KOBEET HARRIS AND HIS DESCENDANTS. WITH NOTICES COMPILED BY LUTHER M. HARRIS, M. D. BOSTON: PRINTED BY HENRY W. BUTTON & SON. 90 AND 92 WASHINGTON 'STREET. 1861. LIBRARY -T^TY 07 CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA PREFACE. Compiler of the following pages has devoted no inconsiderable portion of time, since his retirement from the active duties of his profes- sion some fifteen years ago to collecting the facts contained in this publication. He has examined original town and county records wherever there seemed a possibility of obtaining any materials, and has had the co- operation of various of his kindred, descendants of the emigrant ROBERT HARRIS. A series of important papers from the time of the emigrant's settlement, fortunately preserved in the family, has been of essential ser- vice ; the copies of any such, herein printed, may be relied upon as pre- serving word, letter, and punctuation. Although scattering notices of individuals of the name of Harris in England have been collected, as well as of persons in this country, it does not seem worth while to insert any not identified as belonging to this family ; as several other Harris families exist, which cannot be shown to be allied with that of Robert Harris, although some connection may possi- bly exist. Some of these are mentioned in the Appendix. Several things ought to be noted concerning the contents of these pages : I. Dates have been left unchanged, as to Old and New Style, and may be considered as Old or New, according to their period. II. Each generation is kept by itself, except that the few children num- bered in the eighth, are mentioned in connection with their parents. III. Towns specified without reference to any State, are in Massachu- setts. IV. The children of daughters of any Harris are inserted and num- bered, but no further descendants are traced. V. The arrangement used is almost exactly the one recommended by that thorough antiquarian and genealogist, Samuel G. Drake, Esq., of Boston ; it is easily understood by the following explanations : 4 PREFACE. Robert Harris and his descendants are numbered in regular order from the beginning to the end ; this " general number" is the Arabic figure pre- fixed to each name. The order of children in each family is denoted by the Roman numerals. Thus "(53) IV. John," (page 20), denotes that this John is the fifty-third in the general numbering, and the fourth child in his father's family. The small, elevated figure at the right of any name, denotes the genera- tion. Thus "(53) IV. John, 4 " denotes that John was of the fourth generation. Robert, 1 the emigrant, being the first. The Arabic figure following the name of a child, denotes that this child had a family, and the figure represents the "general" number of his first child. Thus "(53) IV. John 4 (131)," on page 20, denotes that John had a family, which commences with the "general" number 131 as on page 26. The Arabic figure following the name of the head of a family, denotes his number in the "general" list. Thus "John 4 (53)," on page 26, denotes that John's "general" number was 53, and his birth is found at that number, (as on page 20,) from which his pedigree is easily traced. That the genealogy is incomplete, is to be expected, but it is seldom so in the earlier generations ; in the later, the names of children, born since information was procured of some branches, will not be found. That errors will be occasionally discovered, notwithstanding all care, is a matter of course. But the infirmities of advancing years admonish the writer that the hope of greater completeness must not be allowed to delay publication. JAMAICA PLAIN, IN WEST ROXBURY, Ms. MAY 7, 1861. ROBERT HARRIS AND HIS DESCENDANTS No research has yet been able to discover either the place from which, or the time when, ROBERT HARRIS removed to America. A uniform family tradition has given Gloucestershire as the county of his residence in England, but nothing is known, either for or against the accuracy of this tradition. Family papers were indeed brought to this country by Robert Harris, containing a pedigree and other documents of family value, which were in existence in the youth of John 8 Harris, which his son, the father of the writer of these pages, heard him describe to some extent ; but in their transfer between different families they were lost, and probably irrecoverably. Nor have any of the investigations carried on by persons of the same patronymic, among which those of the late Rev. Thaddeus M. Hams, D. D., of Dorchester, may be particularly mentioned, shown any connection between Robert Harris and the other emigrants of the name, whose fami- lies are noticed in the voluminous pages of Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary.* The first authoritative record regarding the emigrant whose de- scendants these pages will record, is found in the registry of Roxbury, Massachusetts, which reads, "Robert Harris and Elizabeth Boffee [Boughey] married Jan. 24, 1642-3." The name, however, occurs in another place. In a list of " Emigrants to Virginia," copied by Horatio G. Somerby, Esq., from "records in cus- tody of the Master of the Rolls,"f appears " Robt. Harris, 20." The head- ing of this list reads thus : "July 27, 1635. Theis under written names are to be transported to Virginea im- barqued in the Primrose Cap tan Douglass Mr. p. Certificate under ye Ministers hand of Gravesend, being examined by him touching their Conformitie to the church disci- pline of England. The Men have taken the oath of Allegeance & Supremacic " * Vol. II., pp. 360-6. t N. E. Hist.-Gen. Register, IV., 189. 1 6 ROBERT HARRIS AND HIS DESCENDANTS. Mr. Somerby well observes in reference to a similar list, "Although the passengers here given went to Virginia, their names are not the less important to the student in New England history, for it is well known that great numbers came to New England from there." "Whether, however, the "Robert Harris" in the list mentioned was the "Robert Harris" of the Roxbury records, is a matter of mere conjecture. The only circum- stance bearing upon the question is the fact that other names upon the same list are afterwards found in New England, and one at least, that of Robert Sharp, in the same town with Robert Harris. It is thought, though it is hardly more than conjecture, that Robert Harris was early in the employ of William Hibbins, and in care of lands granted to that individual, and also that he lived at or near the present village in Brookline. One letter still extant was addressed to Mr. Hib- bins's care, for Mrs. Harris ; and it seems that very soon after Mr. Hibbins's death, Mr. Harris purchased lands elsewhere in Brookline, a stone's throw only beyond the present West Roxbury line. As already seen, he was married at Roxbury. He became also a member of the First Church there, 8 August, 1647, on which day his first two children were baptized. His wife became a member of the same church 5 April, 1G63. He was admitted freeman 22 May, 1650. There is also a record, 10 Dec. 1641, " Robt. Harris is released by the Court." " Goodman Harris," the Boston records call him in 1669. He was also a constable in 1676. But whichever side of the line he may have been prior to 1655, about that time he unquestionably appears in the southerly part of Brookline, where he made purchases of property at various dates, and where he entered upon the beautiful grounds on which he passed the remainder of his life, and which remained in the unbroken possession of his descendants until 1828. Of these purchases, the original deeds of ten are in the possession of the writer, and are in a good state of preservation. They are as follows : From John Smith of Boston, tailor, three acres at Muddy River, 26 April, 1655. From Ralph Mason of Boston, joiner, seven and one half acres at Mud- dy River, 23 May, 1655. From James Olliver of Boston, merchant, forty-five acres in "Boston Commons," Muddy River, 9 Feb. 1659. From Samuel Finch of Roxbury, husbandman, ten acres of meadow in Roxbury, 16 Dec. 1660. From William Gary, William Lyon, John Mayes, and John Bridge, all of Roxbury, fifteen acres in Roxbury, 6 Dec. 1661. From John Kendrick, Cambridge Village, now Newton, husbandman, ten acres of meadow in Newton, 10 Dec. 1666. From Richard Chamberlain of Roxbury, three fourths of an acre in FIRST GENERATION. 7 Roxbury, "a narrow poynte or slipe of land abutting upon the lands of the sayd Robert Harris upon the line between Boston and Roxbury," 23 Jan. 1667. From Richard Chamberlain of Roxbury, half an acre in Roxbury, to Robert Harris and Mary Griffin, (probably more of the aforesaid "poynte or slipe,") 23 Jan. 1667. From John Ruggles of Roxbury, half an acre in Roxbury, 18 May, 1674. From Jane Davis of Roxbury, ten acres at Muddy River, 15 June, 1691. On the Boston records, 25, 11 mo., 1655, there also appears, " Robert Harris of Muddy River, in consideration of two highways taken out of his land, hath 4 acres of land granted him out of the Town's waste ground most conven- ient for him ; and Mr. Peter Oliver is ordered to lay it out." There is also preserved a lease of ten acres of land for five years, from Joseph Griffin, dated 20 April, 1681, at the yearly rent of 3. This land Avas described as lying "bounded upon Roxbury line estward and upon Mrs. bouins farm west and upon the said Robert Harrises land south and upon the widdow childs north." The five receipts for rent were carefully preserved, of one of which the following is a copy : " Resaiucd of robart harris of muddy riuer the full sum of three pounds in munny which wos due upon demand for the rent of ten acors of land that robart harris hiereth of me the said land licth in muddy riuer and aioyneth to the said robart harris his land I say all paid from the beginning of the world to this day this being the second day of april 1683 I say resaiued by me the full sum of 3 pounds by me JOSEPH GRIFFIN." In reference to this, as well as to the purchases mentioned, it is to be remembered that Brookline was then a part of Boston, and that Roxbury then included the present town of West Roxbury, although the line be- tween the two may not have been very exactly defined so far from the centres. Robert Harris erected, at first, a small building for a home. But not many years after, he built one more commodious. This house was in its construction a garrison house. It stood until after the death of John Harris, grandfather to Dr. L. M. Harris. Although that person lived in another house near by, his love for the old home kept it standing, even after it came into the hands of his son. But John dying in 1796, his son removed the decaying building within a few months, and, a few years after, erected a new house on the site, which, known as the " Loker House," was destroyed by fire in 1854. The exact site is on the right hand of the " Putterham road," which runs from Jamaica Plain southwesterly to one part of Newton, a mile or more from the Plain, and some eight or ten rods from the West Roxbury line, in the town of Brookline. Of the wife of Robert Harris nothing is known except the name and facts already mentioned, save that items are to be had from the following letters sent to her, the original of which are still preserved: 8 ROBERT HARRIS AND HIS DESCENDANTS. The first, from Katherine Thorpe, superscribed " To my much estemed friend Mr. William Hibbins att Boston in New England ffor Elizabeth Harris These" Most deare Sister My vnfeigned love and respects to yo u and to yo r husband [and] children with my prayers to the God of Heaven & Earth for to endue you with all blessings both spirit- uall and temporall my father remembreth his love to yo u in the Lord Jesu and his seruice and respects to his Christian and dearly beloved friend M r William Hibbins, and acquainte him that my father saith praised be the Lord he doth remember him in his prayers, you shall receive by M r Oulton m r of the Good shipp the John's aduenture 10 yards of Kersy as a token of his vnfeigned love to you, desiring he may heare from you of the Receipt of it by the next shipping and (God willing) we shall then other- wise send to yo u , and then myselfe shall remember yo u w th a Token My ffather is intending (God willing J by the next September or the Spring, to send you some more [of| these therefore faile not to send to him I have not els But the lord God blesse and Protect you. I am yo r most really affectionate sister London, May 7th, 1654 you may direct yo r letter to my house in vineyard over against the back side of the Charterhouse in Aldersgate Street. May the 9 th , 1C54. Reced aboard the Johns adventure M r Oulten Comander one small bundell as- signed to M r Hibbins in bostowne reced by me THOMAS DBA. The second, from Bold Boughey, is superscribed " For my Deare Sist" M Elizabeth Harris att "Wroxbury These in New England." Dear Sisf. my love in the Lord Jesu to yo u : y r : husband & Children premised, I have rec d yo fro: Roxbury dated Jan: 27 th 61 and am hartyly Glad to heare of yo r healths the Lord in mercy continue it to yo a , yo" and us all. In answere to the pticulars of yo r letter as ffolloweth, I know Coll: Crowne, and did receive a former letter fro m yo u , but whether by his meanes or not I cannot tell, however, I am glad he proves yo r friend, for w ch when I haue an opportunity, I shall, god willing, give him thanks ; next all our Brothers, Brothers in Laws and Sisters hereafter menconed, praysed bee our good god, are in good health for the most parte ; our youngest Bro r Timothy is Chaplaine to the Kings Rigim 1 of Guards in Dunkirke, Thomas Imployed by me in business, our sister Katherine, whom yo u Know, is married to one M r Thorpe in London hath her health Indifferently well ; and lives comfortably, our Sisf Hannah is married to one Mr Wilding, and lives in Shrewsbury, Mary is married to M r Roe, who hath an Im- ploym 1 under me in London, and lives well, Priscilla is married to an honest minis- ter one M r Bruce, and at p r sent Lives in London, is Chapline to mee, at the ffleete. Our Sisters Except Katherine are all mothers of Children, I doubt not but our good god will continue his good hand of pvidence over us all, and [I] hartyly pray that wee may walke worthy of the Least of his mercys, and in all humilytie truly thankfull for what Ever hee in his divine wisdome thinks fitt to bestow, or Lay vpon us ; my harty prayers to the Lord for yo u and yo" are that if not in this world w ch is full of Sinn and Misery, yett hereafter wee may meete with Comfort, Where Jesus Christ the Saviour is gone before, etc. I was married but it pleased god to remoue my wife by FIRST GENERATION. 9 death about four yeeres since, I have only two sonnes and a daughter (viz) John, Bold, and Martha living ; my wife was with child of the tenth when she died. Deare Sister I haue only sent yo u at present what yo u desired, being 5 bibles to yo r Children if these come safe, according to advise I shall send yo u some further tokens of my Lone ; in the meane time with my Kinde Respects to yo r husband yo r selfe & all y" I doe Remayne Yo ur affectionate Bro er & Serv' fro the ffleete in London 4 th may 1662. phaps yo u will herewith receive some small tokens fro m yor other relacons. I have Entrusted my Bro r in Law m r Tho: Roe to take Care of sending this, etc. to yo u . The family of Robert 1 and Elizabeth [Boughey] Harris was as follows (2) I. ELIZABETH, 2 (7) born 9 Nov. 1644; married John Whitney, born at Watertown, 17 Sept. 1643; he was son of John and Ruth [Reynolds] W^hitney, and grandson of John and Elinor Whitney, who emigrated to New England in 1635. He was made freeman, May, 1654; lived in Brookline, near Jamaica Pond; and died 4 March, 1726. (3) II. JOHN, 2 (13) born .... 1647, (?) baptized at Roxbury, 8 August, 1647; married, 20 Sept. 1670, Mary, daughter of Richard, (Jr.) and Mary [Reynolds] Sanger of Watertown. (4) III. TIMOTHY, 2 (21) born 9 July, 1650; married 2 April, 1697, Abigail, daughter of Thomas and Susanna Morey of Rox- bury. (5) IV. DANIEL, 2 (25) born 14 May, 1652 ; married 14 June, 1682, Joanna Brown. (6) V. PKISCILLA, S (following 36) born 7 Oct. 1653: died unmar- ried 2 Jan. 1717-18. , Robert Harris, it will be seen, accumulated a good property. No will has been discovered, and doubtless there was none, as he disposed of his estate by deed in his lifetime. These various gifts, in order of date, are as follows : To Daniel, his fourth child, the deed (omitting needless verbiage as noted by stars) reads thus : To all Christian People unto whom these Presents shall or may come, I Robert Harris of Muddy River belonging to Boston in the County of Suffolk in their Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, Send Greeting. Know Ye, That for divers Causes and Reasons me thereunto moving, Especially for and in Considera- tion of the Love & Affection that I have & bear Tinto my Son Daniel Harris of said Muddy River, Not only as he is my Natural Son, but as he is, and at all times hath behaved himself as an obedient and dutiful son towards myself and his Mother ; and also that I might signify my Consent & Satisfaction with his motion of Marriage, with Joanna his now wife, and to encourage and assist him in that respect, As I have for- merly & long since given & granted unto him the several Parcels of Land hereafter & ROBERT HARRIS AND HIS DESCENDANTS. hereunder mentioned, So I the said Robert Harris, Father of the said Daniel Harris, Do, by these Presents, fully, freely & absolutely Give, grant, bargain, alien, enfeoff, convey, demise, confirm & deliver unto my sd son Daniel Harris, All & every the said parcells of Land, according to'their several bounds, abuttments & situation. That is to say, Three quarters of an acre of land, be the same more or less, on which the mansion house of my said son Daniel Harris now standeth, being situate & lying within the bounds of sd Muddy River, and there abutting upon & bounded by the remainder of my own land on the North & on the West, by Roxbury line, or the land of the Heirs of Benjamin Child on the East, and by the land of Joseph Griffin on the South, Item, Three acres of Fresh Meadow, being situate & lying within the bounds or Pre- cincts of Cambridge Village [Now Newton,] and there abutting upon & bounded by the land of Capt. Thomas Prentice on the North, by the land of Joseph Wilson on the East, by the remainder of the Meadow of me the said Robert Harris in part, & by the upland of the Heirs of John Jackson in part on the South, and by Charles River on the West, being the one half of six acres of Meadow belonging to me the sd Robert Harris, be the same more or less. Item, Ten acres of woodland lying within the bounds of said Muddy River, Bounded by the Heirs of John Harris on the North by the remainder of the land of me the sd Robert Harris in part, and by the land of the Heirs of my sd son John Harris in part on the West, being of an equal breadth at both ends, & extending so far Westward as to take in a small Pond, by a straight line parr- allel to the eastern bounds of said land, whereby it is bounded by the land of John Lyon, or Roxbury line, and is also bounded by the land of Joseph Griffin on the South Item, Five acres of land lying and being within the Township of Roxbury in the aforesaid County, and there bounded by the land of the Heirs of Samuel Gore in part, and by the land of Jabez Totman in part on the North, By the land of my son Timothy Harris, and by him purchased of Samuel Payson on the East by the land of John Ruggles in part, and by the land of Jabez Totman in part on the South, and by the remainder of the land of me the said Robert Harris on the West. To HAVE AND TO HOLD, * * * * In acknowledgement and for Confirmation of every and singular which Premised Covenants, Promises, Grants & agreements, I, the said Robert Harris, unto these Presents have set my hand and seal this tenth day of June, in the year of our Lord 1692, Annoq Regni Gulielmi & Marise Anglias &c. Regis & Regin Quarto. ROBERT HARRIS. [Seal.] Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Samuel Frissel, Grace Child, Elisabeth Child. Muddy River, May 19, 1698. Robert Harris did personally appear before me one of his Majesty's Justices for the County of Suffolk, and owned this Instrument to be his Act and Deed. Timothy Dwight. Received to be recorded April 4th, 1700, and accordingly Entred [in Suffolk Deeds, Lib. 19, Fol. 323] and examined, P' Add ton Davenport, Reg r . To Timothy, who was to pay certain sums to his sjsters, he gave the bulk of his property, on condition of the maintenance of himself and his wife : To. all Christian People unto whom these presents shall or may come, I Robert Harris of Muddy River belonging to Boston, in the Countie of Suffolke in their Maj- esties Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, send : Greeting, &c. : Know Ye that I the sd Robert Harris for divers & sundry weighty grounds and reasons me thereunto moveing, Especially for & in consideration of the naturall love & affection, which I do beare & ough unto Timothy Hams of sd Muddy River (my eldest [living] FIRST GENERATION. 11 son) demerited & deserved by his obedient and tractable carriage towards my selfe and his mother, and by his care & tenderness of us in o r aged & infirme state and condition, and also for and in consideration of his obligation still to continue the sd tender care of us and to make such comfortable provision for us and either of us dureing the terme & con- tinuance of our natural lives botli in sickness and health, as our weake and aged condition shall or may require either for food and rayment or whatever else may be necessary in time of health or respect of phisick, tendance and such other comforts as may be requisite in time of sicknesse, And also to give unto us his sd father and mother, Christian and decent buriall after our decease, Have given, granted, bargained, aliened, conveyed, demised and confirmed, And by these presents, do, fully, freely and absolutely give, grant, bargaine, alien, enfeffe, convey, demize, confirme and deliver unto mysd sonn Timothy Harris, a certaine mansion house in which I do now dwell together with three acres of land be the same more of lesse, whereon the sd house standeth, Lying scittuate within the precincts of sd Muddy River and there abutting upon and bounded by the land of Jo- seph Griffin on the North ; and on the South by Joseph Griffin & Daniel Harris ; by the land of Joseph Davis on the West, and by Roxbury line & Dan 1 Harris on the East ; only reserving unto myself what room I shall have occasion for in the sd house during the tcrme of my natural life : Together with which house and lands ("having formerly disposed part of my lands & Estate unto other of my children) I do also in like manner convey and confirme unto my sd son Timothy, his heirs & assigns, the sev- erall parcels of land hereafter and hereunder mentioned : Imprimis ; Ten acres of land be the same more or less lying scittuate and being within the bounds of the Toun of Roxbury in the Countie aforesd and there abutting upon & bounded by Boston line on the West, By the land of James Frissel on the North : By the land of Daniel Harris on the East ; and by the land of William Gary, in part, by the land of Jabez Totman in part, and by the land of John Lyon in part on the South : Item ; Ten acres of land lying scittuate and being within the bounds or precincts of sd Muddy River and there abutting upon and bounded by the lands of Joshua Gardner in part and by the lands of Joshua Childs in part on the North- West, By my own land on the South-East ; by the land of John Harris or his heirs on the South-West, and by the land of Joseph Davis on the Northwest. (Item,) halfe an acre of land be it more or less, lying scittuate in Roxbury bounds and there abutting upon and bounded by Boston line on the West, By the land of Joseph Griffin on the East and on the North, and upon the highway on the South. Item three quarters of an acre lying scittuate and being within Roxbury bounds, bounded by the line between the lands of Boston and Roxbury on the West, By the lands of James Frissel on the East, By the land of Benjamin Childe on the North, and by my own lands on the South. Item Twenty acres of land lying scittuate & being within the bounds of sd Muddy River and there abutting upon and bounded by the land of Daniel Harris on the East, By the land of Joseph Griffin on the South, and by the land of John Harris, or his heirs, on the North and on the West ; Item : four acres of Meadow land, being & lying in Cambridge Village [now Newton] and there abutting upon the land of John Jacson on the North, upon Chatles River on the East and on the South, and upon the land of John Harris, or his heirs, in part, and by the land of Daniel Harris in part on the West. To have and to hold the sd mansion house, and each and every the abovementioned parcels of land, be they more or lesse, butted & bounded as abovesaid, or however otherwise bounded or reputed to be bounded, and together with the same, all my moveable estate without doors, of what kinde and nature soever it be, which I the sd Robert Harris do in like manner confirme, and by these pres- ents establishe to and upon my sd son Timothy Harris his heires and assigns for ever, he or they observing and performing the Conditions above specified upon which this grant and conveyance is made, and paying all my just and honest debts, particularly to William Stoughton of Dorchester, Esqr. ten pounds current money due unto him by Bond un- 12 ROBERT HARRIS AND HIS DESCENDANTS. der my hand & scale. And also yielding and paying unto my daughter Elisabeth Whit- ney the summ of ten pounds either in current money, or in lands at money price with- in two yeares after my discease, and to my daughter Priscilla Harris twenty pounds either in current money or lands as they shall be worth in money according to the judgement of indifferent men : the one halfe within one yeare after my discease, and the other halfe within three yeares after my discease. And I the sd Robert Harriss do by these presents promise and covenant to and with my said son Timothy Harriss that I am the true and rightfull owner of all and every the within mentioned parcels of land before and untill the ensealing and executing these presents : Also : that the same and every parcel thereof are free and cleare of and from all manner of annoyances and incumbrances whatsoever: Item, That I have full power and lawfull authority to dis- pose thereof as is above expressed ; and finally, that I will, upon the lawfull and rea- sonable request and demand of my sd sonn Timothy, and at his cost and charge, make, do, perform and acknowledge and execute any such other act or acts device or devices in the law for the further confirmation and more sure making of the within granted Premises, and every part and parcell thereof with the appurtenances unto my sd son Timothy Harriss his heirs and Assignes forever as by his or their counsel learned in the Law shall be lawfully or reasonably devised, advised or required In acknowledgement and for confirmation of every and singular which promised Covenants and grants I the said Robert Harris have unto these presents set my hand and seale this twelfth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred ninety and three : Annoq Regni Gulielmi and Marise Anglise &c. Regis et Reginas quinto. Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence of /" ^ f r> Edmund Weld - John Gore. [Seal.] Roxbury, Sept r 12, 1693. Robert Harris personally apearing before me ye Subscri- ber one of yr Maj 8 Justices for ye Province of ye Massachusetts Bay, Acknowledged this Instrument to be his Act & Deed. SAM SEWALL. Boston August llth 1718. Received and Recorded with the Records of Deeds for the County of Suffolk Lib . 33. Fol. 6 7. &c. Pr JOHN BALLANTINE Regr. And he provided for the children of his second son, John, who had been lost in Sir William Phips's ill-starred expedition to Quebec, as follows : To all Christian people to whome this present writing shall Com greeting know ye that I Robert Harris Senior of Muddy riuer in the County of Suffolke Husbandman, for and in Consideration of the true payment of these Seaueral Sums of money to the parties hereafter mentioned by the sd Robert Harris of Muddy riuer Junor in the County aforesaid Husbandman in matter and forme following vizt : fouer pounds of Currant money of New-England to his Sister Mary Harris in fiue yeares next after the date hereof: and fouer pounds of like Currant money to his Sister Elizabeth Harris in one yeare after and fouer pounds the next yeare following to his Sister Sarah Harris : fouer pounds of Currant money one the next yeare Ensueing to his Sister Abigail Har- ris : fouer pounds of the like Lawfull money : and the next yeare following to his Brother John Harris Seuen pounds of Currant money of New England, and the yeare following to pay his Sister Margarett Harris fouer pounds of y e like Lawfull money : for these and Diuers other good Causes and Considerations mee hereunto moueing Haue given granted bargained sold Aliened Enfeiffed and Confirmed And by these present doe giue grant Sell alien Enffeofe and confirme unto him the said Robert FIRST GENERATION. 13 Harris Junor his heires and assignes twenty Seauen acres of Land be it more or lesse Lying att Muddy riuer aforesaid in the bounds of Boston, being bounded North, upon the lands of Tymothy Harris : West upon Joshua Child the Widow Davis and Tymothy Harris East upon Timothy Harris and Daniel Harris, South upon John Davis and also turee acres or the halfe and deall of a piece of Meddow lying by Charles Riuer bounded East & South upon Tymothy Harris East upon Joseph Wilson West upon Charles river North upon John Prentice, allwayes reserueing out of this sd grant a Highway through the sd land to Tymothy Harris and Daniell their heires and assignes forever. To have and to Hold. * * * * In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and scale in the Nineth yeare of the Raigne of William, King ouer England &c. Annoq Domini 1697 : 8. It is agreed upon betweene the partis before sealing of these prsent deeds that Robert Harris Junor shall have noe power to make stripe or wast upon the sd lands hereby granted or to sell any part or parcell thereof untill the youngest sone com of age and if the sd Robert Harris shall haue occasion then to sell it his uncells Timothy Harris and Daniell Harris shall haue the first refusall of the sd lands hereby granted. Signed Sealed and delivered ROBERT HARRIS [Seal.] in the presence of ss the words that Robert Harris junor interlined Philip Searle Senior Joseph Goddard Joseph Griffin. Mudiriuer : may : 19 : 1698. Robart Haris did personally appeare before me one of his majesties Justices for the County of Suffolk and did owne this Jnstrument to be his Act and deed TIMOTHY DWIGHT. Of the time of the death of Robert Harris, no record has been found. A receipt, from his daughter Elizabeth and her husband, however, fixes it approximately, as the 10 therein referred to was to be paid " within two years after my decease." Judging from this paper, he probably died early in the year 1701. The receipt is as follows : Muddy River 14 th January 170|. Then received of Timothy Harris the sonn of Robert Harris late of Muddy River, belonging to Boston, in the Countie of Suffolk in her Majestie's province of Massachu- setts Bay in New England, deceased, The full and just summ of Ten Pounds in current money, of and in the sd Province, which was given as a legacy or as her proportion or proportions of his estate by the sd Robert Harris unto his daughter Elisabeth, the wife of John Whitney, and by him ordered to be paid by his sonn the sd Timothy Harris ; for & in consideration of the receipt of which said sum, we the subscribers, for ourselves & each & every of our heires, executors & administrators do by these presents, fully and absolutely acquit & discharge the said Timothy Harris, his heires & assigns forever from all further demands referring or relating to the sd estate of our sd father, Robert Harris, and relinquish all right, title, property or interest to or in the same or any part thereof forever. Sined & delivered in the pressents of us, JOHN WHITNEY, robart harris. ELIZABETH WHITNEY. Prisila harris. 2 14 ROBERT HARRIS AND HIS DESCENDANTS. SECOND GENERATION. ELIZABETH,* (2) oldest child of Robert and Elizabeth [Boughey] Har- ris, born 9 Nov. 1644, married, as already stated, John Whitney. The date of her death is unknown. He died 4 March, 1726, aged 83. The children of John and Elizabeth 2 [Harris] Whitney were (7) I. ELIZABETH,' born 9 Sept, 1670. (8) II. JOHN,' born 1 April, 1672. (9) III. RUTH,' born 31 Aug. 1674; married, 22 April, 1701, Jo- seph Adams of Brookline, whose son Joseph was the first of the name who settled in Newton, Mass. [See Jackson's History of Newton.] She died 19 Nov. 1762. (10) IV. TIMOTHY, 3 born 16 April, 1678; married, 12 June, 1706, Margaret Bacon. (11) V. DANIEL, 3 born 3 Dec. 1681 ; married, 21 June, 1704, Su- sannah Curtis. (12) VI. SAKAH, 3 born 2 Aug. 1684. JOHN,* (3) second child of Robert 1 and Elizabeth [Boughey] Harris, who was born in 1647, and married Mary Sanger, lived in Brookline. Both he and his wife "owned the covenant" in the church at Roxbury, 20, 2 mo., 1673, and he was received "in full communion" in 1684. He was lost in the expedition to Canada in 1690. Of his precise fate nothing has been known beyond the fact that John, with two other Brookline men, started to return home ; that they suffered intensely from hunger and every species of destitution, peeling the bark from trees and searching for moles and vermin ; and that only one reached home, a man of weak mind when he left, and almost an idiot when he came back, so wandering that he could give no clue to the fate of his comrades, whether they fell into the hands of the Indians, or perished of hunger. His wife Mary was born 26 Sept. 1650. She was the daughter of Rich- ard Sanger, Jr., an emigrant who settled at Sudbury in 1646, and removed to Watertown, 8, 9 mo., 1649, where he died 20 Aug. 1690; he was a blacksmith ; his wife was Mary, daughter of Robert Reynolds. The children of John 2 and Mary [Sanger] Harris, were (13) I. ROBERT, 3 (37) born (prob.) in 1671, baptized in April, 1673 ; married Lydia Woodward. (14) II. MARY, S born (prob.) in 1673, baptized 20 Nov. 1673 ; bur- ied 4 Feb. 1674. (15) III. MARY, 3 (second), born (prob.) in 1675, bap. 31 Jan. 1675. (16) IV. ELIZABETH. 3 SECOND GENERATION. 15 (17) V. SARAH,* born in 1681 (?), baptized 27 March, 1681 ; mar- ried (as we infer from the will of her father's sister Pris- cilla) Elisha, son of John May of Swanzey, who was born 20 March, 1669. (18) VI. ABIGAIL, 3 (39) born (prob.) in 1683, baptized 16 Sept. 1683. (19) VII. JOHN,* (44) born 9 April, 1686; married, 8 Dec. 1718, Hannah Wilson. (20) VIII. MARGARET. 3 TIMOTHY,* (4) third child of Robert 1 and Elizabeth [Boughey] Harris, who was born 9 July, 1650, and married 2 April, 1697, Abigail, daughter of Thomas and Susanna Morey,* was a housewright, and lived in Brook- line, on the homestead which he received from his father by deed, inserted above. To the marriage of Timothy* Harris, authenticated tradition ascribes some little romance. Attaining his thirty-second year with no indications of marriage, he was considered a confirmed bachelor. One day, having occasion to call at his neighbor Morey's, he knocked at the door, but re- ceiving no answer from within, pulled the latch-string and entered. There happened to be no one in the house, for the moment, except an infant in the cradle, who, awaked from her comfortable nap by his unceremonious entrance, began to express her displeasure in the manner other children of that tender age are apt to do. Timothy set himself to rocking the cradle in a most subdued manner, and continued until Mrs. Morey entered. " Good heart ! old bachelor, I have some hope of you yet," said she, " Aye, good wife," returned Timothy, " and not without reason, for I am determined to 'claim this little damsel for my wife the instant she is old enough." He waited fifteen years, and did claim and marry her, in less than a month after the completion of her sixteenth year. Timothy, in his youth and early manhood, was noted for activity and mirthfulness, and for prowess in all kinds of athletic sports. On two occasions when playing tricks upon Indians, who had a wigwam near his father's house, he would, but for skill and fleetness, have been killed. Timothy died 21 Sept. 1730 ; his wife, who was born 30 March, 1681, died 9 Sept. 1767, aged 86. He had, by deed dated 31 Oct. 1729, con.- veyed to his eldest son Timothy all his "Housen and lands lying and being in Brookline and in Roxbury." Said son to " Maintaine me & my wife, and provide for us food and Rament, Phyisick & Atend- ance, and all things necessary for me as long as I do live and she, as long as she remains my widow ; and to provide & maintain & keep for us, winter & summer, two milch Cows while I live, and one for my wife after my Decease while she remains my widow ; * See Appendix, for " Morey." 16 ROBERT HARRIS AND HIS DESCENDANTS. And also that I & my wife have the Privilege of the whol mantion house as long as wee live and she remains my widow. And that he my sd son Timothy Harris shall pay to each of my other two sons, John & Joseph Harris, three hundred pounds, the twenty- firs^ day of March next insuing the date hereof. And if my said son Timothy Harris pay to his sd Brothers John Harris & Joseph Harris the afore men- tioned sums, and fullfill all the before mentioned Promises concerning me & my wife, And also pay all my lawfull Debts & funeral charges & my wife's funeral charges, if she Dy's my widow, that then the afore mentioned housen and lands shall be his & his heirs forever." The children of Timothy* and Abigail [Morey] Harris were as follows (21) I. ABIGAIL,' born 1 June, 1704; married 3 March, 1726, Sam- uel Newell, lived at Dudley, Mass., and died there without issue. Samuel Newell set out on the journey of life with very small means, but being a man of sagacity and perse- verance he became, in process of time, one of the wealthiest farmers of his day. He had some peculiarities one of which was, a determination to keep free from all obligations to his neighbors. If he was in want of a tool, but for one occasion even, and knew that his neighbor would willingly lend him such a tool, he would not borrow it, nor accept the use of it if offered him ; but would rather go to them that sell, and buy. He carried his independence so far that he would not carry his grain to a neighboring mill for grinding, but, a small brook running through his own fjirm, by raising a dam to collect water enough to grind a few bushels at a time, he served his own purposes completely. He had a singular fancy in regard to the buttons on his garments, they being silver coins without alteration except the addition of an eye whereby to allow of their being sewed to the cloth. Whole dollars were used on his overcoat, halves on his dress coat, and so diminishing to ninepences or fourpenny pieces on his waistcoat. (22) II. TIMOTHY,' (45) born 28 April, 1706; married, 1st, Hannah Winchester of Brookline; 2d, Elizabeth Stevens. (23) III. JOHN, S (50) born 23 March, 1709 ; married 1st, Mary Win- chester of Brookline ; 2d, Esther Metcalf of Needham. (24) IV. JOSEPH," (54) born 15 Feb. 1711; married Rebecca Adams of Roxbury. DANIEL,* (5) fourth child of Robert 1 and Elizabeth [Boughey] Harris, born 14 May, 1652, married, 14 June, 1682, Joanna Brown. He "took SECOND GENERATION. 17 hold of the covenant" in the church at Roxbury, 13, 2 mo., 1684. "Joanna Harris was admitted to full communion in Roxbury church," 13 April, 1689. He was appointed constable in 1698. He resided in Brook- line, and died there, 15 Dec. 1733, aged 81. Their children, (whose births are all recorded, except that of Mehitable, upon the Roxbury records,) were (25) I. DANIEL,' born 14 Nov. 1682; died before 2 May, 1704. (26) II. PRISCILLA,' (55) born 4 Jan. 1684-5; married Ephraim Child of Woodstock, Ct. (27) III. THOMAS,' born 22 Sept. 1686. (28) IV. JOANNA,' (64) born 28 May, 1690; married Abraham Wood- ward of Brookline. (29) V. NATHANIEL,' (67) born 2 May, 1692; married Hannah Ful- lam of Weston. (30) VI. ELIZABETH,' (77) born 5 March, 1693-4; married Joshua Warren of Watertown. (31) VII. TIMOTHY,' (86) born 20 June, 1696; married Mary Stearns of Dedham. (32) VHI. SARAH,' (92) born 8 June, 1698; married John Hooper of Roxbury. (33) IX. ROBERT,' (94) born 1 Aug. 1700. (34) X. MEHITABLE,' born ,1702; married Stephen Walker of Rehoboth, 20 July, 1738; as by records of 2d church in Roxbury. (35) XL DANIEL,' born 2 May, 1704; married, 20 June, 1743, Eliza- beth, daughter of Col. Bridge of Roxbury, and died about 1788 or 9 ; she died about 1790 ; no issue. (36) XII. BENJAMIN,' born 19 Jan. 1707; died 15 June, 1707. PRisciLLA, 2 (6) youngest child of Robert' and Elizabeth [Boughey] Harris, born 7 Oct. 1653, died unmarried. Her name is again introduced merely to show the disposal of her property, by which, valuable genealog- ical facts are exhibited. Her will (nuncupative) was as follows : A Memorandum how Priscilla Harris of Brookline hath disposed of her body, money, and other goods, on December, the 31, 1717, who departed this life, January the 2d, 1717-8. In the first place, she ordered her brother, Daniel Harris, to see her body decently buried then she ordered her brother, Timothy Harris, to pay twenty pounds, in money, to Nathaniel Harris [her nephew] which was her portion which her father gave her, it being in the hands of Timothy Harris of Brookline ; and likewise ordered that the said Nathaniel Harris should give him an acquittance for the money ; and likewise she gave Nathaniel Harris her great brass kettle. 18 ROBERT HARRIS AND HIS DESCENDANTS. Then she ordered her brother Timothy H. to pay to his dau., Abigail, seven pounds ten shillings ; and to pay to John, son to Robert -Harris [her Nephew] of Brookline, seven pound ten shillings in money, when he comes of age all of which money is in the hands of Timothy Harris of Brookline. Then, to Priscilla Child [her Neice] of Woodstock a feather bed and beding, and her best suit of close, and her Camblet Ridinghood, and her lutestring hood. And then, to Priscilla Child Jun r of Woodstock, her chest which was in the house of John Scot of Roxbury, and all that was in it, except one mild piece of money, and half a dozen of Napkins, two pair of sheets and two pair of Pillowbears, and half a diaper tablecloth. Then, to Sarah May of Swansey, [prob. grand neice] her best feather bed and cover- lit, one pair of sheets, and one pair of pillowbears, half a diaper tablecloth, half a dozen of napkins, and a milld piece of money. The money that Elisha May owed her, he was to improve it for the use of his children that he had by his first wife. Then to Ruth Adams [her neice] her second best suit of close, her best neck-handkir- chief, one pair of sheets, and one pair of pillowbears. Then to her sister Whitney [mother of Ruth above] a suit of close. And then, to Joanna Woodward [neice] one iron kettle, one brass kettle, a warming- pan and a sfcillet, frying pan and lamp, Fire shovel and Tongs, and seven yards of new cloth of shirting. Then, to Abigail Harris Jr. [dau. of her br. Timothy] one pair of sheets & a silk hood. Then, to Lydia Harris [wife of her Nephew Rob 1 ] a homespun Riding hood, one pair of sheets, a piece of shirting cloath, au old gown, and a tub and churn. Then, to her brother, Timothy Harris, a Trammel and a tub of meat. And then she ordered, that Robert Harris should be paid for his trouble. And the rest of my things to be carried over to my brother Daniel Harris's House and divided amongst them Examined P r . JOHN BOYDELL Reg r . THIRD GENERATION. ROBERT* (13) first child of John* and Mary [Sanger] Harris, born (apparently) in 1671, was a farmer, and succeeded to the farm which his father owned before his unfortunate departure upon the Canada expe- dition, 1690. He married Lydia, only daughter of George (Jr.) and Lydia [Browne] Woodward of Brookline; she "owned the covenant" in Roxbury church, April, 1712, and was "admitted to full communion" in Nov. 1714; she died 10 April, 1774, at the house of her son John. Robert was living in March, 17345, and probably hi July, 1740 ; the time of his death is unknown. Their children were (37) I. JOHN,* born 17 March, 1717; resided in Brookline. He was a farmer, and deputy sheriff. He is said to have weighed over two hundred and seventy pounds. He was never mar- ried, and died 5 Nov. 1788, giving a farm of more than a hundred acres to John* Harris, (53) father of the writer. THIRD GENERATION. 19 (38) II. LYDiA, 4 born 5 Aug. 1720; lived single also, keeping house for her brother until her death, 10 May, 1776. ABIGAIL," (18) sixth child of John 2 and Mary [Sanger] Harris, bap- tized 16 Sept. 1683, married (probably) Benjamin Crafts of Roxbury. She was " admitted to full communion " in the Roxbury church, in August, 1708. Their children were (39) I. BENJAMIN,* born 13 Dec. 1706. (40) II. ABIGAIL, 4 born 19 January, 1708. (41) III. ELEAZER, 4 born 8 May, 1711. (42) IV. AARON,* born ; died (Roxbury Ch. Rec.) 15 Oct. 1714. (43) V. AARON, 4 born 7 June, 1717, baptized (2d Ch. Rec.) 9 June. JOHN,* (19) seventh child of John 8 and Mary [Sanger] Hams, born 9 April, 1686, removed from Brookline to Newton, where he married, 8 Dec. 1718, (Rev. John Cotton officiating, as appears by Newton Records in Middlesex Registry,) Hannah, daughter of Isaac and Susanna [Andrews] Wilson of Newton. They had, with perhaps other children (44) I. JOHN, 4 (99) born 14 Oct. 1720, baptized at Newton in 1720; who appears to be the John, of Stoughton, who married Susanna Gay of Dedham. TiMOTHY, 3 (22) second child of Timothy* and Abigail [Morey] Harris, born in Brookline, 28 April, 1706, was a farmer. He married, 1st, at Boston, 24 March, 1731, (Rev. Samuel Checkley officiating), Hannah Winchester of Brookline, who died 30 Aug. 1736. He married, 2d, 1 Jan. 1752, Elizabeth Stevens, born in 1732, who died 21 March, 1805. Timothy died 7 Nov. 1772. It has been already stated that Timothy 3 received the homestead and other property from his father, on certain conditions, 31 Oct. 1729. His father died 21 Sept, 1730. This property Timothy 3 conveyed to his brother John, 25 March, 1732, subject to the conditions still unfulfilled, for 600, his wife relinquishing her right of dower. Timothy's children were by his first wife (45) I. TiMOTHY, 4 born 20 Feb. 1733 ; died 30 July, 1765, unmarried. (46) II. AMARiAH, 4 baptized 23 Feb. 1735; died 22 Sept. 1735, (47) IH. AMARiAH, 4 (108) born 24 Aug. 1736; married Elizabeth Lynfield. By his second wife (48) IV. A child stillborn, 24 Jan. 1753. (49) V. HANNAH," (116) born 14 Aug. 1754; married Elijah Child. JOHN,* (23) third child of Timothy 2 and Abigail [Morey] Harris, born 23 March, 1709, lived in Brookline, having purchased the old homestead of his brother Timothy. He married, 1st, 4 Jan. 1733, Mary, daughter of 20 ROBERT HARRIS AND HIS DESCENDANTS. Henry and Frances Winchester of Brookline, who died 7 Oct. 1736 ; 2d, 16 April, 1747, Esther, daughter of Thomas and Lydia Metcalf* of Need- ham, who was born 11 Feb. 1718, and died 5 Nov. 1801. He died in Brookline, 3 Feb. 1796, in the house given to his son John by " Sheriff" John 4 (37) ; his wife died in the same house. By will, made 10 Feb. 1779, John 3 gave " To my beloved wife Esther Harris, the improvement of all my lands " in Roxbury and Brookline, " excepting one piece of land lying in Brookline that bounds on the land of John Harris Junr." [John 4 (37) j . . . and of " my live stock of cattle, horse, kine and swine, and my out-door utensils of whatever sort," . . . with the " interest of money that still remains due to me from the estate of my brother in law Thomas Metcalf," . . . "and the interest of a legacy that is due to me from the estate of my honored mother in law Lydia Metcalf," while she remained his widow. "To my dutifull son Michael" 120, and all the principal of the money remaining due out of the estate of Thomas Metcalf and Lydia his mother-in-law. " To my grandson Henry Whiting," 12. " To my grand daughter Elizabeth Whiting," 8. " To my grand daughter Lncretia Whiting," 8. " To my dutifull son John," " all my lands & buildings " in Brookline and Roxbury, with all the live stock, utensils, &c., " reserving to my wife the improvement," &c. His wife Esther was to be Executrix. [Fac simile of autograph written in 1787.] Esther, the widow of John, 3 also made a will, 23 May, 1796, in which she gave to her son Michael five dollars, and all the remainder of her estate to her son John. John 3 had children by his first wife (50) I. ABIGAIL,* (117) born 20 Aug. 1734; married Isaiah Whiting of Roxbury. (51) II. MARY,* born 29 Sept. 1736; died 23 March, 1737. By his second wife (52) HE. MicHAEL, 4 (121) born 12 June, 1748; married Mary Dana of Brookline. (53) IV. JOHN, 4 (131) born 1 Oct. 1750; married Mary Niles of Randolph. JOSEPH,' (24) fourth child of Timothy* and Abigail [Morey] Harris, born at Brookline, 15 Feb. 1711, married at Boston, (Rev. Samuel Check- ley officiating,) 10 June, 1731, Rebecca, daughter of Daniel and Rebecca Adams of Roxbury, born 24 Oct. 1713. He lived in that part of Norton now called Mansfield, and died there 22 (or 23) Feb. 1763. They had (54) I. THOMAS, 4 (139) born 2 Dec. 1737, in Mansfield; married Elizabeth Adams of Newton. * See Appendix, for " Metcalf." THIRD GENERATION. 21 PRisciLLA, 3 (26) second child of Daniel 8 and Joanna [Brown] Harris, born 4 Jan. 1684-5, there is reason to suppose was the Priscilla Harris who married Ephraim Child of Roxbury, son of Benjamin and Grace [Morris] Child ; a notice in her aunt Priscilla's will indicates this. Ephraim Child was born 19 July, 1683. They lived in Woodstock, Ct., and had (55) I. EPHRAJM,* born 1711; married and had three children. (56) II. DANIEL," born 1713. (57) IH. PmsciLLA, 4 born 1715; died 1736. (58) IV. MEHIT ABLE,* born 1719; married Nehemiah Lyon. (59) . V. MARY, 4 born 1721. (60) VI. ESTHER, 4 born 1722. (61) VII. ELISHA," born 1725. (62) VIII. PETER,* (63) IX. JOANNA, 4 Jo ANNA, 3 (28) fourth child of Daniel* and Joanna [Brown] Harris, born in Brookline, 28 May, 1690, married Abraham Woodward of Brookline. They had (64) I. ABRAHAM, 4 baptized 19 Jan. 1718. (65) H. JOANNA, 4 baptized 16 Aug. 1719. (66) IH. BENJAMIN, 4 baptized 18 Aug. 1723. NATHANIEL,* (29) fifth child of Daniel 2 and Joanna [Brown] Harris, born 2 May, 1692, in Brookline, lived at Needham and at Watertown. He was a fuller by occupation ; was selectman of Watertown in 1730 and ten other years, and very useful in town affairs ; he was representative in 1735-7, and subsequently a justice. He was "received into full commu- nion" in the Watertown Church, 3 Oct. 1725. He married, 30 Jan. 1717, Hannah, daughter of Col. Francis Fullam of Weston, born 10 June, 1697. He died 13 May, 1761, and was buried in the old graveyard at Water- town, where his tombstone still remains. He left no will ; his estate was settled by his widow Hannah and son Thomas of Dorchester. Children were (67) I. THOMAS, 4 (149) born in Needham, 31 Oct. 1718; married, 1st, Jerusha ; 2d, Lucy Pierce. (68) II. FRANCIS, 4 (151) born in Watertown, (as were the remain- ing children,) 3 Oct. 1721 ; married Susanna Benjamin. (69) HI. SARAH, 4 (160) born 6 Dec. 1723; married White; she was received into church fellowship at Watertown, 24 May, 1741. (70) IV. PRisciLLA, 4 born 29 Aug. 1725; died before 1729. (71) V. NATHANIEI/; a record says that he died 4 May, 1728, but 3 22 ROBERT HARRIS AND HIS DESCENDANTS. either this is an error, or a brother of the same name was born very speedily, viz. Nathaniel, 4 (162). (72) VI. PRISCILLA,* (165) born 4 Feb. 1728-9; married Nathaniel Smith of Groton. - (73) VII. BENJAMIN,* (166) born 24 April, 1731 ; married Mary Ad- dleton (Atherton?) of Watertown. (74) VHI. HANNAH,* (167) born 13 April, 1733; married Joseph Hay. (75) IX. STEPHEN,* (170) born 23 June, 1735; married Sarah Brown of Watertown. (76) X. FULL AM,* born 16 May, 1737 ; died (according to gravestone) 6 Nov. 1738. Of these children, Thomas, Francis, Sarah, and Priscilla, were baptized at Watertown, 18 Oct. 1725, by Rev. Seth Storer. ELIZABETH, 3 (30) sixth child of Daniel 2 and Joanna [Brown] Harris, born 5 March, 1693-4, married at Watertown, 29 April, 1724, Joshua Warren of that place, Jonas Bond, Justice, officiating. They had children (77) I. MosES, 4 born 19 Jan. 1725. (78) II. JosHUA, 4 born 11 Oct. 1726. (79) in. BENJAMIN,* born 20 Dec. 1728. (80) IV. LYDIA,* baptized 24 Nov. 1728.? (81) V. ELIJAH, 4 born 31 July, 1731. (82) VI. ELIZABETH,* born 4 Feb. 1732-3. (83) VII. ELIJAH, 4 born 23 Jan. 1734-5, died early. (84) VIII. ELIJAH,* born 2 July, 1737. (85) IX. NOAH,* born 4 Nov. 1739. TIMOTHY," (31) seventh child of Daniel 2 and Joanna [Brown] Harris, born 20 June, 1696, in Brookline, was a blacksmith. He lived in Water- town until about 1735, when he removed to Oxford. He was received into "church fellowship" there 13 June, 1731. He was married, 5 Nov. 1724, to Mary, daughter of Samuel and Mary Stearns of Dedham, born there 28 Jan. 1699; she died 13 Feb. 1785. He died 25 Feb. 1777. Their children were (86) I. SAMUEL,* (177) born 14 Sept, 1725 ; at Watertown, (as were the next three,) married Margaret Robbins. (87) H. MARY,* (186) born 25 Aug. 1727 ; married Elisha Davis. (88) III. ANNA,* born 4 Feb. 1729-30. (89) IV. ABIJAH,* (196) born 25 Nov. 1732; married Sarah Lamb. (90) V. MEHITABLE,* (200) born 3 Aug. 1735, at Oxford; married Stephen Jewett of Oxford. (91) VI. ELIZABETH, 4 born 24 Jan. 1 740, at Oxford ; d. 24 Sept. 1 742. FOURTH GENERATION. 23 SARAH, 3 (32) eighth child of Daniel* and Joanna [Brown] Harris, born 8 June, 1698, in Brookline, married John Hooper of Roxbury, 4 March, 1731. They had (92) I. JOHN, 4 baptized 13 Feb. 1732. (93) H. SARAH,* born 1733. ROBERT, 3 (33) ninth child of Daniel 2 and Joanna [Brown] Harris, born 1 Aug. 1700, in Brookline, was a clothier. He settled in Springfield, where he married, 18 Feb. 1730, Bathshua, daughter of Col. John Pyn- chon of that place; she was born 1 Jan. 1708, and died 5 Jan. 1760. Robert, who was also a Lieutenant, died there in 1780. " I do not remember," writes Rev. Robert William Harris, late of White Plains, N. Y., " to have heard my father say anything of the Harris fam- ily, except that his grandfather Robert 3 Harris was a very active, well- built man, not large of stature, but, in his old age, hale and enterprising. * * * I have an old book, of a religious character, which has the name of Robert 8 Harris written in it by my great-grandfather of that name. The part of the volume which contains family prayers is much worn and soiled by use, showing that its owner was 'a devout man,' and one that 'feared God with all his house.' The title of the book is ' The Poor Man's Help and the Young Man's Guide.' " Robert 3 and Bathshua had children (94) I. WiLLiAM, 4 born in 1731, (prob.); died at Ticonderoga, N. Y. 16 Oct. 1759; a soldier. (95) n. STEPHEN, 4 born in 1733, (prob.); died at New Haven, Ct., 6 May, 1754. Rev. Robert W. Harris says, "I have a small MS., on which my father [Rev. William Harris, then Pres. of Columbia College,] has written, 'This book, to- gether with the writing, &c., was the property of my uncle Stephen Harris, who died when a student in Yale College.' It is a translation of the Euchiridion of Epictetus, written hi short hand." (96) in. DANIEL, 4 (207) born in 1735, (prob.); married the widow of Col. Church, born Pynchon. (97) IV. MOSES," born in 1737, (prob.); died 18 Nov. 1747. (98) V. ANNA, 4 born in 1739, (prob.); died 29 Nov. 1745. FOURTH GENERATION. JOHN, 4 (44) child of John 3 and Hannah [Wilson] Harris, baptized at Newton in 1720, lived in Stoughton. He married, 24 March, 1753, Susannah Gay, of Dedham. They had 24 ROBERT HARRIS AND HIS DESCENDANTS. (99) I. SAMUEL,* born 22 Aug. 1754. (100) II. SARAH,* born 5 Dec. 1756; died 21 June, 1758. (101) in. WiLLiAM, 5 born 14 March, 1759; died 20 Oct. 1766. (102) IV. JESSE,* born 16 Aug. 1762; died 11 Oct. 1766. (103) V. ENOCH,* (210) born 19 Aug. 1764; married Sarah Smith. (104) VI. LEMUEL,* born 28 Aug. 1768. (105) VII. LYDIA,* (213) born 16 Aug. 1770; married Joseph Wight, Jr., of Norwich. (106) VIII. LABAN,* born 12 Sept. 1773. (107) IX. MELATIAH,* born 8 Nov. 1779. AMARIAH,* (47) third child of Timothy 3 and Hannah [Winchester] Harris, born 24 August, 1736, in Brookline, married Elizabeth, daughter of William Lynnfield of Braintree, (in the part now Randolph,) and settled on a farm in Stoughton, which, in 1851, was in possession of his second son, William. He died 27 Sept. 1788; his wife died 17 Nov. 1827. They had (108) I. TiMOTHT, 5 (218) born 11 May, 1765; married Anna How- ard of Stoughton. (109) II. WILLIAM,* (231) born 9 Nov. 1767 ; married Vashti Leach of Stoughton Corner. (110) IH. SARAH,* (239) born 21 Dec. 1769; married Samuel Curtis of Randolph. (111) IV. HANNAH,* born 18 June, 1772 ; married, in 1794, Abiel Packard of Bridgewater, and had several children now in Maine, whose names are not known to the compiler. (112) V. AMARIAH,* (245) born Feb. 1775; married Abigail Daniels. (113) VI. ELIZABETH,* (247) born ; married John Decoster. (114) VII. LucY, 5 (253) born ; married Samuel Boy den. (115) VIH. JOHN, 5 (255) born 9 July, 1785; married Betsey Record. HANNAH, 4 (49) fifth child of Timothy 3 and second child of Elizabeth [Stevens] Harris, born 14 Aug. 1754; married, 10 April, 1783, Elijah Child. He died 14 July, 1825, aged 78. She died 5 June, 1808. They had (116) I. TIMOTHY HARRIS,* born 14 Feb. 1784; who died unmarried 29 July, 1856. He owned and occupied the farm in Brookline, which belonged to his grandfather Timothy Harris. ABIGAIL,* (50) first child of John 3 and Mary [Winchester] Harris, born in Brookline, 20 Aug. 1734, married, Feb. 1759, Isaiah Whiting- of Rox- bury, son of Nathaniel and Hannah [Lyon] Whiting, born 12 June, 1732. They had (117) I. HENRY,* born 2 Nov. 1759; died young. FOURTH GENERATION. 25 (118) II. HENRY,* born 27 Dec. 1761; married Mary Davis, and died Sept. 1821. (119) III. ELIZABETH,* born 18 May, 1764; married Moses Alden, and died in 1833. (120) IV. LUCRETIA,* born 12 March, 1766; married Eand, and died in 1837. MiCHAEL, 4 (52) third child of John, 3 and first child of Esther [Met- calf] Harris, born in Brookline, 12 June, 1748; married in 1775, Mary, daughter of Daniel and Experience Dana, of Brookline, baptized 26 Jan. 1748. He settled on a farm in Needham, owned by his unmarried uncle Michael Metcalf, and left to him on the uncle's death. He died at Need- ham, 28 Jan. 1816. Their children were (121) I. BETSEY,* born 20 March, 1776; died unmar. 24 Dec. 1849. (122) II. MICHAEL,* (261) born 11 Jan. 1778 ; mar. Susannah Stevens- (123) III. MARY,* (268) born 9 Dec. 1779; married Isaac Colburn of Dedham. (124) IV. ABIGAIL,' (271) born 4 Jan. 1782 ; married Benjamin Mer- riam of Roxbury. (125) V. ESTHER M.* (273) born 30 Jan. 1784; married Amos Fuller of Needham. (126) VI. LYDiA,*(275) born 20 Sept. 1785 ;_ married Lemuel Fair- banks of Dedham. (127) VH. THOMAS METCALF,* born 26 June, 1787; died unmarried 16 April, 1808. (128) Vin. SALLY,* (276) born 5 April, 1790; married Enos Tucker of Needham. (129) IX. CATHERINE,* (281) born 23 May, 1792; married Lemuel Fairbanks. (130) X. LUCY,* born 31 March, 1794, and died young. JOHN, 4 (53) fourth child of John 3 and second child of Esther [Metcalf] Harris, born in Brookline, 1 Oct. 1750, inherited from his father the old homestead which had descended from their ancestor Robert. 1 John 4 lived on the homestead until the death of John 4 (37) in 1788, when he removed (with his father and mother) into the house of the latter, which came by gift, with over a hundred acres. The old house remained standing until the death of John,* when the son a few months after, in 1796 took it down. In the y^ar 1802, he erected on the same spot a building, since known as stated on page 7 as the Loker House, now destroyed by fire. The homestead itself John 4 sold in 1828, after it had been unin- terruptedly in the possession of the family for nearly one hundred and seventy-five years. 26 ROBERT HARRIS AND HIS DESCENDANTS. John 4 married 1st, 2 March, 1780, Mary, daughter of Lieutenant Nathan- iel Niles of Randolph, a revolutionary officer. She was born 31 Dec. 1757, and died at Brookline, 7 May, 1814. He married 2d, Abigail [ - ] widow of Solomon Hall of Newton, who was born 22 Sept. 1766, and died 13 Sept. 1854. John 4 Harris died in Brookline, 5 Dec. 1831. His will was dated 13 June, 1828, by which he gave his wife five dollars only, as her support was secured by marriage settlement ; to son Benjamin N. (whom he had previously assisted) seventy-five dollars ; to daughter Mary Clark Sumner, one hundred and fifty dollars ; to daughter Lucy Marean, three hundred and fifty dollars ; to Bathsheba Harris, widow of his late son Robert, and to Robert's children, viz., Joseph Wales, Charles, and Caroline, fifty dollars each ; and to son Luther Metcalf, the residue of his estate, he to support his sister Esther Harris. His children, all by his first wife, and all born in Brookline, were (131) I. ESTHER,* born 7 Jan. 1781; died unmarried, 31 Dec. 1860, at the residence of her brother, Dr. Luther M. Harris, at Jamaica Plain. (132) H. BENJAMIN NILES,* (283) born 19 July, 1782; married Mary Whitcomb of Boxborough. (133) in. MART CLARK, S (289) born 3 July, 1784; married Joseph Sumner of Boston. (134) IV. ROBERT,* (292) born 25 June, 1786; married Bathsheba Whitcomb of Randolph. (135) V. LUTHER METCALF,* (296) born 7 May, 1789; married Lucy Dutton Mann. (136) VI. WILLIAM,* born 22 Nov. 1791; died 29 Feb. 1792. (137) VH. LUCY,* born 4 Nov. 1793; died 20 Nov. 1793. (138) VHI. LUCY,* (302) born 30 Oct. 1794; married 1st, Rufus Cob- leigh of Boston; 2d, William Marean of Newton. THOMAS, 4 (54) only child of Joseph 3 and Rebecca [Adams] Harris, born in Mansfield, 2 Dec. 1737. He married, probably in 1759, Elizabeth Adams of Newton. He resided in Mansfield, and died 21 June, 1803. His widow married David Keith, who died 14 May, 1822, James Salley, who died 24 May, 1824, and 11 May, 1825, Jepthah Boyden, but had no children except by her first marriage; she died 31 July, 1836, aged 93. Thomas 4 and Elizabeth had children (139) I. REBECCA,* (306) born 26 Aug. 1760 ; married John Chapman. (140) II. MARY,* (309) born 29 June, 1766; married Ezra Skinner, Jr. FOURTH GENERATION. 27 (141) m. LUCY,* (321) born 29 Dec. 1768 ; married, 1st, Ward Sampson of Middleborough ; 2d, Samuel Bailey; 3d, Calvin Borden. (142) IV. JOSEPH,* (323) born 27 Jan. 1771; married Anna Coffin. (143) V. JOHN,* (326) born 27 July, 1773 ; married Eleanor Brudery. (144) VI. ELIJAH, 5 (329) born July, 1775; married Lilias Chapman. (145) VH. JAMES,* (twin) (333) born 22 April, 1784; married Prussia Chapman. (146) Vm. NANCY,* (twin) born 22 April, 1784; died 3 Feb. 1798. (147) IX. JACOB,* born ; died 20 May, 1800. (148) X. ISAAC,* born 24 April, 1789; married, removed to New York, and died there without issue. THOMAS,* (67) oldest child of Nathaniel 3 and Hannah [Fullam] Harris, born in Needham, 31 Oct. 1718; removed to Dorchester; was constable there in 1752. He married, 1st, Jerusha ; she died Oct. 1744, and he married, 2d, 22 Aug. 1745, (Rev. Seth Storer officiating,) Lucy Pierce of Watertown, born 6 March, 1722-3, daughter of Samuel and Rebecca Pierce. He, and Hannah, widow of his father, were appointed administrators of the father's estate, 15 June, 1761. Thomas 4 and Jerusha had (149) I. HANNAH,* born in Dorchester, 20 Sept. 1744. (150) II. SAMUEL*; a clothier in Fitchburg in 1773. FRANCIS, 4 (68) second child of Nathaniel 3 and Hannah [Fullam] Harris, born in Watertown, 3 Oct. 1721 ; resided ha Shirley. He was a captain; member of the Middlesex Convention at Concord, 30 Aug. 1774; of the first Provincial Congress of Massachusetts from Shirley, in October, 1774; and of the second, from the same town, in Feb. 1775. His wife was Susanna, daughter of Jonathan and Susanna [Norcross] Benjamin, born 10 Nov. 1723. Captain Francis 4 and Susanna had children (151) I. SUSANNA,* (342) born -; married, 1st, Moore; 2d, John Dwight. (152) II. PRISCILLA,* born ; married James Dickinson. (153) IH. SARAH,* born 20 Nov. 1747; died 4 Oct. 1756. (154) IV. FRANCIS,* born 20 May, 1752; died 11 Oct. 1756. (155) V. ASA,* (343) born 27 Oct. 1754 ; married Esther . (156) VI. SARAH,* (345) born 7 May, 1757; married David Bennet. (157) VH. ABIGAIL,* born 9 Aug. 1759; married William Williams. (158) VHI. HANNAH,* born 14 March, 1762; married Solomon Pratt. (159) , IX. FRANCIS,* born 2 June, 1764; married Eunice Holden of Shirley. SARAH,* (69) third child of Nathaniel 3 and Hannah [Fullam] Harris, 28 ROBERT HARRIS AND HIS DESCENDANTS. born 6 Dec. 1723; was received into church there 24 May, 1741 ; married William White. They lived, first, in Watertown, and had (160) I. WILLIAM,* born 28 Aug. 1751, in Watertown. (161) II. NATHANIEL,* born 21 Dec. 1752, in Shirley. NATHANIEL,* (71) fifth child of Nathaniel 3 and Hannah [Fullam] Harris, born ; married, 27 Oct. 1748, Anna Mead of Watertown. They had (162) I. FULLAM,* born 4 May, 1750, in Boston. (163) II. JANE,* born 1 Jan. 1752. (164) III. NATHANIEL, 5 baptized in 1758, at Watertown. PRISCILLA,* (72) sixth child of Nathaniel 3 and Hannah [Fullam] Harris, born in Watertown, 4 Feb. 1728-9; married, 7 Dec. 1751, (Rev. Seth Storer officiating,) Nathaniel Smith of Groton. They removed to Mason, N. H. They had (165) I. SUSANNAH,* born in Groton, 7 March, 1753. BENJAMIN,* (73) seventh child of Nathaniel 3 and Hannah [Fullam] Harris, born in Watertown, 24 April, 1731; lived in Watertown. He married, 1st, 20 Feb. 1755, (Rev. Seth Storer officiating,) Mary Addleton [Atherton ?] of Watertown ; 2d, Abigail . Benjamin 4 and Abigail had (166) I. MARY,* born in Watertown, 19 March, 1761. HANNAH, 4 (74) eighth child of Nathaniel 3 and Hannah [Fullam] Har- ris, born in Watertown, 13 April, 1733, married 20 Feb. 1755, Joseph Hay of Watertown. They had (167) I. HANNAH,* baptized 28 Sept. 1755. (168) II. JOHN,* baptized 12 Aug. 1759. (169) HI. JOSEPH,* baptized 3 March, 1765. STEPHEN,* (75) ninth child of Nathaniel 3 and Hannah [Fullam] Harris, born in Watertown, 23 June 1735; lived at Watertown, and "owned the covenant" in the church there, (with his wife,) 2 March, 1755. He was a clothier. He married, 16 Jan. 1755, Sarah Brown of Watertown. They had children (all born in Watertown) (170) I. NATHANIEL,* born 20 March, 1755. (171) II. ANNA,* born 3 April, 1757; died 18 May, 1757. (172) III. HANNAH,* born 29 Jan. 1760. (173) IV. STEPHEN,* (346) born 24 May, 1762; married Katherine . (174) V. SARAH,* baptized 19 May, 1765. (175) VI. MARY,* baptized 4 July, 1767. (176) VII. LUCY,* baptized 2 April, 1769; married, 23 May, 1797, William Berry. FOURTH GENERATION. 29 SAMUEL, 4 (86) first child of Timothy 3 and Mary [Stearns] Harris, born at Watertown, 14 Sept. 1725 ; removed to Oxford, and became deacon of the first church there. He married, 27 August, 1752, Margaret Robbins, born in 1731, died 23 Dec. 1807. He was town clerk of Oxford from 1776 to 1798. The accompanying fac-simile is that of his last signature, as town clerk, when over seventy-two years of age : He died 25 Aug. 1798. They had (177) I. ELIZABETH,* born 15 March, 1752-3; died 3 Oct. 1754. (178) II. JONATHAN,* born 6 Oct. 1754; died 10 Dec. 1758. (179) III. ASA,* born 2 April, 1756; died 30 March, 1769. (180) IV. MOSES,* born 7 April, 1758 ; died 29 May, 1769. (181) V. JONATHAN,* (355) born 13 May, 1760; married Huldah Town. (182) VI. ABIJAH,* born 15 April, 1762; died 28 July, 1769. (183) VII. TIMOTHY,* born 2 April, 1764; died 29 April, 1769. (184) VIH. MARY,* born 19 July, 1766; died 18 July, 1769. (185) IX. ANNA,* (366) born t4 Aug. 1768; married David Nichols. MARY,* (87) second child of Timothy 3 and Mary [Stearns] Harris, born at Watertown, 25 Aug. 1727; married, 11 July, 1751, Elisha Davis of Oxford. He died 22 Oct. 1796. She died 26 Sept. 1796. They had I. JEREMIAH,* born 27 March, 1753. II. ANNA,* born 25 Nov. 1754. HI. ELISHA,* born 25 Sept. 1756. IV. ABIJAH,* born 10 Sept. 1758. V. ALICE,* born 28 Aug. 1760. VI. THOMAS,* born 5 Sept. 1762. VII. DOROTHY,* born 29 Jan. 1765; died 25 Oct. 1768. (193) VIII. NEHEMIAH,* born 5 March, 1768. (194) IX. TIMOTHY,* born Sept. 6, 1770. (195) X. DOROTHY,* born 28 Nov. 1773. ABIJAH,* (89) fourth child of Timothy 3 and Mary [Stearns] Harris, born 25 Nov. 1732, at Watertown; married, 18 Sept. 1760, Sarah Lamb of Oxford. He was lieutenant. He died 14 Nov. 1810. She died 28 March, 1824, aged 81. They had (196) I. ELIZABETH,* born 22 Dec. 1762. (197) II. SARAH,* born 31 Oct. 1768. (198) III. ASA,* (375) born 1 June, 1771; married, 1st, Sarah Mayo; 2d, Dolly Day; 3d, Widow Hopestill Phipps. (199) IV. SARAH,* born 18 Nov. 1776; died 22 April, 1785. 4 30 ROBERT HARRIS AND HIS DESCENDANTS. MEHITABLE/ (90) fifth child of Timothy 3 and Mary [Stearns] Harris, born 3 Aug. 1735, at Oxford; married, 5 Feb. 1757, Stephen Jewett of Oxford. They had (200) I. DAVID,* born 30 June, 1758. (201) II. ROGER,* born 5 Sept. 1761, at Gageborough. (202) III. TIMOTHY.* (203) IV. EZEKIEL. 5 (204) V. ELIZABETH.* (205) VI. SILENCE.* (206) VII. JOANNA.* DANIEL,* (96) third child of Robert 3 and Bathshua [Pynchon] Harris, born in Springfield, in 1735 (probably); married, 1st, Sarah [Pynchon], widow of Col. Church; 2d, Nancy . He died in Springfield. His children were, by his first wife, (207) I. WILLIAM,* (379) born 29 April, 1765; married Martha Clark ; a clergyman, and president of Columbia College. By his second wife (208) II. ROBERT, 5 born ; who was lost at sea, 10 October, 1804. He was then captain of the schooner John of Salem ; the stern of the vessel, with the name, was driven on shore at Cape Cod, and beneath it, buried in the sand, were found his papers, and letters of his brother William, all on board having perished. (209) III. Lois,* born ; married J. Cooledge of Springfield; both are dead, having left two daughters Mrs. E. Hills and sis- ter, of Hartford, Ct. FIFTH GENERATION. ENOCH,* (103) fifth child of John 4 and Susannah [Gay] Harris, born in Stoughton, 19 Aug. 1764; married, 15 April, 1795, Sarah, daughter of Oliver and Sarah [Gay] Smith. She died 2 Feb. 1803, aged 40; he died 9 Oct. 1844. They had (210) I. SARAH,' born ; married George Whiting. (211) II. JASON.* (212) HI. , 6 (daughter;) who married Smith. LYDIA,* (105) seventh child of John 4 and Susannah [Gay] Harris, born in Stoughton, 16 Aug. 1770; married, 28 Feb. 1793, Joseph Wight of Norwich, (Ct.?) He died 10 Feb. 1805, aged 37. She died 11 May. 1825. They had FIFTH GENERATION. 31 (213) I. HARRIS,' born 1794. (214) II. ELECTA," born 1796. (215) in. SUSAN,* born 1798. (216) IV. HARVEY, 6 born 1800. (217) V. JOSEPH,* born 1803. TIMOTHY,* (108) first child of Amariah 4 and Elizabeth [Lynfield] Harris, born in Stoughton, 11 May, 1765; married Anna Howard of Stoughton ; settled in Maine. They had (218) I. TIMOTHY. 6 (219) II. BERIAH. 6 (220) III. AMARIAH. 6 (221) IV. EusHA. 6 (222) V. JOSEPH." (223) VI. NANCY.' (224) VII. LouiSA. 6 (225) VIII. CALEB.* ) . (226) IX. HOWARD." j (227) X. PRUDENCE. 6 (228) XL EPHRAIM. 6 (229) XII. DANIEL. 6 (230) XIII. ERAS. 6 (?) WILLIAM,* (109) second child of Amariah 4 and Elizabeth [Lynfield] Harris, born in Stoughton, 9 Nov. 1767, married Vashti Leach of Stough- ton Centre. He succeeded to the farm which had belonged to his father, in Stoughton, on which he was able to work daily at the age of eighty-four, in the full possession of all his faculties. She died 23 May, 1850. He is also dead. They had (231) I. ANSILL, S (386) born 9 Oct. 1796; married Harriet Gibson. (232) II. EUNICE, 6 (389) born 6 Aug. 1798; married, 1st, Moses Brown; 2d, Johnson Tolman. (233) III. MARY, 6 (391) born 29 July, 1800; married Calvin Packard. (234) IV. ARETHUSA," (400) born 24 Nov. 1802; married Clifford Keith. (235) V. CALEB, 6 (406) born 9 July, 1805; married Irene Decoster. (236) VI. WiLLiAM, 6 (412) born 4 June, 1808; married, successively, two sisters named Brett, and Mary D. Crane. (237) VII. LUCY," (416) born 30 April, 1811 ; married Lorenzo Atwood. (238) VIII. JosEPHUS, 6 (418) born 27 May, 1813 ; married Martha Capen. SARAH,* (110) third child of Amariah 4 and Elizabeth [Lynfield] Harris, born in Stoughton, 21 Dec. 1769; married Samuel Curtis of Randolph. She died in 1852. They had 32 ROBERT HARRIS AND HIS DESCENDANTS. (239) I. ELIZABETH. 6 (240) H. MARTIN.' (241) HI. RHODA. 6 (242) IV. SALLY.* (243) V. JOANNA. 6 (244) VI. SAMUEL. 6 AMARIAH,* (112) fifth child of Amariah 4 and Elizabeth [Lynfield] Harris, born in Stoughton, Feb. 1775; married Abigail Daniels, who was born "in New Gloucester, Me., 26 Feb. 1775. They had (245) I. SOPHIA/ born 10 April, 1801, at Buckfield, Me. (246) II. AUGUSTUS, 6 born 29 Sept. 1811, at Paris, Me.; a successful physician at Colebrook, N. H. ELIZABETH, 5 (113) sixth child of Amariah 4 and Elizabeth [Lynfield] Harris, born in Stoughton, married, in 1805, John Decoster of Brookline. They removed with their family to Maine. They had (247) I. LouiSA, 8 born 1806. (248) II. ALBERT, 6 born 1807. (249) HI. ELIZABETH, 6 born 1809. (250) IV. IRENE/ born 1811. (251) V. HANNAH, 6 born 1813. (252) VI. JOHN SULLIVAN," born June, 1815; died 1816. LUCY,* (114) seventh child of Amariah 4 and Elizabeth [Lynfield] Harris, born in Stoughton; married, in 1806, John Boyden; both are now dead. They had (253) I. SAMUEL," born 1807. (254) n. LUCY, S born 1809. JOHN,* (115) eighth child of Amariah 4 and Elizabeth [Lynfield] Harris, born in Stoughton, 9 July, 1785; married, 1st, Dec. 1810, Betsey Record; 2d, Betsey Doggett. He is dead. He had by first wife (255) I. SopHRONiA, 6 born May, 1811. (256) n. SAMUEL B., 6 born 1813. (257) HI. AMARIAH, 6 born Oct. 1815. (258) TV. VASHTi, 6 born 1817. (259) V. SALLY M., 6 born 1819. By second wife (260) VI. JOHN ANSILL," born 5 Nov. 1829. MICHAEL,* (122) second child of Michael 4 and Mary [Dana] Harris, born in Needham, 11 Jan. 1778 ; he was a captain; lived in West Roxbury and other places. He married, 26 Nov. 1802, Susannah Stevens, who was born 13 June, 1781. He died 2 Aug. 1855, at Bangor, Me. They had FIFTH GENERATION. 33 (261) I. ELBRIDGE,* (421) born 17 May, 1805; married Eunice J. Bowles. (262) II. WARREN, 6 (422) born 3 May, 1807 ; married Mary A. Bickford. (263) III. GRANVILLE,* born 23 Aug. 1809. (264) IV. LUCY S., 6 (424) born 2 Jan. 1813; married George W. Harrington. (265) V. MICHAEL M.,* born 7 Sept. 1815 ; was lost at sea. (266) VI. LAURA A., 6 born 28 July, 1818. (267) VH. LOUISA E., 6 born 5 Nov. 1823. MARY,* (123) third child of Michael 4 and Mary [Dana] Harris, born in Needham, 9 Dec. 1779; was the second wife of Isaac Colburn of Ded- ham. Had (268) I. MARY.* (269) II. MARTHA. 6 (270) III. DANA P., 6 born 29 Sept. 1825, at West Dedham, where he enjoyed the advantage of a good school, and where his last instructor, discovering his aptitude for teaching, advised him to repair to the State Normal School at Bridgewater, to extend his course of study. It soon became apparent to his instructors that he was possessed of unusual gifts, so that a short time after his graduation from the school, he was called to the post of assistant teacher in that institution. He soon attracted the attention of the Secretary of the Board of Education, and was employed as a lecturer to address the Institutes which were held in Massachusetts. In 1852 he went to Providence to assist Prof. Greene in conducting the Rhode Island Normal School, in Bristol; and when in 1855 the State Normal School was founded, he was appointed its Principal, and held that post until his death. He wrote several text books for the use of schools and academies, the most important of which are his Common School Arithmetic and his Arithmetic and Its Applications. He was almost instantly killed, 5 Dec. 1859, under the following circumstances : He had been taking a ride to Bristol Ferry, in a light two-wheeled buggy, drawn by a young and spirited horse, and on his return he was suddenly thrown out in turning a corner, and in striking the frozen ground, as is supposed, his skull was badly fractured. He breathed but once or twice after being taken up. ABIGAIL,* (124) fourth child of Michael 4 and Mary [Dana] Harris, born in Needham, 4 Jan. 1782 ; married, 24 Nov. 1816, Benjamin Merriam of Roxbury. He is dead. She lives in Roxbury. They had 34 BOBEET HARRIS AND HIS DESCENDANTS. (271) I. BENJAMIN,' born 5 June, 1S19. (272) II. ABIGAIL,' born 10 Sept. 1823. ESTHER M., s (125) fifth child of Michael 4 and Mary [Dana] Harris, born 30 Jan. 1784; married, 3 May, 1807, Amos Fuller of Needham, born 9 Jan. 1786. Both have died. They had (273) I. AMOS, born 26 Feb. 1808. (274) II. LUCY HARRIS, 6 born ; married, 26 Sept. 1834, Free- man Simpson, and died, leaving issue. LYDiA, 5 (126) sixth child of Michael 4 and Mary [Dana] Harris, born in Needham, 20 Sept. 1785; married Lemuel Fairbanks of Dedham. She died soon after marriage, leaving (275) I. LYDIA.* SALLY,* (128) eighth child of Michael 4 and Mary [Dana] Harris, born 5 April, 1790 ; married Enos Tucker of Needham. She is living there. They had (276) I. ENOS, 6 born 5 July, 1814; married, 25 Feb. 1852, Frances Fales of Dedham. (277) II. CHARLES THOMAS," born 15 July, 1816. (278) III. ELIZABETH L., 6 born 26 Sept. 1818. (279) IV. RALPH WiLLiAM, 6 born 30 Nov. 1822. (280) V. GEORGE HARRIS, S born 15 July, 1826; married, 11 Jan. 1853, Whiting of Dedham. CATHERINE,* (129) ninth child of Michael 4 and Mary [Dana] Harris, born 23 May, 1792 ; married Lemuel Fairbanks, husband of her deceased sister, and had (281) I. CATHERINE. 6 (282) II. MARY. S BENJAMIN NILES,* (132) second child of John 4 and Mary [Niles] Harris, born in Brookline, 19 July, 1782; was a trader at one time; he lived for some time at Orford, N. H., on a farm purchased for him by his father. H 3 was a preacher in the Baptist denomination for thirty years. He married, 20 May, 1804, Mercy, daughter of James and Lucy [Whitney] Whitcomb of Boxborough, who was born 12 April, 1784. He died in Bolton, 3 March, 1859. They had (283) L MARY WniTCOMB, 6 (428) born 4 May, 1805 ; married Europe Wetherbee of Bolton. (284) II. BENJAMIN NiLES, 6 (432) born 19 May, 1808; married Lucy A. Brown of Stonington, Ct. (285) III. MERCY W., 6 (439) born 1 Aug. 1813; married William Rowel of Amesbury. FIFTH GENERATION. 35 (286) IV. LUCY H., 6 bora 27 Aug. 1816. (287) V. ESTHER S., 6 (441) born 10 July, 1819; married Hiram Peaslee of Plaistow, N. H. (288) VI. SUSAN H., 6 (447) bora 26 March, 1826; married Joseph P. Hodgdon of Kensington, N. H. MARY CLARK,* (133) third child of John, 4 Jr., and Mary [Niles] Harris, bora in Brookline, 2 July, 1784; married, 13 Sept. 1804, Joseph Sumner of Boston, who was born April, 1782. She died 24 Oct. 1852. He went to the South more than twenty years since, and was never heard of. Their children were (289) I. MARY HARRIS," bom 19 April, 1806, baptized 28 April; married John Goldsmith of Andover.* (290) II. ABBY HARRIS," born 6 Aug. 1808; married Lucius Reed of Easton.f (291) IH. CAROLINE," bom 2 Sept. 1810; married Dr. Abner B. Wheeler of Boston.J She lives in South Boston. ROBERT,* (134) fourth child of John 4 and Mary [Niles] Harris, born in Brookline, 25 June, 1786; lived in Brookline. He married, 30 April, 1809, Bathsheba, daughter of Moses Whitcomb of Randolph, born 24 Sept. 1788. He died 8 April, 1826, in Brookline. She is living in Randolph. They had (292) I. JOSEPH WALES," born Nov. 1810, died 8 March, 1812. (293) II. JOSEPH WALES," born 25 Oct. 1814; married, 3 Feb. 1859, Abby B. Thayer ; lives in Randolph. (294) IH. CHARLES," born 29 Sept. 1817 ; married, 1 Feb. 1853, Jane Dorman, born 6 July, 1822, and lives in Randolph. (295) IV. CAROLINE S.," (450) born 25 Sept. 1821 ; married Andrew J. Smith. LUTHER METCALF,* (135) fifth child of John* and Mary [Niles] Harris, born in Brookline, 7 May, 1789 ; graduated at Brown University in 1811 ; * John and Mary H. [Sumner] Goldsmith had CAROLINE L., 7 born 27 Nov. 1826, died 8 Sept. 1847 ; JULIA AuousTA, 7 bora 16 Sept 1829, died 8 Jan. 1845 ; CHARLES SUM- NER, 7 born 2 June, 1830; HENRY CORNELIUS, 7 bora 2 March, 1834; SusANNA, 7 born 15 Sept. 1837, married , died 17 July, 1855 ; MELVIN HARRIS, 7 bora 28 April, 1839; Lucius REED, 7 born 8 Dec. 1842; LTMAN, 7 bora 27 Dec. 1845, d. Oct. 1851. t Lucius Reed was son of Rev. William Reed of Easton, Mass. ; they were married 19 Aug. 1831 ; he died 1 Nov. 1855; she died 6 Sept. 1839. Their children were WILLIAM HARRIS/ born 19 Aug. 1832; Lucius JUKI us, 7 born 4 Aug. 1834, died 4 Nov. 1857, at Austin, Texas. jDr. Wheeler was a son of Abner Wheeler of Framingham, and born 2 Feb. 1812 ; he graduated at Harvard College in 1831, and died 9 Dec. 1847. Their children were HORATIO/ bom 12 May, 1839, died 5 Oct. 1840; HORATIO, (2d) 7 born 9 March, 1842, died 23 July, 1846. 36 ROBERT HARRIS AND HIS DESCENDANTS. studied medicine with Dr. Lemuel Le Baron of Roxbury; commenced practice at Fort Independence in 1814; went to Orford, N. H., in March, 1815 ; removed to Jamaica Plain, and engaged in the practice of his pro- fession, in 1820, where he still resides, the compiler of this work. He married, 9 Nov. 1817, Lucy Dutton, daughter of Major John Mann, (the first male child of European extraction born in Orford, N. H.) She was born 24 March, 1795, at Orford, N. H. Their children have been (296) I. LYDIA MANN,* born 6 Oct. 1818, in Orford, N. H. (297) II. JOHN ADAMS," born 26 Jan. 1821, in Milton, Mass. ; is living unmarried. (298) III. WILLIAM LAFAYETTE,* born 7 Dec. 1822, in Brookline, and died 24 Aug. 1854. (299) IV. GEORGE WASHINGTON,* born 1 Feb. 1828, in Jamaica Plain; now discount clerk in the Bank of Commerce, Boston. (300) V. ELLEN MARIA,* born 7 April, 1830, in Jamaica Plain. (301) VI. ROBERT,* born 29 Nov. 1833, died 18 Oct. 1835. LUCY,* (138) eighth child of John 4 and Mary [Niles] Harris, born in Brookline, 30 Oct. 1794; married, 1st, 3 Feb. 1818, Rufus Cobleigh of Boston, a grocer. He died 28 April, 1821. She married, 2d, William Marean of Newton, a farmer, son of Joshua Marean. She died 7 Jan. 1857. Her children were by her first marriage (302) I. HENRY,* born 9 Nov. 1818, died 21 Aug. 1836. (303) II. ANN MARIA,* born March, 1820 ; married Leonard Hyde of Jamaica Plain ; has two children, viz. : WILLIAM T and ALICE. 7 By her second marriage (304) III. ELIZABETH,* born 2 March, 1824. (305) IV. ELLEN AUGUSTA,* born 17 April, 1826. REBECCA, 5 (139) first child of Thomas 4 and Elizabeth [Adams] Harris, born in Mansfield, 26 Aug. 1760; married, 8 March, 1785, John Chapman. They lived in Norton, where she died. They had (306) I. BETSEY,* born 7 Sept. 1786; married Dea. Elisha Wheeler of Boston Neck, and had issue. (307) II. JOHN,* born . (308) HI. WILLIAM,* born 5 Aug. 1799; was killed in a gravel pit, near Boston, 14 Nov. 1827. MARY,* (140) second child of Thomas 4 and Elizabeth [Adams] Harris, born in Mansfield, 29 June, 1766; married Ezra Skinner, Jr. She died 20 Sept. 1845. They had (309) I. CHARLES,* born 4 Sept, 1785; married Lathrop, and had issue. FIFTH GENERATION. 37 (310) II. WILLIAM,* born 11 May, 1787. (311) III. PATTY,* born 9 Sept. 1789; married Joshua Lothrop of Easton, and had seven children. (312) IV. MARDA,* born 21 Dec. 1791; married Haman Brown of Roxbury, and had two children. (313) V. SELON," born 3 March, 1794; married Rachel Eddy. (314) VI. POLLY, 6 born 25 May, 1796; married Milton Hodges of Mansfield. (315) VII. LUCY,* born 13 July, 1798; married Daniel Bryant of Bridgewater. (316) VIII. SALLY,* born 3 March, 1801; married Orin Packard of Bridgewater. (317) IX. ScHUYLEE, 6 born 6 May, 1803; married, 29 Nov. 1827, Eliza Drew of Easton. (318) X. SiMEON, 6 (twin) born 14 Sept. 1806; married Betsey White. (319) XL SENATH, S (twin) born 14 Sept. 1806; married George Clapp of Easton. (320) XII. SusAN, 6 born 8 July, 1808. LUCY,* (141) third child of Thomas 4 and Elizabeth [Adams] Harris, born in Mansfield, 29 Dec. 1768; married, 1st, Ward Sampson of Middle- borough; 2d, Samuel Bailey; 3d, Calvin Borden. She was living a few years since in Bellingham. Children both by her first marriage (321) I. LucY, 6 born ; died young. (322) II. WARD R., 6 born ; married Jane, daughter of Joseph* (142) and Anna [Coffin] Harris, and settled in Woon- socket, R. I. JOSEPH,* (142) fourth child of Thomas 4 and Elizabeth [Adams] Harris, born 27 Jan. 1771 ; married Anna Coffin of Vermont. She died 3 April, 1800. He lived in - ; They had (323) I. JOSEPH,* (453) born 19 Jan. 1792; married Sally Smith of Lexington. (324) II. PADEUS, 6 born , 1794; died 6 Feb. (325) III. JANE, 6 born 7 May, 1795; married her cousin, Ward R. Sampson, 6 (322). JOHN T , S (143) fifth child of Thomas* and Elizabeth [Adams] Harris, born 27 July, 1773 ; lived in Mansfield. He married, Nov. 1807, Eleanor Budery, who died 16 Nov. 1854. He died 10 Aug. 1854. Their chil- dren were (326) I. GEORGE, 6 (464) born 26 Sept, 1802; married Chloe M. White. (327) II. OTis, 6 horn 4 July, 1810; married, in 1837, Abiah Haskins. 38 JIOBERT HARRIS AND HIS DESCENDANTS. (328) III. EMELINE,* born ; married William Haskins of Michi- gan, and removed thither. ELIJAH,* (144) sixth child of Thomas 4 and Elizabeth [Adams] Harris, born July, 1775; married Lilias Chapman. They had (329) I. SON 6 ; now dead. (330) II. DAUGHTER 6 ; now dead. (331) III. ELIZA ANN." (332) IV. SUSAN JANE. S JAMES,* (145) seventh child of Thomas 4 and Elizabeth [Adams] Harris, born 22 April, 1780; married, June, 1808, Prussia Chapman. Their children were (333) I. ALMiKA, 6 born 1809 ; married Ornando White; lived in Prov- idence, R. I., and had three sons. (334) II. NANCY, 6 born 1811; married James S. Francis of Fall River, and had one son and one daughter. (335) III. ELIJAH, 6 (471) born 4 Nov. 1814; married Susan Sampson. (336) IV. MARY ANN, G born 1816 ; died young. (337) V. MARY ANN, 6 (second), born 1817 ; married Lyman Cady of Newport, R. I ; no issue. (338) VI. HARRIET B., 8 born 1819 ; married James West of Weymouth, and had one son and one daughter. (339) VII. CHARLOTTE, 6 born 1821; married - - Borden of Fall River, and had two daughters. (340) VIII. JAMES, 6 born 1823. (341) IX. C-RiNDA, 6 born 1825. SUSANNA,* (151) oldest child of Capt. Francis 4 and Susanna [Benjamin] Harris of Shirley; married John Dwight. They had (with others?) (342) I. JOHN, 6 born 21 Dec. 1773; grad. H. C., 1800; was a physi- cian, practising in ; he married, 18 May, 1812, Mary Corey of Roxbury. They had five children.* ASA,* (155) fifth child of Capt. Francis 4 and Susanna [Benjamin] Harris, born in Shirley, 27 Oct. 1754; married Esther ; he settled in Lunenburg. Their children were (343) I. FRANCIS/ born 22 Feb. 1777. (344) II. AsA, 6 born 28 Aug. 1778. SARAH,* (156) sixth child of Capt. Francis 4 and Susanna [Benjamin] Harris of Shirley; married David Bennet. They had (with others?) *They were: JOHN SULLIVAN/ born 13 May, 1813, H. C. 1832, editor of Dwight's Journal of Music; MARY ANN/ born 4 April, 1816; FRANCES ELLEN, T born 13 Dec. 1819; BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, 7 born 5 Sept. 1824, an architect in Boston. FIFTH GENERATION. 39 (345) I. MARY, 6 born ; who married Hon. "William Jackson of Newton, then a widower, and had ten children.* STEPHEN,* (173) fourth child of Stephen 4 and Sarah [Brown] Harris of Watertown, born 24 May, 1762 ; married Katherine . She "owned the covenant" at Watertown, 4 March, 1785. They had (346) I. SAMUEL, 6 born ; baptized 11 March, 1787. (347) II. HANNAH, 6 born - ; " 1 Aug. 1787. (348) III. STEPHEN, 6 born 8 Nov. 1789. (349) IV. NATHANIEL, 6 born 12 Jan. 1791. (350) V. JOHN, 6 born 17 April, 1793. (351) VI. MARY, B born 8 Sept. 1797. (352) VII. ELIJAH, 6 born 28 Oct. 1799. (353) VIII. CATHERINE, 6 born 9 Oct. 1801. (354) IX. JOSEPH, 6 born 26 June, 1804. JONATHAN, 5 (181) fifth child of Dea. Samuel 4 and Margaret [Robbins] Harris, born 13 May, 1760, in Oxford; married, 14 June, 1781, Huldah, daughter of Isaac and Huldah Town. He was of Oxford, and was town clerk from 1798 to 1812. The accompanying fac-simile of his autograph was copied from the records : scat a^rtj He died 24 June, 1830. They had (355) I. SAMUEL, 6 (476) born 28 June, 1782; married Elizabeth Town. (356) II. MARY, 6 (481) born 7 Feb. 1784; married Peleg Foster. (357) III. SAKAH, 6 (486) born 17 March, 1786 ; married Charles Town. (358) IV. ISAAC, 6 (489) born 24 May, 1788; married, 1st, Phebe Marsh ; 2d, Esther Bickford. (359) V. ELIZABETH, 6 born 28 June, 1790, died .11 Sept. 1792. (360) VI. RuFus, 6 (500) born 12 April, 1792; married, 1st, Susan Witt ; 2d, Mary Newhall. (361) VII. LUCY," born 24 July, 1794; died, unmarried, 10 Aug. 1813. (362) VIII. SYLVANUS," (503) born 27 July, 1796; married Lucretia Underwood. (363) IX. HuLDAH, 6 (508) born 1 Aug. 1798; married Seth Daniels. * The children of Hon. William and Mary 6 [Bennetj Jackson were: 1. LouiSA, 7 b. 11 July, 1816. 2. WILLIAM/ b. 14 Oct. 1817; died in infancy. 3. CAROLINE, 7 b. 1 March, 1819. 4. ADELINE/ b. 2 Sept. 1820, died 1621. 5. WILLIAM W., 7 b. 10 Nov. 1821, died 1822. 6. MARY/ b. 4 May, 1823. 7. ELLEN D., 7 d. 27 April, 1825. 8. Ei>WAKD, 7 b. 14 June, 1827. 9. ELIZABETH F., 7 b. 20 April, 1829. 10. WILLIAM W., 7 b. 9 Anjr. 1831. * 40 ROBERT HARRIS AND HIS DESCENDANTS. (364) X. JONATHAN, 6 born 12 July, 1801 ; died 31 Aug. 1803. (365) XL NANCY, 6 born 20 Nov. 1803; died Jan. 1835. ANNA,* (185) ninth child of Dea. Samuel* and Margaret [Bobbins] Harris, born 14 Aug. 1768; married David Nichols. Their children were (366) I. ANNA, G born 13 May, 1792. (367) II. BETSEY, 6 born 8 Sept. 1794; died 17 Feb. 1800. (368) III. ABIJAH HARRIS," born 12 Jan. 1796; died 13 Jan. 1798. (369) IV. JERUSHA, 6 born 6 Dec. 1798 ; died 16 Aug. 1803. (370) V. POLLY/ born 1 May, 1800 ; died 13 Aug. 1803. (371) VI. SALLY, 6 born 4 June, 1802 ; died 16 Aug. 1803. (372) VII. LoviCA, 6 born 29 April, 1804; died 26 Feb. 1850. (373) VIII. BETSEY, 6 born 20 Dec. 1805 ; died 7 March, 1811. (374) IX. JOHN, 6 born 19 Sept. 1808; died 1 Sept. 1810. ASA,* (198) third child of Abijah 4 and Sarah [Lamb] Harris, born married 1st, 7 Nov. 1793, Sarah Mayo, who died 24 Feb. 1794; 2d, Dolly Day of Dudley ("published" 8 Jan. 1795), who died 29 April, 1817, aged 41 ; 3d, 10 Aug. 1817, Widow Hopestill Phipps. He was a captain; he died 23 July, 1819. Children were by second wife (375) I. SARAH, 6 (513) born 11 Dec. 1796; married Hollis De Witt. (376) H. DAY H, 6 born 23 July 1809. (377) III. ELIZABETH/ born 24 Jan. 1813. (378) IV. LuciAN, 6 born 14 July, 1815. WILLIAM,* (207) first child 'of Deacon Daniel 4 and Sarah [Pynchon] Harris, born in Springfield, 29 April, 1765. He graduated at Harvard College in 1786; was "College butler" from 1786 to 1788 : after the study of theology, was licensed to preach as a Congregationalist, and acted in that capacity while preceptor of an academy at Marblehead, until his health failing, he commenced the study of medicine. While at that place, however, a change in his views of church polity took place, which led him to become an Episcopalian. He was ordained Deacon, 16 Oct. 1791, by Bishop Provoost, in Trinity church, N. Y. ; and on the following Sunday, Priest, in St. George's chapel. He left Marblehead in Jan. 1802, after having charge of St. Michael's church there from the time of his ordina- tion, and took the Rectorship of St. Mark's church in New York city. In 1811, he received the degree of D. D., from Columbia College, and in the same year was chosen President of that institution, while he still held his rectorship until 1816; when a change in the college plans de- manded his whole time. This post he held until his death, 18 Oct. 1829, of pulmonary disease, after a gradual decline of several years. SIXTH GENEEATION. 41 Of President Harris a friend says : " He was of about the middle size, and well proportioned. His face was rather unusually pallid, but his features were regular, his eye expressive of great kindness and benignity, and his whole countenance spoke of a warm and generous heart. Nor was this by any means a false index ; for such was the gentleness of his spirit, and such the amenity of his manners, that as far as I know, all who knew him, esteemed him, and all who knew him intimately, loved him. * * * His mind was distirguished rather for correctness, clearness, and symmetry, than for extraordinary strength." A portrait remains at Co- lumbia College, and a sketch of his life is in Sprague's Annals. Dr. Harris married, 3 Nov. 1791, Martha, daughter of Rev. Jonas Clark, the patriot-minister of Lexington. Her three sisters married, respectively, Benjamin Greene, minister and judge; Rev. Dr. Thaddeus Fiske of Cambridge ; and Rev. Henry Ware, Sen., D. D. Dr. William* and Martha [Clarke] Harris had children (379) I. CAROLINE DWIGHT, S born 22 Aug. 1793. (380) II. ELIZABETH CLARKE," born 11 July, 1795; died 2 July, 1822. (381) III. MARTHA, 6 born 21 May, 1797. (382) IV. SARAH CHARLOTTE, 6 born 30 Dec. 1798; died July, 1849. (383) V. MARY ANN," born 20 Jan. 1801 ; died 30 Aug. 1828. (384) VI. JOSIAH DwiGHT, 6 born 30 Nov. 1804 ; grad. Columbia College, 1822; M. D. 1825; was a surgeon in the army, and a man of distinguished professional ability ; he died at Fort Smith, Arkansas, 26 Sept, 1833. (385) VII. ROBERT WILLIAM," born 26 Sept. 1807 ; an Episcopal clergy- man; graduated at Columbia College in 1825; in 1855 he was resident at White Plains, N. Y., married, and with three daughters and four sons living ; two sons having died in infancy. SIXTH GENERATION. ANSILL, G (231) eldest child of William 5 and Vashti [Leach] Harris of Stoughton, born 9 Oct. 1796; married 5 Oct. 1824, Harriet Gipson; and died 5 May, 1841. They had (386) I. AUGUSTA/ born ; married Henry Fisher; lives in New York, and had two children. (387) II. FREDERICK G. T (388) III. SARAH P., 7 now deceased. EUNICE, 6 (232) second child of William 5 and Vashti [Leach] Harris, born 6 Aug. 1798; married, 1st, Moses Brown; 2d, Johnson Tolman. Children both by first marriage 42 EGBERT HARRIS AND HIS DESCENDANTS. (389) I. EUNICE ANN/ born 3 Feb. 1819 ; died 8 Feb. 1837. (390) II. MOSES/ born 13 March, 1827; married Anna Piser, and lives in Philadelphia, having had 1. MORTIMER." MART, 6 (233) third child of William* and Vashti [Leach] Harris, born 29 July, 1800; married Calvin Packard, born 20 March, 1799. They had (391) I. HARRISON/ born 13 Oct. 1822; now dead. (392) II. CALVIN H., 7 born 19 Nov. 1823; married Esther Dwinell. (393) III. WILLIAM/ born 8 Jan. 1826. (394) IV. DEXTER/ born 20 Oct. 1828 ; now dead. (395) V. MARY B., 7 (twin) born 22 May, 1830. (396) VI. JosEPHUS, 7 (twin) born 22 May, 1830. (397) VII. SALLY, T born 17 Aug. 1832. (398) VIII. ABIGAIL/ born 17 June, 1835. (399) IX. ZIBEON F., 7 born 27 April, 1845; now dead. ARETHUSA, 6 (234) fourth child of William* and Vashti [Leach] Harris of Stoughton, born Nov. 1802; married Clifford Keith. They had (400) I. HARRIET, 7 born 4 March, 1821; died 16 Aug. 1821. (401) II. ANSELL H., 7 born 4 Oct. 1822. (402) III. JosiAH, 7 born 16 March, 1825; married Jane F. Hunt, and had issue. (403) IV. JAMES, T born 23 Oct. 1827; married, 1st, Eliza Ann Pack- ard; 2d, Lucy Baker. (404) V. GRANVILLE C., 7 born 23 Jan. 1831. (405) VI. OMEN ELLERY CHANNING/ born 15 Oct. 1842. CALEB, 6 (235) fifth child of William* and Vashti [Leach] Harris of Stoughton, born 9 July, 1805 ; married Irene Decoster. They moved to Maine ; and had (406) I. Louis, 7 born 1806. (407) II. ALBERT/ born 1807. (408) III. ELIZABETH, 7 born 1809. (409) IV. IRENE/ born 1811. (410) V. HANNAH, 7 born 1813. (411) VI. JOHN SULLIVAN/ born June 1815, died 1816. WILLIAM/ (236) sixth child of William* and Vashti [Leach] Harris of Stoughton, born 4 June, 1808; married, 1st, Abigail Brett, who was born 6 Aug. 1798, and died 20 May, 1835 ; 2d, 12 June, 1836, Mary H. Brett, born 11 Jan. 1812, died 18 March, 1849; 3d, 19 Nov. 1850, Mary D. Crane, born 15 April, 1802. Children by first wife SIXTH GENERATION. 43 (412) I. SAMUEL BOYDEN, T born 5 July, 1832; married Mary H. Pratt. (413) II. WILLIAM BRADFORD/ born 26 Dec. 1834, died April, 1835. By second wife (414) III. Child, 7 born 15 April, 1837; died 18 April. (415) IV. MARY, T born 26 Jan. 1847; died 25 Oct. 1847. LuCY, 6 (237) seventh child of William* and Vashti [Leach] Harris, born 30 April, 1811 ; married Lorenzo Atwood; lives in Buckfield, Me. Children (416) I. JOSEPHINE/ (417) II. EUNICE ANN/ JOSEPHUS, 6 (238) eighth child of William* and Vashti [Leach] Harris of Stoughton, born 27 May, 1813, married Martha Capen. They had (418) I. ANSELL J/ (419) II. FREDERICK C. 7 ; deceased. (420) III. FREDERICK C. 7 ELBRiDGE, 6 (261) first child of Capt. Michael* and Susanna [Stevens] Harris, born 17 May, 1805; lived in Bangor, but has left that place; mar- ried, 26 April, 1835, Eunice J. Bowles. They had (421) I. JOHN JAMES, T born 27 Oct. 1838; drowned 10 July, 1853. WARREN," (262) second child of Capt. Michael* and Susanna [Stevens] Harris, born 3 May, 1807 ; lived in Canton ; married Mary A. Bickford. He died 13 Aug. 1835. They had (422) I. JOSEPH. 7 (423) II. GRANVILLE AMORY/ LUCY S., 6 (264) fourth child of Capt. Michael 5 and Susanna [Stevens] Harris, born 2 Jan. 1813 ; married George W. Harrington. They had (424) I. EMILY JANE/ (425) II. GEORGE W/ (426) III. ANNA HAMMOND/ (427) IV. MARY LOUISA/ MARY WmxcOMB, 6 (283) first child of Benjamin Niles* and Mercy [Whitcomb] Harris, born 4 May, 1805, married Europe Wetherbee of Bolton; he was son of Europe and Rebecca Wetherbee. She died re- cently. They had children (428) I. ANN MARIA/ born 15 June, 1828 ; married, 15 Sept. 1850, Robert Tarr of Rockport, and have had 1. MARY ANN," born 9 Sept. 1851. 2. ROBERT W., 8 born March, 1855. 44 ROBERT HARRIS AND HIS DESCENDANTS. (429) II. BENJAUIX HARRIS/ (twin) born 26 April, 1838. (430) III. EUROPE REUBEN, T (twin) " " " (431) IV. ANDREW PATCH, T born 27 April, 1844. BENJAMIN NiLES, 6 (284) second child of Benjamin Niles* and Mercy [Whitcomb] Harris, born 19 May, 1818; married, 3 April, 1838, Lucy A., daughter of Capt. Christopher Brown of Stonington, Ct. He is a dentist, at Waterville, Me. She died 26 July, 1859. Children (432) I. MARY BROWN/ born 27 April, 1839. (433) II. SUSANNA PENDLETON/ born 26 May, 1841. (434) IH. JOHN NILES/ born 15 June, 1843. (435) IV. SARAH WHITCOMB, T born 27 March, 1845. (436) V. CHARLES FRANKLIN/ born 16 Sept. 1847 ; died 11 Sept. 1848. (437) VI. WILLIAM JOHNSON, T born 7 Feb. 1856. (438) VII. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN/ born 16 July, 1859. MERCY W., 6 (285) third child of Benjamin N. s and Mercy [Whitcomb] Harris, born 1 Aug. 1813; married, Feb. 1836, William Rowel of Ames- bury, son of Dea. Benjamin Rowel. Children (439) I. WILLIAM AUSTIN/ born 26 June, 1838. (440) II. IDA LUCY, T bora 15 Aug. 1846. ESTHER S., 6 (287) fifth child of Benjamin N. s and Mercy [Whitcomb] Harris, born 10 July, 1819; married, 28 June, 1837, Hiram Peaslee of Plaistow, N. H., son of Capt. Joab Peaslee. She died 22 July, 1856. Children (441) I. LOUISA EATON/ bora Feb. 1840. (442) II. ESTHER AMANDA/ born 1 April, 1842. (443) IH. BYRON LINDARE/ bom Feb. 1846. (444) IV. ADELLE MEDORA/ bora 7 Oct. 1848. (445) V. GERTRUDE/ born Aug. 1851. (446) VI. ROSA/ SUSAN H., 6 (288) sixth child of Benjamin N. 4 and Mercy [Whitcomb] Harris, born 26 March, 1826; married, 3 Nov. 1849, Joseph P. Hodgdon of Kensington, N. H. She died 2 Aug. 1856. He lives in Haverhill. Children (447) I. LILIAS M./ bom 5 April, 1851. (448) II. ALISTINE A./ born 1853; now dead. (449) III. MINNIE PORTER/ born 1856; now dead. CAROLINE S., 6 (295) fourth child of Robert 6 and Bathsheba [Whitcomb] Harris, born 25 Sept. 1821; married, 15 Jan. 1841, Andrew J. Smith, who was born 9 April, 1815, and who died 12 Nov. 1846. They lived in Ran- dolph. They had^r SIXTH GENERATION. 45 (450) I. HENRY/ born 21 April, 1842; died 12 Dec. 1842. (451) II. HENRY F., 7 born 26 Dec. 1843. (452) III. WIILIAM A., 7 born 29 April, 1846. JOSEPH, 6 (321) first child of Joseph 5 and Anna [Coffin] Harris, born 19 Jan. 1792; lives in Dorchester, having retired from a successful busi- ness. He married, June, 1811, Sally, daughter of Jonathan Smith of Groton. They have had (453) I. SARAH JANE/ born 5 April, 1812; married, Aug. 1832, Harrison Prescott of Boston, and died 24 May, 1848, having had four children. (454) II. ELIZABETH MOSELY/ born 4 Aug. 1813 ; married, 1832, Stephen Packard, and has had issue. (455) III. JOSEPH/ born 3 Jan. 1815 ; married, Nov. 1838, Charlotte Larkin, and has had children. (456) IV. ELBRIDGE/ born 21 Aug. 1816; married, June, 1845, Mrs. Mary Ann Hale, and has had children. (457) V. FRANCES/ born 5 June, 1818; married, Sept. 1845, Henry K. Loring of Boston, and has had children. (458) VI. SOPHIA THOMAS/ born 6 Nov. 1819 ; married, 1837, Thomas Hammond, Jr., and has had children. (459) VII. HORATIO/ born 12 Feb. 1821; well known as a successful business man in Boston, in the firm of Horatio Harris & Co. ; he lives in Roxbury, where he has built an elegant mansion. He married, April, 1846, Elizabeth Crehore, and has had 1. HoRATio, 8 born 27 Feb. 1847. 2. EDMUND CREHORE," born 29 June, 1849. (460) VHL HARRIET PLUMMER/ born 30 Oct. 1822; died 1 March, 1836. (161) IX. HENRIETTA/ born 12 Jan. 1825; married, 1 Jan. 1845, George Stowell, and has had* children. (462) X. -EDMUND MORTON/ born 21 March, 1827 ; married, Sept. 1849, Rebecca Flanders, and died 13 Sept. 1855, having had 1. SARAH ELLA,* born 5 Dec. 1849. 2. MARY ELIZABETH,* born 27 Sept. 1851. (463) XL CYRUS LEONARD/ born 12 Sept. 1828. GEORGE,* (326) first child of John 8 and Eleanor [Budery] Harris, born in Mansfield, 26 Sept. 1802; married Chloe M. White, born in 1811. They lived in Mansfield. They had (464) I. ELIZABETH M./ bora June 1, 1834; married, Oct. 1852, Samuel F. Davis. (465) II. ROBERT E./ born 2 Aug. 1838. (466) III. WILLIAM H./ born 21 May, 1841. 6 46 ROBERT HARRIS AND HIS DESCENDANTS. (467) IV. ABBY A., 7 born 23 April, 1843. (468) V. MARTHA W., 7 born 13 Aug. 1847 ; d. Aug. 11, 1849. (469) VI. HERBERT E., 7 born 12 June, 1850. (470) VII. ABBOT O., 7 born 21 Sept. 1852. ELIJAH, 6 (335) third child of James* and Prussia [Chapman] Harris, born 4 Nov. 1814; married, 2 Oct. 1834, Susan Sampson, born 15 March, 1814. Children (471) I. THADDEUS/ born 8 July, 1836; died young. (472) II. ELIJAH/ born 17 Dec. 1840. " " (473) III. BENJAMIN/ born 27 March, 1843 ; " (474) IV. SUSAN ALBERTINE/ born 9 Aug. 1846. (475) V. LOUISA JANE/ born 2 July, 1848. SAMUEL,* (355) first son of Jonathan* and Huldah [Town] Harris, born 28 June, 1782. He married, 6 Aug. 1820, Elizabeth Town. He died April, 1850. They had (476) I. SAMUEL FOSTER/ bom 5 June, 1821. (477) II. WILLIAM HENRY/ born 1 March, 1823. (478) III. SYLVANUS JONATHAN/ born 27 Oct. 1824. (479) IV. CAROLINE ELIZABETH/ born 15 Sept. 1827. (480) V. DARIUS WILSON/ born 1 Sept. 1832. MARY, S (356) second child of Jonathan* and Huldah [Town] Harris, born 7 Feb. 1784; married, 14 Oct. 1805, Peleg Foster. They had (481) I. BETSEY/ born 23 Sept. 1806; died 2 Sept. 1841. (482) II. LOUISA/ born 6 Oct. 1808. (483) III. ALFRED/ (twin) born 21 Dec. 1812. (484) IV. ALPHEUS/ (twin) " " " (485) V. JONATHAN HARRIS/ born 21 July, 1821. SARAH,* (357) third child of Jonathan* and Huldah [Town] Harris, born 17 March, 1786; married, 30. March, 1806, Charles Town. He died 19 Aug. 1828. They had (486) I. RUTH/ born 31 July, 1806. (487) II. DANIEL HOVEY/ born 13 Oct. 1810. (488) III. CHARLES HARRIS/ born 6 April, 1817. ISAAC,* (358) fourth child of Jonathan* and Huldah [Town] Harris, born 24 May, 1788; removed from Oxford to Huntington, Vt. He mar- ried, 1st, 25 March, 1809, Phebe Marsh, who died 12 April, 1821 ; 2d, 27 Aug. 1821, Esther Bickford. Children by first wife (489) I. MARY/ born 17 Feb. 1810 ; married William Fogg, and lives in Milan, N. H. (490) II. AMOS/ born 27 July, 1812; died 12 Nov. 1812. SIXTH GENERATION. 47 (491) III. LUCY/ born 27 March, 1814; married Oilman Twitchell, and lives in Milan, N. H. (492) IV. CELIA/ born Dec. 1816; married, 1st, Rufus Stockwell of Millbury, Mass. ; 2d, Hiram Willis, and removed to Indiana, where she died, Dec. 1848. (493) V. ISAAC/ born May, 1820; died March, 1821. By second wife (494) VI. PHEBE/ born Aug. 1822; married William Cockle; has children, and lives in Huntington, Vt. (495) VII. RUFUS/ born June, 1823; married Hannah A. Wheeler ; has children, and lives in Jonesville. (?) (496) VIII. ESTHER/ born May, 1828; married Willis Welles; has chil- dren, and lives in Richmond. (497) IX. CYRTJS/ born Dec. 1830; married Lucinda Wood, and has children. (498) X. HULDAH/ born May, 1833; married Reuel Wood; has chil- dren, and lives in Huntington, Vt. (499) XL ISAAC/ born Aug. 1837. RuFUS, 6 (360) sixth child of Jonathan 5 and Huldah [Town] Harris, born 12 April, 1792; married, 1st, April, 1818, Susan, daughter of Benja- min and Olivia Witt; 2d, 11 July, 1832, Mary Newhall. He died, 16 March, 1833. Children all by first wife (500) I. ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL/ born 16 Dec. 1819; married, 22 Aug. 1843, Mary L., daughter of Phineas T. and Mary L. Bartlett, and has children. (501) II. LUCY ANNA/ born 3 July, 1821; died 26 Aug. 1841. (502) III. STEARNS DE WITT/ born 15 Oct. 1823; married, 30 July, 1846, Lucy G. Davis. SYLVANUS," (362) eighth child of Jonathan 5 and Huldah [Town] Harris, born 27 July, 1796; resident of Oxford; town clerk, from 1837 to 1842. He married, 28 Jan. 182G, Lucretia Underwood. Children (503) I. EDWIN/ born 30 March, 1828; died 21 Aug. 1828. (504) II. JOHN LEANDER/ born 11 Nov. 1829; married, 1 July, 1853, Mary Ann Logan. (505) III. NELSON DAVID/ born 15 Oct. 1832; married, 7 March, 1854, Martha M. Thayer. (506) IV. CniLD 7 ; not named; born -- , died 3 Sept. 1835. (507) V. JANE/ born 20 May, 1836 ; died 1 June, 1836. 48 ROBERT HARRIS AND HIS DESCENDANTS. HuLDAH, 6 (363) ninth child of Jonathan* and Huldah [Town] Harris, born 1 Aug. 1798; married, 16 Nov. 1819, Seth Daniels of Franklin, son of Joseph and Susan Daniels. Children (508) I. GEORGE FISHER/ born 9 Aug. 1820; married, 9 Oct. 1845, Ann Elizabeth Whritner, and has children. (509) II. ALBERT HARRIS/ born 15 June, 1823; married, 4 March, 1846, Julia Maria Read, and has children. (510) IH. FRANKLIN GRANVILLE/ born 23 March, 1828. (511) IV. CHARLES EDWIN/ born 14 Feb. 1830. (512) V. MTRA LOUISA/ born 6 Jan. 1835. SARAH, 6 (375) first child of Asa 5 and Dolly [Day] Harris of Oxford, married Hollis De Witt. He died 30 June, 1853, aged 60. They had (513) I. CAROLINE/ born 13 Nov. 1820 ; married, Nov. 1845, Charles Fuller. (514) II. BENJAMIN ALEXANDER/ born 13 Nov. 1822; married a Wetherell. (515) III. WILLIAM M. T./ born 25 Jan. 1825. (516) IV. MARY MAKEPIECE/ born 22 Sept. 1827. (517) V. CHARLES H,/born 1831; died 9 May, 1832. APPENDIX. MOKE Y. The early records of Roxbury say, "Thomas Morey and Susannah Newell married Sept. 6, 1673." Their children were (according to a record of Timothy 2 Harris) I. THOMAS,* born 15 May, 1678. II. ABIGAIL,* born 30 March, 1681; married Timothy 2 Harris (4). III. MAKT, S born 11 Aug. 1683; married, 26 Nov. 1711, Charles Watson. IV. SusANNA, 2 born 27 April, 1685; married, 16 Jan. 1705, Jonah [or Joshua] Kingsbury of Dedham. V. JOHN, 2 born 13 July, 1687. VI. ELIZABETH/ bora 14 Dec. 1689; married, 27 Dec. 1710, Israel Leavitt, and died 23 Nov. 1712. VII. NATHANIEL," born 28 May, 1694; died 9 Jan, 1717-18. VIII. MEHITABLE, 2 born 20 July, 1698; married, 13 Sept. 1718, Noah Kingsbury of Dedham. THOMAS 1 MOREY settled and reared his family on the farm owned and occupied by the late Capt. William Winchester. It lies on the upper road leading from Jamaica Plain to Dedham ; and continued in the possession of the Morey family until near the close of the las-t century. He died, (if the record refers, as it seems to do, to this Thomas,) 25 Dec. 1717. JOHN, 2 inherited the farm after his father's decease, and was a man of substance and respectability. His name stands third on the list of the seventeen male members who organized the Second Church in Roxbury, now West Roxbury, 2 Nov. 1712. He presented the church with a silver christening basin; and on the organization of the Third Religious Society, (the one at Jamaica Plain,) in whose territorial limits he fell, he presented it with a clock, which, inscribed with the name of the donor, is still used by that Society. His wife was Hai-riet , and they had I. SusANNA, 3 born 7 Oct. 1731 ; married, 12 March, 1752, Robert Pierpont of Boston; she was received "into full communion," 2 Feb. 1752. II. ELIZABETH, 3 born 5 Nov. 1733. 50 APPENDIX. III. JOHN, 8 baptized 29 Jan. 1738 ; married, 9 Sept. 1768, Mary Cheney. IV. MARY,' baptized 30 Sept. 1739. V. ABIGAIL, 8 baptized 30 Aug. 1741; died 24 Dec. 1741. JOHN" and MARY [Cheney] Morey had I. JOHN,* baptized 20 Aug. 1769. II. HANNAH,* baptized 30 June, 1771. III. EBENEZER CHENEY,* baptized 6 March, 1774. IV. SUSANNAH,* baptized 27 Oct. 1776; married Aaron Davis Weld of Roxbury, and died without issue, 23 Oct. 1816. JOHN,' sold the farm in West Roxbury, and purchased another in Mid- dleboro,' to which he removed his family, and where he died. Some of his children are living there, or were at a recent period. METCALF. LYDIA METCALF, who married John 3 Harris, was a descendant of Michael Metcalf, who came to America from Norwich, England, in 1 637 ; an account of whose family, compiled by the writer, occupies pages 171-8, in the New England Hist. Gen. Register, April, 1852. The line of descent is as follows : MICHAEL METCALF/ born in Tatterford, Norfolk Co., England, in 1586; married, 1st, 13 Oct. 1616, Sarah of Wayham, who was born 17 June, 1593. Persecuted for his puritan principles, he succeeded, after some difficulties, in reaching America "three days before midsummer," 1637, with his wife, nine children, and a servant. He was admitted a towns- man in Dedham, 14 July, 1637, united with the church there in 1639, and was held in good esteem. His wife died 30 Nov. 1644, and he married, 2d, Widow Mary Pidge of Roxbury, 13 Aug. 1645. He died 24 Dec. 1664, and his will is on record. His children, all born in Norwich, and all by his first wife, were I. MICHAEL,* born 13 Nov. 1617; died young, in England. II. MARY,* bom 14 Feb. 1618 ; married, 24 Nov. 1642, Henry Wilson. III. MiCHAEL, 2 born 29 Aug. 1620; married, 2 April, 1644, Mary, daughter of John Fairbanks, sen r . Died 24 Dec. 1654, in Dedham; she died 12 Feb. 1672. IV. JOHN," born 5 Sept. 1822; married, 22 March, 1647, Mary, daughter of Francis Chickering. He died 27 Nov. 1675. V. SARAH, Z born 10 Sept. 1624; married Robert Onion of Dedham. VI. ELIZABETH, 2 born 4 Oct. 1626; married, 15 Sept. 1648, Thomas Bancroft of Reading. APPENDIX. 51 VII. MARTHA, 2 born 27 March, 1628; married, 1st, William Brignall; 2d, 2 Aug. 1654, Christopher Smith; 3d, - - Stow. VIII. THOMAS,* bora 27 Dec. 1629; married, 1st, 12 Sept. 1655, Sarah Paige; 2d, 2 Dec. 1679, Anne Paine. He was Dea- con at Dedham; died 16 Nov. 1702. / IX. ANN,* born 1 March, 1631 ; died young, in England. X. JANE,* born 24 March, 1632 ; married Samuel Walker of Rehoboth. XL REBEKA, 2 bom 5 April, 1635; married, 5 April, J659, John Mack- intosh of Dedham. MiCHAEL, 2 born and married as above, had children I. MICHAEL," born 21 Jan. 1645; married, 17 Sept. 1672, Elizabeth, daughter of John Kingsbury. He died 1 or 2 Sept. 1693. She died 24 Oct. 1732. II. MARY," born 15 Aug. 1646; married, 10 Dec. 1668, John Ware; had nine sons and two daughters. III. SARAH, 3 born 7 Dec. 1648; married, 4 June, 1677, Robert Ware of Wrentham. IV. JONATHAN, 3 bom 21 Sept. 1650; married, 10 April, 1674, Hannah, daughter of John Kendrick. He died 27 May, 1727. She died 23 Dec. 1731. V. ELEAZER, 3 born 20 March, 1653; was deacon at Wrentham; mar- ried, 9 April, 1684, Melatia Fisher. MICHAEL," born and married as above, had children I. x MICHAEL,* born 9 May, 1674; died probably unmarried. II. MART,* born 3 Oct. 1676; married, 5 Jan. 1699, Jeremiah Wood- cock ; had children : Jeremiah, 8 Margaret, 5 Mary,* Nathaniel,* " Meream,"* " Carnelus,"* Michael,* Sarah,* and others. III. THOMAS, 4 born 3 Jan. 1679; married Lydia, daughter of Nathaniel and Lydia Chickering. 4 She was born 1 Dec. 1678. IV. SARAH,* born 26 April, 1682; married John Gay; had daughters, Sarah,* Elizabeth,* and Abigail,* who married Tomson. V. ELEAZER,* born 12 Feb. 1684-5; married, 6 Sept. 1711, Hannah Ware, and had Hannah,* Deborah.* VI. HANNAH,* born 17 April, 1687 ; married, 1st, 18 Nov. 1729, Thom- as Stedman of Brookline ; 2d, Timothy Kingsbury of Needham. VII. DANIEL,* born 25 June, 1691; died 29 Jan. 1719, probably unmarried. 02 APPENDIX. THOMAS,* born and married as above, had children I. LYDIA,* born 15 Feb. 1711 ; married Thomas Fuller; had no chil- dren; died April, 1791-2. II. THOMAS,* born 19 Jan. 1713; died, unmarried, 8 Oct. 1760 a cart wheel passing over him. III. MICHAEL,* born 20 Oct. 1715 ; died unmarried. IV. ESTHER,* born 11 Feb. 1717-18; married, 16 April, 1747, John 3 Harris (23) of Brookline. HARRIS. Hon. James Savage, in his Genealogical History of New England, men- tions other early inhabitants of the name of Harris, as follows : ANTHONY, of Boston, of the Artillery Company in 1644, perhaps the Anthony of Ipswich in 1648, but who died at Chelsea, 30 Dec. 1651, and mentions in his will his wife Elizabeth, brothers Daniel and Thomas, and brother-in-law Elias Maverick, who married his sister Ann. ARTHUR, of Duxbury in 1640, died in Boston, 10 June, 1674, leaving wife Martha and four children. BENJAMIN, arrived in 1687, returned in 1694. BERNARD, of Boston, wife Mary, son Hezekiah, b. 13 Aug. 1666. DANIEL, of Rowley in 1643, wife Mary, daughter of Joseph Weld of Roxbury, and had several children. DAVID, of Charlestown in 1695, had four children. EXPERIENCE, of Boston in 1676, had daughter Abigail. GEORGE, of Salem in 1636, had several children. JAMES, of Boston in 1668, had twelve children. JOHN, of Rowley in 1647, had six children. JOHN, of Boston in 1657. NICHOLAS, of Dover, N. H., 166584. RICHARD, of Cambridge, died in 1644. SAMUEL, of Salem. THOMAS, alias Williams, who came with Winthrop. THOMAS, of Roxbury, who died 2 Sept. 1640. THOMAS, of Providence in 1637, brother of William; had ten children. THOMAS, of Ipswich in 1636, had at least eight children. THOMAS, a Quaker, cruelly treated in Boston in 1658. WILLIAM, of Salem in 1 635, brother of Thomas of Providence, had four children. WILLIAM, of Charlestown in 1642, brother of Anthony. Also, a considerable number of others later, but prior to 1700. INDEX. I. Of persons bearing the name of Harris. [The figures denote the " general number,'- not the page.] Abby A. 7 467. Abigail,3 18. Abigail 3 (Newell) 21. Abigail 4 (Whiting) 50. Abigail 5 (Merriam) 124. Abigail 5 (Williams) 157. Abijah, 4 89. Abijah, 5 182. Albert/ 407. Almira 6 (White) 333. Amariah, 4 46. Amariah, 4 47. Amariah, 5 112. Amariah, 6 220. Amariah, 6 257. Amos, 7 490. Anna, 4 88. Anna, 4 98. Anna, 5 171. Anna 5 (Nichols) 185. Ansill, 6 231. Ansill J. 7 418. Archibald C. 7 500. Arethusa 6 (Keith) 234. Asa, 5 155. Asa, 5 179. Asa, 198. Asa, 6 344. Augusta 7 (Fisher) 386. Augustus, 6 246. Benjamin, 3 36. Benjamin, 4 73. Benjamin, 6 284. Benjamin, 7 473. Benjamin F. 7 438. Benjamin N. 5 132. Benjamin N. 6 284. Beriah, 6 219. Caleb, 6 225. Caleb, 8 235. Caroline D. 6 379. Caroline E. 7 479. Caroline S. 6 (Smith; 295. Catherine 5 (Fairbanks) 129. Catherine, 6 353. 7 Celia 7 (Stock-well, Willis) 492. Charles, 6 294. Charles F. 7 436. Charlotte 6 (Borden) 339. Cyrus, 7 497. Daniel, 2 5. Daniel, 3 25. Daniel, 3 35. Daniel, 4 96. Daniel, 6 229. Darius W. 7 480. Day H. 6 376. Edmund C. 8 page 45. Edmund M. 7 462. Edwin, 7 503. Elbridge, 6 261. Elbridge, 7 456. Elijah, 5 144. Elijah, 6 335. Elijah, 6 352. Elijah, 7 472. Elisha,221. Eliza A. 6 331. Elizabeth, 2 (Whitney) 2. Elizabeth, 3 16. Elizabeth, 3 (Warren) 30. Elizabeth, 4 91. Elizabeth, 5 (Decoster) 113. Elizabeth [Betsey] 5 121. Elizabeth, 5 177. Elizabeth, 5 196. Elizabeth, 6 359. Elizabeth, 6 377. Elizabeth, 7 408. Elizabeth C. 6 380. Elizabeth M. 7 1 (Packard)454. Elizabeth M. 7 (Davis) 464. Ellen M. 6 300. Emeline, 6 (Haskins) 328. Enoch, 5 103. Ephraim, 6 228. Eras, 6 230. Esther, 5 131. Esther 7 (Welles) 496. Esther M. 5 (Fuller) 125. Esther S. 6 (Peaslee) 287. Eunice 6 (Brown, Tolman) 232. Frances 7 (Loring) 457. Francis, 4 68. Francis, 5 154. Francis, 5 159. Francis, 6 343. Frederick C. 7 419. Frederick C. 7 420. Frederick G. 7 387. Fullam, 4 76. Fullam, 5 162. George, 6 826. George W. 6 299. Granville, 6 263. Granville A. 7 423. Hannah 4 (Child) 49. Hannah 4 (Hayj 74. Hannah 5 (Packard) 111. Hannah, 5 149. Hannah 5 (Pratt) 158. Hannah, 5 172. Hannah, 6 347. Hannah, 7 410. Harriet B. (West) 338. Henrietta 7 (Stowell) 461. Howard, 6 226. Huldah 6 (Daniels) 363. Huldah 7 (Wood) 498. Irene, 7 409. Isaac, 5 148. Isaac, 6 358. Isaac, 7 493. Isaac, 7 499. Jacob, 5 147. James, 5 145. James, 6 340. Jane, 5 163. Jane 6 (Sampson) 325. Jane, 7 507. Jason, 8 211. Jesse, 5 102. Joanna 3 (Woodward) 28. 54 INDEX. John, 2 3. John, 3 19. John, 3 23. John,* 37. John,* 44. John,* 53. John, 5 115. John,s 143. John, 350. John Adams, 6 297. John Ansill, 6 260. John J. 7 421. John L. 7 504. John N. 7 434. John S. 7 411. Jonathan, 5 178. Jonathan, 5 181. Jonathan, 6 364. Joseph, 3 24. Joseph, 5 142. Joseph, 6 222. Joseph, 6 323. Joseph, 6 f<54. Joseph/ 422. Joseph, 7 455. Joseph W. 6 292. Josephus, 6 238. Josiah D. 6 384. Laban, 5 106. Laura, 6 266. Lemuel, 5 104. Lois 5 (Cooledge) 209. Louis, 7 406. Louisa. 6 224. Louisa E. 6 267. Louisa J. 7 475. Lucy 5 (Boyden) 114. Lucy 5 130. Lucy 5 137. Lucy 5 (Cobleigh, Marean) 138. Lucy 5 (Samson, Bailey, Borden) 141, Lucy 5 (Berry) 176. Lucy 6 (Atwood) 237. Lucy', 6 361. Lucy 7 (Twitchell) 491. Lucy A. 7 501. Lucy H. 6 286. Lucy S. 6 (Harrington) 264. Luther M. 5 135. Lydia, 4 38. Lydia, 5 (Wight) 105. Lydia 5 Fairbanks) 12C. Lydia M. 6 296. Margaret, 3 20. Martha," 381. Martha W. 7 468. Mary, 3 14. Mary 3 15. Mary,* 51. Mary* (Davis) 87. Mary 5 (Colburn) 123. Mary 5 (Skinner) 140. Mary, 5 146. Man, 5 175. Mary, 5 184. Mary 6 (Packard) 233. Mary, 6 351. Marye (Foster) 356. Mary , 7 4 15. Mary 7 (Fogg) 489. Mary A. 6 336. Mary A. 6 337. Mary A. 6 383. Mary B. 7 432. Mary C. 5 (Sumner) 133. Mary E. 8 page 45. Mary W. 6 (Wetherbee) 293. Mehitable 3 (Walker) 34. Mehitable (Jewett) 90. Melatiah, 5 107. Mercy W. 6 (Rowel) 285. Michael, 4 32. Michael, 5 122. Michael M. 6 265. Moses, 4 97. Moses, 5 180. Nancy, 5 146. Nancy, 6 223. Nancy 6 (Francis) 334. Nancy, 6 365. Nathaniel, 3 29. Nathaniel, 4 71. Nathaniel, 6 164. Nathaniel, 5 170. Nathaniel, 6 349. Nelson D. 7 505. Orinda, 6 341. Otis, 6 327. Padeus, 6 324. Phebe 7 (Cockle) 494. Priscilla, 2 6. Priscilla* (Child) 26. Priscilla, 4 70. Priscilla 4 (Smith) 72. Priscilla 5 (Dickinson) 152. Prudence, 6 227. Rebecca 5 (Chapman) 139. Robert,i i. Robert, 3 13. Robert, 3 33. Robert, 5 134. Robert, 5 208. Robert,* 301. Robert E. 7 465. Robert W. 6 885. Rufus, 6 360. Rufus, 7 495. Sally 5 (Tucker) 128. Sally M. 6 259. Samuel, 4 86. Samuel, 5 99. Samuel. 5 150. Samuel, 6 346. Samuel, 6 355. Samuel B. 6 256. Samuel B. 7 412. Samuel F. 7 476. Sarah 3 (May) 17. Sarah 3 (Hooper) 32. Sarah 4 (White) 69. Sarah, 5 100. Sarah 5 (Curtis) 110. Sarah, 5 153. Sarah 6 (Bennet) 156. Sarah, 5 174. Sarah, 5 197. Sarah, 5 199. Sarah 6 (Whiting) 210. Sarah 6 (Town)^357. Sarahs (De Witt) 375. Sarah C. 6 382. Sarah E. 8 page 45. Sarah J. 7 (Prescott) 453. Sarah P. 7 388. Sarah W. 7 435. Sophia, 6 245. Sophia T. 7 ( Hammond) 458. Sophronia, 6 255. Stearns De W. 7 502. Stephen, 5 75. Stephen, 4 95. Stephen, 5 173. Stephen, 6 348. Susan A. 7 474. Susan H. 6 (Hodgdon) 288. Susan J. 6 332. Sylvanus, 6 362. Sylvanus J. 7 478. Thaddeus, 7 471. Thaddeus M., page 4. Thomas, 3 27. Thomas, 4 44. Thomas, 4 67. Thomas M. 5 127. Timothy, 2 4. Timothy, 3 22. Timothy, 3 31. Timothy, 4 45. Timothy, 3 108. Timothy, 5 183. Timothy, 6 218. Vashti, 6 258. Warren, 6 262. William, 4 94. William, 5 101. William, 5 109. William, 5 136. William, 5 207. William, 6 236. William B. 7 413. William H. 7 466. William H. 7 477. William J. 7 437. INDEX. 55 II. Of other names than that of Harris. [The figures denote the page.] Adams, 14, 16, 18, 20, 26, Davis, 7, 11, 13, 22, 25, 29, 36, 37, 38. 45, 47. Alden, 25. Day, 29, 40, 48. Andrews, 19. Dea, 8. Atherton, 22, 28. Decoster, 24, 31, 32, 42. At wood, 31, 43. De Witt, 30, 48. Bacon, 14. Dickinson, 27. Bailev. 27, 37. Doggett, 32. Baker, 42. Dorman, 35. Ballantine, 12. Douglas, 5. Bancroft, 50. Drew, 37. Bartlett, 47. Dwight, 10, 27, 38. Benjamin, 21, 27, 38. Dwinell, 42. Bennet, 27, 38. Eddy, 37, Berry, 28. Fairbanks, 25, 34, 50. Bickford, 33, 39, 43, 46. Tales, 34. Bond, 22. Finch, 6. Borden, 27, 37, 38. Fisher, 51. Boughey, 5, 9, 14-17. Fisk, 41. Bouin, 7. Flanders, 45. Bowles, 33, 43. Fogg, 46. Boydell, 18. Foster, 39, 46. Boyden, 24, 26, 32. Francis, 38. Brett, 31, 42. Frissel, 10, 11. Bridge, 6, 17. Fullam, 17, 21, 27, 28. Brignall, 51. Fuller, 25, 34, 48, 52. Brown, 1C, 18, 21-3, 28, 31, Gardner, 11. 34, 37, 39, 41, 44. Gary, 6, 11. Bruce, 8. Gay, 19, 23, 30, 51. Bryant, 37. Gibson, 31. Budery, 27, 37, 45. Goddard, 13. Cady, 38. Goldsmith, 35. Capen, 31, 43. Gore, 10, 12. Chamberlain, 6, 7. Green, 33. Chapman, 26, 27, 36, 38, 46. Griffin, 7, 10, 11, 13. Checkley, 19, 20. Hale, 45. Cheney, 50. Hall, 26. Chickering, 50, 51 . Hammond, 45. Child, 10, 11, 13, 17-9, 21, Harrington, 33, 45. 24. Haskins, 37, 38. Church, 23, 30. Hay, 22, 28. Clapp, 37. Hibbins, 6, 8. Clark, 30, 41. Hills, 30. Cobleigh, 26, 36. Hodgdon, 35, 44. Cockle, 47. Hodges, 37. Coffin, 37, 45. Holden, 27. Colburn, 25, 33. Hooper, 17, 23. Corey, 38. Howard, 24,31. Cotton, 19. Hunt, 42. Crafts, 19. Hyde, 36. Crane, 31, 42. Jackson, 10, 39. Crehore, 45. Jewett, 22, 30. Crowne, 8. Keith, 26, 31, 42. Curtis, 14, 24, 31. Kendrick, Kenric, 6, 51. Dana, 20, 25, 32-4. Kingsburv, 49, 51. Daniels, 24, 32, 39, 48. Lamb, 22", 29, 40. Davenport, 10. Larkin, 45. Lathrop, 36. Leach, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43. Leavitt, 49. Le Baron, 36. Logan, 47. Loker, 7, 25. Loring, 45. Lothrop, 37. Lynfield, 19, 24, 31, 32. Lyon, 6, 10, 11, 21, 24. Mackintosh, 51. Mann, 24, 36. Marsh, 39, 46. Mason, 6. May, 15, 18. Mayes, 6. Mayo, 29, 40. Mead, 28. Merriam," 25, 33. Metcalf, 16, 20, 25, 50. Morey, 9, 15, 16, 19, 20,49, 50. Morris, 21. Newell, 16, 49. Newhall, 39, 47. Nichols, 29, 40. Niles, 20, 26, 34-6. Norcross, 27. Oliver, 6, 7. Onion, 50. Oulton, 8. Packard, 24, 31, 37, 42, 45. Paige, 51. Payne, 51. Payson, 10. Peaslee, 35, 44. Phipps, 12, 29,40. Pidge, 50. Pierce, 21, 27. Pierpont, 49. Piser, 42. Pratt, 27, 43. Prentice, 10. Prescott, 45. Provoost, 40. Pynchon, 23, 30, 40. Rand, 25. Record, 24, 32. Reed, 35, 48. Reynolds, 9, 14. Robbins, 22, 29, 39, 40. Roe, 8, 9. Rowel, 34, 44. Ruggles, 7, 10. Salley, 26. Sampson, 27, 37, 38, 46. Sanger, 9, 14, 18, 19. INDEX. Scot, 18. Searle, 13. Sewall, 12. Simpson, 34. Skinner, 26, 36. Smith, 6, 22, 24, 28, 30, 37, 44, 45, 51. Somerby, 5, 6. Sprague, 41 . Stearns, 17, 22, 29, 30. Stedman, 51. Stevens, 16, 19, 25, 32, 43. Stockwell, 47. Storer, 22, 27-8. Stoughton, 11. Stow, 51. Stowell, 45. Sumner, 26, 35. Tarr, 43. Thayer, 35, 47. Thompson, 51. Thorpe, 8. Tolman, 31, 41. Totman, 10. Town, 29, 39, 46, 47, 48. Tucker, 25, 34. Twichell, 47. Underwood, 39, 47. Walker, 17, 5i. Ware, 41, 51. Warren, 17, 22. Watson, 49. , Weld, 12, 50. Welles, 47. West, 38. Wetherbee, 34, 43. Wetherell, 48. Wheeler, 35, 36, 47. Whitcomb. 26, 34, 43, 44. White, 21, 28, 30,37,38,45. Whitney, 9, 13, 14, 18, 34. Whiting, 20, 24, 30, 34. Whritner, 48. Wight, 24. Wilding, 8. Williams, 27. Willis, 47. Wilson, 10, 13, 15, 19, 23, 50. Winchester, 14, 17, 18, 21, 49. Witt, 39, 47. Wood, 47. Woodcock, 51. Woodward, 14, 17, 18, 21. THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. Series 9482 fililli A 001 078 067 4