a:) THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY O^ CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES I i 1 Li the following Catalogue, the mark ^ denotes that the Article to which it is prefixed is not a separate Volume. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY AT V INTERS IN KENT. 1841 LONDON : PRINTED BY LEVEV, ROBSON, AND FRANKLYN, GKEAT SEVr STREtl, FEITtll I-ANE. INTER EA OMNIA, QUANTUM KARA AUT DIVERSA, ET QVJE AD «DES ORNANDAS, VEL AD MENTEM HUMANAM EXCOLENDAM IDONEA SINT, LIBRI PR^CIPUE ^STIMARI VIDENTUR. ERRATA. 14. for Hagar rmd Hager. 17. — Harris, Tliomas M. — Uairis, Thaddeus M. 38. — Bates — Bate. 39. — Major Huntiugdon . — Major Huntington. 42. — Buigi — Bossi. 55. — Toulbridge . . . — Tonbridge. 68. — Stillingrtect (Richard) — Stillingflcct (Edward) 89. — Jolui Towers . . . — .loseph Towers. 100. — Swiiiden (Thomas) . — Swindcn (Tobias). 139. — Mandelheim . . . — Mundelhcim. 154. — Payne — Paine. 87iGG3 CATALOGUE. A. "^T^, HistoHale Description de l'Et..opie, .ad. ^ Po-.o., P^Jehan GK^rrMichad, Ch'anceUor of Sarun.), The Chureh History of Ethioj,ia.^^ A short Relation of the River Nile, of its Source and Current, and of other Curios Ue Written by an Eye-witness, wl>o lived many years m the ch.ef SgrnTof the AbysLe Empire; and translated iron, a Portugu.e Manuscript, by S"" Pe^er Wyche^ 1698-1700; translated from the French. PoNCET, A Voyage to Abyssmia, a.d. lbJ»-l/uu , ^^^^^^ T . Croze Histoire du Christianisme d'Ethiopie et d'Armenie. 12mo, 1739 L": V:;a% Abyssinia (17th century) with sundry Dissertations, ^by M Le Grand ; translated from the French. - \ ^ ' . . . ^, Ludolp„uMJ.)/a new History of Ethiopia; being a Descnptjon of the "^^ K;:^^m of Abessinia, vulgarly caUed the Empire of Prester Jc^^tnms- lated from the Latm. - - " „ ' ,-.^. CErtelius (Jo. Gott.), Theologia .Ethiopum. - - - » , ^ Bruce (James), Travels in Abyssinia, abridged by Shaw. - - ^-^^_^ Sait fHenrv), Views in India, Abyssnna, &c. - - \ , „ . !!!:livo;ige to Abyssinia, and Travels into the Interior "f^'-* ^oun^ry, HosKiNs (G. A.), Travels in Ethiopia, a.d. 1833. - - - " ^'"7 ^^r^tL Bishop of Winchester (Dr. Pretyman Tomline), in, answer to his Charge of a high-treasonable nMsdemeanour. - - 2. A Reply to Mr. Adair's Charge against the Bishop of \\ '"<^»'^^ter^^-^^ ^^^^1 Addison, Right Hon. Joseph. ^ _ 12mo, 4 vols. Miscellaneous Works. ---■'" ^El I\N. u Various History, translated from the Greek by Stanley. - - - P^" Military Tactics, translated by Lord Dill.m, witli a Preliminary Discourse, &c. ------"■■' ' B AFRICA. See Abyssinia. Egypt. Travels. Fkeigius (J. F.), Historia de Bello Africano, iii quo Sebastianus Portugalliae Rex periit, una cum ortu et famili^ Regum qui nostro tempore in illis Africffi rcgiohibus imperium tenuerunt. - - - - 8vo, 1580 Narrative of Discovery and Adventure in Africa. - - r2mo, 1830 Frejus, Voyage into Mauritania to the King of Tafiletta; translated from the French. ...... ... 12mo, 16/1 MouETTE, Relation de sa Captivite dans les Royaumes de Fezet, de Maroc, &c. &c. - - 12mo, 1683 Knight (Francis), Relation of Seaven Years Slaverie under the Turkes of Argeire, &c . . _ - 4to, 1640 Okely, His Deliverance from Slavery at Algiers. - - 12rno, 1684 RozET, Voyage dans la Regence d'Algier; ou, Desci'iption du Pays occupe par I'Armee Fran9aise en Afrique. - 8vo, 3 vols., and Atlas in 4to, 1833 Madagascar ; or, Robert Drury's Journal during Fifteen Years' Captivity on that Island. - 8vo, 1729 Albert. Les Secrets Admirables du Grand et du Petit Albert. - 12ma, 2 vols. ALBIGENSES AND WALDENSES. Chassanion (Jean), Histoire des Albigeois, touchant leur Doctrine et Religion, contre les faux bruits qui ont este semes d'eux, &c. &c. - 12mo, 1595 Petrus (Coenobii Vallis Sarnensis), Historia Albigensium, et Sacri Belli in eos anno mccix. suscepti, Duce et Principe Simone a Monte-forti, ex mss. codi- cibus in lucem nunc primum edita. - - - . 8vo, 1615 Perrin, Histoire des Vaudois et des Albigeois. _ - - 8vo, 1618 Leger, Histoire des Eglises Evangeliques des Valines de Piemont, ou Vau- doises. -...._.-- Folio, 1669 Histoire de la Persecution des Vallees de Piemont en 1686. - 12mo, 1688 Benoist (Predicateur de I'Ordre de S. Dominique), Histoire des Albigeois et des Vaudois, ou Barbets 12mo, 2 vols. 1691 Allix (Peter), Remarks on the Churches of Piedmont and of the Albigenses. 4to, 169l)-92 Gillv (Rev. W. S.), Waldensian Researches. - 8vo, 2 vols. 1827-1831 Maitland, Facts, &c. relative to the Ancient Albigenses and Waldenses. Svo, 1832 Alfieri, Vittorio. La Vita sua, scritta da esso. - - - _ . _ _ 8vo Algarotti, Francesco. Letters, Military and Political; translated from the Italian. - - 8vo ALGEBRA. See Mathematics. ALPS. AuLDjo (John), Narrative of his Ascent of Mont Blanc in 1827. - 4to Barry (Martin, m.d.), Ascent to the Summit of Mont Blanc in 1834. 8vo ALPS (continued). , . , t i Brockedon, Illustrations of the Passes of the Alps by which Italy commum- cates with France, Germany, and Switzerland. - 4to, 2 vols. 18--J De Saussure, Voyages dans les Alpes, precedes d'un Essai sur I'Histoire Na- turelle des Environs de Geneve. f 1°' ^ i «i n Simplon.— Lettres sur la Route du Simplon. - - - l-n^o, 1»1U AMBASSADORS.— See Diplomacy. AMERICA, NORTH AND SOVTR — {History, Antiquities, anelTopof/raphy.)— See Cabot. Columbus. Vespucci Amerigo. Lang, under " Pacific Ocean ;" and Arch^ologi a Americana, under " Literary Journals." Terneaux, Bibliotheque Americaine; ou. Catalogue des Ouvrages relatifs a I'Americiue qui ont paru depuis sa decouverte jusqu'a I'an IJOO. ^ 8vo, Paris, 1837 Gary and Lea, Historical and Geographical Atlas of N. and S. America. Folio, 1827 Morse, American Geography. - - - - ' " fl"' ^'^^ Herrera, General History of North and South America, translated from the Spanish by Stevens. ------- , ^".°' ^J°^ Philoponus (Honorius, Monachus S. Benedicti), Navigatio Cataloni, Abbatis Montis Serrati et Sociorum Monachorum, ad Gentes Barbaras Novi ,, ,. 8 - - - - Folio, s. 1. 1621 Mundi, &c. - - - a A } Robertson (WiUiam, d.d.), History of America. - - 8vo, 4 vols. Bartolozzi (F.), Richerche Istorico-Critiche circa alle Scoperte d Amer_igo Vespucci, &c. &c. - - 10 inC Navigationes Primse in Americam. ----- ,'f^°' ,^.,., HoRNius, De Originibus Americanis. - - - " ' -, De Laet, De Origine Gentium Americanarum. - - - .-'-•"" RANKING, On the Conquest of Mexico and Peru by the Moguls "'the 13 h . - - - 8vo, 18^7 century. ---" ^. j/-i» --- Bernal (Diaz, de Castillo, a companion of Cortesj, Discovery and Conquest of Mexico. - - - - i^>i ^^^^^ Collection, vols. 3 and 4) Cortes, Sa c'orrespondance avec Charles V, traduite de I'Espagnol. Bvo De Solis, Histoire de la Conquete du Mexique. - - 12mo, 2 vols. -;•;- Z\rate, Discovery and Conquest of Peru. {In Kerr's Collection, vols. 4 and 5) LiNATi, Costumes et Mceurs de Mexique. - - - - 4to, 1830 \ntiquitates Americans; sive, Scriptores Septentrionales rerum ante-Colum- bianarum in America. Edidit Societas Regia Antiquariorum Septentno^ ,■ .... - 4to, Hafnite, 1837 nalium. - - - 5 ./ ' De Humboldt, Condensed Narrative of his Journeys in America, by ^^ . Mac- .„. . - - - - 12mo, 1832 giUivray. . - - - ca o 1 Vues des Cordilleres, et Monumens de I'Amerique. - 8vo, 2 vols. Yues des Cordilleres, et Monumens des Peuples indigenes de I'Ame- Folio, 1810 nque. ----- AMERICA, N. & S. {continued). Guatemala, Description of Ruins there. _ . _ - 4to, 1822 Delafield (John), An Inquiry into the Origin of the Antiquities of America, with an Appendix by James Lakey, m.d. - 4to, Cincinnati, 1839 1. Williams (John), Enquiry into the Truth of the Traditions concerning the Discovery of America by Prince Madog ab Owen Gwynedd, about the year 1 IJO. ._------- 2. Further Observations on the Discovery by Prince Madog. 3. BuRDER (George), The Welch Indians. 8vo, 1791-97 Spizelius (Theophilus), Elevatio Relationis Montezinianse de repertis in Ame- rica tribubus Israelitlcis, et discussio argumentorum pro origine gentium Americanarum Israelltici, a Menasse Ben Israel conquisit. &c. 12mo, 1661 Pitman (R. B.), On the Practicability of joining the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by a Ship-canal across the Isthmus. - ,. - _ 8vo, 1825 Adair (James), History of the American Indians. - - - 4to, 1775 Lafitau, Mceurs des Sauvages Amdricains. - - - 4to, 2 vols. 1724 Long, Manners, &c. of the North American Indians. - - 4to, 1791 Hunter (John D.), Memoirs of a Captivity among the Indians from child- hood to the age of nineteen ; with an account of their Manners, &c., and of the Territory westward of the Mississippi. . - - 8vo, 1824 Halkett (John), Historical Notes respecting the Indians of North America, and on the attempts made to convert and civilize them. - 8vo, 1825 Narrative of Mrs. Mary Jemison, who was taken by the Indians a.d. 1753, and afterwards married to two Indians ; with sundry Anecdotes, &c. 12mo, 1826 Drake (Samuel G.), Biography and History of the Indians of North America, from its first discovery to the present time ; their Antiquities, Manners, Laws, &c. ..---. 8vo, Boston, U. S. 1837 Vail (E. A.), Notice sur les Indiens de I'Amerique du Nord. - 8vo, 1840 Martin (Robert M.), History of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfound- land, the Bermudas, &c. - _ _ _ . _ gvo, 1837 History of Upper and Lower Canada. - - - 8vo, 1836 Bartram, Travels in North America (1773-78). - _ _ _ gvo Carver (Jonathan), Travels through the Interior of North America (1766-67). 8vo AMERICA (The United States). Mansfield (Edward D., Counsellor at Law), The Political Grammar of the United States ; or, a complete view of the Theory and Practice of the General and State Governments, with the relations between them. 12mo, New York, 1834 Bancroft (G.), History of the United States, from the first discovery of the American Continent. - - - - 8vo, 3 vols., Boston, U. S. Bristed, America and her Resources. - . _ _ gvo, 1818 Constitutions of the United States of North America. - - 12mo, 1823 AMERICA (The United States) continued. Gordon (Thomas F.), A Digest of the Laws of the United States ; with Notes, historical and explanatory. ------ 8vo. 1830 A Summary View of America ; being the result of observations and inquiries, during a Journey in the United States, by an Englishman. 8vo, 1824 Caswall (Henry), America and the American Church. - 8vo, 1839 Bristed (John, Counsellor at Law, New York), Thoughts on the Anglican and Anglo-American Churches. ----- 8vo, 1823 The Book of Common Prayer, &c. of the Church, accordhig to the Use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. (Re- printed from the Philadelphia authorised edition.) - 12mo, 1833 The Northern Traveller : Routes to Niagara and the Coal Mines of Pennsyl- vania ; Tour of New England, &c. - - 12mo, New York, 1826 Philadelphia in 1824. I2mo Picture of New York, and Stranger's Guide to the Commercial Metropolis of the United States. ------- I2mo, n. d. Anglo-American Language : a Vocabulary thereof, by Pickering. 8vo, Boston, 1816 AMERICAN WARS WITH GREAT BRITAIN. Ramsay (David, m.d.). History of the American Revolution. - 8vo, 2 vols. Andrews (John), History of the late War. - - Svo, 4 vols. 1786 Tracts relating to America and the American War. - - 8vo, v. y. Answer to the Declaration of Congress. - - - - 8vo, 1 "76 Washington, His Official Letters to Congress. - - - 8vo, 2 vols. BoTTA (Carlo), Storia della Guerra Americana. - Svo, 3 vols. Milano, 1820 Secret Journals of the Old Congress of the United States, from 1775 to 1788. 8vo, 4 vols. Tracts relating to America and the War with Great Britain ; including Dickinson's Letters, and Thomas Paine's Common Sense. 8vo, 1774-83 Tracts relating to the American War. ----- Svo, v. y. Thomson (John), Sketches of the War between England and the United States (1812-15). ------ 12mo, PhUad. 1818 AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Allen, An American Biographical and Historical Dictionary. Svo, Boston, 1832 Henry (Patrick, of Virginia), Life of, by Wirt. . . - - gyo Washington (George, Pres. U.S.), Life of, by Marshall. - Svo, 2 vols. Jefferson (Thos., Pres. U.S.), Memoirs and Correspondence of. Svo, 4 vols. Ammianus Marcellinus. See Scriptores Hist. Roman.*:. A French Translation. .---_.. 12mo, 3 vols. ANATOMY. See Medicine. Physiognomy. Ancillon, Charles. Traite des Eunuques. - - - . . _ _ 12mo, 1707 ANECDOTES, BOOKS IN ANA, &c. &c. Anas, translated from the French. ----- 12mo, 3 vols. c 6 ANECDOTES, &c. [continued). Anecdotes, Historical and Literary. . . _ - - 8vo, 1796 AuBLET DE Maubuy, Histoirc des Denieles Litt^raires, depuis leur origine jusqu'a nos jours inclusivement. . _ - - 8vo, 2 vols. 1779 Bastien, Petit Dictionnaire d'Anecdotes. . . - I'Jmo, 3 vols. Bons-Mots, Choix de. __..-.- r2mo, 1716 BussY (Rabutin), Histoirc Amoureuse des Gaules, et les Amours des Dames illustres de France sous le regne de Louis XIV. - - 12mo, 2 vols. Gleanings ; or, a Collection of diverse remarkable Passages both ancient and moderne ; many of them relating to our late troublesome times. 12mo, 1651 DouDOTT, Biographical Extracts. _ _ _ _ . 12mo, 2 vols. Collin de Planchy, Anecdotes du Dix-neuvieme Siecle. 8vo, 2 vols. 1821 The Pleasant Art of Money-Catching, newly and fully discovered : how to pay Debts without Money; and sundry other choice Rules, by N. H. 12mo, 1684 Ens (Gaspar), Apparatus Convivialis, jucundis narrationibus, salubribus monitis, &c. &c. instructus. ------ 12mo, 1615 Deckker (T.), English Villanies : a Booke to make Gentlemen merrie, Citizens warie, and Countreymen carefull. Fit for all Justices to reade over, be- cause it is a Pilot by whom they may make strange discoveries. 4to, 1648 Gamesters and Sharpers, Memoirs of. - ... 12mo, 1744 Gascogniana ; ou, Recueil des Bons-Mots des Habitans des Bords de la Garonne, et de tons les Gascons du Monde. - - 12mo, 1809 GouLART, Thresor d'Histoires admirables et memorables. 8vo, 2 vols. 1610-28 LuPTON (Donald), Emblemes of Rarities ; or, choyce Observations out of worthy Histories, delightful and profitable to the Minde. - 12mo, 1636 King (Dr. Wm.), Political and Literary Anecdotes of his own Times. 12mo Eccentric Biography, Ancient and Modern. - - - - 12nio The Loungei-'s Commonplace-Book. - - - - gvo, 4 vols. Poggiana ; ou, la Vie, les Sentences, &c. de Poggio Bracciolini. - 12mo PoGGii Florentini Facetiarum Liber unicus. . - - 12mo, 2 vols. Richardsoniana, by the late Jonathan Richardson, Jun. Esq. 12mo, 1786 The Royal Register, with Annotations by another Hand. 12mo, 9 vols. 1779-1783 Roxburghe Revels, and other relative Papers, &c. &c. 4to, Edinburgh, 1837 Scaligeriana ----- i2ino, 1667 Seldeniana : Table-Talk, by John Selden. 12mo Seward (Wm.), Anecdotes of distinguished Persons, chiefly of the last and two preceding Centuries. ----- 8vo, 8 vols. 1804 Biographiana. ------ 8vo, 4 vols. 1799 Anecdotes, &c., of Books and Men, by the Rev. Joseph Spence ; with a Life of the Author, by S. W. Singer 8vo, 1820 Watts, Remarkable Events in the History of Man. - - 8vo, 1825 . __....- 12mo, z vols. l/oD Le VrERETMaxime Fransais ; dedie a I'Assemblee Nationale. 8vo, 2 vols. 1792 Valerianus, J. p., I j)g Literatorum Infelicitate. - - - 12ino ToLLius Cornelius, J „ Walpoliaua; and Reminiscences by Horace Walpole. - - l^mo ANGLO-SAXONS. See Beda. Verstegan, under "England Miscellaneous Antiquities." And for the Anglo-Saxon Laws, see " England, Laws Chroiron Saxonicum, nunc pvinu^m integrum edidit ac Latinum fecit Ed- mundus Gibson. ---■"' q vnU Turner (Sharon), History of the Anglo-Saxons - - «vo, ^o s. Palgrave (Francis), History of England (A.D. 446 to 1066. - 12mo L"re (Samuel), Inquiry into the Constitution of the Anglo-Saxon Goveni- SiLVETiThomas), The Communion-Service or Consecration of the jVng- Saxon Kings, as it illustrates the origin of the Constitution. » ° 1^1 L'ISLE, Monuments in the Saxon Tongue ; shewing the ^^^^^nt faith in he Ch;rch of England touching the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of ^e Lord, &c. &c. (Saxon and English). - - " ; °' Elstob (Elizabeth), An English-Saxon Homily on the Birth-day of St. Gregory, anciently used in the English-Saxon Church ; giving an Ac- count of the Conversion of the English from Paganism to Christianity.^^ T iNrARD (John), Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church. - 8vo, 1810 EdwId thb Conkes^or (Saint and King), The Life of; by Father Jerome _ _ — — 1 ^ III O J I / J- V/ SoAMES^Henry), L^'quiry'lnto 'the Doctrines of the Anglo-Saxon^ Church (Bampton Lectures for 1830). - - - , i nu^ ^ The Anglo-Saxon Church; its History, Revenues, and general Cha- ° _ _ . - - ovo, looo lNGRAT"(James),"An Inaugural Lecture on the Utility of Anglo-Saxon Literature ; with the Geography of Europe, by King Alfred. ^^^^^^ ^^^^ Henshall (Samuel), The Saxon and English Languages i"-;-*^- "^ [^^J; * Ws'AngloSaxon Grammar, "see Junius, under " England, Language BoswoRTH (J.), A Dictionary of the Anglo-Saxon Language ; -f^Jj^^^l on the Origin and Connexion of the Germanic Tongues. 8vo, London, \^S A compendious Anglo-Saxon Grammar. - - ' , " ^° Benson (Thomas), Vocabularium Anglo-Saxonicum, Mexico ^Gul.Jomneri magna parte ductius. ----"" ' 8 Annual Register. From its commencement in 1758 to 1835, with the Indexes. 8vo, 78 vols. Edinburgh. From the commencement in 1808 to 1824. - 8vo, 22 vols. Anstey, Christopher. Poetical Works. - - - -.--.-4to The Priest Dissected. - 4to Anstey, John. Pleader's Guide. ---.-..__ 12mo ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF LONDON. (^Publications by it.) Archaeologia : or. Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity. 4to, 28 vols. Miscellaneous Prints: — viz. Embarcation of Henry the Eighth in 1520; — Interview between Henry the Eighth and Francis the First; — The Fleet at Portsmouth in 1545 ; — Procession of Edward the Sixth. - Folio, v. y. The Cathedrals of Bath, Durham, Exeter, and Gloucester ; St. Alban's Abbey ; and St. Stephen's Chapel, Westminster. - Folio, 2 vols. 1795-1807 Vetusta Monumenta. _.----- Folio, 5 vols. The Bayeux Tapestry. Folio A Collection of Ordinances and Regulations for the Government of the Royal Household, made in divers Reigns : from Edward III. to William and Mary. Also, Receipts in Ancient Cookery. - - . 4to, 1790 ANTIQUITIES (Various and Miscellaneous). Burgess, On the Study of Antiquities, &c. - - - - 8vo, 1782 Resume Complet d'Archeologie. ----- I2mo, 2 vols. Pownal, On the Study of Antiquities, &c. - - - . 8vo, 1782 MiLLiN (A. L.), Introduction a I'Etude de I'Archeologie. - - 8vo Monumens inedits, on nouvellement expliques. 4to, 2 vols. 1802-6 Montfaucon, L'Antiquite expliquee et representee en Figures. Fol. 15 vols. BouLANGER, L'Antiquite d^voilee. ----- 12mo, 3 vols. D'AuTREY', L'Antiquite justifi(?e (reponse a I'ouvrage de Boulanger). I2mo Spon, Recherches Curieuses d'Antiquite. - - - _ 4to, 1683 Perizonius, Origines Babylonicae et . '^ vols. K - ^'« History of the University of Cambridge since the Contiuest, by liiomas Fuller D D - (1.1 the same volume with his Church History of Britain.) Form for' the Commemoration of Benefactors, to be used in the C\y^^^\o{ . /-, ,, - - - - 4to, lo^o Queen's College. ----- ^ Pembroke Hall: some Account of the Masters and Fellows from the Foundation of the College to a.d. 1794. cwr /t ^ (In Loder's History of FramhrKjham, kvjfolk.) KiLNER, Account of Pythagoras'sSchoolin Cambridge - - Folio Cl.RKE (E. D., ll.d.), Greek Marbles in the Public Library at Cam- _ - - - - DVO _^!^ Testimonies respecting the Statue of Ceres now at Cambridge. OVO, lolo Corpus Christ! College. For the Catalogue of the MSS. there, see Nasmith, under " Catalogues." CAMDEN SOCIETY'S PUBLICATIONS. ,. ti ■ • n • 1 Chronicon RiCARm DivisiE.s.s de Rebus gestis Ricardi Pnmi Re^is Anglise, nunc primum typis mandatum. - - ' . ' ,["' " „ 2. HistoriJ of the Arrivall of Edward IV. in England, and the finall Recou verye of his Kingdomes from Henry VI. a.d. mcccclxxi. (from a MS.^in the British Museum). - - " ' " ", ,ti- rui 3. wLkworth's Chroliicle of the first Thirteen Years of the Reign of Ed ward IV. (from a MS. in the Library of Peter House). - - 1o 4. Bimpton Correspondence: a Series of Letters written from a.o^ 1461 to A D. 1552 (now first published by the Camden Society). - 4to, 1839 5. Wi^UAM DE Rishang'e H's Chronicle of the Barons' Wars, and the Mirades of Simon de Montfort. ---■"" CANALS AND INLAND NAVIGATION. See Engineering. CARDS. r. ■ - 8vo, 1/57 Bullet, Recherches sur les Cartes a jouer. - . , „ . ,. , Singer (S. W.), On the History of Playing Cards, and Origin of Pnnting^and Engraving on Wood. - - " " ' i •)„,„' 17S0 Rive (L'Abbe), Sur invention des Cartes a jouer. ' _' *-'""' '^ S Pe GNOT (Gabriel), Recherches sur I'Origine des Cartes a jouer. - 8vo^ 1826 "^Tirtio^'rlftis Embassies to Muscovy, Sweden, and Denmark, 1663, im^ H 26 Cary, Robert, Earl of Monmouth. Memoirs of, written by Himself. .---._- 8vo Casaubon, Isaac. Epistolffi. 4to, 1656 CATALOGUES OF LIBRARIES. Abbotsford Library (Sir Walter Scott's) : Catalogue of it. - 4to, 1838 Catalogue of the Printed Books and Manuscripts in the Library of the Society of Antiquaries of London. - 4to, 1816 Catalogue of the Books relating to British Topography, and to Saxon and Northern Literature, bequeathed to the Bodleian Library at Oxford in the year 1/99 by Richard Gough. 4to, 1814 Douce (Francis), Catalogue of the Books and Manuscripts bequeathed by him to the Bodleian Library. Folio, 1840 Catalogue of the Library of the British Museum. - 8vo, 9 vols. 1813-19 Nasmith (Jacobus), Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum quos CoUegio Cor- poris Christi in Acad. Cantabrigiensi legavit Matthaeus Parker, Archiepis- copus Cantuariensis. - - ----- 4to, 1777 Catalogue of the Library of Dr. Williams, in Redcross Street, London. 8vo, 1 82 1 Currer (F. M.), Catalogue of her Library at Eshton Hall, Yorkshire. 8vo, 1833 Middle Temple Library: Catalogue of it, with the additions to a.d. 1766. 4to, 1734-66 London Institution : Catalogue of the Library there. - - 8vo, 3 vols. Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Institution in Albemarle Street, London. 8vo, 1821 St. Andrew's University: Catalogus Librorum in Bibliotheca Universitatis Andreanse. -------- Folio, 1826 Duke of Rutland's Library at Belvoir Castle : Catalogue of it. - 4to, 1827 Dr. Isaac Gossett's Library; sold 1813; priced. - . . . Svo H.R.H. the Duke of Gloucester's Libi-ary ; sold by auction 1835. - Svo Gough (Richard), Catalogue of his Library; sold by auction a.d. 1810; and the prices. ---------- gvo Farmer (Richard, d.d., Master of Emmanuel College), Catalogue of his Library ; sold by auction 1 798. - ----- gvo Bibliotheca Hanrottiana: Catalogue of the splendid Library of Philip A. Hanrott, Esq. ; sold by auction a.d. 1833 and 34. - - . gvo Bibliothecae Harleianae Catalogus : the Library of the late Earl of Oxford ; sold by auction 1743-45. Svo, 5 vols. Bibliotheca Heberiana : Catalogue of the Books, Manuscripts, Prints, Coins, &c. of the late Richard Heber, Esq. ; sold by auction 1834-37. Svo, 5 vols. Catalogue of the Duke of Roxburgh's Library; sold by auction a.d. 1812; with the prices. - ._.-...- gvo 27 CATALOGUES OF LIBRARIES (co«/m«erf). ,uoo«v« Catuloi,n,e of the Library of George Ilil.bcrt, Esq. ; sold by auction 1829. 8vo The Merly Library (Ralph WiUett's) ; .old in 1813 ; with the prices. 8vo Horsley (Samuel, Bishop of St. Asaph), Catalogue of his Library; with ^ a Memoir of him in MS. /, . t -u Samuel Parr, ll.d. (Prebendary of St. Paul's), Catalogue of his Library -, Catdc!'gue\fthe entire Library of Edward King, Esq.; sold by ^"'-•tio'^j^ February 1808. - - " ' " ',,',., iii . Maittaire (Michael), Catalogue of his large and valuable Librarj^; sold by auction 1/4!?. - - - , T^ , J ■»* 1 Catalogue of the greater portion of the Library of the late Edmund Maloue (ecUtor of Shakspeare, &c.) ; sold in 1818 ; with the prices. - 8vo Stanley, sold 1813 ; and Sir M. M. Sykes, sold 1824 ; priced. - 8vo Reed (Isaac, Editor of Shakespear), Catalogue of his Library, &c. ; sold^by auction in 1807- ,. . ' „ T r. ^ i r Roscoe (William, Author of Life of Lorenzo de' Medicis, &c.), Catalogue of his Books; sold A.D. 181(5 at Liverpool; nml priced. - - »vo Townley, Edwards, Devonshire, and Grafton ; sold 1814 and 1815 ; and ;,r.ce^ Bibliotheca Universalis Selecta; by Patterson. - - - 8vo, 178(5 Cfcil William (Lord Burgley, al. Burleigh). „ , ^ ^ •., The Life of; from an or'^inal MS. in the Library of the Ead of Exeter : witli his Character by Camden, and Memoirs of the Cecil Famiy by Ai^ur ^ . ... 8vo, London, 1/32 CoUins, Esquire. - - " Cellini, Benevenuto. . _ _ _ g,.^^ 3 ^.^i,. Opere e "Vita. - - - " CHANNEL ISLANDS. Jtol^lo Berry (William), History of the Island of Guernsey. - - 4to 1. o Dicey (Thomas), Historical Account of Guernsey, from its Settlement before the Norman Conquest to the present time. - - - l-i»0' '•'' A Guide to Jersey and Guernsey, with a Sketch of the neighbouring slands 12mo, London, I8.3;' Falle (Philip), Ca^sarea, or an Account of Jersey; with Moranf s Rema_rks on Seidell's Mare Clausmn. - - - ' .' -" "^"^ '' Le Cras, The Laws, Customs, &c. in Jersey; with Notices of t^ucrnsey, and a Commentary on certain Abuses. - - - l-''»o. London, 1839 ^"^ oTthe Character and Writings of Milton ; Analysis of the Character of Na- , Svo poleon. CHARLEMAGNE. See Eginhard, and also Turpin, under (jermani. CHARLES THE FIRST OF ENGLAND. ^^^ ^ ^^^^^ His Workes, &c. ' " a. Eikon Basilike and Basilikon Doron. 28 CHARLES THE FIRST [continued). ] . Walker (Anthony, d.d.), True Account of the Author of a Book, enti- tuled EiKoav BacriKtKrj. ......... 2. The same examined by Thomas Long, b.d., and demonstrated to be false, impudent, and deceitful. - \ 3. Truth brought to Light, or the gross Forgeries of Dr. Hollingworth, and a manifest Proof that Dr. Gauden was the Author of Icon Basilice ; in a Letter from Lieut.-General Ludlow to Dr. Hollingworth. . . . 4to, 1692-93 Salmasius, Defensio Regis Caroli Primi. - . - - 12uio, 1649 The Royall Martyr ; or. King Charles the First no Man of Blood, but a Martyr for his People : being a brief Account of his Actions from the beginnings of the late unhappy Warrs, untill he was basely butchered, to the odium of Religion and scorn of all Nations. (Written by Fabian PhiUips.) 8vo, 1660 Memoirs of the Two last Years of Charles the First, by Sir Thomas Herbert. 8vo Letter to a Clergyman relating to his Sermon on the 30th of January ; being a complete Answer to all Sermons in the like strain on that Anniversary. 12mo, 1760 The None-such Charles his Character ; extracted out of divers originall Dis- patches, &c. &c. Published by Authority. - 12mo, Lom^/ow, 1651 (For Lives of Charles the First, see Harris, under " History of England," and also Lilly, under " Biography.") CHARLES THE SECOND OF ENGLAND. 1 . Copies of Two Papers written by the late King Charles the Second, and of one by the late Duchess of York. Published by his Majesties com- mand. ---------- -- 2. Answer to some Papers lately printed. . - - - - - 4to, 1686 EUcnv BaaiXiKrj Aevripa: the Portraicture of his Sacred Majesty Charles the Second, with his Reasons for turning Roman Catholic. Published by King James. 8vo, 1694 Boscobel ; or, an Account of the Preservation there of Charles the Second in the year 1651. - - 12mo (For a Life of Charles the Second, see Harris, under " History of England ;" for an Account of his Escape from Worcester, &c., see Tracts, No. I.; and for Father Hudlestone's Account of his Death, see Popery.) ^ A short History of his Royall Maj est}-, our most gracious Soveraign Charles the Second. 8vo, 1660 (In the same volume with Fabian Phillips's Account of Charles the First.) CHARLES THE FIFTH (EMPEROR). Mameranus, Electio et Coronatio Imp. Caroli V. - - - 12mo ViLLAGNON (Nicholas), Caroli V. Expeditio in Africam ad Argieram. 12mo, 1542 29 CHARLES THE FIFTH {continued). Sandoval, History of the Emperor Charles the Fifth, translated from the Spanish. - - .-..--_- 8vo Historia Captivitatis Francisci Primi, Regis Galliae; necnon Vitse Caroli V. in Monasterio : addita Relatio Vitae Mortisque Caroli Infantis, Philippi IT. Filii; auctore L. de Cabrera. _ - _ . I2mo Robertson (William, d.d.), History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles the Fifth. - 8vo, 4 vols. 1. Edictum Imperiale Caroli V. contra Martinum Lutherum et Libros ejus, eorumque Impressores. - - - - - - - 1.521 2. Legatio ad invietum Caesarem, divuni Carolum, Regem Hispaniarum, a reverendissirais et illustrissimis Prineipibus S. Rom. Imperii Electoribus. 1519, 4to CHARLES THE TWELFTH (SWEDEN). Life of, by Alderfeld. - ------ 8vo, 3 vols. Voltaire, Histoire de Charles XII, Roi de Suede. - - - 12mo Remarques du Comte Poniatowski sur I'Histoire de Charles XII, par M. de Voltaire. ----_-.-_ 12mo, 1741 Theyes (W.), Memoires pour servir a I'Histoire de Charles XII, contenant ce qui s'est passe pendant son sejour dans I'Empire Ottoman, &c. &c. 8vo, a Leyde, 1722 Anecdotes de son sejour a Bender, par le Baron de Fabrice. - - 8vo CHARTERS. ^ Blackstone (Sir William), History of the Charters. (In his Laiv Tracts.) Magna Charta, History and Defence of. - - - - gvo, 1769 Thomson (Richard), An Historical Essay on the Magna Charta of King John; with that and other Charters, and explanatory Notes, &c. 8vo, 1829 Chatterton. Life of, by Dr. Gregory; with a Summary of the Controversy respecting Rowley's Poems. --------- 8vo Cheke, Sir John (Tutor to Edward VI., and Professor of Greek, Cambridge.) The Life of him, by John Strype. ------- 8vo CHEMISTRY, MINERALOGY, GEOLOGY, AND THEORY OF THE EARTH'S FORMATION. See Volcanos. Bergman, The Usefulness of Chemistry. - - - - 8vo, 1784 Thomson (Thomas), History of Chemistry. - - 12mo, 2 vols. 1830 A System of Chemistry. ----- 8vo, 2 vols. 1832 Basil (Valentine), His last Will and Testament ; with his Manual Opera- tions, &c. - 12mo, 1670 Lavoisier, Elements of Chemistry; translated from the French. 8vo, 1790 Ure (Andrew), Chemical Dictionary. ------ 8vo AccuM (Frederick), Description of the Process of manufacturing Coal Gas for lighting Streets. - ------ 8vo, 1819 30 CHEMISTRY, &c. &c. {continued). Babington, New System of Mineralogy, in the form of a Catalogue. 4to, 1799 KiDD (John), Outlines of Mineralogy. - - - - 8vo, 2 vols. 1809 AiKiN, A Manual of Mineralogy. _ - - . - ISnio, 1814 Werner, External Character of Minerals, translated from the German by Wever. ----------- 8vo AccuM, Elements of Crystallography. ----- 8vo, 1813 Mawe (John), Treatise on Diamonds and other Precious Stones. - 8vo Chenevix (Richard), Observations on Mineralogical Systems. - 8vo, 181 1 1 . The Laws of Art and Nature in knowing, assaying, &c. of Metals ; trans- lated from the German of Lazarus Erckern. _ - - - - 2. Essays on Metallic Words, composed as a Dictionary to Lazarus Erckern. , By Sir John Pettus. --------- Folio, 1683 Specimens of British Minerals in the Cabinet of P. Rashleigh, Esq. 4to, 1797 and 1802 SowERBY, British Mineralogy. ------ 8vo, 6 vols. Exotic Mineralogy. - 8vo, 2 vols. Mineral Conchology of Great Britain - - - 8vo, 2 vols. Parkinson, Organic Remains of a former World. - - 4to, 3 vols. Introduction to the Study of Fossil Organic Remains. 8vo, 1830 Pidgeon, Fossil Remains of the Animal Kingdom. - . - 8vo SovLAViE, Sur I'Histoire Naturelle de la Mer Mediterranee. - - Svo BucKLAND (William, d.d.), Vindicise Geologicae. - - . 4to, 1820 Reliquiae Diluvianae. ------ 4to, 1824 (See RuTTER, under " Somersetshire," and Eastmead, under " Yorkshire.") Geological Tracts by various Authors. - Svo Cuvier, Theory of the Earth, translated from the French. - - Svo Whitehurst, Theory of the Earth. 4to, 1792 Welch, New Theory of the Earth, in unison with the Mosaic Account of the Creation Svo, 1821 Maillet, Telliamed, or Discourses on the Diminution of the Sea, Formation of the Earth, &c. &c., translated from the French. - - Svo, 1750 Burnet (Thomas), Sacred Theory of the Earth. - - Svo, 2 vols. Whiston (Rev. William), A New Theory of the Earth. - - Svo Kircher (Athanasius), Mundus Subterraneus : quo divinum subterrestris mundi opificium, universae denique naturae majestas et divitia exponuntur. Folio, 1665 Ray (John, f.r.s.). Physiological Discourses on the Deluge, &c. &c. - Svo Concerning Earthquakes ; with historical relations respecting them : and an account of that one which happened in Norway in the year 1657; trans- lated by D. Collins from the Danish of Peterson Eschott. I2mo, 1663 TouLMiN (G. H.), The Antiquity and Duration of the World. Svo, 1780 31 CHEMISTRY, &c. &c. {continued). Murray (John), Comparative View of the Huttoiiian and Neptunian Systems of Geology; in answer to the Ilkistrations of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth by Professor Playfair. 8vo, 1802 CHESHIRE. See " Cheshire," in Lysons's Magna Britannia. Chester (City of). History of it from its Foundation to the present time, by Joseph Hemingway. ------ 8vo, 2 vols. 1831 CHESS. Twiss, Anecdotes concerning the Game of Chess. - - 8vo, 2 vols. ViLLOT, Origine Astronomique du Jeu des Echecs. - - 8vo, 1825 Severing, La Philosophia ; ovvero il Perche degli Scacchi. - 4to, 1690 LucENA, Repeticion de Amores, y Arte de Axedrez. 4to (sine anno; circa 1495.) Cesole, Sopra il Giuoco degli Scacchi. . - - - 12mo, 1534 Damiano, Libro da imparare giochare a Scacchi. 4to, 1512, and 12mo, 1524 Lopez, II Giuoco degli Scacchi, trad, da Gio Tarsia. - - 4to, 1583 A French Version. 4to, Paris, 1609 Gianutio, II Giuoco degli Scacchi. ----- 4to, 1597 Carrera (D, Pietro), II Giuoco degli Scacchi. - 4to, Militello, 1617 Selections from Carrera's Treatise on Chess, by W. Lewis. 8vo, 1822 Porto (Antonio, gentil'huomo di Corte del Duca di Savoia), Modo facile per imparar presto di giocar a Scacchi. - - 12mo, Bologna, 1607 Salvio, II Puttino, &c. &c. 4to, 1634 Scacchi, An old ms., without a date. ------ 4to Barrier, Game of Chesse Play. ----- 12mo, 1640 Greco, Le Jeu des Eschets, trad, de I'ltalien. - - 12mo, 1741 Royal Game of Chesse Play. ----- 12mo, 1656 Jeux Partis des Eschez. Printed at Paris by Denis Janot. Small 4to, n. d. PiACENZA, I Campeggiamenti degli Scacchi. - - 4to, Torino, 1683 Stamma (P., a native of Aleppo), Treatise on Chess. - - 12mo, 1745 His Situations (in French). ----- 12mo, 1777 His Situations (in Diagrams, by Lewis). - - - 12nio Bertin, Directions for Playing at Chess. - . - - 12mo, 1735 LoLLi, II Giuoco degli Scacchi. . . - - - Folio, 1763 PoNZiANi, II Giuoco degli Scacchi. - - - 8vo, 1st edition, 1769 Second Edition. - - 8vo, 1782 Traite sur les Echecs, par une Society d' Amateurs. - 12mo, Paris, 177^ Philidor, Treatise on Chess. ------ 8vo, 1790 Stein, Le Jeu des Echecs. - - - - 8vo, a La Haye, 1789 Cozio, II Giuoco degli Scacchi. - - - 8vo, 2 vols. Torino, 1766 Le Palamede, Revue Mensuelle des Echecs. - 8vo, 3 vols. 1837-40 Selection of Fifty Games from those played by the Automaton Chess-Player in London during the year 1820. ------ I2mo Sarratt (J. H.), Treatise on Chess. - - - 8vo, 2 vols. 1808 32 CHESS {continued). Sarratt (J. H.), His Posthumous Treatise on Chess. - 8vo, 2 vols. 1821 Translation of Damiano Lopez and Salvio. - - - Svo Translation of Gianutio and Gustavus Selenus. - Svo, 2 vols. CiccoLiNij II nuovoTesoro degli Scacchi. - 12mo, 2 vols. Roma, 1827 Walker (George), Selection of Games played by the late Alexander M'Don- nel, Esq. - - - Svo A New Treatise on the Game of Chess. - - - I2mo, 1841 Elemens Theoriques et Pratiques du Jeu des Echets, avec des Reflexions rela- tives a ce Jeu. - - 8vo, Paris, 1810 Essays on Chess, adapted to the European Mode of Play, by Trevangadacharya Shastree, translated from the Sanscrit. - - 4to, Bombay, 1814 Cancellieri (F.), II Giuoco degli Scacchi ; Trattatello tradotto dall' Inglese : giuntavi la Biblioteca ragionata degli Scrittori del Giuoco stesso. ]2mo, Venezia, 1824 DuccHi, II Giuoco degli Scacchi ridotto in Poema Eroico. - 4to, 1607 CHINA. Du Halde, Description of China, translated from the French. Folio, 2 vols. 1738-41 Grosier, Description of China, translated from the French. - Svo, 2 vols. Webb (John), The Antiquity of China ; an Essay endeavouring a probability that the Chinese was the Primitive Language spoken throughout the world before the confusion of Babel. _ . - . 12mo, 1678 Hager (Jos.), On the Elementary Characters of the Chinese Language. Fol. De Guignes, Memoire sur les Chinois. ----- 12nio The Plates to his " Voyage a Peking." - - - Folio, 1784 KiRCHER (Jesuit), La Chine Illustree, translated from the Latin. Folio, 1670 Semedo (Alvarez, a Portuguese who resided in China for Twenty-two years). History of the Great Monarchy of China, translated from the Portuguese ; to which is added, the History of the late Conquest of China by the Tartars. --------- Folio, 1655 De Rougement (Societatis Jesu), Historia Tartaro-Sinica curiosa, complectens ab anno 1660 aulicam bellicamque inter Sinas disciplinam, sacrorum jura, Christianae religionis prospera adversaque, &c. - 12mo, Lovanii, 1673 Martini (a Jesuit), Sinicse Historiae Decas prima, res a gentis origine ad Christum natum in extreme Asii, sive magno Sinarum iniperio gestas complexa. - - ----- 4to, MonacM, 1658 Relations of Embassies to China by the Dutch East India Company, translated by John Ogilby. ------ Folio, 2 vols. 1671-72 The Punishments of China. --.... Folio, 1801 Alexander (William), Costume of China. . - - - 4to, 1804 Abel (C. m.d.. Naturalist, &c. to Lord Amherst's Embassy), Narrative of a Journey in China; and of a Voyage to and from that country. 1816-17, &c. &c. 4to 33 CHINA (continued). , • t j v MoKRisoN (Robert), Memoir of the principal Occurrences during Lord Am- herst's Embassy to China in 1816. ^'" AuBER, Outline of the Government, Laws, &c. of China, and of the Bntish and other Embassies to that Empire, &c. - - - ovo, 1834 CHIVALRY. See Knighthood. CHRIST. , ^, _ . ^ Peignot (G.), Recherches Historiques sur la Personne de Jesus-Chnst ; sur celle de Marie ; etsur les deux Genealogies du Sauveur, et sur sa Famille. Svo, 1821) Butler (John, b.d.), XptaroXoyla, or a true Account of the Year, Moneth, Day, and Minute, of the Birth of Jesus Christ; the same proved by the unerring Canons of Astrology. 12mo, 1671 Masson (John, Ecclesia; Angl. Presb.), Jani Templum Christo nascente 12mo, I7"0 reseratum. - - - ' ' Selden (John), On the Birth-day of Jesus Christ. - - »vo, OD Allix (Peter), De Messise Adventu duplici. - - - - ^^O' ^i.'^j De Anno et Mense Natali Jesu Christi. - - - 8vo, 1/11 Benson (Christopher), Chronology of the Life of Christ. - 8va, 1819 CHRISTINA, QUEEN OF SWEDEN. Arckenholtz, Meinoires concernant Christine, Reine de Suede. 4 vols. 4to, 1751-59 ^% Christina (Queen of Sweden), Her Letters. (In the same volume with those of Mary Queen of Scots.) History of (bearing the name of John Burbery ; but apparently trans- lated from the Italian of Count Galeazzo Gualdo). - 12mo, 1658 CHRONOLOGY.— See History. CHURCH HISTORY. See Councils. Heresies. Religious Sects. Poferv. Dalrymple. Dowling (J. G.), Introduction to the Study of Ecclesiastical History, and a short Notice of the Sources of the History of the Church. - 8vo, 18:38 EusEBius, Ecclesiastical History, translated from the Greek. - Folio, 1709 D.I Pin (L E.), Nouvelle Bibliotheque Historique des Auteurs Ecclesiastuiues et de leurs Ouvrages. 4to, 6 vols. 1693-1715 Bingham (Rev. Joseph), Antiquities of the Christian Church; together with , . ,, ,,T , ... - - 8vo, 9 vols, his other VV orks. - - - ' Cave (William), Lives of the Apostles and Fathers. - - l-oho, lb// , Primitive Christianity. " ^^O' ^^^ Priestley (Rev. Joseph, ll.d.). History of the Corruptions of Christianity. 8vo, 2 vols. 1792 Sedulius (CiElius), Carmen Paschale, cum^lii Antonii Nebrissensis interpre- tatione nuper excusum. 4to, Granat a I. >o3 Abdi^e (Babyloni,'e primi Episcopi ab Apostolis constituti), De Historift Lej- taminis Apostolici libri x., Julio Africano interprete. - 8vo, Pans. 15/ 1 CHURCH HISTORY— [continued). MosHEiM, Ecclesiastical History, translated by Maclaine. - - 8vo De Rebus Christianorum ante Constantinum magnum Commentarii. 4to, Helmstad. 1753 Weismann (Christ. Eber.), Tntroductio in memorabilia ecclesiastica Historiae sacrae Novi Testamenti, maxime vero Seculorum primorum et novissimo- ruin, &c. 4to, 2 vols. Stutyard. 1718-19 Reeve (Rev. Joseph), A short View of the History of the Christian Church, from its first establishment to the present century. - 8vo, Dublin, 1837 JoRTiN (John, D.D.), Remarks on Ecclesiastical History. - 8vo, 3 vols. Robinson (Rev. Robert), Ecclesiastical Researches. 4to, Camhridge, 1792 HoBBEs (Thomas), A true Ecclesiastical History, from Moses to the time of Luther, in Verse ; translated from the Latin. _ _ _ 8vo, 1722 MiLNER (Joseph), History of the Church of Christ, to 1520; continued to the present time by T. Haweis. -_..._ gyo, 1835 Campbell (George, d.d., Aberdeen), Lectures on Ecclesiastical History. 8vo GiESELER (J. C. J.), Text-Book of Ecclesiastical History, translated from the German by F. Cunningham. ----- 8vo, 3 vols. 1836 ^ Victor Uticensis, Historia Persecutionis Africse a Regibus Vandalorum, Sec. V. post Christum natum. (In Opus Historiarmn.) Gerdesius (Daniel), Introductio in Historiam Evangelii Secvilo xvi. passim per Europam renovati, Doctrinaeque Reformatae. 4to, 2 vols. Groninga, 1744-46 Histoire du Wiclefianisme ; on, de la Doctrine de Wiclef, Jean Hus, et Jerome de Prague ; avec celle des Guerres de Boheme qui en ont et^ les suites (attribuee a Ant. Varillas). . - - - 12mo, a Lyon, 1682 A short History of the first Beginning and Progress of the Protestant Religion, gathered out of the best Protestant Writers. . - - 12nio, 1753 State of the Church of Rome when the Reformation began, as it appears by the advices given to Paul III. and Julius III. by creatures of their own. 4to, London, 1688 DuTENS, De I'Eglise, du Pape, de quelques Points de Controverse, et des Moyens de Reunion entre toutes les Eglises Chretiennes. - 8vo, 1783 BossuET (Eveque de Meaux), Histoire des Variations des Eglises Protestantes. 12mo, 2 vols. The Canonical Codes of the Primitive and Universal Church, translated from the original Greek ; being the Second Volume of the Clergjanan's Vade- Mecum, by Johnson. ------ 12mo, 1714 Anecdotes Ecclesiastiques, contenant la Police et la DiscipHne de I'Eglise Chretienne, depuis son etablissement jusqu'au xi siecle, les intrigues des Eveques de Rome, &c., tirees de I'Histoire de Giannone. - 12mo Barrowe (Henry, executed at Tyburn a.d. 1593), A briefe Discovery of the false Churches, wherein the Rights of the Christian Church are further asserted by the Holy Scripture. - - - 8vo (2d edition), I707 35 CHURCH mSTOUY— {continued). o . ,-nn RozET Veritable Ori^iue des Biens Ecclesiastiques. - 8vo, Pans, 1/90 Quadruvium Ecclesie, quattuor Prelatorum officium, quibus om.us annua subjicitur. - - - 4to, Paris, a Giil. Eustace impressus, lo(«) Hooker (Richard), His Ecclesiastical Polity ; abridged by llenunings. Svo, 1 / / •' A Dip-pst of Hooker's Treatise on the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity, by J. B. Smith. - - - ■ f I HicKES (George, d.d.), Treatises on the Priesthood, and the Dignity of the Episcopal Order; in answer to Matthew Tindal's Book on « the Rights of the Christian Church." ------- ^vo, 1707 Cartwright (Thomas), A Directory of Church Government anciently con- tended for, and, as farre as the Times would suffer, practised by the first Non-conformists in the dales of Queen Elizabeth. - - 4to, 1G44 A Dialogue betwene a Knyght and a Clerke, concernynge the Power Spiritual and Temporall. Printed by Thomas Berthelet. - 12mo, I,o»rfo«, s. a. Potter (John, Archbishop of Canterbury), A Discourse of Church Govern- ment, with Notes by Crosthwait, of Trinity College, Dublin. 8vo, London, 1839 Thorndike (Herbert, d.d.), Of the Government of Churches: a Ui^^o^";^^ pointing at the Primitive Form. ----- 1 -mo, 1041 King (Lord Chancellor), On the Government, Discipline, &c. of the Primitive Church. - - - , , , y-w J • • An impartial View and Censure of the Mistakes propagated for the Ordainmg Power of Presbyters in Lord King's Work on the Constitution, &c. of the Primitive Church. - " V^ ScL\TER, Original Draught of the Primitive Church. - - 8vo, 1/-/ A clear Account of the ancient Episcopacy, proving it to have been Parochial, and therefore inconsistent with the present model of Diocesan Episcopacy. 8vo, 17 1- A Discourse, shewing who they are that are now qualified to administer Baptism and the Lord's Supper; wherein the Cause of Episcopacy is ,.„.., __---- 4to, 1098 briefly stated. - - ^ , . o /i • s Jeanes Henry, Minister of God's Word at Chedzoy m Sommersetslnre), The Want of Church Government no warrant for a totall Omission of the Lord's Supper. ------ ^^uu., 0,/ordWo3 Erastus Junior; or, a fatal Blow to the Clergie's Pretensions to Divine Right &c &c. In two Parts : the one demonstrating it to an Episcopal, the other to a Presbyterian Minister. By Josiah Web, a serious detester of the dregs of the Antichristian Hierarchy yet remaining among us. 4to, l(i(5() Warburton (Bishop of Gloucester), The Alliance between Church and State; or the Necessity of an Established Religion and Tests demonstrated. ' ■ 8vo, 17 36 CHURCH HISTORY— {coniimed). Peirce (James), Presbyterian Ordination proved regular (an Ordination Ser- mon). ------..__ 8vo, I7I6 Forrester (Thomas, St. Andrew^s), The Hierarchical Bishops' Claim to Divine Right tried at the Scripture bar. - - 4to, EdtJiburgh, 1699 ■^ The uninterrupted Succession of the Ecclesiastical Mission asserted, &c. &c. 8vo, London, 171/ (In the same volume with Moses Marcus's Reasons for leaving the Jewish Religion.) HoADLEY (Bishop of Winchester), A brief Defence of Episcopal Ordination, &c. 8vo, 1707 Owen (Charles), Validity of the Dissenting Ministry ; or, the Ordaining Power of Presbyters evinced from the New Testament and Church History. 8vo, I7I6 Calamy (Edmund, d.d.), The Ministry of Dissenters vindicated (an Ordina- tion Sermon). - -..-._- gvo, 1724 Mason (J. M., of New York), The Claims of Episcopacy refuted; with an Introduction and Appendix by Blackburn. ... 12mo, 1838 Perceval (Hon. and Rev. A. P.), An Apology for the Doctrine of Apostolical Succession. - - --.... 12mo, 1839 Powell (Thomas, a Wesleyan Minister), An Essay on Apostolical Succession, against the exclusive and intolerant schemes of Papists and High-Church- men. 8vo, 1840 Bona (S. R. E. Cardinalis), Rerum Liturgicarum libri duo, &c. &c. 4to, 1678 A Collection of the principal Liturgies used in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, particularly the ancient ; translated by several hands ; with a Dissertation upon them by Thomas Brett, ll.d. - - . 8vo Renaudot (E.), Liturgiarum Orientalium Collectio. - 4to, 2 vols. I7I6 Priestley (Rev. Joseph, ll.d.), Forms of Prayer, and other Services; for the use of Unitarian Societies. ----- gvo, 1783 1. A Christian Liturgy; or, a devout and rational Form of Worship, com- posed chiefly out of the Scriptures and the most ancient Liturgies ; with Observations upon the Liturgy of the Church of England. Belfast, 1741 \ 2. The Primitive Liturgy and Eucharist, according to the Institution of Christ and his Apostles. For the use of the Oratory. - - I727 8vo Martene (Edmundus), De antiquse Ecclesiffi Ritibus : accedunt tractatus de antiqua Ecclesiae Disciplini in divinis celebrandis officiis, de Monachorum Ritibus, et manuscriptorum opusculorum ad Monachorum Ritus Appendix. Folio, 2 vols. 1788 History of ancient Ceremonies in the Church. ... 12mo, 1669 MoRiNUS (Joannes), Commentarius de sacris Ecclesiffi Ordinationibus, secun- dum antiquos et recentiores Latinos, Grsecos, Syros, et Babylonios. Folio, Parisiis, 1655 37 CHURCH HISTORY — {continued). HicKERiNGiLL (Rev. E., Rector of All Saints', Colchester), The Ceremony- », ----- 8vo, 17^'^ Monger. - - - - >» • i DoDWELL (Henry), Treatise concerning the Lawfulness of Instrumental Musick TT 1 r\ca ----- 8vo, 17W in Holy Offices. - - - " ' ' A Discourse concerning the Use of Incense in Divine Offices ; shew- in et Palavicinus), auctore Caesare Aquilinio. - - 12mo, Amst. 1GG2 Du-Pix (L. E.), Histoire du Concile de Trente, ct des clioses qui se sont passees en Europe touchant la Religion depuis la Convocation de ce Concile jusqu'a sa fin. ... \'2mo,2 \o\s. Bruxelles, \7'2\ Trent, Council of, Sarpi's History of it ; translated from the Italian. Folio Nomina, Patrite, &c., Patrum qui convenerunt ad Concilium Tridentinum : his accedunt Orationes a Legatis et Oratoribus habitse. - 12mo, 15(53 Lettres et Memoires de F. de Vargas, et de quelques Eveques d'Espagne touchant le Concile de Trente; trad, de I'Espagnol par M. le Vassor. 8vo, 1700 Gentilletus (Innocentius, J. C. Delphinensis), Examen Concilii Tridentini, in quo demonstratur in multis articulis hoc Concilium antiquis Conciliis et Canonibus regiasque authoritati contrarium esse. - 8vo, 1678 Geddes (Rev. Michael), The Council of Trent no free Assembly ; published from the original MS. in Spanish, with an Introductory Discourse con- cerning Councils, shewing how they were brought under bondage to the Pope. - - 8vo, 1697 Concilii Tridentini Canones et Decreta. ----- 12mo Mendham (Rev. Joseph), Memoirs of the Council of Trent - 8vo, 1834 COURTENAY, HoUSe of. Du BoucHET, Histoire Genealogique de la Maison Royale de Courtenay. Folio, 1661 Courtney, the illustrious House of; Genealogical History of it, by E. Cleave- land. ---------- Folio, 1735 Families of Courtenay and Tracy, a short Memoir of, &c. &c. 8vo, 1796 Cranmer, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury. A Vindication of Archbishop Cranmer, and therewith of the Reformation in England, against some of the allegations recently made by Lingard, Milner, and Charles Butler. ----- 12mo, London, 1826 His Remains ; collected and arranged by the Rev. Henry Jenkyns. 8vo, 4 vols. 1833 The Life of Cranmer ; by the Rev. John Strj^je. - - - 8vo, 2 vols. Cromwell, Oliver {and his Family). Memoirs of the House of Cromwell, by the Rev. Mark Noble. 8vo, 2 vols. Richards (William), A Review of the Rev. Mark Noble's Memoirs of the Protectoral House of Cromwell, in which numerous errors are pointed out, &c. &c. -------- Hvo, Lynn, 1787 History of the Life and Death of his most Serene Highness Oliver, late Lord Protector, by S. Carrington. 8vo, 1659 Critical Review of the Life of Oliver Cromwell. - - - 8vo, 1739 (See Harris for a Life of Oliver Cromwell ; and in Nichols' Bib. Top. Brit. vol. vi. is a genealogical account of the Cromwell family.) N 46 CRUSADES. See Bruns, in Tracts, No, II. Lemoine (J. J.), Discours sur la Question, Quelle a ete I'influence des Croisades sur les Peuples de I'Europe ? - - - . 8vo, 1808 Fuller (Thomas, d.d.), The Historie of the Holy Warre. - Folio, 1639 CUMBERLAND. See " Cumberland," in Lysons's Magna Britannia. Wilkinson (Rev. Joseph), Select Views in Cumberland, Westmoreland, and Lancashire. - --.--__ Folio, 1810 Hutchinson (William), History of Ciunberland, and some places adjacent. 4to, 2 vols. 1794 History of the City of Carlisle. - - - . 4to, 1796 Cumberland, Wm. Aug. Duke of, (Son of King George II.). The Life of, by Andrew Henderson. - . . . . 8vo, 1766 CYCLOPIAN REMAINS. Dodwell (Edward), Cyclopian Remains in Greece and Italy. Folio, 1834 See Middleton and Micali, under " Italy." Cyprianus (Carthaginiensis Episcopus), Opera omnia, accessit Tractatus J. Firmici Materni de errore profanarum Religionum. ..... 8vo D. DALMATIA. FoRTis, Travels in Dalmatia ; translated from the Italian. - 4to, 1778 Adam (Robert), Ruins of Diocletian's Palace at Spalatro. - Folio, 1764 Dalrymple, Sir David (Lord Hailes) . 1. Account of the Martyrs at Smyrna and Lyons in the second century. 2. Remains of Christian Antiquity. ----.... 3. The Address of Q. Sept. TertuUian to Scapula TertuUus, Proconsul of Africa. --..--.-.... 4. Disquisitions concerning the Antiquities of the Christian Church. - In all, 5 vols. 12mo, 1776-1790 Octavius ; a Dialogue, by Marcus Minutius Felix ; translated by Sir D. Dal- rymple. --.. 12mo, 1781 Remarks on the History of Scotland. ..... 12mo Memorials and Letters relative to the History of Britain in the Reigns of James and Charles the First. ..... 8vo, 2 vols. An Inquiry into the Secondary Causes which Mr. Gibbon has assigned for the rapid growth of Christianity. ..... 4to, I786 Dares Phrygius et Dictys Cretensis, De Bello et Excidio Troiae. - - ..... I2mo Davanzati, Bernardo. 1. Scisma d' Inghilterra. 2. Lezione delle Monete ; Notizia di Cambi. 3. Orazione in Morte di Cosimo I. : con altre operette. - 8vo, 1807 Davy, Sir Humphry, p.r.s. Memoirs of his Life, by his Brother, John Davy, m.d. - - 8vo, 1839 47 DEATH. Whiter, (Rev. Walter), Dissertation on the Disorder of Death, &c. &c. 8vo, 1819 DEATH (THE DANCE OF, &c. &c.). Le Trioniphe de la Mort, dit de Holbein. 4to Douce (Francis), The Dance of Death ; with a Dissertation on the several Representations of that Subject. ----- 8vo, 1833 Peignot (Gabriel), Recherches Historiques et Litteraires sur les Danscs des Morts. - - - - 8vo,1826 Dekker, Thomas. English Yillanies, &c., with a Canting Dictionary. - 4to, London, 1648 The Gull's Hornbook : Stultorum plena sunt omnia. - 4to, Bristol, 1812 (A rejirint from the original edition of 1609.) DENMARK, NORWAY, AND THE FEROE ISLANDS. See Iceland. Scandinavia. Lacombe. Travels. Sweden. Saxo Grammaticus, Historia Danica. - - . - Folio, 1576 Malling, Traits Memorables tires de I'Histoire de Dannemarc - 8vo Historiaj et Antiquitates Danicae (sc. de Holgero Dano, de Armillis Vcterum Historia Krolfi Krakii, et Hist. Antiq. Viidandise, seu partis Aniericae Septentrionalis). --------- 8vo Northern Antiquities, with the Edda ; translated from the French of Mallet, by Bishop Percy. 8vo, 2 vols. Wheaton, History of the Northmen, or Danes and Normans, from the earliest times to the Conquest of England by William of Normandy. 8vo, 1831 Sturleson (Snorro), Historlse Regum Septentrionalium ; edidit, notisque illustravit Johannes Peringskiold Folio, 1697 ToRF.EUS, Historia Rerum Norwcgicarum. - Folio (the 4 vols, in 2), 1711 Ramus (Jonas), Nori Regnum, hoc est, Norvegia Antiqua ct Ethnica; sive. Histories Norvegicae prima initia, a primo Norvegite Rege, Noro, usque ad Haraldum Harfagerum. . - - - 4to, Christianuc, 1689 PoNTOPPiDAN, Gesta et Vestigia Danoi-um extra Daniam. - 8vo, 1740 Natural History, &c. of Norway; translated from the Danish. Folio, 1755 Bartholinus, Antiquitatum Danicarum de Causis contemptae a Danis adhuc Gentilibus Mortis, libri tres. ... - - 4to, 1689 Wormius (Olaus), Monunienta Danicorum. . - - Folio, 1643 Norway, Various Costumes of the Inliabitants. - - . - Folio Alberti Thura, Idea Historiaj Litterarise Danorum. - 8vo, Hamburgi, 1723 Landt, Description of the Feroe Islands, translated from tlie Danish. 8vo, 1810 Laing (Samuel), Journal of a Residence in Norway during the years 1834, 35, and 36. 8vo, 1837 Twining (Henri), Voyage en Norwege et en Suede. - - 8vo, 1836 48 DENMARK, &c. [continued). Catteau (Calleville), Histoire des Revolutions de Norwege : suivie du Tableau de I'Etat actuel de ce Pays. . - . . 8vo, 2 vols. 1818 DERBYSHIRE. See " Derbyshire," in Lysons's Magna Britannia. Hardwick Hall, in Derbyshire, History of it, &c. by S. Rayner. Folio, 1836 ^^ Haddon Hall, History, &c. of it, in Robinson's Vitruvius Britan- NICUS. ^^ (For Bolsover and Peak Castles, and also for a History of the Manor of South Winfield, see Nichols's Bibl. Topog. Brit. Vols. iv. and ix.) HuTTON (William), History of Derby, from the remote Ages of Antiquity to A.D. 1791. ---.-..... 8vO DEVIL. See Hell. DEVONSHIRE. See " Devonshire," in Lysons's Magna Britannia. Prince, The Worthies of Devon. 4to Exeter Cathedral. See Antiquarian Society's Publications. Jenkins (Alexander), History and Description of the City of Exeter and its Environs. -- 8vo, 1806 IzACKE, Remarkable Antiquities of the City of Exeter. - - 8vo, 1/24 PoLWHELE (Rev. R.), Historical Views of Devonshire. - 8vo, Exeter, 1793 The History of Devonshire. - . - . Folio, 1793-97 Chapple (William), A Review of part of Risdon's Survey of Devon, contain- ing the General Description of that County, - - Ato, Exeter, \'Jdib DiBDiN, Rev. T. F., d.d. Reminiscences of a Literary Life. ----- 8vo, 2 vols. DICTIONARIES ox Various Subjects, ENCYCLOPEDIAS, &c. &c. The Great Historical Dictionary. ----- Folio, 1694 HoFMANN (Job. Jac), Lexicon Universale. - Folio, 4 vols. Lugd. Bat. 1698 Fosbroke (Rev. T. D.), An Encyclopsfidia of Antiquities. - 4to, 2 vols. Foreign Topography (ancient Remains in Europe, Asia, and Africa) ; being a Sequel to the Encyclopaedia of Antiquities. - - 4to, 1828 Encyclopaedia Britannica, with the Supplement. - - 4to, 20 vols. Rechenberg (Adam), Hierolexicon Reale ; hoc est, Biblico-Theologicum et Historico-Ecclesiasticum, e sacris probatis Lexicis, &c. &c. collectum. 4to, LipsicB, 1714 Dictionnaire Ecclesiastique et Canonique. - . - 8vo, 2 vols. 1765 Lacombe de Prezel, Dictionnaire Iconologique ; ou, Introduction a la Con- noissance des Peintures, Sculptures, Medailles, Estampes, &c. ; avec des Descriptions tirees des Poetes anciens et modernes 12mo, Paris, 1756 MiLLiN (A. L.), Dictionnaire des Beaux Arts. - - 8vo, 3 vols. 1806 Elmes (James), Dictionary of the Fine Arts. - . . 8vo, 1826 Dictionarium Polygraphicum ; or, the whole Body of Arts. - 8vo, 2 vols. Crabb, Technological Dictionary. . - _ - . 4to, 2 vols. Nemnich (P. H.), Universal European Dictionary of Merchandise, in twelve Languages. 4to, 1799 49 DICTIONARIES, &c. {continued). Philosophical Dictionary ; or, the Opinions of the best Writers on Moral, Po- litical, and Theological Subjects. ..... gyo, 1822 Voltaire, Dictionnaire Historique. -.-... gvo DiODORUS SiCULUS. Translated by Booth. - --..... Folio Diogenes Laertius. An English Translation of. - . - - - . 8vo, 2 vols. Dion Cassius Cocceianus. Historiae Romanae, Joannis Leunclavii studio tarn auctee quam expolitae. Folio, Hanovics, 1606 An Italian Version, by Baldelli. -..--. 8vo, 1565 An English Version, by Manning. .... 8vo, 2 vols. 1704 Dionysius Halicarnassensis. A French Version. ........ 4to, 2 vols. DIPLOMACY AND AMBASSADORS. See Jurisprudence ; also (Euvres de Mably, tome v. Callieres, Maniere de negocier avec les Souverains, &c. &c. - 12nio, 1716 Martens, Manuel Diplomatique. .--.-. 8vo, 1822 FiNETT (Sir John), Choise Observations touching the Reception and Prece- dence, Audience, &c. of Foreign Ambassadors in England. . 12mo, 1656 DISCOVERIES, INVENTIONS, &c. {History and Account of them). ViRGiLius (Polidorus), De Rerura Inventoribus Libri viii. ; et De Prodigiis Libri iii. 12mo, Lugd. Bat. 1644 An Abridgement of the same in English, by Thomas Langley. 12mo, black letter, n. d. Beckmann, History of Inventions; translated from the German. 8vo, 4 vols. DuTENs, Origine des Descouvertes attribuees aux Modernes. 8vo, 2 vols. 1812 Pancirollus, History of many memorable Things lost, which were in use among the Ancients, and of Things found by the Moderns ; translated from the Latin. 12mo, 1715 Goguet, Origin of Laws, Arts, and Sciences, and their Progress among the most ancient Nations ; translated from the French. - 8vo, 3 vols. Peignot (Gabriel), Essai sur I'Histoire du Parcheiuin et duVelin. 8vo, 1812 Koops, Account of the Substances employed to describe Events and convey Ideas from the earliest Date to the Invention of Pajjer. (Printed on paper made solely from straw or from wood.) .... 8vo, 1800 Noel (F.) et Carpentier, Nouveau Dictionnaire des Origines, Inventions, et Decouvertes dans les Arts, les Sciences, &c. &c. - 8vo, 2 vols. 1827 D'Israeli, Isaac. Dissertation on Ajiecdotes. --...... 8vo Curiosities of Literature. .---_.. 8vo, 6 vols. The Calamities of Authors. ..... 12mo, 2 vols. 1812 o 50 DIVINITY (MISCELLANEOUS). Theologie, par M. L'Abbe Bergier. - . . . . 4to, 3 vols. (The above forms the article " Theologie" in the Encyclopedie Methodique.) Hey (John, d.d.), Lectures in Divinity (delivered by him as Norrisian Pro- fessor). 8vo, 4 vols. 1796-98 ToMLiNE (Bishop of Winchester), Elements of Christian Theology; with a Scriptural Exposition of the xxxix. Articles of the Church of England. 8vo, 2 vols. Grant (Johnson), Sketches in Divinity, addressed to Candidates for the Ministry. .------.. 8vo, 1840 An Elementary Course of Biblical Theology ; translated from the Works of Storr and Flatt, by S. S. Schmucker, d.d., with Additions. 8vo, Andover, U. S., 1839 WiLBERFORCE (Wm.), Practical View of Christianity as professed in the Higher and Middle Classes in this Country. - . . . 8vo Review of Wilberforce's Treatise, &c. in Letters to a Lady, by Thomas Bel- sham. - - 12mo, 1800 Marechal (Bernardus), Concordantia Sanctorum Patrum (Sseculorum trium priorum) Ecclesiae Graecae atque Latinae. - - . Folio, 1769 Hutchinson (John), Antient Principles of the true and sacred Philosophy ; translated from the Latin, with Notesj &c. by A. Maxwell. - 8vo, 1822 Men before Adam ; or, a Discourse upon Romans, chap. v. 12-14; proving that the first men were created before Adam. - 12mo, London, 1656 Heydon (John, Minister of the Gospel), Some Gospel Truths laid down, explained, and vindicated ; with an Epistle dedicatory to his Excellencie, Sir Thomas Fairfax. 12mo, 1647 LiGHTFOOT (John, D.D.), Some genuine Remains of. - - - 8vo Vincentius (apud Monasterium in Insult Lirinensi Presbyter, Ssec. v.), Commonitorium adversus Hsereticos. - - - I2mo, Oxonii, 1836 BoTT (Rev. Thomas), Answer to Warburton's Divine Legation of Moses. 8vo, 1743 Kennicott (Benjamin), Two Dissertations : viz. on the Tree of Life, &c., and on the Oblations of Cain and Abel. ----- 8vo, 1747 How (Samuel), The SuflSciencie of the Spirits Teaching without Humane Learning; or, a Treatise tending to prove Humane Learning to be no help to the Spirituall Understanding of the Word of God. - 4to, 1644 Free and Necessary Enquiry respecting some Unwary Expressions in the Liturgy and the Writings of Divines concerning Tran substantiation and the Real Presence, with Remarks on the Power of Priestly Absolution. 8vo, 1755 Goodman (Joseph), The Eucharist not an Ordinance of the Christian Church; being an attempt to prove that Eating Bread and Drinking Wine in Com- memoration of Jesus Christ is not obligatory upon Christians. 12mo, 1841 51 DIVINITY, &c. {continued). Bertram, or Rattram, concerning the Body and Blood of the Lord (in Latin): with an English translation; a Dissertation touching the Author; and M. Boileau's French Version considered, and his unfair dealings detected. 1-"'"' '^'^'^ Salchli, Trois Discours: 1. Sur les differens Sentiniens de I'Eglise Chre- tienne. 2. Sur la Reunion de I'Eglise. 3. Sur la Tolerance. 8vo, 1737 Burnet (Thomas), De Statu Mortuorum et Resurgentium ; cum Appendice de futura Restauratione Judaeorum. ------ 8vo Calvin (Jo.), Psyehopannychia, quft refellitur quorundam imperitorum error qui animas post mortem usque ad judicium dormire putant. 12mo, 1545 Frankes (Walter, Minister of God's Word), The Epitome of Divinity poeti- cally composed ; a summary Abstract of Divine Knowledge, as farre as is necessary to Salvation. ----- I'lmo, London, \Qb\ Lettres Curieuses touchant la Religion. - - 12mo, Cologne, 1682 Witherspoon (Rev. John, d.d., of Jersey, U. S.), Treatises on Justification and Recreneration. Reprinted, with an Introduction, by Wm. Wilber- force, Esq. - - - 12mo, 1830 Browne (Peter, Bishop of Cork), Of Drinking in Remembrance of the Dead. 8vo, 1714 Brief Examination of the Bishop of Cork's Discourse of Drinking to the Memory of the Dead. By a Country Curate of Ireland. 8vo, London, 1715 1. Not Paul, but Jesus; by Gamaliel Smith. (Supposed to be written by Jeremy Bentham, the Barrister). - 1^23 2. Defence of St. Paul against the Accusation of Gamaliel Smith ; by T. S. ^ Hughes, Christian Advocate, Cambridge. ------ 3. A Reply to Two Deistical Works : viz. « The New Trial of the Wit- nesses," and " Not Paul, but Jesus." ----- 1824 8vo Cardale (Paul), Enquiry into the Scripture Warrant for the Son and Iloly Ghost being made Objects of Prayer. . - - - 8vo, 1776 Thorndike (Herbert, d.d.), Just Weights and Measures: that is, the present State of Religion weighed in the Balance, and measured by the Standard of the Sanctuary. -" - - 4to, 1662 Hall (Thomas, b.d.), The Loathsomnesse of Long Hairc ; with the concur- rent Judgement of Divines both old and new against it. With an Ap- pendix against Painting, Spots, Naked Breasts, &c. - 12mo, 1654 A sure Guide to Hell; containing directions to Parents and Youth, to the King, the Clergy, the Ministers of State, and Young Ladies. By Belzebub. Printed for Peter Imp, near St. Paul's. - - - »yo, London, n.A. Dingley (Rev. Robert), Vox Coeli ; or, Observations of Thunder : with a more General View of God's wonderful Works. First grounded on Job xxvi. 14, but now enlarged into this Treatise. . - - - 12mo, 1658 52 DIVINITY, &c. (cotitinued). Tracts, Seven — viz. : 1. Mardon (B.), Christianity identified with Unitarianism. - - - 2. An Unitarian's Observations on the Baptismal Commission in Mat- thew xxviii. 19. -......--- 3. Noble (Samuel), On certain Scripture Doctrines, contrasted with pre- vailing Misconceptions. .-....-- 4. MuRCH (Jerom), Two Sermons on the Prevalence of an Unchristian Spirit. Preached at Bath, in December 1838. . - . - 5. Drummond (W. H.), The Doctrine of the Trinity not founded on Scripture. ----------- 6. The Common Prayer-Book of the Sect of the Thirty-nine Articles (still whimsically styling itself the Church of England) made Scriptural in point of Language. --------- 7. Gorton's Solution of the grand Scripture Puzzle, " the Genealogy of Jesus," &c. &c. ---------- 8vo, v. y. Homes (Nathanael), Deemonologie and Theologie. The first the Malady, demonstrating the diabolical Arts of Men ; the second the Remedy, demonstrating God a rich Supply of all Good. - - 12mo, 1650 Clarke (Samuel, d.d.), The Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity. - 8vo HuNTiNGFORD (G. J., Bp. of Gloucester), Thoughts on the Trinity. Svo, 1804 Waterland (Daniel), Importance of the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity asserted, in Reply to some late Pamphlets. . - . - 8vo 1 . A Letter to the Clergy of both Universities concerning the Trinity and the Athanasian Creed ; with a short Discourse concerning Mysteries. 1694 2. A Resolution of the Objections against the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity. 1703 3. Doctor Wallis's Letter touching the Doctrine of the Blessed Trinity answered by a Friend. - - - - - - - - n. d. 4to Burgess (Thomas, Bishop of St. David's), Tracts on the Divinity of Christ, &c. 8vo, 1820 Useful and Important Questions concerning Jesus the Son of God. 8vo, 1746 Cook (George), On the Resurrection of Christ. - . - - 8vo DoDSLEY, Robert. The Chronicle of the Kings of England, written in the manner of the ancient Jewish Historians, by Nathan Ben Saddi, a Priest of the Jews. Svo, 1740 DOMESDAY-BOOK. Domesday-Book. A General Introduction to Domesday-Book, with Indexes, Notes, &c. &c. by Sir Henry Ellis. - - - 8vo, 2 vols. 1833 Illustrated by Kelham. ------- gyo of Kent, Sussex, and Surrey. -.-___ 4to 53 DORSETSHIRE. Miles, The Deverel Barrow, and Kimmeridge Coal Money. - 8vo, 1826 The History of the ancient Town of Shaftesbury, from the Founder, Alfred the Great. " - •-'"° Twenty Views of some of the principal Seats in Dorsetshire. Oblong folio, London, {Nichols,} 1816 DRESSES, See Costumes. DRUIDS. Smith (Thomas), Syntagma de Druiduni Moribus et Institutis. 12mo, 1664 Smith (John), Galic Antiquities, containing a History of the Druids, Disser- tation on Ossian, &c. &c. 4to, 1780 Davies (Edward), Mythologj' and Rites of the Druids. - - 8vo Frickius (J. G.), Commentatio de Druidis Occidentalium Populorum Philoso- phis : accedunt opuscula quaedam rariora Historiam et Antiquitates Druida- runi illustrantia, itemque Scriptorum de iisdem Catalogus. - 4to, 1744 ToLAND, History of the Druids. 8vo History of the Druids. (Anonymous.) 8vo CooKE (William), Inquiry into the Patriarchal andDruidical Religion, Tempks, &c.. Sacred Structures of the Druids described, &c. &c. - 4to, 1754 HiGGiNs (Godfrey), The Celtic Druids 4to, 1827 Drummond, Right Hon. Sir William. Origines ; or. Remarks on the Origin of several Empires, States, and Cities. 8vo, 4 vols. CEdipus Judaicus. 8vo, 1811 1^- See TowNSEND. Dryden, John. Miscellaneous Works. 8vo, 4 vols. Dunlop, John. The Philosophy of Artificial and Compulsory Drinking-Usage in Great Britain and Ireland, &c. 12mo, 1839 DuNTON, John (Bookseller and Citizen of London). His Life and Errors ; with Selections from his other Works. - 8vo, 2 vols. Religio Bibliopolffi, the Religion of a Bookseller, after the manner of Sir Thomas Browne's Religio Medici. ----- 8vo, n. d. DURHAM. Surtees (Robert), History and Antiquities of the County of Durham. Folio, 4 vols. Durham Cathedral. See Antiquarian Society. DuTENs, Louis. Memoires d'un Voyageur qui se repose : avec le Dutensiana. - 8vo, 1806 54 E. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. See Church. EDUCATION. AscHAM (Roger), The Schole Master. --...- gvo Fenelon, De rEducation des Filles. . - - . . 12mo Knox (Vicesimus), On Education. - - - _ . _ gvo Phillipps (J. T.), A compendious Way of Teaching Languages, &c. 8vo, 1/50 BucHNER, An easy Method to enable Deaf Persons to Hear; translated from the German 8vo, 1770 L'Epee, Method of Educating the Deaf and Dumb; translated from the French. --..-.... 8vo, 1801 Edwin (J., Comedian), Memoirs of, collected from his Manuscripts; with addi- tional Anecdotes, arranged and digested by Anthony Pasquin, Esq. 8vo, 1791 EGYPT. See Pococke. Travels. MuRTARDi, The Egyptian History, treating of the Pyramids, and other Pro- digies of Egypt ; translated from the Arabic of Murtardi. - 12mo, 1672 Savary, Letters on Egypt, 1777-79; translated from the French. 8vo, 2 vols. 1. Memoirs of the French Institute of Egypt, 1798, 99. - 2. RiPAUD on the Antiquities of Egypt 8vo Recueil des Recherches qui ont ^te faites en Egypte pendant I'Expedition de I'Armee Fran9aise; publish par ordre de I'Empereur. Folio, 2 vols. 1809 Planches. - - Folio, 2 vols. Denon, Tlie Plates to his " Voyage en Egypte." .... 4to Relation de I'Egypte par Abd-Allatif, suivie de divers Extraits d'Ecrivains Orientaux, &c. ; trad, par M. Silvestre de Sacy. - - 4to, 1810 NoRDEN, Travels in Egypt and Nubia - 8vo The Plates to the French edition of his Travels in Egypt and Nubia. Folio Mayer, Views in Egypt, &c. ...... Folio, 1804 White (Joseph), ^gyptiaca; or, Observations on certain Antiquities of Egypt. - . - 4to, 1801 Russell (Michael), View of Egypt, Ancient and Modern. - - 12mo Antes (John), Observations on the Manners and Customs of the Egyptians, the Plague, and other Subjects. 12mo, 1801 Gabb (Thomas), Finis Pyramidis; or. Disquisitions concerning the Antiquity and Scientific End of the Great Pyramid, &c. &c. - - 8vo, 1806 Belzoni, Discoveries in Egypt and Nubia 4to, 1821 Plates accompanying the above. Folio Champollion, I'Egj'pte sous les Pharaons, ou Recherches sur I'Egypte avant I'Invasion de Cambyse 8vo, 2 vols. 1814 :} 55 EGYPT— {continued). BuRCKHARDT (J. L.), Arabic Proverbs; or, the Manners and Customs of the Modern Effvptians illustrated from their Proverbial Sayings current at Cairo. - 4to,183() HosKiNs (G. A.), Visit to the Great Oasis of the Libyan Desart, 1832; with an Account of the other Oases. 8vo, 1837 Lane (E. W.), Account of the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyp- tians; written in Egypt during 1833, 34, and 35. - 8vo, 2 vols. 1836 Wilkinson (J. G.), Topography of Thebes, and general View of Egypt. 8vo, 1835 Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians. 8vo, 3 vols. 1S^7 ELECTRICITY, GALVANISM, AND MAGNETISM. Adams (George), Treatise on Electricity. 8vo MiLNER (Thomas, m.d.). Experiments in Electricity. - - 8vo, 1783 Cavallo (Tiberius), Treatise on Magnetism. - - - - 8vo, 1800 LoRiMER, On Magnetism. 8vo, 1800 Yatman, On Galvanism. ------- 8vo, 1810 ELIZABETH, QUEEN OF ENGLAND. Memoirs of the Reign of Elizabeth, from 1581 till her death, by Thomas Birch. 4to, 2 vols. 1754 Parsons (Robert, a Jesuit), Elizabethse Angliae Reginse Haeresin Calvinianam propugnantis sajvissimum in Catholicos sui regni Edictum, &c. &c. pro- mulgatum Londini 29 Novembris 1591, cum Responsione ad singula capita, &c. - l-'"o» Lugduni, 1592 ENGINEERING (CIVIL), CANALS, DRAINAGE, WATERWORKS, &c. &c. Smeaton (John), Historical Report on Ramsgate Harbour, - 8vo, 1791 Narrative of the Building of the Eddystone Lighthouse. - Folio A History of Inland Navigations; particularly that of the Duke of Bridge- water. 8^"' ^"^ Phillips, History of Inland Navigation, Foreign and Domestic. 8vo, 1803 Andreossi, Histoire du Canal du Languedoc. . - - - 8vo CuNDY (N. W.), Reports on the Grand Ship-Canal, London to Arundel Bay and Portsmouth ; with an Abstract of Messrs. Rennie and Giles's Report thereon. - - 8vo, 1827 Rennie (John), Report and Estimates of the Grand Southern Canal proposed to be made between Toulridge and Portsmouth. - - 4to, 1810 Sutherland (Alex.), Reports, Estimates, &c. for a Canal through the Weald of Kent; with Branches to Headcorn and Cranbrook. - 4to, 1802 DoDD (Robert), Report, &c. for a Tunnel under the Thames. - 4to, 1798 Drewry, On Suspension Bridges. 8vo, 1 832 Matthews (William), Hydraulia; an Account of the Waterworks of London, and the Contrivances for supplying other great Cities in ditferent Ages and Countries. 8vo, 1835 Dugdale (Sir William), History of Draining the Fens, &c. &c. - FoHo 56 ENGINEERING, &c. {continued). Zabbaglia (Niccola), Castelli e Ponti, &c. ; con la Dcscrizione del Trasporto dell' Obclisco Vaticano, e di altri del Cavallere Domenico Fontana. Folio, Roma, 1743 Lebas (M. a.), Histoire de la Translation de I'Obelisque de Luxor a Paris, en 1831; suivi d'un Extrait de I'ouvrage de Fontana sur la Translation de rObelisque du Vatican. 4to, P«rw, 1839 Coulomb, Recherches sur les Moyens d'executer sous I'Eau toutes sortes de Travaux llydrauliques, sans employer aucun Epuissement. 8vo, Paris, 1819 ENGLAND [History and Government of). See Charles I. and II. Cromwell. EnzABETU. James I. Richard III. Camden Society. Civil Wars. Anglo-Saxons. Stace (Machell), British Historical Intelligencer, containing a Catalogue of the English, Scotch, Irish, and Welch Historians, &c. ; Summary of the Norman and other Dynasties. ------ 8vo, 1829 Nicolson (Wm., Bishop of Carlisle), English, Scotch, and Irish Historical Libraries. -.-------- 4to Heylyn (Peter), A Help to English History, continued to a.d. 1773 - 8vo Salmon, Chronological Historian ; or an Account of all material Transactions from the Invasions of the Romans to the Death of George the First. 8vo, 1733 Nennius, Historia Brittonum (attributed to Nennius), from a MS. of the Tenth Century lately discovered in the Vatican ; with an English Version by the Rev. W. Gunn. - 8vo, 1819 Commelinus, Rerum Britannicarum Scriptores vetustiores prsecipui, sc. : Gal- fredus Monumetensis ; Pont. Virunnius ; Gildae Epistola; Bedte Hist. Ecclesiastica ; Gul. Neubrigensis; Joanni Frossardi Epitome. Folio, 1581 Monmouth (GeofFry), His British History; translated by A. Thompson. 8vo, I7I8 Gildas, Epistola de Excidio Britannise ; an English version of it. - 12mo Bertramus, Britannicarum Gentium Historiae Antiquse Scriptores Tres, sc. : 1. Ricardus Corinensis, Monachus Westmonasteriensis, de Situ Britannise. 2. Gildas de Excidio Britanniae. 3. Nennius Banchorensis, Eulogium Britanniae, sive Historia Britonum. Recensuit, notisque auxit Carolus Bertramus. .-----_ 8vo, Havnia, 17^7 Gale, Historiae Britannicae et Anglicanae Scriptores xx. Gildas. Eddius. Nennius. Asserius. R. Higden. W. Malmesbur. Anonymus Malmes. Anonymus Rames. Anonymus Elyens. Thomas Elyensis. Joan. Wallingford. Rad. de Diceto. Anonymus. Joan. Fordun. ex vetustis codd. Mss. editi oper^ T. Gale. sc. : Alcwinus Flaccus. Annales de Margan. Chronicon Th. "Wikes. Annales Waverleienses. Galf. Vinesalvus. Walt. Hemingford. Folio, 2 vols. Oxon. 1691 57 ENGLAND (continued). FuLMAN, Rerum Angllcarum Scriptorum vctcrum V. : sc. Iiigulfi Crojlan- densis Historia; Petri Blesensis Continuatio ; Chronica tie Mailros ; Aii- nales Burtonenses; Historife Croylandensis Contin. : cin-ri W. Fulman. Folio, Oxon. 1G84 Monumenta Historise Anglicaiife circa tempus Conquestfts : viz. Emmas, Anglonim Reginae Richardi I. Duels Normannorum Fili;e, Encomium; incerto Auctore, sed cosetaneo. Item, Gesta Gulielmi Duels Normanno- rum et Regis Anglorum, a Gul. Pictavensi scrlpta. Excerpta ex Orderlco Vitali, de Gulielmo I. Rege Anglorum ; with notes in English, by Baron Maseres. . - - 4to, 1783 Matth.eus Paris, Historia Major, et cum Rogeri Wendoveri, W. Rishangeri, Historiis Chronicisque, et duorum Offarum Merciorum Regum et viginti trium Abbatum St. Albani Vitte, edit. Wats. - - - . Folio Mattili;us (Westmonasteriensis), Flores Historiarum, prwcipue de Rebus"! Britannicis, ab exordio mundi usque ad annum Domini ISO/. Florentius (Wigornensis Monachus), Chronicon ab initio mundi usque ad I annum Christi 1041 per quendam ejusdem Coenobii eruditum. Folio, Francofurti, 1601 TwYSDEN (Roger), Historise Anglicanse Scriptores Decern, ex vet. mss. mmc primum editi : viz. 1. Simeon Dunelmiensis. 2. Joannes Prior Hagustaldensis. 3. Ricardus Prior Hagustaldensis. 4. Allredus Abbas Rievallensis. 5. Radulphus de Diceto. 6. Joannes Brompton. 7- Ger- vasius Dorobornensis. 8. Thomas Stubbs. 9. Gul. Thorn. 10. Henricus Knighton. -------- Folio, 2 vols. 1652 Camden, Anglica, Normannica, Hibernica, Cambrica, a veteribus scripta: sc. Asser Menevensis ; Anon, de Vitl Gul. Conquest.; Thom. Walsingham ; Thom. de la More; Gul. Gemiticensis ; Giraldus Cambrcnsis : ex Biblio- theca Gul. Camden. Folio, 1603 Savile, Rerum Angllcarum Scriptores post Bedam prajcipui : sc. Gul. Malmsburiensis ; Hen. Huntingdoniensis ; Rog. Hovenden; Chronicon Ethelwerdi; Ingulphus, Hist. Croylandensis. - - - Folio, 1596 Eadmer (Monachus Cantuariensis), Historic Novorum, sive sui Ssculi libri sex; A.D. 1066— 1122. - ------ Folio, 1623 GuLiELMUs (Neubrigensis), Historia, sive Chronica Rerum Angllcarum (an. 1066 usque ad an. 1197); ed. Tho. Hearne : accedunt Homihre Tres eidem Gulielmo a viris eruditis adscriptae. - - 8vo, 3 vols. 1719 Johannes Rossus, Historia Regum Angliee : edente Thomft Hearne. 8vo, 0x0 n. 1745 TiTUS Livius (Foro-Juliensis), Vita Ilenrici V. Regis Angliie : accedit Sylloge Epistolarum a variis Anglise Principibus scriptarum ; ed. Tho. Hearne. 8vo, I7I6 Trivet (Nic), Annales Sex Regum Anglia : Stephanus— Edwardus Primus. 8vo Q 58 ENGLAND (continued). Rymer, Fcedera, Conventioues, &c. &c. inter Reges Angliae et alios Prin- cipes, &c. ah anno 1101 usque ad annum 1654. - - Folio, 10 vols. Acta llegia ; Selections from Rynier's Foedera. - - - Folio, 1/33 Speed (John), History of Great Britaine under the Conquests of the Romans, Saxons, &c. to James I. ------ Folio, 1627 Stow (John), Annales, or general Chronicle of England; continued unto the end of the Yeere 1631, by Edmund Howes. - - - - Folio Master Wace, His Chronicle of the Norman Conquest, from the Roman de Rose ; translated, with notes, by Edgar Taylor. - - 8vo, 1837 Grafton (Richard), Chronicle of the Historye of the Affayres of Englande, from the Creation to the Accession of Elizabeth. - . - 4to HoLLiNSHED, Chrouiclcs of England, Scotland, and Ireland. - 4to, 6 vols. Halle, Chronicle of England; Henry IV.— Henry VII. - - - 4to Seller, History of England ; with an Account of all Conspiracies, Prodigies, Famines, &c. &c. from the coming of Julius Ciesar to 1696. 8vo, 1696 Kennett, Complete History of England, by various Authors. In this collection will be found Habiugton's Life of Edward IV., Buck's Life of Richard III., Sir Thomas More's History of Edward V. and Richard III., Lord Bacon's History of Henry VII , Lord Herbert's Henry VIII., Sir John Hayward's Life of Edward VI., Camden's Annals of Elizabeth and James I., and Arthur Wilson's Life of James I. Folio, 3 vols. Burton (Richard), England's Monarchs from the Conquest to the present time. ---------- 12mo, 1702 Sandford (Francis), Genealogical History of the Kings and Queens of Eng- land from the Conquest to Anne. ------ Folio Rapin, History of England ; with the Continuation by Tindal, down to the Death of George I.- - - - - - - Folio, 5 vols. Hume (David), History of England, from the Invasion of the Romans to the Revolution in 1688. -.----. 8vo, 8 vols. Henry (Robert, d.d.). History of Great Britain on a new plan; with the Continuation, by J. P. Andrews, to the Death of Elizabeth. 8vo, 14 vols. LiNGARD (John), History of England from the Invasion by the Romans to A.D. 1688. --------- 8vo, 14 vols. Elogia Virorum aliquot in Britannia qui nostro seculo eruditione memorabiles fuerunt, et Chronicon Anglorum Regum ; auctore Geor. Lilio. 4to, 1548 Observations upon the Lives and Reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI., Mary, Elizabeth, and James I. ------- 8vo, 1712 Ellis (Henry), Letters, &c. illustrative of English History. - 8vo, 7 vols. Lodge (Edmund), Illustrations of British History (a.d. 1513 to 1618). 8vo, 3 vols. Nicolas (N. H.), History of the Battle of Agincourt. - - 8vo, 1817 Turner (Sharon), History of England ; William I. to Henry VII. 8vo, 3 vols. 59 ENGLAND {continued). Andrews (James Petit), The History of Great Britain, as connected with the Chronology of Europe ; from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Accession of Edward VI. 4to, 2 vols. 1794-95 State Papers, published by order of Government; Reign of Henry VIII. 4to, vols. 1 — 5 MuNDAY (Anthony), A Watch-Word to Englande to beware of Traytours and tretcherous practises, which have beene the overthrowe of many famous Kingdomes and Common Weales. . - . _ . 4to, 1584 DoLEMAN (R.), A Conference about the next Succession to the Crowne of Ingland; with a Genealogical Table. . - . _ 12mo, 1594 Justitia Britannica, &c. (a Latin Translation of " The Execution of Justice in England, for maintenance of Publique and Christian Peace against certain Stirrers of Sedition," commonly ascribed to Lo/d Burleigh). 12mo, Londini, 1584 Rosso, I Successi in Inghilterra dopo la Morte di Odoardo Sesto fino alia Giunta di Don Filippo d' Austria. - . - - _ 4to, 15G0 Arcana Aulica; or, Walsingham's Manual of Prudential Maxims for the Statesman and Courtier ; with Sir Robert Naunton's Fragmenta Regalia. 12mo, 1694 1 . Cotton (Sir Robert), Warrs with Forreign Princes dangerous to our Com- monwealth, &c. &c. -----_.. 1657 2. The French Charity, written in French by an English Gentleman, upon occasion of Prince Harcourt's coming into England; translated by I F. S. J. E I655J 12mo The Catholikes Supplication unto the Kings Majestic for Toleration, &c. &c. ; to which is annexed a Supplicatorie Counterpoyse of the Protestants, Mnth the Reasons for and against Toleration of divers Religions. 4to, London, 1603 Metamorphosis Anglorum, sive Mutationes Regum, Regni, Rerumque Angliae. 12mo, 1653 Harris (Wm.), Lives of James I., Charles I. and II., and Oliver Cromwell. 8vo, 5 vols. Dalrymple (Sir John), Memoirs of Great Britain, 1681 — 1702. 8vo, 3 vols. Observations on Sir John Dalrymple's Memoirs of Great Britain, by General O'Halloran. 4to, 1773 Pitts (Thomas), A new Martyrology; or, the Bloody Assizes, comprehending the Lives, Trials, &c. of eminent Protestants, who fell in the West of England, and elsewhere, from 1678 to 1693; with the Life and Death of Lord Chancellor Jeffreys. 8vo, 1693 60 ENGLAND {continued). Burnet (Gilbert, Bp. of Saruni), Histon- of bis own Times. Folio, 2 vols. Macpherson (James), History of Great Britain, from 1660 to 1714. 4to, 2 vols. 177a State Papers, &c. . - - - . - 4to, 2 vols. Introduction to the History of Great Britain and Ireland. - 12mo Whitaker (Jobn), Genuine History of the Britons asserted, in a full Refu- tation of Macpberson's Introduction to the History of Great Britain and Ireland. -.. 12mo, 1773 Cunningham (Alexander), History of Great Britain, from 1688 to 171-1; translated from the Latin manuscript by Dr. Wm. Thomson, with an Account of the Author and his Writings. - - 4to, 2 vols. 1787 Transactions during the Reign of Queen Anne, from the Union to her Decease, by Charles Hamilton. - . . 8vo, Edinburgh, 1790 Mazure (F. A. J.), Histoire de la Revolution de 1688 en Angleterre. 8vo, 3 vols. 1825 Belsham (Wm.), History of Great Britain, 1688 — 1793. - 8vo, 8 vols. Notice Historique des Descentes qui ont ete faites dans les Isles Britanniques depuis Guillaume le Conquerant jusqu'a I'an vi de la Republique Fran- 9aise. " Delenda est Carthago." ----- 4to, an vi. LuDERS, Tracts relating to the History and Laws of England. - 8vo, 1810 Peck (Francis), Desiderata Curiosa. -.-... 4to Staveley (Thomas), Three Historical Essays on the Title of the Kings of England to the Crown of France, and of those of the Houses of York and Lancaster to that of England. ----- 4to, 1703 Smith (Sir Thomas), The Commonwealth of England. - 12mo, 1635 Millar (John, Professor at Glasgow), Historical View of the English Government, from the Settlement of the Saxons to 1688. - 4 vols. 8vo Betham (Sir Wm.), Origin and History of the Constitution of England, and of the early Parliaments of Ireland. - . - - Svo, 1834 Plowden (Francis), Jura Anglorum, the Rights of Englishmen. 8vo, 1792 Letters to Wm. Paley, m.a., on his Objections to a Reform in the Represen- tation of the Commons, &c. &c. - . - . - 8vo, 1796 ENGLAND, LAWS OF, (Statute, Common, and Ecclesiastical.) See Parliament. Trials. Forests. Charters. Ancient Laws of England : comprising those enacted by the Anglo-Saxon Kings; the Laws ascribed to Edward the Confessor, William the Con- queror, and others. (Published by the Commissioners of Records, by command of King William IV.) . . - - 8 vo, 2 vols. 1840 Branche, Principia Legis et .^Equitatis. ----- 12mo Nov, Law Maxims. --------- 12mo Rudiments of Law and Equity. ----- Folio 1751 WiNGATE, Reason of the Common Law. - - . - Folio, 1658 Law Grammar. -----_-... gyg 61 ENGLAND, &c. {continued). Wynne, Eunomous; or, Dialogues on the Laws of England. - - 8vo FoRTEScuE (Sir John), De Laudibus Legum Anglise ; with an English Version and Notes, by F. Gregor. - ^™ Law French and Law Latin Dictionarj'. ----- 8vo Law Glossary, by Taylor, 8vo Statutes at Large, from Henry IIL to 1809, with Index and Appendix, 4to, 18 %'ols, Pickering, Index to the Statutes at Large (down to 1792). - - 8vo Williams, Digest of the Statute Law (to 48 Geo. III.). - 8vo, 2 vols. Barrington (Daines), Observations on the more ancient Statutes (from Magna Charta to 21 James I.). ------- 4to Introduction to the authentic Collection of the Statutes of the Realm ; for the use of the Commissioners on the PubUc Records of the Realm. 4to, 1810 Sullivan, Lectures on the Laws of England. - - - - 4to WooDESON, Lectures on the Laws of England. - - - 8vo, 3 vols. FoNBLANQUE, Treatise of Equity. ----- 8vo, 2 vols. Jacob, Law Dictionary. -------- ovo Miscellaneous Treatises on the Laws of England. - - 8vo, 3 vols. Staunford (Sir Wm.), An Exposition of the Kinges Prerogative. 8vo, 1577 Glanville, De Legibus Angliae. - ----- r_mo Reeves, History of English Law. 8vo, 4 vols. FiTZHERBERT, Natura Brevium. _ _ - - - 8vo, 2 vols. Hale (Sir Matthew), History of the Common Law, &c. - 8vo, 2 vols. Flintoff (Owen), The Rise and Progress of the Laws of England and Wales, &c. &c. - - 8vo, 1840 Introduction to Conveyancing, and the History, Nature, Incidents, and Titles of Real Estates. 8vo, 1840 CoKE (Sir Edward), First Institute, with Hargrave's and Butler's Notes. 8vo, 3 vols. Abridged by Hawkins. - - 8vo Second, Third, and Fourth Institutes. - - - 8vo, 4 vols. The Reports of Sir Edward Coke in verse ; wherein the Name and the principal Points of each Case are contained in Two Lines. - 8vo, London, 1 7-12 Law Quibbles, &c. - - 8vo, 1724 Hughes, Choice Cases for Moots. ----- 12mo, 1075 Sheppard, Touchstone of Assurances. ------ 8vo Robinson, On Gavelkind and Borough English. . . - . 8vo Preston, Essay on Estates. ------- 8vo Watkins, Law of Descents. - - . . - - - 8vo Wright (Sir Martin), Introduction to the Law of Tenures. - - 8vo Booth, On Real Actions. -------- 8vo YoRKE, On the Law of Forfeiture, - - - - - . 8vo Wood, Institute of English Law, Folio, 1772 62 ENGLAND, &c. {continued). Doctor and Student ; or, Dialogues between a Doctor in Divinity and a Student ill the Laws of England. ... - ... 8vo Finch (Henry), The Common Law of England. .... 8vo CoMYNS, Digest of the Laws of England. ... 8vo, 6 vols. 1800 Blackstone (Sir William), Analysis of the Law. .... 8vo Commentaries on the Laws of England. - . 8vo, 4 vols. Commentaries on the Laws of England abridged. - - 8vo ■ Law Tracts. - 8vo, 2 vols. Britton, Ancient Pleas of the Crown. ....-- 8vo HoRNE, Mirrour of Justices. - - ..... 8vo Stannary Laws. See Cornwall. Dawes (M.), Epitome of the Law of Landed Property, &c. - 8vo, 1816 Plowden (Francis), Thoughts on the Beneficial Consequences of enrolling all Deeds, Wills, &c. in England and AVales. ... 8vo, 1789 Bacon (Sir Francis), On the Statute of Uses. ... - 8vo BooTE, History of a Suit at Law. . . _ ... 8vo Atherly, On Marriage and Family Settlements. .... 8vo WiLMOT, The Law of Mortgages. .....-- 8vo Jones (Sir William), On the Law of Bailment. .... 8vo Boroughs (Sir John), The Soveraignty of the British Seas proved by Records and the Laws of this Kingdome. .... 12mo, 1651 Burn (Richard), The Ecclesiastical Law ; with Additions by Tyrwhitt. 8vo, 4 vols. 1824 Gibson, Codex Juris Ecclesiae Anglicanfe. ... Folio, 2 vols. A full Report of the Case of Mastin v. Escott, Clerk, for refusing to bury an Infant baptised by a Wesleyan Minister; the Judgment of the Court of Arches, May 1841 ; and an Appendix of Documents. By W. C. Cur- teis, LL.D. Advocate in Doctors' Commons. ... 8vo, 1841 ENGLAND (Miscellaneous Antiquities). Leland (John), De Rebus Britannicis Collectanea, cum Hearnii Notis, &c. 8vo, 6 vols. 1770 Hearne (Thomas), Collection of Curious Discourses, written by eminent Antiquaries. - ....... 8vo, 2 vols. GuTCH, Collectanea Curiosa. -.-.._ 8vo, 2 vols. Brand, Observations on Popular Antiquities, including the whole of Bourne's Antiquitates Vulgares. .... . . 4to, 2 vols. Sheringham, De Origine Anglorum. ----- 8vo, 1670 ■|5-$ Pegge (Samuel), A Sylloge of the remaining Authentic Liscriptions relating to the Erection of our English Churches ; with Facsimiles of some of the most remarkable. ... (In Nichols's Bib. Top. Brit. vol. vi.) Letters, Tracts, &c. illustrating the Antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland, by David Malcolme and others. ..... 8vo, 1744 Gough (Richard), An Account of the Bedford Missal. - - - 4to G3 ENGLAND, &c. [continued). Historical and Literary Curiosities^ selected and engraved by the late Charles John Smith. 4to, 1840 Anti(iuarian Repertory ; wltli a Reprint of the Northumberland Honsehold Book. 4to, 4 vols. 1807-9 Blount, Fragmenta Antiquitatis, Ancient Tenures, and Jocular Customs of Manors, with Additions by Beckwith. .... 4to, 1815 Camdex (William), Remains concerning Britain. - - Bvo, l(i~4 Verstegan, Restitution of Decayed Intelligence in Antiquities concerning the English Nation. 8vo, 1G53 Home (Henry, Lord Kaimes), Essays relating to British Antiquities. 12nio Fenn (Sir John), The Paston Letters (from 1440 to 1506). - 4to, 6 vols. Strutt (Joseph), Manners, Dress, &c. &c. of the English, from the arrival of the Saxons to the Reign of Henry Vin. - - - 4to, 3 vols. Dresses, &c. of the English, from the Establishment of the Saxons to the Seventeenth Century. . _ - Plates coloured, 4to, 2 vols. Sports and Pastimes of the People of England. . - - 4to Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities ; with the Supplement. 4to, 2 vols. Specimens of Ancient Furniture, drawn from existing Authorities, by Henry Shaw; with Descriptions by Sir S. R. Meyrick. - - Folio, 1 836 Grose (Francis), Military Antiquities respecting the English Army, from the Conquest to the present time. . - - 4to, 2 vols. 1786-88 Pegge (Samuel, ll.d.). The Forme of Curj', a Roll of ancient English Cookery, compiled about a.d. 1390, by the Master Cooks of King Richard HL, with Notes and a Glossary. ----- 8vo, 1780 (Son of the preceding), Curialia Miscellanea ; or. Anecdotes of Old Times, &c., with the Manners and Customs of the Court at an early period of English History. 8vo, 1818 Antiquitates Culinariae : or. Curious Tracts relating to the Culinary affairs of the Old English ; with an Engraving of a Peacock Feast, and Notes, &c. by the Rev, Richard Warner. 4to, 1791 Jones (C. C), Court Fragments; or. Recollections of Royalty, from the Death of Rufus in 1100, to that of the Cardinal of York in 1807. 8vo, 2 vols. 1828 ENGLAND (Language, and Dialects thereof). Pegge (Samuel), Anecdotes of the English Language. . . - 8vo Baker (Robert), On the English Language. ----- 8vo Ward, Essays on the English Language. - - - . 8vo, 1758 Crombie, Etymology and Syntax explained. . - - - 8vo PiCKBOURN, Dissertation on the English Verb. . - - 8vo, 1791 Crabb, English Synonymes e.Kplaincd. ------ Svo LowTH (Robert, Bishop of London), On English Grammar. - 12nio Murray (Lindley), On English Grammar. . - - - 12mo 64 ENGLAND, &c. {continued). Lindley Murray's Grammar examined, and several Absurdities, &c. in it pointed out, by a Member of the University of Oxford. - 8vo, 1809 CoBBETT (William), An English Grammar. _ - . - 12mo An English Expositor, teaching the Interpretation of the Hardest Words, &c. &c., first set forth by J. B. (BuUoker), Doctor of Physick. 12mo, 1675 Junius (Franciscus), Etymologicum Anglicanum ; praemittuntiir Vita Auctoris, et Grammatica Anglo-Saxon ica: edidit, &c. Edvardus Lye. Folio, 1743 Skinner (Stephen), Etymologicon Linguae Anglicanse. - Folio, 1671 Phillips (Edward), The New World of English Words. - Folio, 1658 Lhuyd (E.), Archaeologia Britannica, giving some Account, additional to what has been hitherto published, of the Languages, Histories, and Customs of the original Lihabitants of Great Britain ; from Collections and Observa- tions in Travels through Wales, Cornwall, Bas-Bretagne, Ireland, and Scotland. Glossography. . - _ - Folio, Oxford, 1707 CoTGRAVE (John), The English Treasury of Wit and Language, collected out of the most and best of our English Dramatick Poems. - 8vo, 1656 Ray, Collection of Words not generally used. - - - 12mo, 1691 Nares (Robert), Glossary of Words, &c., which have been thought to require Illustration. 4to, 1822 Thomson (John), Etymons of English Words. _ _ - 4to, 1826 Bailey, Etymological English Dictionary. ----- Folio Blount (Thomas), Glossographia. ----- 8vo, 1681 Johnson (Samuel, ll^d.). Plan of an English Dictionary, addressed to the Earl of Chesterfield. 8vo, 1747 A Dictionary of the English Language ; with Additions by Todd. 4to, 5 vols. JoDRELL (Richard Paul), Philology on the English Language. - 4to, 1820 Kersey (John), Dictionarium Anglo-Britannicum ; or, a general English Dic- tionary. ---------- 8vo, 1715 Richardson (Charles), Illustrations of English Philology; including a Critical Examination of Dr. Johnson's Dictionary. - - - 4to, 1826 Webster (Noah, of New York), Dictionary of the English Language. 4to,2 vols. FoRBY (Robert), The Vocabulary of East Anglia, or Vulgar Tongue of Nor- folk and Suffolk. 8vo, 2 vols. 1830 Moor, Suffolk Words and Phrases. 12mo, 1823 Brockett (J. T.), Glossary of North Country Words in Use. - 8vo, 1825 Hunter (J.), The Hallanishire Glossary. . - - - 8vo, 1829 Westmoreland and Cumberland Dialects. Dialogues, Poems, Songs, and Bal- lads, by various writers, in the Westmoreland and Cumberland Dialects, now first collected ; with a copious Glossary of Words peculiar to those Counties. - - - 8vo, 1839 The Dialect of Craven in the West Riding of Yorkshire; with a Glossary and Illustration. ------- 12mo, 2 vols. 1828 65 ENGLAND, &c. {continued). WiLBRAHAM (Roger), An Attempt at a Glossary of some Words used in Cheshire. - - 2d edition, 12mo, 183(i Jennings (James), Observations on some of the Dialects in the West of Eng- land, particularly Somersetshire. ----- 12mo, 1825 Devonshire Dialect, a Dialogue in it; with a Glossary. - - Hvo, 18:^7 HoLLOWAY (William), A General Dictionary of Provincialisms, written with a view to rescue from Oblivion the fast-fading Relics of by-gone Days. 8vo, Lewes, 1838 Grose (Francis), Provincial Glossary. ^^o . Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue. ----- 8vo Dictionary of the Terms of the Canting Crew, i. e. of Gypsies, Beggars, &c. 12mo, n. d. Slang; or, a Dictionary of the Turf, the Ring, &c. - - 12mo, 1823 ENGLAND (General Topography of). See Domesday. Upcott (Wm.), A Bibliographical Account of the principal Works relating to English Topography. 8vo, 3 vols. 1818 Gough (Richard), British Topography; or, an Account of what has been done for Illustrating the Topography of Great Britain and Ireland. 4to, 2 vols. 1780 Lewis, Topographical Dictionary of England and Wales. 4to, 7 vols. 1840 Nichols, Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica. - - - 4to, 9 vols. The Topographer. 8vo, 4 vols. 1789--91 Topographical Miscellanies. 4 to, 1/^92 Campbell (John), A Political Survey of Great Britain. - 4to, 2 vols. 177-1 Fuller, History of the Worthies of England. - - - 4to, 2 vols. Lambarde (Wm.), Alphabetical Description of the chief Places in England and Wales. 4to, Lo«f/o«, 1 730 Leland (John), Itinerary; published by Hearne. - - 8vo, 5 vols. BR\iTinvMTE (Barnaba?), Itinerarium ; or, his Four Journeys : Latin and En- glish. - - - 12mo,2vols. Stukeley (Wm., m.d.), Itinerarium Curiosum. - - Folio, 2 vols. Itinerarium AVillelmi Botoner, diet, de Worcestre (temp. Regis Henrici Sexti); e codice autographo autoris in Bibliothec.l Coll. C. C. Cantabr. edidit Nasmith. - - - ^'■"' 1"'^ Wood (Thomas), Angliae Notitia, sive Prssens Status Anglife succmcte enu- cleatus. -------- 12mo, OxonU, 1G86 Smith (Thomas), De Ropublicft Anglonun libri tres. - - 12mo, 1G41 Chamberlayne, Magnie Britannite Notitia, or the Present State of Great Britain. - - - " - ^^'O' '"^^ Camden (Wm.), Britannia. - - - Gough's edition, folio, 3 vols. Speed (John), Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine ; presenting an exact Geography of the Kingdomes of England, Scotland, and Ireland, &c. Folio, 1014 66 ENGLAND, &c. {continued). Lysons (Samuel and Daniel), Magna Britannia; containing Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, Cheshire, Cornwall, Cum- berland, Derbysliire, and Devonshire. - - 4to, 8 vols. 1806—22. LvsoNS (Daniel), lleliquiaj Britannico-Romana; : containing Figures of Roman Antiquities discovered in various parts of England. Folio, 3 vols. 1813 — 17 Grose (Francis), Antiquities of England and Wales. - - 4to, 8 vols. Dyer (G.), A Restoration of the Ancient Modes of bestowing Names on the Rivers, Hills, Valleys, Plains, and Settlements of Britain. 8vo, Exeter, 1805 DuGDALE (Sir AVilliam), Monasticon Anglicanum; new edition by Ellis, Cayley, &c. Folio, 8 vols. 1817— 30 Tanner (Thomas, Bishop of St. Asaph), Notitia Monastica; or, an Account of all the Abbeys, Priories, &c. heretofore in England and Wales : with additions by Nasmith. ------- Folio, 1787 GouGH (Richard), Some Account of the Alien Priories, and of the Lands which they are known to have possessed in England and Wales ; collected from the mss. of Warburton and Ducarel. - - 12mo, 2 vols. 1786 Douglas (James), Nenia Britannica; or, a Sepulchral History of Great Britain, from the earliest period to its general Conversion to Christianity. Folio, 1793 Stothard, Monumental Effigies, from the Conquest to Henry VIIL Folio. 1817—32 Blore, Monumental Remains of Great Britain, from 1290 to 1548. 4to, 1826 Weever (John), Antient Funeral Monuments of Great Britain, Ireland, and the adjacent Islands ; with Historical Observations, &c. - 4to, 1767 GouGH (Richard), Sepulchral Monuments in Great Britain, applied to illustrate the History of Families, Manners, Habits, and Arts, from the Norman Conquest to the Seventeenth Century. - - Folio, 5 vols. 1786 — 96 Bloxam (M. H.), a Glimpse at the Monumental Architecture of Great Britain, from the earliest period to the Eighteenth Century. 12mo, 1834 Carter (John), Specin;ens of the Ancient Sculpture and Painting now remaining in England, from the earliest period to the Reign of Henry VIII. Folio, 1838 CoTMAN and Rickman, Specimens of Architectural Remains in various Counties, but principally in Norfolk. - - Folio, 2 vols. 1838 Cotman, Sepulchral Brasses in Norfolk and Suffolk, tending to illustrate the Ancient Costume, ■ c. &c. - - - - Folio, 2 vols. 1839 Fowler (William), Sundry Mosaic and other Pavements, and Remains of Coloured Glass, in various parts of England. - - Folio, 2 vols. ScHNEBBELiE (Jacob), The Antiquary's Museum, illustrating the Ancient Architecture, Painting, and Sculpture of Great Britain, from the time of the Saxons to that of Inigo Jones. _ . - - 4to, 1791 67 ENGLAND, &c. (contimied) . ^ Pegge (Samuel), Sylloge of the remaining authentic Inscriptions rehitive to the Erection of Englisli Churches. In Nichols's Bib. Top. Brit. vol. vi. Clarke (T. H., Architect), The Domestic Architecture of the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth and James the First : in a Series of Views, with Descrip- tions, of English Mansions. _ - - - 8vo, London, 1833 H\BERsiioN (Matthew), The Ancient Half-Timbered Houses of England. Folio, 183G Simpson (Francis), A Series of Ancient Baptismal Fonts (all of them in England), chronologically arranged. - . - - 8vo, 1828 Views and Antiquities in England ; a miscellaneous Collection. - ^ Folio Campbell (Colin), Vitruvius Britannicus. - - - - Folio, 3 vols. Robinson's Vitruvius Britannicus: containing Histories of Hatfield House, Woburn Abbey, and Hardwick Hall. - - - Folio, 1833—35 Buck (S. and N.), Views of Cities, Towns, and Ancient Remains in England and Wales. . - - Folio, 3 vols. Sandby (Paul), Views in Great Britain and Ireland. - Oblong folio, 2 vols. Watts, Views of Seats in England. - - - Oblong folio, 1/79 Angus, Views of Seats in Great Britain. - - - - Folio, 1779 Ireland (Samuel), Views, &c. on the Thames. - - - 8vo, 2 vols. Views, &c. on the Medway. ------ 8vo Neale, Views of Seats in Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo, 11 vols. 1818—29 Views of Ninety-five Country Seats in England and Wales. (Published by Harrison and Co. 1786—88). ----- Oblong folio Britton, Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain. - - 4to, 5 vols. Dallaway (Rev. James, m.b., and Secretary to the Earl Marshal), Anecdotes of the Arts in England, illustrated chiefly by Specimens at Oxford. Lysons (D.), The Environs of London ; or, an Historical Account of the Towns, Villages, &c. within Twelve Miles of London. 4to, 5 vols. 180U— 181 1 Brome (James), Travels in England, Scotland, and Wales. - 8vo, 1700 HousMAN (John), Topographical Description of Cumberland, Westmoreland, Lancashire, and part of tlie West Riding of Yorkshire. - 8vo, 18U0 Progresses, Processions, &c. of Queen Elizabeth and of King James I. 4to, 7 ^ols. Pennant (Thos.), Journey from Chester to London. - . - 8vo DiBDiN (Thos. F.), A Bibliographical, Antiquarian, and Picturesque Tour in the Northern Counties of England and in Scotland. - 8vo, 2 vols. 1838 ENGLAND. (Works relating to the United Kingdom, and written by Foreigners.) 1. Description des Royaulmes d'Angleterre et d'Escosse, par Estienne Perlin, en 1558. 2. Histoire de I'Entree de la Reyne Mere dans la Grande Bretagne, par / P. de la Serre, 1037. | Reprinted by Bowyer and Nichols, 4to, 1775 68 ENGLAND, &c. (continued). Paulus (Jovius), Descriptio Britannise, Scotiae, Hybernije, et Orchaduin. 4to, 1548 Cosmo III. (of Tuscany), Travels in England, a.d. 1669. - - 4to SoRBiERE (S.), A Voyage to England in the early part of the Reign of Charles II.; translated from the French, with Observations on the same, by Dr. Thos. Sprat, Bishop of Rochester. - - - 8vo, 1708 — 9 MissoN, Travels in England ; translated from the French, by John Ozell. 8vo, 1719 MuRAULT, Lettres sur les Anglois et les Franjois, et sur les Voyages. 8vo, 1 725 De Latocnaye, Voyage autour de la Grande Bretagne. - 8vo, 1795 Singularites Anglaises, Ecossaises, et Irlandaises; ou, Recueil d'Anecdotes curieuses, d' Actions bizarres, &c. &c. - - 12mo, 2 vols. 1814 Voltaire, Letters concerning the English Nation ; translated from the French. -- - - ------ 8vo A Foreigner's Opinion of England, Englishmen, English Manners, &c. &c. ; translated from the German, by C. A. G. Goede. - I2mo, 3 vols. 1821 Lettere sopra 1' Inghiltera, Scozia, e Olanda. - 8vo, 3 vols. Firenze, 1790 SiRUs (Pirondi), Six Mois de Sejour en Angleterre, pendant I'Annee 1836. 8vo Ferri de St. Constant, Londres et les Anglois. - - 8vo, 4 vols. 1804 Llolme (J. L. de, Advocate of Geneva), On the Constitution of England. 8vo Rey (J., Avocat a Grenoble), Des Institutions de 1' Angleterre comparees avec celles de France, et de quelques autres Etats anciens et modernes. 8vo, 2 vols. 1826 ENGLAND. (Church, and its Revolutions.) Fuller (Thos., d.d.). The Church History of Britain, from the Birth of Jesus Christ to 1648. Folio, 1655 Collier (Jeremy), Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain, from the first planting of Christianity therein to the Death of Charles II. Folio, 2 vols. 1708—14 History of the Church of Great Britain, from the Birth of Christ to the year 1667. 4to, 1674 Usher (Archbishop of Armagh), Britannicarum Ecclesiarum Antiquitates. 4to, 1639 Burgess (Thomas, Bishop of St. David's), Tracts on the Origin and Indepen- dence of the Ancient British Church, &c. &c. - . - 8vo, 1815 Parker (Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury), De Antiquitate Ecclesiae Britannicse, et Privilegiis Ecclesiae Cantuariensis, &c. - Folio, 1729 Stillingfleet (Richard), Origines Britannicae; or, the Antiquities of the British Churches. - - - ----- Folio Inett (John), Origines Anglicanae; or, a History of the English Church, beginning where Bishop Stillingfleet has ended his History of the British Church, to the Death of King John. - - - Folio, 1704—10 69 ENGLAND, &c. {continued). Staveley (Thomas), The History of Churches in England, shewing theTime, Manner, &c. of founding, building, and endowing tlicm. - 8vo, 177"^ Wharton (Henry), Anglia Sacra ; sive Collectio Historiarum de Archiepiscopis et Episcopis Angliae, a priniA fidei ChristianiB susceptione ustiue ad annum 1540. Folio, '2 vols. 1G91 Harpsfeld (Nicolas, Archdeacon of Canterbury in the time of Queen Mary), Historia Anglicana Ecclesiastica a primis gentis suscepta> fidei incunabuhs ad nostra fere tempora deducta : adjecta brevi narratione de Divortio Henrici VHI. ab uxore Catherine et ab Ecclesia Catholica Romani disces.sione ; scriptd ab Edmundo Campiano. - Folio, Duuay, 1()'22 Cressy (Serenus), The Church History of Brittany, from the beginning of Christianity to the Norman Conquest. . - - - Folio, 1668 Warner (Ferdinando), Ecclesiastical History of England, from the planting of Christianity to the Eighteenth Century. - Folio, 2 vols. 17^6, 57 DoDD (Charles), Church History of England, from the year 1500 to 1688, chiefly with regard to Catholics. New edition by Tierney. - 8vo Reynolds (George), Essay on the Government of the Church of England, from the earliest to the present Times ; True Causes of the Separations from Rome; Vindication of Henry VHI., Edward VI., and Elizabeth, against the Animadversions in Dodd's Church History. - 8vo, 17-43 FouLis (Henry), History of the wicked Plots and Conspiracies of our pre- tended Saints; the Designs, &c. of the Jesuits; with the rebellious Hvpocrisie, &c. of some Presbyterians ; proved by authcntick Examples inGreat Britain. ..--..-- Folio, 1674 Strype (Rev. John, m.a.). Ecclesiastical Memorials of the Reformation in England, temp. Henry Vlll., Edward VI., and Mary. - 8vo, 6 vols. Annals of the Reformation during the Reign of Elizabeth. 8vo, 7 vols. Index to his Works (the octavo edition in 27 vols.). - 8vo, 2 vols. The Letters of the Martyrs, collected and published in 1564; with a Preface by Miles Coverdale. ... - 12mo, reprinted in 1837 Chaloner, Memoirs of Priests and other Catholics of both sexes who suffered Death in England on Religious Accounts from 15/7 to 1684. 8vo, 2 vols. 1741,42 De Persecutione Anglicana Libellus, quo explicantur afflictiones, calamitates, et acerbissima martyria, quai Angli Catholici nunc ob fidcm patiuntur. ]2mo, Romce, 1582 Sanders (Nicolas), De Origine ac Progressu Schismatis Anglicani, libri tres; aucti per Edouardum Rishtonum : accedit Appendix R. P. Ribadeneirai scriptus; in quft agitur de nonnullorum Martyriis, ac de iis rebus qua? a primse hujus N. Sanderi partis publicatione in AngliiE regno contigerunt. 8vo, Col. Ay rip. 1610 Gardner (Stephani, Wintoni Episcopi),De vera Obedientifi Oratio. 4to, 1535 T 70 ENGLAND, &c. (continued). Bramhall (Bishop of Derry), Vindication of the Church of Enghind from the unjust Aspersion of Criminal Schisme. ... 8vo, 1654 Replication to the Bishop of Chalcedon's Survey of the Vindication. 8vo, 1656 White, Schismatis Anglican! Redargutio, authore Alexandro White, ex eodem Schismate per Dei gratiam ad fidem Catholicam converso. 12mo, Lovanii, 1661 TwisDEN (Sir Roger), Historical Vindication of the Church of England in point of Schism, as it stands separated from the Roman, and was reformed 1 Elizabeth. 4to, 1675 Carleton (George, Bishop of Chichester), A Thankfull Remembrance of Gods Mercy, in an Historicall Collection of the mercifull Deliverances of the Church and State of England since the Gospel beganne here to flourish, from the beginning of Queene Elizabeth. - - 8vo, London, 1627 Heylin (Peter), Ecclesia Restaurata; or, the History of the Reformation of the Church of England, from the first preparations to it by Henry VHI. until the legal settling of it under Elizabeth. - - Folio, 1661 Historical Collections out of several grave Protestant Historians, concerning the Changes of Religion, and the strange Confusions followuig, in the Reigns of Henry VHI., Edward VI., Mary, and Elizabeth; with Passages from Dugdale's Warwickshire. ... 12mo, London, 1686 Burnet (Gilbert, Bishop of Sarum), History of the Reformation in England. 8vo, 6 vols. Wharton (Henrj-, alias Anthony Harmer), Specimen of some Errors and Defects in Burnet's History of the Reformation of the Church of England. 8vo, 1693 Ward (Thomas), England's Reformation, from the time of Henry VHI. to the end of Oates's Plot : a Poem, in Four Cantos. ... - 8vo De Luchet, Considerations Politiques et Historiques sur I'Etablissement de la Religion pretendue Reformee en Angleterre. - \2mo, Londres, 1765 Soames (Henry), History of the Reformation of the Church of England, from Henry VHI. to Elizabeth. 8vo, 4 vols. Memoirs of the Reformation of England: collected chiefly from Acts of Parliament and Protestant Historians, by Constantinus Archaeophilus. 8vo, 1828 CoBBETT (William), History of the Reformation in England and Ireland. 8vo, 2 vols. 1829 Defence de la Religion Reformee, et de la Monarchie et Eglise Anglicane, contre I'lnipiete et Tyrannic de la Ligue rebelle d' Angleterre, I'an second apres le Martyre de Charles I, Roy de la Grande Bretagne. 8vo, 1650 Delaune (Thomas), 1. A Plea for the Nonconformists. 2. A Narrative of his Sufferings for writing the above. 3. EUcov tov ©rjplov : or, the Image of the Beast. 8vo, 1733 71 ENGLAND, &c. {continued). Nonconformist's Memorial, by Calamy ; and Additions by S. Pahiier. 8vo, 2 vols. 1775 WiLKiNs (David), Concilia Magna Britannise et Hiberniie ; a Synodo Verola- miensi a.d. 446 ad Londinensem a.d. 1717- - - Folio, 4 vols. HoDY (Humphrey), History of English Councils and Convocations, and of the Clergy's Sitting in Parliament, &c. 8vo, 1701 Wake (William, Archl)ishop of Canterbury), State of the Church and Clergy of England, in their Councils, Synods, Convocations, &c. - Folio, 1703 Atterbury (Francis, Bishop of Rochester), The Rights, &c. of an English Convocation stated and vindicated, in answer to Wake. - 8vo, 1701 Johnson (John), Ecclesiastical Canons of the English Church. 8vo, 2 vols. The Clergyman's Vade Mecum ; or, an Account of the ancient and present Church of England ; the Duties, Rights, Privileges, and Hardships of the Clergy. 12mo, 1706 Collection of Articles, Injunctions, Canons, &c., chiefly in the times of Ed- ward VI., Elizabeth, James, and Charles I. - - ' - 4to, 1684 A Collection of Articles, Canons, Injunctions, and Acts of Parliament, con- cerning Ecclesiastical Matters, some whereof are to be read in Churches. 8vo, 1713 Cardwell (Edward, d.d.). Documentary Annals of the Reformed Church of England ; being a Collection of Injunctions, Orders, &c. from a.d. 1546 to I7I6; with Notes, historical and explanatory. - 8 vo, 2 vols. 1839 A History of Conferences and other Proceedings connected with the Revision of the Book of Common Prayer; from the year 1558 to 1690. 8vo, Oxford, 1840 ^ Lewis (John, Vicar of Margate), Essay towards an Account of Bishops Suffragan in England. - - (In Nichols's Bibl. Top. Brit. vol. vi.) Dansey (William, a.m.). Horse Decanicae Rurales ; being an attempt to illustrate the Name, Origin, Functions, &c. of Rural Deans, vnth incidental Remarks on the Rise and Decay of Rural Bishops, &c. 8vo, 2 vols. 1835 Russell (John Fuller), The Judgment of the Anglican Church, posterior to the Reformation, on the Sufficiency of Holy Scripture and the Authority of the Holy Catholic Church in matters of Faith, as contained in her au- thorised Formularies, and the Writings of her elder Masters and Doctors. 8vo, 1838 Lloyd (Bishop of St. Asaph), Historical Account of Church Government as it was in Great Britain and Ireland when they first received the Christian Religion. 12mo, 1684 Parsons (Robert, a Jesuit), Answere to the Fifth Part of Reportes by Syr Edward Cooke the Kinges Attorney Generall, concerning the Municipall Lawes of England which do apperteyne to Spirituall Power and Jurisdic- tion. 4to, 1606 72 ENGLAND, &c. [continued). Capellus (Ant.), Adversus prsetensuiii Priniatum Ecclesiasticum Regis An- glice. ]2mo, 1611 LiNGARD (Rev. John), Documents to ascertain the Sentiments of British Catholics in former ages respecting the Power of the Popes. 8vo, 1812 TiNDALL (Matthew, d.d., Oxon.), The Rights of the Christian Church as- serted, against the Romish and all other Priests who claim an independent power over it; with a Preface concerning the Government of the Church of England as by Law established. ----- 8vo, 1706 Abbott (James, a.b., Queen's Coll. Camb.), History of the Romish and English Hierarchies ; with an Examination of the Assumptions, Abuses, and Intolerance of Episcopacy, proving the necessity of a Reformed English Church. 8vo, 1833 A Briefe and Plaine Declaration concerning the Desires of all those faithful Ministers that do seeke for the Reformation of the Church of Englande, &c. 12mo, London, 1584 A Dialogue concerning the Strife of our Churches, &c. with a briefe Declara- tion of some monstrous Abuses as our Byshops have not bene ashamed to foster. -...-.-- 12mo, London, 1584 An Humble Motion, made in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, for reforming Ecclesiastical Discipline, &c. after the Word of God, &c. 4to, printed 1590, reprinted 1641 A Pleasaunt Dialogue betweene a Souldior of Barwicke and an English Chap- laine; wherein are largely handled and laide open such Reasons as are brought in for maintenaunce of Popishe Traditions in our English Church. Also is collected, as in a short table, 120 particular Corruptions yet remain- ing in our saide Church. ------ 12mo, 1581 1. The Tryal of Spirits, botli in Preachers and Hearers ; wherein is held forth^ the clear Discovery and certain Downfal of the Carnal and Antichristian Clergie of these Nations: testified from the Word of God to the Univer- sity-Congregation in Cambridge, by William Dell. - - - 1653 \ 2. A Confutation of divers Gross and Antichristian Errors in the Sermon of Mr. Sydrach Simpson, Master of Pembroke Hall, at the Commencement anno 1652. ..-...-- London, 1654 4t6 Leighton (Alexander), An Appeal to the Parliament; or, Sion's Plea against the Prelacie. In the handling whereoff, the Lord Bishops and their Ap- purtenances are manifestlie proved to be intruders upon the Priviledges of Christ, of the King, and of the Common-Weal. 4to, printed in the year and moneth wherein Rochell was lost. Wraghton (alias Turner), The Huntyng and Fyndyngout of the Romishe Fox, whiche more then Seven Yeares hath bene hyd among the Bij-shoppes of England, &c. &c. 12mo, 5o«i/, 1543 73 ENGLAND, &c. {continued). Jewell (John, Bishop of Salisbury), Apologia Ecclesiae Anglicans. l'2ino Same work, in English. ------- I'Jino Nichols (William), Defensio Ecclesife Anglicanae. - - 12mo, I "('7 Gill (John, d.d.), The Dissenter's Reasons for separating from the Cliurch of England. ---------- 12mo TowGOOD (Michaiah), Dissent from the Church of England fully justified. 12mo Beverley (R. M.), Tracts on the Corruptions in the Church, and on the Re- form thereof. 8vo, 1831—1833 Paddison (Richard), The Established Church and Thorogood ; a Lecture de- livered at Louth in January 1840. ------ 12nio Homilies,as ordered to be read inChurches in the reign of Edward VL 4to, ir)49 Homilies appointed to be read in Churches in the reign of Queen Elizabeth ; (being the same as is styled " The Second Book of Homilies" in the Thirty- fifth of the Articles of Religion of the existing Cluirch of England.) 8vo Nelson (Robert), Companion to the Fasts and Festivals of the Church of England. ----------- 8vo Wheatley, Illustration of the Book of Common Prayer. - 8vo, 1741 Stanhope (George), Paraphrase, &c. on the Epistles and Gospels of the Church of England. _.-_--- 8vo, 4 vols. Palmer (William), Origines Liturgicfe, or Antiquities of the English Ritual; and a Dissertation on Primitive Liturgies. - - 8vo, 2 vols. 1836 The Primer set furth by the Kinges Majestie and his Clergie. - - 8vo (Black letter, without place or date ; but in the title-page it is stated to be a reiirint without alteration from that printed by Richard Grafton, 17th day of August 1540.) Three Primers put foi-tli in the reign of Henry VIIL, viz. 1. A Goodly Prymer. -------- 1535 2. The ALanuel of Praj'ers, or the Prymer in English. - - 1539 i 3. King Henry's Prymer. ------- 1545 8vo, reprinted 1834 The Booke of the Common Prayer, &c. &c. Folio, London, printed by Edward Whitchurche, June 1549 The Two Books of Common Prayer set forth by authority of Parliament in the reign of King Edward VL compared with each other. 8vo, a reprint at the Oxford Press, 1838 ■isjr The Booke of the Common Prayer, &c. by Richard Juggc, A.n. 1577- (In the copy of the Bible of the same date.) The Booke of Common Prayer, with the Psalmes of David. Folio, London, 1(510 The Book of Common Prayer, as ordered to be used by the Act of Uniformitj', and printed in the reign of King Charles II. ; together with the Psalms in Englisli Metre. - -.--.--. 8vo The Book of Common Prayer ; with an Introduction and Observations on the Services, by John Reeves, King's Printer. - . - 12mo, 1802 The Liturgy of the Church of England; translated into French. 12mo, 1770 u 74 ENGLAND, &c. (continued). The Liturgy of the Church of England ; translated into Italian, by Ed^-ard Brown, Chaplain to the English Embassy at Constantinople. 12mo, 1685 The Liturgy of the Church of England; translated into Italian, by Montucci. 12mo, 1796 The Liturgy of the Church of England ; translated into Latin, by Parsell. 12mo, 1744 The Liturgy of the Church of England ; translated into Latin. Published by Bagster, 12mo, 1825 The Liturgy of the Church of England ; translated into German, 12mo, 1704 The Liturgy of the Church of England; translated into German. Published by Bagster, 12mo, 1825 Skinner (John, Bishop of the Scotch Episcopal Church), A Collation of the several Communion Offices in the Prayer-Book of Edward VI., the Scotch Prayer-Book of 1637, the present English Prayer-Book, and that used in the present Episcopal Church of Scotland. . - - 4to, 1792 L'EsTRANGE (Hamon), The Alliance of Divine Offices, exhibiting all the Liturgies of the Church of England since the Reformation ; as also the late Scotch Service-Book ; with all their respective Variations, &c. &c. Fol. 1690 1. Walker (Henry), A Revelation of the Wanderings of the Church of Eng-" land in Idolatry. 1641 2. A Pack of Puritans maintayning the Unlawfulnesse, or Unexpediencie, or both, of Pluralities, Unpreaching Ministers, Clergies Pomp, &c. &c. with a Defence of the Authority of Princes and Parliaments to intermeddle with Matters of Religion. ...---- 1641 3. Cartwright (Thomas), A Directory of Church Government; anciently contended for and practised, as farre as the Times would suffer, in the dales of Queen Elizabeth. ..----- 1644 4. A Trial of the English Lyturgie; wherein all the materiall Objections raised in defence thereof are fully cleared and answered. - - 1643 5. The First Search : after one grand Cause of the Wrath of God yet against his People in the Use of the so much idolized Liturgie, or Common Prayer, &c. &c. published by authority. London, printed by Robert White, n. d._ 4to 1 . Common Prayer-Book no Divine Service : or xxviii. Reasons against' Humane Liturgies ; and likewise Twelve Arguments against Diocesan and Lord-Bishops, and the great disparity between them and Timothy and Titus shewed. - ------- 1661 2. Common Prayer-Book Unmasked ; wherein is declared the Unlawfulnesse and Sinfulnesse of it by several undeniable Arguments, &c. &c. Reprinted a.d. 1660 3. Royal Religion ; being some Enquiry after the Piety of Princes : with Re- marks on a Book entituled, A Form of Prayers used by King William. 1704^ 4to ) 75 ENGLAND, &c. {continued). Secker (Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury), Lectures on the Catechism of the Church of England; with a Discourse on Confirmation. - l'2mo Knox (Wm.), Observations upon the Liturgy; with a Proposal for its Reform, upon the Principles of Christianity. To which is added, the Journals of the American Convention appointed to prepare a Liturgy, &c. for the Epis- copal Churches in the United States. - - - 8vo, London, 1789 1. An Essay for a Review of the Book of Common Prayer; to wliich^ is added a Specimen thereof. ^'''■* 2. Newton, On the Obligation of the Clergy to observe such occasional Days of Fasting and Thanksgiving as are appointed by Royal Authority.^ 3. Stearne (John, d.d.), A Treatise on the Visitation of the Sick. 8vo 1. An Article on the Book of Common Prayer and Ceremonies of the Esta- blished Church; from the Eclectic Review for November 1840. 2. Half-a-dozen Odd Thoughts on a National Liturgy, by a Subscriber to Church of Englandism. 1^^^ 3. Common Prayer, as read by the late Mr. Garrick. - - - 179/ 8vo Hull (Wm. W., Barrister-at-Law), An Inquiry concerning the Means and Expedience of making Changes in the Canons, Articles, Liturgy, or the Laws aifecting the Literests of the Church of England. - 8vo, 1828 Six Tracts, by various Authors, recommending a Reform of the Church of England. 8vo, 1748-1838 Reading no Preaching ; or, the Fashionable Mode of delivering Sermons con- sidered, as opposite to Scripture, and the Practice of the Primitive Churj;h. 8vo, 1787 Formularies of Faith put forth by Authority during the reign of Henry VIIL, viz. Articles about Religion, 1536; Institution of a Christian Man, 1537; A Necessary Doctrine and Erudition for any Christian Man, 1543. 8vo, reprinted 1835 Lamb (John, d.d.). Historical Account of the xxxix. Articles from a.d. 1553 to 1571 ; with Copies of the ms. Fac-similes of the Signatures, &c. 4to, 1829 Rogers (Rev. Thomas), The Catholique Doctrine of the Church of England expressed in the Thirty-nine Articles ; the said Articles analised into Pro- positions, and the Propositions prouved to be agreeable to the Word of God, &c. &c. 4to, 1G63 Burnet (Gilbert, Bishop of Sarum), Exposition of the xxxix. Articles of the Church of England. J ,r«o Care, On the xxxix. Articles. 8^°' ^"»^ 76 ENGLAND, &c. {continued). Ellis, Articulorum xxxix. Ecclesise Anglicanae Defensio. - 12mo, 1696 AYix (Samuel), Scriptural Illustration of tlie xxxix. Articles. - 8vo, 1808 1. The Articles of the Church of England illustrated with Notes, and con- firmed by Texts of Scripture ; translated from the Latin of Archdeacon "Welchman. ._.--_----- 2. The x\.rticles of the Church of England weighed against the Gospel, and found wanting ; with other matters relating thereto, by George Williams, a Livery Servant. - - - ----- 1767 3. Archdeacon Tottie's Charge to the Clergy of Worcester relative to the Articles of the Church of England, a.d. 1772. . . . - - 4. Remarks on certain Passages in the Thirty-nine Articles. Oxford, 1841 8vo LiTTLEHALES (Richard), The xxxix. Articles confirmed by Texts of Scripture. 12mo, 1814 Todd (H. J., Rev.), On Original Sin, Free Will, &c. &c., as maintained by our Reformers in the xxxix. Articles; with an Account of the Subscription to those Articles, a.d. 1604, and a Vindication of the authorised Transla- tion of the Bible, and of preceding EngUsh Translations. 8vo, 1818, 19 1. Priestcraft in Perfection ; or, a Detection of Fraud in the Twentieth Article of the Church of England. 1710 2. The Question truly stated and considered. Whether or no there be any just ) Reasons for a new Translation of the Bible, or for a Review of our Liturgies, Articles, and Canons, by a Gentleman. - - - 1751 8vo Bedford (Hilkiah), Vindication of the Church of England from the Aspersions of a late Libel, intituled " Priestcraft in Perfection." - 8vo, 1710 Wilton (Samuel), Review of some of the Articles of the Church of England to which a Subscription is required of Protestant Dissenting Ministers. 8vo, 1774 LiNDSEY (Theophilus), Vindiciee Priestleianse : an Address to the Students of the Two Universities. _...--- 8vo, 1788 — Apology on resigning the Living of Catterick, in Yorkshire. 8vo, 1782 HuRN (Rev. Wm., Vicar of Debenham, &c.). Reasons for Secession from the Church of England. (He seceded in 1822.) - - - 8vo, 1830 Narrative of the Case of the Rev. Mr. Jackson, who A\as refused the Sacra- ment at Bath by Dr. Coney. ------ 8vo, 1736 Le Courayer (P.F.), Dissertation sur la Validite des Ordinations des Anglois, et sur la Succession des Eveques de I'Eglise Anglicane. 12mo, 2 vols. Bnurelles, 1723 Le Quieu, Nullite des Ordinations Anglicanes. - 12mo, 2 vols. 1725 Sharpe (J.), Vindication of the Consecration of Archbishop Cranmer, and also of Archbishop Parker, in which the Nagg's Head Fable is exploded. 8vo, 1721 77 ENGLAND, &c. {continued). Burnet (Gilbert, Bp. of Salisbury), jV Vindication of the Ordinations of the Church of England. .-.-... 12nio, 1G77 Ward (Thomas), The Controversy of Ordination truly stated, as far as it concerns the Church of England by Law established, &c. &c. 17I9j 8vo Williams (Daniel), The Succession of Protestant Bishops asserted, or the Regularity of the Ordinations of the Church of England justified ; wherein the first Protestant Bishops are cleared from the Aspersions cast upon them by Mr. Thomas Ward, a Romanist. - - - 1/21, 8vo Palmer (Rev. William), The Apostolical Jurisdictions, and Succession of the Episcopacy in the British Churches, vindicated against Dr. Wiseman's Objections in the Dublin Review. . _ . _ . gvo, 1840 KiORNiNG (Olaus), De Consecrationibus Episcoporum Anglorum Commentatio Historico-Theologica. ----- 4to, Hebnstadt, 1739 Discourse opening the Nature of Episcopacy which is exercised in England. ]2mo, 1661 ENGRAVERS, ART OF ENGRAVING, AND MISCELLANEOUS EN- GRAVINGS. See Portraits. Strutt (Joseph), Dictionary of Engravers. - - _ - _ 4to ^S~ See Brulliot, and also Bryan, under "Painters." Sculpturse; or. History of the Art of Engraving. - - 12mo, 1770 Jansen, Essai sur I'Origine de la Gravure. - - 8vo, 2 vols. 1808 Ottley, Origin and History of Engraving. . _ _ 4to, 2 vols. Zani, Origine dell' Incisione in Rame. - - - - gvo, 1802 Heinecken, Idee d'une Collection complette d'Estampes, &c. &c. 8vo, 1771 Jackson (John), A Treatise on Wood Engraving, Historical and Practical. 8vo, 1839 Gilpin (William, Prebendary of Salisbury), An Essay on Prints, &c. &c. ]2mo, 1768 Engravings by various Artists to illustrate Maclin's Edition of the Bible. Folio Engravings by various Artists to illustrate David Hume's History of England (published by Robert Bowyer). ..---- Folio, 2 vols. BoYER (d'Aiguilles), Tableaux dans son Cabinet a Aix, graves par Coelmans. Folio, 1744 Thirty-nine Engravings, by Ravenet, Strange, &c. &c., from Pictures by Guido, Rembrandt, and others. - - ----- Folio Thirty-three Engravings, from Paintings by Holbein, Vander-Velde, Claude de Lorraine, Domenichino, and others. - . - . Oblong folio Epictetus, His Morals ; translated by Stanhope. ----- gvo Erasmus. Panegyric upon Folly ; translated from the Latin. - - - 8vo Encomium Morise ; et De Ratione Instituendi Discipulos. - I2mo, 1641 Flores ex Scriptis ejus collects. ------ 12mo Life of Erasmus, by John Jortin, d.d. ------ 4to X 78 Erasmus {continued), Al)riclgment of Jortin's Life of Erasmus, by Lacy. ... 8vo Life of Erasmus, by Samuel Knight ; with an Appendix of original Papers. 8vo, 1726 ESSAYS, MISCELLANIES, &c. The Tatler. 12mo, 4 vols. The Spectator. ..--.--. I2mo, 16 vols. The Guardian. I2mo, 2 vols. A General Index to the Tatlers, Spectators, and Guardians. - - 8vo The Connoisseur. 12mo, 4 vols. The Adventurer. 12mo, 4 vols. The World. 12mo, 6 vols. The Rambler. - .------ 12mo, 6 vols. The Idler. 12mo The Lounger. Folio (original edition) The Looker-on. 12mo, 4 vols. The 011a Podrida. 8vo The Microcosm. - 12mo, 2 vols. The Miniature. I2mo, 2 vols. Knox (Vicesimus), Essays, Moral and Literary. - - I2mo, 2 vols. BowDLER (Jane), Essays, &c. ----- - - 4to Elegant Extracts in Prose. - - . - - - 8vo, 2 vols. Melmoth Fitzosborne's Letters. ------- 8vo Instructions for Youths, Gentlemen, and Noblemen, by Sir W. Raleigh, Lord Burleigh, and others. Chesterfield (Earl of), Letters to his Son. . - - 8vo, 4 vols. Earle (John, Bp. of Salisbury), Micosmography ; or, a Piece of the World discovered, in Essays and Characters. (Reprinted, with Additions, by P. Bliss.) 8vo, 1811 Fuller (Thos., d.d.), The Holy and Profane State; containing Moral Essays, Biography, &c. &c. ------- Folio, 1663 Montaigne, Essais, &c. - ------ 4to, 3 vols. Le Livre des Singularites, par G. P. Philomneste (sc. Gabriel Peignot). 8vo, 1841 Howell (James), Epistolae Ho-Elianse ; or. Letters Historical, Political, and Philosophical (written in the Reign of King Charles I.) Kreihing (J.), Emblemata Ethico-Politica carmine explicata. 12mo, 1661 ESSEX. Wallen (William), History and Antiquity of the Round Church at Little Maplestead, formerly belonging to the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem. 8vo, 1836 Ogborne (Elizabeth), History of Essex, from the earliest period to the present time. .-.--. 4to, 1814 (no more published). ^^ History of Waltham Abbey, founded by King Harold, by Thos. Fuller, d.d. (In the same volume with his Church History of Britain.) 79 ETHICS, METAPHYSICS, LOGIC, HISTORY AND SYSTEMS OF PHI- LOSOPHY. See Maxims and Proverbs. Stanley (Thomas), History of Philosophy, containing the Lives, Opinions, &c. of the Philosophers of every sect. ... - Folio, 1701 Brucker, Institutiones Historic Philosophicse. - - - 8vo, 1790 Enfield, History of Philosophy, from the earliest times to the beginning of the Eighteenth Century. 4to, 2 vols. FoRMEV, Histoire de la Philosophic ancienne et moderne. - 12ino, 1760 BuHLE, Histoire de la Philosophic moderne, depuis la Renaissance des Lettres jusqu'a Kant; prt^cedee d'un Abrege de la Philosophic ancienne depuis Thales jusqu'au 14me Siecle : trad, de I'Allemand. - 8vo, 6 vols. PiESTRE, Les Crimes de la Philosophic; ou. Tableau succinct des Effets qu'elle a operes dans les Sciences, les Arts, &c. &c. - - 8vo, 1804 BuRGERSDicius, Idea Philosophiae Moralis, cum Idea CEconomicae ct Politicaj Doctrine. 12mo, 1643—49 Synopsis Librorum Grotii, Clarkii, ct Lockii. - - . . 8vo Synopsis Metaphysicse, Ontologiam et Pneumatologicam complcctcns. 12mo, Glasgua, \77'^ Burgh, Dignity of Human Nature. 8vo Le Clerc, Reflections upon what is commonly called Good Luck and 111 Luck ; translated from the French. - - - - 12ma, 1694 L'Hoggidi, overo il Mondo non peggiore, nc piii calamitoso del passato ; del Padre Secondo Lancellotti, da Perugia. - - 8vo, Venetia, 1675 PuFFENDORF (Sauiucl), The Whole Duty of Man according to the Law of Nature ; translated from the Latin. - - - - 8vo, 1698 Stubbes (Philip), The Anatomic of Abuses. A reprint from the edition of 1585, 8vo The English Ape, the Italian imitation, the Footesteppes of Fraunce : wherein is explaned the wilfuU Blindnessc of subtill mischiefe, the striving for Starres, the catching of Mooncshinc, and the Secrete Sound of many hol- low Hearts, by W. R. 4to, 1588 Burton (Robert), The Anatomy of Melancholy : what it is; the Causes and the several Cures of it, by Democritus Junior (reprinted from the edition of 1651, with the author's last additions). ... - 8vo Pike (Samuel), Philosophia Sacra ; or, the Principles of Natural Philosophy ; extracted from Revelation. ^^Oj w53 Vico (Giambattista), Principi di Scienza Nuova, &c., colla Vita del Autore scritta da lui medesimo. - - - - 8vo, 3 vols. M(7a«o, 1816 Edwards (John), The Uncertainty of Human Knowledge. - 8vo, 1714 (Jonathan), On Free Will. ----- 8vo, 1762 Berkeley (Bishop of Cloyne), Minute Philosopher. - - - 8vo Principle of Humane Knowledge. ----- 8vo 80 ETHICS, &c. {continued). Burnet (James, Lord Monboddo), Ancient Metaphysics. 4to, 6 vols. 1789, 99 Bruce (Jolin), First Principles of Pliilosophy. .... 12nio Elements of Ethics. - ...... 8vo Ferguson (Adam, ll.d.). Institutes of Moral Philosophy. . ]2mo, 1785 Beattie (Rev. James, ll.d.), An Essay on the Nature and Immutability of Truth, in opposition to Sophistry and Scepticism. - - 8vo, 1773 Elements of Moral Science. ..... gvo, 2 vols. Smith (Adam, ll.d.), Theory of Moral Sentiments. . - 8vo, 2 vols. Palmer (Elihu), Principles of Nature ; or, a Developement of the Moral Causes of Happiness and Misery among the Human Species. . 8vo Belsham (Thomas), Elements of the Philosophy of the Mind, and of Moral Philosophy; to which is prefixed a Compendium of Logic. . 8vo, 1801 Paley (William, d.d.), Moral and Political Philosophy. . 8vo, 2 vols. His Moral and Political Philosophy condensed. . 12mo, 1831 Reid (Thomas), Inquiry into the Human Mind, on the Principles of Common Sense. ..-...---.. 8yo Essays on the Intellectual Powers of the Mind. - - 8vo Stewart (Dugald, of Edinburgh), Outlines of Moral Philosophy. . 8vo Philosophy of the Human Mind. .... 8vo, 2 vols. Brown (Thomas), Lectures on the Philosophy of the Human Mind. . 8vo Young (John, ll.d.), Lectures on Intellectual Philosophy (delivered at the College of Belfast). 8vo, 1835 Watts (Isaac), Elements of Logic. ...... 12nio Essays, Remarks on Locke's Essay on the Understanding, a brief Scheme of Ontology, &c. - ..... 8vo, 1763 Duncan (William), Elements of Logic. ..... 12mo Port-Royal Art of Thinking, translated from the French. . - 8vo D'Harvart, La Logique, ou I'Art de Penser. ... I2mo, 1708 ETHIOPIA. See Abyssinia. Evans, Arise. An Echo to the Voice from Heaven ; or, a Narration of the Life, the special Calling, and Visions of Arise Evans ; by him published in discharge of his duty to God, &c. &c 12mo, 1652 EUROPE, General History, and State of. Schoell (Frederic), Tableau des Peuples qui habitent Europe, classes d'apres les Langues qu'ils parlent, et Tableau des Religions qu'ils professent. 8vo, Paris, 1812 Stuart (Gilbert), Progress of Society in Europe. .... 8vo Esprit de I'Histoire de I'Europe, depuis 476 jusqu'en 1648. . - 8vo Russell (AYilliam), History of Modern Europe, with a Continuation to 1815. 8vo, 7 vols. Jovius (Paulus), Historia sui Temporis. . - - 8vo, 3 vols. 1553 Thuanus (De Thou), Historia sui temporis (a.d. 1547—1610). Folio, 7 vols. 81 EUROPE, &c. {continued). Brewer (Henry), Historia Rerum iiotabiliorum quse ex anno 1661 in annum 1674 in Germaniam et alias Europfe regiones accidere ; cum Appcndice describente prassentem Regis Christianissimi adversus unitum Belgium Ex- peditionem. ------ 8vo, Col. Ayripp. 1672-75 Brachelius, Historia sui temporis Rerum per Europam et Imp. Rom. gestarum ab anno 161 8 usque ad 1652. - - 8vo Tractatus, in quibus Instrumenta Pacis Monasteriensis et Osnaburgensis con- clusa; aliaque comprehenduntur. ------ 8vo Malcolm (J. P.), Miscellaneous Anecdotes illustrative of the Manners and History of Europe during the Reigns of Charles 11., James HI., William III., and Queen Anne. --.---- 8vo, 1811 De Torcy, Memoires pour servir a I'Histoire des Negociations depuis le Traits de Ryswick jusqu'a la Paix d'Utrecht. - - - 12mo, 3 vols. Campbell (John), Present State of Europe, explaining the Interests, &c. of its several Powers. - - _ _ - - - 8vo, 1752 De La Croix, Review of the principal Constitutions of Europe ; translated from the French. 8vo, 2 vols. 1792 Memoires tir^s des Papiers d'un Homme d'Etat (le Prince Harbenberg) sur les Causes secretes qui ont determine la Politique des Cabinets dans les Guerres de la Revolution. 8vo, 13 vols. Segur (Louis P.), Politique de tous les Cabinets de I'Europe pendant lea Regnes de Louis XV et XVI. 8vo, 3 vols. Tableau Historique et Politique, &c. &c. depuis 1786 jusqu'en 1796. 8vo, 3 vols. Smyth (William), Lectures on Modern History, from the irruption of the Northern Nations to the close of the American Revolution (delivered at Cambridge). - 8vo, 2 vols. 1840 F. FACETLE, &c. &c. Meier, The Merry Philosopher; or, Thoughts on Jesting; translated from the German. - l^mo Scelta di Facetie, BufFonerie, Motti, &c. cavate da diversi Autori. 12mo, Verona, 1588 De la Taille, Histoire abre^gee des Singeries de la Ligue, &c. &c. 12mo, 1595 Ignoramus, Comcedia, scriptore G. Ruggle: ed. J. S. Hawkins, 8vo, 1787 Pedantius, Comcedia, acta Cantabrigiaj. . - - - 12mo, 1631 Peters (Hugh), His Tales and Jests collected. - - - - 8vo Dissertationum Ludicrarum et Amoenitatum Scriptores varii. - 12mo, 1638 1. Epigrammata Thomas Mori (olim AngliseCancellarii). - - - -) 2. Progymnasmata Thomse Mori et Guillielmi Lilii Sodalium, - - -/ 12mo, 1638 82 FACETLE, &c. [continued). RoRARius, Quod Aninialia Bruta Ratione utuntur melius Homine. 12ino, 1648 Menckenius, De Charlatanei-id Eruditorum. - . _ 8vo, 1747 Newes from Rome ; or, a Relation of the Pope and his Patentees Pilgrimage into Hell, witli their Entertainment, and the Popes return againe to Rome, &c. &c. - - - ------ 4to, 1641 L' Alcoran des Cordeliers, &c. ------ 12mo, 2 vols. Gambado, Annals of Horsemanship. ----- Folio, 1791 An Academy for Grown Horsemen, &c. - - - 4to, 1796 Stevens (G. A.), A Lecture on Heads. . - - - . 12mo The Canonization of Thos. Weld, Esq. - . - - 8vo, 1801 L'Almanach des Gourmands, 1803 — 9. ... - 12mo, 7 vols. Democritus Ridens ; sive. Campus Recreationum honestarum, cum Exor- cismo Melancholise. -.---.. 12mo, 1701 Roger Bontemps en Belle Humeur (attribue au Due de Roquelaure). 12mo, 2 vols. 1708 Stadelius, De Circumforaned Literatorum Vanitate. - - . 1747 Epigrams, Ancient and Modern ; with an Essay on that Species of Compo- sition. 12mo, Dublin, ij&J Ferrar, Nicholas. Life of, by Dr. Peckard. -...._-. gvo FEROE ISLANDS. See Denmark. FICTION, WORKS OF, in Prose ; ROMANCES, &c. &c. HuET, Traite de rOrigine des Romans. .... I2mo, 1711 DuNLOP, History of Fiction. .---.. 12mo, 3 vols. The most delectable History of Reynard the Fox ; to which is now added a Second Part. Also the Shifts of Reynardine, Son of Reynard the Fox ; with his Life and Death, &c. ...... 4to, I7OI Don Quixotte, in French. ...... ]2mo, 6 vols. Gil Bias. 12mo, 4 vols. Fenelon, Les Avantures de Telemaque. .... 8vo, 2 vols. Les Avantures de Telemaque; with an Italian Version. 12mo, 4 vols. La Fontaine, Fables Choisies. ..... gvo, 2 vols. Contes et Nouvelles. ...... 12mo, 2 vols. Choris, Voyage Pittoresque autour du Monde ; accompagn^ de Descriptions par Cuvier, &c. ..-..-.. Folio, 1822 Candide, ou I'Optimisme ; trad, de I'Allemand, par M. Le Docteur Raljih. 12mo, 1769 Causes Amusantes et Connues. ..... 12mo, 1770 SoAVE, Novelle Morali. ....... 12mo Klimius (Nicolas), Iter Subterraneum, nova Telluris Theoria, &c. &c. 8vo, 1741 Hole (Richard), Remarks on the Arabian Nights. . . 12mo, 1797 Notti Romane, al Sepolcro de' Scipioni. .... 12mo, 2 vols. 83 FICTION, &c. {continued). . , , r OuFLE, History of his Ridiculous Extravagancies, occasioned by readmg Books on Magic, &c. &c. - - . , ^, o u n c Gesta Romanorum; translated from the Latin, with Notes, &c. by C. Swan iJmo, 2 vols. The Novelist's Magazine: containing the Novels ^y /^<^'"'">«7'' ^_'rl!!;^ Fielding, Goldsmith, and others. - - Svo, 23 vols. 1786-89 FINANCE. See Political Economy. Fisher, John, Bishop of Rochester. -^ ,- i^ a • ir;o7 Opera qu^e hactenus inveniri potuerunt omma. - Folio, Wirceburffr, l^i .The Life and Death of John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester; «nth a full Relation of Queen Katharine's Divorce. By Thomas Bailey d.d. 12mo (reprinted from the original edition ot lOoa.) FLANDERS. See Netherlands. FLORENCE. See Tuscany. FONTENELLE. _ _ _ 12inO, 3 Vols. Ses GEuvres diverses. - - " ^^^.^^^, VORFSTS AND FOREST-LAWS (IN ENGLAND). ^^uZoTtI^L of the Lawes of the Forest ; of the Offices of Verderors, Lewi? (ptcLt" His'torica"; Inq^iiries concerning Forests and Fo-st La.. ; with Remarks on the ancient and present state of the New Forest 4to, 181 1 BooTHE (Nathaniel), The Rights of Hi^s Majesties Forest asserted; in a Charge given at a Swanimote held at Windsor, a.d. 1/ 17- - 8vo, 1/ 1.) FRANCE, HISTORY OF, before May 1789. Serres, Hist, de France (Pharamond-Louis XIII). - Umo, H vols. Henault, Abrege Chronologique de I'Hist. de France, depuis Clovis jusqu a 1 T • -vnr - - - ■ l^mo. o vols. la mort de Louis AiV. - - , tt • T-^^^ Mezeray, Abrege de I'Hist. de France (Pharamond - Henri IV>^^^^ ^ ^^^^^ 1 . Histoire de St. Louis (Louis IX) , par le Sire de Joinville - - - 1 2. Les Annales de son Regne, par De Nangis, sa Vie, et Miracles - -i Folio, l/bl Froissart, Les Chroniques de Sire Jean Froissart; avec Notes, Tables, et Glossaire, par J. A. C. Buchon. - - 8vo, 3 vols. Port., 1^7 Monstrelet, Les Chroniques d'Enguerrand de Monstrelet, a.d. '400-1 144 8vo, Pai-is, lyob MicQUEL (J. L.), Aurelife Urbis memorabilis ab Anglis obsidio, anno '428. et Joannae Viraginis Lotharingae res gestte. - - " '2'""' j^^ HoRDAL, Historia Joanna d'xVrc. 4to, Du Fresnoy, Histoire de Jeanne d'Arc, dite La Pucelle d'Orleans. _ 12mo, 1/oy Jeanne d'Arc, Memoirs of; with the History of her Times. 8vo, 2 vols 1824 CoMiNES (Philippe de), Ses Memoires. - - - " 8vo, 5 vols. 84 FRANCE, &c. (continued). A Discourse of tlie Civile Warres and late Troubles in Fraunce ; drawn into Englishe by Geffray Fenton. (Dedicated to Sir Henry Sidney, 1570.) r2nio, London, by H. Bynneman, s. a. Davila, Le Guerre Civili di Francia. - . . - 8vo, 6 vols. Duke of Espernon, His Life ; translated from the French. - - Folio CoRNEJO (Pedro), Relation des choses dignes de remarque arrivees pendant le Siege de Paris, par Henri de Bourbon, Prince de Beam, prenant le titre de Roi de France et de Navarre ; traduite de I'Espagnol. - - 8vo Recueil de diverses Pieces servant a I'Histoire de Henri IH. - 12mo, 1666 Discours Merveilleux de la Vie, &c. de Catherine de Medicis, Royne Mere, declarant les moyens qu'elle a tenus pour usurper le Gouvernenient du Royaume de France, et ruiner I'estat d'iceluy. (Attribue a Henri d'Etienne.) 12mo, 1649 Varamond (Ernest), De Furoribus Gallicis, horrenda Aniirallii, Castillionei, &c. caede, ac inaudita pioruni strage per complures Gallise civitates, vera et simplex narratio. - ------ 4to, 1573 Les Actes de la Confe'rence tenue a Paris es Moys de Juillet et Aoust 1566, entre deux Docteurs de Sorbonne et deux Ministres de Calvin. 8vo, Paris, 1568 Bernard, Genealogie de la Maison de Bourbon. - - Folio, 1644 Henri IV, la Vie de, par Perefixe. ------ 12mo Sermons de la simulee Conversion et NuUite de la prdtendue Absolution de Henri de Bourbon, Prince de Beam, a S. Denys, le Dimanche, 25 Juillet, 1593. 8vo, 1594 De justa et canonic^ Absolutione Henrici IV. Fraucise et Navarrae Regis, ex exemplari in Italii excuso. ------ 8vo, 1594 Sully, Ses Mdmoires. -...--. 8vo, 6 vols. Pierre de l'Estoile. 1. Memoires pour servir a I'Histoire de France depuis 1515 jusqu'en 1611. ) 2. Journal de Henri III. -------- 3. Journal du Regne de Henri IV. ------ 12mo, 11 vols. 1719— 4i L'Irrevocabilite de I'Edit de Nantes, prouv^e par les Principes du Droit et de la Politique. ------ 12mo, Amsterdam, 1688 De Brueys, Histoire du Fanatisme de nostre temps ; et le dessein que I'on avoit de soulever en France les mecontens des Calvinistes. - 12mo, 1692 1 . Memoires du Cardinal de Retz. - - - - - - - -\ 2. Memoires de Guy Joly ; faisant suite aux Memoires du Cardinal de \ Retz --J 12mo, 6 vols. Anquetil, Court of Louis XIV. ; translated from the French. - 8vo, 2 vols. Louis XIV. the Great Bastard the Protector of the Little One. - 12nio, 1691 85 FRANCE, &c. {continued). Voltaire, Siecle de Louis XIV ; avcc uii Precis du Sifecle de Louis XV.. 8vo, 4 vols. St. Simon, Ses Memoires (Louis XIV et XV). - - - 8vo, 7 vols. Berthevin, Rechcrchcs Historitjucs sur Ics deniicrs Jours des Rois dc France, leurs Funeraillcs, &c., suivics d'une Notice sur Saint Denis ; le Sacrc des Rois et leur Couronnement. ------ 8vo, 1825 Prudhomme, Crimes des Reines de France, depuis le commencement de la Monarchie jusqu'a M. Antoinette. ----- 8vo, 1792 De la Roque, Traite du Ban et Arriere-Ban ; de son Origine et dc ses Con- vocations. --------- r2mo, 167(» Histoire de la Pairie de France et du Parlement ; Traites touchant les Pairies d'Angleterre et les Grands d'Espagne. - - - - 12mo, 1740 Imhof (J. W.), Excellentium Familiaruni in Galli.^ Genealogia, a prlmft earundem origine usque ad praesens aevum deductse. Folio, Norimb. 1687 L' Abbe Sieves, Qu'est-ce que le Tiers-Etat? - - . 8vo, 1789 FRANCE, HISTORY OF, since May, 1789. See Buonaparte. DuLAURE, Esquisses Historiques de la Revolution Franyaise, 1780 — 1814. 8vo, 5 vols. Bailly (Jean Sylvain, Premier Maire de Paris), Ses Memoires. 8vo, 3 vols. Histoire de la Revolution Franyaise, 1789 — 1802; par deux Amis de la Liberte (MM. Clavelin et Kerveseau). ----- 12mo, 19vols. Memoires sur 1' Affaire de Varennes, 1791; par le Marquis de Bouille ; les Comtes de Raigecourt et de Damas, &c. - - - - 8vo, 1823 TouLOXGEON, Histoire de France, (1789 — 1799). - - 8vo, ~ vols. De Stael (Madame), Considerations sur la Revolution' Franjaise. 8vo, 3 vols. Prudho:mme, Crimes commls pendant la Revolution. - - 8vo, 6 vols. Proces celebres de la Revolution Franjaise. - - - - 8vo, 2 vols. Dictionnaire des Girouettes. ------- 8vo, 1815 Lanjuinais, Les Constitutions de la France, depuis 1/91 jusqu'en 1814. 8vo, 2 vols. Memoires pour servir a I'Histoire de France en 1815. - . - 8vo FoucHE (Due d'Otranto), Ses Memoires. - - - - 8vo, 2 vols. Comte, Histoire de la Garde Nationale, depuis I'epoque de sa formation jusqu'a rOrdonnance du 27 Avril 1827. - - - - 8vo, 1827 Catechisme a I'Usage de I'Empire Franyaise. - - - 12m(), 1807 Bresson, Histoire Financiere de la France, depuis I'origine de la Monarchie jusqu'en 1828. -------- 8vo, 2 vols. Burke (Edmund), Reflections on tlic Revolution in France, &c. &c. 8vo, 179!) Mackintosh (Sir James), Vindici.'e Gallicie : Defence of the French Revo- lution and its English admirers against the Accusations of Edmund Burke, &c. -------- - 8vo, 1791 Smyth (William, Professor of Modern History at Cambridge), Lectures on the French Revolution (down to the execution of Robespierre). - 8vo, 3 vols. z 86 FRANCE, &c. {continued). Biographic Moderne des Fran^ais, de I'uii et de I'autre Sexe, qui se sont rendus celebres depuis le commencement de la Revolution. - 8vo, 3 vols. 1816 Ceremonial de la Cour de France ; ou, Description Historique de ses grandes Dignites, &c., par Pissot. .--.-_ ]2nio, 1821 Revolution a.d. ]8.'30, sundry Tracts, &c. relating thereto. - 8vo, 3 vols. FRANCE (TOPOGRAPHY, ANTIQUITIES, &c.). See Paris. Normandy. Bastille. Arches. Mosaic Pavements. N. de Fer, Les Beautes de la France. - - - Folio, Paris, I7O8 MiLLiN (A. L.), Les Antiquites Nationales. ... Folio, 5 vols. Voyage dans les Departemens du Midi (a.d. 1804). 8vo, 5 vols., et un Atlas in-folio SiNCERUS (Jodocus), Itinerarium Gallise, cum Appendice de Burdigald. I2mo, 1655 Voyage Litteraire de deux Benedictins. Le Voyage de I'Eveque de Bayeux en 1381 pour negocier la paix entre les Couronnes de France et de I'Angleterre, &c. &c. - 4to, 2 vols. 1717—24 Beaumont (Albanis), Select Views in the South of France ; with Topogra- phical and Historical Descriptions. .... Folio, 1794 Durante (Louis), Histoire de Nice, depuis sa fondation; avec un Apper9u sur les evenemens jusqu'en 1815 inclusivement. 8vo, 3 vols. Turin, 1823 Menard, Histoire des Antiquit(?s de la Ville de Nismes, et de ses Environs. 8vo A Visit to Vaucluse, Nismes, Orange, &c. in May, 1821. ... 8vo 1. Antiquites et Inscriptions des Villes de Die, d'Orange, &c. 2. Notice sur le Calvaire des Romains. ...... 3. Notice sur Montpellier, par Charles de Belleval. ... 1818 1 4. Essais sur la Ville de Nancy. -..---- 1779 8vo Calais et ses Environs : Notice Historique sur I'etat ancien et moderne du Calaisis, de I'Ardresis, &c. &c., par P. J. M. Collet. 12mo, Calais, 1833 Troyes, la Ville de. Les Ephemerides de P. J. Grosley : ouvrage historique ; augmente de plusieurs morceaux inedits, &c. &c. par Patris Debreuil. 12mo, 2vols. 1811 Pacome, Description du Plan en relief de I'Abbaye de la Trappe. 4to, I7O8 Memoires pour servir a I'Histoire de I'Abbaye de Port-Royal, par Fontaine. 12mo, 2 vols. Montfaucon, Monarchic Fran9oise. .... Folio, 5 vols. Du Sommerard (Alexandre), Les Arts au Moyen Age. - - Folio Les Arts au Moyen Age, en ce qui concerne principalement le Palais Romain de Paris et I'Hotel de Cluny. - - - 8vo, 2 vols. 1838 Willemin (N. X.), Monuments Fran9ais Inddits, pour servir a I'Histoire des Arts depuis le Sixiemc Siecle jusqu'au commencement du Dix-septieme. Folio, 2 vols. 1839 87 FRANCE, &c. (continued). De Laborde, Les Monuinens de la France classes chronologuiucment, et consideri's sous le rapport des faits historiques et de Tetudc des Arts. Folio, 4 vols. 1816—36 Description des nouveaux Jardins de la France, et de ses anciens Chateaux, &c. &c. Folio, 1808 Chapuy, &c., Vues Pittoresques de plusieurs des Cath(?drales Frai)9aises, avec les Textes Historiques, &c. - - - Folio, 2 vols. 1826 — 31 Lenoir, Histoire des Arts en France, prouvee par les Monumens, &c. 4to, avec un Atlas in-folio, 1811 Description Hist, et Chronol. des Monumens de Sculpture reunis au Musee des Monumens Franyais, &c. - - - 8vo, an x. (1802) Musee des Monumens Franyais ; ou, Description des Statues, Bas- Reliefs, et Tombeaux des Hommes et des Femmes celebres ; pour servir a I'Histoire de France, et a celle de I'Art. - - 8vo, 8 vols. 1801)— 21 Peignot (E. G.), Essai Chronologique sur les Moeurs, Coutumes, et Usages anciens de la Bourgogne. 12mo, Dijon, 1827 Histoire de la Vie Privee des Franyais ; ou. Tableau des Moeurs, Coutumes, et Usages de nos Ancetres, aux differentes epoques de la Monarcliie. 12nio, Paris, 1824 Le Gendre (Chanoine de I'Eglise de Paris), Les Moeurs et Coutumes des Franyois dans les premiers tems de la Monarchic. - 12mo, Paris, 1753 Mole, Histoire des Modes Franyaises; ou. Revolutions du Costume en France, depuis I'etablissement de la Monarchie jusqu'a nos jours. ]2mo, 1777 De Viel Castel, Collection des Costumes, Armes, et Meubles ; pour servir a I'Histoire de France, depuis le commencement du ¥■"« Siecle jusqu'a nos jours. - Folio, 3 vols. 1827—32 Costumes Civils et Militaires, depuis 1200 jusqu'en 1820. - Folio, 4 vols. de Quatre Ddpartemens : viz. Seine Inferieure, Calvados, La Manche, etL'Orne. Folio de Bourdeaux et les Environs. ..---- Folio of the French Pyrenees, by Johnson. . - . - 4to FRANCE, LANGUAGE OF. PouGENs, Archeologie Fran^aise; ou, Vocabulaire des Mots tonibes en De- suetude. .-..------- 8vo Lacombe, Dictionnaire du Vieux Langage Fran9ais. - - - 8vo Kelham, Norman-French Dictionary. ..---. j^yg Roquefort, Glossairc de la Langue Romane - . - 8vo, 3 vols. Lewis (G. C), Essay on the Origin and Formation of the Romance Languages. 8vo, 1835 Henry (Gabriel), Histoire de la Langue Fran9oise. - 8vo, 2 vols. 1812 Fauchet, Origine de la Langue et Poesie Fran9oise. - - 8vo, 1581 88 FRANCE, &c. {continued). Manuel Lexique ; ou, Dictionnaire Portatif des Mots Francois dont la signifi- cation n'est pas familiere a tout le monde. - - 12mo, 2 vols. 1755 Wailly, Grammaire Fran9aise. ------ 12mo Art de bien parler rran9ois. ------ 12mo, 2 vols. Journal de la Langue Fran9aise, redige par Marie. - 8vo, 4 vols. 1827 — 29 GiRARD, Synonymes Fran^ais. ----- 12mo, 2 vols. Levizac, Dictionnaire des Synonymes Fran^ais. - - - - 8vo BoiLEAU, Dictionary of French Horaonymes ; or, French Expressions similar in Sound, but differing in Meaning. 8vo, 1821 D'Olivet, Traite sur la Prosodie Fran9oise. - - - . 12mo Tarver, Dictionnaire des Verbes Fran9ais. - - . - 12mo Vocabulaire de I'Academie Fran^aise. ------ 8vo Lamadelaine, Dictionnaire de la Langue Fran9aise. - - - 12mo Laveaux, Dictionnaire de la Langue Fran9aise. . - - 4to, 2 vols. Boniface, Dictionnaire Fran9ais et Anglais, Anglais et Fran9ais. 8vo, 2 vols. 1. CoTGRAVE, A French and English Dictionary. - - - - -\ 2. Sherwood, A Dictionary, English and French. - - - - - J Folio, 1660 Dictionnaire Languedocien-Fran9ois, par M. I'Abbe de Sauvage. 8vo, Nimes, 1756 Leroux, Dictionnaire Comique, Burlesque, &c. - - - 8vo, 2 vols. Caillot, Nouveau Dictionnaire Proverbial. ----- 12mo Panckoucke (Joseph), Dictionnaire des Proverbs Fran9ais et des Fa9ons de parler. 8vo, 1748 Melanges sur les Langues, Dialectes, et Patois; precedes d'un Essai d'un Travail sur la Geographic de la Langue Fran9aise. - - 8vo, 1831 Artaud, Le Dictionnaire des Halles ; ou, Extrait du Dictionnaire de I'Aca- demie Fran9oise. ----- 12mo, a Bruxelles, 1696 Dictionnaire du Bas-Langage, &c. &c. - - - 8vo, 2 vols. 1808 De Roquefort (Flamericourt), De I'Etat de la Poesie Fran9oise dans les xii« et xiii*^ Siecles. ------- 8vo, Paris, 1815 FRANCE, LAW OF. Les Sept Codes de France. ------ 12nio, 1830 De Lassaux, Introduction ;i I'Etude du Code Napoleon. - 8vo, 1812 Code des Contributions Directes. ----- 8vo, 3 vols. Manuel des Contributions Directes. ----- 12mo, 1828 Franklin, Benjamin (of North America). Miscellaneous and Philosophical Works. - . - - 8vo, 1779 Frederic IL, King of Prussia. Memoires de la Maison de Brandebourg. ----- 12mo 89 Frederic, &c. {continued). 1. Instructions pour ses Gen^raux. -------. 1 2. Son Eloge, par Guibert. - - - - - - - - -J 12nio Life and Reign of, by John Towers. - - . . . 8vo, 2 vols. Denina (Carlo), Essai sur Frederic II, Roi de Prusse. - - - 8vo FREEMASONRY. See Secret Societies. Frend, William, Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge. 1. Thoughts on Subscriptions to Religious Tests, particularly by Candi- dates for the Degree of B.A. - ----- 1789 2. Peace and Union recommended to Republicans and Anti-Republicans. 1793/ 3. Proceedings in the Vice-Chancellor's Court, and in that of Delegates, against him, for publishing the Pamphlet " Peace and Union." 4. Sequel to the Account of the Proceedings. - - - . 1795 8v6 Froissart, Memoirs of, by S*« Palaye ; translated by Thomas Johnes. - 12mo Frontinus. De Aquaeductibus. See Vitruvius. Stratagems of War ; translated into English. - - 1 2m o, 1685 G. Gainsford, Thomas. The Glory of England ; or, a true Description of many excellent Prerogatives and remarkable Blessings, whereby shee triumpheth over all the Nations in the World. With a Comparison betweene herselfe and the eminent Kingdomes of the Earth, &c. - . _ . . 4to, 1619 GALVANISM, See Electricity. GAMES, EXERCISES, SPORTS, &c. &c. See Strutt, under « Antiquities OF England;" Cards; and Chess. Hyde (Thomas), De Ludis Orientalibus. . - . . 12mo, 1694 Diversaruni Gentium Armatura Equestris : ubi fere Europae, Asiae, atque Africae equitandi ratio propria expressa est. - 4to, sine loco vel anno The Complete Gamester; with the Misteries of Riding, Racing, &c. 12mo, 1709 Academie Universelle des Jeux. - . . . . 12mo, 3 vols. Williamson, Oriental Field-Sports. ...... Folio Johnson (Daniel), Oriental Wild Sports, &c. ; with the Art of Catching Ser- pents, as practised by the Conjurors. - . . - 8vo, 1827 Field-Sports of the North of Europe ; comprised in a Personal Narrative of a Residence in Sweden and Norway in 1827 and 28. By L. Lloyd. 8vo, 2 vols. Daniel (Rev. Wm.), Rural Sports. . . - . . 8vo, 4 vols. 2 a 90 GAMES, &c. {continued). Walton and Cotton, The Complete Angler : with Lives and Notes by Sir John Hawkins. 8vo, 1808 The Complete Angler ; or, Contemplative Man's Recreation : with original Memoirs and Notes by Sir Harris Nicolas. - 8vo, 2 vols. 1836 A Discourse on Fish and Fish-Ponds. , . - - - 8vo, 1713 L'Art de la Peche a la Ligne : Discours sur les Poissons, la Maniere de les prendre, &c. ]2mo, 1816 Howell (R.), The School of Recreation; or, a Guide to the most ingenious Exercises of Angling, Racing, Fowling, &c. &c. - 12mo, London, 1696 Venables (Robert), The Experienced Angler. Reprinted from the edition of 1662, 8vo AscHAM (Roger), Toxophilus ; the Schole or Partitions of Shooting. 1 First published a.d. 1544 \ Hargrove, Anecdotes of Archery, from the earliest ages to the year IJOl. -J 12mo Wood (Wm.), The Bowman's Glory ; or. Archery revived : giving an Account of the signal Favours vouchsafed to Archers by Henry VIH., James, and Charles I. ; and a Remembrance of the Show and Shooting by the Duke of Shoreditch, Sept. 17, 1583, &c. &c. - - - - 8vo, 1682 Hastings (Thos.), The British Archer; or, Tracts on Archery. - 4to, 1831 Archery, Tracts on, by Roberts. ------ 8vo, 1801 Pedestrianism. — An Account of Performances by celebrated Pedestrians. 8vo, 1813 Arts Academiques: viz. Equitation, Danse, Escrime, et Natation. 4to, 1786 Percy (William), The Complete Swimmer; or, the Art of Swimming. 12mo, 1658 Dictionnaire du Gentilhomme : viz. L'Art de monter a Cheval, I'Art Mili- taire, &c. - 12mo, 1680 Weaver (John), An Essay towards an History of Dancing. - 12mo, 1712 Genius Genuine : a fine Art in riding a Race ; and an Account of the running of the Prince's Horse, Escape, Oct. 1791, by S. ChifFney. - 8vo Campanalogia ; or, the Art of Ringing made easie. - - 12mo, 1705 GARDENING, PLANTING, TIMBER, &c. &c. See Laborde under " Topo- graphy OF France." Mawe, Gardening Dictionary. _-.-.- 4to, 1778 Forsyth (Wm.), On the Culture of Fruit-Trees. - - - 8vo, 1810 Boutcher (Wm.), Treatise on Forest-Trees. ... 4to, 1778 1. Steuart (Sir Henry), The Planter's Guide. \ 2. Withers, A Letter to Sir Henry Steuart. - - - - - - / 8vo, 1828 Strutt (J. G.), Sylva Britannica; or. Portraits of Remarkable Trees. 8vo Evelyn (John), Sylva; or, a Discourse of Forest-Trees, &c. - - 4to 91 GARDENING, &c. {continued). RooKE (Hayman), Description of some Remarkable Oaks at Welbeck; with Observations on the Age and Durability of tliat Tree, &c. - 4to, 1790 Description of the Great Oak in Salcev Forest, Northamptonshire. 8vo, 1797 Chambers (Sir Wm.), On Oriental Gardening. - - - 4to, 1773 Repton (Humphrey), Sketches and Hints on Landscape Gardening. Oblong folio, 1794 Observations on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening. 4to, 1805 Observations on the Changes in Landscape Gardening. - 8vo, 1806 Fragments on Landscape Gardening. - - - 4tQ, 1816 Price (Uvedale), Essay on the Picturesque, and the Study of Pictures for improving real Landscape. 8vo, 1790 BoiTARD, L'Art de composer et decorer les Jardins. Oblong folio, 2 vols. G \RRicK (David), Memoirs of the Life of, &c. by Thomas Davies. 8vo, 2 vols. 1784 GENEALOGIES AND FAMILY HISTORIES. 1. Foreign. See the Countries respectively. 2. United Kingdom. See Family Names in their alphabetical order. Gent (Thomas, Printer of York), the Life of, written by himself. - - 8vo GEOGRAPHY, Ancient and Modern, MAPS, &c. &c. Heylin, Cosmographie. Folio, 1652 Enitome Theatri Ortelliani : prsecipuarum Orbis Regionum Delineationes. ^ 12mo, 1589 Le Recueil des Pais selon leur situation ; avec les Mceurs, Loix, et Ceremonies d'iceux. - - - 12mo, Paris, 1558 Adam (Alex.), Summary of Geography, Ancient and Modern. - 8vo, 1797 L\URENT (P. E.), Introduction to the Study of Ancient Geography. 8vo, 1830 D'Anville, Compendium of Ancient Geography ; translated from the French. 8vo L'Euphrate et le Tigre. .------ 4to Atlas of Ancient Geography. Folio Salmon, Present State of all Nations. - - - 4to, 3 vols. 1739 BoEMUS (Joannes), The Manners, Lawes, and Customes of all Nations; with Additions, gathered out of Nicholas Damascenus, John Lerins, Damianus a Goes, and Joseph Scaliger: translated into English by E. Aston. 4to, 1611 PiNKERTON (John), Modern Geography. - - - 4to, 2 vols. 1817 Gazetteer (Edinburgh). -------- 8vo, 1824 Smith, Modern Atlas, with the Arrangements at Vienna in 1815. - 4to Modern Atlas, by Kitchen. Folio, 1797 Nova totius Geographica Telluris Projectio a Gerard Valk. - Folio, s. a. Arrowsmith, Ancient and Modern Geography. - - - - 4to 92 GEOGRAPHY, &c. {continued). Wilkinson, Atlas Classica. .-..__-- 4to GEOLOGY. See Chemistry. GERMANY, HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF. See Charles V. Guelph. Frederic II. MoNZAMBANUs, De Statu Imperii Germanici (written by Samuel Puffendorf). 8vo, 1714 Principia Juris Publici Imperii Romano-Germanici. - - 8vo, 1744 Simon (Schardius), Scriptores Rerum Germanicarum, a Cornelio Tacito inci- pientes usque ad annum 1572, regnante Imperatore Maximiliano Secundo. Folio, 3 vols. Basilece, 1574 EccARDUS (J. G.), De Origine Germanorum. - - . 4to, 1750 Mascou (J. J.), History of the Ancient Germans; including that of the Cimbri, Goths, Vandals, and other Northern Nations who overthrew the Roman Empire ; translated from the German, by Thomas Lediard. 4to, 2 vols. 1738 Pfeffel, Hist. Chronologique de I'Allemagne, depuis le 5me Siecle jusqu'en 1740. - Svo, 2 vols, Butler (Charles), Revolutions of the Empire of Charlemagne, from its founda- tion to its extinction, a.d. 1806. ------ 8vo Denina (Carlo), Rivoluzioni della Germania. - - . 8vo, 6 vols. Histoire de I'Empire d'Occldent : contient, 1. La Vie de Charlemagne, par Eginard, - . - . . 2. Les Annales d'Eginard, a.d. 768—814. - - - . . 3. La Vie de Louis le Debonnaire, par Tegan. - - - - - 4. Hist, des Fils de Louis le Debonnaire, par Nitard. - . - 5. Annales de Saint Bertin, 843 — 889. , 6. Lettre de Louis II a I'Empereur Basile. - - - - _ 7- Hist, de I'Empire, S.C. par Luitprand, jusqu'en 964. - - . 8. Ambassade de Luitprand a Constantinople. _ - _ _ 9. Hist, de Saxe par Vitiquind. ------- Trad, du Latin, par Cousin. 12mo, 2 vols. 1684 Eginhartus, De Vitii et Gestis Caroli Magni : cum commentario Besselli, Notis et Dissertationibus variorum; curante J. H. Schminckio. 4to, 171 1 De Vit& Caroli Magni, et Rolandi Historia, Joanni Turpino, Archiepiscopo Re- mensi, vulg6 tribuita : editio nova, accurante Sebastiano Cianipi. 8vo, Flor entice, 1822 Georgii (J. F.), Imperatorum Imperiique Principum ac totius Nationis Ger- manicffi Gravamina adversus Sedem Romanam totumque ecclesiasticum ordinem, jam inde a translate ad Germanos imperatorid dignitate usque ad tempora Caroli V. adornata. ----- 4to, 1725 Mallet (P. H.), De la Ligue Hanseatique; de son Origine, ses Progres, &c. jusqu'a son Declin au Seizieme Siecle. - - - 8vo, Genhje, 1805 93 GERMANY, &c. {continued). 1. Freherus (M.), De Secretis Judiciis oliin in Westphalia aliisque Ger- manise partibus usitatis, postea abolitis, Coninientariolus. ... 2. Joliannes de Francfordia contra Scabinos Occulti Judicii Feynieros appel- ates Tractatus. ._- ------ 3. Senckenberg, Epistola de Judiciis Westphalicis. - - - _ - 4to, Ratisbonie, 1762 LoEVE (Veimars), Precis de I'Histoire des Tribunaux Secrets dans Ic Nord d'Allemagne. -------- 12nio, 1824 CoxE (Rev. William), a Letter on the Secret Tribunals of Westphalia; addressed to the Countess of Pembroke. 8vo Bulla Aurea, ab Imperatore Carolo IV. edita. Folio, printed by Coburger of Nuremberg, 1477 a modern edition, with an Engraving of the Seal. - - Svo Sundry Tracts (in Latin) relating to the History and Antiquities of Germany. 4to, V. y. 1. Germanise Deliciarum Index. 1609 \ 2. Appendix de Electione et Inauguratione Regis Romanorum. - 1G12J 12mo, 2 vols. Germany, Present State of. ----- 8vo, 2 vols. 1738 Imhoff, Notitia S. R. Imp. Procerum, Historia Heraldica Genealogica. Folio, 1690 De Strada, Genealogia et Series Ducum, &c. &c. Austriae; a Rudolpho Habs- burgensi ad Ferdinandum Secundum. - - - - Folio, 1690 ViTON— DE Saint-Allais, Histoirc G^nealogique de la Maison d'Autriche, d'Habsbourg, et de Lorraine. - - - 8vo, 3 vols. 1811-12 Cernitius (Jean), Les Vies des Electeurs de Brandebourg de la Maison des Burgraves de Nurenberg ; trad, du Latin. - - - Folio, 1/07 Interim : hoc est, Constitutio, prescribens qu;\ ratione sacrosancti Imperii Rom. Status in negocio Religionis usque ad decisionem Concilii Trldeiitini sese mutuo gerere ac excipere debeant. - - - 12mo, lo48 DeRocoles, Vienne deu.x-fois assiegee parlesTurcs (mdxxix et mdclxxxiii) et heureusement delivree : avec des Reflexions Historiques sur la Maison d'Habsbourg, et sur la Puissance Ottomane. - 12mo, Leijde, 1684 Charles VII. (Emperor), Memoires de son Election. - - 12ino, 1742 GERMANY, TOPOGRAPHY OF, &c. &c. See Rhine. Bucelinus (S.), Gennaniae Topographica Notitia. - Folia, Ulms, 1604 Histoire Ecclesiastiquc d'Allemagne, contenant I'Etat ancien et moderne de ses Archevechez et Evechez. - - 12mo, 2 vols. £/-Wcre//e.?, 1722 Freyberg, Kingdom of Saxony. DuBUissoN, Des Mines de Freyberg. - - - 8vo, 3 vols. 1802 Fragoso de Siqueira, Description des Travaux d' Amalgamation a Freyberg. 4to, 1800 2b 94 GERMANY, &c. (continued). PoTocKi, Voyage dans la Basse Saxe, a la Recherche des Antiquitcs Shaves, ou Vendes. ..- 4to, 1/95 Bray, Voyage dans le Tirol, &c. - - . . . 12nio, 1808 Costumes des Etats qui composent la Monarchie Autrichienne. - Folio Costumes of various parts of Germany. ------ 4to Treves. — The Stranger's Guide to the Roman Antiquities of Treves ; translated from the German of Wyttenbach. ----- 8vo, 1839 GERMANY, LANGUAGE OF. BoiLEAU (D.), Nature and Genius of the German Language displayed. Svo, 1820 Bailey, German and English Dictionary. - - - 8vo, 2 vols. 1822 Nouvean Diction naire Franjais-Allemand, et Allemand-Fran9ais. Svo, 1830 Flugel, German and English Dictionary. - - - 8vo, 2 vols. 1830 Gibbon, Edward. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. - Svo, 12 vols. Memoirs of, and Miscellaneous Works. - . - 8vo, 5 vols. An Examination of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Chapters of Mr. Gibbon's History, by H. E. Davis, b.a. . - - - 8vo, London, 1778 See also Apthorp. GIBRALTAR AND THE STRAITS. James, History of the Herculean Straits, now called the Straits of Gibraltar. 4to, 2 vols. 1771 Drinkwater, History of, and Account of the Siege during the American War. ----------- 4to Ancell, Journal of the Siege, 1779-1783. ----- gyo Gillies, John, ll.d. History of the World, from the Death of Alexander the Great to Augustus. 8vo, 4 vols. GIPSIES. 1. Grellmann, Histoire des Bohemiens ; trad, de TAllemand. 2. HoYLAND, History of the Gipsies. ------ 8vo Roberts (Samuel), The Gipsies : their Origin, Continuance, &c., as clearly foretold in the Prophecies of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel. 12mo, 1836 GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Lysons (Samuel), Antiquities of Gloucestershire : a volume of Plates, without Text Folio, 1804 — Account of Roman Antiquities discovered at Woodchester, in Glou- cestershire. ---..-.- Folio, 1797 Britton, History and Antiquities of the Cathedral of Gloucester. - 4to Arms of the Nobility and Gentry of Gloucestershire. - - 4to, 1792 Bennett, History of Tewkesbury. . . - - - Svo, 1830 } 95 GLOUCESTERSHIRE, &c. {continued). Fairford Parish, Account of the Stained Glass and Monuments in the Church. 4to, 1791 FosBROOK (T. D.), History of the City of Gloucester. - - 4to, 1819 GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE. See Aiuiiitectuke. GOTHS. See Scandinavia and Mascou, under " GeRiMany." GOVERNMENT AND LEGISLATION. Filangieri, Scienza della Logislazione. ... - 8vo, 8 vols. Burke (Edmund), Vindication of Natural Society. ... Svo Bellendenus (Gul.), De Statu, Libri Tres. ... Svo, IJHJ FoRTEscuE (Sir John), On Monarchy. . . . . . Svo Puffendorf (Samuel), Relation between Church and State; translated from the Latin. ...-..-... I2mo, 1719 Montesquieu, De I'Esprit des Lois. .... Svo, 4 vols. Williams (David), Lectvires on Political Principles, the Subjects of Eighteen Books in Montesquieu's Spirit of Laws. - Svo, Merthyr Tydfil, 1817 Irvine (Alexr.), De Jure Regni Diascepsis. ... 12mo, 1627 Jenner (David, Prebendary of Sarum), Prerogative of Primogeniture ; shewing tliat the Right of Succession to an Hereditary Crown depends not upon Religion, &c. - - - - - - - - 12mo, 1G85 Clarkson (Thomas), Essay on Slavery. Principles of Penal Law (by the first Lord Auckland). - - . gvo Beccaria, De' Delitti e delle Pene. -..-.. 12mo An English translation of the same. ..... 8vo Dictionnaire de la Penalite dans toutes les Parties du Monde connu. Tableau descriptif des Supplices, Tortures, Tourmens, &c. chez tous les Peuples, tant anciens que modernes. Par M. B. Saint-Edme. Svo, 4 vols. 1824—28 De Justicia commutative : Libellus Parisiis impressus anno Dom. m.cccc.xciiii. 12mo Howard (John), On Prisons. ...... 4to, 1792 Account of Lazarettos. -.._--. 4to Grace, the Family of. Memoirs of it, by Sheffield Grace, f.a.s. ; with Grapliic Illustrations. -..._.... gvo, 1823 GRAMMAR, RHETORIC, CRITICISM, &c. &c. Du Marsais, Des Tropes ; on, des differens sens dans lesquels on pent prendre un meme Mot dans une meme Langue. .... 12mo, 1807 Harris (James), Philological Enijuirics. ..... 8vo Hermes : an Enquiry concerning Universal Grammar. - 8vo Blair (Hugh, d.d.). Lectures on Riictoric, and the Belles Lettres; delivered in the University of Edinburgii. _ . _ . . 8vo, 3 vols. Campbell (George, d.d., Aberdeen), The Philosophy of Rhetoric. - 8vo Same AVork, abridged. ....... 12mo 96 GRAMMAR, &c. [continued). Home (Henry, Lord Kaimes), Elements of Criticism. - - 8vo, 2 vols. Knight (R. P.), Enqniry into the Principles of Taste. - . - 8vo Burke (Rt. Hon. Edmund), An Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful. 12mo Grammont, Memoires du Comte de, par Hamilton. . - - . 12mo Gray (Thos.), Poems and Correspondence ; with his Life, by Mason. 8vo, 2 vols. His Works ; with a Life by the Rev. John Mitford. - 4to, 2 vols. 1816 Greatrak, Valentine. 1. A brief Account of the Strange Cures by him lately performed : in a Letter ~ written by him to the Hon. Robert Boyle, Esq. - - - - - 2. The Miraculous Conformist ; or, an Account of severall Marvailoiis Cures performed by the Stroaking of the Hands of Mr. Valentine Greatarick, &c. &c. ; by Henry Stubbe, Physician at Stratford-upon-Avon. 4to, 1666 GREECE, Ancient, HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES. Harwood (Thos.), Grecian Antiquities; or, an Account of the Public and Private Life of the Greeks 8vo, 1801 Potter (John, Archbishop of Canterbury), Archaeologia Graeca; or, the Antiquities of Greece. - 8vo, 2 vols. Dalzell (Andrew, Professor of Greek, Edinburgh), Lectures on the Ancient Greeks, and the Revival of Learning in Europe. - - 8vo, 2 vols. De Pauw, Dissertations on the Greeks ; translated from the French. 8vo, 2 vols. Mitford (Wm.), History of Greece (terminates with the Death of Alexander the Great). 8vo, 10 vols. Robertson (Wm.), History of Ancient Greece. - - - 8vo, 1778 Denina (Carlo), Storia della Grecia. 8vo, 4 vols. Drummond (Rt. Hon. Sir Wm.), A Review of the Governments of Sparta and Athens. 8vo, 1794 OuvAROFF, Essay on the Mysteries of Eleusis : translated from the French by Price; with Observations by Christie. ... 8vo, 1817 Musgrave (Samuel), On Grecian Mythology, and on Sir Isaac Newton's Objections to the Chronology of the Olympiads. - - 8v0j 1782 GREECE, Ancient, LANGUAGE OF. Webb, Reasons for thinking tliat the Greek Language was borrowed from the Chinese. - - 12mo, 1787 Adams (Francis), Hermes Philologus : an Enquiry into the Causes of Difference between the Greek and Latin Syntax, and on the Origin of those Lan- guages. 8vo, 1826 Hedericus, Lexicon Gr. et Lat. ------- 4to ScHREVELius, Lexicon, Greek and English. ----- 8vo Parkhurst (John), A Greek and English Lexicon to the New Testament ; with a short Grammar of the Language prefixed. - - - 8vo 97 GREECE, Modern. See Travels. Turkish Empire. Douglas (Hon. F. S. N.), Essay on certain Points of Resemblance between the Ancient and the Modern Greeks. - . . . 8vo, 1813 Hughes (Thos. S.), Travels in Greece and Albania. - 8vo, 2 vols. 1830 TouRNEFORT, Voyage du Levant, 1/00 — 1702. . . . 8vo, 3 vols. Athens, Antiquities of, by Stuart and Revett; and vol. iv. of the original edition, including the Antiquities of Pola. ... Folio, 5 vols. A Description of the present State of Samos, Nicaria, Patmos, and Mount Athos, by Joseph Georgirenes, Archbishop of Samos, and now living in London, ..---.--- 12mo, 1G78 Le Roy, Ruines des plus beaux Monumens de la Grece. - Folio, 1758 CoRONELLi, Description de la Moree, et des Lieux circonvoisins. Folio, 1687 Attica, the Unedited Antiquities of, by the Dilettanti Society. Folio, 1817 Ionian Antiquities, by the same. - . . . . Folio, 2 vols. Turco-Grfficias Libri Octo, a Martino Crusio ; quibus Graecoruni status sub Imperio Turcico luculenter describitur. ... Folio, 1584 Costumes (Forty-one) of Modern Greece. - . - . Folio, 1834 Gell (Sir Wm.), The Itinerary of Greece; compiled a.d. 1801 — 1806. 4to, 1810 DoDWELL (Edward), Tour in Greece, 1801 — 1806. - - 4to, 2 vols. Views in Greece. --.._.._ Folio GREEK CHURCH. See Russia. Smith (Thos.), Epistola de Graecae Ecclesise hodierno Statu. - 8vo, 1678 Ulassupolo, Difesa della Chiesa Greca. - . . . 8vo, 1800 GoAR (Jacobus), Rituale Grsecorum : complectens Ritus et Ordines Divinae Liturgiae, Sacramentorum Consecrationum, Funerum, &c. &c. juxta usum Orientalis Ecclesiss. . - . . . Folio, Venetiis, 1730 CovEL (John, D.D.), Some Account of the present Greek Church, &c. &c. compared with Goar's Notes upon the Greek Ritual. - Folio, 1722 Aymon (J.), Monumens Authentiques de la Religion des Grecs; et de la Faussete de plusieurs Confessions de Foi des Chretiens Orientaux : produites contre les Theologiens Reformez par les Prelats de France, dans leur fameux Ouvrage, " La Perpetuite de la Foi de VEglise Catholique.'' 4to, a La Haye, 1708 1. The Orthodox Confession of the Catholic and Apostolic Eastern Church ; \ faithfully translated from the originals. - - - . 1762 ) 2. The Russian Catechism ; with explanatory Notes. - - - - J 8vo GREENLAND. See Travels. Saabye (H. E.), Extracts from his Journal kept in Greenland, from 1770 to 1778: with an Introduction relating to the Geography, Inhabitants, &c. of Greenland, by G. Fries: translated from the German. - 8vo, 1818 Torf^us, Gronlandia Antiqua, seu veteris Gronlandiae Descriptio, &c. &c. 12mo, Haunia, 1706 2c 98 GREENLAND {continued). Crantz (David), History of Greenland ; with an Account of the Mission in that Country by the United Brethren : translated from the German, with a Continuation, &c. .----_. 8vo, 2 vols. Gregorie (Rev. John). His Works. 4to, 1684 Gregory, George, d.d. The Economy of Nature explained. . - . _ _ 8vo, 3 vols. GREVILLE FAMILY. Historical Account of, and Succession of the Earls of Warwick, &c. &c., by Joseph Edmonson. - - - - - . - 8vo, 1766 Gray, or Grey, Lady Jane. Historia della Vita e della Morte dell' illustrissima Signora Giovanna Graia, &c. &c. ; con 1' aggiunta d' una dottiss. Disputa Theologica fatta in Oxonia, 1' anno 1554. ..-----. 12nio, 1607 Literary Remains of; with a Memoir of her Life, by N. H. Nicolas. 12mo, 1825 Grindal (Edmund, Archbishop of Canterbury), the Life of him, by John Strype. 8vo Grotius, La Vie de Grotius, par Burigny. . . . . ]2mo, 2 vols. GUARINI. II Pastor Fido ; with a French Version, in Prose. - - . I2mo GUELPH, HOUSE OF. Hess, Monumentorum Guelficorum Pars Historica. - - 4to, 1784 Halliday, History of the House of Guelph. - - . 4to, 1821 History of the House of Brunswick- Lunenburgh in all the Branches thereof; from its Origin to the Death of Queen Anne, by D. J, - 8vo, 1715 GUNPOWDER-PLOT. EuD^MON (Joannes), Apologia pro Hen. Garnetto ad Actionem proditoriam Edouardi Coqui. - - - - - - . 12mo, 1610 Examen Catholicum Edicti Anglicani quod contra Catholicos est latum, auctoritate Parliamenti Anglias, a.d. 1606; auctore Stanislaeo Cristanovic J. Cto. -------- 12mo, Paris, 1607 A True and Perfect Relation of the whole Proceedings against the late most barbarous Traitors, &c. &c., and all that passed at Garnet's Execution. 4to, 1606 GusTAvus II. (Sweden). Life and History of, by Walter Harte. . . _ . 8vo, 2 vols. De Gladio Magico Gustavi II. Disceptationes Tres. - - 4to, 1728 GuSTAVUS III. (Euvres et Correspondance. _._-_. 8vo, 5 vols. La Vie de Gustave III, Roi de Suede, par d'Aguila. - - 8vo, 2 vols. La Vie de Gustave III ; trad, de I'AUemand. ... - 8vo 99 GusTAVUs III. {continued). Histoire de I'Assassinat de Gustave III, par un Officier Polonais, Temoin oculaire. - - - - ------ bvo Lettre d'un Voyageur a son Ami, contenant une Relation de I'Assassinat du Roi du Suede, &c. &c. . - - - 12mo, Lindkiopin(/ , 1792 Guy (Earl of Warwick), the Life and Death of, containing his noble Exploits and Victories. - - -------- 4to H. Hale (Sir Matthew), Life of, by Bishop Burnet. . - . - 12mo HAMPSHIRE. History and Antiquities of Winchester. - - - 12mo, 2 vols. 1773 MiLNER (Rev. John), History of Winchester. . - . 4to, 1798 White, Natural History of Selborne. - - - - 8vo, 2 vols. Slight, History and present State of Portsmouth, Gosport, &c. 12mo, 1828 Ferrey (B.), Antiquities of the Priory of Christ Church, and some particulars of the Borough, &c. 4to, 1834 WoRSLEY (Rt. Hon. Sir Richard), History of the Isle of Wight. 4to, 1781 Englefield (Sir H. C), A Walk through Southampton. - 4to, 1805 Hannibal. Whitaker (Rev. John), Course of Hannibal over the Alps. - 8vo, 1794 1 . Passage des Alpes, par M. de Luc. ------ 2. On the same, by Cramer and Wickham. - - . - - 3. And Edinburgh Review, on the same. ------ Bvo Hannibal's Passage of the Alps, by a Member of the University of Cambridge. 12mo, 1830 1 . Larauza (J. L.), Histoire Critique du Passage des Alpes par Annibal. j Paris, 1826 f 2. Long (H. L.), March of Hannibal from the Rhone to the Alps. 1831 J 8vo Harington, Sir John. Nugae Antiquse ; or, original Papers in Prose and Verse, written in the Reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI., Mary, Elizabeth, and James I. 8vo, 2 vols. 1804 HEBREWS. See Jews. HEBREW LANGUAGE. Caddick (Rev. Richard), A Hebrew Grammar, with Points. - 12mo, 1799 DowLiNG, Elements of the Hebrew Language. - - . - 8vo Parkhurst (Rev. John), An Hebrew and English Lexicon, without Points: to which are prefixed an Hebrew and a Chaldee Grammar. Bvo, 1799 100 HELL, AND ITS INHABITANTS. SwiNDEN (Thos.), Enquiry into the Nature and Place of Hell. 8vo, 1727 Delandine (Avocat), L'Enfer des Peuples Anciens ; ou, Histoire des Dieux Infernaux, de leur Culte, &c. &c. - . - 12nio, 2 vols. 1784 Disinganno de' Peccatori, necessario ad ogni genere di Persone ; opera com- posta dal Padre Alessandro Perier. - - . 4to, Roma, 1726 RuscA (Antonio), De Inferno, et Statu Daemonum ante Mundi exitium. 4to, Mediolani, 1621 Collin de Planchy (J. A. S.), Le Diable peint par lui-meme. 8vo, 1819 Defoe (Daniel), The Political History of the Devil, as well Ancient as Modern. 8vo, 1726 Henry, Prince of Wales (Son of King James I.), the Life and Death of, by Sir Charles Cornwallis. .----._ 12mo, 1641 Henry VIII. See Luther. 1. De Septem Sacranientis ; contra Martinum Lutherum. - - -1 2. Epistola Lutheri ad Regem Henricum. - - - - - - ) 3. Henrici Responsio ; et Fisher Assertionum Regis Defensio. - - -J 12mo, 1562 CocHL^us (Joannes), De Matrimonio Regis Henrici Octavi Congratulatio disputatoria. - - - - ----- 4to 1^" (In hoc Tolumine continetur Bulla Dispensationis Papse Julii Secundi.) 1. Epistola Lutheri ad Henricum Octavum, Anglise Regem. 2. Ejusdem Regis Responsio. - - - - . _ - . 3. Admonitio Joannis Cochl?ei in utramque Epistolam. - - - . 4. Responsio Lutheri contra Regis Epistolam, cum Cochlaei adnotationibus 5. Brevis denique Discussio Responsionis Lutheri. - - - - . 4to, 1527 Vernulz, vel Vernul^us, Henricus Octavus, seu Schisma Anglicanum, Tra- goedia : exhibita Ludis Encenialibus Lovanii in CoUegio Porcensi. 12mo, 1624 ^ Love-Letters of Henry VIII. and Anne Bullen. See Tracts, No. VIII. ^ Lord Herbert's Life of Henry VIII. See Kennett, under " History of England." Le Grand, Histoire du Divorce de Henry VIII; avec quelques autres Pieces qui se rapportent a la meme epoque. - - 3 vols. 12mo, 1688 HERALDRY AND HERALDS. MouLE, Bibliotheca Heraldica ; or. Catalogue of Books on Heraldry, Knight- hood, Genealogy, &c. &c. 8vo, 1822 Gore (Thomas), Catalogus plerorumque omnium Authorum, tam antiquorum quam recentiorum, qui de re Heraldica Latine, Gallice, Italice, Hispanice, &c. &c. scripserunt. ------ 8vo, Oxon. 1668 Nicolas (N. H.), Rolls of Arms (Hen. III. and Edward III.). - 8vo Mores (E. Rowe), Nomina et Insignia Gentilitia, temp. Edvardi T. et III. 4to 101 HERALDRY AND UFMXLDS — (continued). Paulus Jovius, Dialogue dcs Devises d'Armes et d' Amours : avcc un Discours de M. Loys Dominique sur le mesmc subiet ; traduit d'ltalien par le S. Vasquin Philieul : auquel avons adiouste les Devises Heroiques et Morales du Seigneur Gabriel Symeon. . . - - 4to, Lyoti, 1561 De la Primitive Institution des Roys, Herauldz, et Poursuivans d'Armes; compose par Maistre Jehan le Feron. - - - 4to. Pam, 1555 BossEWELL, Works of Armoric. .----- 4to, 15/2 De Bara, Le Blason des Arnioiries. Folio, 1581 Ferne, The Blazon of Gentrie. .----- 8vo, 1586 The Booke of Honor and Arms. (Printed by Richard Jhones, supposed by some to have been the Author; but Moule ascribes it to Segar). 4to, London, 1590 Leigh, Accedence of Armorie. 8vo, 1591 An Anonymous MS. (chiefly the Arms of Norfolk families in the seventeenth tx .._-..- Folio century) . - - - - Segar (William), Honor, Military and Civil. - - - Folio, 1602 Petra Sancta, De Symbolis Heroicis. - - - - 4to, 1634 Holme (Randel), Academy of Armory and Blazon. - - Folio, 1688 Marc Gilbert (de Varennes), Le Roy d'Armes ; ou, I'Art de bicn former, briser, timbrer, &c. les Armoiries. - - - Folio, Paris, 1640 CoLOMBiERE, La Science Heroique. Folio, 1644 Cesar de Grand Pre, Cesar Armorial : Recueil des Noms, Amies, et Blasons, de toutes les illustres Nobles Maisons de France. - 8vo, Paris, 1649 Upton, De Studio Militari: cum J. de Bado Aureo de Armis, et Henrici Spelman Aspilogia. ------- Folio, 1654 Le Trophee d'Armes Heraldiques. 4to, 1659 Sylvanus Morgan, The Sphere of Gentry, deduced from the Principles of Nature. - -------- Folio, 1661 Philipot (Thomas), Historical Discourse of the Ongm and Growth of Heraldry. ..------ l-'mo, 1672 Typotus, Svmbola varia diversorum Principum Sac. S. Ecclesiae et Sac. Rom. Imperii. I2mo, 1679 De la Roque, Traite de I'Origine des Noms et des Surnomes, et plusieurs questions importantes sur les Noms et sur les Armoiries. I2mo, Paris, 1681 De Malte (H. F.), Les Nobles dans les Tribunaux: Traite de droit, enriclii de plusieurs curiositez utiles de I'Histoire et du Blazon. Folio, Lier/e, 1680 Dugdale (Sir Wm.), The Ancient Usage of Bearing Arms: with a Discourse on the Office of Lord Chancellor, and his Honores Anglicani, &c. (edited byT. C.Banks). Folio, 2 vols. 1812 Gibbon, Introductio ad Latinam Blasoniam. - - - 4to, 1682 Delle Imprese : Trattato di Giulio Cesare Capaccio. - 4to, Napoli, 1592 2d 102 HERALDRY AND HERALDS— {continued). Spenerus (J. P.), Historia Insignium lUustrium : seu Operis Heraldici pars specialis ; contiiiens delineationem insignium plerumque Reguni, Ducum, &c. in cultiori Europ^. - - ----- 1680 , Insignium Theoria, &c. &c. - - - - - - 1690 Folio, Fruncofurti. Baron, L'Art Heraldique (nouvelle edit, augmentee par Playne). 12mo, 1695 Facsimile of an ancient Heraldic Manuscript, emblazoned by Sir David Lyndsay of the Mount, Lyon King of Amies 1542. 4to, Edmbwgh, 1822 Notitia Anglicana: the Atchievements of all the English Nobility; with an Essay on the Nature, Rise, and Intent of Arms and Armory. 8vo, 2 vols. 1724 DuBUissoN, Armorial des principales Maisons du Royaume. - 12mo, 1757 Menestrier, Methode du Blason. - . - . . 12mo, 1718 Meme Ouvrage ; nouvelle edition, augmentee, &c. &c. 12mo, 1780 Simon, Armorial General de I'Empire Francois. - - Folio, 2 vols. Armorial General de la Chambre des Pairs de France. - - 4to, 1822 De Combles, Traite des Devises Heraldiques. ... I2mo, 1783 GuiLLiM, Display of Heraldry. ------- Folio NiSBET, System of Heraldry. ------ Folio, 2 vols. Essay on Armories. ------- 4to, 1718 Weber (Immanuel), Examen Artis Heraldicae, &c. - 12mo, Jena, 1723 Coats, Dictionary of Heraldry. ------ 8vo, 1725 Clark (Hugh), Introduction to Heraldry. - _ - - 12mo Boyer, Theater of Honour, &c. &c. ----- 4to, 1729 Art of Heraldry. - - - 8vo, 1730 Henniker (John), Two Letters on Norman Tiles stained with Armorial Bearings. - 8vo, 1794 Brydson (Thomas), View of Heraldry in reference to Chivalry and the Feudal System. 8vo, 1795 PoRNY, Elements of Heraldry. ._.---- 8vo De la Motte, Historical and Allusive Arms borne in the United Kingdom. 4to, 1803 Heraldry and Chivalry, Anecdotes of. (Ascribed to Mrs. Dobson.) 4to, IVorcester, n. d. Portion of the Encyclopaedia Londinensis ; being the Article therein relating to Heraldrj'. -- 4to Berry (William), Encyclopedia Heraldica. - - - 4to, 3 vols. Dallaway (Rev. James), Origin and Progress of Heraldry in England. 4to, 1793 Willement, Regal Heraldry ; or, the Armorial Insignia of the Kings and Queens, from William the Conqueror to George IV. - 4to, 1821 Arms of Sovereign and Peers who sat in the Parliament 6 Henry VIII. 4to 103 Herbert of Cherbury, Lord. Life of, written by Himself. ..------ 4to HERCULANEUM AND POMPEIL Bellicard, Discoveries at Herculaneum. - - . . 8vo, 1758 CoRREVoN, Lettres sur Herculaneum. ... r2mo, 2 vols. 1/70 Herculanensia : or, Archaeologieal and Philological Dissertations; and the Copy of a Manuscript found at Herculaneum. By Sir Wm. Drumniond and Robert Walpole. 4to, 1810 Hayter (Rev. John), Report on the Herculaneum Manuscripts. 4to, 1811 Pompeii illustrated, by Donaldson, &c Folio, 2 vols. Pompeiana, by Gell and Gandy. 8vo, 1817 — 19 The Excavations since 1819. 8vo, 2 vols. HEREFORDSHIRE. Price, History of Leominster. ...... 8vo, 1795 of Hereford 8vo, 1796 Heath, Sundry Tracts relating to Herefordshire and Monmouthshire. 8vo DuNCUMB (John), Collections towards the History of the County of Hereford. 4to, 2 vols. 1804—12 HERESIES AND HERETICS. Dictionnaire des Heresies, pour servir a I'Histoire des Egaremens de I'Esprit Humain par rapport a la Religion Chretienne. - 8vo, 2 vols. 1764 Apocalypsis insignium Heresiarchum. _ . - - 12mo, 1(508 Itigius, De Hteresiarchis ^Evi Apostolici et Apostolico proximi Dissertatio ; cum Appendice, &c. ...--. 4to, 1696 — 1703 Ederus (Georgius), Mataeologia Haereticorum ; sive, Summa Hfereticarum Fabularum. . - - . - . 12mo, Ingolstadt, 1581 Laing (James, Doctor of Sorbonne), De Viti et Moribus atque Rebus gestis Haereticorum nostri temporis ; traductis ex sermone Gallico in Latinuni. 12mo, 1581 Duplessis d'Argentre (Charles), Collectio Judiciorum de novis Erroribus qui ab initio Duodecimi Saeculi post Incarnationem Verbi usque ad annum 1735 in Ecclesia proscripti sunt et notati. - Folio, 3 vols. Parisiis, 1736 Bechmann (F.), Haeresiographia : hoc est, Hteresium inde ab Apostolorum aetate ad nostra usque tempora brevis descriptio. - 4to, Jena, I7OO Lardner (Nathaniel), History of the Heretics of theTwo First Centuries after Christ. - - -' 4to, 1780 Herodian, History of the Roman Emperors (Commodus— Maximinus) ; translated from the Greek, by W. Harte. - - ... - 8vo Herodotus ; translated by Bcloe. ...... 8vo, 4 vols. Latine redditus, a Schweighaeuser. - - ... - 8vo NiEBUHR, On the Geography of Herodotus, &c. . . - - 8vo Rennell, On the Geography of Herodotus. ... 8vo, 2 vols, Wesseling, Dissertatio Herodotea. ..... 8vo, 1758 Maps and Plans illustrative of Herodotus. ..... 8vo 104 Herodotus {continued). BouHiER, Recherches et Dissertations sur Herodote. - - 4to, 1746 Historien du Peuple Hebreu, sans le savoir, pari' Abbe Bonnaud. 12mo, 1/90 HERTFORDSHIRE. St. Alban's Abbey, History of, by Neivcome. .... 4to (For Plans, &c. of the Abbey, see Antiq. Society.) Chauncy (Sir Henry), The Historical Antiquities of Hertfordshire (a reprint of the original edition). . . . - _ 8 vo, 2 vols. 1826 History of the Ancient Town and Borough of Hertford, by Lewis Turnor. 8vo, Hertford, 1830 Sundry Drawings and Prints of Ancient Monuments in Churches in the County of Herts. - - - -.-.. Folio •^{^Hatfield House, Description, &c. of it, in Robinson's Vit. Brit. Stukeley' (Wm., m.d.), Palasographia Britannica: Origines Roystonianae ; with an Account of Lady Roisia's Oratory, &c. &c. - 4to, 1743-53 Parkin's Reply to Stukeley, on his Origines Roystonianae ; and Royston proved to have been a Saxon Town, &c. &c. ... 4to, 1748 Heumann (Christ. Aug.), Poecile : sive Epistolse Miscellaneae ad Literatissinios aevi nostri Viros : accedit Appendix exhibens Dissertationes Argumenti rarioris. .--.-- l2mo, 3 vols. Halce, 1722-29 HIEROGLYPHICS. Orus Apollo, Sur les Hieroglyphes d'Egypte ; trad, du Grec. 12mo, 1543 Clayton (Richard, Bishop of Clogher), Remarks on the Origin of Hierogly- phics, &c. .--.-.--- 4to, 1753 Spineto, Lectures on Hieroglyphics. .._--- 8vo Hammer, On Ancient Alphabets and Hieroglyphics. - - 4to, 1806 Salt (Henry), Essay on Egyptian Hieroglyphics. - - - - 8vo Young (Thomas), On Egyptian Hieroglyphics. - - - 8vo, 1823 Bailey (James), Hieroglyphicorum Orlgo et Natura. (A Cambridge Prize- Essay). - - - - 8vo, 1816 HINDOOS AND HINDOSTAN. See India. HISTORY (Universal), CHRONOLOGY, AND THE STUDY THEREOF. Blair (John), Chronological Tables from the Creation, and continued to 1814. Folio La Chronologie Sacree, basee sur les Decouvertes de ChampoUion, par A. Archinhard. --..---.- Bvo, 1841 Newton (Sir Isaac), The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms amended. 8vo Nicolas (N. H.), The Chronology of History from the Earliest Periods to the Present Time I2mo, 1833 Costard, The Use of Astronomy in History and Chronology exemplified. 4to, 1764 Lavoisne, Historical, Genealogical, and Chronological Atlas. Folio, 1814 Trusler (John), Historian's Vade Mecum, brought down to 1792. 12mo, 3 vols. 105 HISTORY, &c. {continued). Tablettes Chronologiciues, Genealogiques, &c. des Maisons Souvcrains de I'Europe. --------- 12nio, 1812 Tablet of Memory. - )2mo, 1807 L'Art de verifier les Dates des Faits Historiques, des Inscriptions, &c. &c. avant I'ere Chrctienne, et depuis la naissance de n6trc Seigneur ; et con- tinue jusqu'a nos jours. ----- 8vo, 18 vols. 1819 Albizius (Antonius), Principum Christianorum Stemmata ; cum brevibus ejus- dem notationibus : adjeeto Stemmate Othomanico. - - Folio, 1610 Lenglet Du Fresnoy, Methode pour etudier I'Histoire : avec un Catalogue des principaux Historiens, &c. &c. . - - 4to, 4 vols. 1/29 Rawlinson, New Metbod of Studying History ; with a Catalogue of the chief Historians of all Nations. ----- 8vo, 2 vols. 1730 Priestley (Rev. Joseph, ll.d.), Lectures on History. - - - 8vo Universal History, Ancient and Modern (Ancient part, 21 vols. ; Modern part, 44 vols.). ---- 8vo, 65 vols. Schroek, Abrege de I'Hist. Universelle. - - - I2mo, 2 vols. Rutherford (Wm.), A View of Ancient History. - - 8vo, 2 vols. Guendeville, Le Grand Theatre Historique ; ou, Nouvelle Histoire Uni- verselle, depuis la creation du monde jusqu'au commencement du xviii siecle. .------. Folio, 3 vols. 1703 HoLBERG, Introduction to Universal History; translated from the Latin by Sharpe. --------- 12mo, 1760 Sleidan, The Key to Historic. ------ 12nio, 1635 Fasciculus Temporum ; (translated from the Latin into French in the year 1478, and printed at Paris in 1505). ----- Folio Rastell, The Pastime of People ; or. Chronicle of divers Realms. 4to (reprinted from the edition of 1529). Ralegh (Sir Walter), History of the World : with his Trial ; and his Life by Oldys. .--_----- Folio, 2 vols. Tytler (A. F.), Universal History, from the creation to the commencement of the eighteenth century ; being the whole of the Lectures delivered by him as Professor of Modern History at Edinburgh. - 12mo, 6 vols. Elements of General History (the Outlines of his Lectures) ; with a Continuation, by Nares, to the death of George III. - 8vo, 3 vols. Bossuet (Eveque de Meaux), Discours sur I'Histoire Universelle ; avec la Suite. --------- 12mo, 2 vols. RoLLiN, Histoire Ancienne, &c. &c. . - - - 12mo, 14 vols. Meme Ouvrage ; abrege par Talhie. - - . 12mo, 5 vols. Shuckford (Samuel), The Connexion of Sacred and Profane History. 8vo, 3 vols. Russell (Michael), Connexion of Sacred and Profane History, intended to complete the Works of Shuckford and Prideaux. - - 8vo, 3 vols. 2e 106 HISTORY, &c. {continued). Prideaux (Humphry, d.d.), Connexion of Sacred and Profane History. 8vo, 3 vols. Voltaire, Essai sur les Moeurs et I'Esprit des Nations ; et sur les principaux Faits de I'Histoire depuis Charlemagne jusqu'a Louis XIII. 8vo, 5 vols. MiLLOT, Elements of Modern History; translated from the French. 8vo, 3 vols. HISTORY, MISCELLANEOUS WORKS RELATING THERETO. Delfico, Pensieri suUa Storia. .-__-. gvo, 1814 See BOLINGBROKE. Voltaire, La Philosophic de I'Histoire, par feu I'Abbe Bazin. 8vo, 1765 Bryant (Jacob), Observations on Ancient History. . - . 4to Braithwait (Richard), A Survey of History ; or, a Nursery for Gentry : con- trived and comprised in an intermixt Discourse upon Historicall and Poeticall Relations. - ------ 4to, 1638 RocoLES, La Fortune Marastre de plusieurs Princes et Seigneurs de toutes Nations. --------- 12mo, 1684 Chateaubriand, Sur les Revolutions Anciennes et Modernes. - 8vo HoBBEs, Thomas (of Malmesbury). Moral and Political Works. - ----- Folio, 1750 Hogarth (William), Biographical Anecdotes of. - - - . 8vo HOLLAND. See Netherlands. Hone, William. Ancient Mysteries described, Miracle-Plays, and Ecclesiastical Festivals, &c. 8vo, 1823 His Three Trials in the King's Bench, Dec. 1817, for publishing certain Parodies. - -- -..._-- 8vo Horatius. Opera, with a Prose translation by Davidson. . - - 8vo, 2 vols. Opera, with a Poetical version by Francis. - - - - 8vo, 4 vols. HOWARD FAMILY. Historical Anecdotes of some of the Howard Family, by Charles, tenth Duke of Norfolk. 12mo, 1817 Hume, David. Essays, Moral and Political. - ----- 8vo, 2 vols. Life of, by Ritchie. --------- 8vo HUNGARY, TRANSYLVANIA, &c. 1. Olahus Nicolaus, De Originibus Gentis Regni Hungariae, et Rebus abl Attiia gestis. --------- 2. Rosenberg, De Situ, Moribus, et Diversitate Scythicarum Gentium. 8vo, 1763 107 HUNGARY, &c. {continued}. TowNsoN (Robert), Voyage en Hongrie, 1794; trad, de rAnglois. 8vo, 3 vols. Bright (Richard), Travels in Hungary, 1815. ... - 4to ToppELTiNUs, Origines et Occasus Transylvanorum. - - 12mo, 1667 (For Costumes of Hungary, &c. &c., see Costumes, under "GERiMANY." 1. Born, Travels in the Bannat of Temeswar, Transylvania, and Hungary,-! in 1770. 2. Ferber, Mineralogical History of Bohemia; translated from the German by R. E. Raspe. - - .-...-. 8vo, 1777 Le Royaume de la Hongrie ; ou. Description nouvelle de ce Royaume. 12mo, 1686 HUNTINGDONSHIRE. History and Antiquities of Eynesbury and St. Neot's in Huntingdonshire, and of St. Neot's in Cornwall; by the Rev. George C. Gorham. 8vo, 2 vols. 1820-24 HuRD, Richard (Bishop of Worcester). Dialogues, Moral and Political ; with Letters on Chivalry and Romance. 12nio, 3 vols. 1776 Huss, John. Tractatus varii de Antichristo ; de Traditionibus Humanis, &c. &c. ; cum Appendice Otii. Brumfelsii. ._.... 4to, s. a. Seyfried (M. W.), Dissertatio Historica de Johannis Hussi, Martyris, Ortu, Educatione, Studiis, et Scriptis. ..... 4to, 1698 Hussitarum Historise; a Joanne Cochleeo tractatus duo, de Septem Sacra- mentis, et de Cseremoniis Ecclesiae; de publicd Caroli V. Ordinatione qute vulgo Interim dicitur. ....._ Folio, 1549 Hutchinson (Col. John), his Life, by his Widow, Lucy Hutchinson. 8vo, 2 vols. Hutchinson, William. An E.xcursion to the Lakes ; with a Tour through part of the Northern Counties in 1/73 and 1774. ....... 8vo I. ICELAND. Jonas (Armgrinus), Specimen Islandiae Historicum. - - 4to, 1643 EiNARUS, Historia Literaria Islandise. ..... yyo, 1786 La Peyrere, Relation de I'lslande; avec la Relation du Greenland. 12mo, 1663 Olafsen et Povelsen, Voyage en Islande (1800), traduit du Danois. 8vo, 5 vols, avec Atlas 4to Hooker (Wm. Jackson), Journal of a Tour in Iceland, 1809. - - 8vo Mackenzie (Sir George), Travels in Iceland, 1810. - - - 4to ^ Two short Accounts of Discoveries made by the Icelandic Navigators in the Ninth Century. In Nichols's Bid. Top. Britan. vol. vi. lOS ICELAND {continued). Barrow (John), A Visit to Iceland by way of Tronyem in XSiU. - 8vo Henderson (Ebenezer), Journal of a Residence in Iceland in 1814 and 1815. Svo, 1819 IMPOSTORS. History of the Three late famous Impostors ; viz. Padre Ottomano, Mahomet Bel. and Sabbatai Sevi. ]'2nw. lti(59 French Impostors in Criminal Cases. . . - - 12aio, 1737 The Devil of Delpbos, or the Prophets of Baal ; giving an Account of False Prophets and False Christs. ----- I'Jmo, 1708 RocoLES, Les Imposteurs Insigncs ; on, Histoire de plusieurs Hommcs de Neant qui ont usurpe la qualite d'Empereurs, Roys, et Princes. 12mo, 1G83 INDEX (i. e. the Titles of Books prohibited by the Church of Rome). Mendham (Joseph), Account of the Roman Indexes. - - Svo, 1826 Catalogue des Livres mis a I'lndex. ----- 8vo, 182C> Francke (Daniel), Disquisitio de Papistarum Indicibus Librorum prohibito- rum et expurgandorum. ------- 4to, 1684 Wendler (J. C.), De Libris a Pontificiis aliisquc Hiereticis supprcssis et corruptis, &c. &c. 4tOj 1714 INDIA. Hindoos: History of their Religion, &c. &c. - - - 8vo, 17W Maurice (Rev. Thomas), Indian Antiquities. - - - 8vo, 8 vols. Oriental Trinities (extracted from his Indian Antiquities). - 8vo Ancient History of Hindostan. - - - - 4to, 2 vols. GovGH (Richard), Ancient Monuments of India. - - - - 4to Robertson (William, d.d.). On the Knowledge which the Ancients had of India. ------ 8vo Account of British India, from the most remote period to the present time ; by Hugh Murray and others. ----- 12mo. 3 vols. KiNDERSLEY, Specimens of Hindoo Literature. - - _ - 8vo Gentoo Laws ; translated by Halhead. ----- 8vo Quanoon e Islam ; or, the Customs of the Moosulmans of India. 8vo, 1833 Ayeen Akberry; or, the Institutes of the Emperor Akber; translated from the Persian by Francis Gladwin. - - - Svo, 2 vols. 1800 De la Creqviniere, Conformite des Coutumes des Indiens OricntaiLX avec celles des Juifs et des autres Peuples de I'Antiquite. - 12nio, 1704 Hall, Cruelties of the Dutch in the East Indies. . - - 8vo, 1712 A Collection of 250 Coloured Etchings, descriptive of the Manners, Customs, and Dresses of the Hindoos, by Bait. Solwjns. - Folio, Calcutta, 1799 The Costume of Hindostan. ----- Folio, London, 1800 Manners, &c. in Bengal, by Mrs. Belnos. - - - Folio, 1833 Views in India, by Ward and Hunter. - - - - Folio, 1804, 5 Indian Scenery, by Grindlay and others. - - . - FoHo, 1820 109 INDIA {continued). LuARD (John), Views, &c. in India. Folio Creighton (Henr}')> Description of the Ruins of Gour, on the Ganges. 4to, 1817 Forbes (James), Oriental Memoirs, &c. &c. - - 4to, 4 vols. 181 ;^ Lord, La Religion des Banians et des Parsis ; trad, de I'Anglois. 12mo, 1(567 Observations on the Hindoo and Moohummudan Laws of Inheritance, as affecthig Converts to Christianity in India. - 8vo, Calcutta, 1831 INDIA COMPANY OF GREAT BRITAIN. The Law relating to India and the East India Company. (Printed by Order of the Court of Directors.) 4to, 1841 INQUISITION. See Persecution. INSCRIPTIONS. Ursatus (Sertorius), Explanatio Notarum et Litterarum qute frequentius in Lapidibus antiquis occurrunt. ----- 12mo, 1723 Gerard, Siglarium Romanum. -Ito Fleetwood (Wm.), Inscriptioinuu Antiquarum Sylloge. - 8vo, 1691 The Parian Chronicle ; with a Dissertation upon it, by Joseph Robertson. 8vo, 1788 INVENTIONS. See Discoveries. IRELAND. Villanueva, Phoenician Ireland; translated by O'Brien. - 8vo, 1833 Wood, On the Primitive Inhabitants of Ireland. . - - 8vo, 1821 O'Halloran, Introduction to the Study of the History and Antiquities of Ireland. -.------- 4to, 1772 Beth am (Sir William), Irisii Antiquarian Researches. 8vo, 2 vols. 1826, 27 Gael and Cymbri ; or, an Inquiry into the Origin and History of the Irish, Scoti, Britons, &c. &c. 8vo, 1834 Vallancey on the Antitpiity of the Irish Language ; with Remarks on the same, addressed to the London Chronicle in 1772. - - - 8vo Ware (Sir James), De Hibernia et Antiquitatibus ejus Dissertationes. 12mo, 1()54 O'Connor, Dissertations on the History of Ireland. - - 8vo, 1766 ^ A Fragment of Irish History; or, a Voyage from Iceland to Ireland in the Tenth Century; translated from the Icelandic. (In Nichols's Bid. Top. Brit., vol. vi.) Milner (Rev. John), Inquiry into certain vulgar Opinions concerning the Catholic Inhabitants and Antiquities of Ireland. - - 8vo, 1808 Barron (Wm.), History of the Political Connexion between England and Ireland, from the Reign of Henry II. to the present time. - 4to, 1780 ^\^ Smith (Thomas), Respublica; sive, Status Hiberniie. - 12m(), 1627 (In the same volume with his De Republica Anylorum). 2f 110 IRELAND (continued). Davies (Sir John, Attorney-General in Ireland to King James I.), A Discovery of the true Causes why Ireland was never entirely subdued until the beginning of his Majesties hap^jie Raigne. 12mo, reprinted from the edition of 1612. Leland (ThoniaSj d.d.), History of Ireland, from the Invasion of Henry II. to the Treaty of Limerick, A. D. 1691. - . - . 8vo, 3 vols. Plowden (Francis), History of Ireland, from its Invasion under Henry II. to its Union with Great Britain. ----- 12mo, 2 vols. 1. Postliminious Preface to the Historical Review of the State of^ Ireland. .---..--.- 1804' 2, Historical Disquisition concerning the Rise, Nature, &c. of the Orange i Societies IBlOj 8vo Anderson (Christopher), Historical Sketches of the Native Irish and their Descendants, illustrative of their past and present State. - 12mo, 1830 Taylor (W. C), History of the Civil Wars of Ireland, from the Anglo- Norman Invasion till the Union with Great Britain. 12mo, 2 vols. 1831 Musgrave (Sir Richard), Memoirs of the different Irish Rebellions. 8vo, 2 vols. Parnel (Sir Henry), History of the Penal Laws against the Irish Catholics, from the Treaty of Limerick to the Union. - - . . 8vo Lynch (Wm.), A View of the Legal Institutions, Honorary Offices, and Feudal Baronies, established in Ireland during the Reign of Henry the Second. 8vo, London, 1830 The Statutes at Large, as passed by the Parliament of Ireland, from a.d. 1310 to A.D. 1780; with an Index to the whole. ... Folio, 8 vols. BuLLiNGBROOKE (E.), Ecclcsiastical Law; or, the Constitutions, Rubricks, and Articles of Faith, of the Church of Ireland; with a Commentary. 4to, 2 vols. Dublin, 1/70 Lanigan (John, d.d.). Ecclesiastical History of Ireland, from the Introduction of Christianity to the Thirteenth Century. 8vo, 4 vols. Dublin, 1822 — 29 Carew (P. J.), Ecclesiastical History of Ireland, from the Introduction of Christianity to the Commencement of the Thirteenth Century. 8vo, Dublin, 1835 Ware (Sir James), De Prsesulibus Hibernise Commentarius, a prima Gentis Hibernicae ad fidem Christianam conversione ad nostra usque tempora. Folio, 1665 MooRE (Thomas), Memoirs of Captain Rock, the celebrated Irish Chieftain. 12mo, 1824 Carey (M.), Vindiciae Hibernicre; or, an Attempt to expose the Errors and Misrepresentations respecting Ireland, in the Histories of May, Temple, Whitelock, Rushworth, Clarendon, Warner, and others. Second edition, 8vo, Philadelphia, U. S., 1823 Ill IRELAND {continued). Williams (Charles Wye), Observations on the Inland Navigation of Ireland, and the Want of Employment for its Population ; witii a Description of the River Shannon. - - - Hvo, 1833 Natural History of Ireland ; with a Dissertation on Danish Forts and Round Towers, by Molyneux, Boate, and others. - - - 4to, \7o5 O'Brien on the Round Towers in Ireland. . - - - 8vo, 1834 De Montmorency (Morres), Inquiry into the Origin and Use of the Irish Pillar-Tower. - - ^^'o, 1^21 Hardy (P. D.), The Holy Wells of Ireland annually visited by Thousands of the Roman Catholic Peasantry. ----- 8vo, 1836 PiCTET (Adolphe), Du Culte des Cabires chez les Anciens Irlandais. 8vo, 1824 Walker (Joseph Cooper), On the Dress of the Ancient and Modern Irish, their Armour, &c. - - 4to, 1788 Grose (Francis), Antiquities of Ireland. - . - - 4to, 2 vols. Ledwich, The Antiquities of Ireland. ... - - 4to, 1804 Views of Seats, &c. in Ireland, by Milton. . - - - 1783—93 Charts et Statuta CoUegii SS. et Individua; Trinitatis Reginje Elizabeths, juxta Dublin. 4to, 1768 ITALY,— HISTORY, ANTIQUITIES, AND TOPOGRAPHY. See Rome. Naples. Tuscany. Medici. Venice. MiCALi, L' Italia avanti il Dominio de' Romani. 8vo, 4 vols, and Plates folio Dempster (Thomas), De Etruria Rcgali, Libri vii. - Folio, 2 vols. 1723 St. Marc, Abrege Chronologique de I'Histoire d'ltalie (a.d. 476—1314). 12nio, 6 vols. Denina (Carlo), Rivoluzioni d' Italia. - - - - 8vo, 4 vols. Same Work; translated into French, with Additions by the Translator. 12mo, 8 vols. On the Ancient Republics of Italy ; translated by Langhorne. 8vo Du Cerceau, Hist, de la Conjuration de Rienzi. - - - 12nio GuicciARDiNi (Francesco), Storia d' Italia (a.d. 1490—1532). - 8vo, 6 vols. II Sacco di Roma a.d. 1527, colla sua Storia d' Italia ridotta in com- pendio. - - - - - - - - - - 12'no Leoni, Considerazioni sopra 1' Historia di Francesco Guicciardini. 4to, 1583 Ragguaglio Storico di tutto 1' Occorso nel Sacco di Roma dell' anno mdxxvii. Scritto da Jacopo Buonaparte, Gentiluomo Samminiatese, chi vi si trov5 presente. -- - "" ''° BoTTA (Carlo), Storia d' Italia, continuata da quella del Guicciardini sino all' 1789. - -------- 8vo, 10 vols. Storia d' Italia (a.d. 1789— 1814). - - - 8v-o, 4 vols. DuppA (R.), Account of the Subversion of the Papal Government, in 1798. 8vo RuBEUS (Ilier.), Gothorum atque Longobardorum Res gestas, variamque mul- tarum Provinciaruni, Ravennatcm prsecipue, et recentium bellorum in Italia et Gallia gestorum Historian! complectentes, Libri x. Fol. Veiiet. 1572 112 ITALY, &c. {continued). ToMAi, Historia di Ravenna. - ----- 8vo, 1580 ZiRADiNi, Edifizi Profani di Ravenna. ----- 8vo, 1762 Rasponi, Ravenna liberata dai Goti. ----- 4to, 17(36 GenoAj La Congiura del Conte Gio. Luigi de' Fieschi, descritta da Agostino Mascardi. -..-----. 4to, 1637 EsTE, History of tlie House of, from Forrestus, in the Fifth Century, to the Death of Alphonsus, the last Duke of Ferrara, in 159/. - 12mo, 1681 Barbuo (Soncino), Sonimario delle Vite de' Duchi di Milano ; cosi Visconti come Sforzeschi, con natural Ritratto di ciascun d' Essi intagliato in rame. Folio, 1584 Imhof (J. W.), Genealogise viginti illustrium in Italia Familiarum ; Insigni- umque Iconibus exornatae. ------ Folio, 1710 La Riforma d' Italia. - ------ 2 vols. 1/70 GoRANi (Jean, Citoyen Frangois), Memoires Secrets et Critiques des Cours, des Gouvernemens, et des Moeurs des principaux Etats de I'ltalie. 8vo, 3 vols. Paris, 1793 San Marino, Memorie Storiche della Republica di San Marino, raccolte dal Cav. Melchiorre Delfico, cittadino della niedesinia. 4to, Milano, 1804 HoNDius (Jodocus), Nova et accurata Italiae Hodiernse Descriptio. Oblong folio, 1626 ScoTTi, Itinerario d' Italia. ------- 8vo, 1650 ScoTTO (Francesco), Nuovo Itinerario d' Italia, illustrato con le Figure delle Citta, coir altre Singolarita degne di perpetua memoria, &c. 12mo, 2 vols. Padona, 1658 MoNTFAUcoN, Travels in Italy (1698— 1700). ----- 8vo Orrery (Earl of). Letters from Italy (1754, 55). - - . I2mo CoNDAMiNE, Extract from his Tour in Italy. - . . 12mo, 1768 Millar, Letters from Italy (I77O, 71)- - - - - 8vo, 2 vols. De la Lande, Voyage en Italic. - - . . 12mo, 9 vols. 1786 Eustace (J. C), A Classical Tour through Italy (1802). - 8vo, 4 vols. Millin (A. L.), Voyage en Savoye, en Piemont, &c. (1811, 12). 8vo, 2 vols. Voyage dans le Milanais a Plaisance, Parme, et dans plusieurs autres Villes de I'Ancienne Lombardie. - - - - 8vo, 2 vols. 1817 The Temporal Government of the Pope's State. - - - 8vo, 1738 Loretto, Notizie della Santa Casa di Loretto. - - - - 12mo Le Glorie Maestose del Santuario di Loretto; coi Tesori Celesti di Terra Santa 12mo, 1673 Meyer, L'Arte di restituire a Roma la tralasciata Navigatione del Tevere, &c. e d' alcune altre proposition! proficue per lo Stato Ecclesiastico. Folio, 1685 Kelsall (Charles), Classical Excursion from Rome to Arpino. 8vo, 1820 NiBBi, Viaggio Antiquario ne' Contorni di Roma, &c. - 8vo, 2 vols. 1819 GwiLT (Joseph), Notitia Architectonica Italiana ; or, a concise Notice of Buildings, Architects, &c. of Italy. 8vo, 1818 113 ITALY, &c. {continued). MiDDLETON, Grecian and Cyclopian Remains in Italy. - Folio, 1820 DuppA (R.), Travels on the Continent, Sicily, and the Lipari Islands (1822, 23). 8vo Costumes of Italy (Miscellaneous) ; Drawings by Gatti and others. Folio Blunt (Rev. J.), Vestiges of Ancient Manners and Customs in Modern Italy and Sicily. - ^'■'°> ^^'^ ITALY, LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE OF. Antonim, Dictionnaire Italien, Fran9ois, et Latin. - - 4to, 2 vols. CoRMON, Dictionnaire Italien et Fran9ois. - - - 8vo, 2 vols. Santagnello, Dictionary of the Peculiarities of the Italian Language. 8vo, 1820 Peretti, Vocabolario Poetico, in cui si spiegano le voci ed elocuzioni proprie della Poesia Italiana. V2mo, 1820 TiRABOSCHi, Storia della Letteratura Italiana. - - - 8vo, 15 vols. Walker (Joseph Cooper), Memoir on Italian Tragedy, from the earliest period to the present time. ..---- 4to, 1/JJ James I. His Works. Folio, 1G16 Secret History of his Court : containing, 1. Osborne's Traditionall Memoyres. - . - . - 2. Weldon's Court and Character of James. . . - - 3. Aulicus Coquinariae -------- 4. Peyton's Divine Catastrophe of the House of Stuarts. 8vo, 2 vols. Truth brought to Light; or, the most remarkable Transactions of the first fourteen years of King James's Reign. - - - - 12mo, 1G92 JAPAN. See Travels. Relatio Historica Rerum in Japoniae Regno gestarum 1603 — 1606, &c. &c. 12mo, 1610 Annales des Empereurs du Japon (depuis a.d. 660 jusqu'a aujourd'hui) ; tra- duites par M. Titsiiigh : avec un Apper9u de I'Hist. Mythologique du Japon par M. J. Klaproth. 4to, 1834 K^MPFER, Histoire Naturelle, Civile, et Ecclesiastique de I'Empire du Japon ; trad, de I'Allemand. ----- Folio, 2 vols. 1729 Memoirs of the Captivity in Japan of Captain Golownin, of the Russian Navy : with Observations on the Country and the People. - 8vo, 3 vols. 1824 Japon : Ceremonies usitees pour les Mariages et les Funerailles. 2 vols. 1819 Japan and Siam, Description of; transl. from the Dutch. - I2mo, 16/1 2g 114 JESUITS. OuLTREMAiN, Recucll dc quelqucs Hommes Illustres de la Conipagnie de J^sus. 8vo, 1G24 The Jesuits' Memorial for the intended Reformation of England under their first Popish Prince ; from the Copy presented to King James II. : with Animadversions, &c. by Edward Gee. ... - 8vo, 1690 Parallele de la Doctrine des Payens avec celle des Jesuites. - - 12mo Art d'Assassiner les Rois, enseigne par les Jesuites a Louis XIV et Jacques II. I2mo Ricci (dernier General des Jesuites), Sa Vie. .... 12mo New Disquisition concerning the Jesuits and the Causes and Consequences of their Destruction ; translated from the French. - - 8vo, 1817 The Moi'al Practice of the Jesuites demonstrated by many remarkable His- tories of their Actions : by the Doctors of the Sorbonne ; translated into English. 12mo, 1671 JEWS AND JUDAISM, ANCIENT AND MODERN. De Rossi, Dizionario Storico degli Autori Ebrei. ... 8vo, 1802 Bibliotheca Judaica Antichristiana ; in qua editi et inediti Judaeorum adversus Christianam Religionem Libri recensentur. - 8vo, 1800 JosEPHUS, His Works ; translated by Whiston. - - 12mo, 5 vols. Basnage, Histoire des Juifs. -.--.. 12mo, 6 vols. JosiPPON, sive Josephi Ben Goriouis, Historia Judaica. - _ . 4to Salomon (Ben Virga), Historia Judaica, Res Judaeorum ab eversi Mde Hiero- solymitana ad haec fere tempora usque complexa (de Hebrseo in Latinum versa a Georgio Gentio). - - . . - . 4to, 1651 History of Foolish, Wicked, Wise, and Good Kings of Israel and Judah. Printed by order of the Long Parliament in 1641. ... 12mo Reland (Hadrian), De Spoliis Templi Hierosolymitani in Arcu Titiano Romae conspicuis. 12mo, 1716 Antiquitates Sacrse Veterum Hebrseorum. ... 12mo GoDWYN, Moses and Aaron ; or. Civil and Ecclesiastical Rites used by the ancient Hebrews. ........ 4to, 16/3 Lowman (Moses), On the Civil Government of the Hebrews. - 8vo Jennings, Jewish Antiquities. . - 8vo TovEY, Anglia Judaica, or the History and Antiquities of the Jews in England. 4to, 1738 Burton (R.), Journeys to Jerusalem ; Remarks upon the Jewish Nation, their great Council in Hungary in 1650, &c. &c. - - - 12mo, 1699 Crimes, Frauds, and Insolences, for which the Jews in former reigns were convicted and punished ; with a confutation of the two Arguments used by some for the Readmission of the Jews. .... 4to, 1703 Ottho (Johannes Henricus), Historia Doctorum Misnicorum, quk operk etiam Synedrii Magni Hierosolymitani Praesides et Vice-Praesides recen- sentur. I2mo, Amstelod. 1698 115 JEWS AND JUDAISM, he— {continued). Addison (Launcelot), Present State of the Jews. - - 12mo, 167() Leon da Modena, Ceremonies des Juifs ; trad, de I'ltalien. - 12mo, 1674 Abendana, Civil and Ecclesiastical Polity of the Jews. - - 8vo, 1706 The Jewish Calendar, &c. for a.d, 1693. - - - 12nio WoTTON (Wm. D.D.), Discourses relating to the Traditions and Usages of the Scribes and Pharisees in our blessed Saviour Jesus Christ's time. 8vo, 2 vols. 1718 Stehelin (Rev. J. P.), Rabbinical Literature ; or, the Traditions of the Jews, contained in the Talmud and other Mystical Writings ; the Opinions con- cerning the Messiah, &c. &c. - - - - 8vo, 2 vols. 1748 Victor de Carben (olim Judaeus, nunc Sacerdos Christi), De Moribus Jud;e- orum. 4to, 1511 Traite des Ceremonies Superstitieuses des Juifs, tant anciens que modernes. 12mo, 1678 TowNLEY, Reasons of the Laws of Moses, from the "More Nevochim " of Maimonides. 8vo, 1827 Levi (David), Rites and Ceremonies of the Jews. - - - 8vo, 1781 Allen, Modern Judaism, ___---- 8vo, 1816 Isaacs (Hyaui), Ceremonies and Traditions of the Jews, with Gleanings from the Targums. 8vo, 1833 I^T" The author states himself to be a convert from Judaism to Christianity. Salomon (Dr. Gotthold), Twelve Sermons delivered in the New Temple of the Israelites at Hamburg; translated from the German by Anna Maria Goldsmid. 8vo, London, 1839 1. Some Account of the Life and Writings of Maimonides, and of the Origins^ of the Judaic Code. 1838 2. The La«s of the Hebrews relating to the Poor and the Stranger ; written ill Hebrew by Maimonides. - - ------ 3. Of the Knowledge which the Jews had of a Future State at the time of Christ (a Cambridge Prize-essay, by Thomas Myers). - - 1830 4. State of the Jews in the beginning of the Nineteenth Century ; translated from the Dutch of Van Hembert. ------ 18257 8vo Alexander, Hebrew Ritual: Explanation of the whole Ceremonial Law, Oral and Traditional, &c. - 8vo, 1819 Form of Daily Prayers according to the custom of the German and Polish Jews, as read in their Synagogues and used in their Families ; translated from the original Hebrew. - ..-.-- 8vo Gregoire, Essay on the Reformation of the Jews; translated from the French. - - - - 12nio, n. d. 116 JEWS AND JUDAISM, &c. (continued). 1. Bail, Des Juifs au 19°"= Siecle, 1816. Etatdes Juifs en France, Espagne, et Italie, 1823. 2. MoREAU, Incompatibilite entre le Judaisme et I'Exercice des Droits de Cite, &c. 1819. 8vo Beugnot, Reclierches sur les Juifs de I'Occident. ... 8vo, 1824 JEWS AND CHRISTIANS. (The Controversy between them respecting THE Advent of the Messiah.) Jaquelot, Dissertations sur le Messie ; ou Ton prouve aux Juifs que J. C. est le Messie pr^dit dans I'Ancien Testament. - - 12mo, 1753 Luther (Martin), De Mendaciis Judaeorum. ... Folio, 1544 Wagenseil, Tela Ignea Satante : hoc est, arcani et horribiles Judaeorum adversus Christum et Christianam Religionem Libri. - - 4to, 1681 HuLDRic, Historia Jeschuae Nazareni : cum Versione Latin^ ac Confutatione. 8vo, J 705 Harrison (John), The Messiah already come ; or, Profes of Christianitie both of the Scriptures and auncient Rabbins, to convince the Jewes of their Blindnesse. (Written in Barbarie in the yeare 1610). - 4to, 1619 Xeres (John, a native of Saphia, in Morocco), An Address to the Jews, containing his Reasons for leaving the Jewish, and embracing the Christian Religion. -------- 8vo, London, I7IO 1. A Vindication of the Christians Messiah. 2. Concerning the Churches of the Christians. 3. An Epistle to the Jewes. By Eliazar Bar-isajah, a Jew born, but now a converted and baptised Christian. - 8vo, 1653 The Principal Motives and Circumstances that induced Moses Marcus to leave the Jewish, and embrace the Christian Faith ; written by himself. 8vo, 1724 De Rossi, Delia Vana Aspettazione degli Ebrei del Messia, &c. 4to, 1773 — 75 Priestley (Rev. Joseph, ll.d.). Letters to the Jews; Levi's Answer to them ; and his Letters to Bicheno, Cooper, and others. . - . 8vo, 1787—89 A Comparison of the Institutions of Moses with those of the Hindoos and other ancient Nations; and an Address to the Jews on the present State of the World, and the Prophecies relating to it. - 8vo, 1 799 1. An Enquiry concerning the Arguments which relate to our Controversy with the Jews, as they arise from the Prophetic Records. Dublin, 177'^ 2. An Universal Catechism ; with a Prefatory Dedication to the Jews. - \ 3. Lettres adress^es aux Juifs, par deux Auteurs Anglois ; traduites en Franjois par un Anglois. ._-_._ Paris, 1789 8vo Levi (David), Dissertations on the Prophecies. - - - . 8vo } 117 JEWS, &c. {continued). Cunningham (Wm., of Lainshaw), Remarks on Levi's Dissertations. 8vo, 1810 Levi's Discourse to the Jews (^vritten by some Christian under a feigned name). Bvo, 1788 JEWS, TEN TRIBES OF ISRAEL. Fletcher (Giles, ll.d.), Israel Redux; or, the Restauration of Israel; in two Treatises. The first, an Essay upon some probable grounds that the Tartars near the Caspian Sea are the Posterity of the Ten Tribes of Israel. The second, concerning their ancient State and future Establishment in their own Land; with a Superaddition to the same, by Samuel Lee. 12mo, 16/7 The Nestorians ; or, the Lost Tribes : containing Evidence of their Identity, and Illustrations of Scripture Prophecy, by Ashael Grant, m.d. 8vo, London, 1841 ^" See Spizelius, De Repertis Tribubus Israeliticis, and Adair's American Indians, both under " America." Samuel (Rev. Jacob, Missionary to the Jews in Asia), The Remnant found; or, the Place of Israel's Hiding discovered. ... 8vo, 1841 Johnson, Samuel, ll.d. Life of Samuel Johnson, ll.d., by Sir John Hawkins. - . 8vo, 1787 Prayers and Meditations composed by him. ... gyo, 1785 Johnsoniana: from Boswell's Life of Johnson. - . _ . 12mo Graphic Illustrations of the Life and Times of Dr. Samuel Johnson. London, 1837 Johnstone, Rev. James. Antiquitates Celto-Normannicse : containing the Chronicle of Man ; Extracts from the Annals of Ulster, &c. . - - . . 4to, 1786 1. Antiquitates Celto-Scandicse ; sive, Series Rerum gestarum inter Natioiics ) Britannicarum Insularuni et Gentes Septentrionales. - - 1786\ 2. Anecdotes of Olave, the Black King of Man. .... I78OJ 4to Jones, Rev. W^m., m.a. His Theological, Philosophical, and Miscellaneous Works ; with a short Sketch of his Life, by Wm. Stevens, Esq. ... 8vo, 12 vols. Josephine (epouse de Napoleon), Memoires de, par Mile. Le Normand. 8vo, 3 vols. Junius, Hadrianus. Epistolffi ejus ; quibus accedunt Vita ; et Oratio de Artium liberalium dignitate. 12mo, Dordrecht, 15.V2 JuNius's Letters; with the addition of others by him to Wilkes and to Woodfall. 8vo, 3 vols. JURISPRUDENCE, LAW OF NATIONS, FEUDAL AND CIVIL LAW, Grotius, De Jure Belli et Pacis - - 8vo 2h 118 JURISPRUDENCE, &c. {continued). Martens, Precis du Droit des Gens modernes de I'Europe, fonde sur les Traites et I'Usage. - - 8vo, 1821 Vattel, The Law of Nations ; or. Principles of the Law of Nature applied to the Conduct and Affairs of Nations and Sovereigns ; translated from the French. - - - Svo Ward (Robert), Enquiry into the Foundation and History of the Law of Nations in Europe, from the time of the Greeks and Romans to the Age ofGrotius. 8vo, 2 vols. 1795 Wheaton (Henry), Elements of International Law. - Svo, 2 vols. 1836 Kluber, Droit des Gens modernes de I'Europe: avec le Supplement, contenant une Bibliotheque choisie du Droit des Gens. - - 8vo, 2 vols. 1838 Butler (Charles), Horfe Juridicse Subseciva : being a series of Notes re- specting the principal Codes of the Grecian, Roman, Feudal, and Canon Law. 8vo, 1807 Lex Salica: item, Leges Burgundionum, Alamannorum, Ripuariorum, Bai- wariorum, et Saxonum. ... - 12mo, Parisiis, 1573 Craig (Thomas), Jus Feudale ; quod, praeter Jus Commune Longobardicum, Feudales Angliae ScotiiBque Consuetudines complectitur. 4to, Lipsice, 1716 Dalrymple (Sir John), An Essay towards a General History of Feudal Pro- perty in Great Britain. _._..-. 12mo Collin de Planchy (J. A. S.), Dictionnaire Feodal; ou, Recherches et Anecdotes sur les Dimes, les Droits Feodaux, et sur tout ce qui tient a la Feodalite. 8vo, 2 vols. 1819 De Ferriere, Histoire du Droit Romain. .... - 12mo Taylor, Elements of Civil Law. ....... 4to Wiseman, Excellence of the Civil Law. .... 8vo, 1686 Justinian : les Instituts de Justinien, trad, en Francois, avec le Texte Latin en regard. 12mo, 2 vols. Summary of the Roman Law. .-..-- 8vo, 1772 Corpus Juris Civilis, &c. &c. .... 8vo, 2 vols. Amst. 1700 Hallifax (Samuel, Bp. of Gloucester), Analysis of the Civil Law: the heads of his Lectures delivered at Cambridge. ..... Svo Wood, Institute of the Civil Law. ..... 8vo, 1712 ZoucH, Elementa Jurisprudentise, &c. &c. ; necnon Descriptio Juris Eccle- siastici secundum Canones et Constitutiones Anglicanas. - 4to, 1636 Reddie (John), Historical Notices of the Roman Law, and of the recent progress of its study in Germany. .... - gvo, 1826 Pettingal (John, d.d.). An Enquiry into the Use and Practice of Juries among the Greeks and Romans ; from whence the origin of the English Jury may probably be deduced. _ . - . . 4to, 1769 Justinus. Historiae Totius Mundi. .._...-- r2mo Trad. Franjaise; avec le Texte Latin en regard. - 12mo, 2 vols. 119 JuvEKALis et Persius. Satyrffi. 8vo Literal Translation in English Prose, by Smart. . . - . 12mo Persius, His SatjTS, translated into English Prose by Sheridan. 8vo, 1739 K. Kelsall, Charles. Esquisse de nies Travaux ; par Mela Britannicus. - - 12nio, 1830 Hora; Viatica, &c. 12mo, 1836 KENT. Map of the County, by Greenwood. _----- Folio Lambarde, Perambulation of Kent. - - - - 8vo (the reprint). KiLBURNE, Topograplme; or. Survey of Kent. . - - 4to, 1C59 Phillipot, Villare Cantianum. - - Folio SoMNER (William), Roman Ports and Forts in Kent. - - 8vo, 1693 Harris (John), History of Kent. Folio, 1719 Hasted (Edward), History of Kent and City of Canterbury. 8vo, 12 vols. The Maps to ditto. - - Folio The Plates to the folio edition of his History of Kent. - Folio Thorpe, Registrum Roffense. ------ Folio, 1769 ■^ Textus Roffensis : an Account of it, by Sanmel Pegge. In Nichols's Bibl. Top. Brit. vol. ix. ^f: Hawkherst, Sketch of the History and Antiquities of, 1792. In Nichols's Bibl. Top. Brit. vol. ix. SouTHOUSE (Thomas), Monasticon Favershamiense : a Surveigh of tlie Mon- astery of Faversham ; with the Descent of King Stephen, by Philipot. 12mo, 1671 Jacob (Edward), History of the Town and Port of Faversham. - 8vo, 177-1 SoMNER (Wm.) and Battely (N.), The Antiquities of Canterbury. Fol. 1703 GosTLiNG, A Walk in and about Canterbury. - - - 8vo, 1777 WooLNOTH, Illustrations of Canterbury Cathedral. - - 4to, 1816 Dart (John), History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Canterbury, and the adjoining Monastery. ----- Folio, 1726 Cozens (Zachariah), A Tour through the Isle of Thanet, and some other parts of East Kent. - - - 4to, 1793 Lewis (John), History of the Isle of Thanet. - - . 4to, 1736 Darell, History of Dover Castle. ------ 4to Tunstall, History and Antiquities of, by E. R. Mores. .... Reculver, Antiquity of, by Duncombe and Priddeu. ^ St. Radigund, near Dover, Antiquities of; and on the Urbs RutupiM> of Ptolemy. ------- Thorpe, Undescribed Antiquities in Kent. ._-.-- In Nichols's Bib. Topog. Brit. vol. i. 120 KENT— {continued) . Maidstone, History of, by Newton. . . . . . 8vo, 1741 The Charters and other Documents relating to the Town of Maidstone ; with Notes, &c. by W. R. James. 8vo, 1825 Maidstone, Some Account of it ; with a View of the Market-Place as in the year 1623, by J. H. Baverstock, F.s.A 8vo, 1832 Rochester, History of that City. - . - - . 12mo, 1772 Drawings, by the late Thomas Fisher, of Churches, Brasses, and other Anti- quities ; with sundry miscellaneous Engravings of Towns, &c. in Kent. Folio, 3 vols. Brady (J. H.), The Visitor's Guide to Knole. - - - 8vo, 1839 Tunbridge Wells Guide ; with a description of the Vicinity, to the distance of 16 miles. .-....---. 12mo, 1786 Eltham Palace, an Account of, by Buckler. . - - - 8vo, 1828 Kempe (A. J.), Outlines of the History and Antiquities of Bromley; with an Investigation of the Antiquities of Holwood Hill. - 8vo, Bromley, 1815 King, Edward, f.s.a. Munimenta Antiqua, and Vestiges of Oxford Castle. - Folio, 5 vols. Of Stones said to have fallen from the Clouds. - . . . 4to Morsels of Criticism, tending to illustrate some Passages in the Holy Scrip- tures. - - ------- 8vo, 3 vols. Hymns to the Supreme Being, in imitation of Eastern Songs. - 12mo KING'S EVIL, Touching for the Cure thereof. TooKER (William, Chaplain to Queen Elizabeth), Charisma, sive Donum Sanationis : seu de solenni et sacri curatione Strumas, cui Reges Angliae, rite inaugurati, divinitiis medicati sunt, &c. &c. - - 4to, 1597 Browne (John), Adenochoiradelogia ; or, an Anatomic-Chirurgical Treatise of Strumaes, or Kings-Evil-Swellings ; together with the royal gift of healing by imposition of hands, performed for above 640 years by our Kings of England : with a List of the Persons touched by King Charles II. from May 1660 to April 1682, amounting in all to nine hundred and twenty- one thousand and seven. - - - - - . 8vo, 1684 Laurentius (Andreas), De Mirabili Strumas sanandi Vi, solis Galliae Regibus Christianissimis divinitiis concess&, et de Strumarum naturi et curatione. 8vo, 1609 Beckett (Win.), Inquiry into the Antiquity and Efficacy of Touching for the Cure of the Kinof's Evil. - - . - - - 8vo, 1722 o Werenfels (Samuel, d.d. of Basle), Dissertation upon Superstition in Natural Things ; and Thoughts on the Power of Curing the King's Evil, ascribed to the Kings of England. ------ 8vo, 1748 KiRBY, The Wonderful and Scientific Museum; or. Magazine of remarkable Cha- racters, Curiosities of Nature and Art, &c. - 8vo, 6 vols. 1803-20. KNIGHTHOOD. See Nobility. KORAN. See Arabia. 121 L. Lacombe. Abrege Chronologique de I'Histoire du Nord (sc. Dannemiirc, Suede, Russic, et Pologne). - - - . - - . 8vo, 2 vols. 1703 Lactantius, Lucius Fir. Opera omnia : editio novissima. - - - 4to, 2 vols. Pan*/w, 1748 LANCASHIRE. History of Preston ; and some Account of the County Palatine of Lancaster. 4to, 1822 Lancaster, the Town of ; an Historical and Descriptive Account of it. 12mo, 1811 Gregson (Matthew), Portfolio of Fragments relative to the History and An- tiquities of Lancashire. ----- Folio, L/i-erpoo/, 1824 West (Thomas), The Antiquities of Furness ; or, an Account of the Royal Abbey of St. Mary. 4to, 1774 LANGUAGE. Gesner (Conrad), Mithridates, exprimens Dilferentias Linguanini, tuni ve- terum, tum qute hodie per totum terrarum orbem in usu sunt. 12mo, Tif/uri, 1610 WoTTON (Rev. Wm.), Linguarum veterum Septentrionalium Thesauri gram- matico-critici et archfeologici, auctore Georgio Hickesio, Conspectus brevis. - -------- 12mo, 170S Chamberlayne, Oratio Dominica in diversas omnium fere Gentium Linguas versa; una cum Dissertationibus de Linguarum Origine, &c. 4to, 1715 Bergier (N. S.), Elemens Primitifs des Langues. . - - 12mo Burnet (James, Lord Moidioddo), Origin, &c. of Language. 8vo, 6 vols. Henley (John), The Complete Linguist ; or, an Universal Grammar of all the considerable Tongues in being. ----- 8vo, 1719) 20 Tooke (John Hornc), Diversions of Purley. - - - 8vo, 2 vols. Fearn (John), Anti-Tooke ; or, an Analysis of the Principles and Structure of Language, exemplified in the English Tongue. 8vo, 2 vols. 1824-27 Browne (Thos. G.), Hermes Unmasked ; or, the Art of Speech founded on the Association of Words and Ideas : with an Answer to Dr. Vincent's Hypothesis of the Greek Verb. ----- 12mo, 1795 MiTFORD (W.), Enquiry into the Principles of Harmony in Languages, &c. &c. 8vo, 1804 Discorso, in cui si ricerca qual parte aver possa il Popolo nella Formazione d' una Lingua. - - - . . - - 8vo, Firenze, I8I9 Peignot (G.), Amusemens Philologiques ; ou Varietc^ en tous Genres. 8vo, 1824 Potter (J. P.), Essay on the Means ot Discovering the Senses of Words. 8vo, 1828 2 I 122 LAPLAND. ScHEFFER, Histoire de la Laponie ; trad, du Latin. ... 4to Same Work in English ; with the Travels of Rudbeck, &c. - 8vo Leems, De Lapponibus Finmarchise, eorumque Lingui, Vita, &c. 4to, 1/67 Memoire sur les Samojedes et les Lappons ; avec un Essai sur la Revolution de la Siberia. - r2mo, Copenhayue, 1766 LiNN^us (C), Travels in Lapland, 1732 ; transl. from the Swedish. 8vo Latimer, Hugh, Bishop of Worcester. His Sermons : illustrated with explanatory Notes, &c. and a Memoir of him, by John Watkins, ll.d. ------ 2 vols. 1824 LATIN LANGUAGE. Auctores Linguae Latinse in unum redacti corpus. . - - 4to, 1602 Sharpe, On the Origin and Structure of the Latin Tongue. - - 8vo DuMESNiL, Latin Synonyms. ------- 8vo Hill (John), Synonyms of the Latin Language; with a Dissertation on its Prepositions. ---------- 4to Ker, Selectarium de Lingu^ Latinft. ----- 8vo, 1709 Valla (Laurentius), De Lingute Latinse Elegantii. - - 8vo, 1688 TuRSELLiNUS, De Particulis Latinae Orationis. - - . - 8vo Johnson (Richard), Grammatical Commentaries, &c. upon the Falsities,. Obscurities, &c. in Lilly's Grammar. ------ Additions to the Commentaries. ------ Animadversions on the Commentaries by an Old Man (Edward Leeds). Johnson's Defence, in answer to the above. - - . - - 8vo, 2 vols. 1706, 7 GuNTHER, Latinitas Restituta ; sive, deVitiisLatini Sermonis. 12mo, Jence, IJi? A Latin Grammar, by John Read, of Boston in New England. 12mo, Boston, 1736 Gesner (Matthias), Novus Linguae et Eruditionis Romanae Thesaurus. Folio, 2 vols. 1749 CoMENius, Lexicon Atriale, Latino-Latinum. - - 8vo, Anist. 1657 Facciolati et Forcellini, Lexicon totius Latinitatis. - 4to, 2 vols. Massey, Corruptfe Latinitatis Index. ------ 8vo Adam (Alex.), Latin and English Grammar, &c. . - - 12mo Crombie (Alex.), Gymnasium ; sive, Symbola Criticae. - 8vo, 3 vols. Butler (Samuel), A Praxis on the Latin Prepositions. - - 8vo, 1823 Sever (Samuel), Latinum Redivivum; or, a Treatise on the Modern Use of the Latin Language, and the Prevalence of the French. - 8vo, 1808 Croke (Sir Alex.), On Rhyming Latin Verse. - - - 8vo, 1827 Glossarium Manuale ad Scriptores Mediae et Infimae Latinitatis : (an abridg- ment of the larger work by Du Cange and Carpenter ; with sundry additional Words). - - - - 8vo, 6 vols. Halce, 1772 — 1784 Ainsworth, Latin and English Dictionary. - . - 4to, 2 vols. Ditto, new edition, by Ellis. ----- 4to, 1829 123 LATIN LANGUAGE {contimied). Noel, Dictionnaire Latin et rran9ais. - - - 8vo, 2 vols. 1812 Valpy, Etymological Dictionary of the Latin Lanijiiage. - - Svo Riddle (J. E.), Complete Latin-English Dictionary; chiefly from the German. 8vo, 1836 English-Latin Dictionary. ------ 8vo Laud (William, Archbp. of Canterbury), the Life of, by P. Heylyn. Folio, lOJl A Breviate of the Life of William Laud, extracted for the most part out of his own Diary. ---------- 10i4 Canterburies Doome ; or, the first part of a History of the Commitment, Charge, Tryall, &c. &c. of Wm. Laud, late Archbishop of Canterbury, by William Prynne. - - Folio, 1(540 Labyrinthus Cantuariensis ; or. Dr. Lawd's Labyrinth: being an Answer to his Lordship's Relation of a Conference between himself and Mr. Fisher, &c. &c. (Written by Thomas Carwell, alias Thorold, a Jesuit.) Folio, Paris, 1638 Lauder, William. On Milton's Use of the Moderns in his Paradise Lost. - - 8vo, 1750 Milton vindicated from Lauder's Charge of Plagiarism, by John Douglas, (late Bishop of Salisbury) . - 8vo, 1/51 Letter to Douglas on his Vindication of Milton. - - - 4to, 1751 Richardson (R.), Zoilomastix; or, a Vindication of Milton from the invidious Charges of Mr. Wm. Lauder. 8vo, 17-17 ^ Law (John, of Lauriston, the celebrated Financier), the Life of, &c. &c. (See Tracts, No. ix.) 4to, n. d. LEGISLATION. See Government. Leibnitz, W. G. Essais de Theodicee ; avec la Vie de I'Auteur. - - 12mo, 2 vols. Exposition de la Doctrine de Leibnitz sur la Religion ; suivie de Pensees extraites des ouvrages du m^me auteur, par M. Eymery. - 8vo, 1819 LEICESTERSHIRE. ^ See Collections for a History of the County, in Nichols's Bib. Top. Brit., vols. vii. and viii. Throsby (John), Select Views in Leicestershire ; with Historical Relations. 4to, 2 vols. 1790 Burton (Wm.), Description of Leicestershire. Fol. 2d edition, Lijnie, 1777 L'Hopital (Chancelier de France sous Fran9ois II), Essai sur sa Vie, &c. par Bernardi. ---- 8vo Letters on Scientific Subjects, illustrative of the Progress of Science in England from the Reign of Elizabeth to that of Charles the Second. (Published by the Historical Society of Science). - - - - 8vo, 1841 LINCOLNSHIRE. Gough (Richard), History and Antiquities of Croyland Abbey; with the Appendixes, and Legend of St. Guthlac. - - 4to, 1783 — 1815 124 LINCOLNSHIRE {continued). Hamper, On the Croyland Inscription, &c. ... - 4to, 1820 HowLETT, A Selection of Views in the County of Lincohi. - Folio, 1805 History of the County of Lincohi, from the earliest pei-iod to the present time. 4to, 2 vols. 1833,34 LiNNyEus (Charles), the Life of, by Stoever ; translated from the German, by Trapp. ----- 4to, 1794 View of his Life and Writings, by Dr. Pulteney. - - - - 8vo LITERARY HISTORY IN GENERAL. Denina (Carlo), Le Vicende della Letteratura. - - - 8vo, 2 vols. Struvius, Historia Literaria; editio Jugleri. - 8vo, 3 vols. 1/54 — 1763 Bibliotheca Historica : instructa a B. G. Struvio, aucta a Budero, nunc vero a Joanne Georgio Meuselio ita digesta, amplificata, et emendata, ut pene novum opus videri possit. - - 8vo, 11 vols. Lipsix, 1782 — 1802 MoRHOFius, Polyhistor Literarius, Philosophicus, et Practicus. 4to, 2 vols. 1732 Berdmore (Rev. Samuel, d.d.). Specimens of Literary Resemblances in the Writings of Pope and others. --.... 8vo, 1801 WoTTON (Wm.), Reflections upon Ancient and Modern Learning. 8vo, 1694 JoRTiN (John, D.D.), Miscellaneous Observations upon Authors Ancient and Modern. -.---.-. 8vo, 2 vols. 1731 LITERARY JOURNALS AND TRANSACTIONS. See Antiquarian Society. Bibliotheque Raisonn^e des Ouvrages des Savans de I'Europe. 12mo, 52vols. 1728—1753 Oldys (Wm.), The British Librarian ; exhibiting a compendious View of our most scarce and useful Books in all Sciences, &c. &c. - 8vo, 1738 Savage (James), The Librarian; (an Account of scarce and valuable English Books and Manuscripts, Records, &c.) - - 8vo, 3 vols. 1808, 9 History of the Works of the Learned; containing an Account, &c. of the most valuable Books published in Great Britain and Foreign Parts. 8vo, 13 vols. 1737-43 The Retrospective Review. - - - . 8vo, 16 vols. 1820—1828 Philosophical Magazine ; from the commencement to 1803. 8vo, 14 vols. Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy down to 1802. - 4t{), 8 vols. Iberno-Celtic Society, Transactions of, for 1820. - 4to, Dublin, 1820 Manchester Philosophical Society, Transactions of, 1785 — 1796. 8vo, 5 vols. Royal Geographical Society of London, Journal of. - - 8vo, 10 vols. Academic des Inscriptions, &c. : 1. Les Memoires. - - - - - - - -81 vols. / 2. Histoire de, jusqu'en 1776. ------ 19 vols. S 12mo, 100 vols. Antiquarian Society of North America ( Archaeologia Americana) . 8vo, 2 vols. 1820-36 125 LITERARY JOURNALS AND TRANSACTIONS— (co«/i««ef/). Royal Society of Literature of London, Transactions of. - 4to, 3 vols. Piiilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London : 1. LowTHORp's xVbridgment, down to \~'20. . . . 5 vols. 2. The Transactions at large, from 1720 to 1799. - - 03 vols. 3. Index down to 1780 ..----- 1 vol. 4. Diplomata et Statuta Soc. Reg. Lond. - - - - 1 vol. 4to, 70 vols. Philosophical Transactions, Abstract of the Papers therein, from IfciCX) to 1830. 8vo, 2 vols. Royal Society of Edinburgh, Transactions of, down to 1798. - 4to, 4 vols. Antiquarian Society of Edinburgh, Transactions of. 4to, 4 vols. 1792 — 1833 Archifiologia ^liana ; or, Transactions of the Society of Antiquaries of New- castle-upon-Tyne. 4to, 2 vols. 1822—32 Asiatic Researches; or. Transactions of the Calcutta Society. 8vo, 12 vols. Royal Asiatic Society of London, Transactions of. - - 4to, 3 vols. Royal Asiatic Society of London, the Journal of. - - 8vo, 6 vols. Madras Society, Transactions of. ----- - 4to Bombay Society, Transactions of. - - - 4to, 3 vols. 1819 — 1823 LITERARY SOCIETIES. (Miscellaneous Works relating to them.) Pelisson, Histoire de I'Academie Fran9aise. . - - 12mo, 2 vols. Discours de Reception a I'Academie Fran9aise. . . - 8vo, 2 vols. Royal Society of London, History of, by Sprat. . . - 4to, 1722 Ditto, by Thomson. ------- 4to, 1812 LITHOGRAPHY. Essai Historique sur la Lithographie. ----- 8vo, 1810 A Manual of Lithography ; translated from the French. - - 8vo, 1832 LiVY. Historiarum Libri qui supersunt. - - 12mo, 4 vols. Edlnburyi, 1772 (For another edition, witli Drakenborch's Supplement, see " Script. Hist. Komanje." Traduction Fran^oise, par Guerin. - - - 12mo, 10 vols. Maps and Plans illustrative of Livy. ------ 8vo Lloid, Lodowicke (Sergeant-at-Arms to Queen Elizabeth). The Pilgrimage of Princes. - - 4to, 1586 1 . The Stratagems of Jerusalem ; with the Martiall Lawes and Militarie Dis- cipline as well of the Jews as of tlic Gentiles - . - - - 2. A Briefe Conference of divers Lawes, divided into certain Regiments. 4to, 1602 Locke, John. His Works. 8vo, 9 vols. A French Translation of his Essay on the Understanding, by M. Coste. 4to Essay on the Understanding, abridged. - . . - - 12ino Essay on the Understanding, condensed by a Clergyman. - 12nio, 1831 LOGIC. ' See Ethics. 2 K 126 LONDON AND WESTMINSTER. HowEL (James), Londinopolis : an Historicall Discourse or Perlustration of the City of London, &c., whereunto is added another of the City of West- minster - .-- Folio, 1657 Delaune (Thomas), Anglife Metropolis ; or, the present state of London, its Government, Customs, &c. &c. - . . . . 12mo, 1690 Stow (John), Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster ; enlarged by the Rev. John Strype. - - - . . Folio, 2 vols. 1720 Maitland, History of London. . - . . Folio, 2 vols. 1756 Pennant (Thomas), Some Account of London ; with additions. 8vo, I8I3 Wilkinson (Robert), Londina Illustrata: Graphic Memorials of Monasteries, Churches, Palaces, Theatres, Processions, &c. &c. in London and the Suburbs. Folio, 2 vols. 1820 Burton (Richard), Historical Remarks on the present state of London and Westminster (originally published in 1681) ; new edition by M. Stace. 4to, London, 1810 Select Views of London and its Environs ; with copious descriptions of such as are the most remarkable among them. - - 4to, London, 1804 Brayley, Londiniana ; or. Reminiscences of the British Metropolis. 12mo, 4 vols. 1828 Smith, Antiquities of Westminster. - - . 4to, 2 vols. 1807— 1809 Antiquities of London. ------- 4to Bayley, History of the Tower. - - - - 4to, 2 vols. 1821—1825 •i^ DucARELL, History of the Royal Hospital of St. Katharine near the Tower. In Nichols's Bib. Top. Brit. vol. ii. DuGDALE (Sir William), History of St. Paul's Cathedral, London; with a continuation and additions by Ellis. - - - - Folio, 1818 Trollope (Rev. William), History of the Royal Foundation of Clirist's Hospital. 4to, 1834 Chronicles of London Bridge, by an Antiquary (Thomson, Librarian to the London Institution). -_--_-.. 8vo, 1827 Malcolm (J. P.), Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London during the Eighteenth Century, &c. &c., with a Review of the state of Society in 1807. 8vo, 2 vols. 1810 Noble (Mark), History of the College of Arms, from the time of its Founder, Richard III. -------- - 4to, 1805 Brayley and Britton, History of the Ancient Palace and late Houses of Parliament at Westminster. ------ 8vo, 1836 Crull (J.), Antiquities of St. Peter's, or the Abbey Church of Westminster, with all the Epitaphs, &c. - - - - - 8vo, 2 vols. 1722 Dart (John), History and Antiquities of the Abbey Church of Westminster. Folio, 1723 Ackermann (R.), The Microcosm of London; or, London in Miniature. 4to, 3 vols. 1808—1810 127 LONDON, &c. — {continued). So\NE (Sir John), Description of his House and Museum, in Lincoln's Inn Fields. ---------- 4to, 1832 Britton (John, f.s.a.), The Union of Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting, exemplified by a Series of Illustrations ; with descriptive Accounts of the House and Galleries of Sir John Soane. - - - - 4to, 1827 GwYNNE, London and Westminster Improved - - - 4to, I'd^ Trench (Colonel F. W.), Collection of Papers relating to the Thames Quay ; with Hints for further Improvements in the Metropolis. - 4to, 1827 Sandby (Paul, R.A.), Street Cries, &c. (seventy-seven Sketches and Drawings). Folio CoLQUHOUN, On the Police of London. - - - - 8vo, 1/9/ Treatise on the Police and Crimes of the Metropolis, &c. &c. - 8vo, 1829 The Tricks of the Town laid open ; or, a Companion for Country Gentlemen. 12mo The Country Gentleman's Vade Mecum : in Letters from a Gentleman in London to his Friend in the Country. - - - - 8vo, 1699 LORRAINE. Resume de I'Histoire de Lorraine. ----- 12mo, 181.0 La Vie de Charles V, Due de Lorraine. ----- 12mo LOVAT FAMILY. Historical Account of the Family of Frisel, or Fraser ; particularly Fraser of Lovat, by John Anderson. ------ 4to, 1825 LovAT (Simon, Lord), Life of, by C. Arbuthnot. - - - 8vo, 1746 Memoirs of, by himself : translated from the French - - 8vo An Account of his Behaviour from the time his Death- Warrant was delivered to his Execution, by one who attended him in his last moments. 8vo, 1747 LUCIAN. His Works ; translated from the Greek, by Franckhn. - 8vo, 4 vols. Ludlow, Edmund, Lieutenant-General, and Member of the Long Parliament. „• \/r • - - - 8vo, 2 vols. 1698 His Memoirs. ----- >^ "3 Luther, Martin. Contra Henricum Regem Angliae Martinus Luther. 4to, Whittemberga, 1522 ^ The above is Luther's /rs< attack upon King Henry's book " De Septem Sacra- mentis :" his second Letter to the King may be found under Henry VIIL Assertio omnium Articulorum per BuUam Leonis X. novissimain damnatorum. 4to, 1520 Sententia de Abroganda Missft Privata - - - " ^ " . '*'°' ^^"^ Septiceps Lutherus ubique sibi suis Scriptis contrarius, in Visitationem Sax- onicam : per Joannem Cochlaeum ante annos 44 editus. 12nio, Parisiis, 1564 Balduinus (M. F., Verbi Minister Dresdensis), De Disputatione Lutheri cum Diabolo. 12mo, 1605 128 Luther (continued). Vita D. Martini Lutheri, et Successum Evangelicae Reformationis, &c. Numniis atque Iconibus aliquot rarissimis confirmata et illustrata ; simul etiam notentur singularia multa curiosa de famili^. ipsius, &c. : studio M. Christ. Juncker. --...--. gvo, 1699 LUTHERANISM. Histoire du Lutheranisme, par Louis Maimbourg, de la Conipagnie de Jesus. 12mo, 1681 Seckendorf (V. L.), Commentarius Historicus et Apologeticus de Lutheran- ismo ; sive de Reformatione Religionis, ductu M. Lutheri, in magna Ger- manise parte, aliisque regionibus stabilita. - - . Folio, 1694 ViLLERs (Charles), Essai sur I'Esprit et I'lnfluence de la Reformation de Luther. - - --..... 8to, 1808 Maleville, Discours sur I'lnfluence de la Reformation de Luther. 8vo, Paris, an xii. M. Mably, L'Abbe. CEuvres Completes. --..... 8vo, 15 vols. Macartney, George, Earl of. Life of, by Barrow ; and his own Journal of his Embassy to China, in 1 794. 4to, 2 vols. Account of his Voyage and Embassy to China, by Sir George Staunton. 4to, 2 vols., and Plates folio Ditto, by ^neas Anderson (in the Ambassador's Suite). - - 8vo Macchiavelli. Opere ._... 12mo, 12 vols. (Euvres ; trad, de I'ltalien, par Anielot de la Houssaie. - 8vo, 4 vols. De Nicolao Machiavello Libri tres: in quibus de Vita et Scriptis, item de Secta ejus viri disseritur, auctore F. F. Christ. - - 4to, 1731 MAGAZINES. Selections from the Gentleman's Magazine, by Walker. - 8vo, 4 vols. Rejected Articles from the Gentleman's Magazine. - 8vo, 1742 — 1746 Wonderful Magazine. --.-... 8vo, 4 vols. Conjuror's and Astrologer's Magazine. - - 8vo, 3 vols. 1792 — 1794 Jester's Magazine. gvo, 1767 MAGIC, ASTROLOGY, WITCHCRAFT, AND APPARITIONS. Collin de Plancy (J. A. S.), Dictionnaire Infernal; ou, Bibliotheque Uni- verselle sur les Choses qui tiennent aux Apparitions, au Commerce de I'Enfer, aux Divinations, &c. . - - 8vo, 4 vols. 1825, 26 Realite de la Magie et des Apparitions : ouvrage dans lequel on prouve I'exist- ence des Sorciers, la certitude des Apparitions, &c. - - 8vo, 1819 129 MAGIC, &c. {continued). Naud^eus, History of Magic. Svo, 1657 A System of Magic. -------- 8vo, 1728 Complete History of Magic. 12mo, 2 vols. 1715 MoLiTORis (Ulricus), De Laniis (Lamiis?) et Phitonicis Mulieribus. Bvo, Constantia, 1489 Erra Pater : tlie Book of Knowledge, treating of the Wisdom of the Ancients ; and made English by W. Lilly, &c. &c. - - - 12mo, 1758 1. Beaumont, A Refutation of Astrology. - - - - 1814 1 2. Brinley, a Discovery of Impostures of Witches and Astrologers. 1680 J 12mo Hutchinson (Francis), On Witchcraft. - - - - 8vo, 1718 Barret, Magus; or, a Treatise on Occult Philosophy. - - 4to, 1801 Life after Death ; or, a Descriptive Account of the most remarkable Appari- tions, Spirits, &c. of Persons that have really appeared after their Decease. 12mo, 17H7 Taylor (Joseph), History of Ghosts, Hobgoblins, &c. - 12mo, 1815 Godwin (Wm.), Lives of the Necromancers; or, an Account of Persons who have claimed for themselves, or to whom has been imputed, the exercise of Magical Power. 8vo, 1834 Gaffarel (J.), Curiositez Inouyes sur la Sculpture Talismanique des Persans, Horoscope, Patriarches, et Lecture des Estoilles. - - 8vo, 1620 Demoniana ; ou, nouveaux choix d'Anecdotes surprenantes sur les Revenans, les Demons, les Loups-Garous, les Visions, &c. - - 12mo, 1820 Calmet, Dissertation sur les Apparitions. . - - - - 12mo Le Normant, Historia de Tribus Energumenis in partibus Belgii, et de qui- busdam aliis Magiee Complicibus. ----- 8vo, 1623 Histoire d'une Peiiitente et d'un Magicien ; avec un Discours des Esprits. 8vo, 1613 Alderson (John, m.d.). Essay on Apparitions. . - - 8vo, 1823 History of the Witch of Endor ; or, a Plea for Divine Administration by the Agency of Spirits, by the Authority of Scripture, the Fathers, &c. &c. 8vo, 1754 Aubrey, Miscellanies concerning Dreams, Omens, &c. &c. - 8vo, 1096 Passi, Delia Magic' Arte : ovvero, della Magia Naturale. - 12mo, 1614 1. Glanvil, On Witches. -------- 2. More, Defence of Glanvil. -------- 3. Horneck's Account of Swedish Witches. - - - - - Bvo, 1681, 82 Grosius, Magica, de Spectris, &c. ----- I2mo, 1656 MoRETON, History of Apparitions. 8vo, 1729 Baxter (Richard), The Certainty of Apparitions, &c. - - 8vo, 1691 ScoTT (Sir Walter), Letters on Witchcraft, &c. - - - - 12mo 2l 130 MAGNETISM. See Electricity. MAHOMET AND MAHOMET ANISM. See Arabia. MALTA. BoisGELiN, Ancient and Modern Malta. _ . . . 4tOj 2 vols. Same Work in French. ----- 8vo, 3 vols. ^,^ QuiNTixus (Haeduus), Melits Insulse Descriptio. - - 1536 In Opus Historiarum. Recherches Historiques et Politiques sur Malte. - - 8vo, Paris, an vii. Commentarii Hieronymi Comitis Alexandrini de acerrinio ac omnium diffi- cillimo Turcanmi Bello in Insulam Melitam gesto anno 1565. 12mo, 1566 Monumens des Grands Maitres de I'Ordre de Saint Jean de Jerusalem eleves a Jerusalem, a Ptolemais, &c. &c. - - - 8vo, 2 vols. 1829 GoussANCouRT (F. M.), Le MartjTologe des Chevaliers de S. Jean de Hierusalem, dite de Malte. ----- Folio, Paris, 1643 ^ Pantaleone (Henricus, Militaris Ordinis Johannitarum Rhodiorum, aut Melitensium Equitum), Rerum memorabilium Terri Marique gestarum ad praesentem annum 1581, Historia nova. - - Folio, Basil. 1581 In the same volume with the History of Ravenna, by Rubeus. Vertot (L'Abb(^), Histoire des Chevaliers de Malthe. - 12mo, 5 vols. MAN, HISTORY AND FACULTIES OF, &c. &c. ViREY, Hist. Naturelle du Genre Humain. - - 8vo, 2 vols. 1801 Gregory (John, m.d.). Comparative View of the Faculties of Man. 12mo, 1798 Adams (John), Curious Thoughts on the History of Man; (Extracts from various writers). .---.---- l_mo BuLWER (John), Anthropometamorphosis, Man transformed ; or, the Artificial Changling. 4to, 1653 Lawrence, Lectures on the Physiology and Natural History of Man. 12mo, 2 vols. Blumenbach, De Generis Humani Varietate Nativ^, - - 12mo, 1/95 Smith (S. S.), On the "Variety of Complexion, &c. of the Human Species. 8vo, 1789 Saverien, Hist, des Progres de I'Esprit Humain dans les Sciences, &c. &c. 8vo, 4 vols. 1775—78 Condorcet, Esquisse d'un Tableau Historique des Progres de I'Esprit Humain. 8vo History of Man ; or, the Wonders of Humane Nature in relation to the Virtues, Vices, &c. of both Sexes. 8vo, 1704 Sketches of the History of Man, by Henry Home (Lord Karnes). 8vo, 3 vols. White (Charles), An Account of the Regular Gradation in Man and in different Animals and Vegetables ; and from the former to the latter. 4to, 1799 131 MAN, THE ISLAND OF. See Johnstone. Sacheverell (Wm.), Account of the Isle of Man; with Brown's Dissertations about Mona. --....... 8vo, 1702 History and Description of the Isle of Man : its Antiquity, Laws, &c. ; Curious and Authentick Relations of Apparitions, of Giants, and of the Pranks played by Fairies. ------ 12mo, 1744 Robertson, Tour through the Isle of Man 8vo, 1794 Feltham, Tour in the Isle of Man (1797, 98). - - . . 8vo Bullock (H. A.), History of the Isle of Man, State of Society, &c. 8vo, 1816 Ward (W. P.), Ancient and Authentic Documents relating to the Civil and Ecclesiastical History of the Isle of Man. - - - 12mo, 1837 Marlborough, Sarah, Duchess of. Memoirs of, by herself; with a Copy of her Will. - - 12mo, 1744 The other Side of the Question ; or, an Attempt to rescue the Characters of Q. Mary and Q. Anne out of the hands of the D .... s of ; in a Letter to her Grace. -..-.- 8vo, 1742 Opinions of, &c. -.-.. -.. 12mo, 1788 M ARM YUM FAMILY. The History of, by T. C. Banks; Office of King's Champion, Services on the Coronation-day, &c. . - - . - - - 8vo, 1817 MARRIAGE, LAWS AND RITES OF. Salmon, Essay concerning Marriage ; with an Account of Marriage-Cere- monies. - - ------- 8vo, 1724 De Ritu Nuptiarum, &c. &c. auct. Brissonius et Hotomanus. - 12mo De Rantzow (Louis Comte de). Discussion si la Polygamic est contraire a la Loi Naturelle ou Divine, tant de I'Ancien que du Nouveau Testament. 12mo, St. Petersboury, 1774 Peleus (Julianus), Quaestio de Solutione Matrimonii ex causft frigoris. 8vo, Parisiis, 1602 Sundry Tracts relating to Marriage. ----- 8vo, v. y. Moore, Marriage-Customs, Modes of Courtship, &c. of various Nations ; with Remarks on the Condition of Woman. - - - 12nio, 1814 Hymen; or, an Account of Marriage-Ceremonies. - - 12mo, 1760 Gaya, Marriage-Ceremonies used in all Parts of the World : translated from the Italian. 12mo, 1697 Learn to Lye Warm ; or, an Apology for that Proverb, " 'Tis good sheltering under an old hedge ;" containing Reasons wherefore a Young Man should marry an Old Woman. 4to, 1672 Martialis, Mar. Val. Epigrammata. - - - ------ 12nio MARTYRS. See Saints. 132 MARY, QUEEN OF SCOTS. Jebb (Samuel), De Vita et Rebus gestis Serenissimae Principis Mariae Scotorum Reginsfi, Francife Dotarice, quae Scriptis tradid. Autores sedecim, viz. : 1. Chambre (D.), Traite de la Succession des Femmes, &c. &c. - - 2. LESLii;us (J.), De Titulo et Jure Mariae Scotorum Reginae, quo regni Angliae successionem sibi vendicat. ------ De Rebus gestis Scotorum, regnante Maria Regin^. - 3. Buchanan (G.), Detectio Mariae Reginae. ----- 4. Histoire Tragique de Marie Royne d'Escosse, touchant la Conjuration contre le Roy son Mari, et I'Adultere par elle avec le Comte de Bothwel. 5. Barnestapolius (Robert Turner, of Barnestaple, Devon), Maria Regina innocens a Caede Darleiana. ----- 6. L'Innocence de la Royne d'Escosse, contre les perverses Calomnies des Trahistres. .--.--.-- 7. CoN^us, Vita Mariae Reginae. ------- • 8. Causin, L'Histoire de I'incomparable Reyne, Marie Stuart. - 9. Famianus (Strada), De Viti et Morte Reginae Mariae. - - - 10. RoMOALDUS Scotus (Robert Turner, of Barnstaple, Devon) : Sum- marium Rationum quibus Cancellarius Angliae et Prolocutor Puck- eringus Elisabethae Reginae persuaserunt occidendam esse Regi- nam Mariam. - - .-.--.- 11. Blackwood (Adam), Martyre de la Royne d'Escosse. - - - 12. Herrera, Historia de lo Sucedido en Escocia y Inglaterra en 44 aiios que bivio Maria Reyna de Escocia. - - - - - 13. Extrait des Memoires de Michel de Castelnau 14. Le Laboureur, Additions aux Memoires de Castelnau, et tout ce que le Sieur de Brantome a ecrit de la Reyne d'Escosse. - 15. La Mort de la Royne d'Escosse. ...... 16. Oraison Funebre de la Royne d'Escosse, qui fut faicte a Nostre Dame de Paris. .-_----.- Folio, 2 vols. 1725 Lettres de Marie Stuart et de la Reine Christine de Suede. - 12mo, 3 vols. Udall, Historic of the Life and Death of Mary Stuart, Queene of Scotland. 12mo, 1636 BissELius (Joannes), Mariae Stuartae viventis et morientis Acta. r2mo, 1675 Menu de la Maison de la Royne faict par Mons. De PinguiUon mdlxii. 4to Tytler (W.), Enquiry into the Evidence against Mary Queen of Scots. 8vo, 1772 Rennie (James), Mary Queen of Scots, her Persecutions, &c. &c. ; with an Exposure of the Misrepresentations of Knox and others. 12mo, 1831 Collections relative to the Funerals of Mary Queen of Scots. 12mo, 1822 MASQUE DE FER. See Bastille. MATHEMATICS, NATURAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY. Simpson (Thomas), Treatise of Algebra. ----- 8vo - - 8vo - 8vo, 1816 - - 8vo - 8vo, 1811 4to, 2 vols. 1734 - Folio, 1779 - 8vo, 4 vols. - - 4to - 4to - - 8vo - - 8vo - - 8vo - 4to, 1754 - 8vo, 1719 133 MATHEMATICS, &c. {continued). Simpson (Thomas), Elements of Geometry. Taylor, Theoretic Arithmetic. - - - - Barlow, Theory of Numbers. - - - - Butler (Wm.), Arithmetical Questions on a New Plan. Desaguliers, Course of Experimental Philosophy. Malton, Treatise on Perspective. . - - - Adams (George), Lectures on Natural Philosophy. Treatise on the Microscope. ... Emerson, Principles of Mechanics. - - - Ferguson (James), Mechanical Exercises. Lectures on Mechanics, &c. &c. Tables and Tracts. - . - - - Knight on Attraction and Repulsion. - - - Hawkesbee, Physico-Mechanical Experiments. Mathematical! Recreations : or, a Collection of sundrie Problemes not vul- garly made manifest untill this time : fit for SchoUers, Students, and Gen- tlemen, that desire to know the philosophicall cause of many admirable Conclusions. Uscfull to others to acuate and stirre them up to the search of further knowledge. 12mo, London, 1633 GuYOT, Nouvelles Recreations Physiques et Mathematiques, &c. &c. 8vo, 4 vols. 1769, 70 Hooper (William), Rational Recreations, in which are elucidated the Prin- ciples of Numbers, and of Natural Philosophy. - - 8vo, 4 vols. Ludlam, Rudiments of Mathematics. ..-.-- 8vo Euclid, Les Quinze Livres des Eltmens Geometriques d'Euclide Megarien ; trad, du Grec en Fran9ois. ..-.-. 8vo, 1646 Des Cartes, A Voyage to the World of Cartesius; translated from the French. 8vo, 1692 Sir Isaac Newton, System of the World; translated from the Latin. 8vo Account of his Discoveries, by Maclaurin. . - - - 8vo View of his Philosophy, by Pemberton. ... - 4to Brewster, Letters on Natural Magic. . - - - 12mo, 1832 Algarotti (Fran.), On Light and Colours; translated from the Italian. 12mo WiLKiNS (William, Bishop of Chester), Discovery of a New World; or, a Discourse to shew that the Moon may be a habitable World. 8vo, 1684 Maurice, Rev. Thomas (Author of "Indian Antiquities"). Memoirs of him, written by himself. . . - - 8vo, 1819-22 Mazarin, Cardinal. Letters to Lewis XIV. on his Love to the Cardinal's Niece ; and his Nego- ciations with Don Lewis d'Haro. ----- 12mo, 1691 MAXIMS, PROVERBS, &c. &c. For French Proverbs, see France, Language of. For Arabic Proverbs in use among the Egyptians, see Egypt. 2 m 134 MAXIMS, PROVERBS, &c. &c. (continued). Collins, Dictionary of Spanish Proverbs, compiled from the best Authorities. 12mo, 1834 Bland (Robert), Proverbs: chiefly taken from Erasmus 5 with corresponding examples in other Languages. - . . . 12mo, 2 vols. 1814 Apothegmes des Anciens. - - - . - - _ 12mo Lives and Maxims of the Ancient Philosophers. - - 12mo, 1726 Les Paroles remarquables des Orientaux ; trad, de leurs Ouvrages en Arabe, en Turc, &c., par A. Galland. 12mo, 1694 Scelta d' Apotegmi d' Uomini Illustri Greci e Romani. - - r2mo Dictionnaire des Proverbes Danois ; traduits en Fran9ois. 4to, Copenhague, 1761 Logan, Raccolta di Proverbj Italiani. . . - . _ r2mo Penn (William), Fruits of Solitude, in Reflections and Maxims relating to the Conduct of Human Life. ------ 12mo, 1785 Adages and Proverbs, &c., compiled by Thomas Fuller, m.d. - 12mo Dykes (Oswald), Moral Reflections upon Select British Proverbs, 8vo, I7O8 Palmer (Samuel), Moral Essays on some of the most curious and significant English, Scotch, and Foreign Proverbs. - . . . 8vo, 1710 Kelly, Collection of Scotch Proverbs. 8vo, 1721 Mackintosh, Collection of Gaelic Proverbs and familiar Phrases, Englished anew. - - - - 12mo, 1819 ■^ Mead, Richard, m.d., Life of. See Tracts, No. V. MECHANISM, AUTOMATA, &c. Ramelli, Diverse et Artificiose Machine; Italiano e Francese. Folio, 1588 ScHOTTi, Technica Curiosa ; sive, Mirabilia Artis. . - . 4to, 1664 Automaton Chess-Player, Attempt to analyse it. - - - 8vo, 1821 Speaking Figure and Automaton Chess-Player detected. - 8vo, 1784 WiNDiscH, Lettres sur le Joueur d'Echecs de M. Kempelen ; trad, de I'Alle- mand. ...-.----- 8vo, 1783 Wilkins (William, Bishop of Chester), Mathematical Magic; or, the Wonders that may be performed by Mechanical Geometry. - - I2mo, 1691 MEDICI FAMILY. Tenhove, Memoirs of the House of Medicis ; translated from the French by Sir Richard Clayton. 4to, 2 vols. 1797 Varillas, Anecdotes de Florence. ----- 12mo, 1685 Fabroni, Vie de Laurent de Medicis ; trad, du Latin. - . . gvo A^ita Leonis X. Pont. Max. 4to, 1798 Roscoe (William), Life of Lorenzo de' Medici. ... 8vo, 4 vols. Life and Pontificate of Leo X. - - - - 4to, 4 vols. Le Brilliant de la Royne; ou, les Vies des Hommes illustres du nom de Medicis : avec une memorable suitte, &c. des Seigneurs et Princes signalez en toutes vertus en une seule Famille ; par Pierre de Boissat. 8vo, Lyon, 1613 135 MEDICI FAMILY [continued). SiBENKEES, Life of Bianca Capelloj Wife of Duke Francis I. ; translated from the German. 12mo MEDICINE, ANATOMY, &c. James, Medicinal Dictionary. . - . - Folio, 3 vols. 17-13 Blumenbach, Elements of Physiology; translated by EUiotson. Hvo, 1828 Warren (George), Disquisition on the Nature of Living Animals, and the Intellectual Difference between Man and Brutes. - - 8vo, 1828 Darwin (Erasmus, m.d.), Zoonomia ; or, the Laws of Organic Life. 8vo, 4 vols. Garnet (Thomas, m.d.), A Lecture on Health. - . - - 12mo DiGBY (Sir Kenehne), Discourse made in a Solemne Assemble at Montpellicr touching the Cure of Wounds by the Powder of Sympathy, with Instruc- tions how to make the said Powder ; translated from the French by R. White. 12mo, 1660 Hartman (George), The Family Physician; containing some hundreds of Receipts and Secrets of great value, &c. &c. - 8vo, London, 1696 Clarke, Conspectus Pharmacopoeiarum. - . - . 12mo, 1816 Marry AT (Thomas), Therapeutics; or, the Art of Healing. - 12mo, 1813 BoswoRTH, On the Accidents of Human Life. - . - - ]2mo Farr, Elements of Medical Jurisprudence. .... 12mo Uncertainty of the Signs of Death, and the Danger of Precipitate Interments, &c. 12mo, 1746 Taylor (Joseph), On the Danger of Premature Interment, &c. 12mo, 1816 Lemne (Levin), Les Occultes Merveilles et Secretz de Nature; trad, du Latin. 12mo, 1568 Struvius (B. G.), Schediasma de Partu Supposito et Custodia Corporis Foemi- narum Illustrium. ..------ 4to, 1/32 Mercuric (Medico Romano), Errori Popolari d' Italia nel Governo degl' In- fermi. 4to, 1645 Berkeley (G., Bp. of Cloyne), On Tar-Water; \vith Treatises on the same by Prior and Hales. - - ..--.- 8vo Cohausen, Hermippus Redivivus ; or, the Sage's Triumph over Old Age and the Grave, &c. ; translated from the Latin. - - - 8vo, 1/49 1 . Salmon (William), Practical Physic. 2. Claris Alchymiffi : being Translations of Hermes Trismegistus, Kalid Persicus, Geber, Artefius Longeevus, Nic. Flammel, Roger Bacon, and George Ripley. ----------- 8vo, 1692 Melvil, Sir James. His Memoirs ; containing an Account of Affairs of State during the Sixteenth Century. i^^'O Memorare Novissima. ....---- 12mo, 1619 METAPHYSICS. See Ethics. 136 Metastasio. Poesie. ..-------- 12mo, 6 vols. MIDDLE AGES. Berington, Literary History of the Middle Ages. - - 4to, 1814 Hallam (Henry), View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages. 8vo, 3 vols. 1819 Secret Societies of the Middle Ages. 12mOj 1837 (See Freherus, and others, under Germany.) TouLOTTE et RiVAj Histoire de la Barbaric et des Lois au Moyen Age. 8vo, 3 vols. 1829 An Introduction to the Literary History of the 14th and 15th Centuries. 8vo, 1798 EccARDUs (J. G.), Corpus Historicum Medii ^vi, &c. ; a tempore Caroli Magni usque ad finem Saec. post Christum natum xv. Folio, 2 vols. 1723 Le Moyen Age Pittoresque: Vues et Fragmens d' Architecture, Meubles, et Decors en Europe du x""*^ au xvii™« Siecle ; par Chapuy, et autres. Folio, 2 vols. MIDDLESEX. See London. ^ Antiq. and Hist, of Stoke Newington. - .-..-") Canonbury. .-.-- ....-) In Nichols's Bib. Top. Brit. vol. ii. Robinson (Wm.), History and Antiquities of the Parish of Tottenham. 8vo, 1818 Hist, and Antiq. of Edmonton. - . . - 8vo, 1819 Hist, and Antiq. of Enfield 8vo, 2 vols. 1823 Faulkner (Thomas), History, &c. of Chelsea and its Environs. 8vo, 2 vols. 1829 MiDDLETON, Conyers, d.d. Life of Cicero. - - -..--. 8vo, 3 vols. Miscellaneous Works. ....-.- 4to, 4 vols. An Examination of Dr. Middletou's " Free Enquiry" concerning the Miracu- lous Powers, by Zachary Brooke. ----- 8vo, 1750 An Answer to Dr. Middleton's " Free Enquiry," by the Rev. Thomas Church. 8vo, 1750 MILITARY AFFAIRS, &c. &c. James (C), A Military Dictionary. - . - . - - 8vo Valturius, Dell' Arte Militare: translated from the Latin. - Folio, 1483 Plan of Discipline for the Norfolk Militia, in 1759. - - - 4to Exposition of the Principles of Grand Military Movements, &c. from the French of Baron Jomini. - - . - - . 8vo, 1825 Ferretti (Francesco), Dialoghi Notturni; dove si ragiona di Orduianze et del marciar Esserciti, &c. &c. - - - . 12mo, Ancona, 1604 Lloyd (General), On the Invasion and Defence of Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo, 1795 137 MiLLES, Thomas. The Custumers Alphabet and Primer : conteiniug their Creede or Beliefe in the true Doctrine of Ciiristian Religion, their Ten Conniiaudnicnts, &c. &c. ; all tending to the true advancement of his Majesties Custonies. Folio, 1G08 The Custumers Apology : that is to say, a generall Answere to Informers of all sortes, and their complaints against the honest reputation of the Col- lectors of her Majesties Custumes. .... Folio, s. a. The Misterie of Iniquitie plainely layd open by a Lay-Christian ; whereby the World may See, Read, and Understand the Proud and Vaine Comparison of a Cardinalles Red Hat and a King's Golden Crowne. - Folio, s. a. An Out-Port Customers Accompt of all his Receipts to a Shilling or a Penny, without concealement of anj-, according to his Oath at his first Admission, &c. &c. - - ..--.-. Folio, s. a. MiLTONj John. Poetical Works ; with his Life, by Newton. ... 8vo, 4 vols. Poetical Works ; with his Life, by Hayley. ... Folio, 3 vols. His Prose Works, edited by Burnet. .... 12uio, 2 vols. Means to remove Hirelings out of the Church. - - . . 12mo Literse Pseudo-Senatfis Anglicani, Cromwellii reliquorumque perduellium nomine ac jussu, conscriptae a Joanne Miltono. - - I2mo, 1676 Life of, by Toland. 8vo, 1699 A Life of Him, by Sir S, E. Brydges. . - . . 12mo, 183.5 MINERALOGY. See Chemistry. MINES AND MINING. See Chemistry. Cornwall. Germany. Hungary. MIRACLES, PRODIGIES, &c. &c. Collection de Lettres sur les Miracles. - . _ - 12nio, 1767 Adams (Wm.), Answer to Hume on Miracles. - - . _ 12mo Douglas (Bp. of Sarum), The Criterion ; or. Rules whereby to distinguish True Miracles from Spurious ones. --.--. gvo Spencer (John), A Discourse concerning Prodigies ; with a Treatise con- cerning Vulgar Prophecies. ...--- 8vo, 1665 Warburton (Wm., Bj). of Gloucester), An Enquiry into the Causes of Pro- digies and Miracles, as related by Historians. - - 12mo, 1727 Campbell (George, d.d., Aberdeen), Dissertation on Miracles ; with an Examination of the Principle advanced by David Hume in his Essay on Miracles. ....._.... 12mo The Sun standing still in the days of Joshua rationally accounted for, by A. O., L.L.D. --. . _--- 8vo, Londo7i, 1739 Brooke (Zacharias), Defensio Miraculorum qute in Ecclesift Christian^ facta esse perhibentur post tempora Apostolorum. . - . 4to, 1748 Zimmermann (Job. Jac), De Miraculis quae Pythagorte, ApoUonio, Dominico, et quibusdam aliis tribuuntur. - . - 8vo, Edimburgi, 1755 2n 138 MIRACLES, &c. {continued). Weston (W.), Dissertations on some of the most remarkable Wonders of Antiquity : viz. the Darkness at the Passion ; the Pool of Bethesda ; the Thundering Legion ; the Miraculous Earthquake at Jerusalem ; Fall of Simon Magus; &c. - - - - - 8vo, Cambridge, 1748 Enquiry into the Rejection of the Christian Miracles by the Heathens. 8vo, 1746 The Story of Balaam and his Ass proved to be a plain, consistent, immiracu- lous Truth 8vo, 1751 1. Sykes, Dissertation on the Eclipse mentioned by Phlegon. - - . 2. Defence of the same. .-.- . _.. 3. Phlegon 's Testimony shewn to relate to the Darkness which happened at our Savioui-'s Passion ; in a Letter to Dr. Sykes. ----- 4. Whiston (William), The Testimony of Phlegon vindicated. - . - 8vo, 1732, 33 Dissertation sur les Tremblemens de Terre, &c. qui firent echouer le projet de I'Empereur Julien de rebitir le Temple de Jerusalem ; trad, de I'Anglois de M. Warburton. ------- 12mo, 2 vols. Review of the Fiery Eruption at Jerusalem ; in which Warburton's Arguments are considered. ------- - gvo, 1752 Rerum Prodigiosarum, quae in Urbe Constantinopolitani, et in aliis ei finitimis acciderunt, anno a Christo nato 1542, brevis atque succincta enarratio. 12mo, 1543 1. Julius Obsequens : Prodigiorum Liber ab Urbe conditi usque ad Augustum 1 Caesarem. - - - -.--.-.-i 2. PoLYDORUs ViRGiLius De Prodigiis, Libri Tres. - - - - -J 8vo, 1552 Serges (James, Vicar of Appleby, Lincolnshire), Traits sur les Miracles : dans lequel on prouve que le Diable n'en sauroit faire pour confirmer I'Erreur, &c. &c. 12mo, 1729 An Essay on the Gift of Tongues ; proving that it was not the Gift of Lan- guages. --- 8vo, 1786 Bruining, Schediasma de Mesmerismo ante Mesmerum. - 8vo, 1815 EsTiENE (Henri), Conformite des Merveilles Anciennes avec les Modernes; ou Traits preparatif a I'Apologie pour Herodote. - - 8xo, 1566 BucoLDiANus (Gerard), De Puelia quae sine Cibo et Potu vitam transigit, brevis narratio. - . - - . . 4to, MogunticB, 1542 De Paris : La Verite des Miracles operes par I'Intercession de M. de Paris demontree, contre M. L'Archeveque de Sens. - - 4to, 1737 Official Memoirs of the Juridical Examination into the Authenticity of the Miraculous Events which happened in Italy in 1796, 97- - 12mo MNEMONICS. Willis (John), Mnemonica; or, the Art of Memory. - - 12mo, 1661 139 MNEMONICS (continued). Grey (Richard), Menioria Technica ; or, a new Metliod of Artificial Memory, applied to History, &c. - 12mo, l/Hi New Art of Memory, founded on the Principles taught by G. Von Feinaglc. 12mo, 1813 Dolce (Lodovico), Dialogo, iiel quale si ragiona del modo di accrescere e conservare la Memoria. - - .... 12mo, 1562 Paepp, Johannes. 1 . Artificiosse Memoriae Fundamenta, ex Aristotele, Cicerone, aliisque 1 prtestantissimis Doctoribus petita, &c. - - - - " " / 2. Elaaytoyij: seu Introductio facilis in Praxim Artificiosae Memorise. -j 12mo, 1619 Moebius, Georgius. 1. Tractatus de Oraculorum Ethnicorum Origine, Propagatione, et Duratione. 1 2. Dissertatio de Sacrificiorum Origine. - - - - - ~ ' ) 3. An ab Apostolis Evangelium Americanis fuerit annunciatum. - - ' 12mo, 1692 MOLIERE. Ses CEuvres. - - - ..... 12mo, 8 vols. MONKS, PRIESTS, PRIESTCRAFT, &c. Mandelheim, Antiquarium Monasticum. .... Folio, 1655 Cleri Romanae Ecclesiae Habitus, &c. .... - 4to, 1585 (See Bar, under " Costumes.") GoDEFROY, La Conduite de I'Eglise pour la Reception des Filles dans les Monasteres. 12mo, 1668 Gavin (al. D'Emilliane, a convert from the Church of Rome to that of Eng- land), A short History of the Monastical Orders, &c. &c. - 8vo, 169.3 Histoire des Tromperies des Pretres et des Moines. 12mo, 2 vols. 1697 Hist, des Tromperies des Prestres et des Moines, decrite dans un Voyage d'ltalie. 12mo, 1719 Frauds of the Romish Priests, and a Journey to Naples. 12mo, 2 vols. FosBROKE, British Monachism ; or. Manners and Customs of the Monks and Nuns of England. .-...-..- 4to Owen (Lewis), The Running Register: a true Relation of the state of the English CoUedges, Seminaries, and Cloysters, in all foreign parts ; with a Discourse of the Lives, Coozenagc, and Deceits of our English Monks, Friers, and Seminarie Priests in general. .... 4to, 1626 HowiTT (William), A popular History of Priestcraft in all Ages and Nations. 12mo, 1833 The Pillars of Priestcraft and Orthodoxy shaken (Tracts written by Church- men and others, collected and published by the Rev. Richard Baron). 12mo, 4 vols. 1768 140 MONMOUTHSHIRE. See Heath under Herefordshire. Williams (David), History of Monmouthshire; iUustrated with Views, by Gardner. - -.----.. 4to, 1796 CoxE (Rev. William), Historical Tour in Monmouthshire in 1799. - 4to Montagu, Edward Wortley. Reflections on the Rise and Fall of Ancient Republics. - - 8vo, 1778 MORAL PHILOSOPHY. See Ethics. MORAVIANS. Brieve et fidele Exposition de I'Origine de la Doctrine, des Usages, &c. de rUnite des Freres ; avec seize Planches. . . _ . 8vo, 1758 1 . RiMius, Account of the Herrnhuters ; and Solemn Call on Count Zinzen- 1 dorf. - -- .---..-- 2. Supplement to his Account of the Herrnhuters, or Moravians. 8vo, 1755 Crantz, History of the Church " Unitas Fratruni ;" translated from the German by Latrobe. ...---- 8vo, 1783 LosKiEL, Missions of the United Brethren in America; translated by Latrobe. 8vo, 1794 Bohemorum Fratrum Ratio Disciplinae, e Bohemico Latine facta. 12mo, 1643 BosT, Histoire de I'Eglise des Freres de Boherae et de Moravie ; depuis son Origine jusqu'en 1741. _ . - - - 8 vo, 2 vols. 1831 More, Sir Thomas. The Workes of Sir Thomas More, Knyght (sometyme Lorde Chancellour of England), wrytten by him in the Englysh Tongue. - Folio, 1557 Opera Latina : quorum aliqua nunc primiim in lucem prodeunt. Folio, Lovanii, 1565 Poems by Sir Thomas More, " wrote in his youth for his pastime." Folio (without date or printer's name). Utopia; translated from the Latin. -.-.-. I2mo Life of, by his Great-grandson, Thomas More. . - - - 8vo Life of, by Warner. ..-..---- 8vo MOSAIC PAVEMENTS. See Fowler and Lysons, in page 66. Furietti (J. A.), De Musivis, de Musivarise Artis Origine, &c. &c. 4to, 1752 La Borde, Description d'un Pave en Mosa'ique d^couvert dans I'ancienne Ville d'ltalica pi'es de Seville : suivie d'autres Monumens inedits en ce genre, &c. &c. -.. Folio, 1802 Artaud, Mosaiques de Lyon, et des Departemens Meridionaux de la France. Folio MUMMIES. Greenhill (Thomas), Art of Embalming, &c. after the Egyptian Method ; Account of Mummies, &c. &c. - . - . . 4to, 17P5 Pettigrew (Rev. T. J.), A History of Egyptian Mummies ; and on the Mum- mies of the Canary Islands, the Peruvians, &c. - - 4to, 1834 141 MUSEUM, THE BRITISH. See Catalogues. Coins. Reports from the Select Committee on the Affairs and Management of the British Museum ; with the Minutes of Evidence, &c. &c. printed by order of the House of Commons FoHo, 2 vols. 1835, 36 Dissertation on a Sarcophagus in the British Museum, said to have contained the Body of Alexander the Great ; by Edward D. Clarke, ll.d. - 4to ■7^ A Review of Dr. Clarke's Dissertation, by Heraclidcs. - - Hvo (In Tracts, No. VIII.) MUSIC AND MUSICIANS. Hawkins (Sir John), A General History of the Science and Practice of Music. 4to, 5 vols. 1776 Rameau, Treatise on Music ; and an Anonymous Treatise. - - Svo D'Alembert, Elemens de Musique. ------ 8vo Rousseau (J. J.), Dictionary of Music : transl. from the French by Waring. 8vo Observations on Dr. Brown's Dissertation on the Rise, Union, &c. of Poetry and Music. - - 4to, 1764 Brown (John), Letters on the Italian Opera; addressed to a friend (Lord Monboddo) 12mo, 1789 Haydn and Mozart, The Lives of. ------ 8vo MYTHOLOGY AND PAGANISM. Banier, Mythology and Fables of the Ancients explained ; transl. from the French. - 8vo, 4 vols. Pluche, Histoire du Ciel. 12mo, 2 vols. Blackwell, Letters on Mythology. ----- 8vo, 1743 Spence (Joseph), Polymetis ; or, an Enquiry concerning the Agreement be- tween the Works of the Roman Poets and the Remains of the Ancient Artists. - -- Folio, 1747 Dissertation on the Ancient Pagan Mysteries ; wherein the opinions of War- burton and Leland are particularly considered. - - 8vo, 1766 Bergier (N. S.), L'Origine des Dieux du Paganisme ; et le Sens des Fables diicouvert par une ExplictUion suivie des Poesies d'Hesiode. 12mo, 2 vols. 1767 Sainte-Croix, Memoires pour servir a I'Histoire de la Religion secrete des Anciens Peuples ; ou, Recherches sur les Mysteres du Paganisme. Svo, 1784 Bryant (Jacob), Analysis of Ancient Mythology. - - 4to, 3 vols. Holwell, Mythological and Etymological Dictionary : extracted from Bry- ant's Work. 8^-o Dulaure (J. A), Histoire Abregee de differens Cultes. Svo, 2 vols. 1825 2o 142 N. Napier, John, of Mei-chiston. Account of his Life, Writings, and Inventions, by the Earl of Buchan and Dr. Minto. -------- 4to, Perth, 17/8 NAPLES AND SICILY, HISTORY OF. GiANNONE (Pictro), Storia del Regno di Napoli. - - 4to, 5 vols. Orloff (Le Comte Gregoire), Memoires sur le Royaume de Naples. 8vo, 5 vols. 1819—21 GiRAFFi, Rivoluzioni di Napoli, 1647. 8vo, 1648 Franchechetti, Memoires sur les Evenemens qui ont precede la Mort de Joachim I". 8vo, 1826 Saint-Edme, Constitution et Organisation des Carbonari, &c. 8vo, 1821 NAPLES AND SICILY, TOPOGRAPHY OF, &c. See Herculaneum. Costumes of the Kingdom of Naples : thirty-six coloured Drawings, by Vito, in 1837. - Folio of various parts of the Kingdom : Drawings by Gatti, in 1803. Folio Castelli, Giacomo. 1 . Ragionamento delle Origine della Lingua Napoletana. - - -\ 2. Epistola ad Jo. Bern. Tafurum. J 4to, 1754 Napoli e Pozzuoli, Antichita, &c. di. . - - . 12mo, 1670 Pozzuoli, Cuma, e Baia, Antichita di. - - . . Folio, 1768 Views in Naples and Sicily. Oblong folio Hadrava, Scavi e Scoperte di Antichita nell' Isola di Capri. - 4to, 1794 Alvino, Anfiteatro Campano, restaurato ed elucidato. - Folio, 1833 RuccA (Giacomo), Capua Vetere ; o sia Descrizione di tutti i Monument! di Capua Antica, e particolarmente del suo nobilissimo Anfiteatro. 8vo, 1828 Spallanzani, Travels in the two Sicilies (1788) ; translated from the Italian. 8vo, 4 vols. Major, The Ruins of Paestum, ----- Folio, 1768 WiLKiNs, Antiquities of Magna Graecia. - - - . Folio, 1807 Daniele, Le Forche Caudine illustrate. - . . - Folio, 1811 Swinburne (Henry), Travels in the two Sicilies (1777 — 80). 8vo, 4 vols. Marshlins, Travels in the Kingdom of Naples, in 1789; transl. by Aufrere. 8vo Hager (Joseph), Picture of Palermo, in 1800 ; translated from the German. 12mo Thomson, Sicily and its Inhabitants, in 1809, 10. - - - 4to BiscARi, II Principe di, Viaggio per tutte le Antichita della Sicilia. 4to, 1781 Smyth (Captain W. H.), Memoir descriptive of the Resources, Inhabitants, &c. of Sicily and its Islands. 4to, 1824 143 SICILY, &c. {continued). Vaughan (T. W.), Present State of Sicily, from a recent Survey of tlie Abbate Balsamo ; with Notes, and other additions. - - - 4to, 1811 Nares, Rev. Edward. Heraldic Anomalies. - - ... - gvo, 2 vols. 1824 NATURAL HISTORY. Smellie (Wm.), The Philosophy of Natural History. 4to, 2 vols. 1790—99 Introduction to the Systema Natura; of Linneeus. - - 8vo, 2 vols. Blumenbacu, Elements of Natural History; translated from the German. 8vo, 1825 BuFFON, Natural History ; with a Supplement. - - 12mo, 1.5 vols. BuFFON et Daubenton, Histoire Naturelle. - 12mo, 8 vols. l/oO — 53 Shaw (George, M.D.), Zoological Lectures. - - Svo, 2 vols. 1809 General Zoology. -..-.. 8vo, 12 vols. Cuvier, The Animal Kingdom. ...... 8vo, 5 vols. Owen, Natural History of Serpents. . - - . . 4to, 1742 Brewster (Wm.), Zoological Anecdotes. - - - . 12mo, 1812 1 . Apologie des Bestes, ou Ton prouve leur Connoissance et leur Raisonne- ment. ...--.---..- 2. La Derniere Guerre des Betes. - - - . . . 1739 3. Amusement Philosophique sur la Langage des Bestes. - - I ~bS ^ 12mo Bingley, Animal Biography. -....- 8vo, 3 vols. Antoine, Les Animaux Celebres. - - . . 12mo, 2 vols. 1813 TowNSON (Robert), Tracts in Physiology and Natural History. - 8vo, 1799 Bartholinus (Caspar), De Unicornu Observationes Novse. - 12mo, 1678 Walker (John, Prof, of Nat. Hist., Edinb.), Essays on Natural History. 8vo, 1808 Ellis, Historical Account of Coffee 4to, 1774 Wood (Wm.), Illustrations of the Linnaean Genera of Insects. 12mo, 2vols. 1821 L'Entomologie ; ou, I'Histoire Naturelle des Insectes enseignee en 15 Le9ons, par R. A. E. - - 12mo, Paris, 1826 Harris (Moses), An Exposition of English Insects, described and arranged according to the Linnaean System. .... 4to, 1782 WiLDENOw, Principles of Vegetable Physiology. - - - 8vo, 1805 Smith (Sir James Edward), Introduction to Botany. ... 8vo Withering, British Botany. ...... gvo, 3 vols. Curtis (Wm.), Lectures on Botany. ..... 8vo, .3 vols. Hales (Stephen), Vegetable Statics. -..-.. 8vo NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. See Mathematics. NAVAL AFFAIRS, NAVAL BIOGRAPHY, &c. Falconer (W.), An Universal Dictionary of the Marine ; with a Vocabulary of French Sea- Phrases and Terms of Art. ... 4to, 1815 144 NAVAL AFFAIRS, &c. {continued). 1. An Account of several new Inventions and Improvements now necessary for England, relating to Shipping, Public Taxes, &c. &c. ; in a Letter to the Earl of Marlborough, by T. H. 2. Of Mill'd Lead for Slieathing in preference to Cast Lead. ... 3. Treatise of Naval Philosophy, by Sir William Petty 12mo, 1691 Maydman (Henry), Discourse of the Royal Navy of England. - 8vo, 1691 HosTE (Le Pere Paul), L'Art des Armies Navales; ou, Traite des Evolutions Navales, &c. 4to, 1697 Clerk (John, of Eldin), Essay on Naval Tactics, Systematical and Historical. 8vo Sundry Tracts on the Origin of the Manoeuvre of Breaking the Enemy's Line, as practised by Sir G. Rodney in 1782. .... - 8vo ^ A short Account of the Naval Actions of the last War ; with Hints for the Improvement of the British Navy, by an Officer. - - 8vo, 1 790 (In the same volume with Trontbeck, under Cornwall.) Ekins (Charles, Admiral), Naval Battles of Great Britain, from 1690 to 1827- 4to Campbell, Lives of the British Admirals ; and continued to 1816. 8vo, 8 vols. Charnock, Biographia Navalis ; or, Lives of Naval Officers, from 1660 to George III. 8vo, 4 vols. 1794—96 RooKE (Sir George), Life and Glorious Actions of. - - 12mo, 1707 Howe (Richard, Earl of). Life of, by Barrow. ... gvo, 1838 Nelson (Lord Viscount), The Life of, by Robert Southey. - - 12mo Nef (Felix, Pastor of the High Alps), A Memoir of, and of his Labours among the Protestants of Dauphine, a remnant of the Primitive Christians of Gaul, by the Rev. W. S. Gilly. 8vo, 1832 NETHERLANDS, BELGIUM, AND HOLLAND, HISTORY AND TOPO- GRAPHY OF. Panckoucke, Abrege Chronologique de I'Histoire de Flandre (depuis 809 jusqu'en 1700). ......... gyo Kempls (Cornelius), De Origine, Situ, et Rebus, a Frisiis olim prseclare gestis. 12mo, 1588 Eremundus, Origo et Historia Belgicorum Tumultuum. . 8vo, 1619 Discours sommier des Causes qui ont contrainct les Etats Generaux de pourvoir a Defense contre Don Jehan d'Autriche, &c. &c. - 4to, 1577 Strada (Famianus), De Bello Belgico. 4to, 1651 (Traduction Franyaise.) ..... ]2mo, 3 vols. 1^" See Bentitoolio. Histoire des Hosties Miraculeuses qui se conservent a Bruxelles depuis I'an 1370, &c. &c. - 8vo, 1770 145 NETHERLANDS, &c. (continued). Histoiro iVbregce dc la Reformation des Pays-Bas; traduite du IloUaiidois de Jcrard Brandt. - .... - Tinio, '.i vols. 17^0 The original Work at length ; translated from the Dutch. Folio, 4 vols. 1720—23 Gazet (Guillaumc), Ilistoire Ecclesiastinuc du I'ays-Bas. 4to, Arras, l(il4 Martyrum Gorcomiensium, anno 1572, Verse Effigies. - - 12mo The Dutch drawn to tlio Life. ..... 12nio, 16G4 BowDLEK (Thomas), Letters written in Holland, in Sept. and Oct. 17^7- 8vo, 1788 Holland, the Costume of. ........ 4to Ghent, Sundry Views in. .--..-. Oblong 8vo ^5° See Coney, page 417. Brussels: Description de la Ville de Bruxelles. ... 12nio, 1830 Vues prises dans la Ville de Bruxelles et les Environs. . Oblong folio Maestricht. See Bory de St. Vincent, in Tracts, No. XL Newton, Sir Isaac. The Life of, by Dr. Brewster. - - 12mo NOBILITY, TITLES OF HONOUR, PEERAGES OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, &c. &c. Millar (John), The Origin of the Distinction of Ranks. - . Svo Milles (Thomas), The Catalogue of Honor; or, Tresury of True Nobility peculiar and proper to the Isle of Great Britaine, &c. &c. - Folio, 1610 Carter (Matthew), ILmor Redivivus ; or, the Analysis of Honour and Armory. 8vo, 1G73 De la Roque, Traite de la Noblesse ; de ses differentes Especes, de son Origine, de la Noblesse des Pays etrangcrs, tkc. &c. - 4to, Rouen, 1710 LowiiEN, Analysis of Nobility in its Origin ; translated from the German. 12mo, 1/54 Boulainvilliers, Essais sur la Noblesse de France, son Origine et Abaisse- ment. Hvo, 1732 Selden (John), Titles of Honour. Folio, ]()72 Brydall (John), Jus Imaginis apud Anglos; or, the Law of England relating to the Nobility and Gentry. ...... Hvo, 1075 The Laws of Honour ; or, a compendious Account of the Ancient Derivation of all the Titles, Dignities, Offices, &c. shewing the Prerogative of the Crown, Privileges of the Peerage, &c. .... Svo, 1726 Peaciiam (Henry), The Complete Gentleman ; fashioning liim absolute in the most nccessarie and coimnendable Qualities, &c. &c. - 4to, 1627 Imhoff, Regum Pariumcjuc Mag. Britanniai Historia Genealogica. Folio, 1690 York (James, Blacksmith), The Union of Honour. - - Folio, 1640 2p 146 NOBILITY, &c. {continued). 1 . Selden (John), The Privileges of the Baronage of England when they sit in Parliament. --------- 1642 2. A Treatise of the Nobilitie of the Realme, collected out of the body of the Common Law, &c. &c. - - ----- 1642 3. DuGDALE (Sir William), The Ancient Usage in bearing Arms ; with a Catalogue of the present Nobility of England. - - - 1682 Oxford, 12mo Proceedings of the Lords' Committees on the Dignity of a Peer of the Realm (a.d. 1819— 1829), with the Lidexes. - - - Folio, 5 vols. Cruise, A Treatise on Dignities. ----- 8vo, 1823 West (Richard, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, 1725, 26), Enquiry into the Origin and Manner of Creating Peers. - - 8vo (reprinted 1782) Madox (Thos.), History of Land-Honours, Baronies, and of Tenure in Capite. Folio, 1741 Collins, Proceedings in Claims of Baronies, &c. - - Folio, 1734 Bell (H. N.), Evidence, &c. on the Claim to the Earldom of Huntingdon. 4to, 1820 L'Isle Barony, Proceedings in the Claim to it, a.d. 1824 — 26. - 8vo 1 . Berkeley Earldom, Evidence on the Claim to it. - - - - j 2. Countess of Berkeley's Address to the Peers. - - - - - ( 8vo, 1811 Berkeley (Barony by Tenure), Minutes of Evidence respecting the Claim thereto, by William Fitzharding Berkeley (now Baron Segrave). Folio, 1829 Chandos Barony, Review of that Peerage Case, adjudicated in 1803, by G. F. Beltz (being in answer to Sir Egerton Brydges). - - 1834 Devon Earldom, Report of Proceedings on the Claim thereto ; with Notes, &c. &c., by Sir N. H. Nicolas. 8vo, 1832 DuGDALE (SirWilliam), The Baronage of England. - Folio, 16/5, 1676 Three Letters, containing Remarks on some of the numberless Errors and Defects in Dugdale's Baronage, written by Charles Hornby, Esq. 8vo, 1738 Collins (Arthur), English Peerage. - - - 8vo, 7 vols. 1768 Banks (T. C), Dormant and Extinct Peerage of England. 4to, 3 vols. 1807—1809 Stemmata Anglicana, &c. ; and Supplement to the Extinct Peerage. 4to, 1825 Brook (Ralph), Catalogue of Kings, Dukes, &c. &c. from the Conquest. Folio, 1622 Nicolas (Sir N. H.), Synopsis of the Peerage of England, from the Conquest to the Present Time. ----- 12mo, 2 vols. 1825 Letter to the Duke of Wellington, on the Propriety and Legality of creating Peers for Life. 8vo, 1830 147 NOBILITY, &.C.— [continued). Douglas (Sir Robert), Peerage of Scotland : a new Edition, by J. P. Wood, and continued to the present time. - - - Folio, 2 vols. 1S13 Wallace (George), Nature and Descent of Ancient Peerages connected with the State of Scotland, and the Constitution of Parliament in that Country. 8vo, 1825 Robertson (Wm.), Proceedings respecting the Peerage of Scotland, from 17^7 to April 1788. ..------- 4to RiDDELL (John), Remarks upon Scotch Peerage-Law. 8vo, Edinburffh, 1833 1. BoRTHWicK (William), Inquiry into the Origin and Limitations of the Feudal Dignities of Scotland. - - - - - - 1775 2. LocKART (E.), Letters to Lord K on the Right of Jurisdiction in Peerage-Successions in Scotland. - 1830 8vo 1. LocKART (E.), Statement respecting the Creations and Privileges of the Baronets of Nova Scotia. ------- 1831 2. B\NKs (T. C), Case of Alexander, Earl of Stirling and Dovan, &c. &c. 1832 3. Letter to the Earl of Roseberry in relation to the Proceedings at the late Election of Scotch Peers. 1830 8vo The Earl of Stirling's Narrative of the oppressive Law-Proceedings against him ; with a Genealogical Account of the Family of the Earls of Stirling ; sundry Charters and other Documents, &c. &c. - - 4to, 1836 Lodge, Peerage of Ireland. ----- 8vo, 4 vols. 1754 Egmont (John, Earl of). The Question of the Precedency of the Peers of Ireland in England fairly stated. ----- 8vo, 1761 De Beloy, De I'Origine et I'lnstitution de divers Ordres de Chevalerie, tant Eccl^siastiques que Prophanes. 12mo, 1604 (t^" For the habits, &c. worn by the different orders of knighthood, see Bar, under " Costumes.") Favine, Theatre of Honour and Knighthood. - - - Folio, 1623 Sainte-Palaye, Memoires sur I'ancienne Chevalerie ; consideree comme un Etablissement Politique et Militaire. - - - - 12mo, 3 vols. MiR^us, Origines Equestrium sive Militarium Ordinum. - 12mo, 1638 Mennenius, Delicite Equestrium sive Militarium Ordinum, et eorundem Origines, Statuta, Symbola, et Insignia. - - - 12mo, 1638 Perrott (A. M.), Collection Historique des Ordres de Chevalerie, Civils et Militaires. - - - - 4to, 1820 Maurice, Les Armoiries de tous les Chevaliers de la Toison d'Or, depuis son Etablissement; avec les Regies, Constitutions, &c. de I'Ordre. Folio, 1665 De Reiffenberg, Histoire de I'Ordre de la Toison d'Or. (Les Planches in-folio, et enluminees.) - - - - - - 4to, 1830 148 NOBILITY, &c. {continued). Bre\'iarium Equestre; seu de illustrissimo Ordine Equestri Elephantine, ejusque Origine, Progressu, ac Splendore hodierno, &c. &c. Folio, Havnia, 1704 AsHMOLEj Institution, Laws, and Ceremonies of the Order of the Garter. Folio, 1672 Heylyn (Peter), History of Saint Geoi'ge of Cappadocia asserted from the Fictions of the Middle Ages of the Church and Opposition of the present ; with a List of the Prelates, Knights, and other Officers of the Garter. 4to, 1633 Dawson (Thomas, d.d.), Memoirs of St. George, the English Patron, and of the most noble Order of the Garter. - . - - gvo, 1/14 Anstis (John), Observations introductory to an Historical Essay upon the Knighthood of the Bath - - 4to, 1/25 BuRNES (James, ll.d.), Sketch of the History of the Knights Templars. 4to, 1840 NORFOLK. A General History of the County of Norfolk. - 8vo, 2 vols. Norwich, 1829 Palmer (C. J.), Illustrations of Domestic Architecture during the Reign of Elizabeth, as exemplified in the Residence of J. D. Palmer, Esq., at Yar- mouth; with Notices of the House and its Proprietors. - Folio, 1838 NORMANDY AND THE NORMANS. Du Moulin, Histoire Generale de la Normandie. - - Folio, 1631 Conquetes et Trophees des Normands-Fran9ois en Naples, Sicile, &c. Folio, 1658 DUCAREL, A. C. 1. A Tour through Normandy, described in a Letter to a Friend. 4to, 1/54 2. Anglo-Norman Antiquities. - - - . . Folio, 1767 3. A French Version of Ducarel's Norman Antiquities, with sundry Addi- tions by A. L. Lechaude d'Anisy ; with " L'Origine de la Tapisserie de Bayeux prouvee par elle-meme," by H. F. Delauncy, de Bayeux. " 8vo Stothard (Anna Eliza), Tour in Normandy in 1818. . . _ 4to Turner (Dawson), Tour in Normandy in 1818. - - 8vo, 2 vols. Architectural Antiquities of Normandy, by Pugin and Le Keux. 4to, 1827 BouRGET, History of the Royal Abbey of Bee near Rouen ; translated from the French. - - ...... 12mo, 1779 De Jolimont (F. T.), Monumens les plus remarquables de la Ville de Rouen. Folio, 1822 Deville (A.), Tombeaux de la Cathc^drale de Rouen. - - 8vo, 1833 LicQUET (T.), Rouen; son Histoire, ses Monumens, &c. &c. - 12mo, 1839 De la Rue, Essais Historiques sur la Ville de Caen et son Arrondissement. 8vo, 2 vols. 1820 149 NORMANDY, &c. (coniinued). De Jolimont, Monuments les plus remarquables de la Ville de Caen. 4to, 1825 MoRLENT, Guide du Voyageur au Havre. . - - - 12nio, 1835 ViTET, Histoire de la Ville de Dieppe. . - - - 8vo, 2 vols. 1833 NORTHxVMPTONSHIRE. Bridges's History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire; edited, "(.c. by Whallcy. _.------ Folio, 2 vols. 1791 Fifty Engravings to illustrate Bridges's History of Northamptonshire. Folio Fotheringay, Historical Notice of, by H. K. Bonney. - - 8vo, 1821 ^ History of the Town, College, and Castle of Fotheringay. (In Nichols's Bib. Top. Brit., vol. iv.) GuNTON (Symon), History of the Church of Peterborough. - Folio, 1686 Britton, History and Antiquities of the Cathedral of Peterborough. 4to NORTHUMBERLAND. Wallis (Rev. John), Natural History and Antiquities of Northumberland, and of the Northern portion of the County of Durham. - 4to, 1769 Hutchinson (William, f.a.s.), A View of Northumberland, &c.. ,,^4to, 1778 Historical View of Alnwick and the Castle, Hulne Abbey, &c. 4to, Alnwick, 1822 Morpeth, a History of, by the Rev. John Hodgson. - 4to, Newcastle, 1832 Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Five reprinted Tracts concerning that Place, and Occurrences there between the Years 1639 and 1649. 12mo, Newcastle, 1818 — 25 NORWAY. See Denmark. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Throsby (John), History and Antiquities of the Town of Nottingham. 4to, 1795 ^ RooKE (H.), The State of Sherwood Forest a.d. 1799. (In Tracts, No. VIII.) Dickinson (William), History and Antiquities of the Town of Newark. 4to, 1819 History of Southwell, &c. 4to, 1801 NUMISMATICS. See Coins. o. OATHS. Unlawfulness of Oaths for Christians, argued from Scripture, by 'EXdxi-crro';, formerly of St. John's Coll., Cambridge. ... 8vo, 1833 O'Kelly (Dennis, alias Count O'Kelly), Genuine Memoirs of him. - 8vo, 1788 2q 150 Opus Historiarum nostro Seculo convenientissimum : sc. 1. Melitffi Insulae Descriptio, Quintiiio Haeduo scripta. . . - - 2. Victoria Polonise Regis contra Vayvodam Moldaviae. _ . .. . 3. Garzon, De Rebus Saxonicis, Libri duo. ------ 4. Historia Batavica; cum Appendice de Regibus Germaniae. . - - 5. Faberus, De Religione Muscbovitarum. ------ 6. CoRviNus, De iiiiserabili Obsidione Urbis Monasteriensis ab Anabaptistis, &C. - ----------- 7- EpistolcB Poeticae de Ruin^ Arcis Heidelbergensis fulmine percussae. 8. Vecerius, De duabus Seditionibus Siciliae, et de rebus gestis ab Imper. Henrico VII. - \ 9. P. Calliniachi Experientis Attila. -------- 10. Victor (Episcopus Uticensis), Historia Persecutionum in Aphric^, sub Genserycho et Hunerico, Vandalorum Regibus. . _ - - 11. GiLDAS, De Excidio, &c. Britannise; cum Castigatione in Ordinem Sacer- dotalem. ----------- 12. Crispi Epistola Paulo III. aliisque Principibus : Naxo data, anno 1537. 13. De Rebus feliciter gestis in Oriente et in Afric^ a Johanna et Emanuele, Portugalliae Regibus. --------- 14. Oratio coram Leone X. Pont. Max. habita, et Epist, ad Julium II. scripta.^ 8voj Basilece, 1541 ORACLES. SIBYLS. PREDICTIONS. See Moebius. Fontenelle. Van Dale, De Oraculis Etbnicorum. ----- 4to, 1700 Baltus (Jesuite), Reponse a I'Histoire des Oracles de M. de Fontenelle; dans laquelle on refute le Systeme de M. Van Dale. 12mo, 2 vols. 1707 Blondel (David), Des Sibylles celebrees tant par I'Antiquite Payenne que par les Saincts Peres. -------- 4to, 1639 Crasset (J.), Dissertation sur les Oracles des Sibylles; augmentee d'une Reponse a la Critique de Marckius. - . - - ISmo, 1684 Gall^us, Sibyllina Oracula. - - - - - . 4to, 1689 Dissertationes de Sibyllis, earumque Oraculis. - - 4to, 1688 Oracoli Sibillini, tradotti dal Greco in Versi Sciolti Toscani. - 8vo, 1775 Whiston (Rev. Wm.), A Vindication of the Sibylline Oracles; with the Oracles themselves, in Greek and in English. - - 8vo, 1715 MussARDUs (P.), Historia Deorum Fatidicorum, Vatum, Sibyllarum, Phce- badum, apud Priscos illustrium; cum eorum Iconibus. Prseposita est Dissertatio de Divinatione et Oraculis. - - 4to, Geneva, 1675 Merlin, surnamed " Ambrosius," his Life, and Prophecies interpreted. 8vo Catastrophe Mundi ; or. Merlin revived, in a Discourse of Prophecies and Predictions, and their remarkable Accomplishment; with Mr. Lilly's Hieroglyphicks exactly cut. ----- 12mo, 1683 Nostradamus : Les Vrayes Centuries et Propheties de Maistre Michel Nostra- damus. - - - 12mo, 1669 151 ORACLES, &c. {continued). The Prophecies of Nostradamus ; translated and commented upon by Theo- philus de Garencieres, Doctor in Physick, Coll. Lond. - Folio, 167'2 Vaticinia, sive Prophetiae Abbatis Joachimi et Anselmi Episcopi Marsicani : quibus Rota, et Oraculum Turcicum maxima considerationis adjecta sunt. 4to, Veneiiis, 1589 Expositio magni Prophetae Joachim de magnis Tribulationibus et Statu Sanctte Ecclesiae. - - - - - - - 4to, Venetiis, 151(j Romse Ruina Finalis, anno Dom. 1666, Mundique Finis sub Quadragesiuium quintum post annum, Litera ad Anglos Romae versantes datse, &c. 4to, 1655 Vaticinia, seu Prsedictiones Illustrium Virorum de Successione summuni Ponti6cum Romanorum ; cum Commentationibus Hieronymi Joannini. 4to, 1605 La Premiere Partie du Recueil des Propheties et Revelations, tant Anciennes que Modernes. --.--._- 8vo, 1561 Miraculous Predictions of eminent Men relating to Empires and Kingdoms. 12mo, 1821 Vox Solis : being a genuine Prediction of the most considerable Actions likely to happen in the year 1712, deduced from a visible Eclipse of the Sun on the 4th of July in this present year IJH, by Rd. Gibson, Student in Astrology. 12mo, Gosport, 1711 ORDEALS, DUELS, &c. Origin and History of Ordeals and Trials by Battle ; and a Register of re- markable Duels, from 1760, by J. P. Gilchrist. ... yvo ORKNEY ISLANDS. See Scotland. Orosius. Adversus Paganos Historiarum Libri septem. . . - 8vo, 1582 OSSIAN. His Poems ; with Dissertations on them, by Macpherson, Blair, and Alex. Stewart. ------._.. 12mo Warner (F.), Remarks on the History of Fingal, and other Poems of Ossian, translated by Macpherson. ------ 12mo, 1762 1. Report of the Highland Society, a.d. 1805, respecting Ossian and hisj Poems. -----------.J 2. Enquiry, &c. concerning Ossian, by Shaw 1781 J 8vo The Claims of Ossian examined, by Edward Davies. - - 8vo, 1825 ( ^S" For other Dissertations ujion Ossian and his Poems, see Smith, under " Dbuids ;" and Laing's History of Scotland, Vol. IV.) OTTOMAN EMPIRE. See Turkish Empire. 152 OvERBURY, Sir Thomas. Miscellaneous Works. - ..-.--. 12mo OUVRARD, G. J. M^nioires sur sa Vie et ses diverses Operations Financieres. - 8vo, 3 vols. OXFORDSHIRE. Plot (Robert, LL.D.), History of Oxfordshire. . - - Folio, 1705 Blenheim, Description of. 12mo, 1793 LoGGAN, Oxonia Illustrata. ------ Folio, 1675 Williams, Oxonia Depicta. --..-. Folio, 1733 Caius (Thomas), Vindiciae Antiquitatis Acad. Oxon. contra Johannem Caium, Cantabrigenseni. - - ----- 8vo, 2 vols. Terrse Filius ; or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford. 12mo, 1726 AVooD (Antony), History and Antiquities of the Colleges and Halls in Oxford ; with a continuation to the present time, by John Gutch ; with an Appendix, and Indexes to the whole. - - - - 4to, 2 vols. 1786 — 1790 ■^ Fasti Oxonienses, from a.d. 1500, and continued to a.d. 1690. (In the 2d and 4th vols, of his AthencB.) Skelton (Joseph), Oxonia Antiqua Illustrata. - Folio, 2 vols. 1823 Engraved Illustrations of the principal Antiquities of Oxfordshire. Folio, 1823 Warton (Rev. Thos. b.d.), A Companion to the Guide, and a Guide to the Companion : being a complete Supplement to all the Accounts of Oxford hitherto published. ----_..- 12mo AuBRY (J. P.), Oxonii Dux Poeticus: sive Latinis versibus Descriptio, &c. &c. 12mo, Londini, 1807 DuNKiN (John), History and Antiquities of Bicester; with an Enquiry into the History of Alcester. ------- 8vo, 1816 History of the Hundreds of Bullington and Ploughley. 4to, 2 vols. 1823 PACIFIC OCEAN. Ellis, Polynesian Researches, during a Residence of nearly Eight Years in the Society and Sandwich Islands. - - 12mo, 4 vols. 1831, 1832 Lang, (John Dunmore, d.d.). View of the Origin and Migrations of the Polynesian Nation ; demonstrating the Discovery and progressive Settle- ment of America. - --..-. 12mo, 1834 Martin (Robert Montgomery), History of Australia; comprising New South Wales, Van Diemen's Land, Swan River, &c, - - - 8vo, 1836 Paine, Thomas. See Payne. 153 PAINTERS, PAINTING, SCULPTURE, LIVES OF ARTISTS, &c. (^B~ For the Lives of those Painters whose Portruits nre in the Gallery at Florence, see Museum Florentinum, under " Tuscany," vols, vii.— xi.) Algarotti (Francesco), On Painting. I^mo Du Fresnoy, Art of Painting ; translated from the French, by Drydcn ; u ith Graham's Account of Eminent Painters. - - - 8vo, 1769 Reynolds (Sir Joshua), Discourses on Painting, delivered at the Royal Aca- demy. 12mo Malcolm (J. P.) Historical Sketch of the Art of Caricaturing. 4to, 1813 Walpole (Horace, Earl of Orford), Anecdotes of Painting in England, from the Mss. of George Vertue ; with the History of Modern Gardening. Bvo, 5 vols. Brulliot, Dictionnaire des Monogrames des Peintres et Graveurs. 4to, 2 vols. Bryan (Michael), Biographical and Critical Dictionary of Painters and En- gravers, from Cimabue to the present time. - - 4to, 2 vols. 1816 Pilkington, Dictionary of Painters. 4to Vasari (Giorgio, Pittore ed Architetto Aretino), Opere, I2mo, 6 vols. Firenze, 1823 Raffaello da Urbino, Life of, by R. Duppa. . . - - 8vo Michael Angelo Bonarotti, Life of, &c. &c. by Duppa. - - 4to Canova, La sua Vita, scritta da Missirini. 8vo PALESTINE, SYRIA, &c. Reland (Hadrian), Paleestina Illustrata. . - - - 4to, 1714 Palestine, Ancient and Modern, by M. Russell. - - - 12mo, 1831 Saligniaco, Itinerarii Terrse Sanctaj Descriptio. - - 12mo, 1525 Mayer, Views in Syria and Palestine. - - - - Folio, 1804 Regnaut (Anthoine), Discours du Voyage d'Outre Mer au Sainct Sepulchre de Jerusalem, et autres Lieux de la Terre Saincte. - - 4to, 1573 Maundrell, Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, in 1697, &c. - 8vo Volney, Travels in Syria and Egypt, 1783—85 ; translated from the French. 8vo, 2 vols. Wood (Robert), The Ruins of Palmyra. - - - - Folio, 1753 The Ruins of Balbec. Folio Prescott (Bartholomew), Remarks on the Architecture, SculpUire, and Zodiac of Palmyra ; with a Key to the Inscriptions. - - - 8vo, 1 830 The Antiquities of Palmyra : its History, and a Commentary on the Inscrip- tions. i^vo, 1696 Addison (C. G.), Damascus and Palmyra: a Journey to the East, &c. 8vo, 2 vols. 1838 PARADISE, TERRESTRIAL (the Situation of). A Discourse of the Terrestrial Paradise ; aiming at a more probable Discovery of the true Situation of that happy place of our First Parents Habitation. 12mo, 1GG6 HuET (P. D., Bp. of Avranches), Tractatus de Situ Paradisi terrestris, &c. 12nio 2u 154 PARIS, THE CITY OF, AND ITS VICINITY. See Bastille. Paris, Versailles, &c., les Curiositez de. - - - - 2 vols. 1723 Lister, A Journey to Paris in 1698. .-.--. 8vo Tardieu, La Colonne de la Grande Armee d'Austerlitz. - 4to, 1822 Le Veritable Conducteur aux Cimetieres de Paris. - - I2nio, 1830 Le Pere la Chaise ; ou, Recueil de Dessins aux Traits des principaux Monu- mens de ce Cimetiere. .._-.--. 4to DuLAURE (J. A.), Histoire Physique, Civile, et Morale, de Paris; depuis les premiers temps historiques jusqu'ii nos jours. - 8vo, 7 vols. 1821, 22 Notice des Monumens exposes dans le Cabinet des Medailles, Antiques, et Pierres Gravees, de la Bibliotheque du Roi. - - 8vo, Paris, 1824 De Paris (Diacre du Diocese de Paris). Sa Vie 12mo, 1731 Parker (Matthew, d.d.. Archbishop of Canterbury), The Life of, by the Rev. John Strype. .-...---- 8vo, 2 vols. PARLIAMENT (ENGLAND). GuRDON (Thornagh), History of the High Court of Parliament. 8vo, 2 vols. 1731 Elsynge, Ancient Manner of holding Parliaments in England. 12mo, 1675 Hale (Sir Matthew), On Parliaments. -.--.- 8vo Bishops not Judges in Parliament in Capital Cases. - - 8vo, 1679 Parliamentary History from 1066 to 1803. . _ . 8vo, 36 vols. Parr (Rev. Samuel, ll.d.), Memoirs of his Life and Writings, by William Field. 8vo, 2 vols. 1828 Parriana; or. Notices of the Rev. Samuel Parr, ll.d.; collected, and in part written, by E. H. Barker of Thetford. - - 8vo, 2 vols. 1828, 29 Pausanias. Voyage de la Grece ; traduit du Grec en Fran9ais par Gedoyn. 12mo, 4 vols. Payne, Thomas. Political and Miscellaneous Works. - . . - . 8vo, 2 vols. The Life of, by T. C. Rickman. 8vo, 1819 PEERAGE. See Nobility. Pennant, Thomas. Memoirs of his Literary Life, by himself. - . . . 4to, 1793 Pepys, Samuel (Secretary to the Admiralty in the time of Charles II.). Memoirs and Correspondence of, including his Diary, from 1659 to 1669. 8vo, 5 vols. PERSECUTION, INQUISITION, &c. Clarke (Samuel), General Martyrology : a Collection of all the greatest Per- secutions which have befallen the Church of Christ, from the Creation to our present time. - - Folio, 1677 Fox (John), Acts and Monuments of the Martyrs, &c. &c. Folio, 3 vols. 1684 155 PERSECUTION, &c. (continued). Illustria Ecclesiae Catholicte TropluBa, ex recentibus Anglieorum Martyriim Scoticse proditionis, Gallicorumque furorum rebus gestis, &c. &c. cbarse posteritati erecta. 12nio, 1573 Theatrum Crudelitatum H;ereticorum nostri tcniporis. 4to, Antwtrjme, 1592 Piazza, Relation do rinquisition, &c. 4to, 1/22 Marsollier, Hist, dc I'lnquisition. ----- 12ino, 1693 Chandler, History of Persecution. 8vo, 1730 Histoire des Inquisitions. ... - 12mo, 2 vols. Co/oi/wc, 1759 CousTos (John), His Sufferings in the Inquisition at Lisbon. - 8vo, 1746 Manuel des Inquisiteurs. 12mo, Lisbonne, 1762 Dellon, Relation de I'lnquisition a Goa. . - - - 12mo, 1736 Gallois, Hist, de I'lnquisition d'Espagne. . . - - 8vo, 1824 PERSIA, ANCIENT AND MODERN. HvDE (Thomas), Veterum Persarum, &c. Religionis Historia. 4to, 1760 Eraser (James B.), Account of Persia, from the earliest ages to the present time. 12mo, 1834 De Sacy, Menioires sur diverses Antiquites de la Perse. - 4to, 1793 Francklin, Tour in Persia in 1786, 87. - - - - - 8vo Hanway, Travels in Persia, &c., and a Life of Nadir Shah. 4to, 4 vols. 1753 Eraser (James), History of Nadir Shah. . - - - 8vo, 1742 Person, David. Varieties : or a Surveigh of Rare and Excellent Matters necessary and delec- table for all sorts of Persons ; wherein rare secrets are unfoulded. 4to, 1635 Petrarch. Essay on his Life and Character ; with a Translation of Seven of his Sonnets ; (by A. F. Tytler). 12mo, 1810 Tomasini, Petrarcha Redivivus : accessit Laurse brevis Historia. Zabborda, Petrarcha in Arqua : Dissertazione Storico-Scientifica. De Sade, Memoires pour la Vie de Fraufois Petrarque. 4to, 3 vols. Ugo Foscolo, Essays on Petrarch. . . . - - PHYSIOGNOMY. Porta (J. B.), De Humana Physiognomic. . - - - Lavater, His Treatise on Physiognomy, abridged. - . - Walker (Alex.), Physiognomy founded on Physiology. Gall, Exposition de la Nouvelle Theorie de la Physiognomique du Dr. Gall deVienne. 12mo, 1805 Hill (Thomas), A Pleasant History : declaring the whole Art of Physiognomy ; orderly uttering all the speciall parts of Man, from the Head to the Foot. 12mo, 1613 Price (Rev. T.), Essay on the Physiognomy and Physiology of the present Inhabitants of Britain, with reference to their Origin as Goths and Celts, &c. &c. 8vo, 1829 4to, 1635 - 8vo 1764—67 8vo, 1823 8vo, 1601 12mo 8vo, 1834 156 PHYSIOLOGY. See Medicine and Natural History. PICTS' WALL. Warburton (John), History of the Roman Wall. . . - 4to, 1753 HuTTON (William), History of the Roman Wall. ... 8vo, 1802 PiNKERTON, John. His Literary Correspondence. ----- 8vo, 4 vols. 1830 PIRATES. See Robbers. PISA. See Tuscany. PLANTING. See Gardening. Plato. Translation of some of his Dialogues. - - . - 12mo, 2 vols. Essai sur Platon, par Combes Dounois. - - - - 12mo, 2 vols. His Works ; translated by Sydenham and Taylor. - - 4to, 5 vols. Pliny. S. C, Historia Naturalis. - - - - . . 8vo, 6 vols. Translated by Holland Folio, 1634 C. C. S., Epistolffi. 8vo Lettres, et Panegyrique sur Trajan ; trad, du Latin. - - 12mo, 2 vols. Plutarch. De Iside et Osiride, Greek and English, by Squire. - - . 8vo Lives ; translated by Langhorne. ----- 8vo, 6 vols. CEuvres Morales et Melees ; trad, par Amyot. . - - 8va, 10 vols. PococKE, Edward. See Arabia. PococKE, Richard. Description of the East ; with the Inscriptions. - - Folio, 3 vols. POETRY (ENGLISH), AND WORKS RELATING THERETO. See Dry- den, Milton, Pope. Warton (Rev. Thomasj b.d.). History of English Poetry, from the close of the Eleventh to the commencement of the Eighteenth Century ; with Dis- sertations on the origin of Romantic Fiction in Europe, Introduction of Learning into England, &c. &c. ... - 8vo, 4 vols. Eibliotheca Anglo-Poetica ; or, a Descriptive Catalogue of a rare Collection of early English Poetry; with Critical and Biographical Remarks. (Illus- trated with 135 additional Portraits by some former Possessor thereof.) 8vo, London, 1815 PuTTENHAM, The Arte of English Poesie. - . . - . 4to Poole, The English Parnassus ; or, a Helpe to English Poesie. 8vo, 1657 Capel's Prolusions ; or. Select Pieces of Antient Poetry, compiled with great care from their several originals, — containing, 1. The Notbrowne Mayde; Master Sackvile's Induction; and Overbury's Wife. 2. Edward III.; a Play, thought to be written by Shakespeare. 3. Sir John Davis's Nosce teipsum. ------ 12mo, London {Tonson), 1760 Dodsley, Collection of Poems by several Hands. - 8vo, 6 vols. 1758 157 POETRY, &c. (continued). Poetical Works of the principal British Poets, from Milton to Beattie. 12nio, 45 vols. Reliques of Ancient Poetry. (Published by Dr. Percy, Bp. of Droniore). 12mo, 4 vols. Elegant Extracts in Verse. - . . . . - gvo, 2 vols. Skelton (Poet Laureat to Henry VIII.), His Works. - - 12mo Butler (Samuel), Hudibras ; ^^nth Notes. ... 8vo, 2 vols. Thomson (James), The Seasons ; with Illustrations by Bartolozzi andTomkins. Folio CowPER (William), Poems. ---.-. 8vo, 2 vols. Pursuits of Literature; with a Translation of the Quotations. - 8vo, 1798 Hayley, Triumphs of Temper. ---... 12mo Sarjeant, The Mine; a Dramatic Poem. ----- 12mo Oxford Prize-Poems, 1768—1806. I2mo POLAND. Abrege Chronologique de I'Histoire de Pologne depuis 964 jusqu'en 1733. Svo, Varsovie, 1763 SiGiSMUNDi, Tertii Electi Polonise Regis, &c. Cracoviam Ingressus. 4to, 1587 SoBiESKi (Jean, Roi de Pologne), Histoire de, par Coyer. - 12mo, 2 vols. Relation Historique sur la Pologne. ----- 12nio, 1705 LiND (John), Letters relating to Poland. . - - - gvo, 1773 Oginski, Memoires sur la Pologne (1788 — 1815). - - 8vo, 5 vols. Catechesis Ecclesiarum in Regno Poloniae, &c. ; quae affirmant neminem prffiter Patrem esse ilium unum Deum Israelis, &c. &c. - 12mo, 1609 Tableau de la Pologne, par Malte Brun : augmente par Lt^onard Chodzko. Svo, 2 vols. 1830 BiON (Jean, Ministre de I'Eglise Anglicane), Relation sur Ic Tumulte de la Ville de Thorn ; avec copie de la Sentence cruelle prononcee contre les Protestans de la dite Ville, &c. &c. ... - gvo, 1725 POLAR REGIONS. See Voyages. Greenland. Narrative of Adventure and Discovery in the Polar Regions, by Jameson and Murray 12mo, 1830 Barrow, Chronological History of Voyages into the Arctic Regions. - Svo Burney (Capt. James), Chronological History of North-Eastern Voyages, &c. Svo, 1819 Pole, Reginald (Cardinal). Ad Henricum Octavum, Britanniae Regem, pro Ecclesiasticw Unitatis De- fensione, libri iv. Folio, Rom,— 1838 1. The Protestant Advocate for Popery, by a late Member of the Modern Church of England. -------- 18:30 2. GoHath beheaded with his own Sword ; or, a Vindication of the Roman Catholic Church against the late Charges of Dr. Magee, Protestant Arcli- bishop of Dubhn. - ..----- 1824 , 3. The Motives of Miss Le Joux de la Chapelle's Conversion to the Church of Rome; translated from the French. ----- 1829 4. Scriptural and Historical Proofs for the Catholic Doctrine of Purgatory, by the Rev. Joseph Silveira. - - . - - - 1832^ 1 2nio The Faith of Catholics on certain points of Controversy, confirmed by Scrip- ture, &c. ; compiled by Berington and Kirk. - - - 8vo, 1830 Rock (Daniel), Hierurgia ; or, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass; with Notes, &c. elucidating its Doctrines and Ceremonies. - 8vo, 2 vols. 1833 Discussion Amicale sur I'Eglise Anglicane, et en general sur la Reformation ; dediee au Clerge de toutes le Communions Protestantes ; par I'Eveque de Strasbourg. ------- 12mo, 2 vols. \KVo LiNGARD (John, D.D.), Catcchistical Instructions on the Doctrines and Wor- ship of the Catholic Church. 12mo, 1840 Challoner, The Catholic Christian instructed. - - 12mo, 1810 Steele (Sir Richard), Account of the State of the Roman Catholic Religion throughout the World (translated from the Italian) ; with a Dedication to Pope Clement XL - 8vo, 1715 Pontificale Romanum, Clem. VIII. ac Urbani VIII. jussu cditum ; inde Bened. XIV. recognitum et castigatum. - - 8vo, i^owtP, 1818 164 POPERY, &c. {continued). Pontificale Romanum, &c. in tres partes divisum ; cum Figuris sere incisis. 8vo, 3 vols. Heures a I'Usage de Rome. ..--.. 12mo, 1502 Horae Diurnae Breviarii Romani. . . - - . 12mo, 1646 Office Divin a I'Usage de Rome. - - . - - - 12mo Office de la Semaine Sainte ; avec I'Explication des Ceremonies propres de ce saint temps, &c. --..--- 12mo, 1818 DuRANDUs (Gulielmus), Rationale Divinorum Officiorum. - 4to, 1515 DuRANTUs (J. Steph.), De Ritibus Ecclesice Catholicae. Folio, RomcB, 1591 RuBEUs (J. B.), Novum Rationale Divinorum Officiorum ; opus tum Clericis, turn Sacerdotibus, perutile ac necessarium. - 4to, Venetiis, 1625 Cseremoniale Episcoporum. ------ 4to, 1651 Caeremoniale Episcoporum Sanct. Doni. nostri Benedict! Papas XIV. jussu editum et auctum. - ------ 12mo, 1772 Ceremonial de I'Eglise pour les Personnes Laiques, par Martin Sonnet. 12mo, 1658 POPERY AND ROMANISM. (Works written in answer thereto.) The Supper of the Lorde after the true meaning of the sixte of John, and the xi. of the fyrst Epistle to the Corinthians ; and incidentally in the exposi- tion of the Supper is confuted the Letter of Master More against John Fryth. - . - 12mo, 1533 (without place or printer's name.) John Fryth, His Book on the Sacrament, in answer to Sir Thomas More ; and written during his confinement in the Tower. 12mo, by R. Jugge, 1548 Cranmer (Thos., Archbishop of Canterbury), Defensio Verae et Catholicae Doctrinfe de Sacramento Corp. et Sang. Christi; et quorundam in hie caus^ errorum confutatio : et ab autore in vinculis recognita et aucta. 12mo, 1557 Turner (Wm., m.d.), The Huntyng of the Romyshe Vvolfe, made byVuylliam Turner, Doctour of Phisik. 12mo (sine loco vel anno ; but written in Queen Mary's time.) Report of the Disputations with Campion the Jesuit, held in the Tower of London in 1581. - - 4to, 1583 Antithesis Christi et Antichristi. . . - - . 12mo, 1578 Faitz de Jesus-Christ et du Pape. - - . - 8vo, n. d. FuLKE (Wm., D.D.), Confutation of the Rhemish Testament. 8vo, Nao York, U. S., 1834 L'Antechrist Romain, oppost^ a I'Antechrist du Cardinal Bellarmin, et d'autres. 12mo, 1604 Of Two Woonderful Popish Monsters ; to wyt, a Popish Asse found at Rome, and a Moonkish Calfe calved at Friberge, in Misne : which are the fore- shewings of Gods wrath against Papistes. By Philip Melancthon and Martyn Luther ; translated out of French into English by John Brooke. 4to, London, 1579 165 POPERY, &c. (con finned). The Boy of Bilsoii : or, a true Discovery of the late notorious Impostures of certaine Romish Priests in their pretended E\-j)ulsion of the Divell out of a young Boy ; with a briefe Theological! Discourse, by way of caution, for the more easie discerning of such Ronii.sh Spirits, and judging of their false pretences. -----... 4 to, 1()22 Thomson (George), La Chassc de la Beste Romaine. - 8vo, Genbve, 1612 The Beehive of the Romish Church : a Work of all good Catholikcs to be read ; wherein the Catholike Religion is confirmed, and the Protestants finely fetcht over the Coales. - - . . . 12nio, 1623 Du Moulin, La Vie et Religion de deux bons Papes : Leon Premier, ct Gregoire Premier, ou est montre que la Doctrine et Religion de ces Pontifes est contraire a la Religion Romaine de ce temps. - - 12mo, 1650 Papa Patens ; or, the Pope in his Colours : being a perfect Relation of his Bloody Designs against these Kingdoms. ... 4to, 1652 The Man of Sin ; or, a Discourse of Popery, by no Roman, but a Reformed Catholick. 4to, 1677 FuLLWooD (F.), The Pillars of Rome broken. ... 8vo, 1679 1. The Black Box of Roome opened. ....._ 1641^ 2. The Book of Rates for Pardons. 1674 3. Account of the Roman Tax-Books. ...-.- 1825J 4to Staveley (Thomas), Romish Horseleech ; or, an impartial Account of the intolerable Charge of Popery to this Nation, &c. - - ]2mo, 1769 De Rodon, The Funeral of the Mass; or, the Mass dead and buried, without hope of Resurrection : translated from the French. . 12mo, 1680 FouLis (Heiu-y, B.D.), History of Romish Treasons and Usurpations; and of many Corruptions, &c. in the Church of Rome. - - Folio, 1681 Usher, Jas. (Archbp. of Armagh). 1. Answer to a Challenge made by a Jesuit in Ireland, &c. - - I6861 2. Discourse of the Religion antiently professed by the Irish and British. > 1687 J 4to 1. The Creed of Pope Pius IV. ; with short Notes. .... 2. Pope Pius vindicated. - - ...... 3. Answer to the preceding. - ....... 4. Dialogue concerning the Catholic Church. - - - . . 4to, 1687, 88 1. Roman Forgeries in the Councils of the first Four Centuries, &c. - 16891 2. The Council of Trent examined, and disproved. - - - 1688) 4to HiGGONs (Rev. Thcophilus), Mystical Babylon, or Papall Rome. - 4to, 1624 The Visions of Pasquin ; or, a Character of the Roman Court, Religion, ^cc. &c., in a Dialogue with Marforio : translated from the Italian. 4to, 1689 2u 166 POPERY, &c. {continued). Julius : Dialogiis Viri eruditissimi festivus ac elegans, quomodo Julius II. P.M. post mortem coeli fores pulsaudo, ab janitore illo D. Petro intromitti iiequi- verit, &c. - ----- 12mo, sine anno vol loco. (€^° Auctor satyrae hujus incertus est.) 1. The Pope shut out of Heaven Gates; translated from the Latin of Eras- mus. - -- 1673 2. Purgatory proved by Miracles ; collected out of Roman Catholic Authors. 1688 4to Patrick (John, d.d.. Preacher at the Charter Hoiise, London), Reflections . upon the Devotions of the Roman Church ; with the Prayers, Hymns, &c. taken out of their Books : and an Appendix concerning the Miracles and Reliques of the Church of Rome. - . - 8vo, London, 1696 Bennet (Thomas), A Confutation of Popery. _ . . 8vo, IJOl Roman Jubilee and Popish Indulgences. ... - 4to, 1/04 De Lamotte, Les Fourberies de I'Eglise Romaine ; ou, les Pratiques ridicules de Pretres et des Moines du Pays Bas Epagnol. 12mo, a Campen, 1706 De Lude, The Axe laid to the Root of Popery. - - - 8vo, 1721 Gagnier (Jean), L'Eglise Romaine convaincue de De'pravation, d'ldolatrie, et d'Antichristianisme. _.---- 12mo, 1706 {^W Tbe author had been a priest of the Church of Rome, and a canon of the Abbey of St. Genevieve at Paris; afterwards a member of the Church of England, and m.a. of Cambridge.) A Declaration of the Recantation of John Nichols, (for the space almost of two yeeres the Popes Scholer in the English Seminarie or Colledge at Rome.) r2mo, London, 1581 Gavin, The Master Key to Popery. - - - 8vo, 3 vols. 1725, 26 (^g~ The author was a convert from the Church of Rome, of which he had been a priest.) Parthenopseus Hsereticus (Wm. Gordon, a convert from Romanism), Popeiy against Christianity ; with an Appendix, containing the Lives and Canoni- zation of the last four Saints ; also an Account of the Superstitious Ceremonies of the Church of Rome in the Holy Week. - 8vo, 1719 Roma Antiqua et Recens : or, the Conformity of Ancient and Modern Cere- monies ; shewing that the Ceremonies of the Church of Rome are borrowed from the Pagans : translated from the French. - - 8vo, 1732 1. A Discourse against Transubstantiation ; preached by Dr. Harris, in 1734, 5. 2. The Catholic Faith : a Sermon, by St. Basil ; and translated from the Greek : with a brief Refutation of Popery, by Hugh Stuart Boyd, 3. The Church of Rome's Traffic in Pardons substantiated. . . - 4. An Article from the Quarterly Review, against the Church of Rome 8vo 167 POPERY, &c. {conthued). Memoirs of John Gordon of Glcncat, (a convert from Popery) ; wherein the Absurdities of Popery are laid open. . - - . 8vo, 1734 Hawkins (Rev. John), A General Defence of the Principles of tlic Reforma- tion, in a Letter to the Rev. Joseph Berington. Hvo, Worcester, 17^^ Free Thoughts on the Toleration of Popery, deduced from a Review of its Principles and History, by Calvinus Minor. - Hvo, Edi/i/j. 17H1 SruRr.F.s (John, Prebendary of Winchester), Reflections on the Principles and Institutions of Popery; occasioned by the Rev. John Milner's Hist, of Winchester. --------- Hvo, 18! !0 Rome Rhymed to Death ; being a Collection of Choice Poems, written by the best Modern Wits. ------- 12mo, IGKi POPES, LIVES AND HISTORIES OF, &c. &c. Barns (Robertas) et Baleus (Johannes), De Vitis Pontificuni Romanorum ; cum Continuatione J. M. Lydii, usque ad Paulum Quintum, liodie regnan- tem. -------- Hvo, Lugd. Bat. 1615 (^g- The above Robert Bams was burnt for heresy, at London, a.d. 1540.) Bale (John), The Pageant of Popes; contayning the Lyves of all tiie Bishops of Rome to the Yeare of Grace 1555 ; in which is nianifestlye shewed the beginning of Antichriste, and increasing to his fulnesse according to the Prophecye of John in the Apocalips : translated from the Latin, by Joiin Studley. - - - 8vo, London, 1574 Platina, De Vitis et Gestis Pontificuni Romanorum. - 12mo, 1664 Stella (Job.), Vitte ccxxx. Summorum Pontificum ; a Petro Apostolo usque ad Julium Secundum. -.--.-. 4to, 1507 Savage (J.), Satyrical History of the Popes, from St. Peter to Clement XI. 8vo, 1704 TiLius (Jo.), Parallela ; sive, memorabilia de Vit4 et Moribus Pontificum Ro- manorum, Christi Vicariorum, exempla, cum Ethnicorum Principum Dictis Factisque comparata. ----- 12mo, 1610 Les Crimes des Papes depuis S. Pierre. . - - . 8vo, 1792 Histoire des Conclaves, depuis Clement V jusqu'ii Clement XI. 12mo, 2 vols. Intrigues of the Conclave ; with an Essay to prove that there has not been, nor can be, any true and lawful Pope since the Election of Sixtus V. 4to, 169! Sandinus (Antonius), Disputationes Historicee ad Vitas Pontificum Roman- orum. ---------- 8v(), 1//1 1. Mykef.n (Carolus), Dissertatio Historico-Critica, Donationes Pipini etl Caroli Magni ad Ecclesiam Romanam panels disquisitura. UpsaVue, 1761 \ 2. ScHEUKL (J. C), De Donatione Mathildinaj Pontifici R. factft. Altorf. 1715 ( 4to Albanus (J. H.), Pro oppugnatft Romani Pontificis Dignitate ; et Constantini Donatione adversus Obtrectatores. ... - liomee, 1547 I 168 POPES, LIVES OF, &c. {continued). Valla (Laurentius, Patritius Romanus), De fals6 credita et emeiitita Constan- tini M. Imp. Rom. Donatioiie Declaniatio ; qu:\ Romaiii Antichristi in Ecclesiam Dei omnesque Christiani Orbis Principes Tyrannis vivis coloribus depingitur. ._..--_ 4to, Lugd. Bat. 1620 S. Gregoire le Grand, Histoire de son Pontifical, par Maimbourg. I2mo, 1686 Breve Leonis X. ad Desyderium Erasmum ; et alterum Breve ejusdem Ponti- ficis ad Henricum VIII. Angliae Regem, commendatitium pro Des. Erasmo. 4to, 1515 1. Introduction a una nouvelle Histoire des Papes. . . _ 1783 2. Masse, Histoire d' Alexandre VI, et de son Fils, Cdsar Borgia - 1830 8vo "* Gordon, Vies d' Alexandre VI et de Cesar Borgia ; trad, de I'Anglois. 12mo, 2 vols. BuRCHARD (Johannes), Historia Arcana de Vita Alexandri VI. 4to, 1697 (l^~ The entire Journal of that Pontificate, as written by Burchard, may be found in the second volume of the "Corpus Historicum" of Eecardus.) ToMASi, Vita del Duca di Valentino (Cesare Borgia, figlio del Papa Ales- sandroVI.). 4to, 1655 SixTus v.. Life of, by Farneworth. .-.__. Folio II Nipotismo di Roma ; or. History of the Pope's Nephews, from Sixtus IV. to the Death of Alexander VII. : translated from the Italian. 12mo, 1673 Pius Secundus, Epistola ad Mahumetum Turcorum Imperatorem, anno 1460. 4to, 1475 Pius VII. : Histoire des Malheurs et de la Captivite de Pie VII sous le regne de Napoleon Buonaparte, &c., par De Beauchamp. - 12mo, 1814 Pope Joan. Spanheim (Fred.), De Papi Foeminina inter Leonem IV. et Benedictum III. 8vo, 1691 Histoire de la Papesse Jeanne, tiree de la Dissertation Latine de Spanheim. - --.... 12mo, 2 vols. 1720 Papa MuUer; sive vera et infallibilis narratio de Papa Joanne VIII. Foeminri. 12mo, Wittebergce, 1609 Johanna Papissa toti orbi manifestata, adversus Scripta Bellarinini, Baronii, et aliorum Papicolarum, &c. - - - _ . 12mo, 1619 Maresius, Joanna Papissa restituta, &c. &c. &c. - - - 4to, 1658 Pope Joan ; or, an Account collected out of the Romish Authors, testifjdng that there was a She-Pope who sate in that See, and ruled the same. 8vo, J689 Mayo (John), The Pope's Parliament, &c. ; whereunto is annexed an Anatomic of Pope Joane, wherein her Life, Manners, and Death, is lively layd abrode. 4to, 1591 169 Pope Joan [continued). Florimond de R.emond, Erreur Populaire de la Papesse Jane. - 8vo, 1595 Leo Allatius, Confutatio Fabuhe de Joaiiiul Papissft ex raonuineiitis Grsecis ; receiisuit et auxit Bartoldus Nilmsiiis. - - . . 8vo, 1645 POPULATION. Wallace (Robert), Essai sur la Difference du Nombre des Hommes ; dans lequel on etablit qu'il ctoit plus considerable dans I'Antiquite : trad, de I'Anglois. ------.-. I'imo, 1/54 Malthus (Rev. T. R.), Essay on the Principles of Population. 8vo, 2 vols. 1826 PORTRAITS. The Holbein Portraits. (Chamberlayne's edition.) - - 4to, 1812 Blin (Pierre), Portraits des Grands Hommes et Femmes lUustres de France; depuis Clovis jusqu'a Louis XVI. _ _ _ - Folio, 2 vols. Iconographie des Contemporains ; depuis 1789 jusqu'en 1820. Folio, 3 vols. des Contemporains Etrangers. _ . - - . Folio Gallery of Portraits, published by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. .-...- Folio, 2 vols. 1834 — 1837 Portraits, depuis Fran9ois P' jusqu'a Louis Seize. - - Folio, 3 vols. de la Famille Imperiale de la Maison de Romanow. - - Folio Miscellaneous (of Painters, Architects, &c.). - - - 4to of celebrated Painters, from the 14th to the 17th Century. Folio, 1694 of celebrated Painters, by Girtin. . - . . - 4to Miscellaneous. ------- - Folio Ditto. 4to Ditto. - - 8vo Ditto. - - 4to WooDBURNE, Gallery of Rare Portraits. - . - Folio, 2 vols. 1816 Seventy-nine Portraits to illustrate Hamilton's " Memoires du Comte de Gram- mont." 4to Forty-three, of the Founders of Colleges in the two Universities. (Engraved by J. Faber.) - ------ Folio, 1712—14 Galerie Fran9aise de Femmes celcbres, depuis le regne de Louis VII jusqu'au milieu du Dix-huitieme Siecle : dessines par Lante, d'apres les Originaux inedits. - --------- Folio Smith (John), Iconographia Scotica. ----- Hvo, 1798 PiNKERTON (John), Iconographia Scotica. - - - . gvo, 1797 Scottish Gallery ; or. Portraits of eminent Persons of Scotland. 8vo, 1799 PORTUGAL. See Spain. PRAYERS AND LITURGIES. See Church. Popery. Religions. Church OF England. Church of Scotland. PREDICTIONS. See Oracles. 2x 170 PRIESTCRAFT, &c. See Monks. PRETENDER, AND THE REBELLIONS OF 1715 AND 1745. Depositions before the Privy Council respecting his Birth. - 4to, 1688 Consultation de I'Oracle, &c. ------ 12mo, 1688 1. Mrs. Shaftoe's Narrative respecting the Pretender's Birth. 2. Proofs that the Pretender is James III. . . . - - 3. Proclamations, &c. by Prince Charles. - - . . . 4. Poems upon Prince Charles. - . - . - _ . 8vo 1. Full Answer to the Depositions, 1711. 2. Letters from Rome in May 1721 concerning the Pretender. - - - 3. Memorial of the Chevalier de St. George on occasion of the Princess Sobieski's Retirement into a Nunnery, &c. - - - - n. d. 8vo Le Chevalier de St. George rehabilite dans sa Qualite de Jacques III ; trad. de I'Anglois. .-.-.._- I2mo, 1713 Memoires du Chevalier de St. George; trad, de I'Anglois. - 12mo, 1713 A Plain Proof of the True Father and Mother of the pretended Prince of Wales, and plainly discovering the whole management of that Imposture. 12mo, 1700 Rae, History of the Rebellion, 1715. - - - - - - 8vo Patten, History of the Rebellion, 1715, 16. - - - - - 8vo 1. Review of the Rebellions of 1715 and 1745. - - - - - 2. Hughes's Narrative of the Rebellion in 1745. - . . . 3. Memoii-s of John Murray, Esq. -.----. 4. Bull of Pope Clement XI. 5. Sermon by William Clarke, 1745. ---_-_ 8vo Ascanius; or, the Young Adventurer. - - - - I2mo, 1746 Whitaker (Rev. T. D.), De Motu per Britanniam Civico, annis 1745 et 1746. 12mo, 1809 1 . Young Juba ; or. History of the Young Chevalier, from his Birth to his , Escape to France after the Battle of Culloden. - - - - - 1 2. Account of Charles Ratcliff, Esq., beheaded in 1746. - - - -j 12mo, 1748 Henderson, History of the Rebellion, 1745 and 46; with an Account of the Young Chevalier. -----.-._ gyo Ray, History of the Rebellion, 1745, 46. . - - - . 12mo Home, History of the last Rebellion. ------ 4to Journey with the King's Army, 1745, 46. 12mo A Letter from the Countess of Nithsdale ; with Remarks by Sheffield Grace, F.s.A. -----.-.-. 8vo, 1827 In Funere Jacobi III. Oratio habita in Basilica ss. xii. Apostolorum coram Clemente XIII. Pont. Max. ab Horatio Mattel. - - Folio, 1766 171 PRINTING. Wolf (J. C), Monumenta Typographica, qum artis liujus prajstantissima; originem, laudem, et abusum posteris tradunt. - 8vo, 2 vols. 1740 Lambinet, Sur I'Origine de I'Iniprimerie. - . . - . 8vo Meerman, Origines Typographies. - ----- 4to Seiz (J. C), Annus Tertius Ssecularis Inventre Artis Tj'pographicse. 8vo, Harlem. 1741 Oberlin (Jer. Jacques), Essai d'Annales de la Vie de Jean Guttenbcrg, In- venteur de la Typographie. ------ Hvo, 18()1 Fischer (Got.), Essai sur les Monumens Typographiques de Jean Guttenbcrg, Inventeur de I'Iniprimerie. - ----- 4to, I'ati x. Daunou, Analyse des Opinions sur I'Invention de I'lmprinierie. - Svo VissER (Jacques), De I'Invention de I'Iniprimerie ; ou. Analyse des deux ouvrages publics sur cette matiere par M. Meerman ; suivi d'une Notice Chronologique des Livres imprimtJs avant 1501 dans les xvii Provinces des Pays-Bas. - - - 8vo, 1S09 1. Origin of Printing ; in two Essays. ----- 1777 An Historical Account of the Confessions of Faith of the Roman Catholic, Greek, and principal Protestant Churches. - 8vo, ISKi Harmonia Coiifessionum Fidei Orthodoxarum et Reformatarum Ecclesiarum quie in priecipuis quibusque Europte regnis, &c. sacram Evangelii doc- trinam pure profitentur. - - - . _ 4to, Geneva', 1581 Corpus et Syntagma Confessionum Fidei quae in diversis Regnis et Nationibus Ecclesiarum nomine fucrunt authentice edita?, publicflque auctoritatc com- probata", &c. &c. - - - - - . 410^ Genevce, 1654 Long (Thomas, B.D.), History of the Donatists. - - 12mo, 1()77 Histoire dcs Flagellans ; ou Ton fait voir le bon ct Ic niauvais usage des Flagellations parmi les Chretiens ; trad, du Latin de I'Abbe Boileau. l2mo, 1701 Neal (Daniel), History of the Puritans, from 1517 to 1G88. - 8vo, 3 vols. OuTRAM (William), De Sacriticiis Judicorum, Gentium Profanarum, et Jesu Christi. ------.... 4to, l(i77 Du TiLLioT, Memoire pour servir a I'llistoire de la Fete des Foux, (jui se faisoit autrefois dans plusieurs Eglises. . . - _ 12mo, 1751 PiCART, Ceremonies Religieuses de tons les Peuples du Monde. Folio, 9 vols. Perucci, Pompc Funcbri di tutte Ic Nazioni. ... 4to, ll!46 MuRET, Funeral Rites, Ancient and Modern; translated from the French. I'Jmo Funerali Antichi di diversi Popoli et Nazioni : descritti in Dialogo, da Thomaso Porcacchi. - - - .... 4to, Venetia, 1574 Priestley (Rev. Joseph, ll.d.). Forms of Prayer, and other Services, for the use of Unitarian Societies. -..-._ 8vo, 1783 Catrou, Histoire des Anabaptistes, et de plusieurs sortes de Mennonites, et autres qui en sont provenus. - - - . . 12mo, U)15 1. Hekesbacii, Historia Anabaptistica : de Factione Monasteriensi, anno^ 1534 et seq. ad Erasmum cpistohe form A anno 153G descripta. 2. Accedit Tumidtuum Anabaptistarum liber, authore Lamherto Hor- tensio, anno 1548; Basileae editus, et jamdudum a plurimis desideratus. 12mo, Amsterdamil, H)57 Hughes (William), Munster and Abingdon ; or, the open Rebellion there, and unhappy Tumult here; for a seasonable Caution to the Brittish Nation, and a serious check to Giddy Spirits. . - - . 12mo, 1G57 2z 178 RELIGIONS, &c. {continued). The Book of Mormon : an Account written by the hand of Mormon, upon Plates taken from the Plates of Nephi ; translated by Joseph Smith, jun. 12mo, Kirtlaiul, Ohio, 1837 RELIGIOUS RELICS. 1, DiERicx (Franciscus), Tractatus prsevius de antiquissim^ Sacrarum Re- liquiarum Veneratione ab ipsis mundi exordiis per continuam in Ecclesi^ successionem usque ad nostra tenqiora deducta et demonstrata. ) 2. Fides et Traditio Sacrarum Reliquiarum xxxvi. eminentium Sanc- torum, quae exponuntur in Ecclesid S. Salvatoris Antverpiae, demonstrata. 8vo, Antverpice, 1674 Collin de Plancy (J. A. S.), Dictionnaire Critique des Reliques et des Images Miraculeuses. ------ 8vo, 3 vols. 1821 JuNGius, Disquisitio de Reliquiis Sacris et Profanis, earumque Cultu. 4to, 1/83 CoCHLEUs (Joannes), De Sacris Reliquiis Christi et Sanctorum ejus, brevis contra Joannis Calvini calumnias et blasphemias Responsio. 12nio, Moguntiat, 1549 RHETORIC. See Grammar. RHINE (THE RIVER, AND ITS VICINITY). Views and Scenery on the Rhine. ----- Oblong folio Another Collection of Views on the Rhine (coloured). . - - Folio ScHREiBER, Manuel du Voyageur du Rhin, depuis Schaffhouse jusqu'en Hol- lande ; trad, de I'Allemand. ------- 8vo Traditions Populaires du Rhin, de la Foret Noire, de la Vallt'e du Necre, &c. I2mo, 2 vols. Richard III. (of England). 1. Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of King Richard the Third, by the Hon. Horace Walpole. --------- 2. Guidickins's Answer to Walpole's Historic Doubts. - - 1768 3. Remarks on Walpole's Historic Doubts, by Robert Masters. - 177^ 4t6 {t^S~ Buck's Life of Richard III. may be found in Kennett's History of England.) The Battle of Bosworth Field ; with History of Richard the Third, by Wni. Hutton. ---------- 8vo RiCHLiEu, Le Cardinal. Testament Politique. --------- 12mo ROBBERS, PIRATES, BEGGARS, &c. Histoire Generale des Larrons. ------ 8vo, 1657 Johnson (Capt. Charles), General History of the Lives, &c. of the most famous Highwaymen, Murderers, &c. &c. . - - Folio, 1742 History of the most notorious Pyrates, &c. - - 2 vols. 1724 Buccanneers of America, the History of them. - - - I2mo, 2 vols. The Newgate Calendar, down to the close of 1795. - - 8vo, 6 vols. 179 ROBBERS, &c. {continued). The Malefactor's Register ; or, New Newgate Calendar. - 8vo, 5 vols. Harrington (the celebrated Pickpocket), Memoirs of him, from his Birth to his Transportation to Botany Bay in 1/90. - . . _ y^o 1 . Hist, de Louis Mandrin, temps de Louis XV. - . . _ 2. La Vie ct le Proces du famcux Cartouche, et de ses Complices. 3. Las Fourberies de Cartouche, (une Comedie). - - . . 12mo 1 . Les Ruses des Filous devoilees ; ouvrage facetieux, et utile a tout le 1 Monde 1804 1 2. The Frauds of London detected, by R. King. - - - n. d. | I2mo 1 . Le Brigand par vengeance ; Histoire veritable de Socivizca, fameux Chef 1 des Aiduco-Morlaques : ecrit en AUemand par lui-meme. - - - \ 2. La Caverne des Brigands ; ou, Recueil des Vols, Brigandages, &c. - - 1 12mo, 1816 A Caveat or Warning for common Cursetors, vulgarly called Vagabonds : set forth by Thomas Harman, Esq. for the Utility and Profit of his natural Country. With the Tale of the Second Taking of the counterfeit Crank, his Punishment, &c. - 4to, 1814; (a reprint from the edition of 15/3) Bamfylde Moore Carew, commonly called "The King of the Beggars," Apology for the Life of. ..--.. 12mo, n. d. Rochester (John, Earl of). Life and Death of, &c. &c., by Bishop Burnet. 12mo ROMAN HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES (REPUBLIC AND EMPIRE). RoLLiN, Histoire Romaine. --.... 12mo, 16 vols. Crevier, Histoire des Empereurs Romains (Auguste — Constantin le Grand). 12mo, 12 \ols. Vertot (L'Abbe), Revolutions Romaines. . _ . 12mo, 2 vols. Ferguson (Adam, ll.d.). History of the Roman Republic. - 4to, 3 vols. Bletterie, Histoire de I'Empereur Julien. .... 12mo Histoire de I'Empereur Jovien ; avec la Traduction de quelques ouvrages de I'Empereur Julien. ...... ]2mo De Servies, Les Femmes des Douze Cesars; leurs Intrigues, &c. 12mo, 1721 \. Montesquieu, De la Grandeur et la Decadence des Remains. 2. Saixt-Evremond, Reflexions sur les divers Genies du Peuple Roniain dans les divers temps de la Republique. - . . . . 8v6 Dictionnaire des Antiquites Romaines ; traduit ct abrege du Grand Diction- naire de Pitiscus 8vo, 3 vols. WiLCOCKS (Joseph), Roman Conversations on the Antiquities of Rome, and the Characters of eminent Romans. ... 8vo, 2 vols. 17!)2 Adam (Alex.), Roman Antiquities ; or, an Account of the Manners, &c. of the Romans. gvo, 1792 180 ROMAN HISTORY, &c. {continued). MoRSAN (Le Fevre), Des Moeurs et Usages des Romaiiis. - 12mo, 1739 Du Choul, Discours de la Religion des Anciens Romains, de la Castrametation, des Bains, et Antiques Exercitations. . - - . 4to, 1581 De Beaufort, Dissertation sur I'lncertitude des cinq premiers Siecles de THistoire Romaine. ------ 12mo, 1738 Tractatus varii Latini ; a Crevier, Brotier, aliisque clar. viris conscrijDti ; et ad rem cum criticam tum antiquarian! pertinentes. - - - 8vo Harangues Choisies des Historiens Latins, avec le Texte original en regard. 12uio, 2 vols. ROMANISM. See Popeky. ROME (MODERN), HISTORY AND REVOLUTIONS OF. See Italy. Popes. ROME (COURT OF), RELIGIOUS CEREMONIES, MANNERS, &c. Banck, Roma Triumphans ; seu Actus luaugurationum Pontificum Ronia- noruni, &c. &c. ; accessit de quarumdam Rom. Pontif. Caeremoniaruni Origine. _.-- 12mo, 1(356 The Scarlet Gown ; or. History of all the present Cardinals of Rome, their Merits, Virtues, &c. : transl. from the Italian, by H. Cogan. 8vo, 1653 Gualbi, Life of Donna Olimpia Maldachini, who governed the Church during the time of Innocent X. from 1644 to 1655 : transl. from the Italian. 12mo, 1667 Da VIES, Ceremonies of the vacant See of Rome. - - 12mo, 1671 1. Caeremoniale ; continens Ritus Electionis Romani Pontificis, Gregorii Papae XV. jussu editum ; cui prsefiguntur Constitutiones Pontificiae, &c. ad eam rem pertinentes. - - - - - - - - 1/40 2. Compendio delle Cose principali contenute nel Ceremoniale di Gregorio XV. per facilitare alii Cardinal! il nuovo modo di elegere il Papa, e per istrut- tione delli Maestri di Ceremonie. ----- 17^4 4to Vertot (L'Abb^), Origine de la Grandeur de la Cour de Rome. - 12mo Spanzotti, Disordini Morali e Politici della Corte di Roma. Svo, 2 vols. 1802 Thomas, Un An a Rome. ------- Folio, 1823 ROME, TOPOGRAPHY OF, &c. Gamucci, Antichita della Citta di Roma. - . - - 8vo, 1586 Totti, Ritratto di Roma Antica. ------ 8vo, 1633 Roma Antica e Moderna. ----- 8vo, 3 vols. 1750 Nardini, Roma Antica. ------- 8vo, 4 vols. Venuti, Antichita di Roma. - - - . - _ 4to, 1 803 Overbeke, Avanzi dell' Antica Roma. - - - - 8vo, 1739 Lumisden (Andrew), Remarks on the Antiquities of Rome and the Environs. 4to, 1797 } 181 ROME, TOPOGRAPHY OF {continued). Desgodetz, Les Edifices Antiques de Rome ; dessinds et mesur Scotife Indiculum ; or, the Present State of Scotland ; with divers Reflections upon the Ancient State thereof. 12nio, London, 1682 A Gazetteer of Scotland. 8vo, 1806 Grose (Francis), The Antiquities of Scotland. . - - 4to, 2 vols. Edinburgh, the History of, by Maitland. ... - Folio, 1753 The History of the Abbey, Palace, he. of Holyrood House ; with an Account of the Sanctuary for Insolvent Debtors. .... 8vo, 1819 Melrose Abbey, a Description thereof, by Bower. . - - - 8vo Glasgow, History of, by Gibson. .... - 8vo, 1777 1. Aberdeen, History of, by Wm. Orem. ... - 1724 — 28 2. Martin, History of St. Rule's Chapel at St. Andrew's. ^~"\ 3. Description of the Regalia, and Statutes of the Order of the Thistle. 4. GiFFORD, History, &c. of the Zetland Isles. .... 1733 (In Nichol's Bibl. Topogr. Britannica, vol. v.) Brand (Rev. John), A brief Description of Orkney, Zetland, Pightland-Firtli, and Caithness. . - 8vo, 1701 HiBBERT (Samuel, m.d.). Description of the Shetland Islands; their Geologj', Antiquities, &c. 4to, 1822 Macaulay (Rev. Kenneth), History of the Island of St. Kilda. - 8vo, 1764 Martin, Description of the Western Isles. - - - - 8vo, 1716 Voyage to St. Kilda. - ----- 8vo, 1698 Neill (Patrick), Tour in Orkney and Shetland (1804). - - - 8vo Macculoch (John, m.d.). Description of the Highlands and Western Isles. 8vo, 4 vols. 1824 Letters from a Gentleman in the North of Scotland to a Friend in London. 8vo, 2 vols. 1754 Buchanan (J. L.), Travels in the W^estern Hebrides, from 1782 to 1790. 8vo Dalyell (J. G.), The Darker Superstitions of Scotland. - 8vo, 1835 Cramond Parish, Ancient and Modern State of; with a Sketch of the Life and Projects of John Law, of Lauriston, by J. P. Wood. - 4to, 1794 Regalia of Scotland, Description of. 12mo, 1819 (f^" Engravings of them may be found in Nisbet's System ofHeraklnj, vol. ii.) Letters on the Scotch Nation (1774, 75). - - - - - 8vo CoRDiNER (Rev. Charles), Letters to Pennant, on the Antiquities and Scenery of the North of Scotland. - 4to, 1780 Ruins, Scenery, and Subjects in Natural History in North Britain. 4to, 1795 Sundry Views in Scotland. 8vo, 1794 Johnson (Samuel, ll.d.). Journey to the Hebrides, in 1773. - 8vo Ditto, by Boswell. -..-.--. 8vo Pennant (Thos.), Tour in Scotland, 1769. ... - - -1 Ditto, in 1772. J 4to, 3 vols. 3c 190 SCOTLAND, LANGUAGE OF, &c. Jamieson, Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language. - - 8vo Sinclair (John), Observations on the Scottish Dialect. - - 8vo, 1782 Scotticisms arranged in alphabetical order; designed to correct Improprie- ties of Speech and Writing. .---_. gyo, 1787 Mitchell (Hugh), Scotticisms, Vulgar Anglicisms, &c. corrected. 12mo, 1799 SCOTLAND, PEERAGE OF. See Nobility. SCOTLAND, BARONAGE OF. Baronage of Scotland ; containing an Account of the Gentry of that Kingdom, by Sir Robert Douglas. Folio, 1798 ScRiPTORES Historic Romans veteres qui extant omnes. Auctorum, quorum Scripta in his voluminibus continentur, Index : — Titus Livius ; L. A. Florus ; Messalla Corvinus de Progenie Aug. Csesaris ; C. Veil. Paterculus ; Sextus Aur. Victor; Sextus Rufus; Eutropius; PaullusDiaconus; M. Aur. CassidoriChronieon; Hist. Augustse Scriptores Sex ; Ammianus Mareellinus ; Justini Hist. tot. Mundi ; C. Crispi Sallustii ; C. Corn. Taciti, et C. Suet. Tranquilli Opera qua; extant omnia ; C. Jul. Caesaris Commentaria et Fragmenta ; Hirtius de Bello Alexandrino, Africano, et His- paniensi ; Pomponius Lsetus ; Jo. Bapt. Egnatius de Romanis Principibus ; Andreas Alciatus de Magistratibus, &c. ; Pub. Victor de Regionibus Urbis Romse ; Anonymus de Origine Urbis Romoe. Folio, 3 vols. SCYTHIANS. See Scandinavia. SECRET SOCIETIES. See Middle Ages. Carbonari, under " Naples." 1. RoBisoN (John), Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Go- vernments of Europe in the Secret Meetings of Free-Masons, &c. 1797 2. Leuchet, Essai sur la Secte des Illumines. . - - - 1789 J 8vo History of Free-Masons, their Laws, &c. &c. . - - 1 2m o, 1764 Ahiman Rezon, abridged and digested as a help to all who are or would be Free and Accepted Masons. ------ 8vo, 1783 Preston (Wm.), Illustrations of Masonry. - - - 12mo, 1829 A candid Disquisition of the Principles and Practices of the Society of Free- Masons ; with Strictures on the Origin, Nature, &c. of that Institution, by Wellins Calcott, p.m. 8vo, 1769 SECTS. See Religions. Segur, Louis P. Memoires et Souvenirs. ------ 8vo, 3 vols. 1826 Seneca. Abstract of his Morals, by L'Estrange. ----- 8vo SERMONS. Blair (Hugh, d.d., Edinburgh), Sermons preached by him. 8vo, 5 vols. v. y. Burgess (Thomas, Bishop of St. David's and of Salisbury), Miscellaneous Tracts and Sermons by him. ------- 8vo Clarke (Samuel, D.D.), Sermons 8vo, 11 vols. 191 SERMONS {continued). Gordon (Thomas), The Craftsman : a Sermon or Paraphrase on several Verses of Acts xix. - - - --__.- \'2mo Hill (George, St. Andrew's, Scotland), Lectures on Portions of the Old Tes- tament. - - 8vo, 1812 HoADLY (Benjamin, Bp. of Winchester), Sermons (twenty-two) preached on various occasions. - - - - - . - 8vo, 17^4 HoRNE (George, Bishop of Norwich), Sermons on various occasions. 8vo, 4 vols. HoRSLEY (Bp. of St. Asaph), Twenty Sermons. - - . - 8vo Logan (John, Minister of Leith), Sermons. - - - - 8vo, 17^0 {^W This volume describes the Form of Service when the Communion is administered. ) Ogden (Samuel, Woodwardian Professor), Sermons on various subjects ; with his Life, and Vindication. - - ----- gvo Paley (Wm. D.D.), Sermons. - _--... 8vo PoRTEOus (Bp. of London), Sermons. . . - - 8vo, 2 vols. Priestley (Joseph, ll.d.). The Present State of Europe compared with ancient Prophecies; a Sermon preached at Hackney in Feb. 1794, on the day appointed for a general Fast. ------ 8vo Apology of the Rev. John Watson, Curate of Ripponden, for his Conduct yearly on January 30th, and his Sermon preached on that day in the year 1754. 12mo WoTTON (Rev. William), Visitation Sermon, asserting the Rights of the Clergy, in answer to Tindal. ------ 4to, 1706 SEVENTY INTERPRETERS. Seventy Interpreters: The History of them, their Journey to Jerusalem, &c.; translated from the Greek of Aristeas. To which is added the History of the Angels, and their Gallantry, by Enoch. _ . - 12mo, 1715 Contra Historiam Aristese de lxx. Interpretibus Dissertatio; in quA probatur illam a Judaeo aliquo confictam fuisse, &c., per Humf. Hody. 12mo, 1684 Shaftesbury, Earl of. Characteristics. - 8vo, ,3 vols. Shakespear, Wm. His Plays. 12mo, 8 vols. Beauties of, by Dodd. - - 12nio, 2 vols. Prints illustrative of some of his Plays, by Boydell. - - - Folio AscouGH (Rev. Samuel), An Index to the remarkable Passages and Words used by Sliakespear. - ------- 8vo Becket, a Concordance of Shakespeare, suited to all the Editions; with Notes and Illustrations. ------ Svo, 1787 Harding (S. and E.), Siiakspeare illustrated by an assemblage of Portraits and Views; with Portraits of Actors, Editors, &c. - - - 8vo, 1793 Montagu (Eliza), Essay on Shakespear, &c. ; with Remarks upon the Misre- presentations of Mons. de Voltaire. - - _ - 8vo, 1770 192 Shakespear {continued). Whiter (Wm.), Specimen of a Commentary on Shakespear. - 8vo, 1794 Farmer (Richard, d.d.), Essay on the Learning of Shakespear. - I2mo Warner, Letter to Garrick on a Glossary to Shakespear. - - 8vo Douce (Francis), Illustrations of Shakespear, and of Ancient Manners, &c. &c. 8vo, 2 vols. 1807 (i^" See Wheeler, under " Warwickshire.") Drake (Nathan, m.d.), Shakespear and his Times. - 4to, 2 vols. 1817 Malone (Edmund), Liquiry into the Authenticity of Shakespeare MSS. 8vo, 1796 \, Miscellaneous Papers, &c. under the Hand and Seal of Wm. Shakespeare.] 2. Investigation of Mr. Malone's Claim to the Character of Scholar or Critic, / &c., by Samuel Ireland. - - - - - - - - -J 8vo, 1796 Ireland (Wm. Henry, Son of the preceding), Confessions respecting the Fabrication of the Shakespear Manuscripts. .... 12mo SHETLAND ISLANDS. See Scotland. SHROPSHIRE. A Selection of Antiquities in the County of Salop : Forty-three Views, with Descriptions. ..-.--. 4to, London, 1824 The History of Shrewsbury, by H. Owen and J. B. Blakeway. 4to, 2 vols. 1825 HuLBERT (Charles), History and Description of the County of Salop. 4to, 2 vols. 1837 SIBERIA. See Russia. SIBYLS. See Oracles. SICILY. See Naples. SIMONY. Simony laid ojjen ; or, the Anatomy of Simon Magus. - 12mo, 1700 A General Discourse of Simony, by the Rev. James Metford. - 8vo, 1682 Smith (Sir Thos., principal Secretary of State to Edward VI. and Queen Eliza- beth), The Life of, by the Rev. John Strype. - - . . gvo SOMERSETSHIRE. Barret (Wni.), History and Antiquities of the City of Bristol. - 4to, 1789 Britton, History and Antiquities of the Cathedral of Wells. - - 4to Hearne (Thos.), History and Antiquities of Glastonbury. - 8vo, 1722 Glastonbury : The Virtues and Efficacy of the Water of Glastonbury, in above Twenty remarkable Cases, faithfully described. - - 8vo, 1751 Savage (Jas.), History of the Hundred of Carhampton. - 8vo, 1830 Walcott (John), Descriptions and Figures of Petrifactions found in the Quarries, &c. near Bath. ... . . . . gyo Rutter (John), Delineations of the North -Western Division of Somersetshire, and of its Antediluvian Bone-Caverns, &c. &c. - - 8vo, 1829 193 SPAIN AND PORTUGAL, HISTORY, TOPOGRAPHY, &c. Abrege Chronolog'ujue de I'Histoire de I'Espagiie et dii Portugal ; (avant J. C, et jusqu'en 1759). --..-. Timo, 2 vols. Mariana, Historj^ of Spain ; with a continuation to 1669; translated from the Spanish. ..-.-..-. Folio, 1699 Sandoval, History of the Civil Wars of Spain ; translated from the Spanish. Folio Geddes (Michael), Historical Tracts relating to Spanish History, and the Church of Spain. 8vo, 3 vols. 1702— 1706 1. De St. Maurice, Relation de I'Etat d'Espagne. . - . -j 2. Darsens de Sommerdvck, Voyage d'Espagne en 1665. - - -\ 12mo, 1667 Watson (Robert), History of Philip II. King of Spain. - 8vo, 3 vols. History of Philip III. ._.... 8vo, 2 vols. Vertot, Histoire des Revolutions de Portugal. . - - . 12mo ^'^ L. DE Cabrera, Caroli (Philippi II. Regis Filii) Vitae Mortisque Relatio. See Sandoval, under " Charles V." Imhof (J. G.), Recherches Historiques et G^nealogiques des Grands d'Espagne. 12nio, 1707 BouRGOiNG, Tableau de I'Espagne Moderne. 8vo, 3 vols., and Atlas in 4to 1803 Dillon, Travels in Spain, 1778. ------- 4to Swinburne, Travels in Spain, 1775, 76. - - - - 8vo, 2 vols. Townsend (Rev. Joseph), Journey through Spain, 1786, 87. 8vo, 3 vols. Murphy (James), The Arabian Antiquities of Spain. - . - Folio History of the Mahometan Empire in Spain. - - 4to, 1816 See " Mosaic Pavements." Locker (E.H.), Views in Spain, 1811— 1816. - - - 4to, 1824 Spain, Costumes of in the 16th Century. (Coloured Drawings of tlie time). 8vo Ditto, Modern Oblong folio Ditto in the 19th Century. (Drawings by an Artist of Madrid.) Folio Bradford (Rev. Wm.), Views, Costumes, &c. in Spain and Portugal. Folio, 1813 Plans, Elevations, &c. of the Church of Batalha, in the Province of Estrema- dura in Portugal, by F. L. de Sousa ; with a Discourse on the Principles of Gothic Architecture, by James Murphy. . - - Folio, 1795 SPAIN, LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE OF. Taboada, Dictionnairc Espagnol et Franyais. . - - - 12mo Anaya, Essay on Spanisli Literature ; with a History of the Spanish Drama. I2mo, 1818 SPANISH ARMADA (a.d. 1588). PiccA (v. PiccHA, Gregorius), Oratio ad Sixtum V. Pont. Max., aliosque Christianos Principes et Respublicas, pro Britannico Bello indicendo. 4to, Romte, 1588 3d 194 SPANISH ARMADA {continued). Ruotolo dell' Armata di Spagna, e Copia d' una Lettera mandata d' Inghilterra a Don Bern, di Mendozza, Ambasciatore del Re Catolico in Francia; scritta di Londra alii 11 Agosto 1588: con aggiunta da medesimo il 20 di Settembre seguente. ----- 4to, Bergamo, 1593 Essempio d' una Lettera mandata d' Ingilterra a Don Bern, di Mendozza : traslata di Francese in Italiano, die gl' Italici Huomini conoscano quanti i romori della vittoria dell' Armata Spagnuola sparti dal Mendozza sieno bugiardi e falsi. -------- 12mo, 1588 ^g- The above is a different version of the letter mentioned in the preceding ar- ticle ; and to it are subjoined some curious depositions of the Spanish prisoners, as well as a list of the shiiis taken, sunk, or wrecked. ^^ Verheiden (Gulielmus), In Classem Xerxis Hispani, Oratio ad Eliza- bethan! Anglise Reginam. (In a volume of Tracts under " Verheiden.") Bruce (John), Report on the Arrangements made for the Internal Defence of the Kingdom against the Spanish Armada. (Privately printed for the use of the King's Ministers at the time of Buonaparte's projected invasion.) 8vo, 1798 Spelman, Sir Henry. His English Works ; and his Posthumous Works. - - - Folio Spelman, Sir John, Vita ^Ifredi Regis. -------- Folio, 1678 Same Work in English, by T. Hearne. ------ 8vo Glossariuiii Archaiologicum. ------ Folio, 1687 Stafford, Viscount (beheaded 16S0), Memoirs of, - - - 12mo, 1682 STAFFORDSHIRE, Plot (Robert, ll.d.), Natural History of Staffordshire. - Folio, 1686 Tixall Parish, the Description of it, by Thomas and Arthur Clifford. 4to, Paris, 1817 •^ Eccleshal Manor and Castle, the History of, by Samuel Pegge. (In Nichols's Bib. Top. Brit., vol. iv.) ■^ Shenston Parish, History and Antiquities of, by J. B. Sanders. (In Nichols's Bib. Top. Brit., vol. ix.) Shaw (Rev. Stebbing), History and Antiquities of the County of Staffordshire. Folio, 1798—1801 Stanley, History of the House of, from the Conquest to the Death of Edward, Eleventh Earl, a.d. 1776: to which are added a History of the Isle of Man; and the Travels of Sir William Stanley in the 16th Century. 8vo, Liverpool, 1801 Steuart, Sir James. His Works: viz. Political Economy, Chronology, &c. - 8vo, 6 vols. STEWART (v. STUART) FAMILY. See Pretender. A Genealogical History of the House of Stuart, by Andrew Stewart. 4to, 1798 195 STEWART FAMILY {continued). Another Genealogical Ilistoiy of the Stuart Family, by the Rev. Mark Noble. 4to, 1795 •$;<- Genealogical History of the Royal Family of Stuart. See Tracts, No. V. Memoirs of God's Providences towards that Family. (Robert II. to Mary.) 8vo, 1683 Hogg (James), The Jacobite Relics of Scotland ; being the Songs, Legends, &c. of the Adherents of the House of Stewart. - - 8v'o, 1819 Jacobite Minstrelsy; with Notes, and Historical Details of tiie House of Stuart, from 1640 to 1784. I'imo, 1829 Letters from the Cardinals Borgia and of York : addressed to Sir John Cox Hippisley, Bart. ; with others from Pope Pius VII. - - - 4to Strabo. Geographia, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis Variorum. - Folio, 2 vols. Amstel. \~07 Suetonius. Opera omnia (Editio Pitisci). 8vo, 2 vols. Les Vies des Cesars : trad, par Levesque ; avec le Texte Latin en regard. 8vo, 2 vols. Lives of the Twelve C Cheats and Impostures. ..-.-- 1692 3. News from Brussels, in a Letter from a near Attendant on His Majestie's Person. (Date of the Letter, March 10, 1659.) - 1660 4to No. V. Five, viz. : — 1. Genealogical History of the Royal Family of the Name of Stuart.' 1/55 2. History of the Brotherhood of the Holy Ghost, near Basingstoke in Hampshire. -------- 1742 3. Memoirs of the Life of Richard Mead, m.d. - - 1755 4. Memoirs of the Life and Conduct of the Rev. Dr. Codex. 1735 5. The Unnatural Mother and Ungrateful Wife : a Narrative founded on interesting Facts. - - - - - - n. d. Svo 201 TRACTS {continued). No. VI. Five, viz. :— 1. Wise (Francis), Enquiries concerning the first Inhabitants, Lan- guage, &c. &c. of Europe. --.-..] -5H 2. Smart (Cliristopher), Translation of the Psalms of David. 170.5 3. DucARELL (A. C), Repertory of the Eiulowmcnts of Vicarages in the Diocese of Canterbury. - - - . _ 1 7(53 4. Samson, an Oratorio. -----... 5. De Lisle, Meiuoire sur la Carte de I'Ancienne Palestine. 1763 4t6 No. VII. Five, viz. : — ■ 1. Dissertation on the Influence of Language on Opinions, &c. (transl. from the German). - - - 2. De Coetlogon (C. E.), True Estimate of the Light of Inspiration and Human Learning before and since the Apostolic Age. 1788 3. Lambe (Wm., Viscount Melbourne), Essay on the Progressive Im- provement of Mankind. -_--.. 1799' 4. Robertson (Abram), The Binomial Theorem demonstrated by the Principles of Multiplication I794 5. JuBB (George), Linguae Hebraicae Studium Juventuti Academicie commendatum. - - - - . . . 17*31 4to No. VIII. Six, viz. :— 1. ScATCHERD, On Bridges and Bridge-Chapels ; and especially that' at Wakefield. ---..... 1828 2. Love-Letters of Henry A'lII. to Anne Boleyn ; with other Letters of the same period. - - - --.._ 3. On Architecture ; from the Westminster Review, July 1827 - 4. RooKE (H.), Account of Sherwood Forest, Notts. - - 1799 5. Oberlin, Expose d'une Decouverte, par M. de Fredeiiheim faite au Forum Romanum, en Janvier, 1789. - - - . _ 6. Dissertation on the Sarcojihagus in the British Museum, by E. D. Clarke. Reviewed by Ileraclides. - - . . 18UG Svo No. IX. Three, viz. :— 1. On the Aiitiiiuity and Use of Seals in England. - - 17 10 I 2. Law, of Lauristoii : his Life, &c. &c. - - - - n. d. ' 3. Supplement to Rowland's 3Toiia Antiijua : and Memoirs of Owen Glendowr, from a MS. in Jesus Coll., Oxford. - - 1775 4to No. X. Three, viz. :— 1. Archieological Library : Nos. 1 and 2. i 3. Hawkins (Sir Christopher), On the Tin Trade of the Ancients in I Cornwall. - - - .-... 1811 I 8\o 3 F 202 TRACTS {continued). No. XI. Three, viz. :— 1. Report of the Linnaean Society of N. England on the supposed great Sea Serpent. ------- 1818 2. DardonvillEj Sur les Eaux Minerales, &c. - - 1829 i 3. BoRY DE St. Vincent, Description du Plateau de St. Pierre de Maestricht. -.-----._. 8v6 TRACY FAMILY, a Memoir of. See Courtenay. TRADE. See Political Economy. TRADES. See Arts. TRAVELLERS, INSTRUCTIONS FOR. Tlirlerus, De Peregrinatione. ------ 12nio, 1574 Profitable Instructions, describing what speciall Observations are to be taken bj' Travellers in all Nations, States, and Countries : pleasant and profitable. By the Three much admired — Roberte, late Earle of Essex, Sir Philip Sid- ney, and Secretary Davison. - - - - 12mo, London, 1633 Berchtold, Essay to Direct and Extend the Enquiries of Travellers. I2mo, 2 vols. 1789 1. Lettsom (J. C, M.D.), Naturalist's and Traveller's Companion. - 1799] 2. Reichard, L'Introduction de son ouvrage qui porte pour titre : Le Guide ) des Voyageurs en Europe. .....-- I802J 8vo TRAVELS AND VOYAGES (not inserted elsewhere). Clarke (Rev. James Stanier), Pi-ogress of Maritime Discovery from the earliest period to the close of the 15th Century ; with an Appendix of de- tached Treatises relating thereto. ----- 4to, 1803 Radzivil (Princeps N. C), lerosolymitana Peregrinatio, et Ordo Processionis S. Sepulchri. Item Modus Ordinandi ejusdem S. Sepulchri Militem. Folio, Antverpia, 1614 Pinkerton (John), Retrospect of the Origin and Progress of Discovery by Sea and Land, in Ancient and Modern Times ; with a Catalogue of Books of Voyages and Travels. ------ 4to, 181 4 Boucher de la Richarderie, Bibliotheque Universelle des Voyages ; ou, Notice de tons les Voyages tant Anciens que Modernes. 8vo, 6 vols. 1808 Ramusio (Gio. Batt.), Raccolto delle Navigazioni et Viaggi, &c. &c. Folio, 2 vols. Venetia, 1563 — 65 Hakluyt's Collection of the early Voyages, Travels, and Discoveries of the English Nation (the reprint of 1809—12). - - - 4to, 5 vols. Kerr, A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels. Stevenson (Wni.), Historical Sketch of the Progress of Discovery, Navi- gation, &c., from the earliest Records to the beginning of the 19th Century. -- . . ..-_-.- 8vo, 18 vols 203 TRAVELS, &c. {continued). Camus (A. G.), Memoirc sur la Collection dcs Grands et Petits Voyages (De Bry), et sur la Collection des Voyages de M. Thevenot. 4to, Paris, 18(J2 Recueil de divers Voyages Curieux. This Collection contains, among others, the following Narratives : — Of Rabbi Benjamin of Tiidela, 12th Century. . . - ->^ Of Carpin and Ascelin (Legates of Innocent IV.) into Tartary, &c., in the 13th Century. Of Wm. de Rubriuiuis, Ambassador of Louis IX. - - - - Of Marco Polo into Asia, 13th Century. - . . . - Of Jean de Mandeville, 14th Century- ------ Of Contarini into Persia, hi the 15th Century. - - - - 4to, 1729 Anson (Lord), Voyage round the World. 8vo Krusenstern : The Plates to the Russian Edition of his Voyage round the World, in 1803—6. Folio Frezier, Voyage to the South Sea (1712—14). - - - - 4to History of the Mutiny and Seizure of H.M.S. Bounty : its causes and conse- quences (1788— 1830). 12mo, 1831 Itinerarium Synioiiis Simeonis, et Hugonis Illuminatoris, ad Tcrram Sanctam A.D, 1322! (e Cod. in Bibliothecri Coll. C.C. Cantab, ed. Nasmith.) 8vo, 1778 De Verthema (Ludovico), Itinerario ne lo Egypto, ne la Suria, Arabia, &c. 8vo, M llano, 1523 De Nicolay, Peregrinations et Voyages faicts en la Turquie (1550, et suiv.). 4to, 1586 Clenardus (Nicolas), Peregrinationum, ac de rebus Machometicis Epistolfe elegantissima;. --- ..--- 8vo, IjoI Belon, Choses Memorables en Grece, en Egypte, &c. - - 4to, 1558 De Hese, Peregrinatio ab Urbe Hierusalemc instituta ; et per Indiam alias--. que Regiones deducta. ..-.---- -\ Epistola Franciscan! Monachi, De Orbis Situ. J 12mo, 1565 Baumgarten, Peregrinatio in ^Egj'ptum, Arabiam, &c. &c. (anno 1507). 4to, 1597 Busbequius, Travels in Turkey (in the 16th Century) : transl. from the Latin. 12nio CoRYAT, Crudities hastily gobbled up in Five Months' Travels in France, &c. A.D. 1608. 8vo, 3 vols. Sandys (George), Travels in Syria, Turkey, &c. (1610, 11). - Folio Speculum Orientalis Occidentalisque Navigationum Georgii a Spilbcrgen et Jacobi Ic Maire, aniiis 1614—18. - - - Oblong folio, 1619 LiTiiGow (Wm.), Travels and Voyages through Europe, Asia, and Africa (1609—1628). 8vo 204 TRAVELS, &c. {continued). Deli.a Valle (Pietro), Ses Voyages en Turquie, en Perse, &c. &c. : trad, de ritalien. --.. 12nio, 8 vols. Oleauius, Travels of the Ambassadors from the Duke of Holstein to Muscovy and Persia, 1633— 39; translated by John Davies. - - Folio, 1662 CoTOVicus (Joannes), Itinerarium Hierosolymitanum et Syriacum: accessit Synopsis Reipublicse Venetae. . _ - 4to, Antverpiw, 1619 Bernard (Nicolas), Le Voyage de Hierusalem et autres lieux de la Terre Saincte ; ensemble son retour par I'ltalie, Suisse, Alleniagne, &c. 12mo, 1621 FuRERUS (Christ.), Itinerarium iEgypti, Arabise, aliarumque Regionum Ori- entalium. _-.. 4to, 1621 Breydenbach (Bernh. de), Opus Transmarine Peregrinationis ad Sepulchrum Dominicum in Hierusalem. ---.-._ Folio Journal of the Travels of the Earl of Arundel, Ambassador to the Emperor Ferdinand II. (a.d. 1636), by William Crowne. - - 4to, 1637 Noe, Viaggio da Venetia al Santissimo Sepolchro, ed al Monte Sinai. 12mo, 1697 Clayton (Richard, Bishop of Clogher), Journal from Cairo to Mount Sinai in 1722; translated from the Italian of the Prefetto of Egypt. 4to, 1753 Struts, Voyages and Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, 1648 — 73; transl. from the Dutch, by Morrison. .-..._ 4to Coronelli (P.), Viaggi in diverse parti di Europa. - 8vo, 2 vols. 1697 BouLLAYE-LE-Gouz, Voyages et Observations. . - _ 4to, 1657 The Three Brothers ; or, the Travels of Sir Anthonj-, Sir Robert, and Sir Thomas Sherley, in Persia, Russia, Spain, &c. _ . _ _ gvo Relatione delle Mission! de' Vescovi Vicarii Apostolici ne' Regni di Siam, Cocincina, Camboia, e Tunkino. - - . . 4to, Roma, 1677 AvRiL, Voyage en divers Etats d'Europe et d'Asie, entrepris pour decouvrir un nouveau chemin a la Chine. .---._ 4to, 1692 Account of India and China in the Ninth Century ; translated from the Arabic of two Mohammedan Travellers. - - _ - _ . gvo LocKMAN, Travels of the Jesuits into various parts of the World ; translated from the celebrated Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses, &c. 8vo, 2 vols. 1762 Tavernier, Ses Voyages pendant quarante ans, avec la Relation du Serail du Grand Seigneur (17™^ Siecle). - - . . . 12mo, 6 vols. Thevenot, Ses Voyages, 1655 — 91. - . . . 12mo, 5 vols. A Picturesque Tour through part of Europe, Asia, and Africa. The Text by Alexr. Bisani, an Italian ; and the Plates by James Stuart (the " Athenian Stuart"). 4to, 1793 Bell (of Antermony), Travels in Asia and Europe, from 1715 to 1738. 8vo, 2 vols, CooKE (John, M.D.), Voyages and Travels through Russia, Tartarj', and part of Persia 8vo, 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1770 205 TRA"\^LS, &c. (continued). Thl'nberg (C. p.), Travels in Europe, Asia, aiul Africa, (inchiding the Empire of Japan,) from 1770 to 1779. 8vo, 4 vols. Turner (Samuel), Account of an Embassy to Tliibet, &c. &c. - 4t(), ]S0() Clarke (Edward Daniel, ll.d.), Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, (179^ — 1802). .-..-. 4to, 6 vols., and a Supplement. Ali Bey, Travels in Africa and Asia, (IBO.'J — 7); translated from tiie French. 4to, 2 vols. Buckingham (J. S.), Travels in Mesopotamia. - - . 4to, 1827 BuRCKHARDT (J. L.), Travels in Arabia, &c. - - - - 4tu, 1814 Travels in Syria, &c. ------- 4to Porter (Sir Robert Kerr), Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, &c. &c. (1817—20). ------ - - 4to, 2vols. Rich (Claudius James), Narrative of a Residence in Koordistan, and on the Site of Ancient Nineveh, &c. &c. a.d. 1820, 21. - 8vo, 2 vols. 18^56 MiGNAN (Robert), Travels in Chaldaea, &c. ; with Observations on the Ruins of Babel, Seleucia, and Ctesiphon, in 1827. - - . - 8vo Hentzner (Paulus), Itinerarium Germani;e, Galliffi, Anglise, &c. (1596 — IGOO). 4to, Norinbergce, 1612 Carve (Thomas), Itinerarium, &c. (He was Chaplain to an Irish Brigade in the service of the Emperor Ferdinand II.). - - 12mo, 1639 Secundus (Joannes), Itinera Tria; Belgicum, Gallicum, et Hispanicum, (1532etseq.) 12mo, 1618 Brienxe (Ludovicus Henr. Lomenii Briennae Comes), Itinerarium per Ger- maniam, Scandinavian!, et Italiam. - . - - 12mo, 1(560 MoRYsoN (Fynes), Itinerary through various Countries of Europe; witli his Account of Ireland, S,c. - ----- Folio, 1(517 Patin (Charles), Travels in various parts of Europe. - - 12mo, 1697 Joannes Wilhelmus (Comes Palatinus Rheni, Princeps Ha'reditarius), Pere- grinatio Biennalis ex anno 1674 in annum 1(576, (in Hollandiam, Galliam, Angliam, Italiam, aliasque Europe Regiones). - 4to, Col. Ayr. 1679 Burnet (Gilbert, Bp. of Sarum), Travels in Italy, France, &c. (1686). 8vo Breval (John), Travels through various Countries of Europe. Folio, 2 vols. 1726 CoxE (Rev. AVilliam), Travels in Poland, Russia, Sweden, Norway, and Den- mark (1778—84). 8vo, 5 vols. Relations de Voyages : sc. — 1. Du Roi Stanislas Leczinski de Dantzick a Marienwcrdcr, en 17^9 2. De Mesdames, Tantes du Roi, a Rome, en 1791. 3. De Louis XVI a Varennes en 1791. . . - - . 4. De Louis XVIII a Bruxelles et a Coblentz en 1791. 5. De Napoleon a I'lle d'Elbe, et puis a St. Ilelene. - - - 8vo, 1823 3g 20(3 TRAVELS, &c. [continued). Salvo, Viaggio dall' Italia fino all' Inghilterra ; couipresavd il ragguaglio della Fuga tli Madama Spencer Smith dalla Prigionia dei Frances!. 12mo, 1807 DiBDiN (Tlionias F.), Bibliographical, Antiquarian, &c. Tour in France and Germany, 1818. 8vo, 3 vols. A Series of Groupes, illustrating the Physiognomy and Manners of the French and Germans ; by George Lewis, who accompanied Dibdin in his Biblio- graphical Tour. 8vo, 1823 Martens (Fred.), Viaggio di Spizberga. - - - - 12mo, 1680 Tre Navigazioni fatte dagli Olandesi al Settentrione (1594 — 97) - 4to, 1599 De la Martiniere, Nouveau Voyage du Nort; chez les Norweghiens, les Lapons, les Syberiens, &c. (1635). ------ l2mo Ogier (Charles), Caroli Ogerii Iter Danicum, Suecicum, &c. (1634, 35) : acccdunt Borbonii Epistolae, &c. ------ 12mo Bjoernstaehl (Professore di Filosofia in Upsala), Lettere ne' suoi Viaggi Stranieri, scritte al Signor Gjorwell, Bibliotecario in Stocolma. (They relate to France and Italy ; and were written from 1769 to 1772-) 12mo, 2 vols. Moore (John, m.d.). View of Society and Manners in Italy. 8vo, 2 vols. 1781 Do. in France and Germany. . - _ - 8vo, 2 vols. Thicknesse (Philip), Travels in France and Spain (1775, 76). 8vo, 2 vols. TREES (remarkable ones). See Gardening. TRIALS, SUITS AT LAW, &c. State Trials, from 1 163 to 1820, edited by Howell ; with an Index by Jardine. 8vo, 34 vols. Trials of Twenty-nine Regicides (1660). ------ 8vo History of the most Remarkable Trials in Great Britain and Ireland, in Capital Cases — by Ordeal; Combat ; Ecclesiastical, Civil, and Common Law. 8vo, 1715 Abrege des Causes Celebres. ------ 12mo, 2 vols. The Bloody Register : a Collection of the most remarkable Trials for Murder, Treason, Pyracy, &c., from a.d. 1700 to 1764 inclusive. - I2mo, 4 vols. TRINITY, THE DOCTRINE OF. See Divinity. TROUBADOURS. Nostradamus, Vies des Poetes Provenjaux. - - _ I2mo, 1575 Sainte-Palaye, Histoire des Troubadours. - - - 12mo, 3 vols. TURKISH EMPIRE. See Babylonian Remains. Constantinople. Egypt. Palestine. Travels. De la Croix, Abrege Chronologique de I'Histoire Ottomane (jusqu'en 1730). I2mo, 2 vols. Cantemir, History of the Ottoman Empire : transl. from the Latin. Folio, 1734 207 TURKISH EMPIRE {continued). Georgievitts (BarthoL), De ^Vfflictioiic tain Captivorum qiiiim ctiam sub Turcse Tributo viventium Christianorum, &c. &c. - - 12mo, 1544 De Origine Imperii Turconun, eoniimiuc Administrationc, &c. ; ile Christianorum Cladibus ; de Convcrsionc Turcorum ad Fidem Christianam ; et Soltani Solymani Parricidio in proprium Filiuni. - 12mo, 1560 ^ Bertelli (Pietro), Vite degl' Imperatori de' Turciii, con le lore Effigie intagliate in rame. Folio, Vicenza, 1599 (Bound in the same volume with Barbuo Soncino's Lives of the Dukes of Milan.) RiCAUT, Etat present de I'Empire Ottoman (trad, de TAnglois). 12mo, IG/O Eton (Wm.), Survej^ of the Turkish Empire. - - - 8vo, 1/98 D'OnssoN, Tableau de I'Empire Othoman. - Folio, 3 vols. 1787 — 1820 Candia: the Siege of it, 1666 — 69. --..-. 12ino DouRY Effendi, Relation presentee au Sultan Achmet III (trad, du Turk.). Extrait du Journal de M. de la CroLx en 1694. ... y^o Caoursinus (Guillelnuis, Rhodiorum Vicecanccllarius), Obsidionis Rhodiae Urbis Descriptio Folio, Ulmoe, 1496 RoTTiERS (B. E. A.), Description des Monumcns de Rhodes. 4to, et les Planches in-folio, Bruxelles, 1828 — 30 Csesarea Legatio, quani mandante Iniperatore Leopoldo I. ad Portam Ottoman- nicam suscepit perfecitque Dominus Walterus, s.r.i. Comes de Leslie, succincta narratione expositii. ----- 12mo, 1672 ^ Cujusdam diu Captivi Turcorum Provinciae Septem Castrensis, De Vit4 et Moribus eorundem. - ----.. 4^0, 1511 (In the same volume with Victor de Carben De Moribus Judaorum.) Smith (Thos.), Epistolse Quatuor de Moribus Turcarum, et Septem Asiae Ecclesiis - . . . 12uio, 1674 Costumes of Turkey ; with Descriptions in French and in English. 4to, 1802 Mayer, Views in the Ottoman Dominions, in Europe, Asia, and some of the Mediterranean Islands. - - . . . . Folio, IS 10 Carra, Histoire de la Moldavie ct la Valachie. - - - 12ino, I78I Pashley (Robert), Travels in Crete, a.d. 1833, 34. - - 8vo, 2 vols. VValpole (Robert), Memoirs relating to European and Asiatic Turkey, and ] other Countries of the East ; edited from Manuscript Journals. 1818 ( Travels in various Countries of the East; being a Contiimation of tlie Memoirs. ----..-.-- 1820 4to, 2 vols. ToDERiNi (L'Abbate Giambattista), Letteratura Turchesca. 8vo, 3 vols. 1787 TUSCANY. See Medici Family. TozETTi, Voyage Mincralogique, Ilistorique, &c., en Toscanc, 1742 (trad, de I'ltalicn). - . 8vo, 2 vols. 208 TUSCANY (continued). Museum Florentinum. (Vols. I. and II. Gemmse. III. Status. IV. V. and VI. Numismata. VII. VIII. IX. X. and XI. Pittori ; Ritratti loro dipinti di propia mano, colle Vite de^ medesimi.) Folio, 1 1 vols. V. y. Descrizione della Citta di Pisa. - - . . . 12mo, 1792 Da Morrona, Pisa Illustrata. ----- gyo, 3 vols. 1812 De Berneaud, Voyage a I'lsle d'Elbe. - - . . gvo, 1808 (For Costumes of Tuscany, see Costumes Miscellaneous, under " Italy.") Viaggio Pittorico della Toscana. - - - Folio, 3 vols. 1801 — 1803 Monumenti Sepolcrali della Toscana : disegnati da Gozziui, ed incisi da Lasinio. Folio, Firenze, 1819 TYPOGRAPHY. See Printing. Tytler, Alex. Fraser. Ou the Principles of Translation, ------- gvo Tytler, Robert. Illustrations of Ancient History and Geography. - - 12mo, 1825 u. Urquhart, Sir Thomas. Tracts on various Subjects. . . _ . 12mo, Edinburgh, 1774 V. Valerius Maximus. De Dictis et Factis Memorabilibus. (Edit. Minellii). - - 12mo, 1681 Traduction Fran9aise. ------- 12mo, 2 vols. VAUDOIS. See Albigenses. VENICE, AND TERRITORY ADJOINING. See Dalmatia. Daru, Histoire de Venise; depuis sa fondation dans le Cinquieme Siecle jusqu'a la fin de la Republique en 1797. - - - _ _ 8vo Palatius (Joannes), Fasti Ducales ; cum eorum Iconibus, Numismatibus Publicis, &c. &c. - - Folio, 1696 St. Real, Conjuration des Espagnols contre Venise. . - - 12mo Paolo, The Maxims of the Government of Venice, &c. : translated from the Italian 12mo, 1707 Costumes of the Venetian States during the latter Years of the Republic. Folio 209 VERONA. Notizia dclle Cose piu osservabili della Citta di Verona. - 8vo, 179,'j (For the Ampliitlieatre at Verona, see Maitei ; and for Pola, see Stuart and Revctt's Athem, Vol. IV.) Verheiden, Gulielmus. 1. In Classem Xerxis Hispani, Oratio ad Elizal)ethani Anglhe Regiiiam. 2. Vita Gul. Verheiden ; cut accessit ejusdem dc ortu et occasu inaxiinonmi Iniperonim Oratio Veneta. - - --..... 3. De Jure Belli Bclgici adversiis Philippum Regem Hispaniarum, Oratio, nobilis Belgwe, ad Christiaiii Orbis Principes. 4to, 1598 Vespucci, Amerigo. Cosmographiae Introduction cum quibusdam Geometrite ac Astronomi.-H priii- cipiis ad earn rem necessariis. Insuper quatuor Americi Vespucii Navi- gaciones ; Universalis Cosmograpbiaj Descriptio, tarn in solido quam piano, eis ctiam insertis qufe Ptholomeo ignota a nuperis repcrta sunt. 4to, 15(.9 Vincent, William, d.d. Le Voyage de Nearche des Bouches de I'Indus jusqu'a I'Euphrate ; ou, Journal de la Flotte d' Alexandre le Grand (trad, de I'Anglois). - 8vo, 3 vols. ViRGiLius Marc. Opera Virgilii, with an English Prose Version by Davidson. - 8vo, 2 vols. With a Poetical Version by Warton and Pitt. - - 8vo, 4 vols. VlTRUVIVS. De Architecture (cura De Laet). - . . . . Folio 1649 De Architectur.1, et Frontinus de Aquaeductibus Urbis Rom;E. - 4to, 1.54;i His Treatise on Architecture, translated by Wilkins. - - 4to, 1812 Ditto, translated by Gwilt. - 8vo, 1826 VOLCANOS. Hamilton (Sir William), On Volcanos, 1766— "1. - - - 8vo Raspe (R. E.), On Volcanos, &c. - - . . . 12mo, 1776 De DoLOMiEi', Voyage aux Isles de Lipari, fait en 1781, pour servir a I'Mis- toire des Volcans. ----..... gy^, SouLAViE, Chronologic Physique des Eruptions des Volcans eteints de la France Meridionale. - - - . . . . y^Q ]-v^| AuLDJo, Sketches of Mount Vesuvius, and Accounts of its principal Eruptions. 8v(), 1833 Ordinaire, Natural History of Volcanos, including Submarine Volcanos and other analogous Phenomena; translated from the French MS. by I^a"as 8vo, 1801 3h 210 VOLNEY, C. F. 1. Les Ruines des Empires. .-.------■» 2. La Loi Naturelle, &c. &c. - - - J 8vo, 1817 Dissertation on Volnejr's Ruins of Empires, with a Refutation of Mr. Hall's Observations upon that work, by R. J. Rowe. - - - 8vo, 1832 Voltaire. La Pucelle d'Orleans. --------- 12mo La Henriade. -..-.----- Avec une Travestie de ce Poeme par Fougeret de Monbron. :} !mo :} Ses Memoires, c'crits par lui-meme. ------ La Vie de Voltaire, par Condorcet. - . - - - . 8vo La Vie de Voltaire, par Lepan. ------- 12mo Memoirs of the Life and Writings of M. de Voltaire; translated from the French of M. Chaudon. ------- 8vo, 1786 La Vie de Voltaire, par I'Abbe Duvernet. - - - . 8vo, 1786 VOYAGES. See Travels. w. Wakefield, Rev. Gilbert, b.a. Memoirs of his Life, &c. ------ 8vo, 2 vols. 1804 WALDENSES. See Albigenses. WALES, HISTORY, TOPOGRAPHY. AND LANGUAGE OF. Enderbie (Percy), Cambria Triumphans; or, Britain in its perfect Lustre, shewing the Origin and Antiquity of that famous Nation. - Folio Warrington (William), History of Wales, from the Romans to its Incorpo- ration with England. 8vo, 2 vols. 1791 Powell, History of Wales. ------- 8vo, 1774 Jones (John), History of Wales, descriptive of the Government, Language, &c. &c. of the Ancient Britons and Modern Welch. - - 8vo, 1824 Pennant (Thomas), History of the Parishes of Whiteford and Holywell. 4to, 1796 Yorke (Philip), The Royal Tribes of Wales. - - 4to, Wrexham, 1799 The Cambrian Plutarch ; or. Memoirs of the most eminent Welchmen, from the earliest times to the present day, by J. H. Parry. - 8vo, 1824 Rees (R.), Essay on the Welch Saints ; or, the Primitive Christians consi- dered to have been the Founders of Churches in Wales. - 8vo, 1836 Donovan (E.), Excursions through South Wales and Monmouthshire in 1804. 8vo, 2 vols. 211 WALES, &c. (continued). Forty-eight Views of Seats, Towns, &c. in North and South Wales. Oblong folio Rowlands [Rev. Henry), Mona Antiqua Restaurata ; or, Antiquities of the Isle of Anglesey. ---..-_.. 4to ^^ For a supplement to the above, with memoirs of Owen Glendowr, see Tracts, No. IX. Leges Wallicae Ecclesiasticae et Civiles Hceli Boni, et aliorum Walliae Princi- puni ; eil. Gul. Wotton, adjuv. Mose Guliehnio. - - Folio, 1730 Richards (Thomas), Antiquse Linguae Britannicffi Thesaurus ; being a Welch and English Dictionary. ------- 8vo, IJoS A Welch and English Dictionary. ----- 12mo, 1823 1. Hughes (John), An Essay on the ancient and present State of the Welch Language; (a Prize-Essay of the Cambrian Society, 1822). - - - 2. Llewelyn (Thomas, d.d.). An Historical Account of the Welch Versions) and Editions of the Bible ; with Remarks on the British or Welch Tongue. 1793 8vo Transactions of the Cymmrodorion ; or. Metropolitan Cambrian Institution. 8vo, 1822 WARWICKSHIRE. Smith (William), A compendious History of the County of Warwick. 4to, Birmingham, 1830 f Extracts from "The Black Book" belonging to the Corporation of W^arwick. Pegge's Memoir of Guy Earl of Warwick. In Nichols's Bib. Top. Brit. vol. iv. Manduessedum Romanorum ; or. History of the Parish of Manceter, and of the adjacent one of Ansley. - In Nichols's Bib. Top. Brit. vol. ix. Wheeler (R. B.), History and Antiquities of Stratford-upon-Avon ; with Documents relating to Shakespear and his Family, and an Account of the Jubilee celebrated a.d. 1769. - 12ino, Stratford-upon-Avon, n. d. DuGDALE (Sir William), Antiquities of Coventry. - Folio, Coventry, 1765 Washington (George, first President of the United States). See American Biography. Watson, Richard, Bishop of LlandafT. Anecdotes of his Life, written by himself. - - - - 4to, 1817 Watson, Rev. John. Memoirs of the Earls of Warren and Surrey, and their Descendants, to the present time. - ------ 4to, 2 vols. 17B2 WESTMINSTER. See Antiquarian Society. London. WESTMORLAND. See Cumberland. Whiston, Rev. William. Memoirs of, written by himself. ------- 8vo Whitgift (John, Archbp. of Canterbury), The Life of him, by John Strype. 8vo, 3 vols. *l 212 WicLiF (Jolin), The Life of, by the Rev. C. W. Le Bas. - - - 12mo (t^~ For WicLiFiSM, see Church.) William III. of Enghmd. — Constantinus Redivivus; or, a full Account of the wonderful Providences and unparallelled Successes that have all along attended the Enterprises of William III. ; by John Whittel. 12mo, 1693 WILLS AND TESTAMENTS. 1. Wills of the Kings and Queens of England, and every Branch of the Royal] Family, from William I. to Henry VII. exclusive. - - 1/80 I 2. The Will of Henry VII. 1775 1 4to Choix de Testamens, Anciens etModernes, remarquables par leur importance, leur singularite, ou leur bizarrerie j avec Notes, &c. par G. Peignot. 8voj 2 vols. 1829 WILTSHIRE. 1 . Stone Henge restored, by Inigo Jones. - _ . . . .i 2. Charlton and Webb on Stone Henge. .--.-.( Folio, 1725 Stukeley, Wm., m.d. 1. Stone Henge: a Temple restored to the Druids. . - . .t 2. Abury : a Temple of the Druids described. .....) Folio, 1740—43 Wood (John), Choir Gaure, vulgarly called " Stone Henge," described, restored, and explained. -._... gvo, 1747 Smith (John, m.d.). Choir Gawr; an Account of Stone Henge, the Grand Orrery of the Ancient Druids. - - - - 4to, Salisbury, 1771 HoARE (Sir R. C), Tumuli Wiltunenses; a Guide to the Barrows on the Plains of Stone Henge. .-.-.__ gyo, 1829 Salisbury : Picturesque Memorials, illustrative of Remains of Antiquity in that City and the Neighbourhood, by the Rev. Peter Hall. - 4to, 1834 Salisbury Cathedral and Old Sarum; an Account, &c. of them. - 4to, 1774 Malmesbury : History of the Town and Abbey, by J. M. Moffat. 8vo, 1805 Fonthill Abbey, Description of. ----- - Svo^ 1812 RuTTER (John), Illustrated History and Description of Fonthill Abbey. Folio, 1823 WINES AND VINEYARDS. Henderson (A.), History of Ancient and Modern Wines. - 4to, 1824 Redding (Cyrus), A History and Description of Modern Wines. 8vo, 1823 WITCHCRAFT. See Magic. Wolsey, Thos., Cardinal and Archbishop of York. Life of, by Cavendish, - - - . (Singer's edition) 8vo, 2 vols. A Life of Cardinal Wolsey, by Richard Fiddes, d.d. - - FoUo, 1726 WOMAN. Austin, Ecce Homo : the Excellency of the Creation of Woman. 12mo, 1637 213 WOMAN (continued). Woman not Inferior to Man. - ----- 8vo, 17^9 Mulieres non Homines esse : Disputatio perjucunda. Cui opposlta est Simoni Gedicii Sexfts Muliebris Defensio. . _ _ . 12nio, 1638 The Woman as Good as the Man ; or, the Equality of both Sexes : translated from the French, by A. L. - - - - - - 12mo, 1G~7 Thompson (William), An Appeal of one half of the Human Race, Women, against the Pretensions of the other half, Men, &c. &c. - 8vo, 1825 L'Ami des Femmes. - - ----- 12mo, 1/69 Thomas, Sur le Caractere, les Moeurs, &c. des Femmes. - 12nio, 1/72 Alexander (Wm., m.d.), A History of Women, from the earliest Anticjuity to the present time. ------ 8vo, 2 vols. 1782 Meiners, History of the Female Sex; translated from the German. 12mo, 4 vols. 1808 WORCESTERSHIRE. Green (Valentine), History and Antiquities of the City and Suburbs of Worcester 4to, 2 vols. 1/96 Wild (Charles), An Illustration of the Architecture and Sculpture of the Cathedral Church of Worcester. ----- Folio, 1823 Chambers (John), History of Malvern. . - - - 8vo, 1817 WoTTON, Sir Edward. Reliqiii;e Wottonianae ; or. Lives, Letters, and other Pieces of Language and Art, from the curious pencil of Sir Henry Wotton, Kt. - 12mo, 1654 Wraxall, Sir N. W. Memoirs of the Courts of Berlin, Dresden, Warsaw, and Vienna, in the Years 1777, 1778, and 1779. 8vo, 2 vols. 1799 Memoirs, and Posthumous Memoirs, of his own time. - 8vo, 7 vols. Wren (Sir Christopher), The Life of, by Elmes. . - - - 4to WRITING. Hugo (Herman), De prima Scribendi Origine ; et UniversS Rei Literari* Autiquitate : cui Notas adjecit C. H. Trotz. - - - 8vo, 1738 1. Massey, Conjectural Observations on the Origin and Progress of Alplia- betic Writing. --------- 1 772 ' 2. Bernard (Edward), Orbis Eruditi Literatura a Charactere Samaritico deducta, et ab ipso edita, a.d. 1689. ------ 8vo Astle (Thos.), The Origin and Progress of Writing. - - 4to, 1784 WiLKiNs (Wm., Bp. of Chester), Essay towards a Real Character. - Folio The Court Hand restored ; or, the Student's Assistant in Reading old Deeds, Charters, &c. ; by Andrew Wright. ----- 4to, 1776 De Vaines (F. J.), Dictionnaire Raisonne de Diplomatique; contenant les Regies principales et essentielles pour scrvir a dt'chiffrer les anciens Titres, Diplomcs, &c. - - - . - - - 8vo, 2 vols. 1774 3i 214 AVRITING {continued). Mabillon (Johannes), De Re Diplomatic^ : editio tertia; Dissertationibus Variorum locupletata. . . - - Folio, 2 vols. Napoli, 1789 Martorellius (Jacobus), De Regia Thec^ Calamarift, sive MeKavohoxelai, ejusque Ornamentis. _ . . - 4to, 2 vols, Neapoli, 1756 Pantographia ; containing Copies of all known Alphabets in the World ; by Edmund Fry. 8vo, 1799 Retiiy, Lingua Universalis, communi omnium Nationum usui accommodata. 8vo, Viennce, 1821 Blaise de Vigenere, Traicte des Chiffres ; ou. Secretes Manieres d'ecrire. 4to, 1586 FalconeRj Cryptomenysis patefacta ; or, the Art of Secret Information dis- closed, &c. - - 12mo, 1685 Thicknesse (Philip), Art of Decyphering and Writing in Cypher ; with an Harmonic Alphabet. .-.-.-- 8vo, 1772 X. Xenophon. La Retraite des Dix Mille ; trad, du Grec, par D'Ablancourt. - 12mo Memoirs of Socrates ; transl. by Mrs. Fielding. . - - - 8vo Minor Works, viz.: — Memoirs of Socrates; with his Defence before his] Judges. The Banquet. On the Condition of Royalty. Economics ; or, Science of Good Husbandry. (Transl. by various hands.) 8vo ■i^ History of Greece. (A French Translation, in the third volume of the Trans- lation of Thucydides). ■^ On the Improvement of the Revenue of Athens. (A Translation of it, in the first volume of Davenant on Trade.) YORKSHIRE. Gent (Thomas), Ancient and Modern History of the City of York. 12mo, 1730 Halfpenny, Gothic Ornaments in York Cathedral. - - 4to, 1795 Ancient Buildings in York. - - . - - - 4to Whitaker (T. D.), History and Antiquities of the Deanery of Craven. 4to, 1812 History of Richmondshire (in the North Riding), &c. &c. Folio, 2 vols. 1823 215 YORKSHIRE {continued). Clarkson (Christopher), History and Anticjuitics of Richnioiul ; with a brief Description of the Neighbourhood. ----- 4to, 1821 Gent (Thomas), History of the loyal Town of Rippon ; with Travels into other parts of Yorkshire. - ----- S\o, \~'Sii BooTHROYD (B.), History of the Borough of Pontefract, &c. &c. 8vo, 1807 Young (G.), History of Whitby ; and Survey of its Vicinity. 8vo, 2 vols. 1817 Frost (Charles), Notices relative to the early History of the Town of Hull. 4to, 1827 Brownsholnie Hall, and Parish of Waddington, in the West Riding, Descrip- tion of them, &c. &c. ------- 4to, 1815 HuRTLEY (Thomas), A concise Account of some Natural Curiosities in the Environs of Malham, in Craven. - - - _ . 8vo, 1786 Storer, Delineations, Graphical and Descriptive, of Fountain's Abbey. 4to Thoresby (Ralph), Ducatus Leodiensis ; or, the Topography of the Town and Parish of Leeds. - -- Folio, 1715 SissoN (J. L.), Historic Sketch of the Parish Church of Wakefield. 4to, 1824 •^ Wakefield Bridge-Chapel. See Scatcherd (in Tracts, No. VIII.). Hallifax and its Gibbet Law. ------ 12mo, 1708 Eastmead (W.), History of Kirkby Moorside and its Vicinity; and a Dis- sertation on the Animal Remains discovered in the Cave at Kirkdale. 8vo, 1824 Zimmermann, John George, m.d. La Vie de Zimmermann, par Tissot. ------ 8vo ADDENDA. AMERICA. Sketches of the History, Manners, and Customs of the North American Indians, by James Buchanan, Esq. .... y^Q^ 1824 The Tears of the Indians : being a true Account of the Slaughter of above Twenty Millions of innocent People by the Spaniards, in Hispaiiiola, Cuba, Mexico, &c. ; translated from the Spanish of Casaus, an eye-witness of those things. - - - . _ . . 12mo, 1656 Aristotle. His Metaphysics: translated from the Greek, by Thomas Taylor. 4to, 1801 BIBLE. The English Hexapla ; exhibiting the Six important Translations of the New Testament, viz. Wiclif's, Tyndale's, Cranmer's, the Genevan, the Anglo- Rhemish, and the Authorized ; preceded by an Historical Account of the English Translations. ----.. 4to, London, 1841 Du Pin (L. E.), Dissertation Preliminaire, ou Prolegomenes sur la Bible. 8vo, 3 vols. 1695) Micii.ELis (J. D.), Introduction to the Study of the New Testament ; trans- lated from the German, by Dr. Marsh. - - 8vo, 6 vols. 18()'2 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Les Manuscrits Fran9ois (Formats in Folio magno et maximo) de la Biblio- theque du Roi : leur Histoire, et celle des Textes Allemands, Anglois, HoUandois, Italiens, Espagnols, de la meme Collection : par Paulin Paris. 8vo, 2 vols. 1836—38 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Description of the House and Gardens at Stowe, the Seat of the Marquis of Buckingham. - -- - .-.- 4to, 17^7 CAUSES Amusantes et Connues. ----- 12mo, Paris, 1770 COSTUMES. Thirty-six (chiefly Ecclesiastical, and of the Roman and Greek Churches). Folio Cleri totius Romanpe Ecclesiaj subjecti, utriusque Sexfts, Habitus : Figuris a Judoco Amanno expressi, quibus singulis sunt adjecta Octosticha Francisci Modii. ... - - . - . 4to, Francoforti, 158.5 Courier, Paul-Louis. Pamphlets Politiques et Littcraires : avec un choix de ses Lettres, et un Essai sur sa Vie et ses Ecrits. ----- 12mo, 2 vols. 1839 3 K 218 Di'NCAN, John Shute. Botanical Theoloijy ; or, Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity, collected from the Appearances of Nature. - - Svo, 1826 ENGLAND (Laws, Religion, and Topography). A Guide to English Juries ; setting forth their Antiquity, Power, and Duty, from the Common Law and the Statutes ; by a Person of Quality : with a Letter to the Author on the same subject. . - - 12mo, 1682 The Anticliristian and pernicious Doctrines of the Church Catechism ; con- taining an Appeal to Parents on the Sin and Danger of allowing their Children to learn it, or to attend a School where it is publicly taught ; by the Rev. W. Thorn. -------- 12mo 1. The Supplication of certaine Masse-Priests falsely called Catholikes.' Directed to the Kings most excellent Maiestie, now this time of Parlia- ment, but scattered in corners to moove Mal-contents to mutinie. Pub- lished with a Marginall Glosse for the better understanding of the ] Text, &c. --------- - 1604 2. An Answere unto the principall Points and Reasons of the Supplication prsecedent. - - ------- n. d. 4to Historical Account of Thomas Sutton, and of his Foundation in Charter- House; by Philip Bearcroft, d.d. ----- 8vo, 1737 An Essay on the Rise and Progress of Geography in Great Britain and Ireland ; illustrated with Specimens of our oldest Maps. - 4to, London, 1780 ETRURIA. Riccobaldi del Bava (G. M.), Dissertazione sopra 1' Origine, Lingua, &c. della Etrusca Natione ; e sopra 1' Origine, &c. della Citta di Volterra. 4to, Firenze, 1758 Farmer, Rev. Hugh. Enquiries into the Meaning of Demoniacs in the New Testament. - 8vo, 1758 Inquiry into the Nature and Design of Christ's Temptation in the Wilder- ness. -_-- 8vo, 1765 A Dissertation on Miracles : designed to shew that they are Arguments of a Divine Interposition, and Proofs of the Mission of the Prophet. 8vo, 1771 Memoirs of his Life and Writings ; with a posthumous Piece, and some of his Letters. 8vo, 1804 GAMING. The whole Art and Mystery of Modern Gaming exposed and detected. 4to, 1726 MUMMIES. OsBURN (William), Account of the Egyptian Mummy presented to the Philo- sophical Society of Leeds by the late John Blayds, Esq., &c. &c. 8vo, 1828 Plato. Remarks on the Life and Writings of Plato, by William Lowndes, Esq. 8vo, 1827 219 Poemata doctorum piorumque Virorum de coi rupto Ecclesiee Statu ; ex quibus multa historica ((uoque utiliter ac siimmfi cum voluptate cognosci possunt : cum pra^falioiic Matthiff' Flacci, lUyric-i. - - \2m(>, Btisi/eic, \'tb7 PYRAMIDS. Dissertation on the Antiquity, Origin, &c. of the principal Pyramids of Egypt, particularly of the Great Pyramid of Glii/.eei), &c. &c. 4to, London, 18.'i3 ROMANISM (against it). A Declaration of the Masse : the Fruyte thereof, the Cause and the Meane wherfore and howe it oughte to be mayntcyned. Translated from the Frencii of M. Anthony Marcort of Geneva. - - 12mo, 1548 SllAKESPEAR. New Facts concerning the Life of Shakespear, in a Letter to Thomas Amyot, Esq., by J. Payne Collier. ------ 12mo, 1S.3J Smith, John Thomas. The Cries of London ; exhibiting several of the Itinerant Traders of ancient and modern Times : copied from rare Engravings, or drawn from the Life. ----- Folio, 1839 Symoxds, John, ll.d. Remarks upon Dr. Charles Barron's History of the Colonization of the free States of Antiquity. 4to, 1778 Temple, Sir William. His Works. .-..----- 8vo, 4vols. Turcicarum Rerum Commentarius Pauli Jovii Episcopi Nucerini ad Carolum V. Imperatorem: ex Italico Latinus factus. - - 8vo, Parisi'-i, 1539 WATERLOO. Inscriptions gravees sur les Monumens eriges a Waterloo et sur le Champ de Bataille, en memoire du 18 Juin, 1815. ----- 4to INDEX. PAGE ABAUZIT, Firmin 173 Abbott, James 72 Abd' Allatif 54 Abdias (Babylonia; primus Episcopus) ... 33 Abel, Clarke, M.D 32 Abendana, Isaac 115 Aberdeen, George, Earl of 12 Abul-feda, Ismael H Abulgasi-Bayardour-Chan 14 Abydenus 44 ABYSSINIA ' 1 Accum, Frederick ' 29, 30 Acerbi, Joseph igC Ackermann, F 17 R 126 Adair, Right Hon. Robert 1 James 4 Adam, Alexander 91,122,179 Robert 46 Adams, George 55, 133 Hannah 176 John 130 Willisim 137 Addison, Right Hon. Joseph i Launcelot 115 ^lian 1 AFRICA 2 Agathias 42 Aikin, Arthur 30 Ailredus (Abbas Rievallensis) 57 Ainsworth, Robert 122 Akber (Emperor of Persia) 108 Akerman, J. Y 42 Albanus, P. H I67 Alberoni (Cardinal) 20 Albert 2 ALBIGENSES 2 Albizius, Antonius 105 Alciatus, Andreas 190 Alcwinus Flaccus 56 Alderfeld, GustavTis 29 Alderson, John, M.D 129 3 Aldrich, Henry, D.D 12 Alexander, L 115 William 32 William, M.D 213 Alexander VI. (Pope) 168 Alfieri Vittorio 2 Algarotti, Francesco 2, 133, 153 ALGEBRA. — See Mathematics. All Bey 205 Allatius, Leo 1G9 Allen, John 115 William (Cardinal) 160 William, D.D 5 Allison, Archibald 188 AUix, Peter 2, 33 Alnander, Johannes 172 ALPS 2 Alvarez, Francis 1 Alvino, Francesco 142 AMBASSADORS 49 Ambrosius (Frater) 159 AMERICA. Discovery, Peopling, Conquests, &c. of . 3 Topography, &c 3, 4 Indian Tribes and Nations .... 4, 217 United States 4, 5 AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY 5 AMERICAN WARS with Great Britain . . 5 Ames, Joseph 172 Aramianus Marcellinus 5, 190 ANA — Books in 5, 6, 7 ANATOMY 135 Anaya, A 193 Ancell, Samuel 94 Ancillon, Charles 5 Anderson, Adam isg Christopher no John 127 Andreas, Johannes 11 Andreossi, F 55 Andrews, James Petit 58, 59 Rev. John, LL.D 5 222 PAGE ANECDOTES 5, 6, 7 ANGLO-SAXONS 7 Angus, William 67 Annales Burtonenses 57 Annual Registers (London and Edinburgh) . 8 Anquetil, Louis Pierre 84 Anson, Lord 203 Anstey, Christopher 8 John 8 Anstis, John 148 Antes, John 54 ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF LONDON, Publications by it 8 ANTIQUITIES (Various and Miscellaneous) 8, 9, 10 Antoine, A 143 Antonini, Annibal 113 Antoninus, Mar. Aur. (Roman Emperor) 10, 159 APOCALYPSE 172 APOCRYPHAL AND APOSTOLICAL RE- MAINS 10 APOSTOLICAL SUCCESSION ... 35, 36 APPARITIONS 128, 129 Appian 11 Apthorp, East, D.D 11 Aquilinius, Csesar 45 ARABIA 11, 12 Arbuthnot, C 127 John 40 Archseophilus, Constantinus 70 Archenholtz 33, 196 ARCHES 12 Archinhard, A 104 ARCHITECTURE 12 GOTHIC 12, 13 Aristeas igi Aristotle 13, 217 PAGE ARITHMETIC 133 ARMOUR 13 Arnett, J. A 13 - Arrian 13 ,'S' Arringhi, Paulus 181 Artaud, F 88. 140 ARTISTS (Lives of) 153 ARTS AND TRADES 13 Arundel, Earl of 204 Ascham, Roger 54, 90 Ashmole, Elias 20, 148 ASIA 14 ASSASSINS 14 Assemani, I'Abate Simone 11 Asserius Menevensis 56, 57 Astle, Thomas 213 ASTROLOGY 129 Astruc, Jean 17 ATHEISTS 14 Atherly, E. G 62 Atterburj', Francis (Bishop of Rochester) . . 71 Auber, Peter 33 Aublet de Maubuy 6 Aubrey, John 129 Aubry, J. P 152 Auckland, Lord 95 Auldjo, John 2, 209 Austin, William 212 AUSTRALIA 152 AUSTRIAN EMPIRE .... 92, 106, 208 AUTOMATA 134 Avril (Jesuit) 204 Aylmer, John (Bishop of London) .... 14 Ayloffe, Sir Joseph 200 Aymon, Jean 97 Ayscough, Rev. Samuel 191 B. Babington, William, M.D 30 BABYLONIAN REMAINS u Bacon, Francis (Lord Chancellor) . . 14, 58, 62 Bacon, Roger 14 Bail 116 Bailey, James IO4 Nathan 64 Thomas, D.D §3 Baillie, Robert, D.D 33 Bailly, Jean Sylvain 9, 85 Baker, Robert 63 Balbi, Adrien 18 Balcarras, Earl of 200 Balduinus, Bened 10 M. F 127 Bale, John 20, 167 Ballard, George 20 Baltus (Jesuit) 150 Bamfylde Moore Carew 179 Banck, Laurentius 180 223 PAGE Bancroft, George 4 Bauier, Antoine I*! Banks, T. C 44, 131, 146, 147 BAPTISM 37 Bar, Jacq. Chr 44 Barbier, Ant. Alex 18 J 31 Barbuo (Soncino) 112 Barclay, Robert 174 Barentonius, Gulielmus 11 Barker, E. H 154 Barlow, Peter 133 Barlow, William (Bishop of Lincoln) . . .199 Barnestapolius a Jesu (Robert Turner) . . . 132 Barns et Balaeus 167 Baron 102 Rev. Richard 139 BARONETS 146 Barret, Francis 129 William 192 Barretier, J. P 15 Barrington, Hon. Daines 15, 61 Barrington (the Pickpocket) 179 Barron, Charles 9 William 109 Barrow, John 108,128,144,157 Barrowe, Henry 34 Barruel (I'Abbe) 163 Barr)-, Martin, M.D 2 Barthelemi 161 Bartholi et Bellori 181 Bartholinus, Caspar 143 Thomas 47 Bartolozzi, Francesco 3 Bartram, William 4 Basil (Saint) 166 Basnage, Jacques 114 Bastien 6 BASTILLE 15 Battely, John 15 Nicolas 119 Bate, George, M.D 38 Baunigarten, Martin 203 Baverstock, J. H 120 Baxter, Richard 129 ■ William 9 Bayley, John 126 Bearcroft, Philip, D.D 218 Beaumont, Rev. G 129 Albanis 86 Beattie, James, LL.D 15, 80, 176 TAOB Beausobrs, Isaac 18 Beccaria, C. B 95 Beccatelli, Lodovico '58 Bechmann, F 103 Becket, S. Thomas & 15 Becket 19' Beckett, William 120 Beckmann, John 49 Beda (Venerabilis) 15,56 Bedford, Hilkiah 76 BEDFORDSHIRE 15, 66 Beino (Saint) 184 BELGIUM 144 Bell, H. G 186 H. Nugent 146 John 174, 176, 204 Robert 188 Bellamy, John 176 Bellarmino (Cardinal) 60 Bellendenus, Gul 95 Belleval, Charles de 86 Bellicard 103 Belnos, Mrs. S. C 108 Beloe, William 18 Belon, Pierre, M.D 203 Belsham, Thomas 50, 80 William 60 Beltz, George F 146 Belzoni, G 54 Ben Gorion, Josephus 114 Ben Israel, Manasseh 199 Benjamin of Tudela (Rabbi) 203 Bennett, James 94 Bennet, Thomas 166, 174 Benoist (Prcdicateur de I'Ordre de S. Dominique) 2 Benson, Christopher 18, 33 Robert 44 Thomas 7 Bentham, Jeremy 51 Bentivoglio (Cardinal) 16 Berchtold, Leopold 202 Berdmore, Rev. Samuel, D.D 124 Bergier (I'Abbe) 50 Nicolas 9.121,141 Bergman, Torbcrn 29 Berington, Joscjih 136 Berington and Kirk 163 Berkeley, George (Bishop of Cloyne) . 79, 135 Marv (Countess of) H6 William Fitzharding H6 Berkley, Sir John 39 224 PAGE BERKSHIRE 16 Bernal (Diaz, de Castillo) 3 Bernard, Charles 84 Edward 213 Nicolas 204 Berosus 44 Bern-, William 27, 102 Bertelli, Pietro 207 Berthevin 85 Bertin, Joseph 31 Bertram, alias Rattram 51 Bertramus, Carolus 56 Betham, Sir William 60, 109 Beugnot, Arthur 116 Beverley, R. M 73 BIBLE 16, 217 COMMENTARIES, &c. . 17,18,217 BIBLIOGRAPHY 18, 26, 217 Bilibaldi, Birckheimer 159 Bingham, Rev. Joseph 33 Bingley, William 143 BIOGRAPHY 19, 22 Bion, Jean 157 Birch, Thomas, D.D 22, 55 Birkenhead, Sir John 38 Bisani, Alexander 204 Biscari, Ignazio, Pat 142 Bisselius, Joannes 132 Bisset, Robert 21 Bizot, Pierre 41 Bjoernstaehl, J. J 206 Bjorkegren, Jacob 196 Blackburne, Francis 37 Blackstone, Sir William 29, 62 Blackwell, Thomas 141 Blackvfood, Adam 132 Blair, Hugh, D.D 22, 95, 190 John, LL.D 104 Branche, Thomas 60 Bland, Robert . . 134 Bletterie, J. P. R. de la 179 Blin, Pierre Igg Blondel, David i^^^ I50 Blore, Edward 56 Blount, Charles 22 Thomas 63, 64 Bloxam, M. H g6 Blumenbach, J. F 130, 135^ 143 Blunt, Rev. John 113 Boate, Gerard, M.D m Boemus, Joannes oj PAGE Boener, Joannes 184 Boethius, Hector 185 BOHEMIA 22 Boileau, D 88, 94 d'Abbe') 177 Boisgelin, Louis 130 Boissat, Pierre 134 Boitard 91 Bolingbroke (Henry, Lord Viscount) ... 22 Bona (Cardinal) 36 Bonanni, P 181 Boniface, A 88 Bonnaud d'Abbe') 104 Bonney, H. K 149 Boone, Charles 177 Boote, Richard 62 Booth, George ; 61 Boothe, Nathaniel 83 Boothroyd, B 215 BORDER HISTORY, &c. (England and Scot- land) 22 Borlase, William, LL.D 43 Boroughs, Sir John 62 Born, Inigo 107 Borthwick, William 147 Boruwlaski, Joseph 22 Bory de St. Vincent 202 Bossewell, John 101 Bossius, Jean 9 Bossuet (Eveque de Meaux) . 34, 105, I6I, 173 Bost, A 140 Boswell, James 189 Bosworth, J 7 Newton 135 Botoner, William 65 Bott, Rev. Thomas 50 Botta, Carlo 5,111 Bouhier, Jean 104 Bouille (le Marquis de) 85 Boulainvilliers, Henri 11, 145 Boulanger, Nic. Ant 8 Boullaye-le-Gouz 204 Bourget, Jean 148 Bourgoing, J. F 193 Boutcher, Wm 90 Bowdler, Jane 78 Thomas 145 Bower, John 189 Boyer, Abel 102 d'Aiguilles 77 Boys, T. S 198 225 PAGE Brachelius, Adolphus 81 Bradford, Rev. William 193 Brady, John 24 J. H 120 Braithwait, Richard 65, 106 Bramhall, John (Archbishop of Armagh) . . '0 Branchc, Thomas 60 Brand, Adam 182 John 62, 189 Brandt, Jean 145 Brant, Scbastianus 22 Brantome, Pierre de 23 Bray, Le Chevalier de 94 Brayley, E. W 126 Bray lev and Britton 126 Brayley and Herbert 195 Bredel (.Pasteur Suisse) 197 Brees, S. C 14 Brenner, Elias 41 Brerewood, Edward 176 Bresson, Jacques 85 Brett, Samuel 199 Thomas 36 Breval, John 205 Brewer, Henry 81 Brewer and Gill 198 Brewster, Sir David 133, 145 William 143 Breydenbach, Bernh. de 204 BRIDGES (remarkable ones) 23 Bridges, John 149 Bridoul, Toussain 161 Brienne, Ludovicus Henr 205 Bright, Richard 107 Brinley, John 129 Brissonius, Barnabius 131 Bristed, John 4, 5 Britton, John, F.A.S. 13,67,94,126,127, 149, 192 John (Bishop of Hereford) .... 62 Brockedon, William 3 Brockett, J. T • . 64 Brome, James 67 Brompton, Joannes 57 Brook, Ralph 146 Brooke, Zachary 136, 137 "Broughton, Thomas 176 "'Brown, John 141 Rev. John 17 T 200 Thomas, LL.D 80 Sir Thomas, M.D 23 PAGE Browne, John 120 Peter (Bishop of Cork) 51 Thomas G 121 Bruce, James 1, 23 John 80, 186, 194 Peter Henry 23 Brucker, Jacobus 79 Bruggemann, L. W 40 Bruining 138 Brulliot, Francois 153 Brunct, J. C 18 Bruns 200 BRUXSWICK (HOUSE OF) 23 Brunswick, Duke of 162 Bryant, Jacob 18, 106, 141 Bryan, Michael 153 Brj'dall, John 145 Brydges, Sir S. Egerton .... 21, 23, 137 Brydson, Thomas 102 Bucelinus, Gabriel 93 Bucer, Martin 23 Buchan, Earl of 142 George 188 Buchanan, George 132, 186 James • 217 John Lane 189 ' John Lanne 187 Buchner, Andrew Elias 54 Buck, Samuel and Nath 67 Sir George 58 Buckingham, Geo. Duke of 199 J. S 205 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE 66,317- Buckland, William, D.D 30 Buckler, J. C 120 Bucoldianus, Gerard ,..,,... 138 Buffon, G. L 23, 143 Bugg, Francis 174 Buhle, J. G 79 Bossi, Luigi 42 BUILDING (THE ART OF) 12 Bulkly, Charles 22 BuUen, Queen Anne 23 Bullet, Jean Baptiste 25 BuUingbrooke, E HO Bullock, H. A 131 B[uUokcr], John 64 BULLS (PAPAL) , . . 23 Bulwer, John 130 Buonaparte, Jacopo 1 " Lucien . , 23 226 PAGE Buonaparte, Napoleon 23 Buonarotti, Michel Angelo .... fS^ 24 Burbcry, John 33 Burcliard, Johannes 168 Burchardt, J. L 12,55,205 Burder, George 4 Burgersdicius, F 79 Burgess, Thomas (Bishop of Sarum) 8, 17, 52, 68, 190 Burgh, James 79 Burigny, Jean Levesque 98 Burke, Right Hon. Edmund ... 85, 95, 96 Burleigh, Lord 59 Burn, Richard 62 John Southerden 175 Bumes, James, LL.D 148 Burnet, Gilbert (Bishop of Sarum) 44, 60, 70, 75, 77, 99, 179, 188, 205 James (Lord Monboddo) . . 80, 121 PAGE Burnet, Thomas 30, 51 Burnett, Thomas (Justice C. P.) 37 Burney, Captain James 157 Burton, Edward, D.D 181 J. H 188 Richard 38, 58, 114, 126 Robert 79 William 123 Busbequius, A. G 203 Bussy, Rabutin 6 Butler, Alban 184 Joseph (Bishop of Durham) . . . 175 John, B.D 33 Charles .... 24,92,118,163,177 Samuel 157 . Samuel (Bishop of Lichfield) . . .122 William 133 Butt, J. M 10 Cabot, Sebastian 24 Cabrera, L. de 29 Caddick, Rev. Richard 99 Csesar, C. Julius 24, 190 Caillot, A 88 Caius, Thomas 152 Calamy, Edmund, D.D 36, 71 Calcott, Wellins 190 CALENDAR 24 Callieres, Francois 49 Callimachus, P 150 Calmet, Augustine 17, 129 Calvin, John 51,197,199 CAMBRIDGE (UNIVERSITY OF) . . 24, 25 CAMBRIDGESHIRE 24, 66 CAMDEN SOCIETY'S PUBLICATIONS 25 Camden, William ..... 57, 58, 63, 65 Campbell, Colin 67 George, D.D 34, 95, 137 John 65, 81, 144 Camus, A. G 203 CANALS 55 CanceUieri, Francesco 32, 181 Cantacuzenus 42 Cantemir, Demetrius 206 Cantilupe, St. Thomas of Hereford .... 184 Caoursinus, Guilielmus 207 Capaccio, Giulio-Cesare loi Capel, Edward 156 Capellus, Ant 72 Caraccioli, C 196 Carben, Victor de 115 Cardale, Paul 51 Cardonnel, Adam de 42 CARDS 25 Cardwell, Edw. D.D 40, 71 Care, Henry 75 Carew, P. J 110 Carey, M 110 Carier, B 161 Carleton, Geo. (Bishop of Chichester) ... 70 Carlisle, Charles, Earl of 25 Carpentier 49 Carra, Jean-Louis 207 Carranza, F. B 44 Carrera, Pietro 31 Carrick, J. D 186 Carrington, S 45 Carter, John 12, 66 Matthew 145 Cartouche, Louis-Dominique 179 Cartwright, Thomas 35, 74 Cari-e, Thomas 205 Carver, Jonathan 4 Carwell (a/i'as Thorold), Thomas . . . .123 Cary and Lea 3 227 PAGE Can-, Robert (Earl of Monmouth) .... 26 M 173 Casali, Joh. Bapt 8 Casaubon, Isaac ; 2fi Casaus ~i.,-8i?- Casiri, Michael *.'»•. V19 Cassiodonis, M. Aur 190 Castelli, Giacomo 142 Castelnau, Michel de 132 Caswall, Rev. Henry ;- . 5 CATALOGUES OF LIBRARIES . . 19, 26, 27 CATHERINE II. (of Russia) 182 Catrou, Francois 177 Catteau-Calleville, Jean P. G 48 Caulfield, James 22 Causin, Xicolas 132 Cavallo, Tiberius 55 Cave, William, D.D 20, 33 Cavendish, Sir William 212 Cecil, William (Lord Burleigh) . . . C;. 27 Cellini, Benevenuto 27 Cernitius, Jean 93 Cesole, Giacopo 31 Challoner, Richard, D.D 163 Chaloner 69 Chalmers, George . 158 Chamberlayne, John 65, 121 Chambers, John 213 Sir William 12,91 Chambre, David ,'.\. 132 ChampoUion, J.J 54 Chandler, Samuel, D.D 155 CHANNEL ISLANDS 27 Channing, William, D.D 27 Chapelle, Miss Le Joux de 163 Chappe-d'Auteroche, Jean 183 Chappie, William 48 Chapuy 87, 136 CHARLEMAGNE 92 CHARLES THE FIRST OF ENGLAND 27, 28 CHARLES THE SECOND OF ENGLAND 28, 199 CHARLES THE FIFTH (Emperor of Ger- many) 28, 29 CHARLES THE TWELFTH (King of Swe- den) 29 CHARLES VII. (Emperor) 93 Charlton, Walter, M.D 212 Charnock, John 144 Charpentier 15 CHARTERS 29 PAGE Chassanion, Jean 2 Chateaubriand, Aug. Franfois 106 Chatterton, Thomas 29 Chaudon 210 Chauncy, Sir Henry 104 Cheke, Sir John 29 CHEMISTRY 29 Chenevix, Richard 30 CHESHIRE 31, 66 CHESS 31 Chesterfield (PhiUp D., Earl of) 78 Chevillier, Andre 171 Chiffney, Samuel 90 CHINA 32, 33 CHIVALRY 145-148 Choris, Louis 82 CHRIST 33 Christ, F. F 128 Christie, James 9 CHRISTINA, QUEEN OF SWEDEN . . 33 Chronicon Ethelwerdi 57 CHRONOLOGY 104 CHURCH HISTORY 33, 37 Church, Rev. Thomas 136 Ciacconius, P. Toletanus 9 Ciccolini, Giuseppe 32 Cicero, Marcus TuUius ^ .37,136 CIVIL WARS (Great Britain and Ireland, in the Seventeenth Century) . . . . 38, 39 CIVIL LAW . . . .' 118 Clarendon, Edward (Earl of) 38, 39 Clark, Hugh 102 Clarke, Rev. Adam, LL.D 18, 39 Rev. Edward D., LL.D. . 25, 141, 205 E. G 135 J. B. B 17 Rev. James Stanier 202 Samuel 21, 154 Samuel, D.D. . . 18, 40, 52, 175, 190 T. H 67 William 170 Clarkson, Christopher 215 Thomas 95 CLASSICS, GREEK AND L.\TIN (Miscel- laneous Works relating to them) ... 40 Clavelin et Kerveseau 85 Clayton, Richard (Bishop of Cloghcr) . 104. 204 Cleaveland, Ezra 45 Cleghorn, George, M.D 21 Clenardus, Nicolas 203 Clerk, John (of Eldin) 144 228 PAGE Clifford. Thomas and Arthur 1 94 Matthew 199 CLUBS 40 Coates, Rev. Charles IC Coats, James 102 Cobbett, William ...... 64, 70, 158 CochliEus, Joannes .... 100, 107, 159, 178 Cohausen, John Henry 135 COINS 40 — 42 Coke, Sir Edward 6l Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 42 Colet, Dr. John 42, 1 99 Colin de Planchy, J. A. S. 6, 100, 118, 128, 178 Collet, P. J. M 86 Collier, David 17 J. Payne ' i. . -2i9 Jeremy 68 Collins, Arthur 27, 146 John 134 CoUinson, John 198 Peter, F.R.S 21 Colombiere, Marc Vulson de 101 Colquhoun, Peter 127 COLUMBUS, CHRISTOPHER .... 42 Combe, Charles, M.D 42 Combrune, Michael 13 Comenius, J. A 122 Comines, Philippe de 83 Commelinus, Jerome 56 Common Prayer (Church of England) . . 73, 74 COMMERCE 158 Comnena, Anna 42 Comte', Charles 85 Comyns, Sir John 62 Conaeus, George 132 Condamine 112 Condorcet (le Marquis de) . . . . 130, 210 Coney, John igs Connell, Sir John 188 CONSTANTINOPLE 42, 43 Cook, George, D.D 52, 188 Captain James 43 Cooke, John, M.D 204 William 41, 53 Cordiner, Rev. Charles 189 Cormon jj3 Corneille, Pierre 43 Cornejo, Pedro .... §4 Cornelius Nepos 43 Corney, Bolton 43 CORNWALL '43,66 PA&E Cornwallis, Sir Charles 100 CORONATIONS, AND CEREMONIES AP- PERTAINING THERETO ... 43, 44 Coronelli, Vincenzio 97, 204 Correvon, Seigneux de 103 CORSICA 44 Cortes, Hernando 3 Corvinus, Antonius 150 Messalla 190 Cory, J. Preston i ' . 44 Coryat, Thomas 203 Cosmo III. (Grand Duke of Tuscany) ... 68 Costard, G 104 COSTUMES 44,-217^ Cotgrave, John 64 Randle 88 Cotman and Rickman 66 Cotman, John Sell 66 Cotovicus, Joannes 204 Cotterell, Thomas 172 Cotton, Rev. John (of New England) . . .173 Sir Robert 59, 175 Coulomb 56 COUNCILS OF THE CHURCH . . 44, 45 Courayer, P. F. Le 76 Courier, Paul-Louis »" .-217- COURTENAY, HOUSE OF 45 Cousin d'Avalon 24 Louis 42 Coustos, John 155 Covel, John, D.D 97 Coverdale, Miles 69 Cowper, William 157 Coxe, Rev. William . . .93, 140, 182, 197, 205 Coyer (I'Abbe Gabriel F.) 157 Cozens, Zachariah 119 Cozio, Carlo 31 Crabb, George 48, 63 Craig, Thomas 118 Cramer, Rev. J. A 99 Cranmer, Thomas (Abp. of Canterbury) 45, 164 Crantz, David 98, 140 Crasset, Jean 150 Crasso, Lorenzo , 20 Creighton, Henry 109 Cressey, Serenus 69, 16 1 Cresy and Taylor 181 Crevier, J. B. Louis 179 Crichton, Andrew 11 Crispus, Johannes 150 Cristanovic, Stanisl-man (Bp. of Winchester) 1, 50 Tooke, John Home 121, 198 William 181 Tooker, Wm 120 Topladv, Rev. Augustus 198 TOPOGRAPHY OF ENGLAND ... 65, 67 TOPOGRAPHY, FOREIGN (MISCELLA- NEOUS) 198 Toppeltinus, Laurentius 107 Torfeus, Thennodus 47, 97 Totti, Pompilio 20, 180 Tottic, John, D.D 76 Toulmin, George Hoggart, M.D 30 Toulongeon (le Vicomte Franfois Emm. de) . 85 Toulotte et Riva 136 Tournefort, Jos. P 97 Tovey, D' Blossiers 114 Towers, Joseph, LL.D 89 Towgood, Rev. Michaiah 73 Townley, James, D.D 115 Townsend, Rev. Geo 198 Rev. Joseph 193 Townson, Robert 107, 143 Tozetti, Giov. Targioni 207 TRACTS 199-202 TRACY FAMILY 45 TRADE 158 TRADES 13, 14 TRANSYLVANIA 106, 107 TRAVELLERS, INSTRUCTIONS FOR . 202 TRAVELS AND VOYAGES . . . 202-206 Travis, Rev. Geo 17 Ubaldino, Petrucchio 20 Udall, W 132 Ulassupolo, Stelio 97 Upcott, William 65 Upton, Nicholaus 101 PAGE TREES 90, 91 Trench, Colonel Fred. Wm 127 TRIALS, SUITS AT LAW, &c 206 TRINITY, THE DOCTRINE OF ... 52 Trivet, Nicolas 57 Trollope, Rev. Wm 126 TROUBADOURS 206 Troutbeck, John 43 Trusler, John 104 Tuke, Henry 174 TURKISH EMPIRE .... 206, 207, 219 Turlerus, Hieronymus 202 Turner, Dawson 148 Robert 132, bis Samuel 205 Sharon 7, 58 William 176 William, M.D. (alias Wraghton) 72, 164 Tumor, Lewis 104 Turpinus, Joannes (Archiep. Remensis) . . 92 Turselliuus, Horatius 122 Turton, Thomas, D.D 18 TUSCANY 207, 208 Twining, Henri 47 Twiss, Richard 31 Twysden, Sir Roger 23, 57, 70 Tychsen, Olaus Ger 40 Tyndale, William 217 TYPOGRAPHY 208 Typotus, Jacobus 101 Tytler, Alex. Eraser 105, 155, 208 P. F ,174 Robert 208 William 132 u. Ure, Andrew, M.D 29 Urquhart, Sir Thomas 187, 208 Ursatus, S^rtorius 109 Usher, Jas. (Abp. of Armagh) ... 68,165 Vail, Eugene A 4 Valentine, Basil 29 Valerianus, J. Pierius 7 Valerius Maximus 208 Valk, Gerard 91 Valla, Laurentius 122, 168 Vallancey, Charles 109 Valpy, F. E. J 123 255 Valturius, Robertus 136 Van Dale, Anthony 150 Van Hembert 115 Varamond, Ernest 84 Vargas, Francois de 45 VariUas, Antoine 34, 134 Vattel, Emmerich de 118 VAUDOIS 2 Vaughan, T. W 143 Vecerius, Conrad 150 Velleius Paterculus, C 190 Venables, Robert 90 VENICE, AND TERRITORY ADJOINING 208 Venuti, Rodolfi 41. 180 Verheiden, Gulielmus 194, 209 Jacobus 20 Vernulz, vel Vernulieus, Nicolaus . . . .100 VERONA 209 Vers'cegan, Richard 63 Vertot, I'Abbe', R.A. 41, 130, 179, ISO, 193, 196 Vertue, George 41 Vespucci, Amerigo 209 Vicars, John .38 PAOB Vico, Giambattista 79 Victor (Episcopus Uticensis) 150 Publius 190 Sextus Aur 190 Vignola, lacomo Barozzi 12 Villagnon, Nicholas , 2!l Villanueva, Joac. Laurcntio 109 Villcrs, Charles 128 Villot, F 31 Vincent, Wm., D.D 209 Vincentius Lirinensis 10, 50 Vircy, Julien Joseph 130 Virgilius, Pub. Maro 209 Polydorus 49, 138 Visser, Jacques 171 Vitet, M. L 149 Vitiquind 92 Viton de St. AlUus 93 Vitruvius 209 VOLCANOS 209 Volney, C. F 153, 210 Voltaire . . . .29,49,68,85,106,181,210 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS . . . 202-206 w. Wace 58 Wachter, J. G 41 Wagenseil, Joh. Christopherus 116 Wailly, Noel, Francois 88 Wake, Wm. (Abp. of Canterbury) . . . 10,71 Wakefield, Rev. Gilbert, B.A 210 Walcott, John 192 WALDENSES 2 WALES, HISTORY, TOPOGRAPHY, AND LANGUAGE OF 210,211 Walker, Alex 155 Anthony, D.D 28 Clement 38, 39 Sir Edward 44 George 32 Henry 74 John 143 Joseph Cooper Ill, 113 Wall, Rev. William 37 Wallace, George 147 Robert 169 Sir Wm 186 Wallen, Wm 78 Wallingford, Joannes 56 Wallis, Rev. John 52, +49- Walmsley, Rev. Charles 173 Walpole, Horace (Earl of Orford) 7, 21, 153, 178 Robert 103, 207 Walsh, Rev. Robert 42 Walsingham, niomas 57 Sir Francis 59 Walton, Brian 17 Isaac 21 Walton and Cotton 90 Warburton, John 156 Wm. (Bishop of Gloucester) 35, 137, 138 Ward, Edward 38, 40 John 20, 63 Robert 118 Thomas 70, 77 Rev. W. Perceval 131 Ward and Hunter 108 Ware, Isaac 12 Sir James 109,110 Warkworth, Dr. John 25 Warner, Ferdinando 69, HO, 151 Rev. Richard 63, 192 Warnerus, Lcvinus 1 1 256 PAGE Warren, George 135 Warrington, Rev. W 210 Warton, Joseph, D.D 159 — Rev. Thomas, B.D. .... 152,156 WARWICKSHIRE 211 Washington, George (Pres. U. S.) . . . . 5 Watcrland, Daniel, D.D 52 WATERLOO . 219 WATERWORKS "55 Watkins, Charles Gl Watson, Rev. John 191,211 Richard (Bishop of Llandaff ) . 176, 211 Robert 193 Watt, Robert, M.D 18 Watts, Isaac, D.D 80 Joshua, D.D 6 W 67 Waverliensis Annales 56 Weaver, John 90 Webb, John 32, 96, 212 Josiah 35 Weber, Immanuel 102 Webster, Noah 64 Weever, John 66 Weismann, Christ. Eber 34 Welch, W 30 Welchman, Rev. Edward 76 Weldon, Sir Anthony 113 Wendler, J. C 108 Wenefrede, St 184 Werenfels, Samuel, D.D 120 Werner, A. Gottlob 30 Wesseling, Petrus 40, 103 West, Rd. (Lord Chancellor of Ireland) . .146 Thomas 121 WESTMINSTER 8, 126 WESTMORLAND . . 46 Weston, Rev. Stephen 181 Rev. William 138 Wharton, Henry (alias Anthony Harmer) 69, 70 Wheatley, Rev. Charles 73 Wheaton, Henry 47,118 Wheeler, R. B 211 Whiston, Rev. Wm. 10, 30, 37, 40, 13S, 150, 211 Whitaker, Rev. John 60, 99 T. D 170, 214 White, Alexander 70 Charles 130 Rev. Gilbert 99 Joseph, D.D 54 Whitehurst, John 30 PAGE Whiter, Rev. Walter 47, 192 Whitelocke, Bulstrode 196 Whitgift, John (Abp. of Canterbury) . . .211 Whittel, John 212 Whittington, Rev. G. D 13 Whitworth, Lord 182 Wiclif, John 212, 217 Wiffen, J. H 181 Wikes, Thomas 56 Wilberforce, William 50 Wilbraham, Roger 65 Wilcocks, Joseph 179 Wild, Charles 213 Wildenow, D. C 143 Wilkins, David 71 William 142 Wm. (Bishop of Chester) 133, 134, 213 Wilkinson, Rev. Joseph 46 J. G 55 Robert 126 Willement, Thomas 102 Willemin, Nicolas Xavier 86 Willelmus Botoner (diet, de Worcestre) . . 65 Willet, Ralph 171 WILLIAM III. OF ENGLAND .... 212 Williams, Charles Wye Ill Rev. Daniel 77 Rev. David 95, 140 George 76 John, LL.D 4 Thomas Walter 61 William 152 Williamson, Thomas 89 Willis, John 138 Robert 13 WILLS AND TESTAMENTS 212 Wilmot, J. E , . 62 Wilson, Arthur 58 Wilton, Rev. Samuel 76 WILTSHIRE 212 Windisch, Charles Gottl. de 134 WINES AND VINEYARDS 212 Wingate, Edmund go Winckelmann, John Joachim 9 Winstanley, William 21, 39 Wise, Francis, B.D iQ 20I Wiseman, Sir Robert ug WITCHCRAFT 128, 129 Withers, W go Witherspoon, Rev. John, D.D 51 Wix, Rev. Samuel 75 257 PAGE Wodrow, Robert 18' Wolf, Joh. Christ 171 Wollaston, Wm 175 Wolsey, Thomas (Cardinal) 212 WOMAN 212,213 Wood, Anth. a 20, 21, 150 John 12,212 J. Philip 189 Wm 90, 143 Thomas 61,65,109,118 Woodburne 169 Woodeson, Richard 61 Woolnoth, William 119 WORCESTERSHIRE 213 Wormius, Olaus 47 PACK Worsley, Right Hon. Sir Richard .... 99 Wotton, Sir Edw 213 Sir Henry 213 Wm., D.D. . 115,121,124,191,211 Wraghton (alias Turner) "2, 164 Wraxall, Sir X. W 213 Wren, Sir Christopher 213 Wright, Andrew 213 James 184 Sir Martin 61 WRITING 213, 214 Wynne, Rev. Richard 16 Edward 61 Wyttenbach 94 Xenophon 214 | Xeres, John 116 Yarranton, Andrew 158 Yatman, Matthew 55 York, James (Blacksmith) 145 Yorke, Philip 210 Philip (Lord Chancellor) .... 61 YORKSHIRE 214, 215 Young, Rev. George 43, 215 John, LL.D. 80 Thomas 104 z. Zabbaglia, Nicola 56 Zabboarda, Giov. Batt 155 Zani, Pietro 77 Zarate, Augustine 3 Zimmermann, John Geo., M.D 215 Zimmermann, Joh. Jac 137 Ziradini, Antonio 112 Zoega, George 9 Zoroaster 44 Zouch, Richard 118 LONDON : PRINTED BY LEVEY, HOUbON, AND PHANKLY.S, Great .N'iiW Slr'-cl, Kcllir l.w.e. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. *2 Catalo/^ue of the 997 C27 library :;t Vin- ters in Kent *: I 991 C27 000 425 3 13