wmmmmm- Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/bibliographyofjaOObroorich ^X-CHANGE THE MUSEUM OF THE BROOKLYN INSTITUTE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES BIBLIOGRAPHY OF JAPAN COSTUME, ARMOR, FLOWER ARRANGEMENT, GARDENS, ARCHERY, ARCHITECTURE. GAMES, SCULPTURE BY STEWART CULIN PUBLISHED BY THE MUSEUM 1916 THE MUSEUM OF THE BROOKLYN INSTITUTE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES BIBLIOGRAPHY OF JAPAN COSTUME. ARMOR, FLOWER ARRANGEMENT, GARDENS, ARCHERY, ARCHITECTURE, GAMES, SCULPTURE BY STEWART CULIN PUBLISHED BY THE MUSEUM 1916 ,1 6f LECTURES February CIVIL COSTUME 7 Stewart Culin February 14 ARMOR Dr. Blashford Dean Curator of Arms, Metropolitan Museum of Art. February 21 FLOWER ARRANGEMENT Mary Averill Author of "Japanese Flower Arrangement." February 28 GARDENS Arthur W. Dow Director of Department of Fine Arts, Teachers College, Columbia University. March ARCHERY 6 Stewart Culin March BUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE 13 Hamilton Bell March GAMES 20 Stewart Culin March 27 SCULPTURE Hamilton Bell A list of books in European languages referring to the arts and customs of Japan, prepared with reference to a course of lectures to be delivered in the lecture hall of the Brooklyn Museum under the auspices of the Department of Ethnology of the Museum and the Committee on Literature and Art of The Japan Society, on Monday afternoons during the months of February and March, 1916. COSTUME Brinkmann, Justus Kunst und Handwerk in Japan (Die Tracht der Japaner). Berlin, 1889. Chamberlain, Basil Hall Things Japanese. London, 1890, 1892. Yokohama, 1898, 1902, 1905. (Article on dress), Conder, Josiaii The History of Japanese Costume. Court Dress. (Trans- actions of the Asiatic Society of japan. Vol. VIII, pt. III). Yokohama, 1880. Qoh, Keita Le costume japonais (Bulletin, Societe royale beige de geographic. Vol. XIV, pt, 5). Bruxelles, 1890. Os:awa, K. Japanese costumes before the restauration, photographed by K. Ogawa, Tokyo (1894). Rein, J. J. Japan : Travels and Researches, New York, 1884, (pp. 407- 410). Sekine, Masano The Evolution of Woman's Costume. (The Japan Magazine, Vol. I, No. 4). Tokyo, 1910. Tsuda. N. Ancient Costumes of the Tokyo Imperial Museum (Inter- nationales Archiv fiir Ethnographie. Bd. XIX). Leiden, 1910. Kleidunsf des Alten, Japan (Mittheilungen der deutschen Gesellshaft fiir Natur-und Volkerkunde Ostasiens. Bd, I). Yokohama, 1874. 331825 ARMOR Conder, Josiah The History of Japanese Costume. II, Armour. (Trans- actions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, Vol. IX, pt. III). Yokohama, 1881. Dean, Bashford Catalogue of the Loan Collection of Japanese Armor. The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Hand-book No. 14). New York, 1903. Garbutt, Matt Japanese Armour from the Inside. (Transactions and Proceedings of The Japan Society. London, Vol. IX). London, 1913- Qilbertson, E. (and Q. Kowaki) The Genealogy of the Miochin Family, Armourers, Sword- smiths and Artists in Iron (Xllth to XVIIIth Century). (Trans- actions and Proceeding of The Japan Society. London, Vol. I). London, 1893. Gowland, William The Dolmens and Burial Mounds of Japan. (Archaeologia, Second series. Vol. V). London, 1897. The Dolmens of Japan and their Builders. (Transactions and Proceedings of The Japan Society. London, Vol. IV, pt. III). London, 1898. Metals and Metal- working in Old Japan. (Transactions and Proceedings of The Japan Society. London, Vol. XIII, pt. I). London, 1915. (The preceding contain accounts of prehistoric armor). Hayashi, T. Histoire de I'Art du Japon. Ouvrage public par la Com- mission Imp6riale du Japon k 1' Exposition universelle de Paris, 1900. Paris, 1900, Kiimmel, Otto Das Kunstgewerbe in Japan (pp. 95-100). Berlin, 1911. Lefferts, George Morewood An Exhibition of Antique Japanese Armor from the collection of — . Union League Club, New York, 1893. Mene, Edouard Les armures japonaises et les armuriers. (Bulletin de la Soci6t6 Franco- Japonaise de Paris, II). Paris, 1903. Des modifications successives des armures japonaises. (Bul- letin de la Societe Franco-Japonaise de Paris, VIII). Paris, 1907. Catalogue des Armures Japonaises * * * * composant la Collection du Dr. Edouard Mene. Paris, 191 3. (Sale catalogue). Mosle, A. Q. Selected Illustrations of Japanese Art in the collection of — . Leipzig, 1 9 14. Miinsterberg, Oskar Japanische Kunstgeschichte, III (pp. 213-248.) Braunschweig (1907). Ogawa, K. Military costumes of Old Japan, Tokyo (1894). Tei-San (Comte de Tressan) Notes sur I'Art japonais. La Sculpture et la Ciselure, Paris, 1906. Catalogue of an Exhibition of the Arms and Armour of Old Japan, held by The Japan Society, London, in June, 1905. The Japan Society, London. Japanese Temples and their Treasures. The Shimbi Shoin, Tokyo, 19 15. FLOWER ARRANGEMENT Averill, Mary Japanese Flower Arrangement, New York, 19 13. The Flower Art of Japan, New York, 1915. Conder, Josiah Theory of Japanese Flower Arrangement (Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, Vol. XVII, pt. II). Yokohama, 1889. The Flowers of Japan and the Art of Floral Arrangement, Tokyo, 1 89 1. Floral Art of Japan, Tokyo, 1899. (A second and revised edition of the preceding works) . Kajima, S. The Art of Flower Arrangement in Japan. (Transactions and Proceeding of The Japan Society. London, Vol. V, pt. I). London, 1900. Re von, M. De Arte floreati apud Japonenses, Paris, 1896. GARDENS Conder, J. The Art of Landscape Gardening in Japan. (Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, Vol. XIV, pt. II). Yokohama, 1886. Landscape Gardening in Japan. Tokyo, 1893. Du Cane, Ella and Florence The Flowers and Gardens of Japan. London, 1908. Honda, K. Japanese Gardens. Japanese Gardens in California. (Papers read before the American Institute of Architects and edited by G, Brown). Philadelphia, 1902. Pigsrott, F. T. The Garden of Japan. London, 1896. Taylor, Mrs. Basil Japanese Gardens. London, 191 2. ARCHERY Oilbertson, E. Japanese Archery and Archers. (Transactions and Proceed- ings of The Japan Society. London, Vol. IV, pt. 11). London, 1898. Schinzingfer, D. A. Pfeil und Bogen in Japan. Die Jagd auf Hunde in alten Japan. (Mittheilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Natur-imd Volkerkunde Ostasiens, Bd. X, 2, 3). Tokyo, 1905, 1906. RELIGIOUS ARCHITECTURE Baltzer, F. Die Tempelanlage von Horiuji bei Nara in Japan. Der Yasukunitempel in Tokyo. Der modeme Tempelbau in Japan. Die Architektur der Ktdturbauten Japans. (Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung). Berlin, 1902, 1904, 1905. Conder, Josiah Notes on Japanese Architecture. (Sessional Papers, Royal Institute of British Architects, 1877-78). London, 1878. Further Notes on Japanese Architecture. The Mausoleum at Nikko. (Transactions, Royal Institute of British Architects, n. s. Vol. II). London, 1886, 1887. Cram, Ralph Adams Impressions of Japanese Architecture and the Allied Arts. London, 1906. Dresser, Christopher Japan, Its Architecture, Art, and Art Manufactures. London, 1882. Hayashi, T. Histoire de I'Art du Japan. Paris, 1900. Ito, C. Some remarks about Japanese Architecture. Architecture of various Buddhist Sects in Japan. (Hansei Zasshi, Vol. XII, pts. 2, 5), Tokyo, 1897. Munsterbergr. Oskar Japanische Kunstgeschichte, II. Braunschweig, 1905. Japanese Temples and their Treasures. The Shimbi Shoin, Tokyo, 191 5. SECULAR ARCHITECTURE Baltzer, F. Das japanische Haus. Berlin, 1903. Conder, Josiah Domestic Architecture in Japan. (Transactions Royal Institute of British Architects, n. s. Vol. III). London, 1887. Cram, Ralph Adams Japanese Domestic Interiors. (The Architectural Review, Vol. VII). London, 1900. McClatchie, Thomas R. H. The Feudal Mansions of Yedo. (Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, Vol. VII, pt. III). Yokohama, 1879. o.c/-^'^ Morse, Edward S. Japanese Homes and their Surroundings. Boston, 1886. Strangle, Edward F. Architecture in Japan. (The Architectural Review, Vol. I). London, 1897. GAMES Belshaw, C. M. Hana Fuda, the Japanese Flower Game, Yokohama, 1892. 10 Cheshire, Horace F. The Japanese Game of " Go". (Transactions and Proceed- ings of The Japan Society. Ivondon, Vol. IX, pt. III). London, 191 1. Cho-yo Japanese Chess. New York (1905). Culin, Stewart Korean Games with notes on the corresponding games of China and Japan. Philadelphia, 1895. Chess and Playing Cards (Report of the United States National Museum for 1896), Washington, 1898. Falkener, Edward Games Ancient and Oriental and how to play them. London, 1892. (Contains accounts of go and chess). Griffis, W. E. The Games and Sports of Japanese Children (Transactions of The Asiatic Society of Japan, Vol. II). Yokohama, 1874. Havilland, W. A. de The A B C of Go, Yokohama, 1910. Himly, K. Das japanische Schachspiel (Zeitschift der deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, Bd. XXXIII). Leipzig, 1879. Holtz, V. Japanesisches Schachspiel (Mittheilungen der deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Natur-und Volkerkunde Ostasiens, Bd. I, 5). Yokohama, 1874. Korschelt, O. Das " Go "-Spiel (Mittheilungen der deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Natur-und Volkerkunde Ostasiens, Bd. Ill, 21-24). Yoko- hama, 1880. II Lehmann, R. Gesellschaftsspiel der Japaner, I. Uta garuta, (Mittheilungen der deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Natur-und Volkerkunde Ostasiens, Bd. I, 30). Yokohama, 1883. Palmer, H. Spencer Hana-awase (Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, Vol. XIX, pt. III). Yokohama, 1891. Salwey, Charlotte M. On Pastimes and Amusements of the Japanese. (Trans- actions and Proceeding sof The Japan Society. London, Vol. V, pt. II). London, 1901. Smith, Arthur The Game of Go, New York, 1908. Uchiyama, R. The Game of Japanese cards, Yokohama (1892). Van Rensselaer, Mrs. J. King- Playing cards from Japan (Proceedings United States National Museum, XIII, No. 836). Washington, 1891. SCULPTURE Hayashi, T. Histoire de I'Art du Japan. Paris, 1900. Miinsterberg, Oskar Japanische Kunstgeschichte, I. Braunschweig, 1904. Tei-San (Comte de Tressan) Notes sur I'Art japonais. La Sculpture et la Ciselure. Paris, 1906. Japanese Temples and their Treasures. The Shimbi Shoin. Tokyo, 1915- 12 OVERDUE. ^° "OO ON Th/^^^/I^OUrth