^-.^ A-ji^i^^JSms^. ^.fe^oi ^*.- m ■-^. "i j^^*^ )^v - r;^ h^. ^^A *■'■ r ''' '"' \ k f / : ,;'J -'f r^-" --,:J ^^1 *all?^'- ir?-.^ K\*V'~ ^^y* .'^ J .«■ CHAs H. M ^^\ .. ., ':M ^^ # ^^^'Mfi,i >s^ ^^ ' v' -^^n^^ ^*C-.\"^^: / / ■^^J ■ ' — OP/ THE LIFE OF DUKE OF WELLINGTON. T.IK DUKE OK WELLINGTON WHEN LIEUT. GEN. SIR ARTIIUU WELLESLET, K. B. THE LTFE OF FIELD MAES HAL THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. (OONVUNTIOli OF OINTUA.) By J. H. STOCQUELER, Esq., Author of "The British Officer," "The Handbook of British India," "The Military Encyclopaedia," " Travels in Persia, Turkey, Russia, Germany, &c.," and other works. IN TWO VOLUMES, WITH NUMEROUS ENGRAVING-Sf. VOL. L PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY JAS. B. SMITH & CO., NO. 146 CHESTNUT STREET. 1855. Btack nex V27 PREFACE. The " Memoirs" and " Lives" of the great Duke of Welling- ton already before tlie public are so numerous and so varied in character, that some explanation may appear to be necessary why another candidate for public favour should appear in the field, and presume to hope for patronage. In the first place, it is respectfiilly submitted that a complete " Life" of the immortal Duke does not exist. Closing with the Battle of Waterloo, the works of Maxwell, Moyle Sherer, and of Jackson and Scott, embrace merely the military view of his Grace's career, and offer but few elucidations of the adminis- trative character of the mighty soldier. In the second place, the greater portion of the abridgments tell but very imperfectly the story of the eventful life here minutely pourtrayed, while the larger works, deriving illustra- tion from mihtary despatches, are too much fraught with tech- nicahty to be intelligible to the general reader. In the third place, no work hitherto extant contains pictorial embellishments of a truthful character. The imagin- ation of the artists, uncontrolled by experience, has been suffered to revel in absurdity, and nothing has come of the exu- berance of fancy but anachronism, falsehood, and incongruity. In the fourth place, so entirely are the authors of contempo- rary works absorbed in the subject of their biography, that the multitudinous accessories important in the history of a man, whose history is that of Europe, for the time, and of war in aU its phases, are lost sight of. These four objections point directly to the pecuhar features of the work now offered to the public. With the second vol- ume, the Life of the Duke of Wellington will be brought down to the hour when his remains were conveyed to the tomb, vi PREFACK amidst the lamentations of a grateful and sorrowing people. The Work will thus offer, for the first time, a complete history of the marvellous career of the unapproachable soldier and the sagacious statesman. The numerous illustrations, some of which (as Badajoz, Ciudad Eodrigo, Salamanca, &c.,) are con- tributed by the graceful pencil of Colonel John Luard, author of a " History of the Dress of the British Soldier," an actor in the scenes delineated, and the remainder by Messrs G. and R. Thomas, the eminent artists and engravers, have the unusual advantage of truthfulness in the matter of scenery, costume, and portraiture. The stories of battle are told with the shghtest possible reference to official detail, that they may be rendered famihar to unprofessional readers, and copious anecdotes of military existence in the camp and the bivouac are supplied, that just ideas may be formed of the quality of the " service" to which a soldier is exposed. Finally, every hne which the Duke wrote and published, every word which he pubUcly ut- tered, illustrative of his character and his principles, has been cited, referred to, or reproduced, that general inferences may the more readily be drawn of the springs and motives of action by which his public life was influenced, and that he may in a great measure be made the interpreter, exponent, and apologist of his own miraculous deeds. It will be a satisfaction to the writer to find that, in all these respects, he has contributed to supply a desideratum, and not produced a work altogether unworthy of the exalted theme. CONTENTS. CHAPTER L TAOE Birth, Parentage, and Education, of Arthur Wellesley — Enters the Army — Serves in Holland with the 33rd Regiment — Proceeds to India — Capture of Seringapatam — Becomes Governor of the place — Attacks Dhoondia Waugh, the freebooter — Promoted to Major-General — Conducts the Cam- paign against the Mahratta Chieftains — Gains the Victories of Assaye and Argaum — Takes the Fortresses of Ahmednuggur, Asseerghur, and Gawil- ghur — Created a Knight of the Bath — Receives Addresses and Rewards — Returns Home 1 CHAPTER II. Appointed to the StaflF as Commander of a Brigade — Becomes Secretary for Ireland — Joins the Expedition to Denmark — Distinguishes himself at Kioge — Proceeds to Portugal — Gains the Victories of Rori^a and Vimiero — The Convention of Cintra — Returns to England. . . . . 27 CHAPTER III. French Invasion of Portugal — Occupation of Spain — Sir Arthur proceeds to Portugal — Battles of Rori^a and Vimiero — Convention of Cintra — Sir Arthur returns Home 35 CHAPTER IV. Sir John Moore in Spain, and Sir John Cradock in Portugal — Memorandum on the Defence of Portugal — Departure for Portugal — Reception at Lis- bon — Advance upon Oporto — Passage of the Douro — Battle of Talavera — The British wounded — Lines of Torres Vedras — Massena's Advance — Guerrillas — Battle of Busaco . . . . , 41 viii CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. PAOB Massena before the Lines — ^His Retreat — Pursuit by the Allies — Af&iirs at Redinha, Pombal, Foz d'Aronce, aud Casul Nova — WelliDgton's Corre- fipoudeace « .73 CHAPTER VI. Affairs ia the South of Spain — Siege of Cadiz — Battle .of Barossa — Retreat of Massena — Attempt on Almeida — Battle of Fuentes d'Ofioro — The Wounded at Fuentes d'Ofioro 94 CHAPTER VII. Escape of the Garrison of Almeida — Contrast between "Wellington and Napoleon — Caution to Officers to repress injudicious zeal — Marshal Beres- f >rd — Investment of Badajoz — Battle of Albuera — Abandonment of the Siege of Badajoz — The Spanish and Portuguese allies . . . .111 CHAPTER VIII. Position at Guinaldo — Affair of El Bodon — Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo — Sur- prise of the French at Arroyo del Moliuos — Character of Sir R. Hill — Advice to Lord W. Bentinck — Winter Costumes — Defence of Tarif;i . 122 CHAPTER IX. Capture of Ciudad Rodrigo — Plunder and Conflagration — Death and Burial of General Craufurd — General Mackinnon — The Napiera .... 137 CHAPTER X. Honours and Rewards — Capture of Badajoz — Sir R. Hill at Almarez — Capture of Almarez .... 152 CHAPTER XL Resolution to advance into Spain — March towards Salamanca — Reception at Salamanca — Capture of the Fortresses — Battle of Salamanca Character of Marshal M.irmont — Retreat of the French 166 CONTENTS. I ix CHAPTEK XII. PAQB Advance upon Madrid — Reception at Madrid — The French in the East, the South, and the North of Spain — Departure for Burgos — Proclamation to the Spaniards — Attack upon, and Retreat from Burgos — Hill and Soult at Alba de Tormes — Circular on the subject of Discipline — Feeling excited by the Circular 179 CHAPTER XIII. Feeling in England regarding Salamanca and Burgos — Meeting of Parhament — Speeches — Lord Wellington becomes Commander-in-Chief of the Spanish Armies — Goes to Cadiz to meet the Cortes — Obtains the Colonelcy of the Royal Horse Guards — Goes to Lisbon 199 CHAPTER XIV. A Glance at Napoleon's Russian Campaign, and the State of Affairs in the East of Spain 211 CHAPTER XV. Old Soldiers — Second in Command — Preparations for the ensuing Campaign — Remonstrances addressed to the Spanish and Portuguese Governments — Advance into Spain — Battle of Vittoria CHAPTER XVI. Reception of the News of the Battle of Vittoria in England — Failure of Sir John Murray at Tarragona — Advance into the PjTenees — Reappearance of Marshal Soult — His Proclamation 246 CHAPTER XVII. San Sebastian taken — Pampeluna capitulates . 272 CHAPTER XVIII. Battle of the Nivelle — Proclamation of Louis XVIH. — Lord "Wellington's view of the French feeling in respect to a Successor to Napoleon — The War in Germany — The Battle of Leipsic — Advance of the Northern Allies to Frankfort — Declaration of the AlUes .296 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIX. The FeeliDg in England — Canning's Speech — Passage of O'.e NIve — ^"■«n^ 't of Barrouilhet, Arcangues, and St. Pierre — Battle of Orthea — Dor^lara'^ia for the Bourbons — Remonstrances with the Due D'Angoclcme . . .30 CHAPTER XX. Dissolution of the Congress at Chatillon — Napoleon resist: 'he Alhes at Craone, Laon, and Soissous — Revolution in Holland — Faif""" of Graham at Bergen-op-Zoom — The Affair at Aire — The Battle of Toulou«, and In- vestment of Bayonne 32.^ CHAPTER/ XXI. Lord Wellington created a 'Duke — Honours to his Generals, LorJs Comber- mere and Hill — The Duke visits Paris and Madrid — Fresh P-uliamentary Grants — The Allied Sovereigns and their Generals visit Englanc' — The Duke of Wellington also returns to England 835 CHAPTER XXII. Discussions on Shivery — The Duke moves Louis XVUI. to procure its aboli- tion — The Congress at Vienna — Lord Castlereagh 356 CHAPTER XXIII. The news of Napoleon's Arrival in France received by the Congress at Vienna — Project for meeting the new invasion — The Duke's plan of fortify- ing the Netherlands ... 368 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. rAOB THE DUKE OF "WELLINGTON, "WHEN LIEUT.-GENERAL SIR ARTHUR WELLESLET Frontispiece. CONVENTION OF CINTRA VigneUe. MAHRATTA SOLDIERS . . . . . . . . .11 MARCH OF A BRITISH ARMY IN INDIA. THE DROOG, 1803 . . . 15 ADVANCE OF THE BRITISH LINE AT ASSAYE. "WELLESLEy's HORSE SHOT, SEPTEMBER, 1803 . . . . . . .18 A VIEW OF COPENHAGEN 33 MAP OF SPAIN AND PORTUGAL ....... 35 RIFLEMAN AT RORI9A . . . . . . . . . 41 THE CONVENTION ......... 46 PASSAGE OF THE DOURO . . . . . . . . 53 MARSHAL VICTOR ......... 58 GENERAL CUESTA INSPECTING THE SPANISH ADVANCED POSTS, 1809 59 MARSHAL MOKTIER . . . . . . . . .67 BRITISH HEAVY DRAGOONS 70 GUERRILLAS CAPTURING A FRENCH PRISONER . . . .72 MARSHAL MASSENA . . . . . . . . . 75 BATTLE OF BUSACO. " CHARGE !" CRIED CRAUFURD. SEPT., 1810 . 76 LINES OF TORRES VEDRAS 78 REINFORCEMENTS ......... 79 ATTACK ON MASSENA's REAR . . . . . . . 100 NORMAN RAMSAY AT FUENTES d'oNORO ..... 105 LORD WELLINGTON IN THE TRENCHES BEFORE BADAJOZ . . . 119 GENERAL HILL 131 xu. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FAOB CIUDAD RODRIGO AFTER THE SIEGE, JANUARY, 1812 . . . . 140 BADAJOZ AFTER THE ijIEGE, 1812 ...... IGl SALAMANCA, 1812 1C9 TKIUMPHAL ENTRY INTO MADRID, 1812 179 SPANISH LADIES 180 RETREAT FROM BURGOS ..,.,... 193 PONTOON BRIDGE .......... 236 PLUNDERING BAGGAGE VITTORIA 243 MARSHAL JOURDAN VITTORIA 244 BOULT PYRENEES 253 PYRENEES 263 DESCENT FROM THE PYRENEES, NEAR THE BIDASSOA, 1813 . . 287 FRENCH SOLDIERS 298 LORD COMBERMERE 337 MARSHAL PRINCE BLUCHER .... ... 344 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. CHAPTER I. Birth, parentage, and education, of Arthur Wellesley — Enters the Army — Serves in HoUantl with the 33rd Regimentr— Proceeds to India— Capture of Seringapatam— Becomes Gov- ernor of the place— Attacks Dhoondia Waugh, the freebooter— Promoted to Major-General — Conducts the campaign against the Mahratta chieftains — Gains the victories of Assaye and Argaun— Takes the fortresses of Ahmednuggur, Asseerghur and Gawilghur— Created a Knight of the Bath— Receives addresses and rewards— Returns home. T generally falls to tlie lot of a bio- grapher to start with his subject from an obscure point, and to enjoy the satisfaction of travelling with him to the eminence which has given his early history a claim upon public re- spect and curiosity. Nothing is more agreeable than to track an adventurous spirit through all the difficulties and obstructions which beset the path of the friendless, and to share, in imagi- nation, in its honourable struggles, to glide over its smoother passages, to depict its patience and fortitude, and, finally, to participate in its noble triumphs. The writer who should undertake to narrate the history of Wellington is deprived of a portion of this satisfaction, because the career of the great warrior and statesman commenced under circumstances of peculiar advantage. Nobly VOL. I. 1 2 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1769. born, carefully educated, and connected with people enjoying consid- erable political influence, he was subjected to no early wrestlings with fate. lie was launched upon the stream of life under the most favourable auspices, tasting neither the bitterness of poverty nor the humiliation of obscurity. His public life, from first to last, was one uninterrupted chain of glory, each link more brilliant than its predecessor, and unlike other great adventurers, whose course from insignificance to splendour was broken, through a series of mischances or their own unsteadiness of character, his progress knew no culminating point — his fame no tarnish — his fortunes no reverse. But the even tenor of his career is no disparagement of the vast merit of the Duke of Wellington. If his antecedents were less humble than the public beginnings of other men, let it be remembered that he reached a higher eminence than any personage of whom the annals of England possess a record — always excepting John, Duke of Marlborough, his prototype in all things but political virtue. Nor has his upward path been free from a thousand obstructions, which none but a gigantic mind and a firm heart could surmount. His diffi culties begin with his direct responsibility. His triumphs followed a; the results of his indomitable perseverance, his unflinching courage and his amazing constancy. Irrational and exacting must be the biographer who is not conten with such materials for his story ! It was in March, 1769, that Arthur Wellesley first saw the light. Biographers difl'er as to the date and the locality ; but it appears by the evidence taken before a Parliamentary Committee in 1791. to inquire into a petition against his return for the borough of Trim, on the ground of his being a minor, that he was really born at Dangan Castle, in the county of Meath, Ireland, at the time alleged above. His father was the second Earl of Mornington, who enjoyed much celebrity for his nice musical taste ; his mother, Anne, the eldest daughter of Viscount Duugannon. Early in life Arthur Wellesley was sent to Eton College for his education, in conjunction with his afterwards distin- guished brother llichard. Richard, at Eton, displayed an aptitude for the acquisition of knowledge, and was gifted with good taste and poetic fancy. There are extant several of his juvenile compositions, and even to a late period of his life he did homage to the Muses in the hours of leisure and retirement. The obvious bent of his genius and inclinations led to his removal to Oxford. Arthur, on the other hand, gave no promise of excellence, and was therefore deemed fit for the army. In those days, younger brothers, 1191.] PROMOTION AND PARLIAMENTARY DEBUT. 3 whose talent was slow in developing itself, were considered by sagacious friends only adapted to professions in which, it was most erroneously supposed, there was neither scope .nor necessity for intellectual activity. They were sent into the army to acquire rank and position without effort. But it was considered, in the case of Arthur Wellesley, that he ought at least to have the advantages of some military preparation, and he was therefore sent to the College of Anglers, directed by Pignard, a celebrated French engineer, — for England at that time did not possess such an institution as the Col- lege at Sandhurst. At the age of eighteen, after he had gone through a course of French military instruction, Arthur Wellesley was gazetted to an ensigncy in the 73d Regiment. This was in March, 1787. Nine months later he was promoted to a lieutenancy in the 76th. Sub- sequent exchanges carried him into the 41st Foot, and the 1 2th Light Dragoons. In 1791 (30th of June), being then twenty-two years of age, he procured a company in the 58th Foot, whence, four months later, he exchanged to a troop in the 18th Light Dragoons. Under the system in force in the British army, officers, avid of rapid promotion, must seek it in other regiments than their own, if their immediate seniors are prepared to purchase advancement. As Arthur Wellesley had had no opportunities of displaying zeal and gallantry in the field during these four years of service, his quick progress may be fairly set down to the combined action of ministerial favor, and a sufficiency of pecuniary means. Neither at school, nor college, nor in the per- formance of the easy regimental duty peculiar to a time of peace, and incidental to five exchanges, did he display any of those qualities which developed themselves in so remarkable a manner a few years later. Previous to obtaining his company. Lieutenant Wellesley was re- turned a member of the Irish parliament. He sat for three years, during a portion of which time he was an aide-de-camp to the Earl of Westmoreland, then Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland. The young member occasionally spoke, always in opposition to liberal measures ; and his oratory was characterized more by a curt and decided form of expression than by the efflorescence then popular among the Grattans, Cuffs, Parnells, and other members of the legislature. His opinions were of the Tory cast ; and, even at that early period, he opposed himself to any consideration of the Catholic claims, and to schemes of Parliamentary Reform. As an aide-de-camp, and a member of a Protestant family, his sentiments were, of course, colored by the opinions of the noblemen and statesmen with whom 4 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1793 he continually associated ; but there can be little reason to suppose that he was altogether under the dominion of partisanship. Freedom of thought was an early habit with Arthur Wellesley. and he sought CD all occasions the independence of action which was its proper ac- companiment. On the 30th of April, 1793, Captain Wellesley was gazetted Major of the 33rd Foot. On the 30th of September, of the same year, he succeeded to the Lieutenant-Colonelcy of the corps. It was as Lieutenant-Colonel of the 33rd that the military career of Arthur Wellesley may be said to have fairly commenced. In 1794, the French Republic was in arms to propagate the opinions upon which its existence was based, and to meet the forces of Austria and Prussia who had assembled to fight the battle of order and legitimacy. Some parties in Holland, who had imbibed the modern French doctrines, sought the aid of the Republicans in the establishment of a system of government and institutions akin to their own ; and the Directory, recognising the appeal, menaced the Stadtholder with the invasion of his provinces. Alarmed for the integrity of Holland, the Stadtholder sought the assistance of England. Pitt, the British Minister, caught at the opportunity of assisting to check the dissemination of principles which threatened th^ social disturbance of Great Britain ; and an army was at once equipped and dispatched to Holland under the orders of the Duke of York, the second son of King George III. While this army was operating in the Netherlands, a separate expedition, under the Earl of Moira (afterwards Marquis of Hastings, and Governor-General of India), was directed to make a descent upon the coast of France. Of this expedition, the 33rd Regiment formed a part, Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur Wellesley commanding. The troops had embarked on board the transports, and awaited a wind, but the arrival of the intelligence of the failure of the Duke of York, the surrender of Tournay, and the repulse before Oudenarde, induced the Government to change the destination of the expedition, and to direct Lord Moira to proceed to Ostend. Lord Moira's aid encouraged the Duke of York to persevere in his operations, but it did not in any way promote their success. Wherever the French Republican troops encountered the British, the latter, after a vain contest, were compelled to give way. At Mechlin, the Duke was forced to retreat; first upon Antwerp, then upon Breda and Bois le Due. Occasionally a stand was made, and the French were attacked in their turn, but the result of the struggle was invariably unfavorable to the British. 1795.] SERVICE IN HOLLAND. 5 These episodical affairs, however, gave scope for the display of good soldiership on the part of Lieutenanfr-Colonel Wellesley. At Schyndel, Lieutenant-Generai (afterwards Sir Ralph) Abercrombie was engaged with a large body of the Republicans, who had contrived to mask them- selves, until the British, consisting of the two regiments of Guards, the i?3rd and 44th Regiments of the line, and some squadrons of Dragoons, were brought within the range of a deadly fire of artillery, under cover of which the French Hussars prepared to make a despe- rate charge. In the retrograde movement rendered necessary by the cannonade, the British fell into some confusion, the Dragoons mingling with the Guards. At this juncture, with the promptitude which ever afterwards marked his movements, Lieutenant-Colonel Wellesley deployed the 33rd into line in rear of the household troops, in order to occupy the road, and hold the French in check. The Hussars continued to advance, with their usual impetuosity, and when within a suitable distance furiously charged. The 33rd reserved their fire until the cavalry came within one hundred yards; then, delivering a murderous volley, they threw back the assailants, and followed them, as they in turn retreated, with a succession of destructive fusillades. Upon a subsequent occasion at Meteren, — Walmoden having intermediately succeeded to the command of the allied Hanoverian and British forces, — Lieutenant-Colonel Wellesley did good service in forcing a confident body of Republican troops to abandon an attack upon the position of Generals Dundas and DalwicL Occupying Meteren with a wing of the o3rd, two field-pices, and a squadron of Hussars, Colonel Wellesley was obliged fey superior numbers to fall back upon the British lines, losing his cannon in the Tetrogression. Reinforced by the other wing of his regiment, he, in turn, beeamfi the assailant, regained the guns, and repulsed the enemy ; then, falling back upon the post of Geldermalsen, he main- tained himself with the 42nd and 78th Highlanders, and the 33rd, until the French retired after repeated efforts to dislodge him. Returning to lEngland at the close of the disastrous campaign in Holland, the S3rd Regiment commenced recruiting, for what betweem sickness, and the ordinary contingencies cf war, the corps had been reduced to a skeleton. It had scarcely been reported effective, ere, in the autumn of 1795, it was ordered to the West Indies as part of an expedition, and 'had actually embarked. Stress of weather, however, prevented the departure of the expedition, and the 33rd re-landed under instructions to prepare for service in the East. If the optimist wished for an elucidation of his doctrine that tout A fortified town in Mysore, then the capital. 8 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1799. ■with the occupation of villages, the attack upon the citadel, and the repulse of sorties, and in all of these Colonel Wellesley displayed great judgment, coolness, and gallantry. In an attack upon a tope or grove, occupied by the enemy, Colone* Wellesley was struck on the knee by a spent ball, and narrowly escaped falling into the hands of the Sultan's troops. On the day appointed for the attack on Seringapatam a circumstance occurred ■which illustrated the habit so long conspicuous in Wellesley in after life, of adhering rigidly to the orders of his superiors ; a principle of action he was sedulous to inculcate when he came to exercise superior command. When all was ready for the assault. Colonel Wellesley was not present, and as General Harris had ordered that he should command, he could not comprehend why the Colonel was absent, especially when so much time had elapsed whilst the additional forces were marching down to their allotted stations. After waiting a little longer, and inquiring from his staff what could be the reason of Colonel Wellesley's absence. General Harris became uneasy and apprehensive that the favorable moment for the attack would be lost ; and he directed General Baird, who was on the spot, to take the command, and proceed to the attack. General Eaird immediately drew his sword, and, turning his horse, rode towards the column for this purpose. He had not moved many paces when General Harris called him back, and said, " On further consideration I think that we must wait a little longer for Colonel Wellesley," in which General Baird expressed his hearty concurrence. Colonel Wellesley appeared in a few moments afterwards, having, by an omission in the Adjutant- General's Office, been only just then warned for the duty. He instantly took the command of the troops, and proceeded to the attack. Seringapatam fell after a short but murderous conflict. After the capture of Seringapatam, Colonel Wellesley was placed in command of the fortress. In this responsible position it became his duty to see to the interment of the dead, the stoppage of the plunder of houses and the molestation of the inhabitants, and the re-establisliment of bazaars throughout the city. The inclination of the soldiery to indulge in every kind of debauchery and violence compelled the Colonel to resort to measures of severity, and it was not until several men had been executed for marauding, that the plunder ceased. Colonel Wellesley then applied himself to the task of conciliating the adherents of the Sultan, and of restoring the general confidence of the Mussulman population, a duty which he discharged with consummate sagacity. 1799.] THE COMMAND OF SERINGAPATAiL 9 A commission having been appointed to partition the conquered territories among the allies, in conformity to preliminary treaties, Colonel Wellesley was named one of the commissioners. As soon as the Hindoo family which had been displaced by the Mussulmans was restored to the Musnud, or throne of Mysore, the grand army was broken up, General Harris returned to Madras, his head quarters, as Commander-in-Chief, and Colonel Wellesley was left in command of the troops serving above the Grhauts, a command with which were associated certain civil duties of an important character. The manner in which these military and civil functions were dis- charged elicited the highest approbation. The " active superintend- ence, discernment, impartiality, and decision," of the Colonel called repeatedly for the especial commendation of the Government. There were, however, not a few persons who objected that the selection of Colonel Wellesley for the command was made at the instance of his brother, the Earl. This led to some correspondence between General Harris and the Governor-General, in the course of which the following passages occurred. Lord Mornington, in writing to General Harris, said — " July nth, 1799. " With respect to the language which you say people have held of my brother's appointment to command in Seringapatam, you know that I never recommended my brother to you, and of course never even suggested how, or where, he should be employed ; and I believe you know also, that you would not have pleased me by placing him in any situation in which his appointment would be injurious to the public service. My opinion, or rather knowledge and experience, of his discretion, judgment, temper, and integrity, are such, that if you had not placed him in Seringapatam, I would have done so of my own authority, because I think him in every point of view the most proper for that service. " MORNINGTON." No man who knows what was the nature of the service to be per- formed by the permanent Commandant of Seringapatam at that moment, will wonder that the Governor-General should have declared thus distinctly to General Harris, " if you had not placed Colonel Wellesley ,in command, I would." But General Harris had been deeply sensible of the weighty responsibility which 10 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF "WELLINGTON. j^lYog attached to him on the death of Tippoo, when the destinies of an empire hung in the balance, and when he was the sole guardian of the high interests involved in this momentous charge until Lord Mornington should decide upon the future policy to be pursued. With a full sense of the imperative necessity of selecting as a commandant for Seringapatam one in whose talents, integrity, and discretion, unbounded confidence could be placed, he appointed Colonel Wellesley, and was, says his biographer, proud of his choice to the last hour of his life. An early proof of the devotion of Wellesley to the interests of the service — his complete abnegation of self, when the public welfare demanded the sacrifice — is presented to us about this time. The Dutch, subdued by the French, had united with the Republic in its aggressive measures against England and other states. It became, therefore, a measure of policy to attack her principal possession in India, Batavia, the capital of Java. Lord Mornington, accordingly, prepared an armament for the reduction of the place, and in a just confidence in the military merit of Colonel Wellesley, offered the appointment to his brother. The probable advantages and credit to be gained by it were great ; but Wellesley " left all that entirely out of the question." He felt that the tranquillity of the country, then under his military government, was a subject of primary importance ; and, believing his continued presence calculated to insure it, he declined the proffered command, with the qualification that if Lord Clive the then Governor of Madras, chose to accept it for him, he would not hesitate as to the course he should pursue, especially if the sailing of the expedition could be delayed. Before the appeal to Lord Clive could reach him, a letter from his lordship to Colonel Wellesley crossed it. This letter directed the advance of tlie troops under Wellesley into the Mahratta territory. The Colonel elected to refuse the Bataviau command definitively. Amongst the captives liberated from the dungeons of Seringapatam after Tippoo's death, was one Dhoondia Waugh, a Mahratta trooper, who had deserted from Ilyder Ali, and at the head of an armed banditti committed depredations in Mysore. Tippoo seduced him to his court, and then seizing an early pretest for quarrelling with him, converted Dhoondia into a Mussulman, and plunged him into a prison. Once more enlarged through the generosity of the British, the ungrateful ruffian collected a body of miscreants, the greater part of whom had been in the military service of Tippoo, and who were now, by his destruction, cast upon the world. At the head of this band of desperadoes Dhoondia ravaged the country of Bednore. His 1800.] DHOONDIA THE FREEBOOTER, 11 power increased each day. Thousands flocked to his standard. Many of the Killadars (governors of fortresses) either surrendered to him, or freely joined his plundering enterprise. At length he became so formidable, that it was found necessary, for the sake of the peace of the country, to send out troops to check his wild career. The expedition was successful. Dhoondia, who called himself, in the hyperbolie phraseology peculiar to the potentates of the East, the " King of the Two Worlds," was driven from place to place by the British force under Colonels Dalrymple and Stevenson, and his camp ultimately dispersed. Dhoondia took refuge in the Mahratta country. In the year 1800, Dhoondia reappeared in the field, at the head of a considerable army, and at this time also the Polygars, Nairs, and other warlike people ia the south of India, began to threaten MAHRATTA SOLDIERS. the tranquillity and integrity of Mysore. It now became necessary for Colonel Wellesley to assume the offensive in person, and to the end that he might completely crush the daring marauder Dhoondia, be declined the proffered command of an expedition to Batavia, 12 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. (1800. which George III. was anxious should be undertaken.' Joined by the cavalry of Goklah, a Mahratta chieftain in the interest and service of the Peishwa of Poonah, Colonel Wellesley set forth with the 19th and 25th Dragoons, and a body of native cavalry and infantry. Dhoondia moved away on his approach, and for three months the pursuit continued over a hilly country, dotted with hill-fortresses, or droogs, and intersected by rivers. At length after several successful assaults upon the hill -forts occupied by his partisans, and the destruction af most of his baggage and equipage, Dhoondia Waugh was overtaken at Conaligull with a body of 5000 horse. Here Colonel Wellesley gave him battle, defeated and dispersed his force, and obtained possession of his standing camp. In this encounter Dhoondia was killed. The warfare was thus terminated ; happily for Mysore, which would probably have been over-run by the free- booter and his hordes had Colonel Wellesley permitted him to cross the Toombuddra with the Pathan chiefs. The expedition against Dhoondia Waugh was not merely creditable to Colonel Wellesley's sagacity and soldiership ; it was honourable also to his humanity. When the baggage of the brigand was over- taken, his son, a child of four years of age, was found. He ran up to the palanquin of the Colonel, and sought his compassion. The appeal was not made in vain. Colonel Wellesley adopted him, and supplied the means of his subsistence and education for some years." The warfare against Dhoondia at an end, Colonel Wellesley returned to his command at Seringapatam. He had in the recent contest achieved more than the simple subjugation of a powerful robber, and the annihilation of an extensive system of brigandage. He had raised his reputation among the Mahrattas to a lofty pitch, and, with the moral force thus created, was enabled to check any intrigues in which the remaining discontented might indulge. At this moment, however, the Mahrattas were too much engaged in encroachments upon one another, to trouble themselves much about the British. The operations of the French did not cease to be a subject of much solicitude with the Anglo-Indian authorities. Tippoo had been destroyed, but Mauritius (then called the Isle of France) still 1 It was WeUeeley's principle that an officer should always forego prirate consideratioDs when public duty was in question. In thia instance we have an illustration of the conformity of his practice to his principle. 2 Tlie boy lived until his twenty-sixth year, when ho died of cholera, while in the service of \ho Exgab of Mysore. 1801.] WELLESLEY SUPERSEDED. 13 furnished a rendezvous for plotters, a depot for French troops and ships, and a 2^oint cVajijnd for hostile movements against the British possessions in India. Moreover, Egypt had now become the arena of European warfare. Napoleon Buonaparte, eager to neutralise the mischievous effects of the Battle of the Nile, by restoring the reputa- tion of the French arms in Egypt, was engaged in reinforcing the troops in the latter country. He had an ulterior object in view — the invasion of India from Egypt — in which project he calculated upon being assisted by Russia. To counteract this object, or to attack Mauritius, was the motive of an armament now ordered by Lord Mornington to assemble at Trincomalee, a harbor on the north-eastern coast of Ceylon. Colonel Wellesley was directed to assume the command of the force. Early in 1801, we find him at Ceylon preparing to act accord- ing to the orders he might receive. He believed that the destination of the force would be to the Bed Sea ; and, under this persuasion, as the season rapidly advanced, he sailed to Bombay en route, intending there to re-victual his troops, and receive definite instructions from his brother. But the Earl of Mornington had, in the meanwhile, deter- mined to send the expedition to Batavia, and having, for certain good reasons, resolved on placing General Baird at the head of the enter- prise, Wellesley, on reaching Bombay, found letters superseding him in the command. It has been conjectured that the Earl of Mornington intended by this measure to mark his disapprobation of Colonel Wellesley's procedure upon his own responsibility. The Earl himself explained the act by reference to the relative rank of the officers. He conceived that for such an enterprise a General Officer should be employed. Be this as it may, the supercession was a subject of much distress to Wellesley, and he expressed himself regarding it in terms of annoyance most unusual with him when his own personal interests were alone concerned: — " I have not been guilty of robbery or murder, and he (Lord M.) has certainly changed his mind ; but the world, which is always good- natured towards those whose affairs do not exactly prosper, will not, or rather does not, fail to suspect that both, or worse, have been the occasion of my being banished. * * * * J ^[^ not look, and did not wish, for the appointment which was given to me ; and I say that it would probably have been more proper to give it to somebody else ; but when it was given to me, and a circular written to the Govern- ments upon the subject, it would have been fair to allow me to hold it till I did something to deserve to lose it. I put private considera- tions out of the question, as they ought (to have) and have had no 14 LITE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1802 weight in causing either my original appointment or my supercession. I am not quite satisfied with the manner in which I have been treated by Government upon the occasion. However, I have lost neither my health, spirits, nor temper, in consequence thereof. But it is useless to write any more upon a subject of which I wish to retain no remem- brance whatever." It should be stated that this little explosion of wrath and disap- pointment occurs in a private letter to the Hon. Henry Wellesley (afterwards Lord Cowley), and does not form any part of an official record. By way of balm to his hurt mind. Lord Mornington appointed his brother second in command under General Baird ; but it was not in his destiny to fill an office for which, on subsequent occasions, he de- clared he never could perceive the necessity. Fever seized him, and he was incapable of proceeding with the expedition, which was now ordered to Egypt. He nevertheless gave Baird, in an elaborate and interesting memorandum on the operations in the Red Sea, the fruits of his reflections and examination of the subject ; establishing in this a magnanimity of character, and a zealous anxiety for the prosperity of the public service, rarely found in men smarting under tlie pangs of imaginary injustice. Nor was his philosophy less conspicuous than his generosity. " I see clearly,'' he says to Colonel Champagne, " the evil consequences of all this to my reputation and future views ; but it cannot be helped, and to things of that nature I generally contrive to make up my mind." In April, 1801, Colonel Wellesley resumed his appointment in Mysore. A year elapsed, during which Colonel Wellesley continued to fulfil his duties in the most exemplary manner, acquiring the confidence of the people by his rigid love of justice, and his respect for their re- ligious prejudices and social usages. In April, 1802, he was gazetted a Major-Gemcral. And here again we find cause of thankfulness to the mysterious fate which had decreed the continuance of Wellesley in a sphere where he was to achieve measures of far greater importance and utility than, as the result established, could be accomplished by the army sent into Egypt. For a considerable time previous to the campaigns narrated above, the great Mahratta cliieftains, Scindiah, Holkar, and the Peishwa, had been at issue. J^ach had acquired possessions of immense extent in the Deccan (or south), the country lying between the Nerbudda and Kistna rivers, and the two former were ambitious of \a extension of 1802.] THE MAHRATTA CHIEFTAINS. 15 their power. With this view, Scindiah had procured the military services of a great many French and other European officers, who were employed to drill and discipline his troops. Holkar, similarly influenced, employed a similar agency. The clash of ambitious pro- jects at length placed Holkar and Scindiah in an attitude of hostility to each other. The latter then formed an alliance with the Peishwa, but Holkar * vigorously prosecuting hostilities, defeated the combined forces in the territories of the Peishwa, and entered the Peishwa's capital, Poonah. At this juncture the Peishwa sought the aid of the British, through the Resident at Poonah. The application was favourably received, for the Governor-General, now become Marquis of Wellesley, had viewed with alarm the growth of the power of the different chieftains, each of whom trenched more or less upon the territories of allies which were contiguous to the British dominions, and was anxious to strengthen his hands by a connexion which would interpose a barrier between the Mysore country and the designs of the IM'ahrattas. Accordingly an agreement was entered into with the Peishwa to procure the resto- ration of his authority. Offers were made to Scindiah to admit him a party to the treaty, but as he had his own designs against the British, he declined to share in the arrangement. The course now taken by the Governor-General, in concert with the governments of Madras and Bombay, was to order the assembly of a corps cVarmee at all the points threatened by Holkar in the conduct of his operations against the Peishwa. A corps of observation was placed on the southern frontier of the Peishwa, to maintain the in- tegrity of the British possessions, and the territories of the Nizam, and the Mysore Rajah. Another was established on the north-west frontier of Mysore, while the Bombay government pushed troops to the eastern and southern confines of the territory which it controlled. The Nizam was not inactive. The subsidiary force at Hyderabad prepared for service. To Major-General Wellesley was entrusted the command of a division of the Madras army. He had previously draw^n up a memorandum for the guidance of any officer who might at any time be called upon to conduct a war against the Mahrattas, and was therefore deemed peculiarly competent to open a campaign in the Mahratta country. His instructions were to advance upon Poonah in concert with the subsidiary force of the Deccan, to drive Holkar from the capital, and secure the return of the Peishwa. The march 16 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1803 was successfully accomplished, the troops were received everywhere with open arms, and Major-General Wellesley reached Poonah on the 20th of April, 1803. The Peishwa soon afterwards entered his capital. But this did not deter Scindiah from the prosecution of his designs. In conjunction with the llajah of Berar he threatened the territories of our ally, the Nizam, and was also discovered to be in active correspondence with Holkar. Hereupon the Marquis of Wellesley resolved upon further measures. Lord Lake was appointed to the command of the army of Hin- dostan, and high powers were entrusted to General Wellesley. His campaign against Dhoondia, and his march to Poonah, had familiarised him with the topography of the country ; and the admirable disci- pline he had established inspired him with perfect confidence in bis troops. The 74th were with him, and the 78th (Highlanders), and bis European Cavalry comprised the 19th and 25th Light Dragoons, ably commanded. The Sepoys bad learned to respect and confide in him ; and although they had not attained any degree of efficiency for which they are now remarkable, they knew the value of loyalty to their salt. Every man prided himself in being nimmulaoallali^ of the Company, for his pay was good, the pension was certain, and he had profound faith in the care which the Government took of the families of men who fell in action. The latter at once marched to the city of Ahmcdnuggur, a fortified town of great strength, in the province of the same name. He found the Pettah, or citadel, garrisoned by about 3000 Mahrattas, and 1500 Arabs. No time was lost in at- tacking it. It fell to an assault, in which the British sustained im- portant losses, on the 8th of August. Two days afterwards an attack was directed upon the fort, but the cannonade had not lasted very long when the Killadar made proposals of surrender, and in effect the fort was given ap on the 12th, and tlienceforth occupied by our troops. The conquest of Ahmcdnuggur was of much importance. It secured to the army the communication with Poonah, and became a very use- ful depot. The loss of Ahmcdnuggur, followed, as it was, by the occupation of Aurungabad, — for General Wellesley sufi"ered very little time to elaps? between one operation and another, — induced Scindiah and the Rajah of Berar to quicken their movements upon Hyderabad. Their united forces consisted of 88,500 cavalry, 18.000 infantry, some matchlock 1 Literally, "saU-fellow." To have eaten the salt of another, ia, in the flgurativo language ol the E.ist, to have giren a pledge of loyalty. 1803.] ATTACKS SCINDIAH. 17 men, 500 zambooruks (camel guns), and about 200 pieces of artillery, 35 of -which were of a heavy description of ordnance. French officers commanded their troops. With the view of protecting Hyderabad, and of securing certain convoys on their route to join his army, General "Wellesley arranged with Colonel Stevenson that they should divide their force, consisting of 17,000 men, so as to reach the enemy with the greater rapidity and ease, the former proceeding by a westerly, and the latter by an easterly, route to Bolerdun, where the Mahrattas were encamped, and there to co-operate an attack. Information which was brought to the General, by the hircarrahs (messengers), on his reaching Naulniah induced him to believe that the enemy had retired with their cavalry, leaving their infantry to follow. It was added that the latter were still encamped at a distance of two leagues from the division under General Wellesley. Sending messengers to expedite the movements of Colonel Stevenson, Wellesley hurried forward, and, after a severe march, found himself to his great astonishment in the presence of the whole of the armies of the confederate chiefs. They occupied a space between Bolerdun and the village of Assaye, having the river Kaitna in their front, and the Jouah in their rear. The Mahratta infantry occupied the left and centre of the line, while the cavalry was on the right. Surprised but undismayed by this formidable array, General Wellesley, after contemplating the enemy's position for a short time, determined to attack the infantry. His force consisted at this mo- ment of only 8000 men, 1600 of whom were cavalry. Of the en- tire body of troops not more than 1500 were British — the 19th Light Dragoons, the 74th and 78th Regiments of Foot. The artillery consisted of seventeen guns. Colonel Stevenson's division had not come up. It is not venturing too much to say that any other man would have doubted the propriety of attacking under such circumstances. He would have halted to give Stevenson time to come up, or he would have retreated. But Wellesley did not see with the eyes of other men ; he did not reason with the faculties of ordinary soldiers. His eagle glance discerned in an instant the point of vantage whence the foe might be stricken. He had learned the value of a " dash " at the natives when unprepared ; and this dash he was determined to attempt. The Mahrattas were stationed between two rivers meeting at a point. To gain a position near the angle formed by the conflu- ence of the streams, and thus to offer a narrow but compact and well flanked front to the enemy — to attack his infantry on ground where VOL. I. 2 18 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1803 his Cavalry could not manoeuvre — were the objects to which General Wellesley at once directed his attention. And with him to conceive was to execute. He instantly passed the river Kaitna, at a ford be- yond the enemy's left flank, and, under cover of the Mysore Cavalry, took up the coveted position. " My doing this" we have heard the lamented Duke say, " has been called a stroke of genius. I call it common sensed Scindiah's army immediately changed its position, and occupying the whole space between the Kaitna and Assaye, with a great number of guns in front, commenced a murderous cannonade. The small number of British guns was quite incapable of coping with this vast battery. General Wellesley, therefore, directed his infantry to advance with the bayonet. With the determined courage which had given them victory at Seringapatam, in the actions with Dhoondia Waugh, and on the walls of Ahmednuggur, the line dashed forward, carried the guns on the right, and approached Assaye. At this moment a cloud of Mahratta horse, which had stolen round the village, fell upom them — sabre to bayonet — with characteristic fury. The 74th wavered — the charge was too much for them, cut up as they had previously been by the grape shot from the guns. Colonel Maxwell, of the 19th Light Dragoons, saw that the critical moment had arrived. Forward ! was the word. Falling upon the Mahratta cavalry, the Dragoons gave the British infantry time to rally, cut up the Mahratta horsemen, pushed through the Scindiah's left, and threw the whole of that part of the Mahratta army into confusion. In the mean time, the enemy's centre, which had remained un- touched, closed in upon the ground before occupied by their left wing, and, uniting with such of their artillery and infantry as had been passed over unhurt by the British cavalry, formed itself into a kind of crescent, with its right horn resting on the river Jouah, and its left on the village of Assaye ; thus presenting themselves in a fresh position on the flank of our infantry, on which, having collected a considerable number of their guns, they re-commenced a heavy fire. The battle was now to be fought over again, with this difierence, that the contending forces had exchanged sides ; and, had tlie enemy's horse behaved with the least spirit, while our cavalry was absent in pursuit of their broken battalions, there is no guessing what the con- sequence might have been ; but, happily for General Wellesley, they kept aloof To oppose the enemy in their new position, the Sepoy battalion on the right was immediately advanced agalast them, but without effect, being compelled to retire. Another wa. Hrought n i! !' 1803.] BATTLE OF ASSATE. jg forward, and equally repulsed. The cavalry, having by this time returned from the pursuit, and formed on the left, and the enemy's horse having disappeared before them, the Greneral ordered the 78th Kegiment and 7th Cavalry up to head a fresh attack against the enemy's infantry and guns, which still defended their position with obstinacy. No sooner, however, had he formed the 78th Regiment in line, in directing which his horse's leg was carried off by a cannon shot, than the enemy, without waiting the attack, commenced their retreat across the Jouah, which they passed in tolerable order before our troops could come up with them. Previously to this last attack, Colonel Maxwell had requested and obtained permission to charge a considerable body of infantry and guns, which, having formed part of the reserve, were seen retiring in good order along the right bank of the Jouah. The 19th Dragoons were not long in coming up with the enemy, who, having formed with their left to the Jouah, steadily awaited their approach. The charge was sounded: the Dragoons advanced with rapidity, amidst a shower of musketry and grape, and had alrea'dy got almost within reach of the bayonets of the enemy, who still gallantly stood their ground. " At this moment," writes an officer engaged in the charge, " instead of dashing among their ranks, I suddenly found my horse swept round as it were by an eddy torrent. Away we galloped, right shoulders forward, along the whole of the enemy's line, receiving their fire as we passed, till having turned our backs upon them, we took to our heels manfully, every one calling out, ' Halt ! Halt ! ' while nobody would set the example ; till at last, a trumpet having sounded, we pulled up, but in complete disorder, dragoons and native cavalry, pell-mell. On this occasion. Colonel Maxwell fell, pierced by a grape-shot. He was gallantly leading the charge, when he received his death-blow. Having involuntarily checked his horse, and thrown his arm back, when he received his wound, the soldiers immediately behind him, not knowing the cause, mistook the gesture for a signal to retire, and did so accordingly. At least, this was the reason afterwards assigned for the failure ; and, if true, it shows how the fate of armies, and even of nations, may depend upon the direction of a single shot." Recovering from their disorder, the Dragoons renewed the charge with terrible effect, and the enemy gave way in every direction. Thus closed this memorable battle, one of the most bloody on record to the victors. Out of about 4500 men in action; upwards of 2000 were either killed or wounded, the former amounting to more than a third of the whole number. 20 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1803 Nothing could be more complete than the diroute of Scindiah's force. In broad mid-day he was the occupant of the ground with 50,000 men, — at sunset a small proportion of the British corps (Parmee bivouacked on his position. General Wellesley has been censured for fighting Scindiah with so inferior a force. He had scarcely an alternative. He knew how much discipline, order, coolness, and judicious movements might accomplish against hordes of irregular or half-disciplined troops, and he likewise knew that, if he did not attack the enemy, Scindiah would certainly have availed himself of the absence of Colonel Stevenson's division to become the assailant, with all the advantage of a good theatre for cavalry operations. Be this as it may, the end justified the audacity of General Wellesley's procedure. Never were skill, moral courage, and sound discipline more brilliantly and more efi"ectively displayed. In testimony of the high honour acquired by the army under the per- sonal command of Major-General Wellesley at the battle of Assaye, the Governor-General in Council ordered that honorary colours, with a tievice properly suited to commemorate that signal and splendid victory, should be presented to the corps of cavalry and infantry em- ployed on that glorious occasion. The names of the brave officers and men who fell at the battle of Assaye were commemorated, together with the circumstances of the action, upon the public monument erected at Fort "William, Calcutta, to the memory of those who had fallen in the public service during the campaign. Contemporaneously with General Wellesley's operations in the Deccan, Lord Lake was destroying Scindiah's power in the centre of Hindostan. He had taken the fortress of Allighur, and obtained possession of Delhi, and defeated the IMahrattas under French leader- ship at Laswarree. Meanwhile Colonel Ilarcourt attacked the pos- sessions of the Bajah of Berar in the south of India, and Colonel Woodington, with a part of the Bombay army, subdued Broach, Chum- paneer, and other places belonging to Scindiah in the province of Guzerat. Colonel Stevenson was dispatched to reduce Burhampoor and Asseerghur, while Major-General Wellesley moved southerly to- wards Aurungabad, from which direction, however, he diverged, when within sixteen miles of the city, in order to go down the Ghauts, and reinforce Colonel Stevenson. Colonel Stevenson succeeded in the duty intrusted to him. He gained possession both of Burhampoor and Asseerghur, with compara tive ease.' ' 1 Sir Jasper Nicolls, aflerwarda Commander-in-Chief In India in 1840, Ml, '42, and '43 waa on the staff of General Wellesley during the Mahratta campai|]^. He preserved notes o* 1803.] ADVICE TO COLONEL STEVENSON. 21 And here it may not be irrelevant to quote the instructions which he received from General Wellesley, regarding the best methods of proceeding against the Mahrattas. They demonstrate the aptitude of Wellesley's genius to contend with the Mahrattas, and the talent with which he could compress into a few words a volume of advice upon a system of strategy suited to the exigencies of the time. " Supposing that you determine to have a brush with them, I recommend what follows to your consideration. Do not attack their position, because they always take up such as are confoundedly strong and difficult of access, for which the banks of the numerous rivers and nullahs afford them every facility. Do not remain in your own position, however strong it may be, or however well you may have entrenched it ; but when you shall hear that they are on their march to attack you, secure your baggage, and move out of your camp. You will find them in the common disorder of march ; they will not have time to form, which, being but half-disciplined troops, is necessary for them. " At all events, you will have the advantage of making the attack on ground which they will not have chosen for the battle ; a part of their troops only will be engaged; and it is possible that you will gain an easy victory. Indeed, according to this mode, you might choose the field of battle yourself some days before, and might meet them upon that very ground." Scindiah being nearly disposed of. General Wellesley now bestowed his attention upon the Rajah of Berar. Having ascertained that he had traversed the hill country on the borders of Candeish on his route to the banks of the Godavery, the General, on the 25th of October, 1803, ascended the Adjuntee Ghaut. From this point he continued to press the Rajah back upon his own territories. On his way, in an easterly direction, General Wellesley encountered a Vakeel (Envoy) from Scindiah, who had retired to his proper dominions, and now sought peace. An armistice resulted, from which the Rajah of Berar was excluded. tho campaign, and from these may be gathered some pleasing evidences of Wellesley's humanity. After the taking of Asseerghur, late in October, 1803, Sir Jasper writes: — " Visiting the sick officers and wounded, we heard of General Wellesley's liberality to them. The evening we left Asseerghur, he sent in to every one a dozen of Madeira from his stock, and that wine is neither cheap nor plentiful ; to-day he was in amongst them before the camp was pitched, making inquiries which are as honorable to his feelings as they are agreeable and gratifying to the poor invalids. The men have every comfort which can be afforded from the camp, or procured here, which I fear are not very numerous ; indeed, the refugees from the adjoining parts, and Scindiah's wounded men, are dying here every day in want of the commonest and coarsest food." 22 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1803, The object of the armistice was to detach one chieftain from the other, and to render unnecessary the pursuit of his horse to a distance, which would interfere with other operations of consequence. It was a condition of the armistice that Scindiah should retire within his own dominions, which he affected to do. General Wellesley, being now bent on the reduction of the fort of Gawilghur, proceeded down the Ghauts to cover the investment which was to be undertaken by Colonel Stevenson. But when he came within six miles of the village of Argaum (28th November, 1803), he found Scindiah's army drawn up in front of the village in a line five miles in extent. Forming his own force in two lines, one of cavalry and one of infantry facing the enemy, covered by the Mogul and Mysore cavalry, he advanced to the attack, the enemy as usual commencing with a terrific discharge of artillerj'. It was late in the day. Sufficient light, however, remained to enable him to defeat and scatter the foe, who were pursued by the cavalry by moonlight. From this defeat Scindiah never rallied. Continuing the movement upon Gawilghur, a fort situated in a range of mountains between the sources of the rivers Poonah and Taptee, it was reached early in December, and the place was at once invested by the combined forces of Wellesley and Stevenson. The walls were breached and rendered practicable by the 14th, and on the morning of tlie 15th a storming party, consisting of the flank companies of the 94th and of the native corps in Colonel Stevenson's division, assaulted Gawilghur and carried it triumphantly. The opposition was vigorous but brief. The garrison was extensive, consisting of the refugee troops from Argaum, and their bravery undeniable. Great numbers were killed, but the victors did not disgrace their achievement by subsequent barbarities. So moderate was the conduct of the soldiery as to call for the special commendation of General Wellesley, who declared that he " never saw a storm in which so little irregularitj^ was committed."* 1 A second rerercnce is made to the characteristic humanity of Wellesley, in General NicoU's notes to the storming of Gawilghur. "■December, 1803. "When General Wellesley entered the fort, his first enquiry was for the Killadar, and ho went immediately to his house ; his son, a fine lad of nine or ten years of age, said he did not know where he was, that l»o liad gone out about two hours before, and had not returned. The poor fellow was ignorant of his fate, perhaps; but when order was sufficiently restored to admit the inhabitants who survived to venture out, a search was made, and his body, with that of liery Sing, was found amidst a heap of slain, near the gateway. These two men, of good Il.-ij])oot families, had delcrmincd to die in defence of their trust; and, according to the custom of their country, to save their wives and daughters from destruction by putting them to death before they went out to meet their own. From somo cause unknown to ua, this waa 1803.] REWARDS AND HONOURS. 23 Two short days only elapsed between the fall of Gawilghur and the ratification of a treaty of peace between the Rajah of Berar and the East India Company. The Rajah ceded extensive territories in Cuttack, near the western shores of the Bay of Bengal, and in the Deccan renounced his connection with the Mahratta confederates, and engaged never again to retain in his armies the natives of any European state who might be at war with England. These cessions were followed by Scindiah's formal submission, which conferred upon the Company even still greater advantages than those obtained from the Berar Rajah. With these achievements the career of Major-Greneral Wellesley in India may be said to have closed, although he continued for some little time to wage a desultory war with the hordes, who, deprived by peace of their regular means of subsistence, levied contributions on the country. The hour of recompense had now arrived, and if it had had to be measured by the gratitude and admiration of the Europeans and natives of India, General Wellesley received tributes and addresses enough to have satisfied the most inordinate cravings. A sword of the value of £1000 was voted to the General by the British inhabitants of Calcutta ; the officers of his division presented him with a service of plate ; fetes and addresses awaited him at Bombay, at Madras, and at Seringapatam ; but the approbation — next to that of his own pure mind — which Wellesley coveted, was unaccountably withheld. No sign or token of thankfulness came from the Court of East India Directors nor the Government of George III. The Order of the Bath was, indeed, conferred upon the hero of Assaye and Argaum, and there all reward stopped, for in those days the difiiculties of Indian conquests were unappreciated, or their real value misunder- stood. The noble generosity which in these days garnishes the coronet of a Hardinge or a Gough with a valuable pension, and recognises the deeds of a Pollock and a Nott with suitable annuities, had no share in the councils of Leadenhall Street. Founded on a trading charter, the government of the East India Company discerned more merit in the voyage of a single commander of one of their splendid 1400 ton vessels than in the brightest military achievement which added a hundred thousand acres to their possessions. In but imperfectly performed ; of twelve or fourteen women, but three, I think, were dead when our men discovered them, and three or four more lay bleeding, having received two or three cuts or stabs with a knife or dagger; probably these Rajpoots entrusted this shocking duty to hands more humane than their own. General Wellesley visited them, and ordered every respect and care to bo shown to them." 24 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1805. the fulness of liis chagrin, Wellcsley wrote to his friend, Major Shawe, — " I have served the country in important situations for many years, and have never received anything but injury from the Court of Directors, although I am a singular instance of an officer who has served under all the governments, and in communication with all the residents, and many civil authorities ; and there is not an instance on record, or in any private correspondence, of disapprobation of any one of my acts or a single complaint, or even a symptom of ill- temper, from any one of the political or civil authorities in communi- cation with whom I have acted. The King's ministers have as little claims upon me as the Court of Directors. I am not very ambitious, and I acknowledge that I never have been very sanguine in my expectations that military services in India would be considered on the scale on which are considered similar services in other parts of the world. But I might have expected to be placed on the Staff of India, and if it had not been for the lamented death of General Frazer, General Smith's arrival would have made me supernu- merary." A similar degree of indifference to high claims marked the conduct of the Government towards the Earl of Mornington. The King raised him to the Marquisate of Wellesl-ey ; but it was not until thirty or forty years subsequently that the Court of Directors repaired the shameful omission of their predecessors by soothing his declining days with a valuable gratuity. In March, 1805, Sir Arthur Wellesley embarked in the Trident frigate for England. He left behind him an imperishable reputation. For long years afterwards the name of Wellesley was synonymous in India with truth, justice, humanity, and good faith. The natives of Mysore had found in him a firm and honest friend, and the army recognised in AVellesley the general who was always sure to conduct them to victory. His unceasing activity in procuring supplies, his stern reprehension of infractions of discipline, his excellent example of patience and endurance when long and forced marches tried the spirits and strength of his companions, his assertion of the interests and regard for the comforts of the soldiery, all tended to raise the character and condition of the army, and render it an efficient agent in the accomplishment of the important objects he was called upon to accomplish. Although he had suffered from severe attacks of illness both in India and before his arrival in the country, and found incessant occupation in an extensive correspondence which regulated distant affairs, in the presence of formidable enemies, or the necessity iS05.] CHARACTER AND HABITS. 25 for conciliating and overawing doubtful friends, yet he never betrayed anxiety of mind or exhaustion of body. On the contrary, writes an eloquent biographer, "not a man in his army seemed more devoid of care. Full of animation and urbanity, no reproving look checked the joke or suppressed the laugh of those about him. ' Come away!' he would call out, and off he went at full speed after his gallant grey- hounds, who commonly obtained much of his attention during a. march, and game abounding, the general, and any officers not required to be with their regirn'onts, who felt disposed to enjoy the coursing, were able to beguile the time with the exhilarating sport. With an astonishing facility of getting through business, aided by a rapid pen, he found leisure for everything, and the ordinary hours of employment past, was ready to give his opinion on the shape or qualities of a dog or horse with all the acumen of a connoisseur. He was temperate in his habits, especially as regarded the pleasures of the table, and appeared to suffer but little from the power of a tropical sun. In person he was a little above the medium height, well limbed, and muscular, with little encumbrance of flesh beyond that which gives shape and manliness to the outline of the figure, with a firm tread, an erect carriage, a countenance strongly patrician both in feature, profile, and expression, and an appearance remarkable and distinguished. Few could approach him on any duty, or on any subject requiring his serious attention, without being sensible of something strange and pen- etrating in' his clear, light eye." However great the advantage which he gained from his subsequent experience in European warfare, it must be obvious to all who have studied the "Despatches" written during the Indian campaigns, that very much of the renown acquired by Wellesley was the fruit of his natural sagacity. We trace in these despatches, and in the records of the time preserved by others, the prompt development of all the qualities on which his subsequent greatness was built — the immediate sources of his marvellous success — the key to the confidence with which he alike inspired those who employed and those who served under him. His leading characteristic was his devotion to the public service. By no means destitute of ambition, and having private objects to attain, he invariably treated them as secondary to the duty imposed upon him, even when the opportunity was given him of doing just as he pleased. In a letter to the Hon. H. Wellesley, of March, 1801, he says: " I have never had much value for the public spli-it of any man who does not sacrifice his private views and convenience when it is necessary." And that this was an ingrianed prmciple was apparent in 1800, when he declined to take the command 26 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLDTGTOX. [1805. of the troops intended for Batavia, because it would remove from the Mahratta country, where he might be more usefully employed. '■'I cannot think," he wrote to Lord Clive, "of relinquishing the command with which your lordship has entrusted me at this interesting period for any object of advantage or credit to be gained in another place." Of his quick appreciation of the military character of the Mahrattas and the organisation of their forces, no better proof can be afforded than the battle of Assaye and his instructions to Colonel Stevenson. He discovered that they were unwary — loose in their discipline — and liable to be thrown into confusion by a sudden attack upon the march or in a position in which they believed themselves to be secure. The tactics of his great contemporary Napoleon, who had taught the Austrians to respect an enemy who moved with promptitude and assaulted with vigor, were practised by Wellesley — from the same intuitive perception of their value — in the Indian campaign. Time was, in the opinion of both commanders, enenjthing in military operations. The ju.stice and moderation of "Wellesley were conspicuous in his management of the affairs of Scringapatam, and his protestations against appointments of officers whose merit lay rather in their family connections than their capacity. He evinced no irritability in his commerce with the natives, who were new to British rule ; on the contrary, he always practised and recommended patience and forbearance. Speaking of the new Hindoo government of Seringa- patam, he said, " We have never been hitherto accustomed to a native government : we cannot readily bear the disappointments and delays which are usual in all their transactions ; prejudices are entertained against them, and all their actions are misconstrued, and we mistrust them. I see instances of this daily in the best of our officers, and I can- not but acknowledge that, from the delays of the natives, they have sometimes reason to complain ; hut ilteyhave none to ill use any manP The quickness of General Wellesley in acquiring a knowledge of the topography and resources of the country in which he was to carry on operations was the theme of admiration amongst the officers who had spent their lives in India. Nothing escaped him — nothing was left unsaid in his instructions to his subordinates, or his applications to the local government, which could contribute to the completeness of his equipments, and the success of the service on which he was engaged. Of his kindness and humanity, Sir Jasper Nicolls has supplied proofs, which are already before the reader. 1806.] SECRETARY FOR IRELAND 27 CHAPTER II. Appointed to the Staff as Commander of a Brigade— Becomes Secretary for Ireland— Joins the Expedition to Denmark— Distinguishes himself at Kioge— Proceeds to Portugal— Gains the victories of Rorica and Vimiero— The Convention of Cintra— Keturus to England- OON after his return to England, in March, 1805, Major-General Sir Arthur Wellesley was appointed to the StaJf as Commander of a brigade of troops stationed at """■ / Hastings, in Sussex, upon their return from Hanover. His descent from the command of an army to a comparatively in- ferior trust did not in any way weaken his zeal or diminish his interest in his professional duties. The order and superior discipline of the brigade while under his direction were equally conspicuous with the fine state of the troops he had elsewhere led to victory. The Colonelcy of the 33rd Regiment having fallen vacant through the demise of the Marquis Cornwallis in India, the King bestowed it upon Major-General Wellesley. Previous, however, to this occurrence he married the Lady Catherine Pakenham, daughter of the Earl of Longford, by whom he had issue, Arthur, (born 3rd February, 1807), and Charles (born 16th January, 1808.) When the Duke of Richmond became Lord Lieutenant of Ireland in 1807, Sir Arthur Wellesley accepted the appointment of chief secretary, upon* the understanding that it was not to interfere with his military promotion or pursuits. In this new office, Sir Arthur displayed all the courage and perseverance which characterized his eaxeer in India. The condition of Ireland at the time rendered it 28 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLES^GTON. ri306. necessary to place large powers ia the hands of the secretary, and these were exercised with firmness, discrimination, and temper, in spite of the violent opposition which they experienced from the liberal party. It would interfere too much with the course of the narrative to trace the career of Napoleon Bonaparte, whose great jealousy of the power of England, had now begun to take a formidable shape. A few words must, however, be employed to establish the connection be- tween the future military operations of Sir Arthur and those of the French Emperor, against whose armies he was afterwards to be so much, and so successfully, employed. Passing through the gradations of power, during the existence of the Republic of France, until he had attained the office of First Con- sul in perpetuity. Napoleon, in 1804, pi-ocured himself to be elected Emperor of the French. Defeated at sea by Nelson, Jervis, Calder, and Collingwood, Napoleon, after the rupture of a brief treaty with England in 1801, directed the arms of France upon Austria, Prussia, and Russia ; and obtaining great successes over the Prussians es- tablished himself in the Prussian capital. Here he gave full latitude to his hostility to England, and published a Decree for the blockade of the British Isles ! This proceeding. — which was intended to de- stroy the commerce, and by terminating the prosperity eventually to crush the power of England ; but which, in operation, recoiled upon Napoleon, and accelerated, if it did not produce, his overthrow, — was dated on the 21st November, 180G. After setting forth that England would not consent to regulate naval warfare by the laws and amenities which were established on land, but had introduced new customs into her maritime code, and revived those of a bar- barous age ; that she refused to recognise the distinctions of private property and the rights of foreigners not serving in war, but seized on merchant vessels and made their crews prisoners as if they had been armed and sent out by their respective governments against an enemy, and that the British declaration of blockade extended to places not actually blockaded — thus extending the evils of war to peaceful and unarmed citizens, — the British isles were declared by the Decree to be in a state of blockade. All commerce and correspondence with them were strictly prohibited. All English subjects found in countries occupied by the troops of France were declared to be prisoners of war. All merchandize or property of any kind belonging to British owners, and all articles of British manufacture, or the produce of British colonics, were declared to be lawful prize. Half of the proceeds of all confiscations were to be 18(H).] BERLIN AND MILAN DECREES. 29 applied to the relief of those merchants whose ships had been cap- tured by English cruisers. No vessel from England or the English colonies was to be admitted into a continental port, but every one entering a foreign harbor was to be seized and forfeited. Two Prize- Courts were to be established ; one at Paris for the French Empire, and the other at Milan for the kingdom of Italy. The system thus established had, there is no doubt, been for some time in contemplation, but Napoleon had not deemed the tim^e favorable for its promulgation till he was master of nearly all the line of coast round Europe The habits of two or three centuries of unrestricted commerce had placed many of the articles sought to be prohibited, among the absolute necessaries of life ; to dispense with which would have occasioned great and universal distress and inconvenience. It was, therefore, a proclamation of war with the feelings, tastes, and wishes of mankind — an attempt to force civilisation backward for three centuries, which the most tyrannic and absolute power could not have succeeded in effecting. One blow in one place was useless ; to exclude commerce it required a constant tension of watchful energy in every port of the Contineni, not only at the known ports and harbors, but at every creek, cove and islet by which the shore of ocean was indented ; and while Napoleon was thus employing his ascendancy, the British government was exerting all its energies to defeat the powers arrayed against its commerce. It began by endeavoring to create a new species of commerce where none had previously existed, and where the simple wants of the inhabitants were supplied by the produce of the land. Two -expe- ditions were sent (one in 1806 and another in 1807) against Buenos AyreS; to compel the natives to deal in British merchandise, but the sturdy semi-barbarous population, not only resolutely refused to purchase what it did not require and had no money to pay for, but took up arms in defence of its national independence, and speedily defeating the British troops, drove them from the insulted coast. The Government of England next despatched an armament against Turkey, to compel the Sultan to abandon an alliance he had formed with Napoleon, dismiss the French ambassador from Constantinople, and surrender all his ships of war to the English until a general peace. Sir Thomas Duckworth, who commanded the expedition, passed the Dardanelles and urged the demands contained in his instructions, but with so little effect and under such increasing dis- advantages and dangers, that after negotiating for a week, the admiral precipitately retired from before the Turkish capital. Petty expeditions, however, constituted at this period the British system 30 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1807 of warfare. Accordingly, in March, a small army was sent against Egypt under General Frazer, which easily obtained possession of Alexandria, but being subsequently pressed hard on all sides by the Turks and Mamelukes, was compelled, after losing more than a fifth of its number, to capitulate and wholly to evacuate the Egyptian territories. As a set-off against these disasters, the small Dutch island of Curasao and the Cape of Good Hope — a really important acquisition, were conquered. But the general policy of the English cabinet was too narrow to accomplish any great object, or to operate with effect in bringing the war to a close. At length the people of England began to complain of the imbecile conduct of the ministry, and this, echoed by the press, eventually stimulated the Government to bolder action. In the beginning of August, an expedition consisting of twenty- seven sail of the line and a great number of frigates and smaller vessels, carrying upwards of 20,000 soldiers under the command of Lord Cathcart, was despatched to the Baltic, secretly commis- sioned to demand from Denmark, the only northern power which still possessed what might be justly called a fleet, the delivery of its ships and naval stores to Great Britain, to be held in trust till the proclamation of peace. Sir Arthur Wellesley accom- panied the expedition as commander of a division. Between the Danes and the English at this period the truest friendly relations were subsisting. Extensive mercantile dealings were mutual, and ambassadors resided at their respective courts. No intimation was given of the hostile intentions of Great Britain. No complaint of misconduct on the part of Denmark, or hint of apprehensions as to her ulterior designs, was suffered to transpire even after the expedition had sailed. Admiralty licenses were granted to British merchants trading to Denmark, and Danish ships were encouraged to enter English ports as those of friends and allies. Hence the object of the armament was unsuspected, when Admiral Gambler, with his armed freight, passed the Sound and the Great Belt, and entering the Baltic, blockaded the island of Zealand, on which Copenhagen, the capital of the kingdom, is situated. It was not until ninety pennons were flying around these unprepared shores that Mr. Jackson, the British Minister, thought fit to communicate to the Crown Prince the requisitions of his government, which were then stated to have originated in a fear that the French Emperor would not long permit Denmark to remain neutral, but would seize and employ her fleet in his meditated attempt to subjugate England. The Danish Prince, with just indignation, repelled the demand as an unwarrantable 1807.] EXPEDITION TO DENMARK 31 attempt to deprive his country of its independence, and prepared to offer "what resistance he could to the unprovoked aggression of his pretended friends. The British, however, were too numerous, and their course of proceeding had been too well organised for a hasty and ill-arranged defence to be availing. The troops were disembarked, and preparations made for bombarding Copenhagen, which, after a gallant resistance for three days, during which many public buildings, churches, libraries, and an immense number of private habitations, and great part of the population were destroyed, was compelled to surrender its citadel and forts. ^ Shortly after Copenhagen had been invested by the British forces. Sir Arthur Wellesley was detached with 4000 or 5000 men to march against the Danish Lieutenant-General Castenskiold, who was then encamped near Rochild, with an army composed of 14,000 men. As the British commander advanced, the Danish retreated, endeavouring by all means to avoid a battle. After Sir Arthur had passed through Rochild with his forces, he hesitated for some time which of the two roads he should take, either that towards Kioge, or that towards Holbeck ; he ultimately determined upon the latter ; and in the evening he fixed his head-quarters at an inn not far distant from the mansion of the Count of Holstein, named Leigre or Lethraborg, the former residence of the ancient kings of Denmark. On his march thither Sir Arthur observed that the Danish army had re- cently been encamped in a very advantageous situation on a steep hill, near Gjeoninge : he expressed his surprise that the enemy should have quitted a place, where it would scarcely have been possi- ble for him to have dislodged them or attacked them with any chance of success. Inquu-ing into the strength and disposition of the Danish army, he was informed that the enemy consisted of about 14,000 men; and so inveterate were they against the invaders of their country that they had unanimously intreated their commander in the most earnest manner, to lead them directly against the British, a request with which General Castenskiold did not think proper to comply. Sir Arthur Wellesley without the least altering his countenance, and without changing the plan he had already laid down for himself to proceed upon, turned round to the officers near his person, and in his usual laconic way, coolly observed, " Then, gentlemen, I suppose we shall have pretty hot work of it." The Danish army debouched towards Riogo : the British general had no sooner intimation of this manceuvre, than he crossed the country and followed the enemy close 1 Bussy's " Life of Napoleon." 32 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [18o7. up. General Castenskiold made a stand near Riogo. Sir Arthur immediately attacked the Danish forces, which he defeated after a very short action, and dispersed in all directions over the country. Sir Arthur then returned to his former head-quarters, and it was now that he exercised that humanity, and displayed that generosity towards the adjacent inhabitants, which always formed such a con- spicuous feature in his character. He preserved the utmost regularity and order among his men ; no complaint preferred, even by the poorest peasant, against any man, of whatever rank, who had either injured or insulted him, went unnoticed ; and the country people, who had been taught to look upon the British as monsters of iniquity, loudly exclaimed that they were better treated by their enemies than they had been by their own people : the former paid for all they had with the utmost liberality ; the latter compelled them to furnish them with whatever they required, without oflFering the least indem- nification. The men had been taken away from their homes to fill up the ranks in the militia ; thus labourers were wanted to gather in the harvest ; distress and ruin would have been the sure con- sequences, had not Sir Arthur permitted the British troops to assist the farmers. It was a sight not less curious than grateful to see soldiers placed in almost every house, to guard the inhabitants from the insults of such stragglers as might stray from the British camp, from a desire of plunder ; nor would Sir Arthur permit his troops to receive any reward for their services in this respect, though the gentlemen, farmers, and peasants, were willing to be liberal towards men whom they looked upon as their protectors ; in fact, so attached had they become to our troops, that they anticipated with much uneasiness the day which, by the capitulation of Copenhagen, was fixed upon for the evacuation of Zealand by the British forces. Theft of any kind was punished by Sir Arthur with the utmost severity ; but it is just to state that only two complaints of this nature were ever made against any British soldier in Zealand, and then, by the exertion of their officers, the property was restored to its owners. Such was the magnanimous conduct of the subject of this memoir during his stay with the army in Zealand. In the siege of Copenhagen not more than 200 were killed and wounded out of an army 20,000 strong. Late in September, 1807, the expedition returned to England, carrying with it the Danish fleet of sixteen sail of the line, nine frigates^fcurteen sloops, and many smaller vessels. Some diflference of opinion prevailed in England upon the justice and necessity of the expedition, though its policy obtained almost 1807.] THANKS OF PARLIAMENT. 33 universal concurrence. A vote of thanks to the forces employed was not obtained without some resistance in the House of Commons, but it was at length ultimately carried by a majority of eighty-ono. A VIEW OF COPENHAGEN. r>e^ The Speaker, in communicating the vote, thus expressed himself with regard to Sir Arthur Wellesley : — " But I should indeed be wanting to the full expression of those sentiments which animate this House, and the whole country, if I forbear to notice that we are, on this day, crowning with our thanks one gallant officer, long since known to the gratitude of this House, who has long trodden the paths of glory, whose genius and valour have already extended our fame and empire ; whose sword has been the terror of our distant enemies, and will not now be drawn in vain to defend the seat of Empire itself, and the throne of his King. I am, Sir Arthur Wellesley, charged to deliver the thanks of this House to you ; and I do accordingly thank you, in the name of the Commons of the United Kingdom, for your zeal, intrepidity, and exertion, displayed in the various operations which were necessary for con- ducting the siege, and effecting the surrender of the navy and arsenal of Copenhagen." Major-General Sir Arthur Wellesley replied as follows : — " Mr. Speaker, — I consider myself fortunate that I was employed by his Majesty on a service which this House has considered of such importance, as to have marked with its approbation the conduct of those officers and troops who have performed it. The honour which this House has conferred upon my honourable friends and myself, is justly considered by the officers of the navy and army, as the VOL. I. D 34 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1808. highest which this country can confer ; it is the object of the ambition of all who are employed in his Majesty's service ; and to obtain it has doubtless been the motive of many of those acts of valour and good conduct which have tended so eminently to the glory, and have advanced the prosperity and advantage of this country. I can assure the House that I am most sensible of the great honour which they have done me ; and I beg leave to take this opportunity of returning you, Sir, my thanks for the handsome terms, respecting myself, in which your kindness to me has induced you to convey the resolution of the House." Early in the year 1808 Sir Arthur resumed his duties as Irish Secretary, which, however, he only continued to fill for about five months. A new field was now opening to his honourable military ambition, and Europe was about to receive the benefits of those cervices which had hitherto been rendered to England alone. 1808.") FRENCH mVASIOI^' OF PORTUGAL. 35 CHAPTER HI. French inrasion of Portugal — Occupation of Spain — Sir Arthur proceeds to Portugal— Battles of Roria and Vimiero — Convention of Cinira — Sir Arthur returns home. N the execution of his design for annex- ing Spain to the dominions of France, and punishing Portugal for refusing to obey the Berlin decree, Napoleon Bonaparte had covered the former countries with his troops, and usurped the government of the kingdoms. To counteract his purposes, and to expel the French from Portugal, the British Government, in virtue of the obligations imposed upon England by treaty, resolved to despatch a large force to the Peninsula. This force, consisting of eleven battalions of infantry, the 29th Foot, a body of dragoons, a detachment of the Royal Staff Corps, and a propor- tion of artillery, was confided to the command of Sir Arthur Wellesley, who had now obtained the rank of Lieutenant-General. A reserve force of 10,000 men was, in the meantime, held in hand in England, until it should be required in Portugal. Lieutenant-General Sir Arthur Wellesley embarked with the expe- dition in July, 1808, quitting it, in pursuance of his instructions, in the " Crocodile" frigate, and making immediately for Corufia, where he would obtain the means of learning the actual state of things in Spain and Portugal before the arrival of the army. To understand the magnitude of the task which now devolved upon Sir Arthur Wellesley, it may be as well to glance at the position 36 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. 11808. which Bonaparte had acquired in Europe, and the events which preceded the despatch of the Expedition. Prussia, beaten, humbled, and dismembered, existed only by his suflferance. Austria, after three lamentably misconducted and disastrous struggles with Revolutionary France, found herself despoiled of the Netherlands, the Tyrol, all her Italian territories, and other possessions. " Denmark was in alliance with France ; the government rather than the nation, co-operating with Bonaparte. Sweden, with an insane king and a discontented people, maintained against him a war which was little more than nominal. Russia, the only country which seemed Secure in its distance, its strength, and the unanimity of its inhabitants, — the only continental state to which the rest of Europe might have looked as to a conservative power, — Russia appeared to be dazzled by Bonaparte's glory, duped by his insidious talents, and blindly subservient to his ambition. Spain was entirely subject to his control ; its troops and its treasures were more at the disposal of the French government than of its own. Portugal had hitherto been suffered to remain neutral, because Bonaparte, from time to time, extorted large sums from the court as the price of its neutrality, and because the produce of the Spanish mines found their way safely through the British cruisers under the Portuguese flag. England alone perseveringly opposed the projects of the ambitious conqueror, and prevented the possibility of his accomplishing that scheme of universal dominion which, had it not been for her interference, he believed to be within his reach." ' Spain having been duped into a secret treaty with France, by which Portugal was to be partitioned, and the elite of the Spanish army, amounting to 16,000 men, placed at the disposal of Napoleon, and drafted to the north of Germany, steps were taken to obtain military possession of Portugal, and, if possible, secure the persons of the Braganza family. By way of pretext for these iniquitious acts, the French and Spanish ambassadors communicated to the Court of Lisbon Napoleon's demands, to which Portugal was desired to submit. Her ports must be closed against England, any subjects of that power resident in the country were to be arrested, — all English property confiscated, — and these stipulations were to be acceded to within three weeks, or war with both powers denounced as the alternative. Before the time allowed to the Portuguese Court for taking these demands into consideration had elapsed, Napoleon commenced his aggressions. All Portuguese vessels in his harbours were seized, and an army of 25,000 infantry, with 3000 cavalry, was ordered to march I Southoy. 1808.] INVASION OF PORTUGAL. 37 directly on Lisbon, to be joined on the frontier by a Spanish corps, Junot, a favourite aide-de-camp of Napoleon, to whom the occupation of the devoted kingdom had been entrusted, moved immediately from Salamanca. Junot had risen from the ranks. He was a man of great courage, but nosscssed neither judgment nor moral principle. In a few days he reached Alcantara, and by forced marches was witliin ninety miles of Lisbon before the authorities in that city were apprised that the enemy had crossed the Spanish frontier. Spain joined readily in the aggression, because she could not help herself Every soldier in the Spanish army was put in requisition to make up the force auxiliary to the French invading corps. To avert the hostility which suddenly threatened to overwhelm her, Portugal yielded without a blow ; and the British minister removed himself on board a man-of-war forming part of a squadron which now blockaded Lisbon, the more strictly that a Russian fleet, unable to reach the Baltic before the winter would set in, had anchored in the Tagus. Junot continued to advance. With promises of friendship on his lips, and declarations of peaceful intentions in his proclamations, he permitted his army to practice every kind of spoliation on its way. Houses and churches were plundered, orchards robbed of their produce.' Alcantara, Castello, Bramo, Santarem, were given up to sack and ruin. None of the inhabitants escaped insult, even though they received the invaders with kindness. Reaching Lisbon, Junot formally took possession of that capital, and the royal family at once threw itself upon the protection of England, and emigrated to the Brazils. The conduct of the French, when at Lisbon, has been thus forcibly described : — " The French were scarcely rested in Lisbon until the true character of the invaders displayed itself Nightly, and without beat of drum, reinforcements poured in, and they were quartered in such parts of the capital as were best calculated to overawe the citizens, and secure a safe communication between the troops. The great convents were converted into barracks, their former occupants 1 When the British troops subsequently occupied Lisbon after the expulsion of the French (in 1808), they entered their various hutted camps across the river, which were found arranged ■with comfort and taste. Their army had found the ripe wheat standing, and, regardless of its value, had not only thatched, but made whole huts, with the corn in the ear, which, hanging down, shed the grain on the ground. They had built with boughs of trees an immense Salle de Spectacle, and formed, by putting down and removing the largest olive-trees, and sticking their pointed ends into the ground, an avenue leading up to it, of some length— an act more wanton and reprehensible than that of takmg the imthrashed com, as the fruit of the olive is not pro- duced imder several years' growth. 38 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTOK [1S08 having been unceremoniously ejected ; while the houses of the noblesse, and the wealthier of the merchants, were taken from their owners and occupied by the general ofl&cers and their staff. Edicts were issued for the confiscation of English property, the use of arms strictly pro- hibited, and the inhabitants were not only obliged to afford lodgings, but subsistence, to the unwelcome inmates forced upon them by their pseudo-deliverer. Even when persons abandoned their homes, and re- tired to the country, they were required to support the establishment, and answer all the demands the intruders chose to make. " Continued insults and exactions at last inflamed the people to resistance ; riots ensued, and lives were lost on both sides. Junot easily suppressed the tumult, and took effectual means to prevent its recurrence. " New works were thrown up around the castle by which the city might at any time be laid in ruins ; the provincial militia were dis- banded ; to prevent alarm, the French commander ordered that the church bells were never to be rung at night, while the host itself, during its circuit, was to be restricted to the accompaniment of a hand- bell, and that only was permitted to be sounded thrice. " The effect of French oppression was soon apparent ; trade and industry altogether ceased, and a kind of national despondency per- vaded every class. The merchant abandoned himself to despair, and the peasant refused to till the ground. Suicide, a crime unfrequent among the Portuguese, occurred daily in the city, while fields unsown, and vineyards running wild, told that the peasant had become as reck- less as the trader. '• Such was the state of Portugal — such the immediate consequences of her military occupation by the French, assisted by their faithless and imbecile confederates, the Spaniards. The latter, indeed, ap- peared to have entered fully into the spirit of aggression, and imitated the example of the ' emancipating' army. Caraffa, who commanded a division at Porto, raised on his march a contribution of 4000 cruzados at Thomar, and plundered the depository at Coimbra of 10,000 more. But while aiding in the oppression of their neighbours, and abetting the robbery of an ancient ally, the Spaniards little dreamed that the chain was secretly and swiftly winding round them- selves, and that the spoilers were soon to be within the gates of their own capital." Napoleon had despatched a second army of observation under Dupont, and another under Moncey, across the Pyrenees, with the ostensible purpose of strengthening the hands of Junot. This raised the French force in Spain to 50,000 men. With Moncey 's corps 1808.] DfVASIOll OP SPAIN. 39 was Murat, the Grand Duke of Berg, who crossed the Somosierra and advanced upon Madrid. In the meanwhile the feeble old King of Spain, alarmed at a state of things which he could not control, abdicated the crown in favor of his son Ferdinand, who was proclaimed the sovereign of the Spanish people on the 20th of March, 1808; but Ferdinand was not permitted to hold the sceptre many days. The French Commander refused to recognise him, and Charles, the ex-king, interpreting this into Napoleon's espousal of his own cause, revoked his abdication, and implored the direct assistance of the French Emperor. Ferdinand then fled to France, appointing a Junta, with his uncle Don Antonio at its head, and Blurat a member thereof His example was followed by his demented and senile father. Soon afterwards I^apoleon caused Don Antonio to be re-called from the lieutenancy of the kingdom ; Murat being appointed sole Regent. This last measure roused the anger of the Spanish people to the highest point of exasperation. A mob used violent means to prevent the departure of the remaining members of the royal family of Spain — the traces of the carriages were cut, and Murat's officers insulted. The Regent wished for no better excuse for placing the French troops in an attitude of hostility to the populace. The alarm was beaten, a bloody conflict ensued. Madrid was filled with French guards. The Spanish citizens, aided by a large body of the peasantry, fought with amazing resolution under a hundred disadvantages ; but they were borne down by disciplined and well-organised battalions, and many of those who escaped butchery in the streets were seized, tried by a military commission, and-- were immediately executed, in groups of forty, in the public squares and parades. The news of the wholesale massacres of Madrid flew like wildfire through the country. Shocked at the state of degradation to which they had been reduced by the imbecility of their rulers, the people rose en masse^ resolved to deliver their country at all hazards from the ruthless and perfidious invader. A national government was formed at Seville, under the denomi- nation of the Supreme Junta, and subordinate Juntas were appointed in the remainder of the towns and districts. It is beyond the purpose and the proposed compass of this rapid narrative to describe at length the episode of the general insurrection which created for Spanish patriotism an almost universal sympathy. ' The murders of the governors who were favorable to French domination ; the elevation of Joseph Bonaparte to the monarchy of Spain ; the proclamation of " war to the knife" in the Asturias, 40 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1808 trallicia, Estremadura, Catalonia, Valencia, and Andalusia ; the noble defence of Saragossa ; the vigorous measures taken by Napoleon tc crush the rebellion ; the defeat and surrender of Dupont's corps ; and the appeal of Spain to Great Britain for intervention and assistance, arc historical events with which every tyro is familiar. The spirit of resistance originating in Spain communicated itself to Portugal, and led to the defection of the national troops who formed part of the force under Junot's orders. The vigilance, however, of that astute soldier prevented any general outbreak, and he and the 25.000 Frenchmen at his command, continued to trample upon the unhappy inhabitants of Lisbon. Sir Arthur Wellesley reached Coruaa in due course, and after communicating with the Gallician authorities proceeded to Oporto, where the Supreme Junta of Portugal had assembled. To that body he expounded his plans. He was convinced that nothing effectual could be accomplished towards the deliverance of Spain and Portugal until Lisbon was occupied by a friendly force. He therefore proposed to land his troops, and with the aid of the collected patriots of Portugal march at once upon the capital. This proposal was, however, negatived, and Sir Arthur set sail for Mondego Bay, to the northward of Lisbon, because that place afforded a better landing place than any part of the coast lower down. The " Sepoy-General," as Napoleon, in his assumed contempt for the British leader, was wont to call him, landed with his small compact force between the 1st and 5th of August, 1808. As the last brigade was leaving the transports for the shore, General Brent Spencer's division most opportunely came to anchor. By the 8th of the same month, General Spencer, with his 4000 or 5000 men, was by the side of Sir Arthur, and the latter, without waiting for any one of the three or four expected senior officers who might at any moment wrest the chief command from his capable hands, commenced opera- tions. Anything more interesting than the march from Mondego Bay,' considered with reference to its then expected results, is not to be found in the page of history. Junot, alarmed at the news of his approach, instantly despatched General Laborde and General Loison to arrest his progress. We trace, in our mind's eye, the anxious progress of Loison and his cohorts, in order to effect a junction with Laborde and repel the English intrusion : we watch with equal interest the movements of Wellesley and Spencer : with nervous apprehension we read of the outpost affair at Obidos, where 1 A bay to the north of Lisbon. It ia the oiJy part of the coast contiguous to the mouth of (he Tagus which offered security In landing. 1808.] BATTLE OF RORigA, 41 the impetuosity of the British Rifles carried them into the lion's jaws : and then we come upon the rencontre at Roriqa. As Laborde snters to take up a better position — as Fergusson and the Portuguese BIFLEMEN AT EORigA. move forward and find themselves checked by ravines — we hold our breath ; the issue hangs upon a thread. At length, the indomitable 29th Foot and the daring 9th advance under a shower of bullets ; the 29th is foremost ; it nearly reaches the crest of the mountain. Lake, its colonel, cheers it on to the attack — the French rush forward in masses — the 29th staggers — gives ground — the men fall off by sections — Lake is killed. But the 9th are at hand ! Hurra ! both corps renew the attack with increased vigour. " Forward !" is still the word. Stewart, the Lieutenant-Colonel of the 9th, falls, mortally wounded. Again a terrific concussion — the French retire — the table land is gained and held by the British infantry — Laborde grows desperate — the 5th Foot and Hill's flank companies now scale the heights — the French are obstinate in their attacks — Fergusson's column appears — Laborde commands a retreat — his cavalry sup- port it with their charges. No matter — the British are resolute 42 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF "WELLINGTON. [180 — the cavalry are discomfited — the French retire to Zambugeira — • they rally and deploy : it is of no use ; Spencer is at them with his division : one gallant charge/ and the enemy fly ; the British are masters of the field ! Sir Arthur Wellcsley lost 480 men in killed, wounded, and missing on the heights of llori<^a ; but had not Lake been amongst the killed, he would have considered his first victory cheaply purchased. The heroic attack at Roriqa, and the perseverance which distinguish- ed the British troops, satisfied the French that they had now an enemy to contend with who could be as formidable on land as he had proved himself at sea. The moral influence of the victory in Portugal and Spain was immense. At the same time it pointed out to the French leaders the necessity of increased exertion. It was the intention of Sir Arthur Wellesley to press the retreat of the French even to the very gates of Lisbon. Intelligence, how- ever, reached him that General Anstruther, with a fresh brigade and a fleet of store ships, had arrived from England and was anchored off Peniche. Sir Arthur, therefore, moved on Lourinha to secure the safe landing of this welcome accession. A second brigade under General Acland soon afterwards arrived, and with the united forces, now amounting to 16,000 men, and eighteen pieces of artillery, Sir Arthur Wellesley took up a position near the village of Vimiero. Thence he intended to march to Lisbon. The arrival of Sir Harry Burrard, an ofiicer senior to himself, however, prevented the execution of this intention. Sir Harry Burrard was on board a frigate in Maceira roads, contiguous to the little river Maceira, which runs through the village of Vimiero, and did not immediately land. Sir Arthur visited him. Sir Harry did not consider the army sufficiently strong and efiective for such an enterprise as the march to Lisbon : he wished to delay operations until Sir John Moore should reach the coast with reinforcements. Like the Cunctator of old, he was all for delay, while Wellesley knew that success depended upon taking time by the forelock. Finding that no impression could be made upon him. Sir Arthur Wellesley returned to his quarters ; but the 1 The military character of Sir Brent Spencer was marked by an ardent zeal, an inflexible flrm- nc83, and a devotion to the perforraanco of the trusts reposed in him, almost unparalleled. Th« charge, and the use of the bayonet, were his constant and favourite mode of warfare. In the numerous actions in which he was afterwards engaged, ho, on all occasions possible, adopted It, with the most powerful effect ; and he must be considered to have been particularly instru- mental in establishing a practice which has in all our military movements given a decided Buperlority to our arms ; and in restoring to the British soldier that mode of fighting the most consonant to the national character, and by which the victories and conquests of former agea ■were gained. 1808] BATTLE OF VIMIERO. 43 very next morning an event occurred which gave him the opportunity he sought of striking another blow at the power of the French in Portugal. Junot, the Duke d'Abrantes, feeling that after the terrible repulse at Rori9a, safety was not to be found in remaining at Lisbon, pushed forward with the whole of his disposable force. Reaching the heights on the road to Lourinha, in the vicinity of Vimiero, on the morning of the 21st of August, he descried the British, and at once gave battle. Dividing his army into two parts, one wing under Laborde assailed the advanced brigade of Sir Arthur's position on an eminence near the village of Vimiero, and General Solignac, with the other divi- sion, attacked the British left. The contest was most desperate — the attacks, though separate, were simultaneous, but only one-half the British force was engaged. In less than four hours the French were completely routed, and driven from the field in disorder. Nearly 3000 of their number lay dead upon the heights, and in the valley ; one general officer (Brennier) was wounded and made prisoner, and not less than thirteen pieces of cannon, twenty-three ammunition waggons with 20,000 rounds of ammunition, powder, shells, and stores of all kinds, were taken from them. The loss of the British amounted to nearly 800 men and officers. Flushed with their signal victory, the British pursued the scattered French columns, the dragoons cutting them up in their flight, when an order was given for a lialt. Sir Harry Burrard had assumed the command ; and, obstinate in his determination to impede the movement sugge'sted by Wellesley, checked the troops in their victorious career ! The consternation and bitter vexation of Sir Arthur at this untimely interference may be imagined. But true to his principle of obedience, he confined his dissatisfaction to simple remonstrance. "Within twelve hours of the fatal halt. Sir Hew Dalrymple arrived, and assumed the direction of afiairs. Satisfied with the course, and applauding the victory, of Sir Arthur at Rori9a, it was his wish that the latter should continue his course of proceeding uninterruptedly. This intention did not, however, reach Sir Arthur until too late to be of use ; the French had had time to recover their order and to effect a retreat in a regular and soldier-like manner. Sir Hew Dalrymple, on taking the command of the army, issued orders for an advance in conformity with the original plan of Sir Arthur. An unexpected incident prevented the fulfilment of this intention. General Kellerman, with an escort of cavalry, appeared in the 44 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1808 British camp. He came to propose an armistice as a preparatory step to the evacuation of Portugal by the French army. The armistice was agreed to, and negotiations were entered upon, which terminated in what is called the Convention of CiNTRA, although C intra was at some distance from the scene of discussion. This Convention was so exceedingly indulgent towards the French, conceding to them so many points which the British generals were in a position to refuse, that Sir Arthur Wellesley protested vehemently against it, but failing to prevent its conclusion, he drew up a paper (dated Ramahal, 23rd of August, 180S), which involved several subsidiary stipulations calculated to neutralise, in some sort, the mischievous eifects of the concession. To the Home Government, a few days subsequently, he communi- cated his sentiments respecting the Convention, and the prospects of the British in Portugal, and expressed his anxious desire to quit the army. The officers and men he had led to victory deeply regretted with himself the unnecessary suspension of operations, and the Generals Spencer, Hill, Fergusson, Nightingale, Bowles, Fane, and Catlin Crawford, who had commanded brigades and divisions under his orders, presented him with a piece of plate value one thousand guineas, as a testimony of their esteem and respect. From Vimiero, the British army proceeded to Torres Vedras, and quartered there and in the vicinity of Lisbon. That Sir Arthur could feel himself at his ease under Dalrymple was not to be expected after all that had occurred, and though he was unremitting in his co-operation with that officer, when his advice and assistance were called for, it is no subject of marvel that we find him writing to Captain (afterwards Admiral Sir Pulteney) Malcolm in these terms : — " I am afraid that I am so much connected with the credit of this army that I cannot remain with it, without falling as it will full. If I could be of any use to men who have served me so well, I wduld stay with them for ever ; but as matters are situated, I am sure that I can be of no use to them ; I am convinced that they cannot render any service, and I am determined to go home immediately." And again, addressing Lord Castlereagh, on the 30th of August, he says — '• I assure you, my dear Lord, matters are not prospering here ; and I feel an earnest desire to quit the army. I have been too suc- cessful with this army ever to serve with it, in a subordinate situation, with satisfaction to the person who shall command it, and of course 1808.] THE CONVENTION AT CINTRA. 45 not to myself. However, I shall do whatever the Government may wish." On the 11th and 12th of September, the French army embarked under the protection of a brigade of British troops. The inhabitants of Lisbon were so much incensed by the conduct of the French, and so little pleased with the Convention, that they had previously perpe- trated numerous assassinations in the streets and houses. Without the protection afforded, the French could not have left the city. On their departure, the people gave way to tumultuous joy which lasted for nine days. Five days subsequent to the embarkation of the French, Sir Arthur Wellesley obtained leave to return to England. He had pointed out a course of conduct to Sir Hew Dalrymple which Sir Hew did not choose to adopt, and the just pride and patriotism of the hero of K,ori(ja and Vimiero were offended that Lord William Bentinck should Lave been selected as the medium of communication between the British commander and the local Junta. Not long after Sir Arthur Wellesley's return. Sir Hew Dalrymple was recalled, and Sir Harry Burrard, who temporarily succeeded him, resigned. The command of the army then devolved upon Sir John Moore. Nothing could exceed the sorrow and indignation of the people of England at this issue to a victory they had been tumultuously celebrating. * Byron, in some unpublished lines in " Childe Harold,' thus summed up the national feeling post and ante the battle and the Convention : — " Dull victory ! baffled by a vanquished foe, Wheedled by conynge tongues of laurels due, Stood worthy of each other in a row — Sir Arthur, Harry, and the dizzard Hew, Dalr)'niple, secly wight, sore dupe of t'other tew. * * * * * — Well I wot when first the news did come, That Vimiero's field by Gaul was lost, For paragraph no paper scarce had room. Such Pseans teemed for our triumphant host, In Courier, Chronicle, and eke in Morning Post. But when Convention sent his handywork, Pens, tongues, feet, hands, combined in wild uproar; Mayor, Aldermen, laid down the uplifted fork ; The Bench of Bishops half forgot to snore ; Stem Cobbett, who for one whole week forbore To question aught, once more with transport leapt, And bit his devilish quill again, and sworo With foe such treaty never should be kept. Then burst the blatant beast, and roared, and raged, and slept." 46 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF "WELLINGTON. ['808 Upon the arrival of Sir Hew Dalrymple and Sir Harry Burrard, a board of general officers was ordered to investigate the circumstances attending upon the (so called) Convention of Cintra. During the sitting, public opinion was loudly expressed against the measure. At its conclusion, "at which nothing was concluded," the King ex- pressed a vague opinion upon the armistice and the negotiations, which certainly did not imply satisfaction at their terms and conditions. THE CONVENTION. ISOfi.l SIR JOHN MOORE IN SPAIN. 47 CHAPTER IV. sir John Moore in Spain, and Sir Johu Craamits, however, which we have prescribed to our- selves in this sketch, forbid more than a passing reference to occur- rences in which his Grace was not either an actor, or over which he did not exercise an immediate personal control. Moreover, the Btory of the retreat to Coruna has been so vividly related by a hun- dred eloquent writers, and lives so freshly in the memory of all who have read the biography of Moore, that its repetition would be almost a work of supererogation. Let it suffice that, though the retreat was in all respects a victory, reflecting the highest honour upon the talents and bravery of Sir John Moore, and the noble fellows he commanded, its effects were disastrous in the extreme to Spain. Her cause was virtually lost. " Her armies " (I quote Napier) " were dispersed^ 48 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. |1S09 her government bewildered, and her people dismayed ; tlie cry of resistance had ceased, and, in its stead, the stern voice of Napoleon, answered by the tread of 300,000 veterans, was heard throughout the land." To command the small body of British troops, which remained in the Peninsula, Sir John Cradock was despatched to Lisbon. He found the government in a state bordering upon imbecility, — the people unreflecting, oblivious of past service, in an attitude of hostility to their recent protectors, — the whole country in a state of confusion, and the army disorganised. From the Minho to the Tagus, the dis tressing picture was unvaried, and it was quite obvious that nothing •which Sir John could do to restore order and confidence would possi- bly succeed with the limited means then at his disposal. In these circumstances, the English Ministry thought of abandoning the Penin- sula, but before they came to any final decision upon the subject it •was deemed advisable to consult Sir Arthur Wellesley. The opinion given by this matchless soldier is contained in a Memorandum, dated London, 9th March, 1809. The subjoined ex- tract will sufficiently disclose his views : — " The British force employed in Portugal should not be less than 30,000 men, of which number 4000 or 5000 should be cavalry, and there should be a large body of artillery. " The extent of force in cavalry and artillery, above required, is because the Portuguese military establishments must necessarily be deficient in these two branches ; and British or German cavalry and artillery must be employed with the Portuguese infantry. " The ■whole of the army in Portugal, Portuguese as well as British, should be placed under tlie command of British officers. The staff of the army, the commissariat in particular, must be British, and these departments must be extensive in proportion to the strength of the whole army which will act in Portugal, to the number of detached posts which it will be necessary to occupy, and in a view to the diffi- culties of providing and distributing supplies in that country. In regard to the detail of these measures, I recommend that the British army in Portugal should be reinforced as soon as possible with some companies of British riflemen, with 3000 British or German cavalry ; that the complement of ordnance with that army should be made thirty pieces of cannon, of which two brigades should be nine pounders . that these pieces of ordnance should bo completely horsed ; that twenty pieces of brass (twelve pounders) ordnance, upon travelling carriages, should be sent to Portugal, with a view to the occupation of certain positions in the country ; that a corps of engineers for an 1809.] DEFENCE OF PORTUGAL. 49 army of 60,000 men should be sent there, and a corps of artillery for sixty pieces of cannon. " I understand that the British army now in Portugal consists of 20,000 men, including cavalry. It should be made up to 20,000 infantry, at least, as soon as possible, by additions of riflemen and other good infantry, which by this time may have been refitted after the campaign in Spain. " The reinforcements may follow as the troops shall recover from their fatigues. " The first measures to be adopted are to complete the army in Portugal with its cavalry and artillery, and to horse the ordnance as it ought to be. As soon as this shall be done, the general and staff officers should go out ; as it may be depended upon, that as soon as the newspapers shall have announced the departure of officers for Portugal, the French armies in Spain will receive orders to make their movements towards Portugal, so as to anticipate our measures for its defence. "We ought, therefore, to have everything on the spot, or nearly so, before any alarm is created at home, respecting our intentions. " Besides the articles above enumerated, 30,000 stands of arms, clothing and shoes, for the Portuguese army, should be sent to Lisbon, as soon as possible." This " memorandum," from such a source, was not to be disre- garded. Lord Castlereagh instantly resolved upon the adoption of the suggestions, provided the consent of the Junta of Portugal could be obtained. The intention to assist Spain in her prostrate condition, was not immediately contemplated, but it was not con- cealed that the success of Sir Arthur's scheme in Portugal would sooner or later operate beneficially upon the interests of the sister kingdom. Upon the receipt of the acquiescence of the Portuguese in the proposals, the command of the Portuguese army was offered to Sir Arthur, and on his declining its acceptance, the appointment was conferred on General Beresford, who was subsequently assisted by General Hill. At the same time the force of Sir John Cradock was augmented. Under Beresford's excellent system of discipline, the Portuguese battalions rapidly acquired an efficient character, and were about to take the field, in conjunction with the troops under Cradock, when Napoleon's generals made a dash upon the territory, seizing Oporto under circumstances of cruelty,' and establishing 1 Soult, who commanded, issued an order, upon his entry into Spain, commanding that. aD VOL. I. E 50 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1809 themselves in positions which compelled Sir John Cradock to restrict himself to an arrangement by which he could cover Lisbon and the Tagus. The British Government now saw the necessity of employing the master spirit whose genius had devised the new scheme of defence. At this distant period it appears unaccountable that any hesitation should have'i existed to entrust to one so highly gifted the execution of a project which he alone could conceive. Accepting the trust, Sir Arthur embarked on board the Surveillante^ with his staff, left Portsmouth on the IGth of April, 1809, and after a dangerous, but quick passage, anchored in the Tagus on the 22nd. " The effect produced upon the British army in Portugal, by the arrival of their favorite cJiief, seemed magical. Into every depart- ment his presence seemed to infuse new life and confidence. Men Bpoke no longer of defensive security, or speculated on the probable period of their departure from the Tagus ; but all looked forward to active service, as a thing consequent on the appearance of a victorious commander ; and the general question which was asked was, ' when shall we be in readiness to move forward ? ' The delight of the Portuguese was unbounded, and they welcomed Sir Arthur Wellesley ' as if conquest and his name were one.' * '• All day long the streets were crowded with men and women congratulating one another on the happy event ; and at night the city was illuminated, even in the most obscure and meanest of its lanes and alleys. " In the theatres pieces were hastily got up, somewhat after the fashion of the masks anciently exhibited among ourselves, in which Victory was made to crown the representative of the hero with laurels, and to address him in language as far removed from the terms of ordinary conversation as might be expected from an allegorical personage. But it was not by such exhibitions alone that the Portuguese nation sought to evince its confidence in its former deliverer and its satisfaction at his return. Sir Arthur Wellesley was immediately nominated Mar.shal-Gcneral of the armies of Portugal ; by which means, whilst the care of training and managing the whole of the interior economy rested still with Beresford, the fullest authority to move the troops whithersoever he would, and to employ them in any series of operations in which he might desire to embark, devolved upon him." persons found with arms in their hanUa should bo treated as gangs or banditti, having no other object tlian robbery and murder, and condemned and shot immediately. This sanguinary edict he carried into Portugal. 1809.] MARCH TO OPORTO. Si The eagle glance of Wellesley at once took in a view of the position of the French armies, and the condition of Portugal, and with characteristic decision he resolved to march to the northward, with the whole of the British troops, and 6000 Portuguese. The conviction of success which seemed to possess him is visible in a passage of his despatch to the Foreign Minister of the 27th of April, 1809 : — " As S0071 as the enemy shall have evacuated the north of Portugal^ it is iny intention to return to the eastern frontier of the kingdom, and to co-operate with the Spanish General Cuesta against the army of Marshal Victor." On Sir Arthur's way to Coimbra, the greatest demonstrations of joy were made by the people. The towns were illuminated, and his entrance into Coimbra was distinguished by the most extravagant excesses of delight. The balconies were thronged with ladies, who covered the General " with roses and sugar plums." On the 4th of May the army was fresh brigaded. It was divided into eight brigades of infantry and one of cavalry. The latter, commanded by Major-General Stapleton Cotton, consisted of the 14th, 16th, and 20th Light Dragoons, and the 3rd regiment of the King's German Legion. The infantry was composed of two battalions of Guards, the 3rd, or Buffs, the 7th Fusileers, 9th Foot, 27th, 29th, 31st, 45th, 48th, 53rd, 66th, 83rd, 87th, 88th, and 97th, the 5th battalion of the 60th rifles, and a battalion of detachments. Intermingled with these were several Portuguese battalions, and the brigades were commanded by Major-Generals Hill, Tilson, and M'Kenzie ; Brigadier- Generals H. Campbell, Cameron, Steward, Sontag, and A. Campbell. In addition to this force were four regiments (two brigades) of the infantry of the King's German Legion, respectively commanded by Brigadier-Generals Langworth and Dribourg, which were again com- manded by Major-General Murray. The whole army was subsequently divided into wings under Lieutenant-Generals Sherbrooke and Paget, and the cavalry placed under Lieutenant-General Payne. On the 6th of May Sir Arthur Wellesley inspected the troops, and was gratified with the appearance of the disciplined Portuguese, although of course they were every way inferior to the British. On the 9th of the month the Commander-in-chief quitted Coimbra with the last brigade, the remainder having preceded him in two columns on the main roads between Oporto, by Adiga on the Vouga, and by the Bay Tilson's brigade and some cavalry under the orders of General of Aveiro to Ovar. Previous to this, a corps, consisting of Marshal Beresford, had been sent forward to move on the enemy's left flank and rear. 52 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF "WELLINGTON. [1809. The advance of the French, under General Francheschi, was on the Vouga, and arrangements were made for surprising it. This, however, failed from want of sufficient precaution on the part of the Portuguese cavalry and the guides. On the 11th of May the army came upon a strong body of 4000 or 5000 infantry of the division of Mermet, posted upon a height over the village of Grijon. The 16th Portuguese regiment and the German Light Infantry were in front acting as shirmishers on the left and right of the road. As the enemy showed himself the skirmishing became very sharp, and the 29th regiment was forced to support the Portuguese, who were once obliged to fall back. At the moment of this retrogression the French pushed a column of infantry down the road through the village, which being reported to Sir Arthur, he replied in the most quiet manner, '• Order the battalion of detachments to charge them with tJie bayonet if they coine any further.''^ The officers of the staff, many of them at that time young soldiers, could not help evincing strong feeling on hearing the simple and distinct manner in which the order was given ; but before some mouths had passed over their heads they had opportunities of not only hearing similar orders repeated, but of seeing them carried into execution. The French retired from their position. The cavalry, under Brigadier-General Stewart pursued them for some distance, making some gallant charges and capturing one hundred prisoners. The French fell back on Ovar, where, finding Major-General Hill, they withdrew, after some skirmishing, to Oporto during the night. Approaching Oporto, Sir Arthur Wellesley received intimation that the bridge of boats over the Douro had been destroyed by the enemy. At Villa Nova, where Hill's brigade had previously arrived, Sir Arthur took a reconnaissance of the country in his front. Taking post upon an elevated spot, the garden of the Convent of Sierra, he found the whole city visible like a panorama ; nothing that passed within it could be hidden from his view. The French guards and sentries were at their posts, but they did not appear to notice the proximity of the British. The passage of a river in front of an enemy is allowed to be the most difficult of military operations ; and when it became obvious, from the collection of boats on the other bank, that precautions had been taken to secure them from the English, the barrier appeared insurmountable. General Murray had been directed to march in the morning to try and cross the river, about five miles up at Avintas but having only four battalions and two squadrons, unless he could 1809.] PASSAGE OF THE DOURO. 5S be aided in his successful passage, he would lie open to defeat ; and in consequence, Sir Arthur's anxiety was very great to establish his army on the opposite bank. In the meanwhile, Colonel Waters, of the Quartermaster General's Department, had passed up the left bank PAS.S.\GE OK THE DOURO. of the river, searching for means to cross it, and about two miles above the city found a small boat lying in the mud partially concealed among some reeds. The peasantry demurred at going over to the other side to procure some larger boats seen on the opposite bank ; hut the Colonel (from speaking Portuguese like a native), learned that the Prior of Amarante was not distant from the spot, and hoped by his influence to attain his object. This patriotic priest, on learnmg the desire of the British, joined with Colonel Waters in inducing the peasants, after some persuasion, to accompany the Colonel across, who brought back four boats. When the doubts and fears of the army were at the highest, this agreeable information arrived, and was received by all with the great- est satisfaction. The moment the first boat reached the bank, the circumstance was reported to Sir Arthur. " Then," said he, " let 54 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1809. the men cross." Three companies of the Buffs, accompanied by General Paget, were immediately conveyed to the other side. The spot at which they passed over and landed was about half a mile above the city, at the foot of a steep cliff, up which a zigzag road, or wide path, led to a vast unfinished brick building, called the semi- nary, standing on the brink. This was intended for a new residence for the bishop, and placed in the Prado, being surrounded by a wall with a large iron gate, opening on the road to Vallonga. It was a strong post, and the three companies, on gaining the summit, threw themselves into it, as it at once covered the place of disembarkation, and was for themselves a good means of defence. The British Artil- lery was posted on the high bank, on the other side, completely com- manding the Prado and the Vallonga road. Soult had his quarters on the side of the city, near the sea, and hav- ing collected all the boats, as he supposed, on the right bank, consid- ered himself in perfect security. He thought if the British made any attempt to cross, it would be in conjunction with the ships lying off the bar, and all his attention was devoted to that quarter. He even turned into ridicule the first report of their having crossed, and dis- credited the fact to the last, until it was incontestably proved by the firing. The boats had made more than one trip before any one in the town appeared to notice it. General Foy instantly ordered the drums of the nearest battalion to beat the generale. Nearly the whole of the Buffs had crossed, and the French regiments began forming on their parades. This was an anxious moment, and just as the whole of the Buffs had landed, a battalion was observed moving down a road towards them. This was the 17th Infanteric de la Ugne^ brought down by Foy, and which was quickly supported by the 70th. The first made an attack on the Buffs, who stood their ground, giving a tremendous fire, while the artillery from the opposite side killed and wounded a great many of the enemy. More boats, in the mean time, were carried across, and more troops ; the 48th, GGth, and a Portuguese battalion, landed, and not only defended themselves successfully, but even drove the enemy from the walls, between the town and the bishop's palace. This petty success was seen by Sir Arthur and his staff, who cheered the soldiery as they chateed the enemy from the various posts. The enemy's troops now came through the town in great numbers, and obliged our troops to confine themselves to the enclosure.' They 1 A Tisitor to the scene of action, speaking of \,h& sequel to tlie flglit, says : "Willi difBcuIty we pushed our way through the dense mob, as we turned our steps toward the seminary. We feit naturally curious to see the plnce where our first detachment landed, and to examin* 1809.] BATTLE OF OPORTO. U5 continued running along the road towards and beyond the irou-gate, while the shells and shot were whizzing through the trees and between the houses into the road as they passed. They brought up a gun through the gate to batter the house ; but this proved an un- fortunate experiment, as the British troops increasing in number by fresh disembarkations, though G-eneral Paget was wounded, charged and captured it. The enemy also brought some guns to bear from the open spaces in the town, but they were tamely, if not badly served But General Murray had made good his position on the north bank of the river, and was soon descried making as much show as possible, marching with his ranks open towards the Vallonga road, thus threatening the communication of the enemy with Loison. He was cot, however, strong enough to interrupt the retreat of 10,000 desper- ate men ; for the French now began to think of nothing else, and directed their march towards Amarante. On their deserting the quays, the Portuguese jumped into the boats, which soon transported across (amidst the cheers of the people and the waving of pocket handkerchiefs by the women from the windows) the Guards and Gen- eral Stewart's brigade, who proceeded through the town with the greatest speed. The Buflfs, in the mean time, had dashed into the city and cut off a battery of Light Artillery in retreat, which becoming jammed be- tween that regiment and the 29th, received the fire of both, and was captured. The flight of the enemy was continued, but they were overtaken by the two squadrons which had passed with General Murray, led by Brigadier-General Stewart, who charged the rear and made 200 prisoners. Major Hervey, who commanded the Dragoons, lost his arm. The enemy collected their scattered troops at some distance, but continued their retreat towards Amarante in the night. The loss of the British did not exceed 120 men, while the enemy, besides the opportunities of defence it presented. The building itself was a large and irregular one, of an oblong form, surrounded by a high wall of solid masonry, the only entrance being by a heavTr iron gate. At this spot, the battle appeared to have raged with violence ; one side of the massive gate was torn from its hinges, and lay flat upon the ground ; the walls were breached in many places, and pieces of torn uniforms, broken bayonets, and bruised shakos, attested that the conflict was a close one. The seminary itself was in a falling state ; the roof, from which Paget had given his orders, and where he was wounded, had fallen in. The French cannon had fissured the building from top to bottom, and it seemed only awaiting tlie slightest impulse to crumble into ruin. When we regarded the spot, and examined the narrow doorway which, opening upon a flight of a few steps to the river, admitted our first party, we could not help feel- ing struck anew with the gallantry of that mere handful of brave fellows who thus threw them- selves amid the overwhelming legions of the enemy, and at once, without waiting for a single reinforcement, opened a fire upon their ranks." 56 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1809 killed and wounded, left on hand 500 prisoners and 1000 sick in the hospitals, and several pieces of cannon. The city of Oporto was illuminated at night, and Sir Arthur, without allowing himself any rest, the same evening gave out an order of thanks to the army, after eating the dinner which had been prepared for Soult. The operations of the three preceding days had been most gratifying, and the quick- ness with which the enemy had been forced from his various posi- tions and pursued, seldom equalled. The army had advanced eighty miles in four da3's, three of which were in constant presence of the enemy. Sir Arthur had completely surprised in his quarters one of the most distinguished French Marshals, and consummated in his face the most difficult operation in war, that of crossing a deep and rapid river before an enemy. The rapidity of Sir Arthur's own movements had been wonderful : for within twenty-six days of leaving Portsmouth, Oporto was captured, and the enemy in full retreat. Captain Fitzroy Stanhope, one of the Commander of the Forces' aides-de-camp, was sent to England with the despatches containing the report of this suc- cess by one of the ships cruising off the port, whose crews from the sea had seen the smoke of the firing during the actions of the 11th and 12th of April. The Duke of Dalmatia, Marshal Soult, was overwhelmed with aston- ishment at the audacity and success of the passage of the Douro. But he was too experienced and collected a soldier to regard the re- verse as final. Falling back by the Vallonga road he restored his battalions to their just organisation, and retreated with great regularity in order to unite witli Loison and Amarante. He was not aware at the time that Beresford had forced Loison to abandon the bridge and move towards Oporto. This news came upon him like a thunder-clap. He saw that his intended retreat was cut off, and that his army could only be saved by the desperate expedient of abandoning artillery, ammunition, and baggage, and rapidly marching over the mountains to the Braga road. The object to be attained was worth the sacrifice ; and the sacrifice was accordingly made. After encountering innumerable perils con- sequent upon a mountain march, over almost impassable paths, and in the midst of the most tempestuous weather, pursued by the British, encountering everywhere blazing or deserted villages, and suffering a variety of obstructions from the indignant Portuguese people, Soult reached Orcnse with 19.000 men, having lost since he crossed the frontier, nearly one third of his force, and sixty pieces of 1809.1 THE SPANISH GENERAL. 57 artillery ! His renown, however, was far from tarnished by this bold movement ; on the contrary, it gained in the estimation of military men, and above all in that of the astute British Commanuer. Intimation now reaching Wellesley that a menacing movement had been made on Estremadura, he determined to return immediately to the Tagus. He accordingly proceeded thither by easy marches. Sickness had broken out among his troops, and of those who continued in the vigour of health so many were guilty of excesses as they passed through the towns and villages that it became necessary to make examples of some of the most flagrant offenders, and this involved halts and^delays. The Provost Marshal had continual employment. Sir Arthur was compelled to execute some of the heaviest culprits. Nor was the ill health of some, and the misconduct of others, the only obstruction to rapidity of movement. Money was wanting. The remittances from the Home Govern- ment were inadequate to the necessities of the hour, and the Portuguese Government and merchants doled out loans reluctantly, and in small sums. Over all these difficulties Sir Arthur ultimately rode triumphantly. But valuable time was consumed in the struggle, and in the meanwhile the French Marshals, Soult and Victor, were enabled leisurely to take up good positions, or to retreat towards the frontier. If the enforced pause in Sir Arthur's operations was in one respect detrimental and vexatious, it had its advantages in giving him time to arrange his future plans. Several were open to him, and he select- ed that which held out the prospect of cutting off the retreat of the enemy. He resolved to unite himself to the Spanish General Cuesta, and to march by Plasencia and Almaraz towards Madrid. The Fi'ench at this time were tolerably strong upon the Spanish frontier. Marshal Victor, Duke of Belluno, had 28,000 men stationed at Merida ; General Sebastian! was at Ciudad Rodrigo with 16,000. The plan suggested by Sir Arthur was calculated either to force Victor to give him battle or retire, and Cuesta might have acted separately against Sebastiani, for the latter general was not able with facility to form a junction with Victor. Unhappily for the interests of Spain, her Commander was an obstinate, ignorant, vain, and indolent man. Advanced in years, incapable of physical exertion, and unwilling to admit the great intellectual superiority of his collahorateur^ he seemed rather to take a pleasure in thwarting the designs and wishes of Sir Arthur Welleslej^ In dealing with this incapable and impracticable soldier, Sir Arthur evinced wonderful patience and forbearance, and felt his talents for war called into £8 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1809. redoubled exercise to avert the evils which Cuesta's perverseness would have precipitated. Pending Sir Arthur's arrangements, Joseph Bonaparte, who was King of Spain, crossed the Tagus, and reinforced Sebastiana and MARSHAL VICTOR. Victor. The force of the latter now consisted of 35,000 men, and was concentrated in the vicinity of Talavera del Reyna and on the Alberche. Sir Arthur resolved to attack it, and arranged with Cuesta to execute his plan of operations on the 18th of July, '-if the French should remain so long in their position." But Cuesta had his own projects. Eager to reap the honour of driving the French single-handed out of the Peninsula, he forsook his position, followed a French corps into a net, was surrounded, and compelled with heavy loss, and in great disorder, to retrace his steps. Upon his return Sir Arthur, with some difficulty, placed him on the right 1809.J CUESTA'S BIVOUAC. 59 of the l5riteish iinc, in a position of some security in front of the town of Talavera down to the Tagus, protected by olive trees, walls, fences. and embankments. The British line occupied two miles of open ground commanded by a hc?ight on which was placed a division of in- fantry under Major-General Hill. The Bivouac of Cuesta was on the road to Madrid, about three- quarters of a mile from the Alberche, where, on the cushions taken out of his carriage, he sat the picture of mental and physical inability. Two soldiers stood near to aid or support him in any little necessary operation, and the scene would have been ridiculous had it not been painful, as the British officers saw the tide, which, " when taken at its flood," might, nay, would " lead on to fortune " and victory, fast ebbing without advantage being taken of it. After considerable suspense, it was universally reported throughout the army, that on being pressed and driven to his last excuse, Cuesta pleaded that it was Sunday, at the same time promising to attack at daylight the next morning, and the troops were in consequence ordered back to their bivouacs. It may be fairly considered that pride had considerable weight on this occasion. Cuesta vfas a true Spaniard, and disliked suggestions from an English General in his own country, and, with the recollections of two hundred and fifty years before him, could not bring his ideas down to present changes and circumstances. These feelings were national and constantly evinced, and it was only very late in the war, after the Spaniards found they had not an officer to lead their armies, and they despaired of finding one, that they consented to place Sir Arthur at their head. Though sorely annoyed by Cuesta's determination, the officers could not let pass without ridicule the incongri^y they had observed with- in a few days in the old gentleman's proceedings. It was impossible not to notice the Spanish Greneral going out to battle, to within half-a- mile of the advanced posts, in a carriage drawn by nine mules, and the precautions to preserve him from rheumatism, like those taken by delicate ladies, in our humid climate at a/ete champetre, in placing the carriage cushions on the grass. To these the Spanish Command- er-in-Chief was supported by two grenadiers, and on which he was let drop, as his knees were too feeble to attempt reclining without the chance, nay, certainty of a fall. Yet this was the man to whom the Cortes had entrusted their armies, but who ought (if he did not him- self feel his own inability) to have been removed without a moment's delay after the first trial. The French army, commanded by Joseph Bonaparte, was admirably posted, and in great strength. It consisted of upwards of 60,000 CO LIFE OF THE DUKE OF "WELLINGTON. [1809. men, formed into corps severally commanded by Marshals Victor and Jourdan and General Sebastian!. The British army and the German legion did not exceed 20,000 cavalry and infantry, with 30 guns. In subordinate commands in the French army were Generals Ruffin, Villatte. and Lapisse. The British brigades were led by Hill, Camp- bell, Tilson, McKenzie, and Colonel Donkin. On the night of the 26th July, Sir Arthur, surrounded by his staff, slept, wrapped in his cloak, on the open ground, in rear of the second line, about the centre of the British army. A hasty doze was occa- sionally taken, as more continued rest was disturbed by alarm of dif- ferent kinds, while the reflections of others kept them waking. " We could not but feel," wrote one of the young combatants new to such scenes, " that here was to be another trial of the ancient military rivalry of England and France ; that the cool, constitutional, persevering courage was again to be pitted against the more artificial, however chivalrous, though not less praiseworthy, bravery of the latter. This view of the relative valour of the two nations cannot be questioned, if we consider that the reminding the British of this moral quality is wholly unnecessary, and instead of language of excitement being constantly applied to our soldiery, that of control, obedience, and composure is solely recommended ; while our ancient opponents are obliged incessantly to drive into the ears of their men that they are nationally and individually the bravest of the human race Hearing nothing else so flattering to their unbounded vanity, they become so puffed up by this eternal stimulant, as to be fully convinced of its truth, which, in consequence, makes their first attack tremendous." It was on the 27th and^Sth of July, 1809, that the Battle of Talavera was fought. It was a terrible trial. The odds were greatly against the British — three to one, at least, and most of the latter were raw soldiers.' True, there was the Spanish army of 34,000 men, with 70 guns, pseudo allies of the English ; but when it is remembered that no dependence was to be placed upon the fidelity of their adherence, and that they were commanded by a senile dotard, whose soi-disant co-operation had been a fruitful source of vexation and perplexity to Sir Arthur for some time previously, 4,hey are scarcely to be counted 1 " We could not hide from ourselves," says an officer writing soon afterwards, " th.it our ranks were filled with young soldiers, being principally the second battalions of those Enjjiish regiments who h:id embarked at Corufia, and consisting of draughts from the Militia, thai had never seen an enemy, .i'ith the exception of the Guards and a few others, there were more knapsacks with Oic names of Militia regiments upon them, than of numbered regular regiments." This was a force scarcely to be relied upon. 1809] BATTLE OF TALAVERA. 61 as augmenting the British strength. And, in effect, they did nothing during the whole of the two eventful days of the battle, although they afterwards claimed a portion of the honor. We may, then, in all fairness, consider Wellesley to have been opposed by a disciplined and highly effective force, nearly treble the numerical extent of his own army. This was a difficulty of sufficient magnitude to appal generals of other nations ; but from the days of Henry V., English- men have never stood upon ceremony in that respect. Marlborough revived the practice of beating the French with an inferior army, after four or five centuries of comparative peace, and Wellesley adopted it from his first entrance upon the Peninsula. This was a feature of the battle of Talavera, calculated to give it importance in the eyes of the world ; but there were other circumstances of interest in the operation. The opposite tactics of the two greatest generals of the age had now to be tried on a grand scale. The French attacked in dense column, sending out clouds of skii'mishers in the first instance, and supporting the advance with a heavy cannonade from heights in the rear. The English commander received them in line, delivering volley upon volley, then charging with the bayonet,' assisted by the cavalry of the German Legion. The contest was long and doubtful ; 1 Thr(Jughout the campaigns in the Peninsula, Lord Wellington adopted this method of resisting the French attack in column, and as ho was almost always successful, he expresses his surprise, in one of his despatches, that they should persevere in such a system. It has, however, been demonstrated by able military writers that it requires certain qualities in soldiers to act in line which are seldom found imited in any but the British. Success is also in some measure dependent upon the nature of the ground. " In line, the greater part of the officers and non-commissioned officers are either in the rear or in the ranks ; the soldier is, therefore, not animated by the example of his superiors ; the enemy's grape-shot and musketry-fire may cause blanks in the ranks, which can only be repaired by the rapidity of the march ; it may be requisite to halt, and re-establish order, and then all impulse is at an end. The natural uistinct of the soldier induces him to make use of his weapon at the sight of danger; hence, firing begins in spite of all the orders of the officers, and the charge fails. This frequently occurs when the enemy, not allowing himself to be intimidated, awaits the charge with coolness, and only begins to fire within short range. Besides, the defeat of one battalion, exposing the flank of the one next to it, might cause a general rout."— (Jenxi's Manual of Field Operations.) This found its illustration at Toulouse, where the Spaniards attacked a horn work in line, and were driven back in great disorder. At Albuera, also, Colborne'3*%rigade was exposed to heavy loss by General Stewart's attempt to deploy into line within range of the enemy's fire. The advantages of the column, when not too deep, are, that impulse is given to the men by tlieir confidence in the support they possess ; the leading division, finding itself supported, advances more boldly ; those that follow fancy they are protected by the one in front ; the sharpshooters make up for the deficiency of the fire of the columns, and in this formation they can be more numerous without inconvenience, as they have large intervening spaces to retire into. Besides, the sharpshooters protect the deployment of columns, who can, thus protected, continue, according to circumstances, their charge in line, or halt and begin firing. This is so obviously rational, that the continual failure of the French is only to be ascribed to the fact of their columns being too deep, exposing them to great loss from the fire of artillery, 62 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1809 but British resolution ultimately succeeded in maintaining the position ■which had been taken up, and the enemy retired to the ground they had occupied before the battle, leaving 10,000 men dead upon the field. Never, perhaps, were the characteristic coolness and decision of Sir Arthur put to a severer test than in the battle of Talavera del Reyna. From his point of observation in a tower, and afterwards on the summit of a hill he was continually witnessing scenes which would have alarmed less gifted men. The flight of 5.000 Spaniards, almost immediately after the " order of battle" had been formed ; the turning of the left of Donkin's brigade ; the night charge of Rufl&n's division ; the announcement next day that " Cuesta was betraying the English army ;" the check given by the ravines to Anson's Dragoon charge, just as the French were commencing their attack upon the whole British line — all conspired to try the British General's nerves to the utmost. The greater, therefore, the achievement. Few victories excited greater emotion in England than this of Talavera. The good old King was peculiarly pleased with the success of Sir Arthur Wellesley's operation, and the Duke of York, .always prompted to the generous expression of his sentiments, put forth the following general order : — • " The Commander-in-Chief has received the King's commands to notify to the army the splendid victory obtained by his troops in Spain, under the command of Lieutenant-General the Right Hon. Sir Arthur Wellesley, on the 27th and 28th of last month (July 1809), at the battle of Talavera de la Reyna. '■ His Majesty is confident that his army will learn with becoming exultation that the enemy, after escaping by a precipitate retreat from the well-concerted attack with which Sir Arthur Wellesley, in conjunction with the Spanish army, had threatened him on the 24th of July, concentrated his force by calling to his aid the corps under the French General, Sebastiani, and the garrisons of Madrid ; and thus re-inforced, ^ain approached the allied army on the 27th of July ; and, on this occasion, owing to the local circumstances of its position, and to the deliberate purpose of the enemy to direct his whole eflforts against the troops of his Majesty, the British army and the lapping Arc of the nritish infiinlry wheeled upon their flanks. Tho best order of attack is a combination of the two systems — making one portion of the troops march in line, while the other is formed in columns at tho winsa. It was tried with success by Lord VVelliagton in 1812. 1809.] THE DUKE OF YORK'S GENERAL ORDER. 63 sustained nearly the whole weight of this great contest, and has acquired the glory of having vanquished a French army double it? numbers, not in a short and partial struggle, but in a battle obstinately contested on two successive days (not wholly discontinued even throughout the intervening night), and fought under circumstances which brought both armies into close and repeated combat. " The King, in contemplating so glorious a display of the valour and prowess of his troops, has been graciously pleased to commana that his royal approbation of the conduct of the army serving under the command of Lieutenant-General Sir Arthur Wellesley shall be thus publicly declared in General Orders. " The Commander-in-Chief has received the King's commands to signify, in the most marked and special manner, the sense his Majesty entertains of Lieutenant-General Sir Arthur Wellesley's personal services on this memorable occasion, not less displayed in the result of the battle itself, than in the consummate ability, valour, and military resource with which the many difficulties of this arduous and protracted contest were met, and provided for, by his experience and judgment. " The conduct of Lieutenant-General Sherbrook, second in com- mand, has entitled him to the King's marked approbation. His Majesty has observed with satisfaction the manner in which he led on the troops to the charge with the bayonet — a species of combat, which, on all occasions, so well accords with the dauntless character of British soldiers. " His Majesty has noticed with the same gracious approbation the conduct of the several generals and other officers. All have done their duty ; most of them have had occasions of eminently distinguishing themselves, the instances of which have not escaped his Majesty's attention. " It is his Majesty's commands, that his royal approbation and thanks shall be given in the most distinct and most particular manner to the non-commissioned officers and private men. In no instance have they displayed with greater lustre their native valour and characteristic energy, nor have they on any former occasion more decidedly proved their superiority over the inveterate enemy of their country. " Brilliant, however, as is the victory obtained at Talavera, it is not solely on that occasion that Lieutenant-General Sir Arthur Wellesley, and the troops under his command, are entitled to his Majesty's applause. The important service eflFected in an early part of the campaign by the same army, under the command of the same P 64 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1809. distinguished General, by the rapid march on the Douro, the passage ef that river, the total discomfiture of the enemy, and his expulsion from the territory of one of his Majesty's ancient and most faithful allies, are circumstances which have made a lasting impression on his Majesty's mind ; and have induced his Majesty to direct that the operations of this arduous and eventful campaign shall be thus recorded, as furnishing splendid examples of military skill, fortitude, perseverance, and of a spirit of enterprise calculated to produce emulation in every part of his army, and largely to add to the renown and to the military character of the British nation. " By order of the Right Honorable the Commander-in-Chief "Harry Calvert, Adjxitant-Geiieral. " IIORSK-GUARDS, 13tA Mugust, 1809." In the battle of Talavera, General McKenzie was killed. Sir Arthur had also to lament the loss of Brigadier-General Langworth of the German Legion, and Brigade-Major Beckett of the Guards. The battle of the 27th began at two in the morning, and was continued until night. Renewed at day-break on the 28th, it raged until nine o'clock, when a pause of two or three hours took place. In this interval a signal illustration of the absence of personal vindictiveness, on the part of rival French and English soldiers, was presented. A small stream, tributary to the Tagus, flowed through a part of the battle-ground, and separated the combatants. During the pause, the respective armies removed their dead from the scene of action, and then it was, as Lord Castlereagh observed, when moving a vote of thanks to tlie army and its leader, that " those whose arms were before uplifted for mutual havoc met at the stream which intervened between their mutual positions, and shook hands in token of their reciprocal admiration of the bravery, skill, and firmness displayed on both sides.'" 1 Tlicse civil passages, so characteristic of civilised w.irfarc, were of frequent occurrence during llie IVniusular War. An interesting article in a popular Magazine, contained, about tweuty-livc years ago, the subjoined description of the friendly understanding subsisting between the rival armies: — " I liave known several Instances of right feeling evinced by the enemy, wortliy of gentle- men wlio are above turning into individual strife llic ([uarrcls of the two coiiiitries. While the light division was at Uallegos, some grcyhoiujds belonging to an ofliccr strayed into the enemy's lines, and an opportunity was found, by means of the first flag of truce, to request their being returned. Tlio answer wa.s favourable, stating that they sliould be sent in on the first opportunity. A day or two after, llic greyhounds were seen in couples in tlio rear, and on the (Irsl carabine being fired, they were let slip (the dogs of war?) and came curveting Jbrougli the whistling balls to llieir old master. "Theae recollections revive others. On the day the French retired from Fuentes. 1809.] AMICABLE ENEMIES. 65 On the day following the battle of Talavera, the light brigade under Major-General Robert Craufurd, consisting of the 43rd, 52nd, and 95th (Rifles) reached Talavera. They had marched sixty miles in twenty-six hours. With this reinforcement, it was the intention d'Onore, the last troops they withdrew from our front were some squadrons of cavalry. Accompanied by a friend of mine, we quietly followed their retrograde movement, and, secure in the speed of our horses, and the open plain, gradually neared the rear-guard. When we came within a few yards, an ofllcer rode out, and begged that we would not encroach so much, or otherwise he should be obliged, but with regret, a f aire charger les tirailleurs ; it is need- less to say that we did not further obtrude upon his good nature or civility. I have witnessed some remarkable instances, on a momentary suspension of arms, even during a general action, of almost a mi.\ture of the armies. At Buasco, when the baggage of General St. Simon, who had been loft in the midst of our ranks on the repulse and overthrow of the enemy's attack, was sent for, the light division and the enemy's troops opposed to them fairly mingled iu plundering the dead, and Lord Wellington became desirous of checking if, as some of their soldiery had strolled up (I spoke to several of them) to the very summit of the hill, even be- yond where their advance had penetrated in their previous attack. " A similar occurrence took place in front of our lines that covered Lisbon. Before we fell back upon our redoubts, we held the ground near the village of Santa Quintina, opposite our centre, for several days. The 71st, under Ciolonel Cadogan, were here posted behind a little bank they had thrown up, and were only divided from the enemy, equally covered by a wall, by a small field, about a hundred yards across. Under Loison's direction, the enemy stormed our post, and were beat back by Colonels Cadogan and Reynell, at the head of two companies, literally with the bayonet, as one of their men was stabbed as he was crossing the parapet of the breastrwork. The whole skirmish and the repulse were speedily over, and when all firing had ceased, they called across for permission to carry off their killed and wounded men, who were strewed over the little field in front. To this we assented, and they sent a party, accompanied by an officer, who commenced their removal. Whilst they were so employed, the officer came up to Reynell, and with some flippancy, mingled with mortification, said, '• Apres Paffaire nous sommes de bans amis.' Colonel Reynell replied with great quickness, pointing to a shot he had just received through his blue cloth light infantry cap, ' Sans doute; cependantje vous remercie pour cette marque de voire bonte.' " I only know of one accident arising from similar communication, and that, I have under- stood, arose from a mistake, though its efibcts were fatal. During the time Colonel Cadogan occupied the town of Fuentes d'Onore, when no firing was going on, though a portion of the village was in the hands of the enemy, he was called to by a French officer to approach, having eomething to communicate. He accordingly descended, with a sergeant and a man, to the banks of the little rivulet that runs through the village to meet him, and at that instant some of their nearest men, seizing their muskets (it is believed not being aware of what had passed), fired, and shot the sergeant through the body, and the private (one of his best men) through the ear into the head. Considering that we are always playing with edge tools, it is surprising that more accidents do not occur. At Oporto, in 1809, to be sure, we commenced by cannonading a few Portuguese, whose blue jackets we mistook for French ; at Talavera we had some pitiable Instances of the light infantry in our front being killed and wounded by our own fire during the night ; and Sir S. Cotton being wounded by a Portuguese sentry after Salamanca ; but beyond these, I do not recollect any similar mishaps. '' Civilities have at all times passed between the two armies, softening much the rigours of war, and baggage and money have ever been received on both sides for officers who have had the misfortune to be made prisoners. Lord Wellington generally received the enemy's officers ^of rank at his table ; and on one occasion, at Celorico, the pertness of a Colonel of gens-d'armes drew forth from a Spanish Colonel attached to head-quarters a keen repartee. Lord Wellington VOL. I. 5 66 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. fl809 of Sir Arthur Wellesley to have maintained his ground. But newa reached him of the advance of Soult, and as Cuesta refused until too late to send a Spanish corps to defend Banos, the point to which Soult directed his steps, and supplies of every kind were with difficulty obtained at Talavera, Sir Arthur Wellesley resolved on moving with the British army to Plasencia in the hope of encountering Soult, Ney, and Mortier. This resolution was carried out on the 3rd of August, arrangements having been made that the Spanish General, Cuesta, should remain at Talavera to check Victor, secure the rear of the British army, and protect the numerous sick and wounded who were unavoidably left in the hospitals. A few hours subsequent to the departure of the British, Cuesta violating his promise and utterly regardless of consequences, abandoned Talavera, and followed upon the footsteps of Sir A. Wellesley, to his great consternation and embarrassment. Sir Arthur's thoughts immediately reverted to the wounded. He wrote at once the following note to General Kellerman : — "TO GENERAL KELLERMAN. "Deleytosa, 0th August, 1809. " The fortune of war has placed the officers and soldiers of the British army who were wounded in the recent battle of Talavera in the hands of the Commander-in-Chief of the French army. " I wrote to the Commander-in-Chief of the French army to com- mend these soldiers to him, and to request him to permit me to send to Talavera to attend to those officers who will not be considered as prisoners of war, and to whom their return to the army may be granted when their wounds are healed. I requested, also, to be allowed to send a small amount of money to the officers. " Having the honour of being known to you, I venture to engage your kind offices with the Commander-in-Chief of the French army, and to recommend my wounded to you. If it were Marshal Soult who commanded, he owes me all the care which can be given to my brave soldiers, for I saved his (whom the fate of warfare placed in my power) from the fury of the Portuguese populace, and took care of them. Besides, as the two nations are always at war, we ought to reciprocate those attentions which I claim for my wounded, and asked if the Duchess of Abrantes (.Madame Junot) was not at Salamanca, to which he replied in the affirmative, and added, ^ ElU a Cintenlion iTaccouchcr dans sun L>u:he^ — Abrantes being at that time two hundred miles to our rear, and into which place, as i', hap{>ened, the French never entered. This brought upon him the happy and neat remark to which I allude— ^Peut-ctre la Duchesse aura une fausse coucheP " • 1809.J COURTESY AND HUMANITY. 61 which I have always bestowed upon those whose lot cast them on me." Happily for the interests of humanity, the French Marshals, who occupied Talavera upon its evacuation by the besotted Spaniards, took every care of the British wounded ! Victor, who, more than any other French general, embodied the characteristics of the preux chevalier of old, on his entrance into the town, sent soldiers to every house with orders to the inhabitants to receive and accommodate the wounded English, as well as the wounded French, and he expressly directed that, in the care and attention bestowed on them, preference should be given to the English. On his being relieved by Marshal Mortier, Duke de Bulluno, the latter continued the humane offices of his gallant predecessor, and would not permit his own soldiers, MARSHAL MORTIEE. although suffering severe privations themselves, to receive rations until the hospitals were first supplied. 68 LIFE JF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON, [1809 Mortier was a man of great humanity of character. In the Russian war of 1812, he gave several proofs of the excellence of his heart. It is said that his conduct towards the wounded at Talavera arose from the fact of one of his old friends and schoolfellows of the English army being amongst them, but those who have tracked him through other campaigns are aware that humanity was a feature of his character. The idiotic (to call it by no worse jiame) proceeding of Cuesta forced Sir Arthur to change his plan of operations. He felt com- pelled to give up the movement upon Plasencia, and retire to the left bank of the Tagus. On the 11th of August he withdrew his troops over the bridge of Arzobispo, with the view of covering Seville and the south of Spain, and at the same time preserve his communication with Lisbon, and reached the valley watered by the Elevante on the 1 1 th of August. After his troops had had time to repose, finding that it would be im- possible to prosecute the war in Spain with any chance of success against the French forces, which had now greatly augmented, and were preparing to enter Portugal by Ciudad Rodrigo and Almeida, Sir Arthur Wellesley determined to move into Portugul. He therefore fell back, and in September, 1809, took up the line of the Guadiana, and established his head-quarters at Badajoz. In this position he expected to secure the province of Andalusia, as the enemy could not venture to penetrate across the Sierra Morena with the British army on their right flank ; to give confidence to the army of La Mancha, and finally to encourage the people to persevere in the cause, by afi"ording the Spanish nation an opportunity of reforming its govern- ment, and of choosing new men to direct their measures in the* cabinet and conduct their armies in the field. While in this position a variety of circumstances occurred, calculated to produce an alternation of hope and despair, ultimately terminating in the destruction of Sir Arthur Wellesley' s plans. The British Minister, Frere, who had caused much annoyance to the British commander, was withdrawn, and replaced by the Marquis of Wellesley, the sagacious brother of Sir Arthur Wellesley, who had destroyed the Mysore power and the Mahratta confederacy in India. Cuesta was removed from the command of the Spanish army, and in recom- pense of the very distinguished gallantry and profound skill which bad marked Sir Arthur Wellesley 's operations at Talavera, the King raised him to the peerage, by the titles of Baron Douro of Wellesley, and Viscount Wellington of Talavera, and of Wellington in the county of Somerset ; and a grateful country, by its repre- 1809.] LINES OF TORRES VEDRAS. 69 sentatives in Parliament, voted him a pension of two thousand pounds per annum. On the other hand, all the Spanish generals who held out against the French in different parts of Spain endured serious reverses, the British troops, suffering intensely from privations and sickness, daily diminished in numbers ; dissatisfaction arose among the officers ; a large political party in England assailed Lord Wellington with every species of misrepresentation and acrimonious abuse ; the Spanish Junta continued to torment the General with their indecision and imbecility, and Napoleon, having humbled Russia, Prussia, and Austria, sent hia cohorts, 110.000 strong, under Marshal Massena, to attempt the re- conquest of Portugal. After a stay of a month or so at Badajoz, Lord Wellington set out for Lisbon upon a journey, leaving the army in its quarters. The object of this journey, which he kept a profound secret as long as it was possible, excited a great deal of speculation among the troops, and throughout the Peninsula. By many it was expected that he meditated arrangements for the evacuation of Portugal, but he, hoping against hope, confident while all others despaired, was. on the contrary, devising means for defending Lisbon against any army the French could bring into the field. Lord Wellington's purpose was to examine the ground personally, and to plan those famous lines which were to give a fatal check to the progress of Napoleon's armies. The lines of Torres Vedras, which brought the Peninsular struggle to a crisis, are a monument of power and perseverance which '• neither the Romans in ancient, nor Napoleon in modern times" ever reared, vast as was their military genius. When completed, these works formed a double and nearly parallel chain of redoubts and other en- trenchments. The outer or advanced lines extended from the mouth of the small river Zinandro, on the ocean through the mountain points of Torres Vedras and Monte Agraqa, the keys of the position, to Al- handra, on the Tagus, and, following the trace of its defensive features, this outer line measured twenty-nine miles. In rear of this, the sec- ond, or principal, line of defence across the Peninsula had its left on the sea, at the mouth of the little river St. Lorenzo (in front of Eri- ceira), and its right on the Tagus at Via Longa ; occupying on its trace the strong mountain passes of Mafra, Montachique, and Bucellas, through which run three of the four great roads to Lisbon, while the fourth skirts the river. The principal line, in its sinuosities, measured twenty-four miles, the direct breadth of the neck of the Peninsula be- tween the flanks of the two lines being, however, twenty-five and twenty-two miles respectively. 70 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLxNGTON. [1809. In the month of December, 1809, Lord Wellington withdrew his army from Spain, and in the course of three weeks the whole of his force was placed on a new and extended position along the frontier of Portugal, the head-quarters being in the city of Viseu. Here they remained for six months. BRITISU HEAVY DRAGOONS. During this interval Napoleon put an immense force in motion. Besides the 100,000 men mentioned above, 20,000 of the Imperial Guard were marching on the Bidassoa, a corps of Poles and Italians had entered Catalonia, and a powerful siege-train, and nearly 800 carriages with stores and ammunition, were moving by the Burgos road. The grand total of the French army actually within the Pyrenees amounted to 365,000 men. From the elite of this enormous force two grand armies were formed, each comprising three distinct corps. The first, under the command of the Duke of Dalmatia, was composed of the corps of Victor, Mortier, and Sebastiani, with a reserve under General Dessoles. The second comprised the corps of Ncy, Junot, and part of Victor's, and was especially intended to be employed by Massena, the Prince of Essling. The first corps (V armee, 1809.] POSITION IN PORTUGAL. 7l collected at the foot of the Sierra Morena, mustered 65,000 men, and was intended to overrun Andalusia. The second, concentrated in the valley of the Tagus, amounted to 80,000 effective soldiers, and was destined to reduce Ciudad Rodrigo in the onset, and finally to expel the English from Portugal, and thus achieve the conquest of the Peninsula. On the 11th of June, 1810, the enemy invested the fortress of Ciudad Rodrigo with 30,000 infantry, and 5000 cavalry. The gar- rison, despairing of being able to hold out against so large a force, deputed the Marquis of Romana to entreat Lord Wellington to advance to its relief ; but this his lordship refused to do. It did not appear to him that it was safe to risk the general cause of the Peninsula for the sake of saving a small garrison. He, therefore, held his ground, and on the 16th of July the fortress surrendered by capitulation to Marshal Ney. Foreseeing the line of attack medi- tated by the French upon Portugal, Lord Wellington had taken up a fresh position. His army, organized into six divisions, and respect- ively commanded by Generals Spencer, Hill, Picton, Lowry Cole, Robert Craufurd, and Stapleton Cotton, formed the segment of a circle of which the convex part was opposed to Beira and the Alem- tejo. Guardo, Celerico, Pinhel, and the west bank of the Coa with its tributary streams flowing in front of the line along the greater part of its extent. The fortresses of Almeida, Elvas, and Valenca, Peniche, Abrantes, and Setuval, were garrisoned by the Portuguese regulars and militia. Baceller held the provinces beyond the Douro with native troops. The country between Penamacor and the Tagus was similarly de- fended. Four regiments of militia occupied the Alemtejo ; three gar- risoned the fortresses of the Algarves ; while twelve remained in reserve, quartered upon both banks of the Tagus, and chiefly about Setuval. By this masterly arrangement the extremes, of the defensive line were entrusted to the militia and ordenanza, while the whole of the regular troops occupied the central positions ; thus enabling Lord Wellington, in two marches, to concentrate 40,000 splendid soldiers, either at Guarda, or between that place and the Douro. The tenure of this position, and the general operations of the war at this time, were distinguished by a very gallant affair on the river Coa occasioned by General Craufurd's movement in aid of the besieged at Ciudad Rodrigo ; by the fall of the fortress of Almeida, and by the growth, activity, intelligence, and determination of the Spanish Guerillas, Without discipline, but acting always in concert; 72 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1809. and with a fierce determination to exterminate the French, the.se daring men, often headed and encouraged by the priesthood, assembled in bands at a brief notice, and from the rocks above the mountain passes, in forests skirting the roads, on the banks of rivers, in towns and in villages, assailed the eneni}', committed the most barbarous cruelties upon the persons of the French in retaliation of the wrongs done to themselves and their families, and intercepted the provisions and stores which were sent from France across the Pyrenees. OUEKILLAS CAPTURING A FRENCH rRISONEtt. Mina, a chief possessing great authority and ability, had under his command 3000 of these men, who, divided into small parties, from their knowledge of the country dispersed and assembled in a few hours' time. One instance of their activity and courage is sufficient to furnish an idea of what they could accomplish, when regularly organised Mina was a member of the Spanish University : a nephew of his commenced this destructive method of weakening the enemy, with his companions, most of them young men of education. The nephew was killed in a skirmish, and the uncle took the lead ; 1809.] THE GUERILLAS. 73 and of so much importance was he considered by the enemy, that a plan was formed by four French generals, to entrap him and his fol- lowers, particularly as a large quantity of stores were expected from Bayonne, which they apprehended would fall into the clutches of this daring leader and his hardy companions. By four different routes they imagined he might be surrounded, and, by closing, take himself and party. The wily Mina, however, was not only aware of this plot laid for him, but also was on the watch to attack the convoy, amount- ing to 2000 men. By the mode of dispersing his troops in small parties, he soon got clear of the French forces, and by re-assembling at an appointed place on the Pyrenees, he was enabled to attack the convoy, of which he killed 900, took 600 prisoners, and all the stores : King Joseph's secretary, disguised as a peasant, was killed. Thus the skill, courage, and dexterity of Mina, with a band of undisciplined men, defeated a body of 2000 French soldiery, and took an immense quantity of stores. Many like feats were performed by the other Guerilla chiefs, and as a convincing proof of their activity, the French could not send a bag of letters, but under a guard of 250 horse and foot ; nor could this Guerilla force be readily destroyed ; for, acquainted as they were with the different passes in the mountains, and the by-roads through the country, they could assemble at any given point, or disperse, without the possibility of defeat. As this description of warrior was self-appointed, and acknowl- edging no control, although at all times found prepared to conform to the chieftain's orders, no exact account could be taken of their numbers : they were, however, very generally esteemed at 15,000 men : they lived by rapine, of course were no expense to the state : they were dressed as each man could afford, and armed as they could obtain weapons ; some mounted, some on foot, but all equally ferocious and hardy. The following extract from the notes of an officer who served the campaign of 1809-14, illustrates the feeling and acts of the Guerillas : — " Though the large towns had become accustomed to the French, still the peasantry felt to the last, hatred and vengeance. These became blended in all their acts and ideas, and were even introduced in their national songs. Little couplets of four lines, or of two, with a senseless chorus, imitating the crowing of a Gallic cock, sounding like kokaroo^ kokaroo, koo^ were chaunted by the very girls during the evening dances, and accompanied by their tambourines. 74 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1810 One, I recollect, amused me much, putting in fair contrast the oaths of their friends and their enemies : " ' Viva los Ingleses qui dicen God damn you ! Mueran los qui dicen Sacre nom de Dieu P " The inhabitants of the Peninsula thought the French who invaded and insulted their houses could deserve no mercy ; and the peasantry, who found a fit opportunity to shoot one of them, felt no more com- punction than in destroying a pole-cat, or other vermin. The mili- tary ideas of the French only tolerated as a legitimate enemy those in uniform, and considering all others they found armed as brigands, put them to death without mercy. These diflferent views produced retaliation, leading on both sides to horrid atrocities, and for a long while no quarter was given or received between the Guerillas and the enemy. " General Franceschi, one of the most active officers of the French Light Cavalry, having most imprudently declined an escort, was taken near Zamory, early in 1809, and aftewards died at Granada, in prison. The Guerillas, posted in countries difficult of access, as much actuated by hope of plunder as patriotism, were constantly on the alert ; and the corps under the enterprising Mina, established in the valley of Arragon and Biscay, at the very threshold of France, interrupted all supplies not accompanied by a little army. Large supplies of clothes and stores fell occasionally into their hands, and in 1813-14, the infantry of Mina were in French uniforms. An officer of Guerillas, on one occasion, brought his plunder for sale to head-quarters, which we conceived to be, from the choice and number of patterns, the travelling stock of a tailor. "We were shown several badges of embroidery and beautiful cyphers (several with that of Marie Louise), intended for collars, cuffs, and skirts of coats, besides some splendid sashes. The Guerilla captain understood so well to marchander^ and remained so long at head-quarters, that we were all satisfied he was less patriotic than mercenary. Do not suppose that we give the like credit to the Guerillas as you have done in England ; for, however they may have annoyed and even distressed the enemy, and rendered neces.sary the employment of large bodies of troops to keep up communication, they never could nor would have liberated their country. Tlieir petty mountain warfare could not lead to great results, while their miserable armies only entered the plains to be dispersed, and, but for our forces, all the best 1810.] MARSHAL MASSENA. 75 and accessible countries of every province were permanently sub- dued. Towards the middle of the month of September, 1810, the Prince of Essling (Massena) made a feint of moving down upon the left bank of the Mondego. MARSHAL MASSENA. Wellington retired behind the Alva. By the 20th of September, Massena had crossed the river below Celerico, and was advancing upon Coimbra by the way of Vizeu. This movement was counteract- ed by Lord "Wellington with his usual prescience. The intentions of the enemy being very apparent, the second division of the army under the orders of Lieutenant-General Hill made a parallel movement with Regnier's corps d'arjnee, when the whole of the combined army, with the exception of General Fane's division of cavalry, and Le Cor's brigade of Portuguese infantry, " was placed upon the right bank of the Mondego with a celerity which set all ordinary calculation at de- fiance." The mountain road north of the Mondego runs over a high ridge •76 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1810. called the Sierra de Busaco. Towards this it was evident Marshal Massena's force directed its steps en route to Coimbra. At this point, therefore, Wellington was resolved to stop him. Accordingly, at day-break on the 26th of September (1810), the several divisions of British and Portuguese troops ascended the heights of Busaco, where the whole of the enemy's force, consisting of 60,000 infantry, and a very large body of cavalry, could distinctly be seen from a convent which Sir Arthur occupied. Colonel Leith Hay, in his '• Narrative of the Peninsular War," vividly describes the scene that presented itself " Nothing could be conceived more enlivening, more interesting, or more varied, than the scene from the heights of Bu- saco. Commanding a very extensive prospect to the eastward, the movements of the French army were distinctly perceptible ; it was impossible to conceal them from the observation of the troops station- ed along the whole range of the mountain ; nor did this appear to be the object of the enemy. Rising grounds were covered with troops, cannon, or equipages : the widely-extended countr}'^ seemed to contain a host moving forward, or gradually condensing into numerous masses, checked in their progress by the grand natural barrier on which the allies were placed, and at the base of which it became ne cessary to pause. In imposing appearance as to numerical strength, there has been rarely seen anything comparable to that of the enemy's army from Busaco ; it was not alone an army encamped before us, but a multitude : cavalry, infantry, artillery, cars of the country, tribes of mules with their attendants, sutlers, followers of every de- scription, crowded the moving scene upon which Lord Wellington and his army looked down." Towards evening, the French pickets made an attack upon the Por- tuguese Caqadores, who returned the fire with great, steadiness and effect. At night the troops bivouacked in their several positions. "The veterans," says Alison, in his admirable "History of Europe," " accustomed to similar scenes of excitement, slept profoundly on their stony beds ; but many of the younger soldiers, who were now to witness a battle for the first time, were kept awake by the grandeur and solemnity bf the scene around them." At dawn of day the fight began by the French making two des- perate attacks upon the right and centre of the allied army. Gen- eral Simon's brigade led the assault. The fire of the light troops and the horse artillery scattered death among the leading columns, but did not check their advance — they reach the summit — they de- ploy into line. " Charge !" cried Craufurd, who watched the up- ward progress of the French brigade — the 43rd, 52ud, and 95th 1810.1 BATTLE OF BUSACO. 77 rush forward with the bayonet — the French give way — their columns are overlapped by the light troops — they break — retreat — volley after volley is poured into them, tumbling them down the hill, whence they escape covered by the fire of Ney's guns from the opposite side of the hill. Previous to this an attack was made on the right of the British line, but was repelled with equal gallantry by Colonel Mac- kinnon's brigade, directed by Major-General Picton, supported by Generals Leith and Lightburne. The battle lasted great part of the day, but with unvarying success on the part of the British. Every effort of the French troops, however daring and skilful, was foiled by the indomitable British line and the Portuguese levies. The British force engaged in the battle of Busaco consisted of 24,000 men. The French army was not less than 55,000 strong. The British artillery was used with great effect from the heights, and the Portu- guese Ca^adores made a most successful debut in the field. On the morning of the 28th, Marshal Massena made a feint attack with his light troops, and towards mid-day marched on the road from Mortagoa, over the mountains towards the Vouga. Inferring from this movement, that it was the Prince of Essling's intention to gain the Oporto road, and the position of Busaco having been actually turned, on the 29th Lord Wellington recrossed the Mondego, and retreated to the position he had previously determined on in front of Lisbon, with his right at Alhandra on the Tagus, passing by Torres Vedras, and his left on the sea. Lord Wellington's army entered the lines of Torres Vedras on the 8th of October, and by the 15th the allies finally took up their ground. Shortly afterwards they were joined by the Marquis de la Romana with about 5000 effective men. Lord Wellington was now to reap the advantage of his admirable foresight. Girdled by im- pregnable works, strengthend by Nature, the allied army remained within the Lines for five months, laughing to scorn the futile efforts of Massena to penetrate its strongholds. 78 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON, [1810. CHAPTER V. Uiissena before the Lines— His Retreat— Pursuit by the Allies— Affairs at Redinha, Pombal, Foz d'Aronce, and Casal Nova— Wellington's Correspondence. ASSENA— baffled in his endeavours to force the Lines — of the existence of which he had only heard five days before he approached them — retired on the 1 4th of November, 1810, to Santarem — a place ad- mirably adapted for a defensive post agamst an assailant moving from the side of Lisbon. Whether he hoped to lure Lord Wellington from his fastnesses to attack him, or whether he really wished to maintain the position against any possible attack, it is certain that he took great pains to entrench himself What nature had left unfinished to render the position formidable, Massena endeavoured to accomplish. Field- works of various kinds crowned the eminence, while the face of the hill was studded with innumerable breast-works, from which thousands of Frenchmen frowned defiance upon the allies. When Massena moved to Santarem, Lord Wellington concluded that he was about to retreat into Spain. The grounds of this supposition were natural. By the retreat, IMassena would have been able to supply his army with plenty of food during the winter, and put them into good and quiet cantonments ; he could have procured medical attendance and medicines for his numerous sick ; he would have been able to clothe and re-equip his troops, aff'ord the people of the country the means of cultivating their ground, and at any p. 78. 1811.] MASSENA AT SANTAREM. 19 time have resumed his position in greater strength. Acting then upon the belief that a retreat was intended, Lord Wellington dis- patched Major-General Hill to cross the Tagus and attack Santarem, while his lordship moved the head quarters to Cartaxo. When General Hill was near enough to reconnoitre the positions, it was evident that the crafty Massena had no such object as an immediate retreat in view. The whole of his force was brought up in the vicinity of Santarem. From this circumstance, and the fact of the roads and rivulets being impassable, owing to heavy rains, it was deemed unadvisable to attempt the attack. Immense loss must have ensued, and the British General ran a risk of having some of his detachments insulated and cut off from all communication with others. It was late in November when General Hill crossed the Tagus and stood in the path of the French Marshal, who obviously meditated an attempt on Lisbon. From that time until the 5th of March, 1811, neither army stirred. Lord Wellington was not inactive, as we shall EEINF0RCEMENT8. presently show, but his antagonist made an effort to disturb his repose. In fact, during January and February, 1811, the weather 80 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [ISll. was so bad that military operations upon either side were quite out of the question. With an uninterrupted communication with the sea, Lord Wellington was enabled to receive reinforcements and considerable supplies from England during this interval, though the latter came not by any moans in the proportion expected or desired. The British Prime Minister, Percival, oscillating between the fear of increasing the power of the opposition, who continued steadily to oppose the Peninsular War on financial grounds, and the apprehension of weakening his own position with the Prince Regent, almost starved the troops, notwithstanding the arguments of the Marquis of Wellesley at home, and the indignant remonstrances of Lord Wellington abroad. Massena's position grew every day more perilous. It was the practice of the French armies to make the countries through which they passed support them. Every man foraged for himself when the columns came to a halt, and, as a necessary consequence, much violence was practised if the villagers and townspeople did not in their alarm burn and forsake their dwellings, and drive away their flocks before th& enemy arrived.* This abominable and most unwise usage had converttjd the country in Massena's rear into a desert. To feed his army at Santarem, he was, therefore, obliged to send out strong foraging parties to scour the country to the very confines of the British positions. Several important captures of cattle and grain were* made in this way. But 1 "The French plundered after the most scientific and approved methods; they used to throw water on suspected places, and watch its absorption, judging the spot where it dried the quickest had been lately disturbed. No qualms of conscience prevented the orthodox Catholic soldiery of the French army from rifling the most sacred places. The communion plate and silver lamps and candlesticks even vanished in the twinkling of an eye. Not content with wb.1t the churches afforded above-ground, or from a zeal for antiquarian research, they despised a superficial or traditional account of the former modes of burial, and investigated the point by breaking open the tombs. At Jericejo (a word by-the-by, no one but a native ever pronounced), when they turned Cuesta's flank, in 1809, by the bridge of Arzo Dispo, they tore open a sarcophagus, let into the wall, containing the mortal remains of some great hidalgo, who had been buried (the date w.ns the 10th centurj-) near three liuiidred years before. Finding the body, though not absolutely embalmed, w.is dried into a sort of mummy, they took it out, and stuck it up against the door as a bugaboo, with a musket in his hand ! However chivalrous and warlike this contemporary Don of Charles or the Philips, he could never have surmised, had he even believed in the metempsychosis (which would not have been prudent in those times for a good Citholic), that after being comfortably buried two hundred and fifty years, he should do duly as a Factionnaire Scarecrow at the door of his own church! The thoughtlessness of the French character was often shown in similar practical Jokes. Wljen they retired from before the lines, they j)laced the bodies of their de.id comrades in cupboards and again.st closed doors, insuring the fall of these grim memento maris on the first inquisitive searcher. At Cartaxo, with a view, no doubt, to improve the water, or to leave us ingredients to prepare a soup maigrt on a largo scale, they dropped a dead donkey into one of the finest wells in the place. This was not detected mitil it was possible for a regiment of the Ist Division to report upon the flavour of soup a Pane." — United Strvice Journal, 1811.] MASSENA'S RETREAT. 81 the cavalry of Lord Wellington was always upon the alert, and the cattle and corn were often recovered, while the French foragers, thrown into a frightful state of indiscipline, were frequently cut off and made prisoners. The cupidity of some of the people of Lisbon was likewise a material source of supply to Massena. " Under the pretence of selling sugar at Thomar and Torres Novas, the agents of certain fidalgos in Lisbon passed by the road of Celdas and through the mountains of Pedragoa." This failed in time, as discovery in- creased Wellington's surveillance, and Massena, early in March, 1811, found it necessary to break up his camp and abandon in despair the hope of reaching Lisbon. It is a rule in war that a retreat shall always, when practicable, be followed by a pursuit. Massena quitted his position on the 4th of March. He had continued at Santarem longer than was justifiable by the state of his magazines and the health of the troops, in the ex- pectation of being joined by Marshal Soult with 14,000 men — an expectation defeated by the vigilance of the foe. Moving away with the apparent intention of proceeding to Thomar, he was followed in a day or two by Lord Wellington's army, every now and then checking his pursuer by a movement which appeared to be directed on the lines of Torres Vedras, thus gaining four marches upon his adversary. There are many tales extant in the history of war of disastrous retreats — retreats in which the sufferings of the retiring force have even awakened the compassion of their pursuers — but the world's annals do not produce a parallel to the cruelties and abominations which marked the progress of the French when quitting Portugal. With the double purpose of satisfying the cravings of hunger, and avenging the hostility of the Portuguese, who had rendered their stay at Santarem a bitter trial, they burnt, plundered, devastated, and murdered without remorse. Sif William Napier, always just, often indulgent, towards a gallant enemy, truthful to a point offensive to prejudice, says : — " The laws of war, rigorously interpreted, authorise such examples,' when the inhabitants take arms, yet it can only be justly done to over- awe, and not to revenge defeat ; but every horror making war hideous attended this dreadful retreat ! Distress, conflagration, death in all modes ! — from wounds, from fatigue, from water, from the flames, from starvation, on every side unlimited ferocity ! I myself saw a peasant hounding on his dog to devour the dead and dying ; and the spirit of cruelty once unchained smote even the brute creation, for, on the I He is referring to the "harsh and ruthless spirit" with which Massena burnt towns and VOL, I. 82 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1811. 15th, Massena, to diminish the incumbrances, ordered the destruction of some beasts of burthen, and the inhuman fellow charged with the execution hamstringed 500 asses and left them to starve. Being thus found by the British army, the mute yet deep expression of pain and grief visible in their looks, wonderfully aroused the fury of the soldiers, and so little weight has reason with the multitude when op- posed by a momentary sensation, that no quarter would have been given to any prisoner at that moment, and a humane feeling would have led to direct cruelty. The French have, however, been accused of crimes which they did not, and could not, commit ; such as the driving of all women above ten years of age into their camp at Redinha, near which there were neither men nor women to be driven ! The country was a desert ! They have been also charged, by the same writer, with the mutilating of John the First's body in the convent of Batalha during MassenVs retreat ; whereas the body of that monarch had been wantonly pulled to pieces and carried off by British officers during the retreat to the lines !" Colonel Jones, in his work on the sieges in Spain, quotes from a French military writer a distinct statement, in contradiction of part of the foregoing, that in Massena's army detachments sent out to forage had orders to bring all girls between twelve and thirty years of age for the use of the soldiery. " I saio tvith my own eyes" writes an officer in the " Quarterly Review " of 1839, " when Massena had retired from before the lines of Torres Vedras, forty or fifty of these wretches in a state of disease, famine, and insanity beyond all con- ception." This was making war support war (Napoleon's theory) with a vengeance ! Vigorously following the baffled French Mai-shal, Lord Wellington's troops came up with him several times. Massena turned, showed his teeth, and again moved on with a still diminishing force. He was making for the Mondego river, when the Light Division, the German Hussars, and the Portuguese Casqadores, under Brigadier Pack, came up with him at Pombal, drove the French from the castle and town, and took several prisoners. On the 12th of March, the French having, during the previous night, reached a strong position at the end of a defile between lledinah and Pombal, with their right in a wood, Redinha on their rear, and their left extending towards some high ground above the river of Redinha, the British army again assailed them. Sir W. Erskine led the Light Division, and forced the wood in gallant style. Lord Wellington, in his despatch, bore personal testimony to the dashing facility with which the operations were performed. The 3rd Division — which acquired, 1811.] AFFAIRS OF REDINHA AND FOZ D'ARONCE. 83 during the Peninsular war, the soubriquet of the " fighting division " — was headed by Major-General Picton : Major-General Cole took the 4th Division into action ; and Lieutenant-General Sir Brent Spencer led the line against the enemy's position on the heights. Two days after this affair the British came up with a strong corps of the enemy, under Marshal Ney, an oflScer of the rarest courage and determination — intrepid in attack — resolute in defensive retreat. TTuaware of the strength of the position Ney had taken up at Casel Nova, owing to the density of the fog on the mountains, Erskine sent forward the 52nd Light Infantry to attack him. Isolated, opposed by a daring and superior foe, the Oxfordshire Regiment was in peril, but it manfully held its ground until succour came in the shape of the residue of the glorious Light Division. The combat then became general. The 6th Division under General Campbell, supported the Light Division, assaulting the front of the French. The 3rd and 4th Divisions, under Cole and Picton, tm-ned their left and right. The enemy, after a sharp struggle, abandoned all their positions in the mountains, and the cw^js d'armee^ composing the rear guard, were flung back upon the main body, at Miranda de Corvo, upon the river Deira, with considerable loss of killed, wounded, and prisoners. The first contest in the retreat is graphically described by the historian of the Peninsular war. " The French right rested on wooded and rugged ground, their left upon the village of Foz d'Aronce. The weather was obscure and rainy. The allies reached the Ceira at four o'clock on the 15th, and, expecting no action, kindled fires ; but Wellington having rapidly scanned Ney's division, directed the Light Division and Pack's Brigade to hold the right in play, and sent Picton against the left, while the horse artillery, galloping forward to a rising ground, opened with a great and sudden effect. Ney's left, overthrown by the first charge, fled in confusion towards the river, and some missing the fords, rushed into the deeps and were drowned ; others crowding to the bridge, were crushed to death. On the right, the ground being rugged and close, the action resolved itself into a skirmish, and Ney was enabled to use some battalions to check the pursuit of his left ; but darkness came on, and the defeated troops in their disorder fired on each other. Four officers and sixty men fell on the side of the British. The French lost five hundred, one half being drowned, and an eagle was afterwards found in the river. Massena had gone behind the Alva, yet Ney, notwithstanding this disastrous combat, kept his post on the left bank of the Ceira until every incumbrance had passed, and S4 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1811. then, blowing up seventy feet of the bridge, sent his corps on, remaining himself with the llear-Gruard." ' Lord "Wellington, never slow to recognise the good services of troops, though wanting perhaps in the fervour of expression which has characterized other Generals, speaks of the 43rd, 52nd, 95th, and the 3rd Portuguese Caqadores (Light Infantry) as having particu- larly distinguished themselves in this last affair. He also named with honour Colonels Drummond and Beckwith, Lieutenant-Colonels Ross, Elder, and others. Particularly to mark his sense of the services of the three regiments, he recommended a Serjeant of each regiment for promotion to an ensigncy. The account of the close of the operations in the pursuit of Massena must be given in Lord Wellington's own words : — "The result of these operations has been that we have saved Coimbra and Upper Beira from the enemy's ravages; we have opened the communications with the northern provinces ; and we have obliged the enemy to take for their retreat the road by Ponte da Murcella, on which they may be annoyed by the militia acting in security upon their flank, while the allied army will press upon their rear. The whole country, however, affords many advantageous positions to a retreating army, of which the enemy have shown that they know how to avail themselves. They are retreating from the country, as they entered it, in one solid mass, covering their rear on every march by the operations of either one or two corps d'armee in the strong positions which the country affords, which corjys d'armee are closely supported by the main body. Before they quitted their position they destroyed a part of their cannon and ammunition, and they have since blown up whatever the horses were unable to draw away. They have no provisions, excepting what they plunder on the spot, or, having plundered, what the soldiers carry on their backs, and live cattle. " I am concerned to be obliged to add to this account, that their conduct throughout this retreat has been marked by a barbarity seldom equalled, and never surpassed. Even in the towns of Torres Novas, Thoraar, and Pernes, in which the head quarters of some of the corps had been for four months, and in which the inhabitants had been invited by promises of good treatment, to remain, they were plundered, and many of their houses destroyed on the night the enemy withdrew from their position ; and they have since burnt I As a further and a striking illiLstration of the indomitable perseverance of Marshal Ney ia covering a retreat, the reader is recommended to peruse Scgur's and De Fezeuaac's description of Uw retreat from Moscow to the west of the Niemcn. 1811.] PLUNDERING. 85 every town and village through which they have passed. The convent of Alcobaqa was burnt by order from the French head-quarters. The Bishop's palace, and the whole town of Leyria, in which General Drouet had had his head-quarters, shared the same fate ; and there is not an inhabitant of the country of any class or description, who has had any dealing or communication with the French army/who has not had reason to repent of it, and to complain of them. This is the mode in which the promises have been performed and the assurances have been fulfilled, which were held out in the proclamation of the French Commander-in-Chief, in which he told the inhabitants of Portugal that he was not come to make war upon them, but with a powerful army of 11 0,000 men to drive the English into the sea. It i« to be hoped that the example of what has occurred in this country will teach the people of this and of other nations what value they ought to place on such promises and assurances ; and that there is no security for life, or for anything which makes life valuable, excepting in de- cided resistance to the enemy." It has been observed above, that Lord Wellington was not inactive during the period of his occupation of the Lines of Torres Vedras. His correspondence at this period conveys the best evidence of the grasp and activity of his mind. Ranging discursively over fifty sub- jects of deep interest, we find him calmly and dispassionately examining questions of high political importance, ofi'ering advice deferentially, yet with a conviction of its utility, and then descending to small matters of regimental economy with equal zeal and earnestness. Nothing seems to have been too high for his judgment — nothing too low for his generosity. His orders between October, 1810, and March, 1811, embrace manifold subjects bearing reference to the good order and safety of the army, and the integrity of its conduct in its relations with the Portuguese country people. He was most anxious to prevent straggling, plundering,' and the employment of 1 The following General Order was issued at Leyria, on the 3rd of October, 1810 : — "Leyria, 3rd October, 1810. "The Commander of the Forces is concerned to have been under the necessity of carrying into execution the determination which he has bo long announced, of directing the immediate ei- ecution of any soldiers caught plundering ; and that a British and a Portuguese soldier have con- sequently been hanged this day, for plundering in the town of Leyria, where they were, contrary to order, and for this criminal purpose. " He trusts that this example will deter others from those disgraceful practices in future ; and the troops may depend upon it that no instance of the kind will be passed over. They are well fed, and taken care of, and there is no excuse for plunder, which could not be admitted on any account. " Once more, the Commander of the Forces calls upon the commanding officers of regimenU to oblige their men to march in a regular manner, with their companiea. 86 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF "WELLINGTON. [1811 the men as servants and orderlies ; he regulated the issues of rice and salt meat ; directed that the soldiery be supplied with blankets ; took measures to check desertion ;' enjoined the careful clearing of houses, which the French might have occupied, before they were slept in by British officers or men ; prohibited the destruction of olive and other fruit-trees for fire-wood ; forbade deer-shootiug in the private parks near the cantonments ; regulated the leave of absence of officers ; revived the proceedings of Courts Martial ; and did a hundred other things to conduce to regularity, health, and discipline. His correspondence for the same period shows how alive he was to the responsibility which had devolved upon him ; how resolute to maintain his authority ; how solicitous for the welfare of the Portuguese ; how careful not to compromise the safety of his position by any premature attack upon the French ; how admirably informed of the strength, the resources, and the intentions of his enemies ; how desirous that no rules should stand in the way of the promotion of officers of merit ; how indignant at the alternate interference and supineness of the Spanish and Portuguese govern- ments ; how punctual in keeping the British Ministry apprised of all his movements, impressions, and views ; how angry with the Portuguese authorities for attempting to deprive British soldiers of their billets ; how enraged with the misrepresentations of newspapers at home and abroad (and yet how nobly independent of their lies and strictures !) ; how enlarged his views on the subject of recruiting for the army; how just and truthful, frank and uncompromising 1 " GENERAL ORDERS. " Pkro Nsoro, 10th JVov., 1810. " The Commander of the Forces is concerned to have received reports from some of the regi- ments of the desertion of the British soldiers to the enemy ; a crime wliicli, iu all his experience in the British service, in diffcreut parts of the world, was till lately unknown in it ; and the existence of which at the present moment he can attribute only to some false hopes held out to those unfortunate criminal persons. "The British soldier cannot but be aware of the difference between their situation, and that of the enemy opposed to them; and the miserable tale told by the half-starved wretches whom they see daily coming into their linc^, ought alone, exclusive of their sense of honour and patriot- ism, to be sufficient to deter them from participating in their miserable fate. " However, although the Commander of the Forces lamenLs the fate of the imfortunate soldiers who have committed this crime, he is determined that they shall feel the consequence of it during their Uves, and that they shall never return to their friends or their homes. "He accordingly requests that the commanding officers of regiments from which any soldier has descrtc-d to tlie enemy will, as soon as possible, send to the AdJu-'ant-Gcneral's office a description of bis person, together with an account when he was enlisted wltb the rogiment, where born, and to what parish he belongs, in order that the friends of these eo'd'eni may be Blade acquainted with the crime which they have committed ; may be prepared to cous.tler them t* lost for ever, and may deliver them up to Juslica ia case they should ever return to their BatiTe country." 1811.] LECTURE TO THE PORTUGUESE GOVERNMENT, 87 upon every point which concerned or affected the public interest in any way. So much of the character of the subject of this biography is to be deduced from his letters, that no better elucidation of the great strength of his mind, his determination of purpose, his jealousy of unprofitable interference, his candour, and his highly becoming self- respect, can be offered than the four following extracts supply : — "TO CHARLES STUART, ESQ. "Rio Mayor, (Jth Oct., 1810. " I BEG that you will do me the favour to inform the Regency, and, above all, Principal Sousa, that his Majesty and the Prince Regent having intrusted me with the command of their armies, and exclusively with the conduct of the military operations, I will not suffer them, or anybody else, to interfere with them ; that I know best where to station my troops, and where to make a stand against the enemy, and I shall not alter a system, framed upon mature consideration, upon any suggestion of theirs. " I am responsible for what I do, and they are not ; and I recom- mend them to look to the measures for which they are responsible, which I long ago recommended to them, viz., to provide for the tranquillity of Lisbon, and for the food of the army, and of the people, while the troops shall be engaged with the enemy. " As for Principal Sousa, I beg you to tell him, from me, that I have had no satisfaction in transacting the business of this country since he has been a member of the Grovernment ; that being embarked in a course of military operations, of which I hope to see the suc- cessful termination, I shall continue to carry them on to their end ; but that no power on earth shall induce me to remain in the Peninsula, for one moment, after I shall have obtained his Majesty's leave to resign my charge, if Principal Sousa is to remain either a member of the Government, or to continue at Lisbon. Either he must quit the country or I shall ; and, if I should be obliged to go, I will take care that the world, in Portugal at least, and the Prince Regent, shall be made acquainted with my reasons. " From the letter of the 3rd instant, which I have received from Dom M. Forjaz, I had hoped that the Government were satisfied with what I had done and intended to ; and that, instead of endeavouring to render all further defence fruitless, by disturbing the minds of the populace at Lisbon, they would have done their duty by adopting measures to secure the tranquillity of the town. 88 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1811. '• But I suppose that, like other weak individuals, they add duplicity to their weakness, and that their expressions of approbation, and even gratitude, were intended to convey censure. I request you to communicate this letter to the Regency ; and to transmit it to tho Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. " P. S. All I ask from the Portuguese Regency is, tranquillity in the town of Lisbon, and provisions far tJieir own troops^ while they shall be employed in this part of the country. " I have but little doubt of success ; but as I have fought a sufficient number of battles to discover that the result of any one is not certain, even under the best arrangements, I am anxious that the Government should adopt preparatory arrangements to take out of the enemy's way those persons and their families who would suffer if they were to fall into his hands." " TO THE EARL OF LIVERPOOL. " Pero Nkoro, ^th Oct^ 1810. " Your Lordship has been apprised of the measures which had been adopted to induce the inhabitants of Portugal to quit that part of the country through which the enemy was likely to pass, or which it was probable would become the seat of his operations, carrying off with them their valuable property, and everything which could tend to the enemy's subsistence, or to facilitate his progress. " There is no doubt that these inhabitants had sufficient knowledge from former experience, of the treatment they would receive from the enemy : and there is no instance of those of any town or village having remained, or of their having failed to remove what might be useful to the enemy, when they had sufficiently early intimation of the wishes of government, or of myself, that they should abandon their houses and carry away their property. " All those who are acquainted with the nature of military operations, with their dependence upon the assistance of the country to supply the wants of the army, and particularly with the degree to which the French armies depend upon this assistance, must be aware of the distress which this system has occasioned to the enemy ; and the official and private letters which have been intercepted, arc filled with complaints of its effects, which have been repeated in the official papers published in the Moniteiir at Paris. " It happened, unfortunately, that the Indian corn harvest, which is the principal support of the inhabitants of a large part of Portugal, was on the ground at the moment of the enemy's invasion. This, of course, could not be carried off: the enemy's troops have, as usual, 1811.] APPEAL ON BEHALF OF THE PORTUGUESE.— BILLETS. 89 destroyed what they could not move, and nothing remains. If therefore, the result of the campaign should be to oblige the enemy to withdraw from Portugal, it is much to be apprehended that the greatest distress will be felt in those districts through which the enemy's troops have passed, which there are no means whatever in this country of relieving. " Upon former occasions, the wealthy inhabitants of Great Britain, and of London in particular, have stepped forward to assist and re- lieve the distresses of foreign nations, whether suflfering under calami- ties inflicted by Providence, or by a cruel and powerful enemy. This nation has received the benefit of the charitable disposition of his Majesty's subjects, and there never was a case in which their assist- ance was required in a greater degree, whether the sufierings of the people, or their fidelity to the cause they have espoused, and their at- tachment to his Majesty's subjects, be considered. "I declare that I have scarcely known an instance in which any person in Portugal, even of the lowest order, has had communication with the enemy inconsistent with his duty to his own Sovereign, or with the orders he had received. "I would, therefore, beg leave to recommend the unfortunate portion of the inhabitants who have eufiiered from the enemy's inva- sion to your lordship's protection ; and I request you to consider of the mode of recommending them to the benevolent disposition of his Majesty's subjects, at the moment which I hope may be not far distant, that the enemy may be under the necessity of evacuating the country." « TO CHARLES STUART, ESQ., " Cartaxo, 31st Dec, 1810. "I HAVE received your letter of the 30th December. I have already had great difficulty in arranging the business of quartering the officers of the army at Lisbon, and have given orders upon this subject, in respect to that town and other parts of Portugal, of which I enclose copies. I cannot be certain that these orders have in every instance been obeyed ; but it is difficult to have orders obeyed by the officers which afiect their own convenience, when the inhabitants of the towns do not attend to any regulations upon the same subject ; and I receive innumerable complaints, particularly of the conduct of the inhabitants of Lisbon. " In respect to Dom M. Forjaz's regulations, they look very well upon paper, but who will attend to them ? The officers of the British army in England are not billeted upon private houses, but upon inns. 90 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [181i There is not an inn in Portugal in which an officer could be billeted, and it would follow that, owing to the deficiency of inns, the officers must go into the streets. The soldiers also, where there are no convents to cover them, must be exposed to the open air, because there are no public-houses in which they can be billeted : but Dom M. Forjaz will probably have no objection to their being billeted where we like in the ^ountry, contrary to the proposed regulation and our own law, which is to be introduced here, provided Lisbon ia not disturbed by either officers or soldiers ! I do not see what further steps I can take in the business ; and I only desire that when my order is disobeyed complaint may be made, stating the name of the person, and that the complainant may be prepared to prove his story before a court martial. " I declare that I think it disgraceful to the Portuguese government, and to the people of Lisbon in particular, that such a proposition should have been made as has come from Dom M. Forjaz. They have now part of one battalion in Lisbon, and some convalescents at Balem, some of the officers attached to whom must be lodged in the town. They have besides some sick and wounded officers there, and occasionally a regiment passes a night or two in Lisbon, when it lands from England or from Cadiz. Are the people of Lisbon so inhospitable that the officers of these corps must be put, on their landing, into cold, damp, and dark empty houses, without the chance of getting anything to eat? Is there an inn or tavern at Lisbon to which an officer can go in such circumstances ? " But I forgot, the general officers of the army, those upon the staff, the officers of the Guards (for the others can but ill afford the expense), do occasionally go to Lisbon for a day or two for their amusement. Is Dom M. Forjaz serious in expressing a wish that officers of this description should go into empty houses, or into the street? Is this the mode in which the cause of Portugal is to be made popular in the British army? Is every consideration to be sacrificed to the caprice and ease of the people of Lisbon? Are officers of this class, and I and Marshal Beresford, to be provided with a lodging upon billet ; but the others who go there upon duty, and who can less afford to bear the hardships, be put into the empty houses or into the streets ? For my part, I do not go often to Lisbon ; but if the rule is made for one class it must for all, and I will have no lodging upon billet any more than any other officer of the army. The circumstances stated by Dom M. Forjaz, respecting the mode of lodging the British officers formerly, suit neither the circumstances of the army nor of the times. I declare that I have no patience with 1811.] STATE OF THE SPANISH ARMY. 91 the constant efforts which I see made by the Government to indulge the caprice and ease of the people of Lisbon, at the expense of every otuer consideration; and they prefer to have recourse to any expe- dients rather than oblige them to do what they dislike, which is, when they make a complaint of an officer, to appear before a court and prove it." " TO MARQUIS WELLESLEY. " Cartaxo, 26th Jan., 1811. " It may also be asked, why we should spend our money, and why these troops should not go on as the French troops do, without pay, provisions, magazines, or anything? The answer to this question is as long as what I have already written. The French army is certainly a wonderful machine : but if we are to form such a one, we must form such a Government as exists in France, which can with impunity lose one-half of the troops employed in the field every 3'ear, only by the privations and hardships imposed upon them. Next, we must com- pose our army of soldiers drawn from all classes of the population of the country — from the good and middling, as well in rank as in education, as from the bad ; and not as all other nations, and we in particular, do, from the bad only. Thirdly, we must establish such a system of discipline as the French have — a system founded upon the strength of the tyranny of the Government, which operates upon an army composed of soldiers, the majority of whom are sober, well-dis- posed, amenable to order, and in some degree educated. " When we shall have done all this, and shall have made these armies of the strength of those employed by the French, we may require of them to live as the French do, viz., by authorised and regulated plunder of the country and its inhabitants, if any should remain ; and we may expose them to the labour, hardships, and priva- tions which the French soldier suffers every day ; and we must expect the same proportion of loss every campaign, viz., one-half of those who take the field. "This plan is not proposed for the British army, nor has it yet been practised in any great degree by the Portuguese ; but I shall state the effect which, in my opinion, the attempt has had upon the Spaniards. " There is neither subordination nor discipline in the army, among cither officers or soldiers ; and it is not even attempted (as indeed it would be in vain to attempt) to establish either. It has, in my opinion, been the cause of the dastardly conduct which we have so frequently witnessed in the Spanish troops; and they have become 92 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF "WELLINGTON. [1^1 1 odious to their country ; and the peaceable inhabitants, much as thej detest and suffer from the French, almost wish for the establishment of Joseph's Government, to be protected from the outrages of their own troops. " These armies, therefore, must be paid and supported, if any ser- vice is expected from them ; and at present, at least, I see no chance of their being paid, except by British assistance. " There is but little that is new in this letter ; but the subject to which it relates requires the early consideration, decision, and inter- ference of the British Government, or the cause must suffer." "TO CHARLES STUART, Esq. " Cartaxo, 28th Jan., 1811. " I THINK the Portuguese Government are still looking to as- sistance from England, and I have written to the King's Govern- ment strongly upon the subject in their favour. But I should deceive myself if I believed we should get anything, and them if I were to tell them we should. They must, therefore, look to their own resources. I shall not enter upon the political crisis now existing in England ; but I believe you will agree with me that if the change which is probable should be made, the chance is less than it was. " It is quite nonsense their quarrelling with me, whether the system of operations I have followed was the best or not. I believe I am not only the best, but the only friend they have ever had, who has had the power of supporting them for a moment in England ; and I now tell them that the only chance they have is to endeavour to bring their revenue equal to their expenses. It is ridiculous to talk of the efforts they have made. They have, hitherto, produced neither men in proportion to their population, nor money in proportion to their commerce and riches, nor by any means in proportion to their gains by the war. They talk of the war in their country : was Portu- gal ever involved seriously in any war without having it in the heart of the country? I think I can save them from their enemy, if they will make an exertion to maintain their army ; but they are now come to that situation between the enemy, the people, and us, that they must decide either to raise an adequate revenue from the people, in earnest, or to give themselves over to the enemy. '• Now, upon this point, I can only tell them one thing ; and that is, that although they may find causes for not levying a revenue upon the people to continue the contest against the enemy, the enemy will / ISll.r NECESSITY FOR PORTUGUESE EXERTION. 93 allow of none for not raising every shilling that can be drawn from the people, when they may come into possession. They should have thought of the miseries endured by the people, which they describe so feelingly, before they commenced the war ; though, by the by, I would observe upon these miseries, that the enemy occupy only a part of one province, and that they had only passed through another : this is bad enough, God knows ! but is better than that the whole should be in their possession, as it was, and as it will be, if a real effort is not made." M LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. nsis. CHAPTER VI. AO^'iTS in the South of Spain — Siege of Cadiz— Battle of Barossa— Retreat of Massena— Attempt on Almeida— Battle of Fuentea d'Ofioro — The wounded at Fuentes d'Onoro. preserve a connection be- tween the events which oc- curred immediately under Lord Wellington's own eye and those which transpired at a distance, but which, at the same time, formed part and parcel of the system adopted for expelling the French from the Peninsula, we must now retrace our steps a little. While Lord Wellington, in- tent upon the Preservation of Portugal, was forced to disengage his attention from the afiairs of Spain, the French, late in 1810, made great efforts to obtain possession of Cadiz (one of the three great naval ports of Spain on the southern coast), in which they were opposed by the Spanish patriots. Anxious to afford the latter every assistance in their resolute defence of the place, the British Government sent Major-General Graham, who had previously been appointed second in command to Wellington, to take the command of the troops in the fortress. General Graham was a soldier of ability, who had served first at Toulon under Lord Mulgrave, as a volunteer — obtained rank in the army by raising two regiments at his own expense — and then proceeded to join the Austrian army when engaged with the French Republican forces in Italy. lie next served in the Mediterranean under Sir Charles Stuart, at the attack of Minorca, the blockade of Malta, &c. — was in Egypt, in Ireland, in Sweden with Sir John Moore, and under that fine soldier at Coruna. 1811.] SIEGE OF CADIZ. 95 He subsequently served at the siege of Flushing, in the island of Walcheren, and was then sent to assist Lord Wellington in the Peninsula. The office of second in command of an army in the field is one of small importance, where the head is endowed with much activity and feels the entire weight of the responsibility. In truth, to use the words of Wellington himself, '• the office is not only useless, but in- jurious to the service. A person without defined duties, excepting to give flying opinions from which he may depart at pleasure, must be a nuisance in moments of decision." He declared more than once that, whether he had a second in command or not, he was determined always to act according to the dictates of his own judgment. It was therefore of no consequence to him that a separate field was found for Graham's talents, and Graham himself rejoiced at the opportunity of independent action. He was " a daring old man, and of a ready temper for battle." The only point from which it was easy for the French to annoy the garrison of Cadiz was Fort Matagorda. The post was dismantled at their approach, but when it was perceived that they began to reconstruct it, Graham determined to dispossess and even endeavour to maintain it against them. This was accordingly done under his direction. The fort was defended by Captain Maclaine,' with a degree of bravery which excited the highest admiration of the Spaniards, dismayed the French, and received the approbation of the British Government. Soult commanded in the operations against Cadiz, and stubbornly urged the siege. Graham had, however, rendered the town almost im- pregnable, and Soult made little progress. Yet it was tedious work to act only on the defensive ; the blockade was becoming irksome, and the garrison tired of inaction. General La Pena, who command- ed in chief, resolved therefore, in concert with Graham, upon making an attack upon the rear of the French army. Ten thousand men were straightway embarked in Cadiz Bay for the purpose of forming a junction with General San Roche. They disembarked at AIgesira.s, (a fortified city in the Gulf of Gibraltar.) and uniting at Tarifa, a town on the coast, west of Gibraltar, moved thence on the 28th of February, 1811. The Spanish van-guard having opened a communication with the Isla de Leon, by attacking the rear of the enemy's lines near the > Lieutenant-General Sir Archibald Maclaine, K.CB, an officer who had seen service in India, and in different parts of the Peninsula. 96 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1811 Santi Petri river, General Graham, at the head of 3000 British troops, was ordered by La Pena to move to Bermeja, a position about half- ^yay between Barossa (a low ridge, rising gradually from the coast up a mile and a half, four miles from the river, and on which Graham was halted) and the Santi Petri. Leaving Major Brown with the jSank companies of two regiments on Barossa ridge, Graham moved down, but he had not proceeded very far when intimation reached him that the enemy were in force in the plains, and advancing towards the heights of this position. He instantly faced about and regained the plains, expecting fully to find La Pena, with the Spaniards and the cavalry, on the Barossa hill. But, to his consternation, he beheld General Ruffin's brigade with other French troops near the summit on one side, the Spanish van-guard and baggage flyiug towards the sea on the other, pursued by the French cavalry. There was no sign of La Peiia ! " In this desperate situation, feeling that a retreat to Bermeja would bring the enemy pell-mell with the Allies on to that narrow ridge, and must be disastrous, Graham resolved to attack, although the key of the field of battle was in the enemy's possession. Ten guns, under Major Duncan, instantly opened a terrific fire against Laval's column, and Colonel Andrew Barnard, running vehemently out with his riflemen and some Portuguese companies, commenced the fight, while the rest of the British troops, without any attention to regiments or brigades, so sudden was the affair, formed two masses, with one of which General Dilkes marched against Kufiin, while Colonel Wheatley led the other against Laval. Duncan's guns ravaged the French ranks ; Laval's artillery replied vigorously ; Ruffin's batteries took Whcatley's column in flank, and the infantry on both sides pressed forward eagerly and with a pealing musketry. But when the masses drew near, a fierce, rapid, prolonged charge of the 87th Regiment overthrew the first line of the French, and though the latter fought roughly, they were dashed violently upon the second line, and both being broken by the shock went off, the reserve bat- talion of grenadiers, hitherto posted on the right, alone remaining to cover the retreat. " Meanwhile Brown, having received Graham's laconic order,' fell headlong upon Ruffin, and though nearly half of his detachment went down under the enemy's first fire, he maintained the fight until Dilkes' column, which had crossed a deep hollow, and never stopped even to re-form the regiments, arrived, with little order indeed, but in a flighting mood, and then the whole ran up towards the summit ; there > "ri((ht !" was all that Graham replied in Kosynr to an applicatton for iostructions. 1811.] BATTLE OF BAROSSA. gt was no slackness on either side, for at the very edge of the ascent their gallant opponents met them, when a dreadful, and for some time a doubtful, combat raged. Finally, Ruffin and Chaudron Rousseau, who commanded the chosen grenadiers, fell, both mortally wounded ; the English bore strongly onward, and their slaughtering fire forced the French from the hill, with the loss of three guns and many brave soldiers. •' The discomfitted divisions, retiring concentrically from the differ- ent points of battle, soon met, and, with infinite spirit, endeavoured to re-form and renew the action ; but the play of Duncan's guns, rapid and murderous, rendered the attempt vain. Victor then quitted the field of battle, and the British, having been twenty-four hours under arms without food, were too exhausted to pursue. " While these terrible combats of infantry were fighting. La Pena looked idly on, neither sending his cavalry, nor his horse artillery, nor any part of his army to the assistance of his ally ; nor yet menacing Villatte, who was close to him, and comparatively weak. The Spanish Walloon Guards, the regiment of Ciudad Real, and some Guerilla cavalry, turned indeed without orders, and came up just .as the action ceased ; and it was expected that Whittingham, an Englishman, commanding a powerful body of Spanish horse, would have done as much ; but no stroke in aid was struck by a Spanish sabre that day, although the French cavalry did not exceed two hun- dred and fifty men ; and it is evident the eight hundred under Whittingham might, by sweeping round the left of Rufiin's division, have rendered the defeat ruinous. So certain, indeed, was this, that Frederick Ponsonby, drawing off his hundred and eighty German hussars belonging to the English army, reached the field of battle, charged the French squadrons in their retreat, overthrew them, took two guns, and even attempted though vainly, to sabre Rousseau's chosen battalions. .This was the fight of Barossa. Short, for it lasted only one hour and a half ; violent and bloody, for fifty ofiicers, sixty sergeants, eleven hundred British soldiers, and more than two thousand French, were killed and wounded. Six guns, an eagle, two generals, both mortally wounded, together with four hundred other prisoners, fell into the hands of the victors." Little can be added to the vigorous picture of the fight at Barossa drawn by the master hand of Napier. It will suffice to state, that the French force was numerically double that of the English. The regiments of the enemy were the flower of the army, and had receivea honorary distinctions from the Emperor, in record of their previous services and gallantry. Graham's troops had not even the advantage VOL. I. 1 98 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1811 of experience in the field. The position of the English, too, was seri- ously disadvantageous. The enemy had been able to choose his own ground, and the ground had been also previously selected by Graham, for the command it afi"orded. Many officers who became eminent in after life for their intrepidity and professional skill, reaching high rank and distinguished command, behaved nobly on the heights of Barossa. Colonel Barnard, after- wards Sir Andrew, the leader of the Rifles, — Gough, the commanding officer of the 87th, who rose to be Lord Gough, and a mighty soldier in China and in India, — Wheatley, who died Sir Henry, Privy Purse to his Sovereign, — John Macdonald, who lived to be Adjutant-General of the British array, — all cropped honours from the enemy, to weave a garland for themselves. Parliament voted its thanks to General Graham, his officers, and troops, not forgetting the German cavalry and Portuguese infantry, who served under his orders. The 87th Regiment,' which captured the eagle of the French corps, was thenceforth called the Prince of "Wales's Royal First Fusileers. A medal was struck in honour of the battle ; and, not long afterwards, Graham, to whom it was presented, received the Military Order of the Bath, for services of which Barossa was by no means deemed the least. The Spaniards, who, by their leaders, made a point throughout the Peninsular War, of claiming every victory, and repudiating every de- feat, were so loud at Cadiz in extolling their own bravery, and detract- ing from Graham's merit, that the veteran rejected with contempt some empty honours voted to him by the Cortes, and, after resenting the conduct of General La Pena, resigned his command, and hastened to join Lord Wellington. In the opinion of Lord Wellington, Graham, to whom his lordship addressed a cordial and complimentary letter, peculiarly gratifying to the old man's feelings, had saved the allied army by his prompt and vigorous attack. Tlicre is no doubt that the siege of Cadiz could have been raised had the Spaniards co-operated zealously, yielding to the superior judgment of the British general. The vulgarly proud spirit of the degenerate descendants of Don Roderick was ever in the way of the consolidation of a success. The leaders were bad soldiers,' in all but absolute fighting, when " every man is 1 This regiment is called llic Favgh a BaJlaghs, or " Clear the Way." Tlic origin of the Celtic term is not Icnown. 2 " They march the troops night and day, without provisions or rest, and abusing anybody who proposes a moment's delay, to afford either to the famished and fatigued soldiers. They reach the enemy in such a state aa to bo unable to make any exertions, or to execute any 1811.] THE FRONTIER FORTRESSES. 99 brave." and gave immense trouble by their incapacity to command, and their disinclination to obey. Let us return to Lord Wellington's operations. The necessity under which the British chief found himself of leaving the fortresses upon the frontier of Spain and Portugal to their fate, while he concentrated his troops in the lines of Torres Vedras, and hemmed in Massena with the corps under Sir William Beresford and Sir Rowland Hill, had led to the capture of those fortresses by the French, and at the time when he issued from his fastness to follow the " enfant gate^'' no longer enjoying the unbroken prestige of victory, Almeida and Ciudad Rodrigo were in the pos- session of the enemy, and Badajoz soon followed. To recover these fortresses became now the object of the Commander of the Forces ; for, without them, Portugal would not be free from the risk of inva- sion, nor the expulsion of the French from Spain practicable. A brief glance at the geographical positions of the fortresses and the adjacent country, the course of the rivers, and the direction of the ridges, will the better assist to an understanding of what follows. Almeida is a very strong town standing upon the river Coa, an affluent on the left of the Douro, which comes down from the Sierra de Esta, and flows into Portugal. It is situated in advance of the Estrella. The spur which separates the Coa from the Agueda, en- closes the plateau of Fuentes d'Oiioro. Ciudad Rodrigo is another place of great strength — one of the defences of Spain against Portugal. It stands on the river Agueda, another issue from the Sierra de Esta, and closes the road from Madrid to Lisbon. The Agueda forms, during parts of its course, the frontier of Portugal. Both this river and the Coa form very precipitous banks, and flow in a very mountainous basin. They are advanced defences of Portugal, backed by the spurs of the Estrella. Badajoz is a formidable place, defended by nine bastions, two advanced works, and the castle of San Cristoval. It rises 400 feet above the river Guadiana (the ancient Aras), which rises to the north of the Sierra Alcaraz, among lagunes. After crossing a marshy country for about ten miles, the stream disappears among rushes and flags near Tornelloso, on the road from Madrid to Ubeda. About thirteen miles further on, at a place called the Eyes of the Guadiana, the water gushes from the earth in large boiling jets, and forms plan, even if any plan had been formed : and then, when the moment of action amves, they are totally incapable of movement, and they stand by to see their allies destroyed, and after- wards abuse them, because they do not continue, unsupported, exertions to which human nature is not equal."— Z,e»er of Lord Wellington to General Graham. 100 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTOK [1811. almost iniincdiately a magnificent canal, which is the Guadiana re- stored to the light. Traversing an almost desert countr}', it washes the walls of Calatrava, and passes on within two miles and a half of Ciudad Real. Beyond this part of its course, the river winds a great deal, by reason of the small chain of mountains that bar its progress, and laves Medellin, Merida (a place where many roads meet), and Badajoz. After this, the Guadiana turns at a right angle, forms the frontier between the two kingdoms of Spain and Portugal, as far as Mourao, washes Juramenta, a strong town belonging to Portugal, and leaves upon the left, Olivenqa, a Spanish post. At Mourao, the river flows entirely in Portugal. A glance at the map will show the relative positions of the three fortresses. Almeida is in lat. 40° 55' north, long. 7^ 10' west; Ciudad Rodrigo is nearly the same latitude, and about fifteen miles further east. Badajoz is in lat. 38^ 50' north, and long. 7° 20' west. It was the opinion of Wellington that all the fortresses might ATTACK ON MASSENA 8 EEAE. have been held if the Spanish garrisons had been true to them- Belves. The surrender of Badajoz was peculiarly unaccountable. The 1811.] PROCLAMATION TO THE PORTUGUESE. 101 garrison was not deficient in either ammunition or provisions ; it was 9000 strong, and the besieging army did not number more than 11.600 men, including 2000 cavalry. Nothing but treason could have caused its surrender. Continuing his pursuit of Massena, Lord Wellington had some affairs with his troops at Celorico, Sabugal, and on the Coa, driving them before him as on the previous days, with still increasing loss on the side of the enemy. At length, on the 4th of April, 1811, Massena entered the Spanish frontier, and on the 8th, '• the last of the French crossed the Agueda." On the 10th of April, in the full pride of success, or, to speak as Wellington habitually spoke — in the pleasant consciousness of having done his duty, and done it well — Lord Wellington issued a Proclamation to the Portuguese people : — PROCLAMATION. " lOth ^pril, 1811. " The Portuguese nation are informed that the cruel enemy who had invaded Portugal, and had devastated their country, have been obliged to evacuate it, after suffering great losses, and have retired across the Agueda. The inhabitants of the country are therefore at liberty to return to their occupations. " The Marshal-General refers them to the Proclamation which he addressed to them in August last, a copy of which will accompany this Proclamation. " The Portuguese nation now know by experience that the Marshal- General was not mistaken, either in the nature or the amount of the evil with which they were threatened, or respecting the only remedies to avoid it; viz., decided and determined resistance, or removal and the concealment of all property, and everything which could tend to the subsistence of the enemy, or to facilitate his progress. " Nearly four years have now elapsed since the tyrant of Europe invaded Portugal with a powerful army. The cause of this invasion was not self-defence — it was not to seek revenge for insults offered or injuries done by the benevolent Sovereign of this kingdom — it was not even the ambitious desire of augmenting his own political power, as the Portuguese Government had, without resistance, yielded to all demands of the tyrant ; but the object was the insatiable desire of plunder, the wish to disturb the tranquillity, and to enjoy the riches of a people who had passed nearly half a century in peace. " The same desire occasioned the invasion of the northern provinces 102 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1811. of Portugal in 1809, and the same want of plunder the invasion of 1810, now happily defeated ; and the Marshal-General appeals to the experience of those who have been witnesses of the conduct of the French army during these three invasions, whether confiscation, plunder, and outrage, are not the sole objects of their attention, from the General down to the soldier. " Those countries which have submitted to the tyranny have not been better treated than those which have resisted. The inhabitants have lost all their possessions, their families have been dishonoured, their laws overturned, their religion destroyed, and, above all, they have deprived themselves of the honour of that manly resistance to the oppressor of which the people of Portugal have given so signal and so successful an example. '• The Marshal-General, however, considers it his duty, in an- nouncing the intelligence of the result of the last invasion, to warn the people of Portugal, that, although the danger is removed, it is not entirely gone by. They have something to lose, and the tyrant will endeavour to plunder them ; they are happy under the mild govern- ment of a beneficent Sovereign, and he will endeavour to destroy their happiness ; they have successfully resisted him, and he will endeavour to force them to submit to his iron yoke. They should be unremitting in their preparations for decided and steady resistance : those capable of bearing arms should learn the use of them ; or those whose age or sex renders them unfit to bear arms should fix upon places of security and concealment, and should make all the arrangements for their easy removal to them when the moment of danger shall approach. Valuable property, which tempts the avarice of the tyrant and his followers, and is the great object of their invasion, should be carefully buried beforehand, each individual concealing his own, and thus not trusting to the weakness of others to keep a secret in which they may not be interested. " Measures should be taken to conceal or destroy provisions which cannot be removed, and everything which can tend to facilitate the enemy's progress : for this may be depended upon, that the enemy's troops seize upon everything, and leave nothing for the owner. By these measures, whatever may be the superiority of numbers with which the desire of plunder and of revenge may induce, and his power may enable, the tyrant again to invade this country, the result will be certain ; and the independence of Portugal, and the happiness of its inhabitants, will be finally established to their eternal honour." After the flight of the enemy into Spain, Lord Wellington cantoned his army along the river Dos Casas and on the sourcep 1811.] BATTLE OF FUENTES D'ONORO. 103 of the Azova, placing the Light Division at Gallegos and Espeja. His object was to blockade the fortress of Almeida, which was then well supplied with provisions for its garrison. The blockade was esta- blished ; but on the 2nd of May the whole of the army of Massena re-crossed the Agueda at Ciudad Rodrigo with the evident intention of raising the blockade of Almeida. In proportion as the enemy advanced, the British division fell back and were collected at the little hamlet of Fuentes d'Oiioro.' The French force had been ma- terially increased. Napoleon had sent Marshal Bessieres, with 8,000 infantry and 2,000 cavalry, to join Massena. They had thus 80,000 men wherewith to attack the allied army of 30,000 British and 20,000 Portuguese. On the 3rd of May, shortly after thay had formed on the ground on the right of the Bos Casas, the enemy attacked, with a considerable force, the village of Fuentes d'Onoro, which was gallantly defended by some Light Infantry battalions. The latter maintained their position with great valour, but as the enemy were bent upon attain- ing possession of a place which would be of so much advantage to them in their subsequent operations, the British Commander rein- forced the village with the 76th and 79th Highlanders. The contest continued during the night, the British remaining in possession of the ground. On the following day the French made a reconnoissance of the whole of the British position, and on the 5th of May appeared in great force to renew the struggle. Some changes in Lord Wellington's dispositions had thus been rendered necessary : the army was extended on some high ground from the Turones to the Dos Casas, covering the communication with the Coa, and preventing that of the enemy by the road between the Turones and that river, Fuentes d'Onoro, however, being still held by the Highland regiments. The French commenced their attack by a tremendous cannonade and several charges of cavalry upon the right of the British position. 1 Fuentes de JN'ora is, perhaps, the proper orthogrraphy of the place, but it saves confusion to adopt the commonly corrupted method of spelling. JVoria in Spanish, and JVora in Portuguese, signify the apparatus to raise water which is often seen in those countries (carried thither, doubtless, by the Moors), and which we call the " Persian wheel." Both words are nouns femi- nine in their respective languages, though the name of the village has found its way into our maps as Fuentes de Onora, which is the Portuguese noim feminine with an article masculine before it (0 JVora). This appears to have led to niunerous mistakes in the manner of writing and pro- nouncing the name, which, as the village is within the Spanish boundary, should be written Fuentes de JVoriu, vhe Fountains of the A''oria, or Persian wheel. This etymology and orthogra- phy were given, twenty-two years ago, by an accomplished traveller in Spain and Portugal, anlonel of the 4th, stung to the quick with sorrow and mortiflcatioa. commiltod suicide shorU) after the Almeida affair. 1811.] CHECKS TO IMPETUOSITY. 113 could only, in his opinion, result frona carelessness and ignorance. He allowed nothing to the superiority of the prowess or position of the English — they always, he pretended, gained a battle by an acci- dent! What Talleyrand predicted of somebody else. Napoleon practically affirmed of his unlucky Marshals — '■'•lis sont pires que les criminds — ils out commis cles erreurs ! " Witness his reproaches of Dorsenne for the fall of Ciudad Rodrigo — his acrimonious reprehension of Marmont for his manner of conducting the war in 1812 — his treatment of Suchet — his temporary withdrawal of all confidence from Soult after the fight at Albuera. All of these Generals solicited their recall on the ground of the unworthy censures lavished upon them while they did their best. A more accurate and impartial estimate of the vast military genius of Wellington, and the quality of his soldiers, would probably have made the French Emperor more tolerant of the disasters of his chosen lieutenants. After the battle of Fuentes d' Onoro, Lord Wellington, for a time, fixed his head-quarters at Villa Formosa. Massena, retreating with Ney, Junot, and Loison, who got tired of the war in Spain and Portugal, and of one another, proceeded towards the Pyrenees, en route to France, leaving Marshal Marmont, Duke de Ragusa, in command of the army of Portugal, on the river Tormes. It was the anxious desire of the British troops to follow the enemy ; and Lord Wellington found it necessay to check their impetuosity by interposing grave remonstrances. In a letter addressed to Major- General Alexander Campbell, we find him exercising that wonderful prudence which, if it sometimes made the irreflective and impotent imagine that golden oportunities had been suifered to slip, always proved, in the long run, the guarantee of future permament success. He did not doubt, he said, the readiness of the officers and soldiers to advance upon the enemy ; but he held it to be his duty to regulate that spirit, and not to expose the soldiers to contend with unequal numbers in situations disadvantageous to them. He would not allow them to follow up trifling advantages to situations in which they could not be supported, from which their retreat was not secure, and in which they incurred the risk of being prisoners to the enemy they had before beaten. He was most anxious to see the officers at the head of the troops possess a cool, discriminating judgment in actions, which would enable them to decide with promptitude how far they could and ought to go with propriety, and to convey their orders and act with such vigour and decision that the soldiers would look up to them with confidence in the moment of action, and obey them with alacrity. Lord Wellington further endeavoured to impress upon the VOL. I. 9 114 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON [1811 officers that the enemy to whom they were opposed was not less prudent than powerful. He rejected, upon the testimony of expe- rience, the idea that small bodies, unsupported, could be successfully opposed to large, and laughed at the stories current, of whole armies being driven by a handful of light infantry or dragoons. After the affair at Celorioo, in the pursuit of Massena, Lord Wellington found it necessary to instruct Marshal Beresford to call together the officers of the dragoons, and point out to them the folly and danger of following the enemy with " undisciplined ardofur." He compared the conduct of some cavalry regiments to that of a rabble galloping as fast as their horses could carry them, over a plain, after an enemy to whom they could do no mischief after they were broken, and the pursuit had continued to a limited distance ; and sacrificing substan- tial advantages, and all the objects of the operation, by their want of discipline. That no time might be lost in clearing the frontier of the French, Lord Wellington, while he operated upon Almeida, had entrusted to Marshal Sir William Beresford the reduction of the fortress of Badajoz. Marshal Beresford was an officer of considerable distinction, earned by bravery and professional ability. He had seen much, service in many parts of the globe : as a Subaltern at Nova Scotia ; as Captain at the sieges of Toulon and Bastia ; as Lieutenant-Colonel in India and in Egypt (under Sir David Baird), in Ireland, at the Cape of Good Hope, and in America. Finally, he had fought under Moore at Coruila, covering the embarkation of the troops with distinguished firmness and skill. His merit was not unperceived by Lord Wellington — always prompt to discern professional superiority. When the Grovernment had determined upon carrying out the plan for the defence of Portugal, suggested in the Memorandum of 9th March, 1809, Beresford was pointed out by Wellington as the officer most adapted to the serious duty of organizing and drilling the Portuguese army. Accordingly, after assisting in the operations in the north of Portugal, crossing the Douro considerably above Oporto, in sight of General Loison's division, forcing him back upon Amarante, and pursuing him in his retreat, Beresford entered upon the great task which had been assigned to him. To facilitate the execution of his purposes, the Portuguese Government dignified him with the title and rank of Field-Marshal, and appointed him General issimo, the British Government, through the Commander-in-Chief, naving previously brevetted him as Lieutenant-General. Marshal Beresford, carrying out the principle of selection adopted in his own 1811.] SIR WILLIAM BERESFORD. 115 case by Lord Wellington, made choice of many excellent oflScers to aid him in organizing and disciplining the Portuguese army. The names of Gough, Pack, Bradford, and Robert Arbuthnot attest the lustioe and prudence of his choice ; and the conduct of the Portuguese Ca^adores, at the battle of Busaco, demonstrates how rapidly the system of discipline prospered. Those young troops had never before been in front of the enemy. It was to this officer (Beresford) that the capture of Badajoz was entrusted ; and in order to prevent, if possible, the raising of the siege by the enemy, Lord Wellington had detached the 3rd and 7th divisions, and the 2nd Hussars, into the Alemtejo, and had further directed the Spanish troops, under General Blake, to approach the frontier of Estremadura. Sir William Beresford invested Badajoz on both sides of the Guadiana, on the 8th May, 1811, and, on the same night, broke ground on both sides. There is a strong outwork, or castle, called San Cristoval, on the right bank of the Guadiana, against which the besiegers were to direct their earliest operations. To prevent their occupying the ground whence the attack was to be directed, the garrison made a sortie, but were driven in with loss. On the 10th May, they made a second sortie, and were a second time driven in, the impetuosity of our troops carrying them to the very glacis of San Cristoval, and to a situation in which they were exposed to the fire of musketry and grape from the outwork, as well as from the body of the place. The British casualties were numerous. On the 1 1 th of May, Beresford opened his fire upon the fortress. While these operations were in progress, Marshal Soult was at Seville, and, from the works going on there, it was supposed that he intended occupying the place for a considerable time, the more espe- cially as he was using every exertion to assemble a large body of troops around him. Soult had far different views. The relief of Badajoz was his ulterior end. And, in fulfilment of this object, he moved away on the 1 0th May with 15,000 men, forming a junction, in his descent into Estremadura, with General Latour Maubourg, who was at the head of 5000 more. No further question now of Badajoz. To hurl back Soult became the leading object of Sir William Beresford. Instantly raising the Biege, he proceeded to Valverde with the infantry, leaving General the Hon. Lowry Cole to follow with the ordnance and stores, convoyed by 2000 Spanish troops. But as the occupation of Valverde left Badajoz open to the enemy, Beresford changed his position to Albuera, south of Badajoz, and was there joined by the corps of 116 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1811 General Blake, the troops under Cole, and the Spanish Brigade under Don Carlos de Espana, on the 15th of May. On the afternoon of the same day Soult's army appeared in front The British force was immediately placed in position. On the morning of the 16th of May, Soult commenced his movement for breaking through the obstacle thus suddenly interposed to his expe- dition. He advanced upon the right of the English with the full design of cutting them off from Valverde. He gained the heights occupied by the Spanish troops. Major-General the Hon. W. Stewart rushed with his division to retake and maintain those heights. Failing to shake the columns of the enemy with fire, the division employed the bayonet. A body of Polish Lancers attacked the division in the rear, broke it, and inflicted great slaughter. The 31st Foot alone remained unshaken. The third brigade, under General Houghton, now came to the rescue, and Houghton fell, pierced by wounds. Soult persevered ; his artillery committing great havoc in the British ranks ; the French infantry showered mitrailles in mur- derous succession ; the cavalry was held in check by General Lumley's allied dragoons. The battle was for some time doubtful ; but Cole perceiving the danger to which Stewart's division was exposed, dashed up the heights with the Fusilier Brigade. Still the cannon spat forth their deadly opposition, and Soult deemed victory in his grasp. Concentrating its terrific energies, bearing itself as only British infantry ever can and ever did in the midst of the pitiless iron storm, the brigade came to the charge, and in spite of the terrible obstructions of the ground, and the determined attitude of the enemy, bore onward with the force of a hurricane. Staggering beneath the irresistible shock, the French now give way, they waver — they break — they fly. The Fusiliers press onwards — the British huzza mingling with the discordant cries of the scattered foe. Hundreds still fight with fierce desperation, but fall at length beneath the terrific pressure. The heights are cleared — the enemy are in confusion — and Soult, discomfited and crest-fallen, abandons his attempt, and recrosses the Agueda. A sanguinary battle was the battle of Albuera. Fifteen thousand men fell in four hours. Of these, eight thousand were Frenchmen, and seven thousand English.' The loss of the Spanish and Portu- 1 " About six o'clock, a. m^ we came in sight of our troops on the field of battle, at Albuera ; the French were discerned near a wood about a rnilo and a half in their front. We now advanced in subdivisions, at double distance, to make our numbers as fonnidable as pos.sible, and, arriving on the field, jjiled our arms, and were permitted to move about. With awful astonishment we gazod on the terrific sccuo before us; a total suspension took place of 1811.] BATTLE OF ALBUERA. 11 V guese was light, though it is admitted on all hands that they fought with surprising valour when called upon to do so. Marshal Beresford was no niggard of his praises, for every one had done his duty. He had reason to be especially pleased with the 7th and 23rd Fusiliers, the 31st and the 57th regiments, the latter of which obtained the soubriquet of the " Die-hards," for as the fire of the enemy thinned their numbers, and utter annihilation seemed inevi- table, the colonel called out to them " 57th, let us die hard !" Only eighteen hundred British soldiers of the nine thousand that went into battle survived the encounter on Albuera's heights. Amongst the officers who fell, none were more missed and lamented than Sir William Myers, and Lieutenant-Colonel Duckworth. The 7th Fusiliers, whom Myers commanded, to this moment preserve a memento of his worth and gallantry. Beresford bore willing testi- mony to the good conduct of the allies, naming especially Generals Ballasteros, Lagos, and Don Carlos de Espaiia, and he did not fail to speak well of Brigadier-General d'Urban and Lieutenant-Colonel Hardinge, Deputy Quarter-Master-General to the Portuguese troops. To the advice of the latter at a critical moment the salvation of the battle may have been said to have been owing, for it was Hardinge who urged General Cole to advance with the fourth division, while Beresford, agitated by the peril of Stewart's division, was on the point of retiriner his forces from the field.' that noisy gaiety so characteristic of Irish soldiers ; the most obdurate or risible countenances sunli at once into a pensive sadness, and for some time speech was supplanted by an exchange of sorrowful looks and significant nods. Before us lay the appalling sight of 6000 men dead, and mostly stark naked, having, as we were informed, been stripped during the night by the Spaniards ; their bodies disfigured with dirt and clotted blood, and torn by the deadly gashes inflicted by the bullet, bayonet, sword, or lance, that had terminated their mortal existence. Those who had been kiUed outright appeared merely in the pallid sleep of death, while others, whose wounds had been less suddenly fatal, from the agonies of their last struggle, exhibited a fearful distortion of features. Near our arms was a small streamlet, almost choked with bodies of the dcjfd, and, from the deep traces of blood in its miry margin, it was evident that many of them had crawled thither to allay their last thirst. The waters of this oozing stream were so deeply tinged, that it seemed actually to run blood. A few perches distant was a draw-well, about which were collected several hundreds of those severely woimded, who had crept or been carried thither. They were sitting or lying in the puddle, and each time the bucket reached the surface with its scanty supply, there was a clamorous and heartrending confusion ; the cries for water resounding in at least ten languages, while a kindness of feeling was visible in the manner this beverage was passed to each other." — Reminiscences of a Subaltern. i Lieutenant-Colonel Hardinge's judgment in this instance paved the way to his subsequent advancement. In after years he was employed with the Prussian army in the contest with Napoleon, and, long after the war, became successively Secretary at War, Governor General of India, and Master General of the Ordnance. In India he greatly distinguished himself by aldmg Lord Gough to drive the invading Sikhs across the Sutlej, and take from them a portion of their territory. This earned him the Peerage. The death of the Duke of Wellington led to his being appointed Commander-in-Chief of the British army. 118 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1811 Marshal Beresford has been censured by some writers, first for laying siege to Badajoz with inadequate means ; secondly, for not keeping himself accuratel}' informed of the movements of Soult ; and thirdly, for receiving battle at Albuera.' It is not worth while inter- rupting the course of this narrative to enter upon a theme foreign to the subject in hand, and which has been productive of endless con- troversy : it is sufficient to state that the conduct of the Marshal and his troops had the approbation of Lord Wellington. He regarded the action aa one of the most glorious and honorable to the character of the troops of any that had been fought during the war; he lauded the Jtbility, firmness, and gallantry of Sir William Beresford, and he wuh of opinion that Sir William Beresford would have gained a c^implete victory, without very material loss, if the Spaniards could have manoeuvred. The incapacity of the Spanish troops to manoeuvre in front of an enemy wna a Subject of great annoyance to Lord Wellington. They did not refuse to stand firmly as targets to the enemy, but could never be trusted to move. At Talavera and Barrossa, as well as at Albuera, this defect in their discipline occasioned a heavy sacrifice of life, for their immobility forced English soldiers to perform the duty which otherwise would have devolved upon the Allies. The Portuguese levies were not obnoxious to the same reproach. " We do what we please with the Portuguese troops," writes Lord Wellington to Mr. Henry Wellesley, the Minister at Madrid. " We manoeuvre them under fire equally with our own, and have some dependence on them ; but these Spaniards can do nothing but stand still, and we consider ourselves fortunate if they do not run away." Marshal Beresford resumed the siege'*bf Badajoz on the 19th of May. In the meanwhile. Lord Wellington, to be nearer the scene of operations, had removed his head quarters to Elvas. Here his attention was much engaged by the condition of the Spanish and Portuguese governments, and more especially the latter. They were in a state of decrepitude. Malversations in office, neglect of duty, habitual disobedience of orders, inattention to regulations, base intrigues and jobs for personal ends, vanities, jealousies, made up the sum of the operations of the Juntas. All complaints and remon- strances were vain ; the authorities were inaccessible alike to reason 1 A private soldier, doscribing the battle of Albucro, says : " The complaints of the men were loiid and general, and always ended with some expression of deep regret for the absence of him we loolied up to with unlimited confldenco, whoso presence gave us additional courage, and under whom we deemed oursclvea invincible and certain of success— need I add, that person was Wellinoton?" 1811.] SIEGE OF BADAJOZ RAISED. 119 and to virtue. In addition to embarrassments of all descriptions surrounding him on every side, Lord "Wellington had to contend with an ancient enmity between the two nations, which he described as more like cat and dog than anything else. Of this hereditary feud no sense of common danger, or common interest, or anything, could get the better even in individuals. Nothing but the firmness of his heart, and his undeviating sense of the claims of duty, could have sustained Wellington when so perplexed. A practical proof of the utter helplessness of the Portuguese departments attached to the army was now to be supplied with humiliating results. Two attacks upon breaches in San Cristoval having failed. Lord Wellington undertook the seige of Badajoz in person, under the persausion that the means at his command at Elvas would have enabled him to reduce the place before the 15th of June. He had been reinforced by battalions from the frontiers of Castillo, and believed in the efficacy of the ordnance, and abun- dance of supplies in Elvas. The guns, however, were found to be of a. calibre larger than the shot ; the carriages were so decayed that time was continually lost in putting them into order after a succession of discharges, and the eflfect of these combined obstacles to a direct and effectual fire was to render the siege operations perfectly futile even at the small distance of from 400 to 600 yards. To add to this great source of vexation the magazines of Elvas were drained to support the Portuguese brigades, for the government either could not or would not send forward provisions ; and by the 10th of June, there was not a supply for the garrison calculated to last more than a fortnight. This destitution of the very sinews of war would have furnished a sufficient reason for raising the siege of Badajoz ; but a new cause of disquiet now arose. By an intercepted despatch, it was ascertained that Marshals Soult and Marmont were collecting their forces in Estremadura for a movement in a southerly direction. An altered position therefore became necessary ; and the British army retired from Badajoz. Lord Wellington, in reporting that he had raised the siege, made honourable mention of the principal officers who had assisted him in the execution of his plans. Major- Generals Picton, Houstone, and Hamilton ; Lieutenant-Colonel Fletcher, of the engineers ; Lieutenant-Colonel Framlingham, and Major Dickson, of the artillery, were particularly noticed. Of Dickson (afterwards Sir Alexander) the commanding officer of the forces spoke in the highest terms. His activity, zeal, and intelli- gence, had conferred great advantage in the different operations against Badajoz. 120 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1811 The ensuing three months, namely, from the middle of June to the middle of September, passed away -without the occurrence of any remarkable events. The next great object contemplated by Lord Wellington was the siege of Ciudad Rodrigo ; and to this end rein- forcements, recruiting, the drilling the Allies, and the accumulation of stores of the ordinary appliances of war, were indispensable. While the Spanish and Portuguese governments continued their usual practices, ample occupation was provided for the pen of the British general in the remonstrances and complaints which their obstinacy suggested ; and if the correspondence answered no other purpose, it at least served as a good safety-valve for the indignation of Wellington's honest heart. Dumourier, who had distinguished himself in the early campaigns of the French republic, was honoured with the confidence and communications of Lord Wellington, and to that good soldier the complaints of the British general were unre- servedly expressed. In a letter dispatched from Quinta de St. Joao. be writes — " Quoique les allies soient chez eux, et que tout le monde (en Portugal sans exception quelconque, et presque sans exception en Espagne) soit ennemi des Franqais, les allies ont rarement eu plus que la moitie de la force de I'ennemi, et jamais, meme a. present, plus que les deux tiers. A ce desavantage il faut ajouter que nous sommes allies ; que nous n'avons pas de tete, qu'il n'y a ni generaux, ni officiers d'etat major, ni troupes disciplinees, et point de cavalerie, parmi les Espagnols ; que ces deux gouvernemens ont commence la guerre sans magasins ou ressource militaire d'aucune espece, et sans argent ou ressource de finance ; et que ceux qui ont ete a la tete des affaires sont des individusaussi faibles que les ressources a leur dis- position sont pauvres ; et vous serez etonue que nous puissions con- tinuer la lutte. meme avec esperance de succes definitif." But a little farther on after this painful detail of disheartening obstacles to success, the unconquerable spirit of the man discloses itself The fine hopefulness of his nature revives as he contemplates the " disgusting tyranny " of Napoleon, and remembers what Europe owes to herself : — "II faut de la patience — de la grande patience ; mais j'attends tout du temps, que donncra I'expericnce, des generaux et des armees, a mes amis les Espagnols : et il n'est pas possible que I'Europe puisse se soumettre bien plus long temps A la tyrannie degoutanto dont elle est opprimee." Amongst the subjects connected with the discipline of the army which at this, and indeed at too many other times, engaged the serious 1811.] DRUNKEN HABITS OF SOLDIERS. 121 attention of Lord Wellington, was the " accursed thirst" of the British soldier. Every opportunity was taken by the men of procuring wine and spirits. They often robbed the peasantry and innkeepers ; and knowing that considerable quantities were concealed in convents, cottages, and even in caves, they would wander far from cantonments and run the risk of being taken prisoners in their avid search for the coveted beverages. Repeated orders failed to check the marauding spirit, and punishment was at length resorted to.' • It requires a very Argus to prevent English soldiers from being incapacitated from their duty by intemperance, which is the very bane of the British service. It will scarcely be believed that, 80 systematic and deliberate were the men in procuring spirits or wine during the Peninsular war, that a soldier kept an itinerary of the different shops where these were sold, between Lisbon and the army, for the benefit of one of his comrades who was to come after him. This curious docu- ment came by some accident into the hands of the military authorities at Lisbon, and was considered so unique, as to be forwarded for Lord Wellington's inspection. Its details were similar to those of our road-books. "Two leagues from Lisbon, on R. at the Casa de Pasto . good vino. Half a league beyond, on the L strong akedent (aqua ardiente.) At Rio Mayor, at the end of the town, on the L. a small house. right strong vino. At Lerida, a shop going up to the Bishop's palace, on the R. good akedent Two leagues beyond Pombal, on L horrid rot-gut stuff Half-a-league further, white house (without a bush) . right good stuff. On entering Coimbra [which, by-the-by, our soldiers pronounced Quimborough], on the R. . . . good cheap vino." And this precious morceau, so justly to be denominated a toper-graphical account of the route, was thus continued to head-quarters. 122 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1811. CHAPTER VIII. Position at Guinaldo— Affair of El Bodon— Siege of Ciudad Rodr^go— Surprise of the French at Arroyo del Molinos— Character of Sir R. Hill— Advice to Lord W. Bentinck— Winter C!09- tumes— Defence of Tarifa. ■^/ip^ssr^i >^ OULT and Marmont after pouring supplies into Badajoz, and adding men and materiel to prepare it for future attacks, separated, the Duke of Dalmatia falling back upon Seville, and the Duke of Ragusa taking a northerly course. Lord Wellington now deemed it advisable to take up a new position. Getting rid of the Spanish general, Blake, whom he advised to proceed to the south and endeavour to obtain possession of Seville (for his presence was only u clog and an embarrassment to the British general) he changed his head quarters to Fuente Guinaldo, a height which commanded an extensive view of the country in front, across which it might be expected the French would come. Leaving General Hill on the Alemtejo to observe General Girard, Lord Wellington occupied the line of the river Coa with the allied troops, because it enabled him at any time to blockade Ciudad Rodrigo, on the possession of which fortress his expectations now rested. To attack Ciudad Rodrigo at that moment would have been madness. Things had gone wrong in the eastern part of Spain, where Marshal Suchet had successfully attacked and captured Tarragona. And they had not prospered in the south, for the Duke of Dalmatia was too much for Blake, who was driven to Cadiz ; while in the north. Count Dorsenno 1811.] CIUDAD RODRIGO BLOCKADED. 123 had operated so successfully against the Spanish forces, that Abadea who commanded them, had been obliged to fly to the passes of Villa Franca. Lord Wellington, therefore, held to the Fabian policy of delay, strictly blockading the fortress he could not take. Meanwhile, the French generals continued to receive strong rein- forcements, and before Wellington had been a month at Guinaldo not fewer than 50,000 fresh troops had assembled in Spain. Of this number, 8,000 were cavalry, an important arm of the French service in which they were always strong, and the British porportionately weak. These were considerable odds against Lord Wellington, but his position was so good that the French were placed on the horns of a dilemma ; their power was for the moment neutralised. '■ If," said his lordship, writing to Lord Liverpool, " we cannot maintain this blockade [of Ciudad Rodrigo], the enemy must bring 50,000 men to oblige us to raise it, and they can undertake nothing else this year, for they must still continue to watch this place, and we shall so far save the cause. In the mean time if they offer me a favorable opportunity of bringing any of them to action I shall do it." The tenure of Ciudad Rodrigo was of vital consequence to the French cause. The provisions of the garrison were rapidly wasting ; Burrender was inevitable if supplies were not immediately thrown in. A desperate effort to effect this object was accordingly resolved upon, through the junction of the forces of Marmont, Souham, and Dorsenne, and in furtherance of the object large convoys were collected at Pla- centia and Salamanca. To convey a clear idea of the operations which followed, we must go more into detail than usual. About fifty miles to the north of Ciudad Rodrigo is the river Douro. flowing east and west, that is to say, across the country. From the south bank of this river issues the river Agueda, which runs southerly towards Ciudad Rodrigo. About twenty miles from its mouth in the Douro, *he main stream of the Agueda divides itself into two branches, an easterly one towards Portugal, and a westerly one in Spain. The eastern branch is the river Azava ; the westerly branch is the continuation of the Agueda. The plain, therefore, in which Ciudad Rodrigo is situated, is intersected by these two rivers. The Agueda runs down to the town, which is situated upon it, and the Azava flows parallel to it, and about eight miles distant, on the Portuguese frontier. Lord Wellington took up his position in part between these two rivers, and partly on a ridge of hills on the Portuguese side of the Azava, and about seven miles from Ciudad Rodrigo, so as to have the latter river in his front; and in this 124 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1811. position he awaited the attack of the enemy. On the 24th of September they encamped for the evening on the heights above Ciudad Rodrigo. On the 25th the enemy moved forwards. General Montbrun, at the head of fourteen squadrons, amongst which were the Lanciers de Berg, moved briskly to the Azava, and having passed that river, began the battle, by attacking our army posted on the ridge. General Montbrun's division of cavalry consisted of two parts ; the one under himself, and the other under General Wattier. General Wattier took the charge of the attack of the ridge, whilst Montbrun, going off to the left, took the road to Fuente Guinaldo^ where was the English right. It was seen, at the same time, that the greatest part of the enemy's infantry were taking the same direction. Lord Wellington, therefore, having thus discovered the object of their principal attack, immediately hastened reinforcements to his divisions in that quarter, and himself rode from one position to the other, to encourage them to do their duty, to receive the enemy in squares, and to fall back when necessary without disorder. In the mean time General Wattier had commenced the feint attack on the English left. Immediately, however, upon his crossing the Azava, he was charged by two squadrons of the 16th and 14th Light Dragoons, and, for the moment, was compelled to give way. General Wattier now put himself at the head of his men, and rallied them with much spirit. They made a second charge upon the English cavalry, but, as they were advancing, were unexpectedly saluted by a brisk discharge of musketry from a wood on their left flank. Thip well-timed fire was from the 61st regiment, which, with the most laudable promptitude, had been secretly sent, and posted there, during the first attack. The effect was to the full what had been anticipated. The impetuosity of the enemy's charge, and the con- nection of their ranks, were broken ; and Major-Gcneral Anson falling upon them at the same time, converted their confusion into a rout. They hastily recrossed the Azava, a^jd were pursued for some distance by the English. Whilst this was going on, upon the English left, Montbrun, with the greater part of the French cavalry, and with the French infantry following up immediately behind him, advanced to attack the extreme part of the English right. The position of this right was on a ridge of heights, in front of Fuente Guinaldo, and crossing the road to that town. As Lord Wellington could not foresee the point of their attack, before they put themselves in march, this was the weakest part of the English line. The object of Montbrun was to force the line, and thus, by turning it, and getting into its rear, to shut in the English position between himself 1811.] Ajfi'Arn, K.H! Jiii uoucra, 125 and the Azava. Montbrun succeeded so far as to reach the positioi: before the reinforcements sent up by Lord Wellington. The small body of English troops, however, sustained the onset with most distinguished bravery. One regiment of French Dragoons succeeded in taking two pieces of cannon, which had been posted on a rising ground, on the right of the English ; but they were charged by the second battalion of the 5th Regiment, under the command of Major Ridge and the guns were immediately retaken. The 77th Regiment, and three squadrons of Major-General Alton's brigade, also distinguished themselves eminently. The enemy attacked the position in three columns; the 5th Regiment, as observed, repulsed their left column ; the 77th their centre column, and the three squadrons of Major-General Alten their right column. In the mean time, the great body of the enemy's infantry came up, and Lord Wellington, seeing their superiority, and that the continuance of the contest in that quarter would lead to a general action, ordered their retreat on Fuente Guinaldo. This was accordingly done in the best possible order. The troops were formed into several squares, and marched in this shape. The French cavalry in vain rushed upon them. The squares halted, and repelled them with the most distinguished steadiness. One of the squares in particular, composed of the 5th and 77th Regiments, was charged on three sides at once ; it halted on the instant, and assuming a determined attitude, received the enemy with the most heroic firmness. Not a man moved from the ranks, except when his corpse filled up the space previously occupied by his living body. Effecting their retreat, the whole of the English line entered its temporary entrenchments at Fuente Guinaldo in the course of the same evening, and of the following morning. The French followed this movement so far as to present themselves in front of Fuente Guinaldo on the morning of the 24th ; Lord Wellington declined a battle ; for the several reasons already men- tioned, shortly withdrew again behind the Agueda ; and, a few days afterwards, both Marmont and Lord Wellington resumed not only their former positions, but almost their former relations and views. Marmont posted himself at Placentia, and Lord Wellington took up the same line around Ciudad Rodrigo as before. It was generally the practice of Lord Wellington, after an engage- ment, to publish a general order, announcing, in the briefest terms, his approbation of the conduct of the troops, and his admiration of the manner in which they did " their duty." The details of the affairs he reserved for his despatches. The army sometimes complained of the exceeding brevity of his encomiums, and attributed to a coldness 126 LIFE bV THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1811. and indifference what was simply the result of an anxiety not to diminish the value of praise by too much prodigality of expression on ordinary occasions. In reference to the operation above detailed, Lord Wellington departed from his ordinary conciseness, and pub- lished the following gratifying order. "RicHoso, Sind Oct., 1811. " The Commander of the Forces is desirous of drawing the attention of the army to the conduct of the 2nd Battalion, 5th and 77th Regiments, and the 21st Portuguese regiment, and Major Arents- childt's Portuguese artillery, under the command of the Hon. Major General Colville, and of the II th Light Dragoons, and 1st Hussars, under Major-General V. Alton, in the affair with the enemy on the 16th ult. These troops were attacked by between thirty and forty sr^uadrons of cavalry, with six pieces of cannon, supported by a division consisting of fourteen battalions of infantry with cannon. " The Portuguese artillerymen were cut down at their guns before they quitted them, but the 2nd Battalion, 5th Regiment, attacked the cavalry which had taken the guns, and retook them. At the same time the 77th Regiment were attacked in front by another body of cavalry, upon which body they advanced, and repulsed them. " While these actions were performed, Major-General V. Alton's brigade, of which there were only three squadrons on the ground, were engaged on the left, with numbers infinitely superior to them- selves. These squadrons charged repeatedly, supporting each other, and took about twenty prisoners ; and notwithstanding the immense superiority of the enemy, the post would have been maintained, if the Commander of the Forces had not ordered the troops to withdraw from it, seeing that the action would become still more unequal, as the enemy's infantry were likely to be engaged in it, before the rein- forcement ordered to the support of the post could arrive. " The troops then retired with the same determined spirit, and in the same good order, with which they had maintained their posts, the 2nd battalion, 5th Regiment, and 77th in one square, and the 21st Portuguese regiment in another, supported by Major-General V. Alton's cavalry, and the Portuguese artillery. The enemy's cavalry charged three faces of the square of the British infantry, but were beaten off ; and finding from their repeated fruitless efforts, that these brave troops were not to be broken, they were con- tented with following them at a distance, and with firing upon them with their artillery, till the troops joined the remainder of the 3rd 1811.] ORDER ON EL BODON. 127 division, and were afterwards supported by a brigade of the 4tb division. Although the 21st Portuguese regiment were not actually charged by the cavalry, their steadiness and determination were con- spicuous ; and the Commander of the Forces observed with pleasure the order and regularity with which they made all their movements, and the confidence they showed in their officers, " The Commander of the Forces has been particular in stating the details of this action, in the general orders, as in his opinion it affords a memorable example of what can be effected by steadiness, discipline, and confidence. It is impossible that any troops can, at any time, be exposed to the attack of numbers relatively greater than those which attacked the troops under Major-General Colville, and Major-General V. Alten, on the 25th of Sept. ; and the Commander of the Forces recommends the conduct of those troops to the par- ticular attention of the officers and soldiers of the army, as an exam- ple to be followed in all such circumstances. " The Commander of the Forces considers Major-General V. Alten, and Major-General Colville, and the commanding officers of the regiments under their command respectively, viz., Lieutenant-Colonel Cummings, Lieutenant-Colonel Arentschildt, Lieutenant-Colonel Broomhead, Major Ridge, and Colonel Bacellar of the 21st Portu- guese regiment, and the officers and soldiers under their command, to be entitled to his particular thanks ; and he assures them that he has not failed to report his sense of their conduct, in the action of the 25th of Sept., to those by whom he trusts that it will be duly appreciated and recollected." Following the incidents of Lord Wellington's career in their chronological order, we may here mention that on the 26th of October, 1811, one month following the events at El Bodon, and Aldea de Ponte, he received a license, in the name of King George III., from the Prince Regent, to accept the title of Conde de Vimiero, and the insignia of Knight Grand Cross of the Tower and Sword from the Prince Regent of Portugal. We must now advert to the proceedings of Lieutenant-General Rowland Hill, who was commanding a corps of observation at Porta- legre, watching the movements of General Gerard. Gerard had crossed the Guadiana, pressing upon the Spanish General Morillo, who had advanced towards Caceres, in Spanish Estremadura, for the double purpose of procuring supplies and recruits. Hill was now instructed by Lord Wellington to move against Gerard and drive him behind the Guadiana. Quitting his cantonments at Portalegre on the 22nd of October, 128 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1811 Hill accordingly advanced towards the frontier. For five days hia march lay through a difficult country, rendered more impracticable by continued heavy falls of rain. On the morning of the 27th, the troops reached Alcuesca, three miles from Arroyo del Molinos, where the French were posted. Arroyo del Molinos is a little town situated at the foot of ono extremity of the Sierra de Montanches ; this mountain, which is everywhere steep, and appears almost inaccessible, forms a cone or crescent behind it, the two points of which are about two miles asunder. The Truxillo road winds under the eastern point. The road to Merida runs at right angles with that to Alcuesca, and that to Medellin between the Truxillo and Merida roads. The ground between Alcuesca and Arroyo del Molinos is a plain, thinly scattered with cork trees and evergreen oaks. Fully resolved to attack the enemy on the following morning, all the troops, save the 71st, were placed in bivouac in rear of the village, and completely out of the enemy's view. No fires were per- mitted, and the 71st Hegiment, which occupied the town of Alcuesca, placed piquets all around the village, to intercept any spy or dis- afiectcd person that might attempt to carry to Gerard any intelli- gence of Hill's movements. About six in the evening the rain again descended in perfect torrents, and continued with unabated violence throughout the whole of the ensuing night. On being desired to make themselves as comfortable as they could, without tne aid of fires, the troops without a murmur consigned themselves to rest, and bore their allotted portion of misery like men and soldiers. At two o'clock in the morning of the 28th, the sergeants went round their respective companies and in a whisper bade their men prepare for action ; the utmost silence being absolutely necessary to ensure the success which the general anticipated. A few minutes were sufficient to put the column in motion, and a few more to show it the enemy's fires, at the appearance of which our poor fellows were quite overjoyed, being to them a sure indication that the birds had not flown. Although the distance between the belligerents was little more than three miles, yet from the broken state of the road, the darkness of the morning, and the inclemency of the weather, the British were fully four hours in traversing that space. The whole moved in one column, right in front, until they arrived within half a mile of Arroyc del Molinos, when the various battalions closed up, and under cover of a little eminence, were formed into three columns of attack ; the left consisting of three infantry regiments, and three field-pieces, com- manded by Lieutenant-Colonel Stewart; the right of three English 1811.] SURPRISE AT ARROYO DEL MOLINOS. 129 and two Portuguese regiments, two field-pieces, and a howitzer, led by Major-General Howard ; and the centre of two regiments of English dragoons, one of German hussars, and another of Spanish cavalry, all commanded by Sir William Erskine. The left column moved upon the village, the right column crossed the plains to the right of the town in order to cut off the enemy's retreat by any of the roads lead- ing from Arroyo del Molinos to Truxillo, Medellin, or Merida ; the centre moved between the other two, and was kept in readiness to act wherever its services might be required. The 71st and 92nd Regiments, belonging to the left column, entered the village at a quick pace, and, at the point of the bayonet, soon cleared it of the enemy, who were quite unprepared for such an unceremonious visit. One brigade of the French infantry had moved from Arroyos to Medellin before the arrival of General Hill's force, and the others were filing out of the village for a similar purpose, when the British huzza fell on their ears, and arrested their progress. Finding it totally impossible to escape without giving battle, Gerard faced to the right-about, and made the best disposition in his power for a determined resistance. The infantry he formed into two squares on the roads leading to Merida and Medellin. The 71st, immediately on reaching the eastern extremity of the principal street, moved to their left, lined some of the village garden walls, and saluted them with volleys of musketry. The 92nd Highlanders, following closely upon the heels of their companions, filed to the right, formed line, and prepared to charge, but were not permitted to fire a single shot, although the enemy vigorously assailed them. This was extremely galling to the soldiers, who saw their officers and comrades falling wounded around them; but, knowing that the success of an enterprise frequently depends on the manner in which orders of this description are attended to, the Highlanders, with praiseworthy forbearance, resisted every temptation to commit a breach of their orders, and, with a patience not very peculiar to their countrymen, waited the arrival of the decisive moment. The three field-pieces attached to the left column were now brought forward, and fired with terrible effect on the enemy's masses, carrying death into their thickest ranks. At this moment the 92nd were ordered to charge. The bayonets were levelled — the rush had received its momentum, when the French suddenly wheeled to the right about, and retreated to a steep hill in their rear. Pending these operations against the enemy's right, General Howard manoeuvred round their left, and after cutting off their retreat upon Merida and Medellin, endeavoured to interpose his whole force between the enemy and the VOL. I. 9 130 LITE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [ISll. mountains in their rear. Nor were the cavalry idle. On perceiving it to be General Gerard's intention to gain the rock with his mixed force, Sir "W. Erskine advanced, cut oflF the French cavalry from their infantry, charged them repeatedly, routed them, and captured all their artillery. These movements drove Gerard to the alternative of unconditional surrender, or a hazardous flight across the mountains. He adopted the latter ; retiring upon the most inaccessible point of the hill, and then facing about to fire upon the British columns from behind the rocks with which it was covered. Howard ascended the hill with the 28th and 34th, sending the 39th and Colonel Ashworth's Portuguese round the eastern corner, to charge the fugitives in flank. These movements satisfied Gerard of the impossibility of continuing the conflict except at an awful sacrifice of human life. A rapid re- treat was attempted — arms and ammunition were cast away — and fol- lowed by the left column, under Stewart, the French, disordered, pre- cipitately fled. But the greater number, seeing that escape was impossible, halted, and hoisted a white flag on the point of a sword, in token of submission. The remainder continued their retrograde movement across the mountains ; and the British troops being much in want of repose. General Hill gave over the pursuit of the fugitives to General Morillo, who followed them twenty miles, killing many, and making a number of prisoners. The loss of the British in this well-conducted afi"air was trifling, compared with that of the enemy. The latter lost several ofi&cers of high rank, and from thirteen to fourteen hundred non-commissioned officers and privates. Lord Wellington was particularly well pleased with the conduct of General Hill, in carrying into execution the operations entrusted to his charge, — so much so, indeed, that he stated to Lord Liverpool that it would be " particularly agreeable " to him if some mark of the favour of H. R. H. the Prince Regent were conferred upon him. His services had always been meritorious and very distinguished, and, added Lord Wellington emphatically, he " is beloved by the whole army." And so he was. And the foundation of the aff"ection borne him was his great personal worth and his heroic spirit. His popularity increased and strengthened the moment he was beheld. It is written of Hill that he was the " very picture of a country gentlemen " (the portraits extant prove this). •' To those soldiers who came from the rural districts of Old England he represented home ; his fresh com- plexion, placid face, kind eyes, kind voice, the total absence of all parade or noise in his habits, delighted them. The displeasure of 1811.] SIR ROWLAND HILL. 131 General Hill was worse to them than the loudest anger of other generals ; and when they saw anxiety in his face that all should be right, they doubly wished it themselves ; and when they saw his countenance bright, with the expression that all was right, why, they were glad for him as well as for themselves." GENERAL HILL. Hill had sought no royal road to preferment. He had gone through all the regimental grades in the field. He distinguished him- self when a captain at the siege of Toulon, and nearly lost his life. In Egypt, with Abercrombie, he was wounded. He exerted himself greatly with Moore on the retreat to Coruna, and went to the Peninsula with Wellington in 1809. It is hardly necessary to add, that the recommendations that Hill should receive some mark of royal favour received all proper attention. In winter quarters at Freneda, Lord Wellington continued to advise 132 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTOK [1811, all the authorities in different parts of Spain, Portugal, and elsewhere, upon the subject of the establishment of a strong government, and the creation of an efficient army. He was strongly impressed with a horror of Bonaparte's tyranny, which he never hesitated to denounce as fraudulent and disgusting. To Lord William Bentinck, who had been entrusted with the command of an army in Sicily, where he also held the post of British Minister, he addressed himself energetically. A number of passages occur in his communications, illustrative of the deep interest he took in the questions which then agitated ten million hearts, and of the rare wisdom with which he was endowed. He laid it down as an axiom that those who had drawn the sword for the purpose of destroying Napoleon's projects, ought not to return it to the scab- bard until they had completely accomplished their object. " They must be prepared and must be forced to make all sacrifices to the cause. Submission to military discipline and order is a matter of course ; but when a nation determines to resist the authority, and to shake off the government of Bonaparte, they must be prepared and forced to sacri- fice the luxuries and comforts of life, and to risk all in a contest which, it should be clearly understood before it is undertaken, has for its object, to save all or nothing." The words of wisdom which follow should be engraven on the minds of all rulers : — '• The first measure of a country to adopt, is to form an army, and to raise a revenue from the people to defray the expense of the army. Above all, to form a government of such strength, as that army and people can be forced by it to perform their duty. This is the rock upon which Spain has split ; and all our measures in any other country which should afford hopes of resistance to Bonaparte should be directed to avoid it. The enthusiasm of the people is very fine, and looks well in print ; but I have never known it produce any- thing but confusion. In France, what was called enthusiasm was power and tyranny acting through the medium of popular societies, which have ended by overturning Europe, and in establishing the most powerful and dreadful tyranny that ever existed. In Spain, the enthusiasm of the people spent itself in vivas and vain boasting. The notion of its existence prevented even the attempt to discipline the armies ; and its existence has been alleged, ever since, as the excuse for the rank ignorance of the officers, and the indiscipline and constant misbehaviour of the troops. " I, therefore, earnestly recommend you, wherever you go, to trust nothing to the enthusiasm of the people. Give them a strong and a just, and, if possible, a good government ; but, above all, a strong one, which shall enforce upon them to do their duty by themselves and /811.] WINTER QUARTERS IN SPAIN. 133 their country ; and let measures of finance to support an army o'o hand-in-hand with measures to raise it. I am quite certain that the finances of Great Britain are more than a match for Buonaparte, and that we shall have the means of aiding any country that may be dis- posed to resist his tyranny. But those means are necessarily limited in every country by the difficulty of procuring specie. This necessary article can be obtained in sufficient quantities only by the contribu- tions of the people ; and although Great Britain can and ought to as- sist with money, as well in other modes, every effort of this descrip- tion, the principal financial as well as military effort, ought to be by the people of the resisting country." The winter of 1811 was very severe, and professional inaction rendered it sometimes a difficult matter for the officers to kill time and to keep the men out of mischief Neither books nor female society contributed to while away dull hours. This, however, only served to stimulate all parties to greater efforts in chasing away ennui. Lord Wellington had a good pack of hounds, and many a morning was passed at cover side and in the chase. The men of the Light Division turned a barn into a theatre, while racing, shooting, fishing, coursing, cricket, smoking, and whist (the latter, by-the-by, a favourite game at head-quarters), aided in expelling dull care. Some time was also profitably taken up in rendering quarters habitable. The greater part of the troops were located in and about miserable villages, consisting of small houses of the most wretched quality. A journal kept by an officer of the Fourth Division about this time conveys a very good idea of the shifts to which he and his companions were put to render their domiciles agreeable. He saya, speaking of the inhabitants of several places, " they seldom had chimneys but in their kitchens, and our officers, with or without their leave, considerably, at least to their own ideas, improved them by adding this sine qua non to an Englishman's comfort. The windows few of which had anything to exclude the weather but shutters, put on quite a new appearance, their closings being perforated, and the sashes filled with oiled paper instead of glass. Useful articles of furniture were often required, particularly in villages from whence the enemy had expelled the population, and the handicraft men in the regiment were in requisition. The number of all kinds of workmen ' who turned out,' to use a military term, on these occasions, was truly wonderful, and not only carpenters, masons, smiths, &c., but individ- uals of ' callings' little to be expected in military life. When it was wished to make some portable telegraphs a doubt was expressed if men could be found to arrange the pulleys and cords. However, 134 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1811 the attempt was made by ' calling these spirits,' and to the astonish- ment of all, they not only came, but in such numbers that one regi- ment, I think in the Fourth Division, produced fifteen sail-makers and eighteen riggers. The astonishment of the patro?is, on returning to their houses, if we had occupied them between the retreat of tho enemy and their arrival, was considerable ; they hardly knew their improved tenements from these little additions to the comforts of their guest of another climate." Before proceeding to notice the next great operation conducted by Lord Wellington in person, we must glance at the proceedings of the armies in the South and East during the winter of 1811. In the East, Generals Blake and Maby moved out from Valencia on the 24th October, and attacked Suchet, who had invested Saguntum, but had hitherto failed to take the place although several attempts were made to carry the breach by storm. Suchet defeated Blake and his colleague on the 25th October, taking from them many prisoners and eight pieces of cannon. The French then summoned the garri- son of Saguntum to surrender, which they did upon capitulation. Suchet subsequently advanced upon Valencia, receiving a good deal of stout opposition. In the mean time the Guerillas were active and interfering in Arragon and Navarre. Mina defeated a detachment of 1100 men sent against him, only three of whom escaped. In con- junction with the Empecinado and Duran he took the garrison of Daroci, consisting of 2400 men. General Ballasteros, who commanded a large Spanish force, waa, in the autumn of 1811, very successful by his light operations against the rear of the French army blockading Cadiz. In order to aid Ballasteros, and to give additional security to Tarifa,' Colonel Skerritt, with about 1200 men, including the 47th and 87th Regi- ments, was detached thither from Cadiz on the 10th October. Not many weeks afterwards the place was invested by the French under Victor's command, and a breach, 25 yards in breadth, was eflfected in the walls of the ancient town. The French commander, Laval, summoned the governor to surrender ; but Coupon replied that he would be found upon the breach. On the 29th December the enemy opened upon the town; and on the 31st the attack was made by a stream of French Grenadiers, who, in the assurance of victory, arrived without shouting within a few yards of the walls. Here 1 Founded, in all probability, by the Moorish General, EI Tarik. It stands west of Gibraltar, on a bold headland. The place was very weak, and uj)on the eastern side, where the French at- tacked it, only two 24-poimder8 and two mortars, with two or tliree flcld-pieces, could be em- ployed in the defence. 1811.] ATTACK AT TARIFA. 135 they were received with a crushing volley from the British infantry regiments. The houses and streets behind the breach had been strongly fortified with palisades, gabions, sand-bags — everything, in short, of which an ingenious garrison could avail itself Although numbers fell at the first volley of the defenders the French penetrated the works and spread themselves along the slopes of ground (for the town is built upon a slope rising from the sea), under the ramparts, to the right and left, and opened a quick irregular fire. Additional attacking parties at the same time issued from the trenches ; but the 47th and 87th, with the Spanish infantry, kept up a tremendous fire, and committed such terrific havoc among the assailants that not less than 500 bodies were strewed along the slopes and ramparts. Never was resistance more determined. Laval, seeing the impossibility of capturing the place, ordered a retreat to be sounded, and as the remnant of the storming party retired into a hollow near Tarifa, a shout of victory, mingled with the sound of musical instruments, passed round the wall of the town. Gough, who commanded the 87th, was not, however, merely satisfied with resistance. When the enemy, scared, ran from the walls, he drew his sword, made the band strike up " Garry Owen," and followed the fugitives for two or three hundred yards.' The comment of Lord Wellington upon this gallant exploit was characteristic. He wrote to General Cooke, who commanded at Cadiz, — " We have a right to expect that his Majesty's officers and troops will perform their duty upon every occasion, but we had no right to expect that comparatively a small number would be able to hold the town of Tarifa, commanded as it is at short distances, enfiladed on every direction, unprovided with artillery, and the walls scarcely cannon-proof. The enemy, however, retired with disgrace, infinitely to the honour of the brave troops who defended Tarifa." It is evident that Lord Wellington considered so small a body of troops should not have been exposed to the risk attending the defence of such a place. Lord Wellington was in the habit of drawing up a " Memorandum of his Operations" in the shape of a brief history at intervals of a few months. The conclusion he came to, and to which any one who I The enthusiasm of the Royal Irish Fusileers— the heroes of Barossa— was so great, that some of the men almost ran into the French lines. When Sir H. Gough, overtaliing and bringing one of them back, reproached him for hia impetuosity, the man answered, " Oh, I was only teaching them what it is to attack the JligUrs !" The 87th, after capturing the French eagle at Barossa, always called themselves the Eaglers. 136 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1811. patiently reads his clear and comprehensive summaries, closing in December, 1811, must come, was that if the Spaniards had behaved with common prudence, or if their conduct had been even tolerably good, the result of Massena's campaign in Portugal must have been the relief of the south of the Peninsula. Wellington did not think his success had been what it might and ought to have been, but he had the satisfation of feeling that he had lost no ground and with a handful of British troops fit for service had kept the enemy in check in all quarters for nine months, namely, from March until December. 1S1«.1 CAPTURE OF CIUDAD RODRIGO. 137 CHAPTER IX. Capture of Ciudad Rodrigo — Plunder and Conflagration— Death and Burial of General Craufurd— General Mackinnon — The Napiers. ARSHAL MARMONT having moved towards Toledo, with the view, as was supposed, of aid- ing Suchet, it became necessary to make pre- parations for the siege of Ciudad Rodrigo. There was a double motive for this — the capture of the place would be easy, and a capital base of operations provided for a spring campaign — or Marmont would retrace his steps, and Valencia would be safe. Ciudad Rodrigo was not a place of very great strength preparatory to its occupation by the French. They had done everything to ren- der it impregnable, and it now had the advantage of formidable out- works. There was a palisaded redoubt on a hill (San Francisco) in the neighbourhood, and three convents in the suburbs were also fortified and connected with the redoubt. Still, even in its original condition it was capable of a stout resistance. In 1809, Marshal Massena had spent twenty-five days in the summer tiyne in trying to capture Ciudad Rodrigo, though only garrisoned by a few Spaniards. It was of course more likely to offer a stout resistance now, when the garrison was strong, and the operations rendered difiicult by the season. Yet Lord Wellington felt confident of success, and hia anticipations were strengthened by the spirit of his troops. They burned with impatience to wipe away the blot of the former year in the unfortunate siege of San Cristoval at Badajoz, and had become 138 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1819 SO impressed with notions of their own invincibility, that " it would have been difficult to persuade the men that they could not beat the French under any odds." As a preliminary to the investment of the town, it was essential that the redoubt on the hill of San Francisco should be captured. This work was entrusted to Lieutenant-Colonel Colborne of the 52ni His force consisted of 200 men of the 43rd, 52nd, and Rifles. Im mediately after dark they proceeded to the redoubt, and carried it by a coup de main, making prisoners two captains and forty-seven men, capturing three pieces of cannon, and putting the rest of the garrison to the sword. Our loss was six men killed and four officers and fourteen men wounded. Ground was now broken within GOO yards of Ciudad Rodrigo, not- withstanding that the enemy still held the fortified convents. That which had been a defence had now become a means of attack. The enemy's work on the hill was turned into a part of the first parallel ' of the besiegers. Numerically, the corps of engineers with Lord Wellington's army was very inefficient. To remedy this defect, a proportion of the most intelligent officers and soldiers of the infantry had been selected during the autumn months, and placed under the direction of Colonel Fletcher, the chief engineer. They were soon taught how to make fascines^ and gabions,' and what was of more consequence, how to use them. They likewise learned the manner of working by sap, and by this means, that branch of the army, which was before the weakest, had now become very efficient. Provided with a pickaxe and shovel, and distributed in files, the men went to work, " digging with a vengeance into the frozen mould under a continual fire from the garrison." They toiled with alacrity, but they did not like it. In fact, there is no duty which a British soldier performs before an enemy that he does with so much reluctance — a retreat always ex- cepted — as working in trenches. Although essentially necessary to the accomplishment of the most gallant achievement a soldier can aspire to — " the storming the imminent deadly breach " — it is felt to be an inglorious calling, one full of danger, attended with great labour and annoyance, and for this reason, that the soldiers are not only 1 Parallels, in the attack of a place, are wide trenches affording the besieging troops a free covered communication between their various batteries and approaches. The first parallel is th«' first work of an attack which is laid down. .Approaches is a general name given to the trenches, &Ct fonned to cover the attack of a fortress. s Fascines.— Bundles of twigs, six feet in length, tied together and used, when intermixed witll earth, to construct artificial walls, or batteries. 3 Gaiionx.— CylindricAl baskets, also used, with earth, to construct batteriea and panpeUt 1812.] DUTY IN THE TRENCHES. 139 taken out of their natural line of action, but they are partially, if not entirely, at least practically, commanded by officers of engineers, whose habits are totally different from those to which they have been accustomed. No two classes ever differed more completely in their propensities than the British engineer and the British infantry soldier. The latter delights in an open field and a fair " stand-up" fight. If he falls there, he falls in the opinion of his comrades with credit to himself ; but a life lost in the trenches is looked upon as thrown away, and lost ingloriously. The engineer, on the contrary, braves all the dangers of a siege with a cheerful countenance : he even courts them,* and no mole ever took greater delight in burrow- ing through a sand hill, than an engineer does in mining a covert way,* or blowing up a counterscarp.' Not so with the infantry soldier, who is obliged to stand to be shot at, with a pickaxe and shovel in his hand, instead of his firelock and bayonet. The duty in the trenches was carried on by the 1st, 3rd, 4th, and Light Divisions, each taking its separate turn every twenty-four hours. They had neither coats nor hats of any description, and the ground was covered with snow. Nevertheless, the men used every exertion to forward the work, so fully were all impressed with its necessity. The garrison made many sorties, each of which was gallantly repulsed : in some instances the men pursued the French to 1 At the attack on San Cristoval (Badajoz) in the previous summer, a striking instance of this occurred. Colonel Fletcher, the chief engineer, went into a battery, to observe some work that had been thrown up by the enemy near the foot of the castle, the preceding night. The battery was more than usually full of workmen, repairing the effects of the morning'* fire, and the efforts of the enemy against this part of the works was excessively animated. A number of men had fallen, and were falling, but Colonel Fletcher, apparently disregarding the circumstance, walked out to the right of the battery, and taking his stand upon the level ground, put his glass to his eye, and commenced his observations with much composure. Shot and shell flew thicldy about him, and one of the former tore up the ground by his side, and covered him with clay ; but, not in the least regarding this, he remained steadily observing the enemy. Wlien at length he had satisfied himself, he quietly put up his glass, and turning to a man who was sitting outside of an embrasure, pegging iu a fascine, said, " My fine fellow, you are too much exposed ; get inside the embrasure, you will do your work nearly as well." " I'm almost finished, Colonel," replied the soldier, " and it isn't worth while to move now ; those fellow's canH hit me, for they have been trying it these fifteen minutes." It was the last word he ever spoke 1 He had scarcely uttered the final syllable, when a round shot cut him in two, and knocked half of his body across the breech of a gun. The name of this soldier waa Edmond Man ; he was an Englishman, although he belonged to the 88th Regiment. When he fell, the French cannoniers, as was usual with them, set up a shout, denoting how well satisfied they were with their practice. 5 Cuvert way, or Covered way, a protected communication all round the works of a fortrees, or the outer edge of the ditch. 3 Counttrseary, the outer twundary of the ditch of a fortress. 140 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [181i the very glacis,^ and many a fine fellow, carried away by his enthu- siasm, died at the muzzles of their cannon. On the l4th of January, 1812, Lord Wellington commenced be- sieging Ciudad Rodrigo from the first parallel, with twenty-three pieces of ordnance, and on the night of the 1 4th he opened an ap- proach 150 yards from the place. By the 18th of the month breaches had been made which were considered practicable. Lord Wellington therefore summoned the garrison to surrender. The answer which he received to this brave appeal was worthy of a brave Frenchman : — " D Emjjereur mo7i ma it re ni'a confie Ic commandement de Ciudad Rodrigo ; je 7te puis pas le rendre. A%i contraire^ moi et le brave garnisoii queje commande s' enseveliront sous les mines.'''' During the Peninsular war the French and Spaniards gloried in imitating the brief expressions of resolute resistance common to the heroes of antiquity. The " conie aiul take theni'^ of the ancients, when summoned to surrender their arms, found imitations in the reply of " war to tlie knife /" when the French called upon the gar- rison of Saragoza to capitulate. Coupon, Phillippon, and others were equally terse in their communications with a besieging enemy. The moment the answer was i-eceived from the Governor of Ciudad Rodrigo, Lord Wellington issued orders for the attack. These orders were precise. In their tone the General evinced his perfect confidence in his troops ; but, at the same time, resolved to leave nothing to chance. The General Order began — " The attack upon Ciudad Rodrigo must be made this evening at seven o'clock." While this indicated the stern resolution of the Commander of the besieging army, what followed demonstrates how carefully he had considered every measure essential to success. The positions and the duties of each regiment were pointed out — the very minute of attack was indicated. The provision of ladders and axes was ordered, and their special use mentioned. The Sappers were directed to take bags of hay to assist the descent of the counterscarp of the ditch ; and it was particularly directed that those who carried the axes, ladders, and bags should be without their arms, and that those who stormed should not fire. A description of the manner in which the orders were carried out 1 Glacis, the parapet of Ihe covered way, extending in a long elope to meet the natural surface of tlio ground. It connects the ditch of a fortress, and protects the masonry •( the e8o«u> \\'^^ ' '^■'^■^s^^ wm. 1812.] STORM OF CIUDAD RODRIGO. 141 will serve to show especially what those instructions were. In fact the details of the attack might have been described in the very words of the order — the past tense being substituted for the present. The issue of the order was followed, as usual, by an invitation to the men to volunteer for the duties of the "forlorn hope" — an encouraging term for the parties who are to lead the attack upon the breaches. The 52nd Regiment, which formed part of the Light Divi- sions, destined to attack the lesser breach, volunteered to a man — a display of zeal which would have been rewarded by its acceptance did it not involve injustice to the other regiments, each of which con- tained scores of men who were equally eager to be foremost. When the Captains of companies intimated, as usual, to the men that volun- teers were required, there was no hesitation. The 43rd, the 95th, the 88 th, all burned with desire to be the first to confront the enemy on the ramparts. The whole of the storming part of the Light Division, placed under the immediate command of Major George Napier, having fallen in at the hour indicated by Lord Wellington (before seven in the evening), Major-General Craufurd addressed them in his usually clear and dis- tinct tones : — "Soldiers ! — The eyes of your country are upon you. Be steady — be cool — be firm in the assault. The town must be yours this night. Once masters of the wall, let your first duty be to clear the ramparts, and, in doing this, keep together." Major-General McKinnon commanded the third division, on whom devolved the attack upon the great breach. The scene that passed in that division, preparatory to the storm, is described with interesting minuteness by a surviving participator in the drama of the night of the 19th of January, 1812 :— " It was now five o'clook in the afternoon, and darkness was ap- proaching fast, yet no order had arrived intimating that we were to take a part in the contest about to be decided : we were in this state of suspense, when our attention was attracted by the sound of music: we all stood up, and pressed forward to a ridge, a little in our front, and which separated us from the cause of our movement, but it would be impossible for me to convey an adequate idea of our feelings when we beheld the 43rd Regiment, preceded by their band ! going to storm the left breach. They were in the highest spirits, but without the slightest appearance of levity in their demeanour; on the contrary, there was a cast of determined severity thrown over their counte- nances, that expressed in legible characters that they knew the sort of service they were about to perform, and had made up their minds to 142 LIFF OF THE DUKE OF WELLINOTOK [1812. Oie issue. In passing us, each officer and soldier stepped out of the ranks for an instant, as he recognised a friend, to press his hand ; many for the last time : yet, notwithstanding this animating scene, there was no shouting or huzzaing, no boisterous bravadoing, no unbecoming language. In short, every one seemed to be impressed with the seriousness of the affair entrusted to his charge, and any interchange of words was to this effect : ' Well, lads, mind what you're about to-night;' or, 'We'll meet in the town by and by;' and other little familiar phrases, all expressive of confidence. The regiment at length passed us, and we stood gazing after it as long as the rear platoon continued in sight; the music grew fainter every moment, until at last it died away altogether. They had no drums, and there was a melting sweetness in the sounds that touched the heart. " The first syllable uttered after this scene was, ' And are we to be left behind?' The interrogatory was scarcely put when the word, * Stand to your arms V answered it. The order was promptly obeyed, and a breathless silence prevailed, when our commanding officer, in a few words, announced to us that Lord Wellington had directed our division to carry the grand breach. The sd'ldiers listened to the com- munication with silent earnestness, and immediately began to disen- cumber themselves of their knapsacks, which were placed in order by companies, and a guard set over them. Each man then began to arrange himaelf for the combat in such a manner as his fancy or the moment would admit of: some by lowering their cartridge-boxes, others by turning theirs to the front, in order that they might the more conveniently make use of them ; others unclasping their stocks or opening their shirt-collars, and others oiling their bayonets ; then, again, some screwing in flints, to make ' assurance doubly sure ;' and more taking leave of their wives and children ! This last was an affecting sight, but not so much as might be expected, because the women, from long habit, were accustomed to scenes of danger, and the order for their husbands to march against the enemy was in their eyes tantamount to a victory ; and as the soldier seldom re turned without plunder of some sort, the painful suspense which his absence caused was made up by the gaiety of which his return was certain to be productive ; or, if unfortunately he happened to fall, his place was sure to be supplied by some one of the company to which he belonged, so that the women of our army had little cause of alarm on this head. The worst that could happen to them was the chance of being in a state of widowhood /or a week I " It was by this time half-past six o'clock j the evening was piercingly 1812.] THE FORLORN HOPK 143 cold, and the frost was crisp on the grass ; there was a keenness in the air that braced our nerves at least as high as coyicert pitch. We stood quietly to our arms, and told our companies off by files, sec- tions, and sub-divisions ; the sergeants called over the rolls ; not a man was absent. "It appears it was the wish of General Mackinnon to confer a mark of distinction upon the 88th regiment, and as it was one of the last acts of his life, I shall mention it. He sent for Major Thomson, who commanded the battalion, and told him it was his wish to have the ' forlorn hope' of the grand breach led on by a subaltern of the 88th Regiment, adding, at the same time, t^t, in the event of his surviving, he should be recommended for a company. The Major acknowledged this mark of the General's favour, and left him folding up some letters that he had been writing to his friends in England. This was about twenty minutes before the attack of the breaches. Major Thomson, having called his officers together, briefly told them the wishes of their General ; he was about to proceed, when Lieu- tenant William Mackie (then senior Lieutenant) immediately stepped forward, and dropping his sword, said, ' Major Thomson, I am ready for that service.' For once in his life, poor old Thomson was affected. Mackie was his own townsman ; they had fought together for many years, and when he took hold of his hand and pronounced the words, ' God bless you, my boy,' his eye filled, his lip quivered, and there was a faltering in his voice which was evidently perceptible to himself, for he instantly resumed his former composure, drew himself up, and gave the word, ' Gentlemen, fall in,' and at this moment Generals Picton and Mackinnon, accompanied by their respective staff, made their appearance amongst us. " Long harangues are not necessary to British soldiers, and on this occasion but few words were made use of General Picton said some- thing animating to the different regiments as he passed them, and those of my readers who recollect his deliberate and strong utterance, will say with me that his mode of speaking was indeed very im- pressive. The address to each was nearly the same, but that delivered by him to the 88th was so characteristic of the General, and so ap- plicable to the men he spoke to, that I shall give it, word for word ; it was this — " ' Rangers of Connaught ! It is not my intention to expend any powder this evening. We'll do this business with the could iron ." " I before said the soldiers were silent — so they were, but the man who could be silent after such an address, made in such a way, and in Buch a place, had better have stayed at home. It may be asked what 144 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF "WELLINGTON. [1811 did they do ? Why, what would they do, or would any one do, but give the loudest hurrah he was able?" The signal for the assault was the discharge of a rocket. It rose with rapidity from one of the batteries. " Now, lads, for the breach !' cried Craufurd ; and off started the Light Division in double quick time. A tremendous jBre from the ramparts of canister, grape, round shot, shell, musketry, and fire-balls, saluted the advancing column — still " forward !" was the word — Craufurd fell at the very first discharge. Pausing not, for safety only lay in suddenness and expedition, the divisions pressed onward, springing into the ditch, clambering up the escarp, and boldly facing terrific showers of bullets. No impediment was respected for a moment — men and officers dashed forward, con- fronting danger with intrepid indifference, and driving the garrison before them. The great breach is won — the curtain is assaulted — an explosion takes place, and Mackinnon is killed. The lesser breach is in the hands of the Light Division — Napier is cheering on the men — a shot shatters his arm — he falls, but, a hero in his agony, he calls out, " Never mind me — push on my lads — the town is ours !" Abandon- ing the breach, the French spring the mines, fall back, and keep up a tremendous fire from the houses. While this was going on. Brigadier Pack entered, with a feint attack, another part of the town, and had converted it into a real assault ; and the French finding themselves threatened in the rear, gave way — were pursued into the city — flew from street to street — and seeing further resistance hopeless, surren- dered. The regiments of the different divisions, hitherto scattered by the storm, now entered the principal square of the town, and planted the British colours amid loud cheers. Their task performed, and in the incredibly short space of thirty-five minutes, the men of the different regiments now rushed about the town in the greatest disorder, firing indiscriminately upon all they met — plundering houses for the wine and spirits in the cellars — drinking to excess, and, in the madness of intoxication, committing the wildest atrocities. Recklessly or carelessly, they set houses on fire by bringing lights into contact with spirits ; they plundered right and left, wantonly discharged their firelocks from the windows, wounding friend and foe alike, and sparing, in their frenzy, neither age nor sex. Flushed with drink, and desperate for mischief, these fellows, so cool in action — so steady before the storm — passed half the night in reeling through the streets. Some fell by the knife of the assassin, several were drowned in butts of spirits, and many were turned upon and shot by the very Frenchmen to whom they had jielded quarter. It was in vain the bugles sounded and the drums 1812.1 THE TOWN AFTER THE SIEGE. 145 beat tlie assembly ; futile were the eflforts of the officers to recall the men to their duty. It was not until worn out with excitement, or rendered incapable of motion from deep potations, the stormers fell prostrate on the earth, or crept into the dwellings of the Spaniards to eleep away their toil and intoxication. The scene exhibited on the following morning was most dreary ; the fires were going out, and about the streets were lying the corpses of many men who had met their death hours after the town had been taken. A very small proportion of the troops who had taken Rodrigo were permitted to remain in the city. The Rifles (95th) were marched back to their former quarters, and as they crossed the bridge, they presented in their motley gear the evidences of the whimsical character of the plunder during the orgies of the previous night. " Some had jack-boots on, others frock-coats and epaulets, and some carried monkeys on their shoulders." As they filed out they met the Fifth Division on their way to repair the breach ; and the division formed on the left of the road, presented arms, and cheered them as they went along.' The loss of the allies in the taking Ciudad Rodrigo was considera- ble. Three officers and seventy-seven men had been killed during the siege ; six officers and 140 men were killed, and 508 men wounded in the storm of the town. Major-Greneral Craufurd died of his wounds on the fifth day after the capture. He was borne to his grave upon the ramparts by four sergeant-majors of the Light (his own) Division, Lord Wellington attending the funeral of the gallant veteran.' 1 " 1 was afterwards told that the Duke of Wellington, who saw us on our march, inquired of his stafi; ' W^ho the devil are those fellows ?' " — Adventures of a Soldier. J A minute account is given of Craufurd's last hours in a letter from General Sir Charles Stewart to Craufurd's brother, Sir Charles. Its publication is here permitted : — "To General Sir C. Craufurd. «Mt dear Friend, Galegos, Jan. 26«A, 1812. " I have to entreat you to summon to your aid all that resignation to (he will of Heaven and manly fortitude which I know you possess, to bear with composure the sad tidings this letter is doomed to convey. I think you must have discovered that, from the first moment, I did not encourage sanguine hopes of your beloved brother, whose loss we have alas ! now to deplore. But, my dear friend, as we all must pass through this transitory existence sooner or later, to be translated to a better, surely there is no mode of terminating life equal to that which Providence ordained should be his. Like Nelson, Abercroml)ie, Moore, and inferior to none (had his sphere been equally extensive), your much-loved brother fell ; the shouts of victory were the last he heard from the gallant troops he led, and his last moments were full of anxiety as to the events of the army, and consideration for his Light Division. If his friends permit themselves to give way to mibounded grief under this heavy calamity, they are considering themselves rather than the departed hero The array and his VOL. I. 10 146 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1812. Crauford was one of the best aud bravest soldiers in the British army. He had embraced the profession of arms when in only his fifteenth year, and before he was twenty had obtained his company. country have the most reason to deplore his loss ; for, as his military talents were of the first calibre, so was his spirit of the most intrepid gallantry. "There is but one universal sentiment throughout all ranks of the profession on this subject, and if you, and those who loved him dearly (among whom, God knows! I pity most his angel wife and children), could but have witnessed the manner in which the last duties were paid to his memory by the whole army, your tears would have been arrested by the contemplation of what his merits must have been to have secured such a general sensation, and they would have ecased to flow by the feelings of envy such an end irresistibly excited. " As I fervently trust that, by the time you receive this letter, you may be so far prepared tor this afllicting stroke as to derive consolation even from sad details, and as I really am unequal to address Mrs. Craufurd at present, I think it best to enter at large into everything with you, leaving it to your affectionate and prudent judgment to unfold events by degrees in the manner you deem best. You will perceive, by Staff-Surgeon Gunning's report (Lord Wellington's own surgeon), upon an examination of the wound (which I enclose), that, from the nature of it, it was impossible Robert should have recovered. The direction the ball had taken, Ihc extreme difficulty of breathing, and the blood he brought up, gave great grounds of alarm ; but still it was conceived the ball might have dropped lower than the lungs, and as there have been instimces of recovery from woimds in the same place, we were suffered to entertain a hope, but alas ! that was all. Staff-Surgeons Robb and Gumiing, who were his constant attendants, and from whose anxiety, zeal, and professional ability everything was to be expected, were unremitr ting in their exertions ; his Aide-de-Camp, young Wood, aud Lieutenant Shawe of the 43rd, showed all that affectionate attention which even his own family could have done to him ; the former, I must say, evinced a feeling as honourable to his heart as it must have been gratifying to its object ; to these I must add Captain William Campbell, whose long friendship for Robert induced him never to leave him, and he manifested in an extraordinary manner his attachment on this occasion. " If my own duties had permitted me, you may believe I never should have absented myself from his bedside ; as it was, feeling like a brother towards him, my heart led me to act as Buch to the utmost of my poor abilities. The three officers I have above named, and his Burgeon, alternately watched and attended him, from the evening of the 19th until ten o'clock on the morning of the i24th, when he breathed his last ; on the i!2nd, he was considered easier and bettor, llie medicines administered had all the effects desired. He conversed some lime with me, principally about the assault, and he was most anxious as to news of tlie enemy. IIo was so cheerful tlial his mind did not revert, as it had done before, to his wife and childreti, and I was snxious to keep every subject from him that might awaken keen sensations. I know well, from many conversiilions I have had with him, the unbounded influence and affection Mrs Craufurd's Mea was attended with, and his ardent anxiety as to the education and bringing-up of hU children. "These thoughts I was anxious, while a ray of hope existed, not to awaken, it being of the ntmost consequence he sliould be kept free from agitation ; and I trust tliis will be a sufllcient reason to Mrs. Craufurd and yourself for my being unable to give you those last sentiments of his heart which ho no doubt would have expressed, had we felt authorised to acquaint him he was near his end. I do not mean to say lie was ignorant of his situation, for when he first sent to me, he said he felt his wound was mortal, and that ho was fully prepared for the will of Heaven. But I think subsequently he cherished hopes. He obtained some sleep on the night of the 22nd, and on the i23rd he was, to all appearance, better ; at two o'clock in the morning, William Campbell wrote me a most cheering account of him ; he had been talking of his recovery, and every pleasing prospect, and he fell into a comfortable sleep, as those &bout him imagined. But alas ! from that sleep he never awoke again. His pulse gradually 1812.] GENERAL CRAUFURD. 147 In the absence of any means of effectually studying Iiis profession in England, he repaired to Prussia and other theatres of war on the European Continent. He subsequently served two campaigns ia India under Lord Cornwallis, occasionally commanding the 75th Regiment. Returning home, he was employed on a mission to the Austrian armies, and participated in the war with revolutionary France. His next field was Ireland, where he served as Deputy Quartermaster-General. In 1799, he was again with the Austrian army in Switzerland, and at a later period was under the Duke of York in Holland. The year 1807 saw Craufurd a Brigadier-General in Buenos Ayres, under General Whitelocke ; and in 1808 he pro- ceeded to the Peninsula. He first distinguished himself in actions with the French under Massena, upon the river Coa. This was in 1810. The Light Division, with three regiments of Cavalry, a troop of Horse Artillery, and two regiments of Cacadores (Portuguese Light Infantry), were attacked by 24,000 French ; but Craufurd did not retire from his post until a most gallant defence had been made, and the enemy had three times been repulsed in his attempt to cross a bridge of the Coa in pursuit. We next find Craufurd at Busaco, driving back the infantry cohorts of Ney and Simon. What ensued has been recited in preceding pages. The character of General Craufurd has been variously drawn. ceased to beat, his breath grew shorter, aud his spirit fled before those near him were conscious he was no more. So easy was his passport to Heaven ! " If, in detailing so mournful a recital, I can derive the smallest consolation, it arises from knowing his last words united his aflection for his wife, and his friendship for mc, in one train of thought, in which he closed his eyes. Having thus acquainted yoii, as well as my present feelings enable me, with the last scene, I shall now assure you that no exertion waa wanting to prepare everything for the mournful ceremony that was to follow, with the utmost possible regard and respect to his memory. Lord W'ellington decided he sliould bo interred by his own Division, near the breach which he had so gallantly carried. The Light Divisiot assembled before his house in the suburbs of the San Francisco Convent, at twelve o'clock on the 25th ; the 5th Division lined the road from his quarters to the breach ; the officers of the brigade of Guards Cavalry, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Divisions, together with General Caatanos and all his siaS, Marshal Beresford and all the Portuguese, Lord Wellington and the whole of head-quarters, moved in the mournful procession. " He was borne to his place of rest on the shoulders of the brave lads ho led on, the Field Officers of the Light Division officiating as pall-bearers, and the whole ceremony was conducted in the most gratifying manner, if I may be permitted such an epithet on such a heart-breaking occasion. I assigned to myself the mournful task of being chief motimer, and I was attended by Captain Campbell, Lieutenants Wood and Shawe, and the Staff of the Light Division. Care haa been taken that his gallant remains can never be disturbed, and he lies where posterity will commemorate his deeds ! " Believe me, as ever, " Your most affectionate and ever obliged "Charles Stewart." 148 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1812. Napier speaks of him as of a fiery temper, harsh, rigid in command, prone to disobedience, yet exacting entire submission from inferiors ; ambitious, and avid of glory ; possessed of military talents, enter- prising and intrepid, yet not remarkable for skill in handling troops under fire. Nevertheless Wellington mourned him as an " oSicer of tried talents and experience, v?ho was an ornament to his profession, and calculated to render the most important services to his country,'' and amongst the men whom he commanded, Craufurd was beloved for his justice and care of them. He had been absent on leave to Eng- land (much against the will of the Commander of the Forces, who re- monstrated with him on his application), and on his return he was welcomed with enthusiasm. The Portuguese Ca^adores, who found fighting a hard matter if they did not receive their rations regularly, shouted out when they saw him, " Long live General Craufurd, who takes care of our bellies !" Though a strict disciplinarian, Craufurd was averse to punishment,' and always experienced great pain when compelled to superintend a flogging parade. 1 Take the following incident from Costello's Adventures, page 102 : — " The second day after the storming of Rodrigo our brave General Craxif urd died of hi3 wound, and the chief part of the officers of the Rifles went to pay the last tribute to his remains. He was borne to the grave by four Sergeant-Majors of his own Division, and was buried in the breach where he fell. The following incident, of which I was an eye-witness, will serve to show Crau- furd'a character. " I happened to be on guard one day, when General Craufurd came riding in from the front with his orderly dragoon, as was his usual custom, when two of our men, one of them a corporaU came ruiming out of a house with some bread which they had stolen from the Spaniards ; they were pursued by a Spanish woman, crying lustily, ^ Ladrune ! Ladrone." — 'Thief! Thief!' They were immediately pursued by the General and his orderly ; the bread was given back to the woman, and the men were placed in the guard-house. The next day they were tried by a Brigade Ck)urt-martial, and brought out to a wood near the town for punishment. When the brigade was formed, and the Brigade-Major had finished reading the proceedings of the courlr martial, General Craufurd commenced lecturing both men and officers on the nature of their cruelly to the harmless inhabitants, as he called the Spaniards. He laid particular stress on our regiment, who, he said, committed more crimes than the whole of the British army. ' Besides, you think,' said he, 'because you are riflemen, and more exposed to the enemy's fire than other regiments, that you are to rob the inhabitants with impunity ; but while I command you, you shall not ;' then, turning round to the corporal, who stood in the centre of the square, he said, with a stem voice, ' Strip, sir !' "Tlio corporal, whose name was Miles, never said a word until tied up to a tree, when turning his head round as far as his situation would allow, and seeing the General pacing up and down the square, he said, 'General Craufurd, I hope you will forgive me.' The General replied, 'No, sir, your crime is too great.' The poor corporal, whoso sentence was, to be reduced to the pay and rank of a private soldier, and to receive a punishment of one hundred and fifty lashes, and the other man two hundred, then addressed the General to the following eflect : '"Do you recollect, sir, when you and I were taken prisoners, when under the command of General Whitelocke, in Buenos Ayres? Wo were marched, prisoners, with a number of others, to a sort of pound, surrounded with a wall. There was a well in the centre, out of 1812.] GENERAL MACKINNON. 149 In figure Craufurd was short and thick ; his countenance was intel- ligent ; and his eyes, full of fire, denoted the energetic qualities of his mind. Though the field was his element, he was fond of the theory of his profession, and so sensible of the importance of rule and order, that he drew up a code of instructions for the British light troops, which, even to this day, is their text-book and guide. Major-General Mackinnon, who, by a strange fatality, fell within a few. minutes of Craufurd, at the head of the division he commanded, was scarcely less valued by the army and Lord Wellington. He possessed a remarkably fine person and brilliant talents. Highly educated (chiefly in France), he also entered the army when but fifteen years of age. and saw service on the Helder, in Egypt, and at Copenhagen. But the Peninsula was his chief theatre of distinction, and his humanity, next to his courage, the quality which secured to him the largest amount of admiration and afi'ection. It has been stated, that upon retiring from Talavera after the battle. Lord Wellington was under the necessity of leaving some hundreds of wounded men behind him, whom General Cuesta would not afi"ord him the means of transporting. Major-General Mackinnon had charge of the sick and wounded on this occasion. They were 5,000 in number. Only seven carts were available, with some mules and asses. They had to march one hundred miles to Elvas, over a mountainous and inhospitable district, exposed to a scorching sun by day and heavy dews by night. With all the good management Mackinnon could employ, it was impossible to convey the whole of the unfor- tunate men away. From 1,500 to 2,000 were therefore consigned to the tender mercies of the French marshals, and there is no doubt which I drew water with my mess-tin, by means of canteen straps I collected from the men, who were prisoners like myself. You sat on my knapsack ; I parted my last biscuit with you. You then told me you would never forget my kindness to you. It is now in your power, sir. You know how short we have been of rations for some time.' "These words were spoken by the corporal in a mild and respectful accent, which not only affected the General, but the whole square. The bugler, who stood waiting to commence the punishment, close to the corporal, received the usu.il nod from the Bugle-Major to begin. " The first lash the corporal received, the General started, and turning hurriedly round, said, ' What's that, what's that— who taught that bugler to flog ? 'Send him to drill— send him to drill ! He cannot flog— he cannot flog ! Stop ! stop ! Take him down ! take him down ! I remember it well — I remember it well!' while he paced up and down the square, muttering to himself words that I could not catch ; at the same time blowing his nose, and wiping his face with bis handker- chief, trying to hide the emotion that was so evident to the whole square. While untying the corporal, a dead silence prevailed for some time, until our gallant General recovered a little his noble feeling, when he uttered, with a broken accent, ' Why does a brave soldier like you commit these crimes?' Then, beckoning to his orderly to bring his horse, he mounted and rode off. It is needless to say that the other man also was pardoned, and in a few days the corporal wai reetored to his rank." 150 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [1812. that Mackinnon's acquaintance with the French character and language enabled him, by his correspondence with their officers, to propitiate their care and humanity. The nation voted a monument to Mackinnon, and the government of the day bestowed an honourable pension on his widow and three sons. The wound which Major George Napier received rendered amputa- tion necessary ; but happily it did not deprive his country of his services. He lived to distinguish himself at a later period, reaching high rank, and exercising administrative talents at the Cape of Good Hope. A member of a family of good soldiers,' he courted danger upon every occasion, and rarely escaped the consequences of his daring. He was wounded in the hip at Busaco ; had his right arm broken in following Massena's retreat ; was struck on the shoulder by the splinter of a shell at the siege of Ciudad Rodrigo ; and was again badly wounded in the storm of the town. Lord Wellington, who, amidst his manifold official cares and labour, always found time for private correspondence, wrote most acceptable letters of condolence to Lady Sarah Napier, the honoured mother of the triad of heroes. A Spartan general writing to a Spartan matron could not have better interpreted the exalted woman's feelings, or more gracefully borne tribute to the devotion of her sons : — • " Your Ladyship has so often received accounts of the same description with that which I am . now writing to you, and your feelings upon the subject are so just and proper, that it is needless for me to trouble you further. Your sons are brave fellows, and a terror to the enemy ; and I hope that God will preserve them to you and their country." Thus he writes after the affiiir of the I-ith of March, 1811. And again on the morrow of the capture of Ciudad Rodrigo ; — 1 William, Charles, and George. William was at first in the artillcr)-, then the cavalry, then the infantry. In the Peninsula he was one of the 43rd Light Infantry (part of the Light Division) ; fought at Busaco, Almeida, and Casal Nova, in the two last of which actions he was wounded. Some time after the Peace, ho devoted himself to the noble task of writing the history of the war in which he had been honourably engaged. In this great work, to use the words of a liberal and able commentator, "the monotonous labours of deep historic investiga- tion are relieved by the brilliance of poetic imagery, and the passing scene is made to burst upon the view, glowing with the warmest colours of the painter," The "History of the Peninsular War" is a series of charming descriptions, at once technically professional and familiarly descriptive ; and it has the further great merit of being just and generous towards the French armies and their leaders. Charles Napier was at Coruiia with Sir John JNIoore, was wounded, and a prisoner to Soult, who treated him with distinguished consideration. In after years ho became Commander-in-Chief in India, and rendered vast service to the army, by purging it of manifold abuses. ISli. LETTERS OF CONDOLENCE— THE NAPIERS. 151 " Having such sons, I am sure that you expect to hear of their misfortunes, which I have more than once had to communicate to you ; and, notwithstanding your affection for them, you have so just a notion of the value of the distinction they are daily acquiring for themselves by their gallantry and good conduct, that their misfortunes do not make so great an impression upon you." m 152 LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. ri81« CHAPTER X. Honours and rewards— Capture of Badajoz— Sir R. Hill at Almarez— Capture of Almarez. HE moment Ciudad Rodrigo had ceased to be formidable to Lord Wellington, he set to work to render it formidable to the enemy. One hundred and fifty-three pieces of ord- nance found in the place con- = stituted a good supply of Tnateriel, offensive to a besieg- ing force, and it was only neces- sary to repair the breaches and strengthen the outworks. This latter procedure, under skilful engineers, did not occupy more than seven weeks, although all the work was done by the British soldiers ; the Spaniards affording no aid. By the end of February, Ciudad Rourigo was in a state to resist a disciplined and scientific enemy for a considerable time.' The news of the fall of Ciudad Rodrigo created great delight in Spain, Portugal, and Great Britain, and insured to the conqueror an accession of honorary distinctions, and an increase of sterling recom- pense. A vote of parliamentary thanks, the fortnu/a which expresses national acknowledgment, was the first recognition of the splendid ^=G^ 1 The engineers who have devised systems of fortification, seldom have dreamt of establishing an Impregnable defence. There is not a fortified town which has not been, or may not be, carried in a given number of days, with a. certain amount of artillery. The thing has been roduce