LC 2.047 STACK ANNEX )age SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. EDUCATIONAL LIBRARY. Exhibited by Messrs. Longmans and Co. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES \ THE LADIES' COLLEGE & SCHOOL EXAMINER. CONTAINING SIX HUNDEED QUESTIONS UPON LITERATURE, ANCIENT AND MODERN HISTOEY, GEOGRAPHY, BIOGRAPHY, MYTHOLOGY, AND NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. M. A. JOHNS SECOND LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. 3. 5. #A>/ \7Si^ -,., X^-f^:: r-v-' L0^~*>i LONDON: FEINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AlfD CO., NEW-STKEET SQUABB AND PABLIAMENT STBEET Stack- Annex LC. PREFACE DURING SEVERAL YEARS spent in teaching, the compiler of this little work has experienced the need of an ex- ercise book which embraced a wide range of subjects, and which was not of too elementary a nature to meet the wants of advanced pupils. The compiler has found the questions and subjects for themes contained in this book very useful in the instruction of her own pupils, and she hopes that they may aiford as much help to other teachers. Instead of classifying the questions under their respective heads, it has been found advisable to collect them in groups which present as much variety as possible ; the frequent change of subject producing greater readiness of mind and tending to sustain the interest of the pupil. The arrangement, the questions upon literature, and the introduction of subjects for themes are, it is believed, entirely novel features. 881263 iv PREFACE. The Examiner will be found suitable for the period- ical examinations in colleges, schools, and private families, and it is hoped it will prove useful as an exercise book. The answers ought to be fully and carefully written, a certain interval being allowed to the pupil for preparation. "With the Key it may be used as a class book, the less advanced pupils committing the various lessons to memory. 31 BUBLINGTON RoAD, BAYSWATEB. THE LADIES' COLLEGE AND SCHOOL EXAMINER. Lesson 1. 1. Mention Wordsworth's chief works, and the charac- teristics of his poetry. 2. Whence the quotations, ' Coming events cast their shadows before' 'What's in a name,' &c. ' My poverty, but not my will, consents ' ? 3. Who are the authors of ' The Task,' ' Scots wha hae wi' Wallace bled,' ' The Revolt of Islam,' 1 The Corsair,' < The Dunciad,' ' Christabel,' ' The Angel in the House,' and ' Hiawatha' ? 4. Mention the three famous Grecian contemporaries, during the first Persian war, with their charac- ters and achievements. 5. Who always ended his speeches in the senate, with ' Delenda est Carthago '? 6. Who founded L' Academic Francaise ? Theme. Compare the Revolution in England in the reign of Charles I. with that in France in the reign of Louis XVI. Lesson 2. 1. Whose are the expressions, ' L'Etat c'est moi,' ' Apres moi le deluge,' and ' Qui ne sait pas dissimuler ne sait pas regner' ? B 2 COLLEGE AND SCHOOL EXAMINER. 2. What do quadrumana and pachydermata signify, and how are these families represented in Europe ? 3. Name the last three Laureates, and their chief works. 4. Some account of the Escnrial. 5. Who was Deucalion ? 6. When was the Bank of England established ? Theme. Modern Inventions. Lesson 3. 1. Name the chief places of historic interest in England. 2. Which is the planet nearest to the sun, and which the most distant ? Name their diameters, and the time they take to revolve round the sun. 3. Chief characters of the reign of Augustus Caesar? 4. An account of the education of the Spartan youth, with the defects and virtues produced by the system. 5. Mention the chief generals of Napoleon I. 6. How many orders of architecture are there ? Theme. Pride. Lesson 4. 1. The chief works of Goethe and Schiller. 2. The authors of ' Lays of Ancient Rome,' ' Course of Time,' ' Gertrude of Wyoming,' and ' L' Allegro ' ? 3. Name the most famous French kings, with their contemporary English sovereigns. 4. Who was Bernard Palissy ? 5. A short account of the Grecian oracles. 6. How fast does light travel ? Theme. London and Paris Contrasted. Lesson 5. I. What is meant by Aphelion, Perihelion, Apogee, and Perigee ? LESSONS VI. VII. 3 2. Whence the quotations ' 'Tis distance lends enchant- ment to the view,' ' Full many a flower is born to blush unseen,' &c., and * To gild refined gold, to paint the lily,' &c. ? 3. Who was John Howard ? 4. When was the Roman Empire put up for sale by the soldiery ? 5. How do the Mahometans reckon time ? 6. Of what is atmospheric air composed ? Theme. A Beautiful Summer's Day in the Country. Lesson 6. 1. The source, length, and course of the Danube, with the towns situated on it. 2. When were pianos invented ? 3. When were dukes, marquises, and earls first created ? 4. Whence the words, ' mausoleum,' ' calico,' and ' paper'? 5. A short account of the battles of Pharsalia, Philippi, and Actium. 6. Name the diameter of the earth. Theme. Richard I. of England. Lesson 7. 1. The authors of ' Pleasures of the Imagination,' ' Pleasures of Memory,' and ' Pleasures of Hope.' 2. The chief painters of the Flemish School. 3. Name the English kings who were deposed or murdered. 4. Who were Virgil, Horace, and Lucan ? Name their chief works. 5. What was the Palladium? 6. Who were Sully and Talleyrand ? Theme. The Execution of Mary Queen of Scots. 4 COLLEGE AND SCHOOL EXAMINER. Lesson 8. 1. Which is the largest, and which the smallest, of the primary planets ? Name their diameters, and the time they take to revolve round the sun. 2. Name the six largest rivers in the "world with their lengths. 3. Who was Machiavelli ? 4. What kingdoms did Napoleon I. give to his brothers and sisters? 5. What was the Act of Uniformity ? 6. Mention the most celebrated kings of the Plantagenet line. Theme. A Shipwreck. Lesson 9. 1 . Name the chief battles of antiquity. 2. How many bishops are there in the English Church ? 3. Who founded the Alexandrian Library, and what was its fate ? 4. Name the planets which have attendant moons. 5. Who was the first English king, and who the last, who touched for King's-evil ? 6. Who built the present St. Paul's Cathedral, and when? Theme. The Discovery of America. Lesson 10. 1. The chief English historians. 2. Relate the story of the Judgment of Paris. 3. Who introduced inoculation and vaccination into England ? 4. What are deciduous plants ? 5. The chief battles that have taken place in England. 6. Mention Campbell's chief works, and the charac- teristics of his poetry. Theme. Life of Milton. LESSONS XI. TO XIV. 5 Lesson 11. 1. What is meant by agrarian and sumptuary laws ? 2. A short account of the Crimean War. 3. In what battle did Epaminondas fall ? 4. Name seven of the largest islands in the world. 5. Mention the gods of sleep and dreams. 6. When was tea introduced into England ? Theme. Character of Cromwell. Lesson 12. 1. Mention the names given by the French Republicans to the months. 2. How far distant is the earth from the sun ? 3. The authors of ' The Castle of Indolence,' ' The Lotos Eaters,' ' The Forest Sanctuary,' and ' Ginevra.' 4. Which have been called the Augustan Ages in Eng- land and France ? 5. How many English miles make a degree ? 6. Who first applied steam to navigation ? Theme. The Hundred Days. Lesson 13. 1. Who were Catherine de' Medici and Marie de' Medici ? 2. The story of the Laocoon. 3. Name some of the English translators of the Bible. 4. Who founded Christ Church College, Oxford ? 5. What is meant by an Elzevir ? 6. Name the chief royalists and republicans in the reign of Charles I. Theme. Life of Charles XII. of Sweden. Lesson 14. 1. What king first instituted Justices in Eyre? 2. What monarchs have been called ' great,' and for what famous ? 6 COLLEGE AND SCHOOL EXAMINER. 3. Who was Inigo Jones ? 4. When did the union of Sweden and Norway take place ? 5. What authors wrote under the name of ' Boz,' ' Sam Slick,' 'Christopher North,' ' Currer Bell,' ' George Eliot, 1 and ' Georges Sand ' ? 6. When were workhouses and poor-rates first esta- blished in England? Theme. The Advantages accruing to England from its Insular Position. Lesson 15. 1. Where was the first lighthouse erected ? 2. When did the Union of England, Scotland, and Ireland take place ? 3. What colours are used for mourning in different parts of the world ? 4. Name the celebrated men who lived in the reign of Charles II. 5. In what battles did Generals Wolfe and Moore fall ? 6. When was the charter to the East India Company granted, and when was it abolished ? Theme. The Life of Maria Theresa of Austria. Lesson 16. 1. What were the wars of the Fronde ? 2. Who was Justinian, and who received the name of the English Justinian ? 3. The chief works of Madame de Stael, Bernardin de St. Pierre, and Chateaubriand. 4. Mention the principal Latin poets. 5. From whom was George I. descended ? 6. What is meant by O.S. and N.S. ? Theme. Good Temper. Lesson 17. 1. The chief victories of Nelson. 2. How many primary planets are there ? Write their characters. LESSONS XVIII. TO XX. 7 3. How far is atmospheric air supposed to surnnmd the earth ? 4. The different philosophical sects of antiquity, and their founders. 5. The fate of Julius Caesar, Pompey, Crassus, Antony, and Lepidus ? 6. The principal deities of Ancient Egypt. Theme. A short Account of the Seven Years' War. Lesson 18. 1. Name the plots in the reign of James I. 2. Of what is granite composed ? 3. When did the United States become independent ? 4. The battle of Pydna When fought, and by whom ? 5. Name the wives of the Georges ? 6. Why were the eldest sons of the kings of France styled ' Dauphin ' ? Theme. Beauty. Lesson 19. 1. What were tonnage and poundage ? 2. Name some of the chief literary characters of America. 3. Who were Andromache, Cassandra, and Clytem- nestra ? 4. When were gold coins first issued in England ? 5. Chief events in the reign of Charles II. 6. Who were Belzoni and Champollion ? Theme. The Benefits Resulting from Commerce. Lesson 20. 1. Chief events in the reign of Richard II. 2. How many motions has the sun the earth the moon ? Describe them. 3. Who formed the first triumvirate, and who the second ? 8 COLLEGE AND SCHOOL EXAMINER. 4. Which are considered the best tragedies, and which the best comedies, of Shakespeare ? 5. When did the bill for the Abolition of Slavery pass, and who were its chief promoters ? 6. The works of Lord Macaulay. Mention the charac- teristics of his writings. Theme. Fame. Lesson 21. 1. How many cities contend for the honour of having given birth to Homer ? 2. The chief English painters. 3. The principal events in the reign of Henry III. 4. What was the Edict of Nantes ? 5. What was remarkable in the discovery of the planet Neptune ? 6. The victories of Hannibal. Theme. The Life of the Duke of Wellington. Lesson 22. 1. What were the chief magistrates of Athens and Sparta called ? 2. Who was the founder of the Quaker sect ? 3. What portion of South America formerly belonged to Portugal ? 4. Who founded the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge ? 5. The authors of ' English Bards and Scotch Reviewers,' * The Cenci,' ' Endymion,' and ' The Bridge of Sighs'? 6. Whom did Lambert Simnel and Perkin Warbeck personate ? Theme. The Crusades. Lesson 23. 1. When was the first railroad made ? 2. Name the British foreign possessions. 3. Through whom did Henry IV. and Henry VII. claim their right to the throne ? LESSONS XXIV. TO XXVI. 9 4. How many zones are there ? 5. Name the French lines of kings. 6. The authors of ' Wealth of Nations,' ' Essay upon the Human Understanding,' ' Utopia,' and ' The Sentimental Journey.' Theme. Education. Lesson 24. 1. The possessions of Charles V. of Germany. 2. The principal metals, and where found. 3. Why were mounts Athos, Helicon, Olympus, and Hymettus celebrated ? 4. Who were the first Christian kings of England and France ? 5. Where are Giant's Causeway and the island of Staffa, and for what are they remarkable ? 6. Name the chief English poetesses. Theme. The Battle of the Alma. Lesson 25. 1. What i? amber, and where found? 2. Into how many classes or formations are rocks divided ? 3. What was the Exclusion Bill ? 4. The fate of Henry III. and Henry IV. of France. 5. Chief events of the reign of George III. 6. What countries did Csesar conquer ? Theme. Childhood. Youth. Age. Lesson 26. 1. When were the Corn Laws repealed ? 2. What celebrated words did the will of Alfred the Great contain ? 3. Who were Camoens and Lope de Vega ? 4. When was the Eoyal Exchange built ? 5. Name the chief battles that have been fought in India, with the names of the principal com- manders. 10 COLLEGE AND SCHOOL EXAMINER. 6. What public institutions were founded by Edward VI. ? Theme. Justice. Lesson 27. 1. The extent of the empire of Charlemagne. 2. What are barometers and thermometers, and by whom invented ? 3. How many Punic wars were there, and how long did each last ? 4. Mention some of the best English novelists. 5. Chief events in the reign of Edward III. 6. Who was Maecenas ? Theme. The Causes that led to the Downfall of the Eoman Empire. Lesson 28. 1. Who was Sir Robert Walpole? 2. What were ship-money and benevolences ? 3. Name the best English sovereigns and the worst ? 4. Whence the quotations, ' The proper study of man- kind is man,' ' As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean,' and ' Canst thou not minister to a mind diseased ' ? 5. When did Jamaica become an English possession? 6. The chief English poets. Theme. The Retreat from Moscow. Lesson 29. 1. When was Greenwich Observatory established ? 2. The chief poets of Germany. 3. Who was Benjamin Franklin ? 4. The chief painters and sculptors of antiquity. 5. Mention the celebrated people who suffered death in the reign of Henry VIII. 6. The wives of the Stuarts. Theme. ' Sweet are the Uses of Adversity.' LESSONS XXX. TO XXXII. 11 Lesson 30. 1. A few particulars of the three French Revolutions. 2. The ancient names for the Morea, Candia, Corfu, Malta, Sea of Marmora, Sea of Azov, the Dnieper, and the Dardanelles. 3. What is the chief difference between the Ptolemaic and the Copernican systems of astronomy ? 4. What is ebony ? whence obtained ? 5. Chief characters of Queen Anne's reign. . 6. Name the highest mountain in England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, with the height of each- Theme. The Hermit. Lesson 31. 1. The chief ports of Europe. 2. Whence the quotations, ' Was everything by starts and nothing long,' ' The quality of mercy is not strained,' &c., and ' Great wits are sure to mad- ness near allied ' ? 3. Who was Genghis Khan ? 4. What is meant by the Civil List ? 5. The principal precious stones where found ? 6. An account of the ancient Roman Triumph and Ovation. Theme. Dante. Lesson 32. 1. What were the periods of the greatest glory of Ancient Greece and Rome ? 2. What is Shakespeare's epitaph ? 3. As far as what degree of latitude will the beech, elm, oak, lime, ash, and hazel grow ? 4. When was the first gladiatorial exhibition at Rome, and when were they abolished ? 5. Who were called the Lake poets ? 6. When was the first Speaker to the House of Commons appointed ? Theme. Eloquence. 12 COLLEGE AND SCHOOL EXAMINEE. Lesson 33. 1 . Of what is water composed ? 2. The derivation of the names of the months. 3. What is longitude, and how is it reckoned ? 4. When did Hanover form part of the British Empire, and why did it cease to do so ? 5. The chief Grecian historians. 6. Where is Juan Fernandez, and for what celebrated ? Theme. The Last Hours of Great Men. Lesson 34. 1 . The chief Reformers. 2. Name the Cinque Ports. 3. The source, length, and course of the Rhine, and the chief towns situated on its banks. 4. What were the Roman mural and civic crowns ? 5. Name the Roman emperors who persecuted the Christians, 6. Who invented the steam-engine ? Theme. Egypt ; Ancient and Modern. Lesson 35. 1. Chief events in the reign of Henry VII. 2. Who was the first British martyr ? 3. Who was Sardanapalus ? 4. When were halfpence first coined? 5. When occurred the final division of the Roman Empire into East and West ? 6. When were baronets first created ? Theme. The Life of Peter the Great. Lesson 36. 1. Name the five good emperors who reigned in suc- cession in Rome. 2. Who discovered the Cape of Good Hope ? LESSONS XXXVII. TO XXXIX. 13 3. The story of the Black Hole. 4. Whence the words ' laconic ' and ' sardonic ' ? 5. Some account of the destruction of Carthage and Corinth. 6. When did the Saracen rule begin and when end in Spain ? Theme. The Death of Caesar. Lesson 37. 1. The chief works of Southey and Coleridge. 2. The foreign possessions of France. 3. The punishments of Tantalus, Sisyphus, and Ixion. 4. What was the Septennial Act, and when passed ? 5. Mention the discoveries of Magelhaens and Captain Cook. 6. Who was Warren Hastings ? Theme. The National Character of the French and Germans. Lesson 38. 1. Chief events of the reign of Edward VI. 2. Who were the thirty tyrants ? 3. How much is water heavier than air ? 4. Name the two highest chains of mountains in the world, with the height of the highest mountain in each. 5. When did the American war begin, and when end ? 6. When did Belgium become a separate monarchy ? Theme. The Evils of War : The Blessings of Peace. Lesson 39. 1. Who were the Janissaries ? 2. Who discovered the circulation of the blood ? 3. The chief English sculptors. 4. What were Scylla and Charybdis, and where situated ? 14 COLLEGE AND SCHOOL EXAMINER. 5. Mention the chief works of Corneille, Moliere, and Eacine. 6. The authors of ' Essays by Elia,' and ' Vathek.' Theme. Patriotism. Lesson 40. 1. The chief events in the reign of William III. 2. What was trial by ordeal, and when abolished ? 3. Who discovered the laws of gravitation ? 4. Who were the Gracchi ? 5. Name the twelve Caesars. 6. Of what is gunpowder composed ? Theme. A short Tale. The Conscript. Lesson 41. 1 . The chief works of Pope, and a short account of his life. 2. What king first assumed the motto, ' Dieu et mon Droit ' ? 3. The chief painters of the Dutch School. 4. Who was Josephus ? 5. When was the Hudson's Bay Company incor- porated ? 6. An account of the two Pitts. Theme. The Duty of Kindness to Animals. Lesson 42. 1. Chief events in the reign of Elizabeth. 2. Who was Cuvier ? 3. Who founded Eton College ? 4. Mention the chief English divines. 5. When was the commercial treaty made with Japan ? 6. What is an air-pump ; by whom invented ? Theme. The Inventions which have been most Bene- ficial to Man. LESSONS XLIII. TO XL VI. 15 Lesson 43. 1. The chief martyrs of Mary's reign. 2. The fate of the last five kings of France. 3. What is a whirlpool? 4. Some account of Diogenes the Cynic. 5. By whom were balloons invented ? 6. In the reign of which Roman emperors did the birth and death of Jesus Christ occur ? Th erne. Happiness. Lesson 44. 1. Mention the first and last of the French kings of the lines of Valois and Bourbon. 2. Who was Dido ? 3. When were clocks and watches introduced into England ? 4. The character of Titus. 5. What were the rewards of the victors in the Grecian games ? 6. What are the Pentateuch and the Septuagint ? Theme. The Miser. Lesson 45. 1 . Who were the Titans ? 2. What was the Inquisition, and by whom was it established ? 3. Who was Tamerlane ? 4. Mention some of the famous characters put to death by Nero. 5. Chief works of Goldsmith and Dr. Johnson. 6. What was the Cato Street Conspiracy ? Theme. A Fairy Tale. Lesson 46. 1. An account of the Wars of the Roses. 2. What were 'Lettres de Cachet ' ? 16 COLLEGE AND SCHOOL EXAMINER. 3. What is meant by complemental colours, and which are the complemental colours of red and yellow ? 4. What is opium ; what countries produce it ? 5. The chief Greek poets. 6. Relate the story of Damon and Phintias, and Orestes and Pylades. Theme. Freedom. Lesson 47. 1. Chief events in the reign of Henry II. 2. What is tobacco, where grown, and by whom intro- duced into England? 3. Who was Cambyses ? 4. Wives of the English Edwards. 5. Chief commanders on the Roman side during the PUnic wars. 6. What were Indulgences ? Theme. The Rise and Spread of Christianity. Lesson 48. 1. The causes that led to the banishment of James II. 2. The chief Latin historians. 3. Who was Penelope ? 4. Who were the Cyclops and the Centaurs ? 5. By whom was Winchester College founded, and when? 6. What were the Sicilian Vespers ? Theme. The Different Forms of Government Which is the Best ? Lesson 49. 1. Name the chief battle-fields of Belgium. 2. Who was Bishop Berkeley ? 3. When was Jerusalem destroyed ? \. When were posts first established in England ? LESSONS L. TO LIT. 17 5. What was the riddle of the Sphinx, and by whom was it solved ? 6. Chief events of the reign of Louis IX of France. Theme. A Fable. Perseverance. Lesson 50. 1. Who divided the English Bible into chapters and verses ? 2. Mention the chief wine-producing countries. 3. How did the Romans divide the months? 4. Whence the quotations, ' All the world's a stage, and all the men and women, merely players ;' ' A little learning is a dangerous thing;' and ' We take no note of time, but from its loss ' ? 5. Who was Chatterton ? 6. How were Julius Caesar, Potnpey, Antony, Augustus, and Cinna, connected by marriage ? Theme. Music. Lesson 51. 1. In which direction do the most important of the Scottish rivers flow ? 2. Which is the most populous country in Europe ? 3. What is meant by sidereal and solar time ? 4. When it is noon at London, what time will it be at all places 30 degrees east of it, and at 30 degrees west ? 5. Name the gods of the winds. 6. Principal events in the reign of Philippe Auguste. Theme. The Story of a Cotton Dress describing the various processes through which the ma- terial has passed before assuming that form. Lesson 52. 1 . What was the Long Parliament ? 2. What was Bucephalus ? c 18 COLLEGE AND SCHOOL EXAMINER. 3. The chief events in the reign of Trajan. 4. What was the South Sea scheme ? 5. The chief works of Burns. 6. What Englishman first sailed round the world ? Theme. Death of Socrates. Lesson 53. 1 . What was the Duke of Monmouth's rebellion ? 2. Name the most celebrated Grecian games, and the rewards of the victors. 3. Who was St. Dunstan? 4. When was the Star-chamber instituted, and when abolished ? 5. Name the two great orators of Greece and Rome. 6. What is antithesis? Theme, Life and Character of St. Paul. Lesson 54. 1. Who was the first French monarch styled ' Most Christian ' ? 2. Whence originated the terms Guelph and Ghibe- line ? 3. What was the Cabal ministry? mention the names of those who formed it. 4. Who was Wallenstein ? 5. What is a Pyrometer, and by whom invented ? 6. What are Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, and Pneu- matics ? Theme. Town and Country Contrasted. Lesson 55. 1. The fate of the Scotch and English monarchs of the line of Stuart. 2. Who was Edmund Burke ? 3. What was Catiline's Conspiracy ? 4. Who were Lucius Junius and Marcus Junius Brutus ? LESSONS LVI. TO LVIII. 1 5. The chief French painters. 6. Who was Archimedes ? Theme. Bravery. Lesson 56. 1 . Who discovered Galvanism ? 2. When were the battles of Dettingen and Fontenoy fought, and for what are they remarkable ? 3. What is meant by the ecliptic ? 4. What English archbishops have suffered death ? 5. Who was Lady Arabella Stuart ? 6. In which direction do the celestial bodies appear to move ? Theme. A Visit to Westminster Abbey. Lesson 57. 1. Whence the quotations, 'Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise;' ' Could make the worse appear the better reason ;' and ' Created of every creature's best ' ? 2. How is the night divided in the New Testament ? 3. Who was Pericles ? 4. Which was the first British settlement in America ? 5. Who was Cato Uticensis? 6. The chief events in the reign of Henry VIII. Theme. Life of Lord Byron. Lesson 58. 1. During which kings' reigns did civil wars occur in England ? 2. Who was Pausanias ? 3. The chief events in the reign of Louis XIII. of France. 4. Which were the greatest maritime people of an- tiquity ? c2 20 COLLEGE AND SCHOOL EXAMINER. 5. Which is the highest city in the world? 6. How long are the days and nights at the equator? Theme. A Letter describing a Change of Residence. Lesson 59. 1. Which is the cold wind in the United States? 2. Wives of the English Henrys. 3. Who were the Mamelukes ? 4. Whom did the daughters of Henry VII. marry ? Name those of their descendants who reigned. 5. Why are Mounts Ararat, Sinai, Horeb, Hor, and Nebo celebrated ? Where are they ? fi. Who took Babylon, and what prophets foretold its destruction ? Theme. Description of a Watering Place. Lesson 60. 1; What effect has proximity to the sea on a country ? 2. Whence the quotations, ' Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven ;' ' Know how sublime a thing it is, to suffer and be strong; 1 * There's a tide in the affairs of men which taken at the flood leads on to fortune ' ? 3. To whom are we indebted for the electric tele- graph ? 4. What was the Mississippi scheme ? 5. When did the epithets Whig and Tory arise ? 6. How did the English acquire Gibraltar ? Theme. Friendship. Lesson 61. 1. Some account of the Iliad and the Odyssey: mention the chief English translators of the former. 2. The chief events of note in English history. 3. How many degrees of longitude correspond to an hour? LESSONS LXII. TO LXIV. 21 4. In which king's reign was the Palace of Versailles built, and L'Hotel des Invalides founded ? 5. Who invented the Mariner's Compass ? 6. Who revived Christianity in England, Scotland, and Ireland ? Theme. Life of Sir Walter Scott. Lesson 62. 1. Who is called the Stagirite ? 2. What were the Philippics ? 3. When was the peace of Amiens concluded? 4. Which is styled the best biography in the English language ? 5. Chief events in the reign of Anne. 6. What are the summer and winter solstices ? Theme. A Fable. Procrastination is the Thief of Time. Lesson 63. 1. Name the authors of ' The Psalm of Life,' ' The Curse of Kehama,' ' The Princess,' ' The Deserted Village,' ' Rokeby,' and ' The Battle of Ivry ' ? 2. Who was Colbert ? 3. What is coral, and where found ? 4. Mention some of the chief Spaniards engaged in the subjugation of America. 5. When was the battle of Tours fought ? 6. The chief characters of Elizabeth's reign. Theme. Ambition. Lesson 64. 1. Mention the principal Arctic navigators. 2. When was Constantinople taken by the Turks? 3. The source, length, and course of the Volga, with the towns situated on it. 4. Who were Thorwaldsen and Canova ? 22 COLLEGE AND SCHOOL EXAMINER. 5. Whence come porphyry, jasper, jet, and malachite? 6. Who was the founder of the Order of Jesuits? Theme. On the Employment of Time. Lesson 65. 1. What is the situation of the sun on March 21 and September 21, and what is the effect ? 2. What is the cause of the heat of summer ? 3. Mention the twelve signs of the Zodiac, and write their characters. 4. How many kings had Rome ? Name them. 5. Who were the Muses ? 6. Which king first bore the title of Defender of the Faith? Iheme. A Reply to the Letter of Lesson 58, descrip- tive ot a Visit to Brussels. Lesson 66. 1. Who was Draco ? 2. Name the seven wise men of Greece. 3. Whence the quotations, ' A sorrow's crown of sorrow is remembering happier things;' ' Gives to airy nothing a local habitation and a name' ? 4. Who was Addison ? 5. How many degrees does the sun's light reach North and South of it on the earth ? 6. Which English king was crowned King of France at Paris? Theme. The Pleasures and Benefits of Foreign Travel- ling. Lesson 67. 1. Who was Semiramis? 2. When was the first recorded eruption of Mount Vesuvius ? 3. When was the battle of Leipsic fought? 4. What are fixed stars ? LESSONS LXVIII. TO LXX. 23 5. Mention the hills on which Rome was built. 6. Where are Valparaiso, Elsinore, Shiraz, Manilla, Rosetta, Altorf, Coimbra, and Bergen op Zoom ? Theme. The Departure of an Emigrant Ship. Lesson 68. 1. How many mechanical powers are there? Name them. 2. Name the rivers celebrated in heathen mythology. 0. What were the Troubadours and Trouveres? \ 4. Who first collected the poems of Homer, and what great monarch had a great admiration for them ? 5. What was the origin of the Game Laws ? 6. How can the planets be distinguished from the fixed stars ? Theme. Health. Lesson 69. 1 . The chief painters of the Italian School. 2. Principal events in the reign of Henry IV. of Prance. 3. Which is the morning and evening star ? 4. Who was Vespasian ? 5. When were crowns and sixpences first coined ? 6. The victories of the Duke of Marlborough. Theme. Charity. Lesson 70. 1. Mention the chefs d'ceuvre of Raphael, Rubens, and Leonardo da Vinci. 2. Name the three longest and three shortest reigns in English history. 3. Which of the planets are called asteroids ? 4. Who discovered the decomposition of rays of light ? 5. When was the Habeas Corpus Act passed ? 6. Who were the Lollards? Theme. The Massacre of St. Bartholomew. 24 COLLEGE AND SCHOOL EXAMINER. Lesson 71. 1 . What were the Letters of Junius ? 2. Who was Rienzi ? 3. How far did Alexander the Great penetrate into Asia? 4. When were Sunday Schools established ? 5. Chief events of the reign of George I. 6. How fast does sound travel ? Theme. Description of a Sunset. Lesson 72. 1 . Mention some good and bad conductors of heat. 2. Who was Ben Jonson ? 3. What was the Amphictyonic Council? 4. Who was Pythagoras ? 5. Name the chief musical composers. 6. Chief events in the reign of Louis XI. of France. Theme. Sir Walter Raleigh. Lesson 73. 1. Mention the principal Grecian deities. 2. What is the difference between a simile and a metaphor ? 3. Which of the Houses of Parliament has the power of levying taxes ? 4. When did the term High and Low Church arise ? 5. Who was Plutarch ? 6. An account of the Retreat of the Ten Thousand. Theme. Christmas. Lesson 74. 1. Name the Danish kings of England. 2. Name the two great Spanish painters. 3. Who were the Dryades, Hamadryades, Nereides, and the Naiades ? 4. When did Chaucer live ? Name his chief works. LESSONS LXXV. TO LXXVII. 25 5. The chief Italian poets. 6. Name three famous astronomers cotemporaries. Theme. Heroic Women. Lesson 75. 1. Name the authors of ' Don Quixote,' ' Gil Bias,' and ' La Henriade.' 2. Who was the first person burnt for his religious opinions in England ? 3. The chief works of M. de Lamartine. 4. Who was Belisarius? 5. Name the great empires of antiquity. 6. The derivation of the names of the days of the week. Theme. Home. Lesson 76. 1. When were Westminster and Rugby Schools founded ? 2. When was the commencement of the National Debt ? 3. Who was Zenobia ? 4. What was Greek fire ? 5. How many colours are there in a rainbow ? 6. Who was Montezuma ? Theme. A Visit to the Lakes. Lesson 77. 1 . When were bells invented ? 2. Who was Crabbe ? 3. When did the rule of the Ptolemies begin and end in Egypt ? 4. Why were the Decemviri appointed ? 5. Chief events in the reign of Henry IV. 6. How do Jupiter and Saturn differ from the other planets ? Theme. A Picnic. 26 COLLEGE AND SCHOOL EXAMINER. Lesson 78. 1. The chief French poets. 2. What was the fate of Tyre ? 3. The rivers of North and South America. 4. A few particulars of New Zealand. 5. The chief events in the reign of Louis XIV. of France. 6. When was the Royal Academy founded ? Theme. Revenge. Lesson 79. 1 . Who was Fenelon ? 2. The foreign possessions of the Dutch. 3. How far are the North and South poles apart, and how far distant from the equator ? 4. Who was the first, and who the last Roman emperor ? 5. Whence comes the best statuary marble ? 6. What was the Rye-House Plot, and what noblemen suffered for their share in it ? Theme. A Sunrise. Lesson 80. 1. Whence the quotations, ' The paths of glory lead but to the grave;' 'Whatever is, is right;' and * Nothing extenuate, nor set down aught in malice ' ? 2. When did the partition of Poland take place? 3. A short account of Marius, and Sulla. 4. When was coal first used in England ? 5. Name the seven wonders of the world. 6. When did Greece fall into the power of the Turks, and when did it regain its independence ? Theme, Shakespeare. LESSONS LXXXI. TO LXXXIY. 27 Lesson 81. 1 . What was the Bastille ? 2. What Roman consuls devoted their sons to death ? 3. Who was first styled ' pope ' ? 4. The chief events of the reign of George IV. 5. Who was St. Simeon Stylites ? 6. Name the best Saxon monarchs of England. Theme. Luther. Lesson 82. 1 . Who were Du Guesclin and the Chevalier Bayard ? "2. What were the Knights Templars, and when was their Order suppressed? 3. The rivers in Asia. 4. Who were Fielding, Smollett, and Richardson ? 5. When was Calais taken, and when lost? 6. Name some celebrated women of antiquity. Theme. Genius. Lesson 83. 1. Name three famous contemporary sovereigns of the sixteenth and of the eighteenth centuries. 2. Who was Confucius ? 3. Who are the Druses and the Copts ? 4. Whence the word ' Utopian ' ? 5. What was the Areopagus ? 6. Who was the friend of Alexander the Great ? Tlteme. Spring. Lesson 84. 1. Who invented the microscope ? 2. Who was Daniel Defoe ? 3. The chief rivers of Africa. 4. What was the Massacre of Glencoe ? 28 COLLEGE AND SCHOOL EXAMINER. 5. The modern names for the ^Egean Sea, Salamis, Epirus, Macedonia, Eubcea, and Etruria. 6. Whence came the Goths, Vandals, and Huns ? Theme. Cowper. Lesson 85. 1. What is meant by the transit of a planet ? 2. A short account of the Iconoclasts. 3. Who was Croesus ? 4. Who were Dean Swift and Laurenee Sterne ? 5. Who fell in the battles of Zutphen and Lutzen ? 6. When did the Catholic Emancipation Bill pass? Theme. A House on Fire. Lesson 86. 1. When did the Thirty Years' War begin ? What was its origin ? 2. What queen of Sweden resigned the throne, to de- vote herself to literary pursuits ? 3. Who is said to have invented oil-painting ? 4. Who were the Heraclidas ? 5. The chief physicians of antiquity. 6. Where are Charleston, Venezuela, Surat, Pondi- cherry, Vera Cruz, Missolonghi, Patna, and Bukharest ? Theme. The Beau-ideal of Female Character. Lesson 87. 1 . Some account of the Dead Sea. 2. Which are the four great Jewish prophets? Name the subject of their prophecies. 3. What are the peculiarities of the climate of Aus- tralia ? 4. Who was Horace Walpole ? LESSONS LXXXVIII. TO XC. 29 5. Mention a siege in Roman history which lasted as long as that of Troy. 6. Who was Queen Blanche? Theme. On the Force of Habit. Lesson 88. 1. Mention the victories of Alexander the Great. 2. Who were the Helots ? 3. Who was the first king of Prussia ? 4. Who were Roger Bacon and Lord Bacon ? 5. On what occasion were the words, ' Veni, vidi, vici,' used? 6. Who was Prince Eugene ? Theme. A Visit to the Royal Academy. Lesson 89. 1. When did the Plague and the Fire of London occur ? 2. Of how many members does the House of Commons consist ? 3. Whence come cotton, wool, silk, sugar, tea and coffee ? 4. Name the authors of ' Hudibras,' ' The Queen's Wake,' ' The World before the Flood,' ' The Farmer's Boy,' ' Aurora Leigh,' and ' The Ballad of Babe Christabel.' 5. What diseases are prevalent in Egypt ? 6. The chief events in the reign of George II. Theme. Simplicity. Lesson 90. 1. The animals peculiar to Africa. 2. Who were the Fates, the Furies, arid the Graces? 3. When did Frcissart and Philip de Comines live ? 4. Who was Pepin le Bref ? 5. Who first granted tithes to the clergy ? 6. Who were the Incas? Theme. Autumn. 30 COLLEGE AND SCHOOL EXAMINER. Lesson 91. 1 . By whom were the Jews taken captive to Babylon ? 2. Whence the quotations, ' Standing with reluctant feet, where the brook and river meet;' ' Sermons in stones, and good in everything;' and ' But rather darkness visible served only to discover sights of Avoe ' ? 3. When were cannon and muskets introduced into England ? 4. Who was Cincinnatus ? 5. When was a standing army established ? 6. A short account of the Commonwealth. Theme. Newspapers. Lesson 92. 1 . Who was Pascal ? 2 . When was the battle of Worcester fought ? 3. Name the generals of Alexander. 4. Who first settled Cape Colony ? 5. Who was the Duke of Alva ? 6. What wars did the treaties of Versailles, Amiens, and Vienna terminate ? Theme. The Maid of Orleans. Lesson 93. 1. Why was Admiral Byng condemned to death ? 2. Who was Boccaccio ? 3. When and by whom was St. Paul's School founded .' 4. Chief events in the reign of Edward 1. 5. When Avas the first naval victory gained over the French ? 6. When did Canada first belong to Great Britain .' Theme. Duty. LESSONS XCIY. TO XCVII. 31 Lesson 94. 1. How many of the sons of Henry II. of France succeeded him ? 2. When were forks introduced into England ? 3. Who were the Seleucidas ? 4. What is musk ? whence obtained ? 5. Name the great men who lived in the reign of Louis XIV. 6. Who wrote ' La Divina Commedia,' ' La Gerusa- lemme Liberata,' and ' Orlando Furioso' ? Theme. A Wet Day in London. Lesson 95. 1. What are steppes, savannahs, pampas, and llanos? 2. What is the population of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America ? 3. What kings instituted and reformed Trial by Jury ? 4. What were ostracism and petalism ? 5. The chief events in the reign of Louis XV. of France. G. What is the Zollverein ? Theme. Raphael. Lesson 96. 1 . The chief German painters. '2. Who were Beaumont and Fletcher ? 3. Chief characters of the reign of George III. 4. Mention the heroes who took part in the siege of Troy. 5. Who was Prometheus? 6. The population of France. Theme. On Reading. Lesson 97. 1. What is the Quadrilateral ? 2. A short account of the Pyramids. 32 COLLEGE AND SCHOOL EXAMINER. 3. What two Roman emperors died at York ? 4. Where do the India-rubber, breadfruit, cocoa-nut, and Upas-trees grow ? 5. What are the Koran, the Vedas, and the Zendavesta ? 6. Why are guineas so named? Theme. Marie Antoinette. Lesson 98. 1. Whence the quotations, ' Hide their diminished heads ;' ' On hospitable thoughts intent ;' and ' Men's evil manners live in brass ; their virtues we write in water ' ? 2. What countries are subject to the simoom and the sirocco ? 3. Who was Locke ? 4. When was the Palace of the Tuileries built ? 5. What was the Walcheren Expedition ? 6. The climates of New Zealand and Tasmania. Theme. Galileo. Lesson 99. 1. The population of London and Paris. 2. Who were Don Carlos and Don Miguel? 3. The life of Mary Queen of Scots. 4. Who was the only English pope ? 5. What is meant by refraction and reflection of light ? 6. When were the battles of Narva and Pultowa fought ? Theme. Power, Lesson 100. 1 . Who were Gustavus Vasa and Gustavus Adolphus ? 2. The chief Peninsular victories. 3. A short account of Venice. 4. What were the Rebellions of 1715 and 1745 ? 5. Who is said to be the inventor of the sonnet ? 6. Who were the Venerable Bede and Alcuin ? Theme. Life of Napoleon I. Spottistcoode and Co., Printers, New-street Square and Parliament Street. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 962 935 3 I \L-I- BORROWEI LC 201;? 1868 LIBRARY USE ONLY