Sig Lipman Memorial Library UNIVERSITY RELIGIOUS CONFERENCE HOUSE WESTWOOD PAPERS OF THE JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. 189?. PHILADELPHIA : THE JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY OF AMERICA, 1894. Copyright, THB JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY OF AMERICA, 1894. Stack Annex HQ INTRODUCTION. When the World's Fair Congress Auxiliary was organ- ized, it was determined that, among the other congresses, a Parliament of Religions should be held. The Parlia- ment consisted of a General Parliament of all religions and of denominational Congresses. The General Com- mittee on Religious Parliament was composed of two branches, one the men's, the other the women's com- mittee. It consisted of representatives of every denom- ination, appointed by Mr. C. C. Bonney, president of the Auxiliary, and Mrs. Charles Henrotin, vice-president of the woman's branch. By virtue of this appointment, they became the chairmen of their respective denomi- national committees, with power to make up the com- mittee. At the first meeting of the Jewish Women's Committee, it was decided to work along the lines adopted by the other committees. The Committee also decided to collect and publish the traditional melodies of the Jews as a souvenir of the occasion. In order to arouse the interest in the Jewish Congress and the souve- nir, notices were issued to all Jewish publications, invit- ing the co-operation of all persons interested. Circular letters were sent to the larger cities, asking Jewish women to hold mass meetings to elect delegates. This measure was more successful than had been antici- pated, twenty-nine cities being represented by ninety- three delegates. An extensive correspondence was carried on with Jewish men and women of this country and England, no less than two thousand letters having been written and received by the members of the Com- mittee. (3) 4 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. The Programme Committee obtained subjects for papers from many sources, also names of women to write them. It was no easy task to arrange the programme and choose the essayists. It was found that every sec- tion of the country could be represented, and the com- mittee, in every instance, was fortunate in its choice of essayists. Two representatives were chosen to present papers in the General Parliament. The Committee was equally fortunate in interesting the Rev. Wm. Sparger, of New York, and the Rev. Alois Kaiser, of Baltimore, in the work necessary for the souvenir. These gentle- men gave their services without compensation, and owing to their able efforts, as well as to those of the conscientious publisher, Mr. L. Rubovits, the Jewish Women's Congress has a souvenir of which it may justly be proud. Dr. Cyrus Adler kindly consented to write the introduction. The Congress itself was a great success, arousing the interest of Jews and Christians alike. The room origi- nally intended for the sessions was found inadequate to hold the audience, and the larger room chosen was at all times too small. At the Wednesday evening session, it was necessary to hold an overflow-meeting, the overflow completely filling another large hall. The meeting was, in every respect, satisfactory. The question of religious persecution was thoroughly dis- cussed, in the manner and spirit hoped for by the Com- mittee. The discussion was noteworthy, because Jews r Catholics and Protestants were animated by the same desire to battle in the cause of liberty of conscience. The influence of the Congress is, however, not to be measured by the size of its audiences, nor by the merits of its papers. Its chief result is that it brought together, from all parts of the country, East, West and South, women interested in their religion, following similar INTRODUCTION. 5 lines of work, and sympathetic in ways of thought, and was instrumental in cementing friendships between them. Its outcome is a National Organization, and its use was to prove to the world that Israel's women, like women of other faiths, are interested in all that tends to bring men nearer together in every movement affecting the welfare of mankind. HANNAH G. SOLOMON, Chairman. PROGRAMME. MONDAY, September 4, 10 a. m. PRAYER, ..... RAY FRANK, Oakland, Cal. ADDRESS, .... ELLEN M. HENROTIN, Vice- President of the World's Congress Auxiliary. ADDRESS, .... HANNAH G. SOLOMON, Chairman. POEM, " White Day of Peace," . . . MIRIAM DEI, BANCO. PAPER, " Jewish Women of Biblical and Mediaeval Times," LOUISE MANNHEIMER, Cincinnati, Ohio. PAPER, "Jewish Women of Modern Days," HELEN KAHN WEIL, Kansas City, Mo. HENRIETTA G. FRANK, Chicago, III. DISCUSSION, . . ) DR. K. KOHLER, New York. DR. E. G. HIRSCH, Chicago, III. TUESDAY, September 5, 9.30 a. m. PAPER, " Woman in the Synagogue, " . RAY FRANK, Oakland, Cal. DISCUSSION, .... DR. I. S. MOSES, Chicago, III. PAPER, " Influence of the Discovery of America on the Jews," PAULINE H. ROSENBERG, Allegheny, Pa. ( ESTHER WITKOWSKI, Chicago, III. DISCUSSION, . . I MARY NEWBURY ADAMS, Dubuque, Iowa- TUESDAY, September 5, 2.30 p. m. PAPER, "Women as Wage-Workers, with Special Reference to Directing Immigrants," JULIA RICHMAN, New York. ( SADIE G. LEOPOLD, Chicago, III. 3N| I JESSIE BROSS LLOYD, Chicago, III. PAPER, "Influence of the Jewish Religion in the Home," MARY M. COHEN, Philadelphia, Pa. ( JULIA I. FELSENTHAL, Chicago, III. DISCUSSION, . . . -j ISABELLA BEECHER HOOKER. (. ADA CHAPMAN, Dallas, Texas. WEDNESDAY, September 6, 9.30 a. m. POEM, " Israel to the World in Greeting," . CORA WILBURN, Marshfield, Mass. PAPER, " Charity as Taught by the Mosaic Code," EVA L. STERN, New York. (6) PROGRAMME. 7 PAPER, " Woman's Place in Charitable Work ; What it is, and What it should be, " CARRIE S. BENJAMIN, Denver, Col. f GOLDIE BAMBER, Boston, Mass. DISCUSSION, . I R. W. NAVRA, New Orleans, La. WEDNESDAY, September 6, 8.30 p. m. ADDRESS, CHAIRMAN. PRESENTATION OF HYMN BOOK, . . . EMMA FRANK. PAPER, " Mission Work Among the Unenlightened Jews/' MINNIE D. Louis, New York. DISCUSSION, .... REBEKAH KOHUT, New York. PAPER, " How can Nations be Influenced to Protest or even Interfere in Cases of Persecution," LAURA JACOBSON, St. Louis, Mo. LiLUE HIRSHFIELD, New York. ARCHBISHOP IRELAND, St. Paul, Minn. WIIJJAM ONAHAN, Chicago, III. DISCUSSION, PROF. CHAS. ZEUBWN, Chicago, III. THE REV. JENKINS LLOYD JONES, Chicago, III. DR. E. G. HIRSCH, Chicago, III. THE REV. IDA G. HUI/TIN, Chicago, III. THURSDAY, September 7, 9.30 a. m. REPORTS, . . . PAPER, "Organization," . . SADIE AMERICAN, Chicago, III. BUSINESS MEETING, ....... PAPERS read before the Religious Parliament under the Auspices of the Committee of the Jewish Women's Congress. SEPTEMBER 16. PAPER, "The Outlook of Judaism," JOSEPHINE LAZARUS, New York. SEPTEMBER 21. PAPER, "What Judaism has done for Woman," HENRIETTA SZOLD, Baltimore, Md. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1893, 10 A. M. PRAYER. RAY FRANK, OAKLAND, Almighty God, Creator and Ruler of the universe, through Whose justice and mercy this first convention of Jewish women has been permitted to assemble, accept our thanks, and hearken, O lyord, to our prayer. In times past, when storms of cruel persecution drove us toward the reefs of adversity, seemingly overwhelmed by misfortune, we had faith in Thee and Thy works, ever trusting and believing that Thou ordainest all things well. Because of this faith, we feel that Thou hast, in the course of events, caused this glorious con- gress to convene, that it may give expression to that which shall spread broadcast a knowledge of Thee and Thy deeds. Grant, then, Thy blessing upon those assembled, and upon the object of their meeting. May the peculiar cir- cumstances, which have brought together, under one roof, both Catholic and Jew, who, for centuries, have been seeking to serve Thee, though in different ways, be a promise of future peace. Grant, we beseech Thee, that this convention may be productive of that which is in accordance with Thy will. Bless, O Lord, this our country and the President thereof, and all the people of the land. May love and peace be the heritage of men, to remain with them for- ever. Amen. (8) ADDRESS. M. HENROTIN, CHICAGO, ILL. In Chicago, to-day, in this young, so-called " material- istic World-City," the representatives of the religion which has had the greatest influence over the creeds of modern civilization are gathered together. If a glorious past can insure a glorious future, then this parliament of Jewish women is moving on to a great triumph. To what other race of women has it been given to inspire the spiritual ideals, not alone of its own people, but of the entire civilized world? To them, the arts and literature have turned for inspiration, until the type of character and of beauty of the Jewess is cosmopolitan, and surrounded with a halo of mysterious beauty, and now the spirit of association has come to them the greatest modern factor, "working for righteousness." Dr. Stevenson, in her address to the General Federation of Women's Clubs, said that the " Brotherhood of man can only come through the Sisterhood of Woman " a profound truth, and every day that sisterhood is enlarg- ing, and is permeating society. The great number assembled in response to the call of the committee testifies to the universality of sentiment on this point among Jewish women. That this meeting may result in a national organization is my earnest desire. I have the pleasure of introducing, as the permanent presiding officer of the Congress, Mrs. Hannah Solomon, to whose courage, energy and devotion the success of this Congress will be due. (9) ADDRESS. HANNAH G. SOLOMON, Chairman. It is iny pleasant duty, as chairman of the local com- mittee, to extend to you all a hearty welcome to our city and to our Congress, the first Jewish Women's Congress. It was with some misgiving that I accepted a position on the general committee on Parliament of Religions, realizing that it was a new departure for the Jewish woman to occupy herself with matters pertaining to religion. But I felt that in the Parliament of Religions, where women of all creeds were represented, the Jewish woman should have a place. I was fortunate enough to secure a com- mittee thoroughly in sympathy with me, all its members believing that, on an occasion on which women and men of all creeds are realizing that the ties that bind us are stronger than the differences that separate, that when the world is giving to Israel the liberty, long withheld, of taking its place among all religions, to teach the truths it holds, for the benefit of man and the glory of the Creator, the place of the Jewish woman should not be vacant. I need not say that the work has been great, and it is with pleasure that I look back upon the harmo- nious, efficient work of the committee. The only fault I might find is the too great enthusiasm shown and the confidence with which I was honored, causing me " to rush, where angels feared to tread." I am sure that the committee will always look back upon our work for the Congress with much pleasure, the sangfroid with which we treated Roberts' rules resulting in tatters of parlia- (10) ADDRESS SOLOMON. n mentary law which we shall treasure as trophies. And to the women of other cities, as well as of our own, who so earnestly seconded our efforts, I extend our sin- cere thanks. To the women of the general committee on Religious Parliament, representing all sects and creeds, our appreciation is due for the interest they have always felt in our work. Could the good-will enter- tained for each other by the members of the general committee be disseminated in the entire world, there would be no need of a Parliament of Religions ; for each was desirous not merely to be just, but generous, in her treatment of others. I hope the same spirit may char- acterize all the congresses. To the women at the head of the Exposition, all women owe homage. The Presi- dent and the Vice-President of the Woman's Branch of the Auxiliary must ever pose as goddesses of liberty for the women of our century, the one in material, the other in spiritual things, gaining for all women the full privi- lege of exercising their talents and capabilities. Our papers are not intended to startle the world as literary efforts, but we wish seriously to consider problems that are to be solved, in order to help along the great work of bringing men nearer together, to be co-workers in a world requiring the best efforts of all. In our " Souvenir," a collection of the traditional songs of our people, we pay our tribute to the work and worth of those of our faith who have lived and suffered, making it possible for us to have our faith in this land of liberty. We pay our tribute to the traditions of the past, which were dear to our forefathers, who, however oppressed and unhappy, sang these songs. They were their staff and their stay. From the Ghetto they resounded, they raised them to a spiritual plane which no walls could encompass. Chanting the prayers and singing the songs uplifted them, so that they forgot 12 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. their misery. And we in this land of liberty and pros- perity, in this Columbian era, should not forget the deeper tones struck in days of adversity. We have not merely tried to publish a book, but we wished to pre- serve our traditions. Living, as we do, in this renegade city, belonging to radical congregations, thoroughly in sympathy with all endeavors to break down barriers, we are loyal to our faith, to our history and to the traditions of our families. In this sense, as a tribute to the past, we give our book to our co-religionists. To those who are not of our faith, to many of whom we are bound by ties of love and friendship, as strong as those of faith, we bid a hearty welcome, and invite them to take part in our discussions and be frank with us. Perhaps, in this wise, we may overcome some of the inherited prejudices unfavorable to us, and if we cannot gain sympathy, we may at least command respect. To our delegates, we extend a special greeting. We expected to arouse interest, but the response has exceeded our fondest expectations. And let us, above all things, remember that we are children of many mothers, that we have different points of view, different methods of reasoning. Let us be just to each other, give to each one the same patient hearing that we ask for ourselves. Let those of us who have orthodox views, believe that the radical views may be as sincere as our own; those of us who are radical, believe the others just as honest as ourselves, so that harmony and peace may mark our going as our coming. WHITE DAY OF PEACE. MIRIAM DEI, BANCO, CHICAGO, ILL. Heard ye the golden bells of peace that angels softly sway, When, on the skies of progress, dawns the rose of freedom's day ? Heard ye the winds the sweet, soft winds that, through the scented air, Swept o'er our boundless prairies lite a whispered voice in pra3~er ? O, heard ye not above the waves that swell time's rushing tide, A voice that to the ages like a silver clarion cried: " White day of peace ! by Toleration crowned and glorified !" O day divine. ! no industry alone thy kiss may claim, No single art or science bear the impress of thy name, No order trail its garlands through the splendor of thy hours, No nation wave its banners 'mid thy sunshine and thy flowers; All mankind all the sons of earth thy countless ranks increase; Their lips proclaim, in ringing tones whose echoes ne'er shall cease, A congress of religions God's great festival of peace. But why, 'mid all this gleam and glow, shines the Menorah's fire ? Why throb through every festal strain the notes of David's lyre ? Why from the silken scroll resounds the tinkling silver bell ? Why gather with rejoicings loud the sons of Israel ? The quaint old Hebrew blessings of their fathers everywhere Seem mingled with Joy's dimpled laugh and Gratitude's low prayer, And blend like murmured music on the flower-laden air. Four centuries look back upon a time when sunny Spain Tore from her heart the bleeding child of misery and pain; Rent tie and tendril from the graves and altars of his sires; His sacred home, his golden fields laid low in smouldering fires; Then, turning on the hated Jew with torture-racking hand, She hunted him from hill and vale and silver-gleaming strand; And " sorrow's crown of sorrow " robbed him of his fatherland ! Then floated over earth once more that cry of mortal pain Whose mem'ry steals not only from the scented vales of Spain; From Russia's steppes, from Bucharest, from England's daisied sod, That cry of tortured Israel has swept aloft to God; And now it trailed its pain upon the ocean's silver crest, And e'en the dark-blue waters spoke of tumult and unrest, Yet drifted toward the pearly gates that bar the sunset west. (13) 14 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. Ah, gazing from some lonely deck, up through the silent air, Unconscious of the answer to his supplicating prayer, The weary exile heeded not as, toward the western sky, Three white- winged ships God's messengers went slowly sail- ing by; Sailed toward the line where sunset veils of gold and violet Concealed an infant world that dreamed in dewy verdure yet, Ere broke that dawning freedom's day whose sun has never set. O bright New World, within thine arms the wanderer found rest; The scourged and outlawed one revived, clasped to thy throbbing breast, Clasped to thy heart, where hope's white bloom, picked fresh from freedom's sod, Bore on its breath the exile's prayer of gratitude to God. With thee, his manhood's sacred rights he dared once more to claim, With thee, he dared once more to breathe Jehovah's holy name, To hold aloft the lamp of truth, and feed its living flame. And thus, of all who in the light of thy protection dwell, None clings to thee with deeper love than grateful Israel; The heart from which the first grand cry for freedom sprang to life, And thrilled the world, beats close to thine, in days of peace and strife; Its pure devotion to thy cause no stain, no blemish mars; And though he bears or may not bear the soldier's honored scars, None than the Jew more loyally defends thy stripes and stars. For thee he strives each day to prove man's brotherhood to man, For thee he seeks the scholar's fame, the crown of artisan; The prophet's wisdom, David's gift, Spinoza's thought sublime, And Heine's art and Mendelssohn's, through Israel, are thine; Yea, every heart its tribute brings, its love forevermore; None can forget the voice whose call once thrilled from shore to shore: "Ye outcast, scourged and weary ones, lo, enter at my door !" And therefore in this gleam and glow shines the Menorah's fire While echo through each festal strain the notes of David's lyre; Sweet Nature lifts her floral horn the notes of peace to swell That float from every happy heart in grateful Israel. The hilltops are aglow with light; and hark, from far away, Float dreamily the chimes of bells that unseen angels sway; 'Tis Toleration's jubilee her white-robed festal day ! JEWISH WOMEN OF BIBLICAL AND OF MEDIEVAL TIMES. LOUISE MANNHEIMER, CINCINNATI, O. To be called upon to speak in these halls, where the giants in the realm of learning assemble from week to week to give their best thoughts to the world, brings to my mind the words of the men whom Moses sent to spy out the promised land. They said: "We saw there giants, the sous of Anak, and we were in our own eyes as grasshoppers, and so were we in their eyes." But Caleb and Joshua were not afraid, for they trusted in the Lord. So even I will not be afraid, and put my trust in the Eternal. The history of the women of the Bible, like all his- torical writings, can be approached in three ways; either one accepts all the data unhesitatingly, with childlike faith, or by extensive reading and comparing of original texts, one strives to arrive at critical conclusions as to the facts, or by reading and re-reading the Bible, time and again, with earnest and absorbing zeal, one acquires the ability to grasp the deeper underlying meaning of the outward forms and to trace the psychological causes of the acts and deeds. Very few women are in the happy position to have the required opportunities or even the necessary time for the studies which alone can enable one to arrive at inde- pendent, critical conclusions, while, on the other hand, it is pre-eminently woman who, when she does read the Bible, reads it, as it were, with her heart. (15) 16 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. This it is which enables her to recognize the pres- ence of the Eternal in the still small voice of history, to find the guiding hand of Jehovah in every historical event, as well as in the events in the life of each indi- vidual. She feels the pangs which are the source of tears to desolate Zion, and Zion's joy brings a happy smile to her face. Through this deep sympathy, she is enabled to trace to their very sources the manifestations of the hidden emotions and energies of soul and mind, and to enlarge the scant but suggestive material which the Scriptures supply in regard to the history of " The Women of the Bible." As a clear brook reflects the objects on its banks, without enhancing their beauty or obliterating their defects, so does the Bible delineate the recorded charac- ters without exaggerating their virtues or concealing their shortcomings. The Women of the Bible ! what graceful forms, imbued with all that is good and noble, surrounded by the wonderful beauty of Oriental scenery, rise at these words before our mind, out of the gray mist of the hoary past ! In the multitude of types of maidenly loveliness, womanly beauty and matronly dignity, there are three groups which especially claim our attention and admiration. These are not ideals, standing high above the level of human nature, to whom we can only look up with rev- erential awe, as if they were beings of a higher order who are beyond our comprehension by no means. We need but look into our own hearts to understand their impulses; we must but heed the longings of our own souls to comprehend their aspirations. The three prominent groups among the women of the Bible, of whom this paper can give but a short sketch on WOMEN OF BIBLICAL TIMES MANNHEIMER. 17 account of the limited time, are, the Mothers in Israel, the Prophetesses in Israel, and the women who solved the problem of the proper sphere of woman's activity in Israel at this early historical time. The Mothers in Israel ! There is no title of honor which through all the generations of the adherents of Mosaic Law was more revered than this sweet, blessed name of " mother " and justly so, for what watchful care, what tender devotion, what self-sacrificing love are expressed in the name by which Sarah, Rebecca and Rachel are distinguished ! Sarah, the Bible shows us at once, in her womanly dignity, the faithful friend and companion of her hus- band Abraham, in whose soul dawned the great light of the world, the conception of the one and only God. The perfect confidence Abraham puts in Sarah on all occasions proves that she must have had a clear under- standing of his great mission. A promise of great blessing and an abundance of earthly possessions is hers, still she remains modest and active, for lo ! three strangers pass, and Abraham desires them to partake of his hospitality. He does not call his young men, nor the hand-maids, but he calls Sarah, the princess, the honored mistress of the house, and she kneads the dough, and she bakes the cakes. What a grand lesson in this simple narrative ! We can trace Sarah's kind and motherly disposition in her solicitude for Lot. We find written: " And Sarah sent Eliezer to inquire after the welfare of Lot."* Lot had separated himself from Abraham, in whose house he had been "brought up like a son; he did not send to inquire after the welfare of his foster-parents, nor did Abraham show, by any outward sign, that he *Dr. B. Beer " Leben Abrahams." 2 1 8 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. missed Lot, but Sarah felt more than the others the sep- aration, for her heart hungered for the love of a child. After years of unwavering faith, the long deferred hope was realized. Isaac, the promised of God, had been given them, and now behold the God-fearing parents endeavor to prove themselves worthy of the happiness the Eternal has granted them. Wide open are the portals of their house to the poor and the needy; those that hunger partake of food, and the needy ones are supplied with the necessaries of life. If any of the grateful ones wish to thank them, they answer: " Thank the Eternal who created all things; all we receive belongs to Him." The first moral lesson to humanity was given by Abraham and Sarah. To feed the hungry, to give rai- ment to the needy, to speak kindly to the unfortunate, to act justly toward all mankind, and to be grateful to the Eternal this is what Abraham taught to his house- hold, and what Sarah put into practice. Rebecca at the well, in childlike simplicity and charm- ing kindness filling the trough for the camels, after hav- ing quenched the thirst of the stranger, what an attrac- tive picture ! Just as attractive as when, on seeing her future husband in the field, she alights from the camel in gentle deference, and covers herself with her veil in modest dignity. Rebecca combines all the sweet traits which arise from a generous heart, whose quick impulses are balanced by an understanding mind. In the house of Abraham she learned to believe and trust in the Eternal, and so firm and strong grew her faith that she is the first woman in Israel of whom it is written: " In her distress she asked the Lord, and the Lord answered her." An earnest and trusting prayer is sure to be answered even to-day as of yore, but where the prayers are only WOMEN OF BIBUCAI, TIMES MANNHEIMER. 19 recited, it is done so euphoniously that our ear is filled with the euphony of the sounds, and cannot hear any- thing else. Rebecca's one failing, her partiality to her younger son, bore the seed of bitter fruit for her- self. By the endeavor to secure Esau's blessing for Jacob, she drove her favorite son from her presence for years. Children are variously gifted; parents should discern that it is not in the child's power to have one gift rather than another, less to the taste of the father or the mother perhaps. To lead their different inclinations in the proper direction, and bestow an equal amount of affec- tion on each child, these are the sacred duties devolving upon parents. Rachel, the shepherdess, in all the blooming beauty of youth, approaching the well where Jacob met her, will always be an object of admiration, though Leah, the less favored with outward charms, had a gentler and more devoted disposition. Leah eagerly and fully accepted the one and only God, of whose wonderful power and merciful love Jacob told them, but in Rachel there was still lingering an inclination toward the idols in her father's house, until the firm conviction of Jacob kindled the pure light of monotheism also in her soul. However, with all her shortcomings, Rachel must have been very lovable to be able to win such deep, unwaver- ing affection as we find so touchingly described in Gene- sis xxix. 20, " And Jacob served for Rachel seven years; and they seemed to him but a few days through the love he had to her." The most pronounced characteristics of the " Mothers in Israel " are their devotion to the duties of home and the deep and tender love for their children. The next group claiming our attention is the group of prophetesses in Israel. 20 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. In times of great events it is that the spirit of the Lord moves, as it were, on the wings of a mighty but voiceless storm. Responsive souls are touched by the waves of the heaving commotion others hear nothing, and feel nothing. Miriam was the first among the women in Israel, whose responsive soul was moved by the breath of the Lord. With timbrel in hand, she led forth the women at the shore of the Red Sea, and sang the song of triumph, " Sing ye to the Lord, for He hath triumphed gloriously ; the horse and his rider hath He thrown into the sea." Even as a child, Miriam, must have been uncommonly thoughtful, or her mother would not have sent her to watch over the infant Moses. Patiently did she wait till she saw her little brother safe in the arms of Pharaoh's daughter. With what intelligence did she act to secure the privi- lege of the care of the child for her mother ! Surely, these were the germs from which grew the rich blossoms of the gifts of her womanhood. What a pity that one chilling gust of unsuppressed envy caused these rich blossoms to wither and droop ! Miriam grew jealous; she, the faithful companion of Moses' early youth, could not endure the thought that on account of Zipporah, the Ethiopian, she had to be content with a smaller share of her brother's affection. " And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses, because of the Ethiopian woman he had married." Great as was this transgression of Miriam, so was also her punishment; she became leprous. The good deeds of her childhood, however, were not forgotten. She had patiently waited and watched over Moses on the shore of the Nile, now the whole camp of Israel waited for her until she was healed. WOMEN OP BIBUCAI, TIMES MANNHEIMER. 21 The growing intellectual and spiritual development of the women in Israel is well marked in Miriam, but with Deborah this development reaches a glorious culmi- nation. Prophet, judge, leader in battle, poet and sacred singer, where in history do we see all these various offices filled by one individual, by a woman ? And who was Deborah ? Was she a princess, or the descendant of a high-priest, or the daughter of a man of high standing, and so a woman of authority ? By no means, she was but the daughter of lowly parents and the wife of Lapi- doth, a man not distinguished by position or wealth. To hold the responsible position of judge, Deborah must have combined natural talents with untiring perse- verance to cultivate and perfect them for the service of God, i. e., for the advancement of her fellow-beings. Deborah's husband had perfect confidence in her, for he knew that the Eternal was with her. And Deborah prophesied to Barak that he would be victorious, still he was wanting in courage to go without her into the battle, so she was forced to leave for the first time her quiet home in order to secure the victory. Her prophecy was fulfilled to the very word; the vic- tory was given to the Jewish people by the Lord, and brought them the clear consciousness that they were the people of the Eternal, the witnesses of the one and only God. After the enemy is overthrown, Deborah bursts into a song of triumph in strains which only the psalmists and prophets have equaled in inspiration and beauty, still she does not claim any other title than: " Deborah, a Mother in Israel." Several hundred years later there arose another proph- etess in Israel. Hilkia, the high-priest, while repairing and cleansing the sadly neglected house of the Lord, 22 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. found the forgotten Book of the Law. When the con- tents of the book were made known to Josiah, the king, it aroused him to the full comprehension of the people's transgressions and their ingratitude toward the Eternal. In his consternation and grief, he rent his clothes, and sent to inquire of the Lord for him and for the people. And to whom did his high officers go to inquire ? Not to the young prophet Jeremiah, not to Zephaniah, but to the prophetess Huldah. Her reputation for superior wisdom and profound knowledge of the Law must have been well established. And where did the high officers go to seek her ? According to the explanation of Jona- than, they found her in the College. "Huldah, the prophetess, she was the wife of Shallum, the son of the keeper of the garments, and she dwelled in the College." What an abundance of conclusions can be derived from this statement ! There were, then, no restrictive regulations at that time to exclude women from colleges among the Israel- ites, and women, even married women, were thirsty enough after the limpid waters flowing from the source of Zion, to take advantage of the opportunity offered to them. There is, then, even in those remote times a precedent for the liberal views of the Hebrew Union College. Huldah came not forward of her own accord. We do not hear of her before nor after the king sends to her, for with all the exquisite gifts of prophecy and profound knowledge, she still retains the true womanly modesty of a Mother in Israel. And now let us turn our attention to a group of ener- getic women, who, by their example, showed how to solve, with quiet dignity, the problem of the proper sphere of woman's activity. The five daughters of Zelophchad, a descendant of Menasseh, pleaded personally their rights of inheritance WOMEN OF BIBLICAL TIMES MANNHEIMER. 23 before Moses and before Eliezer, the priest, and before the princes and the whole congregation at the door of the tabernacle. They said, " Why should the name of our father be done away from the midst of his family because he has no son ? Give unto us a possession among the brothers of our father." And they were answered, " The daughters of Zelophchad speak rightly, they shall indeed have a possession among the brothers of their father, and the inheritance of their father shall pass unto them." With remarkable independence did Abigail act when David sent his men to obtain food for himself and his warriors of the rich but mean Nabal, the unworthy hus- band of Abigail, and he refused the request. One of the servants of the household narrates the occurrence to Abigail in order to warn her of David's wrath. With quick judgment does she comprehend at once the situation; not a moment does she hesitate, or stop to ask advice, but orders at once two hundred loaves, two bottles of wine, five sheep ready dressed, five measures of parched corn, a hundred clusters of raisins and two hundred cakes of figs to be conveyed to David. She her- self accompanies the servants, and by her wisdom suc- ceeds in calming David's wrath and preventing him from shedding blood. We see here the absolute authority woman could exercise in a Jewish household, even three thousand years ago, by her self-possession and dignity, even under the most trying circumstances. Another incident which shows that energy well directed is the talisman that will secure success alike to woman and to man, is the event at the return of the gen- tle Shunammite from the land of the Philistines; she had gone there by the advice of Elisha, the prophet, during the famine in Judaea. On her return she finds her house and land confiscated. She does not ask the 24 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. prophet to plead her case before the king; which Elisha would certainly have done, but she goes herself before Jehoram, and asks modestly, but firmly for redress, and obtains it fully and at once. So we find woman in the full enjoyment of equality of rights in Israel, even to the extent of the highest office in the land, the office of ruler. Alexander Jannseus, King of Judaea, when he felt his end approaching, called his wife Alexandra, and gave her such counsel as would secure her the kingdom. He must have had the perfect conviction that her sex would prove no hindrance to her occupancy of the throne, and that she would be equal to the task, and so she was indeed. In a short time she had secured the homage of the warriors of the nation, whom she led on to victory. She reigned for nine years, during which time she main- tained peace by energy and prudent counsel. Alexandra displayed the ability of a woman to rule a nation; other women proved themselves equally capable to be leaders in the realm of mind. The book of Mosaic laws, found in the time of King Josiah, contained the precept that women should be admitted to listen to the public reading and expounding of the Law, and such good use was made by them of this privilege, that in Talmudic times there nourished many a woman whose authority in the expounding of the Law was acknowledged even by the rabbis. Beruria, the learned and pious wife of Rabbi Me'ir, acquired great renown. In Bagdad, the daughter of Rabbi Samuel ben Ali gave public lectures, as did also Miriam Shapira, the ancestress of the renowned Luria family. Graetz, in his " History of the Jews," speaks highly of the Talmudic knowledge of Paula dei Mansi, the wife of Jechiel; she copied commentaries on the Bible so beautifully that her writing is still admired. WOMEN OP BIBUCAI, TIMES MANNHEIMER. 25 Jewish women in all spheres of life held an honored position by their pure devotion to the sacred duties of the family, by their rich and well-perfected gifts of intel- lect and by their self-directed energy, but above all by their steadfast clinging to the belief in the one and only God. Even women of other nations, when the pure laws of Jewish religion were made known to them, acknowl- edged their unsurpassed loftiness, and willingly adhered to them. Helena, the pious queen of Adiabene, is a noble example of these women; Ifra, the mother of the Persian king Shaber II, was strongly attached to Juda- ism without formally accepting it. The deep respect she felt for Jewish teachings, she showed by rich presents to their teachers. The same facts are recorded of Empress Judith, wife of the Prankish Emperor, Ludwig the Pious. A prelate of the court who wished to gain favor with her, dedicated to her his writings about the books of Esther and Judith, in which he compared her to these two Jew- ish heroines. Jews were freely admitted to the court, and to show her high appreciation and respect for them, she bestowed on them costly presents. If we look for the most prominent trait among Jewish women of biblical and mediaeval times, we shall find maiden and mother, prophetess and queen alike distin- guished by perfect trust in the Eternal. In their dis- tress they turn to Him, in perplexity they ask His coun- sel, and joy and happiness they accept gratefully as gifts from His hand. How few of us know the blessing of this ever-present faith ! If we could but take the time to follow closely the intricate windings of our own lives, we would by their very events be safely led through the labyrinth of doubt and indifference to that Holy of Holies, a perfect trust in the Eternal, such as the Mothers of Israel possessed. JEWISH WOMEN OF MODERN DAYS. HELEN KAHN WEIL, KANSAS CITY, Mo. Show me a great man I will show you a great mother ! Show me a great race I will show you an unending line of great mothers ! In the chronicles of time, whose synonym is eter- nity, Israel and Greece stand out as the two great nations of the world. Each of these peoples had its special mis- sion to humanity one, the teaching of eternal beauty, the other, the propaganda of the one great God, Who is both spirit and beauty. In the annals of Greece, we read of Tyrtaeus, the singer, whose inspiring song aroused the Spartans to battle when all other means had failed; in the tablets of Israel, we read of the prophetess and poetess, Deborah, who sat under the palm tree, chanting martial hymns, whose theme was the glory of Jehovah, the one true God. Beauty is masculine ! Spirit is feminine ! Never is there an idea but has its obverse and reverse sides. The thought of Plato making the perfect being both male and female is not a discord. The earth, what would it be without this duality, which gives us the essence as well as the substance of creation ? I believe it was James Freeman Clarke who used to pray to " Our Father and mother which are in Heaven," and if the great and good God maketh man in His own image, and if he is but a microcosm of his Creator, then surely the venerable divine was not amiss in his teachings. (26) JEWISH WOMEN OP MODERN DAYS WEII.. 27 Possibly, it may savor a little of heresy, this utterance of mine, that Israel pre-eminently endures, a symbol of woman's regenerative power. But proofs are not want- ing to attest this assertion. The greatest law-giver who ever drew breath owed the possibility of his career to woman. Pharaoh's daughter, who found the little Moses in his wave-rocked cradle, and nourished him as the fulcrum of her own being; Miriam, the houri-eyed, sweet-voiced sister, whose triumphant songs inspired the wavering tribes of Israel to follow their chosen leader through the unknown dangers of the trackless desert, are incarnations of this truth. Ever as the centuries grew apace, and the pur- pose of Israel waxed more and more manifest, did this verity assert itself. All through the Old Testament, at the most crucial times, it is a Deborah, a Judith, an Esther, upon whom the fate of their people revolves, and in more modern days, the discerning eye of Clio still awards this salient place to the women of Israel. In Spain, where the descendants of the House of David were given sufficient breathing time to devote themselves anew to the study of philosophy and poetry there were women philosophers and poets, and after- ward, when the direful day of expulsion came, it was the mothers, wives and sisters of these ill-fated refugees who bore them up in their time of trouble. In the awful roll of Jewish martyrs, woman does not stand a whit behind her brother, in her willingness to suffer loss of home, fortune and life for the sake of her holy religion. The tales told of these delicately nurtured women deliberately turning their backs upon the abodes that had sheltered their families for so many generations, clasping their weeping little ones to their breasts, and encouraging their husbands through their valorous exam- ples, are a legion. 28 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. One of the most exquisite of the Old Testament idyls finds its repetition over and over again in these days. Many are the faithful Ruths who say in dauntless voices, " Entreat me not to leave thee, or to return from follow- ing after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go, and where thou lodgest, I will lodge." In the sixteenth century, it was in Italy that the Jew was permitted to lead the most unmolested existence. The Hebrews who had inhabited the Italic peninsula previous to the Spanish dispersion were a rather mediocre class, but the influx of the polished Sephardim brethren, filled with memories of Hebrew and Arabic lore, infused new life into their sleepy existence. Sitting on the shores of the Grand Canal at Venice, the foam-crested Mediterranean dashing its spray against her face, a Spanish Jewess would tell an Italian sister stories of the beautiful country from which she had just wandered. Extracts from Maimoiiides' " Guide for the Perplexed " would be interspersed with echoes from Ibn Gabirol, Moses ben Esra and Jehuda ben Halevi "May my tongue cleave unto my mouth, and may my right hand wither, do I e'er forget thee, O Jerusalem ! " To the sad-eyed woman who chanted Halevi's song, the word Jerusalem bore a double meaning: it meant Palestine, the home of her forefathers, and it meant Spain, her own and her children's birthplace. And so, over the length and breadth of Europe, did these wan- dering people carry the tale of their culture and their past glory with them, and as there is no seed, be it never so wind-blown, but finds, sooner or later, some fruitful soil which receives it, and nourishes it, so did the thought which these homeless strangers carried with them find its mission, and do its good. Graetz says that the Italian Jews of the sixteenth cen- tury were a people of few natural resources, that their JEWISH WOMEN OF MODERN DAYS WEIL. 29 literature was meagre, and that their achievements were few and far between. What little they did produce was due mostly to the Spanish Jews, who had taken up their homes amidst them. Nearly every prominent character at this period bears a Spanish name. Among the few notable women of the sixteenth cen- tury, Benvenida Abravanel takes leading rank. Her husband was the son of him who vainly tendered his entire fortune to Ferdinand and Isabella, in order that the impending edict against his people might be repealed. From this sire, Samuel Abravanel inherited the remark- able financial gifts that enabled him speedily to recon- struct the family fortunes. He and his wife deserve to be called the Moses and Judith Montefiore of their period. Thus sings a poet of the day his praises: " Samuel Abravanel merits the triple crown. He is great and wise in the L,aw, great in nobility of character and great in the possession of riches." To the name of his patron, Samuel Usque might have joined, without fear of incurring censure for extravagance, that of his patroness, the beautiful and gifted Benvenida. Don Pedro, Viceroy of Naples, held her in such high esteem, he chose her to be the intimate companion and adviser to his daughter, Leonora, who afterward became the wife of Cosimo di Medici. Through a long life, this princess continued to remember her Jewish friend, addressing to her letters, whose spirit was the very incar- nation of tender, filial devotion. When Charles V., crowned with the laurel gained by his African victories, was passing through Naples, it was his intention to expel the Jews from that city, but Benvenida, supported by the entreaties of her young charge, suc- ceeded in deterring him from fulfilling his cruel purpose. The Abravanel mansion was a popular rendezvous, where cultivated Christians, as well as Jews, loved to 30 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. assemble. Chronicle tells us of one John Albert Wid- manstadt, a pupil of Reuchlin, and a man of encyclopae- dic learning, taking up his abode there to further his advancement in Hebrew studies. At this distant time, it is rather difficult to realize the impediments besetting such intentions. Incited by Luther, Erasmus and Reuchlin, the learned world was just beginning anew to interest itself in the Scriptural tongue, and as the Jews were thus far almost the only custodians of the sacred language, a barrier between themselves and the Chris- tians was withdrawn, when such intercourse was necessi- tated. Contemporaneously with Benvenida Abravanel flour- ished a woman of Portuguese Neo-Christian extraction, whose serenity of soul, amiability of character and cour- ageous steadfastness of purpose in prosperity, as well as adversity, constitute her one of the greatest female bene- factors of her race. This was Donna Gracia Mendes. She was married to the principal member of a noted banking house, the extent of whose business relations with Charles V., Francis I. and other sovereigns enabled it to achieve a European reputation. Like many of her people, forced by a cruel decree to subscribe to a faith which was only an intolerable simu- lation, Donna Gracia longed with pious fervor to be ena- bled once again to repeat untrammeled the confession of her fathers: " Hear, O Israel, the Lord, our God, the Lord is One !" After the death of her husband, prompted by this desire, strengthened no doubt by fresh edicts of persecu- tion against the Neo-Christians, accompanied by the one remaining pledge of her marriage, her daughter Reyna, she sought refuge with her husband's kindred at Ant- werp. From this ephemeral vantage-ground, she and her wealthy brother-in-law spent fortune upon fortune JEWISH WOMEN OF MODERN DAYS WEIL. 31 in endeavoring to rescue from torture and the stake those of their unhappy co-religionists who were still under the fell dominion of the fanatical John of Portugal. Notwithstanding the prominent position maintained by her family at Antwerp, where a nephew stood high at court, Donna Gracia was not content. In Flanders, which was still under the Austrian-Spanish regime, an open relapse to Judaism meant almost certain death, but until 1546, when the decease of her kinsman promoted her to the position of chief of the banking firm, she found a removal from Antwerp impossible. Bven then did fickle fortune continue to circumvent her, for hardly had Diego closed his eyes, when the insa- tiable greed of Charles V. prompted him to lay covetous hands upon the Mendes estate. The only excuse for so unwarrantable an action was the omnipresent charge of defection from the Holy Roman Church. For two. years did Donna Gracia combat the inquisi- torial hydra, and even at the expiration of this long period, she was not permitted to depart from the coun- try without surrendering a considerable portion of her worldly goods. Once arrived at Venice, whence she had hoped speedily to embark for Turkey, new troubles awaited her. Her own sister, envious of her superior position, charged her with secret adherence to Judaism. The designed transfer of her estates to Turkey was also revealed. The Vene- tian authorities, always jealous of the Porte, were loath to permit such great riches to pass into the hands of the enemy. Donna Gracia was, therefore, thrown into prison, where she languished for many months, until she was released at the solicitation of Sultan Suleiman, who dis- patched an especial envoy to Venice to effect this purpose. After a sojourn of some years at Ferrara, where, for its devotion to polite learning, her own little court bore no 32 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. mean comparison with that of Ercole D'Este, accompa- nied by her suite, consisting of some five hundred per- sons, she embarked for the Orient. Having reached Constantinople, all dissimulation was thrown to the winds, and she stood before the world a self-acknowledged and self-respecting daughter of Israel. Here she witnessed the consummation of the long- delayed nuptials of her daughter Reyna, and her favorite nephew Joseph. As Prince and Princess of Naxos, favored by the Sultan and feared by his people, fate had an exalted destiny in store for this young- couple. The name of Donna Gracia and that of her daughter find frequent repetition in the literature of the period. Many are the books inscribed to them, and many are the songs sung in their praise. One of the first Hebrew printing presses erected in Turkey, was constructed by Reyna, Princess of Naxos, for the purpose of issuing a new and much needed edition of the Talmud. A marked contrast to that of the two preceding char- acters, is the career of Esther Kiera, physician and poli- tician at the court of Sultan Murad III. Acknowledged favorite of the queen of his harem, she employed her powers of statecraft for the elevation or abasement of princes. The mighty potentates of Europe, who, in their native lands, were grinding her own people into the very dust, were often forced to sue the favor of this Jewish woman, in order that the recognition of the Sul- tan might be obtained. It was not to be expected that so much authority con- centrated in the hands of one person would long remain unassailed. The blood of Esther and her three sons staining the marble entrance to the palace of the grand vizier was the forfeit paid by herself and her offspring for their exalted fortunes. JEWISH WOMEN OF MODERN DAYS WEII,. 33 Toward the beginning of the seventeenth century, the condition of the European Jews grew more and more intolerable. The Catholic reactionists, with the Jesuits at their head, were everywhere waging a relentless battle against light and learning. In Turkey, where for fifty years the Jews had maintained such honorable positions, a new spirit of persecution had set in. The Thirty Years' War dancing its Dance of Death through Germany, and the Cossack massacres in Poland, threatened an almost vandalic annihilation of all higher civilization. In this wholesale immolation, the Jew, ever the fated target for all changing political conditions, was again the first victim. Even his religious ritual is said to have suffered from this sad state of affairs, for we are told that the synagogical services were utterly incom- prehensible to the female members of the congregation. The German Jewess, seated apart in the latticed woman's gallery, had to trust entirely to tradition and intuition, would she understand the import of the ceremonies of her faith. Whither ? and Whence ? were again the queries of the Wandering Jew. From staunch little Holland came the first response. After having achieved its bravely won victory for civil and religious liberty, guided by the tolerant William of Orange, this country was among the earliest in Europe to recognize the intellectual and finan- cial expediency of possessing Jewish inhabitants. At first barely endured, through his integrity and courage, the Hebrew, by slow degrees, gained for himself a higher position in his new home. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, to be called a Holland Jew was a title of much distinction, and the Amsterdam colony, composed for the most part of Spanish and Portuguese brethren, was famed through- out the continent as a model of cultured elegance. 34 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. The Academy of Poetry, originating in this city in 1676, was directed by Manuel de Belmonte, a Jew, whose pride of race must assuredly have been gratified by Isabella Correa, one of the most prominent members attending the meetings of the association. Her fine translation from Italian into Spanish of Guarini's " Pas- tor Fido " achieved for her a European reputation. From days immemorial, Holland and England have possessed many traits in common. Hand in hand, with steadfast faces ever turned toward the aurora of progress, these two countries have given the world many beautiful lessons. As if emulous of the humane policy espoused by its neighbor, after the lapse of centuries, England again demonstrated an inclination to admit the Jew. In Elizabeth's time, we read of a shipwrecked Jewess, Maria Nunes by name, whose beauty excited the curiosity of the Virgin Queen. At the instigation of the captain of the rescuing ship, an English nobleman, who had fallen a victim to his passenger's charms, Maria Nunes was summoned to court, where, as an especial tribute to her loveliness, she was invited to ride, side by side with good Queen Bess, through the streets of London. It is further related by chronicle that the enamored captain pleaded in vain with the maiden to abjure her religion, that he might make her his bride. In view of this pretty story, is it presumptuous to suppose, that the favorable impression made on the Eng- lish nobility by this worthy daughter of her race, did much to help to dispel the prejudice existing there against the Jews ? A strange anomaly in history is the fact that the Jews who lived at Venice in Shakespeare's day were among the noblest specimens of their kind. As fickle in its government as the sunsets that gilded its coasts, the Venetian Republic by turns tolerated and humiliated its JEWISH WOMEN OF MODERN DAYS WEIL. 35 Jewish inhabitants. At the present moment, the Hebrew colony, consisting of some six thousand souls, was per- mitted unmolested social intercourse with the Christians. Amidst the heterogeneous elements comprising so large a community, there may have been a Jessica, there may have been a Shylock, but authentic records give us no trace of such characters. They tell us, however, of a new Hebrew-Italian school of poetry, among whose protagon- ists were two women, Deborah Ascarelli and Sara Copia Sullam. Of especial interest is the life of the latter. Beautiful and highly gifted, the possessor of an extraordinary mind, in which the genius of poetry and of philosophy were blended, the writer of a treatise on the immortality of the soul, which even* Graetz extols for its masculine vigor, and the main figure in an episode, in which a love- lorn and proselyting priest is the hero, and she, the stead- fast and faithful Jewess, the heroine, the story of Sara Copia Sullam is imbued with all the interest of a roman- tic tale of fiction. As the eighteenth century neared its meridian, dim heraldings of better days began to penetrate the stifled atmosphere of the Ghetto. Here and there, amidst the sorely pressed multitude, a few faint glimmers of the speedily approaching Renaissance made themselves per- ceptible. After so many years of abject self-suppression, the Jews were beginning again to appreciate the glory of the individual and the glory of the race. In the words of the prophet: " The breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army." Guided by the pillar of fire, emblematic of progress, like his ancient namesake, the first law-giver of Israel, Moses Mendelssohn led the Jews out of the land of bond- age, which is ignorance, into the land of promise, which 36 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. is civilization. His resuscitating influence pervaded every department of human existence, and such was the living force of his example, that never once, even in his own home, did Moses Mendelssohn descend from the pure ideals which, he considered, should constitute the character of every normal child of God. His attitude toward women was ineffably beautiful. Who does not know the exquisitely pathetic tale of his wooing? His views on the education of the sex, not- withstanding a somewhat incongruous assent to old-time marriage customs, were far in advance of those of his coutemporaries. Side by side and on a perfect equality with their brothers, the Mendelssohn girls received the best educa- tion that was then procurable. By the celebrated men and women who congregated at the philosopher's home, Dorothea, Recha and Henrietta Mendelssohn were deemed no small attraction. The eldest daughter, particularly, was noted for her logical and vigorous mind. Of all the children of Moses Mendelssohn, Dorothea appears to have been the one who most largely inherited her father's gifts. In spite of an exceedingly uncomely presence, her remarkable conversational powers and uncommon ami- ability made this woman a centre around which the younger members of her father's circle loved to assemble, and after Moses Mendelssohn's death, when this rendez- vous was no longer in existence, Dorothea, as the wife of Simon Veit, presided over a salon which took equal rank with that of Henrietta Herz and Rahel Varnhagen. In Frederick the Great's time, Berlin was a very prim- itive place. With the exception of the inner court circle, where an unpatriotic adulation of everything French, to the exclusion of everything German, was the mode, little or no cultured society existed. The king, who counted such men as Lessing, Mendelssohn, the von Humboldts JEWISH WOMEN OF MODERN DAYS WEIL. 37 and the von Schlegels among his subjects, was utterly apathetic to the possibilities of an indigenous German literature. Would these intellectual pioneers obtain recognition, they were forced to appeal to a higher and broader tri- bunal. The middle classes of the Prussian capital were a stolid, frivolous set, completely immersed in material, vain pleasure. There were no literary clubs among the men, no salons among the women. With the exception of a few Jewish houses, where Moses Mendelssohn's exam- ple was still being followed, there was no place where men and women could exchange intellectual confidences. Speaking of this period, Henrietta Herz says: " I do not consider it an exaggeration to maintain that there was no person who then resided at Berlin, who afterward distinguished himself, who did not for a shorter or greater length of time frequent our circle." The writer of the above assertion is elected by many authorities the Madame Recamier of Germany. Beauti- ful as a siren, the wife of a noted physician and littlra- teur, mistress of half a dozen languages, and the hostess of one of the most popular eighteenth century salons, the name of Henrietta Herz is an imperishable memory in the social annals of her country. Once Schleiermacher likened her to Ceres, in token of the ability she possessed to develop, among her acquaintances, the best and noblest blossoms of human nature. " Inspire, but do not write ! " said Le Brun to Madame de Rambouillet. It is not known whether Henrietta Herz modeled her career upon that of her French predecessor, but it would seem so, for notwithstanding her eminent talents, she never achieved an independent literary reputation. A few pages of personal recollections, published shortly after her death in 1847, an d a translation of Mungo Park's "Travels in Africa," are the only works proceeding from her pen. 38 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. Rahel L,evin Varnhagen, " the dear, good, little woman with the great soul," as Heinrich Heine fondly calls her, was the third member of the Berlin Salon Triumvirate. Her husband was Varnhagen von Ense, a German noble- man of literary eminence, whose chief distinction in the eyes of posterity is Iris friendship with Gothe, Schil- ler and others of his celebrated contemporaries, perpet- uated through many volumes of correspondence between himself and his wife. The Gothe cult, which has waxed to such great proportions during the latter half of this century, was first started in Germany through the exertions of Frau Varnhagen. Love for the author of Faust was a sure passport to her heart and home, where even such men as Heinrich Heine and L,udwig Borne first had to take the oath of allegiance to its patron saint, the 4 'open sesame" that admitted them through its por- tals. In perspicacity of mind, earnestness of purpose and uprightness of character, Rahel Varnhagen per- haps exceeded her two friends; but they were all children of one era, their virtues and their foibles were but a part of the storm and stress period of thought, out of which everything that is best in this world must grow. Each human soul is an exaggerated or lessened quo- tation of the spirit of its age. Dorothea Mendelssohn, Henrietta Herz and Rahel Varnhagen were no excep- tions to this rule. Their vagaries, some of which, to a more sober day, seem almost to savor of license, are only the natural overflow of intellectual and animal spirits enfranchised from centuries of Ghetto-suppression. When a dyke is destroyed, it is the head-waters that are always the most tempestuous. In 1790, the French Republic, true to its principles, tendered unrestricted privilege of citizenship to the Jews JEWISH WOMEN OF MODERN DAYS WEII,. 39 under its dominion. Following close in its wake, Napoleon Bonaparte, in his triumphal marches through Europe, did much to soften the condition of the Hebrews residing within the conquered territory. The convocation, by his order, of the great Sanhedrim at Paris in 1806 once again renewed the memories of ancient Palestine. The spirit of ' ' live and let live, ' ' the imperishable distinction of the nineteenth century, has been of most benefit to the House of Israel, whose marvelous adapta- bility to every changing condition, marks it as one of the superior races of mankind. His very intensity of character, a cause for commendation as well as criticism, makes it possible, with favorable surroundings, for the Hebrew, in the short space of one generation, to trans- form himself from a creeping, cringing peddler into an upright, polished gentleman. If this be apposite to the Jewish man, how much truer must it be of the Jewish woman, whose tempera- ment of sex naturally constitutes her the quicker of the two in responding to the best variations of her environ- ment. Everywhere, in answer to the broader possibili- ties of the present era, have the women of Israel kept equal pace with the men. Fanny, the sister of Felix Mendelssohn, is the com- poser of many of the " Songs Without Words " attributed to her brother. A too faithful adherence to her father's narrow conception of what was best for her sex alone prevented her from producing works, which would have given her a like reputation with the composer of "Elijah." Caroline Stern, the inspirer of one of Heinrich Heine's first published poems, and Caroline Gomperz Bettelheim, the famous Austrian court contralto, are among the modern Miriams of their race. 40 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. The actresses, Rachel Felix and Sara Bernhardt, both at one period members of the Comkdie Franqaise, are too well known to require more than passing mention. Many of the members of the German, French and English branches of the Rothschild family have dis- tinguished themselves by their musical and literary achievements. Betty, the widow of James Rothschild, is noted all over the world as a patroness of learning. As far back as 1849, she demonstrated her interest in the advancement of women, by offering a prize of five thousand francs to the young girl who should show the highest proficiency in Hebrew- French translation. Solo- mon Munk's celebrated edition of Maimonides' "Guide for the Perplexed " owes its origin to her munificent liberality. The name of Grace Aguilar, author of the " Women of Israel," "The Vale of Cedars," and other famous works, is a household word. Lady Magnus' "Jewish Portraits " and " Outlines of Jewish History " are famil- iar to English readers on both sides of the Atlantic. A remarkable character, whose endeavors in behalf of the higher education of women and the dissemina- tion of the Free Kindergarten System through Germany, have placed her among the prominent benefactors of her sex, is lyina Morgenstern. When Froebel's doctrine was still viewed as the scheme of a wool-gathering reformer, this far-seeing woman took up cudgels in its defense. For her disinterested devotion to her sick and wounded countrymen during the Franco-Prussian War, she has been the recipient of many orders of decoration. In spite of such multiform practical activity, Frau Mor- genstern is the author and translator of numerous well- known books. Her "Children's Paradise" has gone through four editions. As charter member and presi- dent of the " German Housekeepers ' Union, " an JEWISH WOMEN OF MODERN DAYS WEIL. 41 association with ramifications all through the Father- land, and editor of " The Journal for German House- keepers," she still continues, undeterred by advancing age, to maintain an active interest in all matters homo- geneous with her chosen subjects. The blessings of the oppressed and afflicted, aris- ing from all sides to honor the most humane of the centuries' benefactors, are indissolubly interwoven with the memory of Judith, the wife of Sir Moses Monte- fiore. At the head of the Jewish writers of this country is Emma Lazarus. She and Heinrich Heine are the two greatest poets produced by the Hebrews in the present century. Between herself and her German co-religion- ist there was much in common. Both were burdened by the irrepressible Weltschmers of their nation, and both were Greeks as well as Hebrews. Incontestably, it is this propinquity of spirit that elects Emma Lazarus the best of Heinrich Heine's English translators. An imperishable monument erected by her to the memory of the Passion of Israel is the collection of prose poems entitled " By the Waters of Babylon." Henrietta Szold, Annie Nathan Meyer, Josephine Lazarus, Mary M. Cohen, Minnie D. Louis, Nina Morais Cohen and Martha Morton, are only a few among the many of our countrywomen, whose achievements serve to perpetuate the undiminished glory of hoary-headed Israel. If the measure of a nation's fame be the standard maintained by its women, then this Congress of Jewish Women, the first in its history, is a renewed pledge of the immortal possibilities of the Hebrew race. A potent factor toward the production of one of the finest accomplishments of the age the Jin de siecle woman is the club. 42 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. All over the United States, in city and in hamlet, are ethical, philosophical, historical and political organiza- tions, whose one great aim is the betterment of human- ity, through the elevation of the sex. The majority of the members of these clubs are Christians, but few of them are Jews ; the history of the position of the club, in the chronicle pertaining to the advancement of Jewish women, is, therefore, yet an unwritten page. The fact that the honored president and projector of this present congress is an enthusiastic club woman, should be elo- quent testimony in favor of the further extension of organization among the women of Israel. This is called the "Woman's Age," and America is called the "Woman's Paradise." The intellectual and civic liberties more and more accorded to our sex, are open to Jew as well as Christian. In the college, at the polls, in the home, in the church, woman is assuming an equal place with man. Shoulder to shoulder with her Christian sister, is the Jewish wo- man yoked to the eternal chariot of universal progress, underneath whose star-driven wheels all social barriers, products of a past, effete age, are forever ground into oblivion. Higher and higher into the " Heaven of Borderless Futurity " does this chariot ascend. See ! out from the clouds the man of the past extends his hand to crown the woman of the present, for 1 ' All that doth perish Is but a symbol, All that is futile Here becomes deed, The indescribable Here it is done ; The Woman -Eternal Leadeth us on ! " JEWISH WOMEN OF MODERN DAYS. {Discussion of the foregoing paper?) HENRIETTA G. FRANK, CHICAGO, The woman of our day, like Eve, the All-Mother, stretches out her hand for the fruit of the tree of knowl- edge that she may know good from evil; though she lose the paradise of ignorance, she may gain the field of honest endeavor. The serpent appears to her not as Satan, the tempter, but rather as the companion of Minerva, the symbol of wisdom and of eternity. If Adam had eaten more freely of the fruit tendered him by Eve, his descendants might have become too wise to deny to women capabilities equal to men's. Would Adam have given Eve of the fruit, had he been the first to taste of it ? Adam now permits Eve to enjoy the fruit, while he digs about the roots of the tree, until he lands at the antipodes in his effort to reach final causes. What is woman's sphere? Whatever she can do, and can do well. No amount of cultivation will enable her to perform duties for which nature has not fitted her; like her brother, she may become warped, or remain undeveloped, but she cannot be trained contrary to the laws of her own being. The exhibits in the depart- ment of ethnology at the World's Columbian Exposi- tion, entitled "Woman's Work in Savagery," demon- strate that woman has been chiefly responsible for the origin and development of the arts of peace. (43) 44 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. Did the Germans copy from the Orientals, or did the German Jews copy from the Germans, their dislike of learned women, and their approval of Paul's injunction, that women keep silence in the churches ? The Jewish masculine mind is apt to share with the German, a cer- tain frowning down upon intellectual endeavor in women, outside of the accomplishments that are considered pleasing. We attribute it to the love of thoroughness and of originality, which they share with the Germans, and to their contempt of half-knowledge, of a smattering, of a dallying with the arts and sciences. Yet a slight acquaintance with the best is better than complete igno- rance. Amateurs make the most appreciative audiences, for, in the spiritual sense, it is true that to him who hath, shall be given. Men are short-sighted to ignore the power of women as co-workers; the dangers which beset us need women as well as men to counteract them. In Israel's history, even in the most primitive stages, a high position, both by affection and custom, was accorded to the wife and mother; her dignity and inde- pendence were always guarded, as with no other nation of antiquity. Some of the most beautiful stories of the Bible and the Talmud deal with the relations between mothers and children; the wife is the help-meet, the equal of man, in all affairs, great and small, pertaining to the welfare of the family. The ancient idea of mar- riage was to increase the family of the bridegroom, not to found a new one. " Thy God shall be my God " had a different and more restricted significance to the ancient Hebrews than it has for us. The wife of olden times did not enter into the full privileges of her posi- tion until she had become a mother, the mother of a son; the line of descent was through the male heir, the daughter did not inherit. Later, in talrnudic days, the JEWISH WOMEN OF MODERN DAYS H. FRANK. 45 daughter might inherit when there was no male heir. The Jewish model wife in Proverbs is shown versed in all the arts and industries necessary to the production of objects of use and ornament in the household, and pos- sessing sufficient authority to buy a field, if she deemed it advisable. Wives and maidens in Israel had far more liberty than the Oriental woman of to-day, nor were they kept in seclusion as were the Greek women of their time. There was no woman question among the Jews; every woman was cared for by her family; there were very few unmarried women; bachelorhood was unpopu- lar. As all industries clustered around the home, all were profitably employed. The ethical and social side of the woman question, which inquires how to make of woman a factor with equal rights and equal duties, according to her powers, for the good of society, was solved by them, but condi- tions have so changed, that the problem must be solved anew. It was true then, as it is now, that if woman gains, the nation gains through her; as mothers, women mold the character of the nation, they influence their children in the most plastic years of their lives. Some of the learned rabbis of talmudic fame were in favor of instructing the girls as well as the boys in the Law, but the opposite view, that to initiate one's daugh- ters in the Law was baneful, finally triumphed, and the daughters were relegated to the home ; at a later period* we hear of women who were thoroughly versed in the studies pursued by their husbands and fathers, and fully shared their intellectual life. When their opportunities are taken into consideration, it must be said that the Jewish women of our day have allowed themselves too often to become mere lookers-on at the rich banquets of study and of broad, practical 46 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. work. It was not always so. Our history teaches us, above all things, that the arguments now used for the advancement of women were practically illustrated by the hundreds of Jewish women, whose names are recorded in the annals of time, who distinguished themselves by their work outside of the confines of home, besides wearing the crown of perfect wifehood and motherhood. We hear of them in mediaeval times as poets and writers, as philosophers and physicians, as women of affairs, aid- ing their husbands in great undertakings or, when widowed, engaging in them alone. Naturally those who were distinguished were exceptions. There never can be a dead level of excellence, else there would be no need of history, nor any possibility of development. Jewish women were zealous in promoting the spread of knowl- edge ; in the days when printing was first introduced, we read of Jewish women who established printing-houses, who were practical type-setters before our Manual Train- ing School was dreamed of ; who not only helped to print the great works of the past, but also wrote books of in- struction, of history, of songs and popular tales, who expressed themselves, as well as gave wings to the thoughts of others. Some of these women were German and Bohemian, most of them were Italian and Spanish Jewesses. In all manner of occupation, in trades, indus- tries and professions, they contributed their share to the progress of culture. Spanish-Jewish women helped to bring about a revival of Hebrew poetry, to which they gave back grace and beauty and lyrical warmth. From the time they had no longer to tremble for their own lives, they made their lives of use to others, less fortu- nate than themselves, and many are the philanthropic missions in which they engaged. The effects of the Thirty Years' War, which plunged Germany into barbarism, and of the Cossack invasion of JEWISH WOMEN OF MODERN DAYS H. FRANK. 47 Poland, which brought endless suffering, were disastrous to the culture and development of the Jews. The Ghetto reared its walls about them, and they withdrew from the common life, into an atmosphere of extreme ceremonial- ism in religion, and of separation in the ordering of their lives. Had it not been for the elevating influences of their home life, and for the fostering of their intellect through biblical and talmudic studies, their keen interest in the philosophy and the casuistry of talmudic prob- lems, the Jews must have succumbed to the systematic vilification and oppression, their allotted portion during the ages when they were virtually slaves in most Euro- pean countries.' One cause of the adaptability of the Jew was his knowledge of languages; he always could think and express himself in one language besides the Hebrew; and if to know a language is to enter into the soul-life of the people that speaks it, he must have developed his powers of adaptability through this knowledge. Spanish and Italian Jews spoke and wrote the language of their respective countries perfectly, and even Juedisch-Deutsch is a language and not a jargon, we are told. Owing to the restrictions and disabilities under which the Jews labored in the years succeeding their bitterest persecutions, the Jews learned to consider themselves, in their prayers at least, as living in exile; their thoughts were turned to a restoration to Palestine; they wished to remain strangers in a strange land, in customs and ideals. Even in language, they became separated. The importance of Moses Mendelssohn for the Jews lay in the fact, that he re- opened the gates of the Ghetto of lan- guage and of thought, in translating the Pentateuch into pure German, and that, as a writer, he entered into the literary life and general culture of his day, and stood abreast of the great thinkers of his time. Yet he 48 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. remained an Oriental in the strict observance of all the forms and ceremonies which had come to be identified with true Judaism. After the revival of the spirit of culture brought about by his writings and efforts, a re-action set in; many turned away from Judaism after a hard struggle, because they could not reconcile them- selves to the external observances that were demanded; dogma and tradition brought religion to a stand-still, it became a routine, in which the form was observed, but the spirit neglected. The new birth, in which life was freed from its encumbrances, had not yet come, and those who turned away were not sufficiently in advance of their time to find their way out of the labyrinth. Some merely strained at a gnat; they turned from ceremonies, which had ceased to have a meaning for them, and threw themselves into the current of mysticism and romanticism which then prevailed. Rousseau's early ideas, which he himself repudiated in his later years, had been perverted into a negation of the laws of society governing man; a loosing of bonds in every direction, a confounding of liberty with license was deemed a return to nature. It was deemed less heroic to suffer than to change condi- tions. Mendelssohn's daughters belonged to those who de- serted the old faith. Dorothea was attracted by the aesthetic side of Catholicism ; she loved the music, and the dim religious light, falling through stained-glass window-panes; the externalism of the church attracted her, the externalism of the synagogue repelled her. Many of the women who formed a social and intel- lectual power in Berlin, and whose salons were oases in the desert of Berlin society, felt a great chasm between their own lives and thoughts, and those of their co- religionists, who still adhered to the letter of the law. That which their ancestors had loved, had no attraction JEWISH WOMEN OF MODERN DAYS H. FRANK. 49 for them ; Judaism meant only legalism to them. They believed they were creating a new world of thought, and they broke with their own past and the slow process of development in Jewish circles. Women prize social / life more than men ; these women prized the social equality that was denied them as Jews, and thus became renegades, trading their birthright for a mess of pottage. The heroines that courted death, and inspired their children to defy torture rather than renounce the faith of their fathers, were no more. Among the men, some forsook the ranks in order to worthily employ their tal- ents in careers that were closed to the Jew, and some thought they would make life more easy for their chil- dren. In our day, here in America, the Jew suffers under no political disabilities, and his educational advantages are growing each year, the portals of schools and universi- ties are open to him. What are the tendencies of the modern Jewish wo- man ? In how far does she partake of the broad life of her non-Jewish sister? What should she assimilate, what must she avoid, what has she to give? The Jewish woman needs to be more noble, more self- sacrificing, more alive to the ideal, if she would be worthy of those who have preceded her. Let her study the history of the past, if she would comprehend the present. Let her counteract all narrowness, by cultivat- ing the great force of intelligence, the subduer of evil. The mother is still the most potent factor in the world; let her live up to the high standard set her by the Jewish women of the past, whose lives were devoted to great interests. We need more thoroughness in our work, whatever it be. Judaism means progress, America means opportunity. Judaism has within itself the power to assimilate the 4 5O JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. best thought of the time. The world to-day recognizes in woman a help in the progress of the world toward a higher civilization, and if Judaism would be true to itself, Jewish women must break the shackles that bind them, and again take a deep interest in the great con- cerns of life. If the World's Congresses have proved anything, they have proved that the essential qualities of womanliness, of grace and charm, are heightened rather than dimin- ished by the best mental equipment and the greatest cultivation, and that women are working faithfully and earnestly in research and scientific pursuits, as well as in education and philanthropy. There is a positive need for women to keep in touch with the political history of our own country and of all the contemporary movements; the politics of to-day forms the history of to-morrow. While we have only an indirect interest in politics at present, we need, for our own intelligence, to follow the great movements of to- day. It is a matter of moment to us how Zeus parcels out the land, the marts, the rivers, and how the earth is being appropriated to man's need and greed. It broad- ens the mind, as travel does, to send it out over the universe; it prevents us from dwelling too much upon trivial things. The woman who takes an intelligent interest in the great questions that are agitating the world, will not, therefore, become indifferent to the duties of her own individual sphere; the habit of study begets system, and a systematic ordering of one's time helps wonderfully in the performance of duties near at hand. It is not an absolute necessity to have a society with president and officers in order to accomplish something. We can improve ourselves without coming to a certain place at a certain time to discuss a plan of work, a JEWISH WOMEN OF MODERN DAYS H. FRANK. 51 philosophy, a literature. But how many of us are quite independent of the inspiration and sympathy of minds in touch with our own ? Genius needs no club for de- velopment, but unfortunately genius is rare, and ordinary "/ gifts need a stimulus. Some there be, who need to come only to teach, but most of us need to learn. Clubs and classes have been of vast benefit to women, they have taught the value of co-operation for noble ends. Man must work, and so must woman. Nature avenges her- self for the neglect of faculties, and powers that lie too long dormant become atrophied. Woman as home- maker, as purveyor of happiness, as possessor of the fine art of housewifery is needed as much as ever, and her life in the club can but be helpful in all these directions, , because she learns to understand herself, and to rise above pettiness. The education received within the club will fit her to take up duties outside of it. Many Jewish women of America and of Western Europe are taking active part in intellectual labors, in art and music, in philanthropy and education, and are working as journalists and writers. While all cannot distinguish themselves in these paths, all can cultivate the best within themselves. Life, too, is an art, the art of living is one that we must foster for ourselves and for others. In our social life, we must cultivate the ame- nities and all that is refining, all that tends to make it beautiful and perfect, and to lend it a lovelier set- ting. Whether as wife, the counselor and help-meet, as mother, the guardian and inspiration, as intellectual and practical worker, the Jewish woman of to-day can be guided by the lives of the Jewish women of the past. At the close of the session, by request of the Chair- man, the Rev. Dr. K. Kohler, of New York, and the Rev. Dr. E. G. Hirsch, of Chicago, addressed the meeting. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1893, 9.30 A. M. Mrs. I. S. Moses was introduced by the Chairman as the honorary presiding officer of the session. WOMAN IN THE SYNAGOGUE. RAY FRANK, OAKLAND, CAL. Duality manifests itself in all things, but in nothing is this two-foldness more plainly seen than in woman's nature. The weaker sex physically, it is the stronger spirit- ually, it having been said that religion were impossible without woman. And yet the freedom of the human soul has been apparently effected by man. I say appar- ently effected, for experience has demonstrated, and history records, that one element possessed by woman has made her the great moral, the great motif force of the world, though she be, as all great forces are, a silent force. It may be true that sin came into the world because of the disobedience of the first woman, but woman has long since atoned for it by her loving faith, her blind trust in the Unknown. Down through the ages, tradi- tional and historical, she has come to us the symbol of faith and freedom, of loyalty and love. From the beginning, she sought knowledge; per- ceive, it does not say wisdom, but knowledge; and this was at the expense of an Eden. She lost Eden, but she gained that wisdom which has made sure of man's immortality. (52) WOMEN IN THE SYNAGOGUE R. FRANK. 53 She walked upon thorns, she bled; but so sincerely repentant was she, so firmly rooted had become her faith in the Almighty, that no amount of suffering, no change of time and circumstance, could destroy it. With repentance something had sprung up, and blos- somed in her being, an imperishable flower, beautiful, fragrant, making the world bright and sweet. This flower twined itself round man, its odors refreshed and strengthened him; its essence healed him when wounded, and nerved him on to gallant and noble deeds. It is the breath of life in him, and he must needs be careful of its clinging stems, its tender leaves, for they are rooted in a woman's heart. In mother, wife, sister, sweetheart, lies the most pre- cious part of man. In them he sees perpetual reminders of the death-sin, guarantees of immortality. Think, woman, what your existence means to man; dwell well on your responsibility; and now let us turn to that part of time called the past, more particularly biblical days. The religious life of the early Israelites is so closely interwoven with their domestic and political life, that it cannot be separated and treated alone. Amidst all kind of tribal and national strife, the search for knowledge of Javeh went on in so even a way, so indifferent to men and things, as no other investigation has done. The soul of mankind could not be quieted concerning this matter, and religion from its very nature evolved itself. That this was, in its entirety, due to no one people is just as true as that it was due to no one sex. To the Israelite, because of his sensitive, superior nature, was revealed that first great truth of " I am the Lord thy God," and to them, throughout the genera- tions, was given the command to spread His truth. But when the Lord said to Moses, " And ye shall be unto Me a nation of priests and a holy nation," the message was 54 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. not to one sex; and that the Israelites did not so con- sider it, is proved by the number of women who were acknowledged prophets, and who exercised great influ- ence on their time and on posterity. The Talmud speaks of seven prophetesses: Sarah, Miriam, Deborah, Hannah, Abigail, Huldah and Esther. Ruth not being mentioned in this list, we infer that she was regarded simply as a religious teacher. Except in the Talmud, Sarah is not mentioned as possessing the inspirational power, which made the prophets of old; yet, there is that chronicled of her which gives rise to the assumption that, for a time at least, she was the greatest of them all. For in Genesis xxi. 1 2 is recorded the only instance of the Lord's especially commanding one of His favorites to listen carefully to a woman: " In all that Sarah may say unto thee, hearken unto her voice." Evidently, the Almighty deemed a woman capable both of understanding and advising. That Miriam, the sister of Moses, was a woman of ex- traordinary mind is evidenced by the words of Moses to herself and Aaron when he journeyed to the mount; and from the prominence given the word prophetess prior to recording the words of her triumphant song, it is evident that she must have been one of the leaders in Israel before the journey across the sea was made. The one compliment paid Moses for his faithful ser- vice is that which speaks of him as a man of exceeding modesty ; and it is pleasant to reflect that in the words of Israel's greatest woman, Deborah, can be found that same beautiful characteristic. When reminding Barak that, if he goes not alone to smite the foe, to a woman will be accredited the glory, she speaks as though loth that it should be thus; and when, in the name of Javeh, she leads the army, she says not, " I will do this or WOMEN IN THE SYNAGOGUE R. FRANK. 55 that," but, " Barak, up ! for this is the day ou which God will deliver Sisera into my hands." Of great modesty was this wife of L,apidoth, whether as ruler, warrior, poet or prophet; a woman whose influence in her time was mighty, and whose glorious, inspiring words still live. The life of Hannah inculcates more deeply a lesson which we women must learn than that of any of our sex mentioned in the Bible. Greatest and best among women is she who is a wise mother; for the children are the Lord's, the heirs of Heaven. Blessed beyond all is she who dedicates her offspring to the Eternal. Who need wonder at the song which rose so joyously from the heart of Hannah, for she was truly an inspired prophetess, she was a wise mother ! Abigail, Huldah and Esther are the others mentioned in the Talmud. The story of the latter is so well known, her courage and piety are so justly celebrated on our Feast of Purim that I will not dwell longer upon them. From the scarcity of names mentioned, we are not to conclude that only a few women were teachers in Israel at this time; but rather that to woman was entrusted all that appertained to the domestic life; and in the per- formance of these duties her personality was merged in that of her husband. That she was capable of perform- ing heroic deeds is evidenced by the legends of Jael and Judith. The intense excitement of the periods in which these women lived is supposed to have permitted them for a time to forget strict morality and loving mercy. Crude and almost repulsive in their invention, the nar- ratives serve to show that weak woman was regarded as capable of performing for God and country heroic deeds, deeds from which strong men might have shrunk. Her faith under the most trying circumstances was sublime; and nothing more effective is recorded of piety embracing 56 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. death than the martyrdom of the Maccabean Hannah or Miriam, who unhesitatingly gave to immortality her- self and her seven sons. Other illustrations pale beside this magnificent heroism of a woman in whom rested the Almighty. From any point of view, enough has been recorded to show that when she led, she led successfully. However, the ancient Jewish woman was, above all, wife and mother, and as such she was a religious teacher, and closely associated with what might be called the temple- worship of those days. The life of the woman of patriarchal times was clean and elevating, there was nothing slavish about it; and when one considers that the Jewish Law permitted polygamy, and that even with the debasing influences of harem life instituted by Solomon, the Jews became a monogamous people, one can under- stand the extraordinary influence of the Jewish woman to whom this important fact is due. " One woman, a good one, is the light of a man's existence," sang an inspired sage. Women of other nations soon learned to contrast the life of the Jewish woman with their own, and the first converts to Judaism were women from the neighboring idolatrous tribes. The emotional nature of Jewish women made them fit instruments to celebrate the joys of heaven and earth, and the finest things in our sacred literature are believed by many critics to have come spontaneously from our women's hearts and tongues. If the woman of apocryphal times does not always ap- pear sharply outlined in her work, it is, as we have said, owing to the deep workings of the wife and mother principle, which was striving to manifest itself as the axis of woman's world. Slowly, unevenly, events moved round, and in the Grseco-Roman period we find the capricious jolts and jars lessening, until in mediaeval WOMEN IN THE SYNAGOGUE R. FRANK. 57 times the Jewish wife represents all that is pure and noble in womanhood. During the Graeco-Roman period, two queens stand out as prominently influencing religious matters. Queen Salome, who was born in Jerusalem about the year 143 B. C., was of great wisdom and remarkable energy. Filled with the spirit of the Chasidim, with ideals pure and lofty, she early resolved to aid the faith in which she believed. The times were among the fiercest recorded by Israel, and great diplomacy was necessary to avoid dissensions. But through disasters of every nature, she remained constant to her principles, and at all times level-headed. Her tact and her power to remain impas- sive under the most awful circumstances are almost unparalleled in history. Her sole ambition was to preserve to the people their Pharisaic worship, and this she did by the most heroic teachings. Among proselytes, Helena, Queen of Adiabene, born 152 years B. C., is mentioned in the Talmud as having done much for Judaism. She and her son were both converted to this faith, and in turn became teachers of religion, remaining true to the Jewish nation to the end. The position of the mediaeval woman differed from that of her ancient sister. Forced by circumstances at times to become a leader, her personality no longer merged itself in that of her husband, but ran parallel with his. Tribal wars for political supremacy did not now agitate the people, for existence had, in most cases, become an individual struggle. The princes of Judah were dethroned, their lands, the possession of strangers; yet the law lived, better understood and more sacredly guarded than ever. That this was owing, in the greatest degree, to the women is shown by the numbers men- tioned in the Talmud as learned mothers and teachers. The Jews were stripped of many precious things by 58 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. their oppressors, ofttimes their relentless persecutors, yet the Torah held such consolations that the family-home became to the Jew the most beautiful, the most sacred thing in the world. Of the love of a pure wife and reverent, obedient children, nothing could rob him, and he was, indeed, blessed beyond all that sought to harm him. The prophecy of Lemuel's mother had been faithfully realized; and as we look through the mist of centuries, the sunlight clears grayness, and we read: " Many daughters have done virtuously; but thou excellest them all." True help-mate was the mediaeval woman, combining with greatest intelligence, stern purpose and the softest maternal qualities. During the period of happiness permitted them by Moorish and Spanish rule, our women rose to eminence intellectually and socially. But note how the learning always leaned toward the elevation of the home. That part of the Bible which concerned the home life became their especial study, and as practical preachers of religion, they have never been excelled, for they practiced what they preached. Among the women of early mediaeval times, Ima Shalom, Rachel and Beruria are representative. The father of Ima was president of the Sanhedrim, and a descendant of Hillel. Her husband, the most noted rabbi of his day, found in her an intellectual equal, and many were the knotty questions submitted to her judg- ment. Had it not been for the self-sacrificing and deeply religious nature of Rachel Sabua, history would scarcely have had an Akiba, while Beruria, wife of Rabbi Meir, who lived about 100 A. D., was of such powerful intellect that she became noted throughout the land. All that she said concerning disputed points of the Halacha received the attention of her contemporaries. Poetry and prose testify to her worth. WOMEN IN THE SYNAGOGUE R. FRANK. 59 Graetz mentions Bellet, the daughter of Menachem, who lived in Orleans in the year 1050 A. D., as one who was talmudically learned, and who taught the women of her town their religious duties. Hannah, sister of Rabbi Jacob Tarn, of Orleans, and a whole circle of learned women in the family of Rashi, of whom may be mentioned Rachel, his daughter, and Anna and Miriam, his granddaughters, were highly educated, and acted as teachers of religion. They paid particular attention to instructing women regarding culinary matters, on which Mosaism laid the greatest stress. Zunz calls the mother of the chief rabbi of France, Mattathias Ben Joseph Provenci, and wife of Rabbi Joseph Ben Jochanan, "well nigh a lady rabbi," and accords her great praise for her original and sensible interpretation of the dietary laws. Rabbi Samuel ben Hallevi, who flourished in Bagdad in the year 1200, had a daughter, Bath Hallevi, who delivered in public biblical lectures to men. She was screened from her audience by sitting in a kind of box whose windows had in them panes of opaque glass. A rabbinical college had for its principal Miriam Shapira, and her lectures to the students are said to have compared favorably with those of her contemporaries. Dolce, wife of Rabbi Eleazer ben Jehudah Rokeach, of Worms, a remarkably learned woman, lived a saintly life, preaching to the women their duties. She with her two children died the death of a martyr, being slain by the Knights of Malta, at Erfurt, in 1214. In the Hebrew encyclopaedia compiled by Dr. Gold- man and his associates, and edited in Warsaw in 1818, is found an account of a remarkable woman, Donna Ben- venida Abarbanel. Her husband was treasurer of the king of Naples, and into her charge the prime minister of Naples gave the education of his daughter, the 60 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. princess Leonora. The intelligence and righteousness of Donna Benvenida were known throughout the land, and her association with the princess continued long after the latter's marriage. It is said that her royal charge esteemed her as a mother, and that in all her work this good Jewess never forgot her creed and her people. Inasmuch as all appertaining to Judaism belongs to the temple, so the connection of this great woman with the synagogue is not to be doubted. In about 1532, the priests who presided over the Inqui- sition petitioned the king to drive out the remnant of Jews from southern Italy. The petition was granted. But Donna Benvenida, with great diplomacy, succeeded through the princess in having the edict revoked. From various writings by the clever men of that day, one learns that the highest praise was given this woman. From the book of the memorial of the dead of the Jewish congregation at Worms, I have taken the follow- ing names, they serving to show what the women of Israel at this time did for religion. Here is an epitaph: "Eva, daughter of Isaac Leipnitz, wife of Abraham Samuel, Rabbi of Worms. Her name shall be remembered be- cause she was profoundly learned, and because she was conversant in the Bible and all its commentaries and the Midrash. There was no woman before her so deeply learned." " Remembered, the aged Rebecca, daughter of Jeremiah Neustadt, because she regularly attended synagogue, morning and evening, devoting all her life to benevolence. She spun without charge Tzitzith for all who needed them, and gave of her own money to the synagogue." " Remembered, the pious and esteemed Miriam Sinzheim, daughter of Joseph Sinzheim of Vienna, who went regularly to the synagogue, morning and evening, praying with devotion and giving all her life to benevolence. She supported students of the Bible WOMEN IN THE SYNAGOGUE R. FRANK. 61 in various congregations, especially in ours of Worms. She builded the synagogue of the great Rabbi Rashi (Solomon ben Isaac), establishing free seminaries and stipending students." Women of the nineteenth century! These are but a few names from among the many on the old grave stones, testifying to the splendid work done for the syna- gogue by women, at a time when obstacles made up their lives. In the early part of the eighteenth century, Krendel Steinhardt, a member of a gifted family of rabbis, obtained distinction for her knowledge of the fes- tival prayers, the Machsor, and for cleverly interpreting the Midrash. She was known as the " Rebbezin." Sarah Oppenheimer, daughter of the chief rabbi of Prague, wrote a Meghilla, a scroll of the book of Esther, while Sprenza Kempler, blessed with beauty, knowledge and piety, could quote the Mishna from memory. Bienvineda, wife of Rabbi Mordecai, of Padua, was of such rare intelligence that she held disputations on the Talmud and the Mishna with some of the greatest scholars of her day. The list is a long one, and each name reflects intelli- gence and piety. But enough has been given to disprove all doubts as to the Jewish woman's capability in relig- ious matters, both as pupil and instructor. If to the men of these times be accorded credit for having per- formed their duties well, if as scholars, as expounders of the Law, they live in fame, what shall we say of the women who, under the most adverse circumstances, rose to eminence in this same field of labor ? With one or two exceptions, they were all wives and mothers, most of them wives of rabbis, and in the discharge of their duties no one thing was done at the expense of another. Intellectually they were the compeers of their hus- bands; practically, they excelled them. They built synagogues, controlled colleges, and stipended students. All in all, they have in the past earned the right to 62 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. the pulpit, even as nature created their sensitive beings to act as its finest interpreter. Jewish woman had earned the right to the pulpit, though she never formally asked it of the people, but that they would not have wholly opposed it, may be inferred from a romance of Bernstein's, " Voegele, der Maggid," probably founded on facts. Voegele was an itinerant preacher, and that she com- bined the lovable qualities of the woman with her chosen work is shown by the fervent words of the hero who says to her, " Your hand makes the Bethhamedrash light." To our times and to our country in particular, the Jewish woman is indebted for many changes in her relation to the synagogue, and this progress is mainly due to one man, whose decided stand as a liberalist, in all matters concerning woman and her work, earns our hearty thanks. I refer to our revered rabbi, Dr. Wise, of Cincinnati. With added privileges and numberless innovations, let us see what is the religious status of the Jewish woman of to-day. Compare her with the woman of the Apoc- rypha we will not, for it would be unjust to both. The one was the result of a great spiritual revelation and chaotic material circumstances pressing against and whirling round each other, leaving as a resultant the keen-visioned, practical woman of the Middle Ages, one whose knowledge was of men, and whose wisdom was of God. Calamitous as were the days, our mothers rose to meet them, each time victorious. Their children re- ceived, as a heritage, patience, courage, fidelity, reverence, honest, God-fearing souls, the richest treasures of men. What matter how the winds of fortune blew, the Jew was secure from total shipwreck. He carried as a talisman the instructions of his mother. When persecution drove him from shore to shore, he journeyed across unknown seas, and finding a new Canaan cried, " Hear, O Israel, WOMEN IN THE SYNAGOGUE R. FRANK. 63 the Lord our God, the Lord is one ! " and so dedicated a new home. Centuries have passed; the wilderness is the pride of the world, for it is all a land of freedom, of homes; and the Jew, we find him so grateful that he has well-nigh forgotten to what he owes his salvation. He has forgot- ten, else how explain the empty temples, the lack of religious enthusiasm, lack of reverence of children for parents, lack of that sacred home life which has made us an honored place in history ? That our women have not made of themselves Dinah Morrises and " Voegele der Maggids " we can forgive, but that we have removed so many of the ancient landmarks which our fathers estab- lished, can we forgive ourselves for that ? That we have not possessed ourselves of the wisdom of her who builded her own house can hardly be par- doned us, for what can replace the priceless love which has bound the members of the Jewish family to each other and to their God ? Learning is not wisdom. Inno- vation is not progress, and to be identical with man is not the ideal of womanhood. Some things and privi- leges belong to him by nature; to these, true woman does not aspire; but every woman should aspire to make of her home a temple, of herself a high priestess, of her children disciples, then will she best occupy the pulpit, and her work run parallel with man's. She may be ordained rabbi or be the president of a congregation she is entirely able to fill both offices but her noblest work will be at home, her highest ideal, a home. Our women, living in a century and in a country which gives them every opportunity to improve, are not making the most of themselves, and to the stranger, the non- Jew, who views us critically, we are not entirely an improvement upon our mothers of old. We may dress with better taste, we may know more ologies, we may 64 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. discuss high art, but we no longer offer up such reverent homage to the Almighty, as that which was given in times of direst distress and persecution, and which yielded so rich a harvest as an America, in which to enjoy life and liberty to the utmost. How is this liberty enjoyed ? Go to the synagogue on Friday night; where are the people ? Our men cannot attend, keen business competition will not permit them. Where are our women ? Keener indulgence in pleasures will not per- mit them. Where are the children ? Keenest parental examples of grasping gain and material desires will not permit them, and so the synagogue is deserted. Go there on a Saturday, the day of rest, of holy convocation. Where are the people ? Our men are at their shops, our women doing the shopping, calling, or at the theatre; every one and everything can be attended to but God. For Him they have no time. With whom lies the blame ? Where are the wise mothers of Israel to-day ? As we sow, so we must reap. Costly temples with excuses for congregations will not do, friends. Better the old tent for a dwelling, the trees and skies for syna- gogues, and reverent, God-fearing men and women, than our present poor apology for religious worship. The world calls the nineteenth century Jew material- istic, the Jew denies it, but denial is not refutation. It is time we stopped calling ourselves chosen, it is time we stopped living upon our past, time we prove we have been chosen a nation of priests by fulfill- ing His law. Many an one has been chosen for some noble mission who never attempted its completion, and it would be illogical to credit such an one with any great merit. That we are now in the position of backsliders is owing to us women. Where are the Hannahs who cry as she of old, " For this lad did I pray; and the Lord hath granted me my W.OMEN IN THE SYNAGOGUE R. FRANK. 65 petition which I asked of Him. Therefore also have I lent Him for my part to the Lord; all the days that have been assigned to him shall he be lent to the Lord." Sisters, our work in and for the synagogue lies in bringing to the Temple the Samuels to fulfil the Law. / As mothers in Israel I appeal to you to first make of our homes temples, to rear each child a priest by teaching him to be true to himself. If the synagogues are then deserted, let it be because the homes are filled, then we will be a nation of priests; edifices of worship will be everywhere. What matter whether we women are ordained rabbis or not ? We are capable of fulfilling the office, and the best way to prove it is to convert ourselves and our families into reverent beings. To simply be ordained priest is not enough, and the awful punishment which befell Eli is the best illus- tration of this. Nothing can replace the duty of the mother in the home. Nothing can replace the reverence of children, and the children are yours to do as ye will with them. Mothers, ye can restore Israel's glory, can fulfil the prophecy by bringing the man-child, strong love of the Eternal, to his Maker. The Rev. Dr. I. S. Moses, of Chicago, was called upon to discuss the paper, "Woman in the Synagogue." Miss Rebecca Lesem, of Quincy, 111., then read a portion of a paper on " Advance Sabbath School Work," prepared for the Sabbath Visitor Association. INFLUENCE OF THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA ON THE JEWS. PAULINE HANAUER ROSENBERG, ALLEGHENY, PA. Events follow each other in natural sequence; and as "by the law of universal gravitation, every particle of matter in the universe exerts an influence on every other particle, and is in turn influenced by it, so the events in history exert their influence upon those which follow, and the last epoch sheds its light on those which have preceded. To fully understand the influence of any special event upon a particular people, a knowledge of previous con- ditions is necessary. Turn back the pages of centuries, and behold a small section of the Hebrew group leaving Palestine to occupy the more fertile pasture lands in Egypt. The subsequent slavery of the Jews in that country, their deliverance thence, their sojourn in the wilderness until the conquest of Canaan, are familiar. In an age when conquerors either annihilated, or made slaves of, the conquered, the Israelites amalgamated with the Canaanites, absorbing their culture, and in turn impart- ing the Mosaic doctrine to them. This was the begin- ning of their history as a nation, which, like all others, had its rise and fall. Beginning by subjugating its enemies and afterward in quest of territory and plunder, the period of war was followed by prosperity under the judges and the kings. The prophets flourished, litera- ture, philosophy, science and arts were cultivated. Other ancient nations existed on a purely political basis with a religion as their outgrowth, but Israel was composed of (66) THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA ROSENBERG. 67 a union of tribes with religion as its basis, the political union being an outgrowth and a secondary condition. The worship of one true God, Jehovah, was its supreme business and pleasure, and all the glorious and splendid achievements may be attributed to this doctrine. Judah flourished as a nation until the dispersion, about 586 B.C., when in a war with Nebuchadnezzar, Jerusalem was taken by storm, its Temple reduced to ruin, and the larger por- tion of its inhabitants deported to Babylon. Thus exiled in Chaldaea, some lapsed into heathenism, but many continued faithful to Jehovah, and although they could keep no religious feasts as in the Holy L,and, the habit of meeting, and reading from the prophetic writings as an observance of the Sabbath, which developed the syna- gogue, came into use at this time. L,ater, Cyrus gave the exiles permission to return to their fatherland, but only a small number availed themselves of this permission. In 445 B. C. a Jew, Nehemiah ben Hakelejah, was appointed as Persian governor of Judaea. The subsequent history of the Jews in the East is identified with the revolutions fre- quent in that section: from a Chaldsean province Palestine became a Persian, a Greek, and an Egyptian possession, until Pompey's conquest subjected it to Roman rule. With each change of power, the dispersing of the Jews becomes more complete; their settlement was encouraged everywhere, and under the Ptolemies in Egypt, they received preference over, and in consequence earned the hatred of, the indigenous population. At the beginning of the Christian era, the Jews were more populous and powerful in every civilized country than in their original stronghold, Jerusalem, colonies having been formed in and around Asia Minor and in Europe. The mission of the apostles having attached itself to the synagogues, this diaspora, or dispersion, of the Jews became the means of the diffusion of Christianity. 68 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. From this period, their fate and that of the early Chris- tians were the same. They were alternately tolerated, given equal civil rights, and again persecuted and ban- ished. Strange that Christianity, which itself struggled so bravely for existence, should become, with prosperity, intolerant of other creeds, and especially of its parent, Judaism ! But no, in those dark ages nothing was strange. Given no place in the political arrangements of the world of those days, being neither nobles nor serfs, the Jews dwelt apart, performing their mission; they formed the link between the glorious past and the Re- naissance, carrying a remnant of Egyptian, Greek and Roman civilization to the dawning of that brighter day, when the world awakened from its night of gloom to witness the crusades, the aurora of its day. But the splendor of its dawn became shadowed by the clouds of a gloomy morn, for at this period, nurtured by religious zeal and fanatic enthusiasm, began the deep-seated preju- dice against the Jews as having been dwellers in Jeru- salem at the time of the Crucifixion. They emerge from a dark night to find civil, social, political disabilities everywhere; a deep abyss of perse- cution before them, a stone wall of restrictions behind them. This brings us to the fourteenth century, when Spain, at the zenith of her glory, is in the van of civili- zation. What was the condition of her Jews at that time? Following the trend of migration and civilization from East to West, we find a large proportion of Jews settled in Spain, where they were tolerated, enjoying equal rights of citizenship, passing through a glorious period of literary and social activity, and during the fifteenth century holding government positions of great responsibility and emolument, thereby incurring the enmity of the Catholic citizens. The same religious THE; DISCOVERY OP AMERICA ROSENBERG. 69 zeal which prompted Isabella, under Torquemada's influence, to aid Columbus, led her to issue her famous edict against the Jews of her country, to take effect on the very day that Columbus started on his eventful voyage. Many believe his discovery to have been divine fore-ordination; but the new country was only about to be discovered, and meanwhile the Spanish, and later the Portuguese Inquisition commanded baptism or death, and many were baptized. These Marranos, as they were called, spurned by the Jews, and despised by the Chris- tians, publicly professed Christianity, and secretly main- tained Judaism; they intermarried with Christians, and rose to heights of power and dignity. Despite restrictions, many celebrated Jewish names belong to the general his- tory of culture in the countries where Jews were resi- dent. The Jews of Spain stand out pre-eminently as persons of extraordinary culture and intelligence, who, banished from their country with every refinement of cruelty and hardship of which the Inquisition was capa- ble, dispersed to many lands, in all of which they were barely tolerated, carrying their culture with them. Cut off from their fellow citizens, excluded by oppressive laws from all legitimate trades, specially taxed, con- signed to the narrow confines of ghettos, strictly pro- hibited from entering certain towns, limited in numbers in others, disabled from being members of trade guilds, such was the condition of the Jews of the world at the time of the discovery of America. There was no known country to which they might turn, and call it home. What wonder, then, that the new world was hailed as a divine gift to humanity, a haven of peace and good-will at last. Ah ! but even here the problem of freedom must first be worked out, and the life-long traditional prejudices against the Jews were not set aside as readily as European expulsion cast the Jews themselves out of 70 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. their native lands. Religious intolerance was prevalent among all peoples at that time. Education in the broad, liberal sense of to-day was unknown, and the dangerous experiment of forcing convictions was tried. America, settled by all sects of people fleeing from religious intolerance and in search of a place where religious liberty and freedom of conscience might be enjoyed, could not long harbor bitter antagonisms on the ground of religion. " America is another name for opportunity. Her whole history appears like a last effort of divine providence in behalf of the human race." From within her boundaries emanated the grand idea of freedom, such as the world had never heard of before. Here was the dreamed-of Utopia, the New Atlantis, the land of promise that opened up the ghettos of the old world. Liberty, I worship at thy shrine ! The spiritual re-awakening of the Jews was given its greatest impetus by Moses Mendelssohn, in Germany, who by translating the Pentateuch into the scholarly German language of the day removed the barrier reared by the use of an alien language; and the most powerful impulse to political liberation came from France under Napoleon. This period in Europe, the arms of America at the same time stretched out to receive the willing colonists, may truly be termed the Jewish Renaissance. The early colonists in America were engaged in the arduous undertaking of settling and reducing to the requirements of civilization, a wilderness peopled by savages, who were not always friendly to the white set- tlers. We therefore find the settlers of all sects united in protection against their common enemy, the Indian, banded together in their common interests of protection, government and self-help. And although many Jewish names were on the lists of the rank and file, and others stand forth in glorious prominence during the early wars THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA ROSENBERG. 71 and the wars of the Revolution and Rebellion, the tie of a common cause makes one lose sight of this one or that one as a Jew, a Catholic, or a Protestant; we know of them only as men doing battle together for a great cause. Since the western hemisphere has been opened up, a stream of immigration has flowed in steadily, people leaving the ^over-crowded countries of the old world to better their condition; some come to enjoy greater free- dom, others, disappointed with their achievements, make a new beginning, whilst others still, working and slaving where toil is over-crowded and poorly paid, are anxious for their children to have better opportunities than they themselves enjoyed. The sad, disappointed and dissatis- fied with the state of affairs in the old world, come to the new to build up under more favorable conditions \ looking toward America to solve the problems and allay the fears menacing the nations of the earth to-day. And nowhere can one find so happy a working class or a middle class in a better, happier or more cultured condi- tion. And that which is true of this nation in general is true also of her Jews. How truly has it been said that " Each country has the Jews it deserves." The American Jews of to-day (and by these are not meant the oppressed Russian exiles who find a home here, but the descendants of the earlier settlers through- out the country) hold positions of influence and culture, commingle with the other citizens of the United States in all vital questions, and are in reality lost sight of as Jews, excepting in religious belief. They exert a health- ful influence over immigrants from other countries, in which oppression has been the lot of their brethren, and although we occasionally hear of a wave of anti- semitism in civilized countries, nevertheless persecu- tions cannot become general in our enlightened age, nor endure for any length of time. 72 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. Each age has had its celebrated Jewish philanthropists, and with the favorable conditions enjoyed under the glorious "stars and stripes," Jewish hospitals, orphan asylums, free schools and benevolent institutions flourish in proportion to the Jewish population. The Union of American Congregations has for its object the dissemi- nation of religious knowledge through the medium of its Hebrew Union College, of Cincinnati, and the con- gregational Sunday-schools, and is in this Congress reap- ing one of the best fruits of its sowing. To co-operate with similar associations throughout the world, to relieve and elevate oppressed Jews has been its noblest task, and through its agency the immigrants coming to the United States are taught self-reliance and self-help. No matter how ignorant through oppression these people are, their immediate progeny show marked signs of im- provement and Americanism, and removed from the yoke of the oppressor, the third generation of this re- markable people on American soil, with their inherited powers of adaptability, will retain only their religion as an indication of Judaism. We have followed Israel from its bondage in Egypt, through its national period, in its dispersion, during times of persecution, until we see Judaism, not as a nation or a tribe or a race, but as a religious sect; and now the Jew's nationality is like that of his Christian brother in his adopted or in his native land. The great colleges of the world are open to him, and in the short period of his liberation, his achievements have been greater in proportion to the population than those of any other people. The influence of the discovery of America on the world at large was to revolutionize the accepted mode of reasoning; it set the philosophers to work, and assisted Bacon and later Franklin in striking the death blow THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA ROSENBERG. 73 to scholasticism. Thought pinioned for centuries was set free; freedom was no longer a dream, but a reality within the grasp of the daring; the bold new world with its unexplored extent invited daring adventurers, and offered an asylum for countless numbers of hitherto op- pressed people. Could it help having a wholesome effect upon the treatment of the Jews? Among the workers of all classes in America we find Jews: artisans, tradesmen, merchants, scientists, littera- teurs, professors, doctors, advocates, diplomats and phi- losophers, and those who have not attained extraordinary renown are happy in being integral parts of the best nation on earth, exerting a restrictive influence upon foreign oppressors of their creed, aiding to better the condition of mankind, and working out one of the problems of civilization to live in friendship and peace, not antag- onism; in love, and not in hate; and, in all questions absorbing the nation, working hand in hand with the Christian, making a brotherhood of man, radiating an influence to all quarters of the globe, inviting citizenship. America's Jews, the descendants of foreign born citizens, enjoying liberty, enlightenment and culture for a few generations, judging by past noble achievements, hold out a bright promise of future possibilities. " When the centuries behind me like a fruitful land reposed, When I clung to all the present for the promise that it closed, When I dipt into the future far as human eye can see, Saw the vision of the world and all the wonder that would be." INFLUENCE OF THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA ON THE JEWS. (Discussion of the foregoing paper.} ESTHER WITKOWSKY, CHICAGO, ILL. Forget for one moment that you are attending a Jewish Women's Congress in America at the close of the nine- teenth century, and turn back with me to Spain, on the first and second of August, 1492. Look along the high- roads leading from the cities; you will see throngs of human beings, in all 300,000 souls, journeying they know not whither, realizing only that, for no fault of their own, they are expelled from a land which has been the home of their fathers for about eight hundred years. They, the best of the Spanish kingdom, writers and scientists, physicians and jurists, artisans and farmers, were cast, impoverished and plague-ridden, upon the mercy of for- eign nations. Let us follow them a little way; Portugal, for a high tax, gave them temporary shelter; the cities of Italy granted them a grudging welcome to the ghettos; Germany admitted them to a share in the persecution of their brethren; England and France spurned them utterly. In all Europe they were welcomed in but one place, in Turkey, the home of the infidel. When Queen Isabella refused the generous offer of the Jews to share the expenses of the Moorish war, if Isaac Arbarbanel, with the tongue of a prophet, had turned upon the bigoted woman, and told her that the hand which had signed the decree of expulsion would, by its bounty, provide a resting place for the descendants of his people, he would have been called a madman. (74) THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA WITKOWSKY. 75 We have the eyes of history, and once more looking back, this time to the third of August, at the port of Palos, we see three tiny vessels setting out for a journey across an unknown sea, seeking the spices and precious metals of India, but finding the New World, needed by none so much as by the children of the poor wanderers we have just been following. When Torquemada, Inquisitor-General of Spain, hold- ing aloft the crucifix, with fiery eloquence, reproached his sovereigns for considering the offer of the Jews, if then Isaac Arbarbanel had turned upon him, and again with the tongue of a prophet, had foretold that the In- quisition would pave the way for the first pilgrimage of the Jews to this new home, he would have been called a madman. Our scene now changes to Holland; time, about seventy-five years later. We see the sturdy Dutch people, who, by a series of fateful royal marriages, had come under the sway of Philip the Second, great-grand- son and worthy descendant of Isabella, engaged in a bitter struggle to secure their ancient privileges, and to prevent the establishment of the Inquisition in their land. When this freedom-loving Batavian people had suc- ceeded in gaining the political and religious liberty for which they had so valiantly fought, with the logic that might have been expected of them, they offered a home and immunity from persecution to those whose faith was different from their own. As they carried this policy into their colonies, we are not surprised to find, as early as 1654, the record of the first Jews in North America in the city of New York, then, of course, New Amster- dam. It took the English Puritans a little longer to reach the logical conclusion of their religious premises, and it was nearly three centuries from the time Colum- bus sailed to the unknown lands, when the descendants of the early settlers agreed, in the Constitution of the 76 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. new nation they were forming, that " Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thereby making a home for the persecuted of all lands and all times. It behooves us Jews, as partakers of the bounty of this new nation, to remember the history of our people, to recall the struggle that our fathers have had to hold fast to the faith, and to understand that it is our duty to extend a helping hand to any of our brethren still bear- ing the yoke of oppression. No matter how ignorant, how degraded, the modern exiles may be; no matter whether we believe they are of one race with us or not, they are suffering for our religion, and for the sake of our own past, we must help them. By educating the younger generation, not only of these newcomers, but of American Jews, by instructing it in the essential principles of culture, by surrounding it with refining influences, we must seek to stifle the breath of prejudice. There was no land of promise for the perse- cuted Jew of the sixteenth century; we have found one here in America; the Holy City may not lie within its boundaries, but the route thither certainly does. " Next year in Jerusalem " prays the orthodox Jew; let us hope that here, in the future, he may forget this prayer, be- lieving that he has found what he has sought. THE INFLUENCE OF THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA ON THE JEWS. {Discussion of the foregoing paper, ~} MARY NEWBURY ADAMS, DUBUQUE, IOWA. The influence of the discovery of America on the Jews was to bring them into prominence, because they had the qualities needed by the new conditions it gave to nations and religions. When Protestantism began to disintegrate Christianity, and reason and learning were to be brought to bear on religion, and new sects formed from the study of the Bible, as human reason should find necessary to suit the modern world, then we find learned Jews were needed to translate and interpret the Bible. Reuchlin, the humanist and Hebraist, has a statue as a promoter of the Reformation. He began true Prot- estantism with the demand that we use our reason in religion and in the study of Scripture. The Christian history given to western Europe was of Rome, Constantinople and Jerusalem. When people began to reason on religion, and establish sects best suited to their needs for coming time from the Bible, the Hebrew race and Asia came in as a part of the religious history of humanity, and when the great monument was erected to Luther, statues of Jews were among those that surrounded his. The newly discovered continents had given hope, courage and influence to Hebrews, and the public recog- nized their position in human progress. The revival of (77) 78 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. the study of literature and the Bible, brought about by the Renaissance and the Reformation, and the need of these in the formation of new religious sects, were bene- ficial to the recognition of their worth, for the value of Scripture, of literature, as above the authority of any one person or one institution, has risen with the increased power of Hebrews in society and religion. Then people, fleeing from persecution to new countries that they might worship God as seemed right in their judgment, increased interest in the Old Testament, and this had a reflex influence on Hebraism throughout the world, as Moses had said, " For it is not a vain thing for you, because it is your life, and through this thing ye shall prolong your days in the land," as "these words of the law " have done. Venice, Holland and Spain were the enterprising, commercial governments at the time of the discovery of America, and they owed to the Jews much of their finan- cial power, and that is the basis of influence in the world. They were travelers, and they brought knowl- edge that could be relied on of other countries, and could compare governments and religions. It was the Hebrew and Moslem learning that Prince Henry II. col- lected at his scientific college at Sagres on Cape St. Vin- cent that gave the navigators Perestrello and Pedro Correa knowledge for navigation. Columbus received their charts, maps, and collected astronomical and geographical learning. Christians, for a thousand years, had taught people to despise this world and the real facts of earth, but to look to Rome, the Christian Atlas, on whose shoulders government, religion and all civiliza- tion should rest. At the time Columbus started for Portugal, Venice had Jews who for convenience established banks. Lon- don had learned the need of a Lombard Street At THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA ADAMS. 79 Antwerp and at Amsterdam, they were powers recog- nized in society and business. With new trade opening with the East Indies and America, the need of men who could speak several languages, and who had ability to make exchange of money, to be responsible for large amounts of cash, taught the business men of Europe to respect and honor Jews. For never since the overturning of the money-changers at Jerusalem, so many centuries before, in the Temple, where wealth had been safe, where the religious Temple was the court-house, under the care of priests and lawyers, who were bound by relig- ious oath to honesty, had there been a secure place for money, or a set of people to care and be responsible for money confided to them, until this time, 1500, when in Venice and Holland there were banks kept by Jews. With the discovery of new lands, the Jews were ready with knowledge gained by travel, with the sciences, and with money for the enterprises of discovery. These new countries not only gave opportunities for Jews, but stim- ulated exertions with the hope of obtaining security from the cruel thefts and persecutions of organized Christian- ity throughout Europe. For a thousand years, persecu- tions, which we never find equaled among savages, the Christian church inflicted in Spain upon these learned people, and upon the artistic and cultivated Saracens, who, by farms, gardens, architecture and the fine arts, had made that peninsula the Eden of Europe, and it was due to the learning of these Hebrew and Arab scientists that they gained knowledge to enable Columbus to sail across the ocean. Constantinople had been taken by Mohammedans in 1453. As late as 1556, the English church was burning books on geometry and astronomy, as works of heathen magic. Arabs and Hebrews had had schools for the learning of history and science for many centuries. The discovery of America making a 8o JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. demand for knowledge and learning brought them into prominence. They were sought for in universities. Isabella, granddaughter of the great Philippa of Flan- ders, true to her woman nature, had curiosity, she wanted knowledge. She sent a Moorish botanist and a learned Hebrew astronomer with Columbus that she might have accurate knowledge of the new lands he was to find. She wanted the Arab to find new spices and herbs such as Holland women had, fruits for her plum-cake. She had to seek a Hebrew and an Arab, for Christians were not trained or learned, save in church legends and Roman history. They could not report on facts of this world or on the heavenly bodies accurately. They had been taught, " Come ye out of the world," and that knov/ledge of earth was folly, but the Hebrews were taught to enter the world, learn of it, and to enter into possession of it. " The Lord of Hosts is our God, Maker of heaven and earth, and we are His people." The Hebrews were pre- pared by instinct, habits and religion, by the arts that are easily transported, literature and music that could be carried in a small package, to enjoy new colonies in a new land. For fifteen hundred years these persecuting European powers had demanded uniformity in religious belief, had falsified history to excuse their murders, and made opportunities to steal from the Jews to build palaces and cathedrals. They had tried to ostracize and exterminate them, but in the providence of God, the Scriptures and the knowledge of the Hebrews were the warp of the mantle raised that parted the waters of ignorance, and allowed the modern world to pass through into new scenes, new conditions, by the Reformation caused by reasoning on religion, and the discovery of a new hemi- sphere. Now, after four hundred years, with the impetus given trade by the opening of colonies, not a European THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA ADAMS. Si power can go to war, or enter upon great financial opera- tions without consent of Jew bankers in all nations. Napoleon wanted friends, he wanted money, wanted France to be cosmopolitan, so he befriended them. As the French Revolution had given vitality and organization to the reason of humanity and the rights of mankind, and in America a republic had been formed by " We the people " for " equal rights," with methods based on the Hebrew ideal, a unity with variety in har- mony, an ideal consonant with the newly discovered law of the heavens too, prayer had been answered. " Thy will " had come on earth as it is in the heavens. The method among the stars was worked out politically in government, and by variety, not uniformity, in religion. The States, like the twelve tribes of Israel, did not fol- low the example or commands of any person as authority, or rest on one belief, but the republic was spherical, revolving about the axis of principles deduced from the people's own best reason. The motion of the atoms causes the motion of the whole like the cosmos. So the reason of individuals organized in state government and religious sects, then again into a Union, and the science of the world expressed in political formation and religious toleration, leading to the future cosmos in religion, were the New World's adaptations of the Hebrew ideal. The republic founded on unity in variety was an opportunity for the Hebrews to rejoice in. A govern- ment under which the president takes his oath as chief magistrate by putting his hand on the collected litera- ture of the Jews, sanctions the collected wisdom of that people as authority. Here is the opposite of the ideal in Europe that persecuted the Jews. Here the president is but the executive hand to put into effective force the will of the people, and these laws are put into perma- nent form as the people's best ideals. No supernatural 82 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. Atlas holds the government on his shoulders, no individ- ual can say, " It hath been written, but I say," and do as I, the individual, shall think right. The ivritten law, as with the Hebrews, is the. method of the republic, and not the command of one leader, or the example of one person. The " elders " of the people must rule, not by sentiment, but by written law. The Prophets had given promise of the coming republic, variety in harmony, not imperial uniformity. Three hundred years of study of Hebrew literature and history shaped this government. Moses, Aaron and Miriam seemed a part of our history. The Bible was read not only at church, but in the family, daily kneel- ing, night and morning, at home-worship, singing the psalms, and repeating the Hebrew poetry and proverbs. When children's minds have had woven into their high- est, sacred moments memories of these Scriptures, the imagination makes them not only the pillar of fire to lead, but the forming, creating power for life, their daily manna. The reading of the history of the Jews, as the ancient history of religion, shaped the imagination of the people. They read in their colonial homes, " When I consider the heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars which Thou hast ordained, what is man that Thou art mindful of him, and the son of man that Thou visitest him ? For Thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honor. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of Thy hands; Thou hast put all things under his feet." " I delight to do Thy will, O my God. Yea, Thy law is within my heart." " He shall cut off the spirit of princes." " He is terrible to the kings of the earth," as the republic was. " I have said ye are gods, and all of you are children of the Most High." " God standeth in the congregation of the mighty. He judgeth. THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA ADAMS. 83 among the gods " (people). Here was a present, living Creator and God in America, not the history of one in Asia. " Let the beanty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish Thou the work jof our hands, yea, the work of our hands establish Thou it." These Scripture words echoed through the minds of the children in their early days, and formed the ideal for statesmen. Jefferson, in his inaugural, saw that it was a constellation that guided this republic, as an ideal in method. The English church did not persecute Jews, because the kings were always needing their financial aid; they wanted the strength which Spain persecuted, and many of her people were from Holland. The Presbyterian as well as the Independent element were Hebraic rather than Roman, because of the dependence of their knowl- edge and forms of worship on the Bible, rather than the Christian system as established by Paul and Peter. The whole system of Rome's religion that dominated Europe, and held the people helpless during the Dark Ages was the triumph over many races of the system of unity with uniformity the attempt to rest power, as they thought the earth rested, on one person. The cross has always stood for imperial power over individual life; thousands of years before, Rome had adopted it after conquering Alexandria. When Constantine, as it is said, saw the Cross in the sky, he saw the opportunity to select one religion, and make all others submit to it, all saved through one blood-sacrifice in heaven, all saved on earth by the Emperor, head of the church, and Constantinople, the imperial city, to hold Asia and Europe in subjection. Rome had conquered Africa, and she based her empire of religion on Constantine's political system, readjusted to include her diverse European races. They, too, were praying, and trying to have " Thy kingdom come on earth as in heaven," but they killed the prophets and 84 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. the learned men, and, without the scientific knowledge of the law of the heavens, based their methods on Ptolemaic astronomy and Chaldsean Tarsus philosophy. There could be no peace for Hebrews with those who despised the laws of astronomy and earth, for they sang, " My help cometh from the I^ord who made heaven and earth." The Hebrews returned good for evil to the persecuting Christians, who stole their property, and scattered them by banishment. They had incited no wars nor rebellions. Again they had hung their harps on the willows, be- lieving that their " God of Hosts, the Creator of yester- day, to-day and forever, to whom a thousand years are as one day, would turn, and overthrow, until His will was done," and humanity, born of God, again had a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. When the ideal of an empire, unity with uniformity, rules, there can be no peace for those who differ from the head. The influence, then, of the discovery of America on the Jews was to bring them forward victorious with their banner inscribed, " Ye are gods, and all of you are children of the Most High." They could not submit to Christian belief, for it was based on depravity of man- kind and the need of exterior salvation by a human blood-sacrifice. The history of a representative of God could not be an authority over the " children of God." As the power of priests with ceremonies, repeating his- tory, declined, prophets multiplied, and thus it came about that those whose religion rested on the authority of prophets furnished the light for the day. The art of music began at this time, and in this they won signal success. With the discovery of printing, their literature became the " high towers," the " Hill of Zion," to give law in many lands and across oceans to colonies, and thus they became the forming influence in society THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA ADAMS. 85 as well as church and state after the discovery, and im- portant factors in all civil life. Two thousand years ago, over the door of Hillel's school for youth in Jerusalem, till Rome's Titus destroyed it, was the motto, " The world is saved by the breath of the school children." Here the learned teacher, " a strong personality characterized by unusual sweetness and light," taught them to come into the sanctuary, and repeat the golden rule, to learn of laws, and to obey the written word. They were forbidden to follow persons until approved by the elected authority. No one indi- vidual could be an authority, only the one God through the people. " The Lord is in His holy temple " the human mind " let all the earth keep silence before Him." The collected wisdom of human mind of proph- ets and prophetesses were in Scripture as authority, not in a building, nor in one person, but in law, literature, Scripture. " For with Thee is the fountain of life. In Thy light shall we see light; and worship Him that made heaven and earth and the sea and the fountains of waters." A race that bringeth " good tidings, that pub- lisheth peace," that believeth in a God that requires " but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God." One influence on the Jews of the discovery of America was to make them realize, in their wide travels, that the Mediterranean Sea was not the world, and that not in walled Jerusalem or Rome was or could be the realization of God's kingdom on earth. God was not historical or geographical, but present in the human mind. With the discovery of continents, of the other half of the globe, and that the sphere was held in place by its own motion, came cosmopolitan ideals that nations, too, are held in equilibrium by vitality in all their various activities, that it is the people with freedom in various lines of activity 86 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. that turns a nation on its axis with safety. So the Jews with world-wisdom have entered into modern, social life as a potent force. At the ballot-box, they have con- fronted, in a solid body, enemies of the republic from Europe. They are the friends of the public schools, patrons of fine arts, and sustain, quietly and as law-abid- ing citizens, the power of government; for the discovery of America loosened them from their bonds to Jerusalem as their home, and fastened them to people who accepted their Scripture as law and leader. They have become the cosmopolitan element, and are at home where law and commerce go. From 300 to 1500, Jews were treated in Europe worse than beasts or savages. What a dawn was the discovery of a new hemisphere that the old hemisphere could not rule over, and the establishment of a republic with a heterogeneous people that must become one by forming and following law ! A full his- tory of the influence on America of the Jewish financial ability, the ethical teachings and religious methods needed in this new land, is a volume yet to be written. This race obeys law that is accepted by law-makers. They denounce individual assertion of democracy that would say, " It hath been written, but I say." They hold to obedience of written law as authority, till another written law is accepted by those in authority. Anarch- ists do not come from this race or this religion. Modern history has awakened to the ethical value of their long experience with high aims for human benefit, and has renewed " faith in the one God who turneth and over- turneth till His will is done," and His way is won. " The fountain of their patient faith was thought, and faith in God." Europe's rejected stone has become the corner- stone of the United States. In this Parliament of Religions, this Congress of Hebrew women can turn to their Scripture, and read THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA ADAMS. 87 Micah iv. 2, " Many nations shall corne, and say, let us go up into the mountain of the Lord. And He shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off, and they shall beat their swords into plow- shares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nations shall not lift up sword against nations, neither shall they learn war any more. But they shall sit every man under his vine and fig tree, and none shall make them afraid, for the mouth of the Lord of Hosts hath spoken it." For all people will walk in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of the Lord our God for- ever and ever (Micah vi. 4). For, saith He, " I brought thee out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed thee out of the house of servants, and I sent before thee Moses, Aaron and Miriam" If by the memory of Moses " they are to remember and show themselves men," let us remember Miriam, and exalt womanhood. The serving qualities in this helpful sister of old that foresaw com- ing good to a people, and protected its life, are repeated down through the centuries to this day. As the time has come when, as Joel ii. 28 said, "your daughters shall prophesy " and " upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out My spirit,'' then it is time that not only Jewish women, but all women who would have liked to have the great Miriam give her prophecy, now work out into action what she would have told us to do. She could say, " I girded thee, though thou hast not known me." Miriam does not belong alone to Jewish women. She is leader of the womanhood of the world. All Bible- reading nations honor her memory. " The battle is not to the swift, nor the victory to the strong," but to the organized forces. This has always been women's way, to unite their forces by sympathy, and let superior num- bers with intuitive tact take the place of individual 88 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. might and force; so thought and reason were first gen- erated, and the desire to pass these on to their children began history. Proverbs xv. 22 says, " Without counsel, purposes are disappointed, but in the multitude of coun- sels they are established." Then let us now in this multitude of counsels, with the help of the International Council of Women, encircle the enlightened women of the world in a Miriam sisterhood, and work out into womanly deed what centuries ago she would have bidden us do. We, too, must use our foresight to protect, on the stream of time, our deliverers. Moses and Aaron as commanders and institutions have for centuries held sway, but the prophet bears witness that God said Miriam came with equal authority. Delay not, then, to form special denominational organizations to do the work the time demands. Miriam is leader for all women. Her prophecy was silenced, but shall not be lost, but be resurrected, and revered by us all. For centuries we have learned of the great Jewish women, but for you to be in union with us you need to know of all Gentile women, whose lives have been " light and instruction in the way of life." The great Abbess Hilda, of Whitby, who was to England her Miriam, sent to Rome in 650 for the Empress Eudocia's (Athenais) transcript of the Bible story of creation, and thus introduced Hebrew literature into the abbey, where she was educator and the venerable Bede. She presided over a double monastery of monks and nuns. Over her high seat was the motto, "True life of man if life within." She taught too, "In Thy law is light. I delight to do Thy will, yea, Thy law is within my heart." She inspired, and gave opportunity and encour- agement, so that Caedmon could write the first English poem on Creation, a suitable subject for his work, the germinating of a new language that now circles the THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA ADAMS. 89 earth. He was led by Hebrew thought, translated by a woman, and taught by a woman; but Abbess Hilda was the protecting sister watching an opportunity for him. She is the true founder of the English church. She first protested against Rome's control of Britain's religion. This was the rising of that spirit from western waters, which felt the tides of world's oceans; it protested against Rome's Mediterranean Sea dictation. Hebrew women must include her with many others among their star-women to light them on their way. There are the great women of Holland and Germany, and France has a host of them, Catholics, Protestants and Rationalists. They are a part of the galaxy of woman- hood. There is St. Catherine, of Siena, who did so much to introduce diplomacy to replace war, who developed the Italian language for common people to learn high truths hid in Latin, and was "peacemaker between cities," the stateswoman of her time. She belongs to the class with Miriam. They have all been helpful sisters, guarding an ark in the stream of time, containing a good force which they foresaw would deliver them from the enslaving authority of some Pharaoh. We want a history of civilization written showing the work of women for the benefit of common life, of civil peace, and religious aspiration. There is cumulative evidence that these women of the past, who are found in all nations and faiths, are one with us in ideal. They, being women blessed by the Holy Ghost, had faith in the divinity of the human soul, and were mothers of more than animal life. They gave vitality to souls by faith and thought. " Awake, awake, put on strength," as in the ancient days, in the generations of old. " Rise up, ye women that are at ease, hear my voice; ye careless daughters, give ear unto my speech." 90 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. As in the beginning, so now, every day has oppress- ing Pharaoh leaders that would enslave to build. Let your Jewish women's council, when organized, be a basket to protect those principles that are helpful, and you will give law to the future. To protect your spirit, your ideal, organize, unite your forces, weave them, and pitch them both within and without, and in time the learning of the world will recognize, and add wisdom to, your spirit, for the " Lord of Hosts is your strength," and the Sabeans of stature shall say, " Surely God is with thee." TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1893, 2.30 P. M. Mrs. Minnie D. Ixmis, of New York, was presented by the Chairman as the honorary presiding officer of the session. WOMEN WAGE-WORKERS: WITH REFERENCE TO DIRECTING IMMIGRANTS. JULIA RICHMAN, NEW YORK. This is an age of progress; and, surrounded as we are to-day by every evidence of the astounding advance that the nineteenth century has carried in its train, I feel that I am flinging down a challenge that will, perhaps, bring me face to face with a volley of rhetorical bullets, when I assert that in no other country and in no other direction is this progress more noticeable than in the relative position to man and the affairs of the world that woman occupies to-day. This advance has been made in almost every grade in society, in almost every walk in life; but so far as my own personal observations have permitted me to go, so far as my own experiences have enabled me to judge, it is my belief that this change, this revolution, yes, this progress is more noticeable in the position held by the Jewish women of America (notably the descendants of European emigrants driven from their homes forty or fifty years ago), than in that of any other class in our cosmopolitan community. Many conditions have conspired to bring about this change: the general advance in the education of women; 92 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. the desire to give children greater educational advan- tages than the parents enjoyed; the financial value of woman's work; the frequent necessity for women to con- tribute to the support of families; the growing convic- tion that there is not a sufficient number of marrying men to supply all the marriageable girls with good hus- bands these are but a few, with only one of which it is my privilege to deal, viz., the financial value of woman's work. Perhaps it was due to custom and tradition, perhaps due to our oriental origin, but notwithstanding the fact that there may have always been among us a certain number of Deborahs, Ruths and Esthers, in general, the wives and daughters of Jews were, and in many parts of the world unfortunately still are, regarded as man's inferiors, their chief mission in life being to marry, or rather to be given in marriage, to rear children, to perform household duties, and to serve their lords and masters. This is an age of progress; and thousands of women, many of them good, true, pure, womanly women, have discovered for themselves, or have been led to discover, that there is, at best, only an uncertain chance of real happiness facing the woman who calmly settles down in her parents' home, to perform, in an inane, desultory way, certain little household or social duties, who lives on from day to day, from year to year, without any special object in life, and who sees no prospect of change, unless a husband should appear to rescue her from so aimless an existence. Having made this discovery they try to join, and frequently, in the face of opposition, suc- ceed in joining the ever-increasing army of women wage- workers, striving to lead useful, if sometimes lonely lives, with the hope of making the world, or that little corner thereof into which their lines have fallen, a little better and a little brighter than they found it. WOMEN WAGE- WORKERS RICHMAN. 95 I speak of such as women wage-workers, although many of them labor for no more substantial pay than the approval of conscience, and the satisfaction of feeling that it is God's work, however imperfectly done, that they are doing. With this class others must deal; for me it is enough to thank those whom I have met, for the in- spiration their work has so often been to me, and to point out, humbly and modestly, how their future efforts may make life sweeter for the class whose work and condition must form the main topic of this paper the immigrant wage-workers in America. Who are our women wage-workers ? From the writer or artist who receives thousands for a single work, to the poor overworked girl in some pest-hole, called a factory, killing herself by inches for a couple of dollars a week, there is so wide a range, divided into strata, sub-strata and veins leading to or from these sub-strata, that it is practically impossible to mark off, with well-defined lines, the different classes of woman's work. Perhaps the simplest classification on practical lines would be in gen- eral terms: Women engaged in professional work. Women engaged in domestic service. Women engaged in store or factory work. The professional workers, excluding writers, artists and all other classes requiring special talent in addition to long training, let us, for convenience, divide again into two classes; the one class, including teachers, governesses, companions, kindergartners, typewriters, stenographers, bookkeepers, trained nurses, etc., demands, first, a general education, in a greater or less degree, with a thorough knowledge of the English language; and, second, some special course of instruction, to which, in most cases, months, sometimes years must be devoted. The other class, a type best represented by dressmakers, milliners, 94 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. manicures, masseuses and hair-dressers, demands little general education, in which a thorough knowledge of the English language is not an essential, a marketable value of which can usually be acquired by a special course of instruction, which can be completed in a few weeks. This first class of professional work is, with very few exceptions, not open to immigrants, particularly not to the class with which American Jewish philanthropists have to deal, Russians, Poles, Hungarians and uneducated Germans. The exceptions would include those young women, who, by unusual educational advantages in Eu- rope, may possibly have been fitted to give instruction in music, German, perhaps French, or in kindergarten methods; but the well-educated female immigrant is not plentiful, and the competition for positions of this nature is great, and I am afraid that discouragements drive such applicants too frequently into the factories and shops, where their surroundings are neither educating nor refining. Into this second class of professional workers, I should direct as many capable immigrants as the demand for such work would justify. To be sure, some prepaiatory instruction must be furnished. Upon what lines this is to be done, I shall try to suggest later on. The workers, whom, in general terms, I have placed under the head, " Women engaged in domestic service," are the cooks, laundresses, waitresses and chamber- maids, children's nurses, seamstresses, ladies' maids and general houseworkers. And when we have found a sound, practical, reasonable plan for directing the tide of immigration into this channel, we shall have solved the most perplexing woman's problem of the day. Good servants are in greater demand in all parts of the United States than any other class of labor, and yet, while thousands of homes, many of them good homes, WOMEN WAGE-WORKERS RICHMAN. 95 are open to these homeless, friendless girls, we find them living in miserable tenements, slaving in dismal factories, forming corrupt associations, losing their health morally as well as physically, turning their faces away from a life incomparably better than the one they follow, and why ? It is hardly proper that, in a paper prepared to ad- vance the interests of immigrant working girls, I should put in a plea for the housekeeper of to-day. But the sight of the hundreds of homes which are annually broken up, because incompetent servants make house- keeping, if not marriage, a failure, the knowledge of how these housekeepers drift into the evils that the idle- ness of hotel or boarding-house life engenders, and the certainty that many a matrimonial craft has met ship- wreck, the indirect if not the direct cause of which has been the servant question, force me to emphasize the fact, that it is not alone the poor and the ignorant that have need of our philanthropy. If, from the plan I shall attempt to outline later on, any good may come, it is not the immigrants alone, it is a whole generation of housekeepers who will be benefited. And now we come to the third class, " Women en- gaged in store or factory work." Perhaps this class comprises more grades of work than could be classed under any other general head. The manager of one large dry-goods house reports to me that he employs women as buyers, forewomen, dress- makers, milliners, saleswomen, cashiers, stock-girls, office-assistants, bundlers, operators, addressers and scrub- women; while a manufacturer of tin toys uses female help exclusively for painting on tin, cutting tin, packing toys, making paper boxes, and working foot presses. There are almost as many grades of woman's work as there are branches in every style of factory 96 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. work. A word, now and again, is all that I can say in reference to these. Saleswomen in large establishments are, on the whole, fairly well paid; but this avenue is closed to the immi- grant, until she shall have mastered the English language to such an extent that there is no room for misunder- standing between herself and her customer. " Figures " in wholesale cloak and suit houses are well paid; their hours are short, their work never onerous, and " between seasons " they have little or no work to do. But, perhaps, no other class of working women in large cities is so directly placed in the way of temptation, and the mother who lets her daughter, particularly if she be attractive and vain, take a position as a "figure," has need of all our prayers added to her own to protect her girl. You, who are doing such zealous work among working girls, try to reach this class. God help them I They have need of you. Until I commenced to systematically collect data for this paper, which data have been furnished me by the owners of large manufacturing industries in New York City, and by working girls with whom I am intimately acquainted, I am afraid I shared the only too general opinion, that factory girls are an overworked, underpaid, much persecuted class of wage-earners. Now, I am hardly prepared to say that girls are never overworked or never underpaid, but I am prepared to assert and to prove that in New York City, at least, there are hun- dreds of shops and factories, well lighted, well ventilated, controlled by humane forewomen, where girls can be contented if not happy, and where the pay for satisfac- tory work is good, in many cases excellent. I do not, for one moment, claim that there are no factories, life in which must be torture to the poor girls therein em- ployed; but these are in the minority, I think vastly WOMEN WAGE-WORKERS RICHMAN. .97 in the minority in those industries largely controlled by Jews. I take keen pride in re-quoting an extract taken from the government report on '' Working Women in Large Cities," quoted by Mrs. Campbell, in her article on " Women Wage-Earners," published in the July Arena: " Actual ill-treatment by employers seems to "be infre- quent. Foreigners are often found to be more considerate of their help than native-born men, and the kindest proprietor in the world is a Jew of the better class." Such being the case, it becomes an obligation on the part of those whose aim it is to benefit the immigrant and the working woman, to organize a factory commit- tee, whose special work it must be to act as an intelli- gence bureau, to direct the proper class of workers toward those factories whose proprietors can appreciate and properly remunerate good work. Probably, the manufacture of clothing and cloaks gives employment to a larger number of immigrant Jewish girls and women than does any other single industry in New York City, and, unfortunately, many, perhaps even most, of these women are compelled to run heavy machines, in badly lighted, worse ventilated dens. The manufacturer is only indirectly to blame for this, owing to the pernicious "middleman" system; and let me say right here that if " the kindest proprietor in the world is a Jew of the better class" there is no employer of our Jewish working girls who shows less kind-heartedness to his employees than these Jews of the other class, call them middlemen, or sweaters, or what you please. They are, with few exceptions, so hard, so harsh, so grasping, so unreasoning, and so unreasonable, that on several occasions, in my capacity as president of a Working Girls' Club, I tried to find better paying positions for some of these girls, in order to take them 7 98 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. away from shops owned or controlled by their own fathers. I recall one case distinctly a girl, not over fif- teen, whose father runs a shop for the manufacture of ladies' wrappers over twenty machines in two small rooms lighted by kerosene lamps, the air vile, the lan- guage not less so, the employees paid by piece-work, laboring from seven in the morning until after ten at night, and for this, the girl I refer to received three dol- lars a week, of which she paid her father two dollars and a half for board. I saw her growing hollow-eyed, round-shouldered, narrow-chested, with a never-ceasing pain in the back. It was not until I found a place for her in which she earned six dollars a week, working daily from 8 to 6, that her father would let her leave his shop, and then only upon her promise to pay him four dollars a week for board. It is this class which requires our attention. It is in these sweaters' shops that the immigrants congregate, and it is away from these dens that we must turn the tide of women-workers. But how ? I regret that I had not the time to obtain statistics from all the great manu- facturing industries in the country, but from six of them, manufacturers of cloaks, ladies' underwear, men's shirts, tin toys, cigars and ribbons, I have obtained much valuable information, valuable not only because it shows existing conditions, but because it furnishes the facts which should indicate the means for arranging and systematizing a well-defined plan for directing immi- grants toward those industries wherein their capabilities will command the best price, and sending the incapables in those directions where their incapability will do the least harm to themselves, their fellow-workers and their employers. In certain industries, only a partial knowl- edge of the English language is required; in others, girls who do not speak any English can find employment, WOMEN WAGE- WORKERS RICHMAN. 99 in some classes of work, the foremen prefer German and Bohemian hands; in others, Poles or Russians are pre- ferred. All who have supplied me with information are unani- mous in their statement that, for the same grade of work, there is no difference in the pay given to immi- grants and to native-born, and in most cases, women receive the same pay as men for the same kind of work. The same manufacturers assert that the foreigners and the native-born women in their employ affiliate readily with each other, that only in the rarest instances does any ill- feeling prevail, and when such is the case, the foreigner is responsible, usually because her personal habits are such that she becomes objectionable. It is a customary thing for the native-born to show a desire to help the immigrant where the latter appears worthy of such help. To note down in greater detail the general conditions of our factory girls would take time and space that ought better to be devoted to suggestions for the future, and so I must pass on to that point, stopping just a moment to quote from a letter written to me by a manu- facturer who personally superintends a large factory: " I have been employing help, principally the class you are interested in, for thirteen years, and my experience has taught me to discriminate very sharply against cer- tain classes of immigrants. I will cite two: " First, Italians of South Italy. They are uncleanly, and in painfully many instances, seem to lack the germs, so that development has no basis to start on. " Second, Russian-Polish Jews. They are suspicious, dissatisfied, and always want pay and preferment ahead of the knowledge and dexterity acquired. They are servile, almost cringing, when they start; they soon become arrogant and impertinent, and have almost a craze to get away from actual work themselves, but ioo JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. want to get at the commercial side, to start for them- selves, and employ others to do the work. They also marry young, and come under another general class I discriminate against, viz., those nationalities that marry young. It is a great deal of trouble and expense teaching girls a trade, and if they abandon the trade for domestic duties soon after learning it, we are * out ' on the trans- action." How to improve the condition of the present army of working women is a problem which our working girls 1 clubs and our sisterhoods are slowly but bravely solving, and will you pardon me if I forget my theme for a moment, in order to pay tribute and to offer my thanks to the founder of the working girls' club movement, to Miss Dodge, the truest, grandest, noblest woman I ever met, a woman whose smallest act serves as an inspiration to those who try to humbly follow in her footsteps ? If we but stop to contemplate the breadth and magnitude of the magnificent philanthropy which is the outgrowth of her personal influence upon a handful of working girls, we have no right to pause or hesitate in organizing a kindred movement, for fear of failure. Nothing fails that is properly conceived, carefully carried out and zealously promulgated, and to those pessimists who may declare that the following plan or some modification thereof is Utopian or impossible, I can only say, '* Look at the Association of Working Girls' Clubs, examine into its history, see what it has accomplished, and then withdraw your prophecies of failure." It has been truly said that the first aim of every effort intended for the benefit of the mass of workers is to dis- entangle the individual from the mass. In work such as I hope to outline, this disentangling of the individual is essential, as the entire success of the scheme depends upon the judgment displayed in selecting the proper WOMEN WAGE- WORKERS RICHMAN. 101 work for each individual to do. Why make a poor dress- maker of one who with a little help might have become a competent nurse? Or why make an inferior type- writer of a girl who might have become a skilful mil- liner ? In general, the plan is this: In every large city establish a working women's bureau or agency on strictly business principles. This is not to be a charity. Working women as a class ask no charity; as Mrs. L/owell states the case, " Charity is the insult added to the injury done to the mass of the people by insufficient payment for work." This bureau should be operated on the same general basis as teachers' or dramatic agencies, or even intelli- gence offices. Every candidate for a position of any nature under the head of woman's work must be prop- erly registered, and must pay a small fee as soon as the bureau shall have furnished her with employment of the kind required. The bureau, through its agents, which, outside of the necessary clerical force, should be com- posed of an unlimited number of volunteers, must place itself in communication with shops, factories, mills, stores, families and every other field wherein women are em- ployed, and must agree to furnish competent help of every kind upon demand. The volunteer corps of agents to supply factory hands should be selected from many and varied sources. Wives and daughters of manufac- turers, fore-women in shops and capable working girls, who could gain a knowledge of conditions within factories and stores that might be withheld from the casual observer, should be largely represented. There should be a separate corps of agents to supply help to families, from governesses down to scullery maids, if necessary. Still another corps must take charge of special help: the dressmaker, the masseuse, the skilled nurse, etc. io2 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. The first outlay for an enterprise like this would necessarily be large, but, after a time, the bureau might become self-supporting. That this is not too optimistic a view becomes evident when you calculate the enormous amount of money that manufacturers, heads of families and others who employ female help expend solely in advertising in the columns of the daily papers. Why should not such money be turned to the practical use of some intelligent movement like this? Could we not train the employer to see that well-selected help, which a reputable organization could at all times furnish, is worth the payment of a fee equal to the price of an advertisement ? Could we not, at the same time, show the immigrant that furnishing her with employment of a suitable nature, in an establishment that the same rep- utable organization feels no hesitancy in recommending, is also worth a fee ? Do you realize how many thousands of dollars are annually expended in a city like this or New York in fees at intelligence offices, to secure, in most cases, thoroughly incapable domestic help ? If we could establish, in connection with this bureau, a training school for servants, from which we could supply compe- tent cooks, laundresses, nursemaids, waitresses, etc., tell me, you housekeepers who hear me, would there be any lack of dollars flowing from your pockets into ours? And this brings me to the most important point in my paper. Strange that a spinster, above all, a school teacher, one who is supposed to have escaped the cares and worries of housekeeping, should feel so deeply upon a matter which has no bearing upon her profession; but realizing how many young housekeepers lose health and happiness, observing how many lovely homes are annu- ally broken up, and seeing how many husbands seek comfort at the clubs only because the housekeeping WOMEN WAGE-WORKERS RICHMAN. 103 wheels run off the track, how can any woman feel unconcerned as to the result ? And then look at the other side. How can any woman with feeling look upon the hundreds of young girls living in squalid tenements, (did I say living? it is barely existing) bending over machines in crowded factories, surrounded in the evening by coarse, if not evil influences; how can she, I say, see- ing this, and feeling that in hundreds of families these same girls could find easier work, comfortable beds, good food and refined surroundings, how can she help passing judgment on some one that this condition prevails? What right has she to keep quiet, when raising her voice in protest may make at least a few women pause to think ? And why is it that girls are so loth to enter domestic service ? The poor girls and their mothers are in part to blame, because they have not been trained to do housework; but is there nothing on the conscience of the housekeepers? Do you think if tradition (or is it perhaps only report ?) had not led these girls to feel that in entering domestic service, they were losing all their independence, and were often placing themselves in the way of petty meannesses which tyrannical mistresses practice in their little kingdoms, that they would so resist every effort to make them enter into private homes ? May I quote once more from Mrs. Campbell ? " In the matter of domestic service, even after every admission has been made as to the incompetence and insubordination that the employer must often face, the Commissioner for Minnesota, after stating the advan- tages of the domestic servant over the general worker, adds that only about a fifth of those who employ them are fit to deal with any worker, injustice and oppression characterizing their methods." What a startling accusation ! Only one housekeeper out of every five fit to be the mistress of servants ! I 104 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. spoke of a training school for servants in connection with this bureau but who will organize the training school for mistresses ? Now, how could a training school for servants be arranged ? My idea is somewhat like this: Lease or buy (when the money shall have been advanced) a large house; furnish it with offices, recep- tion room, bed-rooms or dormitories, bath-rooms, kitchen, dining-room, laundry and nursery. Rent out the bed- rooms to respectable immigrant girls, who have no homes, and who otherwise must drift into tenement boarding places, already overcrowded; furnish them with good, plain board at a moderate price; furnish, perhaps, table-board for those who prefer to sleep elsewhere; do their laundry work and sewing at the lowest figure pos- sible. Also arrange to take in, at low figures, laundry work, plain sewing, mending, perhaps even dress- making for such other immigrants as are not boarders or lodgers at the bureau. Here we have a regular source of income in addition to practically improving the lives of these boarders. Utilize the house by form- ing classes of resident girls who are unemployed, to do the general work, bed-making, washing, ironing, cook- ing, house-cleaning, mending, etc. This gives the opportunity for training girls as general house-workers, chambermaids, plain cooks, laundresses, seamstresses and waitresses. A capable girl who is willing can learn very quickly how to adapt herself to one particular class of work, and there need be no lack of applicants, if the bureau furnishes good places as soon as pupils are sufficiently proficient. A strict register should be kept, not only of the qualifications of girls, but of the shortcomings of mistresses. Women who do not treat help well must be taught better, or must be "boycotted." In the same WOMEN WAGE- WORKERS RICHMAN. 105 way, classes should be formed in dressmaking, milli- nery, manicuring, hairdressing, etc. All this instruction should be given primarily to train the pupils to make a living, but a second advantage appears in this: in practicing work of this kind, the girls are gradually acquiring habits of greater refine- ment and culture. Table manners and personal habits will improve, and with their improvement a long stride will have been taken away from the old landmarks of ignorance and vulgarity. An arrangement might be made whereby poor women, for a small fee, could be permitted to leave babies or small children in the care of the bureau for several hours each day, and these little ones would form the practice material by means of which a class of children's nurses could be trained. And so the work could grow in every direction. I feel that I have but crudely expressed what I have in mind, but no plan, however cleverly designed, is ever worked out just as it was planned. As work of this kind grows, the experience of the workers, and the needs of the work will, from time to time, suggest ways and means for its development, which none but the inspired could have foreseen. The Jews of America, particularly the Jews of New York City, are, perhaps, the most charitable class of people in the whole world. Time, labor and money are given freely in some directions. But charity is not always philanthropy; and we have reached a point in the devel- opment of various sociological problems which makes it imperative that philanthropy be placed above charity. The need of charity must disappear as we teach the rising generation how to improve its condition. Almost all the female immigrants who come to this shore, through lack of knowledge as to the means by io6 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. which they can swing themselves above the discouraging conditions which face them, sink down into the moral and intellectual maelstrom of the American ghettos, becoming first household or factory drudges, and then drifting into one of three channels: that of the careless slattern, of the giddy and all-too-frequently sinful gad- about, or of the weary, discontented wife. We must disentangle the individual from the mass. We must find a way or several ways of leading these girls, one by one, away from the shadows which envelop them, if not into the sunshine of happiness and pros- perity, at least, into the softening light of content, born of pleasant surroundings, congenial occupations, and the inward satisfaction of a life well spent. Working girls' clubs are doing a grand work, but these clubs never reach the lower strata. There must be something before and beyond the working girls' clubs, something that shall lay hold of the immigrant before she has been sucked down into the stratum of physical misery or moral oblivion, from which depths it becomes almost impossible to raise her. In this age of materialism, in these days of close inquiry as to the " Why ? " of every condition, it has been claimed that the ever-increasing proportion of un- married women among the Jews of America is largely due to the independent position women make for them- selves, first, by becoming wage-earners, and second, through the development of self-reliance brought about by societies, working girls' clubs and kindred move- ments. If marriage always meant happiness, and if celibacy always meant unhappiness, to make women independent and self-reliant would be a calamity. But, in the face of so much married unhappiness and so much unmarried contentment, it is hardly pessimistic to wish that there might be fewer marriages consummated, until WOMEN WAGE- WORKERS RICHMAN. 107 the contracting parties show more discrimination in their selection of mates. The saddest of many sad conditions that face our poor Jewish girls is the class of husbands that is being selected for them by relatives. It is the rule, not the exception, for the father, elder brother, or some other near relative of a Jewish working girl, to save a few hundred dollars, by which means he purchases some gross, repulsive Pole or Russian as a husband for the girl. That her whole soul revolts against such a mar- riage, that the man betrays, even before marriage, the brutality of his nature, that he may, perhaps, have left a wife and family in Russia, all this counts for nothing. Marry him she must, and another generation of worth- less Jews is the lamentable result. I wish it distinctly understood that there is no desire on my part to disparage matrimony; indeed, happy wife- hood and motherhood are to my mind the highest mis- sions any woman can fulfill; but in leading these girls to see the horror of ill-assorted marriages, I intend to teach them to recognize the fact that many of them may never find suitable husbands; and recognizing this fact, they must fill up their lives with useful, perhaps even noble work. Should the possible husband fail to appear, their lives will not have been barren; should he come, will a girl make a less faithful wife and mother because she has been taught to be faithful in other things ? And so I could go on showing how, in every direction, the harm and the evil grow, until the day will come when charity, even with millions at her disposal, will not be able to do good. It is easier to save from drowning than to resuscitate the drowned. Disentangle the individual from the mass; create a new mass of dis- entangled individuals, who shall become the leading spirits in helping their benighted sisters, and with God's help, the future will redeem the present and the past. WOMEN WAGE-WORKERS: WITH REFERENCE TO DIRECTING IMMIGRANTS. (Discussion of the foregoing paper.) SADIE G. LEOPOLD, CHICAGO, ILL. It is with pleasure that I add a few words to the excellent and instructive paper just read, and in ex- pressing my appreciation thereof, state those points that most appeal to me, in this question of women as wage- workers, with special reference to directing immigrants. The story of the working woman, in one large city, is, with trifling differences in conditions, the story of the working woman in all, and everywhere the fact obtains, that while in the better order of trades, woman may prosper, in the greater proportion, wearing and unceas- ing labor serves simply to ward off actual starvation, the " life-limit " in wages having been established long before the term became current in political economy. That woman is a permanent and conspicuous factor in the labor market of her country, the three million now earning their livelihood in the United States, at an average weekly income of five dollars and twenty-four cents, will bear witness to. The better paying trades are filled with women who have had some form of training, or have, by passing from one handicraft to another, found that for which they have most aptitude. It is to sewing, however, the most overcrowded, most underpaid, of all vocations, that all the more helpless of the vast army turn at once. It is here that the immigrant, bewildered, penniless, ignorant even of the language of the land (108) WOMEN WAGE- WORKERS LEOPOLD. she has entered, seeks her precarious subsistence, her sole method of obtaining work often being through the medium of the middleman, or so-called sweater. Accord- ing to the seventh biennial report of the Illinois bureau of labor statistics, there are, in Chicago alone, 666 sweat shops, and 10,933 persons connected with them, working either in the shops or at home; as this inquiry was not made during the busiest season, it is the judgment of the agents that there are probably 800 such shops and 13,000 people deriving work and wages therefrom. The new factory and workshop inspection law of the State of Illinois, passed by the thirty-eighth General Assembly, the most rigid State law ever enacted on the subject, provides that each workshop shall be kept in a cleanly condition, and in forbidding that any female be em- ployed in any factory or workshop more than eight hours in any one day or forty-eight hours in any one week, and by prohibiting the employment of children under fourteen years of age, it strikes at the very worst evils of the sweating system, which means the maximum of profit for the employer, the minimum of wages for the employed. We should all welcome the public sentiment that aims at the betterment of the hard conditions the poor groan under, and, by giving our hearty co-operation to the inspectors in their work, make the enforcement of this just law possible. Mrs. Florence J. Kelly, the Chief Inspector of Labor for this State, said to me in a recent conversation on the subject, that it "is to the credit of the Jewish manufacturers that they were the first to respond to the new order, and cheerfully posted the revised rules upon the walls of their factories." The terrible struggle for existence at the bottom of the social ladder grows ever fiercer, and no pen can picture the want and the privation that prevail among the proletariat. Helen Campbell, whose investigations, no JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. published under the title of " Prisoners of Poverty," created a wave of indignation against existing circum- stances, says, in one instance, in regard to the workers in the wretched tenements of New York: " As one woman selects, well pleased, garment after garment, daintily tucked and trimmed and finished beyond any capacity of ordinary home-sewing, marveling a little that a few dollars can give such lavish return, there arises, from narrow attic and dark, foul basement and crowded factory, the cry of the women whose life-blood is on these garments. Through burning, scorching days of summer, through marrow-piercing cold of winter, in hunger and rags, with white-faced children at their knees, crying for more bread, or silent from long weak- ness, looking with blank eyes at the flying needle, these women toil on, twelve, fourteen, sixteen hours, even, before the fixed task is done." How can we save our immigrant' from the horrors of such an existence ? Held down by her own incompe- tence, powerless to help herself, and if she be a mother, unable even to protect her little ones from the impurity of their surroundings ! The women's protective agen- cies, with all their nobility of purpose, can hardly reach her; the trades' unions of the working women them- selves, and there are six of them in Chicago, with all their power for improvement and capability of broaden- ing the character of their members, by teaching them to think rather of the good of the all than of the part, are still beyond her. A trip through the densely popu- lated quarters of our city will discover to us whole set- tlements of foreign nationalities, affiliating neither with each other nor with the people of the country they seek a living in. Packed together in hovels, or worse still, in teeming tenements, they acquire not the virtues, but the vices, of their neighbors, the children naturally not WOMEN WAGE- WORKERS LEOPOLD. in escaping contamination. Philanthropic aid on the part of the many has thus far not availed, nor has the indi- vidual himself succeeded in ameliorating his own con- dition. To me it seems, as Mary K. Young says, that in centering our energies on work among the older people, we are beginning at the wrong end of the question. Whatever we may attempt, this generation must still toil and suffer and weep; it is the old story of the chil- dren of Israel wandering in the desert; they may look into the promised land it is for their children to pos- sess it. With the mother we can do nothing. Marry- ing young, as Russian Jews will, she is old at thirty; the outgrowth of a civilization that looks upon woman as an inferior being; beset with all the superstitions that centuries of religion's darkness have put upon her, unen- lightened, and in some instances ignorant of the simplest laws of household cleanliness, her one strong passion is her love for her children, through them alone can she be reached. Her daughter rushes to the factory, work- ing with intelligence and precision, oftentimes for no compensation, to learn a trade; proud of her work, she is the brightest element in immigrant labor. Not over modest, she owns one beautiful characteristic, the giving freely her scant wages for the support of the family; but domestic service, as a means of gaining a livelihood, is to the Russian girl the very badge of slavery. Could we but teach her that this department of woman's work is not the very depth of degradation, one side of the question might be solved. Were such service placed upon a strictly business basis, and its social disabilities removed, with justice for a foundation, and a strict ful- filment of duty as an understanding on the part of both mistress and maid, this task might be more easily accomplished. ii2 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. As early as 1868, women like Gail Hamilton advo- cated the establishment of industrial schools, so that more practical shape might be given to the higher edu- cation of women. Such schools, established now and modeled after the Cooper Institute of New York, might have, as their work, the studies of dressmaking, teleg- raphy, stenography, bookkeeping and typewriting. Ask the teachers of the night classes held in connec- tion with our Jewish training school on Judd street, what they are doing for the young women of the Russian quarter. As an example, in three months, a course of dressmaking is there completed, and the skillful graduate is enabled to earn from one dollar a day and upwards by serving in private families. English is taught there, and history and geography, valuable not only from an edu- cational standpoint, but in offering something better than these young girls can ever know in the narrow, untidy confines of their homes, and keeping them from the demoralizing associations otherwise sought and found on the streets. These night schools, with their capable, self-sacrificing teachers, and social settlements, like Hull House, with noble women like Miss Jane Addams at their head, are powers that work only incalculable good. Reforms require patience; one can not have seed and flower and fruit at once, and the very child is the seed, the industrial school,- in its largest sense, the agent, which brings the best within it to a glorious fruition. We must begin with the little ones, for it is more possi- ble to train the habits of the young than to change those of the old, and it is easy to remove prejudice and dis- trust and even the taint of evil surroundings from the heart of a little child. The right to be joyous and pure is born in every little one, and to teach it " neatness and cleanliness and a love of nature and its fellow man " is the very foundation of the kindergarten system. It is WOMEN WAGE- WORKERS LEOPOLD. 113 from the kindergarten that " the poorest child takes home to the tenement house something strong enough when growth has come, to abolish the tenement house forever." To develop, not only the mind, but the heart and the hand, makes pauperism impossible, and builds up within it the power of becoming the future self-sup- porting citizen. A training from the beginning, that beauty and order and law are the ideals that must govern our daily striving, that work is honorable and a love of it a power to sweeten life, is the groundwork of a better order of society. Were each member of the human family to receive an education sufficiently wide to give him the necessary skill to earn a fair livelihood, the sweat shop might be abandoned, and the grinding out of life with the slow toil of the needle be known no more. Well were it for the general population, if industrial schools were established in every ward of every city. Until that is done, however, the duty devolves upon us to build them in the heart of the districts where the Russian Jews abound, for we must take care of our own, first, because their own prejudices preclude their going to others for aid, and second, because it is to our own interest to do so, they being looked upon by those, not familiar with the true conditions, as typical of our own culture and civilization and religion. If we can successfully combat the tendency, so appar- ent amongst our immigrants, to herd together in certain sections of our cities, which, in consequence, have vir- tually become a new Ghetto, we shall have taken a mighty step toward the solution of this vexatious prob- lem. These Ghettos are not an advantage either to the Jewish communities at large or to the Jewish refugees themselves. None will dispute the desirability of detaching the individual from the mass, but whoever will attempt this will be met at once by the natural 8 ii4 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. instinct of people in such circumstances, to crowd together, impelled by the instinctive belief, that in greater numbers there is safety for them and the assur- ance of sympathy; while again, and this is a factor of no small moment, their religious ideas and habits and cus- toms make for herd life, and are fatal to individual location or independent regeneration. The evil is so great, the question so wide in its ramifications, that more reforms than one must be accomplished. There is merit in every method, and whatever be done, the best we can hope for practically, for the time being, and until our whole social order is reorganized on a basis of greater justice and fuller love, and cemented by stronger sense of responsibility, is to work a palliative, not a cure. Life, however, demands certain work of each one of us, and each has a part to play in the sad drama of his unfortunate neighbor's existence. The main thing for the women whom fortune has placed in positions of advantage is, of their own accord, to cross the chasm that separates them from their sisters in what is falsely called the lower order of life. They will find, beyond a doubt, that while they themselves may have the capacity of giving much, these immigrants that are in such dire need, may compensate them most amply by showing them a phase of life, which, under an unattractive exte- rior, may cover in many cases, a crystal spring of possi- bilities, the best and the noblest. Mrs. Henry D. Lloyd spoke on the same subject, treating more particularly of the phase presented by- domestic service. In the general discussion that ensued, Miss American, of Chicago, and Mrs. Helen Kahn Weil, of Kansas City, took part. THE INFLUENCE OF THE JEWISH RELIGION IN THE HOME. MARY M. COHEN, PHILADELPHIA, PA. This subject has been selected, first, because of its vital importance, and second, because it is one that seems incapable of being controverted. I feel well assured that no student of sacred and profane history will doubt the premises which I shall endeavor to present. I believe sincerely that the influence of the Jewish religion upon the home is a truth so deeply established that all liberal thinkers have but one opinion about it. But there are, in this world, many thinkers not yet able to think liberally, that is, they have been trained in a certain groove of thought, and there their minds remain, according to their education, their environments, their beliefs. It sometimes happens, even among Christians of the kindliest nature and the wannest sympathies, that they have never come in direct contact with families of so different a creed as that upheld by the Hebrews. It has been the experience of the writer, over and over again, that members of the popular relig- ion have observed, " We have never known any Hebrews. What are their views? What are their observances? How does their religion affect the home life ? Tell us all that you can." It is largely with reference to this absence of knowl- edge of the way in which the Jewish religion enters into the home life that I am urged to deal with the theme before this religious congress of the Columbian Exposition. (us) u6 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. There is very little doubt that the idea with which the Jewish religion was planned was to so engraft it upon the home life that the two should be inseparably joined. The observances of the faith are so entwined with the every-day atmosphere of the home as to make the Jewish religion and the family life one, a bond in sanctity. In this sense the synagogue is the home, and the home the synagogue. I mean that the intelligent and devout Hebrew parent is the priest or priestess of the family altar. There is no need, if there is a desire to worship the God of Israel, to visit the sanctuary ; it is always right and appropriate to enter the House of God, but it is never indispensable for the performance of religious service. The prayers for the Sabbath eve, the prayers for the Sabbath day, for the fasts and festivals, can be as feelingly and efficiently rendered in the home as in the synagogue. The service on the first night of the Passover can undoubtedly be far better observed in the home than even in the sanctuary itself. It is true that certain ceremonies were given with the condition that they were only to be performed in the place where the Temple stood, but these were comparatively very few. Among them was the very positive command, " Thou mayest not slay the Passover within any of thy gates which the Lord thy God giveth thee, but at the place which the Lord thy God will choose to let His name dwell in, there shalt thou slay the Passover at evening." Many visitors to synagogues at the time of the Pass- over Festival are surprised not to see there the sacrifice of the paschal lamb, but this rite was to be performed only in the Temple, so that since the dispersion a lamb- bone has been substituted as a reminder of the ancient ceremony. The greatest benefit derived from this close connection between the religion and life is the fact that the religion JEWISH RELIGION IN THE HOME COHEN. 117 thus became an intensely practical one, and yet lost nothing of its inspired ideality. It was not possible for the Jew to forget his allegiance to Judaism. In the morning when he arose, the binding of the phylacteries turned his thoughts heavenward; before partaking of food, the immersion of the hands in cold water truly reminded him that "cleanliness is next to godliness." At the close of the meal, the Hebrew grace expressed his gratitude to the eternal Father for His bounties. In the daily events, in the transaction of business, either within or without the home, the influence of the religion was very seldom absent. It was especially noticeable in the times when the Jews were restricted to life in the Ghettos, that it was very difficult to see just where the religion ended and the home life began. Many of the people, deprived of opportunities of worship outside of the Ghetto, concen- trated all the fervor of their nature upon the home observances ; sometimes this was carried to an injurious extreme, resulting in an exaggerated superstition, which drew down the contempt of many a more enlightened and more favored outsider. In this regard it is impos- sible to refrain from alluding to one of the most striking Jewish books which has been issued this year. Mr. ZangwilPs story, "The Children of the Ghetto," is a work which, when taken up by Christians, often im- presses them most unfavorably as a picture of the Jews ; but when carefully studied by critical, and yet sympa- thizing, Hebrews, it is not in the least misunderstood. We have in that, to be sure, a very depressing presenta- tion of Hebrews in the east end of London, with their tawdry clothing, their wretched dwellings, their pinched means, their indescribable privations. Yet with it all, deep down in the soul of the Hebrew in the Ghetto, man, woman, or child, is the wondrous loyalty to the n8 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. God of the people. We see this in Esther Ansell, who, although transplanted when a girl from the Ghetto into the luxurious home of her patroness, Mrs. Goldsmith, finds, without exactly understanding why, no satisfaction in the wealth surrounding her. It is seen, too, in the half quaint, half pathetic scene, when Moses Ansell is summoned to his son's deathbed, and although the jargon which the father speaks has to be translated to the son, there is a clear understanding between the two that it is the glorious declaration of the Unity, the " Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One," the Hebrew's dying confession, which is to be uttered at that awful moment. On the other hand, turning to the Jewish home life of this country, we find that the religion has a powerful effect upon the pursuits cherished in the home. This will be seen particularly in the cultivation of the art of poetry. I will venture to quote a verse from a poem entitled " Rosh-Hashana" the Jewish New Year. " One word ere once again we turn a page In this great volume of the countless j^ears To mark another epoch of our age, One word, and we resume life's hopes and fears." This production evinces something of the power of the religion in the home life; the gifted writer has no doubt traced these words at the close of one of the most solemn Hebrew festivals. Not in the synagogue, not in the office, not in the school, not in the place of amuse- ment, do these high, poetic inspirations arise, as a rule, but in the home. The creator of these poetic lines just quoted, is a young Philadelphia Hebrew, whose work will be seen to have ethical significance as well as rhe- torical grace; after the day which stimulates all the religious fervor that a Jew possesses, he sits in his library, and traces on paper what we may hold in our hearts JEWISH REUGION IN THE HOME COHEN. 119 forever. We all know how closely associated were the sudden religious awakening and the literary home life of Emma Lazarus: her splendid poems, such as " The Crowing of the Red Cock," " The Banner of the Jew," and " The Feast of Lights," might have sprung from a soldier in battle, or a fiery, wandering exile; yet they were written in the quiet study of a New York Jewess; these examples are but two out of a large number that will, I think, testify to the truth of my assertion. The influence of the religion in regard to dietary laws is perhaps one of the most marked in close connec- tion with the home routine. In addition to the various observances commanded in the Bible, tradition and the Rabbis have made it customary for Hebrews to partake of special kinds of food on certain festivals; we see this in the use of white stewed fish for the Passover, in the additional decoration of the table during Pentecost, in the serving of apples and new honey on the New Year. The praises of fried fish as prepared by Hebrews have been eloquently set forth, but where is the writer who has done justice to the glories of the white stewed fish as it appears on the Passover table ? Golden balls, of deli- cate flavor, surmounting slices of the whitest halibut; cayenne peppers, with circles of lemon, adding brilliant color and spicy taste to the compound; over all the yellow sauce, almost jelly-like in consistence. Those who have spoken of Judaism as a " kitchen religion " lose sight of the fact that spirit and body are equally in need of nourishment, and that to closely associate the material and the religious is to dignify the one without injuring the other. There are many other special dishes transmitted to us by tradition for minor festivals. These little customs serve to bind the religious and the domestic life very closely together, and who can doubt it that sees the 120 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. blessing given by parents to children on the Sabbath eve, or witnesses the solemnity of the Kiddush, the wine which celebrates the approach of the bride, the Jewish Sabbath. I can never see, in the sometimes punctilious care with which some Hebrew women prepare their homes for the religious festivals, the ground for annoy- ance or ridicule which it seems to furnish to many critics; to me it presents a beautiful union between the religion and the home. The Jewish faith is not to be worn as a cloak on the Sabbath or the festival in the synagogue, and then to be cast aside before entering the portals of every-day existence; it may be carried as a veil, but through it should be seen, still showing brightly, the purity of the domestic altar. The Jewish wife and mother, as a rule, is faithful to her husband and children. Her religion teaches her to fulfil every duty to these near and dear ones, and in addition, to exercise as generous a hospitality as her means will permit. From the time when Sarah enter- tained the angels until to-day, the chain of kindly feel- ing toward the traveler or the visitor has never been broken; in fact, the well-to-do Hebrew woman holds it a privilege to share the fruits of the earth with any one less favored, and knows that in so doing she is only obeying a divine behest: " And thou shalt rejoice with every good thing which the Lord thy God hath given unto thee, and unto thy house, thou, with the Levite, and the stranger that is in the midst of thee." The influence of the Jewish religion upon the home is of great importance in determining exactly the niche which the inmates are to occupy in the history of moral forces affecting other peoples. For instance, inasmuch as a Hebrew woman is a Hebrew woman, just so powerful are her character and her example. There are plenty of merely cosmopolitan women, open to the guidance of JEWISH RELIGION IN THE HOME COHEN. 121 every creed or no creed, as shifting fancy may dictate; such women may be lovely and excellent in many ways, but they will scarcely command the admiring respect, the deep sympathy, the earnest fellowship, which a loyal Hebrew woman receives in overflowing measure from the world at large. Her chief value to the people of other beliefs is that she is a worthy daughter of Israel, in the home first, and then everywhere. Husband and children in the Jewish home show to the wife and mother a profound affection, and hold her in the greatest honor. Jewish men are almost invariably domestic, valuing their homes as the union of material and spir- itual good. The influence of the Jewish religion in the home may well be treasured as the keystone to the lasting hap- piness and usefulness of all the nations of the earth. THE INFLUENCE OF THE JEWISH RELIGION IN THE HOME. (Discussion of the foregoing paper.") JULIA I. FELSENTHAL, CHICAGO, ILL. The code of ethics held to be correct and practicable by right thinking men is the same, unaltered, that was taught in the Book of books thousands of years ago. The commandments of the decalogue and the other moral laws, congruous with the same, are of as vital importance now as when first proclaimed to the emanci- pated Israelites. To the obedience to the Ten Com- mandments is due, primarily, the survival of the Jews. Since two thousand years they have been a national non- entity, playing the part of scapegoat in the drama of the nations, and scattered throughout all lands. The wonder and the question arise, to what is due the Jews' perpetuation ? The strongest bond to unite them one to another was religion. How potent a factor this is, in the life not only of individuals, but of races, is observed, when we remember that Greece and Rome, with their splendid civilizations and their vast achievements in art and legislation, have vanished. They, too, had a beau- tiful belief in higher powers, full of poetry and ideality, but differing in the fundamental idea of monotheism and stern morality. Judaea, inferior in the arts both of war and of peace, exists, a witness to the truth of the idea, that there is but one God, the Father of all, who holds the fates of His children in His hands, and who docs all for the best. He loves what is good and hates (122) JEWISH RELIGION IN THE HOME FEI.SENTHAI,. 123 the bad. This is and was the keynote of the Jew's religion. But, as in other religions, the cardinal idea alone did not form the substance of Judaism. Around this central idea clustered, during the lapse of centuries, a mass of additional doctrines, laws, traditions and cus- toms, which formed the network of the religious prac- tices of the Jews. This accumulated mass of ceremonials was like embroidery so intricately worked that one could scarcely discover the original texture beneath. The^ various observances, finding equal importance in the eyes of the devotees, were not restricted to holidays and Sabbaths and to fulfilment in the synagogue alone, but almost every daily action of man or woman, in the household and out of it, was accompanied by the per- formance of some religious rite, which none was too ignorant or too enlightened to omit. Therefore, when one considers the influence of the Jewish religion on the home, it must not be forgotten that every department of life was permeated with re- ligion, and the home principally, was the centre for the fostering of these religious and moral truths. A people which believes that religion is not for any distinct time or place, but that it must enter all phases of life, is virile. Many of the most powerful moral forces were con- tinually brought into action through this constant asso- ciation of religion with life, through the agency of prayer and countless religious practices. The deeds and duties which are essential in high-minded, moral living were religiously practiced in Jewish homes, because prompted by religion. By indicating a few of the daily observances, this may be made apparent. No one, from the babbling child to the feeble grandfather, rose in the morning without uttering prayers of thanks to God, and invoking His divine grace for the coming day. At night, 124 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. before retiring, the last conscious act was the saying of a prayer. Before every meal grace was said, and after- ward a prayer of thanks was again recited. It was a religious duty to visit the mourner and the afflicted, and the poor received the graceful charity prompted by the beautiful Jewish laws. Scarcely a Jew was so poor as not to entertain some one of his poorer traveling co- religionists on the Friday evening, not as a troublesome beggar, but as an honored and welcome guest at the table. So, by the aid of these few illustrations, can be traced gratefulness, sympathy, charity and hospitality. Such paramount duties as the obedience of children to parents, strong mutual attachment between the members of a family, etc., were faithfully fulfilled. Be it remem- bered that these customs just alluded to were not merely social usages, but religious duties, which entered the very sinews of life, and if many of them were mechani- cally performed, their significance nevertheless impressed itself on the minds of the participants. Thus the home became a bulwark of moral and social strength, impreg- nable by reason of the religious atmosphere that per- vaded it. In this connection, it may be remarked, as a notice- able fact, that wine, which played an important part in all holiday and Sabbath celebrations, never became a baneful influence in their lives. It was looked upon, like any other food product of the earth, as a gift from God, and the blessing or thanksgiving was always pro- nounced before partaking of it. Intemperance and dis- soluteness, those two cardinal vices which have wrecked so many homes, are sins which have not, as a rule, allured the Jew. The praise is scarcely due to the man, but to the Jewish laws, so wisely framed, and to the customs, so beneficially impressive. Simple fidelity to these laws and customs was enough to guard him from JEWISH REUGION IN THE HOME FELSENTHAL. 125 temptations, and keep the peace and purity of his home intact. During the centuries of persecution and migration, the home and the synagogue were the only places where the Jew could find relief from trouble and care. The broader arena of life, where men might enlist, and find intellectual exercise and pleasure, was closed to him. Inasmuch as unfriendly and tyrannical governments refused their Jewish subjects any participation in the pursuits dear to patriotic and high-minded men, there remained for them only the narrow channel of bread- winning. They were only too thankful if their endeav- ors to earn a livelihood were unmolested. What would have soon dwindled into the most narrow materialism was redeemed by the purity of their home life, per- meated with poetical and homely illustrations of their faith. The synagogue and the home were sanctuaries r on whose altars the burdens of life might be cast, and love and peace be found. In this respect, persecution proved a blessing to the dispersed. With the sword of an innocently incurred hate ever hanging over them, home-ties were firmly knit, and the small communities living behind Ghetto walls were bound together as one family. So does misfortune often carry a blessing in its train. Fearing evil from without, they found peace within the Ghetto walls. The Jew, distinctly Oriental in some respects, has avoided, as if by instinct, some of the Eastern vices and failings, notably the institution of harem life and the notion of the inferiority of woman. Though woman's sphere was limited, within it she received the loyal love due her, as wife and mother and queen of the household. The father, on the other hand, was vested with a sort of patriarchal dignity. He was the protector and guardian of his loved ones, and his authority was final. Filial 126 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. and conjugal duties were zealously performed, but par- ticularly did old age meet with veneration and regard. Owing to necessary brevity, many elements of domestic Jewish life, possessing beautifying and elevating ten- dencies, must be omitted, but I cannot refrain from mentioning the Passover, Sukkoth, Chanukkah and Purim, which gave great opportunity for the play of joyful, religious emotions in the home, whose influence was felt long after the occasions themselves were over. But most valuable was the Friday evening celebration. How impressive, when the father, returning from divine service, folds his hands upon the bowed heads of his children, giving them his blessing, thus imbuing the child with filial love and veneration, and himself with the moral responsibility toward his offspring. To see the members of the household assembled around the brightly lit and festive table, welcoming the bride of the Sabbath with hymns and praise, presents a picture of true religious fervor and piety. A number of writers, mostly German, have caught this undercurrent of beauty in the lives of a hampered people, who quietly passed their days in the shadow of Ghetto walls, and have por- trayed them in works of fiction. Kompert, Bernstein, Franzos and Sacher Masoch, have been among the most successful of these writers. Prof. Oppenheim, an able artist, has preserved these features of the past for the profit and pleasure of later generations, by painting a series of pictures, representing typical scenes, such as the interior of the synagogue on various occasions, holi- day celebrations, observance of the Sabbath eve, etc. Since Mendelssohn's time, many of the barriers which separated Jew and Gentile have been gradually removed. Simultaneously with the granting of civil and religious rights, the Jews were given intellectual freedom, and minds trained for centuries almost exclusively in the JEWISH RELIGION IN THE HOME FEI.SENTHAI,. 127 study of the Bible, the Talmud, and their numerous commentaries, eagerly sought the avenues open to them. Politics, journalism, law, letters, medicine, etc., had many a Jewish follower. The horizon widened, and religion no longer played so important a part in their lives. How did this react on their home life ? The dietary laws, formerly a prominent feature in the daily routine, fell among many into disuse, until now they are " honored more in the breach than in the observance." Many of the customs, which had accompanied the wan- derers from land to land, were forgotten or ignored. In Russia, Eastern Austria and adjacent provinces, the old customs still prevail to a great extent, but in Western Europe and in our own country, circumstances have almost compelled a change, and we have had to adjust ourselves to a new order of things ; a simple task for the Jew, who, although preserving some distinctive traits throughout all the ages, has nevertheless always affiliated himself with the country of his adoption. Many of the moderns have cut loose from ceremonial- ism. Whoever has considered the rise of races or relig- ions knows the importance of ceremonies and symbols as social factors. As civilization advances, these forms lose their power and significance, so that if they are still to have a value, it is as historical reminders and relics. This value is denied by many, but even were its im- portance to be granted, the complications of our busy life are such that many rites, beautiful and significant, are difficult of performance. Doctrinal belief, many main- tain, would suffice for any religion, but granted that this were so, we would still have to admit that mere adher- ence to a number of articles of belief would be only the skeleton, which must be clothed with the flesh of imagery and form to make it a living reality. This was a neces- sity in the childhood of the race, and in a great measure 128 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. it will always be necessary. Now, when many assume that we are arriving at the vigor of maturity, it is deemed useless to surround ourselves with any forms. It remains to be seen whether religion, shorn of all symbolic rites, can still exert as potent an influence on the home as of yore. Formerly the Jewish religion was treasured and preserved in synagogue and the home alike. Now our temples are mostly lecture-halls, and in our homes many rites are omitted. Under any and all conditions, it is of the utmost im- portance that the home life, as the basis for true national prosperity, should be elevated and elevating. This, united with the fact that there are many tendencies in modern life apt to lower the standard of social purity, should make us consider well before discarding entirely an element that has been so vast a power for good during so many centuries. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1893, 9.30 A. M. Mrs. Pauline H. Rosenberg, of Allegheny, Pa., was introduced by the Chairman as the honorary presiding officer of the session. ISRAEL TO THE WORLD IN GREETING. CORA WILBURN, MARSHFIELD, MASS. Unto the world, with Time's Peace-offering, What treasure gifts does Ancient Israel bring ? Heart-stirring melodies, the aspiration Of martyred souls, that death of torture braved; The breath Divine of answering inspiration, While fierce the fires of Persecution raged. The boundless Trust, uplifting captive sorrow. From Israel's stricken heart, enkindled hope; That evermore the dark, uncertain morrow, Flushed with the glory of the Future's scope. Faith in the Name Ineffable Unspoken! Leading throughout the centuries' darkened maze; Glad benedictions wrung from hearts long broken, Of heroes, slain on unmarked battle-ways! Grandeur of Womanhood's exalted duty; Self-abnegation that Life's all bestowed; Sunshine and storm of Love's illumined beauty, Crowned Purity, with light of heaven that glowed! High, reverent awe, the soul's reflecting mirror, That guards within illimitable Truth; Kept 'mid the stress of Superstition's terror, In the religious soul of Age and Youth! The Patriot's iron will, all hardships daring, For native land, and Freedom's light within; With Lion shield of David onward bearing The soul's abhorrence of the Traitor's sin! 9 (129) 130 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. Vibrating unto heart and brain responsive, The ancient record, and the by-gone song, Attest in triumph-strain and hymning plaintive, The sweet forgiveness of a Nation's wrong! More than by reach of word of earthly meaning, Unto the world does Ancient Israel bring; Time's righteous victory of ascendance gleaning, While low accordant chimes of Freedom ring! Unto this gathering of the World assembled, What treasure-gems does Modern Israel bring? In the far silence freighted souls have trembled, Nor heavenly message dared the minstrel sing. Now, broadening Light sheds radiance of the Morning, Great souls hold vigils 'neath the glow divine; Despite of threatening Russia's bitter scorning, What gift brings Israel to Our Country's Shrine f The olden reverence, graced with dear remembrance, Its holiest fervor, heritage of days; That with the New Life's vast, diviner semblance, To God's high purpose heart and spirit sways! The joy of Manhood's soul-emancipation; Glory of Woman's heart-ascendancy; Blent with the home-life's threefold consecration To noblest aims of human destiny. Rose-flowers of Feeling; sun-rayed Gems of Thought, Into one hallowed wreath of Memory wrought. Love for the Stars and Stripes ! all power transcending Imagination weaves of soaring dreams; Truth's vowed allegiance with all heart-hopes blending, As affluent Life with high endeavor teems. In daily service of humanity, Shared sweet and irksome tasks of Liberty! The Mind's advance, in Israel's modern story, Keeps evermore abreast of Truth and Time; As Godward tending, Science wields the glory, That guiding leads to long- veiled heights sublime. On loftiest summit, as from lowliest place, The garnered favors of Celestial grace, Shed benedictions o'er the human race. To THE WORLD IN GREETING WILE URN. 131 Only, as children love the Mother best, We cling unto the dear, ancestral breast. Not loving less the differing souls we meet, In mart, or home, or on the busy street, But as our kindred all. 'Mid din of strife, We know the mandate, with old wisdom rife: " The righteous of all nations shall Eternal Life Inherit." Long-kept, cherished Truth! Newly engraved on heart of Age and Youth, Attests Our Father's universal care, While Faith uplifts the adoring search of prayer! And tears we bring ! for helpless thousands call On human help, as deepening shadows fall; Portents of storm, and strife of bigotry, E'en o'er Columbia's stronghold of the Free! Grief-thrilled, true souls To-day, as ere the light Pierced the deep gloom of Egypt's rayless night, Wait prayerful for the blest Deliverance gleam, Beyond the Prophet's hope and Poet's dream! Peace ! with thy gracious splendors manifold The sway of Truth let captive eyes behold! The boundless trust of ancient days renew! E'en though he reached thy sacred havens through Red seas of carnage ! For the menaced life Of Freedom calls for ending of the strife, That holds the world in bondage to its fears; With grief of longing fills the waiting years; Marring the grace of Justice in the land, At lawless bidding of the blood-stained hand Of Tyranny. Though not " for me and mine," The fell intent of secret hordes combine; Though safe beneath the Starry Flag we dwell, Dare we assert that with us all is well ? While homeless brothers may not seek their bread, On native soil; but cringe 'mid phantoms dread Of Famine, Murder, Pillage, women slain! Are we so deadened to another's pain, In arms of luxury lulled, that willingly, We shackle here the soul of Liberty? America ! thy grateful Israel gave Her life-blood, equal with thy " free and brave; " For the safe-keeping of thy holy stars, Thy Hebrew soldiers wear the battle-scars. 132 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. They share the country's glory; and its shame, When Force and Fraud their dastard deeds proclaim; Shall Russia's shadow dim our record's fame ? Forbid it, God ! enthroned in earth and heaven! Forbid it, hearts of His Compassion filled! By all the Light of Inspiration given To souls that would Thy Freedom Temples build! Let not the Cossack hand's brutality The bulwarks of the People's Sovereignty Assail, while dawns the Twentieth Century! Greeting to Israel still in captive chains! Greeting to all in Freedom's wide domains! Not Toleration, but Fraternal Love, Be the New Era's olive-bearing dove! Only a foeman he who bars the way To holy Freedom's universal sway. Where the Great Name Ineffable is spoken, Life's tributary prayer is heavenly token, And frankincense of praise; brothers and sisters we, Clasp hands of service for humanity, Heart-linked for earth and Immortality! CHARITY AS TAUGHT BY THE MOSAIC LAW. EVA L. STERN, NEW YORK. " Sing heav'nly Muse that on the secret top Of Oreb, or of Sinai, didst inspire That Shepherd, who first taught the chosen seed In the beginning, how the heav'ns and earth Rose out of chaos And chiefly Thou, O spirit, that dost prefer Before all temples the upright heart and pure, Instruct me, for Thou know'st; Thou from the first Wast present, and with mighty wings outspread Dove-like sat'st brooding on the vast abyss And madest it pregnant: What in me is dark, Illumine; what is low, raise and support; That to the height of this great argument, I may assert eternal Providence, And justify the ways of God to men." This shepherd of Milton's song was Moses, the law- giver, the simple man of meekness, who alone of all mortals breathed into by the breath of God, stood face to face with Him; who alone of earth's men held con- verse with Him, and was the elect of righteousness and holiness to receive from the divine spirit the decalogue, so simple in its comprehensiveness that we teach the babe to lisp it, and yet so deep, grand, severe, that it awes the savage in his lawlessness. It is the mighty pile upon which the Christian world rises, and upon which is built the destiny of the whole human race. From these Thou-shalt-nots have risen the nations' glory morality and lawfulness, and from that solitary Thou- shalt issues the crowning aureole of life, which sits like a star on the mother's brow, and wraps the father in a cloth of purple. (133) 134 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. The decalogue attests the sovereignty of God, a teach- ing which goes like an seolian sigh through the code of Moses: " I am the Lord your God which brought you forth out of the land of Egypt." As a prelude to his grand system of laws, he reminds the Israelites of their deliverance from the taskmasters of Egypt, to render them merciful to the oppressed, and to make them pro- tectors and friends of the downtrodden and all those who sue for mercy from man. " And thou shalt remem- ber that thou wast a bondman in the land of Egypt." This enslaved condition of the Jews for four hundred years has tempered the spiritual teachings of the world by having developed a Moses. It has put into touch with each other men of widest lives, of extremest educa- tion, of conflicting faiths, and this link between men is Charity as taiight by the Mosaic Law; " it humanizes religion, and religionizes humanity;" it is the ethical basis of Judaism, as Judaism is the bedrock of all religions; whatever may have come after it, there was nothing before. What is the essence of charity as taught by the Mosaic law ? It is merciful conduct to man, beast, birds in the air, fruit-bearing trees, to every- thing animate and inanimate under the wide expanse of heaven. There is a reason for every precept in the Law, and every reason teaches equity, mercy, justice, courage. The Mosaic code has, for its direct object, the cultiva- tion of a spiritual and holy life, the inculcation of patience, modesty, humanity, sympathy for the poor and the sick, of help for the weak, of release for the slave, of compassion for the hired man and the debtor, and above all of the necessity of education, which is the fountain whence well-springs of good impulses gush. Though the Law impresses the precept of charity on the people in fact, rabbinical writ says: "He who practices love and charity fulfils the whole law of Moses," it does CHARITY AS TAUGHT BY THE LAW STERN. 135 not commiserate the poor man to the extent of com- manding self-abnegation. It says: " Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord thy God, which He hath given thee," and the Tal- mud comments on this: " Whoever wants to enrich the poor must not give more than the fifth part away, other- wise the giver may some day impoverish himself, so that he will be thrown upon society." This humane and judicious law was carefully observed by the Jews of the Middle Ages, and even to-day, here in our midst, we have Jewish philanthropists who give a tenth of their earnings to the poor and the needy, and though this unselfish charity is unstintingly dispensed, it is given with a wise heart, lest the poor should organ- ize themselves into bands of idle parasites, and paralyze society. When the great philanthropist-banker Itzig, of Berlin, gave wine to the sick and the poor, he per- sistently asked the return of the empty bottles, to show these helpless creatures that everything was of use, that his wealth did not blind him, that though they had con- sumed the wine, the vessel which had held it for them could be of further use in serving others. How beautifully this contrasts with the godless em- perors of Rome who lavished wealth indiscriminately, striving to win fame by ill-considered liberality; " they fed the rabble with corn, wine and oil," and thus encour- aged idleness and dissipation, countenancing the rich who encroached upon the rights of the poor. This, too, is in opposition to the Mosaic teachings, which insist upon the rich man's calling in the poor to his table, and forbid hurting his feelings by even staring at him while he eats, lest it be taken for the arrogance of riches or the pride of ownership of the food he gave. Says the Law, " If the man be poor, thou shalt not sleep with his pledge, in any case, thou shalt deliver him the pledge 136 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. again, when the sun goeth down, that he may sleep in his own raiment." This would keep the lender to the poor from asking his garments as a pledge; or at least it would secure the garment as a covering for his limbs, when the poor man lay down to sleep. And in addition, it ordains, " When thou dost lend thy brother anything, thou shalt not go into his house to fetch his pledge, thou shalt stand abroad, and the man to whom thou dost lend shall bring out the pledge unto thee." This would pre- vent the lender from acting in an arrogant manner, or from domineering over the less fortunate man. The Greeks of antiquity were likewise munificent in their gifts, but with the ulterior object of displaying their wealth to the populace; it was a sort of advertise- ment for the rich man; but the Jews of this time were practicing the letter of the Law. Almost in every town there were synagogues, where not alone the one, true God was worshiped, but where instruction was given, and charity practiced in all its branches. The Jews have a sympathetic, responsive nature, and on account of the hardships undergone by their race, they are so knitted in soul to one another, that they nurse their sick, help their poor, soothe the widow and the orphan, and entertain the stranger, from instinct as much as from education. Consequently, all this civil- izing humaneness was found in towns where Israelites dwelt, and up to the destruction of the Second Temple, they lived in the spirit of the Law. Then came Christianity, a modification of these prac- tices under better organization, learned from the Romans, for the latter have excelled, in history, as leaders and organizers. In addition to Christianity's having this in- calculable advantage, it had converts from every quarter, who willed large sums to its institutions, and conse- quently put it in possession of a large territory. This CHARITY AS TAUGHT BY THE LAW STERN. 137 left the Israelites in fewer numbers, and made them fall back into a solidarity of purpose, which intensified their brotherhood and their sympathies for one another. However, though Christianity grew abroad, and was enriched by Roinan converts, who enabled it to do much fine charity, its ethics were nourished at the bosom of Mosaic teachings; virtues were adopted from the Mosaic code, and the merciful words, " When thou cuttest down thy harvest in thy field, thou shalt not go again to fetch it; it shall be for the stranger, for the fatherless, and for the widow;" this merciful precept had lain in the heart of Jesus along with the love of the man, Moses, who bequeathed it to his people. The widow and the orphan claimed the especial love of the legislator, and everywhere he speaks of them, and enjoins man to be concerned about them, and provide for their wants. " When thou beatest thine olive tree, thou shalt not go over the bough again; it shall be for the stranger, for the fatherless and for the widow." "When thou gatherest the grapes of thy vineyard, thou shalt not glean it afterward, it shall be for the stranger, the fatherless and the widow," for out of the mighty depths of his heart, he foresaw that woman, clinging in her nature, would be doubly weak when the stronger arm was snatched away, and with her children would be among strangers. While the letter of the Law commands commiseration for the widow and the father- less, it is in the spirit of the Law that the Israelite best serves the Master, a spirit that can best be understood by God, for the Jewish heart goes out to these unfortu- nates, expands for them, and contracts again with them enclosed. The strong man takes charge of the widow's affairs, advises her, comforts her, and in every provision includes her before himself. If the fatherless lose this 138 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. last, loving parent, the orphan is adopted, taught in the Law, given a trade together with the more fortunate child, and when ready for matrimony, if a girl, a good husband is secured for her, nor is she left portionless; if a man, a good wife is sought for him, and in most instances he is provided with the means for establishing a household. Jewish Orphan Aid Societies have existed in large and small communities from the early centuries. We have them in almost every town and city in the United States; and they give sums of money and outfits of necessary clothing to the orphan. In Europe, among many, is the society founded in Berlin by Daniel Itzig, providing liberal dowries for poor brides. This is a duty of the Jew to an orphan. Together with the widow and the orphan is men- tioned the stranger. The stranger, supposed to have left his country, his kinspeople and familiar scenes, so dear to the heart, his body worn with travel and emo- tion, sometimes with hunger and thirst, must be allowed to gather the fruits of the field, left for him by the gleaners, that he may sustain life, as the story of Boaz and Ruth well illustrates. The stranger is invited to the homes of his brethren in faith, and is compensated there for what he has left in his own land. The stranger is coupled with the brother, "And if thy brother has waxed poor, and fallen in decay with thee, thou shalt relieve him, yea, though he be a stranger or a sojourner; that he may live with thee." This is one of the beau- tiful qualities of the family life of the Jews; their con- cern for one another, their respect for father and mother, and their cheerful hospitality. In Jewish communities there also exist brotherhoods, which have for their pur- pose benevolence to the stranger, who may chance among them, and one historian tells us that, in many instances, a poor Jew has traveled through the greater part of CHARITY AS TAUGHT BY THE L,AW STERN. 139 Europe without much more than a penny in his pocket, his brethren feeding and clothing him, and then giving him a letter of recommendation to his co-religionists in the next town to which he wanted to go. Mosaic charity inculcates fellowship, a responsiveness to the joy or the sorrow of others, be they kinsmen or strangers. " Thou shalt not oppress a stranger, for ye know the heart of a stranger, seeing ye were strangers in the land of Egypt." There is a very fine, humanizing law on usury, which says, " Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother, usury of money, usury of victuals, usury of anything that is lent upon usury," and this law was observed until the early Middle Ages, when the Jews were forced into disregarding it by being deprived by the rulers of countries of other channels of livelihood. The precept taught the lesson to lend to the poor without exacting pay for what was lent, so as not to make the poor poorer, and as Philo interprets it, " Considering that gratitude may in some degree be looked upon as interest repaid at a more favorable season for what was lent in an hour of necessity." Mercy, twin sister of charity, is extended also to the hired man, " The wages of him that is hired shall not abide with thee all night until the morning." This is a consideration the heart can readily understand, for the laborer fortifies his strength with thoughts of his pay and of the comfort it will afford those dependent upon him, and if, when the sun sets upon him, his heart is cheerful, he brings better strength to his labor the fol- lowing day, while if he is tricked out of his wages, in addition to his waste of energy, he suffers disappoint- ment, which eats away his manhood, a quality of suffer- ing which we are forbidden to inflict upon beasts, for " thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the 140 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. corn." With the same divine conception of mercy, instruments of labor are forbidden to be taken away or taxed, if their owner needs them to gain a livelihood: " No man shall take the nether or the upper millstone to pledge; for he taketh a man's life to pledge." Would not this mean, besides, preparing poverty for a man who would otherwise be happy, because industrious ? Thus, when the unfortunates are committed to the charity of man, the wisdom of the Law streams forth like the word God, written on the mitre of the high priest. Everything has a claim on man's mercy, and the Mosaic code would have the creature made " in the image of God," resemble his Creator by cultivating in him the divine attributes of virtue^ justice and mercy; many splendid blossoms have bloomed on the tree of life, and showered down leaves to make a soft bed for the poor, and have shed fragrance, and lent strength to those who needed comforting. In every century Mosaic charity has communicated its spiritual essence to society at large, and has given to the needy a friend and support. Antiquity records the charity of Helena, Queen of Adiabene, and her son Monabazus, both proselytes to the Jewish faith, who labored to relieve the people during the great famine in Judaea by distributing food and money among them, and down through the roll of ages we come to our modern times ! Moses Montefiore and his gentle wife Judith exemplified, in the highest degree, what charity was, taught by the Mosaic law. Fancy these two inspired beings moving calmly side by side to relieve stricken families of whatever faith, wherever found, crossing seas to pour gold and comforting words upon suf- fering fellow-creatures in the Holy Land. Then, when this sympathizing wife is laid in the bosom of the earth, look once more at this angelic old man, ninety-seven CHARITY AS TAUGHT BY THE L,AW STERN. 141 years old, braving the dangers of a long journey again, his seventh trip to Damascus, to let fall his charity like the soft dew from heaven. Regard the multiplicity of charities of Judah Touro. Besides endowing orphan asylums in many cities of the United States, he left fifty thousand dollars for the poor in Jerusalem. And who can estimate the charities of the Rothschilds ! they support whole towns in the Holy L,and, and in European cities, schools, colleges and syna- gogues are drawing their maintenance from their coffers, while, but a short while ago, one of their chateaux with its beautiful grounds was converted into a home for the poor and the sick. . Baron Hirsch may be called the noblest exponent of Mosaic charity, and if the stones preached sermons, and if the stars above were tongues, they could not tell of the many hearts he soothes, the many agonies he palli- ates, the many lives he saves for usefulness. Mohammed said, " Solomon was sent by God to illus- trate His attribute of wisdom, Jesus, His righteousness, and Moses, His providence." Would it not appear that such men are sent always to confirm a providence which never lessens ? For " Mercy, first and last, shall bright- est shine." Almsgiving is a cardinal requirement of the Law. The first fruits of corn and wine and oil and flocks were to be given to the priests, because in their holy office they could not till the ground, or tend the herd, and supplementing this there is the finest of human laws: " Six years let the inhabitants of the land enjoy the fruits as a reward for the acquisitions which they have made and for the labors which they have undergone in cultivating the land; but for one year, namely, the seventh, let the poor and needy enjoy it." Can we overestimate the quality of these precepts? One of the Greek philosophers has said about them, 142 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. " Who would deny that these go to the very furthest extent of humanity, unless he had tasted of this sacred code of laws only with the edges of his lips, or unless he had not reveled in its sweetest and most beautiful doc- trines?" These doctrines are like strands of assorted pearls, and lie deep in Jewish hearts; they are the strength of their strength, and appeal to the reason and the tenderness of Jews. Like a cry come up these words to them, " For the poor shall never cease out of the land, therefore I command thee, saying, thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother, to thy poor and to thy needy in thy land." This age is made glorious by its development of woman; little by little she has pulled herself up from depths, in which she was but little above or better than the brute animal. Who in the whole history of the world was the first to elevate woman ? to teach delicacy to woman ? to com- mand honor of woman, and to insist upon her rights ? It was this same law-giver, Moses, who has purged and cleansed the morals of the world from the inner circle to the greatest. He purified thoughts about woman, and created for her a place in life, next in dignity to man. And as dews from heaven bring forth the sweetness from the rose to exhale upon the air, so have these tender laws about woman, this care and love developed her heart, and the world is happier for having had noble women who are sainted in the minds of men because of their charity and soft comfortings. We have spoken of Judith Montefiore as her husband's inspiration, how she helped him in his humanitarian work, but she did much charity of her own accord. She gave from her own means in a queenly and gracious manner regardless of the creed of the beneficiary; it was CHARITY AS TAUGHT BY THE LAW STERN. 143 the needy human being she sought to befriend, not the adherent of a church or the believer in a dogma. In Berlin and Vienna there lived benevolent daughters of Daniel Itzig, nine sisters, cultured, beautiful and gra- cious, each possessing many accomplishments, and trained to be merciful to the needy, and good to the poor and the sick. Here, in America, there issues a light from the grave enshrining Rebecca Gratz, a Philadelphian. She at- tended the synagogue on every Sabbath, and during her whole beautiful life "never went astray in the slightest instance " from ancestral teachings, and her charities, many and far-reaching, were conceived in a liberal spirit. She included suffering humanity in her plans of mercy, and refused to draw the line at creed; her heart was a mine of compassion for those who most needed it, and she bestowed it lavishly upon them. She founded the first Hebrew Sunday School in America, and was its superintendent for thirty-two years, and helped to found the Foster Home, the Fuel Society, the Sewing Society and the Hebrew Benevolent Society. Her friend was Washington Irving, who was a great admirer of her mind and heart, and history has it that once, when visiting at the home of Walter Scott, he learned of " Ivanhoe," then in process of writing, and that Scott was casting about to introduce a Jewish heroine into the novel. Irv- ing described Miss Gratz, and grew so enthusiastic over her that Scott drew a character from his description. When his book was completed, he asked Irving how the " Rebecca " of " Ivanhoe " corresponded with his original; it is, indeed, a fit monument unto so sweet a life as Rebecca Gratz lived. And now while we write of noble women who lived with their palms turned outward, and illustrated Mosaic charity, let us not forget a great woman whom the 144 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. Talmud honors with the name of " daughter of God," that woman whose maternal affections beatified her life, and who clasped to her womanly heart the crying child from out of his green cradle, wherein he rocked upon the water, the Egyptian princess, Pharaoh's daughter who adopted the babe, and cared for it, and loved it with a mother's love, and called him Moses. Thus God chose a woman to execute His design to preserve to the world the greatest good it has ever known, through this man Moses, whose laws will last until heaven comes down to earth, and God walks abroad on the face of the deep. For, to quote Moses' own words, " My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb and as the showers upon the grass." WOMAN'S PLACE IN CHARITABLE WORK WHAT IT IS AND WHAT IT SHOULD BE. CARRIE SHEVELSON BENJAMIN, DENVER, COL. In a far-off country, where the snow rests eternal on the mountain tops, there towers a grand mountain peak covered with shining snow as with a bridal robe. Its crest is raised in high majesty against the blue sky, a vast, white, towering mass of resplendent crystal, whose dazzling beauty fills the trembling air. Royal dignity shines from the gracious forehead; delicate grace perme- ates every outline of rock and snow a sweet and glorious presence. The simple people of the mountains hundreds of years ago paid their tribute to womanhood by naming this peak " Diejungfrau." The appellation implies that beauty and grace are woman's heritage from all genera- tions; homage and adoration, her rightful dower. She is the wind of the evening and the spice of the forests transformed into a presence, the glory of sunshine become material, the white foam of the ocean moulded into ex- quisite form, and the gleaming snow turned into lovely flesh. The radiance of the enduring stars is her soul, the charity of God is her heart. And this that scattereth abroad help like light among the children of men is woman. With such a heritage as her special dower, with such a mission as her special duty, with such a banner as her special sceptre, why need woman seek other rights and other spheres ? At the recent Women's Congress held here, one of the apostles of the new creed of women the right to be men in speaking of woman's sphere, 10 (145) 146 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. said, " Why, she hasn't even a hemi-sphere." We think she has not only a hemisphere, but the whole world, with which to play shuttle-cock, if she will but use the proper battledore. A rabbinical story relates that twelve baskets of gifts fell from heaven, and that Eve secured nine while Adam was picking up the three. And we are inclined to believe that since then she has obtained the use of all. At any rate, in the field of charity, which is almost co- extensive with the field of human action, there is no one to dispute woman's rights, no male angel Gabriel standing with flaming sword at the gate, saying, " Thus far and no farther." Here she can be a priestess to herself and to others. Had this field of woman's usefulness and special fitness been cultivated with half the zeal that has been devoted to the so-called woman's cause in other directions, the fig-tree had sprung up instead of the thistle. Did woman understand that this is her strength, of which, unlike Samson of old, she cannot be shorn, she would not be at the mercy of every Philistine who mocks at woman's rights and woman's sphere. Woman's fitness for the work of charity is emphasized throughout the old Hebrew writings. According to their idea the perfect woman must possess energy, strength of purpose and active zeal in ministering to the poor at her door, giving them her time, her trouble, her loving sympathy. She may open her mouth to wis- dom, but her tongue must know the law of kindness. As the needle to the pole, so should a true woman's heart turn to deeds of charity. If man's proper study is man, woman's proper study is charity. This is the work that lies nearest her, and should be dearest to her. She herself was a gift of God's compassion for man, when God saw that it was not good for man to be alone. Hence she is an attribute itself of a divine charity. WOMAN'S PLACE IN CHARITABLE WORK BENJAMIN. 147 Ruskin writes, " A woman has a personal work and duty relating to her own home, and a public work and duty which is the expansion of that. What the woman is to be within her gates as the centre of order, the balm of distress and the mirror of beauty; that she is to be without her gates where order is more difficult, dis- tress more imminent and loveliness more rare." The conclusion of the whole matter is this: Let woman's rights become woman's duties, and woman's suffrage humanity's sufferings, and let her remember that though she have the gift of prophecy, and under- stand all onomies and ologies and the mysteries of spheres and hemi, yea, demi-spheres, though she speak many languages with the tongues of men and of angels, though she be clothed in splendor, so that not even Solomon in all his glory was arrayed like one of them, if she have not charity, it profiteth her nothing. What is this charity, this bright jewel in woman's crown of glory, which is co-eval with the ages ? For, in the Mosaic institutions, there abound laws which inculcate tenderness, compassion and merciful care for human kind and the lower animals. Doubtless, the ferocity of a nomadic race was greatly restrained by these humane enactments, and the sweet amenities of life were encouraged to blossom even amid the ster- ility and desolation of the Arabian desert. What is this charity of which the unthinking prattle, and which earnest men and women find it an herculean task to grapple with ? Everything that can uplift the condi- tion of that great mass of poverty and ignorance, which forms the lowest and largest stratum of civilized socie- ties, comes under the definition of charity. Everything which seeks to remove the curse of poverty from those upon whom it has come down, not only in hereditary entail, but upon whom it has held mortgages before 148 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. even the deeds were put into their hands, is charity. And everyone, from the legislator who makes wise laws for the benefit of the poor, to the young girl who per. suades a maidservant to lay aside some of her earnings instead of squandering them, is an agent in the cause of charity. If it is true that charity covers a multitude of sins, it is also true that it brings to light a multitude of virtues. If use and abuse enter into this field, it is only because human nature will not change, even though benevo- lently disposed both to give and to receive. The uses of charity, like those of adversity, are sweet. The abuses of charity, like those of experience, are stepping- stones to higher things. If charity succeeds in uniting doubters, atheists and devotees under a common creed that of humanity it fulfils a divine mission. If it notices one raven's fall, and uplifts it to a purer atmos- phere, it asserts man's likeness to God. If charity unlocks the left hand as well as the right, it explodes a poor theory, and removes a honeyed morsel that has been chewed too long. The fear of disobeying the command that the left hand shall not know what the right hand gives has, in many cases, paralyzed the right hand altogether. It would be as well to let the left hand into the secret. There are a few persons capable of silent and unrecognized labors for the poor, but the larger number must always be stimulated by the recog- nition of the world. If charity gives employment to the idle rich, let alone to the idle poor, it prevents much mischief. If it asserts its claim as woman's prerogative, it gives the woman's cause an impetus devoutly to be wished. If a true charity teaches a false charity that there is no cause for a paean of self-gratulation when reports, newspapers and pulpits announce that in one year so many cases were relieved by donations of money WOMAN'S PLACE IN CHARITABLE WORK BENJAMIN. 149 and food, or so many poor families were given traveling expenses from one city to another, it asserts its higher and better aims. If charity succeeds in basing its opera- tions on a strictly quid pro quo principle, and thereby blots out from its vocabulary the word relieve, and sub- stitutes the word prevent, it will then indeed "drop like the gentle rain from heaven." Of the abuses of charity more can be said. It is abused by the individual who gives indiscriminately, and by the individual who receives with the same indis- crimination. It is impossible to stir the surface of any of our charitable institutions without discovering the wholesale imposition practiced. If a charitable door is opened, whether it lead to a benevolent individual or to a benevolent society, the throngs that enter are mainly shams and cheats. The fault often rests with a chari- table system which shifts the duties of a whole commu- nity to the shoulders of a generous, but not always judi- cious minority. If the alms capriciously bestowed in a single month were, at the end of that time, collected and distributed with order and intelligence, the result would prevent pauperism from following in the wake of charity. Organized or scientific charity aims to correct this evil. The time has passed for the Charles Lamb-like philosopher to sneer at scientific charity. It is as sen- sible to sneer at scientific physiology, or scientific anat- omy, or at scientific anything else, as at scientific charity, which is merely a phrase describing an intel- ligent system of treating poverty, founded on the widest actual experience and the most careful thought. The amelioration of humanity under its varied phases of misfortune must become a science, the appliances of which must be carefully studied, or the obstacles to good works will be increased. The spirit of association 150 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. involving unity of purpose also involves division of labor, so that individual charity in the shape of personal contact and friendly visitation is not excluded. While it offers the means of realizing the loftiest enterprise, it also gives efficacy to the humblest efforts. Of many charitable institutions, both public and pri- vate, there is no end, and their name is legion. Millions of money are expended every year in benevolent work by countless charitable societies and countless institu- tions. Among these the Jewish charities assume no mean proportions. Judaism, in its broadest sense, is synonymous with humanity, and the expression, " rich as a Jew," is merely negative, implying that there are no poor Jews depending on any but their own charities. There is no philanthropic work where Jewish women, when permitted, do not take an active and a leading part. Yes, our cities are full of charities, some languish- ing for lack of funds and personal interest, others flour- ishing with noble endeavor and achievement. Our cities are also full of persons who give freely, and who seem ready to plunge recklessly into the formation of still more charity-societies and buildings. And yet much of this must be effort absolutely wasted, since poverty increases, ignorance runs riot, and crime keeps pace with these. It strikes us that an increase in the number of churches erected bears an inverse ratio to that of char- ity institutions. Besides, more churches do not always imply more church-goers. But more charity buildings seem to augment the ranks of the poverty-stricken. " The poor ye always have with you," is true, but it is equally true that much brick and mortar, many asylums and institutions are only a panacea for ills, not a cure. Preventive and educational charity this is the remedy. Some one has said that nudity and rags are only human idleness and ignorance out on exhibition. Every charity, WOMAN'S PLACE IN CHARITABLE WORK BENJAMIN. 151 no matter how important or how beautiful, that does not tend to prevent the evils of idleness and ignorance, defeats the very end for which it exists. Give work to the able-bodied idle, and you do much to empty refuges for the unfortunate. Establish an orphan's society that shall possess not one brick in the way of an asylum, but that shall create a thousand new homes, individual homes, for a thousand street Arabs, and you have a remedy for juvenile pauperism. It is the influence of work over idleness, of homes over institutions, that is needed. Volumes full of truth and eloquence might be written on this subject. But the pen of the writer would have to be dipped into a sunbeam to write, with sufficient eloquence, of the benefits of the education of the poor. It is a well-worn axiom that where ignorance prevails there is the greatest amount of pauperism and crime. If much cannot be done with the old and hard- ened pauper something can be done with his child. The prophecy of Fichte is true, " The first generation will be the only one upon whom it will be necessary to use constraint." Succeeding generations will lean toward education as the flowers toward the sun, as the dry leaves to the refreshing rain. Much has been done, but there is much more left undone. There are times when the limitations of man's power to help man's need drive one into despondency and despair. We reap our little corner, and see the wide fields stretch beyond, not only unsown, but unploughed. Who shall take these matters in hand ? Shall they be left to legislation ? Yes, if legislation were ideal. Look at Europe; its very heart is being eaten out by the cancer growth of all sorts of dreadful isms, because df too much, or perchance too little, legislation. Look at our own country. Legislation has much to answer for, and its responses, like those of the oracle of old, are often 152 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. unsatisfactory, if, coming from a silver State, I may be permitted to criticise recent legislation. And in this connection I may be pardoned if I speak with special pride of Denver's charities at all times, but especially in these times that have tried its soul. When a legislation, without legislating, shut down Colorado's mines, and thrust thousands of men with their dependent families out into a sea of trouble, Denver's men and women came nobly to their relief. The history of its Governor's misunderstood remark of " blood to the bridle " has been written up and spread abroad in article upon article, and illustrated in cartoon upon cartoon, by newspapers that are fond of sensations, and by those whose printers' devils, were there no sensations, would cry for " copy " in vain. But what about the unwritten history of the deeds of charity done in Denver? When in one night like magic there sprang up, in the open field, hundreds of homes in the shape of tents for the homeless, provided with food for the hungry? What about the public works pushed for the sake of giving employment to the idle ? What about heaping coals of fire on the enemy's head by sending car-loads of food from Denver to the unemployed of "gold-bug" New York ? Colorado's skirts may be trailed in the dust, but with such a record, her head must rise peerless to the skies. Hence it is evident that, until a legislation becomes ideal, nothing can touch the evils of poverty so well as the work that can be done outside of State and even church by those who have the heart to feel, the hands to do, and, above all, the time to do it in. For the real growth of philanthropic work depends upon the time intelligently devoted to it. It seems conclusive that it is to woman that we must look as the invincible agent in this work. She is divinely appointed, and innately fitted, and for the most WOMAN'S PLACE IN CHARITABLE WORK BENJAMIN. 153 part endowed with what is of essential value leisure. To the unoccupied woman the plea arises loudest. When we speak of unoccupied women, we mean, not only the familiar type of the woman indifferent to all things, but also those who live in careless comfort, and who some- times satisfy their half-awakened consciences by giving to the poor what they can readily spare from their well- filled larder and press. Often the quality of such charity of cold victuals and old clothes is much more apt to bless those who give than those who take, by relieving larder and press of burdensome effects. We also include those women who pass long mornings at society sewing- circles, full of the idea that they are discharging their duty to the poor, when the essential labor of personal contact, of judicious investigation and education is left undone. Such sewing has to be done, but let it be rele- gated to the pauper women who are supported in idle- ness, and be paid for. There is an appallingly large class of these unoccupied women, rich as well as poor, and it is vastly important to develop this wasted power into labor for the common good. Work is the appointed lot of all, and neither the lazy rich nor the lazy poor can escape this edict. Position, influence and wealth are not indispensable. The widow's mite of time serves here as the coin of old. " Every man hath business, such as it is," and indeed the most delicate butterfly of fashion sighs: "I am so busy," but the question should be forced upon you, pretty butterfly, " What is this busi- ness?" Suppose an ideal legislation should place a levy on your time in favor of the unfortunate, after the manner of the tithes of feudal times ? Suppose an ideal legislation should draft you into a standing army of women of leisure to do charity service ? and train you in the best tactics of social usefulness, thus teaching you that only by having the interests of the poor at i54 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. heart can you become a good citizen, thereby also per- petuating the idea that you cannot live to yourself alone, but must bear others' burdens ? It would tax the limits of this paper to enlarge upon the beauties of such a scheme. We can give only the merest diagnosis of the disease, and only hint at the remedy. If to do were as easy as to suggest what were good to do, chapels had been workshops, and poor men's unsafe tenements sani- tary cottages. Did every spark let fall from the pyro- technic display of eloquence offered within these walls at the myriad congresses held here, take effect, there would arise a conflagration, compared with which your fire of '71 would be as "moonlight unto sunlight, and as water unto wine." It is an old legend of just men, noblesse oblige, or superior advantages bind you to larger generosities. Hence the more gifted the woman, the more goods she is endowed with, the more leisure she possesses, the greater the demands on these resources. Bentham's principle, " the greatest good to the greatest number," is most true of charity. The benefits of the more fortunate must be bestowed on the less, or they convict themselves of unfitness to possess their advan- tages. Surely the graces of culture and wealth will not be thrown away if exercised among the humblest and the least cultured, for they need them and must have them, or they will remain blind forces in the world, the levers of demagogues, who preach anarchy, and misname it progress. There is no culture so high, no refinement of wealth so exquisite, that it cannot find full play in the broadest field of humanity, and there shed a light which shall illumine surrounding gloom, and without which life is like one of the old landscapes into which the artist forgot to put the sunlight. If your fruits are gathered up in storehouses and barns, they must decay WOMAN'S PLACE IN CHARITABLE WORK BENJAMIN. 155 and die. If your coin is put into chests and vaults, the moth and rust must corrupt and destroy it. No matter what her walk in life may be, woman can take up arms in the cause of charity. Whether she be on the highways or in the by-ways, she can find ample scope for her energies in this work. Whether she walk in the day-nurseries, through the kindergartens, in the industrial schools, out in the trades with the wage-earners, into the tenements, into the hospitals, out in the streets, into the homes of the poor and the rich " the ways, they are many, the end it is one." It is said that women have a mania for organizing, and that doctors encourage this as a cure for nervous prostration. This sly insinuation, with all its attendant sneers, would lose its force, did women put forth all their executive efforts in ways for which they are pre-eminently fitted, and for ends uni- versally good. If woman must be an organizer, with all the influence which that implies, let her emphasize the fact at her meetings, clubs, and congresses, that woman's sphere may comprise, among other things, suffrage, dress reform, and charity, but that the great- est of her duties is charity. If the woman's-rights woman thinks, with Mrs. Browning, that " male chiv- alry has died out," let her remember that in the cause of charity " women may be knight-errants to the last. A greater Cervantes shall arise who will make his Don a Donna." When woman shall walk (uprightly) in the many ways that charity opens for her, we shall see that a new polit- ical economy will arise that shall be to the old science what the spirit of modern religion is to the ecclesiasti- cism which has been its unwilling mother. Let woman, obeying her divine mission, be the modern Heracles to set free the modern Prometheus. The rocks will take up the chains that long fettered his limbs. The hungry 156 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. vultures of pauperism, ignorance and crime will feed on the carcass of worn-out life, not on the throbbing heart The fire of a divine charity, filling the earth, will flame back to the sun by day and the stars by night. " Watch- ful angels will not wear their faces veiled, and shadows will mimic substance no longer." WOMAN'S PLACE IN CHARITABLE WORK WHAT IT IS AND WHAT IT SHOULD BE. (Discussion of the foregoing paper. ) GOLDIE BAMBER, BOSTON, MASS. Woman's place in charity, to-day, is that of a self- constituted agent for the distribution of food, fuel, clothing and money. Suffering and pitiful want appeal mightily to her tender heart, and alms-giving follows. This is but a " sop to Cerberus," however, and while it relieves the sensitive susceptibilities of the giver, fosters rather than diminishes pauperism, the evil which charity aims to obliterate. In my work among the poor, I have found them, as Tolstoi says, " As other men are," diffi- cult to assist without devoting time and care to them; their wretchedness is not to be relieved by the m?re giving of a bank-note. Since, then, material aid is obviously insufficient to do more than relieve for the day or the hour, it is in the field of aesthetic charity that we must labor to obtain permanent results. If our aim is to effect a change, to redeem the poor and uplift them from their sordid sur- roundings, we must devote time and thought to the character and need of the individual. In Boston, we have commenced with the children, trusting through them to influence their elders; they are the future citizens, and in them we are not obliged to contend with confirmed habits, old-world prejudice and superstitions. Their fresh, young minds are open to (157) 158 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. every new impression, and they readily adapt themselves to changed conditions. The civilizing and educating influence of the public schools is not undervalued, but we consider it necessary to supplement this by special schools, where more attention may be paid to the indi- vidual requirements, to the assimilation and growth of American ideas. Three years ago, through the interest and sympathy of Mrs. J. H. Hecht, an Industrial School was opened with twenty miserably unclean and melancholy little girls for pupils. The school numbers to-day one hun- dred and fifty tidy, self-reliant little women, and they are not half of the number of those who are clamoring for similar advantages. Our first step in character building, after we have won the confidence of the child, is to impress upon its mind the necessity of cleanliness; appreciation of the hygienic value is encouraged by the distribution of free bath tickets, but it would have been impossible to furnish a practical illustration, and enforce neatness with these unfortunate children in their soiled shreds and tatters, if the Hebrew Ladies' Sewing Society had not come to our assistance, and provided shoes, cloth- ing, and new material. Self-respect and industry and order were then developed by teaching the child to keep its clothing in repair. For this, classes were formed, after school hours, in plain sewing, darning and mend- ing. This intimate association with the children re- vealed to us the deficiency of their moral and religious training, and a Sabbath School was the outgrowth. The instruction is not dogmatic, and observance of the forms and ceremonies is not strenuously insisted on so much as an intelligent conception of and adherence to the vital principles of Judaism. Knowing that these girls would be obliged to con- tribute toward the general support of the family at the WOMAN'S PLACE IN CHARITABLE WORK BAMBER. 159 earliest age that the law allows, we endeavor to render them capable of filling good positions. The time after school hours was found to be all too short for thorough and systematic training, so evening classes were inaugu- rated; there sewing is taught in all its branches, both hand and machine work; cutting of white clothes; dress making and fitting by chart and measure, and millinery making and trimming. We are in direct communica- tion with the principal business firms, who send to us for help, and we hear only praise of the neatness and effi- ciency of our pupils. Good manners are cultivated, and opportunities are given the children at religious festivals, concerts and entertainments to meet and mingle with those more favored children who know the charms of a refined home. Friendly relations have also been established with the parents of our pupils, and they have been urged to encourage their children to put into practice the knowledge gained at school. We soon became aware of the ignorance that prevails in these households of how to perform the commonest tasks, or prepare the simplest meal. One feature of the industrial school is the Coun- try Week. During the first summer we attempted cooking and kitchen gardening with excellent results. The utility of such instruction was clearly demonstrated in the improved conditions of the homes. Extension of our future work will therefore be along these lines. Another much appreciated feature of the school is the lending library. These advantages offered to the girls excited the interest and envy of their brothers, who repeatedly appealed to us for corresponding opportunities. It was finally decided to open a boys' club, and a more motley group than the fifty ragged, dirty newsboys and boot- blacks who assembled on the first evening, it would be 160 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. difficult to find. The consternation of the ten or twelve merchants and college men who had gathered to assist us soon gave place to profound interest in their novel occupation. The aims were the same as in the girls' school, to establish habits of honesty, industry and clean- liness, and arouse a spirit of self-reliance and self-respect. As with the girls, a practical illustration of the motto, " Cleanliness is next to godliness," was first insisted on. The depth of enthusiasm of the Harvard man, who himself washed and combed a bright-eyed little gamin, was not participated in by all; but night after night, after study and business hours, social and household demands, these earnest men and women devoted themselves to the making of worthy American citizens. Lectures, readings, debates, informal talks on social, religious and scientific topics, music, games and gymnastics filled the evenings of these boys, and withdrew them from the evil influences of the street. Among the two hundred neatly dressed, well-mannered fellows listening intelligently to a lecture on " The opportunities that America offers to the immi- grant," delivered before them last June, it would have been difficult to recognize the fifty original members. Interest in our work is so widespread that we hope soon to have a well-equipped building, to be devoted solely to the education and development of Jewish youth. This wave of interest has extended even to the parents of our pupils, and renewed fervor in the work of the Sewing Society, and increase in the ranks of the district visitor are direct results. Although more tact and dis- cretion are required, previous attempts in the way of furnishing employment, amusement and instruction to the adults, have proved how much can be accomplished in arousing their dormant self-respect and independence. One visit to their squalid habitations will convince you, as no printed or recited story can, of the necessity of WOMAN'S PLACE IN CHARITABLE WORK BAMBER. 161 "better dwellings" societies. After such a visit you will not doubt the guarded rumors of immorality said to exist there ; moral cleanliness and well-being are greatly dependent on environment, and such surround- ings are degrading and debasing. There is room for more Jewish women on the roll of the society which compels the Board of Health to condemn and landlords to pull down unfit dwellings, and erect in their stead convenient, well-ventilated apartments. No society has greater influence in this work of ele- vating the poor and fitting them for improved conditions than the Boston Women's Educational and Industrial Union, numbering Jewish women among its members. The Young Women's Hebrew Association, although established only two years ago, is also an important factor in the redemption of the poor; it relieves im- mediate want, provides physicians and nurses, and gives occasional outings to the children. A day-nursery and a diet-kitchen are among their plans for the immediate future. Tchernystchewsky, in his book, "What's to be done?" deals with the very people, the problem of whose salvation we are trying to solve; from his state- ments and by our own experience, we learn that it is only through association, by actual contact, that we may hope for their regeneration. The dread of disease and con- tagion should not separate us from our unfortunate brothers and sisters, especially as with crowded thorough- fares, public conveyances, places of amusement, and money, the universal medium of exchange between rich and poor, teeming with germs, we cannot expect to enjoy immunity from disease, even if we keep away from the poor. Wherever and whenever a well-directed movement is inaugurated for the betterment of downtrodden humanity, ii i6z JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. woman's wisest energies should be employed. Her place is in a field of usefulness, bounded only by her good intentions. All Israel suffers in the degradation of its poor; woman is the Messiah come to deliver them from their second bondage of ignorance and misery. She is the educator, the reformer, and the reward of her labor will be the evolution of a nobler race of worthy citizens and respected members of society. WOMAN'S PLACE IN CHARITABLE WORK WHAT IT IS AND WHAT IT SHOULD BE. (Discussion of the foregoing paper. ) R. W. NAVRA, NEW ORLEANS, LA. When we turn to the consideration of a subject as far- reaching as the one now before us, it must be remembered that it is an inherent law that the actual facts of the present and the possible ones of the future are influenced by those of the past. Therefore, we, who stand to-day with the broad light of civilization illuminating all avenues of thought, with the gleam of " right purity, right truth, right rapture " shedding rays into the misty future, must seek for the spark of this brilliant and intelligent illumination in the comparative twilight of the past. The vista thus pre- sented is almost endless. Even in the primitive creed of the ancient Greeks, we find that the pure and beauti- ful woman whose form always stood as a type of the most exalted virtue, the one whose arms were entwined about the figures of Hope and Faith, Charity, was con- sidered the greatest. If, then, even with such rivalry, the figure of Charity stood supreme between the other Graces, surely the crown, sceptre and mantle of that rank, which has descended through the ages on all women, must determine the supremacy of her position in the world's charitable work. As the gradual and imperceptible changes of the social scale have taken (163) 164 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. place, and the intellectual ranks given to woman have become established, she has assumed the position of almoner, as alleviator of the sufferings of others, striving to maintain her position as a true disciple of the great Queen Charity, who was so worshiped and so deified in the past. We of to-day who see constantly the great need in our cities among all sorts and conditions of God's people, all races, all ranks, all creeds and all characters, especially since the great immigration of Russia's per- secuted Jews, must feel that there is a vast field for the executive ability of woman, as well as for all her tact, diplomacy, patience and untiring effort in educating the young. It has been my personal experience, and from such data we consciously and unconsciously form our conclusions, that the mere question of money-giving or of gaining subscriptions for charitable work is, espe- cially among the generous-hearted people of our sect, and in our Southern city, not the most difficult problem to solve. Rather the most formidable, because it entails both good and evil, is the injudicious giving of money to the poor. Cases occur to my mind in which some modern Croesus, moved by a sense of pity aroused by a tale of distress, recklessly gives to the applicant enough money to entirely upset his domestic economy, and to make the privation of to-morrow the harder to bear, because of the plenty of to-day. It is for this reason, and because I always believe that in organizations and institutions the judicious expending of the funds entrusted to its officers is of paramount importance, that I often wish it were possible for me to head a crusade, which would find followers in all the world, against careless and unthinking charity. Surely, then, the wise administration of the alms of those who give is a mission worthy of Mrs. Jellyby WOMAN'S PLACE IN CHARITABLE WORK NAVRA. 165 herself. Yet we women who have laughed at that clever caricature have sympathized sweetly with the absorbing interest of this poor enthusiast in the savages of Bor- rioboola Gha, while the members of her own household were even wilder and more uncivilized. This involun- tarily reminds me that it might be well for us all to remember that there is a place for women in the " Char- ity which begins at home," and that those who have really filled the highest place in the world's work, are the women who never permit a conflict between the duty that lies within and that which is without their gate. If, then, there is one woman who has listened to me to-day who will carry home with her, among the many souvenirs of this more than marvelous exposition, one little thought, uttered from out of the fullness of my heart, may it be this: when she rejoices in the pre-eminence of woman in charitable work to-day, let her feel that she is in the position of guide to those who give carelessly, and let her remember always to ascertain the wants as well as the position of the applicant. Also, that absorbing as outside work may be, there is a duty that lies nearer, the one which must be fulfilled to those dear to us, whose claims are undeniable. Then, too, hidden from others, there is a sanctuary within our souls, at the shrine of which we lay our sacrifices, and it is then that we remember that there is a charity which speaketh no evil and thinketh none. This truth exemplified in noble lives has done more than anything else to keep bright the halo that surrounds the figure of Charity for " In Faith and Hope the world will disagree, But all mankind's concern is Charity." WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1893, 8.30 p. M. The interest in this evening's session was so great that it was found necessary to hold an overflow meeting in another hall, over which Mrs. H. Frank presided, and at which all the papers read in Hall 7, the usual meeting place, were repeated. ADDRESS. HANNAH G. SOLOMON, CHAIRMAN. In the first days of the week, I had decided to say a few words of welcome to the fathers and brothers who might attend this evening's session. But so generous has been their attendance during the week that words of welcome are superfluous. But one thing I will say, and that is, that if there is one lesson more beautiful than all others which Israel has taught the world, it is that of the position of woman. Love for the mother, devotion to the wife, sacrifices for the children, these stamp Israel of all times as a civilized nation. And if this week we have been spelling "Jewish Woman " with a capital " J " and a capital " W," it is not less true that we believe you all capital fellows. It is not vain-glor- iously, or in a spirit of boasting that we have been rum- maging the pages of history for the illustrious daughters of Judah, nor do we strive to shine by reflected light. But we have come to teach and to learn. In the pages of history, in the lives of the heroes and heroines, the destinies and possibilities of a people are written. In them, we have been trying to discover ideals for ourselves, our daughters and granddaughters. (166) ADDRESS SOLOMON. 167 I hope I shall not be too severely taken to task r for saying that I am proud of the record made by Jewish women during the past week. I am proud of the ear- nestness shown, best attested by the facts that all our essayists, with one exception, were here to read their own papers, and that our delegates have come from the remotest points to be with us; proud of the unselfish- ness of the women; of the lack of vanity shown by the women of our city, who left every place in the pro- gramme to the women of other cities, accepting only the places left. All this, I think, argues well for the woman-soul of the future that is to lead " upward and on." PRESENTATION OF THE HYMN BOOK. E. FRANK. MRS. PRESIDENT, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : When first the subject of a religious congress was spoken of, the idea suggested itself to a few of our ardent workers that no more fitting time or opportunity would ever present itself for the revival of our forgotten and scattered hymns than at this first Jewish Women's Con- gress. That it is peculiarly woman's sphere to introduce divine and sacred music into the household is self-evident; why should not we, then, deem it a duty to become familiar with the beautiful echoes of the past and the histories that surround them? It is an admitted fact that many of our co-religionists have created the most beautiful and sublime works in the world of sound ; is it possible that the music in connec- tion with the divine service is of an inferior quality ? No ; and yet we have searched so little for its beauties. I believe the main reason for this lack of knowledge has been the want of some book to bring it to us in an easy and intelligent manner, and I am sure the compilers of our Memorial Book have accomplished this end. Let these songs be heard, and they will need no praise to recommend them to you. To many, these revised melodies will bring memories of the sweet and pathetic incidents of their past lives, when, surrounded by those who have long since departed, they knew no greater pleasure than to make their Sab- baths and other holidays perfect so far as their simple mode of living allowed. A feeling of reverence and (168) PRESENTATION OF THE HYMN BOOK K. FRANK. 169 piety is with us as we gaze on these pictures of the past, and why must the sentiment of the old be thrust aside for the rush and hurly-burly of the present ? We have always been called a people of sentiment, though we must refute statements that attribute to us merely senti- ment without ability to act. Music fostered and sung on all occasions can lead us to the greatest of deeds, and then, when within our heart of hearts we feel that we are doing our best, what care we whether " sentiment " is still said to be the main feature of our individuality ? In our new and easy methods of teaching in the Sab- bath School, it has been found unwise and unnecessary to bother the children with the study of Hebrew, but music, the language understood by young and old the world over, must not be buried, and let us hope that our book will fulfil its mission, and every home give it a welcome. " Music! Oh, how faint, how weak Language fades before thy spell! Why should Feeling ever speak, When thou canst breathe her soul so well ? Friendship's balmy words may feign, I/ove's are even more false than they ; Oh ! 'tis only music's strain Can sweetly soothe, and not betray." MISSION-WORK AMONG THE UNENLIGHT- ENED JEWS. MINNIE D. Louis, NEW YORK, " Open thy inouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy." If I am a part of all nature, if I contain a part of the universal soul, or as Emerson says, if " the soul needed me as an organ to contain it," then am I one with the beautiful golden-tinted clouds that float in such blissful contentment; then am I one with the torturing, crush- ing, darkening evil that drags down to the depths of nakedness within and without. Everything in the universe that fulfils its purpose, ultimately reaches upward; even what is matured under the earth's surface has no value till it climbs up into the light; the soul, as part of the universe, partakes of this same upward tendency. If by some chance it should be dragged down, it matters not if it be in my body or in another, it is part of me, and I cannot be relieved from the pain of its dragging, until I lift it up, and gird it with strength that it may freely ascend into the hill of the rejoicing ones of the earth. This is the very essence of mission-work. Our Jewish history teems with records of such under- standing and fulfilment of life's purpose, both through religious propagandism and organized effort for the enlightenment and elevation of a community. The passage in our Bible, " The poor shall never cease out of thy land," is an ever-present mentor, its utterance (170) MISSION WORK. Louis. 171 growing into a louder and louder prophecy that fills men's hearts with fear and trembling, making mission- work tower in men's minds as a barrier of defense. We lightly say that fashion incites it; that because some known accumulators of wealth bring their tres- pass-offerings to charity's altar in endowments for her institutions, and contribute toward various modes of relief, and affect a concern about the condition of the poor as officers and patrons of communal societies, a pre- cedent is established for the socially ambitious to fol- low. But it is something deeper than a mere fad; it is a real concern; there is an actual apprehension that the social body is diseased, and that the virus may be com- municated to any spot, and cause destruction; and beside this, there is, in some, an wwworded, yet sure knowledge, that "if in thy wicked heart, thou sayest, The seventh year, the year of release, is at hand, and thine eye be evil against thy poor brother, and thou givest him naught; he will cry unto the Lord against thee, and it will be sin unto thee." Like a stream that flows with more volume and swift- ness as it approaches its mouth, gathering in its current a constantly accumulating mass of floating matter, so this century is plunging down into the sea of time, whirling along, in its torrent, all the busy, burning thoughts of men; and this hurrying flow draws the people to the shore to anxiously watch it, and snatch therefrom what is valuable, before it is swept into the unsearchable depths of that ever broadening sea. We have come to watch mission-work, and take from it what seems to us best. See ! the claims of the far-away savage heathen that, for so many centuries, monopolized the efforts of the zealous, are no longer paramount. " Borrioboola Gha " has been supplanted by " Whitechapel," " Mulberry 172 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. Bend," and the nearest district tenements. Instead of the outward-bound ship with its cargo of beads and trinkets and gay calicoes and missals, unfurling the Con- stantine banner, see the " People's Palace," the " Uni- versity Settlement," " Hull House," spread their buoyant pennons at our street corners; instead of the sacrament given to wondering, half-dressed, tawny natives in a distant land, see libraries, club-rooms, lecture-halls, trade- shops, given to wondering, half-dressed, pale-skinned natives in our own towns. But what have we Jews to do with this? Mission- work has never been with us of such a character that transformations like those must in rerum natura occur; what we know of the missions of Abraham, Moses, Samuel and Nehemiah, are to us such ideals of effort in behalf of our suffering brethren that they serve as models for all time. It is true, since our denationaliza- tion other peoples have so emphasized the proselytizing motive in mission-work, that we eschewed every consid- eration of the phrase; now that it has assumed a broader scope, compatible with the Jewish conception of human- itarian endeavor, we no longer hesitate to characterize our own philanthropic work as such, and even follow the trend of popular method. I do not propose to discourse upon "Mission-work among the Unenlightened Jews " statistically, to give the number of organizations enlisted for it, with the amounts received and expended therefor; but rather to explore the work, dig deep into the soil to discover the accumulated obstructions thrust in by religious and social persecu- tion of which we Jews share some of the guilt and venture an opinion as to how they might be removed. And to do this, I trust I may be permitted to cite New York City in illustration of its greatest need and the remedies already applied. We know that throughout MISSION WORK. IvOins. 173. .southeastern Europe and Syria, the "Alliance Israelite Universelle," within the past thirty-three years, and the " Anglo-Jewish Association," within the past twenty-two years, have established most successfully their secular, religious and industrial schools, which number fifty-eight primary schools, and twenty-seven workshops or indus- trial schools for both boys and girls; and that the " Anglo- Jewish Association," in connection with the "Jewish Colonization Society," is pursuing a scheme of coloniza- tion, whereby indigent Jews from every part of the world may achieve their regeneration mainly through agricul- tural labors (a scheme much less bruited, less complicated than General Booth's, yet equally comprehensive); and we know that throughout this country, wherever the unfortunate of our people have sought refuge, the most generous assistance has been provided, yet in no place are their needs so great as in New York City. The Jewish arrivals in that port from 1885 to July i, 1893, aggregate 285,894, of whom, up to January i, 1893, 205,416 were exiled Russians.* These people naturally gravitate toward the central body of their compatriots already residing there, chiefly in the Tenth Ward. This ward is the most densely populated area in the world, averaging 25,000 people to the acre. When one hears that one double tenement house contains 297 tenants, one can conceive somewhat of the crowding. In a house in Essex street, which I visited some time ago, the build- ing, front and rear, was occupied by fifty-two families, composed of from three to ten members, besides an almost equal number of lodgers. An ordinance of the Health Board demands that " 400 cubic feet of air-space shall be provided or allowed for each bed or lodger," but the rents are so grinding upon these tenants, that the larger the * Statistics furnished by Hon. A. S. Solomons, General Agent of the Baron de Hirsch Fund Committee. 174 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. family, the greater the need of the $3.00 or $5.00 per month from the lodger, harbored in defiance of the law. This overcrowding, humanely, if not wisely winked at by the authorities, who know that enforcement of this law means eviction for non-rent, is the promoter of a greater evil, the immorality of the young. Where, for instance, seven people sleep in a room, say 14x14, which is used for all living purposes, there can be no privacy; and where modesty is uncurtained, virtue is in danger. But the real source of this evil is the cupidity of the landlords, which encourages this huddling. Most of them, having been former tenants in that locality, and having made their money through industry and saving, know, from long observation, that the most advantageous investment is a tenement-house, which yields a large and sure and speedy income. Usually domiciling themselves in it, often serving as its house- keepers, they hover hawk-like over their tenants, lest there be tardiness in the payment of the dues; every closet is taxed for its quota of revenue; two of these with one fair-sized room constitute an apartment, and such apartments range in price from $7.50 to $16.00 per month, and are seldom repaired or improved, except under threat of the law. This condition, of course, applies to the older houses, which predominate, though the beguiling exterior of the new ones reveals a still condemnable interior. Very recently, a thrifty woman, with five children, whose husband, a cloak-maker, has been out of employment for months he is a non-union man in distress about her rent, came to me. She had recently moved from Ludlow street to Brooklyn, reduc- ing her rent from $13.00 to $7.00. Her former land- lord exacted his payment whether or not they had work, or whether or not they had food. She said, if she had to beg, she would not do it for the landlord, so moved MISSION WORK. Louis. 175 where rent was cheaper, but work scarcer. Our " United Hebrew Charities " essays to meet the emergency of dis- possessed tenants, but any institution would soon be bankrupt, if acceding to every appeal. This matter of rent, which absorbs all the energies of the poor working-class, while it fattens the greedy land- lords, is an important consideration in mission- work; regarding it, the landlords are the ones to whom reformatory effort should be directed. All laws are made fundamentally for the benefit of all people under their jurisdiction; and while some may object to the so-called " government paternalism " in what I am about to advance, it is, nevertheless, the first duty of a govern- ment to protect its people from all manner of oppression. A law to assess dwelling-house property at its intrinsic value, with a fixed percentage for rent, all demanded above the fixed percentage being made confiscate to the government, would soon regulate the rent scheme to the satisfaction of every one but the owners. The venality that such a measure would induce would be guarded against by the unavoidable requirement that the assess- ments for taxation and the assessments for rent must tally; each would serve as a balance sheet against the other, and honesty be ensured, nolens volens. While the strict construction of our constitutions, both State and federal, would render such a proposition impracticable at present, inasmuch as constitutions have been amended, in .the past, in answer to the louder cry for liberty, so they may be in the future. As mission- work is to-day the greatest factor in the legalized amelioration of social abuses, it is quite within the province of the law to effect this one. The condition of the houses within the financial range of the poor is a mighty agent in aggravating all the offences of their poverty. The homoeopathic supply of 176 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. air, light and water affords no recuperation to their fatigued bodies, and while we admonish the miserable tenants to keep their apartments clean, we must admit that, with all our philosophy, we would deem the same circumstances for ourselves most extenuating, in case of our derelictions. When the children clamor for food, and there is no prospect of a day's work to furnish the wherewithal, when the father's coat, the feather pillows, the Sabbath-eve brass candlesticks have all been pawned to still the hungry mouths, can we wonder that no ambi- tion is aroused to keep the dismal apartment in proper condition ? And while we condemn the filth that gains, we partly condone the negligence of the wretched house- wife, to whom life is all a sunless, dingy corner. And here is where the mission-worker must be a law unto him or herself. Encouragement to brace up against misfortune, a loan of money to provide food, the effort to obtain employment for the workers in the family, the supply of a few cleaning implements, with assistance to most pleasingly distribute the sparse furniture, and above all, cheery words of sympathy, and repeated visits, these make up part of the routine practiced by our " Sisterhoods of Personal Service," the " Volunteer Corps of Friendly Visitors to the Tenth Ward," and the institution with which I am connected, the " Louis Down Town Sabbath and Daily School." The newest organization to undertake this work adds to the above routine daily house-to-house visiting, and nursing of the sick discovered in their rounds. It is known as " Visit- ing Trained Nurses under the auspices of the Health Board," and all leading Jewish and Christian communal societies have subventioned it; it is supported by a Jew- ish lady and a Jewish gentleman of New York City,* * Mrs. Solomon Loeb and the Hon. Jacob H. Schiff. The nurses who have, with beautiful devotion, initiated the work, are Lillian D. Wald and Mary Maud Brewster. The scheme is an outgrowth of the " Louis Down Town Sabbath and Daily School." MISSION WORK. Louis. 177 but anticipates becoming a municipal institution. But the most strenuous efforts to maintain cleanliness in these rookeries, where " the three D's, Dirt, Discomfort and Disease " hold high carnival, cannot be so effectual as the complete incineration of them. In a report of Sir Moses Montefiore, relative to his visit to the Holy Land in 1866 to apply the " Holy Land Relief Fund," he says: " It seems to have become the settled opinion of those to whom England would point as the men of the highest intellect, and the greatest experience and zeal in the cause of humanity, that the wisest scheme for being at the same time useful and charitable to the poor, is to be found in the erection, maintenance and improvement of dwelling-houses." As early as 1823, he " presented the synagogue with an estate of thirteen houses in Cock Court, Jewry street, on the condition that the rents arising during five years should form a repairing fund, and then the dwellings should be occu- pied by deserving poor." The progress, the redemption of man, in every sense, depend upon his education, the standard, self-conceived or inculcated, that he strives to attain; no " trolley " contrivance can accelerate it in its prescribed path; by slow degrees the ideas unfold, the objectionable is aban- doned, and the secure causeway laid for further advance. Education to-day is the main instrument of the mission- worker. The last annual report of the "Anglo-Jewish Association " contains the following: "Amid all the omi- nous sounds of ill-will against the Jews which fill the air at this latter end of the nineteenth century, there is one department of work which offers the best antidote to anti-semitism, viz., the education of Jewish children." The Jewish community of New York City is fully awake to this fact, as is testified by the existence of the follow- ing schools, all under charitable maintenance: 1 78 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. Evening classes of the " Young Men's Hebrew Asso- ciation." Evening classes of the " Young Women's Hebrew Association." Evening classes of the " Friendly " and the " Pansey " Club. " Hebrew Technical Institute," for boys. Industrial School of the United Hebrew Charities, for girls. Kindergartens and Industrial Schools of the Hebrew Free School Association, for boys and girls. Kindergarten and Industrial School of the " Bikur Cholim " Society, for girls. Kindergartens of the five Sisterhoods of Personal Ser- vice. Kindergarten of the " Shearith Israel " Congregation. " Louis Down Town Sabbath and Daily Technical School," for girls. Mrs. Ehrich's kindergarten in Allen street. Miss Opper's Russian night school, for boys. Preparatory English Classes, and Evening and Trade Schools of the " Baron de Hirsch Fund " Committee. The majority of these efforts is directed to the Tenth Ward. The most recently adopted methods for those above fourteen years of age are weekly entertainments given by ladies and gentlemen of culture, and weekly instruct- ive lectures on the history and government of the United States, which the " Hebrew Institute " the representa- tive building of the " Hebrew Free School Association," the "Aguilar Free Library," and the '' Young Men's Hebrew Association " provided during the past year; and loan exhibitions of fine art, which the " University- Settlement " presented. These are commendable, but they will fail in their purpose, if the people who are to MISSION WORK Louis. 179 profit by them are to be continually relegated to their original surroundings. Their foreign language and cus- toms are their most flagrant offenses here, and as long as they are permitted to transplant their section of Poland, Russia, or Roumania to a certain area on this soil, it is still the old country, though ostensibly America. Envi- ronment is the first educator; and until the legions of the Tenth Ward can be decimated by distribution throughout the city or elsewhere, where their character- istics can become modified by other environment, much of educational effort amongst them will be unresponsive. The " Baron de Hirsch Fund Committee," the " United Hebrew Charities," and the " Volunteer Corps of Friendly Visitors to the Tenth Ward," essay to transport them, the first two to the colonies in New Jersey and Connecti- cut and to other parts of the United States; the latter society only to the upper parts of the city. But the little thinning out they can do is infinitesimal. Larger organization is necessary. The status of this newly released community here is analogous to that of the returned captives from Babylonia to Judaea; and even at this remote date, the sagacious action of Nehemiah in dividing the area apportioned to them into small dis- tricts, and in placing over each a worthy, able and con- scientious officer to maintain order and manage their affairs, is most suggestive. Can we not think that sim- ilar precautions might have averted the recent outbreaks among our unemployed, easily inflamed brethren, to whom liberty is so new that they do not yet know how to handle it ? To return to the educational processes. Where the tendency is largely toward entertainment specially pro- vided, it is apt to engender a pruriency for culture that can, with circumscribed opportunities, be gratified by only an imitation of it. Mr. Ruskin says: " Sure good i8o JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. is first in feeding people, then in dressing people, then in lodging people, and lastly in rightly pleasing people, with arts, or sciences, or any other subject of thought." He says further, if every effort were made " to enforce the organization of vast activities in agriculture and commerce, for the production of the wholesomest food, and the proper storing and distribution of it, so that no starving shall any more be possible among civilized beings," .... if every means were tried whereby " the children within your sphere of influence shall no more be brought up with careless habits of person and dress," . ... if every effort were made to obtain "vigorous legislation and cutting down of vested interests that stand in the way of proper lodgment," and this pursued " till we are breathless, every day, all the fine arts will healthily follow. . . . And out of such exertion in plain duty, all other good will come; you will find nearly every educational problem solved, as soon as you truly want to do something." Several years of personal knowledge, and concentra- tion of thought on the subject of improving the intel- lectual condition of our unenlightened Jews have not yet privileged me to affix to the problem, quod erat dem- onstrandum. Every girl who has caught the infection of culture from the grand dames who cater to her amuse- ment rather disdains plain, homely labor ; she aspires to nothing less than to be a stenographer or a school teacher. It requires at least four generations of culture to mold the teachers who are to give proper direction to the soul- growth of our young; and certainly the phraseology requisite for a competent stenographer is dependent on the facile use of correct language, which is acquired as much through association as study; this unfitness, although disclaimed, makes the poor Jewish girl a type of unskilled labor. Of course, there are gratifying and MISSION WORK Louis. 181 noble exceptions to this rule; but I think it is timely to direct the attention of the mission-worker to the inor- dinate and incongruous aspiration of the young through following many of the present methods. Mr. Zangwill says: " People who have been living in a Ghetto for a couple of centuries, are not able to step outside merely because the gates are thrown down, nor to efface the brands on their souls by putting off the yellow badges." The reaction from the long isolation is visible in every degree of push and ostentation, and is a phase of the injury so long endured, and must be judiciously treated by the mission-worker. In contradistinction to the indiscretion of elevating the unenlightened Jews too suddenly into an unaccus- tomed atmosphere of culture Moses kept them in the wilderness till the older generations had entirely passed away there is the danger of unwittingly aiding them to keep in the depths of degrading pauperism. Mr. Zangwill says again, in his proem to " The Children of the Ghetto:" " The beggar felt no false shame in his beg- ging. He knew it was the rich man's duty to give him unleavened bread on Passover, and coals in winter, and odd half-crowns at all seasons; and he regarded himself as the Jacob's ladder by which the rich man mounted to Paradise." This class is not yet extinct; it flourishes in the Tenth Ward of New York City, its pathetic woes ever intensified by increasing numbers. The fathers seldom make the appeal; the peddler's box or the push- cart withholds their dignity from such humiliation; but the wives and the children are faithful and energetic ambassadors, whose smiles and tears are ready accesso- ries to their pleading. In accordance with the growing method of the scien- tific application of relief, which precludes response to an appeal before official investigation has been made, we 182 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. are teaching ourselves to deliberate, inducing a scepticism of declared wants that is usually unjust Very recently, during the struggle for existence occasioned by the present paralysis of labor, a Jewish woman in the Tenth Ward, who for two days was without food, each day placed her cooking vessels filled with only water on her oil stove, to induce the belief that she was pre- paring her customary meals. And yet various newspa- per reporters, even Jewish male investigators, could find no case of starvation. One of the trained nurses discovered this one. We were taught by our pious Jewish mothers, " Cast thy bread upon the waters," and they felt sure that none but the hungry would reach out for it. It is true that the ceaseless cry for help demands sys- tematic dispensing of charity to avoid confusion and error. But there should be no opportunity to beg. " If there be among you a poor man of any of thy brethren, within any of thy gates in thy land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not harden thy heart, nor shut thine hand from thy poor brother. But thou shalt open thy hand wide unto him, and shalt surely tend him sufficient for his need, in that which he wanteth." Our bureaus of relief for any kind of assistance, monetary or otherwise, should be abrogated, and superseded by Co- operative Loan Associations, based and conducted on the strictest business principles, their benefits accessible to all, the charges not to exceed, but rather to fall under the legal rate of interest. This would be the surest means to extirpate beggary, yet help a man in his direst need, in a manly way. Such a project is not at all chimerical, as the great " Monts-de-pie"t " in many cities of Europe testify; and if our men think it too lillipu- tian for their consideration, I would suggest that our vromen ponder it, and develop it. Whoever has been MISSION WORK L,OUK. 183 besieged by the poor mothers whose families are shuddering under the Damocles' sword of impending destitution that sickness or non-employment of their breadwinners holds over them, will properly estimate the necessity for some honorable means to avert the danger. Certain it is, our present methods are neither adequate nor just. We put humanity at a discount, and then wonder that it becomes depreciated. But what we want most to do for the material relief of our poor is to busy ourselves with the proper adjust- ments of labor and capital, the regulation of schools to the equal development of brain and handicraft, and the compulsory attendance of every eligible pupil, which must all be effected through legislative action. And we want for this, legions of mission-workers who can appre- ciate these needs from personal knowledge of the condi- tions, and who will not stop till they have razed the obstructions to equal opportunity, which opens the gate to all true progress. We expect, in the hoped for influence of our most approved philanthropy, to see our unenlightened brethren speedily divest themselves of their persecution-pampered ways, and appear in the pleasing garb of amenity to all the leading demands of our present culture; we do find our foreign unenlightened brethren all too soon becom- ing Americanized, but in ways we did not calculate upon. We find them entering our prisons to such an extent that necessity has arisen for the latest organiza- tion, the "Society for the Aid of Jewish Prisoners." "This fact hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations; they say unto thee, Art thou also become weak as we ? Art thou become like unto us ? " We do not want so much to Americanize them as to Judaize them, or rather to help them to know their Juda- ism. Biit who amongst us are the enlightened ones to go 184 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. down to teach them? Are the unenlightened only ainongst the poor ? And are all the poor unenlightened ? Mr. Jacob A. Riis tells us in his " Children of the Poor: " " It happened once that I came in on a Friday evening at the breaking of bread, just as the four candles on the table had been lit, with the Sabbath blessing upon the home and all it sheltered. Their light fell on little else than empty plates and anxious faces; but in the patri- archal host who arose, and bade the guest welcome with a dignity a king might have envied, I recognized with difficulty the humble peddler I had known only from the street." In what of real worth are we wiser or better than they ? We glorify the Jew while we almost aban- don Judaism. Like Solomon and Hezekiah, we boast- fully show our treasures to the world, scarcely guarding the stronghold. We point to Moses as the world's purest type of intellectual and moral grandeur, and yet too many of us deride the work wherein his grandeur lay; we even presume to say that his wonderful code, except the ten commandments, was only for the time in which he lived. Who can disprove that the Sabbatical year was the most far-seeing scheme of humanity that ever occurred to mortal? Do we know whether if, in the seventh year, the needy were entitled to all the over- plus in the fields and from every harvest, poverty and discontent would not be reduced to a minimum ? We imitate others, and we do not know what powers are in ourselves, and how we may still show mankind the way to happiness. Why shall we not now awe them, and weaken their hands, raised against us, by the over- powering glory of our righteousness, which we must derive from our Law? By our rapid heart-throbs when we hear the Jew spoken of, in praise or censure, by the quickening current of intelligence that flashes through our brain when we hear our God spoken of, by the calm MISSION WORK Louis. 185 mastery that possesses us when we hear of worldly strifes, and by the glad response in our soul when we hear of the promised universal brotherhood, we feel that we have been chosen to guide God's ark of truth through the shoals of human error; though too often with such unreverential Uzzah hands that we have been smitten down beside it. Our survival is a marvel to man; do we not recognize the will of the Almighty in it? If we were not doomed to perish with the buried nations who have been contemporaneous with us, we must have something to do in the world. Why are we here to-day, strong as ever in our physical and mental strength, our individuality not eliminated? Surely we have a trust; yes, we have the grandest mission ever conceived: " I the Lord have called thee in righteous- ness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles; to open the blind eyes, to bring out the prison- ers from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison-house." But before we can lead other peoples to the pure hill of the Lord, we must ourselves be pure; before we go down to purge the infected quarters, we must first cleanse ourselves. We must put away the stranger's gods pomp and luxury that have denied our sanctuary. Even the " princes of the captivity," those men whose wisdom is an inextinguishable splendor, indulged in the vanities of wealth; and though " absorbed in the task of upholding the Law and Jewish life," took no heed of the Jewish peasants, who drifted into a neglected mental and moral state. Professor Graetz says: " Thus left to themselves and cut off from the higher classes and from all share in communal life, without a leader or adviser, the peasants easily fell under the influence of young Christianity." And when we see to-day Christian missions springing up among our 1 86 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. neglected Jews, we have no right to condemn them; it is we who deserve the condemnation for unfaithfulness to our duty. As the mountains pour down their floods irresistibly into the valleys, impregnating them with new, beauti- ful life and vigor, so, if we fill our souls from the foun- tains of Judaism, the spirit will overflow, and descend to the low-lying plains, to refresh and invigorate into- new, beautiful life our wounded, weak, languishing brethren. You Jewish women of Chicago, all Israel honors you T You have inaugurated a new mission of enlightenment ! Like unto Samuel, you have gathered us together to unite us, that we may gain strength, to arouse in us a thirst for better knowledge of our people and our trust, with a more loyal allegiance to both, through which we may become invested with that holiness that will make even our enemies wish to worship with us. Oh ! that every voice here might become a prophet's voice to urge us on to the redeeming shore ! And every daughter of Israel here become a Miriam to sing the song of triumph: arrogance and ignorance, vanity and viciousness, unfaithfulness and undoing hath He thrown into the sea ! May each lead the forward march, under the cloud-pillar of life's duties and the fire-pillar of God's glory, into the promised land of peace, of plenty and of blessing. MISSION-WORK AMONG THE UNENLIGHT- ENED JEWS. (Discussion of Ike foregoing paper. ) REBEKAH KOHUT, NEW YORK. The subject so ably treated by my friend, Mrs. Louis, happily fell to her lot, for I doubt whether a Jewess in this broad land can claim that pioneer knowledge and experience which undoubtedly belong to her, whose name is a household word in connection with educa- tional work, and who has rescued families upon fami- lies from darkness and despair. In our great city of New York, no practical question concerning the wel- fare of Judaism is of more vital importance than that of mission-work among the Jews. It will not be my aim to show what mission-work was among our people. Judaism is a stronghold of liberality and independence, in that each of us may worship our one and only God according to the belief that is within him, and yet belong to the grand old faith which inspired Moses to write down the laws of ethics and morality, which have maintained law and order among mankind up to the present date, the most perfect code of laws conceived by the mind of man of all times and ages, past, present and future. The great every-day phrase, " we are not proselytizers," here changes into the paradox -Judaize unenlightened Jews. I feel quite sure that at the first view of the subject of our discussion, the question at once presents itself, "Unenlightened Jews?" Our down- town brethren, of course. Friends, a twofold discussion is most necessary. There are two missions incumbent upon each of us. I plead for Judaism first. We must (187) 1 88 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. Judaize the brother who, though refined, conscious of his duties toward man, has neglected his great and fore- most duty, the salvation of his own soul. It is our ear- nest and sacred duty, the duty of those of us who have been fortunate in having had parents who have instilled into us a love for our faith, to see that that faith shall not die, but shall live among the sons of men. Our first great need is within ourselves. We who believe, we who are possessed of that great stronghold, faith, who are happy in the consciousness that there is an ever- living, ever-loving one God, the God of our forefathers, must, by the contagious example of heroic self-sacrifice and toiling beneficence, inspire others, less tutored in the ancient creed, and not so susceptible to the heart- throbs of nineteenth century culture. To strike at the root of all existing evils lurking in the pursuit of genuine missionary work among the un- civilized denizens of the sequestered Ghettos, here and elsewhere, is possible only, allow me to make the start- ling avowal, by the extermination of corrupt theories and wrong preconceptions in the minds of refined aristo- crats, who lay claim to superior fineness, and this course only will pave the way for admitting those deluded and decried co-religionists not basking in the bright sun- gleam of refinement and elevation. " Sin croucheth before the door," is applicable to patrician as well as plebeian life. The lord of the mansion, the purse-proud owner of palatial homes, the full-fledged aristocrat of fortune, disdains to recognize the duty of caring and nurturing his outcast brethren, whom the solace of kind- lier, humaner touch, the condolence of tenderer, less brutal persuasion, would mold into rare models of repre- sentative Jewish thought, Jewish feeling and endeavors. The Russian Jew is a pariah in the midst of his con- freres. Semitic anti-semitism is the bane of modern MISSION WORK KOHUT. 189 Israel. The opulent members of society, fancying them- selves enshrouded in a pleasing halo of centred admira- tion and universal homage, haughtily lift their heads in the gentle zephyr of prosperity, and, for fear of contract- ing an inconvenient cold, take scrupulous care not to be ushered into the stiffly blowing gale of neglect and total abandon, where those whose hearts' blood is the law of antiquity, the sublime doctrines of the mother-creed of mankind, and who, above all surviving races, now amal- gamated with the jealous, ever-complaining world, pos- sess most eminently the traditional treasure, imparted to posterity by the lightning and thunder of Sinaic admo- nition. With our Russian brethren, those derided char- acters on the stage of life's thrilling drama, abides the imperishable impulse of all-permeating and time-tran- scending faith-lore a faculty for trust, a gift for com- prehending in ethereal conception the import and sublimity of that written heritage which traveled far and wide, and crossed the darkest oceans of Israel's destiny upon the frailest bark of uncertain safety and restless quietude. In barbaric Russia, where the autocratic Torquemada of tyranny wields the sceptre of oppression with unre- mitting force, where clerical authority, enveloped in superstitious awe, is the most potent civilizing power of a modern nation, rescued from the tombs of antiquity, the chosen people demonstrated their allegiance to that time-honored standard, and remained to this day the readers of the Book. The Bible saved their intellect from the throes of benighted guile, the Bible requited a persecuted herd of nomads with the milk and honey of eternal memories for every momentary agony, for every fleeting pain. But the Bible is an ancient book. Its code of ethics is not necessarily congruous with modern ideas of conduct 1 90 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. and etiquette. The Jews, amid primitive surround- ings, devoid of polite arts and refining impetus, preserve intact the seeds of that old-time culture which needed but the fostering care and paternal guidance of a pro- phetic Moses. They lacked the redeeming Messiah of mercy, fraternity and tolerance to lead them forth out of the house of bondage into the Canaan of enlighten- ment, which has found its most glorious realization in the United States of America. Why harp on the deficiencies and glaring faults of these children of the Ghetto, who have but lately crossed the Red Sea of strife, and are as yet deeply intoxicated with the martial ring of victory? Why emphasize so unfeelingly the dearth of refinement, the lack of culture ? Who was there in holy Russia God save the mark ! to release them from the thralldom of uncouth manners or even the valley of sin ? None. And who are there to lend a helping, nay, a saving hand here ? The women of America ! The religiously enlightened matrons of our country, delivered from the oppressor's yoke, must dive into the depths of vice to spread culture and enlightenment among our semi-barbaric Russian immigrants, not insusceptible to the keen edge of the civilizers' art. With this prolegomena, let us go into medias res. Friends ! Let us now turn to that side of the question which, indeed, is the Gordian knot of our difficulties. I almost fear to touch it when I think how slight results are as compared with the tireless efforts one must expend to attain them. I do not know whether your cities are the haven of so much abject and depraved poverty as we find in New York. I have lived in Baltimore and San Francisco, and can say, from experience, that from the very nature of things, one finds more depravity and MISSION WORK KOHUT. 191 greater poverty in the larger city. This, I believe, is a self-evident fact. New York is the dumping ground of the Russian exile, and coming as he does from benighted Russia into the great Ghetto of America, the tempta- tions that are held out to the wanderer are very great. How often have I heard a mother bewail the downfall of a heretofore dutiful son or daughter ! How often found the deserted wife with children, or met the hus- band torn by the pangs of jealousy of the faithless spouse ! It is that great serpent which grows by what it feeds upon, which one finds living under the same roof with poverty vice. The experience of our little band, called the Ahavath Chesed Sisterhood, shows that fully twenty-five per cent of the poor who appeal to us for aid are the unfortunate victims of desertion. O, my sisters ! ye who are the mothers of noble sons and fair daughters, ye who are the respected wives of true and noble men, think of the enduring torture that must come of poverty, wretched poverty and shame. When we take the history of one poor heart that has sinned and suffered, and represent to ourselves the struggles and temptations it passed through, the brief pulsations of joy, the tears of regret, the pangs of poverty, the scorn of the world, the feeble cry of the little one for the bread that is not there, health gone, hope gone, hap- piness gone, when we think of all this, can we sit by, idly by, unmoved ? No ! " Arise, for the day is calling, and you lie dreaming on." Put on your girdle of charity, light up your lamp of culture and refinement, and go forth into the hovel of your sister, who, without your help and encouragement, will be forever lost. Some months ago I was invited to a conference with Mrs. J. B. Lowell, one of our most estimable women, and a member of the Charity Organization Society of New York City. Said she, " Have you no missionaries, 192 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS. no King's Daughters among your people ? I visit your poor constantly, and have never yet met any of the better class Jewesses in the lower quarter of the city ! " The dart went straight home. I knew too well the truth of her statement. We Jewesses are not missionaries; we do not go into the camp of the lowly and oppressed; we await our sisters at our own doors. We do not hunt out the irreligious, and by precepts and suasion teach them how to live, show them how to die ! It is by personal contact alone that we can be true mis- sionaries ! It is our duty to give, not only materially, but morally as well. We must seek our sister and show her the way. Inspire her with confidence in you that she may feel that in you she has found a friend ! This can be done only by entering her home and her home- life. And now that her door is open to you, and you may enter at will, gently but firmly teach her that cleanliness is next to godliness. Make her see that with a pure soul must be a clean body, and that religion not only means blind faith, but is the golden, luminous setting of that jewel called life. If we narrow the sources of internal comfort and internal enjoyment, we lose some of that treasure which God has given us as absolutely our own. Well, then, our next aim is not only to teach morality, but cleanliness as well. Filth and dirt always accompany depravity. Poverty breeds much, and has much to answer for. Dr. Johnson says, " It is the peculiar misfortune of the afflicted poor that the very circumstance which increases their wants cuts off, by disqualifying for labor, the means of their sup- ply." Poor, at best, when seized by sickness, they become utterly destitute. When I undertook my first rounds among our poor, as a committee of the United Hebrew Charities, the first and greatest discouragement I encountered was the utter MISSION WORK KOHUT. 193 lack of cleanliness which prevailed on all sides. When one thinks that the tenants must carry water up three flights of stairs, and there are always the proverbial large families to be provided with this article of luxury; and, furthermore, when we realize that poverty is not usually a great incentive, but rather dulls the senses, it is most natural that when want leads the way, vice follows, and dirt and disease come up in quick succes- sion. A few women, of whom I was one, formed themselves into a broom and pail brigade, and always making reasonable allowances in exceptional cases, we insist upon a clean home before giving material aid. And more than this, we either wait until house-cleaning is over, or call again in a few hours to convince ourselves that it has been done. Instilling habits of cleanliness promotes ideas of economy and exactness in the recipi- ent, awakens dormant ambitions, and instils a feeling of self-respect. It is, indeed, a privilege to give, but it is a greater privilege to see the beneficial results of our gifts. It has never been charged against our people that we do not take care of our poor, but it has been said, and I fear truthfully, that we do not raise them to the standard of an enlightened citizen. I