SB K>9 UC-NRLF ' . THE OBCHID MANUAL, C TJ Hi T I ^-A- T 1 1ST STOYE, GREENHOUSE, AND HAEDY OECHIDS, WITH A CALENDAR OF MONTHLY OPERATIONS, AND LISTS O3J 1 SPECIES. BY THOMAS APPLEBY, FORMERLY MANAGER OF THE ORCHID DEPARTMENT OP MESSRS. A. HENDERSON AND CO., TINE APPLE PLACE. LONDON: JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURE AND COTTAGE GARDENER OFFICE, 162, FLEET STEEET. LONDON: Printed by Truscott Son, & Simmons, Suffolk-lane, City. INDEX. Page AIR, giving 5, 70 Acanthophippium javanicum ... 45 jErides culture 33 BASKETS 8, 67 Basketing Orchids 19 Brassavola cucullata 47 Blocks 11, 66 CAMAROTIS purpurea 34 culture of 33 Cattleya citrina culture 35 labiata alba 10 Cockroaches 30, 74 Cypripedium caudatum 49 Lowi 51 spectabile 64 DISEASES 32 Dendrobium formosum 20 speciosum 77 EPIDENDRUM cornutum culture 35 rhizophorum culture 35 GREEN fly 32 Greenhouse Orchids 61 for baskets 73 for blocks 73 epiphytal 71 potting of 63 soil for 63 terrestrial 72 HEAT for Stove Orchids 3 Hardy Orchids 79 in borders 83 in pots 82 propagation 84 summer culture of 86 winter culture of 88 lists of 89 INSECTS 29, 73 L-ELIA super biens, culture of ... 36 MILDEW 33 Page NEWLY imported Orchids 39 ODONTOGLOSSTJM Insleayi 53 Oncidiura luridum 55 Orchid-houses 2 PAPHTNIA cristata 36 Pots for Orchids 9 Potting 15,18, 82 Propagation 75, 84 RED spider 32, 74 Renanthera coccinea 36 SACCOLABIUM culture 33 Scuticaria Steeli 37 Shading 4 Slug?, large black 31 small white 32 Soils 14, 81 Spot 32 Stove Orchids 1 for baskets 43 for blocks 43 for bell-glasses 44 epiphytal 41 for pots 41 summer culture 22 terrestrial 18, 44 winter culture 26 Summer treatment 22, 69 Suspended plants 6 Syringes 9 Syringing 12 THRIPS 31, 74 VANDA culture 33 coerulea 59 suavis 16, 57 teres culture 37 Vanilla planifolia culture 38 WATERING 12, 68 "Watering-pots 9 White scale 30, 74 \Vintertreatment 26, 71 Woodlice 31 993 t LWIVERSITY ^S^U^RH^^ STOVE ORCHIDS. GOOD collections of Orchids requiring stove treatment are now very numerous in this country, and such is their beauty that the number of cultivators is annually increasing. The skill necessary to grow them displayed by English gardeners, shows to no small extent what perseverance can accomplish in over- coming difficulties that .at first seemed almost insuperable. Fifty years ago exotic Orchids in this country were almost unknown to gardeners, and it was only by studying their native habitats and peculiar circumstances as to their mode of growing in exotic climes, that has led to their successful culture. If any plant is brought from foreign climes, where it grows in a dense, moist forest, and is potted in any chance soil that may be handy, and placed on a shelf in a dry stove exposed to the burning summer's sun, it must soon languish and die. Such, no doubt, was the fate of many of the orchideous plants collected and sent home without, perhaps, a line to say under what peculiarities of climate or soil it enjoyed in its native wild. However, some few flowered, and their extreme elegance, curious forms, and singular appearance, led to inquiries, which, when given faithfully by collectors, soon led to a different mode of culture, and, finally, to that perfection we now see displayed in our stoves and exhibitions. This success has been the cause of a greater demand for them ; so much so, that hundreds of species have been introduced, and the numbers are increasing annually. As a natural consequence, information on their management is in request, and one or two manuals have been published on the subject. The first was published by T. C. Lyons, Esq., a 2 THE OECHID-HOUSE. zealous amateur and grower, at Ladiston, in Ireland. He first wrote a small book on the subject, printed it, and bound the first edition with his own hands, and generously gave the first edition away to his friends, and all the cultivators of Orchids that he knew of. That small work was so well thought of, that he was induced to write a considerably enlarged edition, much improved both in form and matter. This was published in 1845, in London, by Mr. J. Ridgway, and by Messrs. Hodge and Smith, of Dublin, and is now, I believe, out of print. Another some- what larger work on the culture of these lovely plants is from the pen of Mr. B. Williams, formerly gardener to J. Warner, Esq., of Broxbourne, Herts. I may venture to mention also that I wrote a few essays on their culture in the earlier volumes of THE COTTAGE GAEDENEE. Notwithstanding all these pub- lications, it seems that a few concise instructions in a simpler form and in less compass are needed, and will be useful to young gardeners, amateurs, and others, that may be desirous of growing Orchids, and wish to know the best way to set about their culture. On each point of culture I shall endeavour to give plain in- structions in such language that the veriest tyro can understand ; and if he will, or can, put them in practice as far as his means extend, I have no doubt by careful attention he will succeed in growing his plants in a satisfactory manner. THE OECHID-HOTJSE. Let not the amateur be alarmed about the expense of a house suitable for Orchids. If his collection at first is small, any kind or form of house, if sufficiently heated, will, with judicious care, grow them on till a larger house is needed ; but where expense is no object, then a proper house should be put up for them. Experience has proved that a span, roofed house is the best form. Now, as these plants mostly grow on trees in their native country, there they enjoy a large amount of light. Hence we should study to give them as much light as we possibly can in our, comparatively speaking, dark climate. The span-roof does so, as everybody knows, much more than a mere lean-to j and in order that every part of the house HEATING. 3 may have an equal share of light at all hours of the day, the position of the house should be placed to run from east to west. The morning sun will then send its beams on the east side at noon, when its strong power might be injurious, the rays will be slanting on the plants ; and the afternoon sun will enlighten the western side to the latest hour. This house should have a division one part to be devoted to East Indian species, and the other to such as are from the more temperate climes of the western hemisphere. Generally speaking, this latter house should be 10 or 15 cooler than the first. When the Indian species are in bloom, the flowering season may be prolonged by bringing them into the cooler house. HEATING. When orchideous plants are making their annual growth they require the greatest amount of heat. To economise fuel, then, the season of growth should be during the last month in spring and the summer. The best mode of heating and most easy to manage, is by hot-water pipes, with a tank on the top of the ascending pipe. This mode of heating suits Orchids the best Of any, it can be so easily regulated. Apply it then in sufficient power to give the most heat when the plants are growing. Some may object that the season of growth does not come uniformly to all species of Orchids. True ; but that propensity to grow in autumn or winter may, by judicious and persevering care, be altered and changed just as easy as forcing Roses at Christmas, or Grapes in May j and, as is well known, when once the habits of a plant are once changed, that change becomes every season more fixed on the plant, till at last its season of growth is com- pletely altered, and remains so as long as the cultivator pleases. These facts are well known to the forcing-gardener, and hence the plant-grower may by the same means set all his plants their season of growth, and compel them, as it were, to continue to keep that season year by year ; only let him have power over his means of heating, which he may have by a boiler and hot-water pipes, and plenty of them. I observed above, that the pipes should have a tank upon them ; that tank should be, during the 4 SHADING. growing season, kept full of water. The pipe when warm heats the water, and causes a gentle moisture to rise amongst the plants, which is highly beneficial to them, especially to those growing on blocks or such as root from the stems in the air. The degree of heat Orchids require is by some growers set too high, and by others too low. I have found, from the experience of a quarter of a century, that the following table, drawn up for my use, and corrected to the state it appears below, is amply sufficient for them : EAST INDIAN HOUSE. SOUTH AMEEICAN HOUSE. Day. Night. Summer 75 to 90... 70 Winter 65 ... 60 Day. Night. Summer 60to65... 60 Winter 55 ... 50 These are average heats, inasmuch as on very hot days the heat will be a few degrees higher, and in very cold weather it may be a few degrees lower without any injury to the plants. SHADING-. The house for Orchids being put up, the next thing to think of is how to shade the plants from the burning beams of a summer's sun. At that season of the year the leaves are young and tender ; and if a drop of water is on any one leaf and the sun strikes it, the lens formed by the water becomes a focus, and on that place a burn or scald will take place. To prevent such a mishap the glass should be shaded. Some put on it a covering of whitewash or some other daub, which is certainly effective and saves trouble ; but the objection to this mode is, that the shading being permanent, on dark days the plants suffer from want of light to ripen the pseudo -bulbs : this is a great evil. Undoubtedly the best shade is one that can easily be drawn off whenever the sun is clouded. Perhaps the best material for this purpose is the one named Shaw's tiffany ; it is quite stout enough to intercept the rays of the hottest sun. To apply it so as to save trouble, procure a pole, about two inches diameter^ rather longer than the length of the house. At one end fix a wheel six inches diameter. On each side of this wheel nail MODE OF GIVING AIE. 5 round boards projecting two or three inches beyond it. When this is done a kind of groove is formed ; and in this the cord to let down and draw up the shade is coiled, one end being nailed to it. The shading material is then nailed to the pole, it having been first sewed together the size of the roof. The pole with the canvass nailed to it should then be laid on the roof. A flat, long, narrow piece of wood should be nailed firm to the highest point of the roof; then stretch the canvass, and nail the loose side to this flat piece of wood. Use some kind of binding to this edge, and nail through that binding. Then take hold of the other end of the cord, pull at it, and the wheel will turn round, and, of course, the pole turn round also, wrapping up the canvass neatly as it rolls up to the top or apex of the house. The rope may be wrapped round a kind of fixed button in a handy place, and tied there till shade is needed ; then loosen the end of the cord, and let down the shade gently to the lowest part of the glass, where a few stops of iron or wood should be firmly fixed to prevent the pole rolling off the house and tearing off the canvass from the flat piece of wood. To make this canvass last longer, let a weatherboard be fixed on the top of the house ; and when the shade with its pole is drawn up, it will be under this weatherboard and be protected from wet. In winter, when no shade is required, the canvass may be unfixed and put away in a dry shed till spring. MODE OF GIVING AIE. When the thermometer indicates a temperature too high it may be lowered by giving air. In spring the external air will be too cold to be admitted direct to the plants : hence it is desirable to let in the fresh air just over hot-water pipes. To accomplish this make openings in the wall, and fix to these opening sliding shutters. When these are opened the air rushes in, and becomes not only warmed but also charged with moisture arising from the tanks placed on the ascending pipes, and is then highly beneficial to the health of plants. To allow of the escape of the heated air, a few openings should be contrived at the highest part of the roof. In summer, 6 AEBANGEMENT OF THE PLANTS SUSPENDED PLANTS. when there is no heat in the pipes, the outward atmospheric air is so warm that the air when admitted will not injure the plants in the least. AEEANGEMENT OF THE PLANTS. The central stage may either be a succession of steps or one broad platform. In either case it is desirable to make each into a shallow watertight cistern, to be filled with small pebbles j or, if kept empty, place in them broad pans just high enough to be above the level of the sides. These cisterns are intended to hold water during the growing months, and thereby supply moisture to the air, and also protect the plants from the destructive cockroaches. Around this central stage funs the walk, and on the side next the wall a platform may very conveniently be placed. Ihe surface of this platform may be formed exactly like the central stage ; and on it many smaller plants may stand, and also any that may go earlier to rest than the general collection. SUSPENDING PLANTS. These require hooks, or large-headed nails, driven into the rafters to hang them to ; or a strong iron rod kept well painted may be suspended over the walks, and at proper intervals hooks made in the shape of the letter S placed upon the rod, and to each of these hooks a basket or a block containing a plant is suspended. There is this advantage of having these plants hanging over the walk namely, that when watered or syringed, the surplus water falls into the walk and not on the plants. UTENSILS. -4 Cistern. The rain water that falls on the roof should run into spouts placed just under the ends of the glass frames, and conducted from them by a pipe into a large cistern. This utensil is almost indispensable to the Orchid grower. The water in it should be kept milk- warm. If placed upon the flue the water will be kept sufficiently warm. It is highly useful in that state for syringing with, and also to dip the baskets and logs with plants on them in. Just before the plants in baskets begin to grow, the peat from having been dry during the season of rest will be found hard $ and then, if the plants require new ORCHIDS IN SUSPENDED POTS. TJTENSIIS BASKETS. baskets, the roots will be so firmly fixed to the lumps of dry peat that, if these lumps are not softened by steeping them in the water, the roots will be broken and otherwise greatly injured ; but if steeped for two or three hours the peat then is easily separated from the roots without injury to the latter. Baskets. The grower will soon find that baskets are necessary, and for this reason that some species, especially of Stanhopea, Acinetas, and a few Peristerias, send their flower- stems down through the soil. Now, if these are grown in pots, it is evident that the greater part of the flower- stems will perish. The baskets should be of a size in proportion to the size of the plants. The smallest may be six inches square, the next twelve, and the largest eighteen inches. To make these baskets, iron, brass, and copper, have been used. I object to the first, because it rusts so soon in the damp Orchid-house, and the other two are too expensive. Earthenware also has been converted into baskets for Orchids ; but its great weight and liability to break renders it undesirable. After having tried all these, I have come to the conclusion that the best material for baskets for Orchids is long Hazel rods j the smallest, for small baskets, about the thickness of one's middle finger, and the largest as thick as one's wrist, with proportionate intermediate sizes. Saw them into proper lengths, and with a sharp-pointed iron borer made red hot, bore a hole through each end. Then have ready some copper wire cut into the right lengths ; lay down for small baskets two rods six inches long, and upon these at right angles three rods at equal distance. Nail these to the two first with small copper flat-headed nails, then turn over this first layer and place two more to form the other two sides of the baskets. Then take four pieces of the wire, make a loop at one end of each, and then draw the other ends through the holes at the four corners of the basket. Slip over two more at oppo- site sides, and then two more to fit upon them at the other two sides. For the smallest three rods deep will be sufficient. Wedge the wires vrith small wooden wedges at each corner, and then the POTS SYBINGE WATEKING-POTS POTTING -BEKCII. 9 basket is ready for the plant. The next size may have four rods on each side, and the size larger five on each side. There is no advantage gained in making those baskets deeper. Pots. The kind of pot that I have found best for Orchids is a wide shallow one, the proportions of which are as two, three, and five that is, two inches wide at the bottom, three inches deep, and five inches wide at the top, all inside measure. Larger pots to be in the same proportions. The roots of Orchids are generally near the surface ; and besides, a larger surface is exposed by this form to the beneficial effects of the moist air of the interior. These wide pots may be ordered at the manufactory, and will cost no more than the ordinary-shaped pots. When these pots are ordered, I would recommend the grower to order also about a dozen large, upright pots, without holes at the bottom. These are to be kept filled with water, and placed at regular distances close to and touching the pipes. So placed, the cultivator will find them exceedingly handy in syringing, saving the trouble of carrying and shifting the common garden pot filled with water for the same purpose. Sometimes I found it necessary to pro- cure wide, shallow pans for such plants as Miltonia spectabilis and some others. In deep pots I found the leaves and pseudo- bulbs turned yellow, especially if too much exposed to the sun. I also found pots with holes at the sides very useful for many of the Indian Orchids such, for instance, as the brides, Sacco- labiums and Yandas. Syringe. Bead's or Warner's, either of these is good. There should be three roses one with very fine holes, one with medium sized, and one with wider holes. The first is useful to form a gentle shower like dew, the second for general use, and the coarse one to force a heavy shower on the soils in baskets, and to wash off insects, previously lying the plants on one side. All these the amateur will find highly useful. Watering-pots. A. large one to carry water and a small one with a long spout for watering plants at a distance. Lastly, a convenient potting-bench of a good size, with a narrow OBCHID ON BLOCK (Cattleya labiata aftd). OECHIDS ON BLOCKS. 11 board at the back and ends, placed in a warmed shed or pot- ting-room, handy to the Orchid-house, and if possible with a door opening into the house, so that the plants when removed to be potted will not be exposed to a sudden change of temperature, will complete the list of necessary apparatus for the Orchid- grower. OBCHIDS ON BLOCKS. There are many of the most rare and very lovely Orchids that do not thrive well in either pots or baskets. In their native habitats they are found growing on branches of trees, the roots clinging to the branches or swinging in the air, from which they appear to draw their nutriment. We imitate this mode of natural growth by placing such plants on logs of wood suspended from the roof of the Orchid-house. I have used various kinds of wood for this purpose, and from many years of experience I have come to the conclusion that the branches of the Robinia pseudo-acacia are the best for them. It is the common hardy Acacia, commonly so called, a tree now well known. I use it without the bark, which easily peels ofl when the branches have been cut off for a year or so. The next best, when the Acacia cannot be procured, are branches of the Cork tree, then of the Oak, and lastly, of the Elder tree, any ol which will answer the purpose. The Cork branches I have used with the bark on, because the bark of that tree does not so easily decay. The objection to logs with bark on is, that when the bark decays woodlice and other insects secrete themselves behind the bark, and issue thence at night to prey upon the young roots, shoots, or flower-stems. The way to fasten the plants to the logs is easy enough. The log being ready, with a piece of wire fastened to it to suspend it by, then have ready some small wire and some green moss. Hold the plant with the hand close to the log, and also some moss, then wind the wire round the log, catching hold of the plant at the same time, but be careful not to let the wire press too tightly on the plant. The part best to lay the wire upon is that named the rhizoma, or root-stock, which generally is of a hard woody 12 SIZE OF THE BLOCKS WATEKIJNtf. texture, and, consequently will bear a gentle pressure. At the same time place a thin layer of green moss on the log, and some on each side of the plant. If it should happen that the root- stock is soft and fleshy, a little moss should then be put under the wire to prevent it from cutting the root- stock. The plant will, when it begins to grow, put forth new roots, and even the old living roots will send out branchlets of new roots. Some of these will catch hold of the log and wrap round it. Then if the root-stock swells, and the wire appears to strangle it, let the wire be cut in pieces to prevent further mischief. Some delicate species are better without any moss excepting a bit under the wire. These species I shall give a list of in the group below. Size of the Blocks. When the plant is large it should be placed upon a large block, but in order to lessen its weight it may be split in two. Such large blocks should have a stronger wire, which should be fastened to each end and suspended from the centre. Small plants, on the contrary, should have small logs, and the wire fastened to one end only, and a loop twisted at the other end to suspend it by. I have been rather minute in describing the different operations of potting, basketing, and blocking, which if carefully and rightly performed at the proper season will leave the plants ready for the next equally important operations of watering and syringing operations that require particular and constant attention during the whole period of growth. WATEKING. Plants in pots and baskets, when newly placed in fresh compost and just beginning to grow, sending forth new roots and shoots, should have very moderate supplies of water, and that should be given round the edges of the pots or baskets, so as not to wet the plant at all. I use for this purpose at that season a small pot, with a long small spout without a rose. The operator has with such a pot a greater power over the quantity of water he ought to give to each plant. When the young shoots have half formed their new pseudo-bulbs, and the days have become longer and the sun more powerful, more water may be SYRINGING. 13 given, and it may be extended close up to the plant. As a general rule, let the operator observe never to water an Orchid till it requires it, and let the quantity given be in proportion to the size of the plant and its state of growth. At the base of each new pseudo-bulb there is a kind of sheath. This sheath holds water ; and when that bulb is young this water, lodging in the sheath in dark cloudy days, will have a tendency to rot the young shoot. In such a case the sheaths had better be carefully torn open to let the water escape. As the pseudo-bulbs increase in size and maturity the sheaths decay, and may then be removed entirely. When the pseudo-bulbs have reached this stage the greatest quantity of water should be given. Many of the Dendrobiums may be deluged with water daily; for upon the free application of water at that state of growth depends the full development of the growths. In their native climates there is, as is well known, a rainy season that is, it rains heavily almost every day for many weeks: therefore it behoves the cultivator to give abundance of water, in order to get his plants well grown when the growing season takes place 1 more especially if the summer should be hot and dry. When the pseudo-bulbs have attained what the grower may judge their full size, then gradually reduce the quantity of water till the dark days of autumn arrive, and then no more should be given than will prevent the shoots from shrivelling too much. Fre- quently in winter once a-month a small supply of water will be necessary. SYRINGING. The same precautions must be used in syringing as I have described above for watering with the garden-pot. It may be freely used during the summer morning and evening ; but in spring and autumn the syringing should be done only in the morning, when the sun is likely to break forth clear during the day. To create a moisture in the air in the evenings of such days syringe the pipes and paths only. In all cases be careful not to syringe over the flowers, for the least drop of water will injure their beauty. 14 SOILS. SOILS. The soils necessary to grow Orchids with consist of turfy peat, fibry loam, sphagnum moss, leaf mould, cowdung pressed in cakes, charcoal, silver sand, and for drainage a large supply of crocks that is, broken pots in at least three sizes. Turfy Peat. The best of all comes from the neighbourhood of Exeter, but very good may be obtained in various parts of the kingdom. It must be sought for where dwarf shrubs, grass and Ferns grow on it the roots of these form the most useful part of it. It should be carted home and laid on a heap. When the potting season approaches a sufficient quantity for present use should be brought into the potting-shed; and when nearly dry should be chopped into pieces, and then the pieces pulled asunder with the hand. After that, pass it through a fine sieve to take out the finer particles ; and what remains in the sieve is the part to be used for the Orchids. The finer parts may be used for young Azaleas or Heaths, or to mix with loam and sand for any young plants. Fibry Loam will be needed for terrestrial Orchids. It will only require to be chopped into small pieces and used in that state. The surface of an old pasture taken off an inch or two thick forms the very best loam for this purpose. Like the peat, it should be brought into the shed to become dry and aired some time previous to being used. Sphagnum Moss. This is found in wet, boggy marshes, in some places very abundantly. It is collected with a long -toothed rake in dry weather, and laid up in a dry shed till wanted. In order to make it work easily and mix readily with the peat, it should be chopped pretty fine with a sharp, small hatchet, taking the dust out of it through a fine sieve : it is then ready for use. Leaf Mould-*- This, as is well known, is formed with the leaves that fall in the autumn. It forms a large part of the compost for terrestrial species, such as Bletias, Ancectochiluses, Cypripediums, &c., and should not be too much decayed. Oak and Beech yield the best leaves for this purpose. Cowdung. I prefer this article best when it is collected par- SOILS CULTUBE POTTING. 15 tially dried out of the cow-pasture. It should be laid on a floor rather thin, and patted down with the back of a spade, and lie long enough to become dry, and then be gathered up and put in a dry place till wanted. Charcoal is a very useful ingredient to mix with the peat, loam, and moss, and also to lie upon the crocks used for drainage. It should be broken into pieces the size of a hen's egg or walnut, and be kept dry till required for use. A small quantity of silver sand should also be procured, it is used for some species. Drainage. For this purpose there is nothing better than broken garden pots. On breaking, separate them into three sizes, the largest to cover the hole at the bottom of the pot, and a thin layer upon them ; then a second size, rather less, to lay upon the larger size ; the third size should be not much larger than horse Beans. The greater part of a collection of Orchids grown in pots requires to be well drained so much so, that the pot should be half filled with ifc. Stagnant water will certainly destroy the roots : therefore the cultivator must pay particular attention to this important point. CULTUEE. The grower of these interesting and singularly beautiful plants having put up the house for them properly heated, the shading and arranging parts of the interior com- pleted, utensils and soils in order, and a fair collection of plants procured, will then commence cultural operations, the most important of which is POTTING. The best season for potting will generally be in the early months of the year. The rule to know when a plant should be potted is whenever the buds at the base of the pseudo-bulbs begin to grow ; then the plant should be potted. Now, if too much heat has been given during the autumn, these buds may be prematurely started ; but if the resting season has been pro- perly managed, and moderate heat given during that season, no growth will take place till the turn of the year. Such being the case, then at the proper time remove such plants as have begun to grow into the potting-shed. Take a plant in hand, turn it ORCHID IN POT (Vanda suavis). POTTINa. 17 out of the pot very carefully, taking great care not to break or bruise the roots. Very likely some roots will be found adhering to the sides of the pots so closely that they will not leave them without breaking. In such a case I used to thrust a thiu-bladed knife, such as painters use to work their colours on the palette, down between the roots so fixed and the pots. With care and dexterity this may be done without injuring the roots. I have met with some bad cases where the roots were numerous and too firmly fixed to the pots to be got off with the knife. In such instances I have broken the pot very gently, removing as much of it as I could, and leaving the rest with the roots fastened to the pieces as I found them. Having by these means got the plant clear of the pot, then shake off all the old compost and examine the roots all that are dead cut clean away to the living parts. Then, whilst the plant is in hand, look out for and clean away all insects, such as brown and white scale, black thrips, &c. If the white scale (the worst of all) abounds, wash the plant with strong soap water or Gishurst Compound, and cleanse the leaves also of any dirt or dust that may be on them. This washing being done, lay the plant down the leaves will be drying whilst the pot for it is prepared. Let it be of a size in proportion to the size of the plant. Orchids, however, require larger pots than most other plants, because they have mostly larger and longer roots. The fresh pot should be quite clean inside and out. Begin to drain it by laying a large piece of broken pot over the hole or holes (for large pots should have three holes), prop this crock up with a small piece on one side, place other large pieces upon this central one, then the next size, and, lastly, the small-sized potsherds. Upon them place a thin layer of pieces of charcoal, and then put in sufficient of the right kind of compost to raise the plant a little above the rim of the pot. Small plants may be raised one inch, middling-sized two inches, and large ones from three to four inches. Each plant should stand as if on a little hillock in the centre of the pot Make the compost firm, working it in amongst the roots. Then, 18 TEEEESTEIAL SPECIES POTTING. if the plant does not stand firm of itself, thrust in some sticks and tie the pseudo-bulbs to them in a neat and tidy manner ; set the plant down on the floor, and take the syringe with the coarsest rose on it, fill it with milkwarm water, and, holding it very near to the compost in the pot, force the water out all over it, being careful not to wet the plant. This settles the compost, giving it a neat, even appearance, and finishes the operation. Carry the plant into the house and take the next plant in hand, repot it in a similar way, and so proceed till all are potted that require it at that time. The above directions refer to the epi- phytal species. Terrestrial species require a somewhat different mode. TERRESTRIAL SPECIES. POTTINQ. The earth-growing stove Orchids are found mostly in thickets and open glades of forests in tropical regions, grow- ing in a continually increasing decomposing vegetable soil, rich, unctuous and moist. In order to succeed well we must imitate this soil. I can give an instance of successful culture of one of the most beautiful of terrestrial Orchids I mean Calantlie vestita, which I saw in the stove at Summerfield H. Micholls, Esq., near Manchester. This successful hit wa achieved by Mr. T. Baines, the gardener there, a most zealous and persevering cultivator of Orchids. He grows this species in a rich, strong compost of fibrous lumps of loam, leaf mould not too much decayed, and flakes of dried, cakey cowdung, the whole mixed with small pieces of charcoal. He selects the strongest and nearly equal-sized pseudo-bulbs, eight or ten in number, when they are starting to grow, and plants them in his compost in a large pot, just covering the lower part of the bulbs. Yery great was the success that attended this mode. They grew strong and flowered magnificently. The pseudo-bulbs were the largest I ever saw. The same method has been adopted for several years with the same success. The small tubers are potted in small BASKETING. 19 pots and grown on till they are large enough to be put into a large pot to form a good specimen. There are several species that may be grown in the same way and in the same compost, but others will not bear so rich a compost. Cypripediums, for instance, thrive better in fibrous peat and leaf mould mixed with sand and charcoal. In potting there is this difference between epiphytal and terrestrial Orchids whilst the first thrive best if raised on a small hillock in the centre of the pot, the latter should be potted like other plants, level or just below the run of the pot. The same season for this work, however, is suitable for terrestrials namely, the spring of the year, and also the same attention is requisite in having the fresh pots clean, and draining well, and in cleaning the leaves of such as are evergreen. In the grouped list below, the different composts for each genus are described. To that list I refer the reader. BASKETING. A considerable number of epiphytal, and a few terrestrial Orchids, require to be grown in baskets, inasmuch as they have the peculiarity of sending their flower-stems almost perpendicularly downwards, showing evidently that they either grow on branches of trees or in crevices of rocks. If such are grown in pots, it is evident that the flower-stem growing down- wards and being confined amongst the soil in the pot must rot, and thus render the care and attention of the cultivator, so far as the blooms are concerned, abortive. To prevent this mis- fortune, the attentive growers long ago adopted baskets, or placed the plants that had this peculiar habit in piled-up square pieces of peat, through which some of the flower-stems pushed and flowered well. I once had a large plant of Stanhopea oculata so grown, which produced no less than seventeen long flower- stems, with from six to seven large flowers on each. This plant happened to bloom when there was an exhibition in the Botanic Gardens at Liverpool. I took it there and was awarded the first prize for it. Notwithstanding this success, I do not recommend the growing of Stanhopeas in pots } because in such OECHID IN BASKET (DendroUumformosum). BASKETING. 21 a case the water runs off the hillock, and, consequently, does not feed the plant sufficiently to keep it strong continually. The way to put these peculiar plants in baskets, and to renew the soil and basket as they require it, is as follows : Having the baskets ready made of different sizes, then fix upon one of a suitable size in proportion to the size of the plant, and line the bottom and sides with a thin layer of long moss sphagnum unchopped is the best. This moss is to prevent the compost from dropping through the bars of the basket, and also to keep in moisture. Upon the moss place a layer of the compost ; after that take the plant out of the old basket or pot and examine the roots and leaves, cutting off all the dead ones from the former, and cleansing the latter from dirt and insects j also, removing as much of the old compost as you can without injuring the roots. Perhaps this old compost may be in lumps dry and hard, and the living roots are so firmly attached to them that to remove them from the lumps in that state would simply be impossible without breaking, and, consequently, destroying them. In such a case place the ball in warm water for a sufficient time to thoroughly soak through and soften the clods, then set the plant to dry, and when in the right state the old lumps may be removed easily enough from amongst the roots without injuring or breaking them. Having accomplished this point, then place the plant in the centre of the basket and fill in the compost all round it till the basket is full, keeping the pseudo-bulbs clear above the soil. That being done, then place the basket with the plant in it on a large pot, take the syringe with the coarsest rose fixed on it, fill the syringe with tepid water, and, holding the end pretty close to the soil, force the water strongly through the rose on to the soil, going round the basket all the while. This watering in this manner will settle the compost effectually, and will leave the surface smooth and even. Then with a pair of scissors trim off any loose pieces of moss that may have pro- truded through the bottom or sides. This gives a neat finished appearance, always desirable to any plants. 22 CALENDAR OF OPERATIONS APRIL. Young plants of such as eventually require baskets may, whilst they are small, be advantageously placed 011 blocks of wood ; and when such have made pseudo-bulbs that are likely to flower, they may for a year or two be placed in a proportionate-sized basket without being taken off the log. The plant will grow much better than if it was torn off the block at once on trans- ferring it to the basket. As the block will in time decay, the plant can then be easily detached from it when it needs a new basket, and will have done much better with the log in the basket than without it. SUMMER TREATMENT. In describing the summer treatment of these beautiful plants there will necessarily occur some slight repetitions of operations already alluded to. I allude more particularly to the modes of potting, basketing, and blocking, and also to watering and syringing (for full directions on these important points see former instructions). I consider the [summer months in the Orchid-house to be April, May, June, July, and August, and I think it will be most useful if I give the heads of the operations for each month separately. APRIL. The days will now be of nearly equal length with the nights. The sun will frequently be powerful during the middle of the day. When that is the case shading should be resorted to. The blinds should be let down by ten o'clock in the fore- noon on the eastern side (if the house is a span-roofed one), drawn up at noon, and let down on the western side till three o'clock. Syringe the plants lightly, especially those on blocks, every fine morning. Keep the air of the house moist, and increase the heat from 5 to 10 more than last month, especially during bright sunshine. Finish potting all plants that are growing. Stanhopeas and other species that flower downwards through the soil should not be potted or put in new baskets till the bloom is over, for fear of injuring the flower-stems. To SUMMEE TREATMENT MAY AND JUNE. 23 encourage the flowering of such plants let them be steeped in tepid water once or twice during the month. Some Denbrobiums will now be in bloom, remove such into a cooler house to prolong their bloom. MAT. Attend to shading as directed for last month. Give an hour's longer shade at each end of the day. Continue to repot all the plants not done last month. This is the month for repotting the plants growing in the cooler house such, for instance, as Cattleyas, Oncidiums, Lselias, and Epidendrums. The drooping-flowering varieties as they go out of bloom should be put into fresh baskets and fresh soil. Should it not be thought advisable to repot or rebasket any plants, such should have the pots clean-washed and the top part of the old compost removed without injuring the roots, then put on a surfacing of fresh compost, and give an ample watering. The quantity of water given to the plants may be increased during this month. The Indian species such as JErides, Vandas, and their allies, should have abundance of water now to encourage growth in both roots and shoots. The temperature during this month should reach the highest point. Use the syringe freely morning and evening, avoiding the flowers as much as possible. During this month slugs and cockroaches will be numerous; see to their destruction most diligently. Yisit the house with a candle or bull's-eye lantern after dark, and kill all those enemies you can find. Observe the flowers as they open, and remove them either into a cooler house, or to the cooler and most airy part of the house where there is but one devoted to these plants. JUNE. South American plants during this month will be growing rapidly, Catesetums and Cyrtopodiuins especially. Such should be regularly watered, increasing the quantity as the shoots advance in size taking care, however, that no water lodges in the hollows formed by the young leaves. I have used beneficially to Cyrtopodiums a weak liquid manure just at the period when they were growing most freely. This enriched 24 SUMMER TBEATMENT JULY. water caused the plants to make very strong pseudo-bulbs, which flowered freely the following year. Shade during this month most particularly, for the leaves being young they are more liable to be scorched. Air should be given freely, but let it pass over the warm pipes in entering the house. Cattleyas and La?lias should be grouped together, for they never require so much moisture as the Indian species. All Orchids, however, should be allowed to become dry once in the twenty-four hours. Should any plants have made their full growth towards the end of the month, give them less water to induce a gradual going to rest. JULY. When weeds appear let them be plucked up whilst young. If allowed to attain any size the roots when drawn up will bring away portions of the compost. Amongst the peat there will often appear young Heaths. These are not ugly and may be left to grow to a certain extent. When they droop the soil is dry ; hence they serve as hydrometers, and are, as such, useful to show when the soil requires water. I have thought, also, they take up noxious matters that otherwise would injure the delicate young roots of the Orchids. Continue the same attentions as directed for June. The days will now be long, and often dry and sultry. During such weather the floors, walls, stages, &c., should be kept flooded with water during the day, and the syringe should be used for all growing plants^ morning and evening. Let the plants in baskets be dipped in the cistern twice a- week, and watered freely on intervening days. The growths of most kinds will be progressing rapidly, and should be encouraged to the utmost, more especially such species as are found under the names of M rides, Yanda, Saccolabium, Angrsecum, Kenanthera, and Phala3nopsis. As recommended for May, all blooming plants should be placed in a cooler and drier atmosphere to keep the flowers longer in perfection. Let the shading continue to receive attention, but use it only when the sun shines, either in this month or any other. Let attention be given to all plants that SUMMEE TREATMENT AUGUST. 25 have fully made their year's growth, give such but little water and very slight syringing, and that only in the morning. Eemove such into a cooler and drier house. Let the grower bear con- stantly in mind that all Orchids with pseudo-bulbs require a decided rest for several months, and let him try to put his Orchids into that state during the dark days of winter. On the contrary, Orchids that have simple ordinary stems with evergreen leaves should be kept just slowly growing all the winter. AUGUST. This, like July, is often a warm month. Hence the shading should be continued on bright, sunny days, but it may be removed by four o'clock in the afternoon. Keep up a supply of moisture to plants that are growing, both in the air and at the roots. In this month the beautiful Cattleya labiata is in great beauty of bloom. Be careful not to wet these splendid flowers. The texture of the floral leaves is so delicate that every drop of water leaves a disfiguring mark behind it. In this month such species as flower when at rest should be removed into a more temperate place, have plenty of air, and scarcely any water for two or three months. Then when the flower-buds show prominently remove them into a rather warmer but no moister place. The following are instances of the kinds of Orchids alluded to Dendrobium nobile, cosrulescens, Cam- bridgeanum, &c. Others that require a warm, dry treatment when in flower require only to be kept drier in this month. Such flower just before they begin to grow as, for instance, Dendrobium aggregatum, formosum, and densiflorum. They should be kept in a moderately warm but dry part of the house till the flowers begin to open. Most of the terrestrial Orchids will now begin to show symptoms of requiring rest, by their leaves turning yellow and stems dying. Set such at once in a cool, dry house. The genus Coelogyne flowers just when the pseudo- bulbs are fully formed: hence they should be kept growing till then. The blooming season for some of the best is January and February, though some bloom in summer. Observe their 26 WINTER TREATMENT APPLICATION OP WATER. different seasons and treat them accordingly. During these summer months wage a constant warfare with insects, and, if possible, destroy them before they lay their eggs. By doing that the next year's production of these enemies will be greatly reduced. WINTER TREATMENT. APPLICATION OP WATER. Syringing. During this season most of the Orchids should be at rest, or preparing for that state, and, therefore, do not require syringing, especially such species as have pseudo-bulbs. Some few, however, that are of an herb- aceous habit, as, for instance, the genus Huntleya, require the constant use of the syringe all the year, because in their native habitats they grow near the spray of waterfalls. Also, such of the Indian species as have no pseudo-bulbs should on the morn- ings when the sun shines have a gentle dewing from the syringe. This class of plants, of which ^Brides is the type, if exposed for a long time to a high, dry heat, will be apt to shrivel, showing that they are perishing, or at least starving for want of moisture. Whenever this is perceived let them have such a syringing as may renew their strength. It is a good plan to place all such plants together in the house, in order that in wetting them others that do not need so much, or any in winter, may be kept dry. Plants that are grown on logs need more water from the syringe than such as are grown in pots : therefore, continue to moisten such even when at rest occasionally, to keep them fresh and healthy. Watering with the Garden-pot. In winter this implement will be very little required. Keep the compost just moist enough to prevent the leaves from drying up too much. The terrestrial species with bulbs should be placed on a shelf where no water can reach them when at rest. Others that are herb- aceous and evergreen should have enough water to keep them gently growing. The genus Cypripedium, and similar genera, require watering all the year, but of course less in winter than WINTEE TEEATMENT SEPTEMBEE AND OCTOBEE. 27 in summer. This partial cessation of moisture in dark, un- genial weather gives a kind of rest even to such species, enabling them to start into vigorous growth in spring, and flower more abundantly. The grower must be content with these general instructions on this important subject of watering in winter. Experience and observation must guide him as to the particular time to cease giving water to the plants when going to rest. With these few preliminary remarks on watering, I now proceed as I did on summer treatment, to give a calendarial monthly account of work to be done in the Orchid-house in winter, com- mencing with SEPTEMBEE. In this month we have often cold nights : hence it is necessary to look in the early part of the month and see that the fireplace and hot-water pipes are in good order. When the thermometer out of doors indicates 45 in the morning, light ths fire and raise the internal heat to 60 without sun, and 65 with sun. Let the fire die out at night, so that the heat may be lowest during the night. Shading may now be dispensed with. Let the blinds be taken down and stored away in a dry room. Give air only when the sun shines, and attend to syringing and watering as directed above. OCTOBEE. The general stock of plants should now have perfected their annual growth. Many of the Dendrobii will be shedding their leaves ou the perfected bulbs. These leaves should be removed as they ripen and decay to prevent mouldi- ness. All plants in that state should be removed to a cooler house to induce perfect rest. Calanthe vestita and some others will be in flower, and such ought to be kept dry on the foliage and flowers, but moist at the roots. See that the roots of Cycnoches and allied genera are in a dry state, or they will perish and thus weaken the next year's growth. In this month collect soils, such as fibry peat, both with and without sand, sphagnum moss, cowdung, turfy loam, dried leaves, &c. ; also, break pot- sherds, make hooked pegs, and order new pots if needed, so that when all these articles are wanted they may be ready at 28WINTER TREATMENT NOVEMBER, DECEMBER, AND JANUARY. hand. Keep the fires going in cold weather as directed for last month. NOVEMBER. Proverbial for being dull, dark, and dreary. Such weather has its influence even upon plants in an artificial climate. The Orchid-grower will find it necessary to keep up a moderate dry atmosphere, and fires almost night and day. Should sunny days occur give a little air and raise a moisture by wetting the warm flues or pipes in the mornings only. Cold nights will now happen, and if moisture settles upon the leaves they will not be benefited but injured thereby. Keep down growths now, for shoots made now are sure to be weak if they manage to exist through the winter. Should any dust or green confervas appear on the leaves or surface of the composts let them be removed, the first by washing the leaves with a soft piece of leather or sponge (I prefer the first), and the others with the finger and thumb, or a short, flat-pointed stick, always being mindful not to injure the roots. Look to the fires and keep up a drier atmosphere. DECEMBER.-r-In this month we have often clear, bright, sunny days. If not very frosty admit air over the warm pipes, and steam the houses whenever such a bright day is likely to occur. Some Dendrobiums will now be showing their flower- buds. If desired to bloom early such should be removed to a warm part of the house, and others kept back by being co Then cut some copper wire into four suitable lengths, make a loop at one end of each so that it will not slip through the holes ; then lay two rods parallel to each other, and upon them lay three others. Nail these to the two rods, and then you have the bottom of the basket in a form something like the bottom of a raft. Turn this over, and then lay two other rods, to form the other two sides. Draw the four wires through the holes at the 68 WATERING. four corners, and then slip rods alternately down the wires till a sufficient number are laid to form the basket. Then bring the wires together at the top, give them a twist or two, and the basket is finished. Four inches are a sufficient depth for the smallest size, and add more in proportion as the greater size is required, making the rods at the sides and bottom thicker and longer in proportion to the size. In putting the plants in the basket follow this plan : Cover the bottom with moss, then put in a layer of the rougher part of the compost, and then place the plant in the middle, and fill round it with the compost exactly the same as for those in pots. Practice will make all this easy enough much easier than it is for me to describe it. As soon as the plant is placed in the basket give it a good watering, and hang it up in its place. WATEKING. There is no point of Orchid culture that is so im- portant as clue supplies of water. Two implements are necessary viz., the garden-pot and the syringe, and I may add a third, a cistern. The first is to be used for plants in pots, the second for blocks, and the third for both blocks and more especially baskets. In applying this necessary element, due regard must be given to the state of the growth of the plants. In pots, water should be given in small quantities at first, and always with the chill off. When the growths are young give water round the edges of the pots so as not to wefc the young shoots. After- wards when the pseudo-bulbs are half swollen, give water more freely, and when they are nearly full grown, give water abun- dantly to cause large and free growth. Then, when the pseudo- bulbs are fully grown, begin to reduce the quantity of water, and gradually lessen it till symptoms of rest are perceptible. After that only give sufficient to keep them from shrivelling. Let the same ideas guide the cultivator in using the syringe, Plants on blocks when growing should be syringed morning and evening ; but when the growths are young, and the days short and dull, syringe only in the morning. When the plants on log& are at rest, once a-week will be sufficient to keep them from shrivelling. SUMMER TREATMENT. 69 Plants in baskets should be taken down, when growing, every other day, and dipped in the cistern ; and many plants on logs will be benefited by a bath in water occasionally in addition to the daily syringing. In dry, dusty, hot weather, a due supply of atmospheric moisture should be attended to constantly. This may be attained by wetting the floor and walls. In such weather the plants will be greatly benefited by washing the leaves once a-week with a wet sponge. This cleanses the surface and clears the pores of the leaves, also keeps down various insects such as red spider, scale, and thrips, and also gives a freshness and tidy appearance to the plants. Nothing looks more untidy and careless than seeing leaves covered with dust, green moss, or any other kind of dirt. This sponging is beneficial at any time of the year ; only in winter, or when the plants are at rest, squeeze the sponge very hard before using, in order that no water may lodge in the hollows of the leaves. When the plants are in bloom, then the syring- ing must be dispensed with, as the flowers are easily spoiled by the application of water over them. SUMMER TREATMENT. During this period these plants should be encouraged by a liberal supply of moisture and heat, in order to make their growths. Those on blocks of wood should be well syringed on the evenings after a sunny day. In dull weather a slight sprinkling in the morning only should be given. If severely syringed in such weather, there is great danger of damp- ing off the young shoots and leaves. On this point, therefore, the amateur must exercise his best judgment ; for though, on the one hand, Orchids require plenty of moisture when in a growing state, yet if, as is often the case in our climate, there succeed several days in succession that are of a rainy damp character, the giving water then is not needed at least not in abundance. Water at the roots of such as are grown in pots and baskets should be regulated by a similar rule that is, water most freely in hot dry weather, but more gently in dark dull weather. The proper application of water is of the greatest consequence to these 70 AIB- GIVING. plants. In watering, when the growths are very young, pour the water on out of a very small spout round the edge of the pot, only avoiding to wet the plants in the centre. When the new pseudo-bulbs are swelling freely, then water may be given more plentifully. Air-giving. In summer air should be given to these hardy Orchids freely. In fact, day and night in warm weather the temperature of the open air will generally be amply sufficient for them during June, July and August. In cold nights in the early and later months, the heat of the day may be economised by shutting up the house early in the afternoon, and not giving air so soon in the morning. In fact, the same heat as will suit a common Geranium or Fuchsia in a growing state will be amply sufficient for the Orchids comprised in the list below. Orchids in baskets should be often examined ; and if found dry in the centre they should be dipped in tepid water till the soil is thoroughly saturated. Weeds and insects during this season abound most, and should be extirpated diligently. The entire area of the house should also be kept sweet and clean no decaying vegetable matter should be left in any corner or out-of- the-way place in the house, The above points of culture during summer are such as apply to such species as grow on blocks, in baskets, and in pots, and belong to the grand division named epiphytal growing on trees. The other division terrestrial^ require during summer a similar treatment as to air-giving and syringing ; but in watering, when they are growing freely, an addition of an occasional watering with liquid manure will add largely to the size of the foliage and bulbs : therefore let that be given to them say once a-week. Towards the end of the summer, less water from any source must be given, gradually reducing the quantity. The end to be aimed at is, to get them to rest by the time the leaves begin to fall from the trees out of doors. I have sometimes and with some sorts, placed them out of doors in dry weather, in order to induce .a state of inaction, placing them near a south wall on WINTER TREATMENT. ^ boards or slates. By this plan I have caused the DendroUum speciosvm to flower, but this must be doue with caution and care before the heavy rains set in. WINTER TREATMENT. This season commences about the middle of October, and continues till the end of March. During all this time the plants must be carefully watched. Should any appear to shrivel very much, they must have a small quantity of tepid water to just keep them, both roots and stems, in a fresh state. Terrestrial Orchids should have their decayed leaves removed, and be placed where no water can reach the soil in the pots. The earth though apparently dry will be moist enough to keep the bulbs alive arid fresh. As soon as the spring arrives, then get ready all the necessary soils, and, when required, fresh blocks and baskets, and proceed to repot, reblock, and rebasket the whole collection as soon as the symptoms of fresh growth are perceptible. Give the interior a good cleansing, and also sponge the leaves and stems quite clean. This will end the winter treat- ment, and then commence the summer season. As I intimated in the commencement of these papers, I shall now give a list of such Orchids as will grow in a greenhouse temperature. My space will not allow descriptions of the species, I can only give their names. If the amateur desires to see that, he must consult larger works on that point. I may here observe, that most of the Orchids that are found in Guatemala, New Holland, China, and other temperate climes, are proper denizens of our greenhouses. EPIPHYTAL ORCHIDS FOB POTS IN THE GREENHOUSE. Aspasia epidendroides,Guateinala Cynoches ventricosum, Guate- Batemania Colleyi do. mala. Bifrenaria aurantiaca do. Cymbidium Finlaysonianum, Brassiabrachiata do. China macrostachya do. Cypripedium insigne, Nepaul Cattleya Skinneri do. Cyrtochilum maculatumBussel- Cynoches chlorochilum do. lianum, Guatemala LIST OF TEEEESTEIAL OECHIDS. Dendrobium moniliforme, China chrysanthum, Ne- paul densiflorum,* Nepaul elongatum, N. Hoi. linguseforme do. secundum, var. China speciosum, N. Hoi. tetragonum, More. Bay Epidendrum aurantiacum,Gua- temala macrochilum roseum do. Epidendrum Stamfordianum, Guatemala Lselia acuminata do. majalis, Oaxaca Lycaste cruenta, Guatemala Skinneri do. Maxillaria Maclaii do. Odontoglossum grande do. Oncidium leucochilum do. microchilum do. sphacelatum do. Renanthera coccinea, China f TEEEESTEIAL OECHIDS TOE GEEENHOTJSES. To be grown in pots in loam, sandy peat, and lumps of cow- dung. Acianthus caudatus, N.Holland Bletia acutipetala, S. Carolina hyacinthina, China Calochilus campestris, N. Hoi, paludosus do. Cymbidium sinensis, China xiphiifolium do. Calophogon pulchellus,N. Amer. Caladenia alba, New Holland alata do. coerulea do. testacea do, Corysanthes bicalcarata, do. fimbriatus do. Dipodium punctatum do. Diseris aurea, New Holland caudata do. elongata do* maculata do. Disa grandiflora, C. of GI-. Hope cornuta do. graminifolia do. Disperis cucullata do. Capensis do. secunda, C. of G. Hope Eriochilus autumnalis, N. Hoi. Eulophia barbata,C. of G. Hope streptopetala, S. Amer. longicornis, Cape of G. ensata [Hope * I have seen this species growing well in a greenhouse at Stratford. + I have no doubt this Chinese Orchid will grow well, and flower better and more freely in a warm greenhouse than in a higher temperature. LIST OF GEEENHOUSE OECHIDS INSECTS. 73 Glossodia major and minor, Pterostylis grandiflora, N. Hoi. New Holland. Lyperanthus suaveolens do. Neottia plantaginea, Nepaul Pogonia ophioglossoides, North America gibbosa do. longifolia do. ophioglossa do. reflexa , do. Thelymitra angustifolia do* Prasophyllum elatum,N. Holland flavum do. striatum do. Pterostylis concinna do. Forsterii, N. Zealand media, New Holland venosa do. GEEENHOTJSE OECHIDS.- Barkeria spectabilis, Guatemala Catesetum deltoideum do. longifolium do. Kussellianum do. Cynoches ventricosum do. Epidendruin rhizophorum do. Gongora maculata, Demerara truncata, Guatemala -To be grown in baskets. Marmodes lineata, Guatemala Oncidium stramineum, Mexico Suttonii, Guatemala Peristeria pendula maculata, Demerara Sarcanthus paniculatus, China rostratus do. Stanhopea aurea, Guatemala GREENHOUSE OECHIDS THAT GEOW BEST ON BLOCKS. Cirrhopetalum Chinensis,China Cyrtochilum filipes, Guatemala maculatum, var. Rus- sellianum, Guatemala Dendrobium cucumerinum, New Holland teretifolium do. Dinema paleaceum, Guatemala Lselia peduncularis do. Oncidium nebulosum do. Pleurothallis marginata do. Rodriguezia maculata do. Sarcochilus falcatus, New HoUand INSECTS. In a cool moderate temperature Orchids are not generally infested with insects. Sometimes, however, they appear, and should be instantly destroyed in order to prevent their increase, The insects that prevail most on them are the black 74 THRIPS, WHITE SCALE, COCKROACHES, BED SPIDER. thrips, the white scale, the cockroach, the slug, and red spider- all bad enough when they prevail to any extent. The thrips not only feeds upon the leaves, but exudes a glutin- ous liquor, which stops up the pores of the leaves ; which, to- gether with the swelling out of the sap, causes the leaves to become blotched, gangrenous, and finally to perish. Frequent smokings with tobacco will destroy the living insects, also a dredging with Scotch snuff is a good agent for destroying them ; but keeping the plants healthy and frequent spongings will generally banish this pest. White Scale. This insect is often found in large numbers on imported Orchids. The far-famed Gishurst Compound is the best destroying agent I have seen yet applied. I have, however, cleared plants of the scale by a mixture of sulphur, soft soap, and tobacco water. Cockroaches arrive in this country amongst imported Orchids, both in the egg state and alive. There are many remedies adver- tised. Chase's Beetle Poison is as good as any. I have thinned the numbers of them by placing a glass vessel half full of sweet- ened beer in their tracks, and by searching for them in dark nights with a bull's-eye lantern, and with a pronged fork impaling them, or killing them with a flat piece of wood. I have been dreadfully annoyed in some mornings ty find a nice young root eaten away, or a promising flower-shoot half gnawed through, by these insects ; and so will every grower of Orchids, unless he wages war with them continually. So also with the white slug, or any other species of that ilk. In moist houses they can travel about easily; but with a little watchful care they may be traced to their hiding-places and destroyed. The Red Spider is a tiny enemy, feeding upon the young leaves and turning them yellow. It may be kept under by washing the flues or hot-water pipes with sulphur water. Frequent sponging is also a preventive, and also a free use of the syringe on affected plants. These are all the insects that I need mention as being destruc- PEOPAGATION. 75 tive to orchideous plants, though sometimes the green fly will attack the young leaves and flowering-shoots. They are, however, easily got rid/ of by tobacco smoke ; only be careful in burning it that it never burst out into a flame. PEOPAGATION. My essay on the points of culture would scarcely be complete without a few words on how to propagate them. The epiphytal species may be increased by passing a knife through the rhizoma, or rootstock. At the base of each leaf or pseudo-bulb there is generally an incipient bud ; this bud, when the rhizoma is cut in two, will swell, and finally produce a shoot. The cut may be left where it is till the first pseudo- bulb is perfected ; then, at the time of potting, the cut part with its new young shoot may be separated from the parent plant and potted in the usual way. Terrestrial Orchids are of two kinds namely, such as are herbaceous, as, for instance, the Cypripe- diums, and such as are bulbous like the Bletia. The first may be divided into moderate-sized sections, and thus make good plants at once. When potted, the second may be increased by detaching at potting time one or more small tubers, potting these into small pots for a season, and increasing the size of the pota year by year as they advance in size. 77 79 HAEDY OECHIDEOTJS PLANTS. IF any enterprising cultivator is desirous of mating himself famous in the gardening world he should try to cultivate these elegant plants : if successful he would be doing a great service to his brethren by making known the means he has employed to succeed. Many have tried and failed, I verily believe, for want of perseverance. The means hitherto used for most of the British kinds has been to take them up with balls when in flower, and transplant them to the flower-border, where they soon die ; or to put them in pots, and keep them in a cold frame, where they languish for a year or two, and then appear no more. On the other hand, some growers have been successful in growing some ISfoith American species very well. I remember my friend, Mr. Wm. Barnes, now a nurserymen at Peckham, exhibiting, some years ago, a large pot of Cypripedium spectabile as well grown as need to be wished, with nearly twenty fine blossoms expanded at once. This instance shows that hardy Orchids can be grown if only due pains be taken. I remember, also, when I was a youth, obtaining a large plant of our English Lady's Slipper, gathered near Settle, in Yorkshire ; it had upwards of a score of what is technically called "rises" on it that is, shoots ; and every shoot I made into a plant by division, and every one grew and flourished as long as I had the care of them. The secret of this success arose from the fact, that I took heed to plant the 80 DESCBIPTION. divisions in a similar soil to that in which the plant had grown in its native habitat, and planting them also in a similar situa- tion to that in which they grew wild. This method must be adopted with every species in order to succeed in growing and keeping them. But then, again, they must be removed when perfectly dormant ; for their fleshy, tuberous, or fibrous roots are so fragile when in a state of excitement, that to move them then is almost certain and early destruction. It may be asked, How are we to find them when no leaves are visible to show where the roots are ? In answer I say, Look for them when in flower or foliage ; mark the place securely, by driving a stake by their side, and then search for and remove them when they are in a dor. mant state. They are well worth this extra trouble. Many of the species seed freely. Now, if the seed is gathered when ripe, and sown in a similar soil and situation to that where the parent plant grows, the seedlings will thrive well also. This is not an untried plan, for I have raised them so, and bloomed them too when they had acquired the proper age and strength. By these two methods namely, collecting the roots when at rest, and packing them in moist soil, and by gathering the ripe seeds, a great number of foreign hardy Orchids might be sent home by collectors ; but then the collector should also send us some account of the localities each species was found in, and what sort of soil the plants grew in. Some are found on dry, chalky hills ; others in loamy pastures ; some in low thickets, and others under lofty trees in forest land ; some in strong soil, others among decayed leaf mould, and others in sandy peat. Now, if we receive plants from these different soils and localities of growth, and subject them to one uniform soil, is it likely that they will thrive and bloom well ? Every experienced cultivator of any kind of plants would immediately answer in the negative. What, then ? Are we to give up the attempt to grow these singular and beautiful plants ? I say, Most certainly not. Let us try again and again, till success crowns our efforts. A partial success has been achieved, as I have mentioned above, and it only needs a SOILS OE COMPOSTS. 81 determined spirit to make that success more complete. But, says the reader, "Though I am quite willing, hay, desirous to try my hand at growing them, how am I to proceed, and where am I to procure the plants ? Is there any work on this particular branch of horticulture ?" In answer to these reasonable queries I reply, that in the following pages I will give the best in- struction I can on their culture, giving a description of the dif- ferent soils they require, the season and mode of potting or planting, watering, shelter, summer and winter treatment, diseases, insects, and a grouped list. Then, as to where they may be pro. cured, the answer is, by collecting the British species, and by purchasing exotic species of nurserymen. If the demand for them should be great, enterprising dealers would be ready enough to send out orders to collectors, in Europe and America, to look out for and send home both roots and seeds ; and, lastly, the cultural information about these plants is exceedingly meagre and scattered through large botanical works, not likely to fall into the hands of amateurs. There is no work or portion of a work on the' subject that I know of, excepting Sowerby's "English Botany,' and the " Botanical Magazine." THE SOILS, OE COMPOSTS. Chalky Loam. This can only be obtained from places where chalk forms the substratum. The top spit will have sufficient chalk amongst it to serve the purpose. If that sort of soil is at a considerable distance, some lumps of chalk may be procured, and some fibry loam, the chalk be broken into small pieces and well mixed with the loam. Let it lay up in a heap for twelve months, and let be frequently turned over to incorporate them well together. Loam. Any pasture-ground will furnish suitable loam for the kinds requiring it. A thin spit from the surface, laid up and turned over till it is mellow, will suit such species as are found in meadow pastures. Some few species are found in boggy marshes : hence such a soil should be obtained and laid up in a shady place till it is wanted. Loam and Sandy Peat in equal quantities will be wanted for a 82 GHOWING- IN POTS. a large number of species. Let a sufficient quantity be procured and mixed together, and frequently turned to become amalga- mated, mellowed, and fit for use, Loam, Sandy Peat, and Leaf Mould. This compost will be found necessary for most of the North American species, and also for such as are found in English woods, and for some European species. I have this compost prepared, mixed together and turned over for a few months to mellow. Excepting the boggy peat, which I think is best to be kept in a shady place, all the other soils and composts should be placed in an open part of the garden fully exposed to the sun, which has a very beneficial effect upon them. There cannot be a greater mistake made than that of placing soils for delicate plants under trees, or behind a wall on the north side. Air and light are great mollifiers of soils ; and the frequent turnings over of composts have the beneficial effect of exposing every particle of the soil to the air, heat, and light. I cannot press this part of the subject too strongly. I believe great mischief has been done to plants by using soils that have been laid up in improper places. Let the composts, then, be placed on a plot of ground fully exposed to the beneficial effects of the elements. IN POTS. The advantages of growing hardy Orchids in pots, are : 1st. The more complete command over the season of growth and the season of rest. If they are in pots they may be watered just as they require that element, giving them when first starting into growth a moderate quantity, just sufficient to moisten the soil, and gradually increasing it as the roots and foliage ad- vance in action ; and when the bloom is over and the foliage begins to decay, the water can be withheld and gradually reduced till the plants are completely dormant. Then the soil should be as nearly dry as possible, and kept so till the growing season returns. 2ndly. When in pots they can be easily and safely removed, and placed under shelter in severe weather ; for although they are quite hardy, yet, being in pots, the frost would enter through the sides of the pots and endanger the safety of the fleshy GEOWING IN BOEDEES POTTING- AND PLANTING. 83 tubers. In the meadows or thickets the turf or the fallen leaves protect them sufficiently. The situation for the pots in summer should be on the warm east border, and the pots should always be plunged up to the rim. When at rest remove them into a cold frame or pit, and shelter them by a covering on the glass in hard frost. Keep the glass on in wet weather, but draw it quite off on dry, fine days. IN BORDEES. Some of the stronger-growing species, however, will thrive well in a border prepared for them, with the proper soil for each species. This border should be formed with boards or slates at the sides, raised six or eight inches above the general level of the ground ; and the bed of soil should be well drained and kept an inch or two below the edgings. Then when the leaves are decayed, the border may be covered either with boards or hoops, and oiled canvas, to throw off the heavy autumn and winter rains ; for heavy rain, and consequently saturated soil, are certain death to these lovely plants. Potting and Planting. As will be easily surmised, the best season for repotting is just when the buds begin to swell. As soon as that is perceived, prepare the different soils for them by placing a sufficient quantity under cover to dry and become moderately aired. Prepare also larger clean pots and plenty of drainage. Broken unburnt limestone makes a good drainage for kinds that require chalky loams. For others, broken garden- pots will be better. Such as are in pocs should be brought from their winter quarters and placed handy near the potting-bench, then drain several sized pots to be ready, and then carefully turn the balls out of the pots. Pick away quite as carefully the old drainage and part of the soil, being careful not to wound the tubers or fibres. All dead roots, of course, should be removed. Then place some rougher parts of the compost over the drain- age, and upon that a sufficient quantity of soil to bring the ball nearly level with tlie rim of the pot. If the plant is strong, and evidently larger than it was at the last shifting, then give it a larger pot 5 but if not, one of the same size, but a fresh one, will 84 POTTING AND PLANTING PROPAGATION. answer. Fill the fresh compost in round the ball, cover the top of it about half an inch, or in proportion to the size of the plant ; but beware of deep potting, for that is injurious tt the plant. When the pot is full press the new soil down gently and give the pot a smart rap or two on the bench. Level tha soil, and then that plant is finished potting ; place it on one side, and take the next in hand ; and so proceed till all are finished. Then replace them in the frame, or plunge them in the raised border ; but give no water for several days till the buds begin to push through the soil. Then water in such proportion as the plants require. The management of such as are grown in borders in respect to removing the soil is rather difficult, for the tubers are so tender that if once bruised the plant is irrecoverably injured. The only way is to open a trench at one end, and with a small fork gradually pick away the soil till a plant is undermined, then carefully lift it up and place it in a box as gently as possible, keeping it covered till replanted, and so proceed till there is a suffi- cient space emptied of plants. Let then the old soil, or at least a part of it, be taken away, and a sufficient quantity of fresh compost put in to fill up the space. Then take up more plants, and fill up the new portion of the bed and replant immediately. jBy so doing the roots will be but a short time exposed to the air ; the least shrivelling by being exposed injures the succeeding year's growth. Proceed in this manner till the whole collection is replanted, filling up the end of the bed with the plants reserved in the box for that purpose. Then give a gentle watering to settle the soil about the plants. They will require no further care, excepting keeping clearfof weeds and a constant look-out for insects to destroy them. PROPAGATION. Sy Seeds. Many species of these hardy Orchids seed freely, and ripen it perfectly. Save the seed as soon as it is ripe, and fill some wide shallow pans with the proper compost. Scatter the seed upon the surface, and cover it with a very thin layer of moss. Keep this just moist constantly by PROPAGATION BY SEEDS AND DIVISION. 85 sprinklings of tepid water, given either by the syringe or a fine- rose water-pot. Gentle showers will do no harm. If the seed ripens as early as June it should be sown immediately ; but if it is perfected later, gather it and sow it in March following. Place the pans in a cold frame to protect them from heavy showers, and shade them from bright sunshine till the seedlings have made some progress ; then inure them gradually to bear the opeii air and full light. Keep them in those pans through the first winter and second summer, protecting them from hard frost, and allow them to rest in winter the same as older plants. In the spring of the second year they should be separated and planted singly, either in small pots, or, which is better, in a border prepared as described above. "With care bestowed upon them they will flower the third or fourth, year. If the grower is successful in raising a quantity of the best species, he will be enabled to sell the surplus, or exchange them with others for such species as he does not possess. By Division. The tuberous-rooted species when they thrive send forth side-shoots, and these become plants. At the time of repotting or replanting these young tubers may be parted from the old plants, but they must be handled very carefully, so as not to bruise them in the least; for, as I observed before, a wound, be it ever so slight, is fatal. Observe, also, to pot each species in the same kind of soil as the old plants grow in ; also take care to expose the tubers as short a time as possible to the open air, for these small tubers suffer more from being dried even than the larger ones. Pot them carefully, and label every one with its proper name ; so that, if you wish to exchange with your neighbours, you can always do so safely, though your plants may be at rest and dormant. Some kinds the Cypri- pediurn, for instance have bundles or fascicles of long fleshy roots ; and the buds are placed in a cluster, with these roots radiating from them. To propagate such rooted plants is a nice operation. A sharp knife must be used, and the blade put between the buds without bruising them. Let it pass through 86 SUMMER TREATMENT WATERING AND SHELTER. the connecting part, or rliizoma, and no lower, or the roots will be cut also. Then with the hand gently separate the parts cut off, and the roots will divide away from each other without injury. Eepot both the parent and the offspring immediately in proportionate-sized pots, and cultivate afterwards in the usual way. SUMMER TREATMENT. This period of the culture of those interesting plants commences as soon as they begin to grow, and ends when they go to rest. The summer operations consist of watering, sheltering, tying up the flowers, weeding, and stirring the surface of the soil when that becomes hardened and grown over with lichens. On each of those points I shall briefly write, in order to show the amateur the proper way to conduct them. Watering. This necessary operation, especially for such as are grown in pots, I have already adverted to ; but I may remark in addition that the quantity required should be given according to the need of plants. In the early months of the year, whilst the vegetation is slow and young, very small supplies of water will be required, and that at wide intervals. If kept in this early stage of growth very wet, the young roots, and probably the young shoots also, will damp off, and the plants will perish : therefore, let the surface of the soil become dry before water is given, and then only just sufficient to wet the soil. Let this water be absorbed before the next is given. As the foliage advances in growth more water may be given ; and when the leaves are fully expanded and the blooms beginning to open, then a liberal supply must be given. If gentle showers are falling let the plants have the benefit of them ; but at all seasons shelter them from heavy continuous rains. Some strong-growing species will thrive better with a watering now and then of weak liquid manure, to which add a handful of quicklime to every gallon. This destroys worms and slugs in both a young and full-grown state. Skelter. If tho plants aro in pots and in a cold frame, the SUMMER TBEATMENT TYIN&, WEEDING, AND STIREING. 87 appropriate shelters are glazed lights. These should be put on during heavy falls of rain or hail, or even strong gales of wind ; but, then s air should be given by tilting the lights behind closed frames in wet weather being very unhealthful to these somewhat tender plants. Tying. As the flower-stems advance in height neat sticks should be carefully thrust into the soil, keeping a sufficient distance off the fleshy tubers. Tie with soft bast mat, and tie it loosely, eo that the stems will not be strangled, and spread out the flower-stems when numerous that each may stand clear by itself. Nothing looks so slovenly as flower-stems huddled together in bundles like a birch broom, and, besides being ill-looking, the plants sustain a serious injury when the stems are tied so closely together. The leaves do not obtain light, and, consequently, turn yellow and drop off a misfortune that prevents the increase in size of the plant. Weeding and Stirring the Soil. The best management of weeds is never to allow them to advance beyond the seed-leaf. The labour of weeding is lessened thereby, and the nutriment of the soil saved for its legitimate purpose the support of the cultivated plants, and more especially the benefit will be felt by plants that have to draw their support from the limited pasture of soil contained in pots. The soil in pots by frequent waterings becomes crusted on the surface, closing it against the admission of air and heat to the roots ; hence it is benefited largely by stirring the surface whenever it becomes hard. A small stick is as good an implement as any for this purpose, oare being taken not to disturb or injure the roots or stems in per- forming this operation. Besides opening the soil to the kindly influences of the atmosphere, it gives a freshness and neat- ness to the collection, and prevents the growth of mosses and lichens. In the autumn this stirring of the surface by admitting air to the interior of the soil assists the ripening of the tubers and fibrous fleshy roots, and thus hastens the period of rest. Let all the points of summer daily culture be duly attended 88 WINTER CULTUREDISEASES, to, and it will be found that the plants will perform their functions, and will abundantly reward the cultivator for his trouble and attention. If any of these hardy Orchids are cultivated in a bed or border^ the summer culture in regard to the above particulars of culture is nearly the same. The only difference will be the kind of shelter to give them. The best shelter is that formed with bended hoops and either garden mats or oiled canvass, the latter being the best for keeping off heavy rains. A shelter from the burning rays of the sun acting too powerfully upon the soil may be necessary ; and the best shelter for that purpose, as I have repeatedly proved, is green moss. A bed covered with that non- conductor gives it a fresh and lively appearance, and adds largely to the health of the plants. WINTEE CULTURE. The operations for winter culture are few and easily done and attended to. The plants in pots should be placed under the shelter of a pit or frame, and the lights should be kept on in wet weather to keep off the rain, and thus keep the plants in a quiescent state. I should recommend the plunging the pots up to the rim in coal ashes or sand, and in very hard frost the glass should be covered with mats ; but 011 all fine days the lights should be drawn off entirely, and, in wet muggy weather, propped up behind, to allow the escape of damp air. Of course, all the decayed leaves must be cleared away, and any other substances that would give out foul smells. Such as may be growing in a bed or border should be protected from slushing rains and frost, by covering each plant with a small hillock of dry ashes, to be removed when the growing season commences. If a bed has been formed as I recommended above, the plants in it when at rest will be all the better if sheltered from heavy rains, frost, and snow, by covering the bed with hoops and oiled canvass. Let it be remembered that these rare plants are well worthy of every care. DISEASES. The only disease that I know of that attacks hardy Orchids is a kind of dry rot. The same disease is found DISEASES INSECTS. 89 in the solid bulbs of the Tulip and the Crocus, and it is equally fatal in all: there is no remedy for it. If the leaves stop growing the disease has begun. Pull up the plants attacked with it and expel them from the premises. I do not know that it is contagious, but I would rather be without such dangerous subjects. INSECTS. The most noxious are the red spider, grubs, slugs, and worms. The first thrives best in hot dry weather : there- fore the opposite is preventive. If they are found on the leaves of the plants and such are in pots, lay the pots on one side and give the leaves a very severe syringing, which will wash off the insects, webs, eggs and all, and effectually relieve the plants. To prevent their return dust the leaves with flowers of sulphur. Grubs in new soils are often rather numerous, and they feed on the young stems just beneath the surface of the soil. There they must be sought for, and, when found, destroyed. Slugs may be traced by the slime they leave to their retreats, and extracted from thence and put to death. Lime water is certain death to them if their concealment cannot be found. Worms do not feed upon the plants, but they disarrange the soil, and render it unfit for food for the plants. Lime water^ again, is the agent that will destroy these intruders. The best time to apply it is in mild dewy evenings, so congenial to the migrations of slugs and worms. All these insects must be con- stantly warred with to prevent them injuring the leaves of the plants ; for if the leaves are not kept healthy, and thus able to perform their proper functions, the plants will soon fade away and perish. It now only remains to me to complete my essay on Hardy Orchids to give a list of them ; and I shall group them under the different soils that each group requires to grow them in. CHALKY SOIL. Aceras anthropophora (man bearing) Herminium monorchls (one-bulbed) Orchis fusca (brown) LISTS OP OECHIDS. Orchis hircina (goat) Smithii (Smith's) simia (ape) tephrosanthos (ash-coloured -leaved) Ophrys arachnoidea (cobweb) aranifera (spider-beaiinj) ciliata (fringed) cornuta (horned) exaltata (lofty) fucifera (drone-bee-bearing) grandiflora (large-flowering) muscifera (fly-bearing) tabanifera (dun-fly-bearing) TURPY LOAM. Gymnadenia albida (whitish) conopsea (gnat-bearing) viridis (green) Listera cordata (heart-leaved) Neottia nidus-avis (birds' -nest) spiralis (ladies' traces) Orchis latifolia (broad-leaved) mono (buffoon) ustulata (scorched) CHALKY LOAM AND SANDY PEAT. Anacamptis pyramidalis (pyramidal) Epipactus latifolia (broad-leaved) palustris (marsh) Gymnadenia conopsea alba (white gnat) cucullata (hooded) odoratissima (most fragrant) Habenaria hyperborea (northern) bracteata (bracted) Neottia cernua (drooping) Nigritella angustifolia (narrow-leaved) Orchis acuminata (sharp-pointed) globosa (globose) longicornis (long-horned) militaris (military) papilionacea (butterfly- winged) sulphurea (sulphur-coloured) LISTS OF OBCHIDS. 93 Orchis undulata (waved) Platanthera bifolia (two-flowered) Pogonia divaricata (straggling) pendula (drooping) TURFY LOAM, SANDY PEAT, AND LEAF MOULD, Calypso borealis (northern) americana (American) Corallorrhiza innata (hiborn) multiflora (many-flowered) odontorhiza (tooth-rooted) Cypripedium spectabile (showy) spectabile album (white-flowered) spectabile incarnatum (flesh-coloured.) Liparis liliifolia (Lily-leaved) Habenaria ciliata (fringed) cristata (crested) fimbriata (fringed) lacera (torn) orbiculata (orbiculate) psychodes (cold) spectabilis (showy) Neottia sestivalis (summer) autumnalis (autumnal) Ophrys apifera (bee-bearing) Orchis ciliata (fringed) coriophora (bug-bearing) Cyrillii (Cyrill's) globosa (globose) latifolia alba (broad-leaved white) laxiflora (loose- flowering) maculata (spotted) mascula (male) Nicodemi (Nicodemus's) palustris (marsh) parviflora (small-flowered) provincialis (province) quadripunctata (four-spotted) Rivenii (Riven's) saccata (pouched) sambucina (Elder-scented) undulata (waved-leaved) variegata (striped) IIST3 OF OHCHID3. SANDY TIBET PEAT. Cypripedium acaule (stemless) arietinum (ram's-head-formed) calceolus (ladies' slipper) candidum (white -flowered) guttatum (spotted) macranthum (largest) parviflorum (small-flowered) pubescens (downy) purpuratum (purple) ventricosum (bellied) Habenaria blepliariglottis (eyelash-tongued) TIJRTT BOGGY PEAT. Cepb.alantb.era ensifolia (sword-leaved; rubra (red-flowered) Liparis Leesellii (Lsesell's) Correana (Correa's) cordata (heart-leaved) ovata (ovate-leaved) Maiaxfc ophioglossoides (Ophioglossis-li^o) LONDON: Printed by Truscott, Son, & Simmons, Suffolk-lane, City. 8 14 DAY USE CO LD 21-100m-6,'56 (B9311slO)476 General Library University of California Berkeley RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW MAR 1 tj 1996 MARllZOOO