Siciliae. Carufii Bibl. Hift. i ARGENSON, Mr. Le Marquis D'. Confiderations fur de gouvernement ancien et prefent de la France. Pp. xvi. 328. 8°. JmJ}. 1764 ARGENTINA, Nicolaus de, Prior Gemnicenfis. Flouri/hed 145 1. Dialogus de refto ftudiorum fine, ac ordine, &c. Pez, Bibl. Afcet. iv. 259 Traftatus de difcretione. Ibid. ix. 379 Expofitionum myfticarum in Cantica Cantico- rum, libri i. ii. iii. et iv. Ibid. xi. 1-462 Expofitionum myfticarum in Cantica Cantico- rum, libri v. vi. vii. et viii. Ibid. xii. 1-4 1 6 ARGYLL, the Duke of Prefbytery examined : an elTay critical and his- torical on the ecclefiaftical hiftory of Scotland fince the Reformation. Second edit. Sm. 8°. Lond. 1 849 For a review of this work fee Quart. Review, 84. 78. ARIANS. Breviarium fidei adverfus Arianos. Bibl. Patr. Gallandii, 7. 589 ARIDIUS, Abbas Attanensis. Vita, audlore S. Gregorio Epifcopo Turonenfi. Mabillon, Vet. Analeft. 198 Teftamentum. Ibid. 208 ARINGUS, Paulus [Aringhi, Paolo]. A native of Rome, and a prieft of the congregation of the Oratory. Died 1676. Roma fubterranea novilTima, in qua poft Anto- nium Bofium, J. Severanum, et celebres alios fcriptores, antiqua Chriftianorum et precipue martyrum ccemeteria, tituli, monimenta, epi- taphia, infcriptiones, ac nobiliora fandlorura 95 ARINGUS, Paulus {continued). fepulchra, fex libris diftinfta illuftrantur. 2 vol. in I. Par. 1659 With numerous copperplates and woodcuts reprefenting the tombs of the early Chriftians, with their inicriptions, devices, &c. It is in fubftance a Latin tranllation of the Italian treatife, in which Bofio defcribed his interefting re- fearches in the Roman catacombs, which was completed by Severano ; but Aringhi incorporates the refults of many important difcoveries made by others. ARISTEAS. Held a high place at the court of Ptolemy Philadelphus, King of Egj'pt. He is faid to have been a Jew by birth, and to have had a iharc in the Septuagint tranflation. His hiftory ot that tranflation was confidered genuine and au- thentic by the ancient church, but much controverfy arofe in the feventeenth century on that point. It was ad- mitted by I. Vofllus, Walton, Whifton, Brett, Mafch ; but rejefted by Van Dale and Hody. De feptuaginta duobus Scripturag S. interpre- tibus hiftoria. Lat. Bibl. Max. Patr. 2. 465 Gr. et Lat, Bibl. Patr. Gallandii, 2. 771 Or. Hody de Bibliorum textibus. The beft edition is given by Gallandius. The hiftory of the feventy-two interpreters : of their journey from Jerufalem to Alexandria, their entertainment at the Egyptian court, their verfion of the Septuagint, with all the circumftances of that illuftrious tranfadlion. Written in Greek by Arifteas, embaflador from Ptolomjeus Philadelphus, king of Egypt, to Eleazar, high-prieft of the Jews. To which is added, — The hiftory of the angels, and their gallantry with the daughters of men, written by Enoch, the Patriarch. Publiflied in Greek by Dr. Grabe, made Eng- lifh bv Mr. Lewis. 1 2°. Lond. 1715 ARISTIDES. An Athenian philofopher, converted to Chriftianlty. Lived in the fecond century. Fragmenta. Routh, Reliquias, i. 71 ARISTO PELLAEUS.. A converted JewofPella, in Paleftine. Flourilhed 140. Difputationis Jafonis et Papifci fragmenta. Grabe, Spicil. 2. 131; Routh, Reliquise, 1.93 ARISTOPHANES. The great Athenian comic poet. He was contemporary with Socrates, Plato, and Euripides. Beft old edition of his works, by Kufter, folio, Amft. 1710. A very com- plete edition. Gr. et Lat., has been publifhed by Didot, at Paris, 1839, '" large 8°. Comcediae undecim, Grasce et Latine, ex codd. MSS. emendatae : cum fcholiis antiquis inter qus fcholia in Lyfiftratam ex cod. Voffiano, nunc primum in lucem prodeunt. Accedunt notas virorum doftorum in omnes comoedias inter quas nunc primum eduntur Ifaaci Ca- fauboni in Equites ; illuftrifs. Ezech. Spanhe- mii in tres priores et R. Bentleii in duas priores comoedias obfervationes. Omnia collegit et re- cenfuit notafque in novem comoedias, et qua- tuor indices in fine adjecit Ludolphus Kufterus, I.U.D. Fol. JmJ^. 1710 Comoedije. Poets Grasci Veteres, 1. 721 96 ARISTOTLE [AriftotelesJ. The head of the Peripatetic [e&, and one of the moft famous of the ancient philofophers. Born at Stagyra, in Thrace, B.C. 384 ; died B.C. 322. Editions of his works, Gr. et Lat. Bekkeri, 4 vol. 4°. Berol. 1830-36; Gr. II vol. 8". Oxf 1837; Gr. Tauchnitz, 16 vol. i6°.Leips. 1830—32. Each volume of the latter edition can be pur- chafed feparately. Opera omnia, Graece et Latine, doftiflimorum virorum interpretatione et notis emendatiffima, G. du Vallius, tertio recognovit, fynopfin ana- lyticam adjecit, novis difquifitionibus, notis, et appendicibus illuftravit. 4 vol. fol. Par. 1654 Vol. I. Vita audloris, &c.- - - - Ff. 17 Synopfis analytica universae dodlrina Peripatetics a Du Vallio, pars I . _ _ . - 1-172 Porphyrii inftitutiones . - - - i Categoriae -.-----20 De interpretatione ... - - 52 Analytica i. et ii. - - - - - - 72 Topica -.--..- 256 De reprehenfionibus Sophiftarum - - . 39-7 Phyficae aufcultationis five de motu viii. - 445 De ccelo ------- 620 De generatione et corruptione - - - 697 Meteorologicae ...... 745 De mundo ...... 84^ Vol. 2. Synopfis a Du Vallio, pars ii. - - I— 91 De anima ...... i De fenfu et fenfili - .... 60 De memoria et reminifcentia . . - 82 De fomno et vigilia ----- 90 De infomniis ------ 99 De divinatione per fomnum ... - 107 De communi animalium motione - - 1 1 1 De longitudine et brevitate vitae - - - 123 Dejuventuteet fene(flute,vita etmorteet refpiratione 129 De animalium inceffu - ■• - - 154 De fpiritu - - - - - - -174 De hiftoria animalium - - - - 186 De partibus animalium et earum caufis - - 469 De generatione animalium . - . 577 De miraculis auditis - - - - - 614 Phyfionomica ------ 640 Qu^eftiones mechanicae - - - - - 759 De lis quae fub auditum cadunt - - - 783 De coloribus --..-- 793 De lineis infecabilibus - - - - 809 Paraphrafis libri de lineis infec. . - - 818 De Xenophane, de Zenone, de Gorgia - 834 Ventorum regiones et nomina - - - 848 Vol. 3. Synopfis a Du Vallio, pars iii. - - 1—92 Ethicorum Nicomachaeorum, lib. x. - - i Magnorum moralium, ii. - - - - 191 Eudemiorum, vii. ------ 258 De virtutibus et vitiis . - - . 387 De republica - . . . . . 384 Kyriaci Strozae politicorum ii. - - - 621 De cura rei familiaris ----- 669 Ars rhetorica ------ 697 Rhetorica ad Alexandrum - - - - 831 Vol. 4. Synopfis a Du Vallio, pars iv. - - 1-128 De poetica ------ i Problematum feftiones xxxviii. - - - 35 Metaphyficorum xiv. ----- 259 De plantis - - - - - - 491 De fecretiore parte divinae fapientia fecundum .^gyptios, opus ex Arabica lingua in Latinam converfum 601 Fragmenta - 677 Indices - - 790 Scolium. Poets Grsci Veteres, 2. 135 Ethics ani' Politics, comprifmg his Praflical Philofophy, tranflated ; illuftrated by intro- 97 ARISTOTLE {continued). dudions and notes, the critical hiftory of his life : and a new analyfis of his fpeculative works. By John Gillies, LL.D. Third edition. 2 vol. 8°. Lofi^. 1 813 Rhetoric, tranflated : with an introdudlion and appendix, explaining its relation to his exadl philofophy, and vindicating that philofophy. By Gillies. 8^. ZsW. 1823 Metaphyfics, tranflated : with copious notes, in which the Pythagoric and Platonic dogmas refpefting numbers and ideas are unfolded from ancient fources ; to which is added a diflertation on nullities and diverging feries. By Thomas Taylor. Royal 4.°. Lofid. 1801 The great and Eudemian Ethics, the Politics and Economics, tranflated by Thomas Taylor. Royal 4°. Land. 1 8 1 1 Rhetoric ; or, the true grounds and principles of oratory. Tranflated. 8°. LonJ. 1686 ARMINIUS, James, founder of the fed of Ar- minians, or Remonilrants. Born at Oudewater, in Holland, 1560; ftudied at Mar- purg and Leyden : ordained minifter at Amfterdam 1586, and foon diftinguifhed himfelf by his fermons. ProfefTor of Divinity at Leyden, 1603, where he lectured with great elegance and ability, and brought over many from the rigid dodlrines that then prevailed on the divine decrees. His great opponent was Gomarus. Died 1609. He was a man of excellent charadler, learned, pious, and eloquent. Opera Theologica. 4°. Frafic. 16^1 B. Bertii oratio de vita etobitu Arminii. Orationes de facerdotio Chrifti, de objedto, de authore, ac fine, et de certitudine SS. theologiae, ac denique de componendo religionis inter Chriftianos diffidio. Declaratio fententiae authoris de praedeftinatione, provi- dentia Dei, libero arbitrio, gratia Dei, divinitate Filii Dei, et de juftificatione. Apologia adverfus articulos xxxi. in vulgus fparfos. Refponfio ad queftiones ix. et ad eas anterotemata. Difputationes publicae et privata;. Arnica collatio cum F. Junio de praedeftinatione. Examen praedeft. Perkinfianae. Analyfis cap. ix., et diflertatio in cap. vii. Epiftolae ad Romanes. Epiftola ad Hippolytum, etc. Articuli nonnuUi diligenti examine perpendendi. Hiftoria vitas Jacobi Arminii, auftore Cafparo Brantio. 8°. Jm^. 1724 Works. Tranflated from the Latin, by James Nichols. 3 vol. 8°. Lo»d. 1825-28 Only vol. I & 2 yet publifhed. Vol. I. 1825. Preface, teftimonies, and dedication. Bertius's funeral oration, with life of Arminius, from Brandt, &c., and appendix of documents, notes, ac- count of the Synod of Dort, &c. - 13-320 Orations. The objeft of theology - - . . 25^ The author and the end of theology - - 284 The certainty of facred theology - - 310 The priefthood of Chrift - . - . ^'^g On reconciling religiousdiflenfions among Chriftians370 A declaration of the fentiments of Arminius delivered before the States of Holland - - - 516 Apology againft 31 defamatory articles - - 669 Vol. 2. 1828. Apology — {continued) .... i 98 ARMINIUS, James {continued). Nine queftions to the profefTors of divinity, and the re- plies of Arminius ... - - 64 Twenty-five public difputations - - - jz Seventy-nine private difputations - - - 318 DifTertation on the true and genuine fenfe of Rom. vii. 471 Letter to Hippolytus a Collibus - - - 685 Certain articles to be diligently examined and weighed 706 Letter on the fin againft the Holy Ghoft - - 731 ARMAND, Rev. Mr. James. Two difcourfes on the fpirit and evidences of Chriftianity. Tranflated from the French. 8°. EdiN. 1768 John, 3. 19. On incredulity . . _ i Sol. Song, 2. 4. On the fpirit of the Gofpel. ARMSTRONG, John, B.A., Prieft-Vicar of Ex- eter Cathedral, and Reft, of St. Paul's, Exeter. Sermons on the Feftivals. 12°. Oxf. 1845 Col. 3. 3, 4. St. Andrew. Hidden ftints - i Luke, 17. 5. St. Thomas. Want of faith - 14 Phil. 4. 4. Nativity. Ways of Chriftmas rejoicing 25 Adts, 7. 60. St. Stephen. The intermediate ftate 37 1 John, 4. 7. St. John the Evangelift. Love before controverfy ..... 50 Matt. 18. 10. Holy Innocents. Thelovedue to children 65 Matt. 3. 15. Circumcifion. Forms neceffary for fpiri- tual worfhip _..-.. 77 Pfa. 72. 8. Epiphany. Gofpel privileges - 89 Acfls, 9. 6. Converfion of St. Paul. Warnings 10 1 Luke, 2. 37. Purification of the B. V. Mary. Daily common prayer - - - - - 117 Matt. 9. 15. St. Matthias. Fafting - - 130 2 Cor. 6. 10. The Annunciation. Joy and tribulation the Chriftian's portion .... 142 Ifa. 26. I9. The refurreftion of our Lord - 154 Col. 2. 12, 13. Mon. in Eafter wee.k. The new life 170 John, 6. 54. Tuef. in Eafter week. The renewed life 185 1 Pet. 5. 8, 9. St. Mark the Evangelift. The perfon- ality of Satan - - - - - -199 John, 14. 8, 9. SS. Philip and James. Indecifion 216 Heb. I. 3. The afcenfion of our Lord - 228 Pfa. 23. 4. Pentecoft. The prefence of the Comforter John, 3. 8. Monday in Whitfun week. Spiritual in- fluence ....... 254 Gal. 5. 25. Tuefday in Whitfun week. The perils of fociety ...... 267 2 Tim. I. 13. The Holy Trinity. The Athanafian Creed 285 2 Cor. 7. 8, 9. St. Barnabas. Chrift's minifters fons of confolation ...... 302 Matt. II. 18. The nativity of John the Baptift. Self- denial - - - . - - "317 Matt. 16. 17. St. Peter. The ufe and abufe of grace 329 Pfa. 84. 7. St. James the Apoftle. Growth in grace 344 I Cor. 8. 2. St. Bartholomew. Ufe and abufe of intel- ledl 359 Matt. 9. 9. St. Matthew the Apoflde. Unfelfifhnefs 376 Jude, 9. St. Michael and all angels. The miniftry of angels ....... 393 Matt. 16. 24, 25. St. Luke. The fcriptural life 409 I Cor. 2. I. SS. Simon and Jude the Apoflles. The Divine commiffion ... - 422 Rev. 14. 13, All Saints. The remembrance of the dead 437 ARMSTRONG, Rev. John, B A., Vicar of Ti- denham. The paftor in his clofet ; or, a help to the de- votions of the clergy. Ff 2, pp. 76. 1 2°. Oxf. 1847 99 lOO ARNALD, Richard, M.A., Reftor of Murcafton, Leicefterfhire. Born in London. Entered Bene't College, Cambridge, 1714. Fellow of" Emmanuel College, 1720. Died 1756. A critical commentary upon the apocryphal books ; namely, the Book of Wifdom, Eccle- fiafticus, Tobit, Judith, Baruch, the Hilloryof Sufanna,and theHiftoryofBel and the Dragon; alfo a diflcrtation upon the books of the Mac- cabees and of Efdras. A new edition, correfted by the Rev. J. R. Pitman. 4°. LonJ. 1822 ARNAULD, Antony [Arnaldus]. Born in 1612, at Paris; died 1694. A doftor of Sor- bonne, one of the moft diftinguilhed members of the Jan- fenift party, and of the Society of Port Royal. He was celebrated efpecially as a controverfial writer, and carried on a perpetual pen-and-ink warfare againft the Jefuits (Maimbourg, Annat), the Proteftants (Jurieu, Aubertin), and the philofophers (Defcartes, Malebranche). When the Ultramontane principles had finally prevailed at the court of Verlailles, Arnauld was obliged to leave his country. He died at BrulTels. Nicole having one day hinted that old age might well allow them to reft: "Reft!" exclaimed Arnauld, " will you not have all eternity to reft in .'" Beft edition of Arnauld's works, 1775-1783. Oeuvres. 49 vol. in 44. 4°. Par. 1775-81 Vol. I. 1775. Lettres. Vol. 2. 1775. Lettres. Vol. 3. 1775. Lettres. Vol. 4. 1776. Lettres, et table generale. Vol. 5. 1776. Recueil d'approbations. Reflexions fur le Pfeaume 136. Hiftoria et concordia evangelica - - - 21 Indices quinque in Hiftoriam et Concordiam Evangelicam 281 Remarques fur les principales erreurs d'un livre intitule TAncienne Nouveaute de FEcriture Sainte 323 Vol. 6. 1776. Le Nouveau Teftament, avec les differences du Grec et de la Vulgate, imprime a Mons. Defenfe de la traduftion du Nouveau Teftament imprime a Mons, contre les fermons du Pere Maimbourg. Abus et nullites de I'ordonnance de M. I'Archeveque de Paris contre le Nouveau Teftament de Mons. Vol. 7. 1776. Remarques fur la requete prefentee au Roi par M. TArcheveque d'Ambrun contre le N. T. imprime a Mons -.--..- I Requete de M. Arnauld au Roi, pour lui demander la permiffion de repondre au livre de M. Mallet contre le N. T. de Mons .... 5^ Nouvelle defenfe contre le livre de M, Mallet 65-904 Vol. 8. 1777. De la le 6. 58 - - - 24 1 John, 5. 4, 5 - - 12 I Ads, 2. 42 - - - 36 John, 3. 12 - 2 Kings, 2. 24 Matt. 18. 6 - Rom. I. 16 - 57 6S 74 84 John, 16. 12, 13 I Tim. 3. 16. Trin. Sun, lOI III Gal. 3. 24 - - Luke, 14. 24 - - Luke, 14. 18 - Matt. 10. 36 - . 123 136 146 iS8 John, 13. 13, 14 - Rev. 22. 10-12 - 174 186 Mifcellaneous works. ARNOLD, Thomas, D.D. {continued). iCor. 13, II. Afli Wed. 48 ! John, 13. 10 - - 200 Luke, 17. 36, 37 - - 213 I Pet. 4. II - - 226 Mark, 6. 31. (2 ferm.) 237 Luke, 5. 29 - - 261 I Pet. 5. 6, 7 - - 276 Mark, 6. 31 - - 290 Eph. 5. 17 - - 303 John, II. II - - 315 Luke, 16. 8 - - 326 Gen. 34. 30 - - 341 Eph. 6. 13 - - 352 Addrefs bef. confirmation 365 Collefted and republifhed. 8°. Lond. 1845 The Chriftian duty of conceding the Roman Catholic claims ....... i Effay on the focial progrefs of ftates - - 79 Extracts from the Engliftiman's Regifter - - 113 Social condition of the working clafles - 171 The education of the middle claffes - - 225 The elections ..... 240 Preface to Poetry of Common Life - - 249 Principles of Church reform ... 257 Rugby School — ufe of the claflics - - - 339 Difcipline in public fchools - - - 361 Preface to the third volume of Thucydides - 381 Le£lure before the Mechanics' Inftitute on the divifions of knowledge - - - - - 401 Order of deacons - - - - - 425 State of parties, 1837 - - - - 431 Church-rates, 1837 - - - - - 436 Wefleyan Methodifts and Confervatives, 1837 440 Copyright bill, 1837 ... - 445 Church eftablifhments - - 449, 486, & 502 State of manufafturing population - 452 & 478 The ftate and the church ... - 466 The labouring population and the Chartifts - 475 Evils of our national ftate . - . . 482 State of the poor - ... - 492 State of the working claffes - - - - 497 War with France - ... - 508 The eledions -516 Principles of church reform, i-v. Pp. 88. 8°. Lond. 1833 The life and correfpondence of Thomas Arnold, D.D. By Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, M.A. Second edition. 2 vol. ARNOLD, Rev. Thomas Reftor of Lyndon. Remarks on the Rev. G. doftrine of regeneration. Lond. 1844 Kerchever, M.A., S. Faber's primitive F. I, pp. 52. 8°. Lond. 1843 Remarks on the Rev. E. B. Elliott's Hors Apocalypticae. F. i,pp.63. 8°. Lond. 18^^ ARNOLFUS. See Arnoldus. ARNOULD, Joseph, Wadham College. Hofpice of St. Bernard. A prize poem, recited in the Theatre, Oxford, June 10, 1834. Pp. 19. Crown 8°. 1834 ARNPEKIUS, Vitus. Viti Arnpekii, Prioris Eberfpergenfis Ord. S. Ben. Chronicon Bajoaris, in quinque libros tributum. Pez, Thefaur. iii. p. iii. I 1 1 1 ARNULFUS LEXOVIENSIS, Epifcopus. This prelate, celebrated tor his attachment to Thomas a Becket, was lucceflively treafurer of the church of Bayeux, Archdeacon of Selz, and Bifhop of Lifieux. Having relblved to retire into a monaftery, he became a canon of the Abbey of S. Vidor at Paris, where he died in 1 182. The letters of Arnulfus arc not devoid of elegance, and they are very interefting in an hiftorical point of view. Epiftola; ad Henricum II. regem Angliae, S. Thomam, Arch. Cant., et alios ; e codice manufcripto qui in collcgio S. Johannis Bap- tiftre Oxon. fervatur. 8°. Oxonii, 1844 Sermones ii. in Concilio Turonenfi - . - i Sermo in fynodo ----- 16 Sermo in Annuntiatione V. M. - - - 25 Carmina ------- 34 Tradtatus de fchifmate orto port Honorii II. papae de- ceflum -------43 Epiftolae ------- 80 Epiftolse, conciones, et cpigrammata. Bibl. Max. Patr. 22. 1 304 De fchifmate orto port Honorii II. papse de- cefTum. Muratorii, Rer. Ital. Script. 3. 423 Tradatus in Girardum epifcopum Engolifmenfem. D'Achery, Spicil. i. 152 Sermo in annuntiatione B. Marias. Ibid. iii. 507 Epiftolae xiii. Ibid. iii. 509 Fragmentum fermonis. Ibid. iii. 518 ARNULPHUS, Mediolanenfis Hiftoriographus. Rerum fui temporis, libri v. Muratorii Rer. Ital. Script. 4. i ARROWSMITH, Aaron, Hydrographer to the King. A grammar of ancient geography. 12°. Lof!<^. iS^z ARROWSMITH, John, D D. A learned and able Calvinift divine. Born at Newcaftle- upon-Tyne, 1602. Admitted of St. John's College, Cam- bridge, ]6i6. Became minifter of St. Nicholas' Chapel, at Lynn, in Norfolk. He afterwards had a pari/h in London, was a member of the AfTembly of Divines, and fucce/Tively mafter of St. John's College and Trinity College. Died 1659. His Taftica Sacra is written in a clear ftyle, and with a lively fancy. Armilla catechetica; a chain of principles, or an orderly concatenation of theological apho- rifms and exercitations, wherein the chief heads of religion are alTerted and improved. 4°. Camb. 1659 Taftica facra, five de milite fpirituali pugnante, vincente et triumphante, diilertatio. Accefle- runtejufdemorationes ahquot anti-Wergelianae. 4°. Cantab. 1657 Sermon, i Sam. 7. 1 2. England's Ebenezer, or ftone of help. Set up in thankfull acknow- ledgement of the Lord's having helped us hitherto. More efpecially, for a memorial of that help, which the parliament's forces lately received at Shrewft^ury, Waymouth, and elfe- where. [Thankfgiving.] 4°. Land. 1645 ASCLEPIADES. See Routh, Reliquiae, 4. 251. ARSCOTT, Alexander. Some confide rations relating to the prefent ftate of the Chrirtian religion ; wherein the nature. 112 ARSCOTT, Alexander [continued). end, and defign, of Chriftianity, as well as the principal evidence of the truth of it, are ex- plained and recommended out of the Holy Scripture. 2 parts. 8°. Lond. 1732 ARSENIUS, Saint. A Deacon of the Church of Rome. Flourished towards the end of the fourth century. He was preceptor to Arcadius, fon of the Emperor Theodofius. Arcadius having become incenfed with the difcipline impofed upon him by his preceptor, gave orders to one of the officers to kill him ; but the officer having given him notice, he retired to the deferts of Egypt, where he led a life of mortification and devotion among the anchorites of Scetis, till the age of 95. Doftrina et exhortatio. Lat. Bibl. Max. Patr. 27. 180 Doftrina et exhortatio. Apophthegmata. Gr. et Lat. Bibl. Patr. Gallandii, 7. 426 Dodrina et exhortatio. Comb. Audi. Nov. 301 ARSENIUS the Monk, Pat. of Conftantinople. Called to the patriarchate when a lay monk in a mo- naftery in Macedonia, 125 5. Having excommunicated the Emperor Michael Palaeologus for his crimes, he was banifhed, and died in exile 1273. His Teftamentum con- tains an account of his quarrel with the emperor. Divinorum canonum fynopfis, five Nomocanon, Gr. et. Lat. Juftelli Bibl. 2. 749 Teftamentum. Cotelerii Monumenta, 2. 168 ARTESANUS, Antonius. Carmen de varietate fortunse, five de vita fua, et geftis civium Aftenfium ab origine urbis ufque ad annum 1342. Murat. Rer. Ital. Script. 14. 1005 ARTHUR, Prince. The moft ancient and famous hiftory of the re- nowned Prince Arthur, king of Britaine. As alfo all the noble adls and heroick deeds of the valiant knights of the Round Table. 3 vol. 12°. Lond. 1816 ARTICLES of RELIGION. Articles of religion (a colleftion of). Cardwell's Synodalia, i ; Sparrow's Colleft. Articles about religion, 1536. Form, of Faith, and Burnet's Hift. ofRef. Articles whereupon it was agreed by the arch- bilhops and biftiops of both provinces, and the whole cleargie in the Convocation holden at London 1562. 4°. Lond. 1616 The thirty-nine. Burn, R. Eccl. Law, 4. 619 Clergyman's Afliftant A brief expofition of the thirty-nine articles. See Smith, J. B. &c. Animadverfions upon a paper intitled, A letter from a clergyman in the country to his friend at Deal. In which, among other things, the cafe of fubfcribing to the thirty- nine Articles of religion, &c., is largely confidered. To which is annexed by the publifher, a copy of the faid letter. Pp.63. 8°. Z^^W. 1753 Thoughts on our Articles of religion, with re- fpeft to their fuppofed utility to the ftate. Second edition. Pp. 12. 4°. Lond, 1 771 113 114 ARTICLES of RELIGION {continued). An eflay to illuftrate fome of the moft necefTary Articles of the Chrillian faith. Pp. 37. 8°. Bath, n. d. A defence of the confiderations on the propriefy of requiring a fubfcription to Articles of Faith. In reply to a late anfwer from the Clarendon prefs. By a friend of religious liberty. Pp. 5 1 . 8°. Lond. 1774 ARTICLES miniftered by his majefties com- miffioners for claufes ecclefiaftical againft John Gwin, vicar of Cople, in the county of Bed- ford, wherein is difcovered his wanton life. 4°. /. /. 1641 ARTICULI et errores varii damnati. Bibl. Max. Patr. 26. 482 ARUNDELL, the Rev. F. V. J., Brit. Chaplain at Smyrna. A vifit to the feven churches of Afia; with an excurlion into Piiidia ; containing remarks on the geography and antiquities of thofe coun- tries, a map, and numerous infcriptions. 8°. Lond. 1828 ASH, St. George, F.R.S., Bp. of Derry. A diftinguifhed Iiifh prelate, born 1658. Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin, 1679 ; and provoft 1692. Bifliop of Cloyne 1695; tranflated to Clogher 1697, and to Derry 1716. Died, in Dublin, 1717. Sermon, Matt. 26. 13. Before the Univerfity of Dublin, Jan. 9, 1693-4, being the firft fecular day fmce its foundation by Queen Elizabeth, 4°. Dubl. 1694 Two fermons on 2 Pet. 3. 1 1. 8°. Lo7id. 1714 ASH, John, LL.D. A Diffenting minifter at Perfliore, in Worcefterfhire. Died, at Perfhore, 1779, in the fifty-fifth year of his age. His Dictionary contains numerous words not to be found in other didlionaries. A new and complete dictionary of the Englifb. language, in which all the words are intro- duced, the different fpellings preferved, &c. To which is prefixed a compendious grammar. 2 vol. 8°. Lond. 1775 Sentiments on education, collefted from the beft writers. 2 vol. 12°. Lond. 1777 ASHBURNHAM, Sir William, Bart. Confecrated Bilhop of Chichefter 1754. Sermon, Matt. 7. 15. [Nov. 5.] 4°. Lond. 1745 Sermon, Job, 29. 14-16. [AITize.] 4°. Lond. 1749 Sermon, Rom. i. 16. [Soc. for Propagating the Gofpel.J 4°. Lond. 1760 Sermon, Pfa. 113. 7. [London Hofpital at Mile End.] 4°. Lond. 1764 ASHE, the Rev. Jonathan, D.D. The mafonic manual ; or, leftures on freema- fonry. Containing the inflru6lions, docu- ments, and difcipline of the mafonic economy. 12°. Lond. 1825 ASCHAM, Roger. An illuftrious Englifh fcholar, tutor to Queen Elizabeth. Born at Kirby-Wifke, York/hire, 15 15 i entered St, John's ASCHAM, Roger [continued). College, Cambridge, about 1530; prebendary of York, 1559. He enjoyed the friendship of King Henry VIII., Edward VI., Queen Mary, and Qu^een Elizibeth ; from each of whom he enjoyed a penfion. Died 1568. Englifh works, containing : 1. A report of the affairs of Germany, and the Emperor Charles's court. 2. Toxophilus ; or, the fchool of {hooting. 3. The fchoolmafter ; or, way of bringing up youth. Illullrated by the late learned Mr. Upton. 4. Letters to Queen Elizabeth and others. Now firft publifhed from the MSS, With notes and obfervations, and the author's life. By James Bennet. 4°. Lond. ijGi The Life was written by Dr. Samuel Johnfon. Familiarium epiftolarum libri tres, commendati- tiarum, petitoriarum, et fimilium ejus generis epift. principum academiae, &c. liber unus. Poemata. J. Sturmii, H. Oforii aliorumque epiftolae, ad R. Afchamum. DevitaetobituR.Afchami. Sm.8°. Lond. 1590 Dedicated to Queen Elizabeth by the editor, Ed. Grant; with laudatory poems by Camden, &c. ASHDOWNE, William, A Scripture key to the Evangelifts, the Afts of the Apoftles, the Epiftle to the Romans, Ga- latians, Ephefians, Coloflians, and Hebrews. In a method hitherto unattempted ; containing a connefted thread of the miniftry of Chrift and the apoftles in the plantation of the Gos- pel. In which is ftated the opinion the Jews had of Chrift, &c, 8°. Canter, ijjj ASHMAND, J. M. Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos, or Quadripartite ; being four books on the influence of the ftars. Newly tranflated from the Greek paraphrafe of Pro- clus; with a preface, notes, &c. 8°. Lond.\%zz ASHMOLE, Elias, Efq., Windfor Herald. Founder of the Aflimolean Mufeum, Oxford. Born 1617 ; died 1692. The hiftory of the moft noble order of the Garter. Wherein is fet forth an account of the town, caftle, chappel, and college of Windfor, with their feveral officers ; the foundation of the order by King Edward III,, with the ftatutes and annals at large, as they have been altered and amended. An account of the habits, en- figns, and officers of the order ; the ceremo- nies of eledlion, &c. To which is prefixed a difcourfe of knighthood in general, and the feveral orders extant in Europe, Second edit, 8°. Lond. 1726 ASHTON, Gaulther, M.A, Prifoner in the King's Bench for debt. Sermon, Pfa. 130. I. The prifoner's plaint. Preached before the imprifoned and others in that place. 4°. Lond. 1623 "5 ASHTON, Thomas, D.D. Born 17 16; educated at hton, and elefted thence to King's College, Cambridge, 1733; became Reftor of Aldingham, in Lancafhire, which he rcligned, and, in 1749, was preiented to the redlory of Sturminfter Mar/hall, Dorfetfhire; Redtor of St. Botolph, Bifhopfgate, 1759; Preacher of Lincoln's Inn, 1762. Died 1775. His fermons, in a ftyle of greater elegance than purity, were rendered ftill more ftriking by the excellence of his deli- very ; hence he was frequently prevailed on to preach on public and popular occafions. Sermons on feveral occafions. 8°. Lond. 1770 Pfa. 65. 7. God's providence difplayed in the fuppreflion of popular tumults ----- i Heb. 6. 10. DiftrefTed families of gofpel-minifters ear- neftly recommended. (Before the Sonsofthe Clergy. )27 2 Tim. 3.4. A propenfity to pleafure an obftacle to charity --.-.. 51 Tit. I. 9. Some objedions to the eftablifhed Liturgy anfwered - - - - - - - 71 a Pet. 2. 9, 10. The defpifers of Chrift's glorious king- dom objecfts of divine wrath. (General faft.) 99 Pfa. 78. 34-37. A formal and an acceptable faft de- fcribed and diftinguifhed. (General faft.) - 125 J Pet. 4. 10. Arguments for charity. (Hofpitals.) 150 Luke, 7. 22. Chriftian inftrudlion one principal inftance of charity. (Meeting of the charity fchools,S. P. C.K.) 176 Matt. 10. 34. Divifion an eventual confequence of Chrift's religion. (January 30th.) - - 209 Mic. 7. 6-8. True religion a reafonable fervice 233 Mic. 7. 6-8. Chubb's cafe of Abraham examined and exploded - - - - - - 252 Heb. 3. 12, 13. Religion the great fecurity againft the delufions of fin ------ 274 Deut. 6. 10-12. Sudden profperity fatal to religion 293 Pfa. 119. 120. The fmner's hope of impunity ground- lefs - - - - - - - 310 Pfa. 1 19. 59, 60. Reflexion on paft errors the ground of future caution. (Lent.) . . . ^29 I Pet. 3. 15. The Chriftian hope founded on argu- ment ------- 348 Matt. I. 22, 23. A prophecy literally accompliftied. (Chriftnias Day.) ----- ^65 John, 8. 32. True notion of Chriftian liberty. (Whit- Sunday.) ------ 389 Matt. 6. 13. Prayer an antidote againft temptation. (Lent.) .---..- 410 Luke, 16. 25. Parable of the rich man and Lazarus. (Afylum.) - 439 Matt. 10. 34. Concio ad clcrum, pro gradu dodtoratus in S. T. - - - - - - - 456 ASHWOOD, Bartholomew, Minis. of Axminfter, Devonfhire. Ejefted by the Adt of Uniformity. A judicious, godly, and laborious divine. The heavenly trade, or the heft merchandizing ; the only way to live well in impoverifhing times. A difcourle occafioned from the decay of earthly trades and vilible waftes of praftical piety in the day we live in [on Prov. 3. 14]. Second edition, correfted. 12°. Lond. 1688 ASHWOOD, John. Son of the preceding. Born at Axminfter, 1657; ftu- died under the learned Theophilus Gale. After exercifing the miniftry in various parts, he fettled in London, where he died 1706. He lived a holy life, fometimes in great poverty. (A fermon preached on the death of), on Heb. II. 13; with an account of his life and cha- radler, and an addrefs to the orphans of reli- gious parents. By Thomas Reynolds. With 116 ASHWOOD, John (continued). two fermons, preached by the deceafed a little before he died [on Hos. 14. 3. A minifter's legacy to his fatherlefs children.] 8°. Lond. 1707 ASHWORTH, Caleb, D.D. A DifTenting minifter at Daventry, Northampton. Sermon, i Theflal. 4. 13. Hope, the Chriftian mourner's relief. Occafioned by the death of the Rev James Floyd. 8°. Lond. 1759 ASIATICK RESEARCHES ; or, tranfadions of the fociety inftituted at Bengal for inquiring into the hiftory and antiquities, the arts, fciences, and literature of Afia. 12 vol. 8°. Lond. 1801-1818 Originally publifhed at Calcutta, 1 788-1 821, and Se- rampore, 1825-37, in 20 vol. 4°. Only the above 12 vols, have been reprinted in this country. ASLACUS, Conrad. A Lutheran divine, born at Bergen, in Norway, 1564. Studied at the Univerfity of Copenhagen, in which he became fucceflively profelTor of Latin and Greek and of theology; died 1624. In the following work he endea- voured to draw a fyftem of philofophy from the Holy Scriptures. Phyfica et ethica Mofaica, ut antiquiffima, ita vere Chriftiana, duobus libris comprehenfa, quorum continentur libro I. Phyfica Chriftiana, generalis de creatione in genere ; fpeciahs de rebus creatis ex cap. Genef. I et 2. II. Ethica Chriftiana, ex capite Genefeos 3. 8°. Hanov. 161 3 ASPINALL, Rev. James, A.M. Sermon, Matt. 16. 3. The crifis ; or, the figns of the times with regard to the Church of Eng- land at the prelent moment. Third edition. 8°. Liverpool, 1831 ASPINWALL, Edward, D.D., Preb. of Weftm. An apology, being a feries of arguments in proof of the Chriftian religion. 8°. Lond. 173 1 ASPLAND, Robert. A Unitarian minifter. Sermon, Luke, 21. 25, 26. Divine judgments on guilty nations. 8°. Camb. 1804 A feledlion of pfalms and hymns for Unitarian worlhip. 18°. Lond. 18 10 Sermon, Rom. 14. 5. A vindication of religious hberty. 12°. Hackney, 1812 Sermon on the death of Rev. T. Lindfey, Heb. II . 8. 8°. Lond. 1 808 A plea for Unitarian diffenters : in a letter to the Rev. H. H. Norris. Pp. 139. 8°. Hackney, 1 81 3 ASPLIN, Sam., M.A., Reft. ofBurthrop, Glou- cefterfhire, and Curate of Woolwich, Kent. Farewell fermon, 2 Cor. 4. 5. The divine rights and duties of the Chriftian priefthood. 8°. Lond. 17 II Serm. 2 Sam. 19. 11. [May 29.] 8°. Lond. 171 5 117 ii8 ASPLIN, WilUam, MA. The anatomy of the Kebla ; or, a difTeftion of the defence of eaftward adoration; lately pub- lifhed in the name of John Andrews. By a true fon of the Church of England (as now by law eftablifhed). In a letter to a friend. [Anonymous.] Pp. 55. 8°. Lond. 1729 A letter to the Bifhop of London, occafioned by the abufe of a palTage in his lordfhip's paftoral letter. By a prelhyter of the Church of England. Pp. i(). 8°. Lond. 1730 ASSEMANI, Joseph Simon, Keeper of the Vatican, and Archbilhop of Tyre. Died, at Rome, 1768, in his eightieth year. A very able fcholar in the languages of the Eaft. He was editor of the belt edition of the works of Ephrem Syrus. Bibliotheca Orientalis Clementino-Vaticana, in qua manufcriptos codices Syriacos, Arabicos, Perhcos, Turcicos, Hebraicos, Samaritanos, Armenicos, ^thiopicos, Grscos, ^gyptiacos, Ibericos, et Malabaricos, jufFu et munificentia dementis XI. Pontificis Maximi, ex Oriente conquiftos, comparatos, avedlos, et Bibliochecs Vaticanae addiftos. Recenfuit, digeffit, et genuina fcripta a fpuriis fecrevit, addita fmgu- lorum auflorum vita. 4 vol. folio. Roma, typis S. Cong, de Propaganda Fide, 1719 Vol. I. 1719. De fcriptoribus Syris orthodoxis. Vol. 2. 172 1. De fcriptoribus Syris Monophyfitis. Vol. 3. Pars I, 1725. De fcriptoribus Syris Neftorianis. Vol. 3. Pars 2, 1728. Differtatio de Syris Neftorianis. A work of great importance to the colledlors of Oriental manufcripts, and for illuftrating the hiftory of the Eaft. Kalendaria ecclefias univerfae in quibus tum ex vetuftis marmoribus, tum ex codicibus, tabulis, parietinis, piftis, fcriptis, fcalptifve, fanftorum nomina, imagines, et fefti per annum dies ecclefiarum Orientis et Occidentis praemiffis uniufcujufque Ecclefias originibus, recenfentur, defcribuntur, notifque illuftrantur. 6 vol. 4°. Roma, 1755 Vol. I. De tabulis Capponianis . - - 1 Origines ecclefiafticae Slavorum, RufTorum, Mufcovitarum, Bulgarorum - - - - - 103 Vol. 2. Origines ecclefiafticae Slavorum, Bulgarorum, et Rufforum. Vol. 3. De fanftis Cyrillo et Methodio, Slavorum apoftolis. Deque Chazaris, Bulgaris, et Moravis ad Chrifti fidem converfis. De Slavis, Borealibus, Moravis, Bohemis, &c. Vol. 4. Origines ecclefiafticae Slavorum RufTiae, Hun- gariae, Bohemiae, et Poloniae. Origines ecclefiafticae Slavorum Dalmatiae et Illyrici. Vol. 5. Origines ecclefiafticas Serblorum, Albanenfium, Bofnenfium, Valachorum, et Bulgarorum. De tabulis Graeco-Mofchis Capponianis. Ephemeridum Ruthenicarum tabulae, Odl., Nov., Dec. Vol. 6. Ephemeridum Ruthenicarum tabulae, Jan.-Aug. Evangelia eclogadia, five ledtiones evangelicas, per anni circulum. Codicum aliquot Cafinenfium, et Jofephi Alle- manii operum ineditorum immo deperditorum notitia. Mai Script. Vet. 3. p. 2. 163 Delia nazione dei Copti e della validita del facramento dell' ordine prefTo loro diflertazione ASSEMANI, Jofeph Simon [continued). di Giufeppe Simonio AfTemani compofta nell' anno 1733, e confervata in un codice Vati- cano. Mai Script. Vet. 5, p. 2, 171 Codices Chaldaici, five Syriaci Vaticani Afie- maniani. Ibid. 5, p. 2, 1-82 ASSEMANI, Stephen Evodius. Nephew of the preceding, and Archbi/hop of Apamea, fucceeded his uncle in the charge of the Vatican library, and became equally celebrated as an Eaftern fcholar and a man of general learning. Ada fanftorum martyrum Orientalium et Occi- dentalium, in duas partes diftributa, accedunt adla S. Simeonis Stylits. Omnia nunc pri- mum e Bibliotheca Apoftolica Vaticana pro- deunt S. E. Affemanus, Chaldaicum tcxtum recenfuit, notis vocalibus animavit, Latine vertit, admonitionibus, perpeiuifque adnota- tionibus illuftravit. 2 vol. fol. Roma, 1748 Vol. I. Praefatio generalis .... xxix Index five conipedlus rerum - . . Ixxxvii Adla martyrum Orientalium - - - - i Index - - 259 Vol. 2. Ad leftorem .... - i Adla martyrum Occidentalium ... 33 Adla S. Simeonis Stylitae - . - . 227 Inde 413 This work was to have confifted of four volumes, and fome ftieets of the fourth had been printed when an acci- dental fire deftroyed the MS. ASSEMANI, Joseph Aloysius. Coufin of the preceding. His Codex Liturgicus is a work of great importance and of very rare occurrence, particu- larly the later volumes. The thirteenth is fo rare that it was but lately known by bibliographers. Codex liturgicus ecclefiae univerfs, in xv. libros diilributus, in quo continentur libri rituales, miflales, pontificales, ofhcia, dypticha, &c. ecclefiarum Occidentis et Orientis. Sub aufpi- ciis Benedidi XIV. Pont. Opt. Max. nunc primum prodit. Ad MSS. Codd. Vaticanos, aliofque caftigavit, recenfuit, Latine vertit, prasfalionibus, commentariis et variantibus lec- tionibus illuftravit. 1 3 vol. 4°. Rom. 1 749-66 Vol. I. 1749. De Catechumenis. Praefatio, &c. - - - - - - Ff. 25 Ordines et officia facra, quibus catechumeni initiantur in ecclefia Occidentali - . . . \ Ordines ad faciendum catechumenum in ecclefia Gra- corum fervati ------ 105 Ordo ecclefiae Alexandrinae Coptitarum et .(^thiop. 141 Ordo ecclefiae Armenorum - - - 168 Ordo ecclefiae Chaldaeorum, Neftorianorum, et Maleba- rorum - - - - - - -174 Ordines ecclefiae Antiochenae Syrorum - 202—276 Vol. 2. 1749. ^^ baptifmo. Praefatio, &c. - - - - - -Ff. 11 Liturgiae feu officia, quibus baptifmatis facramentum ad- miniftratur in ecclefia Occidentis - - I Ordines baptifmi ecclefiae Conftan. et Graecorum 129 Ordo baptifmi ecclefiae Alexandrinae Coptitarum et vEthyopum - - - - 150 Ordo baptifmi ecclefiae Armenorum - - 194 Ordo ecclefiae Chaldaeorum, Neftorianorum, et Maleba- rorum - - - - - - 211 Ordines baptifmi ecclefia; Antiochenae, nee non Hyero- folymitanas Syrorum - - 214—309 119 I2Q ASSEMANI, Jofeph Aloyfius(fo«//«H^^. Vol. 3. 1750. Liber tertius, de confirmatione, in quo confirmationis ordines omnes andqui, ac recentes editi, turn incditi cc- clefiarum Occidentis et Orientis nunc primum prodeunt. Da {acramento confirmationis dilTertatio xiii— cxviii Ledori ------ cxix-cxxiv Index Ff. 2 Ordines ecclefiae Occidentalis . - . i Ordines ecclefiae Alexandrinae Coptitarum et yEthiop. 8z Ordines ecclefiae Armenorum - - - 118 Ordo ecclefix Chaldaeorum, Neftorianorum, ac Mala- barum - - - - - - 136 Ordines ecclefiae Antioch., nee nonHierofol.Syrorum 146 Orationes fanfti baptiTmi S. Bafilii Magni - 201 Vol. 4. 1751. Liber quartus, de euchariftia, in quo euchariftiae liturgiae omnes antiquae, ac recentes cum edits, tum ineditae ecclefiarum Occidentis et Orientis, nunc primum pro- deunt. Pars prima MifTale Romanum vetus [Gelafianum] acceflit. Diflertatio de origine liturgiarum. Vol. 5. 1752. Liber 4, pars 2. Praefatio, de liturgia ecclefiarum Hierufalem et Cypri ix MifiTale Hierofolymitanum . - - - i Appendix monumentorum ad Hierofolymitanae ecclefiae miflale librum pertinentium - - - 100 1. Ex Juftini apologia - - - - 1 00 IL Ex Clementis Conftitutionum Apoftolic. libris 102 III. S. Cyrilli Hierololymitani catechefis v. - 123 Anaphora S. Jacobi, Syr. et Lat. - - 131 S. Joannis Maronis Theophori Antioch« Patriarchae ex- pofitio minifterii oblationis D. Jacobi apoftoli, nunc primum Latine converfa prodit - - 227 Vol. 6. 1754. Liber 4, pars 3. Sacramentarium Veronenfe vulgo Leonianum, acceflit, DiiTertatio, in qua Novatorum formulae eucharifticae ex- hlbitae, illegitimae demonftrantur. Formula mifiae et communionis pro ecclefia Wittem- bergenfi ------- iii Liturgia a Zuinglio inftituta . . - xv Liturgia ecclefiae Genevenfis - - - - xvi Liturgia Anglicana ----- xxxvi Liturgia Suecana ------ Ixi Vol. 7. 1754. Liber 4, pars 4. MifiTale Alexandrinum S. Marci, in quo eucharifl:iae li- turgiae omnes antiquae, ac recentes ecclefiarum ./Egypti, Graece, Coptice, Arabice, et Syriace exhibentur. Prasfatio, etc. ------ iii-xxii Divina liturgia, feu mifla S. Marci - - - i Liturgia S. Bafilii ----- 45 Liturgia S. Patris noftri Gregorii - - - 87 Appendix, in qua exhibetur Anaphora S. Gregorii ex Mifl'ali libro Coptitarum, Latine converfa - 134 Initium Anaphorae S. Marci, quam collegit, et ordinavit S. Cyrillus - - - - - -157 Anaphora S. Gregorii theologi ex MSS. codicibus Syriacis Nitrienfibus, Vaticanis iii. et iv. nunc primo Latine prodit - - - - - - - 185 Anaphora Diofcori - - - - - 199 Liturgia S. Bafilii ex verfione Andreae Mafiii - 212 Differtatio de therapeutis - - - - ^^o Pan Jecunda. Initium S. Euchologii in nomine Dei ; initium confe- crationis Anaphoras S. Bafilii . - - i Anaphora S. Bafilii ad patrem - - - 47 Anaphora S. Marci ----- 91—108 Vol. 8. 1755. Liber 8. De ordine, pars i, in quo facra ordinationes omnium ecclefiarum Occidentis et Orientis antiquas, ac recen- tiores, tumeditae, tum ineditae, nunc primum prodeunt, pars prima Joannis Morini,facrasLatinorum ordinationes. Praefatio, &c. ----- iii-xxxii Sacrae Latinorum ordinationes - - - 1-396 ASSEMANI, Jofeph Aloyfius {continued). Vol. 9. 1756. Liber 8. De ordine, pars fecunda, Syrorum, Maronitarum ordina- tiones acceHerunt, J.Morini verfio, et adnotationes in cafdcm ordinationes. Praefatio, etc. iii-c Ordinationes Syrorum Maronitarum - - 1-288 Vol. 10, 1758. Liber 8, pars 3. Joannes Morinus de facris ecclefiae ordinationibus fecun- dum antiquos, et recentiores Latinos, Graecos, Syros, et Babylonios, commentarius, editio nova, tertia parte auctior, a mendis, quae in prions irrepferant, repur- gata, pars iii. Praefatio, &c. v-lx Syrorum Maronitarum facrae,acmajores ordinationes 1-2 5 5 Vol. 1 1. 1763. Liber 8. De ordine, pars iv. J. Morini facrae Graecorum ordinationes. Dedicatio, &c. ------ iii-xx Sacrae Graecorum ordinationes - - - I— 351 Vol. 12. 1763. Liber 8. De ordine, pars v., J. Morini de Graecorum ordinationi- bus, accedunt appendices duas de ordinationibus Grae- corum, altera ex Euchologio, altera ex Hieratico. Dedicatio, &c. ------ iii-xxx Commentarii de facris ecclefix ordinationibus fecundum antiquos, et recentiores Latinos, Gracos, et Syros, pars prima, in qua agitur de origine et caufis fchifmatis Graecorum, &c. . . - . - i SymeonTheffal. archiepifcopus de facris ordinationibus 41 Gabriel Philadelphiae metropolita de ordine facerdotii 234 Appendix i. Ordinationes Graecanicae ex Euchologio 252 Append, ii. ex Hieratico, five Pontificali Graec. 257-336 Vol. 13. 1766. Liber 8. De ordine, pars vi., Syrorum, Chaldaeorum, Neftoriano- rum, et Malabarum ordinationes, acceflerunt J. Morini verfio, et annotationes in eafdem ordinationes. De Catholicis, feu Patriarchis Chaldaeorum et Nellorianorum Commentarius hiftorico-theo- logicus. 4°. Romee, 1775 ASSEMBLY of DIVINES, Weftminfter. Annotations upon all the books of the Old and New Tertament ; wherein the text is ex- plained, doubts refolved. Scriptures paralleled, and various readings obferved. 2 vol. folio. Land. 165 1 Vol. I. Genefis.— Song of Solomon. Vol. 2. Ifaiah. — Revelation. Although this work is generally known by the title of the Affcmbly's Annotations, the writers were not appointed by the Weftminfter AfTembly but by the Parliament. Several of them, however, were members of the As- fembly. The annotators on the feveral books were as follows : — The Pentateuch — Mr. Ley, Sub-dean of Chefter. Kings, Chronicles, Ezra, Neh., Efther — Dr. Gouge. Pfalms — Dr. Meric Cafaubon. Proverbs — Francis Taylor. Ecclefiaftes — Bifhop Reynolds. Solomon's Song — Mr. Smalwood. Ifaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations — Gataker. " Exceeded by no commentators, ancient or modern." Ezekiel, Daniel, Minor Prophets — Bp. Richardfon. The Evangelifts — Mr. Ley. St. Paul's Epiftles — Dr. Featley. "Rather imperfect on account of the author dying before he had revifed or finifhed them." The remaining books are fuppofed to have been written by Mr. Downame and Mr. Reading. Confcflion of faith. See Confeffion. ASSER. A monk of the monaftery of St. David's. Became Bifhop of Sherborne. Died 910. 121 IZ2 ASSER {continued). De Alfred! rebus geftis. Camd. Anglica, Sec. i Life of Alfred. Chronicles (Six old Englifh) Annales. Brit. Hift. Gale, I. 141 ASSHETON, William, D.D. Born 1641. After taking his degrees in arts he went into orders; became chaplain to the Duke of Ormond,and obtained the living of St. Antholin, London. Red:or of Beckenham, in Kent, 1676, where he died 17 ii.' He bore 4 high character for piety, probity, and inflexible adherence to the dodrines and interefts of the Church of England. His father was redlor of Middleton, in Lancafhire. The cafes of fcandal and perfecution ; being a feafonable inquiry into thefe two things : I. Whether thofe Nonconform ills who other- wife think fubfcription lawful are therefore obliged to forbear it becaufe their weak bre- thren do judge it unlawful ; II. Whether the execution of penal laws upon Diffcnters for non-communion with the Church of Eng- land be perfecution. 8°. Land. 1674 A vindication of the immortality of the foul, and a future ftate. 8°. Lond. I'JO'^ A feafonable apology for the honours and reve- nues of the clergy. 8°. Lof/d. 1676 A difcourfe concerning a death-bed repentance. 12°. LoKd. 1696 Another. Twelfth edit. 12°. Lond. 1806 A method of devotion for fick and dying per- fons ; with particular diredlions from the be- ginning of ficknefs to the hour of death. 12°. Lond. 1706 The country-parfon's admonition to his parifh- ioners againft Popery. With diredlions how to behave themfelves when any one defigns to feduce them from the Church of England. Pp. viii. and 16. 48°. Lorid. 1706 A defence of the Country-parfon's Admonition againft a Popifh tradl called the Plain-man's Anfwer. Pp. 17. 48°. Lond. 1706 A difcourfe againft the infallibility of the Church of Rome. Dedicated to the Popifh priefts, vul- garly called MifTioners. Pp. 34. 48°. Lo^d. 1 706 A defence of the former difcourfe againft the Miffioner's Anfwer. Being a further exami- nation of the pretended infallibility of the Ch. of Rome. Ff. 2, pp. 70. 48°. Land. ijoG A full account of the rife, progrefs, and advan- tages of Dr. Afsheton's propofal (as now managed by the worftiipful Company of Mer- cers, London) for the benefit of widows of clergymen and others, by fettling jointures and annuities at the rate of twenty per cent. With direflions for the widow how to receive her annuity, without any delay, charges, or de- dudlions. Pp. 52. 24°. Land. 1730 (Life of,) TheChriftian indeed and faithful paftor ; impartially reprefented in a praftical eflay and hiftorical account of the exemplary life and works of the late eminent William Afsheton, D.D. By Thos. Watts, A.M. 8°. Land. 17 14 ASTELL, Mary. A lady of confiderable learning and ingenuity, daughter of a merchant of Newcaftle-upon-Tyne, where fhe was born about 1668. She received a fuperior education from her uncle, who was a clergyman, and fhe continued to pro- fecute her ftudies with great affiduity. Removed early to London, where, and at Chelfea, fhe continued until her death in 173 i. The Chriilian religion as profeffed by a daughter of the Church of England. [Anonymous.] 8°. Lond. 1705 Dr. Waterland calls this " a very good book." The duties of a Chriftian are painted in true and lively colours. Letters concerning the love of God between the author of the propofal to the ladies [Mrs. Aftell] and Mr. John Norris. Second edit, correfted. 8^. Lond. 1705 ASTERIUS, Urbanus. Flourifhed 232. Fragmenta contra Montaniftas, Gr. et Lat. Bibl. Patr. Gallandii, 3. 273 ASTERIUS, Bilhop of Amafea, in Pontus. A native of Antioch. Flourifhed in the fourth century. His homilies have been admired for their eloquence. Homilise xii. cum fragmentis aliorum ejufdem operum. Bibl. Max. Patr. 5. 807 Homilis. Combefis Novum Audi. i. 2 HomiUs in Pfalmos 5, 6, et 7. Cotelerii Monumenta, 2. i ASTLE, Thomas, Efq., F.R.S., F.S.A., and Keeper of the Records in the Tow. of London. The origin and progrefs of writing, as well hiero- glyphic as elementary. Illuftrated by en- gravings taken from marbles, manufcripts, and charters. Alfo fome account of the origin and progrefs of printing. 4". Lond. 1784 ASTON, Hon. and Rev. Henry Hervey, A.M., Reftor of Shottfley, Suffolk. Sermon, Heb. 13. 16. [Sons of the Clergy.] 4°. Lond. 1745 ASTORY, John Anthony. One of the mofl learned men of the eighteenth century. Born at Venice, 1672. Died 1743. He carried on an ex- tenfive correfpondence with the moft eminent Icholars of his age. In his latter days he was mafter of the choir and canon of the ducal church of St. Mark, at Venice. Diflertatio de Diis Cabiris. Sm. 8°. Vettet. \-jo-i, ASTROLOGER (the) of the nineteenth century ; or, the mafter key of futurity. Being a com- plete fyftem of aftrology, geomancy, and oc- cult fcience. Seventh edit. 8°. Lond. \%i^ ASTRY, Francis, D.D., Treafurer of St. Paul's, and Redlor of St. Martin's, Ludgate, London. Sermon, i Cor. 4. 7. Humility recommended. [Before the Lord Mayor, &c.] 4°. Lo7id. 1 7 1 6 ATHANASIUS, Saint, Biniop of Alexandria. An eminent Father of the Chriflian Church of the fourth century. Born in Alexandria of heathen parents. He was early patronifed by Alexander, Bifhop of Alexandria, who ordained him deacon. On the death of Alexander, in 326, Athanafius was appointed his fuccefTor at the age of twenty- eight, as is fuppofed. He was a great oppoler of the Arians, by whofe influence he was at different times banifhed, or obliged to hide himfelf in the defert. He died peaceably at Alexandria in 373. His works chiefly relate to the 123 124 ATHANASIUS, Saint [contlntied). Arian controverfy, and he is conlidered one of the ableft fupporters of the Trinitarian doftrine. The creed attri- buted to him is fuppoled to be ipurious. By fome it is afcribed to Vigilius Tapfenfis. The beft and moft com- plete edition of his works is that of 1777. That of 1698, in 3 vol. folio, is more elegant; but to render it complete it is requifite to add Montfaucon Collcftio Nova, 2 vol. folio. A criticifm on the edition of 1698 will be found in Nouv, de la Rep. des Lettres, 12. 243, 450, and 669. Opera omnia qu^ extant, vel qu:e ejus nomine circumferuntur, ad MSS. Gallicanos, Vati- canos, &c., necnon ad Commelinianas leftiones caftigata, multis au£la ; nova interpretatione, praefationibus, notis, variis ledlionibus illus- trata : nova fandli doftoris vita, onomaftico, et copiofiiffimis indicibus locupletata, Gr. et Lat. ftudio monachorum ordinis S. Benedifti, no- viffimis nunc curis emendatiora, et quarto vo- lumine aufta. 3 vol. in 4, fol. Patavii, 1777 Vol. I. Pars I. Praefatio, &c. ------ Pp. xliv Vita S. Athanafii i Gregorii Nazianzeni encomium S. Athanafii xciii Vita S, Athanafii incerto auftore - - ex Vita, ex Photio ----- cxxxiii Vita, ex Metaphrafte - . . - cxliii Vita, Arabico verfa, interprete D. Renaudotio clxv Elogia --.-.-. clxix Oratio contra Gentes . - - , j Oratio de incarnatione Verbi Dei - - - 38 Expofitio fidei ------ 78 In illud, Omniamihitradltajunt a Patre, Matt. 11.22 82 Encyclica ad epifcopos epiftola - - - 86 Apologia contra Arianos, et duae epiflolae - 94 Epiftola de Nicaenis decretis - - - - 162 Epiftola de sententia Dionyfii - - - 190 Epiftola ad Dracontium ----- 207 Epiftola ad epifcopos ^gypti et Lybyae contra Arianos 212 Apologia ad Imper. Conftantium - - 234 Apologia de fuga fua - - ■ - " ^53 Epiftola ad Serapionem de morte Arii - - 267 Epiftola ad monachos ----- ayi Hiftoria Arianorum ufque ad ann. 357, ad monachos 272 Condemnatio Arii - - - - - 3^3 Epiftola fynodalis Alexandri Epifc. Alex. Orationes iv. contra Arianos - - - 318— 511 Vol. I. Pars 2. Epiftolx iv. ad Serapionem de Spiritu Sanfto, &c. 515 Epiftola de Synodis Armini et Seleuciae - - 571 Tomus feu epiftola ad Antiochenos - - 614 Epiftola Joviani ad Athanafium - - - 621 Epiftola Athanafii ad Jovianum - - 622 Petitiones ad Jovianum contra Athanafium - 624 Vita S. Antonii . - . . . 626 Epiftolae ad Orfifium .... - 693 Narratio ad Ammonium . . - - 694 De incarnatione Dei Verbi, et contra Arianos - 695 Epiftola ad Afros epifcopos, contra Arianos - 711 Epiftola ad Epiftetum, contra haereticos - - 719 Epiftola ad Adelphium, contra Arianos - 727 Epift. ad Maximum philofophum de divinitate Chrifti 732 Contra Apollinarium,de incarnat. Domini noftri J.C. 736 Epiftolae ad Joannem, ad Palladium, ad Amunem, ad Rufinianum, ad Luciferum, ad Monachos - 762 Ex epiftola heortaftica - - . . 767 Fragmentum epiftolae filiis fuis - - - 772 De Trinitate et Spiritu San(fl:o - - - 773 Epift. ad Marcellinum in interpretationem Pfalmor. 783 Expofitiones in Plalmos - - - - 801 Fragmenta commentariorum in Pfalmog • 985 Excerpta commentarii in Job . . - 1003 ATHANASIUS, Saint {continued). Fragmenta commentarii in Cantica, in Matthaeum, in Lucam, in Hebraeos - . - - 1005 Fragmenta, de novem infanabilibus morbis Herodis. De falfis prophetis. In illud, Siui rejpicit mulierem. In illud, Laudate Dominum de terra, Sec. Sec. - 10 12 Indices ------- 1030 Vol. 2. Patavii, 1777. Prxfatio in fecundum tomum - - . Hi Catalogus operum in hie fecundum tomum - viii Opera Dubia. De incarnatione Dei Verbi - - _ _ i Teftimonia ex S. Scriptura de communi eflentia Patris, et Filii, et Sp. S. - - - - - 2 Epiftola catholica ----- 22 Refutatio hypocrifis Melitii, &c. - - 23 De incarnatione Dei Verbi - - - - 25 De aeterna Filii et Spiritus S. cum Deo exiftentia, et con- tra Sabellianos _ . - _ _ 28 Quod unus fit Chriftus _ _ . _ ^8 De fabbatis et circumcifione _ . - ^-2, Homilia de Semente ----- 45 In illud, Profedti in pagum, &c. - - 55 In paffionem et crucem Domini - - - 61 De virginitate - - _ . _ g^ Synopfis Scripturae Sacrae _ _ . . 96 Opera Spuria. Difputatio contra Arium in Concilio Nicaeno 158 Sermo contra omnes haerefes - - - 181 Hiftoria Melchifedec - - - - 189 Epiftola ad Jovianum Imp. - - - - 192 Liber de definitionibus - - - - 192 Doftrina ad Antiochum - . . - 202 Ad Antiochum de pcenis inferni - - 213 Quaeftiones ad Antiochum - - - - 217 Quaeftiones in Evangelia - - - - 253 Fragmentum de imaginibus - - - - 257 Quaeftiones in Scripturam - - - - 258 Quaeftiones aliae ------ 280 Hiftoria imaginis Berytenfis _ . . 289 Sermo contra Latinos . - - - - 299 Syntagma dodlrinas ----- 304 Monarticae vitae inftitutio .... 307 Epiftolae ad Caftorem ... - 309 Homilia in nativitatem Praecurforis - - 329 Sermones et homiliae - - - - 334 Dialogi V. de Trinitate ----- 407 Sermones xx. contra diverfas haerefes - - 473 Syntagma ad quemdam Politicum - - - 514 Sermo iis qui laeculo renuntiarunt - - 520 Dodtrina ad monachos - - - - - 5^4 De templo Athenarum - - • . 527 De corpore et anima - - . . - 529 De S. Trinitate, libri viii 532 De fide unitatis. Sec. ----- 553 De Arriana et Catholica confeflione - - 554 De fide fua ' .'. 55* Difputatio cum Arrio coram Probo judice, libri ii. 562 Difputatio contra Arrium, libri iii. - - 574 Liberii ad Athanafium epiftola, Grace - • 597 Athanafii ad Liberium refponfum, Graece - 598 Athanafii et yEgyptiorum ad Marcum papam - 598 Refcriptum Marci papae ad ./Egyptios et Athanafium 599 Epiftola Julii papae ad Orientales pro caufa Athanafii 600 Epiftola Orientalium ad Julium - - - 602 Refcriptum Julii papx ad Orientales - - 603 Epiftola Athanafii et .(Egyptiorum ad Julium - 607 Refcriptum Liberii papae ad eoldem - - 608 Epiftola Athanafii et .^gyptiorum ad Felicem papam 609 Refcriptum Felicis papae ad eofdem - - 612 Vita S. Syncleticae - . - - - 615 Exhortatio ad monachos - . - - 642 Exhortatio ad fponfam Chrifti - - - - 644 Epiftola Athanafii ad epifcopum Perforum - 650 Epiftola Dionyfii Alexandrini ad PaulumSamofatenfem652 125 126 ATHANASIUS, Saint {continueJ). Symbolum, Quicumque, iv. formulas - - 658 Bin£ formula Gallico idiomate perantiquo - 662 Commentarius in Symbolum Quicumque - - 664 De Trinicate opufculum . - - - 667 De Pafchate opufculum ----- 668 Index locorum S. Scripturae - - - 671 Index rerum fecundi tomi . . - . 690 Onamafticon vocum - - - - - 695 Vol. 3. Compledens omnia, quae port editionem Parifien- fem anni 1698, ad hanc diem prodierunt Praefatio .----•- v Animadverfiones in vitam et fcripta Athanafii vii Diatriba de caufa Marcelli Ancyrani - - xxxiii Jufti Fontanini Archiep. Ancyrani de anno emortuali S. Athanafii difiertatio - - - - xlii Eugenii legatio ad S. Athanafium . - . i Sermo major de fide ----- 3 Fragmenta ; ex fermone de fide ; de Paulo Samofateno ; hiftoriae Stephani Antiocheni ; epiftolaad Monachos 15 Ex fermonibus, five commentariis in Matthaeum 1 8 Ex commentariis in Lucam - - - - 31 Homilia in Canticum - - . . 37 Sermo de patlentia in calamitatibus fui temporls 42 Homilia in ramos palmarum - - - - 47 Opufculum in dictum, No-vi hominem raptum, &c. 2 Cor. 12. 2 .-.--. 49 Opufculum in dictum, Datus ejl tnih'i flimului carnis mea. 2 Cor. 12. 7 - - - - - - 50 Argumentum in Pfalmos - - - - 51 Supplementa commentarii in Pfalmos - - 53 Fragmenta contra Macedonianos et contra Novatianos 74 Fragmenta de Amuletis, &c. - - - 76 Brevis expofitio fidei - . ... 78 Fragmenta ex epiftolis feftalibus - - - 78 Frammento infigne di ftoria ecclefiaftica del quarto feculo 82 Epiftola ad papam et clerum Perfarum - - 95 Indices --.--•- 97 Pfalterium, cum interpretatione - i— xl & 1-289 Opera quae reperiuntur omnia, Gr. et Lat. P. Nannii. 2 vol. folio. Heidelb. 1601 Editio princeps, containing a good index. The Editor was aflifted by Lampadius, Erafmus, Felckmann, and Mus- culus. A fuperior edition to that of 1627, in which the various readings by Felckmann are omitted. See Dibdin. Operum aliquot fragmenta, in ed. Bened. delide- rantur, Gr. et Lat. Bibl. Patr. Gall. 5. 161 Dialog! V. de fandla Trinitate, Bafilii libri iv. adverfus impium Eunomium, Athanafii et Cy- rilli compendiaria orthodoxae fidei explicatio. Gr. et Lat. ex interpretatione Theodori Bezae. Foebadus five Foebadius contra Arianos. 8°. H. Steph. 1570 Expofitio fidei. Routh, Script. Eccl. Opuf 2.219 Opufcula. Montfaucon, Colleftio Nova, 2. I Canones. Beveregii Pandeftae, 2, pars I In Domini occurfum. Orationes ii. in S. Pafcha. In Chrifti aflumptionem. Com. Nov. Audi, i . 497 Ex Athanafio. Erafmi Opera, 5. 329 St. Athanafius's four orations againft the Arians, and his orations againft the Gentiles. Trans- lated from the original by Mr. Samuel Parker. To which the tranflator has prefixed Obferva- tions for the better application of St. Athana- fius's reafoning, together with a few queries recommended to Mr. Whifton's confideration, and a confutation of his impious doftrines. 2 vol. 8°. Oxf. 1 7 1 3 ATHANASIUS, Saint {continued). Seleft treatifes in controverfy with the Arians. Tranflated, with notes and indices. 2 parts, 8°. Lib. of Path. vol. 8 & 19. Oxf. 1842-44 Part I. 1842. Epiftle in defence of the Nicene definition - I Epiftle concerning the councils held at Ariminum in Italy, and at Seleucia in Ifauria - - 73 Four difcourfes againft the Arians. Difcourfe 1 177 Part 2. 1844. Four difcourfes — (continued). Difcourfe 2, 3, & 4. Hiftorical trafts. Tranflated, with notes and indices. 8°. Lib. of Fath. vol. 13. Oxf. iS^^ Encyclical epiftle - . . - - i Apology againft the Arians . - . 13 Encyclical epiftle addreffed to the bifliops of Egypt and Lybia ------- 125 Apology, addreffed to the Emperor Conftantius 154 Apology for his flight - - - . 139 Epiftle to Serapion concerning the death of Arius 210 Epiftle to the monks - - - - - 215 Hiftory of the Arians - - - - 219 Appendix : S. Alexander's depofition of Arius, and ency- clical epiftle ------ 297 A treatife made by Athanafius the Great concern- ing the ufe and virtue of the Pfalms. Pp. 4. fol. La vie d'Athanafe, Patriarche d'Alexandrie. Qui comprend encore I'Hiftoire de S. Eufta- thie d'Antioch, de S. Paul de Conftanlinople, de S. Hilaire de Poiftiers, de S. Eulebe de Verceil, des Papes Jules et Libere, et de plufieurs autres faints ; avec la naiflance et le progres de I'Arianifme. Par M. Godefroy Hermant. Seconde edit. 2 vol. 8°. Par. i6yg Valefius de magno Athanafio. Eufebius, Reading, 2. 385 ATHANASIAN CREED. Symboli Athanafiani explanatio, ex antiquo pa- riter codice. Mai Script. Vet. 9. 396 An expofition of St. Athanafius's Creed accord- ing to Scripture and the doftrine of the Church of England. With an explanation of thofe commonly (but falfely) called damnatory claufes. For the benefit of ordinary capaci- ties. Pp. 78. 8°. LonJ. 1720 By the author of the " Pfalms of David made fit for the Clofet." The Athanafian Creed re-examined, upon prin- ciples of fober reafon and Scripture, and upon a new plan of inquiry. In feveral letters to a doubting friend. By a clergyman of the Church of England. Pp.114. 8°. Z,i?W. 1754 ATHANASIUS, Patriarch of Conftantinople. Flourifhed in the thirteenth century. Epiftolas vii. de neceflaria epifcoporum refidentia. Bibl. Max. Patr. 25. 944 ATHENAGORAS. An Athenian philofopher of the fecond centur)'. Having read the Holy Scriptures in order to write againft Chrift- ianity, he became a convert, and wrote his .A.pology, which he addrefiTed to the Emperors Antoninus and Commodus, about the year 180. Apologia [vel legatio] pro Chriftianis ad impe- ratores Antoninum et Commodum. Ejufdem, De refurredione mortuorum. 127 128 ATHENAGORAS {continued). Ex antiquis exemplaribus libellus ille nunc pri- mum profertur, hie ante caftigatior quam an- tea editur. Uterque Gr. ct Lat. Sm. 8°. H. Stephani, 1557 Alfo to be found in the following publications: — S. Jus- tini Martyris Opera ; SS. Patrum Latinorum Opera Ober- thurj Bibliothcca Maxima Patrum (Latine) 2 pars, 2. 1585 Bibl. Patr. Gallandii (Gr. et Lat.) 2. 38. Apologeticks. i. For the Chriftian religion. 2. For the truth of the refurredion againft the fcep- ticks and inridels of that age, together with a curious fragment of Juilin Martyr on the re- furredlion, not publifhed in his works ; with two other fragments, attributed to Jofephus and Methodius, on the ftate of the dead, with diflertations on the Jewifh notion of the refur- reftion, and on Athenagoras. Tranflated, with notes, by David Humphreys, B.A. 8°. Lond. 1714 ATHENIAN SOCIETY. The hillory of the Athenian Society for the re- folving of all nice and curious queftions. Foh Lond. 1692 The young ftudent's library, containing extrads and abridgements of the moft valuable books printed in England and in the foreign journals, from the year 65 to this time. To which is added, A new effay upon all forts of learning. Folio. Lond. 1692 The Athenian oracle ; being an entire colleftion of all the valuable queftions and anfwers in the old Athenian Mercuries. Intermixed with many cafes in divinity, hiftory, &c. Second edition. 4 vol. 8°. Lond. 1704 ATKEY, Anthony. A Diffenting minifter. The main argument of a late book, entitled Chriftianity as old as the Creation, fairly ftated and examined j or, a fhort view of that whole controverfy. [Anonymous.] Pp. vii. 86. 8°. Lond. 1773 ATKINS, Rev. Henry, Minifter of Grofvenor Chapel, late Fellow, New Coll., Oxford. Sermon, Matt. 5. 14-16. Chriftians bound to diffufe the light of Chriftianity among the Jews. 8°. Lond. n. d. ATKINSON, Christopher, Reaor of Yelden, Beds. Sermons on the moft interefting and important fubjefts. Third edition. 8°. Lond. \-]%z Rom. II. 36. God's fuperintending providence, and univerfal authority difplayed ... 3 Rom. II. 36. God the author of all fpiritual graces, and his glory celebrated ... jj I John, 4. 10, latter part. On the nativity and life of Chrift 61 1 Cor. %. 2. On the crucifixion - - 91 J Cor. 15. 20. On the refurredion . - 121 I Cor. 13. 13. The true Chriftian faith defcribed 149 I Cor. 13. 13. Hope and charity defcribed and recom- mended - - - - - - 181 Gal. 6. 4. Self-examination ftated and enlarged on 211 ATKINSON, Chriftopher {continued). Gal. 6. 4. Self-examination further inquired into, with its advantages -.--.. 239 Col. 3. 5. The reafonablenefs and propriety of fenfual mortifications - ' - - . - 273 Pfa. 32. 5. The true purport of an acceptable repent- ance with God ..... J03 Job, 13. !<;. A fteady truft in God the beft fupport under affliftion - . - . 331 Heb. 13. 5. On contentment - - - 359 I Theft. 5. 17. On prayer in general - 389 I Thefl'. 5. 17. The neceffary qualifications of prayer, with its advantages ..... 423 Prov. 3. 17. The diftingui/hed pleafure and happinefs of religion ...... 457 Col. 3. 2. Motives for alienating our afFeftions from this world, and fixing them on the next - - 491 I Cor. 15. 54-57. A wicked courfe of life the fevereft fting of death ..... 525 1 Cor. 15. 54-57. Chrift's vidtory over fin and death 551 2 Cor. 5. 10. The day of judgment . . 579 ATKINSON, Henry A., M.A. One of the affiftant morning preachers at St. George's, Hanover Square ; perpetual curate of Barton and Chetwood, Bucks; and Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford. Sermons, doflrinal and pradlical. 8°. Lond. I John, 4. 16 - - I Luke, 7. 14 - - 21 Matt. 27. 54. Palm Sun. 45 Ezek. 37. 3. Eafter day 77 Heb. 7. 24,25. S.aft.Af. 97 John, 16. 7. II. WhitS. 115 Luke, 15. 32 - - 139 Matt. II. 28 - Mark, 10. 39, 40 Numb. 23. 10 - Luke, 10. 42 2 Pet. 3. 14. Advents. 229 Rom. 13. I, 2 - - 245 Eccles. II. I. Charity f. 267 1822 157 - 173 195 - 211 ATKINSON, James, Horfly, Northumberland. Sermon, i Cor. i. 17. The neceffity of preach- ing the Gofpel in Gofpel language. 8°. Newcajile-upon- Tyne, 1729 ATKINSON, John, Stainton, Weftmoreland. The Holy Scriptures the word of God. Proved and applied in two fermons on Heb, i. i, 2. 8°. Lond. 1 73 I ATLAS. Black's general atlas ; comprehending fixty-one maps from the lateft and moft authentic fources. Engraved by Sidney Hall, Hughes, &c. With geographical defcriptions, and an index of 58,381 names. Folio. Lond. iS^i ATONEMENT. Scripture inquiry into the ftate and condition of mankind, and the extent of the atonement in his behalf. With refleftions on the moral government of God. 8°. Montrofe, 1828 ATROCIANUS, Joannes. Homilia ad bonas litteras exhortatoria. Grynaeus, Lat. 1943 ATTERBURY, Francis, D.D. Bp, of Rochefter. Born at Milton, Bucks, 1662. Educated at Weftminfter School, from whence he was elected to Chrift Church, Oxford, in 1680. M.A. 1687. In 1700 he was pre- fentcd with his dodlor's degree for writing his book on Convocations againft Archbifhop Wake. Archdeacon of Totnefs, 1700. Dean of Carlifle, 1704. Canon refiden- tiary of Exeter, 1707. Bifhop of Rochefter, 1713. In 1722 he was apprehended on iufpicion of being engaged in a plot to bring in the Pretender, and an a6t of parliament was pafTed by which he was banifhed for life. He died at Paris, 1 73 1. As a writer he fhines among the chief 129 130 ATTERBURY, Francis, D.D. {continued). luminaries of his time, and his fermons are models of pulpit eloquence ; he has nothing dark, redundant, or mis- placed, but his language is of the ftricfleft purity and beauty. Sermons and difcourfes on feveral fubjefls and occafions. 4 vol. Fifth edit. 8°. Lond.ij/^o Vol. I. 1740. Pfa. 50. 14. The duty of praife and thankfgiving. [29th May, before the Qu^een.] - - - - i 1 Peter, 4. 8. The power of charity to cover fin. [Hos- pital.] ...--- 37 Ifa. 60. 22. The miraculous propagation of the Gofpel. (2 fermons.) - - - - - - 88 Prov. 14. 6. A fcorner incapable of true wifdom 171 Ecclef. 7. 2. A difcourfe occafioned by the death of the Lady Cutts 203 Ezek. 37. 3. The wifdom of Providence manifefted in the revolutions of government. [May 29.] - 243 1 Tim. 2. 1—3. The duty of publick interceflion and thankfgiving for princes. [Qu^een's acceflion.] 277 Matt. 7. 12. The rule of doing as we would be done unto, explained. [Nov. 5th.] - - 311 Matt. 14. 23. Of religious retirement - - 347 Vol. 2. 1740. Preface in defence of a funeral fermon on Mr. Thomas Bennet --..-- 1-78 I Cor. 15. 19. On the flineral of Mr. Thos. Bennet i Luke, 16. 31. A ftanding revelation the beft means of conviction. [SS. Simon and Jude.] - - 39 Job, 29. 14. At the eleftion of the Lord Mayor 8 1 Pfa. 30. 6-8. Faft day - - - - no Matt. 25. 40. A Spittal fermon before the Lord Mayor on Eafter Tuefday . . - . . 142 Job, 22. 21. An acquaintance with God the beft fup- port under afflidtions - - - - 182 Luke, 10. 32. A Spittal fermon before the Lord Mayor on Eafter Tuefday - - - - -213 Rom. 1 1.6. Before the Sons of the Clergy at St. Paul's 255 Rom. 13. I. Concio ad clerum Lond. - 309 Vol. 3. 2d edit. 1737. Published from the originals by Thomas Moore, D.D., his lordfhip's chaplain. Adb, 26. 26. The publick manner in which the Gofpel was firft promulged, one confiderable argument of its Divine authority ..... 3 Matt. II. 3. The Baptift's mefTage to Jefus, and Jefus's anfwer explained. [Advent at the Rolls.] 35 Matt. II. 6. On the incarnation of our Lord. [Chrift- mas. At the Rolls.] .... 61 I Cor. 10. 13. Temptations not irrefiftible - 87 Matt. 27. 25. The horrid imprecation of the Jews, and the juftice and wifdom of God in fulfilling it upon them. [Good Friday.] - - - - 117 1 Pet. 2. 21. The Chriftian ftate a ftate of fuffering. [All Saints.] ..... 145 A6ls, I. 3. Some reafons aflTigned for our Saviour's ap- pearing chiefly to the apoftles after his refurreftion, and his manner of converfing with them reprefented. [Eafter day.] - - - . - 173 Mark, 16. 20. Miracles the moft proper way of proving the Divine authority of any religion. [Whitiunday] 203 2 Pet. 3, 16. The difficult paflTages of Scripture vindi- cated from fuch objedtions as are ufually made to them, and proper direiflions given how we are to ufe them. (3 fermons.) [At the Rolls.] - - 227 2 Cor. 13. 5. On religious fincerity - - 309 Vol. 4. 2d edit. 1737. Publiftied from the originals by T. Moore, D.D. Luke, 23. 28. On the martyrdom of King Charles the Firft. [30th January.] . . - . 3 I Tim. 6. I. The wicked lives of Chriftians no argu- ment againft the truth of Chriftianity - 39 Phil. 2. 12. The fear of God a motive to holinefs 71 Matt. 14. 1-3. The terrors of confcience - 95 ATTERBURY, Francis, D.D. (continued). Afts, 24, 25. St. Paul's defence before Felix 135 Gal. 6. 14. Of glorying in the crofs of Chrift. [Good Friday.] --.... j6i Pfa. 95. 6. External worftiip a fit and reafonable duty. [At the Rolls.] ----- 189 Lam. 3. 41. External worfhip fhown to be of no efficacy unlefs accompanied with internal devotion 213 Pfa. 57. 7, 8. The ufefulnefs of church mufick. [St. Cecilia.] - - . . . . -23S Matt. 6. 34. The fin and folly of being anxious about future events ..... 267 Gen. 49. 4. The wretchednefs of a wavering mind. [At the Rolls.] ..... 297 Rom. 12. 18. Of living peaceably. [Farewell ferm.] 321 Epiftolary correfpondence, vifitation charges, fpeeches and mifcellanies. With hiftorical notes. 4 vol. 8°. ZcW. 1783-87 Vol. I. 1783. Letters. Speeches at Oxford, &c. Remarks on the lapis of Virgil. Vol. 2. 1783. Letters. Speech in the Houfe of Lords. Dedication to the fecond edition of the Rights, &c. of an Englifh Convocation. Form ofretraftion required from Dr. Atterbury at Carlifle. Vifitation fpeeches to the clergy. Vifitation fpeeches on rural deaneries. Dedications, &c. Reprefentation on the ftate of religion, 1710. Poems. Chara(fters of Bifliop Atterbury. Vol. 3. 1784. Letters. Charafter of Luther. [From Anfwer to Confiderations.] Speech of Dr. Sacheverell. Virgil's firft eclogue, infcription, &c. Letters. Vol. 4. 1787. Epitaphs, &c. Ruftica academiae Oxonienfis nuper reformatae defcriptio. Vol. 5. 1790.* Brief memoir of Atterbury. Correfpondence. Mifcellaneous extracts and illuftrations. Sermon, Rom. 13. i. [Before London clergy.] 8°. Lonc^. 1710 This is a tranflation of the Concio ad Clerum, which is contained in the colledled fermons, — a critique on which will be found in Nouv. de la Repub. des Lettres, 33. 363. A large vindication of the dodlrine contained in the fermon preached at the fimeral of Mr. Thomas Bennet. In anfwer to a pamphlet, entitled A Letter to the Rev. Dr. F. Atter- bury ; occafioned by the doftrine lately de- livered by him. Pp. 48. 8°. Lonc^. 1707 An anfwer to fome confiderations on the fpirit of Martin Luther, and the original of the Re- formation. Printed at Oxford, a.d. 1687. Pp. viii. 120. 8°. Lo/iJ. 1723 The rights, powers, and privileges of an Englifh Convocation ftated and vindicated. In anfwer to a late book of Dr. Wake's, entituled The Authority of Chriftian princes over their ec- clefiaftical fynods afierted, and to feveral other pieces. [Anonymous.] 8°. Lond. 1700 A fecond edition, with the author's name and additions, was publifhed in 1702. »3» 132 ATTERBURY, Francis, D.D. [continued). The parliamentary original and rights of the Lower Houfe of Convocation cleared, and the evidences of its feparation from the Upper Houfe produced on feveral heads. [Anony- mous.] Pp. xviii. and 54. Appendix, pp. xv. 4°. Land. 1702 Maxims, refleftions, and obfervations, divine, moral, and political. To which is added, a Latin verfion of Mr. Dryden's Absolom and Achitophel. Pp.vi.84&38. 8°. Land, ijzt, Speech at the bar of the Houfe of Lords, May 1 1. Third edition. Pp.32. 8°. Land. 1723 Vindication of Bp. Smallridge, Dr. Aldrich, and himlelf [Bp. Atterbury], from the fcandalous refleftions of Oldmixon, relating to the pub- lication of Lord Clarendon's Hillory. Pp. 3 i. 8°. Lond. 1733 The fpeech at the bar of the Houfe of Lords, May 1722. In his defence. Pp. 16. Folio. Lond. 1723 The duty of prayer for princes. Trafts of Angl. Fathers, 4. 329 Trails refpeBing Bp. Atterbury. The fpirit and conduft of feveral writers (par- ticularly a certain chaplain in his two letters to the clergy) concerning the commitment of the right Rev. the Lord Bifhop of Rochefter [Atterbury] to the Tower of London difplayed. Pp. 32. 8°. Lond. n. d. A letter to the Rev. Dr. Francis Atterbury ; occafioned by the dodlrine lately delivered by him in a funeral fermon on i Cor. 15. 19. Pp. 16. 8°. Lond. 1706 ATTERBURY, Lewis. Elder brother of the Bifhop; born 1656; Reftor of Symel, in Northamptonshire, 1684. In 1695 he became preacher of Highgate Chapel, to which were fubfequently added the reftory of Shepperton and that of Hornfey, in Middlefex. Died, at Bath, 173 1. Twelve pradlical difcourfes on feveral fubjefts. Preached at court. 8°. Lond. 1720 Pfa. 14. I. Of the being of a God - - - i Rev. 4. 3. Of God's juftice and mercy - 39 Pfa. 72. 18. Of miracles - - - - 77 Job, 33. 14—16. Of dreams - - - 117 Gen. I. 27. Of the image of God in man - 157 I Cor. II. 26, 27. Of the real prefence in the facra- ment ------- 195 I Cor. 15. 29. Of the refurreftion - - 245 Afts, 17. 22. Of fuperftition - - - 281 Rom. 12. I. Ofreafon and religion. (2 ferm.) - 329 Pfa. 18. 49, 50. Of thankfgiving for the luccefs of her majefty's arms - . - . . 407 Job, 2. 10. Of fubmiflion to the will of God - 459 Ten fermons preached before H. R.H. Princefs Ann of Denmark. 8°. Lond. 1699 J Tim. 4. 8 - - - II ThefTal. 5. 22 Pfa. 119. 59 - - 33 Eccl. 5. i 2 Tim. 3- 5 - - - 62 2 Cor. 12. 9 Prov. 19. 25 - - 81 Prov. 4. 23 - Pfa. 96. 9, on the chapel being Matth. 7. 12 - newly furniihed - 104 Sermons on felefl fubjefts 127 - 156 182 - 205 234 Now firft publiftied ATTERBURY, Lewis, D.D. [continued). from the originals. With a brief account of the author. By Edward Yardley, B.D., Adn. of Cardigan. 2 vol. 8°. Lond. ij^-^ Vol. I. 1743. Account of the author - - - - - iii-xxx John, 14. I. The nature and neceflity of faith in God I Heb. II. 6. God the rewarder of all who feek him 23 Ifa. 45. 5, 6. Of the unity of God - - 46 I John, 5. 7. Of the Trinity in unity - - 71 Pia. 90. 2. Of the eternity of God - - 94 John, 4. 24. God is a fpirit . - - - 115 Pla. 139. 7. Of the omniprefence of God - 142 Prov. 16. 33. Of Providence : of lots and games of chance - - - - - - -158 James, i. 17. Of God's immutability - - 180 Pfa. 139. 14. Of the wonderful workmanfliip of God in the frame of man's body- - - - 203 Pfa. 119. 68. Of God's goodnefs and bounty to his creatures ------ 223 Nahum, i. 3. God is flow to anger, but terrible in his judgments ------ 247 Ifa. 26. 19. Of the refurredlion of Chrift and our own refurreilion ------ 266 Eph. 4. 30. The fin and danger of grieving the Holy Spirit 288 1 ThefTal. 5. 19. The hazard and folly of depriving ourfelves wholly of the influences of God's Holy Spirit. (2 fermons.) - - - - 310 John, 14. 26. The miflion of the Holy Ghoft - 343 Gal. 5. 25. The duty of walking in the Spirit 368 Gal. 5. 22, 23. The fruits of the Spirit - 387 Vol. 2. Ifa. 50. 10. Of truft in God - • i 2 Pet. 3. 18. The progrefs of virtue and holinefs 27 Pfa. 127. 3. The bleflTing of a numerous offspring 48 Matth. 5. 16. The nature and neceflity of good works. [Opening of Highgate Chapel.] - - 68 Exod. 20. 24. Of places dedicated to God's fervice. [Confecration of Highgate Chapel.] - - 96 2 Cor. 2. 16. Of the minifl:erial fun(5lion - 123 James, i. 22. Of the duty, right ufe, and abufe of hearing God's word ----- 144 I Cor. II. 28. Of preparation for the Lord's fupper 171 Adls, 24. 16. A confcience void of ofi^ence - 198 Phil. 2. 12, 13. Of working out our falvation - 221 I Pet. 5. 8. Of fobriety and vigilance- - 242 Luke, 9. 23. Of felf-denial and taking up the crofs 264 Matth. 26. 39. Of fubmiflion to the will of God 290 Mark, 12. 29, 30. Of the love of God - - 313 Luke, 13. 24. The ftrait gate - - - 337 Eph. 5. 15. Of walking circumfpeftly - - 368 Eph. 5. 16. The value and ufe of time - 395 Matth. 7. 15, 16. The chara£ler of falfe prophets 413 The Penitent Lady. See Valliere. ATTERSOLL, William, '' Minift. of the Word of God at Isfield, Suffex." A commentarie upon the fourth booke of Mofes, called Numbers, containing the foundation of the church and commonwealth of the Ifraelites while they walked and wandered in the wil- dernefs. Wherein the whole body of divinity is handled, touching matters dogmatical, of God, of Chrill, of the Gofpel, &c., ceremo- nial ; of the caUing of the priefts and Levites, &c., polemical; or controverfies betweene the Church of Rome and us, &c. Herein alfo the reader fhall find more than 500 theo- logical queflions decided and determined. Fol. Lond. 161 8 133 J3+ ATTERSOLL, William [continued). A commentary upon the epiftle to Philemon. Second edition, correfted and enlarged. Fol. Lond. 1633 ATTO, Senior, Bifhop of Verceil. Teilamentum. Mai Script. Vet. 6, p. 2 ATTO, Bp. of Verceil (the fecond of this name). Died about 960. He was famed for his enlightened zeal for the fpiritual and temporal welfare of his diocefe and of the church. Capitulare. Libellus de preffuris ecclefiafticis. EpirtolcC xi. D'Achery, Spicil. 1. 402 Sermones. Polypticum, feu perpendiculum, cum prifcis fcholiis, capitulare. Mai Script. Vet. 6, p. 2. 11 ATTRIBUTES of GOD. A vindication of the divine attributes in fome remarks on the Abp. of Dublin's [King] fer- mon, entitled Divine Predeftination, &c. 8°. Lond. 1 7 10 AUBESPINE (1'). See Albaspinus. AUBUY, M. Oxonii dux poeticus, five Latinis verfibus ; hex- ametris et pentametris, defcriptio. Pp. 64. 8°. Oxon. 1795 AUDIN, M. The life of Henry the Eighth, and hiftory of the fchifm in England. Tranflated from the French, by Edward G. Kirwan Browne. 8°. Lond. 1852 Life of Luther. See Luther. AUDLEY, Matthew, Curate and Lefturer of St. Mary, Rotherhithe. Sermon, Matt. 4. 24, 25. The duty of benevo- lence and charity. [Infirmary.] 4°. Lond.\j/\.z Sermon, Luke, 14. 14. Occafioned by the death of Charles Duke of Richmond, Prefident of the London Hofpital. 4°. Lond. 1750 AUD(ENUS [Dado, Gallice Ouen]. ' Died 689. Canonized by the Roman Church for the fervices he rendered as minifter of King Dagobert, and as Archbi/hop of Rouen (640). In 644 he took part in the third Council of Chalons. Vita S. Eligii. D'Achery, Spicil. 2, yS AUDRADUS, furnamed Modicus. Choreveque of Sens in the ninth century. He was a man of reputation and learning. Epiftola ad Hincmarum. Libellus de fonte vitas. Bibl. Patr. Gallan. 13. 565 AUGSBURG CONFESSION. See Concordia Pia, Sylloge Confeffionum, &c. Augfburg Confeffion, as adopted 1530, and re- viled 1538. Tranf Burrow, E. J. Sum. i. xc AUGUSTI, J. C. W. Denkwiirdigkeiten aus der chriftlichen Archaeo- logie. 12 vol. 8°. Leipzig, 1817-1831* Vol. 1-3. Die Fefte der alten Chriften. Vol. 4—10. Die heil. Handlungen der Chriften. Vol. II. Die gottefdienftlichen perfonen und Oerter der chriftlichen Kirche. Vol. 12. Die gottefdienftlichen Sachen der alten Chriften. AUGUSTI, J. C. W. [continued). Handbuch der chriftlichen Archaeologie. Ein Aufzug des Vorftehcnden. 3 vol. 8"*. Leipzig, 1836-7* Die chriftlichen Alterthiimer. 8°. Leip. 18 19* Lehrbuch der chriftlichen Dogmengefchichte. Fourth edition. 8°. Leipzig, 1835* Syftem der chrift. Dogmatik. 8°. Leip. 1S26* Verfuch einer hiftorifch-dogmatifchen Einleitung in die heil. Schrift, 8°. Leipzig, 1832* Corpus librorum fymbolicorum qui in ecclefia Reformatorum audloritatem publicam obtinue- runt. 8°. Elberfeld, 1827* Beitrage zur chriftlichen Kunftgefchichte und Liturgik. 2 vol. 8vo. Leipzig, 1841-46* Chreftomathia patriftica. 2 vol. 8°. Leip. 181 2* Vol. I. Tradlatus ex Patribui Graecis. Vol. 2. Trailatus ex Patribus Latinis. AUGUSTINE, Saint. One of the moft learned and illuftrious of the Fathers of the Church. Born, atTagafta, 354. His early years were fpent in profligacy, but having gone out of curiofm', when at Milan, to hear the fermons of St. Ambrofe, the prayers of his mother Monica were at length rewarded by his con- verfion, and he was baptized by St. Ambrofe, 387. Having returned to Tagafta, he diftributed his pofTeffions to the poor, and lived in community with fome friends. Ordained prieft, 391 5 Bifhop of Hippo, 395 ; died, at Hippo, 430. His works, particularly the City of God, and thofe in defence of the grace of Jefus Chrift, have gained him immortal honour : they difcover a vaft extent of genius, great accuracy and penetration, accompanied with much force and energy. The beft edition is that of the Bene- didtines, 1679— 1700, which has been reprinted, with addi- tions, at Venice, in folio and 4°. } at Baifano, 1807 ; and at Paris, 1836-39. Opera, poft Lovanienfium theologorum recen- fionem, caftigatusdenuoad manufcriptos codices Gallicanos, Vaticanos, Anglicanos, Belgicos, &c., necnon ad editiones antiquiores et cafti- gatiores. Opera et ftudio monachorum ordinis S. Benedifti e Cong. S. Mauri. 1 1 vol. in 15. Folio. Par. 1679-1700 The following is a brief abftraft of the contents of this edition ; for a lift of St. Auguftine's works more in detail fee below. Vol. I. 1679. Contents fame as Vol. i, defcribed below; with an appendix containing fome of the Opera Spuria. Vol. 2. 1679. Epiftolae. Vol. 3, pars I. 1680. Exegetica in Vet. Teft. et opera fpuria. Vol. 3, pars 2. 1680. Exegetica in Nov. Teft. Vol. 4, pars I. 168 1. In Pfalmos I-79. Vol. 4, pars 2. 1681. In Pfalmos 80-150. Vol. 5, pars I. 1683. Sermones ad populum. Vol. 5, pars 2. 1683. Sermones de fandtis, de diverfis, ac dubiis, cum fuppofititiorum appendice. Vol. 6. 1685. Moralia, et appendix continens fubditida qu^dam. Vol. 7. 1685. De civitate Dei, et appendix de S. Ste- phano martyro. Vol. 8. 1688. Opufcula polemica adverfus haerefes Manichaeorum, Prifcillianiftarum, et Arianorum. Vol. 9. 1688. Opufcula polemica adverfus Donatiftas. Vol. 10, pars I. 1690. Opufcula polemica contra Pelagianos. Vol. 10, pars 2. 1690. Contra Julianum ; appendix, opufcula quaedam fubdititia ; Scripta ad Pelagianam »35 AUGUSTINE, Saint {continued). hiftoriam pertinentia ; Profperi Aquitani apologetica pro Auguftino ; vita Auguftini audtore Poflldio. Vol. II. 1700. Vita Auguftini ex ejus potiflimum fcriptis concinnata ; index generalis. Opera, poft Lovanienfium Theologorum recen- fionem, caftigatus denuo ad MSS. codices Gallicanos, Vaticanos, Anglicanos, Belgicos, &c., necnon ad editiones antiquiores et cafti- gatiores, ftudio Monachorum Ordinis S. Bene- difti, editio tertia Veneta, cum fupplementis ; nuper Vindobon^e repertis, et explanatione fymboli, audlore S. Nicea V. faeculo fcripta atque Roms nuperrime inventa. 18 vol. 4°. Bajfani, 1807 Vol. I. Praefationes, &c. - . - - v-xxxii Retraftionum libri ii. - - - - 2 Confeffionum liBri xiii. - - - - 75 Contra academicos, libri iii. . - - 290 De beata vita, liber i. - - - - - 354 De ordine, libri ii. - - - - - 378 Soliloquiorum libri ii. - - - - - 426 De immortalitate animae, liber - - - 4.70 De quantitate animae, liber . - - - ^86 De mufica, libri vi. - - - - - 54^ De magiftro, liber . . . . _ 670 De lib,ero arbitrio, libri iii. . . _ yo2 De Genefi contra Manichaeos, libri ii. - - 806 De moribus ecclefiae Catholicae et de moribus Manichaeo- rum, libri ii. ----- 862 De vera religione, liber _ _ - - ^^j Regula ad fervos Dei _ _ - _ 1006 Syllabus codicum - - - - - -10 15 Index ------- 1023 Vol. 2. Baffani, 1797. Praefatio ------- iii Epiftolarum ordo, &c. - - - - xxxvii Epiftolae, fecundum ordinem temporum nunc primum difpofita:, et quatuor in clafTes digeftae - - I Index ------- 1180 Vol. 3. Baflani, 1797. Comple£tens exegetica in Vetus Teftamentum. Praefatio, &c. ------ iii-xii De doftrina Chriftiana, libri iv. - - - 2 De Genefi ad litteram, imperfedlus liber - - 123 De Genefi ad litteram, libri xii. - - - 151 Locutionum libri vii. [in Genefim— Jud.] - - 427 Quaeftionum in Heptateuchum, libri vii. [Gen.— Jud.] 498 Annotationes in Job - - - - 823 Speculum [de libris variis Vet. et Nov. Teft.] - 898 Index ------- 1083 Vol. 4. Baffani, 1797. Compledtens exegetica in Novum Teftamentum. Admonitio, &c. ------ iii-xii De confenfu evangeliftarum, libri iv. - - i De fermone Domini in Monte, libri duo - - 216 Qu^sftionum evangeliorum libri ii, - - 311 Quaeftiones in Matthaeum - - - - 365 In Johannis evangelium, tradlatus cxxiv. - 385 In epiftolam Johannis ad Parthos, tradlatus x. - 109 1 Expofitio quorundam propofitionem ex Epift. ad Romanos "95 Epiftolae ad Romanos inchoata expofitio - 1225 Expofitio Epift. ad Galatas - - - - 1248 Index ------- 1295 Vol. 5. Baffani, 1802. Praefttio, &c. ----- iii_xxxvi Enarrationes in Pfalmos 1-75 - - - 2 Index, &c. ------- 1069 Vol. 6. Baffani, 1797. Loca ex Pfalmis - - - - iii-xvi Enarrationes in Pfalmos 76-150. Index, &c. 1186 136 AUGUSTINE, Saint {continued). Vol. 7. Baffani, 1802. Prjefatio, &c. ------ iii-xx Sermones ad populum. Clajfn I. Sermones de Serif tuns Veteris et Novi Tejiamenti. Gen. I. i,etJoh. I. I. Contra Manichaeos I De tentatione Abrahae a Deo - - . 5 De Agar et Ifmaele. Fragm. - - - 10 De Jacob etEfau. In Fefto Vincentii martyris habitus 11 De luftatione Jacob cum Angelo - - 28 De eo quod apparuit Dominus Moyfi in rubo - 34 De ledlione Exodi, de rubo in quo flamma erat, et rubug non comburebatur - - - - 37 De decern plagis et decern praeceptis - - 41 De decem chordis ----- 48 De judicio Salomonis inter duas mulieres - 64 De Elia et vidua Sareptana - - - 70 Job, I. 6, et Matt. 5. 8 - - - - 72 Pfa. 2. 10, Erudimini omnes qui judicatis terram 78 Pfa. 9. 14; 25. 8 ; 33. 13 ; 49. 3 ; 50. 5, et 72. i ; 50. 12; 63. II ; 67. 3 ; 72. 24; 82. 2; 93. 12, 13 ; 94. 6, 7 - - - - - - 82 De titulo et prioribus verficulis Pfalmi, 95. Contra Pelagianos ------ 143 Pfa. 104. 35117. I- - - - - 146 De verbis Pfa. 1 1 8, Greffus meos dirige, &c. et Apoftoli, Rom. 7. Lex fpiritualii ejl, &c. Contra Pelagianos 150 De verbis Pfa. 125, Slui Jeminant in lachrymis, &c. 155 In Pfa. 143. De Golia et David - - 158 Pfa. 143. 9; 149. I. - - - - - 161 Prov. 9. 12 ; 13. 7 ; 31. 10 - - - 174 Eccluf. 2. I ; 5. 8 ; 22. 28 - - - - 194 Ifa. I. II ; 53. 2 ; 57. 13 - - - 209 Ezek. 34. 2; 34. 17 - - - - - 225 Mic. 6. 6. (SS. 2) . - - - 267 Agg. 2. 9 - - _ - - - -. . ^76 De Concordia Matt. etLuc. in generationibus Domini 282 Matt. 3. 13. De Trinitate _ - - 302 Matt. 5. 3 ; 5. 16 ; 5. 22 - - - - 3 II Matt. 6. De oratione Dominica, ad Competentes. (SS. 4) 322 Matt. 6. 19 ; 7. 7 ; 8. 8 ; 8. 23 ; 10. 16; 10. 28 j II. 2, &c. ; 11.25; II. 28 - " " ■ 345 Matt. 12. 31. De blafphemia in Spiritum Sandtum 384 Matt. 12. 33 ; 13- 3 ; 13- 55^ ; h- 25 ; 15- " ; ^7- i ; 17. 18 ; 18. 7 ; 18. 15 ; 19. 17 ; 19. 21 ; 20. 1 ; 20. 30; 21. 19; 22. I, &c. ; 22.42; 25. 1, &c. ; 25. 26------- 404 Marc. 8. 3; 8. 34; 13. 32 - - - - 507 Luc. 7. 12 ; 7. 37 ; 9. 57 ; 10. 2 ; 10. 16 ; 10. 38, &c. II. 5; II. 39; 12. 15; 12. 35 ; 12. 56; 13. 11; 13. 21 ; 14. x6; 16. 9; 17. 3; 18. I ; 24. 36 517 Johan. I. I, (SS. 4) ; i. 10 ; I. 48 ; 2. 2, &c. ; 5. 2, &c. ; 5. 19 ; 5- 25 ; S- 31 ; 5- 39 J ^- '» &<=. ; 6. 54; 6. 56; 7. 2, &c. ; 8. 31; 9. 4; 9. 2; 10. 7, &c. ; 10. 50 ; 12. 44; 14. 4; 16. 7, &c. ; 16. 8 j 16. 24; 21. 15 - - - - - 580 AQ.. 5. 4 ; 10. II ; 17. 18 - - - 703 Rom. 7. 15 ; 8. 3, &c. ; 7. 5 ; 7. 14 ; 8. I, &c. ; 8. 12; 8.24,25; 8.31; 8. De juftificatjone 717 I Cor. I. 31 ; 6. 15 ; 6. 18 - - - 770 Gal. 5. 16, 17 ; 6. 2 - - - - - 785 Eph. 3. 13; 4. 25; 5. 155 6. 23 - - 796 Philipp. 3. 3; 3. 6; 4. 4 - - - - 808 I Theff. 4. 12 ----- 827 I Tim. I. 15 ; 6. 7, 8, 9 - - - - 830 Tit. I. 9 ------ 849 Jac. I. 19-22; 5. 12 - - - - - 854 I Joh. I. 8, 9 ; 4. I ; 4. 2 - - - 866 Vol. 8. Baffani, 1797. Sermonum index fecundum ordinem veterem, &c. iii-xii Sermones ad populum - - - clxxxiv-cccxcv ClaJJis II. Sermonei de Tempore. In natali Domini, SS. 13 - - - - 881 137 138 AUGUSTINE, Saint {continued). De Kalendis Januarlis, SS. 2 - In Epiphania Domini, SS. 4 De Qjiadragefima, SS. 7 In traditione Symboli, SS. 3 In redditione Symboli Ad competentes 904 910 919 936 949 953 De oratione Chrifti, Johan. 17. Pater, quos dedijli 958 De paflione Domini in Parafceve - - - 960 In vigiliis Pafchae, SS. 5 - - - - 962 In die Pafchje, SS. 5 968 De facram fidelium, Fragmentum - - 976 In diebus Pafchalibus, SS. 29 - - - 976 In die Dominico Oftavarum Pafchx, SS. 2 io59 In die Adfcenfionis Domini, SS. 5 - - 1065 In vigiliis Pentecoftes - - - - 1085 In die Pentecoftes, SS. 5 - - - - 1089 ClaJJls III. Sermones de SanElh. In natali martyrum Frudluofi Epifcopi, Augurii et Eu- logii diaconorum _ _ _ . 1105 In natali martyris Vincentii, SS. 4 - - - 1 109 De vocatione apoftoli Pauli - - - 1 123 De Paulo apoftolo - - - - -11 29 In natali martyrum Perpetuae et Felicitatis, SS. 3 11 34 In natali martyrum Maffilitanorum - - 1138 In natali martyrum Mariani et Jacobi - 1140 In die natali martyrum Cafti et .^^milii - - 1145 In natali martyrum Protafi et Gervafti - 1 148 In natali S. Johannis Baptifta, SS.8 - - 1151 In natali martyris Guddentis - - - 1183 In natali apoftolorum Petri et Pauli, SS. 5 - 1194 In follemnitate martyrum Machabaeorum, SS. 2 1218 In follemnitate martyris Laurentii, SS. 4 - 1226 In natali martyrum Maffae Candidas - - 1238 In decollatione beati Joannis Baptiftae, SS. 2 1*43 In natali Cypriani martyris, SS. 5 - - 1*47 In natali Stephani martyris, SS. 6 - - 1260 Fragmenta de S. Stephano - - - 1*75 In natali viginti martyrum - - - - 1280 In natali martyrum, SS. 10 - - - 1281 In dedicatione ecclefiae, SS. 3 - - - 1301 In die ordinationis fuae, SS. 2 - - - 1 308 Clajfis IV. Sermones de Di-verjls. De eo quod Chrift^is tribus modis in Scripturis intelli- gitur : contra Arianos habitus - - 13 13 De Sufanna et Jof., cum exhortatione ad caftitatem 1323 De amore Dei et amore faeculi _ _ _ 1329 De contemtu mundi - - - - ^334 De peregrinatione noftra in hac vita, per fidem 1338 De timore Dei, SS. 2 - - - - - 1340 De caritate, et de caeco illuminato, SS. 2 - ^343 De utilitate agendse pcenitentiae, SS. 2 - - 1350 In die oftavarum infantium _ _ _ 1372 De vita et moribus clericorum fuorum, SS. 2 ^379 De laude pacis - - - - - -1 391 De pace et caritate - - - - - ^395 De Concordia _-_._- 1398 Ad vigilias Maximiniani, de quodam Donatifta, qui re- verfus eft ad ecclefiam _ - _ 1405 De refurredlione mortuorum, SS. 2 - - 1406 De cantico Exodi ----- 1437 Clajps V. Sermones dubi'i. De Samfone ------ 1443 De verfu Pfalmi 15, Benedicam Dominum, qui tribuit mihi intelleBum, &c. ----- 1450 De Pfalmo 22, Dominus regit me - - - 1454 De verbis evangeliiLucae 16. Ubi deDivite et Lazaro 1459 De verbis evang. Joan. 12, Slut amat animam fuam i^iiz De nativitate Domini, SS. 4 - - - 1467 De Epiphania Domini, SS. 3 _ _ _ 1479 Dominica in odlavis Pafchae - _ _ 1487 In adfcenfione Domini - _ _ _ 1489 In die Pentecoftes ----- 149 1 In nativitate Joannis Baptiftae, SS. 2 - - 1493 De natali apoftolorum Petri et Pauli - - 1508 AUGUSTINE, Saint {continued). De S. Stephano - - - - - In die anniverfaria ordinationis eplfcopalis De Trinitite - - - . , De amore hominis in hominem - De dileftione inimicorum . - . De correptione proximi - - - De faciendis eleemofynis, SS. 3 - - Ad juvenes - - - - Ad conjugatos - . - - - De posnitentibus . . - - De natali SS. Perpetuae et Felicitatis - 1511 1513 - i5'5 1517 - 1526 1529 - 1533 1544 - 1548 155+ 1558 Sermonum quorumdam qui adhuc defiderantur frag- menta reperta in Colledlaneis Eugypii, Bedae, Flori, ac Joannis Romanae Ecclefiae diaconi - '559 Sermo de adfcenfione Domini vi. - _ - 1585 Sermo S. preftjyteri Eraclii, difcipuli S. Auguftini, ipfo praefente habitus ----- 1587 Sermones de Symbolo ad catechumenos - 159 1 Sermo de difciplina Chriftiana - - - 1649 Sermo de cantico novo _ - - . 1663 Sermones dubii de quarta feria, de cataclyfmo, et de tem- pore barbarico ----- 1677 De utilitate jejunii fermo - - - - 1 701 Sermo de urbis excidio - - - - 1716 De conjugiis adulterinis, ad Pollentium, libri duo 1731 De Mendacio, liber unus ... - 1763 Contra Mendacium ad Confentium, liber unus 1791 De opere monachorum, liber unus - - 18 19 De divinatione daemonum, liber unus - - 1849 De curagerenda pro mortuis ad Paulinum, liber unusi859 De patientia, liber unus - - - - 1879 Index in tomum vii. et viii. - - - - 1895 Vol. 9. Baflani, 1 797. Praefatio, &c. ..... iii-xxxii De civitate Dei, ad Marcellinum, contra paganos, lib, xxii. - - 2. Index, &c. - - 921 Vol. 10. Baffani, 1797. Continens opufcula polemica. Praefatio, &c. ..... iii-xvi De haerefibus, ad quod vult Deum ... i Adverfus Judaeos - . . - . jj De utilitate credendi ad Honoratum - - 53 De duabus animabus contra Manichaeos - 89 Adla, feu difputatio contra Fortunatum, Manichaeum 1 1 1 Contra Adimantum, Manichaei difcipulum - 153 Contra Epift. Manichaei, quam vocant Fundamenti 181 Contra Fauftum, Manichaeum ... 221 De aitis cum Felice, Manichaeo ... 565 De natura boni, contra Manichaeos - - 601 Contra Secundinum, Manichaeum ... 629 Contra adverfarium legis et prophetarum - 659 Ad Orofium, contra Prifcillianiftas et Origeniflas 733 Contra fermonem Arianorum ... 749 Collatio cum Maximino, Arianorum epifcopo 779 Contra Maximinum, Arianum - 815. Index - S97 Vol. II. Baffani, 1797. Praefatio, Syllabus Codicum, &c. - - - iii-xvi De Trinitate, libri xv. ----- 2 De diverfis quaeftionibus Ixxxiii. liber i. - 309 De diverfis quaeftionibus ad Simplicianum, libri ii. 411 De ofto Dulcitii quaeftionibus, liber i. - - 463 De fide rerum quae non videntur, liber i. - 492 De fide et fymbolo, liber i. - - - - 505 De fide et operibus, liber i. - - . 525 Enchiridion ad Laurentium, five de fide, fpe, et chari- tate ..---.- 565 De agone Chriftiano, liber i. - - - 631 De catechizandis rudibus, liber i. - - - 655 De continentia, liber i. - - - - 7°* De bono conjugal!, liber i, ... - 731 De fandla virginitate, liber i. - - - 7^^ De bono viduitatis ... - - 799 Index, &c. ----- - 823 Vol. 12. Baffani, 1797. Praefatio, &c. iii-xxiv »39 140 AUGUSTINE, Saint (continued). Pfalmus contra partem Donati - - . 1 Contra epiftolam Parmeniani, libri tres - - 15 De baptil'mo contra Donatiftas, libri vii. - 103 Contra litteras Petiliani, Donatiftje, Cirtenfis epifcopi, libri iii. -.---.- 265 Epiftola ad Catholicos contra Donatiftas, vulgo de unitate Ecclefias, liber i. - - - - - 427 Contra Creiconium Grammaticum Donatiftam, lib.iv.493 De unico baptilmo contra Petilianum - - 663 Breviculus collationis cum Donatiftis - - 685 Poft coUationem ad Donatiftas, liber i. - - 729 Sermo ad Caelareenfis Ecclefiae plebem, Emerito praefente habitus ------ 773 De geftjs cum Emerito, liber i. - - - 783 Contra Gaudentium, Donatiftam epifcopum, libri ii. 795 Sermo de Rufticiano, fubdiacono, a Donatiftis rebaptizato et in diaconum ordinato, 851, Index, &c. 857 Vol. 13. Baftani, 1797. Opufcula polemica contra Pelagianos, — Praefatio, &c. - - . . - iii-cviii De peccatorum meritis et remiflione, et de baptilmo parvulorum ad Marcellinum, libri iii. - I De fpiritu et littera, ad eumdem, liber i. - - 105 De natura et gratia, contra Pelagium, ad Timafium et Jacobum, liber i. - - - - - 157 De perfeftione juftitise hominis, epiftola, feu liber ad Eutropium et Paulum - _ . - 207 De geftis Pelagii, ad Aurelium, liber i. - 237 De gratia Chrifti, contra Pelagium - - - 285 De peccato originali, contra Pelagium, ad Albinam, &c .315 De nuptiis et concupifcentia ad Valerium, libri ii. 347 De anima et ejus origine, contra Vincentium Vidtorem, libri iv. - - - - - - 419 Contra duas epiftolas Pelagianorum, libri ad Bonifacium quatuor - - - - - - -511 Contra Julianum haerefis Pelagianae defenforem, lib.vi. 615 Vol. 14. Baflani, 1797. Contra Pelagianos, — De gratia et libero arbitrio ad Valentinum, et cum illo monachos Adrumentinos, liber i. - - 881 De correptione et gratia ad eofdem, liber i. - 92 1 De prasdeftinatione fandlorum, ad Profperum et Hila- rium liber ------ 979 De dono perfeverantiae, ad eofdem, liber - - 10 19 Contra fecundam Juliani refponfionem, imperfedlum opus, fex libros compledlens - - - 1077 Syllabus codicum ------ 1713 Index in tomum xiii et xiv. _ - - 1775 Vol. 15. Baffani, 1797. Prefatio generalis in noviflimam operum editionem iii-xix Vita S. Auguftini, ex ejus potiffimum fcriptis concinnata, libri viii. ------ i Vita S. Auguftini, auiflore Poflidio, Calamenfi epifcopo, ipfius difcipulo - - - - - 755 Indiculus librorum S. Auguftini, editus cura Poflidii 793 Elenchus capitum vitae S. Auguftini - - 823 Vol. 16. BafTani, 1797. j4ppendix, opera Jpuria. De grammatlca liber ----- 2 Principia dialefticae [&c.] - - - - 38 JEArtdi Rhievallenfis in Anglia abbatis, de vita ereme- tica ------- 103 Ad Bonifacium et contra epiftolae breviores fexdecim 135 Pelagii ad Demetriadem epiftola ... iij.2 De laudibus Hieronymi - - - - 174 Altercatio cum Pafcentio .... 225 De mirabilibus S. Scripturae libri tres - - 239 Alcuinus de benedidlionibus Jacob patriarchae - 309 Quaeftiones Veteris et Novi Teftamenti - 317 "Multi-hoc opus adjudicant Hilario, Diacono." P. xiii Expofitio in Apocalypfim - - - - 617 Sermones cccxvii. : de fcripturis V. et N. Teft., de tempore, de fandlis, et de diverfia - - 671 AUGUSTINE, Saint {continued). Auftorps, — Origenes, Gregorius Boeticus, Ambrofius, Chiyfoftomus, Pelagius, Eraclius, Leo Papa, Maximus Tau- rincnfis, Petrus Chryfologus, Fauftus Regienfis, Caefarius Arelatenfis, Vigilius Tapfenfis, Ambrofius Autbertus, Ra- banus Maurus, Beda, vel Alcuinus, Odilo Abbas Cluniacen- fis, Ivo Carnutenfis. Vol. 17. Baffani, 1797. Opera dubia it Juppojititia. Liber xxi. fententiarum ----- 1532 Dialogus quaeftionum Ixv. - - - - 1 543 Fulgentius Rufpenfis de fide ad Petrum, five de regula vers fidei .---.. 1571 Alcherus Ciftercienfis de fpiritu et anima - 1606 yElridus Rhievallenfis de amicitia - - - 1677 Hugo Viftorinus de fubftantia dilecSlionis - 1692 De diligendo Dei ------ 1 699 Liber foliloquiorum animae ad Deum - - 1721 Joannis Fifcannenfis liber meditationum - - 1766 Anfelmus Cantuarienfis de contritione cordis- 1823 Manuale 1834 Alcuini Speculum ----- 1856 Speculum peccatoris . - - - . 1878 De triplici habitaculo .... 1888 Guigonis Carthufienfis fcala Paradifi - - 1896 Honorius Auguftodunenfis de cognitione veras vitae 1907 Faftidii Britonis de vita Chriftiana liber - 1941 Paulinus Forojulienfis de falutaribus documentis - i960 De duodecim abufionum gradibus - - 1802 Hugo Vidtorinus de feptem vitiis et feptem donis Spiritus Sanfti - - - - - - - 1 815 Ambrofius Autbertus de conflictu vitiorum et virtu tum 1 820 De fobrietate et caftitate - - - - 1839 De vera et falfa pcenitentia . . - . 1849 Adfo Derbienfis Abbas de Antichrifto - - 1873 Pfalterium - - 1877 Hugo Vidlorinus in Canticum Magnificat - 188 1 De affumptione B. Virginis ... - 1887 De vifitatione infirmorum - - - - 1895 Chryfoftomi de confolatione mortuorum, fermones ii. 1909 Eligius Noviomenfis de redlitudine Catholicae converfa- tionis --...-- 1923 Sermones ------ 195 1 De Stephani martyris detedlione, tranfiatione et mira- culis ------- 2187 Contra quinque haerefes - - - - 2253 Sermo contra Judaeos, &c. .... 2277 De altercatione ecclefiae et fynagogae - - 2297 Evodius de fide contra Manichasos - - - 2307 Commonitorium de recipiendo Manichaeis qui convertun- tur ------- 2329 Vigilius Tapfitanus contra Felicianum Arianum de fide Trinitatis - - - - - - -51333 Alcuini quaeftiones de Trinitate - - - 2355 De incarnatione Verbi ----- 2361 De Trinitate, &c. - - - - - 2387 Gennadius de ecclefiafticis dogmatibus - - 2.415 Contra Fulgentium Donatiftam - - . 2427 Excerpta et fcripta Vetera ad Donatiftarum hiftoriam pertinentia ....-- 2445 Hypomneflicon contra Pelagianos - - 2545 Liber de praedeftinatione et gratia - - - 2625 Varia fcripta et monumenta ad Pelagianorum hiftoriam pertinentia ------ 2649 Profperi Aquitani pro Auguftino, contra iniquos dodlrinae illius de gratia et praedeftinatione reprehenfores 2819 Ejujdem Liber Sententiarum ex Auguftino - 2929 Index in tomum xvi. et xvii. . - . 2981 Index locorum Scripturae ... - 4035 Vol. 18. Baffani, 1797. Praefatio, &c. ----- - iii Omnium operum S. Auguftini diftributio in 18 tomes hujufce noviffimae editionis in 4°. comparata cum praeced. edit. &c. . - - - - xxii Index generalis ------ I 141 142 AUGUSTINE, Saint {continued). Vindiciae editionis S. Auguftini a Benediftinis adornatae, adverfus epiftolam Abbatis Germani, auftore D. B. de Riviere - - - - - - 941 S. Auguftini fermones inediti admixti quibufdam dubiis, illuftravit M. Denis. Refponfa ad epifcoporum Carthaginienfium fuf- fragia. Routh, Reliquiae, 5. 207 De prsdeftinatione fanftorum, liber primus. De dono perfeveranti^, liber fecundus. Profperi Opera, 23 De natura et origine animas, epiftola fecunda, &c. Bibl. Patr. Gallandii, 7. 582 Enarrationes in Pfalmos myfticos. 2 vol. 8°. Lugd. 1563 Queftiones in Vetus et Novum Teftamentum. 8°. Lugd. 1 561 Adverfus haerefes. 8°. Lugd. 1562 Sermones. 8°. Lugd. 1563 Da natura et gratia. Small 8°. Coloni,e AUTORES Historiae Ecclesiasticse. See Eu- SEBIUS. AUTBERTUS. See Ambrosius. AUXILIUS, Preibyter. Lived during the tenth century. The following writings, compofed for the purpofe of fupporting the election of the Pope Formofus, fhow fome learning, — De ordinationibus a. Formofo PP. fadlis. Cum praefatione J. Morini. Bibl. Max. Patr. 17. i Mabillon, Vet. Analeft. 28, &c, AVENTIN, John. Born, in Bavaria, 1466 ; ftudied at Ingolftadt, and after- wards at Paris; died 1534. His Annals of Bavaria were undertaken under the patronage of the Duke of Bavaria. The work was firft publifhed in 1 554, edited by ]. Zieglerus, who retrenched the invedlives which he found in it againft the clergy. It was publifhed again, with thefe paffages reftored, at Bafil, in 1580. Annalium Boiorum libri feptem. Folio. Ingoldft. 1554 AVIENUS, Rufus Festus. A Roman poet of the fifth century. See Maittaire, Opera Poet. 2. 1325 & [1551]- AVISON, Charles, Organift of Newcaftle. An ingenious mufician ; died, at Newcaftle, 1770. An ell'ay on mufical expreffion. Second edition, with alterations and large additions. To which is added, a letter to the author concerning the mufic of the ancients, and fome pafl'ages in claffic authors relating to that fubjedl. Like- wife Mr. Avifon's reply to the author of Re- marks on the EfTay. 8°. Lo7id. 1753 The Letter on the mufic of the ancients added to this edition was written by Dr. Jortin. AVITUS, Sextus Alcimus Eccdicius. Nephew of the Emperor Avitus ; Archbiftiop of Vienne in 490. He was very adtive in oppofing the Arian herefy, and took part in the proceedings of feveral councils. Died 525. Opera, curaj. Sirmondi. Epiftolae. Homilia de rogationibus. Homiliae ofto fragmenta. Opufculorum, in quibus B. Pauli epiftolae ci- tantur, fragmenta. AVITUS, Sextus Alcimus Eccdicius {continued). Poematum de Mofaics hiftoriae geftis, libri v. Ad Fufcinam fororem de laude virginitatis, liber unus. Bibl. Max. Patr. 9. 560 ; Sirmondi Opus- cula, 2 ; Sirmondi Opera varia, 2. I ; Bibl. Patr. Gallandii, 10.697 Epiftola ad Palconium epifcopum Bracarenfem. Mabillon, Vet. Analeft. 386 Epifcoporum, ac przefertim Aviti Viennenfis col- latio cum Arrianis, coram Gundebaldo Bur- gundionum rege. D'Achery, Spicil. iii. 304 Poemata. Maittaire, Opera Poet. 2, 1673 Fabricii G. Poetas Chrift. 367 Sermo. Martene et Durand, Thef. Novus, 5. 47 Homilia. Grynaeus, Lat. 1777 AVRILLON, John Baptist Elias. Born 1652; died 1729. A monk of the order of Minims ; obtained a very great reputation as a preacher, and for fifty-three years (1676-1728), either in Paris, his native place, or in different parts of France, applied himfelf to pulpit inftruftion. He cultivated algebra, and even painting, with fuccefs. Avrillon's merits, as a devotional writer, have never been contefted. A guide for paffing Advent holily. Trans- lated from the French, and adapted to the ufe of the Englifh Church. [With preface by E. B. Pufey.] 12°. Lond. 1844 A guide for paffing Lent holily : in which is found for each day advice as to pradlice, a meditadon and thoughts on the Gofpel for the day, and paffages from the Holy Scriptures and the Fathers. Tranflated from the French, and adapted to the ufe of the Englifh Church. [With a preface by E. B. Pufey.] Second edition. 12°. Lond. 1844 The year of affedlions ; or, affeftions on the love of God, drawn from the Canticles for every day in the year. Tranflated from the French, and adapted to the ufe of the Englifh Church. [With preface by E. B. Pufey.} 12°. Lo7id. 1845 AWBREY, Timothy, D.D. Sermon, Ifa. 28. 29. [May 29.] 4°. Z«W. 1715 AYCRIGG, Benjamin, S.S.E.M. Sermon, I Cor. 7. 33. The Bridegroom's coun- fellor and bride's comforter. [Wedding.] 8°. Lo7id. 1 71 5 AYLIFFE, John, LL.D. Fellow of New College, Oxford; but expelled the Uni- verfity for writing "The Ancient and Prefent State of the Univerfity of Oxford," 2 vol. %^ . 1714. Parergon juris canonici Anglicani ; or, a com- mentary by way of fupplement to the canons and conftitutions of the Church of England. Folio. Loud. 1734* AYLMER, John, Bifhop of London. Born 1521 ; died 1594. (Hiflorical colleftions of the life and ads of.) See Strype. H7 148 AYMON, John, No certain date can be affixed to the name of this writer. He lived during the feventeenth century ; abjured the Roman Catholic faith ; became a Proteftant ; abjured again ; and rewarded the Cardinal de Noailles, for the protedlion and pcnfion which he owed to this prelate, by ftealing feveral MSS. from the king's library in Paris. Monumens authentiques de la religion des Grecs, et de la fauflete des plufleurs confeffions de foi des Chretiens Orientaux, produites contre les theologiens reformez, par les prelats de France et les dofteurs de Port-Roi'al, dans leur fameux ouvrage de la Perpetuite de la Foi de I'Eglife Catholique. 4°. a la Haye, 1708 DifTertation preliminaire . - - - 1—30 Lettres anecdotes de Cyrille Lucar, Patriarche de Con- ftantinople, avec des remarques - - I Complots des Jefuites contre les Grecs - - 201 Confeffion de Foi des Grecs, tiree d'un MS. du Cyrille Lucar, Gr. et Fr. ----- 237 Concile de Jerufalem, tenu fous Dofithee, patriarche de cette ville, contre les Calviniftes heretiques, Gr. et Fr. avec des remarques ... - 259 Faufletez de plufieurs confeffions de foi - 451 Tous les fynodes nationaux des Eglifes reformees de France : auxquels on ajoint des mande- mens roiaux, et plufieurs lettres politiques fur CCS matieres fynodales, intitulees, Dodlrine, Cuke, Morale, Difcipline, Cas de confcience, Erreurs, Impietes, Vices, Defordres, Apofta- fies, Cenfures, Sulpenfions, Anathemes, Griefs, AYMON, John [continued). Apcls, Debats, Procedures, Decrets,&c. 2 vol. 4°. a la Haye, 1 7 10 For a critique on this work, fee Nouv. de la Republ. des Lettres, 35-57. AYRAY, James, A Friar of the order of St. Francis ; educated in the convent of that order at Doway ; chaplain to the Spanifh ambaffador in the reign of King James IL Sermons. Catholick Sermons, 2 vol. 8°. AYRE, John, M.A., Min. of St. John's Chapel, Hampllcad. The m}'ftery of godlinefs, in fix difcourfes on I Tim. 3. 16. 12°. Land. 1837 AYROLUS, Jacobus Maria, Societatis Jefu. Liber Ixx. hcbdomadum refignatus, feu in cap. ix. Danielis dillertatio. 8°. Roma', ij^^ AYSCOUGH, Francis, D.D., Fellow of C.C.C, Oxon, and Rcftor of North Church, Herts. Difcourfe, Job, 14. 1 4. Againft felf-murder. 4°. Lend. 1755 Sermon, Rom. \z. 3. [Jan. 30.] 4°. Lo?id. 1736 Sermon, Rev. 3. 17. [Vifitation.j 4°. Lond. 1753 AZARIUS, Petrus, Notarius Novarienfis. Chronicon de geftis principum vice-comitum ab anno 1250 ufque ad annum 1362. Accedit opufculum ejufdem audoris de bello Canapi- ciano. ' Muratorii Rer. Ital. Script. 16. 290 ABER, Emperor of Hindoftan. Died 1530, in his fiftieth year. (The Life of), by R. M. Caldecott, Efq. 8°. Lond. 1844 BABINGTON, Gervase, Bifliop of Worcefter. Entered Trinity College, Cambridge, of which he be- came fellow. M.A. 1578. Prebendary of Hereford, 1588. Bifhop of Llandaff, 1591 ; of Exeter, 1594; and of Wor- cefter, 1597. Died 1 6 10. A learned prelate and excel- lent preacher ; his ftyle is good, though not without the quaintnefs peculiar to the times. Works. Folio. Lond. 1622 Dedication, by T. C. Ff. 2 Preface, by Miles Smith - - - - Ff. 4 Certaine plain, brief and comfortable notes upon Genefis I Comfortable notes upon every chapter of Exodus 165 Comfortable notes upon every chapter of Leviticus 349 Comfortable notes upon Numbers - - - i Comfortable notes upon Deuteronomy - 149 An expofition of the Catholick faith, or the xii. articles of the Apoftles' Creed learnedly expounded - 165 A very fruitful expofition of the commandments, by way of queftions and anfwers . - - i A profitable expofition of the Lord's prayer, by way of queftions and anfwers ... - 109 A conference betwixt man's frailty and faith, containing divers comforts againft fundry temptations 231 Three fermons : — John, 6. 37. At Paul's Crofs - - 271 2 Kings, 5. 13-16. At the Court - - 289 Z Sam. 10. 1—4. Funeral . . - 299 BABINGTON, Humphrey, D.D,, Reflor of Boothby-Painel. Sermon, Pfa. loi. i. Mercy and judgment. [Affize.] 4°. Camb. 1678 BACGIUS [Ital. Bacci], Andrew. An eminent Italian phyfician of the fixteenth century; became ProfefTor of Medicine at Rome, and firft phyfician to Pope Sixtus V. De thermis, libri feptem. Opus locupletiffimum, non folum medicis necefTarium, verumetiam ftudiofis variarum rerum nature perutile. In quo agitur de univerfa aquarum natura, de fontibus, fluminibus, lacubus : de balneis totius orbis, &c. Folio. Roma, 1622 This work has been highly efteemed. It was originally publiftied 1571 : a rare edition. Republiflied, 158S, with additions. In the edition of 1622 two wood-engravings are not given. It was alfo publifhed at Padua, 171 1, with the addition of an eighth book j but that edition is not much efteemed. BACCHYLIDES, One of the lyric poets of Greece. See Poetae Graci Veteres, 2. 119. BACHERIUS, Petrus Gandensis, Sacrs The- ologia; Dodlor. Died 1601. Apologeticus pro defunftis, hoc eft, pro his qui communi mortalium forti erepti fibi ipfis, con- 149 150 BACHERIUS, Petrus Gandenfis {continued). tra malignos obtreftatores patrocinari nequeunt. Sm. 8^. Jntv. 1587 BACHIARIUS. Flouriflied 440. By fome fuppofed to have been a Briton ; by others an Iri/hman, and Icholar of St. Patrick. To take oft'his love for the world he chofe the life of a pilgrim, left he fhould become attached to fome particular place. Ad Januarium de recipiendis lapfis. Gryn^us, 485 ; Bibl. Max. Patr. 6. 1 1 74 Opufcula, I. de Fide; II. de reparatione lapfi. Bibl. Patr. Gallandii, 9. 183 BACKHOUSE, WilUam, M.A., Fell, of Chrift's College, and Vicar of Meldreth. Sermon, i Kings, 13. i. The hiftory of the man of God, who was fent from Judah to Bethel, a caution againft religious delufion. [Vifita- tion.] 4°. Cam/?. 1763 BACON, Francis, Baron of Verulam, Vifcount of St. Albans, and High Chancellor of Eng- land in the reign of King James I. One of the moft illuftrious philofophers v^'hich England has produced. Born, in London, 1561 ; died, at Highgate, London, 1626. Good editions of his works have been publifhed in 3 vol. folio, 5 vol. 4^., and 10 vol. 8°. The heft and moft complete is that defcribed below, edited by Bafil Montagu, Efq. It contains tranflations, as well as the original, of the Latin works; and is illuftrated by portraits, views, and fac-fimiles ; with a new life of Lord Bacon, by the editor. An article on it will be found in the Edinburgh Review, 65. i. Works, a new edition, by Bafil Montagu, Efq. 16 vol. in 17. 8°. Land. 1825-34 Vol. I. Eflays i Meditationes facra [Englifh] - - - 203 Of the colours of good and evil - - - 221 Mifcellaneous tradts upon human philofophy. Praile of knowledge - - - - 251 Valerius Terminus of the interpretation of nature 256 Filum labyrinthi - - - - -312 De calore et frigore . - - - 324 Letter to Sir H. Savill touching helps for the intel- ledhial powers - - - - - 337 Apophthegmes ------ 347 Ornamenta rationalia - - - - - 418 Collection of fentences ... - 427 Notes for converfation ----- 430 ElTay on death ------ 432 Vol. 2. Analyfis of Lord Bacon's Advancement of Learn- ing -------- i-lxxi Two booksof the proficiency and advancement of Learn- ing, divine and human - . - - i The new Atlantis- - - ■ - - 319 Vol. 3. The wifdom of the ancients - - i Hiftory of Henry VIL, Henry VIIL of Great Britain : the ftate of Europe - - - - - 401 Biography. i. Queen Elizabeth; 2. Julius Cajfar ; 3. Auguftus Caefar ; 4, Henry, prince of Wales 457 Vol. 4. Sylva fylvarum ; or, a natural hiftory, in ten centuries. Vol. 5. Tra