Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/englishhebrewlexOOnewmrich bD5"5C i AN ENGLISH AND HEBREW LEXICON COMPOSED AFTER JOHNSOn's DICTIONARY, " CONTAINING FIFTEEN THOUSAND ENGLISH WORDS, RENDERED INTO BIBLICAL, OR RABBINICAL HEBREW, OR INTO CHALDEE. TO WHICH IS ANNEXED A LIST OF ENGLISH AND HEBREW WORDS THE EXPRESSIONS AND MEANINGS OF WHICH APPEAR TO BE THE SAME IN BOTH LANGUAGES. BY SELIG NEWMAN LONDON PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, AND SOLD BY LONGMAN,' REES, ORME, BROWN, AND GREEN, PATERNOSTER ROW; HATCH ARD & SON, PICCADILLY; and J. NISBET, BERNERS ST. OXFORD ST. 1832. Zeplumiali iii. 9. Wkrtiieimer, Printer, 52, Leman St., Loudon. PJHdZ PREFACE The following work claims the merit of origi- nality, and though it may not be perfect, yet it is hoped, it will greatly supply the want long felt by those more advanced in the study of Hebrew. When I was applied to at first, to construct a Hebrew Lexicon upon a regular plan, I was well aware of the difficulties which I should have to encounter, particularly in the English-Hebrew part ; difficulties, which by many must be deemed insurmountable, considering the vast difference between the two languages, the former so exube- rant in words, and the latter so deficient ; and how can it be considered otherwise, (to say nothing of terms relating to recent discoveries and inventions,) if it is thought that only those words can be received as Hebrew which are found in Scripture ? I have, however, acquiesced in undertaking this arduous task, principally for the good of my numerous pupils, whose progress in that language has ever been my chief aim. Aware of the embarrassment which the inexpe- rienced would feel in attempting to compound or paraphrase a word where it is indispensable, as also knowing that they must be at a loss to make 521 VI use of proper idioms, I have endeavoured to relieve them as much as I consistently could ; and I have therefore added several thousand words, such as at first were not intended to be inserted ; to admit of which, without increasing the bulk, and consider- ably enhancing the price 'of the work, I have made room for them by dividing or omitting words, and supplying their place by a dash, wherever it was practicable. This T hope will serve as a sufficient apology for my having adopted such a method. Lastly, I have appended a number of English and Hebrew words, the expressions and ideas of which appear to be the same.* From the candid critic, (whom I need not remind not to prejudge the performance^ I have, however, this to ask, since he will find in the course of the first, as also throughout the second part of the work, parts of speech, constructions of verbs, and tenses, which are not exactly found in that single book, the Bible, that he will not condemn them as new coined ; for I have made use of no other words or phrases but such as are found in the Tal- mud and in the writings of the ancient and modern learned Jews, who, from Grammatical analogy, and by means of the kindred dialect, the Chaldee, were able to express themselves on all subjects fully ^They are mostly collected from Parkhurst's Lexicon, and, | in order (as he says) that it might tend to fix the meaning of j the Hebrew in the learner's memory, and at the same time i entertain them in finding so many words preserved in their ■ language from the primitive tongue. VI 1 and properly, and whose writings are far ^beyond the criticism of the Hebraist of the present day. T have only to add, that, as it would be useless to particularize the various authorities for certain expressions, dispersed as they are through a great number of volumes, which are rarely in the posses- sion of persons in this country, I will just mention a work in Hebrew and German, entitled "1^1^^ D'^Ii^lI^n compiled on the continent, about twenty- five years since, by the learned 3^? \2 i^"Tin"^, to which I am under particular obligations, as having afforded me excellent materials for the construction of this work. S. NEWMAN. ADVERTISEMENT, Verbs being generally considered as primitives, have (with some few exceptions) been placed before the other parts of speech. Where a word bears a variety of meanings and is differently expressed in Hebrew, that difference will be found particularly pointed out at first : as, Abiding, see Abide. Things which have only of late come into use, or are of recent discovery, and can therefore have no term in Hebrew, such must be described by their particular name in English, as also in Hebrew VIU by the general term of the class to which they belong ; as, for Coffee, must be said, I/D^p h^^ Coffee bean, or I/^i^^p nJllDDH ^VD a bean called Coffee. For Tea, ^'CO ^hv Tea leaves, or ^tO D'^^IDDH D*"^!? leaves called Tea. For a Pound weight (the standard weight of the Hebrews being now unknown) I^ID 7pti^D A dash, (as noticed in the preface) coming in the place of a word, will accordingly be repeated as often as the same word would be repeated, and also for as many words as are to be supplied : as, Adverb, 4al, ^^ for bv^T) n.Sn b^ nally, — Tnn, for h]jiir] ^^t\ ^ma. The Particle /^ which has only been made use of as a sign of the genitive, may generally be omitted, and substituted by the sign of regimen ; thus, Bib- lical knowledge, is expressed by t^*Tp "^U^lp/ID ri/n*> without hu;. As a number of compound Hebrew words, used to express one English term, will frequently extend from one line to another, the pause must not be lost sight of, for if there is none annexed to the last word of the first line, that word must be read together with the first of the next line : as, Clothier An Imperfect tense noted in English as being irregular, if regular in the Hebrew, is omitted, as it must be formed according to the rules of Grammar. As a Verb may convey different ideas by the different prepositions annexed to it, they must be noticed wherever they occur. The plural is especially set down where it is irregular. IX The Root is given wherever the word is defect- ive, unless it appear in one of the words under the same head. The Chaldee and Rabbinical Hebrew have only been inserted either for such words as have no term in Hebrew, or are most commonly expressed by the former. AN EXPLANATION OF THE ABBREVIATIONS AND MARKS USED IN THIS PART OF THE LEXICON. part. pass. Participle Passive N. noun pi. Plural prep. Preposition pron. Pronoun R. Root s. Singular or Substantive V. Verb a. Adjective ad. Adverb Ch. Chaldee conj. Conjunction f. Feminine f. s. Feminine Singular interj. Interjection m. Masculine m. s. Masculine Singular * before a word, denotes that the preceding m. s. only belongs to the word or words thus marked, and which alone must be declined according to gender and number ; and the other word or words standing in compound there- with remain undeclined. " before a word, denotes it to be declinable according to person, gender and number. ' ' if prefixed, denote the letter to be prefixed to some word ; and if postfixed, the letter to be postfixed. is instead of some word which must there be inserted. — or - supplies the repetition of the word immediately before, whether in the same line or in the preceding. The larger mark is in the place of a Hebrew word; and the smaller in that of an English. // // under some words denote that either of them may be used together with what is annexed. Hollow letters show the word to be Rabbinical. y underneath a word, denotes it to be modern. ERRATA. Agitate, for V^\ri for Appertain, to belong August, for ''TT}\;^ Copartnership,— H^tOtp read ^J.Vl — Appevtinent, belonging Deist, — — qtt?n3 -ib|) -_ m. s. — ^ wmp n^s Deluder, — see Deceiver Peserve,/or ' 'b '>!lSn * tDQ^D ib — • ' V^^^Sn tOQtt7)p-ib nVH Of. — Parah — Sarah for Unlikehood — Unlikelihood ENGLISH & HEBREW LEXICON A— ABE A, An, (is understood, as ^"J?]/ a Hebrew.) Abandon, 2iV ^ti^tOJ *nJr -ed, given up, m. s. 'ti^lOJ * H^^t 2)^V wicked, m. s. nnci^: '^Dt^ -ment/ Dt^'^tD^ *nr]^2^ Abase, ^^SCi^n ♦ ^T^^DH -d, m. s. ^Siti^ *;;3D3 -ment, *n;;*':3 Abash, D^!Dn to be abashed, D^SH -ment, HD'^^^ Abate, ];h| (the wind or illness) iD^np h^J^H R. ^^p -ment, nj^n^P *]ii;n;3 •niv'i^ the quantity abated, ;;nj; Abba, 3^ •"'n^R. n3i^ Abbey, (for men) Dw^D n^lf;r\^n^ D^^^^pni^n n^3 Abbot, 2^ Abbacy, Db? tO^^tJ^D Abbey, (for women) U/^^^D nWM^n} nW^p^^n n^2 Abbess, DSt R. DQ>^ Abbreviate, n^p_ -tion, -ture, n^Vp -tor, m. s. l-Vp.P Abdicate, iDDr ' 'D T "^i^^D -ation, HTDP* -'D ^inp'^I^P Abdomen, ]^3n"n'^]inn "p^n^n-^I/P Abdominal, -bt^ Abecedarian, 3'^^ l^^P Abecedary, H'J^ W Abet, n-ij * npn r. n^D -ment, nn:r\ * nnpn -tor, m. s. 2 , ABH— ABR Abhor, b'v} •ajin^jp.^ -rence, m.s.^j;;^ *n2V,!\r\ *VR^ -rent, m. s. hi^i?2 '2Vry: * XW -^^^' "^- ^- ^^>^^ ^^-^^ ^^.^ ^ ^ ^* Abide, (in a place) Tby Tin^ *nii^;i to support, ^"^pn *^?^3 -ing, m. s. TQlxr *nti^1^ '^?/'?P Abject, m. s. h^p ^nna *nnp? -ness, n^.^9ti? ^iinn Ability, power, n^DI *n3 skill, ^3^ Abjuration, njt/in^? IDJ^ Abjure, Hj^^n^^B ^tJ^£)3 ^^ 10^ Ablation, * 'D HH^p^ -tive, (a case) ^13^;?^ DH;:. t2p Able, skilful, m. s. b^^'t^n t!^^K -bodied, m. s. ym 'U^ ris n^i)'> ^;;3 -ness,* ris •n^i'^ *prn *DVi; ^^iy Ably, -n Abluent, m. s. pnj^D ^Hl^p Ablution, pnpjH *nnnip Abode, V. a. tl^t^hT) l^i^ T^H * Ml^^ Hl^H -N. 2mD pi. n)2mt:i r. a:^** -ment, omen, n1^^ pi. nvnii^ Abolish, btD? -able, m. s. ^^n^. AboHtion, b^t22 Abominable, m. s. 2^^^ ^^^ptl} -ness. Abomination, n^jtf iD ]^f5.^ Abominate, l^lP^ * 2p^r\ Aboriginal, m. s. ]'\01p_ Aborigines, D*":?^? DU^In Abortion, ^^3 Abortive, m. s. *)r\it iibll Above, (in place) by 'bvj^D 'nbp,^b more than, ^D nnV -all, n;iti^i^nn -cited, Vin (being the initials of) an^^H n?;;.^? over and-, m. s. vbv Abound, to be plentiful, li^p *^^1'1 to have plentiful, m. s. li^D *1»;; riilin 'D-I *1^ V: Abounding, m. s. About, round, '2'^2D concerning, H;; 5 * ^2'! b}J near to, ' '2 bring-, 2pn every vi^ay, ^J^Jt1 ^3^? Abreast, m. s. *nr ^^N *m **m^^ ^iNt ^Si^'i^t ABR— ABU 9 Abridge, IVpH -d m. s. l^p^ -meiit, ll-Vip Abroad, widely spread, 3n"197 without doors, pH/ in other countries, n:*'!^^ y^T^ Abrogate, T^n *^P5 Abrogation, HID H *h^^2 Abrupt, sudden, D^^^^^ rough, ]n^K (person) m. s. *tn1S "inpp unconnected, m. s. *"13np ^i1?H -ness, *tnS * ^It^H niTnp *nirn§ -iy,-3 Abscess, ny\2r\ * nm r. i^m Abscond, ^nnn *D7j;nn -er, m. s. Knnj 'thur^D Absence, pH^D (of mind) Hju**! rtn^pH R. t^D^ Absent, prnn (the mind) nj^/'H n'^DH -N. Absentee, m. s. * plHT ni/'i HDD Absolve, to acquit, njpj Absolved, m. s. *^p2 *11tO£) Absolute, unconditional, m. s. IDvT^D arbitrary, m. s. \*'^'1I/ not relative, m. s. "7*1?? -ly, J^CpiyH? Absolution, fllp^ -ory, m. s. nj^.5P n(Dl2 Absorb, £*^n Absorpt, m. s. V^2D * V^3? -ion, Hirb^ Abstain, lltDti^H ^^^H -inn Abstemious, m. s. nn:i V T • T • - • T IS^nipp -ness, abstinence, nn^Jn^H *m")\r? -ly,~l Abstention, HJ^'^^P Abstract, to separate, tO'^K^SH *m?(l to abridge, 1-Vp-N. IVVp -ed, separated, m. s. CDt^?D * T)?? refined, m. s. pj^tp -edly, simply, mCOt^D? separately, ni"!?? '^^^> *^^"'?^ -iv^» m. s. ID^tl/S^D 'Tn^D ^n-ypP Abstruse, obscure, m. s. (IDDD * t}^^\D * pbi/ -ness, p^y ">1D3 ^npnp Abstrusely, -3 Absurd, -ity, b^^^n 1^2 'n^i^nn -ly, ^CO|lti^P "^^S Abundance, plenty, ih ^l"*?? *i/?!i^ -dant, m. s. 2") -dantly,i;9^5 ^iH^ 4 ABU— ACC Abuse, to reproach, f\l^ '^in to ill use, * "n^^ii/r^n "hsir^ R.i;n N.^iiiii ^pjnn 'r^p2 nWi;^ Abuser, m. s. ^'l^D *n"]np Abusive, Jl^l^ ^^inn ^^-ly,^^'ip5 * ^^^^H? Abyss, Dinn pi. nlDin;^ Academy, ti^'^lf^T^^V' "i^ical, ti?"ll^n"n*'5 ^^ -mian. Accede, --i nlV-) R. HVn ♦DSpH Ch. Accelerate, IH^ * b\!^ -ation, nn\np ^H^H? -ated, -3 Accend, Ci^^^ P^^IH I^I/nH mi^H R. ni^'> Accension, np^TH ^n-lx;nn *n-)i;nn 'tt : - tt : - ''" ' ~ r Accent, Dj;On ^Ip^ Accentuate, IHlJZ? 7j; D^?^ tiW Accentuation,*]iD5^ UJJtQ flD^b^ Accept, • -3 n1^f-l ♦ ^!lj? -able, m. s. "^IVn -ably, ^IVH? -ance, il^^ni n^5p. -ation, n^nj? -er, m. s. ^5p_;p Access, hi^ ny^np -ary, abettor, m. s. HI^D ^n^Di:: R. 21^0 accomplice, m. s. •*/ "inn -ible, m. s. *V7^^ n'lp^^ -ion, n^Dln R. flD^ -ory,m.s. ^IpiD ^^ipl: '1211 Accident, Accidental, casualty, H^IpP -ally, n")pP5 Acclamation, exultation, Hynif 7lp praise, rnlD ?1p R. HT Acclivity, rijji^n n^if)? AccUvious, b^hr)} riin^ Accomodate, m. s. "li^D'^ JlD*; -date, to reconcile, ^HWH i^p:^n to supply, »n|5^ ^3^5 r. ^id -ation, n^5^? Accompanied, m. s. '^11? -niment, iTI^ *n"l?n -ny, * ^in Accomplice, m. s. "Illl *;n R. Hi/T Accomplish, to complete, U^^bpH *]11^3 to obtain, ti'^Wn to adorn, ^^3 to improve, ]pjl -ed, m. s. *'»D''^ ^^^22 ACC— ACH 5 thtt} *n^D MpriD -mcnt, ♦'^D*'^nW3 '^b:^n Mipn .. T TT ''t\; • "*: '. ' II. Accompt, pBtS^n Accomptant, m. s. — 7j^5 Accord, to adjust, HWH to agree with, DSDJl Ch. to unite, nn^ -N. r]^wr] ^hmdh *nnn^^ -ant, m. s. d^'Sdq ing,n?-^?)^^p-ingly,]5^ Accost, to address, ''yj^ "l^*^ Account, to compute, 3i^n to answer for, ]i!l!i^n \r\^ -N. computation, ]l!l^n narration, T\\Vl^J2 ^ISD on- of, nnj/n '"^^^i? *"b^y^ *'rrn'^h]:_ on whose,- ^p ^^n -book, ni:jiimn ni:ii-):)in -idd -able, m. s. *iDi; jlnti^n \ry? -ed, m. s. niti^n •aj^m Accoutre, to dress, v^ll?D *n^i^ -ment, equipage, n5D"}.p Accredit, to countenance, D*^II|i ^^tJ^3 to procure credit. Accrue, to arise by profit, illH^ Accubation, H^DH R. DDD ^mi/D T - • T T : Accumulate, nnV -d, m. s. nilV -lation, -)3V %n5Din R. T ' T ' \ • T T ^D^ -lative, m. s. P]^plD -lator, m. s. inl^; '^5I$P Accuracy, "Ij^"" * D'lVPV Ch.- Accurately, -3 Accurate, m. s. ]1DD ♦ItS^^ *DVDVX:Ch. Accurse, ")h^t Accursed, m. s. ^11 ij Accusable, culpable, m. s. Dt?^iJ m^)^ -ation, * sl'l^p Til^p"^ Dnn^. ni^^^;? -atlve, "Pli/^n on: Dt!^ Accuse, ^J^^^p^lH Jipti^n *D^Li^iS:n Accuser, m.s. ^i^^ti^ip ^l^p.P ")1:)^tD)? ]^|tt D\ti^litp Ch. Accustom, b-nr\ ♦"^3n (oneself) iin^JpH * ^rir^'"? -able, rrh^y^ * jn^p -abiy, -d -ed, m. s. b^r[ * hT\6 * ^^:n Acerbe, sharp, m. s. P]nn -ity, nV^nn (of temper,) Jl^np Ache, nio -N. ni^3 6 ACH— ACT Achiveable, m. s. n'pV"}, Achieve, H^S *^'V^ -ment, a deed, tipVD ^nh^y^ Achiever, m. s. n'0 * ^jf/B Acicular, tOinD? R. Din Acid, XD'n -ity, m):^m -ulate, ^BVi * V^H? ^H^ -ulous. Acknowledge, nilH R. riT * IDH R. -)D3 -ing, m. s. H'^M miQ -ment, min ^nns.i T TT - Acorn, nhl^H ns T - X • : Acoustic, the doctrine of sounds, tl^'^DpT} T^'^^l^ R. ni^ medicines or instruments to assist the hearing, DlDIIJl nsi'^mn R. Pin Acquaint, J^J'^'lln -ance, with whom we are acquainted, m. s. ;;7iD *-)|>5 R. id: famiUarity, njtjn'; fellowship, nii/T R. n;;-) -ed, m. s. i/Tp* • • b i;il:i Acquiesce, nt^"^ *D3Dn Acquiescence, Hli^"^ ^nDDDHCh. Acquirable, m. s. J^^ Acquire, jl^'ji^n -ment, attainment, X^'p gain, t^^O-} Acquisitive, m. s. JSS^D ' Acquit, to absolve, tl\^^ to discharge, *1^5 -ment, ilO^ -tal, Dnito?) -tance, lyit^ ^n^n|5 nn? Acre, n'ivi^rji npbn Acrimonious, sharp, m. s. ^"^IH bitter, m. s. Tll^ Acrimony, niS^nn ^minp *'^^p. Acroamatical, pD^/ W Across, tipD^^j *°nnh^ ♦nnj?! *>n^3 Act, to perform, HSi^;; *^i;| (in a play) pHV -N. 7n5; n^ifp • nh^i:^ -ion, a deed, nb''hv_, *n^i(^ a battle, n^n^P a law-suit, p^j/ "[OllJi^P -ionable, *^h^b^ ]'l^. -ive, one that acts, m. s. bv'l^ quick, m. s. ?nr Ch. *"l\n9 -ivity, nVnr ^nilN'ip -ively,— 3 Actor, a performer. ACT— ADJ 7 n'^J^D ^^3 (on the stage), pH^P ^j^^i/K^P R. Hl/t^^-ress, Actual, certain, HDS *]1:35 real, ti^^D Ch. -ually, ♦Vj^fS? npX3 * ]lD3?-ualness, n^r^p^? *n^fit^;2D Ch. -uate, put into action, HT move, ")^J^'7 uatcd, m. s. ?^"|t *"l'Ti/p Acute, sharp, m. s. \]2p * p'l R. pp*T (person) m. s. ^"^IH subtle, m. s. D^nS^ -ness, mp^ * HD");; -ly, -2 Adamant, TDti/ -ean, ")*>Dt!^3 -ine, l^DU:/ h\2} n'^D HtS^P Adapt, "inxr^n * j^pn r. jid -ion, ^n;; * nj^n Add, ''^jt; Pippin ^nisip n3n -iWe, m. s. ^pi;. Adder, ]lD^5ty *;;?V Addict, t5^'^J5 -ed, given up to, m. s. pHiJ Ch. Addition, an adding to, H^Dln -al, il^pln *^p1D Address, to speak to, 'b^ 13^ to write unto, 'b^ DJlS -N. direction,n-!.;!^^^ v'^n? ;;5?"^^ '^?^? skiii, n:un ♦;;'i5 R.!;!"* mode of behaviour, COB^D *^0?? petition, il^f^JJ? Adduce, to bring in, ^^'IT) R. ^^U to alledge, IDK Adept, m. s. p-in * inp^^^ps n\nD Adequate, m. s. "^ n1ti> -ly, ]i-)?^D-l * "Ti;/^^ -ness, * *T];; Adhere, pi'l-rence, Jl^p^H -rent, m. s. p^'i*'^ -sion, pD*! Adjacency, i^l^Hp -cent, m. s. 31") p Adjective, IHlInn Up Adieu, 'n "qpHn^. (M is put for m'n*;) Adjoin, "riK inn *"^^5 ni^n -ing, m. s. nij^ Adjourn, JDt "^nb^n nPIJ? -ment, l^t npn^JH '^^m Adjudge, OSW *-lt3 ^^^a -ment, tO^JtS^D ♦niTil 'r\h^h^ Adjunct, riDDln R.tlD^ m. s. pniD ^nSHD * 1:d g ADJ— ADV Adjuration, m^MP Adjure, JJ'^pn Adjust, to settle, H^tl/n to put in order, *3'»P">n * ]pn '^^1 n;?^';n-ment,n^^L^^n ^ny^^n *ppn 'n2pr\ Administer, to supply, p^?)ji^n * p'^?)pn * ^?^3 R. ^13 Administration, ilf^apn * h'3^'2 -rator, m. s. Dli^n^^^lSt Ch. Admirable, to be admired, m. s. ^^$3 -ably, i^\^?n^ Admiral, Dn^^^^H D'^^-VD 21 -ship, 21 nilp? -ty, — ^si^j^n niip? Admiration, i^^a '(iH^n Admire, Hb^) ♦K^V^H Admirer, m. s. H^DIj^D * Vri/? ^^?? Admit, jn; *n^"l.n (entrance) i^l2^ <7,!i^"in ]n; -table, m. s. ]r)^^ TI^i^T -tance, HiS^nn *mS!^-| ']VfiJ^"! Admonish, n^blH ' in\n R. HD*" -ed, m. s. "inn -er. Admo- nitory, m. s. n^DiD * •^^^?/? Admonition, Hnjin ^nnntK Adopt, npb (as a child) p?.^ J5^ Hp^ -ion, HH^p'? Adorable, m. s. ^^HP * D/pl"ip -ation, homage, * HIDDll nhnn Divine worship, U^tib^ ^T^^. Adore, I'lil Adorn, I^Jl niy -ment, niH * ^IJJ Adrift, m. s. pjv R. ^^)i *nnb Adroit, m. s. THD *fnn -ness, nn\'ip ^n^V^i^n -ly, -1 Advance, (in age) D^p\5 ^^'12 (a loan) tlwH to aggrandize, ^n;n to bring forward, T^H jn^n R. }J)i^ * U: to propose, y'Vl -N. a loan, n^]hn -d, m. s. ^15 n^H ^i;;;! -ment, 7M^ Advantage, to improve, y^^^n to promote, ^^i/lH R. hi^"^ -N. -ous, m. s. 3iC0 • ^^i?lD -ously, ^ID}^ M^*^?^?? -ousness, n^j;ln *]'\in\ *]'\ip2 Advent, a coming, HJJI'^n R. ^^13 -itious, accidental, H^pp ADV-AFF ^* -ure, to try, np5— N. J1^D3 * ri")pp -urer, one who tries, m. s, nD5P a" unsettled person, m. s. J^S*1 *7p_ R. ]/1^ v7p -urous, dangerous, D^^D Ch. -urously, — D Adverb, bi;§n -)^^in -lal, - -ht^ -ially, - -^'I'Tn Adversaiy, m. s. ^I.^np *|pg^ *3^,1J^ *-)^ Adverse, -ly, oppositely, 1J3^ Adversity, nnV * Hj;/'! *3Vi; Advertise, to inform, X/nlH to publish, D""!!!^ i^^l'^'^ -ment, nvy\D 'D^2ih nvi'\D -er, -ing, m. s.;;_nl)D R. i;t Advice, nvj; * D];0 Advisable, -ness, HJlD? HVj; Advise, Vr^ -diy, ri'ii^lnnns ^njgin ni:^^n Adviser, m.s.^;;i^ Adulation, ^D^D R. hho -tor, -tory, m. s. hohoD * Pl?.in Adult, m. s. ^115 * ::'\^ pi. d'^C!>:k Adulterate, D^i? (liquors) SlD (metals) ^1D -erated, m. s. 2yf? '^^n^ *-3^p -oration, n^n-)if ^Hnnj/ri *nni; -erer, -erous, m. s. ^H)2 ' fl^^;:: f. s. nD^^1^ *r)t:^^3D -erine, D^^l^t Tl^jn-ery, ^^i^: Advocate, y^h?2n * y^^hn r. y^h -n. p^?j -ation, nTht? Aerial, belonging to the air, ")^1.5;it Ch. 7t^ lofty, Hiil -ology, i^))^n nnin r. ni> -ometry, Tibi^n ninp nDpn -onaut, m. s. ")'^1^5tB*j;/pl3 -oscopy, "I'^lSin n^^^HB -ostation, -)^\sin nj/^pj-ostatic,--'?^ Afar, pinn;? * ?^1^^ Afeard, m. s. i^-)** * TPISi ••T - T AfTabihty, civility, MID'^jt/? condescension, Hl^l/ -able, m. s. D^^j n^if R. n^i; -ably, mjxra *mD^j;?3 Affair, -in^ * t;?i^ * ?0V Ch. Affect, to move, nb'D, l^ifH R. "li;/ to imitate, H^'in (for nD*ir\n) to aim at, JID -ation, ^l^^lH -ed, conceited, m. s. n^^r\D moved, m. s. "h *VVD IDH R. HDH * bH *1"'9r!'] ''"^P?? afflicted, m. s.^Vj^J -edly, conceitedly. 10 AFF— AFO r\)^?11 hypocritically, ^^H 3.^? -edness, nii^il -ing, mov- ing, m. s. nnil/p imitating, m. s. Hl^'ip -ion, love, * HSH •^?L?^? ^- ^^J^ sensation, HV^^SnH -ionate, m. s. y\:r\ *D^n'\ •D^P^n*^^^D-ionately,^^?^5*n^:9^"ln Affiance, n'^'lll Ph^ to betroth, ti^li^ -N. nn.? * fiS^nt^ Affidavit, nil^:iW Affied, nn35 ^N3 m. pi. M^n *^^;;5 Affiliation, m. s. T^h nh *1^ HH^^ Affined, m, pi. D^J^np * D^DlIp Affinity, nUn.p. Affirm, "ibij *tO'^n -able, true, ]1DJ -ation, declaration, * lISp IDN confirmation, HCO^n * DVP ^n^;!J^^ -ative, ^nUTTI ntDhn b^ r. mn -ativeiy, nv»n n ^ nco^n^ T T -: V *' • : XT-;- Affix, pnnn 'ipvD *"'3n Afflation, --n nn^Dii Afflict, -)h^ ^n^lHR.nj*' *i\^7n *n3j; *n^Vi!D ^P^V-"? R. pi^ -ed, nnv? m. s. ai^n *n3i;;_ *3v;; *n,iii -ion, "i^P *n-)V *r^' ''"^^^l *'^Ji? *3vj; ^n)P1^;-ive, m. s. -ini^; ^ n^j^^ip * npx/d) * d'^v:??.?^ * P^VP Affluence, afflux, nj^?;i^ '^/^ti^ ♦nS Affluent, abundant, m. s. 3T vrealthy, m. s. "T^^;/ Afford, (to bear expences, or to sell) TSW]^^ vID^ to produce, i^'^nn R. iSu to grant, p} *nn Affranchise, W^X^ Affray, ,Tpn ♦ Hn^p R. nn Affright, 0"^^ *nn=:)n*^r(i;!i-N. n;!2^i^ nnsi ^nni;!l Affront, D^^?n * pj-in * D^^jH -N. m") finb ^nn^^? -ive, m. s. D^;;?P *D^^5D Affuse, p'^^;; Affusion, Hj^'^VI Afloat, m. s. r\^)i nn'^ Afore, in time past, O^'JD/^ * Dlj^p in front, HJIt^J^n^ -hand. AFO-AGO 11 m. s. D^lpn * Clp -going, m. s. Dip -said, m. s. Afraid, m. s. NT * JN1 Afresh, again, D;;?) TI;; *T\^yD ' I^W After, in imitation of, "1D3 behind, «n^^«t -math, * K^jP^ ^^XVi) ^ti^^HD 'Xy^^D -noon, Dnn^^ nHi^ -thought, • T • T - • T ' •TT:t ..-J- O ■> JPJn ^fi^^ ^'^^^ I'^^i;^ -wards, -inK Again, moreover, *Tli/1 a second time, rr^il^ *31tJ^ *Djt?§ "T^-tf Against, in opposition to, "TJ?^ over-, *°n^if^ ^^^'l^^ Agast, m. s. T\^i:;^r\n * nij^r);^p * opln^p Agate, 131^ ^n'Dl? Age, generation, 111 century, HJ^ 'I^P decUne of Hfe, IRt * njpT * 17n of-, m. s. "IDV;? ni:^-)5 Aged, (person) m. s. ]ip.r * D'^ip^n • K3 * m^p\ -(thing) m. s. |Ci^;^ Agency, managing another's affairs, Hllp^ * ]111P"ID R. DID Agent, m. s. TRD ^ -)pnp Aggrandize, 71^ -ment, Jll/'l^ Aggravate, to provoke, D'^i??n to make w^orse, ^"IH R. i?n -ion, Djg? * n;;-in nlnnn Aggragate,V?p_'^D5ii ^3$? -N. ^^? *r]p ♦\*^3p ^'^?)*'p^^ -ly,^^?n *^p5 M?)'P^?3 Aggress, ' '3 rT)| -ion, m. s. XT)yr\ -or, m. s. ni^p Aggrievance, D^H Aggrieve, ID^V^ -d, m. s. DJOn? Agile, m. s. -I^HD Agility, nn^Hp Agitate, ^/'^TH ^I/'^^H -(a question) HSI (in mind) If^H -ation, nj;;jr *nj^i:n ^ nio^i -ative, m, s. ^rj/jp *jy^;p *n?]p Ago, long ago, D^Jl D^P*P a month ago, a year ago, // V // T T Agoing, m.s.'^fjln ^J/JR.i^li fp AGO— ALA Agonize, m. s. HiJi/p * ^^'^'^ Agree, to -to, "^ D'^) 'W. D3pn Ch. to -together, ]15n m^ na nvn n^irr* to strike a bargain, '"DV HWH -able, pleasing, m. s. H^^J * D"^]/5 (to the senses, as hearing, smelling, tasting) m. s. ^'IV (person) m. s. DlCO Dj;/^ ti}^^ suitable, "^^3 -ableness, pleasantness, DJl^ * mi*]jt? -ably, pleasingly, —2 consistently, ]iDD7 -d, they -together, inn"^ ^Iti^n IID'^SDH -ment, concord, nilH^^nn bargain, T t; ■■ Agriculture, riDl^H niini? -ist, m. s. DDl^, *12'\iJ Ague, rjn\pn ch. nm\i "-^^M Ah, •'in * r\r\^ * r]r\ Aha, n^^ ^^ ' T -: T ' T Ahead, further on, nN/H rashly, m. s. /HllUp Aid, nfjt; -N. nnrxf * nrx; -ing, m. s. -in;; -less, -iry \^^ii Ail, rtTTI -ing, m. s. Hyh -ment, vH * 117110 Aim, 1513 *l"^5n -N. mj3 *1JDP -less, HJI? *'^5 Air, to expose to the air, TVTw ^''^111 to warm, DHn R. 'DDn -N. wind, XVn the element, l*>;ilSl Ch. gesture, HiS^Dn a tune, llill'l *^iy -iness, exposure, T^Tw ^^5tV1^ gaiety, n^ 3ito -ing, ninn j^^^iz^^' I^DP -less, -i\'!J^ ]^i??n -pump, nil p'^ip -y, gay, m. s. Dy ^i^ windy, H^D Aisle, nh^T^ n^5 2i5i^nn Afar, m. s. r\^^pD HinB Akin, related to, m. s. ' 'h lllj^ alike, m. pi. D^ipln Alabaster, m^t:^ Alacrity, n1l^n9 ^ ninir ch. Alarm, to surprise, linn to call to arms, iluDlJ^;?^ J/IH R. i;ii -N. tj^jgi ^niin^HOT^p n^iin -ing, m. s. ALC-ALL 18 Alcohol, a powder, p'l p2^ brandy, f\W y!^_ Alcoran, D^S^J!??^1l! ^T^ "^^^ Alcove, nUp Alderman, -j^j/n VJt/V Ale, n^ti; -gar, l^ti^ j^Oh -house, 1^11/ HIl^f/D n^l Alert, m. s. Tpt:^ * piH -ness, mTj?;:^ * r^'ivnn Alien, n?J *-)J R. "lit -able, DDV R.22V saleable, m. s. -|:3Q^ -ate,3^Dn *iDD *-)3: (the heart) 2^ I^DH -N. m. s. -)-|iD * iriD -ation, Hn^DH * HIOD (of mind) T T • -: T • : ' D^D "^i:i:?> *n;!'i ^3^? R. bb2 Alight, Th; (from a beast) hvj? ^^J Alike, with resemblance, m. pi. 'D'^W *D^p11 R. Hlti^ * HDl • O • O (as V^1"r^it? 13^3 Hke master like man.) Aliment, (17373 -al, alimonious, m. s. 73/3^ R. 7l3 Alive, m. s. "^H keep-, H^n * H^nn All, ^3 at-, HDIi^D not at- nD^^D Ti^ -one, l^^? IH ^SH -over, 733 Allay, (metals) J^'D 3 3"!;^ to pacify, j;;''^")n -N. D*"^^? Allege, to affirm, D^H * T^Jil -able, m. s. 1^] -d, m. s. 1511 R. t:: Allegiance, 113;;.^;:^ Ch. * n;;;3n -ant, m. s. TS^ti^P *j;j3? Allegory, ]1*>P'n * ^^D ^t^^ll'l -rical, -^ll? Alleviate, H^nn "^pH R. ^^p -tion, -tive, m. s. ^b"^pD V ; - Alley, riyr] * nXlVD Alliance, nn3 (by marriage) IIDH Allies, nn3 \^^3 Aiiision, nti'^;^ *-P|99 Allot, --^ ]™ p^n -ment, n:jn;3 *n^D 'phn *^3n Allow, to grant, ]h^ (an allowance) ph ]ilj to permit (him) l3r)? nr\xn;?^-in to admit, "^ niinR.nT *D3pnch. 14 ALL— ALT to abate in selling, r\}^1JD tflj -able, m. s. jr^) ^HK^T -ance, Jl'^Si^-) '^^V^ ^PH? *P'^ Alloy, ^ns *-ap Allude, Dh *rb-ich. Allure, nna * i^^l^n * H'^'in * n^pn R. n^'D N. -ment, ''in?) M^^^?^^ ^D'^l? * n^pp * t:^j?.lD r. ts^p*" -ingiy, ]ii^^^?)? * nnpnn Allusion, ton * nr*»D-) -sive, m. s. T^HD Ch. Ally, rr^nn nhs (by marriage) \nr\nn -N. m. s. *|rjnp Almanack, HJt^H Hl^ pi. nlHI^ Almighty, ^"IJti^ Almond, l]^^p * nip.^ pi. Dnp.^ Almoner, m. s. Hp^lV ^^?^ Ch. -y, nl^ril? np.^H M'^n Almost, 'tDi;?^ Alms, HjPiv * C)'^'!^^?.^ n;jn;5 -house, d^ v^^n rv^, Aloes, D^^^^^"n^^ Aloetic, -^SJ^' ' • T t: • ; Aloft, above, 'pj;? * h^r^D R. H^' on high, DlID * Dn? Alone, -nn ^nn^ *niTn^!i Along, at length, ^"}i^h onward, H^t^H -with, VJJ all-, • T T •• Aloof, piniD Aloud, ^115 ^ip? Alpha, p)']^^? -bet, y^n nvni>^ -beticai, n'^^^ nip? Already, nni? * nv'D * "in? Also,D5 *^^it Altar, nD3 (for sacrifices) HStD Alter, to change, Ullti^ ^^''^'Hri to reform, ]pn -able, m. s. n^if;] *tlbn;» ^li^n^ -ant,m.s. n0t? *>i^^np *jpnp ALT— AME U ation, w '^^hn *]^pr\ -ative, toyp tojfpn ^^a*^n -cation, 2'*"1 " Hl^l R. n^"^ -nate, -nately, -nation, nl£)*'^n -native, D^n^p nm nyn:^ Although, D:iQ^^ ^3 D5 f].^ Altimetry, UMH nTlD n^DH Altisonant, high sounding, D''D*)1 D\711nil 0*^*15'^. Altitude, height, ^35 * Dn Altogether, completely, 7^7? * ^/^ without exception, ^THij^? Alum, *in3 Always, constantly, jlif DJt/D 7p!l perpetually, * CD/li// • T Am, (is understood, as "^iJSl I am.) Amability, D^jli * ]n R. * pH Amalgam, U^m -ate, J1D * n^i/ -ation, l^^n^lli; Amasment, ni^^ * V'^Bp^ * H 5•^P^? Amass, -|r^* 75^ *J^b^«t Amateur, (of arts) iJ^D HDDn 3ni.^ R. I:T -ory, ^^/ Amaurosis, D^J^j; niH^ R. HHO Amaze, astonish, DDl:^ * ^'^b^n -N. -ment, * ^ID^^ " ^?^|) n0 -edly, -3 -ing, m. s. i^^^5? ^J^^D? -ingly, Ambassade, n^^^?^5 -dor, ^^bD * I'^V Amber, DHVP ^S? * ^P^H -gris, "^nV Ambiguity, -guous, m. s. HDpP * D^HD -guousness, H^CP -gusously, —2 * P??P5 Ch. Ambition, 3^ n^Hnj -ous, m. s. -1133 * ^iTfl*! * 2b * H^f Ambuscade, Ambush, the lying in wait, m. s. "7 ^T])^ a place of surprise, 3*^^.0 Ameliorate, ]pr\ Amelioration, H^fyi Amen, ]ps W AME— ANA Amenable, m. s. * llS^H \r)h *Tpif * ^py^, M^P Amend, to grow better, ^n*n 3"•p^^ ^il^njl T}/\J^ ^"^^ -ment, reformation, H^lti^ri recovery of health, ^^^^D■! improvement, \^'pPi Amends, recompence, 71021 satisfaction, D^piv'ti^ Amenity, niton lf2Vp Amerce, mV -ment, mV Amethyst, n^/Hi^ Amiable, m. s. 3in§ * ]n *bjl2 -ness, ]n 'DH': *r^^2'}V. Amicable, m. s. ^IVn -ness, ]^)i'^ -ly, — D Amid, Amidst, " "^inn ' "2 Amiss, CO=it^DD N^ * h^V Amity, nini< * ninn^. Ammunition, n;::n^o^ nny *nip "^^3 Amnesty, nn'^VP Among, Amongst, "*^^n5 ^''pS* "2 Amorist, ll'l * 1^^^D Amorous, m. s. Iinn^ *")"l1t;D -ous poem, D^3Ja n">^ -ously, pJ^H^ * nani^S Amount, *^ni;n tibji -N. ^-ii; * ^"in ^p Amour, nan^^ ^n^^^. Ample, copious, pfiD *3"1 wide, m. s. npP -ness,*rnn p12)P **"l-l-! -liate, -lify, nnH ^^^"l^H -liation, -lification, npsDH *nmnn-iitude, Hli *m"i 'T T ; ~ T T ; — ' V ~ V Amply, nm *n5 Amputate, nhS * V^jP -ation, Hnn? 'H^'^Vi? Amulet, ^'^JDj^ Amuse, to entertain, VJ^^J^tl} to deceive, H^n Amusement, ;;i::^jt;;i^ Amusing, m. s. j^ti^I/^P Anachronism, D^JTli/n ^IVt^^S nii/O ANA— AN K 17 Analcct, D^'^ll^^ Dn3n;9P D^pip^ Analoo^ical, ]1^P"1 ^"11? -gous, m. s. ••? Df2')1 -gy, li^D*! Analysis, Tng -tic, 111 § W -lyze, Tn^H Anarch, m. s. ^?>?P R. hh2 -y, S^nun^ *^1B^3 Anathema, D")n -tize, D^'inil Anatomist, m. s. nri3p Anatomy, niDSH nippH Ancestors, nl^lj Ancestry, nSt H^B * Hl^lD R. ^T^"^ Anchor, \:'\j:2 ihn -N. .T^i^^n-J^i]/ -age, ground for anchoring in, —I^'I'^rin J^lpD Ancient, old, ^^blH (person) ti}^U}^ long since, D7i?.P 'fy* D*'?1*:fJ5n D^p^n -s, who lived formerly, D^'^lt^i^l nl3JJ And, 1 (always prefixed, as 7^1 and all.) Androginal, D^^P^ R. HDtO * PlJ^h'^m Anecdote, ni^^j/O ")V::iP Anew, tr^inzD * n^'y^ T T •• Angel, D'^^7^?"'^^?^P -ical, like an angel, — D Anger, D^ypH *P1^VP.^ ^t^^lH -N. D;;? *^V)? *?;?'! Angrily, — H Angry, —^7D Angle, nsnn ;i^i'n r. ^n *jn -n. (to fish with) n^n a corner, j;Vpp * HJS ^Jl^lT R. HIT Angular, nll/VJ^P Anguish, -iivD ^HT^ *plVD ^np^1vp Animadversion, "ID1D %nn:Dln -vert, iD*" *n^::ln R. HD"^ Animal, a living creature, n*n gross, Dt^iJ Ch. Animate, to enliven, iTH * n";nn to stir up, 2^ XJ^.^ I^?.D -N.n*n i:^5p -ed, m. s. '^H *3^ \'*'P>? -ation, the act of animating, 27 ilV"^?^'"? -ative, tending to animate, m. s. Animosity, H^ ^j^ * n^2\l^ Ankle, ^Dlp 18 ANN— ANT Annals, D^P*n"nni Annalist, m. s. -"l^StQ Annats, first fruits, D^in^S? annual masses, HlD^^ ^"l^tL? T T : T T // •• • T • T // • T • Annex, TD^n n^n * "TH: -N. m. s. T^V? '">5D'? Annihilate, nnDH *T'3i^n -ed, m. s. n^D? *135? -ation. Anniversary, n:3ti^n-n3j^-n;:D n;D^D^-D\'::'^^ m ^ tt: //tt "• t-t//'t: Anno-domini, Dn^^liin riro*? H^ti^ Annotation, -|1^B 'niVn -tor, m. s. -i^;tnp * "inll/p Announce, n?2^3 *>''*!in -ment, Hniti^-i * lij/^i;:: R. v^^ Annoy, D^I/DH * V^^, ' "^"^V ' V^^ -^^^^e, D^;? '^nh *nn^ -er, m. s. D^^pD ^^Dl^ ' nnl^ Annual, D^^^^ '*n:i^h -ly, HD'^;::'^ D''D^^ 'Hiti^i n:::^nD •t: tt; '^ T«T -t; tt; tt Annuity, H^t^h ph Annul, K^:n n^DH *^o:a Annunciate, 12i^5 Annunciation-day, Hlj^n ^"^"^ Anoint, \m2 PIJ^D Anomaly, Hir -lous, IIDD COSti^^D t^^^i^ Anonymous, D(^ 721 *'^?1;::?K Another, not the same, m. s. IT}^ one more, m. s. *ltl^ lli? Answer, to reply to, n^^H ' HJi; to solve, pH Ch. -N. n^WPi *n3jg.;5 *^n.]1 -able, accountable, 1^^ li;! admitting of reply, X^Vi^ suitable, m. s. ^IDJ Ant, n^O: T T : Antagonist, m. s.*T|3np ']:g'^ *-)^ Antarctic, H^^H *3^5 ^;^ Antecede, D*lj5 -cedence, nD^*Tp -cedent, m. s. 'D'lp -cham- ber, D^l^^ noting} -date, \t2\ D^fpn -diluvian, m. s. h^2r^n ^:^h *n\n Antelope, "^nV pi. ^^^y^ -meridian, Dnn-^n ^55) -mundane, in^l h^h 1101^ -penult ANT-APH 19 njiini^n;? n^p'^hwn n}i^:r\ r.;;i: -nor, m.s. ♦Dip ^;^h -riurity, nDnj? Anthem, ti^lp HT?:^ Antic, m. s. DWD * hbjiD Anticiy, n^bh^\^ Antichrist, nVl^ ^^""b *Ti)?n? -ian, DnVlSn nilD 1-3: R. ni'' Anticipate, to prevent, "D ^^T^ to foretaste, DJ^H nJn D^:?D>'p -cipation, 'D Hpii^n *D^;?.^p ]??pT}^ r'^^O -convulsive, n^^H ."I'i'n^nn ^\>;n R. ^in -cosmetic, m. s. ni^n^n '^pl'^ n'^npD -dotal, -dote, DP7 npni;! nmn R. P]n -monarchical, m. s. r\bD ^h'^DDh 1230^ -pathy, hv'^ -podes, ir^;n nl2)!3 ^1D Ut^V -podal, — ^;^ Antiquarian, ni'^:3iD7p_n J1D^?P (i^Hll -quate, n-?3 -que, m. s. n^n * (^13 R. itt^*" -quity, time past, nV^iDni^H D^^^ long ago, D^nn D'^D'^p Antiscorbutic, m. s. 315 H "^ti^ln -thesis, contrast, "iniD CD^t^p opposition of words, D'^I^^^np^H Dnn.1 nr n^^ nr -thnitarian, t^^^^^n n^j^5 ^V^^ -type, -typical, m. s. n^^.VD R. IIV Anvil, Dj;§ Anxiety, trouble, HJiJI. Anxious, J t^T Any, (thing) nD"! M^^lb^P (person) H^KT t^\S^ (man) T Apace, ti/^n *nnnr2^, ^r?n3 Apart, pinnp n3^ R. "na -ment, IIT} Apathy, coldness, r\^^7I^5^'7 "'P^ indolence, T^r?'^il Ape, 7nn -N. a monkey, ^1p a mimic, m. s. /Tinp Aperient, a purgative, IDJID IDUD WW? Aphorism, 773 20 APO— APP Apocalypse, ITtn pi. DiiVrn R. HtH -tical, ~hp Apocripha, t^ip ^^'y,^h nlHspp -1, nfpp Apologize, p''"TVn*V\^n R.p^ (oneself) ^^mr} *b'^^T\7} Apology, t:^£)3 nip5 ^mp'i^pvn * ri^^-v^nn Apoplexy, DliSn?)"!!??) * p1]1^n"'^^1n -plectic, -^^ Apostacy, Hl^S^P '}JU}^ -ate, m. s, IDID nn*1 I^DD R. -T^D • DDlfii^n -atize, m. s. *in'1 "I'^DH Apostle, on vi3n nninn noiD r. ht ^hd'^ Apothecary, HDnn^ rinpiD npl") Apparatus, furniture, n^jn ^^3 tools, HD^^p \^3 Apparel, U}2h '^'Hlbn -N. ^^n*?^ n;53 ^^03 R. HDD Apparent, m. s. ^^b^ R. H^: *D';:''i;.^ m^n? Apparently, Apparition, a spectre, ^^^5^ rvim pi. nlivrn R. nrn Appeal, D^ti^p ^^Ipn -N. CDpL^^D rin^JpH Appellant, m. s- mpr2 *:inp;? Appear, n1^^")n * Dt?\T^ -ance, show, niSt^Q Appease, D'^^Q "1^5 * H*^"! **l?!i^ -d, (one*s anger) m. s. npp^ *in9n (a longing desire) m. s. *i]i;;i H'lnp.ni -ment,nn§? '^^)^'l Appellation, title, ^^^'2 U\l} a name, U^/ pi. V^'O^ Appellative, ^bh^ DVj; D^ • Append, nsn * ntp -age, -ix, "11 -in *nnspp Appertain, to belong, "b ^bm (as ^^^^ IDv't^ or ^IH 13^ it belongs to us * TM^'^ ^U7 who do you belong to ?) Appetite, hunger, ^?''5^?^ T\))^T\ longing, Hl^^ri Applaud, mp * ^^15 Applause, U^f * HDl -l Apple, n^2jn (of the eye) ]y_ p2 ^22 Applicable, |13^ *"^^i^'l -cation, the act of applying, Hp^Jj/n n^DH industry, ''b ^b m^P *mVnn -cant, m. s. APP— AHA 21 TDhr\ Apply, to study, Tb^ to suit to. \^pn 'l^lD to adress to, "7 "IZl'l Appoint, to fix upon, hi!, DW Tp^JH Ip^^n ^I'^^l nhn to determine, pn -ed, m. s. p^H^ (place or thing) l^TlD (time) TJ^rlD (sum) ^D'^n m^^ (man) "linn ^^r)]/ S^^-'^jt -ment, a salary, ph a post, HTip^^^ip^^^tion, 11^?^ * rTTIi/Jl Apportion, pvll Apposite, m. s. pDj -ly, -D ^nm *"n^:h -ion, njDin R. PID^ A ppraise, ^^"Ijn -ment, ^1^ -er, m. s. T^"]];/? Appreciate, 2i^n Apprehend, to arrest, K^DjT) to comprehend, ^^i^H * p2n to fear, iST -sion, Hti^^iin ' Hy^H ^^:n^ *n>^-l^ -sive, m. s. pn;? \s-i;! Apprentice, "]^:n -ship, ^^^'^^^T;]:! "^^B^n "'D^ Apprize, ;;nin *trx n^^ n^5 -ed, --^ j/ii: nh^: t^n Approach, to draw near, 3np^ * L^JJ -N. m^lp * n;?^^. Approbation, l1^^'^ R. HV"! ^npSpH Ch. Appropriate, to set apart, /"l^n * ti^lpH Appropriation, Approvable, m. s. nVni 'D^P.;' Ch. Approve, ' '1 ni^") * D^^DDH -ed, m. s. '^1^^■J ^D^DO Ch. Approximate, m. s. 3l1j^ -ation, Jll^Hp Appurtenance, "7 Iti^Sl April, |D^: •;1c^^^^-)^t:^■T^ Apron, rrnl^n Apt, ready, m. s. -T^Hp '\2M2 R. ]1D *^1^X; Ch. qualified, m. s. ^IKn -itude, njIDn *]1")tr3 -ly, ]1-)5r?-l M^^J? Aquatic, D";»5 »H5 -educt, 0^5 H^j^n ^IK Arab, ^'ly^ Arabia, n^g Arabic, 0"^?-)];; p:2^^ S2 ARA-ARI Arable, nJ*^ Aration, HK^nH Arbiter, Arbitrator, m. s. It^DD -rariness, H'lV^^iy. -rarily, -2 -rary, m. s. y^lJl -rate, "l^S * V'^H -ration, * nn^5 Arboreous, D^VI?. ^^ -"st, m. s. D'^V^fC' nVJ^^tO? -Ijpnp Arbour, HSD R. ^DD Arcade, nis?n "inp R. ^1^:: Arch, ^33 -N. part of a circle, n|iD the sky, 'D'^J^Wn n^S a chief, mi ^^iT5 -angel, t^NHH r^^^O -bishop, ti^^i-)^ ]l^jn ch. in2"|^p -deacon, ^^pD:?nn Tj^§ ]n3n"]3P^ -deaconry, n^pp -duke, ^^^NIH f]^h^ Archer, ri^p_ nni") ^n hii^ -y, vn n'^n^ ^?^.^P Archetype, m. s. "I^VP R. "IIV Archiepiscopal, t^^t^in irl3"(^P ^^ -pelago, D•^^.^? nj Architect, a builder, D"^3in 3") -ure, J'^^H UDDH -ural, — ^r Archives, D''T3-1 M"'!! Arctic, n^?lDV Ardent, eager, m. s. P)p5? * P)?."iJ^P Ardour, t]Di * Hpjltr^n Ardently, —1 Ardous,m. s. n^|5 ni^ Are, (is understood, as ^J^^^? D^^^? we are bretheren.) Area, a surface, "HlDp * D'^?^ Argue, riDjn *n?l]pn *^g^5P R. ^^D -ment, ^^^^^^ Arid, m. s. ^21 *2ir\ Aridity, tt^y^ n^h Aries, (the sign of the Zodiac,) HyP vtD Aright, piv? *")^''3 *i1:dj? Arise, to stand up, Dip to ascend, Hv^ Aristocracy, D^'^nn ]1D^PP -tical, ^^ Arithmetic, n^t^^nn HDiS^D -al, --"'D^ -ian, m. s. ARK— ART 28 Ark, nnn -m^ TV ' T Arm, to take up arms, npn?^? V/HH *ntSI]in to provide another with -s *p'^"!n -N. the Hmb, J^llt (of the sea) D»n ]'\ti;b -bearer, D^^D ^^Ci^13 -pit, H^^V^ -ament, a naval force, nV^b^H ^^TH a store house, T^^^DD -ed, m. s. p^n -ipotent, nmbn -)13| -istice, n9n7;pn nTpx;. -our, lO?.^ *P??^^. -ory, a repository for arms, pti'^ ri^5 ensigns armorial, JlTlBpt^n T^DT^h -s, weapons, n?2nbD '^^:D-y, xn^ *^»n Aromatic, n'^'l ]hj Aromatize, np^in *DSS^3 Around, D'^DD Arouse, -inii; *-orn Arraign, D^?^^itn ^^b^ -ment, H^ti^i? 'H^tD^^ Arrange, T?'!? ' T1i!.'tJ *'^1P -ment, HJpn ♦^^n^ niD Arrant, very bad, m. s. ll^p ^1 Array, to put in order, *^^"ljt?n to dress, t!^5f D -^' i^ order of battle, n?2r\hBn riDir^ dress, D^l)2 T^V Arrear, UlnH "IH^ Arrest, to seize on, ii;^r\ to stop, "iVj^ -N. nK^'^^jn *")VjyD Arret, n'^.D^^H niT^ DJnS) Arriere, n1:n?n f^Di^tp Arrival, n^S^!! Arrive, iSll *j;;"^5n R. ^}2 Arrogance, 3^ ]i1T R. Tit ^mt;; * HJX/n R. tt]/ -gant, m. s. *TrTrp *r^^2^ r;; -gantiy, n^ liin *mrj;-i -gate, to claim proudly, m. s. *13pp 111715 ti^p.5 ^^ assume, nj^^Hil Arrow, \r] R, V^H * J^^i^"! Arsenal, p:j^: n^B * HVS^n Art (is understood, as nillSt "^D? ^'^o^<^ «^^ ^hou ?) -N. science, n^^^i^ skill, r\y\2r\ cunning, n^ij^ U ART— ASP Artery, p^l-qn T.1 pi. B^^plil/ * DH^-? Artful, cunning, m. s. Dll^ -ness, HDnj^ * nD"!P -ly, -3 Article, "d;; n?nn niti^n -n. a stipulation, ^K3^ * n^^wn (the definite-) HlJ^l^n 'H Articulate, m. s. inB * t^lpi^ -ly, "n^?!? *ti?1")Q:? -ation, the act of pronouncing, Artifice, fraud, npiP ^^^P"? ^D'^'??? *™i?^ -^^^^^ Artillery, Hn'i n;p ^-Ip^^p '^^:p Artisan, a tradesman, HDb^^P ^^^5 "ist, i?0^^ * 3?^^^ Artless, honest, m. s. DH unskilful, m. s. njlD^^ ^#*"^?P -ly, nrp^^^v^ ^b'D, As, because, ^3 in the same manner, "Iti^?:??* "3 as well as, • O -O (as nmnJD nnSt^^S servant as well as mistress.) Ascend, to mount, Ti^JJ ' r\'':i:n * DM -ant, height, H?: * D^ a superior, m. s. ti^N") -ancy, p1^^ * "IHlD Ascension, niDplI * .T^j^:. Ascent, nb^p Ascertain, to make certain, ]1D:^ ^^*:1^D * D^H * D^pH * Dllp. R. Dip -ment, n:?:)^^ ' n::)bn t ' T T -; T T -: Ascribe, • • b 2'^n DH^ (for ^n"^ Heb.) Ash, ]n^^ Ashamed, m. s. mi *D'7D:) n^iH T : • •• T Ashes, 5^*1 nS^ (of a dead body) "IDXT Ashore, D»n nlH n b ' Ht^^n^ 3 ^ T - I // // T T - II II Asia, D7.i^.n ^-J.iJ Asiatic, - ~D Aside, nvb *nn^ r. ny ^ ma Ask, to require, 7NJ^ to request, Hi/ 11 * ti^|55 Asleep, m. s. \P'^ Aslope, DlpXf Ch.r^l^^P Ch. Asp, a serpent, Il'^ti^j;; * \T)% ASP-ASS 9S AsperaUs Ht^^pll Asperity, ^pj:>^ Asperse, HBl S^V^'"^ *'?''^ ^"^5 -i^>»' ^?1 * '^'"^ Aspirate, t!^1")D2 ^^4?5 * ^P? -ation, a full pronunciation, iSO??pn n;^>5 Aspire, ^?n Ass, lV2n fern. ]1n^ wild-, liny Assail, to attack, ' '2 rjn?^r\n^^]ji^ -ant, ni. s. HH^np ^jL^JS Assassin, inD^ t^^DJ H^D * nVH -ate, nnp? ^^^^^j^ H^n * n^H -ation, inu n^D R. nD3 * nn^vi Assault, --n ni^nn ris -n. nn:n \nr>:) Assay, to try, ]h2 -N. H^^Hn Assay er, m. s. iniB (of metals) ?inV/? * ni1':> Assemblage, pnp * H^P^? nnV-le,tomeet,*^P^n ^^nj^n X2pn to call together, vnjP ''^D^ * ^HpH -ly, ^3^ '^'7^ V^inp * n^ps: * nn;;. r.!!/** house of-iy, riD^sn n^i n**? Assent, -^ H^^l * DSDH Ch. -N. n^^n ^r^r^^Vn Assert, to affirm, DX3 * ibSt -ion, Dt^? n?p^^ Assess, nis: ini;n * dd^ ]'m -ment, *^-)jt; * dp Assiduity, nitnt Ch. ^nHpti^ -duous, m. s. Tnr * Iplti^ Assign, to transfer, 1"[h Hv^ *lDD to appoint, 7]/ Tj^^n -able, nW^ *"1P?1 -ation, -ment, nn^^pp * Hllpa -ee. Assimilate, "y H^*! Assist. -It;; ^v^mn* "h 'iDV -ance, *-)ri; *nyi£i^^ *i;ti^'' nyX -ant, m. s. ntiy *I/"^t2^1,0 Assize, a court, ]n^ D^P^lJ^^H fin^:^'! the fixing of the price, weight, &c. Hlip ^?^i? "^^V^ 1"]i( R. 1*TD Associate, inn (oneself) inn nsnnn *;!];linn r. nx;i -N. nan *^n -ation, nnnn * n^si. Assort, nip • "^ngn -ment, -j-Tp ^Hpil/p \s>suage, to ease, ^pH R. ^^p * n§"!«n to pacify, -|3?i^ 26 ASS-ATR -agement, -asive, m. s. v'^pD * HS")? -ager, m. s. *^2^D Assume, to arrogate, H^jt^jin *ni7l5 t^JpH to take, Hp? -ing, m. s. Hi^inD 'ill^nil *t^i?.3P -ption, the taking to himself, 17 Hn^p? -ptive, m.s. H^lp Assurance, security, n(^3p * HIl^K arrogance, Tilty Assure, H'^CpiIin Assyria, ^W^ Assyrian, ni^T^t Asterisk, ni^^h 3^13 R. IW Asthma, ViM Dip Asthmatical, m. s. HII IVp Astonish, "^r;;2 ^^^^?)n ^n^pnn -ed, ^n^^nt:^^ ^tin^in DDint^^n * DDl::^ * Di^n -ing, -iInd i;; ^nx^D^ ^ij^^d^ -ment, N^s Min^D %n^ti^ * HDDS!^ ^n\^::^ Astray, m. s. Hl/h *n^.ii^ lead-, Hjf/nn ^nJp^^ * n^'^lH Astride, with legs open, D vJ1_ plt^DlIl Astringe, tO'^p^ nif;; -ent, m. s. CO^p * "IVliT Astrography, D^DDISH riDnjLfD nj;^^. Astrologer, D'^njl^? r\)p -gy, D'^nplSH Jllnl^^ fi;;*''!^ Astronomy, ni^T^m D^n::i3n n^iDn n;;n^ -icai. Asunder, l-)£33 ^HD^ R. 113 Asylum, T\X;)r\1^ ' ID^pD At, by, in, --2 Atheism, H^i^n Hti^nDH Atheistical, h^ Atheist, ribi^2 tit^n^p nj^rn n?lDCh. Athletic, strong, m. s. DIVj^ lusty, m. s. nip ♦t^^'^ij^ R. TTID Atlas, a collection of maps, ^^li^H DfeD Atmosphere, Hnn ^^^| R. ^^jl Atom, PI R. ppl nn? Atomical, -^;i^ Atone, n;;n °^i; laS -ment, HISiD Atrocious, (person) 01 * "Tllf^D i;*! f. T\]W^}2 nl^D Hi/l ATT-AUE 27 (act) S^l nCJ^I/D Atrocity, n^J^^/n Atrociously, ~2 Attach, to seize, S^DJl * Th^t to fix to, p21 * T'PVn to gain, over, D'^nnin np7 -ment, fidelity, ]Dti adherence, pin*! ^T^^ Attack, --n y^a *n-ii:3nn -n. nv^^:^ *^yi!^ Attain, l/^'iin ' }^'^n 'K^D -able, J j^^ *i^)^B'' -der, a taint, ^DT r^2'^r\:\ ']^*n^^)^0 -ment, an acquisition, HJ^^n a quality, H^I/D -t, to dishonour, ^Si'l ]hj * Jl;; iSi;^ Attempt, inn *t^i53 -N. nrnn * nj^p^n Attend, to wait on, nnu/h If^V to hearken to, )nb?n *3;i^pn to accompany, lil? -ance, n^^/ *Tpi/p -ant, m. s. nn;?^/P *nnt^^*"Tpi;; -tion, the act of attending, * D^^j^ »■l::r^^^ (of the mind) n::i:s -tive, m. s. rr^D * n^t^p?^ TT -; - ' T T- I . _. - . )._ Attenuant, b'lblD *pnp -ate, b'^h^, *pnn R. hhl * ppT Attest, T^n Attestation, Jinj/ R. 11;/ Attire, C:^n^n-.N. t^^lS^D Attitude, jin^p ^'^n'n Attorney, (at law) 0^^p"I5 Ch. ]^^n rp^jj Attract, to draw to, '^il/D to entice, i^^tJ^H ^n^DH R. n"^D -ion, n^^pf2 *p^^^n %nripn -ive, m. s. *npp Attributable, m. s. 2t^n^ -bute, 3ii^n -N. T^V * H^I/D Avail, ^^ifln -able, n^J^/ln^ -ment, H^^in R. hV"^ Avant, guard, ^^HH >:^h p^H Avarice, m^ypp. * n^b3 -cious, m. s. ]Vpp * ^^^3 R. ^1D Auction, -|:DD m? Ch. -eer, "IDD tnpp Audacious, m. s. "in^ IJ^^D *D^?|) *ri; -ness, D^ V^^ •r^')?!/ Audible, ^1p5 Audience, an auditory, THj^ a reception, D^?B pl^i^"! ^, c?H Audit, j:^i^ * ipn -N. n^n*i • nypn 28 AVE— AW A Avenge, DpJ Avenue, ^^130 R. iSU Average, a mean proportion, T1>? Averse, m. s. DIStiD **VJ'^;;.? VI. -sion, hv) Avert, --D IDH R.IID^Svn R. ^V3 Aught, HDI^^D na^^3 Augment, ^D^ -ation, n^DlH Augur, Ji^n^ -N. :^n:p Augury, t^m August, (the month) Hl^? *"^^'*!Il'nn Ji'in magnificient, m. *. Avidity, eagerness, ^]D!2 greediness, JlvS R* 71^ Aunt, rriii Avocation, the calling off, iTtDH R. HDiS Avoid, to shun, 7lT\ to escape, ' *D iiOS LD?^n Avow, nonn -ai, nntonn -ediy, ti^n^ n ♦ ^^7n Aurora, the northern lights, "^^IDV pi? Auspice, an omen, Dlt^ protection, ]}?2 Auspicious, m. s. HTVP * "JJ^^P Austere, severe, m. s. nn^Ht^R * ti^Dri/p Austerity, nn r^v*^l}p_ '^^z^: rinnp Authenfc, n^l?^ ^"i;l3? ^pDJ -ate, np^^H. ^p^jtH -ity, Author, (of a book) m. s. ^JOP "(of ^ thing) m. s. /vinp 3^PP R. 33D -itative, Hb-l *np^tnn -ity, ^^10^^ * HS n^t^D;:: -ize, co^t^n ^^t^^^n *n^ti^-) th3 r. rw^^n Autograph, Autography, *1^ H3^^5 Automaton, m. s. vbi^D pXI!.P W^T^D Autumn, ^^Di} Autumnal, —7p Auxiliary, m. s. 1]^V * ]^P^^ *ipij; Await, n^n * h^n'in r. ^n^ AWA-^BAC ^ Awake, to cease to sleep, 'PpH * ")1^ tu rouse up, "l^^H -N. m. s. li: Award, to give, jhj to adjudge, "hv "ir| ^TIK COD^ -N. Aware, m.s.-| nr^ * Pir Cli. Away, absent, m. s. D?i^ * *^^^ begone, HN^H t:^5 *^^^ 5:J^n HDDD " T • t; T " : • Axiom, ^'^s ^^j^ i;iT *'^1^5 *"\n3 Axis, Axle, ^^^5n pD^n R. ^^^ * *iin Azure, r^p-) nb^H nj^lD B. Baal, ^jy5 Babble, D^inp^ nh^ pt^ -r,m.s. D^nD^ *nn2*p^cj^& Baby, ^l"! n^^. * ^^ii: Babylon, ^31 R. ^^3 Babylonian, ^hl'D, Bacchanalian, ^^3D Bacchanals, D^ij^HD J^ipn Bachelor, an unmarried man, "^^2^ * p^"l Ch. (at the university,) Back, to support, IT^ ^ J^D^^ IDil '^' "'^ ^* '^''^ ' "^"^^^ give-, n^'^n go-, 2W keep-, pC^JL^ * "IV^; turn the-, ^y nia -side, DH'^ns: * linK -bite, °^i;n3i i^^)i^n 80 BAD— BAL -biter, m.s.n3"r *«'^V^'^ -building, n'>^:in nlHK -ed, sup- ported, m. s. -irjt;: * ]jim ^^dd -slide, v_i^^ * :i?it2^ -slider, m. s. SlU/'l^ * ^^Iti^p -sword, H'ln 3in -ward, m.s.n|l-)5 ♦ ^V^-wardly, 1^5-15 * n^^VJE?? -wards (with the face) ri'^H*^^ i^ time past, l^H^h Bad, (thing) niCO iih *i;"! (person) m. s. U^hhjJD *Vn ]\^*ti^-)nsick,m. s. n^h Badge, ip'^p * in R. Hin Badger, t^nn Baffle, to deceive, H^'l to confound, D^'/DH Bag, p^ 'D^S ^riniipij^ -gage, luggage,* Hlin? Bagnio, a bath, yniJI^n n^5 a brothel, nlJZn n^B Bagpipe, H^JlSplD Bail, ^^^ 2"!^ -N. ninV -able, n^-^X^n ICOS'^ -iff, an officer, IID"]^ a steward, T^p^ iwick, -y, TpSn "Jplt^H n^lpg Bait, (in angling,) HSni (iTV to take refreshment, £^^55 ^''ti^n to setadogupon, 2'?3 ^S'^^H -N. * l^^2 ny^ti^D * 3^ "IVDD Baize, 3;; -TJ n Bake, PIS:^ Baker, ^5^^^ Balance, to hesitate, rii/*T5 Vpl^ to make equal, * D7§ ^pci^^pn niw to settle, Il3:^nn "ib| -n. d^'Mn^h d9|) ]l!lti^nn IDil (in Astronomy) D^.^mp Balcony, npX;p ^jy^V; Bald, without hair, ri'lp. -ness, ilHIp Balderdash, ^13^5 R. ^^3 Bale (of goods) D^r^pH ni"lV Ball, a dance, ^HD R. 'r'^n a globe, -Jin? Ballad, "Ip^i^ ^nW n^^j;i -singer, m. s. illVin? )359 Ballast, (of a ship) jT^^.H It^lh nODVP BAL-BAK 31 Balloon, (air-) ^12 n^i^/n 1M3 Ballot, hy^ Balm. S^Snn h'^pn R. hhp -N. ni^ -y,fragrant,m. s. nn/t]-7i3 Balsamic, m. s. t^^lD * '?''i:5p Baluster, jlDp^ TID;;. -rade, D^^^p DHID^ ^ICO Balsam, an ointment, n> * I1Dp-).5^? Ch. ]iDD^? Ch. Ban, a curse. Din a notice, H^/llO n^DD R. I/T^ Band, a tie, Tlt^p a company, y^H (of soldiers) 1M^ (for a wound) n^^nil (round the head) ^^Dn (of a wheel) p^tH^n -box, ]iDp^ rn^?: Banditti, Cl^llp Bandy, to toss about, HDI rtS ^tO^^ R. ^ItO -N. crooked m. s. 3py * nirp -legged, D^^:! ''DID? Bane, nni^H -N. np^i^ -fui, m. s. n^n^D Bang, n^n -N. H^p R. HD^ Banish, nh:\n * t^n^ -ment, n^h^ ' mr\^ Bank, a little hill, T^^'2^ sides of a river, "in^n n1*T5 a re- T : • T T - : pository for money, ''^nh^^ tV^. -bill, ''^n^t^n r\'^^]}^ -er, •>^n^^ -rupt, n^7p ^;;n * nnin *v^ii^ nri3 mptcy, Banner, a flag, z-?*^. Banquet, ^n^ Hjlii^P *n^il5 Hn? Baptism, D^^^^-Ji^DH ^;::2 Hpnt n^"^3C0 -al, ^K^ Baptist, 0^55 i^-iir piD -ry, rD^^^^•';p^ ^D nipp Bar, to fasten, Hnnn to hinder, ;; JD -N. a bolt, n^n (for criminals) Dnp^^^ n^^D -(for lawyers) p'qn "^^nl;; mnD R.f:^n Barbacan, a fortification, Hl^VP * ^^i'7P Barbarian, a savage, Dl^^ ^^")s|i -ric, foreign, IT * TJJfl? -rism, ignorance, HJ^/*! "IDH -rity, Hl^lpN^ -rous, ignorant, m. s. 32 BAR--BAS njyi_p nj;n^ cruel, -ips: Barbed, jagged, DHlin ^^D Barber, 3^3 Bard, 11WD * ^^2^ * X^bt2 Bare, naked, m. s. tiip^ -faced, m. s. D*'^^) *T^ -foot, m. s. ^W -ly, on ley, p"l * •^^? openly, ^^^^^3 Bargain, Hit^n * H^nH -N. H^^iti^n * \^^:n Barge, lO*^ ^:^? Bark, (like a dog) HilJ '\wh pH -N. rind of a tree, VJ[? nS'^^p Ch. a ship, njl^j? n^^3^it -er, m. s. ♦llDl: Barley, HlU^i!^ -corn, (in measurement) \l'V\Vi^'2 Barm, D^*^^?^ Barn, ]nl! * Hnijjp Barometer, -|^^,l!?n Ch. ^^J:t!; ^^2 -trical, ht^ Baron, Dnh 13 *1^n5 -ess, D^^lH ^3 ntJ^ij^ 'HT^i' -^^* ti;n\ ^-^^ * ^"^'V'^ -y. D'^in-in r\hm -iai, — hti; Barrack, nDn^;?n ^ii^^Hl n^l^D Barrel, a vessel, D'^JC^ Barren, (animal) HyjJ^^ npjl (land) HH * nnj^P p.^ unmeaning, p"l -ness, H'npXf * Hlp^") *llTn Barricade, 11^2 -N. "iVnp Barrier, (to mark the limits) D^nriH Ch. H'l.^pp defence, ni^i^P Barrister, ^"^^p *]^*nn '^lif Barter, l^DH -N. nniDn * "I'^np Base, a foundation, I'iD] a pedestal, ]5 * ilDlDp mean, m. s. ^in *b^^ -ness, niTn • i-)i;n nh^t^ Bashaw, HHS T V Bashful, m. s. \tl}^2 * 0^2^ m2 -ness, U^^B n^2 Basilisk, a serpent, ;;-5>f ^''^i^^V Basin, a vessel, b^O *\^t^ niD? * ^D R. ?]2)D BA8— BKA 3t Basis.]? •n:lDppi. ni3iDp Bask, urpnnn Basket, s:o ^ho *2^h^ Bassrelief, D'^^^l^ DnT'V R- "»V:; Bastard, IJD^ *U^m] P5/,1? Bastardize, to beget a bastard, T^lH Bastion, p'^'l •H^^lD Bat, (an animal) PiDti/^r) * Pjippi; Bate, to lessen, r\-]yD i!_^n:n Bath, (to bathe in) \*nnD * il^T]! (a measure) n^ Bathe, D^P5 pn Bathing-tub, \*rn_ I^D Batoon, (of a Marshall) *>^DVn ifc^ H^D Battalia, HDn^ZiJn nD-)i;D -ion, i^2^n p^H Batter, to beat, D^H -ing-ram, *^m ^"^^^ ^b^tf^? * t=1^^3 nnin *f ?? R. y^: -y, (for cannons) p^.'n ^nbh^D Battle, 3np * HDH^P -array, 'Df^nhrpr} n^nj;;.? -axe, DiTii^ * ]n5 field of-, n^nnn j^'^j Battlement, npjt/D nj;;pp Bauble, a trifle, "in'1 \^D^ Bawl, ^ip3 pi;^ * ^;nn xni^ Bay, (for ships) Ul]wh (a colour) \*^DSt -salt, d;p nii^nt^p nb!2 Bayonet, Hnl") n^i^H 1p*n Bdellium, nVl? Be, .TH ^ti^.V as 1ti^?5 ^2< ^^ tDij^ if he be willing, t^'^^^ ^3 Tyvnb that every man be, -V. pass, (is understood in the characteristic of the verb, as *TP vH to be learned, 1^7 to be taught.) Beach, D^n f[\n TS^'ti^ Beadle, IDW 34 BE4— BED TH Beak, (of a bird) ^i^'^ DtOh Beam, pf^ ♦ pnnn * ^>Vl3 -N. timber, H^ip a ray, *"fVV? P")2l a balance, D''MX;:Dn D^2i weavers-, ")13D Bean, ^iS Bear, to cany, Nii^3 (a child) IT (in mind) "lit to endure, ^3D * ^3^3 R. h^D -N. an animal, 3l"T a rude man I];? Beard, (on the chin) |(;t -less, youthful, D^i[ * "»^5 Bearer, a carrier, m. s. i<^2D 'Kt^li a supporter, 7573P -ing gesture, jn:^ * Hirn R. nrn situation, DipD o ' T : • t: V -'It Beast, an irrational animal, "lIl^P "'^z? "^H a brutal man, DliS^ Kn? -ly, m. s. ^5(pp * DHirp Beat, to strike, p^H * HSn (plate) J;;pn * I'll -in pieces, Vg3 * nins -en, m. s. n^HS * Hsp R. n^: Beatific, n,^iS m. s. -|^^^^P Beatify, It^iS; Beating, H^p * ^^!t^^ R. nD:3 * nip^np Beatitude, ■^^^^ * D^^nv?'*!? tD^^n Beau, na^np -teous, m. s.nnn * np;i -tify, n=jv"iin -ty, ''D''' 'lin • Tin -tifully, - 2 Because, "^^J3 ^ HUI/n "Tii-Tli^ 1:D bv OpI/ Becalm, nn Hpnn* Op/^H Beck, nvn.p * npp") * rpi Ch. Beckon, (with the hand) ?b*1 * Dt"3 (with the eye) ]\V V^^E 9*1 'IX^ Become, to be made, "7 n\'l befit, • '7 HlK^ -ing, 0*^1/3 m. s. ni^^D * ^^^^"j * 1^5 * l^^;i Ch. -ingness, n^z^^j;? * ]^n?2 Bed, (to sleep on) 2^ll}D * iJ-^P R.^/V'' a channel, D^P p'^tiX a layer, TllD^ (in a garden) H^ni;^ make the-, n^J IJ'^-Vn nco^n -cloth, n^;::t2^ -covering, HD^DJi^ *^id3 *n3C/:D pi. ninp? -post, n^pn "^y^, -ding, nn''?-)i ninp?T ons -fellow, p^nn t?i; nDlti^ -rid, m. s. *'7d: ♦ ntD.03 mvi? n3i!^D^ -chamber, HtD^^H IIH -stead, t!^");; * HCDD R. nco3 BED— BE H 35 Bedew, hbon Bedlam, D^JLf35S^P ^ -ite, m. i. 1?3^P Ct^''« Bee, (an insect) nni3"n Beef, "Ij^n nfe^n Beeves, Dnp^5 Beer, 121^/ ' T •• Beet, D1l^it 3^3 Befal, nh)^ Befit, n3iD3 ♦ilD^ M^isi *^iit^i *nii^^ ' T ; ' T T : T T Before, not behind, l^^l^ Tl^lt^^NIl in the presence of, *^5?c sooner, D")tp5 -hand, m. s. Dip to be beforehand, Befriend, ]jn Beg, to entreat, ^2 *Ks(i^ to ask alms, nn^H hv ^P"^ ^'^^ -gar, m. s. ]Vnp *1V3?^ ^D'^nnSH ^;; *"inn -garly, in want, n^v^l? stingy, ni^^^n R. ^13 -gary, il^^l llDnp Beget, to generate, "T^'/'^n produce, 77ln Begin, ^nn R. hbu -ning, n^;^'^^i. ^i^nn ^n^nnn Begone, HS^H 5^2 R. t:^^: \^V ^"$. R- ^^"^ Beguile, nns '\ic^r3 ^n'^pHR. \!<^:i •r\'»D Behalf, favour, HnlCO in-of, nnlCO^ T : Behave, ;!n3nn Behaviour, J Hi D '^^tl}l2 Behead, t^^XI n'^S I^DH ^d, m. s. {^til ' r\T\^ -ing. c^t<-) mon * ^*D ch. - T -; It- Behemoth, nlOnn Behind, following, "^nn^it inferior, m. s. "D J^H^D remain-, "TbX/ -hand, in arrears, 2^^\ IJl^^ (in time) "IHi? Behold, nxn *nrn *^W (attentively) * ")W * n^^t^^H pl^pti^n *to^3n R. c:)n3 loi ^^il"! ^n?^ -en, m. s. T^J/tf^P Ch. h^D^ 3^t^n^ ♦D.in Ch. Behoof, ]T\r\^^ *^)hit^r\ r. ^i?^ Behoove, ]i3n *ni<^ 36 BEI— BEN Being, existing, m. s. i^VD^ existence, H1^^^yp condition. Belabour, p^lOH H^H R. HD: Belch, pni Belching, p^H^I Belie, \t^hn *nn7 ^'^V'i'"^ R- ^^^ Belief, creed, ^J1D^? opinion, r\V^_ D^tD^ * Hn^HD Believe, ]D^n -r, m. s. ]''P^5P Bell, ']iD^§ *;^3];5p ^n^vPR-i^"'^ *^^i;-man, *niDD ^IpT^a^Ch.* Belle, HByiD -s-lettres, nl)!:?!! *n1*np R. TID Belligerent,* m. s. DH^? ^HDH^pn *3")^np Bellow, (like a bull) HJJ^ (like the sea) HbJl to clamour. Bellows, m^?2 R. hd: Belly, ipS ♦j:^-j3 .(of reptiles) tln5 Belong, see Appertain. Beloved, m. s. 2^ni^ ^I'^nVi *TT ^ll'l T • T • : Below, (in place) "h nPinp 'nig^h inferior, m. s.^fn^ Belt, C053S: * nntin Bemoan, 'hj: ^^Knn ' '^ TSD Bench, a seat, 3^10 a tribunal, D^^^in 3^lD R. HJi^*' Bend, n^5 to crook, C^^j^j;; to subdue, H^H R. HHt^ j;5Dn *P1D| -able, m. s. J^i^ *n^^ Beneath, (in place) "7 flHrip * iH^DyD inferior, m. s. j;n| unworthy of, m. s. "b Hlt^ P?? as ^^ mii^ 133"'^: e^ w beneath me. Benediction, a blessing, riDlH Benefaction, H^^^jn * D3n H^ilp *'^E7V -factor, -ficent, m. s. npn ^pi:i *i:in]p ''n^pp -fice, ^risn nnn?:? -ficence, igT) m^^p5 HDn -ficial, 3^PP *ri^r"inb R. ^I/^ BEN— BET 37 Benevolence, Dpjl^ * ipn -lent,ni.s. p^.V '"T^DH Benighted, m. s. *v^i: t^D^'H .s^ **injpp_^nin nD^;^^ Benign, m. s. n^DD *ipn -ity, HniCO 'TOn Bent, (from age) m. s. Hln^ crooked, t^Jpy inclined, m. s. "nnj^ *^1^3 inclination, H^CO^ Benumb, ti^iiO *Dm: DW -ed,m. s. l^^SCO *Dm: T T : • •• • T : • Bequeath, ^'•Plin *::^^n1n Bequest, H^m Tltl/M] Bereave, °r^^^ h'ht^ -I^DHn* ' 'D ^15 (of children) ^3tt^ Berry, -l-j-)3 R. 1")^ Beseech, t^^jpn ^njnjl ^^SH R. pH *^D: Beseem, '^ Hli^^ *^1^^■^ Beset, to waylay, ' '7 31J< to harass, "^ "IVH Beside, Besides, near, °^^^? *nV3 R. 11^ over and above, 'hv^ Besiege, -iVn n'lV * p^VO Besmear, (with fat) H'ID (with lime) n^CO (with pitch) "l£)3 (with salve) nji^^ Besmut,^^^5 *P1?D * DHI ''^^^^ Besot, ti;bO * ^^in (with liquor) l^t^ Bespeak, to show, ]11^^"!^ to order, Ip.^n Bespot, 1|5? * Dn?n ♦ iZDJ Ch. Besprinkle, 'hjl HiH R. HT: Best, m. s. 30^P * ")n3p* • '3 2ltO Bestir, nnn *")-i.ii;nn r. -ni; Bestow, --^ nn iji: ^'hv h'D^ Bestride, VH IDJ^ Bet, inrnn * p]? ];pn -n. nsni;. *?]? r;;"^pri Betake, have recourse to *•? Hi/^ Bethink, recollect, nbt reflect, IJinHH * ^N^ 3^ DW 38 BET— BIL Betimes, soon, jiniipil seasonably, 1njL?3 * 12??3 Betoken, t^"! Ch. (forDH) *nli^^ nVH it betokens, ^^IH r^^t^ Betray, (a secret) *TlD Hv^ (a person) vJ^D^ "I^^PlJ Betroth, to contract a marriage, ti^"l ij Better, superior, m. s. * ' D 310 improved, m. s. \pJ^D (in health) m. s. ^^^"1 Between, ']^2 Beverage, nr)p:2 * np.ti^5 Bewail, • 'b iDD '°bv h^^nn Beware, "D IDt^H nntH ' // V T • II " f • Bewilder, mislead, ^V}^'^ puzzle, 75/? R. //^ Bewitch, to injure, D'^p^DII "IVH to fascinate, 35z Beyond, (him, it) 7^^br\^ ^^^^ IP (the sea) D^^ ^^^.'Q above. Bezel, TO5^nn^3t^^p Biangulous, HVI?. ''JIL^^ p^Xf? h])^ R. HI? Bias, to incline, 1,^ nlCDH -N. 2^ H^P? Bible, :i^ip "IJJ^'JiPP pn? BibUcal, bm Bicker, CO^IpnH ^nVJH * a^H R. mi Bid, command, HIV offer a price, Il'ljO*^ -den, commanded, m. s. niVP invited, m. s. )^T\\l " ^"Jp? -der, m. s. 3*15^P -ding, mvo * mp^ Bier, np nm r. mD * noi Big, large, m. s. 7115 pregnant, iTir! Bigamy, D*^:^^: ^piti; r\'\:^h m:i Bigotry, superstition, ^)p r^y\DV^ Bigot, m. s. 7 "IPV? Bile, gall, nnQ swelling, n-JUn niS:^ R. t^'t^: Bilious, choleric, t:^'23 DID 10 R. inD V V II -T II - Bill, an account, ]i3?!^nn jip^ti^") an advertisement, Hj^llJ^n I^D R.VT (of debt) nlni^t^^Ch. (of divorce) mnn? ngp rof exchange) nir\V. im (of parcels) BIL— BLA m nyprpn i^t;; (in parliament) p*T!!^?c)n ch. nnra a beak, ^^^H DOh a hatchet, i;pi3 Billet, a note, n?p Billow, 13pD * b^ Bind, to chain, IfciJ *?'^^ oblige, H'jn R. 2in (hand and feet) Ipy -together, DDH * ^J^j^ -up a wound, tl/21^ make costive, n's;j^ (a book) 'I'lD a sheaf, D^K Binding, *niJ>P^ ' V V V » V T • Biography, nn^IDH n^D -pher, niT^lnH 3ni5 R. "T^*' Bird, Pli;;a-ofprey, tO*i; Birth, the coming into life, m^? ^' "^ -^"^ extraction, Jllyi^ -day, ni^n DV -right, HnlD-l Biscuit, D^rDin R. n5.^ Bishop, a spiritual head, |rl3n"|^P M'^^^'"!' ^h. -ric. Bistoury, Dn^^^D* 1^3?^ Bit, a morsel LD^'D (of bread) DH.^ ns (of meat) nfef|l n5*>nn a little-, COp^ * Ij^rp tor P (of a bridle) JHO Bite, (with the teeth) "^iTJ to cheat, H;?") -N. nr)^:i^3 ^^i^^t^n Bitter, acrid, 1? ni-);^ -ly, Dn^Dn -ness, nn^D Bitumen, HDT Bituminous, ^ll^t Bivouac, -)Dt:^C^ n^^-J -1 iDj.^* Blab, ^^DT ^'^n Blabber, m. s. ^^DH *r]Vn Black, dark, m. s. IFip cloudy, m. s. ")"Tp mournful, m. s. -)lp -en, '^^ripn *")^7pn defame, "^D'I ]h; -cattle, Dn;^-i np^n -guard, ^i/i^? *^5} -ish, '"innn:^ nnh-insr; -ness, miip * ilni^^ -smith, ^nn ti^nn Bladder, a pustule, n]/1!l^5 R. nX/3 urinary vessel. Blade, (of grass) i^p"!^ fofan instrument) ^H? m BLA— BLI Blame, "^ti'i in^ ^D^r^^i^H *nbnr) DW-N. *n^nn ^am • • T • -: ~ T t: T T t: T t '^^1 *D1Q -able, m. s. ^^H Ci^D *bv^ 'Utl/t^ *:^^^^ -ableness, nt^^Tl 'T^Dll/t^ -less, DID "^hll m. s. D^DH *"^p:i Blandish, to smooth, p'^/Hn to soften, ^^b^ -ment. Blank, (space) pn ♦ 1.13 R. HH^ ^ HDI^D t\S^? Blanket, (for a bed) n.tDV ^IDD H^D^ * Hn^DSi^ Blaspheme, ^"Ijl ^^'l^ -mer, m. s. ^"[HP * ^I.V? -J^ous, -my, Pinn^fl'ini-mously,-^ Blast, ^i^ ♦ ^n; N. (of wind) Hn nn^^? (by a wind instrument) nj;"^pn a blight, pD^I^ Blaze, to flame, tonf * ni^_^nn -N. 31^ *n?n^ *^??^?^ Bleach, ] -l^H Bleached, m. s, ]^5^n Bleak, chilly, H^V R. p^ np R. lip pale, "lin Bleareyed, m. s. niHS rjlJD") *r;^j^ R. HDI Bleat, ph^ * ni;| -ing, n^pp ^ny^^ Bleed, let blood, Dl t'^pH lose blood, D"^ ^fj Blemish, to defame, ^nij^ f\ir\' "^ ^^1 ^HJ injure, DID iji; * pnn -N. ^^1 -DID ^pr; Blend, 3*1;; * V^3 * ^3^3 Bless, *^*)3 -ed, m. s. "^IIH * "T^^P of -ed memory, nonn^ -)3r -ing, hdis Blight, P)n^ -N. ]iD^!^ Blind, 1iy -N. deprived of sight, m. s. I^JJ (for windows) h'^D R. ^^^ a false pretence, n^V *f^).^bp^ -ness, ]iny; *nnij;; -fold, -3 Blink, lU!^!/'^)^ nVi; Bliss, nti^i^ (of souls) D^nV^ tD\^n -ful, m. s. Ig^j^p Blister, rise in a blister, J|/5^? R. Tni^'2 apply a-, ^^1•l;;5^? n^innnn t^nn -n. a rising, nj^ini/ab? a BLO-BOA 41 plaster, H^jiBi/DS* n^^innn Bloat, to swell, pi^B -edness, nj^V? * nV^p R. Ktt'^ Block, to shut up, -)Vn R. IIV -N. (of wood) ^If (of marble) ^\l^ \2^ -ade, N. llVD pi. nl-11>^D -head, J^^L) -tin, ppro ^nn Blood, (fluid) Dn lineage, Hl^lD R. I^"^ -hound, T^ 3^3 -shed, D^P*^ niD**?:^ -shot, D^^^it -y, stained with- , m. s. D"! ♦N^D sanguinary, m. s. U^D'l *Ci^\N^ Bloom, blossom, H^a * -p^n 'pH R, X^2 -N. a flower, nn?) * nv3 * 'PV (of youth) mnns * n^-in^ -ing, youthful, —3 flowery, (1^3 Hn^j; Blot, to stain, Dr)?n disgrace, ''?'l ^n^ *Pl"in -out, nhD -N. Blow, to give a-, n^H R. (133 give wind, 2'^2 * ^1^2 -out a candle, fire, ^^ n: r\2^ -the nose, f]^ p^H R. pn breathe, HDJ -a trumpet, horn, j;Jpr) -a flute, yvH -N. HSD *n3^t:^3 ^nI;^pn ^-l^^i^3 Blubber, Ip^J^H ]^Jir\n ]D^ Blueness, n^^r^ rfKIP ]'^p,. Blue, m. s. n^3n Hij^iDD "in^^ip * n^Dn ]v? * ir;: Blunder, Hl/n ^HyCD ^T}}^ -N. MJK^D ^n^^^J5^^ * KCOH Blunt, nnpfl -N. dull, m. s'. Pinp. unpolite, m. s. pJ/D'")pn np'^i;? -ness, mnp ^niZD'^jt;? dx;d non -ly, — 3 Blush, D^Sn put to the-, D"'^?!! -N. HD^^? Boar, "l\tn -ish, swinish, —3 rude, IHQ Board, to lay with-, D*'^'lp3 |i£)p HD? (in a family) \nhii; hv '^b^as'^^n^::^ hy_ 'pdI^^ sin Ae ^oarrf^ with me, to -a ship, n;i3i^3 ptnn * ^^^3^i?^ n^ \i;^n -n. (of wood) ^^x; ryh *t:^np a court held, u^'iv^^rj nig r. 42 BOA— BON XV^ •n;;"' -wages, nrn^sj^ -i^np Boast, bbnr\n * ns^nn * n^ nn-in ^^'iinn -n. a proud speech, H^ il^Hnn * 1^^7*121117 cause of boasting, ri-jKi?n-er,-fui,m. s.^'pSnnp n^anp -ns o^nnp Boat, CO;;?^* ^:^? -man, n*:^^ COl^lt^p -swain, ^3lnn tJ^^li Bodement, HlX as Hl^H HT * i^^H nVS this is a-. Bodiless, m. s. P]^:i *1r^ Bodily, relating to the body, * ^1^1 ^ti^ Bodkin, ^V-)D * tOlnp R. COIH Body, matter, ^IIH *D^"5 Ch. a person, t:^£): a dead-, Hn? the whole, m. s. 1*73 R. 773 a corporation npH? Bog. V3 R. rif3 • IV -gy. -n?<^P x.^n ' ' Boggle, to hesitate, n5^"inn -r, m. s. H^IJIP Boil, to bubble, Hifn' ' nhn to dress, ht^^n, n\t H R. It: -ed, m'. s. ^^ap -er, ilH^jP * I'l^n * "T^D * 1^12) -ing water. Boisterous, /person) m. s. npll *ti^^^ (wind) * n}J'D H'l") n;;p -ly, nni;^n *n^p? *^p./x Bold, impudent, m. s. CJ^ I^P *>I? daring, m. s. 2b *pp^^ -ness, nitj;; %n!i;n * 2.^ nv^?^? -ly, -2 Boll, a round stalk, ^U*n5 Bolster, a pillow, HOpn n? R. HCO: Bolt, to fasten, HnaH sally out, H^n -N, a bar, H^n Bomb, ^ra -|^n? -ard,V. n HT -ardier, iri'TlO -ardment, 3 n*^^")^ Bombast, D^D^^ D\ni35 Dnn^ ' • t; • ; • T ; Bond, cords, C^/HD ^^ obligation, Din llDtl/ Ch. -age, captivity, 11^31^ imprisonment, IID^^ slavery, H'lini/ -man, *T3Jt? -maid, HH^ti^ -sman, 3")!/ BON— BOT 43 Bone, bvj^ pi. riiovi; -less, dvj; ^h^ soft, y) Bonfire, HlplD R. Tp^ Bonnet, n^3;p ^{^5 Bonnily, '^Di^Il TnD^^^a Bonny, m. s. HD;; * D^J^f: Bony, strong, m. 8. D^VX? Booby, a dunce, m. s. t^StO *^ri§ Book, -IDD? Di^^n -N. IDD -binder, Dn^D ^nDD -keeper, ni:i3?i^n ^n^/p -keeping, pnp^nn n^-ii;^ -mate, m. ». -)Dpn n'^a n *-)5n -seller, onsp -i?iD Boon, a gift, Hjjip R. ]r\2 a favour, nr^n Boor, -ish, m. s. "i;;? ^DI/^^ID -ishness, nnj;? Boot, put on boots, T^^h^j " ^^hv: ^j/^n gain, ^V3 • n"^i")rr -N. ^^:i *x^yn * nn -ed, m. s. vh}n2 vhv^ - ... - y ^ . _ . T T : Booth, a stall, m:n R. nm *n3p r. 1:30 Booty, ^^JP^ ♦nmR. TD Border, a boundary, h^2^ an edge, D^^lti^ * ^i^ * HViJ (of the sea) HD^ (of a river) nlT^I 'DinlTil R. 11:^ Boie, npD (the ear) ]m fl^^ IJii^n -N.HpJ ^riHp? Borer, a gimlet, j;?^"lp one who bores, m. s. 3pii Bom, m. s. T^^^ *n^i3 Borne, brought, m.s. ^^niH R. ^^^n carried, m. s. ^^11/^ R. b^J^i Borough, nnn \^jg3 "t^i; r. mn Borrow, ^Ng^ (money) Hl^ -er, m. s. ^iSti^ * n\^ Bosom, the breast, p^H -friend, m. s. llD •tt^'^^i^ as niD t^^^K mz/ bosom friend. Botanic, -ical, D'^H^V ^^ -ist, D^HD-yH *^i;?tp3 DDH -y, Both, ini *^;p f. "^Ji;:^ we-, ^r'l.n;! ^^^55^^ *irri?/ ye-, Dp'^'in: *D?\:;:^ *D? 'nti^ they-, v^^n;i *D'7;!^ * cn^'Ji^ Bottle, a glass vessel, pIBpn R. p13 HO'IDT 44 BOT— BRA Bottom, floor, X/j^1j^ foundation, l')D\ the lowest part, TT^Jinri from the- of the heart, 27 r\1")^jpp -of a thing, n'l'pDJl R. n^D -less, without a-, TlD"; "^h^ fathomless. Bough, ^vo * npw * nn^^ * ^:r 'n^i^ r. ^^^'d Bounce, to leap, p3T *YBp_ * ^^"^ -er, a boaster, m. s. T/Hfip Bound, to limit, bil^n destined for, m. s. ]r^]p * ]D^D R. ]^2 -ary, 712^1 -less, infinite, Jl'^/Dn vH R. HvD unlimited. Bounteous, -iful, m. s. j^lti^ *3^ ^nn *3n: -eously, nnn: nns * n^^n ii;^:ii Bounty, nun:j * nnico Bow, (the head) T^jJ (the knee) jt/hS (the body) Hh^ (in doing homage) ninn^^H ^liD to crush, ntltf^n * N?"! -N. (with the head or body) •Tinnt^'n * H'T^'p a knot, n^h'lh (to shoot with) ni^\l -man, -]3 -shot, -'^IH^P -sprit, n;?|?n mn2 ni^^^n ]i]i -string, m^^n nn^D Bowelless, n^^pHT '^73 m. s. "lO^^ Bowels, compassion, n^:OT"l the intestines, nn.!^ ♦ D^j^D -sickness, D^^/D "^^IH Bowl, h'b^ -N. a wooden ball, ^^j;; 1^^? a vessel, * h^D IJ^? * PIP R. ^DD -er, m. s. "111?? *)^nyp *^^'7i5 -ing -green, -ii:^''»n ^HN* R. nn.s • - T Box, to strike, tl^H -N. a blow, n'DD R. HD^ a case, * r•n^C nnri *]n^ Boxer, ^1")^^^? DH*^ Boy, i;;3 -ish, i;;?? -ishness, n^lV} ^'^VP Brace, bind, T^^Vn -N. a pair, l^V -d, m. s. T/pV? -let, n\::y Brackish, m. s. HvD Brag, ^v'nnn ^lij^ann ^riB 2V1^ •^•qjnn-N. n?i nannn ^n'lH^rin -gart, m. s. *^i^np BRA-BRE 45 Braid, to plait, Ittt^n * n?^ -N. IWD 'D^IV Brails, .T^Xn ^tl/nt^D ^^HH Brain, (within the skull) HID sense, ^D^ -less, ^D^ >^n -pan, n^j^5 R. ^^: -sick, hllh^D R. ^^2 Bramble, p-fn * im ^piiH ^tf^"!? 'pvj?;: Bran, D'^IP Branch, to spread, :^l03 * ^J^/^PH -N. a bough, *m_PV pljr ^nnx^^ ♦Wr r. ^^r ^n^? r. ^m *p5V pi. nipjl^ n^h •n;^*n *tvj; ^rnv^?^ *n^^£o: ^p)^i;d pi. niii^rP *")V3 ^nj^^V pi. D\^E)a top-, T^K (of a pahn tree) JD^D R. H^D (of a vine) iTllDT (of a chandelier) nn1:p n^p offspring, 0212^ * nm Branchy, H^^ Brand, to burn, 21^ to mark with a brand, HlJ^ ni3 -N. a lighted stick, -n.^^ a mark, DlK ni?P *i/i?I?.p riDh^ -ed, burned, m. s. Pi'it^ ^O^ disgraced, m. s. n2i*in *i^i^2 Brandish, ^""^H Brandy, ^'W J]"^ Brass, hhpT^t^m Brasier, tl/nH T ' T V : T T Bravado, a brag, ni^-^^nn Brave, to defy, * pti^^? IS^n i.vann -N. m. s. nn *pt^^ * ^^n *ti^''e< -ry, * nninu nn n^Dj^:]-iy,-2Bravo, nivn^ 12m Brawl, to speak loudly, ^1p D^n quarrel, HbH *]i'in "inn -er, m. s. HDlH MlID Tl *t:^^i^ //I T // • Bray, (like an ass) pHJ to pound, HDlDn ^il *t:^ri2;32 ^i^nS -N. pn^ -er, m. s. pHJ Braze, nt^^HIin p2in -n, Ht^^Hi -nface, ^Ht^^in:) HVQ D'^^Q ty -nness, impudence, PiMH Breach, a gap,j;*'p2 * p.|) (of friendship) finn n"l$n Bread, DH^ -corn, DH.^ IJ'I Breadth, 2nh 46 BRE-BRI Break, be broken, IDtfi^H break asunder,^^:^^ -bread, *]lir\|) Dl1^ -a stone, vb^ * D^H -a word or a covenant, T T T nnn nt^ n^^n (as a bankrupt) 1^ D'^l^ni Dp -an oath, nV^^ti^ "ihy -in crumbs, "iniD nS^Q -off, phS (a flower, fruit) ^ibj^ *^pj -down, TnlH R. "TT *i;i3 -through, (a camp) n^nDn^/pn (arule)ph h^ 12V '"l^l p2i to tame, Jl/^^pn -in, (upon another's property) 7^321 i^'^ZpH R. JD3 -out, (as a fire) XV^ (into pimples) HIS (of confine- ment)* '^ rhS -up, (as an assembly) m.**D3"l"T7 riD?^ ^"^^5 ♦*rn^ ^i;;? *t:^\^ insn -wind, (upwards) p'n^ *i?:j;5 R. nV^ (backwards) HSJ Breakers, D^ *'"!?ti^P Breakfast, DH^ HhS -N. n^n^ n? * nil -1 Breast, that part which contains the heart and lungs, HTn a woman's-, *Til * Ip -plate, (for a high priest,) ]^n armour, t^'^npi * (in?!^ -work, npnp Breath* (by the lungs,) HD^? * Hn all in a-, HHi^ HD*^:?^?? -less, dead, m. s. *l£i^? nD0 ]^H * DD hurried, m. s. T : Breathe, to draw breath, T^T\ ^i^t^ rest, ti^SSH -ing, a respite, nmin * n:innn * v^dt nnnnn Breech, lln^ ^ ^TH^^ -es, 'O^DpD * D^pjt:^ •'^3 Breed, to hatch, D^H plot, 75^ -N. offspring, n*T7iD -ing, education, HlS'iri R. Hll manners, JHJP * "^"in Breeze, a wind, Jl'^ii^^'in tl^'l Breezy, Ip Breviat, HnVp Hj^ni/n Brevity, n^-Vp Brew, (liquors) 12^ Pi'l't^V. -er, m. s. 12p 'Ti'ti^''^ -house, — n^5 Bribe, ihJf^ -N. Bribery, Itl'^ Brick, njn^ pi. D^;i3^ -bat, njn^ n^? -dust, n^;2h npli^ -kiln, 15^0 -layer, Hjln * t^i^ '2^nn BRI-BRO 47 Bridal, njinn ^^ Bride, n^? -cake, nl^'l^? 115^ -groom, inn -maid, nh^n ni;-i ry^^D Bridewell, nnDin mniio n^n r. n^*^ II f •' II : - Bridge, (over water) D^O i^l^jtf.? * ")^| Cli. Bridle, to check, l)i;: -N. TD") * "1VX;0 Brief, extract, nnvp >^?^^V>^ -"ess, "ll-^p -ly, —2 Brier, (see Bramble,) Briery, D^Vlp D^nln t^ho Brigade, nnil Brigadier-general, Tlliin ti^t^l Bright, shining, ni^^^ * "l^nn witty, m. s. h^'D'^/D * Dnjt/Q -en, enlighten, b^T^'V^^ ♦ -)\nrn polish, J^^tO^ * p")D * C01D -ness, acuteness, mp"! * HD")!/ Brilliancy, "inr ^'l:j -iant, sparkling, nipj^ 'V^f'^^^'P^ Brim, edge, n^J!^ '^^ Brimmer, ^hD Dl3 Brimstone, n^"ID5 Brine, nh?2 ^D Bring, to fetch, 3npn * t^^iin * ^^nln r. t:^^:: * ^n^ -about, 3pn R. 33D -back, 3*^:^.1 R. aW -down, Tn.ln R. l")'' -forth, T*^^ * iS^Vl'"^ R- ^^^ -i"> ^'?n R. ^5U * f)b^ -up, •^^i/.'"? (from a Httle one) 'P'^J * njl ^ |bS; Brink, the edge, H^'f^ * T Brisk, active, m. s. tnr * n\nn * '^n * :^\^ strong, m. s. * ti/ M'P7 ' PIO ""^^^' ^"^n? * rin\np -ly, -2 Bristle, n^D-N.nnnn 3J nin;;^ British, '^iN'On n ^C^ Briton, "^^^tOnn tr\^ Brittle, m. s. n^n * -]-) -ness, ]r5i-) *ni3"} Broach, to utter, ti^H^ * VJ"^^ 'P.^^.'^^ R- X?^^ *1^'^'^ -ed, m. s. tr^nbp ;;'T10 -er, m. s. t^^H^jp * ;p2D * I/^lD Broad, wide, m. s. 3nn -cloth, n^^ 1D)s 1-22 -ness, nn"! Brocade, ^ti/D n^p"! Brogue, :i;;^: ]it:^^ * n^pbpp n?)?^ 48 BRO— BUG Broil, to roast, HyV -N. quarrel, HTIP Broker, ipiP -age, mipiD 1?^ R. DID Bronze, a brass colour, T^pr\2 Hi^nD Brood, (on eggs) D^V?!? ^^ V^l ^o muse, in")n R. HnH -N. a breed, ^'\j:n ID)K^ offspring, Hl^ln R. lb"" Brook, V^n * ^3^3 R. h^2 -N. Vnv Broom, a besom, ^^^^?^P R. COi^tD Broth, pnD Brothel, nliltn n*"? Brother, nisi -hood, ^^^^? -ly, min^^3 * D^n^i^? Brow, forehead, HVD edge, Hg *np^ -beat, (with looks,) iTij^nn ti^'':3i;.n (with words) n^ r\M2 v_^2:?r\ Brown, Din ' XV2^ Bruise, to hurt, ^t^^ crush, i^J?^ *fVl *^i^l "N. a hurt, n^^iVI (in flesh) ;;V3 Brush, to rub with a-, ^^tD^?^ -N. ^^^^?;5P Brutal, cruel, m. s. Ipi? -ity, mnpii^ -ly, -2 Brute, -ish, J^"IS Bubble, to rise in bubbles, Hl/B *X?5I?? -N. a bladder, nj^IBi;? a defraud, HD-jp Buck, (of a deer) ip'^ Bucket, ^H Buckle, to fasten, lip n^H Db"J -N. 1^072 * D-Jf5 Buckler, a shield, ]:3D ' nijnV * HJV R. ]3:s; Bud, ni^ *pn • f yn R. p -N. nna *n-v? 'fV Buffalo, "lIDn^ Buffet, ^i-);iistn n?n -n. t]i-);^^ n?? r. hd: Buffle, to confound, ^^'ln^ * D^^H Buffoon, m. s. hnHD -ery, D^ v^Jin * n^-^Jin;? Bugbear, a false fear, Xltt^ nriHp R. ^nn BUI— BUR 49 Build, to raise a building, \122 to depend on, JJ/^H * Hbll -er, m. s. H^Si -ing, ]J5? Bulk, -iness, 77^ -y» large, m. s. 7115 (a lusty person) m. s. nns t:^\^ .. T Bull, (of cattle) "llt^ a Pope's edict, •'pl-J-^^rlS 2i^ D^Jl? -bating, -)lt2>5 D^?^5 rinjn Bullet, npn^n -)^13 Bullion, (of gold) ^Hr D^^ (of silver) ^D3 D^iJ Bullock, npn in n§ R. n-iD Bully, nbn * 2nn -n. m. s. nn *nninp * npin Bulrush, J^pil Bulwark, n"nyQ *-)V3Q ^n-)1VD Bump, a blow, n2D R. HD: a swelling, njj^fi^ R. t^m Bumper, i^^^D Dl3 Bumpkin, m. s. nl'ip pif ^ npH R. IID Bunch, (of grapes) 7^Ci^JSI (of a camel) TO^H nC?^?'^ a collec- tion, ^nJ^?.aswelling, n^jP n^??i^ R.^ti^2 -backed, 15;1 -y, m.s.iii:inp Bundle, Tji^'nniv -N. n*!:!^ * i'\i)^ pi. ni-)i-)>^ Bung, Dinp • Pl^n Ch. -N. DHlD * D^^D Ch. Bungle, ji-l!:^? \^5 niS^^ -N. -d, (l1t?^3 "iDHp -r, Bunter, npn ^n^Dt:^ Buoy, to keep afloat, HnCJ^H ^^l^Vn R. P|1V -ancy, .TH?^ -ant, m. s. HSilV *nni!^-ed, m. s.;;l3tDID *"11Dn Burden, to load, ]S^ * D^P^H -N. -some, ' ^20 * HD^jt/.P j^ii^D R. ^^::^i T — Bureau, D^anSH Uli^ Burgess, Burgher, l^j/H a^J^ln R. 211:/^ Burglary, n)2 n'Tm 50 • BUR— BUT Burial, nninp Burlesque, "^ :;jh' "3 pHV -N. :iil^ 'phV Burn, to consume, ti^ii:^ ^i)^ ^'^^V^n * J^h^ be consumed, t!^^^n ^DKH *-)i;n ^^ll^n be mtlamed, * p H nDSH n)^n * -rp;i -ing, npD ♦ipiD *np^^ Burnish, polish, t^^Dh *pnD -er, m. s. ti;iD'\h * p"IO;? Burse, DnniD "rj7] Dipp R. ^I/*' Burst, to break asunder, J? p3 ^D-^^ fly open, i?p!in -forth, (like water) y'lp * mr\ R. HIJ -forth, (with joy) V})^^ -N. n^^p5 *D^v? (of an ulcer) H^i^H nj;:^p5 R. Hrs: Bury, ^3iJ to hide, HD^ -ing ground, illlDpL^ ^''^ Bush,*^2p ♦ n*^?^ Bushy, ^n^DP Bushel, n^^^ Busily, nn\npn *riinnrn Business, affair, ^^^i; ^l^'l employment, pDjt/ * H^Ji^D Bust, a statue, 11/^1 n^:i2r\ R. Hn Bustle, to hurry, ThH -N. rnnjl -r, active, m. s. "pPI/riD rnr • T Busy, employed, m. s. 1T\^ -body, m. s. 7^5 ^IJ^rip i?^Jlip But, except, yi '^^ *D^?^rl)n '^:d 'db^ *n^r however, p.S * D^^K Butcher, to slay beast, JlDT * H^htD * IDHp to murder, :hn ^mn -N. m. s. nnir ^conlti^ -ed, m. s. *nyn: T - T - •• •• ~ : • nU^ *:inn5 -ly, nin.pl;?^ -y, slaughter house, D^nnCOD .-I'l^^nt^n n"^n murder, *CD^D1 nD^DtJ^ // •- T : • // T • : - •• • T - • : Butler, he who minds the liquors, D^pJi^^H 1^ Butt, ni^ -N. (a measure) D^iri^l I'^V HJ^?;^? Butter, HKpnn n^D -N. Hijpn -milk, 3^n ''D -y, T V V : • ' BUT—CAL 51 Hiiitock, nii'ti^i^D • np R. nw Button, -)3n -N. i]nD3 -hole, n^h^h Buy, njjj /provision) 7^^ 13JJ^ -er, ni. s. HJilp Buz, (interjec.) DH Buzz, to hum, U'tl) to whisper, tl/Tlh -N. n^H? * t^^^^ By, (denoting means) 1\7^ (denoting way) "v^i^* "2 By- and-by, ^Pih^h *2'\lpJIl -law, ^'COHiji nl -path, in'l'^D H^^int^ -room, mVD inr\ -stander, m. s. n;i2^ *iD'\s -street, in v;d \nn -word,nr:t:^ *^:i^io c. Cab, Dj? Cabal, b^^in -N. D^^j;) -ler, ^5^np ' Cabbage, N. p-]^. * 3^1/ Cabbala, H^ -IP 'nib/O -alist, -^i^H -ahstical, H^Bpn Cabin, an apartment. Tin * i^n Cabinet, a chest, HIT) a room, '^O'^^Sjn nV:;in;2n mn Cable, n'^:ii^n 72n T* t; T V V Cackle, npnp R. Tp Cadence, ^1p n^5t^^^ Cage, (for birds,) lISiV fl^? * 2^b2 Cajole, to beguile, K^^^H ' HZpn flatter, ^in * ]wb p^'^Hi'l Cajoler, m. s. ^t^m * ^^h * ]1:^^^ *P'')t^^ Cake, N. p"^pn ^n|Jt; Calamitous, -ty, HJli ^3^]; M^l^l * jlJ); ^nVy Calamus, DJi^l HJp Calcination, pl^5t^ HDnti^P Calcine, p^ij^ ^"I'li; Calculate, I'j^li; * 2\j^r} -ation, l^i:^} M^^^O -ator, m. s. nv^D *3t£^np Caldron, flH^p. '^ID^i? 52 CAL-CAN Calendar, H^t^^H mh Calends, ti/lh ti^^l T T - - ' V Calender, fm * p*»^nn -N. -er, m. s. f HJD * p'^^H^ Calf, (of a cow) H^^I/. * h^V Calve, -f'^^ ' Calico, III np^ l|5l Caiigraphy, nnD;?)n ^i^V Calk, D^n^n rn n^:^^ ::hD -er, m. s. — n^^:^ DniD Call, to name, to invite, °]1^ t^ljP address, "7^ ^^'^j^ demand, t^ipn -to account, ]^7^ jt/iin Ch. *"D];D l^l"! -aloud, ^ipn x-))j -together, pj;;rn 'prvn * ^npn -n. ^^*s:np Callosity, nt^p^ D^t;; R. Kti^J Callous, m. s. H.^p -ness, ^^ti^p Calm, copi^n *pri^n -N.m.s.to;5;j^ (weather) H'^ti^nn m-) -ness, COp^ * H^P^O %nDp*n * H^O^'I -ly, -1 Calvinism, ])bp "^nph -ist, m. s. \)hp_ ^"im *^h^f2 Calumniate, °^i; nni ij^'^V'i'"^ i^- ^^''^ •'2)t:i'i ]h: ']^phn -ator, m. s. HS'l ^^"'V^'^ ' ''P'^ 10^ * T?^^? Calumny, Calx, hme, "7^^ a powder made by fire, "ibi^ Camel, 7Di! T T Camlet, "'tS^pi '^?2)S in Camp, n:nD -aign, (of an army) i^n-VH ^^H npl^/D Camphor, D''"]^? Can, hbl -N. D13 * tPJE Canal, HOn 21 * H^I/n "ll^V Cancel, to destroy, 21)1^(1 * nhp to make void, T^DH R. niD -led, m. s. nnm ' hhd^ * "id^d T ; • V ; • T Cancer, (a fish) ]mD (a sore) ;;n I/J^. R. UTl Candid, honest, m. s. DH ^ It:^'^ * D^^^Di^ *tJ:}^i^ ,Candidate,m. s. --^ in^nh nD'lV *t^i?.5P Candidly, Dh? * "11^^''? * llblS:? CAN— CAP 53 j Candle, 15 -stick, nnl^P I Candour, ItJ^'' * Dh * D^:^D^? ' Cane, to beat with a-, hj^J23, nlSH R. n:D3 -N. a stick, ^JpD a reed, njjj a sugar-, p')T^D il2]> j Canker, to corrode, 73^ -N. n7iDSD -worm, p?"; I Cannibal, a man eater, m. s. DT^t "l^B *7^^ ! Cannon, Hn^ H^p -shot, n:p HintDIO R. HnCO -ball, -ade, (see Bomb) Canon, a dignitary, D*'3ri3n 21 a rule, Jl*! *pn scripture, U;ip "'i^'JpP -ical, ni2 -icals, D^'DHSn Hjn -ry, ni pH Canopy, (of state) HSn the sky, D^D^H JIS? R. ^DD ' Canticle, Dn/^H 1''^ Canton, a part of a country, nj*>*l^n p7T} Canvass, ('for preferment) "inilil? ^j?.? to debate, H'^Dln R. nj^ -N. a cloth, 2Jl TJIl a soliciting, n^J^jJ^ i Cap, to cover, HD^S -N. U/^IH HD^D I Capability, HJ^H * n^j'; -able, m. s. ~hil2 * *1T :i"^^jn I Capacious, m. s. D^T *3n"! *^n| -ness, Dn'l ^^lil ! Capacitate, HD ^HJ ^pDH m^^DH -city, ability, n^(^/n Tl^j^ space, nnh state, TDi^D Caparison, H^^ -N. DIDH n-j^Ti^ ^^i; ; Cape, neck piece, ^ni:n r\D2D head Ijyid, pXH |1t:^^ I Caper, Tj^T * jH n^lD R. 112 -N. a berry, pn^jP a I jump, 11p-l • jn'^-l -ing, m. s. J.^7P nsnpp I Capital, (sum) Jlp. (town) n^^tilH l^j; -crime, i^On nip D^c^^p Capitation, Dj/n ip.^p pl^P R. H^D Capitulate, (a town) D^'J^^nS "^^HB "l^I/H 'T'JJDn -ation, 64 CAP— CAR Cappadocia, J^ilJ^TSj^ Ch. Caprice, nnr nn-cious,m.s. *13^P? nnr nn Capricorn, /a sign of the Zodiac) "^"[J 7TD Captain,(of a troop) IM^n tt^^l (of a ship) h^hn DT Captious, a caviller, m. s. t^^V * A^I^P ' CJ^H? ""^l?^^ Captation, ih nn'^'ph ^^in?) -ivate, to charm, 22h Hn? -ive, -ure, ^2f -ivity, ni3?/ * H^^^i^ -or, m. s. Hnt^ Caravan, (of travellers) nni^ -sary, D"^niit^ \'\h?? H^? Carbinier, ^p_ S:^^^ Carbuncle, (a stone) f^)^."!^ Carcase, a dead body, m ^p^ n>^ * n^?: Card, to comb, ph^ -N. p"!?i^P (for games) ^7)5 Cardinal, a chief, t^^^l a priest, D*^?rj3n t!^t<1 Care, ti^^H ' :ii^^ ^'^^jtf 3^ D1t2^ -N. anxiety, n^^^'l/H^nn charge, "iDt^IlD * HIDti^;:: under-of, 1^ nnn -ful, m. s. I'^ril -fulness, nil'^nr -less, m. s. nSI.? * 7VIJ -lessness. Career, nVnQ Caress, (him) *lnnniSt3 D^VT^n Cargo, a ship's lading, il^^^n nVD^p h'ZD Caricature, ^^I?^^ pIpV^' njllO/;) Caries, pnijl * H^^^? Carious, m. s. npl^ * ^^^J Carmine, I/^iD *'^:^ R. n2t^ Carnage, ;inn * 'htD\l Carnal, -knowledge, H^^^ ^^^P ^,^"^^?*'? a sensual person, m. s. j2;?3 ri\m np^^i^ ^'S'^n * n;?T *J^^ci^ -ly, known! 2:^^t2h C^^^ nj/Tl'^ -eous, m. s. -|K;3 *^r? -ivorous, m. s. "i^B *^?^ Carousal, Hr^t^^P Carouse, nlDJf^^ n:;!^!! * iD^i^ > Carpenter, VJ;? t^lO CAR-CAT 55 Carpet, D^*151P * Hl^Dn Carriage, manners, J Hip a vehicle, nHD^P Carrier, ^BD ^1^/2 Carrion, n^n:: %n5i-)co Carrots, D'>J^^|§ Carroty, DIJ?!^, R. D^^^ Carry, to bear, ^^£i^J * hhO to convey, N^'^H R. ^?^2 -about, T3p iSii^; -away, n"^3J?n (a cause) H^V -on, Tl;; ^b;i -on a business, • "2 ppyO"? Cart, N. n^jx?. -er, -^i/n^^iini-wright, ni^^i;. n^i; Cartel, D'^'iD::^ ^l^H^ nt^Mi/n R. nw *=="""• r . •; L. Carve, (in wood or stone) aCOH *2)ir] *;/?p^* 7D3 (meat) inn *nn3 -ing, nj;;^pp ncj^i^p * nin? Case, a covering, ^ID? *^1Sy a sheath, "I^JT) ^^'l^ state of things, ]):;: *]5ii^(of noun) DtS^n n^p in-, Dij^ in-of need. Cash, nnr ^I^p3 'V.^tDD Ch. nil/D Ch. t1^'5 Ch. -ier, nW * mipsiD i^on -n. •'j^n^ ch. nnr^ ch. Cask, a barrel, fl'^nn Casket, D^^i?nn Un^ Cassia, n*np * ni;;vp Ch. Cast, to throw, ^htl/r, * rt")^ -down, HVIK ^"^SH R. ^D3 -off, p"!^ *inin R. 11^ niSlJ to be -away, 12^ -up an account 3^n ^Pi^O (metals) p':i;;> -N. Hn"; * HD^t^H * p^lD Castellated, D^n^ll nlDlH f^p^lD R. ^p''" Castigate, ID;! Castigation, ]n.1D^ ^DIIO Castle, (a house) -iV3p * iiDi.s: * nn;? pi. nv^T? Castrate, (an animal) D'lD Castration, D^^D Casual, nnpp '^-I'l n Casualty, Hipp Casuist, m.s. "Iti^^P Casuistry, nt^5^ njy^'T Cat, (an animal) 7^T^^\ Catacombs, D^HD n^p^ ni-i;;p 56 CAT— CEA Catalogue, n?2^p^^ Cataract, T^K * nl^V (in the eye) llni;; *D*'"il?n Catarrh, tj^'ico^;; 't^n^n:? nh^? Catastrophe, na"! J^lD 'nnn^j^ Catch, to lay hold on, p^mn to ensnare, l^h * ^'^ti'Dn .N. act of seizing, HTp/ * 11 /ti>^? a thing that catches, * "Tp? Wpp -ing, infectious, m. s. p3,'ir\D Catechism, nla^t^^ni n'\hm -etical, bt^ -ise, 2 l^ph -ist, m. s. 2 *T^/P Categorical, CO^H;? * ^IDJ -gory, nlJVp'in Dn^-^V'!? ^?^i?/P Caterpillar, (an insect) Dr| * ^V^V ' ^''PO Cathedral, nti/^m riD^SH n"^-i ' X TV V : - Catholic, a Papist, m. s. •^Dll ^^HS 3^? nniSl *i^ v^DD Cattle, niionn Cavalcade, r^'^ipi^H npjlh pim -ier, a knight, * b'Jl tl}''^^ t:/!^ a partisan, l^T} *i?-). R. HVI -ierly, %'-15n T? "T^^ prhS -ry, U^plB Cave, -rn, n-ix;;o -rned, DnlH nil;;;:: n^^D Cavil, ann ^D^jip nnl;; -ler, m. s. ']'\in *u;^i^ Cause, Dpn * 220 (this verb is however generally expressed vrith the characteristic of the /^i/DH conjugation, as *7^P?n he caused to learn j -N. a source, n2p motive, DV^ a trial, 12'^ * m M^'l -less, D;:C0 n2D '^'?2 Causeway, tlhOD R. ^Vd Caustic, niip ^ Ip;^ Cauterize, nijP * Ip;; * HIS Caution, "inrn * mv -n. care,m-i\nr warning, * Hnnm njVP -ary, pn^lb *n^np^ Cautious, m. s. 'inU n\n| -ness, nn^nr -ly, -2 Cease, to stop, nati^*iDjt/ to be extinct. Din *'7b|l ^y-TH CEA-CER 57 -less, hin "^^n Cedar, rnjj Cede, to surrender, "ibD * 21^ * V^^ Ceil, ;sp Ceiling, ]1t:)P Celebrate, to praise, HUti^ (a feast) Jin -ration, n^ti^ *jn -rious, m. s. n^^l2 * D^j^L^a *;;'Tl: * DD^IDP Ch.-rity, Celerity, minr * nn\np Celestial, heavenly, ^ty^T^m inhabitant of heaven, T^b'OJ^ \2yi} Celibacy, jntH^Q JinD Ch. TWi^lH J ^ ,1 ...... . 11'., ' • • : Cell, a room, "17.D * ^-P Cellar, HnX/D • -)13 %Tljn (for liquoi-s) ^mJ$ Cement, pa'l -N. p21D Cemetery, nlinp DipP n^'B Censer, Hjnn? * n^iDpD Censor, -orious, 1\^2D * H^DID R. riD"^ -arable, (person) m. s. Dt^^^ *ti^^K -ure, D^:i^^^^ ^H^DiH -N. mip3 *nn:)ln Cent, HiJD -enary, HHIian -ifidous, H^D^ p^nj Centre, N. *^Tir) -al, —7^ -ipetal, m. s. —h IltOJ -ick, m. s. Centuple, D'^Dj/g HiJD -uriate, r^^i^nb phjl -urion, HKlSn -|t^ -ury, n^L? ^^^D T"- - ♦'^ TT T" Cephalic, ti^xnn ^^in^ n^Mr\ Cerate, ;i2l*1 nntJ^D Cere, ijl^? Ht^^D H^D -cloth, :i2n3 nnD mt!^D "tjh Ceremonial, -ious, jn^pJD '"^IP? (person) m. s. p*1p19 Un^pn DVPVP Ch. Ceremony, niD^i/: '^'7fP Certain, fixed, m.s. rntOS ^pDJ *31V|J Hlin (city) nilJ^Dn T;; (person) m,s^r)Vt'^\l}^^ (time) II/ID (sum) j?in'*fiD|n nt^-ia (thing) -in^i sure,nps: *\st7i '^r[ 68 CER-CHA R. HT some, t^"}^ -ly, ]'2H * n?2^2 ^'^^^l!? -ty, * pH Certificate, n^'\Vr\ * DMV ri5^ri| Certify, T^^/H R. n^V Cess, a tax, ^-)i; * D?D * DD -ation, rest, *p-)P * HH^?^ njis) *ni:? (of arms) HDn^^n nr^DV. Cession, nnjn ^nn^rI;. Chaff, ^^b * t:^^n Chaffy, ^b .^!79 * pn Chagrin, D^J^f^H ^D^i/DH -N. \p * Dj;? -ed, m. s. VJl^'Un Chain, to put in chains, ^DD^ D^pn^^3 ID^ fasten, phi -N. ^33 ^D^p\t^^ ^nlpini 7l]in ^nn^nti^ (for the neck) pji;. Chair, ^B'2 a sedan, HllS'l^n 1?^D3 -man, a carrier, i^ll}^ a president, Hl^n J^n?D Chaise, H^ * n??1D Chalcography, mn^ ^^^)P Chaldron, H^^^ tl^U}h^;^ Hft^ Chalk, N. T'tl^ to mark with-, -2 tllpi -pit, -Hlpp Challenge, (to fight^ DH^nl? D'H^r^n defy, HDIH^ :i"!Xfi7n accuse, y^i? }]2r\ ch. -N. ^tihn^ n3\nh^ y^ih njrni^ Chamber, n^H -lain, r)\2n Tp^^ ' D^D -maid, ♦ iinn^P HD^ -pot, ]r\ti} ^h-D * d:^^-] ^r> ^.^ r^'^^^ Champaign, an open country, Dl^ Champion, ^^H lln^ * Hpn/Tp ti^\^ Chance, N. H^'^^S * H^pP by-, Hnpb? Chancel, H^DnH n^5 n'^n^lP Chancellor,"-)'^!?!;? Lord-, t:^i<-)n -)^?yQ ^D^^D^It^H ^-1 Chancery, ^11511 T^. ^'^^l Chancre, i;*) ]^n;:^ Chandelier, nil^D Hi^p Chandler, nll^ -)?i;:3 Change, to exchange, f]'^7nn * TDH to alter, H^CV -N. CHA-CHA 69 K novelty, tt^^n **>13ti^ exchange, Pl^^H ^H^^^^n -able, ^ (person) ni. s. ^DD^D R. I^H * "^^Ilil^ *13 Channel, (of water) p^^H * H^;/]! * "li^V Chant, nit:' * n^r -N. HT?:^ * llDTp * IDT -er, "inlt^^p -ress, n-ini::^p -ry, Dn-iwp ^"i"!^?! Dipp Chaos, Chaotic, IrtD R. linn Chap, to crack, y)in * D-V?) -N. a cleft. Hip: ♦ p>p;j Chapel, n^Dn n^'B chapiam, ■rnkS-t:^\^-n^3 trts ^/ • - // T T - Chapiter, ITinjD * HDV R. HD^; Chaplet, t^N")b D'^HnS) Chapman, a dealer, nnlD* t^^^ i^^D? pDii; (for pK^i]/) Chapped, m. s. pvn ^^/IVS *p1p3 ^j/j^lQ Chapter, (of a book) HtJ^n^ * p>5 Character, reputation, DJJ/ qualities, nj^DH * ni?!/? ^ letter, Jlli^ -istic, |Dp -ize, to give a character, * TlNt JflJ "^j;; T5nR.n;i:3 Charcoal, DHQ T V Charge, to command, JliV * n^^ entrust, IpDH accuse, D^^^^^ M'^P?^'"!^ attack, Vj^ demand, ^^^ -N. T » : vv : • T : - ▼ : • ^ • ; •»•••: niVD -able, costly, m. s. Ip'^ accusable, m. s. IDU/b^ *tl}"'i^ Charger, (ahorse) HDH^p^ ]D1Dn D'lD a dish, Hiyp Chariot, nn^np -eer, 35I Charitable, bountiful, m. s. dS mi *y^l^ kind, m. s. TDH -iy,nnn;i nn^ *TDnn charity, np^v * na-r: ^nn^pn -box, nj^iv h^} nmp Charlatan, •'i^D-l * ^121 * i;/!! -ical, iTDI -1 * HDI^ n • t: --. '-.- 'x';* ■»■;•: Charm, to fascinate, '2lh ^VJf/^t^ R. r\]:^ to bewitch, \i;r\h -N. D^I/p^ti^ ♦ t^n^ -ed, m* s. "1 V.^Hmr^ -er, m. s. CO CHA— CHE Charnel-house, t2^r\D fllZDVI? ri"*? Chart, pjjn ng§ *niy'7;?n n'\h^b? mh Charter, nn'^H " |T£?^"! R. Hti^n -ed, m. s. -*i^ jj?? Charwoman, Dl*" TIT??^ Chase, T^^^ * "n^? P)!-! * "nnt? p^'l -N. a pursuit, HDni Chasm, a cleft, p^jpp * n*1[53 an opening, nJH 5 * "^^5 Chaste, pure, m. s. "llH^ *'^jpj honest, m. s. D]1 * ")^^ -en, id: -isement, jniD^ * IDID -ity, n^I/'^^V Tinnp *]Vp? Chat, -ter, i^m * lUH * bin l^'l (like birds) P]^^ipV R- n=:)y -N. nto^B * n:in ♦ ^nn nn^i Chattel, r^Pf'^P 1^- "^^CD Cheap, ^iri -en, to lessen, ^TH * ^'1^]:D VV.^ -ness, ^It Cheat, to deceive, n?^n_ * Ipj;; * H^IH R. n^'' -N. a trick, iTDI ^H-JIDIID ^n^^:1^^ a deceiver, \SD-| ^^Dl Check, to restrain, l)S]J chide, I'V^ -N. 1^I-^C) * D^V^ -er, D^jt;2V i;?^5_ Ch. n?;^ * ^(5;:^ -ered, m. s. * |^n^P Cheek, the face, ^T}? pi. D^^H? -tooth, ♦ ]npn ^piH ];i^ Cheer, to encourage, 3? ptH * 'HM "I^J/H to grow gay, 2b y^tD^n *mn -n. -fulness, 2b a^to • nn;!:ii^ * nMn -fully, -2 -er, m. s. nmD * Ipn -ful, m. s. * 3^ *3l0 bn)i -less, nn;DJi^ x^3 m. s. m Cheese, HJ^^^ * "Ij^B nlDii^ * 3^n V'^ID -monger, -IDlD Cherish, to nurse, 7373 R. 713 -er, m. s. 7375P Cherub, nn? Cherubic, D'^^^^? 1^?v^P? Chesnut, ;to"1K Chest, a box, ?5")^^ * Hnn * lllK the breast, HTH CHE-^CHO 61 Chevalier, ^""n liaH ti^''K Chew,(with the teeth) jiniD * Dl;?^ Ch. -the cud, HIJ n^^H Chicane, sophistry, i^^tl^ m^} wrangling, D'^JID R. ]n Chicken, ^i")p^? -hearted, m. s. 22hn *^1 * J<")^ Chide, "2 -)i;^ Chiding, DIV? Chief, a principal, m. s. tJ^t^l * 3"! -cause, HSpn U/iil -city, HD^P^n DK1 1^^ -thing, -Ijji; * CifN-) _iess, ^ii-\ ^^5 -ly, Si^N")5 -tain, (see Commander). Chilblain, Hnnp ^ifB;;5^? Child, an infant, ih] * ^ID * bb'\]: * b^y an offspring, nn * ]!l get with-, 15^ be with-, n^T) -bearing, ni^ -bed, '■^7^ *^i? ^V. -hocxl, nnj': -ish, ^b^^ -ishness, nn^.5 n^i^D -less, ^nnj;, -ren, ♦'o^ij^ ^D-^b^l;; *D^:3n •T ; Chill, to make cold, IpH discourage, 3.^ *^nn DIDH -N. -y, "Ip -iness, mnnj? Chime, (as bells) bm''^b)i *b)^b)s -N. n^H^D n^Hi; Chimera, ^^l^ jvp-q -icai, nn r\ii?-i * Vgn Chimney, ]^;;n ^t:) * nnnK -piece, bn_^3n n^ipp Chin, D'^jSin ni^g Chink, ^V^'^ • b'b'^ -N. an aperture, HJ^^ipn -y, I/pHD Chip, ]^vp. * 2bn * -\hr\ ch. -n. nn-^i^n '* n^|) ^ nb^rin Chirography, Hn^nSH ilDk^^p Chirp, riDn * tiv?i^ R. piDi; Chisel, ^rng cojt; Chitchat, D."^npp p^ii^s) •Dnn'n >^T) ^^njinni. *ntoi3 Chivalry, ^;>n -iln^ n^lfg Choice, chosen, 1J12D power of choosing, HTn^ * Hin? Choir, (of a church) TID^ chorus, D^n^'i^D nphb 62 CHO-CIP Choke, block up, DilD * Hi/n "115 suffocate, p^H Choler, the bile, HDHN^ niD n'ip:i^r\ rage, Hipn * ^^ R. ^3^^ -ic, m. s. nm *-)^np * )^^it *^i;ii Choose, nhn* ins Chop, (wood, &c.) nbn * f -l^i^ (meat) "^hn Ch. -N. (of meat) -)^5 np'^nn -py,i;i^ap Chorister, m. s. n^lD^n ^j^ *in1:^9 Chorus, np_n^ Chosen, m. s. nniD mnn Christ, DnVi^n n^t:^D-en, baptize, D^N^^SH "^DH h'^lD p'l^ to name, t^ti/J, ^l]^ -endom,DnVl^-ening, HJ^'nCD Hpnt D'^i^^;:Dn ^;!:ii -ian, nvl: -ianity, Dni;i3n n^ii^i^ n^i -ianize, nVl:)7 DlJi^ -ian-name, tl/^in Ull/ -mas. Chronical, l.^J?n -1 * n'^TpjlS Chronicle, history, D"^p*n "^"lll^n Chronicler, DHS Chronologer, D^nXf^ H^? v'V^ -gy, D^^i/^ H;"^? n^^*; Church, (a place) D^nVl^H "Ti/I ^1^5 ^ congregation, DnVl^n niJ? R. T;;^ -warden, jn^p ^O^-IJ Ch. -yard. Churlish, provoking, m. s. ^^'VP^ * ^^I/?P * X^^^ untracta- bie, m. s. j;n§ * n^j^ -ly, nii/n?? -ness, nii/n^ Churn, (butter) ^m * ^hn f OH -N. -^ "^b Chymist, ^l)i • ?]nVD -ry, Pin-VH niJ^^D Chymical, Cider, D"^n^2)n ^D Cinder, ti?^??? ^-^D ^n5 R. ^V3 Cinnamon, ]1^3p Cipher, ni^intj/n 3i^n -n. the figure (0) v^^T} ri1^; lin^nn -ing, \Wr\L} ^^^^?? CIR-^CLA (53 Circle, enclose, ^n^H circulate, D^DH -N. a company, H^inn an orb, h}^^ R. ^^J Circuit, ^IH -N. extent, ♦V^i nn^Dp act of moving round, r\^pr\ R. Plp*> -ous, m. s". nnlD 22)0 Circular, ^^^j;? -ity, ^^^j; Circulation, HiDip/p (of blood) D-in n^np Circumcise, h^D -cised, Si»? -cision, n^">p ri^n Circumference, a compass, Jin the limits, ^li| Circumnavigate, D^:^^ nnbl I^H -gation, DUD ^Qpn ni:^2 -gator, .T;^^n nniDi ^^in * ^ ' ^ ''* Circumscribe, ^3^n -scription * H^^^H -spect, m. s. inn Circumstance, condition, IDj^p *]rii,s^ -stanced, -3 -stantial, "•P^DS -stantiate, '^iDltin t^^-jJ^ Circumvent, 3i?.jt/ * n;?^ -vention, nv^l ♦ HOTO * nHj?;; Circumvolution, ninp * H^^pil * HDp^n R. t]p"i Cistern, ti)f2 H^pp Citadel, nvrip ^n^i^p ^nT5 Citation, a summons, ]^lh nv>2r\ Ch. a quotation, HpnifH Cite, in^ ^3n ^ pr);;n ''•" Citizen, n^ln R. ^tS^^-ship, D^^^lnH tDSlt^D Citron, :iinnNt Ch. - - - : • City, nn.p '* n^;,: Civil, civilized, m. s. nin-j^ri vi^;i"!l *^i/n * dj^id *s:;\s^ -law, njn^n D^^p -vvar,'D4'7 nnnp ri^^'^'p .ian, ^r^in ^njnpn io^t^p nni^\. nT*-ity,'*^ni;::^i;i n.^'J'TO ^riunn -ize, -Tp^ Clack, to chatter, D;'nDSJ^ pJ!^S * D^'^n'l nln^lH -N. Claim, tS^'ipn .N. H^p^? -able, m. s. ti^j^a^. -ant, m. s. Ci^pnp Clamber, nn^^n H^;/ Clamm, to stick, p2^n -iness, mp5"q -y m. s. p2)1 64 CLA— CLE Clamorous, m. s. HOln Clamour, p^V '^^^ -N. %n)^yV T- Clan, a family, nmtt^D a sect, nm *nn?n Clandestine, secret, m. s, inp? * inp -ly, I^P? Clang, N. nj^nn ^1p * ^V^V -ous, m. s. J^^D Clap, pb'l -hands, DV53 fJpD t^HD ^^1? h^^ ^1? ^H R- nD3 -N. ^ip * D^gl? n^?np -per, (of a bell) b'^^U Clarification, -^^3? 'l^nh -fy, "in^ -tude, ni3T * intD Clash, to wrangle, nn.H * ]nn -N. HiJ^^D^ Clasp, to hold fast, thlS: -N. nj^nSl a hook, DHp Class, ^nVil *-)*ip -N. a set, }^D * HFl? a degree, ' n^l^ ^'^^I;.? -ification, npnj;;^ m^p Clatter, to make a noise, HbH -N. p/tDH * )Tpn Clause, a sentence, p^D|) Ch. condition, ''NJJ^ * "^^ip R. H^H Claw, (of a quadruped) nD"|§ (of a bird) "IDCp Ch. Clay,nOT *CO'^P Clean, cleanse, "IHO ^npi -N. pure, m. s. llnO innocent, m.s.'^p^ quite, ''^i) -liness, HnnO M'^'^P.^ * ^'^'P.? -ly*"^ Clear, remove, l^pH (ashes) |tS^l (stones) -b\^p (from ob- structions) • • n^pn R. -no ^ "in"! n5D to acquit, *n|p.5 •"1^5 ^nST brighten, *^^7t^ (the weather) •)^'^V^ to gain, ri'^nn -N. bright, m. s. nnb *Tnn *nV guiltless, m. s. "^pj -plain, m. s. COIt^Si nnB -sky, n.^ -conscience, tlDJ nn -voice, ^^^V ^1p -water, D'^^I^V 9'?I ^'J? -ance, niDH * nVp3 ' D^n^CO?) -er, m. s. ntOlS * HSTp -l\nrD nn^P * np.5P -ly, evidently, HiSn^D^ * *"17:? -ness, perspicuity, m. s. *^^^!\ transparency, mnV *m'^^'l? -sighted, m. s. PIpS Cleave, unite, p5^. adhere, pi'l split, ^Cp^ ^jt/D?^ Cleaver, y^pnD Cleft, a crack, Hnp? * ni?^?? (in a rock) I^H *p^p3 CLE— CLO 65 Clemency, niX^n-l ^HJ^^H *D3n IDIl * n^;?n Clement, m. s. Dini * \^:n • Tpn * ^Din * n^pp Clench, to bend, P|33 to fasten, ^DJ^ Clergy, D'^pPlS -man, ]n3 Clerical, D*'?ri:sn ^^ Clerk, a secretary, IDiD -ship, "IDlDH npi^^D Clever, m. s. THD * ■^^nD -ness, n:^3 * n•^^'^.!D Clew, a guide, 111 rii^-lin^ Ut^l ^f21 R. HT Client, m. s. y^bg *n7 w ^ co^t^p *^j;;n ciift,i;^D 1?/ • Wn in Climate, a tract, t^i: the air, D'^7p^ Climax, ascent, H vjt/ Climb, li?;/ -er, m. s. H/li/ Clinch, (the fist) T ^533 to hold fast, "l ptnn * ?nNt -er, a hold fast, T^pD a full answer, *nniD5 n^^lt^^n Cling, to stick to, ^21 Clink, b'b-^ * ^v^V Clip, to cut short, ^^Vlp (hair, wool, grass) T'T|I Clipping, T.I; •• T • Cloak, nbn 'Uhsn *np? -N. a garment, HIT)^? Tinlt?. a blind, ^VP R. ^^V *mD:p Clock, n;;^ nij^np * nr n^iz: -work, idvj;?? i?jt?l^OP Clod, (of earth) li^;; t:^^;) ♦nj-) * n^n^D ^ ' T 't t t t t : V Clog, to burden, l^H?'!' adhere, p21 -N. an obstruction, mnDH * -ID T T : - - Close, to shut, -) JD * h'Vl -N. end, ^llD sly, m. s. Dnj^ cloudy, IJi;? -together m. Vin: DH^Vp * D^nllp -bodied, ^IJl *T?XP -ly» secretly, "IJnDB without deviation, niCO: ^b2 -ness, nearness, mniP heat, HD^^Dn * DlH privacy, nnp *iripp Closet, to conceal, IDDn -N. "IDD^n 1in2 IIH ()(5 CLO— COA Closure, conclusion, 7135 * Tp, * ^^D ciot,-ihv * D^5 ^^bp^ -N. -iinv *D^5 *i^iii!^ Cloth, nj n Clothe, l^2bri -oneself, t:^3^ -ier, in Hti^l;? "IDV -ing, DnJ3 * nt^n^n * D''^13^D Cloud, 3''jt;n *t3??-N. 3if * ijy * i^^'^i -less, nnb ^nn; * nv Clove, (a spice) ^nlH nliri'; * p.^^^ Cloven, m. s. ^IDJJ^ 'Dn?5 Clout, n^^pD '-^t^b^ *2riDn ^^h2 ^nv R-nm: Clown, -ish, m. s. uv^ ry'\^6 *-)Dn R. IID II - - II ' - -: Cloy, surfeit, Ju*''??^!! -less, -73 -ment, nj;;3fe^ Club, ^'^r\l niin -N. a society, nn3n a stick, T^ ^j; -law, i*n"nprn i/i-irn-ris osjtr^D -room, n-)3nn Tin n^in R. 11;^ Cluck, Pl^^y R. Pl£iV Clumsiness, heaviness, 1^33 awkwardness, DJ/^ "IDH -sily, - -3 -sy, m. s. 133 * D^D nDH Cluster, a collection, ^'^^^? *^13p (of grapes) b'^P^ Clutch, to grasp, •'3 pTHH Ci^£in th^ -N. T Clyster, |p^in Coach, n33"l^ -man, 33*1 T T : V T - Coact, ^3n -ion, -)V1?D -ive, m. s. Pl3^^^. * n^^i?^ Coadjutant, -jutor, m. s. n3n * ITii? Coagulate, nnV^ p'^1 * t^flp^ -tion, liny ^T^?!? Coal, bn^ *Dn?l a burning-, HSiV? * ^^? ^H^ Coalery, Coalesce, '7^^?n^ *")3nnn coalition, ^nnnnnn n1n^^itrl^ Coarse, (cloth) 3;/ 1^3 (person) m. s. jniD^Xf? D^^ *'ipn (victuals) D'^Dil Ch. D '^3ii?/5 (words) D^^j? 0^31 COA-COL e7 Coast, N. n^'^ •^in -ing, D;n ^lyp.,? ^"^^ Coat, mo? •ID -R. 110 -of amis, nn^^r^H npnin Coax, nna • "^x ji::^^ p'^^nn • ^^\t^n r. ^m Cobble, kI?^ Cobbler, (of shoes) nl^j^? i)n U'^ -ively, H^^DkNtB ^^SR^ -or, m.s. ^B^D * ^np_?p *1Jli^ a tax-gatherer, DD n2i:i ch. College, (;i^ii;:i)n"n^ -1 ♦ na^ti^'^ ^ ^nn^riD ch. -ian, -n ian Collet, (of a ring) ]niS: n?^1 -jp Collier, a diarsrer of coals, D^'DHt^ Jll^ *^DnS^ Collision, n;;^:!^:^ ml^-^jb Coiiop, 1^5 np^nn Collusion, It^p Collusive, m. s. Dili; M/!D1D *^hD Colon, n^il^ Ch. marked thus (*) under the letter, as Gen. ch.i. V. 1. D^n^.^ iS13 A" V: T T Colonel, ni^^^n 1^ Colonise, D^r^3 2^mn R. nu '2ti^^ -zation,D^nB nnti^lH • T • ' . T -T Colonnade, D'^I^Dif.l nD Colony, a plantation, ^^B * ^^Ji7p the people, — Ut^l/H Colossus, 31 D A^ Colour, to dye,;;!lVn blush, IIHil palhate, HD? *ii^r\ -N. adye,]3J Ch. ^I/aV a pretence, ]^j; nl^^lD^ MgH^-able, likely, 13) R. pD * ]2TV -ing, an excuse, ni7V?iin paint- ing, n^/'^nVn riD^^p -ist, m. s. 151st il2)i Colours, flag. Column, 1)D}1 -ar, DH^D^.I IID II COM— COM 09 Comb, phfef -N. (for the hair) p").K^? (for honey) IB^^ P)JV t:;21 -of a Cock, ^fi^313 Combat, to fight, DH^n to oppose, T^^nH * 3^11 -N. non^D * nnnD -ant, m. s. n::^nhD *c:^\s * iJ^nD tt:* t*: tt:- • ..-.. Combination, association, Hl^n conspiracy, II^p^ Combine, liin *-)trj^ Combined, m. pi. Dn^n * Dn^ip Combustible, m2 phi"" 11:2^ -tion, Hni/^ Come, *^i3 -off, -JCO^n -out, t^^^;; -into the mind, 7V n7j^ 2b nn Comedian, m. s. ni^VPl^ *S^^P^^r? R. nr::^ -dy, ^it^j;^ *pinv ComeUness, niH ^niD^;/? *Dj;;1: -ly, ad. -2 -N. m. s. TT '^ T Comet, ^33r 3D3 • T : T Comfort, revive, ti^?)? 2'^pn to ease, "^ ninn * DHD -N. nnnn ^nD^:-able,m. s. ti^s^: *2^::^^2 -less, ♦omn rt^D m. s. ^n^? T T Comic, -al, diverting, m. s.^p^^^D * 2b *2^:D^D Coming, ready to come, m. s. ^^H arrival, niSl^3 R. NID Comma, J^yi^ (its mark is a point above the letter, as Gen. Ch. i. v. 2. V"J.ijni) Command, HIV " "Jp? -N. ^I^V ' Hl^p?) -er, a chief, * H^VP ^tt^lD (of an army) b^^H T^pS (of a town) I^I/H Tp§ -ment, mVP Commemorate, TSrn *|1")3r^ H^ifn -tion, ^InST n?r Commence, 7nn R. 7711 -ment, D?!!]!!! ^D^nD Conmiend, to praise, ^2^ *77n -able, m. s. T]2t^D * b^HD -ation, praise, HlJi^ message of respect, Dl7ci^ ^^7^^ti^ -atory, bp Conmient, to expound, I NtS * to^l^ -ary, nii^5 * t^T\B -ator, 70 COM— COM Commerce, ]hy) m^ -N. ^JI^T ^ii;D nriDD -cial, relating to trade, —/p trading, m. s. *nnlD Commiserable, nnV n m. s. DVjni^ **'1i^-| -ate, ^'hv DHn -h i2n R. 113 -ation, m::pnn ^ D^pnn Commissary, I^V * 11'^^;^^ * "^J^^D Commission, ip.^n -N. niy^ ^rilD^p -er, l^p^ Commit, entrust, "TpDH imprison, ")Dt^p!l jrij do amiss, T"-: 't t ..1.:- ' ^ . . . T •: Committee, m. D'^^^HJD * D'';^;::)^ R. HIJO Commodious, m. s. ]^^^ * Hb^J -dity, wares, mlHp *pJj? Commodore, DnH^^H D^IV'"!! "^^I?? Common, a vulgar person, m. s. COVIH Ch. any thing not holy , ^1n usual, '"IVD * ^^^n a public ground, D*'!l"in n^^n equal, V^HIS -good, D'^^nH nnltO -ality, D;;n ]lDn -ly, 2'\lh * ^""Jn? * -amp -s, (of parhament) niH^D Ch. D;;n-]i/!:n nicoinn -wealth, a repubiic,nin-5^n n^ts^D^ Commotion, HDIilD * H'^Qln ' T : T • Commune, "ll'in m. s. *ini;-) h^ *t^^^ in*! -icable, m. s. ISpl **Til)' R. Ui -icate, **7 IDD -ication, conversation, nm^ an inlet, n^21p *n^2^DD -icative, m. s. ^3 *i^^i^lD *1nn -ity, society, HIV * ^Hp^ * II^V Commutable, m, s. H^^l *^Zn\ * 1?^^ -ation, a ransom, tins * HD^^n ♦ nniDn Commute, Di^ * ^^^^nn * i-^Dn Compact, solid, m. s. DIVJ^ * ptH a contract, Tlj/;' * H^I^H exact, n^D * DVDVJ!D Ch. R. DD^ -ness, D^i? ^ pltH ' Companion, m. s. 12n ^JT}^ * IVDiJ Company, *n")!Iin Hj^n^ (of soldiers) nn^ Comparable, m. pi. '^B'V * 11^^ -ative, -ision, ^l^p'l -atively, -n TVS * htl/D nmn Compare, HIJ^^H n»*n COM— COM 71 Compass, to surround, 3^I1D ^pH R. f^p^ -N, a circle, Jlin limits, h'^b^ ^ni^Hil Compasses, H^inp Compassion, Dlil^nn * D^DVil * H^DH -ate, m. s. ♦ D'lni u^Dm *i^bD -ateiy, ni:Dn-)n ^D^'pnin *n^pn? Compatibility, Jlnr^D * Hti^^ -ible, m. s. -)^3 *-)J^; * ]1DJ Compel, DJij ^PiJht ^yhs: ^nn^n Ch. Compendious, m. s. HVfJ Compendium, IV^p Compensate, ^b5 'DW-sation, ^^DJJH * ]*'piVn Competency, sufficiency, p'lS^ *P?P power, T^vD"] -ent, pSD ^"1 m. s. n^in *hSjl * ''IK'I -ible, *>73 * °'^D3 * ^IK^ID Competition, HNl^p ^HDnp -tor,m. s. n"l1^f '"T53np Compilation, H^^ipK * Olp^ Compile, Plb^e * £0p^ Compiler, m. s. ^D^tp * ^i?./P Complacency, (see Complaisance.) Complain, bewail, I5'^^^^^ to murmur, t^l/riH *DDn pi/V -ant, m. s. ^^ *hiJ'D, ^ ^7^ *j;5in Ch. Dm *pp)i -t, an accusation, Dnn^ nl^^b;;;, • n:pK^ a lamentation, * HJ'^p ^;^^? * \n: a malady, H^nb Complaisance, mD^I/? * ^n R. \2n -sant m. s. * D^i/J Complement, ]Dh * "|p *D^^ ")§PP -al, m. s. * N5-?^P U^blf^D Complete, D^^^n 'i5 n\^^^: -ant, m. s. i;^ '^222 'n^2^*m'\2 Complicate, ^DDD R. ^DD * ^n^? R. ^^2 -N. m. s. 3ni;p * ^n^np -cation, i^;:?^-]^ * ^''S^? Compliment, salute, ^13. * Dl^'2^5 ^i<^ flatter, ]'\ti;b p^blin 72 COM— CON -N. HDiH *D1^:i^ n^'^j^ti^ Mitr^ P^n -ai, m^'^];: T T : T - • : ' T ' V •• • : Comply, agree, DSDH Ch. yield, mn *D^:;D ^^CJ^5 Component, mon ^n^iV^ri R. HVD Comport, behave, :in3nn * Hmnn -ment, ;in;p *^i;i Compose, to quiet, COpt^H * priJ^H to form, \^^il -ed, m. s. ^i?^ * i^I/l? I1^;|P -er, m. s. IHnp ition, a written work, m^n a mixture, HDI'li/r) (of spices) nnj^"!D an agreement, H^WH R. DW -itor, nvnl^^ "I'lDp -ure, order, HJ^^n * HDni;.^ tranquility, C0[5;^ * nit^H y\t^1 Compound, agree, Hlti^H mingle, h'h^ 'l^IJ-N. ^nini/n nnp^ap (of words) nn^nn '33njp -er,m. s. nWD Comprehend, conceive, Jl^i^H R. ).m * ^311 include, * ^^1D ^^DH -sible, m. s. ;iSi?*> -sion, nnn * n;i5i^n -ive, under- •T "^ -\ TT~: TX- standing, m. s. — 7j^5 significant, m. s. Dlti^H comprising much, m. s. ^^DH^ p^HH^ ^HSnD ■ i Compress, squeeze, '^i/p * ^h? * prTH -ible, *'^I;1D^ ^fHT ' priT. -ion, -ure, ^^^f? * ^D^ * pH'^l Comprise, p^mH * ^^pH R. ^713 , Compromise, Hlti^n -N. tlt^Vd/'Ti T Compulsatively,^D2;f5 * D?.i<3 ^^niS ^^/-iCh/nipn^Ch. -atory,-ive,m. s. ^Ipt^ * D?> * nn.?/5 Ch.-ion,*^DiJ * D.?^« nipn Ch. Compunction, H^n?. * nj^^n Ch. Computable, Dl^^n;". *-)?©: * H^.^^ -ation, 'Jlnti^n * nSpD 11.i: * "I'^i^!?^ -te, 2t?^n * nbp * ii:)/p • ti^.l^ ' "ii^^^ -ted, m. s. 2t^m * -^n;; * lii^D Comrade, m'. s. 12^ * D'^DV * V_']. Concave, -vity, H'lWpJi; R. X/pt// * h'h'n Ch. Conceal, D^X/n * ^'^nHH * "l^Iipn ^ HD? -able, m. s. D.^tf?. CON-CON 7d Knn^ * "iriD'' * no:^^ -ment, * nD^x;n •^^n^o nnoD .. T •• •• T • V \ : T T -; - .. -. - T ; • Concede, --^ n^^H ^'O n-yi * DDDH Cli. * "Hi^ \r)2 Conceit, imagine, njp^ * 2U/n * 2^ ^i; il^j; -N. an idea, n^^HD * I'^'i?."! P"d^' ^^ pir-ed,proud,m.s/3^*n55 n^^r\D fond of himself, pJDP Conceivable, m.sj^^ R. ;i::^3 '\2V R. ]^n-ceive(in the womb) n-|n comprehend, J^JJ^H * l^HH .ceiver,m. s. ;^^n *p:;D -ception, (in the womb) ]V*Tn a notion, ]V]J^ * nil^nO Concentrate, ^D^ * ^SJ^ Concern, to care, ^N"! * ti^lH * J^t^^H to interest, ? (succeeded by the pronoun, as ^7 '"^^ What does it concern thee ?) -N. n^st-i * t^mn * p^^y * po;; Ch. -ing, ry'n^)^ bn Concert, contrive, ^3:nn ^Hv^nnn X^;:D agree, n^^? ^Hlt^H D5pn -N. harmony, n^1^^?ln^ m;;^. * nijwn (in music) T^'ii^'^r] nD"i;;D Concession, grant, njr)^ a thing yielded, Hnjll * ]"i^t!^"l Conciliate, reconcile, D^^^ "IS? ' H-J^'l win, *nri§ n.^ ^j;; nn^n -ation, ^^T\^ * nia? -ator, m. s. *njn?)p nMD *D1^^ *nji^i; Concise, m. s. I^)^ -ly, n^lVpS -ness, ITVp -ion, HnVpH Conclude, determine, pn * CODtJ^ close, ib^ * H^D -dent, -sive, m. s. pn^ ♦ -n-lB -sion, CD§t?^p * -)D;I ♦ ^110 Concoct, ^5;; * ^^^^ -ion, ^is^ *^i3K Concomitance, "l^BH * H^l? -ant, m. s. IDn *n*173 Concord, n^^^^ *Di'7t^-ance,rCON m. 8. D^P^SP? * D'^inn Concussion, a shock, H^/^J * UJXf.t R. }iV Condemn, blame, D'^^^5:^ sentence, i/^t^lH * D'^n * DnHH reject, Hij * ti^COJ -ation, nVH * DIH * nn^i? -atory, m. s. D^t^^^;o ^x/^t^-i;::) -ed, m. s. ynD ^Dino * m^r (to death) m. s. n^D *\2 * nn'^:^ *2^r\ Condensate,' ^^^DpH * y^JJH Condense, iSDj^ * nbj; -N. m. s. Condescend, yield, "b Pt^^^ * D^;ip ^^S^^5 stoop, ^I/JSH ni:;;n -sion, d^:)s n^i^^^tv:) * r]}:2:ir\ * r]^:v T •• • X • : T T ; - tt -: Condign, "^^kS-JS ^C0|!:i^;?3 * l"^^? Condition, quality, *^"li^ * Hvi/D circumstances, 1^^^ stipu- lation, ^t^:pi * *>:n R. n^n -ai, "^jn:a * r)|D ^^^ -ary. Condole, "h Tl^ Condolence, 1^^ Conduce, promote, iriD help, ^^;;1n R. ^;;"^-ible,m.s.nnD^. h'^vy^ -ive, m. s. nn^p * b^^^^ri Conduct, iT\) *T11'*? * T^'i'"^ (oneself) ;!n^nn -N. ♦^nip •^-i"^. -or, j\n?p ' * ^nip * ^^^1;:: Conduit, HD-in * n'prri * nir^ Confection, Hph i70|nD n^^/.P -er, m. s. Hpl-) * ^D1^? Confederacy, -ration, H'^'lll -rate, —21^3 -N. m. s. — 7j;J5 Confer, discourse with, "7 "15*1 bestow, "7 \n -ence, T \ ; Confess, H^^inn * HTfln R. HT nSH R. IDi -edly, -mn-i * ^^bj!i -ion, ^1^1 * min * nnsn -fest, m.s. ♦ ^^b^ ••; t: ' • T TT- T -inn *i;n^ T - T Confidant, m. s. Vy\12 R. I/T * \mi * "TID ^ti^'^ij^ (as "•"TiD t^^^ my confidant j Confide, "1 np"! IpSH -ence, assurance, n^np * Hi 9^? boldness, ^Dfpn pi^ * ^{(? CON-CON 75 nirjt; -ent, m. s. niLon • ncono * nf^ ♦pP-^ * d^?? *^i^ Confine, fix, b^l^n shut up, I'^^DT} * K^S -N. ^133 pi. Dnv»n rn * ni^ia^ -ment, -iids* s^^jdh rr^n Confirm, establish, D^f^ * D^'pH strengthen, pin * It^J^ -able, m. s. D'lp^^prn;' ♦ n^jjvation, Dvp ^p^m 'iWi^ *fipn -ed,m. s. JiDJ *D»pP *prnp * -I^^P Confiscate, Dnnn * U/^V -tion, 01.11 * ti^li; Conflagration, Hnri * t^^ij^ ^.^i^X;? Conflict, unhn * nnn -n. nmbD * nnn^ Confluence, -flux, llDH -fluent, m. pi. "TH^ DipD h^ *D'^lp? Conform, comply, "^ nlK^^ 'D?pn Ch. suit, p3n -able, ]1D3p *^D ^^p -ation, r^ny .ity, •nii^.'; -ist, m. s. JIHl: Confound, perplex, ?^'^?^ ^DvDH mix, 773 -ed, m. s. hn:;: * d^?? * ■^U3 -ediy, nD^jn * nsnn:? -er, m. s. Confront, to face, H^^/ *Tbj^ compare, H^l -ed, m. pi. • T V • T : Confuse, perplex, ^:a^n R. ^^3 * ^\n3n -ion, * Hnilif.t:^ Confute, to baffle, D^f^pH disprove, inO Ch. ^S^^^nDH -able, m. s. nriD^ ^trnD*" -ation, H^^nD * nti^nDH. Congeal, i<3|J -able, m. s. i^Dp;; -ment, ;lN^p Congratulant, m. s. Tl3p -late, *TI3 -lation, n5"J3 Congregate, ^Hi^n * P|P^n * TJ^Til -N. collected, m. pi. D^?pX: * D^XJI: -tion. Congress, nij;* HD^DiSt * ^Hj^ R. V'* Conjecture, 2^2/^ * np^l -N. ]V^n * H^^np * ^Vjt/.l -al, -^^b ^^? -er, m. s. 3;S^n * n^"TO Conjoin, nnn -ed, Dn3n n^^nn^. onnnp -tiy, injsi? 76 CON— CON Conjugal, n^mn^ iD^^w: hm Conjugate, (a verb) 7jC;2)n H^j^^^D nlt^H -tion, n^D? Conjunct, m. pi. D^^nn * Dn|inp -ion, ni:3^pp n'lnn -ive, m. s. y\12D * I^IID (the mood of a verb) ^'^jnH ]^? -1 R.n:n *n:]2 : Conjuncture, Tn^P l^V * HJii; * l^t ni/lD R. ^I/"^ ' ^ Conjuration, a plot, 1??^p. enchantment, O^pOp * D*^ii^5 Conjure, to enjoin, iy^tl/tl enchant, Dbp * ^^-^ -d, m. s. i;nti^3 -ment, n}r\2tl/ -er, DDp ^^ti^5P Connect, ISIl » pn'l -ed, m. pi. Dn^n ^ D^pnip *D"^D^Cp -ion, ninnp. ^mo^pp *-niDn:inn ' Connivance, D^JS n1^^^&^^? * i:i; n^b^n Connive, ' Connoisseur, m. s. "lp5P * T?? I^- T^ Conquer, 'bjl I?;!.! * HV? (a passion) mi3, ^t^D -able, m. s. n-Vr * C^^^n^ -or, m. s. b'^n -1135 * n-y.^P Conquest, Consanguineous, ")g^^ ")^^ m. s. Ullj? -nity, *ni3")p. Conscience, veracity, HJID^t Hn -tious, m. s. * D^^IDNl *t2^'»K -1^;| Conscious, -ly, m. s. ^rW,^^ -ness, nj^f'^ R. J/T Consecrate, t^^^lp * t^'^^pH -ion, m^]:; Consent, --3 n!i^-) * "b P^l ' HntJ ^D^DH Ch. -N. ^^iVn npjpn -ient, m. s. HVln * D^^pP Consequence, an effect, n^nn^^l * ^*^V?^ -quent, ^DlDD -quential, important, m. s. "TM? '"'Et -q^ently, *n^j/ Conserve, (see Preserve) -atory PJ^PP * ^l^^P ^"^P'P Consider, examine, ^JJ'^^O'? * «'?^^'? regard, 2'lL*T] doubt, CON—CON 77 P^D Ch. nj;;in bpt^ -able, m. s. ni * niti^n -ate, m. s. l^n.0 * ^"^Sfe^D -ately, prudently, ^DK^-l calmly, * Hn^rnD? nj^JDH -ation, thought, il2pT]?2 "i^^O * ^l*;; recompence. Consign, Tarn * nb)? "T^^pn -ment, nnnj/n • htdp Consist, subsist, J^V^H * nl\n (as Dan. ch. i. v. 21, ?S^3"T '^('l^T anc? Daniel consisted j -ence, subsistence, mti^^ * illS^VP agreement, ^11 li^ -ent, conformable, m. s. ]1D3 -ently, — 7 Consistory, D^ri^ 'D'^LDDfe^n D^^HS -rial, bt^ Consolable, m.s. 6v DH^ -ation, HIOH:] 'lD^D^m 'D^D'inill -atory, — 7^ Console, DH^ Consoler, m. s. DH^P Consolidate, pTH * ptHn -ation, p^lTH Consonance, concord, "^^^^ * T)^*^T^^ Consonant, suitable, m. s. liDj * D^j;: (a letter) n\^ Consort, associate, * '2 p'2^ marry, ^'^/^[tl Ch. -N. ^IIVT Conspicuity, -ousness, 1T)2 -ously, —3 -ous, m. s. *'m^ Conspiracy, "Ht^jp -ator, m. s. "l^i^lp * D'^")ti^ipa Conspire, -itr^p^ Constable, n^i::^ -ship, ntolts^H niip? Constancy, Dn^Dri Constant, m.s. D*;5 * n^ipHD -ly, Tf^Pi Consternation, astonishment, JlH^ri * HDpti^ fear, * PlO'^i^ nbr}2 T T V Constituent, essential, H^'VPri R. H^D * DVI{. one who de- putes, m. s. r\bw Constitute, TpDH * °n^? ^JIJ -tion, (of the body) ;ro (of government) H^n^n nbii/DD ny\2n -tional, nr-rpn C0|it?^^3 -tutive, m. s. D^pD R. Dip Constrain, tlDK ♦ DJ*^ * r -^i^ * HIDH Ch. -able, m. s. * D3^^^ ni?;; -t, tiDj^ ♦d?^ ^nnpn 78 CON-~CON Construct, 113^ -ion, the building, n^*")}!! interpretation, * l^i^S c^^ng * pnna 4ve, tj^nb^ nn^^. -ure, ]):i2 Construe, nh£) ^1^ nj^3 T "T •• T Consult, -a bi<^ *\*j;jn (a book) -)§pn ^j^j;/ fc^gn -ation, n^i; Consumable, m. s. D)!^) "nVif^^ * H.^?^ ^p^l R. ppf2 Consume, Dnt^/H ^nv'^ *Dnn ^PDH -ed, m. s.^pD2 or) ^nnm ^njs -er, m. s. n^n:;/t2 "n^?p -ate, n v^s ♦ ^/vn ♦ D^::^n ♦ ^^^D -ation, * n^^^Dn * r\Dhti;n '•- •• : - •• - . : - T r : - n^VP -ption, the act of destroying, Hiinji^n a disease, ]vh3 * ]in * t^nJD *nnn$ -ptive, m. s. n^nV/? * n^5p Contact, Contaction, p^n'^ *r\U*]p Contagion, HD^.P * 3L)p. -gious, npg'nnp Contain, hold, p^tHH * ^^DH -able, pTH^ * ^3^D^ R. ^1D Contaminate, to pollute, ^5^ * Dht -N. ^Jtpp ♦ DHtD Contemn, '?^pn ^ nt3 * D^^ti^ Contemplate, HHW 'niS^n *|^^ (evil) t^^lH -tion, ^jV^ n^'iJ^ * n2t^r\D -tive, m. s. n2li;rM2 *hv^ -tor. Contemporary, m. s. 1-)1*1 ]^ m. pi. im 111 *^;3 Contempt, vileness, Div'T scorn, Jlv^f^ M^"^J5 -ible, m. s. "^ID ♦ b^tl:} -ibly, n'lnn -uous, m. s. ^t^TD * HmD R. W -usousiy, :^d;5 coisi^n *Wm *]innn ^rm Contend, strive, nV^ri * n^H * pWH^n argue, HD^^n -er. Content, n7^?;i^p .Sv'P * i/!!^ -N. -ment, n;;n^ *;;3ti^ -ed, pleased, m. s. Piyip satisfied, m. s. jJZl^ -less, ijii^ ]\^p Contention, quarrel, D'^HD R. ]M *n^D * p^j; %"Iinp debate, m::^) -ious, D'^^'Tp *Ji^^K ♦ ^n. ^innnD CON— CON 79 Contents, what is contained in, ]^')T\ amount, ^D Contest, to quarrel, nnn * nVSH * pWllT:^^! debate, H^IH -N. n2^nD ^n•VD ^TOI -able, 75D Ch. (for ptiLL^ ) inn ^n'7n T • : • Context, united, m. s. niSH^ (of discourse) l^^^'*^ *ltf^?0 -ure,D^p)nn ny):}r} Contiguity, ni3"l.(? * pl^l -uous, m. s. ^1*))^ 'P^^T Continence, chastity, ni^/'^^V -ent, land, n^S;; \^"11St abstemious, m. s. ti^n^ chaste, m. s. ^^2^ -ual, -uate, "IK^n ""^n *1^pn -ually, D^Ii;^ -uance, duration, n'^Tpn abode, HT^j; *n^iD -uation, -uity, * miDni?^ nipnn ♦ n^^pn -ue, protract, TI^l' * T^?^'!' ^^'e"' Tb;; * ^'^l persevere, Tl;; ^ID^ Contort, ^jpy ^mi; -ion, n^ti^pxf * ]ij^ ♦ n^v_ Contraband, n:n^n M T13 ' ni3 ^b * l^D^ T • : - - VV T- T Contract, to bargain, VIJ Hl^H betroth, ti^"lij * ly^ shorten, -i-yp shrink up,pby 'dhp^ -n. nsit^^n * p^nist ♦ni;;;; -ible, m. s. lii^p^. * pbV^ * CO^i^'^. -ion, * pIl^V ' tD^^p -)i-vp * nnvpn -or, m. s. nwD Contradict, t^H? -dieter, m. s. U;r}^f2 * nln^lr^ *ti^^^^ -diction, -dictory, -ries, -rity, H^nipn * rip^Ll-^ -dis- tinction, mTiJ^rin regularity, tO^t^^D ^7p -rily, -riwise, -ry,^Dn^ -St, m.s.'^nvi TJ.; ''d/^i^ Diti^-N. *r]t^r}:^n n:^i^nn ^nn5?nn -sted, m. s. 'in;;-! tj; t:^^ii^ D^in Contribute, give, ]nj promote, 220 -ing, -or, -ory, m. s. ]T\2 * 35D -ion, the contributing, Hril? a levy, DD * D2D Contrite, kS31 * n31? * tOnnnO Ch. nn n?? -ion, nconn %na^::^n T T-: T ; Contrivance, n'vJnnn Contrive, -\^):D -r, m. s. *^^VlO ni^nnn 80 CON-CON Control, govern, 'b^ h'l^D* "2 I'li^I/ -N. H^^P^ -ment, I'^Vp -lable, m. s. -iVj;.*; -ler, ^ti^lD n^lj; -lership, Controversy, a quarrel, Pinnp *nn R. 2M * pt^V a debate, H'l^l -versial, -^ti^ -vert, p^^HH * nSVlilD Ch. -vertible, m. s. IPiD) t^^H?^ -vertist, m. s. HSip * ti^H^P Contumacious, m. s. * D^ *nij;;;_ * ni^npH nij;;i *iii f^-ij;*nt^p-ness,'^:i^p. *n^v nn-iy, -n Contuse, l[^-yi * J^!l^|i Contusion, HV'^V"^. *I^^| Convalescence, ^Bnp Convalescent, m. s. i^S*l? Convene, ^HpH * f]b^ Convenience, fitness, 1p^[] ease, D^T ^inn * HI"! -ient, m. s. ^p'D -ient time, "H^'BH nV^} -iently, -)^D3 Convent, (see Abbey) -icle, 1]J)T} ^''? -ion an assembly, HyHp *^D*^p^? an agreement, HiJI^t^^n -ional, —2 Conversable, sociable, m. s. 0*^1/"!.*^^^"^^^ -ant, m. s. * T^tl/0 prip -ation, 137^ Converse, discourse, ")|I^n cohabit. Conversion, HD^yn (from religion) n*1 211.1021 R. "I^D Con- vert, change, ^"^/Hn * ^^BHiin * Pr\ "l^pH appropriate, ^•inn -N. m. s. 13^ •^?)^5 * -ip^lJO -er, m. s. m *Tpp *ln^pi;. -ible, m. s. ^^HV "ipi*" Convex, r\^;in5 * ^j^ -ity, ^I^XT Convey, transfer, hW ^in^H -ance, HlW * Hnnj/.H -er, m. s. n^;i^p *T3i!P Convict, D^ji^iin *i?^ti^-l^-N.m.s.Dt^^? *r2i^"i -ion, nnDin R. ny^ * nni;;2i r. ^^]} -ive, m. s. n^^l^ * i^;;;i Convince, n^DlH -ible,m.s. HDJV H?')^ -ingly, ^nlriDln? Convive, Hp?^ * 3^ n^tp\n -ial, m. s. H^^P * 3.^ *3^pp CON— COR 81 Convocate, ^ID^ ^^HpH -tion, ^5^P^? M^Hp Convoy, n)h * H W^ VV I'^H -N. m. s. HI^D Convulse, VJV.l -ion, Hj/ir (of the muscles) )P1?DV ^^^^J ch.Dnn^tn -ive, (person) m. s. niv^|) ^^^r^^?jn Cook, t'ti^H -N. m. s. hl^2D ^HSlO -ery, ^IL^SH flDN^D Cool, to make cool, "IpH * ^^V slacken, flg^n grow cool, ■^lE^^n M?^V'T^ *n?>inn -N. m. s. Ip ♦ nQinO -er, m. s. -l^pD "i^Vp -y, tOJJ^ * r^H^n -ness, indifference, m^jnnn * m^t^nnn ch. Coop, -i5pn * t<^5 -n! a cage, n^^D -er, fii'^nn nmv Co-operate, "h "1311 ♦"D^; fi^ri m -ation, * nnsnnn mDririt^n -operative, -partner, m. s. "13^ * ^^P Ch. -partnership, Hinn * ^lltDJi^ Cope, contend, p^^nn "inH* --^ Ti.^nn Copious, nnnn m.s. ai-ness,j;5{i^ ♦a'l -\y, —b ^iiW2 Copper, a metal, i^\^^\2 a boiler, ]b2^ * Hn^p -plate, a plate engraved, D^HinS HriDP ^^H^ (an impression from it) D -n*V -smith, m. s. n^H^ t^^niH Copulate, p-l'l ♦K Ch. -ion, pl^*! ^niJI^tn -ive, m. s. Copy, transcribe, 3r)3 priJ/H (a picture) "1*^ imitate, mD^n -book, npn;inh i^d -ist, m. s. p^nj^p -right. Coquet, D*'3n^?3 ]i2i^^ p^HH -ry, D^nH^tS JW^ np.^H -te, D'^nnK n-nii/D ^D^an^^n m'\ti;h np^^n^ Coral, D^:31D^J? * D^DIiJ^^Jt -line, -^:j^ Corban, an alms-basket, il^l)f hp rl^^p a gift, jniij Cord, a rope, ^311 Tiln;; ^ njpri -age, (T?^^^ \^5ri Cordial, reviving, m. s. t^^^^ "^P^ R. y\^ sincere, m. s. M 82 COR— COR Coriander, 1^ Cork, Dhp -N. a stopple, D^t< * HDi:!? Ch. -screw, -H^IP Corn, a grain, |J*1 (on the feet) D;'^^'^ ^^?^ -chandler, m. s. Corner, an angle, Jl^irHJ?) ^iflVpP Ml!?. ^^ extremity, HN?) ^^155 *nv)^ -stone, ms t^^i^l * H^t^in ]2^ Cornet, a standard bearer, D*'t^")2in "?}! ^^S^lJ Cornice, IT ^ninD * 1^2) Cornigerous, m. s. D^5"!i? *^jy5 Coronation, niD^D nnp -1 "iic^j; * ti^Ni ^i? nn3 np^ct^ Coronet, D^?hn D^npH nnipi; Corporal, bodily, ^:?li * ^D^^ Ch.-ity, n^5Q^5 *r\^p?i^5 Corporate, m. pi. im^ D^ni^P -ion, pnlH ^:!l Hl^ I^-*J1^'' Corps, TH^ Corpse, hhr\ *nDi:i *n'^i-i *-);ia ^n^s^D * n^n^ Corpulence, H^n H^ID^ Ch. ' n^;^:^^ -nt, m. s. *|P^ T T ^ - Correct, mend, |j>)jn *^^5P^'^ punish, "ID! reprove, n*^p1ri R. n^^ -N. m. s. tpriD * 11D3 * D^{^ -ion, * -JD^lZD ^ HnDln ]^pr\ house of-ion, Pi'lIlD ri'^B -ive, m. s. 3"^^^"; *3iC0 -ly, ]1D5^ * ")^V5 -ness, 1^1^ * m/tD^?^ -or, m. s. * H'^DlD Correspond, to suit, JllkS^ * lISH (letters) m. s. nll^i^ hW *rnk^ ^^ *^^^^^ -ence, (by letters) n'\l^i^ Hl^ti^ friendship, nnnnnn *ni;;n-ent, (by letters) \m) m'l: nnD.!:!l suitable, m. s. no: nti^3 Corrigible, corrective, np5\ *1D^D Hj^^ R. nph Corroborant, m. s. ptnO * "I^^?P * D**!?? R. Dip -rate. COR— COU 88 pm *i^'^ * D^pn -ration, pirn ^srl'^^^e 'nr^pn^ Corrode, ^3^ -ible, m. s. ^D^;; Corrosion, Hnnt^H ' ^13i^ Corrosive, m. s. b'^^f? * n^^rili/D * H^DO Corrupt, defile, Kl^O spoil, Hll^n *^nn * ^p^p R. ^^p grow bad, nnt^H * Snn * '7p^p bribe, ihti; -ed, m. s. nn:^:] * ^pbpD -er, m. s. n^n'2/?2 ' bp7pD * 7nnD -ible, m. s. r\T}t^\ * '^Ri P*! * ^?^?. -^^"' wickedness, nn:r»Q * nn^ * "pip^P matter, nnco * nbb^ ch. Corsair, D^D^H nni^ DQlH "^CDD^ Ch. Cosmogony, D7l;;n n?^n? -grapher, DJI^JH H^irJll "l^^np -graphy, D^iUH njIDH njyni -polite, m. s. ''p^ Ch. Cost, had at a price, m. s. 13")^/* "2 ")3P3 it-his life, ^^^^ is:^dj-i it-me trouble, m. s. **la •^n^Di; ^nj;:)'^ ni^7n7 nnbb '^71; *n^n -n. price, riv * thd Costive, bound, m.s. VJ^D-l I^T.^. binding, D;'jyD7 l^^VD Costliness, dearness, 211") p^ Costly, m. s. 1p^ Cottage, n|D R. "|3D -r, m. s. HDD *t5tii^ Cotton, (the dawn) |^| "IDV (the cloth) Ijn Couch, lie down, p"! (the eye) nni]/ D^^^Jt/ HpS) -N. a seat, 2y2;D * n^p ^nn -ant, m. s. pin Covenant, nnn n^D '"Dj; nij:^n -n. nn:i ^ni^it^^n Covenantee, m. s. Jl^S *bv^ ^^^.^72 Cover, overspread, HD? **^5lD * HSn ' ^SlH * HgV *1S3P hide, n^npn * ^^n^^ -n. a covert, "inpp * iSnnp a screen, ^DIO * HDn?) ^ing, HppD * ^ISjV * "'^C)? -let, n^m R. •id: Covet, Ibn • n\S -able, m. s. 112^ * ni^n -eous, m. s. Iin^ *^in3 npin * n^^nn -eousness, np^ij^^n * niNn Cough, hVt^ -N. W'^L^ 84 COU-COU Coulter, m pi. u^r\^ Council, D^Vi?'^^^ ^^V^ Counsel, y);] -N. advice, nVif a pleader, X^^bo R. p^ * ^^^^^j?'^^ Ch. -lor, \i!V Count, to number, HJ^ ' "IDD * Ip^ -money to, "J^nD R. X^'l "h anr P1D3 n1i;D Ch. -N. a number, ]^2D ^'^^DD a title, nn^ Countess, -H nti^k^ Countenance, pm 'U':^ i^m -N. support, 'D'^^ mN^'fc^f pirn form of the face, D^:|) * D^?)i? * H^j^ip Counter,a table, m::nn ^H^ti^ base money, ^l^1D j^ncpD Ch. Counteract, act contrary to, ^IJp^ "l^O* "^ ^^l^H -balance, ^i5^;3n n^tl/H ^HJ^S ^'p^-N.I'n^:?^ hpJ^D -evidence, Hg^npn DMV -feit, to forge, f]n -N. Pl^Jirp Ch. -mand, "Tj>?;?5n 3^t^n -N. 1^ ^ID l!^ R. lil^; *lp/?/?n ni^n -march, ^DJI 2W -N. -lini^^ nnitt^n i;dd r. vd: Counterpane, timn nOpD R. nC03 -part, i^:3:?ti^ T^ R..*n^; * ^:^n -iny m. s. n^-piot, n^jp ^id n^p. -poise, -N. ^pt^DH ^llti^ 't ; • - Counterscarp, n^ni^H ^M^h ypT) nh^n Countersign, T n^'^nnn j^m nt?^.st Countinghouse, pt^^nH llT} Countless, n^DD J^St Country, a region, ^1^ * HJ'^^P rural parts, * DnVH * D'^")^? r\niJ^ one's native soil, r\'l7')D \*"l^ -man, a husbandman, HDIJ^ mil? a rustic, "^^D3 born in the same country, DJ/ ]3 as ^7^y \2, my countryman. County, a shire, P)l3 * *^7S Couple, join, T^P^n marry, JJT Ch. -N. TDV *:it Courage, 2bn y^m take-, pmnn ♦fpi?nn lose-, ngnnn *3b :iS)n r. jid -ous, m. s. *n^ *pp^^ ^^n *W^ii^ -ousiy, ^^nn * 2hn y^m2 COU— CRA '^ 85 Courier, m. •. y^ Course, pursue, "^HX ph"! ^1^^ ^TlV rove about, IDIDW -N. a career, nynp order, IID (of nature) *D^1j; ^'i^*'^'! p.s: ;/?on Y)^. ^ ^'^'^c^ ground, ?si;i'ir^yi< niji; R. "TIV -r, a horse-racer, T;^ V^V a race horse, D^D i^j-njnV'^ ch. -ing, i^v Court* (a woman) Dm hU'pV 2h'biriy^_ seek, Ci^pn -N. (of justice) n n"^3 (of a prince) HT^ * *?1.^D IVn a narrow street, l)in -eous, m. s. D'^;;^ * ^ii:^") * ]r\ D^I/I ti^•'^^ -eousness, -esy, ]n R. pPI ^il'l^^Jt/? -esan, * JlDHlf^P °^jg r\n^1;; -ier, a lover, 'h^ n;3lj; * ^I^"^? an attendant at Court, -^bjpn ^^^h'lD^v Dnp -martial, >ii;;^^ pT n'^i ni^n^;pn -ship, nu^i; Cousin, m. s. ml^ 11*1 *i3 * 3l-)p Cow, N, nnSi -herd, -ip.l3 ^H^p.p t^^^i^t ^niiD nit/li Coward, m. s. 32^ *y^_ ^i^y^ -ice, -Tib *^-)lD -ly, ~2 Coxcomb, -ical, ^^inD ' lb m? ' ^^^^^ Crab, a fish, ]mD Crack, to split, D-V? 'J?p3 -N. a chink, D'^V? '^Vy.V' -ling» -n ^ip -brained, m. s. hn2D " ^ibD Cradle, a bed, HOnj^. 'H^n^ Craft, art, ;D^? npi^^D -iness, HDID MQIJ; 'D^'^'P? -ily, ~2 -sman, ^D^Nt ♦ t^^nn -ty, m. s. QMS * D^iDDln *::^''Ji^ Crag, a steep rock, b^br\^ nii| ^^|)^; nn -gy, nit/p^ * jn**?? -gedness, ^2^p Cram, to stuff, piin *D2I$ 'DO?) Ch. eat greedily, bn^H Cramp, "I^Xf -N. hard, prh * n^jj contraction, Ch. Dnn^^^ mi;; pi;:^!; 'T " X II • I II Crane, (a bird) DID * I^Jj; 86 CRA— cm Crave, 'D^ t^j^n * 'b^ -)hj^ -ing, longing, nu;p2 I Crawl, move slov^ly, /Pit ^ Craze, to weaken, HQ") (the brain) njtf'H ^5^5 R. I/T^ *hh2 -iness, ^I'^pT * Hif*! ^i^^n -y, m. s. rii;*^ n3 *-)pn Cream, D^HH |D1t:^ * H^pH -y, Jti^'T. * ]r2^ Create, to form, J^h^ //IH -ion, the forming, ^^«t'^^^ (the world) D^i;; -ive, m. s. ^"12) * hh)r]) -or, ^^n1^ *^^lnp -ure, a created being, *T^^^ * '^^"!?1 ni- s. ^"I^i a human being, il^H l^T a brute, n*n a dependant, m. s. "nnrii/p?* --b inj/^pch. Credence, -enda, ^3'1D^? -entials, ^:)D^^ DDD %nn')yn Credibility, M^2p^?3 *l^^it -ible, worthy of credit, m. s. \m^^ probable, nD^h 311)^ Credit, believe, "2 ]D^n trust, HI^H ^Ht^H R. Hm -N. ^^^•^^^ * t^i^o * ^^::^^ -able, m. s. * D'^:^;D^^ *ti^\^ X T : - T - T T -; ' • v; ]Di^:) *m2D^e:3 *hi:2 -abiy, n:^!:^H -or, m. s. m^D^nt^: Credulity, ^:^D^? nr'i m?!^ -ous, ^p^?^^ ^jp r. ^^p Creed, n:1D^^ ' T v; Creep, t^'D"! '^ht-ingly, slowly, tO^^^H Crescent, increasing, m. s. /H^l l/'i'^ (moon) HiD v^H "^Vn Crest, of a helmet, 1/ 11^ H njtf -ed, m. s. V^^ VI fj Crevice, nnp? * Hj^^'pn * D^'VS (in a rock) I^H " p^p? Crew, assembly, ^pDP^? (of a ship) .T^J^H n")?)! Crier, tnpp * ^^ni? Ch. • ^1p i^ni/D Crime, D^St *;fti^2) -less, m. s. U^Dll * ''pj -inal, a convict, m. s. D^^? ^t^^'iK *i?;i^l£) -ination, n^^l^ -inatory, m. s. ]*^pi!^^ Crimosin, Crimson, if^lH * V^'PI? Cringe, to bow, r\r\'\mn *v^2n -n. nn m^?^ 'H;?^?? Cripple, D^^n. n?:^ Dic2^ -N. D";^:!"! n?: CRI-CRU 87 Crisis, a critical time, J^^nDDH ^/J") a turn, ^)^t^ Criterion, n\S-| * nnDlH -tic, m. s. IpnD * H^'DlD -tical, accurate, m. s. CVPVP Ch. * p'HiPlP ^' PP"^ captious, m. s. ll/il^V -ticise, nj.!.? * n^Din -ticism, -tique, "npS * p'Hp'n Croak, -lp-)j^ -N. 1^-)^ Cii. Crock, ii^-jn ^^3 Crockery, fii^nn *>5?5 Crockodiie, nnyo j;?i"i.?v * Ip^^l^ Crook, tl^i^X '^\?P- ^^? *'"^.^y -N. nn -backed, ]n| -ed, m. s. bpV^ * t^^pi; * hhhn^ * ^riD^ • n'\Vf2 -edness, niti^pj; *pi^p-ediy, -n Crop, "iVj^ -N. the produce, H^l^ri * "T^VB ^ bi''^*^ stomach, HiSnp ^p^r Ch. Cross, lay across, 2^^ Ch. *n^^ *lto?^l?3 ^nh^ nni/n pass over, vj^ 12JJ cancel, Pinp * pflD -N. across, m. s. liDJ^tfS n^t^P a gibbet, n^V V^f/ captious, m. s. ^\?P. *n;)^P ft-etful, m. s. 0'\V?i*nr}DD a misfortune, VI X/^^ *tl\r{ -ness, peevishness, D]/t *]11ti^pjt/ -purpose, nl3Dnn -way, D^D'i'in n^nj Crow, (as a cock) X-jjP -N. (a bird) ^I'lp * 21)iJ Crowd, m. s. *^rf]ji *t^'>>^ pfT^ 'TilJrin -N. * |lDn Crown, invest with a-, inpH **1Cpi/ -N. a diadem, a coin, "inD a garland, ilh^h'3 top of the head, lp*lp^ Cruciate, p^VC^ ^' P"l^ ''"^?i^ Crucible, Cruset, ^l^iD "113 Crucifix, ^^n-'^-vn dW -ion, ^^T^v Crucify, n^^ Ch. Crude, unripe, -ipia *bl^2rp ^n>3 -ness, ^I^^SH llit/n Cruel, m. s. np^^ '^h ♦ni^^p -ty, mn.r?^^ * 2^ n^i^i^p Cruise, H'^i^^n lODlt^ -N. n'3^3 COlC^ -r, tO^?^ ^^^^ ' T' t:t •• T' t:t • • ▼: Crumb, anS n§ nn^ -ie,"i§-)2) nniiD Tiln^ 88 CRU—CUP Crush, to bruise, rVI ♦>0*n -N. nV'^V") -ed, m. s. '1.. — .. — ^,. ' Crust, N. (of bread, pye) T^5 * D1"lp Crutch, D2Vt^f2 Cry, weep, ilDn * ^^^n * pi;j * pyV proclaim, ^Ip -inj^/n exclaim, :i^ai^ *nhv-N. ♦o:! * H^^^ * npi;%^ Tiprr T - T • V T T : 'tt : 'tt : 7ip ^ nji^::^ Crystal, n^DIDt Cub, N. ^7^;; (of a Lion, Bear) l^ll (Hart) n^'y Cube, cubical, i/^np *l^^:i"J a die, ^^5^p Cubit, nm -ai, ^ni^n n;^i? Cuckold, ^^^3 -N. n^i^3D ^ti^^^ ^i/n Cuckoo, (a bird) ^HtJ^ Cucumber, H^pp * ^^ti^p pi. D^l^^t^p Cud, ni5 chewthe-, Hl^ H^I/H * "I^H R. li:\ Cuddle, to lie close, I^S n1"lp?l 21)^ hug, p^H Cudgel, ^ippn nsn r. hd;] -n. ^^d pi. ni'7pp Cuff, (of a sleeve) ;;l-)rn-m h^ti^ W$ Cuirass, HnHb * Hn:^ * iini2^ -ier,— ti^in^ Culinary, nbt^2D n'"'n ^ti^ ' Culpability, D^^JI -able, -rit, m. s. D^^ ^t^^i^^ Cultivate, to till, n^f^^n n^^ 12V ' "l^i * ^in manure, ^Ht Ch. improve, |ipri -ion. Culture, " HDl.^n nilDjt;. tr^nn *]ipr) Cumbersome, HDDIfP * h^D * ^^;? R. i^m -ly, riHnD? Cummin, ]&5 Cunning, subtle, m. s. Dl^jt; * b^^: ^D^pDln *:^\^ skilful, m. s. Dt^in -work, nDt^n;? riD^^^P -ness, ^ riD"!^ n^np * ^in ^ n^'^?? -ly, -d Cup, n.;y3V? D^'t^ V^9 -N. a vessel, J^'in^ * Dl3 -bearer. CUP-CUT 89 Cupidity, njvps: * rripn • npwn * n\^n Curable, m. s. ♦I^ Hi^nri ^i=2)-|'t: ' ^?=:i-)^ Curate, irl3"Dipp ^IDD -cy, H jin^ Curb, -ivj; -N. ivro * ID") -stone, n^^in p^^ Curd, ^^p -N. n^p2 2bn Cure, to heal, H'^H * ND"1 -N. ^^^1D"I * i^^lD * HDnn -less, nsnri "^b^ * ^^a'^Q ]^^^z -d, m. s. S2)i: Curiosity, rarity, ")p^ ti^lfl IQ*^. inquisitiveness, ^^^?^l nti^n'in Curious, m. s. ^p^ T • : - ' 'tt Curl, mV (the hair) nn^.^ ^D^D -N. * H^^HD * HVli? Currency, circulation, nV^ip fluency, nil^np paper money, pnOD DlpD .S^OP Current, coin, * inlD^ "inli; jynpDCh. a stream, ^1^^ nn: * D*".? Dnt -ly, generally. Currier, nlli;; 15Jt;p Curry, nllU^ 111V Curse, wish evil to, 1^^ '22p^ * ^^p afflict, p^^H '12iin R. piv -N. n-i^^p * n^^p -diy, nj;-i n Cursoriness, mtH^ * ]lTSn -orily, —3 -orary, ti^"*!! Curtail, n-yp '"lypn Curtain, (of a bed or window) n^n*; ♦;;^p^ * JI^^T Ch. Curvation, HD'^QB Curve, to crook, ^b3 Cushion, ^3 Custody, l^pO put into-, —2 jhj be in-, m. s. —2 Jinj Custom, Customary, ^^^H ^JH^D duties, WD -arily, *2'\lh h''^'^^ *}^n22 -er, m. s. n:)ip -house, DD^H H'^n • T ; T : ' V ' V V — Cut, (asunder) ^yp *i;n5 ^T^ (in) dl't^ -bread, D^IS -flesh off,nh5 *'^hn -flesh to pieces, "^n2 * inn -hair, tti -stone, hb^ -N. a cleft, njif^p n a wound, 0"J.^ 90 CUT-DAN , Cutlass, n^jn ann Cutier, LD^y'^'p r\mv Cutthroat, m. s. HVl") * 0"^^ *^??1t:^ Cycle, a circle, n^^pl^ -opedia, n1i;*'"T>n ^pnjyp Cylinder, ^^^^ Cylindrical, —3 Cymbal, M)i * D^jnh'/? R- ^^^ Cypress, a tree, Hfljl D. Dabble, nn^r^H (in Avater) nfe -r, m. s. in^np * H^n Dagger, -If?."! *n^^ ^ann Daily, DpV * nV3. t^V Hp * DVT. DV ^D? Dainty, delicate, m. s. "^1 * pJijP * ^^I^ delicacy, * pT3?]!\ D'^;?!;?^ '^D^ni;;^ *D'^?Ji/pp -iiy, :\:v^ ^nvm Dairy, D^H nmV n^5 -maid, 3^n H^li; Dale, pDjt; * Hji/pn * hm * i^\^ ^ n7?i^ Dalliance, pastime, D^Xf^^.^^ Dally, ^Ji^^.i;^ R. n^tl/ Dam, to shut up, IJD ' liD -N. a flood gate, 1DD * Ip^ a mother of brutes, D^^ Damage, pVH * ^p>p. * ip?n Ch. -N. pTJ » pTH np^rf -able, m. s. pT^ '^Tbt^^ ^ ^p^P^ -d, m. s. hp'lpO 'pn Damascus, p^^'l Damask, D^n"i§ n^p") Damn, condemn, D''?^^?^ ^jtr^'^nn (to destruction) DnHH curse, D'np * "11 ^^ -able, -ed, m. s. "ITI^JI -ation, D^H Damp, to wet, n^tDnn * Db^ * H^H^ R. m^ deject, rm«nDnn '2h ddh r. ddd -n. wet, m, s. *n^ dt:o-j -air,' n^m^n^ *n^n^ Damsel, nn;;^ *n^^^ ' T-;- t: - Dance, Tj^n * V^H -N. -ing, llpn ^VhD Dandle, • -a i^eta*.^ DAN— DEA 1)1 Danger, N. H^SD Cli. (of life) U;^2 n:3D -less, -"^^n -ons, ni.s. ]5pP Dangle, ni. s. ^nns* *iDV;i "Jt^P -r, a trifler, m. s. Dare, nij^nn m. s. 12^ IN^^D -ing, bold, ni. s. * 2^ *Y^:2^ D^>5 *r^ (action) D^W Dark, wanting light, ^pn * ^£)X cloudy, ' DW * l^^P n'1)^ -en, T^'HD *^^?««n nipn -ness, want of light, np^^n * "l^riD * ]'\Db'^ (intense) n^?^? l^n -some. Darling, ni. s. *-)p^ *31^^e* *•'? *innn^^ nriiS^ti: Darn, DjP; Diip * pin |pn Dart, vn -^/D? rT^^n R. ];d: -ingiy, ^n? Dash, strike, Pjij 't^^t?") blot out, pHD *nnQ -N. (in writing) Ig a blow, P];; -ing, m. s. TPIS) * hn'lD Dastard, m. s. 3n^ *^n '^^T,-ly»^lP^ * J^llDB Date, (a fruit) "IDjn (of time) DVn"C0"!5 -V. -2/13 -less, —"^bz Dative, V^i?;^^ DH^ D^ Daub, nhD (with lime) IbH * HlCO pitch, 133 Daughter, fin pi. nl^n R. H^n -in-law, H^^ Daunt, nn nsnn * 2^ DDH R. DDD -ed, m. s. * n^oiD Dawn, -)n;^n ni^i; -n. -ij^ii * nn;:^ Day, DV -book, Hl^^^n l^D -break, "in^H Hl^^ -labourer, .m. s. DV n^DJi^ -'s journey, DV l^hn^ J);^^ -light, DVn -)1{

l3 Debtor, m. s. ♦ain *^;;n ni^ "" ^ Decade, l^ij Decalogue, D 1131 H ill^i/. Decamp, Jf/D^ -ment, i/DD Decay, lib * r1^3 * pfeH R. ppD -N. ^^^3 * n;^3 ^ pD Decease, jt;1| * niD -N. HJ^^l^ * nn'^p -d, m. s. ]}^i * flD Deceit, D^r ni;n *D^b: * niKioi • n;3nQ * n^;:Di * n^Din -ful, deceiver, m. s. *73: * "^i^lDl * "^^1 * H^/ilD * Dli;? DEC— DEC 93 c^:?Din »K^\^ Deceive, H^n ipfj * n^ln R. ny^ -a, m. s. December, ^Ju^^^nn ti^nln n^pDCh. Decency, niO^J^? * ^^HD Ch. Decent, m. s. D^V2 * l^i/D * ]1jn Deceptible, m. s. H^T * HIJI^^, -ion, (see Deceit) Decide, nr5 * pn * nb3 -diy, ]^mhr\h -r, m. s. nrij ^nin Decimate, take tithe, I't^iJ give tithe, "li^^j;; -ion, I't^VD Decipher, ni:^^ nn^ *-)Sn-er,m. s. 1t^?P nnS) ^liSap Decision, ^T -l/?5 ^tOSt^p * nnn Decisive, m. s. *p^nj Deck, to cover, HD? -N. (of a ship) HOJJin H^^ Declaim, Ib^SI HJ;; * ^1p m2 -er, m. s. Dni'l *Ji^^i^ p^in^Ci^ -mation, mn5in"71p -matory, —7^ Declarable, m. s. ")^?I1^ *Ji^")3^ *")5P^ -ation, an affirmation, nijn msDp * nn^nn *dk? publication, D^ni^ ni;*7iD -ative, m. s. n^^j)!: *::^-i=:)D ^v^i'in Declare, *T;;n T^n *-)§p 'i^nin R. 12: ♦j/T *ni; -ed, m. s. Declension, (of nouns) n'lD^n ^hpJ^/D niCO? Declinable, m. s. HtDJ^ -ation, act of bending, n^t^n Dechne, vary, Ht^n refuse, ]i^D decay, £01 ^H/S -N. a decay, ]V^3 * pD R. ppD -of day, Di•^n niO^ Declivity, iniD * I/V^^^* Ch. -vious, m. s. HtOD HDD *'T1V Decoct, boil, Sti^5 digest, ^Si^riH -ion, h^li^ll Decompose, :i^>5n * iiDn -ition, n^nDH * Hin^n Decorate, H^)^ * Hi;; -ation, H]; -ous, m. s. DV^ ^Itl/^' n:in -urn, n^D^p: * ii'in * j^np ch. Decoy, ^^^^^ » ll/p) " ^^^DH -N. ]1^^^D ♦ C^^plD *^1Ci^5P Decrease, grow less, ID'VD nbH ^l/l^H diminish, * jrU} 94 DEC— DEF Decree, r\i ]h2 * nt^ -N. n^i *Djns ^n•1r•l . -It t - T : • T": Decrepit, m. s. ]]>)D *nb2 * 2\l^ -ude, ]p;TD H^^? * H'y'ti^ Dedicate, consecrate, fiJ^'lJP * Ji^^'lpn * "^iPI inscribe, fe^H^ -d, m. s. i:;^^]^p * ts^n^p -ion, n:^m ♦ t^^•^i? * fc^n: -or, m. s. 'ti^T}lu Deduce, ^^'^ -^lOH * "It-! -ment, m. s. i^^^D3 * "IT J:3 -ible, m. s. }J^^^»^ * nrr Deduct, ;;h5 * nSi -ion, abatement, * :r33 Deed, action, np]^p * nb^^J^ * H^V^D instrument, nn^ ' i^p ch. -less, m. s. ^vx?* * n^i? '* nai^ Deem, to judge, tOD^ to think, nti^H Deep, far to the bottom, m. s. pDV sagacious, m. s. * \*^")n p^^ depth, pip;;, the sea, Dlnn * n^lVP -ly, to a great depth, ppi;b sorrowfully, nvi/^ * n^vi;.;?^ -en, p^pi;n Deer, nV\^ ^S♦^^ ^Tn^ *^3«^ a young-,-)^^ TT- T- ■>"•; •; •^ <-'' Deface, to raze, phip ^nflD disfigure, ^^^1P p^?n ^H^H -ment, ^^^nD n^^1n nnnti^n II '■• : - II ' - T : - Defalcate, -)-?^p * fl^D * ^-^p -ion, Hnn^ ^HV^'Vf? Defamation, nirt^t'r:) Sli;-) Hl^'l -tory, -btl/ Defame, pt^^^n ' n2i ^^^V'^^ *''D''n tii^ ^^nn Default, defect, liipn *D1/!: * DJg Ch. -er, m. s. "2]^ Defeasable, m. s, ^bn*; * ^Sp"; -"IpV R. "llii Defeat, frustrate, l^H* hm h^D rout, ^5^e^ * H^H R. HD: -N. niDH ^"pic^n ^n^.o -ed, m. s. -)5^t: *^lD3 ^n^D Defect, D^D * 1^"^P0 -ible, -ive, m. s. ~-bv_^ 'IDVi -ion, revolt, HT-JP *^j;S ' iJt^^ * l^B * HDIJ^^P Defence, a guard, HDnp * |^p vindication, * m/VJ^H n'lp'HDVn -less, npnp Jjp '^^n Defend, to protect. DEF— DEG 95 nv2 Dn^n ^'hv V^ ijn to vindicate, ♦"^;;r^Dnn^n -r. . •• T • ^ '//T//'"T ^ I //•:-'//• T PTIV'"!} (oneself) p^l.^V''? * ^'VJ^^'^ (o"e's own life) m. s. ♦1ti^D5 ^y Tbjtf -ant, m. s. I/Bfi? Ch. -er, m. s. • HDHO rP? * r^'? ^- r^ * ?^1'^^ Defensible, (person) m.* s. pi.Vj (place) nvnp Defer, to delay, Tbj^ *")n^^ * t^^.SJ^In * n^HDnn refer to, ■h n-^^n R. m3 -ence, HnDH * D'^JS Dlin -•T 'tt;- 't -:- Defiance, f\^in * ]ltj^^n Dinn^rin * ]vrn Deficiency, "ibH/tD * li")Dn -cient, ni. s. "IDH Defile, violate, ^1^0 pollute, -*7X;5 -N. "Tl-n -d, m. s. * ^^l^^ ht^iD -ment, HK^CO * ^^^^5 -r, i^nn^Df^ * hi^^D Definable, \D^^ * p:::^ iS:^;:D^ ♦ D^n^ Define, explain, "lijiH * Ci/")i^ * ")"IZl to limit, V^^H decide, pn * -)r5 * dbn-r, m. s. n.snp ♦ nrvp-ite, * liDj * ^:n;iD p^m (article) H^^^n 'H -ition, a description, * 1V)S mii^ decision, i^^ohn * D^iti^/':: *n-)r2i -itive,m.s. *-m!i T : Defloration, a rape, H 7ir\3 ^^^IJ Deflower, (a virgin) Xf^^ T : II" - Deform, to dishonour, "p^n * i^^CO to mar, nij5"ip ^^^'1 -ed, m. s. r.n^ -ity, riHti^D * ^ip^p R. hhp Defraud, 3p]; * n;?)l ^n^lH R. H^ -er, m. s. \n^D1 Defray, -IDHD \h^ * 'r\^ ^5^3 as, I will- thy expense. Defunct, extinct, m. s. 13^^ * l)^^ dead, m. s. n;:3 * ;;i5 Defy, ^i-in * rir^ * lit:^^ "i^n;n Degeneracy, -ation, nii;")S * nml::^ ♦ Hniti^P -ate, i;'iB *nniti^ -n. -ous, m. s. i/nt!)' * ^^.w Degradation, lowering, T]h^^2}r\ lowness, Hl/?^ Degrade, ^^?)?/n *^pnR. '7^p m DEG— DEL Degree, a step, nj*1*T0 a rank, il7^J2 (On the earth) U)DV ^i;i^ by degrees, £Oi;p JOJ^D Deject, nv^fn * n^ DDH R. DOD -ed, m. s. *nn ^n?? %r * 2)iii -ion, 3^ nnvi? * n^?3 nn Deification, D'^il^i^^ n^^J^/. Deify, D^TI^^^ nltJ^jg. Deign, "b]h: *n'vn *nii?;? Deism, ti^lp "^nnS nt^^HlDn n-)'^£33 Ch. Deist, ^ ib^ — 3 :^^n3 Deity, ribi^ ^t^^rib^ *niiT Delay, ibj: * t^^i^in ' r^DriDnn - nn^^ -n. i^t]^ * htio;; Delegate, depute, nO^^^D? r\ju; HR.^n -N. ♦^J^.^D ^n^^'^ TV *Ti?^-ion, mD^?^/P ^Hl'lp^ Deleterious; m. s. r^^f2D * n^PiU/D * t3p?-D Ch. Deliberate, think, ^Dnii^n *]^j;;|nnhesitate,"rb^ ^nDHDnn -ive,m. s. wn;:^ 'b::imD nnn-ion, ♦ n^;;; ^m^sn^n Delicacy, softness, ni3"l * *^h *]n^^?I[rin deliciousness, pi:?ir) *;3i:3i;n *:i5i/ politeness, m^^;;; 'DJI^ Delicate, delicious, D^^^^fpi? * D^^ifD (person) m. s. *p_ppD * ^j;/ s'^WP^^ -ly, Ji:jt;nn * Djt/D^ Delight, please, :)?;; ^H)??^ to-in, "l jlSrnn Hb^ -N. jjjy * nnpti^ * 'O'^V^JJ]:!} -fui, m. s. p5?p * n;??^p Delineate, TV * il)n 'l^n -ion, HTV "fl^^^r^ Delinquency, ^t^^ ^n??/^? -ent, m. s. m'ln * V^'l^ Delirious, m. s. DV^ *p^'l nDH * ^|1^3.p R. ^^3 * ^Hnp -ium, Di/co ni;^ "iDh * buhi * nbni II-- //--••••,:• xTv Deliver, resign, ")|pn * *1D^ to rescue, 7''-yn *m^ *C07P pronounce, ilJJ/l Hvl i^'^VlH (as a midwife) IT -ance, -y, n-i5Dn ^'^TDn^n^•!^n *nn2) nn^n *.TT^-er,m.s. T T : - T • : T T - ; • T" Delude, nisi *^^V^r\ R. i^C^^J ^n^ilH 'Dnxrn Deluder, DEL— DEN 97 Dciucro, ^b'2; • ^inp -N. D'^ni D^p ^9::^ ' ^^2D r. ^3: Illusion, ni-'nno •riD-ii; ^d^hti?) r. m: ']'\^t^D i>oiusivc, 111. s. Dnr.'^ * nj^HD * n^pp Demagogue, ^''VntlinZrjn D^^'^Htlin ^t *\^?^) Denial, H^npH *mr:iD *p^D -er, m. s. Denominate, DtJ^n XliJ * .133 -ion, DC;^ * ''^33 -ive, m. s. Dt;^3 Nnip ^nbp Denotation, Hnijiri R. mn Denote, be a sign, JD'^D Denounce, inform against, X^lDtt^n * iSpH "l^iSTH -ment, o 98: DEN-DEP n:m * ^^tDn msrn -r, m. s. \m ' ^^o^ n'^stD Dense, m. s. 2V * ptH -ity, n^pp * pm Dental, D]^^n hw Dentist, m. s. D^JC^**^?!") Denunciation, declaration, ni?llD rTl^pP R. I?"T* Deny, to refuse, lljlD * I^D disown, Ji^nS Depart, go away, r\bn * pV2 * Il/'ID desist, ilbj * Hb^ * IID die,i;i:i *niD -ure, * HD^^n * nn'^D * n;;^i5 * nTtOEi) TT T • : TT - Department, a province, ^13 * /''y^ an office, Hllpg Depend, to rely on, 'bp ]Vj^n -l^DDT] * -''2 nbT} Hbn hang from, ' '2 iibr\ -ance, HDHD * lln:^^ * HD^DD -ant, m. s. -'^ l^J^t^P Ch. '^nViPi X?3D3 -ent, m. s. T Depict, nj^n * -)^y Ch. -ed, m. s. I^JID * l^l^D Deplore, 'hjl ^?^?0n * '-^ IDD -able, m. s.X;-| *-)/p Deplumed, m. s. n^l3 ^tOII^ Depone, swear to, H^USi^n "T^'i/H -nt, m. s. 1^ R. 11]/ Depopulate, nli^t^H * H^m DiJi^ ' Dt^H * n^nn De- population, ruin, H^m * Hppti^ * HnnH Depose, to attest, "l^ifH degrade, T^t^'H * "D T^pH -ition, • • TTJ- TT-; Deposit, to trust, 1^^ hn Ip.ipn to pawn, ]1anX[ jhj -N. Depot, (for recruits) Hmhrpn "^p^^H 1^1 Deprave, yiS * nnW -ation, -ity, mi/ll) * Hn^tJ^P Deprecate, ^^gjnn M?n)pn -ion, H^iiri ^njHJJl Depreciate, m. s. *l3ni;;? j;?n;n * *V)WD npH Depredate, "7^^ *V^ti^ * tt? ^DbH -ion, * HH * D?n I'll; 'nh'^hp -or, m. s. iiw * b^lti^ *rn3 ♦ Dpin Depress, p'^V!? *'^''V''7 ^i???'"? "i^n, humbling, ni/JpH DEP— DES 90 lumuiiatioii, n^r^^ • n^bi;ip -or, m. s. * j!;^:?p * h^^u/D Deprivation, nh^h^ Deprive, ^'^^ * ipn Depth, deepness, p^y abyss, DiHri *n7lVP Deputation, niH^W * mOi^^D Depute, "^^hf^ K^^ n1^^^^D? Deputy,' Tpa * H^^^ *1'^^P '")^V' Derange, DbH * ^n^n -ment, n^HD * h^hll R. ^^2 Deriliction, H^i^^'O:) * n^Vif Deride, -'2 hnn* -'h ]p ph *P^n* -'2 'pT}'^ Derision, h^nn *nn *jj;^ *iiv^ ♦pinv Derisive, *v^ *pr^VP Derive, ^5^V1^ * -in -ative, 1U2 * m^in -ation, HIT^ • T t:' tt t:- Derogate, iJ^l^ ^DH *^pn -N. m. s. jyn| nDH -ion, ^vy^ *n^^P -ory,jynjp *^Vp.P Descend, to come down, 11^ come from, "D "TT -ant, rnbin -ent, "h n2]2 -sion, HTi'' -t, Tiio ' r]ih'\r\ T T ' II - ir " ' T • : ' T TT Describe, IKn •"T'V Ch. R. "nV -ption, IJ^in * ")^'»i; -ptive, m. s. -)^?np * i.'ivp Descry, HNl ♦ COSH * t^^f D ♦ HDV Desecrate, ^•?n *J^?ip -ion, Ci^lp ^I^H Desert, t^^D^ * nt^ (as a soldier) p.^HH * nhn -N. merit, niDT R. HDT waste,* n*^ * nnin ^-inn Tl'^^ti^ : T' t;t TT •*■•; r]i2i2'p ^nnny. *]lc^;i^? *")?7P -er, m. s. ^iD^nn;; \^^rM2 * D^^2)"-ion, Hd'^S) ' mD -less, ^l/'^^n »•. -,.;. .T T": TT """'J Deserve, m. s. "b "^IS") ^COSD^^^D *1^ -dly, ^^i^^D ♦ COSt^^QD ' T - : • *' TT T ; • - -ing, m. s. aitO ♦ Ip;^ * pjn Ch. Design, to purpose, 2ii;n * ]5? -N. n^^HD * n:i3 -edly, —2 -ate, "^*VCh.*1^jtn -ation, intention, ]')2D appointment, rT'1p?i -er, m. s. 2mr\ -ing, m. s. * Dnj^ * ^Dl^ 100 DES— DES Desire, to wish, t^^^ * ^fiH * bm covet, ^C^ * ItV) * 2m -ously,-n-ous,m.s/t;^^|pap * V?^ ' ^^"^^ * ^^^^ ^"^P'^^ ni^in -able, m. s. IDHJ * llOHD * Hl^^n Desist, 7in * -'D TDi; 'n^^J^ ' J^B * li]^ Desk, -jgb nnjn Desolate, Dinn * HlOipt^ Dlj^^ * Dli^H * nli^^n -N. (see Desert) Desolation, l^nn * nDDi:/ Despair, despond, 2^ lUl^H ♦ "]"")n-N. tJl/^^^^^ * inb-er,m.s. Despatch, send, nbtl/b inD kill, n^DH * Jl'lH -N. speed, nn\np ♦ ]1r^n a messenger, t^'^T} n^^bp * bp_ ^?J:>? Desperate, rash, m. s. 1tlD2 * 7nbp without hope, m. s, t^^)2 * 12^ -ly, furiously, nDPlB rashly, r]bn22 -ion, T T V Despicable, m. s. nn? * Di^p!? * ^^tj^ -ably,ni^?:^3 Despise, rlD *tO^??i^ * Dv\D * ^pH (his own life) ^bll^n Despite, D^rpn * t^^nn * D^^:?n -n. malice, njH * r;^! -fui, m.s. D^V2D *;;-)/? R. x/n Despoil, Dbn ^ H-TJ^ * rp -liation, DI^H * Tti^ ' HTll Despot, -ic, rnj; * l^t^ns Wd -ism, Hi^nx/D Dessert, n^TIJ/D H^J'^p * t^T^'^?^ Destine, l'^) * ]h3 -d, m. s. ]'^^D * liflD * ]r\) -ation, * |J3P Y^n Destiny, HnT^ * npixf.;? Destitute, forsaken, m. s. 3Ji?2l poor, m. s. "TH!!^? v'H -ion, -)pn * niv'i R. bbn Destroy, lay waste, nn^ * l^inn kill, JIH * T2^n -oyer, -uctive, ri'^nti^D ^nnn;? *t?^P '-^I'n -uctible, m. s. nnt^"^ *2nn^ ^jin> nnji^'^ -uction, ^nn^£!^^ * p-in DET— DEV 101 Detach, i-i/jn * pnnn ♦ pbn -mcnt, i^2^n phn Detail, CO'lS * tiHS -N. COntii * Hfi?^-)::) Detain, stop, ^*VX^ * 331^ Ch. (oiie's due) pti^j/ keep in custo- dy, N^5 -)b^? -er, ni. s. I'^'lV ' ptpV \ :i?i/P Detect, KVD -ion, H.S^VD Detention, restraint, ")VJt7D * 313]/ imprisonment, "lID^jt Deter, nif? * i^T *3^ -^nn -ment, Hlll/n * ^^nlD ^^ib Deteriorate, i;nn •pnH * ^p^i? -tion,. pn *^p^p Determine, -ate, decide, pH * iT3 * 1b^ limit, ^B^H -able, 10!7» * F'^.C'" "^^^^y» decisively, HlDynnB resolutely, 2h fDN? -ation, n^^HH ^Hntl n05 *3'?n ^l^iS^ -ed, m. s. '"inn; * pm nn? **-)d;;i ♦^n^D ^lO^hd Detest, Vi!);^ * '2pr) * ^P^ -able, m. s. y^t^ * 3i;n3 * hpD -ation, pji^ * n3i:in ♦ h^sp^ Dethrone, ni3';DD n31^;3D n^'DH -ment, -HnDH Detract, ''^j;; ,13"? i^^'^'in M^^7n ♦ ••3 rpn *7hp_ -ion, n3n * n')::^:^^^ ^ n^^p -ive, m. s. hhpj^ * J^nnp -ory, T T ' ; T : V Detriment, ^73^? ' p]2 * pPH -al, m. s. p^\D * n^H^l? Devastation, destruction, p3i^ * l?^'^ Develop, unfold, n^;1 * ^^VPH * i/.nlH R. iH^ Devest, to strip, CDJ^S take away, 1^DT\ Deviate, n^/D * riyn ♦ -It:^%n ^-TID nb^ niD * 12V -ion, ' '^ T -^ T T T - t V V II T II T T • : TT T"-: Device, contrivance, il^TD * H v'3n]1 an emblem, * niD^I n^3^D R. n3j:^ Devil, i;:? Ch. R. nt:^ -ish, m. s. \^'\D * TKO ^I/T Devise, contrive, 2\2/T^ -d, m. s. l)iV ' T ' T 102 DEV-DIF Devolve, fall to, "7 753 roll down, 7/5 Devote, (to destruction) D^'^inJl dedicate, ti^^*[pn Devotee, m. s. iDHnD ^D^Jip -ion, worship, fll^r\ ]')'^y Devour, H^? *]jb2 -er, m. s. n^5P ^i?-??? Devout, DD * l^^DD * T^DH -ly, mD^Dnn ^DH^Dns Dew, to wet, hhlDH -N. hl$ -drop, ^^ ^J.S{ -y, h^hlD Dexterity, m^'^^in * rm\'19 -ously, —3 -ous, m. s. Diabetes, D^^^") "^D nnn Diagonal, tlD?^^. ' 11^1^5^. -ly, ~1 Diai,nl;;K^ ^^^np •ni^^.isn ^^ -iing, - -nD^.^p Dialect, speech, ^It^^H *T]]in -ic, ]r|n -ical, -^ti^ Dialogist, ri?lP n?lP -gue, niSI 'I'^ID R. HD'' Diameter, 3^p -rical, — D -rically, in opposition, 1^27 Diamond, D/H^ Diaper, ptOij^ nll^tOn Dice, ^l^^p play with-, ~2 pH?^ Dicer, -3 pHK^p Dictate, ri1-)in R. HI*' -or, Dl/.tO ^if? Ch. -orship, - -fl'lp? -orial, \):Dhl(/ Diction, -IIB^ *;W^ -ary, nlvJ^H -)|)p R. ^^D Die, to expire, T^^D to colour, jyif^ -N. a colour, J/D?? *'^ stamp, ^5cp;?n Diiinch. Dier,i;ni:^ *J?^HV? Diet, to eat by rule, ID^t^DH n^Q3 hbi^ -N. food, .n^n^^ a convocation, D'^D'^p^H n5^P^? Differ, to vary, "D 1113^ (in opinion) vjt/ pyH contend, "Dj? pi?^i?nn •2nn-ence,*^i3^ ♦ p^^H ^nnnp^^-fiH ^19'^ *p^;;. -ent, unhke,m. s. '-D mlC^ another, in>!t -ently, -iniS: ]pt^B *^13n3 Difficult, m. s. nJi^jJ * ins -y, perplexity, pn'l ♦ HpHD DIF— DIP ^^^ 103 DifTidence, ^:D^^ "IDh Diffident, m. s. * mCOn IrK ini;in h^pti; * p^^^pp ch. Diffuse, pour out, rp2 * p!ir^ spread, p^ * CDti^a -edly, *3h^ X;5a^5 -ive, m. s. ^bj -iveness, HVIDn Dig, li-|3 ♦ ibn -ger, m. s. nij? * IDn Digest, (as meat) 7^^!5^l^ set in order, pDH R, ]1D -ible,m. s. h:2^ni -ion, ^13]; * ^^^^^ * mDq Dignified, m. s. -|nn ^TBDp * m: -fy, "I'lH * 133 -tary, 31 ]n3 -ty, -)in *'7i33 ^n^^ii^ *n'7n-i Digress, to deviate, * 'D "IID iltO^ -ion, n")D * H^tO: ° II II -r ' TT T • : Dilapidate, 3hn * CDlf^H -ion, n3"!ri * COlID Dilate, 3^n-]n * p^p T33n-or,m. s.3^n-)P *T33P-ory, m. s. h^V Dilemma, n3Up R. "|13 Diligence, niVnn * HTpt?^ -gently, -3 -gent, m. s. * \r\T\ Dilucid, m. s. -)iS3D * t^^IDD -ate, 1K3 * tl^")^ Dilute, pin Dilution, Hj^in R. ppT Diluvian, ^'inp b^ R. ^3^ or ^^3 Dim, m. s. nn3 * DDJJ * D^in -ness, (of sight) fiinS stupid- ity, ni::^5p Dimension, 3n") * 77.5 Diminish, vy\\ * Orpn ♦ pppn ♦ HDH -ishing, m. s. llDni •^'71^ -ution, ]1i;"lJ -utive, m. s. * ]1C0|'5 * ^^"15 ■)i;vp Din, t:^jy-) 'pj^^ 'iixp *]ion ^nbp^ Dinner, Dn^^f S3^^^: ns give a-, ^^3^e^ Dine, - -^3i^ Dining-room, p 7 pnp Ch. Diocesan, ]lDjn Ch. *]ri3'l^P Diocese, -nilpg Dip to inunerge, 7315 moisten, 3^111 104 DIP— DIS Diploma, Ch. n^^::^■^^ ns * nym * T T : T - T • : Direct, to command, Hl^ regulate, \'^2n * It^^^Jl * "l^i^^ (oneself) ]i3n -N. straight, m. s. ")^^ * pDJ express, m. s. Ji^-IQD n^^DlO -ion, an address, nnS ^iS"^;; nnilD nn:ii^n an aim, mf2 ' n:^^ m all directions, 2*^20 .... . ^ ■•■'•.: TT- • T -ly, immediately, Hnnp-l * H^nij^ "^^n straight, n\^^3. -or, m. s. nt^iStp * nnto R. n-i'^ Dirge, IBDn * l^DD HJ'^p R. pp Dirt, filth, *ni3D * Dnr * ^^5 • ti^sn * t^^ns * "^i/n * n^li; ' ' I . T T T T V V V V • : T i^^y -iness, PijD * n^n^r -y, Dnr * pi?d -n. m. s. * ortrp Disability, fjD -IDh 'T n^p *n0n Disable, *n3T"lV)?n ti^^n -d, m. s. ro T -)vp * ^hr\ Disaccommodate, nn^pH * ni^7n -ation, H^b * n^t7]1 Disadvantage, pt^ * H^"! -ously, — D -ous, m. s. ^IJ^ R. i/l") Disaffect, 3^ ^^311 R. 33^ * ^^i: * D^y-)n -ed, m. s. 'D^ D7^ ^33\s * -o VB R-PP -ion. H^ji^ip *N;5^;;-i]i Disagree, to quarrel, "D^ 3"^'in (in opinion) "''13'^ ?]/ p7n -able, m. s. *2r^ ^^ -ment, n3np * nj^'^qD Disallow, to reject, i^^^H R. i^l3 * l^jl^ deny, t^^PIS -able,m. s. Disappear, 13? *n^31 "^'^H ' 12i!^ ^'^H Disappoint, n^nin mpn ^^d -ed, m.s. *ln^nin *impn n3r3:i -ment, h2n n7nln mpn r. 7m T T ; • V *•' // " " ll~ '. ' Disapprobation, \^'^'0 -prove, \)^12 * '(*Dn ^7 Disarm, deprive of arms, "D 'p^'i^^ ivll/ confound, H^^in nn -ed,m. s. bb\i;fp *rT '\^n: Disarrange, DbH ^^3^3 *^'^3 -ment, H^Hp ^'pS^B Disaster, T^K * pD$? * HJO -rous, H^l^ R. HJ^ * 3V^ J)IS-DrS 105 Disavow, tyn3 -al, HfiJ^nDH Disband, separate, inDH (soldiers) It^^D]^ U/^i^ H^^ Disbelief, H^f^^ IDH -lieve, not to believe, X'Di^n ^I^h'D, deny, ti^H? -liever,ni. s. J^^^^D 1:\S: * tl/n^D Disburden, ^1;/ phs * "^r?? ^IP.H R. ^^p Disburse, D^? p^lH *\'\DD S^V^^ -ment, Ch. JlDD nKVlH Discard, 3^^ (him) Iti^^i'? Hv!?^ -ed, m. s. nt:^?^^ Tlh'^D Discern, distinguish, HDl^ judge, CDE)^ * ]^!Iin -ible, m. s. -1?:^ n^ji *t^^^-l;| ch. -ing, m. s. ti;^!^n?2 ♦j'^np * ^^3^p -ment, HSJ^iinn ♦ H^Mn * n:3'^3 * h:^t^ T T : - X : T • V V Discharge, dismiss, tlVl^ clear, np5 * "1C02 (one's duty) m. s. *innin ^t xv;i emit, t^^-^'in -n. ^ ni^^^^ * Dni:o5 » T Disciple, a follower, m. s. "^"iHift *i^v'^P a scholar, T^p/il -ship, -n :D^u;f2 Discipline, to regulate, l^D * "]'1V,^ educate, ']yn 'l^h -N. lip '^nv ''r\m *n^?^h Disclaim, to deny, ti^nj *1^^ Disclose, (175 -r, m. s. Hy^P -ure, "^^y^l Discolour, to stain, HJ^IO T^T\tl}^\ change, D^^J^ Dpp -ation, Discomfit, ti/hn *tii: -ure, nmhn * hd^d Discommode, Pin^H * mSt^H * Vy^H -ious, *J\n -ion, (of a limb) Ch. Dnni??n pnS Dislodge, ti^n| *nVti^ ♦ Tpn -ing, i^^n^. ^mW ^'iidh Disloyal, (to his king) 13^)0? Hnp;? Tf^3 -ity, nD ♦ in -ly,-n Dismal, m. s. "l^p -ly, H^^n'^p * pi^?? * p1^? Dismask, to divest, HID^ "l^pH uncover, Hyil Dismay, n^ ^IH opn R. IIDI 'ODD * IH^H -N. ^HD^ij^ Dismember, p1| (a limb) Hin^ -ment, pllg * HID^ Dismiss, nW -al, -ion, H^W * D^11£0$ -ed, m. s. T •.. : T Dismount, to alight, 1^^ to throw from, 1^'lin Disobedience, 2T)D *^1?2 -bedient, m. s, 2^D * Hlb -bev, DID -n^!:) •• T T Disoblige, ^Kj * D^;;?n -ing, m. s. y^^D * D^jt;?;? Disorder, to confuse, DbH * ^3^5 R. ^^n make ill, * "^bnn p^'in -N. nr^n::} * ^^n^n * pn * n^n;? * "^^h -ly, m. s. ^n^nO * ^linD * n:^^ ^n^3 Disordmate, m. s.^i^DDH Disorganize, b^b^. * "llpH '^SH -ation, HDVIunn Disown, to deny, ^T}^ disallow, ]^?5 * ^^"^:^ R. ^^^i Disparage, ^"^pn ^ ^^TH ♦ n -1 -ment, ]1^)J * nl ■'T * jin? Disparity, p^-'H * ^"inn * ?2;"ipn Dispassion, COp*^ * n^^H a^ti?^ -ate, m. s. ^ Ini/in D^r? cop:^ Dispense, to distribute, plT^ to excuse, 7hD -ary, npyD ^^? D''iT!lK7 ill^^l -ation, distribution, npvTl exemption, DIS— DIS 109 Disperse, to scatter, It^) *nnr * ^2 * f ^DH -ion, ''\^^^ Displace, (him) lDip??P in\^ HDH R. 110 Displant, I^^JL/n -ation, H^nX/n Display, to exhibit, nijtnn -N. r\i?n 'Hi^nD Displease, \*^?3 *D^j;;?ri ♦n^Vi!''? *D'^jt/"!n -ed, m. s. ♦ \^ij:p Dj;i3 • nvg?. * ^rj -ure, ny^: * DiJ? * nv;; * ^ij?! Dispose, regulate, pDH * "^hi; incline, "nn^j^ ntDH sell, IDD -able, m. s. "^ ]13^ Ife^D'* -al, H^^n * ^1^ -ed, m. s. ]1D} *^nj^ *"n^^? *nDi: n3p: -ition, temper, JtD method, DSi::^/':: ♦;in:^ situation, n:i3in *n:Dix;D T : • T : • T : T T -; - Dispossess, h'^t^ ' t:^nin -ion, nb^)i^ Disproportion, ^l^D p^^l^ IDn -N. ^yn IDh -able, TIK^ ^^^ ^^ ni. s. Dp ^:j5\^ Disprove, Hhp Ch. * t^^npH Disproof, HTnO * H^npH Dispute, contend, pS^j^/nH * inH argue, n^l * n?inn R. nn^ * °^i; p'^n -n. -ation, * nnn.p * m^) * p^;; npi^H/t: -ninn nn*n-abie,m.s. ^nni'^n^n '^r\y^ nnD^ Ch. -ant, m. s. inp * n^^Zp * p7ln _ative, m. s. t:^pxf * ninDin *t:^\^ -less, p^p ^n^n ♦ m. s. -mn Disqualify, HD T^ IVpn -fication, m. s. n3 T n-Vp.P Disquiet, 2h i;\:n * nn Dra * r^nn -n. d^ih; * ]p Disregard, to neglect, ti^COJ %n^5n_nn despise, * ^'pH ^.iD toi^^ -N". ]V5-i • \h^^ * pns -fui, m. s. n^nnD ♦ rn Disrelish, ^HJQ ui^ Ch. -N. bad taste, DV^ D^Q Disreputable, -ation, ii^-^ ^n^"^^ *]rrnTi^53 Disrespect, nhhp *ni-'r ♦n^ -fui, m. s. *h6^?:^ *nrnD ^^p.p '^' "■ ' ""^ Dissatisfaction, Hl/nS!^ IDh * H^l^n -ory, HiVnti'^ ^h 't : T V T : "^ tit; m. s. j;*'??^;? IrNt Dissatisfy, * yi^^ ! ^^^V.^ * D^i^l'? no DIS— DIS Dissect, p7n(an animal body) tlT}^ -ion, Hj^yn * Hin^ Dissemble, t^Vj^n * ^JH -d, Ji^H? * Pl^h -r, m. s. ♦ P]5n Disseminate, spread, ^tS sow, H^^n * jt^ht -ion, * H^^'Ht -1^15 -or,m. s. -)r?p ♦nnb *j;?^"!l!5 Dissent, "Di? p^j;[inn * 'hji 3nn (in opinion) °^j; ^^^§ p^n -N.-sion, pl^^f *3n *n^;pp ^iitd ^nj^'^nD \sn;i75 -sious,m.s.D^nQ*fi^^i^ *2n nmnD ' nphno "hv^i' -ter, a nonconformist, m. s. "III'V'!? ^V *'p^^'^ Dissertation, nt^^n^n ♦ {2^-)"7D *m3T R. HD'^ Disserve, Ulil * p^tH -ice, nj/l *pt5 -iceable, m. s. i;nj? ^p\rp Dissimilar, m. pi. D'^^lt:^ ^^p D^Ql*l DJ'^i^ -ilarity, p^v'H * h^2n * t:^l?n -ulation, hypocrisy, * P]3n Dissipate, to disperse, ")t§ to waste, H^S * TlHSt -ion, * 113^^ Dissolve, separate, TIQil melt, ^"^l^n *DDn R. *^ni *DDD -ent, ^^n^_ * DD^ -ible, HDr^P * D^P/?'!! m. s. * r^Pi) *DD\ T]^*; Dissolution, a dissolving, 1T\^ * riD^in * nDDH death, n;;^i5 Dissolute, m. s. nnw * Hi^^n *?]tpis:? -ness, • niDniK^ Dissonance, DJ;/D IDh -nant, m. s. Di/^ *"lpn Dissuade, N'^^H * ^it^^H -asive, m. s. i^^:^^ * '^^IH Distaff, ^b^ Distance, pT}"!^ -N. pHIP Distant, m. s. p')r\'l Distaste, p.^?* -ful, m. s. by ID *1p * D^?? Distemper, to disease, n^?D^ ♦^^HH -N. i>?? ^H^H? '^^^'^ DIS— DIS 111 -ed, m. s. n>^3 'nhh Distend, stretch out, Vp'l * n^'nTH * nhQ -ed, m. s. Distent, 2Tfl * *^'^^^-ion, the extention, nn^Iip Distil, to drop, 'PO use a still, b^\n -lation, pIpT * 5]^^ -ler, m.s. tl^C2;p*^nD'PprD Distinct, separate, m. s. "Tl?? * 77?? different, m. s. Hjlti^ clear, m. s. 1M3, -ion, p^l^H * t^lbn ^HnH (of honour) DNtiS^ ")0v ^- ^^^ -^^^' "^- ^- rn??^ -iveness, *n^-)^n5 r\inV -ively, -2 Distinguish, to discern, y^'lHr? * p!l * J'^nirT honour, Dnn ♦ ^i^2 (oneself) * D^^^ H^ 1^ Diii^;;' * r^tj^^nrr D;::1")nn -able, m. s. b'ly^ -ed, m. s. * i^tS^i ♦ n^JD *Tn^ • T Distort, t^»j5i/ ♦ ^bn * n^r -ion, HDii^nn * n^y • niti^pxf Distract, perplex, ^^'ln^ * ^5^5 R. ^^3 -ed, m.s. " ^nilD ^3^np • ^-jbp -ion, n^n^ * h^hii ^njny] p]ntD -ediy, _2 ■ * Distrain, tO^DI/n * ^DH -t, t^i^V, * ^3n Distress, ^hV^^^i^ * pVH * nVH -N. ^^H^ ^Hpjl^ * HIV -ed, -n Distribute, pW -ion, HpyH -ive, m. s. pyT\12 District, province, ^7? * ^'^ circuit, t^*^?! * HIl^Dp Distrust, "2 TDiSn ^ri^:n ♦nt^^n ch. -n. 'h^d^^ -idh T^n -fui, ^:p^? npn * "iti^n Disturb, confound, DDH * ^n^5 R. bbl interrupt,^ n^Btf^H a^i^n (waters) iDj; * H'H -ance, H^HD * ^13^5 -ed, m. s. h^h'in * -)1DJ^ *-)Di;: -er, m. s. ^H^ll * t^^f*?? Disvalue, ^^H * ^^m * ^t^T -ation, Jl^p ^^T^T R. ^IT 112 DIS-DOC Disunion, separation, Hj^ynp breach of concord, * *T^"I§ nnn nn^n -unite, ^hn * n)in (friends) nn/?n Disuse, leave off, '^n'n 2)p -N. n'l^^jnn ^Dfl Ditch, p-)n ♦ n^j^ri -er, m. s. -n£Dln Ditto, ^On (being the initials of) nhpoh 3/n??n Dive, (under water) bhlD (in any matter) * liti^n^ p^'^VH IpT} -r, m. s. 72b (a water fow^l) *^7f^ Divers, several, m. D**!!") Diverse, m. D^^lt^ -ification, •^i:!;^^ ♦ b'l^n -ly, -3 -ify, ^^^inn * mp -ion, a pastime, int^Htf^ R. ii;;::^ a turning aside, "D ri'ip Divert, j;^X;j^* "D TDH -ing, m. s. j;;^^.^P -ingly, D'^i/'lt^'^.Ci^n Divest, dispossess, 77ii^ strip, CDJi^Dn -ure, ri^^£)n Divide, phn (in three or six) ti^W * H^^ -nd, p^H Divination, DDj?. * t^^H^ Divine, Dbj^ * ti^H^ -N. divinely, D^rl^4^5 a holy man, tl/pp^ ^^\^^^ ^^^ -r* i^- »• * DDp ti^n^P -ity, godhead, mi\^iS; theology, -flDDn Divisable, m. s. pyTl"*^^ -sion, partition, nf^yH a part, pyT] Divorce, (a wife) 11/^^ * H^^ -N. ID^'tl^M?, * H^nn? Divulge, declare, j^^nlH disclose, H^? -r, j;;nlO ^ hS^O Dizzy, m. s. nj;;'n *bp_ -iness, nj^^.n m^j^ R. hbp Do, ntJ^;; have to do with any thing, * '2 ^ JJ do well, H^^V'*!? how do you do? "^h iS^H ilD * *^^ Di'p^n it will do, m. s. i^in aico -ings, :2^ti;pj2 'r^^b^hp, *ni^^.?p Docile, m. s. Ithh *^tl}2n -ity, I'M Iti/^n Dock, (a yard) n^^^n ]^_:2b l^'n -yard, nl^SpD "IVH • t; T Doctor, (in divinity) "^2^ * D") (in law) '^^nlD * 1^*1 R. * m^ p*T (in physic) ^^^1 -orship, —llT^7pD -rine, precept, np_h * nnln teaching, n^nin -rinal, -W DOC- DO U 113 Document, direction, m^ps * mVD ^n^^1V -al, ~ht^ ' ' T ' : T ; • T T- Dots nov • n^\^ * n7\^ T • : V V - T T- Doo-, (an animal) D/S -gisli, 3.7?5 Dogma, D^HD C02);:>p * ^^? -tical, -tism, * tO'^^^^S'l DJ/CD ;lco^:^ -tist, m. s. ^^^}r2 *^^hr\i^ * nnlio r. ht^ Doleful, m. s. -)-rp ' 3Vj;.3 * ast'i -ly, H'^H'^p * nvun Doll, 1^;; n^D'l • fl1^;-}§ Ch. Dome, arched roof, HSS R. ^DD Domestic, not foreign, ITlTlSt belonging to the house, JT^B ^?^ a servant, m. s. TV'3, *]5 -animal, IT^ri^? '^^'!}? -affairs, n^n ^DH -peace, Jl^n D^Ji^ -quarrel, n^^ ri^np -ate, •- : // • :- // •: - Dominate, l^'t^ '7t*D ' ^lU) * Hi"! -ation, authority, T T X T -^ nni:^/!: * n^t^^D;:: ♦ n^o^i^ti^ -eer, -|-iiits^n m. s. H>i:^D *1yiDn3 *l3b3 -ion, territory, DID^D Donation, %n:nD *nriD Mno \^c^;dr.n:^3 *^t!^ ^n:D TT- -_It- T- - TT n^ti^i^ * nnitj^n * D^mW * mr Donor, m. s. -jni Done, part pass. m. s. "^^t^]) -interj. jD ^H^ r? Doom, to judge, 'bv nt5 * COD^ condemn, if^'^nn -N. nny •tO^L^'P -ed, m. s. *rhv nnr "^1^^? -s^ay. Door, a passage, HHS -'weeper, m. s. — H "^plti^ Dot, Tpi -N. m^'p:i Dote, to love extremely, "IJ^p "TNp!! 311 Jj^ -age, a silly fond- ness, ni^p5 nan^t -ingly, 3 -ard, m. s. * ^HlSip Double, make double, ^9| * 7)1}^ fold, Vin;i ^DD -N. -y, T^Wlt) *^55 *D1?^ *•? -dealer, -tongued, m. s. * ^313 abj n^nnnip •nlDV3nn*ti^\N^ -dealing, •d'^^d? 9 114 DOU^DRA niiD'iDnn ]wb -entendre, D^DD^^^tp^ n];pi!)JfP -^i^^'^^nh Ch. Doubt, ]^a *pDp Ch. -N. p^D *pDJ^ ^^'l?;! -ful, (thing) P5P * 1*115 ^n^n (person) m. s. ^mcon '•n^? 'p^pp -fulness, jlni^nn nph -less, '^ll * pDp '''^3 * "inH Dove, njv -cot, -^ird; ch. *D^3l^ nnnj? Dough, pV5 * npny. Doughy, pV33 Dowager, „3^^d-^dd:i d^ddi) n^;;^ n:r:jb^ Dower, (of a wife) "iHb * ni5 (of a daughter) ]1^ -less, Down, a plain, ni?p!l (feathers) nl^l^H !l^''D downwards, ncoD^ -cast, m. s. p|;;t * 3:i^i; * nn *iv -fai, * n^si;^ n^rn*^ * n^''^:): -hiu, i-\1d -right, plain, m. s. ^1^5 * "!n!i T>: T': T O'r" T T completely, mO???^? ' n^D^^^nn Downy, ^"l ^n1-)"^i;ii^ Doze, to slumber, D13 -N. -iness, H^l^ri -y, m. s. Dn*t^ Drag, ^la/D * HIJ Ch. -N. a net, * H^^Vp * n^"!/ nnb?P n? a hook, nn * mn ']'\C}^ -gle, ahp -gled, m. s. 21102 Dragon, a serpent, ^^ij/p ^iW Dragoon, yh^ 'H-jDri Ch. -N. a soldier, tl/l^ Drain, to empty, ppn * p^H R. pn make dry, * t^^UiH nnnn -n. ni^v ' n^^'fiiD Dram, (in troy weight) llD?*!! "^Vn Drama, a poem, T^ti^ a play, piny -tic, ~7^ Draper, m. s. IJJH **'?'^^ Drapery, *1}2 Draught, (in drinking) H^^'Pi! a pull, HD^'^P delineation, n-ny ^n^^nn T • : - Draw, (water) 2m* * H'H unsheath, K^J^ -breath, nt^^H nn ^m -out of the place, ni5 * n^jn -out of water, ntrp pull, lh| Ch. to attract, ^ii;?2 -in, CO'^J^ -away tho DRA— DUO 115 ittention, • "D ih IDH R, 33D delineate, TV * llV-back, \. D;}^n nn^'H .bri(li;e,D")'l»n lli;,) CU. II. on -er, M a box) nnnn nnn one who draws, * -)nl2 * "152^10 * n»VD 2>^r^ *^^rd; ^^isi^ * n\>? -ing-, nvv •nn^v-ing-room, D^:p nwD^ -Tin 'i^^n iin r. ti/'^ *r^P.1f? ^^i^- Dread, Thili' ^N^h"^ 'li'^ -N. 1112) * J^IIO ^llJlD *nD\^ -tul, Dl\^ * i^nl: -fully, r]D^i^2 'r\^'\^2 -less, 3^ TDS Dream, (in sleep) D/H to be sluggish, HSinn -N. D/H pi. ni;::i^n a fancy, j^i^ n^rn -er, m. s. * nlDlbn *7i;3 Dreary, HHD ♦ ITfp -iness, niH? ' nnij^ Dreggy, D'»-1Di;. Dregs, Dn^lZ^ * ii;;?)^ Drench, to soak, b'liD *3uD"]n * Hp.^^n' Dress, clothe, 2^5/ "^ (one's self) tl/27 (a wound) ti^^H adorn, nlU adjust, 3'';p\n cook, ^^3 -N. C^^I^^D * iini; Drift, urge along, P]ni *^^pi *^nD throw on heaps, "liV -N. a storm, H^ID "')}JD a float, ^IDui^ a design, ]J39 a heap, 13V Drill, train to arms, n?2r\hD If^ih llin T T : • If" - ir-- Drink, Hh]^ give-, Hpt^H -N. Hf^t^^P -able, Hnii;] Drip, t^b; * ^7^n *pii;-} -n. ^ip: -ping, \D^ti; ^t^iD2 Drive, (away) tJ^II * J^in (as the wind) J^i: -on,*^*'ii^n R. p^^ Ji^JJ ^^n*! (a carriage or cattle) JHi -in a nail, X/pH -n, m. s. t^^nji *fin? 'ji^i? ^J^ni^ 'j'ln; *j;ipn -r, m. s. ^TJ *pl"T"i3 -t!^;;!: *pinli *jni3 v;;p.in Drivel, N. slaver, in -V. -inlH -ler, m. s. VDD Drizzle, J^'h * Plbi * ^^1 -y, ^1^1 * ^l^OJ * PlJ;;i Droll, humorous, m. s. ^riHO -ery, D^'pini * ni-JniD Dromedary, 11133 Drone, -ish, m. s. ^co3 •Svj; * Hsii * iisin;:: 116 DRO— DUM Droop, ^^D^inn * ^-^i^nn -ing, m. 8. 5^"icDj^ ' ^ij: Drop to fall in drops, ^h'l * ^^jn * ^bi let fall, (intentional) ^^Sn (unintentional) m. s. *12^p ^~)b^ to utter, ni. s. *'\n^^D IDDWn to cease, ntj; -N. a small quantity, 0]/^ a globule, H^tO Ch. *^|CP5 * ip an earring, DD'^CD^ -pings, ^^'^^^^"^ Dropsy, 1^3 nlnV -ical, m. s. HnV *i"l^n Dross, (of metals) D"^-?"^? refuse, "^HD -y, DIJP^ Drove, (of cattle) IIV a crowd, pDH -r, n'\Dn3 ^^13 Drought, nnh * piS;5V -y. m. s. ^^DV Drown, suffocate, j^S!? be -ed, V^^ ' J^3P'7 Drowsy, m. s. h^}ir}72 * H^ni? * CHI? %"irn -iness. idleness, ill/VI^ * P"^?"! sleepiness, HDIDri Drub, n?n -N. nsD -bing, ni3D R. n:D3 Drudge, ^i^ -N. in;; -ry, ni'iDy * nij^;;! -ingiy,-n Drug, a medicine, HS^in? D^^p -gist, Hpl") Drum, flbri-N.^lh -major,D*'D5ir\n 3"^ -mer, f]iiin -stick. Drunk, ni3Ji^ get-, l^r^tL^H -ard, m. s. iSniD -enness, plj^ Dry, nnnn *t:^^nin -n. arid, a-in ^t^^n;^ barren, * nn .TV * ^^.? thirsty, m. s. ^^p^ -1y, indifferently, ^t^^lH ^i^n n^Vnnn? .ness, n-jn * ii/i'^ -nurse, n:;^^^ Dual, Di^ts^n ^^3-) ♦ ;i'ir Ch. Due, right, Ipl ' mm^ * "^l^n -ly, -D Duke, fl1^^? -dom, (the quality) — H n?!?.? territories, -n mpa n^t^QD Ducal, -b^ Dull, to blunt an edge, T]r\]>r\ sadden, y^^^T] stupify, ' 71K ^^ln -N. m. s. r^T]^ 'r\r]r> ^nvy ♦ ^^in^ 'h^^'^ * t^^^ Duiness, H^Hp. * mH? * mnvj;; * n'l^^in * rnt^jip Dumb, m. s. D v'i^ * D^pl'l -ness, H'^pil DUN— EAR 117 Dung, niK^ ^nr'ch.-N.* ^^1 ^bnr *]d'i ^n^^i? -t^^-jlj D^if^DV * HNl^; R. ?<^^ -hill, * n:p7^n •^?)^ Dipp Dungeon, 113 * -)C:i^Q * lilDn niD\S n^B Dupe, 3p^ * n^n -N. m. s. 131^ 73? *1^P^?? *\n|) Duplication, n)^D3 -city, ni3V3nri ]it2^^ * 3.^1 3^^n mn'i Durable, m.s. D^p * pTH 7^P^^ -ility, DT»p * pp ^JpJ^-ly, —3 Durance, duration, rTTpJin * n3^Dn During, -rii; ^3 Dusk, Dusky, HHS *DDj^ * H'lp^i; Dust, to clear from-, p3^^^ ny;| sprinkle with-, ")Dj^3 "l^i; -N. p3l^ nDIf * pr\t Dusty, m. s. p31St *i^hD Dutchess, ^^h^n nm Dutchy, ^l^^t^H il^t^DD Dutiful, m. s. bip3 *VJ2W * IH^P -ly, HJ^pHn Duty, obligation, n3in he does his duty, 1n3in H^ ^^Vr a tax, D2D service, n"li3jE;. * ^"^''"'^ *ri"lD^2>P Dwarf, D^?5 Ch. -t;^^ -ish, -3 )well, -l^'H * ^31 * 2'^l ♦ 13;j^ -ing, * 3g^lD * JS^f^P * ]'\VD -llT^D ^nT^I *^')3r T T • ; dwindle, to shrink, i;-)5n ^•^*^^ *")bn Dying, expiring, m. s. DDI^ * HID? *l^ln * ilD colouring, m.s.j;3VP *X^^ E. ".ach, m. Ji^'^K IK 7!3 (see Every) Eager, m.s. tip3? * ppltTD -ness, ^103 * npWr) -ly, -3 Eagle, im -speed, 1^33 ni^p R. hhp Ear, organ of hearing, \l^ pi. D^.^t? power of hearing, n}i>}2t(; give-unto, i^jf^H * ]m n;pn r. ncDi (of com) 118 EAR— ECL n)2p pi. D^^nti^ a ripe-, nb^hf? -ring, b^^V * DO Earl, nm -dom, -H nhVD Earliness, HD^t^H * nn^np Early, ninp? (in tin morning) DSti^H "Ip3 to be or to rise-, "IpZl i^?^n too-. Earn, t^Di * n::imr\ ^ :^iirn r. :i::^: -ed, mDi * Jt^^o Earnest, a pledge, pll"ljt? ardent, m. s. ^Dp^ * pp^lC^P serious- ness, D.^^ nb * n^iD^pn -ly, -3 Earth, land, y}^^ mould, ^9*T^?. -en, —7U/ -en ware, ^■^n ^b'D -ly, -y, corporeal, ^"ipn *^m^_ Ch. Ease, to relieve, 'bvj:? ^p.H R. ^^'p (from pain) J^S}-) * rin| -N. rest, nrn^P (from pain) riD^ri facility, T^^bp_ -ment. assistance, njg')(^y;;ti^M'efreshment,i;lJ-)J? * t^»5^ JlD'^^p -ily, without difficulty, n^bp2 gently, ^D^h * nn?!! -iness, quiet, bp^ *r\r\2 -y, notdifficult,m, s. 7p quiet, m. s.ilDpti^ East, r^^lp ' TM^O -er, nD^^lH JH R. ^JH-erly-ward, nO"Tp -ern, D^pH ^"J.iJ^ 72^ Eat, b'D^ -able, ^^S*;? » ^^^l^,•; -en, m. s. ^'l:D^^ *b'?^l -ii»K' n'pOi^ -ing-house, ^r^un n^^n Ebb, to flow back, D^n ^^^^ ^'^H decay, H^pi ^'^H -N. Ebony, D^:nn Ebullition, nn^'ni Eccentric, incoherent, m. s. PlI/p * "^SD^l! -ity, * Hli/ Ecclesiastic, ^113 -es, D^Hp ^DD -ical, ti^ipH nil3i;. ^^ -icus, t^^^D n nD^n Echo, in in; -n. ^ip nn nn r. nn Eclat, lustre, Hn.^iin * lin show, H^^D Eclipse, to cloud,' y^i^n * ihp disgrace, ^\rn ' ^^pH ECL-EFF 119 K. h^^ *hbp -N. (Of the Sim) ti}mn nn'ip. ^nr^n ^ipb (of the moon) nn^'H nniP ^^Y^h Ch. Economical, Economist, m. s. l^^^ti}?^^ *rDnV *7D7DD n-n52^;2n 7Pti^;^3 nir^n r. ^id ♦ dv^ov.:: Ch. -mize, DVpy -my fruo-ality, DIVDV *rT;nn n^Hjn disposition, Ecstacv, Jllir * :W£i^ • nV^^I %n^"'i3 Ecstatic, m. s. fiJ^WD Edge, N. (of a blade) "^S a brink, H^tS^ to set the teeth on-, D":??^ nnpn -in-, d^^w nr r. nnr -less, nn? -tool, T \ : • V Edict, D5n2i * nirii ♦ pn * mD*?;:: nn'i Edify, -ip^D 1^5^ ♦ ^11 n-iin ^ i^^^n -ication, ♦ r]'r\r\ lp^D * ii/ts^ * np^ Edifice, ]^^;!i ♦ nri2 Edition, Dli^'l Ch. Editor, D^^lT.n^ 12^72 Educate, to instruct, ^^H * 1^^ bring up, nSl * ^"1^ *\m -ion, 1^;:^^ * I'liin * on^^ mnnri Educe, x^v'^'"^ *P^^^ Eduction, njjvin *r\p^r\v^ Etliible, that, may bespoken, Dp^ * ^^^HD"; Efiace, destroy, n5;i^n 'I'lli^ ^riH^i' blot out, nhp Effect, -uate, 22D 'TDH * Di^ Ch. -N. issue, 22^0^ reality, H'^ripb? * niL^^;^D Ch. -ively, -2 -ive, -ual, (thin-) ptn *::^;:dd (man) ^^n ti^'^^-iess, nn*i ^^rv t^^^ n^rin ^^3 * ^^^;J^ * pn -s, goods, * n^b2 * D'^^p^^p D'^d:d: ^ D^y:3p Effeminacy, ni^i^nn * niSn -inate, pJ^D * ^?i;?OP * 11 Effervesce, ^)i]l * ^5;;5 R. r\S2 -nee, ^l^p. * y^2V2 Efficacious, hv^^b i^'^pD R. ^^V^ Efficacy, H TO Effig>', tep ♦ n^;nri * mo'i Effluence, -flux, ^^^Vin * J^VID -fluent, m. s. "D ^^VV T T T Effort, nnb ^j;;^;^ make an-, liiiD * v^lT^n * f ;?Nnn 120 EFF-ELE Effrontery, D^W. * ^IV!^ '* ^^VH Ch. Effulgence, inb * int * nn\"in -gent, Tnn • n^jt; Effuse, ^b^ * p)Sl -ion, riD^?^ * Hj^'^V''. Egg, nv^n pi. D'^v^n Egregious, m. s. I'm l'^f22 *Sn -ly, ^^^ * n^nVi Egress, Pl^^V^ ' ^^¥ Egypt, Dnvp -ian, ^vp f. nnyp Ejaculate, i^^^'lH R. U^^^ -ion, (a prayer) HnVp H^Dll Eject, r\m ' ^in * si^n^ -ion, n^m * n^;)'Tn * mi;^^ Eight njbt^ (by letters of the alphabet) 'H -een, * "l^jt? Hjb^ n"* -fold, D^p;;?) njb^ -h, m. "^rpji^ f. n^;^Dti; -hiy, n'^j;pt£^3 -y, D^3iD?i^ * 'd Either, iti -I or thou, ^n^^ li^ '^:^* i^e Elaborate, -ly,niD^^n n^^DH? Elapse, nbj; ♦ ^I'^n Elastic, '^^^^p -ity, "^mp nthn Ch. n2 Elate, ^^^5 *'d?)1"I -N.m.s. -|^^§np ^3^ *n5-) Elbow, (of the arm) ai"irn HV)? Elder, exceeding in years, (a thing) "?2 *t^^ (a person) m. s. ••D ^ii:i tPt -ly, m. s. ]pr *D*'r)''n *^^3 -s, ancestors, T)^2i^ rulers, D*'ti^^^"^ * D^?p.| -ship, primogeniture, nnl23 seniority, HpHp * 11^75 Eldest, the oldest, m. s. * ^112 31 * i j?] the first-born, m. s. nl^n Elect, -ira ' -)'13 -N.-ed, m. s. IIH^ * 1)132 -ion,* Hinn n-v^n n -iveiy, -3 -or, m. s. inin * -)nl3 Elegance, ^5^"^ -ant, m. s. Hp^ -antly, ''ii*"'3 Elegy, Tgpp * l??pn * Hi^p R. pp Element, ground, llD''. pi. nlllD'; -ary, simple, tOWS Ch. Elephant, (the beast) ^^^ Ch. -ine, — ^t^^ Elevate, to lift up, i^'m * b"!^^ (the voice) ^ip D^n gladden, ELE-EMB 121 •Tin ♦ nOfe^ ^, exalted, m. s. ^i^2 * ^113 * Dl ^iP elated, m. s. ih "Hn^ -ion, n.StK^ * n^-73 Eleven, m. I'^JJ THK f. n").K^i; n^^^ ^^riCf^j; (by letters of the alphabet) i^"« Eligible, ni.s. inaD -ness, nn^n^ DStT^D Ellipsis, a defect, *i"lpn Elliptical, m. s. IDH Elope, psnn-ment, nivnsnn Eloquence, liK^^H nDI^Q ' HV^'^D -ent, m. s. D^ni *::^^>^ DTititJ^ -entlv, DniDb nc^^^l Else, besides, '^"J^hll * Tij; otherwise, ^hv^ Di^l nothing-, t<^ "inri lun -where, -jHi^ DlPD ^ 1 D Elucidate, 2^-13 ♦ -)^^n -ion, C^nS * "lli^!! -or, m. s. Elude, to escape, T\lpX^^ tO^;^?! -ible, m. s. ]:yt^\ Elusion, HDIj^ * HDnp Elusive, m. s. U^'^)}^ Elysian, ]lif Elysium, H^f ]3 Emaciate, Hnn * HH * ^'^1 -ion, ]1n *m->*n Emanant, SV'' -ation, ni^^V"" -ative, m. s. i^Vl:5 Emancipate, "^^^U vh^sD ' '-|-in^ Ch. -ion, tJ^DH * innia^ Embalm, DJn -er, C0!3ln Embar,-)'VX: Embargo, IVgD Embark, (on ship board) n5"^Dpn ^^? ^^3 (in an affair) ••3 Tnvd^*n-irnn -ation, ♦nr^jDn Hj^ rri^^-i Embarrass, -jVH * p^fH -ment, HIV ^HPIV * HDiniD Embellish, "l-in * n'"T^' -ment, "lin ♦'^n^ Embers, hot ashes, DPI 1^;; T T Embezzle, (his) IHl^n riDl^^^B T'Tl^cy I/tt^tli -ment, (of ' •• : . V V ; - Tij - r ^- II T ' ^ his) in;j-i riDj^^Ds T'nin^^t:^ nv'^^z^^ Emblazon, (with figures) DnVVn Hg^ m EMB— EMP Emblem, nmn * rpn ch. -aticai, r^pip -aticaiiy, np^ns Emboss, engrave, D^^^^fe D^V^V D-D? -ment, •^ilina Embrace, contain, ^"^DH * ^7^13 hug, p^H -N. p^SH Embroider, Dpi -er, m. s. D|?,1") -y, HOp") Embroil, t^Dn • ^nt'n R. ^^2 * h^n^n Embryo, D?]! Emerald, "1^;^: ♦ n'lJD^ Emerge, ' '^ KV^ -ncy, a casualty, Hipp a necessity, * pH"! •^nv * n-i:Dn ch. -nt, m. s. ni^^ ns;^^*"' Emetic, Hi^pn Dp Emigrant, 1^ -rate, nn^^ p.i^^? I^J^ "I'^H -ration, nn;3 Eminence, summit, n]/!!/) * H^D^ * ^^ti^ loftiness, * H/^.D Dn distinction, ]iis?^ nn;i r. ^t^:i Eminent, m. s. * m:i nl3| * Dln^ -ly, highly, Dll^^ IJ^ conspicuously, ^I^J^-l Emissary, ^5"1P * ti^njl "^X^D Emission, * iTT * nn^^O nto^ion * no^^Q Emit, to'^^^n * co"^^£:)n * ht ♦ n W Emollient, "^^np Emollition, '^'IS"] Emolument, i/^'n * Hn * ]nn^. * ^^k"!^ JR-- ^i^^ Emotion, (of mind) t^^D^H n^JI Empale, (on a stake) Vp^^ V'p^ enclose, T^JH Emperor, ip^g " l^^^ti^ Empress, nj^^lt^^ * H^^D Emphasis, C0h:ph9n n^-11,n n^na Emphatic, pTH -ally. Empire, n^D^p * H^^/pp Employ, (him at work) "2 ]>)OVh inl^S nW (one's self) pD:yrin ch. to use, • -2 ti^pri^n ch. -n. business, * ]i:v ppjt/ -er, m. s. T'p^ Emporium, a commercial city, "^Plpp DipP "l^J/ Empoverish, ti;t^T\ -er, m. s. ti^^lip -ment, nwmi EMP— END 123 Empower, D^?^n 'hpDn ' nw^} ]h: ' np^in Emptiness, ignorance, m*1if5 want of substance, 72^ vacuity, Hi^in *n^p'^n Empty, pp|l 'p^H -N. 1^? * pn -hands, nv:pn d^t^ -words, ^DH nn^i Emulate, to equal, "7 H^'lil (for n^'inH) imitate, (him) r:D-)i3 ibn * ihk^i/dd ihidd mv nvai, • -b ^^3p -ihv -ion, ^^;;n -j-ii;; T -: - 11^- T II •' "^ Encamp, T]yn -ment, a camp, njHD place of -ment, nl^Hjn Enchain, ^HDl D^p'^ti^-l -|D^e Enchant, to injure, D^tit^pS "IVH R. 11^ fascinate, 35? -er, DDlp * ^f^^ * "inh -ment, D'^DDp * D*^ti^3 * ti^H^ -ress, a sorceress, JIDJ^^P a beauty, * nnni;?* ^1.li^P Encircle, -close, -compass, * f]£)^? * ^''PP ^j^.-l I^- ^p'' "1/^5 *"lbif -closure, -compassment, ^''aD ^pT} *nn7jl Encounter, fight, 'O DPlSn meet,j;;ja -N. HpH^p ^Hj^^Ja Encourage, ^ih \r^^ p\r\ -ment, D_^ nV^D^^H Encroach, ^135 J'^DH -ment, ^U| n^DH R. JD^ Encumber, 'bv T-irDH D^;0;;n -ranee, nTSDH * HDCJ/D Encyclopedia, nlX/n^n niDirP End, D^^ * "lb| * Dnn ♦ nVs -N. conclusion, * Dh * ^1D ^"^"jn^? * VP. R- f^P (of a day) DVn Di")^. ni:?i (of the earth) pij^ HVp P]?? (of a month) tr^lh P]lD (of a week) nn-2^ i^vi;:: *j;i3;^n n^v (of a year or of time) nn^^^ ri}t^r\ D^D^n tvom-to-, nvp Hi^ n^^po to what-, II ' • II • T — ' V I T V V ' T • 124 END-ENH n'^b'Dn nv^h -, design, njj^ *n^^?n -ed, m. s. ^n^p ubp *Dn *DPi^ -ing, ni^3 *Diin -less, *]^^p jiiD ^^^ Endanger, i;|?/P7 D^t^*Ch. H^SD n;? ^^'^3^ Endear, (one's self) ^J^if? l/^Vit: ^'^plH -nient, in * Hin)^ Endeavour, ;;5;inn *^^;d. * ^7n;^n ch. -n. n;;^JV ntj^p^n ' Endict, to charge, X^^n ' U'^p^H -ment, miDtl/ Endow, endue, pH * ^nt * "^ HJD ^h: -ed, m. s. * ]nin n^ob *1^ n\n -ment, a gift, inr • n:3nD * n^iD * ny:3n T T : T T ' O ' ... y T T - TV "»"*-; accomplishment, T) 1 ^7 ^ Endure, to bear, ^3^5 R. ^ID * h'lD sufferance, b^D Enemy, m. s. n:lK nniV ' 1^ '^^W Energetic, strong, m. s. ptH active, m. s. piH * T'^"lt Ch. Energy, pth *mvnn * mtnt -getically, -2 Enervate, Enfeeble, ^bnn * n§l -ed, m. s. t^^^H * liJSi Enforce, ^ib^ * HnpH Ch. -ment, ^IpN* * HnDH Enfranchise, ''t^^^n^ H^^ '"^IH^ Ch. (of a city) nnn ]n^i -ment,:i^£)n nnn;i^ Tinn R.-nn Engage, (in an affair) "n in^nn *W TnW m. s. *v)jj ^5p (to fight) nnhn gain over, * Hng) * ^5'>^n n'^pn R. ^i:/:^ * n^D bind, ^^n employ, (him) In j^ nw "2 pId;;^ -ment, * nuni/nn ♦ n^nhD ^nu^nnn pDjt; Ch. Engender, beget, I'^^lH \S^V'i''^ cause, l^DH * 33p Engine, (Used in w^ar, see Battering-ram) (to spout water) D^D n"^},!? nTD R. nr: . English, (people) "^hm ^^^ D^ (language) f^m ]'\l^b Engrave, ]^pr\ *rhr\ * nn? -r, n^n^n^ njn§,p Engraving, n^n ' mr\^ * r\^2pt2 R. n::::^ Enhance, (in esteem or in price) "T^plil ENI— ENT 126 Enigma, Hl^n R. IIH -tical, DiriD Enjoin, lp2) • mV -ment, H'niP? » HIVD Enjoy, (he) be in possession of, 1? riPH delight in, °n^^ Hbt!^ to let-, n:in ch. -ment, HnDt:^ * ni^:n ch. Enlarge, to increase, nnil' * ^^^ * ''^l'?'^ release, * 3n*in nnn -ment, •'inn * n^iDin * nnnp * nn Enlighten, illuminate, ")\^n instruct, "l\"ltn * y^V l^i^H Enlist, nnn^^n ^y^^h iSi^^ 5^^p Enrapture, ^^j;/ " HlSJi^ [Enrich, to make rich, ^^pV.'D fertilize, ]^^n * n>?n [Enrol, to register, ^npn DJ^^l -ment, H^'^pl JEnshrine, Pi'^Dt^Dh H^^H Ensign, a signal, D^ a flag, 7?y] (an officer) — >^fe^l3 Enslave, T2pn -ment, nnni/ Ensue, nni< .S3 *"D i^)^'^ Ensurance, ^in^l * H^nO Ensure, n^pHH Entail, Dnn -I'l^ ^^n:n -N. D^l;/ n^n? Entangle, to ensnare, Tp^H confuse, DbH * ^3^3 to twist, •niiD -ment, n;:DnD * ^in^n * n:DinQ It t \ : : • T : Enter, (into a place) 7^!? ^^3 Tin a book) ")gp3 lD'^1 engage, nnrnn m. s. *vb]: ^nj^ -ing, a passage, njns * KI39 the entering, --n^^''3 Enterprise, niijg m^TD R. Ui; * DDT 126 ENT—EPI Entertain, to treat, "b Hn^p r]'m * ^''?^^^ amuse, g^Vt^ R. nS^iin the mind) nJH * ^ll/U (one's self ) VtJ^jynti^n -ing,m. s.ilti;^_^D -ment,n7i;;p * Hntl/D * H^S 'U^f]0_!2} Enthusiasm, DvH IDM^Tl * niDHpiin -ast, -astic, m. s. CD^n^ * "1 pn^ech. Entice, ^^^^^ *n^pn r. ^^ti^: ♦ r\^D * nn§ -ment, *]ii^^p nriDH * ^^r\^ Entire, m. s. U^^T\ * DhZD * XDb^ -ly, ^"^^3 * ^j) Entitle, give a right to (him) tO^t^^D 1^ ih: -d, m. s. Entity, mi m. s. i^^p? Entrails, D^jt;;? *l"l.i^ Entrance, Entry, a passage, HTl^ * ^^1i3^p the entering, H^^"^^ Entrap, t^^p^ * li)^ * ^^^PH Entreat, nn;/ * t^^p -i ^ v^^nn -y, m'^ni; * nm^ rh^r\ Envelop, HD? * ^tV " r^tV * ^^bn -N. * ^1D? ' ^i^^gD Envenom, to poison, JUHJi^n enrage, D^'ifjn * ^^V)?D Enviable, excellent, nbv.l^n 0^5 Envious, m. s. * ]'^X *nV HiStsp ^'pj;;? -ly, HHiipn ^ nnv ri/4 Environ, P]DS: * 2^10 ^^JpH R. ^p'' -s, m^p^i^ ♦ HD'^Dp Enumerate, HJ;:) * IDD -ion, n»3D * HI^'tiD Enunciate, I-JH * j;/nln -ion, nijn * Hif^lD R. l^: * ^T Envoy, n^V * 1?^^ * D^^t^ Envy, pi; ♦ ^?p -N. j^;/ nny * n^:]> Ephod, -Tl£3iit Epicure, -an, Dnip*^!^ m. s. mV.^ *^jy3 Epigram, DJ^)?^ R. DUD ^b^D Epilepsy, ^?)i: ^^in -tic, 2 HJ^p Episcopacy, D^jrtsn-'^ijp 'p?lpjn*ch. nb^m EPI— ERE 127 Episcopal, cii.x;::iain inr^^p ht^ Epitaph, n-jinj? n^yoa nan? r.3V'^ Epoch, isfpR.ni:^ *i^v Equal, m. s. one's-, jyi R. HI/-) * 1^^^ ] -l like, • ' b H^il HiC:^ (in right) "^ in^^ tOS^i^P (in Aveight) n33 11 -ity, Doni/n ^1^^ (of weight) hpji^f^n ^m -ize, hwn -led, m. s. ivDI *;;■) *1t^ t:^^ -ly, pD5 nDD *nD3 n'ln*' Equation, PliJII^n Equator, iD^D^n ^VDH niti^;?.^-"!;? -ial, ^ti; Equerry, r]^On:??p-)^ Equidistant, m. pi. pninh *D'^ijr -formity, D^iDnifn "^^^t^} -lateral, D^'m-VH hH^D nMl/ -librate, ^TWT^^n nV)li:/ -librium, 7pJ(;fpn '^^W -nox, (of Aries) ]D^^ n^^pn (of libra) n^j;n nDipri -noctiai, a. n.t^ni jp"^: niDipn ^(^ -noctiai, s. n^**^! Dv nitT^n IP Equip, provide (him) *i7 l^^^H (with arms) p^^lH (one's self) JlSn *3-in-l1;in *]^.^nn -age, a carriage, nnsnp -ed, m. s. ]1d; * ^^n;; * v'^^D * "''^^0 -^^^^^ "^J?? * 1")^. Equipoise, 7)^Ji^pn *^1^5^ -ponderant, ^22 13. -ponderate, hpii/Bn n'l^ti; -table, mv:;?:^^ m. s. nt^*" Equity, CO^t^^p n^^ * r^.n nilti^ -tably, -n -valence, D^pnrn ^ll&^-valent, m. s. ^1^2 *n))^ -vocal, * ^JJpnt^/D ••Si^'nn^ Ch/ D^^D-^:ti^^ vocally, HZDllDn -vocate, m. s. *V")1'1 DriD -vocation, nDT\D -vocator, m. s. V121 DHb tt: t 'tt; ' tt;- Era, iriD R. IV^ * n^f Eradiate, pniH ^Vl: -ion, pll * HJl: ♦ \*V!^? Eradicate, t^Hif^ * Ipi; ^ TDrf^H -ion, nl;2^;n ! ^^H^K Erase, HnQ * nnii/ -d,m. s/nno:3 *nn:i^j Ere, X7 IJ} •D")03 -long, 31*1^5 -now, Ht \^5^ Erect, build, n:^ * 2''^n R. 3^^ *D^pn *]^5n elevate. 128 ERR~EST Dnn R. D1-I * b'l,^ ♦ nhV * ^m -N. m. s. 1135 • P]^pT -ion, I'un ♦ n^^DH * HDj^n -ness, fj^pT * H^ipn -);j^^ Err, ni?D * ni;n * ni^ -ant, m. s. erratic, n^;in * n;it!^ vile, ^jy*_^3 ♦ni^P *i/-! -antness, n^^tD ^ n^N"^^:?^ -atum, p*'D7;?n JlDlD ni];0 -ata,— jnl*>^;;p -oneous, full of errors, nlX^Jt!^ tivD subject to error, m. s. r\^^tD *7l/5 -o^^eous- ly, ni;;ton-or, n:\:\^ ^n^^'^J::^ ♦ n:^D *m;;D *' T ; ' TT : T • ; V : • ' ^ T Errand, niD^?^?) * n^n\^ti^ Erudite, m. s. If^thf^ * HID^ -ion, ilDDH * TIJ^^ T \ : It;- t : t Eruption, a pustule, nj^lV *n^??i^ R. i^m a bursting forth, Xn^ ' i^^^^ R. i^V^ a spot, rinn? -ive, m. s. pD"; * pb Escape, CO^^H *nn|L * DIJ * ^^3^ * CO'^S -N. flight, nto^a * nnnn ^ hdi^i^d * n^-i^n excuse, n^^-v::nn T": T-: t; tt- :~r* Escort, W ^bn * ni^ -N. m. s. "D^ ^'^.^IH * H^ho Especial, particular, m. s. im^P * ^{p")^ -ly, DDIDB Epousals, ]"^ii;M^ 'Si^niS Espousal, —^(^ Epouse, betroth, t!^n^ maintain, • O pmn defend, n;. m ptn Espy, to spy, HDV to watch, ^pt^H Essay, endeavour, :^p5 try, ]h2 -N. n^|55 ♦ HJ^Hn Essence, substance, DVI? * Jl^iy/!}^ R. HVD existence, * iT^in nVS^^P nature, I/nCO smell, Hn. Essential, a chief point, Ip]/ necessary, rTlpn Ch. -ly, — 2 Establish, to settle, ^Dl * tpri * D'^pH R. Dip make firm, prn "]5i5 -ed, m. s. ipip * lijrip * D^pp ♦ ptn *iidj -ment, a settlement, \)^!2 Estate, a fortune, D^iDD^ " 1^3p ^ t^^lD"! real-, H^HJ Esteem, TM nplH * hoho R. ^^D -N. nU3 * Ip'' -able, m. s.lp^ * I'n'D^ * iS'vTD '2^^n -ableness, Tlin^C^n Estimate, li?^ * *^nrn -N. ^n;; -ion, ni;::i^ * T]y^Vx\ EST-EVE 129 Eitrange, become strange, *)tiri R. lit alienate, *^33 * pHlH -ment, distance, pHI? removal, ni^n")n Eternal, ' r\^h:?n ^^?i * IV V^^^ Tif * "r^ ^i!^ Ti;i D^i;; *'D\t:^'i;; ''D^i;;^ •D^nv: nv^^ -lite, D^^nv: D^'^n -ize, ny^^ I'^Dl/n D^pn Eternity, nn^DD Ether, nn n^lK Ch. -eal, heavenly, ^^nn Ethiopia, C:^13 -n, ^m3 Etiquette, n^D^V? * nlip R. ITD Etymology, D^^H^H nnt^ -gical, - -^ti? Etymon, t:^-)i^ Evacuate, to empty, p^lH quit, Zltj/ -ion, HplH * nn^tj/ Evade, elude, CO^^n* ••^"iba ' •• T • T Evangeleum, n^nnn nnn -lical, ^^ii^ -list, w^^ — i^D 7J;;? ^'nn -lize, — -iDD 7;;p t:^-!'! Evaporate, IJi^I/S H^^H * n^^l -)3^ -ion, \t^V2 iT)? Evasion, excuse, rivV^nn * HQ");/ -ive, elusive, m. s. Dni;^ -iveiy, nD")i;3 Even, level, m. s. Hl^ nt^; make-, n^Jl/ *lt^l -ad. 'in D^ (it is also expressed in doubling the pronoun, as) Nin DJ ^^1^ eye/j ^e, -number, *»Jir Ch. IC^"' 12)00 -handed, ID^tl/B^ * p^Vn -ness, D'^Dni?..'! ''llCi^ Evening, nnX[ -tide, -ni? -song, n^Diy rh^T\ R. ^^ii Event, end, nnn^^ •* n^^DJp R. H^D incident, HlpO at all ^, D^:32i b ^;; -fui, ni:i^in hj^^d (time) >^^2i n;; -uai, accidental, rn^pP consequential, 31lbp * n'^750 •-ually, ^Soh Ever, constantly, jpff pj;;§ ^^^ -since, T^^ -before, D^ll/p -somany,n;nD1 H^nS-lasting, *D'^n^? HV^^ H^ ^5^11^^ Tj;?^ *D^1i;^ -living, m. s. T;;^ ♦•^n -more,' * }^p ]\>i Tj^ Every, m. fii^^^^ n. b^i as (Gen. Chap. 45. v. 22.) nlD^H t:^'>N^^ 130 EVI-EXC n1/^(^ to every man changes of raiment, (Exod. Chap. 18. V. 22.) ^n|n "ID'in h^ every great matter. (It is also expressed in doubling the noun, as ^^)^^ ^^H every man, DTJ DV every day) -time, ilj^f ^D!l -where, DipD 7^5 Evidence, nMV R. "Tli; Evident, m. s. * ^1^5 R. nb:\ * inn Evil,m.s.;;-)R.;;i-| -minded, nn *D;Olr *j:^1in -speaking, ^ T T • • : - Evince, H^tlH * n'^DlH R. HID'' -ible, m. s. "IliT Eulogy, nn^ Eunuch, D^D * D^V**? ^^^? Euphony, D^J pi.r ^1p Evoke, ••'7 t^-))^ Evocation, HKn.p Ewe, ^n-1 -r, \l)^ * llt^D * ^ip R. PJCD Exact, extort, W3 -N. m. s. li:)^) *-)ti^^ *DVDV/2 Ch. -nes^, 1^^ - D^^^PV -ly. -^ -er, m, s. m;i Exaggerate, V^I^H * m^H -ion, nlnin ^n^Dln R. ^ID'' Exalt, bi-i * ^cs^3 ♦ Dnn R. Dn -ation, rMy^r\ * nnn^n Examine, consider, ]5lnnn * 1'2TWX) try, ]n3 * np3 in- terrogate, "IpH ♦ ti^ii -ation, riTpn * n;i^n*n ''^^^ts'^. -r. m. s. m'yn * -)pnp * inii ^ hd^P Example, an instance, ]1'^P*n * ''?^? ^ pattern, niDI Ex- amplary, ^^D^ * miOl^ Exasperate, ^^Vp'!^ * HDn* "l^I/H -ion, ^iVp. * H^n Excavate, Hhr\ Ch. ♦ Q'^S -ion, b^hn OU3 Exceed, * 'D "IH^ °^i? ^\ * ^^IJil -ing, ilD HniH * ^n|;n -ingly,Tt^piNP Excel, "O nn^^ * *^i; ^b^^ *^*^1^!^ -lence, goodness, ♦ 31D jlin^. dignity, ry'm nn^. r. ^^::^: -lent, m. s. ■r^^p *nlD -lently, H^a^H Dll? EXC— EXE 131 Except, exempt, ^^^H ]p ^^^V1^ * ti^npH * ^inH -ing, *^xclusively, n^i * ''nS? * DDN* *p"! '^^ 'THv'P unless, •^^It^ -ion, m. s. H^Sn p *kSVV -ional)le, m. s. * IDn Excess, superfluity, f]iv * nni.t: R. m^ -ive, ♦ ''IP nnnH nnlD.^ -ively, nt^D^ * Tt^P I'iiD Exchange, TDH ' ^^hr\n -N. the bartering, * HniOn HD^^n •fi^-'n (for merchants) DnniD ij;;rDlpD R. n:^ Exchequer, nr:^ ♦ n3n;2n ivli^ 1 't: ~ ■>■•;- - Excise, D3D R. DDD -able, D^;::^ ^1kS-1 * D^^? in^ -man. Excite, stir, nn n^j;;n (to compassion) D^pH"! l^Vn R. lU* ^3n JD ^i^'^Vl^ ^lusiveiy, nn^p ^nh'i^ ^^n^n *d§^ ^n '1^ Excommunicate, exclude, D'lZ anathematize, D^nnn -N. n*i3D * Dnno -ion, ^^1: • Din » \ ; T t: T Excrement, t^/lB *ni^)i R. J^^*^ -al, -D Excretive, "'^-i ch. ^^^v'^^ Excruciate, tl^V -ed, m. s. H.^I^p Exculpate, njTJ^ * K^H (one's self) npJH * J^OTnH Excursion, a digression, n^lD2 a ramble, COlJi^ Excuse, D^:$^£i;5*-)2)3 * ShD -N. nip-n^VH 'ni^'V^r^n -able, m. s. p•^^;> * ^H^^ * 12)3*' -less, ISi^^ T^^D Execrable, m. s. n^JH? -ably, H^jnn * nnj/lm 132 EXE— EXP Execrate, 22p *'il^ -ion, H'^^D * ilhhp It t ' t •• : TT ': Execute, perform, h'V^ put to death, Jin -r, bx!)^ -ion, nh^}:^ * n^nn * r\r\ -ioner, cd^^'^^sji r\^r\ -or, DlEil-lCp^S^i Ch. Exemplar, \\^m -lify, -^^'»?n * ^^D ^^(^^pH Exempt, np5 * t^^gn -ion, ^^h * nnn r. nin Exercise, train, ^jn (one's self) ^J^nH * ^?.r)?^n Ch. perform, n'm -N. ^1^3)1 * b:\in * m^nsi^n Exert, f ;??^jnn ♦ vp^pn * ^w ♦ rnig -ion, * y^;^. T 't Exhalation, ]^^ ♦ ]^j^n .T^S Exhale, nb^f? n^j/H ♦ ^JT^ nn f]nj -ment, ib^jp *^5n *nn ♦j^;; Exhaust, nv>3 *D^^^ ^onn r. oon -ion, nnn::^n -less. Exhibit, (to view) niStin -ion, display, nitn * HJ^np Exhilarate, H'ln * H?)^ -ion, Hnn * HnDGt^ Exhort, n\nrn * rnr ch. -ation, rrinri^ Exigence, pHM *^nii^ * HnpH Ch. Exile, n^;in * 22^-15 -n. -d, rrh^i m. s. t^^nJD Exist, i^V^n * nvn -ence, ,Tjn * illN^VP ' ^"1^.1 -ent, :^>^ m. s. .svd:3 Exit, departure, HNl^V^ '^^^?? death, HJ^'^lil Exodous, (the book) nlDt^ "ISD Exonerate, free, njp? -ion, tVi'^p^ Exorabie, m. s. -in;;;, * Hl^n^ *ni: Exorbitance, n7!33 -ant, excessive, *7i^^7 11/ Expand, spread, j;;p'l ^HhlD *nbtj^ *rtS^-)§ Expanse, jt/^pn " H^^^D -ion, HH^^ip -ive, m. s. ^TH Expatiate, enlarge on, 3"^n")n * *^^'^^?.^ Expatriated, m. s. STT^^r:^ In^HSD tJ^^iD EXP— EXP IM Expect, mp_ * n:;)!! * naV • h'^r\'\n R. ^n** -ancy, -ation, r]^p^\ * n^nln -ant,m. s. d^vd * nsno * navD Expectorate, HH'*? J^^V'i''^ R- ^^'' "i^n, HH^? Expedience, fitness, i^Dr) * nii^;; haste, nn^np * nirn.r Ch. * nMJ>p • mvnn -aiently, -ditiously, — n -dient, proper, m. s. np2 '^M^l * niJO ^tlDJ device, 'H^iinn r\^v R. Vi^^ -elite, nnD * ^nn -dition, (warlike) r\r\2^D nDnhriih -ditious, m. s. -i\nD * rn.r ♦ lp^^ * pin Expel, drive out, HrTi * ^irTn * p]nn ♦ t:^"]^ Expend, n^? * i^^'V'^n -iture, Ch. jlDD HSlVlH R. ^V'' Expense, cost, ]^DD JltftKln charges, T]Jt/ -less, "l^riD K/^ -ive, npj -iveness, jHllp^ Experience, to know, ^jl) try, HDJ * ^hn -N. • njnnH njr^l^ -d, m. s. -^^3 Experiment, Hrn^ -al, -W -aUy,-:! Expert, m. s. I^HD -ness, )TI")^nD -ly, —2 Expiable, "l^D^. * H^D^. Expiate, D^?a ^^3 -ion, D'^:3a nnS? -ory, ^"155 Expire, to die, ^i| -ation, ^p * t]iD * Hj^'^l^ Explain, "lij^n * ti^n|) -anation, -ication, IIK? * t^T)^ -anatory, li^2D * t^"l5iD -icable, -)^^n'' * t^^nb^ -icit, nm * ti^nbp -icitiy, -mn? ^ ts^nan Exploit, n:b * nnin^ doer of an-, m. s. h\n •n^jr Explore, ti^an * ipn -ment,ci^^i:)n *nTpn Explosion, ^ipn nn.*; Export, ny^ifpn y^nh i^^)i'\n -ation, — i^vlD r. ki^'» Expose, uncover, H?^ endanger, Ch. H^DD ^7.V ^^^'"^ i;5?P^ D1t!^(himself ) mC)^ 1t2^?3 ny_n *l2)Dn ItJ^Di Dlfe^ -ed, m. s. nh?n 'j:^^f2h*o'mn -ition, jinn^ **"im -itor, t!^-);5P • n^2D -ure, (to sight) '^l^i "nriv^ 134 EXP-EXT Expostulate, n^'DlH * 3nn -ion, Hnpln ♦ 2^1 Expound, U/l^ n^e!l -er, ti^ltiD * ni^2D Express, utter, DpJ * ti^l^ -N. clear, IM'^ a courier, nn^'/D n^iW -ible, 3pr * ti^lb'^ -ion, mode of speech, iB'nn 151^^ -ive, clear, a^t?^n li^n -ly, ti^npn * to"j$n Expulse, n^^ ♦ Wl^ -ion, HlW * t^^n^ Expunge, HriD Exquisite, choice, "in?P very bad, m. s. *T^^p *i/"! -ly, Exsucculent, IH^ DJ * f D ^^? * t^?^ Extant, ti^^ m. s. t^)^D2 Extempore, -ary, n^Dtn n::Dn ^'^^B Extend, nnnn *7n^n -sible, m. s. nilT/^l^l -sion, nnnnn -slve, m. s. Dnn -slveness, 3nh * 7li -sively, ~2 Extenuate, ptopH 'b^]>n R. hbp -ion, Hin^^D * nDj;;pn Exterior, External, ^1^^'^^ -ly, V^Hp Exterminate, Extirpate, *7^i3Sin * n")?n * ri^? -ation, ]i2^ ♦ nimn ' nns * ivv's 1 T : T T T : - "T ' T • Extinct, m. s. 11^^ 'IDm '^122 * H^ -ion, Mi^^3 ' T: T T T ; - "T Extinguish, destroy, nhp * H -J^ (a fire) ^^lyin * H^S -able, m. s. nh2) * nm) ' ^iJT. * ^^7". -er, nnpp -ment, "i^M Extort, ti^j: * ^h^ -ion, Hij^^JJ * ri^^H^ -ioner, m. s. Extract, draw out, kS^V'i'*^ ^' ^^^ (out of a book) pjnj;;n -N. -ion, .s^Htv * ^^^D ♦ npni/n Extraordinary, m. s. )^b^} -ily, ^^^^^DH^ -iness, T^'^^b^ Extravagance, (in expression or opinion) tVu/^T] prodigality, "1^19 •rnm R. nrn -vagantly, -3 -vagant, m! s. *r3t3? EXT— FAl 135 Extreme, -ity, n^h:?n -ly, TXP I'^D Extricate, yhn ' inH * b-^^n -ion, viv'n * nnr\n ♦ n^-vn Exuberance,!;?^ *nh -antly, X;?^3 * 2lh Exult, ^^j ^b^ n'Dt^ • nnp^»3 c^^lii^ -ation, ^^3 * ts^ife^p Eye, f;; * -n::^ * Onn R. 033 -N. the organ of sight, l^jg.pL D^ri; -ball,!;*!; nnn njcifs figure)]^]; nj ]l::^\s -brow, l^r nn^ -hish, -lid, p)if?]; pi. d^ji;?]; r. ^ii;; -sight, ry n\Ntn;? -sore, D^rjgt^ riDli:^ pi. D^??^ -witness, nx-i ni; r. hi; Fable, a fiction, /J^P a falsehood, ^IJ^ Fabric, a building, ]^^3 -ate, HJIl Fabulist, ni. s. ti^btl/D b^D12 -lous,'^nn -lously, ntDS Face, to stand opposite, 'i^f? Tb^f * D^'i^i n^^^nn^ * Ti^nn -N. front, D^^S visage, D'J^S: Facile, easy, m. s. /j^ -itate, ypH -ity, 111*7)^ R. 7?p Facing, m. s. T.^^np (him) IIJp^ (of a garment) l^nH ^|^^| Fact, deed, Vib^^^ * r-T^^fP reality, n"^npS: in-, * ^j;/?)? T ; T Faction, discord, nj^'^ri/P * H^nD * ni579 a party, D'^nnltrp *D^vn.| -ious, m. s. ailt^^p -iousiy, nnilt:^? Factor, *T'^p|i * "^5"'? ■^* '^"'^ "y* (P^^ce of merchants) pnp-!p pnniD nni;p Faculty, power, Jl/iD^, (of mind) 75^ Facundity, D^i;:^^ ]it^^ * jltr^^H ^np ni^j? r. bb^p Fade, ^25 * n'73 * bbp^ Fagot, -liynbD^Vi/ nij« Fail, bedeficient, 3t5(a3 a bankrupt) m. s.*VI^i37 3t? (in one*!» 136 FAI-FAL expectation) m. s. nDTDi 'inip^ri •iD^Hin R. ^^ miss, ^m decay, DD^? * "lij^n Faint, -ing, Pj^iJ -N. m. s. ^hVHD * ^1120;^ ' ti^hVi -hearted, m. s. J^T * 22h *Xi -ish» ^.11/ * n|)n -ishness, ll'^^l -ly, -3-ness, Hi^^i; ♦ Hti^^n * HD'^jr V : ^. T : \ T"-: Fair, beautiful, m. s. H^^ -weather, ^"13 * H^ -wind, ^PJ2f?:?) mi just, m. s. ]1:d; market day, pi:!; Dl"^ -ness, beauty, "^D'"^ candour,'!^'' * Dh * D^?')D^? -ly, -^ Faith, creed, m^D^ fidelity, ]D^t -ful, m. s. nlJIDb? ti^^ij^ -fulness, Dri * D^^IDb? -fully, —2 -less, perfidious, l^i? 5<^? ra. s. Tjia -lessness, ^^D n^3- Fall, to drop, ^33 -away, D^3D ^DJ "^'^'l * HPri -asleep, ^ti?*" -in love, "2 ^V'^'m pij:}r\ -back, "ihi^^ 2W -out (with one)°ni?^ n^n!l -ISiH R. l^D ^T^ n;/") HII HM -in price, 1^C^»1 *Th^ -off, (as leaves or hair) I'U/^ (as blossoms) '^W -sick, 2'DPDb bb^ " tibV) -to his share. lb bnl5n n^;; * pbnh ib n1^'^ -short of, ••» ^bi -upon an enemy, "2 j^j^ decrease, (as water) Ibm *^btl -N. -ing, n^^D3 * nm*^ ni^'m ♦ nr^W -ing-sickness. Fallacious, D^J/j^i/n Fallacy, n^^ir^'bpVD tD^U/D Fallability, H^^it^H n\^H ^^l^bP Fallible, ni:::^^ bp inD ♦ ni;/co^ *ni3 b^bv ch. Fallow, ^bti; -N. n;;-ir: n? * nnnit:^ -ness, nto^^ti^ T T- T: • V V T . ; False, -hood, npt:^ -hearted, m. s. D^D^lJI *t:^^^^ * ^Dl: ' "^J^D"! -ly, deceitfully, 1]>^^2 erroneously, tV\i2tD2 -ify, tell lies, npU; forge, ^n Ch. Falter, (in speech) iJ*?!/ * \Wb2 S^p| -ing, m. s. ^ Jl^j^/ Fame, H??^ * 2)10 tl^/ -d, -ous, m. s. * n2\^?2 * D^ •tS^^K 1AM -FAS 137 Dnj^?^ n •;;'Ti: * opiiDp ch. -ousiy, ixp nto -less, D^» ^5?5 m. s. ^5^ Familiar, in. s. aflkble, Vi'^V} ^i^ intimate, i2^y2 -ity, intimacy, nun. H. n;;-) -ize, ^|-in ♦ ^sn -ly, * ldi::^.o n • Hp.jn Family, household, Tl^jH ^5? ^^^^» Hn^^D Famine, HnlVn * JU];") Oj^"J Famish, l^V'in Fan, (for corn) nyo * nnn R. mi -V. —2 n'li Fanatic, m. s. mnh * ^^iHnp (religious) nji;::sS * j^5p.p Fanaticism, nvjn^nn *ni^.^in ^njiD^st n^^?p Fanciful, fantastical, m. s. "n^I^: * nnpn Hir Pin -ly, nnr nn? Fancy, to imagine, 3.^^ ID^ * '"^'?'!!''7 to like, V?)n -N. ivp'i * ^^^in Far, -fetched, m. s. plnn -off, pln^p so-, pi^H HJH m go-, nD^^ pnnn r. -^hn -most, m. s. ixp *plnn I'arce, D^H^H ^^^H -ical, -^t^ I'are, diet, DnilK hire of carriages, n?^jt/."15?^ a wattnnan*s-, ^*3^i ciDtDit:^;:: iDj^ -weii, m. s. *^^ di^::^ T • t: •• ; - ; ' : t Farm, H^'DJ!^ HlSi^ -er, nitt/ 13\tt/ . T •• : ' V T Farrier, D^ID ^^iDn Farther, promote, "iH^ more remote, m. s. IllV *p1nn go-, n'2hh ^tl -more, Tl/I. Farthest, m. s, I'i^f? *pinn Farthing, HDn?) Fascinate, n!l^ -ion, 3^ PH^^ H^^^Si^ Fashion, to mould, "IV:; * IV; adopt, ^DH R. ]1D -N. form, imV nsh custom, T^l * :n:iD * D^D^: Ch. -able, -D T T ' I V V T : • -ably, ^ii*''5 -ed, m. s. niV; * nt^V.^ Fast, to abstain, Dl^ hold fast, p]nn -,ad. firmly, njJTnS 1 1 swiftly, nn^npn -N. fn-m, m. s. pjn * pyi^ R. p^> 138 FAS—FEA abstinence, DiV -en, p^"! ♦ ptH * l{m -ener, -D -ness, ptn Fastidious, m. s. H.pp ^ ^T^rp R. bit * 3^ *n35 Fat, s. ]^'l *2br} '\?2'\^ -, a. m. s. p"! ' \^t^ ' i^n.^ -ling, iSnp * pnnD ♦ DUb^ -ness, \Dll}D ' D"^?p:f^P -ten. Fatal, destructive, n^HtL^D * n'^?2f2 R. mO -ity, ^f^l!:^ n^biDi ch. ™ni;;?n nnr^ -ist, m. s. *- -n r.^_i^o n^'LO-iD nmt^n *tt^^nDD Fate, destiny, D'^U * HDnj^IlD -d, m. s. *r^X; 1^:1 ^r\r{^ Father, ^^ pi. Hl3^^ R. ^I}^^ -in-law, a husband*s father, JlDn a wife's father, \iy\T\ -less, m. s. DlH^ -ly, 3^*^^ Fathom, ^'\^r\ -N. ni;:s.N? I/^1^?5 -iess,-)pn ]^k Fatigabie, m. s. ^ij^b ]:T^b rr\^^r\h *ni: Fatigue, ;;,Tin *n\^'7n -n. m^.";!; * ny^j^ ♦ njj^n Fatuity, rvh^p ' H^t^^CP Fatuous, foolish, m. s. ^JD * t^gD Fault, an offence, HJ^t^ * NtOH a defect, D'lD * \T\Dr\ * 0:12) T T : : •• ' : V ~ : ch.-iess,— ^^nm.s. *x:h^ * D^z:ncommita-,n3:i^ ' ><^n -y, m. s. guilty, ^^pi^ *^;;3 * D^*^^ *ti^\^ bad, * ipn Favour, ]jn * '^t'K IDH n!;?n R. nC03 *'^V *TC)n HK^^J -N. ]n ^n5^^^ * ipn -abiy, -2 -able, m. s. kind, ]5inp good, 11C0'-ed,m.s. regarded, \r\ *^-m D^:^ *^W? -ite, m. s. TT ♦ y\m FaAvn, X\\l}h y^^hnn -N. 1^]) -ing, m. s. ]1:r^ *^^hT\l^ Fear, ^::250 IJ'^* "lO ^^h^ ThS -N. -fulness, * i^TD ^ IHS T^9 -fully, -n -ful, afraid, m. s. -)1;i^ * ^^T * inS) awful, Dv^? *^^nl: -less, ^-yiD ^^n m. s. d^ y^m -lessness, vpx Feasible, nWI?.^ ^p3 R. ^^p *")^?^ Ch. -ility, n^iJ^D^t Feast, JST. a festival, ."JH a treat, ni^ * nD^i^D -V. FEA— FKL 139 Feat, a wondrous deed, ^^^p3 Hfe^jt/D do a-, pSmk ^^^.^\} -ly, neatly, m. s. JIDQ * H^^ Feather, HVJ -ed, ni. s. -)i6r2 -less. -^^73 Feature, 0^32) R. HJii * ^•^^^^ * ^1^;-!? Ch. Febrifuge, T\r\^ph HOnn Febrile, T\r\'ly>_ bf February, -lij^j; IHiSC^nn ^COnt^ Fecund, HnS -ation, iinan -ity, n§ nD^n -ify, nlnsn Fed, (man) m. s. b'^b^ R. ^1D (beast) m. s. DinN? Federation, ]l^*lll -ml, — /t?^ -rary, m. s. — 7j^5 Fee, to reward, "^y^ \h:i bribe, iPt^ -N. ID 22^ * THii^ Feeble, m. s. Htil '^hn -d, m. s. t^^^^H -ness, IVD") 'T^t^'^^n Feed, (man) ^?^3 R. b^'2 (beast) J^SlD? ih: * ^^np^ -er, one who feeds, m. s. ^3^5^ * pTlO *inl: Feel, perceive, ti^.^lH Ch. handle, tl}WD be affected by, m. s. % •IVpn-l npsn -N. J^lt^p -ing, perception, n^^^H tenderness, m^^jt;§nn* ' '^ D;"!;?? n'^J^T} -ingly, —2 Feign, to dissemble,' J^^n^n * mnc^^H invent, 3^P i^'in-ed, K^n? •3|?p "'m -ediy, j^^npn* Feint, ^r^ Tr\m * n^miD r. ni: : T T • - Felicitate, make happy, "I^^J? * nvVH congratulate, •^-in -tation, n^nn -ty, -It^^t^ * nn^^n -tons, m. s. Fell, cut dow^n, nbn knock down, p^^^ ^*>5)n R. S^D -N. a skin, -|1;; -monger, m. s. niii;; *")?1^ Fellow, N. an equal, n^DJJ * HJJ * inn ^j^/l R. n^]! a mean person, p*^") * 1^^ -ship, equality, * D'^pll/H '^^^U/ m;;"}^ * njn.^ -sufferer, (my) Hnvn ^pj;f Felo-de-se, n^lb HDVJt? T3iitp R l/l'^ ^ I Felon, m. s. niD^ *;;;^-l -y, ^/ti^-J -iously, -2 140 FEM—FID Female, Feminine, * H^p.? Feminality, nl3p3n J/J^P Fen, n-vn * p * ]V Fence, to enclose, y\\l/ * ^'^I^H guard against, "D "l^ti^H -N. n::iWf2 m:i -less, -^t»3 -er, HDn^^ -nz^^ m^d^s onib -ible, ipp Fender, Hi^n HDHD ^i;:Dl::^ T V // V -: - // •• Fennel, HVp Ferment, (as dough) pV:n (as liquid) V'^SJ^ * Hi/n * nr^l -ation, j^Bi/n * nn"^]!"! -ative, i^?;/?.? * nr^"iD Ferocious, m. s. ""ipHl ♦ ^^^ -city, mnpj^ * n1i;n?i Ferry, a passage, "ID-^P a boat, HIDI^^ -man, — "T^DI/D Fertile, (land) HD^ti^ (animal) Hns -ity,^ni::p?i^ ^n?) HDI? nh-ize, nn?n :r\innn " Fervency, ^D^ * nj^lt^'II -vently, —2 -vent, m. s. *^D?]3 Festival, -ity, JH * nitO Dl^ -ive, m. s. ^HV * nOSJ^ Fetch, np^ * i^^2n R. ^^U -breath, nn I'^'^n JHNt:^ Fetid, m. s. nnp; Fetor, ^innD * Hjnv Fet.iferous,ni-ii:i nm'i: i^ii^l: Fetter, ^222 DVn.Sn IDi^ -s, D^bn^ * D^pVt^ Fetus, D75 * l^ni; Ch. Feudal, Feudatory, m. s. ^Bl/ti^P Ch. Fever, Hn'lp -ish, —2 n^^fp Few,m. Dnni:? * Dwp * co;:p -ness, D^;;p Fibre, m^D * DIH -rous,m. s. DnnQ D^D^H ''^^^ID Fickle,m.s. THtli Tl^l ''7pR.i;T -7^? -ness, n^ltHQ Fiction, a falsehood, D^^2 R. TMl * ^in a story, \VD^^ 'b\^D -ousiy, -^innn -ous, ^n3 • ^np Ch. Fiddle, N. h22 -V. -D t^D -r. m. s. ~2 ]^:D -string, FID-FIN 141 [• idelity, on * D\31QK • ni^^Kj I'ldget, -ni: * DcolD -N. n-n:n -coio *nhrMi n ' .. .. 1- : T T V • T : \ : • T : I- ield, riDl^ • nnu; pi. nnti^ a wide-, nniD -of battle, T •• ; V T *^ T T : V n^nro nnn^;:: ni't^ * njnnn j^^5 -marshal, >^nv-it!^ l^ierce, m. s. nON* ^p^'V? R. p1^ * >^"l§ -ness, * nll/nD Fiery, m. s. passionate, H^H P]^^ *7l/3 !• ife, h^hn Fifer, m. s. bh^n * D^^^^Hn *^.v'np i-ifteen, I'ti^V ni^DTl f. nntS^;/ ti^-t:n (by letters of the alphabet) VCO Fifth, s. C^/ph f. n^W^'DH -, a, *':i^'^pn f. n^^'ipn -ly, -3 Fifty, D'^^.tpH ''2 Fig, nj.S^ri dry-, H^n^ (unripe) ^D pi. D^^Stn * 0*^^51 Fight, unhn -er, Dni^' * n^n^o t:^\^ -ing, nion^;:: Figurative, \rD1 b^D TM -ly 2 iMgure, 2)fV * ")!i^; * lll^ -N. an image, *3Vr * ^'^1^; * ^DD D^V *niD'n *ri^p3n R. ^Dn^-7:]a (of wood or stone) ho^ a number, pn^^Pin n1^e Filament, p-q COIH * "in^D File, (a tool) D^i) HTVS -of soldiers, ^D^b;0*'t!^:^^■)1tDnn1:^ -ings, n^'^pj Filial, \2 bm R. n^n Fill, ^\n • JL^n^ -N. Hij^^p. * i/nfc^ Fillet, a headband, riD^pb Filter, ^3D Ch.-N.]55P Filth, -iness, -y, (see Dirt.) Fin, -l^?i5P -less, -1^ ]\St -ny, -1^ Final, last, P)lD * ID^ '^'^^5^ decisive, HVin^ -ly, P)lD^ Finance, income, HNtUn pubhc revenue, D?P * D^-ial,— W -ier, -n3l5 Ch. 142 FIN— FIS Find, discover, i^5^Q allow, ]h2 Fine, inflict a penalty, m^l -N. a penalty, C^^?]/ * DDp Ch.pure, nice, m. s. llO * HD*^ -gold, TS) DH^ * I^JID nHT -silver, VT C* T V V T T T ' jj|>rp Pipy ^P5 -flour, n^b -looking, m. s. *aiO * Hii*', nj^n,^ -weather, nln^; t Firm. m. s. constant, D^p * ]1DJ strong, ptH -ly, Ji^^/ -ness, « Dvp *pim Firmament, D^?5^ * £^p"J First, m'^i^i * liti^i^n * ti^xn at-, nymn h n ♦ n^:^^^-) n ' in the- place, n^HIin R. 77n * t^Xn^l -fruit, * n^^n nn^SB pi. Dn^lDn -ling, -IIDS f. nniDn -person. Fish, :^n -N. jn R. njT -er, jlH -ery, D^;in inDD -hook, •^5^ -ing, n^^n -ing boat, — HTD -monger, U"^^! lp^D -net, nippD -pond, ^^^^J Fissile, j;p|in'^ Hli Fissure, Hj^^^p? (in a rock) p'^pj Fist, N. Pjl-l^i^ -V. to beat with the-, -2 HDH R. 122 FIS— FLA 143 iistuia,!;-!;;;: I It, l^t!}2n * ppn -N. distemper, H^np * f]lll con- venient, m. s. Ifp^ ^pDJ -ly, pDJ? * '^''^15 -ness, live, n^pn f. ti/Dn (by letters of the alphabet) 'H -fold, "TM I IX, to fasten, p^l * prn determine, y'ln nb5 * jrnjj Ch. -ture, • '3 pU"! Flabbiness, flaccidity, ]Viin * n^3n R. ^Dl riabby, flaccid, m. s. Hpn * Tl -bile, ^p R. ^^p ''Jag, ^i*rin * pi^i;nn -n. (the colours) h^'i Flagitious, i;;i^n -ness, n^vt^i * n^iu/'i Flagrancy, rip/^ -rant, notorious, 7 j? ^1T Flail, jnb Flambeau, TS^ * Hp^^Sf? Flame, 2nh • nan^^i^ * tOH^ Flank, ^nS Flap, to strike, f]?n "^n R. ?]iiD * n^2 (with the wings) C;?;?! t:^ 'iJ-in -N. a blow, nS? (what hangs loose) niD Flash, ablaze, pnn -V. -pi? -y, empty, ^-^^l^ * ]]^ Flask, a bottle, fl^H^V * ^"^'"^ P^- ^^^'i^^ Flasket, ^P * iS:0 Flat, -ten, level, 1^1 * nw beat out, j:pn ♦ plH 'r. ppl make vapid, HgT -X. level, m. s. 1^^ * iT^tf^ even ground, "iti^^p tasteless, 7sijr\ -nosed, D')in -ly, peremptorily, ]*'Cpi^n^ -ness, evenness, D^^nifn '^ll^ dulness, niH^ -ish, almost even, 01/^3 mti^ T ; • VT Flatter, PlJn *]"i^^ P^'^HH -er, m. s. ^lin * ]'\t^h ♦p^^HD -y, ntii:n ♦ nip^n "^riEits^ * n»o-i \wh Flatulency, vanity, Hlp^") * ?5n Flatulent, m. s. pn *r\r\ *^hf2 144 FLA-^FLO Flavour, relish, Di*^ odour, Pl'^") -ous, palatable, ^^lih 2'^V odorous, n^l ]ni!3 Flaw, di;:d * ilnpn * d;? ch. Flax, nr\tl}^ ♦ D^'riL^^S -en, - ^^* -D Flay, '0?^$n Flea, ti^i/l? -V. -D 1)^ IV:} Flee, D^^n *D^: *nhn Fleece, (a sheep) TTJ -N. nt5 * T5 Fleet, to flit, D1J ♦ n-|!l -N. swift, m. s. -^^np ^ ^p R. ^^p (ships) Dn;'ni? d^:v nnni^ -ing, m. s. ♦ n'^Di -i^in 12V) ^i^h -ness, nn^■^p *n^v'p-iy,-3 Flesh, N. ")^B -colour, -n^^"!?) -liness, -J^^^^n Pjpr^'n -ly, -W * ^:??i^5 -iness, -ni^S^l? *n^D| Ch. -hook, iJ.^tO -y, m. s. i^nn ♦ 2V_ Flexible, m. s. nB\ * "^^ R. ID"! -ibility, rV\T[ -ion, H^^CO? -ious, m. s. T]^^ -ure, joint, pH^ Flight,a running away, HD^^P *nn"^n5 stairs, niiSll^n HID -y, m. s. swift, bp_ wild, -|npD * V? P^- P^' Flimsy, Ch. V^BD tD^:iiJ^ I'^HS Fhnch, (under pain) THinH m. s. "T;/") TH ns*7D *irn^^ to fail,^^^^ ^02 -|1D-er, T;;-1D mni^7 *JDl: *"1D Fling, throw away, ^^T^i^H ^ nn^ * php_ -N. * iTT * }:7p^ TT ; - Flint, a pebble, 11V t^^'P^D -y, hard, D , Flippant, m. s. TniS -ly, pt^nn ^ miHIi? ' Float, to swim, HhtS^ -N. (of timber) llDDI Flock, (of sheep) ^^V l^V (of bees) 0^12*^ nil? R. i;;^ (of | birds) niiii;; h^n Flog, ID: * n^n R. hd: Flood, to deluge, t]b^ -N. inundation, D^D ^D^ the tide, . FLO-^FOI 145 -injn n^t?D -gate, -)p^ *npp * Di^n n^;!:^ [- loor, 127 * "TD"! (witli stones) ^"^n -N. the bottom, * Till nSVI * J;?''V; a story, H^C; Florid, flushed, m. s. D*T^P -idness, mD^P*!^ -iferous, ni^ ^^^y^/:: -ist, onn^n ]2n ntoi: r. n: Flour, npp line-, r\YD Flourish, thrive, ^•'^V^? ^^^or^^' ^^l boast, ^"^inH -N. * ^ei'"* Flow, to run, r\hn * -);33n • ^t; -ingly, abundantly, V?)ti^? Flower, HhS * f V'? ^V?!? R- P -N. HIJ ♦^^V *™? -y, nv: nnt^;; Fluctuant, m. s. I/jt/l^np * pSDl? Ch. Fluctuate, * VV^^^ri pgp -ion, rijt/'n ^^pt!^ * P5P Fluency, eloquence, t^^l^^h ]Wb ' nn\np Fluent, m. s. D^Hiitt^ fi^\s * n"^nD -ly, nn\iDn Fluid, -)|: • D'^p^n R. dd;:: -ity, n^'np . Flush, redden, D^'l^i^.n elate, ?<^: * ^"l?! -ed, m. s. Flute, t^*"?)! play on a-, —2. 7^^ Flux, dysentery, tn T^h^ concourse, pDH -ion. * n^V. T • ; i Fly, (with wings) TH^ * ^^i;; run away, r\12 * 0^3 -X. (an insect) 2,^2[. I Foam, tlii^jj -N. Pl^j? -y, m. s. -,S^9 I Fodder, ^^bn *^'\BPD I Foe, m. s. n:;1^^ * i^^ii:^ * 1^^ f Foetus, ]ID2 ^5 ♦ lIBi; Ch. ' Fog, Hpny^ ♦ -T>^it -giness, ^lo^v * ••^'^^^ -gy. ' t^if P f Foible, inpn * di;d 146 FOI--FOR Foil, h^D * -)i3n R. -IID -N. n-IDH Fold, double up, V"nn^ ^£53 enclose, I'ljn -N. 71D3 (for sheep) ]i^)i nl")15 Foliage, "^pp * D^tija Foliate, HD?!; Follow, (him) go after, VTHi^ '^^H pursue, VlVi^ ^l"! imitate, ^llDp HK^;; obey. Vim ^^fD attend, Inl^^ HH^ -each other, nt inijt HT -er, m. s. * nn^P * "inn °nnist *i^^Dp-ingday,year,^^i^^^ n:^ ♦ i^nn DVR.^^u Folly, rl^J^^ ♦ni^^p ^n^^p? *nw5 Foment, to bathe, ^hn abet, IIU* * "l^ifH Fond, to be fond of, '^^^p 2r\t^ -N. tender, m. s. Ill^^^ -ness, nni nnnj^ -ly, -n ' Font, mpD -anel, H^n^ HTt DiPD Food, ?D.N^Q *.TnD * IITD *n73^3 R. 71D Fool, disappoint, "2 ^ilH -N. m. s. an idiot, * 7^03 *7DD; ^•'^^? -ish, ^^?13 r. ^i^^ -ishness, n.^iii^ *ni^p3 ^n'l^np' Foot, (to support or walk with) 7^"l -boy, -man, Hntf^^ -ing, entrance,^^in9 'b^in np'»n'i-pad, ♦ D'^pni ^"inii; nplK^' D^COP^ Ch. -path, h'\}:p?2 * T2ti^ -step,^r\^ ^2 ^"!"i?; .-stool, D.^'^jn Dlin Fop, a beau, HQ^np *nis:5np -pery, niH^nn *nia:ijpni For, forasmuch, ^2 because of, ''hb)2 '^21 "nllli^ hji: 2PV ^nUV'H instead of, ^l^H * -)''nD word for word,i nh?22 nh?2 R. ^^D how much is it sold for? ITHO HD^ for all this, Ht ^3 hv * Dt^t ^3? -, prep, may be answered' j by 7 (as T^7ly2ih 1DV an omer for every man) Forage, ^T^f * ^2'^ Forbear, abstain, '-Dnpt^nhin intermit, tjj;!? Tfe^j -ance, Dl^S nV*« rMi/^22 Forbid, °7Jt/ H.^V -ding, hateful, m. s. DSP? * 810^ FOR— FOR 147 Force, to compel, fpi} * 02^ * n")Dn Ch. -N. an armament, b^n violence, ^p^ *D2'^ ' niDH -dly, —1 -d strained, p^m -ible, strong, m. s. pTH -ibly, npVn:^ * 113? Ford, nnnxfp *i2yo pi. nliBrp -able, ini/.'; Fore, anterior, m. s. D"!P -bode, divine, t^n^ -cite4, (se« Above-cited) -fathers, nU^ -go, n'>;in R. ^3 -head, HV? Foreign, HHt -"IT R. 11? -er, m. s. n?3 *-)^ R. mJ Foreknow, -see, nlT^Di; D^'iiiVD I/H*' -knowledge, nV'>T Tn;;n -man,:i^fc<1 -mast, n'^^^n mi:i inn -mentioned, Dlj^p np^^jn -most, -part, -rank, D^i^S * i1::^iSn * mi -noon, Onn-:; -^JD^ -ordain, D'^^D-'D "1T5 -run, "^^ii^ HI -runner, m. s. Vl -show, -tel, HlT^r^i/ nv5 -sight, nn^i:;n • nn^nr -skin, nhiy Forest, l^lh * IHI -er, --j^W Forestal, (the market) lUt^H "IplH-staller, m. s. IVJ^l *1\^10 -taste, invn Dn:pg nDjP^n -token, n. nl^^ -warn, inrn -warning, ^■)^?^^ Forfeit, forfeiture, my * D^j? Ch. -V. -IfH 1 Forge, to counterfeit, P]^T Ch. to invent, (113 (by the hammer) nlDp^^n 1)^1 R. 2p3 -N. a furnace, "113 (where metali are beaten) D;/^ dVh Dipp -ry, ^Vt ! Forget, HD^ -fulness, nn?:?^ -ful, m. s. -^^n Forgive, -12)3 * K^D » ^h?3 -ness, HIM *nn^SD*n^m)3 "'••--T T 'tt- T«J T*: I Fork, :i^rp Pitch-, ]it!^^P I Forlorn, lost, m. s. 131 J^ -ness, 7*T3^^ I Form, to fashion, "IIY * "1V; to adjust, pDH -N. figure, * "l^ln nn'lV order, HJ'lDri a bench, vDDp Ch. -ality, ceremony, "l*Tp * mt^'^i/^ -al, -ally, ceremonious, —3 -alist, i;in;95 p'IpIP R. ppT -ation, HTV; ' n:3n -ative, -)V1^ I Former, m. s. ]1(i5^«n -ly, D^?p^ * H^nnn R. ^^H i4g FOR-IOU Formidable, in. s. Di'^lSt * i^nl3 R. «"1^ Formless, ^nh R. HHn m. s. *i^ l^h ^h Formula, ni ' ^D^^I/D Fornicate, Pt^T -ion, n^2] * n^:]^ -or, D''?13t ^1}^] Forsake, :^0D * ni;; -n, m. s. ll/V^^ * 21ii; ' T ^ T T Forsooth, nDi^n * D5P^^ • l?^^ Forswear, abjure, n;;Ut^^n ibij perjure, Ij:^:^^ j:?*^n Fort, -ification, -ress, n Vnp * H-JIVP * HHt^-? * pTH -ify, ")-^? * ptn -itude, nn^i^ * 3 v^n y^;^^^ Forth, abroad, ^*^n^ -coming, m. s. ]1D5 -with, "n^^^ 7? Fortnight, D'^S'^p Fortuitous, -ly, rT^pP? -ness, iTIpP Fortune, luck, nnWn ♦ nitO nnpp -teller, m.s.ni^.:i^ ^^:i2 Fortunate, m. s. H^^VP * "^^^^'JP -b% Hn^V-:'? * "^^^? Forty, Fortieth, D^i/5^^it Forward, to hasten, "IHD * ^H^ -N. m. s. anterior, D"T*p eager, tlDD? * p)?.1^P bold, U^:^ ny early ripe, HH^D -I * D^^Dia -ness, I^Di: * Hp^WJ^ * nitjy -ly, -11 Fosse, pin Fossil, p^D "IIDH Foster, to Jherish, ^3^? R. ^13 bring up, ^15 * H -in * ^fc)^^ -brother, H^ 1^ HSD -child, (a boy) p^ H^ ^h np_^ Foul, N. m!l dirty ,^ 'P13^;9 * DHtp ugly, n^bp -ly, i", li::5? t^^ -mouthed, m! s. ]>p)f2 * ^^?n '^^in -ness. Found, to build, niB cast, p)i) establish, TDl * ]i?n -ation, basis, 15 * njOP * ]1D9 pi. ni^lDD first principles, I'W] establishment, ppf^ -ation stone, H^^Hf ili^ -er, ♦ Hjln ' niDnn pv'^ R. in: -id:;? Mi?.^P -^^y* ^^^"^^ ^^^ FOU— FRE 149 Fountain,]";]; M^^P * "^^P? ^ ^k^, *^-^2^ ^- -^^^ Four, n;;n*)S f. ]-■ ?11St (by letters of the alphabet) H -fold. D^nrnni^ -footed, D:^n v^n^ r\h ^h 'Score,i2^:tp ^ '^ T T T T : - " : V - : Fowl, t]')V nli^v-er. ^^P.' 'r^^t^^V nnv tv Fox, ^X?*):r -chase, -n^V T¥ -hunter, -H'l^ "IV -trap. Fract,")ilt^ ♦D'liD -ion,theactofbreaking,*nTnt^ ^nnln^i^n •^1^*'"!? part of an integral, np^")^ *P1§ -i^us, m. s. ^p;: *D^nD nii;;^ -ure, Dh5 * nii::^ -N.nn:^^ Fragment, H^S * HH -l * HD^nn * p^H Fragrance, nh^? H^^. -rant, a^r inn Frail, m. s. feeble, ti^^H * HD^ fallible, nU*(p^ ^t^J? Ch. -ty. Frame, to compose, ^^H * "1*10 to plan, DP * DDT put in a-, ni^DM ^m ")wn -n. m^Dn mo ^n-^'^vD vv: • : //••'^ // •• : - t ; v w; • Franchise, ^ll/^nb H v^^i^ ^10;^^ Ch. R. niH -ment, i^innti^ Frank, liberal, m. s. D'^Dri * 2^12 free, *D3n3 R. pH -i^np ^^n -ness, ni;::^p;;i * man? -ly, -d Frankincense, n^lH/ Frantic, m. s. j:^l^D -ly, pj/^ti^n Fraternal, D^HiS? -ernity, T\^^n^ Fraud, -ulence, H^np *n^^p-) * Hnpi? ^H^l^ -ulently,-! -ulent, m. s. "^^D^ * ^Dl * D^IDDlri *t:^^i^ Freak, HHT nn -ish, m. s. *1n-)p3 Hnt^ Hn Free, N. m. s. -hearted, D'^pil * 2*^7^ (i^^ conversation) *l2n^ Di; -Iti^i^? *"l2i'1 ♦ *1nn ^D ^K'^VI/^ at liberty, *»tt^s:n ♦ -)1i;D R. ini * linil/D Ch. (from vice or punish- ment) *\1l02) * "^pD without compulsion, DjjiK l^ij^ common, npDH Ch. -v. 'innt^ * np: * t^odh * -ipi^n ^niin aSD FRE— FBI •>^5n^ rh\i; be. •'i?3 ^)i\ * "i^an -booter, * nnw ibril *TTin *DDin -bom, -man, riln p^'lln 15 -cost, "rnr^ ^bn *D-inn R.pn -dom, mTnoioid,^:? "^p?? ]nin -holder, bin -ness,nun? *n*)Q^pri-iy»-2 -thincker, n^t^flH H^ m. s. ]^p^?D l^i^ Freeze, i^SJ^ -ing, n^j^ Freight, °^i; D^pj/.H -N. the lading, nODlf.D wages, France, n?").^ French, -bf (the language) -]W^ French- man, -t2^\^ Frenetic, i;|:^9 ♦ Pjnbp Frenzy, ]ij;3^ ^nfiintinCO Frequency, usualness, m^^^l. concourse, JIDH * T^T R. ll/** Frequent, resort to, )^^'2j ^^.L^ "N- m. s. ^"^jn *^5-)n -ly, m^^^:? Fresh, m. s. brisk, ^n * pTH new, t^^lH (flesh) *^rn^5 (water) D^'pl^P D";D moist, H^ * ]^i;n -en, make-, *'pT\^'rj fii^'in grow-, c^^'nnnn * priD -et, o'^in d'^d nipp -ly, lately, 31")!?/? newly, t^^^THp -ness, ^^^n * mH^ (of youth) nnn^i^ ^nnnn Fret, to be uneasy, ^li/r **-li;ir)V»"7 Ch. R. 1;?^ corrode, * b.i? rin;:^n -fui, m. s. p.i^r^D * \r\^ -fulness, ^li;? ♦ n:i^;p Friable, m. s. inlQ]?'; * p^V R. p'pT Friar, IDS *n|| -y, (see Abbey) Friction, I'll * ^IDH Ch. Friday, ^^ti^H DV Friend, m. s. ]}'r\12 ' ]r\, R. i^T "H]}^ -ed, m. s. ♦;;;j^l3 ]n *xw? R. j;ti^^ * pn -less, irii; ]^i?5 m- s- "7?^ -liness, yiBr\ 2^D .ly,m. s. 3itO JTD * TDH -ship, intima. cy, mi?"! * ri^in^^ kindness, 10)1 Fright, -en* ry^v:^r\ *^^n3^ ♦D:^? -n. ♦ nj^n? Nn?^^? FRI--^FRY 151 nnvj? -fully, -n -ened, nj/iin * hn^n .fui, oi^s: * i^ni: Frigid, m. s. cold, ]T\)i impotent, nS")Q * P]^tOl/ -zones nim^pn nivj? ^r\ti^ -ity, njv * Ii*^?! -ly, -:i Fringe, fl'^V'^V * D^^n*^ Frisk, ib'i * p3r * y^p_ * T|5n Frisky, gay, m. s. lb ^nlCO * ^^T} R. H^H Fritter, to crumble, "iniSnn * ^^^l2)nn Frivolous, ti^mn * 1^81 * ^nn -ly,-3 Fro, ••;::* ;p to and-, :r\t^\ i^lvn r. p-i Frock, ;i:oi^ ^^j;p * n:hD Frolic, br}r\ * pny -n. ^inn * pinv -some, m. s. ♦ ^pnp PDVP From, ••» MP *^^^ *Di;P Front, oppose, ••? "Tll^nn stand foremost, t^^^^hS Dty^lil R. ri^^ -N, forepart, D'^^S R. HiS -ier, ^135 ' nVj^ -ispiece, nns * i^lDD -let, T\^^b Frost, rrip -bitten, frozen, m. s. n^pll -y, ")p Froth, foam, P]Vp vain, ygH -y, m. s. — 1 7*5 Froward, m. s. H^X/p -ness, Haiti^p * r\\Vl T\T\ -ly, 331^2^ Frown, N. a sour look, D^tijt/.lt D^J^ -V.— ^^^■|^ Fructiferous, (see Fruitful) -ify, JlllJ/l Frugal, |^pp_p * DVPVP Ch. -ity, ^llSp * DIVDV -^7. -^ Fruit, n^ (of the womb) JDD *'")5 -age, nl")g -erer, m. s. -ipi.O -bearing, -ful, m. s. n-]£) 'np*,*!^!;; -fully, j/ats^n • :rr\h -fulness, nsu n^fe^i; * nh -less, tj^a"^ w (see Barren) -lessly, pn? -tree, *•"]§ ^]f Frustrate, ^30 * bm * n^lH R. "113 -N. pn. » ^^^^ -ration, Fry, ^30 Ch, -ing-pan, n^HIP -ed, ^^^Q 152 FUB-FUR Pub, n)?"ip5 niri Fuel, m^ ^^5^: ^3t?P Fugitive, m. s. wandering, 1113 a vagrant, 12 * V} a runaway, ^^h^ * nnl2 -ness, ni**!? * nij^i^rj^ Fulfil, i^te * D^^t^n -^ent, HlO^^^n Fulgency, H^?^. Fulgent, H^Jtf * •^^'1? Full, m. s. "replete, i^hf2 * D^^ saturated, ju»3^ -moon, Fuller, m. s. 0313 Fulminant, m. s. D'^if"|/? -nate, Di|"]n -nation, D];") Fulsome, ^^^T * D^jn? Fume, to be^n a^age, "2 ^^ niiq ^^WH ^M^^ smoke, lir^^^l^jgnibi; -n. fi^iinqM^^i; -ig^te, ]t^^ n^j^n * nopn -igation, iic^j;; * nb^i? * nnbp -ingiy, PlVinnn -y, ]\^'}l r]bpp Fun, pinv * hM^n -ny, nD^j;;iJi^i;^:i^ Function,*n5^^p ^ n\i^vj2 ♦ ppi; ch. Fund, nvi^? • n^^p Fundament, the breech, lin^ ' n^ -al, -ally, I'W] ' Ij?!; Funeral, burial, ri/SHn^l^ ' H^^^^H -sermon, 1B:?D 'l^:?n Funnel, (for liquor) *lg^P * ^.??PP ^h. Fur, (of beasts) I'l^ -rier, nilli; "IDiD -ry, "l^j;^ Furious, m. s. I/J^l? grow-, VJ.r\p^ -Iv, PI^I^^ Furlong, ^^^? D^i^^i^?! nit^p j;?ini?? Furlough, Dl^ti^l * HW^ Furnace, 1^3 Furnish, (see Equip) Furniture, TV^ 7^ Furrow, D^P * n^gD Further, to assist, Vty *r^*ln R. I/trHo a distance, n^^7^ I FUtt-GAM 150 .more, "TiX?'! * inl^'l Furthest, m. s. Tt^O ♦pim Fury, iu^5wi^ * nv'in ^ino Fuse, to melt, ^*>rin * DDH .ibie, ilDJ^n * D^D^H m. s. * '^n*' Dn^ -ion, the melting, nO^DD *y\r\n R. ^n:3 Fuss, HTnn * n^Din T T-: T • Futile, trifling, pOP P^^ -)31 .ity, ^^H ^31 Future, Tn;; in., -^ ^ IViD DVh *D\S3n D^D'*^ 1- T T ; • T - • t; G. Gabble, D^nS^ pii^D -N. D^n^fe^ pW^ ' H^DH -r. m.s. D';n5i!^*pii^l3 Gable, :i^'l ^nSI^ ff'\^tl} Ch. Gain, KV9 * rl^p^ ♦ t^^Dn * j^ts^n -time, i^^^ii: ]3r Ch. -N. l^;p *t:^o-! -n^i/in *m-j -er, m. s. ♦i^viD ♦ n^ip :^C2^P R. :m * n^np -fui, h^jj^D r. ^;;^ Gainsay, t^npn * inD Ch. Gait,jn3p ^-JlSn Galbanum, n^!!/^ Gale, a storm, I^D * Hj/b Pin Galilee, ^^^3 • T Gall, to tease, D-^J^Dn * P]"^Vi?D * P^-? -N. bile, H^p * t^^ln anger, D;;? * fjVp * T J^ Gallant, brave, ^'jn tr'^i^^ a lover, Tl*! * Hilii^P • 2^^^ -ry, courtship, nU^I/ bravery, ^^H * Hniail -ly, — n Gallery, a balcony, HpX^O * J^'^V^ a passage, Hjl^'lpp Gallon, x^nn n^^i^^^p ^r\p Gallop, nn^nQ2 pn -n.' m-)\np? v'^"''? Gallows, r^jt; nl^n^ |^jg ^n^ych. Gambol, to dance, ;i^'1 -N. J') v^^l Tip"). Game, pHg^ -N. sport, plH?^ * pH^P (animals) T»V -keeper. 164 GAN— GEN -n-ipi:^^-ster,pn?^p^ p^^^ch. Gambler, n^pnHpnfe^p Gang, nnn * hin Gangrene, hphj^^ R. hhp -N. -ous, hpbp^f2 Gaol, -)1D^^ kV:^.-! -in&n n^n -er, ---lii^ Gap, a breach, Vy,^ * H? avenue, ^^inD Gape, to stare, ('»;; * inj^ Garble, COpb * -)h|l -N. COp^ Garden, H^l * ^5 (of pleasure) III/ 15 ' D'^H? (^^ pot-herbs) PT. 13 -er, 153 -ing, D\:i5 Hjlpn R. pD Gargle, i^-]^ R. ii:\ -N. HDnn^ "l^n^ Garlic, tDW * D^pit^^ Garment, 1^2 * U^l^h * ll/^ilbD * n^D? Garner, -)2V -N. nil* Garnish, Hgi * HHi; -N. ^j;; * -n^hv^ Garret, n^^Vn lljl Garrison, N. Ipl^n imD'h'^r} -V. IDj;/.!! Garter, (for the stocking) nii/V Gash, i;V|) * Vr^?^ ' '"^?'? R- '"T^^ Gasp,nn J^i^t^^ ni^?-N. Dpii n?2^p? Gate, "IXfJi^ -way, -H Kl^P -keeper, l^lt!^ Gather, (see Collect) -s, D^'COI^p. * nl^^D? Gay, (person) m. s. gaudy, HS^np cheerful, 7n^ * 27 *liD -ety, ^D''' * n^nvp * nh'i^iD -ly, -a Gaze, ]^il . ini^ Gazette, nltj^inn n-15^ -er, — "innp Geld, DID -er, DIDD -ing, D^D * Dn&D Gem,ajewel,\*tin ^p^J^i? Gemini, D^QlH -ous,m. s. ^DS * n:tl}D Gender, b^lH * T^^iH R. ih"^ -N. I'^D Genealogical, nll^ln ^^ -logy, ni"T^inn fci^H^logist, m. s. GEN— GET 156 nn^hn i^ni npnp r. ih-^ General, common, m. s. ^IVO * y'^^l a commander, ll/^b^ -issimo, D^^/^hfn ^^1 ' ^ cheerfully, 3.^ 31D3 Genitals, HT^Inn ^b3 * n^iy * U^IL/MD Genitive, Ch. nV2"IOVnn V:pn DH"^ U^ Genius, power, -)^3n * HJDH * HJ^H R. ]13 * J::^: Genteel, -tie, -tleman,m3"!n "Plfg * D^^ ti^''ii^-tility,-tleness, niD^J *Di/0 -teely,-3 -tly, softly, CO ^^? ^rUlJ-l -try, m. Dn33;:D * ii/n^ D\i^ *^mi^ • T \ ^ : // - - // •• •• : - Gentile, D^'^VN* 13U^ * D'V3';; (being the initials of n^h^D^ du313 131;;) Genuine, ^p3 ^np^^.-ness, nVpi * nWD^^ Geography, p^^n-nlt'^^5 nlp'7nD -pher, I^VO -phical, Geometry, ilnj^nH n3^<^p ♦ nTi;?!*! nD3n -rician, 3 J/^tJ -rically, ^^h German, a relation, 71^13 * 3l")|5 a-, ^!"J3Ji^i? (the language) -11::^^ .y, n^t^K Germ,nDV-inate, nbV * nhS Gesticulate, 77lri]in -iculation, jl v/lH -ure, niTH Get, acquire, N^^;p * Jf^^H *;'^i5^n R. i;j3 * JLL^i -by heart, n^ ^j;;3 1b^ -better, N2inn-thebetter,--^^3^-with child, 12V_ -a cold, 13^V'7 R- P^ -drunk, "iSntJ^n -ready, * ]^:?n 156 GET— G LA ;i2n -out, «!i^^ ♦ ^^\^)n -you gone, i^V i^^' -before, D"!)? -into, 2<1n * J^^an -off, bring away, "T^pH -over, -through. Ghastly, i^-)1:3 * DVJ< -hness, H^Hn * Hl/ir ^nn^D •^ T T ' T T V tt; t • : Ghost, nn give up the-, i;l5 -ly, ''^n^ Giant, pj^ Gigantic, -D m. s. TNp *^n| Gibberish, HD^ ^Jr.^ M^^^ ^I?^? Gibbet, hhr\ -N. n*?n * XV. *^^V ch. Giddy, m. s. iniPiD -brained, Hannp * ^Hip -ily, carelessly, nn^nr ::^in ^bii -iness, n^nn * niin Gift, a present, HJD *nnp * H^riD * t^^-'? R. ^D^ ^X'-J^J -ed, m. s. njp^ *i^ n\n * ]rnn r. \:n Gild, nnrn ♦ nnn ri^n -er, m. s. 3np *nanp -ing, 3nr "^isv Gilt, anr n^jV/tD T T • ' TT V \ : Gill, a measure, yhr\ tT'^l/^bm Gingle, ^V^V *^'^^ -N. ^^^V Gird, DD!^ * -)in * '7D^^ * H^ -le, TiTJ^ * ^DH^ * HtD Girt, T\'l'\m T -; Girl, n'n^'^'^nni;^ Give, jhj -back, n^J^H R. 2W -a thing over for lost, * 'D ^^l -way, n^jnnn to -himself up, IDVI? "I''ip?n Ch. -er, m. s. Glad, m. s. :ih *niD • ^ny * r\m -den, n^qn * n^fe^ -iator, pnV/!: -ness, 3^ nVO * nutt!^ * HMVi -ly, *-2 Glance, to view, "n^jt l'"']; * °^j; ^^j^tJ^H -N. a view, H^j^tJ^n a beam, pnS ^V'^'^? Gland, 1^5 -ulous, DH^il ^t^ Glare, (see Dazzle) -ing, bright, TH^ *inH Glass, n'^DOr make-, -;.^1D -grinder, -tt^COl^ *house. GLA— GO 157 --n5^^^P n^5 -man,--lDlD -work,-n:3K^P ., (to drink with)n:vrs Glaze, n''?^::n hb^ -ier, n-^piiDr ni^i^n ntj^i;; Gleam, ^^DlH -N. HJ^ii^ * "int -ing, ^^13 Glean, COi^? -er, m. s. iD\^70 -ing, collection, tOp? the collecting, HlD^p? Glebe, a church-estate, ^rl3 n^^^? Glide, coi<^ I'^n Glimmer, glitter. Hi: * p-|3n -N. H^Jl * pin Globe, ll'l^ -ular, -D -osity, h^^JJ Gloom, -iness, D'n'lp * ^nS -ily, ")7.P3 -y» "i- «• "^IZ Glory, ")^?|ln^ * I'^nnn -n. nnsi^r) -iousiy, -2 -ify, "'^T^ • "Tin -ification, 1t^^ * inn -ious, m. s. * mH Gloss, to cover, HD^ * Dbn explain, ti^Ht^ * IK!! -N. a lustre, n^jt; ^ n;i^\ comment, i^/M^ * -)1^^5 -y, nw;/ * Tnn Glove, b^5 * t: n^5 Glow, to be heated, nZD^H ' DHH * 1p^ -N. HDH * DlH -ing fire, tOH? ti}^ -ing coals, D^SitJ'-! * n1-)jyi3 D'^^H^ Glue, p!l*n -N. glutinous, p5*IP Glut, to devour, j;;!75 cloy, ^/-^n^^H -N. nnlnV^ * HJ^?^ -ton, m. s. 7/lT -tony, niyyiT -tonously, — H Gnash, ]t^ phH -ing, 1^ np^'in Gnat, g^^n^_ ♦ nur Gnaw, (With the teeth) ^IVD Go, i^n let-, n^:3n * n£)-in -about, n:Ki n:3^^ iin -away. It --t ••:- tt: tt't *'' 7m '^bn .aside, ••;:: n^D niil) -back, ait^ -along! ^^?7^ :i;il R. ^}2 -down, Ih^ -forth, -out, ^^!i^^ -out, (as ■ ;tv 't t fire) nb3 -in, >^i!l -in and out, r5 i^tli^:) * 2lC0 7^5 -ification, a pleasure, ;3i:jt;,n .uitous, -uitousiy, nni x^n * Djn R. pn -uity, * b^D^^\ n:r\D r. ]n: Gratulate, ^12 -ion, HpiB -ory, -ht^ Grave, n'ln * ppn -N. serious, m. s. 123 * ^llj *ptn (for the dead) 12^^ -maker, — D'fiin -clothes, * np ^^^3 pDnpri -stone, r^\l^2p, n2^r^ R. 3':;*' Gravel, N. ^IH " \^^n -V.to cover with-, -2 HD? -ly, -^^!?9 Gravitate, weigh, •'^j;; T2:^n -tation, Hinpn -ty, 13i) Gravy, 2^1 ' p"J? Graze, H^l -ier, -ing, H^h Grease, to smear with fat, ^QIJ^^nTinD -iness, ](2^/D -y. Great, m. s. large, h'l^ eminent, ni35 * Dl")D * i^^? grow-, y^5 make-, ,T?^n * 'P^l? * m: -coat, b^D * ^3^? Ch. -grand children,* D^i2^21 •^;? -est, m. s. •* 3 ^5 -ly, IXP nj;? -ness, Hii Grecian, m. s. ^3V f. n^in^ Greece, ]r Vl^ Greedy, m. s. ^^^3 * Pp.'iJ^P -iness, n&2 * nj^W];^ -ily, -3 Greek, (the language) ]1^^ ]1t^^^ Green, (a colour) ph^ * pn."; very-, pHpT fresh, Pl^ not ripe, bW2 ''r\h2 -corn, 3^3^it -figs, D'^-JS -grapes, lipp ^ meadow, nj^-)P * IHISt ♦ ^^n niN? -ness, ]1pT-sickn( GRE->GRO 161 ni^innn ^bn -s, py^ pi. nipn; Greet, Dl^ti^3 hiiti/ * *n"i3 -ing, Dl^:^> nh^^ * n:}^!! Gregarious, m. Dniljinp * DHH^ D^D^IH Grey, (a colour) ]pl ^^^")^ -, ?.. — 2 -with age, m. s. 3^ grow-, nib' (hair) l^^^H -hound, D'J^nD "1^11 ^^? Gridiron, IID^ Ch. Grief, n-i\* * jij^ ^nnjc-i * nv;; TT I T T T : V'r Grieve, -l"-)^ ^nJ^^ ' y^^lH * n^^i^n -ance, 'll^D *min jin-yy -ousiy, -2 -ous, m.s. 3\^n;? * H^VI!/^ ' *^'^^^P *i^"l Grim, (face) D^DJ/.lt D''>5 -ly, - -2 -ness, ^lifr Grimace, D^j:]^ U^2^ R. Hi;/ Grin, ]^ p'lrf -N. ]^ npin R. \:^ Grind, to reduce, nJlS * ti^nS * pn;j^ * plH R. ppi sharpen, ]^p ^-qn -er, m. s. ' U;r}2f2 '\^pD * TIDP nr)59 (the tooth) n^n^i? -stone, njni^n ]ns* ch. Gripe, to grasp, ' '2 j^jnPI JT^Jn thiS squeeze, X'T^b * nVH R. n-)y (the belly) ]m 3N3 -N. * nv^m^ *\^2 2^!^ ng'*'?]:^ (handful) \*Dp fc^^P -r, m. s. yU'lb ^1^^'\2 Grizzled, m. s. I'M^ Groan, m^^H * pi^ .N. Dm^ * p^*^ -ing, m. s. n3i^3 - T •• » T T T-; f r V ^ -v; V Groats, li^n^ * nbn. Grocer, b2r\ -y, n^ilD * 022^-1 * ^11/2 Groin, ^TH p^B Groom, D^DIDH IDit^ -of the stool, T\r\r\b^r\ f^p^ Grope, ::^t^il *:^^9 Gross, m, s, bulky, ^IT^ ^nn| dull, t^SP *^^')^? coarse, nt^ij ' D3 Ch. fat, |p:j^ ♦ i^nn -ness, * ni::»5b * ''^p. -ly,-3 Grotesque, m. s. HJ^P * It R. mt Grove, HHt^^.s pi. n1n:i^^? * Dnt!^^? 162 GRO-GUI Grovel, ^nt * l^^h Dhtl^ -ler, m. s. ^^12 * ht:^^ T T T V T ' T •• T Ground, earth, p.ij soil, HDl^ dregs, nr^jP -d, ID^D R. ID*" -ediy, Pi'^bDnn iv_ * 3^•^^^ -floor, iinnnH n^ti^^ Jess, nrS* Ch. nW^D "'^n-plot, ypnp_-rent-n HM^'D^; -work, u/iv:; *lpj] ♦ n3D R. 22D niD^ Group, N. V13)? * ^*^J^? ♦ ^1D?p^? Grow, vegetate, Hb^ increase, 71^ *nti^^ become, "7 Hl'^n Growth, Hw^ * 7^15 Growl, pn; * D'n^ ♦ nbr) -ing, pn: ♦ on; * nl^n Grub, to destroy, ^Itl/ * "Ipj^ * "IP^H Grudge, to envy, ]'••;; * t^^p ^ Dbii^ -ing, * H^t^p * ]^j; fl"!^ n;D;pii^p -ingiy, -a * i^i; ;;-)? Grumble, ]2'\br\n * upinn * ^.i.^nn -r, m. s. ' t?l^np Dif-inp * l^li^r^P -ing, ny\hn * ^^9^r1^^ ch. Grunt, pn3 -N. pH^ -6r> ni» §• pH J Guarantee, m. s. 3*11/ Guaranty, HHi/ -N. n|l"II/ Guard, to protect, 'hv ]2} 1^7 watch, "ib^ * "lb J -N. defence, ]^p * HpHD caution, mT^nt -against, ^If^I^tl/H • 'D "ip^^n * nntn -ian, m. s. -)DlL^ " ")tDl: an executor, DlDinp^s^i^ Ch. -ianship, nyDt^ * niy^^ -less, riin\'ir ]jp "^^ n * npnp i\si3 -s, (of a king) Dnpiti^ iir^n 'mnh -ship, n>y;2n rr^iii^ r. av*^ Guess, Ki^5 -N. ]vi;"I * l^^PI R- '"^i^"^ ' '"^/^^T Guest, ^n^e Guidance, direction, niDlin * n^/lH ' T T ; - T T Guide, im ' "^nnn * "i^^in -n. m. s. ♦ it^^D * "iniD T^l^ * :l^???5 -less, -^h:^ * ^n_^p ]\sb Guild, m^^^? *' nnnn ^nni; r. ij]^ Guile, npip * n»p-! -fully, -^ -less, -"^^S Guilt, Dg^K * j;;^|) -ily, -2 -iness, H^t^K ♦ H^J^^i^g -less, 1 GUI— HAI 163 m. s. D^pn ♦ •'pj -lessness, m^'^pn * irj?? -lessly, ~2 -y, m.s. D2r^^ •fii^\^ 'yt^'\^ Guitar, Dlnnp.Ch. Gulf, a bay, D^ ]wh an abyss, H^IVP * Dlnri pi. niDinn Gullet, ^1^ • ^^^)I;^3p ch. -osity, ni^^lt Gulp, jt;^n -N. Hj^"^^ ? Gum, N. (Of the teeth) D^?^ I^W * B'^J'^ID (of trees) VJt/»l f]"l^ (of balm trees) *>")i^ -V. —1 nt^^D Gun, a cannon, nn^"n5p-ner,— 3 HllD *n3jP Hll") -nery, mp^n nn^.njy^i"; -powder, npn?^ pnb? -shot, njfj ^iin^p ^ -smith, nai n.:5p ti^nn Gush, o\r *pib^' Gut, 102 "^IIP pi. D^^J^p Gutter, -)13V * D"^pni Guttural, n^:iii-) * liin j^tonn Guzzle, J^iD -r, J^Db H Ha, nnst ^nn ♦^^?^ Habiliment, ti^^n^P * T^n *niD3R. HDD Habit, -ual, ;n?p* * bT\r\ -ation, a^lD R. nt:^^ -able,-^ '^1^^'^ -uate, Vil'in * ^yn -uated, m. s. 7^jn -ually, — D Hack, to chop, DbH * f VP (meat) '^nn Ch. Hackney, m. s. 1^?^ -ed, In D^ti^;?ri^P Ch. D'^nn Haggle, (in buying) ^TJJ/n jy^^H -r, TSpQ Ch. Hagiographer, ti^lipH nnn nJllD Hail, "Tn^ -V.' pour down, — "IDpil -stone, — pK (large) ^^'^ih^ -, interj. Dl^^ Hair, n^fe^ -cloth, ~l^|l -less, -'^^5 ♦ TTS^ -breadth. 164 HAI— HAN n^V't^n CO^n? to a-, Ij: -stand up for fear, t^^l nl-|i»^ I^P -iness, nyV'p -y, l^^^ Hale, to pull, ^\i;?2 -N. m. s. dW * i^^':ni * n^;?"*. T left-, b^Dt^ 'n'^b^m T upper., npb^n 11 to- her to a coach, bi^ Hni^I/H^ ^2 ]h^ nn3"i;3n I willhaveno hand in it. In ^nn b^ *>T to lay -s, on one, (as a bishop) V7i/ ll^ ^f^D give a person one's- ^5 i?*pn to live from- to mouth, H^b TD nVH nl\n it is believed on all -s, D^^^^'P^P 75 I v^^ash my -s of it, ■^S? ll^R?!! ynn^ on the other-, ^^] to be -and glove together, IH^n nij ^"^iji r\tr\ yV near at-, m. s. ' ^lIDJ ni-)(^ -basket, IM -breadth, H^b -cuff, "IIDiS * ^ID * D^pn -ful, ypp^^:? ^bn -Icraft, n^i^.^ * np^^P -iness, nn^np ^ p")1^3 -lly, -2 -kerchief, b^T)^ * ir\D Ch. .maid, Hri^li; -mill, L}\m Handle, to touch, th^^ * i^^r\ (a subject) ^ \T^:^ m^ W jniinn nfc^;; to seek a-, n^'in l^p^i -n. ♦ t n*"!! ^n^^^-ofa tool, 3-^3 R-n^"^ Handsel, n^nnH R. bbvi T T ; - Handsome, m. s. n^> * "inn -Iv, 1112 *^^^2 ' V T T T '^ ' vv ; • : HAN— HAR 165 Handwriting, "7^ Dfin DHB Handy, m. s. dexterous, pin * I^Hp convenient, *n^3 Hang, to suspend, "H li/Jn (as a malefactor) ^T)^ 7^ 117^ rp.ln R. X?p^ -er, ^hn -ings, ni;;^^. -man, \hT\ * I/^lD Hanker, "^ ^D^TJ ppW -ing, P]pi) * Hp^^'Wi/n Hap, -pen, Hh)^ -pen what will, HD ^^ * il'^h't^ tlD n^n) it seldom -peneth, ^^^ Ij^'^ pln'1"")!'^ how has it -pened ? ^^^.k} n?^I/.5 ^^^^ it -pened, ny^ "Wl}^ Ch. a mis- fortune -pened to him, mnp.^^niH H^n -ly,' \^ * "^b^^ Happiness, HH^VD ' "1?^^ -pity, "^ -py, m. s. ♦ H^VP |i ng^^N^p -less, m. s. Dv *n^p * ^3^^ Harangue, N. nlnDln-^lp -V. -i["^pti^n * n^iDIH R. HD** Harass, fn) ^t^^jj ' n'l^hn ♦;;;iln ♦pvn n^^nR. *;;:*• pr< * -n^ -ed, pi^^p? m. s. n^^; * ^^n^j ♦ m; Harbinger, m. s. 1^2D * ^^^D ' r\^btl} Harbour, a haven, D^n j^lnp "nv?^? ^iH a lodging, ])bD -V. to shelter, — ] jlj * P^H sojourn, ]>b Hard, laboriously, ilH??? ni. s. firm, pTH difficult, * IDS ntrjP stingy, *'^^5 -hearted, nh *nti^p n?? -by, "h 2)^ he is -bound, W^f^ll "IV^^. -to be pleased, nl-Vn^ *n^j7 -of belief, ]^P1?5 •^r^? -of hearing, ]m nj? -en, ♦ "Tn?n n^pn -iness, ^i^p, -ly, scarcely, tOJ^D? -ship, ♦ H^br} nj^^Jl -y, m. s. prn * n^ *f ps; -ware, niprip r\inj?p • ^n-iR. "in:i *np^ -wareman, -^ — 3 tni^r^jyi;] -iniD Hare, nn^nS: -brained, m. s. '^S??)? * 7na9 Harem, D^^^^H n*>n Hark, vb^ ♦ ]>j^r\ ♦ ^m ntpn r. nco:i Harlot, n^T * n^lp Harm, injury, pj: %!;;-) * ^ID^ crime, D^iJ * i;;r^|) -ful, P^]^ * I^"IP R. ;/1"l -less, unhurt, ]1p;St Dp "^^n innocent. 166 HAR— HAU m. s. ♦p^n. ^b * on R. DDn -lessness, * }]J^n 2)tD Harmonic, -nious, ]1D3 -nics, Ulylpn D'l^T) R. tll^ -nize, r?n -ny, n};in * nu:)r. -niousiy, -n Harness, armour, JI^H^ trappings, DIDH '^'71/ Harp, (an instrument) "|133 pi. n1")i33 -er, —1 ]^}D Harpoon, I/DD Tl'^^n R.j/DJ ' HIIH -pooner, -"imp HnlD R. HT Harrow, 1*1^ -N. pin ;i-!lD * ^Iti^^p Harsh, rigorous, m, s. t^p^ *"I5 R. "IID * n.^'jP -ness, * ''ti^p Hart,-)Di; * •'nv Harvest, T^^JP -time, — H Hi/ .man, *1!^1p Hash, chop, (meat) '^hH Ch. Haste, to urge on, ^^'l?^ * y^'^O ^^^^y ^"^'^ ^^^^' * ^^ ^nnn * w'ln '^i/'^rin * t^^in nsn * -ihd -n. * n^n^ tirsn * nn^np -iiy, -a * nnnp -y, m. s. ♦ bnh^ * rna Hat,i;5i) ♦ t^^-in np?p -ter,''>^5i) Hatch, to breed, D^V^n D^H * tO^^DH contrive, ^n^!lnn i^5^Q -innn R. n^n -n. a brood, pii;?n cote a door, nr\^ * n^^ Hatchet, ]n^ ' Dinp Hate, N:3?i^ * 2'''K -N. Hatred, ^^??^ * iiy^i^ -fully, -1 -ful m.s. i^3lJ2^ *n:>.1^^nl1^ Have, m. s. *17 JlVH (the auxiliary verb -, is understood, as ^rnp? Ilearned or have learned J -ing, s, li/\ * |^5p * ntlHiJ Haven, nlO^ fjlH * D*n i^l3p Haughtiness, 'm}l * nWH * m^5 ^ 3^ 111? R. Tit -tily, . -1 -ty, m. s. nr * T?;^ * d*':^) ni; ♦ n^ ^^nn^ •^ ' •• • •• • T - •• ~ : Haunt, 'Q'^?2V^h nl^nH K^^^SH -N. DtJ^lD R. 35:^*» ^r. i HAV-HEA 1G7 Havoc, nnts^ *3nnn-N. nnnt^n *pnn Hawk, to cry goods, ^H? nh^l?? rnpH Ch. -N. * D^n X;, * D^nn -er, m. s. * pni hh3^D *rn?r) ni?^ n:3p nniD Hay, n^yn -rick, nDny. -maker, m. s. IVlp Hazard, HlD^ (his life) nSDl 1::^D3 DlfiS^ *mD^ 1Si^=:i3 Ppn I5rip>? Ch. -N. ^3^en ♦nj|p ch. -able, -ous, m. s. PDDCh. Hazel, ri7 He, ^^^^ (this pronoun is chiefly required in the present tense, for to the future is added the inseparable pronoun, and in the preter it is wholly omitted. Head, u/i^ih nvn ' '^:^h ihn -n. u/iii -ache, -^bn -band, Dn^t^jV riD^b -dress, IKS * D^?^ • JT^^^ pi. nlD^PV -less, -long, nj^nn r^i^? ♦ 2h b^ n^tt^n •'^^ r. I127 * 3W -most, t£^^^")|l -piece, armour, i?i3 under- standing, mnri -stone, n^B t^iil -strong, m. s. * ^'Ip *ntl^'i> Heal, ,Tn * t^^il -ing,ni^^D-|.-th,-thiness, *i^?)").? 'nii^m n^Dhu; -thy, m. s. Nn:n * D^t^ Heap, -in^ *pp^ ♦V^ri *tiDiSi * "ibn -n. a pile, nph npnX? *U;^l^ (of stones) n?r.?^ '^5 R- ^^J (of ruins) ^n ♦ n^^^p ^^D ^^i; r. ^li^ ♦ n^;; (of people) * jIdh in^ *fip£)p^? by-s,DnDn Dnon Hear, to perceive, jfDtl} hearken, ]\t^n * 3ti^pn -er, m. s. S,f2W ^l^r^?/p *3^trp5 -ing, the sense of -ing, HiTm audience, UX n''t03 trial, ^2)2:^0^ HTD;/ ^Hn^m H^^n^l -say, nV^f2t^n "^t^D Hearse, riD HOD R, HID * HtO^ 1G8 HEA— HEG Heart, 2b * 22^ -ache, -]1n3:i^ -broken, m. s. 1 !l^ n2ti;2 innpl -burning, 1^ DJ^^? at -s ease, Ci^^^H n'lH ^Dl -easing, j;[1i!"1^ * ^r^'^.'Q "^ext to one's-, D?? l^V? by-, n§ ^r? take-, ptnnn * ^?)^?nn take to-, i"? hi^ 2^^n R. nW *"^V n.^ D^ii^ nit:^ go* to the-, 2h IJJ Vj^ -en, ym * pm -feit, m. s. in^j ♦ iiii/i? r. iz-f^ .iiy, DnS b22 'Ubti; 2b2 -iness, sincerity, H^D^t^ *n');D^pn -less, m. s. nn *n?;)"i *n^ *:nD -sickness, mi nib -y, m. s. D^D/n * D^t!^ Hearth, n^ ^HTS^Dn'^D Heat, (an oven) "l^^JH p^^H R. ptl/2 to warm (with passion) ^^ nnnn *nm jin ibp^r;} (one's self) 2b Dnn * ^-ypnii -N. (by fire, DlH (by rage) riDH sultry, 11 1^ -ed, m. s. on (in a passion) iinpn in^ DH %nDn *xbD Heath, n^V * ^it'^"'? ^^ Vl^ Heathen, (see Gentile) -ism, D'^^'^^b^ rilll^;. * D^.I^H nlpH Heave, to lift, DnH -offering, HDnn Heaven, }p]>1 * D^^^ * Dlnp -ly, "^D^^^ -ly beings, n^i;.p^5?r2^*p^v^x?*^;^^7p -ly thing, ^:mi -ly hosts. Heaviness, weight, nHH? affliction, 2)i]} -ily, —2 Heavy, m. s. weighty, 12^ dejected, DV^ * ^1[T Hebrew, "^"lljL/ (the language) — ]1t!^b Hebraism, nijr ]it:^^-n^3'^n ]^'\k Hedge, enclose, *^1t!^ -N. Hjlt^^ -hog, ISp Heed, attend, ]n^?^ *2^t^pn care, "fltj ibtj? ♦''^i? dS D'T .fui, m. s. -)\nT * -inn' ♦ ]7i^.o * 2^ti;p,t? -less, -''rib -fulness, nn^'lr^"^5^p^ Heel, 2p^S betake to one's heels, nh|l Hegira, D^^^^D^J^^n 1^_:!P^ HJ^ HEI-HHK 1(J9 Heifer, nn^n^ n3 nh^v Height, HDlp ♦ n?l5 (of rank) nhv.f^ Heighten, H'^njn/ KJi^^ * H| * DnH R. Dl") Heinous, 1W2 i?l -ness, ni;;j^-) -ly, -3 Heir, t^nV -dom, H^J^n^ * H^liS^ -ship, -H tO^L^^/t? -ess, n^"l1*> -less, m. s. ^i^l;i »l^ pj;^ Helm, the rudder, ^*:3^^^ nlHK^ COlS^^O T • t; T •• -; - T Helmet, ;;513 ^I/Dlp Help, to aid, -ity cure, Nbn/nfn-N.*nn?i; *iry *n?jiD"). ^^i^-)D * nsinn -less, i^^iD i^'v I'^xb ♦ D^^n ^h:i Hem, to close with a-, 7^^ 7D5 -N. 7lii3 ^^ti^ Hemisphere, -ical, "n^lD ^^3^ ""VD Hemlock, Ji^^in * t^^ll Hemorrhage, D"! WW -hoids, D'^^lhO Hemp, D^^3jP -en, -W Hen, n.^:nn ch. -pecked, int^x nhi^DD nnjn Hence, away, n^^S*' fr^^ ^^"^is, Hip therefore, ilDi/ * ]p7 -forth, nni/D * n*^^m in::;:: * n^l/Di i^inn dvd T ^ •• T : T ; ; • T -: - T Heptarchy, D^D^D^ ni;?^^ ri^^DD Her, n ^ (always affixed, as il^t^ of her, Hl^n her word) Herald, l'^2D * U^ht^ * ^^^0 -ry, -H n^J^? Herb, -age, 2^j; * -pl^. -al, D^n^^H ^?;p HISD -alist, Herculean, IND 133 * Timp . .. T V It Herd, -)3n * ^DiJ -N. a flock, ^'1]} a company, * Hinn npn^ * ^D^D^^ -sman, Hiri Here, Hb * HJ) * Hll * D^H -to, -1^ -and there, * i^^XI Si^e T" -: ' ^- tt:tt n^ni njn *nbT n!D -about, njn -after, ]d nn^ -in. 170 HER— HIG m.s. iDinn ♦in -by, -with, nm *n>^f3 -of, ntp-tofore, liS^ ♦ uh^^D *D^2ti-^0 'i^21 n^TpD Ch. .under, m. s. *ni nripi Heriditable, -itary, nbm * nt^IlD * Hti^n'' Heresy, ni^D * U^n^D R. Hi: * ^^1^ "^TD^ Heretic, l^p * 10 Ch. -al, m^P bti^ Hermaphrodite, mm R. nDCO * Dl^^h'^^^ Hermit, ^nlnn/r) • ti^nSD -age, -H pS^O ^t^^lD R. Ht^^^ Hero, -ic, "llnil * b^H Ci^\St ♦ 27 y^m -ine, ' TVi IM^i^ 2h nv*'P^? -ism, n-ini nn -icaiiy, -n Herself, she-, HDVi?!!! ^^'^il -, (if denoting a reciprocal action, is expressed with the characteristics of the /^DHn conju- gation, as m^?]in she taught herself) by-, HS^Z of-, npVi^p within-, mhii R. 22b Hesitate, to delay, IbiJ *3tD History, n|^j;.?? I'lSDp -ical, W -ically, ^ni? Hit, (against) '-n pD^I succeed, * N!i^D * H^'^VD * i'^^H j;;'^^n r. :it:^i *i;j3 he- upon, ^n^3^ln >iyn Hither, to this place, Hb TI/ -to, Hjn PIS Tj;[ -and thither, T Hive, (for bees) D^lniH 1^1 a company, T)^^V R. "\T 172 HO A— HON Hoard, -lii^b^ ♦ -)3V -ed, -)1^^^^ * lUV ' T T ' T T Hoarfrost, "IS^ -iness, t^^2h -y, aged, 3^ R. 2W Hoarse, 11-15 "im -ness, p-)3n HTH? -ly,- -2 Hobgoblin, nnh:i * i^^t^ mn pi. nin^n Hodgepodge, u^puii; ' ^in^n R. ^^3 Hoe, N. iivj? -V. -n "iir n Hog, n^rn -gish, -D Hogshead, iSH n1»^l?t^ Ci^DH Hoist, Dnn R. Dl") Hold, contain, h'^ptl R. ^1D continue, ^n.^?^ * ^^^PH detain, ly;; * ^^V Ch. imagine, 3ti^n * nB"! refrain, n?)in * p?i^nn -off, v:o * •^s^^n take-, p^]r\n -the tongue, Ibj;; * Dl^n -up, exhibit, H^n * Hi^nn to- with one, "nnij^ 2h nvn * ''oy i;: nw -i interj. ♦ -rbir. ♦ Di^ ^nn -N. custody, T^fip * "1-^^;? support, Hp^DD * ptH -er, pnnD * mix -fast, HDH * TD^ * D"lp. Hole, a hollow place, * p^pj * H^p? * Hn^D * H^np * 3^.^ f-in •-113 mn ^'^-l'^Np Hollow, a. m. s. 31p5 * ^I^^H * 2M: (of the hand) ^l^ R.P]M -voice, n^^l. ^1p -V. np5 -ness, mp"). * Hp^^B Holy, pious, m. s. tl/^llj^ sacred, ^Ip -day, 3110 Dl'' * JH R. j;n -iness, H^J^Hp -ily, -3 Homage, HV^DH * nnnj^nti^n Ch. Home, his-, 1n^3 from-, m. s. Ifl'^Sp to go-, in"^?^ 3i:i^ longing after his-, V3Jj? n**?? ^03]] -bred, artless, ilDIV ^h:i m. s. on -liness, niCD^^ -ly, m. s. mjl/^ -ward, nn^n bring-, -^^''3^ Homicide, murder, 0"^^*^ ni3''£)t^ Homogeneous, m. pi. ];3D3 D^pl'l D^llCi^ Hone, Ch. nrnt^^H PiS ' T T : - ' V V HON~HOS 178 Honest, in. s. Dil ^]D^2 -y, HID^pn * pDISt -ly, -3 Honey, tr^?"! -comb, -^^)i -moon, D''i^lii^?n ti^lh Honour, "in? n^H -N. 1133 * IIH •"Ij^l -ably, -3 -able, m. s. 1333 * "IP^ Honorary, 1133^ T ; • iTT " ' T : Hood, N. t^^Nin np3p -wink, to hide, 'bv HD? Hoof, HDID T : - Hook, catch, 13^ fasten, 031 *-|3n -N. 'Dli;! *n3n HI 13^ -ed, tlV33 I Hoop, 3*'3p t^3n * ptj^n -N. p^L^n Hooping-cough, ^?j;i^n hw^^ R. i/it Hoot,v. "^ iw^ pn *pi^ Hop, to walk lame,;;>V * nb| to jump, ♦ ih"! ' nr\2 V?|5 1)£1 ♦1)51 -N. (a plant) DW^? a jump, * Jiv'l * I^D? iipn * ii^^Dp j Hope, n^p_ * 1311 • n§v * ^^nii r. ^n^ -n. * n^nin ' nipn -ful, m. s. confiding, l1nD3 ^1/3 -less, 13K ' ^^^iJlJ R. t:'^^ j Horde, in^ * ^31 * njp3 I Horizon, \^1>S:i1 D^D^I "^^13 t^^^Dl^l Ip ♦ p|^ I Horn, np (an instrument) 1|)l£^ * ^3V -ed, m. s. pIpD Hornet, IJ^I^ Horrible, -rid, -rific, Hl^n * DVK -ribly, -ridly, * 11^13 1D^^e3 -ror, n)^^^ * 1}]'^ ^ ^^1 ♦ nn;;3 * nin T": TT- — • tt: TT; Horse, (an animal) DID -back, — ri ' ?;; rn3''31 -hair, -1 nil^.^i^ -leech, npl^i?. -man, 1^1^ -manship, -1 nv^i^. Horseradish, (a' root) ^^3PJ^ Ch. Hosanna, n^Vmn Hose, D'»^:i1 ^D:)3D ^D3 -ier, m. s. 13lD .- . - ff.. ... If .. ^ Hospitable, m. s. 3^: * D'^HIIi^ D^:3D -ably, flU'^IJIl 174 HOS-HUG Hospital, D'^^in n*^? -ity, nin^? *D^^'^1^^ iipjpn Host, a landlord, tV^T} 7V3 an army, i^DV a number, 7^n -ess, ri';nn n^yn Hostage, m. s. Hnni^nn *]5 Hostile, m. s. nn *ti^^j^ n^iinD -ity, m *n?2nhD Hostler, D"^p^Dn "ipifi^ Hot, m. s. on eager, pp.lJ2/p grow-, DHn make-, D^H -headed,m. s. HDn *t5^''ii^ -house, D'^HD-VD ^W? t^l^ n^5 Hotel, DHMp ]1^P Hovel, i^^DD * ni3 ♦ n::)D r. n^D T : • VT T •.. » Hover, (overhead) ^h^ * ^^?V wander, *!*[13 Hound, D^rino-innr i^v 3*73 Hour, n^;j^ Ch. -glass, -^7^ -ly, -735 House, nn)2 X^^n R. i^U -N. r^\2 -breaker, -"inlH -breaking, -nn'^]in -hold, - ~^5? -hold affairs, -H "^r^Jt? -hold stuff, —'^7? -keeper, m. s. one who keeps a house, —bjl'^ a steward, -Tj?? pli;D']7lR. 'ppli^ * im -keeping, -niD^^n •^:)n:3^-room,'-nnn-in-wife,*-n r\^i;n nnn5 Tn r\f^ -less, ntj^iD Dipp pN? r. a::^*" -maid, nnst:^ * nmti}^ -rent, nn^-q -i^i!^ r. in How? -so? T]::y>^ *^5^^? *T^ * n»5 -do you do? 1^ i^in-n;:: XD^h^n -has it happened, mn n\"i ^D'^^^ -long yet? *>r\D HD H^i^ Ij/ -much does itcost,1")*'nD tlD ' -many? H^D -soon, Hinp 1^? -be it, D71K *ntD ^DIK ^22 -form, Dl^ -IJjtln -happiness, Dll "ifc^-l "IJ^^iS Humane, m. s. Din-| * T^DH -ity, m^DHI * D'^DHn * TDH -ly, -3 Humble, h^^^n * j;;\;3?n * mv (one's self) ^/^SH * nijj^n -N. m. s. nn^^tiiti^ *W-d,m.s.N3'n *^SC^ ♦ I/^Di ♦ijy - -; TT T- "T t;« •'t -y, n;;^:D n * m:i;n Humid, n^ -ity, iT^ni^n^ • mn.^ r. m^ Humility, HJ^^?? * HJJj;;. -iation, H^Sti^n * H^JDH Humour, to gratify, H^l -N. moisture, mPlb a whim, ^?|D r^J'lDll to put one out of-, D^l/niH good-ed, m. s. 2h *31CD *^nV ill -ed, m. s. Pinnp *^Vl -ist, m. s. 11^3 ♦ nWD -ous, droll, m. s. ^nHQ t: . ... X : * .. - : Humpback, 35 (of a camel) 7D}n Pi^^l -ed, |55 Hundred, n^D (by letters of the alphabet) 'p Hunger, Di^T -N. DJ^T -giy, m. s. 3^(1 Hunt, nnX p^'l (animals) TV:; -N. ^Hi^ Hp^^l ♦ l^V -er, ••—J— It ••— ;— It** • — -sman, TV ^IV t:^\S Hurl,j;^P Hurricane, nrnO *niSO 'H^D ^pTH mi T TT: 'TT- Hurry, ^%n5n * X^^^ Cone's self) ^^nBH 7^^^ ^^^^'^Pin * tDH Hurt, to injure p^H *;;_")n bruise, J/VS -N. ^l/V? *pDNI pn *nj;;-j -fui, pn© ^j/np -fuUy, nj^n-i r. un -less, m. s. *p^]l ^h Husband, a married man, HL^i^ hv^ -less, " H^W: nr>^ n^iia * :^^''^^ n^ r^ -man, n;iv • n^^^ • msy ci^\^ -ry, TV-; T T-J T - ^ Hush, to appease, "^'Q) * COp.Ji^n - '. inteij, DH -money. 176 HUS— JAD Husk, Dn)?*nD17p Ch. (of corn) Jl^pV (of grapes) ^T .y, " T •• T Hussy, a wench, vViP^. n? Hustle, to mix, V^r\\ 23,1V_ Hut,n5pR.*i:DD Huzza! ITH Hydrographer, U^f^T} ngD l.'^VP Hydrography, D^rp^H nm IV)^ Hyena, i;nV pi. D^j;;ilV Hymeneal, (a song) D^iklji^:?^ H vTin l^li^ Hymn, n^nn"-)^^ R. hhn -ic, -^^ Hyperbole, mm * n^^DH -bolical,m. s. y^b^D Hypercritic, m. s. ^''ip inV P*1.i?*TP R- PP"T Hyphen, ^j^D * ")5n;?n n^Dppn "ip Hypochondria, Ch. ^h^"*"^!! * nn'ri^aVj;? -dric, m. s. Hypocrisy, ti^ll^ * HDI^n (in religion) T\^^^'\>T\T\ -ocrite, -ocritical, m. s. t^^HDp * ^JH * ti^^pHp * ^UV Hypothesis, ^^3 * Hmn R. H^ Hyssop, airi;? ' Hysteric, D^ij^^nn •'j;;iD3 *n3f;p I, pron. ^?j^? * ''^b? here am I, ^}^ Jacket, linnjn t^^S^D * "ID R. nD Jacob, 3pi?: Jade, N. ^a horse) IPn^ V^D (a woman) Jadish, *^^;!^5 T\2, JAl— JEL 177 Jail, i^m i^^'^n nnbn n^n-er, — lit^ Jam, confine between, rh? Jamb, Ht^tp January, "'^'^^p^y} t^lH * nnp Jar, to differ, "Djt; nnH R. mi -N. a discord, nnn.p a harsh sound, H^On a vessel, 13 * p^pH * ti^nn ^5? Jargon, r^^m ^IJ^l '\\^h ^jt?^^ Jasper, r\^p\ Javdin, n^l^^ ♦ rVt^ • 11"7^3 Jaundice, llpl.'J Jaunt, nji^i n:^ 'iv'nnD cotolt^^riD n. ld^i::^ Jaw, ^n? Ice, nij^. Icicle, nnp D;?tp? nisc? ch. Idea, rs-y^n^ ♦ ]1^;r-i -1, -n n^^x!«7 * '^^1P? Identic, m. s. HT ^^lIH f. r\)K\ K^H m. pi", n^n DH f, •■^J'":? I'":? -tify, xofi ^to n^n R. -iDi -tity, *mDyjt/ nit:^;:^;:: ch. T — Idiom, -iin'in i5i^^ Idiot, h^^^ ♦^''P? *^5D *'']i| -ism, 'rby^ *ni^^p3 m^?p -nwi idicnsnrin *h*-?n *^ip3ni:^;i .n. m.s.iazy, Tiii-irip n|i-!? trifling, pn. ♦ ^nn -ness, ]i^5n ♦ n^ Wi? Idly, -n Idler, m. s. ^y;; M^D3 * ^t^n Idol, ^75? ^ IVif ♦ ^Da -atrize, -^ ninn^n -ater, ~h ninriVp * D^^^S^ T?i^ -atry, Uhh"^ ilii3i( -ize. Jealous, suspicious, m. s. ^^5j5P -y, UK?!? Jeer,«nj^ tDXJJ^, -ingly, COSI^i^n Jehovah, Hln^. Jelly. n5P?nip.t^9pn9 178 JEO— ILL Jeopard, r^^Dh m^, ^"in ' n;2p "^t^ ^^^nn .ous, \2Dp ch. -y, n;3p Ch. Jerusalem, D'^^ti^n'^ Jest, pnt^ * pT}^ * bpin -N. -ing, b)r\n * pinv Jew,n^n'! *^1^^ *'^5'^'n2i^vess,nn^n^/nn5y *n'^^^^'1.ci^^ ish, nn'm^. nnni? -ry, ^.sn^'; ^np Jewel, a stone, Tiin ^p^ Hi^ If, D^^ * ^3 -so, ]3 DNt but-, Ci^l Igneous, m. s. tl/i^ T^hll/D 13 Ignition, t^^^^n nn-^^n r. r^** -nitibie, t^i^n n-^^"' Ignoble, m. s.^ltn * "P^i^ -nobly, "[l^j^n * THB Ignominy, -minious, HSin * HyD? -miniously, — H Ignoramus, ^Kl3 R. bt<^ -ranee, nili/n * n;/! "IDH -rant, m. s. njy^_*-ipn ^n;;? -rantiy, rjE^i'^^n *;;'id ]^«5 R.VT Jingle, ^*^^ * ^5^^^ -N. ^V^V 111, to be-, T^bT] -N. m. s. sick, tlb'fl bad, harm, I/T -boding, njl^h ni^ *,^^n -disposed, n^n*ti^nn. fated, -fortunate, DV *n;^*p -contrived, -gotten, O^ti^;?? ^^^ ^^^.5 .luck. Illegal, Jy, H*^? ^i^^ -ity, H^lj;; ♦ ^1j^ Illegible, n^?n ^^ri? Illegitimacy, ^H ril^.'lD nn^lH Illegitimate, '^p^fl?^ * U^m "^^Y. Illiberal, ^?g^ * ^Ss R. ^1:D -ity, 'm^^t^ * ^^3 -ly, -3 Illicit, ^^ti}^'2 ri'iD nW Illiterate, m. s. ^]}^ * pn. -ness, nn^fn iiinature, Hj;;^-! * ni::'pj;; -d, m. s. ijfi * t^i?.^ Illness, Dhnn * "^Vn -favoured, m. s. H^n^H *V'l Illogical, 9p^n nj:3 * COSti^^D fc<^K^ ILL— IMM 179 Illuminate, enlighten, Tn\n * "I^KH -tion, IHt * IH'^ Illusion, n»D-i * i^w n^m * D^nini:^ r. ni: Illusive, Illusory,.m. s. HOTD ^nvr\D Illustrate, to explain, lij^S * tl^l^ -tion, "l^Nn * Ci^n? -tive, m. s. 1^2D • :!;-liiD •• T : "T : Illustrious, m. s. m2 Ay, Dlll^^ IS Image, a picture, vDD an Idol, 7wi^ * 2'^iJ * 7P§ an idea, n2l^r\D * li**!;-! .ginary, -2 H^^H * n;2'ip3 ^gery, m^DPi ' n^sit^D -ginable, ^^^ * ]31*' R. ^t^^i * ^^ -gination, |vp^'-gine,n^3 -)b^it *n;2)*nn(for nOTi;^n) Imbecile, N. a. Hi^-I * mbn -lity, 11^?^-) ^ HtJ^^n Imbibe, to drink, p> ^ HJlg^ Imbitter, to make bitter, "IDH R. *T)D Imbody, to condense, H^J/iI to inclose, IJD Imbolden, 3^ y^^ * piH imbosom, pnn * ^^h? i^^nn * p^nn ^hj Imbrue, Imbue, ^3^ (in blood) Dl K^D Imitate, *'r)-\n3 ^'^H ^iit^D HCi^rD^ Hci^;/ -able, nfe^;/'' °to? nti^i;/?? -ative, -3 ns^;;.: * '^?'11? "I?.*; -ator, m. s. ^3")in *^^n *-D nti^i; _ation, nj^r^j^n Immaculate, ''pn "^^l m. s. llrlD * "^^3 Immartial, HOn^;!: W^K ^2J^K T T : • • V •• Immaterial, trifling, in'! fp^* * D^:^^^n * Ch. ni^i^^Q ^bl incorporeal, mi ' ^^:\ i^ij^ -ism, nv^niiH nnln R. nr Inmiature, m. s. not perfect, *D7ti^ ^b hasty, THD * "inp.? -ity, mD^:p ^r\b^ -ly, n;; t<^5 Immeasurable, "IpH'pijt -ably, —1}) Immediate, instant, ;;^n3 acting by itself, Ch. V^^DD "^b^, m. s. iDvi?? ^n^-^Vi i^in -ly, vn ^^? 180 IMM—IMP Immedicable, HDnn J^SID im ]^^11 Immemorial, mm in? * l)}] HD^ ^7 Immense, '^p^-]'i^^ -ly, -1^ -ity, 1^.0 IX,?!! 3^ Immerse, /itO -sion, H/'^^CD Immethodical, ^n^HlD R. ^^2 -ly, inDD t^7ti^ Imminence, Hi 3D -nent, pDD Ch. Immobility, HV^^ DVjp * pITH Immoderate, ^"^p H^nn * "inlD^ R. ITS^ -ly, * ^i^P^ It^Z: I'^D -ion, Ti^D^ ritiDin R. HD^ Immodest, m. s. D^?|l *rj;; R. ??;/ * P^'^VO ^h* -Y'^'^'i? * ^^V^H Immolate, nnt ^npH .tion, Hnr rinnpH Immoral, m. s. b22 ' iniD -ity, .1^33 * m")1lD Immortal, m. s. m^h ^D^D * i;/^ *^n R. H^H -ity, ti}^^n rr\'^\i}r\ ♦ n^ny^ -ize, nv3^ D^pn -ly, n^y? ♦ t?^? Immoveable, m. s. a. *;/? ^b R. I/lt ^I^J *llDJ -s,i?p'li? pi. ni;;p^np. -y, T^f? ^\^2}\ Immunity, niTH Ch. R. mn Immm-e, ^TlJi^ n^ilDH *n^3 -)3D Immusical, nn^ '>r\h2 * D^;^ ipH Immutable, ^M^ '^^2 -ability, n^^pn * D1*p Impair, ^nH * p^H R. pt^ Impalpable, Ch. ti^|*]^ ^b2 Imparity, D^p'ijt/.n ^^^\l} -iDh Impart, communicate, "li^D * "TJjn R. U^ grant, ]hj Impartial, m. s. pl^ *^11-) * p'^'lV '"^?^^. *0''?? *W^. ^^ -ity, Pl.i^ ni^^ -iy,~3 * D"^?s ni^^is^: ^^n Impassable, "12^1 ^i1^5 Impassioned, m. s. i3")pn 13/ DPI R. D^H Impatience, uneasiness, 11 ^7^1 eagerness, fJDJD * Hp^Si^n IMP— IMP lil .tiently,-3 -tient, m. s. ^^W? *n^^: * ?)P?: * pjP.ltt^P Impeach, pp^H * d^tl/^n -ment, mp£t^ ^ri^^K Impede, ivj;* * "jLi^n *;;iD -diment, nvj;;^ ♦ nj;'':p Impel, ii^J^ * Plh-n ♦ f NH R. X^^ -lent, Pin**n Impend, 2h)P ^ ^I^DH -ent, -ing, nl"))^ * 11:D3 Impenetrable, hard, *Ti^p "^^^i^ incomprehensible,, Hpn ]^X ' • T : V 't Imperative, HIVD * ''IIV -ly> -111? Imperceptible, Ch. my,^ \2^'^^ ^b R. ]"^1 Imperfect, m. s. lOn * *D^^ ^i1^|l **1n DID -ion,/]1-)Dn D^D * D^5 Ch. -ly, nDbj:; ^^ n * 11^55 x^ Imperious, m. s. ^"1^ * D^>5 ^ij^/ R. T?;/ -ness, ' H^^JI/D |. nirj;; -ly, -n ^ Imperishable, m. s. *7JL?? *D''j^ Impersonal, 772^ Impertinence, intrusion, ni/tD^^/^ ''-^Z? * ^^5V'^^ Ch. 4inently, -n-tinent, m. s. ^jjn * V^^nD * ^I'^VO Ch. Impetuosity, HVngP * Pl^t-uous, m. s. yniJ * ^J^l Impiety, i^t^l -piously, —2 -pious, m. s. V^^ Implacable, m. s. n>l^-!^ *nt^j^ -cably, D^l^ nn^^it5 Implant, ^n^*j;;b^ Implement, N. "^7? Implicate, "IPpD R. ^DD * HpUP? i^^nH Implicit faith, n^hp ny\m * iinc)n * n^^pp .ly, -n Implore, ijiinn * t^^i^j * n'v^ Imply, to comprise, p-^rnn * h'h^ * ^^:?n R. ^1D Impolite, m. s. n^io^i/? *"ipn -ness, niD^;/? nph Impolitic, m. s. ny\2n *in i^ij^ -ly, m^nn ^^np Import, (from abroad) nj^ip.^ \^inp ^^^HH .N. |^inp .^210 njnp.^ -ation, niSinn -er, ^^^np R. ^^U -ance. i»% IMP— IMP moment, Ip^^ * ptPI * b"l)i -ant, m. s. * Ij^y pTH * ^13 -less. Importune, ^^^VDH _unate, m. s. "l^V?^ -unity, iTIV^n -unely, — H Impose, to enjoin, '^i^ HIV * "^V. hb^ cheat, H^n " npif -seable, 'bj: ^^\-ser, m. s. HIj^P * "^1/ '7:0ir ^^^OT * ^;?1 -sition, ^I^V ' "TE?P ' ^;iP"! * '"^^IP ^'of a tax,) DD * ^^JT (ofafme) tS^^i; Impossibility, ch. nnt^^D^ n^b'' "^ri^s Impossible, ]5 n^if';. ti? *;rjp3 n?i^?^j ^s ch. Impost, Dp * D?P Imposthume, HnnH * Hn^ HSI? R. HlDi Imposter, m. s. ^tj:r2n ♦ ^^T * if^I/OP R. HD"! * Hl/n Impotence, ]'\^^'] * H^^H -potently,— 3 * HI) t<^B -potent, ti^^^n * T *nyp Impracticability, Ch. ^lntJ??^^ n^S"; *»r)^3 -ticable, ]5 n^^^. iib ' 1/3^2 ''^.^i^Di^ \s Ch. ' Imprecate, il^ » Iiaj^ -ion, HlSip * H^^p Impregnable, m. s. ptH "'•p'?^? * »i^ I^- ^^I^ Impregnate, to fertiUze, illlDH * JlilllH Impress, imprint, DnDH * Ull/1 (on the mind) 2h bv_ \l^ print, D'^^iin Ch. -ible, pHI^ R. \>pn * D;i^T -ion, (of a print) npriD 'O'l^'l influence, tlb^V^ ^Dfl -ure, W R. mn " * Imprison, -j^^DH * X^| .ment, -)p^?P ' "l^D?:? Improbable, rip^Jip pln^ -bility, n.O^^D prn.D Improper, m. s. ]1D: nti^'' Itii^D 1i\^ -ly, piHD Ch. ti^ttf ' // T - // T T Impropriety, li)!) It^'' ISi^D *'n73 Improsperous, HHyVD ^^? IMP— INA 188 Improvable, ]pjn^^ * n^i^V. Improve, 2^tD^n * Jipn -ment, * \)pr\ Improvidence, Imprudence illl"^!!? ^IH/? Improvident, -prudent, m. s. n313n*")pn *inp l^^ijt -pru- dently, n:Mr) i^ij^n * nn^nr iih^, Impudence, mV R. tr;/ * H^VIH Ch. -dently, -3 -dent, m. s. D^iiSi r;; * ^^^n ch. • T '^ I • T Impugn, to assault, "2 H^^nn Jt/Ja disprove, * t^^Hpn -iriD Ch. T Impulse, influence, H^U*?) * D^l -sive, ^^'^j^;! R. If^^ Impunity, t:^:i?/pnb? Impure, m. s. Ku^ * V^D^ -rity, H^^D^ -rely, -^ Impute, attribute, DC^H accuse, D^'ti^^itil * ]'^Cpi?^n -ation, nm^ * r\:m -ative, nti/n-^ Inability, Hti/bn * n^i)^ ^ri^n Inaccessible, m. s. * V7^? yip"^ *^7!l Inaccuracy, w^ant of exactness, P5P *''^?? carelessness, nn\nr '^]i^:a -curate, m. s. inn ]idd ^3:l^^^ ..... 7 //,-:• 't//\ : V •• Inaction, -ivity, rest, Hl^D * rin'^3^ idleness, ]113?P3 -ive. Inadequate, m. s. lOn * Hp ^^^ -ly, ^"IVn "^^h ^b Inadvertence, m")\nt ^I^b^, -ent, m. s. liir:? ^^T^ -ently, -II" II ' : ' : ' Inalienable, DDV R. n3D * ID^'^ X7 Inanimate, m. s. *^n '^ri/B. Inapplicable, ]i3^ t<^ * ^^^^■^ir^i: -cation, r^^2hm Inarable, nt") ^'^VibD ri^ Inarticulate, ^nsp ^3^1?? -ly, n'^tD^n ^^3 75 Inattention, ll^p-j ♦ n^^ti^nnH -ive, m. s. * bt^inD Ch. j/Dw n^'^^^p^ 13^^^ iveiv, n^ri^n nnii/pn 7i 184 INA-INC Inaudible, ^Ip ^jm: *»^!1 ' t^^H^? Inaugurate, Tn^^i^vJ^ -ion, D^^^v'P Inauspicious, H^n * ;;n -ly, npi^vn x^n Inborn, i/n^B V^DJ Incapability, -capacity, nvDV^T^r? * D^ ^^^"'j^P -c^P^^^^> m.s. nijTnyp Incapacious, 1^ * l^ij * Ij^V^ * ]"iCOp^-citate, -JDH * Hi) nVpH Incarcerate, ")*>5Dn * t^7!D • ; - T Incarnate, n&Vn-l -HDlcyQ ^DiD;^ -tion, nCi^l^ .T^in Incase, ni?n-)JD*"bi; HD? Incautious, m. s. int? ^^j^K -ly, nn^nr ^^3 J Incendiary, m. s. one who sets on fire, ^"^3. D'^lllj H'^-y? R. r\v^ seditious, nn;3D * n'^DD VT : • •• Incense, HDn Tjt/H -N. nncp -sory, TTsb^^r:^ ' nrinD Incentive, s. llX/lif * n^D R. n^D -, a. m. s. inil/D Incessant, "^^ipn -ly, ^^H *r]^n ^^3 Incest, ninjt;. ^^-^^ -uous, m. s. nin^^ n v'jp Inch, nnrn nn;^;;. to an-, 3^ir)\'i Dvpvp ch. by -es, to^p toj;;p ' _ Incident, incidence, rTlpD -al, ITlppil Incircumspection, mi'^n? "IpH Incised, \T\m -sion,ntO-|S!^ * tDIt^^ -sive, tO-)1Si; -sor, H^nlCD Incite, n^pn * -i^;;n -ment, nnDH * ni;;-iv r. ni;; Incivility, ni;^*';;^ npp idH r. ttd Inclemency, cruelty, ^V^T5^it harshness, f]XfT -ent, m. s- Inchne, to dispose, °n^^^ nc^H be disposed, DlCO!! a^"n1^'^ nq^ -able, m. s. Hvinp * D:.g)rip Ch. -ation, °nnK H'^cp? Include, ^'^3 -elusion, H^^DH * IIH;; -elusive, ^^13 -clusively, J INC-FNC 185 Incognito, t^^nH!! * "iriD? Incoherence, inS * p^hr\ -coherent, V*nn>_ 13l3^ ^h -co- iierentiy, nii^^D liD:):^ N^c:^ Incombustible, P)"]^^ ^7173 Income, revenue, n2J13]1 rent, niT^D^ Incommensurable, IpH f p ^i^ R. \^^;p Incommode, nnon * plif H * y^^ -modious, * JTlb * HiJ^n Hf^lVp -modiously, — H Incommunicable, n^'h^J'V^ti^'' '^^0^ '711'^ N^ R, 1:1:3 Incommutable, tl^n** "IDV N*? R. I^D Incompact, m. s. p13T ^i^^ij^ Incomparable, m. s. *rbi^"nii; •l^-HDlT ^n^t23 Tje -parably, ^l^pT 7B Incompassionate, m. s. "ITDi? * 3^ *'*^^P Incompatibility, HD^DHri -ible, V^n^ i:l3'; N^ Incompetency, nh'D) "^ri^^ -petent, m. s. Hlg^ "^^jj^n ^S^Nf .petently, p33D "^^i^-):} iibtl/ Incomplete, m. s. lOn * *n7tl/ N^ Incomprehensibility, J^^ ]np "^^^5 R. ^m *P3 -sible, -ipn 1"^)^ ♦ :itj^^ p'l^ ^^ n Incompressible, V^r\\ ^JJp^ pHT «^ , Inconcealable, D^I/^ "iriD*" t<^ Inconceivable, (see Incomprehensible). Inconclusive, "inn ^3r^^ * nn^in '^^n r. n:)*' TV" T T • : Inconcoct, b^^ll ^^^2 DICO 11 • II ' f V Inconcurring, m. pL Vin^ D^D^2DD Ch. D'^liJ:^ D^i^ Inconditional, Ch. "^^iD ^ibz R. H^n Incongruity, njliinji -gruous, JlpJ HlN^^ ^^J^^ij? Inconsequential, i^VV hv^ ^h^ * "in^l l^^?t Inconsiderable, ntL^H: TK -rate, m. s. inn l^i^ im INC— INC Inconsistency, n^lSnri -ently — 3 -ent, m. s. * nl^^Snn t^'^ik Inconsolable, DHiH V^D Inconspicuous, 13^ R. ^D^ m^^ Ch. ^b^ Inconstancy, nirn|) * niSn^H -stant, m. s. * THD * ^§?5n Inconsumable, ilHt^"^ n?^'^ 73^^^ ^7 -mate, m. a. // •• T . , v: . //-s: Incontestable, m. s. incontrovertible, ^1D!3 * ll"!^ * H'ltO!! -estably, "inD? Inconveniency, n^b * HKbri -niently, —2 -nient, IS^'^ij^ Inconvertible, n^H"^ 1DV t^^ R. n"^D Inconvincible, m. s. ^'li^^nj^R -cibly, ^Ip nVtl}p_ii Incorporal, m. s. Hn * P]^;) *1:^;St -ity, ^JHn Incorporate, "inn ^IHiJ^ IH;; Incorrect, tiD3 It^^ 13:i\S -ly, llD^D J^^t^^ -ness, n::^"^ "^D^-l ' //T //T T V •• "^ ' I T - V ' V • ; • Incorrigible, i/nD * 331:^^;^ * IDV -)D1D-np^ X^ R. * 1D^ np7 -ness, n^i/n?) ♦ nniti^p -y, n^pr^ ]^^5:3 Incorrupt, D^ ^^H^ ^^? "^- s- 1?.^? -ibility, l];^ DVJ? -ibie,Hnn^ ^P^P"^ ^^Vr-^^P Increase, to grow, 7^5 * Hti^S to multiply, Hin * Hh^ to make more, H^^I^H * nl31.n * nnsn * ^b^^ * ^plH -N. augmentation, ^I'li! * n^i^n^ ' (IDDln produce, HIStlDll Incredible, r\f2^f2 plH^ * ]P^:. ^b -ibility, riD^^p pn^p -uiity, n:m ip'n -uious, m. s. y^t^^D l:i^K ♦ pPi^n^ *n:i^j^ Incrust, Dlj^ -ation, D'llp Incubate, D^V? ^'?/;;Pl P?'^ * ^^^9'? -tion, ^ll/H D.^D Inculcate, 3.^ bjJ ]iiP -tion, 3^ ^if pH^ INC— IND 187 Inculpable, m. s. 1^1 * ^\>2 * "jt R. ^1)1 -ably, "if^^ ^hl Incumbency, \ri:in nn^^? -bent, s. Dm^ 'ih iti;^ ]n3-, a. a duty, "^jy 3ln njVP ^^O R. ^CO: leaning, m. s. Incur, m. s. ^vbv t^^^n ' iD^^D *1^ r\1^n Incurable, m. s. in*^ * *1^ KQI.ID pX -ably, H^nn ''^g Incursion, "^jt; nO"^^?) Incurvate, to bend, ^b^ * ^'^V -tion, HSi^'D^ Indebted, m. s. in debt, 2TiD obliged by, niln ^1D5 *3^n R. riT Indecency, Ch. jJ^lH? "^n^? * n^D^j:; IDT] -cent, m. s. '\^'^Vi ]]?o r95 -^^"^ly' i^in? 1^955 ^*^*^ ' Indecision, ppD * pD^ * riJ^^H ^Ipti' R. i/T -sive, ♦ pDD "ins i:rK T V •• Indeclinable, n*CO^ "^^B Indecorous, m. s. piHD Ch. D^V2 m'^^ Indeed, riDi^l * D^D^^ * HJDi^ ' V v: V T ; T T : T Indefatigable, i^^'^^fllf^^ ^^ -ably, H^'^J^. HJ^^;! -^^5 Indefensible, defenceless, nDHD P^ "^/^ vile, m. s. ■T^^D *1/1 Indefinite, indeterminate, ^^*?^\ *DmD Ch. unlimited, n^^^n-'^^n r. h^d -iy,-n Indeliberate, m. s. nHD: * Tnl2) * n^*^ *^P R. ST * ^^p Indelible, nnt^^ HH^"^ t<^ //••▼• V//T • Indelicacy, mDi?:? "IDH -cate, m. s. D^^ *1D Indemnification,D^pW* ^IDil * Dl^tf^JH .nify,*llDn.D i^^O D^J^^n -nity, H^^Hd ♦ iCOili Indemonstrable, HDI*" !D^^*' ^^7^ Indenture, r]i^^ti^r\ R. H W " nnS Independence, CS^^h * nl")*! * nnn R. "Iin -ent, m. s. 18$ IND—IND ch. Tiiij;::^ n;/i:)n *»^n // :• //tt: - . ; Indeterminable, -minate, m. s. \^7T]D YIW "'2^73 -minately, ^ Y?0 Y?? R- n7D * i^f$PiD2 Ch. Indevotion, niD^t^n IDh -devout, m. s, D^n^^^"^^"^''^33*'^^ /,..r Index, ^a table) Dlp^ nj^^np Pn? Indexterity, awkwardness, ]1")^3 D]/^ *^pn India, nil -n, m. s, '^"^^iVn Indicate, n^;3 * HiSiH * H^H ^ t;::)^ ♦ Ch. -tion, in ♦ nli^ *rDn -tive, n^iD * ?;?np (of a verb) to^^qjo *7j;;^ Indifference, negligence, tl^lD * n^^V^? ' il'l^tS^inn Ch. impartiality, p'l.V * "^^^ -ferent, m. s. careless, Hgl^ ^V^V-^ tolerable, ^^1^5 * J/J^^P Ch. -ferently, -"Til? Indigence, niJ^PP ^niv''! R. ^^1 -digent, m. s. ]3pD 'h^_ Indigested, m. s. not formed, pD3 1^'^^5t not digested, 1i3^^5» b:^VD bt^in 'ir^^D -ible, m. s. \2}i^ h^3> IrK -ion. Indignation, D^/t -nant, m. s. DiflT " Dj;/? *i^hD Indignity, p^-l * Hj^l * ^t^t R. i/ll * 'Pi? ^| Indirect, m. s. t1:33 nt^^'' D W 133\^ -Iv, obliquely, ntT^O N^t£^ not expressly, C^n?)3 ^^W Indiscernible, m. s. m^D Ch. 133 ^3^5^ Indiscreet, m. s. H^Un *l!l T^^ -cretion, * H^inD "IDH niTHT ^'n^? -erectly, -a Indiscriminate, h^T) 'h^h:! R. bh2 -ly, '7*n?n •'^? Indispensable, "rQ"^ * r\')::n Ch. -sably, -D, Indispose, DbH * vll?? R. 7/3 -posed, m. s. averse, * Vyjt;? 3to N^ disordered, ^n^HD ^ D^^ ISJVSt -position, aversion, ^KD illness, H/n^ * "^/H IND— INE 189 Indisputable, m. s. JiDJ * IM^D, * Ch. inD\ ^hll -putably, nnan Indissolvable, m. .s. *D;?'; ''^5 R. ODD -solubility, DVj? -soluble, m. s. l^h *D^i^ Indistinct, y^O^n -)>^!1 ^^^ -ly D -ness, h^llhl R. ^^1 Individual, a. m. ^n^^ f. rl^^^ -s. m. Tn^ • ::^\^ f. * hth^ ' TV - - • T • ▼ • : ni^i^ -ly, singly, IHSt Ifli^ * t^^^ij^ ti^^^i^ -ity, mT^ Indivisible, m. s. 11^^ p^n** t^^ -ibility, m^H*^ indociie,m.s.ti^Bp * ^y*ntf}p -ci\[ty,nW^^ * f]"!*!; n^^j^ Indolence, m^Vl[ * '"^Sl? ^ill^t^'^nn Ch. -lently, -1 -lent, m. s. h)iV * H^^ni * ^C^^np Ch. Indubitable, \Nil1 * ^r[ R. HT * fipSl * pDD '•^H -ably, -2 Induce, to persuade, nr}i^ * n^DH \^^t^n R. i^m to bring on, n'^pn * nno -ment, ]iK^;? * n'^p Induct, (him) "Sv i^nj nn^^g thj-ion, • -n npm * 'b^ nK**? R. J^12 -ive, leading, Q^DD * T^lD R. DDD 'iS^ Indulge, ]in * D^>5 i^i!^5 -ence, r\l>:in * D^^a n^^^^fe^J -ently, ~n -ent, m. s. j^inp * D^?? ^^Ji^l:i ' Indurate, (the heart) n^H n^^ ^l?!^ -tion, 2^n \^r3^ Industrious,m.s.'7pW * pnri ^nt Ch.-try,*nTpti^ *niP-;t r^^)i^1n -triousiy, -n Inebriate, to make drunk, 12^ get drunk, IID^ * ")?i?ti^n -tion, ]1-|3Ji^ • ni13!?^ Ineffability, H^^ hv_ ^^^J^. "^ri^g -fable, -fably, * ll/'lph |^« T T - •• T • Ineffective, -ficient, pn * ^^J/l** ^h R. ^I/** -fectual, -ficacious, HD") * HD "^^^ -l -fectually, -|ai b^^VV ^hh -ficacy, ^'Jl^n Inelegance, pjy D ^'Dj'^ "IDH -egantly, 2 ^ant, m. s. * h^t^ av^ no ' 190 INE-INF Ineloquent, m. s. ]'\ti;b Ha ^33 * D^TlSife^ •^lif Inequality, disproportion, DO^jt/.n ^^MH} "IDh Inert, m. s. Hpl? ^13 -ly, H^l.^n ^nH??? Inesteemable, m. s. H^D^ ^b " T J^^ D^t^H Ip*" inevident, nnp? ^nn "^^^^^ "i:^^ Inevitable, ]1D; * ' 'D CD^^I ""^n -ably, -^ Inexcusable, ^^H^^ ns^^. t^^ Inexhausted, m. s. *n'7D *Dn t^^ -ible, ^TH "'^n //T T //- ' VT • ; Inexistent, m. s. i^)^D2 ^^^i^ * 11^^ Inexorable, m. s. ni'V")^ *n^f; * ^b *n{i^p Inexpedience, nlS*" *lt:^D ''D^n -dient, r\i^'^ "Iti'D I^K Inexperience, H^n^n IDH -d, m. s. n^nDil *")Dn Inexpert, m. s. Ch. ^p2 -)\nO i^^^ ^ //!.T 'II T Inexpiable, HSp^^ J<7 Inexplicable, "Itji; X^ Inexpressible, ti^nS^ ^i^ -ibly, nSD^ TilH^ |^^? R. i;i: Inextinguishable, nbD^ ^^^ (a fire) "^X^T HH?^ t<^ Inextricable, m. s. V /rT^ i^? Infallibility, n^Pim * nb^^^i!^^ |Vi?? -lible, m. s. ^n.^^"; N7 -libly,^^^'';l5i^ n^rco ^^i Infamous, m. s. 733 -famy, 11733 * "I^ID -famously, —3 Infancy, IW^^ -fant, 1^^ * b^V * ^.^l;/ Infantry, "^^31 HpH^p '^l^ ("P Infatuate, n^D * ^Hl -tion,nVjn?) ^n^^^lH Infect, ^312111 -ion, p^31 -ious, m. s. plll'inp Infecundity, (of an animal) t^T\pV, (of land) ]ln Infelicity, np ^jU^^H^^n Infer, CDD^ * "D t«^V'i''^-e"ce,D|)ti^P 'iSV'ID R. ^^V'^ *NVp: Inferior, m. s. s. ^njt/H *^?i:i^ -, a. j;;n| -ity, "TIJ^PI Hl^ptt^ Infernal, m. s. n^HtS^O ^ HHt^D * Tt^D *r"» ' • ? - T r T ' ~ INF— INF 191 Infertile, (land) nn -tility, \'\n Infest, y'nh * inv * \i^ Infidel, m. s. l^lp ^50?? 'tj'^npP •"),?^3 Ch. ♦ Dllip^?^ Infidelity, ^^b un^ nt^^nDH rfn^DS Ch. Infinite, Vj?. T^? R- V^P * ^'5^?? V? R- ^70 -itely, IJl -iteness, INO TNpn 31 -itive, t^^nii^ * l'\pD Infirm, m. s. HDl * t^^l^H -ary, D^^lH fl^n -ity, -ness, * jl^gn Inflame, to set on fire, p^lH * 1^V2^ to irritate, * ^St ^^r\>l HDn n7^n -mable, m. s. tS^^t *1p*'Hr) (person) m. s. HDn *:i:^^>^ -mation, IX^aH * HlplO R. Tp^ (of the body or blood) n\ih^_ ♦ nn'^p -matory,' * ti^jj^n n^vn;; ♦ p^5»7^ Inflate, miD i^^D -tion, nn3 n^^1VQ T ••- '- TT Inflect, decline, nltDH -ion, n*tO:3 * H^tDH - T • ; T T ~ Inflexibility, '^t^♦p -ibly, ~2 -ible, m. s. H^j^ * D^p Inflict, "^;; hbi ' °nist t^:iif -ion, ]*'n^D! ^ t!^.?ii; Influence, to bias, 2h nlt£)n cause, n"^pn * 220 -N. T * Hi -fluent, °^^^ -^^n -fluential, m. s. HCDD * a^DD * 31fi^n -flux,^^K HD^'pn * n^^n r. nto3 Infold, T5pn ♦-)1-)^ Inform, to acquaint, J^nlH R. i/T accuse, rP?^D *im) liC?^ -ant, -er, p_>l^D * I'^tO^D * JID^ -ation, * niJllD Informidable, m, s. H^l * DVi^ ^^^i^ V T T V •• Informity, l^h ^Jl^n Infract, nn;^ *'j^-^-) -ion, the breaking, HTn^ * '"^^*'V'^. violation, nn^vn * n'l^n r. -iid TT-: - TT -: Infrequency, Ch. npp n^'?''?l ^Pib'D, * m]^"} -quent, m. s. n^Dt!^ ^iVD ^^:i-i' Wnp^ ' -ft ' -r II T //' T ' •'. 'Itt 192 INF-INH Infringe, n'r\r\ "ISiH R. ni^ • niD * njVP ^a ^2V -mcnt, ni2vn ^nnnx; ^nnsn Infuriate, m. s. HDH *iS^D T •• " T Infuse, "^j;; pi!^^^ ♦ °nK i^-?D -sion, njj'^v^. Ingathering, ^^p^? Ingenious, m. s. UT\p * /^5^^ -nuity, subtility, * DD'lV 7?^ -niously, —2 Ingenuous, m. s. Dfl * 1^^ * D^?^?^^i? *t^*^ -ly, ' ^JJ'^? Din -i R. DDn Inglorious, m. s. ^'im * ^Dti^ -ly, n^j-ini * t')!!! Ingot, fiD2 nnr ^co: Ingraft, p^lH * ti^");;i^n (a sprig) 2'^in Ingratiate, ih n^^ Di:! Iljp Ingratitude, niico '^^^j * Hnico nnri nj^n mwn Ingredient, n^VP? I^- '"^'^^ * P^D Ingress, nnS * ^^Inp -ion, n^^!l Ingulf, to cast into a gulf, D^5 H'l^ * DlHn^ inlH Inhabit, p:^ * 3i^^ * "ll'l * ^ilT -able, ii:^lDS *^1J^n -ant. '•t X T t:t ' •• •• T Inhale, n^n ^KJi^ Inharmonious, m. s. D;;^ *npn * D'^i/J 1";^ l^^^ijt Inherence, mpn*n -rent, cleaving to, m. s. 'p2'\1 inborn. Inherit, t^l"^ * bh^ -able, t^nV * bm'' -ance, ♦ nti^'n*' r\bm -or, m. s. t^'^V -ress, H^nV inhoid", p-^rnn * ^pn r. ^id Inhospitable, m. s. *>Sp * n^j 1^^? -pitahty, *n^nn? noh Inhuman m. s. IDtit * 3.^ *nti;^ -ity, ninpi?t * D^ nVt^\t INJ— INO 198 Inject, throw in, nln^ P'lt iS'^^H R. i^l3 .ion, H^^nH Inimical, m. s. ' '^ "^^^OP * "^V Inimitable, m.'s. ♦V^^jt'^l'li; l\St -itably, n^i^^^n Dn? Iniquitous, (person) m. s.JJ5i^B ' Vpl -quity,i^;^"l. " SJp^ Initial, nnrin ti;^i Initiate, n^_ n^^ k^-75 * i5n -tion, D'^N^D * ^^:^^\ Injudicable, '?^D'] N^ -judicial, CO^^JpD ti^ti^ -judicious, m. 6. m^2n *in i\^ Injunction, Hiyp * "^I^V * HllpS Injure, p*>rn * J^nn R. VM .jurious, m .s. pMD * VU? -juO^ Injustice, ^ijt; * n^ii; * i;ti^") Ink, Vl, -stand, ")?)lDn riD)^ -y, in? Inland, D^p^ni^ini. ^^3lp.^t Inlay, HDIH liDin HSl^ Inlet, ^^i39 ♦ nnp Inmate, m. s. "D;/ n^^n a:^/!"^ "12 Inmost, D^pDr.Q*n^P^?$ Inn, (for travellers,) D^HnlK'JI^P -keeper, m. 8.-^^2 *hV2 p'Ti'i^ Ch. Innate, l/^^pl/ICOJ Innavigable, 123JI ^h Inner, riiri*3np/^P'^:$ Innocence, ]l^D^p]^ (of a crime) \^^p^ -nocently, —2 -nocent, m. s. D^pr\ * or) *^p: Innovate, jir^-jn li?.r^-tion,ni::?7n ]ipri-tor,nit:^nn ijpnD Innumerable, nspp ]^^i; IV Inoculate, ns^H 'fH^n -tion, nnsin * HD^nn ••;- I.. ;- ' tt;- tt;- 2 A 194 INO— INS Inoffensive, m. s. *p''r *i/"V; t^^ R. pO*;/*!") -siveness, A] l?n n^D -sively, -a Inordinate, m. s. ^.13/2) * h^b^D R. bb^ -dinateness, * bl3^!l T : T : % : . : • nplDnjn -dinately, -D Inquest, Inquisition, HTpH * n^**"]*! Inquire, t^l'l,^' lO/i^ll * b'^^ -ry, H^n^ * nb^tl} * -)1p3 Inquisitive, m. s. 7|"1P * 111 R. 1^T^ Inroad, ^^ D^:i^$ * ^^^ n^DH R. ;JD3 Insalubrious, m. s. p^tl? R. pT^ ' OlD ^^^ Insane, m. s. bnhf? * ^^pt2 * ;;|^p -nity, ^^1^ b^})'^, njjij] R. VT Insatiable, m. s. *;;5^^ ^b -ness, njjnl^ IDh Insatisfaction, ^I^HI^n IDH Insaturable, m. s. 'niJ:^tp'VT.. ^,V^. ^b Inscribe, to write, 'bsJ 2h'3 dedicate, "Ili^ DH^ Ch. * ll/m -scription, nDil!p Inscrutable, "IpH T^ IV m. s. IJnp? Insect, ti^Dn * Vl-^ Insecure, m. s.W^Z llDil ^3:\^ (his life,) 1^ D\S^^r^ *rt^ n^3p ^ ]'2p?2 Ch. -rity, ]in^3n npn * n^i^p Insensibility, niti^?ltD -sible, m. s. dull, t^^lD imperceptible, Ch. tj^^iv^? ' ^^P ^i?'9 Inseparability, IH^V^^? -arable, m. s. ^n^^.P^^n^lri^ .arably,'mD'^^3 Insert, 'bn ^^plH -ion, HSpin R. ^D^ Inside, ^1n * "^P"^:? * n:? Insidious, m. s. HJ^niO * ^^t^?P -ness, H^nD * n;p-!-ly,-3 Insight, nmr) * nj;;i r. ht Insignificance, nipn -leant, m. s. pn/ 3^m ^2;\^ * ^j? R. bbp -icantly, ^fjj? ♦ m^p? INS— INS 195 Insincere, m. s. tS^'n^P * ^^n -ity, ti^n? * HSil^n Insinuate, to hint,Dh *rb"l Ch.(one's self) 3^-rii^"all3 HCOH R. niD: -tion, nr^D"! * 37 n'^CiDn' n3"^:i5 Insipid, m. s. 75n *Djt;;0 *-)D -ity, D^JD IDh Insist, --n prnn (in his) inifn ^?r nb^ r.;;t Insnare, ll/p^ * ^^P^?n Insobriety, (1")3^ Insociable, m.s. D^I/H ti^^K 1^;^^ R. Hi/n * H^^^P Insolence, nii^?5 ' nr\V 'lb \'\'l]R,n^:^ ♦U;; *Tir-lently, ~2 -lent, m. s. 2b Hn^i * D"^;^ t;; * ^r Insolvency, ''t^J D^^"^ n^D: ^nh^ -ent, m. s. V^i^ ntiS Insomuch, JD * HDS * It^i^ ly Inspect, to examine, Si^gH *7^T)'t(/il to overlook, H^'^ti^n -ion, m^n 'r^^b3mn ♦ nmt^n -or, n^^pD Inspire, encourage, ptH infuse into, vV p^^ -liini divinely^ f^V^^. n^'"! Ij'^I^ ^^^? -ration, a drawing breath, nn riD^iJ^ti^ an infusion of spirit, -'2 Dfl^K Hn n^*^^ Instable, m. s. rni2) * "i?i?Dn -biiity, n^m^ * npv^nn Install, 'b^ ipon • 1^^ nx i^hD -lation, n^p?i * D•^^^^ to -ment, bi» nrn: Instance, importunity, rTIVDH example, ^I^P*! Instant, the present month, iltil \^lh\l urgent, m. s. ^^113 -aneous, 1/^-13 -ly,;;^-) ^]^. Instead, nnn ' ^btl * DlpQS Instigate, pTH * i^-^ti^n * n^DH R. ^t^:^ * fl^D-tion, , ]'\^fD nnDH -tor, n^DD * ^^ti^^ Instil, to infuse, "2 ^^'^H R. ^^2 (into the mind) 3^3 ]r\^ -fetion, --3 HtiCOn *3^3 H^^rii T T - •• : T • : Instinct, ^^^n a natural desire, Ch. "'Jt/^tO \*Dn -ive, "^J/gO -iveiy,;;3Dn -rnin 19(5 INS— INT Institute, to establish, Ipn *TD! -N. bb$ -tion, a law, * njl!^ pin an establishment, ^iDp * ppn -tor, m. s. 1i?np * IBV:^ Instruct, Pl^^? * 115^ * nnin r. nn^ -or, ♦ ^^b^ • nni;:: Tg)^P -ion, the teaching, IM^h ' n'TlD * niph order, Tpsib ^ mv;:D -ress, nnlD • niri^hD -ive, * ^^sfc^p Instrument, a tool, ^^3 a deed, nn? "i;?^ Ch. -al, m. s. Insufferable, ^:nD^ ^3^3^ ^^ R. h^D // T % : //T : % : Insufficiency, inadequateness, ^DH inability, riv'D] ^^ri/B -cient,m.s. "IDH NnW^35;^-ciently,]1p55-|nj^n-^2^ '^b Insular, ^li? ^:^ -sulated, m. s. l^^b^ ^ 1^12 * 1'l3/» Insult, x^i * ^10 ♦ ^^p_ -N. ^^^^? * ^nn * n^^p Insuperable, ^t^/XI nb^ph^ T^.m. s. 13;SP liD ]\i? Insupportable, h^D] ^^/'^^ t*^ R. h^'2 Insure, rC^pnn -ranee, ]ln^? * H'^np -rer, m. s. n^itD^D Insurmountable, m. s. I'l^f? hVl} * *n-^3p ^^^ Insurrection, Tl^ Integer, ^^H ♦ 73n*^D -tegral, m. s. ^^b * D>^ ^ K^D -tegrity, mf^b^/ * mD"^p:? * 1^0?:? Integument, I^S * H^^^p Ch. Intellect, ^5?^ * HJ^B -ive, m. s. -bV2 -ual, ^'^P^ Intelligence,notice,n-)ti^-l * nj^^lD skill, ^35?^ -ligent, m. s. nj^b?2 * nvj. *'^'^^ * ]I?T -ligiWe, m. s. ]un^ ^p/coitra -iigibiy,ni")53*mto^?:p Intemperance, Hnn^f^t^ * iin^ti^P -perat^, tD^t^D ^^3 m. s. D3itJ^ -perature, disorder, ;ir^n j7ll Intend, design, ])3 * 7?n Intenible, S?^D^ ^'^ R- 7^:3 * Ch. nW^ ^^3 Intense, intent, m. s. ipit^ * flH great, lXP-ly,-Tf;-ne^, INT— INT 197 eagerness, ^D:2 * njjlt^n sharpness, nil * hi) * pth Intent, design, ]^pD -ion, HJIS -ional, —2 -ncss, * niT^PJi*^ niVnn -ively, —2 Inter, l^p^ -ment, iTIUp Intercalary, PlOli R. P1D^*"IW Ch. -calate, ^^DlH * "inj; -calation, HiiDin ' T T Intercede, to mediate, 'bv ^,1^9? V,^^0^-V*»^ ^'^H^ H^^.^^ -dent, m. s. x'^bn * '1^2 *i:^^?p Intercept, iV^ * -O ptnn * l^p^»l Intercession, H^^^p * mip-ID R. DID -sor, ^^p ♦ ^DIP Intercourse, * nnnnnn * ninnp, * ni;;n r. n;;") * ppi? Ch. in*! (as 'im ^h I'^IS: "inn / have no -with him.) Interdict, 'hv Hl^ -ion, H^j^n J^*^ m_VP * HnH^St Interest, to care, t^^lH * :^t:^n to make -for, 1J12 y^t^T)ri -N. - concern, pDl? * l^?j; advantage, r»^i?1]1 R. ^^/'i usury, ■ n^nnp ^ri^^nn to lend out at-, ^^02 p]p3 ihj P ri'^nnn ni^n -ing, m. s. 2^i:;r\ Interfere, ' 2 nij/Pn -rence, "2 1^^2'lVT^r] "t;* It'* Interfused, m. s. "^Ifin ^1^3 * 3"Ti;p Interjacent, •^'1^5 * D^^l Interjection, n^njpn D^D R. ^^D Interim, D^n^n * H JT HB ]^2 Interior, -Jin * "^D^^? Interlace, Dbn *12r\ Interline, Hi-nti^n \^2 2h'3 -ation, nllltS^n ]^2 HH^H Interlocution, nnip * n^JJDYmV.^ -utory, -^{i^ Interlope, (see Intrude) Interlunar, t^lh ^1D Intermarriage, ni^iinnH Interminable, ivh^n *'^n R. H^D ^.fllC^Jp T^i^? 198 INT— INT Intermingle, -mix, ^inV * 7/3 Intermission, j; J|-]P * HJItl) * nyf2V. -sive, --3 * ]''^T\p^ Ch. Intermit, ^'^pH R. hhp Internal, *^1n * ^^"^^5 Interpolate, Ipj^b J^^DIH -tion, Ij^^^ n^D'in R. ^ID** Interpose, mediate, HV^ V^^^n f^)pn Interpret, explain, 1^^ * inD translate, ^^\9pn * D5nn Ch. -ation, n^i^-I * ]1-)p?i * D^^-iri -er, ^lij^np *'-)nl2i ip^-in;^ Ch. ' . Interregnum, .^3^'?^ ^|^?^]^5 Ch. Interrogate, ti^l^ * ^ J<^ -tion, n^n'n * n)^^ -tive, n^^.st^n ^i;]? -tor, t^^ni'n ♦ ^.^it^ Interrupt, to hinder, J^/n.^H -one inhis talejin^n^l.^^ln^ D'^^DH -ion, n:coi^ ♦ ^vi/zt: Intersect, 3n'^^ ^31; -ion, inj;? Intersperse, Hit * *)t§ Interval, D^rin ^ni)^ rt3 r3 Intervene, Dnl^? lb|f -ient, m. s. D^J^gH *ti^^i!^ -tion, n^^^p *m-)pnp r. did * D^np htp^;. Interview, D^;|i nlKnnn n^lR.^^ Interweave, f3;i^ O^J? Intestate, m. s. Ht^^V "^^3 110 Intestine, internal, *qiH * ^'D'^^S -tines, D^J;?Q * D^lj? Intimacy, n^I/n -timate, ^/^llH" ' ]m H •?! -N. a confidant, i/niD *X?1 R.i/T "H;;") -timately, mnnp g -timation, nnp-) ^rpnch. Intimidate, D*iS^ * ^n?n ^IH^H -tion, Hin^H Into, '^inj' Intolerable, m. s. IXp J?-) R. i/n -erably, ^3^3^^ X^ •'D ^V R.^1D-erance,D:§ii^ "iVp * nii^gp ^n^g-erant,m.s. INT— INV 190 D.'^giNt nvp * D*'?^ *>^i^\ xb R. Xl^2 Intoxicate, m. s. "l^tL^ -tion, ]1")5^ Intractable, m. s. 22W'^y*^P\^ -ably, ^^ n^^^p_5 Intransitive, "TDij/ Intrench, nhvr\ IDH * PH nJn ♦ nhh'lD l^m -ment, T : t:« tt: t: »"t Intrepid, m. s. ^^11 *Si^^^^ * ih *f P^? -ity, n-?n V^;!DJ< -ly. Intricacy, pn'l * HD^D -tricate, m. s. ^^33 * hllhlD R.Hb ^ ' ^ ^*" Intrigue, 'bv ti^in * DbT * DP -N. a plot, l^j^ amour, ma^i? n;?r -riguer,yn ci^nin * D'^ppln ::^^k Intrinsic, inward, *^P^]39 * *^i]1 real, ^1D^^. -ally, —2 Introduce, ^^^Il^ -duction, a bringing, HSllin a preface, b n^-^n R. i;^;^ ^ n^ipn * j^inp -ductive, -7 Intrude, intermeddle, m. s. *17 biv 12111 *21V^1 encroach, hull :i^pn -der, m. s. *i^ t^^ nnnn *in^rip ** ^n^ *j^p;;) -sion, *i^ ^^^ 1212 nmi;nn *^U5n:iDn r.':id: Intrust, "rii^ lp.?n ' l^^n ]hj (with his secret) "b IliD HD)? Intwine, n2]J * ")t^ Invade, "^jt/ OiTS * ^^^ Jl'^DH -der, m. s. °^jy * tDSi^l2) • -2 nn^np ^ ^inA*:i -d?) r. :d2 Invalid, a. m. s. tl^l * mbn -, s, PS * IVp ^t^^^H -ate, to weaken, n§nn*t:^1^n make void, ]^^?^ Dlii^-ity, * TO IDn Invaluable, m. s. I'm' np^*^^ * *n^P^ ^i^ Invariable, m. s: n^}] ^'^bni iib 'D^p -riableness, * n^'^'^pn DVp -riably, Tr2r\ * ^^w * "^^n Invasion, 'bv 1:!^'^^;^ * 11)^ -sive,m.s/nDnSD 2^1 *ty\^ 200 INV-INV Invective, f\^'^5, ' f^l^H -ly, -3 Inveigh, pifT'Pi'V Inveigle. HnS * ^^m ' ^^pH R. )^m ' n^V -gler, ♦ n^DD nxfna Invent, to discover, «if D feign, 2^72 «13 -ion, ' nS^'P'^ D^^3 -ive, m. s. 0^]^ * ^^3^9 * ^^'^OD '^JU? -or, m. s. Inventory, D^^tpVoaH nD^tl^l R- ^'^^ Inverse, HniDnO -sely, ^SH^ -sion. T|Dn n?1Sqn Invert, "Tlbn -edly, TTDn HDIDnn? Invest, to Jonfer,"^ ^hj (in an office) T n« nVd besiege, Investigable.^p.n;'. -2^17. -tigate, IpH ' B^^^^ -tigation. n-ppn • ntt/"'i'i Investiture, nVTi^h nyj13 Inveteracy, (hatred)'n«#n ^nj (of a disease) ^tl?p. n^TPr> "iVnn -erate, m. s. nE/;? * ptn Invidious, m.B.nJ/ *i?,7. ^^ -"^«^' ^-^^ fP "^'^ "'y' ~^ Invigorate, n»n '2^ ym i?m>.tion,3^ nrm^} Invincible, m. s. ^U^D ^h3 ' n3??P DltO r« -cibly. Inviolable, ^H^ n?U?. «^ R-^^H -olate, m. s. D^?' Invisibility, risi?" ^Jn>3 * nai'7£n -ibie, • ns-13 ir« ubp -ibiy, ni^-in ■''?3 Invite! call, "nX Xnp, -tation, HN^p -ter, '>«nip ♦ Hriap n-iDiD -tingiy, nnpna Inundation, D>-n D^D ^m ' h^2D R. ^33 or '?'73 Invocate, -voke, 1311^0 ' tt^pS ' °^S KTp^ -vocation, ' HSn]^ riB'i?? Invoice' nninpn na^B*i INV— JOY 201 Involve, to comprise, p'^THil * h'h'2 entangle, * ilDIDpil i^^'Iin Involuntarily, iSn")3 ^^^ Cli. * nipH? Ch. -untary, ni. s. *i:iv-in ^^^} * D5i^^ Inure, -j^n * %in -ment, JH^p ^^fHO Inutile, ^^;;i'^ ^h *^?w -tiuty, n^i/ln ^n^n r. hj:^ Invulnerable, hlirV PT^ iih ' Inward, within, "^lil? * ^"!!?.4 * i^^??? -^y» privately, • T I ' • lota,'^ ^ti^n:^p Job, chance work, H^pP "15*1 Jockey, one who rides, 33*1 Jocose, m. s. ^ilHp -ness, D"^^^]!?! -ly, -2 * plnV? Joggle, jolt, rtx/r *ii:v: ^nnjR.i/ir *x;i:: *n:: ' Join, nn^ * nnn *m^ *D3n nji^j^ -er, \*j;; t^nn -t, a. i«» pi- Dnan -t, s. (of bones,) Ch. ^"!n^?:^ p-JD -ted, m. s. -)g^p: -tiy, v'lni * ^rvji -ture, ^^^p-^D?q * nn^n? -tress, — ^7^3 Joke, pny ♦ Snn -n. h^r\r] * pinv -er, pnvp * ^ri-^P Jollity, jovial, 3^ niCO * n^nyp-Uly.-a -ly, m.s,*D5 *21D " T Jot, '^ h^ "ivp Journal, iDV? DV ^^^^IH ni'l np^^?") -ist, m. s. Journey, HnV^^ lij^ ^JflDJ -N. HV^D? * UDP * *l^np -man, Di*> -lOii^^T?^ * ^^I2j -work, 1^?^ r\b^v^ Joy, to rejoice, Hbt^^ * VhV * Hin ♦ ibv ' ^15 * fe^^fi!^ -N. -fulness, nnp^ * n^nvp * nnn • n^^5 ♦ \\tvf -fuiiy, -n -less, -ti^3 -ful, m. s. -^)6 * Pp^ * ^H^ -ous, m. s. 2 B 202 IRA— IRR Irascible, m. s. HDH *l^n?2 *ti;''^ ' Dll/D^ *nl3 * pI/S * UJ"! Ire, DV2 * r:n * ^YB -^^1' "^- ^- ■~^.^? Irksome, H^hr^b * H^b^ T T : • ~ : Iron, to smooth, DH ^Pnn p.^HH * f HI -N. s. m. s. br\'2 -, a. made of iron, —7??^ -monger, — *15'i^ Ironically, h^Dn "^nin Irony, t:^b^nn * Dn^in ^.5*1 Irradiance, -diation, HHt * ni!^\ -diate, -)\n?n ^iTSlH Irrational, absurd, vDJi^n 1-553 * nD^DHJn void of reason, m. s, n:)un *ln i\^ -ity, minnnr^riDn r. rn^i/T -ly, ny\2r) ^^2 * co^si^p \7n Irreclaimable, H^pn l\^nm. s.iDi;::)*nt5^ X^ R. 10^ * Hp^ Irreconcilable, m. s. *r\)S1^ *")t^D'^ ^'^ *3^ *nt^p Irrecoverable, m. s. *2m^ 711 R. IV-i^ -ably, —2 Irredeemable, m. s. *n'l^^ *'7i^-!^ ^b II VT • // •• X- Irreducible, m. s. *i:p_^\ *^P.^^. ^b Irrefragibility,nn5*Ch.nnD^ ^Hp^ ^il^ll-ragably, 2 -ragable. Irrefutable, l^IDJ * 1M2 * nnB"! ^^?\^^ Irregular, m. s. bn2t2 * bjb^D R. ^^2 -larity, * Iti}"^ ^r\b2 b^2b2 -larly, inp? t^^cf^ -late, ^5^5 * I'lDH r]hr\ Irreligion, D^li^J^ ^^y. '^^V? -giously, 2 -gious, m. s. .^.. ... .. .. '^ T T Irremidiable, m. s. IH^ * *17 KSDll^D ]\^ Irremissible, unpardonable, 1§51 ^7^\ ^ • Irremovable, *>^:i^ 7 -1 * m. s. *^br}'[ t^b Irreparable, Ng^p 7? * HJpi^ pl??5 Irrepreviable, m. s. *mt:)'^ *7^^5^ ^^'^ Irreprehensible, -proachable, ''Dl 0^7? "^- s- ^"^P? * "'P^ Irrepresentable, n^*?"; * TV1 i^? Irresistible, m. s. IN? *prn * n^J?^ l^i/ 1%^ IRR— JUD 203 Irresoluble, m. s. l^h *D^j5 Irresolute, m. s. n^l2 * D^D^I/D ^Piti} hv_ *^Q'\^ -tion, m^ ]V?n 'pDD (for pD^) -tely, -3 Irretrievable, h^pD l\S!l * iSilJlO "^^ -1 Irreverence, Dy/p * 7PJ I^* ^'^^ -erently, —1 -erent, m. s. Irrevocable, T^H^ 1'^^? -ably, n^^H "^^3^ R. 3W Irritable, m. s. H^n n^7P *tr\^ * Di;:?^ nl3 -ritate, ts^i^in * D>j;;3n -ritation, nn nnvy r)"l& R. "ii/^ Irruption, Hprnn H^^B * ^u^ rnJDn R. ;iD2 Is, (is understood in the pronoun, as 'l^^rtv?^ i^^H he is our Gody l!Dt^ (ID w'^a^ w /iw name) Island, '<^^ -er, m. s. —y^V Issue, come out, * 'D t^)Sl send out, IDifn * i^^^V^'"^ "N- event, ^llD * Hnnj^ * ri'i^pn R. n^3 discharge, * Hnn^ nir offspring, ^^y^5:^ -less, m. s. nny. * d^j3 *"iii!^n Isthmus, Xlj$^ 1\^'7 r^i^'l^") Ch. It, (this pronoun is expressed with the third person m. s. . as Kin 3lC0 it is good, ]5 ^^'^. ^^ shall be so. It is sometimes understood, as lyi 1"^^^ it is nothing.) Itch, (the mind) ^^DSH (the body) fpp -N. * ^D:b * DnH ]^n;i^ *rij;;nv-y,^n^^ Item, also, Tl;;i a new article, ir\^ l'^^;; TD Itinerant, m. s. 1/01:3 * TJ ^I/J R. Ti: '}2^^ Itself, lOV^ as 1DVJ;?3 l^^n the thing itself. Jubilant, m, s. bnV ^^/nO -lation, H^H^ ^Ip * Hl/nn -lee, ^nl"^ . Judaism, n'^Ti.T ^^^-1S!^^ H^^^D n^ -daize, --n^^e ^hr^ Judge, decide, 112 * \*hn pass sentence, COD^ * 7^^ discern, ran -N. oDi:^ *n^^? ^^ *r?P -gment, *nji3n 204 JUG— JUX mti;^ * nny • n^^^? -katory, (a court) ]n n-^n -icature, ]*^n' CO^:)it^n n3 -icial, -icially, * D^^^^Si-1 It//— // •• - - ' J' 't ' ' ' mt^B^ -icious, X"2D * 7*'3S!^1? -iciously, HJUn? *7D??^5 Jug, p3p5 n? *nn§v ^tpji? Juggle, ns)n * ^nn ^00 -gier, \^Dn *^;?"i Jugular, '^^^1y n"i:i Knj-i-i ^ji^ -guiate, ^'nm Juice, TV\Tw ^ TS^TVuTv? R. m? (of grapes) 0*^01/ Juiceless, m. s. ti^3^ -iciness, Jll^^tO") -icy, m. s. H 7 July, \M^T\ * ^;;^nnn t^^-rh Jumble, Hb^ * aanj; -n. ^^s^3 ' i^^,:?"!^"];? Jump, j^^^ * v§E * "^i?.! -N- '^''h "^V'?!? * '^"^P"! Junction, m^nn^^Hn *]l^")3nnn -ture, union, HinH June, ivp '^p^hpr\ tr^ih Junior, m. s. Tj;^ *pCOjJ Juniper, DJlh Ivory, an?^ * b^vW Jurisconsult, ri/V-isdictionjrriJP 5 -isprudence, ]'*'11 ^1.^-P^ll -ist, ^Tr\r\ R. T\'V -or, C0|3lci^' -y, D^H^i^ * l^^l n^5 \ Just, N. m. s. p^'ny ♦ -jt:^'' -, ad, V\'212 ' DVDVD Ch. -ice, justness, tOgCi^p * n.^*" * p'lV (an officer,) JH * CODlt^^ -iceship, — H T^'lj?? ^ii?.5 -ifiable, p'lV? -ifiableness pT^n^ ItL^pn -ification, mp^iPV^ * m^-V^nn -ificator, -ifier, m. s. P'qV? ♦ p^D -ify^ P^nVH ''^^ p^H R. pj -ly, £0§^P3 * piyg Justle, to encounter, . • H i/i^ push, T]Xy^ Jut, to push out, *^^n^n Juvenility, (failings,) Dn^;/? HiS^n youthfulness, *nnnjj^ rmn-^. * m^^: -venile, -2 Juxtaposition, I^ID m. s. *ini?-) 1^5 *^''J!^ ^P^*??. KAL— KID 205 K. Kalendar, n^t^n'^D^mb Keel, nOi^nn^nnr^ T 't: T • : ~ Keen, acrimonious, ^^IH severe, m. s. "TDS * ptH * HJi^f^ *ti^ R. w -ness, Hiii'^'nn * nnn.p * ^t^j^, -iy,'^ti^R.? * Dnnpn Keep, abstain from, "D 1(?t^il continue, **^*'").^^^ * T^llH ^"^pDn detain, nVi; ♦ n?!? Ch. defend,"^];; ]:^ ]:n preserve, nb^ dwell, nn^ R. n::^'^ nourish, b^h'2 -close, conceal, D^i;n * i^non -one*s bed, n3:^^;:D7 ^d:i -down, ♦ ^^:D•^ *p&t^i; ^^^DH -an eye upon, 'bv I^y UW -his ground, ^^ lb;/ toipp -a house, n'^SH nli^^lH ^3^3 R. ^51^^ * ^13 -at home, n\2^ r\3^ -good hours, irii/i hd;^ ^in-niji^i; -bad hours, V^ -company, lliniin * jt/I^iinfl -, (as wine,) V^J^ll/ hv ^p^ -in his own hand, 1T!1 pmn -one's self, p^^nn -him employed, pDVT}*}^ inlJ^ mti^ -off, ^ti^n * ^JD -his word, Vn^ti^ i^VlD nb^ -open his house, nnn^ irr^n nhs -out of doors, y^r\^nbo -out of sight, i^^3nn (one's self) J^^Dt^"? -within bounds, -nrp^lD ^Urn^DHD ^f2Wn R. :iD3 -silence, Dl*n -up, IbV -what you have, '^J "1.^^^^ ^7 ^r\\ God -us, inpj^^. Dli^n -er, m. s. nDt^ ^ "l^j * l^i -ing, *]np^5 T ; • Kernel, (of grapes) IVIH (of a nut) f^1| (of corn) HinS Kettle, ni'n ♦ nn^)5 Key, Tan instrument,) Hin^^ -hole, -H IIH 3p.5 -stone, n^3n n5?i ti^.^i-i r. ^is^d j Kick, coyi -N. HD^j;;? I Kid, (of a goat) D'^i^ l^p'tf/ ' ^1^ I Kidnap, :^55 nJ2 -per m. s. l^g? *3?1il 206 KID— KNI Kidneys, nvh^ -ney-bean, 13^11 ^IS f Kill, ;i'in ♦ :2^5j HDH * n^;Dn r. nDrm;!D to butcher a T V V •• - • T beast nnr * niito * tonts^-er,t:^i:)3 :!-)in n3D * nsco ♦ conit^^ Kiln, -n::i1 lime-,] ^33 Kin, m. s. 3l-)p/ n^?:i^ Kind, class, J^D sex, j^D good, m. s. TDV) ' 310 * i5inp -ness, nItO 3^ llVn -ly, 3 Kindle, set on fire, U}^ V^bm n^l^H R. DT catch fire, nij^ * p'l enrage, t]^VpLl * HDH I'^ifH Kindred, affinity, m3np. affined, m. pi. D^3i")p King, ri^D -dom, n^D^^D * HJ^^P * HjSpD -ly, niD^^^ .'s bench, ^n|n P'l ri*^3 -ship, 71:21^^2^:1 ID^t^D Kinsfolk, D'^3l-)p -man, VlJ\f2 'l^tl/ * 3i"lp^ 'h^i^ Kinswoman, n-)^?^ ''^5'i"'P Kiss, pj^^j -N. np"^^? Kitchen, n^:^3D-n^3 -boy, - niti^D -maid, -nnnti^D -garden, p*l"^ ]2 Kite, (a bird) :D)V_ * .Tij^ pi. 'O'^l^ Kitten, N. ^inn p:v Knapsack, tO^p^^ * ^^P'l.ll Ch. Knave,Dni; * ^731: ' ^m * ^33 -ry, -ish, * D^^3? * n*p-| n)3? -ishly, -3 Knead, mb -ing-trough, ri"1.ij^?!^p Knee, '^n3 ♦i;i| -deep, D^^^/^ ^H^K^ -1» -y'^? * 1"^?' -ling, s. n;;n? ' Knell, iTI^n ^^f^V ^^P R- ^^^ Knife, ]"^3^' a butcher's-, r\h^^D * ^br\D Knight, Di?P Dnn R. Dl") -N. (a title) ^^'V^jt a champion,] ^^n-)in5 -hood, -n_^p -ly, -d^ -b ^i^-o Knit, *^*3p*-3h^!^ -ter, m. s. *^3lD * ;!l^^^ -ting-needle^ j KNO— LAD 207 T Knob, Knop, ^17153 Knock, pbl 'H'Dn -N. HDP R. HD^ -er, p^lD Knot, unite, "IDD * IJi^iJ -N. a tie, l^if, a difficulty, * n^^n n^MD -ty, full of knots, On^p J^^^ hard, * pin*! Know, ifr * "l?n R. ")D^ -ing, m. s. intelligent, HiJ?. *ti^*'H conscious, iTnifl? -ingly, with skill, 75.^5 designedly, n^jDn -ledge^ n^n*; * r\v.'^_ * i/ip Knuckles, (of the fingers) rV^i^y^^T] * "^f^na Labial, D^riDi:^ r -year, n-T3i;n njtj^ at-, ^IID^ -of all, nnntjl -ing, m. s. djj; -ly. Latch, bv: -N. ^ii;?;? -et, bill ^life^ Late, m. s. slow, "l^^?p deceased, J^D R. T\)D benighted, innj^^^nnn nj^ti^n -in the day, inovn r. it -in the night, nbf?n niy.n? of ., -ly, 3lnj5^ too -, jDrn -)3y of -years, D^n^^ D'^P^P -ripe, ^)•^?5^it -ness, \^]n n^m Latent, m. s. thv^ * inD^ Lateral, -ly, ITV'? R- '^"T^; Lath, N. a slip of wood, y]J 12 Lather, nnl3 '^D ^Vp 2 c 210 LAT—LAY Latin, ^pln"ll2^^ -ism, -2 -)13"in ]5lkS -ist, -2 \^2D Latish, ITM^D T^i^r] Latitude, breadth, 2r\l ( a degree) ^KH? Ji^nD^H Ij^D Latter, m. s. t:^"Tn ♦ ]1nn^ -ly, ti^lHD ♦ nllp^D -math, D^H^ Lattice, 3:2:^.^ * D^^in -work, HDniv nt^n n'^D Laud, ryiip * b7n -n. nnti^ * n7nr) -able, nn^p ♦ ^^np Laver, ")V3 Laugh, (caused by merriment,) 'pr\)^*'pTW to deride, •*^ ^,pL^ pn^ -able, p1nV*p1n?^ -er, m. s. ' "pn^D pn^p -ing stock, y^rs'pr? Lavish, nr§*r3?5R.nb -N. m. s. -)t?)P ♦ rnnp -ment, -)ir?i ^ r^t? -ly, -a Launch, to start forward, r^B (into the sea) "in? Tl") Laundress, HD^I^ -dry, Dll^H DipP Law, a code, n")iD R. n*)*" decree, H'l^pn -of nations, D^PJ;;n tO§£J^p -of nature, ^/n^H ^n^. publish a -, ni \hl follow the -, nnln Ib^ go to -, (he) ICOSt^D ^^'IPD D^rl^i^.^ move for a-, r\l ]T\}T)h \)^l execute the -, CO^tf^P nti?^ be subject to a -, HJVP? T\S^Vh. ni?'^ Ch. learned in the -, rTli-Tl^J *^^< P "^ay» V^^ ^"^^ -expences, ^5::^;:Dn thd ni^^^in r. ^i:;^ -fui, pi^; n^^ -fulness, 0^:^P * r'n * n^'' -fully, -D -giver, ppinp -less, ryX^ ^btV -suit, tD^i^p * r\\}^r\ -yer, professor of law, ^yy\r\ an advocate, pfe R. 1(^b Lawn, a plain, "llti^^'P linen, plD Lax, m. s. loose, HSn * "Tl R. H^l (in the body) rj:pn H^h -ative, D^''^p pn.p -ity, D\''j;;p T\p;in ^Vn/^^W " Lay, to place along, impose, D W -aside, let alone, Ht^ dismiss. LAY-LEA 211 -\>pn R -IID -i.. one's way. "^JS^ jrij -by, ,i., reserve) ma?^P^ ]h3 • IbD -claim to. a>,^a -the cloth, in^tyn -j-n^y -down, n^tf'n • mn r. mj (flat) • nm nnpn (resign) nOD -the dust, p2iin pin -an egg, nV^iD^DTSl R. li-^ -hands on,' T H^tt^ WtJ' (as a bishop) r^^i; IT IbD -violent hands on, ■ '2 jt?J2 (on one's self) iDVi; n^pn ♦ ^ afpa .in provision, ' HTlf p^n DDK .S^P- lira niy -over, HD? -out money.' Win ,??? rP? Ch. -open, make manifest, r\hi -hold, • '2 pmn -siege, »^^ n;n Tvn r. my -a wager,' ^3 v.ppi ' mrnn -waste, an.qn -N. not clerical, ^in ' i^^in -er. a stratum'. naf --lai: -ch.-man, nr •Di-'-^n ch.-staii, Knno • nia^x Lazer, i/nivp .zaretto. D"'i;niyan D-i^in ^"'3 " ' Lazy m. s. n^iip • nsn^lD ' ^^Jt? "-ziness. Jl'-a-) • m^'J;! -zily. —3 Lead, V. "in.Tn • l^^ln • Jhj -on gently, ^nj -er -ing.m. s. T11P • I^^ID • J^n^p • ^nia Lead (a metal) nnali; -pencil, -£31? -en. made of lead, -'p^ heavy, m. s. 122 Leaf, (of plants, or of a book) H^j^ (of a door, or a table) mb pi. nini^ -less, ^^bn League, a confederacy, l;^!^ ♦ Jin? -V. — nh:3 *-|t^p Leak, t)^LDn R. tjco:: * Pi^j;-in .N.*p-Tn » -)J|) .y, ""♦ m^^q Lean, incline, °^-)qj^ niCOH rest against, ]j;j^n ♦ ^p^n -N. nn • i^^n?; p^_ r. pp-r ^ H. r. ^H -ing, ** ,T^"n * n;p5 nj^^p -ness, ii?n/ m v^'i Leap, r§P * ^h ^ ^Pn -xV.ny^ap -Jl^^/Tpi .year. Learn, tohear,;;b?^ gain knowledge, r^h teach, n;?^ ♦ t]^K 212 LEA—LEG nnln R. ni*^ -ed, m. s.-T»^P -er, Tfp^Pi m.s. ID^h -ing, erudition, ll^b ' V^J2' ^V^^^T. Lease, N. H^T^ n'^B niSJ^^H let out by -, "l^DCS^n Least, N. ^^5? CO^P -, ad. niH^n ^^7 Leather, lii: -n, -W -dresser, nlli;; TSj^P -seller, mm;; n^lD Leave, bequeath, ^'^H^H * l^^niH R. t^^l^ forsake, ti^COJ * 3tV -off, ••;::n^5"in **Tby -out, n^;n r. nr -at random, "TJ5P *lbj; -a remnant, l^^^tt/n -N. permission, * Dl^J^I nwn a farewell, Dn^CD? give-, * n^G^I. jh^ * n?i^"!il nip?n take-, D'li^i Hp^ * ii^an Leaven, V^pnn -N. -il^^^J^ Leavings, a remnant, ^^'^^^t^ Lecherous, m. s. n^ *n;;ln ^ D^4i:it *^7n -ery, *D^?^it n^rR.D;Dr-erously,-n Lection, a reading, HK^npn ^^"^^ Lecture, to discourse, tr^l'n reprimand, n^'DlH -N. ^'HJi^'I'l nn:)ln -turer, :i:^ni'i*t^-i'n*n'^:Dl.o r. r\y -tureship, -nmjp?ppi;ch. Ledge, HD^n HH^PP ' Ledger, rimiT] n1:1"l?in")^P Leech, njj^^i?. Leek,TVO Leer, T^? nVy f hp^ -N. \)V_ nV^p Lees, Dnpt;^^ ni^njp Leeward, nk^Hi HnH i^j;?? * nnn 1^5?^ TV Left, opposite to the right, ^^5b?^ go towards the-, TD'^t!J ■ ■^^ -handed, m. s. *1:^P^TnLDt? i-eg, hr\^ * plt^ Legacy, nti^'lT M^i? 1 I LEG— LES 213 Legal, ]iD: * n^;; -ity, D|)?&?pntf^^ -ize, nvi^-j ^hj ♦ nti^in Legatee, m. s. t^hV * hn)2 -tor, m. s. ^Ti;?/? Legend, (of saints) D^:i^1"T|pn *»^n IDD Legerdemain, iTpn * DVr^j;/r) R. Hl/n Legible, Kli^n^ Hi: -ibly, in N-)ip f n^^ n^i'i^? Legion, JVJ^ Ch. Legislate, pj?.in * Hnln ^hj R. ni** -tion, Hnln ]]!;? -tive, -tor, m. s. pplnp * nnl2l *ini:i -ture, D%'l'7J^ Legitimacy, a lawful birth, ]'^tl/)1]:>) H^n? HT^ R. 1^^ genuineness, n'^rl^P^^ '£0|)5i^p -imately,* -^ -imate, m. s. l^^^^p^ npm *nVij ♦ DD.^ * iid; Leisure, 'i^?) -surable, m. s. -*l'7 ti^*"; -surably, -surely, rim? ♦'^>pnR. n3£i Lemon, :1-)n^^ Ch. Lend, h'^i^fn ^ n;^n ^ ni:^; (money) m^n -er, m. s. Length, extent, y)}^ -en, •in^H -wise, m. s. IDIkS Lenient, -itive, m. s. *^5"10 ♦*!]-) _ity, niST * Kg)^;? Lent, (a fast) ny]ii;nn r\v:vr\n ^^n^ r. mi: * uv Lentil, n^lJJ^ pi. D*'^!;; Leo, nn.iS: ^TD Leopard, IDJ Leper, m. s. ^/nl^^D -erous,.m. s. Jt/I^V -rosy, fli/nV Less, • D (prp.riinD much-, p t^'? ^^?t -en, grow less, ID'VD *i:^_^n grow less and less, l&n") rji^n make less. Lesson, pR * liis^n ")i;;(i^ Lessor, m. s. Dl't^ ri'^3 *"l*'3t2^D Lest, rgj 214 LET— LIB Let, allow, n^-ljl leave, '-h mn R. m^ * "D blT} hire out, 1^3 t^n (this verb is expressed sometimes with a future, or with the imperative of ^^p and /'^V^H as, let me see, n^n^ or ^:V^in -fly, nW -blood, D'nt^pn -know, j;nin -down, in in r. "n^ -in, Kln;i or )^^2r\) Lethargic, drowsy, m. s. Dill^ * Htil -argy, HZ^I^ri Letter, an epistle, Tr\,^i^ * I^D (in the alphabet) nli^ -case, D^nnsn nnjnp^t -carrier, n^n^^ t^'m^ -ed, a man of letters, ipD JJl^^ -founder, nvn\^ pVV Lettuce, ri^jfl Levant, D*ljpn p.St Levee, ]1*»^^1 *D^?|) n»^5tn ♦"llpn Level, flatten, 1;^^;; * H]!^ to aim, ]^:DT] ^I^IS -N. even, ^^i * nlJ^'^P (an instrument in building) '^^i^ -ler, m. s. ^n^l ]1D)^ *nW5 -ness, DOnj/n "^l^ti^ Leviathan, ^H^l? Levite, *^l|7 -ical law, D'^iHij Mnln -icus, ^^npn -||ip Levity, r\irn§ * mn ni-^jp r. b^p Levy, 'by DP D^t!^ -N. ^^y ^Dl? * D^^ R. DDD Lewd, lustful, m. s. H/Ot *?iDlti^ ♦♦1^^ ni^^i nnsi *^^ln ^;;»^n p -ness, r^^^'^n * ns^r r. n72\ Lexicon, JIItoH IDD R. 77D -cographer, 'H^DP Liable, m. s..]p^;:D R. 11D * ^^^j^ Ch. -to be fined, m'\V *\^ -to be flogged, niSH *|!l R. H^^ -to be put to death, T^^?2 *c^^\^ -to die, nn^Dr\ *]3. V T • T : ' V Liar, m np.;i^/p * :i^n?p * inr^ ^notj^ Libation, *^P5 Libel, ?]nn ♦ f\i} *'hiJ n|i7 j^^yin -n ♦ J^nn *;;i d;?^ ^1^^^ -lous,-^.^ -ler, m. s. * i^Tp^ '7?7 *J^^V^^ R- ^^^'^ LIB— Lir 215 Liberal, m. s. ^^^nn *an3 -ity, niT"!? -ly, HTl^ nil? Liberate, release, l^'pDn ♦ '•t^DH^ hJ??/ (a prisoner) inn R. -)n3 -tion, the delivering, D^niLDS * Hl^ * JTirin Libertine, m. s. 311::^ * ^1^ -ertinism, ♦ nUnW * ni;;>3 r^-ipDH Ch. Liberty, freedom, l^^h * nn^'H R. Iin leave, mJT") Libra, D»:iNp ^ip Library, Dni:)Dn IpI/'n^J^ nV1^^ -rian, - --l/tDW Librate, D>5 *7p^?^??n n^r^ -t[ou;7pji/f?n ^^^tl; Licence, grant leave, nti^lil * Illti^') ]h^ set at liberty, "inn -N. nw^ * ]vt^i, * nnnn r. in;] Licentious, m. s. H^T ^fjOW -ness, Hf^] ' rTOlIt^ Lick, (with the tongue,) "^H? * 'ppv Lickerish, jj^ ♦ ji^j^n *^j;;n * P5D/? Lie,(down,) ni)^-in wait for, H'^IV * 2hj; tell a-, * ") j5Ji^ * tS^n? nn * nnn -N. -)pj^ * ii/n'D * 3r3 * d^^i -i Lieutenant, \)D * ]§"l'^?^^^^ -ancy, — H nnp5 -anship, -n n^r.p Life, animal being, D^^H while there is- (in him) there is hope, inipn ^*^5^? t<^ iriDt^:? in iij;"^5 i owe my- to thee, ^^H'jnn he was in danger of-, it costs his-, 1Si^55? to venture his-, T^^D7 It!/?? ^1P( -giving, -saving, m. s. rr^np causes of- and death, Hlli^S^ ^5^*1 to try for-, Ill long-, D'^p; n5n.^? lay down his-, Ij:^?? lb? to fly for his-, WD? ^Vmh ijll all my- time, ^3 •^n "^:^^ Iti/i^ D*'D^'1 he lost his- by law, 13 ID^I he is coming to- again, l3*)p vJl Iti^D? 3W he spends his-, D'>p; Hv^^p M^p; 1^3 -guard, (of a king) i^/^lh ^D^ltl} l^pn -less, dead, m. s. np R. ni/3 -time, VH ♦ \t?^ -weary, m. s. r»n3 *\*jj R. pp 216 LIF— LIN Lift, elevate, m^ * ^?i ' H^jn -up the voice, ^1p DnH heave, D^H ♦ hH -n. nnii:!n * n^-in • T T T r ; - T T-; Ligament, 7311 * H/inn Light, to kindle, tl/^ p^hlH ^^^H R. n^^ meet with, • '^ ijj^ come down, ll"^ * vDJ to -one, or give-, '^^^^^ -N. s.-)1k^ " n^l^ -, a. bright, "^i^H^, not dark, ll^ not heavy, bp_ bring to-, n-?5 ♦ -)1S7 N^V^n come to-, * "ll.^^ NV;| nl^^n -footed, m. s. v^jnn *^j^ -of belief, rp^''!'^ *^E he made -of it, VJ^X? -l bp_: ibj^ -headed, nj/l *bp_ R. *;:T ^^p -headedness, *J:;iil niv'p -hearted, 1^ ^D'l^O -ly, carelessly, pDH ^75 easily, m 7p5 -ness, m v'p -en, to flash, pnnn ease, ^^p ^pn -ning, pij * ptn * vm Lights, n|§l Ligure, Dl^7 Like, to approve, ' '2 Xr^H niVl in the same manner, * IDD "D (as ^^i1*T^^5 *T5I/.3 Uke master like servant) -N. m. s. ••^ n;:)"!*! r\i^ -ly, ^^^12:D *n^iD3 -lihood, niip n^t^? -n, r])}l}r] ^ nm -ness, T\^m -wise, HDS * |5 -ing, Lily, n^pn Limb, a bough, J^JJ^ *13 a member, D^i? n^ij^ Ch. -meal. Limber,^! R."i:)n Lime, (a stone) T^ * T^ -kiln, ];j^n3 Limit, h^'2l UW * ^5Jn -N. bomidary, ^135 end, * f]iD D^nn Ch. -ary, b^'2:h ir)? -ation, n^n:?n ♦ y\^f Limp, V. j;*^v ^ np^n Limpid, m. s. clear, llH^ * -)^n|l ^ ^T * H^ R. ^:Dr * HH^ transparent, fj^p^ -ness, inb ♦m-|^^? ^niDT 'tVm Linden, ll-^bit LIN—LIT 217 Lino, to cover within, D^^S/^ Hg^ HSiH -N. extension, ^y< a string, HJpri * 7nn * "in.;; ♦ tOin the equator, ^p_ a mark,n-J15i^ ^age, HIl^^^'P * n-J^in R,T^^ -al, -ally, 5iDj3 * nni:!^3 -ament, nniv Linen, ti^^ D^^f^^9 "TJ3 fine-, "l^n ♦^'^H -draper, - IDl;:: Linger, loiter, IH^ * n^HDnn ^after, D^iyi? mi ni^3 -ing, a longing after, npt^D?2 ri/nlH R. 7)1^ -ing distemper, HD^-pp n^HD Linguist, m, s. ni3lt^'7n *pnp Lining, ^p^psn ^ic)?' * nj3n n^^D5 Link, nsn * Din -N. (of a chain) n^^lp ♦ H^^H Linseed, 11^1^*2) I/^t Linsey-woolsey, t^pjl/^ Lion, nns: * ns * t:^^^^ * ^n,^ ♦ ^^^3^ -ess, t^i'ib (for n^^2b) pL nInK * D'^:^^!t ♦ n1^^n^ * D\N^3^ a young-, -)^DD a whelp, Hnk ")^:i Lip, Hl)^ pi. D^np^ (in regimen) nln^i^ Liquation, -quefaction, DD^^DD * "^^DH R. *]ni -qi^fiable, riDrip * l^pon -quefy, *^jnn * Opn *quescent, *quid, dissolving, DDSl Liquidate, tOj;[Dn ^j^l^lH Liquor, liquid, "13^ strong drinkj 131?^ Lisp, V. :^i; ' D^^l -er, m. s. :\hv * D|??3p List, to enlist him, DHipsn '^1nn w^i n^? XSi^J -Nv catalogue, Hip^^n (of cloth) l^^n T)^'^ h'ltl/ -en, ^Jjbti^ V^i^n * 2U;pr\ -less, heedless, m. s. V^'it:; 2^tl!}pD 13^^^ -lessiy, n:r*sn nat^^pn ^73 ^essness, 'r\'2mr>n ^t\ii ni^t^inn ch. Literal^ C^^nDD ♦ tOlt^S -ly, -D * HTTin N^ R. TH Literati, D^IS^P -erature, ^^t-^h * i/'np R. ^/l^ ^rary, —hp 2 D 218 LIT-LOA Lithography, ]2^ HinS) Litigant, m. s. i^H *^;;_5 -igate, ]1^n * inH * HD^H -igation, CD^^P * nn * D^?"]? -igious, m. s. * D^np *t^*^^^ nn *nn"!np * ti^j?^ -igiousness, nij:^!?;; -igiousiy, -n Litter, bring forth, li^ -N. a brood, "IJ^ a sedan, "'^^V, ntD!D R. nco: T • Little, m. s. (in quantity) tDi?P (in size) ]D|P -affair, \*p^* -time, n^VP very-, nXftp Di^ tOj^D by- and-, tO^/p DI/D -ness, Di;7J * r\^:^p_ Liturgy, >m n^pn nip R. bb^ Live, to be in a state of Hfe, D^H dwell, ^'U}"^ to feed, *• O DPI? ' ' T T T D5i§nn ch.-bad, -);;v ^^n rf'^n -weii, n? n^pn -together, ^i^'in^, ra;^ -n. active, m. s. ^n ti}^t^ ' rnr ch. -coai, ^^ bri^ * n|l!^n * n^V"! -^ed, m. s. long-, U^f^l *^*1>N^ short-, D^^P** **l^j? he hath lived out his years, M^yD Livelihood, n-^nD * nh^b::) r. ^id * no2i^ ch. Lively, m. s. ^H ti^^^^ * TH? 'P"]| Ch. -liness, * niTHD mrnr Liver, not dead, m. s. *^n (one of the entrails) 12'^ Livery, (clothes) D"^>^VP ^"^7^3 T?I/. -man, a freeman, 3^1n Lividity, nninnnn ni^np Livid, m. s. — d in^jtnp Living, maintenance, ]i?p /THD a benefice, Htin^^ Lizard, HiSCO^ Lo! n^n 'n^n Load, "niS: lifD *'bv D^pr.n charge a gun, ,TT H^.p J^^p -N. a burden, nODVD ' b:D2 * xWD R. ^^t^/:! -stone, T T -; - V •• T - ' Loaf, 133 pi. n1-)33 Loan, a thing lent, HiJlS? * ^?^P ' i^^^;^P R. ^^^^ LOA— LON 219 Loath, 111. s. 'n^'inp * n^i: * y^in ^h Loathe, "2 np 7^5 * "h iS"ir^ n1^n Loathful, -some, 7iSip * 3Vn; * Vi^?i^ -^"g' "^- ^- ^^"^^ -"^«' Lobby, D^1J< * n^"inn$ Lobe, (of the lungs) HJ^^ Locality, J'D'T.g THVp DipP Local, ^;^ -cally, ''a? -cation, situation, DipD Lock, -) JD * ^i;: -in, H;/!! liD ^i;3 -out, »^:Q-JDiiD^i;3 -N. bli;:D -of hair, HEi'^niD * HVIp * TT^^^^:: -smith, -|JDQ : - T T : - T •.. : • • •• : - -et, niD^'p? Locomotion, HTl^n HId -tive, m. s. I^lpp .13^^. ' 11:^ Locust, nn^i^ ♦ 315 * 3:in * ^^DH ♦ ph^ * D;;^D in its cater- pillar state) Dt3 Lodge, reside, "IH * ]3^ (^temporary) ^12 (all night) ]^7 to k place, ]h5*D1Si^ -N. (in a park) HJlfe *n|p R. ^30 (of a porter,) nn^H "1^1:^^ i^]1 -gment, nl^nn -ger, m. s. 15lt^ ♦ 2t^v * n^ -ging, 3^1D • -n;i5 ^ ]'\b6 Loft, riuDty (the highest) H^^m "I^TH HCOt^ -iness, elevation, n3i5*n7x;D*n^^?^ r. .sw pride, nj^.v mn3J -iiy, -3 -y, m. s. n35 * 3^ *n35 ♦ i^'m ♦ on R.' UM Log, (of wood) y^D D^^pD T\hB (a measure) Jl^ Logbook, DV"DV n»:i^n^^n;DnD^ti^i Logic, ]Vm R. n;in -al, -^^ -ally, -tOSSi^pS -ian, * ~^^3 Logwood, j;;3vpn vi( Loin, (the back) n^riQ * r^H pi. D"^^n!: * D^v^n i Loiter, ")^^^ ♦ HDnprin -er, m. s. H?"): ^ n§inn ♦ ^yy i Lonely, 112 m. s. l^i 3 * l^D^'^ -liness, finnn ! Long, ?]D3 * nbn ♦ 2m -N. m. s. having length,* '^1'-)^ -ago. 220 LON— LOQ D^nnD^'P^^P -after, D^'Iin D^p^ ^pJD as-, Tl;; ^3 how-, ir\D n:^ Ijg -headed, m.s. ]^y^L^ * ^nn -legged, m.s. 0?^'?"l*i^'^")?^ -lived, m. s. D**?^ ♦'Tl.i? -animity, nDn.St^ D^§J^ -evity, D'»^^"l^? D^i^n -imanous, m. s. D.*'"!^*;;^^ -imetry, i(nt^n iiTip np?n Longing, X^T] * ^DJ) * H'lpn * H^^n -ly, -D Longitude, "D pni.P -ways, 131^7 Longsome, tedious, m. s. "^l^i2D " "^^^^J^p Longsuffering, m. s, D^a^? *in^ R. Pj^i^ Longwinded, -breathed, m. s. T\V\ *"^"!^^ Look, (see behold) -about, be circumspect, "iHtn -every way, T]}^^ n^^ij mr\ ♦ rtlDl^ no ni^ -back, (behind him) vnn^^.jo conn -down, rii:^^? cosn -up, n^;;;::)^ onn r. D3^ -out, choose, ih^-outat a window, llv'nn TV^ ^{P.^J^O to appear, nlN"in * nl^^n -N. HiS-ip Looking, m. s. good-, HiSnp *nlD ill-, Hijnp *i;-l -glass, HHinp Loom, D^^nli^ ni^pb nn^pp Loop, HN^^^ -hole, D^5P Loose, to unbind, Hn? nJlH R. ini let-, ♦ hW * nain n^:n r. nr get-, ncosin * ^p3 ^ii^^ break-, p2) * nS^ be-, (of body) D.'^i??? TilT) * imW (in manners) * I/n^H anlt^ be-, tottering, VJJl^nn -N. m. s. free, * ^p^T\ * ''pj -I^^COa lax, HDn * "1"! R. 13") (of body) * T^P? nbh Loosely, not fast, ll**?")? irregularly, 1'Tp? i^'^tp Loosen, relax, n§1»l untie, "IJ^H part, l*""]?!"! Looseness, depravity, T]'2Wi^ * mXfj? (of body) "'^H D;X?pn • hphp Loosening medicine, D^ij^/p p^'I.P R. 'p'p^ Lop, (a branch) Ibj Loquacious,m, s. Dnai *n|1P 'D^n^lJf *^'^V^. LOQ— LOY jm Loquacity, Dnni "^inn * D^nD?!^ n^ii^ Lord, inn^n -N. a supreme person, Itl/ a master, \^li^ a ruler, hp^D a nobleman, T^ri^ -liness, n^*Ti3 * Ip'"^ -ly, nvni/Og -ship, dominion, nbu/DD (a title) 1^2:^ T^hjiO Lose, surter loss, (he) i:;5P*TniJ (in play) 12^ Loser, m. s. 13 ^D ^i!!l^^ Loss, damage, pT!l be at a-, "^llin Lot, chance, npHI/D a portion, p?!! * HJD cast-, * 7"^Sn ^nl2 "112 it fell to him by-, 1^ Hl-in H^;/ ^Di -tery, T Lotion, HDlin^ VO"!? Loud, m. s. riDin -ness, iTplH * yip -ly, —2 Love, ^n^ -N. fondness, Hlinj^? courtship, niDJi/. be in-, 3nj^ make-, TyV^"^ ^^]?^ ^f!,"^!^/")?"! "letter, ni3« D^nJi/. -hness, nuni;. * Dj;/ j -niy, -3 -ly, m. s. * n1^^? tn *^;?3 -r,-Ti"n * nni^^-sick, m. s. ts^p^^^ ''r\h'r\ -song Loving, m. s. p^H ^DirTI -kindness, m^^HT -ly, — H Lounge, V. ^V^H * ^tD^ 3i:^;i -er, m. s. h'^y * ^^^ Louse, n33 pi. D^33 -V. -liJ2 Low, to bellow, r\bn * ^1p ]ra -N. m. s. humble, * ^5;i^ •>irn little, IIOj^ weak, t^^^H cheap, ^IT^ with a -voice, liDJ ^1p5 -born, DH^H *]1C0p Lower, to humble, ^^iCi^H ' ST^^n * n?jt? (one's self) ♦^/^SH ni^ijn -most, ^rinn * n^nnn * ;i]inn Lowing, n;^^5 Lowland, pDif'* H^D^i^ -liness, ni^?fii^ -ly, -3 Lowspirited, m. s. t]^r * 3^1? ' Hn *-|D Loyal, m. s. ^^^^"37 * 23?"Dri -ally, —2 -alist, m. s. '■>'o^n Djy D^t:^ *in^ -aity, niD^?^ * mD\?n 222 LUC— LUX Lucid, Tnn ♦ ny * nin^ -ity, m■l^n n • inb ♦ ninv R. nn^; Lucifer, Itlti; ]^ bb^n -ous, m. s. Tb^P Luck, n:2y_(2 good-, nn^^n ♦ nico ^T,p iu-, nin * 'rr^ n -iness, nn^VD -ily> -^ -less, -"IDH? * ^tO J^n H Lucky, Lucre, n.^^1n R. b^^ * H]! -rative, -nniD Ludicrous, ':vb * pny -ly, -111^ Luggage, nnu? * np9i?D ' mD R. ^^t:^:) Lukewarm, moderately warm, DlH K7T ^p i^7 * D'^")t^iS Ch. indifferent, D^^D * ^^^T^D Ch. -ness, p^?n Lull, (to sleep) \W^ compose, Option Lumber, D^^.1^5 ' D^3^^ D"^??? Luminary, m. s. 'l^'K^p -minous,m. s. I^Htp Lump, shapeless mass, 0715 * "l^lH gross, 77^ Lunacy, n^^H bin^5 ^pD -natic, m. s. inj/in.^n^ip R.i/T 'hb2 Lunar, Hn-JH ^^T Lunation, H^-^n HDIpn R. Hp'^ Lunch, DH^ nSl * ^^X tO^/p Lung, n^n -grown, -H ^ip: Ch. (for ^"1 1:^3 ) Lure, i^^Wn -N. lli^^O R. t^m Lurk, • -^ 2^i^ -er, m. s. 21^t^ -ing place, 21i^D Lust, --npti^n ^n?.^?n^ -n. p^n ^nWri -fui, m- s. nB\ *^:qw * n]^r\ *bv?^ -fuiness,-n;?» n^^iop r. ddt Lusty, m. s. ^^DVi * ptil -tiness, ph * pth -tily, —2 Lustre, brightness, "inb * IH) / JllTHn Lute, (a stringed instrument) llt^jt/ /p.? Lutheran, m. s. 'lU^'6 HjlX ^^^v'PO -ism, ^U^^h ^Hp? Luxuriance, exuberance, i/SLf/ * .IT -riant, I/Qt^? * 3^^ Luxurious, voluptuous, m. s.n J ?:?ri ^^^^p O^J^ilD LUX— MAH 223 Luxury, -riousness, ]T)77lr ^ill^^jt/r^n Ly^^ -icent, m. s. '^^^bD nHH *-n^^: ' T : T Tv: V Magnifier, m. s. h'^^^D -nify, h"!^ * N^5 -nitude, blil Mahometanism, IDViD nilD * D^^iSJ^Dtf'^n n^lD^^. .etan. 224 MAT— MAK m.s. — 2 *^Q^^;:: nni«-^^^;::D Maid, n7^nn * hdiv * nnx;^ a littie-, njpp nnj;; -semnt, ^p^!t -enhead, virginity, D^IH^ Majesty, lljl * Tin * n'Ti^^Pi -tically, -3 -tic, m. s. * 11\^2 T Mail, armour, ]1n;i? (of letters,) n"^");^^ b^S^^I^ nnr^pSl Maim, p^\n * • -a DID \m -N. pTJ * D'lD Main, m. s. important, IJ^'^ forcible, pjn chief, IJ^j/ * t^^^ the gross, /JDH *^D by -force, Hb^ -tyj t^^^l? *mast, t^K-in ]nh ^sail, \^1t?P Maintain, nourish, ^3^3 R. h^2 defend, ''^^ P| justify, p^i'lVD -able, justifiable, p^V^ -tenance, H^np * n'?^!?? Major, elder, ^J^t greater, 7l"T^ * Ci^X") -ality, (the office) — n T^np^ the greater number, 3*1 Make,formini::^ *D^fe^ ^nt^^jy *^i;s force, Di^? *nn?nch. (this verb is often expressed with the characteristic of bp^^ and h^V,?^n as NT^ make afraid, liHln make ac- quainted) -a fool of him, 13 vJlH -me friends or enemies, D^n^it^ D^nnii^ ^b ri^p he wants to -thee believe, •nJllnSj^ Nn I 4t my study, ^^IH *'V?n 73 -an alliance, H^n nhS -away with himself, nj^"!^ ibvi? 7?^? n;;pn R. ;;-T'> ' n^D -better, ^pjl * 3^t?\'l -worse, J^nH R. ^Jl") -one's fortune, ntJ^Vnn -free with me, >b HK? j^n? "^I^S;; ^D^O''? -boast of, "^jLf "iNt^nn -haste, IHD -merry, Hb^ -money, nl!lin ' ]1n -one's self ready, \']'3il -a story, 37^ i^'*13 -amends, : D?^ -sure of "3 HbS -up a match, or marriage, '^'^^ -up a difference, Dj;^ HI^H -water, jriti^n *D^D H>*'£?n R. 7tDi -words about a thing, j^v'D "1^55 H -wonder of, "bn^ni^n •• T ; • Maker, m. s. nit^'\V ^^ISS creator, nVV * i^")l3 MAK— MAN 225 Making, n^j;5 ♦ n^i;;? * n-rv^ * '^^^^l? Malady, nj^np * '>^n * m-[D Maleadministration, O^ti^^n mi;/ -content, m. s. * |.:?1^^nD DvnnD -diction, nbhp * D"in -faction, * D:r^^ * rt^"^ ;;^^ -factor, m. s. D^^S *t:'''^^ ♦ kSCOln * f/Ci^lS!) -practice, V^-l^./\ l^?^ -volence, malice, mi/Ji^") * H^W * Dy^^ -volent, malicious, m. s. n;l1^^ * IV * ;;^n Maliciously, n^Tti^in * HNj^-i * ^n^^it -i Malign, -nant, m. s. envious, T\^^p^ *^VJ^' \%^^ R» "1"^^ pestilential, TT^npn^rV^D R. mD -nancy, H^-J R, i;n -nantly, HI/'lll Mallet, Y^^ t^^\^^ Malt, D^:^5: Dni;;^ -floor, — ^ np^^ Maltreat, ]r\r\ R. i/n Malversation, Hlpj^ * "^^^P"! Mammon, tr^on * ]ln * ]1;:3D Ch. Man, furnish with men, J^IIV "^^^l/ng ptHH -N. a human being, D^JJ male, ti^^>^ every-, —73 no-, — ]''^^t -of v^^ar, a warrior, H^On^p ^^^^l;^ (a ship) -l^-qK "^^ -servant, HnJi^P to act the-, t^^j^^ nSni iptnnn -by-, -rriiSt inj? • ^^"^ u;^\!< -eater, m.s. D"Ti^ ^tl^H *^D\^ -hater, m. s. D•7^^ ""n *^^3it:^ -slayer, m. s. t:^^: *n?P -slaughter, HJJ^J^n t^^D^ H^P R. hd: Manacles, D''|5"^T^? Manage, conduct, ' '3 JH^HH discipline, Ip*? govern, " '3 "1^1/ -ment, jn;p * -n;^^ •")V^.p ^n^-i^ti^ -able, m. s. i/jd: -r, m. s. frugal, DVDVD Ch. * C02it:^;23 n^DHV *^D^DD a conductor, ^nip * ;^n:;p Mandate, HIVP * HTp^ -datory. '•I'lV Mandrakes, D'^^^^11 2 K 226 MAN— MAN Manful, n^ ^^p^^. * b)r\ il*^^ -ly, nhn vp^^n * ^^nn Mange, ^n^/ Mangy, m. s. *121 J^'Ht?^ H^H Manger, D1!2?< Mangle, lacerate, Ht^S * ^h^D smooth, p^Hil * |^n^ -N -gler, m. s. p-^hm * l^mp Manhood, courage, 3 -^H V^i^ virility, nn| fjS * p^^ Maniac,m. s. i/^t^^D Manifest, H^in *;;iln -N. plain, m. s. j;;n^*'^^^5 -ation, n^^yzDH %-ix;iin.iy, n^^-im *''i^:)-i-o,n;;-riD riTDD Manifold, m. many, D^'Iin divers, 1D^2W * D\::^p D^;*'^ Mankind, IDl^ ^22 * ^^l^i^lH ]^f2 -like, -ly, -|2J3 * ^^ll t^'^ij^S -liness, n v^n i^px * nnu^i Manna, (a miraculous food) \D Manner, custom, JH^Q way, ]^'^ * Tl.?. in what -soever, D^3|iX ^1 S;; in like-, H^n mtl/t?^ in usual-, J^H^? -ly, civil, m. s. X^^ 11'n. *^if? * D^JD ""^^^ civilly, * mD^I/;? Manners, good-, n^'^lH^n * Dj;/^ * r^^r2^il2 ill-, -IDh two -ofways, D^?1ti^ D^?£)X "^J^i^ Manor, -T^n^n ni^ip? Mansion, nj^^to n^!l R. Dt^^^ Mantle, to cover, HD? -N. HD^.l? * nniX Mantua, b^iJD -maker, m. s. D^i^^ifP *nfe^1i; Manual, by the hand, m. s. 11^3 sign-, *T^ 3^3 Manufacture, HC!^;; -N. t^iH Htr^jyp *m^nDr»5s^p --er,m.s. ip^it *n;^ln ♦t^nri Manumission, ^;i^£3n^ HlW "inn^i^Ch. Manure, (see Dung) -able, ;;ir> ♦ 13 "13;;*^ * njl^ Manuscript, l^nnD =*^i Many, m. Dn**?? * D^an f. nl31 as-, -)|5P^? as- times as, MAN~MAR 227 nV H>D^ a great-, 21 JlDH just so-, H^.SD -times, nin"5 D^pr? how- times, D\pi;S n;25 too-,np 11 -sorts, n^DI HM -coloured, m. s. ^"^^W D^2^2i Ch. D^l/n^ W -cornered, niVp HniD -headed, D^^iS"! HllD Map, pNH ngD * nir-T;pn nl^^^^ n^'? Mar, nn^ * ^j;5^[5 * p\rn*R. ^^p ♦ pn Maranatha, XnX HD Ch. T -; ' TT Marauder, ^Tllt^ * Ui -1 Marauding, m. s. TIl"nn^ hbt^'^'bt^h *OJi^S Marble, tl/'^tl/ ]2i< -hearted, m. s. 2^ *n^p March, i/bj -N. H^p? (a month) l'^}] D'^;3t^ ::^in * 11^ Margin, ,15^ ♦ h^2^ (of a page) ]V^^ -al, —h^ Marine, a mariner, Hf^Tlbf^h D*n IIV T T ; • - T - Maritime, D'H 7Si^ Hn ^l/ T- //V //I //-^ Mark, ^'^1 (with chalk) Hin observe, iD^ -out, ^""inn -N. impression, DJ^") * in (to shoot at) HICOD R. "103 V T ^ ' TT - aim at a-, ~7 H^^^ hit the-, -sman, —h |:i2 Market, -place, p^U; -price, -H ""i;;;^ -able, iniD^ 12^^ Marl, -)Dn -pit, -n^^^n Marly, ~i^h?2 MarriagcHJinri *D\Slii^: -supper,-njn^p -articles, ♦D^b^;^ \'i^M^i^ im give in-, n^.S^ lb innihj -bed, tl"^-)?)^. -dress, H^n '^K^ll/'D -maker, |D^^ -portion, \r: -able, m. s. nt^'i^ Kc^^ ^li^n f. s. iStJ^^n^.Ti^-) T • T • T •• T • : T ; Married, m. s. DW^ b]J2 f. s. tl/'^iii Dpiji .Morrow, HlD * "^Ip^ -less, —^^2 * 2^^!^ Marry, (as the priest) i^^Tip jh; (as the man) n^K i^Ci^: (as the woman) l^^i^h iSCi^ll Marsh, ]V * p R. ]^vn -y, -^^?^p Marshal, field-, i*5^-)^Z^ * l^^^'H^^^P-ship, -n^p?! Mart, a place of trafiic, "iHOp DlpP 228 MAR-MAT Martial, (affairs) tlDnhn bt^ -law, nDuhj^n ^;^♦:« ^^t^D Martvr, m. s. DC^*."! ^I^p bv *r»D *1:^*DrnDD -dom, c^^n :i^i"np ^j; nn'^p (D;:*n is put for mn'^) Man^el, H^na^H * DDin^i^H -lous, ^hp} 4ously, ^'^^^H^ Masculine, s. male, 12's maiilv, ")3<2D Mash, bruise, ^^yn * i^DT -N. (for cattle) h'^h'D, Mask, masquerade, 2^Bnnn * HSntp^H -X. * HipC np; ^r:>ns Ch. Mason, jDiJ ^^^HH -n*, HD^^^P Masora, HnikPP * nniDD Masorites, -'^^^'n Mass, a lump, itn * i^^? R. NtT^ (for the dead) n^jStrr Massacre, J^^JHT D^^^^J D^np ^nn -N. 31 ;snn * H^OD Massive, m. s. 133 ^ ^11^ -siveness, 133 * bll) * mD Mast, (of a ship) |in * 73n Master, 'bl! "13^ H * n^5 -his own passion, il'f'. tl*22 -N. director, HliD R. H")'' chief, -of arts, 3"! owner, ^jL*3 ' pl^^ Master! ^3^^^ -of the hoi^ to the king, ■^^.p H^pp 1?^ -in business, ]^^ one's own-, IDVP^ l^ij ^i^e- like man, V5^^^3 T3r3 -less, m. s. *i^ ]iTjj ^h -ship, * mi'^np ri^:p>? -ly, -3 -piece, -stroke, ]r2'^ n3i^^P -y, * Hvi r»n^32 '^32^ T ; V V Mastification, '0^}t!^n n3"^np * HD'^i?^ Ch. Mat, D''?)^ riTpl Match, to couple, "13)1 * ;sy Ch. -N. a contest, n^HTp an - equal, m. s, ' b "1311 *X?"?. R.nXJI a marriage, ^IIT (Avhat catches fire) nnS3 ^Up" 4ess, m. s. JL*"). 1^ ^iSt -lessly, 1VP7 "^^3 Mate, m. s. 1311 * n^PJL* * J"}, (in command) lL*^lb "^3?^ Material, corporal, •^>315 * V^? Ch. important, lj5y "li^j; MAT— MEA ^S» .1st, m. s. nv?nnn nst^vP? *^n5p -ism, ^i^i^h -ity, n^3?i5 • n^Dtf^5 -ly, ii/^i'R -s, ilDi * niTiD"; Maternal, D^^? Mathematic8,-lU*t^^';^"np:D^ * HTip * '^D'^JH -ically, -^i^j^ Mathematician, m. s. -n T'^'^D I^HD Matins, n^nnji; n^sri R. 7^S) Matrix, the womb, DHH * ]tP5 Matrimony, D^h^liS^: -nial, —htl/ Matron, an old woman, D^D*^ T)^2 a nurse, H^Dt^ • T - T T V V Matter, body, ^^^ * npH affair, 12'! pus, HnCO Mattress, HTD") * I/^p R. I/^^ Maturation, blCS^3 -rative, m.s. ^''t^^^ Mature, m. s. ripe, n^2 perfect, D/t^^ -deliberation, ]1135l3ni7 -rely, -D -rity, n^?2bt(; -age, ^^1 ^D"; Maugre, in defiance, ^"^n? * D^^J^fly Mausoleum, n^lT^ih nniDp ^2^^ R. 3^'' Maw, stomach, (13 p Maxim, 7^3 May, yb^ (this verb is generally expressed with the future, as, yD^i^ thou mayest eat, T^}j^]}r\ it may be done) -N. •^3t^n rr t^Th ♦ t\^ ch. Mayor, T;;n"'^n:^ln ri}^i r. 3::''^ -auty, — n^i^a Me, ^ .(always affixed, as ^r*"!^ f^^^ ^( to me, "^^7?^ ^^^^^ ^^ Mead, (a drink) ti^37 ^D Meadow, ^H^ * i^^l Hlb^? ' I? Meager, lean, m. s. tr^^HD * pi * H R. ppl * ^H -ness, nipi ^niv'i *]ln-iy,-3 Meal, repast, niI?P * DnnSt flour, HOp. -man, -1310 Mean, nt^^H * 113 -N. vile, m. s. 1133 * DXQ: * ^£it:^ -while, 13 lifT 13 1g what does this-? ntr) (one's self) D^tD^H -er, m. s. ^^CO'^D * ]\^r\D Mendicant, m. s. IVnp * D^nnSnl ^1/ t^pDD ^i^lt:^ -dicate, D^nn?)n hp t^pn ^tj:j^ .dicity, D^nn^n hii nhm Menial, nit^^O * D'^n ]3 Menses, D^S!^3 ")TD Tl^ * flDI Ch. -strual, tl/lh^ tLlh Mensurable, "II(i^^ * "T^^ -surate, 11^ -suration, HTip Mental, ^^D^**'?Vj;f Mention, i;^7in 'ipn -N. njtjnin * ni^n r. jjt ^1:2 Mercantile, trading, "inlD relating to trade, "IPIDp 7fi2^ Mercenary, m. s. a hireling, "l*'?^^ selfish, S^^ *^T^"' Mercer, ^^^D T;!3 I^IO -y, "^t^^ 1^3 "inpO Merchandise, wares, rnlHD * HviDip ' Merchant, inlD * ^?1"1 -man, -H n»?^^ Merciful, m. s. Din"! ^D'^pn-l *J^.^D be-, DH"! 232 MER—MID Mercy, nli^nn * D'^pH-l ' H^pH -cifully, -2 -ciless, -^^? Mere, Merely, "^^^ Meridian, mid-day, D^nV (the line) nitJ^H 1]^ the highest, mi'^^l/n nh;:o n^nio Meridional, nn;!:) Merit, m.s. "r^^'l^n Opti^pj*!'? nVH? -N. "ID^ * PID? -orious, m. s. r]T]r} *T\'2P * ]1Jn Ch. -oriously, * ^*)Nn3 Merriment, Hn;??!^ * nHH * n^ niD -rily, -D ^. \ Merry, m. s. ^HV * n.^ti^ *3^ *alCO make-, Tim * H'nn Mesopotamia, D^linj D"!^ Mess, D^^■^5.^?^ ")?nnn -n. nnn^? Message, mD^?'7D * niH^^?^ Messenger, ^^^D * H'^^'^ Messiah, n^'t^D Messmate, (my) m. s. IV}^ \nhlL; bv ^^V *^?^^^ Messuage, ^^^ID n*"!! R. 1^^ Metal, (as gold &c.) n^ri^ R. ^H: -lie, -^^ Metamorphosis, nll^-VH ni^nif^H Metaphor, ^^D * HTH -ically, -"Tl.*;? Metaphrase, nj^n^n ' X^^TSn Metaphysics, D^Dt^CZDH ni*:nnn niin -ical, — b^ -ician, 2 *T/2?D Meteors, DV^^H nin1^^ -ologist, ]ny^ -ology, — n^/H^, Methinks, *>? HK"!? Methought, *^^ nj?"!? Method, ")7P -ically, — D -ise, "THD Metre, nlmnH ^[^ti^D Metropolis, r\f\k'\ri "V}} * nDbp;^.^ dis;i 'TV Mettle, ^^i^x ' ri; * nw -d, m. s. i(^m * r^ Microcosm, (the world) jlnnrin oblj; Microscope, ^^^-)?5^-'7nJQ nCOSH^^D R. 0^3 Mid, Midst, D*!?"^? * r? * ]^^^^ * "11^ * ^li?. -^ay* 0^1?^ MID— MIL 233 I -heaven. 0:}$^n 2'? v.-p -laud, yn^r, 3-)!? -niglu, 'ir!? "i^n -stream, nHin 2b -summer, Um nDlpfl -way. Iim 1-1.T .wife. mJllD -wifery. -H n^N^D -winter, nnDriDlpn ' ' '' ' Middle, lin-aged. nn^^pn ^a^a m. s. •rj^' nnnpn-part, "1^.?'!' P^n -sized, ^i-Tj 'n^^ licop^ fit, .Jost, • y^'m2 Ch.' 11^3 -of the world, 'pjiri -)13^ " ' ' ' Middling, ijirn •Jiro • nitt*n jron 'iz-ypncii. Mien, air, n^-jD ' D13X nirn manner, JHOp Might, -iness, '^^n 'D^j; ' tjiph 'nh'D] 'n-r\23 -iv 'm I Pin • ns (of dignity ) ^"Tj -iiy, -3 ' ' nNo n^m Mighty, N. m. s. '^^n •ti'\^ -ris r\y2> ^^ira 'prn DV:.'^ • f\w ' 1^21 • r;;. • i-nj ., ad, -I'^p ■' ' " " Migrate, j;/fc)3 -tion, H^pj -tory, m. s. HUSy] ^^in Milch, D^n nar r. oit (animal) njj^ro Mild, m. s. indulgent, 3n: • ^0 pleasant. ti>p -ness, nun;! • nic3 • mn''^ j -ly, -3 Mildew, (in plants) JlpT; ' Mile, Np-jD Ch. -stone.\rNri ^SK Mihtant, ra. s. Dn>3 Military, w'arhke, HDn^a W Militate, --Hajrin '''' MiUtia, (a force) ^3^ iXVI"' "'5f I^H Milk. K 3^^n -V. -n^if".maid. -ng^ii? -man. -IDiO -white, -3 13^^ -y, yielding-, -n3T -^ow, TSpy^n rfia -pail.ptDj^ Mill, stamp, B'n3 grind, ]hB -N. ]inp -horse, IB'X DID D^D'^p inx -stone, (upper) 33"! (nether) U'T\'\ .iteeth, Mij;jj1?0 -er, ]nio Millenary. t)S« i»B' Millennium, D^Ja* f).^N Millet, (a plant) in'l 2 F 234 MIL— MIN Millinery, tj^p: ^^i? Millener, -)?1D Million, Nin-) r\^6 * D^?)^J< ^l^i? Milt, spleen, ^h^ Ch. Mimic, --2 hnn -N. m. s. bpiTlD -ry, b^l^Tl Mince, Dn.n^ nt| -cingly, p^H p^H Mind, attend, pmn * 3^»pn nb^ ''bv_ 3^? 0''^ -^' opinion, njj'l R. I/l*" * H^t^np intelligent power, b^'P wish, 3.^ ' \*Dn have a-, ^^DH * 3i^n I have no-, * "^3^5 j^^jt •"nVgn tib bear in-, call to-, iDT put in-, I'^Stn put out of-, n3^*3teipn change the-, DHjn lam not of thy-, 'q'^niD^n;? ^nlntz/no ^b of one-, nni^ i^?? -fuU m- s. n^J2^pP *-)nn *n\nr -less, m. s. -1:):^^? -fullness, T T »: - • ; Mine, pron. '^ W Mine,V.nn3 * "ISH-N. (containingmineralsinDIlD DlpD a hole, -)in ♦ nniKiD ♦ nhnD r. ^^n Miner, ni^riD D'j^iH -ai,n5r)p R.*]n:i-aiist,nlDri?3 r^/? -aiogist, nl^riDn nvjifn^pg nj^np -aiogy, nj;/n: Mingle, ^'^3 * 2y^ -N. ^13^ -l * iS;i3U-lI/ Miniature. nnV:^ * n^D1 T : Minion, a dependant, m. s. ^n^Dvb ti^H?? * ^^H Minister, attend on, "b ]n? * ni?? n^^ -N. (of the state) ny^if^n n^nnb iro (of the church) u^^bt^b jrls Ministration, Mininstry, 113(13 Minor, m. s. petty, COj;;^ * IjL/V? * ^It^^ll 1:\^ under age, licoj; ♦*1DVJ^ n^ti^in t^v't^^'-ity, 'nils??! c^j;;p i^.pp Minstrel, (a band) D'^^l.^tpH n^H^ Mint, (for coinage) Ch. jt/itpp flpi^.^P Dipp MIN— MIS 285 Minute, niVp3 nh5 * tb^ -N. moment, i]}n little, DDIi^D -book, D^Dnn "IDD -ness, particulars, DIVDV di. -ly, —2 Miracle, r\?lD R. T\^'^ -culous, ^hp^ -culously, r^^i^DH^ Mire, f]?^ -N. dirt, f]^^0 * tt^S)'! Miry, m. s. ^^12 Mirror, a looking glass, Ht^^D pi. HIK^ID Mirth, 2h nio * nbn)Sf:i -fui, m. s, aV *nlD * hn\: Misadvise, j;-|7 \*if;| -vised, m. s. V^h *|^^1: Misanthrope, m. s. t^l^ ""^n *K5lJJ^-thropy, D'lJ^ •'i? Pi^^'tl/ Misapply, ^'^ph ^DH n'? -plication, ]1DJ? xW tDS^"p' Misapprehend, ran:i^52^n ^hll -hension, H^in n^'H^H noh Misbehave, ;5njnn7 j;/in -viour, n?;!.^^ JIH^D * "ii'ij/ii Misbelief, IfJ.^ n^l.tD.iji -liever, m. s. "iKW ^b:\ri *^DW Miscal, (him) lS N^ D^i^n iiS-jj^ Miscalculate, li-lt^^nB Dt^^n^njCO -tion, Hnti^n^H n'lI/CO ^ ir. " : II -; - t ' //t t -; - - -^ t Miscarriage, ill success, nn7Vnn HDh * HDO^ il^nlil abortion, ^ID;^ -carry, H^^VO ^^^ ' ^???^ Miscellany, nl3n];n -neous, U^:^^ D^^^P h^ Mischief, pn * Hl/n -chievous, m. s. p^TD * ];ijP R. J/n Misconceive, Hi^CO -ception, Jlii/CO Misconduct, i;-| JHJD TTI Misconstruction, ni"! ilp^n -strue, * COSt^^D {<^ iilS Miscount, isD^ niiiD^ r^n i^^ Miscreant, m. s. 7^j:D * 7i;^.73"in Misdate, (earlier) ]D} Dni^H (later) ]r2\ inSt Misdeed, ri n'^V_D * ^11/ Misdemean, j;-!n * Vl.[;i ^nnn ^'^H -or,]/*] Hfc^jg.;? 'b}V Misemploy, (him) HilDJ "'^-l IB ^f^mn Ch. Miser, m. s. ]Vap * •^^\3 -erable,m. s. stingy, W^^D "IPDP 236 MIS— MIS unhappy, TlK ^Dl'^-^Ht^^p bad, I'^D *V1. -erableness, n^n * nnV -ery, m^*"? " nVl -erably, -3 Misfortune, T^^ MlDJ^ * Hln ♦ T£) *13C^' *i;^y one. after another, HiH ?;; HiH * nntT/ ^1? "int^^ Misgovern, n7l^^n '7Ji>;:: -ment, M^l^ ^ti^DO Mishap, I/in-lp^ *i;ja Misinform, H^l * jO^^ ^/'^llH ^^^ -ation,, r\V2n Misinterprete, ih^ lICO N^ Misjudge, li:D35 OD^ t<^ Mislay, Misplace, l3lDD bj} tiW ^^2 Mislead, np^nn * al? n^on r. hdh * Misraanage,to§;i^D5 ^^^ jmnn-ment, co5i^p*'^nni:!n5nn Mispeii, nh?^n riT^niiSn ni;o r, ^^q ' Mispend, npjli;b nj5 ♦ IBNt Misprint, Ch. DID'in ni^/D Mispronounce, N^5^ r?0 **/^5 Misquote, 15 t^^ p*'rijt;n -quotation, "Ji^l^ ^<^|^ ^PJ^VH Misrepresent, "^pt^b TV * 1^J2} * ?]n Ch. -ation, l\)p Miss, not to hit, t^iOH fail, "IDH -N. a young woman, HB (added to the surname, and sometimes preceded by the proper name) as ]y? ]13 or ]Z17 H5 vHn Mission, n^pti) n^DJ^^D -ary, n^iDb^n b^i:T\b D''l5:n n^si^D Mist, ^Dny ^ T)^ Misty, niaj;; * ]3;;p Mistake, Hi/^ MJ!^ -N. fiivi^ ' r^^^''^f Mistress, a concubine, ti^^v^ a governess, T)lf^7D * 1^59^ (of ahousej n^^H r\h}]2 (in addressing her) nf^ (added to the surname) as DI/2T n^Jjt ^ijll 1 Kings xiv, v. 0. Mistrust, "2 \o^n ^phu • n:Di^ ivn ♦ im ch. -n. m9^? Iph ♦ IJrn -fully, -3 -less, m. s. 7D? *rp^^9 Misunderstand, "^nn^? Hi/tO -iug, error, ni];^ MIS--MOL 287 Misusage, 0^^^?",^^^ p^^ ^'^?P Mite, a moth, t^'J^ ♦ DD a small thing, IJ^tO tOjt/p Mitigate, bi^n -tion, m-'j^ -tor, ^^pD R. S'?? Mitre, in3-i.Jpri;;3;p -a, — ^ni; Mix, mingle, 3"]J^ * 773 (liquors) 7n^ * *^&D -ture, mixed, nl3ni;n *'^Dp ^jrp (of grain, or species) D\S^3 Moan, pjij ♦ hh-^n * n?: -fully, H^^'^n * ^jJJ^?n Mob, a crowd, flpi3p^? ^^"l^'^jt/ Mock, "l^rin* "h ':sh * V'^b -N. false, nrl5 *f]np Ch- -ery, ntS * Pll"! ♦ ^iriH * ;i/_^ * JV:^^ Mode,jn:p **Ti.'i Model, delineate, lll^ ^TV * ")^0 -^^- a copy, ' ^V)f Moderate, regulate, ^^'II/H *DVPV Ch. suppress, * *^5ti? ■^Ji^n (between persons) HWH * ^t^g -one*s passion, pS.Snn * nn ^3^3 (in eating) ^pt^^D-l H^ID -1 h'Di^ (in drinking) HTliJ^pZl Hh^-N. m. s. Tipp (in expressions, or wants) IDi^^DIl lO") V V121 '75^3;^ -erately, * 111? J^3 0§:{;p3 Tllti^n jrm -eration, equanimity, CDp:^ frugality, DIV^V -orator, m. s. ni:i^/3 "'l^^Q * "I'^PP Modern, not ancient, 3i")pD m. s. U/IH -erns, D''^1■l^^jt Modest, m. s. chaste, jt/I^V discreet, "iHt^ humble, 13X/ be-, n3^Xf:3?n r. ^\hn -y, ni;;^:v * ni5i;'-iy,-3 Modifiable, 1131 -ification, nj3n -ify, I'lpn Modulate, blpH D^UpH -tion, D;;^ -tor, ^IpH D^Jt/CpD Mahommedan, m. s. D'^h^V^ll/^n ri5i;3iSt,^nn^ *^^^?P Moity, ^Vn Moist, m. s. mtoi * n^ -en, Dconn -ure, mn.^ R. mV Mole, a spot, Dr\3 (an animal) rnSjIlDH Molest, D"^j;?nn ♦ Dbn * j;n?in -ation, hf^nD * n:o^ 238 MOL-MOR Mollient, 'T^3-)5 • ^^p^D R. hbp -lifiable, m. s. r^^r^ * ^pj; -lification, 'rjl^n -lify, bpn * rpTS Molten, pVID R. p^f^ -image, HDDO R. ^Di Moment, minute, ]}y) importance, nm^'ti^ri -arily, D^Jt/H"!? -ary,r^n? -uous, •y\t^r\ np^^ Monarch, *?lSn * CO'^v'g^ * ^tJ^iD -ial, ~b\n -ical, -T finn Monarchy, tVO/^ Monastry, (see Abbey). •Monday, nn^?*^:)^' DV Money, n^in: 'ir]i jips nj;;?^;? ch. \nu^p ch/ii^p ch. ready-, D^'J^Tp Dli/D want of-, "^pH -less, m. s. "IPD * 2^1 * ""^J^ ' ]?PP * ^"^ I^' bb'l he his covetous to get-, lln^^nn? ^Jt/Vn^^p? n^1^^-hideth all defects, Dnrpp inop 3nn >^p3 -does every thing, Pipsn Moneyed, m. s. y^\;^'S ' nHin Jp'D'D. *135 Monger, m. s. ]r^^:^ m'l: * IDID Monitor, m. s. 'T>nT5 * T^^5 R. li;; Monologue, (with himself) iDVi? T?'' 'i^*'? "'''^'^ Monosyllable, r^m H^l^n H^p R. ^^D Monster, HJ^Q HNJnn -trous, HH'? -l -trously, lUt^h IV Month, t^^-Th '♦ HT -ly, t^lH? ti^lh ^^D Monument, nnVO R. 3^'' set him up a-, HD^^D 1^ 1^ D^-VH -ai,:n3r'7 Mood, ^^n-n M?^^ Moon, n:2b * nT -beam, -H l^p -light, - H^lli Moor, fix a ship, H^:^ n)iV -N. a negro, ""ti^lD a bog, * JV p R. Y)^:i -ish, -^^?^p -ing, ^;?^^^ nvrp Dipp Mop, N. (to clean with) niinp ^^i^s * T;/, R. Hi;; '^^ I Moral, (of human life) ^y\ * -3n?P * »1'1P R. 1T12 (of a fable) MOR— MOR 239 IplQ bl{;D -isation, -ID^D nHDln R. ID'^ * n^> -ity, morals, ^0112 nlmiS -ist, m. s. n^lD -ize/ n;2^ n^Din -ly. nD« n Morbid, m. s. nn^D * nbh -ness, nHiii^ * "^hh T ; T V » .. . Morbific, n^HpD * N^i^nD More, ad.lU^ nnV ^'l^ )^_St3 as Tl;; nltS^fi"? H? what is there- to be done? I'iS ^^^ ")?*!! ^plH ^?? njn na'in tell me no- of the matter. "^^ 11;; ii^] it wants no-. innlH ^l^D IJlV H^j^ he did- than his duty. Dj;;p Ti;; a little-, li;; n^ no-. vn:\2 'i^ nnv -or less. nnn^ ]? IniS ^l^;^^ "l.^.^^^ the- they afflicted him the- he multiplied. i^vp.Nt ]p ^5,^ % n^^n ^"'pli^ nti^iitD the- I reflect the- I f nd. 21} ^'^H -and-. More, N. m. "D 3"]* "D D^IlH as "^"ip DT -than enough. 3-in ^^^n;:: 2Vn ^bhn ^^n D'^nn -died by famine than by the sword. Moreover, 1^S') Morning, Ipii * in^ -prayer, nnHt^ 7n^n ]! v^DH -star, "in;?^ (|l ^h^n in the grey of the-, ♦ Ip^lB nl^?^ np3n 11i^3 next- nin^Q tin the next-, mn^^ TXf ' V — ; T t; T / tt; t ; — good-, (to f.) i^n-lD^ (to m.) i^ioh i^nCD iSnSiV Ch. (in *^ ' ' ttt:^ ' tt; tt t;- Hebrew, the salutations in the morning, evening, or night, are all alike expressed with Dl/fiS^ or ^^ISt 'J^JI.Il^. Morose, m. s. \^^hnD *D;nr\?2 * ]^'\1 -ness,n;i'7r^ 'HD^-in Morrow, "iriD to morrow, rn")nD7 the day after to-, T T tt; t ; •' ' ^2^n np> n^in?^ * ^^^St^n aV2 to- morning, HDsti^nn nnob to- night, nnnr^n ^^^n tt;-; tt; O' ■rT:T- ••: Morsel, n^ * rl^TlS * COP "^rt;^ IDV^ Mortal, man, nri1Dri]5 deadly, n'^pO a- disease, "^IStyHn np a- wound, HJO n?p R. HD^ -weapon, JlID *«'?^ -enemy, r\)J^h ^})it/ -hatred, r\)Bh lH HlSt?^ -sin. 240 MOR— MOV V T ~ ; • : " "^ T : *• ■•■ ••• t - Mortar, (to pound in) t^^riDP * Hplip (cement) * "IDlH Mortgage, Ch. I'DpDhn^^b * D'^DD? inr?^ Ch. ♦03^ deed of-, l^n?5^? n:0?^Ch. -gagee, m. s. *]5tL^p ^j;/*ni^D £0U:r.)5 -gager, m. s. ]^pD h}: *^)j? * VD^^ T?i;;^P Mortify, to gangrene, C0n7nn humble, i?'^3pn -tification, Mortmain, D^l;; T\hn Mosaic, n^'^^P R. n^L^^ Mosque, D^'7^^:f;/?:i^^n 1^1 n^^n r. ni;'' Most,nn -high, X^h]:i -holy, D^ti^ni^ Si^lp -of all, ^3^ 11 -iy,nh^ Moth, DD * m R- ^^I^ -eaten, -I^D^^ Mother, DISt R. "OO^ -in Law, (his) H^nin (her's) nlDH -less, Dij^ r^i^n -ly, Di?3 -tongue, (his) 112]; t'^I^^ -wit, l^^^n ^:)k^ by the -'s side, D^^ IVD Motion, act of moving, T\]P\Vr\ * n^lliri a proposal, HV;; R. r;;^ -less, m. s. r^ *T3 ^ t ^^ R- I^lt Motive, D^IT) * n|ip R. a3D Move, change place, I/bJ* ' '^ P^t^L? (^om it's proper place) nn disturb, ;;*'?n (violently) j;r;;r stir, ^ir * J/l^ (violently) jyri/'iTn * ti^j;;5nn * t:';;^ propose, ^i;^ affect, zh^ -i^yn (to pity) D^pnn n^Vn (to anger) Hipn "ini;; (to mischief) nn| (to sedition) n^'in ♦ 3.^ r^^r^ r. ni: ♦ nco:: -able, m. s. ;;ir * ;;in * 11^'^ * ^CO^CO^ -less, ->kh -ables, D^^P^t^p R. ^^0 -ment, Hlllin * HJ^I^n * H^n I' Moved, m. s. affected, Ill/J shaken, ;;5 Moving, touching, 3.^ nnil/P ' 1^-1 j^/Jl^ MOU— MUG 241 Mould, to model, llV ' TV -N. a form, tOnH * D1£:"1 or NDDD Ch. earth, n?2'li< Moulder, inlSHH -away, pJltJ^ -ing, m. s. ^'lISHp Mouldy, D^"fp3 n^n 11/2-^ * t^lV -iness, nU/^^n ^Ip: Mound, pn * hr\ • n^^lD Mount, ascend, Hyi/ (a horse &c.) 7V V'O^ T - T Mountain, IH -eer, in 2ll}V -ous, Dn.l \nX Mountebank, a cheat, "^^"J a quack, r^^ ^?"^"' Mourn, "^ TDD "bv h^^nn i:i1p -er, -ful, m. s. * l^lpD 7n^cr;p *^3.v^ -fulness, ^a^^ -ing,m7nii^ -dv]; -fuiiy. -n * n^3n1p * ^2V2 Mouse, -1551; -r, CnSDj^ Hl^l^ -trap, OnSDif n'iD'pD Mouth, (of an animal) HS * *'5 (of a haven, or river) nOtJ^ an opening, HJ^Dp * HH^ to come with open-, n§ 3n")n by w ord of-, H^D * H^ Sl/B to stop one's-, Hg DlDH a -ful, iS^D n^ -less, HQ ]\Sn Mow, (as a cow) ni?| cut, I'VjJ -N. a heap, * HDnj;;. n^i/ t!^nj -ing. time, i^)fpn nj; Much, a. m. s. 1^22 * 3*^ -, ad. in a great degree, * riBin ii^P very-,-TNpn-l-)n just so-, HjnS as- as, Ip^ ^3 twice as-, Dyii!p thrice as-, U^I^p"?^ four times as,- D^rii;?"iN how-, riB^ thus-, nn i^: too-, •^'ip 21 too- of one thing is good for nothing, ^niil ^"^pton ?3 .less, -more, "^2 ^^ * \2p ^2 ^b -the same, "^^^1 H]^ ^iDH I would- rather, ^'p 21 lO 21 Mucus, .in^l? ^^n^n^S *ti :\iufr, DH^ n^D3 Muffle, ^iDv * nb;; * mb (one's self) ^!7^nn * ^iDvnn -ler, n^i^i;_p * HLDX^P Mug,acup,ipjp. *p25 2 G 242 MUL— MUS Mulct, t!:^:y -N. ti;p * Dip Ch. -uary, -n^H)? Mule, m. s. 1*12^ Mulligrubs, t^n- nn njj^? Multifarious, D'^BI -ferous, D^^p D^;)^^ H^n? -fidous, D*^!!"! CD^nl^ni? ph^^^ -parous, nVnl::^ -pede. Multiplicand, ^DJ^ -plication, ilh"^^'^ -plier, ^^ID -plicity, "^inn -ply, bb2 ♦ ninnn -tude, "^p '* ]iDn * D^:ni Mummery, n^b^r\n * tJ^^Hp Ji^?n Mummy, (a corpse) COI^H np t^D^ Municipal, "l*";/ ^^ -ity, magistrates, I^^H n*>p2) Munificence, 1^2''^^ -icently, —2 -icent, m. s. 3? *3***73 Murder, H^n -N. Hn^VI ^ H^n -ously, -^ -er, * r\)inf2 nvin -ess, nn-p_/p Murmur, (see Grumble) Murrain, *)5?. Muscadine, sweet wine, D^Dl/ * ti^lT^II Muscle, fiber, *1]1*^P -cular, brawny, m. s. ^^''l!l Muse, to ponder, "innn R. niH -N. thought, "linnH Museum, D^p^ D^inil IVli^ Music, harmony, nr^p * rinpt * n^i (the science) "T't^rr np?n -master, --*ip^p -al, H"]^ -al instrument, "l*^^ "^^3 * r]^^]!^ Musician, m. s. J^5P Mussulman, jipWp Must, to be obliged, *^^!^ * nnDH Ch. (this verb is generally expressed with the future, as niDJJ) thou must die.) Mustard, P'^'in Muster, to collect, ^HpH * ^^^ review, 1p^ -N. * ny^V^ n^Hi^?) -master, D'^n^^LT/pn Dnipfi^n d^til -roll. MUS-NAM 243 Musty, mouldy, tt^nV * t^|.jyp -iness, jlnpT * m^y -ily, -2 Mutability, ni3n;:»n -able, n:}ji;\ • ^hn\ Mute, m. s. D?2'\1 -ly, DDI^H Mutilate, "2 U^D ]h^ * p^TH -Iated,m. s. DID *^j;n -lation, DID * pn Mutineer, m. s. DnnlDH DniDH ♦Ci^X") -tinous, m. s. miD • nniD -tiny, -ihD * nhD -n. iid * no •^ T T Mutter, D^np^i;^:n m. s. *'\3h b^ nn'H Mutton, i^^nS "1^5 Mutual, m. s. HT ^i^ HT -ly, niti"'^n Muzzle, DlDH -N. mouth, ^^ a fastening, DlDHD Myriad, i^lB"! *D^ti^^? nnfe'^. My, ^^\1} Myself, ""PVi;/;! "^^i? fit is, however, always ex- pressed by doubling the pronoun, as '^^^^ '^Il^jt or "^DJ^^ ^^jj? I myself, ^TpJ^^ Oj^? / myself have said.) Myrrh, "llD Myrtle, nl3^ * DIH Mystagogue, m. s. t^Tlv *]i3? Mysterious, m. s. IJip^ *Dinp -ly, "iriD^ Mystery, H^DD Mythographer, U^h^D innp Mythological, W'bpD bt^ -ogist, D\^;j^/P n^2D Mythology, a system of fables, D'^^^DH 115*11?^ N Nail, (on fingers, or toes) \lh)f (of metal) 1T\^ * *1PP9 pi. Naked, bare, m. s. DllJ^ * Dnjt; (stark) HJIJ; -sword nnin^i n^i^^ci^ nin -ness, Din;; * mni; i Name, appellation, fame, U^ -V. to call, — i^^jj to mention 244 NAM— NAV by-, —2 J^hj^ to utter, — "l^^TH to get one*s self a greats, m. s. D^^n|n D;^? Di^ *1^ n't^JJ a good- is better than wealth, n^i;p Di^ nnaq -less, ot^^ ^i^n Namely, specially, tOHD? to wit, "ID^^^./ • '1 as 1 Sam. xxviii. V.3. 1")*'jt/!Il') nDn3 ^n"l!lp*1 and they buried him in Rama, namely in his own city Nap, D^3 -N. slumber, nni:ri Naphtha tpD5 Ch. Napkin, D^yjl D^p Narcotic, b^ji * nh^ir\ Nard, 7-)5 Narrate, l^D * l-\r[ R.l}:i -Hour ^tiJD I'l^D * Hl-in • - .. - ._._.- ^ ^^ ^ nilll? -tor, m. s. ngpp * "T\5P Narrow,-)yp -N. contracted, m. s. I^fp nV near, DV;OV;:DCh. -ness, pnn ♦ n:^D -ly, -3 he -ly escaped Avith his life nir^n pm irn i;k^dd ^^n -minded, m. s. ht^^* * ^^^3 R. biD Nasal, DDin pl^^ bu/ II" ir^ V Nasty, m. s. dirty, V^^:i -tiness, n^I/ln -tily, —3 Nation, D^; * DN^ * Di^ * ^15 -al, public, D^nn) Native, born in a place, or country, Im^lD T"!^ "^^V -itv. Natural, produced by nature, ^JJ^ID it is -to all men, Dn^n D^3 ^^1^^10J -philosophy, ^/n^n npjn -power, ni^lilS J;/1l?3 n^ -ist, m. s. "IpnO -ize, (a foreigner) riy,^:? i:n; -ly, i;2t5n ^-ii ^?)^ Nature, regular course, Vn^ good -d, 3lD ^iD ill -d, J/*) :)rp against-, J/?^n 1^3? habit becomes a second -, i?no n^jf3 ^j-in Nave, (of a wheel) "llti^H NAV— NEG 245 Navel, mntO Naught, nothing, ^nH * l\St ♦ V^^ * DD^^ * h'^h^ -iness, ]"!.? -iiy» -3 -y, m. s. lis: *u;^^ Navigable, 12^^, -igation, ^^*3^^1 ^"l?JE?. -igator, N^sea, ^ril * n^^nn -seate, ^hl * ^^5 -seous, ^^-|r ' '^ T • : ' T "^T ' TT Navy, Dn;^^ * D^^^ rin-} iX Nay, no, xb not only, DJ * It ^^ ^t X^ Nazarite, a native of Nazareth, ^'IV^^ one who has taken a vow, 1^*3 •T Neap-tide, D";??.! picn Near, close, m. s. 3l1p parsimonious, *'7^!!) -, ad. almost, tOJjp3 -ness, 1^^*11?. * m^''5 ^^^^ -er and -er. Neat, elegant, m. s. D^^jt^^ * Hpl -ness, Di;: * *'?)"'^ -ly, —3 Necessary, needful, T^'V -saries for life, n^^?^ R. 7^0 -sarily, Pl^tJ? * nijn!! Ch. -sitate, ^'Ji^ * nnpH -sitous, m. s. 15PP * liOnp *::^\^ -situde, -sity, want, nlDHp fatality, nnn thereisa-ity for it, i^lH ^il^H 'P-sity hath noiaw,niDTOn i.T^'S^'. it^N5 ilti^^L? :i^\V T?^^ N*'? Neck, (of the body) 'njp,}rD '^"l^V * "li^JV -doth, Necromancer, m. s. 3*1^ '7]j*5 7^<1t^ -romancy, 3i^^5 DPl?. Need, -j-iV * nph -ful, when there is-, pn'in nju Ji^n Ch. needs, "T1> * n^rn -less, -^i^n -ily, ipHn * pH"!? -y, m. s. i?pp • nionr) *i^^i^ Needle, m. s. CDlnp -maker, m. s. — H^ll/ -work, — HJi^gp Nefarious, 1"^,^^P *;/") "I^^"! Negation, H^^^ti^ * Hinpn -atively, —2 -ative, m. s. '?^1::^p 246 NEG— NEW Neglect, b^Vr\ * n^nnn -N. negligence, m^VI? ^^1^ -ligent/m. s. h^^ ♦ n^)"!? Negotiate, ]hj1 ^^Si^J '"D^ ^W'n^ pC'jt/nn (for an other) n;^5 ♦ -ipnp R. DID -tiating, m. s. * ]n1^T ^^ti^l: " np"ip nt^Dp -tiation, ]]^55i mD ♦ nnpnp • n^^ Negro, a moor, '^t^^3 Neigh, Vnv -N. n^nv * n^DVP Neighbour, m. s. ]5^ -bourhood, H^iDt!^ -hourly, iinn^^!! Neither, not either, N?"^t;^ no one, m. s. *ir\^ N^ -I nor thou, nm ^b] •^;^t. ^b * ^b nm dj ^:?h? d^i Nephew, ninX Hi^ IB Nerve, "in^ip -vous, vigorous, m. s. \*'^P^^ * D1VI/ weak, c^^i^n * n3 npn Nest, 151^ -N. (of birds) JJ^ an abode, 3^iD R. 15!^^ -egg, nnir^; n^'^n -ling, nh?ii< Net, rinbpp * Dnn '♦ riTOp * njf^n/n§ r. hid -ting-work, n^n nti^^/p Nether, nethermost, m. s. **rinjn * ]i]^n]l Nettle, m. s. DplH * D'^J^Din -N. ^nn Never, never more, D^il? IV "l^V 'N^as, l^i^'pln Nj'^ D/li/ 1^ *7i^ DJnXnv ye shall never see them again, never before, D^1;;D i<^ -theless, n^^T ^733 Neuter, m. s. ID^^^ m^ "I'lS^ ^b -trality, niSH "^D^B D^32i nij^^fi!^:) r. -)Di New, m. s. ll/'^'H make-, ti^^H become-, ti^'lHrin -beginner, n\'i9 l^K * h^nnD r, ^^n -bread. Din on^ -bom, m. s. n1-)i5P *"^^^^ -comer, -fashioned, K|l nllp^D ^in -fangled, nW^n *?]7n -moon, t^lH t^^X") -year,' njl^n J^^t^l -ly, 2)npJ2 * ti^inp -ness, miti News, ri1t!^"in -monger -paper, MlJi^'Tn ^D^P N£X— NOI 247 Next, T bj! m. s. n1l|5 after, nn^? -day, Min^JH Di*> -time, Tnvh -year, -week, Hi^^H H^ti^j/inti^ Nib, (of a pen) rTin (of a bird,) P)i;;n D^h-bed, -mn Nice, -ly, m, s. accurate, JI^P * DVPVD Ch. delicate, * p^^p Nickname, ^^T^T D;^3 H^? -N. ^t^tS "^153 R. ^ir Niece, riinij liiN^ nn Niggard, m. s. l^pp * ^!?"^3 -ly, n^^Ol Nigh, N. m. s. 3l")JJ -, ad D^/p? Night, n?^? by-, —1 to-, — H -dew, -'^D'^D'! -dress, -gown, — niD? towards-, n^^ n^^ stay all-, \^b -man, niJ^nn^ ^I'^iil -watch, n'11/"::jJ^Jf? good-, (see morning) -ly, every-, HV^I r^b^h ^J Nimble, m. s. -)\nD * '7^ -biy, n1"^^npn * n^'v'pj r. bb'p Nine, m. n;;!!^n f. rtrn -fold,-^^D3-teen, m.-lCi^X? ^V^^rs f. nn^i? i;^;;^ -ty, D^j;;!^n Ninth, m. "^v^'\i}T\ f. n^j/'^^n Nip, to pinch, p^D blast, t)H'^ -pers, D^Hj^^P Nipple, a pap, 1*1 ^-H VE"^!^ Nit, (of lice) D^^p-^y'^3 -ty, -J^^p Nitre, in^ -trous, -^ nV;!i)D No, t?7 or I'^S (if preceding a noun) as fii^^l^ 1^^ no body, no man. by -means, l^li^D^t^J^S -where, T.^O-, ^^^^J5 Nobility, D^;^p * Dn^in Noble, illustrious, m. s. i; W * Hn Ipl -man, JJD * nlH -ness, iin * n^n^ -ly, nn^^iinn * np'^^n Nod, bend the head, tl^N") Hi be drowsy, Dli Noise, a sound; ^1p clamour, iT'Din * Hpl/V * H v'DH R. ^^Q ' T . 't T : T \ -; (of warriors) p^SD tumbling-, J^^^"] make a-, "^Ip NC^J * pi/y (as an ass) pHJ (as a bear) pj^ W (as a bird) ^1^?^ R. ^D^ (as a hart) ilV (as a horse) ^h^ (as an ox) Vi])^ (as sheep) 248 NOM-~ NOT ph^(as alion)Dn;i * Ji^t^ (as water) HbH * ti^i;|-IesR, * ^n^n ^ip v^c?^; ^^5 * DDi^ -y, m. s. n?jin * t:^^;;');? * ^tj^io Nominal, n^^a '^jyl^i? ^^^ -ly, Up3 -mate, to name, D;^ t^lj^ to appoint, Dt^? I/T -ination, the appointing, nTn:n -inative, D^ * ^1/12)^ D?i^ Nonage, minority, jl^^pp Nonappearance, ^5?)"n^ ^'i^l'7 ^■^r'? Noncompliance, D^>5 S^^ l^iSD 'D^:§ ^??^n R. i^j:^: ♦ 2)^1; Nonconformist, m. s. "nn-VH ]D *^'\'\^ -ity, ID ntyltli Nondescript, *^;iD^§ * '^?b^^? ^^^^ " \^^2) None, ^J^ * J\St Nonentity, t'nH * D^^ " ]\St Nonresistance, H^^pn * nj^^t^^h 1)0 Nonsense, p^") ^'121 -sical, n^ll^ Nonsuit, N. ^:QhD Dpn nnt^^n r. nw Noon, D^^H'^ Forenoon, -H *^2^h Nor, N7 P]Nt (see neither) North, 11?)^ -ward, n'l^ -star, "^^liiy 2?13 -pole, ^^p "•^i^V -east, n'';)iDV ^^nnrp -west, n'^D'ix;^ n^^i^v Nose, J^,s^ ♦ D^n -gay, nm ^m^ n*^^^^? put one*s- in every thing, ^33 anjLrnn Nostrils, Dn^n^ Not,^ ^5 ♦ K^ ♦ ^e< ♦ p,St * l^S do -I pray, ^^^ bt^ -at all, -any, ^i ri< -the least, HDM^D bb Vi^ -else, n\2 "^n^ir Pi^ -even, l^JJSt W f]^ it is -yet, n\n ^^b nn;/ II II ' " T T T v^; Notable, memorable, m. s. Ip*" ♦ <3^ii/D Notary, (who draws contracts) HDID Notation, the noting down, H^'^^") * T\ll}[^, R. Illf Notch, n-in ♦ nr)'';!i:j ch. Note, set down, nhS * Dt^T -N. annotation, Hn^H a written paper, HD'^^y "15? * 3^? (in music) n^JV Di*^ -eel. NOT— NUN 249 m. s. remarkable, V'^h ♦I/Tli eminent, y\^n * Ip"^ * ^^^^ : T T 'tt t : ▼ Nothing, nonentity, 7nn * D^^ ' 1\^ not any thing, ♦ h'^ fJ;^ nD^^3 lor- -ini ^bn * D3nn r. i^n good for-, ^i;»b!i m. s. D^P5 " r\\2} make -of, ntn it is -but, DJJ *'3 HT ^K Notice, remark, Ht^S heed, "ibti^ -N. n»i^-) ♦ ni*>^ti^ Notify, ;;nin -fication, n^iin r.;;t^ Notion, nat^^HD * IVD'I -al, 111:2103 Notority, -riousness, ^v}^ *D1D"!? Ch. -riously, — 3 -rious, m. s.^1^5 -DDnliilD Notwithstanding ]lt<* ?D!l Novel, new, Ji^lH a tale, "^nS I^SD -ist, a writer of novels, ' m. s. D^^nn ni£)D nnnio *i^'^voD -ty, t^i'nn November, ^J^D^H fii^nh * lICi^H or IWH"]?) Ch. Nought, niO^b^p ^ J3 l^K -, a. V^^ Novice, m. s. TiH Novitiate, HD^^Hn l^f^bn '•D'^ Noun, Uli; Nourish, ^^bs -able, m.s. ^^D*' -ment, H^S^!) R. ^1D Now, nnp * n^5 before-, HT ^Z^h -and then, ♦ D^'Dj^P^ Xl'^rsijb -adays, I^D;!? Nowhere j";^ * DipD "^^B Nowise, ^DiJ^ ^W ^% Noxious, p\TQ R. pr: * n'^n?^^ -ness, nntf^ * ifl"! Nudity, nny * '&\^V Nugatory, ^^;;v ^h *pn '^an Null, DD^^ * y?S{ -ify, \^^b^ b^h tm -ity, Hlpn. Number, HiO * ISD -N. SiDDO -less, -]''^^ Numbers, (a book in the Bible) ")!l*T^5 *•?? Numerable, m. s. H^O^. *"'??P1 -meral, "ISDp /t^ -merally, ")SDO!l -meration, n*3D * rT^^^D -merator, m. s, HilQ -merous, many, m. D'^S'I Nun, \:}^)i -ation, *^(^j? -ately, —3 Obedience, n^P^^P^ ")1D * HD^pn -dient, m. s. * ;;jDp ri^Dti^P^ *np -diently, H^JDHS -isance, iTjnnti^n R. nnt^^'obey, ^lpgj;;b^ Obese, m. s. iSnS ♦ DM)^ '•XT Object, 2pr] R. 2^\I:; * "^^ |i;0 Ch. -N. matter, ]>?y * 121 aim ]J3P -ion, n:V}Q * HTriD Ch. -or m. s. IHlD -ionable, lilD"^ Oblation, inijj Obligation, bond, iinln (out of gratitude) nilO blD3^ -hgatory, H^Hp * h^t2.)r\ 4ige, n*n * ^JE; b'D^ -Hging, complaisant, m. s. ]^^^]D * ll£0 *7p1il Oblique, b^yD * ttopWl-queness, ^^D obHterate, nn^n ' nh6 -tion, iinnt^H ♦ n^nD Oblivion, H^C^: * nn3t^ -ious, H^^D Oblong, 1^^in^ '^1^^ -ly, — 3 OBL— OCT 251 Obloque, n^in * ]1^f5 R. ^hp Obnoxious, liable, ]^^D R. ^D * h^^il Ch. injurious, i/n Obscene, m. s. ^^^?: * 3Vn: -nity, Hnj^ln ^ H^T -nely, -2 Obscure, to conceal, HD^ * ^^^ darken, "^^t^^nn * *T1pri make less glorious, UDV -N. HDDP * DiriD * ")"Tj^ (person) m. s. *;jn'\: ^h -ration, HD^nV * HD^I^H -reness, ♦ ^^D'3 T T", : TT-;- • T T : '^ T • : • Obsequies, H^i"! n_^1^n Observe, watch,nb5^ note,-lX;n R. mj; obey, ]V^?n * 2^^pn -able,m. s. plain,*>'1^5 ♦ D^^i;^ HiSn: -ance, ^H^T^H ♦at^^p DniC5^ -ant, m. s. j^XP ♦ n^ti^pD * IDW -ation, Hnj;;!! -ator, nDlV * IDlC^ -atory, nD;*;?!^!-! CO^np nD^2 Obsolete, m. s. DtV^ * U/m Obstacle, nVX;^ * Hif'^P * ^£0^ Obstinacy, ^"!i/"r\V;:^j5 -nately, —2 -nate, m. s. ^1}) *n^p Obstruct, Hi/n n'^i; -ion, ny^p -ive, 1 vii; * j;;; to Obtain, :i'^t^n R. ^^^ -able, m. s. JCi^'> -ment, HJii^n ' • - T •.. ' TT - Obtrude, * '2 X^^^ Obtrusion (see Intrusion) Obviate, "D ^m (a danger) i^in '^r)h2h ni^nnn y^^n T T T Obvious, '^^b:\ * o'^ri;^ ni^i^ -ness, nnn -ly, -3 Occasion, (see Cause) -N. casualty, ITIpD -al, —2 Occupancy, HJ^nSl -cupant, m. s. T^1^^ -cupation, * npN?P n^if'p * ppV-cupier, m. s. p\tnp * Tn1^^-cupy,occupate^ p'lnn *m^ employ, --n li^t^n^n -one^s self, pD;;nn Occur, "n^e nnj^ *°i?^^ i^lB(tothemind)D^ hjl n^;;-rence, Ocean, the sea, 71^5 H D^ Octave, -tavo, r\'^2^D^ October, '^J^'^i;^."! t^lT] * ni^]1 Ch. 252 OCU— OFF Ocular, D^^'^j;;^ HiJ-)? Oculist, 0^3^^ J^Dl") Odd, not even, Ch. ^Jlt Itl}^ ^^r? strange, i^?? -person, m .s. 11^2 ♦-It t^"^^^-ones, Dnn't^ -ity, IM^ '^^t^li; -, dif- ference, p'hn ' h'^nn Ode, ni^rp i^p Odious, m. s. n:^:i|^ '^^0^ -ness, nnj/ln -ly,-^ Odium, blame, ^iD'I *D1D Odor, nn, -ous, m. s. ^n^2 'in^^^ Of, from, ]P* • 'P (the sign of the genetive case) 71!^ (this par- ticle is however generally supplied by the sign of regimen, as T^^ n for p son of David, ^.S^t^^ ^^^ for D^^!! children of Israel, ^Itl!^ ntlDti^ for nHDJi^ maid of Parah, l^n^^n nl35 for nl!32l ^^e daughters of the land) -course, pDD "^Jl^n -late, nlnpzD Off, from, ]P distance, [>Tpr\ he is well-, 17 ^tD Offal, refuse, Htn?): * D^^p? Offence, fault, ^^CpH * ^tl}^ injury, n;;^ 'pT^ affront, HD^^D anger, DI/? -ful, m. s. V'lJ^ ' D^i;?D * D^V?^ -less, m. s. alio * p^jP D^)?P I^K Offend, D*^;;?n * D'^^pn ♦ pnn -er, m. s. ^^^in ♦i/t^B Offensive, m. s. *nlLO ti? -siveness, HJJ'Ti -sively, — Zl Offer, to present, ^^i^pn attempt, J^^ipB propose, ^'liJlil -N. ^tJ^p^i^na^?.ing;ln1p^ Office, business, r\'t^,V_J2 ' pD;/. Ch. (place) -Dip/? public employment, rT^p^ -ficial, pertaining to an office, —^^ti^ -ficer, commander, *l">p^ * £^^1 a bailiff, HOW -ficiate, ]n5 ♦ nntj? -ficious, kind, n^t^^ ipiD R. 11D -ficiousness, nICO'iiV'l. -ficiously, -1 Offing, D^n nb R. nn'? Oifscowring, HniD * '^HD OFF— ONL Ollspring, propogation, NV^?V * Dlh^n R. i^V^ * T^^ Often, D^p^D^ as -as, '^'H.? too- ^^p H^nH Ogle, pi; -ling, li»jt; Oil, nnv^. * r\:r j^^ -iness, n'^mop -y, ]d^ oint, jjp^2 n'fD nnp -ment, Hntj^p " nnp^D Old, in age, (thing) ]^^ fperson) m. s. ]|5J *D^pU ^^ -age, n^3 ♦ n;pr a very -age, Hn^t!^ -clothes, ni^n n'\Dbt(/ a year -, m. s. D^p \^ ancient, "^^tolj^ * D'^^l D'^p^p of-, nv;lDip_n D^'^tr^? • d*';^^^ grow-, ]mn ♦ ]^prn how- art thou? ^v^n ^'i::^ "^;:D'> n?DD -fashioned, w^n jn:3D3 m. s. Olive, nn Omen, ip^D * nlJ< -inous, i/n l^'^D Omer, ID^i! Omission, n2'^'\V * ."iniin R. m:3 Omit, at;; ' t^bti; Omnific, b^n m ^^-)i3 Omnipotence, l^^j^^ij? -potent. *>W Omnipresence, D1p9 ^D? n^^^^VP-present, Dlp^ b^2 ^^^P? Omniscience, ^3 riJE/H^. -cient, ^3 jt/lV On, upon, "2 *'b^_ go-! "TlDifn ^ij^ Once, one time, Djl* 5 formerly, D^IID? at-, THij^? One, m. ^^^^ f. nn^? there was not as much as-, T^ ^^'^ i<*^ THK it is all-, *7n nw ^3.1 -another, m. Ht n«« H? -with another, m. Tn»S: niSt ^^f^Jj^ -by-, m. IHlSt ^^^^ -eyed, m. VV2 -iij; One's self, 1nli< * itS^?5 ♦ lOVif (^o act upon- -, is expressed with the ?I/iJin aslpinn to teach one's self) Oneirocritic, m. s. HlDlyn *"iri1S Onion, ^V3 ' T T Only, barely, pn • ^^ ♦ DSSt an- one, m. TH^ 254 ONS-OPT Onset, an attack, HiT^^^ * iTI^ri Onward, in advance, ^^^7 progressively, * '^ ^^/H asJ/lDJI TivH travelling onward Onyx, DHJi^ Ooze, bh ^Vt"! -N. soft flow, ^tl: ^^D^l Open, unclose, TID^ (his mind) Ini^l '"^/^ begin, * 7nn ^^nrin r. ^^n untie, nrig) nnn r. in: -the eyes, D^rif np3 -the mouth, HD Hi^a (greedily) HS "ni;!) -N. m. s. nin§ * "^I^^J * nniD -eye, Hnip?) I^jg a house- to all, '*^0t^.: D^^^ ^13 -place, not fortified, ^P^ -eyed, m. s. nj55 -hearted, m. s. openhanded, 3? *2n? candid, * D^pH Dp n\9 1? in^? R. an^ -body, nx^v^. -i^g, nr^pp * nna (of the womb) Dn*l ")p§ a gap, n^**)?? -ly, evidently, "^v^^l pubKcly, D^nnn ^Ci^P^n >:;'}:h -ness, candour, n^lO^DJ^ Opera, ipr ^^:d41 D^^^jt/.:^ R. H;?::^ Operate, to act, b'p^ produce effects, b]^'\^h ^^'V'i'^ -^ion, n^li/S -tical, -b'\l^ -tive,-tor, m. s. hp^ Opinion, notion, HD^np ']VD'l *nj;n R. i/T I am of-, n^1:3 W'q -ative, m. s. Il^]/'^ ^X? iplX? Opponent, a. *T^57 '? s- "^- s* "^j^^OP Opportune, fit, ^IDJ -nity, place, — DipP time, * HJlD? flif nt^sn nx;^ ch. Oppose, "^ ip^nn 'Ymn -iess,.m. s. V35^ npi;? i^i? Opposite, -ly, l^:^ -each other, m. s. r^^J b^ tl/^^ \35 -tion, hostility, niT^^nn *2''") contrarity, H^DHn Oppress, ^h) 't^^^l nnV *p^i;n ^p^V? *'^?'^'"^ -i^n, vnb • n-)V * npji ♦ nj^iv -ive, m. s. nr?^i: * ins ♦ nt^p^ -or,m. s. ^nl^ ^S-ii^ ^pvp * -)t?^? Opprobrious, n^in * ]Vp * ]i^j^ R. H^p -ly, -3 Optic, a. n?^np ^ti^ -,s. .Ti^>n ^^| OPT— ORP 255 Optics, n^^in nD:^n -cial, htl} -dan, 2 V2D Option, nyri'D, Opulence, 10 •n1"l Opulent, m. s. l^tl/^l Or, IX * V Ci^ • • • -Di^ as Ht^K D^^ U/^i^ D.^ or nl^^^ tlt}"^^ T • • • • T • ; it be man -woman. Oracle, delivered by supernatural wisdom, D^^HT D^^lli^ Oral, nsi)-'?;;!! -law, -i:/ Hnin Oration, niHiDin ^121 Orator, r^2: * Dnni D'^n^fe^ ::^'^H -tory, nV7P R. V^l? M^^^D ^?1I?.? Orb, a circle, ^^3 * ^5^3 R. ^^:i -icular,-D Orbit, nl^r^n h^hUi i^hoDR. bho Orchard, Dina Orchestra, Dnnlsi^;2)n Dn^r^n riD^n Ordain, invest, °^j; Ip.^H establish, TD^ ♦lj!;n Ordeal, by fire or water, D^;sn t^^'Il n2^n:i Order, command, mV regulate, '^njL^•l * I'^P -N. * niVP •^^'IV *n5"]l!/? 'Tip. *1^*ipin-to,lJg^> nUI/^outof-, -less, -)ip? ^^^ m. s. n^^ ^]1^3 -ly, l-TDS (person) m, s. -11DD *i:i^'' to take orders, H^nsn h^ riDDH Ordinance, HlVD Ordinary, usual, m. s. *"lV?p * /^JJ") common, (thing) 7111 (person) m. s. COVIH Ch. -nate, appoint,T|"55n -nation,*Tp^P Organ, (an instrument) 3^1^^ (of speech) i^tODp ^73 -ist, 331i;3 ]p:D -ization, HD^^i;? m"^p -ize, rpiJ * n'lD Orient, the east, TMJD -al, eastern, Dlj^n yii^ h^; Origin, beginning, H^'Ci^i^n * '"^^H^ I^- ^^H source, I'ipD -al, ]i:^i^-l -ally, -3 -ate, bring forth, T^IH * ^^^Vi^ Ornament, "IIH * 111;; * IJ^i!) -N. Iin ♦ ny * ^-|^?Dr^ -al, —-7 -ed, m. s. inn Orphan, m. s. DlH'' 256 ORT— OVE Orthodox, m. s. In^lD^-l 11!/^ -y, TMtt^^ m^r2^, Orthographer, i^riDpn p^lj^lp -raphy, p'lp'n R. ppT Ossifrage, D^Q Ostensible. "^^^^ ' U'^.T^h n^i: -sive, n1^^ * \f2^P Ostentation, ]^V_ n'^^lD -tious, m. s. h'^^^nO * ^^ni?P Ostrich, n:vin nn Other, m. s. -|^^? -wise, -"^ni^ -world, ^^^H D^lj: Oval, n^^3 n^h:} Oven, -)^3ri Over, across, ^2Vf2 above, ^i? * ^J^/l^D * n'jVJ^^ -and above, m. s. Vbv do -again, 11;; ^"^Dln * nlt^i;.!? 31ti^ -and -again, nizii D^pr?) •t^♦^ti^p^ '7v:i5 -against, *n^^-!p^ ♦^^i^d 1^3 * HDJ 'nt^vh -night, n^:^n ^3 to be-,-)n^ *nl^| to be-, (as a ruler) ^1/ Dj^^l give -unto, ")^|pn ^DQ he is given-, (by physicians) 0*^^:^51111 ^2;^?!? 1ti^^?.l3 get-, m^^ "ibl? -act, IVDH -anxious, m. s. *>ip inV :b?11 -awe, n^;;nn * d»s: -balance, j;;nDn -bear, ^i;_ ")??r;^n -bid, iD-jjjp inv n^n;?n nlmnn -board, D^.ign ^t^ -boii, rnn5 ^;; i3;?i nni -cast, cioud, y^v^ * pi; -charge, -rate,"^ip inl** "^n^n-come,**? ID) * HV? (his passions) innn ^i:^9 (his anger) iD:y.5 t!^n3 -do, ^'iD iHi^ nit!^jt;. -drive, pDl -flow, ^ib^ " ^hD -flowing,;;?^ -fond, 2n^ IXP liip nnV ^15 -growth, i;55i^ * nh -hale, re-examine, tJ^gH n^'iti^ -head, l^^'l hv_ -hear, to hear, pbt^ -heat, D;5n IND^ -joy, IND^ n;?^ -N. n^n^ nnp?^ -Me, -load, "'p^ 13?n -lay, cover over, riD? * H^V * ]3p -leap, nij^n Yb]l -long, m. s. IXp^ **^n5J -look, superintend, n'>^ti^n (from a higher place) PlD^ excuse, D*'?^ i^^S^J -match, ibil -much, I'^D 21 ♦'^ID IHI'' -pass, omit. t OVE— OUT 257 "Hy 12V * Ob^ -pay, iDnVP inv dW -plus, f]i^y -power, 'n^ ^pPi -prize, -rate, ^1!2 inV ^"^IVjl -reach, deceive, 3p^ -run, ravage, 12V) ^ItOJi^ -see, manage,* J^jI^*! n'^^lL^n -seer, m. s. H^^t:^? * J^n3p -shade, -shadow, * ^VH ^DH R. ^^V * -|:3D -shoot, fly beyond, Hl^T^D ^^V r nsSnj R.nDj -sight, error, n^:t^ -sleep, nj^pVH^^nnNr R. 1::^^ -spread, 'hv ^S -stock, IND^ Ij; Hnnn -strain, "iriv nnnn -sway, -o ^ii^ip -take, pn^rn • ;ij5^n r. ^^:i -throw, -turn, ruin, D^n -weigh, J^'^"\Dn -weight, Jl^npH ^i^tf^^n -whelm, 'bv i2\ -wise, m. s. "inv *D5nnp Ought, should, m. s. '»')^^■^ as mvh Kin "^')^^'^ he ought to be punished, (this verb is however generally expressed with the future, as Exod. xxi. 29. 71^1^ V/I/H D.31 and his owner ' T T T : - : also ought to he put to death) Our, wt^ -selves, (see Myself and Herself) Out, m. s. -of reach, i^W^ ^b R. ^m not at home, in^'HS l'^^^ at a loss, r^Vr\ * •^in: to the end, D?^? * n^3 not within, nvin '"l^in loudly, ^Ipn -of, from, through "D as •^?l7^? out of love, -of date, m. s. ]tj^1i -of humour, m. s. Xyn *1D * ^jJ^T -of joint, m. s. Tl?3 -of patience, m. s. n^^: -of place, -of order, 1102 ^hf -of sight, m. s. i\r\} l:\^ -of sight -of mind, 2^12 H?:^? \yD pin^H -of time, liDTa fcipr\ Palliate, to ea^e, bp^Jl R. bh'p to cloak, HD? -tion, * n'^'^jpH •^ID? -tive, h'^pD ' nD?P Palm, a tree, ^J2h (of the hand) ^3 -fruit, ^f2Pi a branch of-, Dnpn t]5 Palpability, T ll}V^2i;D * n^^^^l^D * niD^ Ch. -able, gross, m. s. tr^^D"; li;?^n'D2i plain, -m3 -ably, nn?Zl -ation, nm-^n ♦ ::^il:^d ch. Palpitate, pQ*! -tion, Dv^n np_"^25'n. Paltry, HD^J^p^ n^Hi t<^ * pn' ?60 PAM— PAR Pamper, D'^Hi?.?? P?.?^ Pamphlet, ^iOjJ linn ♦ D^f^J^p Pan, nnnD * nt^nir^ -cake, nnn nt^^n-io nlt^v^ Pane, (Of glass) n^DOr.m? Panegyric, PHJi^ -rical, -rist, m. s. Hll^^P Pang, ^nn * n^?? * i^;^ * i;;;^ ch. Panic, nD^t< ^ n^n3 ' T •• T T V Pannel, (of wainscot) p^pH ViT) Pant, wish, ^O'DH * 2iir\ for breath, tin ^m Pantry, ]lT;2)n ^Itp Papacy, ^^^11 '^^ni Dif? nhji!^ Paper, N. "i?|-mill,-n npi^^P DipP -stainer, -i;n1^; Papist, m. s. "^mi ^:r\i} 3^e nn^jt *^\dd h Par, D^D-i;;n "^llt:^ ' • T -:t Parable, ^^p * ll^P'l -olical, -^^i;^ <{ . Parade, show, ]^j;; n^i^lD guard, HD-^g^n ^^2^!^ R. 31;'^ Paradise DIIJ ' \1V ]^_ Paradox, ^p^H"^!^ T^?^P -ical, m. s. - -H nn^^ *nDl3 Paragraph, pID^ Ch. Parallel, compare, 'bi^ *^hj^ " H^'l -N. (lines) D'^it:^ D^'lp pnnn^ resemblance, p^pi. -ism, D^D^r.n '^'n^ Paralysis, Dli^n?)"]!?^ R. HDi -tic. m. s. -H ^^2 Paramount, chief, t^^XIB * ^3 Dip Paramour, m. s. by *3^ii; * IlHi^P Paraphrase, t^-]^ * DIllJ? Ch. -N. ^/n?) * Dl-inn Paraphrast, m. s. l^ltD * D^inp Parasite, Parasitical, m. s. ^m * ]Wh y^bVi^ Parasol, D;:2i^ ^^^ H^n R. ^^v ♦HDn Parcel, pv^H -N. a lot, V7T1 a bundle, H"!;)!^ Parch, nnnn -ed, m. s. HnH PAR— PAR 261 Parchment, li^^^ll •^''111 Ch. Pardon, 12)3 ♦ hho ' hhl2 -N. msS * Hn'^^D * H^'^flQ Pardonable, m. s. laD^ * n7p^. * ir}^^ Pare, peel ^VS diminish, tOJjpH ♦ pppH Parent, father, n^jt mother, Di^ pi. DnlH R. mn -al, -^tt^ -age, descent, Dlb^n birth, m^lD R. ib^ Parenthesis, nD^^D-IInn ")5DD IDi^D Parish, nn^np -ioner, -H D^i^ln R. ^t:^'' Parity, D^Dni;n ''llt^ ♦ niD'H Park, N. 2^20 ^pJ\D t^^^^ R. ^p"^ " ^Tl? Parley, 1 n^in -N. iniD Parliament, 1^7^?? Ch. -ary, —hf Parlour, pnnnH -TTn • r^i?"ltO Ch. Parole, HntOnn * HD'^p Paroxysm, nj;^ nifD il^riD J^^DP Parse, p^liP^H •»?? ih^ R. ppl ' Parsimonious, m. s. ^^pP * DVpVp Ch. -simony, * \*1^p DIVPV -simoniously, —3 Parson, Jil^ -age, — Dt^^^ Part, (in two) iiVn divide, pill -asunder, 1^*^?»1 depart, m. s. *'b i^hn -with, °ni^ at;; -n. p^n for my-^ n-yp in-, nVj^ for the most-, mistake one's-, VV nVH I will take no -in it, 12 "^Hri 7jt/ ^7"^ -^^^» (^^ Participate.) Partial, unjust, m. s. D^^a-T^SP R-HDi -ity, D^^S-nnSn-ly, -2 -ize, n^ niton R.nnb ♦ ntoi Participant, m. s. * *3 "ip/H (in his happiness) InHpCt^S DP^ (in his trouble) l^ 1^ I^IV? -cipate, "DJ/ p^H -ation, nn?nnn Participle, '^^IrS -cipially, -^n^n Particle, an atom, niS * p7 R. pp"T (a word) H'^P R.^^0 262 PAR— PAS Particular, m. s. indiridual, ^tO*^S odd, tl^tl/D be -about a thing, p^np'! R. ppl -ity, n^COn^ -ize, to'is -ly, ton?)?! Partizan, an adherent, m. s. 1!in Partition, p^H -N. division, Hg'?)! (that divides) nV^inp Partly, nVj? * nVJ^P Partner, ni. s. nDH * ^r\p Ch. -ship, Hinn » niD)!^^ Partridge, i^nlp Parts, districts, nin'^np * niivp Parturient, f. s. H^lH * n'^^lHIID -ition, Ht^l'' •^^HH ^HT^ Party, an assembly, (1*^5^ ^ ^^^^^ "^'^ P^* '^^l^^ detachment, vbn -coloured, D^^^lt^'D^I/n^^ D^D2) ^t^ Paschal, nD2) 7:^^ ' - V V Pass, go beyond, 12S * vC^ "^ ''C^ -away, 7"in -word for one, "b 2^1}^ -sentence, 'bv 1U * "HiS IDbt^ enact, ]l*n ]r)]3 be current, (as money) *iniD? 131/ -N. entrance, j^iap licence, nnij^ nii;;^ nnvn Passable, that may be passed, m. s. *1?I/]I tolerable, '^^^y^2 Passage, the passing, Hl/'^pil a road, 12pD (of a book) "IDi^Q D.^^ -singer, m. s. ^n1^< nnl;/ *^pi: Passion, suffering, *»^ij/ * ^5P anger, ^Vp * 'iXl love, , n^n;i n^ni^ * nri; n\^n -ateiy, -n -ate, m. s. ^non n^nD Passive, m.s.]b5P ♦ ^nb (of verbs) biJ^2 -n&ss, ^3p * n^:h2D Passover, npgil ^IH R. ^I^IH Passport, m.ii^ i^'wh nr\vr\ Past, m. s. spent, "15-^ * n?3 undergone, V/ff 12ii more than, *'D iriV -recovery, ^l^^ Paste, p 5*1 -N. pnip Pastime, j;i::^i^,ti^R.ni/::^ . PAS— PEA Pastor, a shepherd, ]^5^ JlJ/h a clergyman, ^113 Pastry, H^l*^ '^'^l!!^ -cook, m. s. HDli^ Pasture, Hi/T -N. Pasturage, Hp^D * HJpD }^ni^ * "^m nih^3 Patch, N^CD -work, D^^^^tO TJ3 * D"^Dt:) Patentee, in3^"i^ ^^^t:^■)^-^^ \T\^ R. nt^^n Paternal, fatherly, 3^jt^ Path, nn^n: • ^-)i * n^DD -less, n^i^D ^<^ 'in'i Pathetic, moving, ^h inil/p * ^^3 i;^l3 Patience, »Tpi*n * 1112^30 -tiently, — 3 -tient, m. s. quiet. Patriarch, (of a family) 3{^Tl^3 ^^^'l (of a church) ^115 ^ilS -archate, ^i^'^f?? Patrimonial, HJi^n'^S -rimony, nl3i^ n^n: nr^^^^ Patriot, -ic, m. s. ini^lD V^^?? lP^?? ^Hli^ -ism, (his) » ... V : T T v; V - T -: - Patrol, l^n nplti^ Patron, J^lnp * J^^Q R. ]3J -age, defence, HDnp -ize, 'bv i^n *nbn Pattern, niD^ Pave, nii;-! -ment, nSiVn ^MtiVID Pavilion, ^HK (of a prince) Tniiti^ * l^SK Pauper, Hj^^V"^.?^ ng^pp bp^p^^b -ism, H TOrP Pause, to stop, iby * Hi: -N. ^^n^:rl^^ ch. ♦ p^pa or pp?n Ch, Paw, the foot, ^^"l P^S hand, T Pawn, C03J^ -broker, m. s. t0^3V.? M?^'? ^f? ''"^.l^? Pay, (a debt) dW atone, \l}}^r\ * l^? -N". D'^P'l^Ci^ri * ^1Q5 -ment, D^p v>^ -able, due, — ]D; D")*' >^|l outstanding, 3ln Pea, ]iDi5 ^12) ♦ rV2iD]> Ch. Peace, not war, Dl^tJ^ rest, Hl^t^ * tO^t^ silence, fTD^'l hold 264 PEA-PEN oneV, thn make-, keep the-, V]J D^I^^H -able, -ful, (times) DI^JJ^ nV Cman) H^D ti^^'i? -ableness, tD'^l^ -ably, -2 -maker, m. s. Dl^t^^ * nil") *nfiy1;; Peacock, "^^JSn Peak, (Of a hill) nj^?;) W\n Peal, ring, Hv^V ** Hb"^ -N. ^V^V ^"^P Pear,D|^pl. b^'pi^ Pearl, (a gem) n^ •l£^^n| •ri'''?5"!D Ch. Peasant, HTfii^ ti^^^^ ^HDl^^ mli; ♦^15^3 Pebble, t^^^D^H Peck, (a measure) HD'^Xn n^r'^2"! Peculiar, particular, -Tni\p * ^^^S -ity, tDiphS -ly, CO^^n Pecuniary, ]iD9 Ch. nlj^D Ch. ^:^ Pedant, -ic, m. s. b\ri^r)12 * ^^J:|np -ry,mi<| -ically,-3 Pedestal, njlDp * p. Pedigree, nii^lrin ti^xv ♦ ni^in ♦ r^n^^i:^ Pedlar, n";n^ n:?D -iniD -lery, H n^bi. Peel, to flay* h%^ -N. n^V?) Peep, look, ^w * to^H R. 032 -N. ^t^* * n:r)5n Peer, a nobleman, l^D *"lln -age,— H D^j/D-ess,— H Pitlt/^ Peevish, m.s.]5l^np ^t^.^. -^^ss, n^^hpi ' ^1X^1 -ly, -3 Peg, N. in;i -v. ~a ^ni^t pnqn Pelican, n^j^ Pelt, ^pD -1^. "11;; -ing, nb^j?p Pjen,rar'fold, Hni^ (to write with) IDiD'tDjf/ -knife, -]^?^ -man, a writer, "1\1Q "liilD -manship, nH'^ilSn nDi^7D Penalty, npp^3 * \l}p -al, -n^np -ance, nn'ltJ^/p * Dn.lD^. Pencil, (of lead) Tn^^V CO^ 1 Pending, undecided, m. s. \>^D * ^1p^ * "^I^H Pendulum, ^ — Jpt^D PEN— PER 2G5 Penetrate, pierce, J^pB dive in any matter, Dltt^H? p^DX/H (into the thoughts of him) T'JliD^nD pDV h^ i^i!l -tion, a piercing, Hj/'^pS sagacity, p3^ • r^lV^HH -tive, m. s. Peninsula, '^Jj^ ^VH Penitence, H^lti^il -tent, m. s. — 7jt?5 -tential, (a book) —TSD Penny, nn^H n^(^\^{i^*'jn^ Pension, H^t^? ph -er, m. s. ^lOI^ np'h Pensive, m. s. thoughtful, nlDt^np *7jt;5 sorrowful, * DVXf cost *^h'\n -ness, mi mnvi? -ly, -12 Pentateuch, H^t^ n^jn * nnin ^^D^n nt^!2r\ Pentecost, (a Jewish festival) n^l^Ml^n JH Penultimate, n^lnnsnio H^^t^H nv^2r\ Penurious, mean, m. s. ritp3 * ^"^^S -ness, ri1T3 -ly, — D Penury, ni^^DD * m^'l R. ^H People, (a town, or a country) X^.^ yV T\^ H'^ti^ln -N. per- »sons, D;; m, Ct^^^ift the vulgar, DI/H JiDH a nation, * *«15 Peradventure, |5 ^^h '^^M^ Perambulate, walk through, * '2 12}! -bulation, m^jt/ Perceive, discover. XVD * Hb^l *ti^|")nCh. -ceivable, per- ceptible, m. s. ^w^ * ll/^^D -ceptibility, -ception, * Jl^ij^l nmin -ceptibly, *'^^n -cipient, m. s. nSUl * Il/^^ID Peremtorily, niD7r\il2 -emtory, m. s. tOjnD * ]iDJ Perfect, finish, D^^H * DlH * ^^D -N. m. s. D^^J' * r<|?p -ion, -ness, niD^Ji^ * mD^pn * nS^->,p Perfidious, I^Dijt- 1<^ 5 m. s. T^jln -ness, 1)2 * ^j^^ -ly, -2 Perforate, 2p^ -tion, the piercing, H^^p? a hole, 2p2 -tor. Perforce, PlD? * T pm2 2 K 266 PER— PER Perform, do, h'V^ 'Hi^^l succeed, ^-VB * i^b'O -able, H^j^;; -ance, completion, H'l^/P the performing, nh^J^B -er,m.s. Perfume, nln*'? nn-mer,n'^^P ^iDlD Perhaps,]^ '^b")^ •ni^n^'?b;l Peril, n:3D Ch. mnti^ be it at my- *n^^^V bv^ "^b}! my' ">i*;d -ous,m.s. poDCh. Its: -t • ' T % : Period, epoch, *TI/lD R. 1}J^ a circuit, H^lp^ a full stop, pv?D Ch. marked under the letter thus ( • ), as Gen. ch. i. V. 1, p.i$n -ical, -ically, Ch. m^\D D^JlJt/^ ^^^W^b Periphrasis, yl/T\^ Perish, HDpn *'73^e -able, m. s. Pip»^^. n?^'» Perjurer, m. s. ")f?.t§^'7 *l':im -jury, Ij:?^ n^t/'int^ Permanence, Dl^nn * UVp^ -manently, — ^ -nent, m. s. * D^j^ Pemiissible, m. s. HtS^"}^ -mission, jllti^") Permit, H^nn Pernicious, m, s. n^HCi^p * pMO R. ptJ -ly, Hj^n? R.^/n Perpendicular, directly, Iti'^ plumb -line, "^^iV Perpetrate, j;;ji^§ ^ H'^Vn -tion, i;?^2) * jlj; 7 | Perpetual, m. s. TDT) * ivb *DIP_ -ually, D^ii/V * HV?^ -uate, -D'^i^n -uity, n'^Tpn ^rr^nv? Perplex, confuse, DDH * ^ -1^3 R. ^^3 -ed, m. s. * b::ib2D ^ 't ••;- ' t:\: •qu; -ity, ^in^5 '-"^J^^P Persecute, yhb * pVH nVH R. -)1V -tion, ^H^ * Hj^l •>* %nnV -tor,m. s. Vnl^ *p^V'?*'^V Persevere, persist, |^^Xnn * H^Dnn -ranee, *iT)V^K]in T T J - Persia, D")D Persian, m. s. ^5^D*1S * ^V^^ TT ' T T : - • : - Person, a human being, D^^5 t:^D3 pi. nlti^S^:] m. t^^^ pi. ^ T T V V * T : • , ^ D*'^^J^? appearance, nX"]D-age, m. s. *31ti^n DIS -al goods. PER— PHA 2ef7 D^^lDS^O R, ^^CO -ality, nM^T}^^ * "^pna -ally,m. s. * lOVj;;! Iti^p;? to appear before one -ally, Y^V'^'y^V mSin D^^a-'^.S-D^^S -ate, -ify, -'h H^T -ification, ]VD1 Perspective, view, ilDpJi'n spying-glass, — HJlp Perspicuity, transparency, mn^/in plainness, *1T)5 -ously, —3 -uous, m. s. 'l^nS * 1113 • T T Perspire, j;/r -ration, ni/T Persuade, iing -suaded, m. s. H/HSp Persuasion, persuading, ^IflS -sive, m. s. HIID''. Pert, brisk, m, s. l^riD * ?nr Ch. saucy, m. s.D^^S *^]J ^^''V!? Ch. -ness, r^n^'7P *nipnr ^mr;; * n^)f^n Pertinacious, (see Obstinate.) Pertinence, Iti^DH * H^^DD -tinent,m. s. lU;^ * :iD3 Pervade, nVp^ ^?^ HVp^O 13j; Perverse, m. s. t^^j^JXf -ness, r\^^\;>:^ * nplDHn -ly, -2 Pervert, mi/n -ible, m.s. mi;'* Peruse, read over, ?]iD "U/T ti^XID ^*")i^ examine, t^l'l -usai, PilD i;;,'! ti/^iD r^^^ip, * ''^^^''l'^. Pest, pestilence, f]^: *n$|? * 3;Pj:5 mischief, J/^i -er,*\*n^ pvn -house, D^j;;5:;?n n'^n -iferous, -iientiai, n'^mD Pestle, "^^i; R. nhv Petition, ::^p3 *'7N:y 'PHnn -N. n:i^p3 ^n^^^:i^ mnn -ary, -^^ -er, m. s. ti^^p^P * ^Jj^ICi^ * l3nnp Petrify, ]2^h nVH -faction, ]nij^ H^in Petticoat, pnnn 1^3 Petty, Tii/n-fnns? -ifogger, -^?nin r. nn^ Petulance, mti^pi; * ^iDlDHn -ulantly, — n -ulant, m. s. t^^J^i; Pew, nh^r\n nuB invp Dipp r. ^^d Phalanx, "THa Phantasm, Phantom, Nlli^ mm PHA— PIE Pharisaical, m. s. u;T\B * t^^^J^np * ICpHOP Phenomenon, HHJ^^D Hnt ilt^h^2 mm Phial, '^S Philanthropy, '^t^^2^n ]^Dh Hin^ Philanthropical, m. s. ^m2^n y^f^h OHli^ Philologer, m. s. p'IpTP R. ppl -ogy, p'lp'1 -ogical, —'7^ Philosopher, m. s. Ipnp -ophy, 75^n r\")"'pn -ophical, — 7B^ Phlegm, nm^ R. mb -atic, m. s. nHv^H n-i3jn*^jt;n Phrase, N. "n^nH JDli^ -ology, ]'\li;h Phylactery, ilS^b * ]^i^r\ Ch. Physic, medicine, H^nn^ D^^D (the art) n1^^^D"|^ HDpn Physics, ;;5^n riDDH -ical, -W -ician, ]D^ K£)1") Physiognomy, Ch. ^V^ilgH ilDDn -nomist, y2D Physiology, ^/a^H ^l^f:^h -gical', ^^ Phytivorous, m. s. 3J^:i^ *^5l« -tology, 0^9^? ''l'^^/' Piano-forte, "1153 Piazza, Dni;oj;n r]p^D nnn n^^bnn r. ^dd Pick, choose, IH^ * "1^^ gather, C0jp7 * ^b^? -one's pocket, ••D nj| -a quarrel, --3 nn|nn -up, H^njn *iS!i^D -up his livelihood, IT nm J^VD -axe, llVD ^d, m. s. ♦ ]^:t^ "in R. "nn -pocket, m. s. 2^^ Pickle, preserve, nbpB ti^33 -N. brine, TITO ^D thing pickled, n^Dn tr^ns Picture, -)?.V -N. "l^^V Piece, join, 13)1 -N. a part, p7n -bread, DH? US -meat, -)t2^n nD'Tin all of a-, m. pi. D'^Dl'n * D'^ltS^ -meal, ad. phn p.^n all* to pieces, D^p^n^ *Dn.I^^ Pier, nS3n ]1DP R. Pj^iD Pierce, penetrate, ^p2l bore, Ip*! -cer, m. s. }y^)2 * "Ip.'l -cing, m. s. \^m * r;t; -ingiy, Ti;^ * np^mn PIE— PIT mm Pietism, nnipnnn •mp'iipV''? Piety, nn^ipn *npnv Pig, (see Swine) -of lead, -of iron, '7n3 niDl;; h^lDD Pigeon, n^V a young-, 7115 -house, *^y\tl/ Ch. Pike, a lance, r\^2n -staff, — 'fj/ Pile, liV ♦ nbn -N. a heap, IDh * nmV, -d up, m. s. m^V Piles, (a disease) Dnhp * ^^^BV, Pilgrim, m.s.-i-ii;!nQ * ^j^^ *n^i;; -age, ^j")^ iT^i; Pillage, nbtt^ • rn -n. hdc^d * ntn Pillar, a column, 1^:2]J a supporter, "Ti/DD * ]V^^D Pillory, riDDHD * plD'^V Pillow, nl:^sn5n -id Pilot, ^ninn ni Pimple, np'n.p^^Jt ^;;')!^;5^? nj<2^ r. nrn * «tr: Pin, a peg, in; (of wire) biHD -V. ~-2 pTTin Pincers, D^Hj^/P Pinch, squeeze, Th? N-. ^n? Pine, grieve for, 'h^ nl^D (a tree) np) Pinion, wing, ^^^ fetters, D**^?? -V. -3 Ib^ Pinnacle, point, Hj^H n;;n-in t^^l .1 J'r':" r" ' " Pint, ji7n n'^t^^ti^i J17 Pioneer, ^^HH ^55) '^I'l ^^1D Pious, m. s. p^'iv ♦Tpn * D^■^'^^^ *^^T -ly, nn'^pn? Pipe, to play, bhVi -N. (an instrument) rvT) a tub, H^jJ a measure, iDH nVC^'^^ti^ t^^H -per,m. s. D^^'^^nn '^ -^np Pipkin, fis^nn \^5 Pique, D^i;nn ♦ --n n-i^nn -n. nDcot!^D Piracy, DDH Pirate, N. DD'Wi (at sea) D»n "^^D^ Ch. Piss, ]'^r\pn 'b]D h^^n r. b:D2 -n. ]n2^ ♦ di^H *>» Pistachio-nuts, D^Iipi Pit, a hole, nnw * nna ♦ nln (of the arm) n^^V^? coal-, VtsD -iiDn ^n5 -fai, HDDp -iin 270 PIT-PLA Pitch, fix, pn'l (a tent) hn'^ V.'pPi Hgbt, ^bb: smear,nb3 -N. HDi * DDT -y, dark, lln;!/ -fork, Jlt^^p Pitcher, (an earthen vessel) 13 "a -goeth oft to the well, but is broke at last," I^K 1V_ l^^^H ^JJ l^H IT Ti;; ^3 '• - T " T • Pity,"^;; Dn-i D'ln ^bn-N.m:Dni ^n^Dn-iless,-^^n -iable, Dn"|1 -iful, m. s. tender, D'^^H'! *N7D despicable, n03 -eous, exciting pity, m. s. D^DH*! *"in'il/p -eously, -ifully, despicably, JT/^Ji^;^ Pittance, CO^D HDVl? Pivot, in'' Placable, m. s. ni-n^ *ni:i *n^ *'T! Placard, nj^llD R. ^T Place, put, DW *TpIfn -N. space, DipD office, * nMlf} n-lpg in -of, DipP? in every-, DipD ^^5 Placid, quiet, m. s. Dp^ * 3:^ip -ness, COp^i^ Plague, infect, ^[^.5 * ^ij vex, p^H -N. * ;:^2 ' ^fj ♦ n^^D nijivp Plaid, D^P5 Plain, m. s. artless, DlH * D^^II clear, "I11!l simple, tO^J^^ level ground, ")33 -ness, -dealing, ^D'^pin * HlOti^^ -ly, —a -work, nCOIti^D HDi^^D T : T T ; Plaintiff, ni. s. X^lb j^nin Ch. -ive, ^m b^ Plaister, D^^^nn Plait, T'nn^ ^£33 -N. m.s.Hl1ii3 ' T : - T T Plan, nc^n -N. scheme. nZl^ni^ model, T*"^ T T T -; - Plane, r\w * ny^pH -N. nj;;vpD Planet, nrD * ^TD pi. DnrD*rint;!D * nl^r;^ -ary, -^t:^ 't- T-t^ 't; t- t- " Plank, n-jip * t^^np Plant, ;;bJ ♦ ^hti^ -N.;;^? * ^^inti^ -atlon, i;£5D -ed, m. s. PLA— PLE 271 yiDJ -er, ni. s. i/tpl^ Plaster, mO -N. lime, T^ a salve, nni^np-er,D*>^ni n^l^t? Plat, j'lK -N. mi^n npbn -form, a flat roof, ;;in ncoj:^ a level, -llti^^p Plate, to beat into plates, n§ j/i^") R. PIID -N. (of silver) pipD ^^? a dish, nyp_ -d, m. s. n^'i/ipn Plaudit, nip -ory, m. s. nB;^P Plausibility, -ibleness, D*;:"^^ ri\^")0 -ible, m. s. n^i;; Play, to sport, pHV *i?^j;?.riti^n R. H;;::^ trifle, ^^J/H-N. pinv *D^i;!^^.?^ -er, m."s. pH^p ' im>V.P^ -fellow, j;;n R. n;;-) -fui,-some, m. s, ^vi; *ni;i *9p r.i;t ♦^^p -house, j;:i^^^.;^^ ^^^"ID n^5 -thing, d*>i;;2;i;.?^ Plea, apology, m^V^O'T' ' nip^pvn R. p-T^; Plead, argue, Hp^^H defend, ''^^ f^^^DH \^br\ R. pS -er, m. s. i(^bn -ing, nv'^^p • ni31 Please, content, H-VH * J3]/ choose, *lh^ * "IPB if you-, m.s. *^^rv3 n:j>^ Dip DN -one's seif,:;)];nn *j;;^i;.ri:i^n r. n]J\i; it does not -me, ''2 "'T\)f^n ^iS * '^^JC/g ^10 N*? -ant, m.s. (person, or thing) D^JuO * ^IVH (voice) ll^/ (meats) D^Z?i;cpD -life, D^nltO D^^n -g-arden, H^ ^5 make- D^If^H -antness, delightfulness, yy^ * '"^^p^ -antry, 27 3^0 -antly, -1 Pleased, m. s. • '3 \^?n * Hynp -ingly, UV'^ll Pleasure, delight, ^V^p * JIV"] a man of-, p:^!^^^ * ^?J?np he follows his own-, 12^ nnnt^^ nn{< •r|'7ln with-, nnn? rmn * 3.^ m^Dn * ny^pn t^sin * 310 ]iv")3 -urable, m. s/D';;: * l^HJ Plebeian, y-\^n Dv nv»^p R. H?T * colnn Ch. pi. Pledge, to pawn, D3j^ (one's self) 3'lj^nn -N. D3J/ * ll3nj;^. 272 PLE— POC Pleiades, ''^iQV ''5?'i3 -^X^??^ * HD'^S Plenary, m. s.*DrOr) * t)j^ -arily, H^D^pn? ^fllD^^n Plenipotence, 11&^ *^|?^1 -otent, m. s. * H^g^nH HD l'? ^n? n^-lip -otentiary, m. s. Dl^^Sn (^"^iit * "IDnD R. DID Plentitude, -ty, S^^ * ^^ -teous, -tiful, m. s. 2*1 -teously, -tifully VQp^D, * nh^ Pleonasm, in";. H?^ * Dni'i nii^ni;. Pleurisy, ntnn -);;nn -ritic, m. s. — 2 ns^p Pliable, -ant, "^l R. "[Dl -ableness, Jl^^T Plod, j;;j> -der, m. s. J/?^np-ding, H^**^^. Plot, to plan, n'^n ' niVnnn trj?.? (mischief) °^r vj ti}^r\ -N. contrivance, HDJ^np * H^Snin conspiracy, l^j^. -of ground, nni^ri rijP^n Plough, "I'':! * U/IT) -N. -share, Jll^inp -land, 3;^ -man, 3;il^ * fii^nin ^n;:DT^e inir a-ing, t^^nn * -i^j T T-: •• ^ • T Pluck, (fruit, &c.) ^bp^ ' D^l^ (feathers, hair) d^D -up by the root, Ipj: * HDJ -out one*s eyes, CJ^^^ "Ij^j -N. a pull, n^^:Dr\ lights, &c. nnjp ♦ D^i;ip Plums, raisins, ti^tl/2^ D^33X; Plumage, r\1^l2 -migerous, -my, m. s. — 7jt/5 Plumb, Plummet, ^^SH ]2^ -line, '^3^? Plump, to fall, IT fatten, i^nnH * \D^n -N. m. s. * ]12t^ ^^ns -ness, n^i^nn ♦r^iDip?^ Plunder, tTB * HbtT^ * ^'^t^-N. Ht !l 'HDJi^C) * ^^t^^ -er, m. s. Plunge, put under water, VJ^^tDil * llT to sink, * lh^ D^p^ ♦ ppx/n fall into, "I'l^bti/n^ bs: -n. nn^ Plural, m. D'^nn -ity, "^^3^ Pocket, N. D^3 -V. -2 ^hj -book, D^3n?n nnnp« -handkerchief, ^^n finspp POE— POL 273 Poetry, poems, nlV'^^Q * D'^l^tl/ -csy, -H nD^i/D -etical, ••• Poet, IIWD * Y^hD -ically, ^^l^D HV^^D "Tinn R. \^1^ Poignancy, ]13;i^ * '>;i^f5^ -ant, m. s. p3^ * H^fJ Point, sharpen, ;5^ * Tin direct, nS|-in * nnlH *mn(with the finger,) Tb^ ^DTT to dot, 1'^} -N. a sharp end, 71111 a dot, (THpi a case, ]^5J^ chief, llpV * tT/X") critical moment, rn^isn i;j-i -by-, v^-it^n -in"n -in*i -blank, t^^n^jn to be upon the-, l^Hl pDJ nVH to bring to a-, H^? *Dnn R. Dnn he is on the -of death, nob Dllp^ * DDI^ -ed, sharp, m. s. ]13^ *in -edly, keenly, HJ^'iSti^B -less, m. s. nn'D *nnp Poison, N. mi • m^n-DD * D^i^ Ch. -V. -npt^i '7^^^^^ -ous, m. s. n^n^D "^pii? Poize, D^2 -N. D^a Poke, tl/^D Poker, ]1t!^'7p Pole, (a piece of timber) D? (of the earth) n?[7 ^,"^^5^ ^^p -lar, - -btl} Pole-axe, Ullp_ Police, 1*'j;n n'lip?) -icy, art of government, H^^pD * "IO?^D prudence, H^'iy Polish, brighten, 't:?:^^ • pH^ * CDip civilize, n^iD^'i;? 1^^ -N. nV^^ **'£>'•' -er, m. s. t^^COl^ * PHD?:) * COir^D Politeness, civility, p.{J"^n;^. *mD^jt?3 Polite, m. ^—7V_Z ' Polity, nri^n n^nin -itics, ri^^'l'l -itielan, m, s. Poll, take a list of voters, Ty'\j:i 7?p R. J/T -N. (a list) ni;;*nn nD^tt^i the head, tr^t^i ^ nbib^^ r. ^^j Pollute, defile, i^S)-ii ♦^if^ -tion, nN;D:D * V\S5 Polygamy, D^^t^JH '^^n -glot, nl:)W nl3W^n -theism, T v; •2 L ^ POM— POR Pomegranate, ]iZ2"! "^ I Pomp, ri"i.tW\ -osity, "T^JD -ous, m. s. ins Poinard, niH ^ H^^ Pontiff, Hn5 ]ri3.tiricai,(abook) D'^:ri3 niln "l^p Ponton, nnni/D rniDt)-! Poop, N. n'^^^n "^nin?^ ^ t.t:x .. -: Poor,m.s. indigent, ]5PD * ]1^3K *->?]; ' t^n * T'H R. * tm ^bl very-, JVDkSl ^^i; grow-, ti}nT\ * ^ID make-, t^^ti^ll make one's self-, (pretend) tJ^^lnJlH -land, HH mean, lin-iy*, -n Pope, ^Dii \:!!i3"3i?? -dom, — ni)^5 -ery, - -"^ni ^\p^^\ -ish, ~ -nnin? R. HT Poplar, nph 1 Poplin, i^in*^ '^t:^Di -)D^^ D\^^3 T^n Populace, Dj;;n pOn -ular, m. s. r^m 3T)? '''IVT -ularity, Diin ]ton ri^n^it ^iv"! -uiate, uvn nuip -uiation, orn '^131 -uious, f. s. d;; nnn TTT • T - - Porch, D^I.S * l^Ti^ Pore^ N. nitopnn nl;;n ap: -rous,m-s. D^inpi *j^^d i- Pork, -)\rn n^i '^ Porphyry, tOnil Porraceous, m. s. H*^ V^? T''^;! ' • '^ Porridge, p^l.^ Porringer, (TIJ^p T'i Port, harbour, D^l J^lDQ mien, ;in^Z:D -able, m. s. ' t^bT^ 'hlDblD\ R. ^"^CO -al, "li?t^ -er, gate-keeper, l^)ti/^ carrier, ^3P m^: -age, -erage, 1?^ POR— POT 275 Portend, nis^ ni^^ -sion, ^:^^1nn it^i^ nini^ nj;iin Portent, ip-^p *n1i^ -ous, m. s. *^^1^ Jl1« Portion, part, p7T\ (of a daughter) ]"JJ Portliness, nin ^JllD^j;?: Portly, m. s. IMT) * D^j^3 Portfolio, D^nnsn nnrip^^ -manteau, Dnj^n nnnp^5 Portrait, Hni^; Portray, draw, ")»y Position, situation, TD^fP DipP * 3-^5 R. 1)^^ Positive, m.s. toJ^HD * \\'2\ *'^^e^^ -itiveiy, Ho^nnn Possess, -b n?n -ion, ]"^:p * ntni^ take -ion of, * -^ n^P 'n^ m^ • • -3 'p]r\r) having large -ions, m. s. D'^Dp? *^i;3 CD^Iin give -ion, *T^21 ^t^^^ jjlj -ive pronoun, ]^3jpn "^I^DS -or, m. s. *^b i^i * ^j;;? ♦ mip * rnii^ * p\rnp Possibility, H^D^ * '^^^^ Ch. -sible, m. s. ^DV is it -sible, > b:?Vn as much as -sible, Ch. Iti/^^'l riD ^33 h^V l^i^?_ -sibly, ^'blj*^ Post, to fix, p3*n -N. messenger, TH^p "^r^J/ H^?^ office, nip5 a side-, (of a door) Htltp upper door-, P)1pt^P -age,' n"^|^^ nin\^J^ IpS?^ -chaise, ^]iy 3Dn -haste, jiran ♦ nn^np -house, nn^t^n nn^t^p n^3 -iiiion, 33"! -man, nlnjli? .^^3p Postdate, Ch. l^T DTH-tOIS:) ")^^^ -diluvian, ^13»n ^Ht^ Posterior, ^^n^ * inK -riority, nn^i^ -riors, nlPIiJ -rity, D'^:1-|^^^ nllll -meridian, Dnn-VH nnj< -humous. Postpone, delay, "IPIK * nhl Postscript, UDDln * HDDln R. flD*> (for P. S. is put U/^V . being the initials of ^T)!!^^ "Tij; or '^m'Dt^ IpV I yet forgot, or the principal thing I forgot). Posture, disposition, IDVD * HJOri Pot, -ina * -i^p pi. nlTD -companions, o'^1^3tl} n3n 2^ POT-PRE Potatocpt^ nDi^ man i- Potency, Potent, (see Might) Potentate, CD^^ * lp^D ^ Potion, (in physic) H^^nn nf?.tt^D Potter, i^yi l)^r^ -tery, I^V '^l^ nDN.^P I Poverty, m'^ij;. * "^^i? * rnvJ^. * tt^iR. ^^1 * ::^n 1 Poultry, nl£)ii; -terer, m. s. — l^lD 5 Poultice, •^isn'? n^i^innn Pound,tobeat,"nri3 * J^^n^-N. (money ID**^)^^ mV^U/ \ Pour, (in, or on) p':^*^ to rush, ^HD throw away, "^D^ 'i Powder, reduce to dust, p^l 1^^^ Ti; jh^ * pn.S^ plH R. ppT -N. pDiNt gun-, n^niy-pnJ?. -horn, -H ]"l.p. Power, (strength, see Might) leave, HStJ^nn n3 vmCi^n it is in my-, "^T h^^ U^] -less, HD ^^21 Practicable, m. s. Htj^J^;; -tical, H^I/p ^^ -tically, *^ilb3, nZDi^n-tice, use, JIH^D * S^IH dexterity, nn^n;:D Practise, do, nji^;? exercise, 75"Lnn Vp^j^nn -tioner, m. s. Praise, niU/ * ^ v'H -N. nnt^ * ^1 vJH -worthy, m. s. * HBt^^D Prance, ^D1 a prancing, n^ri'l Prank, a frohc, D^'^^nH a wicked act,;;^^ H^^D Prattle, ^HH 1^'^ -tier, m.s. Vn^t^ pC^^IS) 'D'^^^l! *"'3*i'^ Pray, °^i^ pHnH ^bsnn I'DV * "D t^^pn -I iS;^ -er, rt^nn * n^i^n * nn^ni; * nsi^pn -er book, n'l^r) n£)D Preach, t^ll * nOlH -N. H^^^l'l * HnDlin -er, t^^nl'l * HOlO Preamble, HD'l'^T} ' Kl3p Precarious, m. s. dependant, "2 ^l^ri doubtful, *niD5 ^'P?? p?)D -ly, pSiDS * pD^3 Precaution, mT^nt Precede, 'h D'lp -cedence, HDHp -cedent, m. s. "1 Dip PRE— PRE 277 -cedcntly, "^^^y Precentor, HV^P Precept, HIVP -tive, Hnin -tor. HnlD R.H")'^ Precession, P J^^ HD^lp R. I^.l Precinct, ^135 Precious, m. s. 1p^ -ly, Ip.VS Precipice, nDHlD lU}'' "T"nD R. TT Precipitance, -itation, ]n*\\'l/P * r\1?nS -itately, —2 -itant, -itate, m. s. inf22 * tnlS -itate, V. P]h*1 Precise, m. s. yOD ' DVpvp Ch. -sion, -^f"^ * D'lVpy -sely, -2 -sive, m. s. ]55p ♦ OVDVp Preclude, "D "fiJ;? ^iJ^H -ded, m.s. "D ^WH Preconceit, -ception, ^^^D n'^ni^D n^^nt:^ R. hbn Preconceive, li^t^l^ nSn^D ^t^^n -concerted, t^^XlO r;;i3 Precurse, tp\D * n'r\\^2 -sor, m. s. I^np Predation, D^H * f)"]:^ -datious, -datory, m. s. DDlH * P]"litO Predecessor, m. s. * ' 7 Dip * ^ W^^"^ Predestine, -tinate, tl/iilD lU -tination, * n^nV,?pn nnra n1^r;57 mnj Ch. -tinarian, m. s. 2 ^'?^?P Predetermination, lI/iilD H^nnj Hntil Predicament, state, "TDyD Predicate, N. "l^ln Predict, foretel, n'lTnjj;^^ n|75 prophesy, J^n? -tion, * H^U? nn^ni/n niV? -tor, m. s. nn^ni; n^:D * .s^'nj Predispose, 'i^Xip ]^?n R. ]1D -sition, t^^t^lD HJpn Predominance, pre-eminence, \Mr\^^ * i^^ti/ "lJn)[ R. ^^t^3 prevalence, iTI'inil -dominant, pre-eminent, m. s. t^N") prevalent,''^;;; *-)al5 -dominate, "inln * "^J^ -)3| Pre-engage, DipO °DJ:f"'^l.!i'D T?"? -engagement^ HiDH DipD n^^lti^n -establish, ^iilD D^PH J^DH 278 PRE-PRE Pre-exist, D''3D-^0 nVH -existence, * D'^>:iv'^ .T^H r\'l^^'^y;J n^^fc^-l -existent, m. s. |1Ji^^^n * ]1D72 Preface, D'^'Hj^Jn -N. HDlpH Prefer, regard more, "^ ]1")n^. njH R. ]n]3 -erable, m. s. nnnp -erence, ' 'h Jlnn^ -erment, HlOnp " HTH? I Prefix^ D^?9 vJp DW -N. H^^H :^^1? t^^lDt^H Hii^ Pregnancy, a being with young, ]V*in -nant, f. s. iTin i Prejudge, HTpni H^^^. DHD? D^^^i^.H tDb^> Prejudication, HTpni H^n.^ Dnir)^ D^t^^p l Prejudice, hurt, p^tH * ^/nn R. ;;T1 -N. pt: • nj;n he is -judiced against, "2 ^i^H ii? T^D -judicial, m. s. p\rD *;;i2? Preliminary, prelude, HDlpn ♦ J^13D Premature, m.s. I^pj^ -turely, Hl^'p^f^S Premeditate, D^'^Dv'D 2ii;n -itation, D*'::S:)^D HntS^nD ' • T ; ' T 't:* tt-; - Premier, t^^ti") first minister, tS^t^lH mD^^jH ^j^V Premise, ti^l|i^ D^'IpH * ^jj D"J.p nJ?n Premises, houses, &c. nlvTI? * riltHi?. Premium, np^ ♦l/Vn Premonish, D^3D^P IHtn -ition, D'^^D^O nnntNT Preoccupy, p'^tnn? D'^'IpH -cupancy, Dipp '^);in Preordain, D^'J? >»? "lt5 -dinance, D''>5 v'P Hny Prepare, 1T\JI * pDH (one's self) ]l3n -ration, H^pH -I'ative, -ratory, m. s. \^2f2 Preponder, bpjl/r^^n ^npH -derance, hpj^fpn nj/n^H Preposition, DVilt^ T\h?2 R. ^^^ Prepossess, 2h nlCOH -sion, 2.^ n^Cp? Preposterous, b^fn n^^J * njIDHn -terously, ID^pD "^hll Prepuce, tl/^V Prerogative, H^'^'lpn tOQ^^P -gatived, m. s. 17 PRE— PRE 279 Presage, ■T"^n;;n ni^nn -n. tt^v^ n'\^ Prescience, nlTn^n ri;;*'T Prescient, m. s. DlTnj;. *}ll)'^ Prescribe, T^ (medically) \'i/^ -script, H^VP * "JiJ?^ -scrip- tion, a medical receipt, J^Dlin nVJ/ HIVD riD^t^^n Presence, a being present, m^^^yp -of mind, r? n^ne -ee, ^j;n njIlD -^y> ^t present, Hn]/ soon after, mnpS -ment, a representation, IV^ * jllTH Preserve, keep, ^fefi!^ season, t^33 -N. plilDB tl^^QS -vation, HTp^ -vative, m. s. TTfl;;'! ♦ nb^^ -ver, m. s. * I^Tli/D Preside, ^j;^ umn R. n^i; • m::^ **^^^ib \r\in -idency, '^^•^^•'!J * mDJIgi Ch. -ident, m. s. J\n3p *D5")§ Press, urge, ^^vji? * J!^ij distress, j^h^ -down, t^33 -out, COhK^ -oil, or wine, ]1J!1 "^h'H -N. an oil, or wine-, ]f^tl^ *^^ H^. an instrument for pressing, t^5?^ ^^^^ printing) DID'H Ch. -ing, m. s. X^m * ti^Ji * ^n1^ :^5i -ingly, with force, nbn *Dyi;n-man, D^ano -ure, affliction, \^n^ *pn*i Presume, to suppose, 1^/^12 H^l H];.^ -ming, m. s. • "IJf/^P W?:5 n^^rp .mable,m*. s. H^^^ * 1jt;t:^'». Presumption, conjecture, IVP'H * li^-?*!? presumptiousness, ^.^ 1"^"^? * m^ii * njj^n r. rr;; -tuousiy, -n -tive, supposed, n^lDS *nK"li3 presumptuous, m. s. TT 'D^:^ *»;; Pretence, Pretension, Pretext, HDn;; * m^V^lin Pretend, Dnj^ri * nlD?^ J^^'pn -er, * m*. s. ♦ tiMV 280 PRE— PRI Preterimperfect, ^b^}^ ^'Pihll 12Jl -terite, 12il -ternatural, -ternaturally, j/D^H '^'l^^D X^Vj H^I/D^ -terperfect, -ter- pluperfect, D^fct^: 12^ Prettiness, *»D''' * Dj/j * "llJl -tily, —2 -ty, handsome, m. s. np; * D^i;: * "iin nearly, tDj;;p3 Prevail, overcome, vjt/ ")il| induce, iir\^ -aling, - •"ipH -ative, m. s. bhwi2 Privilege, X, nn^H * TW^-^, R, "lin * Ht^^n -V. -jhj Privily, nnpn -ties, U^mil^ -ity, "1^0 *llD Privy, acquainted with, m. s. "TlDH *)^2 a necessary-house, rjv? ^^P?D ^^? -counsel, no^g)n ]^j;i^ ♦ tid p"*rip9 Prize, to rate, T^"}i/n esteem, 7070 R. 77D -N. reward, T T Probability, T\12'^b DilJP -able, -ably,m. s. H^p^pD * HiS'i:? Probate, n;2n ni^^v nph nTi;;n r. mo * nii Probe, npn * ti^n*! -bation, proof, Hn^pn * nti^^^ll Problem, HTH R. Tin -atical, p^^D -atically, -3 * nil*'!!? Proceed, prosecute, Tii; f]b^ * I^I^^H go forward, *"^5?)^ ^bT) arise from, "D "^/JH -ing, procedure, * nt?^Ij[P **^n/T Process, course, 1"7p (of law) COSt^D * 3n -ioi'j, HDn^Jp 282 POR— PRO Proclaim, publish, *^ip ini^n * D^niS i?_"^nin R. i;t n::in ch. -lamation, ni/iiD * rn3 Procreate, Th'in R. n^** -tioii, ni^lD -live, m. s. l^^iD Proctor, (in an university) i^f^l'^rip tl}^'^^ Ch. an attorney. Procurable, ^^^*l -curator, T^pS * ^^^^^ -cure, obtain, N:!i^9 * J^^VPn Pimp» CD'^?''^?/' ^.1! Ch. -curer, m. s. Prodigal, -iT?p * r nnp R. nra -ity, nitD * nnrn -ly, -2 Prodigious, m, s. X??? -giously, *!^;?i'^ n^to^^ {<^ Profligacy, -ligateness, ^^^?.r^ ^l^tOLL^ * Hfp] R. DDt -ligately, -2 -ligate, m. s. m^^H *r]l^W * n^Hfi^;? *^i?n ) PRO— PRO 283 Profouiul, deep, ni. s. pOV -foundly, p^j/ / -fundity, ppX? Profuse, lavish, m. s. TBrnD R. PIl * IT^O * jlH *n-??p -fuscness, -sion, tintn * 1ir?i * ^vSd -fusely, -2 Progenitor, 2^ -geny, Hl^ln R. "T^'' Prognostic, niHiS^ fllkS -ticate, Ipn R. l^i^ -ticatioii, nn^ni;n ni-^i -ticator, m. s. nn^ng n^jp Progress, course, n^^ip * HDvn improvement, ]^pr) * hV]^ -ional, -ive, increasing, ^1"IJ1 2l1] Ti/H -ively, * "11.03 Prohibit/^x; ni^ 'in^n -ion, ns:^x;n t<^ mvD -ory. Project, contrive, H^SHn tn n^^^DH * p?n -N. ^1];. * lli;^ -al, - D -ally, -2 able, -ate, pDJ? * '"IKHS Propose, *^*i/^ -sal, -sition, nVji/ -ser, m. s. ^^fl'' Proprietor, •'H b^T^ -pnety, accuracy, "l^i^l*^ * LD^t^P Propulsion, HDin ♦ mTHD Prorogation, ipt nnTsT] n^HiS -rogue, ]??? nnnMHi? Proscribe, D'^inn -script, m. s. DIHD -scription, DIH Prose, nCOIJi^^D HT^n R. n;i: -saic, - -^lin Prosecute, continue, l^tDnH sue, Dnni-nl^^bi; ^^^}^1n °^;; n^cDii^ -tion, m;onn ^n::^si^ -tor, m. s.T\tDnD ^ r^ci^ Proselyte, (he) inb^T n*l 'T'pn -N. lipiD (to Judaism) l.THp Prosody, ni;;i3nn \^)^^p p'liP'q R. pp"r Prospect, a vie\r, n]T\n object, jIDp * COIip R. :03: -iv* PRO— PRO 285 viewing, m. s. ^*pIf*P -iveglass, HDj^iyn H^p -us. Prosper, rT^/Vn -ity, nn/VO -ously, —2 -ous, m. s. H'^/VD Prostitute, ^-^H ' Ipi^H Ch. -N, m. s. vile, ^Ij^?^ a hireling, -|02^ a strumpet, H^li -tion, bt>n * ni^? Prostrate, pS^ ^^Sti'H inln R. TT^ -N. m. s. yi^h ni^n ^51/7 ♦nrifi!^ -tion, (in adoration) iTinrit^n dejection. Protect, "^jt; IJ^ j;n -tion, HDn? * t;ir) -tive, m. s. pj^-tor. Protest, T^^n * n^pin r. ns^ * nhp ch. -n. -ation, * nnii/n nnjiii * n^snp -ant, m. s. ^?pp ^2ri3 2^ ^nih nii^np Protocol, original, Jlti^^iSIH 2Pi2D -tdtype, Ch. Xl]>V1, T • T Protract, Tl^^n ^T^^^DH -tion, n^U/DH * "lin.V-tive, m. s. Protrude, ^HS -trusion, *^ng Protuberance, nj^Si^ -tuberant, m. s. ^^^^ * "Q Hn^ Proud, m. s. elated, n^2i^ * ^^ *r^n5 grand,i<^^: * D"! * 3;W^ -iy> •'^^.^?.^? * tit;;? Prove, evince, ri'^DlH try, HD^ *\r\2 -able, nD;^^ Provender, i^i5!)PD *h^h2 Proverb, h^D -ial, m. s. -S H^Il -ially, -"T^n? Provide, prepare, ]*>Dn supply, °n^|t i^'t^^ (with necessaries) ^?^5 R. h^2 -idence, foresight, nn^nt * nmtl/n -idently, — 3-idence, divine care, D**!!/!?? nnilti^H -idential, D -identially, - -2 -ident, m. s. ")\nT * "l^^t^^P Province, office, Jl'IpS business, pD]/ Ch. district, *^75 * T^^ -cial, governor, "^^SH ")^ Provision, a providing, niDPf food, pTD * Hl^f * ^5^^ * H^i^ 286 PRO-PUL -al, Ch. n^^ ^^h -ally, DJ^S hv. * ''jri? Provocation, nnnn * nnjn -cative, m. s. m^^n *-i-)i];D Provoke, D^;/?n *"3 Hl^nn -kingly, D^j;/?."!^ Prowl, ^^fii^ ^'^ti^'? DDC^a ^^1^^ -er, nniCO * Df^^n Proximate, m. s. 3l-);j 'l^'^? -imity, HUnp^ *niD^PP Proxy, Dipp? * ''nnr^ Prude, ^'iD nnv n^^r> Prudence, HJ^n *nr!l -dential, — ^i^^ -dently, —3 -dentials, -"'('.I? -dent^ m. s. T?'? ^H^l^? *^^^ -dery, DI^^PV nni^B Ch. Prune, ibT -N. H^^^D^ H^ttt^ -ningbook, H'lf^^D Pry, "2 ^?r)J?^n *'^^ co^:nn r. dd^ Psalm, D"^-?nn R. ^^H -mist, -1?np -mody, -nT^ Psalter, D'^y'nin "I^D -tery, ]n.r)?p2) Ch. Pshaw, Dil Puberty, n^^^i^ f. nn;i5 Ch. Pubescent, m. s. ~hh:^b *^2 Public, manifest, m. s. VT]\ * ^l?! the people, D^/ common, "llUVn * D'^B'in -weal, — nn^^ to appear in public, D^nnn nl^^nn -house, ]'\b^ * i:^t^'nr}ti;D n'^n -an, a victualler, 7il3, Publication (of a book, &c.)n1^^S nj;?Vln -city, •^^^5 'DIDn^ Ch. -ciy, ^im * D^2-)!i * ti;?2ti;r{ ^r;;^ Publish, D'^?^^ ^nin (a book, &c.) -)i.S^ ^^V^H -er, Pudding, (food) nn'^D? Puddle, mh"! D5^^ -dly, ti^S)-).? Puerile, PiMVl T^.'? -^^i^y* ^''"^^il Puff, to blow, 2m " n^iDH praise too much, ♦ n§ :2*'n-|n -y, windy, pn. * ^^H m. s. Hn *^^.^D PUL— PUR 287 Pull, (sec Drag, and Pluck) -oir, htI/2 (a frarment) ^'^^ (shoes) V^n -N. ny*^*D -y, hinn b-^b-^ r. ^^j It t • : '^ ' V V - - ; - Pulpit, i^r:^]^ ♦ HD^a * non Pulse, vibration, pD"! pease, &c., D*'Jl;;ir * M V^tOj^'Ch. -sation, Pulverize, pi It^^St 1^ llHO * p2^h plH R.pp"T Pump, (water, &c,) H^'l * Htn R. HT^ examine well, 3C0\n -)pn -N. (engine) ''b'l ♦ Ht;? Puncheon, ^"^D^ lin n^r.o::^i -lij n'^sn Punctual, m. s. ]pp * OVDVP Ch. -ity, Dr:;pV -ly, ~2 Punctuation, Tlp^ Punctulate, "7^5 Puncture, 3pJ -N. 3pJ Punish, -)D1 *tr:;; -able, m. s. *St^^^ nlSH ]•! R. HD^ m^v *bi:^*:2p^ *'2^"^^^ -ment, ^n^iD^ *ti^3i; Puny, m. s. young, 1^;;^ inferior, "Tl^jn *h^ti; Pupil, a scholar, Tp^jn (of the eye) l^j;:.n55 * ]]V ^2 \')U;'*^ -age, minority, ni^71 * i^^l^p)^ Puppet, a wooden image, \^ 70^ Purblind, m. s. nlH? *1^ri; Purchase, njjj -N. ]^^p -chaser, m. s. H^lp Pure, m. s. "^p: -air, HV HI") -gold, -silver, "llriG ^D? DHr -water, DnlHO D^3r D^D -ly, IVp^n Purgation, Hnq^ -gative, pn^ -gatory, DJH"^^ nniip Purge, (by stool) D^^D p^in -N. - -j? hphph D^^D -ging, D''»i;p ripnn Purify, make pure, Hp: *"inO -ification, tlinp * pI'^PH -ifier, m. s. Hp^p ^HH^D * ?l-]Vp .-itan, m. s. t^^p.np "in^-P'l -itanism, Dnnt^^HT D'l^^pnpn nnin -ity, ]vp^: *n^D^pn Purl, COi^^ '^'^n -ing, m. s. OISI^ "li?1n 288 PUR—PUT Purloin, "2 TVibt^ * 3J2 T - X T Purple, ].^J-jNr Purport, Purpose, ]^5 * IJi^n -N. IJDP * DTO * nn^HD Purse, D*'3-er,n*:i^^n pID Pursue, to chase, •'nHNt pb^ f]h"J continue, * Ti;; ^D] ^^^Ci^pn -able, m. s. P)iT. ♦ ^^1^^. -ance, 'nD^ll *nDDln n:DS!^Dn -ant, m. s. DHIDIO Purvey, (provisions) llf * ^3^? ' I'^pH R. 71D * ]1D -ance. ^i:d^? • njpn -or,m. s. i2w * ^?^3p ♦ r?P Puss, hn^ Purulence, -1^"'^ Purulent, -J^^D Push, (at) p'm nriD (one forward) "n ^^ijtH (away) *nn'l fl'n'll (with the foot) Vb'l * tOi?^ (with the horns) Hij -N. a thrust, n'rii ♦ Hin'^n'i ♦ nn^^^ ^ hd'^d-i * nco;:.:^^ an attack, n^"^-?? -ing, m. s. enterprising, 13^ i^'^? vigorous. Pusillanimity, KniD **^nlD -imous, m. s. ^^T *22h *'^n Pustule, ^^^3:t;5^;: r. n^jn -tubus, m. s. n^i/in;;?^. *^e^/p Put, place, n^tl; *DW *"rprn -away, remove, TDH R. niD send away, tl^^ -back, H^'^H R. 3W -by, reserve, T^n0Dh w:n r. m^ -to death, n^pn r. mo -down, lay down, ^S^H * n^iH -an end to, hV? * DHH R. D^^DH -to flight, nnnn -forth, ^^^Vin R. NV*" (one's hand) T rjbti; -forward, stir up, Hl^ * n^I/H R. 1^;J -into one's hand, *T'^5 l^J "i" authority, 7^_ '^P.^H ^hj -in order, I'lp ' ^nr.n -in surety, n^nj; 3^;; ♦ ]in-jx; jri;-inmind, "l^ipTn -off, delay, ^HNt thrust off, TiT]'! -off one's clothes &c. ^'^n -on clothes &c. t^lh -out, blot out, HH^ (fire) nn? (of doors) n^^r\ N^yln (the eyes) 0^5"^^ lip.: -to his oath, y3ti^n -a stop to, nVj^ * iib^ -to the sword, n^H 3*)n "^D^ -together, y'Sf^ * ^D^ -to shame, D^pH -under 1 s. m. s. PUT-QUA 289 fc^t,\^jn nnni:n:pn.up,iift up,r}ii:n • Dnn.up viti,, YlD • mi -up a petition, nh^Pi m: R. ^^£)" Putrefaction, ^i;^ * pO -trefactive, pD^-trefy, pDH Putrid, m. s. t^^JJ ♦ l^2V * ap_n Putty, r^^:^^:i\ pnip Puzzle, Dbn ''^5^3 R, hh2 Pyramidical, n^n^;?)n INtln? Pyramid, - -l^T^P t- Q Quack, (like a duck) Iplj? -N. |av ^^^^ Kail ^ry mjD^r • eiin ch. """ '" "' Quadrangle, m. s. i/J-ip -ratio, -St:' -rangular, m. niyp J?3-)i^ .Sj;? -rate. m. s. J^jn-J -ruped. D'ip- l^B^^ •^^3 -rupie, D^rtj;nns Quail, 1^K> pL D^^^a' Quake, :i>;;-i • |fif ■ • ^t-aijin ♦ brjbnnn r. i^m Qualification, -ity, mS^N ' n^j^D a' person of -ity, m. s. 11H0 ^i"'^ *5i'n: 'tl^^^ -ify, make fit, pDH 'la'jn R. 113 soften, ^ij?,! R. ^^p • r .. : - Quantity, Quantum, amount, l^DO ' rp Quarantine, ni3n ^!2i\ D''J^3")J< Quarrel, 3nn • iiifjn • p^j;;rin -n. 3n • nya • p^j/ -some,m.s. llir^n nninD •11-ra *2>V-s'omeness.' pi"ij Tii-innn Quarry, N. 0^^"^!?? -man, D'^Jai]^ nVlH Quart, pnn n'^;^::^ -an-ague, n^^n") nnip Quarter, divide into four, j;;3n a fourth part, M'^J/'^n") ^I/^l (a measure) -\^h -ly, HJ^H n;/^?-)^ ♦ r^^^^nh -ern' 2 N 290 QUA-QUO Quash, crush, ^^5'1 annul, T£)n * ^^5 Quay, nv?{< D^n f^in Queen, D^^D Queer, m. s. I'l^: ^HJtf^P -ly, ]1-)ti^D ^^? Quell, appease, "^St^^ Quench,allay,;;^^nn(thirst)]ii^Dy ^il^Ca fire) H^? ^T^/.l'^ -able, m. s. int^'' ' HBD^ * '^I/'}^. -less, -^b Quest, a search, Hf/n.-l. * H^^pS Question, to enquire, ^N^ doubt, l^Q * pDD Ch. -N. query, •^^^5^ questionable, pDD -ary, querist, m. s. ^^^t^ Quib, oniin nn^. Quibble, D^D^ DhD -bier, m. s. 1^2*^ DniD Quick, m. s. living, '•n speedy, '^^"^D -en, make alive, * H^n J^.inn excite, ^^J;/n R. ")1i; -lime, l^'il -ness, activity, nn^"^p * n^irnr ch. -ly, -i -sand, p]*i: ^in -sighted, m. s. 1^:^ ♦ pnn ^nit^n^ *2*'PP -silver, ^H ^D^ Quiet, tOpti^n * pjHI^n * ^ip^ be-, (at ease) Dp^ ' n^3 silent, Dl"! -N, quiescent, m. s. COpti^ * H^ still, DD^l'l quies- cence, quietness, CDp^ * Hn: * HmD -ly, —3 Quill, ^y^n np: Quilt, t]5n -N. r\hm ♦ np^'p^ * hddd r. ^d3 Quinsey, ]1n|n ^^IH * n^?P^ Quit, leave, ntj^ discharge, ib^ -tance, D^i'l^CO? Quite, ^^^3 Quiver, lifn * ^D^nnn R. h^n -N. (for arrows) n^lf/^ Quota, p^n ^'^nj;! -Hent, i^Df^n phr\ Quote, prij^/n -tation, H^jni^T} Quotidian, happening every day, Dl"^ 73 ? Hfe^j/P RAB— RAL 291 R Rabbi, 21 • '^nn -nicai, o^jni ]::in h^ Rabbit, ]^p Rabble, D;; pDH * PlDDDJ? Race, family, Hn^ti^p course, nV1"ip Rack, to torment, n?^; -N. nl^];^ "^?'?? "^^5 Radiance, Radiation, nj:/D^ *")nT * HJ J -diantly, -— 2 -diant, '' ^^p^5 * \*yi: -diate, j;;^?)in * ni: -diated, m. s. ♦i^ mi Radical, primitive, tS^iy *1pjt? -ically, — H jD-icate, plant deeply, t^^l.^H take root, tt^H^ * Hl^/nn Radish, ]m Raffle, r5^p5 pn^ -N. &$^^5^p5 pinfc^ Raft, (of timber) HliDDI Rafter, Hnlp Rag-, nnp * j;np pi. o^np * ninnp ^i^i^n -amuffm, pn -ged, m. s. ^^b'y\ VT\^^ Rage, rjh ♦ ^iVp^ * npn -glngly, -'2 Rail, enclose with rails, I'l^n insult, y^|J^ * P)nn -N. llil -ing, nViSt^ * P]nn -lery, ^ijnH * plHV Raiment, ti^^^ * tS^llH^D ' n'lD? * TJ^ Rain, N. ICDD heavy-, Dl^>5 -V. -I^l^ send-, -j'^CDQn * D^'ti^JH -bow, ijrn n^p -y, nn^p dv * ti^^m njt; Raindeer, '•^iD-VH ^^^? Raise, lift, li^n * DnH R. Dll exalt, ^m * ^5 collect, (money, &c.) ^D^ (a tax) •?;; DD UW Raisin, ti^n^ 3J5; * pi^V Rake, gather, ")3V clear, P]h5 -N. (a tool) ^IJtD -ker, a sca- venger, m^in {^-1.15 -kish, m. s. ;;n§ * pn. Rally, (forces) nDni;.;^:! ^'l^^h ^Dl 2W m RAM— RAS Ram, a male sheep, y^i^ Ramble, DtDlti^nn -N. ^W -bier, m. s. COCOlJ^nO * IDtt} Ramify, 1^*1 5 H -ification, the branching out, nt^^tO? Rampart, (the wall) p^;^ * HDln Rancid, m. s. Hnp * ^^^3, -ity, ]n-]p * njnv Rancorous, m. s. n^li^l "IV -cour, H^'i"!;] ^^^:fc^ Random, chance, ("TIpD at-, n"lp;^ HD^ * HJ^.? "^^n Range, put in order, i^D * T1JE?.D rove, COOlti^nn -N. * ")"ip •^ni; ♦ cow -ger, a rover, m. s. CO^iJ^^np * :0^(an officer) Rank, *inrn * -)"ip -N. rancid, m. s. nr)D * 11/^^2 a line, nr\i?^ ♦ nni^ dignity, nbfjD Rankle, corrupt, ^T]t^il be inflamed, 1)^3. * nh[5 Ransack, to search, t^^D * tS^S^H Ransom, Din?) * ]1''"!5 Rant, ^yi -N. ti^J-J -er, m. s. t^^Jln i^ap,p§inn -N. nj^^D'i ^nip^^nnn Rapacious, plunderer, m. s. DDln *T\D^'^ -ly, D^H? Rapacity, D^HH niSl.]! Rape, commit a-, n?^ * DJJJ * tl^aS Rappid, quick, m. s. "inDD -ity, nn^np -ly, inp * ti^^n Rapine, HDl^P * DDH * HTB R. rTIl Rapture, j;i? * HVn * H^^l * ]ifii^^ -urous, m. s. m^D Rare, m. s. scarce, ^J^^ excellent, *TN.P'2l£0 -ly, seldom, *)|5^^ finely, n^II^H Dll? -ness, ll^^^ ^3^1 Rascal, -ly, D^^^:t:p 1/*^ ^^^ Rase, erase, ilhD ^ilHti^ root up, ")|pj; Rash, precipitate, m. s. IHP? * THlS a breaking out, *nn^P pnil -ness, niiH^ -ly, —'2 Rasure,iT'nZD 'T^'p^nr^ & RAT— REA 908 Rate, to value, ni?^ *T1^.L^ ^^"^e, '-2 "lil/J^ IHID -N. "ni;t^ * Tl^. -table, -tably, ->E)^ Rather, * 'D 31^0 (as Gen. xxix. v. 19. HHl^^ '•nri 3HD njllN ''rii^D *^7 «/ rather give her to thee, than give her, Sfcn Ratify, pm * it^i? * D^;?n r. mp-ification, p^tn * ^^]1^ ji^i^ Ratio, proportion, pbr\ Ration, HmbD V)^i^ ^i^'n^^ Rational, m. s. h^'^ *^^n * il35-ity,"^^?^n ni -ly, * ^Dfc^n n:^2r^2 T ; • Rattle, make a noise, HbH * t^^^l -N. noise, H^^pH * ti^^l empty talk, ^i^CDS * nm2 -snake, H^Db^ * jnS * Ravage, pillage, n'Dt^ * ttZl -N. HlJ^^p ' Hm Rave, be mad, Jjpn^/H dote, fll^^inn DHK -ingly, iij;5t2^n Raven, 311;; Ravenous, m. s. ]r^Dif."l -"ess, P]-)tO nj^lt^^ri -ly, 1 '^^^"1.3 Ravish, violate, njjj; * Di^it ♦ ti^33 delight, I'm) :^p_ -er, n5;;p *t:^nl3 m. s. li^p^ •j^^p -ment, ♦•^i3j; *d;1k Raw, m. s. unsubdued by fire, ^H * '7t^3D li'^i^ unskilful, h^:^PD l3\s: -ness, ^^3p ^ji^n *^3^ -iph Ray, a beam, ^1^: Raze, extirpate, riH^ * Hv? -zure, |V^3 Razor, Ij/r) * HllD Reach, arrive at, extend to, J^^H 'i/^'iin R. Jti^i *;;:):i hold out, CO^Si^in R. tOti^"^ -N. extent, H^^H ability, D^i)^, it is out of his-, IT :^wr\ i^vDn t<^ Reaction, "^ n;|p m^bj^^inn Read, peruse, X")p -over, P]iD IV^ ti/^lD Xlj^ -er, m. s. t^lip -ing, ^^cn.p Ready, m. s. prompt, *^^"^p * 1\^J^ prepared, JiDJ make-, S>94 REA-REC n v!3 * r^n (one's self) ]l3n -money, *D^?^rp nii;^ Ch. tiDD Ch. -iness, nn^np *ni"T)?.^ -ily, -3 Readmit, ^^i3^ Ti;; trij -mission, Tl;; kSlD^ ^^n: Reaffirmance, ti^nH/D H^^t:^ HCO^nn // T T •• // . •• T T -: - Real, certain, m. s. "11*13 * tl/!^f2 Ch. -estates, r\1l/j^*!j^ -ity, truth, nwp^^ -ize,^jgls:)n ^^ K^v'in r. ^^v^-ly, * nD^?^ Realm, n^::^^ ' HD^O^D Reanimate, iTH * H^riH * nn D^^ti^n R. 31fii^ Reap, cut com, -)1^;j^ get, i^V^ * J^^H R. :3:i^3 -er, m. s. -)Vlp -ing-time, n^Vj? Rear, raise up, 7*11 -N. (of an army) ill^H^n ^p^?P Reason, argue, n^l^^n R. HD^ examine, i^l^nn * t'^^^H -N. rationality, '^Dfc^H HS cause, D;;(D * HBD R. 230 -able, m. s. rational, ^?^*^^? just, Itl/l -ableness, * 1ti^*> nniD? -ably, -2 -ing, n^si * nHDIll Reassemble, call together again, n^Jt^ '^'!}i?D ^^^ meet again, n^:)fi!^ bnpn ^Dt^n Reassume, TM^pJ? 2MI/ -assumption, TV^tl/ Hn^^p? Rebel, HID * l'lf2 -N. -lious, m. s. |-niD * TliD -lion. Rebound, llnJ^ 312^^ Rebuff, D^i2) n^j^^n R.ni::^-N. D^^a n^fii^n Rebuild, build again, n^:p n:2 * iil^n^ 2W Rebuke, chide, "21^^ -N. Hnj^il Recall, 3"^fii^n R. 31 1^ -N. n2^;n • T T T -; Recant, (he) inif^D 31:^^ R. J/l^ -ation, H^nH Ch. Recapitulate, n"^:it:^ LD'IQ tl/l^^ -ation, n^i^t!^ HtriS) Recede, fall back, nh^ ^D^ 2^V:} desist, Tbi; •r II f II T Receipt, an accquittance, "IHlw^^ * '"^^^E -^0? REC— REC 295 Receive, 72p_ -able, in. s. z?)^^ -er, m. s. /^j^P Recent, ni. s. t^in -ly, t^^THD * ^'^"'E^ ""^^^' ^'''^H Receptacle, ')^'^\>T^ TS^^ -tion, n?!!!)^ -live, m. s. 7ll'p^^ Recess, retirement, ")hDD * HlJlD -ion, rnDH * il^'^LOi Reciprocal, -ly, JllD vH m. s. HT 7i^ nt -ness, ^IvH Reciprocate, ^/Hil -cation, -city, mS^nil/l * ^T\ Recite, repeat, H;:^ -tal, nl^ti^ Reckon, to number, nt^H * H^^ * "IDD -ing, \\'2.pr\ Reclaim, correct, "1p^ *J^5?L^ Recline, ]i;^n Recluse, m. s. C^nS * "Tf.l^inp Recognise, acknowledge, "HDn R. "1^^ review, ^^pti^H -nisance, a bond, D^^liV} DH? a badge, in ♦ l^^D -nition, * Hn^H Recoil, nini^ nit:^ :ib: Recollect, iJ? -ion, Ji-IDT * I?!; Recommence, 11;/ 7nn R. 77n Recommend, n^ri p^pn-him to me, HnltO^ ^V^V n^"???! -ation, H'^^^p ♦ naio '"'TPS -^^o^y* "^- s- T^.^^ Recompense, ^b^ * ^IDil nt^^H * dW -N. ^1^5 * D^'DI v^^ Reconcile, H^.^ (persons) 'O^}^ "l^S ' IPiy n^l -concileable, m. s. °Dj; nit?^:^ ^^riiSt TnJ5^ ♦ --^ n-^n*^, -concilement, -conciliation, HiJIt^^H *T\'^^'2 *\ri'l -ciliatory, m. s/HWD -)g5P *nn?^ Reconnoitre, ^i^ ^r>V:;r] CO^H R. 0^3 Record, to register, 3npn Dt^H -N. IllSr^ HD^ti^l. -er, T?rp Recover, (from sickness) J^^*^'*!? regain, 7^? Illti^ -able, m. s. i^?)T ♦ 3OT Recovery, ^^'IJ^ * nb}^^1 * Hn^H Recount, I^D * TIH R. T;!: 296 REC— RED Recourse, nnti;^ D^: 'b^ n:^*"2 nb|i Recreate, nn Tli^n*J7t^W R. nVt^ -tion, * tTDS ni'^t^P Recriminate, ]0^n Hl?^'? l^'PSi^D -ination, nS)J^^ H^^Cp?^ Recruit, supply, ]^pn ^^5^3 R. ]1D * ^13 repair, ^KvjO D^ti^n (one*s self) t^^D^^H -N. supply, H^D^? (of soldiers) T T - • : Rectify, reform, ]jpn * D^tD\'l -tifiable, m. s. ]p_r\^^ * n^CD'^;'. -tifier, m. s. ]|5rip * n^^tD^ -titude, "1^^ Rector, m'ln ]ri3 -torship, — nTp^ -tory, — ph n?):? Recumbency, H^Xf^ -bent, m. s. "^JLf *];;ti>: Recur, return, DW -rence, Hn^t^n -rent, m. s. Dti^l •^^.IH Recusant, m. s. Tj?? *i:nnn^ it^)? R. n^:! Red, (colour) be-, Dl^ -hot, Pl^'lS very-, 0*1 01 ^| -sea, ^IID D^ -den, DHJi^n -dish, m. s. '^^DiQlij^ -dishness, -ness, Dl^^ -die, Dhi^ ^n? Redeem, to ransom, ril^ * ^X| -able, m. s. HIS^ * b^^) -er, Hi:5l5 Redemption, ^IHS * n^Sl21 Redoubt, p^l * n*7^lD Rebound, '^1^^^ nti^in 2^tl} T T // // Redress, to remedy, ^*'tD^^ * ]i?n -N. H^g/^^ Reduce, diminish, I^J^^H *l/h| -to obedience, iT^^^f^ -to extremities, li^D \^lDpn b^Btl/n -to nothing, J^kV^ ^K^ Dlt^ *to dust, 1DI/'? pin R. ppl -a town, 1 J? Reducible, m. s. "^ ..T« '^- T • •• T • " T • Reduced, m.s. (to want) ^p *b^ 'VO^^D IT . Reduction, Jlriil. -tive, m. s. i;^^! * CO^j;pi * ptDp^ Redundance, inV * in;; -dant, inlD RED— REF 297 Reduplicate, ^DD -N. ^2)3 -tion, H^^^ Reed, a stalk, fjlD * nj)?, * JbJi^ Reef, .T3^^n •'it^nDD coi//*::)'"! Re-elect, 11;; nn|i -ion, n^3ti^ n^n? Re-embark, HrDDH ^« ^^^n'7 aV2^ Re-enact, n^'^t!^ nTin^ nt^i Re-enforce, 7^11 ^i; J^'^DiH -ment, ^^HH n^iDlH R. J^D^ Re-enjoy, "Jl^ Ti;? Hbt!^ Re-enter, (into a place) "bst J^13^ nW Re-establish, settle again, T^'^^tI/ Jj^JH TD^ Re-examine, interrogate again, ti^llh) IpH^ "Fi^/ ^"^plH Refer, (to his judgment) ID^"]^) iDlii^ *f1"ini» I'? H^^n R. n^^ -ence, relation, mt!^n^_rin arbitration, H^lg^p in -ence to, --nnnix hji ' ' Refine, njp^ * pjpt * P]-] V -nement, Jl^]^: ♦ p^pl * t^nV -ner, m. s. nj55p * pjprp ♦ ^i-iyp Refit, n^3C2^ "ipn i^DH R. nb Reflect, to censure, 'b^ \\]l -rp|) R. m;/ consider, * ^Sn^H I*;; -tion, II;; n-isrn ♦ ii*;; ^ rrh^mr} (of light) Vi-v?n nni^t^n -tive, -tor m. s. \y_t2 * b:^T\\pn Reflux, D^^ D:;?nn5i:i^n Reform, n^^p-^rr * liJjn -N. -ation, ppJI Refractory, m. s. ^^p *^W?. * ^^ *'^.li?.? -oriness. Refrain, -JDtS^n ♦ ^in Refresh, recreate, nn r\'V^ * t:^D3 l^pn -one's self, ti^pjn -ment, relief, J^^^J na^iti^p ^jylHID (food) lh UJOO Refuge, HDHD * Dl^D city of-, t^^pD T^^ Refugee, m. s. DJ * niU ♦ TTfl: Refulgence, nnt ♦ n-3i -gent, m. s. ^^^13 * n\nn •i o 298 REF— JREl Refund, dW * )^\d * 2^pn R. 2W Refuse, deny, J^D * V'^D * '^2^ n^ D^^H -N. ^HD Refusal, denial, JliSD Refuser, m. s. JiSDO * D^iD Refute, t^^n:3n * nhD Ch. -able, m. s. t^HD"^ * inD^ -ation, T T ; - T • : Regain, TlX/ ^^'!^;:D ^-^JS^H R. ^im o ^ II ^^ .11. Regal, royal, n^D'pO -ity, -H H v''!! Regale, to feast, "h r\r\pD r\'m gratify, ;;^j;;.^ R. r]]^u; Regard, to value, lmT\ -N. ^1^3 * H^^ti^n -ful, m. s. inn * n^ti^pD -less, m. s. -i^iS -lessness, nn^n^ -^nbn Regenerate, make anew, t^^'vlH -tion, il^Ii^'^riiin Regent, a viceroy, ^bBT} TpS Diplnp*^^^ Ch. -gency^ Regimen, n^hn DSTO n^njH Regiment, (of soldiers) ^nV * 'P^H -al, -7S!^ Region, a country, l^")^ * nj^'lQ tract of land, h'2T\ Register, nn?n 'DU)^^ -N. HD^fit^l Regret, to repent, DH^H * \:)^r\T\ri Ch. lament, '^'pi; ^-^I/nH T T-; v*^ Regular, m. s. Tipp -ity, ^TIP -tyj j^^stly, — D Regulate, ^nj/H * I'lD -tion, ^^j; '"l^p -tor, "Tipp Reguius, r^^i^p r|) R. rrD Rehearse, recite, J?^ * HJ^-sal, nl:iL^ * Hi^p Reject,]ND * DXD-ion, l^^D * nD\^9 Reign, (as a king) '^79 -N. M^DTQ Reimbody, iV^'i^ niin n -in Reimburse, ^^ •??) * D^^ Rein, iv;; ♦ D^n -N. -)^^i;d ♦ p-i Reinsert, rv:!^} J^-ipIn R. tlD"^ REl— REM 200 Reinspire, 2b Y^^hpmh tl'^DlH Reinstal, Reinstate, (him) 133 ^j; 2'^tl/n R. ^D * nW Reinvest, T n^jt li;; ^^^?♦ ••'71^^ '2^^ R. ir^:3 Rctjoice, exult, n'Dti/ * nnDtvs t^^iii^ * V^r ♦ f^;; Rejoin, join again, '^^k^ 11;; l^nnH niv^H reply, * y^tl/H n^r -der, n:r.;p ♦ nni::^ri Reiterate, 12hz*^ H j^» -tion, t^^^^^T D^D^t?) nl:^ Rekindle, ti\v^ p^H.I^ n'^-^H^ :r\0 R. fl^'^ Relapse, ' '^ 31^:^ -N. ' '7 Hn^&i^n Relate tell, ^^V * l,^n R. *TJ3 have reference, '-h ii^r\\r}n ^see Appertain) -tion, ")1Sp * mit^n\'in -tionship, ni^^jp^ -tive, a relation, m. s. vJ^lil * Dllj^ having a relation to, m. s. "b i^ninD respecting, i^^i hv -tiveiy, nwHi^nnn Relax, slacken, ' 'JO n?)*!? i^^ * ^Jt;;? ^pH R. bb^ Relaxation, ny^^ * Hi^Di/ * Hn'^nt:^ Release, free, "ItDDH ^inH R. in: -ment, Dn^ltO? * HnnH Relent, feel compassion, Vj^ D^pnT"i;53n ^bH mollify, inn R. HDI -less, m. s. H^^'p *"1T:DN* * ^DiH l:i''i< Reliance, pnCOH * HD'^DD * n:;::^^ Relic, Tn^ ♦ r\ni^Li> Relict, nj;?n n^\st ♦ nid?^ Relief, succour, HDn^ *"iri; Relieve, iti; T : V .. T Religion,n:iDi^-gionist,m.s,in^T^S*^ ^TDVJ pn^tCh.-gious, pious,m.s. D^pn *Tpn -giousiy, niD^pnn * niTpnn Relinquish, ti^toD * nt;/ -ment, nti^'>:o:i * nn^i; Relish, to taste, ' '^ DVtD -N. D^/IT) -able, D^'^j^DD Reluctance, \\)M2 * f DH "^n^? -tantly, -3 -tant, m. s. * ]^^D Reiy,Vij;;t£;n,';iPDn^ -anDn nbn Remain, continue, "3 ^DI/ (in a place) "iHttS^il to be left "^rya R. -in'^ -der, -iniD * ^"iv 300 REM— REN Remains, relic, *1K^ (of a dead body) nlDVlf. Remand, ^^^^H R. 2)W Remark, distinguish, '^2 to note, ipjl R. mx? -N. * nn^fH n^^in -able, m. s. observable, "^l^ll * D^^i;^ *n.S1i worthy of note, np^'^ * allien -ably, very,it^p Remedy, to heal, ^B"] repair, |i^ri -N. n^JV::^") * HJp^n -diless, -^^n -diable, m. s. N^T/ ^j^H^ * *lV riD^ip -dial, nj^i^n Remember, *l!Dt -berer, m. s. "ID"^^ -brance, ]1")D» *15t -brancer, m. s. 1*'^)^ Remind, 1^2]^ Remiss, m. s. n^12 * H^inp -ible, m. s. n§D^ * H^D"; 7n)^'^ -ion, abatement, n-Jp R. h^p forgiveness, *il7*>np nnj? * nn">^p -ly, carelessly, m^VJ^? * |V?"13 Remit, relax, HgnH * hv_D hpn pardon, Ig? * H^D * ^HD send money, T b^ Vih^ -tance, 1^^^;; n^^p Remnant, a residue, "T'^"]K^ * ^'^1^?^ remaining, m. s. 1^^3 Remodel, C^THD I^V li^n Remonstrance, r^^^]}^\ * nnDlD R. 11;; ♦ n^"^ Remonstrate, IJ^H * H'^Din Remorse, (of guilt) DHJ) * H^nn Ch. pity, D^pni * H^pil -less, -^2 -fui, m. s. Dinn * Spin Remote, distant, m. s. plPin -ness, pH'iP -ly, ~-2D Remove, change place, J^b^ put from its place, ^''pH R. IID place at a distance, pHnH -val, dismission, TXhp -vable, that may be removed, m. s. ")p1^ * Vr)^**} Remount, Tyhvh 2^t^ (a beast) 'b^ DlD^^ 2W Remunerate, dW * ^1D? T^i^H -tion, D'^pW ' ^ID? Rencounter, combat, HDHyP casual eng-agement, — 7 Hii^^JS Render, return, nt^^H R. nW translate, "pr^i^T] * D5nn Ch. REN-REP 301 Rendezvous, l^^D R.i;;^ Renegade, m. s. DDlC^D (from one*s religion) HDIO R. *1^D Renew, renovate, Ji^^H -al, renovation, ti^TlH Renounce, disown, t!^n3 -ment, renunciation, ntf^npr? * t^^TMp Renown, fame, nICO D^?^ -ed, m. s. * Onj^^n *i:ij\: DD-ni^D Ch. Rent, tear, j/hp^ * D'IQ to hold by paying rent, ")3g^ -N. n^np ♦ nnois^ -er, m. s. n?lit^ Repair, go unto, ^^^t '^*^n amend, ]i>>j;i refit, n^?^ J^DH R. pD -N. reparation, ]ipn * D^Dv'^ -able, m. s. Repartee, H^inn Pinit^^n Repass, llnx;^ DltT Repast, a meal, n^^JD * Hnnt^ Repay, dW ^ ^1D3 l^^H -ment, D**;:: v't:^ ♦ ^1^5 n^ti^H Repeal, to recall, n^t^^H -N. nitl/n R. nW ^Repeat, HJ^ * 15^ ^Ti;/ ?]&;: -edly, nlni D^Dj;? -er, m. s. Repel, drive back, "llnK 2^tl^n -lent, m. s. liHi^ *3*'ti^D T • T ' T • •• Repent, Dn:in ' DinnH Ch. -ance, DHJ ' HCDnn * nait^^fl -ant, m. s. Dinno * r^n^t:;r) *^i/n Repetition, H^t^D * Hnrn Ch. Repine, Pli;r * Ij^^VH Ch.-ningly, P];;?!! n^V? -ner, m. s. Replace, a^K^HR.mc:^ Replant, n^?;i^ j^'^d: * 11;; ^h^ Replenish, fill, '^S^p finish, D.^^H Replete, m. s. ^hD -tion, ^^I^D Reply, r\2ii ♦ n"^::^!! -n. n^vD * nnit^n Report, to noise abroad, ^1p l^'^j^/n -N. rumour, HV^f^l^ 302 REP— REP noise, b)p -er, ^nlD * T^D R.^T '1:^2 Repose, to lay, l^t^H ' Vi^^n (one's self) * 23t^ * Op^ mi trust, --a nbn -n. tO|*^.i^^ * nni:p ^ t^n^n Reposite, ]b? * nnpSi^P^ Ihj -itory, -|*^1« Repossess, "Ti;; ^i; r■^^? ' Reprehend, "21V^ 'H'^DlH R. HD"^ * 5^33 Ch. -hensible, m. s. Dti^i^ *t^\S -hension, nHDln * '^^^i5 -hensive, m. s. T T • T T -- ; ' Represent, exhibit, nt;<^")L^ describe, I^Jt/H * n*V appear for another, DlppS ^'^^lI * '^'^PP ^xP -ation, representment, bm ' n^D^ description, n^V -ative, m. s. Dlp^ ^^ v'DD Repress, (insolence) JJ^DDH (fury) HDH ^^^/Pi ' DV_^ '^^:i^ (his own fury) iDi?.? ti^DS -sion, tlfj^pn ' Dj^? n^^:2? Reprieve, Hinn * jD? n^nnn -N. npni? ^ nj^^n Reprimand, reprove, " 'H 'lifi * H'^Dln -N. reproof, * i^^^V^ nn:)ln r. ny T T Reprint, n^^L?^ D^SIH Ch. Reprisal, DDH nnjn D;^)! Reproach, --nii^ ^j^^;5 *^i?'^ ]h: *nbnr\ dw 'Vi^p^n N. ^'D'I * nh^D -able, m. s. Dti^i^*' -ful, scurrilous, m. s. Reprobate, D^^p * n^t -N. m. s. mm -tion, np^l^P Reproduce, n^:^ «^nn ♦ T^in^ f^'^pin r. Nin * i^^ • pid'' Reptile, a creeping thing, yHlt * Si^^?^*^ Republic, a commonwealth, llH-^n Dvpf^D -an, m. s. — nnis ^ Republish, (a book &c.) r\>2p IliS^ iS^V'i'"^ ^' ^^^ Repudiate, H v>^ * t^l^ -tion, tJ^n^ Repugnance, ••? nn^^O'l * l^^P -nantly, — 13 -nant, m. s. REP— RES 303 Repulse, deny, '^55 m y^U/H -N. D^^2) nDK^H -sive, m. s. Repurchase, Pi^y^ ^p^ '^1^1?^ ^^PiH R. ^ID^ Reputable, m- s. nSD? * ^Vd/n -ation, 1133 ♦ nU^tS^n Repute, 3t:^n -N. D^i^ -less, -*>^n Request, ^N^ * J^^j^l -N. entreaty, nbi^ll/ * Ht^i^? Require, ask, hm need, "^ •^nV ♦ HnDH Ch. Requisite, -^i-^n ^D * nnpH -ly, niDni Requital, ^1D^ ni^H *D"^p^ti^ Requite, ^1D| 2U}n * dW Rereward, ni^H^n b^HH HDJ^ID Rescue, (from danger) 7^yn R. 7^^ (from confinement) IPH R. m: -N. n^-!^n ♦ nnnn T T - TT - Research, iTT^pm H^^n'^ Resemble, to be like, * 'h nto^H -blance, ]1*>9'1 ♦ P^DI, Resent, Hhn * D^^ -ful, m. s. nlinS D^^h "IHD Resentment, ^ISI ]1nn * Dj;? * HDII/nn Reserve, lay up, n^DtZ^p^ H'^^n R. n^*" ♦ ^DD -N. ^1^^^ Reserved, not frank, m. s. DOph t^^^ijt -ness, "^In Reservoir, (of water) ^^55 Reside, dwell, ll'q * ]3^ ♦ 3i:?^ -dence, ♦ HT^I * l|ti^p 3^1D -ident, dwelling, m, s. "TH * ]:2V2} * ^ti^V Residue, -iHit?>? ♦ ini: * in;; Resign, give up, *)b^ -ation, ri1^73p -ment, Hl^pp Resin, "1^^ * "l?il -o us, containing resin,— 7^ Resist, ]^tD* ••^TJ^nn (his own inclination) IIV**. ^^^ -ance, l^^^D* '-^nn^^nn -iWe, m. s. HDy ••^T^^ni -less, m. s. *r>::)^ 10{}J ]^i^ tt : .. ^ I .. Resolvable, m. s. l^B^ Resoluble, ^P'l R. "^n: Resolve, to determine, pH (he) ini/in ibil R. l/T** -vedly, \r2'^2 * pDJ^ -vent, m. s. in?^ '* D??) R. DDC 304 RES— RET Resolute, m. s. pTH * 27 *Y^f^^ -tion, determination, * ipS niDhnn constancy, r\'^i"^Dr\ ♦ nipnn Resort, have recourse, W n^2i repair, 7^^ *^7n -N. * pSp HDDJ^ * my R. n;;^ Resound, sound, ^VH * ^vW * V^V Resource, n^nnn *nvx/ R.rr Respect, to regard, DC^H * "Hi? ^^^^ relation to, *•? ^H^nn -N. iin? ' nwn;;rin -ability, mn^rr^n -able, m. s. nitt^n MM? *"TMb -ful, m. s. 15?p ^* D''?5 *r1^? Retire, llnji^ DV^ (to one's house) CD^lf H -red, m. s. * D^J^? inp; solitary, "Tllnnp -rement, » HOI^J^fn * iriDD Retold, n^?;i^ n^n r. t:i: Retort, (an argument) nj^/ * H^'pin R. HD^ (a crime upon one) viDl^nh 2^^n -N. n^toij^ nation Retrace, 3p^ 3^tr^ Retract, recant, (he) *1-)in"^.p 2W *'ln;;i HJ^ R. ^T umnn -tion, -rin'n nn^n Retreat, take shelter, b^H * IDhf^H -N. ^bsp * HDnD Retrench, (one's expences) tDV?2r} * CDVpV Ch. -ment, Retribute, dW -tion, D^D^^ Retrieve, recover, 'h^ 2^11/ -able, m. s. Dt^V Retrograde, "lIllX 3&3 -trogression, "llriK nJDH Retrospect, -tion,-)?i;n ni:?i3]ir}-tive,m.s.-)3jE;n *i:innp Return, come back, 2W repay, a^LTH -N. Hn'lti^r^ * nntJ^H -able, m. s. 2t^V Reveal, H^J) ♦ ;;^Tln R. ;;T^ Revelation, ^:1D^^ ^l-^Il n^/Tln Revel, carouse, — ?i?1nrin -N. m7?lnnn -ler, m. s. •i p 306 REV— RHY Revenge, CJ^.5^n ♦ Dp3 -N. H^pjl -ful, m. s. Djpjnp Revenue, income, ^^^13n Reverberate, beat back, liHi^^ niH -tion, liHi^^ DDHn T ; I T ' T : T T -; Revere, Tli^ ^^-)^ ' I'^D "133 -erence, veneration, n^y, T^^0f2^1^ -erently, 2 -end, a clergyman, D^IlD -erent, -erential, m. s. 1^1^ * *T3DD Reversal, ]^1 ID^ i^D? Ch. * ^Iv^H Reverse, repeal, a^^H R. 2W contradict, t^V}^ * nhp Ch. -N. r\pn -sed, m. s. "^IDH -sible, m. s. 2pV ' ^^n^ Reversion, ^ti^n^n n^r^"^^i3^ Dipo"^^to^ ositi^D Revert, change, ^btl * nl3ti^ -ible, m. s. HSt^l Review, survey, l?.i3nn *b^r\pn 'I'pn (troops) 1^5 -N. ni::3l3nn * n^Dts^n ♦ nn'^pn ♦ nipB -er, m. s. "iR'in np.?p Revile, {^11 * tinn • ^ v!i2 -ler, m. s. ^"l^D * ^"inp ♦ hbpp Revise, (a book &c.) MVIi;^ ti^=^n Revive, to return to life, 11X1 HTt renew, l^'ljll rouse, n'ni^j;fn r. -n;; -vai, nn^j^n r. mt^ -viving, m. s. comforting, ti^D^ *2^li;n recovering, 1ni;D'Tp_t' 3^ Reunion, reuniting, n^:^ nMT]^ Reunite, n^'Jti^ TH^ THi^ Revoke, n^t^n -ocable, m. s. im"^ -ocation, nit^^H R. 2y^ Revolt, • -1 nnD nhD -n. mnn -er, m. s. -iniD Revolve, perform a revolution, 3*^50 ^pH R. ^p*» Revolution, a returning motion, HSilpri R. ^p^ change of government, "llDH TDpn rin^iDti^ -ary, m. s. rX^2pl Reward, ^b^ " * uhti} * iDJi^ th:i -N. h^r2^ * d^dW * n^ii^ Rhetoric, (see Oratory) Rheum, Dn^n?'!! T\iV. -atism, Ch. D^^3.Sn 3.S;3 Rhyme, N. mn -V. make verses, D^rnn inp RTB-RrN ajrjr Rib, (a bone) I/^V pi, nii;^V Ribaldry, iVTn n^l^Dlt^ "^121 Riband, '•t^^H n^^ICO Rice, rnX Ch. Rich, m. s. wealthy, "T^^X? v-aluable, "IJ^^^ * DltD copious, m -es,n^^;; -ly, abundantly, 3h^ *X???i^? Rid, np: ♦ n^DH R, IID -dance, H^Vn R. b)^l Riddle, an enigma, nyn R. IIH -Y. solve, — KVD Ride, nin Rider, m. s. a?1") Ridge, ri:p^n nv^-^n s^ni Ridicule, "2br}n* "h:vh 'x^^O 'y^h-N,*h^nn ^^v^ ]r:ih -ulously, -^112 -ulous, pn^D Right to adjust, n^-^n * n'':p\"l -N. fit, m. s. 1^2 * ]iD3 in- time, H J ID? H n^^ *in;;n *ni;iD5 r. ip he is not -in his senses, Ir^^nn D^^ 12?"^lSt R. i/T is it-? * "l^i^DIH ]?jn>n thou art-, m. s. ripT^ * Hnj^ p^i^nv -Justice, pn^ just claim, t02)L^D -, ad. justly, —2 -eous, m. s. Itl^^ * p'^'lV -ful, having the-, m. s. COg^p *i7 -ly, Ip^ll Rigid, m. s. stiff, H^jP sharp, tjg R. ir^f -ity, -ness, ' ri^^tf;p_ ^^P^ * mix; -ly, -a Rigour, cold, njV R- l^V cruelty, ri1'^")T5^^ strictness, D^VPV Ch. -orously, ~2 '^"1.^5? -orous,m. s. * DVpVP V »T T ; - Rill, ^b * pib:) -N. hn: * ^m^ T ' T - T T Rim, neifc^ ♦ *•?; * HD Rime, ^D:n * 1^^2 Rind, bark, D^p * H^^hp Ch. -V. -D ^V? Ring, to strike a bell, ilDIf^H Hv^^ * •^^V'?'!^ jt/^Xf: ' R. ^^V * I/i:) -N. a sound, M^ ^1p a circle, ^liljt; finger-, n^n^ ear-, ^^Jj^ -finger, HK'^Jpp -leader, ^^1 -let, a curl. 308 RIN— ROC HD^np * nyip -streaked, m. s. "flpj; Rinse, DM *r^\m ^btl/ V^D Riot, to revel, riDH raise an uproar, * "3 Ilnp|? l\l}p b]} br]^r\ -n. n^^i^^r] * nTi;:: -er, -ous, m. s. * riD^n Rip, (in pieces) j;[hj^ (a piece, or at a seam) Dh|) Ripe, ripen, D^^ (as fruit). b^^Zn -N. m. s. D^^ * b'^^ll -ness, n^D^^ *^^:^3 Rise, ascend, Pl?^ grow, 7h5 -from one's seat, or bed. Dip -in price, np -as the sun, nht * ^iV** -N. * Hnnt * (1^^"^^^ ' 't '-t t t«: t*: Risk (see Hazard). Rite,jn5p-ual, -^ * "IT^D (a book) D^JH?;?!! '^^D Rival, be a competitor, "b ^^5H oppose, "b "^IITST) *^hV -N. m. s. N?p_P * li!?r)P *n-)lK -ry, H^^j? * Hyip Rivel, Db)^ * PbV River, ^m *nn3 - T T T Rivet, N. -|;i1D * Tn^ -V. -2 "IJD T •• T . T Rivulet, by\^ * J^D T V V Road, -|n^, * n^pp R. ^^D Roam, ramble, tOtOl^'nn * tDi::^ Roar, ;ii^::^ (as water) riDH * t^I/^ -N. T]:^^W * H^DH 't ' T "^ T tt: t- Roast (meat) H^V (corn, &c.) H^JJ -N. ^^V * '^'pi^ Rob, Dton * ^t5 * y^^' * T\DU} * m -ber, m. s. ♦ DDlH * ]b\!\ Robbery, DDH ' nbu * ^^ti^ * HDti^D * Htn Robe, riiv * ^135? mbn -n. njt; * nins ::^in?D Robust, strong, m. s. ]^DT^ * p^H Rock, inn *T:n r. 1:1:3 *m:: -n. -iiy 'i/^d -salt, nnDD' nte -y, full of rocks, D^J^/TD ^^7?p ROD— UOU «W Rod, lD2p Roe, a hart, HQV * nh't^ ' nh'^ (offish) D*»:n "^VZ -buck, ''3V *^\st.caif;-iDi; Rogue, ^755 -ry, nhl) Roll, wind about, ^^'l^ -up, (as cloth) D/D -along, 77^1 -N. a round mass, 'II'ID (of paper) H'^^O -er, "P^?^ Romish, (see Popish.) Roof, np5 -N. J5 (arched) HSSH n^il^ R. ?]2iD Room, space, U^pf2 extent, 3n"19 * HI"! chamber, "IIH make-, DlpO n^Ji * DH^ D'^ti^ -y,m. s. D^^. *^n"l. Root, destroy, tt^lg^ ♦ nj^f; take root, ^'jl^H * t^^nc:^ rifii^;; -N. t:^"!::^ ♦ ip;; -ed, m. s. K^-iriLi^D * nni;nD 't • •• T ; • V T ; • Rope, bnn * nin;; Rose, n^S^it:^ -water, Ch. D^m \!: ' T - • t: - Rosin, (see Resin) Rostrum,™^? 'imjj Rot, putrify, ^pH -N. -tenness, 3p1 -ten, m. s. 3j^") Rotation, succession, ^TTD * 313p Rote, by., H^ ^^/S * n^ll -JIJ^ Rotundo, ^Ij;; ]^:3 Rove, mmble, IDW * tD^Wnn Rover, m. s. t3Dit!^np Rough, m. s. hairy, "I^X?^ harsh, HK^jJ (in taste) * Dl/I: *>b3 ^inn -weather, H^Ifp * HOID -sea, 1]J)D D^ -ly, * l^yi3, ^^p3 * "Ijt; 03 -ness, harshness, ^£S^punevenness,1ti^'^ ^^/^? Round, district, n3'^3p * 7 v| circle, 715];? circular, —3 a half-, -^)Sr\ -ly, -3 all the year-, 1^ HJ^H n'^^U^nD n*^ ri"''\'nb^ take a-, 3*'3D "I'^n -about, extensive, 3^30 3^30 indirect, |ln^j5if3 m. s. bpVD pi. n'i'^phpV^ ^ -house, -iriDH n^3 Rou!>e, n"^!;?! Rouser, m. s. n>j;p * "I^I/P 310 ROU— RUN Rout, to defeat, tr^^H * DDH -N. HDin^ R. D\n T T T : Route, way, r\^;i * ^"l1^^ journey, VBD ' HXf^p; Routine, -jl'l ♦ ;!n5p Row, n^D ' nhn -n. -nto * niv^ -er, n -jd -T T T 't- Royal, DID??) -ty, -H n|7K^pD -ist, m. s. rf-ff^n HHli^ Rub, (against, or upon) 1^3 -out, pHD -the dirt off, P]Qn -in pieces, V^D * pH^ -N. friction, Tl^ * *^13n Ch. Rubbish, refuse, "^np ruins, ^^ * H^SQ ^jt/p R. SZiD Rubric, nspn ^5^p Ruby, (a stone) 0*1^^ Rudder, CDltJ^D T Ruddy, •^ibli? Rude, m. s. harsh, HS^p ignorant, '^V^ -nesss, incivility^ n^D'^p: -iDn-iy,-a Rudiment, llD^ pi. nlTlD^ -dimental, ~bf Rue, lament, 'pi? a^j^H -ful, m. s. ^j;; *2)f]jnD Ruffian, brutal, i^ns * ll'lti; Ruffle, to disorder, •jSH * ^5^75 R. ^^72 Ruin, destroy, nH^ * ^'^"jnH -ation, timtl^n * lZl")n -ously, —3 -ous, m. s. fallen to ruin, ^'Htl/^ ♦ 21^ mischievous, H^^H^^D * ^'^nHD Rule, to govern, -'^hiH/J^ dht^ 1)^^ -2i line, IDl^Itt/ * D^fc^ -N. government, Hj^pD * Tl^^bp * Hn^/p regularity, -|-Tplaw, ^^^ Ruler, governor, m. s. vp^D * DD'^W (an instrument) *T"l|2^ Ruminant, m. s. Hi: *T]bV12 R. "I"):i -minate, m:i r\hvT^ Rumage, search, Ci^^H * ti^t^^P Rumour, to report, ^1p l^nj/.H -N. HJ^ID^i^ Run, move swiftly, ^1") flee, Vhh melt, DpH R. DDD Cas the eyes, &c.) ^n -about, nlt^^l ^^IV^J -mad, j;;i3nj:^n -after, RUN-SAD 311 "^in^ P^'^^ ^^'l -into debt, D^nHH -on, 1"]^ ^b> -into unnecessary expense, llil "TB^ ^t long-, f]iD7 -over, relate, lap (in numbering) Piv'S "IDD (as water) VHlT?! ^j; ")3j; ra thing slightly) fiv'S t^QH^ tjlp^ "IHD -over him with a coach, &c. n;i^")^!:i 1DD")1 l'2V -ner, one who runs, m. s. p Ruption, dissolution, /1t33 Rupture, (of peace) Dl^^ r\^'^2 Dlpn eruption, 12tf/ Rural, nncj^ ni-ivn ^t:^ // T // •• -: " Rush, (upon) °^^^ tl/j:-) -in, t: nb? (his fortune) 1^ 1;^^^ ^3 ]hj -N. nar * ann ; nTpp ♦ n^n? Sacrilege, t^lp^, vi^D -gious, m. s. ^1)^2 *bV'^D -giously, Sad, sorrowful, m.s. 2^V2 * HM *2^):]: -den, n^VI/H Saddle, (a horse) DIDH n^S ::^3n to load, 'h}i DDH -N. - V T - X D1Dn"l5 Saddler, -HCi^li; 312 SAD-SAN Sadness, ]1n-yj^ * llV^f Sadly, -3 Sadducee,'»jpnv Safe, (from danger) m. s. HltOil -conduct, -^ard, convoy, n;;i^n ♦ nym -ty, pn^? -ly, without hurt, m. s. oht}/ Saffron, D^")? Sagacious, m. s. ^i:)^ ♦ plH -city, Ji:)^ ♦ riT^^nn Sage, wise, m. s. DpH -ly, iipD^? Sail, navigate, lT3^i?nn3i; -N. (a sheet) n^Z^H J^HD/? -or, d^'p: ninn^^ ini;-^ *D:'73ln-yard, i^h *Snn Saint, appear pious, tl/'lp_r\il -N. in. s. Ji^1"7p Sake, purpose, ]pp for the-, ^nUl?? 'nn^l "nlTli^ ^I? "11??^ *"^^^? for whose-, ^P^^B (for ""D '7^il) Salad, ^t£^3/!D ^ll^H ^D^^;0 pl'^ Salary, (annual) HJ^? plH Sale, the selling, n*1'^pp vent, good-, D*'3lp nil"!L^ no-, n;1p ]\S -able, marketable, "IHID^ n3l;f -sman^ HDlD Saline, m'PD TI^D^Li^ Sally, to make an eruption, "3 7^^ issue out, ^IJJ y^^T^^ Salt, N. n^D -V. -n n^p -less, -"^^3 * ^sn -pit, -nnpp -ern, D^D nlDlfc^P -ish, m. s. m^D -petre, nnj Salvation, ti>*pjn n-l^^:/:>n Salubrious, Salubrity, SS^P Salve, cure, n^l3nn m?^ Salute, greet, '^12 -N. -tation, HDnS -tary, m. s. 2^\D Same, (see Identic) at the- time, l^^tlil r\]J2 Sample, specimen, HID*! Sanctification, t^^'^]^ -tify, t^^lpH * tl/'lp^ Sanction, p^tH ♦ i^i1")^i^ * HpSpH SAN-SAU 313 Sanctitude, H^lp Sanctuary, li'lpD Sand, c^ravelly earth, ^IH -y, ni. s. —i -piness, succulence, nn^O"! -py, ra. s. n7 Sapphire, "l^'SD -irine, like sapphire, "l^'Bp? Sarcasm, ]1y^ * hmn -castically, ~2 -castic, m, s. * f Vl^flD Sash,^ silk belt, ^12^D C03n^^ nn'\}n • ■'• II" : - II- -: Satan, l^^-ic,-7?^ Satiated, m. s. ;j2tl/ Satiety, nV2it/ Satire, pV7 * 7*inn -ic, -b^ -ically, -Tl.1-1 -ist, m. s. Y^'\hr\D * ^nnp -ize, -a* fvi^nn ^nn" Satisfaction, amends, D^D^^ content, V^i^ * 11^*1 -factorily, -^ -factive, -factory, m. s. ig^'Ilty^ " H-KHp * P'^Sfe^p -factoriness, r\il2tl^n * Hp^^l^^H -fiecl, m. s. j/H^ ♦ H-Vnp -fy,£5r^ 'n-v^' Saturant, m. s. n^D * ^^^DP -urate, nnH • K^ Saturday, "'J^3^n D'P * nsW Saturn, (a planet) '^^nje^ iDl3 Savage, m. s. wild, K"]5 cruel, npK -ness, Jll^'n? ♦ il^nT3K -ly, -n Satice, N. (to give relish) ^^np gravy, 2d"l -pan, "ini:^ Saucy, m. s. D^3^ *r;; * ?l'^:jTi Ch. -cine^, n^it;; * n^-^^n •2 y 314 SAV— SCA Save, (from danger^ y'^-^H R. h'^2 keep, 1b^^' spare, (ground, &c.) Tpqn gain, -|r\: except, 'V^^ * ^^ * pi •'^n^? *n;;^n * \d nn *"n^r -ved, m, s. * n^Dti^ • ^-y^ non "llln^ -ving, frugal, m. s. ^^pP * DVD^^ Ch. -vingness. Saviour, m. s. redeemer, 7^?1il * ^'^ti^'lD one vv^ho saves, 7**^D Saunter, H^nnH ' ^V^/H Savour, N. scent, H'^T taste, D^/^ -V. — ^H J -vouriness, m^'lg -voury, U^f^lllDD m. s. nnij Saw, (a utensil) IWD * H'^;!;:: -V. -3 -)t!^: '^-)i-l -pit, -3 Dn-ii;;^n nnit^-yer,-n -)nijp-dust,m&| Say, nbN: * nn^ ♦ npn R. Ij;: I heard them-, U^^D'l^ ^I^S^^f I have no more to., ^T*"^!! 7 *>7 l*^!^ IHl'^ the people will- to it, npt^*^ np^^;^. ]Thil ^^o not -so, 15 ir^im h^ -ing, TT - V T -; - r * T -; T -; - Scab, nnap ♦ nn| -by, m. s.^jnV -biness, nf/nV Scabbard, HJi:: * p^ * nni;^ * ni;n T T ; I T T XT- : ^- - Scaffold, nn^3 *nm (for execution) ♦LDb::^ HnoD n;::*'3 scaiade, HDlnn t^^3:D nl^i/^'nivDi^nn Scald, to burn, Hnn * HpH -N. Hinn * H^? Scale, to mount, H^j; -N. ascent, iT^^J balance, D";5t^P'? C^^| line of distance, pll'^.tpil ^IP^? covering of a fish, -*l(^pJf^jP -led, having scales, m. s. -*1^ S:^^ -ly, D^^p>g i^b? Scaii, pn: Scalp, N. n^5^|n-Di-)p R. ^^;i -v. -oi^^ Scamper, njnn? D^:i *'d13^ ^HB Scandal, aspersion, ^'IIH * *^^1 scandalous, D722 * H^^n -ously, -n -ize, f\in ' ^Bi * ^D'I in^ Scant, parsimonious, m. s. X^?J? * ^^PVP ^h. -iness, narrow- SCA-SCO siS ness, nV? R, mi; * pm -ily, -3 -y,«i. s. -)V ' pin*! Scar, naiy V » T Scarce, m. s. IjJ^ -ness, pPl'l * "ipH (of provision) miSD.p -ly, scantily, —1 hardly, C0I/p3 Scarf, HlOVD • .^^^^^3 Ch. Scarification, CO").^ Scarify, D^l^ Scarlet, s. }:b'\D -, a. m. s. — D DiK * U -TID Scatter, Itg ♦ ni? * ^^1i!) * ^DH Scavenger, ni, s. niVin n|55P * f 5*^5 tlTi:i Scene, an appearance, Hi^ip-ryjnjIDn ^H'^^fii^D * m^DI Scent, smell, f^^"^ -of an affair, tl^^m Ch. Sceptic, -al,m. s. HJD^ *npnp -ism, n^f2^ lOh Sceptre, 'l^SlH CO^n"!^ * miD^D COnt^ Scheme, Ha^HD * n^O -er, m.s. nl^nnn *J^)fl0 Schism, njjl^n? * m^ -atical, -h^^ -atically,-T]-J75 -atic, m. s.-)invn IP *i^n)^ Scholar, disciple,1^D7n a man of learnino^, * If^vD * IjDD i/Tl"' -ship, -T1^? Scholastic, t^-rri^n rr^s W -aiiy, Dici^nT^n ^n3 -i"tdd School, "ipp -n**? -fellow, m. s, -12n -master, * ip^p * D"! ."nVJ R. nn*' -mistress, nif-ihD Science, yiD * n;;'^ * ni;n^, -ential, -bt^ -entific, m. s. -ini: ^IplD R. fiD^ Scissars, Dn^^pp Ch. Scoff, • '2 hnn ♦ ;3i;) * •p^n -er, m. s. • hr^nn * jri^ * v!? ]iv^ *ti^^^^ -ingiy, b^nn? ♦ jxf^n * pv^n Scold, to chide, "3 ")i/il (clamourously, rT&n Scope, aim, n^'^DJ? * HJI? space, DlpD * HIT Scorch, to burn, "^hn to be dried up, ")hn * 1^\} Score, a hne, HTlti^ * IJ^ account, pHtt^H 8Wf sco—scu Scorn, ntn» --ncoi^^-N. im 'Hir^j r. bv-M\y, -2 * m^^2. mm2 -fui, m. s. rinrp * b6v2 Scorpion, !2*ijp|? Scoundrel, m. s. t^hbsp]^'^ *\^^^ * b}}jh2.*]ll Scour, cleanse, TV^)_ -er, m. s. nj^lp Scourge, to lash, HSH R. H J3 punish, np^ -N. * ID^D C03^:?r T - '^ - V Scout, t^^nn ^51 -N. m. s. :inn *^-2")p Scrap, DI/p pbn Scrape, to pare, ^-^^B shave, ni|. / "ih^ -off dirt, Hnp -up riches, )(^^_ -N. npHD -per, a untensil, n^^Sp -ping, Scratch, (with the nails) "115 * "[jH Ch. wound, (Dh^ -N. Screech, scream, t^lpin pi?'^^ * fjl^ (as an owl) b'^h^T} -N. nnr^ *r\bb^--ow\,tr^b^b Screen, to shelter, b^_ ]^l}^^ -N. \yQ ' HOnp Scribble, N. jL;n| nn^p -bier, m. s. i;n5 -|?)1D Scribe, a writer, I^^D Scriptory, m. s. nin^ -ture, ^Ip ^\^npp ^nn^ -tural, T - Scriviner, nii^^ nnl3 ♦ nsiD Scroll, n^^DK^^J Scrotum, D^^UD Scruple, to doubt, pa *pbp -N. pDD * p?J^ -pulous, m. s. p£)pP -pulously, nicely, D^l^pV? Ch. Scrutable, m. s. IpJT -tineer, m. s. IpHD -tinize, IpH -tiny, HTpn 'H^m Scuffle, inn -N. nnnD r. nn Scull, the brain pan, vhlbl R, ^^J scu— 9*c " tsn Scullion, r\2i^n hti;2r$n nn^p Sculpture, ni;^pD rj^vj? -tor, te ivv ^D'^ntr^^i. nri?p Scum, N. rrirtn -v, -n THi/n. T : V " -: ~ Scurf, a scab, mSD * 315 -y, m. s>. — i^ZD Scurrilous, m. s. HOp * '7nnp -rility, TU * ^^nH Scythe, h^n • nj^ * K^D-in Sea, D: -beat, -H ^D? J^^J^ -born, m. s. -TT ^?S*J?V -chart, -i"T nSD m^-port,-n t^InO -beach, -shore, ncfe^ niH II- - ir . : ' II' : ^ II -n -sick,-n"ij;(5P njh -fering,-man,D^p:"nin-!S laii; -compass, H^inp -ward, HD^ Seal, fasten, Dhn -N. DnlH -ing-wax, HD-^nnn }yr\ Seam, to join, D^^IC^ IBH * "ISn -ISF. Hl'^aA Jess, ->b?l Sear, I'TT ♦ Tp;; -N. m. s. 3"JV? * TT^H Search, explore, IpH * S!^"1'1 try, jn|L -after, tT^jpn -one's trunks, &c. ji^sn -N/nn^pn * ntj^'n^i * nrns * nti^p^ Season, make fit, J^pH -meat, HyD (with spices) u2^!lL -timber, ti^B^ -N. (of the year) IJ/lD R. I])^ a fit time, ■^ n:i33n"ni; -able, m. s. -b * lapm * njy>u)n * '\m^ out of-, inj; 5<^5 -ed, m. s. Vrhn * D^ap ♦ ii^a; -ing, T . . . 1- • ; Seat, put in a seat, T^^ln R. I^"^ place, Dlti^ -N. a chair, 3^iD situation, DipD Secede, to leave, W^^ ' 3tj^ Secession, rTtJ^"*!^ * nn^irj?. Seclude, t^^^n * h'lin Seclusion, Ht^n^in '* nb^lH Second, to support, "b iDj^ * nti? follow, ^"0^ DSprt "nni< i^to I'^n -n. m. s. an assistant, "h TDlj; * nri;/ follower, ^21^ (of time) i;jncoj;;p -thought, 27 '7^? Ha^rr -person, (of a pronoun) m. s. ^V?^ ^HDl^ -time, TV^II^ -rate, —n^^'ip -ary, not primaiy, * 7 HJ^P -hand, m. s. 318 SEC— SEE ti^in lii'^K -ly, n^iti^a Secrecy, secretness, IUDD solitude, jin*'!^ Secret, D.^I^H ^HD? -N. concealed, m. s. '.D^I/.; * HDI^P ir\D^ a thing unknown, 1lD * "IHD -ly, — H Secretary, m. s. *1?1D *")*'3tD -retariship, —H ITHp^S^ Secrete, to hide, i^'^Snn -tion, miDH * H^'inn -titious, m. s. T-IDi * ^"122 -tory, m. s. Tni>;:3 * ^"^^HID Sect, n-inn ♦ ii'iDiS * nn^ -ary, m. n^-^^H ]D *D''::^niDB Secular, m.s.ti^'ip3 lij^ift *Dinnch.-ize,^in^ t^ipD f^\^nn Secundine, rivti^ t; • Secure, insure, H^OIin make fast, pjnn apprehend, Ji^DiJ -N. m. s. n^^n -rely, nP-l) -rity, safety, pHl^n * niD^D bail, nnDnn ^ninv Sedan, nnDI^H ^^D3 Sedate, m. s. COjPg/ * HniiD *J:?''ii^ *\^r^f2 Ch. -ness, * tO^.^ Sedentary, m, s. n^^DH *'^5 * n^i^lP Sediment, DnD?^ * T^S^R Sedition, T")P -tiously, —2 -tious, m. s. "1"}1D Seduce, n^nn * n^pn • i^^'tJ^n R. ^m -ucement, -uction, nnpn * ]'\^WD -uclble, m. s. rajn) -uctlve, m. s. Sedulity, -ulousness,nr:^nn * HTp^ * nlPntCh.-ulously, -n-uious, m. s. f nn ' ipw ♦ tnr See, (see Behold) -ing, vision, HiJ^jP * ^Vm * JiTn ^ nmi? sight, .TJ^n * n^Sn R. t03: since that, 3^]/ * lif^ Seer,m.s.nj;?1-) ' Htin ^ Seed, N. (which generates) ];nr -V. — i?*^"1Tn -sman, a sower, j;n1r -time, i/nt -y, m. s. D^Jf/")! ^te SEE— SEN 319 Seek, look for, ''n^^ ti^^n trp3 solicit, "t2 t^^pn h'^t^} Seem, ni>5*in -ing, appearance, H^t^D -ingly, m. s. m^^n^? -liness, p-|tt^3 * HIO^^p -ly, m. s. It^^D * D^i/J Seesaw, HDrni) niirn^n nri^n T // T •• T // T " - : Seethe, to boil, 7W3, * TTH R. It: Seize, catch, * *3 p'^tnil THi^ -ure, the seizing, Ht^n^^ the thing seized, m. s. THlf^^ Seldom, rarely, m, s. "Ip"^^ now and then, D^'Di/D? Select, nhs ♦ -ih:3 -N. m. s. iHaD * -)inn Selection, the chosing, H^'^nB * '^"^'^"!? Self, (see Herself and Myself) -same, DVi( m. s. ^^T]T^ (as n^sT] DVn DVrS on the self same day. *t<\nn nrn Dnn D^D''3 on the self same time.) by one's-, mi -conceit, 3? *mn^il -conceited, m. s, 2? *n3il -denial, (his) iv?)n n:1V9P n^'^^Q * w?^ pinn -evident, m.' s. IDVI/?) "1^3 -interest, (his) It!^?: n^j^/IH R. bv^ -ish, m. s. "^iS: *ti^pnp -love, -ishness, (his) 1ti^?)3 nnnt^ -mur- derer, m. s. 1Si^D33 p;3l5^ -willed, m. s. In;/'! H^j^ "IDl;/ r.;;t Sell, iDD (provision) ")*'?:i^n -er,m. s. "IplD * n^St^P - Selvage, r\^^ * H'^p^ Semble, nwn * Hl^'l -blance, niD"! ^JVOT * ^^!tnD Semicircle, ^l^^f '^Vn -circular, — D -globular, "I'll^ ^VH^ Semicolon, ]1C0p f]pT marked thus (:) above the letter, as Gen. ch. i. V. 2. iriii T Semilunar, n27 *^':»n3 T T ; • -: - Seminal, belonging to seed, D'^I/'ir 7V/ -inality, niyinn IID R. 1^^-ination, H^nt -inific, m. s.JT^D * T?l0 Senate, DI/H •'J^-l:^ jliiD^^ * jmn^D Ch. Senator, Dj/n J\n3D 't T • : - 320 SEN— SER Send, rh^ -out of the way, hW -back, y^pr\ R. nW -word, '"7^ niV -word back again, "^K n^'^H.^ ib^ -for a person to speak with him, 1^ t^*)?/* V^ .. T •• "T • "T • ./ ' _ . R, 112 -aration, -in§ * T\p^l^ September, '^t^t^l ti^lh * h'h^ Septennial, D^;!^^^ 5^5^ ^7^ Septuagint, D'^^pTH D^^tt^T ^""Vnu^ Ul^in Sepulchre, grave, "inp -chral, ^Ei^-ture, 11^2';? Sequel, conclusion, P]lD * H vD/^ R. DyD Sequester, put aside, T^pH R. 1^0 deprive of, v/t!^ * Ipn -trable, m. s. IDT' -tration, H? y^ -trator, he who holds things in custody, e^*"^^ ^ti^^t^^D Seraglio, O^mi H'^n SER— SET 321 Sera|)l), P]n^.im,D^?*lii^ Serene, m. s. IDpt^ * |3S^ -ness, DjP£^ -ly, —^ Sergeant, (in the amiy) n'QVhipr} ^^}l^ "itDi^^ Series, order, IID * "II'ID succession, m. s. Ht IH^ ilT Serious, m. s. 133 * '7112 -ness, D'^DDJC * ni2^ -ly, -3 Sermon, n^-j"! * nn3in c^n^i -ize, ^')'i * noiH R. riD'^ Serpent, ^}]i^'i * HJ^i^S: * \r\^ ** ]>?n * t^H^ -ine, lln^j^JK Servant, m. s. 13;; * flli^D * 1^32!^ V V "T : • T Serve, (at command) °nX "J3j^ plg^ assist, ♦ J/'^^lH R. i/::^'^ ••^Tbj^ -vice, office, nnt^ obedience, rm2V use, n7j;in R. ^i;** -viceable, m. s. beneficial, ^''J/lD active, r»-)0 *^3iQ R. p3 ♦ h^n *tt^\N^ Servile, m. s. fll^P ^I/Jp: *T3];^P Ch. -vility, -vitude, rmZ]^, * n^^:3 ' * 113;;^ -vilely^ -3 Sess, *Tli * D.0 ** D39 R'. DD3 Session, jn^ D^COiiit^n T\y^^\ Set, to place, DW * l^I/.n plant, J^/b^ * ^h^ appoint, (time, &c.) rijP Ch. -free, ^p^r\h vhw (a prisoner) inn R. in: -at rest, COp.?!/n * n^^H R. HIJ -bounds, ^S^H -down, 3ti^1n R. 3::^^ -in fire, t:^^^3 H^t!^ -on the fire, nt^ -to right, ]On * \y\^ -the teeth on edge, U^yii; TlT^'p^r} -about, begin, 7)1 H R, v/H -one aginst another, m. s. rn^^ ti>\^ nn^ -apart, ^i3n -aside, -)3;(n ♦ -i''pn -back, 3^.1 R. 3W -forth, show, r\Vnr} -out, depart, NV;| -a snare, ti^p^ * hm'2'0 \r\} -up, assist, * • h I'W * D^?n -as the sun, J^i3 at sun-, ^DWri ^^133 -N. m. s fixed, Xo\ ♦j;;ui^ -ting up, -irj; *n?p^n -ting of the sun, V V — ; Settle, determine, pH * itil confirm, \yQ * D^pH * D*p R. Dip -accounts, &c. 7n)pr} * ^P)n -as beer, &c. 2 R 322 SET-^SHA Vn^p hv_ tOp^ -a time, &c. if2p^ Ch. -in a place, 2li;l -one*s property upon a person, TH^n * t^^"]ln -a stipend on one, nV)J -tied, m. s. * p_m ^ntJ? 'llIDVD^Ip/ HILi^;^ T T - 't T // T -: - // T T ' - • 't tDp^ -tlement, ' nin * nD*p_ * HNI^H * n^I/'^Ilp na*^::^^ 'r\2)ip "dpi^ Seven, m. np^2l^ f. j;?^ (by letters of the alphabet) 't -fold, D^rii;^^ -night, sennight, ir\2l^ ^^3 -teen, -teenth, m. n^^ ni;3?L^ f. n-it^if ;;??/ ^ ?'^ -th, m. •'jt/^ati^ in^s:'^^^ ^thly,-3'-ty,D^i;?^ *'/ Sever, nhD ♦ V*V)5 Several, m. divers, D^^iti^ many, D'^ll'l -ly, "^P'155 Severe, m. s, sharp, pjn * *T5? cruel, H^p * *^P^ -^'ity, nnn? ^ "^tj^i^ ♦ mnpj^r -reiy, -2 Sew, (vi^ith thread) "IDII Sewer, m. s. "l^iln Sex, ]"^P male-, ID? ]^fp female-, HDp? ]^P Sexton, nhnpn \^m ch. Shabby, mean, m. s. m?? * ^^.f -biness, tlS * ni7D?l^ -bily, -1 Shackle, chain, ^3D3 D'^p*^rS^3 -|b^^ -kles, D^^'pHD ♦ D^p'^Ti^ Shade, Shadow, -jrip * 7^0 R. 77^ -N, 7V -y, -1 -diness, n^^V -dowy, ^V f^?^ -dowing, m. s. ^V?) Shaggy, hairy, m. s. "I'^lf ^ Shake, to agitate, ^^^^H (violently) j/t^.T be agitated, J/IT * j;/^3 (for fear) Xb^T)?! -off, (as fruit) ^p2 (as a yoke) pIS -out, (as a bag) "li/^ -hands, ?]? I/pJn *T]'m -N. shaking, * nj;;'); ♦ n;;^D];i ♦ nl^^a * ^Ipi * riT^? ♦ pna ^? n^/^pn Shall, (this verb is expressed with the future, as ?5 ♦S!;in ♦ 2h •^n -ishness, D^^S ^(^^13 * 'iinp Sheet, (for a bed) n^P^ sail, n*:Kn Ci^nDD (of lead, &c.) ^p-j * ng R.m^ (of paper) ^^2*5 H^^ ' 324 SHE~SHO Shekel, b[>!l^ Shell, N. ^1-1^5) (of a nut, or egg) HSi^^p Ch. -V. -H I^DH Shelter, 'bv p^ pH -N. i:i;d * nDniD Shepherd, ]^)S DfJ^I -ess, ]^)S nXTll Sheriff, T\n^ * ^i^H ^^SH 1^p2) TV //I - //'v V - '. : Shield, •?;; 11J5 -N. i;59 * nnnb -bearer, HJV ^!^J Shift, to change, ^l^^nn evade, Dnj^H * ^-VSHH -N. * HDIi; n^'p-V^nn make- to live, COiJpn pgr^ti^H -er,m. s. D^^ Shilling, n-)| n^l;::ti^ Shine, n3j ^v'^vn^i^^^^in -N. -inr *n^i ♦nx;?*; -dng, -ny, m. s. ^V"i^ ♦ THn Ship, N. n:^^D * ^^^^^ -v. -n hi^ Tnin ^5^n^ r. it ' T . : T- t; ••• II ' II ' r 813 -wreck, -H in^ -man, D'Bi nlnnb^ ini;; ♦ IDD -Wright, nv:3^it.n51B Shirt, n:3h3 ♦ p^^n -less, Dh;; Shiver, to quake, Ti;n * ^-^^Hn * ^n'^nnn R. b^n shatter, -)3?^ ' y-n -ing, nix;-) * ny^5 • n^n^n ♦ n^^V"! Shoal, a crowd, *i.On sandbank, vln "^"in Shock, to shake, X/tri offend, ^J^D -N. Hj^lT * riVSt? -ing,njn|;^ Shoe, hVA -string, ~^h&S^ -maker, D^^^2 Ht^;; Shoot, let off, HT germinate, nbV -er, m. s. HTD * n3l") Shop, (for sale) n^:n -board, -H \nbti^ -man, -H nn^p -keeper, m. s. "^-JlpH Shops, H'^l^n Shore, a coast, HD^ * P)1n a drain, '-)1DV * H^^nm Short, not long, m. s. *1^|^ -lived, D'^P^^*^Vp -sighted, n*t^n *1Vp -breathed, Hn *"lVp -hand writer, *nnl3 *11!^p2l stop-, Ibl/ come-, ^'Dl^ keep one- of, "T^pnn -en, ^^?, " "i^p'tJ -iy> soon, nnp3 ♦ nnnpn briefly, -)i-:s^p3 SHO— SHU 325 -hand, ~2 nn^n? -ness, "IVp Shot, the act of shooting, il*l\ balls, — ^"IIIS wounded, m. s. - .. // V ' II T Shove, (forward) a^^^Jj^n R. |^1^ -out of the oven, ")^3i?n \12 n'ln -away, ^rr\ * nn*1 -through, ]D r}^^2n Shovel, nnv -N. ni:)-)j^ * nni r. n*)") Should, (is expressed with the future, see Ought.) Shoulder, (of a beast) J^/IlT (of a man) D?^ * ^JHS pi. illDn? -V. put on the shoulder, —bjJ Dlfc^ Shout, niv *h^;n *]jnn r. ^i:i • j/n -n. -ing, *ni;nn T T : T • Show, exhibit, iH^'in direct, nnlH R. H")'' prove, H'^Din R. nD*" -N. n^nD -y, m. s. -^ ^IT^ (person) h^}r\D -bread, D^^Sinon^ • T - V V Shower, N. U'^l^^p * '\^D -V. to rain, -Th;! send a-, l^mn -with liberality, 'v^^pH -y, D^ip^^ nV Shred, D^Jt/H)?^ Xf^i;; -N. I/nj? Shrewd, cunning, m. s. IDT)^ -ness, H^^y -ly, —3 Shriek, ^1p3 pi/y -N. Hj^rV ^^P Shrill, D":3m nj^^V^ ^' ^^^ -ness, V^^^y blp Shrine, ]'\1H Shrink, contract, pb^ * O^j^ be in fear, S^nn Shrivel, CObj; Shroud, defend, ^i? p^l -N. |J/p * HDn^ (of the dead) r?n?n * D^np n^n r. m^ Shrub, a bush, r\2D * H'^fit^ -by, I^DP Shrug, (see Shrink) -the shoulders, 'vTI^-N. T^ Shudder, yh^nn * bmhnnn r. hm -ing, n^n^n * nv^a Shuffle, change, P)?nn evade, D^'irn -fler, m.,s. Vi^'lV^ 1906 SHU~SIL Shun, ••^Di;:;2)nVnn Shut, -)jp -fast, is:: -in, nr.n n^p -out, ^nnijt 7;;3 -hand, or mouth, \bp^ -eyes, Dli^i? -ears, Db^? -ter, ph"^^ Shuttle, J-lli^n '72p_p Shy, m. s. cautious, "intjl frighted, 7n3J) Sibilant, m. s. p-)W -ation, Hp^n^ * Hp^T^ Sick, m. s. diseased, nh^lTi *2^'\'2 -en, ^bnn * n•'^^^^ -ly, m. s. ti^bn *^^2^ 'hi R. bbi -ness, ^^^D'♦a^c^ T - T - T -: - •• : (see Disgust) Sickle, ^5D 'C^Pin Side, n^^? nw* R. nt03 -n. n^ nn^ ^nn *nv (of animals) V^); -long, |iD?^|f? m. s. 1*1 V/* -ways, TV - : Siege, nl^;^ Sieve, nin:^ sift, -3 r:n try, n^co\n' t^-rn Sigh, n:^n -n. ^^5^? Sight, the seeing, iT^^I. ' HDnH R. CO^i show, Hb^n.D -liness, ]1-)Si^:p ♦ n^f^^jj; -ly, m. s. np2 * D'^j;/: Sign, to mark, UWl (with chalk, &c.) H^Jn ratify, D.^ DhH -N. a token, in * p^V a miracle, JIDlD R. riD"^ a presage, nl^^ a print, D^") (with the head, &c.) m^l Signal, mark, ]D"^p give a-, H^jt^H ♦ t^J"! * DH -ize, * ^"lljin 1?.^ -ly, TNP Signature, sign manual, ^^ nD^^Jin Signet, DHiH Significancy, energy, n^^'H: * Hfiin -icantly, — D -icant, -icative, m. s. pTH * ^j^^^ -ication, il^JS Signify, declare, j;nln R.iJT mean, ]55 it signifieth nothing, Silence, stillness,- Hj^'^n^i^ * H^pi'l -! interj. D'I * DH keep-, prig^ ♦ t^^im put one to-, p*'ri?i^n • HDH SIL— SIN 827 Silent, D^^*! -ly, H^^^H? ' np^^^rs^^-D, Silk, ^^D -en, —7^ -mercer, m. s. — "ID"^^ -weaver, m. s. -jnl^^ -worm, -n Df/Sln Sill, in?p ♦ tip R. ^^D Silly, foolish, m. s. ^S:l3 R. ^K** -liness, t^h)^ Silver, N. ^DS -V. -2 Hg^ -y, m. s. -2 TIpJ -smith. Similar, (see Like) -ity, — m^'H Simile, Jl^P'n -itude, likeness, 7^0 * njlOT Simony, t^ip "^D??? irip?2 nWJJ^^ Simple, m. s. unmingled, COIti^a artless, DJp * D*^pr) silly, h^'\2 R. ^k^^ -pleton, "^ri^^^^lSt -plicity, * nitO^'§ m^^Dn *ni^ns ♦ n^')^^ -piy, -n -piify, nnn * ic^^a' Simular, m. s. "^ZDn * |ti^n3 Mi^n Ch. -ulate, * HllD-l * tS^HS f]*! -ulation, n^^Dn * ti^HS * t]V»r Simultaneous, existing together, I^H^ 13513 1^^VP? Sin, N^on * mrn *;;j:^t:) * mvio '^i; nb;; -n.' *\^ton * ili; Vl^p ' nnni; -offering, n^m -ner, m. s. * XlD^tl * j^tJ^IS T T • Since, because that, \VV\]l^h * Dpjt; * ]? ^If before this,* \Qb ?^^/P (as DV IP^ since the day. "Ipi^H TSJD since the morn- ing.) ever-, t J;JD (as r^<^D ^Slp3 ll33 thy throne is estabhshed ever since.) see Ago. Sincere, m. s. D"^pn * ip.ijij -ity, T\My^l2r\ -ly, -2 Sinecure, HJ^i;? pH R. ]n: * ppH Sinew, T>i! * "IH'^D -ed, sinewy, m. s. DIVj/ Sing, \T\ * "112^ -er, m. s. nnit^P Singe, "^hn Single, m. one, inSl individual, ''pna unmarried, * n^Sj^ X^B ^13§ -gly, 1^5^ -gular, m. only, T^H^ odd, i^^S -gularity, 328 SIN— SKU ")j^^ -gularly, particularly, tOHDll -gleness, Jl^D'^D]^ Sinister, corrupt, m. s. fl^J^P * /j^vj^P R. 77p Sink, decline, OlD -down, ^3^ -N. a drain, nllJ^ Sip, t:d^ Skeleton, nl/::V^. ^5 R. hh^ Sketch, draw out, "l*,^ -N. H'Tl)^ * IT^V Skilful, Skilled, m. s. h^:?}t^D ' n^nD -fulness. Skill, ♦ ^D^ mn^np -fuiiy, -a Skim, N. fivp. ^nK^^ -v. -invn -miik, 2br\ ^d Skin, N. (of fruit) 7il^5 ♦ HD^^p Ch. hide, nlj; V. -tOi^^pH ^•1^§ -ner, ninl;; "IDiD -ny, m. s. l|^3 ^pT R. ppT Skip, to leap, Tp-) ♦ ^9p miss,''^Jt; ;iv!'1 -N. ♦ llpn * H^^^p Skirmish, HnniD * H^D R. HV: Skirt, HDK^ " D^^^Si^ (of a country )^n5 ^H^^jJ Skreen, to shelter, 'b]J ]'2p ^pn -N. ]M * HDriD Skulk, lurk, (in fear) fcSBHnn (in malice) • -^ 21^ SKY— S LI 329 Sky, firmament,^^i?n * D^D^-colour,-n DV;; Tl^Dn ni^tl;? -dyed,-D ^^^it-)5 -light, J^H inV Slack, m. s. HSHnp ' H^^} -en, "D Hgin * ^j;;;^ ^pH R. 7?p -ness, looseness, ]1^£)") Slander, -er, -ous, (see Calumniate.) Slant, m. s. ^|5^»p -ly, lln v'j^i;? * pD?^^3 Slap, tlpnniSn R, PIDD * HD: -N.'a blow, nSO (in the face) ^n^ nsp Slave, ^bi; -N. m. 12V f. HIlDt:^ -ry, n^12y Slaver, N. nn^ -V. -inlH R.TT Slaughter, :ihn • ji'^pn R. m;^ (beast) n^T * niiD * con^ -N. 3'^:inn * nnp5 -house, D^nnc^jn n^n -man, mw 'm^ -ous, nv'n? man-, *n}:p2 \i;^2 n?D • T • ; Slavish, m. s. 1:22} * 12pt^0 Ch. -ness, n;;^?3 * T^Si/ti^ -iy,-:i Slay, (see Slaughter) man-slayer, nj^t^"5 t^£)5 ;inin Sleep, ]ii^^ -N. -ing, ni^ a sound-, HD'inin -iness, H^l^ri-ily, —2 -less, m. s. "IJ/ R. *nj/ -y, drowsy, m. s. DH^? Sleeves, nll/l")! ^r}2 Sleeveless, "^^3 Slender, thin, pi * ^^ -ness, HlpT * m^^l R. ppT * ^^1 Slice, "ihn -N. n2^nr\ Slide, N. (on ice) m\^i T^^'pbpb^\ -V. 1 tODlDnH Slight, nfn * ^pn R. "P^p -N. m. s. small, ]1C0j^ weak, HDH trifling, COj^p r-)i?VP * '^i^?P artifice, nV21 * riDlD contempt, ^iMll -ness, weakness, ]V5"l-ly,— 3 Slime, glutinous matter, HD^ rnin\^ mud, CO'^tpDjy (for 2V_ O^'O) Slimy, -2 Sling, to throw, i*-7p -N. ^/^p Slip, slink away, nSSnn * tO^^H * D^2 mistake, Hi^ slide, 2 s 330 SLT-SMr ni/D * ID)D ♦ mn R. nni -out of his memory, HD^H ^3;|)P -out of his hand, 'iTD bb: -into his hand, 1T^ Db^ -with his tongue, i:3l::;^3 rann -in^n -n. * ntDi,o ^^n'l nm^P -periness, -pery, n1p?f?^n SHpper, 'hl}P Ch. Slope, nl-^i^^Ha • I'^D^h^ ♦ JLnSi^ Ch. -wise, -3 Sloth, idleness, ] Vf^-I * ni^V^ "f^Hy, -1 Slothful, m. s. n|-];i * ^Vj^ Sloven, m. s. ^^2^2 D^'l.ni:? -ly, t^ptQ IVhll Slow, m. s. "iriKp -of speech, "[1ti>^ *T53 a- fever, n^HD np^Dp -ness, 1^n^ ^nnn? -ly, -n '* orp Dj^p Sluggard, -gish, m. s. bo2 * ^Vj^ -gishly, n)b)fil2 Sluice, N. -)p|^ * npD * D^.pn n;/^ Slumber, D12 -N. HDI^il Slur, ^^pn * ^rh R. ^^p '^it -N. ^rj'T ' ji^jj Slut, sluttish, D^'O nnp R. IID Sly, m. s. Dn^ -ness, Hpni? -ly, -3 Small, (in number) LDi/p (in size) m. s. ]£Dj^ a- matter, ")n*1 ^P^ very-, "IJJjb tOl/D -clothes, D^p;)?P -ness, Di;p ♦ ni:ipg -pox, ni;^ •lj;n^? ^b'\n Smart, H'^KpH -N. m. s. acute, piH * ijt? neat, niKJ -ness, pth Mi; 'm * "^1^-^,-3 Smatter, -ing, Oj^P HiJ^l^, -er, m. s. bV2 Smear, (see Besmear) Smeary, adhesive, m. s. p2^1 Smell, n^in -N. nn^ cast a-, -Ihi (rank) ti^^^n -ing-water, D^nnpD'iP Smelt, (ore) "l^nH R. "jn: -er,m. s. •^*»;np Smile, ph^/ * pnnti^n -n. pin?^ -ingiy, -2 Smite, strike, n?n kill, JIH * t^^pj HSH R. HD^ afflict, y-)? SMI— S NO 331 Smith, copper-, or black-, ^n^ ni^n!^, ^IJl silver-, ^l'\)£ -ery, tr>-innn:3i^^Dn''3 *' T T V V V : Smitten, he is- with love, lillX (1337 Smoke, emit-, |fc^|? * ]^y H.^gH use tobacco, &c. ]tlfV^ ^Ng^ -N, \\^}l dry in smoke, -2 U:;^l -y, m. s. ]U^;i -iness, ]li;y Smooth, smoothen, ")l^^ *nW soften, ?pn R. 77p coax, 'b^ ]wh p'^hnn -n. m. s. n^i *phr\ -tongued, ]'iti^) ^p'^hnn -ing-iron, VD3P * P^^U^^ ^.p? -"^^' evenness, ^il/^D * p^H mildness, mST R. "JDI -ly, -3 Smother, suffocate, p^H conceal, HD? * HSH -N. smoke, I^J^ dust, p5$? suppression, nO^itn * ^ISH Smuggle, DD^n ^jj/ Dni/H -gler, m. s. DD^H ^j/ *Dnx;C) Smut, smutch, DriDH * "inCS^H -N. pSH H^SH DHD -ty, m. s.Dr\D? nmnt^ Snail, (an insect) h)b2p Snake, ti^HJ Snaky, serpentine, — D Snap, to break, Di^^n2 IDt^^n ihli^ bite, "Iti^i Snare, ti^p^ * v'^tj^pn -N. t^^plO * ^t^DD Snarl, growl, DH: ' HbH -er, m. s. DHI: ♦ HiplH Snatch, ^ibn * Plhn -N. HD^pn -er, m. s, tl^Dln Sneak, ^ht ' m) ^hn -er, -ing, m. s. mean, ^m ' ^Hlt -ingly, servilely, 111/11505 Sneer, .-2 pHV OX^ ^V'^^ -N. ]iV^ *]1n5 Sneeze, inlT * ^^^tDI/HH -N. H^'^tpi;. Sniff, ^i?5 nin-plt^;^^ um Snip, fyp*?t5 -N. ny^'Vi? * 'T?^ Snivel, the running of the nose, D^n^n^H ]l7^P. Snore, N. mn^ Snort, in:i Snot, d:ss: v^? * ^^? "in Snout, (ofaBeast),Dpri 332 SNO— SOL Snow, (flakes) JW -V.— *TT -white, snowy, — D Snuff, (a candle) I^H n^p^n to scent, nn.H *nn ^X^ -N. i?n n^iD5 * ^'^'\^k] pnsi -ers, Dinp^'pg Snuffle, DDhg lin Snug, m. s. ^^iDj: * "^ns -gie, ^WP^^ * Di^nrin So, thus, HDS * "^D *n3 * ]5 -also, 151 Soak, to steep, Hh^ imbibe, ^V^ Soap, N. nnis R. ")"in -v. -n rhn d33 nha Sob, ^:l^^^ * D\^:Di run r. hd:: -n. nn^i^ * m:j Sober, D^^i^n -N. m. s. Dp^ * ir)i;"Tn n^^P R. ;;n^ -ness. Social, sociable, m. s. D^J^/n ti^''i< R. Hi;") -ness, n^I/n * ri^lH^jt -ably, — !2 Society, rTIDn Socket, n^l (of an eye) i;'JE;n lln (of a tooth) i:i^ri?P Soder, pS-l -N. pSn.D Sodomite, nt^iS "^nSt^^D -)Dr-n^^ DDI::? -omy, nDt 33:^^0 Sofa, nt^D R. noj Soft, m. s. tender, '^n foohsh, ^IStl: R. b^^ -en, rpn * hj^H R. "|D") * bbp. -ly, slowly, tO^^ -! interj. P]-jn R. HD"! -ness, Soil, f)5D • ^i;^ -N. earth, H^lt?. * ^nS* his native-, p.^? Ini^lD (see Dirt) -ed, m. s.^lJCOP *^?Jl5p Sojourn, 115 -er, m. s. "15 Solace, tt^£33 n^t^H -N. Ci^p.? ^in^ti^P R. 3W Solar, nm h^ -year, Hl^nn T\^^ R. DDH Soldier, HDn^'iD T;s^D :^''^^ i^rDti^ Sole, N. (of the foot) ^JT P]? R. tjiiD (of a shoe) 7j;3n n^Jn^n V. — jpn D';p^n Solecism, ]1t^»^n p^pl '^^"^^ ^ "^^^x"?/^ 1^? ^' PP"^ Solely, singly, T^^ only, pi * ^i? SOL-SOO 383 Solemn, m. s. awful, ^^*^i3 R. i^T^ serious, l^^ -a day, * IJJt^D R.Ti;'»a-oath, Ch. S-Ji;2n njy^nt;^ -ity, ceremony, niD -ization, HJ^^H m^HD -ize, (a feast) ;iin (a fast) Di^^ tS^'Hj^ nnvr -ly, n^Dhu;:l Solicit, ask, "7^5 i?nnn nnj^ * • • ^ ti^i5? 7^;:^ -ation, * njnn Solicitous, m. s. anxious, ^^^1 concerned, ti^Ci^ln Solicitude, H^lSt'l * t^^g^H -citously, -3 Solid, m. s. firm, DlVif * pTH true, nD^jt -ity, DVi? * prh Soliloque,(with himself) I^Vj;? I'^HI l^*^! 1131. Solitary, m. s. gloomy, TljJ single, *I^n^ * ^li^^ Solitude, a lonely life, nH'^l!!! a desert, n^llf Solstice, n^^^j DV n)t(;f^n n^^pn r. ^p^ ' ' Solve, explain, ih^ *t^n|i -vable, m. s. U/^b^^ * npPI'; Solvency, Dv'^T'HT'b'; -vent, m. s. (to pay debts) ^J/J dissolving, nn.?: * ^^n: * DDl R. IHi * DDD Soluble, m. s. TIS^. Solution, separation, HTlpn Some, -body, m. s. ti^^i^ -how, D^2|)1k^np in^2 -thing, -what, -|ai ♦ HDI^^^t: -time, ID'^^^h -times, t:^'» 'D^DI/D^ •where, r,l;::ip;?n in^tz Son, \2 R. n^3 -in-law, ^nn Song, nTJ2^ * ")^^ -ster, in^t^D -stress, Mnniti^P Sonorous, m. s. 7115 * D^J -ly, — /1p? Soon, early in the morning, DJp^H IpS before long, * 3np3 r]yiD'^ as- as, -after, ntTkS? ^^ji (as NVn^^il? *^^^ soon after he icent out) it will- be at an end, l^p^ 3^1^ too-, m. s. "iHDi * T^n3 -er, before, "DDTp (see Rather) -est, ••3 Dip Soot, n'^Q R. Xr\^ -ed, -y, m. s. -)^hl^ Soothe, to calm, OpCi^H * pjn^H flatter, 'hu V^^^ p^^^^ 334 SOO— SOU -ingly, p^n nan * D'^nDti^ 'pbm -sayer, m. s. "^^^Sl^^ Sop,nh^ -N. steeped in liquor, tllJ^D Sophist, n^nj;? ^s^?p^n;!)ip' r. HSd * hd^ -icai, i<\ti^ -icate, -Ip.^ *^!I* Ch. -ry, * tn *D^5 ^Dll"! -ern, -^^ -wind, n'^p1-)'1 rm -east, n^nnrp n'^pli'n -west, n^nnr.? n'^pii'i -eriy, -ward, n^D^'/n 'nn;: Sow, spread, nl!l"]n (seed) jfy^^ -N. a pig, r\"1Tn -er, m. s. nn"iD * vnir -ing-time, r"!? Space, extension, 2T}h * 3n")P (of time) D"^p*n "I^DD Spacious, m. s. DH^ *^n"! -ness, D^l^ ^^H"! -^y> ~~^ Spade, -)7j;fp Span, (a measure) T^l] -V. — D ^ID Spangle, D'^ng) niipjin ijp.5 -N. HSi niip? R. nisi Spanish, Spaniard, m. s. "^"nn^P Spain, 11 Dp Spare, be frugal, |^Dp ^DVpV Ch. favour, ]:n * *^;; DIH omit, HTV -one*s life, H^nn allow, ]]13 save, 1/1^ he cannot -him, inr^^ h:^V ^h -N. m. s. lean, mVi^ * b^_ * pi R. bhl * ppl superfluous, in^^ * ^'1^V -ing, m. s. * ^^;?)pp Spark, y^2li; * f ll^q -le,'-V. ViV; -ling, m. s. V^l: Sparrowhawk, ^3 Spasm, Ch. Dn3??n p^V P^l "Odic, m. s. -- -2 n^VD Spawn, (of fish) D'>il'T "^V^B Speak, pronounce, NtDJ -to, °^>? ini -with, ^^St iniH (for 15'ir^'?) -able, fit to speak, m. s. 1211^ -er, -ing, m. s. Spear, r\'»;n *pT3*npi Special, particular, m. s. ^p")2i -ly, —2 Species, class, \^D Specific, (a medicine) IViTD \^^^^1 \}^^^^ -ally, I^D^ Specify, l£hp 336 SPE— SPI Specimen, a pattern, llID'^ Specious, showy, m. s. ^^^nD^ *h)l^ -ly, ]^j;; rl•^^^"lP^ Speck, D^illpn -N. Dns Speckle, "Tj^^ -led, m. s. T^pJ Spectacle, a show, ni^"1D glasses, D^^*^]/ inV ""JH^ Spectator, m. s. n^ll -ship, (the office) nnSti^Hn n'^J^S Spectre, u^w mm pi. niivtn R. nm Speculate, 3ti^n ^HJ^n -tion, plan, tl2^r}J2 -tive, ideal, n;^^^? -tor, m. s. 2iL;r\D * nj^np Speech, talk, ID^D * "i;^^^ * n^::i'1 ♦ ^^np an oration, r^lnDln nn'i r. n^*^ make a-, n^oln ^^jr^v^n t^-ip onni n -less, m. s. th^ * opln Speed, to urge on, h^H^n * \*\Sn (one's self) * ^n|in * ^i^ t^^n * nnp -n. n.^ns * nn\np * ]ir^n -iiy, -3 -y. Spell, to form words, H^pH m*nli^ ^nj^H R. ^7^;^ charm, ti^nb -N. ::^n^ Spelt, nzoDS V V X Spend, consume, Hy? lay out money, ^^"^!tfin R. N^^ -thrift, m. s. nrap ^mrnpR. nn Sperm, iHT Spermatic vessels, niylnn '^75 R. *77'' Spew, ^^*>p^ Sphere, circuit, ^^ province, 7^7^ orb, *^1*15 *^|('l -ical,— ID Spice, Dii^n * D^B -ry, D^D^^H IVIi^ Spider, n^ppti^ ♦ i:/^23f] -web, -nip Spike, to fasten, nlTn^ -1 nilDDDn ptH -N. a nail, * npDQ nn;i an ear, :^h2l^ pi- ^ V??^ Spikenard, 11^^ Spill, shed, ^b^ * nvn^? ^^?in r. ^d3 Spin, to form threads, Hl^ * "IT^' Spindle, nitres SPI— SPO 337 Spine, back bone, HVif * Sni^ Ch. -nal marrow -H 0^n Spire, a steeple, hlJD -V. -D nhfj Spirally, -D Spirit, soul, nDl^2 * tt^D? breath, nn -ed, m. s. '^H ♦t^*>l^ -less 111. s. Xyn * ng"! -ual, incorporeal, ^^JHI") -uality, m^^n^l -ually, riT^^H'l") *T]7? -ualization, li")^^ -ualize, — -ih^ -uaity D\3nij rsi^ R. ni;^ Spirits, spirituous, "IDK^ Spirt, Dnr * n v!i5 Ch. Spit, (from the mouth) ^p"! * ph^ >N. a prong, Tl^^n * H^h TIDti^ Ch. Spite, -fulness, tV^]ip^ * m^t^ * HTJ? -fully, -3 -ful, m. s. Spittle, pi R. ppi Splash, P15K) * ^\^jn -y, dirty, m, s. ^l^ Spleen, milt, bln^ Ch. spite, ^IJl Splendent, m. s. ^;^1:i ' TVi'D, -did, m, s. IMH * 11^2 -dour nn^^r) * inn -didiy, -2 Sphnter, (of wood) ^jt/D D^ii3 * I'^pPp Split, to Crack, }lp2 * j^/D^ -asunder, p^H Spoil, corrupt, nn^H * 75 H (see Plunder) Spoke, (of a wheel) "^WT} Spokesman, ^\^p R. p^ Spoliation T\h^b^> Spontaneous, m. s. 'Z'l^nD -ly m. s. rh^^ * I.^Vifp Spoon, ^15 pi. nl2? R. ^^2 -ful. ti5 )^hr2 Sport, divert, ^tft^I?:^ R. T)])^ play, pHV -N. D^jt^^I/^i^ * piH^ (of the field) HTV -ful, -ive, m. s, \pm * p1ny*i^.^^ Sportsman, i;»^ m^^ Spot, disgrace, ^"in maculate, i^S^ speck, DJ^DH -N 'H^in ^^^PP * DnS -of ground, 'O'^'p^ upon the-, without delay, TIP • nnD -less, DID "^^3 m. s. 11.1^ * ^pj 2 T 3B8 • SPO— SQU Spouse, spoused, m. ill^^ ^^3 f. tl/^t^ nti^'^? Spout, ^3J -N. a cataract, ^^3D * 11^^ pipe, H^j^ Sprain, nni'^n HJiD * mDH -N. nni''2 nn^n?:^ Spread, extend, Il'^nnri be extended, lOS^^SHiI (as an eruption) nSi^^ (as an army) t^COIin disseminate, Jll^"))! (a rumour) Sprig, nt^^i^: *im* p:v * -iy? Sprightly, m. s. •'H *ll}^^ * tnt Ch. -liness, H^nVp * nitnt Spring, bud out, UD^ * H?!/ gush forth, (as hquids) ^yillp ^^^^; leap, yBp, -N. source, nlp;^ cause, HJItr^i^nH HnD fountain, jt;^3D elastic force, Ch. ^JIDDH ^^tlnn H^ (a season) n*'n^? -water, ti^T\ D^D Sprinkle, "^^f j^ht Htn R. Ht^ -ling, ni-J^nr ^ H^H Sprout, nbv * ribv -N. no^s* Spunge, ;iii:p Ch. Spungy, m. s. "^l^^W * ^1 Spur, incite, l^pn * inl;/ -N. Hni/n • -)i;;-|^ (to a beast) \yi'l Spurious, ^l\p Ch. (child) D^;i::n^^^ -ly, ^l^ng * "lj?.ti^? Spurn, kick, ID'V^ scorn, "n CDN^ * HD Spurt, D^t -N. a quick stream, nD*lt Spy, search, b^y niD * Ipn watch, ID^ -N. m. s.*^i3"lP "in -ing-glass, nDj^^ll H^p Squabble, ^nH ♦ pii^vnn -N. nn * ]>bv Squalid, m. s. ill favoured, D^ID *1D nasty, Dt^D^ Squall, ^ipn pi;v * ni^ -n. nmv (of wind) nnrp Squander, -)T§ * H •?? * 1?^? Square, quadrangle, V^lf2 -red, m. s. ^^2'l Squeak, HlV * HhV Squeamish, m. s. p3^p ♦ 11 ^P'^^^P'^^ Squeeze, to crush, Vyi * ^?1 (see Oppress) Squint eyed, m. s. *ir^Zl ^^3i1 SQU^STA JW9 Squirt, Dhr • nhp_ ch. -N. n^r;! r. nn * nn^j? Stiib, ^pn * 1p^ -N. nniP-TD -bed, m. s. -Ijjip Stability, DVp • p^m Stable, m. s. D»)^ * pm (for horses) m"}Jj * H^IX Stack, pile up, itT) * "12 V -N. "IDPI * nb-)^;. Staff, n^Wp * 'iV^ (of ofTice) C03;i^ * DBD 11. HDJ Stag, n^»i^ ♦ h'i^ * n^ny ♦ ^3V Stage, a theatre, ^^^■)p n^^ (of a play) j^/lCT^;;;^ H^H (of a jour- ney) nni:p jii^p^. Dipp Stagger, to reel, -|n")np * "n^ * m alarm, Tinn Stagnant, (water) Dn5? D3\S -nate, IbJ^ -nation, HTpi;. Stain, maculate, SpO disgrace, ^inn -N. a taint,* nS"in * ^li^ DID a blot, DHD ' V V Stair, n?j5^p Stairs, -case, DvD winding -, D^/^? Stake, wager, ' '3 Il.ll/nn ' ^? i?P? (his hfe) mXD^ 1C5^?3 ^l^n -N. pledge, llnnr a post, 1^D}J * COlD Stale, old, m. s. W^ -bread, 1^2^ -ness, H^t^^'' * Dl^y^ Stalk, ^blD N. n-y? *f jjV Ch. (of an herb) mb\l Ch. Stall, (for a horse, &c.) D^2i^ (for an ox) n?^ a booth, niiH R. n^n Stammer, ;i^^ -er, m. s. :hv -ing, ]')^h 12^ Stamp, with the foot, DD'^^ * DDH * j^pn pound, nhS * t2^n|) mark, Dfc^") (with a seal) DJin -N. DHln ' T T T Stanch, N. m. s. D'^DH ' D^t:^ ^ \D^2 Stand, "Tbjy (as a sentry) n-JD^D hv "ibj^ -about, ^^ Ib^ -by, assist, "h IbV -still, Dll -amazed, D^ll^p lD|f -against, "•«5 55 iD|J -atnal,li*'p?n Tb)i\ motion of terror, HTin have the- of one, "7 0*1^ Startle, frighten, ^^73^ * inHH be frightened, ^HnH nhn Starve, perish with hunger, 3i?'13 niD (with cold) nnj^n^pstn R.-i-)pkiii &c. 3^-15 n-jpn n^pn -ing, dying of &c. m. s. 3;;")3 mp3 ♦fl/tD State, represent, HKin ♦ "l^D settle, ^hn ^I/aj^ Ch. -N. condition, T^i/?) dignity, Thvj2 stateliness, nn^^JDn nin government, niD/P -affair, — l^'l -ment, ")^pp Statesman, DSHD ti^'^K Station, DW * 'T^PJ/n -N. post, n-VP R. 3^"^ rank, n'jj;;^ -ary, fixed, m. s, \\2\ * jJ13jP Ch. Statue, ^;!2D * bo^ -ary, -IVV ' V V V V •' Stature, HDlp Statute, ni * ph R. "^pn -able, -3 -ory, -bf Stay, continue, 3^^;^ * "T'l^^H stop, Tfoj; hinder, iV^ loiter, npnpnn * nn^^ be absent, pn'\r\r} prop, •^bn * ^bp -N.^n3ti^ *^3-)^^ ^htd;; * nn^vj; *ninK ♦n3''Dn sTE-sTi im nD\pp * nipninn -ed, m. s. -i^j;: * y\Dn * iiop Stead, in- of, finn * Dippn -iness, pitn ' D1*p * nb \*')D^it -fastly, -ily, —2 -fast, Steady, m. s. firm, ptfl * D*2 resolute, ^l? ♦}^'>^Jjt Steak, nii^n nD^nn Steal, 3Ja -a glance, "'2Xiy\T\\b^l£iT\ -into, "irpn Nil! -into one's friendship, 37 3J| -away, Di^r^"? -^^'j Ji^» s. D33 -th, nn?5 -ingly, —3 Steam, b'lT} * "ib^p Steel, refined iron, '7n5ntf^j;; ' pVID ^m Steep, fnm * ^3C0 -N. nS^mD T-|1D R. TT * ' T T V V : - T Steeple, HjD Steer, ^HJ * J\n3n -N. "IJ^B ]? n§ -age, the steering, nJHin Steersman, H^^i^H :^■^:lO T • t; T • : ~ Stem, T;;? li^jy -N. a stalk, 3V? * f J^r Ch. Stench, n:nv • ntf^stn * linnp Step,ni;V *'^ii^|)-over,''^J!; nb2)-N. a footstep,* T^/VP^^i?^ nj;^P5 gait, :inpp -of a ladder, n^I/D ♦ njnnD -by-, gra- dually, n^r^ n^r^ ^^J-lTD^ n:i-n;2D foiiow his foot- steps, rniap;;? ^hn Step-daughter, (his) '\r)m fl? (her's) m'^i^ n? -father, DJ? hjl^ -mother, 3X nt^^ -son, (his) iDti^i^ ]3 (her's) T • < V Sterile, (see Barren.) Sterling, standing rate, 2lVj^n ^^J/ Stem,harsh, m.s. H^J^ a- look,D'^pj^n D^^S -ness,'^ti^P. -ly,-3 stemon ntnn Dvy Stew, V. T\n R. Tr: Steward, m. s. 1^p?i house-, ]5iD * H^? p^9 ]n Stick, adhere, p2'^ fasten on, pS'l stab, Ip'l -in the mud. S42 STi-sro p5l^3Pn -to a thing, "?2n'\m ^^n ♦ "b imn -in the ground, }lpn -N. h^D * nm -y, m. s. p^ll Stickle, nj^rn -1 nnn -ler, m. s. ]np 'ti;^^ Stiff, m. s. n^lj * prn -necked, Plli/*."!^)? -en, make stiff, n^j?n * pm grow stiff, nti^pnn * ^mr\ri -ness, •'^p -ly-n Stifle, suffocate, p^'^nH suppress, HD? (one's resentment) Stigma, nann ♦ jl^jp -tize, pinn * ^Vp Still, (the thirst) ^I^^V ^Tl (^^^ Appease) nevertheless, n\k\ ^5?-N. a vessel p'lpr ^i^S stillness,* .Tpi'l ♦ ^^^^^P tDp.!i^ calm, m. s. liDpJ^ be-, 01*1 sit-, HlJ -born, m. s. *;;]| Dnnp -stand, ni'^pi?. Stimulate, "i^i/H * inixT -tion, Hn^H * -)i;;ny Sting, to hurt, n'^J^pH (as an animal) ^^pg Ch. -N. * 2\^?;? ^jpr (of conscience) HD'in Ch. Stingy, m. s. ]Vpp * ''^^D R.''?!^ -giness, m^^pp * ni^? Stink, m)x:i ♦ nhD -N. r^^^^ * jiniD * n^ni^ * T-T tt:t' :- T-;- Stipend, nnVp * pn R. p'pT] -iary, m. s. I^Dg^ Stipulate, °D1? Hl^n ^H^nn-tion, HiSlWH * "^J^^jn -tor, m. s. Stir, disturb, ;;\rn ♦ jE;*'?n incite, "l^jJH provoke, *' O Hn^nn rr\i move, j;')r * j;i:3 (out of doors) nin nni;).p xv;i -n. ^775 ♦ n*pln -ring, (one's self) inll/nn -ring N. a pro- voking, T]"1'^T\ Stirrup, 25l"in '^^^n ni;;?D stitch, sew, nan -n. (in the side) ni;;^VD ^TI?1 Stock, nnV (with provision) t^m ^5^D -N. trunk, V:;^p * ]:i\ lineage, HH^^P quantity, ")Spp * "^D (of money) "IVlK Stocking, hT\J} V'l'^n Stocks, (for the legs) JlD^np STO— STR 343 Stomach, (a ventricle) Hnp. * ^^mt^m * l^pn^p Cli. Stone, pelt. Din * bpD -N. (of fruits) ]V"in * t^i^ll (of earth, &c.) pi^ like stone, -1D3 -cutter, -DVlH t^^lH -pit, D7^p?) Stony, full of stones, D^2n^ ^^7D Stool, D*in ♦ n^iD R. 2^"^ evacuation, HNt'^V*'. go to-, have-. Stoop, bend, n^::^ * ^lijn r. ^id:) submit, i/jsn * nl:i;n Stop, hinder, jy jp * IV;; stay, Tbif close up, "IJD (chinks) DHD (one's ears, or mouth) Dbj>^ -N. cessation, tll^DV, stoppage, nj^^^p * IVVP pause, pODH Ch. Stopple, npijp Ch. Store, niJ2lL*Db jh; * nnV -N. plenty, If 5^ * T) -house, (for victuals) Dp^ (for arms, &c.)r!5?PP -keeper, m. s. plD Stork, nTon T • -; Storm, (with anger) ^^l * K^J/^Catown) Hplnn ^^SH^ ti^*^jt/nn R. ^D: -N. fury, P]^r * ]p tempest, ti^j;;-l_ * nnjJD Stormy, ^ND * piSg^ R. H^^ Story, a tale, H^^.)? ll^D (of rooms) H^ti^ Stove, (to make fire in) Dn^3 ^nn"^? * "II^jH Stout, m, s. strong, jpn * pTH lusty, ^^n3 * JDti^ -ness, t?n *prn-iy,-n Stow, is^D -age, a repositoiy, HiJlppp Straggle, ramble, IDOWnn * COitJ^-gler, m. s. CDtDltJ^'JlD Straight, even, m. s. nW *n]^l straightways, * "linSt *«5'3 DinD -en, nW • "1^;; -ness,n^^ Strain, (liquids) ppt * ]5P Ch. force, f\D)^ ' p'm exert, ymnn sprain, nnvn nhp -n. style, ]Dlu^ Strainer, -^QpD * JSpD Ch. Strait, narrow, m. s. "1^ * 'p^'^1 -en, IVH -ness, * IVD * pHI np^iyp -ly, -2 Straits, D^H nVQ R. Il^^ 344 STR— STR Strand, N. D^H n^t^ Hin -V. — h ^Viin Strange, m. s. foreign, It R. "lit odd, HJti^P (thing) i^72) -gely, J^^^DH^ -ger, m. s. ^.5^ Strangle, p^H (one's self) p^nn -gulation, ilj^^^ll Strap, N. nrivn ch. Strata, D^HLDCS^ ^ rDHlJ Ch. Stratum, HtOti^ * *im3 Stratagem, H^D^ * HOn.P * HOn^ Straw, |nn Stray, err, H^^tg ' Hyn -N. m. s. HJjil Streak, 1p 1p n'm * TpJ^ -N. Ij^ -y, m. s. l^p^^ Stream,flow,^n-N.-)n3 ^fl^ilJi^ * D^;:: Dlt Street, linn -door,n^5n nns -walker, f. T^2pD Hjlt Strength, * pm * ijs * ti/ *t^r^^ * b^n * p]pn * ]Dn 70^^ strenuous, m. s. bold, D''>5 ny brave, b^V} ^t^^^t^ * Hn ^l/DK; -ly, r^ri!! * ^^n? Stress, force, pltn lay a- upon a word, ''COH^S \*^'in i;^tD? -of weather, nnrp * H^ID * ^;;r Stretch, expand, J/pn * nriD enlarge, 3)1") H -out, (the hand) '^1^ (one's. self )j;;in?yn -N. reach, 2nn Strew, nra ♦nhr *rDn Stricken, m. s. hurt, f^: ' D'DD R. HD^ -in years, D^^^n *K!l Strict, m. s. severe, H^i^ exact, 1W\ * DVDVD Ch. -ness, -i^vQvpv-iy, --n Stride, N. Ch. HDJ Hj^pS -V. - -:tf b2) pp^ Strife, nnn.p * p^i; * n-v? * d'^^'td r. nvj * in ^Strike, hit, HDH R. HD^ -dead, Pjij -metal, 1*11 stamp, Dfc^l -against, (as the pulse) "2 pDl (one's self) ^il^lj^n -fi^e, ^^? nij^ -off one's head, ^l^lj^ -one's mind, 37? I^jt/H R. ni? -, as a clock, Di/|)n t^^p^p Ch. -blind, l^i; -root. STR-STU 345 ^l.Pn (^ i" measuring corn, &c.) p/Hn -out, blot out, php * nhO -in, drive in, JL/pn -up a bargain, "DJ/ HlJ^'H Striking, affecting, m. s. 37 *")"!il/p String, a cord, ill^i? * '"'JP? (of a bow, or musical instrument) -)n\:: * in^ a series, inD Stringy, OnM^O i^^D Stringent, m. s. "i;^i;; * pVnp Strip, rob, h'hti} divest, tOt^DH (one's self) ^'^^ -N. il^'^nn Stripe, a lash, HSD R. HD^ (see Streak) Stripling, D^V • ■);;i_ Strive, contend, 3nn labour, i/j^ * l^^^^^r*''? Stroke, p^^hr^n -N. HSp R. Hn^ (of a clock) Dj^/Sn tJ^pti^p Ch. Stroll, Dcplt:^nn * mii; -er, m. s. coLOici^np * to^ Strong, m. s. potent, l^DH * -)13J * ^l^pr^ * DlVXf * tj;/ a firm thing, sharp in smell, pTPI -in taste ^'^"in a -hold, 1^5^ -ly, IDh? * nnup? ♦ ^ph? ♦ Dvi;g * rirj^: -i • pm^ Structure, building. ]122 form, "l^^^n * Jl^Jn^ Struggle, contend, 3nn labour, j;;^;^ -N. Hnnp " HjL?'';'! Strut, nv3, ihn * n.^5nn T " ; > T V T ; • Stubble, ^p_ R. t^tl/p Stubborn, obstinate, m. s. P]ni; *n:i;^p-bornness, ^'IV nVtJ^p -bornly, 3 Student, "r\::^n studied, m. s. HsSd Studious, ipw * v'»"iU -"^^^' ^'^'^''"•n * '"^7^P^ -ly. -^ Study, connsider, ^Snti^H muse, Ibh * ]IV -N. mitD^pn * 1^^^ (an apartment) — H IIT] Stuff, ,S^5 -N. goods, D^DD? furniture, n^n"^^? Stumble, slip, tODti^n * ^ti^DH -ing block b'^2r2 Stump, -||5i? ♦ i.n3 (of a limb) DV^n nXfct^ Stun, stupify, hn^n * Dni2 Dlt^ -ned, m. s. DHi: ... - T : • "" T : • Stupefactive, m. s. 771.1^ * nj;;'^ hhWD R.^T 2 u MG STU— SUB Stupid, m. s. bh^DD * ti^gCO -ity, m^^lH * H^t^^^D -ly, -2 Stupendous, I'm IV. * ^^^pnh Sturdy, m. s. pJH * Hi *H^n -diness, pth * PD Stutter, :\hll -er, m. s. }hV * IW^ H?? Style, ^^^Ip/ n?3 -N. ^133 (of writing, &c.) \Q'\t^ Suasible, m. s. HlID^ * HlVn^ *ni3 Suasive, m. s. nr\^] Subalternate, nli:i''^n Subcommittee, i^^^tl/f^^n D*'J\i:^ D^'i^'lllOD R. HIlD ... - 'fi • .- 'II : Subdivide, n^;!.t^pv!n Subdue, subjugate, C^'DD " H-^: * °^jt; ")!i;n(apassion)nV"; t^33 Subjugation, Hjl/iDn * n^>3? Subject, to enslave, ^^2^,r\ * j^^'^^n expose, "^T^ N^?n R. N13 -N. placed under, m. s. IZV * V^^y ^2]J^^ Ch. apt, t^lD R. IID * ^^bj^ Ch. matter, l^^I? * 13^ -ion. Subjoin, yjy ^^piH -junction, nSDlH -junctive, m. s. *^pp> Sublime, lofty, m. s. ^m/ nil5 (in style) D"J R. D1") -mity, n^p ♦ n^nni * n^^^n -meiy, -n Submissive, m. s. ^^DD -ion, H^*^^? -ively, — H Submit, be subject, I/^SH * rii^j^H resign, ID^H refer to judgment, "^n^^nR.nr Subordinate, m. s. ]m^ -tion, h^l/^H^T} T nPin HS^D? Suborn, TT^Dn * TS^^T] R. m^ -ation, HnDH * nmn Subpoena, n^^i H nil^/n Subscribe, to consent, -^ nVH * O^pn Ch. sign, Dti^ CJIH -scriber, m. s. D'^^DD MlCt!^ DHln -scription, * HMp."! Subsequence, fl'i^JJ? ' nnn?:? * 3pl/. -sequent, nnX Subserviency, ri/jyln -servient, m. s. T]!l^i2 R. 7i*^ SUB-SUE 347 Subside, abate, "ibHI I'^H -sidence, ]ii;n^ Subsidy, aid, HnTJ^ * IJif -sidiary, m. s. ITlX; Subsist, endure, /D?? R. /13 have means of living, * H'Tl C>i?"'?rin Ch. -ence, competence, nh^h^ * HDJl^ * p§6y -ent, m, s, ^5VD]3 Substance, essential part, H^Ii^in * t^.'^body, ^^21 * DVI^^ -stantial, m. s. strong, DlVi/ real, HDiV * C^^^JD Ch. -slantiality, m^VJ;? * ni::^^P -stantially, n;?XB -stantiate, D.»p * D^pH Substantive, (a noun) DV;/ Dt^ Substitute, Dipp iS-?p -N. DippS -tion, DlpP ^^1^p Subterfuge, n^^"v.:inn • npn;; Subterranity, ^"l^n Jl'^Jinri Subterranean, D Subtile, Subtle, m. s. D^nV -tility, DmV -tilely, —1 Subtract, j;h3 * H^^ -ion, n^'i:!P * jl'iD^ Subversion, DD'^nn * JIDDHD -versive, m. s. Dll/T * 3'^"in^ Subvert, D^iH * 2^'inn * '^bn T • -: - ' T Succeed, follow, "nnX i^ln prosper, H'^^V'!^ Success, nn^vo -f"iiy» -^ -fu^> m. s. n^Vvp Succession, a series, "llD lineage, rTJ/ln R. 17^ inheritance, liar;; ♦ n^n^ -cesslve, -cesslvely, m.s. ^Hpn^S ♦Hj: Successor, m. s. VDnn VlHi^ ?<:! •r ir. - II -r —. - T Succour, -)tj^ * ]pp^n -N. nnrr * nrj; * n^i::^^ ♦ y^;; Succulent, m: s. H? R. HI? Succumb, sink under, ^ij * bv 3^ ^^J Such, n:D3 * ni m. nn f. nxtD pi. ^^^^2 ' T T V T T ^ V •• T Suck draw in, p^ -out, ^il^O -er, p5l*> Suckle, p^rn -ling, m. s. pJV Suction, nj^*";^^ Sudden, unexpected, DlJ^n^ -ly, Di^^n5);;n^55 Sue, prosecute, ^nh "^^^T} ]r\:ir\ Ch. R. i^U Suet, D^n 348 SUF— SUN Suffer, endure, m:i * hlD * ^3^3 R. ^1D permit, * H'^nn ni^n Ih: -able, m. s. ^3^p^ * n^/^l) -ance, VDD * mti^"] -er, m. s. V^^D -ing, pain, 2^!^ * ""^"^ Suffice, ]5 iSii^;^ ♦ n j;;'^^n * pDfe/ -ciency, pIS^ 7|D -cient» m. s. equal, "h tlW qualified for, 1? 1"! V^I -^iently, *^^^ Suffocate, p^H -tion, Hp^'^n Suffrage, vote, H^'l R. ^1^ approbation, HDSpn Ch. Suffuse, bV "^b^ py^ -ion, bv HD^^rit^ np^)i^ Sugar, p^inD * D^?p^ tt^H^. -cane, J^^aT HJp Suggest, to prompt, '^^'1 Ch/-|^jt;n * y]:) inform, rnin -ion, T^n * nnii^ * n^n'in r. mi; * ;;i^ Suicide, self murder, (his) nV^h iDVl? I'l^^^ R-X^'T^ commit-, (hejnn^iDvvTn^? Suit, to fit, ]On be fitted, ji^H * '-^ flvSJ -N. a set, ^^li; retinue, m. vh^ D^l^:? request, HtJ^i^n -able,m.s.'^1i^n ' "[ID J -ably, -D -ed unto, m. V"in;|_ ^313"; -er, ^7!2D Sullen, sulky, m. s. P]I/t -ness, ^I/T -ly, — D Sully, to spot, h'v^ * Dr}?n Sulphur, nn^i; -ous, like-, nnsj? Sultan, ^^'vJt!^ * iCD^t^ Sum, compute, n^^H * 1^"li?.n -N. the whole, 7:Dn *^p -less, lt)D] iS^l n:;?'^. i^'^ -mary, "n-l^p -marily, -2 Summer, pass the summer, \*1p -N. ^^p -house, iTIp^n H'^^ Summit, ^^^iS^l Summon, nnpH * TPIl' ' J^?^^ ^h. -ner, m. s. V^^T) Summons, nuD^n * npniT) Ch. ' T T : - T • : Sumptuous, m. s. "Ip^-ness, "Ip"; -ly, —2 Sun, Dnn * ni^n * tt^pt:^ -beam, -n Y^)S^ -bumed, m. 3. — nin?ij^ -bright,— 3 "inn-less,— n nnp-rise,-n nnnr -set -nm-^^ -dial, ni'7i?.;?n ^vr. ^7^ -ny, -)^nn*^y SUN— SUP 849 -shine, Hr^^n nnt T - •• t:t Sunday, riB^^n ]Wi^n DV Sundry, m. divers, D^^ISJ^ many, D^Il") Sup, drink, N*b3 -N. m^f2^ Superable, m. s. HV^ * -)3:i 13r^^ -x: -T ..... Superabound, l^D HU") * nl")7 nVH : : T .-•: Superabundance, y 5!^ * ^^ -dant, ^ip "IHI^ Superadd, 11;; ^D) -ition, n^Dl.T Superannuate, ij^t^ HyS -nuated, m. s. ]pT.p *n^3 Superb, m. s. i^BD * "inH * 12^2 -ly, n^b^Dnz * "linn Supercelestial, jt/^pn^ ^^^D Supercilious, m. s. 27 *\^2^ -ness, 37 mn^^ -ly» ~~^ Supereminence, HijtiJ^ 1T)"^^ -inent, m. s. nbjt/D? *^ti^2 Supererogate, 1^*1.1 DH^I^D D*"??^ n'lti^V^ -tion, -jnl*" nlCi^iJ nnin ^12D Superficial, -ficially, y^b HDJ^P " V'lHp -ficialness, H^Tl^ tDjyp -ficies, ]iv^n Superfine, m. s. llSD *nDy nICO * ^"1 * p'l R. ^21 * ppT Superfluity, -flux, v^ * nnrij;; -fluous, ^p ini^ ♦ nnio (words) D^-}n*i ni-i'^nj;;. * in] n?ij^ Superhuman, ti^l^.J? nip 3") Superintend, n^:tj^n * :l^n:^-ency, nn|Si^n -ent,m.s.n^il?/p Superior,m. s. better, • • C) 3lC0 * "innp higher, ti/^1 -ity,]^!?^. Superlative, H^V^^n nyilD n^j^D -latively, 3 Sapernatural, -ly, l^^m H^i/p^ * I/ntDH ^Tinp ^H Supernumerary, ISD^H "IHi^ "IHV Superscribe, ^>5 hv DHS -scription, ""ij^ 7j; Hah? Supersede, make void, 7 CDS suspend, UrTl Superstition, i^^tf^ T^^^D}^ -tiously, —3 -tious, m. s. *ip1{y Nicy "^^nn 350 SUP-SUR Superstruct, nhp^f^bD HJn -tion, -ture, I'l^hvn ]^3 -1 Supervise, H'^^lti^ri -sor, m. s. H'^IP^D Supine, having the face up, m. s. np"15 * '^^^l.'^n^Jt? "fj^ngnp Ch. a verbal noun, ^jt/teH ]0 IJ^IH DUZ-ness, H^^Vi^ * |V?"I. Supper, n^nnjj riB -iess,nitp m ch. Supplant, Dpi? Supple, m. s. pliant, *^*1 fawning, ]1t^?* p^/H^ -ness, mS"! Supplement, -al, H^Dl/n R. P]D^ Suppletory, m. s. D*'^:?^^ Suppliant, -plicant,m.s.l5nnp * ti^pnp * Hjnri ^^^iDR. ^3:i Supplicate, t^rinn * tj^pn * n3nn ^^an -tion, nt^pj^ ♦ n^nn Supply, serve instead of, DipP NTO * riHri nVH provide, ]^Dn R, ]13 (with necessaries) ^73 -N. H^S^? ' Support, sustain, vD?? Rj ^^^ endure, NK^J * 720 prop, *ibD * ni;D-N. n^3^3 ♦ nri; * nD^no -able, m. s. ♦ ^^^d-^ b2D\ -er, m. s. ^?^?P * l^PP Suppose, imagine, H^^ * '^P'il'7 (^^r H^'inn) *3t^n believe, ]P^?n -sition, ]i^p*n ' rin^np -sititious, m. s. ♦ n^Jl"l?^ Suppress, subdue, U^2'^ conceal, D^^I/.n * HD? -ion, * t^^^BD T T -:- Suppurate, HnO h''t^2n -tion, Hnp 71:^^ Supremacy, H^i^^^H H^if^ T Supreme, m. s. \vh]J -ly, H^^.^H Dn? Surcharge, I'mh J2:?n D;OIf H Sure, m. s. confident, 111203 * 1T)2 firm, D^*p -ty, security lin^n certainty, n^np^? * \^1T R. HT -ly,-3 ^ 1?^ Surface, liV'^n Surfeit, make him sick, inV2 ^i^^^pri (with eating) 1'7*'?^?^ SUR-SWA 351 surge,:;?linn -n. d^^h ^i^; r. hh: SurgecD^jt/yp ^^D^-) Surgery, (the art) D'^ify^ni^l^i") nD?n Surly, 1. s. p]j;lr * D^lr -liness, pjj;;! • nvi Surmcat, Surpass, 4i; H*^^ h^^^H Surnai?, N. DKTI^n Dti^ surpii , b^;;p R. n^iiT Surpii. ^1)^ ♦ njnio R. nn^ Surpri:,^\n3n * DDic:^-sed,m.s.^n3:) * D^irit^^D * riikmD -sin^ m. s. ^b^: -singly. J^'^^^H^ * I'^^h IV, Surrener,-)bp(one'sself)-)p^n-N. nTpP(his)1CVi; riTDD Surroud, Ijn? * Plb^it * 3^30 ^j^H R. ^p^ Surve} view, HDJ HD HN"! overlook, n^'^^n -or, H^^t^? Surviv n^3 (him) inn>^ l^^n -ver, m. s. V^H^St n{<^: Suscepble, apt, m. s. ]D^D R. ]1D * ^l'?^ Ch. Suspec mistrust, liO/n Ch. fear, Kl^ JS^^In R. t^lH Susper., delay, ")ni< debar, nh*! Suspend doubt, pS^ stop, tiy^V. -sory, m. s. *"]^r\ Suspicm, ti^pn R. t:^in • i^n ch. Suspic.us, m. s. jealous, \^p^^] * IJ^^iH suspected, m. s. TlC^n Sustaii to bear, ^2 maintain, ]^^ * ^5^3 R. VlD * Dn§ Ch. defeit, p'-^^fn -tenance, ]iT9 * H^^^? ♦ HD^HIi Sutler, 1. s. HTV pt^^ *n3"iO Swadd, 'pnn -N. n7inn swago-, to brag, ^^inH * r^'b'i? "IS"! * H^ nn"}n Swaiio , j;;*^n * j;;^^ -N, throat, j:l^ (a bird) ^lni Swamj N. ^i;; * p R. VV3 -y m. s. -^^D Swan, .'2mr\ Swarm •^•hti^ N. JlDH (of bees) 0^3*1 niy. R. 1^^ Swartlv m. s. HH!) * -)1nti> 352 SWA— SYM Sway, hi3 hti/D * 2b nitDH R.H^o: -N. nht^DD * 2b n^ton Swear, I/lti^n -er, m. s. )}2m Sweat, emit moisture, J/P -N. H^t Sweep, to clean, J^lpi^p * P)"!: -er, P)nl:i -ings, "^np Sweet, m. s. (to the taste) p^Jip (to smell, or to the ear) n^JJ (to look at) ni^^5 -en, make sweet, p'^JJipH grow sweet, \^'T\t^ -ner, m. s. p^iip?) -heart, m. p^ti^H * ]nn f. Hp^^J^ll * hSd ; R. bb'Z -ish, m'. s. D^rj -ness, nip^iip * Hinni;. * D^i -ly, ~n -meats, n1p'^jnZ?\yp*D"^pr\p;? -scented, m. s. Inn. nh^? R. m: Swell, grow bigger, HllV^pVn* n^3 -N. increase, 71*15 -ing, r\^^ R. «:^i Swerve, wander, Hj^/I deviate, *n")*lL) Hbi "I1D Swift, m. s. n\nD (of foot) v'?:"!? 7p r. 77P -ness, * Jin\np; Swill, j3 R. ^^7^ * n^HJ? Synod, jmnjp Ch. Synonymous, m. pi. D^HlIp * D^DTI^ System, Syntax, n^^Vp * 110 Syringe, HTD R. Hn * nn v^jP Ch. Syria, D'^^? Syrian, m. ^Jpl^^ Syriac, n^pnjjt f Tabernacle, (a place of worship) II/IQ 7)1 j< R. !]/*> Table, an index,^^ aflatsurface,]n W-cloth,— H fl-^D HDDQ Tabulated, ni73 Tabour, Pjil R. P]Dn Tacit, m. s. silent, t^^nHD meant, ]^3D -ly, Hj^^'n^n Tackle, Tackling (ropes) H^^b^n ^^Dll Tactics, HDhSq nOni/D-niD D^DDO Ch. Tail, N. 3:)r -V. 33r TT Tailor, DHJ? l^^D * O^H Ch. Taint, stain, D^I^H defile, ^^»C0 -N. Dn3 * Hi^OD Take, receive, Hp^ (a colour) C07JJ -hold, -up, *Tnt^ * il/^Pi pnnn -aim, 1313 * 15? -the air, ^H? i2L)T^r\ -asunder, in?n -away, -off, ITH R. IID -by force, Hj^rnnnp^ -back again, r^npJ?2^t^ -care, IDfn -delight, J2j;[nn -down, -to pieces, iniH R. IT -the field, Unhnh ti^^ -liberty, mtjt;?! ^injnHR. Tt;/ -in, biing in, S^^H R. i^U cheat, n;?)-| ♦ 2PV -notice, HNI/lbtJ^ -an oath, V^f^ -out, i^'>5^ln(spots) tD^5-part of, participate, DI/ pyll-part, with, assist, y^'ti^lH R. i^i:/"^ -one's part, "^inn -place, 2 V 854 TAK— TAR r^Vn -revenge, "^ Dpi"! -to the right, pp\n -to the left, ^^^^pi!^n -tuTie, l^^f2 nph r. iv^ consider, mi * myD, -one's turn, ^vHriH -upon one's self, D'H^^nn -upon him- self,accept vh^^ ^Hj^ -warning,-) njH * HriDln nph R. r\2^ -king nn^p^ * ^?^^^^ * nsi^^t^n * n^!ip Tale, a narrative, r\\^P,^ ^1^0 -bearer, m. s. ^^ipn *^Z'in Talent, (a Jewish weight) ^2)3 faculty, ]i-)^^5 * r\hpD Talisman, ^^j^ Talk, (see Speak) -N. -ing "l^l^P * "1^^? -ative, -er, m. s. Dnni *nnnp -ativeness, Dnni ''^nn Tall, m. s. gi^ Tallness, H?^ * n;5ip Tallow, n^n -chandler, m. s. -^^ nl")3 H^l;/ -ish, -D Talmud, lID^n Talon, D:j;;n ^^-JDO Ch. Tame, i;^^:)n -N". m. s. i;:)D3 (beast) n^r\^2 nDn:i Tameness, gentleness, JllZD^i/? * J11B"iri Tamely, —2 Tamper, meddle with, "2 2'lV^'^ to practise, ' '3 pDi/Jin''^ Tan, prepare skins, ninli; in^ -ner, nllii; TIlJ^P Tangible, C^|-)^Ch. Tantalise, ^^1^ nnpanniS^^nH R. nhn Tantamount, m. s. "^nj^n *ni:^' Tap, to touch, pb*n pierce, IIH 3p3 -N. Hj^'^D^n Tape, mpn Taper, "llVI^^'^H -N, conical, T*nnp *ra^P Ch. Tapestry, D'^^ni.D Tar, bitumen, ISi " n^)? Tardy, late, m. s. "in^tp -diness, nH?? -dily, —2 Tare, (in weight) bpji^fpn n^npn Targum, Dl-inn Ch. Tariff, -^nmn d^b npT^i I TAR-TEG 355 Tarnish, sully, b'V^ lose brightness, HHS ♦Dj;;^ 11. ^DS Tariy, loiter, inS * H^nprin -riance, delay, "nni^? Tart, a fruit- pie, n?)"! i^^'^'^^ ^^^• Task, n'^^l • I^VP ' p'^^ set a-, ' 'h 2)^p^ * "bv_ bb: take one to-, nX n^iDln R. HD^ -master, tJ^JlU Tassel, an ornamental bunch, HV^^ Taste, try the relish, Di/^ it has a- like, * O iDlf.D -N. DiTD -ful,m. s. D-'j;: (to the palate) D^^rtOD -less, m. s. * h^n Di;p *"ipn-lessness, CV^ ^Dfl Tatter, jfip^ -N. ;;*^p. pi. D^^np * niaHD *';'l^? Tattle, bnn -ini * DinS?^ p't^^ -ler,m. s. I^HD^ pCi^lS) Tavern, J^^ HppD'n^ll -keeper, m. s. ^jt:? Taunt, pinn * • a Sjnn -n. tinn * ^'inn -ingiy, -i Tawny, m. s. DlH * lllp Tax, N. charge, HDJi^K * H^lDl^ impost, D? * DD/^ R. DDD -V. -DW * D^i^iStn * i^pci^rr -able, m. s. DDh tn;; R. in: -ation, D^n "]-)]; Teach, J^^lSt * 1»^ * nnlH R. HT -able m. s. •T;2i?^.(in mo^'als) "iDi:: •'755^ -er, m. s. J^^S^^ * n^)^^ * nnlD Team, a farmer's waefffon, D^^DID "IPHT^V Dv^y Tear, rend,;;'lp^ ♦ pPi2 (another) ^IID snatch, ^bn -N. * U'lj^ QV§ ";;pn (from the eye; tl^m Tease, D^ifin * ^h^ * X^^ Teat, Iti^ Technical-memorial lllDT^ nvnlJ^ riD^ti^l Te Deum, H v'Hn "l^t^^ R. hbn Tedious, m. s. irksome, n''"iP'? slow, Ifl^D -ness, * T^'yb IMl^ -ly, -a Teem, p^ * nin * Ph^ -ful, m. s. HiS) Tegument, nD?P*pV^n L 356 TEL— TEN Telegraph, nmD pi. nliSISi^D R. i^m ''I Telescope, pln^D^ ^^pJ^V H^p Tell, relate "lg)D * T^H R. 1:1^ count, IDD * Hj^ -er, m. s. "IgDp * T5/? * IDlD * njlO -tale, m. s. ^On *'^.^ln Temerarious, m. s. 1i^D2 * THlS Temerity, niin§ Temper, mingle, ^\D -N. -ament, -ature, H^IID]! * ^TD -ance, moderation, nit^njip-ately, -3 -ate, m. s. JIIT^^IJ-Vpp Ch. (weather) Dl^B nj^ (zones) P^^^^DBn ^n^H "^[p^n Tempest, Hli^j^^ HDID Hn -uous, Hl/D T T : T - T Templar, nnlD l^P^n R. Hl^ Temple, a church, tJ^-Tpp * -H n"*? -of the head rfjjn Temporal, temporary, Ch. j^lDp^ jpt? * |^TP ilj^t^ secular, ^1n * tOrin Ch. -ly, (to this hfe) mn d51;;^ -ity, secular possessions, Htn D^ll/H "^^^^p ^ I'd! Temporize, comply with the time, IptH ^^7 ^D^^^H Tempt, entice, HDJ -ation, ]^'^^^ -er, m. s. DD^P Ten, m. Hn^i;. f. I't^V pL ritn^Ci^V the -commandments, ni-) n^in nn^^. -times, -fold, d^?id n-i^i;. * D^pxfpj ")k^j; Tenable, m. s. Vm^^ * b^D^ R. ^1D ' tt: t -:*•.: Tenacious, m. s. retentive, "2 p^tHp Tenacity, ^ti^p Tenaciously, ~2 Tenancy, 1^?^ rinn*^ Tenant, m. s. I^iji^ Tenantable, m. s. It^lD^ *'^1^^^ -less, m. s.nc^^13 i<^ Tend, conduce, "h ]r3 * n^jJinp -ency, pDp Tender, to offer, ^npH * 2^3nn (advice) y'^l -N. an offer .1573 proposal, nvi; * li;^ * 1-|^ -, a. m. s. soft, rp_ R 13-) -hearted, 22^ *11 * ipH*! -ness, n^S") * D'^pnn Tenement, I^Dg^ n_r1^^? Tenet, principle, iintf^nb ♦ 2^ ' Hj^'l R. 31^ *i;i^ TEN— TEX 357 Tenor, purport, ]J3p (in music) "^^l^a *l^J^ipP Ch. Tense, (of a verb) n^ll/^n IDT ., a. stretched, m. s. ninO -sible, m. s. njl^"^ -sion, nrT^ilQ Tent, a pavilion, hn't^ pitch a-, -ifp^ ♦ h^^^T} Tenth, m. n'^^j^; f. nn"^?^;?. -ly, -2 -part, pig^jt; Tenths, 1?!^^D Tenure, Hi^D^ ■):)it^ \s3n R. n::n Term, H?? -N. a set time, Ch. ir^2pJD\ * t^TO Hj;/ (for seats of Justice) n^f^S nr • J^i'in DT expression, nill'^n ^^IJ^ condition, ^t^2r\ R. H^n limit, ^^r n\^?n -less, -"^h^ Terminate, to limit, 73.^ H to end, 1175 -minable, m. s. Hyp'] -mination, ^H^l * n^'^^pJ? Terrestrial, Terrestrious, ^"ISt 7?^ Terrible, -rific, m. s. DV^^ * i^ni: Terrify, D.';^? * r\^^2n Terrified, m. s. fl^ni * hn22 Terror, nn;/ -1 * H^ni * nD\^ Terribly, -^ T T : T T V T •• •' Territory, land, V"!.^:? dominion, H^D?? -rial, —b^ Tertian, U^Dlr^^hll}^ Test, a cupel, ")13 * ^"!VP examination, n^^Tl? Testament, the Scripture, the old-, ntTDnnln * "]"^r\ (being the initials of) u^2']n? 0%^"^?; Hnlii new- Dnvi^n n")in * ntl/m nnn -, a win, n^^lV -ary, -^t:^ Testate, m. s. ni^1Vn*nD -tor, ln'^37 HIVD Testicle, •^5i^^^ pi. "[Hna Ch. Testify, l^j^n R. l^y -fication, DMV -ifier,m. s. TJJD Testimony, -nial, Hl^*^ Tete-a-Tete, D''^ =1) ^ ^^ D"*: 2) ' • T V • T Text, 2n2r\ t^ia -hand, u i^^ip V)")^,")^!? ^ng textuary, m. s. ti^lp \'?ni?P? *"i;n? *^]^2 Ch. Texture, jnji? * nDDD R. 1DD r i 358 THA-THE Than, "12 (as Gen. iii. 1. 7^12 UMV ^ore subtle than any) Thank, HnlH R. HT I- thee, m. ^-Jli^ -ful, m. s. HnitO O"^??) R. "IDi -less, m. s. 1:l•»^? -God, n''3(being the initials of DJ^n "^nS see God) Thanks, -giving, HD")?* Hnlll -offering, n^ln l?"!i^ That, pron. demonstrative, m. t^H * Ht'jn f. IT v'H which, Ip^ -, conj. "^S because, ]V^y Thatch, *^!DD -N. •^pp Thaw, ^i^f^n ♦ D'\f2n -N. HDD * DD^DD ' • • T - T • : The, "D (always prefixed and followed by a dagesh, as ^in'^'^ the thing) -like, m. HD f. Tlt^tS pi. ily,^'^ -more -more, &c. (see More) Theatre, a play-house, SMP^ '"^^^IP ^^5 Thee, m. accusative, ^V)']^ of-, ^7?!^ to-, ^7 from- '^f2f2 on, or in-, ^5 Theft, ,1553 Their, m. D " * (postfixed, as D")3*n their word) Theirs, m. DH yJi^ Theism, /see Deism) Them, m. (accusative) DHl^^ of- DH W to-, DH? from, or of-, DHD on, or in-, DHIl they -selves, HDn DH (see Herself and Myself) Theme, subject, ]^3jt/ Then, at that time, in that case, Ti^ afterwards, *^^^^ Thence, from that place, Ut^D for that reason, ]5^ * Ht IHI/B -forth, nn;;n;;i n.^^m mD T ^ //"-:// T : T T T •• Theocracy, tibn p^Dt^ r\^27D -ratical 7;^^ Theology, n^^),^ riDpn -gian, — nil;:: r. m*" -gicai, Theorem, n^r\m * ^^? Theorist, m. s. I^JID * Hp?)!? *]IVD ■ THE-THI 351) Theory, ]1'>P'1 ♦ HD^nO -oretical, H^ip? There, thereat, H^Ii^ * DtJ^ -is, -are, t2^]| (in the future and preter it is understood, as H^m a«df ^/lere was. ^^VD3 K7l a;2c? there was not found.) -about, ' '? I11")p -after, ^iT'D? -by, -in, -into, -on, -with, m. Htil f. r\N?3 -fore, for this reason, nr -n3jL;n M? '^i? * 1?^ -f^om, d^j? -of, mp ♦ rS'ip -withal, nr ^;; Thermometer, Ch. I^INtH nTip ^'^S These, n^i^ They, m. DH f. jH Thick, gross, 1^ * D5 Ch. muddy ,(as wine, &c.) ^^'^D)^ -darkness, '^^?^ "Ijrln -air, "[li^^p -en, grow thick, HDJ^ * ^^£)|5 make thick, y^^jn ^^^i5p^ -ness, "^nj;;. • niD^ Thicket, "^20 Thief, m. s. 355 -catcher, — ti^DlD ^Tl") Thieve, n:5 -ry, Hn^^ Thigh, -^T pi. D:?-)y Thimble, n^inni^nv^st ^2:2 Thin, not thick, p*n grow-, pp*1 make-, pHIl Thine,m. ^v'^f.'^^^ Thing, -13*1 the least-, HDI^^P Think, imagine, 3.^5 -Ib>?*np'n*3i:*n muse, 1*^? * nn")n R. nm -ing, nn^np * \vv. * in^^n Thinness, slenderness, nip'l * mV^ R. ppl * ^^T-ly, -1 Third, m. *^p^bu; (in rank) t^^^btt} -part, n^'t^''^^ -ly, -3 Thirst, i^pV -N. -iness, ^DV -y, m. s. i^L?V very-y, ^SDV DV}): -y ground, ]1^e^y * nl3J<^ri px Thirteen, -teenth, m. I'm D^bt^ f. Hl^^j;; t^^^t?^ (by letters of the alphabet) 5"*" Thirty, -tieth, D'^^W * '^ This, m. nt f. nt^xpn^-N.iiDn *\^m Throttle, N.n-i^-i^nn^p THR—TIE 3C1 Through, by means, • 3 * T!l * "^S 11 /JJ -and-, throughout, ^1D Ti/i iif^iD * invh 12VD * n)sp "7^^ rDsr^^D ♦ ri^s Throw, -away, -down, "l??^*? -down a building, D^H -up, fling, rtiy j/7j5 -about, 7^07^ R. 7^C0 -away one's money, ITS -aside, l^DH R. T)D -off a yoke, phS -one's self down, h§^r\r\ (at his feet) V^:?!^ ^D: -out, nm -up, (as the tide) U;i^ (with the mouth) N^ipH -N. throwing, ♦ tlphtl/n * Hn*; r^)^ * t^cpJ^pmtQ * n;n*i within a stoneV,*')npp?pnnr7 m " Throwster, m. s. iyj^l2 * T\p Thrust away, HrTI -N. H^rTl Thumb, N.mrMnz*^^ Thump, (with the fist) piii^x? Hsn -N. pl1■^J^^ n?p Thunder, D^nH -N. Dif") -clap, -^1p -bolt, pnnn ^^H R. rvn .struck, m. s. (hurt by lightning) inSH amazed* Thursday, riB^n ^^^^DH DV Thus, n ♦ fis * HDD • 12 -far, Hs rl3 t;; Thwart, oppose, ' b l^^nH -N. njIDHn Thy, m. ^ • * (postfixed, as '^121 thy word) -self, )X\T] Uni? Tiara, Pl^;V*-)t * ^^V Tissue, jipD nnr ni^cn^p in Tit for tat, rryc^ nj::)*mD r. -nD ' T • V V : T • Tithe, pay tithe, '^^^_ -N. "l^^XfP -able, m. s. -2 D^^nD Title, to name, H^S -^' an appelation, *>133 * D^* (of honour,) Dn»n Dt;^ claim, COatt^D he has a- to, tOS^^p 1^ -page. Tittle, '^ b^ nyb ♦ n*ip3 Titular, np^Jtn^rbax^ To, • • ? (prefixed to a noun, or to a verb) i"^ (preceding a noun only) -and fro, Dlti^J ^^/H -day, T\\T\ Dt^"l -morrow, IHip -night, nrn n^^ v>n Toast, to heat, rt^j^ propose health, m. s. DlSH ^^ *injy"l T)5 -N. (bread) D^'rDin R. HDi^ (health is customarily pro- posed by the term D^I^H?) Toes, X^flTsT] nll/nV^ Together, V^IH^ * TH: Toil, tei? * nSto ♦ ;?i^ -N. ^Dy ♦ nib * r\)^^y^ Toilsome, m. s. Hn^p * j;5^_9 Token, a sign, pli^ a remembrance, ]i13t * IpT Tolerable, m. s. supportable, ^JD^ " ^sS^^ R. ^1D middling, ^ ^'ilrn^I/'VPP ^^- -erably, N^l ti^ (as \lh ]iOj^ t^^ XVy nl'7|n "I/^jn r.i;t Transplace, Transplant, 12VJ1 * DipD H^^t^ Transport, to banish, H/^H delight, INp? JJi? -N. rapture, j:i; * n^^-i R. b^:i (a vessel) i-nnr Transportation, removal, JIIW * il'12pn banishment, * 1^^7^ Transpose, llD^ J^btin ^pDH -sition, niDH PlJ^H ;;ipn Transubstantiate, "7 "^SH -tiation, "^i^O Trap, a snare, ^^p^ * fii^fjlD ' bll/pD Trappings, n^ * IIH Trash, '^nD^nno: Travail, (see Labour) Travel, riDi * m\s "13;/ -N. n;;^D:j ♦ i^m Traveller, m. s. Hll^ *n3ii; *iDl: * '^^H Traverse, ad. an'l^T ^^b -V. lii;; Treachery, 71/D * IJJ?^ .erously, —3 -erous, m. s. *T^12l Tread, (with the foot) "ih^l -N. path, '^n'! Treason, -able, nD * TID * ^I/Q high-, ni:)^Dn HinD Treasure, -l!l^>? * rJ5 -N. I^li^ -ury, -H Jl^B -urer, m. s. Treat, to handle, "D]/ ^I'^jr^H negotiate, in^l "^m ' "Ip'ip R. DID discourse, \l}'yi -N. (see Entertainment) -ise, nt^ni -ment, °Dj; DStJ^C) JH^D Treaty, a contract, ^^"^^?^^ Hl^^ti^ Tune, prepare, Hnptpn ^n^H -N. Dj;/^ ^ i15? -ful, 21^ 4ess,-^22^^ Turban, ^^^Dn * ^^^V Turbid, m. s. "i^Dii/n^;;^ * mh"! T T v:V - T Turbulent, m.s.nDln * t^^lP-bulence, iTp1n-bulently,-3 Turf, (a clod) m^l^ 2^1 Turk, m. s. '^pnJln Turkey, (a country) HDnJln p.ij Turkois, t^^^l^'ir) Turmoil, to toil, VJl * bt)}: -N. Hj;/^^^ * b^V Turn, to convert, H^^ become, "b ^^^^ * "^^inH * *l?^nr»rr -over, '^bn -avray from, Hb^ * HID -one from his course. TUR— TWO 371 n^d^n (from religion) in^'pj^.n'l "l^'PH -apostate, Ifl'l I'^Dn -about, Pi^S -back again, 2')tl/ -the back upon one, *^K ^'iV n>5 -in, bend, f\b^ -into a house, h^ IID -into the lathe, 2^20 n'^lD ^btl -up the ground, npiij^ npi^ -out of doors, ti^-13 " J^^V^'*^ -one's stomach, -'b ^yj? PiVn -N. ^^y^ * niDsnnn now is my-, ^^t^ -)in nj^'^^in -coat* m. s. 22'it^D (from one's religion) 1D^D done by turns, Turning, (away) H^tp? * il'lD (of a street) H^Q Turnip, nn? * KnD'? Ch. Turnpike, D^^H "IJt;^ R. DDD Turpentine, Hph ^Ip * J'^p;; Turpitude, i;?t5n ^'[i *n^?k Turtledove, Iln Tutelage, ]^D ^Til/D Tutelary, m. s. bv *]*•;;? R. pj Tutor, ifphD * nnlj: R. n-i*" -ess, ni;^^p Twelfth, Twelve, m.nfc^jt? D^JCi^ f. Hn^^ D^nt!^ Twenty, D^ti^i; Twice, D^Or^ *D^^M 'H??^? Twig, ")^n * p5l*> * -1^5 (see Branch) Twilight, W2 after sunset, nwWr\ D^'mi/H Tn Twins, D\pNri bring-, D^iKJin Twine, to twist, iiit^ *n2V * itti^ -N. b^n^ Twinkle, (as the eye) X]V2 y'lp^ (as the stars) l(^^ -ling, V.V_ nvnp ♦ f]V_^JJ R. PI"!;; * yp^ in the -ling of an eye, VM ^^n5*R. Htin Twirl, 2UD n'^np ^*^n -N. 3^30 n^DD HSpH R. ^Ip^ Twist, (see Twine) -ed, IWD Twitter, V. PlV^V R- ^^^^ Two, m. D^::^ f. D^nt^ -by-, m. n)lP D^??^ -edged, nVS^S 372 TWO— UNA -fold, D^pr? * D'l^D? ' m^D -days, D'.^V -years, D^nj^ -hundred, D^n^^D -thousand, D";^^^? Type, a printing letter, Ch. D^D^H Uli^ emblem, tpn * ^^^ -ically, ~*^*)'l!l -ical, m. s. T^np -ographer, D*'^!? -ography, D^D^il HD^^ /P -ographical, 7^ Tyrannise, (he) i^^n? vil/D -ranny, HVlj^D -rant, -rannical, m. s. I^ni; npkSt Tyre,n5^ u. (See Im, In, or Irr, for what is not found in Un ; or add to the af- firmative either of the negative particles, V^^ ' V^ "^^ /^ 'Sv|l 'Mv) Udder, T^" Ugly, m,s. n^-ip *;;■] * nr ip ch. -iness n^n?^r\ j^in * ni;;? Ulcer, nnCOnsr^^nmnn -ate, turn to a sore, -^ nVH -ous, m. s. ~2 y^2f2 -ed, m. s. — 7 ^^^ T \ : T T Ulterior, on the other side, * *? *15i^p Ultimate, the last, njlin^^ ♦ l'^'^^}^ ending, PjlD -tely, —b -turn, "l^H ' T T Ultamarine, a. D^7 1?I/.P Umbrage, resentment, H^^j/nri give- to, D'^i?"!!! take- at,Di/3 Umbrella, TiDt^D 2nhD HDriD // T X • // V .. V : - Umpire, m. s. "ItJ^^D Unabashed, D^DH \^^D Unabated, r^V_l.?(2 ]^^^ Unable, m. s. weak, t:^lSn not able, l^/")Vp Unabolished, ^ItD? *^^ZI Unaccented, D;/^ "^^B Unacceptable, m. s. nV"!^. N^ -accepted, m. s. "^I VT ^^^^^iiS Unaccompamed, m. s. IID? * 1S^5 ^' ^^^ * ^^^ UNA-UNB 878 Unaccomplished, unfinished, ni. s. D/C^ N? Unaccustomed, m. s. ^'^J") ^2"1D 1:\^ Unacquamted, m. s. not known, "7 i/l"^^ "^^^^i^ ignorant, , Unadored, m. s. not worshipped, /^Hp N? neglected, DTi(3 l^nnfTected, ni. s. candid, V 2) jD 13^3 * D^l * D^DH unmoved, Unalarmed, m. s. \:ii I'^i? Unappalled, m. s. y^lV * *^'^X^b Unappeasable, jlil^'l w3. m. s. H^p Unarmed, pt^^ 1J;:D "^^Jl R. ]3J Unartful, HDnV ^hll Unasked, (of him) m. s. Il^p h^lZ} iib Unaspiring, m. s. ViM "^b^p * IJjLf Unassisted, ll^V \^^:i Unattainable, m. s. XV/^^ :\W^ ^bll R. im // •• T • //T \ ' : Unauthorised, nMi/l DV^2;i "'73 Unavailable, pn * ^^^ * T]^y^ t<77 Unavenged, Dpl^ T^^B Unavoidable, m. s. ' '6 ^h^^ ^hl^^T] ^h^ Unaware, D1^^n?) ;;nD3 Unawed, HiJ-iy^n Unbecoming, -fitting, m. s. Ch. \^^r^ ]pj ^i5\St Unbelief, ^::D^^nD^ Unbeliever, m. s. \^12^0 "W^ 374 UNB-^UNC Unbeneficed, m. s. ph nm^. *1^ ]r)2 ^h R. ppH Unbewailed, m. s. l^p] i^*? * 1^ IDiD ]^^2 Unbind, untie, nn§ * "iriH R. in: Unblameable, m. s. U^Dr\ * ^pj Unblemished, m^ ^7? Unbolt, nria ♦ nn nn -ipn r. -iid Unborn, m. s, *tS1: t^^ * *1riVn D^^ R. 1^*i Unbosom, 2h ^'^JVIDV.p H -^^ Unbought, PIDD t^V? Unbounded, unlimited, H^^pn *^^5 ' XP..]^^ R. H^IJ * ^^^p Unbridled, m. s. *1nn^ IV^/D 1\S: ^ a^lCJ^P Unburied, HlUp ^b^ Unburned, m. s. 73^^ ^3^^e T \ V •• Unburthen, blD h'V pIS R. bbv Uncaught, m.s. TH^^: ^37^ DID Unceasing, '^fc^n •'^l *1^pn Uncertain, m. s. nnn ^IT^^ * p?5p Ch. -ty, p^D Unchain, nji?) * ij^n R. nni) Unchangeable, m.s. D^f? *^^^n^ mti^^ ^^^ Uncharitable, m. s. Dm"' nlCO N^^ -ness, millOnn nDPI Unchaste, lewd, m. s. H^i *?11D:i^ -tity, H^t R. DDT Unchewd, m. D^llJ^H T-l n-lS*^ DID R. l^t:^ Uncircumcised, s. *71p Uncircumcision, n?"!]/ Uncircumspect, m. s. "I'^Ht "iHi^ 1i'^>^ Uncivil, -ized, m. s. mD^j;;^ *-)pn -ly, niD^jt/:? nDhi Unclaimed, (of him) ITO ti^iPB X^ * llSjt/r? lH/in^ ^b Unclarified, m. s. pJ^TD li^^Jj? Uncle, Tl'l Unclean, m. s. filthy, ^|^p ^ ^pj 1^^^ lewd, ^^0 -hness, ^130 * n^;?D -ly, -n -sed, m. s. i{r\\^h Unclouded, nW t<^ UNC— UND 87ft Uncollected, m. s. inSD * ntDD * V^P^ ^D^:i xb Uncomely, m. s. Di^CO nDH * 77nj? IpJ x'? Uncomliness, 11*nnn DI/CO HDh Uncomfortable, m. s. IQlCO t<7 -ness, rWlJ^ * TV\il'3 Uncommon, m. s. IP*' * ^^:n "^^V^ I^K 'tt // \f It T Uncompelled, Ch. HnDll ^i^? * D.^li^ l^^^? Uncompounded, not mixed, m. s. ^^tl^^ * HZlll^jn ^/B Unconceived, m. s. nS ^1/ *nhv ^b Unconcern, n^l(2 -ed, m. s. ti^ti^ln JNlT l^^i^ Unconscionable, (he) inn ^^r)^^3 t<7 -scionably, ^iD^^ '•'P^n Uncontrollable, (he) inn^ "IVI/D l^i? I Uncover, HV^ Uncouth, m. s. nWD * IT R. 111 Uncreated, m. s. ^^1n:: ^^n ^i^ Unction, ointment, HHt^^P Unctuous, m. s. ]/pt;^ Uncultivated, (land) HB "T?]; t^^ (person) m. s. Il/n Uncumbered, h'V HD^I/D '^'p -1 R. "7^^ Undaunted, m. s. D? *\^'!^'^ * ^T.^^^^St -ly, i^niD 711 Undecayed, m. s. ^33 r\bl ^b •^ II - T II T T Undeceive, l.ti^X * plD^^^/nln R. iH*" -able, m. s. H^T t<7 Undefiled, m. s. Ilnp * ^p: Undefinable, m. s. ^"IH^^ N7 Undefined, m. s. D1]1D Undeniable, m. s. ti^ny ^b * inn Undeplored, (he) vhv liilD /"IDln l**^ Undepraved, m. s. ''pj * D^pjl Under, -neath, •*7 rinrip * ^i^D/ -age, m. s. ]1tOp -go, NJ!^y* ^nO -hand, inp^ -ling, m. s. i;n| -mine, sap, "ihH -most, lowest, n\nnr)*]i]inri -rate, -value, (him) ^^IX/H lDnj;pr\in5 -seiuis-ii/Dri^in * Wn r. b^\ Understand, b^'3pn * ]^3n ♦ J^tS^H R. JC^3 -ing, knowledge. 276 UND— UNF h^i^ * nr n * n^t^n agreement, nna * n^^^? ' vl Undertake, n*^D!in * 3ni/r\n -ker, m. s. a manager, ^^Hp^ (of funerals) n^inp ''pn^ V?P I^- P^ -king, business, nfc^i/D * pp;;, ch. Undeserved, D§t^Z?5 ^^W -ing of, m. s. CODt^D *i^ I'^ijt Undesigned, H^O ^12 Undesigning, m. s. D**pr) * DJ? Undiminished, n^flJD ^^5 * liv'p R. ^"PD Undiscerned, m. s. *^'Tl3 ^75 -cerning, m. s. ^*TV I^^S* Undisciplined, m. s. IB/ ^7 Undiscoverable, Undiscovered, m. s. 1S^D2 * D/I/Il Undo, ruin, "T^^L^ Undone, ruined, m. s. 12^t^ Undoubtedly, pDD '^h'D, * ^^IIH R. HT Undress, V. m^H * m^ (one^s self) tO^SHH * tOt^^ Undutiful, m. s. HipD * HHlD Uneasy,disturbed,m.'s.;i?1'T-|i;0^/pCh.-iness, n^JJ'l/n^y Unedifiying, m. s. T^D^^ h^JlV ^b Unemployed, m, s. ^^3. Unenlightened, m. s. t^'SD nHrn^ *^71^ Irt^ Unentertaining, m. s. D^;/} J^/^^^f^P 1^^ R. H;/::^ Unenvied, (he) lb ^^Jf^P i^J? Uneven, DOnVH ^^w'xSn -ness, D^pni/n ^llti^nDH Unexampled, Unexemplified, ]1''P7 "^/ ? Unexceptionable, ^DH "^7? Unexempt, m. s. ^pj l^^t^ Unexercised, m. s. ^^H ^b ' ^|np l:\St >^ Unexpectedly, suddenly, DliSH^ i;n§ * n;|pP "^Jl^n Unfaded, m. s. ^5^ iih Unfading, m. s. ^2) N^ Unfair Dni^^\p \^3 Unfaithful, -ly, ]M2^ N^B Unfashionable, 5 1^^^ Unforbidden, m.s. ir\D R. in: (to eat) H^D.S^ *iri: Unforced, not compelled, Di3l^^ l*"^!! Unforeseen, m. s. D^ll^D *nj^-|i ^h Unforgiving, m. s. nTV"!^ *''^?^B * ^? *''^^P Unformed. inhR.nnn Unforsaken, m. s. "^IDD * ^ID^I Unfortified, HDnp ^hll Unfortunate, -tunately, HnWn ^^2 Unfrequented, m. s. D^it:^ -ly, m^^^l ^h^ Unfriended, IPi; 1\N^ -1 (he) ^iSlJ 1^ T'!!^ Unfriendly, m.s. Dl^tJ^ ♦ti^'in ti^^^lVn 1:'^^? Unfruitful, (tree,) in.5 ]n^ t^^ R. \n2 (see Barren,) Unfurl, i:/!^ * nflD T - T Ungenerative, m. s. HiS) "T^'^lD 13:\S R. 'T^*> Ungenerous, Ungentlemanlike, ^VH * 2*^12 1^^jt Ungenial, m. s. 3ib i^? Ungenteel, m. s. mD^j^/? nOn -tleness, niD^V? lOh Ungodly, D\n^K ili^n^ "^^5 -liness, JJpl Ungovernable, m. s. HlDD * ^IV *nK^p Ungraceful, m. s. DJ/t? *np R. "IID 2 Y 378 IJNG— UNI Ungrateful, unthankful, m. s. b^D^ ^HDl::^ -ly,^1D| nr\'?p3 Ungrounded, llDV?? Unguarded, nn^'ir \^ -1 * T]r\^i;}n ]\^5 Unhandsome, Unhandy, m. s. DX?^ *")Pr! Unhappy, m. s. DV *n^[? * 1?i^ Unharmonious, HID"^;;? Hpn^;. "^^5 Unhealthy, m. s. i^nn D.^^ ^3J\^ Unheard, m. s. J/Dti^? ^h Unholy, impious, i/^H -iness, wickedness, X/^l Unhonoured, ra. s. n?p3 R. 77p Unhopeful, (he) lS ^^nlH p^n R. ^H^ Unhurt, -fully, pTD '^^ -1 -ful, m. s. p^TD ^33;^^ Unicorn, D^5"^ Uniform, a dress, D^^TJ? ^niT regular, "Tli/^ -ity, "llD -ly, -3 Unimaginable, m. s. 2^ by *r\hv,^_^b Unimpairable, m. s, )^;_V^E^i?' ^^ I^- P'^ ' ^^P Unimpeachable, Dl^ HlOt^t^ ^h^ Unimportant, 12"^ ]\^ m. s. 7p R. 77p Unimproved, Uninformed, m. s. 1^7 X7 Uninhabitable, m. s. n2^b *pD3 t^^ -ited, m. s. Iti^"]^ '^h Uninspired, (writings, &c.) t^ipH Hnp t^^ Uninstructed, m. s. l^h ^b -tive, m. s. D'^DHD 'l^D^'i^ Unintelligent, m. s. p3Q 1^1^ -ligible, m. s. ]2V ^^? Unintentional, HDID V? Uninterested, (he) 1^ ^^Dl^ ^h) ]r)) ^h R-lfi: Unintermitting, Uninterrupted, "T^'^jH * "l^H ^'y? Uninvited, m. s. ^MV ^^np3 ^b Union, unition, nnn^^nH concord, nnni< UNI— UNM 379 Unique, 1^ h'^^f^nh •^:)t^ rsii ins • mlM i^k Unison, (in music) nr^^H nlD^i;? Unit,m. Tn>^ -edly, VIH^ ♦ in^^ * •7^^^^ Unite, to join, p5"1 * "inn * IV}^ agree, 'ilU * in^nH grow into one, in^h nVH T V : v; Unity, the state of being one, nnnX ^ '^^T^) Universal, ^^3 -ity, ^bb^ -ly, ^^7?? Universe, generality, y^H the world, Dyl^f University, tr^in^H n^3 * ^^HD^^np Ch. Unjust, (action) H^IV* ^1j^ (person) m. s. hyi?2 Unjustifiable, m. s. plV^ ^^ Unkind, m. s. TDn ^b -ness, H^n* JJl") -ly, 2 Unknowing, m. s. ]"^3D ^K Unknown, m. s. Ull: ^b R. I/T* Unlamented, (he) vbv "l^lD 1\^ Unlawful, nin i:2'3 -ly, MD N v't:^ Unleavened, ^^^n N7 * H-VD Unless, (see Except) Unlettered, Unlearned, m. s. I^B * IJ^b ^b Unlicensed, niti^n H^^ti^in-nb^^n // : T X : T // - • : Unlike, m. not like, U^^W -likehood, ITiD^D pn"]P -ly, nDi^f2 pin-) Unlimited, H'^^pn ^^5 * VRT^? ^' ^^^ * V^P Unload, pha * ^i;p ^pn r. bhp Unlink, Unlock, njlS * Tlh^ Unlooked-for, not expected, DlKn^I/n^ Unluckily, nnb-^n y^^2 • ^rp j;l-i? Unlucky, mischeivous, i/"! Hipp unfortunate, m. s. * TllS Unmaimed, D^D ^b'2 m. s. 0*^^11 Unmanageable, in. s. 311t2^ * HlpP 380 UNM— UNP Unmanly, ppj? ^"JJ^^^ ^bu/ Unmannerly, m. s. HlD^y^ ""^PH Unmarried, m. s. ^^:^ * Hf^ ^>?5 Ir5< Unmask, n^D^n IpH R. 1^D -ed, m. s. Dl")I/ Unmerciful, m. s. Itp^ -ly, mnaj?? Unmerited, CO^t^l^D nW Unminded, m. s. 2^2 Unmindful, m. s. ;;Diti^ y^t^pf2 ^5rK Unmingled, Unmixed, nnn^/n '^^B m. s. ^R5*^t R. ^Dt Unmolested, H^COii^ ^bll * HCOu^ Unmuffle, npD;pn -ipn R. 110 Unnamed, ''i^VJ^.S » -^l^^S) Unnatural, V2t^n IJi? ^n^^J''^ -lv,I^5^n ^-Jl? t^^:j^ Unnavigable, m. s. n^^^ *1 n -ib^rn ^b * ^^T ^b Unnecessarily, rp)^ ^bb * "inl/O'? R. "in*' Unnecessary "b "TlV ]''?i? Unnerve, ti^^^^^n?;J-) Unobeyed, (he) U^JJDm ^b ri2'^ Unobjectionable, m. s. *3ltD ^^ * Ch. ir\B^^ iib Unobservable, m. s. 11^1^ t^? Unobserved, not seen, D'^^j;^"^^^n3r\^^^"l^'^^^ Unobstructed, Unopposed, HJ^^^p 7 n * H^pCi^ HVVD l^^?n Unoccupied, not inhabited, 2U}V ^i^D Unopened, m. s. 1^)D * *r\r\^2 D")^ Unorderly, Unorganised, -l^qp ^^B * Dn^P ^<^? Unpack, nna -ed, m. s. rnflS * 111 V l^^t Unpaid, D^^ ^b Unpainful, m. s. 2\^?^ ^b Unpalatable, m. s. Dj;^^ *1D R. IID Unparalleled, ]V01 ^bll Unpardonable, ^^2"} nbo"; hm"! ^'? i UNP— UNP 381 Unpeaceahlc, quarrelsome, m. s. \')1D *t^\^*3n *">niD'? R. n-in Unpeople, Dl^ ]^K?) HDmh DW Un perceivable, (see Unobservable) Unperjured, m. s. l]^J^b *V'^m X^ Unphilosophical ^DSS^H T:^? Unpitied, m. s. ]W DHT. t<^ R. ]in Unpitying, m. s. ]")n> DHT ^b Unpleasant, unpleasing, m. s. !11C0 N/ -ly, j/T[!l Un pleased, m. s. ^I/T Unpliant, m. s. ilU/p Unploughed, (field) 1-113;; ^h Unpolished, Unpolite, miO^;;: ^^ -1 Unpolluted, not defiled, m. s, i^DCpfl ti? Unpopular, m. s. Kl^jt^ » ^1!^n l^ij^ Unpractised, m. s. ^^J") -|\nD 13^^^ Unprecedented, m. s. ^r\^'D'2Vt::i^:^ Hi^l^ ^^n: N7 Unprejudicate, Unprejudiced, m. s. p7^ *^5'^^ Unpremeditated, m. s. D^^^Q^p *a:i^n i^^ Unprepared, Unprovided, m, s. ]U^ t?? Unpretending, m. s. Iin *^D^ * 1J^ ^Unprevented,-)pp ]\Si:? * H^^^D "^^5 Unprevailing, p*in * )^^}2} Unprincipled, wicked, m. s. if ^"^ Unproclaimed, Unpublished, m.s. D^!l"l^ ^I/llH ^h R.i/T^ Unproductive, Unprolific, m. s. InSJlHl: nll^'i^^li lr ^t Unprofaned, not violated, f. s. HJ^Opn \s7 Ungrofitable, Klg^ * pn m. s. b^V ^h Unprofitably, -b Unprohibited, m. s. -nDKl^^t * inD R. "in: Unpropitious, m. s. 2l0 tib 382 UNP— UNR Unproportioned, ^"ISy ^7 Unpropped, HD^^lOp iv^t^D "^^^ Unprotected, HDnpjJip ikh^ R. 13^ Unprovoked, I^J/ny "^^3, R. mi; Unpunished, m. s. tS^3J^.5 ^b Unpursued, f]7ln ]\sil Unqualified, Ch. ^Un ^'^^^l i^Nt Unqualify (him) •'Dinnpn Unquenchable, "]t:;\ ^h Unquenched, "^D^ ^^'^ Unquestionable, -tionably, p^D "'^n * •'l??"T1!l R. HT" Unquiet, disturbed, 11)13 ""/^ J^' ^^^ restless, m. s. l*[1inD Unravel, explain, tS^ISi * Ifl^ Unreal, n^ij^n i^'^ * ch. mti^;^^ "^^3 Unreasonable, -sonably, 11^^ ]\St3 " nnlD^ "^^3 R. H^"^ Unreclaimed, m. s. nD^D *r\pb ^b R. "ID"' Unrecompensed, Unrewarded, /IDH D^Q^7ti^ T^^^^ Unrecorded, s. 1^D7Ji*n7V_p W Unredeemed, m. s. ^^^;i:3 ni^2 ^h Unreduced, Unremitted, r\jt/n,ip ^i^ Unregarded, unheeded, m. s. H^J^^ X7 not respected, m. s. Unrelenting, m. s. •^J?^5t * ^bn^_ ti^ Unrelieved, not succoured, "ITlV ]*'^^5 ^^^t eased, i?1il"]P ^/^ Unrepenting, Ch. )^^1T\^ DHJ ""b? Unreplenished, m. s. i^TO I^^^K Unreproached, Unreproved, D*^/?? T*^? Unrequested, (he) ITD ti^jT;? t^^ Unresented, HD'lI/in "^^:n m. s. hw\l^ Unreserved, (he) VS JD 1n^? R. 22b Unresisted, not opposed, H^pti^ *'75 Unrestored, m. s. 2mr} ^b R. IW UNR-UNS 383 Unrestrained, IVi^D l^b?? * HV^^D K^n Unrevealed, m. s. inDi * nh:\2 ^b Unrevenged, nO)^: X^2 m. s. DpJ i^'^ Unrevoked, m. s. 2mn \^? R. 3W Unriddle, ih^ Unrighteous, m. s. l/^n -ness, I/^i^l * b]V -ly, -3 Unripe, too early, I^Dt ^;]57 "^^ ^^P^' 7^t^1l 1^3'3, DnO(grapes) 103 * niDD (figs) D^^5 Unrivalled, (he) IHlCJ^ lyHQll r>^ Unroot, ti^ntj^ ♦ Hip^; Unruly, m. s. DnlL^ * i^n?;i Unsafe, m. s. nit03 I^ISt in danger of life, jSDP Ch. Unsaleable, Hjlp 1\N^ * m. s. "IDI^^ nV Unsalted,n^9'^^5 Unsatisfied, m. s. n'^np^V^'^ I^K -satiable, m. s. i^Ztl^) ^h -satisfactory, ]lVn^ '^V??^^ ^^ Unsavoury, m. s. y^r^ * D^^ ♦ID Unseasonable, IT^J/ t^/H Unseconded, Itlr ]>i^2 m. s. Ill^ R. 112 Unserviceable, m. s. /"^I/i^ ^7 Unsettle, overthrow, D^H ♦ b^h^ R. ^^3 -tied, m. s. h^blD Unshaken, m. s. ^l ^h R. l/IT Unshapen, (he) iHlH t^^l IKh t*^ Unsheath, ain f]*^^ Unsheltered, HDH/!: UD ^^2 R. 13^ Unship, nti^iiv ^^^3^ r. ki2 r » T T-: • T Unsifted, not tried, HTpn] H^ni ^^!l Unsightly, ^5V*>^n-liness, ''f^iNn lllpn Unskilful, unskilled, m. s, ^5?^ *-)pn -ness, ^5?!^ Iph Unslaked, m, s. nUD ^7 384 UNS-UNT Unsolicited, (he) iTp tl/^2 t^h -citous, m. s. y^r\ iih Unsound, m. s. t^bt^} m'^t^ ••TV •• Unsown, nj;;nn iib Unspeakable, 12)0^ l^nh Vi^ R. 1}2 * D'^flDCi^ hv i^'m'' ^b ^ //"-;//••-:'•■ • - T : '^- •• t • Unspecified, m. s. £i^*l^ ^^ Unspent, m. s. H/^ X? Unspotted, Unstained, DID ^*7? Unstable, unsteady, m. s. THlD * "^SpDn Unstrained, pHlT? i<^ Unsubdued, Untamed, m. s.^/^DD ^3^.^ T : • V •• Unsubstantial, m. s, Ch. U/^^^D Dy_ 1:\S: Unsuccessful, m. s. n^b)fD ^S^ISt * H^V? ^^ Unsuitable, Unsuiting, ]5 t^^ R. ]1D Unsullied, Untainted, ^Dl ^'^J Unsuperfluous, "inlD^ t^^ R. in*^ Unsupported, Unsustained, "ITjt/ Hp'^pD ^73 Unsuspected, m, s. Ch. IWH 13^;^ -ing, m. s. Ti^ln ^'l^.^K Unsworn, m. s. S'^m i3^^t Untasted, lUDpDj;;^^^!! Untenanted, 2p'\'^ ^b^D Unterrified, ^^^-)*' ^^llD ^b^ Unthankful, m. s. ,1310 1'^?? I^ij^ R. "ID: -ly, b^D!\ rmpl Unthinking, m. s. hn2f2 * in?; I:\NJ Unthriving, m. s. n\'?yp l^ij^ * H^V^ K^ Untie, nri£) * "inn r. -in: untied, m, s. mns * -IDD Until, ly -here, n^H Hi) i;; -now, nr\V ^V Untimely, iSDt ^?$^ an- birth, 7^5 Unto (see To) Untold, n^D i:\n ^b R. 1:2 II - \ II -\ Untouched, m. s. (by any one) Ji'^J^ *l3i/JJt<7 unmoved. UNT-UP 385 Untoward, m. s. r\}VD -ly, ]Mp2 ^hll Untravelled, nu s. ti^^H ♦in ll'v ^h ^ Untried, m. s. ]in -l D^^ID Untrod, b;n in n-n ^b V V ' - T ^ Untrue, (person) ]^^Nt N^n Untruth, ipj^ Unvanquished, (he) 1^ ^Dl'i l\St Unvaried, ^^^^tl} H^-'H ^^3 Unveil, n vJ-l Unversed, m. s. ••^-^11"^ THD 1^^^ Unused, not put to use, m. s. 13 U/DTyi!/*! Ch. "^75 Unuseful, T.^^lH K^^ R. ^^ m. s, SS? *n^V''. '^^ Unusual, m. s. IV^ * *'1VQ ^^^l 1r^^ ItT // T // • T •• Unutterable, ineffable, m. s. n^ti^ 7j; i^'m^ ^7 Unwalled, m. s. 2^20 HDlH *1^ Pi^ Unwarily, rm^HT "^75 Unwariness, HS^n? Unwariike, m. s. ^'Vi *::^^^^ ^b * HDn^D *T^^D *1r^5 Unwarrantable, m. s. p*l)f\ ^7 Unwarranted, m. s. H^tOB inn ^S^i^ - W T // T V .. Unwary, m. s. THIS ' 7n3p Unwearied, indefatigable, m. s. J/^'^'] ^^jt/**^^ N? Unwelcome, m. s. D'';;; ^IVn N^ Unwholesome, m. s. pVD R. pill (land) n''npV M^^IX V^Nt Unwilling, m. s. ]^D * V5C ^^ Unwise, m. s. D^H Xt' Unwittingly, nj^l ^^22 R. i/T Unworthy, mean, ^j^l^Il undeserving of, m. s. COS^P •l^ ;"^^jt Unwrought, yippi Dl'O Unyoke, h'V p'la R. ^^i/ Up, above, H^tf D^Q * ^IJat an end, m. s. D/*^ * H^D -, interj. 2z 38G UP— USU Dip -and down, in^;. li^if -hill, difficult, 133 Upbraid, D^t^^KH * Jlj^ l^ptn R. Hi;; -ingly, n^Vn Uphold, uplift, i^ii;2 * n3;in * nnn r. on •• ~ - .. • _ . T Upholsterer, m. s. n^n ^i^S 1^?P R. ]i:) Upon, on, •'^jt; -my life, "^tl/^l \';n3 -my honour, -my word. Upper, -most, m. s. Jl'^^j; -hand, nvbvn T Upright, m, s. erected, ^')pl honest, D^'DIH ^Dil -ly, perpen- dicularly, m^pplp honesty, DJI? * ")?£^''2l Uproar, Hi^n * n*Din * HDinD Uproot, ti/nw' ♦ nj^i; Upset, ^bn ♦ Dhn Upside, njv^rn -T^^ Upstart, m. s. z'\'\pj2 *^n| * ^^n ^^^ nr Upward, higher, nbjL?D? more than, " 'D "IHI'^ Urge, incite, n^rH R. m;; press, ^^^? * ^"^Jj^H R. p.^ -gency 'pm -gent, m. s. f in; -gently, H^^H^n * HnV^H!! -ger, m. s.TV?P Urine, D^^:n ^P Us, 1i • • (always affixed, as, I^HI^ us,13^ tons, l^'ip^ teach us) Usage, treatment, VP OStJ^p custom, ;in:p * ^^in Use, to employ, "2 t^f?r\tl^r\ Ch. treat, W, ^[j^T^n -ful, m. s. b^^V R. ^i;^ ♦ n^ip"*."! -less, -K^ (words) ^ nil n?*! D^^tO -1 Dnn^ -fulness, H^I/ln -fully, -D -lessly, -K*?^ -lessness, — ^n?!!! Usual, byin -ly, V^jns ♦ :iin^5 Usurer, m. s. T^'^212 *nf?0 Usurious, '^^\ l^i? R. *]tJ^: Usurp, Hj^rni npS -ation, nj^rnn nn^pb Usurper, m. s. J^'ID t^^^ ^P^tD?^ ^' V^ USU-VAN 387 Usury, ^p2 * ^'^^il ^^"'i on usury, —2 rivH Utensil, "^^D Utility, usefulness, n^J^in R. b^S^ profit, ^/V^ * H^ Utmost, Uttermost, "inVH ^D^ extreme, nVjJ * Tvh^n Utter, to speak, D^npji^3 i^m * 3p: publish, H^^ -able, 3p:)'^-ance, ^^tDIl * i^^2D -ly, m.O^ti^n * ^^^^v^Dn * H^D V Vacancy, Vacuity, emptiness, ^]p^2 * IHH R. HH^ Vacant, m. s. empty, p^"! free, ^t^^H Vacate, quit, 3tj/ Vacation, leisure, ^^S R. H^ii -time, tt^fi^in ^^JD"? \:D^ Vacuation, an emptying, Hp^^n evacuation, nil^Ti/ Vacuum, ^13 R. nr\2 Vagabond, Vagrant, m. s. TJT^ ^l R. 11: ♦ ;;i: Vague, unsettled, DlflD * D*!^ I^i^ * "^l^ri Vain, fruitless, p^,^ ♦ i^l^ *1pJi^ -ly, -^ -glorious, m. s. rM^ir}D ' 1^T -giory, m^^l ' nn^np Valance, N. Hcoi^DH ^^hp nnnji nno R. no: Valet, nnt^^io * t:*;^:^ ch. Valetudinarian, m. s. ll/^'H * HS *ipn Valiant, m. s. 2h *f DJ? * h\r\ *ti;^^ -ly, ^^H? * 2hn ^^^2 Valid, m. s. D*p * pJH -ity, Dl^'p * ptH Valley, pD^ * Hj^fpn * ^H^ * i^^ Valour, 2hn X^m * H^U^ Valorously, -2 Valuable, m. s. np^^ * Dlti^H Value, *^ngn -N. "^Ij; -ation, estimate, m?::^ * ^Dni/n Van, -guard, ^^l-Vn ^>?^ •p^!? Vanish, -)3yi ^I'^H * nb^l I'^H 388 VAN-VEN Vanity, emptiness, bin arrogance, J^^^i\ * ih ]t\J Vanquish, "^jy in^H * • 'h h'D) * H'V? -er, m. s. n-V^JP Vapid, m. s. bphpD ' J|i R. hbp * JID * D1J|i Ch. Vapour, ni") * 'ib'^p Vaporous, m. s. — i^vD Variable, m. s. mw (person) ^^2tl^ *\2 -leness, m^ntt^H -ly. Variance, Hl^p * HJ^I^nD Variation, "^13^ * ^^hr^ Variegate, ni^^-lD H?^ -tion, nii^nsin ^';):^t^ Variety, D^^P riBnn Various, m. D^'^lc:^ Varnish, HD? * H^H -N. ^lilin -er, m. s. n^r\D Vassal, IDi; * ISI/^D Ch, -age, nHDj; * n^2il^; Vast, enormous, Tji^p m. s. ^1T3 -ly, -f^^D^ Tj;;' Vault, arch, PlDS-N. H^^ -ed, m. s. fj'lDS (see Cellar) Vaunt, ns) 2nin ni^Sinn -N. ns) r.nnin-ingiy,-3 Veal, h:ii n^n Veer, turn about, 3*^30 HJSi Vegetable, HDV -tate, HbV -tation, nr\'^D)S -tative, H^lV Vehemence, ardour, ^D^ * HplJ^ri -mently, —3 Vehement, eager, m. s. P]pp3 * pplt^P Veil, to cover, HD^ -N. *>^D3 (for the face) ^"^i^/^ a partition, V T Vein, (in the flesh, or in mines) "T^II Velocity, nn\np * m v'p R. hbp Velvet, (a silk) ^tZ/l^n n^^ "1.^3 Venal, mercenary, l/V 3 jt;V3 ^J;??^ -ity, ]^V3 n^ni. Vend, nJD -er, m. s. -)3lD -ible, m. s. lp^\ Venerable, m. s. I'i^D *1333 * 133D *D"':3i:i *t^')Ji^: Venerate, "HiS J^T * TJ

P Verbose, m. s. Dnm HniD -osity, Dnni "^^31 Verdant, green, ]^V,1. Verdure, ^Ip'^l. Verdict, ^^li^D * H^^^Si * T^ "^^^ pC>^ Ch. Verify, no^?^ ♦ D^pn R. Dip Verily, np^?n * DJP^ • 1?5? R. ]13 A^erity, n^nb^^ TC^DJ^ *nDi^ Vermilion, N. It^^ Vermin, niS"! *D^Vnci^ ^D^I/^lH -ate, -DbT Vernacular, (his) imSiD V"3^JJ ^^^ R- ^^^ -i^liom> 'i;3i;pi;i^^ Vernal, T3^e ht^ Verse, a paragraph, pIDSi Ch. poetry, Tlin * nV''7P Versed, m. s. TH.!: ^'^pnCh. Versifier, m. s. DimnnlV'^^D *innD -fication, DDDH T • ; — Version, n;jnj;;n ♦ Diunn ch. Vertex, Vertical, ti/^lH hjJD Very, greatly, TXp -little, nV\f2 Ojt/D (see Identic) Vesper, the evening star, f]g^5 HDIS 390 VES— VIG Vespers, ri^iny HHip n^DJH R. hb^ Vessel, a utensil, '^b'3 a ship, CO"^.Ci^ '':^? R. COIt:^ Vest, to invest, T n^ i^^D dress, t^/n^H -ure, ti^in^D Vestibule, ")i"1?in^ * D^^4^ * "IVH Vestige, a mark, D^"l Vestry, meeting, H^np (a room) — H HD^P^? "nin Vetch, (a seed) HVjlJ Veteran, m. s. VJ\}::D (as VJ^;??p ri/pn^P ^'^l!^ «« o/c? Soldier, j Veterinarian, a horse-doctor, D^^DID ^^?1'^ Vex, x'nh * p^n -ation, x^^ ' np^^vp * ti^'2)5 riD^^ -atiously, —II -atious, m. s. ^Pll? * p*^V?^ "^^^ (h^) : ~ T : T Viand, nn-ii^ * n?D * Tn T ••. - : ' T • T Vibrate, Tjt;")n ♦ i^^H R.ifli Vibration, ll/n Vicar, Vicarious, Tp2 * Dip^ i^ v»;5P Vice, wickedness, ^^'^ * ]iV R. m^ second in rank, • 'h n:\f^D (as r\ht2h m^p a Fecero?/.) Vicinal, m. s. • -^ 2'\lp^ Vicinity, HD^Dt^ * ^^^1P. Vicious, m.s. jlxf injj *irt;}n^ Vicissitude, D^i^^ti^ * "innn b^b^ Victim, a sacrifice, nar ♦ nnD ^in'ir; Victor, -ious, m. s. H-^^P -I'yj rn!^3 * rTinj -riously, — 1 Victuals, ]1r9 * HTl^ Victual, -JOH -ler, m. s. -]••:??) Vie, contend, nnH ^nv3^ rival, ••^i^rinn View, to survey, liDT. PID Hi^*! examine, v^riJ^n -N. show, Hi^nD ♦ nmD a survey, .Ti<-] * HIDIH object, JOD at first-, n^W^l n^l^^na in one-, nili? HDp^t^ng have a thing in-, ])3 * '^mn Vigilance, nirnt ♦ HTpti^ -lantly, -D -lant, m. s. ' in; VIG— VIS 391 "rpity * n|55 a -lant eye, HHlpa J^jt; Vigor, 7^n -ously, —3 -ous, m. s. — L^^"*i^ (see Mi^lit) Vile, m. s. nn? ♦ hb"]^ ♦ ^??J^ ^^j;?!^? -ness, * m2 * Dlv'r ni^ati^ '■\y,-i Vilify, ^i^r * p]-)n Village, mn * -ID? ♦ -i^j^n nn (as n^jijn ^51 ;intt^n Heshhon and all her villages.) Villager, m. s. '^HD? Villain, -lanous, m. s. 7IIJ -lany, H?!!^ -lanously, —3 Vincible, m. s. nvr ' u}hrv Vindicate,justify,p^*lVL' * ^p^ (one's self) p'l^yn revenge, Dp: * Dp5 -tion, (of one's self) mp'iipV''? ^n^^-y^nn Vindictive, ra. s. mpi^T DpU -ly, HTp: -l * H^fjn Vine, 153 -dresser, D")l3 -gar, l^^^VPn -yard, D"}3 Vinous, *':^;>. * i:^D Vintage, "I^VI^ "tager, 1>;i3 -tner, ]^^_ IDlD Violable, m. s. 7n|; R. 77n -ate, injure, p^tH * DbH infringe a law, niVP ^i/ "lijf ravish, K^D * DJiS * H^j; -ation, nnni/. *^i:^ -ence, pTi ^D^H * D:i^5 -ent, outrageous, m. s. D/pin ♦ ^^nxr -entiy, npjn'D, * DDnn Violin, ^55 Violist, m. s. -3 1,55P * ~^^ ^I? C0ni2) Viper, a serpent, \\^^iim * I/DV * iJn|) * ^J^?^^ Virago, ^^n n^z^ij^ * lb nv\p.Nt Virgin, n^in n -al, -b\^ -ity, D^^lfl? Virility, power of procreating, 152 *T"^7l^n fiS R. "T?^ Virtual, effectual, m. s. "pXH -ly, '7i?b3 riDSS Virtue, force, n3 piety, Jin'^Dn * plV -tuously, —3 -tuous, m. s. TDH ♦ nltD • T Virulence, n^T"ip * j;;!") -ulent, m. s. ID ♦;;i Visage, nijt-lip ♦ D"^:a R. HiD Viscount, nnsii' m^^p-ess, — ir\m Viscous, m. s. pHl'l * pS'^Hp 392 VIS— VOL Visibility, n^-)P Visibly, -2 * ^^b^ll Visible, m. s. niSt-|3 ♦ ^1^| Vision, tl^'^D * HtnQ -ary, imaginary, H^IP? Visit, to go to see, '•JS nlK^ * 1)?.5 punish, "^i? Tpp) -N. D^?2) nli^n nip3-ation, nn^p^-er, m.s. ^D''?^) nliSn^ *.sn Vital, •^■}> -parts, vitals, -H ]D ' t^^DJH n*n npif -ity,nVn Vitiate, nnt^n * ^p^pR.b^p-tion,nnti^ * ^ip^p vitious, m. s. nnt^D Tint:^: *^p^pD T : T T : • 't: '••. : Vivacious, gay, m. s. ^H^ * •'H *t:^'^ij^ -city, n^nVD Vivid, m. s. mr * THQ -ness, n^mt * nn\nD Vivific, m. s. n^np Vivify, H^H * n^HH viz,-)fa^^^ nnr Vocabulary, ni^lpH 1^0 R. ^^D Vocal, -ly, HD n -music, Hl^^ Vocation, employment, nfc^i[P *PPi? ^^^* Vocative, H^npH nii^ V^D R. ^^D Vociferation, Hj^rV * n^Dln -erous, m. s. prl^ * HplH Vogue, fashion, ^H^ ' 2r\:iD esteem, "7133 *nU^ti^q Voice, sound, ^ip vote, Hj^'l R.i/n** Void, emit, tO.^£in *>^"^pn 'JlW * ^^)i')n R. i^V'' annul, 1^t;in -N, null, ]^,^ *D|3^^ empty, m. s. pn * *'\^\^^ an empty place, "^'l^l Dlp^ emptiness, njjl^ * ^V*''] * ^^^ R. nna Volatile, evaporating, m. s. ^^JP^D H^?'; -ity, ]^V'2 H^^? Volcano, tS^Jf^-Hv't^^^n 1V'\2 IH R. Iin Voiitation, HD^ni * p]i;;p Volley, nW 'l!^p2 -N. m^C?^ ' Hj^^p^ Volubility, nn\'ip ♦ ni v^p R. hbp Voiuble, m, s. I'^nD Volume, a book, "^^S compact, m. s. pJH VOL— WAF 393 Volumnious, D^^ITD^'P'I? htt^ Voluntarily, nn'T35* m. s. V^ISID * l^VJ;/? Voluntary, Volunteer, m. s. D^^r^p Voluptuary, -tuous, m. s. Hl^Sn *fl1C0ti^*1N9 *;i^;; Vomit, ^^^'pn -N. (amedicine) H JJj^n DD matter thrown up, i^^p Voracious, ]n2in -ness, ^'^^ID npj\\^Pi * m^nDI/H Vortex, a whirlpool, D^^H "Plil/il R. 7^J a whirlwind, ~ T Vortical, t'l^jnD * 3ninpp Votary, tl^yD * (^li^HD Votaress, n^i^'H.pp * n^'IpJlD Vote, nns -N. HTnn * nj;'! R. rT** -ter, m. s. -)nl3 -tive, done by vote, nll/'H.n 31") ^?) bv Vouch, to attest, n^I/H -N. HH^ * nnij/ri -er,lV * m. s.l^'J^fQ -safe, n^pnn Vow, make a vow, "ihj -N. 1*7?. Vowel, DVi;i ni;i3n nmpi Voyage, D^n HJ^^D? -ager, m. s. D^p:inin"!lJ *n2li; Vulgar, m. s. mean, ht^ll^ ordinary, tOVlil Ch. the lower people, DVn pDH ♦ ptJH D;; ♦ nICOinn -ly, -3 -ism, -ity,m^?:t^ Vulgate, D^^Jpiin^ ti^lp^'^t'lpp D^5")r\ Ch. Vulnerable, m. s. ^3ni *pn R. pU Vulture, n'^ * r\'t^ w Wabble, Waddle, S_'\^ * HV^^T^H Wade,D^©3-13j^ Wafer, p^pT Waft, carry over, l^V.H to float, Hh^ 3 A 394 WAG— WAR Wag, i/ir - the tail, 12?? ^J^}^?, -N. m. s. hnrjD Wage, --ain^nn Wager,n5"ii;;pi3nj;^pn r. ^m Wages, I^Si^ ♦ n'lpt^D Waggery, ^^JlH ' plHV Waggish, m. s. ^nHD * pHVp Waggon, n?^^ -er, —vJl^ Wail, (see Lament) Wainscot JSJD -N. pSD Waist, Pii^nx/yps; ch, -coat, |innn ti^in^D Wait, expect, n^p^HSn ♦ b^ri'in R. ^n*" stay, "Tb^ attend, nnti/b ibv lie in-, • • h n^i;; -er, m. s. nnt^^ -ing, ♦ mpn Wake, not sleep, ^''pH * "lU* -N. a watch, l^pD -ful, m. s. 11/ Waken, rouse, "T^ifH Walk,*^*^ntakea., ^IH? "l^nriH * ^.J^Ch.-N. the walking, nD'^/H * TJ^l^Cp a walking place, — H DipP -er, one that walks, '^bp^ -ing stick, n:}:^pf? * H^P R HCO^ Wall, N. HDin-v. -^ipn R. '^p*" Wallet, nnnpt? * coipb: * ^^nnri ch. Wallop, I'^jnli^ ^i; liij^i njnn Wallow, --nV^:! Walnut, riJ^? Wand, tonti^* ^pp * n^p R nto^ Wander, go astray, Hi/D -derer, m. s. HJ/il Wane, Di;D* nil* -)bn Want, to need, nbH I- toknow,i;T? \*l2)n^^ -N.^IDHp ♦ IDH Wanton, ^^inr.n^n;^? pibti' r. t^f^^ -n. m. s. '^•pinno nt^] *f]^m* -ness, r^^hb^n -ly, -a War, DH^n -N. n;::n^D -like m. s. riDnb^ *t^*^t^ ••T* tt;- tt;' Ward, defend, IV^ DH v'H guard, 'bn ]p^ ] JH -off, * *<:: ^p^H -N. a garrison, nVniSn ip?^P ^^H custody, lOti^P -en,^ WAR— WAT 395 anoflicer,Tpa * n3ppaguardiaii,m.s. "IDlt!^ * Dlfllip^QK Ch. -robe, DnPi^D -ship, Hllp?) * HTptf^ Wares, nn1np*n^i")P Warehouse, -^-)V1^^ (see Store- house) Warfare, iSny ^^V^^ ^l^^if Warm, D^H (one*s self) DTSHnn grow-, DHH -N. m. s. DH -th, Dh Warn, yn\n * Tj/n -ing, ^'^^r^? * nr\yr\ Warp, N, "^nt^ Warrant, attest, TJjn R. 11;/ authorize, n^ll/l \'m assure, ••^ in;; * n^:o3n -n. ^^^t^-)^ ra ♦ nvz^n -able, m. s. T-*:- tt:t- : ' pnvi -y. mnni;. nn? Warrior, HDnhD 5S^\^ T T : • Wart, n^n"^ -y, ~D * -J^^D Wary, m. s. nnt? * -)\nr -rily, nn^HTB Wash (the body) \*nn (linen) D^? -o^t, /as a vessel) D:;?5^^b^)^nD-N. -ing, n^^m * diss -bowi,n^n-i td -er, DI113 -ing-place, — H DipP -tub, — H H'^D '>'7!D -er, woman, riDDl^ Wasp, nj;nv Waste, dwindle, T^v'3 spend, (175 desolate, H'^nHH -N. ruined, m. s. Din * 3nn3 (see Desert) -ful, waster, m. s. * HvDP anno -fulness, \V^3 -fully, -3 Watch, to guard, lb^ * ibj observe, ' O HN*! * nHK CO^nH R, C033 -N. a time of watching, HllO^i^ * l^ti^P a clock, Ch. n;;t:^ ni^nD -fui, m. s. n;::!:^: * n^nr -fulness, nn\"ir 'tt-;- t:* 't •; -ing, a guarding, nn"^P^ * illD^P -house, —TV2 -man, npW * HDl^; -tower, D^DlV H:p Water, to supply with water, D^ptf/ tl -N. (one of the elements) D\p -y, -ish, -D -mill, -H HD? nalDH Jlnp -mark, 396 WAT— WEA -course, H^^j^ * npn-l -drop, ^m * HSLD Ch. -fall/lti^is? •gruel, Dni;:!^ jiiiinn ^p -man, nna^; i^?^.;? -paii, i? -pipe "ll^y Wave, put off, Hfl'l beckon, tb"! * Dtn -N. -)!l^P * ^5 -ved, moved, m. s. ^T\^2 Waver, J^i: -er, -ing, (in mind) m. s. *in;;'l? b^pt}} R. j;^^ Wax, -N. :m * niyti^ Ch. -v. -n ri-iD T T -: - - T Way, yy^^ if he come into my-, ^>5^ i^l3^ D^^ to be out of the-, err,ni;jn absent, pHnH he asked out of the-,* h'li^U/h HlTpn i:^f^D ni^ii^ ti^ipn give-, nb^ make-, • •;:: ni^i * on^^Q'^ii^ no- le)1^^ DW3 K^ every-, D^^51^^ ^3 ^J^ all manner of ways,D*>3lJ^ D^3?)1^ D^pn'l-farer, -faring,m.s. Hnl^^ nnlU -lay, • 'h 21t^ ' ^^^^ -ward^ m. s. T\^V^ ' 2^2^ we,^:iStM:)mn]m^? Weak, feeble, m. s. H?"] " t^^^H pliant, ^Tl R. ^21 -en, * Hg)") ^bX^X} -i^ess, feebleness, ]VD") * r^^}b^n defect, Jlipn Weal, happiness, nn^^^H^nniD public-, D^3"inn3i£D Wealth, D^:;^:)? * D^P5? * J^ID"^ "if]^ * jiH -y, m. s. I^ll/V Wean, ^b^ -hng,m. s. h^D^ Weapon, Ch. jn "^^^ * pt^^^ "1^^ Wear, have on, ^2^ hold out, T"!^'!^ *T^^^ -away, -off, n?^ * n73 -out one's patience, nlK/'t} -^^'j i^* s- t^^ni^ * ti^^n^ -ing, ci^u^ ^ti^in^D ^T'7n *ivS3 T <-" : ; - TT : • T • Weary, niK^H *y;iln -N. m. s. j;;^:^ * ^DV -iness, -isome, ni^hn *nv'}^ ^bm Weasel, l^h Weather, fine-, I'Tin pH^ foul-, D^D^J^i) nj; gloomy-, * Din;; 1:i;:d rough-, n-ii;ii^ • hdid -beaten, m. s. n-s"? yin 1^^^c WEA— WES 397 -gage, -glass, nj;[ HNnD -wise, m. s. '^:VT * ]:'\J:D Weave, to form by texture, }^^ -er, m. s. J"}1i^ Web, texture, 21t< * ilDDD R. 12D ' V V V V - I \V"etl and Wedding, (see Marry and Marriage,) -ding-day, n:^nn Di*" -ding-ring, i^t^Hi^n nii^iD -lock, D^Nii:^; W^ednesday, n^t^l "^J^^n") D1^ Weed, (an herb) ^^D * S'^^Hg^ -y, -^^^D -hook, ^IVD Week, j;i3^ pi. n'\V2l^ (two) D^^Dti> by the-, Vj\2tJ^h -day, ^inn Dv-iy,j;;uti^n ^inti^ •^'ip W^eep. nbn -er, m. s. HDlS * H^np -ing, s. HDn ^'^D? W^eigh, tiy the weight, 7pt^ to judge, 07^ Weight, a standard, VpJ^D importance, If^^ *nl gravity, TiD ^ nM23 -ily, -2 -less, m. s. ]10p^ * '7g R. hhp Weighty, m. s. -)p;^ ♦ ^11^ Welcome,°^32) ^nP-N. received, m.s.*>1V"^ *nv::)^D'':)s:)n*^3pQ reception, U^2^ n^np -! interj. m. s. ^^^13 ^SSn "^n^ -comer, m. s. U^)^ ^?F.P Welfare, W^ellbeing, HH^V'!^ * "'^^^^ Well, a spring, ^^35 * ")1SI3 "^ ^^' ^- convenient, 3lCD not sick, iV^3 * nbti^ live-, 3.^ 3*'P^^ -, rightly, 1135^ sufficiently, "^■n^ as -as, D5 D5 (as '^7 D5 v ^^ ^<^ ^^ ^^ ^'^^^ as to thee, see As) -! come on, n3n R. 311'' it shall be so, 15 %1'; -born, m. s. tJl/n^ t^^i^ ♦ DH^O -bred, m. s. *hV3, V"ikS"i")"n n^D^v^ -done, 3lD (thou) nwi/^ ]13C0\n -favoured, m. s. H^^ * ^^^•]P *3lO -nigh, almost, tDf/pS -wisher, m.s, 31lO *::^"lil Welter, "O ^.^15 Wen,j;;n^ • n^3: Wrench, a young woman, HIX/^ * HD/y -ing, H^t ^ICOti^ West, s. 21V J^ -, ad. -^ -erly, -ward, H^ngp 398 WET— WHE Wet, to moisten, 320"} H make to drink, Hipti^n -N. rainy, U^Dm nS moist, m. s. lltOI * nh R. m^-ness, ^nU^'DI Wether, D^blD ^"^ T : • - Whale, ]ni)h ' i^i^n Wharf, nT»J^?-^1^ -age, -^ J)V D^^ R. DDD What, that which, 1^^^ which part, riD * HD -is it? m. *^^^^ HD -one is this? m. *i^in *nr np let come -will, ^^n*ti^ hd ^^'»^ -is become of him? i^ ^^n riD -art V : • V T • • TT thou to me? ^h] ^h HD -is it to thee? '^h J^IH ni? -countryman art thou? 'qni^lD ^1^ HVt^ -ever, ^p^ Si -time? ^!^D — T Wheat, ntSn -en, D'^tDH ^ti^ R. tO^H Wheedle, nri§ ' ^^'^pn * np_^ nhn r]\^ri r. ^^SJ^: * hd^ Wheel, nnb 35b -N. a circular body,]^ilJ^ ^h^% R. ^^; -barrow, inx l51^^ Jibj^ -Wright, D^?5^^^ n^ii; Wheeze, H^ ^^^^ * Dti^^ * nm Whelp, -)^5 When, at what time? *^P/p at the time that, ^t^^^?5 -ever. Whence, l';^?b ^ Htp ^i^ -soever, ll^^^ nlDipi:??! ^3^ Where, -abouts, n;^X * \N^ * ^^^^ -are thy thoughts ? ^n^tp ^ID*'^^ T\]^ R. D^i -as, when on the contrary, * 'I (as r\"ip1i^ ^^it^ whereas she says) -at ilPISlS "^Y* '^^f -into, -withal, n^5 -ever, -soever, 1Ji^^^. DipD 755 -fore ? for what, nr^h -of, -upon, HD im bv -unto, n?^K^ Whet, nt^ * iin -N. "Ti*nn -stone, ch. nmti/n \2^ Whether, "il ^ Dtj^ * lJ^ (as, "^h^^Jl whether he idll go. t^^i^ D^^ HDHB DK 2i^Ae^/ier ca^^/e or man. nn iJ^ P 1i< whether son or daughter.) WHE-WHO 399 Whey, nbn \p Which, nr\S -ever, "Itl/i^ ^3 Whiff, nD^ii;2 * r\2^t^2 * nn^i^: While, to loiter, inis? * n^Hprin -N. time, PiV * jDt a little-, i;j"1 CO;;p a good-, 3*1 |pr after a-, (days) D^'D'^^ VPP a- ago, 123 WhUst, 11;; -yet, "71;; ^3 Whim, nnr nn -sicai,m. s. 11^2 ♦ I3np3 nnr nn TT- ■*■:• .'CTT- Whip, -)D> * nsn R. hd: -n. colti^ -ping, s. nip^p ch. Whirl, 3^3D 3^3pf n -N. 3^30 3^3D nvnp -pool, h^^^h^ D)Bn R. ^^j -wind, nnn 3i3p Whirring D:DJ3 ti^j;/-) ^1p Whisker, IpT HiS?) (on the hp,) D^^ R. n^^ Whisper, ti^nh -N. ti/nb -er, m. s. tt/n^D Whistle, ^^^n33 p'lt^ -N. ^^^n33 Hpnti^ Whit, i^m top cor^ White, m. s. 137 mn (of an egg) n^^31l37n (of the eye) ]3^ -wine, p3^n 1.'^^ -ness, nii3^ -wash, N. whiting, T>C:^ -V. to plaster, -3 TW -ish, m. s. 13^ ^^3 *):^y Whiten, ]3.^n Whither, ^;^^ * ]^ Whiz, nbn * D'n: T T Who, ^Q -ever, -soever, t^-^K '^t:'^^ ^3 * nti/i^^ tl^^i^ Whole, m. s. solid, D"^pjn (in health) D7^ all, ^"^^3 * rh^ * ^:b the-, ^in the total, -IP make-, D^tS^H ♦ tpfl -sale, HTpD ^^33 .some,m. s. 3lC0 Wholly, m^D.^ti^n * riliS^Dn * np:'^ Whom, • '>f2 l^i^ n^^ -soever, Itl/i^ ^5 flK Whore, n^7p • n^ir -dom, ni:r ♦ ni:m -house, niiirn n^'ii -monger, HIST t]1C0ti^ R. DDT -son, D^Jlit T^^ Whose, ^^h * n?/^?^ -are these? n^?< "'P^ ' 400 WHY~WIN Why, np^*i?^np Wick, n-i.i/?n b^n^ Wicked, m. s. j:^y h)v *nti^li; -ness, i;^-] * h}^_ -ly, -2 Wide,m.s.broad,nnnremote,p1nn -den, nnnn Width, nnh Widow, n:Dhi^ -er, ]ohH -hood, ni:p^^^ Wield, p'^mn * rhiS -y, m. s. r^^^•' Wife, n;^s * u;^^ ni^^ * 'p^n n^i/n Wig, tt^j^h^ nn;;.^ np?;:: Wild, savage, iSn§ a beast, ")jy^jn;n absurd, IDBpJ^'hll make-, I/h^ grow-, I/l^H (as trees) * tOniniX/n '?1"f| ^>?i DW -erness, H^^ * ]'\^^lp^. -ness, nUH^ -ly, -3 Wile, nDiD^nmv * D^'?:::^ ^ nh^: Wilful, self-willed, m. s. i^y *nit!J> * 121^^15 ^t^^V R. V^^ -ness, niti^py -ly, obstinately, —2 on purpose, HJOll Will, to desire, n'l^ *y^ri * n)in purpose, ]15 *ni^n (the auxiliary verb-, is expressed with the future, as 1 to"?^, he will learn.) -N. choice, Hl'^nil willingneFS, ll^'l * \*5^n testa- ment, nt^TV he made a-, in*^,!? Pl^V against his-, T T : •• : T • *-' liil^nn t^v'^i^ be it how it-, n;:D '^n'^l be it who it-, ^^n'':^ ^d n\n^ good-, affection, nnn^^ iii-, * nn^^^ nyp? -ing, m. s. n^li * y^T\ -ingiy, * n:^?;n ^^^ Willow, nanif T T-; Win, gain, ^^3 * H'^nH * ISnii^n -a battle, H-V: -his affection, B^ nJ5 (with flatteries,) Hj^b nl13 IH^il R. nC03 Wind, to turnround,2'^3p ^Dn-N.nn-mill,-2 ^nlDH llPp -ward,—? -pipe, (for the breath) n")i3")5n Hijp Winding, a turning, I'^Iip H J DH -sheets, pD""*]?]! -stairs, ^1\} Window, an opening, n|l")Nt * \bx\ R. b^H (the glass) WIN— WIT 401 Windy, swelled, m. s. TIM •^bD stormy, mg tlM R. W Wine,p red-D*'33i; 331; 0*1 * -)Cn.bibber,m.s. ^^3iD -cellar, ^^1? -press, n5 Wing, (of a bird,) f]J3 a side, 1^^ (of an army) f]JSl -ed, having wings, m. s. D^^^? *^i?5 Wink, to hint, Dtn connive, ])V_^''h^n -N. HPpi Winner, m. s. n^iniO * "l^J^^P Winning, gain, nn/I/V? Winnow, to fan, nntDn nnin rt")T r. mn Winter, Pl^n -N. inD * Pinh Wipe, to cleanse, Hi^? (hands, &c.) 153 -oft*, HriD -N. * n^p3 aiJ? * nmp -er, wiping -cloth, Tr R. ni^ Wire, nDn;?n co'in r. in^ Wisdom, HDDn Wise, (see Way) prudent, m. s. DpH -ly, H/ppn!! Wish, ti^i^n * Tbi7*fib3 * nxn -n. 'nt;}p2 * ^pi * ninn n^^n -fully, -n -er, -ful, m. s. 11/^2?? * IDln * ^ip??- Wit, understanding, nj12ri * 713??^ -less, m. s. — "^pH a man of-, \»nn * l^a? * ^»3?^.? -cracker, m. s. yh * VV^^ * VV^^^P -Hng, m. s. DSnipp Witch, n0^D -craft, t^^tT? * D^S^? With, by, ' -2 * ^V^ ^1^"^-' ^^ ' ^P -™^' ''^^ * ^^^. ^^ ''^M Withal, besides V^y^Tll/l Withdraw, to draw back, pn"in * D^'tT^H retire, Iln>^ 112^ Wither, to fade, ^33 * H^B * ^b]^ pine, Hl'^S Withhold, iVJ^ * j;3D * ^t!^n (one's due) pi:^^ Within, -side, ^in? * D"^??? -a time, y^p^ Without, not with, ^^3 not within, nVin*\^in destitute of» Withstand, oppose, "^^^S jl'VV?^' 7,blJ Witness, H^I/n -N. evidence, l^J testimony, mijf]1 3 B 402 WIT— WOR Witticism, Dni'innn'n ^D"^^^nn Wittily, HD^iJ:! Witty, subtle, m. s. UMV * D^'IJ?.? Wittingly, nmp * r^vn:?i r. i:T Wives, u^m R. ti;2t^ Wizard, DDp * ^^DD * '^;)rT. Woe, nm * ii:iy ]in-^j; * D^jt; Wofui, nvjr Wolf, (a beast) 2^] -ish, m. s. -D PllltO Woman, H^^^ (from l^^i^) -ish, -ly, -D -hood, -p^llO ^^^3 Womb, Dm Women, O^m R. ti^J^^ Wonder,,^bn * Hi^mn * Drjlnt^n-N.iin^ii ♦ ^h^ * n»ti^ -ful, wondrous, m. s. K/pi -fully, wondrously, * K"* /?'!}/ D'^i^^? -struck, m. s. DDlti'P Wont, pDH * ^jnn -ed, m. s. ^^J^ ♦ ^^D Wood, a forest, tJ^")n * IV^ (a substance,) TO -en vessel,, —^7? -offering, n^)iV^ l?np Woof, Weft, nni;^ texture, jn JJ * DDDD R. -|DD Wool, IDV -len- cloth, -1 Jn -lendraper, -"i;? IDlD Word, to express, tOnS) * tS^^S) -N. a term, ^21 * H-JD R. h'^D * T T ' T T T • (in vrriting,) H^'^P} a promise, HnCOIin by-of mouth, H^ V^ll -for-, n7p5 nS^ in a-, in fevs^ v^ords, l^l^pll to carry-, T|n R. 1^2 carry -back again, n^^^n R. nWto keep his-, rriDti^ t^i^iD iDt^ r. ^^^^ break his-, innconmDn * nr:j tt;t t xt;— ••t" — take one's-, "2 ^P^?D I take thee at thy-, ^''"in^? ^'l;» -ed well, v>::)^ ^;; nnmn'i T : T '^ \ T T T Work, operate, n'm (as liquors) ni/n^njl") labour, te^J -out, produce, 7i/^ * 22D -upon the mind, Hrip -N. nii^rio * ^Di; ♦ nh^i:^ -house, -)^;;^^'':l;n^^^^on^•l -ing-day, HJ^jy.l^nDl'^ -man, ^;;l2i ^nDi^)p bV!l -manship, t^nn nfi;^j;p -shop, HDi^^^n n^5 WOR— WRE 403 World, universal empire, HSll^pi h^Pi the earth, Htn Djll/ -ly, earthly, m. s. \^ Worm, nyh^r\ * n^n -eaten, wormy, m. s. *-*l3 HH'^n D^;;^in ♦ddh * v_^hnn -wood, nji;.^ Worry, to harass, X'^h ^'p^H * IV^ R. pIV * 11 V Worse, m. s. "DI/I (as 135^1/1 ?f7or^e ^/ifl« him) make-, ynn grow-, j;1in his sickness grew-, V^H T>^j; T'^^H Worship, DDin " "IIH * °n^^ i^"!^^ -N. adoration, n^t")'; n'lDpnn -ofGod,D^I1^Kmi3jg.ni?T his-, (term of honour) 11133 Jl^jt/D -ful, m. s. Dpi")? Worst of all, m. s. hiZD *i;i R. I/ll Worsted, 10^ niCOD Worth, value, Ip^*^. ♦ '^IV m.s. deserving of,' '^ ""l^l * COS^P *1^ equal in price, niCi^-ily,^1K"J3 * C0§:i^p3-less,nnp:! ♦ Dijp3 (person) /jt/ v3 Worthy, m. s. 133? * 31t5^n * Ij^^ Would, (see will) -to God, ^h * in^ ^P R. ]n: Wound, to hurt, V^^ * ^hD -N. ;;^9 ♦ rDP a mortal-, mD n3D R. n3i -ed, m. s. ;;r^*a * ^^hD Wrangle, to contend, p?£^l/rin * 3nn * nVJH argue, * n31 n^inn -n. psi^i; * 3n * n-^p * njPi^DP * nisi -ler, m. s. Wrap, to envelop, fjCOj; * nbjj * tO\^n R. COI^ (in ecstacyy °^i? ,-33i;nn mi:; -per, ^id3 * ns^ifp * niDj:.^ Wrath, flVp. ♦ n?n * ^Nt R. DH^ * P|3« -ful, m. s. -K^? -fully, -3 -less, (he) 1^ ]^K HDH Wreak, to revenge, Dp^flH * Dp: -N. iipp? -ful, m.s/ Dp^HD -IDl^rOpi: -less, m. s. -li^ijj Wreath, ;ilg^ ^nj;/ -N. a thing twisted, h^r\p Wreathy, twisted, lV2/f2 404 WRE— YEA Wreck, n^H * "73^^ -N. ] -mn * mi< a ship-, H'^i^n 12tl^ Wrench, Wrest, pull, npm2 "^li/D -N. npm2 nyii;t? Wrestle, "Dj; pUSH * DH^n -ling, D^^in?? * Hpn'?? -ler. Wretch, -ed, m. s. HD? ^^t^l^ -edness, H^") * m^ ? fi^ -edly,-! Wright, a workman, HD^^pHi^'li; (in wood) D^'VJ?! t^lO Wring, to twist, n^)] * "^DH-hands, D^"T^^ pSH-out, (as linen&c.) COriD * ID'nk^ -oif the head, £^i<-| nX P^^ T T V I T Wrinkle, CO;?p -N. C£);^p Wrist, l^n pnS -band, T^p^ Writ, scripture, t2^1p ^KlpD (a legal process) HIV? * rTTIp^ to issue out a-, ^x ni^i^ ri^t^^ * ^^ ipti^n Write, I'm Writer, m. s. Qnl^ (author) I^Hp Writhe, to twist, i^'t^ * n^y Writing, a thing written, HPID * ^jTlpp act of-, Hyjl? -master, "iDlD -tings, nin^i^^ch. Written, nn;)nm.s. nins * anp? Wrong, i;-in R.;;i-) -N. an error, m^p unfit, ]5 ^^ injustice, h^V -ful, m. s. -n^^l;; -fully, -3 -ly, 11D3? H^ Wroth, m. s. fy^p n?:ir\ *^hf2 r. dh^ Wry, m. s. n^^P * li;\^V ' 7pJJD make a -face, D\nD^ l^^^JJ Y. Yacht, nai? ny^. Yard, (a ground enclosed) IV H (a measure) D^'f^^i^ Yarn,-)9VniCpi? Yawn, open the mouth, HQ ")i/S long after, "7 Jl^ be sleepy, pm -ing, m. s. nrn ♦ D^p^np r. di:) Ye,m.Dri^?f.ir)K Yea, DJP.S * H^pK ♦ ]? R. pD-, and more than that, D^ ^tj Yean,nV Wnit^ ' f*^^'^'^ ''' •YEA^YOU 405 Year, n:i{^ pi. U^^tl} (two) D^n2:^(in contraction) "»5tt^ or nliti^ -liiig, m. n:u}]2 f. r]r^:i:; ns -iv, annual, n^ii/h every year, mtl^2 n:\i; ^"^D * HD^O^ U^O^h Yearn, his bowels did- upon, % VDnn nDD?* ' '^ V^Q IDH -ing, "^D^i/pnipn Yelk, r^ydrr\ * ]lQ^n Yell, n'lv ")0 * b'^h^n -n. n^^*' Yellow, 3'nV -ish, pnp")*; Yes, t!^"; * ]tl * ]^ R. pD (an interrogation is, however, com. monly answered by the repetition of the Verb in the affirmative, as '•pyJlH wilt thou go? ^7^ Yes I will go.) Yest, D*'-)9t!> (on a sea) f]^!^ Yesterday, ^I^JH ♦ ^I^Hi^ Yesternight, tl/DV^ Yet, moreover, 11^/1 nevertheless, nXt 7^3 at least, * ^^ nin^n ^pS still'ni;; they are- speaking,* On^np Dli]/ not-, D")^ Yield, to produce, f^plH * f^b; * i^^^H • ^^ylH R. Kia * SV*" give up, |jlj * ibp give way to,* D Hb^ assent,* * '2 H^n D^J^ t^\t/2 -in ff, concession, nrJl 3 *n")"'DD condescend- -ing, m. s. D'^;!^ *^^?J^1: Yoke, to couple, T^PVl^ enslave, T^3i;n * hv h'S D^DiJn -N. TDv * ^i; R. ^^y Yonder, n^'i^ 'U\^ T T T Yore, D^>D^ * D^ji;::Tpn D"^;o^3 You, (s. see Thou and Thee) m. pi. DTHij^ accusative, D50^ of-, your's, DDW to-, DD? from-, DwSD * D30 in, or on-, V T Your, m. D?** (asD?"!?*! your word) -selves, DH DII^ DniStJD^ -self, (see Thyself) Young, youthful, h^V m. s. Om'2 *J] R. 131 lately brought 406 YOU— ZOO forth, pil^ -man, D/)/ -woman, tlf^bn grow -again, (he) rn^i;? ti^'inipn she is with- nyi bring forth-, nV a -be- ginner, m. s. ^^r\r\D R. ^^n ♦ i'^hd hr\D ir^? a'^chiid, ^1 nbl a -fowl, nl-)?J:? -er, m. s. ^^1^ Mt3p -est, m. s. // • T //It It Youth, youngster, m. 1^2 tender age, * ni"in!l ♦ nn^^ D'^pi^Xf. * Dn^;;? -fui, m. s. ninn nnixf;] ^;:d^3 f/s. n^y\V? ''9^? Zeal, -ousness, ^p3 * Hj^ltJ^ri -ously, — D -ous, m. s. * PJDD^ Pi?.1:^n -ot, (for God^s glory,) m. s. Viibi^b K^pp Zenith, ti^i^-in hjJD Zest, N. a relish, Dj/0 -V. —\h2 * D^^/pn Zodiac, m^jpn nn^jin Zone, (in geography) Xl)$[l ^HH pJ^H Zoology, ni^nn ;;3iD riTpq nnin* r. n-i^ A COLLECTION OP English and Hehi^ew words ^ which have a manifest resemblance in expression and meaning. Abash, ti^mn Abbot, n^**N3iin Hook, nn^HDn Howl, W\n Hum, nan* Dm Hush, n^n Joke, pn^i Issue, i^ijiii: ♦ ni^''2^ Kid, n:i Knave, a::i*c):)n Laugh, nr*?*:iv'? Lick, ppb Maim, DID Mai.. Ma\e..b:^r2 Mass, Kt^TD R. Kt^r: Measure, ni1t:^D Meek, ^D R. ^DD Metal, ^•'tOD Mete, niD Miser, *-)iiD R. -)-lir n;?i:D Ch. Mistery, nJIDD Mite, lOJ^D Mosaic, nOt:^D R. HDt:^ Nitre, "17)^ Nod, T):i Numb. D1J Obedient, 13); Obese, DU^< Occur, mpn Odd, nnj^* -inch. Over, nnV Paradise, D"l")3 Part, 113 * rOIS) Piece,J19 R. DD^ Plough, n'^s Pure, in R. 1in Rage, ?:ii * m'-) Rake, p^l Raven, Ravenous, pVI Riches, ti^lDI Rush, t:;:;i Sack, p^ Scale, 'ppt:^ Seeth. Sodden, lit R. 10 Set, nw Seven, y2^ Shield, V:h^ Shower, 1W Shiver, inti^ Shriek, Hpnt:^ Side, i:i R. 1i:i Sign, ]V:i Simile, 7DD Sir, li:^ Six, t:^::' Skean, pti; Skill, ^Dt; Smite, nt2^ * Diyi Sob, Sop, ^\W Sore,n2iR.1i:ii*iPi{ Ch. Sorrow, m^jR. 112i Sour, -TiV^^ Sparrow, llSJii Spit, ilBti; Spy,n3i: Stem, DDD Stream, Dit Strew, mt Summon, pT Sword, zait:^ Symphony, H'^JIBIDID Ch- Teat, 11 Then, ^^* ♦ n^* Ch. Thou, nnK Tier, IID Track, 111 Yes. ^"^ By the same Author ^2 vols. 'Svo., 20s. HEBREW and ENGLISH LEXICON, containing aU the words of the Old Testament, with the Chaldce words in Daniel, Ezra, and the Targums, and also the Talmudical and Rabbinical Words derived from them.— AN ENGLISH and HEBREW LEXICON ; composed after Johnson's Dictionary, containing fifteen thousand English Words rendered into Biblical or Rabbinical Hebrew, or into Chaldce. To which is annexed, a list of English and Hebrew Words, the expression and meanings of which appear to be the same in both Languages. This book, which is most handsomely printed, is safer than Gesenius. British Magazine. In an age in which happily there is an increasing spirit of devotion to the study of biblical literature, it is pleasing to find a corresponding degree of readiness to meet the demands of the student by furnishing him with those facilities which may render his progress at once agree- able and certain. It is within our memory when Buxtorf, Parkhurst, and Pike were almost the only Hebrew lexicons in use in this country ; with what effect the state of biblical science during that period abundantly testifies. Subsequently Eichhorn's Simonis was known to a few ; but it was not till Gesenius was translated into our language on the other side of the Atlantic, that it was discovered that a very diflfc- rent method of Hebrew study must be pursued, if any thing like a pro- found, satisfactory, and consistent acquaintance with the Old Testament original was to be acquired. Bating the neological views which too frequently disfigure the pages of that author, the perfection whicli characterises them might appear to render any other labor of the kind altogether superfluous. Since, however, no two minds contemplate the same object in all respects alike, it is interesting and instructive to compare with the results which he has brought out, others proceeding from a totally difi'erent school, such as that from wliich the works have emanated which appear at the head of this article. The author is a Jew, who evidently possesses a very deep insight into the genius of the language vernacular to his ancestors, and still held in veneration among his people, as that in which is written the inspired volume of their rehgious faith. He also appears candidly to have availed himself of the light thrown upon words and passages by Chris- tian authors who have labored in the same department ; and to have executed his task in every point of view in a very credita])le niannci'. The principal value, however, of his Hebrew Lexicon, the property which distinguishes it from all others, is its exhibition of the words found in the Targums, the Talmudical, and Rabbinical writings. If it contained nothing more, it would, on this account alone, be worth more than double the cost to those who wish to look into such Jewish works as have been composed since the completion of the Old Testament canon. The English llebrew Dictionary will be found extremely useful in the preparation of Hebrew exercises, cs])ccially to any who may be desirous of translating any English books, tracts, &c., into Hebrew, with a view to efi'ect the conversion of the Jews. — The Eclectic RetAeiv, At ' p Vrtfa 771