ART AT THE SALON fi CHAMPS ELYSEES PARIS 1897 LONDON: OFFICES OF "THE STUDIO" 5 HENRIETTA ST. COVENT GARDEN NEW YORK: OFFICES OF '>THE INTERNATIONAL STUDIO" 140 FIFTH AVENUE TABLE Abbema (Mlle. L.) Adan (L. E.) . Artigue (A. E.) AUBERT (J. J. F.) . Benjamin-Constant (J. Bloch (A.) BONNAT (L.) . Bouguereau (W. a.) BULAND (E.) . Cayron (J.) Chabas (P.) Clairin (G. J. V.) . Collin (R.) Demont-Breton (Mme. didier-pouget (w.) DuFAU (Mlle. C. H.) Fantin-Latour (H.) Feyen (E.) FouLD (Mme. C.) . Gelhay (E.) . Gervais (.p.) . Grimelund (J.) Gueldry' (J. F.) GUILLOU (A.) . Haquette (G.) Harris (J. E.) Herrmann-Leon (C.) Hunter (G. S.) Jeannin (M.) . Lalauze (A.) . Laugee (G.) . Laurens (P. A.) Laurent-Desrousseaux Leroy (P. A. A.) . Levy-Dhurmer (L.) Maroniez (G.) Matignon (A.) Outin (P.) Paris (A.) Perrault (L.) Rainouard (Mlle. J.) Ridel (L. M. J.) . SlMONIDY (M.) ' . SiNIBALDI (P.). Struijs (A.) . Thomas (P.) Zo (H.) . J-) v.; (L.) PAGE Musique 20 Une petite histoire 8 Flettrs de printemps 35 L'enfant prodigue 14 Portrait du due d'Aumale 21 Une bonne capture; Guerre de la Vendee . . 31 Aigle liant un liivre ...... 43 Compassion -15 Devant les reliques 29 Le Passe ......... 10 La marchande de rhcs 36 Soldats frangais au milieu des mines de Karnak . 6 Biblis 37 Le divin apprenti 42 Bruyhes en fleiirs .5 Fils'_de mariniers 28 Tentation de Saint Antoine 16 La Nuit -17 Les chalutihes 32 Le philtre 38 Projets d'avenir 26 La folie de Titania 24 Anvers ; matinee d'automne ..... 4 La guerre en dentelles 45 Les sasurs de lait . . . . . . .18 Le lendemain d 'une tempSte ..... 34 Une matinee; Gaite-Montparnasse .... 27 Le lapin 48 Place des lamentations ; JA'usalem .... 7 Idylle . . . . . . . . .11 En Reconnaissance ....... 44 Re'colte d 'automne 2 Glauk^ et ThaUia . . . . . . -13 Les suspects (1793) ....... 46 Refugium 83 Au Paradis 39 Calme du soir 3 Fin de Manon Lescaut 9 Pendant I'averse 33 Convoi de chevaux en Alg/rie ..... 30 Tendresse maternelle ...... 19 RSverie 22 Au hord de I'eau ... . . . i Amphitrite 25 Le commerce frangais .... . . . .40 Consoler les affliges 47 Le the 41 Avant la corrida 12 •sraBTsssBssKjffy js»r..^K';*K->t.' i 'ir'x/i^s.mjsasiU'afi LOUIS RIDEL "AU BORD DE L'EAU ' 4C2536 u * < o w ^ O Q o w u 8 N = f^ W (id :z o o ^ w o oi < H < Pi > < o w Q Q W n IT) (^ < u < K ^ w Q en w 5 CO w Q W < CO < o < CO < Q O CO vO H W D < DC H? (7) Oi O H < H ■ < w Q W u < a, < o w CO H w o t: ^ 5 o < < W S -J < O < u Q Braun, Clement et Cie., Photo, J. CAYRON "LE PASSE" lO M. JEANNIN "IDYLLE" II HENRI ZO "AVANT LA CORRIDA" 13 p. A. LAURENS "GLAUKE ET THAL^IA" 13 JOSEPH AUBERT "L'ENFANT PRODIGUE" H Cofyrigkt, Braun, Clement et Cie. WILLIAM BOUGUEREAU "COMPASSION" >o Q Z o < H Z w < 1-1 < ^ H < 4^ Photo. Braun, CUment et Cie. ALFRED GUILLOU LES SCEURS DE LAIT" i8 Photo. Braun, Clement et Ci'e. L. PERRAULT "TENDRESSE MATERNELLE" 19 d MLLE. L. ABBEMA "MUSIQUE" 20 Photo. Braun, Clement et Cie. BENJAMIN-CONSTANT "PORTRAIT DU DUG D'AUMALE" Copyright Braun, CUntent et Cie Mlle. j. rainouard "REVERIE" 22 PAUL LEROY "REFUGIUM" ^3 ? < W H ^ W Q W o < 1—1 i-r' ^ < W > ^< Q Q H O Pi CO w <; O I H < < % MLLE. C. H. DUFAU "FILS DE MARINIERS" 28 EUG. BULAND "DEVANT LES RELIQUES" 29 < oi; w < Pi X u w Q O > o o CO o ^ o pq W / Photo. Braun, Clement et Cte. EUG. FEYEN "LES CHALUTIERES" 32 / p. OUTIN "PENDANT L' AVERSE" 33 to - O ;^ D Q w Q to H W < g P-i Q CO Pi; w C/5 = < C/5 < > < X u < < CO L. LEVY-DHURMER "AU PARADIS" 39 J-koto.^Hfauti, CUmcnt et Cie. P. SINIBALDI "LE COMMERCE FRANfAIS" 40 p. THOMAS "LE TH6" 41 !2 L 2*- ^. < w > > U A. STRUIJS "CONSOLER LES AFFLICTS" 47 Ci3 ^ N W . < < ^ o u ?-. t ^ Q w Pi at, o < lA a H. LAURENT-DESROUSSEAUX "LES SUSPECTS" 46 o-fi o o < to ■^ B ■S ^ ART AT THE SALON CHAMP DE MARS PARIS 1897 LONDON: OFFICES OF "THE STUDIO' 5 HENRIETTA ST. COVENT GARDEN NEW YORK: OFFICES OF "THE INTERNATIONAL STUDIO" 140 FIFTH AVENUE TABLE Agache (A. P.) Alexander (J. W.) Aman-Jean (E. F.) Bartholome (A.) Berton (A.; . Besnard (A.) . BlLLOTTE (R.) Blanche (J. EJ boulard (e.) . boutet de monvel Carolus-Duran Carriere (E.) Cazin (J. C.) . Charpentier (A.) Claus (E.) COTTET (C.) . COURTOIS (G.) Damoye (P. E.) David-Nillet (G.) DUBUFE (G.) . East (A.) Fleury (Mme F.) Frederic (L.) Froment (P.) . Gervex (H.) . Guthrie (J.) . Hugo (G.) Humphreys- Johnston IWILL (M. J.) . La Gandara (A. de La Touche (G.) Lerolle (H.) . Menard (E. R.) MoNcouRT (A. de) Montenard Moreau-Nelaton (E.) Muenier (J. A.) Nourse (Mlle. E.) Prouv£ (V.) . Robinson (D.l Rodin (A ) Roll (A. P.) Simon (L.) Thaulow (F.) Fantaisie . . . La robe jaune .... Portrait de femnie . Fragment du monument aux marts Portrait du sculpteur Jean Dampt Portrait de Mme. L . . . Carrihe de Nanterre Portraits dans un interieur La lefon Dans les hortensias . Portrait de Mme. G. F. et des ses Christ en croix Les errants .... Temps d'orage .... Narcisse ' Faneuse Au pays de la mer ; Soir orageux L'amour au banquet Apres les inondations Le laboureur et ses enfants Plafond pour la Sorbonne Sayanara .... Les enfatits de Jean-Marie Le Tisserand .... Trois soettrs .... La tour de I'abbaye La distribution des recompenses Portrait de M. Bailie Sinclair L'inondation '. Portrait de Mme. L . . . Nocturne Portrait de Mile. L . . . La t>khe Portraits sur les quais Nu devant la mer . Le Christ marchant sur les eaux Les joueurs de botiles ; Provence Le jardin de la Tournelle Vue de Saint Jean du Doigt Les chemineaux Mire et bebe La Vie (Frise decorative) Etude de nu . Monument de Victor Hugo Le labour Portraits .... Dechargement de charbon d Dieppe Rivi^e en Normandie enfants PAGE I II 25 46 18 32 9 20 3 33 21 13 40 45 47 19 5 34 24 44 3.5 31 23 14 32 38 41 17 15 16 30 42 43 36 26 39 2 12 28 10 27 37 48 29 6 4 7 A. P. AGACHE "FANTAISIE" I E. MOREAU-N^LATON LE JARDIN DE LA TOURNELLE" EMILE BOULARD "LA LEgON" o < H a, W o to ^ w <; X u w Q H w o Pi < u -w Q F- £ W X H D H W O O U < m Pi w o Pi l-H < O X CO u Pi W S < J w Q C/2 >- < CL, D < .^ ■§ o Vi B2 \o K w o HM hJ P ^ ;^. < < X S H Pi; N o H '.^ Oi y. fc w w Di -w > 1— * oi w - <* X w (_) X o H CO < H (^ O 0^ W a; 5 Pi MLLE. ELISABETH NOURSE "MfeRE ET b6b6" 19 J. W. ALEXANDER "LA ROBE JAUNE" II E. MOREAU-N^LATON "VUE DE SAINT-JEAN DU DOIGT." 13 EUGfeNE CARRlfeRE "CHRIST EN CROIX" «3 o o X p w Q OS! O O 2 J. HUMPHREYS JOHNSTON "PORTRAIT DE MME L . . . " l6 J. GUTHRIE "PORTRAIT DE ALEXANDER SINCLAIR, ESQ., J.P " »7 o H H Q 00 W Pi D H D U CO p Pi H O < ^ w <3\ J. E. BLANCHE "PORTRAITS DANS UN INT^RIEUR" "PORTRAIT DE MME. G. F . E. A. CAROLUS-DURAN ET DE SES ENFANTS" ^. \ Vk:\*Sfc f. ALBERT BESNARD "PORTRx^IT DE MADAME L . . ' 22 MME. FANNY FLEURY "LES ENFANTS DE JEAN-MARIE" 23 p. E. DAMOYE APRfeS LES INONDATIONS" H E. AMAN-JEAN "PORTRAIT DE FEMME" 25 O < u w 2 w < X '■J pi < X u a ■w w s- > > D >-^ O Pi < Pi O Pi u O -w H a O w > CT; « fc w ^ D Q H ^ a S o < Pi tL, > < -4 S X vO> O o W ►J < en 2 a: > > D O Cl, < O o H Q D Q f- W S o < > < -4 F^tbsPIRS i»*^^,a,' ' ••':^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1 ^ m » f ^ /'" 1 I ^^ -••^^^^itfs.'*'* 'JWKH^? 1 J. A. MUENIER LES CHEMINEAUX" 28 A. P. ROLL LE LABOUR" 29 u o H CO < W Q W < < Pi < < in -W < Q W Q D H CO L^ON FR6d6rIC •TROISf SCEURS" 3* it- %: D << H CO D < O ^i.*-- .^jr. to Q W < 5 o o P3 C^ O m < P^ D O Q O < p-( < > Q /^ o CD 55 Q m o Pi w o Q PAUL FROMENT "LA TOUR DE L'ABBAYE ; GRAVILLE-SAINTE-HONORINE " 38 MONTENARD "LES JOUEURS DE BOULES : PROVENCE" 39 12; f. < m E- W o > o C/3 z w o u w Q 0\ 00 CO w Q 2o 03 CO Qi-l So A. DE LA GANDARA "PORTRAIT DE MLLE. L . . ." 48 H. LEROLLE "PORTRAITS SUR LES QUAIS" 43 Q > P 12; < w CO w c/) W ID w o pq < U NO < < ow < H pi! O X < H o w Ph < u Q Q < X w < o CO »— ( u pi! < A. RODIN "MONUMENT DE VICTOR HUGO" -JS ART AT THE ROYAL ACADEMY LONDON 1897 LONDON: OFFICES OF "THE STUDIO" 5 HENRIETTA ST. COVENT GARDEN NEW YORK: OFFICES OF "THE INTERNATIONAL STUDIO" 140 FIFTH AVENUE TABLE Allan (R. VV.) Bartlett (C. W.) Brangwyn (F.) Brown (Arnesby) . BOUGHTON (G. H.), K.A. Clausen (George), A.R.A. Collier (Hon. John) Draper (Herbert J.) Drury (Alfred) . East (Alfred) Forbes (Stanhope), A.K.A » M J) »» »» )) Forbes (Stanhope, Mrs.) »» ») ») Ford (Onslow), R.A. . Frampton (George J.), A. R.A Hacker (Arthur), A.R.A. Hunter (Cohn), A.R.A. »» )) 5, Jacomb-Hood (G. P.) . Kemp-Welch (Lucy E.) King (Yeend) )» », • • • La Thangue (H. H.) . Langley (Walter) Leighton (E. Blair) . Llewellyn (W.) . Mackennal (Bertram) Murray (David), A.R.A. )» »» ») Olsson (Julius) . Poynter (Sir E. J.), P.R.A POMEROY (F. W.) . Riviere (Briton), R.A. ») »» », Shaw (Byam) . ») ), • • • Shannon (J. J.), A.R.A. '» ») !, • Solomon (S. J.), A.R.A. Stokes (Adrian) . Stott (Edward) . Swan {]. M.), A.R.A. . Toft (A.) Tuke (H. S.) Waterlow (E. a.; A.R.A. Watts (G. F.), R.A. . Watson (G. Spencer) . Weguelin (J. R.) . Wheelwright (R.) Wyllie (W. L.), A.R.A. page The Wild North Sea 6 Romance of the Ganges i6 Venice ......... 25 Herald of Night . . . . . . .21 After Midnight Mass, i=,th Century ... 13 The Mother 36 Autumn Morning; Ploughing 34 The Old Barn 45 Whist Players 17 Pot-pourri . . . . . . . . -32 Age of Innocence 61 Silence of the Morning . . . . . -41 The Sleepy River Somme ...... 43 Across the Stream 2 Christmas Eve . 44 A Red Room in Holland ...... 50 Portrait of Alec Forbes 37 A Princess of Dreamland ...... 5 Bust of Sir John Millais 60 Bust of P. Dagnan-Bouveret 59 Bust of Professor Herkomer, R.A. .... 58 Portrait of a Lady ....... 57 Statue of Dame Alice Owen 56 The Sea Maiden i The Day of Rest 14 The Pool in the Wood 20 The Little Swineherd 51 Colt Hunting in the New Forest . . . ■ ^^ Garden by the River 15 The Windmill 8 Gleaners 10 A Summer Morning 28 Travelling Harvesters 11 Charity ......... ig Fugitives 35 Blackberry Gatherers . . . . . .18 Oceana 63 Hampstead from the Viaduct 7 Deeside ......... 39 Nightfall 42 The Message 23 Statuette : The Nymph of Loch Awe . . .62 Portrait of Lady Wantage ..... 47 Portrait of Mrs. Methold ...... 48 Love's Baubles 31 The Comforter ..... 30 Jill 53 Portrait of Clare Sewell Read, Esq. .... 49 Portrait of George J. Frampton., Esq., A.R.A. . 52 Mountain Mist 40 Sunday Night 29 Tigers Drinking at a Torrent 33 The Leopard and the Tortoise . . . . .55 Statuette : Spring 64 By Green Waters 54 Autumn Floods 9 Flowery Fields 3 Portrait of Dorothy Eleanor Mac Galium ... 46 A Fantasy .... ... 27 The Piper and the Nymphs 24 A Lord of Creation 4 The Winding Medway 22 Barry Docks i2 A Cape Liner 26 ARTHUR HACKER, A.R.A. "THE SEA-MAID" I STANHOPE FORBES, A.R.A. "ACROSS THE STREAM" E. A. WATERLOW, A.R.A. "FLOWERY FIELDS" Jf^^ R. WHEELWRIGHT A LORD OF CREATION" MRS. STANHOPE FORBES A PRINCESS OF DREAMLAND" S < < < X ^ a! . O Q 3'^ O < H CO X ^§ QQ w rr w a; H ■1 ■ ,1 < In ^ Q ^^ o t^ (-1 > < M 0^ H. H. LA .THANGUE "GLEANERS" r H. H. LA THANGUE "TRAVELLING HARVESTERS" II ,VTV' " Pi W o H O D O > X O H 52; Q W < Pi m < W H X Q -; X Q S u w w Q Pi < a u o w < o Pi vo Pi', hJ w ^>^ o< O J . Ph 1 — . . H ^ CO w E H ?2 1-4 ^ ^>* Pi Pi W P5 < 05 00 w < o §^ w H ;z; :; o « Z > fe P3 o CO W Q iz; hJ ^ < <^ W K p-i < w Pi C/5 1 as I; J. R. WEGUELIN "THE PIPER AND THE NYMPHS" 24 /. {By permission of F. Fry, Esq.) FRANK BRANGWYN "VENICE" 2.S W. L. WYLLIE, A.R.A. "A CAPE LINER" 26 G. SPENCER WATSON "A FANTASY" 27 H. H. LA THANGUE "A SUMMER MORNING" 28 [Copyright, E. J. Van Wisselingh) .:<;■ ,j" ,j!c^^'-."&ti-«i-'>^-aAi*'A-*«^'«' EDWARD STOTT "SUNDAY NIGHT" 29 < Pi tT.l X (-H C/i CtJ < O > <5 o u E H o < w X J > U > o < w Pi <2 O Q m W O rrt < b oi z < u CO O O D •J < (1h J •• u o z d prf o ^ fO x> pq {Copyright, Boiissod, Valadon &■ Co.) G. CLAUSEN, A.R.A. "THE MOTHER" 36 MRS. STANHOPE FORBES "ALEC FORBES" 37 ^^ PU, fi( ^> 3s a I H O U 00 <; o o < 2: w o o W CO W 1! H o CO CO -J O I Ph w w CO w H STANHOPE FORBES, A.R.A. "CHRISTMAS EVE" 44 (Copyright, Boussocl, Valadon &■ Co.) G. CLAUSEN, A.R.A. "THE OLD BARN" 45 G. F. WATTS, R.A. "MISS D. E. MACCALLUM" 46 Ifi \ir ■■ 4. -^J- - ':>! .-' ifei' I BRITON RIVIERE, R.A. "LADY WANTAGE AND HER EGYPTIAN DONKEY" 47 BRITON RIVIERE, R.A. "MRS. METHOLD" 48 ' J. J. SHANNON, A.R.A. "PORTRAIT OF CLARE SEWELL READ, ESQ." 49 So So oo X ^ o < CO O • SOLOMON J. SOLOMON, A.R.A. "PORTRAIT OF G. J. FRAMPTON, ESQ., A.R.A." 52 n^ '*% J. J. SHANNON, A.R.A. "JILL" 53 H. S. TUKE "BY GREEN WATERS" 54 3" Q IT) m 'Q Pi < CL, O u {Original in Bronze and Marble) G. J. FRAMPTON, A.R.A. "DAME ALICE OWEN" 56 E. ONSLOW FORD, R.A. "PORTRAIT OF A LADY" 57 E. ONSLOW FORD, R.A. "PORTRAIT OF PROF. H. HERKOMER, R.A." 58 E. ONSLOW FORD, R.A. "PORTRAIT OF M. P. DAGNAN-BOUVERET " 59 E. ONSLOW FORD, R.A. "PORTRAIT OF SIR J. E. MILLAIS" 60 ALFRED DRURY "THE AGE OF INNOCENCE" 6i w < o ^ . . o fe o ■ P-, >« u a: H BERTRAM MACKENNAL "OCEANA" 63 A. TOFT "SPRING" 64 ART AT THE NEW GALLERY LONDON 1897 LONDON: OFFICES OF "THE STUDIO" 5 HENRIETTA ST. COVENT GARDEN NEW YORK: OFFICES OF "THE INTERNATIONAL STUDIO" 140 FIFTH AVENUE TABLE Ball (Wilfrid) . Blatherwick (L.)- Britten (W. E. F.) )) )» Boughton (G. H.), R. Brooke (Leslie) . Brown (Arneshy) . BuRNE-JoNEs (Sir Edward) Burne-Jones (Philip) COCKERELL (ChRISTABEL) Collier (Hon. J.) Crane (Walter) . Draper (H. G.) . East (Alfred) Frampton (G. J.), A.R Grace (J. E.) »> »> ■ • Hall (Fred) Hartley (Alfred) Hemy (C. Napier) 'Khnopff (Fernand) La Thangue (H. H.) Lindner (Moffat) Llewellyn (W.) . Melville (A.) Olivier (Herbert A.) Pickering (J. L.) . pomeroy (f. w.) . Robertson, Graham Ryland (Henry) . Shannon (J. J.), A.R.A. »> " j» Skipworth (F. M.) )) *» Stokes (Mrs. Adrian) Stanton (H. Hughes) Stott (Edward) . 1) >' Toft (Albert) Waterhouse (J. W.), R.A. pack Sleepy Holland 23 Reeds 13 A Call to Arms . . . ■ . . . . 3 The Farmer's Boy 5 Portrait of Miss Esind Robb 35 Portrait of Mrs. Brooke 31 Above the Bay ........ 38 Pilgrim of Love i The Vampire 15 Saint Elizabeth. . 18 Queen Guenevere's Maying 16 Britannia's Vision 20 The Foam-Sprite 33 Idyll of Spring 19 A Moonlit Village 21 Reginald Stuart Poole 42 A Sheltered Vale 14 Evening Hour ........ 6 The Drinking Pool 39 A View on the Tees ....... 4 A Flemish Calvary ....... 38 Off for the Night 27 Sleeping Medusa 25 An Autumn Morning 10 The Storm-cloud 7 Wood Nymphs 12 Portrait of M. White, Esq 24 Thoughtless Chance and Thoughtful Destiny . . n A Norfolk Knoll 8 Bronze Statuette : Pens^e 41 Lethe 36 Apple Blossom 17 Portrait of Marchioness of Grnnhy .... 34 Portrait of Lord Ross 37 Portrait of A. L. Baldry, Esq 22 Portrait of Miss Christine Mayne .... 30 Primavera ......... 2 Passing Storm g The Village Inn 26 Summer Idyll 29 Statuette : Invocation 40 Mariana in the South ....'.. 32 CO r W Ui r^ > oo -1 w tl-l z c^ o Uj s K 1—^ p4 wo K-i p4 >— t »-H Pi C/) W K H IT) ~ w <; O W ^> < 1— ( Q < z E t/5 H ^ r/ < h--4 pq O H fe J W J < > u ALFRED HARTLEY 'A VIEW ON THE TEES" fn ' '■>«•!;** W. E. F. BRITTEN "THE FARMER'S BOY" w = ■CJ Pi < D Pi O O E . :?: > w w ■ X QO 28 C/3 O , a: MP-r rt oi, o O 2 < H tJ I— I H. H. LA THANGUE AN AUTUMN MORNING" lO m y- '■it ,6 >:^B^ H. A. OLIVIER "THOUGHTLESS CHANCE AND THOUGHTFUL DESTINY" II h-1 'V5 Oh Q o o m a Pi E ^ H < ►J m^^'^^ J. E. GRACE "A SHELTERED VALE" 14 p. BURNE-JONES "THE VAMPIRE" IS ^^> V % HON. J. COLLIER "QUEEN GUENEVERE'S MAYING" i6 Copyright G. W. Faulkner &= Co. HENRY RYLAND APPLE BLOSSOM" 17 M < o< m w o < 00 'Si vA > < ^ .. 1 H ^^S^Mti^^^^^^^^H I^^^K^^^' . -* :- ■■;*'■■■■ in a < O U < o o X -■ . <: r • ^ o < H O do '^ PQ < •—I 53 fa K c/1 ARTHUR MELVILLE "PORTRAIT OF MARTIN WHITE, ESQ." 24 FERNAND KHNOPFF "SLEEPING IMEDUSA" 25 O 2^ H '- ^ W ^^ Q> Pi /^ U o 2^ CO W w in Q Q CO F. M. SKIPWORTH "PORTRAIT OF MISS CHRISTINE MAYNE" 30 LESLIE BROOKE PORTRAIT OF MRS. BROOKE" 3' ■■ta J. W. WATERHOUSE, R.A. "MARIANA IN THE SOUTH" 32 G. H. BOUGHTON, R.A, "ESME ROBB" 35 W. GRAHAM ROBERTSON , "LETHE" 36 J. J. SHANNON, A.R.A. "PORTRAIT OF LORD ROSS" 37 o 3< U < > < u X CO 1—4 W i hJ ; hJ J «"«P*JP>i«»«PHiiPlii|P*»^ -/TTN GEORGE FRAMPTON, A.R.A. "REGINALD STUART POOLE" 43 ART AT THE NEW ENGLISH ART CLUB LONDON 1897 LONDON: OFFICES OF "THE STUDIO" 5 HENRIETTA ST. COVENT GARDEN NEW YORK: OFFICES OF 'THE INTERNATIONAL STUDIO" 140 FIFTH AVENUE TABLE Barnard (J. L.) Bate (Francis) Bell (R. Anning) Brown (Fred) Fanner (Miss A.) Fry (R. E.) . FURSE (C. W.) Henry (J. L.) HOLLOWAY (C. E.) Knight (J. Buxton) muirhead (d.) Priestman (Bertram) Rich (A. W.) Sickert (Bernard) Steer (P. Wilson) »> J) Tomson (Arthur) . j» )» ToNKs (Henry) PAGE Reading Station 55 Sketch in Berkshire 62 Plaque : Mother and Child 64 An Easy Pose 56 The Mirror 57 The Chestnut Tree .60 The Antiquaries ....... 52 Portrait of Miss Marshall . . . • . .63 Portrait of Mrs. Cane . . . . . • ■ 49 Pastoral 61 Walmer . . ■ 53 Limehouse Reach ....... 59 Cornfields 58 Dianeme 46 On a Following Sea 44 Near Oxted, Surrey 45 Ponte Station, Trinita 48 Richmond Castle ....... 50 A Spanish Lady ....... 47 October 54 Heifers ......... 43 Blind-man's Buff ....... 51 oi2 Pi ? a: 5 fO z r < < C/3 m o w s? Pi ^ O S J < J Pi o H fe ■< 'V^ ^; O •9 (J >^ K-< u C< pi , Pi ^ o m < ^ Q W H X O oi < w ;z; I D. MUIRHEAD "DIANEME" 46 p. WILSON STEER "A SPANISH LADY" 47 ^1- z^ < U « Q - H w c/) > Pi '4, ■z < w S d: Q ;^ t— ( hJ m ^ to E WO? or; < CO W O H D X H O H U o o Q < S5 o H < F. BROWN "AN EASY POSE" 56 o Pi m O psi X -gl ^^ ^ X Q ' i.^' 5^ Sh ^'•"^S/t-jM "-1 w ^2 12: (^ T^ oO --*. HU ' X = ''is D '■iM/'- « E CO W O • X Pi', ^ w < a 3 FRAxNCIS BATE "SKETCH IN BERKSHIRE" 62 C. W. FURSE "PORTRAIT OF MISS MARSHALL" 63 R. ANNING BELL "MOTHER AND CHILD" 64 TABLE OF CONTENTS (PART III) Adan (Emile). Two Illustrations Agache (A. P.) Two Illustrations Alexander (J. W.) Four Illustrations Aman-Jean. T^eo Illustrations Alburtin (J. F.) ..... One Illustration One Illustration Baertsoen (Albert). Baffier (Jean) . Bartholdi (F. a.) Bellkry-Desfontaines Berton (Armand) Besnard (Albert) Billotte (Ren^;). One Illustration Blanche (J. E.) Four Illustrations Bon NAT (L#,on) . - • ■ BOUCHOR (Fl^Lix) . . . • BOUGUEREAU (W.) ... BouLARD (Emile). Breslau (Mdlle. L. C.) Breton (Jules) .... Burnand (Eugene) Two Illustrations Carolus-Duran . Carriere (Eugene). Cazin (J. C.) ..... Chabas (P.) One Illustration Charpentier (Alexandre) Chartran (T.) Clairin (G.) Claus (Emile). One Illustration (vignette) Collin (Raphael). Four Illustrations Constant (Benjamin) .... CORMON (F.) CoTTET (Charles). Three Illustrations Dagnan-Bouveret. Two Illustrations Dalou (Jules) . . . Damoye (P.) . . . • Dampt (Jean) Danger (H. C.) Dauchez (Andre) .... Daux (Mdlle. Henriettk) David-Nillet (G.) One Illustration . Davis (H. W. B.) .... Desbois (Jules) Desboutin (Marcellin) Deschamps (Louis) .... Desgoffe (Blaise) .... Detaille (Edouard) . , . Dezaunay (Emile) DiDIER-PoUGET (W.) Dinet (E.) Douglas-Robinson. One Illustration Dubois (P.) Dubufe (G.) Two Illustrations PAGE 50 22 32 8 25 38 8 44 8 30 26 42 28 8 63 20 20 32 38 32 22 46 52 37 50 42 38 6 5 63 30 58 10 6 52 44 32 20 50 30 64 19 30 64 46 20 20 52 28 44 42 22 Egusquiza(R. de) . . . Eliot (Maurice) .... Falguiere (A.) Fantin-Latour (H.) Two Illustrations Hommage a Brahms, an auto- lithograph . . . Frontisp. Feyen (Eugene). One Illustration Flameng ("FRANqOISJ .... Fleury (Mdme. Fanny) Fleury (T. R.) Fred^iric (LtoN) .... Fri^.miet (E.) Froment (Paul). One Illustration Gagliardini (J.) . . . . Gi^rome (J. L.) . GlRARDOT (L. A.) Grasset (Eugene) Grimelund (J.) One Illustration One Illustration Hagborg (Auguste). Haquette (G.) Harpignies (H.) . Helleu (Paul) . Henner(J.J.) Humphreys-Johnston IwiLL (J. M.) One Illustration . Jacounchikoff (Mdlle. Marie) Jeanniot (J.) Three Illustrations JOURDEUIL (A.) . . . . Khnopff (Fernand). Two Illustrations Four Illustrations Two Illustrations Latenay (G. de) La Touche (Gaston). Laurens (J. P.) Laurent-Desrousseaux. Le Camus (Louis) .... Leempoels (Jef). Two Illustrations . Lef^vre (Jules) Le Gout Gerard .... Lerolle (H.) Four Illustrations Le Roux (Hector) .... Le Roux (Mdlle. L.) .... Le Sidaner. One Illustration L^vy-Dhurmer (L.) Three Illustrations Lhermitte (L^on) .... Maignan (Albert) Martin (Henri). Two Illustrations Mathey (P.) One Illustration Melchers (Franz) Melchers (Gari) MiNARD (Ren£). Three Illustrations MERC16 (Antonin) I' ACE 26 44 26 51 38 64 64 32 51 66 64 48 6 52 52 42 6 51 26 26 28 25 37 66 52 64 3 4 3t 37 25 46 20 57 30 12 40 »9 14 5 63 56 64 46 40 4 Table of Contents — (continued) Mesdag (W. H.) Meunier (Constantin). One Illustration MoREAU-Nl^XATON (E.) Two Illustrations MouTTE (Alphonse). Two Illustrations I'AGE ■ 57 40 16 32 Nonell-Monturiol 20 NouRSE (Mdlle E.) Two Illustrations . . 14 Paillard (Henry) PUVIS DE ChAVANNES (P.) Raffaelli (J. F.) Riviere (Henri) RocHEGROssE (Georges). Two Illustrations Rodin (Auguste) Roger (Guillaume). One Illustration Roll (A. P.) 51 56 25 57 48 10 44 4 Rossert (Paul) 12 Rosset-Granger (E.) Two Illustrations . . 64 Sain (Edouard) 64 Sain (Paul) 64 Saint-Gaudens (A.) 56 Simon (Lucien). Three Illustrations . . .16 SiSLEY (Alfred) 63 Thaulow (Fritz). One Illustration . Thornley (G. W.) One Illustration . VOLLON (A.) Weertz fj. J.) Zacharian (Z.) 38 12 44 8 • 57 tl STUDY FOR " ZKLANDAISES " BY EMILE CLAUS A RECORD OF ART IN 1898 (FRENCH SECTION). PASTEL DRAWING GASTON LA TOUCHE has deal since the last Salon, will have no reason to regret it. listes he has just won golden Descente de croix ; Le Chapitre; Emmails, and a very fine portrait travelled a great and his admirers At the Aquarel- opinions for his Les Disciples d' of Bracquemond. BY GASTON LA TOUCHE At the Pastellistes he exhibited Conversation and Le passage secret. To the Soci^td Nationale he has sent Les emplettes, Bretagne ; Aux pieds de r Empereur ; La Messe Bretonne ; La Tentation; Inthieur. At Brussels, last year, he exhibited La Messe and La Diroute : at Edinburgh Lm rentree " Art in ig (French Section). Part III. Art in i8g8 mi port : and at (Copen- hagen a decorative panel entitled Le matin. K P. ROLL. .Having t^' devoted his whole time to the monumental canvas painted to com- memorate the Pose de la premiere pi err e du Pont Alexandre III. par le Tzar Nicholas II., there will be no opportunity of admiring M. Roll's work this year at the Soci6t6 Nationale Exhibition. Shortly, how- ever, there will be on view at Georges Petit's a numerous series of nude studies in sanguine, lead pencil, and coloured chalks, which un- doubtedly betray the hand of a master, and which cannot fail to appeal to all lovers of true and sincere art. "L.\ MESSE BRKTONNi:' BY GASTON LA TOICIIE BY GASTON I.A TOUCH E ANTONIN MERCI6. le Fruit difendu ; Portrait de Madame X Au Serail, and Psyche (marble) represent this talented and celebrated sculptor at the Salon de la Soci^te des Artistes Fran- c^Ms> this year. All four works are in his best style. T P. LAURENS. It '-' • is a large decorative panel for the Hotel de Ville, entitled Arrestation de Bronssel, that this jjowerful artist is exhibiting this year at the Salon de la Soci^t6 des .Artistes Fran^ais. In addition, he has a portrait of M. Laurens, fils aine (in black), in contrast to the portrait (in white) of his other son, which was such a succe.ssat lastyear'sChamps Elys^es Exhibition. Art in i8g8 ' LA TENTATION BY CiASTON LA TOUCHE RAPHAEL COLLIN has been very busy this year with his decorations for the new Op^raComique, of which he is exhibiting at the Socidt^ des Artistes Fran9ais the central panel only — Les Harmonies de la Nature inspirent le Compo- siteur. The other two panels represent La Cltati- son Legere and La Poesie Lyrique. M. Collin has not contributed much to recent exhibitions, but he sent some canvases to the Cercle Volney, to Copen- hagen, and to the Expo- sition Universelle at Brus- sels. ALBERT MAIGNAN is working with a will upon the decorations for the foyer of the new Opera "LA MUSIQUE," CARTOON FOR THE OPKRA COMigLE DECORATION BY UAPHAKL COLLIN Art in i8g8 Comique Theatre, and is not represented at the Salon de la Soci6t6 des Artistes Franqais. JULES DALOU. This masterly sculptor is not exhibiting at the Soci^td Nationale this year. He is just finishing a commemorative monument to the Heros de Sidi-Ibraliim, which will shortly be erected at Oran. It is executed in bronze and stone, and the lower portion consists of an alle- gorical figure holding a flag, while the monument is surmounted by a Victory with outspread wings. GHAQUETTE. Piloie allant an-devant d'un • navire is the title of the picture sent this year by M. Haquette to the Salon de la Soci6t6 des Artistes Fran(;ais, and it may certainly be pro- nounced one of the best achievements of this artist, who loves the sea and so well understands its effects. " LA CHANSON LtefeRE," DECORATION FOR THE OP^RA COMIQUE BV RAPHAEL COLLIN "LA PO^SIE LVRIQUE," DECORATION FOR THE OP^RA COMIQUE BV RAPHAEL COLLIN EMILE CLAUS. The exhibits sent by this artist to the Socidtd Nationale are particularly strong. They include Facades ensoleillees ; Maison en Flandre; Ferine en Zuid Beveland ; Qtiai a Veere ; A r ombre, and Maison a Veere. M. Claus has exhibited since the last Salon, at Dresden, Fevrier and Ponton //' A/snd, the last-named of which was purchased by the Dresden Museum ; also at the Ex- position Universelle at Brussels ; at Georges Petit's Exposition Internationale : at the Exhibition of the Munich Seccessionists ; and at the Libre Esthdtique. He also held a "One Man Show" at the Brussels Maison d' Art. LA. GIRARDOT exhibits this year at the • Soci^t^ Nationale a number of pictures, which are the outcome of a recent stay in Tunis, Algiers, and Morocco. La Grand Fete; La veuve; Le retour du tnarche, and Jettne Marocain are colour schemes at once harmonious and strong. -"mm-^y fa ■/:' / f \ A "LA POESIE," DECORATION FOR THE OPfeRA COMIQUE BY RAPHAEL COLLIN Art in i8g8 " LE PLLS fort' BV BKLLKRY UESFONTAINES DELLERY-DESFONTAINES. Le Plus Fort, •'— ' which this artist exhibits at the Socidtd des Artistes Fran^ais, is a powerfully treated episode from the middle ages. Since the last Salon M. Desfontaines has executed a number of drawings for the " Revue lUustree," and he is now engaged upon the illustration of Kenan's sublime Priere sur I' Acropole for the publisher, M. Pelletan. T tON BONN AT. The "official" portrait ■'— ' painter to the French Republic displays two portraits this year in the Salon of the Soci^l^ des Artistes Francjais — Giniral Davout, due cT Auer- staedt, Grand Chajicelier de la Ligion d" Honneur, and Mme. Rose Caron, the justly famous singer. Both in subject and in artistic treatment, the portrait of Mme. Rose Caron is far more valuable and interesting than that of the General. This latter, however, will have the greater success, for a gorgeous uniform always attracts the crowd ! T J. WEERTS sends to the Society Nationale ^ • his annual contribution of portraits, including those of General Baron Freedericksz ; M. Ayraud- Degeorge ; Madame la Baronne Goury de Roslan ; M. Cahen ; Dodeur Hamy ; M. Perier, and others. 8 A M.'VN-JE.^N. This year only three canvases ^ are exhibited by M. .\man-Jean at the Societe Nationale — two decorative panels entitled L' Attente and La Confidence, both of which are beautiful and harmonious in colour, and a Portrait de la Comtesse d' A . Since the 1897 Salon M. .\man-Jean has been experimenting in pastel, and that he already excels in this medium is proved by the two portraits recently exhibited at Durand-Ruel's. To the Jubilee Exhibition at Vienna he has sent a rather curious canvas entitled Komantisme. T EAN BAFFIER sends to the Societe Nationale ^ the complete fireplace for a dining-room, portions of which were exhibited last year at the Champ de Mars. He also shows a fine bas-relief, executed with strength and sincerity. "l' ATTENTE," DECORATIVE PANEL BV ,\MAN-JEAN " LA CONFIDENCE," DECORATIVE PANEL BY AMAN-JEAN Art in i8g8 DAGNAN - BOUVERET. Les Disciples d' Emmaiis, which is without doubt one of the most beautiful and most noble productions ex- hibited this year in the two Salons, and two portraits, remarkable for their refinement of treat- ment and extraordinary mastery over expression A, UGUSTE RODIN. This powerful sculptor ^^ only sends two works this year to the Soci6t6 Nationale, La Foi, which will be counted one of his noblest and most perfect inspirations, and the Statue de Balzac which is shortly to be erected upon the Place du Palais-Royal. Rodin's Balzac PORTRAIT OF M. DE S . . . BY UAGNAN-BOUVERET and character, are M. Dagnan-Bouveret's contribu- tions . to the Salon de la Soci^t6 Nationale des Beaux-Arts. The artist continues to prove himself a real master. lO is a magnificent achievement into the conception of which the majesty of certain Assyrian monu- mental statues seems to have been imparted. In addition to these Rodin is hard at work upon his celebrated Porte de V Enfer, which it is hoped will be ready for the Exhibition of 1900. STUDY, BY DAGNAN-BOUVERET Art in i8g8 JWIDLLE. L. LE ROUX, the daughter of the 1 ' 1 well-known painter, Hector Le Roux, and a pupil of Henner, is represented at the Salon des Artistes Fran(;ais by two canvases, one of which, a Portrait, is particularly happy in treatment. Dunes tie Fiandre, titled Rh'crie. fin du jour, and a pastel en- GW. THORNI.EY. • de Hollande and Two landscapes, Vuc Le Port a" Amsterdam, \ PORTRAIT STLUV BY MDLLK. LK ROUX J M. IVVILL. L'Etang, la unit, which this artist has sent to the Soci^te National e, seems to sum up the methods of M. Iwill, who is un- doubtedly one of the most personal of the French landscape school. Five other canvases and six pastels complete his contribution. He has also taken part in the Exposition Universelle at Brus- sels, his exhibits including Au lever du soleil ; represent this artist at the Salon de la Society Nationale. They undoubtedly establish him as a sincere and powerful landscape painter. PAUL ROSSERT. M. Paul Rossert is a water- colour painter of remarkable sincerity and very real talent. He is, moreover, a poet and a lover of delicate effects of nature. His large Art in r8g8 :^;. . ^»^ ' CRKPLSCILE HV J. M. lUlLL. " LE PORT D' AMSTERDAM ' G. W. THORNLEV »3 Art in i8g8 water-colour Z' heure du silence gives an excellent idea of his talent. It is a true water-colour, free from trickery of any kind. Madame Marguerite Rossert, who is a miniature-painter of great deli- cacy, also sends to the Soci^t^ Nationale a series of children's portraits which are worthy of especial 1897 in Algiers and Tunis. To the Socidt6 Nationale this artist has sent, La sot/; Dans le pri; Mat emit c, and Mere et B4b6. T 6ON L'HERMITTE. This very remarkable ^ artist only sends two canvases this year to " maternite" BY ELIZABETH NOURSE mention for their skilful execution and delicacy ot expression. MDLLE. E. NOURSE. Since the last Salon this artist has sent work to numerous ex- hibitions, including those of Tunis, Copenhagen, Nashville, Pittsburg, St. Lx>uis, Chicago, Phila- delphia, and Washington. The exhibits consisted for the most part of a series of pictures done in 14 the Salon de la Soci^te National des Beaux-Arts, entitled respectively Laveuses au hard de la Marne and Glaneuses. To make up for this, however, an opportunity has occured at the Pastellistes of studying his superb collection of pastels — Im coupe des blis; La Samaritaine; Plantation des pommes de terre au printemps ; Un coin du vieux jardin; Les dernier s rayons ; La Meule, le soir ; laveuses, effet d' automnc ; Ztf vieux charron et sa femme; La "DANS LE PRfi," BY ELIZABETH NOURSE Art in i8g8 mcridirnne : F.ii Mnisson prcs dii vi/lagf ; La charcttc de ble; Moissoneuse allaitant son enfant and Lieurs de gerbes. M. L'hermitte has, in addition, taken part in exhibitions at Venice, Dresden, Antwerp, Copenhagen and Vienna since the last Salon. p MOREAU-N^LATON is exhibiting, at the ■*— '• Salon de la Socidt^ Nationale, a goodly number of landscapes, of which the two principal ones, entitled Entrie de I' eglise de Fere-en-Tar- denois and L'eglise de Longpont, which are here reproduced, give an excellent idea of this artist's talents. M. Moreau-N^laton also displays a very characteristic set of six Vues de Paris du haul des tours de Notre-Dame. T UCIEN SIMON. Un Cirque forain dans le ■'— ' Finistire ; Retoiir de la messe, Fetimarc/i ; Portrait de Mdme. S , Utie Estacade, and a series of water-colour studies for his pictures, are the contributions of this artist to the Soci^td Nationale. At the Exposition Internationale at Georges Petit's M. Simon exhibited a Portrait du Docteur Hartinann ; at the Exposition Universelle de Bruxelles, a Portrait de Mdme. A. L .• at the Libre Esth^tiijue Deux Portraits d' hovimes and at the new Salon at Vienna, Maternite. M. Simon's exhibits at the 1898 Salon will certainly rank amongst the most noteworthy there. 'ENTRKE DE I.ECI.ISE DE FERE-EN-T.^RDENOIS " BY E. MOREAl'-NELATON ' VI E DE PARIS 16 BV E. MOREAL-NELATON < p w p a u o > o - > c/3 cq z w U Art in i8g8 "RKTOIR DK LA MESSE, I'ENMARCH ' BY LUCIEN SIMON ' UN CIRQUE FORAIN i8 BY LUCIEN SIMON ^Irt in iSg8 LL^VY-DHURMER has this year deserted cnuhe cassie ; Le dijeuiier de Max et de Biatrix • the Societe des Artistes Frani^'ais for tiie de P , very charming portraits of children ; Society Nationale des lieaux-Arts. 1 )eiicate artist Portrait de Madame M ,• Portrait de Mdlle. that he is, he will find himself more in his element Cainille M- ; and Unefeuille d' automne. " DANS LA Nl IT ' BY L. L^VY-DHURMER there. He is exhibiting four pictures — Dans la nuit ; Epi iwuveati ; II etait line fois une Priiicesse, which has already been reproduced in The Studio ; and La reveuse. To the Pas- tellistes he sent La Dame an voile noir ; La I ULES DESBOIS is not exhibiting this year at *-' the Soci«5te Nationale, and his abstention is a matter for unalloyed regret when one calls to mind the favourable impression produced by the exhibition of his collected works at the Champ de '9 Art in i8g8 Mars in 1896. He contributed, however, to the Libre Esthetique exhibition, to which he sent some metal-work of original design and skilful workmanship. CDOUARD DETAILLE exhibits at the Salon ■'— ' de la Socidtd des Artistes Fran^ais a huge canvas representing an episode in the Chalons revfew, in which the Czar Nicholas II. is seen in company with M. Fdlix Faure. This is art that cannot fail to rejoice the hearts of all true Franco- Russian patriots. MONELL-MONTURIOL exhibits at the ^ " Societd Nationale a powerful set of drawings reproducing scenes of modern life in Spain. His recent exhibition, given in conjunction with his compatriot M. Canals, at the Bare de Bouteville's, attracted a considerable amount of attention. Vy BOUGUEREAU remains faithful to his ' ' • favourite allegorical subjects, by which he has earned fame and fortune at the hands of the great public. The two pictures he is now sending to the Socidte des Artistes Fran^ais — L AssautdcnA Inspiration — will certainly not fail in arousing the pleasantest emotions among those who like this style of painting. CMILE DEZAUNAY. This artist sends to the '—' Salon de la Socii^te Nationale two paintings, Le Biniou and Fillette Bretonne. Last year M. Dezannay gave an exhibition in Paris of his collected works, which proved in every way successful. T E-GOUT GERARD has devoted his attention ^ this year to the fisher-folk of Concarneau, and has produced three pictures. Bateaux pccheurs de thou ; Coin de port, le soir ; and La vieille croix des pecheurs. A NDRE DAUCHEZ. Les BriUeurs de Goemons ^* is the title of one of the remarkable paintings that this artist has sent to the Societe Nationale. It is a striking work, very broadly handled. He is represented also by Lagtine ; Paysage d' Ecosse, and Pentiiarch. CMILE BOULARD is well represented this •'— ' year by ten important paintings, among which " LE DIiJEUNER DE MAX ET DE BEATRIX DE P- 20 BY L. LEVV-DHf RMER • Pi ■ w • ^. U Pi < c -1^ oi O Ph w H PL, Art in i8g8 especial mention must be made ol Au piano: Deux inUrieurs ; Deux figures, and some landscapes. GDUBUFE. The energetic and amiable • treasurer of the Socidtd Nationale des well, and in which he displays so much profound and beautiful imagination. CAROLUS-DURAN. Au hord d'une source; Portrait des en/ants du Prince Murat ; Beaux-Arts is not exhibiting this year a large decorative painting such as he has shown at the preceding exhibitions, but sends a Portrait dc Miles. D (his daughters) — a very charming picture. ■ A P. AGACHE— M. A. P. Agache sends only • a few things this year to the Societe Nationale, amongst them, however, two fine portrait studies which compensate us for not seeing at this salon some of those allegories which he loves so BV A. V. AtJACHE Liseuse ; La jeune fille en deuil ; L' Obsession — a sketch for a large decorative canvas being prepared by the artist for the church of Saint Raphael — these are to be M. Carolus-Duran's contributions to the Exhibition of the Socidtt^ Nationale. Like MM. Boldini and Chartran, M. Duran is at present in America, whither he was called to execute several important portrait commissions. The United States capture our most popular portrait painters ; but by way of compensation, Mr. Whistler has returned to Paris to stay. 23 PORTRAIT STUDY, BY A. P. ACxACHE "LES fePLOR^S" BY JEF LEEMPOELS Art in i8g8 JEF LEEMPOELS. Intensity of expression is the most prominent feature of M. Leempoel's talent, which is also remarkable for a certain aus- terity and mysticism. These qualities are especially noticeable in one of the pictures he is exhibiting and his new role becomes him very well indeed. He is exhibiting at the Soci^t^ Nationale three delightful portraits — Mile. Frangoise de N , Mile. Marie Louise S , and his own daughter, in addition to a flower-piece. STUDY FOR " LES l5PLORl5s." BY JEF LEEMPOEI.S. at the Socidt^ Nationale — Les Aplores. His other exhibited works include E Initiation d. I'iddak Sagesse des hommcs de tous les temps and Enigme, Since the 1897 Salon M. Leempoels has completed a Jesus Christ., a Saint Jean Baptiste, five portraits and a landscape. I F. RAFFAELLI. The painter of the forti- *-' • fications, the limner of our low life, has this year developed into the fashionable portrait painter; MDLLE. MARIE JACOUNCHIKOFF. This artist, who is well-known to readers of Thk Studio, sends to the Salon de la Soci^t^ Nationale two pictures — Une vieille propria te and Entree dii convent Saint Sana — both typical Russian land- scapes. I F. AUBURTIN. At this year's Soci6t6 '-' • Nationale Salon this artist is exhibiting a large decoration intended for the Sarbonne. It is 25 Art in i8g8 "LE LliVER" a work of great originality, very beautiful both in colour and composition. In the last few Salons M. Auburtin's exhibits, consisting of decorative panels which displayed serious and very personal qualities, have always attracted a large amount of attention. RDE EGUSQUIZA is not exhibiting this • year at the Salon de la Soci^t^ Nationale. He is still at work upon the series ot etchings in which the chief characters from Richard Wagner's works are portrayed. At the recent Exhibition of Painter-etchers in London he was represented by four of his Parsifal plates, Kundry, Parsifal, Am/ortas a.nd Titurel. PAUL HELLEU this year does not contribute to the Salon of the Soci^te Nationale. His style of art becomes each day further removed from the traditions prevailing here. He is pro- ceeding with his series of studies a la sanguine, and continues to produce steadily drypoints, full of grace and delicate observation, coupled with wonderful suppleness and skill. BY H. KANTIN-L.\TOUR austere, perhaps, but endowed with real talent, knowing full well his object, and realising it. At the Soci^t^ Nationale des Beaux-Arts his most notable works are Au piano ; Au Travail ; Coin d' atelier ; En penitence ; Le Fossi ; Le Coteau ; and Pniniers en fleurs. J J. HENNER sends two canvases, the • Portrait de Mdlle. Laura Le Roux, and a Scriptural scene, Le L&vite Ephraim et sa femme morte, to the Salon of the Soci6t6 des Artistes Franq)ais. The portrait is undoubtedly one of the finest works he has produced. One may like or dislike his style, but there is no denying his right to take his stand among the great masters of painting. HFANTIN-LATOUR remains faithful to the • poetical subjects drawn from the land of dreams, which have inspired so many of his works. The two canvases that he is exhibiting at the Society des Artistes Fran^ais this year — Andromede and Le Lever — will certainly take rank with the best works exhibited there. EMILE BOULARD. A conscientious artist, de- lighting in serious abstract studies. Somewhat 26 ALBERT BESNARD. This artist's display at the Society Nationale will not be very ■W^ffWP -■'. i,;**;;,. "ANDROMEDE," BY H. FANTIN-LATOUR. Art in i8g8 OUMPHREYS JOHNSTON. The interest *■ ■'■ that the pubh'c always evinces in anything appertaining to the famous actress will, no doubt, have the effect of attracting greater attention to Mr. Humphreys Johnston's Portrait de Sarah Bernhardt dans le role de Lorensnccio than to other works of superior quality in the Soci^td Nationale Salon. P DINET, having been very busy with a large •^» amount of illustration work, Le Pohne d' Antar, has sent to the Society Nationale only one small picture — a study of the nude figure in moonlight, entitled Sur les terrasses. Since the 1897 Salon M. Dinet has exhibited at the Exhi- bition of the Peintres Orientalistes and at that of the Aquarellistes. STUDY FOR "PORTRAIT DE MADAME THAILOW ET SES ENFANTS" BY J. E. BLANCHE extensive, but qualitymakes up for lack of quantity. The two canvases he contributes are a Portrait de Rijane and Marchd aux chevaux, a Abbeville, both of which are powerful pieces of colour. T E. BLANCHE exhibits '-' • two portraits at the Soci^t(5 Nationale des Beaux- Arts— 7';«£' Misses Cupel and Portrait de Madame Thaidona et de ses enfants. These pictures each contain several figures, all of which shew akeen endeavour on the part of the artist to create for them a natural and appropriate atmosphere. In this M. Blanche excels, and his great artistic gifts are herein dis- played to perfection. 28 STUDY FOR "PORTRAIT DE MADAME THAULOW ET SES ENFANTS " BY J. E. BLANCHE ■ ^^^p ^^9 ^m^ ^'W^^^^^^H ^^^^^ipr^'' ml 1 W A 9 1 "PORTRAIT DE MADAME THAULOW ET DE SES ENFANTS," BY J. E. BLANCHE Art in i8g8 STUDY FOR " LE BENKDICITE MARCELLIN DES- BOUTIN. This well- known engraver exhibits a portrait of the author ot " D^racin^s," M. Maurice Barres, at the Socidtd Nationale. GUAVID-NILLET • exhibits at the Soci^t^ Nationale Le Bene- dicite, a large and most carefully executed canvas. The picture entitled Le labonreur ct ses enfants, which he exhibited at the 1897 Salon, has since been acquired by the State. To Dresden he sent LAveu, which was purchased by the Museum of that town ; and at Rouen his picture Maternite was also secured for the local picture gallery. He has sent to the Jubilee Exhibition at Vienna two large canvases — La chanson du marii and Chez grand mere. 30 BY DAVID-NILLET TJ ECTOR LE ROUX, •^ -^ the well-known de- lineator of classic subjects, has only sent to the Soci^t^ des Artistes Frangais two small canvases — La Toilette d'line Dame Pompeienne and L Atelier ile Phidias. P CORMON. At the ^ • Society des Artistes Franc^ais two rooms have been set apart for the exhibi- tion of this painter's Histoire de r Human ite. This series was exhibited in February at the Cercle de la Rue Boissy d'Anglas. ARMANI) BERTON. '^ La Coquetterie ; Femme se peignant les cheveux ; Paresse ; Le lit a rideaux ; and several Portraits are the works sent by this artist to the Socidt^ "THE MISSES CAPEL' BY J. E. BLANCHE Art in i8g8 Nationale des Beaux-Arts. M. Berton is not a loud painter, seeking success by violent means, but rather a conscientious honest artist, whose work is always in- teresting and deserving of careful attention. T AURENT-DESROUS- L- SEAUX exhibits at the Soci^td des Artistes Fran^-ais four canvases — two water- colours, Les repasseiises and Viet lie rue a Sell Inns ( VarJ; and two oil paintings, Le lavoir and Sous les plataiies. To the Exposition Inter- nationale at Georges Petit's he sent a set of remarkably interesting studies of Provence. ' LE LAVOIR BY L.Al RKNT-DESROISSEALX " LES REPASSEUSES ' BY LAURENT-DESROUSSEAUX 31 Art in i8g8 1 \V. ALEXANDER. This artist has, as usual, >-' • a considerable number of canvases at the Salon de la Soci^t^ Nationale, and this is a matter for congratulation, for his unconventional methods and delightful fancy are invariably productive of an artistic treat. Among his exhibits especial mention must be made of several Portraits and Nature morte ; Pandorc ; The blue boiul. Last year Mr. Alexander won the Temple Gold Medal at Philadelphia with his picture, The Mirror. L^ON FR^D^RIC. Les Ages de /' Ouvrier, which is a sequel, so to speak, of his Ages du Paysan, represents this artist at the Soci^t^ Nationale this year. He has exhibited besides at Vienna, Le Vicille Paysanne and Le Peuplc vcrra k la'cr du Sokil ; at Lille, L A rc-eu-ciel ; at the Exposition Universelle at Brussels, Tout est mort ; and quite recently at the Brussels Cercle Artistique, about twenty works, in addition to a triptych, entitled La Nature, at the Libre Esthdtique. TT C. DANGER. Painting of the patriotic, A A • Franco-Russian, humanitarian type achieves a triumph of a kind in the enormous canvas — 13 metres by 8 — exhibited by this artist in the Salon of the Soci^t^ des Artistes Frani^ais. It is styled, Les Grands Artisans de V Arbitrage et de la Paix, and is a glorification of the Czar, Alexander IIL, done to order at the request of an association known as "La Soci^t^ Fran^aise d' arbitrage entre les Nations." The good intentions and noble objects of this society are indisputable ; but one is sorry to see its ideas displayed in this fashion. " PORTRAIT-STUDY " 32 BY J. W. ALEXANDER l\A DLLE. L. C. BRESLAU. ^ ' * The principal works completed by this artist since the Salon of 1897 are La petite fille au chat ; La Dame au grand chapeau ; Portrait de Mdlk. Z / Lnterieur ; Pe- tites filles jouant avec tin chien ; La Dame en mauve ; La bro- deuse, several studies of flowers and drawings touched up with pastel. A r,PHONSE MOUTTE. ••^ The sympathetic direc- tor of the Ecole des Beaux- Arts at Marseilles sends six works to the Soci^t^ Nation- ale — A Notre Dame de la Garde; Rose; L'ami Oleg; En ete; A /' automme and Jour de mistral. M. Moutte, who loves to deal with light and life in the open air, is one of the best painters of F Ecole Proven^ale. EUGENE BURNAND ex- hibits at the Soci^td Nationale fourteen illustrations of Christian' s Journey, from the " Pilgrim's Progress." He is also represented by four paintings : Les Disciples ; Le Soir; Le Berger; Les Puis. "THE MIRROR" BY J. W. ALEXANDER a s . « _! z O a X ii: .J ^ u < ta ^ X h. < CQ 35 Art in i8g8 //'' <^'*. 'f^ / : ./ <-"/ STUDY FOR "AU BURD UK L EAl BY J. JKANNIOT 'AU BORD DE L EAU 36 BY J. JEANNIOT ^rt in T8g8 'SUR I. EAU BY P. ClIABAS JJEANNIOT. An alert and conscientious • observer who is greatly attracted by the various phases of modern life. At once a litho- grapher, etcher, and pastellis-t, he has produced a great deal during the past twelve months. Amongst his most recent etchings especial mention must be made of La robe d flcurs, and a notable litho- graph is IJEtape. He has also completed a considerable number of powerfully decorative engravings on wood. To Vienna he has just sent L' Imperiale, place de la Concorde, and a series of etchings. At the Salon de la Society Nationale des Beaux-Arts he is exhibiting Aii lord de /' eau ; IJEtape; Petite jille ; and Viie de Florence, au crepuscule. P CHABAS, Member of the Socidt^ des Artistes * • Fran^ais. He is exhibiting there a portrait of his wife, as well as Sur I' eau — one of those fantasies in colours, with strange reflections of light in calm water, with which he has earned his repu- tation. He has exhibited this year at Vienna and at the Cercle Volney many works executed in his well-known style. LOUIS LK CAMUS. This artist's exhibits at the Societe Nationale consist of L' Etang de Conches; Tristesse d' Orphec, and a series of landscapes. They are notable for the combined qualities of delicacy and force. STUDY FOR "AC BORD DE L EAU BY J. JEANNIOT 37 Art in i8g8 ,ja..:.i»~xt^ t "LES FUMEES CRITZ THAULOW. The well-known Norwe- ■•• gian landscapist has sent this year to the Soci6t6 Nationale some very important works — Les Fumees; La Mer vue de la Jetee de Dieppe; Effet de neige, Nonvege and Canal, effet de neige (pastel). Since the last Salon he has exhibited at Venice, Nocturne ; at Pittsburg, several pictures, of which one — Riviere en Normatidie, coucher de soleil — has beei\ purchased by the Carnegie Institute ; at Dresden, some Studies of Normandy ; and several works at the Exposition Internationale at Paris, and at the Libre Esth^tique. ALBERT BAERTSOEN sends this year to the Socidte Nationale a very fine set of pictures, including Petite Place, le soir ; Vieux port en ville morte ; Soir a I'asile ; La Grand Rue, Nieuport ; Vieilles maisons, nuage blanc ; Coin d' impasse; and a very remarkable series of etchings. Since the 1897 Salon he has exhibited at Venice; at Dresden, where he was awarded a Gold Medal ; at the Libre Esth^tique, where he achieved a great success ; and at the Exposition Universelle de Bruxelles ; and the Exposition Internationale at Georges Petit's. 38 BY FRITZ THAULOW CRANgOIS FLAMENG. Vive rEmpereur! -^ Waterloo, 18 Jnin, 1815, six heures dii soir (there's - nothing like being exact !), the work sent by M. Flameng to the Socidt^ des Artistes Fran9ais, would succeed in arousing, were it necessary — which unhappily is not the case — the enthusiasm of the believers in the Imperial epopie. The Napoleonic legend seems destined to flourish for ever in painting 1 Apart from this battle-piece, M. Flameng exhibits a Portrait de Mile. O. P . GCLAIRIN exhibits two canvases — La Grande • Vague and La Vallee de Thebes — in the Salon of the Socidtd des Artistes Fran^ais. Mere mention of these works suffices, for there is nothing to say about them, save that they are displayed here with numerous others, calling for no comment. JULES BRETON. La Glaneuse, sent this year to the Socidtd des Artistes Fran^ais, recalls in attitude and in expression, his celebrated figure, Le Chant de V alouette ; but nevertheless it is full of charm and sincerity. He also exhibits a street scene. Rue de Village. u Z. J w 00 o < C/2 J ai w < ■ :: CQ Art in i8g8 /'^ONSTANTIN MEUNIER. The great sculp- just been brought to a successful termination. M. ^~* tor is exhibiting at the Salon de la Society Meunier is now busy upon a large high-relief, La Nationale one of the statues that he has executed Moissou—di companion work to his Z' Industrie. "le semevr' BV C. MEINIER for the Botanical Gardens at Brussels — Le Semeur. It is one of the most powerful and skilfully exe- cuted works he has yet completed. At the Libre Esth^tique he had several works, amongst them Melaiicolie ; LLes travailleurs de la mer ; Le B rise- lames and Le bucheron. At Dresden, an exhibition last May brought together nearly all his works of the last ten years, including sculpture, drawings, and paintings. At Berlin the same exhibition has 40 REN6 Menard, in 1897, M. Me'nard, who occupies a high place in the young French school, took part in numerous exhibitions. To Munich he sent Rossulien, effet d' orage, which the Munich Museum hastened to acquire; to Copenhagen, A V aiibe ; to Stockholm, Solitude, which was purchased by the Stockholm Museum ; and to Pittsburg, Automne, a different version of the decorative panel exhibited at the Salon du Champ de Mars in 1897. At the Exposition Nationale des Beaux-Arts he is exhibiting Le Jugement de Paris ; La dairicre; Portrait du peintre Eugene L^omont and Deuil sur la mer. LE SIDANER is a subtle and refined painter who excels in twilight effects, and he is, more- over, one of the few who knows how to reproduce the tender charms of young girls upon canvases full of exquisite poetry. He has six pictures at the Salon de la Socidtd Nationale — Le Dimanche, Nuit, STUDY FOR " AVANT LE BAIN RENE MENARD Art in i8g8 'A LA TOMB^E DE LA NUIT ' BV REN^ MENARD »*ByflK»»'-i4ass-_* '= -'-• Wtsi^ STUDY FOR "LA CLAIRIKRE" BY RENl5 Md:NARD 41 Art in i8g8 " LE DIMANCHE Portrait de M. G. Fabre, Lys Obscurs, Lune Fleu- rant and Vitrail. To the recent exhibition at Nantes he sent Nuit Douce, Petite Rue ; and to Lille A/nes blanches, Soir Leger, Ombres Profondes, Nuit Bleue, and Lune sur I' etang. He also BV LE SIDANER contributed to the Exposition Universelle de Bruxelles, to the Dresden Exhibition, to Georges Petit's Exposition Internationale de 1897 and to the Libre Esth^tique, where he has made a very decided success. A UGUSTE HAGBORG in 1897-8 exhibited at •'* Stockholm Un enterrement en Normandie ; Un pecheiir ; Pay sage de Bretagne ; Portrait de Mdme V and Andree ; at Tunis, Les Deux atnis; Baigneuse; and Stockholm, Vhiver; in London, Dans les pares aux huitres, Caruale. He is exhibiting at the Soci^t*^ Nationale des Beaux-Arts A la Campagne (Suede); Portrait; Soircf ete (Suede) ; and Gaucher de soleil (SuMe). RENE BILLOTTE. One of the most delightful among the many landscapes exhibited by M. Billotte at the Soci(5t6 Nationale is undoubtedly his Lever de lune au canal Saint Denis, which displays the poetic qualities of a true artist. TCHARTRAN. The painter of his Holiness • Leo XHL, although, like, MM. Carolus- Duran, Boldini, and Gandaura, at present in the Land of the Dollar, is nevertheless represented in the Salon des Artistes Franfais, where he displays La Chanson de V Epee (Siegfried) and a Portrait de Mile. L. G . "A LA CAMPAGNE (SUEDE) " 42 BY A. HAGBORG P. DUBOIS. Among the innumerable busts shown this year, as every year, at the Soci^t^ w H H O ^ H-1 < J z l-H < PQ u , 0^ o < > CQ M 2 D , J cn M Z Q Q > u < J 73 Art in i8g8 " LE SOMMEIL' BY DOUGLAS ROBINSON des Artistes Fran^ais, the two works representing the well-known sculptor, P. Dubois, deserve atten- tion. They are the busts of M. le Comte de Frangueville and Le Professeur Liinuelongue. DOUGLAS ROBINSON. A beautiful nude study of a sleeping woman represents Mr. Robinson at the Societd Nationale. It is a piece of work which reveals the hand of a powerful artist, and it cannot fail to command the attention of all those who admire strong and virile painting. GUILLAUME ROGER contributes to the Socidte Nationale a kind of triptych inspired by Theodore de Banville's charming comedy, Le Baiser. lEAN DAMPT. M. Jean Dampt, who seems '-' for the time to have abandoned pure for applied sculpture, is well to the front at the Soci^t6 Nationale this year with a large bas-relief, which, in spite of a certain conventional aspect, is well worthy the regard of lovers of this artist's exceptional talents. 44 AVOLLON. One hesitates to decide whether • it be in his still-life or in his portraits that M. VoUon most fully displays his undoubted gifts as a painter. The question is not easy to answer, and perhaps it were best not to attempt to solve it. This year, at any rate, no comparison is possible at the Society des Artistes Francais, for he contributes but two portraits, those of Mile. J. G and Mnie. G . C A. BARTHOLDI. The celebrated author A • of Liberie eclairanl le Monde sends two important contributions to the Socidtd des Artistes Francais. The first is a cast of Z« Saotie emportant ses affluents, a monumental fountain, which has been erected at Lyons ; and the second is Le Tombeau des Gardes Nalionaux /ues a Coltnar en iS'jo. AFALGUIERE. The sculptor who produced • Diane and the celebrated Danseuse is in more sober mood this year. He has on view in the Salon de la Societe des Artistes P"ran(;ais a statue of Cardinal Lxivigerie, about ten feet in height, and not undignified in style. This is a fti w o o Pi w ^ w C/3 t3 < HH )— 1 <; H-( P3 D o w >< - ?q Art in i8g8 great change from the captivating nude studies to which M. Falgui&re had accustomed us; and many will regret that he should have abandoned the old manner, in which his greatest successes were achieved. DLAISE DESGOFFE. Two canvases, examples ^ of the still-life in which this artist so greatly excels by reason of his honesty and delicacy ot treatment and his remarkable technical skill, repre- sent M. Desgoffe at the Socidtd des Artistes " LA PRIERE" BY E. CARRIERE GARI MELCHERS. M. Gari Melchers, who must not be confused with M. Franz Melchers, has at this year's Salon of the Soci^td Nationale a notable and very interesting display, which com- pensates for his absence from last year's Exhibition. Among his various works I must mention Les Pklertns d' Einmaus ; Piiritaine \ Marin et sa fiancee ; Le Village ; and Le Canal. 46 Franijais. One is styled Orchidees, agate, ivoire, cristal de roche, drc. ; and the other, Cristal de roche, table de Marie- A ntoinette. T ULES LEFfiVRE. The two works exhibited ^ by this artist at the Soci^t^ des Artistes Fran^ais — the Portrait de Mme. V. Postima and the Portrait du Comte de Kerchove de Deurterghem w O oi O < 2 Pi < u w z -a o p w > ^ Art in i8g8 — will add nothing to, nor detract aught from, the celebrity enjoyed by M. Lefevre. His art is of the pompous academic pattern, treated in the coldest fashion, and quite devoid of interest. GEORGES ROCHEGROSSE. To the Soci^te des Artistes Fran<;ais the author of Andro- maquc and the Chevalier aux fleurs sends this year a large decoration for the Sorbonne — Le Chant des Muses itieille V ame hutiiaine. M. Rochegrosse has lately been spending some time in Algiers, whence he has brought back with him some very interest- ing studies. I L. GEROME. Real sculptors regard M. '-' • Gerome's sculpture as painter's sculpture, while painters say his painting is sculptor's ])ainting. As a matter of fact, his sculpture is superior to his painting, especially of late years. His Daphnis et Chloc and his Fcmmc an bain in the department of painting are unquestionably inferior to the Timour-Leng, or in ordinary parlance. Tamerlan, and to his Belluaire, which he displays in the sculpture section of the Societe des Artistes Francais. Here, at any rate, we find curious and interesting work, which reveals the artist if not the great sculptor. FRAGMENT OK " LE CHANT DES MUSES" 48 BY G. ROCHEGROSSE J W c/2 m crt w W Q H u w D X w O O u I u o C/3 U o o u Art in i8g8 ' LA LECTRICE (Copyright by Braun, CUntent & Co., iSc/6') BY EMILE ADAN PMILE ADAN. L< Ph H ^H Oi W n H-l Ph Pi < >" X Q u > Ul m "APPARITION DE CLjfeMENCE ISAURE AUX TROUBADOURS" BY HENRI MARTIN Art in i8g8. HENRI MARTIN. An artist of great versatility, of an exquisite and fertile imagination, whose talent is at once original and sincere. He has sent to this year's Salon de la Soci^t^ des Artistes Frangais a large decorative painting, entitled Apparition de Cldmence Isaure aux troubadours, which is sure to attract a great deal of attention, and a Muse. M. Martin has exhibited, during 1897-8, at Munich, Stockholm, Dresden, Copen- hagen, Brussels, London, Vienna, and Lille. BENJAMIN CONSTANT. M. B. Constant would seem to have definitely abandoned his oriental and Byzantine fancies, of which he has made a speciality for years past, in favour of portrait -painting — a fact on which he may be heartily congratulated. His genuine painter's gifts serve him far better in this direction, and his portrait of his son, in the Luxembourg collection, will live much longer than all his Theodoras. This year he exhibits at the Soci^te des Artistes Francais a Portrait de M. Gabriel Hanotaux, de V Acadimie Frangaise, and one oiM. PaulSohbge. M. Constant recently exhibited at the Cercle de la Rue Volney portraits of M. Friddric Ayer and Mme. Arnold Reichenbach. A LFRED SISLEY. This refined impressionist ■'*■ landscape-painter is a constant exhibitor at the Socidtd Nationale. His canvases now displayed — La Vague, baie de Langland ; La rade de Cardiff ; a Penarth, temps brumeux^^tvtsX the charmingly clear, fresh tone, the harmonious variations in which he excels. Happily, the days when work such as this was refused by the ultra- conservative Salons are now past. The impres- sionists have not changed, but public taste has. FELIX BOUCHOR. Everything done by M. Felix Bouchor bears the stamp, if not of any very striking originality, at least of wonderful sincerity of purpose. In this he shews himself indeed the -true brother 01 the distinguished poet ' MISS BY HENRI MARTIN 63 Art in i8g8 the writer of " L' Aurora," "Tobie," and "Noel." M. Felix Bouchor is a landscapist whose work is better conceived than carried out, as witness the two canvases he sends to the Salon of the Socicit^ des Artistes Frangais : Le Bois, V hiver ; and La Herse, the latter having been already exhibited at the last display at the Cercle Volney. EROSSET-GRANGER. Many portraits, some • decorative panels for Madame Lobstein's town mansion, and for that of M. Strauss, are the principal works completed by M. Rosset-Granger since the last Salon. He has, in addition, shown at Lille Utie raffinerie parisinuie and Brodeuse ; at the Continental Gallery, London, Uiie victime du devoir. M. Granger is showing two pictures at the Salon de la Socidt^ Nationale a Portrait and Jeime fille a la mandoline. GDE LATENAY deserts for the nonce the • Brittany he showed us last year at the Champ de Mars in such enchanting guise. Among the various works he is now displaying at the Socidtd Nationale may be mentioned Sur V Escaut ; La cm, Carcassonne : and Bruleurs de goemons. canvases of MM. Montenard and Gagliardini, but the tender tones of the meridional twilight. Among his exhibits this year at the Soci^t^ des Artistes Franfais may be mentioned Lm, Barthelasse, Avig- non ; Soir de F&vrier ; and Le Picheitr, matinie de juin. MADAME F. FLEURY only sends one pic- ture to the Soci^t^ Nationale — a Breton scene, entitled Le Fil Rompu. Since the last Salon Madame Fleury has sent pictures to several exhibitions ; amongst others, Famille Breto?ine to the Crystal Palace, London; and Le clocher d^ Arzon ; Reverie; and Etude to the Lady Artists' Exhibition at Georges Petit's. TR. FLEURY. Sous la Terreur, perquisition, • is the title of the work exhibited by this artist at the Salon de la Soci^t6 des Artistes Fran^ais. FRANTZ MELCHERS. Desir (T enfant and a Portrait de Mdme. M represent the brilliant Dutch painter at the Salon this year. POOUARD SAIN continues — and we have no ^ reason to complain thereat — to show us the impressions brought home by him from his travels. The canvases he displays at the Soci^td Nationale are thoroughly deserving of mention, notably Carmen ; Marchande de grenades, Capri ; un Portrait ; and L' Attente, ^titde de nu. T GAGLL^RDINL This bright landscapist re- '-' • mains faithful to the style in which he excels. His two pictures at the Soci^t^ des Artistes Fran(;:ais are really charming. They are entitled, Frontiere d' Espagne, Rue de Village, and Vallee du Buech, Hdutes-A Ipes. HW. B. DAVIS. A single canvas, displayed • at the Socidtd Nationale, and entitled, Aubepine, pays de (dalles, reveals the fact that this artist, who exhibited last year at the Champ de Mars, is still true to his earlier fancies. T GUIS DESCHAMPS. Z' Alchimiste ; Tete •'— ' de Gitana ; Pattvrette ; Retour du pare ; and Pia are the chief works sent by this artist to the Soci^t6 Nationale. His admirers will be rejoiced to see so ample a display of work bearing his signature. PAUL SAIN. M. P. Sain excels in reproducing the atmosphere of the South, not the violent effects of light shown us in such profusion in the 64 'JEUNE FILLE A L.\ M.\NDOLINE BY E. ROSSET-GRANGER w z < O W o w > >< a H en Art in i8g8 AJOURDEUIL is a landscape painter of the • old, but good school. This conscientious and sincere artist had two canvases at the Expo- sition Universelle de Bruxelles — Le lac d' Aigue- belette aux derniers rayons and Printemps en vue d' Antibes. At this year's Salon (Soci^te' des Artistes FranQais) he is exhibiting Le Matin au bac de la Rollandiere, prh Grenoble; Fin de jour nee printanilrc au Cap d' Antibes, and a water-colour entitled Matinee d' automne h la Rollandiere. In all of these are displayed excellent qualities of painting, with a tender feeling of nature. PAUL FROMENT. This is only the second year that M. Froment has exhibited in public, and his work is undoubtedly well worthy of careful attention. It consists of a set of strong and dis- creetly handled landscapes, which, although little likely to appeal to the general public, nevertheless contain a great deal of sound workmanship. The following are the titles of his pictures : — Le Bassin de Bacchus, Versailles ; Un Coin de cour, rue de Vangirard ; Un coin de cour, la nuit ; L Abbaye de Graville Sainte-Honorine ; Le clocher d' Harfleur ; and Les moulins d' Alfort, " l'abbave de graville sainte-honorine," by paul froment 66 ^ |»A/| Um tK* C»^tiin/> Cvm^rte because they take any Lens, work wilh any Plates or Films, and %l9vU Vy ll/V JLvtlUlliy CAyvl 19, provideevcryadjustmcnt required in Photography. Complete Catalogue : 80 pages, 7 by 10, Art Paper, with 112 Illustrations, including 60 choice Specimens of Photography. Price 1/3 post free. ABRIDGED LIST FREE ON APPLICATION. NEWMAN &> GUARDIA, LTD., 90 & 92 SHAFTESBURY AVENUE, LONDON, W. J XTRA NUMBER OF ''THE STUDIO" — 3--==- ART AT THE ROYAL ACADEMY OFFICES OF "THE STUDIO" 5 HENRIETTA ST. COVENT GARDEN LONDON Jeffrey & co's Wall Papers Artistic (Free from Arsenic) THEIR NEW PATTERNS CAN NOW BE OBTAINED OF THE LEADING DECORATORS AND INCLUDE THE FINEST HAND-PRINTED AND INEXPENSIVE MACHINE PRINTED WALL-PAPERS BACKGROUND PAPERS FOR PICTURES STAMPED PAPERS IN LOW RELIEF EMBOSSED LEATHER PAPERS FLOCK PAPERS, &c. SUITED FOR THE ENTIRE DECORATION OF A HOUSE THEIR EXHIBITION, showing the development of Paper staining during the Victorian Era, and including JEFFREY & GO'S "ROYAL JUBILEE WALL DECORATION" is now on view in the Picture Gallery at the Victorian Exhibition at Crystal Palace JEFFREY &Go.,64 SCREENS SHOWING DOUBLE WIDTH OF DESIGN are on Show at their SPACIOUS SHOW BOOMS AT FACTO It T RD,, ISLINGTON, LONDON, N THE liN/fi^C: CAMERA? iai^. Seven Distinct Patterns. Five Different Sizes. With any Lens or Lenses ; Special Shutter, Iris Diaphragm, Patent Pneumatic Regulation. Automatii and "time" exposures at will. Hand and Pneumatic Releases. Detachable Changing-Box for Plates an( Films. Finders, Levels, Focussing Screen and Scale, &c. &c. ^// Woodzcork well-seasoned Mahogany, covered with real Black Morocco. DOUBLE EXTENSION; DOUBLE RISING FRONT; SWING BACK—ACCORDINO TO PATTERN Price from £13 complete, FOR PICTURES 4J BY 3J IN. Indispensable to Beginners, Used Dp tbe Ceading €xperts» because always ready for use, free from mechanical complications and extremely easy to work. because they take any Lens, work with any Plates or Films, ani provide every adjustment required in Photography. Coniplete Catalogue : 80 pages, 7 by 10, Art Paper, with 112 Illustrations, including 60 choice Specimens of Photography. Price 1/3 post free ABRIDGED LIST FREE ON APPLICATION. NEWMAN &" GUARDIA, LTD., 90 W 92 SHAFTESBURY AVENUE, LONDON, W. RA NUMBER OF ''THE STUDIO" ART AT THE NEW GALLERY AND THE NEW ENGLISH ART CLUB THE "STUDIO OFFICES" UCMDIHTTA QTRPPT lOMnnM \\/ C Jeffrey & co's Wall Papers Artistic (Free ffom Arsenic) THEIR NEW PATTERNS CAN NOW BE OBTAINED OF THE LEADING DECORATORS AND INCLUDE THK FINEST HAND-PRINTED AND INEXPENSIVE MACHINE PRINTED WALL-PAPERS BACKGROUND PAPERS FOR PICTURES STAMPED PAPERS IN LOW RELIEF EMBOSSED LEATHER PAPERS FLOCK PAPERS, &c. SUITED FOR J 4 THE ENTIRE DECORATION OF A HOUSE THEIR EXHIBITION, showing the development of Paper- staining during the Victorian Era, and including JEFFREY & CO'S •ROYAL JUBILEE WALL DECORATION" is now on view in the Picture Gallery at the Victorian Exhibition at Crystal Palace SCREENS SHOWING DOUBLE WIDTH OF DESIGN are on Show at their SFACIOUS SHOW BOOMS AT FACTORY JEFFREY & CO,,64ESSEXRD,, ISLINGTON, LONDON, N. M i=^*^ ,.,„.J) V THE Mn.&g:gamera5 FOR HAND 6- TRIPOD. Seven Distinct Patterns. Five Different Sizes. With any Lens or Lenses ; Special Shutter, Iris Diaphragm, Patent Pneumatic Regulation. Automatic and " time " exposures at will. Hand and Pneumatic Releases. Detachable Changing-Box for Plates and Films. Finders, Levels, Focussing Screen and Scale, &c. &c. All Woodieork well-seasoned Mahogany, covered with real Black Morocco. DOUBLE EXTENSION; DOUBLE RISING FRONT; SWING BACK-ACCORDING TO PATTERN Price from £13 complete, FOR PICTURES 4J BY 3^ IN. Indispensable to Beginners, '''-"^'=^*''^=''t^j?re™dyil;Toro^l:r"''^'~"^^^^ )I»A/I k<« I-Ka r>A->/1iMA Cv*4Avte because thcy take any Lens, work with any Plates or Films, and UdCU op IIJV LeaUing CAPvriOt provide every adiustment required in photography. Complete Cotatogtie : 80 pages, 7 by 10, Art Paper, with 112 Illustrations, including 60 choice Specimens of Photography. Price 1/3 post free. ABRIDGED LIST FREE ON APPLICATION. NEWMAN ^ GUARDIA, LTD., 90 & 92 SHAFTESBURY AVENUE, LONDON, W. %•' r^ \ \ ./ * se-ff- V /> .J^^. J cV from which borrowed. fitC 1 19St ^P21-I00m-9;48(B399S161476