Plain Reasons, I, for Dissenting from the Commun- ion of the Church of England By Charles Owen ^ PLAIN ^ REASONS, I. For Diffenting from the Commmunion of the Church of England. II. Why Dissenters are not_, nor can be guilty of S c H I s M ^ in peaceable Separa- ting from the Places of Publick Worfliip in the Church of England, AND, III. Several Common Objections, brought by Churchmen againft DijJenUrs^ Anfwer'd. By a True Protestant. Ci^e Ctweltl^ CDition. Deut. V. 32. Ti jball obferve to do ^S the Lord y^ur God commanded you ^ ye [kail not turu a/tde to the right hand or to the left. I Cor. xi. 2. Now / fraifeyoUy Brethren, that you rememher me in all things, and keep the Ordinances ^ jiS I delivered them to Tea. If two Churches differ one from another, a Man is bound to joyn with that which appears raoft to re- tain its Evangelical Purity. Dr. Stillingfieet\ Iren. L O ^ D O 7i, Printed for John Clark, at the Bibl^ and Crown in the Poultry, near Chc2i^'\ fide. 1719 . \ P/Ice Four-Peace, or -^s.'Cd. a Dozen. (?) f ^ C3 3: P/^/;/ Reafom, 8cc. OR as much, as fome of the Church of England lay on Diffenters the heavy Charge of Sdifm, and many of them know not how to clear themfelves of that Charge ; The fol- lowing Pages are defign'd, I. To inform the more moderate of our Brethren in the Church ofEnglandy That we do not diffent from their Church out of Stubbornnefs, or becaufe we love Contention, but from a tender Confcience, willing to keep the Ordinances, as well as the Do<51:rines of Jesus Christ pure and intire ; not 5 daring to add to them, or diminifh any Thing from \ them, under any Pretence whatfoever. , 2. To furnifli well-meaning Diffenters with P/^/» > Reafons for their common Pradice : For we would : have none go on Blindfold in Chriflianity, or take ■ up a Profeffion among Diffenters, becaufe their Fa- thers went before them in that Way, as if it were a Crime toftep out of their Path : But we believe, that as every One ought to he ready to give a Reafon of the Hope that is in them ^ fo they fhould be ready to give a Reafon of their ^ra&ice, in religious Matters; For every One fhould be well perfuaded in their ov/n Mind, that what they do may be done in Faith ,• for whatfoever is not of Faith , is Sin. He that takes up any Profeffion, be it never fo good, only from Educati- on, without examining it in every Part, is never like fp be a ufeful, if ever he be a true Chriftian. Par y ( 4 ) Pa rt Jl^ Corjtainmg Ten R e A s o n s /r. xiv. 23. But their Defign here- in, is to make the unthinking People believe^ that if they leave that Place^ they leave the Church of God. But the Tlace of Worfhip [call'd the Church'] 1. Cannot be the Church which Christ pur- chafed with his own Blood, and which Minifters are charged to feed^ ASis xx. 28. 2. I T cannot be the Church that brought the Apoftle on in his Way^ Acis xv. 3. ;. I T cannot be the Church in an Houfe, i Cor. xvi. 19. 4. I T cannot be the Church that was to be fpoken to^ and that was to fpeak to others, Matth. xviii. 17. f. It cannot be that Church, which is faid to be the 3ody of Chri/^y and of which, Jefus Chrifi iv/is the Heady Col. i. 24. ^ W HAT then is the Church^ eX. ^^ The Vifible Church is a Congregation of " faithful Men, met together to worfhip God, in " which the pure Word of God is preach'd, and ^^ the Sacraments be duly miniftred, according to ^^ Christ's Ordinance, in all thofe Things that of " Neceffity are requifite to the fame. " (This is the XlXth Article of the Church of Eng- land.) Wherein obferve, L The Vifible Church is a Congregation -^ there- fore not a Whole Nation : For when did the Church of England [fo confider'dj meet together in one Con- gregation ? By their own Words, the Vifible Church mufl be no more than can meet together to worfhip God, in one Place^ otherwife 'cis not a Congre- gation. II. The ^Article faith, It is a Congregation of Faithful Men (i. e. of Believers in ChristJ The Clergy know, whether, in thi§ Matter, they a6l ag- cording 4:otdmg to thtir Articles in admitting none to their Communion but the Faithful 3- or whether /^j/w^ the Creed will not do: For fome that have been Ten Years Communicants in the Cbm-cb of England, hav6 declar'd, " That they knew not what Faith in ^^ Christ meant ,• and that their Minifter never " ask'd them a Word about it ^ but only told them, " that they (liould have fo much Money each Time '* they came there. " HI. It is a Congregation where the pure Word of God is preached. Here the Article affirms. That what they preach, mull be the pure Word of God. Not an Oration of the excellent Conftitution of their Church, or of Paffive Obedience, or an Exclamation againft Schifm, or a Difcourfe of Morality, or only ex- claiming againft fuch Vices as the very Light of Nature condemns. B u T to preach the pure Word of God, is, to preach Jesus Christ, and Sinners Need of an Intereft in Him, and of his Jaftifying Righteoufnefs, and to magnify the. Riches of Divine Grace in Man's Salva- tion : It is to preach the Dcdtrines of Faith, Repen^ taTice^ Regeneration and Sanclificationy and the Necef- ficy of the Power of the Spirit of God, in order to all thcle. Thefe are the Dodlrines that Diffenters preach, and thus they preach mod agreeable to the pure Word pfGod, ^ndi the XXXIX Articles of Religion: There- fore, tlio' Vi/e are cail'd Diffenters^ yet many, that keep in the Church of England, are Diffenters more than we : For v/e diilent only from indifferent Things (as they call them) but they diffent from their own Articles of Kiitb, IV. T H E Sacraments muft be duly tAdmimjired ac- cording to Ckrifi^s Ordinance. V. In the Adminif! ration of the Ordinances of Chrifi there muft be no utmccefjary Things impofed 071 zJlfen. Of chele Two laft after. But by tlie Way, (ince the t^rticle faith. That the pure Word of God mu/l k preach' d^ ic muft not be amUa (7) amifs here, to take a little Notice of the comtnon Preachers of the Word in the Churches. Many Minifters o^ thQ Church of England y arc Men of great Learning and Pares ; but, it feems, chat the moft of them have little enough, and yet have more than many of them make a good Ufe of; you have their Picture drawn to the Life, and ic would even afright a Chriftian to behold it, tho' drawn by a skilful Hand. Bifnop Burnet New Vref. pag. f, 5. [for whofe Plainnefs in expofing their hateful and Ihameful Ignorance and Idlenefs, feme of the Clergy curfe him bitterly.] His Words are thefe : "Our Emhir-Weeki * are the * When Prcachtrs " Grief and Burden of my Life : ^^^ Ordain d. " The much greater Part of thofe " who come to be Ordain'd, are Ignorant to a De- ^* gree not to be apprehended by thofe who are not '^ oblig'd to know it : The eafieft Part of Know- *^ iedge, is that to which they are the greateft Stran- " gers j I mean, the plaineft Parts of the Scriptures, ^^ which they fay, in excufe of this Ignorance, that ^^ their Tutors in the Univerfity never mentioned the " Reading of them : So that they can give no Ac- " count, or at leaft but a very imperfe6i:one, of the ^^ Contents even of the Gofpels. Thofe who have ^^ Read fome few Books, yet never feem to have " Read the Scriptures : Many cannot give a tolera- " ble Account, even of the Catechifm itfeif, how '^ fliort and plain foever: They cry, and think it a " fad Difgrace to be deny'd Orders, tho* the Igno- " ranee of fome is fuch, that in a well regulated " State of Things, they would appear not knowing " enough to be admitted to the Holy Sacrament ; ** this does often tear my Heart. The Cafe is not *^ much better in Many, who having got into Or- " ders, come for Inftitution, and cannot make it ap- " pear that they have read the Scriptures, or any one " good Book, (ince they were ordain'd /' Thus far the Bijhop. W E (8) W E dare not truft our Precious Souls with fuch Guides ; for how can they fhew us the Way of Sal- vation, who cannot tell what the Gofpels contain? Inftead of being Teachers of others, have need them- felves to be taught which be the firft Principles of the Oracles of G o d. O fliameful ! not know their Catecbifnty nor what the Gofpels contain ! Have thefe been at the Univerfity y and made a great Noife of taking their Degree^ and after this need to be fent back to their School Dames ! Well, for Fear of Difgrace, in being denfd Orders, the Bifllop faith, they cry. O rare Hedors I Are thofe the Men that lead our Gentry, as well as the common Peo- ple by the Nofe 1 It would be the Nation's Mercy to have a due Senf^i of this Difeafe. If the Blind lead the "Blind, both are like to faU into the Ditch, I think we may apply that Complaint of God, by the Prophet, to thefe poor dark Souls, Ifa, Ivi. io,ir. His Watchmen are blind, they are ignorant^ they are Shep- herds that cannot underhand. Are thefe like to feed the People of G o d with Knowledge and Underjtand- ing ? Surely, God never fent thefe Men to preach, or elfe He hath fent them in fore Judgment to this Land. Obj. Our Tutors never bid us read the Scriptures. tA. What Tutors are here! If there is fo little Religion at tht Fountain, no Wonder we have fo lit- tle at the Streams. If their Tutors did not put them upon Reading the Scriptures, if they had had any Love to the Word of God in their Hearts, they would not have been fuch Strangers to the Word of G o d. If they themfelves have not made Food of the Word of God, they are not like to do much Good at Preaching, Ez^ek. iii. i. Son of Man, eat this Roll, and go fpeak to the Houfe oflCv^d. But fuppofe thefe were all very Learned Men, (which cannot be granted) yet they have little Need of (9 ) of itj provided they can Read right: For all have their Prayers made for them^ and many of them their Sermons too. Be fare that God difapproves of fuch a lazy Prac^licc. Jer. xxiii. 30. I ^m againfi the Prophets^ faith the Lord, that fteal mj Words every one from his Neighbour, We honour human Learning much; but we do not count him the belt Minifter that hath the greac- eft Stock of that ; but the Man who, with it, hath moft Grace and fpiritual Experience ; who preaches Jesus ChUist, and whofe Miniftry God moft owns for the Converfion of Sinners, and Building up Believers in their ?r}ofi holy Faith ; and who himfelf lives a holy Life. We believe that Minifters had better be defedive in human Learning, than in the Grace of God; therefore when we choofe a Pa- llor, we do not enquire, Who ordain'd him ^ Or, What Garments does he wear ? But, What Doctrines does he preach ? What Life does he live ? And, Are there any Signs of God's fending him ? Not, Does he Preach in the Church ? or in a Barn ? But, Whe- ther his Preaching be in Demonftration of the Spi- rit and of Power ,^ Reason IL W E diffent from the Church of England^ becaufe We cannot take the Common-Frayer-Book for our Pvuls of Worfliip. i. Because it orders the Reading of much of the aApocrjfha (inftead of the pure Word of God) wherein are many Things very fabulous, and we think Untruths, Things that ad^mnifltr ^teflions^ ra- ther than godly Edifying, which is in Faith. 2. Because it appoints all Perfons religioufly to obfcrve above an Hundred and Fifty Days in the Year, as Holy-Time, befides all Sabbath-Days. We count the Sahhath of the Lord Honouiahle ; We alfo religioufly obferve Occafional Days of Pray- er and Thangfgiving, but cannot bind ourfclves B religioufly ( 10 ) t eligioufly to obferve what we have no divine War- rant for : But are rather forbid the touching of. Gal. iv. 9, lo, II. But now, after that ye ha^ve known God^ ^&C. how turn ye again to the weak and heggerly Ele- ptents^ whereunto yeu defire again to be in *Bondage ? Te ohfeweT^ays andedy and dying in their Infancy ^ before they commit a^ual Sin^ fire undoubtedly faved. It is not clear to us, nor can they fliew it in all th$ ( lO the Word of God. But Human Inventions com^ monly favour of Human Infirmities. Reason IV. W E cannot joyn with the Church of England iri the Lord's- Supper. 1. Because they order every one to kneel at their receiving it. It is the Cuftom of the Vapifts to do fo^ and their Reafon is, Becaufe they believe that the Bread, after Confecration, is the very Body of Christ i Bat, if it be not fo, it looks like Ido- latry to kneel be "ore it. But becaufe this was not the Cuftom of the Apoftles, [but Sitting, Matth, xxvi.20, 26.] and becaufe we are bid to abliainfrom all Appear- ance of Evil * therefore we rejed it. 2. B £ c A 17 s E they order the Sacrament to be ad- miniftred to the Sick ; and permit it to be done to two or three Perfons, when there is no Church pre- fent. Becaufe this Ordinance fhould be adminiftred only in the Church ,• and becaufe this Cuftom fprings from the fame Ground with faying private Mafs iii Houfes, and having no Warrant from the Word of G o D ,• therefore moft of the Reformed Churches re- jected it, and therefore fo do we. 5. Because Perfons are aliovv'd to come to that holy Ordinance, to qualify themfelves for Places of Truft or Profit. This is a horrid prophaning of a moft facred Ordinance, that was never defign'd to ferve inftead of a Licenfe. 4. Because they ordinarily admit any Perfon to that Ordinance that defires it. And more ^ for they order the Minifter to invite all to it, that are prefent at Hearing the Word, in this Manner : On fuch a Day we are to adminifier the holy Co'/nmunion, unto which, in God^s Behalf y I hid you all here prefent. How this is done in God'*s Behalf y we are at Lofs, 'till we find a Warrant for it in the Word of G d. Are all chat come to Church fit to go to the Ta* ble of the Lord ? Whether they are or nor, it feems, they (I?) they muft be all invited : It's manifeft that many of them go thither, only for their Hire. And it's ma- nifeft that many of them are very unfit to go to that holy Ordinance. r. Because they are deftitute of faring Know- ledge and Faith, and are Strangers to true Repen- tance and fpiritual Regeneration. Be fure/uch can- not difcern the Lord^s Body '^ but muft eat and drink unworthily, tho' they fay they are in Charity with all Men. 2. Many of them live very wicked Lives ;fwear and be drunk the fame Night, and oft in the Week. To adminifter the Holy Communion to fuch, is to caft that -which is holy to "Dogs ; which we are ex- prefsly forbid to do. Where Matters are thus managed, it can hardly be truly faid, " That the Sacraments " are duly adminiftred according to Christ's Ap- ^J_ pointment.'' Reason V. W E diffent from the Church of England, beca^ufe the Generality of the Priefts dilTent from their old Dodrines and the chief of the Thirty-nins Articles of Religion-^ as may be feen by comparing their Preach- ing and Writings now, with the Writings of their old godly Minifters, in the Reign of Queen EUz^a- hetb, and IXth, Xth, Xlth, XJIIth, and XVIIth, Articles of the Church of England, and with the Nine Articles of Lambeth, Thus, they force us, either to diffent from them, or from theold Dodrines: W© choofe to >^^^p to the good old Way. And hence the Church of England, is beholden to us to keep their old Do^rines for them* Dr. Edward^ Vreacber. Reason VI. W E except againft Two Things, efpecially in the Order for the Burial for the Dead. I. ^' They thank God for taking them away : " (Bad as well as Good :) we dare not do this at the Burial of C many ^ ( I8 ) ftiany ; beCaufe we fear they die in their Sins, Stran- gers to Cheiist, true Faith, and real Holinefs. As we have no Warrant for fuch an Univerfal Form, fo none but an Enemy, or a covetous Legatee, wilt heartily fay, aAmen, 2. N o R can we fay (as they do) of every One, (even the vilefi: Wretches that they bury) That ''We *^ have f tire and cerUtln Hope of their Refurre^ion to eter- ^^ nal Life: '' For we verily think we fhould often fpeak againft our Confciences, and the Perfuafion of moft that hear us. We believe the Do6^rine of the Refurredion^ but do not believe that every One Ihall rife to eternal Life, Dan. xii. 2. Thofe that believe the Doctrine of Purgatory, have much more Colour of Reafon for their \Jk of this Form than we : For the Papiits hold. That tho' a Perfon may not be fit for eternal Life when he dies^ yet he may be fit- ted for it after Death.- This unfcriptural Do(5lrine the Church of England denies; and yet fhe teaches her Difciple, That there is not one Soul goes to Hell^thzi hath the Good-luck to have Chriftian Burial [as they call it, that is, to have the Order for the Burial of the Dead, read over them.] How inconfiftent is this with their other Work. Reason VIL W E v/ithdraw from the Communion of the Church ef England, becaufe we cannot allow of fuch Officers in the Church, as Diocefan, or Lord Bifhops. As they are Lords, we honour them as Officers of State j but not as Bifliopsin the Church ^ W E own all faithful Pallors of particular Congre- gations, to be fcriptural Bifliops, and the Scriptures know no other. Our Lord Jesus Christ forbad it, Mrjr^ X. 42, 4f. Te know that they v^hlch are account- td to rule over the Gentiles, exercife Lcrdjhip over them ; and their great Ones exercife Authority upon them, btH fo it fiall not be arnong you ; hut whofoever will he great among you^ [h.iU be jour Mini[ter ^ and whofever C ^9 ) «rc^ o/ETi^/W^ Dr. Stillingfieet, Iren. ;?. 199. his Words are thefe: '■ When a Church re- " quires unneceffary Conditions of Communion ; then ** that Church muft take on itfelf the Charge of ^^ Sch'tfm. Let Men turn and wind themfeives which *^ Way they will ^ by the very fame Arguments^ that " any will prove Separation from the Church of '*■ Rome to be lawful, becaufe (lie requires unlaw- " ful Things, as Conditions of her Communion ^ ^' it will be prov'd lawful, not to conform to any ^^ fufpe(aed or unlawful Pradice, required by any ^^ Church Government, upon the fame Terms, if " the Thing fo requir'd be, by a ferious and fober ^^ Enquiry, judg'd unwarrantable, by a Man's own ^^ Confcience." In another Place, the fame Author hath thefe Words : "The Duties Christ required of his Difciples, ^^ were none but fuch as were mceffary ^ He tliac '* came to take away the infupportable Yoke of '^ Jewifh Ceremonies, certainly did never intend to " gall the Necks of his Difciples with another in- " ftead of it. And it would be flrange, that the ^^ Church fliould require more than Christ him- '^ felf did, and make other Conditions of her Com- <^ munion than our Saviour did of Difciplefhip. '^ What poffible Reafon can be given, why fuch *^ Things fhould not be fufficient for Communion '^ with a Church, which are fufficient for Salvation? *^ Was there ever more true and cordial Love in the ^' Churches, than in the Times of the Apofties ? *^ And yet they made no fuch Terms of Communi- *^ on. How will they anfwer it at the great Day, ^^ for keeping Men out of their Communion, by " fuch Things, as they call i7jclijf'erent ? Will the ^^ Lord Jesus Christ thank tnem for their Pre- ^^ tence of Dectncy and Order ^ when thereby they keep ^^ many out of their Church, whom the Lord Jtsus P 2 [[ Christ (28) ^' Christ will admit into Heaven? " So far that Learned Bijhop. The Charge of Jesus Christ to his Difci- ples^ is^ Go^ teach them to ohferve all Things, whatfo^ ever 1 have commanded you. And to fuch a Pradice, and to no other^ He hath affix'd the Promife of his Prefence with his Minifters^ and his Churches, eJMatth. xxviii. 20. Lo^ I am with youy always y to the End of the WorUL R E A S O N V. If any Churchy by virtue of Humane Laws, with- out any Warrant from the Word of G o d, call out of their Communion fuch as held no falfe Dodrines, nor were guilty of any evil Pradices, then that Church muft take on itfelf the Charge of Schifm. This was the very Foundation of our Fathers diiienting from the Church of England, when in the Year 1662. flie [by the fame Spirit with thofeMen, Tfan.'^'x. ^.~] caft out about two Thoufand Godly Miniiters, purely becaufe they could not Sin againft Christ and their own Confciences, in bringing in- to the Churches unnecelTary Ceremonies, And herein it plainly appears, that the Schifm is juftly chargeable on the Church f not on them that were caft our) becaufe that Ad was made on purpofe to caft them out j for fome of the Adors faid, before that Day came. That they were afraid the Presbyteri- ans would continue in the Church. But if they would not let thefe Godly Minifters, preach in the Churches any longer, it is ftrange they could think, that they would ihut their Mouths, snd obey them rather than God: For God had given them a CommiRion to preach and had feal'd it, Cor. ix. 2 and no Command of Men could ac- quit them of their Av^ful Charge, i Cor, ix. 16. T^ceflty is laid p,p(in me^ and v^'@ unto w?, // I preach not the Gofve I, By ( 29) By thefe very Men God hath perfuaded many of our Fathers to turn from Sin to Christ ; there- fore they chofe rather to diffent from the Church than from the Miniftry of thofe Godly Men^ and the rather^ becaufe they faw that moft of their Places, in the Churches, were very poorly fill'd up, [w2,. by Ignorant and Scandalous Men.] And as our Fathers followed thefe Godly Men, in their Faith and Converfation ; fo, with Paternal and Chriftian AfFedion, they have charged many of us to follow them, in their Dodrines and holy Life. Thus the Church of England hath, unjuftly, dri- ven us out; and then they uncharitably condemn us for Schifm : It is plain that the Sin lies at their Door, and we muft fee fome hopeful Signs of their Repen- tance, for that Sin, before they may exped us to re- turn to their Communion. Reason VI. If fuch as leave the Communion of the Church have a Lawful Difmiflionfrom the Church, they are not guilty of Schifm. This is the Cafe of all Diffenters in EnglanJ, even of thofe that once were of the Church of England. This Difmiflion we have in the Ad of Toleration, which is an Ad of the King, who is own'd by them' felves to be the Head of the Churchy over all Perfons, and in all Caufes, both Ecclefiaftical and Civil : There- fore it is too bold and daring for Men, that call themfelves Loyalifis, and efpecially for Pafive Obedi- ence Profeffors, to charge DifTenters with Schifm, as long ^s that Ad is in Force. PART (JO) Part III. Some common Objections, hrou^Jt by Church'* men agamjl Dijfenters^ Anfwer^d, Obj. i.^^ ||fe^|jI7/J Church is of older ftanding ^' If^^jl than yours. zAnfw» And the Church of Rome is ^older than yours ; for we read that the My- ftery of Iniquity began to work in the Apoftles Time, 2 Thej]'. ii. 7. If there was any Thing inthi^ Argument, you and we muft both turn Fafifis, We are bid to enquire after the good old Way. Jer. vi. i6.but it muft be good as well as oldy elfe we muft not walk in it. And yet, if our DilTcnting Churches agree with Apoftolical Dodrines, and Rules of divine Worfhip, and godly Difcipline, better than yours, then our Churches are, truly older than yours. To decide this Matter, we are heartily willing to fland the Tryalof the Scriptures, and of the Fathers, for the firft Three Hundred Years after the Afcenfion of Christ. ObJ. 2. The Church of England is efiahlijhed hy Law^ your Churches an not. ^nfw. And yet we do not cry out. That our Church is in Danger*^ for we know it is founded upon the Rock of Ages. Matth, xvi. i8. Vpon this Rock J will build my Church, and the Gates of Hell jhall not pre- 'vail againfi it. We conclude from hence. That the Church, which is often in D anger y cannot be the Church of Christ , or that Church which is built on^ Christ the Rock, Th fi' The Laws of our Land favour us more than the Laws did Jesus Christ and HisApoftles^ for thus they argue againft Christ, We ha'vt a Lawy and by our Law He ought to die, John x. 7. Thanks be to God, our Churches are eftablifti'd by the Laws of Heaven: And yet as we hold cothe moft andbeft of the Thirty nine Articles, which were eftablilh'd by Law, fo our Doctrine, if not our Churches, are eftablifh'd by Law. Bucfuppofe they are not eftablifh'd by human Law, their Conftitucion is fuch that they don't need fuch Eftablifhment, and that Church is in a poor Condition that does need it, Obj. 3. Our Tiaces of PFor[kif are boljj yours are not fo. ^yinfw, W E know no Difference of Places, t\o^ fince the Coming of Jefm Cbrifi, John iv. 21. Yours are holy, only as they are fet a-part for God's Wor- Ihip, and fo are ours. B u T if your Places of Divine Worfliip are holy, it's pity the Worihippers themfelves arc not mors agreeable to their holy Places. The Place is Nothing to us ; for we had rather hear Jefus Chriji, and the Jure W^rd of God, preach'd in a thatch'd Houfe, than a learned Oration in a {lately Cathedral, where Faith in Christ, and the Neceffity of the New-Birth, and the Power of the Spirit of God with the Word in order thereto, fhould be feldom heard of. W £ can hear the Word, as the Difciples did Je- sus Christ, on a Mountain, or our of a Ship, or in an Houfe, or in a Barn. (God once chofe a Threfliing-Floor to raiie the Temple from, 2 Chron. iii. I. and fo He hath fmce rais'd many a Gofpel- Church, from the pure and powerful Preaching the Gofpel in fuch a Place, feparating the Chaff from the Wheat, and making his Word Bread of Life to Souls.^ I? ( ?o I F we can but hear of Christ, and his Salvation^ we matter not in what Place ; let it be at Epbrata^ or the FieUs of the Wood, Pfal. cxxxii. 6. And fo can others fomecimes, when they pleafe, out of a Mar- ket- Crofs, or under a Tree, or in a Ship, or in the open Field, which are not holy in their own Senfe. Obj. 4. Do you^ Dtjjtntersy think you are in the Right, and all our Learned Bijljops and 1>oBors in the Wrong ? We have both the greatejt Men, and the greatefi Num^ hers on our Side^ nAnfw. W E own it I and fo had the Jews, in the Apoftles Time ,• aud fo had the Tapifis at the R e- FORMATiONj Rev, xiii. 5. The whole World won- der d after the Beafi. We wonder not to hear the old Cry, Have any of the Rulers, or of the Pharifecs believed on Him^ What if they do not, will it follow that we mu^ not believe ,• it may be, they are not to be Call'd efFedually; foritisfaid, i Cor. i. 26. 2e fee your Cal- ling, Brethren, how that not many wife fiJ^en after the Flejlj, not many Mighty, not many Noble are called: But the Fooliflj, the Weak, the Bafe, and the ^effifed, that God might confound the Wife and the Mighty, Little did the Chief Priefts, Scribes and Phariibes, with the Body of the Jewifh Nation, think, that a Few mean Diifenters from the National Worfhip were in the Right, and all they in the Wrong : They were fo far from that Thought, that they counted them ig- norant, deluded and curfed : This Teofle that know not the Law are curfed. If Ch r i s t's Difciples were to go in the Way that the Moft, ot the Greateft go, chey might have no Crofs to take up, which Christ's Followers are fure to meet with. When the Spirit of God would fhew us how Few they are that bear witnefs to the Truths of Christ, He calls them Two Witnejfes, Rev. xi. 9. to teach us, nor to choofe our Religion by Multitudes, or rejed Dodrines, becaufe Feii/ believe them : for that may be (3?) he the Right ff^ay which Few fir;d, Matth. vii. 15. and Fewer care to walk in^ when they know it. We think they have little Reafon to boafi of their Multitudes, but rather to blu^ for their vain Con- verfation ; for Multitudes of gracelefs ProfelTors, do but difgraee any Profeflion, and keep ferious Chri- ftians out of their Communion. Obj. <;. DlJftnteTs want U?nty in their Churches, they are of fo many Opinions^ that there is no End of them* "on anj the greatefl Bar to Unity. We know tha " h'^,h been always attempted under fpf w"' P™" ''^ fuThelg Religion' But how ugly doth this Ma k look when dole viewed by wife Men; elpeciauy when they compare their Pretence with their com- mon Converfation. Obj. 6. rht Church of England U more charltahh than Diffinttng Churches are. Mw. Let every One fpeak as they find we know the Church hath ftewn her Charuy to fome manv Ways, as in her Forgivenefs of Oitences, tho. on Che fUgh eft Hints of Sorrow ; and in letting li- beral Yearly Incomes on very unleferving Pcrfons both Clergy and Laky ; this, '"^f = ^^'^ .^f^ fay, (while he was n>c Money into^m^ (35 ) Bagj '^ Well our Church is the beft-conftkuted 5* Church in the World. " Tho' fome^ whofe Hearts are right with God, have higher Ends in joyning with the Church, yet many cry up the Church, for no other End than theCraftfmen did Di^w^, left their Gain fhould be loft. From fuch Money-changers, the Church needs to be purg'd, as J esu s Chr is t ^id the Temple, Oifith a Scourge of Cords, None make fo much Noife of the Church, as thofe that feldom come there, or if they do, are the greateft Difgrace to it ; fuch as have little to fay for Religion, and who praclife lefs than they know. Unlefs we allow thefe to be Acls of Re- ligion, 1. Their Drinking Healths to the Church, as if (he was always in a fickly Condition. 2. Their For-fvvearing themfelves at ]Eledions, under Pretence of UpboUwg the Church, What, is the Church in fuch a poor Plight as to need the Forces of Hell to relieve it? But, O Shame ! That any of the Clergy fhou'd do fo 1 Well, it feems,Dif- fenters are Uncharitable, and yet, I never heard of any one Dillenter, in my Life, that wifh'd or drank the Damnation of the Church-Men : But have heard Parfcns, as well as others, drink the DilfentersDam- nation. (Cold Charity 1 ) Neither is that any no- table Piece of the Church's Charity, that will not part with a few indifferent Thirgs^ xho it were to fave the DiiTentersfromDamnacion. Nottofay any thing of the heavy Fines and Imprifonments, whereby they have perfecured many Thoufands of godly Dif- fenrers to their Graves, and their Families to excreani Poverty. 1 F any, among us, tranfgrefs Gofpel-Rules, we rebuke and exhort j and if they defeive it, we caft tiiem out of the Church ^ and if they give Evidence of Repentance, we are ready to take them in agaiq with Joy. But we cannot believe that a Man is forry for his Sin of Drunkennefs, when he continues to {)rac« tifeit^ or that a Man is forry for his Sins, on the LordVDay, that returns to them all the Weeks We think we have no Warrant for fuch large Charity. CoNCLUSIdK* 1 F the Church of England would but remove thefe Caufes of OiFence^ they fhould foon fee that we and our People would return to their Communion^ provided they defire ic (which we greatly queftion.) But till then^ we take the Liberty, by Law, allow'd us^ that is. Peaceably to withdraw ourfelves from their Communion^ and therein to take up our Crofs, and follow the Lord Jesus Christ , being willing to fubmit to Poverty, Difgrace and Con* tempt, in the World, rather than fm againft God and our Confciences ; and betray the Honour that is due alone to our Lord Jesus Christ, into the Hands of Men, with a Kifs and a Complement of Hail Mafier.- We do not difturb the Church of England in their Worfiiip; we do not call their Members to come to us ^ or if any of our common Hearers go to the Church, and abide there, we do not invite them back. And if, after all this, they will condemn us, let us comfort ourfelves. That G o D is with us, bleffing our Miniftry, for Sinners Converfion, and Believers Comfort and Growth in Grace, F I N I S, LOS Ai^GKUS 4KY ^ ) wnwmt j^ MAY 301985 ■ ^^(yo LDURT 1 J«N271985 5202 I 097p ■ 10)»-8,'32