' u SPICILEaiUM CARMINUM GR^CORUM EXCERPTORUM. PR^FATIONI DE SENARII IAMBICI LEGIBUS ET DE STYLO TRAGICORUM GRvECORUM ACCF.DVNT EXERCITATIONES IAMBICS. IN USUM TIRONUM. C IV /kW^-t : /L^-^ U.J.fo. A SELECTION FROM THE PREFACED BY A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE IAMBIC METRE AND STYLE OF GREEK TRAGEDY. AND FOLLOWED BY PROGRESSIVE EXERCISES GREEK TRAGIC SENARII. FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS AND PRIVATE STUDENTS. CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. PUBLISHED BY J. AND J. J. DEIGHTON, CAMBRIDGE; AND J. W. PARKER, LONDON. M.DCCC.XLI. PREFACE. THIS volume is intended to serve as a manual for the young composer of Greek Tragic Senarii. It presents in the first place a concise and practical ac- count of the laws of Tragic Iambic Verse, and a few cursory notices of the dialect and peculiar phraseology of the Dramatic poets, to be improved and expanded by the reading and observation of the young student himself. These are followed by a series of translations from Shakspeare and other poets, (with a few original compositions) selected from the exercises of my own pupils. They are designed to furnish the beginner with specimens of the skill and tact by which the difficulties of version from one into another poetic language are overcome after a little practice. For such a purpose the best exercises of schoolboys are more suitable then the masterpieces of the most finished scholar of riper years. The boy who is told to imitate Euripides, Virgil or Cicero, will be rather damped than encouraged by this advice, unless he possesses that rare temperament, which thinks " it were an easy leap to pluck bright honour from the pale-fac'd moon." But when the models proposed for his imitation are the exercises of his own schoolfellows, or, in general, those of boys at school, of the same age and under the same circumstances as himself, he at once feels and owns that he has before him a standard which may be reached, 1O77O28 PREFACE. and, if he has a proper share of emulation, he will do all in his power to reach it. And this indeed is the principal reason why the compositions of boys at public schools are in general so much superior to those written in the course of a private education. The volume con- cludes with a series of progressive exercises in Greek Iambic versification. They are intended to be done in school, under the master's eye ; and a judicious master will easily understand what kind and degree of help it will be desirable for him to supply at each step, either to the class at large, or to individual boys. They are also meant to serve the secondary purpose of accentual exercises; and with this view the accents are omitted. If, after being scanned and accented, they are likewise construed, and the tragic forms and idioms carefully noted, their usefulness will be carried to its utmost limit. Although these Exercises have been arranged with a main regard to the use of the middle forms in public schools, they will be quite as useful to that large class of private students, whose skill in composition is un- equal to their general attainments in Greek scholarship. It has not been thought necessary to add any exercises in Trochaic or Anapaestic verse. The atten- tion of the young composer ought not to be distracted by a variety of metres. When he has learnt by dili- gent practice to write Iambic Senarii with ease and elegance, he will find no difficulty in applying his me- trical skill, together with his stores of Tragic phraseo- logy, to the Trochaic and Anapaestic rhythms. B. H. K. PREFACE. 1H I. ON RHYTHM. 1. Rhythm is the regular succession of parts of time, (which are technically called Times.) 2. A stronger Time is called Arsis, a weaker Time Thesis. 3. A syllable in Arsis is said to have an Ictus or stress of pronunciation (') (not to be confounded with the acute accent). 4. Rhythms which begin with Arsis are called de- scending : as, She, with all a monarch's pride, Felt them in her bosom glow ; Rush'd to battle, fought, and died ; Dying, hurl'd them at the foe. 5. Rhythms which begin with Thesis are called ascending : as, O Thou that dry^st the mourner's tear, How dark this world would be, If when deceived and wounded here, We could not fly to Thee. IT. ON QUANTITY. 1. A short syllable (y) is considered equal to one Time. a 2 IV PREFACE. 2. A long syllable (-) = (^^) = two Times. (The quantity of syllables in Greek may be learnt from Anthon's or any good Greek Prosody.) III. ON FEET. 1. Certain limited successions of Arsis and Thesis are called Feet. There are Feet containing from two to four syllables, from two to eight Times. The Foot of two Times (y^) is called Pyrrichius. 2. The Feet with which we are now concerned, are those of 3 (rpi^povoi) and 4 (reTpd-^povoi) Times : as, (a) rpi^povot - ^ Trochseus ^ - Iambus www Tribrachys, (6) Terpd-^povoi Spondaeus _ w w Dactylus ww_ Anapaestus. Note. ( w ) is called Creticus, a foot of five Times. IV. ON IAMBIC RHYTHM. 1. The Iambic is an ascending Rhythm, and the converse of the Trochaic, which is descending. 2. Iambic (and Trochaic) Rhythms may be mea- sured either by single Feet, or by Ai7ro<5t'af, Dipodies, (Double-feet). Each SnroSia is called a Metre (/merpov.) PREFACE. V 3. Hence a Rhythm of 2 Feet = 1 Metre, is called Monometer, 4 ... = 2 Metres, Dimeter, 6 ... =3 Trimeter, 8 ... =4 Tetrameter, &c. &c. &c. ... = &c &c. 4. A poetical Rhythm is called a Verse. V. CATALEXIS. 1. An Acatalectic Rhythm is one which has its Metres complete in their number of syllables. 2. A Catalectic Rhythm wants one syllable to com- plete its Metres. 3. A Brachycatalectic Rhythm wants two syllables to complete its Metres. 4. An Hypercatalectic Rhythm has one syllable beyond its complete Metres. VI. TRAGIC IAMBIC VERSE. 1. The Verse chiefly used in the Dialogue of Greek Tragedy, is called, as measured by Metres, Tragicus lambicus Trimeter Acatalecticus : or as measured by Feet, Tragicus lambicus Senarius : having three per- fect metres = six feet (seni pedes). VI PREFACE. 2. In its pure form it consists of 3 Diiambi = 6 Iambi : as o jraari icXelvos Ot^'iTroiJs | (the last syllable being always regarded as long.) 3. But, in order to give more strength, weight, and variety to the Rhythm, the Tragic poets admitted a long instead of a short syllable in the first Thesis of each Metre; or, in other words A Spondee may be substituted for an Iambus in the 1st, 3rd and 5th Feet : as oXX' acr'0a\eZ|7.| o yap maKapi\os /coy/c ' ori olnov ev\Qvvov ray evaXiav 7r\a.Trji>.\ ToiavTa (lev \ rao ecrTiv ajjL\(poTepa} Note. The Tribrach in the 5th foot is not very frequent. 5. The Spondee ( -- ) in the 1st and 3rd Feet may be resolved into a Dactyl (-^w) as cl w I - -I u| _ _ | O, aepi TroTajrat /cat 1 Tivei | Tavmv ciicrjv. OVTOS ?s T'IV etTra? fjivOov avOis /mot (ppaaov. Note. Although we do not treat in this place of Trochaic Rhythms, it may be noticed that, if we prefix to an Iambic Trimeter three (or four) syllables com- prising Arsis + Thesis + Arsis, there results the Tro- chaic Verse used in Tragedy, viz. Tetrameter Catalec- ticus ; as oevpo or) | <7/ce^/cu [*e9 rj/mcav /uujTep cos /caXeos Xeyca. TOV ' EXevj/s | T/cravras o\0pov fjvTtv tjpTraerev PREFACE. VIII. SCHEME TRAGICUS IAMBICUS TRIMETER ACATALECTICUS OR TRAGICUS IAMBICUS SENARIUS, MEASURED BY METRES AND FEET. Metres. 1 1 > 3 Feet. 1 2 3 4 5 6 PH w IX. RULES FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF RHYTHM. Avoid (ww^) after (v^wv^) O r (- Avoid more than two Feet of three syllables in the same Verse. Avoid the frequency of Feet of three syllables in consecutive Verses. Avoid generally a Diaeresis with stop after the 3rd Foot. PREFACE. XI Use sparingly a Diaeresis with stop after the 2nd Foot. Use sparingly a Diaeresis with stop after the 5th Foot. Avoid generally a Caesura with stop after the Thesis of the 5th Foot. X. PRINCIPAL RULES OF TRAGIC PROSODY. 1. Datives Plural in oi for /uioXo) eyta o'iov Vpct^j/s for o'iov eTpa(pr)S f*.ou 0e\7s for JJLOV a(f>e\ris Ti/^fy 'yaOfi for rv-^ri dyaOy, &c. SEC. The limits which se- Xll PREFACE. parate Prodelision from Crasis are not very accurately definable. 6. Crasis is the coalition of two words into one, when the former ends and the latter begins with a vowel or diphthong. The general laws of Crasis are the same as those of contraction (which are given in Greek Grammars,) but with some exceptions. The principal Crases of Greek Tragedy are as follows : (a) Crasis of the Article, o + a = a, as o avrjp = avtjp, TO aXXo, = TaXXo. o + e = oi/, as o e7ri/3oi/Xevo>i/ = ov7ri(3ov\ev(ov, TO ey- KWJU.IOV = TovyKWfjLiov. o + r) = /, as TO rjfj.Tepov = Qrjf^eTepov. O + I = Oi, as TO 'ijUClTlOV = Oo'lfJLClTlOV- + = ov, as TO ovojua = TOVVOJULU. o + v = ov t as TO vowp = Oovotap. o + ai = at or a, as TO at]ua = 0at)ua, TO aiTiov = it TO.TIOV. o + av = ai>, as o auTOs = OUTOS, TO auTo = o + ot + a = ft)) as ft) ai/a = wvai~. &) + a = a, as TW CLVCLKTI = Tava co + (e o) = ft), as T(t) fj.ia = Tft)/w.ft), Tip oveiptp = + a = a, as TW O.VO.KTI = rcti/a/crt, TW avrtp = TUT t/uartft) = t >/ 7> c/ ft < > / at or ot + a = a, as ot avopi/ta = Ttofta, ra oi^fjoa = Tft>iy>a, ra ovpavia = Obs. The Crasis of the Article with ere^oos is peculiar. Sing, arejoos, arejoa, OaTepov, Odrepov, Odrepo^ 0aVe/oa. Plur. arepot, are^oat, 6arepa. (6) Crasis of /, ^ot, /coi/, yvirep, ywTivi. But Kat elra = KCITCI. /cat + e = /ca, or ^a, as /fat ert = /cart, /cat eTepos = /cat + o = /co^, or ^a>, as /cat (c) The few instances of Crasis which occur in other words, follow for the most part the rules already given under (a) : as XIV PREFACE. eyw oiioa = eytaoa, rot apa = Tapa, rot av = ray, pot CCTTl = fWUCTTl, 7- Synecphonesis (or the metrical coalition of two syllables in different words without a formal crasis) sometimes occurs in Tragedy. The principal instances are, ij ov, fj.tj ov, eTret oy, /mtj eicevai, eyca oi>, eyw dpi. 8. Synizesis (or the metrical coalition of two syl- lables in the same word without a formal contraction) sometimes occurs : for instance 6W, as 7roXe 7"3 $ v ' (e) o- with any other consonant. 10. A short vowel becomes common before /3\, /3p, 'yX, yp-> dfj., dp, 0\, O/UL, Ov, 9p, /fX, KH, KV, Kp, TrX, 7T/U, TTV, 7T|0, rX, TyU, TV, Tp, (j)\, 0/X, 0I>, (f>p t But a short vowel at the end of a word is seldom made long before any of these positions ex- cepting /3X, y\, and 7, epos, ovvofJia, yovvara, covpi, TroXXos, eiXicrcrw, e'iVe/ca, oi/ve/ca, the uncontracted forms i/oos, pee9pov, eypoos, the gen. eos, for eo>s, as TroXeos. 4. And some Doric forms : as 'AOdva, Capo's, exan, Kwa'yos, Trooa'yos, Xo^a'yos, oVaoo's, Kcipavov, apape, yd/j.opo$, yaTTOTos. Also the ^Eolic forms Tre^aputos, Treoaopoy, Treoa/^/xtos, /ucxcrcra?!/. 5. Note the following forms, as belonging to Tra- gedy. (a) ecus for aos> as Xetos for Xaos, fea>s for iaos, tXea>s for tXaos, Mei/eXea)9 for MeieXaos. (6) Nays. Gen. j/aos, f/os or vews. Dat. i/cu or y>//. Ace. vavv, vr\a or /ea. Plu. Nom. yaes, ^j/es or i/ays. Gen. i/awi/, vjyw^ or vewv. Dat. vavffi. Ace. i/^as, i>eas or i^ays- (c) /capa. Gen. /cpaTos. Dat. xpaTi. Ace. TO or TOV Kpara, or TO /capa. Plu. Nom. Kapa. Gen. KparJov- Ace. icapa or KpaVas. (d) yovv. Gen. yovaTos. Plu. Nom. yovaTa and yovvaTa. Gen. yovaTwv, yovvdrwv and (e) ATroXXttw. Ace. A7roXXa>i^a and 'A7roXXa>. (/) ''A/3^s. Gen. ''A/oeos. Dat. "A pet. Ace. "' and "A|0/. (g") ^opy. Gen. ^opos. Dat. $o/o/. Ion. Gen. ^etpos or ^e/ooy, &c. PREFACE, XV11 (i) viV) G;. (0 riaQa for ^s. (m) oj'Ttoi' for erwarav, in 3rd Pers. Plur. Imperat. Pres. Act. aOwv for aOcacrav in 3rd Pers. Plur. Imper. Pres. Mid. and Pass -- as / >//3 * S ' ^~ft/ ?' , tcracrt. /, ci/t for ei/, otat, VTrai for ota, WTTO. (r) ev0vs and ev^w, /xe'^jots and /xep(/Jt, aj^ots and a^ot, au^ts and XV111 PREFACE. 6. The Rules of Attic Syntax are given in any good Greek Grammar. Note as peculiarly Tragic : (a) GENITIVE with eVe/ca understood, as TaXaiva TrjcrSe crvfj.opas. after adverbs, as TTOV yfj? ; TTO? yvwfj.tj<} ; ovrta Opa&ovs. after verbs of obtaining, Tvyxavw, Kvpia, dvrdw, but if a thing and person are expressed, then ac- cusative of thing and genitive of person. So also with O4COIW, K\V(i). (6) ACCUSATIVE Cognate, as evoeiv VTTVOV, KclfjiTrreiv ecpas. In apposition to sentence, as eQvaev O.VTOV Traloa, ewtpoov Qprjic'uov drjfjLaTcav. KTvds TOV iraTpos. (c) GENDER. A female speaking of herself in the Plural Number uses the Masculine Gender. (d) ADJECTIVES often used adverbially. Verbals in Teos and TOS very common. Compounded with a privative govern a genitive, as aXvTros arj^s, a^avaro^ e'y^ov?, and are used PREFACE. XIX by Oxymoron with the substantives from which they are derived, to reverse the idea which would otherwise be suggested, as /3/oy d/3m>ros, vfievatos ai/v/xei/cuos, (lovcra. a/Moi/cros. Limit a substantive used metaphorically, as ateroy TTTJ/VOS KVWV. Are used proleptically (wcrre eTi/at) as ev(j)r]fjiov, (a TaXaiva, Koinrjaov (TTOfj.a. With Article, for a Substantive, as TO avverov for Superlative doubled, as / TT\GI) TT/oo? ere Oewv understanding Xto-tro/ma*. /*) (TV ye, understanding an Imperative Mood. TauTa, ' in this way/ K.al TauTa, ' and that too. 1 (/) VERB. Verb of sense governing object of another sense, as KTVTTOV cecopKa. XX PREFACE. Middle Future in Passive Sense, as Aeo/ua<, TlfJL1JffTat. Imperative ; ol<7$' o Spaaov ; olaO' o/uai, and other verbs, as u>v Sei^co Participle in periphrasis with rvy^avca, Kvpeio. Aorist Participle with e^tu for Perfect, as eoetcra, e/rXaj/tra, aTreTrrua'a, oloa, e'y- wo/ca, SeSopKa, 7re(f>vKa, used in a Present signifi- cation. Note the following phrases: w$ OVKCT ovrtav crdov TGKVfav (ppovn^e cij ws Toivvv OVTWV Twvoe v/uiiv, ' in your power ;' CTT' OIKOV, 'homeward;' TO e-jr e/j.e, 'as far as in me lies;' /car' rj/uap, ' daily ;' /car' avQpwTrov t * suitably to a man ;' Trap e\7rt'$a, Trapa \6yov, ' con- trary to expectation;' Trap' ovSev, 'of no ac- count;' 717)05 9eu>v, 'in heaven's name;' TT/OOS s, ' moreover ;' TT^OOS ravra, ' wherefore ;' opytjv, 'angrily;' TT^OOS rjoovyv, 'agree- ably ;' Trpos fiiav, ' forcibly.' The use of Conjunctions and other Particles form too large a subject to be here introduced, but must be carefully noted and imitated by the young composer, with the aid of Hermann's Vigerus, a good Greek Gram- XX11 PREFACE. mar, and the Tragic Indices. He will find that very few sentences in Tragedy begin without some connecting particle or particles, and by diligent observation he will discover the shades of meaning in which they are seve- rally used, and learn where and how to introduce them in his own compositions. The following Figures of Speech are in frequent use : (a) PLEONASM. avOi'S avavOi<> av TraXiv e/coi/res OVK anovres yvwrd KOVK ayvcora ev o(j)9a\fjiois opwv, &c. (6) ELLIPSIS. Hdpts yojO OVTC vvvTeXtjs TroAts Trarpos re KCtTTO /JLT]TpOS. (c) PERIPHRASIS. Verb with object instead of a bare Verb, as for /mefJLvrja-Oai, crirov$r]v OeaOai for for /u.a^ecr^at, 8zc. 8zc. Substantives : as Qprjvwv oSupfjioi qXiov KVK\OS r ' ~ / / yrjs Trecov ovpavov avaTTTV^ai Tei^ewv TTC- pnrTv^ai Trvpywv (TT K\eivov nvTa- oe\(pov Icr/u^i/jyy Kapa 'AcrtaTtoos yrjs ff^rjuata TrpocrwTrov evyeves TCKVWV TO nrjTpos oi/o/xa (a auos fJieiaTov oij/ua, 8tc. 8zc. (d) Epexegesis, Anacoluthon, Attraction, Hendiadys, Zeugma, are also very frequently used. See Her- mann on Viger, pp. 892, 895, &c. Matthias's Gram- mar, &c. CORRIGENDA. PAGE. VEB. 7. 9- jUi/^wi 9- 13. /3i'a] riai. v. 3. Sef/ai/] Se^aV. 29. 3. eKv~^ 6K7roStoV. V. 7- wfep a-'] (oTrep 7] ftpovrf]^. V. 18. oVwpcf] oTrcapa. 121. 6. dele comma. 129 21. jUtJTTw] jWf/TTCO. 137. 19- ft3*Vj ^. 143. 9* M a ' Ka 'P<^] HUKLltpU. 155. 21. e^i'Si/ai/] e^Syai/. 159- 17- eVaji/wi/. Those who object to this Anacoluthon (which may be supported by many examples) can read eiraivovvr , 161. 15. (TKa/OT^-r'] 7oi;?] i/o/ioi/?. XXIV CORRIGENDA. PAGE. VER. 189- !! oAicas"] oAiMK. V. 18. irpotrontro^ -rrpoTro/jLiro<;. 193. 17- 7VD Tap- SOS. 1 1 . veoffffor\ veoi>7<0 SJT'; 6K ydp oiKiav irpovXafiov But whatever be the force of this canon in Tragedy, it has none in Comedy, and need not be rigorously obeyed in humorous composition. TRANSLATIONS HAKSPEARE. SHAKSPEARE. TEMPEST. ACT i. Sc. 2. MIRANDA. PROSPERO. MIR. IF by your art, my dearest father, you have Put the wild waters in this roar, allay them : The sky, it seems, would pour down stinking pitch, But that the sea, mounting to the welkin's cheek, Dashes the fire out. O I have suffered With those that I saw suffer ! a brave vessel Who had no doubt some noble creatures in her, Dashed all to pieces. O, the cry did knock Against my very heart ! Poor souls ! they pe- - rishU Had I been any god of power, I would Have sunk the sea within the earth, or e'er It should the good ship so have swallowed, and The freighting souls within her. PRO. Be collected ; No more amazement : tell your piteous heart, There's no harm done. MIR. O, woe the day ! PRO. No harm. I have done nothing but in care of thee, (Of thee my dear one ! thee my daughter !) who * Art ignorant of what thou art, not knowing TEMPEST. IDEM GREECE REDDITUM. MIPANAH. ITPOSnEPQN. MI P. Et crcus Te^yatcrt, 0t\Taroi/ Trarpos Kapa, TOVC olo/naTcov (aptvas aypicw KTVTTOV, iraixjov viv avOis, avTO/mai or ' aiOtjp yap av OVTOS KaTappij^eiev, cos e7retffa >/ n \ >$ / j y cros 1 yap TOO terra* uu/uo$ aioo<) d TWV (o/mtav airo IDEM GR^CE REDDITUM. AOYKETTA. IOYAIA. AOYK. Kpelcrcrov /neveiv- croi ripwOews a IOYA. AOYK. IOYA. 0ei). OVK ols ^et /meya crQevcKt ^iovi 9e\ois av (id\\ov dvcaieiv TO Trvp tj TIJVO epwros ptjfjLGtai aflecrai y a\X VTrep0vju.ov trvpo'S fcaracr^eTi/ /ix) -jrepa Kcupov ara/o -rrefyuKe ^ts TOCTOV (fiXeyetv TO irvp, ye SHAKSPEARE. The current, that with gentle murmur glides, Thou know'st, being stopped, impatiently doth rage; But, when his fair course is not hinder'd, He makes sweet music with th' enamell'd stones, Giving a gentle kiss to every sedge He overtaketh in his pilgrimage ; And so by many winding nooks he strays, With willing sport, to the wild ocean. Then let me go, and hinder not my course : I'll be as patient as a gentle stream, And make a pastime of each weary step, Till the last step have brought me to my love ; And there I'll rest, as, after much turmoil, A blessed soul doth in Elysium. TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA. ACT m. Sc. l. PROTHEUS. DUKE. PRO. My gracious lord, that which I would discover The law of friendship bids me to conceal : But, when I call to mind your gracious favours Done to me, undeserving as I am, My duty pricks me on to utter that Which else no worldly good should draw from me. TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA. O.VTIK oicrOa TO. TroXXa nev peovTa, (fipdcrcrovTos $e Toy, avev yaKivov ceivov K j - ea fjie TOIVVV fjLtjo epr}Tvar)<$ ooov. KOI yap Taweivri Kapoiav /I> W9 s >/^i/X) oi evoiav 6elav IDEM GREECE REDDITUM. "APXOX. I1PQ. 'Qi/a fyepiGTe, Trpayiu.' o aoi /meXXw (paveiv (fiiXias KeXevci TOVTO auyKpvTrretv vo/xos, TW o ev/meveias r^s Xiav /ue/Lvij/mevov ws ev /UL ecpaoras Ka'nrep OVT avd^iov, TO deov eTreiyei, nevrpov V coXov dXX' oiSa yap i\6Tt]s o elfj.' dvTtopav Ka\uJs d dei. TOVTWV epODTU TToXXoKt? KOLyW fi\7T(l)V COKWV Ta^' av Kelvoiaiv VTTVUXJ&GIV o/xa)? TToXX* cirevorjaa TOVOG KU>\V TJfirjv /oos wv ayros v\a]~ t ouo eaff OTTWS eiceiOev ea 10 SHAKSPEARE. TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA. ACT in. Sc. l. DUKE. VALENTINE. DUKE Sir Valentine, whither away so fast ? VAL. Please it your grace, there is a messenger That stays to bear my letters to my friends, And I am going to deliver them. DUKE Be they of much import ? VAL. The tenor of them doth but signify My health, and happy being at your court. DUKE Nay then no matter ; stay with me awhile ; I am to break with thee of some affairs, That touch me near, wherein thou must be secret. 'Tis not unknown to thee, that I have sought To match my friend, Sir Thurio, to my daughter. VAL. I know it well, my lord; and sure the match Were rich and honourable; besides, the gentleman Is full of virtue, bounty, worth, and qualities Beseeming such a wife as your fair daughter : Cannot your grace win her to fancy him ? DUKE No, trust me; she is peevish, sullen, froward, Proud, disobedient, stubborn, lacking duty ; TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA. IDEM GREECE REDDITUM. 11 "APXOS. BAAENTINOS. APX. IIoT otjTa ^(opeis woe GVV CTTTO BAA. et /tx>; Tt /3Xa7TTei, cecnroT, evOdo ayyeXos TrapecrTiv ocrrts Tas e/ua? CTrtcrToXa? rf / ^ 6TOt^lO9 CCTTtl' ft)S JU.OV eyw Se [j.e\\w rwoe Taad A i^v^ t i \ $ ~ APA. ap ecrTt Y 01 / virovoai BAA. OUK aXXo Tr\r)v ye TOUTO ffiffJiairet ftdvov, ev /cat KaXws irpaaaovTa /u. ev Tots tro?? OO/JLOIS. APX. TawT* OVK ayav cnrovccua' Toiyapovv ^pa^yv ^povov nevoi ' '-V >- / os /cpi/TTTeos /xaXtcrTa /cov/c e^otcTTeos. Tad e'erTti/ ol/uat yvwTci KOVK ayvcord ffoi a>S Qovpiwvos (f)t\TdT(t) TraXat /capa ^TW OuyctTepa Triv efj.rjv fevj^cu yet/mots. BAA. e'yarye, ^eo-TTOT*, ei) TO' 5' e^eTrto-Ta/xat, /ceot/o9 o ai/ ei'/ KioXfiios irdvT/yi veai'tas /caXovs TC KayaOovs TpoTrovs /cat TraV ot/\' / \ - / OVU COS TGKOVTOS TOVfJLOV a.lGGlTO.1 Kapot. /cat crol (ppdcrta yap, evvoov/uevos Taoe, CTTepytov TreTrayjuat njvce TY\V cre/Jivriv Koprjv, /cat TrpocrOe TroXXas eX7rtoa9 TO. \onra yrjpofioa'Krja'eiv e/ue, ve/uowav e^t'/cws e/uot \apiv f 6e\(t) vvv oeuTepou Oiyeiv Xe /caJ Tijvo' eXavveiv TWV enwv ea> oo/u rovvrevOev a>s j/tv, ocrrts ar OeXrj, \d(3r] (pepvas e^ovdav e^o^ov /movov oe/ixas, eTret ye tea/me ra/xa T ouoafj-ov Xeyet. IDEM GREECE REDDITUM. "APXOS. BAAENTINOS. APX. 'Ap a^itocrets', QdeQov, ov ydp etcyovos Me^OTnys yeycas /me XavGdveis, & ~ ~ & & ~ 7T\ei(rTr)i> e^eiv cet Tierce cwpeas aXX tjv TIV ev yrj T>joe TrotT/cr^s fjitjo a'9 Ta^tcrTa TOI)S Tvpavvucovs oo/uov9 ocrocnrep apKecrei /xeiVa? TG0 oy/uo?, bpKtos oe o*ot .a* KpaTricret TWV (pi\av9p(OTrwv rt ' ' ? f ' x ' * oi/s eeoeia croi Te /cat TW/ULM aXX epTr , eiret XeYoi>T09 ou/c t? ,uaTam9, et oe crot TO ^y yXy/cv, tt>s Taytcrra /x^oe jueXX^a"^s eTt. BAA. Tnws ou Oaveiv apeivov rj iriKpov ftiov Teiveiv ; TO yap Qavelv TOO oydei/ aXXo 7rX>)i> (pevyeiv efiavTov, KUVTOS e'ifj.1 2tXp/a. TavTrfs d cnroiiceiv o\e9piav > ^j." 1 ' $ ' i > TI G)a>9 CT eo"Tt Q)ftJ9, \api/ ^ey Trapovcrtjs 2tX^tas 7T|OO9 17 fJLOUO~' anOVGOS eCTTt TJ/9 d^OO|/O9* /*; o eio-opwvTi 2tX/3tai/ ev )jfj.epa ovo rjfj.epa Tt9 (OCTTC /u. eio'opa.v irapa. yap avTtj T/9 e/u^9 crwTtjpia r, \ b> tf > ><$r >* 7re(pvK , e'ytu o a^o oyoei/ etyu t et yu>; /caXatcrt TJ/CTOI 9pe|/eTat 0eoy IJievovcrav eyyws Ttovce owjaaTtoi/, Qavel. PQ2. aXX' ai/TOjuat ere, cecnroO , ^i/ o ^ > , T ?' ^j ei fjuj v oveipois ov&a. HJDJO cKppwv Kvpco, b fJLtj yevoiTO) (pi\TO.TOv Qeiov Kapa, OVK ^diKtja-d cr', oy yut^ Tt fypovTioi (bpevtav irepnTTvyaiGiv eai/ag, /* OT cis upovovi < \ w ,/ - 51 ,/. avTtj o OT e/c Trj&o j^Aacras 2 18 SHAKSPEARE. Treason is not inherited, my lord ; Or if we did derive it from our friends, What's that to me ? my father was no traitor ; Then, good my liege, mistake me not so much, To think my poverty is treacherous. AS YOU LIKE IT. ACT n. Sc. i. DUKE SENIOR. AMIENS. DUKE Now, my co-mates, and brothers in exile, Hath not old custom made this life more sweet Than that of painted pomp ? Are not these woods More free from peril than the envious court ? Here feel we but the penalty of Adam, The seasons 1 difference ; as the icy fang, And churlish chiding of the winter's wind ; Which when it bites and blows upon my body, Even till I shrink with cold, I smile, and say, This is no flattery : these are counsellors That feelingly persuade me what I am. Sweet are the uses of adversity ; Which, like the toad, ugly and venomous, Wears yet a precious jewel in his head ; And this our ife, exempt from public haunt, AS YOU LIKE IT. 19 ov TOI 7rpoco(riai>, K\rjpov ws, TraTijp oicwau', ei ce (itj 9 T'I ciJT e/xol -ro$e ; TTjOOCOTJ/S y a p VK V}V OVOCl/ULWS ?$> > t \ t V / ws coo e^ovrcav, fjitj TOCTOVO a/mapTave VO/JLI\WV TYJV e/mrjv elvat IDEM GR^CE REDDITUM. APXOS HPESBYTEPOS. AMIEYS. APX. Q Ttjad eTalpoi ^y/UjueTicr^oi/res (pvyrjs, dp' o %vvriQri (f>vaiv. y\vKeia /uei> vvv ireipa Ttjs $v(nrpa]~iasi n, 9 Tt9 atcrypos, lov ju.ev Tpe0ei, "* f^ I /Vl ' ft \iOov 5* ofjia)s evTifJiov ev icdpa (pepeC ' O' ' ' Q ' ' f3 o /.5toTO vft)/o<9 ai't/ptoiroiv (TT//JOI/ 22 20 SHAKSPEARE. Finds tongues in trees, books in the runningbrooks, Sermons in stones, and good in every thing. AMI. I would not change it. Happy is your grace, That can translate the stubbornness of fortune Into so quiet and so sweet a style. DUKE Come, shall we go and kill us venison ? And yet it irks me, the poor dappled fools, Being native burghers of this desert city, Should in their own confines, with forked heads, Have their round haunches gor'd. AS YOU LIKE IT. ACT in. Sc. i. PHEBE. Think not I love him, tho 1 I ask for him ; 'Tis but a peevish boy : yet he talks well ; But what care I for words ? yet words do well, When he that speaks them pleases those that hear. It is a pretty youth : not very pretty : But, sure, he^s proud : and yet his pride becomes him ; He 1 !! make a proper man: The best thing in him Is his complexion ; and faster than his tongue AS YOU LIKE IT. 21 (f)9oyyovs cecopue cevcpecov oi/c^Topas, (3'ifiXovs re i/aoyxots eV pVToicri, KO.V \i0ois \oyovs ypacpevras, ev ff aircKTi TayaQov. AM. OVK av 9eXot/u.i TOVO ctTr^XXa^at /3/oy, ava% (pepuTTe, Kctl crv y' evcaifjiwv e(f)vs 6s ical /u.e9i(TTt]s wee cvatcoXov ets TOVO Kr}\ov ?;oeos fiiov T APX. a*y o)j/ 'i(a/u.ev es e\a(f)cov OrjpaV) (piXo K.CU fjirjv ael TOV/UOV ye XVTTOVCTIV Keap fjiwpoi TTovrjpol TrotKtXoTjO TauTrjs eprjfJLtjs CIJ/ULOTCU ev roicriv avTwv Tfiovai ' ' 'r OVT av o~Tvyo) viv Kanrep OVT eTrac,iov e/Jiov (TTvyovaqs KOVK epaaOei^r]^ Tvyeiv. TI yap /JiTrjv TWO wo~Te Xoioopetv e/xe ; o(TTt9 fJ-' eXe^ev ws /aeXa'yX'V'/ KO/JLCIS TO. T OfJ-HaT GfT)V' WS OC fJL/U.V^Cf9ai TTOjOa, e//e /u.' * rjor} Octv/ma TO'I /u. VTrep-^eTai TO /ut] TriKpdio'i fj.' avTaiJ-etyaaOai Xoyois. rfv TI TOVTO oia 3' es ayroi/ KepTOfj-ovs ayav ypa(pai\) otoreis-, et TI /mt] pAaTrret ) crrpe^et, a~Tpe(povTi oe opafj.' OKOvaaO olov eicropav Traprjv. * \ \ ? *> a ? \ ' f cpvos yap ovv evepvev r)) TOIOVTOV 'OpXavowv icwv Tai TOV avopa, Kavddo eicropq. avTov TOV yovio yepaiTepov. KHA. . ijKovffa Kay (a Tovoe TOV veaviou d$eX(f>ov ev Xoyoicriv aiTHa/mevov toy ev fipoTois yeyajra oui\o$. nal (Jitj /ULCTaXyei TOV (f)i\ov os ou fiCToXyel ravd' virep (reOev eirel, fiaOeiav oyros ei re/met TO Traj/ eKOV&ri Kapciq Xycra) BA2. 'AvTwrta)!;, oa/tzapTa juei/ yq/ui ^ (pi\Tepa IULOI juaXXov ; TO y/f Kvpet aXX OWT' e/ULOiye Ttfjuwrepa catnap 28 SHAK8PEARE. Are not with me esteemed above thy life ; I would lose all, aye, sacrifice them all Here to this devil, to deliver you. WINTER'S TALE. ACT in. Sc. 3. ANTIGONUS. Come, poor babe : I have heard, (but not believed), the spirits of the dead May walk again ; if such things be, thy mother Appeared to me last night ; for ne'er was dream So like a waking. To me comes a creature, Sometimes her head on one side, some another ; I never saw a vessel of like sorrow, So filled, and so becoming : in pure white robes, Like very sanctity, she did approach My cabin where I lay : thrice bowed before me, And gasping to begin some speech, her eyes Became two spouts ; the fury spent, anon Did this break from her : " Good Antigonus Since fate against thy better disposition Hath made thy person for the thrower out Of my poor babe, according to thine oath, Places remote enough are in Bohemia, MERCHANT OF VENICE. 29 OVT TO rjl> o av e/CTrecrotjUi KO.I TOVTQ crrvyei CKCOV iu.eOeiiu.rji> OXTTC cr CKcrcacrai f t ,/ / rj\uV 7TOO9 avopa TOVC VTTVM viKw^evov- Tpls Kpa.T evevcre Trpoad e/xov, (pwveiv T e eKTroi'ov&rjs TTi/eu/xa T- ' a\fj.vpav aXX' a/uj3Xy epprj^ev oura>s' Avnydvov (f>'i\ov ttdpa, eirei ere fj.oipa Xwovos fiiq (f>vaea>$ evopKOv ovra TOVH.OV K0eivai (3pe(j)os oiKTpws e.Ta<~ev, ev ,Bo7/M/a TOTTOWS 30 SHAKSPEARE. There weep, and leave it crying ; and for the babe Is counted lost for ever, Perdita I pr'ythee call't ; for this ungentle business Put on thee by my lord, thou ne'er shalt see Thy wife Paulina more": and so with shrieks She melted into air. Affrighted much, I did in time collect myself; and thought This was so, and no slumber. Dreams are toys : Yet, for this once, yea, superstitiously, I will be squared by this. TAMING OF THE SHREW. ACT v. Sc. 2. KATHARINA. Fye, fye ! unknit that threatening unkind brow ; And dart not scornful glances from those eyes, To wound thy lord, thy king, thy governor. It blots thy beauty, as frosts do bite the meads : Confounds thy fame, as whirlwinds shake fair buds And in no sense is meet or amiable. A woman moved is like a fountain troubled, Muddy, ill-seeming, thick, bereft of beauty ; And while it is so, none so dry or thirsty WINTEB S TALE. v -v > * f/ rb f TroAAoi'9 av eiy>ot9 CKTTOOWV ev Ka.Ki veoyvov Open/A air dyKaXwi' (3u\u>v K\aiovaav ayros /cXate, ical V\avw\eBpa del KK\ijff9(i), Trjaro eTrtovv/mos TV^IJ<}, ov yap viv e\iri<$ ecrri vwQrjvai KUKWV. irpdyovs o e/caTt roDoe ovcrcrepecrTaToi', ipTrep d eTrecn-rjcr oJ/xos (a^o^pwv Trocrts, ov fJLtj KaTO^I/ei X T ' 0X0X^^)79 /uera. ypov(f> $' eyeipcov GKTray\ovii.evrjv (ppeva awavT a\r]9rj KOV GKiav qytja-durjv. aXX 6/xa>9 eyco IDEM GR^CE REDDITUM. KA9APINH. OVK elct Xi// ^ o , ew9 fj.e\aiva KafjLOp(poaXrjs TOT evcov eyitXiveis Xe^et. ov oe TOVTWV /ceti'os aiTeiTai IJLOVOV , T1>) Tit) (pl\(t) TTOffei KOKrj eiij, oycr,! KCtiTOi TotauTrj vvv Tty auryvvrj /u. evei, ^ al yvvaiKes evrjQel (ppevi ^vvcLTTTova" diai yovvTrcTeis e-xptjv Trpo-rriTveiv paXXov, eipijvrjs TTO&O, SIIAK3PEARE. Or seek for rule, supremacy, and sway, When they are bound to serve, love and obey. Why are our bodies soft, and weak and smooth, Udapt to toil, and trouble in the world ; But that our soft conditions, and our hearts, Should well agree with our external parts ? MACBETH. ACT n. Sc. 3, MACBETH. DONALBAIN. MACDUFF. MALCOLM. LENOX. MACB. Had I but died an hour before this chance, I had liv'd a blessed time; for, from this instant, There's nothing serious in mortality : All is but toys : renown, and grace, is dead ; The wine of life is drawn, and the mere lees Is left this vault to brag of. DON. What is amiss? MACB. You are, and do not know it : The spring, the head, the fountain of your blood Is stopped ; the very source of it is stopped. MAC. Your royal father's murderM. MAL. O, by whom ? TAMING OF THE SHREW. 35 Orjpwcri T dp^ds Kal Qpovovs TvpavviKovs, O2. MAAKQAMOS. AENOS02. MA KB. Ei fJLev Tv^rjv Ttjvo effrOavov niu Qavwv wpa, Trdvo\f3ov (3iov av rjv K TOVC6 fJiGV '/CljO OVOV V atrovcalov ecrni/ aXXa Traiyna travT e(f)u. epycov 06 (ppovcov cij /cXeo?, (j)povor] ^dpis' dVas yap oivos e^avaXcarat ftiov, fjiOvr\v T e^ovcri Ko/unracrai QvrfTol Tpvya. AON. ea. Ti ^' ecrTi TOV& o /u-tj /caX&5s e^ei ; TV /I* A \7 Ti *^ ' *^^* *^e/*'5 t **" MAK.t5. ai/To? ' eiKa f \ t -. i . / , r rj&av 'yap ai/Tots avaTremupfjLCvai (povff) ^6i|0e?, Trapetai' TT^OS oe /cat ra 9 o of, K-yyey, Totatoe "ya/o Tree V7repri>/ ft)i/ o e7Tft)oa)v 06<77roTi$' /cAi/ofcr e'yw Kpvfya'u 38 SHAKSPEARE. Was never call'd to bear my part, Or show the glory of our art ? And, which is worse, all you have done, Hath been but for a wayward son, Spiteful, and wrathful ; who, as others do, Loves for his own ends, not for you. But make amends now : Get you gone, And at the pit of Acheron Meet me i'the morning ; thither he Will come to know his destiny. Your vessels, and your spells provide, Your charms, and every thing beside : I am for the air ; this night I'll spend Unto a dismal fated end. Great business must be wrought ere noon : Upon the corner of the moon There hangs a vaporous drop profound ; I'll catch it ere it comes to ground : And that, distilFd by magic slights, Shall raise such artificial sprights, As, by the strength of their illusion, Shall draw him on to his confusion : He shall spurn fate, scorn death, and bear His hopes 'bove wisdom, grace, and fear : And you all know, security Is .mortal's chiefest enemy. MACBETH. 39 OVTTW KK\ri/uLai TwvSe Xayxdvetv jue Teyvtjs T Trjcrce traaiv eTricetgai /cXeos. TO o ay KaKiarTov, iravB uTreipyao'Tai race fiapei Svaopym (fxarl KavOaSei (fivariV) v/xas 0', OTTOIOS -^arepwv dvcpwv T^OOTTOS, (bi\ovvTi Kepoovs OVVCK , ov% V/LLWV -^aptv. Ka'iToi TOGavrrjs -^prj riveiv ap-apria^ airoiva. vvv 'IT ' d\\' ap y/uepq vea dvTt)cra9' tjiiiv TOV '"xepovros eis /3a0os' ayros r ya/o ava< TVJVIKO.VT eXeucrerai, dvayiujs OefffJLOv ap-^aia^ juaOeti/. vrj T eTrtooa? 9' oj? ra^09 KOI (pd.pfj.aKa Kal raXX' ctTrai/ra H.QI TrapaffKeva^ere. alOepa $' e/ujSaa' e%fpydaro/u.ai, i \ f r WKTepov avTrj cnrevoovaa TTOVOV, $va6poov epyov /uopi/uov TC TeXo?. neya yap roce del ^(/oeos eKTrpd^at yu' dtcTiva irplv rj yuecrcr^i/ T7 >'. ^. T . '. LK. ea ea a a opare /ULOI TOV ccu/uoi/a M* ei/ op e O?0&> TToXXd /, Qrj^a's Trpos wnfjs Orjyavdia'i Kapoias, (OS Ot] Tl (pctvXoV 6/CT6/U(UV TOV/ULOV fi'lOU /u.epo$' T'I yap ; TocroV^e /mot TOV "(fjv (f)9ovei$ ; 'iff ovv W, avTOs Tvufto^wa'Ta &<*) TraTpl opv^ov epKtj, KaK KeXeva-fJLdTos aeOev TCplTVOV 01 (t)T(t)V O"Ta^6Tft) KO>0(t)V /U.\OS, oQovveit ayros (3acri\iKov (popeis fjnjo aJ9 60' rjfiiv ev Ta oo^rj 44 SHAKSPEARE, For all the soil of the achievement goes With me into the earth. It seem'd in me, But as an honour snatch'd with boisterous hand ; And I had many living to upbraid My gain of it by their assistances ; Which daily grew to quarrel, and to bloodshed, Wounding supposed peace : all these bold fears, Thou seest with peril I have answered ; For all my reign hath been but as a scene Acting that argument ; and now my death Changes the mood : for what in me was purchased, Falls upon thee in a more fairer sort ; So thou the garland wear'st successively. Yet, though thou stand'st more sure than I could do, Thou art not firm enough, since griefs are green ; And all thy friends, which thou must make thy friends, Have but their stings and teeth newly ta'en out ; By whose fell working I was first advanced, And by whose power I well might lodge a fear To be again displaced : which to avoid, I cut them off; and had a purpose now To lead out many to the Holy Land ; Lest rest, and lying still, might make them look Too near unto my state. KING HE.NHY IV. 45 Kal TO) (fiopovvTi fjidXXov dcrtyaXecrrepov. eyw 6avovfj.ai, !*uv oe ovaeT-at ^Oova diraaa rovoe irpdynaTos ova'^rj/uLia. ef.iot yap rjv ayaXfjia Trapavo^.(a \epl apTraaQev, oiirep o apTrayrjs ^vvepydrai - ? >>- / Traprjcrav rjp.iv Tovpyov e^wveioiGav KOI TOUT e//a Tr]v Tupavvica, ?>/ , / / ffv o ovv e^ets viv evTrpeireaTepu) T/OOTT^J, 6aKCov Trarpipov otaoo^o; vo/mto Qpovov. KOI vvv e/jiov /new aa(pa\eGTpos Kvpeis, V'i-v* \ ' ;ft> / i/ TO o aafflaAe? aov ov TOO apKOWTU><} ^\i. veov yap aX'yos eo"Tt ^ot Trdvres (f>iXoi, 01/9 vvv aXt]9a}$ eel ere irpoaKTaaQai (piXovs, OOOI/TOS apTi Kal rd Kevrp yap TWVO eyw CKvpaa Tierce, TWV o avTwv VTTO Kal aTepoi^v avOis, oppwdeiv eoei. ^ ovv (pvXaxOels ettravov TroXXovs ey(a } e/ueXXoi> ei/i/ ayei /my Ta/u , afMO^Oov ev ^Xtoals fyavres fiiov, ayav aitpificos e^epevvwev Kpartj, SHAKSPKARK. KING HENRY IV. PART II. ACT v. Sc. 2. KING. CHIEF JUSTICE. KING. You all look strangely on me, and you most You are, I think, assured I love you not. C. J. I am assured, if I be measured rightly, Your majesty hath no just cause to hate me. KING. No ! How might a prince of my great hopes forget So great indignities you laid upon me ? What ? rate, rebuke, and roughly send to prison The immediate heir of England ? was this easy ? May this be wasrTd in Lethe, and forgotten ? C. J. I then did use the person of your father ; The image of his power lay then in me ; And, in the administration of his law, Whiles I was busy for the commonwealth, Your highness pleased to forget my place, The majesty and power of law and justice, The image of the king whom I presented, And struck me in my very seat of judgment ; Whereon as an offender to your father, I gave bold way to rny authority, And did commit you. If the deed were ill, Be you contented, wearing now the garland, KfXG HENRY IV. IDEM GREECE REDDITUM. ANAS. KPITHS. ANAS. 'Y/K6?9 nev o'l Trapovres oiu.fj.dTwv (f)ofi(a cepKcaOe irdvTes fit GK oe rwv juaXtorra av' crd(p' ola9a OIJTTOV 7rpoe(pwv '/era? e/uoi Xa^otr* ai/ vfipewv Tocrwvce o>/, ocras 1 TTOT' ets e,a' ij^icocrcis vftpicrcu ; a^o' oy TO KepTo/JiOKTi cevvd^eiv \l/6yoi$ ftif}. T ayeiv eis ceoTia ror /xeXXoi'T' e^eti/ yevovs /COT' dyxicrreia Trj&ce yrjs Bpovovs, OVK CCTTl TCtVT U(j)pTa ; TTtOS fJLV1JfJ.11 7TOT O.V TOVTWV Odvoi K\vaQeicra T^S AtjOrj? pools ; KPITHS. TOW CTOV TOT' dvrl TTOT^OOS v\^iaTT]v KC'LVOV Tvpavvov cr-xfj/Ji e-^wv KaO KayU) fJLV OpQutV TOl/9 KO.9e(TT(Jt)TaS VO/UOl/S ecnrevcov cos /iiaXt/ >f tf > *$*/! ;s cre/3as, ou (T^^/u. ai/a/CTOS, 01) Kpart] Trap avTOV$ o eTratcras /u.' faevov OIKIJ? irpos TO.VTCI TOV aov TraTepa a OOKWV cvvdfjLews Tracrav tjviav ic eTO\/j.rjd tocrTe cr* ev oea/jLOiai oeiv' / r ' ?/ ? / et TOIVVV epyov fjnj CIKCUOV TJV Tooe, j ' < \ / " / , i 73- /-) > HJ \ / o crw/u. 6K*jAov KapAape? crwCet TO (Toy > / / \ < /cat TTjoos "ye royrot? cr^jua crov TvpavviKov KaBnnracraaOai Toty virripert^aai TWV awv VTrap-^wv eyyeXwvT ev aoi ye\q.v. ay e^era^e \rj/u.a yevvaiov aeOev, /cat crot irpoarfKeiv ravra 077 i/o/u.t^e av' \ ~ r i -' t 5 ' TraTTjp yvov av-, crot T6 ?rato eti/at oo/cet /cat o~oi/ cre/3as TOCTOVTOV rjTi/u.aa'iu.i'ov aKoue, pwo' ava^i jy/ueXiy/u.ei'oys iooy jneyicrTovs otj I'Ojwovs, /cat TT^OOS TCKVOU opa aeavrov coce TrpovcreXoviuiei'ov' evretTa o tjyov GOV /UL virepotKeiv^ ava< 9 Kparei re T^> CT^J -^pia/nevov TO aov TCKVOV Xoyoicri /cot/may rjpefjiois' rotauTa otj cra / /car , wv Tvpavvos, ws rvpavwos etTre yuot, /aift/tt -^^ < /> Tt o; oeopaKa Twvce /ULTJ Kara^tov 0pov(iov, e/uiou re, roi/ re /3ao-tXt/coy /cparot/9. IDEM GR^CE REDDITUM. BASIAEY2. , w Trpeaflv, /ca opOys /crais ftiov r \ ~ >/ > * aenvais vvwv Tt/uaiatv, ecrr av TOVO dvopos v'tov, os a' e(pvflpiaas eld' ola Kay w adiaiv evocoaet \oyois. Kayd) yap OVTOJS Ttjv Trar^oos TOVJULOV avoqv e^oifj.' av' Eyry^)s ap' e'i/j.' eyw To\/aripov oi/Tft)s avop' e^w*', os els 'yoVor TOV Tovoe Tavcpos yvijaiws 7re \ \ i > , . / Traaiv oiKaiov, ft>s TO Ttpiv TOT ets e/ue. KOI aoi TrpoTeivw Ttjvce oe^idv yepa^ \ ' ' \ ' A> j/ A ft / t av o a>s TraTrjp TOVO avopa Tratoeycrets aei, ^0)(T av 01 tDTOS 6yli/3a'X*7S, TOaaVT 7TtJ \ * \ ,/ ,nf f ' \ f TO AotTTOi/ tjotf (puey^eTai TOV/UOV aTopa Kai TravO v(>rjo~u) TCI/UL eyw /3oi/Xet/jtxaTa rats crats irvxvuis re vai ao(f)aiaiv evroXatS. - x 5 ^ t A .; . . ./ V/ULCIS o , ava/cres, TTOOS (7ftw e/xo< Tooe i TTtaTeveO , tus 6ts TVU.&OV aoAaa"rot/s enrep ev Tafpw Tta TOV QavovTos o'i y e/mot KC!.VTUI TpoTroi' 5 -*.- -v >/ w oe /cen'oi/ A?//i e^rwr XfTrpaJv CTI 4 2 52 SHAKSPEARE. To mock the expectations of the world ; To frustrate prophecies, and to raze out Rotten opinion, which hath writ me down After my seeming-. Tho' my tide of blood Hath proudly flowed in vanity till now ; Now doth it turn and ebb back to the sea, Where it shall mingle with the state of floods, And flow henceforth in formal majesty. Now call we our high court of parliament, And let us choose such limbs of noble counsel, That the great body of our state may go In equal rank with the best governed nation ; That war or peace, or both at once, may be As things acquainted and familiar to us, In which you, father, shall have foremost hand. KING HENRY IV. PART II. ACT v. Sc. 5. KING HENRY. I know thee not, old man : fall to thy prayers ; How ill white hairs become a fool and jester ! KfNG HENRY IV. eicropaj TOO , oJCTTe Ta7 ft/ coatV, o'lTrep OVK op9rjv ypa > yf eypayavT o/UL/uaatv TTCTTO \ f ft - > > , ya^o ev /ueOjOatcrt oei/o aet VTrepKOTTios peprfKev atyuaTos vyy o ai) TeTpaTrrat Kv/uaariv Tra\ippoQoi$ Kai TTjOoc OaXaa'crai' av9is a\lsoppov Tpevei ? X x ft / ou ^vfji/unyeiaa TrayKpaTei Khvccovut) KOGfJUt) TO \OITTOV pGVO~Tai Kai nrjv o Kaipos j^vyKaXeiv travr Tf]V T(l)V 7TpOpOvX(t)V 9 K T T(DV OTTWS TO crai/Lia Tt] VVKTO? ev (pavTao/uaai TOIOVTOV avopa, 7r\rj(riu.ovai? atyKw/mevov, OVTWS dvatcfi teal yepovTa KO&GOV' vvv d' ovv eyepOels 0a<7/u.a TOUT a7re7rri/cra. Tovv9evce Ti/ULtjv /u.o.\\ov rj oe/xas Tpe ^cr^', o TciV fiporcov w ? f i /urjo av fj.e (icopois (TKW/ufj.aa'ii' COKWV n' rto? TOV avrov ocnrep r}\> Trapoy~ / OTCLV O CWOl/CTJJS, 0V 7TOT fC(t)/U.V TpOTTOV eiaavOis rj/jLa? ^tiJvTas, e\9e fj.ov TreXas, ;s ftjs irpiv, otoao'/caXos re /cat Tpocpevs ecret. ai t'Oy a"' eXau^w TOUO CLTTOTTTOV acrreos, $' iaff et /caret* Trai/rey re crot > , TCtVTCl TaTTlTl/Uia. GITOV Trape^tt), /uij rts ouv i//uas /3tof Treicrr) KO.K epya cpq.v dvayicaia s Tt9, ov crToy ravrr) Trapecm OeoOev tj TretOa oi/ro) yap epya TavOe/JLovpy' e yevos fJi\i(rcrtoi>, a'nrep evToXrj (pvcreax; elalv vroX/Tats ra^ews- otocecr/caXot. a?? ecrr ava% re, TrayreXets 1 T* e wy at /xei/, axnrep ot /3e/3(OT6S ei; reXet, o'//cot KoXa^oi/cr', ;v rty e^afiaprcivri, at o eKTTOTaaOat rj/Xocr', e(j.7roptav \ ~ ' / > > ^ To\/u.w(n Kepcous ovi'ev , at o ws rt? KevTpoi(Ji ceivois aw/mar e^ft)7rXtr/xei/at /BXacrras X6^XaroDs TroXXa Trpayi*.a.T ecrr ei/ai/Tt'at? ooots 7TOO9 TOLVTOV rjKClV' TToXXa TOt (j6\r) GKO7TOV aXX aXXo^ev pupOevO' evos rv^eiv ^tXel, TroXXcu 0' ooo< /COT' O.GTV ;c aTrovotj Traptj, irpdyrj Trpofiaivoi KO.I fiXafitjs avev TO.-^ av. iff ovv 10' ets T>/*/ KeXTiKijif, TavTrjs Troiqcrov, ? acrreyoa? KCIK.WS CLTTOCrTaTOVVTClS WOe KCpTO/JiWV, avO v 'icrov FAQ. ovoe yap TOVTOV -rrdpos O.VO.KT aXrjdws el^ev, 6s Tvpavvos wv ai'opos TupavvevovTov amav opuas e (fiepcov cnrrjXOe TravTi/jiov yepas. EH. Oprjvovfj.ev >JjueiS evovroi Ka\v/uLfj.a(ri ' T'I o OVK. ev cu/tAaros a\l/oppos tj IDEM GR^CE REDDITUM. HYKEAAH. BOYPFOYNAIOS. FlYK. OVK eta /3Xe\|/ets Ka\\iKap7rov ets -^d KeXrt/o/i', TJ/I/ Trarpio ; ov/c b\|/6t re oeivaJi; iranfydyw cuKpOopq f TO irpocrQe /caXXos rj /3Xe7Tt Tts KCI/ULCVOV r y' acepKTovs vrjiriov /cot/jia woe i>u /ujoe voau>' TO. TroXXa cepKOv rpaufJLaT- , e a cr^erXt'ots eTpwaas ev ffrepvot^ ^t'0os ce Qt}KTQV t avTo/u.ai cr' 3 /cat ?rate TOI/ /BXaTTToi' TOJ/ 7 TfSi'd eiranTtov a'i/ULa.ToppvTovs i^ocrret cri) Toii'uv O/JL/UL eywv caKpvppoovr, /cat /cXy^ie xai/ras TraTpicos aXyeivds a7rr CT t>4 SHAKSPEARE. BUR. Either she hath bewitch'd me with her words, Or nature makes me suddenly relent. PUC. Besides, all French and France exclaims on thee, Doubting thy birth and lawful progeny. Who join'st thou with, but with a lordly nation, That will not trust thee, but for profit's sake ? When Talbot hath set footing once in France, And fashion'd thee that instrument of ill, Who then, but English Henry, will be lord, And thou be thrust out, like a fugitive ? Call we to mind, and mark but this, for proof; Was not the Duke of Orleans thy foe ? And was he not in England prisoner ? But, when they heard he was thine enemy, They set him free, without his ranson paid, In spite of Burgundy, and all his friends. See then ! thou fight'st against thy countrymen, And join'st with them will be thy slaughter-men. Come, come, return ; return, thou wand'ring lord ; Charles, and the rest, will take thee in their arms. KING HENRY VI. 65 T>/~\\S' -\ ' ' $ ~ "/ >fft -\ X ' ' ' rSUi. \v e-nvodais eiT efeXe /* / yvvvj, eiT ay m' a(pi/(t) Ti9t](j-i /maX9aKOV I1YK. Kctl Trpos 'ye royrots irav TO K\TIKOV TO.VVV cr eXey^ov Tvy^av crtjv evyeveiav yvrjaiav r e-^ov (pvariv. iroiov yap eOvos earii/ w virep(ppov v\l/iKo/JLirov ovoe ) ov ffoi y aj/a/cTos vios ^f os jyv TTOT* at^aXwros er -arap /ua^ovres Toyrov e^Opov OVTO. trot rjXevOepwaav, XvTpov ov oeoe r y/u.ei/ot, AOI rayra croy re TWJ/ re crwi/ 79 ^J/? TtjcToe 'xa'i/u.a.Toa'Ta.ytls , a^I/crat <7>7S rvpavvicos reXos- 01)0' otos el at) racroe Trpiv y' av /c ecre\0eiv, ovpavov fj.apTVpoiJ.ai, yap efffiev ets TO trav opfj. / TW enrep a>o KtvcvvevfiaT ev cr/JUKpip a"Kafjies TO vvv To K\TWV v0' opfjLTjs Twvoe naTBaveiv /ue aXX OVK av K (Ta(f> 'icr/uey, evTrpocr^yopov crro/xa TO irpiv Tra^oet^e, xy/mepfOTepav (fivariv. et "yap TTOT avTov Trj\o9ev vrep O ets yrjv evdecos /carets ) UXTTC 9avfjia Trj<$ ctTraaiv 01 TOO eicroiTaxr' eoov. TO.VVV eKevw Kav ewos or' aXXor' aXXoi/ iras i\wv c ' \ $ * " y j~ ~ 'j. ae< o( opyqs ^vvvewrj vw/ucov o(ppvv 72 SHAKSPBARK. And passeth by with stiff unbowed knee, Disdaining duty that to us belongs. Small curs are not regarded, when they grin; But great men tremble, when the lion roars; And Humphrey is no little man in England. First, note, that he is near you in descent; And should you fall, he is the next will mount. Me seemeth then, it is no policy, Respecting what a rancorous mind he bears, And his advantage following your decease, That he should come about your royal person, Or be admitted to your highness* council. By flattery hath he won the commons 1 hearts, And when he please to make commotion, 'Tis to be fear'd, they all will follow him. KING HENRY VI. PART II. ACT in. Sc. I. KING HENRY. QUEEN MARGARET. K. HEN. My lords, what to your wisdoms seemeth best, Do, or undo, as if ourself were here. Q. MAR. What, will your highness leave the par- liament ? KING HENRY VI. 73 jv, (TKvOpcoTros, ov Ka/jiTTTcov yovv TO& VO"IKOV i rjj.v virovpyev ov ov TOI (bofieiTcti TIS KVV&JV avSpes $* apiGToi rov flapv(f)0oyyov Aeoi/Tos eK(f)euyovcriv eTTTorf/uevoi. (pepei $ o$ dvrip afyw/jL ev 'Ayy\ia ov TovXa^tuTov' wv yap a yevei /movap^a crov Qavovros ev /ue/oet UKrjTTTp eK^e^oiT av' Toiyap ov > - ?$ r n \ i CKCIVOV (ace crot papvv TrpocrKeifJievov, Kal icepcos G\TTi(ovTa i>. IDEM GR^CE REDDITUM. BASIAEYS. MAPFAPHTH. l'i \ 1 ''Ocr', wvopes, vju.iv \fsrjs irapavriK f-^uov yvw/unjv e^ets w 74 SHAKSPEARE. K. HEN. Aye, Margaret ; my heart is drowned with grief, Whose flood begins to flow within mine eyes ; My body round engirt with misery; For what's more miserable than discontent? Ah, Uncle Humphrey! in thy face I see The map of honour, truth, and loyalty; And yet, good Humphrey, is the hour to come, That e'er I prov'd thee false, or fear'd thy faith. What lowering star now envies thy estate, That these great lords, and Margaret our Queen, Do seek subversion of thy harmless life? Thou never didst them wrong, nor no man wrong : And as the butcher takes away the calf, And binds the wretch, and beats it when it strays, Bearing it to the bloody slaughter-house; Even so, remorseless, have they borne him hence. And as the dam runs lowing up and down, Looking the way her harmless young one went, And can do nought but wail her darling's loss ; Even so myself bewails good Gloster's call, With sad unhelpful tears; and with dimm'd eyes Look after him, and cannot do him good ; So mighty are his vowed enemies. KING HENRY VI. 75 BA2. too e^et, yvvcti. l fJLev n (fipqv aXyecriv I/TOS o/u./u.d.T(av \ ~ W > > / TO (jojjua o GGTIV ey KCIKCOV apKV(TTaTOis, T'I yap KO.KIOV T^9 dOi/ju/as e0y ; taoe\(f) TOVJU.OV Trar^oos, Ov/ji(f)pecov Xe'ytt), rot fiXeTTOuai ariv Trpocro^iv efji ./ v^ y- / >V if ft > * 1 airi(jTov OVT r]\ey^a a , ovo eceicr eyw ' > >i t / / /AT/ TTCDS yevoi curicrTos vcrrepw icai croi TI'S cusTrip (pQovij&e r oioe Kolpavoi yvvrf T TI a a/3\a/3^ /3/oi'; aXX ovTe TOVTOVS OVT ap dvdpWTrwv TWO. epXa\^as OUTTOT * ^ i /~ TOCTOUTOS eo"Tt Tiav VHO/U.OTWV CTTOAOS OGOKTI cuffna^ei' KC'IVOV o eyw 76 SHAKSPEARE. His fortunes I will weep; and 'twixt each groan Say Who's a traitor? Gloster he is none. [Exit. KING HENRY VI. PART II. ACT in. Sc. 2. KING. WARWICK. SUFFOLK. KING. O Thou that judgest all things, stay my thoughts, My thoughts that labour to persuade my soul, Some violent hands were laid on Humphrey's life! If my suspect be false, forgive me, God ! For j udgment only doth belong to thee. Fain would I go to chafe his paly lips With twenty thousand kisses, and to drain Upon his face an ocean of salt tears; To tell my love unto his dumb deaf trunk, And with my fingers feel his hand unfeeling; But all in vain are these mean obsequies; And, to survey his dead and earthly image, What were it but to make my sorrow greater ? WAR. Come hither, gracious sovereign, view this body. KING HENRY VI. 77 vaicpvwv ev yuecrots Xew yoois irpoooTrjs T9 effTiv ; ov yap ovv o IDEM GR^CE REDDITUM. BASIAEYS. OYAPOYIKOS. SOY*OAKOS. BA2. 'A\\' to CTI) iraaiv 09 TO. T^S StKjj? ve/txety, aTraXXa-ya? /wot Trj |07/^as Te caKpvwv a\fj.vp(av irXri^vpio Tcyyoifj.' av o\^iv roi/oe, /cat KOMpov vrpoa'rjyopoirji' 0tXrarot9 Xo'yots, X e P^ ayviaToptvaf. 78 SHAKSPEAKE. KING. That is to see how deep my grave is made ; For, with his soul, fled all my worldly solace, For seeing him I see my life in death. WAR. As surely as my soul intends to live With that dread King, that took our state upon him To free us from his Father's wrathful curse, I do believe that violent hands were laid Upon the life of this thrice-famed duke. SUFF. A dreadful oath, sworn with a solemn tongue. What instance gives Lord Warwick for his vow? WAR. See, how the blood is settled in his face ! Oft have I seen a timely-parted ghost, Of ashy semblance, meagre, pale, and bloodless, Being all descended to the labouring heart; Who, in the conflict that it holds with death, Attracts the same for aidance 'gainst the enemy ; Which with the heart there cools, and ne'er returneth To blush and beautify the cheek again. But, see, his face is black, and full of blood; His eyeballs further out than when he lived, Staring full ghastly, like a strangled man ; His hair uprear'd, his nostrils stretched with struggling; KING HENRY VI. 79 BA2. TVJU.POV fiev ovv 6e(t)po$ o>s /3a9v ' ~^ ' I ~ ' KcnreiTa Oeiov TOVO opcav TedvtjKOTa opw TOV d/uLOv OVKCT ev (pdei (3iov. OYAP. e^ pot Tis e\7TK eo~T efjujv TU> Tray rt> /l~/3' * I $ ' os e/c ueov ppoTetov ?/ / uei\|/ei> oe^ias Xv&wv eyKOTows apas /3tatat9 %e/ocrt TTtareua) Oavetv TO Tovoe 0ft)Tos ey/cXeecrraToi; Kapa.. 2OY. /meyav TOV opKov ic(3a\cov OYAP. o/oas Trapeiai*} at/u' evoi^ fieXa/uLTrayes rj TroXXaKts 1 /u.ei/ el^ov (apaiov veitpov avai/ULdTov \evKrj re T * > / > to) ^OftJS CTTJKCT ' ' /3 * >/ /3; irpo eis aycova TOV TrpoKeiitevov KaXei / I OavaTov TTIOVTOS ^v^.TrapaaTaTrjv Keap' aicpais Trapeidv OVKCT ev(f>paiv(av pootis. o av o~oi Tovoe yaiactTos TrXea /v ' oe TftJi/Tos acrrpo0ot Kopat o III oo~o~wv, OVO~OCITOV e'laioeiv^ opOrj oe 9pi ecrTrjKe' KOK TraXato'/xartwi/ pives TCTavTai' TWV vepcav oe oa/cTi/Xot piyovo~ avcnrTvvOevTesy o>v OCTTIS /3i'oi IX ' ? '/l /O' /cat /u./i> /cofi>7 KCKpafjiev eio~ioeiv irdpa T < > / > / ; $ \ 06 80 SHAKSPEARE. His hands abroad displayM, as one that grasped And tugg'd for life, and was by strength subdued. Look, on the sheets, his hair, you see, is sticking; His well-proportioned beard made rough and rugged, Like to the summer's corn by tempest lodged. It cannot be, but he was murderM here; The least of all these signs were probable. KING HENRY VI. PART III. ACT i. Sc. 4. YORK. The army of the queen hath got the field, My uncles both are slain in rescuing me; And all my followers to the eager foe Turn back, and fly, like ships before the wind, Or lambs pursued by hunger-starved wolves; My sons God knows what hath bechanced them: But this I know, they have demeaned themselves Like men born to renown, by life, or death. Three times did Richard make a lane to me; And thrice cried Courage, father ! fight it out ! And full as oft came Edward to my side With purple falchion, painted to the hilt KING HENRY Vf. 81 '' - . \ W rf vwa(T/u.a.T evvtjs rjpivos o wcrirep o/JiftpoKTinrois ^et/JiUJO'iv eKTropOov/uevos, ' '-JL ' ' 'S ^aiTt) 7re(ppiKv evTOivov 'yei/etacos 1 . OVK ea9 OTTO;? OUK evOao TjVTtja'ev (bo yap ecrrt TOVTO o TO!;/ TK/u.r)piwv, IDEM GREECE REDDITUM. OYOPKO2. To T;S avcHrcrrjs crrnj.epov viKrji' (ppe &TpdTev/j.a, teapot , KO.TI Tra? oijiwv OTTO ff OTTWS I'ai/s 7rvevfjia.T/00|OOS, QuopKOs fj Bapot/coy" aXX" ovcev Xeyta. TO o a'l/uaTwOev /cat /caragac^ei/ ^e/ias 62 84 SHAKSPEARE. That I must yield my body to the earth, And, by my fall, the conquest to the foe. Thus yields the cedar to the axe's edge, Whose arms gave shelter to the princely eagle, Under whose shade the ramping lion slept: Whose top-branch overpeer'd Jove spreading tree, And kept low shrubs from winter's powerful wind. These eyes, that now are dimm'd with death's black veil, Have been as piercing as the mid-day sun, To search the secret treasons of the world; The wrinkles in my brows, now fill'd with blood, Were liken'd oft to kingly sepulchres; For who liv'd king, but I could dig his grave? And who durst smile, when Warwick bent his brow ? Lo, now my glory smear' d in dust and blood ! My parks, my walks, my manors that I had, Even now forsake me; and of all my lands Is nothing left*me but my body's length ! Why, what is pomp, rule, reign, but earth and dust? And, live we how we can, yet die we must. KING HEXRY VI. 85 ecft^ev daOevrjs craOpq. vocrw o>9 vvv /ULfOeivai Trji'de crap/to. yfj Kcti crjioHTi irayKpaTes viKrjs yepas. Toiovce TriTvei ^aXxe'as vir e/u/3oX?9 / /$ r /^ x ^ 7re/ ev ayKa\ais TO irpiv ./ /t/ t , / opvis eaTeyatcT ateToy, / / rf >o^ T etcvwaaev efcr/cto /\ \ i " r c/oas cnreipye ^ei/uaxo? TTIKOOV irvoas- OVTOI o afJLctvpwOevTes o Kpv yap Tvpavvwv ov TOT r\v eyco TaveTos vyi/ o' ay (povw /u.oi Kal Kovei /cXeos TeTjjKev' aXcrewv T' dypwv T yu> \e\eifjL/uiat, KOV fiei/ei cr/uiKpov /me el fit] ^Xaiva (rv/j./u.Tpov TI yap TpvCT uvfJiOV/ULevov TiS yovaai Trpocnreawv Tore taurjv ayav /u torpwc Ka/m(f>9tjvai (ppeva ; T<9 TCIVTOV at/ma TraT^oov etTre ; rt's (f)i\ous doe\s eirel \^v^oppayet icpvcrTaXXoTrrjyi yrjs eKei/meO ev Treoy, Tots oicrt TreTrXoij ey/zei'ft)? r)/u,7ria"% /ue, auros o aTreTrXos (papecov TOVTWV o air d/uys Kctpcias w/uos ^0 /u.vr)fjitjv airdvrwv dvoaiws d(f)eiXero, Kovcels ToO' v/jiwv vovQereiv (piXws /u' rXr/. 88 SHAKSPEABE. But when your carters, or your waiting vassals, Have done a drunken slaughter, and defaced The precious image of our dear Redeemer, You straight are on your knees for pardon, pardon; And I, unjustly too, must grant it you: But for my brother, not a man would speak, Nor I (ungracious) speak unto myself For him, poor soul. The proudest of you all Have been beholden to him in his life; Yet none of you would once plead for his life. O God ! I fear thy justice will take hold On me, and you, and mine, and yours, for this. KING RICHARD III. ACT v. Sc. 3. STANLEY. RICHMOND. STAN. Fortune and Victory sit on thine helm ! RICH. All comfort that the dark night can afford, Be to thy person, noble father-in-law ! Tell me, how fares our loving mother ? STAN. I, by attorney, bless thee from thy mother, KING RICHARD III. 89 OTO.V 06 y VfJLCOV &fJiW$ % OlOLKOVOl pTrXrjcrOevTes epcwcriv \ * V - ^ $ / ovo , (o/uos wi', rjfivva TM cucrcai/u.ovi ai/To? TTjOos av-rov \i7raprj ^vvOels Xoyov. > > "/ /' ' /U.GV of ' ' ' y ~ o a IDEM GREECE REDDITUM. 2TANAEIO2. PIXMQNAO. aet TO crov Tyy>; T apiffTtj /cat 9ac qXOov, r\v /aev ev TrpuiTois avi]p, vvv o oucev ei/jLi' rwv c e/u.a>v ev Tfooe y eijULt /maXXov oXfiiwTepos' ato"V|OOt yap OVTOI TJ?S aXijOeias a>s oeivov earti/, OVTTOT riceaav Otjaco 6 eir avTrj crj/^xepoi' " t TvpavviKOv o ''Ei'ptffoy e/3oo/uos ToQoV T TOV/ULOV (f)apevTos TrctTpos, wy avaKT TOV irapoiOe (j. eyicXtjpov T T ay^ts TOVVOJU. e% '- Jv \ - * ** -/ afj.ov a\\a vvv O.VTOV re/cj/oi/, *i/Ati; 0^0009 KetcXti/uLevos, ovofj.a fiiov TC Kal fiey e^/cXees (T6/3a$ 94 SHAKSPEARE. That made me happy, at one stroke has taken For ever from the world. I had my trial, And, must needs say, a noble one ; which makes me A little happier than my wretched father : Yet thus far we are one in fortunes, both Fell by our servants, by those men we lov'd most ; A most unnatural and faithless service ! Heaven has an end in all ; yet, you that hear me, This from a dying man receive as certain: Where you are liberal of your loves and counsels, Be sure, you be not loose ; for those you make friends, And give your hearts to, when they once perceive The least rub in your fortunes, fall away Like water from ye, never found again But where they mean to sink ye. All good people, Pray for me ! I must now forsake ye; the last hour Of my long weary life is come upon me. Farewell : And when you would say something sad, Speak how I fell. I have done; and God forgive me ! KING HENRY VIII. 95 KOI TTCtvO Off eCTTl KTJ^CtT oX/3iCtS yuta Te TrXrjyrj ets aei /UL cKpeiXeTo. Kat /uryv expivav Trjv ejurjv vt/nv&y OIKIJV 'itroi cutaGTai, KOVK airapvoviiai TO jmtj' KO.V Tipce y ei/u.1 TO. o a\\' e-^ovT\ofjicr9a 7rpo(77ro\(t)v VTTO TWV CV flpOTOiat w>v Koivwviav Te TTjOocroe^j/cr^e, Trjv vireppeTpo cnrovorjv (buXcKrcrecrO ' 019 yap eunievoas (pi\(a<} T e^rjTe, Trayres, rjv (r9 7rato69 acr/fot9 KouCbovoi (popou/Jiet'oi, i i TTOVTOV TIV eupvv eKTTfpwv evco^ias TrXecav T apov\w - \ ' a) , y/uas y ofa vvv cecopKe o' TJ/J.IV KO.IVOV ev (ppevlv (t)(Tf TI or)Ta fjuopos ota fJia^t}^ Tts KOV TXct TO. ceiva TTCLVT ei T'I o ov KaQevoei TOW GVO.VTIOVS ' ' >\ -v / \ / Ta.fj.eiv eaaas ovoe Ka)\vcra.s TO fjnj ; ei o ecrTif ecrOXos wo o TXrjcriKcipoios, T'I TO o-Tpa.TVfJM oel ffrpaTeveadai Todt ; , \ \ * - ~ ei yap TO TMjvai TOUTO KC OVTW nev rjiiwv eicrlv yvvaines ecra) ova? o ct[j.eivoi> rj Xetov "^fti cr) papvvBels vaX/cea>i/ oecr/utoi/ ireoats Kpnov Travovpyos (paiveTai cro0a)Tepos, ^/ i/ * j. -y et o^ TO Traa^eiv ovo/ma TOU (ppoveiv ^X 6 *' 7-2 100 SHAKSPEARE. As you are great, be pitifully good: Who cannot condemn rashness in cold blood ? To kill, I grant, is sin's extremest gust; But, in defence, by mercy 'tis most just. To be in anger is impiety ; But who is man, that is not angry? Weigh but the crime with this. 2 SEN. You breathe in vain. ALC. In vain? his service done At Lacedsemon, and Byzantium, Were a sufficient briber for his life, l SEN. What's that? ALC. Why, I say, my lord, h' as done fair service, And slain in fight many of your enemies. JULIUS C^SAR. ACT i. Sc. 2. BRUTUS. CASSIUS. BRU. What means this shouting ? I do fear the people Choose Caesar for their king. CAS. Ay, do you fear it ? Then must I think you would not have it so. BRU. I would not, Cassius, yet I love him well : TIMON OF ATHENS. 101 aXX' (poveveiV) old e'yw, Ka/caJi/ TreXet irdvTWv KO.KKTTOV, t}v ()' a/ULVveeOcti ^e7, fj.apTvpofj.ai TOV EXeoi', evciKtog e^et. T/S o OI/TTOT /X$e ota OVTWS a-TaOfj.tjaai Trjv ap-apTiav BOY. B. /jLarrjv rd Traj/ra -ravra y e/cTrveycray AAK. fj.a.TY]v ; xa o ovi/ VTT' dvcpos TOVTOV KUTCI ^TTctpTrjv T /cat t/cai/o? TOV ai/Tov yutcr^os s eTretfcacrat, OeXovTi Tovpyov. BPO. oy -ya'/o ouv, to KaVo-te, 9e\ovTi y ecrTt Ka'nrep ev QiXovvTi viv. 102 SHAKSPEARE. But wherefore do you hold me here so long ? What is it that you would impart to me ? If it be aught toward the general good, Let honour in one eye, and death i' the other, And I will look on both indifferently : For let the gods so speed me, as I love The name of honour more than I fear death. CAS. I know that virtue to be in you, Brutus, As well as I do know your outward favour. Well, honour is the subject of my story I cannot tell, what you and other men Think of this life ; but, for my single self, I had as lief not be, as live to be In awe of such a thing as myself. I was born free as Caesar ; so were you : We both feel as well ; and we can both Endure the winters, as well as he. For once, upon a raw and gusty day, The troubled Tyber chafing with her shores, Caesar said to me, " Dar'st thou, Cassius, now Leap in with me into this angry flood, And swim to yonder point ?" Upon the word Accouter'd as I was, I plunged in, And bade him follow : so, indeed, he did. JULIUS C.ESAH. 103 TI o tod e^ei JJLOV rovce rov /maicpov T/S o eaO o tmv9os ov /ne KOivwvelv e aXX el TI jMeXXets Ttjs TroXeais 1 vTre^o \eyetv, TC avaTov T eicriceiv O/ULOV irapov afj.(j)on> e'ywye TYIV 'tarjv wpav ve/u.ca. OVTCO "yap tjfjiiv eley t'Xetu deal w? avTo /maXXof oi/o/txa Tiys Ti/urjs (j)i\u> ij KO.I irapovTa Oavarov oppoucco 7reXa9. KA2. eywye /mevToi, / ar\ (ppevl ttf ft/ ?! VOfi'l^ls e/iot ^prjaOai KptTrj, ^~ / y~ / W ,/ y~ - oy CIJT en {TIV /cepoos, et /tie ^awra oei aXXoi' Tii/' ofos etj".' e^w oeooiKevat. ws Katcra|0, awT09 T' e^etpvv eXevOepos (TV T ovoev rjcrcrov, ra9 T ras avrw /3opds /3ef3pu>KafjLev t /cat Tpa^v ^et/xaJi/o? Kpvos ' - ? 'v , f ov KapTepovfjLev ijcrcrov evTOApup (ppevt. ev rj/uepa yap eure owo'^t/uots Tri/oeus evs et^oy, OTrXots trav Tre(f>payfj.evo^ oe'/tzas, v /$t /5 ^ _, , >;o>/ TTOT ev ^ei/AWO'iv eioov evirayei*} ' t ^ -. i . , eu^tcr/uei'as o/ous Trvev/uLctTwv UTT aypuov, Kai TOV piaiov ova"viiu.ov TTOVTOV aaXov a(f)p(p Ka^Xa^ovT eloov 106 SHAKSPEARE. To be exalted with the threatening clouds : But never till to-night, never till now, Did I go through a tempest dropping fire. Either there is a civil strife in heaven ; Or else the world, too saucy with the gods, Incenses them to send destruction. CIC. Why, saw you any thing more wonderful ? CAS. A common slave (you know him well by sight,) Held up his left hand, which did flame, and burn, Like twenty torches join'd : and yet his hand, Not sensible of fire, remained unschorchM. Besides, (I have not since put up my sword,) Against the Capitol, I met a lion, Who glar'd upon me, and went surly by, Without annoying me : and there were drawn Upon a heap a hundred ghastly women, Transformed with their fear ; who swore, they saw Men, all in fire, walk up and down the streets. And, yesterday, the bird of night did sit, Even at noon-day, upon the market-place, Hooting, and shrieking. When these prodigies Do so conjointly meet, let not men say, These are their reasons, They are natural ; For, I believe, they are portentous things Unto the climate that they point upon. JULIUS C.ESAR. 107 ovpavov. dXX ov Trplv eXQelv evcppovrjv Tavrrju irore rjor] OueXXav (TTCfy 'ocas \e7crav Trvpos ; r\ Tts Trapfcrnv ev Qeols avap^ia^ rj Oeovs KaQvpp'iCovTes cKhpoves ppoToi (DTpvvov WK.VV oXeOpov evaKT)\l/ai -)(Qovi. KIK. KCU TTW? ; T'I TWVO oXyiov dyyeXXeis repas ; KA2. ooi/Xos rts 6s crot r yva)(TTO9, tus COKW, Kvpei, aiOovcrav wcnrep Xa/HTracwv iroXXwv ixpels race 1 " ' HJLCGOvvKTioiai crw/ua /ctfoui/efjuacrti/, oi/ro) c , OTTOJS vyy etaopa?, a^wi/09 a>y a(p^Ka yufjivoi> ry Kepavviip /3e\et arepvov TOO , evre o daTpcnrrjipopoi KO\7TOV COKOLV OV pCtVOV fJLCCTOV TC/Uie'lf, ereAa9 TT^OOS awro ical fioXrjv avreGTUTovv. KAZK. TI raur' eopatras TU>V Qewv T p 00 V/oQeV TOlOKTCe > >t 0> TOO OVK eoetgas, oi//c e^eis o opQov T e/mflXeirwv /cat V7rep(f>va TOCO aiOepos fiXeirwv KOTOV- el T(avo aXrjOeis aiTias (3ov\ei aKoireiv> 01 a)i' VTrepflaivovaiv evvo/nov (pvs /cat irXevpd ' itelvo d^iov o~Teveiv /ca/coi', / f /3 ' ' ' ' J - J. ' . Tra.Tep(uv OUOVVGK ev Tafpia Keivrai G>oecej, 112 SHAKSPEAKE. And we are governed with our mothers 1 spirits ; Our yoke and sufferance shew us womanish. CASC. Indeed, they say, the senators to-morrow Mean to establish Caesar as a king ; And he shall wear his crown by sea and land, In every place save here in Italy. CASS. I know where I will wear this dagger then ; Cassius from bondage will deliver Cassius. Therein ye gods, ye make the weak most strong, Therein ye gods you tyrants do defeat : Nor strong tower, nor walls of beaten brass, Nor airless dungeon, nor strong links of iron, Can be retentive to the strength of spirit : But life being weary of these worldly bars, Never lacks power to dismiss itself. If I know this, know all the world besides, That part of tyranny that I do bear I can shake off at pleasure. JULIUS CAESAR. ACT in. Sc. 2. ANTONY. Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. JULIUS C.ESAH. 113 j/jue'9 oe Xrj/u.a /uqTepuav KCKTrjfjievoi avio"xofjifv cepaicri covXiov fyyov, orjXoi d ap ecrfJLev OqXvvoi 7T0y/coTey. KA2K. aXX' ot yepovres, wcnrep tj 0art? KpaT~i, 6i9 avpiov /ueXXoMTU) eyKaQiGTavat TroXet Tvpavvov Kaiaap', wcrre /cai/ 7re'^ ovd dvrjXioi (TTeyai ovc av fficripos eipydOeiv (ppevwv /uej/os. /Si'os oe OvrjTwv Kopov e^co aet TTOT' ai/ro? avrov e^eX/cetf *//u.et? oe OvrjTOi raurct ^iot IDEM GREECE REDDITUM. ANTQNI02. Q yrjs TroXiTai Trja-oe TrctTpipas (j)iXot, CLKovaaff rjimwv' TOVO eya) TOV Kaia~apa. Bd^/iav irapetfjit, /couocr/moJs eiraiveatav. 8 114 SHAKSPEARE. The evil that men do lives after them ; The good is oft interred with their bones ; So let it be with Caesar ! The noble Brutus Hath told you Caesar was ambitious : If it were so, it was a grievous fault, And grievously hath Caesar answer 1 d it. Here, under leave of Brutus, and the rest, (For Brutus is an honourable man ; So are they all, all honourable men) Come I to speak in Caesar ''s funeral. He was my friend, faithful and just to me: But Brutus says he was ambitious ; And Brutus is an honourable man. He hath brought many captives home to Rome, Whose ransoms did the general coffers fill : Did this in Caesar seem ambitious ? When that the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept : Ambition should be made of sterner stuff: Yet Brutus says he was ambitious ; And Brutus is an honourable man. You all did see, that, on the Lupercal, I thrice presented him a kingly crown, Which he did thrice refuse. Was this ambition ? Yet Brutus says he was ambitious ; And sure he is an honourable man. JULIUS CAESAR. 115 xal /mrjv ocr av iroiwcriv avQpunroi KCIKO. avriav QavovTwv ^tjv (ptXei ' TO ^prjcrTci o av TO5 etrnv evyevijs eif rty ftporwv. 82 SHAKSPKAKK. ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA. ACT v. Sc. 2. CLEOPATRA. DOLABELLA. CLE. I dreamed there was an emperor Antony ; O, such another sleep, that I might see But such another man ! DOL. If it might please you CLE. His face was as the heavens ; and therein stuck A sun, and moon ; which kept their course, and lighted The little O, the earth. DOL. Most sovereign creature CLE. His legs bestrid the ocean ; his rear'd arm Crested the world : his voice was property 'd As all the tuned spheres, and that to friends ; But when he meant to quail, and shake the orb, He was as rattling thunder. For his bounty, There was no winter in 't ; an autumn 'twas, That grew the more by reaping : his delights Were dolphin-like ; they strew'd his back above The element they lived in : in his livery Walk'd crowns, and crownets ; realms and islands were As plates drop't from his pocket. ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA. 117 IDEM GREECE REDDITUM. KAEOIIATPA. AOAABEAAA2. KAE. Aeft> nev elcos WKTepuv ovetpdrcav. ecoKovv Tvpavvov eiaiceiv 'Avrwviov' ei yap Toiovoe cevrepov Tyyotju. itirvov, ~S j ^ ' ^5 ' >> i '-v Toiovoe u)ft)TO9 Xeyev Trpotrwirov wcnrep ovpavos T v / x ' ' ' ~ ev (p Ge\rjvr]s rj\iov T evrfv a.fJL(p(a oe Xa/unrpdi? ev cpo/mois r\ QaXTTOVTe yalas evKuicXov cr/miKpov Trecov. AOA. ft) TrXeidTa Tracrwv evyevecrTaTtj ywq KAE. UKeXotv /uev aXitov oyros dfjL5 OTrwpa, Kal yap qv^rjOr} irXewv / > - ~/ ni ocrw TIS avTov nei^ov rjnecrev uepos. ceX0Jp o OTTO)? eTrat^ei^, os /uerapcria SeiKVucri i/tora XOIT/UL virep QaXaaaiov. CTTed)r] o OTTiaQ ecrTet^e /cat rjaav oe VJJCTOI Ttpoe KUI Zwvrjs oTTws i/outVwaT O 118 8HAKSPEARE. DOL. Cleopatra CLE. Think you, there was, or might be, such a man As this I dreanTd of? TITUS ANDRONICUS. ACT i. Sc. 2. TITUS. Hail, Rome, victorious in thy mourning weeds ! So, as the bark, that hath discharged her fraught, Returns with precious lading to the bay, From whence at first she weighed her anchorage, Cometh Andronicus, bound with laurel boughs, To resalute his country with his tears ; Tears of true joy for his return to Rome Thou great defender of this Capitol, Stand gracious to the rites that we intend ! Romans, of five and twenty valiant sons, Half of the number that king Priam had, Behold the poor remains, alive, and dead ! These that survive, let Rome reward with love ; These, that I bring unto their latest home, ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA. 119 AOA. aXX (i) Kpd.TiGTOv Traat KXeoTrdrpas xdpa KAE. a\\' e'nre Trorepa croi coKe7 Tre(j)VKevai avrjp TOIOVTO<} rj yevtjueaOai TTOTC, oiovTrep ev Toicro eioo/jujv oveipacriv ; IDEM GILECE REDDITUM. TITOS. KO.V *, Pta/Jit]' vaup y a p fVTrpeTTtjs OTTWS (froprov jMeraXXa^aera, TrXovaiov TTjOOS KO\7TOV O.\)Ql7jO, oe^oio Trpev/uevys Tr a /ueXXojuei/ croi vvv KaTaffTtjcreiv T\rj. aXX e'tKocriv KO.I TTCVT EJULOV Tre KXeivwv dpiQ/ULOv Ylpta/u.i$(av TOV TO. \i\l/av etcrojOare, Pftj^uatot, TGKVIOV, TOVS HJ.GV Oavovras, TOWS o er' oiras ev epw vvv TT/OOS cofAOVs ira.vvffTa.Tovs 120 SHAKSPEARE. With burial among their ancestors ; Here Goths hath given me leave to sheath my sword Titus, unkind, and careless of thine own, Why suffer'st thou thy sons, unburied yet, To hover on the dreadful shore of Styx ? Make way to lay them by their brethren. There greet in silence, as the dead are wont, And sleep in peace, slain in your country's wars ! O sacred receptacle of my joys, Sweet cell of virtue and nobility, How many sons of mine hast thou in store,. That thou wilt never render to me more ? TITUS ANDRONICUS. ACT i. Sc. 2. LUCIUS. TITUS. TAMORA* LUC. Give us the proudest prisoner of the Goths T That we may hew his limbs, and, on a pile, Ad manes fratrum sacrifice his flesh, Before this earthly prison of their bones ; TITUS ANDRONICUS. 121 vvv yap /"' eSxri (3ap(3apoi VIKW/ULCVOI p.eQeivai (paayavov Qr}Krji/ aXX J/T eacret? Tovaoe rous veitpovs en aMot'pous, cvcfyjL/JLOv KCLTO. Sryyoy ~/3 " 5 '\ /I * TTOTaavai ; i/wv o aTreXaer /caXtoi/ TC KayaOwv KCiTai tTTrooo?, Troaov TI 7r\r]0o9 eXovrey e> fieXtj otapprj^wjuev ayp'uo %i(pei KO.VTOU Trvpcis TrdpoiOe Ouaw^ev / r)fj.u>v aoeX0oTs TOIS KO.TU) )(0oviov TrdpotOe TOV$ ev (p KeVbHTTCLl TWV $i$(t)ju.i, Tcav T ev (pact iroXv (f)ept(TTOv ovra, Ttjcrce TrpeufBia'Tov yovov yvvaiKo<$, rj vvv Tracr eXrjXarai KCIKOIS. pwv j*uyyvijs o/xtXta" GV T pods, e/cart 7ratoo9, aXyicrTov trd.Qo'S. TTOT rjffav 0/Xraroi Traces cre^ei/, TraToas y aXX' et rt fiovXei Beoiis oftoiouaOai (pucriv, eXeov ofj.oi(00r)Ti ftovicoXwv pwv ydp eXeos e&Tiv d^fsevces Te/ yyeye/as" Toiyap u>v Tpi 7ra7, Xo'yoi', ot ov TI fiei^ov TWV KaaiyvrjTwv fj.epos Tpirov Xa/3ot9 av ; vvv yap e^enreiv OK/JLIJ. KOP. a'XX' ov yap, wva%, ov$i> evveireiv e\(v. AE. 7rd)9 elTras ; ovcev ; KOP. o^eV. AE. aXX' air ovSevos ovoev yei'oiT av' 0/oa^e SeuTepw Xoyw. KOP. o'i/ULOi TaXaiva, Kapoiav yap OVK eyto ota T eTrqpai o~TOfjLUTos et9 aicpav eycoye /ULCVTOI cr , ws Be/mis, GTepyw, our ovv ayav OVT ei/oeto? 7roiov/u.evrj. AE. KojOoj/X/a, TTOJS etTras ; a>s eVrt'i/w, 7reia9ei(ra. croi, cfTepyovaa nal (refiovcra crot> irXeicrTov Kapa. 126 SHAKSPEARE. Why have my sisters husbands, If they say They love you, all ? Haply when I shall wed, That lord, whose hand must take my plight, shall carry Half my love with him, half my care and duty : Sure I shall never marry like my sisters, To love my father all. KING LEAR. ACT i. Sc. l. LEAR. CORDELIA. KENT. LEAR. But goes this with thy heart ? COR. Ay, good my lord. LEAR. So young, and so untender? COR. So young, my lord, and true. LEAR. Let it be so, Thy truth then be thy dower : For, by the sacred radiance of the sun ; The mysteries of Hecate, and the night ; By all the operations of the orbs, From whom we do exist, and cease to be ; Here I disclaim all my paternal care, Propinquity and property of blood, And as a stranger to my heart and me Hold thee, from this, for ever. The barbarous Scythian, KING LEAR. *f" TI crjT e"xovaiv at Ka yd/iou, TriffTiv Trap' nfj.(av oefcTat, fvv Tm i 0tXtas XaTjoetas T wraovifs T aVotcreTat Trjv y rj/iiicreiav jmoipav' ov yap TOI ya.fj.wv eyw Oiyoi/uL av, (oo'Trep alb ofnai/uoves, e(p aiTe fit] TIV avopa irXrjv TraTpo oecnroT, a\l/evojjs o AE. elei/. (pepvas s^ovcra aTepye Trjv d\f/euoiav. TovvOevce yap Tovff ayvov rjXlou aeXay, b/j.vv/u.1 9 E/caT^s ^jOfcreas fJiV(TTtjpia f /cat T>}V /meXaivav VVKTU, TU>V T acrTpwv oooi/y, 5t' wv airaaaji' dpyoneaQa TOV fiiou KUI Trav(yo/jio-9aj vvv eyaa TO Trav Tooe /cj^oo? TTOTpwov etaaTrag y^aipeiv Xeyu), /cat orj ^ei'rjv ere Ta?ro TOVO aet iraTpov yr ~ $ $, ' i^evr)v TC Trjace /caoota? r)yrjGO/j.ai. TOV yap ^,Kv9tjv T /cat TO pappapov 128 6HAKSPEARE. KENT. LEAR. Or he that makes his generation messes To gorge his appetite, shall to my bosom Be as well neighboured, pitied, and relieved, As thou my sometime daughter. Good my liege Peace Kent ! Come not between the dragon and his wrath : I lovM her most, and thought to set my rest On her kind nursery Hence, and avoid my sight ! [ To Cordelia. KING LEAR. ACT i. Sc. 1. ALBANY. KENT. LEAR. ALB. Dear sir, forbear. KENT. Do.; Kill thy physician, and the fee bestow Upon the foul disease. Revoke thy gift ; Or, whilst I can vent clamour from my throat, I'll tell thee, thou dost evil. LEAR. Hear me, recreant ! On thine allegiance hear me ! Since thou hast sought to make us break our vow, (Which we durst never yet,) and with strain'd pride, KIXG LEAB. ot oatra TTopavvavTes oiKeiwv TGKVWV OVK OKVOVGLV aypiav TrXi/crat yva9ov, )0v/u.(t) Kapou 129 eyw Trpov/Hw icapcct eTTOiKTepw re, /cat T|OO0as 7 *^^ \$/ / oi/y rjcrcrov rj oe Trjv irpiv rjcKTTrjv Koprjv, KAN.a>i/a, dKOVfrov aXXa TWV e/uwv Xoytov. AE. ov cny avefei /u/o er' avr'nrpwpos el f\ // r & \ \ \ Tetrr)yiJLV(i) cpaKovTi \ Trjvo eyw TO irpiv terra TTCLGMV riyairrjaa, K.OU s av K (papvyyos terra rat fioyv i > ^ ..>,.,, Tai/T;s ot'i/w/uat, TrA^/ueAoui/T epw a aei. A E. a/coycroi/, atcr^poTrote, ?rpo? ere ra5i/ (JIKOVGOV rj/nwv' avff OTOU ireiaai fj.' IJVO (DOTS Xycrat Z^foy opKiav 9efj.iv, ToiavTa oyercrepeii' eTrrj oyKov ff vTrepftoXaiai T^S r' 9 130 SHAK9PEARE. To come betwixt our sentence and our power : (Which nor our nature nor our place can bear,) Our potency made good, take thy reward. Five days we do allot thee, for provision To shield thee from diseases of the world ; And, on the sixth, to turn thy hated back Upon our kingdom : if, on the tenth day fol- lowing, Thy banish'd trunk be found in our dominions, The moment is thy death. Away ! by Jupiter, This shall not be revoked. KING LEAR. ACT i. Sc. i. KENT. Fare thee well, king : since thus thou wilt appear ; Freedom lives hence, and banishment is here. The gods to their dear shelter take thee, maid, That justly think'st, and hast most rightly said : And your large speeches may your deeds approve, KIXK I.EAH. T eToX/uas e/jiTroccav eXOeiv e/.io/, TJV roX/uaf OUT av fvyevrjs dfj.tj (pvuis / f \ >/-)-/ * '?. OVT out/ TO (T/j,vov prj/jL aracTVoiT av Tooe ~ e/y- -. ft ~ ft / ft; e< /ci/oos e^tu Twvce, ft/v owrej? ottijv> TrevO rj/mepwi' cicdifjii crot Tpiflrjv ev a?? %v\\KTeov croi TTJV avayKaiav Tpo(p^v t 7T|OO9 Ta9 fipoTeias ol' eTrapKecrei vocrot/?' r ft. ~ / \ ; arwya o e/cratoi/ TaVTO (TOl (j)epl (pdoS . epp a>s Ta^tcrra' Z^fa 'yap /mapr i ~ >/ v- x UT;; "ye TavT apape, KOVK aAAto? IDEM GR^CE REDDITUM. KANTIO2. quit', o/'ag, /cat 'y a /' ciirep wo evets, /uei/ r^ao aTTT/XXafcrat ^0oi/oy, (peuyovei o ol yutjuroi/re? e^0/pi}v yap op9tj, KwpOos e% iaov Xo'yo?. o~(pa) o , (a ]~vvaiiu.oi Trjoe OITTTV^OI Kopai, oei vvv OTTO)? o/uoia ro?s fj-axpois \oyoi? 9 132 SHAKSPEARK. That good effects may spring from words of love- Thus Kent, O princes, bids you all adieu ; He'll shape his old course in a country new. ROMEO AND JULIET. ACT iv. Sc. s. JULIET. I have a faint cold fear thrills through my veins, That almost freezes up the heat of life. I'll call them back again to comfort me : Nurse ! What should she do here ? My dismal scene I needs must act alone. Come, phial. What if this mixture do not work at all ? Must I of force be married to the county ? No, no ; this shall forbid it ; lie thou there. [Laying down a dagger. What if it be a poison, which the friar Subtly has ministered to have me dead ; Lest in this marriage he should be dishonoured, Because he married me before to Romeo ? I fear it is ; and yet, methinks it should not, For he hath still been tried a holy man ; KING LEAR. 133 epy et? eXey%ov efyovra ce eaOXov T' 67reo e-^pvTiav Trice /ULOI KCKTO T'I d ei TOO lepevs Qavdo-t/Jiov ret/^as TTOTOV, yd/moif /a' eTTiyvovs oeuTepov KTcvei ooXotcr*, /mtj Ttv aia"xyvt)v os trpiv ye 'Pw^ewvi fi e? oo/cco, ocr/os (ppevwv A'$ov fyvoiKos ovcra $var(j)i\e~i cr/cory, fipoTovrvyf] Te TrjvS' e^oycr o'iKoupiav Quarts TraXaiwv veKpooeynovos (Bporwv, ev y Ta(f>evTa TroAAa KOLK iroXXov ocrra /re^a><7Tat TU>V e/mwv yevvtjropwv, ^w (poivtos Ty/3a\xos ev KeiTai, vkov T 'eff yTrriacr/jia a/ efJLfiaTeveiv vepTepoi (fiiXovv del Kaipov Xa/3oi/res I/WKTOS, ws s, oarovv TraXXovcr e/uLavTrjs Oep/mov cttfjid^u} napa ; o/oas ; ooKta yap ^vyyovov KCII vvv GKIO.V TOV Pa)fjLU)va TrpocrfiXeTretv o? viv TrepiflaXwv dfj.fj.op(j)os TO o-Tvyvov ev CTKOT^ apna-% ws rjfuv' woe otj TfOv epciowv xeiXeGiv ipiXov crro/ua. 140 SHAKSPEARE. HAMLET. ACT i. Sc. 3. POLONIUS. Yet here Laertes ! aboard, aboard, for shame, The wind sits in the shoulder of your sail, And you are staid for : there, my blessing with you ; And these few precepts on thy memory See thou character. Give thy thoughts no tongue, Nor any unproportioned thought his act. Be thou familiar, but by no means vulgar. The friends thou hast, and their adoption tried, Grapple them to thy soul with hooks of steel ; But do not dull thy palm with entertainment Of each new hatched, unfledged comrade. Beware Of entrance to a quarrel : but, being in, Bear it that the opposer may beware of thee. Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice : Take each man's censure, but reserve thy judgment. Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy, But not expressed in fancy ; rich not gaudy : HAMLET. 141 IDEM GR.ECE REDDITUM. nOAQNIOS. T t t in i / ,$ ~ A|0 woe Tptpeiv, AapTi , ov/c atoet ov vvv atreXQwv vaos e/ ov Qacraov ; jfdr/ Xaij.evei 9 cnravTa crrjv eTreitrooov. vcaifjiovoir)s Tag efxov, TavTtjv 9 a/ua Trapaiveariv (Bpa^eiav ev oeXTOts (fipevwv dei 7 v^J TrpovQev ev fiiij Traai KOIVOyV \epa afji/SXvve TravoonoKTi cefyovfjievos acTTracryuacr/i' TO)S ^0es T6 /cat Trpyijv (piXovs. /u.t) TT/OCOT' e <\ \ TO TravTi co^avT evvoov, yvw/mrjv oe arjv I t\ C * * I eTTicr^es' r\v o av vpq/u.aTwv ea iropos ^Xioriv Trpocra\l/ov e't/uacrtf, KOI Tavra fjitj TravaioXoicn crvwx 142 SHAKSPEARK. For the apparel oft proclaims the man ; And they in France, of the best rank and station, Are most select and generous, chief in that. HAMLET. ACT i. Sc. 4. HAMLET. Angels and ministers of grace defend us ! Be thou a spirit of health or goblin damned, Bring with thee airs from heaven or blasts from hell, Be thy intents wicked, or charitable, Thou conTst in such a questionable shape That I will speak to thee ; I'll call thee, Hamlet, King, father, royal Dane : O, answer me ! Let me not burst in ignorance, but tell Why thy canonized bones, hearsed in death, Have burst their cerements ! why the sepulchre, Wherein we saw thee quietly inurned, HAMLET. 143 xaXot Trep o^res /mrj (fiXeywa- icetV 7r7r\o, a-roXri yap os ra TroXXa Krjpvcrcreiv TOV avcp , OTTOios-' oi oe KeXrt/crjs ^ KO.V TToXetos TrpwTw aXXo? re IDEM GR.ECE REDDITUM. AMBAH2. (buXov oupavovyov airoTpoirov /caXw /uot crv o e'lTe IULOI ncLKatpd TrpoarTctTei? crKia, tj Ttav evepQe TIS Qeols e^r aiOepos wvoaiaiv fire A'ioov OueXXcus, e'lTe /u.oi ovcrfiovXicK tcpvTTTOvcr dfjictvpas etre Trpeu/mevous ^,/>\ \ i \ \ aAA ovv e/uLot 0ep fnre irpos T/I'O? TO aov rjoij TO. Oa.va.Tov TrepifioXai avrjfj.fj.evov .' e^ai/elrat, crt)iJ.d ovirep cfooftey KaTct(TKa(pai<> 144 BHAKSPEARR. Hath opM his ponderous and marble jaws To cast thee up again ! what may this mean, That thou, dead corse, again in complete steel Revisit^st thus the glimpses of the moon, Making night hideous, and we fools of nature So horridly to shake our disposition With thoughts beyond the reaches of our souls ? Say why is this ? wherefore ? what should we do ? HAMLET. 145 papwrovov T epprj^e \aivov crro/ua, aii cr avrJKfv ; t] TI otj OeXeis oTrXots, Kovs rj/aas xe KUI deovs, vvv o~ vcpepTreTw / $ -. ^ r ' f ^ ' TOVO evvoovaav oeuftov ov Aar|0tv a9 ov crOevet ae TWVO aTroXXa^at KUKWV. ov yap ra TTOVTOV -^prffjiaT el Xe'^ens 1 , yvvat, vavayioicn Tra/JL tft , veav o CTreiTa TepTrvov rjoovtuv yavo? iovcrav evO ael Tavavria vaiei, KO.I TrctpaaTaawv a/uta TrpocrOev T oiriffOev T ev KVK\ta T ' \Lpivvwv , aet ~ I 175 OVK av rjGua TOV 01 aiwvos yjpovov a'yefcrros, et fj.rj Ttavd aTreffTaTety Oewv, o't TUICTO a/uot/3ats avTiowpovvTai 0tXoi/9* K TWVO aOufjios ovcra TTOIVI/U.OV %i$\^> * ty * 'f '^ ovoev oe;cTtj irpopovouo~a ytjv T' e?ro\^o/txat, i ' r i $ aei T evovatj ywiffttus ev tjcovais virep T Qa.va.Tov Kal yjpovov TOVTO /cat /cXeos yevrjo~eTai 7rpiacr9ai IDEM GR^CE REDDITUM. MAAE*OPTOS HPESBYTEPOS. Ti or} TraprjKa TWV eir dvOpwirois eyta, OTTCOS irpiv e\delv t9 OecrOai irpovoiav Ttav (ppovrjfjiaTwv irepi TWV TrayKaKia'Twv TOVOC Trjs T (aimrjs (ppevos. />/ * /i > -v ' KOVT av TTOT effTrj rots 6/txois Tretcrveis \oyois (pr)ve 9' qnlv VTJ/ A -. ,, x OVT ovv e/ueAAe irvevn. e/uoi/ otacr:eo^i; i'60)/ o~KOTiva, Tro\en'i T 5> \ V rri / eMOt TOO , rjirep o eo~Ttv evciKov, l V^TI. r}v o ets TO fjDjoev v/ulv 'ep-^rjTai TO. Trplv /caXtos e/uot Trpa-^QevTa /cat Ta fJ/j/ 67r>/, ey^eiv TTICFTOV OVTO. /cat /caXoi/, fj.rj (fieioeaOe, TO o~Tepvov Tooe, VHOV T airoaircLT ev (ppovouv ael /ceao. a\\' a o~v 9vt)Twv Kapciav eTncrKOTrwv, /cat Tots d/uLO/ui 'ye TaXXa TTO.V& oo~ %/u.apTov, irapeis, ei fieif TOIOVTWV atTtos KOKWV Kvpw, TOV OPTOS IIPESBYTEPO2. MAAE$OPTOS NEQTEPOS. MA A. Ti's SrJT ev OTrXois & ouvev/u.aTa iceii' aTjoecTTftJs acrTpo(f>oicriv o/a/uacrt, ra r' enTTOwov airavTa. otj KW\VfjLO.Ta eixaptd^eiv, aJ? at/ ei/Xo^os (pavf) N//c>7 flefiaiav ev Kpavei Oaicovcr' eopav ; JULCL^IJV o e/mapvca T;S e/u.^s WTT' danrioos avaTOv oi/T(09j utairep ae-rov rtvos 0^1)5 reocro-oe eo-re^acr/iei/os TTTepois d?ypi(t)7rov (jujTpos eicoioda'K.eTai tl \ J/ re va>7ra>s T/V aypctv baov /ULV fjL7re(pvK GOI 9pa o o cnrep o eccoKa vvv a ad)aipovfjLai ovO' , V7rep(f)pov, avOaSei Toiyap KaKHTTO. Tr^oocroo/ca, /JLIJ$' OTTtO? s or' ctTro/crei/aJ < * / . ova av neyicrTe AaT/txoi', ets pppprtjv evr/cr^es Ka'nrep opyicrOel 1 } /ur] ^uXXa/3>7 Tts Trfcro e/nol r\v fjiij Kare\0ov ex TcKpwv [AtjTpos Kapa MA A. CD yU?(JOS, Ot'TOt TJ/l/Oe ^A>) Xe^tJ? TJ. IDEM GR^CE REDDITUM. 2OPZH2. Tot \ > , / oi/oe eras craivetv Ti/vas Trporeivwv tj TIV apvrjcrtv 9e\(*>. Kcti /v 7rai>'/ CD? av juaAtrrxa TJ/I/O ai< egeTTjO e't /xot Traprjcrav euTri6tid et? T TO /i) (jeQev re /cot flporwv Trai/ros- yevovs /meifyv fj.' CLVO.KTI KC\TIKIO veiuui fjiepos- /cat vvv ea ne TTO.V CTTOS oei^avTa / Xapis y<*p> n v ecriretpev ets rou/tioi/ iceap, OVK ety ctKapirov eireae Ka^apti/ yQova., a\\ avT0(t)Ke cis TOCDJV Kapirov > ~ (\, , , V p, i o 6?r epyoi<$ rotaoe /cov/c IDEM GR^CE REDDITUM. XAPOMONTH2. KONTAPINQN. XA. 2e /ue** /^a^. avOis TTO\\ eyco ^aipeiv \eyca. tf3ov\o/mr}v o civ, TOVTO 8' evveirovri not ecrTO) TOVTTOS, ok \eyovr aet 1(>0 MASSIN'GER. For I must use the freedom I was born with) The Great Duke^s pleasure had commanded, you To my poor house, upon some other service, Not this you are designed to : but his will Must be obey'd, howe'er it ravish from me The happy conversation of one As dear to me as the old Romans held Their household Lars, whom they believed had power To bless and guard their families. CON. 'Tis received so On my part, Signior ; nor can the duke But promise to himself as much as may Be hoped for from a nephew. And 'twere weakness In any man to doubt that Giovanni, Trained up by your experience and care In all those arts peculiar and proper To future greatness, of necessity Must in his actions, being grown a man, Make good the princely education Which he derived from you. CHA. I have discharged To the utmost of my power, the trust the duke Committed to me, and with joy perceive The seed of my endeavours was not sown Upon the barren sands, but fruitful glebe, Which yields a large increase : my noble charge, By his sharp wit and pregnant apprehension, Instructing those that teach him ; making use, GREAT DUKE OF FLORENCE. 161 ai /u' avayKrj %v/uL Tats crats paoai$ TpafpevTa o~y T tos Tas aTratras etoei'at Terras ot" s av TrXetcrra TrXrjpwcras e-%w t/ -y / . ,t *t > \ avaKTi TavTTa\/uev acr/ueros o act et a>s TO (TTtepfJia TWV CJJLWV TTOVWV OVK ets aicapTrov Oivos ea-rrapTai -^Qova^ aXX eis fta9eiav ftwXov evKapirov ireSou jreffov cicHHTi os Toavjv TraXiv " \ V > \ o Trats yap OUTOS evycvrjs evfjuj^avov vow /cat TO avveTov ev (f)p&iv at/Toys OioaV/cet TOI)S ^toao"/ca'Xoyy (ppovelv. 11 162 MASSINGEB. Not in a vulgar and pedantic form, Of what's read to him, but 'tis straight digested, And truly made his own. His grave discourse, In one no more indebted unto years, Amazes such as hear him : horsemanship, And skill to use his weapon, are by practice Familiar to him : as for knowledge in Music, he needs it not, it being born with him ; All that he speaks being with such grace delivered, That it makes perfect harmony. CON. You describe A wonder to me. CHA. Sir, he is no less ; And that there may be nothing wanting that May render him complete, the sweetness of His disposition so wins on all Appointed to attend him, that they are Rivals, even in the coarsest office, who Shall get precedency to do him service ; Which they esteem a greater happiness Than if they had been fashioned and built up To hold command o'er others. ov GREAT DUKE OF FLORENCE. 163 vc V O.KOVOVTWV (ppevas. Acat fj-rfv OTrXoicriv 'nnriKoiai T rjOecri TToXl/S %VVOIKU)V V TO.O 6^67r^ / y , - / OVTW irpeTTOVTl 7TCIV 67TO? del TeXeiav ^vvTideis K.O. >7fAii/ TI davfJia TOVTO, \r A ti^ ' ' - / A A. eaTti; TOO owei' T a\Xo, /cat 7iy>os TOIOO . OTTCUS ra TrdvTa '^pija'TO^ (jiijoev eXXetTT*? OVTCOS aTrai/ras J/oea'ii' TOV$ evToXaicri TrpocnroXeiv TCTay/mevovs, WCTT ety a^tXXav Trafray ep-^ecrOai TIS av TT^otoroy SvvaiTo Tipoe irpos -^apiv TTOVCIV, el Kai TI \avpoi> ecrrt TovvTCTaXfJievov. KGU TO.VTO. SpWV Tl$ /JiCl^OV eVTV^ilV COKCl, tj KO.V Tre(f>UK(*)$ Trarpoy evyevovs T eOiaOei? W /ca^tcrra/utat, 0a/u/3os Trape^cov Tracri TOIS ff optacri vuv, Kat To7y /cXvetc /meXXovcriv vo~Tpfp "xpovip aJs eu fi eopaaev' rjv oe TovvTevOev /3toi/ 6eX(a o~TpaTeveiv, T/S TTOX evtpopatrepa r, < / ' /3\ ~ ' f TrecpvKev nnrewv ecrfAtyi/, trap tav otoav^ets G^aKpipwcru) Teyvrjv, rj o~ov fJLa^aia'i KXeivov Yyypias ireoov ; et o a) yams TC /ca* p^Xto7 TvpavviKrf TifJL^ T e^ot Tt x/' efjujv Tp\l/at rj \a^.irpav (pXoya OTM fjLe Qd\iret ar] iros Kai TrJG^G %peias vvv GG \nrapu> OVK ayvowv irep (aoe KO.V oo^cov pi] TTJV ciKaiav eioevai, KCIKOS ns ea /UL cnreXQelv /jujoe y dyvca/mcov IDEM GR^CE REDDITUM. 0EOA02I02. Tt or] Trovrjpov Trjoe rrj TifjLt] /BpoTov Ge(3e , KOVV rjGGOv auTos 7rapavofJL(j) Tvpavvtoi opywv 7re(f)VKa TWV e/ua5i/ VTrrjpeTelv rj TOJV TroXiTwv 09 ycvei /ca/ct(TTO9 rj. ado o~To/uapyos KOI [j.eXiyXcoGO'os 9, reryy/uei/a, /cat Ttov GTo/udpywv crro/xaTt irpocrpepX OVK av vdevoi TOVOVTOV, warre KOipavw 168 MASSINGER. Cure not the least fit of an ague in us. We may give poor men riches, confer honors On undeservers, raise, or ruin such As are beneath us, and, with this puflTd up, Ambition would persuade us to forget That we are men : but He that sits above us, And to whom, at our utmost rate, we are But pageant properties, derides our weakness : In me, to whom you kneel, "'tis most apparent. Can I call back yesterday, with all their aids That bow unto my sceptre ? or restore My mind to that tranquillity and peace It then enjoyed ? Can I make Eudocia chaste, Or vile Paulinus honest ? FATAL DOWRY. ACT i. Sc. l. CHARALOIS. If they will not, They are too old to learn, and I too young EMPEROR OF THE EAST. 169 irep ovaijs Tr/u. aeaffai VOGOV. TOV fiev TrevrjTa ^pij/nao'tv o(apovfj.eOa f TlfJids V/ULOVTS TO?oi/$ OvrjTovs ryeytiJTas' a\\' o TOI/S ai/o> Opovovs 9cucwv dfj.avpaL9 o av TO TrdynaKOv yevoiTo HauXivov Kupa ; IDEM GR^CE REDDITUM. XAPAAOIO2. 'AXX' qv TI /arj OeXuxri, navQdveiv fiapv Tol? TtjXiKolcrSe /cat ^t^acr/ceo-^at (ppoveiv 170 MASSINGER. To give them counsel ; since, if they partake The understanding and the hearts of men, They will prevent my words and tears : if not, What can persuasion, though made eloquent With grief, work upon such as have changed natures With the most savage beast ? Blest, blest be ever The memory of that happy age, when justice Had no guards to keep off wrong'd innocence From flying to her succours, and, in that, Assurance of redress ! where now, Romont, The damnM with more ease may ascend from hell, Than we arrive at her. One Cerberus there Forbids the passage, in our courts a thousand, As loud and fertile-headed ; and the client That wants the sops to fill their ravenous throats, Must hope for no access : why should I, then, Attempt impossibilities ; you, friend, being Too well acquainted with my dearth of means To make my entrance that way ? FATAL DOWRY. 171 COKl TTjOOS dvcpo? Tr)\lKOVC TtJV 7rov Kai Kapoias TOI/TOIO"I, TOVS e/uoi)? \oyovs * 5 ' ' * -i/3 ' ' 5 ' ' ' cat catcpv av (puavoiev ei oe /ULIJ, /naTtjf Y]et9(a /aeXfyXaxrarotcrti/ av 6e\oi yoois vGce Kiveiv, oiTives Ttjv Orjp'uav a\\' evK\^ yevoiTo Ttj? irplv nvijurj TV^TJ^ airamVj yvi\ / OUTTOJ rao el^e copv!/ * ^ rf / os o aTropos tav etcreta"* /u>;o e^wi/ yevvv TOVTWV aTrXrjcrTov KOifjiiffat mei\iyiJ.a(nv, * v/it/ / * '\n~ i/ ou/c e era OTTCDS ovvaiT av eicreXueiv eo"a>. yy e/moiye TOV aurj-^avtav epav 6T* a t . R -. V - / I/ ews ej/oeojs eycaye TCOV TravTtov e^a> TO |x>) SvvaaQai TIJS eicei TV^GIV ocou. 172 FLETCHER. THE FAITHFUL SHEPHERDESS. ACT i. Sc. I. CLORIN. Hail ! holy earth, whose cold arms do embrace The truest man that ever fed his flocks By the fat plains of fruitful Thessaly. Thus I salute thy grave ; thus do I pay My early vows and tribute of mine eyes To thy still loved ashes ; thus I free Myself from all ensuing heats and fires Of love ; all sports, delights, and jolly games That shepherds hold full dear, thus put I off; Now no more shall these smooth brows be girt With youthful coronals, and lead the dance ; No more the company of fresh fair maids And wanton shepherds be to me delightful, Nor the shrill pleasing sound of merry pipes Under some shady dell, when the cool wind Plays on the leaves ; all be far away, Since thou art far away, by whose dear side THE FAITHFUL SHEPHERDESS. 173 IDEM GR.ECE REDDITUM. XAQP1S. Q TroXXa \aipe /uot ^9ovo^ cre/xi/o Trjs wXevcus \l/v^pa7a-tv an 7T avopi TWCe Tl/JLl(t)Ta.T(t) ocroi y epoffKOf Troinvi eV Xevpats yvats KaXXiKapTrov GecrtraX/ay. i/ o/uat troi; TVju./3oi/, woe 0*7 CUDTOV ofJi/ULaTiav 9 ayvtjv \ij3a rr} KO.V Ta TO /ULT] (f>\eyeiv eyowroy efJLTraXiv Trvpi. / K ~ r vvv eppeTU) juot tratoiwv Traatav yavos a? TTotjueves (piXoveiv' ov yap, w? TO TOV icaXX'nraioa (rrefpavov av Xdfiot Kapa Xetoi; TOO, ovd av evitvicXous TrXeicoi yopovs. vvv ovo av ayvtj irapQevwv ojunXia veo)v TC, Troi/mevwv 0' ofjujyvpts epwros Kapoiav Treir\riyuevwv i*** // ' *r j/oeta Totcroe y onnaaiv yevotT CTI' ov 0eX]*id)p(t)v 7ra/Jid)(t)vos evOvfJiwv /CTUTTOS ai/Xcoi/, (TKiaiaiv ayicewv ^\.v VTTO, CVT av oiqaari (pvXXao evarjs NOTOS, TraXti' TTOT avOis rjfjiiv evippavel fypeva, vvv o eppeTO) Trpocrw TOO , eiirep ov//ea>s ctTTOt^et (ppovoos, (f) Traptj/mevrj 174 FLETCHEK. How often have I sat, crown'd with fresh flowers For summer's queen, whilst every shepherd's hoy Puts on his lusty green, with gaudy hook, And hanging scrip of finest cordevan. But thou art gone, and these are gone with thee, And all are dead but thy dear memory. PHILASTER. ACT i. Sc. 2. PHILASTER. I have a boy, Sent by the gods, I hope, to this intent, Not yet seen in the court. Hunting the buck, I found him sitting by a fountain's side, Of which he borrowed some to quench his thirst, And paid the nymph again as much in tears. A garland lay him by, made by himself, Of many several flowers, bred in the bay, Stuck in that mystic order, that the rareness Delighted me : but ever when he turn'd His tender eyes upon 'em, he would weep, As if he meant to make 'em grow again. THE FAITHFUL SHEPHERDESS. 175 erau\|/a, TCIS 0iXa9 jco/xa? Oeicra veocpeirTois pooots, Oepovs avacrcra.' \aiu o av Tra/mTroiKiXa veoi Xa/3oi/Tes ^epaiv rj/uLTrea-^ov oe/uas 2\tty>a crToX^, Tnjpaicriv fivpewv aaJTft) Tray TI? e elev. (ppovoos av T oi-^ei, (ppovca T oiyeTai Ta.de' KOI TTO.VT IDEM GREECE REDDITUM. *IAA2THP. ITals ecrTi /mot Tt?, os xoo eKirpd^cav xpe GeocrooTos irepav9rjv a/ma. OTTOTC o CTT ai/Tots o/z/uaTwv (TTpeffiui icvicXovs, evTavQa otj 'odicpvtv, tatnrepel OeXtov vea? eyeipetv dvOe/mtav / 176 FLETCHER. Seeing such pretty helpless innocence Dwell in his face, I asked him all his story. He told me that his parents gentle died, Leaving him to the mercy of the fields, Which gave him roots ; and of the crystal springs, Which did not stop their courses; and the sun, Which still, he thankM him, yielded him his light. Then took he up his garland, and did shew What every flower, as country people hold, Did signify ; and how all, ordered thus, Expressed his grief: and, to my thoughts, did read The prettiest lecture of his country art That could be wish'd : so that, methought, I could Have studied it. I gladly entertained Him who was glad to follow; and have got The trustiest, loving'st, and the gentlest boy That ever master kept. Him will I send To wait on you, and bear our hidden love. EDWARD THE SECOND. ACT iv. Sc. I. EDWARD. Leicester, if gentle words might comfort me, Thy speeches long ago had eas'd my sorrows ; frilLASTER, 177 dvavoois ewou>v ev o/A/maatv ov ovaToiraaTov vtyrria? (ppevos TeK/map, aviGToprjaa TOV Trapes (3iov Tt/^a?. o o avT eXe^ev evyevels Oavelv yoveis \i7roVras ayroi> opcpai'eu/u. aypois, Trap '^ > '' ' eoezge CTi/xpoA , 770 O7r<9 TOVTW tr\e-)(QevB eavTov XvTrpd crrjuaivoi TrdOrj, coiceiv o efjLOtye, prjudTcav /caXXtcrr' e\e^e fjLVGTiKrjs ' . ? ' / ' 1 epirvov /ca-r e/ / W >* / ' CKWV u CKOVTU TOVO eoe^a/uLrjv Tpoyiv- e^(o oe Traica TTIGTOV, tjnepov, _/! >* yap rjfj.iv rjarua Ka% rv%wi> rts evfjiapws dXyrjoovwv 1 '\\ \ ' v\ -v * ~ , ctAAa KoipavoiS aAAws 6 Yi. opeiparrjv ydp eXafpov rjv otcrros 1 ftd\tj t / / ^ / o o evpvvwTos rjfj.aTWfj.evog \ea)v aapK ecnrapa^e, (jaj/zaros fj.eya panes ciapTafj.ija'aS) wfyi&pwv T av aiOepa Wp9(t)(T KpCLTO) JJ.1J Tl TOVVep0V TTCOOV ^jiVas at/naTos irivot Xz'pa?. 'VTia o o/uo(O9 TauTa KOI TraOeiv Soicda. ydp code yiopTt/u.p'pov /3('a aei KaTeipyei Ttjv efjLijv evToX/miav r\ ~ f / n / / zvv Trjao avaacrr^ cvcrffepecrTaTtp icapq, n Toi(Tce vvv oea'fj.oiGiv eppvdfj.iaru.evov I I ipj~acr fyet yue. vvv ye /mrjv opyrjs VTTO OVTOJ TeOr)yfj.ai 6v/uov, awre Tovpavov Treoov Trpo? aiirv 7roXXa/s Tr^oocrtTrTattat, * ** r ^ j ' JL' opyrjs vocrovatis cvafpopoi'S (pva'ijfJLaa'iv ' a i ~? t\ ^ '^ avaTTTepwueis, Toivoe TTOOS uecav eopav KaTtiyoprjacov. aXXa ydp fij.efj.vrjfj.evos \ i $~ * r yeyws Tupavvos, oeiv eyca TTPWTOV A.ey(o oiKrjv fj.eTeX9eiv (av Tr7rov6a/u,v KUKWV irpos TOVO virdpyov Trj? T eu.^ a-ozTtoo9. TI o etrri /BaortXeyy (p Trapoi^eTai /cparos ; a^o' ev necraiGiv rjXiov /BoXals KUTTVOV ancia CTTIV aXXtos ; ot fj.ev ev iroXei 7rpofj.oi r*, eyta oe Koipavos K\vta 122 180 SHIRLEY. ST PATRICK FOR IRELAND. ACT i. Sc. 1. KING. ARCHIMAGUS. KING. Methought, Archimagus, as I was praying I' the temple near the sea, ray queen, my sons, Daughters, and train of my nobility, Prostrate before the altar, on the sudden The roof did open, and from heaven a flame Descending on the images of our gods, Began to burn the sacred brows ; from which Many deformed worms and hideous serpents Came crawling forth, and leaped unto our throats, Where, with their horrid circles and embrace, We were almost strangled ; in this fright, me- thought We fled out of the temple, and as soon We saw a pale man coming from the sea, Attended by a tribe of reverend men, At whose approach the serpents all unchained Themselves, and leaving our imprisoned necks, Crept into the earth : straight all that were with me, As I had been the prodigy, forsook me, My wife, my children, lords, my servants all, 8T PATRICK FOR IRELAND. 181 IDEM GRvECE REDDITUM. BA2IAET2. 'APX1MATO2. BA2. '\ i ' * ~ - A prepay , or ev vaoicri rot? ' , eyoa re, -^rj (j)i\rj oa/zap, ~/>f\t / TC KWfj.os T evyevrjs TrpoaTrecro'fTe?, ej-ai(pvr]s eoo^ev a'nrv, KOI /c Trfj\0e (fiXoynos -riav Qewv aya o(ppvs TG (refjivas i~vfji(f>\ r y(t)v e e^ lav e-^iovwv dypiwv e(paiveTo o(f>ea)v re oucTTrpofffaTros e^epirwv o 6/MOv 0' OTranwv T eicreOpwcrKev TreXwpiaicriv UHJT awoTTVL^ai a^eco TTTV^aiaiv ij/u.a.s KOI V T ctTravTfS ai elpirov MXan'/9 eis ^01^09 01 /u.qv /j.oi ^yvo'i/xes, n (j)i\r] yvvrj, Traces, TrpofJLOi re, TrpoGTroXwv 9 o 7ra9 0^X09 182 SHIRLEY. And fled to this pale man, who told me I Must submit too, humble myself to him, This withered piece of man ! at which, methought I felt a trembling shoot through every part, And with the horror thus to be deposed, I wakened. Now, Archimagus, thy art To cure thy soul-sick king. ARCH. 'Tis done already. COMUS. LADY. This way the noise was, if mine ear be true, My best guide now : methought it was the sound Of riot and ill-managed merriment, Such as the jocund flute, or gamesome pipe, Stirs up among the loose unlettered hinds ; When for their teeming flocks, and granges full, In wanton dance they praise the bounteous Pan, And thank the gods amiss. I should be loth To meet the rudeness and swillM insolence Of such late wassailers : yet, oh ! where else ST PATRICK FOR IRELAND. 183 eXenrou w(jTrep ovra fj. eKTrayXov Tepas, TOVTOV TOV tayjpov av^pa irpoafidvTes fyvyri, os Keif*. eavTip oeiv TrapetKaOeiv erj Tcnreivov, avopos a.O\t(i)Ta.T(p panei. KdVTavO eoo^e irepnriTvwv TO TTO.V ^e/uay TpOHOS fJL V/v' vvv d eiircp tj crij /ULUVTIKT) crQevei f^vri, Trjv TOV Tvpavvov y^prj cr laTpeveiv voaov. APX. a>s TO.VT eiriaTw iravTa. otj TTGTT pay /ue va. IDEM GR^CE REDDITUM. KOPH. Tr)d YIV o Oopvfios, et crake's TI au/u.(3o\ov rj\Qev 01 CDTWV' TUVTO yap TCLVVV e^a) apiaO ooijyouvO ' ws o eTret/cacrat, fiorj yeXtas T a/cocr/tzo? tjv TIVWV tos V'X */o/s auXos, r) \WTOV TV Touavce au/jiiroTwv vfipei ^vveXOot/ui o^/e Kaypici neOr}. T/S o aXXos av /JLOI otjT civ e^e'nrot TO'TTO?, Trot'a? KeXevOovs Ttjcrtie T>;S ou 184 MILTON. Shall I inform my unacquainted feet In the blind mazes of this tangled wood ? My brothers, when they saw me wearied out With this long way, resolving here to lodge Under the spreading favour of these pines, Slept, as they said, to the next thicket side, To bring me berries, or such cooling fruit As the kind hospitable woods provide. They left me then, when the grey-hooded even Like a sad votarist in palmer's weed, Rose from the hindmost wheels of Phoebus' wain. COMUS. LADY. I had not thought to have unlocked my lips In this unhallowed air, but that this juggler Would think to charm my judgment, as my eyes, Obtruding false rules pranked in reason's garb. I hate when vice can bolt her arguments, And virtue has no tongue to check her pride. Impostor ! do not charge most innocent nature As if she would her children should be riotous With her abundance ; she, good cateress, COMU8. 185 cnreipov del fj.' vTre^dyeiv TTOCU ; ioovcri yap /*e Ttjce Tr} 7roXXJ wXdvtj Ka/Jivovcrav avrov TfpfUOf eopav Xafietv oo aceXipoiv, ei'Oa TrevKivrj cr/cta >y . eXetTr eXavvovT ecrya-rowi ot/3ov cpo IDEM GREECE REDDITUM. KOPH. Ou ^rjT efjieXXov dvoaiois evl KXijioa Xvffetv (TTO/u.aTo9, aXX O/M&JS Yoetoi/' yap oyxos bfj.ua KOI yvco/j.jjv OeXwv /cXeTTTet xaXoIs fj.vQoi'jiv atcr^t'crToys w oetj/d Xe^ay, ourt? e/c /cav^s ' \ / -y i r aei ocopotcri ^\touaiv peya 186 MILTON. Means her provision only to the good, That live according to her sober laws And hold the dictate of spare temperance : If every just man that now pines with want Had but a moderate and beseeming share Of that which lewdly pampered luxury Now heaps upon some few with vast excess, Nature's full blessings would be well dispensed, In unsuperfluous even proportion, And she no whit encumbered with her store ; And then the giver would be better thanked, His praise due paid : for swinish gluttony Ne'er looks to heaven amid his gorgeous feast, But with besotted, base ingratitude, Crams and blasphemes his feeder : shall I go on ? Or, have I said enough ? To him that dares Arm his profane tongue with contemptuous words Against the sun-clad power of chastity, Fain would I something say, yet to what end ? Thou hast not ear nor soul to apprehend The sublime notion and high mystery That must be uttered to unfold the sage And serious doctrine of virginity ; And thou art worthy that thou should'st not know More happiness than this thy present lot. Enjoy your dear wit and gay rhetoric, That hath so well been taught her dazzling fence. Thou art not fit to hear thyself convinc'd ; Yet, should I try, the uncontrolled worth COMU8. 187 Tpo(f)o ^wvrjv yeXwvTi, TrapOevia Kopev/maTa, OeXw TI (ppd^eiv, itai TI oet (ppd^eiv O/IM* ; OVK tura aov irvQoiT a.v, ov /tii/^ots //^ (ppacret, wv OVK eXey^ov d^iw cr eyw K\veiv. aX\' ei TI Xe^a), TJ/S avutrjTou 188 MILTON. Of this pure cause, would kindle my wrapt spirits To such a flame of sacred vehemence, That dumb things would be moved to sympathize; And the brute earth would lend her nerves and shake, Till all thy magic structures, reared so high, Were shattered into heaps o'er thy false head. SAMSON AGONISTES. CHORUS. SAMSON. CHO. But who is this, what thing of sea or land ? Female of sex, it seems, That so bedeck'd, ornate, and gay, Comes this way sailing Like a stately ship Of Tarsus, bound for the isles Of Javan or Gadire, With all her bravery on, and tackle trim, Sails fiird, and streamers waving, Courted by all the winds that hold them play, An amber scent of odorous perfume Her harbinger, a damsel train behind ; Some rich Philistian matron she may seem ; And now, at nearer view, no other certain COMUS. 189 cre/3as /u. ai/a\|/et Ovfiov ov KpvTTTM \epa$ vir opyfjs, eocrre crv/JLTraOeii 1 e/uol ds (Toi y eir e-^Opov KpaTa KarafidXri oo rpos oupavov IDEM GREECE REDDITUM. XOP02. 2AM2QN. XOP. Ti yjp?]/uia Xevcrcrw yaiav rj QaXacrcriov K\voo)v evoiKovv ; OrjXv o ovv SoKei TOO", (a$e Xa/ULTrpov dyXaicr/jiacrt %Xidais 0' dfipcuo'i TroiKiXws b vavcrToXei cevp , oX^as evTrpeirijs Tdpcrov Xnrovcra /ca/ TrXeoycr' \.aov(av vrjcrov TIV rj $ TajOTj/cro'oi', ev (TToXa/s opafJLOvfra T ovpioicri at o evTTTepoi cr^ela areiovaai -jrvoai s Trveovffiv joe TrpoaaaivovGi viv. ea* irpoae-jrTa Ov/uia/maTtM /u* oo/ut] TrpOTTOfJ-TTOS, Kdl (f)iX(t)V O t \ Q r t /neT auTrjv irapuevwv Kat fj.rjv iiaTicov rts, axnrep et/cacrat, <, TrXtjcriov oe /u.oi aij yeywcr 190 MILTON. Than Dalila thy wife. SAM. My wife ! my traitress : let her not come near me. CHO. Yet on she moves, now stands and eyes thee fiVd, About to have spoke ; but now, with head declined Like a fair flower surcharged with dew, she weeps, And words addressed seem into tears dissolved, Wetting the borders of her silken veil : But now again she makes address to speak. CATO. ACT v. Sc. 1. CATO. It must be so. Plato, thou reason'st well, Else whence this pleasing hope, this fond desire, This longing after immortality ? Or whence this secret dread and inward horror Of falling into nought ? why shrinks thy soul Back on herself, and startles at destruction ? 'Tis the divinity that stirs within us ; 'Tis heaven itself that points out an hereafter, And intimates eternity to man ; SAMSON AGONI9TES. 191 AaX/Xct TTjOoojjXos ea"ni', ovo aXXrjv 2AM. yvvri ye TrpocoTis' /n>; TreXa^' avTrjv e/uLoi. XOP. Kairoi irpoytopel, vvv o ap' lartjcriv irooa, e7rof7 TTt]K6vai Ovcrdvovs /Bpe^ovTtav crrjpiKov vvv o oJs (ppdcrovara a"^r]iJ.aTi(eTai IDEM GR^CE REDDITUM. KATQN. Owe av yevniTo Tavff OTTWS ou^ Xo-yoys" %vvrj\l/as ev TC ical /caXaJ?, eTret TroOev yevoiT av t),u.lv ev (ppecriv eXTTts y\VKia, KUI ' avTtjv avaQopei Tra\ivT poiros ; 77 yu>;' 060? rt? evSoOev Kivei (ppevas, TO Oetov ai>To raTrioi/ra TrpovvveTret, TO ^vjv T e? atei/ TO?? fipoTois eyvtapiae. 192 ADWSON. Eternity ! thou pleasing dreadful thought ! Through what variety of untried being, Through what new scenes and changes must we pass ? The wide, the unbounded prospect lies before me, But shadows, clouds, and darkness rest upon it. Here will I hold. If there's a power above, (And that there is all nature cries aloud Through all her works,) He must delight in virtue, And that which He delights in must be happy : But when ! or where this world was made for Caesar. I'm weary of conjectures this must end 'em. TANCRED AND SIGISMUNDA. SIGISMUNDA. Yes : we have lost a father ! The greatest blessing heaven bestows on mortals, And seldom found amidst these wilds of time, A good, a worthy ! Hear me, my Tancred ! I A TO. 193 Tcpirvov e/u0o/3oi/ $' TrpocreirTa TOVTO fjiot Trjv Kapoiav. rivets TroO' tjiuas del fiiov fJLTa\\ayds /j.TacrTpa(j)i]vai KOI vewTepas ocovs ; Kpeicraov 0ea/u.a oepyfjiaTcav TOO et<7O|Oa> airepavTov ov V e/iwv aTrjcrto \oywv. aXX* e'l T/S ecrTiv e^vTrepOe Koipavos, VTrapxeiv rj (fivcris crafpea'TaTa ot epywv fjLVpioo"ro/mos /3o^, OVK e&9' O7T\TTU)V Trjv evaefietav, or? o* e/cetVos rf it/ i i/ cnravT avayKtj TO.VT e^eiv e irov orj TTOT e/ / ws i\eiv yap OWTOS \aov OVK aXX avT\ traiowv et^e" TOVS o eaOXovs avrJK es opOov, icai KaOelXe roJs KOKOVS. o-^Xov re TrpoGaaivovTo. TTO.VT tjTi/u.aTov yap ovd ayvwTov el^e Tovd', OTI Xaoy cinaiwi' xayaQtav /ce^^/uevos epywv aceiq, KO.I vo\iot, ctegioj/Tos aj eic iriKpa? ;/tieis o a/uovcroi' \vpwv oe KOIVOS oetvov ^^eiTo KTVTTOS' pwfjioi c ecreiaOev, iracra o e(f)pi%ev vdirtji ae/j.vai o effioiTtav ev :ojuas KaOetcrai, TrevBifjLas ff onai/j.oves 09009 /u.avia.01 crvyKepavvovffai IDEM GR^CE REDDITU-M. .ev a.(Lwu) TOVT eiraeiSaiv Tpa^et^ -re \i9ov? Kctl %v\a KOI ofj./3povs T , oopa) Tapaaaeiv ; ov \afipois (pvcrti/JLaai pives fipe/JLOvcri, Kai KUT ctvXutvas KTUTTCI irocrav KpoTrjcrnui, KUI fiiq yavpovuevos rj cra/coy (papeTpa T j/^e TqXavyes Sopv. $* o^oi/rt ^179 cctKvei TTGOOV, let's 202 JOB xxxix. 25. He saith among the trumpets, Ha, ha ; and he smelleth the battle afar off, the thunder of the captains, and the shouting. 26. Doth the hawk fly by thy wisdom, and stretch her wings toward the south ? 27. Doth the eagle mount up at thy command, and make her nest on high ? 28. She dwelleth and abideth on the rock, upon the crag of the rock, and the strong place. 29. From whence she seeketh the prey, and her eyes behold afar off. 30. Her young ones also suck up the blood ; and where the slain are, there is she. PSALM cxxxvu. 1. By the waters of Babylon we sat down and wept, when we remembered thee, O Sion. 2. As for our harps, we hanged them up, upon the trees that are therein. 3. For they that led us away captive required of us then a song, and melody, in our heaviness : Sing us one of the songs of Sion. 4. How shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land ? JOB i~vvoio uKOixav' Kant K\ayyaicriv dvTt)v T/jXoOev pivrjXarwv iv re Taywv Kai KeXev/uei/o$; ij TTTTJVOV cupei 6oyyovs Xvpa? eic Ttav Kiae oevopeoav KaOrj^a/jiev. VJULVOV yap rjimas a\.yecriv Te9pav/u.evas T aTTjjTowi' SecrTrorat viKij(popoi, dv T' (f>u>vovv priaiv' \i doyXoi* TWI; ^itavitov VO/ULIOI>. Qeov 204 PSALM CXXXVII. 5. If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning. 6. If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth : if I prefer not Jerusalem in my mirth. 7- Remember the children of Edom, O Lord, in the day of Jerusalem, how they said, Down with it, down with it, even to the ground. 8. O daughter of Babylon, wasted with misery; yea, happy shall he be that rewardeth thee, as thou hast served us. 9. Blessed be he that taketh thy children, and throweth them against the stones. II. SAMUEL, i. 19. 19. The beauty of Israel is slain upon thy high places : how are the mighty fallen ! 20. Tell it not in Gath, publish it not in the streets of Askelon ; lest the daughters of the Philistines rejoice, lest the daughters of the uncircumcised triumph. 21. Ye mountains of Gilboa, let there be no dew, neither let there be rain upon you, nor fields of offerings : PSALM CXXXVII. 205 KO.T a'iav ; ei TTOT d\t.vr]\t.(av aeOev fj.tj, yevoifjujv, qoe oe^id TOTC i) o avaucos CVTOLKOI /caret TTo/ua, ei /mi] Trodoitjv cr'j eiTe fit] 'v TWV o e^ '[ovfjirjs, (a Geos, nvriiuov yevou Trpos TruXet ceivrf avrrjv 7rp/u.vo0ei> *ta VOVOHTI fjLVpiois T aXyrj/uaat a vwep KO.KWV ape^as >;/u.as, (TWV re vrf-jriwv TGKVWV irpo; Oavdra) Sa/mevTes o'l TO Trpiv fjnj TIJ Ta^' eiirri Td9eos ev (paiSpdis o fjLijo 'Acr/caXwi/i TOVOC Koivwa-t] \oyov. ij yap K\vovcrai Tepirvov %ovs ov7ro9 \epoi$ x aXX O'VTG K\etvu>v TrifjieXfjs SavXos afioipov el^ei/, ovre TW veaviq. TO^OV QavovTdov aifjLa.T fliw T (f>i\ot re* KOU s oiJTa. TreTrrajfcacriy ev yaias a^)jT6ts, ev ce Tots-, ItovaOa, Kie, KOI yap rfarOa Ta. 0' old JUL viyairas, nei(ov nev ovv (>i\ai'opos yvvainos. (a not /J.OL KO.KIDV' ok ^) rrpoKeivrai y oi TO irplv tueyacrGeveii, "Apeos T oXoXe TOV 208 SABRINA. SABRINA. ADUMBRATUM EX MILTONI COMO. Tis, dyvrj TrapQevos, vaiet SO/ULOV? TreXas, ^aflpivT] o' ovvo/u.', Jj TO irpiv irore virepTTiKpov iXrjv Oeav vnvovai iroXXaly, TroXXct r' dvOecav (TTe(ptj PITTTOVCTIV ets TO pev/u. v(p q> KaXvTTTerai' Kal ipiXTp' eTroDCwv foacrKavwv Xveiv a9evei SAURINA. 209 tjvirep rts auTtjv, o)y yo/ju'^erat, aX>J KCII 7ra^0ei/os Trptv ovaa TrapBevtt) /uaX* f/ ' 'X \ ft ,y i e/cowa aprj^ei, K.O.I KO.K.WV detect Tropovs. vvv ovv, ^afipivrj, TO.VTO. Krjpvcrcra) OTTOV KCtOijcrai Kv/maaiv Xa/mirpdls UTTO, anovyov , aKOvaov Trjcrj, KCII yevov crwrripia. irpos peu/uLCLT-wv $6 a 'Q/cecci'oy Trarpos /cat 7T|00s rpiaivtjs rjv o ^icri-)(0a)v (fiepei, o-^Qa^ TroXXa Kpouovaai irocri, vvv vvv aviGTO), nai poowirov ev rd^ei tl ~ , , 4 eyetpe upaTa Trora/uitas KOITW OTTO, >//uas T afcoi/doc THE LOVING BALLAD OF LORD BATEMAN. 'Hf TTOT evyevrjs dvrjp Tt? Bj/r^iai/o? KaXoy/uei/oj, os Qoav arj\0 VY\CL yrjs rtvos ^e/Vi/s TrdOw' et? re T/I; (pXoywTTov tjw /cei9 xoi' etnrepou GK.OTOV ea>s /ca7-^X0e TupKia$ K\VTIJV ^Oova' aXoy? oeti/ots eveipyeT ev ireowv oeo"yua5/ua/ fiiov. t] ye fjitjv TiUpKOv Koprj rovd 14 210 THE LOVING BALLAD fjcnrep OVK eyu> TTOT eloov o/Ji/mdroiv KoXXiovtt, ot/cj'av e/cXe\|/e K\rjca, Kal Xo'yots eo^craro opKiots tj ftrfv TOV avopa TOVOC pvcrecr9ai Treotov' oo/uow ayowr eyevGF.v avTov aK.pa.Tov TOiavT aet irpoirvovcr \ tl ^ J. f\ ' /\ -V \ \ / a> ^)*X avcptav, eyfaX>/s e/u.os TTOCT? TreooJi/. Tofya^ooi/i/ o/ULOv/uLeO J/uel9, eTrra o et9 ercoK /cv>Xoy<: aa(f)a\ri nevovaav IcrOi TTICTTIV opKiav \6yiav, ft ory /u7 yanels TIV aXX^v a^r' e^uou fyi'eu'6Tti', ou yafjLOv/ueO' avrl ) TrpoawTrov OVKCT' ei\iv$(t>v ejreXrjXvOet ^povo^ Tcacrapas re TT^OOS oe^* aXXats ^nepat^ a"dvrjd ovo' eGiyijcrev ra^e' Ae^oi/, cos Ta^7Ta \e%ov rts frdpea'Ti TV Ovpct ; ' H 'y/o ecrTt TOW UMTMTTOH ca>/ua Bj/Tyuai'oy Tooe ; fat ooftjm MMO| a'i/>;/o ; Tayra y' eu Xe"y*ct9 e0>;, T'ji/ "yap oyv i/eai/ ca/JLapTa a^/ULepov ooyuoy? a'yet -- TOO oy' i0 cos TOI' avcpa, /cat /ceXeyaroi/ e/c co/uv OP LORD BATEMAN. 211 apTOv K7Tfji\l/avTa xat /moi TTIOV dftTreXou TTOTOV, HVIJGTIV "la-^eiv rrjs eavTov irpoaOe \vadaw TreScov. eiT cnrfjXOev, etr cnrfjXOe cre/uvos ev9u TrpocnroXos' aXX eirei, TOV ^rjT^aveiov 9aXa/j.ov ei(ropiu.w/u.evo$, irpoaKvvwv e/ca/u>|/ej/, too o ^ecTTrorj/s Xe'yei, pot, T'I Kati'ov eaTiv ; etTre, rre/jive Ei/ Ovpats Kopij irapfiv rts 1 , el(rr]s Kopris. o oecrTroT^s ^oXft)0ei5 Tp'rxff eOpv^e TO f ' \ ' +s/ , etTrei', aypovs Trai/ras ar o o0e/a9 7rop TTOVTOV iropov. aXX ai/a Oavovro*, apTiias fipoTov XITTCOV Y*appt]\o$, oai/uLovwv uTre ocrot venovaiv anrvv ovpavov oof aiet TO.V oTois Trio~KO7r(av TTO/UTTOS ycveaai KOI aos cra)Trjpiov TO!? ey ftiovcri KO.I KO.\WS Oavovfievois* (r9\ov ce TOV /ueAAoi/TOS eKTrvevaai fiiov, i/0eXas avwOev vavcrToXwv Ks ijov fJLOt TOO epyov, rjov TO) 0ea/Ma o evOeaTOv eidov apTiws' T'I /JLIJV ; 67ret TeOvtjKe TTJO ev q/mepq avrfp apiGTO? TWV u(f) >)X/ou ovpavov Trv\9is av (fiOivei TraXti/. o o av /maTa/at? eXtriaiv v(3pei, /car' ctiOpav acrTpov Xa/u.7T pvvcTai TwrQov TI, /car aTrtoXero. TO T^S TV"^r\ aet. roffavT eXee* /cat /ixoXtv 9dva.Tos /caXi/Vret Trpoa ^wa'Trep TTOT' eTooi/ ev (TKOTOV /caracrracret, CTret TO (peyyos rjX'tov KO.Te>/ oe o"e/ui//, , OVK aXXft>s e^>ft>. M AO. j3. Trotfj) TpoTrw ', at'i/jitjvov, et /^v Tt s /3X/3>;. M AO. a. oXtoXey ok oXtoXcv, e^apKei Tooe. ORIGINAL EXERCISES. 217 MAG. /3. TTOJS Tto TToOovvn TTO.V K\viv e MAO. a. aXX' e^epta croi TTO.V oaov eVet /uev T/juels foX'yoflai; \ ~ ti $ opu)/jLev^ Kctvopas '[;o"oi/s el^ei/, ?v oe oe^tas 1 ?'??' *> * eis /(xej/, ei? o apicrTepas O.TTO. Xaos ye /u.eVrot 7rav vppiv Totyo' eKepTOfJLtja'e TOV Xpta'Tov Xo^yw* 'Q TOW /jLeyio"Tov vaov GKTropBwv Oeov avOts ^ ei/ tjfjLepataiv op9to(Ts e'tTToi/u. ay s Ta^to"T ijKovae Kvpiou \oyov, eiiOvs Ka.Trj;oys o eXayux|/ef av9is ev Traprjioi o o etTrei; Eis aei o"' v/mvwv O/ULWS OVK di'Ticovvai Ttjv yap ovSev ware avyyi'oovai /jO fipoToia'iv ai/Tos. aXXci "yctio Kpvos tjorj HJL vs Tra/ooV. TroXXoty 'yap ecrr' avoX/3os evTro/oaJv /3 yap eart X^\|/ts, toi; epq. iceap, (pepei T UILGU'OV ray irapeXOovcras o o ov% ofjioiws dvTaviaTaaOat aO KO.KOIS' o caif*u)v o eipydOei irpoGd) race. 220 ORIGINAL EXERCISES. tiupei o avovcros, evirperrtis, ev Trots 9' a/uc, Kal ooai> ecrOXtjv ev fipoTois KapTri^eTai. 5 \ < ~ to ? N / ni eav oe 7T|Oos TOKTO ev re\evTr]arj piov, TOV avop' ioov (jot Kelvov, ov ^reTs TraXat. aXX' evTv^rj /txeV, oXfitov o ovirtt) xpewv OVIJTOV irdpotOev evveTretv irplv av Oavrj. ^a)cr7T6/o TO. TrdvTa yfj pev ov y "y ecrei otAcato? rovvofj.' oiaeaQat T ovo elcraKoveiv oX/3to? Tr^otV av ypafjifj.rjs hri re :at reXos tcd/m^siis fiiov. ol yap crOevovres TY\ iro\v%pvaip ^Xt^>) ourot Trap ijfj.lv ovoev oXftuorepoi Ttav GKTTOVOVVTWV TT)V KaO tJfJLCpav TpO(f)1JV, qv JUT] KaXaJs TI? eKreXevrtjcrri fiiov. TroXXot fjiev e'urt irXovcritov dvokfiioi, TroXXoi)? o opw/mev TWV nerpia e^oi/ras ev/meveaTaTrji/ oi yovv VTrep-xXiSwvTes e/c SiirXov Xoyov VlKtOffl TOfS TTCI/J/TaS, O)V T ep(Off' d.l Xa/3eti/, fyepeiv re Tre/otTrerely irapov aXX avopa y ocrrts fj.Tpiov ei/j.apTai fiiov OUT aX'yos, oure deti/o? eto-^X^ei/ TTO^O?, ov^' au KOKCOV erpvcre Svaopov /Sa^oos. ei/Trats "yap eo"Tt, /ca7ra^)s aet ^ywi/, VCKTOV T aOiKTos, evTrpeirecrTaTos T icetv' eav oe irpos TOVTOKTI piKv tapavos, Ko.vpa.is \fsiOupais /ueX tercet a 7r wpavitav ^o/Jetay, eiaopta, KOI try oov air ow, oaifioixav a/miKpov 'yei/os GTiXfiov tXtcra> (JLapfjiapoeaa'av aiyXdv ), roX/uare flpoTwv TraT^crat ? uiav. rj, Atft)cy difXa/wa; >/ vewrefiwv odXepos -^opeveO' 6CT/U.OS ovov yevos 'A(j)po$iTas ; TIS o e/txeoy a^Xvv fl\eftj/ tXaoy?; a ^aipeT e/xot /xaX evBa yap TO!S (opaviots TrareTre evfj.evws /ueXicnrcu, ev oe reTTfyw XaXa^^/ua doeftis o ct7ra . * J tl (\ fflAoc; IJLGV ov% vfjiiv Tts ava) uopeuaa 6vfjia.TO)v Kcnrvw TTCOOV wpavoto XctKTicrei KviaavTi' TOO ov (J)i\ois oe- otas 9ed a'yaXXo/wei'ot \ircuaw ct|aeTa (pepoicra, is iepelov, aiev POAOAAKTYAOE 'HQ2. 'A/mepa? y\uKia /Bporots irpotpctTts ^outrea?, ere, Tepirvordra Oedwv, Xt<7cro/ua(, etas "YTrepiovos re TCKVOV ayavu). efyXamis cr/ceoacraa'' o/xt^Xai' aiavrj, Ta^ews ire.Ta.aaov copavaj 6vpai'' e'id iXao? too dei 9e- aiva 15 226 ORIGINAL EXERCISES. POAOAAKTYA02 'HQ2. \\OVTIWV ap K Oa\dn(t)v irepdcrav tot ro a>s i/eov, to cos (J)i\ vvv ypos 9vyaTep arts tTTTrevet? opocrepais pey copavw /uaW, Xnrapa / ITTTTOS /'f/r juev ey /card\|/tos evpuvwTio Xet/xa/cos, vwc o ay Trora/Atoi' peovrwv vpv 9 aav re/ai/ei? ciocov TTOT a-yXa- at/ Atos J/iC <09 plTTCUS acv 7rioa:6s 'y e ^" OI/T oaai irep vvv rey Xa/xTT pvvo/mevai 7T|Oocrti)7rft), TCLV aav (pa'ivovri (pi\6ya' Tracra o bpvts cevcpeois ev 0yXXo/co^iots, o't'9 o au TravTciyfi TCV i/KTCTo^ei/as a.v aypov Tracra yeyaQe. TraVra o' evTOirOev yue'yaXas OaXav ofifjLaTwv GKOTOV, yXvitepas ape pas, K.dfjiTroicra oia' Hal TV viv (pei/yeis, 6 o O/ULWS woe o' aia"xyvq. ere veaviKO. Tey- yei TO oXX' orai/ K\eevvov ayaXjma. /uecrcra? ape pas jjot) ' vfiveovTtav TIV 9e<} KUI TV SaiSaXov KUTi^oid aya\/JLa Tepireai flpoTwv rti/os, ^ Oeoio, olov dp-^aiw TTOKO. 4>et^t'a cr/ce- ' ^ Trapvov etpvaev. TC Xiav Xeyovai \\.appaaioio bcraa T ayXaais TraXa/xats el6' VTTO crcaXav a/ma^wv Aptjos aiir/ as irovov an true oe vat KaJpai/, TroXuTtyuoi/ 'A'to- ao odfJLapTCt. aXX' e/cay, Trpoa-wOev eVdy, /3e/3aXot' i^uc a.7roppr}Ts eyw Oaijuar dprjiu.' optj/un OTTTrOLTCOV fJiV Kp(Tas [AvpioKapTrov epvos, / oe i/dpKicra'os, meyaXav iraXatov oe jSacrtrat? ev irvKivais arjowv, s TraXat, /uivvperai' ev oe ris /meXirei -^Xoepaicri ft cpocrotatv. es (oiceavw peeOpa (baevvoTcpov ftXeirtav TI , Ka^icros ^' uoWti/ yeXaacrev dcv EUPHROSYNE. Ay lLv(f>pocrvvr) Trail TOV Ka\ov Avaiov, KOI TJJS KoXfjs Ata>i>/9. ay ct> 0eaJi/ a'yaX/ua, ay (o Ppordio-i ^XyKeta rots veoicri, yXvKeia ra> yepovn. /meiorj OTTOIOS ORIGINAL EXERCISES. 233 vea. (ptXrj/maTwv O/UOCTTOXOS e-TTOlTO avacraa. ay w$ ra^tura Sevpo 'lOKTl KOI pOOOKTl (jos ei/u. eyu) TO XOITTOV, cros rjoecos ayotfi civ (3iov (J)l\r] iTTepwv opwv 01 al&epos Oeovra icopvv (piXvuvov opviv, / > < > V or ovpavov /car aitpov Hows y\viToXas ewa? XtTTO)!/ l/0>; pOOCOTTOlS TreirXois (p\eyei fficiwS OT ayXawv atr v\wv oTos florrjp KftravXci, KOI TrapOevos KO.T au pas 234 ORIGINAL EXERCISES. /ue'Xos C vacr/ULtav dvt]pi9/jiov yeXacr/ua. r /$ crvvacei \i9iav virepOev. 6i>9 dv9e/uoi(rt ei> ols oo o"T/'X/3et, a'ly dv9e<0v dirdvrwv d\\' e^o^ws (f)i\ovai pooov (pepicTTov av9os- v, Qeiov dpic ev Taiffio tjoovaicri, i i\n.ovei ra Ovrjra. 25. o TjfS aXtjOeias /uvOos GGTIV aTrXows. 26. /mij marrjv TO. /mtj^ev a>(f)e\ovvTa irovei 27. fynta TrpoaTpiflerai /MOTCUCI 'yXetxjcrf/. 28. Xo^o' voaovaris opytjs laTpoi eicriv. 29. e/c npoM^ews- Traaat rey(vai fipoTounv. 30. TeXeta 'llpa tvvaia cu/uap ZJ/J/GS. 31. / ai'y^ TToXXotaii' (3poTwi> nepoos ecrri. 32. 6(j)ei\Tat nevToi opacravTi KO.I TraOeiv. 33. TV^TI OVK eaTt crv/i/xa^os rot? /mr] cpwffi. 34. /3oos Arj/mvias vwra a/fta^et 'AOtos. 35. yrtpas /cat Tpifirj yjpovov t$acr/cet ?rai/Ta. 36. oi/oei' ev yevei OvrjTwv eartv fiefiatov. 87. Ti/Jiwv TOVS yoveis eXTrt^e xaXios Trpacrcreiv. 38. ftporov OVK dv ovoeyos Xo*yoi Oep/uaiverat IN GREEK TRAGIC IAMBIC VERSE. 239 39. of vvv TrpwTov aXXa TroXXaKts opytjv Tpa-^eiav ft>? KCIKOV 40. XKTTI/? vrrep TWV TeOvrjKorwv ireiravao, ijce yap irpos Oeu>v iracriv di 41. rots a(t)(ppoi>a (frpovouvi (Bpa^eia p irpeTrei TT^OO? TOUS TCKOVT-CIS KOI ra/^erat tav rot? ^uvovaif aurov \e\ijOev. 43. OVK ecrTt (3poroi dvOpwjros evTvywv fiapv TI s Travra.- 12. ws oi/cTTreXaaToi' KUKOV a/uaOia CGTIV. 13. OTTO /uri KoX(av epytav OVK etrr* KaXa eirrf. 14-. KUKOV reXo9 ytyverai OTTO /coo;? a 15. o ^povo>/ao a>s Trore ecrtj yepu>v. 22. OVK i\ov&iv. 24. o v(i)/u.a)$ yap Kai oet xat eart ov neya KO.KOI'. 4. 6IS fJLCV (7Tl TtS 1/OyUOS 1 /COtt'OS avQptDTTOK /cat, ws cra^ws Xe'yw, TO a/To 0eots co^av Oijpcri re TTO.GI TIKTOU aowpa /cat OVK ovrjcri^a. 8. TO 7f(pvKVai eVOlKOV KaXXlGTOV 6CTTt. 9- ecrTt /cat OTTO OrjXeiwv aitovcrai TroXXa cro(f)a. 10. fjurjTep irvKaCe epov viKTj(popoi' KpaTa /cat rot? e/tioty /3ao"tXt:ots ya/u.ois yaipe, /cat Tre/UTre /cat dv ye fjirj Ta e/uta o~ot irpoOu/ULa tj. aVTOV yap KTCVU) KOI OO/UOl/S XaQovcra Trotva*: doeXdxav /cat e/txoi; * i aXXa eaaa) auTa, ow% vfivrjcro/mev 09 etcrt TOV e/mov /cat eTeptav et? dywvas TC ntjTpoKTovovs ovs ot e/noi dvacrTacriv TC O'IKWV 1 1. irpuJTa yevtjcronai crf/ti/ua^os Tat? Oeais at Tratotat? /cat ^Xto^ Tre^ot iiop(pw ^X^or' yui; Trotet 0ea? afiaBei 9e({) Trapeze, crvvvoov/mevos TUVTCI, irctTep, vofjul^u) TO. ev9aoe Kpeiara'w r] TO. e/cet. 13. ecrrt fi.ei' ovv ti/a fjirj \iav (ppoveiv iqov eV OTrXwv dvijp aXXos o ActepTov yovov vvv KpctTvvei. 21. CKCIVOS aTrrjyaye CK Sopcav e/ULrjv AvXiv TrpvfJLVou^ov, ev9a Trvpas v ot^jtxT/o'e Traprji&a XevKtjv 'Ipovt]/u.a virepfitov, /cat OVKCTI wi> o ayro?. (7, 8) ijv Trore, j/i/ ^001/09, ws cral X e Tpoirovs, (9, 10) oTrore oe i/tv Tr)\oQev Trep 6tcrtoot/ut, ey^vs yoi't/ e/ca/ATrrej/, ai/ty) aioo(f>pe/ca ?ras crroXoy, oaonrep trre'yos e'uKpoiTuxrt ^SacrtXt/cov, ai/roi/ e0av/txacre. (13, 14) iwi/ oe, et Tvyxavb) avrwv TOVOG /tAoXoi/tra 7)Xtow ^)aet Xa/u/Troi/Tos 1 ewQivip (15, 16) ev

;^iti/ etat dvOpwirots 0o/3/Tos. (21, 22) o re ai//|0 o$e er B^otTai/j/tot ou Tt dva aeOev avyyevrjs -jrecfivKe (23, 24) /cat eiy Opovous 6/u/3i7<7eTat croi/ QO.VOVTOS. ov Tooe oi/i' /u.ot oo/cet TTCLTpt (f)l\TpO$ yVOlO, TTCpt TOV <7o0a>TaTa aVoXo'yov/uei/o? (4, 5, 6) 0e^oe ^eu^oo 7ra/oa re CMW ce/uvup KaOi^e O6juct9 (cat /cXve, vffTdTOv ori 7rpocrous e t ' 'V eyioye oe cv 67rtcrTa/uat os t^ai/et TO e/uoi/ /ca/ja TrtKpov a^ov. (11, 12) i/i/i/ oe /J^et o"ot ;s By ret 6jtia Kpart] oia avrtav /ceKTJ/juat. (20, 2l) OVKOVV %vvri\l/a/u.v (boiviovs aywvas, flXcnrTovTes eiprjvqs ova at/ III. SHAKSPEARE. HENRY IV. Act v. Sc. 5. I know thee not, #e. (l, 2, 3) E'yft) OVK oioa ere, Trpecrfiu, e-^prjv ere yo- Trpo(rav$av Qeov, ov yap av Xeyoi/mi Tpoirovs a(f)povas TToXtat? Opi% 1 e-^etv evirpe-n-ws. (4, 5, 6, 7) fJ.V ev (pavTao'/nacri oapov eicov avopa TOIOVTOV, , Tpu(f>ais e^wo^/cora, yepaiov ovcrcreftr} re /cat a9eov, eyepOets oe virvov aTreirTvact TOVTO ^acr/ua. (8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13) TT/OW Tavra TTOIOV eXacrcrw Tpv(f>rjv ra/u6i/3ov, /u;o6 oo/cet Totovoe jue eii'ctt vvv otos jyi'. (14-, 15, 16) yvaxTTov yap ecrn Oea>, u>s ce /3|OOTois ecrrat, ;o>; /ize nedap/mocrairOai TOVS TraXai Tpo- Troyy, oi/rw re fJieOapfJioaa) TOVS e/uows Tctipovs. (l? 5 18, 19) OTCII> oe /ue aKovtrrj^ ovra avQis oto? r/i/ Troxe, TOTC ay TrpoaeXOe /cat TraXtr 019 TrapoiOe rf/unv ecret v dpwyos /cat ^t^a; pa/f; >}/x0teo' j uet'o? Kctdevoe. (14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23) yXavicos $e Tty 6paK(ai> dfji;y. V. SHAKSPEARE. HENRY VI. PART III. Act v. Sc. 2. Ah ! who is nigh ? fyc. 79, /cat OTTtoy epets iroTepos ev T Sopos o VIKWV eon. TI epcoTW TOVTO ; paKrj yap ravra, 7T(TOI'Ta T6 COVVai KpCtTOS TOtS 6/uot? evOpots. oyra)9 Ke^/oos TTITVCI ro/xats TreXe/cetos ev OTOW eryKaXatv etv r y6i';s ateros :a0e^ero, Tot? oe IN GREEK TRAGIC IAMBIC VERSE. 249 O7cots VTTUI /cXacots Xetui' a\faToppoiXet' e9aXXe oe TTTopOois dicpois VTrepopa/u.ov//uets ovTiva av piov Tpoirov ov 9a.vovfj.e9a elf reXos. VI. SHAKSPEARE. KING LEAR. Act i. Sc. l. Now our joy, Sfc. 'Aet ijo'iGTov TraTpi Kapa Ko/o^eXta? vewTaTtjs dXXa 0/u.w? . ffTepyw TCKVOV ; ou^t et9 TO evavriov nierotcrets Xo*yow Oacraov, /m/oe Xe-yoycra TT/OOS X 1 P OV ^" et s T"a era; iriQov /nrjv e/moi ravTa. (TV fJiV e^vcras /ue, irarep, OVK apvou/aai rode, eOpe^/a^ re 6i$. e^evpov UVTOV, CICOKWV e\a(pov, Trapa Kprjvais e^ ft)** e^vrXet \a/u.7rpov yavo<$, caicpvois 6e ^aptv peTo vv/mdtr). iraprjv oe (TT60os TrXe/croi; iravTwv a va/nacri eyyws peovvi, avrov X P ffi vffr IN GREEK TRAGIC IAMBIC VERSE. 251 KOI rivi )oe deippurois Kptjvaims Spocrots, y\tw re orttt oioovrt (paos e(prj e-^eiv \aptv pvpiav. KO.I eTreira crrenma eTrrjpe nai /ULOI eoj/Xwcre e/cacrTov avQov^ reK/u.ap, /j-aOwv irapa aypoi- KWV, O7TW9 7-e rpoTria roiwoe av/uLTreTrXey/mevov rovro XI/TT;S flapos cnj/uaivoi. e$oe oe e/moi Xoyots ev ote^eX- Beiv /ULeOooov dypeias re^viis, ware /me vTrrjXOe epws rov paOeiv, /cat rov iraiSa d (ptXrarov crj a/ma re irpev- fievecrrarov el Trore Tts cecrirorijs aXXoy. KOI Treft^w rov$e Trat^a virypereiv re croi (fiepeiv re YI/JHV ei/roXas epwros. 252 PROGRESSIVE EXERCISES II. ENGLISH TO BE TRANSLATED INTO TRAGIC SENARII. A. Arranged Verse by Verse with the Greek words unconstructed. I. But it is difficult to learn of every man Both the soul and the thought and sentiment, before that He shall be seen engaged both in the offices and the laws. For to me, whosoever directing the whole city Lays not hold of the best counsels, But from any fear keeps close his tongue, (He) appears both now and long since to be most base. And whosoever esteems a friend greater than his own country, Him I hold in no place. By laws such as this I increase this city. II. For no bad device has sprung up to men Like money this both destroys cities, This banishes men from their homes, This teaches and changes good minds Of men to set themselves to base deeds. IN GREEK TRAGIC SENARII. NOTE The Greek words are all arranged verse by verse : th English words as far as idiom allowed. I. oe K/j.av9ai>(a (2nd aor.) TTO? dvrjp ^fv^rj TC Kai poi>rj/u.a KOI yvco/ur] Trpiv av o/u.ai (2nd aor. pass, sub.) evrpifirn dp^rj T KCU VOfJLOS. eyta yap, Oprjv s icrra/xat (infin.) 7rpo9 254 PROGRESSIVE EXERCISES And it has shewn to men to exercise villainies And to know impiety of every action. But as many as being hired have performed these things, In time at length have brought about so as to suffer punishment. III. Many guests indeed before now and from every kind of land I have known coming to this house, (plur.) To whom I have set food. But never yet have I re- ceived A worse guest than this into this abode. Who, first of all, seeing our master grieving Came in, and endured to pass the gates. And then, not at all received quietly The ordinary attentions, after learning the calamity. But if we did not bring any thing, urged us to bring it. And now indeed I entertain in the house (plur.) As guest, a crafty knave, and some thief. IV. There is not to children a more noble privilege than this, Than to be born from a virtuous and good Father. And to marry from among the good. But who being conquered by desire Has communicated with bad (him) I will not praise, That he should leave a disgrace to his children for the sake of pleasure. IN GREEK TRAGIC SENARII. 255 ceiKvu/ui (1st aor.) Se dvOpwiros c-^w iravovpyia Kai oiva ovtfcrefieia Tras epyov ocro? 06 fJnaOapveco O.VVToi/' a\\a OI/TTO) ft / > /ca/cos oe^o/mai (1st aor.) eis ooe ecrna. os TrpwTa. /uev, o^oaj oecr7roT>/s Trev^etD (2nd aor.) /cat ToX/naca (ist aor.) afjLeif3o/u.at (1st aor.) TTvXj?. oe oyr< oe^o/Mat (ist aor.) o irpoffTv^wv %eviov, fj.avQavca (2nd aor.) aXX' ei /u; (pepw (opt.) T<, oTpvvw . (cat vvi' e'yw eVxtft) /yiei/ ev oo^uos iravovpyos /cXeo\|r, K'at Tts X^ IV. ov/c 6t/x Trais 'ycjoas *caXo? ooe >; 0va> (perf.) eo-^Xos at aya^os iraTrjp. yctfJL(t) TC OTTO ea^Xos* os oe VLKUW (1st aor.) Koivtovett) (ist aor.) /ca/cos, OI/K eTraiveto \enrti) (2nd aor.) oVetoo? TeKi/oi/ ovi'eKa ijoovrj. 256 PROGRESSIVE EXERCISES For high birth repels calamity More than ignoble birth. For we having fallen Into the extreme of evil have found as friends And relations these who of so great inhabited Grecian land alone have stood up for these. Give O children the right hand to them, give, And you to the children and approach near. V. And I will speak, not having any reproach for men, But shewing the kindness of what things I gave. Who first indeed, though seeing saw in vain, Though hearing heard not, but like the phantoms Of dreams, for a long time Confounded all things promiscuously, and neither knew Brick houses turned towards the Sun, nor wood-working, But lived buried beneath, like little ants In the sunless recesses of caves. And there was to them no sign neither of winter Nor of flowery spring, nor sure (sign) of fruitful summer. But without judgment they conducted every thing, Until at length I shewed to them the risings Of the stars, and the settings hard to be determined. VI. But know in truth that the spirits which are too harsh Most readily fall : and the most strong IN GREEK TRAGIC SENARII. 257 tj evyeveta yap fJLUvo/mai TO fjiaXXov r\ cvcryeveia' J7/xe<9 y et9 TO O"^a.Tov TTITTTW (2nd aor.) evptcrKoo (2nd aor.) Kat ^vyyevys doe, ds, rotrocroe ot/ceco 'EX\}/ws "yj? /uoi/os Trpota-TrjfjLi (2nd aor.) o^e. oicwfjii (2nd aor.) w TCKVOV 'X.cip oe^to? OWTOJ, cic re TraiS, Arat Trpoffep^ofJLai (2nd aor.) TreXas. V. oe ^ aXXa e^rjyovfjiai evvoia o$ (gen. plur.) CI^W/JLI (perf.) 09 TrpcoTa (xei/ /BXeTTw fJLaTrjv flXeira) (imperf.) ArXt/co oy/c oKouo) (imp.) aXXa /u.op(f)tj aXfycto9, d /maicpos o^e (imperf.) KaTwpv^ ware dtjavpos ev eis re/c/xa/o ayrot9 oyre oure j/'jO dv9efJL(a$r]S 3 OVTG /ca^oTTtyuo 06|009 /3e/3cuo9' aXXa d -TTOS are^o , (imperf.) 9 re $rj &9 ^ (nrouSr) e-^ta 7rrj/u.a Qu KCLI (TT(f)(a (1st aor.) upon-a, /cat (Tirevo'co (ist aor. mid.) i ev of/cos o cros oi/crTu^eto. (part, dative) o/ /u.efji0eX/Tos Tty ay CTTW (opt.) aXXos ooe, TrXj;^ TTOI'OS (part, fern.) o Y / TV "X. t l aavtjs ot Trpofiatvto 262 PROGRESSIVE EXERCISES And it is not to be taught, nor yet is it caught by art. Having then heard these things, and having learnt from me, Delight yourself, drink, consider as yours The life of to-day, but the rest, as fortune's. XI. O friends, whosoever is indeed acquainted with evils, Knows, how, when to mortals a wave Of evils comes on, he is wont to fear all things. But when the god flows propitious, (he-is-wont) to trust That the same god will always give a course of good fortune. But O friends, to these libations of the dead Sing good omened hymns, and I will send To the infernal gods these honours, drunk by earth. XII. O most base, and destruction of your friends, What things have you done to me. May Jupiter my progenitor Destroy you by the roots, wounding you with fire! Did I not speak, did I not shew forethought of your mind, (in desiring) That you should be silent in the things in which I am now disgraced ? But you did not endure, wherefore no longer shall we die IX GREEK TRAGIC SENARII. 263 OVTOS ovv O.KOVW (ist aor. part.) /cat ^avBavw (2nd aor.) Trapa eyto eu(f)paiv(a crai/ros, TTIVW, o Kara rjmepa fiios Xoyi^ofJLat o"os, o oe aXXos o Tv^tj. XI. 0t\O9, OCTTIS fJitV KVpU) C/ULTTeipO'} KdKOS eTTtcrra/xat, ws OTO.V /3jOoro9 K\VOWV /ca/cos eTrep-^ofJiai (2nd aor. sub.) (j)i\o) orai/ ^e o cai/ucov eupoa), ireiQu) (perf. mid. inf.) o ai/ros aet ^ai^wv ovpify (fut. inf.) Tv^y. (gen.) aXX' ca 0tXo9, ^orf o$ 7rev(bijfi.a) V/ULVOS, eyca ce o^e Tt/x>; TrpoTrefnrw Oeos XII. KOI $ia(f)0opa oto9 (ist aor.) 7(0. Zeus yevvtjrwp e/xo? poppifys cK-rpiftw (aor. ^Eol.) oi)ra^o> TTV^. w CTTO), 01) irpovoeojuiai (ist aor.) tros 67TI OS 70) WV KUKVI'd). crv $e OVK uvc^ofiai' rotynp OUKCTI 264 PROGRESSIVE EXERCISES Irreproachable, but I have need forsooth of new con- siderations. For he now sharpened with anger as to his mind Will tell to his father against us your errors, May both you perish, and whosoever is ready not well To assist his friends unwilling (to be assisted). XIII. But whosoever transgressing, either forces the laws Or thinks to command those who are ruling, It is not possible that he should obtain praise from me. But whom the city shall appoint, him it is right to hear Both in small things, and just, and the contrary. For there is not a greater evil than anarchy, This destroys cities, this makes houses Overthrown, this with the contest of the spear Breaks armies into rout. But of those who are ruled aright Obedience preserves most of their persons. XIV. O dearest of attendants, how you shew to me Clear signs, that you are faithful towards us. For as a well bred horse, though he be old, In his dangers does not lose his courage, But raises his ear erect, in like manner too you Both encourage us, and yourself follow among the first IN GREEK TRAGIC SENARII. 265 dvrj(TK(t> aXXa /ue Set Stj /eati>os Xo'yos oi/ros 1 yap vvv Qtjyw (perf. pass.) (f>prjv 0/07*7 epeo) cro9 a/jLcipTia TrctTtjp K.O.TO. eyta. oXXv^i (2nd aor. opt. mid.) /cat crv, /cat oo-rts $tXos a/raw et'/xt 7rpo9vfjio$ cvepyereco /mtj naXtas. XIII. 'Ocrrts ^e V7rep(3aiv(i> (2nd aor. part.) 7; /3tao/Mai co;uo?, ; evvoei TO CTriTaa-cro) o KpaTwv, (part, dative) OVK eifu ovros Tvyxavw (2nd aor.) eTraii/os e^ e^yttj. aXXa os 7roXt9 IcrTrjfu (aor. ^Eolicus) ^j; /cXuw d^e, R ' ' /cat (rju.ucpos /cat ot/catos /cat o ei/ai>Ttos. ou "ya/o elfj-i KOKOV /utet^oi; avap-^ia, OUTOS oXXf/ut TroXtSj ooe aVauTaTo? ot/cos, ooe crvi' /uX^ oo/ou rjyvvfJii TpoTTtj. o oe opOovfjiai (part. gen. plur.) ; TreiOap^ia crayuia o TroXyy XIV. arjfjLiov yiyvo^ai (perf, mid. particip. nom.) axrirep yap evyevrjs ITTTTO? /cat ai/ yepiav et/ut ov/c avroXXu/ut (1st aor.) #17*09 eV o aXXa IffTrjiui ou? 0/0^09, ftJo-ayrws oe ]\ow o /uei; 0^09 (neut. pi. ace.) av $e cicw/j.1 oi>9 anorj o e/zos Xo r yo9 et TI fj.tj Tvy^avta Kaipos ncOapuo^a}. (ist aor. imp.) XV. 'Q (T^erXtos, . a\\a CTro/iai eyw /ULCTU j3a.KTpov ce dvop6oa> e/xos crw/ma /cat e' 06 ovo yepwv TrnrTw (2nd aor. inf.) o',uo) (imper.) ooi/Xeyreoi' r yct/o o Ba/c^to? o Zeus. OTrajj $e Hevdevs IU.TJ icr;T>7S' Trats o flota?, 09 o 268 PROGRESSIVE EXERCISES Two generals, and the king of the Cephallenians, Cast disgracefully thus destitute, perishing With a raging disease, struck With the savage bite of the destroying serpent. With which (disease) they O child, exposing me here Desolate, departed, when from the sea girt Chryse they anchored here with the naval equipment. XVII. But one of the daughters love will sooth, so as not To slay her husband, but she will be blunted As to her purpose, and will choose one of the two To be called a coward rather than bloody. She shall bear at Argos a royal race. There is need of long speech to go through these things clearly, From this seed however will be born one bold, Renowned in the bow, who from these troubles shall free me. An oracle to such an effect my aged mother Themis the daughter of Titan narrated to me. But how and when, these things have need of long speech To say, and you by learning will gain nothing. XVIII. Would that there were to me a voice in my arms And hands and hair and footstep IN GREEK TRAGIC SENARII. 269 otcrcros (TTpaTtjyos, /cat o dt/a Ke0aXX/i/es PITTTCO (ist aor.) o vavfiarw XVII. oe ^eX^o) et9 Trots, TO /u>/ ^yj/euvos, ctXXa a7ra/u./3Xu'o/tat ji flov\ofj.at oe o ere^oos ovw /cXi/to /xaXXoi' >/ /xtat0oi/os. OUTOS Ttfcrw /3acrtXt/cov yevos Kara 'Apyos. ^et fJiOKpos \oyos eire^ep-^onai (2nd aor.) OUTOS , ^/Jj/cr/zos TOioaSe o TraXatyevt]? fJLrjrrjp 6e/uts Ttrai/ts ^tep^o/xat 70;. OTTCOS ^e /cat OTT*/, /ua/cpos Xo'yos oJros oet etTTw, cry re eK/uLavOavw (aor. part, fem.) Kepoauw ovcev. XVIII. Et yiyvofj.a.1 (2nd aor. opt.) e7<> (pOoyyos ev /cat X 6t / Kat /CO / A '? KCtl /3a(rts Troys, 270 PROGRESSIVE EXERCISES Either by the art of Djedalus or of some god That all together might lay hold of your knees Weeping, charging you all kinds of words. O Lord, O greatest light to the Greeks Be persuaded, hold out to an old woman An avenging hand, even if she is nothing, still however (do it) For it is the part of a good man, both to assist justice And always everywhere to evil-entreat the evil. XIX. But neither am I a lover of this sentiment, Nor ever would I dare it with another doing it. And as a proof of these things, in the one case, going to Delphi Enquire if I have told you truly the things spoken by the oracle: In the next case if you find me with the augur Plotting any thing in common, slay me, not by a single Vote, but a double, convicting me both by my own and yours. But by an unfounded opinion do not accuse me without proof, For it is not right without cause either to esteem The bad good, nor yet the good bad. For to cast out a good friend I consider the same As to cast away one's own life, which one loves most. But in time you shall know these things safely, since Time alone shews the just man, But the bad you may learn even in one day. rx GREEK TRAGIC SENARII. 271 YI Te^i'tj AatoaXo9, T) Tt9 9eo$ (plu.) &>s Tra? y.w ( s ' n o- opt. mid.) eras yovvv omaprtj K\aw, eTrtcTKT/Trra) Travroio^ \oyos. (a cecr7roT?79, to [*eyas <^)aos EXX/i/ TreiOco (2nd aor. mid.) Trape^w (2nd aor.) p^etp o irpecr- ? '-v \ , ei KO.I eifJLt /txeoet?, aXXa o/ jO af>;jO (ge n -) VTrrjpeTefo re 77 ^t /cat Trai'ra^ou aet opta /ca/ca9 o /ca/ct>9. XIX. AXXa oi/re 0yft) (2nd aor.) e^ctcrr*;? ooe o oJre ai; rXj/jUt (opt.) irore ai/ /tera aXXo? ^w (part. prses.) Kat eXe^X 05 ^ e > ouro9 p.ev, elfu YlvOcooe irvvQavojiai (2nd aor. imp.) ei dyye\\ o Tepa.aKOTro oa7ror^9 (ace.) 'S.KafJLavopos fioaw. KOI o (lev 'Apa? o oe Xea>$ GecrcraXos re Qtjcretoijs TT^O/XOS 18 274 PROGRESSIVE EXERCISES B. Arranged Verse by Verse, without the Greek words. 1. What now (is) dearer to a man than his father land ? 2. If you will not restrain your tongue, you will have evils. 3. It behoves the fortunate to be ((puu>) wise. 4. Of men, he who meddles (7rpa, with adv.) to bring to light one hidden in the tomb. VI. (Six.) Never must we felicitate the fortunes of a prosperous man, until his life is now fully finished, and he is dead. For in a brief and small time the gift of evil fortune is wont to destroy all wealthy prosperity, when it suffers change (^/meOicrrrj/uLi) and the gods will this. VII. (Four.) Why do you praise this? for every man intoxicated is the slave of passion and void of under- standing, and after rashly venting violent language (much tongue) is wont to hear unwillingly the words which he willingly spake. VIII. (Eight.) How revolves my fate on the god's subtle wheel, and changes its character: as the moon's face can- not abide two nights in the same shape; but from in- visible she first comes forth youthful, brightening and filling up her countenance; and when she is seen in her noblest guise (lit. noblest of herself) she falls away again and comes to nothing. IN GREEK TRAGIC SENARII. 279 IX. (Four.) For by a man's judgment cities are well administered and a house well, and it is very strong for war : for one wise counsel vanquishes the numerous hands, and with a multitude ignorance is a greater evil. X. (Four.) There are three virtues, son, which it be- hoves you to exercise ; to honour both the gods and the parents who begat you and the common laws of Greece ; and doing these things, you shall ever have the noblest crown of glory. XI. (Two.) To all the unfortunate or ill used there is a refuge, honest friends. XII. (Three.) But I am aware what I suffer, and this is no small evil : for to have no knowledge (inf. with art.) of one's disease (part, accus.) contains some pleasure, and in misfortunes ignorance is gain. XIII. (Six.) Whatever man, well possessed of substance, (/3ios) with negligence passes by and leaves his house- hold affairs, (/cara) and delighted by melodies runs after this continually, will become profitless (apyos) to his family and city, and to his friends a nobody; for the character ((jfri/crts) is gone when any is the slave of sweet pleasure. 280 PROGRESSIVE EXERCISES XIV. (Four.) If the god should give me Nestor's (adj.) melody and (that) of the Phrygian Antenor, I could not fill a leaky (person) (^17 ffTeywv), pouring wise words on an unwise man. XV. (Six.) Do ye think ye could govern a land, if all the people dwelt (TroXtTevo/iAcu) poor without rich men? Good and evil cannot be asunder, but there is a certain commixture, for things to be well. For what a poor man has not, a rich gives, and what we rich do not possess, we attain by employing (part.) the poor. XVI. (Ten.) Let us go now, boys, to the schools of the wise, seminaries of liberal education (/UOI/O-IKJ?). You ought to add something (to your knowledge) continually day by day, as long as it may be allowed (ee//xi) to learn better things. Now a boy knows how to do any evil without teaching (7r/oot/ca), learning from his own self with no trouble ; but good things he is not wont to remember, even if he receive an instructor, but acquires them with difficulty. Guard against (^tAacrcro/uat) these things then, O youths, with much toil, giving yourselves to the instructions of the wise. XVII. (Five.) Danaus, the father of fifty daughters, after leaving the Ethiopian land and the Nile's stream, came IN GREEK TRAGIC SENARII. 281 to Argos and colonized the city of Inachus, and made a custom that those before named Pelasgiots should be called throughout Greece Danaans. XVIII. (Three.) I hear that Lydian and Bactrian maidens dwelling beside the river Halys worship the Tmolian goddess Diana through the laurel-shaded grove. XIX. (Five.) Whatever mortal hath not experienced love, knows not the bond of necessity ; whom I obeying, being thus mastered, have set forth on this journey. For this god both makes the weak to be strong, and the helpless to find a resource. XX. Inscription on a Tablet at the West End of ST MARY'S CHURCH, SHREWSBURY. Let this small monument record the fame Of Cadman, and to future times proclaim How by 'n attempt to fly from this high spire Across the Sabrine stream, he did acquire His fatal end. 'Twas not from want of skill Or courage to perform the task, he fell: No, no ! A faulty cord, being drawn too tight, Hurried his soul to take her upward flight, Which bade the body here below, Good-night { HINTS TRANSLATIONS FROM SHAKSPEARE. HINTS, MERCHANT OF VENICE. Act v. Sc. 1. The moon shines bright true one. ' Sweet:' evarjs. ' Did gently kiss: 1 was moving with gentle Trpocr/3o\cu v\\(uv eTrwcas. * Steal f (pvyas K\eTTTeiv. ' Jew :"* substitute ' father. 1 * With an unthrift love z 1 yielding to rash love. 'Venice: 1 'Evmvv ctTtav tjoicrTov HENRY VI. PART I. Act iv. Sc. 5. O young John Talbot to heaven Jly. ' Young John Talbot :' dear son. ' Send for :"" ' Tutor :"" eicSiSacrKw. * Talbot's :' my. ' Be revived f dvtjfiaa), or rifiaa) iraXiv. * Sapless :"* %>ipos. * Should bring &c. :' shall make thy father heavy with disease. ' O malignant SEC. :' for this day has evil omens. ' Talbot :' TaX/Bwros. ' My mother f your wife and my mother. * Slave f slave instead of free. HINTS FOR TRANSLATIONS. 287 ' The world &c. :' mortals will say that I am not your son, if I fly basely, while my father stays. * Fly to &c. :' fly that you may return, avenger of death to your father. ' Your loss Sic. :' if, you being slain, the calamity is severe, you ought to value (irpeafievw) your own life. * My worth &c. :' but I, curios tav ocrovTrep aios, shall be lightly esteemed of in death. ' French :' KeArcu. * For vantage :' o^eXovs OUVCKU. ' The first hour :' irpwTov e\9wv eis fj.a%r)v. ' On my knee :"* ryovvTreTijs. * Mortality :' to die. ' Rather than :' irpii> 17. ' Life &c. :' to buy a life of shame. ' Upon my &c. :"* fly if you regard your father's vows. ' No part &c. :' how so ? if this part saved will disgrace me. ' Lose :' e/c- TrtTTTw. ' And leave :' how can I depart and leave ? ' Followers :' %vvaoves. ( My age &c. :' not yet though old, have I contracted (alpo/mai) this disgrace. ' And shall &c. :' how then befits it me, a youth, to contract the same ? ' No more Sic. r 1 no more shall you forcibly divide me f*rj ov e-^eiv irapovaiav, than yourself. ' Stay, go, he. :' in you is my part (TO e/jiov) whether to stay here or to fly, or what of other things you will. ' Take my leave i 1 address thee for the last time. ' Born to &c. r 1 about to leave this light to-day. ' Side by side &c. :' it behoves to live and die together, and together from this land to seek the abode of heaven. 288 HINTS FOR TRANSLATIONS. HENRY VIII. Act n. Sc. l All good people to heaven. 'All good people:' kind Trapovicr|uei'>7 tcaff THUCOV tos ctj TTpocovTtav TruTpi^a. ' By that name :' KpiOeis 7rpo$oTT]s. ' Conscience :' evvvoia. ' Let it sink me :** KO.KOV /cct/cfos (pOeipeie /me. ' As the axe falls :' fydtows /u,7Tcrov/u.ei>ov : or, when the sword falls its fatal lapse. ' I bear no malice :' I do not blame. ' Upon the premises t 1 e/c ye TWV imefjiapTvprj/ULevwv. ' Those who sought it: 1 TrapaiTios. 'Christian: 1 evae/3r/s. 'Guilt- less: 1 shed Trap ai, or exoiKtos. 'Cry: 1 eyKaXeii'. ' In this world :' ev9a$e. ' Although &c. :" although the king might pardon more v\ -^anroa epcaiv avros av T\atr)v KCLKct. ' Few :' I name not many. ' Bucking- ham :"" me ; or this man ; or this head. ' Fellows :* criWwi'. ' Is only bitter 8tc. :' is more painful than death. ' To my end C about to die. ' Long divorce of steel :' atotjpo(3pi9es vrX^'y/jia, ^taXfats fliou. ( Make 8cc. f sacrifice (Qvoamvew) with sweet prayers. ' Lift :' HINTS FOR TRANSLATIONS. 289 HENRY VIII. Act n. Sc. 4. Sir I desire you discharged. * Desire: 1 dj~iov. ' Across : ' folded. ' What the matter was:' TTOW Kvpois Tv%ris. 'Stared &c. :' directed 19 290 HINTS FOR TRANSLATIONS. ungentle fioXai O/ULUCITCOV. ' Urge : ' seek to know. (ahl. abs.) 'Scratch:' strike. 'Stamped:' beat ground with shoe. 'Insist:' e-rreiyw. 'But with &c. :' but threat- ened fearfully by shaking the hand, if I should not leave you out of sight. 'Strengthen impatience:' add wrath to wrath. 'Effect of humour:' (fipevtw irXavr], or 7rXcti>7|ua, or ira.9oos. 'Give pause:' e/nftaXXeiv (fipovriSa. 'Calamity:' the calamitous. ' Time : ' fortune. * Despised : ' d narrjv. ' Office : ' oi ev reXet. 'Merit:' o j^o>/(7Tos > . 'Patient:' TXijuovcas. ' When he himself &c. : ' it being possible for him having drawn a dagger to obtain oblivion. 'Sweat:' i; \$pwTi. ' Puzzles : ' INDEX OF AUTHORS. BATHER, JOHN. DATE. PAGE. 1837- "Iff 6KiroSw'i/, K.T.X 53 1837- 'Ap' OUK oiriaira?? iroXlrai, K.T.\ 118 1840. T* S; "TrapiJKa, K.T.\ 151 1839. 'AvwVaXo's rot, K.T.\ 220 COBBOLP, ROBERT HENRY. 1839- 'Hjau/ iraTrif) apMT'To?, K. T. A 193 292 INDEX. COPE, EDWARD. "ATE. PAGE. 1836. OI/K ela \ve, K. T. X 173 1839. ^ QiXra-r el peit, K. T. X 177 1838. Nu/ji^t; TK, K.T.X 208 1839- rioj/Tiwi/ ap' CK 6a\dfjnav, K.T.X 226 FRANCE, FRANCIS. 1836. Toryap TO 0e?o/, K.T.X 57 FRASER, JAMES. 1836. Ila?? 6CTJ jUO< TS, K.T.X 175 FELLOWES, WILLIAM. 1838. Nuv ovpavdv fiev, K.T.X. 6l INDEX. 293 GIFFORD, EDWIN H. DATE. PAGE. 1839' KaAw? \e-yi<; TJ fjuj 6e\ot<;, K.T.\ 1839- 'Hi; TTOT evyevrjs dvrip TJC, K. T.\ 1839. Xa?/J6 rrotKt\oto, K.T.\. .... MOBERLY, CHARLES EDWARD. 1837- OJ B^T' cpe\\ov, K. T. A .................................. 185 MONTAGU, EDGAR. 1838. Ap a^iftHrtis, K. T. A ..................................... 13 1837- Ae'fw pev e'So?, K. T. A .................................. 117 MORSE, FRANCIS. 1837- E* V't c > K.T.X ..................................... 21 1838. 'Apuot pev vpav, K.T.A .................................. 23 294 INDEX. DATE. PACK. 1837- fi TCK.VOV 0?/jll, K.T.\ 43 1837- Tloiav op?!/, K. T. \ 67 1837- Xaipetv ? dei, K.T.\ 97 1838. r favTtjv yepovrtav, K.T.\ 99 1837. ^ X a V na\\iviKe, K.T.\ 119 1836. O'lfjiot Sajua^TO?, K.T. \ 137 1837- Ow TOJ irdpet/Jii, K.T.\ 157 1838. "Ze nev nd\' avdn, K.T.\ 159 1837. Ti 8>; -n-ovrjpov, K.T.\ 167 1838. Nui/ nev a/uJi/w, K.T.\ 199 NUGEE, GEORGE. 1837- Oe/o' e\6e Sevpo, K.T.A 29 1838. OWK e?a fi\e\l/ei<;, K. T. X 63 1837- '& X aT P Koo-xa, K.T.A 105 1837. ToOtav So? ;>/, K.T.A 121 RIDDELL, JAMES. 1839. El /ii/ TU^;J/, K. T. A 35 1840. 'AAA' J o-J iraa-iv, K.T.A 77 J840. Aey jueV ot/xai, K.T.A Ill 1840. 'fl 0uAoi/ ovpavov^ov, K.T.A 143 INDEX. 295 DATE. PAGF. 1839- TjjS' riv o 0opv/3o<:, K. T. \ ............................... 183 1840. Ae'y' ev Tct-^ei, K.T.\ ..................................... 197 1839. *ft KpoPo-' eVei p.e, K.T.\ ............................... 219 1840. Marep w ^pi/(ra?, K.T.\ .................................. 229 THRING, HENRY. 1836. To Trfs ai/a'(r7?, K. T. X .................................. 81 1837- ^I; -ravTa dpdffy*;, K.T.\ ............................... 93 1836. Ka0eo'|ue(r0a, K. T.\ ..................................... 203 WARD, JOHN BLAKEWAY. 1838. Kpe? croi, K.T.\ ............................... 5 183?. "IZoiev wi/af, K.T.\ ........................................ 89 MO 1Q1 621 7 iffff TW^/ s/ . /\ A