58*88 REESE LIBRARY . in UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. REPORTS COMMISSIONERS OF INQUIRY INTO THE STATE OF EDUCATION IN WALES, APPOINTED BY THE COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL ON EDUCATION, In Pursuance of Proceedings in the House of Commons, on the Motion of Mr. Williams, of March 10, 1846, fur an Address to the Qeen, praying Her Majesty to direct an Inquiry to be made into the State of Education in the Principality of f Pales, and especially into the means afforded to the J.ubouring Classes of acquiring a Knowledge of the English language. IN THREE PARTS. PART I.-CAKM ARTIIEN, GLAMORGAN, and PEMBROKE. PART II. BRECKNOCK, CARDIGAN, RADNOR, and MONMOUTII. PART III. NORTH WALES. LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES & SONS, STAMFORD STREET. FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. 1848. INSTRUCTIONS iii PART I. CARMARTHEN, GLAMORGAN, AND PEMBROKE 1 PART II. BRECKNOCK, CARDIGAN, RADNOR, AND MONMOUTH .... 201 PART III. NORTH WALES 421 7 6 2. 6 6 INSTRUCTIONS. Committee of Council on Education, Council Office, Whitehall, Octobei* 1, 1846. SIR, ATTENTION was called, during the last Session of Parlia- ment, to the state of education in Wales, by a motion in the House of Commons, for an Address to the Queen, praying Her Majesty "to direct an inquiry to be made into the state of " education in the Principality of Wales, especially into the " means afforded to the labouring classes of acquiring a know- " ledge of the English language." The Secretary of State for the Home Department under- took on that occasion, on behalf of Her Majesty's late Govern- ment, that such an inquiry should be instituted, and he intimated that it should be conducted under the authority of the Committee of Council on Education. Their Lordships having had this subject under their consi- deration, entirely concur in the expediency of such an inquiry; and, having selected you as one of the persons to whom it is to be entrusted, they have directed me to address to you the following instructions, as to the nature and objects of your Commission, and the mode in which your duties are to be executed. The object of your Commission is, to ascertain, as accurately as circumstances will permit, the existing number of schools of all descriptions, for the education of the children of the labour- ing classes, or of adults the amount of attendance the ages of the scholars and the character of the instruction given in the schools ; in order that Her Majesty's Government and Parlia- ment may be enabled, by having these facts before them, in connexion with the wants and circumstances of the population of the Principality, to consider what measures ought tobe taken ii Instructions, for the improvement of the existing means of education in Wales. The schools for the instruction of the poorer classes in Wales, have chiefly been erected by private beneficence, and some have been endowed from the same source ; such of them as have no permanent endowment are supported by the small payments of the poor, by collections in religious congregations, and by voluntary subscriptions. You will be furnished with a list of those schools which have of late years been erected with aid from Parliamentary grants, and the Reports of the Charity Commissioners will give you useful information as to the endowed schools. You will be able to ascertain by local inquiry, the existence of other schools not comprised in cither of these classes. Their Lordships cannot confer on you any absolute authority to enter into and examine schools, nor to require from any persons information respecting them which they may be un- willing to communicate. Your success will, therefore, in a great degree depend on your own courtesy and discretion in the prosecution of your inquiries, and on that sense of the importance of your Commis- sion which their Lordships trust may pervade all classes ; and on a disposition to co-operate with Her Majesty's Government in the adoption of means for the removal of popular ignorance. Their Lordships confidently anticipate that this disposition will be generally evinced, and will greatly facilitate your labours. Yon will explain to the trustees and managers of the schools, coming within the scope of your inquiries, what is the object of your Commission; and that your visits to them wil! 'be. limited to an attempt to form a just general estimate of the means of education availabe for the poor in Wales. If no objection is made to your visit, you will person- ally examine, where practicable, the condition of the school, keeping in view the following particulars, as those on which it will be important to obtain correct information : The tenure of the school, whether held under a mere temporary occupation, or secured by deed for ever, or for a term of years the capacity of the schoolroom the state of the school furniture and appa- ratus the number of the children on the books the average attendance the organization of the school, and the methods used the subjects professed to be taught the time allotted Instructions. iii to each the books used whether the children are instructed in the Welsh language, or in the English, or in both whether in each case in the grammar or not the actual condition of their instruction on all subjects professed to be taught. You will ascertain the amount and sources of the annual income available for the necessary expenses ; the number of teachers their ages, whether trained at a normal school,, or at a model school for what period and when. At what age they com- menced their vocation as teachers ; their previous occupation the salaries of each teacher their income from school pence, and other emoluments. Whether they follow any trade, or hold any other office. Whether they have a house rent-free, a garden rent-free, fuel, or other emoluments. Whenever you have means to form a just estimate of the qualifications and attainments of the master, it should be so stated as not to operate as a discouragement to humble but deserving men, who may have had few opportunities of educa- tion. Where circumstances may render it impracticable to institute a minute personal inquiry, you will endeavour, by such means as will be available, to obtain as much information, on which reliance can be placed, as possible. Numerous Sunday-schools have been established in Wales, and their character and tendencies should not be overlooked, in an attempt to estimate the provision for the instruction of the poor. The Sunday-school must be regarded as the most re- markable, because the most general, spontaneous effort of the zeal of Christian congregations for education. Its origin, organization, and tendencies are purely religious. The amount of secular instruction communicated is generally limited to the art of reading ; while, therefore, you avail your- self of any opportunities afforded you to enter such schools, you will bear in mind that they are schools of religion, and that the respect which is due from you, as an officer of the Government, for the liberty which religious communities enjoy, should render you exceedingly careful that you in no degree infringe the civil privileges of religious congregations, either while in the schools, or by the use you may make of the information you may be per- mitted to acquire. The results of your inquiries will be important in proportion as they are complete and accurate, and you will be provided iv Instructions. with such temporary aid as may be necessary for the purpose of collecting and arranging the statistical facts which will be embodied in your report. In some parts of the country, it will probably be necessary that you should avail yourself of the services of persons possessing a knowledge of the Welsh lan- guage. In reporting on the number and description of schools in any district, you will not fail to keep in mind the amount, character, and condition of the population, and the means available in the district for the maintenance of schools. You will also be enabled to form some estimate of the general state of intelligence and information of the poorer classes in Wales, and of the influence which an improved education might be expected to produce, on the general condition of society, and its moral and religious progress. You will be furnished with introductions to civil and ecclesi- astical authorities, with a view to procure for you their advice and co-operation. And you will be supplied with copies of the printed Minutes of the Committee of Council of Education, containing reports and information bearing on the subject of your inquiries. You will report the resultof your inquiries to their Lordships, limiting the report, in the first instance, to the facts which you will have ascertained. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient Servant, J. P. KAY SHUTTLEWORTH, PART I. REPORT ON CARMARTHEN, GLAMORGAN, AND PEMBROKE. Bv R. R. W. LINGEN, M.A. CONTENTS. PAGE REPORT 1 TABULAR SUMMARIES, viz. PAROCHIAL SUMMARY of Numbers attending Day Schools ; their sex and centesimal proportion to the Population : also of those attending Sunday Schools; their age, sex, and whether Church people or Non-con- furmists ........... 68 [Arranged in the order of the Census Tables.] SUMMARIES OF DAY SCHOOLS I. Tenure, Condition, and Furniture of Buildings ; with proportions per cent, of eacli class to the whole ascertained number of Buildings . 90 II. Stay of Scholars at, and Distance of their Homes from, School; with proportions per cent, of each class to the whole ascertained number of Scholars 91 III. Age and Sex of Scholars, with proportions per cent, to the Population of the same age and sex ........ 92 IV. Method of Instruction and Inspection, with proportions per cent, of each class to the whole ascertained number of schools . . .93 V. Pjoportions of Teachers and Monitors to Scholars . . . .94 VI. Subjects of Instruction ; the number of Scholars found present learning each subject, and their proportion per cent, to the whole number found present; the number of Schools in which each subject was being taught, distinguishing the Schools examined from those not examined 95 VII. Average age of Teachers, Male and Female, at present and at the time of commencing their vocation ....... 95 VIII. Training of teachers, Male and Female, and proportions per cent, of those trained to the whole ascertained number . . .96 IX. Income and condition of Teachers, with proportions per cent, of each class to the whole ascertained number . . . . . .98 X. Ascertained Annual Income of Schools . . . . . .99 XI. Denomination and Classification of Schools and Scholars, with propor- tions per cent, of each Denomination and Class to the whole ascer- tained number . . . . . . . . .100 SUMMARIES OF SUNDAY SCHOOLS ^XII. The number, Age, Sex, and Denomination of Teachers and Scholars in Schools, with proportions per cent, of those under 15 years of age to the whole number, and of the whole number to the population of the same age and sex ; the number of paid Teachers; the proportion of Teachers to Scholars ; the number of Scholars said to be attending Day Schools, and to be living more than 1 miles from the Sunday School 104 XIII. Discipline and Instruction of Sunday Schools, and the number of Scholars in them said to be able to read the Scriptures .... 106 [ 1 ] Inquiry into the State of Education in the Counties of Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke, and especially into the means afforded to the labouring classes of acquiring the English language, under the authority of the Committee of Council on Education, By K. R. W. LINGEN, M.A., Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford. To the Eight Hon. the Lords of the Committee of Council on Education. MY LORDS, 25 > Old Square, Lincoln's Inn. 1 July, 1847. I HAVE the honour to lay before you my Report upon the c>nNnts of district assigned to me, comprising 345 parishes, 7 extra-parochial divisions,, an area of 2376 square miles, and a population (in 1841) of 3f)5,r)58 souls. I found 712 day-schools, said to contain 30,910 scholars, and 913 Sunday-schools, said to contain 79,392 scholars. 23,417 scholars were returned as common both to the day and Sunday- schools. As a general rule, 1 excluded those schools from my inquirv where the lowest terms exceeded 60?. per week. I commenced my inquiry at Llandovery, in Carmarthenshire, J^^ on the 18th of October, 1846, and concluded it. at Merthyr Tydfil on persons t -,n the 3rd of April, 1847. In the course of that period I engaged pl three Welsh assistants, viz. Mr. William Morris (formerly a school- master at Merthyr Tydfil), who joined me at Llandovery on the l ( .)th of October, 1846'; Mr. David Lewis, who joined me at Car- mart hen on the 13th of November, 1846; and Mr. David Williams, who joined me at Swansea on the 16th of February, 1847. Both the latter gentlemen were members of St. David's College, Lam- peter, and were highly recommended to me by the Very Reverend the Principal. After my return to London, I was assisted by Mr. William Younger in calculating the statistical summaries. Of the introductions with which I was furnished to the Lords ( ^| ) J n1r< Lieutenant and Diocesans of my district, by the Secretary of State for the Home Department, I was only enabled to deliver two in person, viz. those addressed to the Marquis of Bute, Lord Lieu- tenant of Glamorganshire, and to the Bishop of St. David's; the remaining introductions I forwarded. However, not only from those to whom I was thus recommended, but on all hands, and among all ranks and denominations, I experienced the greatest willingness to forward the prosecution of my inquiry, and the most friendly and hospitable reception. The mode in which I conducted the inquiry was as follows. JJ^of^oi I established myself successively at Llandovery, Llandilo, Carmar- -inquiry. then, St. dear's, Narberth, Pembroke, Tenby, Haver ford west, St St. David's, Fishguard, Newcastle- Kmlyn,, Llanelly, Swansea, Neath, Bridgend, Cowbridge, Cardiff, and Merthyr, visiting 13 2 On the State of Education in Wales, personally, or by my assistants, the parishes which were most accessible from these centres respectively. 'Besides which, Mr. Lewis was for some time fixed by himself at, St. David's and Newport in Pembrokeshire, and at Cowbridge in Glamorganshire ; Mr. Morris at Letterston in Pembrokeshire, and in the northern part of Glamorganshire ; Mr. Williams in that part of Glamorgan- shire called Gower. The particulars concerning each school, which appear in the tables, were collected by means of printed schedules, containing questions which corresponded with the headings of the columns in the tables. The schedules for day-schools were filled up in the course of personal communication with the teacher, and scholars also, when present. The schedules for Sunday-schools (which could be seen in operation only one day out of seven) afforded much more serious embarrassment, and were not collected in an uniform manner. Throughout Carmarthenshire, and part of Pembroke- shire, the Superintendent was in each case personally waited upon, and the best account which he could give, from books if he had them, if not, from his impression and recollection, taken down. But this mode was open to grave objections, both from the delay and labour which it imposed (of visiting in almost every parish several remote farmhouses, lying often many miles apart), and from the unsatisfactory character of mere oral information, which was usually all that could be had. For this reason, the Sunday- school schedule was subsequently printed in all the principal periodicals and journals, Welsh and English, which circulate in the Principality, with a request that the various Superintendents of Sunday-schools would ascertain the particulars enumerated, so as to have them ready, in an authentic form, when called for, and various persons were good enough to undertake, in different localities, to circulate and collect the Sunday-school schedules throughout, the schools of their several denominations. I regret however to say, that no saving of labour, nor assurance of accuracy and completeness, was effected by this plan. The schedules were often not returned until after repeated correspondence, or returned imperfectly filled. It was impossible to identify them with any previous account of the number of Sunday-schools in the parish, if a Jarge one, owing, partly, to the confusion which arises from the various names scriptural, local, or denominational under which the same school goes; and, partly, because branch schools were sometimes included in, sometimes separated from, the return of the parent school. Allowance must be made for the accuracy of the results of a first attempt to apply the rigid forms of statistical investigation among a class of persons who in general had neither the records nor the habits of mind corresponding to such an inquiry. The Sunday-school tables, therefore, both in their parochial and summed form, must be taken to be the nearest approximations to truth, which under the circumstances, I could, by my utmost Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 3 exertions, collect from the best-informed parties. In 105 Sunday- schools, the number of scholars on the books was returned as 14,354, the average attendance as 14,681 ; the number present was 10,208. The various Reports which appear in the Appendix* were almost Reports in invariably written out on the evening of the same day as the school dix. Appen " or parish was visited, from notes taken on the spot Of those which are not my own, there is no single one which I did not read ovor while the writer was in my presence. I am solely responsible for those which bear no signature. In these Reports there is necessarily much repetition, and many circumstances are narrated which may at first sight appear minute and trifling; but I beg to state in explanation, that I deemed such traits as struck me at the time of my visit, in the teachers' bearing and expressions, or in the condition and furniture of the school-room, as well as the precise words of the scholars' answers, narrated in the same order as that in which they were made, to be better calculated to convey a trustworthy impression than inferences of a more formal character. It should also be borne in mind, whilst reading the detailed account of some particular school, th'at it is perhaps the only school available for a large district. In this point of view, individual examples become of general consequence. My district exhibits the phenomenon of a peculiar language GEXKRAT. isolating the mass from the upper portion of society ; and, as a CIR further phenomenon, it exhibits this mass engaged upon the most op- posite occupations at points not very distant from each other ; being, 011 the one side, rude and primitive agriculturists, living poorly and thinly scattered ; on the other, smelters and miners, wantoning in plenty, and congregated in the densest accumulations. An incessant tide of immigration sets in from the former extreme to the latter, and, by perpetuating a common character in each, admits of their being contemplated under a single point of view. Externally, indeed, it would be impossible to exhibit a greater contrast in the aspect of two regions, and the circumstances * The Appendix, which forms part of the folio edition l:iid before parliament, is not printed at length in this volume. The contents of the Appendix, anil the pages which it occupies, in the folio rditiun, are as fullo,\ ; ; APPENDIX : PAGE PAHOCHIAT, TAHLES of Day Schools (arranged irvthe order of the Census Tables) ... I PAROCHI \i. TABLES of Sunday Schools (arranged in the order of the Census Tables). . 134 HKPOUTS of Hundreds, Parishe?, and Schools examined, in each County (arranged in the order or the Parochial Tables), viz. ; (ir.AMOUOANSHIRE p-'J* PEMBROKESHIRE '^ EVIDENCE respecting the Mining an*' Manufacturing Population .- , NioHT-ScHoor.s For. Anri/rs attached to Elementary Schools, the subjects of instruction, terms, and number attending 4 The references to the Appendix hereinafter made are to the pages of the folio edition. In the Parochial Tables, the hundreds and parishes are enumerated in the same order as in the Paro- chial Summary (pp. 68-89 of this volume) ; but, under the name of each parish, the schools, ol wliic number is here given in the 4th and 5th columns of the Parochial Summary, .are enumerated by name, classified, and the particulars ascertained concerning each tabulated. In the lolio edition, tn< Parochial Summary may be used as an Index to the Parochial Tables, and these again as an Index to the Reports of the Appendix, the same order of Parishes (that of the Census Tables) being obs< throughout the entire work. A fe\v extracts from the Appendix, which appeared to be necessary or useful in more fully illustrating particular passages of the following Report have been inserted In the present volume, and are referred to by foot-notes, as occasion requires them to be consu tea. 13 2 4 On the State of Education in Wales, of their inhabitants, than by comparing the country between the rivers Xowi and Teifi with Merthyr, Dowlais, Aberdare, Maesteg, Cwm Afon, and the vales of Neath and Swansea.* Yet the families, which are daily passing from the one scene to the other do not thereby change their relative position in society. A new field is opened "to them, but not a wider. They are never masters ; and, if the rural portion of them does not grow in numbers, nor manifest any fresh activity, while the other portion is daily augmented and put upon fresh or more extended enterprises, the difference is to be sought in the classes to which they are severally subjected, and not in themselves. It is still the same people. Whether in the country, or among the furnaces, the Welsh element is never found at the top of the social scale, nor in its own body does it exhibit much variety of gradation. In the country, the 'farmers are very small holders, in intelligence and capital nowise distinguished from labourers. In the works, the Welsh workman never finds his way into the office. He never becomes either clerk or agent. He may become an overseer or sub-con- tractor, but this does not take him out of the labouring and put him into the administering class. Equally in his new as in his old home, his language keeps him under the hatches, being one in which he can neither acquire nor communicate the necessary inform- ation. It is a language of old-fashioned agriculture, of theology, and of simple rustic life, while all the world about him is English. Thus his social sphere becomes one of complete isolation from all influences, save such as arise within his own order. He jea- lously shrinks from holding any communion with classes either superior to, or different from, himself. His superiors are content, for the most part, simply to ignore his existence in all its moral relations. He is left to live in an under-world of his own, and the march of society goes so completely over his head, that he is never heard of, excepting when the strange and abnormal features of a Revival, or a Rebecca or Chartist outbreak, call attention to a phase of society which could produce anything so contrary to all that we elsewhere experience. Cut off from, or limited to a purely material agency in, the practical world, his mental faculties, so far as they are not en- grossed by the hardships of rustic, or the intemperance of manu- facturing," life, have hitherto been exerted almost exclusively upon theological ideas. In this direction too, from causes which it is out of my province to particularize, he has moved under the same isolating destiny, and his worship, like his life, has grown different from that of the classes over him. Nor has he failed of tangible results in his chosen province of independent exertion. He has raised the buildings, and maintains the ministry of his worship, over the whole face of his country, to an extent adequate to his accommodation. I am at liberty to consider only one part of this * See Extracts from the Appendix," pp. 1 08 1 %'l of this volume, for some passages illustrative of the contrast. Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 5 system, viz. the Sunday-schools, which I shall at once do with some minuteness, as exhibiting the most characteristic development of native intellect, and the efforts of the mass of a people, utterly unaided, to educate themselves upon their own model. These schools have been almost the sole, they are still the main and most congenial, centres of education. Through their agency the younger portion of the adult labouring classes in Wales can generally read, or are in course of learning to read, the Scriptures in their mother- tongue. A fifth of the entire population is returned as attending these schools ; half of this number is returned as able to read the Scriptures. The type of such Sunday-schools is no more than this : A con- . J * 1 1 T 1 1 1 1 gregation meets in its chapel. It elects those whom it considers to be its most worthy members, intellectually and religiously, to act as " teachers " to the rest, and one or more to " superintend " the whole. Bible classes, Testament classes, and classes of such as cannot yet read, are formed. They meet once, generally from 2 to 4 P.M., sometimes in the morning also, on each Sunday. The superintendent, or one of the teachers, begins the school by prayer ; they then sing; then follows the class instruction, the Bible and Testament classes reading and discussing the Scriptures, the others learning to read ; school is closed in the same way as it began. Sections of the same congregation, where distance or other causes render it difficult for them to assemble in the chapel, establish similar schools elsewhere. These are called Branches. The con- stitution throughout is purely democratic, presenting an office and some sort of title to almost every man who is able and willing to take an active part in its administration, without much reference to his social position during the other six days of the week. My returns show 1 1 ,000 voluntary teachers, with an allowance of about seven scholars to each. Whatever may be the accuracy of the numbers, I believe this relative proportion to be not far wrong. The position of teacher is coveted as a distinction, and is multiplied accordingly. It is not unfrequently the first prize to which the most proficient pupils in the parochial schools look. For them it is a step towards the office of preacher and minister. The uni- versality of these schools, and the large proportion of the persons attending them who take part in their government, have very generally familiarized the people with some of the more ordinary terms and methods of organization, such as committee, secretary, and so forth. Thus, there is everything about such institutions which can recommend them to the popular taste. They gratify that gre- garious sociability which animates the Welsh towards each other. They present the "charms of office to those who, on all other oc- casions, are subject; and of distinction to those who have no other chance of distinguishing themselves. The topics current in them are those of the most general interest; and are treated in a mode schools. f J On the State of Education in Wales, partly didactic, partly polemical, partly rhetorical, the most uni- versally appreciated. Finally, every man, woman, and child feels comfortably at home in them. It is all among neighbours and equals. Whatever ignorance is shown there, whatever mistakes are made, whatever strange speculations are started, there are no superiors to smile and open their eyes. Common habits of thought pervade all. They are intelligible or excusable to one another. Hence, every one that has got anything to say is under no restraint from saying it. Whatever such Sunday-schools may be as places of instruction, they are real fields of mental activity. The Welsh working-man rouses himself for them. Sunday is to him more than a day of bodily rest and devotion. It is his best chance, ail the week through, of showing himself in his own character. He marks his sense of it by a suit of clothes regarded with a feeling hardly less sabbatical than the day itself. 1 do not remember to have seen an adult in rags in a single Sunday-school throughout the poorest districts. They always seemed to me better dressed on Sundays than the same classes in England. Tnis orginal idea of the Welsh Sunday-school (a mixture of Worship, Discussion, and Elementary Instruction, which the con- gregation performs for itself, and without other agency than its own) is found under every variety of development between a highly elaborated and the rudest form. In the rudest form of the institution little more is attempted than reading, or slowly learning to read, the Scriptures. Each class by itself reads through the Bible from beginning to end. There is no questioning or discussion in the greater number of classes, or, if any, it is merely those verbatim interrogatories which I shall hereafter have to describe. Besides this, there is the learning to repeat Verses, Chapters, and Pwncau. With regard to the Verses and Chapters, we find such curious records as the following : Appendix, p. 256 : In the last year 105 chapters of the Holy Scriptures, containing 1716 verses, and 7988 single verses, were repeated in the school. Ibid., p. 346 (copy) : - No of No. of No. of No. of Scholars. Verses learned. I'salm3 learned. Chapters learned. [Metropolitan Chapel] Zoar [Branches] Torinau . Melincythau 75 26 66 19.)7 1109 1056 173 80 13 92 21 45 Kimle . . 32 326 42 8 Britton Ferry 76 882 8 12 Skewen . . GO 1715 12 35 Bryncock 72 1196 33 45 407 8281 423 258 Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 7 At the time that this account was taken, prizes were given to Levy Lewis, a boy employed on the wharfs, who had learned and repeated 35 Psalms, and to David Hughes, a collier's boy, who had learned and repeated 26 chapters of the Old Testament, during the preceding quarter. Pwncau is the plural of Pwnc, which means a point, sc. of "doctrine, printed in question and answer, with Scripture proofs. Kach denomination, almost each chapel, has Pwncau of its own, which are, from time to time, published in the cheapest form possible. The different classes in a school have several parts of a Pwnc assigned to them. Each class learns its own part only. As soon as it is well committed to heart, the school makes a sort of triumphal procession to other chapels, very often to churches, to repeat publicly what they have thus learned. The mode of re- citation is a species of chant, taken up in parts, and at the end joined in by all. It is generally expected that they should be able to sing a hymn or two at the same time. In such schools there is usually to be seen some very old person who, at that age, has learned to read in thorn. Appendix, p. 222 : A woman aged 72 commenced learning the alphabet at 70, and read a page from un elementary book to me with great accuracy. Appendix, p. 346 : In this school there were among the scholars three old women, one upwards of 80, who, at that advanced age, had learned to read. She was now blind, but attended the class as a listener, and could repeat many psalms. Regular accounts of attendance are seldom kept. The school itself is sometimes dropped during bad weather and short days. On its re-commencement it is said to be " revived." This generally is done by a prayer-meeting. Very different from the foregoing are those instances in which the vigour of the old institution has been clothed in more modern dress, such as Capel Mair (Appendix, p. 246), Capel Pen-y-groes (ibid., p. 416), the Narberth Sunday-school Union (ibid., p. 435), the Wesleyan and Independent schools at Millbrd (ibid., pp. 452-3), or the Wesleyan at Bridgend (ibid. p. 350) and Cardiff (ibid., p. 369). The distinguishing mark of superiority in these latter schools is, that all the classes which can read the Scriptures are simultaneously employed upon the same passage, generally a very short one. By this plan, the minister, if he takes part m the school, is enabled to prepare all the teachers beforehand, or the teachers to meet and discuss the passage among themselves, and at the end of school all the classes can be catechized simultaneously. * The causes which have been pointed out as enhancing the popularity, and, so far, the utility of Sunday-schools, apply to * See "Extracts from the Appeudix," pp. 122136 of this volume. 8 On the State of Education in Wales, adults rather than to the young. In country districts, where the great majority of Sunday-scholars are adults, the teaching of the junioi classes is most meagre and unmethodical. It is true, they learn to read in time, and, as they grow older, work themselves into the system of the school. Except, however, as preparing them for this, the education which they can get on such occasions is worth little. Though Sunday-schools are too often the only substitute for daily education, it is not pretended that they can supply its deficiency. On this point no evidence is more positive than that of Sunday-school teachers and superintendents : Appendix, p. 226. (Mr. John Davis) The education received at a Sunday-school is nothing like sufficient for the wants of the poor. Ibid., p. 235. (Mr. Rhys Jones.} The Sunday-schools effect a great deal in the moral and religious instruction of the people; and very few children fail to attend some Sunday-school or other. The instruction, however, which it is possible for them to acquire here is inadequate to their wants ; being confined to purely religious topics and the art of reading. We experience great difficulty in making even thus much progress with a child that attends no day-school at all. Ibid., p. 236. (Mr. B. Thomas.-} The instruction received at a Sunday-school is quite inadequate for the general education of the children of the poor. The popular Sunday-schools are maintained at little or no expense. Almost every adult scholar possesses his own Bible. The elementary books used are little stitched pamphlets of the commonest kind. These are purchased by subscription. Com- mentaries are usually the property of individuals. They are possessed and read to a considerable extent. The rabbinical sort of learning, or exalted doctrine, often contained in them suits the popular taste. I have heard the most minute accounts given of such customs as Expulsion from the Synagogue, and the Constitu- tion of the Jewish Councils, and it will be seen by reference to the reports of my assistant, Mr. Morris, that a familiar acquaint- ance with formulae embodying the more abstruse parts of Divinity is far from being uncommon. Maps were seldom in use, but the Rev. David Rees, of Llanelly, told me that he believed the generality of Sunday scholars to be better versed in the geography of Palestine than of Wales. The addition of a lending library belongs only to the best organized schools. The influence which a separating language has had in giving this peculiar turn to popular education maybe estimated from the following table (extracted from the Parochial Summary), in which the two first hundreds are Welsh-spoken, lying in the upper part of Carmarthenshire; the two last English-spoken, lying in the South of Pembrokeshire : Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 9 Number of Sunday Scholars. Hundreds. Population. of Dav of Sunday of Dav Connected Schools. Schools. Scholars. with the Dissenting. Total. Church. Cathinojj . 11,067 12 37 502 350 2GOO 2956 Perfedd . 7,460 10 28 445 278 2600 2*78 Castletnarliri 4,607 12 11 479 407 93 500 Narliertli . 13,151 31 27 1271 961 1-252 2213 I Most singular is the character which has been developed by this Popular ^ theological bent of minds isolated from nearly all sources, direct or indirect, of secular information. Poetical and enthusiastic warmth of religious feeling, careful attendance upon religious services, zealous interest in religious knowledge, the comparative absence of crime, are found side by side with the most unreasoning prejudices or impulses, an utter want of method in thinking and acting, and (what is far worse) with a wide-spread disregard of temperance whenever there are the means of excess, of chastity, of veracity, and of fair dealing.* I subjoin two extreme instances of the wild fanaticism into which such temperaments may run. The first concerns the Rebecca riots. (Appendix, p. 1.) W. Chambers, jun., Esq., of Llannelly House, kindly furnished me with a large collection of contemporary documents and depositions concerning the period of those disturbances. An extract from the deposition of one Thomas Phillips, of Topsail, is illustrative of the vividly descriptive and imaginative powers of the Welsh, and of the pecu- liar forms under which popular excitement among them would be sure to exhibit itself. Shoui-yschwr-fawr and Dai Cantwr were noms de guerre borne by two ringleaders in these disturbances. "Between 10 and 11 o'clock on the night of the attack on Mr. Newman's house I was called upon by Shoui-yschwr-fawr, and went with the party. On my way I had a conversation with Dai Cantwr Thomas Morris, a collier, by the Five Cross Roads, was walking before us, with a long- gun. I said, 'Thomas is enough to frighten one with his long- gun.' Dai said, ' There is not such a free man as Tom Morris in the rank. I was coming up Gellygxvlwnog field, arm-in-arm with bim, after burning Mr. Chambers's ricks of hay ; arid he had a gun in the other hand, and Tom sain 1 , " Here's a hare," and he up with his g-un and shot it slap down and it was a horse Mr. Chambers's horse. One of the party stuck the horse with a knife the blood flowed and Tom Morris held his hand under the blood, and called upon the persons to come forward and dip their fingers in it, arid take it as a sacrifice instead of Christ ; and the parties did so.' And Dai added, * that he had often heard of a sacrament in many ways, but had never heard of a sacrament by a horse before that night.' " * In the Parochial Notes of the Appendix, the moral character of the parish is almost always returned as good. I have remarked upon the sense in which this word is popularly used in Appendix, pp. 279, 280 : The moral state of the parish is good ; there are few, if any, that do not attend a place of worship; during the Uebecca riots it remained undisturbed." 10 On the State of Education in IFalcs, The other instance was told me by one who witnessed much of the Chartist outbreak. He said that "the men who marched from " the hills to join Frost had no definite object beyond a fanatical "notion that they were to march immediately to London, fight a " great battle, and conquer a great kingdom." I could not help being reminded of the swarm that followed Walter the Penniless, and took the town which they reached at the end of their first day's march for Jerusalem. (Appendix, p. 344.) ^ n t ^ le maiin ld ev ^ s inseparable from an ignorance of English I found but one opinion expressed on all hands. They are too palpable, and too universally admitted, to need particularixincr. Yet, if interest pleads for English, affection leans to Welsh. The one is regarded as a new friend, to be acquired for profit's sake ; the other as an old one, to be cherished for himself, and especially not to be deserted in his decline. Probably you could not find in the most purely Welsh parts a single parent, in whatever class, who would not have his child taught English in school ; yet every characteristic development of the social life into which that same child is born preaching 5 " prayer-meetings Sunday-schools clubs biddingsf funerals the denominational magazine (his only press), all these exhibit themselves to him in Welsh as their natural exponent, partly, it may be, from necessity, but, in some degree also, from choice. " In the Cymreigyddion (benefit societies) it is a rule that no English shall be spoken." (Appendix, Carmarthenshire, p. 285, Evidence of the Rev. D. A. Williams.) It is true that the necessities of the world more and more force English upon the Welshman ; but, whether he can speak no English, or whether he speaks it imperfectly, he finds it alike painful to be reminded of his utter, or to struggle against his partial, inability of expression. His feelings are impetuous ; his imagination vivid ; his ideas (on such topics as he entertains) succeed each other rapidly. Hence he is naturally voluble, often eloquent. He possesses a mastery over his own language far beyond that which the Englishman of the same degree possesses over his.J A certain power of elocution (viz. to pray " doniol," as * The greatest display of Welsh preaching is the Cymanfa, or annual assembly of each denomination in some appointed place. The people flock to such gatherings to the number sometimes, it is said, of 20,000, arid from a distance of 40 or 50 miles. The public part of them consists in listening out of doors to a succession of sermons delivered by the most celebrated preachers. f Biddings are social meetings held in order to raise money for a couple who are going to be, or have recently been, married. The sums thus contributed are to be regarded in the nature of loans, because the contributors, when either themselves, or members of their family, are married, require the repayment of them by an invitation to their own bidding, and it has been decided that the money can be recovered by an action at law (Appendix, p. 217). Regular accounts of such contributions are kept by the parties who make them. The mode of collecting the money is attended with a variety of ceremonies, differing, almost in each county and neighbourhood. J Appendix, p. 235 (Evidence of Mr. Bees}. The Welsh peasantry are better able to read and write in their own language than the same classes in England. Among them are found many contributors to Welsh periodicals. I publish a monthly periodical myself ( Vr Haul') and have many contributors from this class. Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 1 \ it is c.-TVd, i. e. in a gifted manner) is so universal in his class that to be without it is a sort of stigma. Hence, in speaking English, he has at once to forego the conscious power of displaying certain talents whereon he piques himself, and to exhibit himself under that peculiar form of inability which most offends his self-esteem. From all those favourite scenes of his life, therefore, which can still be transacted without English, he somewhat eagerly banishes it as an irksome imposition. The Welsh language thus maintained in its ground, and the peculiar moral atmosphere which, under the shadow of it, surrounds the population, appear to be so far correlative conditions, that all attempts to employ the former as the vehicle of other conceptions than those which accord with the latter seem doomed to failure. Appendix, p. 235 (Evidence of Mr. Rees, publisher) : There are five Welsh periodicals published monthly in the county of Carmarthen, varying in price from 3d. to 66?. They contain religious information, politics, and local news. Religions information predomi- nates, and there is much polemical discussion in them. They circulate extensively among the labouring men, mechanics, and small farmers. They are mostly sectarian, and not very temperately written. In 1834 1 started a Welsh monthly magazine, called the "Cylchgrawn" (in connexion with the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge), on the same plan as the "Penny Magazine," but published monthly at 6d. I continued it for 12 months, at a loss of 200/. When I gave it up, it was continued by Mr. Evans, of Carmarthen, for another six months; who also lost by it, and then it was abandoned. It wanted religious information, and consequently excited but little interest. A similar publication called the "Gwlad-garwr" ("Patriot") was started a few months previously, which gave some slight local news in addition to the instructional matter; but this also existed only a few years, and is now abandoned. Through no other medium than a common language can ideas social Causes become common. It is impossible to open formal sluice-gates ni for them from one language into another. Their circulation schools. requires a net-work of pores too minute for analysis, too numerous for special provision. Without this net-work, the ideas come into an alien atmosphere in which they are lifeless. Direct education finds no place when indirect education is excluded by the popular language, as it were by a wall of brass. Nor can an old and cherished language be taught down in schools; for so long as the children are familiar with none other, they must be educated to a considerable extent through the medium of it, even though to supersede it be the most important part of their education. Still less out of school can the language of lessons make head against the language of life. But schools are every day standing less alone in this contest. Along the chief lines of road, from the border counties, from the influx of English or English-speaking labourers into the iron and coal fields in short, from every point of contact with modern activity the English tongue keeps spreading, in some places rapidly, but sensibly in all. 1*2 On the State of Education in Wales, Railroads, and tbe fuller development of the great mineral beds, are on tbe eve of multiplying these points of contact. Hence the encouragement vigorously to press forward the cause of popular education in its most advanced form. Schools are not called upon to impart in a foreign, or engraft upon the ancient, tongue a factitious education conceived under another set of circumstances (in either of which cases the task would be as hopeless as the end unprofitable), but to convey, in a language which is already in process of becoming the mother-tongue of the country, such instruction as may put the people on a level with that position which is offered to them by the course of events. If such instruction contrasts in any points with the tendency of old ideas, such contrast will have its reflex and its justification in the visible change of surrounding circumstances. Nor are symptoms entirely wanting of such a change in the popular taste. Appendix, p. 385. A statistical inquiry, which is printed in the Fifth Annual Report of the Council of the Royal Institution of South Wales (kindly lent to me by Mr. Francis, of Swansea), was instituted in 1841, respecting the population of the municipal borough of Swansea. The limits of this district extend beyond St. Mary's parish into the parishes of St. John, Llang'efelach, and Llansamlet. Among other returns, the number of Sunday-schools then existing, and the number of scholars attend- ing' at most of them, are given. I have not, in all cases, been able to identify these with my own returns, owing- to causes which I have already explained. I have exhibited in the following" table those in- stances in which I have been able to compare the results of my inquiry with those of the institution. The latter are cfiveu under the head of Boys and Girls, and not of Males and Females. I conclude, however, that the former designation has been extended to adults, otherwise the diminution in the number of scholars attending must be taken to be greater than it appears at present: 1841 . 184 5. M. F. Total. M. ' Total. Swansea, Church Bethesda . . York Place . Si loam . . Castle Street . Church . B. . . . B. . . . I I I. .... 140 100 75 110 10!) 160 100 45 120 % 300 200 120 230 190 65 133 71 34 43 ( i 160 100 7-> 20 71 80 J-25 233 143 54 117 179 C.vmbwrla. . Trinity. . . Tabernacle. . C. M. . . C. M. . . W. . . . f>6 55 40 65 100 120 73 46 29 49 45 34 122 93 63 Lady Hunting-1 don's . . J Llangefelach, Church . Llansamlet, Church . Bethel . . . Lady Hunting- 1 don's . . j Church . . Church 75 25 60 GO 75 25 40 40 150 50 100 100 70 36 55 60 GO 28 57 30 130 64 112 90 13 . . ?0 ?3 53 997 892 1,889 846 832 1,678 I Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke, 13 Where no numbers were given in 1S41, those of 1846 have been applied to that year. It would appear, therefore, that upon the above 14 Sunday-schools there has been a diminution of attendance by the difference between 1889 and 1678, or ll'l per cent, on the numbers of 1841. The causes of such a decrease were partly explained in a conversation which I had with the Rev. Daniel Davies, the Baptist minister. He told me that " Sunday-schools were not so well attended by adults as formerly; there was a want of proper accommodation to separate them from the young', who could generally read better, and smiled at the mistakes of their seniors : this pained and drove them away. Then, again, there was the want of funds from which to provide proper and interesting apparatus, such as prints and maps. Maps were used in his own Sunday-school, and the greatest interest was taken in them. The Sunday teachers were very incompetent in point of inform- ation. They were generally good persons, and able to teach moral and religious truths, but ignorant of geography and facts." At present, indeed, whether we look to the agricultural or to v-antof the manufacturing quarters, there is but little trace of that education which affords a sound, sober, practical rule of life, and qualifies men to do the best for themselves, and therefore for society. First, of the agricultural quarters : Evidence of John Johnes, Esq., of Dolaucothi, Magistrate and Assistant Tithe Commissioner (Appendix, p. 217) : The majority of the small farmers (20/. to 30/. a-year rent) read and write very imperfectly. The writitig seldom extends beyond signing the name. Many of them exercise trades (carpenters, masons,* &c.), as well as farm their land. They keep accounts with rude notes of their own, which from time to time they get transcribed as they best can, on a system little removed from the old tally. Farmers of this class are almost on a level with the labourers : they have little or no capital, except such sums as are raised at biddings, and this (from the nature of such contracts) may be viewed as a sort of loan. The first degree in the scale of education is that between the small farmers and the larger (from 60/. to 120/. a-year rent). In the case of the smaller fanners, they possess no surplus sufficient to give their families superior education : they differ from the labourers only in having a few more comforts about them. Their children are generally sent to a day-school, if there is one within a moderate distance, but not during the whole year ; they get, however, more schooling than those of the labourers. They have naturally great good sense and astuteness, but in many instances old prejudices overcome this in regard to improvements suggested to them. Mr. Chambers (before mentioned) writes The ignorance of the Welsh farmers is surprising on all subjects where science, and even the well-authenticated evidence of respectable and intelligent persons, bears upon the improvement of agriculture. The * In this same neighbourhood, Dr. Davies informed me that he remembered when there was not a builder nearer than Llandovery (several miles off') who knew how to measure a wall. 14 On the State of Education in Wales,' instance I will mention is an example: To a tenant of my father's, who, besides renting 60 acres of land, has an independent income of 30/. a-year, I gave some guano to manure ground for turnips. A few days back I crossed his farm, and asked my wood r eve, " why John Thomas had not had the usual allowance of 2| per cent, which we make half-yearly to all in draining?" He replied, *' When we came to his turn, he said, ' He did not want any drains ; 'twas all damned stuff, and not, \\orth the bother, something like guano.'" lie would not carry the guano back in his empty cart from Llanelly, where he came every Thursday to market, nor would he haul the stones from off his land to nil the drains which I was paying for making. Appendix, p. 219 : David Evans, an innkeeper in the village of Brechfa (part of which is in Llaufihangel Rhos y Corn parish), a very intelligent person, in- formed me that there had been no day-school in the parish for years past. Education was very backward. The only day-school available to children was the one held at Horeb Chapel, in Llanegwad parish, a distance of two miles from the part of Llanfihangel nearest to it. People in the parish seemed all very desirous to educate their children if they had the means. The labouring classes were exceedingly poor. Wages were very low, and scarcely amounted to what would support themselves and their families, setting aside education, though they lived upon very poor and coarse diet. Mr. Evans also informed me that the population- of the parish amounted to 700 or 800 people (he was engaged in taking the last census), out of which number he undertook to affirm that not three individuals could keep the parish accounts. Ibid., p. 226 (Evidence of Mr. John Davies) : The want of education extends beyond the mere labouring class. Thus farmers, payins: their 50/. or GO/, a-year rent, are often obliged, on being elected to fill any parochial office, such as overseer or church- warden, to pay a substitute, because they are too illiterate to discharge its duties. Ibid., p. 233 :- The schoolmaster is deputy-assistant overseer. The parochial and regularly appointed overseers are commonly so ignorant as to be quite incompetent to discharge the duties belonging to their office. They are annually appointed, but act only in name. The assistant- overseer is a permanent officer, and it is he who really acts as overseer. The badness of the roads, and difficulty of communication, in a great degree, but far more the want of a business like temper in the people, encourage the holding of an undue number of fairs, at which drinking is practised no less than buying and selling. Ibid., p. 237. There are 47 public-houses in this place, the population being 1709, or 1 public-house to every 30*3 inhabitants. There are also 9 fairs held in the course of the year, a number altogether too great for mere purposes of trade. Next, of the manufacturing districts. Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 1 5 In the Plate-works near Pont-y-pridd, in Glamorganshire, one of the proprietors, Rowland Fothergill, Esq., suggested and made the following inquiry. He wrote in a common running-hand, upon a strip of paper, " Taff Vale Iron Company, 25th March, 1847 ;" and with this we proceeded through the works, presenting it to his people at random, and taking down the result, with such other particulars as appear in the following Table: MALES. -No. Age. Able to Head the \Vritt a Sentence. Able to R-a.l WeUh. Able to Head English. Able to Write. Period during which en-'a-'.-d in Iron Works, and other Mem irks. 1 41 Yes . . Yes . Little Little 2 G3 No . . No . No . No . 3 48 Yea . . I Yes . Little Little 4 37 No . . No . No . No . 1 2 years. 5 42 Yes . . Yes . Yes . Y . 25 years. 6 41 No . . Little No . No . 9 years. 7 IS No . . No . No . No . 1 Y< 8 40 No . . Ye . No . No . 20 year-. <) 19 Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . 6 years. 10 20 Yes . . Yes . Yes . i i . 13 years. 11 19 No . . No . No . Little 2 years. II l.i Yes . . No . Yes . Yes . 6 years. 13 13 Ni . . N,. . No . N. . 2 VC.IIN. 14 15 No . . Yes . Little Little 2 years. 15 2(5 Ys . . Yes . Yes . 10 years. 16 39 No . . Little No . No . Never in school except on Sundays. 17 36 Yes . . Yes . YPS . Yes 10 years. IS 22 No . . Yes . No . No . 2 years : had lie.>n in a day- ] school for a little while." l!> 21 Yes . . Yes . Ye* . Yes . years; had been years in school. 20 31 No . . No . Ye* . No . Had been in school I quarter. 21 34 Yes . . Yes . Yes . At work since childhood. 22 13 No . . Xo . Yes . Little Goes to a night-school, and is occasionally taught by his father (a foreman) at home. 23 13 Could only No . No . NJ . Is learning to read English name the in a Sunday-school. At single fi- work 6 months. gures in 1847. FEMALES. 1 20 No No . Little Xo Had been 1 quarter in school. 2 20 No Little Little No Same. 3 26 No Little Little No 4 19 No No . Yes . No 3 years at school. 5 Didnot No No . .Y, . tfo Is going to school : had come know ; with her father's dinner. about 9 1 16 On the State of Education in Wales, Out of 28 persons examined, there were Able to read Welsh only well . . . .2; imperfectly 2.4 English only well ... 4; ...1.5 English and Welsh both well 7 ; one or other imperfectly 3 .... both imperfectly '. 2 . 12 Total aMe to re-id in some degree ...... 21 Total unable to read at all 7 28 Able to read the written sentence and to write well, 8; imperfectly, 5 . . 13 but not to write Unable to read the written sentence and to write .15 2S It was Mr. Fothergill's opinion that, from the skilled character of the labour employed in this procass of manufacturing iron,, the workmen, among whom we then were, afforded a favourable specimen of their class in Glamorganshire and Monmouthshire. Again, to take younger persons (school at the Hafod Copper Works, near Swansea, opened the day before my visit) Appendix, p. 360 : I heard 10 girls and 13 hoys read from lesson-book No. 2 ; they were, so far as the master had been able to ascertain, the most proficient in the school. The passage read by them (about pins) contained hardly any words longer than monosyllables. The letter F in the annexed table stands for fair, B for bad, to mark the quality of their reading. Under the column of attendance on a Sunday-school, W means that the school is conducted in Welsh, E in English : No. of Child. Whether attending a Day School sreviously. *Period of attending a Dav School. Whether attend- ing a Sunday School. Whether Sunday School conducted in Welsh or English. Age. Quality of Reading. Average Age of Average Attendance. 13 Boys. 10 Girls. 13 Hoys. 9 Girls. Girls 1 Yes . 1 year Yes W. 13 F. v 2 Yes. 2 years Yes E. 11 B. 1 3 Yes . Uyear Yes W. 11 H. 4 Yes . 1 month Yes E. 9 B. 5 6 Yes. Yes . 1 year 1 year Yes Yes W. W. 10 7 B. I U. , .. 10-6 .. 1-17 7 Yes . li year Yes W. 9 B. f H Yes . 2 vears Yes W. 10 B. 9 No . "0 Yes E. 12 B. 10 Yes . i year Yes W. 14 Bj Boys n Yes . 1 year Yes E. 10 F.N 12 Yes . 4 years Yes W. 13 B. 13 Yes. 1 year Yes W. 9 B. 14 Yes . [ 4 years Yes W. 12 F - 15 Yes . 2 years Yes w. 11 B. J6 Yes . 1 year Yes w. 10 B. 17 Yes. 2 years Yes w. 9 B. V 10-5 >> 2-8 18 Yes. 1 year Yes w. 10 F. / 19 Yes . li year Yes w 7 F. 1 20 Yes . 4 vears Yes w. 10 F. ; 21 Yes . 4 years Yes w. 10 B. 22 Yes . G vears Yes Vv*. 14 F. 23 Yes. 5 years No Pj * The numbers in this column are hardly trustworthy. The children in several instances had no adequate idea of time. Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 1 7 Thus it appears that out of 23 children selected as the most proficient, whose age averages nearer 11 than 10 years, only 8 were able to read a monosyllabic narrative in English with anything like ease. Having thus endeavoured to sketch rapidly the more charac- Means of teristic features of the society in which my inquiry lay, I shall, " Ld "' next proceed to consider the daily instruction which has been brought to bear upon this state of things. The several titles in the column on the left hand of Summary No. XL, p. 59, headed " Denominations," designate roughly the several sources from which flow such efforts as are being made. It will convey a more distinct idea of the whole, if I add some explanation of "the sense in which these titles have been used. I classed under the title of " Church of England" every school church of in which the Church Catechism was being taught, and which was aSSX? also in any degree aided by voluntary support, whether in the shape of endowment, subscriptions, or house-room. Besides these, however, there are some few private adventure-schools (especially dame-schools in towns), and two or three workmen's schools, in which the Church Catechism is taught. An account of Mrs. Bevan's charity is given in the Report of the Rev. J. Allen, H. M. Inspector, in the Minutes of the Com- mittee of Council on Education for 1845, vol. i., p. 118, from which I make the following extract: The annual income of this charity, according to the returns of 1837, is944/. 12s. This sum is applied (1) to the payment of schoolmasters, who labour two or three years in a parish, and then remove to another locality ; (2) to the remuneration of a travelling inspector and (3) to the support ofa model-school at Newport in Pembrokeshire. The institution originated with the celebrated Griffiths Jones, vicar of Llandowror, in Carmarthenshire, in accordance with whose views Mrs. Bevan made the endowment. The ambulatory character of the schools was intended to meet the case of districts like those which I shall have hereafter to describe in speaking of the distance at which scholars live from school. At the date of the institution such a description must have applied to Wales even more widely than at present. I am limited to reporting on existing facts ; but I may refer any person who is desirous to know more of this institution, and of the hopes and resources of its projector, to a work by him, called " Welsh Piety," which will well repay the trouble of perusal to those who are anxious to understand the past history of the Principality in reference to education. The trustees, a small and irresponsible body, nominate the masters, who receive nothing beyond 257. per annum. The parish into which they come must provide a schoolroom ; this I found in tw r o instances to be the church. The children are; obliged to learn the Church Catechism, and to go to church on Sundays. With rare exceptions, I should place the masters in the lowest 18 On the State of Education in Wales, class. I subjoin, from the Appendix, my report of the two schools held in churches, and of the model-school. Appendix, p. 270. On the 17th of November I visited the above school, which had only been established in the parish six weeks previous to the day of my visit. The school was held in the church, and the children were dis- persed throughout the pews. They behaved themselves in a most disorderly manner, and did not seem to care one atom for their master ; they walked in and out as they pleased, without asking: his consent, and kept talking quite loud continually ; one of them was singing a tune during the whole time I was there. The master did not take the slightest notice. He dismissed them while I was there ; he merely walked to the door, opened it, and said " Go." I never saw children behave more rudely. Ibid., p. 410. I visited this school on the 22nd of January : it had only just been opened, and was being held in the church, where the communion-table served for the master's desk. He had not yet commenced teaching writing and arithmetic. Of the 37 children present, five attempted to read the Scriptures, of whom only one could read at all intelligibly ; they did not understand what they had read, nor could they answer any questions, except saying that Christ died to save sinners, and that God made the world. The master was a lame man, ignorant, and very imperfectly acquainted with English. The Church is in a most incon- venient position for little children. It is overhung by a very steep hill, and it stands on a little terrace at the bottom, projecting right into the sea. Ibid., p. 415. The model-school is practically the parish school of Newport. The trustees pay 40Z. per annum to a permanent master there, and find him a house and garden. I called on this master on the 5th of February ; the school was not in operation, having been closed during some months for repairs. He was 58 years old, and had been twice under training; once, in 1819, at Baldwin's Gardens, and for three months during the last year (July to September) at the Sanctuary. Mrs. Bevan's masters are sent to Newport for some short period (no specified time) after their appointment. They lodge where they can, or where they please, in the town of Newport, much in the same fashion as the Welsh clergy formerly used, previous to their ordination, to lodge in the neighbourhood of the licensed grammar-schools. The houses at which they lodge are not licensed for the purpose, nor is any control exercised over them. The only approach to a normal school is contained in the fact that the master of the Newport school, before and after, and in the intervals of school-hours, gives the masters in training such instruction as he deems each to want. The nature of this may be estimated from his saying (in answer to my question, how books were provided for these masters ? "There are not much books wanted for the masters, only Bibles and Testaments. Jf one is back- ward in arithmetic, he generally looks out for a book for himself." For the last eight or ten years it appeared that both the children in school and the masters in training had been left to provide their own books. Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 19 The present schoolroom is a commodious room, well lighted, with a concrete floor, desks down each side, benches squared in the middle, a gallery of three tiers at one end, and leaves of a 'Tutor's Assistant* pasted all round the walls. Up to the time of my visit, this model- school had been furnished with neither maps^ cards , prints^ black board, enclosure, or privies. Towards supplying- these deficiencies, the master had brought down with him from London three maps of Palestine, one of the Wanderings of the Israelites, one of England and "Wales, and a short Table of Chronology ; besides which, a black board was about to be introduced. There have been, within the present master's memory, as many as 30 masters in training at one time ; but the usual number does not exceed two or three. The appointments are made in the spring, and the masters are usually trained for three months during the summer so as to begin their work after harvest, when children can be spared. The original intention of Mrs. Bevan, to teach the Welsh to read the Scriptures in their mother-tongue, has been in some degree departed from ; most of her schools are at present conducted with English books. The Sunday-schools have arisen since her death. These seem sufficiently to provide for what she intended, being, in the Welsh districts, con- ducted wholly in Welsh. Mrs. Bevan's schools still, in such districts, are conducted on the Sunday in Welsh ; and in the central school at Newport the children are first set to learn reading in Welsh, though they are now retained in such instruction for a short time. It did not appear that any permanent chool-registers were in existence. The master had (he said) at one time kept them, but, not fitniiiHj titan called for, had discontinued them. The number of children in attendance had been usually (I was told by him) from 140 to 160. I found it to be generally the opinion of persons best qualified to judge, that, apart from the defects of the instruction afforded, the very constitution of this charity was calculated to work injuriously, by discouraging the establishment of permanent schools in parishes which were speculating on the result of an application to Mrs. Bevan's trustees. Considering the generally exclusive character of the schools in connexion with the condition in which I found them, I have no hesitation in denominating them as at once vexatious and inefficient in their operation. The denominations, Baptist, Independent, Calvinistic, Methodist, ui id Wesley an, as applied to day-schools, generally denote no school more than that the school is held by a private master in a chapel belonging to one of those bodies. There are, however, exceptions to this rule, as the Independent and Calvinistic Methodist schools at St. David's, and the Wesleyan schools at Cardiff, which are managed by committees of the congregations, and are held in separate schoolrooms. The private schools held in chapels are often kept by ministers, and are then frequented chiefly by farmers' children, as being somewhat superior to the ordinary parochial schools, and by others on account of religious objections. I found workhouse schools at Llandovery (Appendix, p. 238), c 2 20 On the State of Education in Wales, Llandilo (p. 232), Carmarthen (p. 290), Narberth (p. 432), Pem- broke (p. 463), Haverfordwest (p. 461), St. DogmelVs, i. e. Car- digan (p. 410), Kenarth, i. e. Newcast.le-Emlyn(p. 267), Llanelly (p. 212), Swansea (p. 379), and Cardiff (p. 367). At Neatli (p. 345) and Bridgcnd (p. 348) the pauper children attended the parochial schools. At Merthyr (p. 305) there was no workhouse, and no provision for the education of paupers.* By tn>e denomination " Workmen's Schools," I intend to desig- nate schools directly connected with particular works, and main- tained (wholly, or in part) by a stoppage from the people's wages employed in those works, the proprietors usually providing the site and the schoolroom. I found 24 such schools. The stoppages upon the people's wages vary considerably in amount, as \d., le?., or2d. per week ; 2c?., 4c?., or 6e?. per month ; \d^ Id., or 4d. in I/, (in the latter instance the sick-fund is maintained from the same source). For these pay- ments, books, but not stationery, are generally found. The stoppage is compulsory, and is made irrespectively of the number of children sent to school, or of a man's having any to send. In one instance only did I find a difference made between married and unmarried men. The contributors are not furnished with any means of auditing the school account, neither have they any control over the expenditure of the funds. There is a kind of tacit understanding that, in consideration of the stoppage, the proprie- tors will keep open the school as long as they keep on the works, { The gigantic character of these works is a feature not to be passed over. It has rendered the ancient divisions of the country a dead letter. The basis of the old parochial terrier was the manor; the basis of the new one is the works. I regard, therefore, a workmen's school in no other light than as a parochial school, and 1 regard works to which no school is attached in the same light as a parish containing no school. Nor can it be justly deemed an exaggeration to speak of these works as parishes; e. g. four proprietors employ all the labouring population of Merthyr and Dowlais, representing some 40,000 souls. So that, just as when parishes were first instituted, it was every man's interest to think what parish he belonged to, because his rights of relief, employment, and redress were all parochial or manorial, so now does the same interest make him think of these or those works, and not at all, or very remotely, of the parish. In the works is his sick-fund, sometimes his benefit-society ; in the works is his hope of employment; in the works (by a tolerated system of fining), is his ordinary court of justice. I dwell upon these circumstances, because, as long as there is * See " Extracts from the Appendix," pp. 136 150, of this volume. f See " Extracts from the Appendix,'' pp. 150 173, of this volume. Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 21 such contradiction between the parochial and the veritable distribu- tion of the population, it is impossible to deal with its educational necessities through any adaptation of the existing parochial machi- nery. But not only the physical distribution, still more the moral and social relations of this mining and manufacturing community, require new and special provision. It contains no middle class, such as those who commonly constitute a vestry. For although the absence of the truck-system from my district is allowing the growth of shopkeepers, yet these are only an offshoot : the works themselves contain no middle class. There are the pro- prietors and their agents of administration on the one hand, the mass of operatives on the other. The elimination of a middle class is rendered still more complete when, to the economical causes tend- ing to produce it, is superadded the separation of language. There is this difference between the Copper and the Iron works. The former are situated at the bottom of valleys near the sea, because the ore is imported from Cornwall or Cuba ; the latter are situated at the further end of the valleys, because the ore is native, and is most accessible in those positions. Hence the men engaged in the Iron-works are much more isolated from the casual influences of civilization than those engaged in the Copper-works. It was in the Iron- works that Frost found his followers. The population in the Copper-works has a greater tendency to become permanent ; in the Iron-works it is always fluctuating. Returning now to the general consideration of the sources from which the education of the three counties is at present mainly derived, as exhibited in Summary No. XL, it appears that nearly four-fifths of it (77*8 per cent.) is given either in connexion with the Established Church, or by private and independent teachers. In order to exhibit the character of this education under its various aspects, I shall review, in order, the subjects to which the several columns in the Parochial Tables are devoted, referring to the Summaries for proof of the extent within which my observations are applicable, and to the Appendix for illustrations of them. The absence of indirect or supplementary education should be carefully borne in mind throughout. It must not be supposed that an additional school was established at the date appended to each. The only inference which can safely be drawn is, that the great mass of schools have nothing like permanent or continuous existence. Out of 712 schools we find Eduction. Date of Establish- ment. In Carmar- Iii Glamor- In Pem- Total thenshire. ganshire. brokeshire. Established on their present! footing more than 10 > 57 99 38 194 years ago . . . . J 22 On the State of Education in 7JV, Or, taking some of the larger towns At Carmar- AtMer At'Llan- then, out At Pater, thvr and At Cardiff At Swan- elly, out of of -22 out of 25 Howljiis, out of 20 sea, out of 20 Schools. Schools. Schools. out of 40 Schools. 53 Schools. Schools. Established on their 1 present footing more) than 10 years ago J 5 10 3 10 6 17 Tenure of Building. This fluctuation of schools is no more than was to be expected where the function of teacher is not held to require any specific qualification. There is nothing to keep men either out of, or in, a career where they do not feel the necessity of sinking, nor the strong tie of having sunk, a large amount of time and labour in preparation for it. The ephemeral existence of so many schools is therefore not without significance as to their efficiency. " But the same result follows not only from the fluctuation of successive teachers, but also from the migrations of those who adhere to the profession. Evidence of Mr. Zerubbdbel Dairies, schoolmaster (Appendix, p. 245) : I have kept school in the parish of Llandilofawr ; at Cross Inn, Llandebie ; at Llanelly ; at Fishguard ; St. dear's ; Laugharne ; and now at St. dear's again. I have roamed so much because I have combined preaching with school-keeping, and I have set up school in the places to which I have been called as preacher. Ibid., p. 283: The master was an Independent preacher, and was trying the speculation of a school, after similar attempts in five other places within nine years. Ibid., p. 219 (Evidence of Rev. D. P. Lewis) : I am acquainted with all the upper part of Carmarthenshire, and I never knew a school for the poor continued for 12 months without some permanent endowment. A man sets up a school here and there for a few months in the winter, and, being able during summer to find more profitable employment, gives it up again. Ibid., p. 425 : The master had been in the habit of keeping turnpike-gates and school together. He had never severed these somewhat anomalous vocations except about two years before my visit, when he had at- tempted to establish a school only in the Government-built room at Carn. The success, however, of the experiment had not encouraged him to continue or repeat it, and he expressed himself determined in future never to trust to a school alone for his livelihood, but always to back it up with a gate. It appears from Summary No. I. that out of 698 school-buildings Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 23 only 12-9 per cent, are legally secured for educational purposes. The teacher's dwelling- room the kitchen of a farmhouse, or part of an adjacent outbuilding the loft over chapel stables churches* and chapels themselves such are commonly recurring instances of schoolrooms in the Appendix. Parochial school- rooms are in most cases built upon the glebe or in the churchyard ; the occupation being at the pleasure of the incumbent. In some instances, where tenements belong either to the incum- bent or the parish, informal conveyances of them have been executed by entries of consent in the parish books, and in this manner church-houses, f court-houses, and poor-houses have been turned into, but not legally secured as, schoolrooms. Again, where private patrons have erected schools upon their own estates, or purchased and converted buildings for that purpose, I rarely found that they had conveyed the site from themselves. Where a parish or a neighbourhood can command the use of a room rent-free, it is usually offered as an inducement for a private schoolmaster to settle there. Of this kind are such schools as Mr. Jones's at St. Ishmael's, held in a parochial building those at Penclyn and Gwaun-yr-eirw, and Mr. Williams's at Newcastle-Emlyn, held in buildings raised by subscription that at Carn in a building raised by a Treasury grant and, generally, those held in the precincts of Dissenting chapels, where no further aid or subscription is furnished. In some cases a possessory title appears to be in course of acquisition, as at Llangwnnor, and in the case of the Devonald and East Gate charities at Narberth. On the whole, excepting old endowed schools, the importance of legally-secured school-buildings seems to have been wholly over- looked. With regard to private schools held in public buildings, although it may be very desirable to encourage in this manner the establish- ment of schools, and may often be the sole means of procuring them, yet some further control appears to be needed in such cases. Appendix, pp. 423, 424 : Cam School. The building was erected by the help of a grant from Government of 30/. about six years ago. At the time of my visit, 1st January, 1847, it had been closed for nearly two years. The last person who had tried to keep it was the turnpike-man at Catershook gate, about two miles off. It had been open under the present master only since the 19th of October, 1846; since that date (upwards of 10 weeks) he had received 26s. from school-pence, his only source of income. The poor could not afford to pay for their children. There were (the master told me) 60 children within reach of the school who were prevented by the poverty of their parents from attending. The lowest payment was 2d. per week, for which reading only was taught; an. ad- ditional penny was demanded for writing and arithmetic respectively. Appendix, pp. 270, 410, 444. t Appendix, p. 321. 24 On the State of Education in Wales, The poor were anxious to educate their children, and were continually importuning- the master to know what could be done to get a charity- school. A meeting had been held about a month before my visit to raise subscriptions. The sum of 47^. 3s. 6d. had been promised to be paid within five years, but the whole scheme had come to nothing. The subscribers had split on the question, whether the school should be made entirely gratuitous, or whether any of the scholars should be culled upon for payment. I found only seven children present in the school. Within a few yards of this same school-house I entered two cottages where the children were said not to be attending school. In the first I found an extremely well-spoken and intelligent girl of 12 or 13 years old, and her brother, somewhat younger. They had been to Yerbeston day-school for about a quarter, and to Molleston Sunday-school for about two years, though not for the last month. It was closed during the bad weather and short days. She had learnt to read the Testament. They bad had a Testament at home, but her elder brother was gone out to service, and had taken it with him. Her father was dead. Her mother could not afford to send her to school. The master wanted " money for entrance." Her brother " had forgo this learning." She expressed great desire to go to school. She told me there was a free-school at Narbeth, but that was too far five miles oft*. She read about Jesus in the Testament; but could tell me nothing about him except that he was called the Son of Man. She said, " They only teach us to read ; they don't tell us any of these things at the Sunday-school." In the other cnttage I found two little children, a hoy and girl, going, and having been to no school of any kind. The girl was nursing an infant: there were two other children from home. The mother of four of them was a widow, the fifth child was apparently a pauper billeted upon her in consideration of 5s. per week from the parish. At the time of my visit the mother was out at farm-work (winnowing), and had to be called; I could get no answer from the two children. The girl, who was the eldest, and in her ninth year, only replied to my questions by a cunning, unpleasant grin, though her face was intelligent and not ill-looking. The boy had a most villanous expression of sulien stolidity; he was mixing culm* with his hands. They knew no prayers, nor who to pray to and of course never prayed. The mother could not read nor write "worse luck," as she said; her only chance of educating these children was a free school. The entire 5s. went in food at the present high prices, and " not enough then." In this same neighbourhood I asked some questions of a little boy, nearly 7, whom I met on the road. It was in vain that I tempted him with; halfpence to answer; he knew nothing of Sunday of God of the devil " had heard of Jesus Christ from Jemmy Wilson," but could give no account whatever about him ; he knew neither the then day of the week, nor how many days in a week, nor months in a year ; he had never been in any school ; his brother and sister were * See note p. 27. Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 25 going to St. Issell's school. I had to repeat my questions two or three times over before they seemed to impress anything more than his ears. The first answer invariably was, and it was often repeated half a dozen ti mes " What ee' say?" and the next "Z>o' know." It will be observed, by reference to Summary No. I., that, as state ofre- regards the state of repair in which I found school-buildings, Glamorganshire has considerably the advantage of the other two counties. In Carmarthenshire, the number of buildings in bad or indifferent repair is 36*3 per cent. ; in Pembrokeshire, 35*6 per cent.; in Glamorganshire, only 14 "3 per cent, on the numbers respectively taken. I might quote endless instances to prove the miserable character and ill effects of the present school-buildings in Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire. Indeed, Report after Report is too often only a wearisome repetition of such particulars. It will suffice for me to subjoin a few instances, by way of illustra- tion, taking them almost at hazard. Is light essential, and that the scholars should be under the control of the master's eye? Appendix, p. 265 : The school was held in a room, part of a dwelling-house; the room was so small that a great many of the scholars were obliged to go into the room above, which they reached by means of a ladder, through a hole in the loft; the room was lighted by one small glazed window, half of which was patched up with boards ; it was altogether a wretched place ; the furniture consisted of one table, in a miserable condition, and a few broken benches; the floor was in a very had state, there being several large holes in it, some of them nearly half a foot deep; the room was so dark that the few children whom I heard read were obliged to go to the door, and open it, to have sufficient light. , Is ventilation essential to health, and space to discipline and method ? Ibid. , p. 238: This school is held in the mistress's house. I never shall forget the hot, sickening smell, which struck me on opening the door of that low dark room, in which 30 girls and 20 boys were huddled together. It more nearly resembled the smell of the engine on board a steamer, such as it is felt by a sea-sick voyager on passing near the funnel. Exaggerated as this may appear, I am writing on the evening of the same day on which I visited the school, and I will vouch for the ac- curacy of what I state. Everything in the room (i. e. a few benches of various heights and sizes, and a couple of tables) was hidden under and overlaid with children. Ibid., p. 281 : This school is held in a ruinous hovel of the most squalid and miserable character; the floor is of bare earth, full of deep holes; the windows are all broken; a tattered partition of lath and plaster divides it into two unequal portions; in the larger were a few wretched benches, and a small desk for the master in one corner; in the lesser was an old door, with the hasp still upon it, laid crossways upon two 26 On the State of Education in Wales, benches, about half a yard high, to serve for a writing-desk ! Such of the scholars as write retire in pairs to this part of the room, and kneel on the ground while they write. On the floor was a heap of loose coal, and a litter of straw, paper, and all kinds of rubbish. The Vicar's son informed me that he had seen 80 children in this hut. In summer the heat of it is said to be suffocating ; and no wonder. Appendix, p. 284 : In the schoolroom, which, at six square feet per child, is calculated to hold 28 scholars, I found 59 present, and 74 on the books : some of the children are drafted off into the master's dwelling-house. Ibid., p. 220 : The school is held in a room over the stable, which is a very small one. The children were much crowded. There was a very comfortable fire in the room on the day of my visit. Some 10 or 12 of the senior boys were obliged to sit in the adjoining chapel, on account of the smallness of the room. The chapel had no fire in it, and was very cold and uncomfortable. Ibid., p. 432 : The schoolroom is part of a dwelling-house, on the ground-floor, and the smell arising from so many children being crammed in such a small room was quite overpowering. There was a large fire in the grate at the time. The window was a small one, and was kept closed. The floor, walls, and the room altogether were in bad repair. I ob- served, after the scholars went out at noon (for there was no seeing anything but children while they were in the room), I square table for the master, 2 long tables for the writers and cipherers, 5 benches, and 1 chair. Ibid., p. 466 :- This school is kept upstairs in two rooms of the master's house. There is a door to each room from the landing at the top of the stairs, but the master cannot see all the scholars from one room while they are in the other. He generally sits with the elementary classes. Ibid., p. 405 :- The floor was of the bare earth, very uneven and rather damp. There was a fire in an iron stove placed in the middle of the room. The steam which arose from it was quite insufferable, so much so that I was obliged to keep both door and window open to enable me to breathe. The master remarked that it was " bad to a stranger, but nothing to those who were used to it." Ibid., p. 444 : This school is held in the church. I found the master and four little children ensconced in the chancel, amidst a lumber of old tables, benches, arid desks, round a three-legged grate full of burning sticks, with no sort of funnel or chimney for the smoke to escape. It made my eyes smart till I was nearly blinded, and kept covering with ashes the paper on which I was writing. How the master and children bore it with so little apparent inconvenience I cannot tell. Ibid., p. 447 :- The day-school (which used to be held in private houses) is now Carmarthen, Glarmorgan, and Pembroke. 27 held in an old Independent chapel, no longer used for religious pur- poses, and rented by the master. There was a raised hearth of brick in the room, with a grate on the top, but no chimney. There was a fire of culm burning on it; the heat and vapour made the room almost insufferable to one coming from the fresh air. Appendix, p. 244 : The floor of the chapel was of earth and lime, very uneven and broken : it contained a few pews, a pulpit, a table, and a couple of desks, with a few benches in use, others being heaped ton-ether at one end of the chapel ; there was a grate full of culm* in the middle of the chapel, but no chimney. Is it at any rate desirable to be protected from the weather? Ibid., p. 281 :- The room in which this school is held is a most miserable hut, not fit to shelter cattle in, as the thatched roof would be anything but proof against bad weather. The master said that he often suffered from the rain; and there were large quantities of straw inside the roof to shelter in some degree himself and pupils. Ibid., p. 448 (an endowed school) : The boys' free-school was held in a most miserable hovel, lighted by four small windows. The floor was of the bare earth and excessively damp. The door was in a very dilapidated state, and the rain was coming through the thatch when I was in the schoolroom. I am about to enter on one of the most painful subjects of my putbuiw- inquiry. It is a disgusting fact that, out of 692 schools, I found inss " 364, or 52-6 per cent., utterly unprovided with privies. But. it is not schools that stand alone in this respect; they are but instances of the general neglect. Here are facts. Ibid., p. 233 :- The whole row of houses (part of the main street) in which this school is held, varying in rent from \0l. to 15/. a-year, had not a single, not even a common, privy ; the inhabitants resorted to a hedge-side in a field adjoining at the back, wholly unsheltered from sight. Ibid., p. 304 : The vast majority of houses have no privies; where there is such a thing, it is a mere hole in the ground, with no drainage. This is the case nearly all over Wales ; but in a dense population, the conse- quences of such neglect are more loathsomely and degradingly apparent. * * * I was assured by people whose houses look into fields or open spaces at the back of rows and streets, that persons of every age and sex are constantly to be seen exposed in them. And here is an expedient to supply the deficiency ! Ibid., p. 241 . The school, as usual, possessed no privy, and the master informed * This is the name of the common fuel in Wales, which is anthracite coal made up into halls with clay. It burns without smoke, but with a glowing vapour like charcoal. 28 On the State of Education in Wales, School- room Dimensions and Accom- modation. Furniture and Appara- tus. me that the churchyard is generally used by the poor of the town as a privy, few of them possessing at home any convenience of that nature. But, not to pursue such a subject into further details, I will merely add that this disregard of cleanliness and decency is more observable in the purely Welsh than in the Anglicized districts, as any one may see who (to take towns) will compare for him- self the columns of the Parochial Tables headed "Outbuildings" for Merthyr Tydfil, with the same columns for Pembroke Borough and Pater, or (to take rural districts) Castlemartin or Dinas Powis hundreds, with Dewisland, Dungleddy, or Kemess. It is, therefore, one of the many evils which increased intercourse with England, no less, if not more rapidly and effectually, than scholastic education, may be expected to remedy. It appears that at six square feet per child there is school accommodation for 41,325 scholars, the number at present on the books being 30,910. Considering the quality of the education commonly given, such a fact is not very material, even if the truth were as the figures represent it. But it is not so. We must bear in mind that 51 '8 per cent, of the entire number of schools are private adventure-schools, in the great majority of which the schoolroom is also the dwelling-room, and sometimes the sleeping- room also, of the teacher's family. In these instances the dimensions of the apartment are given from wall to ivall. But a great part of the space is necessarily occupied by furniture of an unscholastic character. The available space therefore is much below the present figures. Nevertheless assistance in building is that which is least indispensable. In a country where materials and labour are both cheap, buildings are easily raised. The chapels, with which Wales is covered, are proofs that, the common people can build enough for themselves, when they feel a sufficient motive for doing so. But the constant expense of maintaining differs from the isolated expense of erecting schools, and the price of a good schoolmaster is not subject to the same local determina- tions of value as bricks and mortar. In 62 schools only out of 698, or 8*9 per cent, of the number taken, have I been able to return the furniture and apparatus as sufficient. Yet I assumed no high standard. If, with a fair amount of whatever books were in use, and of slates, desks, and benches, there was a map and a black board, with a few cards and prints upon the walls, I rated the school as sufficiently supplied ; sometimes, indeed, where there was only one or other, and not all, of these requisites. I was often surprised to notice in schools, otherwise tolerably well maintained and conducted, how little attention had been paid to apparatus. This was particularly the case with several schools in the agricultural (south-eastern) part of Glamorganshire, and the workmen's schools generally. In such schools I had to return the apparatus as insufficient, while Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembrolie. 29 (he furniture was comfortable and good. But there was no room for making furniture and apparatus separate considerations in most of the schools throughout the remoter districts, exhibiting, as they did, every form of squalid destitution. I subjoin a few instances, out of many others perhaps more striking. Appendix, p. 260 : The furniture consisted of one desk for the master, two longer ones for the pupils, and a few benches, all in a wretched state of repair. The room was not ceiled. In one corner was a heap of spars, the property of the master, for the purpose of thatching his house. In another place was a heap of culrn, emptied out on the middle of the floor. The floor was boarded, but all in holes. Ibid., p. 275 : (1.) The school was held in a miserable room over the stable ; it was lighted by two small glazed windows, and was very low; in one corner was a broken bench, some sacks, and a worn-out basket ; another corner was boarded off for storing tiles and mortar belonging to the chapel. The furniture consisted of one small square table for the master, two larger ones for the children, and a few benches, all in a wretched state of repair. There were several panes of glass broken in the windows; in one place paper served the place of glass, and in another a slate, to keep out wind and rain ; the door was also in a very dilapidated condition. On the beams which crossed the room were a ladder and two lanre poles. (2.) The school was held in a room built in a corner of the churchyard ; it was an open-roofed room ; the floor was of the bare earth, and very uneven; the room was lighted by two small glazed windows, one-third of each of which was patched up with boards. The furniture con- sisted of a small square table for the master, one square table for the pupils, and seven or eight benches, some of which were in good repair, and others very bad. The biers belonging to the church were placed on the beams which ran across the room. At one end of the room was a heap of coal and some rubbish and a worn-out basket, and on one side was a new door leaning against the wall, and intended for the stable belonging to the church. The door of the schoolroom was in a very bad condition, there being large holes in it, through which cold currents of air were continually flowing. Ibid., p. 279 :- This school is held in a dark miserable den under the town-hall ; the furniture comprised only a few old benches and tables; in the corner was a litter of broken cups and a bottle ; there was a starling of the master's loose in the room, which, by flying about, greatly disturbed the children during my visit. Ibid., p. 448-9:- In one corner was a heap of culm, in another a bench or two, piled against the wall, and various litter; at the bottom of the room lay a gravestone, on which the master had been chalking the letters which the village mason was to cut as an inscription : on the table lay a jug and pipe. Considering that the mode of furnishing a schoolroom has a 30 On the State of Education in Wales, moral aspect, no less than one of mere convenience, I shall conclude this head with an instance by way of contrast. Appendix, p. 223 : This was the first room in Wales which I had seen wearing 1 a scholastic appearance. It had about it the look of being prepared for the business of education. A triple tier of benches occupied one side, desks the other; at the bottom, was a place for fuel; at the top, the mistress's chair and table, and the fireplace. The room was in no great state of completion ; bare walls of rough-hewn stone, an . open roof of thatch ; an uneven floor of flag's. But there was nothing' like squalor or untidiness about the place, nor did it strike me as more rude and rough than befits the severe simplicity of a rustic labourer's life. It is, perhaps, even a great point gained to exhibit the schoolroom to children as a model of what order and attention may effect in decent appearance, with materials not superior to those which they themselves may afterwards command in their own cottages. A schoolroom too elaborately and expensively prepared might be apt to discourage rather than excite imitation. Number of When I adopt such an expression as the " number of children u!eBooiks! n on the books," the latter part of it requires explanation; school- books, in any proper sense of the term, (such as, for instance, those transcribed in Appendix for Pembrokeshire, pp. 440-1,) I rarely found. The common substitute for them, if any, is a memorandum- book in the master's pocket, or perhaps only a scrap of paper in his table-drawer, kept to enter the weekly pence. It is im- possible, however, from such a document, to ascertain, with accuracy, the actual number of children who may properly be considered as attending the school, or, as I have by courtesy termed it, the number on the books. For, in the first place, with the great mass of the children there is nothing like regular attendance. Ibid., p. 239:- The children attended by a sort of weekly contract, coming for a week, and staying away for a week, as suited the varying convenience or caprice of the parents ; e. g. I visited the school in what is called the fair-week, during which time the children are wanted for a day or two at home. Accordingly (I was specially informed that) I saw the school at a number under its average attendance, because it was con- sidered a bad week to pay for, one or two days being to be occupied away from school. Ibid., p. 364-5:- The poor could not afford to pay quarterly. It was uncertain both when they could spare either money to send their children to school, or the children themselves to be sent. They would not risk more than weekly contracts. A child would come for a month, and then not again for six weeks. Ibid., p. 243: Philip Davis, aged 14 years, eldest son of a miller, who was occupying a substantial two-story house, and renting 41 acres of land at 40/. per annum, had been " seven quarters" in a day-school. Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 31 Appendix, p. 218 (Evidence of David Davies, Esq., and Dr. Davies) : The majority of the day-schools are not kept open more than six out of the twelve months during the winter ; and of the children attending school not more than one-third can be reckoned as attending- regularly. Thus, when the master has written a name down in his book or list, he by no means removes it should the boy answering to it not show himself at school during some months. For all the master knows, the boy may reappear at any time among hispupils. Strictly speaking, with most of the country schools, if the pence were all regularly paid up, the entire records of the school's ex- istence would terminate every Friday night, and commence anew MTV Monday morning. The list is kept solely as a debtor's and creditor's account. Ibid, p. 405-6: The principal proprietors subscribe 13/. per annum ; and for this sum the master must educate the children of their tenantry without further payment. Besides these he takes 21 pay-scholars. Of these last he keeps a list, but none of the others. The teachers, in general, appeared perfectly helpless when Modes of i i r i i .I'll rA. ii / i ascertaining. asked lor the number on their books. 1 hey had never formed to themselves any such precise idea. The numbers which appeal- under this title are the results of every species of cross-examination. Sometimes I went over the list, pencil in hand, separately ques- tioning the teacher about each name, and using a discretion as to its admission or not. More frequently, after accounting for the scholars present, I made them repeat the names of those whom they considered to be away. The numbers thus obtained must be modified by a comparison between them and the numbers found present. In 296 day-schools visited, the number on the books has been returned as 15,733, the average attendance as 13,277: the num- ber found present was 10,674. This proportion may be taken to represent the numbers who, occasionally, generally, and at any given time, are receiving instruction during the scholastic year, which, in the country, does not professedly exceed nine, nor practically six, months. I have framed the tables exclusively from the " number on the books," because, in them, it was rny object to exhibit all such of the labouring classes as were receiving daily instruction in school at all. But if it be sought to ascertain how many of them are at any given time in attendance, the numbers in the tables must be reduced by at least one-third. But if it was difficult to ascertain the numbers attending schools, still more difficult, I may often say more hopeless, was it to gain any accurate information of the age of the scholars, and their period of attendance. The mode which I always adopted of ascertaining these particulars in the absence of records was this: I got from each child separately, of those present, the best account which either itself, or the teacher, or its schoolfellows could give of its age 32 On the State of Education in Wales, Duration of Attendance. Sex of Scholar* Preponder- ance of Fe- male Popu- lation in Carmarthen- shire and Pembroke- shire. Education. Homes. and the time since lohich it h ad first attended that school, without re- gard to interruptions. I then wrote down the names of those said to be absent, and, in like manner, questioned the teacher and scholars respecting them, one by one. Even in this manner I do not pretend to have arrived at accuracy. The children frequently did not know their own ages, and of time, in general, had still vaguer notions. Unless proper records are kept, such statistics cannot be made satisfactory, except upon a very general view. It appears from Summary No. II., that, of the entire number of scholars, 49*8 per cent, have attended school less than one year. Such a statement nakedly made would not convey the truth. I believe that the great bulk of the children, who attend day-schools at all, attend for odd quarters, extending over a considerable period, with long intervals between. But when this desultory attendance is viewed in connexion with the incessant fluctuation which I have already noted in the ex- istence of schools, it naturally results, that the " quarters " are not passed at the same schools, at least not under the same teachers. And it is therefore, I am persuaded, quite true to say, that nearly 50 per cent, of the scholars attending school have attended their present school, or their present teacher? less than one year. It is worth noting the relative proportions of the one sex to the other in the three counties and in England. In Carmarthenshire the number of females exceeds that of males by one-tenth, in Pembrokeshire by one-fifth, in Glamorganshire by one-nineteenth, in England by one-twentieth part (speaking in round numbers.) The disproportion marks in what quarter the adult male labour in South Wales is drained off, viz. to the coal and iron districts, for, if we take the population under 15 years of age, the males are in each county in a majority. But, while the female population is left to preponderate in the rural nurseries of labour, its educational destitution is com- paratively greater than that of the other sex. Appendix, p. 218 (Evidence of W Davies, Esq., and Dr. Da- vies) : The labourers have only the common day-schools and Sunday-schools (principally the latter) for both sexes, and exclusively so for the females. The girls whom one sees in country day-schools are almost always daughters of farmers. The peasant-girls proceed therefore direct from homes and domestic habits like the following to service in a farmhouse. Ibid., p. 243-4 : The floor was of mud ; on the right hand of the door, on entering, ran a partition of wattles so far towards the opposite wall as just to leave room to turn round it into the other division. At the end of the passage thus formed was an old chest, and on turning' round the end of the partition a cupboard-bed occupied one whole side of the inner room ; close to it was the hearth ; the remaining furniture consisted of two shapeless stools a few inches high, another of the same sort a little Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 33 higher, and an old dresser, or something like one. The chimney, which descended from the roof over the hearth, like a bonnet or umbrella, was made of plastered wattles ; a heavy shower must have put the fire out and deluged the hut, the orifice of the chimney was so large. The floor was perfectly hard and dry, though very uneven. The cottage was smoke-dried into a feeling of comfortable warmth. The ceiling, or what came between one's head and the thatch, was some poles laid from wall to wall, and on these poles was strewed a little loose brushwood. Appendix, p. 229 (Evidence of Rev. J. PugJi) : In their habits the labouring classes are particularly dirty. This arises in great measure, no doubt, from their poverty, and the low rate of wages which, until lately, they have been in the habit of receiving, so that it was quite impossible for them to have decent clothes or convenient houses. Pigs and poultry are frequently allowed to come inside. The flooring is generally bare earth, not even prepared with lime. There are rarely any privies. Neither light nor ventilation is well provided for. There are not usually more than two rooms. Cupboard-beds are those most commonly used, which are shut up as soon as the occupants quit them, and never opened again until night. The use of linen until lately, either by day or night, was almost unknown ; it is now, however, coming more into fashion among the young people. I also heard from the master of the Union workhouse at Haver- fordwcst that the paupers were " excessively filthy in their habits." In the farmhouses separation and decency are not better at- Fa rm service, tended to than must have been the case in such homes, and the natural bar which consanguinity opposes to vice is removed. Ibid., p. 217 (Evidence of John Johncs, Esq.) : Immorality exists between the sexes to a considerable extent, chiefly among farm-servants. The main cause is perhaps the imperfect arrangements in the older farmhouses, which leave the sexes too much together, and this even at night. Captain Napier, tbe Superintendent of Police in Glamorganshire, to whom, by the kindness of the Marquis of Bute, I was introduced, strongly confirmed this statement in a conversation which I bad with him, saying that " he had known servants of different sexes put to sleep in the same room." But it is not merely among in- mates of the same farmhouse that evil arises. There are several other causes producing similar effects. Ibid., p. 394 : The system of bundling, or, at any rate, something analogous to it, prevails extensively. The unmarried men-servants in the farms range the country at night, and it is a known and tolerated practice that they are admitted by the women-servants at the houses to which they come. I heard the most revolting anecdotes of the gross and almost bestial indelicacy with which sexual intercourse takes place on these occasion?. Ibid., p. 234 (Evidence of Mr. W. Rees) :~ The farmers connive at young people meeting in their houses after the family has retired to rest. D 34 On the State of Education in Wales, Appendix, p. 282 (Evidence of Messrs. Roberts, Glantowi) : The male farm-servants sleep in the outbuildings, and keep what hours they please : the women ask leave to go out in the evening 1 , and then Ihe men meet them ut the public-houses, of which there are 14 in the town here (among a population of 136), and 8 between here and Llandilo, a distance of G miles ; in this way much immorality takes place. Ibid., p. 254 (note of a conversation) : The great number of nightly prayer-meetings and Pwncau schools lead to bad results ; they are places at which lovers agree to meet, and from which they return together at late hours. At these schools young persons of both sexes are congregated together in great numbers and in close contact.* Such are some of the circumstances under which the early life of a Welsh peasant-girl is passed. So far from wondering at what is said of them, viz. that they are almost universally unchaste, the wonder would be if they were otherwise. Their offences, however, arise rather from the absence of all checks than from the deliberate infringement of them, and betoken therefore much less depravity than the same conduct in persons more favourably situated. Ibid., p. 217 (Evidence of John Jolmes, Esq.): In cases where marriage would be out of the question, from the superior rank of the man, the women would not generally listen to proposals of an immoral kind. The first breach of chastiiy with a woman in the lower class is almost always under a promise of marriage. Prostitution and conjugal infidelity are nearly unknown among them, and it would appear that household duties of a material nature (whereof several are naturally picked up in the common routine of agricultural employment) are not altogether neglected. Ibid., p. 237 (Mr. David Owen) : The peasantry are generally very poor, and possess few comforts; but they are economical, and more cleanly than a stranger would think. * My attention lias been strongly called to the terms of the above statement, which lias been much misunderstood, as though I had intended to assert that immorality between the sexes was the principal result of prayer meetings and Pwncau schools. My intention was, in enumerating some of the temptations to which a Welsh peasant- girl in farm service is subjected, to mention an abuse and excrescence of nightly prayer meetings and Pwncau schools, and not to describe them generally, or to give the result of my opinion concerning them. If for the words "lead /o" 1 had wiitten " are not infrequently accompanied %" I should perhaps betier have expressed the par- ticular limitation within which I desired to be understood. The following extract explains the origin of these meetings : " In country districts the Welsh have always been very fond of congregating together at farm-houses or elsewhere for mutual amusement. Some twenty years ago an effort was made to tuin this gregariousness to account. Prayer meetings and schools wete substituted for biddings, cards, and ghost stories. Carmartlien, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 35 The woman has the entire management of the house, and thisshe gene- rally does well; she can generally sew and knit, and is very industrious. But families like these are ill prepared for the change of life to Homes in which the mining districts expose them on their immigration. M^Sctu At the top of a valley, forming a cul-de-sac, suppose some 5000 in s tlistr c or 6000 people collected, and nearly cut off from the rest of the world. This is their domestic economy. Appendix, pp. 304 and 351 : The works have increased faster than adequate accommodation for those employed in them could be provided. The houses are all over- crowded. They are commonly of two stories, and comprise four or five rooms; the fifth room, however (where there is one), is seldom more than u pantry. The average of inhabitants is said to be nearly 12 to each house : I entered upwards of a dozen at random, and found the average to be quite as great as this. The houses are. often in the hands of middlemen ; in such cases the rents are usually higher than when they belong to the company. Rent ranges from 8/. to 10/. per annum. The tenant makes it up by the payments of his lodgers. The cottages are expensively furnished. They contain, almost all of them, a handsome chest of drawers. On this usually rests a large and well-bound Bible. The latter is considered an article of furniture essential to respect- ability ; but a less costly Bible, if any, is kept for use. I saw everywhere coloured prints on the walls in considerable quantity. They usually represent scenes from scriptural history, courtships, or marriages the marriage of Her Majesty and Prince Albert appears to be an especial favourite. The workmen and their families eat and drink to excess; their cookery b, ing at the same time of the most wasteful and greasy description. The principal meal is that taken in the evening, alter work-hours, and called tea. Large quantities of meat and rolls swimming in nie'ted butter are eaten. The men come from work somewhere about six in the evening, but it is a general practice with the women to have tea as early as four or five. For this meal they resort very much to one another's houses, and it is the occasion of all sorts of gossip and tattling. When the husband comes home he does not find a meal ready for him, with his family to share it; he is therefore the more ready to resort to the public-house. " If ever I do marry," - c aid a collier, " I will many a cook, for she will have something ready for me when I do come from work;" implying that such a person was not to be found among the females of his own class. Evidence respecting the mining and manufacturing populations (Rev. John Griffith, Vicar of Aberdare), p. 489: Nothing can be lower, I would say more degrading, than the character in which the women stand relative to the men. The men and the women, married as well as single, live in the same house and sleep in the same room. The men do not hesitate to wash themselves naked before the women ; on the other hand, the women do not hesitate to change their under-garments before the men. Promiscuous intercourse is most common, is thought of as nothing, and the women do not Icse caste by it. D 2 36 On the State of Education in Wales, Greater amount of Female Education in Glamor- ganshire. Age. The following extract from the Parochial Summary shows a considerable difference between Glamorganshire and the other two counties in the relative number of females to males who are said to be attending day-schools: Proportion per cent, of Day-Scholars to the Population of each sex respectively. Carmarthen- shire. Glamorgan- shire. Pembroke- shire. Males 8-6 4-9 9-5 8-8 11-6 6-4 Females The greater equality between the male and female scholars in Glamorganshire is in part accounted for by the greater number of dame-schools. The parochial schools in the south-eastern part of that county are generally of this description. Carmarthen- shire. Glamorgan- shire. Pembroke- shire. Total number of day-schools Dame-schools .... 179 46 327 173 206 72 It appears from Summary No. III., that in all three counties more than half the scholars are between 5 and 10 years of age. It will be observed, however, that in Glamorganshire the per-cent- age of those under 5 years of age considerably exceeds, and oi those over 10 years of age considerably falls short of, that in the other two counties. This is no more than was to be expected, because in Glamorganshire labour very soon becomes valuable (a boy of 11 or 12 can earn from 5s. to 7s. per week), and manu- facturing employment is not, suspended by the vicissitudes of the seasons, so as to afford more leisure at one time of the year than at another for older persons to go to school again. If would there- fore appear, that, so far as any desire is manifested by the poor themselves to extend the period of education, the inclination in the rural districts is to continue it longer, and in the manufacturing to commence it sooner, than at present. Such indications are in- stinctive announcements in what manner these classes can most conveniently, and therefore will most readily, co-operate with ex- trinsic efforts to educate them. Infant-schools ought to bear a much larger proportion to day-schools in the manufacturing than in the rural districts. In connexion with this question of consulting the convenience of the population to be educated, though otherwise out of place here, Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 37 I would mention the policy of changing the present school-hours in the manufacturing districts. Appendix, p. 331 : The master complained that the children could not come early in the morning, because they had to take their parents' breakfast to the works. Ibid., p. 375 : Attendance in the morning is late. The working-people go to work before breakfast, and breakfast at nine. The children either remain to breakfast at this hour at home, or are engaged in carrying breakfast to their parents at the works. Ibid., p. 336 : At 20 minutes past 9 I found only 10 children present. There is nothing like early attendance at school in this neighbourhood. School does not really begin before half-past 9, or even nearer 10. The reason is, because 9 is the workmen's, and therefore each family's, breakfast- hour ; for whether or not the man comes home to take it, or it is taken to him, the meal is prepared at that hour. It would be much better to have the children in from 8, or earlier, till 9, and then again at 10, making three divisions of the school-time in each day, as is done in superior schools, instead of only two. In such localities the scholars are all living close to the school. The number of those living more than a mile and a Scholars half off, in Glamorganshire, is only 6*8 per cent, of the entire num- tin S iimnes ber; while in Carmarthenshire it is 15'3, and in Pembrokeshire fromschooU 12 3 per cent. This fact also marks the peculiar adaptation of infant-schools for a manufacturing population. The distance at which the scholars live from school is a most serious consideration everywhere, but more especially in the rural parts of such counties as those which I visited, where the principal attendance is in the winter months, and the roads too frequently such as appear in the following extracts. Ibid., p. 224 : The day-school at Ffald y brenin is approached from the north side of the turnpike-road between Llandovery and Lampeter by a mile or two of the worst conceivable lanes, crossed by unbridged streams, which, at the time of my visit, the tempestuous rain of the previous day had swollen so that they were almost impassable. This day-school merits particular attention because, at the time of my visit, it was the only one (except the wretched dame-school at Pont ar Twrch) for all that north-wett corner of Carmarthenshire which is comprised in the parishes of Cayo, Llanycrwys, and Pencaireg; the extent of which may be seen by a glance at the map. With regard to the parish roads in this district, they are little better than brook-channels, and in winter are regularly traversed by streams. I walked a considerable way along such a path in passing from the hamlet of Ffald y brenin to the house of the Rev. Rees Jones, the Independent minister. The road from Ffald y brenin to Ysgardawe, 38 On the State of Education in Wales, six miles across the hill*?, where there is a Sunday-school, was (they told me) still worse; and I can say as much for the hill-road between Pumsaint and Cayo village. It is positively not safe for very young children to traverse these roads in bad weather, such as usually prevails in mountainous tracts during* winter. Appendix, p. 241 : The free-school is intended for the benefit of the parishes of Llansa- dwrn and Llanwrda^ and the master or mistress is to be chosen " not by both parishes, but by a vestry of the parish of Llansadwrn" But in order to give those parishioners of Llansadwrn who reside in the village due benefit from the foundation during the bad weather of winter, it is necessary that the direct road between Llansudvvrn village and the schoolhouse should be repaired. Among the many bad roads which I had to travel over in Wales I found this one of the very worst. It was raining heavily on the day of my visit, and in one part the road was crossed by a rapid stream, then two feet deep. There was only a plank-bridge across it. The only other way is two or three miles round. By the direct way no child, on the day I saw it, could have safely come. But perhaps the question of distance presents itself under its most difficult aspect in such tracts as the upper parts of Carmar- thenshire and Pembrokeshire, where the population is too scat- tered for their children to be gathered into one school, and too poor to maintain several schools. The cottages lie far apart, and are dot ted down in remote corners. There can hardly be said to be roads between them ; mere tracks over stony or marshy hill-sides. If the children get to school at all, it can only be once in the day, and then they are either kept at work for too great a number of hours together, or else they receive only half their proper time of intruction. Ibid., p. 255: The master told me that he did not give the children any play -time at noon at present, for he had made it a rule to have only one yoking a-day in the winter. Again, Ibid., p. 450 : The mistress said that poverty prevented many from sending their children to school, as they had nothing to send with them for dinner. I then inquired, and seven said that their parents had no bread to give them that morning to come to school, consequently they were obliged to go home to have gruel, and, owing to the distance many of them had to walk, could not return in the afternoon. With a view to such neighbourhoods, the Vicar of Llanelly (Appendix, p. 1) proposed to have One large and well-built central school, with a number of schools of ease, raised in a less costly manner, connected with it. The metropolitan and branch schools all to be under one master, and the latter directed by pupil-teachers. Perhaps nothing short of boarding-schools could meet such cases. Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 39 I found an important charity at Haverfordwest (Tasker's, C. C. R., p. 714), in one of the trusts whereof something ot this nature seemed to be contemplated, although the foundation is administered only as a day-school. It runs, " And out of the same (rents and profits) to build an almshouse for the maintenance of poor children of both sexes." The distance of schools, however, might too often be more justly described as the utter absence of them. Take such cases as the following. Appendix, p, 242 : Out of '25 parishes in Derllys hundred, with a population of 15,793, I found no less than 12 parishes, with a population of 4255, i. c. more than one-fourth of the whole, Utterly unprovided with day -school sat all. For the quality of those schools which exist I must refer to the Reports, which, however, fail, in general, to convey the idea of utter inefficiency which would he collected from a sight of the schools. The district which lies between Carmarthen and Llanstephan, a dis- tance of not less than eight or nine miles, is peculiarly destitute, there not being a single day-school within two miles of the road between those places, except the wretched one at Berllan Newydd. I found the conterminous parishes of Cilymaenllwyd, Egremont, Llangan, Llanglydwen, and Llandissilio without a single day-school among them. These parishes lie, for the most part, between Narbeth, in Pembrokeshire, and the eastern end of the Precelly Mountain, which nearly divides Pembrokeshire from E. to W. Nor are matters much better in the English district. There is no school bet ween St. Clear's and Laugharne, a distance of five miles. The town of Laugharne is fairly off for schools, but all to the west of it, south of Llandowror and the mail-road, 1 did not find another day-school in operation throughout the area occupied by the parishes < t Llandawke, Llansadwrnen, Eglwys Cymin, Cyffic, Marros, and Pendine ; except only Barriett's, which is principally for the children of farmers, and old Mary Rees's at Pendine, in which I found three scholars. Ibid., p. 394 (Dewisland hundred): This district embraces the north-west quarter of Pembrokeshire. Out of 21 parishes, containing an aggregate population of 10,840, no less than 12 parishes, containing a population of 2392, are utterly unprovided with day-schools at all ; 13 parishes, containing a population of 3401, are without a resident clergyman ; and 11 parishes, containing a popu- lation of 2462, are without either a day-school or a resident clergyman. Ibid., p. 406 (Kemess hundred) : This district includes all the northern coast of Pembrokeshire from Fishguard to Cardigan, and extends some miles to the south of the Precelly Mountain. On the south and west it is bounded by the hundreds of Dungleddy and Dewisland, and on the east by that of Kilgerran. It is quite as badly off for education as Dewisland. Of its 26 parishes, containing a population of 15,559, no less than 13 parishes, containing a population of 2652, are without a day-school at all ; 14 parishes, containing a population of 3773, are without a resident A UNIVERSITY fir ^""'"^vixSk. ^ 40 On the State of Education in Wales, clergyman ; and 12 parishes, containing a population of 2386, are without either a day-school or a resident clergyman. In the whole of the country bet ween Fish guard and Dinason the north, and the Precelly Mountain on the south, there is no day-school. Appendix, p. 417 (Kilgerran hundred) : This district includes the N.E. corner of the county. There are fair schools in Manordivey and Kilgerran in the upper part of it by the Teifi, where there are several resident proprietors, who maintain these two schools. But, out of 9 parishes in the hundred, containing a population of 5211, no less than 5 parishes, containing a population of 2458, are without a day-school at all ; 6 parishes, containing a popula- tion of 2548, are without a resident clergyman ; and 4 parishes, con- taining a population of 2115, are without either a day-school or a resident clergyman. Ibid., p. 421 (Narberth hundred) : This district comprises the S.E. corner of the county, being bounded on the N. by the hundred of Dungleddy, on the S. by that of Castle- martin, on the E. by Carmarthenshire, and on the W. by the aestuary of the Cleddau, which, lower down, forms Milford Haven. The best schools in it are those at Narbeth and Tavernspite on the north, and at Redberth, Carew, and Jeffreyston on the south. The intermediate district is miserably provided with schools, having for the most part none, or as good as none. If a right line be drawn on the map from Narberth to Pembroke or Pater, as the chord of an arc formed by the south bank of the Cleddau, in the whole of this district (including the parishes of Newton North, Minwear, Martel Tewi, Coedcamlas, Lawrenny, Cosheston, and Nash-cum-Upton, with a population of 2151) I did not find a single day-school, except the three miserable schools reported in the parish of Martel Tewi. The common mode of teaching which I found in country school, was for such children as could read the Bible and Testament to read in two classes, viz. a Bible class (the senior) and a Testament class (the junior). All the rest had to be taught individually. So, indeed, had the whole school, except in the foregoing lessons. Such an arrangement is purely matter of necessity. Class- teaching implies at least uniformity of books among the classfellows, to say nothing of apparatus. Bibles or Testaments (being the cheapest, books printed, as well as the most popular and generally coveted) are the only instances of such uniformity. Each child probably brings to school a different primer, if any. On this point I quote the opinions of schoolmasters. Ibid., p. 236:- One of the great difficulties I labour under in teaching is the want of proper book c : the children bring such as their parents choose to pro- vide, and these are often old works wholly unsuitecl for the purpose. Ibid, p. 245: Each child brings his own book to school, just such as his father has got for him ; this makes it impossible to teach them in classes. They only bring the common books which we had 20 years and longer Carmarthen, Glamor yan, and Pembroke. 41 ago: this, however, is more the effect of poverty than anything else. I never ask for other books where I know the parents 1 circumstances to be bad ; I go on as well as I can, according to the means. Appendix, p. 335: It is quite out of the question to adopt any regular system of education here at present. Parents will not furnish their children with proper school-books. Now, when it is considered (Summary No. V.) that only in 135 out of 698 schools is the teacher assisted by monitors ; that, in the remaining 563, the average of scholars to each teacher is 30 ; that, out of the children found present in day-schools, the proportion of those reading the Scriptures to the rest was 4'2'7 per cent., leaving, on an average, besides the Bible and Testament classes, some 18 children per school for a single teacher to flit among*, from one to the other, as he best can ; when all these points are brought into one view, some idea of the organic and essential inefficiency of such schools may be formed, quite apart from the demerits of individual teachers. The Day-school Schedules contained columns to ascertain the number of hours professed to be devoted to each subject of instruc- tion. I gave up this part of the inquiry after a very short time, as hopeless in the common schools. The quaint answer which I received from a schoolmaster, in reply to my questions on this head, may be held to represent the general state of country schools : " You see, Sir, when I reads 'em hard, I spells 'em less, and contrariwise, just as they pleases me." In respect of books, the workmen's schools are superior to most others, because it does not rest with each individual to provide books for his own child. Volumes from Chambers's Series are very generally used in these schools. The nearly exclusive use of the Scriptures as a reading-book I subject* of have just mentioned under the head of " Method, 1 ' and the worth- sTm^aJy"' lessness of such a system, as a means of conveying religious or any JJ" other knowledge, 1 shall have to mention again when I come to " Religious Instruction." I am here merely concerned with the mechanical art of reading. The division into verses is commonly made use of to mark the portion which each boy must read. They read in the same order as they stand. Each boy looks out for the verse that is coming to him ; beyond that verse he concerns himself with nothing, except the cue of the preceding one. Sud- denly break the order, either by stopping in the middle of a verse, or missing a boy or two, and the chance is, no one can go on. The number returned as reading " Simple Narratives" are for the most part those rated by the teacher as not able to read the Bible, the simple narratives being only the sentences in common primers. Punctuation is fairly regarded, from a custom common in Sunday-schools, of each person's reading from stop to stop. The 42 On the State of Education in Wales, modulation of the voice is often a sort of chant, which seems to have survived from the times " when a man who could read the ' Welsh Candle ' with n tone was considered a very good scholar." (Appendix, p. 245.) There was no end to the insertion, omission, and miscalling of all the little words. To these no meaning what- ever appeared to be attached. Even when the nouns and verbs were understood, the relation between them was not gathered from the other parts of spaech or inflexions in the sentence, but supplied or surmised by the association of ideas, just as we should guess the meaning of a sentence in a foreign language, of which we had caught the principal word or two. Out. of 88 children in the upper classes of schools that, were better than the average, only 6 wrote correctly a few words of dictation ; 42 either made no attempt, or wrote mere gibberish ; the rest preserved more or less glimmering of the sense, with more or less of bad spelling. I rarely or never found the Catechism taught to any purpose. The children connected the answers with the questions simply by the association of words, not of sense. Hence, the slightest varia- tion in the form of the question puzzled them, and, if the mere mechanical memory failed, the proper answer of one question would be given in reply to another. Appendix, p. 464 : When I asked, " Can you tell me what the word sacrament means?" not one replied. I was simultaneously answered when I asked, " What meanest them by this word sacrament?" To be of the slightest use to the children of the labouring classes, especially in Wales, where there is the double language to contend against, any formulary whatever must throughout every clause of it be pulled to pieces, reconstructed, paraphrased, and turned in every possible way, by oral teaching. Else, it is to them mere stereotyped nonsense. No explanatory book, no printed sub- division of questions and answers, supplies the place of this living commentary. Ibid., p. 283:- I found that they repeated the whole of the Church Catechism on Fri- days and Sundays, and a section daily from an Exposition of the Cate- chism by Dr. Mann, Bishop of Cork and Ross. The Exposition seemed to me just as hard as the text : the children repeated it merely by rote, as appeared from several of them giving answers which belonged to some other question than the one asked, besides such omissions and misplacing of little words as often made nonsense of what they said. As an instance of the unsatisfactory nature of this Exposition for purposes of instruction, I may mention that the question " What are the works of the devil ?" is followed by a list of vices arranged with as little method as the nouns and verbs which follow the rules in Propria quce maribus and As in prcesenti. Those whom I found writing on slates are not two-thirds of those whom I found writing on paper. In common schools the slate is Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 43 exclusively appropriated to arithmetic, and paper to writing, even for beginners. The parents of a child who learns writing 1 must provide it with a book, and pay (generally) an additional 1^. for the instruction. Hence it is regarded in the light of an extra, or accomplishment. Not much more than half of those found present in school were learning to write. Here is the testimony of a schoolmaster. Appendix, p. 449 : Writing. I will merely observe, in reference to this, that no system is pursued, and, as the pupil has no dements to ^uide his judgment, but commences with the imitation of a copy-line, his ideas of the real forms of letters are nothing but confusion. A worse practice however prevails than this, that the whole of his time in writing when at school is employed in copying that which is already written, and the conse- quence is, that, when he has to write that which has only an ideal existence (say it is a letter to his friends when from home), he is pnt to the greatest shifts. My own observation fully confirms this statement. The fol- lowing is an extreme case: Ibid., p. 342: I tried the children at writing from the Lesson Book on their slates "But who made you and all the boys and girls in the world?" One wrote it correctly with the exception of hoo for who. Most of the others did not get beyond But. Such as made any further attempt arranged their words in a vertical column. The average a^e of these boys was upwards of nine years; their average attendance at school upwards of three years. Little supervision is exercised over the children white engaged iu writing. Ibid., p. 341 : I saw a boy copying from a tattered slip the following words: " Nothing more grateful than a pleasant friend " (sic). He was not overlooked, and was blending and severing the letters into every variety of blunder; e.g. lie had separated (all the way down) grate fromful. The line which he had just written when I looked at his book stood thus " Nothing more grate ful than aplesant frend." Ibid., p. 300 : The copy-books were ill written, and the children suffered to write whole pages of misspelt words without correction e. g. I noticed a page written from beginning to end with " Trartor an enemy to his country," and "Nowrth ward towards the north." There is frequently no manner of convenience for writing. In five schools I found that the scholars had to kneel at benches to write; in a sixth, at the seats of pews; in a seventh (Appendix,, p. 366), I found the third class copying on slates from some little dirty slips in round- hand: they had no desks before their benches, and had to hold the copy in their hands, and the slate on their laps. 44 On the State of Education in Wales,-- The copies set are often most extraordinary. Appendix, p. 261 : One of the copy-slips written by the master was " Zebu, an Indian animal ;" another " Uncle, the husband of an aunt."^ Ibid., p. 301 : Several pieces were written from the " Ready Letter-writer," a somewhat odd compilation to put into the hands of children. In the first copy-book that I opened was copied at full length " A Letter from a young Gentleman to a Lady, begging her acceptance of a Present." The school atUzmaston (Appendix, p. 404) exhibited a pleasing contrast: Just before the Christmas holidays the children had written letters (without assistance) to the patroness, on the occasion. I saw several of these letters. They were quite different enough from each other to mark them as really original. They exhibited, for the most part, a very pleasing proof of minds and feelings moved in a good direction. The labouring classes, including a large proportion of those called farmers, are unable to write. Not to mention that this inability cuts off from them all chance of promotion elsewhere, it affects the economy of their present position. Ibid., p. 282. (Evidence of Mr. Roberts, Glan-towi) : I may mention one circumstance in particular which bears hard upon the poor : from their want of education they cannot generally write with sufficient ease to make use of the post-office; hence the reduction of postage has failed to benefit them ; they can only transact business by word of mouth, and to do this they necessarily waste much time and labour in journeys. Arithmetic, like writing, constitutes an extra, for which an additional Id. is commonly demanded. Only one-third of those found present in school were learning it at all ; and, again, of this third, little more than a third were advanced beyond the simple rules. Nevertheless, the sons of the smaller farmers devote to it exclusively such odd . T . struction be- the education of the common schools begins and ends. It is true yona Read- that, in Summary No. VI., there are enumerated Geography, i English Grammar, English Etymology, English History, Vocal metic - Music, Linear Drawing, Land Surveying, and Navigation. But, without insisting upon such of these subjects as are liable to be called specialties, or upon the national loss which is yearly incurred by the waste of talents for the cultivation or indication of which such subjects are suitable, I have no hesitation in saying that a child might pass through the generality of these schools without learning either the limits, capabilities, general history, or language of that empire in which he is born a citizen ; and this is the kind of knowledge which I consider to be the province of Geography, English History, English Grammar, and English Etymology, in elementary schools. The ideas of the children remain as help- lessly local as they might have done a thousand years ago. AH that they learn now they might have learnt then. There is absolutely nothing in their education to correspond with any part of all that which has since happened and is happening in the world. I do not imagine that it is possible adequately to conceive the narrowness which circumscribes their view, or the confusion which renders unmeaning to them every word that expresses a relation more extensive than their daily sphere. They cannot, on leaving school, read with intelligence the most ordinary work upon subjects of common information (Appendix, p. 463). What share in those notions which constitute our national existence can a lad have, who calls the capital of England Tredegar ; who, being- pressed to name another town in England besides London, names Europe (ibid., p. 334), or America (p. 283) ; who says that William the Conqueror defeated the English at the battle of Waterloo (p. 239), and reigned next before Queen Victoria (p. 283); 46 On the State of Education in Wales, that Napoleon was a Russian (p. 352), or an American, Scotch- man, Spaniard (p. 395) ? What compass has a person for the direction of his energies to the most profitable account, who does not know to what English port the packets sail from Cardiff, whence all the produce of his neighbourhood is shipped ? What hold has society-upon the sense of interest, sympathies, or reason of such people ? Schoolmasters defend themselves by saying that with the smaller farmers (Appendix, p. 245), It would be no recommendation, but rather the reverse, to be told that their children would learri history and geography. But can this be wondered at when in a school, by no means of the lowest class (ibid., p. 239), English history and geography were taught from half a page devoted to each at the end of a spelling-book ? In the words of the master of this same school, who could get no better books supplied by the parents of his scholars (ibid., p. 237)- It is necessary to show Wales the value of education. If good education could be given to a few, the promotion of these (which would be sure to follow) would stimulate the rest to exertion. Much of the present agitation on the subject amon<>; the people has been occasioned by the example of some few of the farmers who have sent their sons to the London University, or Glasgow, to be educated. The subse- quent advancement of these (which has been almost invariable) has awakened a desire in others to do the like. They will not, however, make sacrifices until it shall be more plainly shown to them how great an advantage will be gained. Vocal music in day-schools rarely extends beyond singing common psalm and hymn tunes. The subject, however, is popular, and enters largely into the popular worship. Considering the temperament of the Welsh labouring classes, I should say that music might be made to form a peculiarly important part of their education. In the English-spoken districts I found a greater number of schools in which a respectable course of instruction was given than elsewhere, though these were by no means in sufficient quantity, nor equally distributed. This is to be accounted for by the fact that the landed proprietors are more generally resident. But if the upper classes do more towards educating the children of the labouring classes, the adult portion of these latter classes does less for itself. In Castlemartin hundred, as has been already noticed, there are hardly any Sunday-schools upon the Welsh type with their own peculiar activity.* Religious From Summary No. IV. it appears that in 25'8 per cent, of instruction. ^ pnt j re mim ber of schools no religious instruction is professed to * See "Extracts from the Appendix," pp. 173-178 of this volume. Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 47 be given. I laid down the following rule : If any Catechism or other religious formulary was being taught, or it' the Scriptures were said to be used, not simply as a reading-book, but also to convey religious instruction in either of these cases I entered the school as one in which religious instruction was given. I am inclined, however, to think that the answers upon which the foregoing proportion is founded overstate the fact, from the follow- ing testimonies : Appendix, p. 218 (Evidence of William Dames, Esq., and Dr. Dames) : Religious instruction, as a general rule, is not given in private day- schools. The common reading-book is the Testament or spelling-book. The Testament is used simply as a reading-book, and that because it is the cheapest : no explanation is given of it. Ibid., p. *238 (Evidence of Mr. David Owen) : To give religious instruction never enters into the head of a man setting up a private day-school; the parents would object to it. Now, private day-schools make more than half of the whole number of schools. I usually found the text regarded, after it had been read, as nothing more than a repertory of words to spell, and for which to ask the Welsh equivalents. Where more was attempted,, only two modes of questioning were generally in use. Of these, one con- sisted in putting each verse that had been read into an interrogative form, as many times over as it contained words, verbatim, excepting the particular word which answers each question; e. g., if the words read had been " Jesus went up into a mountain to pi'ay," the questions would be, " Who went up into a mountain? What did Jesus go up into? Hmo did Jesus go to the mountain? For ichat did Jesus go up into the mountain?" The boy hears the question, then looks at the verse, and, finding all the words of the question in the words of t/ie verse, except one, he knows by habit that this one is the word which he is intended to repeat in answer. The other mode of interrogation is, at once to abandon the passage read, and to ask a number of questions, which have no connexion with the passage or with one another, and to which the children know the answers (commonly a single word) by rote, if at all. For instance (Appendix, pp. 4'27-S) : I heard the first class read from the 12th chapter of the Se:ond Book of Samuel. I asked the master to question the children upon it as he usually did; whereupon he asked, " Who was Jesus Christ?" "Where was he buried ?" He then did not seem inclined to go on. Ibid., pp. 265-6 : I heard 13 boys read from the 12th chapter of Jeremiah; they could all read with moderate ease; the master asked the following questions, in the two first referring to the passage read, and then digressing : Righteous art thci. who i.s that ? The Lord. What do you mean by 48 On the State of Education in Walcs^ "o/*thy judgments ?" Question was not understood, but the boys gave the Welsh word for judgments. Who made the world ? God. In what space of time did God made the world? In six days. What did he do on the seventh day ? Rested and hallowed it. Who was Christ ? The Son of God. Who was his mother ? The Virgin Mary. How many persons are there in the Godhead ? Three (naming them). Who is the Redeemer of God's elect ? Jesus Christ. What did Jesus Christ done for sinners? Died for them. Which day did he rise from the dead? The third. When did he gone then to heaven? No answer. The old man repeated the word " well " before putting each question, and at this point seemed inclined to begin his circle of exa- mination afresh, asking, Who made the world ? I have recorded the questions as they occurred, seriatim and verbatim. It. is thus a tolerably safe guess with the children that the answer to nine out of every ten questions which they are ever asked, in connexion with their reading-lesson, will be, either God Jesus C/irist Bethlehem the Virgin Mary to save sinners or, the devil. Accordingly, they give one or other of -these words in reply to all scriptural questions whatsoever. I subjoin a few examples of the absurdities which such modes of instruction lead the children to utter, when any attempt is made to examine them in a more rational manner : Appendix, p. 278 : I heard G children read the 3rd chapter of St. Matthew. John the Baptist came to prepare our Lord's way; was called the Baptist, be- cause the kingdom of heaven was at hand because he baptized could not explain the word " baptize" was near a river could not tell the name of the river the name of the river was God. Ibid., p. 291 : Had heard of the apostles ; when asked lohat they were, the answer was Jesus Christ. Ibid., p. 308 :- I heard the 2nd class (7 boys) read St. Matthew ix. indifferently. Could not tell what death Christ died : one answered Bethlehem ; another, palsy hung him nailed him on the cross they nailed at the same time with him certain of the Scribes. It was evident that the children did not understand a syllable of what I was saying, and that they were looking in the verses read for answers to my questions, being used to hear no other questions put to them than the words of each verse read in an interrogative form ; and in this way certain of the Scribes was picked at random from v. 3. Ibid., p. 331 :- I heard them (12 boys) read St. John ii. John the Baptist lived in Bethlehem of Judaea; in Jordan (sic); in six waterpots of stone (sicj. This answer arose from an effort of the boy who made it to find by re- ference to the chapter some verse which should explain what was asked. The early part of the chapter is about Christ's turning the water into wine ; the boy, not understanding a syllable of it, had lit upon the fore- going words, and gave them in answer to my question hap-hazard. Carmarthen, Glamorgan) and Pembroke. 49 Appendix, p. 336: Two boys of the Bible class were present. They had read straight through the Bible to the Book of Job, which they were just beginning. Q. What is the meaning of " perfect and upright?" When can a man be said to be "perfect nnrl upright?" A. And there were born unto him seven sons and seven daughters. Ibid., pp. 340-1 : I found a class of 5 girls and a monitor reading St. Matthew viii, 22 25, about Jesus calming the tempest. Though all read with ease and kepi the stops, the following answers were given to the following question : What happened to Jesus and his disciples in the ship? A great multitude A man sick of the palsy. Such absurd answers are thus to be accounted for: After listening to this class for a minute or two while they read about the tempest, I passed on to another class ; during my absence they had been reading about Christ's curing the man sick of the palsy in the following chapter. The question and answer I took down verbatim. Such means fail to convey any knowledge of language whatever. What I mean will appear better from two instances which I sub- join, with the remarks which they suggested at the time: ; Ibid., p. 327.: When asked to repeat the commandment which tells us to rest on the sabbath, one repeated the tenth ; did not know "what the Ten Com- mandments tell us to do to our father and mother;" repeated the fifth still could not answer this question. I believe that it would be found, on analyzing one of these cases of apparently hopeless stupidity down to the bottom, that it has its root in an ignorance of language (to us almost inconceivable), rather than in feebleness of mental power. In the first place, these children attached no meaning to the word honour; in the next, they had no conception that the words "to do to our father and mother'* were generic, under which something else was to be specified. They repeated the fifth Commandment in connexion with the words "father and mother" merely by an act of associative memory. Ibid., p. 364 : I heard 13 read St. Matthew xxv. "Trimmed their lamps" was read "tormented them lamps." (It should be noted that this is a parish in which no Welsh is spoken.) The Son of Man meant Jesus Christ he will judge the quick and dead did not know the meaning of the quick, nor could give any notion of what it was they had been reading, whether it was a real story or something else; nor when asked to explain the parable (that of the Ten Virgins), after being told to look for this word in the contents at the head of the chapter, could they tell anything about it. By degrees, when asked each part separately, they said that the bridegroom meant Christ, and they contrived to puzzle our. some glimmering of what the rest meant. The name of the nation who crucified our Lord was Golgotha. Such an answer as this merely proves that they did not know" the meaning of the word nation. It may be remarked generally that the absurd answers given by children arise 50 On tlie State of Education in Wales, not from their inability to distinguish ideas, but their ignorance of words. These boys knew well enough the real difference between a person and a place. Not one of them would have said that " Oyster- mouth* had boxed Tom 'Jones's ears," because! in this instance they would know what Oystermouth and Tom Jones meant. In rather less than one-fourth of the schools in which religious instruction is professed to be given is it conducted by any other person than the master or mistress of the school. By the word tf conducted," I mean something more than occasional visits and formal examinations. There is no part of school instruction in which the personal intervention of patrons or visitors is capable of being more beneficial. It offers the best, perhaps the only, chance of giving to the children of the poor those benefits which result from good society. In learning the highest principles of manners, they learn manners themselves from this kind of lesson, in a way which no mere teacher's teaching can convey. I was always struck with the different bearing of the children who enjoyed this advantage as compared with others who did not. This interven- tion becomes more necessary as schools grow more active, and children, without some such counterbalance, have a greater tendency to turn out vulgar and flippant than they had before to remain sheepish and rude. The schools at Talliaris (Appendix, pp. 231-2), Porthkerry (p. 322), Redberth (p. 436), and Uzmastou (p. 404) made a strong impression upon my mind in this respect. f The only points of religious teaching which struck me as being generally impressed upon the children's minds were the duty of keeping holy the Sabbath-day, and that the wicked would be cast into he[\-fire. The Sunday-schools in connexion with the Church are of a totally different description from those which I have already mentioned. As places of religious instruction for the young they appeared to me to be generally far better conducted than the chapel schools ; it was made more exclusively their business. Where a Church Sunday-school existed, the clergyman usually took part in it personally, and the voluntary teachers would be of a superior class. One of the Church Sunday-schools with the constitution of which I was most pleased was that at Penmark (Appendix, p. 321) : The teachers are, the incumbent and his wife, the squire and his wife, the master of the day-school in the village (now nearly confined to boys), and the mistress of the girls' school at Fonmon. The senior class of boys repealed two verses of the Psalms and the Collect for the day. They read the Epistle and Gospel. I nmy remark here that the cards of the Sunday-school Union are only an imitation of what is already provided in this part of our Liturgy, which seems to me the must appropriate exercise for a Church Sunday-school. * The name of the village in which the school lay. f See " Extracts from the Appendix," pp. 178-183 of this volume. Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 51 A similar school, which an accident, prevented my visiting, is described, Appendix, p. 390.* To these I may add Redberth (ibid., p. 437) and Porthkerry (ibid., p. 322). In nearly 60 per cent, of the schools no visitation is made. It visitation, may be said that this is not peculiar to schools for the poor. The case, however, of such schools differs essentially in this respect from schools for the upper classes. The scholars' parents are, in a great measure, visitors of these latter schools, at least over the material arrangements of them. Parents of the labouring class rarely go near the school in which their children are being instructed, or, if they do, come with no higher standard than that, of their own homes. The Rev. John Allen, Her Majesty's Inspector, having visited in 1845 many endowed schools in two of the counties (Car- marthenshire and Pembrokeshire) assigned to rne, I have returned all such schools as "visited by an Inspector;" although, not being aided by Government, they cannot be considered as liable to this visitation in the same sense as to that of their committee, trustees, governors, or guardians. I have done the same by Mrs. Bevan's schools, which are visited by an Inspector of their own. Generally, it is visitation when actually made, and not the right of visitation, which I have recorded. The process of instruction is conducted entirely with English Language books. It is, therefore, important to mark the districts in the tj f n! 8truc " counties assigned to me within which the English language may be considered as the mother-tongue of the people. These districts may be roughly described as lying to the south of the London mail-road, i. e. the entire southern coast-line and the depth of a few miles behind it, from Cardift' to the coast of the Irish sea, with the exception of the interval between Swansea and St. dear's, where the south-east corner of Carmarthenshire reaches down to the British Channel. Throughout the rest of my district, especially in those quarters which are both inland and rural, although persons keeping shops or engaged in trade, and individuals here and there, more frequently than some years ago, may understand English, yet there is no general and popular acquaintance with it beyond a few words and sentences for the commonest things and occasions. Into such quarters as these latter the indirect means of diffusing a knowledge of English scarcely penetrate. The Sunday-schools in nowise conduce to such an end.f 38 per cent, of them are con- ducted in Welsh only, and 36'4 per cent, in both languages. In the latter, however (excepting the Church schools), the English class is generally very small, being composed either of those children who are going to a day-school, and whose parents object to * See " Extracts from ihe Appendix," pp. 183-185 of this volume. Redberth and Porthkerry Sunday-schools are included in the extracts last referred to. f See " Extract's from the Appendix,'' pp. 185, 186, of this volume. E 2 52 On the State of Education in Wales, their being taught Welsh on Sundays (Appendix, p. 215), or else of those adults who are not of the labouring class (ibid., p. 246). It would be impossible to exaggerate the difficulties which this diversity between the language in which the school-books are written 'and the mother-tongue of the children presents. In pro- portion as the teacher adheres to English, he does not get beyond the child's ears ; in proportion as he employs Welsh, he appears to be superseding the most important part of the child's instruction. How and where to draw the line how to convey the principles of knowledge through the only medium in which the child can apprehend them, yet to leave them impressed upon its mind in other terms, and under other forms how to employ the old tongue as a scaffolding, yet to leave, if possible, no trace of it in the finished building, but to have it, if not lost, at least stowed away all this presupposes a teacher so thoroughly master of the subjects which he is going to teach, and also of two languages most dissimilar in genius and idiom, that he can indifferently represent his matter with equal clearness in one as in the other. No teachers less gifted could deal effectually with the existing state of things. How far the present teachers are likely to be such persons will appear in the sequel of my Report. So far as the Welsh peasantry interest themselves at all in the daily instruction of their children, they are everywhere anxious for them to be taught English. Appendix, p. 229 (Evidence of the Rev. J. Pugh) : Still, amidst so Iowa standard of morality, and such squalid poverty, there is a very general feeling that some degree of instruction wt,ul ' Name of School. jference to pa Appendix. umber for whi is accommod 6 square ft. (<. umber on the Pi ||* 75-3 III 111 111 X X X b J . *. d. s. d. LatTiphey . . . 391 106 104 16 11 6 3 If Lam peter Velfrey 426 171 124 20 3 2} Burton .... 440 93 70 10 15 10 3 0| Porthkerry. . . 322 51 50 4 10 1 9* Total 421 348 51 17 4 2 11 1 Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 57 and above the teachers' salaries, is nearly 3y. per annum, yet the ill-provided state in which I found the great majority of schools would by no means warrant me in supposing that any such additional sum is commonly expended from the resources either of patrons or scholars upon them. When the payment of a teacher, and a room to keep school in, have been provided, all else is left very commonly to shift for itself. According to what appears in Sum- mary No. IX., the annual income of schools in the three counties (exclusively of workmen's schools) is 15,224/. 16-y. 9c?., which, divided among 27,903 scholars, allows rather more than 10s. lOJd. for each child. The actual sum expended is probably something between 1 l.v. and 12s. per annum, or, in the whole, some 19,0007. per annum. The school-pence constitute about three-fifths of the entire sum ; i. c. if each poor man's child is educated at an average cost of l'2s. per annum, the parents themselves contribute more than 7f. of this sum. Now, if 7*. be spread over all the weeks of the year, it averages more than IJc?. per week ; but, in fact, it is raised upon periods of attendance much shorter than all the year round, and therefore, the rate per week is proportionably greater. Indeed, for reading, writing, and arithmetic, in the common private adventure- schools, the charge is commonly 3d. or 4d. Such a sum is very considerable in a country where little money circulates, and where the labourer, feeding at his employer's house, receives good part of his wages in kind, and not more than 8d. per day in cash. On such terms he cannot send his children regularly to school. Appendix, p. 282 (Evidence of Messrs. Roberts) : The practice of paying the wages so much in food also tends to diminish that sum out of which savings might be made for the purpose of educating the children, putting, as it does, the abstemious and gluttonous man on a level. The labourers prefer being fed, because they get their meals better cooked and with more comfort than at their own homes; and the farmers prefer feeding them, because it saves turning their produce into money. There is a great and general deficiency of voluntary funds for the maintenance of schools for the poor in the rural parts of South Wales. By far the most liberal contributors to such schools in England are the clergy. The following Table* exhibits the clerical income of the beneficed clergy in my district. I would beg to call particular attention to the average area and population of the parishes in Carmarthenshire, and to the income of the clergy in the remote hundreds of Dewisland and Kemess : * This Table wai compiled from the Clergy List, which professes to distinguish those benefices to which a glebe-house lit for residence is attached. My attention has been called to some important inaccuracies respecting Castlemartin Hundred, in which I am informed that instead of 4 there are 9 glebe-houses, and 8 clergymen resident in them. It is therefore probable that the Table is inaccurate in other parts as well as in thi. I have, however, no wish to retract the general statements in the text of my Report upon this subject, which I believe to be perfectly well founded. 58 On the State of Education in Wales, *l 1 "1 " lid it 4 s Counties. [umber of IV rislics. 1 u 11 [umber of Gle Houses. otal Income e Clergy from netices. S c J* Hi Z oa, m III! veraj-e Popul tion per Pari .veraje Area i Square Miles per Parish. F * ** H if ' A ' 1j . . *. rt- at Flyn- niifht non. 1. .. 170 t % 5 4 2 3 No.' Ye*. 70 30 Agricultural. Com- Thomas Davis, posed chiefly of currier, Nar- small mechanics, berth. shop-keepers, and 20 Jan. 1847. beer-shops or small public- houses. .. .. 60 5 5 , , 2 No. No. 100 35 Poor. 1*. per day, Henry Evans, not and Id. with Puncheston, belong- meat. We want near Haverford- ing to a school very west. anv. much. 10 Jan. 1847. L. .. j 26 Theschool- room is paid for independ- 2 32 6 Yes. Kept in Pen-y- groen school- 80 25 Many of our sub- scribers are farm- servants, and under-tenants Simon Evans, Independent Minister, Pen- y-groes, Eg- ent of room. rents and are Cardigan. i this sum. day-labourers. 7 January, 1847. We have no resi- dent clergyman in the parish, no squires, and no magistrate. Welsh is the Ian- i guage of all ; general rate of wages, Is. per day. 62 On the State of Education in Wales, Pembrokeshire Educational d j Rank of Subscribers. Number engaging scribe for Five I Name Number Yeomen. | ! il a 4 e I c 1 of School, of Members in Farir ere. Freeholders ^. I 1 o a C I i 5 *f 2 o a* la 4} Number of Distric eluded in it. whence Children are likely to come. Committee formed and Amount of Qualification. Labourers. ji Kent between 20 and 100. Kent more than 100. Owning more than 100 Acres. Owning less than 100 Acres. Magistrates, Squir and Gentry. Mechanics and Sh Merchants, Banki facturers. Coal Masters. Less than 5s. per Between 5s. and j num. Between 1 and . num. Between 5 anc Annum. ft Antioch. Yes. 23 21 12 5 1 1 2 6 25 13 10 Llanfyrnacb, Being subscribers of 5s. annually, Llanfair, and and upwards. Whitechurch. c. Llandilo. Yes. 21 14 15 12 1 1 2 .. J .. 21 16 6 Being subscribers Llandilo, Llan- of 5s. per an- golman, and num. 5a. Llanycefn. Congregational Sep. 5, 24 12 4 10 6 ! 5 , 3 .. 32 10 2 School. 1844. in the last years, but for the fu- St. David's parish ture 32, being subscribers of 4s. per annum. 6. TChos-y-caerau Congregational Yes;in 1844. 13 Being all sub- 38 12 7 3 2 1 2 squires 52 10 3 - School. scribers of 5s. __ annually, and Llanwnda, St. upwards. 1 Nicholas, Ma- - 6,. nor-Owen. MiUord and Hakin British Schools. First week in Sept. 20 No fixed qualifi- cation . 9 .. labourers and 18 seamen. 1 2 1 3 minis- ters ; 4 squires 62 mecha- nics and shop- 4 manu- fac.u- rers. 54 19 21 1 Steynton and Hubberstone. 1846. keepers, in which are compre- hended all persons in trade, and all work- men (labourers and searm n except b. Tabernncle or Yes. 8 7 8 2 3 6 18 2 40 4 1 Milford. Being subscribers ofo/. Steynton and Hubberstone. Total .... 407 109 96 37 15 28 22 260* 16f 567 310 100 4 * 70 u added to this column for Pembroke Dock. f 5 is added to this column for Pembroke Dock. Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. Committee continued. 63 o Sub- .S Number of Committee, g X'ears.J 1 being S I I i 1 1 *3 f Character c c i c S II > wards of 20 per An o !| urchmen. dependents. f 1 1 j | d 1 tier Denominations. 1 1 a 1 ll a s obable Attendance. 1 * >, I cl of the Locality, Rate of Wages, and General Remarks. Secretary's Signature, Address, and Date of Return. 1 P 6 c 3 * S 1 1 CH . s. d. 85 17 6 10 12 i Yes. Yea. 60 . s. 16 Mountainous dis- David Thomas, 60 trict. Bwlchclawdd, 145 17 6 Pembrokeshire. 22 March, 1847. 60 Building. 120 i 19 1 Yes. Yef 80 30 Common labourers. William Mel- Is. per day. chior, Llandilo, near Narherth. 1 March, 1847. M .. 75 tt 20 M it o 2 Sept. 10, April, 50 30 David Griffiths, Not in- 1844. 1844. Trelwvd, near cluding school- St. David's. 16 Jan., 1847 pence, nor the sum spent in building two school- rooms. 2 11 Yes. Ye. 70 30 Agricultural. Wages, 7s. a-week. David Bateman, Fis! iguard. 1 March, 1847. " * List of subscribers not yet completed: 250 1 In c c Tl,, 5 .1. ji.-n.t- ili have chool t their own. 4 10 .. repre- senting two con- grega- It fa hoped,in the autumn. Site ob- tained in Januarv, 1847." Building about 150 40 per an- nuin, ai.d house The locality is partly agricul- tural'and partly maritime, though chiefly dependent William Thomas, Middle-s'reet, Milford Haven. 3 February, 1847. positive ; 300 tions not yet begun. rent free on shipping in- terests for its In- confidently expected. come Rates of wages for labourers vary from 5s to 10s. weekly, and for seamen and mechanics from 12. to 24s. weekly. The state of morality is quite equal to the average in the county. The means of education have been very scantv, but the voluntary efforts recently made, and now making, will fully meet, if they do not exceed, the demand and necessities. .. .. 260 1 5 1 .. 1 No. May 14. 140 50 Labourers' wages Rev. Thomas Site ob- first two average 7s. per Lloyd, David tained; years. week ; farm- Evans, Edward contract labourers, not D=ivies, Mil- to be re finding their own ford. ceived in provisions, 4s. 26 Jan., 1847. oneweek per week. hence. .. . . 2338 17 Cf 7 172 91 18 22 6 .. . , Average 34 J The subscribers classified tion according to rank. to the amount of their subscriptions differ by 1 1 from the number returned in the classifi- Exclusively of 3 schoolrooms built. 64 On the State of Education in and, therefore, while they exhibit the character, they do not exhibit the full extent, of the movement. Mr. Davies informed me, in the summer of this year, that the entire sum promised to be sub- scribed in five years did not fall much short of 50007. From these returns it appears that, out of 992 subscribers, 776 are either labourers, farmers paying less than 20/. per annum in rent, mechanics, or small tradesmen ; that 887 are annual sub- scribers of less than I/.; that out of 316 committee-men only 7 are members of the Church of England; and that the common qualification of a committee-man is an annual subscription of 5s. It is an attempt to enlist among the same class in favour of daily education the same feeling which has covered the country with chapels and established Sunday-schools, viz. it is to be all the Welsh people's own work, and they are to have it all to themselves, which appears to be the most inviting aspect under which any cause can be presented to their minds. Very different is the educational constitution in the mining and manufacturing districts, where the workmen are left utterly without control over the schools, which are in a great measure maintained out of their wages. I am not able to state what the stoppages in particular works amount to. Joseph Price, Esq., of the Neath Abbey Works (Appendix, p. 339), who has established one of the best of these schools, considered that the masters in this way possessed means to provide effectually for the education of their people without further assistance. The stoppage is very trifling compared with the rate of wages, which range from 15s. to 25s. per week (often much higher), with fuel gratis in many instances. In mining and rural districts, equally, popular education is exposed to great vicissitudes. I found the school closed at Mar- ros (Appendix, p. 260), because the estate on which it stands, and by the former owner of which it used to be supported, had been purchased in trust for a minor; at Pont-ar-Dawe (ibid., p. 326), because the proprietorship of the tin- works was in course of being changed; at St. Andrew's (ibid., p. 318), because no one continued to superintend the collection of subscriptions. Again, at Dowlais, school-extension was deferred, because the lease of a great iron-company was nearly expiring and not certain of renewal (ibid., p. 305). Endowments Endowments constitute about 8 per cent, of the school income returned. A cheap mode of rectifying them appeared to be greatly wanted. Appendix, p. 302 : Lewis's Charity School. I visited this school on the 26th of March. An account of the endowment is given in C. C. R., p. 404. It is at present administered under a scheme settled by the Court of Chancery some ten or twelve years ago. The Rev. George Thomas, of Llandaft Court, one of the trustees, stated very strongly his opinion, that this Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 65 scheme was by no means one of practical utility ; but that experience in the delay and expense of Chancery proceedings deterred the trustees from applying to the Court for an improved one. He lamented that there was not, and expressed his hope that there yet might be, some public administration of all charities, such as this at Gellygaer. The population of the parisli is densest in the direction of Rhymney. The trustees are anxious to devote part of their funds to the benefit of that locality, but the scheme does not admit of their doing so. The accumulation of the school income amounts to 3000/. or 4000/., of which, under such pressing circumstances, no use is being made. Appendix, pp. 446-7 (extract from a letter of the Vicar of Llan- stadwell) ; Few parishes stand more in need of some regularly-established school than this does, but unfortunately there is no opulence in the parish to set such a thing going, or to support it when established. The late Mr. Mathias, of Hayston, by his will, gave effects to be sold for the establishment of a district school for Llanstadwell and Rosemarket, which produced a very considerable sum, but which, by law expenses, &c., dwindled down to 1278/. 19*. Id. in the 3i per cents., and is now in the control of the Accomptant-General, pro- ducing about 44/. Us. \)d. per annum, the interest, of course, accu- mulating. Although the money is thus placed, there are considerable difficulties existing as to the establishment of it. The clerical trustees are the Vicar ol Steynton, with the clergy of the two parishes. One difficulty was, some time, that the Vicar of Steynton would not act; but that is now removed, as the present Vicar has consented to do so. But the main difficulty is the procuring a proper site (as the will s:.ys it shall be central), and then to obtain funds for building a proper schoolroom, with a dwelling-house attached. This difficulty arises from the trustees not having the power to lay out a shilling in purchasing or in building. There is an eligible spot belonging to me as Vicar, but I cannot alienate it except by sale. Thus we are at present situated ; in the mean time the district is without the beneficial effects which would probably remit from this munificent endowment. To these instances vnav be added those of Llanwrda (Appendix, p. 241), Comvyl in Klvet (ibid., p. 264), Trelech (ibid., pp. 272-4), Llangendeyrne (ibid., p. 280), Nevem (ibid., p. 414), and Tasker's (ibid., p. 460) ; in all which there appear to be inconveniences, without any readily available machinery for their removal.* I found several grammar-schools. These institutions have been Gramm ft , deprived of the voluntary support which they received (as licensed & >0 s< institutions from which clergymen were ordained) by the found- ation of St. David's College at Lampeter, and the altered value of money has often rendered their endowments inadequate. At Covvbridge (Appendix, p. 314) the inhabitants entertained a strong feeling that the rent-charges bequeathed to their school * See " Extracts from the Appendix," pp. 190 198, of this volume. F 66 On tlw State of Education in Whiles, ought to riso with the increased value of the estates charged,, and the depreciated value of money. Such an interpretation has been expressly overruled. But, without going this length, there seems to me to be an important and legitimate sphere within which these schools, even with their present funds, might operate. I have stated my opinion in my Report on Carmarthen. Appendix, p. 284 : The two grammar-schools (between them educating 21 free hoys) stand in an isolated and anomalous position. The foundationers are nominated by the corporation from a class in proportion to whose numbers the accommodation of two such schools is as nothing 1 , and in relation to whose wants the sort of education which they were intended and are best calculated to give is uncalled for : the tendency, there- fore, is to degrade them into elementary schools of inadequate extent and inefficient character ; but, as secondary schools, they are not so disproportionately narrow, and might be turned to singular utility ; e.g. if the foundationers, instead of being arbitrarily appointed, were elected into them by open examination from the primary schools. In this manner provision could be made for continuing the education of specially dpserving pupils, and for bringing the poor within the scope of a similar influence to that which academic emoluments and distinctions exert upon the upper classes, at once enabling and en- couraging them to prolong the period of education. The connexion between scholastic and collegiate foundations for the benefit of some particular locality, and the feasibility of a scheme in which the old endowed schools, opening downwards into the primary echools, and upwards into the corresponding endowments at liie universities, might be made to confer the peculiar advantages intended by them upon the only class which, at the present day, is local, i. e. the poor, is a con- sideration naturally suggested by instances like ihe present. The founder's intention is equally violated whether they be reduced to the rank of common day-schools or filled by other than poor scholars of Iris own neighbourhood. The reconcilement of such objects would seem to be effected by connecting these establishments as secondary with good primary schools for the poor. ^ e children of the more substantial farmers are sent to schools in the larger towns. The greater part of such schools appear in the Parochial Tables, because in almost all of them there are scholars admitted at less than fid. per week. Mr. Evans's school at Cardiff (Appendix, p. 368) may be taken as a sample of this class. Practical Arithmetic, Writing, and English Composition are the acquisitions mainly sought in them. In the preceding generation the same description of boys were sent to the licensed grammar-schools. Ibid., p. 287 (Evidence of Rev. David Lloyd) : In these schools the future clergymen and the farmers were educated together. Cardiganshire (in which such schools were the most numerous and the most efficient) has been for more than a century quite a nursery of clergymen, ministers, and schoolmasters. The effects of these institutions are strongly impressed on the general education of the n, Glamorgan, and ' Pcmbroltc. 07 people around. I have several times within the last 20 years met men working- upon the roads in Cardiganshire who could repeat passages from Horace or Homer. Since the decline of these schools, the mass of the people has not as yet obtained any substitute for the somewhat higher education in which they were thus enabled to share. The schools in the larger towns, which do not appear in the Parochial Tables, are by no means filled with Welsh scholars only. The reputed cheapness and healthiness of the country is an inducement for persons having connexions elsewhere to set. up such establishments in Wales. 1 found the greatest number of them (21) in Swansea, containing 379 scholars, at an average charge for daily instruction of 41. 12s. 2rZ. per annum. The children of the smaller farmers atfcn 1 the common day- schools with those of the labourers. According to their own testimony, they are often worse off in respect, of educating their families than the labourers, whose children are preferred for admission into charity-schools, and arc not constantly wanted, like the farmers', to help on the land at home. For one of the chief motives to hold laud arises from a consideration that it will secure constant employment to themselves and their families all the year round, and, from tin extent to which this fouling is generally indulged, the class of labourers properly so called is not large, tli.> bulk of the rural population being made up of small occupiers, and farm -servants who live in their employers' houses. I have the honor to be, MY LORDS, Your obedient, servant, RALPH HOIIF.RT WHEKI.KU LINOFN, F 2 68 On the Slate of Education in Wales, CARMARTHENSHIRE. PAROCHIAL SUMMARY of the NUMBERS The Parishes and Numbers printed in re<), denote localities (vi/., those to the The Parishes printed in italics contsiin a mining population. lit N.B. The greatest variety exists iu spelling the \\Vlsh names of places. The speUin-- adopted in the lollowinjj Maps are generally followed. The s icUing in them is the most correct HUNDRED AND PARISH. Population. Number of Schools. In Day Schools. Male. Fern. Total. Day. Sun. day. 4 13 3 4 9 Male. 4 589 60 73 82 Fern. 387 45 25 49 506 Total. Proportion per Cent, to the Population. Male. 7 10-6 13-6 8-2 6-0 Fern. 6*9 10-0 2-9 3-3 Total. CAHNWALLON. Llanedv . Llanelly . Llangennech Llannon . Pembrey CATHINOQ. Brechfa .... Llanegwad ... Llanfihangel-Ar-Arth Llanfihangel-Cilfargen Llanfynydd . . . LlangaHieti ... Llanllwny . . . Llanfihangel-Rhos-y- Corn .... Llanybyther . Llan-y-Crwys . . . Pencarreg .... CAYO. Cilycwm* . Comvil-Cayo . Llandyfeisant . Llandilo-fawr* Llandingat Llansawel . . Llanwrda . . Talley . . . DERLLYS. Cilymaenlhvyd . Clear, St., or St. Clare Cyffic 541 5562 442 895 1376 557 5593 451 874 1474 1098 11155 893 1769 2850 1 20 2 3 3 4 976 105 98 131 4 8-8 11-7 5-5 4-6 8816 8949 17765 29 33 808 1314 9-2 5-6 7-4 55 1002 959 31 665 525 438 336 534 192 575 54 1111 1034 30 693 583 470 373 586 208 613 109 2113 1993 61 1358 1108 908 709 1120 400 1188 *3 2 1 7 5 99 41 33 19 132 60 9-9 4-3 3-0 1-8 6-2 3-0 1 2 1 5 4 3 2 25 43 43 25 33 19 40 76 62 3-8 8-2 9-8 2-2 5-7 "4-0 2-9 6-9 6-8 2 1 6 1 3 26 54 38 14 64 68 4-8 28-1 6-5 6-7 5-7 17-0 502 45 50 30 625 245 54 51 43 5312 712 1027 112 2568 1097 480 286 511 5755 769 1031 155 2903 1248 502 267 557 11067 1481 2108 267 5471 2345 982 553 1068 12 I o 1 18 6 1 1 1 37 6 7 12 2 3 331 30 26 21 3-14 146 36 39 12 654 171 15 24 9 281 99 18 12 31 6-2 4-2 2-5 1S-8 13-5 13-3 7-5 13- fi 2-3 3-0 2-0 2-2 5-8 9-7 7-9 3-6 4-5 5-6 4-5 3-0 2-3 11-2 11-4 10-4 5-5 4-6 6793 286 538 7482 297 629 246 158 75 228 1105 S69 12 33 541 14275 583 1167 486 349 140 438 2010 78 1060 " v* 31 *i 46 3 3 1 1 489 1143 9-6 1 34 28 62 6-3 4-4 5-3 i Kglwys-Cymin . Egremout . . . Heullan-Amgoed Langharne Llanboidy. . . . Llandavvke Llandilo-Abercowin . Llandissilio . 191 65 210 905 45 519 20 10 30 11-0 6-3 8-6 2 3 2 2 5! 6 65 175 40 34 128 27 99 303 67 30-9 19-3 4-9 14-9 11-6 2-8 22-6! 1 3-7 ry pa tially. * Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. CARMARTHENSHIRE. 69 ATTENDING DAY and SUNDAY SCHOOLS. oulii of tiie great mull roads) in which English is the prevailing language. his division 1 do not pretend to more than general accuracy. .'allies is that of th* Census Tables, for the sake of more convenient reference. In the Reports the Ordnance >f any ; sol was informed by several Welsh Scholars. In Church Sunday Schools. In Dissenting Sunday Schools. Total ttending Sunday Schools. Under 15 Years of Ajje. A bov 15 Years of Age. Folal. Under 15 Years of Age. Above 15 Years of Age. Total. Mlr, F,-m. 7 80 50 10 17 ratal Male. Fern. Total. Male. Fern. Total. Male. Fern. Total. 7 60 20 25 17 14 140 70 35 34 2 20 ii 8 6 30 3 8 50 15 8 22 190 70 50 42 47 928 43 127 128 1 49 96 8501778 33 76 9S 225 134 262 58 474 32 234 133 43 323 14 110 83 101 797 46 344 216 197 2575 i 122 i 569 478 219 2765 192 619 520 129 164 293 42 3!) 81 374 273 11114 21:57 931 573 1504 3941 4315 124 68 17 98 72 39 222 140 5 193 195 6 Iftl 190 11 344 385 50 566 525 50 626 575 1*83 372 214 294 326 140 176 30 10 18 10 48 20 7 JO 5 10 12 30 60 50 3-1 15 8 27 25 16 61 40 6 18 24 8 5 24 14 23 48 30 84 68 24 45 29 70 49 29 32 23 51 24 61 58 24 49 96 53 131 107 53 55 71 103 37 81 81 C4 33 89 36 82 94 35 104 192 73 163 175 87 121 153 288 126 294 282 140 176 14 26 40 4 4 44 111 12 114 15 2W 27 75 12 H 2 131 14 3"> 6 41 492 MM0 78 87 453 ^MHB 945 160 149 B8? 73 176 773 ^^^ 61 75 1655 134 251 2600 294 400 2956 335 400 1635 976 52 113 192 148 56 186 53 334 109 8 4 15 9 . : 13 357 122 263 207 13 20 21 282 217 1-2 16 14 545 -1-24 25 36 35 439 223 14 30 59 294 207 13 24 31 733 430 27 51 90 1278 854 52 90 j$a 8 20 4 30 12 ;>0 7 8 4 9 11 17 23 67 244 288 532 o9 39 78 610 G89 91 115 20 18 685 92 130 12 12 1374 1014 186 76 245 8U 32 20 30 6 705 85 87 8 4 1719 161 167 28 10 3093 347 412 60 40 3703 347 412 60 40 223 326 53* 404 15 14 10 73 3 25 163 17 10 2 4 5 3 15 3 7 40 166 24 20 69 98 13 67 85 33 81 136 17 183 108 69 9 89 150 26 197 183 f 162 1 53* 380 3.3 35 70 89 63 152 222 222 f Age and Sex not specified. 70 On the Stato of Education in Wales, Parochial Summary of the Numl ers Atteiiilini Population. Number of Schools. In Day Schools. HUNDRED AND PARISH. Proportion per Cent Male. Fern. Total. Day. Sun- dav Mate Fern. Total. to the Population. nay. ; Male. Fern. Total DERMA- s continued. Llandowrur . . . 190 202 392 1 1 44 20 M 23-2 9-9 16j Llanfalltt-tf . . . 181 218 399 1 1 26 20 46 14-3 9-1 ll-i Llanfihangd-Abercowin 375 444 819 1 3 22 13 35 5-9 2-9 4.-Z Llaii >r aiii . . . 177 226 403 1 Llangan .... 287 353 640 1 LlatJghttiing ... 220 40.) *2 1 34 33 7 18-4 15-0 Ib't Llanglvdweii . . . ' 162 Llangunnock . . . 391 166 409 328 800 *i 1 1 38 16 54 9-7 3-9 6-; Llansadurnt* n ... 115 122 237 Llanstephan . . 574 679 1253 5 6 129 81 210 22-5 11-9 16-J LUimvmio .... iVTarros ... 9 7 1 9 i$ 6 IV l> 4 aJ 9 31 6 5o 5 S o*3 4-b 1 ; (l?5^ Mydrim .... Pendme .... \W W 204 ; j2 i 3 go 20 1 6 7 U 4 8i 5 7 7gJ I 7672 8659 16331 27 47 738 481 1219 9-6 5-5 7-i El.VKT. Abergwili <, . . 1131 123,) 236G 3 10 101 Gi 165 8-9 5-2 7'( Aberiiant .... 428 462 890 3 Convil in Elvet . . 796 855 1651 3 82 30 112 10-3 3-5 6-J Kenarth .... 977 1067 2044 6 123 63 186 12-6 5-9 9' Kilrhedin (part of} . 387 470 857 .. 2{ The day schools are in Pembrokeshire Llangeler .... 821 926 1747 2 4 G2 37 C9 7-5 4-0 i 5<3 Llanllawddos . . | 363 416- 779 1 2 8 1 9 2-2 . 2 1- Llanpuirpsaint . . 249 276 525 1 3 30 10 40 12-0 3-6 7-1 Merthyr .... 147 14S 295 1 * 15 7 22 10-2 4-7 7: Newchurch 397 470 867 2 m \ m Penbuyr .... 623 753 1376 2 o 68 24 92 10-9 3-2 ! 6| Treleach-ar-Bfttws . 766 854 1620 4 6 96 71 167 12-5 8-3 10- 7085 7932 15017 23 45 58.) 307 892 8-3 3-9 5- ISKENNEN. Bettws 564 545 1109 2 G 57 4 81 KM 4-4 71 Llanarthiiey . . . 1083 1088 2171 2 5 36 23 ;')') 3-3 2-1 2* Llamhlarrog . . . 523 524 1047 3 4 45 31 7G 8-6 5-9 7-' Llandebie . . . . 1231 1303 2534 5 8 78 6-2 140 6-3 4-7 5- Llanfihanel-Aber- bythych. . . . 442 506 948 1 4 78 .. 8- 3843 3966 7&09 13 27 216 140 434 6-3 4-0 5 Deduct for the parish of Llarifi-^ hangel-Aberbythych, in the 1 school of which the sex of the 1 scholars is not specified; in I 41.7 /^(,p. order to show on what numbers ( the centesimal proportions ol 1 scholars in each sex are cal- 1 3401 3160 culuted for the hundred. J , Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. iy and Sunday Schools continued. 71 la Church Sunday Schools. In Dissenting Sunday Schools. Total tiiieiidin" Sunday Schools. Under 1 > Years of Age. Above 15 Years of Age. Total. Uuiler 15 Years of A-.'. Above 15 Yi-arsof Age. Total. Male. Fern. Total Male. Fern. Total Male. i<\m. Total. Male. Fern. Total. 15 24 39 19 20 39 78 78 :;i 265 70 50 90 185 100 13 15 :;u 1 - 1 31 66 12 4 25 19 13 69 11 8 30 1- 25 135 23 12 55 67 40 80 25 20 15 60 35 90 25 130 47 38 33 118 60 265 70 50 90 185 100 10 40 50 50 50 59 17 71 97 130 72 92 53 90 125 Ifc2 222 51-2 272 312 17 (61 37 8 2'. 12 9 21 46 & 23 3 55 17 1585 236 70 191 361 43 75 30 50 48 35 45 173 50 8 35 1 85 4 140 21 186 21 149 39 310 mm^mt 76 29 mmfmm 18 3G 47 78 357 154 775 121 32 810 112 38 948 -94 138 149 98 98 30 70 62 20 14 147 806 187 71 138 199 57 90 26 52 50 15 21 144 1754 409 165 276 348 86 188 56 122 112 35 35 291 I 3339 1 53* 645 235 467 709 129 263 86 172 160 70 80 464 365)6 53* 799 235 467 709 12 1398 579 650 2624 1229 4 2 8 5 94 62 35 25 129 87 7-7 10-7 2-5 3-8 4-9 7-1 3516 4098 76 U 14 29 Vl^KfM 316 147 463 9-0 3-6 6-1 PERFEDU. Llamldausaint . 452 490 942 2 2 30 2< 50 6-6 4-1 5-3 Llanfairaiybryn . Langadock . . . 790' 859 1271 1333 1649 2604 2 4 5 12 34 144 15 69 49 213 4-3 11-3 1-7 5-2 3-0 8-2 Llansadwrn . . . 576 616 1192 1 5 20 39 50 3-5 6-3 5-0 Mothvey orMyddfai. 533 540 1073 1. 4 53 21 74 9-9 3-9 6-9 3622J 3838 7,460 10 23 281 164 445 7-7 4-3 6-0 COUNTY OK THE BOROUGH OF CARMARTHEN. St. Peter's. . . . 4266 5260 9,526 20 i 17 433 346 WOK) 779 10-1 6-6 8-1 50925 55939 106864 179 309 43G2 2751 7191 8-6 4-9 6-7 Deduct as alove . . 442 50C Grand Total . . . 5048.1 5543:j * Age and Sex not specified. Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. and Sunday Schools continued. 73 In Church Sum ny Schools. In Dissenting Sunday Schools. Total attending Und,-r Above Under Above Sunday > 5 Years of Age. 15 Years of Age. Total. 15 Years of Age. 15 Years of Age. Total. Schools. Male. Fern. Total Male. Fern. Total. Male. Fern.! Total. Male. Fern. Total. 11 11 22 7 3 10 32 25 32 57 48 35 83 140 172 19 1G 35 10 5 15 50 58 66 124 51 33 84 J208 \ 42* 258 42* 6 5 11 4 1 1 4 15 106 lli> 225 127 131 258 483 4'J8 32 12 44 20 11 31 75 191 155 346 1 3! 89 228 574 649 25 15 40 G 4 10 50 128 103 231 97 108 205 436 486 93 59 152 47 23 70 222 508 475 983 462 396 858 (1841 1 4-2* 2063 42* MM ~ - MM __. ~~ 12 10 22 34 24 58 80 69 73 142 184 17 4 358 500 580 168 167 315 TJO 126 316 651 651 32 41 73 1 11 12 85 235 199 434 319 22 1 540 974 1059 15 10 25 20 10 30 55 57 50 107 101 71 175 282 337 22 I'O 42 11 5 Hi 58 -17 17 M 86 43 129 193 251 81 81 16'.' 66 50 116 '278 576 506 1082 883 635 1518 2600 2878 ^ 286 383 669 114 1-20 238 907 4D 1 452 943 5J7 447 994 1937 2844 1277 1445 2722 566 489 1055J 2777 70* }5883 5610 11493 7203 5675 12878 (24371 t 95* 27148 165* 74 On the State uf Education in Wales, GLAMORGANSHIRE. PAROCHIAL SUMMARY of the NUMBERS HUNDRED AND PARISH. Population. S" umber of Schools. In Day Schools. Day. Sun- day. Male Fern. Total. Proper ion per Cent, to the Population. Male. Fern. Total. Male.j Fi-in. Total. CAEKPHII.I.Y. Btdivas (Glamorgan- shire) .... Ef/lwys Ilan . d'tllif/aer .... Llaitj'abon .... Machen (Glamorgati- shiie) .... Merthyr Tydvil . . Michaelstone-y-Vedw Ruddry .... Whit church . . . COWBKIUGE. Athan,St Cowbrulge. . Don at s, St., Welsh . Eglwys Brewis --r ^~* Flemiugston . Gilestou .... Hilary. St. ... Lantwit, Major . . Llan-blethian . Llan-dough Llan-haran . . Llan-hary .... Llan-ilid . . . Llan-maes. Llantuihangel. Llansannor . Llysworuey . Mary-Church, St.. Nash 3.' 1948 1761 779 108 19068 176 161 679 26 1865 1454 670 9S 15909 161 167 697 58 3813 3f215 1449 206 34977 337 328 1376 9 5 2 12 6 5 141 128 85 175 fc6 28 316 214 113 7-2 7*3 10-8 9-4 5-9 4-2 8-3 6-6 7-8 41 36 1203 1098 2301 6-3 6-9 6-6 1 3 1 3 10 56 11 52 21 108 6-2 8-2 6-6 7-5 6-4 7-8 24712 176 498 134 14 43 20 83 486 347 43 137 128 73 96 26 105 86 82 3 2C9 4 91 21047 203 582 141 10 31 23 81 541 377 49 169 140 75 98 24 99 89 72 / 192 r 105 45759 379 10SO ' ? 75 61 1 4 63 2 5 1623 m^mmam 31 73 1450 M^B 33 49 3073 ^KHB 64 1 122 6-6 76 ] 14-6 6-9 6-2 1 8-4 6-7 7-0 11-3 24 74 43 164 1027 724 92 306 268 148 194 50 204 175 154 10 401 1 2 1 5 2 10 37 11 41 21 1 78 2-0 7-6 3-6 7*6 2*8 ;>. 1 2 1 1 22 29 51 17-2 20-7 19-0 i* i 1 2 1 21 12 12 10 33 2 22 1 4.4 46 3-5 3-9 s-S 1 3 Pendoylon . . . Stembiidge Y&tiad-owen . DlNAS,Po\VLS. Andrew, St. . . . ]3 arr y i .7 4 2 6 1.9 1-0 i-5 196 2S84 3111 5993 12 25 21( 187 397 7-3 6-0 r, 6 245 53 139 iff 16 225 106 4tf 56 367 67 252 51 143 1$ 12 199 112 39 65 332 66 497 104 282 2fc? 28 424 218 & 121 699 133 I 9 10 19 3-7 4*0 5-8 Buuvilston. Bride. St.. SupejtrEly Cadox^on-juxta-Barry 1 1 2 1 21 34 55 5-1 i 3-8 1 !>:> Fagan, St George, St. ... moat.- . Leckwith .... Lancarvan . Llandough juxta-Penarth 2 1 3 1 52 23 54 34 106 57 3-1 5 1-7 : 7-1 5 0-4 i .VO b-1 1 3 ^6 28 54 7-0 8-4 7-7 Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 75 GLAMORGANSHIRE. .ttending DAY and SUNDAY SCHOOLS. In Church Sunday Schools. In Dissenting Sunday Schools. Total attending Sunday Schools. Under 15 Years of ARC. Above 15 Years ff Age. Total. Under 15 Years of Age. Above 15 Years' of Age. Total. Male Pern. Total. Male Fern. Total. Male. Fern. Total. Male. Fern. Total. 740 423 302 d902 *35 243 74 19 90 8 1K4 27 19 8 27 191 27 183 103 1-24 187 132 87 370 23J 211 Ill 1*6 68 35 33 179 161 91 549 3*J6 302 428 426 834 87 21) 107 961 1908 1528 3436 1584 921 2505 5941 17 18 35 35 76 2394 12 60 94 2023 8 32 170 37 36 73 243 5.>- m^fm 3'2 43 3 1-2 MMM^ 36 55 1081) 68 98 106 28 134 1214 68 98 4422 mmm^m^ 20 92 1916 36 1093 28 3009 64 1 7431 20 156 t . g645 88 254 12 18 14 19 26 37 .. .. * * 26 37 26 301 138 121 15 18 '*46 81 22 *86 1190 94 46 90 34 184 80 37 38 43 20 80 . 58 264 133 24 5 7 24 10 48 15 12 1 !2 3 51 14 12 -2 15 37 23 10 33 70 20 '21 10 25 12 12 45 33 22 1 1 46 33 4 20 24 12 12 24 48 , 15 IT) 30 - 30 12 11 23 20 13 33 56 203 _ 2-27 -134 1 3 4 438 250 210 460 166 126 292 75-2 12 24 36 36 36 20 60 ,3 5 2 17 7 30 11 16 2 14 13 30 20 60 52 28 54 36 06 54 *3 *5 *8 106 72 5 4 9 8 2 10 19 125 72 20 25 45 6 3 9 54 19 15 34 19 13 32 66 120 76 On the State of Education in Wales, Parochial Summary of the Numbers Attending HUNDRED AND PARISH. Population. Number of Schools. In Day Schools- Male. Fein. Total Jay. Sun- day. Male Fern. Total. 'roportion per Cent, to the Population. Male. Fern. roiai. DINAS-POWS continued, Llauillterne . Llautrithyd . . . LLuivitiiiii Lvthau, St. . Merthyr Dovan . Michaelstone-le-Pit . Michaelston Super-Ely Nicholas, St. . . . Penarth .... Penmark . Peterstone Super-Ely Pott-Kerry . . . Sully . . 66 118 6 55 63 42 34 208 55 219 114 64 81 225 70 110 4 55 67 .51 20 217 55 267 109 56 63 260 136 228 10 110 130 93 54 425 110 486 223 120 J44 485 1 1 1 30 25 55 25-4 22-7 24*] 1 ... 4 10 14 7-3 18-2 ' 9.4 ; V 1 ' 1 3 25 33 3-8 11-5 2 1 1 2 1 i *3 28 4 21 5 35 266 29 17 29 5 37 57 21 50 10 72 12-8 3-5 32-8 6-2 15-5 10-9 15-6 51-8 7-8 14-2 Wenvoe .... KlBBOR. Caira or Cairaw . Llandaff . . . Llanedarn . Llani shen . . . Lisvane . . LL ANOAVE I, AC H. Llangqfelach^ . Llanguick .... Llansamlet . . . MISKIN. Aberdare Llan-trisaint . . Llantwitvairdre . Llanwonr o . . Pentt/rch . . . Radyr orRhaijader Ystrad-dt/Jbdwg NKATH. Abcravon .... 2868 42 636 182 217 116 '- 159 2869 38 640 172 201 91 139 5737 80 1276 354 418 207 16 23 337 603 9-3 11-7 10-5 i 2-8 26-8 3 1 2 1 7 17 5 3 1 1 1 1 i 55 6 54 61 4 58 jU6 1l*9 10 112 }8-; 3-3 24-9 9-5 2-3 28-8 12 18 30 1 1332 4647 1448 1716 1281 1747 13G5 1659 2633 9394 2813 3375 5 18 7 10 127 MBi 427 142 170 141 330 81 151 (268 i 15H 757 223 321 !H 9-2 9-8 9-9 11-0 KWHH9M 7-0 5-9 9-1 10-7 8-0 7-9 9-5 7811 7771 155S2 25 10 6 8 3 1 *2 35 739 562 189 119 131 54 6 1301 ___ 445 293 306 135 40 9-5 7-2 10-6 14-8 9-6 5-1 7-2 8-3 6-9 9-1 13-9 8-3 3-2 3532 1649 1178 844 Co3 150 714 2939 1573 1014 770 585 129 649 6471 3222 219-2 1614 1248 279 1363 17 10 7 3 4 2 3 256 174 175 81 34 6-4 7-6 12-9 7-0 1-0 29 749 16 515 i 45 4-0 2-5 3-3 8730 765!) 16389 30 46 '1264 8'6 6-7 1 11-6 2.5-9 6-fc 6-9 687 279 603 269 306 2819 1250 548 718 5794 3 2 1 7 7 2 3 13 62 92 25 171 88 50 24 233 ]50 142 49 404 9-0 33-0 6-0 5-7 14-6 1S-6 7-8 8"J Briton Ferry . Cadoxton . . 412 2975 i, and Pembroke. 77 sunduy Schools continued. In Church Sunday Schools. Iti Dissenting Sunday Schools. Total attending Sunday Schools. >Ye ile. Under ur* of Age. Above 15 Years of Age. Total. Under Above 15 Years of Age. 15 Years of Age. Total. Fern. Total Male. Fern. Total. Male. Fern. Total. Male. Fern. Total. 10 8 18 6 4 10 28 28 60 'J2 30 60 4 1 .. | 10 1 2 12 15 17 32 a 3 35 1 1 6 20 33 12 45 65 100 *56 15 33 149 25 7 13 31 8 20 56 15 33 56 19 33 30 30 30 23 '27 50 38 131 12 31 69 11*9 ' 06 !!L 66 487 Jl Ji .> > 509 89 20 7 ( J 22 168 42 78 5 209 17 377 886 35 121 59 124 59 120 58 32 393 3 ;-$ 124 35 40 75 25 20 45 120 20 10 30 18 10 28 58 n 126 80 20 ,0 43 51 276 232 02 01 228 131 28 41 40 525 1.30 246 32 366 128 2Q2 72 891 278 448 1617 910 524 J70 176 160 112 77 30 MM0 209 110 199 15 203 56 94 45 502 166 293 961 777 405 171 199 109 40 50 117 1393 444 741 1625 444 853 52 53 20 63 IT) 52 737 56 40 17 104 3 44 ' 4 _1 15 ~ *3 8 ~~M~ 4 *3 112 344 80 103 35 285 76 103 32 911 488 271 145 118 93 61 56 (i ( JG 422 253 125 58 67 5! 21 608 470 253 104 111 78 32 34 1082 107 23 54 300 353 307 152 67 38 31 8 16 2578 16S7 929 441 375 269 152 127 2922 1767 1032 476 375 325 152 127 34 6 40 12 4 16 56 32 45 it; 20 09 119 27 32 30 93 251 72 50 202 16 o 12 29 7 14 31 1 23 2 26 ; 63 274 74 48 76 ?65 1232 159 21 36 416 997 128 4 37 292 2229 287 25 73 708 669 1751 189 26 84 447 3980 476 51 157 1155 4254 82 3 30 147 550 99 233 1420 On the Sf of Ei hi cation in Wales, Parochial Summary of tho Numbers A i-no!s. Male 47 61 S 208 262 In Day Sc-h:,ols. Mai,-. Fern Total. Day. Sun- day. Fern. Total. Proportion por Cm 1 , to the Population. Male. Fern 8-2 9-1 4 10-2 10-8 11 -3 12*7 !$ 10-8 9-5 N EA.TII continued. Glyncorrwg . KilyleUll .... Lantwit, Lower, Juxta- Az// 8 8 25 32 3 115 274 72 93 12 323 536 14-1 16-1 1-1 14-9 10-8 NEWCASTLE. IMtws .... Bride's, St., Minor . Coy church Coyty )701 225 239 S46 9 -If, 1 52 264 225 S 1848 9047 213 233 603 984 145 243 1897 1673 606 413 398 361 18748 438 472 120 4 1930 297 507 4155 3526 1239 792 803 794 32 47 o 937 844 1781 9-6 9-3 1 2 1 1 5 8 3 3 1 3 2 7 5 *2 10 9 4 4; 4 72 46 104 TheS 5 239 370 55 51 27 31 20 48 100 unday 207 395 40 38 8 36 92 94 204 School 5 44fi 755 95 89 35 70 30-1 7-1 11-0 connec 1-9 10-6 20-0 8-7 13-4 6-7 7*8 8-6 7-9 10-2 ted wit 10-9 23-5 6-6 9-2 2-0 10-0 I:'*-. 7'i !(!( i this 1-0 10-; 21-7 7-7 11-2 4-3 8-8 Kenfifig, Lower . Laleston || lAangonoyd . Newcastle . Newton-Nottage . . 633 379 405 433 Pyl e Tythegston H . . OQMORE. Andrew's, St., Minor. Bride's, St., Major . Colwinstone . . . Donat's, St. . . . Ewenny .... Llan-djfodog . . Llan-dow . Llan-ganna . Langeinor || ] . . Mar cross . Mary, St., II ill Merthyr-Mawr Monk-nash . Penlline . . Wick ... 3428 7779 16207 23 50 1003 832 1695 11-9 0>V 11-5 __> 11-7 5 437 142 75 98 180 62 117 194 53 13f> 69 57 162 171 13 477 145 76 113 158 63 121 169 43 122 78 '52 158 206 18 914 287 151 211 338 363 96 258 147 109 320 377 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 I 2 3 1 1 45 7 2 8 16 62 16 6 9 26 107 23 8 17 42 10-3 4-9 2-7 8-2 8-9 13*0 11-0 7-9 8-0 16-4 11-7 8-0 5-3 8-1 12" 1 1 12 22 34 17-4 28-2 23*1 1 3 2 3 19 39 19 40 38 79 11-7 22-8 12-0 19'4 10-0 11-9 21-0 1958 raMcam 1994 MVTMCM 3952 11 vowcn 19 148200 ! 348 7-G 8-* Carmartli.cn, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. Day ua.l :-'uiHUy SV-;K>::!S - c: .tjilinu^l. 79 la Church Sn \ 47 930 927 262 40* 257 117 140 , 25 l>;ivi 24 49 !20 23* !i rrl.iti--:iK 10 G >u> tl 10 e paris 20 G h Oil') 36 Ifi 49 22 11 85 8 38 .. *2 * 8 2 93 40 15 5 5 10 10 42,5 29 17 46 /471 1 76* 111 49 900 2049 750 392 1142 f 3127 i 104* 3,5fi8 180* 177 35 15 81 138 23* i? 36 57 92 92 21 10 12 15 33 25 27 6 25 4 52 10 85 35 5 10 15 15 18 30 21 37 39 G7 30 37 12 34 42 71 32 81 / 138 \ 23* '61 6 8 14 3 5 a 22 20 9 29 20 12 No re urn hi is been mad. ofth s school. 19 12 19 33 38 45 204 3 5 8 38 45 212 16 17 132 __ t 20 7 121 36 24 253 22 3 8 8 30 11 66 35 104 30 713 23* 77 ,,; 145 103 248 j50l I 23* i li 80 On the State of Education in Wales, Parochial ummaryofthe Numbers Population. Number of Schools. In Day School*. HUNDRED AND PARISH. Proportion per Cent. Male. Fern. Total. Day. Sun- day. Male. Fern. Total. to the Population. Male. Fein. Total. SWANSKA. Bishopston 236 255 491 9 2 8 32 10-2 3-1 Gheriton .... 124 158 282 1 3 . 25 50 20-2 15-8 18-0 listen 163 OrtO O< John, St., near Swansea 526 511 1037 '4 '79 '79 158 15-0 15-5 15-2 Knelston & Llandewry Uandilo-talybont . . 138 681 139 729 277 1410 \ 3 IB\ 8 7 9 12 220 3*6 192 it! 4-3 15-6 Llangennith 216 220 436 3 1 62 63 125 18* 7 28-7 28-7 Llanmadock 121 148 269 1 Llanrhidianf Loiiighor . 834 407 926 447 1760 854 6 2 10 3 8 7 8 5 6 G4 148 139 105 18-4 64 14-3 8-4 16-3 .Nicholaston 52 67 119 1 Oxwich . 163 182 345 'i 1 165 27 43 9*8 4*8 2-5 ' Oystermouth 694 788 1482 3 3 10 77 182 5-1 9-8 2-3 Penmaen . 78 71 149 1 2 4 6 10 5-1 8-4 6-7 Pennard . 188 184 372 1 4 6 2-1 1-1 1-6 Penrice 188 197 385 *2 . . Port-Eynon 172 192 364 *2 1 *34 *28 *62 9*8 4-6 1 7-0 lleynoldston 121 137 258 1 . . llhoscilly . 162 177 339 *2 2 24 *24 *48 4-8 3-5 ] 4-1 5264 5730 10994 31 38 676 559 1235 12-8 9-8 11-2 CARDIFF BOROUGH. St. John and St. Mary 5146 4931 10077 20 10 310 562 1372 15-7 11-4 13-6 SWANSEA BOROUUII. Swansea 9015 10100 19115 54 20 1064 1058 2122 11-8 10-4 I'M Total . . 87869 83319 171188 327 383 8352 7307 15659 9-5 8-8 9-1 ^f Sex not specified. t In the day schools of tins parish is included u school of which no particulars!, beyond the name, are given, in in order to calculate that for the hundred :m:l county || This parish contains a Baptist Sunday-school, which is here reckoned in the number of Sunday-schools, anil Sufficient particulars were not given Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. and Sunday Schools continued. 81 In Church Sunday Schools. In Dissenting Sunday Schools. Total Under [3 Years of Age. Above 15 Years of Age. Total. Under 15 Years of Age. Above 15 Years of Age. Total. ittending Sunday Schools. VI ale. Fern. Total Male. Fern. Total. Male. Fern. T otal. Male.! Fern. Total. 30 27 40 41 70 68 4 4 5 8 7 78 75 8 25 5 35 13 60 7 6 13 26 60 104 135 12 |j w 27 * Kij 27 '13 96* 145 ^6* 40 45 85 20 15 35 120 75 57 132 5 8 21 OQ ii 1 9 No re urn hi B been mad ! Of th 8 Sell pol. XI o5 65 20 y 29 . . 29 170 155 325 7f, 193 518 547 57 63 120. 5 $ 125 19 7 18 37 22 19 41 78 203 33 43 76 , % .. 76 3 6 20 20 7fi 50 24 74 .. 74 48 37 85 16 15 31 lie 190 6 14 20 2(1 13 12 _>.} 5 7 12 37 57 '25 37 15 37 40 74 10 io 20 40 94 21 8 29 4 7 11 40 80 QA 15 14 29 . . . , 29 on 10 25 35 35 39 35 74 8 14 22 96 131 362 385 747 41 34 75 822 446 392 838 199 164 363 f 1201 I 96* 2023 96* IOS 115 223 9 16 25 248 447 527 974 113 92 203 1179 1427 62 100 162 3 60 63 225 640 616 1256 261 165 426 1762 1967 5 199 2723 339 271 610{ 5832 76* J9292 768-1 16976 fi492 3853 10345 j 2 7321 t 284* 33153 360* Age and sex not specified. e parochial tables. The per centage of day scholars is therefore incorrect for the parish, but is retained respect of which the paiochial error is trifling. which reference is made in the parochial tables, and also in the Report (Appendix, Parish of Newcastle), admit of its bring further entered here. 82 On the State of Education in Wales, PEMBROKESHIRE. PAROCHIAL SUMMARY of the NUMBEI HUNDRED AND PARISH. Population. Number of Schools. In Day Schools. Male. Fern. Total. Day. Sun- day. Male. Fern. Total. Proportion per Gen to the Population. Mule. Fern. ToU CASTLEMARTIN. Arijjjle . . . . Bosh* stun . Castlemartm . Coshestou .... Flurence, St. . . . Hodgeston Lamphey . Manorbier . ' . Penally . . . . Pwllcrochan . . Rhoserowther . Stackpule Elidor cum St. Petrox . . . Twinell, St. ... Warren . . . . DKWISLANO. Brawdy (a) ... David, St Dogwells, St. . . . Edrens, St Elvis, St Grauston . . . Hays-Castle . . Jordanston Lawrence, St. Letterston . . Llandeloy LI anfair- N ant-y-Gof Llanhowell Llanrian . . . Llanrithan . Llanstinan . . Llanunda . . . Manorowen . Mathrv Nicholas, St. . . Whitchurch (6) . DUNGLEDDY. Ambleston. . Bletherston . Clarbeston . . Ibu 118 202 231 !91 36 174 304 163 103 97 195 118 62 238 107 206 282 205 39 233 387 183 109 112 191 116 55 388 225 408 513 396 75 407 691 346 212 209 386 234 117 I 2 1 1 .: 23 11 5 7 23 6 9 14 46 17 14 21 14-4 9'3 2-5 3-0 10-1 5-6 4.4 5-0 11- ? 3> 4- 1 2 1 i i 85 39 20 24 19 21 10 6 104 60 30 30 48-8 12-8 12-3 23-3 8-2 5-4 5-5 5-5 25- 8- 8- 14' i i I 64 36 100 32-8 18-8 25- 37 315 LO 57 479 59-7 36-3 2154 2453 4607 12 11 164 14-6 6-7 10-. 372 1100 224 65 15 87 170 82 97 236 93 120 82 411 78 90 439 90 483 161 481 395 1363 237 59 19 77 196 75 126 262 112 117 78 501 104 80 606 104 529 185 639 767 2463 461 124 34 164 366 157 223 498 205 237 160 912 182 170 1045 194 1012 346 1120 2 7 1 4 10 68 176 43 42 77 22 110 253 65 18-3 16'0 19-2 10-6 5-6 9-3 14-; io; 14-: 3 'i 2 21 9 30 8-9 3-4 Gv 2 4 64 19 83 15-6 3-8 9: 1 3 3 28 83 5 27 33 110 31-1 18-9 6-2 4-4 19" 10s 1 4 1 6 24 6 30 5-0 1-1 3-( 65 28 93 13-5 4-4 s-; 4976 283 142 116 23 201 5864 322 129 128 30 24l 10840 605 271 244 53 441 22 "T 40 3 572 "T" 235 "" r 807 8 11-5 2-5 4-0 MHMMM 3 7" I- !; < 2 1 Llan-y-cefn . . Lawhaden . . . 287 84 347 107 634 n 191 i 3 1 28 52 80 9-8 15-0 12-< (a) In the day-schools of this parish is included a school, of which no particulars beyond the name an Llanrhidian. (&) In the day- schools of this parish are included 2 schools, of which no particulars Carmarthen^ Glamorgan, and Pembroke. PEMBROKESHIRE. ending DAY and SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 83 In Churc Under 5 Years of Age. 1 h Sunday Schools. In Dissenting Sunday Schools. Total attending Sunday Schools. Above 15 Years of Age. Total. Under 15 Years of Age. Above 15 Years of Age. Total. [ale. Fern. Total Male. Fi-m. Total. Male. Fein. Total. Malej Fern. Total. ->J itj It* 6 *3-2 93 53 *57 20 40 32 61 36 1 ! 17 30 XI 61 12 23 30 U 32 41 d 53 IS 10 IS 5'J 20 40 a 5 5 5^ 2(1 ' ' 18 30 2 J 32 13 30 3 1 21 31 52 9 61 i < 154 36 78 56 H ' 9 78 176 is 9 3-29 28 50 407 113 33 60 189 7 36 49 63 161 8 40 82 183 353 19 76 2 96 2:H) 25 11 174 406 40 93 297 759 15 116 500 297 872 15 116 145 145 *30 92 30 214 *23 122 *60 152 387 13 24 57 30 26 - .. 51 39 l\ 75 82 28 33 42 30 70 63 145 145 2 18 30 * . 30 if 7 15 6 42 13 20 9 30 8 50 17 92 30 2 13 25 3 2 5 30 33 70 58 56 114 184 . i-i 8 19 5 21 13 40 (i 40 4 30 10 70 23 110 9 3 12 ' ;; 185 17 13 20 22 78 l>9 30 42 147 17 60 117 13 f.0 123 30 110 240 60 152 387 M 56 MBBI 58 124 3) 28 61 5% 525 32 57 1121 8; 97 219 15 4 19 238 213 28 276 27 519 55 206 43 131 26 337 69 856 124 1094 124 235 589 68 338 150* 192 iis 3-18 70 51 119 14 72 33 70 154 20 87 46 121 269 34 159 79 52 -7 10 60 61 62 128 24 75 52 114 215 34 135 113 235 484 68 ( 294 \ 150* 192 23 28 51 21 30 54 105 12 1-1 34 2 8 10 13 82 13 22 92 18 35 174 30 25 82 22 55 92 18 80 174 40 115 348 70 39 Cl 24 46 36 27 41 85 100 51 90 35 42 29 40 49 3S 27 31 84 80 56 71 169 180 107 161 169 180 107 161 '.98 632 140 463 150 240 49 1 4;; 33 13 28 32 35 74 70 30 20 30 -.3 50 45 80 lig 70 130 8 91 21 61 36 80 19 41 171 40 156 24 184 18 47 30 176 12 130 54 362 30 177 98 533 70 333 43 32 32 33 75 65 39 73 36 10'. 75 175 150 240 145 279 189 131 113 468 852 21 981 15 1833 36 973' 21 1165 25 2138 46 f 3971 1 150* 82 4433 150* 82 332 399 92 25 107 66 43 18 60 (in 21 126 103 39 106 92 24 100 97 2U 206 189 53 332 292 92 -1.3 10 15 :: :: ' 67 . . 27 49 49 42 3i 73 94 90 184 262 262 49 341 64 131 10 1-3 23 156 190 192 382 337 678 1060 1216 86 On the State of Education in Wales, Parochial Summary of the Nnmhers attending HUNDRED AND PARISH. Population. lumber of Schools. In Day Schools. Male. Fern. Total. Day. 1 Sun- day. Male. Fern. 47 14 4f, Total. J roportion per Cent. I to the Population. ' Male. Fern. Total. NARBERTH. Amroth .... BegelLy .... 360 551 497 116 133 60 757 305 469 205 366 81 112 402 75 19 1174 7-2 38 57 51 203 7-1 419 608 559 129 149 68 795 33!) 556 227 422 89 108 444 7 1 19 1446 68 33 60 52 236 74 779 1159 1056 J45 282 128 1552 644 1025 432 788 170 220 846 149 38 2620 140 71 117 103 439 148 13151 1 2 2 28 28 80 75 42 | 54?} 26 7*8 1 6-1 8-2 1 , ,/iwhis . C run wear .... Gunit're>ton . . . Isselh, Si. ... Jvffrfston .... Lampeter-Velfrey. . Lawrenny .... Llandewy-Velfrey hoveston .... Lutlchurch Martletwy. Mimveie .... Mounton .... Narberth .... Nash Newton, North KtMloevth . Hevnalton. Robeston Wathen . Yerbeston . ROOSE. Bride, St *3 1 4 2 1 1 3 1 2 '3 71 , 19 6 'Si 76 '/3 '46 47 : ?9 1641 77 9-4 ! 139 9-6 50 6-1 : 17-8 9-8 1 3 *3 7 21 7 19 14 40 6-2 5-2 6-:> 4-3 9 5 1 /197 \~ ^ 290 571 } 13-2 1 ! 56 47 03 18-2 8-3 i i i 1 27 19 J583 416 30 !5-7 4-9 : II 9-7 6177 6974 31 "3 1 1 999 2751 Li 86 414 574 180 322 162 59 60 119 529 235 144 162 394 383 234 106 399 92 432 636 212 349 175 71 62 130 645 267 145 157 402 450 2o2 121 .0- 436 17 846 1210 392 671 337 130 122 249 1174 502 319 796 ' 833 486 2J7 835 I 4 4 ] 1 44 57 37 20 26 33 35 20 70 90 72 40 0-6 9-9 50-5 6-2 6-0 5-2 6v5 5-7 7.4 8-4 1 5-9 1 Camrose . . . Dale ..... ^trop Harroidslon. St. Issells Harroldston, West . Hasguard .... Herbrandston. Hubberston . . Ishmaels. St. . . Johnston .... Lambston . LlAnywm .... Ll.instadweU . N,,lton S . '.' . '. 1 *4 o 1 1 2 1 '2 '3 1 "2 \ o 1 i 71 20 65 20 6 31 21 34 31 44 15 47 12 4 27 11 25 24 20f 115* 35 1 !W 32 10 58 32 59 55 13*4 15-1 12-3 1-5 .8-1 8-!) 32-1 7-7 6-8 12'4 * 7.7 1-0 6-0 4.4 20-6 5-5 -I l 9i8 8-9 1 18-7 B 10-0 - 26-0 6-6 I Rock rgan, and Pembroke. 87 iy and Sunday Schools continued. In Church Sunday Schools. Total. In Dissenting Sunday Schools. Total attending Sunday Schools. 5 Yc > le. Under ars of Fern. Age. Total Above 15 Years of Age. Under 15 Years of Age. Above 15 Years of Age. Total. Male. Fern. Total. o 1 Male. Fern. Total. Male. Fern Total. o 27 40 45 1 52 83 15 2 1 54 83 116 45 30 54 1'28 146 30 51 295 130 176 187 194 655 12 130 24 18 10 2 44 30 1 1 15 31 50 1 45 30 47 05 80 2 15 30 2 30 20 4 45 50 51 150 130 41 14 85 to 10 60 145 176 13.3 47 42 89 48 _'l 39 34 87 55 ?8 2 i 24 52 52 39 41 80 7f> 99 174 10 20 194 42 4 124 11 1 3 4 128 12 201 188 389 55 83 138 527 54 11 10 9 19 130 13 390 24 1-2 J 2> 961 46 1 836 58 67 445 446 891 164 197 i^^ 361 1252 2213 21 20 33 46 36 33 46 7*2 is 34 139 234 .33 185 ,-34 101 56 70 103 54 97 124 200 8 18 7 16 17 36 18 18 31 26 26 30 57 56 28 16 44 101 56 !1 2U 18 174 53 138 80 80 80 91 6 28 23 12 27 50 43 30 30 1 18 .. 48 3 75 53 43 30 32 43 75 13 11 24 99 51 20 44 33 46 26 29 36 47 45 77 49 80 80 91 8 10 1 18 1 95 8 6 80 91 12 15 27 27 27 88 . On the State of Education in Wales, Parochial Summary of the Number attendini lumber of Schools. In Day Schools. HUNDRED AND PARISH. IVpulation. Proportion per Cent. Day. Sun- clay. Male. Pern. Total. to the Population. Male. Fern. Total. Male. Fern. Total RoosEcontinued. Kose-market . 227 2-16 473 1 1 34 34 68 15-0 13 -8 L4'l Steynton .... Talberiny .... 1279 118 50 1624 139 50 2903 , 257 100 6 1 8 119 1 60 4 179 5 9-3 8 3-7 2-9 fl Walton, West . . 251 293 .044 I 2 61 29 90 24-3 9-9 i',-5 Walwiu's Castle . 171 167 338 1 1 22 18 40 12-9 10-8 i i;ross population of each sex to correspond with the 353 scholars whose sex is not specified, and who consequent!} do not appear in the totals of male and female scholars. Such a deduction could be made in Carmarthenshire Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. Day and Sunday Schools continued. 89 In Church Sunday Schools. In Dissenting Sunday Schools. Total attending Sunday Schools. Under 15 Years of Age. Above 15 Years of Age. Total. Under 15 Years of Age. Above 15 Years of Aye. Total. Male. Vm. Total. Male. Fern. Total. Male, Fern. Total. Male. Fem. Total. 47 198 48 209 95 407 21 *39 60 95 467 95 553 110 30 19 12 31 32 23 55 86 5J 18 28 12 83 30 409 6 87 1 7 149 VMMW 90 30 558 ~ 7 13 JO 20 230 1 179 62 720 392 718 374 1438 . 766 96 -r . 44. 100 48 196 92 1634 858 2192 858 130 93 70 60 130 '- 130 50 40 90 3 3 93 130 70 GO 130 -^ 442 (384 119 108 48 414 496 136 82 52 856 810 255 190 100 44 20 19 51 27 16 1 95 47 35 1 951 8571 290| 191 100 10S1 1147 395 100 64 00 164 40 40 204 100 44 __ \ 40 204 96 64 MM 52 164 96 40 659 108 696 116 1355 224 39 9 44 10 83 19 1438 243 1642 339 116 4413 52 i4:o 44 1291 | % 2717 307 379 686 96 3403 108 4288 224 8701 9 2534 10 2778 19 5312 243 (14013 \ 150* 339 17416 150* H Sex not specified. because there the sinule school hi which the srx of the scholars is not specified happens to be the only one in the parish (Llanlihangel Aberbv thych). and therefore the number of males and females composing the population of that parish could be subtracted from the number of ma'es and females in the hundred and the county. But iu Pembrokeshire the schools in which the sex of the scholars has not been specified are not the only schools in the parishes where they occur, and therefore the census tables afford no data (or making deductions to answer to these omissions. "This is the reason why in the hundreds of Narbeth and Hoose the per centageisouly taken on the gross population. The error, wliea extended to the entire male and MNMM population of the coin ty, is trifling. 90 On the State of Education in 1 Fates, M fjf GO CC W QQ 00 i t. 7 "5 J i ll ~ % JlJjfJ ^^0 0> 0> -< W 00 zflu * S-- ? = =-;'S8-- ;! :SJ- < ^ ^1 J-5 ' III , MS |BS . 8 . irM , HSS -J i| I " -^ C* to 00 O O* O*<3>dk* O t~ 00 050 Wt^-*^ S, j i! 5 4) r_| --''^-- -88S- ri to 1*1 J-g.- Ijs |-oO ocelot- 'ow^ooeotco MOD o -ji t- to 00oc o: to co * g 2 1" K fl III S M " 2^5 .S^2S M S- ^- ij a* /^^ - * P 2 5 5 ' '5-- "2 a 11 **"a ( - i "B*5 < J c *'B"^ w*>^~ ^H" '* Si S***_g <*^"s3i;'5**fc*i c i 'S "x Z^ S *o^ C2 P5^yS^5^P5>^ =-/JS.5 c D 1 B * "S is l|Ssl a^ ' d ITT *$! "it 1 il 11^1 if 1 II 1 I Number for whr dation at 6 sqi Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 91 H Illlls CO r 1 O V} 01 u liiiP 5 o! 21 ^ ^ : S=> O r gl U! = ' O Ol Tj< Ol O i i GO t^ U 111 OI I-H C 1 ! O i E- -3" O CO Ol i . M CO (M o co . ) - -' ? '- Js 00 '.-5 l>. rj 01 IBJ si <5*438* rj< oi i-i l-l ogj I III III Q5 Ol ^-^ CO Ol O T> O 01 ifi CO CO co" cT ^ CO o en ocT 3s 2 *-g O 01 1-1 t>. O o co M 1 i ill O CO CO GO U*5 o III W t^ 01 01 ^ rp - o 01 o co -r CT> Ol CO Ol O CO 2 ! O l|l CO I >-i r-, in ""* 1.1 HI ^ co ^ o co cn o eo M 1 11? all 01 co co o eo "~^ M Jl|:s* 3 *J 1 g 111 Jfl o o co co co "M o> o* 01 01 to en o^ o^ en -* d co CO i-" i I O) 2 g t>T r-T IT' 1T~ z^ ' * * ^ * : jr| : : : i: S I i i 1 1 1 % -1 S * '1 8 a * 5 * " W> a D s * S -^ J j5 / IM "_*:-. Jj * -3 S" 1 I o ; I : | ; | i s || J 5^ i s 1 1 1 '-2 i-3 'S-S -2 II !* S 92 On the State of Education in Wales, o u;T J ,Vmio 8 V,T 8 " os t^ oo -! r- -r co O O j OS . jo 'juaa jad uoiuodojj co oo 00 CM O ^r co CO CO g CO 71 O5 1 ' CM fM H 8>|0og nip uosieioips jo CM ^ .t-i TJ- co I-H Tf CO -rf o | jo -juoa Jad uoijjodoj t j co co ^ '0 CO CO CO 11 1 E THREI Uwii4*K oTcM" Ci CO l^ 01 -0 CO Tf CO <* oTco w O-l CO CO OS CO CO 01 co co" CO 1 co 2 00 00 OS o n g^4*. t>. O oo '-r CO fM fM 1^ CO i o-i -r os l> CO "M OS Ol Ol r fM fM CO CO CO fM o o" CM .Tr pn oJi y tpita JB BJb'iotps = S < CO 05 < TT CO CO OS CO . fM Sol CM HOOH atp uo sjoioqogjo O fM co r^ co CO CO 00 00 a 01 puu oiiy qoxa )u sji:[<>i|.is jo -juoo jad uoiaJodojj l^ 00 t^ 05 CO CO O CO 00 fM 7*4 1 SLAMORO ***j-* 05 .0 CO CO -r co 00 00 GO CO t^ 00 co CO oo" C5 cc l^ 00 O 1 1 S"co v- 1 ^ I CO CO CO co TJ< K p -^ t ^ N O CO O CO 03 OS CO OS CO 05 -r CO CO CO 1 I-H O CO CO : : CO -.0 xs puc aSy auius . K jiuu o~v i(ova }u jt?|oi(ag jo "juoo Jad norjjodoij CO O co CM CO CM t^ Tf CM - s c^2 5 -^ co t^ CO 71 CO t^ i puii aSy i;jwa IB *.imoips CO i O CO -1 05 ro CO o o o . a ARMARTB gjB[Oipc jo jaqtun^j CO CO T CO IT5 OS CO O CO CM TT CM ' o CO CO CO OS o Ol "* CO CO l^ 02 os os 'IF8I u ! uopBjndoj CO CO O CO 01 CO CO O3 CO CO co" CM i-< os CO -l< CO b o : o ^T AOE AND SEX. ifi o> "3 'rf .1 c a in 5B t 'c3 | S ' ""^ 9 i s 1 1 ' ^5 ' 3 fMale Above 10 Years,) Female 'ed J ^ U 3 a 3 3 2 r l j Unknown Grand Total . . . . Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. IV. METHOD of INSTRUCTION and INSPECTION, with Proportions per Cent, of each Class to the whole ascertained Number. The THREE COUNTIES. Ccnicftiniiil rrojiortiuu of wholi- ascertained Number. ^r ^* O^ O tx O O 00 O t** O *-* CO O "3* 00 "I 1 O i* . ? . O O O O ^ CO O T5 OCO CO O O lrt r-H (MOO . O CM -g CM r-i O O CO CO Number of Schools. . *>. o i" T co oo oo rao 05 oo rr o cs o CM >i t> i i r- 1 rro o ?o o-^ c-io r^ *O CO f"^ CO r* ^ ^ CM (N ^ 00 I'EMIIIIOIVESHIHK. 111 CMQO O-fOOO OO OO "^tt^O CO OO : : : 2 : 32^. :% ^6\ :-*^3 : :. : S? Number of Schools. CO O O CM O O} r-^ TJ* * CO CO *O "^J* O < 1 1 1 1 1 r- CO GLAMORGANSHIRE. 7. i I -1 ^ oo CM t-^ot^oo r>. t^so t>. o -ico o-r o cit^ o i i "^ ' 2 * -r ^CM^COO 3c r-ico Number of Schools. t^o-^ oociococoo^f ^tv. t^ot^o r< cot>. t>.-r oco'-^i-^to o c^^o io^^oo TS OCN CM CARMARTHENSHIRE. kiinnl l'n>portion <'l whole cerl.iinril Number. i^ vj ^ ^i * t^ o O t^ ^O ^O Ol CO "^* O O O CO 1-1 rt i^s ^i QQ * ro CM . 00 O Ci '^ C 1 ' tO CT5 O *O '-^ -oo. 3 co'co &< ^, o o-q- Number of Schools. O CO O "1* t^ CC *^* 00 '^O CM CO <~ ^ O 0~l *"^ CM O OO Tj 1 04 ^ O i CM * PH -2 ^ .g.S a i I i~ 1. 1 " 2 1 ^-^| K g S" a "" ^ a ca H 2 2 a, 3^-- " ~ 5? o^ o urammar ot Welsh . , Grammar of both Langi Unascertained . . . >.S ^ ^CE'TJ O^^^C^' 3 t*r^>'r^"*rK O/z <7/* Education in Wales } gijjijj ^ !j!s!! ! i CO er of Proportion per Cent, of Scholars Number of Schools in which each subject was being taught out of 705. Scholars found Subjects of Instruction. present found learning each subject to learning each subject. 12,510, being the whole number of Examined. Not Examined. Unascer- tained. Total. Scholars found present Reading the Holy Scrip- tures: Simply to acquire thel art of reading . . J 924 7-3 DO 69 .. 159 As a means of i cceiv in - ) religious instruction/ 4,429 35-4 279 183 .. 462 Letters and monosyl-) lables . . . .j 4,176 33-3 341 269 .. 610 Simple narratives. 2,981 23-8 309 252 . . 561 With ease . . . 1,997 15-9 . . 234 . . 234 Learning a catechism or) religious formulary . J 5,565 44.4 231 175 .. 406 Writing, viz. : . . 6,982 U*9 438 315 , , 773 With chalk . . . 1 *' ON o . , , 2 On slates .... 2,736 21-8 103 107 . . 270 On paper .... 4,234 33-8 293 208 . . 501 Arithmetic, viz.: . . 4,h etymology . . 496 3-9 20 8 .. 28 English history ... 598 4-7 32 43 . . 75 Vocal music .... 3,126 24-7 46 30 76 Linear drawing . . . 244 1-9 7 1 9 . 8 Land surveying . 4 03 2 4 . . 6 Navigation .... 2 Ul 2 2 .. 4 . . . . 21 VII. AVERAGE AGE of TEACHERS at present, and at the time of commencing their Vocation. NAME OF COCKTY. Present Average Age of Teachers. Average age at which 760 Teachers commenced their Vocation. Males i Females (41*2.) (355.) Carmarthenshire . Glamorganshire . . Pembrokeshire . . The Three Counties . . Years. 44-1 42.2 44-9 Years. 42-1 40-4 37 "2 Years. 30-9 30-4 29-8 43-6 40-0 30-3 On the State of Education in Wales, VIII TRAINING of TEACHERS, MALE and FEMALE, with Proportions per Cent, of those Trained to the whole ascertained Number. Training of Teachers. CARMARTHENSHIRE. Number of Teachers. Centesimal Fropcrtiou to the whole number of Ascertained Teachers. Male. Female. Total. Male. FemaleJ Total. Trained at Normal Schols . , , Model Schools . . . Both 9 7 1 3 9 10 1 6-8 5-3 7 4-8 4-6 5-1 5 Total trained . , , untrained Total ascertained . , , unascertained Grand Total 17* 116 3 60 20* 176 12-8 87-2 4-8 95-2 10-2 89-8 133 G3 19G 100*0 100-0 100-0 Months. 84-0 Months. 15-5 196 Months. 99 5 Total duration of training . 5-2 5-2 5-2 GLAMORGANSHIRE.! Trained at Normal Schools * , , Model Schools . . 29 6 1 10 3 1 39 9 2 ,,.1 3-9 6 4-5 10-4 1-3 2-4 5- -6 Total trained . . , , untrained Total ascertained . ,, unascertained Grand Total 36 116 14 209 50 325 23-6 76-4 6-3 13-4 93-7 86-6 152 2 223 375 2 100-0 109-0 100-0 154 Months. 224-5 Months. 159- 20 377 Months. 383-75 .. Total duration of training . 6-2 11-36 7-67 * There is one Teachpr whose period of training has not born returned; Hie average training, therefore, of Males is taken upon 16 instances, nnri the collective average training upon 19 instances. f Certain of the Assistant Teachers in this county having been trained, appear in this Table, but not in the Notes on Table V. and IX. Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 97 VHI. Training of Teachers, Male and Female, &c, continued. Training of Teachers. PEMBROKESHIRE. Number of Centesimal Proportion to Teachers the whole number of Ascertained Teachers. Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. Total. Trained at Normal Schools . ,, Model School . . . Both Total trained . . , , untrained Total ascertained . , , unascertained Grand Total 11 12 3 2 14 14 8-4 9-2 3-6 2-4 6-5 6-5 23 108 5 79 28 187 17-6 82-4 6-0 94-0 13-0 87-0 131 3 84 215 a 100-0 100-0 100-0 134 Months. 201 "25 Months. 30-75 218 Months. 2:32-0 ' Total duration of training . . 8-75 6-15 | 8-3 " THE THREE COUNTIES. Trained at Normal Schools , , Model School . . . Both 49 25 1 13 8 1 62 33 3 11-8 6-0 5 3-5 2-2 3 7-9 4-2 4 Total trained . . , , untrained Total ascertained . , , unascertained Grand Total 76 340 22 348 98 688 18-3 81-7 6-0 94-0 12-5 87-5 416 5 370 786 5 100-0 100-0 100-0 421 Months. SOU -75 Months. 205-50 791 Months. 715-25 i MM^^ Total duration of training. . 6-71 9-34 7-30| .. H 98 On the State of Education in Wales,- -a o co oo o CM tj o o co eo OS '5 ""* ^ " "H o g be *- c-S I-*<2 a 1.1 <* co os CM -os tx e,; CM OS Ttf O Tf O S 1 < H <4 SS2 2 8 -^ OS I-H ^* O CM K-I'M M "1 & T3 GJ C '3 IGANSHIRE. Amount R 1 - o o oo o c,' CM CM rj< t>. fM CM O cJ ra o os eo ^ CM . i CO 00 CO I-H 00 00 EE COUNTIES. CO t>. OS O CO CM CM "3 CO fS t^ O 00 CO CM t^ +) CO CM iO CM t^ 00 o CM CO os CO CO sources, must be position in soci r, to maintain, ascertained ; roc rived from offices e nf''Z 108. ya. Carmanheushii ). easce HH o ^ < fg 3 '5 & ,2 .-< I-H ?o co co *> H BB h 00 CO l-l l-H l-H t>. HIM E ** ill "o* ,c S i_; O 1 Bill CO CO CO t- OS I-H rj" t>. I-H H ffl 00 00 CO 00 CO O Us! - lit PM = |fc H H "0 " = 32 1) 5 '^ "f 8 CM CM OO i" CM CO CM 00 CO I-H O I-H bx OO |l .|i Sf ^s 2 JS -* CM CM O 00 t^ co CO CO CO O CM CM CO 1 j !1 I-H CM CO CO CO l-H ** 8 *; i 1 a -I"! o * H g 1^-| * n "OJ -X3 0- Tt ^.Slgl .Si *" .. C tJ C ' 1 9 1.2 o5 t^ TJ* I-H 1-1 o ^ CM CO t>. O CM II.S *3 9 I s -! i I i-H f- 1 iHi 2*5 03 ' , q < H fr% t"x ^3* O o O OO *"H c^ 00 - ' rt g <4 ^H^H ^ CM ^ -"-"- c s 5 'C w 7 so W &d 5 ^3 to t> t>. O 00 Q o o to o co S ts a" p S cc o 6 | uj m t^ co CM 00 co CO CO CO OO o .-QO m o .2 ?; ^ t^ CO t^ CO * C^ m 09 * * C"<1 l^ I-H * tt CO S CO W |>. ^ o 88 4 2| 1-1 w ut ^ OS t>i CO CM I-H CO 00 -H 1 5 - P- o H i 2 3 : : " 5 oi a 2 - < s pa - r^OSt- 5 S PS 'li || g | 00 00^- CMfH 00 O CM CO CO CM -' & 5S u o ^fia O CM CO I-H 00 ^ ^ i i OS CM CO O CO I i * o .28 = 2 <-<~*f 00 I-H -Tf t> l-H S S '1 e. 5 SB 25;: : * es H *J I-H O ^ 00 CO 00 CM CM 00 O i OS O OS OS <-< CO CO CM I-H 00 CO CO -H 1- .1 f. fl P g rn r-4 t vw4 CM U) t^ ^ < S'O 1 Z H bD ^ c5 i^ CUD tr^ 1 *S 1 1-1 ' Igl^l 1 .5 1 ^ 1 s 03 & g c -r ** w - ^ 3 g 1 ill I' C<^ . * i! 4114 19 23 5 179 " From subscriptions and donations . GLAMORGANSHIRE. 98 4 263 8 . *. rf. J :>0 8 41 11 11 4682 15 3 281 18 6 . *. d. 24 15 11 10 8 17 16 1 35 4 10 297 30 7436 6 4 25 7 9 327 From subscriptions and donations . PEMBROKESHIRE. 60 5 170 21 . *. d. 1139 18 7 69 1 11 2038 17 11 425 13 . s. d. 18 19 11 13 16 5 11 19 10 20 5 5 , , school fees 198 8 3673 11 5 18 11 1 206 From subscriptions and donations THE THREE COUNTIES. 214 13 586 50 . s. d. 4768 11 142 8 10 9093 8 1 1220 18 11 . s. d. 22 5 7 10 19 3 15 10 4 24 8 5 , , endowments 672 40 15224 16 9 22 13 1 712 H 'J 100 On the State of Education in o B -H COCO OJr-.cOTfOlCO o i O .l- ^. oJ 13 -g d o 1 ^T CO o * Iff" IN.OTTOOS^OIOOS o a o 1^1" 1 CO ^ ^ o o Denomins 3 Scholars CO C^ Oi C-1 ;. of each H Schools. ' ^f oo >o 10 i i co o n ci g 5 8 O w i 1 r^ o o 01 g CO i. c 0) 5a i! 1 " .2 H 1 co oil S 1 * 1| o 'a 2 cS CO -^ I s * p CO t/T c 1 ! Cl co .2 " 1 o ja o ** s u cc O a Scholars. r>< CO (M C-5 O r-t 1-1 CM CO TJ" co CO [CATION Of 1 Schools. CO -* CO PH S 3 kj o ^ 9 J 13 -g g i 1 1 H CO H " | | J J 1 XI.DENOMIN I s i | -s .2 1 1 Mill 1 fc 1 ^ f 1 1 1 1 s s 1 JarmartJiertt Glamorgan, and Pembroke. e'3'S | - ^oiftooo-ococoo o "Jfi "3 1 CO 00 i i > o .o oo o 10 o c-j (N J* O' 13 i *o -^r c-i to 9 I CO t>* CO 00 GO f* ^i !"i C*l CM 00 00 CM c . * * H es j 5 O t^ *O tO CO OO CM en ^ :| "o 1 0t>. ..^..r-, O CM CM s CO SH ** ? O 2 1 . -* ~ .'~'. CO '~'E2 % ; a S3 * "c o 1 O O f^ f5 O CO r- .1^, . -CO >.. 1 X ; jj CO t-i . ^H -71 ^ 1 f -1 CO ^^aj 2 P 5 l^ s ll!llllll 102 On the State of Education in Wales, in *13 Scholars. Orrot>r5i-ic*5O o TTW^CN^I^OC-I : IP Jj O OO>0)OO(OC4O ? P-C5 'a* l* 1 O -OS"-HCMC5^ff5 CO. R ? 1 .oncoeoo>Tj {)-< il o fM ft : 1 1 I ^~~~ CO 'M Tl w if 1 CO C-1 1 I _w ~~ .-H ^ E p fl 1 >> 1 1 r-l 00 *o f5 i I 2 1 o T3 C & 1 >> 1 s i Scholars. ^rooQOO05OOcoc-i T3tOr- ODCOt>rS^ O>' i Tf i-l :i-'-7 21-8 2,949 64-5 1 1 53 40 35 55 6-7 80-0 13-3 811 60-3 14 13 12 15 33-6 45-8 20-6 11,232 64-0 .. 208 191 161 219 9-1 24-5 6,300 47-9 1 152 173 147 174 66-0 ' 7-6 26-4 10,620 55-8 . . 212 206 173 211 47-0 9-0 44-0 15,813 57-7 1 t 262 179 197 266 34-5 13-7 51-8 7,535 53-1 162 91 111 168 6-0 - -3-I-0 40-0 2,246 55-1 t 1 45 43 41 50 .. i 88-2 11-8 666 42-0 1 12 11 12 15 38-0 25-6 36'4 43,180 54-4 2 845 703 681 884 given is not specified, viz. 3 to the baptists. 1 school belonging to the Church, 2 to the Calvinistic Methodists, 2 to the 10 S On the State of Education in Wales, EXTRACTS FROM THE APPENDIX. EXTRACTS from the APPENDIX, referred to in p. 4 ante, illus- trative of Rural Districts. HUNDRED OF CATHINOG. (Appendix, p. 217.) THIS hundred, to which the following evidence relates, extends from the upper portion of the Teifi, on the borders of Cardiganshire, to the Towi. That part of it which abuts on the Teifi (comprising the parishes of Pencarreg, Llanybyther, Llanllwni, and Llanfihangel ar Arth) is con- siderably broader than that which abuts upon the Towi (comprising the parishes ofLlanegwad and Llangathen). The parish of Llany- crwys is a little thrown back from the Teifi towards the east. The other parishes lie between the boundaries which I have named. Perhaps, instead of the Towi, I might name the mail-road from Gloucester to Hobb's Point as a more practical boundary of this district on the south. I traversed the greater portion of the northern part of each, and remarked equally the bad state of roads, the general wretchedness of the cottages, and the small extent to which (indeed scarcely at all) English is understood. Evidence of John Johnes^ Esq., Magistrate and Assistant Tithe Commissioner, JDolaucothi. Education among the Farmers. The majority of the small farmers (20/. to 30/. a-year rent) can read and write very imperfectly : the writing seldom extends beyond signing the name : many of them ex- ercise trades (carpenters, masons, &c.), as well as farm their land : they keep accounts with rude notes of their own, which from time to time they get transcribed as they best can, on a system little removed from the old tally. Farmers of this class are almost on a level with the labourers : they have little or no capital, except such sums as are raised at biddings, and this (from the nature of such contracts) may be viewed as a sort of loan. The first degree in the scale of education is that between the small fanners and the larger (from 60/. to 120/. a-year rent). In the case of the smaller farmers, they possess no surplus sufficient to give their families superior education : they differ from the labourers only in having a few more comforts about them. Their children are generally sent to a day-school, if there is one within a moderate distance, but not during the whole year; they get, however, more schooling than those of the labourers. They have naturally great good sense and astuteness ; but in many instances old prejudices over- come this in regard to improvements suggested to them. Labourers. The labourers are desirous of cleanliness ; their furni- ture is well kept and polished. There is a general feeling among land- lords in favour of improving the cottages. The worst cottages are among the old ones. Some of these consist only of a single room, with poles put across the beams ; no rafters; a few loose boards or wicker- Carmarthen, Glamorgan., and Pembroke. 109 work form an upper flooring : there is generally a bed on each floor ; in such dwellings the floor is loose earth ; the present cottages usually comprise two rooms below, and space for three above: these latter cot- tages, however, are not built unless by the landlords. The bad dwell- ings exist in greater proportion than the good ones; but improvement is going on rapidly. The rent of the worst sort of cottage, with a small garden, is from 25s. to 305. if let by the landlord himself, but perhaps as high as 40s. if it is an underletting: under similar circum- stances the rent of a better cottage would range from 40s. to 50s. Turf is generally burnt: this is an expensive fuel; it burns rapidly; the fuel itself is obtained gratis, but much labour is required in cutting it. It is also precarious, lor it is easily injured by bad harvesting. PARISH OF LLANYBYTHER (Appendix, p. 223). This extensive parish, with IJansawyl parish (q. v. in Cayo hundred) forms a paral- lelogram of not less than 10 or 1 1 miles in length, and varying from two to four or five miles in breadth, reaching from the banks of the Teifi rather more than halfway towards Llandilofawr. The central part of this district is a bleak hill tract, neither cultivated nor inhabited to any extent. The three day-schools which it contains lie quite at its extremities, viz., Colonel Wood's upon the Teifi, in the village of Llan- ybyther, and the Llansawyl and Abergorlech schools at the two oppo- site angles of the parallelogram. In the central part of the parish of Llanybyther there is no day-school at all within reach of the few fami- lies scattered over it ; nor at the Teifi side is there any school available for boys, the nearest being Llanllwni (q. v. supra). As a proof how little English is understood, 1 may mention that, about a mile or two south of the village of Llanybyther, I wanted the superintendent of a Sunday-school called by his name, which I did riot know. There were half-a-dozen cottages at the spot, and (I dare say) 16 or 17 people of all ages gathered round me. Not one could understand a syllable of what I said. PARISH OF CILYMAENLLWYD (Appendix, p. 242). I visited this parish on the 9th of December, in company with the incumbent, the Rev. Bowen Jones, who resides in Narberih. There was no day-school in the parish, nor had there been one for the last 14 months. Up to that time there had been one of Mrs. Bevan's schools held in the parish school-room, which is a room over the stable in the churchyard, not well lighted, and with the floor in very bad repair. It contains a fire-place, and is fitted with parallel benches and desks. Schools of Mrs. Bevan's foundation were being held in the adjoining parishes of Llanfalteg and Henllan. Philip Davis, aged 14 years, eldest son of a miller, who was occupy- ing a substantial two-story house, and renting 41 acres of land at 40/. per annum, had been " seven quarters " in a day-school (Mrs. Bevan's) and two years in a Sunday-school. He had not been in a day-school since Mrs. Bevan's was removed from the parish. None of the miller's children were then going to a day-school, though he had three above five years of age. The nearest school (Henllan) was four miles off. Philip Davis could read well in Welsh (he did so for Mr. Bowen Jones in my presence), but knew hardly a word of English ; neither indeed 110 On the State of Education in Wales, did his father in any tolerable decree. 5x4 = 20. 7x7 = 63. 5X6 = 25. I2d. = ls. 20s. = 11. 40-s.=r2/. 12 months in the year ; did not know the first month. Four seasons; did not know the names. Scarcely any of the children in this parish \vere going to a clay- school: there was none wilhiri reach. A very middling cottage (which I saw), with about one-sixth of an acre of garden-ground, was rented for 21. The occupant, John Matthias, had eight children, and was earning 6d. per day and his food. I saw some of the children: they looked fat and healthy. One girl, about 10 years old, had a most intelligent face. She seemed hearty and happy, though she did not remember when she had tasted meat last. The father (whose answers the Rev. B. Jones interpreted) had lived in Cilymaenllwyd all his life : had been to Laugharne, Cardigan, Pembroke, Carmarthen, and Tenby. Had no thought of going to England: would readily go if he could better his condition : could not go in harvest-time because of leaving his family. His children used to go to Mrs. Sevan's school ; were going to none at present. Had five living at home. Was himself at school when a boy, at Henllan. Could read, but not write. Was 45 years old : married at 19. Had three children of an age to go to school : it would be very tight, but meant to try and give .some schooling to his eldest boy. Received no more than 3s. in money per week. Had once saved 5/. ; never more ; that was when he had only two children. Could save nothing now : if he missed one clay's work it made such a gap to meet. Knew nothing of arithmetic. David Philip, a farmer, said that Matthias might send his children gratuitously to Henllan chapel school, which was not more than two miles from his part of Cilymaenllwyd parish. Matthias did not know that he could do so. On my road I visited Twlc school-room, a branch from the Inde- pendent chapel at Henllan, and comprised in the Narberth Sunday- school Union. The books of this school are kept with the most admirable regularity. The entries are classified as to sex, age, and membership or non-membership; and averages struck to the nicety (the last) of 73 T V. The building is in curious contrast to this pre- cision. It is a mud hovel, rude and shapeless, with a thatched roof and a damp earth floor, scored, when I saw it, with the prints of innu- merable pattens. There are four small holes, irregularly placed, and partially glazed, for windows. The benches are rough-hewn, as un- couth as can be, without being* substantial. The sitting-space is multiplied by laying planks, just as sawn from the tree, across the benches. The area is 20 feet by 12, the walls not 6 feet high, and the roof open to the thatch. The cross-beams are not above 5 feet 6 inches from the floor. I was very near knocking my face against one of them (the place was so dim) in measuring the room. The table, for its better preservation, was laid with its legs upwards upon two of these beams. There was no fireplace. The benches, the planks, and the table formed the only furniture. 240 square feet for 73 pupils allows less than 3^ square feet for each. When the low ness of the room is also taken into account, such a number appears still more dispropor- tionate. The use of the parish school-room had been offered to this Sunday-school by the Rev. Bowen Jones, and declined. When Mrs. Rniror. Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. Ill Bevan's school was held there, several preferred keeping- their children at home altogether rather than send them, although neither attendance in the parish-church on Sundays, nor the Church Catechism, was enforced. My informant was John James, a farmer, renting 153 acres at 90/. per annum. He frequented both church and chapel. The farmers about Nebo chapel were going to set up a day-school there : they are mostly Dissenters. The Twlc school went now and then to be catechised at church ; but this would appear to be in the nature of a demonstration, The landlords of the parish exhibited the greatest apathy about the education of the poor. The Rev. Bovven Jones had offered 100/., or 5/. per annum, towards founding a permanent endow- ment for a master, if he were met by them in a similar spirit; but his proposal had produced no effect. The roads in the parish were, many of them, execrably bad, and it appeared altogether poverty-stricken, excepting the church, which had been restored by Mr. Jones, and the two chapels of Nebo and Login, both of which were in good repair. PARISH OF ST. CLEAR, (Appendix, p. 243). The people are miserably poor : 8(1. a-day, with food, was the rate of wages at the time of my visit ; even 6d. had been offered. The poor will endure any privation rather than enter the workhouse. The common resource is for the men to go during the winter months to the iron-works: in the summer they return home, or go to England, for the harvest: the wife and children are left desti- tute until the man can make a remittance. One who had started lately could only raise 6rf. with which to accomplish the journey : he had been offered 6rf. a-day and food as a thresher in the parish. The principal fuel used is sticks : coal is sold in barrels of 3 cwt. for Is. Sd. : it is anthracite coal. What I saw was very small mere dust such as 1 saw lying in heaps at the quays and pit-mouths at Llanelly as refuse : the poor buy and carry it home in bags at 3d. each. I entered three cottages : in one, which was about 8 feet square, a mother and four, not long ago five, children were living. One yirl in this family was t nr/iiiKj a trifle Inj rwjnl. 155. 122 On the State of Education in Wales, people of Llarisamlet particularly ignorant in his clerical visits. They had had good parish priests, and were considered religious. For a further account of this parish and neighbourhood, cf. the answer of P. S. L. Grenfell, Esq. PARISH OF ST. JOHN'S, near Swansea (Appendix, p. 359). This pa- rish includes the northern suburbs of Swansea, and extends up the eastern bank of the Tawe (opposite to Llansamlet on the western) until it joins the parish of Llangefelach. The aspect of it differs little from that of Llansamlet. The principal feature in it is the copper-works at Hafod, be- longing to J. H. Vivian, Esq., M.P. His agent informed me that about 500 persons were employed in them, of all ages and sexes, of which num- ber 100 might be children and 30 women. No boy was then employed who was under twelve years of age. As to wages, calciners were getting 14?. or 15s.; furnace-men 21s., 25s. and occasionally 30s. (extra hours) per week, besides fuel gratis and a two-room cottage, built by Mr. Vivian, at Is. 4rf. per week. As a class they were not intemperate, but improvident, relying upon constant employment. They were mostly Welsh, with few English or Irish among them ; a copperman was almost always the son of a copperman. The agent recollected no instance of a man who had risen from a workman to be a clerk ; he considered them better off than any other class of workmen in the kingdom. The district was not unhealthy. The school* is maintained by each man's being stopped one penny per week, for which he has the privilege of sending all his children (how- ever many) to school. In general, they were apathetic about education. The only intellectual resource of the adult population is the chapel, whether used for preaching or a Sunday-school ; such as do not fre- quent the chapel pass their leisure time in the beer-house. They are all Dissenters. A great improvement was said to have taken place in the manners of the district ; this was attributed to the Sunday-schools ; they were introduced about twenty-seven years ago ; at that time the population was left wholly without spiritual care. I took down verbatim the following statement from a sort of clerk or overseer, apparently a man fifty or sixty years old : " At that time an Indepen- dent minister came to look after us if he had been Baptist, Church- man, or any one else to have drawn the net, he would have had us all." EXTRACTS from the APPENDIX, illustrative of Sunday Schools, referred to in p. 7 ante. Capel Mair School (Appendix, p. 246). I visited this Sunday- school on the 29th of November, being introduced by Mr. James Rogers, a respectable merchant of the place, who attends it regularly, and is himself a teacher in one of the classes. The chapel is of a good size, and in good repair, both as to the building, pews, and benches. I was too late for the prayer with which I was informed the school is opened. The first thing done after my entrance was the superin- tendent's ringing a little hand-bell, and then his calling over the roll of teachers, who answered to their names. The office of superintendent is filled by the teachers in rotation. The mode of proceeding is as follows : At the end of each Sunday's */n/ra, p. 172. Carmarthen, Glamorgan) and Pembroke. 123 school, the teachers stay behind, and determine a few verses which are to form the text of the next Sunday's instruction ; these they read over, each one reading from stop to stop, though it be only a comma. The superintendent of the next Sunday proposes a few questions upon it, which are answered or discussed, with a view to guiding the next Sunday's instruction. When the next Sunday -comes, the passage so selected is read over by each of the classes under the direction of its teacher, and explained and discussed by him and them. About half or three-quarters of an hour before the school is closed, the superin- tendent of the day questions the whole school on the passage which has been read in the classes. As each question is proposed, another of the teachers, who assists, calls out " Class Mr. Rogers," " Class Mr. Good," "Class Mr. Lewis," &c., according to his discretion, in order that some one from the class named may answer the question if they can. If the answer is not approved by the superintendent, the same teacher calls on another class; or if any one in the school disapproves of the answer, he suggests his own explanation. After this, the younger children are questioned, then a hymn is sung : the whole concludes with a prayer by the superintendent for the day. The entire business of the school appeared to me to be conducted in the most orderly manner. I particularly noticed the mode of dismissal : the superintendent calls each class by the name of its teacher; the class named files out, the rest remaining still : as each passes the centre aisle, before turning to the door, they bow to the superin- tendent. They do not read much at a time ; I found them engaged upon 9th St. Luke, vv. 37-45. The school is wholly conducted in Welsh, with the exception of Mr. Rogers's class, which contained two adults and two children, females. These were not of the labouring class. I took down, as nearly as I could, verbatim the questions asked, and (iHsrrrrs given in this class : v. 37. "And it came to pass," &c. What came to pass? The father and the son met the Saviour the next day. Next day to what? Day of the Transfiguration. Came down from the mountain what mountain? Mount Tabor. Much people met him met whom? Christ. "And behold a man of the company," &c. Behold what does this expression denote? does it denote something important, something particular to follow? is it meant to attract attention ? Yes. What was the particular thing here? The father besought the Saviour to heal his child. " Master, I beseech thee," &c. Did the man believe? Yes ; (another) he had seen Christ's miracles. The teacher referred to the parallel passage of St. Mark : " Lord, I believe ; help thou mine unbelief." * c Look upon my son does this mean have compassion on him? The father believed that a look from Christ was enough to heal him.' 1 Similar questioning, Mr. Rogers informed me, was going on in each of the Scripture classes, of which I found ten. As soon as the class-reading was over, the superintendent again rang his bell, and called out two names, upon which two boys, in different parts of the school, repeated successively the 113th and 114th Psalms in Welsh. When any verses are learnt to repeat, the person learning them gives notice to the teacher of his class, and he to the superintendent, who calls for them, as on this occasion. Something of \'2i On the State of Education in Wales t the same kind I have noticed in my account of the Church Sunday- school at Llandovery. The general questioning on the passage of the day was conducted by the Rev. Mr. Davies, master of the Rhydiceisiad day-school, in the parish of Llangynin (reported below). He gave the questions in Welsh, and translated them for me into English. The following are specimens of them and the answers. "Why is Christ addressed as master? Because he is a teacher. In what office is he a teacher ? In that of prophet. Should parents in general feel a desire to bring their children to Christ? Yes. Why? what good can he do them? He can bring them to eternal life. Cannot some else than Christ do this? No. Can he save all? Yes. Are all welcome who come to him? All. Are we to understand that evil spirits have power over natural diseases? Yes, in those times; but not now. The evil spirit tore him ; what does this mean ? The man was in such pain that he tore himself. Why could not the disciples cast the evil spirit out? For want of faith. In whom was the faith wanting?" (Here some discussion arose as to whether it was the disciples who lacked faith to perform the miracle, or the man to have it performed upon him. The superintendent, who inclined to the latter opinion, quoted '* He could not do many mighty works there, because of their unbelief." He said, however, at last, "Well, it is doubtful; we had better leave it.") How did Jesus rebuke the unclean spirit ? By his word. " All were amazed ;" did they understand Christ to be God, or only that God worked with him ? Both ; (another) They were amazed at the God- head of the Son appearing; (the superintendent) It was rather God who appeared as attesting it, and at this they were amazed. "They wondered at all the mighty works;" what were these? The same persons had seen others of Christ's miracles. " Let these words sink into your ears;" what does this mean? Put them in your heart. What words? Those which follow about our Lord's crucifixion. (Here again a discussion arose. Some thought that the words meant in the 44th verse were the exclamations of wonder alluded to in the 43rd ; and that the disciples were exhorted to remember these present acknowledgments of Christ's power for their consolation when he should afterwards be crucified.) I was informed that it was then too late for them to catechize the children. At the close of school, several packets of little Welsh hymn-books were distributed among the children. The people present were generally well clothed; want of proper clothes is a common excuse given for not attending or sending children to a Sunday-school. After the dismissal, the teachers met to settle next week's lesson. It was to be from the 46th verse (inclusive) to the end of the chapter. They read it over in the way I have described. After it had been read, the superintendent for the following week put some questions. "What \vas the 'reasoning' about? They mistook the nature of Christ's kingdom, and expected temporal power ; (another) Pride was arising among them ; (another) They expected to be prime-ministers, and so forth." Some discussion ensued as to whether Christ heard the conversation, and knew their thoughts from that, or whether the Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 125 conversation took place in his absence, and he knew it and the motives of it by his omniscience. Jt did not appear to he the object of this con- versation to settle^ so much as to open questions, on which the next Sunday's teaching should turn. Each teacher gave his own opinion, and the superintendent did not sum up or decide in any way. The teachers appeared to he generally decent farmers or shopkeepers. There is one thing more to be mentioned. This Sunday-school is considered, in theory at least, to be quite distinct from the congre- gation. In order to be a member of the Sunday-school it is not requisite to attend the public worship of the chapel ; no question of this nature is asked of any one in school; nothing more specific is taught on this head in the classes than the abstract duty of public wor- ship. The Sunday-school, as a distinct society, elects its own teachers. Penygroes Sunday School (Appendix, p. 416). Tiiis school is held in the Independent chapel, and in the school- room belonging to the same congregation, which is built on a part of the bury ing-ground, above the stable. The Testament classes are in the former, and the junior or elemen- tary classes, with one class of adults reading the New Testament, in the latter. The school commenced this afternoon precisely at two o'clock, by the superintendent desiring one of the teachers to hear two females, apparently about 23 years of age, repeat the first chapter of the book of Joshua, which they did simultaneously, very correctly. A hymn was then sung, and the teacher delivered a prayer. The secretary then called the names of the teachers, and every one answered, " Here I am." A teacher then stood up, and stated his opinion respecting a Sunday-school he had been visiting in the neighbourhood. (It appeared that there is a union among seven Sunday-schools of the same connexion, and visits are paid from one school to the other.) He said they had a good supply of teachers ; that they were reading tolerably well ; the faults of that school were, they had no teachers* school no secretary many coming late to school they were not giving sufficient time fur the scholars to read without assisting them there were not many adult females coming to school. The teachers then went to their different classes. In the school-room I saw one little boy in the alphabet, one class in the Second Class-Book of the London Sunday-school Union, and two classes in the Third Class- Book. The different teachers had printed questions corresponding to the several Class-Books in their hands, from which they questioned the scholars as soon as the lessons were read correctly. Some of them were taught individually, others collectively. The adult class in the school-room was reading the tenth chapter of the Hebrews, and to the questions proposed by the teacher I heard the following replies: The ceremonial law was nothing but a shadow of things to come the killing of the beasts under that dispensation had a reference to the death of Christ for the sins of the world none were benefited by the sacrifices, except those who, through faith, looked forward to the Lamb of God, who would take away the sins of the world Christ in his person, and in his sacrifice, was the substance of all the sacrifices under the ceremonial law. All the sacrifices and burnt offerings had especial reference to him. The sacrifices proved the sinfulness of man, and at the same time pointed out the way for him to be saved, through the blood of Christ. 126 On the State of Education in Wales, All the classes in the chapel have the same lesson, and the teachers, on the mornings of every sabbath-day, meet their minister (the Re- verend Simon Evans) to have the lesson explained to them, and to be questioned on it, that they may all question the scholars in the same manner. This appeared to be the grand secret of their success. Every word and every passage is fully explained, and" they are expected to do the same in their different classes. The lesson this day was the twelfth chapter of St. Mark, 13-24 verses. I visited every class, and the following were the answers I heard given to the questions proposed by the different teachers : Pharisees, a sect among the Jews, who con- sidered themselves better than others Herodians, Herod's partisans tribute, a tax paid to the emperor of Rome Caesar was the emperor. (By me.) Rome was in Canaan Jesus Christ knew the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and Sadducees he knew their hearts the Sadducees denied the existence of spirits, good and evil also the resurrection the Pharisees tried to entangle Christ in his speech respecting paying tribute to Caesar he told them to bring him a penny, a Roman coin, *l%d. of our money he told tjiem to render unto Caesar the things which are Cyesar's, and to God the things which are God's. The Sad- ducees (from Sadock, their founder) tried to entangle Christ by asking a question respecting the seven brothers who married the same woman, as Moses enjoined in the twenty-fifth chapter of Deuteronomy, fifth verse they were prompted to put the question by malice and envy, but were equally surprised with the Pharisees by the answer which Christ gave Moses, whom they quoted to entangle him, proved the resurrection in the verse quoted by Christ, " I AM the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob" he was their God, then, when they were dead, as he was when they were living. The same questions were proposed, and nearly the same answers given in every class. There was only one female teacher in the school, and she was as expert in proposing questions as the male teachers. At a quarter to four the superintendent ordered the books to be taken up; the anthem, "Worthy is the Lamb," was sung by 20 or 30 of the teachers and scholars ; and Mr. David James, of Pantgafel, concluded the school with prayer. I was informed that the teachers and scholars were freeholders, farmers, servants, labourers, and their children ; but the major part of the scholars were adults. This is a school of considerable reputation. January 3lst, 1847. WM. MORRIS, Assistant. (Appendix, p. 434). The eight chapels named in the table next follow- ing are formed into a Sunday-school union, called the Narberth Sunday-school Union. The chief principles upon which this union is formed are the adoption of a similar method of instruction ; comparison of accounts with respect to the attendance of teachers and scholars; and a system of mutual inspection. Mr. David Evans, of Narberth, is secretary to this union, as well as to the Pembrokeshire Educational Committee. I am indebted to him for much information concerning it. It is settled at certain periodical conferences what schools shall inspect each other. Two visitors are deputed from the visiting school for the purpose, who do not give notice of their coining, and, having Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 127 made their report, transmit it to the secretary. I saw some of these reports in the minute-book. Making allowance for a good deal of general and commonplace reflection, they were ably and honestly done, and were not merely mutual laudations. Faults were pointed out, e.g. the small proportion of children to adults ; superannuated teachers set over the youngest classes; and so forth. A similar union exists in Kemess hundred (cf. Report of Penygroes Sunday-school, supra); and also in Newcastle hundred, Glamorganshire (cf. Report of Gilead Sunday-school, infra). The annexed table, with which Mr. Evans fur- nished me, will show the precision with which the accounts are kept :-- DEAR SIR, Narberth, January 26^/t, 1847. I HEREWITH forward to you the returns for the schools con- nected with theNarberth Sunday-school Union ; all of which are filled with the utmost care and fidelity, from personal and minute inquiries. Zoar school was not in connexion with union during the last quarter, but has since joined it. * * * * The Wesleyan school has discontinued its connexion with the union since June hist. I also enclose a copy of the last quarterly table of statistics ; the total in some instances you will find to differ from the returns. This arises from the fact, that in some schools that very cold and snowy Sunday* was omitted in striking the averages. Should anything appear difficult or imperfect, I shall be most happy to render you all needful information. I have, &c. JR. JR. W. Liny en, Esq. DAVID EVANS. NARBBRTH SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION. [The names between brackets denote the parishes in which the schools are situated. I. stands for Independent, 13. for Baptist.] STATISTICAL TABLE, ending December 27, 1846. TEACHliKS. SCHOLARS. I 3 T3 1 1' 1 2 < a o c ' SJ 3 1 3 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 3* SB i! H o 2 h < o < o < Tabernacle (Narberth) I. . Carvan (Lampeter Velfrv), I. lieth-l (Llandewi Velfrv), I. 14 20 16 9 4 1 23 24 17 20 20 18 23 23 16 73 ;:< 89 63 56 162 126 95 117 73 55 37 44 38 43 50 45 119 76 50 66 28 15 Bethesda ( Narberth), B. . Llandissilio (Llandissilio), I. 9 10 2 2 11 12 8 8 7 12 46 39 50 32 96 71 50 21 14 41 37 55 34 31 12 ; Nebo (Cilvmaenllwvdd), I. 17 5 22 17 17 74 77 151 88 90 8(3 65 6 Ffvnnonwen, or Twlc(Cily- maenllwvdd), I. ... 9 2 11 10 10 49 104 77 40 38 66 11 Henllan(Henllan Amgoed,)!. 20 8 28 22 28 101 82 183 125 100 150 33 26 Total . . . IS 33 148 118 136 490 498 988 628 384 490 |498 | 195 Last quarters (ending Sep- st tember, 1846) .... 25 44 169 142 158 516 640 1056 726 433 567 489 No re- turns. The decrease is owing to the season and the change of farm- servants, not voluntary absence ; the actual increase in scholars under 15 clearly establishes the fact. D. E. * December 13, 1846. 128 On the State of Education in Wales,- It may be necessary to explain the column headed Church Members. A member is one of a congregation who, by publicly receiving the Communion in their chapel, professes his adherence to that body. Tabernacle Sunday School, Milford Haven (Appendix, p. 452). I visited this school on the 17th of January. It is remarkable in this respect that, contrary to the general custom, the minister of the chapel, the Rev. John Lloyd, is the principal conductor of the school. On each Sunday evening, for an hour and a half, he holds a Bible class, at which the Sunday-school teachers prepare the lesson to be read on the following Sunday they use the course prescribed by the Sunday-school Union. On one evening of the week the minister holds a singing class, at which 60 attend ; on another he gives gratuitous instruction in secular subjects to some of the junior teachers. There is a lending library attached to this school ; the books are not exclusively of a religious character} they were nicely covered to preserve them. The teachers meet to transact the business of the school on the first Sunday in every month. It is further remarkable, with respect to this as a Dissenting school, that the scholars attend public worship (in the morning) in school order, all sitting together; there is a regular cycle of teachers like academical proctors, to superintend them while so attending. The roll-book and the book of attendance are those adopted by the Sunday-school Union ;" the entries for morning and afternoon, being on opposite sides of the same page, are not nearly so compendious and convenient for reference as those at the Wesleyan school. I heard a teacher (a somewhat rough-looking, but evidently strong- headed man) giving the lads in his class boys thirteen or fourteen years old a good practical lesson, in homely language, on the point wherein the people of Berrea were more noble than those of Thessa- lonica. For five minutes between reading in the separate classes and the general catechising, four male and four female collectors (who have each an ascertained quarter of the male and female schools respectively assigned to them) go round the school to receive contributions towards the missionary fund. After this the males, in an orderly manner, and class by class, left the vestry-room and arranged themselves in separate pews down one side of the chapel. The general catechising was conducted by the minister on St, Matthew iii. In answer to him it was said that John the Baptist came preaching A.D. 25 the wilderness was east of Jerusalem ; between that city and the Dead Sea the Jordan was in that neighbourhood " about Jordan " means " on the banks of Jordan " repent=be sorry the kingdom of heaven is at hand meant that Christ was at hand this is he meant Christ Esaias is also written Isaiah repeated 3rd verse of 14th chapter of Isaiah the same John = the Baptist. A gar- ment of camel's hair did not mean a fine robe of camlet, but a coarse one of the untanned hide such a robe was worn by prophets the locust was like a grasshopper, but larger ; two or three inches long there are green and brown ones the latter are the larger come in clouds, i.e. lots of them together. Wild honey is that found in rocks and old trees made by wild bees Jonathan once dipped the end of Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 129 his spear in such a nest may see the same thing occasionally in Wales all Jerusalem meant all the people every one the greatest part the principal part. (Minister) " Which is right, James Sawyer ?" (J. S.) The principal part. The Jordan rises in Mount Lebanon runs under ground for thirteen miles comes out at Cresarea passes through the Sea of Galilee into the Dead Sea. The Pharisees were self- righteous believed in fate ; in heaven and hell; in angels that the soul will outlive the body (the answers came from all quarters of the school, and from the females as well as the males). The Sadducees dis- believed the resurrection ; angels ; God; (many to the last answer) no. The minister then gave out the lesson to be prepared for the next Sunday. * Happy Land ' was exceedingly well sung, the minister leading, and in the course of it repeating occasionally " higher," and " faster." He then desired that those among the females who had read over the Sunday's lesson on each day in the past week would hold up their hands. Thirteen held them up. About the same number held up their hands among the males. The school was closed with a brief prayer. I annex a copy of the rules of this school : 1. The hours of attendance are, nine in the morning and two in the afternoon. As it is a rule that the school should be opened and con- cluded with prayer, it is necessary that every child should be present at the school in time. 2. Every child who does not come to school clean and regular, or is found guilty of lying, swearing, stealing, fighting, or otherwise mis- behaving, must be expelled if, after reproof, there is no reformation. 3. That each child shall be expected to come with his or her lesson prepared, that there be no delay in school-hours, and shall attend divine service after the morning school with the teachers. 4. That if any child be absent from the school four successive sabbaths, such child shall be excluded, unless a satisfactory reason be given. 5. It is earnestly recommended to the parents or friends of the children, to urge them to attend to their improvement, as we cannot hope for much success in our labours if the children behold at home an indifference to their welfare, or an example contrary to the instruc- tions given at school. I should say that the school was very well conducted. Wesleyan Sunday School, Milford Haven (Appendix, p. 452). T visited this school on the 17th of January. It is mainly conducted by the exertions of Mr. George Williams, an officer in the Customs, and his sister. The 'school was opened with a hymn, and prayer by the superin- tendent. In this school, as also in the Baptist and Independent schools at Milford, the vestry is used as a school-room for the boys. In all three the vestries are inconveniently small. I inquired at the Tabernacle why they did not use the gallery, and was informed that the arrange- ment of the pews made it inconvenient for the teachers who take down the numbers, collect pence for missions, &c., to visit the classes. The K 130 On the State of Education in Wales, same reason, I suppose, applies to all. The instruction was given in this school upon a scheme prepared by the Rev. J. Stephenson, a Wesleyan minister. There were cards headed " Table of Sabbath Exercises " in the following form, which comprised each Sunday in the year : Morning, Old Testament Lesson. Afternoon, New Testament Lesson. o d 1st Catechism. Wesley's Hymns. i Date. | a S.2 1 a . 1 i 2j i I II 11 1 1 1 1 I 1 Jan. 10 Gen. i. 1-5 The Creation 1 1 1 Luke ii. 6-14 Birth of Jesus 90 i 1 Gen i. 6-13 The Creation 2 .. .. Luke ii. 21-26 ( Dedication } 1 of Jesus. 5 224 i 2 ,, 24 3 * ** * The JFVr^ Catechism is the Wesleyan Catechism of that name. The Paraphrase is a work (well known among the denomination) upon the Second Wesleyan Catechism. The Scripture References are a compilation of parallel passages of Scripture to illustrate each portion read. By means of this table each class is engaged in studying the same passage : each teacher is illus- trating the same subject from it, and referring to the same authorities, which are those acknowledged by the congregation. At the end of the time the school is catechised by one of the teachers, collectively, on the passage which has thus been read separately. Instead of the Old Testament lesson marked for the morning, the scholars had of late been devoting the Sunday morning- school to Scripture biography, adopting a system of mnemonics : e.g. the floor is divided into so many imaginary compartments, and numbered. The position of the compartments and the number, always remaining the same, soon become familiar to every one. Then a scriptural name is taken ; suppose Zaccha?us : the principal circumstances of his history are assigned one by one to some of the compartments explanations or illustrations to others. In this way an account of the principal scrip- tural names was by degrees being very thoroughly learnt throughout the school. The superintendent informed me that he found the system work admirably. The teachers appeared to me to be discharging their duties efficiently. They were really questioning the children and expounding to them. One iu particular had an animated and intelligent manner. Attached to the school is a lending library of 300 volumes, entirely of a religious character ; the volumes were all nicely covered with canvass, and numbered with figures corresponding to the index. The register of volumes taken out was kept thus : Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 131 Names. JANUARY. FEBRUARY. 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 No. of Vol. No. of Vol. No. of Vol. No. of Vol. No. of Vol. No. of Vol. No. of Vol. No. of Vol. No. of Vol. A. B. . . 21 21 21 50 The upper line of figures denotes the days of the month on which each Sunday of the year falls. The volumes are taken out each Sunday. According to the example given, A. B. would have taken out vol. 21 on Sunday the 3rd of January ; renewed his loan of it on the 10th, and again on the 17th ; returned it, and taken out vol. 50 on the 24th. The school-roll was kept in the same form as at the Wesleyan chapel in Pater, q. v. The attendance register was kept in a particularly good and convenient form : e.g. . Dismissed, V cslevan Total Admitted. Present. Absent. Removed, Date 1847 Sunday-school, Mil ford. brought forward. Total. &c. Total. I Boys. (.iris. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. 17 Jan. Morning . 137 9 1 140 45 58 19 18 140 Afternoon 140 24 ,, Morning . Afternoon The entry in the last column for one attendance always forms the entry in the first column for the next attendance. The totals had been steadily increasing for some time. It seemed to me altogether an excellent school. English Wesley an Sunday-school^ Bridgend (Appendix, p. 350). I visited this school on the 7th of March. The chapel in which it is held is airy and commodious. The side-aisles are occupied by open pews. In them the school is held. The two sexes are separated, one on each side of the chapel. The teachers appeared to be of a superior class, and to be doing their work well. Each selects what passage he pleases for his class to read. There are cards for marking the attendance of teachers and of each class. There is also a minute-book kept in the same form as at the Tabernacle, Mil ford, in which the particulars of attendance are entered. The officers of the school include a superin- tendent, teachers, secretary, and two visitors. The school district is divided between these two visitors ; it is the duty of the secretary to furnish the visitors with a list of the absentees on each Sunday, that their homes may be visited, and the cause of their absence ascertained. There is a large clock conspicuously placed in the chapel, and the time of the afternoon's school apportioned according to the following table: K 2 132 On the State of Education in Wales, Minutes. Time. ' Singing and prayer 10 2 10 Giving out books 5 215 Catechism 30 2 45 Religious instruction 10 2 55 Silence and singing 5 30 Reading Scriptures 20 3 20 Address or reading continued 25 3 45 Collecting looks 5 3 50 Singing 10 40 In the morning a greater proportion of time is given to reading the Scriptures. Prizes (Hymn-books or Testaments) are distributed in exchange for tickets obtained for attendance at the opening of school, and at the lessons of the class. Four such tickets can be acquired each Sunday, i.e. 12 in three weeks. For every 12 such tickets a larger one is given. It would, therefore, take at least 36 weeks to acquire 12 larger tickets, which is the number of them requisite to gain a prize. The catechism in use is the Wesleyan Catechism; but it is not learnt by any scholars except those in the Bible and Testament classes, i.e. the most advanced. The catechisms are taken home, in order that the portions to be repeated on Sunday may be learned during the week. The portions learned are repeated individually. By Religious Instruction is meant a more familiar and colloquial intercourse between the teacher and his class on religious subjects than is the case in catechetical instruction. In four classes which I passed by while this part of the instruction was going forward, I heard one teacher explaining to his class that God is a God of Truth, giving them short and simple proofs of various things stated in the Bible, e.g. the fall of man his corruption and misery the deluge and so forth. Another was impressing his pupils with the consideration that we must all stand before Christ's judgment-seat every one of us in an earnest manner, making them feel that this is not an abstract truth, but a per- sonal and individual consideration. A third was warning an individual boy, who was not taking good ways. A fourth was speaking on the importance of giving our first days to God, while our mind is as yet undisturbed by the cares of life. At the end of the school comes a general catechizing upon the passage read by the senior classes during the previous half-hour. According to the rules of the school, the teachers ought to meet once a-month j but this rule is not enforced. Once a-month there is a prayer-meeting of the whole school, i.e. the school is closed at half-past three instead of four, and the remaining half-hour devoted to worship and prayer instead of instruction. This is the only Sunday-school in Bridgend, with the exception of the Church Sunday-school, which is conducted wholly in English. It is contemplated to form a lending-library in connexion with it, and to adopt the course of lessons laid down by the Sunday-school Union. When this is done, I should say that it will be one of the best Sunday- schools which I have seen in my district. Wesleyan Sunday-school, Cardiff" (Appendix, p. 369). I visited this school on the 21st of March, 1847. The time during which the school is kept is divided thus: in the morning, 15 minutes for opening Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 133 with singing and prayer, 35 minutes for reading, 5 minutes for spelling in what has been read, 15 minutes for lessons and religious conver- sation, and 10 minutes for closing- with singing and prayer. In the afternoon, 15 minutes for opening with singing and prayer, 30 minutes for reading, 10 minutes for lessons, 10 minutes for spelling in what has been read, 15 minutes for catechism, and from 25 minutes to 40 for closing with singing, exhortation, singing again, and prayer. By the lessons is meant repeating a portion of Scripture, selected and given out on the previous Sunday by one of the superintendents, and committed to memory before coming to school, with questioning upon it by the teachers. In the religious conversation the teachers endeavour both by questioning and by relating simple and striking- anecdotes to impress the minds of their scholars with a deep sense of the truths of religion. In the 1st class of boys I found the teacher examining his scholars in what they had read very sensibly and acutely, and exercising them in turning to passages of Scripture bearing upon a given subject. The scholars appeared quick in this sort of work, and very ready in answer- ing questions put to them by their teacher. In the 2nd class of boys I found the teacher questioning his scholars upon the portion of Scripture selected for the lesson. He was examin- ing them on almost every word of the lesson, and appeared to possess some skill in simplifying and explaining matters. In the 1st class of girls the scholars were being put to read the answers to the questions in the Catechism, with Scripture quotations. The teacher afterwards put several questions to them, which she had in a printed form in the * Key to the Catechism.' These questions are much more minute than those of the Catechism itself, from which alone the scholars had to provide answers. They seemed to do this readily. In answer to questions put by one who gave the closing exhortation, and read, without mentioning the book or the chapter, the first part of St. John iii., they said that a part of St. John iii. had been read that regeneration was the subject of the conversation between Nicodemus and our Lord that Nicodemus was a ruler of the Jews that he came to Jesus by night for fear of the Jews that he knew that Jesus was come from God, because no one could do the miracles he did unless he had come from God that a miracle is a wonderful thing, and requires the power of God to perform ; they could not say what is the kingdom of heaven in this world; they said that man is born in sin that the first thing every one does after he has felt the need of a Saviour is to pray that faith is connected with prayer; they could not say what follows when we pray in faith. Besides the two superintendents, there are two secretaries, one for the boys and the other for the girls, whose business it is to keep the books : viz., the register, in which are entered the date of admission with age at the time, parent's name, residence, class, and remarks about leaving, dismissal, or death; the roll-book, in which is entered the attendance ; and the minute-book, which contains a summary, with a leaf for each month, of the number on the books, distinguishing boys from girls, the uumber admitted and the number that left on the one page, and on the other page the number that actually attended, of 134 On the State of Education in Wales, teachers, distinguishing males from females, with the actual attendance of their scholars respectively morning* and afternoon. At the opening and closing of the school, one of the superintendents gives out a hymn, all sitting' ; when he has gone over the number of verses selected to be sung, he pronounces "attention," then he gives out the first verse, which is sung, and so of the rest. After singing he desires all to "kneel," and after the prayer to "rise." When the time allotted for any subject has expired, he rings a bell and mentions the next subject. There is a circulating library belonging to the school, from which any one reading in the Holy Scriptures may get the loan of one book at a time for a week. The school seemed to be very well organized, with exceedingly good method and system, and to be, on the whole, most efficiently con- ducted. DAVID WILLIAMS, Assistant. To the foregoing instances I subjoin two others, which I con- sider to be favourable specimens of the class of Sunday-schools lying midway between the old and the recent type; the first being a town Sunday School, and the latter a rural one. Capel Als Sunday School, Llanelly (Appendix, p. 214). I visited this school on the 14th of February, being introduced by the Rev. David Rees, minister of the Welsh Independent chapel, in which it is held. School was commenced with a hymn and prayer given out by one of the teachers. After the hymn and prayer, the teachers' names were called over. There is a register of teachers, and of each class. Many of the teachers were absent at the copper-works. The furnaces are kept at work day and night. The men work by day and by night in alternate weeks ; this, therefore, must be a permanent cause of absence, though not to the same individuals, every Sunday. Others of the teachers whose names were called were said to have left the town in search of employment. The female teachers did not answer to their names ; but a man from the gallery, overlooking the school, answered whether they were present or not. The course of lessons recommended by the Sunday-school Union has not yet been, but is to be, adopted. At present, the business of each Bible class is to read the Scriptures through. The rates of progress being different, no two classes are in the same place. One great mischief of this plan is, that it renders any general catechis- ing of the whole school upon the subject of their day's reading impos- sible. Mr. Rees has a class of 15 under his own charge. I found this class to be composed of four colliers, one farmer's son, two carpen- ters, one brewery-man, two clerks in works, one shopkeeper, one very old man, two lads, and one not ascertained. From this class the teachers are mainly supplied. There were five Scriptural maps (three of Palestine, one of St. Paul's journeys, and one of the wanderings of the Israelites), intended to be for the use of the school generally, but practically of use only to this class, the maps being hung on the pulpit, and this class sitting within the space which, in dissenting chapels, is railed off immediately under the pulpit. Mr. Rees conducts the instruc- Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 135 tion wholly in Welsh. The members of it were said to understand English imperfectly. I heard them read the 9th chapter of St. John. They read from period to period, and apparently with ease. If one of them made a mistake, he was simply told that he was not right. He then read the verse over again : it wa only after repeated failures to discover his mistake that the next was called upon to do so. They appeared to have prepared the passage with great care (my visit was wholly unexpected), from commentaries in their possession. One minutely explained the Jewish custom of expulsion from the synagogue. Another, the doctrine of metempsychosis, supposed to be referred to in verse 2, saying, "that souls which had sinned in former and better bodies were doomed to live in that gloomy or more deformed body, such as the blind man's; or even in the bodies of beasts, as oxen or asses." On this passage, another said that the Jews expected temporal punish- ments for sin. Different opinions were often given. In general they seemed able to answer Mr. Rees's questions. To-day meant during Christ's life: he used the expression because his life was drawing to a close : probably, also, the sun was setting at the time. Night meant the night of death. This cla c s appeared to be interested and diligent. I am inclined, however, to think that the school could be of little use for the instruction of the young. Want of space compelled a bad arrangement of the classes. Each teacher was in the same pew with his class. It was thus impossible for him to survey or control the whole class at once. It was only the child under immediate notice for the moment, as the teacher listened to each reading its verse, that seemed to be attentive : the rest were looking about or chatting together. The names are called in each class. It is the teacher's duty to visit the parents of absentees during the week, and ascertain the cause of absence in each case. I saw few in school who were not tole- rably well clad and clean. Assistance is given to those who are too poorly clad to attend. There is an English Sunday-school of the Independents at Siloam chapel, which is attended by the wealthier part of their body in Llanelly. Among the male classes, down stairs, I found only two, of four boys each, reading in English; but of the female classes, two-thirds were reading in English. Some of the parents, whose children were going to a day-school, objected to their being taught Welsh on Sundays. But (Mr. Rees informed me) the school was badly off for English teachers. In none of the juvenile classes did I see any symptom of the teachers' questioning the children. Out of 72 classes I found no less than 18, or one in four, engaged upon elementary books for acquiring the mechanical art of reading. In two cases I noticed an adult male teacher for an adult female class. I endeavoured to listen to a class or two reading ; but the buzz of the school was so great, and the tone of reading, while I stood by, was so low, from an awkward sort of shyness, that I could not hear sufficiently to form an accurate opinion. Gilead Sunday School (Appendix, p. 349). I visited this school on the 7th of March. It is conducted wholly in Welsh. The chapel was well warmed, comfortable, and in good repair. The part near the fireplace was not occupied by pews, but by loose benches ; on each side of it sat the 136 On the State of Education in Wales, two senior classes; all the adults were males. This school forms one of a Sunday-school union. The books were remarkably well kept : they consisted, indeed, of only a threepenny memorandum-book in the superintendent's pocket; but he had got his columns well and metho- dically arranged ; he was able to tell me in an instant every particular of the school's actual and average attendance. I found an adult class reading from the Sermon on the Mount in Welsh. One of the class was a man apparently upwards of 60, and looking like a decent farmer. The teacher seemed to belong to the same class. Another of them, from his dress, I judged to be a village mechanic, either a mason or carpenter ; the two remaining ones might be farm-labourers, aged, perhaps, 30 and 18 years respectively. They were reading the verse, " No man can serve two masters," &c. The passage was first read from stop to stop, and then again from verse to verse, in class. The teacher next proposed questions upon the mean- ing of each word contained in the passage; lastly, he commented upon the whole. With regard to the meaning of words, there was, every now and then, a certain attempt at etymology. The superintendent, who stood by and acted as my interpreter, had some acquaintance with the nature of translation, e.g. he explained to me that take no thought for was expressed by a single word in Welsh, though there were four in English. The word proposed did not always seem to be selected as one which necessarily required explanation : e.g. among others the teacher named God ; the answer given was, "the cause and creator of all things." When they came to Mammon, he produced from his pocket a Welsh version of Gurney's Bible Dictionary, and read an account of the word as there given. The practical comment which he delivered was short and sensible, taking Mammon for the cares of this world. I formed rather a favourable opinion of the Scriptural instruc tion in this class. Readiness and propriety of expression, to an extent more than merely colloquial, is certainly a feature in the intellectual character of the Welsh. On the present occasion I may mention the comment just above referred to; and that, when I requested the superintendent on my entrance to explain the nature of my visit, he did so in very few -words, very well delivered, which appeared at once to convey the desired information to the whole school. EXTRACTS from the APPENDIX, containing Reports of Union Workhouse Schools, referred to in p. 20 ante. Union Workhouse School, Llandovery (Appendix, p. 238). I visited this school on the 19th of October, and found 5 boys and 11 girls sitting round a table in a whitewashed stone-floored room, poring over Testaments and dog-eared primers. Some of the children were very young. One little girl fell from the wooden bench asleep, under the table, while I was getting the printed form filled up. About five of the number could read mechanically, and with much miscalling of words ; they could answer hardly anything. The masters (of the pchool and of the house) prompted them in harsh tones ; four could Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 137 write on slates ; no paper or copy-books were found. The children looked stolid and lifeless. Excepting the benches, table, and a few wretched books used by the children, the room was bare. There was a most cheerless air about the place and the children. The Union Workhouse School, Llandilo (Appendix, p. 232). I visited this school on the 31st of October. It contained, at the time of my visit, IS boys and 15 girls, of whom all, excepting some half dozen (as the master of the house informed me), were illegitimate. It is an abuse of words to speak of a school in this instance. Nothing was professed to be taught except reading and spelling; and the white- washed stone-floored room, in which the children were mustered for me, contained nothing but two small benches. It will be seen from the tables that the schoolmaster unites with his educational duties the somewhat anomalous functions of porter, barber, and layer-out of the dead. His service as a teacher, judging by the scale of remuneration, does not more than three times exceed in value his services as barber and layer-out, and is only half as valuable as that which he renders in the capacity of porter. The children's hair was cut in a sort of tonsure ; only they were clipped where a priest would be shaven; i.e. a line of longer hair was left round the head, and the hair on the crown was cut down to short bristles. They looked like little monks whose polls wanted trimming. I was told that 10 could read in the Scriptures, but no Bibles were forthcoming. Apparently the only two books ordinarily used were the New London Spelling-book, and Bailey's First Book. On my giving out " p. 35," not one could find the place. They did not un- derstand the names of the figures in English, and the schoolmaster could not explain them in Welsh. The house-master acted as inter- preter. Seven (three were said to be out) could just make something of the letters composing each word, and that was all. Not one, after I had asked each his name, could answer me the second question in the Catechism " Who gave thee this name ? " even by rote. The master at times urged them in a harsh and angry manner. It may be worth while to describe minutely the state of utter desti- tution in which these pauper children were left. The majority of the guardians are Dissenters. Accordingly, there is no regular chaplain, and, but for voluntary exertions from without, there would be no spi- ritual care had of the paupers, young or old, whatever. The teachers of the Calvinistic Methodists' Sunday-school attend at the workhouse every Sunday morning ; and ministers of this denomination, and of the Independents, attend twice a-month regularly, and sometimes oftener, but not at all during the week. The children are not allowed to attend any place of worship out of the house on Sundays or week- days. No child is compelled, if the parents object, to attend the religious instruction now given. 1 saw, besides, three girls, aged 9, 10, and 12 years respectively, who were not in regular attendance at school, being said to be at work. Of these only one, that aged 10, could read in English; that aged 9 could not read at all ; the third, who had been in the house ever since 1840, could read in Welsh only, and this she had learned on Sundays from the voluntary teachers. 138 On the State of Education in Wales, Union Workhouse School, Carmarthen (Appendix, p. 290). Fifty- eight children were said to be attending this school. The schoolroom is used also as a chapel ; it is a large oblong room, with the door at one of the narrow ends; opposite is the fireplace; on the left hand of the fireplace is a reading-desk ; on the left hand of the door is a table or dresser ; a few benches stand along each of the side \valls ; the mistress sits at across table before the fire, with drawers for the school apparatus underneath it. The room is entered from the kitchen. On the day of my visit it smelt most disagreeably of fish, quite like a fish-market to- wards evening; I suppose some coarse fish must have been dressed recently for the paupers in the adjoining kitchen. The ventilation is not good, for, although the door and fire-place are opposite, yet, as the former opens into the kitchen, it hardly introduces a current of fresh air. The windows are small, all on one side, only three in number, and at some height from the ground ; they were all closed when I visited the school. There was a good fire in the room. The floor was excessively dirty. The children were drawn up, when I entered, the boys on one side, the girls on the other ; most of them were very ragged; the pin- afores of the girls were very dirty ; few of them had stockings, and some very little ones had no shoes, although the floor was of bare stone. One little creature cried bitterly, until, at my request, she was taken into the arms of an older girl. The children enter the school at two years old. Every child in the house, above this age, when not other- wise employed, attend school as a matter of course. I heard 15 of the children read the Testament, eight girls and seven boys ; only four of the girls and none of the boys had been in any other day-school, as they and the mistress told me. About half the class could read as well as the head class in common day-schools usually reads. I got a few scriptural questions answered; among others, 1 asked, " What makes God angry with men?" (1) Cursing and swearing ; (2) playing on the sabbath-day ; (3) sin. They were able to give me some account of the benefits which we derive from our Lord's death. None of them could tell me what the last day of the world is called, nor whether God would again destroy the world by water. One boy told me that Noah and his three wives were saved in the ark. The answers were given principally by one boy, and rarely or never by any child below the three first boys. The copy-books were very dirty and badly written; the best was that of a girl who was said to have been in no other school. Some questions in the compound rules of arithmetic were answered tolerably well. The children all attend the Church-service on Sundays, and learn the Church catechism. The mistress told me that no objection was ever made by the parents to this, although some of them, being Dis- senters, do not attend the Church-service themselves. The rest of the school, i.e. 43, were said to be mere beginners, and taught individually. There was only a single mistress to attend to all. Union Workhouse School^ Narberth (Appendix, p. 432). This school is held in a spacious, airy, and well-lighted room, with a boarded floor, upstairs in the Union Workhouse. I found both the room and its furniture in good repair and very clean. There was a comfortable Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 139 fire burning- in it, and a screen round the children on the side of the door. Fifteen children were present ; I found the mistress sitting at the head of a long table, which ran from the fire-place across the room ; she was sewing. On her right sat three girls, also sewing ; on her left, five boys together, and one boy lower down by himself; six little children sat on a form apart, but within the screen, and not far from the fire. Two of the girls and the five boys at the upper end of the table were reading the first chapter of Hebrews when I entered, verse by verse. The two girls laid down their sewing when their turn came ; had the place pointed out to them, read the verse, and then resumed their sewing. All the clothes used in the house are made in the schoolroom. I stood for some time, but, beyond occasional corrections, I heard nothing said by the mistress. I then set them to read the 12th chapter of St. Luke. One could not find the place ; two only could read moderately well. From the same two I obtained the following answers: We are taught in verse 5 to fear God, who will send the good to heaven and the bad to hell; neither of them will come out again; he will do this at the day of judgment; God the Son will judge the world. Christ was the Son of man as well as the Son of God ; his mother was the Virgin Mary ; he came to save us from sin ; Christ was a poor man ; born in Bethlehem ; in a small poor place ; in a manger ; could not tell what a manger is ; could see one at Beth- lehem ; died upon the cross; crucified by the Jews; suffered under Pontius Pilate: (they failed to answer this question when asked in the form of who else joined in putting him to death ?) is not in the grave now ; is gone up to heaven ; will come back again, on the third day the last day to judge the quick and the dead. The children spelt multitude (of which they could give no meaning), therefore^ re- veal^ afraid, correctly, but spelt power with p, 0, u, r. There is no rio house chaplain. The children go to church every Sunday, weather permitting. The house is also visited by the Reverend H. Davies, Independent minister of Narberth, regularly once a month, and by other ministers occasionally. No arithmetic is taught; the copies are written ill, and from slips; over the fire-place were four prints of natural history from the Christian Knowledge Society. The children had in use a little Cate- chism of general information called the Mother's Catechism, which seemed a good sort of book. Better books were being used here than either at the Union schools of Llandovery, Llandilo, or Carmarthen ; and in point of the children's comfort, there was no comparison. The room used for a school-room at Llandovery corresponds to what is here a day-room opening from the boys' yard. In point, however, of instruction, the school hardly rises above a nursery. The little children on the separate bench had nothing to occupy them. Union Workhouse School, Pembroke (Appendix, p. 463). I visited this school on the 16th of December. The master had at one time been a soldier, and his whole regime and phraseology were of a military character. I was introduced to the school 140 On the State of Education in Wales, by Captain Leach, the Vice-Chairman of the Board. As soon as the schoolmaster had been apprized of our object he tolled a great bell, and, when the summons had been answered by the appearance of a boy or two in the yard, called out lustily, " Come, turn out there fall in." This was very readily done. " To the right face march." Each boy in passing gave a military salute. One of the file had neither shoe nor stocking ; scarcely any of them had stockings. There was a deep snow on the ground thawing at the time. The schoolroom is well lighted and ventilated, boarded, and in ex- cellent repair. Everything about it was very neat and clean. Along one side was a line of desks, and opposite to them a stove with a good fire of culm. By the door there was a cupboard for books on the left hand, and a small square table for the master on the right. He appeared a very respectable old man, kind and intelligent, with a good- natured sharpness of manner, such as children would soon understand and be kept alert by, without being cowed or frightened. He gave the order, " Fall in with your Testaments." 1 heard 19 children read to him the 14th chapter of St. Matthew. He paid great attention to them and corrected any mistake made, except desert for desert, which he did not notice. He then put the following questions, which I took down verbatim. He spoke clearly and distinctly. The children for the most part answered readily : Who was it that heard the saying of Jesus? What was it that Herod heard? Who heard of the fame of Jesus? What did he say to his servants? What did he say had hap- pened to John the Baptist? Who was this in whom the mighty works did show themselves forth ? What had Herod done to John ? Why ? Who was Herodias ? He would have put John to death, what prevented him ? Why did he fear the people ? Who danced before Herod? On what day? Was Herod pleased? How do you know ? &c. Charger meant a large dish. Did not know any other meaning of the word. The master then gave the children a word apiece to spell from the passage read ; most of them spelt correctly. He was very careful in not having the letters slurred over. The children repeated the Commandments very well and correctly when asked them by their numbers. The sixth commandment was first broken by Adam by Cain who slew Abel. They did not know why the sabbath had been changed from the last to the first day of the week, though the master said they had been often told both by him and the chaplain ; nor did they know any meaning for the word Lord except Christ. When I asked, " Can you tell me what the word sacrament means?" not one replied. I was simultaneously answered when I asked, "What meanest thou by this word sacrament?" There are two sacraments baptism is performed with water we read of a baptist in the New Testament his name was John. A boy pointed out to me the river Jordan, Jerusalem, and the Dead Sea (after a little puzzling) on the map of Palestine, which hung upon the walls. The cities destroyed by fire from heaven were Sodom and Gomorrah. The master then took the boys and gave them a lesson in arithmetic. They wrote down correctly in figures from his dictation three thousand four hundred and twenty-five, &c., to eight rows of figures ; these they Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 141 added, and proved their addition rapidly and correctly. His best pupil then worked 76/. 14-s. 2^/.-j-34 in a very clear and steady manner, without making a single mistake, under my inspection. Only 3 of the 19 children in the first class had been in any other day-school. The matron instructs the girls in sewing. I heard from Captain Leach that the old master takes great delight in drilling his boys, and that they are tolerably expert in manoeuvring. At the time of my visit the snow had choked up the boys' yard, and so spoilt his parade-ground. The effects of discipline appear to have been good both on master and pupils. I was much pleased with the school. Union Workhouse School, Haverfordwest (Appendix p. 461). I visited this school on the 5th of January. The workhouse is very pleasantly situated. The master of the house served for upwards of 30 years in the Fusilier Guards; he appeared a kind and intelligent man. No house-chaplain is appointed ; ministers of various denominations attend by turns to preach on the evenings of Thursdays and Sundays. The Reverend J. Thomas, master of the grammar-school in Haverford- west, has a lecture on Friday evenings. Every one in the house attends each of these services. On Sunday mornings the children go to the parish-church, if the weather permits. No objections have ever been made by any person in the house on religious grounds. Nothing like a Sunday-school has been attempted within the walls. There were at the time of my visit 84 persons, of whom 70 were children. Of the latter at least 60 (the master assured me) were illegitimate. Pembrokeshire was said to be the worst county in Wales for bastardy. The boys' yard was covered with a sort of loose shingle. Great pains appeared to be taken in classing the inmates both by day and night. They were said to be generally very manageable, but excessively tilthy in their habits. Children enter the school at two years and a half. The schoolroom is very well adapted for its purpose ; not so the mode of furnishing it. There were benches along the walls, and a long table down the centre ; the table accommodated but a small portion of the scholars; the remainder, sitting round the room, with nothing before them, cannot conveniently be separated into classes have a tendency to become restless by having to sit upright and hold their books and cannot be well commanded by a single glance. I was surprised, considering these disadvantages, to see how readily the mistress picked out her numerous classes ; far more numerous indeed than need be, and approaching, by their multiplicity, to the worry of individual instruction. There were no less than eight classes of boys, and four of girls. There is only one permanent monitor, though two others assist occasionally. He is distinguished by a long coat, while all the rest wear jackets. I was somewhat surprised to find a mistress superintending boys above 10 years of age. The master of the house, however, is active in maintaining discipline. The children were very orderly during my visit. If any noise occurred, it arose among the little ones, many of whom were the merest infants. There was a Book of Conduct kept in the following form : 142 On the State of Education in Wales, Week ended, &c. Week ended, &c. m Names. Monday. Tuesday. ! Thursday. (K 1 >. I >. Wednesda Thursday. >. >. John Jones . G B G G G G With two exceptions all the entries were G. Corporal punishment had heen ordered in some cases by the Board, to whom offenders are reported. The children in the house had been regularly instructed for a period of one year in singing-, about nine months previous to my visit, first by a mistress, and subsequently by a master, who attended twice a-week, for an hour and a half. The girls learn spinning, knitting, and sewing; specimens of the latter seemed very nicely done. There was a spinning-wheel in the room. There are many entirely Welsh parishes in the Union. All the children, however, whom I examined, were well acquainted with English. As the children entered, a very little girl, observing that I had let fall a book, picked it up and gave it me, with a curtsey. The children generally looked clean, and were well and warmly clad. I noticed few intelligent faces among them. On opening school they sang the ' Morning Hymn' all then knelt down, and the mistress read a prayer ; it was much too long, and beyond the com- prehension of children ; they were very quiet, and I noticed nothing irreverent in their manner; all joined in the Lord's Prayer; the children do not read the Bible regularly through, but chapters are selected for each lesson at the mistress's discretion. First class of boys (8). They read part of the 23rd chapter of St. Luke could all read with ease three of the number had been in another day-school, viz., one for three months only, the other two for three years. Mnltitude=a great number of people they were leading Jesus to Pilate in order to bring a false accusation against him. Thus far the mistress questioned : to me the children said that pervertingrr troubling the " nation" spoken of was that of the Jews. To the question what is a miracle? a book answer was given. They answered in general extremely well. Christ died a natural death; no one could define or explain what natural death means; spelt correctly, but could not explain, " tribute ;" spelt correctly " Christ, Jews, answered, fault, throughout, Galilee, exceeding." The copy-books were clean, and some of them well written. Only one wrote down correctly from dictation 5020 ; six subtracted 16781 from 18470, correctly; only one wrote down correctly 10,002, and, in dividing it by 4, no one could account for the two remaining over. Without slates they answered that 1 s. 6d.=l8d. ; half-a-crown Carmarthen, Glamorgan^ and Pembroke. 143 1*. Gd. + 2s. 6d. + 5s.=9s. ; 9s. 3s. 6d. bs. 6d.; 21. 5s. = 45s. ; 45s. 7s. = U 18*.; 4 half-crowns:=10s. ; 5 half-crowns=12s. 6d. ; II. 2s. 6d. = 17*. 6d. Second class (7 boys). I heard them read part of the Sth chapter of St. Mark. Could all read with ease. Compassion = pity ; divers= many ; wilderness no one in school could explain. On being asked for other miracles of our Lord, they mentioned that he made the dumb to speak raised the dead cast out devils calmed the tempest walked on the sea turned water into wine at Cana in Galilee at a marriage feast the wine which he thus made was better than the first wine he raised Lazarus who had been dead four days- his fore- runner was John the Baptist no one could explain Baptist or baptize repeated the first, fourth, and tenth commandments correctly. Their writing was clean and good. 7x5=35; 8x6=43; 6x9=54; 8x12=96. Two of this class had been in another day-school, the one for three years, the other for one month. Third class (5 boys). St. Matthew xxv. 31. Could all read with tolerable ease. Son of man =: Christ the passage read describes the day of judgment so called because Christ will judge the world could prove that he would come in a glorious way by verse 31 those who sit on thrones are the richest people Queen Victoria rules over England and Wales is called Queen if a man, would be called King did not know where she lives the largest town in England is London. None had been in any day-school. Spelt correctly " holy, sheep, goats," and (after three or four trials) '* shepherd." First class of girls. St. Matthew xi. Could all read fairly. Christ was born in Bethlehem Herod would have killed him Herod was a kinnr could not say of whom killed all the young children of the age he supposed Christ would be according to the time that the star appeared to the wise men they came from the East offered gold, frankincense and myrrh the star stood over the house Herod did not kill Christ because he was not in Bethlehem. They quoted the words in which Joseph was warned Christ's parents came back and lived at Nazareth a place ill spoken of Christ was called Jesus of Nazareth. These questions were principally answered, though all more or tass joined in them, by one girl ; she had been bred up in the house, and had been in no other school. The writing was clean, but not so good as that of the boys. Girls, 2nd class. 23rd chapter of St. Luke. Could not all find the place. Only two could read with ease. Malefactor=thief; in v. 39 Father = God ; raimentrr clothes (answered by the 1st class of boys) ; beholding=looking (ditto); vinegar is sour; no one in school could explain mock, except that it was an unkind thing to do. God made the world in six days rested on the seventh hallowed it so ought we could not tell by which commandment we are so bidden nor how many commandments there are in all. The boys are allowed to play, not only in their yard, but round the house, which stands on a commanding terrace. There is a mast for them to climb. It is also to be mentioned, to the great credit of this school, that the girls readily obtain situations from it, and, indeed, are much sought after. In some instances, where they have gone to 144 On the State of Education in Wales, Welsh parishes, they have become something; like governesses for the farmers' children. Some slight alterations, such as furnishing the room on the National or British system, increasing the number of monitors, organizing the school into one-third of the present number of classes, and a small outlay in apparatus enabling the mistress to give a more extended course of oral instruction, would render this school one of the best dame-schools of those which have come under my observation in South Wales. Union Workhouse School, Carmarthen (Appendix, p. 410). I visited this school on the 27th of January.. It was held in a room in the workhouse. Everything about it seemed very comfortable. The children had been just dismissed and were preparing for dinner. The school was conducted hy the house-master's daughter. She told me that the attendance was very irregular in consequence of the children leaving the house for a time, and then returning. There was nothing taught at the time of my visit but reading. DAVID LEWIS, Assistant. Union Workhouse School, Neiucastle Emlyn (Appendix, p. 267). I visited this school on the 6th of February. It is held in a room similar to that at Llandovery, being the day-room which opens from the boys' yard. On Sundays, both adults and children are allowed to attend whatever place of worship or Sunday-school they or their parents please. The master takes such children as are too young to exercise their choice, or have no natural guardians, to the school at his own chapel, where the instruction is exclusively in Welsh. The numerous calls upon the master's time, in his capacity of house-master, do not allow of his keeping school at any regular hours. None of the few children whom I found present could read the Scriptures either in Welsh or English. The copies were well set in their books, but the children's writing was a miserable scrawl. The master, who seemed a quiet and rather intelligent man, told me that he had once had a scholar learning arithmetic, but that the rest had all stayed too short a time. I must mention that the two boys who had been longest in school were said to have weak intellects. I requested the master to select me a few of his best pupils. He chose three, of whom two were the boys last named. All three were attending Bethel Sunday-school ; had been upwards of three years in the house, and had never been in any other day-school ; two of them were more than 10 years old, including one of those with weak intellect. They had heard of Christ he was God did not know that he had ever been in the world he was born (sic) at Bethlehem is in heaven now had died (in answer to the question By what death did he die ?) he died in our stead (in answer to the question Why did he die?) he died that we might be born (in answer to the question What makes the difference between day and night) Jesus Christ God the sun God made the sun and all the world besides in six days rested on the seventh on the sabbath is now Sunday we should not work on Sunday said the Lord's Prayer in Welsh did not know the meaning- of amen it came at the end of prayers God sees us at all times in the dark as well as in the light we cannot see God God will make Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 145 a difference between the. good and bad by sending- the good to heaven and the bad to hell. The master put my questions in Welsh, being almost the first person in Wales that I could induce to put them ver- batim. He said that perhaps by varying them he could have made the children answer more. (But cf. remarks on Steynton Church Sunday-school, Roose hundred, Pembrokeshire.) Prayers are read in the house by the master morning and evening, at which the children join in the responses, and so, twice daily, repeat the Lord's Prayer. It is hardly proper to call such casual instruction, as the master can in this manner afford to give, a school. The master has to pay out of his salary of 15/., according to his agreement with the guardinns, a woman who teaches needlework to the girls. The guardians find her lodging 1 and rations in the house. He pays her 71. per annum. Union Workhouse School^ Llanelly (Appendix, p. 212). I visited this school on the 9th of February. The mistress is sister to the mistress of the National school, whom she had previously assisted in school at High Littleton, in Somersetshire, before their removing to Llanelly. She appeared intelligent. The schoolroom looked clean and comfortable. It was fitted with parallel desks and benches in the centre, a desk along one side, cards of letters and spelling, another showing the face of a clock, three windows, and a fireplace. The children had caught the itch from an influx of Irish paupers, and were under quarantine in a separate part of the house. There is no house chaplain. The mistress goes with the children to church on Sundays. Adults on that day go to what place of worship they please. No objections have ever been made on the score of the children's attending church. On Sundays the mistress gives them religious instruction from ten to eleven, before the morning* service. The mistress speaks no Welsh. She has uniformly found that the children understood English. I went into the bovs' ward. Of course I found them merely in such old rags as could with least cost be burnt after their cure. Their faces also were excessively dirty. Three of ihem were barefoot. Their ward was in a very untidy condition. I found eleven present. The following answers were obtained from two only of the whole number. There are ten commandments repeated the fourth commandment slowly and correctly the seventh day is now called Sunday one boy repeated the days of the week correctly (the rest failed to do so, though separately asked) did not know what month it was, nor the year we are living in there are twelve months in the year repeated them could not say in which month Christmas came we were in the winter quarter could not name any other quarters besides winter and summer - repeated the fifth commandment the sixth the first murderer was Cain, who kil'ed Abel his brother. I proposed to them a simple case of accidental homicide by throwing a stone. They replied it would be murder, and a man would be hung for it repeated the eighth com- mandment. I proposed to them several familiar cases of taking one's own property, of taking another's and this with or without permission, i, 146 On the State of Education in Wales, to which they gave correct answers. From the commandments we learn, besides our duty to God, our duty to our neighbour our duty to onr neighbour is to love him as ourselves repeated the Lord's prayer Our Father means God the word trespasses is the same as trans- gression could not give any shorter word for the same tiling heaven is God's dwelling the place most unlike it is hell he did not know the meaning of Amen it came at the end of prayers (same answer at Kenarth workhouse school). Twelve pence is Is. ; could not tell how many pence in 3s. ; two sixpences in Is. could not say how many in 18d. could not tell the value of half-a-crown, nor by how much it exceeded a shilling. II. = 20s. 3/. = 60s. (after several attempts). The Queen's name is Alexander did not know where she lives is a woman is married did not know her husband's name the country we are living in is Llanelly could not say whether it was in England or not could not name any other place than Llanelly the mail goes to Swansea to Kidwelly to Carmarthen these places are not all in one direction Kidwelly is nearer than Carmarthen these names represent towns could not tell if there was any other way of going from Llanelly to Swansea, except along the road. The girls were in a separate ward in the women's yard, and suffering from the same complaint as the boys. I opened the door, but the room was so close and offensive that I could not enter. Union Workhouse Schools, Swansea (Appendix, p. 379). I visited these schools on the 22nd of February. That for the boys is held in a room opening out of the boys' yard, with a common wall between it and the stables of the infirmary. This common, or inside, wall of the school-room is much higher than the wall fronting the yard. The privies are close to the school-room. There are no means of cleansing, except by emptying them out into the boys' yard. During such times, of course, the school-room is untenable; and at all times it is more or less offensive. I annex to my Report copies of the time-table and rules, as well as a prospectus of contemplated improvements. I found the school in a satisfactory state, so far as the instruction went. The writing was clean and good. All the boys present, except six, came from Swansea parish ; only one understood Welsh. I heard five boys read Genesis xx. They all read well, and answered with intelligence, giving a very fair account of Ishmael Agar Sarah Isaac. I was particularly pleased with their recollection of circum- stances e. 9 6 years 4'C yeiirs. 5 G 10 10 6 years in this school, and with Mr. Davies and Mr. Williams, in Neath. 5 years in this school, and with Mr. 7 11 II. 8 1 o 10 10 fi 4 years in this school ,3^ years in this school (monitor) . 3 4 5 6 7 g 7 11 10 9 10 q 2 years in this school year in this school ; no other 2 years in this school 3 years in this school 3 years in this school. (Had to be asked his age in Welsh) .... 19 '2 years 2-6 yours. Ill 9 I 11 11 3 years in this school 2 3 4 8 7 q 2 years in this school Less than 1 year in this school . . 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 9 8 6 8 q Less than I year in this school 4, years in this school. (Had to he asked his age in Welsh) .... 1 year in this school . . . . 1^ years in this school 2 years in this school >8'4years 1*8 years. [It should be noted, that the words " in this school" include attendance upon the infant as well as the boys' school.] From this table it appears that there is but little difference of age between the classes; they exhibit, however, this result, that the boys highest in position have also been longest in attendance on school. It appears that parents generally take their children from school about the same age, viz., the tenth year, when a box's labour begins to be valuable, as he can then earn ten-pence a-day, but that some parents send their children earlier to school than others. It follows, therefore, that, for the present, it is in the earlier years of childhood only that we can reckon upon parental co-operation in extending the period of instruction in school. The observation and proof of such facts gives increased importance to the establishment of infant-schools in the manufacturing districts, and to the question of what proportion in number and size they should bcur to the Hav-schools. Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 163 In the infant school at Neath Abbey the number on the books is nearly 25 per cent, greater than there is accommodation for at the rate of six square feet to a child. On the other hand, in the hoys* school the number on the books is not 50 per cent, of those who might be accommodated on the same scale. Thus there is a constant tendency to relieve the infant school-room by drafting oh 1 ' the older boys into the day-school; the older boys being selected rather than the older girls, because they are managed with more difficulty in an infant-school. Accordingly on the present occasion I found in the boys' day-school three drafts, containing upwards of thirty boys, all in letters and monosyllables. The boys' school appeared well organised and orderly. Girls' School. I visited this school in the afternoon. I found a class of five girls and a monitor reading St. Matthew viii. 22-25, about Jesus calming the tempest. Though all read with ease and kept the stops, the following answers were given to the following question: What happened to Jesus and his disciples in the ship? A great multi- tude ; a man sick of the palsy. It was only by dint of questions so far leading as to be hardly questions at all that I could get any answers returned. The children appeared to be merely going over the words of verse after verse, and chapter after chapter, during the period assigned for reading, instead of reading some half-dozen verses and being thoroughly questioned on those. The absurd answers above given are thus to be accounted for: after listening to this class for a minute or two while they rend about the tempest, I passed on to another class. During my absence they had been reading about Christ's curing the man sick of the palsy in the following chapter. The question and answer I took down rcr/x'/it.'}. I found another class, with a monitor almost adult, reading the first chapter of St. Luke Zacharias was at the altar of incense did not know what either altar or incense means. Who was worshipped at that altar? Elizabeth. The future son of-Zachurias was named Jesus his wife was named Elizabeth their son was John the Baptist he baptised people with water near Jericho in the River Jordan could not tell what John the Baptist said to the people who came to be baptized. The instruction convex ed in this school appeared to be very meagre. According to what the mistress said (there being no time-table) the girls are employed A. M. 9 10 spelling, 1012 sewing. r. M. 2 3 reading. 3^ 4 writing. On each Wednesday half an hour is given to arithmetic and geography respectively ; work is taken in to be done in the school. The girls arc removed at an early age to act as nurses at home. Infant School. The children in this school appeared clean and healthy. The room is nearly square, with a rostrum in the centre and a double tier of seats round the walls, but no other gallery ; the room was said to he very hot in summer and very cold in winter. I found the children sinking some verses about the cow, arid the various uses M 2 364 On the State of Education in Wales, made of its milk, flesh, hide, horns, hoofs, &c. They were very well questioned at the end by the mistress. School \vas broken up (at twelve o'clock) by the children's singing grace for dinner a few lines about prayer and repeating the Lord's Prayer ; the monitors brought and distributed the caps and bonnets, and the children left the school in a very orderly manner. Mrs. Winfield, the grandmother of the mistress, and whom I found in school, had formerly kept the British and Foreign school for girls in Queen-street, Swansea, with great success. In her time it had contained 300 scholars (the present average is given at 45, and I found no more than 32 in school) ; it was then customary for many grown-up girls living in service to be sent there by their mistresses, as they could from time to time be spared ; the younger girls were also specially trained with a view to their becoming servants. Abcrdulais Tin-works School. I visited this school on the 2nd of March. I found the master and mistress occupying the same school- room. There were present seventeen boys and seventeen girls; the latter were working samplers ; the furniture consisted of desks and benches along two sides of the room, and benches only along a third side and in the centre; a few cards on the walls much worn and dirty; and the rules of the Aberdulais brass band hanging by the fireplace, which occupied the fourth side. The master's desk faced down the centre of the room ; the mistress sat rather behind him, but had no desk. The room was warm and comfortable. I heard five boys and seven girls read to the mistress from St. Mark vii. ; three of each sex read with moderate ease. Honour thy father and thy mother is in Exodus xx. could not tell anything else that is to be found there there are ten commandments this is the fifth repeated the first in that commandment one means God repeated the second command- ment, except that they ended it with " For I the Lord thy God brought thee out of the land of Egypt and out of the house of bondage" could give no answer to the question whether we ought to make a graven image of God one boy said that we ought could not tell why we ought not God is a spirit we cannot see him we should not try to make images of him could not tell about Moses could not tell who \vas spoken of in the chapter just read the words were the words of God the person speaking was the Pharisees Moses we read in the Gospels the history of Jesus Christ in this chapter Christ is speaking to the Pharisees they were bad people could not tell why (at last) they broke the commandments of God by the tradilionsof men knew that from the chapter they had just read (only one girl answered) Christ was the Son of God he came into the world to save sinners could not say where he came from info the world came from Bethle- hem could not tell if he lived anywhere else before being born at Bethlehem at last, just as I was closing the book, the same girl answered ** heaven," being (I believe) prompted. I saw a boy copying from a tattered slip the following words : " Nothing more grateful than ; pleasant friend" (sic). He was not overlooked, and was blending and severing the letters into every variety of blunder; e.g. he had separated (all the way down) grate fromful. The line which he had just written when I looked at his book stood thus: "Nothing more grate ful than aplesant frend." Only three of those present were learning arith- metic ; they subtracted Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 165 25 G U 19 19 1H correctly, but utterly failed to divide 526/. 0.?. 0^7. by 35. They had no conception how to proceed after having divided 526/. with a re- mainder of 1. Blaenywrach School (Appendix, p. 34'2). I visited this school on the 26th of February. The master's manner was mild, and he "ap- peared intelligent. The discipline of the school, however, was very defective. The boys sat in many instances with their caps on, and the children generally seemed to quit their seats, and stand round the fire, as they pleased. He carried a short birch-rod in his hand, appa- rently as the badge, rather than the instrument, of his office. The room wore an untidy and slovenly air. There were some cards of the British and Foreign Society on the walls, and some others of the patron's own printing, together with one coloured print of the Mole. Of the six senior boys, whom I set to subtract 5026 17 2* 4987 18 11| one worked the sum correctly, and with moderate despatch ; one cor- rectly, but after a long time ; one was utterly wrong, having 99 written in the place of shillings, and 29 in the place of pence ; the other three made no attempt. These last must all have been upwards of 14. They divided, however, 49,326 by 35 correctly. The hoy who had done the sum in Subtraction correctly failed to solve 3 feet : 19s. 6d. : : 3 fathoms ; he could get no further than stating the proportion, and multiplying 19s. 6d. by 20. Of two other boys who subsequently came into school and joined this class, one began to reduce 396 farthings to shillings by dividing by 8. The other failed to solve 8 oz. : 6d. : : 2 Ibs. He read the words of the question and figures without difficulty from my running hand on the slate. On my putting the steps to him, one by one, and pressing him, at every turn, for reasons, he was able to do the sum correctly. The greater part of this class were fanners' sons from the opposite or western side of the vale, who were only able to attend school during the winter months, and were giving their whole time to arithmetic. The mode of teaching English in this school is very good. It was introduced by the patron. A lesson is taken from Book No. 2 of the Borough Road. The class is taught to translate this, clause by clause, into Welsh. It is, as one may say, the Hamiltonian system, applied vird voce instead of by interlinear printing. They are a long time in getting up a single lesson in this manner the master told me nearly a week, but it is got up well. Six boys and three girls, whom I had up, could give English for Welsh, and Welsh for English, whether one proposed to them words or clauses, in the lessons they had done. I pointed silently to words or sentences in the book, which the master proposed in Welsh, and the boys gave in reply the English to which I had pointed. With the exception of the Misses Peel's school?, at Tal- liaris, this is the only systematic attempt which I recollect to have seen of teaching English. It seems o-enerally taken for granted that the children are to pick it up incidentally in the general course of instruc- iGG On the State of Education in Wait.*,- lion. I tried the same children at writing from the Lesson Book on their slates "But who made you and all the boys and girls in the world ? " One wrote it correctly, with the exception of hoo for who. Most of the others did not get beyond But. Such as made any further attempt arranged their words in a vertical column. I suppose there was once a time in our part of the world when the vertical or horizontal order of writing was an open question. It struck me, how- ever, as very curious to find human practice thus beginning as it were de novo, and not in the old grooves of custom. The average age of these boys was upwards of nine years; their average attendance at school upwards of three year?. The five senior boys (with one excep- tion) failed utterly to write from dictation with any approach to correct- ness A swallow, observing a farmer employed in sowing hemp, called the little birds together." There was no one to teach the girls sewing. I saw a portfolio of maps. In the last-mentioned class was one English boy. He spoke Welsh far better than his class-fellows spoke English ; affording a living instance of the different degrees in which school and daily intercourse are severally effectual in teaching a language. Cwm Afon Schools (Appendix, p. 343). I visited these schools, for boys and girls separately, on the 4th of March. I found the boys' school much over-crowded with scholars. It was easy, however, to see that the master had overcome this obstacle to efficient organization, and had his school well in hand. After learning the alphabet and the rudiments of spelling from the little cards of the National Society, the children proceed to read the first and second books of Chambers' Educational Series alternately with the Christian Knowledge Society's Scriptural Selections. The higher classes read simple lessons in the same series alternately with the lessons of the day or one of the Gospels. These classes also on each Sunday are instructed in a chapter of the Bible by the master, which they are expected to study during the preceding week, and upon which they are examined on the Sunday following that on which it is explained. In conducting the Sunday-school the master has, as appears from the statistical tables, the assistance of voluntary teachers. It is held in the same room as the day-school. The first rules of arithmetic are taught by monitors. The senior class is taught arithmetic individually by the master. The boys are drafted into the first class, according to proficiency in English and reading; so that several in this class are by no means the fbrwurdest in arithmetic. Every one will recollect that mathematics in a public school receive precisely similar appreciation. I heard a class of 19 boys (the second) reading the story of Frank and Robert in Chambers' Simple Lessons. They all read well, and in answer to questions by the master gave an account of what they had read. I also heard the first class of 29 boys read an account of Benjamin Franklin. They were able (i.e. some three or four who answered) to give a fair account of the difference between printing and writing; of the advantages of the former ; that it would be better to write than print a single copy, if no more were wanted. They also knew something of the imports Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 1G7 from America, and of the relation between coal and copper as deter- mining the place of smelting. The same boys are taught to write business letters, such as order?, acknowledgments, &c., and book-keeping 1 , so far as to balance from time to time an imaginary running account; e.g., a boy draws out an invoice, posts the amount, and then gives the invoice in to the master; he does the same with fresh invoices and supposed payments ; then, without previous notice, the master calls for the state of the account between the boy and his supposed customer ; the master, having the original documents, is able to tell if they have been from time to time correctly posted. Cf. Report of Mr. Harries's school, in Llanguick parish, hundred of Llangefelach. Among the scholars were several children of agents in the works. Young men occasionally attend the school as they can spare time from work : I saw one such present. Recitation is taught ; I heard two little fellows repeat, in alternate verses, the best part of the song called Heddgelart, but I cannot say much for the excellence of their de- livery. The room and apparatus of this school are both most inadequate. As it is, the master lias done much, and would, it may reasonably be expected, under favourable circumstances, do more. He brings the boys on to read very rapidly. But the room is too much crowded even for the efficient use of the black board, or any of the commonest helps to class-teaching. The walls exhibit neither maps nor prints. Lastly, the absence of an infant-school overloads the existing ones with babies. The girls learn sewing. I found a much less number present than of boys. They were said to attend more irregularly, and to be removed earlier. They are more backward in English than the boys. The mistress is not in the habit of questioning them much on what they read. They were in general well chid, though sometimes with more finery than neatness. I heard eight of them read fairly from the New Testament. They answered pleasingly, and with more intelligence than I had commonly found, a few simple questions on prayer and the atonement. The writing was good. Some of the books exhibited a very pretty running hand. I was told that the greater part of the girls leave before getting into the first class. These schools, and those at Oakwood, in the parish of Margam, are both attached to works of the same company. An excellent rule has been established by Mr. Guppy, the manager. No boy is received into employment without a certificate from one or other of the masters that he can read and write. Such a regulation generally carried out would probably do more than anUhing else to promote the education of these and similar districts. Llynvi Schools. Llangonoyd (Appendix, p. 351, and supra, p. 119). I visited these schools, for boys and girls separately, on the 9th of March. The schools are held in an upper and lower room of a building close to the works. The rooms are spacious, and that for the boys is well furnished with apparatus. In these schools books are found by the proprietors, and not out of the school-fund. lii the girls' school I heard 23 read from xii. St. Luke. It will be 168 On the State of Education in Wales, seen from the tables that one-third only of the number read with ease. They answered extremely ill ; indeed, I could obtain hardly any answers from them, and, of such as were given, the greater part were so utterly irrelevant as to show an entire ignorance of the purport of the question. The girls' room is not so completely furnished as that of the boys, and I was told that they did not often go to receive instruc- tion from the master in the other school. They are taught needlework. The boys' school-room contains maps of Europe, Asia, Africa, Ame- rica, and the World; also of England, Jerusalem, and Palestine. I heard the first class (seven) read from xx. St. John. The monitor of the class, the master's son, was a very sharp and well-informed lad. The other boys were amongst the most ignorant that I have ever examined. I could get hardly a single answer from them, either upon what they had been reading, or upon the commonest facts of Christian knowledge. Apart from their ignorance of Scripture, their general information may be estimated from the fact that, alter pressing them for some time to answer '* what countryman was Napoleon Buona- parte?" one at length said," a Russian;" nor was the answer given by a workman's child. On my requesting the master to give them a lesson in arithmetic, in his usual manner, upon the black board, lie gave them one in Compound Addition only ; none of those present (except the monitor) had advanced beyond the compound rules. With good rooms and sufficient apparatus in one of them, the intel- ligence and proficiency of these schools was among the lowest which I have encountered. The proprietors are most willing to do everything in their power to render the schools efficient. It did not appear to me that they were well conducted. Maesteg Iron-works School, Llangonoyd (Appendix, p. 352 and supra, p. 119). I visited this school on the 9th of March., It is held in a spacious room, used also for the performance of Divine service. On one side are a pulpit and reading-desk, and opposite is a raised gallery ; the space between, and that at the other two ends of the room, is used for class-teaching. There is a good sup- ply of apparatus. In this respect the school contrasts favourably with the workmen's schools in Michaelston and Margam parishes. On the walls were maps of Jerusalem, America, England and Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Europe, Asia, Palestine, and the World. There was a stock of scriptural prints coloured, and a frame for fixing them, so as to serve for the subject of gallery-lessons. Such an instrument was the more necessary here, as the greater part of the children present were n sere babies. At the time of my visit the affairs of the company were in course of re-arrangement, and there appeared to be some apprehension enter- tained that the school might be discontinued altogether. At the hour of the school's opening (half-past nine A.M.) there were 121 children present. They chanted a psalm, then followed a prayer, and, lastly, they sang a hymn, on Hulluh's system, for Good Friday. The secular part of the school-work began by the children's displaying their hands, back and palm, to see if they were clean, singing some corresponding words to the tune of " Oh where, and oh where, is Carmarthen, Glamorgan, ami Pembroke. \ 69 your Highland laddie gone?" When this was over, the children left the gallery, and collected, with their monitors, round the cards. I noticed in all directions the evils which result from a system of little monitors, in disobedience on the one hand, and peevishness on the other. The noise was deafening. It is hard to conceive how any- thing could be learnt in it. The master, however, had a good com- mand over his school, and silence was immediately restored on 'his speaking. I heard the first class (12) read from Ostervelde's Scriptural Abridgment, all fairly. They knew the history of Joseph minutely and well. They knew the four points of the compass on a map, but did not know what quarters of the natural sky are designated by them. They said that the sun rises in the north south east. If one stood with his face towards the rising sun, on his left would be the west. They were moderately conversant with the map of England, and not bad in mental arithmetic. The second class were only just able to read from the Spelling Book. The first class was said to be composed of children from rather a supe- rior order, viz., the children of engineers and upper workmen ; but the great mass of children were leaving school from the second class. Stationery, as well as books, is provided from the stoppages, and not left to be purchased by individuals, each for his own child. The great fault of the school appeared to be its heterogeneous cha- racter boys, girls, and infants being all in one room, and educated together. Even with such a conglomeration as this, there was no class- room. The girls are taught needlework. Taibach Copper-works Schools (Appendix, p. 353). I visited these schools, for boys and girls separately, on the 5th of March. The master complained of the difficulty which lie hod to encounter from the pre- vailing ignorance of English. These were old works, and the popula- tion about them had been less intermixed with strangers than at Cwm A fon and elsewhere. They were said to regard the compulsory stop- page on their wages with dislike, and to have been so abusive of the master as to have been fined by the proprietors in more than one in- stance. They never, it was stated, came near the school from any interest in its success or progress, but only to attack the master, if they conceived that their children had been at any time aggrieved. The Church Catechism was taught to all in the school. No objection was made on this ground. Their feeling was a sort of undefinable jealousy. If the children were irregular in attendance, the parents were threatened with fines. I heard four boys read from viii. St. Matthew indifferently ; six others were reading from Chambers' Moral Lessons to a monitor ; they read almost as well us the first set. The monitor read very well. The classes did not appear to be kept simultaneously employed ; two or three were without monitors, and doing nothing. The economy of the school had been considerably deranged on the day of my visit by the hounds being in the neighbourhood ; many of the boys had gone to look at them. The parents provide stationery and books of arithmetic, over and i 70 On the Si tit c of Education in Wales, above the amount of their stoppages. All other apparatus is furnished out of the school-fund. The school did not appear to be thriving. Here was the same paucity of apparatus as in the schools in Cwm Afon. I found a very thin attendance of girls, in much the same ratio to the boys as at Cwm Afon. I heard four of them read from one of Chambers' books. They knew something of the Catechism by rote, hut their minds appeared to be utterly uninformed. Tin-works School, Aberafon (Appendix, p. 353.) I visited this school on the 4th of March. In the boys' school, at twenty minutes past nine, only 14 children were present. The school-room lies above the stables of the works* It is in the shape of a gnomon ; ill furnished, and ill ealc-ulated for a school-room. The master appeared intelligent, but untrained. I visited the girls' school while a muster was being marie of the boys. On my return I heard 13 read (from one of Cham- bers' school-books) a simple passage about Creation. They knew that they were animals, and not vegetables could give no generic name for animals who live on the land but gave the words birds, flies fish, for those living in the air and the water (the word flies was not given in answer except upon the suggestive question of What little creatures do we see flying about in summer?} They could enumerate no other fish than salmon, herring, flat-flsh. There was a subdivision of three senior boys, whose time was mostly spent in writing and ciphering. Oi' these I heard two read from a more advanced book of Chambers' series. They did not know the meaning of extremity nor doubling a promontory nor to whom India belongs now (the master half remon- strated at such a question) : they were very slow and unready in giving the reason why it was correct to describe a ship's crew as so many souls, while it would be incorrect to talk of a cargo of cattle in the same terms. The principles of arithmetic did not appear to have been well explained to them. The girls' school contained no furniture but benches. I heard six girls read viii. St. Matthew, all very ill ; they could answer hardly any questions; five of them could not tell why Christ was born into the world, nor could the sixth (who answered this) tell what he would come to do at the last day. In the present, as in many other cases, I am not prepared to say that the ignorance is real to the same extent that it is apparent. I incline to think that it is not. At the same time I am quite sure of this, that truths of which so little account can be given, though they may not be wholly uncomprehended, yet cannot be comprehended in a living and practical manner. Oakwood Schools (Appendix, p. 353). I visited these schools on the 4th of March. The works to which they are attached are situated on the opposite side of the same valley, and belong to the same Company, as the works called Cwm Afon. The only separation between the boys' and girls' rooms is the chimney of the fire-place, which, instead of being built into a wall, stands out by itself in the centre of the room, with a passage on each side of it. The master appeared an intelligent man, and both schools were in good order. Here, as at Cwm Afon, the books of Chambers' Educational Series are used. Friday afternoon is devoted to reading the Scriptures. Those boys who can read but indifferently, Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 171 and the girls, employ the morning of Friday in preparing the passage to bo rvjul i the lii'.craoon. I heard 10 boys read, pretty fairly, a story from one of Chambers' books about slaves. They (i. e. one or two of them) gave a tolerable account of some of ihe reasons which make all men brethren one of another. They are in the habit of copying these lessons upon their slates, and then of writing out the same lessons/y-ow dictation. The master told me that tbe Welsh language constituted his great difficulty. It had taken him full a month to make the boys remember the Eii!*lish naiiK>s for the numerals instead of the Welsh. It made all his teaching twofold in labour. Nevertheless, English was rapidly spreading in the locality ; more English people were settled there ; many of the Welsh workmen had English books; the children read their English Bibles and their copies to their parents. The muster of the Cwm A fon school bore testimony to the same effect. lie stated, that within the last 17 years, (hiring which he had known the neigh- bourhood, " twenty times as much English was spoken now as there had been." There was no prejudice against learning English, except among some of the least educated. I was pleased to observe, both at this school aiul at Cwm Afon, that the stories in Chambers' books appeared to have been well ' got up,*' just as boys in public schools are made to *' get uj> " the stories in Herodotus or Livy. The value of such an exercise, both as the vehicle of acquiring a language, of forming the taste, and of habituating the mind to make to itself vivid and definite representations, will be under- valued by those only who most require such discipline. The girls sew in the afternoon. I found them saying the Church Catechism, very much by rote. They had no notion of idol or graven image, nor why it would be wrong to try and make images of God. In fact, I may say that I never obtain a satisfactory answer on this point. Very few children fail to answer that God is a spirit ; but they are unable to connect the idea which this word ought to convey with the 2nd Commandment. I was a long time in getting from them any notion of the word jealous. At last, however, it was partially explained by saying that a person is made jealous when another has something which ihe first wants. But they were barely able, in following the most palpable leading questions, to apply this idea to the last words of the 2nd Commandment. In both schools the writing \\as very good. Accounts seem not to be carried out so well as in the Cwm Afon school. The attendance was said to be improving under the operation of the rule laid down by Mr. Guppy, as mentioned in the Report of Cwm Afon school. The Company provides everything for the use of the school out of the stoppages from the men's wages, except copy-books ; these are bought wholesale by the Company, and retailed at cost price. The parents are now generally willing to provide them ; they were not so formerly ; they grew pleased, however, with the sight of their children's clean copies, and were so won over. I may mention that this, like the other schools in the vicinity con- nected with works, is utterly deficient in apparatus. A few days pre- vious to my visit there had been a reading-lesson about a deer. Not a single boy had seen one; there were no prints; it was found impossible 1 72 On the State of Education in Wales, to convey any idea of the animal. It is difficult to conceive that the stoppages in these immense works are not sufficient to provide all that ought to be found in the best-appointed schools. The master informed me that no boy whose name is entered on the school-list had ever gone to work in the Cvvm Afon or Oakwood works until he could read and write. Bryndu Works School (Appendix, p. 354). I arrived too late to find this school in operation. It is in contemplation to supersede it by a larger and more efficient establishment, to be jointly supported by stoppages from the wages of the people employed in the Bryndu (II. Ford's, Esq.) and Messrs. Malin and Robinson's works. The valley at the bottom of which these works are situated runs up into the same valley in which Maesteg lies. Hafod Works School (Appendix, p. 360, and supra, p. 122). The present excellent and conspicuous building has been erected at the expense of J. H. Vivian, Esq., M.P., and other rooms are about to be built in a short time for the separate accommodation of girls and infants. The present room has a floor sloping upward from the dais, on which stands the master's desk. The parallel desks are divided down the centre by a partition, so that when the chi'dren are in the desks, either to write or receive simultaneous instruction, the boys and girls are separated. When the school is in drafts, they occupy opposite sides of the room. The master, who appeared a superior man, had arrived only the day before my visit, and was wholly engaged in the process of organization. Indeed, the carpenters were still at work, and the apparatus not fixed. I was curious to observe in what spirit the scholars would receive their organization. The school was calculated for 250; there were 119 present. It was therefore necessary for the master to habituate them, being so large a number, to act in obedience to his manipulations. When he stood on one of the desks and made one or other of his sig- nals, there was at first a tendency to smile; but the signal not being a thing merely to be looked at, but to be noticed, for the purpose of forthwith doing something in obedience to it, their attention was at once drawn off from what they might deem ludicrous in the signal itself to what they themselves had to do. It was singular to observe how readily the master's collected manner won their obedience. At the same time it was equally evident that if the desired impression was readily produced, it would still require continued effort to sustain it. Both monitors and drafts were ignorant of their relations and duties. If confusion vanished wherever the master's eye fell, it sprang up with equal rapidity as fast as his eye was removed. To these may be added the following school, which, like that of the Rhymney Iron Company (supra, p. 151), is connected with works, though not supported by compulsory stoppages : Y&talafera Girls' School (Appendix, p. 329). I visited this school on the 3rd of March. I found twenty-five girls present; each was clothed in a clean white pinafore, provided by the patroness as a school-dress. The space was very confined ; but I found the window open, and did not Carmarthen, Glamorgan and Pembroke. 1 73 perceive the room to be close. It must be so, however, in summer or bad weather. Both the mistress, the children, and the room were very neat. Sewing;, reading-, writing;, and so much arithmetic as could be learnt from the cards on the walls (of which there seemed a pretty good supply), were taught; there were also four coloured prints of natural history on the walls, viz. the dog;, the sheep, the mouse, and the ostrich, with accounts of those creatures beneath. I heard eleven read St. Luke, xviii. knew what prayer our Lord taught his disciples and why it is called the Lord's Prayer knew the number of the disciples and most of iheir names it was Judas who betrayed Christ knew nothing of Simon Peter except that he wept bitterly were able, how- ever, to tell, in the course of being; questioned, why he wept bitterly recollected the cock-crowing and that Christ had forewarned Peter of his denial did not recollect Peter's conduct in the garden nor could tell why, nor on what night, it was that Peter denied Christ said, however, that the .Jews were going to put Christ on the cross Christ is the Son of God came to save us from our sins was born at Heth- lehem in a stable in a manger was the son of poor parenls, and a poor man did not remember any verse proving that did not know why Herod sought to kill him nor under what name the wise men in- quired for Christ they were guided by a star failed to name any other persons whom God informed of Christ's birth when reminded of the shepherds, one little girl said that they were informed by a star, the others said by angt-ls. The mistress appeared a kind and superior woman ; she had considerable tact in devising little rewards for the children, such as occasionally drinking tea with her, and other things which sound more trifling than they are (bund to be in their effects on the young. The children were very shy, and would only speak in whispers ; they appeared, however, aware of what the questions meant, and did not make the random answers which it is so common to hear in elementary schools. I should say that this was a school doing real good in a quiet unpretending way. EXTRACTS from the APPENDIX, illustrative of the English part of Pembrokeshire, referred to in p. 46 ante. Evidence of Mr. Zerublalel Davies, Schoolmaster, St. dear's. I find the common people, among the thoroughly Welsh, in all the parts where I have resided, anxious to educate their children ; not so the lower order in the English districts. CASTLEMARTIN HUNDRED. This district lies nearly within a line drawn from Hobb's Point to Tenby, and was planted with a colony of Flemings. It is upon the whole the best-educated* district which I found in the counties assigned to me. There are good schools at Redberth, Carew, Pater, Warren, Stackpole, and Lamphey, which, although not all of them included within its limits, yet are all available for some portions of it. The schools at Warren and Stackpole are maintained by the Earl ofCawdor * Sc. Has the greatest proportionate number of good day-schools. 174 On the State of Education in Wales, on his own estates. The portions most unprovided with schools are those lying" between Pater and Angle, about Cosheston, and between Tenby and Lamphey. There are in this hundred a greater number of resident gentry and proprietors than in the puiely Welsh parts. On one side, the dockyard at Pater afVords extensive employment, and tends to raise wages; besides being a centre 1'rom which habits of regulated industry and improved applications of labour to the various purposes of liie must be, to some extent, circulated among- the population. At the other extremity, the strangers, who either reside at Ten by or frequent it as a waterino'-pluce in the summer, not only circulate a good deal of money, assist local funds, and exercise much private chanty, but also (which is of far more importance) help by their presence to break through that feeling of isolation in which the lower orders of Welsh throughout remoter districts too complacently hug themselves. The hundred of Castlemartin and part ot Roos is familiarly called " Little England beyond Wales." I found in the puiely Welsh parishes about St. David's that a Roos or Castlemartin man was spoken of in much the same manner as we do of a Yorkshireman. BOROUGH OF PEMBROKE AND PATER. The borough extends into the parishes of St. Michael's on the east, St. Mary's on the north, and Monkton or St. Nicholas on the south and west. Pater or Pembroke dock is made a district out of St. Mary's parish. At the time of my visit the only school of public institution in the borough of Pembroke for the poor was the National school hereafter reported. A British school was being talked of, and a committee had been formed. At a public meeting, recently held, the sum of 200/. had been promised to be paid by instalments of an equal amount during the ensuing rive years. In the address of the committee it is slated, as as- certained by a canvass from houte to house in Pembroke and its immediate neighbourhood, that there were upwards of 500 children without even a nominal education. In these canvasses, however, children of all ages are included under 15, and Sunday-schools are not taken into account. The Rev. Mr. Davies, Independent minister of Golden, near Pembroke, considered that in and about Pembroke there was a general carelessness on the subject of education, and that, as regards religious knowledge, the people were inferior to those in the Welsh districts. The Sunday-schools are fewer, and worse attended. This inferiority would particu'arly apply to that part of Pembroke and its vicinity which lies in Monkton parish to the south and west. The range of the good day-schools at Stackpool and Warren (cf. these par- ishes in Castlemartin hundred, supra) hardly extends as far as this district: but the eastern side is, to some extent, wiihin distance of the school at Lamphey, and the northern within that at Pater. The supe- riority of these day-schools compensates for the absence of Sunday- schools. The condition of the population improves in proportion as they come within the influence of the dockyard. Tater exhibits all the symptoms of a thriving and active place. Besides the National school there, 1 found a large British school room nearly completed. In the opinion of one of the promoters of the latter school, there was still a- vast mass Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 175 of children in Pater not receiving- daily instruction. Supposing primary education to be established in Pater upon a sufficiently wide and satis- factory basis, the promotion offered by the dockyard school for appren- tices is admirably calculated to maintain and raise its standard. It might well be worth while considering- how far some local and officially recognised connexion might be established between the two. The prevalent and popular feeling 1 , at the time of my visit, was, that appren- ticeships were obtained by political interest. I had some conversation with the master of the Apprentices' school, apparently a most intelligent man. He said that it was difficult to realize, except by experience, the backwardness or rather utter absence of secular education in Wales. He found his own exertions, as head of a secondary school, in considerable measure crippled by it. The voca- bulary and ideas of the great majority who came to him were limited to such as expressed nothing beyond a few religious notions, and the immediate objects of the sphere in which they had moved. The style of the Scriptures, their only reading-book, did not enable them to read with intelligence the most ordinary work upon subjects of common in- formation. Such was the experience of a man who was coming into daily contact with what are rather the elite of the Welsh labouring classes in an English-speaking part of the country. DISTRICT OF PATER. National Schools. I visited these schools (for boys and girls sepa- rately) on the 18th of January. The school-house, which is of two stories, is built against the hill on which the barracks stand. Tlit; ground being higher on one side of the buildings than on the other, rooms which appear from the front to be upon the grdund-floor appear from the back to be upon the first-floor, and those which from the back appear to be upon the ground-floor from the front are underground. Hitherto the two schoolrooms have occupied the upper floor, one at each end, with separate entrances, and the master and mistress have lived on the ground-floor; a change was, however, being made by which the whole of the upper floor will be appropriated to the boys' schoolroom, what is now the master's house converted into a gir s' schoolroom, and a new house for the master erected on the east side of the present range. The ground at the back is terraced, and contains the master's garden, the outbuildings (which are very inconvenient), and a small enclosed yard for the children. Boys' School. I was present when this school was opened for the day. A hymn was sung, having been first repeated by a couple of lines at a time from the master's dictation. The prayers were few and short, and the manner of the children very good. The numbers pre- sent at prayers were then taken: such as had arrived too late for the commencement were admitted into the school and noticed. The btisi ness of the day began (in the senior class) wit ti a spelling-lesson conducted by monitors : this lesson had been learnt at home. Places were taken, and general animation prevailed. The same class next read a chapter from the " History of England," published by the Christian Knowledge Society, about William Rnfus. They then spelt and explained different words occurring in it. The mode of spelling followed was for each boy 1 76 On the State of Education in Wales, io'rcptat a syllable of the word ; when each syllable had been in this way repeated separately, the next boy repeated the entire word ; the succeeding boys spelt and repeated the word syllable by syllable, and then the entire word, in the same manner and order as the preceding ones had repeated it. The master contrived to put into this lesson a few etymological remarks on the composition and derivation of words. Kings and Queens are crowned in Westminster Hall did not know what other courts are held there remonstrance means when apcrson's doing wrong to try and bring him lack infidels are those who believe in many gods those who believe in none. The writing from dictation which followed was in general well done. The boys change slates; the passage given is then gone over word by word. In the lesson of religious instruction the senior class said that forgive- ness is the same as free pardoning sin is the transgression of the law, St. Paul telis us so Christ alone can forgive sins two things are required in the Christian life, repentance and faith defined faith from the Epistle to the Hebrews repentance was preached by John the Baptist the proof of repentance is fruits, i. c. good works the Sad- ducees denied the resurrection knew how St. Paul took advantage of this circumstance when he was brought before the council it was the resurrection of Christ which would engage the feelings of the Pharisees in favour of Christianity. Repeated a good many verses from the 15th chapter of 2 Corinthians illustrative of the resurrection stated several respects in which a grain of corn when sown resembles man's mortal body explained correctly the mode in which the fifth Commandment was abrogated by the Jewish traditions gave correctly the reasons why Chorazin and Bethsaida should fare worse at the last day than Sodom and Gomorrah quoted (upon suggestions) the verses respecting the different measure of punishment which the servant who knew and the servant who did not know his Lord's will should receive. The 12 monitors all read extremely well, and answered with much intelligence various questions from early English history. . They gave a tolerably exact definition of murder, distinguishing it from other kinds of homicide of. the several parts constituting a court of common law of the number of the jury and meaning of their name of the constitu- tion of Parliament of the consents necessary in enacting a law of the mode in which the Queen shows her consent of some points of difl'erence between the Houses of Lords and Commons of the duration of Parliaments. On my asking, Who was head of the Church of Eng- land ? they said, Jesus Christ. The temporal head ? The Archbishop of Canterbury. It appeared strange to them when I named the Queen. They persisted also in saying, that the judges are appointed by Par- liament. In arithmetic they reckoned mentally, employing Practice, with great quickness. A Rule of Three sum was readily worked on the black board ; and 6, 9, 2-f were reduced and converted by them backwards and forwards in such a manner as to show that they understood the principles of fractions. I attended a little to some of the other classes while at their work. They appeared to me to be going on well. The master had a good method of conducting the school. All the Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 177 scholars were kept employed. The work went forward with that appa- rent ease which betokens previous care. I am the more led to notice the effects of system in this case, because tlie master's manner appeared to me at times rather confused and nervous, such as, if he had nothing to rely upon but his personal influence for the moment, was not best calculated for maintaining in such excellent discipline so large a school. Both the master and members of the committee expressed their want of an infant-school (cf. the number of dame-schools in Pater). The presence of so many little ones was retarding the advance of those scholars who were more fitted for a day-school : for this inconvenience, however, provision had, in some degree, been made by the master. At 10 o'clock the little ones leave school, and go into their yard for 10 minutes. This arrangement at once avoids much confusion from their constantly wanting to go in and out, and leaves a quiet interval for the master, during which he takes the monitors and head class, drafting other boys as monitors for such classes below the first as remain in school. Several pieces of part music were nicely sung. The boys kept time, when necessary, by manipulation. Some of the songs appeared to me excessively childish mere baby-rhymes, only fit for a nursery. After the monitors had collected books and slates, and given in the numbers present of their several classes, some explanations of absence were asked, and the school, class by class, dismissed. The master is very judiciously allowed to take a few scholars from a superior class, who pay at a higher rate than one penny per week : no difference is made between them and the other boys in school. By this arrangement, the master's salary and the tone of feeling and manners among the boys are improved. There can be but little doubt that a well-regulated public school of this kind offers advantages for education (except a classical one) to the children of the middle class far higher than are open to them at the more expensive private schools, and even grammar-schools, to which they have hitherto been sent. The Rev. F. G. Kelly, Incumbent of the district, and two lay mem- bers of the committee, Thomas Pretious, Esq., and Lieutenant Wea- therley, R.N., of the Royal Dockyard, are indefatigable in their attend- ance and supervision of the schools. The school has some tendency to become, not by any arrangement directed to that end, but by the nature of its position, a preparatory school for the apprentices' school in the Royal Dockyard. Many of the scholars are, of course, the children of shipwrights, and, as such, eligible to be apprentices. The new regulations of the Admiralty, by which a suitable field of promotion is open to talented arid ;deserving apprentices, cannot fail to carry a stimulus into every stage of their education, and therefore into the earlier, which is conducted in the National or other schools, as well as into the later, for which a separate school is provided. The lour boys beginning to learn linear drawing showed fair promise. The admission book is kept in the following form : 178 On the State of Education in Wales, Number. Name. Age. Admitted. Withdrawn. Parent's Christian Names. Occu- pation. K.'M- dence. He- marks. Date. Class. Date. Class. Besides the admission book there was one of daily attendance. Girls' School. I was present at the opening; of this school in the afternoon. The girls entered in the most exact order, one after ano- ther, class by class, very slowly and quietly. They began by repeating Grace after Meat. The afternoons are given up entirely to sewing, excepting the teachers, who sew with the rest from half-past 1 to 3, and from 3 to 4 cipher and write. I heard 24 girls read the 5th chapter of Acts : when the verse ended without a full stop, they read on to the next full stop. They read slowly, distinctly, and well. They also answered questions in a satis- factory manner, especially the senior teacher, who appeared to me in every way qualified to make an excellent schoolmistress. The mistress gave them a viva voce lesson in geography from the Map of the World at my request. They appeared conversant with the position of the different countries of the earth, and could point to capitals and other notable places. A few sums in the compound rules were rapidly and correctly worked both on slates and mentally. The second class wrote each some little scriptural story or passage from memory (on the whole) very fairly. They sang in very good time. Nothing could exceed the neatness and regularity which appeared to pervade this school. EXTRACTS from the APPENDIX, referred to in p. 50 ante. Talliaris Schools for Boys and Girls (Appendix, p. 231). I visited these schools on the 9th of November. They are held in very excellent and commodious buildings. Everything about them was in the best order, and the children tidy and well-behaved. They were founded and endowed by the late Robert Peel, Esq., of Talliaris, and are actively and constantly superintended by the Misses Peel. They are conducted, very strictly, upon Church of England principles. The instruction given does not extend beyond reading, writing, arithmetic, and religious knowledge; together with sewing, &c., for the girls. Thus much, however, appears to be conveyed in a sound and satisfactory manner. Although grammar is not entered as a subject professed to be taught, yet the children are taught English (it may be said) grammatically, through the medium of Welsh, by books of short sentences in each language, which they are practised in rendering from one to the other: without something of this kind the English Scriptures can be read with little comprehension in Welsh districts like that round Talliaris. The patronesses have provided a very good collection of Scriptural prints Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 1 79 for the use of the school, and find them of great service in teaching. The master (though not trained) seemed rather a superior man. I found the children in both schools fairly proficient. But religious instruction occupied too large a place, altogether excluding secular, except such as is purely instrumental. Edward Romilly, Esq.'s School (Appendix, p. 322). I visited this school on the 12th of March. It is held in the old church-house. The lower room is used for the girls to sew in ; the upper is the schoolroom. This latter is fitted with a gallery (which covers more than half the floor), and is well supplied with maps and prints, but is confined in space. I heard eight boys and thirteen girls read from the Irish Society's Third Class-Book, p. 65, about Whirlwinds. They were not very quick in telling me how many years had elapsed since 1669. Knew the position of Northamptonshire, the Dee, the Thames, and the Tyne. Speaking of wheels, they gave the words " axle-tree," " circumference," " centre," " radius," in answer to descriptions of them. 100 yards = 300 feet. Knew and could describe the meaning of " latch," as dis- tinguished from " lock ;" " spent " (applied to a storm) means " over." Houses are roofed with straw or slates ; did not know the word " thatch ;" slates are dug out of the earth, and are prepared artificially ; the place where they are dug is called a mine or pit ; did not know the word " quarry." India is in the south of Asia ; it belongs to the Queen of England : her possession has not always been peaceable; some great battles had been fought there lately. Another expression for " consi- derable rapidity" was tc great quickness;" "secured" (applied to a tent) meant "fastened;" a tent in Scripture is sometimes called a tabernacle ; in the Jewish tabernacle was the ark, in which was kept the law, written on two tables of stone; were not able to give such a definition of the word ' ark " as should include both the ark now spoken of and Noah's ark. The source of a river means the beginning of a river in a mountain ; on being asked for a word expressing this idea, which would rhyme with " mountain," they gave " fountain." The Nile flows through Egypt, and is the only Egyptian river; it overflows its banks. Natural peculiarities of Egypt are, that there grow seven ears of corn on one stem ; there is nut much rain there ; the Nile has seven mouths ; a great port near one of them is Alexandria. I pointed to the print of a camel ; he is well fitted to traverse the desert by the elasticity of his feet ; those companies of merchants that cross the deserts are called caravans, and the places where they rest caravan- serais. (One little girl said that these companies were called Ish- maelites. On my asking her what made her say so, and what Bible story she was thinking of, she said at once " Joseph.'') The camel is also well fitted for the desert because he can carry so large a supply of water ; his master sometimes kills him for the sake of this when he finds the fountains dry. The Ishmaelites are now called Arabs; when Joseph was sold, they were carrying spices down to Egypt; the Egyptians exported corn in exchange. Had not realized the idea of how the nations of the earth are bound together by the necessity of exchange ; nor why God, who clothes all other animals [I pointed to a bear] according to the climate in which they are to dwell, has sent man N 2 180 On the State of Education in Wales, naked into the world (Paley's argument). In both cases, however, they knew enough to enable them to follow rapidly a series of leading questions ; and they evidently exhibited the pleasure which always arises from a new idea thoroughly seized. Connected with Persia, they gave me the story of Daniel ; and knew what the Bible tells us about Cyrus and Darius. Varty's Registers for admission, attendance, and school-pence, are regularly kept. I saw a letter written by one of the boys to the patroness, without any assistance. It was very well done. I do not recollect another instance of this excellent practice, except at Uzmaston in Pembroke- shire. School broke up with a hymn arid a short prayer ; the latter was a very good one, and such as children could follow, which I rarely found to be the case with school-prayers. Sunday School. I saw the same children assembled on the follow- ing day (Sunday, the 13th of March). The Sunday-school is under the more immediate direction of the incumbent. The children gave a very fair account of the Sacraments, principally from the Catechism. The worshippers of false gods are called Heathen Idolaters ; there are some who are not Christians, and yet not Idolaters, as Atheists (who believe in no God at all), Jews, and Turks. (This last answer was made in reply to a geographical description of Turkey by me.) The Turks are Mahometans; Mahomet was their prophet; he lived in the seventh century after Christ. They were asked to name the lessons for the day, morning and evening, which they did. They repeated, each of them, our Lord's confutation of the Sadducees. The children sang a hymn, and then went from the school to church. On Sundays the younger children occupy the lower room. In these schools real education is at work. The only point in which I noticed a deficiency was arithmetic. Considering their progress in other subjects, the children, as will be seen from the table, were back- ward in this. It is also remarkable that, with one exception, the most proficient scholars were girls. I annex a time-table of the school : H. M. MORNING. 9 Children assemble ; hymns and prayers. 9 30 10 10 45 11 11 30 Reading in classes. First and Second Class : writing. Third Class : lesson on objects. Marching round playground. Reading Bible, and questions or Catechism. First and Second C'ass alternately : geography, grammar, dictation, lesson on objects. Third Class : writing on black board. 12 . . School closes. AFTERNOON. Assemble at half-past 1 in winter ; 2 in Summer. Singing lesson. 2 30 . . Arithmetic. Girls go down to work. 30. . Reading in classes. 3 30 . . Marching round playground. 3 45 . . First and Second Class: writing or drawing. Third Class: gallery lesson. 4 15 . . First and Second Class: gallery lesson. Third Class: black board. 50,. Prayer, and discharge of school. Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 181 Eedberth National (Sunday} School (Appendix, p. 437). I visited this school on the 4th of January. The school was commenced by the patroness, who called over the names, and marked down those present. She then read the 5th of Dr. Wntts's Hymns, and asked, "For what we thank God in it.' It was then sung very well, the patroness giving it out verse by verse. There is only one service in the church on Sundays: the Sunday-school in reality forms a second service. After the hymn, the master of the day-school read the Collect for the second Sunday in Advent, the Lord's Prayer, and the Benediction, all present kneeling and repeating the Lord's Prayer after him. The children then commenced their work in classes. T heard the day-schoolmaster and a class of eight boys engaged upou the first chapter of Genesis. He questioned them exceedingly well. The following answers were given to his questions : Genesis meant creation. In asking for ihe work of each day, he required answers in their own language, saying, " How would you tell a man if you met him on the road, and you had not your Bible with you?" Firmament means heaven referred to the first verses of Genesis, and the expres- sion Let tcs t to prove the Trinity correct answers \\ere given to his questions on this head mentioned that we do not find any solemn expression like Let us in connexion with the physical creation though three persons, there are not three Gods " in God's imnge " means " holy " there is no image of God God is a spirit (in answer to me) The second commandment forbids us to make images of God the next recorded sin to eating the forbidden fruit was the murder of Abel by Cain there was no sixth commandment then yet it was wrong and Cain knew it by his conscience by which, as well as in his written word, God speaks to men. The class of girls taught by the patroness had just finished reading in the Old Testament about Moses conversing with God. On my asking for some similar glorification of Christ, they mentioned the Transfigura- tion. I heard them say the Church catechism very well, and they seemed to understand it more than is usually the case. They answered a variety of questions from the New Testament, in general very well and intelli- gently. Two junior classes of boys knew the meaning of several words which I asked them, and seemed not to be taught b\ rote. The hooks were then collected. Before separating, the patroness read to the school an answer from the secretary in acknowledgment of their sub- scriptions for the Church Missionary Society in the preceding year. They had raised 30s. The patroness, from the words ot the secretary's letter, asked for the anecdote of the widow's mite, which was correctly given. She also mentioned that, but for the subscriptions of those who had never seen"Mew (meaning those present), she could nothave raised or maintained the school. It was their duty, so far as they could, to do the like by the heathen. They could not explain the word appreciate^ for the meaning of which she asked them, in the secretary's letter. The school ended with prayer and singing. Altogether this appeared to me to be a truly excellent school, both in spirit and discipline. At the commencement, the patroness had to form her teachers as well as her school. She took the class of men and lads herself. I saw a very respectable-looking collier in the school, 182 On the State of Education in Wales, aged 34, who is now a teacher, and had learnt to read at the same time as his little son. Uzmaston School (Appendix, p. 404). I visited this school on the 7th of January ; it is constantly superintended, and in great measure supported, by the Misses Acland, of Boulston, and the Rev. S. O. Meares, the Incumbent. The school-buildings, at the time of my visit, consisted only of a thatched mud hovel, which was made into a single room, calculated to accommodate in winter one-half, and in summer one-third of the chil- dren resorting to it. The master, besides being trained for six months at the Sanctuary, had been previously instructed for 18 months by the Rev. S. O. Meares. His training in London, including travelling expenses, had, by his own meritorious economy, barely cost 20/. Mr. Meares had given shorter periods of instruction to the masters whom I found at Abergwili and Burton. He considered (and justly) that the parochial clergy might do much in this manner to supplement the normal schools. The master of the Uzmaston school appeared to have made the most of his advantages. The inside of the school-building was fitted up so as to turn its narrow dimensions to the best account. There were galleries of desks and benches along the walls. The centre was left free for the master and monitors to move about in, and employ the black board. There were maps and cards hanging up. The master's desk had to be pushed into a little corner at the upper end of the room. Everything was very neat and orderly. I gave each child in the first class (20) something to write from memory on their slates. In this manner I had written out the 4th Commandment (correctly) Duty to God (with a few omissions) the 2nd Commandment (nearly right) the Lord's Prayer (ill -spelt and incorrect) the Creed (right) an account of Christ's birth and death (each very nicely done) Christ's resurrection an account of St. Paul (exceedingly well done) Cain Joshua David Saul Solomon Samuel Samson St. Paul's conversion Lazarus. For the most part these questions were exceedingly well answered. The master questioned the second class (21) in geography, pointing to the map of the world. He did it with spirit and intelligence. No one in this class could find Palestine on the map. A boy from the head class came and pointed to it, and also to Greece. The second class read xii. St. Luke sixteen of them with ease. The master questioned them very satisfactorily on what they had read, showing considerable tact in eliciting answers, and in illustrating, without lec- turing-. They repeated some verses from xxv. Matthew correctly, to prove that the Son of Man will judge the world we don't know when God knows when because He knows all things. One of them re- peated the 2nd Commandment, but put in and left out many small words. The first class read Acts xvii. 22, all of them with ease " haply = perhaps; winked at left to pass by." The master questioned them as before. Such questions as were proposed in arithmetic (viz. in Rule of Three, Practice, and Fractions) were well answered. They also answered a few simple questions from early English history. Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 183 Some of them knew the signs, and could add and snbstract algebraical quantities. While the master collected the slates the whole school was repeating "9 times" from the multiplication-table simultaneously. When he had done, he rang a little bell three times, at intervals, a single stroke at each. It had the effect of producing the most pro- found silence, then followed u prayer and the Evening Hymn. The school broke up with as much regularity as the crowded space ad- mitted of. There is a clothing club attached to the school the pence are paid on Sundays, and are doubled at the end of the year by the patronesses this forms an inducement to attend the Sunday-school regularly. No general permission of absence on religious grounds is ever granted. There is a lending library (Chambers' volumes) attached to the school, and another at Cartlet ; besides which, the patronesses lend books to the poor at Boulston. The children were clean and well clad, and the master seemed in good spirits and fond of his work. Just before the Christmas holidays the children had been set to write letters (without assistance) to Miss Acland, on the occasion. I saw several of these letters. They were quite different enough from each other to mark them as really original. They exhibited, for the most part, a very pleasing proof of minds and feelings moved in a good di- rection. One, written by the same boy that gave so good an account of St. Paul, was a very creditable performance. It was very simple and unaffected. The school required and deserved a better building: subscriptions were on foot, and grants hoped, for the purpose. The school registers were very well kept. They included registers of admission, attendance, employment, clothing club, and weekly pence, a visitors' book, and a time-table. I annex the last (seep. 184.) EXTRACTS from the APPENDIX, referred to in p. 51 ante. (Appendix, p. 390.) Paskiston, Pembroke, January 5, 1847. * * * Ten years ago, when my father came to reside in this parish, where he possesses an estate and is the only resident landowner, I was anxious to get established, at least, a Sunday-school, which was effected by the co-operation of others and of the family of the Rev. Mr. Holcombe, the late rector. The population of this parish is under 600 souls ; we average between 40 and 50 children between the ages of 5 and 16 years, principally between the ages of 7 and 14 years, at the school ; the whole number of children between 5 and 16 years of age in the parish being, I should guess, about 70 or 80. The teachers at present are the Rev. Mr. Bowling, the rector, Mrs. Bowling, another lady, and myself, besides a paid schoolmaster. The fortune of the school has continued almost the same, though with a little variation. At first it was a novelty, then it was treated with indifference, but now I fancy in some instances I perceive the indifference wearing off. But still the parents seem to consider edu- cation or, I should rather say, the mere prelude to education, such as 184 On the State of Education in Wales, O CQ H Books, Slates, &c., collected. Prayer and Singing, whole School. >, .^ i, * fl ^C Q be be 5 gvj cT ^ .2 """ tw X ri boo g "5 1 1 HM S o o a CO S b .si cP ^ bo "S bo "o - ,2 E r - CO I 8 I 1 CO "c C '-H fi 3 a 1*1 rt ^ f.'-d i|l bfl g 'i 5r< P3 2 ^ CO 3 be t^ bin 5.2 rt S a O -*J o ?| | S fl 2 _aj ? B I | J ."t* 5 Q ."t^ ^ Q P .t5 J3 ^> ^ ^"s 3 a> 1*5 1 _0 cT 1* ? ' a S bo a be d ill 1 I | _ ^ 0) 3 . i J3 rt be >, .* bo 2 g .S H S a a "bcS "c S 73 i; g, w o S M CO be c | be o w 9 f|l bp^ u . OJ 11 rj U ^ H MM 3 "o Archdeacon Sinclair's Catechism. Church Broken Catechism. Church Catechism. Religious Instruction. 0* jootpg ajoqAV ifuiiiuTg puB ja.CtJ.tjj 'jpop^o g ^B ^mjs JOOQ * ec ? Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 185 reading and writing are rather as an accomplishment, as a rich person would regard German or Italian, than as a necessary thing; so that very little excuse is sufficient for their negligence in not sending their children, and a very little affront sufficient for their withdrawing them. On one or two occasions, one has had to exert all one's influ- ence and management to keep the affair together. The parents, how- ever, are always very particular in sending their children neat and clean, and want of shoes and clothes is the most fertile cause of occa- sional absence. I need scarcely say, that during a couple of hours once a-week it is impossible to impart more than the merest pittance of knowledge. I have myself been most anxious to get my pupils to understand what they read and learn, and for that purpose I have discarded all explana- tory books, and use only the Hible and the Church Catechism, for I have never yet seen an explanatory book that, for such as Sunday- school children, did not require more explanation than what it professed to explain; and the consequence is, that the children learn by rote the explanation as well as the thing to be explained. Indeed, I have some- times found that a viva voce explanation has been remembered by rote ; and though the difficulty of making them understand is certainly not insuperable, yet it is much greater thpii any one would suppose that had not had some years' experience in it. In fact, I am sure that this great difficulty forms a very great characteristic difference between the schools of the poor and of the rich. I have found much advantage in giving questions in writing to be answered in writing, taking care that they shall be different for each child. I also have lately made some of them learn Watts's Hymns, which they do with great pleasure. We do not teach writing. * * * M. A. ROCHE. [The Reports of the Sunday Schools at Redberth and Porthkerry have been already quoted.] EXTRACTS from the APPENDIX, referred to in p. 51 ante. (Appendix, p. 225.) I am induced to print, verbatim et literatim^ the following charac- teristic letter received by me from a Sunday-school teacher in the upper or purely Welsh part of Cayo hundred, Carmarthenshire. Its tone, style, and English are all well calculated to convey a good idea of the locality; while the strong sense and truth which it contains make it valuable on other accounts : SIR, The number of the Sunday School Scholars are able to read as you particular mention in your letter is as follows * ... 106 * ... 70 * * . .23 * * * .9 ***.".".' 1 I am very please to take little trouble to answer your letter about the Sunday Schools, in hone that your Searching about the Daily and Sunday Schools, will come to good consequence to the Welch Nation. 186 On the State of Education in Wales, Our Creator make many of them a People of Strong Abilities, and a possessors of various talents, but because their ignorance Spend their time in poverty to get their living in Slavery as a pig and his snout in the ground they got no advantage to make use of their abilities in defect of learning and knowledge But Some of the young people are under good education, the Children of the Noblemen and Gentlemen farmers but the greater part of them are in Towns : and in the countrys one here and one there. The major part of the welchmen, not knoweth in what quarter of the world they live? this thing I think is very true. In the time ago riseth up some Excellent people in Philosophy and Theology among the welch Nation as one of the *welch Poet say's about one of them, called The Reverend Mr. Rowlands Llangaetho, Talentau ddeg fe roddwyd iddo Fe'i marchnattodd hwy yn iawn Ae o'r deg fe'i gwnaeth hwy'n gannoedd Cyn maihludo 'i haul brydnhawn.f I hope that you'll not be angry with me, because I have on my mind to desire on you, Sir, to give me a little presant, that is, the Map of the land of Canaan Sir, Please to excuse my vulgar english writing because I have not much practice in english tongue, but in the language of my mother I can write more Grammatical. I am your Unworthy Servant, EXTRACTS from the APPENDIX, referred to in p. 55 ante. The Presbyterian College (Appendix, p. 287) in this town was ori ginally confined to Presbyterians (*. e. Arians and Unitarians) and In- dependents. The foundation is confined to students preparing for the ministry ; but the tutors are at liberty to admit lay students as pay- scholars. The foundation was subsequently opened to all denomi- nations : this was done about 12 years ago. The early history of the foundation is involved in considerable obscurity; its commencement appears to have been this that certain benevolent persons, from time to time, furnished sums of money to some respectable minister for the purpose of educating young men for the ministry. This became the nucleus of a college, which in the same manner has been continued now for a century and a-half : it is managed by the Presbyterian Board in London. A young man, anxious to avail himself of this foundation, must be recommended by two ministers known to the tutors of the college, and he undergoes a preliminary examination on subjects connected with the classics and mathematics. There is no examination as to his reli- gious opinions, the testimony of two respectable ministers being deemed * The Rev. Wm. Williams, Pantycelyn. f Ten talents were given him, And he traded with them well, And out of the ten he made them hundreds (literally} Ere his sun set at eve. Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 187 a sufficient guarantee on that point. He is required to be able to read the Greek Testament and Virgil with some degree of readiness, and must know the common rules of arithmetic, including fractions, deci- mals, and the extraction of roots ; the curriculum is four years, and comprises the ordinary subjects of a liberal education. The number on the foundation is now 10, and there are also 8 pay-scholars : those on the foundation get their education free, and 10/. per annum towards their maintenance ; they lodge in the town, subject to the approval of the tutors : 10/. per annum, in addition to the foundation, would defray all the legitimate expenses of a student. The foundation is made the prize of competition. There are students in college at present belong- ing to all denominations. This college is affiliated with the London University. Whether the students become ministers or not is a matter of subsequent arrangement, except in the case of ihose on the founda- tion, who are understood to be preparing for the Christian ministry. The recommendation of the ministers who introduce them is considered sufficient guarantee that they will persevere. Many of these become schoolmasters as well as ministers ; their schools would generally be accessible to the poor, because in Wales the terms must be low. Dr. Davies, of Ffrwd Vale; Mr. Duvies, of Narberth ; Mr. Thomas, of Llandyssil ; Mr. Griffiths, of Llandilo, and others, haTe been members of this institution. Ffrwd Vale Academy (Appendix, p. 227). This is not a school for the labouring classes, nor yet altogether removed from their sphere. The extensive reputation which it enjoys in the upper part of Car- marthenshire, and the kindness with which a number of particulars respecting it were furnished to me by its promoter and master, induce and enable me to give an account of it in considerable detail. In doing so, I shall, I think, both afford some insight into the manner in which private country schools have commonly originated in Wales, and also one instance, at least, of education among the middle classes. The school originated in the circumstance that the Rev. Dr. Davies, having engaged to instruct the family of David Davies, Esq., of Ffrwd Vale, took the opportunity, after the usual plan in such cases in Wales, to set up a school. For this purpose, Mr. Davies raised a small building on his land, which (to use his own words) would have done for a cottage if the school had failed. It is a detached and lonely building on a hill-side, along which a bridle-road passes from the village of Llansawyl to Pumsaint. The benches and desks are arranged like pews in a church, leaving the aisle however, not in the centre, but down one side. A cupboard, the fire- place, and the master's desk, occupy the little remaining space, oppo- site to the end at which you enter. Dr. Davies much regretted that the unprotected situation and narrow dimensions of his isolated school- room prevented his keeping any apparatus for a more complete course of instruction in physical science. The entire range of instruction proposed to be given comprises every part of a good classical (including Hebrew), mathematical, and general education. Dr, Davies furnished me with a satisfactory list of the books which he used on the different subjects taught, and appeared to be (so far as I was competent to judge, and had an opportunity of judging) thoroughly master of them. I saw very flattering testimonials which 188 On the State of Education in Wales, he had received from the Rev. J. Pye Smith, D.D., LL.D., F.R.S., F.G.S., &c., Homerton College; the Rev. D. Davison, M.A., the Rev. Robert Aspland, the Rev. Joseph Button, LL.D., London; the Rev. Thomas Rees, LL.D., F.S.A., &c., Brighton ; Alfred Day, LL.D., Bristol; the Rev. W. Smith, LL.D., Ph.D., Highbury College, London. The terms range from 15-y. to 42s. per quarter: the school was esta- blished in 1834, and in a short time became much sought after. The neighbouring farm-houses are used as boarding-houses: the scholars consist in part of young men preparing for the ministry, or for the universities of London, Glasgow, &c. ; but chiefly of farmers' sons, who come for an odd quarter or two, to eke out the scanty stock of know- ledge acquired at the common schools ; particularly such as are going to follow trades in which some knowledge of the higher parts of arith- metic, or practical mathematics, are required, such as builders, carpen- ters, land-surveyors, clerks, and the like. Dr. Davies informed me that he remembered the time when there was not a builder nearer than Llandovery who knew how to measure a wall. The school has also partaken of a normal character. If a Carmarthenshire schoolmaster has been able to spare a little money, he has not unfrequently resorted to Dr. Davies for a few months or weeks, during the summer, to pre- pare for the instruction which he intended giving in the next winter. Now, however, that the normal school is opened at Brecon, such per- sons more naturally direct themselves there. I think, however, that in this point of view Dr. Davies's school might be turned to singular advantage. He is not unwilling to be so employed. At the time of my visit I found 34 pupils on the books, all of them except three upwards of ten years old. Of the upper division only one had been with the Doctor for any length of time. He was 14 or 15 years old. I heard him construe two passages which I gave him, in Homer and Virgil, into remarkably good English, and parse them soundly. I was surprised to hear that he had been only 2^- years in school, and that at the beginning of that period he knew very little English. He seemed also well acquainted with the first principles and rules of algebra and geometry. The other pupils in this division had entered the school quite recently, and had been studying nothing but arithmetic, algebra, and geometry. It is important to note this. I have already mentioned the different sorts of pupils. The complete course of instruction professed to be given has no influence upon the majority^ who fix (each for himself) what they want to learn, and come, for as many quarters as can be spared, to learn it. Only the few by comparison who are going into the ministry, or preparing for other institutions, can be regarded as receiving such an education as the prospectus holds out. By the class of which I am now speaking, a few simple and quadratic equations, involving two unknown quantities, and also some problems in mensuration, were rapidly and correctly worked, and the principles of these operations appeared to be well comprehended. No religious teaching or exercise is practised as a general observance in the school. Such of the pupils as are going into the ministry study divinity as part of their professional education. The influence of the school can hardly be regarded in a local point of view. I found nr day scholar in it from the neighbourhood, except the children of the pro- moter. Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. \ 89 TRACTS from the APPENDIX referred to in p. 59 ante. Wesleyan Day-schools, Cardiff (Appendix, p. 368.) Attendance on the Sunday-school is not enforced, neither is the Wesleyan Catechism on such as object to it. Ebenezer and Tabernacle Schools, St. David's (Appendix p. 395. These two schools are directly supported hy religious congregations. I was kindly furnished with the following answers to questions proposed by me concerning the management of them : DEAR SIR, * * * * * With respect to the Ebenezer day-school I feel a pleasure in giving the particulars, and you may safely depend on its being correct. I shall place your questions before my answers. " 1. Are the Scriptures commented upon by the master or visitors? and if so, to what extent?" Yes, by both occasionally, but principally by the master; the generally acknowledged truths of the Bible, but never (to the best of my knowledge) the peculiarities of any denomination are made the subject of such comments. *' 2. In order to become a member of the committee is it requisite to be a member, or at least attendant, at the Ebenezer Chapel?" No, not at all. " 3. How are children admitted, by individual committee-men, or by the whole com- mittee?" By the whole committee; only they appoint three persons from amongst themselves to act for them till the next meeting. " 4. Is any preference shown in nominating the children of parents attending the Ebenezer Chapel ?" No, none are refused on account of the non- attendance of their parents at the chapel. 5. " Of the 53 in attendance on this school, how many are the children of parents belonging to other than the Independent denominations, specifying the number belonging to each of such other denominations ?" Of Baptists 5, Wesleyans 4, Calvinistic Methodists 1, Established Church 5, Independents 28, those who are not connected with any denomination 10. " 6. Of what denomination is the master?" Independent. * * * Believe me, &c., Trelewyd, St. David's, JAS. GRIFFITHS. .} February 26, 1847. SIR, St. David's, February 13, 1847. YOUR favour to the Reverend W. Morris, dated 4th inst., was handed over to me this day week, but, as I expected he would have returned from Cardiganshire ere this, I delayed it until now. Fearing lest the information sought should be required soon, I shall reply in his absence to the queries proposed. 1st. The Scriptures are merely explained by the master whilst they are reading, and questions asked respecting history and facts of Scripture. 2nd. The committee are chosen from the list of subscribers, no matter what denomination the parties belong to. We have Wesleyan brethren at present on the com- 190 On the State of Education in Wales, mittee, no other parties subscribing the amount required, viz. 5*. per annum. 3rd. When a child is admitted gratis, one of the committee- men propose him at a committee-meeting, otherwise the master is allowed to admit pupils without any distinction. 4th. Not the least preference is shown in any respect; the committee, whenever they request the master to inquire on a Monday and see if the pupils attend Sunday-schools, always impress upon him the necessity of stating that it matters not where they go, so long as they attend where their parents require. 5th. Of the 73 children on the books, there are Wesleyan Methodists 4, Baptists 2, Independents 2, Church of England 7, nowhere attending 8, Calvinistic Methodists and attending the Taber- nacle Chapel 50. 6th. The master is a member of the Calvinistic Methodist connection at the Tabernacle. So far as I am aware, the foregoing contains a reply to all your queries, and, should you require any further information, we shall be most happy to render all in our power. You may rely on our stating circumstances as they are, so far as your questions are understood. I am, &c., JR. JR. W. Lingen, Esq. EBENEZER WILLIAMS. [I have adduced these three schools, because, in my Report (p. 19 ante), they are enumerated as being in more direct connexion with particular religious congregations than the generality of denominational schools in my district.] EXTRACTS from the APPENDIX, referred to in p. 65 ante, illustra- tive of Endowments requiring a cheap mode of rectification. PARISH OF LLANWRDA. The Free School below reported is intended for the benefit of the parishes of Llansadwrn and Llanwrda, and the master or mistress are to be chosen " not by both parishes, but by a vestry of the parish of Llansadwrn" But in order to give those parishioners of Lansadwrn who reside in the village due benefit from the foundation during the bad weather of winter, it is necessary that the direct road between Llansadwrn village and the school-house should be repaired. Among the many bad roads which I had to travel over in Wales I found this one of the very worst. It was raining heavily on the day of my visit, and in one part the road was crossed by a rapid stream, then upwards of a foot deep. There was only a plank-bridge across it. The only other way is two or three miles round. By the direct way no child, on the day I saw it, could have safely come. Free School. An account of the foundation is given at p. 662 in the Reports of the Charity Commissioners. I visited the school on 'the 22nd of October, in company with the Rev. John Jones, vicar of the parishes of Llanwrda and Llansadwrn. The acting master was only a locum tenens until the vacancy occasioned by the death of the former master (above five months previously) should be filled up, according to the provisions of Letitia Cormvallis's'will. The schoolroom presented the ordinary features of a village school. The first 12 children read the story of Ananias and Sapphira to me. They read with no intelligence, and could answer hardly anything. I Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 191 was careful not to confound their ignorance of what I asked with their ignorance of English, or the form in which I asked it; for I always requested the master to translate my question into Welsh. Nevertheles?, on asking for what sin Ananias and Sapphira were struck dead, I got no answer for a long time, and, at last, *' for selling a piece of land." I asked by what other names the Holy Ghost is called, and was successively answered, " Virgin Mary Jesus Christ Ananias." " Who was sent to prepare the way for Christ among the Jews ?" " Solomon." " Where did Adam and Eve live?"" In Bethlehem." Not one of the class could tell me the meaning of " graven image" in the second Command- ment, nor whether there was any other way of breaking the sixth Com- mandment, besides committing murder. Their writing was fair, and they knew the Multiplication Table. Only two could write in figures from dictation fifty-two thousand five hundred and forty- eight. Only three could tell the product of 8 times 2s. 6d., not asked as a question, but given as a sum. Not one reduced correctly 20/. 5*. 2d. into farthings. Of grammar they knew hardly anything at all. From one or two boys I got some answers, but from the mass none. While I was examining these, the rest of the school was not very orderly. The second class could hardly find" the fifteenth chapter of Luke. Only one of them could read moderately well, and not one could tell me the name of the Parable. The rest of the school were learning letters. I have been particular in describing the proficiency of this school be- cause the master's salary is enough to secure a good teacher from a normal school, and the assistant's salary would remunerate an apprenticed pupil. Poverty is not to be pleaded here. There was no privy attached to the school. I asked the master how the scholars managed ; he answered, " they went where they could; that the fact had been entered on the list of necessary repairs and additions some time back, but the trustees had paid no attention to it." Boys and girls were taught together by the master ; but the late master's wife had besides been ill the habit, during two or three of the winter months, of teaching sewing and knitting to such of the girls in the neighbourhood as were of an age to go out to service. PARISH OF CONWYL IN ELVET. Mrs. Warner's Charity School. (C.C.R., p. 627). On the 25th of November I visited the above school ; the present master, Rees Thomas, was nominated master in 1837 by the Vicar and churchwardens of the parish, and in the same year his appoint- ment was confirmed by the Bishop pf the diocese ; the late master, Griffith Lewis, had allowed the house to fall into ruins, and in the year 1838 it was re-erected by the present master at an expense of 100/. of his own money. He keeps no account of the 21. 2s. which is paid on account of a farm called Pen-allt-dclu towards expenditure or repairs ; he told me that he expends from 5*. to 10s. yearly on repairs, the rest he regards as interest on his 100J. He moreover kept no account of the money arising from the charity towards the purchase of books for the poor children. He told me that it was not his, but the business of the churchwardens, to buy books for the children, but that they handed the money over to him, and he undertook to swear that the whole of it was expended on the purpose for which it was intended. The school was held on the ground- floor, underneath the room where the master lived. The furniture con- sisted of two tables and a few benches, all in a bad state of repair ; the 1 92 On the State of Education in Wales, floor was a composition of earth and lime, and rather damp at the end next to where the door was ; there was a fireplace in the room, hut no fire ; the room had two glazed windows, but it was not well lighted. I heard 22 of the children read the 25th chapter of Genesis ; 10 only could read with anything approaching to ease. When they had finished the chapter, the master gave them a word apiece to spell, and then asked them to translate the word into Welsh. The spelling was very bad, and the translation no better. I got the following answers (they had just been reading about Isaac) : He was Jacob's son ; one said Ishmael was his mother. One said Abraham intended to sacrifice John on the Mount ; another Sarah. Joseph was carried by the Ishmaelites into Egypt ; one said he was sold to them by Jesus Christ another by Pharaoh ; one said, he was sacrificed after he came into Egypt another that he was drowned. Had heard of a Saviour his name was Jesus Christ ; he came on earth to save sinners ; he saved them by being nailed on the cross ; Mary Magdalene was his mother. The apostles were Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. When Paul was converted he was going to the grave. One said Peter betrayed our Saviour; another Paul; another Isaac. Peter denied him ; the Jews, under Pontius Pilate, crucified him. Did not know what grammar was. The past tense of " I love" was " I am loved." There were two vowels and three consonants in loved. PARISH OF TRELEACH AR BETTWS. No large proprietor has hitherto resided in this parish, which contains a number of moderate freeholders, wealthy enough in their own rank. This social feature, from the consti- tution of the free school, has a great influence on the education of the neighbourhood, the governors and trustees of it being the minister, churchwardens, and overseers of Treleach, and all the inhabitants who are seised or possessed of an estate of the clear yearly value of 50/. The poor are ill off; I found wages about 45. per week with food, and 6s., 7s., or 8s. on the man's own finding. Besides food, the labourer gets from the farmer perhaps a somewhat lower rent, a plot of potato-ground, whey, and occasionally milk. Until quite recently the common money- rate of wages had been only Qd. per day : the ordinary fuel is turf. The roads about the parish are in general very bad. Of the four day-schools in this parish, two, viz., the charity-school and the Treleach day-school, are in, or close to, the village of Treleach. Tynewydd is at the N. of the parish, Ffynnonbedr in the S. ; these two points cannot be less than eight miles apart. As matters stand, the poor of Treltach have a better chance of educa- tion than in most of the adjacent parishes ; under an improved system they might have one of the best schools in South Wales. Charity School. A detailed account of this very important charity may be found in the Reports of the Charity Commissioners, pp. 629 633. I visited the school in company with the Rev. Thomas Thomas, Vicar of the parish, and Colonel Trafford, who had recently come to live in the neighbourhood, and fortunately, by so doing become a trustee of the school. On entering the room, which was warm and comfortable, and rather reminded me of Colonel Wood's at Llanybyther in its general character, I found 'a good fire burning, and the floor and everything else very neat and clean. My visit was expected : the children were very orderly and Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 193 each had got a book in his or her hand : there seemed to be a sufficient supply of books. I found the first class reading in the book of Judges, chapter 15. I set them to read at chapter 4. The class consisted of eight boys and two girls, who all read very fairly ; they could, however, answer hardly any question : they were nearly ignorant of English as a spoken language, nor did translation appear to make the questions more intelligible. The children stood most painful pictures of sheepish, help- less stupidity. Of whom do we read in this book of Judges ? (The master) " They can't answer that ; they are not used to be questioned ; / have no time to question them. 1 ' Genesis is the first hook of the Bible could not tell (till the master began it) what is the first thing related in it. With great difficulty T extracted from them (piecemeal, and with many sug- gestive promptings) some account of man's creation and fall. Did not know where Eden was Adam was tempted by the serpent the serpent went to Eve first there were eight people in the ark Noah was one of them the rest of the world was drowned for its wickedness Noah was spared because he was better than the rest God will not drown the world again he has said so, and given the rainbow for a sign God will again destroy the world by fire at the day of the resurrection of judgment. These answers were only obtained after repeated questionings in every possible form. Good people will go to heaven wicked to hell God the Father will judge the world -Christ was God's son had been seen in the world as a man his mother was the Virgin Mary Pontius Pilate ivas her husband was born at Bethlehem did not know where it was Christ teas in the world forty years ago he came to save sinners could not say what he did to save them nor by what death (for a long time) he died Pontius Pilate was the name of the people who crucified him was crucified at Calvary (after a long pause) could not say what Calvary was Christ is now in heaven was seen to go there could not say who saw him go nor who saw most of him during his life, nor whom he left in the world to tell men about him (one said, God). I only saw four copy-books that were moderately well written. The rest were very bad and dirty. 12 pence = 1*. : 20*. = I/. ; 2 sixpences = 1*. ; 4 sixpences = 2* ; 5 sixpences = 2*. 6rf. ; 10 sixpences = 5*. ; 2ld. = Is. 9d. ; 7x9 = 63 ; 8 x 8 =r 64 ; 5 x 7 35 ; 8 x 6 = 48 ; 9 x 12 = 108 ; 100 11 (could not tell without the slate, and then were three minutes in discovering) 89; 100-17= 82; 100-18= 29; 57 + 65+72 = 294 (with the slate.) The second class (3) were reading in Ephesians ! not that this much matters while the Scriptures are merely used as a reading and spelling book. The children spelt with readiness and accuracy " general receive believe almighty brightness light deliver,' 1 but no one could give any meaning in Welsh or English for " deliver." We were living in Wales, in the county of Carmarthen. England is nearer than Ireland. We must cross the water to get to Ireland. The Queen rules over England ; is not married (the master said " Yes") ; her husband is the king ; she lives in London. London is in another country, but could not say in what. Q 194 On the State of Education in Wales y Both the Vicar and the master declared that the children knew more than they answered ; I think that they did myself. But of their utter incapacity of adapting an answer to a question, and their ignorance of English, there could be no douht. Although my visit was expected, I only found 35 children pi The attendance appears to he most irregular ; of the 72 children ?aid to he on the hooks, 23 were absent every day during the week before mv visit, 3 were absent 5 days, 4 were absent 4 days, 5 were absent 3 days, 13 were absent 2 days, 4 were absent one day 5 only 4 were not absent at all, and 1 was ill. Of the first number (23) no less than 10 had not been in school since July last, 1 since August, and 2 since October. Some of these must, I suppose, have left the school, but the trustees had not removed their names or supplied their places. Besides that, the master does not reside at the school-house as he is re- quired by a bye-law to do (for which irregularity a reason is given at p. 633 of the Comm ssioners' Reports). There are several other discrepancies between the founder's intention and the present state of things, e. g. a. The testator desires his a. The present master is a trustees to exert their utmost publican. endeavours to prevent any public- house or inn from being near the said school. b. The testator, reciting that it often happens in the parish that poor children go out to service in the summer, or for one part of the year, or when young, \vho might wish to go to school the other part of the year, or when grown up, and that it happens often also that masters would give their servants leave to go to an evening school, were there one established there, directs that the school be opened to all these occasional scholars, and that they should be supplied with books, &c., and also with candles, in the evening school, in common with the other scholars. c. The trustees are directed to appoint reading, writing, English, arithmetic, and. such other things as would be most beneficial to spread knowledge in general among the poor inhabitants, to be taught in the said school. b. At the time of my visit there had not been an evening- school for some years. The last relic of one was a singing school, held once a week, and even that during the last vear had been discontinued. c. Nothing is taught except reading, writing, and ari'h- metic : no reading book is used except the Bible, nor is there any step taken whatever to convey any other information to the scholars besides what may be derived from the bare perusal of it without question or explanation. To what extent English has been cultivated will appear from my report of the examination. ( \tniuirthcn, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 195 d. The testator desires that the scholars may constantly attend Divine worship on the Lord's-day, and be instructed in the principles of the Christian religion. This provision of the testator is enforced by two bye-laws, also stated in the same report : 1. The scholars with the master are to assemble every morn- ing betimes at the parish church or chapel of Bettws, as often as Divine service is per- formed therein. The inasu-r is to superintend their behaviour during its continuance, and neglect or non-attendance is to be punished. 2. Morning and evening prayers are to be constantly and orderly observed before the first lesson in the morning, and after the last lessun in the evening. e. By a decree of the Court of Chancery, dated 8th iMarch, 1794, for carrying out the will, it is ordered that bookkeeping- and mensuration should be taught in the said school, in addition to the branches of instruction specified in the will (thedecreebeingapparently intended as an interpretation of the words printed in italics in para- graph 6'.) By the same decree the master's salary is increased from 30/. to 40/. per annum as an ad- ditional reward, we may suppose for teaching these very subjects. A bye-law indeed provides that the muster is to observe that, when- ever any of the charity boys or girls shall have learned to read their Bibles properly and write fairly, no further instruction will be allowed, unless they resolve to take to some trade or other, and that such means of instruction :^hall then be afforded as to qualify them for such particular trade or vocation. d. The children are not taken to church. The school is neither opened nor closed with prayer. c. Bookkeeping and mensuration have occasionally been taught from the commencement, when boys have stayed sufficiently long in school and made due progress. These subjects were last studied aljuut Jirc years ayo. The bye- law does not harmonize with the decree, unless it be said that "bookkeeping and mensuration" are necessary to qualify people for every " trade or vocation." But, waiving this objection, if the bye- law in question respects special industrial training in school (which is limiting the testator's words in a manner not warrant- able), still I could find no trace of aay such instruction either for boys or girls. o 2 1 90 On the State of Education in Wales, Such of these omissions as respect school prayers and public worship are perhaps unavoidable from the mutual jealousies of so large a body of trustees differing in religious opinions. But such of them as impair or curtail the instruction afforded by the school are attributable to pure neg- lect, and this neglect arises from a very narrow and (in my opinion) ill- advised interpretation of the founder's will. The will provides that the master shall not be suffered to teach any other scholars (than the charity scholars) to the detriment of the said school, whereby the said charity children may be neglected. Again, there is a bye-law which renders the child of a man ineligible to be upon this foundation who pays more than 10/. per annum in rent, and the invariable impression in the parish has been that the master is not permitted to take any pay-scholars, nor has any of the masters ever attempted doing so. These two last provisions, coupled with the qualification of trustee, effectually prevent every trustee from having by possibility any personal interest in the school. Their own children can never resort to it, and the trustees are not of a class to take any very extensive views or energetic steps for the benefit of others ; but these same men could, and probably would willingly, pay from 5s. to 10s. per quarter for the education of their own children at a good school. The will does not prohibit pay-scholars absolutely, but sub modo. I can see nothing to prevent the master's being allowed to take a limited number of pay-scholars. By this means the school would be opened to the sons of the respectable farmers, and they would then have a direct interest in raising its standard, whether by stimulating the present master or nominating one more efficient. The children of the poor would share in the benefit. The clergyman, being an ex-officio governor, with the power of appealing to the Bishop as visitor, would be their natural protector to see that they were not neglected. Llangendeyrne School (C. C. R., p. 658). The school-room, which is built in the church-yard, arid its furniture, are out of repair, and the room is too small. The master has kept the school with great satisfaction to the parishioners for the last 36 years, and not less than 2600 children are said to have been under his instruction during that period. There are many farmers' children in the school, most of whom are above ten years of age. The copy-books did great credit to the master and scholars. The answers given to scriptural questions, and in Knglish grammar and arithmetic, particularly the latter^ were very satisfactory ; I met no better arithmeticians in any one of the schools which I visited. The master provides stationery for the 30 charity-scholars out of the annual sum of 20/. 6s. 3d. which he receives from Mrs. Goldfrap's endowment. Last year the trustees had to be changed, which was a loss to him of '211. The legal expenses were paid out of the interest of the charity -funds, and ab- sorbed not only that year's income, but 6l. 13s. 3d. besides. (Signed) WILLIAM MORRIS, Assistant. PARISH OF NEVERN. This parish is endowed with a charity called Rogers's Charity, an account of which is given in C. C. R., pp. 692, 693. The Vicar put into my hands the following statement and the recom- mendation respecting this charity. The statement coincides with that given in the Commissioners' Reports. The recommendation is, I think, highly expedient, but I see no means of legally carrying it into effect : Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. 197 " Copy of a Will. William Rogers, of Kensington, in the county of Middlesex, gentleman, in and by his last will and testament, bearing date the sixth day of June in the 'year of our Lord 1806, among other things, * gave and bequeathed unto the minister and churchwardens of the parish of Nevern, in the county of Pembroke, and their successors for the lime beinjr, for ever, 800 stock in the 3 per cent. Consols, to be transferred by his executors thereinafter named within six months after his decease, and the interest and dividends to arise and be received there- from from time to time. It was his will and desire that the same be laid out annually in manner following- : one moiety thereof in good beef, and the other moiety thereof in good barley ; and the same to be distri- buted on every St. Thomas's day in every year by the minister and churchwardens for the time being of the said parish of Nevern to and among the poor of the said parish.' " The Commissioners of Inquiry into Charities recommend that in future the Rogers's charity should be confined to those poor not receiving 1 parish relief, and that it should be given not indiscriminately to all who are in want, but to those who have rendered themselves deserving of it by industry and good conduct. " JOHN WRETTESLEY, "Newport^ Pembrokeshire, C. H. CAMEHON, Oct. }st, 1833. Commissioners of Charities. " N.B. The above charity, although given away in the very best manner possible, according to the judgment of the minister and churchwardens of the parish of Nevern, is found to be the cause of more wrangling and ill-will in the parish on St. Thomas's day than in all the other days of the year put together. Whatever good or benefit the donor had in view when he made his will, the minister and churchwardens have not been able to find out that the distribution of the beef and barley has been of any benefit whatever to the individuals receiving the charity, save and except for one day only. Last year 22/. worth of beef and barley was distributed to about 150 families, none of whom were contented with what they received. "The minister and churchwardens, and it may safely be added the parishioners also, would be glad if the interest of the money mentioned in the above will could be paid towards supporting a schoolmaster in the parish for educating the children ; and they will thank the Commissioners of Education to take the subject into their consideration, and report to them their opinion on the case. (Signed) " JOHN JONES, M.A., "January 26M, 1847. Vicar of Nevern, Pembrokeshire. "N.B. The parish of Nevern contains 14,522A. OR. 13?. of land; it is an agricultural district ; population very poor ; and there is no endowed school in the parish ; and there is no one to contribute towards the maintenance of a schoolmaster. J. J." PARISH OF ST. THOMAS, HAVERFORDWEST. Taskers Charity School (C. C. R., p. 714). I visited this school on the 19th of January. It is held in a ruinous garret. The plaster of the roof is cracked in many 198 On the State of Education in Wales. places, showing not merely the laths and rafters, but also, here and there, the sky. Light is admitted through dilapidated windows in the roof, which begin* to slope almost fi om the floor. The floor was covered with sawdust (a common practice in the neighbourhood), and also spit over in all directions. The room and the approach to it reminded me of the sort of place usually hired at a country fair by a conjuror or low showman. The boys sat at long desks round the room, wearing a prescribed uniform long blue coats with red collars and curls, red waistcoats, corduroy breeches, worsted stockings, and laced boots. This costume was not in all cases complete. Some of them had it all except the 1'iniy coat, in- stead of which they wore their own short jackets; others had the long coat with their own tattered trousers. The result was very comical. All the arrangements appeared to be the conventional ones of the most old-fashioned charity-school, such as one would see them in a picture. On entering the school I found it a perfect Babel of stunning noise. The boys were said to be learning to read their lessons. This was per- formed by each boy's reading it over, for himself and on his own ac- count, at the top of his voice. When 25 boys were doing this at the same time, each at a different verse, the din may be. imagined better than described. The master had just parted with most of his senior pupils, and had not had time to classify his school since the recent admissions. He seemed an intelligent man. The 25 boys whom I heard read the 12th chapter of St. John did so for the most part very fairly, and ans\vered scriptural questions by no means ill. Some of them also acquitted themselves creditably in arith- metic, knowing some little of Practice, and employing it in mental cal- culations. [ 199 ] PART II. REPORT ON BRECKNOCK, CARDIGAN, RADNOR, AND MONMOUTH. BY JELINGER C. SYMONS, ESQ. CONTENTS. PACK. 1. MODE of INQUIRY ^04 2. SUMMARY of SCHOOL STATISTICS .jjy Day-school Summary, 211 Number* and Ages of Scholars compared with population, 212 Stay at School and Ages, id. Parochial Abstract, Breck- nockshire, '1 14 Idem, Cardiganshiie, 2 18 Idem, Radnorshire, 222 Num- bers at Day-schools, 22-1 Numtar of children in statu pupillari, id. Parishes without Day-schools, 225 Probable number destitute of day- schooling, id. Notion of parents as to duration of schooling, 226 Winter- schools, id. Scarcity of young children at school, "/.Scarcity of female education, id. Town children, 227 Classes of Schools, i,l. 3. INCOME of SCHOOLS and SCHOOLMASTERS . .... 228 Meagre Income of Schools, 228 Endo\\ ' - Mrs. IJrvm's Schools, id. Subscriptions and School Pence, 23U Failure of indejientleiit locai efforts, 231 Desire for Government aid, 8tohif 202 On the State of Education in Wales, Principality of Wales, the Committee of Council on Education has appointed three Commissioners to conduct such an inquiry. "The object of the Commissioners is simply to collect the fullest and most accurate information they can procure on the subject. But it is evident that the collection of such information is indispensably necessary as a foundation for any measures which the Government or 'the Legis- lature may adopt with a view to improve the condition of the Princi- pality in this respect. I trust, therefore, that the Clergy of my diocese will show the interest they take in the great object for which this inquiry has been instituted, by furnishing- the Commissioners, collectively and individually, with all the information and with every kind of aid they are able to afford. (Signed) " C. ST. DAVID'S." subsequent I have also to acknowledge with gratitude the kind and willing ZheSSSwiir assistance subsequently given to me by both Prelates, in the diffi- cult task of selecting suitable assistants; some of whom were kindly recommended from among the students of St. David's College at Lampeter by the Very Reverend the Principal, to whom the Lord Bishop favoured me with an introduction for that purpose, and who readily and effectively furthered my object. My colleagues and myself likewise conferred with the Rural Dean of Builth, the Reverend Mr. Evans, and other clergymen in the neighbourhood. We also sought the advice and aid of the Conference Reverend H. Griffiths, the Principal of the Dissenting College at ii. Griffiths ' Brecknock, and of Mr. Evan Davies, the principal of the Normal Sientfng College there ; from both of whom the Commission received, then Ministers. an( | subsequently, most useful and hearty assistance. From these gentlemen, and from Mr. Hugh Owen, the Secretary of the Cambrian Society, residing in London, I received many introduc- tions and invitations to Dissenting Ministers and others to aid the inquiry. We also obtained interviews with the Reverend Mr. Lumley, a Calvinistic Methodist minister of character and influence at Builth, and other Dissenting ministers. Publicity Having by these means obtained some insight into the nature of given to the the work to be done the character of the people, and the aspect in instructions. . . , , i i i i .1 i which the inquiry could be best presented to the country, in order to engage confidence in its fairness and aid in its execution, the expediency became manifest of giving the utmost publicity to the exact character and objects of a commission which we believed would be popular in the precise degree in which it was understood distrusted and impeded in proportion to whatever mystery might surround it. This view derived force from the knowledge of our entire powerlessness to effect the inquiry by authority -the very semblance of which would be obnoxious to the Welsh people and of the perfect facility with which they could render the investi- gation abortive, if indisposed to its execution. We unanimously agreed that the instructions we had received from your Lordships would be the best recommendation of the inquiry to the people : Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 203 and that the strong desire expressed to us that the whole truth should be known as to the condition of schools, would work in our favour so soon as confidence in us was created by a knowledge of the comprehensive character of the Commission, and above all of the rigorous impartiality enjoined on us by your Lordships. We therefore sought and obtained the permission of the Lord President to publish our instructions in the Welsh and English languages. This was widely done by means of printed circulars, and their , insertion alike in the English newspapers and the Welsh magazines. I am enabled to state that throughout my district I have met with the utmost facility and the most willing and valuable co-ope- ration from all classes of the community. I believe the inquiry was highly popular, and with scarcely an exception thoroughly appreciated alike by churchmen and dissenters. The clergy and the leading members of dissenting congregations, from whom I was naturally induced chiefly to seek for facilities for the examination of schools, have invariably atlord.'d them with the utmost willing- ne^s where the objects of the inquiry were made known ; and this has been also to a great extent the case with private and adventure schools. In fact, tin? inspection both of day and of Sunday schools has been very generally desired and solicited. To the magistrates and the gentry of the different counties Access to ma- access was kindly afforded by the Lords Lieutenant of each 1^?"^ county to whom 1 presented the letters of introduction from Sir tLSeiumu" George Grey. In some instances, without any introduction or inducement other than a knowledge of the object of the Commis- sion, country gentlemen have invited mo to make their houses my head-quarters whilst in their neighbourhoods. Facilities and hospitality have everywhere abounded ; and I may be permitted to state that in many cases satisfaction was strongly expressed that Satisfaction the moral and mental condition of the Welsh people should at SrVaf the"" length have attracted the solicitude of Government. inquiry. Although the disposition of all classes of the people towards the Wi^fcaiim. inquiry secured for myself and my assistants aid which left nothing to desire on the score of co-operation, obstacles of a formidable character have impeded the inquiry, and unavoidably delayed its completion. These have arisen from the minuteness of the statis- tical details, which it has been deemed desirable to procure alike in day and Sunday-schools. The peculiarities of the country, the scattered position of the chapels, the difficulty of finding the proper persons to give information, their remote residences, and the frequent absence of any books or record of the number of scholars in Sunday schools, and not unfrequently even in day- schools, combined to oppose our progress; while the excessive severity of the season and the badness of the roads materially aggravated the difficulties we encountered, and threatened more than once, in the mountainous districts, to suspend the inquiry, I,,,., A . . f . TLJof the assist- feel it due to my Assistants to say that it is owing, in great ants. 204 On. the State of Education in Wales, measure, to the resolute perseverance and fortitude with which they braved the adversities of the weather, that the inquiry has been completed in these counties, during the extraordinary incle- mency of this winter. I. MODE OF INQUIRY. riie mode of Before entering upon the results of the inquiry, it may be ex- nquiry. pedient that I should explain to your Lordships the mode in which it was conducted. rhe Assist- We had each your Lordships' permission to appoint two Assistants conversant with the Welsh language. I had conse- quently the benefit, in the commencement of the inquiry, of the vir. Pemy. services of Mr. Penry, a Welsh gentleman at the head of a British and Foreign School of high reputation in London, whose practical knowledge of schools rendered his opinion of value TO the inquiry. Some weeks elapsed before I could procure a suitable Assistant Mr. Lewis, from Lampeter. My first Assistant from thence, Mr. Lewis, was transferred to Mr, Lingen, with whose district, he was better ac- r. Price, quainted. He was succeeded by Mr. Price, another of the students of Lampeter, who is still with me. Mr. Penry left me at the end of his; engagement of three months, being unable to prolong his absence from London. He was temporarily succeeded by Mr. Watkins, the Agent of the Archdeacon of Brecknock, who acted as Assistant in the vicinity of that town. In the middle of January Mr. Jones. I procured the active services of Mr. Jones, another of the students of Lampeter, who is also with me. I was also temporarily assisted by the Rev. Mr. Edwards and the Rev. Mr. Evans in collecting schedules in the county of Cardigan at Dissenting chapels. the* fisfct- f The duty prescribed to the Assistants was to visit a group of mts. contiguous parishes, presenting themselves, in the first instance, to the clergyman if resident. They also were instructed to seek com- munication with the leading Dissenters, or, in the absence of these, the parish officers and chief farmers in the place. The first, object, of the Assistant by these means was to ascertain the number and locality of all the day and Sunday-schools in the parish. He then visited the day-schools, and carefully filled up a schedule for each of them with answers to the various questions they contain ; taking down the stay at school and the age of each child, seriatim. At the commencement of th'e inquiry it was required of the Assistants to examine and report on the day-schools. This was found to occupy too much time, and the attention of the Assistants was latterly directed exclusively to the schedules. I required, however, a short report to myself on each parish, with a statement of the names and number of the several schools ascertained, alter diligent inquiry, to exist in it. The Sunday-school schedules were invariably filled up by the clergyman, superintendent, or other persons in authority in the school. The reports of the Assistants contained some slight notice of the character of the schools, which, with further Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 205 verbal communication, together with the schedules, enabled me to direct my own investigations. In the Welsh districts one of the Assistants attended me in my visits to the schools as an interpreter. It has been my object to devote the portion of my time appli- cable to school inspection, to such few schools only in a group f parishes as I believed might exemplify the features of a class, or school! exhibit the mental condition of the locality itself. My endeavour has been rather to examine a few schools thoroughly in each dis- trict, than to visit a great number with cursory inspection. In the examination of the children I have striven to test the cultivation of their minds and the extent of their information, as well as to esti- mate the amount of their scholastic attainments; for I conceived my province to be less that of an inspector of schools than an in- quirer into education. I have deemed the mental condition of the children the primary object of attention, and that it would be better ascertained by measuring results than by minute observation of the means used to produce them ; nevertheless I have not failed to note the organization, discipline, method of instruction, capacity of the teacher, apparatus, and physical circumstances of each school I have seen. I have also recorded my remarks on these various points, together with what I deemed the more important features of my examination in " Notes of Schools and Parishes ;" the larger part of which I have ventured to append to this Report ;* for although they were written currente calamo from notes taken at the time, and are both crude and immethodical, they convey the impression made by the scholars and the school while freshly imprinted on my mind, and are therefore more faithfully descriptive of things as they were than any effort would be which I could now make to recast or amplify them. For the same reason I have also selected and annexed some of the Reports of my Assistants, which either de- scribe schools or exhibit the mental condition of the parishes they visited. My examinations have been essentially catechetical, and, having in view the catholic nature of the inquiry, they were nowise confined to the limited scope of the subject taught in the schools visited, but were extended to most branches of ordinary infor- mation. My mode of inspecting Sunday-schools was that of visiting a selection of them : of observing and noting the system of instruc- inspection , .^ . . , i of Sunday- tion pursued in them ; and or joining a class and questioning the schools. scholars. This duty my Assistants have frequently shared, re- porting to me the result of their observations. Alike in day and Sunday-schools, it has been my practice, in the first instance, to request and induce the master in the one, and the Mode of as- teacher in the other, to instruct their classes in their own accustomed manner, that I might have an opportunity of observing the system of teaching as well as of estimating the capacity of the teacher. I have also questioned the teachers closely on their mode of teaching, and especially as to the degree and manner in which oral and * For theae see the folio edition. Q of the teacli ers. 206 On the State of Education in Wales, catechetical instruction is given by them. I have taken oppor- tunities of going suddenly into schools, directing my attention to the occupation, at the moment, of the master, when wholly un- prepared for a visitor, and selecting as much as possible the hours when the busiest work is usually going forward. Mode of as- After the master or teacher had heard one or two classes read, the know? and I had seen him give in his own way all the instruction I could eScmtfonof prevail on him to exhibit, I have invariably requested permission the children, to have the children to myself and to examine them ad libitum, which without a single exception has been willingly granted ; and in a majority of cases I have been earnestly begged to examine the scholars myself before it comported with my object to release the teacher from the exercise of his functions. The lesson selected was almost invariably a chapter in the Bible in the first instance, and, with the exception of one or two superior schools, it was the only lesson capable of exhibition. When, upon asking a few simple initiatory questions on the subject of the lesson, I perceived any bashfulness or any very striking ignorance, or any reluctance to answer, I have made it a constant practice to promise pence to the children who in a short time should have answered the most promptly and the most correctly. I did this not only in cases of bashfulness, in order to counteract it, but in cases of gross ignorance, in order to test its reality. When assured by a child that it had never heard for instance of the Apostles or of our Lord, or that it did not know the number of months or weeks in a year, or whether Ireland was a town, a man, or a country, I invariably offered a penny to that child if it would tell me rightly ; nor did I allow myself to be satisfied of its ignorance until its genuine anxiety to get the penny had prompted the wild guesses, copied verbatim at the time, and transferred to the Notes on Schools, where they will be found passim. I also made it a rule, where the clergyman was resident in a parish, to request the favour of his attendance with me at all church-schools, and at such other schools as he felt he could visit without intrusion, together with the patron of them, if any, in order that I might have a witness of what passed. The clergymen who assented to this request are often named in the " Notes of Schools." g.ustions In all schools where any of the children examined were more toto Welsh, familiar with the Welsh than the English language, my questions were invariably translated by the Assistant, or, in the rare cases where one of them was not present, then by the clergyman or the bystander most conversant with both languages. The questions were always expressed in the very simplest and most familiar terms which could be employed in both languages, so as to bring them perfectly within the scope of the child's comprehension, but at the same time without asking leading questions so as to suggest tho answer. Where great ignorance has been displayed, I have gene- rally proceeded until the clergyman or the master have admitted^ Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 207 that the ignorance was fairly proved. I invariably requested that the best scholars in the school should be selected, so that I might test at once the maximum amount of learning. Wherever the answers given have been either apparently or avowedly by rote, I have strictly interrogated the children on the meaning of the words used and the sense of the passage, applying the test and stimulus of the pence wherever needed. In this way many a flourishing exhibition has broken down,, to the consternation of the master, and in some cases to the great discomfiture of those interested in the school. I have however felt very forcibly that the rote system is a constant cloak of ignorance a gloss which not only veils the truth, but prevents improvement by concealing the need for it. I have, therefore, in all cases, striven to measure the real amount of mental exercise and mental apprehension, regardless to a great extent of its outward appearance. I have occupied no inconsiderable portion of each examination with the simple question " What does such a thing or such a word mean ?" accompanied by every appliance of manner and inducement which, short of promp- ing the answers, could encourage and elicit them. By these means I venture to think that the real -tate of things has been ascertained. I have felt it essential to state to your Lordships thus briefly the means used in my examination into school teaching, and the in- formation acquired, because the results are such as I feel need to be fortified and confirmed by a knowledge of the means employed to arrive at and test them. As regards the examination into the usual subjects taught, such as ciphering, writing, and reading, I have adopted the methods usirally employed in the inspection of t.lu mode of teaching, and the proficiency acquired in them; and as regards arithmetic, I have striven to ascertain the degree in which the reason for the diflVr 369 9-2 488 12-5 130 9-4 987 10-6 Years . . .] More than 3 Years | V and less than 4> Years . . . .J 161 4-04 192 4-9 52 3-8 405 4-3 More than 4 Years . 137 3-4 138 3-5 52 3-8 327 3-5 Average attendance) in last Year . . j 2,893 72-6 2,978 76'6 1,072 77-6 6,943 75 05 Number of Scholars \ living more thanl 1:V mile from j 556 13-9 454 11-7 214 15-5 1,224 13-2 School. J 212 On the State of Education in Wales, NUMBEUS and AGKS of SCHOLARS AGKS OF CHILDREN ON TlIC BOOKS. BRECKNOCKSHIRE. CARDIGAN- Popula- tion in 1841 at each Aye. Number of Scholars. Centesimal lroportion at each A#e to the number of Scholars of each Sex. Centesimal Proportion to the Population at each A#e, and of each Sex. Popula- tion in 1841 at each Age. Numl>er of Scholars. (" Male Under 5 Years . .17 !,.!/ 944 52-9 56-1 39-4 29-3 4,374 4,281 1,257 685 2,161 851 547 54-2 37-0 32-5 34-2 28-8 18-5 8,655 3,952 3,833 1,942 * 1,229 532 5,902 9,604 9,664 19,268 1,398 2,302 1,683 35-1 100-0 100-0 23-7 24-0 17-4 7,785 12,811 12,623 1,761 2,578 1,307 3,985 100-0 20-7 25, -134 3,885 * The population is given here of those above 10 years and under 15 of them as not to disturb the Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 213 ipared with POPU L\TION. ilE. RADNORSHIRE. TOTAL. at cacii Age in re- number of Scholars of each Sex. Cenlesimal Proportion to the Population at each Age. Popula- tion in 1841 at each Age. Number of Scholars. Centesimal Proportion at each Age to the whole number of Scholars of each Sex. Centesimal Proportion to the Population at each Age and of each Sex. Popula- tion in 1841 at ach Age. Number of Scholars. Centesimal Proportion of each Sex at each Age to the number of Scholars. Centesimal IVoportion to the Population at each Age. 3-6 2-0 1,572 54 6-9 3-4 9,616 380 6-7 39 6-9 2-0 1,726 52 8-7 3-0 9,729 334 9-3 3-5 4-7 2'0 3, -298 106 7-7 3-2 19,345 714 7-7 3-7 18-8 28-7 1,614 422 53-6 26-1 9,074 2,8C6 51-1 31-9 52-4 16-0 1,569 297 50-0 19-0 9,077 1,926 53-8 21-2 30-0 22-4 3,183 719 52-1 22-6 18,151 4,822 52-1 2G-6 47-6 31-1 *1,545 311 39 5 20-1 *3,456 2,391 42'2 28-3 40-7 13-9 1,417 245 41-3 17-3 8,193 1,324 36-9 16-2 45'3 22-6 2,962 556 40-2 18-8 16,649 3,715 40-2 22-3 1 1 00-0 20-1 4,731 787 100-0 16-6 27,146 5,667 100-0 20-9 00-0 10-4 4,712 594 100-0 12-6 26,999 3,584 100-0 13-3 00-0 15-3 9,443 1,381 100-0 14-6 54,145 9,251 100-0 17-1 irs of age only. Some of the scholars exceeded that age, but BO few >ss proportion above stated. 214 On the State of Education in Wales, PAROCHIAL ABSTRACT- No. PARISHES. Population. Total. At Day Schools. Total. 33 123 391 33 242 120 324 16 29 42 45 37 634 128 99 41 Under 5. From 5 to 10 Above 10 M. F. M F M F M F o 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Aberllunvey . . Aberyscir .... Alltmaur Battle ..... 56 57 17 81 749 2078 166 117 90 209 585 940 79 275 270 989 471 93 154 65 114 183 18 355 250 72 50 3912 579 148 188 522 244 75 60 60 17 95 810 2109 172 106 85 232 672 987 83 264 252 1118 504 79 136 78 130 199 17 350 275 69 53 3454 624 163 196 517 251 76 116 117 34 176 1559 4187 338 223 175 441 1257 1927 162 539 522 2107 975 172 290 143 244 382 35 705 525 141 103 7366 1203 311 34 1039 495 151 14 9 11 5 12 23 121 7 38 66 8 13 124 6 24 L6 Brecon, St. David's, and ) extra-parochial part, J Brecon, St. John's and) St. Mary's . . . J Bronllys. .... Cantreff . . Cathedine . . . Crickadarn . . . . Crickhowel .... Devynoc .... Garthbreugy . . Glasbury, part of . Gwenddwr .... Hay. 20 6 3 30 1 5 82 25 14 53 30 3 33 36 8 24 22 12 8 97 109 67 31 Llanafan fawr ... LUmai'au fechan . . Llanbedr . . . . Llandewi aber gwessin Llandewi r'cwm . Llandefailog fach . Llandefailog tre'r graig Llandef alley . . Llandilor fan . . . Llandulais tyr yr Abad Llanelieu . Llanelly .... Llanfair, or Builth Llanfihangel aber gwes-] siu J Llanfihangel bryn ) pabuan . . . j Llanfihangel cwm du . Llanfihangel nant Bran Llanfihaiigel tal y llyu 2 4 6 4 c 1 5 4 7 10 * g 2 16 12 11 8 11 3 10 18 16 2 4 5 41 16 40 6 222 40 208 24 60 29 63 13 i 9 4 35 10 14 27 ] 2 9 12 6 11 Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 215 I CKNOCKSHIUK. At Church Sunday Scho VI ,-. Total. At Dissenting Sunday Schools. Total. Under 15. Above 15. Under 15. Above 15. I. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. ' M 6 3 15 9 33 44 76 1 "l 122 8 7 2 .. 17 62 215 2 19 298 194 179 181 169 723 18 22 .. .. 40 .. . 1 7 10 5 30 6 12 ;. 1 19 M 20 13 4 63 51 86 . . . . 137 40 32 M 39 117 40 38 1 1 80 81 99 160 115 455 21 12 9 5 47 31 122 12 3 268 61 90 21 18 190 . .. . . 61 63 86 61 271 . . . . . , . . 10 11 16 13 50 6 11 17 M 10 12 )] .'. 22 1 1 u . e , t " 3 7 10 9 19 29 20 77 ; 1 12 11 " 9 9 41 15 10 . . .. 25 8 6 5 9 28 - f 8 7 10 6 31 38 36 24 13 111 760 617 687 334 2398 64 60 1 4 129 50 63 29 35 177 31 24 45 36 136 19 10 1 ;; 30 73 54 76 51 254 , . . ., . . . . 38 38 34 27 137 19 29 40 40 128 216 On the State of Education in J Tales, PAROCHIAL ABSTRACT- No. PARISHES. Population. Total. At Day Schools. Total. Under 5. From 5 to 10 Above 10 M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Llangammarch . . , Llanganten. Llangasty tal y llyn . Llangattock . . Llangenny . . . Llangorse . . Llangynider . . . Llangynog . . Llanhamlach . Llanigon . . Llanl'eonval . Llansaintfraed . , . Llanspyddid . . Llanthetty .... Llanthew .... Llanvigan .... Llanvillo .... Llanvrynach ... Llanwrthal .... Llanwrtyd .... Llanynis .... Llau-y-wern . . 509 90 77 2,390 222 192 1,468 26 161 272 135 84 234 260 166 326 147 186 279 289 80 58 89 774 124 418 36 775 92 696 134 553 87 87 1,944 205 209 1,307 28 163 275 126 119 248 260 151 336 153 164 289 349 95 57 83 910 128 397 35 713 104 692 150 1,130 1,366 323 1062 177 1G4 4,334 427 401 2,775 54 324 547 261 203 482 520 317 662 300 350 568 638 175 115 172 1,684 252 815 71 1,488 196 1,388 284 2,286 2,885 682 1 6 1 19 3 30 21 226 40 47 117 . 44 14 30 88 21 76 30 15 150 60 51 183 67 82 256 32 3 10 4 29 2 3 g 9 56 12 . 12 46 3 56 13 6 34 4 27 7 17 14 1 26 3 9 10 14 10 13 7 r c 2 2 1 14 8 2 7 i 4 1 14 c ^ 19 m / 23 26 t, 17 25 4 10 11 8 1 13 8 4 t 1 c i 6 38 ry 8 2 57 34 Maesmynis. ... Merthyr cynog . . . Patrishow .... Penderyn .... Talachdu .... Talgarth .... Trallong .... t 13 c 27 < t ^ I 15 57 1-- 33 13 56 00 8 33 11 < 13 26 99 6 62 40 44 5 27 / Ystradgynlais . . Ystradvelty. . . . Total . . . 1,519 359 1,217 28,074 27,529 55,603 234 192 944 851 547 3,985 Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. UKEC KNOCKS 11 nt v. continued. 217 At Church Sunday Schools. At Dissenting Sunday Schools. Under 15. Above 15. Total. Under 15. Above 15. Total. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. 8 7 .. 15 34 46 99 87 2G6 . , 14 12 18 4 48 38 50 12 4 104 146 129 156 60 491 33 2'J . . t . 35 26 45 29 135 20 25 - 45 3:>9 296 535 239 1,429 t . , . , , 9 . ;; 12 9 16 12 49 15 5 10 50 .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . 43 29 66 27 165 .. .. .. . , 9 15 17 10 51 10 U 7 7 36 5 6 14 8 33 13 13 6 5 37 t f a 9 , 9 , t ;; .. .. .. . . . . 52 41 37 22 152 10 11 1 3 25 .. .. . . .. . , 33 30 4 3 72 4 3 9 6 22 .. .. .. .. m . 12 8 13 7 40 10 11 21 64 88 70 63 285 11 15 18 12 56 .; 9 f ;; 13 15 .. 5 33 9 6 7 9 31 33 26 38 34 131 85 98 176 144 503 .. .. .. .. . . 12 8 8 2 30 58 38 79 42 217 9 7 f t |: 16 18 9 15 8 50 18 14 I i 34 10 12 20 6 48 30 23 .. .. 53 94 68 112 67 341 19 16 .. 8 43 12 10 15 12 49 48 30 29 34 141 117 126 144 64 451 40 33 39 15 127 240 175 261 158 834 M 24 18 24 26 92 920 1,104 202 183 2,409 2,992 2,667 3,469 2,117 11,245 218 On the State of Education in Wales, PAROCHIAL ABSTRACT No. 1 2 3 PARISHES. Population. Total. At Day Schools. Tota Under 5. From 5 to 10. Above 10. M. F. M F. M Aberporth .... 227 102 118 269 108 109 496 210 227 27 3 26 Bettws bledrws . . 4 Bettws efan. 209 217 426 . .. 7 7 5 \ 2 5 Bettws leici . . 173 191 364 . .. .. , . . . . 6 Blaenporth . . 343 409 752 . .. .. . .. . . 7 Bryngwyn . 172 205 377 . . . . .. . . 8 Cardigan . . 1,253 1,672 2,925 16 11 81 52 71 32 26 9 10 11 Caron, or Tregaron Cellan 1,201 229 301 1,371 246 346 2,572 475 647 6 5 41 3 12 14 1 6 26 7 7 26 17 11 2 2 Cilcennin . 12 Cilie aeron ... 147 160 307 . .. 6 4 20 6 3 13 Dihewyd ... 251 267 518 . .. .. . .. . . 14 15 16 17 Gwnnws .... Henfynyw .... Henllan .... Lampeter. 527 408 60 760 588 451 67 747 1,115 859 127 1,507 J 1 4 , 11 e 14 10 18 19 20 Liana fan .... 201 132 210 1,289 5,982 411 2,421 1 1,239 47 57 36 279 18 221 30 188 16 154 1C 94 Llanbadarn fawr and \ Aberystwyth . . J 5,257 21 Llanbadarn odwyn 239 265 504 .. .. .. . .. . . 22 Llanbadarn tref Eglwys 485 560 1,045 . .. 26 24 15 I 7 23 Llancynfelin . . 480 504 984 j .. 28 3 42 15 8 24 Llauddeinol . . 142 131 273 . .. 5 I 18 2 2 25 26 Llandewi aberarth. . Llandewi brefi . 481 1,186 585 1,405 1,066 2,591 o 93 16 55 12 91 10 40 g 2 A 27 Llandissilio gogo . GG7 740 1,407 . .. 15 3 28 16 28 Llandefriog . 4-28 497 925 1 .. 13 t 8 o 1 2 29 30 31 Llandygwidd . 460 1 371 584 1,586 124 1,044 2,957 236 25 ir 77 26 43 102 35 24 Llan-erch aeron . . 112 32 Llanfair clydogan . 233 238 471 . . . . . . . . 33 34 35 Llanfair orlwyn . Llanfair tref'-heylygon. Llanfihangel y cmddyn 188 48 1,C03 209 60 1,099 397 108 2,102 9 5 13 1 2 7 1 36 21 15 4 Brecknock^ Cardigan, and Radnor. 219 'ARL-IGANSHIRE. At Church Sunday Schools. Totnl. At Dissenting Sunday Schools. Total. Under 15. Above 15. Under 15. Above 15. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. . . ;; ' 90 60 193 231 574 :; f t , t 4 1 ;; 17 13 32 38 100 11 22 ** 31 13 77 34 34 45 56 169 86 20 ' 45 45 18 37 131 120 37 179 116 42 188 124 42 228 182 67 341 208 188 936 630 .. .. .. .. 7 5 25 9 46 10 5 15 10 40 24 25 65 53 167 8 6 8 8 30 .. .. .. .. 21 26 26 18 45 30 45 13 137 87 47 87 118 33 113 101 50 149 173 26 181 224 150 530 618 18 17 12 10 57 26 18 40 28 112 86 73 15 .. 174 21 32 60 51 164 11 12 41 14 78 33 37 62 60 192 20 27 20 19 86 49 48 170 137 401 25S 244 151 15S 811 988 1,0-23 1,424 1,600 5,035 . . .. .. . . , , 27 28 57 7.' i 184 14 14 58 : 44 130 62 72 141 211 486 . . . . .. . . 31 59 83 124 317 12 13 7 10 42 22 22 34 37 115 23 7 12 8 50 33 49 142 174 403 23 20 35 20 100 131 134 340 283 8cS8 5 8 12 20 45 60 66 101 117 344 9 8 23 7 47 .. .. .. 4G 33 8 7 94 35 40 50 63 188 41 26 24 17 108 108 95 137 179 519 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 20 15 30 35 120 28 36 13 23 102 .. .. % .. 11 14 36 32 93 25 28 25 11 89 194 231 301 324 1,110 220 On t/ie State of Education in Wales, PAROCHIAL ABSTRACT- At Day Schools. Population. No. PARISHES. Total. Under 5. From 5 to 10. Above 10. Total, M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. 36 Llanfihangel genour) ,874 ,964 3,838 11 11 81 32 67 31 23: 37 Llanfihangel lledrod . 542 607 1,149 . .. . . .. 38 Llanfihangel ystrad . 602 623 1,225 . .. 18 10 6 . 3- 39 Llangeitho .... 206 225 431 . .. .. 10 25 . 3, 40 Llangoedmore . . . 439 546 985 . .. 16 17 33 7 7 41 Llai ranoir. 390 494 884 42 Llangynllo .... 271 370 ; 641 , . . 6 3 22 7 3! 43 Llangyby .... 134 140 274 . .. 1 3 4 \ 1 44 Llan ilar .... 48i 526 ' 1,010 . .. 30 15 23 7 7 45 211 236 447 46 Llanllwchaiarn . . 668 8U7 1,475 , . , 76 10 58 17 16 47 Llanrhysted ... 773 835 1,608 1 .. 29 15 38 17 10 48 Llansaintfraed . . . 552 670 1,222 . .. 15 3 11 3 49 Llanwenog .... 753 825 1,578 . .. 29 11 35 10 8 50 Llauwnuen .... 153 172 325 . .. 10 6 9 5 3 51 Llanychaiarn . . 319 347 666 . .. .. . .. . . . 52 Llan-y-gwyryfon . 303 334 642 . .. 24 12 16 7 5 53 Llechryd . . . 175 222 397 54 60 80 140 55 Nantcwnlle . . . 368 406 774 , f 9 . m . 1 1 * 56 Penbryn .... 749 881 1,630 . .. 20 6 ' 26 6 57 63 57 120 58 176 190 366 59 159 158 317 22 | 10 4 60 Tremaine . . 122 142 264 , * . t 61 Troed y raur ... 482 581 1,063 . .. 12 5 36 5 62 214 242 456 3 19 2 63 Yspytty ystrad meyric . 66 86 152 . .. 1 . 2 , 64 Yspytty ystw) th . . 308 294 602 4 18 M 10 Total .... 32,215 36,551 68,766 92 90 |l,257 68. 1,229 53 3,8? Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. ! .\itDiGAKsiIittit continued. 2:21 At Church Sunday School*. At Dissenting Sunday Schools. Under 15. Above 15, Total. Under 15. Above is. Total. M. F. M. F. M. F. If. F. 1 158 104 65 56 383 357 345 522 426 1,650 . . , . , . . . 136 140 227 234 737 25 12 12 12 61 8 8 36 30 82 5 8 12 10 35 6 7 28 34 75 20 40 23 24 107 55 45 61 54 215 25 20 20 15 80 16 30 107 96 249 5 3 6 7 21 7 10 50 25 92 , . , . .. . . 29 20 52 26 127 7 9 10 14 40 44 68 94 85 291 7 5 5 12 29 12 13 69 65 159 28 36 6 11 81 127 130 214 220 691 31 43 81 65 220 92 104 184 214 594 19 22 78 68 187 38 44 151 156 389 20 19 35 20 94 3 9 24 1 37 56 64 76 93 289 6 3 8 . . 17 60 55 96 152 363 38 38 P5 100 271 ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; 20 20 30 40 110 . . , . .. 107 159 229 237 732 8 2 16 4 30 .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . 4 5 5 5 19 12 12 - 24 6 6 10 5 27 ;; [[ 85 90 157 218 550 % . f t . , ,. . . 28 37 51 65 181 7 9 14 6 36 .. .. .. .. 10 5 24 12 51 51 56 83 92 282 1,179 1,075 1,009 811 4,074 || 4,034 4,234 7,136 7,653 23,057 i 222 On the State of Education in Wales, PAROCHIAL ABSTRACT- No. PARISHES. Population. Total. At Day Schools. Total. ndero. From 5 to 10. | bovelO, M. F. M F M p M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Abbey cwm hir Aberedw .... Beguildy .... Bettws disserth. Bleddfa .... Bo ugh rood .... Bryngwyn .... Brampton bryan (part of) 297 180 562 65 119 157 143 8:> 67 183 482 117 58 440 306 190 383 294 463 108 693 163 215 333 42 175 568 218 68 359 151 129 93 48 218 172 266 157 143 82 387 205 84 700 78 142 39 723 233 746 351 63 73 292 165 489 67 116 165 138 84 59 ! 196 502 104 i 54 443 321 176 , 450 267 457 914 711 166 233 277 39 173 554 206 62 334 132 141 104 54 201 165 235 156 118 81 359 185 82 645 77 149 34 800 240 664 391 66 57 589 345 ,051 132 235 322 281 169 126 379 984 221 112 883 627 366 838 561 920 202 1,404 329 449 610 81 348 1,122 424 130 693 283 270 197 102 419 337 501 313 261 163 ' 746 390 166 1,345 155 291 73 1,523 478 1,410 742 129 130 1 6 9 7 5 28 "l> '!; 34 *63 H *28 116 197 *16 '29 17 *38 32 *47 9 64 'ii *39 40 Is 41 133 *:} 93 1 \ 48 3 i 7 4 *3 9 8 ( 6 6 12 1 5 Cevenlys .... 18 19 11 15 Cregrina .... Cwm Toyddwr . . . Disserth .... Gladestry .... Glasbury .... Glascwm .... Hermon, St. ... Heyop (part of) Knighton . . . Llananno .... Llanhadarn vawr . Llanbaclarn fynidd. , Llanbaclarn y gareg Llanbedr painscastle . Llanbister .... Llandegley .... Llanddewi vach Llanddewi ystradenny . Llandilo graban Llandrindud . Llanelwedd LlanKhange-l heyly gon Llanfihangel nant melan Llanfihangel rhyd ithon Llan^unlio .... Llansaintfrrad . Llanstephan. . . . Llanvareth .... ] . 8 33 s: 6 24 j 20 19 20 55 4 28 31 2 1 3 6 1 *2 14 3 ' 2 1 13 11 4 ( i 1 1 16 1 1 10 \ 1 1 2 . . 1 . *3 *3 *8 *3 4 4 6 1 263 ." . 5 3 'l '. \ ' 1 4 2 1 1 i 4 9 *6 3 11 24 21 14 7 i-2 Michael Church Nantmel ... New Church . . . Pilleth Presteigne .... Radnor, New . Radnor, Old ... Rhayader .... Total . . . 12,82 12,530 25,356 54 5242 29 31 245 1,381 Brecknock, Cardigan, and Raanor. 223 RADNORSHIRE. At Church Sunday Schools. Total. 48 At Dissenting Sunday Schools. Total. ; Under 15. Above 15. Under 15. Above 15. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. 13 ' 21 8 6 16 14 6 5 41 '20 *39 "l v *32 **5 "e **4 "is * *24 *25 "l '50 'i6 ii *23 *33 *88 11 37 13 33 "2 "2 *24 74 18 7 7 6 8 4 " 2 33 19 .. .. :: .. * * 25 *23 29 *18 95 105 92 3 1 i 201 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2G 34 20 16 96 '41 *37 *78 'J* 15 10 ;i 3 *3i 49 M . .. " .. .! 4 .! 6 4 34 'i7 *17 *34 .. ' 21 10 6 '21 10 4 3 I "44 20 10 12 9 11 6 3 "*2 32 25 'it 'i-2 "l '' '25 y : '! 4 '*2 '1 *37 9 . 8 .. * *17 '24 *26 **9 **6 "65 25 '25 .. m . *50 . . .. .. . . *38 26 34 33 45 36 24 "2 "2 **6 *89 71 72 57 61 9 41 87 '59 7 35 128 "2 12 28 '26 125 33 76 269 23 *H 37 553 .334 22 17 1,146 426 4-11 171 1-25 1,163 R 2 2'24 On the State of Education in //We*, ^ * >esu ^ ts fr m thesa tables that the number at day-schools in every 1000 of the whole population of the three counties is 61-7, amounting to a little more than one-sixteenth of the whole popu- lation. This result is, however, more favourable than the truth ; for, in the first place, the population is taken from the census of 1841, since which it has probably increased by two or three per cent. : in the next place, had the census of schools been made in the summer instead of the winter, a much smaller number of children and fewer schools would have been found ; inasmuch as schools are often opened merely during the winter months, and Number of are closed during the whole summer. Assuming that five years is *at*p*i no undue proportion of a youth's lifetime to be allotted to the meaner <* ent * re course of education, one-half of the whole number between them'" 8 ** ailc * ^ Y ears of a g e w iH g^e the floating number of children in statu pupittari. From these one-sixth is a liberal deduction for those who are not likely to attend the common schools. Accord- ing to this estimate there ought to be 5090 at school instead of 3985 in Brecknockshire, showing a deficiency of 21'7 per cent.; and 6846 in Cardiganshire instead of 3885, showing a deficiency of 43-2 per cent.; and 2560 in Radnorshire instead of 1381, showing a deficiency there of 45*6 per cent. The deficiency in the whole district is 36*2 per cent. There ought to be 14,500 in the schools of the three counties. Only 9251 are found there ; and of these 6943 only, attend on the average. It is therefore safe to assume that more than one-half of the entire number of children who ought to be in school at the same time, are absent from it ; and it also follows either that 5249 do not go to school at all, or that, if they do, they are receiving a far less amount of instruction, in point of duration, than I humbly submit to be essential. And when it is remembered how totally incapable are the parents to supply the instruction which it is the province of day-schools to impart, five years appear to be no immoderate portion of the whole lifetime, even of a parson in the working classes, for the entire amount of education. That the whole of the 5249 are not wholly devoid of school instruction at some portion of their youth-time, is probable from the fact that the average duration of the stay of all the children at school is very much less than five years, though the exact average duration, owing to the driblets in which schooling- is doled out to the chil- dren, is wholly unascertainable. Some estimate of it, though an exaggerated one, may be deduced from the fact that, of the whole number on the books in my district, no less than 5265 or 56*9 per cent, have been in attendance less than one year, and only 732 or 7*9 per cent, more than three years. In order, therefore, to keep up as many as 9000 children at day-schools, it is evident that a much larger proportion of the whole number capable of being at school do, at some period of their youth, appear there. Relays succeed each other : and the rapid succession of children, Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 225 which results from the shortness of stay at school, enlarges the superficial extent of schooling, and embraces a greater number of children than would be indicated by the same number at school were their stay there longer. On the other hand, this effect is in some measurelimited by the fact that the same children frequently re-appear at the school they have left. This pro tanto reduces the total number of children required to supply the floating amount at school, and augments the probable number of absentees, who have no schooling whatever. That, this is so is further evidenced by the fact, that in the county of Brecknock there are no less than -29 parishes with a population of 9215, in Cardiganshire 20 parishes with a population of 8527, and in Radnorshire 23 parishes (nearly half the whole number) with a population of 7613, which have no day-schools at all ; and in which it may be safely inferred that two-thirds of the children get no schooling : for it appears from the returns that only 1224, or 13*2 per cent, of those who do, live more than ono mile and a half from their school. These various and conflicting elements in the calculation are of a nature so thoroughly immeasurable and yet so certainly opera- tive, that I refrain from any statistical conclusion or precise esti- mate on the subject : but assuredly very many children are wholly devoid of day-school instruction. In Appendix, letter D, will be seen the result of a census in each of two Cardiganshire parishes. Although destitution of schooling is not indicated by the absence of it merely at a particular period of life, the above statements derive corroboration from the foregoing table, especially as relates to children between 5 and 10 years of age: sch..,.i in- Children between 5 and 10 Yean of Age. Brecknockshire. Cardiganshire. Radnorshire. Total. M. F. M. F. M. F. Total number . 3,086 3,227 4,374 4,281 1,614 1,569 18,151 At Day-schouls . 1,217 * CO CO .|||| | ijll; CN O^ Ol CO C^ C4 ^ll|| s llJlj o-rj^o e-i TJ rr o rr o -* o t^corrto M CO a Bj JtiP i-Ht>. i (ffsCJ COO '^COOO OT-^00 t'.f-^l-H tO 1 II <> t^t^ rl T O t> C^ < "^ s H a M ^- J3 t^-^ mcoco ^^a.a.^.M r^ ^ , co il 2 g 2j 3 * U ^ ^, r-^H^ 11 rT >~ v _ v^, x v_^ ^ ^ ' ^v-'v-v-' ^ r* a 1 01 to o to M e Whole Number of Schools on which Aver- uge in tlrnck. CO 5 Cfl Hlli r"TT nTr nTlT^Tr ^T^ jf^! to O llll 1 5^ ^2 co^cb'S^ S^S" a- ~ < ^ to 5 t . CO fu|1 tOTf(N I-4COCO O5 CTi r-H O O5 ~ *P - -^ a "*l* * ? l!|To 55 Nl-|j CO i < i COCNd OC^OOOI OO rt O i ' Os ? fc | (M 6 SSS S-2 S^gS ' SSSS CO o ^ o 0; , -O ^S -i g? J 3| 3 IZ1 !Z1 Ul^- IZ!Z Ij a* ijjlj ^ O C5 CO CO C-l O O OO CO O C5 to Cfl M Illlj *o i i co (Mt^r-H r-icnoco -^" oot^co | B 1 CO O S- i t = 'OOO COCOCO OOl---t l O'C> C^t>.OCn SE1 T? ; _ _ - d z l^ P-I CO ^- C^ C>4 CO JO F-H rr l^ CM 1 " CO ^ U ~ a es Ms KS- 22S3 S-teS :- SSSfe l| s 'I ll '1 -ll IT *^g* 'SJEj^^e* o-rj^ .2 * ... r ^' ^5g~^ p-^i^ ^^ ^.5^0^05 "rtSfig^ p 11: ^ji-4 1- i. ffr s s o rt o ^<-- 2 i."^ c^ sj B !" '"^ < * C3 h I," pq 2 != 0> g S 1 3 s, ^ 's VJ z ~ ~ g |||J = .| J| w g H 5 n x c/j ^ Sen OCT. umbt-r for commodat per child H co en SS Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 239 There are some few good school-houses in my district. Those school- built at Aberystwyth and Borth, chiefly by the Mrs. Pritchards, aided by grants from the Committee of Council, the new one at Llangranog, the school-houses at Llanfihangel y creiddyn, Genour glyn, Llandygwidd, Hafod, Llangynider, Pencraig Brecknock; the model-school at Brecknock, the British school at Talgarth ; the national schools at Hay, Glasbury, and Aberystwyth, the school-house at Whitlon, and" a few others, are all either good and substantial enough for the purpose, or are very capable of being rendered so at a trifling expense. These school-houses are moreover held and secured mostly for terms of years. The great majority of schools are held under temporary occupation in rooms of private houses, which degenerate in Cardiganshire and the wild districts of Brecknockshire into mere outhouses, usually without any ceilings and with ground floors, scarcely, if at all, superior to woodhouses, a purpose which they not unfrequently serve. In these rough schools there is no school furniture of any kind other than forms and tables of the clumsiest description ; sometimes a steep desk occupies the centre or side of the room for the purpose of writing. Some of the Church schools are held as at Llanilar, in Cardiganshire ; Llanfihangel ystrad, Llangattock, in Breck- nockshire, &c. in buildings erected for the purpose in church- yards ; but very frequently Church schools are held in cottages or rooms of houses rented for the purpose by the clergyman, as at Llanarth, Cardiganshire. Nothing can exceed the primitive disregard of all comfort, and of all the ordinary aids and imple- ments of education, in a large majority of these schools. In many of them the floor is paved like a stable, and massive benches are notched and cut in every direction. In some there is a wide open chimney in the fashion of an Irish hut ; and in several the thatched roof is far from water-tight. Until the winter was far advanced, although the weather was most severely cold and damp, fires were very rarely found in these desolate places in Cardigan- shire. There are upon the whole a larger proportion of decent school-rooms in Brecknockshire than in other counties. In the north, however, and in the greater part of Radnorshire, schools are held, if at all, usually at the end of the nave of the church, par- titioned off' for the purpose as at Llandegley, Llanbadarn Fawr, Llandilo fan, and others; and sometimes, but not. very often, the school is held in the church itself, as at LJanfihangel Tal y Llyn and Llandulais Tyr Abad. Several of the Adventure schools are held in Dissenting chapels. The necessarv outbuildings exist only at a very few of the *" ew ne - i i ".- -ii rn\ i i cessary out- M-ior schools, .mne out often have none at ail. 1 hose which buildings. exist are usually very bad and insufficient. An utter disregard of decency necessarily results, and instances are by no means un- common of consecrated ground, and the very walls of churches, being degraded. s2 240 Books, ap- paratus, c. On the State of Education in Wales, DESCRIPTION ov SCHOOI.-UOOMS. In out- In private nouses. buildings or other roomt not built for School- In the body or Vfst'ry of Churches. In rooms partitioned off from the body of Churches. In Dissenting Chapels. School- rooms built for the purpose. rooms. Brecknockshire . 46 9 G 3 8 23 Cardiganshire . . 23 2S 10 40 Radnorshire . 17 10 6 * 8 Total .... 86 47 6 9 20 71 Ventilation. Comparative character of School- houses in the three coun- ties. Competency of the School masters. The few superior schools alone are furnished with any approach to a sufficiency of books ; and maps and black boards, ball frames, and the ordinary apparatus of schools, exist alone in a very small number. Most of them are utterly devoid of improved appliances of instruction. A Welsh schoolmaster of the ordinary description thinks himself well supplied if he is provided with two long tables and one short table, two or three forms for the children, a chair for himself, a score of Bibles, slates, and Vyse's spelling-books, a few copy-books, and plenty of primers. Two or three Walking- hame's Tutor's Assistants, an old newspaper, a rod, and, if it be winter, a heap of peat in the corner, complete the sum of his wants and of the recognised requirements of the scholars. The area of the rooms is often ludicrously insufficient, at other times uncomfortably large. No sort of proportion is kept between space and numbers, as appears above. The accommodation for 15,563 children is subject to deduction for furniture in the adven- ture schools, which often encumbered the room. The ventilation of the generality of schools was seldom defective, the wind generally blew freely down the chimney and through the holes in the doors and windows. Occasionally in small rooms, and especially in dame-schools, the ventilation is imperfect, but this is not a prevailing evil. In Radnorshire the school-houses and the schools themselves improve in the vicinity of Herefordshire, and disimprove towards the middle and western parts of the county, in which there are scarcely any schools to be found. In Brecknockshire, schools improve also to the eastward, and decline both to the north and the south. In Cardiganshire there is uniformity of barrenness, except at Aberystwyth, which is an oasis in the wilderness. V. SYSTEM OF TEACHING: THE SCHOOLMASTERS. If the competency of a Welsh schoolmaster is to be measured by the standard of the popular estimation of his duties, perhaps almost as many exceed as fall short of it. But if it is not an undue expectation that a schoolmaster who professes to teach English should do more than make his scholars pronounce and Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 241 spell English words without understanding their meaning that he should give them some degree of mental exercise inform their minds on the subjects he professes to teach acquaint them with the rules as well as the practice of arithmetic and at least en- deavour to advance the younger as well as the older classes of his scholars, if these be not extravagant requirements for the quali- fications of a schoolmaster, I have no hesitation in saying* that there are very few persons worthy of that title in my district. I may safely say that there are not a dozen who are efficiently teaching even that which they profess to teach ; and that, if the standard be extended to skilful teaching and all the improved methods of mental cultivation, there are in my judgment one or two only who approach to it. With a few exceptions, there is no system of teaching in the system of schools in my district. The general plan is precisely that of the tei old-fashioned village dame-schools. The children sit in rows on forms, and save the master all sort of trouble by "reading their books;" and in order that he may assure himself of their industry, they all read aloud. In the 'Notes' on the Rhayader free school 1 have cited the books which I found proceeding at once. Thus a Babel of tongues is kept going on all subjects, from Leviticus to the alphabet, in which any attempt to correct, or even to distin- guish individual performances, would be perfectly hopeless. One by one the more forward children are brought to the master to " say their lesson," which generally consists of a long column in Vyse's Spelling Book, to be said and spelt by heart, which is performed frequently with wonderful accuracy and rapidity, and in a Welsh screech which seems expressly devised to annihilate all chance of expression or modulation of tone in reading. The Bible and Testament classes are generally once a-day called up to read to the master. The Holy Scriptures are, with a very few exceptions, the standard reading-book ; and the great ambition of both master, scholar, and parents is, that the greatest possible num- ber should be reading in the Old Testament. It is a sort of premium diligentise, awarded, as far as I could observe, in all but the very few superior schools, to the children who could gabble the most glibly ; for I never found in any school, with three or four exceptions, the slightest effort made by master or mistress to teach the children to read well. In 45 schools out of 72 in Welsh districts, 1 found not the slightest attempt made to question the children, or to inform them on the subject on which they read, or even of the meaning of words : in each school they were grossly- ignorant of it, and only a very few children in each were able to give the Welsh for ordinary English words. In these schools they were uttering the words of the Scriptures in English without the most remote conception of their meaning, any more than if they had been reading Greek ; the Bible being used as a mere mechanical means of practising them in uttering English, and 242 On the State of Education in Wales, knowing the sounds of certain conformations of letters. Any effort to do more on the part of the master was often honestly disclaimed. In 16 the meaning of words was asked, so as to give the children some knowledge, but a most imperfect one, of the meaning of English words, but still without any attempt to ques- tion or instruct them in the sense of the chapter or. subject of the lesson. In 11 only did I find any effort made to question on the meaning of the verses, and in ten instances out of these eleven the questioning was confined to putting the verse into an interro- gatory form, so that the book supplied the answer. " Jesus went up into the mountain" " Who went up into the mountain ?" I am perfectly within bounds in saying that, where there is any questioning or attempt at mental instruction at all, it is of this barren kind in nineteen cases out of twenty ; but that, in nine cases out of ten, there is no questioning or mental teaching of any kind. And the schoolmaster's wife at Bryngwyn, in Radnorshire, gave me the true reason why it is not attempted ; the parents do not wish it : they do not send their children to day-schools to get religious, or, in fact, any mental education ; they send them purely from a money motive, that they may advance themselves more easily in life ; and to this end, reading English, writing, and ciphering, are esteemed certain and sufficient means. The method of teaching the younger children is that of simply hearing them wade through their letters and entangle themselves in syllables long before they have learnt how they are put together. Ciphering is taught almost universally by the old method. In order, in fact, to have a just notion of the generality of Welsh schools, it is but necessary to recall the recollection of some village-school twenty years ago, where no dawn of the present epoch of improved teaching had ever penetrated. It is not at- tempted to teach the principles even of the simplest rules, except, I believe, in four or five schools in my entire district. I have found six children only, out of at least 800. who knew any shorter method of multiplying any figure by 10 or 100 than by setting down the multiplier under the multiplicand and proceeding on the old system; and I have found very few out of some hundreds, who, although they were able to work practice-sums, could find, for example, the amount of 36 or 72 at 65. 3d. by any shorter means than multiplying by 6 and 6 or by 9 and 8. There is no training of thought : it is not exercised at all, however manifestly capacity and intelligence invite it. This is a prevailing defect in all departments of Welsh instruction. Everything is done by square and by rule, and as much as possible by rote, so as to give the scholar the most labour, and the master the least trouble. The elliptical With the exception of one or two schools, there is no attempt to question elliptically, and where it is done, it is done tamely and barrenly, and without any previous description, narrative, or in- Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 213 cident to stimulate intellect or excite inquiry. The mutual bearing of question and ellipsis is not understood; and instruction by means of the presentation of pictures to the child's mind by analysis and illustration is utterly foreign to Welsh instruction ; and is not only unpractised but unknown in my district, except in two or three schools at the utmost. Moral training is equally wanting : the Welsh children require M^-ai train- it, perhaps, more than any other children in the kingdom ; and are destitute of it. Schoolmasters are unaware that it forms any portion of education, and are wholly unable to afford it if they were. Mr. Stow's training system wo Id do vast good in Wales, but, excepting at Aberystwyth, it is scarcely known. The mode of teaching writing 1 is to set the few children in a Writing, school, who can afford copy-books, to copy, as best they can, either engraved script or written copies; usually the latter. The inattention of the master is generally manifested by the mis- spelling which grows down the page, and often by the increasing badness of the writing. I think I have seen three instances of Mulhauser's copy-books in use, and three only. Sometimes, but very rarely, I have chanced to meet with a JSJjjffwit school where activity of intellect was nianife-t and an effort made out system. to inform as well as teach, although system was deficient and improved methods little known. A pleasing instance occurred at the little road-side school atPenllwyn, in the parish of Llanbadarn fawr, Cardiganshire; and with much more pretension at Devy- nock, Brecknockshire. These instances are however rare. The few good schools I have seen, or rather schools which approach to good ones, are those where the teacher has been trained, and does substantially, though not always perfectly, adopt some system of teaching, such as Mr. Bevan's National school at Hay, the Wes- leyan Training school at Aberystwyth, the National school at Llanelly (established by the benevolent exertions of Mrs. Ansdell) the Brecon Model School and the girls' school there, the British School at Talgarth, and a very few others. It is needless to detail the character of these schools, especially as I have, in the Notes of Schools, stated the general results of my inspection of them. They each follow the characteristic features of the system to which they belong, but not always with its latest improvements. As regards the National Schools, the conductors of those which exist in this part of Wales for the most part adhere to the form- ality of Bell's system, and eschew class-rooms and galleries for oral instruction and other appendages (essential, in my humble judgment, to efficient teaching), as if the National Society, and its schools were chained to the four corners of Dr. Bell's system and incapacitated from improvement. The National system is very much misrepresented by its schools in Wales. The excellent sys- tem of the Glasgow Training School is much more faithfully followed in its solitary representative at Aberystwith, and so is the 244 On the State of Education in Wale*, British and Foreign system in the School at Tal garth. None of those, however, are perfect schools of their class ; and I can assert with some degree of confidence, that no first-rate school of any kind exists in my district. I have seen no efficient oral instruction except in two or three schools, and there imperfectly administered from want of better means and apparatus, and in one case more energy and aptitude in the teacher. '^ le Monitorial System exists only in the few National and British Schools, and I have not been led to think more favourably of it from my observation of its operation in Wales. I believe the system to be essentially faulty, and that it is an impediment to dis- cipline, a hindrance to the proficiency of the best scholars in a school, who are doomed to the drudgery of teaching the alphabet and the primer instead of making progress in the higher branches of instruc- tion themselves. The monitors may usually be described as the unfittestof teachers. If education involves mental and moral culture, and requires skill, gentleness, patience, and kindness in order to gain access to and mastery over the minds it is designed to inform and mould, how is it to be reconciled with common sense that children should be chosen for such an office? And yet, wherever they are employed, no inconsiderable amount of the entire instruc- tion given is intrusted to them. I have seen even the use of the cane delegated to them in my district. They teach miserably. They are, almost without an exception, wholly and manifestly in- competent for the work. I need not, however, dwell on this point, for the entire number of monitors in these counties is very incon- siderable. Simultaneous instruction scarcely exists in the proper acceptation of the term. It has been applied to the usual habit of teaching in classes, in the tables, but, with the exception of the Model School at Brecknock and the Wesleyan School at Aberystwyth, there is little or no simultaneous teaching or teaching in the gallery. Visitors. The schools are seldom visited by any one ; occasionally by the Clergyman or Trustee where any exist, but only in rare cases. They are usually left to the sole control of the master. The following table (page 245) gives a summary of the results of the tables as regards school government and discipline. Want of No characteristic of any system belongs to the endowed or the Adle^ture adventure or dame schools : they are alike devoid of any system schoo me those of Mrs. Bevan's charity peculiarly so. The itinerant masters are among the most unsystematic teachers I have seen. Notes of their schools are given in the parishes of Llanfihangel Nant Bran, Llandilo fawr, Llandyfryog, Llangoedmore, and Llanfihangel ystrad. Discipline Excepting in the very worst schools, the children were tolerably and punish- _ . J menu. under the control of the master. Beating, to a certain extent, is the prevailing kind of punishment; but J am not of opinion that it is by any means severely practised, Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. SVSTKMS and MRTHOU of INSTKUCTION and SCHOOL INSPECTION. 245 Brecknockshire. Cardiganshire. Radnorshire. The Three Cunutiei. RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION. Number Propor- tion pei cent, of Number of Propor- tion per cent, of S'umbei f Propor- tion ]>r cent, of Number *F Propor- tion per cent, of of Schools. whole Num- Scl - ls - N'!:^ ot Schools whole N um- OI Schools. whole Num- ber, her. ber. ber. Schools opened with a Hymn 54 56*2 39 QC.f, 26 60-5 119 49-6 RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION CON- oo o DUCTED BY Master or Mistress . 74 77-1 91 90-1 37 86-0 202 84-2 16 16-7 5 5-0 3 7-0 24 1U-0 2 '2' 1 3 V V Q.n 2-3 G 2*5 METHOD OF INSTRUCTION. O v Individual Instruction . . 41 42-7 51 50-5 19 44-2 111 46-2 Monitorial Instruction*. 20 20-8 15 14-8 11 25-6 46 l'J-0 Simultaneous, or class In- | 45 46-9 21 20*8 15 35-0 81 33-8 LANGUAGE IN WHICH INSTRUC- TION 18 GIVEN. Welsh only 1 1-0 1 -4 88 91*7 75 7-4-2 43 100-0 206 85-8 Welsh and English . . . 8 8-3 25 2-1-7 33 13-0 Grammar of "Welsh Grammar of English . . , 3 > 36 5 51 50-5 12 27-9 98 40-9 Grammar of both languages ' 1 1-0 M 1 4 VISITATION MADE sy.J 10 10-4 3 3-0 5 n-<; 18 7-5 Minister 36 37-5 32 31-7 21 48-8 89 37-1 Ordinary Patron . 1] 11 -5 7 6*9 o 1 1-6 23 9-6 1 1 -0 3 3-0 1 2-3 5 2-1 Total number of schools . 96 101 43 240 or that cruelty is at all a common feature of Welsh schools. The children are generally self-willed and indulged by their parents, and a master disposed to severity is restrained by his interest. Indolence and inactivity, on the other hand, are predominant. The system of school discipline I have described leaves the master's time very much at his own disposal. The hum of voices which he * The number of monitors fur thii class of instruction in the County of Brecknock is 147, Cardigan 58, and Radnor -10, making in all 245; and averaging respectively 7 for Brecknock and 4 each for Cardigan and Radnor ; total average 5. It frequently occurs that two modes of instruction are adopted in the same school : hence the apparent excess of the number of schools above those visited. f Simultaneous instruction, properly so called, existed only in two or three schools. These figures apply to schools where classes exist. J In many cases these schools art- visited both by the committee, inspectors, &c J the results therefore embrace both these ki.:ds of inspection where such occur. 246 On the State of Education in Wales, keeps up passes current for vast industry with all passers by. It is singular that in three or four instances only have I found a school- master occupied in teaching on suddenly entering a school of the common class. I have far oftener found them reading an old newspaper, writing a letter or a bill, probably for some other person, reading a Welsh magazine, or doing nothing of any sort. At one school., near Aberystwyth, I was attracted, while passing along the road, by the boisterous noise in the school, and, on entering it, found the whole of the scholars playing at blindsman's-buli', or some similar game, though the dust and confusion prevented me from ascer- taining what it. was. I found that the master was absent, and had gone to warm himself at a neighbouring cottage ; and, on arriving, he said that he told them " to have a bit of play, just to warm them." Noise, incompatible with instruction, may be frequently heard outside, and at many yards distant from the greater number of Welsh schools in my district ; and I very often found out which was the school by that means on entering a village. ^he returns, of which the following is a summary (page 247), exhibit almost an entire absence of previous training enjoyed by the schoolmasters of Wales. 24 only of the 243 masters and mistresses of day-schools in my district have had any previous training at a model or normal school: of these the duration of previous training was ascertained in 18 cases, and it averaged less than five months each ! The notion that there is any necessity that a schoolmaster should learn his business is quite in its infancy in Wales. The established belief for centuries has been, that it requires no training at all ; and that any one who can read and write, if he be disabled from every - other pursuit, can be a schoolmaster at pleasure. That this is a " practical belief is further evidenced by the almost total absence of an y schoolmaster who has not been brought up to another and dis- 1 11- I'll f> 11 1 similar calling, which lie followed, in most cases, up to the time that he became a schoolmaster. A large portion of them are broken-down farmers, who, in Wales, are a far poorer class and lower in station than in England. In the counties on which I am reporting, out of 140 schoolmasters there were 33 previously farmers, 7 attorneys' clerks, a relieving officer, a plasterer, a flannel-manu- facturer, a postmaster, a parish clerk, an assistant-clerk to a union, a farm-bailiff, 5 drapers and shopkeepers, 2 marines, an auctioneer, a gardener, 2 hatters, 2 soldiers, a harper, 3 carpenters, a clergy- man. 3 grocers, a stonemason, 4 Baptist ministers, 8 labourers, a currier, a collier, a timber-merchant, 2 tailors, 2 shoemakers a miner, a preacher, 2 weavers, 5 farm-servants, 7 excise-officers, 3 men-servants, 2 sailors, a florist, a paper-maker, a music-master, a cabinet-maker, a builder, 2 students, a clerk in a counting-house, and a painter and glazier; 21 only had been brought up as assist- ants or ushers in schools. Brecknock) Cardigan, and Radnor. 247 - 00- o IF O CO ^1 O 8 ^ CM i II (O CO o o i o 8 r i .21 ^ o o o TT -00 1 -5 - ' i O o J * ./ ~ CO i i! j o H o a 1 b g ei o - t^ iM o g O 03 i-< S iS CO-JO 3 ? CO < t^- CTi i *~ - s *^ E ^ I J ^ . h 1 g h I" 1 ^ o >: = e - """* ^ ~ % 1 K CO - GO 'M d JD .,-,0 i* r J l^ JO ^_l *"' i *"^ ja SO / O __ wo- o co o t^ - i-* "O 5 . . CI tx O o . . r-l CO o CT o o 5 ! 1,1 JB Tf Tl" . o o o o li# E CICNCJ o . o 'M OO H 1 1 r ~~ t ! 1 pd i 4 i CO CO * CO CO CO 1 1 t> o I : M QJ O O O co co 4 CT3 o o : M m p ed < M CM CO !0 F-l CO 5 o S ^ X. CO C1 CO s "* 2 CO J ^ "^* < ^ ^^J / I t /" O - * r ^ ?! ^ a 4 . i ./ i F s ^ s -* . -M CO o *0 B co T* o * o x O /' o I h > j o "^ j CO s : " SJ i ~ Tf o ** >: co CO ~ > ^ gj 9 . . br fee M . . 3 l-i- 11 li- 1 ^* r^ ^ bJD V. - -K ^: |S .1 1 |i ^ M P ^ . . "^2 > 5 = 2 ' "H < u " =S 2 "1 24S On the State of J^Juculion in Wales,- - Ages. Of 49 schoolmistresses, 6 had been sempstresses, 7 governesses, 1 dairymaid, 10 milliners, 9 housekeepers, 12 ordinary maid- servants, 2 shopkeepers, and 2 only were originally in schools. The previous occupation is not the only element in the unfitnessof the existing race of schoolmasters for their office. They are often aged persons. The results of the inquiry into their ages are these : Brecknockshire. Cardiganshire. Radnorshire. AGli OF TEACHERS. Number on which the Average Avernge Age. Number on which the Average Average Age. Number on which the Average Average]' Age. ,. is taken. is taken. is taken. Ys. Ms. Ys. Ms. Ys. M s . Present age of Schoolmas-1 ter.s j GO 41 82 35 9 33 46 9 Present age of Schooling- 1 41 42 20 38 2 - 10 37 7 Age at which Schoolmas-) ters commenced vocation] 59 29 3 81 25 3 33 31 9 Age at which Schoolmis-j tresses commenced voca- > 39 31 7 20 28 10 10 28 The School- masters' po- verty. The income of the schoolmasters in my district is one of the most striking features, as well as indices to the state of education, and the standard of opinion respecting it. The results of the in- quiry on this head stand thus : Urecknorkshire. Cardiganshire. Radnorshire. CONDITION OF TEACHERS. Number on liich the Average Average Amount. Number on which the Average Average Amount. Number on which the Average Average Amount.. is taken. is taken. is taken. '. rrri . *. d. . i. d. 25 8 1 31 31 11 9^ 24 28 1 1 Incomes from School-pence j 64 17 14 75 16 19 1U 32 13 13 10A Other emoluments > , o 16 16 6 Total annual income from) gg all sources . . . j 23 15 24 G6 23 16 7| 42 26 10 4 I Income of aclioolmas- ters. There are a few, but a very few, competent salaries, which have unduly swollen the above average. They are chiefly as follows : Of the masters' incomes of Endowed Schools, there is one, pro- bably understated, at 2657,, at Ystrad Meyric; another at 1507., at Presteigne ; another of about 807. net, at Whitton ; one, a Baptist school, of about 507., at Hay ; and three others at about 407. each. Of schools with trifling endowments and large subscriptions, the income of one at Knighton is 1007., and another at Hay 707., both in connexion with the established Church. Of unendowed Church schools, there are two where the masters' incomes amount to 507., Brecknock) Cardigan, and Radnor 249 one where the master and his wife receive 7'2/., and another where the master has about 40Z. There is one Dissenting school, the Wesleyan, at Aberystwyth, at which the master receives 52/., and one Calvinistic Methodist school where he has 607. ; there are two British schools where the master's salary is about 50/., and one about 40Z. ; the master of an adventure school at Vaynor makes 70/. ; and at Clydach Works, Llanelly, the master and mistress receive altogether about 82/. I believe these are the only school- masters in the whole of my district who receive as much as 40/. in other words, who are on a footing, in point of money or money's worth, with a gentleman's groom. The great majority of the masters derive incomes from their vocation ranging from IS/, to 25/. per annum ; and many have less than 15/. In these extreme cases, however, it is very usual to find that their livelihood is aided by gratuities, chiefly in food, from the farmers or shopkeepers, who pay in kind for trifling services, and not unfVequently for teaching their sons to read, cipher, or write. The position of the majority of schoolmasters is one midway between a pauper and an able-bodied labourer. Nor does there appear to be any general desire to raise the standard of schoolmaster. The Rev. Mr. Bevan, of Hay, whose school is endowed simply to the amount of 4/., having re- solved to support a good school, gave his master 707. salary, and informed me that he was expostulated with for his extravagance I In the village of Llangynider, where Mr. Bailey, M.P., has built very neat substantial school-rooms and master's house, the master and the mistress (his wife) receive 30/. per annum, besides house- rent free, between them both, Mr. Bailey supplying the deficit, after other subscriptions are solicited by the clergyman, and school-fees are obtained. A common labourer at the rolling- mills or puddling- furnaces at the iron-works can earn more in a week than an average schoolmaster in my district can earn in a month ; and so established is the conventional abasement of a schpolmaster, that even where the means exist of raising the standard they are often not applied :: as, for instance, at Llanbedr, in Brecknockshire, 6/. per annum is thought enough for the stipend of a schoolmistress, out of an en~ dowment of six or seven and twenty pounds, the rest being misap^ propriated to the relief of the poor. So inveterately is the low standard of payment established that a competent schoolmaster finds it very difficult to obtain a pay- ment proportioned to his capacity. He will look in vain for encouragement even from those who have the means (with a few being raised. honourable exceptions), and very numerous are the examples of adherence to the low scale of payment by those who can amply afford to remunerate ability. Where, therefore, a schoolmaster has capacity to improve the standard of instruction, the chances are ten to one that he is so ill paid that, knowing the low standard of expectation, he spares himself the trouble which, if taken, would certainly be unremunerated. "I give them quite as much in- 250 On the State of Education in Wales, struction as they give me payment for," said the master of the school at the Coginan silver and lead mines, who received from the prosperous company who work them 107. per annum, and whose whole income is 28/. The same company, at Lefel fawr, in the parish of Yspytty ystwyth, give the schoolmaster there 25. The Messrs. Powell, of the Clydach Works, in Llanelly, and Mr. Crane, of Ystradgynlais, in Breconshire, manage otherwise ; and though their own subscriptions are not large, they take care that the parents shall pay sufficiently, though moderately, to maintain a good master in respectability ; and perhaps this system is advantageous where it is fairly applied by the proprietors of large works, for the people value what they pay for. The low standard of requirement for the instruction given and the capacity of a schoolmaster determines his scale of payment, and the scale of payment likewise affects the character of the instruction and the standard of teachers. They act and re-act on each other. The qualifications, with a very lew exceptions, deemed necessary, are fairly enough remunerated by the wages of common labourers. The character of the instruction usually required, demands faculties neither of mind or body for its discharge, and is paid for accordingly. It calls into operation neither strength, knowledge, skill, or training; and it is perfectly natural that the puddler at iron-works or the journeyman tailor, or the gentleman's groom, should be four or five times better off. In their respective callings some one at least of the faculties or requirements which limit the supply of labour and raise the rate of wages is essential : to a master in a Welsh school no one of them is requisite, and hence his poverty. And so it must continue until there is some- thing more required of him, something more supplied, and like- wise some fresh means of paying for it. The incompetency of the masters is avowedly great, as will be observed from the statements of those who have favoured me with their evidence on the subject, and to which 1 venture to refer your Lordships. "Competent masters (says the Dean of St. David's) are very scarce petency of in Wales : in point of fact I know of not one in this neighbourhood, the masters. j t wou id require a salary of 60/. per annum to induce a really competent master to fix his residence and remain at a school. If they had less they would be constantly looking out and aspiring to something better" (No. 8.) The Reverend Mr. Bevan, says " Perhaps the clergy are generally to blame in these parts for not attempting to elevate the position of the parish schoolmaster : so long as they consider him sufficiently remunerated by a salary little above the earnings of a common labourer, it is not to be expected that the laity will increase their subscriptions, so as to provide efficiently trained teachers." (No. 55.) Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 251 The Reverend John Rees and other Dissenters at Tregaron said "The masters hereabout are generally incompetent to teach properly." (No. 10.) Edward Seymour, Esq., of Crickhowel, says that "The schools that are estahlished are defective in the very first prin- ciples and system of elementary teaching, the salaries being too low to command the services of well-educated teachers." (No. 44.) W. O. Brigstocke, Esq., Magistrate, of Blaenpant, Cardiganshire, says " I know of no schools in this neighbourhood which are supplied with competent masters or mistresses, none of them knowing how to catechise the children, not having been trained in any way previous to taking the office." (No. 42.) E. C. Lloyd Hall, Esq., of Newcastle Emlyn. says "There is a lamentable deficiency of day-schools for the poor. Very few of the masters are competent to teach. They seldom turn to teach- ing unless they have failed at something else. Their incomes do not average above 121. or 13/. per annum, barely enough to keep body and soul together; this applies to the country." (No. 37.) The Reverend John Hughes, of Aberystwyth, says " Many servants are equally well off with schoolmasters ; the grand thing is to have efficient masters and the means of supporting them." (No. 21.) The Reverend D. Evans, Vicar of Llanarth, Cardiganshire, says " A really competent master would require from 4o/. to 50/. a-year. I am sure that that amount of salary could not he supplied by any local efforts." (No. 20.) The Reverend Abel Green, Dissenting Minister, with others at Aberayron, Cardiganshire, stated " We are of opinion that there is a great deficiency of good schools for the poor in this district, and that the masters are generally incom- petent to teach in those schools which do exist. The schoolmasters do not seem generally to think it necessary that they should make the children understand what they read. They have not done so themselves in learning." (No. 18.) The Reverend John Price, of Bledfa, Radnorshire, says " The great defect in their mode of instruction is, that they neither explain to the children what they read nor question them upon it ; so that, although the Bible is their only reading-book, they remain quite ignorant of its contents, and of the first principles of religion." (No. 70). Similar evidence will be found from deponents 13, 17, 22, 24, 34, 35, 42, &c. Mr. Jones, a schoolmaster at Builth (No. 4), truly says " The parents do not know what education means : they think half a year long enough to learn everything, and take their children away in general after that time. They cannot bear the idea of paying for a book. 252 On the State of Education in Wales, The terms are exceedingly low in this neighbourhood, and not all that is nominally charged is actually received. The parents bargain with the master and beat down his charges. Masters are by this means impove- rished, and think it better to be almost anything rather than school- masters. The standard of schoolmasters becomes lowered, for no one really competent to teach can afford to follow it as a means of livelihood. " This state of things will never be improved till the whole system of schoolmasters is altered, and independent means provided for educating the people." Morals of The morals of the schoolmasters are certainly superior to their Slw. 01 "" abilities, but instances are by no means wanting of gross im- moralities, not only perpetrated by schoolmasters, but known of and tolerated by the people. The Heverend R. Harrison, the zealous clergyman of Builth, relates an anecdote which illustrates the standard of opinion on this subject. "I was obliged," he says, "to send for a constable to remove a drunken fiddler in the street, and he proved to be the schoolmaster of Aberedw, and some of the bystanders blamed the constable for doing it. Another came and offered himself to me for a schoolmaster whilst apparently under the influence of liquor." (No. 35.) Sir William Cockburn, Bart., of Downton, in Radnorshire, after explaining his non-control over the school at New Radnor, says "Neither I, therefore, nor the minister, as I understand has been publicly hinted, are to be blamed for the inefficient state of the school, nor for the drunkenness of the master, who, I am informed, has been in the habit, for years past, of deserting his duties for days at least together. I feel assured however that a hind consideration for this schoolmaster's family, and the want of opportunity for a better school and a more respectable master, have continued the present evil so long" (No. 67.) No person, really qualified for the office of schoolmaster by moral character, mental energy, amiability of temper, and profi- ciency in all the elementary branches of education, together with aptitude in imparting knowledge, will doom himself to the worst paid labour and almost the least appreciated office to be met with in the country. Fresh means Were even, the means of training schoolmasters as ample as aciloS'mM- t ne y are defective, and were the number of men adequately trained ters essential. f O tne wor k at hand, the generality of schools would be not one jot the better supplied, for such training would fit men for employ- ment in other spheres, where they would realize four or five times the emolument and enjoy a much higher social position than they can hope for as schoolmasters in Wales under existing circum- stances. In such a case efforts might and would be made to obtain their services by persons aware of the importance of education, and disposed to make efforts to secure it; but I am decidedly of opinion that such efforts, even when successful at first Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 253 by means of some vigorous impulse of zeal and liberality, would not permanently avail ; and that no such remuneration, or even an approach to it, could be sustained, as would secure the con- tinuance of well-trained and educated teachers in the schools of my district. Rare exceptions there might be, but I feel confident that adequate instruction, even in elementary schools in Wales, is utterly hopeless by means of local efforts or local benevolence. The evidence already cited confirms this view, and I would especially point to that of the Reverend Griffith Thomas, the Vicar of Cardigan. If in a county town a minister, universally respected and both zealous and earnest as he unquestionably is, avows his utter hopelessness of being able to support a competent schoolmaster by his own untiring efforts to obtain local subscrip- tions, it may be safely inferred that the difficulties are generally insuperable. The most obvious deficiency with respect to education in Wales wnntof or- is the absence of good normal schools. One only exists, which mal scho " Is - owes its establishment to the unwearied efforts and zeal of the Reverend Henry Griffiths, of Brecknock, aided by a lew, and only a few, zealous friends of education. The school i*, however, inade- quately supplied with funds. The meagre prospect of income which presents itself to a schoolmaster in Wales deters all but those whom poverty or want of activity compel to have recourse to so unenviable a status for their means of livelihood, and very few of those who find their way to the Brecknock Normal College are qualified either by pecuniary means or capacity to benefit by the instruction offered to them. The school had been established little more than a year when Mr. Lingcn at my ivquest was good enough to visit it with me. We have written a joint report on the acquire- ments of the students, which is inserted separately in Appendix B, after the " Notes of Schools." The obvious defect of this institu- tion is that the character of the instruction given is far above the capacity of the class of men who, under the present state of things, will alone descend to the position of a country schoolmaster in Wales. There cannot be a better practical proof of the representation I have just made to your Lordships with respect to the debasement of the scholastic standard in Wales than this Normal College affords. No man of ability, with a prospect of ordinary success in life, will undergo an elaborate training for a calling which will scarcely supply him with bare necessities ; those only who are bereft of better resources will start for so poor a goal. The best normal school that it were possible to institute would die of inanition if established in Wales without some concomitant means of remune- rating the abilities it called forth. A college for the cultivation of Arabic in Birmingham would scarcely be a more hopeless enter- prise. Students might be rendered proficient in their studies, but, if no one paid them for their pains, the institution would probably share the fate of the fruitless faculties it evoked. 254 On the State of Education in Wales, VI. SUBJECTS OF INSTRUCTION AND ATTAINMENTS OF SCHOLARS. Amidst the many and grave defects of the day-schools in my day-schoois district, there is one most striking and important peculiarity in and desire of ' i i ii i i c \ c ' the poor to them, which will be a subject ot the utmost satisfaction to every toThefrdlii- 1 friend to Wales it is the fact that there is but one day-school out dren - of the entire number, in the three counties of Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor, where the Welsh language is taught. It. is by common assent excluded from every other school,* and it lingers in the school to which I allude, near Newcastle Emlyn, simply because the master (one of Mrs. Bevan's) is supposed to be a good one, but unable to teach English. The visitor, the Rev. Mr. Davies, however told me that the school would be attended far better, if English, instead of Welsh, were taught there (see evidence of Rev. H. L. Davies, of Troed y Raur, No. 27). And as a convincing proof of the spontaneous desire of the poor people themselves to leach their children English, I beg to instance the little way-side school, in a desolate district in Cardiganshire, in the parish of Llanwenog, where I found the cow turned out of its hovel to give place to the scholars, and a man teaching them English who could neither talk or understand it himself. Equally genuine evidences of the earnest and unprompted desire of the poor to acquire a knowledge of the English language have frequently presented them- selves to my notice. I attribute this desire of the poor exclusively to pecuniary motives : they find an ignorance of English a constant and almost an insurmountable obstacle to their advancement in life, especially to their efforts to place their children out at service. Any clay-school master in my district would starve, if he sought to live on his own independent efforts to maintain a school for exclusively teaching the Welsh language. f-npl'rlttiv The English language is in almost all the Welsh districts vilely ill learnt. taught. In fact, with very few exceptions, in those districts, are the children made to understand the English language at all. It would be strange if they did. The schoolmasters rarely understand it perfectly themselves. Their knowledge extends no further, in most instances, than in reading English with the strongest Welsh accent, and in their ability, in some cases, but not in all, to hold a con- versation on common subjects in it. Their system of teaching, such as I have endeavoured to describe, would not. and does not suffice to instruct the children, even in their own language, where they speak English, and it is infinitely insufficient for teaching them a foreign one. Any inference, therefore that the children were ex- tensively learning English, drawn from the fact that the schools everywhere try to teach it, would be utterly fallacious. All pro- gress, either making or likely to be made in the Welsh districts of the country, and among the bulk of the people, in learning English, * I believe that an enthusiastic member of the u Cwmreigyddion" insists on having the Welsh Bible read in the evening in his parish school at Llanfihangel Cwm Dii, of which he is vicar. Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 255 is attributable to their intercourse with those who speak it, and scarcely at all to day-schools, except in the towns of Aberystwyth, Cardigan, Brecknock, Talgarth, and to some extent in Aberaeron. By the Welsh districts I mean those where Welsh is the fireside language of the common people, of which 1 shall hereafter specifi- cally state the extent (p. 313). All that is learnt of English, in the generality of the day-schools, Reading, is to read the Bible, with a very imperfect and often grossly errone- ous pronunciation, and to spell it well. I have not unfrequently heard masters set the children wrong when they were right : for example, to pronounce wrath rarth ; rough row; cow co ; cat cart ; and the like. They read generally too quickly, as soon as they can read at all, and almost invariably in the way children read who do not understand the subjvt, making it sense merely by accident. In no one of these schools have I met a child reading with any approach to expression or emphasis. In part of Radnor- shire there is a remarkably pure accent ; English is the language of the people, with the exception of two parishes. It is singular that the portion of the county which borders upon the north of Brecknockshire, an intensely Welsh district, separated by the river Wye, is that in which the Knglisli language is spoken with the utmost purity. This extends from Rhayader, through Old and New Radnor, where the people are pure Saxotis, with little if any inter- mixture, to Presteigne and Kington. EVen at Builth, though in Brecknockshire, English is spoken with equal accuracy ; no vul- garisms are heard even among the poorest people. The children utter what they read with perfect correctness, and their pronuncia- tion is refined, but they read without expression, for they are not instructed how to do so. Reading English is the only good feature in the Radnorshire schools, which, if there be any ditlerence, are generally inferior to those of the other counties. As I have stated before, the Welsh children seldom understand *l* the meaning of English words ; this has been thoroughly tested by the means already stated. One or two children in each school usually know the meaning of short and simple words, such as "king;" " hill;" " house;" "horse;" " dog," &c.; but the bulk of them understand no English words at all, though all are using and spelling English books, which are almost exclusively Bibles and Testaments, Vyse's spelling-books and primers, and ' Reading made Easy. 5 The non-comprehension of what they read is by no means con- fined to the children who speak Welsh and read English; it pre- vails also amongst those of whom English is the mother tongue. The reason is that the English they read is not the English they talk ; and the great bulk of children in almost every school are reading words every minute which they never meet with or hear uttered except at school, and which are never explained to them. And this extends to words in familiar use among ourselves. T 2 undersb 256 On the State of Education in Wales, frequently tested this, and am confident that I do not overstate the fact. I found children who read fluently constantly ignorant of words such as " observe," " conclude," " reflect," " perceive,' 5 " refresh/' " cultivate," " contention/' " consideration," " medita- tion/' &c. I have tested this by suggesting to each child throe meanings, two wrong and one right, for each word ; and I have found them answer, even under the stimulus of the penny offer, oftener wrong than right. No working-class child is in the habit of saying " I observed my brother pass by," &c. ; the expression used is, " I seed him go by." Another reason why there is so little comprehension by the child of what he reads is that the poorer classes are either British, or Saxon retaining only Anglo-Saxon terms, whilst the books they read are chiefly written in language a large portion of which is of Norman or Roman derivation. spelling. The proficiency of the children in spelling is wonderful. I have found complete mastery over the puzzling question of the precedence of the e and i in receive, believe, perceive, mischief, grief, &c., and plow, crow, cough, through and though, have been correctly spelt by certainly a majority of the Welsh children to whom I have put them in a great number of schools ; even the higher class of diffi- cult words, such as phrenzy, physic, physician, compassion, con- tention, have been often correctly spelt by children who had no conception of their meaning. I attribute this proficiency in spelling to its being that which gives the master the least trouble to teach and test, and to the very great power of memory which the children possess. Religious in- There is next to no religious instruction in the day-schools. In the adventure schools the masters and mistresses, when they spoke out, admitted that they did not teach it, and that the parents would be dissatisfied if they did. One master said to me, " Why, they all go to Sunday-schools: is not that enough?" The Holy Scriptures are, as I have said, read in every school I have been in with one exception, but almost universally as a text-book to learn reading by, selected chiefly on account of its cheapness, and in some measure because it is considered a test of education (l to read in the Bible." Of scriptural knowledge the children have no idea, except in the few superior schools which I have already named. The Notes of Schools teem with illustrations of their grotesque guesses and wild efforts to get pennies which were offered for correct answers to the simplest questions. These answers betray, in three- fourths of the children in the schools I examined, ignorance almost heathen I should feel justified in saying perfectly so, but that I found in very many cases that the bare fact of our Lord coming to save sinners was dimly known, and this knowledge was sometimes accompanied by a total ignorance of where or when Christ came, what were the means of salvation, the purpose for which He would come again, and the events which attended His life on earth. One or two children in almost every school knew the means of salvation struction. Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 257 and a few of the leading facts of Gospel history ; but I usually found in questioning them that their knowledge was derived from the Sunday-school and not from the day-school. I am confident, that I am much within the truth when 1 say that three- fourths of all the children in the schools I examined (with the exception of a very few superior schools) were wholly ignorant of religion and of the very events they were in the daily habit of reading ; and as the best scholars were always carefully selected by the master at my request, and the lower classes also very frequently tested, I am the more certain of the prevailing ignorance of the entire body of chil- dren at day-schools. And even in the few superior schools the children in the lower classes, who have remained generally a short time in the school, are nearly if not quite as ignorant as those in the lower class of schools ; and I believe that, if a minute and searching inquiry were instituted into the scriptural knowledge of every child in every day-school in the three counties, it would be found that at least two-thirds were virtually heathen, and without any real knowledge of Christianity. I have found the children who had any religious knowledge at all usually better acquainted with the doctrines of redemption and grace than with moral duties. Respecting the parables and the duties they enforce, I have found general ignorance. Scripture geography is rarely taught : and I think the general belief of the few children who had any notions at all on the subject was that Judea was in England. Their answers to questions in Scripture usually evinced minds absolutely devoid of instruction and thought on the subject, rather than of defective teaching. The master, in his consternation at the exhibition, seldom reproached the children with forgetting what he had taught them, but with inattention to the minister in church or chapel. Religious instruction has, in fact, scarcely a place among the subjects which it is thought the province of day-schools to teach in my district : and after much examination and careful reconsideration of my notes, I can make no material distinction between the day-schools in con- nection with the Church or the Dissenters and private adventure schools. The following are among: several instances of the ignorance of InstancCJ of '> j ! 01 i ignorance of religion 1 touncl prevailing in many or the country places. religion in AtBryngwyn, Radnorshire, is an adventure day-school (English day ' schools ' exclusively spoken and understood). " Five girls and four boys read the 2nd Psalm to the master without making any stops, and so that the sense was often unintelligible, without any correction from the master, who said he had not yet begun to ask them questions. Finding that five of the children had been to the Sunday- school kept by the publican, I examined them first on Scripture, pence being promised beforehand and given for every correct answer. Who wrote the Psalms ? No one knew. Who wrote the Bible ? Moses. What was he? No one knew ; one had heard tell of him. Who was Christ ? Five repeatedly declared they did not kuow, and had never heard of him ; the rest answered ; one only knew he was crucified, but 253 On the State of Education in Wales, none could tell how they were to be saved. Two only knew who made the world, and eight did not know what would happen to them when they died. Four only could say the Lord's Prayer, and that imperfectly. None knew what temptation meant ; and one only knew what was meant by ' hallowed' or ' deliver.' All except two declared positively and re- peatedly that there would be no other life or world after this they had never been told or heard of any. Their fathers and mothers never said anything to them about such things. They went to church sometimes, but did not listen, they said, to the sermon, or understand anything about it. Seven of them never knew the commandments, nor what they were. They could spell simple words correctly enough, but were utterly ignorant of the meaning of * perceive,' ' command,' ' obey,' and many words of ordinary use. Nevertheless, English is exclusively spoken there. One only knew the number of days in a year and a month. None knew whether they were in Asia or Wales, one thought it was England. Seven of them did know what 3+7 was ; and one only knew the pence table. The master thought the other children in the parish were worse, and the mistress said that, if they taught the children to understand the Bible, the parents would take them from school. They sent them there to teach them something useful, such as reading, writing, and accounts." In the Church day-school at Llanfihangel y Creiddyn, Cardigan- shire,, Welsh being the mother tongue, Mr. Price was with me and translated the questions, to which the following were the answers : " Four of the children only could read in the Testament, and the master selected the 1st chapter of Revelations for them to read in. They stammered through several verses, mispronouncing nearly every word, and which the master took some pains to correct. None of them knew the meaning, or could give the Welsh words for * show,' ' gave,' or ' faith.' One or two only knew that of * grace,' ' woman,' ( nurse.' Their know- ledge of spelling was very limited. Of Scripture they knew next to nothing. Jesus was said to be the son of Joseph ; one child only said the Son of God ; another thought he was on earth now ; and another said he would come again ' to increase grace,' grace meaning godliness. Three out of the five could not tell why Christ came to the earth, a penny having been oflered for a correct answer. Two could not tell any one thing that Christ did, and a third said he drew water from a rock in the land of Canaan. None knew the number of the Apostles; one never heard of them, and two could not name any of them. Christ died in Calvary, which one said was in England, and the others did not know where it was." At Llanbadarn-tref-Eglwys, Cardiganshire, Mr. Penry thus re- ports on a day-school : " I visited to-day a school held in a schoolroom near a chapel called Bethania, belonging to the Calvinistic Methodists, Llanbadarn-tref- Eglwys. This room is low, dark, and unsuitable for a school to be held in. A youth in his eighteenth year is the master, and also kept the school here last winter, when he had from fifty to sixty scholars. He goes to school himself one half the year to Llangeitho, and the other half he keeps school. I examined each of the scholars in the several branches taught. Simple reading and spelling was very incorrectly done, and as to obtaining an answer respecting the meaning of any word, or an historical fact, or any person mentioned in the Bible, it was next to an impossibility. Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. *259 They knew nothing about Jesus Christ. One said that Jesus Christ dies and lives for us in heaven. Another said the Calvary was a happy and blessed place." At Penparcan, near Aberystwyth, is an adventure school not connected with the Church, kept by a cripple, which is also a Welsh school : Mr. Price translated my questions. " They read the 79th Psalm in English : the girls read tolerably well, but many false pronunciations were made; ' blood' was pronounced as the oo in ' good,' ' fire' as f free,' * hedges' as ( ages,' ' beseech' as * besiege.' The master corrected only a lew of these mistakes. They then repeated the Lord's Prayer, which they repeated without appearing to under- stand it ; the master then made them spell, which they did imperfectly. None knew the meaning in Welsh of 4 disciples,' or ' woman' or 4 greater.' I then questioned them as follows, Mr. Price transiting a penny being offered to the one who answered the best: Adam w-\s the first mnn, and Eve was the first woman ; Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt ; they did not know how he got through the Red Sea ; the world was created by Christ ; Christ came to save sinners and was crucified ; ' crucify' they thought meant to stone ; Christ was betrayed by Judas and St. Paul ; the way to be saved is to pray to Christ for forgiveness of sins ; on being asked what else, they said victuals and clothes but nothing else ; Christ will come again to tiie earth to save us. Three out of five said there was no life after this; one only answered right as to a future state. Six children (ages from nine to sixteen) were then examined, and the follow- ing was the result of the examination a penny being promised to the one who gave the best answers. Christ was crucified to save sinners ; ' crucified' means nailed to a stick; Christ forgives our sins by dying, and we should pray to him to be happy in heaven, as well as for clothing and victuals and everything we want. Five did not know the menu ing of grace; faith meant to lead a godly life; none could repeat more than the first words of each commandment ; none knew the meaning of miracles. At Llandilo-fan, in Brecknockshire, I visited the school on February 2nd, accompanied by my assistant, Mr. Jones, who in- terpreted all my questions into Welsh, this being a purely Welsh parish remote from any high road. The school is held by one of the masters under Mrs. Bevan's charity. 44 Nine boys and two girls, constituting the Bible class, read the 48th chapter of Isaiah, and some of them read very tolerably. They read English exclusively, but understood but little of its meaning. None of them understood the meaning of ' garment,' ' behold,' ' hearken ; * grace' they thought meant to pray for forgiveness; one only knew who the Apostles were; none what happened to Christ when he first came into the world ; but they thought he was nailed to a cross by the 'bloody Jews;' seven thought it was done in Wales, and two in England ; and that the way to be saved was to keep the Sabbath ; and another thought it was to keep the commandments. They did not know why Christ was to come back, nor what miracles were, nor who Moses was. I then examined them in the Church Catechism, which Mrs. Bevan's teachers are bound to teach ; some of them could repeat it correctly : upon being questioned on the meaning of the words, the master said they never were ques- 260 On the State of Education in Wales, tioned at all. I however persevered. * Godfather' they thought was the Holy Ghost ; * renounce' they thought meant to beg ; of the kingdom of heaven none knew the meaning. A girl of 14 repeated the Belief perfectly, and then said that she did not understand one word of it; four of the elder girls were afterwards examined, whose ignorance was equally great on all Scriptural and general subjects. All thought the sun went round the world. In arithmetic and writing they were making very fair progress. The school was held in an offshoot from the church." At Talgarth Church School, where English is spoken, " Thirteen boys and twelve girls were called up to read the 3rd chapter of St. Matthew to the master, which they did in a lifeless man- ner, without even making sense of what they read. Three or four of them could hardly read at all ; they were, nevertheless, all in the Bible or Testament class. They were only occasionally corrected by the master, who allowed a boy to pronounce ' indeed ' as ' I entered.' The girls read a trifle better than the boys. The master, being requested by me to question the children, did so deplorably ill, and in fact appeared wholly unaccustomed to anything of the kind. His first question, after a long pause, was, i Who went out to Judea ?' To which the answers were, The kingdom of heaven and Esaias. I questioned them after him with but little better success. They thought Christ was baptized in the wilderness one only said where it was. They knew nothing of John the Baptist, about whom they had been reading. One only answered to the question, What is grace ? that it was good ; and four only knew what they must do to be saved three only gave satisfactory answers. None knew who the Apostles w r ere. Their knowledge of spelling was very indifferent. They repeated the Church Catechism, but knew next to nothing about it. Three only knew what the word 'renounce' meant ; and none knew what the articles of the Christian faith were. Of a spiritual pastor I could only get an explanation from one child, which was * To teach we.' Of arithmetic, with three exceptions, they knew next to nothing ; eighteen did not know how much fifty pence was. Two answered remarkably well ; one, whom the clergyman told me was very stupid in answering questions on the Scriptures, was especially quick in mental calculation." At the Coginan School, Cardiganshire, connected with the Mining Company but not with the Church, the people being all Dissenters, " Having previously ascertained that all the children in the class had been three years in the school, and that they attended some Sunday- school, 1 selected eight of the children, six of whom were decidedly the most forward in the school ; and the following is the result of the ex- amination I made. Who were the Apostles ? Dead silence ; nobody knew r . What were they to do ? Same result. Who appointed them? Christ. How many were there? Long pause. First boy. Two, Sir. Another pause. Another boy. Twelve, Sir. Who was the Apostle who wrote the greatest number of the Epistles ? Nobody could tell. A penny was here promised to the first who could tell who it was. First boys. John. Long pause. Who wrote the Epistle to the Romans and Thessalonians ? Second boy, Peter. What did Christ come for? Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 261 To save the world. How ? By dying. What must we do to be saved ? Long pause. First girl. We must die. Second girl. Be good. What besides? No one could tell. What did Christ do to instruct his disciples ? None knew. What were the Apostles to do ? Pause. A penny offered to any one who would tell. Second girl. To write. What were they called who were to write the Gospels ? Silence. Who did write the Gospels ? Christ, Sir. Where was Jesus Christ born ? In Bethlehem. Where is that? In Judea. Where is Judea ? In Bethlehem. Is it in Wales ? No, Sir ; in England. Where did Christ die? In Calvary. Where is that? In Bethlehem. Where is Bethlehem? In Europe. Will Christ come again ? First boy. No. Second boy. Yes. What will he come for? To burn the world. The mission of the Prophets was explained by one girl only; and they were said by another to be Moses and John ; and this was corrected by a sharp boy', who said they told of John he thought, but what John he did not know. The geographical examination was utterly hopeless. Judea was in this country; Scotland joined to Wales; Ireland was a town, and one thought it was a country ; France a parish ; and there were two quarters only of the globe. At Brynmaur, in Brecknockshire, a town containing nearly 5000 persons, employed at the neighbouring iron-works, &c., of Mr. Bailey, M.P., and left wholly without any mental or spiritual means of instruction by the Company, "The only large school is intended to be on the British system, but it is at present on no system at all. It is held in a room just erected for the purpose, to which the ascent is up a steep flight of stone steps ; the room is large, but was exceedingly dirty on the day of my visit, and almost wholly unfurnished. There were merely a few benches across the middle of the room, no table of any sort, and the floor black with dirt. The children corresponded with the room ; they were dirty and disorderly to the last degree. There was not a single Bible or Testa- ment in the school. The moment the master's back was turned, two or three couples began fighting and cuffing each other. This school had been kept about two years previously elsewhere. Most of the children present were, however, fresh arrivals. The master called up five of the best boys, and made them read the lesson on Wales in the British Society's books. They read tolerably, and answered his questions fairly. Two answered some simple questions in Roman and English history. Three only out of the whole school knew any arithmetic beyond the simplest questions in the multiplication table; one of these three was, however, far advanced, and a good arithmetician. Three or four answered tolerably well the simple questions I put to them on Scripture history. I then called up a larger class, most of whom had recently come to the school. Three girls repeatedly declared they had never heard of Christ, and two had never heard of God. Pence were offered for an answer, but with no effect. Two out of six had never heard of St. Paul; the same number thought Christ was on earth now r ; one only said he was in heaven. Three knew nothing about the crucifixion, and six oift of seven could not say the Commandments. Four out of seven did not know the names of the months, nor the number of days in a year. They had no notion of addition beyond 2 and 2, or 3 and 3. Their minds were perfect blanks." 262 On the State of Education in Wales, In the villages where no schools exist, the following is by no means a rare specimen of the religious instruction prevailing. I visited Mount, in Cardiganshire (where Welsh is exclusively spoken), on December 8th, accompanied by Mr. Price, and the Kev. Mr. Evans, the Incumbent of Verwig, the adjoining parish : " There is no school of any kind in this desolate parish. It is at the sea-side, forming a small promontory, crowned by a, hill, which gives it its name, beneath which the church stands remote from any houses. The inhabitants are all of Flemish origin. Their ancestors, having land- ed here and made an incursion into the country, were beaten back to this place ; and after a severe conflict, exterminated the inhabitants, and planted themselves in their stead. I caused eight children to be assem- bled at a farm-house, and examined them through Mr. Price and Mr. Evans, who translated every question into Welsh, and promised pence for correct answers. They were nowise bashful or unwilling to tell all they knew. There were four girls and four boys of all ages from 5 to 16. The two eldest lads alone had been at the Verwig day-school for three months each. One only could read English, w r ith great difficulty ; one could read a little in the Welsh Testament with somewhat more ease. None of the others could read at all ; two knew their letters. The others did not. I then examined them in Scripture, and ordinary topics of general knowledge ; every pains being taken to make them comprehend and answer by Mr. Evans and Mr. Price. None knew whether Christ would come back to the earth, nor what death he died. He gave the com- mandments to the children of Israel. None knew who St. Paul was. The judgment day means hell, or brimstone and fire (all thought this, a penny having been offered for a better answer). One girl only could give any notion of a future state. One or two had heard they should go to hell if bad, but some of them never heard that they should be happy if they were good. They were utterly devoid of all general information, and had no idea of countries, towns, or the division of time. None could name the month. The sun they thought went round the world in twenty- four hours, and the moon went away sometimes and then came back. The world was to be burnt in 1000 years. One only could say half the Lord's prayer; the others had no knowledge of any prayer. Every correct answer was confined to two of the children, one girl especially who had been to a Dissenting Sunday-school. Mrs. Jenkins, the farmer's wife, who heard the whole examination and all the answers, said that she thought all the children in the parish were much the same, and that none better informed could be found in it." I could easily multiply similar instances. I will merely attest them by citing an extract from the evidence of those who have confirmed the painful conclusion in which my inquiries resulted as to the dearth of efficient religious instruction in day-schools. Mr. Joshua Thomas, a respectable schoolmaster at Cardigan, (No. 24), says " There may be here and there a well-trained schoolmaster, but gene- rally there are not competent schoolmasters to be found at present. In the 'schools for the poorer classes, not above one out of twenty children understand what they read in the English Scriptures. In country Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 263 places, the masters themselves are not capable of teaching them to understand, from the experience I have had of their children who come from country places, the great object of which is to teach the children the English language, as that in which accounts are kept. They can get no situations in any kind of trade unless they can speak English. As far as the schools are conducted at present, training schools for masters are much wanted." Mr. Richard Hughes, one of Mrs. Bevan's masters (No. 9,) says '* There are some children who sometimes know something of Scrip- tural knowledge, but I find a great many who do not know at all who Jesus Christ was, and who do not seem to have been spoken to upon the subject at all. I have not found children anywhere so ignorant as here." Archdeacon Venables observes that " The teachers seldom make the children understand what they learn, but fancy that if they teach them to read that is all that can be required of them. This applies to day as well as to Sunday-schools." The Reverend Griffith Thomas, Vicar of Cardigan, also remarks that " There is an immense number who are perfectly ignorant, and attend no school." The Reverend Mr. Evans, Independent Minister at Aberayron, Cardiganshire, says " The masters are generally incompetent to teach. The general mode of teaching is for the children to be taught individually, and one by one, by the master; but the main point in day-schools is to teach the children to read, and to write and cipher, but their scriptural knowledge is owing to the Sunday-schools." Evidence on this head could be greatly multiplied. Opinions differ, as I shall have occasion presently to show to your Lordships, on the efficiency of Sunday-school instruction ; but I believe there is none as to the dearth of scriptural knowledge imparted in day- schools. There are of course exceptions, such as the National Schools at Aberystwith, Mr. Bevan's schools at Hay, the British School at Talgarth, the Model School at Brecon, Mrs. Ausdell's National School at Llanelly, the Archdeacon's Pencraig girls' school at Brecknock, and others, which form a gratifying contrast in this respect ; but usually religious instruction is not superintended by the clergymen or by the Dissenting ministers in day-schools ; and there is scarcely a perceptible difference between the children in these and the adventure schools ; for religious instruction is rarely given in any of them with the few exceptions I have named. Nevertheless the casual visitor is very easily led into a belief that the instruction is satisfactory on these subjects ; and I believe that some of the clergymen who have accompanied me in my visits Mere previously of opinion that such was the fact. The matter is managed thus : The children in the first class, having read in no 2G4 On the State of Education in Wales, other book, are generally able to read a chapter with tolerable ease, the same one being very frequently read over fifty times, as the dirty condition of the Bible at that chapter often bore testi- mony. If any questions are put, they are put in the manner I have described; so that the child reads the answer in the verse before him. In some cases where visits and exhibitions are more frequent, the master gets up a set. of questions for such occasions; the children being carefully "crammed" with the answers. Three or four of the cleverest ones are selected for this purpose, and having answered questions which it would puzzle a theologian to reply to off- hand, the visitor retires with a full con- viction of the perfection of the religious instruction.* In the majo- rity of schools the gloss is less artificial, but in most of them there are one or two show scholars who answer for the rest. In Church schools the Catechism assists the delusion. That it is almost universally among the subjects of instruction in Church day-schools, is very true ; that it is learned in them, equally untrue. With the exception of the few superior schools already referred to, the Church Catechism is put exclusively into the mouths, and never into the minds, of the children. I found that they generally repeated it correctly, and often fluently ; but at least in five cases out of six not a single child, or at most one or two children, had a vestige of a notion what it meant. My questions were not on the abstruser points, but on the most essential of the answers in the Catechism ; chiefly on the sponsorial promises, the articles of belief, and the duties to God and our neighbours. Children would frequently prove wholly unable to answer the same question, if put in another and still simpler form, which they answered instantly by rote when it was put in the words of the Catechism. The articles of the Christian faith, pomps and vanity, the lusts of ihe flesh, the communion of saints, the resurrection of the body, and the Catholic Church, are terms which usually convey not the slightest idea to their minds. In fact, the Catechism is a mere chaos of words to them a Shibboleth, which they are taught to utter without knowing that it is meant to be understood. In the few superior schools which I have excepted from these remarks, it is to a certain extent otherwise : the explanation attached to some of the Cate- chisms is frequently learnt in such schools; and though this is itself another string of answers by rote, yet in some measure it throws light on the meaning of the text. In some few schools tiie clergyman or his wife attend the day-school or the Sunday- school, and carefully explain the Catechism to the children. These instances are far from frequent. Nevertheless, the Church Catechism is widely if not universally learned by rote in Church schools., even in the most intensely Welsh districts. * This deception is extended to other subjects where examinations in public take place, and totally false impressions are thus craftily produced in favour of the master. This imposture requires exposure. Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 265 The following may serve as an illustration of the manner in instances of which the Church Catechism is frequently learnt: tK < Chuh " The Church Catechism was produced (at Llangynider, a country Catechism - school in Brecknockshire), and almost every child seemed ahle to repeat it with ease. Most of them were Dissenters 1 children, and had never been christened (Thomas Williams, John Jenkins, among others) ; nevertheless, they were taught to say that their ' godfathers and god- mothers (though they never had any) did promise and vow three things in their name.' None knew what godfather or godmother were; nor pomps and vanity ; nor saints, nor inheritor of the kingdom of heaven. The communion of saints was pronounced to be the Catholic Church. The girls were, if possible, a degree worse. Two or three of the first class, after every inducement to tell the truth, declared that they had not heard of Christ at all, and were wholly unable to say who he was, or what he did, or anything about him. They knew literally nothing but the mere mechanical art of reading, and the Church Catechism, of which they comprehended no single part. As a proof of this, when I asked one of the cleverest of the children * What did your godfathers and godmothers then for you?' following the formula in the Catechism //wm/////.v rerbis, she instantly replied by rote 'They did promise and vo\v,' &c. ; but when I asked her, immediately afterwards, ' Now what did your godfathers and godmothers do when you were christened?' she could not tell. The Reverend D. M. Davies, the Incumbent, was present, and stated that he had no doubt they did not know. The best informed of the children, in reply to the question, ' What death Christ died ? said * He was put to a cross.' And to the question, 'Who did it ?' she replied 'The disciples/ whom she define'd as people who behaved ill to Christ. The way to be saved, she said, was not to curse and swear. These children did not know the number of days or weeks in the year; nor had they any notion of towns or countries." At the National School at Aberystwyth, where religious in- struction is very superior to that given in most schools, it had not extended to the Church Catechism. "I selected six of the first class to repeat it, which they did very correctly, but seemed to have had very little instruction in its meaning. They did not even understand the Welsh for many of the words they used. Vanity one of them thought meant murder, another sinful, and a third theft. Faith they thought meant grace. Godfather was trans- lated as grandmother. And Christ was the answer given to the ques- tion What is an inheritor of the kingdom of heaven ? Baptism was almost the only word I asked which they seemed to understand at all, and this was explained * as being put into a basin.' ' Even in the better class of schools I found the same ignorance ot % the meaning of the Catechism. At the Boughrood school, at Brecknock, "The first class were examined by one of the clergymen and myself successively in the Church Catechism. They repeated it tolerably well, and one or two of the boys answered the questions put to them as to its meaning very fairly, but the rest were perfectly ignorant of it. The works of the devil were, they said, * cursing and swearing ;' pomps and vanity ( stealing ;' the articles of the Christian faith ' to servejjujd>! and /^^ | On the State of Education in Wales, another answer was, that they were the l Catholic Church.' The kingdom of heaven was said to be * a throne;' and the commandment in which Christ summed up our duty to others, ' Thou shalt have none other gods but me.' " Mr. Lingen, who was good enough to examine for me the Church Sunday-school at Builth attended by the boys of the National day-school, thus reports on their knowledge of the Church Cate- chism : " By the time this recitation was over, I was invited to question the boys. I successively asked the meaning of ' godfather,' 'inheritor of the kingdom of heaven,' ' articles of the Christian faith.' From the greater part I could obtain either no answer, or worse .than none ; and it was only by dint of leading questions that I obtained the glimmering of an answer from one or two. As specimens either of the inconceivable ignorance of the boys who had so gliby run over the words of the Cate- chism, or else of their being utterly unused to be questioned, I may mention the following (among many other similar) answers : What is the book of Exodus about ? The Catechism. Who led the Jews out of Egypt? Jesus Christ. By what name do we call God the Son? Judas Iscariot. Which of the commandments did the Jews most fre- quently break as a nation? (By guessing nearly all the rest, they at length hit upon the second ; whereupon I asked) By what word is the worship of idols expressed? Adultery. I thought I was mistaken in the sound, and pressed the boy, but he persisted." At Llanfihangel Tal y Llyn I found that " Six only could repeat the Church Catechism. They understood nothing about it. They thought an inheritor of the kingdom of heaven meant Christ one afterwards said a child of God ; that a child of God meant godly children, was the best answer I got. Of vows, lusts of the flesh, articles of Christian faith, and grace, they assured me they did not know the meaning. Renounce, they thought, meant keeping on ; vanity, stealing ; and salvation, believing in Jesus Christ. This school is one of the many instances of those where the Bible is used as a book to read English in, and where the instruction, though given in the very body of a church, is exclusively secular." In some schools, such as the girls' school at Pencraig, Breck- nock, and the Reverend Mr. Be van's schools at Hay, the Church Catechism is well taught, but such cases are rare exceptions. If it be important that the children in Church schools should be taught the Church Catechism, the importance must result from the effect it has upon their minds and conduct. That it can have no effect whatever is obvious, for it is generally not understood; nor is there much chance that it will be better taught under the existing schoolmasters, three-fourths of whom, as far as I have been able to judge, do not understand it themselves. The Church Catechism as it is used in the day-schools of Wales is operative chiefly as a distinctive feature of Church schools, and it is in most cases the only one. As a means of religious instruc- tion it is practically valueless in all but a few instances. It is, however, the chief weapon in whatever warfare exists between the Churchman and Dissenter. On the degree in which the Church Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 267 Catechism, really expounded and inculcated, might be an essential element of sound education, it is needless to express an opinion ; but as it is taught in the schools of my district the contest is about a mere shadow. Churchmen can derive no benefit, and Dissenters no injury, from the utterance of doctrines by their respective chil- dren in words unintelligible to both. It is painful therefore to find the Church Catechism often used as a clieval de lataille between the Church and Dissent, and a struggle about a name rendered a hindrance of substantial good. This feeling is not, however, always powerful in my district ; and I have found many dissent- ing children innocently repeating what their godfathers and god- mothers did promise and vow in their names, who never had either the one or the other, and who were utterly unconscious of what they were saying. I attribute much of the barrenness of scriptural knowledge in the day-schools to the r./r///.v//r use of the Scriptures as a reading-book. I have invariably found, here and elsewhere, that acquaintance with them is proportioned in great measure to the concurrent study of other works which elucidate the Bible and give an additional interest to Revelation ; and that the less the Scriptures are associated in the child's mind with tin* drudgery of mechanical instruction, the more are they appreciated. The use made of the Biblo in Welsh schools is a profanation which it is painful to witness. To the remarks which I shall have occasion to offer under the head of Sunday-schools, I would respectfully refer your Lordships for further comments on religious instruction. A very small proportion of the whole number of children in the Writin day-schools ever learn to write. Their proficiency in writing is superior to the standard attained in reading, but inferior to that of spelling. The desks for the purpose are usually very unsuitable, either too steep, or, in the lowest class of schools, on flat tables or merf boards. In one or two instances only did I find the children exercised in writing from dictation, or in copying anything but the master's text-line or script. The copies set were scrupulously devoid of any collateral purpose ; even that of teaching spelling by setting the most difficult words, an easy expedient for further- ing both branches of instruction at the same time. In arithmetic the natural ability of the children is clearly dis- played. I have witnessed more proficiency after a small amount of instruction than I ever witnessed in any schools either in England or on the Continent. The amount actually attained in Welsh schools is insignificant, owing almost entirely to the poverty of the parents, the brief attendance of the children, and the indolence of the master, who seldom takes proper pains with any children whose parents cannot afford a higher rate of payment. Wherever the children remain long enough in school, their proficiency in figures is wonderful. None of the improved methods of teaching arithmetic exist except in about a dozen of the superior schools, and in these they 268 On the State of Education in Wales, are imperfectly carried out. Black boards are very rare, and where they are found are not very efficiently used. I have seen about four schools in my district provided with ball frames. In no single instance have I found the principle of rules fully taught to the children, excepting at the model-school at Brecknock. It is, in short, scarcely possible that children can have fewer facilities for becoming arithmeticians than in my district, or that they can more largely profit by the few they have. Walkinghame's Tutor's Assistant is the standard, and with a few exceptions the only book used. The children are made to work it through, generally with- out explanation. So little is mind thrown into the work, either by master or scholar, that I have frequently found, in the books into which the sums when done are copied, the word " Application " entered as a substantive rule ; and have more than once satisfied myself of the genuineness of the blunder by asking the master what rule the boy was in, and have commonly been told he was "in application." In very few schools is mental arithmetic ever practised ; in many it is unknown to the master : nevertheless I generally tried the children with it, and usually with great success under the circumstances. Their answers have often surprised the master, so little is their faculty of calculation adequately exercised. The proportion of children learning arithmetic is very small. Seeing how numerous are the powers Wales possesses for the realization of the latent elements of commerce it contains, it is greatly to be lamented that the science of arithmetic should be almost non-existent among the people. That it is so is evidenced by various facts which have come under my observation. I have reason to believe that of the more educated persons, a large pro- portion are unable to work sums in the compound rules ; and I believe that there is a general ignorance of any but the simplest operations of ciphering among all classes. It is nevertheless a faculty which would be highly estimated were examples of its utility set before the eyes of the people. I have heard, more than once, expressions of wonder from persons in the middle classes at performances within the daily practice of common counting-house clerks in England. Geography. No geography is taught in my district, except in very minute quantities in a few only of the superior schools, and even in these but few children can name the chief rivers, or any but the capital towns, of the European countries. In the great bulk of the schools there is no limit to the ignorance of the children, and the great difficulty I experienced was to devise questions sufficiently easy to afford them any chance of answering me. The prevailing belief was that Ireland is a town somewhere near Wales, opinions being greatly divided whether one must cross the water to get there. France has been placed by turns in each quarter of the globe. Black people have been assigned to every country except Wales. A decided majority of the whole number examined do not know Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 269 the name of the country they are living in, and have, on asked what it is, mentioned the name of the village or county they were in. Ascending higher in the scale, and finding London understood to be the capital of England, I have almost invariably failed, even in the best schools, to obtain any account of our chief towns and rivers. The Thames is quite as often thought to be a town or a country as a river ; and in very few instances have I been able to obtain any account of the manufactures and industry of Manchester, Leeds, Sheffield, or Liverpool. Ignorance of geography is by no means confined to the lower classes. The dissenting minister who is represented by Mr. Owen (Evidence, No. 11) to have edified his hearers with a description of the god Ganges, whom the pagans carried on their shoulders, and made the people worship, was a fair specimen of the informa- tion current in Wales on such subjects among all but the superior classes. There is no hope of any practical instruction in geography from the present race of teachers. They who endeavour to teach it have little notion of a child's chaotic conception of countries and oceans, and still more of the subordinate divisions towns, rivers, islands, and lakes. Little is 'done to give the child ideas on the subject its first stepping-stone to a comprehension of what the names which it uses really represent. I asked five children in succession what they thought a town was. Two thought it was like the village they were in, only with water round it. Another thought it was like a large church ; and two only said it was a large place, but evidently without any definite notion on the subject. In fact, they all, ad. Mr. Harris, a farmer of Llandilo-fan, who had guided us across the mountains which dissever this desolate parish from the cultivated parts of the country. It is imbedded in mountains, and excepting that it forms a thoroughfare for cattle on their way to Carmarthenshire to the English markets, is out of the way of all intercourse with the surrounding and distant villages. The church is a small barn-like building, with large holes in the roof, and evincing every symptom of neglect and discomfort. The day-school is held in it. At the end opposite to the chancel, in an open space, at the side of one of the pews in the aisle, we found a large peat fire piled up on the floor, without any sort of grate, and the smoke rinding its way, after filling the church, out of the holes in the roof. Twenty boys and girls were crowded round this peat fire, each reading his or her lesson aloud out of dilapidated primers or dogs'-eared Testaments ; all except two were reading English. The master sat among them with his hat on, which he kept on during the whole time I remained in the church. Five only could read the Testament, which they did very in- differently, mispronouncing the words perpetually. The master said ' he never questioned them, it was no use to try.' I did however try with ten of the best scholars in the school. Three thought Christ never came into the world ; the rest knew who he was ; four did not know whether he was coming again ; and two thought when he came again it would be to save sinners; three knew about his death, and one only answered questions as to the means of salvation. None knew who the Apostles were ; and the only answers given to * Who was St. Paul ?' were ' Jesus Christ,' and * A writer.' They spelt English remarkably well, though they scarcely understood the meaning of any English words. They answered all questions as to the days in the year, &c., and had a tolerable notion of the multiplication table. These children were evidently very shrewd and quick. One or two ciphered tolerably, and one was in the higher rules. Their writing, as far as it extended, was very bad ; a table was formed for this purpose by putting a desk on the pews, at which the scholars stood. The master used the church Bible to hear the children read in while I was there. A Sunday-school is held in this church by the Calvinistic Methodists." The Adventure Schools, which are very numerous, present vari- Adventme ous degrees of inefficiency. Among the best was the following, Schools - though one of very humble pretensions : " Pen-y-Garn Adventure Day-school. I visited this school on November 25th, 1846. It is kept in a damp cottage by the road-side, converted into a school-room by simply replacing the furniture with a few crazy benches, a chair, and a couple of tables. The floor is damp ground, and there is scarcely sufficient light to read by in broad daylight, without going close to one or two miserable little windows which alone light this den. Notwithstanding this very unpromising exterior, I found far more progress and acquirement in this school than in most others, owing entirely to the natural ability and unusually good education of the teacher, a young married woman, named Jane Thomas, 274 On the State of Education in Wales, who has had an attendance of upwards of forty children during the year and a quarter the school has been established. Her recent marriage had caused an interruption in the business of the school, and had resulted in a decreased number of scholars on the day of my visit. No particular method of teaching was adopted, but the Babel fashion of every child learning its lesson aloud, was repudiated in this school, and the mistress appeared to have succeeded in imparting much of her own knowledge and acquirements to her little pupils in her own homely method, sometimes by class, and sometimes by individual instruction. She also occasionally employed monitorial aid. She heard her best class read some of the brief scraps of ' science' appended to Vyse'sNew London Spelling-Book. She read with them, and some of them read and pronounced very nicely ; and she questioned them with tolerable fulness on the meaning of words, and on the simple points elicited by the subject. I asked them the meaning of agriculture, using the English word, and they immediately answered me correctly in Welsh. To the question, ' What is anatomy ?' I had the answer in Welsh ' Cutting up a body.' I next examined a larger class in the 9th chapter of St. Matthew, and obtained from the girls very satis- factory answers to my questions on that chapter, relating to the miracles, missions, and death of Christ ; the conversion of St. Paul : and in the Old Testament, questions on the passage of the Red Sea, and the history of Moses and Joshua, and the miracles wrought by them, were correctly answered upon the whole. They also gave many correct answers in geo- graphy, and to a certain very limited extent were able to do mental arith- metic. The boys were very backward : a penny was offered in vain for an explanation of what parables meant. Most of these boys had been at the school at Llanfihangel, and seemed to have learnt nothing there. With great difficulty, and after many guesses, 4x5 was accomplished. The mistress does not appear to give the same attention to the boys which she pays to the girls, some of whom write well and are remarkably proficient in spelling : grief, deceive, tough, through, and even physician, were correctly spelt. The mistress is desirous of improving her natural capacity, which I do not hesitate to say is considerable, in a good training school ; were she enabled to do so she would in all probability prove an excellent mistress. Several of the children learn sewing and fancy work, which she seemed quite competent to teach." An inferior but more common description of country adventure school was that at Pentre Rhys, near Llanwenog, in Cardigan- shire : - " The schoolroom was originally a cow-shed, converted into a school- room without any attempt even to mend the paving of the floor, which was well worn and so uneven that the rough benches in it were propped up by large stones ; the walls were of mud, the roof of decayed thatch, without any attempt at a ceiling ; and there were only two small windows at each end, affording little light in the middle of the place. The door was full of holes, and there was neither fire nor fireplace to counteract the chilly dampness of the place, the ground being wet and muddy from the trickling of water through the roof. The entire area of the place was 10 ft. by 16 ft. No less than eighteen uncouth boys and girls, in the primitive dresses of the country, were stowed on the benches which were ranged along the walls. There were two square tables, one at either end of the place, and a chair for the master, and this formed the whole furniture of Brecknock) Cardigan, and Radnor. 275 the school. Each child had a book, and nearly all were reading aloud, each by himself. The master, a poor half-starved looking man, came out rod in hand to meet us. Our visit, he said, was not unexpected, as he heard we were going about. I requested him to call up eight of his best scholars (classes there were none), and give them a lesson in his usual way. He did so rather reluctantly, and put them upon the 1st chapter of the 2nd Epistle of Timothy, in English, no Welsh being taught in the school. They read verse by verse very imperfectly, frequently mis- taking the pronunciation of words, and but very seldom corrected by the master, who it appeared shortly knew next to nothing of the language him- self. Where the pronunciation was correct, I remarked that the accent was good -decidedly purer than inmost of the villages of England. The master said that he never explained the meaning of any subject, but when they had done reading went immediately to spelling. The only thing attempted seemed to be, to tell them the meaning of all the English words he knew himself in Welsh. This I have by no means found in- variably the case. Thus the children, who always learn the meaning of words very fast when they are taught them nt all, were able to translate most simple words into Welsh, but to that extent only were learning English. The word ' gospel' they thought meant ' condemnation,' but they knew what son, father, prayers, lands, &c., meant. They had not the most distant comprehension, however, of the meaning of what they read mechanically in the Scriptures. Finding this to be the case, I com- menced an examination of all they knew, every question being translated into Welsh by Mr. Lewis ; and, in order that they should really try to answer and exert their minds, I promised and gave a penny for every right answer, the only satisfactory means of an exhaustive examination in such schools. Six out of seven did not know who Christ was, nor had ever heard of a good man coming to the earth to save sinners ; but the eighth, a girl, had heard it was the Son of God. None knew whether he was on earth now or not. Five knew that if they were bad they should go to hell; most of them did not know where they should go if they were whole g Congregation or Sect. 1 Under 15 Years. Above 15 Years. Number of each Sect at School. o 1 J j 1. i J 1 "rt 1 1 13 S3 1 i 1* 1 I i BRECKNOCKSHIRE. Church of England . 40 920 1,104 2,024 202 183 385 2,409*82-0*85-8 84-0 Baptists .... 30 632 540 1,172 61] 349 960 2,132 50-8 60-7 55 Calvinistic Methodists 45 858 792 1,650 1,227 865 2,092 3,742 41- 1 47-8 44-1 Independents 51 1,081 970 2,051 1,294 735 2,029 4,080 45-6 56-9 50-3 Wesleyan Methodists 10 193 156 349 116 58 174 523 62-5 72-9 66-7 Other denominations 5 228 209 437 221 110 331 768 50 8 65-5 56-9 Totals . . . 181 3,912 '3,771 7,683 . 3,671 ^B 2,300 T 5,971 13,654 51-6 62-1 T 56-3 CARDIGANSHIRE. Church of England . 55 1,179 1,075 2,254 1,009 811 1,820 4,074 53-9 57-0 55-5 Baptists . . . . 18 377 392 769 654 602 1,256 2,025 36-5 39-4 37-J Calvinistic Methodists 70 2,446 2,611 5,057 3,962 4,757 8,719 13,776 38-1 35-4 36-J Independents . . 44 837 869 1,706 1,949 1,828 3,777 5,483 30-1 3-2-2 31-1 Wesleyan Methodists 19 374 362 736 571 466 1,037 1,773| 39-6 43-7 41 * Other denominations . Totals . . . .. , -. 206 _ 5,213 5,309 10,522 MHMMBMM 8,145 8,464 mmmmmmmamm 16,609 ^IMHMMMW 27,131 1HHMMM 39-0 38-5 38'i RADNORSHIRE. Church of England . 25 553 554 1,107 22 17 39 1,146 96-2 97-0 96l Baptists .... 9 115 93 208 54 40 94 302 68-0 69 - 229 < ^ ^ 99 20-7 21-1 -0-9 2-4 _ 2-1 9-1 936 240 4,714 1,179 5,893 12 13-7 37-2 38-0 37-6 26 ! 21-8 23-8 28-8 8,498 3,415 rhole uumber of scholars of that sex and of the same denomination. 282 On the State of Education in Wales, Conclusions from the foregoing table. Average at- tendance at Sunday- schools. The numbers belonging to the Church and to the Dissenting Sunday-schools in each parish have been already stated in the Tables at page 214. They show a very large preponderance of Dissenting schools over the schools of the Church, which possesses only 17*6 per cent of the whole number of scholars in Brecknock- shire; 15-0 in Cardiganshire ; but 49-6 in Radnorshire. In the foregoing table the relative numbers belonging to the different denominations of each sex and class of age have been carefully collated from the tables in Appendix C. They afford, I believe, a fair approximation to the truth. It is however imprac- ticable to obtain a perfectly accurate census of Sunday-school scholars, inasmuch as frequently no books are kept, and it often happens that the same scholar attends two different schools. Nevertheless, upon the whole, I believe the returns to have been fairly made. It appears, from the foregoing table, that, of the whole 43,094 scholars, 46-8 per cent., or less than half, are under 15 years of age. The proportion of adults to children varies in the different counties. In Cardiganshire, a county peculiar for the universality of Sunday-school instruction among all classes and ages, the pre- ponderance is great, both of male and female adults, over children of whom the males form only 39 per cent, of the total number of male scholars, and the females only 38-5 per cent, of the total number of female scholars, as appears by the 9th and 10th columns in the table. In Brecknockshire the perponderance is in favour of chil- dren ; and in Radnorshire the elder class of scholars do not amount to 15 per cent, of the whole number. It is also worthy of observation that the preponderance of adult attendance, where it exists, arises exclusively in Dissenting Sunday-schools; it exists moreover exclusively when we compare the numbers belonging to each class with each other, as in the 9th, 10th, and llth columns. There is no preponderance of adult scholars over the children re- latively to the population. The columns headed " Centesimal proportion of Scholars of each class to the total population of the same sex and ages in each county" clearly exhibit this result. As compared with the corresponding portion of the population, 37'6 per cent, of the total number of children under 15 are at Sunday-schools, and only 23'8 of the total number above 15. Nevertheless the proportion is nearly balanced in the county of Cardigan, where nearly 40 per cent, of the whole population belong to some Sunday-school, whilst in Radnorshire 9*1 per cent, alone belong to them. Relatively these numbers are, I believe, to be relied upon ; but an average deduction of 20 per cent, must be made in estimating the number who actually attend. These numbers were taken from the statement of the parties themselves who governed the schools, and result as follow in each county : Brecknock) Cardigan, and Radnor. 283 AYERAOX NUMBERS ATTENDING. Centesimal Pro- portion to gross number of each sex. Brecknocksh ire C;ir,',i;,';ir..shirf Radnorshire. Total. Males . . Females 0,109 4,847 10,602 11,340 911 981 17,022 17,168 79-6 81-8 No very marked difference exists with regard to the sexes. The males preponderate; the gross number being 22,113, and that of the females 20,981 ; the better attendance of the females reduces this inequality in the schools. The general tendency of the Sunday-schools is decidedly bene- ficial. In many places they have been the means of imparting most of the small amount of scriptural knowledge which exists : and I believe that three-fourths of all the correct answers made to me in day-school examinations have been the result of Sunday-school teaching. I have met with a few excellent Church Sunday-schools, where the Scriptures are explained as well as read, and the Church Catechism, instead of being presented to the child's mind as a siring of words for the barren exercise of the memory unassociated with ideas, becomes a living letter of doctrine and a fruitful code of moral precept. Such schools exist at Aberystwyth, Llangenny, and St. Mary's, Brecknock, where instruction extends to the Liturgy of our Church, and there are some other instances of real instruc- tion imparted in Church Sunday-schools; of all which full notes are given under the title of those parishes; but in all these cases the effect is produced by the personal superintendence and continual exertions of the clergyman himself, or of some educated persons who personally instruct the children. When these are absent all sink into the deep ruts of the rote system, and the mechanical exercise of reading. The child ceases to regard the instruction in any other light than as an appendage to the drudgery of the week-day routine, and all the sanctity of character and spirit- ual effect of the Sabbath-school is utterly lost. These schools sadly preponderate in number. As regards the method pursued in Church Sunday-schools, little need be said : it has no distinctive feature. This is, in my humble judgment, their chief defect : the ordinary routine of hymn, reading verse by verse for a length of time, generally without illustration, comment, or question by the teacher, and the repetition of Collect and Catechism, comprise the sum of the instruction attempted. There is nothing to awaken the faculties, arouse the interest, soften the feelings, and reach the hearts of the children. Simultaneous exhortation exists, I believe, scarcely anywhere in Church Sunday-schools. They want life. The whole system is spiritless and monotonous, and repulsive instead of attractive to children. The good Sunday-schools be- longing to the Church, where the Church is alive and energetic, do vast good ; but even the best are capable of improvement in energy, animation and method. Church Sun- dav-schools. 281 On the State of Education in ll'aks, TiwDissen- The Dissenting Sunday-schools are decidedly more effective for Ichois' npay ~ ^ ie P l "'P oses f religious instruction than those of the Chiuvh. They have defects of mental and spiritual exercise, but their system is far superior where it is effectively administered. These schools are of a character wholly distinctive from that of Churcli Sunday-schools: they are intended less for the instruction of chil- dren in elementary religious education, than designed as a familiar means of spiritual improvement for the congregation at large ; hence the large number of adults who attend them. It is a pleasing sight to see a chapel thronged with the poorer classes, each pew containing from five to ten persons, consisting either of male or female adults, or children, and in each pew a teacher, selected for the superiority of his zeal and knowledge, reading with the rest, and endeavouring in most cases with his utmost ability to explain the Scriptures to his little flock, who, in all good schools, are questioned to the best of his powers as to the meaning of all difficult passages. When it is considered that, with scarcely an exception, the thousands who throng these schools belong exclusively to the working classes, and that numbers in every chapel are surrendering the best part of their only day of rest to the office of teaching and improving their still humbler neighbours; and when I remember that in many places these working-people^, in their Sunday-schools and chapels, have alone kept religion alive, and have afforded the only effective means of making known the Gospel, I must bear my cordial testimony to the services which these humble congregations have rendered to the community. At the same time, the defects in the Dissenting schools are very obvious. In many there is far too little mental exercise, and in such cases the school degenerates into a mere seminary for learning to read and sing. This defect is always proportioned to the greater or less degree of ability in the teacher. The system is not in fault ; it is owing in great measure to want of competent information in the teachers and this is especially the case with female teachers and a good deal to the comparative neglect of these schools by the Dissenting ministers, whom I scarcely ever saw in them, and who, it may be supposed, would be most competent to direct and stimulate the teachers. This office is wholly left in most cases to the Superintendent, who does not always perform this function effectively, especially in the personal visiting of each class, and in the exhortation which ought to be given invariably at the conclusion of the school. This excellent, method of keeping alive attention and giving oral instruction is imperfectly practised in most of the Dissenting Sunday-schools, and almost wholly unpractised, to the best of my knowledge, in Church Sunday-schools. In some of the Dissenting Sunday-schools questioning leads to discussion, and discussion not ^infrequently to a profitless inquiry into abstruse points of polemics and diversities of creed which tend Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 285 little to Christian improvement. I have heard very curious and recondite inquiries directed to solve even pre-Adamite mysteries in these schools. The Welsh are very prone to mystical and pseudo- metaphysical discussion, especially in Cardiganshire. The great doctrines and moral precepts of the Gospel are, I think, too little taught in Sunday-schools. They are more prone to dive into abstract and fruitless questions upon minute incidents, as well as debatable doctrines, as for example, who the angel was that ap- peared to Balaam, than to illustrate and enforce moral duties or explain the parables. The essential means of salvation are usually better taught, but not always with sufficient simplicity. The routine is admirable. In all the best schools nothing is The syst done to weary everything to keep attention awake and to enliven the school : nothing is tediously prolonged. There is a continual diversity of mental occupation, varied by hymns ; and vocal music is exceedingly well taught and practised in some few of these schools. I would beg especially to refer your Lordships to the Reports of the Aberystwyth Sunday-schools for full details of the interesting character of the system pursued. One of its main merits is that of training teachers by previous preparation. It is impossible, on visiting Dissenting Sunday-schools, not to feel a desire to see a little more of the same attention, sympathy and pains bestowed by the rich and educated classes on those below them which the better portion of the working classes be- stow on their poorer neighbours. It is much to be feared that there are more Samaritans among the poor than among the rich in these counties, and that the remark of Mr. Phillips, a gentle- man of great benevolence and large property in Radnorshire, is very just, " Until the landed proprietors and clergy take a much greater interest in the conduct of the farmers and of the labouring population, little permanent good can be expected." I cannot close these remarks on Sunday-schools without ven- turing to express my disapproval of the practice, common alike to Church and Dissenting schools, of allowing young children to learn to read in them. This is surely a perversion of the object and spirit of the institution. I have frequently seen persons occupied in teaching little children to spell and pronounce small words, not only engrossing their time with the drudgery of elementary in- struction, but disturbing the rest of the scholars. Schools thus conducted cease to be seminaries of religious knowledge and sink into week-day schools of the lowest class. It is a fallacy to say that no secular instruction is given in Welsh Sunday-schools : this is secular instruction, and of the most profitless and least spiritual kind. I have ventured to speak freely of the defects I have witnessed in Sunday-schools, because I am deeply impressed with the extensive benefit they are capable of, and because I believe that a friendly development of what appear to be their short-comings may not be without its use. 286 On the State of Education in Wales, I beg likewise to be permitted to fortify and illustrate these con- clusions by the following brief extracts from the evidence of cler- gymen, dissenting ministers, and others who are well qualified to describe the characteristics and attest the effects of the Sunday- schools in the different parts of my district. The Very Reverend the Dean of St. David's says sunday C - e On " The instruction in Sunday-schools is generally inefficient. In the schools. Church schools the Catechism of the Rev. Mr. Jones, of Llanddowror, is used with the Church Catechism, of which it is explanatory, together with some of the books by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. The Sunday-school here (Lampeter, in Cardiganshire), in consequence of not having a better room, is not so efficient as when we had a better. The teachers are generally wishful to make the children understand what they read ; but they fail often from want of experience. " The Sunday-schools neither are, nor can be made, sufficient for the requisite instruction of the people, but only for elementary Scriptural knowledge. All secular instruction is excluded from these schools in Wales; it would be thought irreligious to introduce it. * * * :;:- * " The people derive a wonderful degree of biblical knowledge from their habit of questioning each other in Sunday-schools. They are grossly ignorant of secular knowledge. Farm-girls will answer questions on doctrinal points in their Sunday-schools, such as on the hardness of the heart, original sin, &c., and be not only grossly ignorant on every other subject, but also grossly immoral." The defective moral efficiency of Sunday-school instruction, in that part of Cardiganshire of which the Dean of St. David's speaks, is further attested by the Rev. Lewis Davies, the Visitor of Mrs. Bevan's schools, Curate of Troed y Raur, near Newcastle Emlyn, a district, however, far from being a fair specimen of the moral or intellectual condition of the people. " The Welsh poor people are wofully ignorant on all secular subjects. They used to be well instructed in the Sunday-schools in the Bible and in Scriptural truths, but latterly, since so much doctrinal controversy has arisen, they pretty nearly confine their questions (pwnc in Welsh) and catechising to polemics : for instance, such as State and Church con- nexion ; that confirmation is contrary to Scripture ; that baptism ought to be by immersion, or the reverse ; Presbyterianism and Independency, &c. They thus attend far less to Bible history and Gospel truths than to these sectarian points. Having been absent in England for about 12 years, I perceived a great change for the worse in this respect on my return six years ago, and this state of things is rather worse than better now. The pwnc is generally printed, and always chanted at the schools about here. They often meet at evening schools in private houses for the preparation of the pwnc, and this tends to immoralities between the young persons of both sexes. W. O. Brigstocke, Esq., an active Magistrate of the same district, says " Sunday-schools belonging to the various denominations of Dissenters: but their teachers generally speaking have had no advantage of educatior Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 287 themselves, therefore not much fitted to instruct others ; and in some instances Sunday- schools, in connexion with the established Church, are met with, which are well attended." Mr. Thomas Williams, the Magistrate's Clerk of Lampeter, and Superintendent of the Independent Sunday-school there, makes a somewhat more favourable statement: " The Sunday-schools are very general in this county, and have done immense good as to the observance of the Sabbath and morals generally. In Llanwenog the usual practice used to be to play at foot-ball on the S.ibbath, which is now abandoned, owing to the influence of the Inde- pendent and other Sunday-schools. Sunday-schools, however, cannot be made sufficient for the people. The teachers are often incompetent, in the Sunday-schools, to instruct the people properly in what they read. The children do not derive much instruction from the teachers. They often allow them to read several chapters without explaining it. The general plan is to commence with Genesis and to go through the whole Bible. The children sire taught reading but derive very little benefit besides that. When points arise among the grown-up people in reading the Scriptures, they often discuss them, and, if the teacher of the class cannot solve them they refer it to the minister. These discussions refer both to doctrinal points and to the comprehension of particular terms and passages. The people thus have much more biblical knowledge than any other, and are remarkably ignorant on other subjects. They are not materially superstitious." The Rev. G. Thomas, the Incumbent of Cardigan, where some inferiority also exists in Sunday-school instruction, compared with the north of the county, says " They get their knowledge of the Bible chiefly in Sunday-schools, with the exception of such day -schools as exist ; but there is an immense number who are perfectly ignorant, and attend no school." Mr. Lloyd, Independent Sunday- School Superintendent at Car- digan, however, remarks " The children on the whole, are as well informed in Scriptural know- ledge as in any part of the kingdom, though in remote places they are naturally ignorant. I attribute this general Scriptural information entirely to the spread of Sunday-schools ; they have increased of late years, and are increasing. I know no Dissenting chapel without a Sunday- school. In all the Sunday-schools I am acquainted with, it is the custom to catechise and question the children, so as to make them under- stand what they learn. I have been in the constant habit of teaching in Sunday-schools belonging to the Independent congregations for the last thirty years" (as he afterwards remarked, chiefly in Pembrokeshire). " There is no doubt that in secular information the people are very defi- cient ; secular knowledge is only accidentally imparted in the generality ol Sunday-schools." As we proceed northwards, in Cardiganshire, especially near the coast, Sunday-schools improve. The Reverend Abel Green and other Calvinistic Methodists o Abarayron, in the middle of Cardiganshire, say "The Scriptural education is much better ; a great deal of pains taken in Sunday-schools, the teachers sitting with the children, and x 2 288 On the State of Education in Wales, DISCIPLINE and INSTHUCTIOI * Number of Schools in which Simultaneous Instruction is Schools in which Instruction is given.' Conn tits. Sect or Congregation. Number of given by Schools. i a In In .1 8 Welsh English In boll EI J ouly. only. Church of England . 40 8 13 4 31 5 Baptists .... 30 11 21 6 4 20 Brecknockshire Calvinistic Methodists Independents . 45 51 14 23 32 36 40 22 2 1 7 28 Wesleyan Methodists Other denominations 10 5 2 5 9 1 1 1 .. 4 4 5 1 Total . . 181 63 116 69 46 66 Church of England , 55 25 16 36 6 13 Baptists .... 18 5 14 14 , . 4 Cardiganshire. = Calvinistic Methodists Independents . 70 44 13 19 58 34 61 39 1 1 8 4 Wesleyan Methodists Other denominations 19 5 12 9 2 8 Total . . 206 67 134 159 10 an^HMMB 35 f Church of England . 25 y 10 25 Baptists .... 9 5 8 8 "] Radnorshire . < Calvinistic Methodists Independents . . Wesleyan Methodists Other denominations 7 6 4 2 1 1 "l 5 2 3 2 5 3 4 I Total . . 53 15 30 47 ( Grand Total of the) Three Counties ./ 440 145 2SO 228 103 10! * In some schools the simultaneous instruction is given both by the minister a numbers and t Jardiyan, and Radnor, 289 u SUNDAY-SCHOOLS. Centesimal Proportion of Schools taught in each Lan-;uai,'e to the whole Number of each Sect. Numbrr of >portion of 1 the Scrip- ole Number each Sect. Number of Schools in which | ti 1 3 H Scholars "*" t~ -~ s 3 o. C who road the -g c J S g = T3 c- *> ^ c !H In Welsh only. In English only. In both. Scriptures. |ll? 14 el' 2 <8 s l all 1 en I 'S -3 Ji 10-0 77-5 12-5 1,394 57-9 35 38 26 35 20-0 13-3 66-7 1,123 52-7 m . 28 18 13 30 80-0 4.4 15*6 2,416 64- (5 . . 45 42 32 45 43-1 2-0 51-9 2,459 60-3 3 51 44 35 51 10-0 40-0 50-0 301 57-5 . . 10 9 6 10 80-0 20-0 343 44-7 4 1 5 38-1 25-4 36-5 8,036 58'9 3 173 152 112 176 -___ - MM.M --*-- ""^ " -.-__ ______ 65-5 10-9 23-6 2,655 65-1 52 48 22 54 77-8 22-2 1,414 69-8 , 17 16 12 18 87-2 i-4 11-4 9,937 72-1 % t 70 69 32 70 88-6 2-3 . 9-1 3,816 69-6 m t 44 35 14 44 47-4 10-5 -l.'-l 1,134 64 .. 18 15 11 19 77-1 4-9 18-0 18,956 69-9 201 183 91 205 100-0 592 51-7 19 25 17 19 88-9 li-i 152 50-3 1 t 8 3 2 9 > 71-4 28-6 192 64-2 1 t 7 7 5 7 . . 50-0 50-0 172 5fi-5 . . 6 4 2 d p , 100-0 1 1 75 45-0 4 4 4 4 100-0 50 55-0 1 2 1 2 1 88-7 11-3 1,233 53-4 1 46 44 32 45 51-8 23-4 24-8 28,225 65-5 4 420 379 235 42G aymcn, in others by neither, which accounts for the disparity between these nnber of schools. 290 On the State of Education in Wales, asking them questions on each verse they read. If in the day-schools any Scriptural questions are answered, it is more owing to the Sunday schools than the day-schools." The Reverend John Rees and other Dissenters and Churchmen of Tregaron, Cardiganshire, speaking of Sunday-schools there, say "The education respecting religion is very good in our Sunday- schools." In the north of Cardiganshire a still more satisfactory state of things exists. The Reverend John Hughes, of Aberystwyth, where the Sunday- schools are superior to any I have seen, observes "The Sunday-schools are doing great good in this district. The people generally are getting sound Scriptural instruction by these means ; but sometimes the younger children are apt to be less attended to in public catechising, for in the presence of a congregation the simple questions best adapted for the children would be unsuitable for the con- gregation at large." Mr. Griffith Thomas, the late Superintendent of the Welsh Calvinistic Sunday-schools in the same district, says " There is a great want of better schools in Wales for the poor, as regards secular knowledge, though the Scriptural education is better than it is in the rural districts of England, according to what I hear, owing to the Sunday-schools." The Reverend John Saunders, the Independent Minister, also says, speaking of the same district, around Aberystwyth " The Sunday-schools are very well attended, and do great good, and they supply rcuch of the deficiency of day schools in teaching the people to read the Welsh language ; 'but they teach no writing that I am aware of, or secular knowledge. They are increasing in Wales. Generally speaking, there is a good deal of exertion made to search and understand the Scriptures; and the people get to understand them, but they are very ignorant of secular information." Mr. John Matthews, Superintendent of the Calvinistic Methodist Sunday-school at Aberystwyth, says " In the. Sunday-schools the instruction is Scriptural and not secular, except that the children learn reading. They are the means of giving sound Scriptural instruction to a very great extent. It is usual in the Sunday-schools in this county for the person who reads a verse in the classes to question the others upon it ; if he has no question to ask, then the others are at liberty to do so, and when they have done, the teacher then asks questions himself; this is a great assistance in bringing the classes to understand the Scriptures, which has been the primary object of the Sunday-schools. It is also usual to a great extent for the teachers to meet once a week to prepare themselves on the chapter which is to be read at the next Sunday-school. There are meetings held every two months at each of six or seven chapels in rotation which the teachers attend ; and they report on the amount learnt in their re- spective schools, and differences compared with former returns are noted, and the teachers are addressed by the ministers on given subjects. Thus the discipline is kept ah've by this means. This refers to the denomi- Brecknock) Cardigan, and Radnor. 291 nation to which I belong. The children are thus much better off than they would have been otherwise ; there is no doubt that these schools have effected a great change in the morals of the people. They are in- creasing in number in this county. They do not, however, supply the deficiency of day-schools." In Brecknockshire the Sunday-schools are inferior to those of North Cardiganshire in spiritual and educational energy. The Reverend David Parry, the Vicar of Llywell, a clergyman of great eminence as a preacher, and well acquainted with the west of the county, says " Most of them attend some place of religious worship, and enjoy the benefit of Sunday-schools ; but we have deep cause to regret, as regards the majority of them, the absence of that general and decided reforma- tion in the moral character which we have reason to expect from the use of such means." The Reverend H. Griffiths, President of the College, Brecknock, says " The Sunday-schools are not so flourishing as we could wish, though they are much improved of late. As compared with English Sunday- schools in general, there is among us a striking deficiency in the number of female teachers. I hold in my hand the educational returns of a town not far distant, where I find these words: 'We have 14 schools and 91 male teachers. Our great difficulty is the want of intelligent females. There are nearly twice as many girls as boys ; but we are not able to muster 40 teachers of their own sex. This is the more discouraging as there are a great many servants unable to read a syllable who would gladly come to learn, could we but spare them the shame of exposing their ignorance to men. We hope, however, for brighter da\s, as several of the elder girls bid fair to become useful teachers.' In English Sunday-schools there is almost invariably a preponderance of female teachers, but in Wales it is quite the reverse. Now, I am persuaded my countrywomen are not less earnest or active than their sisters in England. How then is it that so few of them occupy prominent situa- tions in our Sunday-schools ? I am afraid a full answer to this would involve disclosures to which I have not the courage to attach my name. Hitherto, the method pursued in Welsh Sunday-schools differs consider- ably from that adopted in England. Happily, it is now given up in nearly all our towns, and I cannot but hope for great good from the chan-e." The Sunday-schools (says the Reverend R. Harrison, of Builth) afford no sufficient education for the whole week. The Reverend E. Davies, Theological Professor at the Brecknock College, speaks more decidedly in favour of the Sunday-school instruction than any other person who favoured me with evidence. He says " There is no people in the world so well provided with the means of religious instruction as the Welsh, as regards accommodation for religious worship, preaching, Sunday-school instruction, and religious books." Mr. Davies, the Principal of the Normal College, qualifies the same statement : 292 On the State of Education in Wales, " There is no want of accommodation in churches and chapels, and a great deal of effort is put forth by the various religious bodies to reach the masses destitute of religious privileges. But a great deal must be done before matters are in a satisfactory state. Those that avail them- selves of them derive much benefit.'* In Radnorshire great spiritual destitution prevails. Archdeacon Venables remarks that " The Sunday-schools are not sufficient to give the children even Scrip- tural knowledge ; the teachers seldom make the children understand \vhat they learn, but fancy that if they teach them to read that is all that can be required of them." The Reverend William Evans, Vicar of Rhayader, says "The Sunday-schools do not give adequate instruction to the children." Such, my Lords, are the opinions generally prevailing in my district on the subject of Sunday-school instruction. I have de- rived the impressions I have ventured to express on this interesting feature of my inquiry, first, from this and similar evidence and information on the subject; and secondly, from my own personal inspection of Sunday-schools. As free admission was given to me by every denomination of Dissenters as well as by the Church, I have been enabled to generalise the results of the more isolated observation of those who, belonging to one religious body, must be deemed to speak chiefly with reference to their own. The preced- ing table (pp. 2S8-9) will enable your Lordships to judge of the varieties of discipline and instruction which prevail in schools belonging to the different denominations : VIII. MORAL AND PHYSICAL CONDITION OF THE PEOPLE. I have hitherto, rny Lords, treated of the actual state of edu- cation in my district. It remains alone for me to advert to the moral character and condition of the population, the general state of intelligence and information of the poorer classes, and to the influence which an improved education might be expected to pro- duce on the general condition of society and its moral and religious progress. The breadth and importance of the investigation involved in these considerations would cause me to shrink from offering my own conclusions upon them were not my responsibility lightened by the salient nature of the facts, and by the concurrent testimony of the well-informed persons whose evidence I lay before your Lordships. condition of The people in my district are almost universally poor. In some tio e n. ] " parts of it wages are probably lower than in any part of Great Britain. The evidence of the witnesses numbered 22, 23, 1, 47, and 48, fully confirmed by other statements, exhibits much poverty, but little amended in other parts of the counties on which I report. The farmers themselves are very much impoverished, and live no better than English cottagers in prosperous agricultural counties. Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 293 The cottages in which the people dwell are miserable in the extreme in nearly every part of the country in Cardiganshire, and every part of Brecknockshire and Radnorshire except the east. I have already laid before your Lordships the striking statement made on this branch of the subject by Mr. Jones, the Chairman of the Rhayader Union, and the Surgeon. I have myself visited many of the dwellings of the poor,, and my Assistants have done so likewise, and the result of some of these observations is stated in the notes in the Appendix on Tregaron, Llanfihangel, Rhidithon, Beguildy, &c.* I believe the Welsh cottages to be very little, if at all, superior to the Irish huts in the country districts. Brick chimneys are very unusual in these cottages ; those which exist are usually in the shape of large cones, the top being of basketwork. In very few cottages is there more than one room, which serves the purposes of living and sleeping. A large dresser and shelves usually form the partition between the two ; and where there are separate beds for the family, a curtain or low board is (if it exist) the only division, with no regular partition. And this state of things very generally prevails, even where there is some little attention paid to cleanliness ; but the cottages and beds are frequently filthy. The people are also very dirty. In all the counties the cottages are generally destitute of necessary out- buildings, including even those belonging to the farmers ; and both in Cardiganshire and Radnorshire, except near the border of England, the pigs and poultry have free run of the joint dwelling and sleeping rooms. As an exemplification of this I may, perhaps, venture to cite a note I took of the small town of Tregaron in Cardiganshire. ** The extreme filthiness of the habits of the poor, though observable everywhere, is as striking in this place, if not more so, than elsewhere, inasmuch as in a town it might be expected that a little more of the outward observances of cleanliness and decency would be met with. Dung-heaps abound in the lanes and streets. There seemed seldom to be more than one room for living and sleeping in; generally in a state of indescribable disorder and dirty to an excess. The pigs and poultry form a usual part of the family. In walking down a. lane which forms one of the principal entrances to the town, I saw a huge sow go up to a door (the lower half of which was shut), and put her fore-paws on the top of it and begin shaking it ; a woman with a child in her arms rushed across the road from the other side of the way, and immediately opened the door, and the animal walked into the house grunting as if she was offended at the delay, the woman following and closing the door behind her. Even the churchyard gives evidence of the absence of necessary out-buildings in the town, and several of the tombstones were covered with half-washed linen hanging to dry. This church and churchyard stand on a rocky eminence in the centre of the town, forming therefore a very conspicuous object in the place." * Omitted in this Edition. 294 On the State of Education in Wales, mining popu- lation. Immoral cha- racter of the population. The evidence numbered I, 22, 47, and 48, will further develop the prevalent disregard of cleanliness and domestic comfort. The mining population exists exclusively in the extreme south and south-east border of Brecknockshire. It is congregated chiefly at Brynmaur in the parish of Llanelly, and at Beaufort in Llan- gattock, Llangynider, at Vainor, and at Ystrad Gynlais. The characteristics, so well known, and often described, of mining dis- tricts, prevail in the former of these places, if possible, with still less than the usual attention to cleanliness and comfort. The evidence given me of the immoral character of the people, with a few exceptions, tells the same tale. The Welsh are pecu- liarly exempt from the guilt of great crimes. There are few districts in Europe where murders, burglaries, personal violence, rapes, forgeries, or any felonies on a large scale are so rare. On the other hand, there are, perhaps, few countries where the stand- ard of minor morals is lower. Petty thefts, lying, cozening, every species of chicanery, drunkenness (where the means exist), and idleness, prevail to a great extent among the least educated part of the community, who scarcely regard them in the light of There is another very painful feature in the laxity of morals sins. voluntarily attested by some of those who have given evidence. I refer to the alleged want of chastity in the women. If this be so, it is sufficient to account for all other immoralities, for each genera- tion will derive its moral tone in a great degree from the influences imparted by the mothers who reared them. Where these influ- ences are corrupted at their very source, it is vain to expect virtue in the offspring. The want of chastity results frequently from the practice of " bundling," or courtship on beds, during the night a practice still widely prevailing. It is also said to be much in- creased by night prayer-meetings, and the intercourse which ensues in returning home. These are not the only causes of this vice. It results also from the revolting habit of herding married and unmarried people of both sexes, often unconnected by relationship, in the same sleeping rooms, and often in adjoining beds without partition or curtain. Natural modesty is utterly suppressed by this vile practice, and the instinctive delicacy alike in men and women is destroyed in its very germ. These practices obtain in the classes immediately above as well as among the labouring people. The several features in the moral condition of the people will derive illustration from the following evidence. In Brecknockshire, the Reverend Edward Williams, Independent Minister at Builth, says " The house accommodation is not good in the country. They often have only two rooms, one for the kitchen and one for sleeping. The whole family sleep in one room, without any division of sexes in most cases. I have known cases in farm-houses where the same system existed as to farm-servants, but not in the better classes of farm- houses." Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 295 As regards morality in that district, Mr. Williams speaks more favourably than most persons : he says " The general character of the villagers is pretty fair as to honesty, and also as to chastity. Cases of bastardy are not uncommon, but pro- miscuous intercourse does not usually occur. These cases are chiefly among farm-servants. "They are tolerably fair as to truth, and they are generally in- dustrious. " This town (Builth) is very bad as to drunkenness. In the country they are pretty fair as to that. "The observance of the Sabbath is better in Breconshire than in Radnorshire, and good in the former. Radnorshire is very much neglected, and attendance at places of worship not good. The clergy generally reside at their livings, just in this neighbourhood. " The country people are generally peaceably disposed ; they are free from gambling ; but they are not very cleanly in their habits." The Reverend David Charles, the Principal of the College at Trevecca, says "The morals of this part of the country are certainly very defective, owing to the system of drinking cider, &c., so prevalent here ; drunkenness is the common sin of both farmers and their servants ; seldom do we meet farm-servants returning from any considerable distance with their master's waggon or cart but that we find them intoxicated, while it is quite lamentable to witness the number of drunken farmers returning from market on Saturdays. In harvest-time this practice is still more prevalent. There is also among the class mentioned very little attention paid to the observance of the Sabbath." The Reverend R. Harrison, the Incumbent of Builth, says "The Welsh are more deceitful than the English; though they are full of expression, I cannot rely on them as I should on the English. There is more disposition to pilfer than among the English, but we are less apprehensive of robbery than in England. There is less open avowal of a want of chastity, but it exists ; and there is far less feeling of delicacy between the sexes here in every-day life than in England. The boys bathe here, for instance, in the river at the bridge in public, and I have been insulted for endeavouring to stop it. There is less open wickedness as regards prostitution than in England. Drunkenness is the prevailing sin of this place and the country around, and is not confined to the labouring classes, but the drunkenness of the lower classes is greatly caused by the example of those above them, who pass their evenings in the public-houses. But clergymen and magistrates, who used to fre- quent them, have ceased to do so within the last few years. I have preached against the sin, and used other efforts to check it, though I have been insulted for doing so in the street. I think things are better than they were in this respect I do not think they are addicted to gambling, but their chief vice is that of sotting in the public houses. " They are very dirty. I found a house in Builth where, in the bed- room down stairs, I found two pigs in one corner, and two children ill with the scarlet fever in the other. The dunghills are placed, in the front of the houses in some parts of the town." 296 On the State of Education in Wales, Morals in David Griffiths, a working-man at Builth, says Brecknock- shire. " The chief part of the poorer classes about here would rather be idle ; there is little saving among them, and those who save are regarded with envy and dislike by the rest. " They drink all they can get in the public-houses, but less now than formerly. Temperance Societies have done little ; none of the drunkards joined them except one man. Drunkenness extends to the women, more so now than formerly ; these are young women, mostly 20 or 25 years of age, and unmarried." " The young women are in general unsteady ; nothing is thought of having a bastard, and when in the family-way, they walk as publicly as a married woman ; a good deal of this is attributable to the soldiers who were quartered here some time back ; the mother of an illegitimate child is not generally married to the father. Public worship is generally attended, but the evening services are quitted by the younger people in a riotous manner, and much immorality then occurs. There are more filthy houses here, of the very poor, than in any other part of Wales. I was employed to inspect these houses in the time of the cholera. I found all that comes from a man's body in abundance inside the houses. There are no privies to these houses. There are mixens just outside the houses and open drains. There is not much desire of improvement among the old." The Reverend Richard Lumley, Calvinistic Methodist Minister at Builth,, says " The country people are anything but cleanly in their habits. It is not uncommon for the whole family among labourers to sleep in the same room without any distinction of sexes ; and I have lately witnessed instances of the same habit among the classes immediately above them." The Reverend James Morgan,, Vicar of Talgarth, says "The standard of morality is certainly low; illegitimate children are by no means rare, and pregnancy before marriage is of common occur- rence. It scarcely seems to be considered a sin, or even a disgrace, for a woman to be in the family-way by the man to whom she is engaged to be married. Drunkenness is but too prevalent, particularly on fair-days, and other similar occasions." Edward W. Seymour. Esq., a Magistrate of Crickhowel, speaking of the mining district, says " The vices of lying, thieving, swearing, and drunkenness, and the vastly increasing crime of illicit intercourse between the sexes, prevail to a great extent; and these are by no means confined to the uneducated. Of their disregard of common decency I had an instance, among many which have come to my knowledge, in a case which was brought before me only the other day, wherein it appeared that a young girl of sixteen, going on a visit to her sister (a married woman), was actually placed by her for many nights together in the same bed-room (without even a curtain between them) in which a young labouring man (a lodger and a stranger) slept, which man was brought before me on a charge of stealing, the parties, with the exception of the lodger, being to all appearances respectable, intelligent, and above the common order among the lower classes. Upon my expostulating with them on the impropriety of their Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 297 subjecting a female under their protection to such indecency, the parties JJjJSJi seemed rather astonished at the remark than sensible of their error." shire. The Reverend John Hughes, Curate of Llanelly, a mining parish, says " their dwellings are almost universally destitute of those conveniences which are necessary to the health and comfort of mankind ; and, from the practice of the males stripping to wash themselves in the presence of the females, the usual barriers between the sexes are done away with, and the result is shown in the frequency of illicit intercourse. Drunkenness is also prevalent, although not to so great an extent as formerly." The Reverend George Howell, Curate of Llangattock, and Edward Davies, Esq., Agent to the Duke of Beaufort at Llan- gattock, say "There is certainly a laxity of morals here, which may be easily accounted for, and entirely attributable to the overwhelming number of beer-shops which are open at all times, and where people resort to, and remain to a very late hour. The consequence is that drunkenness leads to immoral language, and ends in quarrels and broils, &c. Generally speaking they are strictly honest and trustworthy." The Reverend W. L. Bevan, Vicar of Hay, says " Drunkenness and illegitimacy are the prevailing vices of the neigh- bourhood. Very many of the poorer classes are ruined by this indulgence in the first, while the second is considered as a very venial offence. A promise of marriage on the part of the man seems to legitimatize the whole affair in the eyes of the parties themselves, as well as in the esti- mation of their friends." The Reverend James Denning, Curate of St. Mary's, Breck- nock, says " The poor seem ignorant on most subjects, except how to cheat and speak evil of each other. They appear not to have an idea of what the comforts of life are. There are at least 2000 persons living in this town in a state of the greatest filth, and to all appearance they enjoy their tilth and idleness, for they make no effort to get rid of it. From my ex- perience of Ireland, I think there is a very great similarity between the lower orders of Welsh and Irish both are dirty, indolent, bigoted, and contented. " The defect in morals which is most remarkable to a stranger is the double dealing. * * * Truth is not regarded where money is con- cerned. The women drink quantities of gin." The Reverend Lewis Havard, Roman Catholic Clergyman at Brecknock, says " The poor generally are given to drink, swearing, immodest talking, of which they seem not to be sensible of the impropriety, and sinfulness. In their different chapels they often meet, but the general feeling is, that there is no effectual improvement of the heart and morals. The profound adoration of God, the respect for man arising from that principle, may, I think, be fairly said not to be understood.*' 298 On the State of Education in Wales Morals in The Reverend Rees Price, Curate of St. John's and St. David's, *i?re knock " Brecknock, says " I am compelled to admit that want of veracity is no uncommon fea- ture in their character : this appears usually in their artifices, and indirect and even open falsehoods in answer to questions r put respecting their temporal circumstances. To this conduct, however, I have known many honourable exceptions a willingness candidly to make known the re- sources of their livelihood. Drunkenness, I anrsorry to say, is a sin that prevails to a very great extent among the males, and not unusually the females. Chastity does not appear to be highly valued by the younger portion, as may be learned from the condition of the females in many cases when presenting themselves for the performance of the marriage ceremony, and also from the number of illegitimate children presented for baptism." The Reverend E. Davies, Professor at the Brecknock College, entertains a more favourable opinion : he says " I do not think their morals are generally defective. No doubt there are many immoral characters in the country, as many, I believe, in pro- portion, among the middle and higher classes of society as among the poor, who are influenced in this respect by their superiors in knowledge and station. I believe the influence of bad example to be much more injurious to the morals of our poor than the want of education." The Reverend Mr. Griffiths, the Principal of the College, says " Generally speaking, our calendars are not remarkable for their num- ber of gross crimes ; in fact, I believe quite the reverse. I am afraid, however, that social and domestic moralities are very low among us. The number of illegitimate children, when compared with England, is astounding. There is also a great deal of drunkenness. On fair-days we often have fights innumerable about the streets. I am sorry to add, among the lower order of boys, habits of gambling in a small way seem very much on the increase. I have not observed this elsewhere in Wales, but here it is doing incalculable mischief. It would be easy to adduce instances I will only mention one : On a summer's Sunday afternoon, crowds of boys, who ought to be at school, may be seen in the fields near the town, playing cards, dice, &c., for halfpence or beer. In no town, either in England or Wales, have I seen this carried to such an extent. They are generally boys who have only learned just to read, and who therefore, being unable to find pleasure in reading, seem incapable of any higher amusement than gambling and drinking. As an index to charac- ter, nothing can be more significant than such habits." The Reverend D. Parry, of Llywell, thinks that " The morals of a great number are defective, in respect of chastity, truth-telling, and veneration for God's sacred name. In proof of which, suffice it to allude to the number of illegitimate children in the country ; to the little reliance that can be placed on what is often said or spoken, provided the individual have some bias or interest in the matter ; and to the frequent abuse of God's holy name in the common intercourse and transactions of life. These are facts well known to all observant minds, and loudly calling for some means of reformation." Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 299 In Cardiganshire the morals and habits of the people are not caniSg much better. shire - The Very Reverend the Dean of St. David's says of many of the young persons in Sunday-schools that they are " Not only grossly ignorant on every other subject, but also grossly immoral. Many of these girls have bastard children ; but this generally exists without promiscuous intercourse. Drunkenness is very general, especially at the fairs. I think there cannot be a doubt that education, accompanied by religious instruction, would materially improve this state of things ; and I think that the people would go to good schools if they existed." Thomas Williams, Esq., Clerk to the Magistrates at Lam peter and Superintendent of the Independent Sunday-school, says " I do not think the moral state of the people low, but for want of education they practise a great deal of low cunning. Generally speaking they are honest. Bastardy cases are, however, very common. The women used to be ashamed of being in the family-way, but are not so now ; and promiscuous intercourse is carried on to a very great degree." Mr. Williams gives other particulars on this subject which will be found in his evidence in the Appendix. The Reverend L. H. Davies, of Troecl y Raur, says " They (the young people) often meet at evening schools in private houses for the preparation of the pwnc, and this tends to immoralities between the young persons of both sexes, who frequently spend the night afterwards in hay-lofts together. So prevalent is want of chastity among the females, that, although I promised to return the marriage fee to all couples whose first child should be born after nine months from the marriage, only one in six years entitled themselves to claim it. Most of them were in the family-way. It is said to be a customary matter for them to have intercourse together on condition that they should marry if the woman becomes pregnant; but the marriage by no means always takes place. Morals are generally at a low ebb, but want of chastity is the giant sin of Wales. I believe that the best remedy for the want of morals and of education is that of the establishment of good schools such as I have descrihed." Richard Williams, Esq., M.D. and Coroner, says " The youth of both sexes are very unchaste, and do not consider promiscuous intercourse any disgrace, which is chiefly owing to the want of proper education ; to the ancient practice of bundling, or courting in bed, still prevalent ; to the construction of their dwellings ; and to the bad example of their parents. " The morals of the poor are generally indifferent. They are not disposed to commit atrocious crimes, but are addicted to petty thefts and prevarication. Injustice I should say that many strangers have informed me the lower classes of Wales are far superior to those of the same class n other parts of the kingdom." W. O. Brigstocke, Esq., Magistrate of Blaenpant, says " Morals generally very bad; intercourse between the sexes previous to marriage being very general ; misconduct after marriage is of rare occurrence. Drunkenness is a very common vice, especially on market or fair days." 300 On the State of Education in Wales, Morals in A somewhat more satisfactory account is given of the north Radnorshire. p ai . t Q [ ^ county by Mr. Owen Owen, of Taliessin : " The morals of the people are improving. It is common still for women to be in the family-way before their marriage, but this is not so much the case as it was. This intercourse is only with the man to whom they are attached, and a common woman would be scouted in any of the villages. The veracity of the people is not bad. In a great many places there is a desire for better education, but in several they are so poor that they are hopeless. If better means were afforded, the people would be prompted to take advantage of them by their ministers. In Radnorshire the morals of the people are of a very low standard. The Archdeacon Venables, Chairman of Quarter Sessions, says " Their morals are at a very low ebb. An acknowledged thief is almost as well thought of and as much employed as better characters by the lower orders." The Reverend W. D. West, Curate of Presteigne, says " There is great laxity in the prevalent notions on the subject of sexual intercourse ;" and he cites an instance which will be found in his evidence. He adds " Sexual lusts and drunkenness (which last I omitted above) being the popular vices, education, not mere instruction, might counteract them by creating other tastes." Mr. Jones, the Superintendent of the Baptist Sunday-School at Presteigne, makes a similar statement. Sir William Cockburn, Bart., of New Radnor, a Magistrate, says " In the one crime of bastardy I fear that the people of this country are pre-eminent. As magistrates and individuals we have done our best to discourage this vice, but the remedy is yet to be found. But except- ing five or six cases of drunkards, and some of those conspicuous, I think that the rest of the population, of above 500 souls in this parish, are more than usually sober, temperate, industrious, civil, grateful, and orderly ; and, with the exception of small wood ' carrying' (as they term it), so honest, that I should fear no loss of any other kind of property, whether out of doors, or in the house even left open by night or day." The Reverend R. Lister Venables, Vicar of Clyro, and a Ma- gistrate, says " Crimes of violence are almost unknown, such as burglary, forcible robbery, or the use of the knife. Common assaults are frequent, usually arising from drunken quarrels. Petty thefts are not particularly nu- merous. Poultry- stealing and sheep-stealing prevail to a considerable extent. There is no rural police, and the parish constables are for the most part utterly useless, except for serving summonses, &c. Sheep and poultry stealers therefore very frequently escape with impunity. Drunkenness prevails to a lamentable extent, not so much among the lowest class, who are restrained by their poverty, as among those who Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 301 Morals in are in better circumstances. Every market or fair day affords too much Katlnor8hire proof of this assertion. Unchastity in the women is, I am sorry to say, a, great stain upon our people. The number of bastard children is very great, as is shown by the application of young women for admission into the workhouse to be confined, and by the application to magistrates in petty sessions for orders of affiliation. In hearing these cases it is impossible not to remark how unconscious of shame both the young woman and her parents often appear to be. In the majority of cases where an order of affiliation is sought, marriage was promised, or the expectation of it held out. The cases are usually cases of bond fide seduction. Those who enter the workhouse to be confined are generally girls of known bad character. I believe that in the rural districts few professed prostitutes would be found." Cecil Parsons, Esq., of Presteigne, says " It appears from the Parliamentary Returns that the proportion of illegitimate children in Radnorshire exceeds that of any other county." The Reverend John Price, Rector of Bledfa, and a Magistrate, says *""' in the hundred of Crickhowel, where the mining district com- mences, and of which I shall presently have occasion to speak. In Brecknock and Builth, a graver character of vice prevails than in the country. Mr. Mordecai Jones, a Dissenter of great respectability, sums up the morals of the people in the former thus : " I am sorry to say there is a deal of low gambling in the public- houses about the town among the poor apprentices. Drunkenness and adultery prevail to a sad extent." Y 302 On the State of Education in Wales,- None of these vices prevail to a great extent in the rural dis- tricts ; drunkenness is confined to the towns, and all the state- ments concur with those above cited that female profligacy ceases with marriage. I believe the crime of adultery to be entirely confined to one or two places. Perjury. The disregard to truth has a fearful development in Wales ii the frequency of perjury in courts of justice. Mr. Williams,, the clerk to the magistrates at Lampeter, says "Perjury is common in courts of justice, and the Welsh language facilitates it ; for, when witnesses understand English, they feign not tc do so, in order to gain time in the process of translation to shape anc mould their answers according to the interest they wish to serve Frequently neither the prisoner nor the jury understand English, ant the counsel, nevertheless, addresses them in English, and the judg< sums up in English, not one word of which do they often understand Instances have occurred when I have had to translate the answers of ar English witness into Welsh for the jury; and once even to the granc jury at Cardigan I had to do this. A juryman once asked me, ( Whai was the nature of an action in which he had given his verdict.' Then is no remedy for this state of things except the propagation of th< English language." E. C. Hall, Esq., a barrister in constant practice in the courfs and residing in Cardiganshire, afier citing a curious case ir which the administration of justice was entirely defeated by the same evil, proceeds to say " I can mention several similar cases, both civil and criminal. Th< two languages are a great facility to perjury. There is hardly a case ir which it is not committed more or less. The want of accuracy in the knowledge of the language seems to remove the feeling of degradation Their mode of numeration produces great errors : they have almost tc do an addition sum in their heads before they can express some numbers The Welsh language is peculiarly evasive, which originates from its having been the language of slavery. It is a regular custom for parties to a cause to employ persons to go and tamper with the jury before i trial comes on, and to infuse views of the case into their minds." W. O. Brigstocke, Esq., a magistrate acting for the three counties of Cardigan, Carmarthen, and Pembroke, says " Truth and the sacredness of an oath are little thought of; it ii most difficult to get satisfactory evidence in courts of justice." Mr. Thomas Davies, of Llangattcek, for many years the ageni of the Duke of Beaufort, says " I fear, in too many instances, they have not much idea of th< obligation of an oath when examined as witnesses ; such I know was thi opinion of the late Mr. Baron Guruey, which he attributed to the wan of religious education." nenerai con- The morals of the people are of a very low standard.* Ii elusions on _ morals. Somewhat contrary opinions were expressed by Richard Price, Esq., M.P., o Norton ; the Rev. E. Davits, of Brecknock, and also Ly Mr. Edwards, of Oh Radnor (Nos. 50, 52, and GO) : the bulk of the information I received was howeve: to the effect of the evidence above stated, and which I am persuaded is substantial!} true. Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 303 fact, immorality prevails rather from the want of a sense of moral obligation than from a forgetfulness or violation of recognised duties. I am confident that as regards mendacity there is fre- quently no real consciousness that it is sinful, so habitual is disre- gard for truth whenever interest prompts falsehood. The whole people are kept back by their immoralities and low tone of principle. A Bristol merchant, who endeavours to deal with the Welsh to some extent in a line of business which throws him into communication with many of the country people, told me that his efforts to continue a commerce with them, which would be mutually profitable were they even commonly trust- worthy, are wholly frustrated by their inveterate faithlessness to their bargains the moment they see the possibility of gaining a penny by breaking them. The astute ingenuity exercised in ob- taining a minute advantage, or excusing themselves from an error, and escaping the effects of it, is remarkably great. Their want of morality is, however, entirely owing to their total want of mental cultivation, and the very great deficiency of all means of moral training. They are not taught better, and have at present little means of improvement. Notwithstanding the lamentable state of morals, the gaols are Ai,se empty. The following comparison between the relative criminality yl of the three counties in my district, with that of the neighbouring agricultural county of Hereford., exhibits this moral anomaly in the Welsh character very forcibly : oo of crimes. Committals for Counties of Population in 1841. Trial nt Assizes and Quarter ; for the 5 yrs. ending (ViUesimnl punortion of Offenders to Population. with 1845. Brecknock . . . 55,603 261 46 Cardigan. . . . 68,766 135 19 Radnor . . . - ' . 356 140 55 Hereford .... 113,878 1,198 1-05 Crimes, therefore, are twice as numerous in Herefordshire as in Radnorshire or Brecknockshire, and five times more so than in Cardiganshire. I attribute this paucity of punishable offences in Wales partly to the extreme shrewdness and caution of the people, but much more to a natural benevolence and warmth of heart,, which powerfully deters them from acts of malice and all deliberate injury to others. And I cannot but express my surprise that a characteristic so highly to the credit of the Welsh people, and of which so many evidences presented themselves to the eye of a stranger, should have been left chiefly to his own personal testimony. Facts were never- theless related to me which bore out my impression ; and I may Y2 304 On the State of Education in Wales, ' instance the ancient practice among neighbouring families of assisting ihe marriages of each other's children by loans or gifts of money at the "biddings" or marriage meetings, to be repaid only on a similar occasion in the family of the donor, as well as the attendance of friends at times of death or adversity, as among the incidents which spring from and mark this honourable characteristic. in the The morals of the population congregated at, and near Brynmaur 3tolu gd and Beaufort are deplorably low. Drunkenness, blasphemy, in- decency, sexual vices, and lawlessness, widely prevail there. This district was one of the chief sources of Chartism. One of the main bodies of the mob who marched upon Newport congregated at and is- sued from thence ; they took the chapels by storm, and forced many reluctant men to join them. Brynmaur contains 5000 people, nearly all of whom are of the lowest class, and, with the exception of one or two shopkeepers, exclusively so. Nearly every family in it is in the employment of Mr. Bailey, the iron-master, whose works are at Nant-y-Glo, in the adjoining parish in Monmouthshire. The town reeks with dirt ; there are no lamps or effective drainage ; and although so many years have elapsed since the Chartist out- break, not the slightest step has been taken to improve the mental or moral condition of this violent and vicious community. Neither church nor school have been established by those who employ the people or own the land ; and the only step that has been taken for their benefit is that of establishing, within a week or two of this time, a police station ! It is exclusively owing to the Dissenters that instruction of any kind is given in the place. By their unaided efforts, an inferior school and six chapels have been built ; and, imperfect as their means of ameliorating the morals of the people are, their efforts have not been unattended with benefit. There is a visible improvement in the conduct of the people, according to the statement of Mr. Kershaw (No. 6), but it is still lamentably bad ; and their neglected state cannot be deemed otherwise than perilous to the tranquillity of the neighbourhood. I ought to state that the people of this place are not wholly Welsh. A large portion of them are emigrants, and not iinfrequently outcasts from distant places, both in England, Ireland, and Scot- land. I felt it my duty to take especial means of verifying the state- ments which poured in upon me with respect to this dangerous and degraded population ; and, in addition to the evidence already cited of Mr. Seymour (an active magistrate of this district), I beg to present to your Lordships the following evidence from the Reverend Richard Da vies, of Court y Gollen, a beneficed clergy- man and magistrate of the highest respectability, who, in answer to my request that he should, as a magistrate of the district, state facts which would illustrate the condition of Brynmaur, favoured me with the following evidence respecting it : Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 305 " It has long been a matter of deep regret and sorrow to witness in the character of those who are responsible for the peace, goo r l conduct, and well-being of society, the degraded and corrupt state of \vhat is generally termed the ' hilly district ; ' more especially the locality designated as Brynmaur. It lias been the painful duty of the furnisher of this infor- mation to bring the sad and lamentable state of this district more im- mediately before the view of the magistracy of the county ; it affords a frightful picture of the consequences that a want of education necessarily entails, and the fearful result of masses being brought together without an adequate provision made for leading their minds to higher and better things ; to subject them to the guidance of religious tuition, and thus pave the way for their becoming loyal subjects, peaceable citizens, a contented, well-disposed, and orderly community. The elements necessary to pro- duce this wished for result are not in Brynmaur. Let us refer to statisti- cal details as our guide and index. There are 5000 inhabitants in Bryn- maur, and 50 new houses are added, at a moderate computation, yearly. There are already 19 licensed public-houses and 38 beer-houses. No church or chapel of the established religion nearer than two miles. Six meeting-houses of comparatively small dimensions, with some schools attached to them, but far from affording an antidote to the great amount of evil that a vast increasing population, without responsible guides and pastors, must inevitably give rise to. One-half of the criminal cases that are entered upon the pages of our petty sessions record come from, and may be traced to, the densely populated Brynmaur. The scenes that the magistrates are compelled to witness, and which I can personally vouch for, baffle all description and outrage every feeling of propriety ; oaths and profane language are apparently familiar to persons of all ages ; even children lisp out the foul expressions they hear, and seem perfectly ac- customed to every epithet that the most evil mind could suggest. In one instance a young and seemingly modest woman, with a child at the breast, with the most unblushing effrontery, used language that even caused the male portion of the audience to turn away their heads in shame and disgust. Frequent, however, are the examples that have given rise to the deepest regret drunkenness and its sad results, this occurring weekly as long as wages were high. The irregularity, com- mencing on the Saturday night, continues through the Sabbath, dese- crating that holy day, and ceasing not till the Monday has passed, some- times Tuesday. Strife, jealousy, bickerings, assaults, and quarrelling this is the constant reality of the immoral and degraded picture furnished us almost weekly from the sadly notorious Brynmaur." The evidence of Mr. Morris (No. 73) further confirms these sad statements. In order to illustrate the criminality of this lawless district, I applied also to the clerk to the magistrates for a state- ment of the number of offences falling within the cognizance of the hundred of Crickhowel, which arose from the agricultural compared with those from the mining portion, in which the town of Brynmaur is situated. The whole hundred contained a popula- tion of 17,559 at the census in 1841, which cannot be less than 18,000 now : the following was the number of offenders brought before the magistrates during 1845 and 1846 from the entire hundred : 306 On the State of Education in Wales, Ofleuce indicated by Punishment. From the Agricultural and non- .Mining districts. From the Mining Districts. Summary Conrictions. Males. | Females. Males. Females. Offenders Fined . . . , , Imprisoned Committed for Trial . . 10 4 46 3 2 I 1 (Signed) G. A. A. DAVIES. General ig- norance of the people. Prevalent su- perstitions. The number of manufacturers and miners is estimated, by the overseers of the parishes containing them, as about 12,300, showing therefore, in the above return, a very undue proportion of offences in the mining part of the hundred ; and this disproportion will be largely increased by the establishment of a police station at Brynmaur. I shall reserve further comment on the mining dis- tricts for my Report on Monmouthshire. The people are, with few exceptions, grossly ignorant. The examination given in the " Notes of Parishes," such as Mount, Llanychaiairn, Bryngwyn, &c., are by no means exaggerated specimens of the facts. They seem to be a people whose whole scope of thought is limited to their locality and the means of livelihood. The only exception is that of religious, or rather doctrinal and sectarian discussion, which is therefore the channel in which any higher amount of intelligence expends itself. Superstition prevails. Belief in charms, supernatural appear- ances, and even in witchcraft, sturdily survives all the civilisation and light which has long ago banished these remnants of the dark ages elsewhere. Little or none of such light has as yet penetrated the dense darkness which, harboured by their language, and un- disturbed by availing efforts of enlightenment, enshrouds the minds of the people. The wide belief in ghosts and the almost incredible amount of superstition afford perhaps of all others the strongest proofs of the depth of ignorance which prevails throughout my district. I have before me a little book published as lately as the year 1813, written by a clergyman named Jones, and published at Newport, in which he relates above forty or fifty cases of appa- ritions as having occurred and being attested by creditable persons in several parishes in my district. This work, as the author states in his title-page, is <( designed to confute and to prevent the infi- delity of denying the being and apparition of spirits, which tends to irreligion and atheism." A subscription was lately made by his fellow-workmen in order to enable a carpenter to travel fifty miles, from Monmouthshire to Lampeter, to consult a wise man how to recover some tools he had lost. Charms are commonly resorted to for the cure of diseases. The following extracts from the evidence given on these and norauce. v ' other phases of the mental condition of the people will complete Evidence of Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 307 the picture which it is my "duty to pres3nt to your Lordships' attention. Sir William Cockburn, Bart., of New Radnor, is less unfavour- ably impressed with the mental state of the people than most of those who have favoured me with evidence. Sir William Cock- burn says " I think the poor naturally more intelligent, and not more ignorant, than I have usually found their class elsewhere. Like the inhabitants of most mountainous countries, however, they are superstitious ; and I have found many cases (one in a Dissenting teacher) of the belief in the c evil eye,' in charms, in the hearing of c hell-hounds hunting a condemned spirit through the howling blast,' &c. &c. ; and they are often more in- clined to trust in ignorant empirics in religion and medicine than in enlightened and authorised ministrators." The Archdeacon Venables speaks of the people as <' wofully ignorant." The Reverend John Price, of Blcdfa, also iu Radnorshire, says " The majority of the agricultural labourers and women of the same rank cannot read : they are generally good workmen, but ill-informed in the requirements of religion." The Reverend David Davies, a Baptist Minister, who is well and widely acquainted with the poor people of Radnorshire, says " Many of the poor in the locality referred to, and indeed in all the country around, are very ignorant of both religious and political subjects : they are in fact almost entirely ignorant of all subjects except the culti- vation of the ground. " Several neglect the means of grace on the Sunday, indulging them- selves in indolence and inattention to their temporal comfort and eternal welfare. I have known within the last two years instances of profaning the Sabbath by kicking foot-ball, drinking, fighting, ot more than one-third of the adult population can read, and a still smaller proportion are able to write ; while, from the little intercourse they have with strangers, and the prevalence of the Welsh language, they are but slightly acquainted with the common observances of civilized life." The Reverend Henry Griffiths, of Brecknock, gives much valuable evidence, which will be found in detail (No. 65) in the Appendix. He speaks of the superstition as " almost incredible." " During the last five years I have spent whole weeks going about from house to house, in different towns and different counties, for the purpose of collecting information on the subject. I am sorry to say every successive inquiry has only deepened my impressions as to the extent of their ignorance. There is also an almost incredible amount of superstition. Not a few facts have been brought before me which, until lately, I should have pronounced to be utterly impossible in Wales. In the border towns especially, there is a number of families who know very little Welsh, and who therefore never enter a place of worship. It was but the other day I visited a house where lived a grandmother, father, mother, mother's sister, and thirteen children (most of them grown up), and yet not one of them could read a syllable. Of the plan of salvation, so far as I could make out, they knew absolutely nothing. Let me hope this was an extreme case ; I fear, however, it is not so rare as is generally supposed. Indeed, I am sorry to say, I could men- tion a great many other instances almost as bad. But facts like these do not present themselves to the more casual observer. Nothing but careful personal examination can give one any adequate idea of the fearful ignorance by which we are surrounded." The Reverend H. L. Davies, of Troed y Raur, Cardiganshire, terms the people " wofully ignorant on all secular subjects." As little difference of opinion exists on the subject of secular ignorance, it is unnecessary to multiply citations of the abundant evidence on this point, and on the essential need of education as a means of moral and social improvement. I cannot but regard the condition of the people as one pregnant with grave peril to the interests of society. The Welsh are not prone to sedition ; on the contrary, they are very- loyally and peaceably disposed, but their passions are easily excited, and their ignorance renders that excitability peculiarly hazardous. Mr. Hall has not overstated the existing danger at the time of the Rebecca riots. There is no doubt that, after the war against tolls had expended itself, the aroused passions of the people would have been directed with fearful effect against far less obnoxious Brecknock, Cardigan, and Had nor. 300 institutions, had the people had leaders in whom they could confide. This happy contingency, added to their intense national distrust of foreigners., doubtlessly prevented much serious outrage at that time, which may not always be averted by similar accidents. These various circumstances render it, in my humble judgment, peculiarly impolitic and dangerous that the Welsh people should remain without efficient mental and moral education. (See also the evidence numbered 27.) I can speak in very strong terms of the natural ability and General in capacity for instruction of the Welsh people. Though they are * ignorant, no people more richly deserve to be educated. In the first place, they desire it to the full extent of their power to appre- ciate it ; in the next,, their natural capacity is of a high order, especially in the Welsh districts. They learn what they arc evcMi badly taught with surprising facility. Their memories are very retentive, and they are remarkably shrewd in catching an idea. In the words of a clergyman who has lived among them, they " see what you mean before you have said it." I can bear evidence to the extreme sagacity with which my own motives and objects were scrutinised, scanned, and decided in favour of my inquiry in coming into their mountains and villages, often by perfectly illi- terate persons. The Reverend Mr. Harrison, of Builth, an English clergyman, says " The Welsh people are much quicker than the English. I have been much concerned in schools in England, and have succeeded well with them ; but the Welsh have much better and readier powers of perception ; their reasoning powers are much less developed. There are, however, beautiful faculties lost here for want of proper cultivation. They would learn quickly and profit greatly by good schools. " There is great anxiety for better education among all classes of the people j they would make sacrifices to procure it.*' The Reverend Mr. Parry, of Llywell, remarks also " They are for the most part quick, shrewd, and clever, in proportion to their advantages, evidently possessing sufficient natural abilities to form as useful members of society as any within Her Majesty's do- minions, were they equally blessed with early cultivation ; and they are rather warm-hearted and kindly disposed, though their temperament generally requires to be somewhat softened and subdued, which can only be effected by early mental culture and sound moral training." IX. THE WELSH LANGUAGE. The Welsh language is a vast drawback to Wales, and a manifold barrier to the moral progress and commercial prosperity of the people. It is not easy to over-estimate its evil effects. It is the language of the Cymri, and anterior to that of the ancient Britons. It dissevers the people from intercourse which would greatly advance their civilization, and bars the access of improving knowledge to their minds. As a proof of this, there is no Welsh 310 On the State of Education in Wales, literature worthy of the name.* The only works generally read in the Welsh language are the Welsh monthly magazines, of which a list and description arc given in the Appendix lettered H. They are much more talented than any other Welsh works extant, but convey, to a very limited extent, a knowledge of passing events, and are chiefly polemical and full of bitter sectarianism, and indulge a great deal in highly-coloured caricatures and per- sonality. Nevertheless they have partially lifted the people from that perfect ignorance and utter vacuity of thought which otherwise would possess at least two-thirds of them. At the same time, these periodicals have used their monopoly as public instructors in moulding the popular mind, and confirming a natural partiality for polemics, which impedes the cultivation of a higher and more comprehensive taste and desire for general information. This has been conclusively proved by Mr. Rees, the enterprising pub- lisher at Llandovery. He commenced the publication of a period- ical similar to the Penny Magazine in the Welsh language, but lost 200/. by it in a year. This was probably too short a trial of the experiment;^ but it sufficiently evinces the difficulty of supplanting an established taste, by means however inoffensive. The evil of the Welsh language, as I have above stated, is obviously and fearfully great in courts of justice. The evidence given by Mr. Hall (No. 37) is borne out by every account I have heard on the subject; it distorts the truth, favours fraud, and abets perjury, which is frequently practised in courts, and escapes detection through the loop-holes of interpretation. This public exhibition of successful falsehood has a disastrous effect on public morals and regard for truth. The mockery of an English trial of a Welsh criminal by a Welsh jury, addressed by counsel and judge in English, is too gross and shocking to need comment. It is nevertheless a mockery which must continue until the people are taught the English language ; and that will not be done until there are efficient schools for the purpose. On the subject of this disastrous barrier to all moral improvement and popular progress in Wales, and the ease with which good schools would remove it, I may cite the following brief extracts from the unanimous evidence on the subject. * A society called the Cwmreigyddion indeed exists, and holds meetings at Abergavenny, where a baud of literati promote Welsh literature by making English speeches once a-year in its defence. Its proceedings are perfectly innocuous. One of its distinguished members has written a History of Wales, but couched in such antique phraseology that its sale it is said has never repaid the expense of printing it. f The difficulty could not, however, be insuperable, of maintaining an extensive circulation for a well-written and very cheap magazine, at first, in the Welsh language, which should have in view these main objects: 1st, The supply of well-digested news without bias, and of useful general information, as well as instructive and interesting articles ; 2nd, Leading articles advocating the use and desirability of knowledge and better education for the people in the English language. Such a work, if judiciously written, might perhaps be made a very effective means of improving the people and furthering the English language. Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 311 The Dean of St. David's says " I do not think there is a very vivid desire for better instruction among the Welsh people, except for the purpose of learning English, and tliereby bettering their condition in life, and obtaining situations to which an ignorance of the English language is a barrier, The natural capacity of the Welsh is great to a very wonderful degree. Archdeacon Williams, of Edinburgh, is, I have heard, of that opinion also, and that the Welsh have a great capacity for learning languages. They are very quick. Young men of 17 or 18 come to this college knowing very little of Latin or Greek, and in three years acquire a very respectable knowledge of these languages." Mr. Williams, of Lampeter, says " The Welsh language is a decided impediment to the mental im- provement of the people, for the books we have are generally translations, very badly done, of English works ; and these arc very limited, No business can be done in the language. Children taught m English are much quicker than those who know only Welsh. " I think that the people know the advantage of learning English, and that they understand that it would enable them to rise in life. In agricultural life it is a great drawback not to know English. They can- not read the papers or know the prices. I believe that there is not a single Welsh weekly newspaper published in Wales. There are Wolsli monthly magazines, which are chiefly controversial, and abuse each other and the opposite sects ; they do more harm than good. They arc generally read by the country people, and form the staple means of in- formation. They are very deficient even for this purpose. There is very little original Welsh literature in Wales. "If good education were given, the people are very capable of being instructed ; and have, generally speaking, good natural abilities." An erroneous notion prevails that the Dissenting ministers are averse to the English language being learnt. The Reverend W. Evans, Independent Minister at Aberayron, says " Tfiere is a great desire among the poorer classes to learn the English language ; there are many motives inducing them to do so, as they can succeed better in life. I think it beneficial for them to learn English, but not to forget their own language. The people are very much for having better schools on a better system, according to the British am] Foreign School Society's plan." The Reverend Mr. Denning, of St Mary's, Brecknock, says " English is gaining ground, and until it is universally spoken nothing effective can be done to raise the social character of the people; and for this reason the arts and sciences, agriculture, &c., are brought to perfection in England. If improvements are to be introduced here, they must be by persons who have acquired them through means of the English language. All scientific books are written in English; medical men study in English ; our courts of law pronounce judgment in English ; in fact, in everything but language we are part and parcel of England. Teach English, and bigotry will be banished." See also the evidence numbered 16. 312 On the State of Education in Wales, The Reverend Rees Price, of St. John's, Brecknock, says " Though a Welshman, I rejoice to witness its progress (the English language). When the English language shall supplant the Welsh, I doubt not that it will at the same time banish many prejudices that the people seem now to imbibe from their vernacular tongue, and improve their tastes and habits. Clergymen experience a difficulty in the per- formance of their duty in those parishes where the Welsh and English languages are spoken, more particularly when not thoroughly conversant with both languages: the consequence is, their ministrations in one language are defective. I may here observe that the really Welsh por- tion of the people are very tenacious of their native language, and would regard with displeasure any means of doing away with it." The Reverend Mr. Griffiths, of the Dissenting College, Breck- nock, says "It (the English language) is gaining ground in the border counties, hut not so fast as Englishmen are apt to suppose. Very few pulpits or Sunday-schools have changed languages within the memory of man. Until that is done, the English, however employed in ordinary matters of business, can have little effect on the formation of character. As to the desirableness of its being better taught, without entering on consider- ations of commerce or general literature, confessedly important as they are, perhaps you will forgive my taking an extract from the address published by the Llandovery conference" [from which the following passage may be cited] : '* ' Hallowed by religion and rich with the magic of genius and associations of home, it (the Welsh language) cannot be otherwise than dear to our hearts. It has done good service in its day, and the sooner that service is acknowledged, the better for all parties concerned. If die it must, let it die fairly, peacefully, and reputably. Attached to it as we are, few would wish to postpone its euthanasy. But no sacrifice would be deemed too great to prevent its being murdered. At the best, the vanishing for ever of a language which has been spoken for thousands of years is a deeply touching event. There is a melancholy grandeur in the very idea, to which even its bitterest enemies cannot be wholly insensible. What then must the actual fact be to those who have worshipped and loved in its accents from the earliest hours of childhood, and all whose fondest recollections and hopes are bound up in its existence?' "Take (says Mr. Griffiths) one other example. This very day I have heard of an overseer who has just been punished for not rightly ad- ministering a law which is only written in a language to which he is a stranger. He complains bitterly that, though neither he nor any of his friends around him ever had the means of learning anything but Welsh, he is compelled to administer English laws, and then severely punished for violating their letter. He did his best, but, from sheer inability to understand the language, he unfortunately exposed himself to ruin. Have not men in such circumstances a special claim to the sympathy and help of their legislators?" The Reverend David Parry, Vicar of Llywell, one of the most eloquent Welsh preachers of the day, says " I think it desirable that it (the English language) should be better taught j for, all our accounts being kept in English, most books for the Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 313 improvement of the mind being written in English, and all public busi- ness being generally transacted in the English language, there can be little doubt but that a better teaching of it would confer great benefit on the principality." I have endeavoured to estimate as nearly as possible the amount of the population in my district of whom English is the fireside language', and I believe it to be very nearly as follows: In Brecknockshire, 23,500 out of 55,603 speak English. In Cardiganshire, 3,000 , , 68,766 , , In Radnorshire, 23,000 ,, 25,356 ,, 50,000 ,, 149,725 Thus one-third of the whole number speak English. Of this amount, full one-half always have spoken English, Radnorshire, and many of the gentry and English residents, not being of Celtic origin. The Celtic race, therefore, who have learned English, are a mere fraction of the population, confined chiefly to the towns of Brecknock, Aberystwyth, Crickhowel, and Talgarth, and a small number of the people in the town of Cardigan, whose Celtic origin is questionable. It is impossible to calculate the real advance of the English over the native tongue with any precision ; but, after weighing the various probabilities and indices, I am disposed to think, that in Brecknockshire and Cardiganshire, where there has been any Welsh to contend with, the English language has not displaced above one-tenth part of it ; nor do I believe that it will diffuse itself over the whole country for one or two centuries to come, unless better means are taken to expedite its progress. These means would be found in thoroughly good schools for the purpose. They are desired by the people : and no reasonable doubt is entertained that a sound secular and religious education would raise their physical condition, and eventually remove their moral debasement. If the Welsh people were well educated, and received the same attention and care which have been bestowed on others, they would in all probability assume a high rank among civilized commu- nities. I have &c,, JKLINGER C. SYMONS. 314 On the State of Education in Wales, EXTRACTS FROM APPENDIX. No. 1. Rev. Richard Lumley^ Calvinistic Methodist Minister, Builth, Brecknockshire. 9th October, 1846. THE average wages of an agricultural labourer would be about 9s. per week, according to the present year ; in harvest time, from 2s. to 2*. 6d. This is without food ; but usually the farmers provide the food and pay Is. per diem. This is the usual mode. The labourer pays the rent of his cottage, about 30s. per annum. There is little difference in this, between Radnor and Breconshire. The boys, at 8 or 9, would perhaps begin to earn their food. Journeymen in farms here would earn from 2s. to 2s. 6d. per diem. There have been no fluctuations of any great extent in the county, but we are more liable to them in the town. Fuel is very dear ; coals are sold here by retail at 2s. per cwt., and equally dear in the country. Meat is tolerably reasonable, mutton Id. per Ib. now. The working- classes eat little butchers' meat, and chiefly cure their own bacon, both in town and country. Tea and sugar are reasonable, and within the means of the poorer classes. I think the working classes generally are better off about here than in Cardigan, or Carmarthenshire, or Pembrokeshire. The working classes are tolerably well clothed. The rent in town is rather high, and they are not so comfortably off as they otherwise would be. The habit of courting in bed is not, I believe, practised in this part of the country. The people are generally industrious. There is a good deal of drunkenness about here. They drink beer chiefly ; not much spirits. Compared with Cardiganshire, the attendance at places of worship is much less frequent here, but more so than on the borders of England. The attendance here at the three Dissenting chapels together is double that at the church. I think from two-thirds to three-fourths of the people of an age to attend places of worship do so here. The attend- ance is less by one-half in the country, especially in Radnorshire. Radnorshire has had much less spiritual attention on the part of the Dissenters and the people ; they are much worse in point of Sabbath observance than others in Wales. Before the rural police were established, a fair never passed without several fights : the people are quarrelsome, but less so than formerly ; one sees less fighting. I do not think there is a desire for education among the working classes themselves ; the classes just above desire it more, because they Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 315 feel the want of it ; but there is not a proper appreciation of its value even among them. The country people are anything but cleanly in their habits. It is not uncommon for the whole family among labourers to sleep in the same room without any distinction of sexes ; and I have lately witnessed instances of the same habit among the classes immediately above them. The country labourers have not generally the means of paying* for any efficient education. The people would, if they had the means, avail themselves of schools if there were any. They would be sti- mulated to do so by the ministers and others, and by the necessity of their own condition in life. I am quite certain that in Radnorshire there are many parishes wholly without any kind of school, either Sunday or day. It is somewhat better in Breconshire. Radnorshire is decidedly the worse county in Wales in this respect. There are very few endowments for schools in Wales, and those few are under the exclusive control of the Church of England clergy, and consequently as well as closed to the greater portion of the Welsh com- munity. There is no disposition on the part of the wealthier classes for pro- viding instruction for the poorer in this neighbourhood, nor in Car- diganshire, with which I am well acquainted. I think that poverty is at the root of the evil, and that even if there were free schools, the people could not clothe their children decently, and could not spare them to stay tit school sufficiently ; but better funds for schools would facilitate their attendance. The general state of information among the people is very low in the country, but the great bulk in the town of the present generation would be able to read in the New Testament. The people possess a good deal of natural shrewdness. Owing to Sabbath-schools, the people will often be able to read but not to write. Writing is not a common acquirement. I think there is more natnra. ability among the V'clsh than in the neighbouring English counties. The teachers in the existing schools have frequently been selected from among decayed tradesmen and disabled mechanics more or less incom- petent to teach. I should certainly say, that improved education would produce im- proved morals, and assist religious progress. Crime abounds most where there is most ignorance. RICHARD LUMLEY. No. 3. David Griffiths, of Builth, Mason. THE chief part of the poorer classes about here would rather be idle; there is little saving among them, and those who save are regarded with envy and dislike by the rest. They drink all they can get in the public-houses, but less now than for- merly. Temperance Societies have done little; none of the drunkards 316 On the State of Education in Wales, joined them except one man. Drunkenness extends to the women, more so now than formerly ; these are young women, mostly 20 or 25 years of age, and unmarried. The young women are in general unsteady ; nothing is thought of having a bastard ; and when in the family way, they walk as publicly as a married woman ; a good deal of this is attributable to the soldiers who were quartered here some time back; the mother of an illegitimate child is not generally married to the father. Public worship is generally attended, but the evening services are quitted by the younger people in a riotous manner, and much immorality then occurs. There are more filthy houses here, of the very poor, than in any'other part of Wales. I was employed to inspect these houses in the time of the cholera. I found all that comes from a man's body in abundance inside the houses. There are no privies to these houses. There are mixens just outside the houses and open drains. There is not much desire of improvement among the old. About two years ago a labourer could not earn more than 65. a- week, and not half employed at that ; he now can get 105. If working for a farmer, he must generally take all his wages in food; and if he has more than he can consume, then he must sell it again. The price is regulated according to the market price. Wife can earn nothing by farm labour, but a little by knitting. Boys go out to work for the farmers at 10 or 12 for their victuals and lodging at first ; generally no employ- ment for boys. There is only one farmer in the parish who takes boys on these terms. House-rent is dear, 41. per annum for a cottage of three rooms, one between the ceiling and the roof. Little or no separa- tion of sexes in sleeping. Coals are 30.?. per ton, or 2s. per cvvt. No coal-clubs in the town. At Pont-y-pool, a cwt. of coals cost 4^o?. Eat little meat ; chiefly bread and cheese and water : about one-third of the labourers get salt-meat once a-week. Would rather have their wages in money. The poor are very badly clothed, a workman's fustian suit costs about 40^., which would last a man a-year. The people marry about 23 or 24. Only those who are parishioners can send their children to the free-school as matter of right. I have got my eldest boy in by Mr. Harrison's assistance, and the second I pay 2d. a-week for. I don't think that a labouring man with a family of 4 or 5 children could afford to pay for his children's education, what- ever exertions he might make, unless he diminished their proper quan- tity of food. There is no help afforded by the higher classes, who are generally hard and disliked. There is great desire among the poor for education of their children. Those that get any amount of education generally quit the neighbourhood, and seek more profitable employ- ment elsewhere. The people are confined by ignorance to this spot. Since I have been here the poor have had no confidence in the com- petency of the masters. They like the present master better, and strive more to spare the necessary payment. A great many of the very poor are averse to sending their children to the Sunday-schools because they dislike their appearing dirty and in rags. There are few, however low, who do not attend some school, at least occasionally. The people are naturally sharp enough. The women about here are not generally considered to make good wives. They take little pains to mend the clothes of the family or keep the houses clean. Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 317 There could not be a better thing- for this part of the country than giving better education to the poor. There is little employment here for boys. The idleness that now exists might be made of great service for purposes of education. In the mining districts, in my time, the children were sent so early that there was small chance of their learning. I have lived here for the last 17 years, and have lived in other parts of Wales. Pont-y-pool (where I was born), Swansea, and elsewhere in the south. The people are bad between here and Llandovery. The houses are built with turf, they have no lime ; pigsties in Monmouth- shire are better than the cottages here. There is no part worse than Llanfihangel, about 6 miles from here ; I mean the cottages on the common. They send their children, if at all, to be educated atBuilth ; a master sometimes goes over there for the winter. There are more schools in winter than in summer throughout the country. The school at Llautihangel during the winter is held in the church, without any fire. DAVID GRIFFITHS. No. 4. Mr. John Jones, Master of a Private School at Builth. I HAVE been a schoolmaster in England and Wales together for some 33 years. In my time I have had many scholars. In this school I had last year 20 scholars. This year I reduced them to 10. Next year I intend school to be broken up altogether. There were once sixboarders ; there are now 3. My terms are 1 2s. per quarter for day-scholars. Do you intend to inquire into the terms of other schools in Wales? I have a reason for asking that question : I think the price of instruction in private schools a very important point for Government to have correct information upon. I am told that 3s. a-quarter has been received for teaching accounts in this town. What can you expect to have taught for that sum ? The parents do not know what education means ; they think half a year long enough to learn everything, and take their children away in general after that time. They cannot bear the idea of paying for a book. The terms are exceedingly low in this neighbourhood, and not all that is nominally charged is actually received. The parents bargain with the master and beat down his charges. Masters are by this means impove- rished, and think itbettertobe almost anything rather than schoolmasters. The standard of schoolmasters becomes lowered, for no one really competent to teach can afford to follow it as a means of livelihood. This state of things will never be improved till the whole system of schoolmasters is altered, and independent means provided for educating the people. JOHN JONES. No. 5. Hugh Powell Price, Esq., of Castle Madoc.ne&r Brecknock. 19th November, 1846. THERE is certainly a great deficiency of proper means of instruction fot the poor in my neighbourhood. There are one or two Sunday-schools, z 318 On the State of Education in Wales, and I believe one small day-school at Llandefailog ; but I am not aware of any other anywhere round the neighbourhood I live in, and none the whole way to Builth. The poor are in a very low state of morals; they are generally ignorant. Those who possess information, even on ordinary subjects, are quite the exceptions. The Sunday- schools by no means supply the deficiency of day-schools. I think that better day-schools would improve the moral condition of the people. I do not think that there is any chance of good schools being esta- blished by means of donations from the richer classes. The poor are unwilling to support schools, and grudge the payment. They fre- uuently take them away from school as soon as they can make their labour available. The upper classes are remiss and negligent in ad- vancing education, but are not averse to it generally. Assistance must come from without, jl think that if the Government would pay the salary, or part of the salary, of a good master, that efforts would then be made by the gentry and others to build school-houses. The ignorance of the people is chiefly shown in common mechanical know- ledge : their acquirements are as little extended as those of their fore- fathers. They are slovenly and very deficient in common agricutural operations which require a little mechanical skill; it would be almost impossible for a labourer here to give satisfaction to his employer. Better education would invigorate and sharpen their minds. The people are evidently averse to authority, and have no great respect for institutions. Dissent has in great measure been the means of creat- ing an irreverent feeling towards institutions. The hatred of the people to the Church is very great. I do not think I ever heard one of the lower orders speak well of the Church. I think that the parents would send their children if good schools existed, so long as they could do so without any great sacrifice. I think that if schools, gratis, under the Church were opened, very few Dissenters would fail or object on that ground to send their children to them. The people are generally Dissenters, and when we opened a Church Sunday-school at Castle Maddoc, they sent their children to us as a matter of favour. They are very avaricious, and this leads me to think that they would avail themselves of gratuitous instruction if given by the Church. HUGH POWELL PKICE. No. 6. Mr. TJiomas Kershaw, Draper at Brynmaur, Llanelly, Brecknock- shire. I AM a Churchman, and have resided in this place 12 years, and have known the place and neighbourhood 30 years. There is no place of worship for the Established Church in this place, which comprises a population of from 4000 to 5000. There are six Dissenting chapels in the village. They have been established chiefly within the last 12 years. During that time I consider there has been a great change in the morals of the people. I see a great diminution of drunkenness, and I see the people making their way to places of worship at both ends of the day. They have Sunday-schools in each of these chapels, and Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 319 the children go to them, and there has been an improvement among the young which I cannot attribute to anything but the Sunday-school. The chapels have been decidedly a benefit to the morals of the people ; there would have been no place of worship without them. The church at Beaufort has been recently built, but it is attended only by a very few persons. The people attend the chapels, having been so long accustomed to the chapels. The children are being better educated than they were, but it would be advisable if they could have more. The only day-school belongs to the Dissenters that I am aware of. The Chartist lodges were very numerous about here. They entered the chapels and pressed the people to join them. Most of the trades- men fled from the place. The people are more orderly now, and there is not much Chartism among us now. Some of the ringleaders were educated here, but numbers of the ignorant were led into it quite innocently. THOMAS KEKSIIAW. No. 7. Mr. Thomas Williams, Clerk to the Magistrates for the Lampeter Division , Cardiganshire. THE labouring classes are very poor here, ami I have no doubt are too poor to afford sufficient instruction for themselves. There is u great deficiency in the means of instruction. There is a desire for better education, from what I have seen in the Independent Sunday-school I superintended and elsewhere; the people are very anxious to obtain knowledge. I consider that any efficient supply of schooling is perfectly hopeless from : ny other source tiian Government aid in this country. Even to the Brecon Normal school, the subscriptions of the different denominations amount to next to nothing. I do not think the moral state of the people low ; but for want of education they practise a great deal of low cunning. Generally speaking they are honest. Bastardy cases are, however, very com- mon. The women used to be ashamed of being in the family way, but are not so now ; and promiscuous intercourse is carried on to a very great degree. I do not think that the men and women generally sleep in the same room at farm-houses ; the men usually sleep in the hay-lofts, but cases have occurred where women were got with child by farm servants whilst in bed with members of their own family. Better instruction would greatly improve this state of things. The Welsh language is a decided impediment to the mental im- provement of the people, for the books we have are generally trans- lations, very badly done, of English works; and these are very limited. No business can be done in the language, except in the narrow limits where it is spoken. Children taught in English are much quicker than those who know only Welsh. Perjury is common in Courts o. Justice ; and the Welsh language facilitates it, for when witnesses understand English, they feign not to do so, in order to gain time during the process of translation to shape and mould their answers according to the interest they wish to serve. Frequently neither the z2 320 On the State of Education in Wales, prisoner nor the jury understand English, and the counsel, nevertheless, addresses them in English, and the judge sums up in English, not one word of which do they often understand. Instances have occurred when I have had to translate the answers of an English witness into "Welsh for the jury ; and once even to the Grand Jury at Cardigan I had to do this. A juryman once asked me, " What was the nature of an action in which he had given his verdict." There is no remedy for this state of things except the propagation of the English language. I think that the people know the advantage of learning English, and that they understand that it would enable them to rise in life. In agricultural life it is a great drawback not to know English. They cannot read the papers or know the prices. I believe that there is not a single Welsh weekly newspaper published in Wales. There are Welsh monthly magazines which are chiefly controversial, and abuse each other and the opposite sects; they do more harm than good. They are generally read by the country people, and form the staple means of information. They are very deficient even for this purpose. There is very little original Welsh literature in Wales. If good education were given, the people are very capable of being instructed; arid have, generally speaking, good natural abilities. r lhe Sunday-schools are very general in this county, and have done immense good as to the observance of the Sabbath and morals generally. In Llanwenog the usual practice used to be to pla.y at foot-ball on the Sabbath, which is now abandoned, owing to the influence of the Independent and other Sunday-schools. Sunday- schools, however, cannot be made sufficient for the people. The teachers are often incompetent, in the Sunday-schools, to instruct the people properly in what they read. The children do not derive much instruction from the teachers. They often allow them to read several chapters without explaining it. The general plan is to commence with Genesis and to go through the whole Bible. The children are taught reading, but derive very little benefit besides that. When points arise among the grown-up people in reading the Scriptures, they often discuss them, and if the teacher of the class cannot solve them, they refer it to the minister. These discussions refer both to doc- trinal points and to the comprehension of particular terms and pas- sages. The people thus have much more biblical knowledge than any other, and are remarkably ignorant on other subjects. They are not materially superstitious. TIIOS. WILLIAMS. No. 8. The Very Rev. Llewelyn Lewellin, D.C.L., Dean of St. David's. THERE is clearly a great deficiency of schools for the working classes. The schools which exist are chiefly Sunday-schools, which are to be found in nearly every parish. The day-schools are not numerous; not above four or five in this district. The instruction in Sunday-schools is generally inefficient. In the Church schools, the Catechism of the Rev. Mr. Jones, of Llanddovvror, is used with the Church Catechism, of which it is explanatory, Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 321 together with some of the books by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. The Sunday-school here, in consequence of not having a better room, is not so efficient as when we had a better. The teachers are generally wishful to make the children understand what they read ; but they fail often from want of experience. The Sunday-schools neither are, nor can be, made sufficient for the requisite instruction of the people ; but only for elementary Scriptural knowledge. All secular instruction is excluded from these schools in Wales; it would be thought irreligious to introduce it. There are not sufficient means, either from private subscriptions or from the efforts of the people, to support sufficient schools in this town. I have nothing to do with the day-school, except allowing it to be held in the room where it is; immediate measures are to be taken for building two schools here, near the church, to be governed, we hope, by an efficient master and mistress. For this purpose I shall be enabled to procure aid and subscriptions, together with my own ; and the lord of the manor, Mr. Harford, has promised to great change for the worse in this respect on my return 6 years ago, and this state of things is rather worse than better now. The pwnc is generally printed, and always chanted at the schools about here. They often meet at evening schools in private houses for the preparation of the pwnc, and this tends to immoralities between the young persons of both sexes, who frequently spend the night afterwards in hay lofts together. So prevalent is want of chastity among the females, that although I promised to return the marriage fee to all couples whose first child should be born after nine months from the marriage, only one in six years entitled themselves to claim it. Most of them were in the family-way. It is said to be a customary matter for them to have intercourse together on condition that they should marry if the woman becomes pregnant. But the marriage by no means always takes place. Morals are generally at a low ebb, but want of chastity is the giant sin of Wales. I believe that the best remedy for the want of morals and of education is that of the establishment of good schools such as I have described, Scarcely one out often of the people who are married in my parish can sign their own names. They desire, generally speaking, to learn English. The school visited at Llandyfriog is the only exclusively Welsh school that I know of in South Wales. Had the master been able to teach English, I believe he would have had three times the number of children in his school. The Rebeccaites were very numerous about here. I believe that they had objects far beyound the ostensible ones. One of them was to get the tithes and to be rid of Church and State connexion ; and the people were well disposed for violence, for the redress of whatever they considered a grievance. They only wanted a leader. I believe Re- beccaism is only dormant, and that it is highly dangerous to leave the people in their present state of ignorance. They are liable to be grossly misled and are easily excited by any demagogue. I think the military would have great difficulty in suppressing any organised out- break, there being so many by-ways in this country. The labouring classes are in a state of great poverty. Farm labourers get only from Gd. to Sd. per day and his own food. The farmers never checked the Rebecca riots, so long as they were directed against tithes and toll- bars ; but at last the labourers demanded, according to an old custom, at the time of harvest, to have supper at the farmer's table, and a loaf of bread and cheese to take home, called " supper adref." This the farmers resisted, and a split insued ; and a Rebecca visit to one or two of the farmers took place, owing to which they returned to their old habits, and the Rebecca riots were at an end directly. H. L. DAVIES. Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 335 No. 28. Mr. John Duggan, Farmer, Llandegley, Radnorshire. 12th October. THERE is an endowment here of the school in the parish church of about 17 acres of land, of which the rental was 221. net when I ceased to rent it, in 1842, or thereabouts; of this sum 4l. per annum goes to the poor of the parish, and the rest to the master of the school. The children have a right to free education there. The clergyman is forbidden to have his horses in the r:hurch\ard, but he puts in two calves. The school is held in the end of the church into which the belfry opens, which is open to the churchyard. James Davies was formerly schoolmaster, and then was got rid of; but after several years, Mr. Jones restored him against the general wish of the parish. He is considered perfectly incompetent to teach. Mr. Jones and the two churchwarden! are the trustees of the schools. Thus Mr. Jones, by appointing one of the churchwardens, has a majority, and Davies and Mr. Jones appoint the master ; and I believe Uavies was a churchwarden at the time lie was reappointed. About 1842 or 1843, Mr. Jones threatened to deprive the parents of a share of the 4/. charity if they did not send their children to the school. Mr. Jones seldom goes to the school now ; the school is very badly- conducted. The rent was paid to Mr. Jones by me, when I rented the land. We don't think the poor people have a t'air chance to gain instruction, as they are not properly taught ; and I am sure that the children have not the means of proper in>truction afforded them. There is no day-school within 4 or 5 miles of this place. The morals of the people are better than I can remember them to have been.* If there were a properly conducted school, many of the people would avail themselves of it. I think that the charily land here would fairly let for 22/. per annum. I would give it myself, and that would allow of 18/. for the master. I think that 20 children would attend the school, in addition to the free children, if the school were well conducted. I am obliged to have a resident schoolmaster in my house, in consequence of there being no proper school for them in the parish. JOHN DUGGAN. No. 29. The Rev. Thomas Thoresby, Rector of Cefynlys and Llandrindod, Radnorshire. IN these parishes there are no permanent funds for the education of the poor. The only means available for this purpose are the contribu- tions of visitors to the Wells, (mineral springs in the neighbourhood,) the subscriptions of the landed proprietors, and of the clergyman. The substantial farmers are generally unwilling to pay anything towards educational purposes, even so little as a penny a-week for their * Sir, Trewern, Oct. 17, 1846. I BEG leave to retract part of my evidence respecting the morals of the people : 1 am sorry to say, upon due consideration, that for these last four or five years there is no improvement. J. C. Symons, Esq. JOHN DUGQAN. 2 A 2 336 On the State of Education in children, although at the same time anxious to have their children instructed. In the school which I established at Llandrindod, this was the case. The wages of the labourers are at a minimum, not sufficient to allow anything for educating their children, if numerous. Thin attendance at school in summer winter the chief time of attendance. Female servants generally ignorant of sewing and knitting. I should sooner have schoolmistresses than schoolmasters, if I could not have both. Generally good servants and intelligent, but wholly unacquainted with sewing and mending. This is very plainly manifested in the household arrangements and dress of the poor. The poor excessively filthy in their habits, particularly in reference to the parish of St. Harmon's. The children of Dissenters frequent the day-school which I have established. I respect their scruples with reference to enforcing their learning the catechism. Few of the children are ignorant of reading, though it is difficult to say ow in many instances they have picked up this modicum of knowledge. Few resident gentlemen of property ; the wealthy classes are not generally disposed to contribute towards education. There is a charity of Mrs. Bevan, for the payment of travelling schoolmasters, which supports as many as 50 schoolmasters. Applica- tions are made by the parishes included in the trust. I have not been able in my parish to obtain the benefit of the trust, though there has been no school there for 20 years. If no inquiry had been instituted, I had intended to build a school- room, and master's house, with such aid of the National Society or elsewhere as I could have obtained. I should find a master from some one of the training schools, and have opened the school to the neighbour- ing masters for them to learn better methods of teaching. At present, however, 1 am uncertain of what may be about to be done by Govern- ment. ^ ^ __ _________ THOMAS THORESBY. No. 30. The Venerable Archdeacon Venables, Vicar of Nantmel and Llanyre, Radnorshire. THERE is a most lamentable want of proper schools for the working classes. Those which exist are of little use as at present conducted. Nothing efficient can be expected from the private subscriptions, and the poor people are certainly not able to support schools. I do not think that, whatever their wishes are, they have the means of doing so. I think there is a desire for better education among the people, and that those who have families very strongly desire it. Those who have had it, are quite a different class from those who have not: and are superior, as well as to moral character as to mental attainments. The bulk of the poorer clashes are excessively cunning, but wofnlly ignorant. They evince this by escaping the penalties of the law by knowing how to evade them. Their morals are at a very low ebb. An acknowledged thief is almost as well thought of and as much employed as belter Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 337 characters by the lower orders. The Sunday-schools are not sufficient to give the children even Scriptural knowledge ; the teachers seldom make the children understand what they learn, but fancy that if thry teach them to read that is all that can be required of them. This applies to day as well as to Sunday-schools. The chief evil of the system pursued by the trustees of Mrs Sevan's Charity was that of sending Welsh schoolmasters into the Radnorshire parishes, where the people are entirely English. I think that the change of schoolmasters merely for three years disturbs the existing system where there is an established school, without permanent benefit, as when the itinerant master departs, everything has to be begun again. This I experienced at Nantmel. The existing schoolmaster was inter- fered with by Mrs. Sevan's master, who took a cottage for a period and then left the place. Whatever scheme is adopted, school-houses would be required. I know of none in my immediate knowledge. The school-houses could not be supplied by any local means. Some exertion should be made to obtain the appointment of trustees to the Rhayader Charity school. There are none at present. With every exertion, we hnve only been able to raise about 110/. for the erection of a new school-house at Cwm Toyddwr, where there is an endowed school with an income of more than 40/. Mr. Evans and myself as incumbents of Rhayader and Nantmel, are trustees of this school. The will is merely to assist in the support of the schoolmaster ; nothing is prescribed as to the subjects to be taught. The impression has been that it is a grammar-school, and the classics have been pro- fessed to be taught. Jt is not to be made a pauper school, as a better school for the use of the farmers is exceedingly wanted ; at the same time the object should be to give a good mercantile education ; there is another charity-school for the purpose of instructing the poor at Rhay- ayder, which I have noticed before. The late master, Mr. Rees, has ceased to be master, or is about to be deprived of his office. I think that it would be beneficial to fill up all vacancies of parish clerks with well-trained schoolmasters. A small provision is already made for them, and it would raise the standard of the clerks; the offices would be perfectly compatible. Young men who were taken from this country for schoolmasters and properly trained, would be more easily satisfied than strangers, and I think a salary of from 40/. to 50/. would amply suffice. I think there are no means short of public ones of effecting a supply of such masters. 1 am satisfied there are no local means of doing so. RICHARD VENARLES. No. 32. Rev. Ebenezcr Williams^ Calvinistic Methodist Minister at Penny- bont, Radnorshire. THERE is a great deficiency of day-schools in this neighbourhood. The Sunday-schools are not sufficient for the instruction of the people, as 338 On the State of Education in Wales, nothing secular is taught there. The teachers in our Sabbath-schools generally endeavour to make the children understand what they learn. The children who do not go to the Sunday-schools are in general very ignorant, and their parents instruct them but very little; their morals are not good. In the immediate neighbourhood the majority attend a Sunday-school. The masters of the existing schools are very deficient as teachers. Their morals are very defective ; they are often drunkards, and in a sad state in this country. Better schools would tend to improve the state of things very much. The rich and the poor together might support good schools, but there is not sufficient value set upon education to do this. The Dissenting children are prevented from attending the day-schools which are endowed. That is the case at Llandegley. I think 40/. per annum would satisfy a good master. If this were provided, I have not the least doubt that the Dissenters would endeavour to obtain ground and build houses, in order to benefit by such an offer if it were made. EBENEZER WILLIAMS. No. 33. Mr. William Edward Stevens, Postmaster of Pennybont, in the parish of Llandegley, Radnorshire. I WAS churchwarden in 1842, and in 1843 and 1844, of this parish. There is, as I have always understood, a charity here consisting of about 18 acres of land, of which 4l. a-year is for the poor, and the remainder of the rent for the support of the school. In the first year that I was churchwarden, Mr. Duirgan ceased to rent that land : he paid me 21. of the rent for the poor, and said that Mr. Jones would give another 21. to distribute to me. I told Mr. Jones on Easter Monday, 1843, that I was going to distribute this money on that day, and that he had better come and pay his 21. - 3 he said he would do it another time. I distributed the 21. I had (shows the list), and I never could hear that the poor got the 21. from Mr. Jones. I never received any money for the poor afterwards, and never could hear that a shilling was given afterwards. The school ought to have the benefit of the rest of the rent ; and I think there is not nearly so good a master as there ought to be for the money now ; every time I have been there the school was in a shocking state ; the school opens out of the belfry, and calves are now still turned into the church-yard, and I am told sleep in the belfry. If there was a decent school there, I should think numbers of the people round here would send their children to it ; very few send them now, but if the charity were properly applied and a good master were ap- pointed, the charity and the school lees would support a good master. The charity land is let to Mr. David Owen, who rents of Mr. Jones, who is joint trustee with the churchwardens. James Davies, the schoolmaster, is i he Vicar's churchwarden, and Isaiah Lloyd for the parish. I told Lloyd to ask what the rent was, and Mr. Jones said "indeed Stevens shall not know." WM. EDW. STEVENS. Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 339 No. 34. Rev. Wm. Evans, Vicar of Rhayader and of Cwm Toyddwr. GENERALLY there is a great deficiency of proper schools for the work- ing classes in this hundred. Day-schools are especially deficient. Generally the schoolmasters are very incompetent. There is an in- disposition on the part of the poor people about here towards educa- tion. They do not value it; they will often keep their children at home to do any little service they can put them to, rather than send them to a day-school, even when they can do so gratuitously. The Sunday- schools do not give adequate instruction to the children. I am afraid that the farmers here are much too poor to support good schools them- selves, and therefore cannot give the poorer classes sufficient wages to support them. This country cannot establish and support efficient instruction without some assistance from without. 40/. or 50/. a-year would be required to enable a competent schoolmaster to maintain him- self respectably in this country. Supposing this were provided and Government were to make such an offer, I think efforts would be suc- cessfully made to provide proper school-houses by the gentry and others in many parishes. I believe the farmers, too, would give their carts and labour to assist in building them. Good training schools are es- sential to fit masters to teach the labouring classes, for if not .specially trained they would be useless. There is a great deficiency in this re- spect at this time. The people have good natural abilities, and are capable of being in- structed. They often get a knowledge of reading and writing to a cer- tain extent in Sunday-schools, from being taught in the houses, but they get no solid information. The morals of the people are capable of being improved to a great extent in every respect, and I think deci- dedly that they would be much improved by better education, which would open the way to it; but education should be accompanied with religious instruction, or it can never profit the people. WILLIAM EVANS. No. 35. Rev. R. H. Harrison, Pepetual Curate of JBuilth. Presented to the living in September, ] 844. THE Welsh are more deceitful than the English ; though they are full of expression, I cannot rely on them as I should on the English. There is more disposition to pilier than among the English, but we are less apprehensive of robbery than in England. There is less open avowal of a want of chastity, but it exists ; and there is far less feeling oi delicacy between the sexes here in every day life than England. The boys bathe here, for instance, in the river at the bridge in public, and I have been insulted for endeavouring to stop it. There is less open wickedness as regards prostitution ihan in England. Drunkenness is the prevailing sin of this place, and the country around, and is not con- fined to the labouring classes, but the drunkenness of the lower classes is greatly caused by the example of those above them, who pass their evening in the public-houses. But clergymen and magistrates wh>n among these classes of the people? 5, 6, and 7- To these several questions I can give no answer. The impression upon my mind is, tiiat political opinions form no part of the sphere of the present labouring men's inquiry; and since the last 344 On the State of Education in Wales, Chartist outbreak, all tendency to disaffection and sedition has happily subsided; they have seen their error and felt the effects of insubordi- nation. 8. What feeling: do they entertain towards their employers ? The answer to this question must again be based upon rumour. The ge- neral opinion, I think, is, that the understanding between the labourer and employer is highly satisfactory. 9. To what extent do the employers charge themselves with the mental and religious instruction of their people? lam not in posses- sion of sufficient facts to give to this question a satisfactory reply- 10. What are your opinions as to the expediency of aid to education from Government ; and if expedient, in what mode and by what plan would it be most beneficially applied, taking all the circumstances of the country, and the diversity of religious tenets, into account? It appears to me to be the imperative duty of a wise and patriotic legis- lature to encourage and facilitate, to the utmost of their power, by public grants, and public patronage and advances, the education and instruction of the people committed to their care : the resources of Government cannot better be applied than by affording knowledge, civilizing and enlightening mankind ; and it would ill become a minister of a Christian apostolical Church to suggest any other mode of dis- pensing education than intrusting it to the heads of those who, by divine appointment and divine right, are constituted the channel for diffusing the light of Christian truth. No education can be safe except based and grounded upon religious principles. The Church and its ministers are the proper vehicles for carrying out the same ; they are the people's expounders of the truth, that truth, upon which alone any kingdom can flourish, and without which, however high or haughtily any nation may pride itself its grandeur and prosperity, will inevitably fade away. R. W. P. DAVIES. No. 37. From Edward Compton Lloyd Hall, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Newcastle Emlyn. THERE is a lamentable deficiency of day-schools for the poor. Very few of the masters are competent to teach. They seldom turn to teaching unless they have failed at something else. Their incomes do not average above 12/. or 13/. per annum, barely enough to keep body and soul together: this applies to the country. The poor are generally desirous of better education, and wish about here chiefly to learn English : they feel that a knowledge of English is an advantage to them. Many understand it who do not speak it. The want of know- ledge of English is a decided drawback in a court of justice. Itope- rates as a moral rather than a practical detriment to the due administra- tion of justice, as jurymen and witnesses frequently avail themselves of their pretended ignorance of English to give corrupt verdicts and tes- timony, and to excuse them when given. At the last Quarter Session in Carmarthenshire I was counsel in a case in which a man named Philipps was tried for an assault with intent to commit a rape. He was a i Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 345 was a man of considerable property as a farmer, evidently a man of violent temper, very much dreaded by all his neighbourhood. At the previous Quarter Sessions I had prosecuted him for a highway robbery, of which he was acquitted, as I thought against the evidence. On the trial for the assault the facts were proved that he had solicited the chastity of the woman in the morning, and knowing that she was in the habit of taking her husband's victuals to him at the works, he told her he would meet her in the evening. She immediately informed her husband of what had passed, and he desired her to bring his supper as usual. In the mean time he got a friend to take his place in the works, and in the evening returned with his wife towards their home. Their way lay through a little wood ; the husband dropped behind to take notice what should happen. As soon as the woman got into the wood, the prisoner met her, laid hold of her and threw her down on the ground and assaulted her. The husband came and struck him, and caught him away from his wife, and lie was committed for trial. On the trial this evidence was given, and also of an attempt at compromise. The jury laid their heads together for about ten minutes, without going out of the box, and the foreman delivered the verdict in these words " Guilty of a common assault." The verdict was recorded; and after the jury left the Court, some of them were bullied by the prisoner's friends; and they then said they did not intend to give a verdict of guilty ; they did not understand English, and it was the verdict of the foreman and not theirs. The chairman had the jury called back, and then the whole jury reversed the \erdict, and one and all said they intended to have given a verdict of not guilty, and a representation was made to the Home Secretary, who pardoned the prisoner. I can mention several similar cases, both civil and criminal. The two languages are a great facility to perjury. There is hardly a case in which it is not committed more or less. The want of accuracy in the knowledge of the language seems to remove the feeling of degradation. Their mode of numeration produces great errors : they have almost to do an Addi- tion sum in their heads before they can express some numbers. The Welsh language is peculiarly evasive, which originates from its having been the language of slavery. It is a regular custom for parties to a cause to employ persons to go and tamper with the jury before a trial comes on, and to infuse views of the case into their minds, and similar conduct with Justices of the Peace, who permit persons to come and talk to them beforehand about cases which they will have to adjudicate upon. A better education is essential to the well-being of the people and of the state. If there had been any man to lead them during the Kebecca riots in whom they had had confidence, the most serious results would have ensued. Some English Chartists came, but they had no confi- dence in them, because they were English. Bastardy is very common among the women, and want of chastity is not thought a degradation at all. There is very little chance of good schools in this district being sup- ported by local efforts. Government grants are the only portal from which aid can come. In most places it would be necessary that the Government should both build schools and afford partial aid in supporting them. Nineteen-twentieths of the whole population are Dissenters, but 346 On the State of Education in Wales, I believe that good schools, if the Church Catechism were not compul- sorily taught, would answer well for the whole people, and would be attended by Churchmen and Dissenters. Scriptural teaching could be given in every school, but going to the parish church should be rather a reward than a matter of compulsion. EDWARD C. LLOYD HALL. No. 38. From Edward Thomas, Esq., Magistrate, Weljield. L. Is there a deficiency of good day-schools for the poor in Brecon- shire and Radnorshire? Yes, to a great extent. 2. Are the schoolmasters generally competent ? No, because the salaries are generally insufficient to secure the services of competent men. 3. Is improved education desired by the people themselves? Ye*, judging from the unaided efforts they frequently make to obtain it, although labouring under the pressure of poverty. 4. Is it in your opinion needed as a means to their moral and social improvement? I am decidedly of opinion that an improved education is much needed, judging from the bad effects of the absence of it. 5. Is it desirable that the knowledge of the English language should be extended, and are better schools desirable for that purpose ? The extension of the knowledge of the English language is unquestionably mo!?t desirable ; but, under the present system, the schoolmasters are for the most part quite incompetent to teach it in an adequate manner ; but this remark applies more to Breconshire than to Radnorshire. 6. Are the inconveniences of an ignorance of the English language great, and of what nature, and to what extent do they prevail ? The disadvantages of an ignorance of the English language are quite apparent ; amongst them may be mentioned the fostering of local and narrow prejudices, incapacitating the people from deriving that improve- ment which would obviously be the consequence of a free intercourse with their English neighbours : the cherishing their well-known national antipathy to strangers, and hostility to the settlement of English amongst them : the facility afforded to the promotion and con- cealment of any seditious feeling, as in the case of the Rebecca riots : and added to these the serious evils that result from the imperfect interpretation of evidence given in courts of law, both as regards matter and emphasis. 7. Are there local means for the establishment and maintenance of good day-schools with competent masters? Certainly not in most of the rural districts. 8. Is there a reasonable probability that good schools will be shortly supplied and supported by local effort, and in sufficient number? I see no reason to believe that local effort will shortly be the means of furnishing the people with adequate education. 9. If not, in what mode would assistance from Government, if disposed to give it, be most usefully applied? In affording universally proper salaries to competent masters ; and in erecting, or aiding the erection of school-houses in those districts only where poverty is proved to be too great for local effort to be relied upon. Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 347 10. To what extent would such assistance, if offered, be probably accepted ? If the assistance offered by Government is found to be of a feeble nature, local energy will not be sufficiently roused to ensure efficient co-operation, as the population is neither large nor wealthy enough to make the sacrifice required. EDWARD THOMAS. [THE following evidence was given at a later period of the inquiry, in reply to the specific questions which follow. The answers are numbered to correspond with the following questions, which were addressed only to such persons as were deemed likely to have a correct knowledge of facts and matured opinions on the general topics of the inquiry, and who from their station or position were likely to know and represent the feelings as well as circumstances of different classes of the people. The answers are in all cases as above attested by the signature of the person giving them.] Questions. 1. Is there any deficiency of good day-schools, with competent masters in your neighbourhood; and in what respects are they defective? 2. Is there much ignorance among the poor, and on what subjects ? 3. Are their morals defective, and if so, in what respects? State instances and facts which illustrate this. 4. To what extent the people near you possess the means of religious instruction, and how do they profit by them. 5. State any other particulars with regard to the pursuits and character, or social or political conduct, of the people in your neighbourhood worthy of remark. 6. Would better education tend to improve the morals and conduct of the people ? 7. Do they themselves desire it ? 8. Is the English language gaining ground ; and is it desirable that it should be better taught, and if so, for what reason ? 9. Are there local means, by subscription or otherwise, for building and supporting good day-schools with competent masters in your locality, and are they likely to be established and main- tained without aid from Government? 10. If you think Government aid desirable, state specifically to what extent, and in what manner it could be best applied, taking into account the circumstances of the country, and the diver- sities of creed ? 11. State any other opinion which you think may assist the Inquiry? No. 39. From Mr. Thomas Jones, of the Bank, Presteigne. and Superintendent of the Baptist Sunday-school. 2nd March, 1847. 1. THERE are several small day-schools in the town kept by females, where children of each sex are instructed: not one of any importance 3 48 On the State of Education in Wales, with a competent master, except the endowed grammar-school, where only hoys are received. As there is no free-school here for girls, it would he advisable for a limited number of those to be admitted also, who should be taught by a governess. 2. Great ignorance prevails on general and likewise religious subjects. 3. There is a want of chastity among females and much intemperance in the males. 4. There is a church and three Dissenting chapels in the town, and Sabbath-schools connected with each, yet it is a lamentable fact that many of the inhabitants never attend a place of Divine worship. 5. It is to be regretted that provisions, &c., should be suffered to be sold on the Sabbath-day, and deplorable to reflect that numbers of the labouring classes frequent public-houses on that sacred day, and spend a considerable portion of their earnings which ought to be applied to the support of their families. Many of those who have it in their power to lay by a little are very improvident. 6. Undoubtedly. In proportion as education in sound and enlightened principles shall prevail, the better will the various duties of life be dis- charged. In the writings of the ancient philosophers we find the maxim, "As a field, although its] soil may be fertile, cannot be pro- ductive without culture, so neither can the mind without instruction." 7. Not generally. Many parents who are illiterate, lament their ignorance, and are very desirous to get their children educated. 8. It is the only language spoken here. 9. None whatever but the before-mentioned grammar-school. 10. The establishment of an infant-school is very desirable where children of the parents of every religious creed should be admitted. This would, I believe, be productive of incalculable good also a free school for educating the children of the working classes founded on principles dbolutely unsectarian, where the Bible, without note or comment, will form its standard book, and the children be enjoined to attend some place of worship, to receive special religious instruction, but where they shall attend to be left to the choice and direction of the parents. THOS JONES. No. 40. Rev. George Howell, Curate of Llangattock, and Edward Davies, Esq., Agent to the Duke of Beaufort. 1. WITH the exception of an infant-school and for young children of a tender age, kept by a mistress, there is no day-school in this parish in the vicinity of the church. In the adjoining parish of Crickhowel, about a mile distant, there is a good day-school for children of both sexes, where they are taught separately, and which is attended by many young persons from this part of the parish of Llangattock. 2. Not having had, until within the last few years, any advantage of education, there is much ignorance prevailing among the poor on all subjects, their knowledge being principally confined to the first prin- ciples of religion. In the mining district at the upper end of the parish, which is abont seven miles from the parish church, there is a lamentable deficiency even on this vital subject. Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 349 3. There is certainly a laxity of morals here, which may be easily accounted for, and entirely attributable to the overwhelming number of beer-shops which are open at all times, and where people resort to, and remain to a very late hour. The consequence is that drunkenness leads to immoral language, and ends in quarrels and broils, &c. 4. In the vicinity of the parish church there are ample means of religious instruction, there being two full services in the church every Sunday, and on festival days and during Lent, &c. Within a short distance there is a chapel belonging to the denomination called In- dependents, where there are two sermons preached every Sunday. In the neighbourhood there are several other Dissenting chapels within reach in which services are performed. 5. A considerable -number, and the majority of our workpeople, are employed in the extensive iron-works situate at Beaufort in this parish ; the remaining portion of the inhabitants follow agricultural pursuits. Generally speaking they are strictly honest and trustworthy. They seldom interfere or take part in politics. 6. In our opinion, a better education would improve both. 7. We think that they are indifferent on the subject. 8. The English language is slowly gaining ground among us here. It would certainly be desirable that the people should be better instructed in it. In that case they would be better able to understand sermons, and other modes of instruction. A better knowledge of the English language would also enable the people to give clearer evidence in a court of justice, and fit them better to sit as jurors in the same, where an inconvenience, owing to this defect, is now frequently felt. 9. There are wealthy individuals in the neighbourhood, but whether they will supply the means we cannot at present undertake to say. Hitherto they have not done so. In this part of the parish we are not without hopes hut that they may come forward to assist in this cause. 10. We think the Government aid very desirable : considering the extent of the parish, and the distance the majority of the parishioners are placed from the parish church, we think a National school erected in the vicinity of the Beaufort iron-works would be attended with advantageous results. There is a small church built near the works, and we think a National school, in connexion with the Established Church, at this place would tend greatly to ameliorate the condition of the rising generation. 11. The inhabitants of South Wales are, for the most part, tractable, and therefore are not difficult to be led by a little judgment and per- suasion ; but the present schoolmasters, who are in the habit of teaching the children in the rural districts, are so very deficient themselves in their knowledge of the English language, that it is not to be wondered at the children in remote districts are not very forward. There is a degree of improvement even in this respect, but we are of opinion that if a superior class of schoolmasters were located throughout the villages of South Wales, in a few years the tone of the rising generation would materially change for the better, and the fruits of a superior training would ere long manifest themselves in the general improvement of the inhabitants. GEO. HOWEI.L. EDWARD DA VIES. 2i 350 On tlie State of Education in Wales, * * * * No. 42. | W. O. Brigstocke, Esq., of Blaenpant, Cardiganshire, Magistrate. 1. I KNOW of no schools in this neighbourhood which are supplied with competent masters or mistresses, none of them knowing how to catechise the children, not having been trained in any way schoolmasters previous to taking the office : some few schools are better than others in this respect, in consequence of having the personal attention of the clergyman of the parish and chief promoters of the schools ; and when this is the case you always find them much better attended, and more sought after. 2. There is certainly great ignorance : difficult to state any particular subjects, as all general knowledge is deficient, yet it is seldom you meet with adults who are unable to read their Bible in Welsh ; but as to their knowledge of it, I cannot take upon myself to say. 3. Truth and the sacredness of an oath little thought of; it is most difficult to get satisfactory evidence in courts of justice ; morals gene- rally very bad ; intercourses between the sexes previous to marriage being very general ; misconduct after marriage is of rare occurrence. Drunkenness is a very common vice,- especially on market or fair days. 4. Sunday-schools belonging to the various denominations of Dis- senters ; but their teachers generally speaking have had no advantage of education themselves; therefore not much fitted to instruct others; and in some instances Sunday-schools, in connexion with the Esta- blished Church, are met with, which are well attended. 5. One of the principal characteristics of the people is their having little idea of economising time ; they will, without consideration, devote a whole day, which might be more profitably employed, to auctions, funerals, fairs, markets, and meetings of all descriptions, though they have no particular business which calls for their attendance : farmers and the labouring class are alike in this respect. 6. Doubtless, if founded on sound religious principles. 7. Very much. 8. Very much within a few miles of this place, and would gaee ground still more if better masters could be procured; arid the peopu, are fully alive to the necessity of attaining the English language without which no advance in life can be made. They will prefer sending their children to an English day-school, where they pay them- selves, to a Welsh day-school free admittance. 9. We need no assistance for building school-rooms for boys or girls in this parish, new ones having been erected within the last ten years, the one for the boys at the sole expense of the pnrishoners, the one for the girls built by a private individual, and the lord of the manor giving the land. The funds for supporting the boys' school are quite inadequate to obtain a competent master, his salary varing from 20/. to 25/. per annum ; but of the three parishes adjoining this, two are totally destitute in every respect as to local means of supporting good day-schoools, and the other parish only supports a girls' school. 10. The question is a very difficult one, but my opinion is that the Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 35 1 end would be best answered by providing competent masters, and assisting according to circumstances in paying the salaries of the parish schools already in existence. Without interfering with their religious creed, I think it quite impossible a system of education can be adopted which would embrace under it indiscriminately all the different persua- sions of the country. Should Government make any grant towards assisting to pay the salary of competent schoolmasters, inspectors ought to visit them once a-year, to see there is no abuse of the money so granted. This should be carefully borne in mind. 11. In almost all parishes you will find the parishioners glad to assist in erecting school-rooms. The portion of land given for the purpose is, generally speaking, of little value. The difficulty is keeping them up after they are built, as you must be fully aware how small the sub- scriptions are ibr this purpose. The church, by the almost universal alienation of tithes, being much too impoverished for the clergy to make the necessary effort towards education which under other circum- stances we know would be attended with most beneficial effects. Par- sonage-houses are so rare in this district, clergymen are often obliged to reside some distance from their churches. W. 0. BRIGSTOCKE. No. 43. The Rev. James Morgan, Vicar of Talgarth, Brecknockshire . 8th February, 1847. 1. THERE are two day-schools in the village of Talgarth, r onc attached to the Church and the other a Dissenters' school: of the latter I have but little personal knowledge, but believe it to be well conducted. The Church school mi<>ht be rendered much more efficient than it is if a more competent master could be procured ; but the school being entirely supported by voluntary contribution, and the amount of sub- scriptions being small, we have not been able to pay the salary which a properlv-trained master would require. These schools have been established about three years. 2. Great ignorance exists among the poor on almost all subjects, the great majority of adults having had little or no means of education. As a proof, I would mention that, out of 260 signatures of all classes in the Registrar of Marriages in the parish of Talgarth, since the Registration Act has been in operation, 127 are signed " by marks," although upon these occasions I have always endeavoured to select the attesting witnesses from those who could write, if any'such were present. 3. The standard of morality is certainly low : illegitimate children are by no means rare, and pregnancy before marriage is of common oc- currence. It scarcely seems to be considered a sin, or even a disgrace, for a woman to be in the family-way by the man to whom she is engaged to be married. Drunkenness is but too prevalent, particularly on fair days, and other similar occasions. 4. In the village of Talgarth there are three Sunday-schools one Church and two Dissenters' schools, which are pretty well attended, but the parish being a very extensive one, and the village at one ex- 352 On the State of Education in Wales, tremity, the distant parts are almost destitute of the means of religious instruction. 5. I consider the people to be, for the most part, honest, quiet, and well behaved in their general conduct, civil and obliging, and seldom troubling themselves with any matters beyond their own immediate sphere. There are, of course, many exceptions to this rule, but such I consider to be the general character of the people. C. Undoubtedly it would. 7. I think they do. 8. The English language is gaining ground fast, and is almost entirely spoken by the rising generation, and, with the exception of a few old people, is understood by all. Parents are generally anxious that their children should learn English. I am therefore of opinion that what- ever instruction is given should be in English. 9. There are no local means that I am aware of available for this purpose beyond what are already in operation, and which are hardly sufficient to keep up the present school. It is not, therefore, probable that any will be established without aid. 10. Having already a school-room, the principal want we feel, is the means of procuring a regularly trained master, for which one sub- scription is sufficient. I am not aware what sum would be required for this purpose, but as our local subscription amounts only to 25/. per annum (besides the payment of a penny a-week by each child, which may perhaps be taken at 10/. per annum), the grant of an annual sum sufficient to make up the salary of a competent master, would, I think, be the most effectual means of promoting the education of the poor of this parish: and as I never found any objection on the part of the poor people, being Dissenters, to send their children to the Church school, I see no reason why such a grant should give offence to any parties. 11. I have nothing further to add which seems of importance. JAMES MORGAN. No. 44. Edward W. Seymour, Esq., of Porthmaivr, Brecknockshire, Magistrate. 15th February, 1847. 1. YES, there is; and the schools that are established are defective in the very first principles and system of elementary teaching, the salaries being too low to command the services of well-educated teachers; it arises, too, from an indifference on the part of the parents to sending their children to incompetent and inexperienced teachers, and partly from (being themselves many of them untaught) not duly appreciating the benefits which may be derived, in a moral and religious point of view, from the education of their children. 2. Yes, on most subjects, especially religious. 3. Yes, very the vices of lying, thieving, swearing and drunkenness, and the vastly increasing crime of illicit intercourse between the sexes, prevail to a great extent ; and these are by no means confined to the uneducated. Of their disregard of common decency, I had an instance, among many which have come to my knowledge, in a case which was Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 353 brought before me. only the other day, wherein it appeared thatayoung girl of 16, going on a visit to her sister (a married woman), was actually placed by her for many nights together in the same bed-room (with- out even a curtain between them) in which a young labouring man (a lodger and a stranger) slept, which man was brought before me on a charge of stealing, the parties with the exception of the lodger, being to all appearances respectable, intelligent, and above the common order among the lower classes. Upon my expostulating with them on the impropriety of their subjecting a female under their protection to such indecency, the parties seemed rather astonished at the remark than sensible of their error. 4. This (Crickhowell) and the surrounding parishes have the advan- tage of religious instruction to a certain extent in day and Sunday schools, which are provided, and for the most part supported, by volun- tary subscription, if they choose to avail themselves of it: this many of the poor do, though (for want of a better system) not to the extent they might. The Dissenters have in some instances schools for which the parents pay ; but the greater part, whether of Dissenting parents or otherwise, are taught at the National schools. There is in this parish an Infant-school as well. 5. Though Wales generally is the stronghold of dissent, the people here are by no means averse, many of them, to send their children to the National schools, whatever may become of them afterwards I mean Dissenters. Though hot in temperament, and litigious and quarrelsome among themselves, they are by no means a disaffected or disloyal people; nor are they (the natives) addicted to crimes of a heinous character. 6. If accompanied with religious instruction, undoubtedly. 7. I think they do, some decidedly. 8. Yes, most assuredly, and it is desirable, as they decidedly prefer it, especially the rising generation. 9. There are means, though very insufficient, and this (with one ex- ception, where there is a small endowment) from private subscription only, for carrying on the schools already established, but none lor building, or procuring more competent masters. It better houses and masters could be obtained, we should be but too glad, seeing the increasing desire for instruction, to avail ourselves of them. 10. I certainly do think Government aid desirable ; and that if it be granted, it, in my humble opinion, cannot be better dispensed than in carrying out the plan of the National Society in promoting the build- ing of schools and providing a more competent class of teachers. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ED. Ww. SEYJIOUR. J No. 45. Rev. David Charles, Principal of the College of Trevecca* Brecknockshire. February 17, 1847. 1. AT Talgarth there are two day-schools, one attached to the Church of England, and the other based upon free and unsectarian principles, and conducted on the British system. The master of this iaiter is a competent person. There is also a day-school at Llangorse, and another at Llanfihangel-Tal-y-Llvn villages, situate about 3 or 4 354 On the State of Education in Wales, miles off. I can, however, scarcely reckon on the competency of their masters ; the general defect appears to me to be in the method of com- municating knowledge to the young. 2. There is much ignorance among the poor in general, but more especially among farm-servants, who are extremely deficient in every kind of religious and useful knowledge. The poor, however, are better informed on religious subjects than any other. 3. The morals of this part of the country are certainly very defective : owing to the system of drinking cider, &c., so prevalent here, drunken- ness is the common sin of both farmers and their servants; seldom do we meet farm servants returning from any considerable distance with their master's waggon or cart but that we find them intoxicated, while it is quite lamentable to witness the number of drunken farmers returning from market on Saturdays. In harvest time this practice is still more prevalent. There is also among- the class mentioned very ittle attention paid to the observance of the Sabbath. 4. The means of religious instruction are ample, and are well attended by tradesmen, labourers, &c., and their families. fet % 5. The general character of the people of this neighbourhood is marked by great indifference to any social improvement. Knowledge is not generally appreciated, and this circumstance has its concomitant results, such as belief in witchcraft, &c. 6. It certainly would be the most powerful means of improving the people, as it would tend to elevate their character and direct their industrial pursuits. 7. There are many who are very anxious to provide or procure means of instruction for the people, the value of education is not, however, appreciated by the majority. 8. The English language is fast gaining ground in this neighbour- hood, so much so that the Welsh will not continue to be the prevailing language in a few years. The admixture of both English and Welsh in the dialect at present spoken renders it highly desirable that the people be correctly taught in the languge they will have to use in future. 9. A good day-school has been erected at Talgarth, in which the neighbourhood has felt much interest The subscriptions to the build- ing, however, have not been adequate to defray the expenses incurred. It is very improbable that proper means of instruction will be generally provided in this part of the country without extraneous aid in the erec- tion of schoolhouses. 10. The people require schools unattached to any one creed. They regard liberty for their^children to attend their own places of worship on the Sabbath as of the highest importance ; it would therefore be desirable that whatever .Government aid be given, it be applied in such a manner as to secure this. I believe that were means to erect school- houses supplied, it would in general be sufficient, and education would be greatly promoted. 11. I would suggest that the fact of the great majority of the Welsh being Dissenters ought to be taken into serious consideration in the adoption of any plan for their social improvement. Their motives are conscientious to a high degree, and any system opposed to the free and unfettered exercise of their religion will but mar their best feelings. I would a/so recommend that the Welsh receive their knowledge of the Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 355 English language through the medium of their own at first, by means of Welsh-English books. The want of this mode of Jnstruction^has been a great drawback, which I have often desired to get removed. DAVID"CHARLES. No. 46. The Rev. D. Parry, Vicar of Lly well, [Brecknockshire. 18th February, 1847. 1. YES; and they are defective in point of number to answer the population of the country; and in some instances the masters are not sufficiently competent, for want of higher and more general attainments. 2. Yes ; the major part of them are unable to write and to do plain arithmetic. They are also very deficient in the knowledge of history, common geography, and the simple elements of astronomy, as well as most other branches of general knowledge. 3. The morals of a great number are defective, in respect of chastity, truth-telling, and veneration for God's sacred name. In proof of which, suffice it to allude to the number of illegitimate children in the county ; to the little reliance that can be placed on what is often said or spoken, provided the individual have some bias or interest in the matter; and to the frequent abuse of God's holy name in the common intercourse and transactions of life. These are facts well known to all observants' minds, and loudly calling lor some means of reformation. 4. Most of them attend some place of religious worship, and enjoy the benefit of Sunday-schools ; but we have deep cause to regret, as regards the majority of them, the absence of that general anil decided reformation in the moral character which we have reason to expect from the use of such means. 5. They are for the most part quick, shrewd, and clever, in propor- tion to their advantages, evidently possessing sufficient natural abilities to form as useful members of society as any within Her Majesty's dominions, were they equally blessed with early cultivation ; and they are rather warm-hearted and kindly disposed, though their temperament generally requires to be somewhat softened and subdued, which can only be effected by early mental culture and sound moral training. 6. I have not the least doubt of it ; for as nothing tends more powerfully to elevate the mind and give a high tone to the moral feelings of man than good, sound, Scriptural education, when com- menced early, I feel confident that the morals and conduct of the people would be greatly improved were the means of such mental training generally established throughout the country ; f or we often painfully witness how little can be effected in changing the leading features of man's moral character when the mind has not received proper training at an early age, while susceptible of deep and lasting impressions. 7. Yes, many of them, and especially the most intelligent ; but perhaps the greater number merely lament their inability, from poverty and the small number of day-schools, to supply their children even with the education now so scantily afforded. { 8. Yes, and I think it desirable that it should be better taught ; for 356 On the State of Education in Wales, all our accounts being kept in English, most books for the improvement of the mind being written in English, and all public business being generally transacted in the English language, there can be little doubt but that a better teaching of it would confer great benefit on the principality. 9. We have no prospect of being able to establish any additional day-schools, or to improve those we now have, without aid from Government towards the support of competent masters. 10. I think, as the country can be supplied with efficient education, that Government must ultimately take the education of the country into their own hands, so far as the payment, in whole or in part, of com- petent masters, leaving the erection of buildings to the exertions of each locality ; for the latter, requiring only a temporary effort, may be accomplished by local means, but the former, requiring permanent support, cannot be secured without the aid of Government; and their salaries should average from 401. to 70/., according to local circum- stances. And should Government propose a general and comprehen- sive scheme of education, based on sound Biblical teaching, without insisting on the Church Catechism being learnt by the children of Dissenters, when objected to, and allowing them to attend their own Sunday-schools, I fully believe that such a plan would meet with little or no opposition from all the most respectable and most numerous of Dissenting communities ; for the subject of education has of late so arrested the attention of the public mind, that a large portion of all classes of society are now become willing to make some concession to insure that most desirable object. And, in my opinion, any general plan of education must be on the principle of amalgamation, and not by separate schools to meet the diversities of creed ; for the latter plan would tend to create and perpetuate among us all manner of jealousies, strifes, and animosities ; while the former would be productive of union, harmony, and love. And I would recommend that the appoint- ment of masters be vested either in Government or the proprietors of the soil, which would prevent every contention that would attach to any other mode of appointment. 11. I think that the masters should possess higher and more extensive acquirements than the generality of those now employed; but that those amongst them who have devoted a considerable portion of their Jives to teaching, and are decently competent, should, in consideration of past services, be retained on the list. And I also think it advisable that Government Inspectors be ap- pointed to visit the school periodically as a stimulus, both to the scholars and masters, and a guarantee to Government for their proper management. DAVID PARRY. No. 47. The Rev. John Hughes^ Curate of Llanelly, Brecknockshire. Feb. 27, 1847. 1. CONSIDERING the extent and population of the parish, I am of Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 357 opinion there is a deficiency. The only school attached to the National Society is at the lower and most thinly populated part, while the school supported by the Clydach Iron Company is confined to the children of their own workmen. 2. There is not more than one-third of the adult population can read, and a still smaller proportion are able to write ; while from the little intercourse they have with strangers, and the prevalence of the Welsh language, they are but slightly acquainted with the common obser- vances of civilized life. 3. Partly so; their dwellings are almost universally destitute of those conveniences which are necessary to the health and comfort of mankind, and from the practice of the males stripping to wash themselves in the presence of the females, the usual barriers between the sexes are done away with, and the result is shown in the frequency of illicit intercourse. Drunkenness is also prevalent, although 1101 to so great an extent as formerly. 4. The majority attend Dissenting places of worship, where the services are in the Welsh tongue. There is morning service in the parish church in English, which is usually well attended, but princi- pally by the more educated classes. The afternoon service at the parish church is in Welsh, and is thinly attended. The Wesleyans have English service, which is well attended, as also is an evening service in English at a school-room licensed by the Bishop ; and in the upper part of the parish, Brynmaur, are Baptists' and Primitive Methodists' or Ranters' places of worship, where the services are English, which are attended by many who would attend the church if there was one here. 5. The conduct of the people, although in the main orderly, is marked by strong suspicions of any attempt to do them good. They dislike strangers, and are consequently narrow-minded. This arises partly from the ignorance of the Dissenting teachers, and partly from the prevalence of the Welsh language. 6. Undoubtedly it would. 7. To a certain extent they do, but from a desire of gain, although getting very good wages, will put the children to work at so early an age as to give them no chance of being permanently bettered by going to school. 8. The English language is gaining ground, and it is desirable it should be better taught as a means of overcoming prejudice, and pro- moting a better knowledge of science, and of other portions of the empire. 9. No. There is a school- room recently erected at Brynmaur upon the principles of the British and Foreign School Society, but there are no means for its support. At present about 70 children attend. 10. If Government were to aid in erecting a school-room at Bryn- maur on the National system, it would no doubt receive aid from the better-educated classes in the neighbourhood, and might be used for the services of the church on Sunday, when there can be no doubt it would be filled. 11. The small size and inconvenient situation of the parish church has been one cause of the prevalence of Dissent. The population is near 10,000, and only church accommodation for from 300 to 400 358 On the State of Education in Wales, while full 4,000 reside at Bryinnaur, four miles from the parish church. The burial-ground attached to the church is much too small, and in- conveniently full. JOHN HUGHES. No. 48. The Rev. James Denning , Curate of St. Mary's, Brecknock. 10th February, 1847. 1. YES, there are four day-schools connected with the Church in the town of Brecon, ami only one of the teachers of those schools was ever in a training establishment. I believe all the teachers are deficient in " order," and that the discipline of the schools is very defective. We want well-trained masters. 2. The poor seem ignorant on most subjects, except how to cheat, and speak evil of each other. They appear not to have an idea of what the comforts of life are. There are at least 2000 persons living in this town in a state of the greatest filth, and to all appearance they enjoy their filth and idleness, for they make no effort to get rid of it. From my experience of Ireland, I think there is a very great similarity between the lower orders of Welsh and Irish both are dirty, indolent, bigoted, and contented. 3. The defect in morals which is most remarkable to a stranger, is the double dealing. No person here ever asks the sum he intends to take for an article. The seller vows and declares he will not dispose of an article for a less sum than he at first asks, but presently he lowers the price if he sees you unwilling to buy. Many may suppose the asking of a second price for an article does not prove a defect in morals; but I think that every right-minded stranger when coming to Wales would, on consideration, be obliged to confess that morals are very low ndeed with regard to selling and buying. Truth is not regarded when money is concerned. The women drink quantities of gin. 4. There are three churches in Brecon capable of holding 2000, and there are seven Dissenting chapels that might contain about the same number, or perhaps not quite 2000. The large mass of people go on Sundays to some place of worship. 5. The people, generally speaking, are thankful for any kindness shown them, and the clergy are always respected when they are atten- tive to their duties. The Welsh are warm-hearted and kind, and might be much improved in morals if their spiritual teachers were men of zeal and piety. But, alas ! the large body of the clergy are drones, and the preachers fanatics. 6. I am quite convinced that if we had good schools built here, and a superior class of men as teachers who would be good disciplinarians, and strict in punishing any even the slightest deviation from truth, that incalculable good would be effected. We want in Brecon Englishmen as teachers, in other parts of Wales you must have Welshmen. 7. There does not seem to be a great anxiety amongst the parents to get education for their children, certainly nothing amounting to the Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 359 necessity which exists. But I think generally that a good system, if provided, would be accepted, even though opposed by a few narrow- minded preachers. Our girls' school is pretty well attended. 8. Yes, it is gaining ground, and until it is universally spoken nothing effective can be done to raise the social character of the people, and for this reason the arts and sciences, agriculture, &c., are brought to perfection in England. If improvements are to be introduced here, they must be by persons who have acquired them through means of the English language. All scientific books are written in English ; medical rnen study in English; our courts of law pronounce judg- ment in English ; in fact, in everything but language we are part and parcel of England. Teach English, and bigotry will be banished. 9. An etfort is being made to establish schools in connexion with the National Society ; but I think Government will be expected to make grunts for the purpose of meeting private subscriptions. 10. My firm opinion is, that the Church ought to be made the means of imparting education ; and I um as firmly of opinion that the people would accept it ; but owing to the bigotry of the preachers, I think it would be a wiser plan at present for the Government to grant sums in proportion to private subscriptions. Let good teachers be prepared first of all ; give grants of money for building schools, and an annual sum for the payment of teachers, to be met by a similar sum by each school ; make it a rule to teach English (indeed, it ought not to be granted unless this was insisted on), and let an annual or half-yearly inspection take place; if these things were done, I believe in a few years that the social, moral, and religious character of the people would be greatly improved, and that Wales would be one of the first in the scale of nations, in place of being sunk in comparative heathenism. 11. I Ciinnot too strongly express my opinion about the necessity of getting rid of the Welsh language. The clergy are content to remain in carelessness, because they are aware no Englishman can intrude here on account of the Welsh language : in consequence of this want of healthy rivalry, many clergymen neglect their churches; regardless of public opinion, they get the fleece and care not for the flock ; but banish the Welsh language, and Englishmen would come and reside here, and thus a healthy tone would be given to society. Our courts of law would be cleared from the anomaly of having justice adminis- tered in a language unknown to the people. The bigotry of the preachers would be driven away : in fact, they are now aware that if once the English language becomes universal, their occupation, like that of Othello, would be gone. Therefore give us English schools, and you may, under God, be made the means of cont'erring on poor Wales a great and lasting blessing. JAMES DENNING. 360 On the State of Education in Wales, No. 51. Francis Philips, Esq., Abbey-cwm-hir. 19th February, 1847. 1. WHEN I purchased the estate of Abbey-cwm-hir, nine years ago, there was no school within reach of the people; the nearest being six miles distant, at Rhayader, and the road over mountains scarcely passable. 2. Very ignorant of religious and moral duties ; when the day and Sunday-schools at Abbey-cwm-hir were first established, scarcely a child could repeat, the Lord's prayer, and none had heard of the Church Catechism. Education in general had been grossly neglected. 3. Crime of a serious character is not of frequent occurrence, but bastardy, which is scarcely considered a crime or disgrace, is very prevalent with young women ; those who afterwards marry generally become industrious and domestic, but they have little idea of cleanliness or comfort. The very high price of coal leads to pilfering of wood, &c. 4. Owing to the tithe, which belongs to the Dean and Chapter of Worcester, being paid very unwillingly to the creditors of a lay lord, by whom it is entirely abstracted from the country, there is a hostile feeling to the Church amongst the farmers, many of whom are either Baptists or Methodists, and have Sunday nightly prayer-meetings at their own houses. The church at Abbey-cwm-hir is now well attended, principally owing to the exertions and popularity of the present re- spectable curate ; but as he has also the care of another district and large parish where he resides, it is impossible for him to visit his distant parishioners as often as is desirable. As the salary of the curacy of Abbey-cwm-hir is only 40/. per annum, it is scarcely worth the acceptance of a man of respectability and ability, and it is to be feared the services of the present curate cannot long be retained. The incumbent has not visited the place during the last ten years. ; 5. They are, especially the women, civil and obliging in answering inquiries, showing the road, giving shelter, or a cup of spring water. They knit stockings for their families. 6. Unquestionably, the good effects of the day and Sunday school, which my son Francis Aspinall Philips arid his wife support and superintend, are very perceptible in the conduct and appearance of the children j but until the landed proprietors and clergy take a much greater interest in the conduct of the farmers and of the labouring population, little permanent good can be expected. 7. The children are generally quick and intelligent, and are desirous of instruction, as is evinced by the fact, that many come a distance of more than three miles, through roads almost impassable; the parents also frequently express their gratitude to my son and daughter for the advantages afforded to their children by the establishment of the school. 8. On my estate I never hear the Welsh language, but in the parishes to the westward I believe it is generally spoken. I consider it very important for the improvement and the condition of the people that the English language should be generally introduced. 9. Nothing of the kind. I know of no school except the one my Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 36 1 son and daughter established, which has now been in operation eight or nine years. 10. In the present neglected state of the neighbourhood of Abbey- cwm-hir, any aid from Government applied to schools would probably lead to abuses and jobbing, unless very cautiously applied and strictly watched. 11. The frequency of bastardy may in some degree be accounted for from the want of decent accommodation in most of the farm-houses and cottages, and also from the nightly prayer-meetings of the Methodists and Baptists, which are generally followed by a kind of gossiping, in which farmers and labourers delight. The wretched state of the roads, the want of a resident gentry, and a better-paid church, are all great bars to improvement. FRANCIS PHILIPS. The " inquiry" being addressed to me at Newtown Montgomery- shire, only reached me yesterday. I shall be happy to give any further testimony ; the application of a remedy for the present disgraceful state of Radnorshire appears to me very easy ; time and space forbid my now enlarging on the important topic. P.P. No. 65. The Rev. Henry Griffiths, PRESIDENT of the Independent College, Brecknock. 9th February, 1847. 1. Is there a deficiency of good day-schools with competent masters, in your neighbourhood ; and in what respects are they defective ? Yes, very great deficiency indeed. I am afraid few of the chil- dren are made to understand what they hear or read. In many cases it is mere parrot-work, and therefore, utterly incapable of producing any healthful influence on character. This is still worse, where, having nothing but English in school, and nothing but Welsh at home, the children may be said to think in one language and feel in another. 2. Is there much ignorance among the poor, and on what subjects? Taken as a whole, I believe the Welsh peasantry are decidedly superior to the English. Having spent 12 years as a minister in England, and in daily communication with the poor, I may perhaps be allowed to speak with some confidence. But all the other classes among us are immeasurably inferior, in point of information, to the corresponding classes in England. Nothing can be more worthless than the schooling ordinarily given to the children of our small farmers and shopkeepers. This is especially the case with respect to girls all through Wales. Let me add, the whole community suffers from the absence of that teaching, which would tend to fit boys to excel as mechanics or artizaus. Ac- cording to the Registrar of Marriages, nearly one-half of our men, and nearly three-fourths of our women, are unable even to write their names. During the last five years, I have spent whole weeks going about from house to house, in different towns and different counties, for the purpose 362 On the State of Education in Wales, of collecting information on the subject. I am sorry to say, every suc- cessive inquiry has only deepened my impressions as to the extent of their ignorance. There is also an almost incredible amount of super- stition. Not a few facts have been brought before me, which, until lately, I should have pronounced to be utterly impossible in Wales. In the border towns especially, there is a number of families who know very little Welsh, and who therefore never enter a place of worship, It was but the other day I visited a house where lived a grandmother, father, mother, mother's sister, and 13 children (most of them grown up), and yet not one of them could read a syllable. Of the plan of sal- vation, so far as I could make out, they knew absolutely nothing. Let me hope this was an extreme case ; I fear, however, it is not so rare as is generally supposed. Indeed, I am sorry to say, I could mention a great many other instances almost as bad. But facts like these do not present themselves to the more casual observer. Nothing but careful personal examination can give one any adequate idea of the fearful ig- norance by which we are surrounded. In the purely Welsh towns, the case perhaps is somewhat different. Of secular learning they have very little or none ; most of them, however, regularly attend public worship on the Sabbath, when they are familiarized with truths which feed the heart, and which thereby quicken their minds and improve their man- ners. Hence, in Wales, the education of the people is independent of, and therefore must not be measured by, the extent of their school at- tainments. Miss Sedgwick writes of a guide at Antwerp who could speak, intelligibly, French, Spanish, English, Italian, and Flemish of course, but who could not write, and had never heard of America. Something very like that may often be seen in Wales. There have been ministers among us, men of great mental and moral power and pro- digious influence, men whom we need not blush to class with England's best, and whose memoirs will be instructive to the end of time, but who nevertheless knew nothing of English, and never were able to write their names! In hundreds of our cottages, at this day, you may find men of most elevated habits of thought and feeling who never read a page in their lives but the Bible. The pulpit has been our national teacher, and nobly has it done its work. There is a work, however, which it cannot do, which consequently, for want of schoolmasters, has hitherto been awfully neglected among us. 3. Are their morals defective, and if so, in what respect ? State instances and facts which illustrate this. Generally speaking, our calendars are not remarkable for their numberof gross crimes; in fact, I believe quite the reverse. I am afraid, however, that social and do- mestic moralities are very low among us. The number of illegitimate children, when compared with England, is astounding. There is also a great deal of drunkenness- On fair-days, we often have fights in- numerable about the streets. I am sorry to add, among the lower order of boys, habits of gambling, in a small way, seem very much on the increase. I have not observed this elsewhere in Wales, but here it is doing incalculable mischief. HENRY GRIFFITHS. Brecknock, Cardigan, and Radnor. 363 Answers to Inquiries supplied by the Vicar of Presteign > and printed at his request in this Edition. 1. THERE is 'great deficiency both of schools and school accommo- dation. There is an endowed Grammar school capable of affording instruction enough for all the boys in the parish ; the number, however, of admissions is restricted to about 62. The present rector is not a trustee, and has consequently no voice in the management of the school. There are several small schools in the town of Presteign for the reception of children of both sexes. I myself supported a girls' school for several years at a great expense, but I received neither help nor encourage- ment from my -wealthier parishioners. It was thought that the educa- tion I was giving the girls would lever them out of the position they would in after life fill. My failure t was a great disappointment to me. 2. The employments and pursuits of all the poor in my parish being entirely agricultural, there cannot be that developement of mind and character which we discover in the artisans of the manufacturing dis- tricts ; they are a shrewd people. 3. I should confidently say t that in Presteign the morals of the poor are less defective than elsewhere ; my opinion is thus formed. For many years I have acted as a magistrate, and during that time have known very very few instances of parties brought before me for drunken- ness, and the same individuals have for the most part been the parties complained of. There is in Presteign a policeman, supposed to be alwa\ s on duty ; and there are four constables. Since my institution to the living of Presteign, I have constantly acted with the Board of Guardians. I have recently consulted our relief books, and I find bastards chargeable upon our parish for the last eight years as under : Years. No. Years. No. 1839 2 1840 2 1841 1842 1 1843 3 1844 1845 3 1846 2 Population 2344. Total bastards chargeable 13, or 1-|- a year only. Thus I say that the morals of Presteign are not very defective in the matters of drunkenness and fornication. Petty thefts are common, hedge-stealing, too, is carried on to a great extent ; fuel is very dear, and often very scare, which may account for the hedge-stealing. 4. There are two full services at the parish church, and an afternoon service at Discoyd, at the northern extremity of the parish. There are several Dissenting places of worship ; one Wesleyan, one Primitive Methodist, one Baptist Chapel. The attendance of the people ought to be much better than it is. The Sunday-schools are well attended. The teaching is gratuitous. 5. The greater number of the inhabitants of Presteign being of the labouring class, I have little to observe on this question as touching the social and political character, however, of my parishioners. I may be 364 On the State of Education in Wales, allowed to say, that I have never experienced unkind opposition in the slightest degree from my dissenting brethren in church matters. I have never known an attempt to negative a proposed church rate. 6. Most undoubtedly. I have always been most anxious to establish a National-school, and have a promise from the Lord Lieutenant, Sir John Walsh, of 50. in aid of the like sum from myself, but my project has not been carried out from the circumstance of my inability to con- scientiously apply for a Government grant ; assured as I am that the annual contribution for its support would fall far short of its wants. 7- I have had more applications for the establishment of infant schools than complaints of the want of better education for the older children. Indeed I am sure that if the trustees of the Grammar school had the power to do so, and would throw the school open to the parish, all our boys might be well educated, and a National school, on a smaller scale than I have contemplated building, would be amply sufficient for our wants and could be supported. 8. English only is spoken throughout the parish. 9. No. 10. Answer 7 will suffice for this question. OLIVER OMEROD, Rector of Presteign. [ 365 ] Report on the County of Monmouth, under the Commission of Inquiry into the State of Education in Wales. BY J. C. SYMONS, ESQ. To the Eight Hon. the Lords of the Committee of Council on Education. MY LORDS, London, September 1, 1847. AFTER I had completed my inquiry into the state of Educa- tion in the counties of Cardigan, Brecknock, and Radnor, in March last, instead of proceeding to that of Montgomery as had been originally designed, it was thought expedient that I should con- duct the inquiry in the mineral portion of the county of Monmouth. Although Monmouthshire no longer forms a part of the Princi- u e . ons r, r pality, that portion which is comprised within the great mineral i N I j^ l . ! :!.'",- ! t .,. basin is so thoroughly Welsh as regards the character, habits, and Aireinu* language of the'larger part of its inhabitants, that it could scarcely lnqmr have been excluded from this inquiry without injury to the com- prehensiveness of the Reports : neither would the picture of the mining population have been complete without some statement of the condition of that section of it which presents stronger features than any other branch of the same heterogenous community. I found it necessary to limit the scope of the inquiry as strictly as I could to those parishes of which some part of the inhabitants were engaged in mineral labours, either in mines or iron-works. This confined my investigation to eighteen parishes, forming the western side of the county, and adjacent to Brecknockshire and Glamorganshire. Although these parishes comprise an area only of 98,520 acres Ext^i ^nh out of the area of the whole county, which contains 324,3 10 acres, Dl!itrict - yet the population of this section amounted to no less than 86,079 in 1841, out of a total population in the county of 134,355. Thus, whilst in the non mineral or agricultural part of the county, there are 4*67 acres to each person ; in the mining district, on which I am reporting, there are only 1*14 acres to each person. This will give some preliminary notion of the crowded state of this community. Whilst it contrasts strikingly with the scantiness of population in the interior of Wales, it in some measure accounts for it, inasmuch as the mining communities are chiefly swollen by immigration, and are, in fact, the receptacle and refuge of nearly all the unemployed labourers whom crime or want have induced to travel thither, lured by the golden harvest with which report invests mineral adventure and the wages it dispenses. The increase of the population in Monmouthshire has exceeded that of every other county in the kingdom, and has nearly doubled itself in the twenty jears between 1821 and 1841. The following are the relative results of the censuses in this century in Monmouth- 2c 366 On the State of Education in Wales, shire, and for the sake of comparison I give them in Glamorgan- shire (in which there has been the next largest increase), and in the whole of England. Census of 1801. "1 Census of 1811. Rate of 1 Increase. Census of 1821. Rate of Increase. Census of 1831. Rate of | Increrse! Census of 1841. ' Monmouthshire 45,582 36 62,127 15 71,833 36 98,130 36-9 134,353 Glamorganshire 71,525 18 85,067 19 101,737 24 126,612 33-2 171,188 England . . . 8,331.434 14* 9,538,827 17* 11,261,437 16 13,091,005 U-5 14,995,138 Parochial ab- stract of Schools and Population. How far the It thus appears that in Monmouthshire the tide of immigration took place between 1801 and 1811 ; that it subsided even below the general average of increase between 1811 and 1821, and that it again flowed in with remarkable steadiness during the succeed- ing twenty years ; and from the observation and enumeration made in different parts of the district, I am informed that during the last few years of mineral activity the ratio of increase has derived a considerable augmentation ! The actual present amount of population (1847) of these eighteen parishes is likely to be little less than 100,000.* And as the census of 1841 is taken as the basis of the centesimal proportions of population given in the fol- lowing tables, the results will be in each case less than the truth, and the relative amount of schooling to population will be in most cases somewhat more favourable than the truth. The following is the parochial abstract of schools and popula- tion in the gross. (See p. 367) I cannot present to your Lordships even these gross returns, or s^aUstTcVare the details which are inserted in the Appendix, with any confidence in their precise accuracy. I have used every endeavour to obtain the requisite information, by means of my assistants, fairly, fully, and correctly, and in a large majority of instances, the facts and facilities for testing them were readily given by the managers of schools: there were, however, exceptions to this obliging conduct, which render it somewhat doubtful whether, in a few instances, the exact truth was obtained. The hostility evinced towards your Lordships' Minutes of Council of 1846, made known just previously to my arrival in_ Monmouthshire, in some measure, and in some cases, extended itself to my inquiry, and impeded its execution. No inconsider- able interruption to my own investigation was caused by the necessity of explanations to those \vho had expressed reluctance to further the labours of the assistants, and to whom it became essential to explain the independence of our commission, and its disconnexion from the measures recently propounded by the Committee of Council. I also endeavoured to impress the Dissenters with the * This is of course a mere guess, founded however on strong probabilities. Monmouthshire. 367 10 JB10J, I 1 ! ef --^ OO CO C* * *QO Cl 25S8tS - ill o I S 3 8 a R 3SS8SSE-S oiieo co)Tt -*i w s S S S Ss g CO OO -^ O) ~+ TI< rt f i i i ! 11 f i : 1 | r s u * OOi i 2 c 2 368 On the State of Education in Wales* Day School Statistics. fact, that whatever their views as to the fittest remedy for the existing deficiency of educational moans, those views could derive nothing but aid from an inquiry into facts, and a faithful representa- tion of the statistics of the case. I am bound to say that the Reverend MV. Thomas, the princi- pal of the Baptist College at Pontypool ; the Reverend Evan Jones, of Tredegar ; the Reverend Mr. bright, of Newport ; W. Philipps, Esq., of Pontyrnoile, and other Dissenters of influence, who expressed in no measured terms their disapproval of the Minutes of Council, gave me very valuable Assistance in the prosecution of my labours, which I am desirous of acknowledging with thanks. The clergy of the Church of England were most cordial in their assistance. The only class from whom I met with indifference to the inquiry were some of the iron-masters, and those who employed the largest number of labourers. The Lord- Lieutenant, Mr. Hanbury Leigh, proved an honourable exception, and pro- cured me every information I requested from him. Upon the whole, I am therefore disposed to think that the results of my inquiry, which I have now the honour to report to your Lordships, are substantially correct, and may be relied on as affording a view sufficiently near the truth to be useful for all practical purposes : but although it fell to my lot to compose the forms in which the results are given by my colleagues and myself, I cannot vouch for the accuracy of all the details, dependent as I necessarily was on the care and fairness of those from whom we alone could derive much of the information we sought. The following are the numbers of the children found in the day- schools, those only being enumerated who belong to schools mostly frequented by the working classes : Ages of Children on the Books. Number of Scholars. Centesimal Proportion at each Age to the whole Number of Scholars of each Sex respectively. Under 5 Years . . .{,,; Total . . . Between 5 and 10 Years {^ ]L ; Total . . . Between 10 and 15 Years {^^le Total . . . Under 15 Year, . . .{J^ 713 659 19-9 21-4 1,372 20-6 2,249 1,675 62-9 54-5 3,924 59-0 615 741 17-2 241 - 1 , 356 20-4 3,577 3,075 100-0 100-0 Grand Total 6,652 100-0 Monmouthshire. 369 The total population of the district being 86,079, it results, Their molts, from the census above stated, that only 7' 72 per cent., not a twelth part of the population, are in these schools. It is im- possible to form an exact estimate how many of these children in the district are of an age to be at school, for the population returns do not give us the ages of the children in each parish or district, but only in the counties. To assume that the same pro- portion exists between adults and non-adults in the mining districts as exists in the whole county, would lead us to a conclusion certainly erroneous; for in all communities swollen by rapid immigration, a smaller proportion of old people exist than in those of natural growth : moreover, mortality is much increased and longevity diminished, by the larger excesses and lesser health of a crowded and vicious populace. I think, therefore, that a much more correct notion will be obtained of the fact by taking a fourth part of the number of young persons under 20 years of age as the number which ought to be in school, allowing five years as the usual (though an inadequate) period of schooling. The total number of young persons under 20 given in the popu- lation returns for the 18 parishes in question is, male?, 20,084, and females, 18,914: total, 38,998 : the number who ought to be in the duy-schools I am reporting upon will therefore be one- fourth of this number, less by about 10 per cent., which represents the children who belong to those persons who are above the class who frequent, these schools, the community being very largely composed of those who do frequent them. Making these deduc- tions, the numberwho ought to be found in these schools compared with those who were returned as being there, will stand thus: r 9 Total Number at School. Numbei who ought to be at School. Number not at School. Centesimal Proportion of NumlKT not at School. Males . . . Females . . . Total . . 3,577 3,075 4,519 4,256 942 1,181 20 27 6,652 8,775 2,123 24 It would appear that the deficiency in the actual number at Attendam school is not insignificant ; and when the fact is considered that the attendance of these children is very lax and uncertain that there are many absences and long intervals during which chil- dren who are comprised in the above returns are without schooling, these numbers give too favourable a view of the facts. The average attendance last year, as far as it could be ascertained, was males, 2825, and females, 2304. This alters the whole case, and shows a very large deficiency in the actual amount of schooling, or, in other words, the actual period during which it is really given. 370 On the State of Education in Wales, Comparing the average number in attendance with the number who ought to be in school, it appears that of the whole number who ought to be at school there are only 62 per cent, of males, 54 per cent, of females, and 58 per cent, of males and females who are usually in attendance thus showing a very large deficiency in the amount of schooling. Very many causes contribute to this effect, but the chief one is love of gain. Causes of The children are constantly taken away from school, or kept Ince at*'"' away altogether in order to go to work, there being many employ- school, ments in which they are useful. They gain from 2s. 6d. to 10s. or 12s. per week, according to the kind of work they do, and their age. The parents almost universally regard this as a sufficient reason for keeping them from school, and it is rarely that they resist the temptation. Unfortunately they seldom apply the wages thus earned to any means of improvement, but solely to the fund for sensual and animal pleasures a topic on which I must pre- sently touch. A lady connected with, and living at one of the large iron-works, told me that she interested herself in persuading the workmen to allow their children to attend the school established there : finding a promising girl removed from it to pick coal at the pit's mouth, for which she could earn only 2s. Qd. or '3s. per week, the lady went to the parents to expostulate. The man declared he could not afford to spare the girl's wages and this he said whilst pouring rum into his tea. This is a very small fact, but it precisely depicts a habit. These people are living in all the luxury of self-indul- gence, their wages are very high, and every mental and moral necessity is subordinate to bodily pleasures they have none other. Nothing is more common than to enter children at school, and then remove them on every trivial pretext, as soon as money-gain affords a motive. The children, moreover, as in every ill-regu- lated community where moral dominion is weak, obtain easy mastery over parental authority, and do whatever they like. The insubordination engendered and sanctioned at home is little cor- rected at school, and most masters find bodily discipline all that they can possibly effect by the means within their knowledge : this is only partially effected, and the pupil revolts against restraint, no less novel than irksome, palliated and softened by none of those moral concomitants wherewith a higher educational intelligence sweetens instruction, and can alone render school attractive. Children, therefore, in this district, usually remain at school only whilst the combined authority and will of the parent last. Both terminate at the age when the child becomes first able to earn some addition to the income of the parents : this age is a very early one in all iron and mining districts, owing to the variety of light work young children can perform. Your Lordships will therefore not be surprised to see, by the table of ages, that only Monmouthshire. 371 20*4 per cent, of the whole number of children on the books of the schools are above the age of ten years. Previously to that age, the males have preponderated over the females by 26 per cent. ; after it, the females preponderate over the males by 20 per cent. This further confirms my statement, for the labour of the boys becomes first available. These figures, strong as they are, do not by any means convey the full force of the truth ; in order to do so it were necessary to give the ages of those who usually attend the school, when it would be found that the absentees are mostly the older children. I may say that I scarcely ever entered a school in this district without being informed that the oldest and best-instructed children were absent, and their return was often uncertain. I have occasionally found that children who had left the school were resiunnioned,//r0 re nata, to swell muster. I took the average age of the first class in the boys' school connected with the Blenafon Works which I inspected, and the result was an ave- rage of scarcely more than 10 years; the average of the whole school would have probably fallen under eight years, and in very lew of these schools would it much exceed it. The shortness of the stay of the children in school is another painful feature of educational deficiency. The following are the results of my inquiry on this subject : Youtliful age at which schooling ends. Duration of Attendance. Duration of Attendance. Centesimal Proportion of Number ->f Scholars attend- Sscholaw. ing for each period to the vliole Number. aj 4223 63-5 Ittentlanc Mure than one year, and less than two years . More than two years, and less than three years. . More than three years, and less than four years 1453 619 215 142 21-9 9-3 3-2 2'1 ^ Grand Total .... 6652 100-0 Number of scholars living more than 1 mile from) 283 4-2 Thus no less than 63-5 per cent, of the whole number of children in school have been there too short, a time to have derived even the mere elements of common school instruction, and scarcely 1 5 per cent, have staid long enough to have been even decently educated, however good the system adopted ! It may indeed be said that there is nothing to show how long these children may yet stay, and that although they have been at school but a short time, others may just have left who staid many years, and that although the average stay of these children found by us on the books is only 1*09 year the average ordinary stay may be much larger. Arith- metically, this is true, but practically it is not so. The average 372 On the State of Education in Wales, stay (1 *09 year) of those at any given time in school is no certain indication of the average of stay at school, for in order to find this it would be requisite to know the exact time each child had staid, who had been at, and had left the school for some time past. No short, period would suffice for such a calculation, and even were all the data obtained, which is generally impracticable, it "would then be no very easy process of calculation which would give the precise average for any definite time. Like many other statistical facts, these returns have a very limited value. Even accurately giving the attendance of the children in a particular school would not give the schooling those children had had. They might have been, and many have been, at other schools. Unquestionably the ave- rage total duration of schooling in this district is more than one year; if it were not, so large a number as appear on the books could not be attained or kept up, for the larger the total duration of schooling the greater the portion of children which are at school at any one time out of a given number. The truth is, in all these cases where so many disturbing cir- cumstances surround the statistical facts and affect the results, it is safer to trust to the evidence of those who have a practical expe- rience of the truth. I have found no difference of opinion upon the facts in this matter. All persons of whatever character or class, accorded in the opinion that the attendance of children at these schools was excessively fitful and utterly inadequate for the purpose of instruction : the period of stay returned in the schedules was from the first arrival of the child in the school : this, however, included many intervals of absence. Very great fluctuations were said in most schools to occur in attendance ; the periods of indus- trial activity being those in which the dearth of attendance was the greatest. The desultory and broken attendance of children at school often extends over several years. LOW of sain I venture to direct vour Lordships' attention to a fruitful source t!i- strongest. . * ,, 5 -11 i:np-,iimont ol popular ignorance. Ihe love or money will survive every pre- lon * sent means for the improvement of schools. To some extent it may indeed be that a knowledge that instruction is better worth having than it has hitherto been would make some of the working classes appreciate and desire it more; but I am quite persuaded that this effect would be confined to a very small portion of the present generation of parents, and that these would for the most part be influenced by motives of pecuniary rather than of moral advantage. Proficiency in accounts and writing are the most highly prized of all acquirements. Some new inducement for higher attainments would be needed to conquer the idolatry of profit which holds sway in this district. In fact, the parents who allow their children to remain in school a sufficient time to be well educated must sacrifice from 3s. to 10s. per week, besides the pro- spect of their remaining afterwards on their hands owing to their then incompetency to enter the business of which they had failed Monmouthshire. 373 to pass through the noviciate. No very effectual means of abating the evil and diffusing the growth of education can be found short of an external influence which shall address itself to the interests of the parents as well as to those of the children. The best con- ceivable education will remain untouched so long as ignorance obtains ready employment, and the parents derive from it an income which they sacrifice by the education of their children. This mighty impediment to the diffusion of instruction among the working classes, I venture to think, deserves your Lordships' best consideration : I know of none so formidable, and of none which existing expedients are so little calculated to remove. The teachers are for the most part very incompetent to teach, and wholly unacquainted with any efficient system of instruction. All that is required or supposed to be necessary is to teach the mechanics of education. Reading, writing, and arithmetic are the only objects or fruits of schools with few exceptions. Great proficiency in teaching is not sought for, nor would it be estimated at its real value did it exist ; nevertheless there are some teachers of ability and promise, though very few, who have sufficiently profited by the existing means of instruction. The number who have availed themselves of Normal and Model Schools are as follows : Teacher.! tlirir 1r ii in- and Training of Teachers. Number of Teachers. Centesimal Proportion to the Total Number of Teachers of each sex. Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. Total. Trained at Normal) Schools . . . . } ,, Model Schools Total trained . . , , untrained . Total teachers 16 4 7 5 23 9 27-1 6-8 9-1 6-5 16-9 6-6 20 39 12 65 32 104 33-9 66-1 15-6 84-4 25-5 76-5 59 77 135 100-0 100-0 100-0 Total duration of ) training . . . / , , average training Yrs. Mon. 30 4 Yrs. Mon. 11 2 Yrs. Mon. 41 6 1 7 11 1 3* Thirty years' aggregate training among 59 male teachers, and eleven years among 77 females, gives but a sorry notion of the general amount of aptitude in the practice of instruction, 32 only have had any such advantage out of 136 ; less than one quarter of the whole number \ Notwithstanding the absence of training and the undeniable deficiency of aptitude, the schoolmasters are, upon the whole, better in this district than in the midland counties of Wales, which 374 On the State of Education in Wales, I previously visited, and in one or two instances I saw well-con- ducted schools in Monmouthshire. The salaries of the teachers are, as usual, very inadequate. The following is an abstract of the ages of the teachers at the time when they commenced teaching, and the amount of their incomes : Age of Teachers. Number on which the Average is struck. Average Age. 58 Years. 38-0 75 39-8 133 390 Age at which schoolmasters commenced vocation Age at which schoolmistresses commenced vocation . 59 77 26-7 32-3 Mean age at which teachers commenced their vocation 136 29-9 * The age of three of the teachers, 1 male and 2 females, is not given. Income of Teachers. Number of Teachers on whom Average struck. Total Amount of Income. Average per Teacher. Derived from ^ t 46 111 23 . s. d. 1,737 12 1,751 14 10 . s. d. 37 15 5 15 15 7 .. School pence .... (Connected with) House, or garden, rent free j Profession, j Other Emoluments . .J \ 136 3,489 6 10 25 13 2 Trade .... . 1 Tnrlpnpnflpnt nf t *6 *9 500 69 500 9 17 2 Other Offices. . . J Profession. | Total income from all sources. . . 136 3,563 6 10 26 4 Income of Schools. * The income of 5 teachers derivable from trades, in the one instance, and of 2 in the other, has not been ascertained, the averages of these items, therefore, are taken without them. This average income, low as it is, is swollen by one or two large salaries. It need scarcely be stated that no adequate competency can subsist on so meagre a pittance. The wages of common workmen are often higher. A few, certainly, of the better class of masters derive tolerable amounts; but the number of darne and small schools, where the produce is merely auxiliary to other income, tend materially to lower the average. The income of schools, from whatever sources raised, for the education of the poorer classes of the people, is very insufficient Monmouthshire. 375 for the purpose. In the Appendix will be found the exact amount, as far as it could be ascertained. This was a very difficult matter, Private schools gave a return of income far more readily than some of those supported by the iron-masters. Most of the large iron-works have their own schools connected schools con with the establishment. These schools are often supported by a ES^^taJ compulsory deduction from the wages of the labourers at the works. They are mulcted a penny or twopence per pound, which frequently amounts to a very large sum per annum, a larger sum than is always appropriated to the school. Sometimes medical attendance and a sick fund, and the school, are defrayed out of the same collection. This renders it quite impossible to give, in all cases, the income of the school. It is stated, and as far as I could judge not without ground, that the masters in some but I trust a few cases only make a profit of this school tax, and collect more than the school, &c., cost. In times of good trade, as at present, this must almost necessarily ensue from this arrangement ; and a very ample fund in such cases may exist which is not properly applied. The system, however, varies : At Nant-y-Glo, the Messrs. Bailey, I was informed, support the school themselves. At Tredegar, Mr. Homfray writes me thus: " I send you the account of the expenses as requested. The penny in the pound alluded to by the master of the school is for the schools and any other purposes connected with the schools that can tend to the mental and moral welfare of the workmen. This income varies according to the rate of wages paid, and amounts at present to about 500/. per annum. The overplus, after paying the expenses, is kept as a fund for the pur- poses alluded to as above. The school-rooms are at present in the Town -hall, no buildings having yet been provided. '' I remain, Sir, yours truly, 11 SAMUEL HOMFRAY. Expenses of the Maintenance of the Tredegar Schools. . s. d. Salaries to the master and two mistresses .155 Rent and lodgings allowed to . . 30 8 Books and other expenses . . . 50 10 Monitors' clothing, &c., &c. . . 44 6 280 4 0." This system is far from peculiar to the Tredegar Company. Evil of the The obvious evil of it is, that those who pay have not the slightest s > stem - control over the management of the fund they contribute to, and inasmuch as the employer causes the school to be conducted after his own views, a portion of the contributors to it are sure to feel aggrieved. No account is rendered to the men, and the surplus 376 On the State of Education in Wales. money may go to the payment of a Church minister, the majority of the workmen being Dissenters, or it may be pocketed by the firm, and become a source of clandestine profit to the employer, without any possibility of detection. It has a tendency, moreover, to make the schoolmaster independent of the parents of the chil- dren ; he is dependent solely on the employer, who is generally fa.* too much occupied to give heed to the grievances or complaints of the parents. At the same time, it is but fair to admit, that these schools are among the best in the district. In all these cases the fund thus collected has been entered as "subscription." There were instances in which it was not very easy to ascertain the exact facts-, and having no power to enforce any information which was not willingly given, I regret that my report on this head is not so ample as I could wish to make it. I feel it my duty, however, to state my conviction, that the work- men do not derive an equivalent for the fund usually raised from their wages, and to which they are compelled to pay. The system of a compulsory payment, under proper regulations, is one which I should be averse to condemn too hastily. It may, in many cases, prove the only efficient means of procuring a maintenance for a good school ; the workmen would scarcely maintain it adequately if left to themselves, and the masters are unquestionably as little likely to do it for them. The only desideratum seems to be that the money should be properly applied and accounted for, and that, the men themselves should have the benefit of the surplus, if there were any. The time may come when it will be compulsory on the employers to have the children educated before they employ them, and if so, it may be expedient that the means of doing so should exist. At present, more money than enough is paid in these establishments by the people, and the end is not answered. Endowments are not very numerous. There is a richly endowed school called the Blue School, at Caerleon, of which the income is said to be considerable ; but as one of the teachers wrote to one of my assistants, after having given information on the subject, begging to withdraw it, I do not feel at liberty to state the amount. It is, moreover, a school almost wholly removed from the mining district. I allowed it to be included in the returns with the other Caerleon schools, simply because there are works in the neigh- bourhood at which children are employed, and I was anxious to exclude no portion of the field which partakes, however remotely, of the mining character, The following abstract, though imperfect for the reasons stated, will afford to your Lordships a fair notion of the relative, as well as aggregate, means of maintenance for existing schools : Monmouthshire. 377 Income of Schools. Number of Schools. Total Amount. Average per School. Table of In- come of Schools. Derived from Subscriptions .... Collections .... School pence .... Endowments .... Income from all sources. 24 6 115 6 . s. d. 1,391 18 G 81 7 1,868 13 5 167 10 . *, d. 57 19 11 13 10 1 16 4 10 27 18 4 122 3,509 2 6 28 15 3 Five of the schools are not included in this estimate, the income not having been ascertained. It is not to be lamented that this is so, for these schools happen to have very much larger incomes than the others, and would have swollen the average so as to make it no index to the truth. It comprises, however, schools having incomes from 5/. to 500/. per annum. As the subscriptions include some of the per centage levied upon the wages of the workmen at the iron-works, and as the school pence consist exclusively of their own payments, it follows that two-thirds at least, if not a far larger proportion, of the sum spent on education in this district is paid by the people themselves, and that very little is due to the benevolence of the rich. The amount of the money subtracted from the wages of the workmen is by no means ascertained or included to its full extent, nor is it ascertainable; it would fluctuate, moreover, with every vicissitude of trade, even if it were entirely applied to the support of the schools ; but it is not unfrequently mixed with funds for other objects. I may, perhaps, be allowed to remark, how little the wealth or poverty of a district practically affects the quality or extent of the education given to its poor. My inquiry has now embraced perhaps the very poorest and the very wealthiest districts in the kingdom. The people can scarcely exist on less than they receive for their labour in South Cardiganshire, nor have their employers the means of paying them more ; in the mining district of Mon- mouthshire, large fortunes are being rapidly accumulated, and in few, if any spheres of industry, are higher wages given. In both is education neglected. It is often said that the people will edu- cate themselves if they have the means: the means will never be more abundant than in Monmouthshire, and there is, according to all accounts, a decrease of education there. The school-houses are better in this district than in Midland Wales. There are some very good ones, and several tolerably adapted to their purpose. The following abstract will show the relative number of the different classes of schools, and their condition : Tenure " 1 houses. 378 On the State of Education in Wales, Whnlo School Buildings, Furniture, and Apparatus. Number of each Class. Centesimal Proportion of whole Number. w nole Number of which the Proportions are given. TENURE OF SCHOOL, Tenancy at Will .... In trust for ever .... 103 15 81-1 ll8 1 127 By lease for a term . 9 7'1 J STATE OF REPAIR. School Buildings Good . Indifferent 80 36 63-0 28-3 I 127 Bad . . 11 8-7 1 Outbuildings. Sufficiency Sufficient . 53 42-1 } Insufficient 7 5-5 } 126 None . 66 52-4 ) Quality Good . . Indifferent 54 4 90-0 6-7 1 60 Bad . . 2 3-3 ) SCHOOL ROOM. Furniture and Apparatus. Sufficiency Sufficient . . Insufficient 47 75 38-5 61-5 | 122 Conditions In good repair In bad repair . 75 47 61-5 38-5 } 122 Whole Number 01 Total Average Schools on School Accommodation. Number. per School which the Average is struck. Number for whom there is ac-1 commodation, at G square feet 9,249 73 127 In very few of these schools is there sufficient solidity and capacity of structure, or site enough, together with apparatus, to meet the requirements of the improved systems of instruction. The return above made is according to the purposes for which the school is designed. Very capacious and excellent buildings exist at Court-y-bella, Newport, Pontypool, Pontnewynydd, Abersychan, and Machen ; but the majority are held in private rooms, or rooms attached to buildings not originally built for the purpose. At Pontypool, the Dissenters are building large rooms for the British and Foreign school, held, when I was there, in a room at Pontnewynydd. School buildings are not the greatest want in this district, though several new ones, and much improvement of those which exist, would be requisite to an efficient education of all those whom it is desirable to educate. The apparatus and books are generally insufficient. Galleries Monmouthshire. 379 and play-grounds, for instance, very seldom exist ; and even the minor apparatus is supplied only in a few of the best schools. The teachers are not only generally untrained, but they are fre- e re >e previous quently persons who are wholly unfitted, as regards previous occu- cc|1 P tl pation and habits of life, for the delicate and complex functions of an efficient teacher and trainer. The following is a summary of their previous employment. Of the whole number of 127 teachers, there were 3 labourers, 1 pri- vate assistant in a school, 1 accountant, and mineral surveyor, 6 farmers, 1 merchant's clerk, 3 counting-house clerks, 5 students, 1 bricklayer, 1 excise officer, 1 Independent minister, 13 in school, 2 miners, 1 blacksmith, 1 gardener, 1 carpenter, 2 cabinet-makers, 1 gentleman's servant, 1 currier, 1 shopman, 1 stationer, 3 grocers, 1 sugar planter, 1 tailor, I architect, 1 carver, 2 shopkeepers, 1 sailor ; 14 dressmakers, 4 servants, 1 in a draper's shop, 7 house- keepers, 1 teacher in a school, 5 sempstresses, 1 baker, 1 lodging- house-keeper, 1 butcher's wife, 1 lady's-maid, 1 labourer's wife, 3 milliners, 1 dealer in earthenware ; and 28, some men, some women, who had had no occupations of any kind. The remarks I have already made to your Lordships with SSSon^ regard to the schools of Midland Wales, and the character of the extent of ac- . . i i i if ii i (iiiircint'iits. instruction given, apply with nearly equal force to the generality of the schools of this district, and it would be superfluous to repeat them. There is a larger proportion of tolerably good schools, that is to say, in which elementary instruction is well given, but in by far the greater number even this is not effectually done. As re- gards training, or mind teaching, it exists only in one or two schools, and there, owing to the shortness of the stay of the children, among the older classes alone. The whole system seems as though it were designed to impart instrumental education alone, not actual educa- tion; in other words, to supply the mind with tools, but not to teach their use ; to supply the externals of mental power without exercise of the mind itself. The understanding of ninety per cent, of the children who pass through these schools is just as little im- proved or informed as when they entered it. There is the same book- labour and rote-labour as in Wales, with the same utter in- activity of mind. There is the same absence of thought and of desire to be taught to think. Schooling is desired simply because it is deemed a stepping-stone to gain, and a means to advancement in life. On that account is it alone sought for. The Bible is uni- versally read in the day-schools, both great and small. Little children are found stammerino- through the Pentateuch or the Re- O C5 velations, who might be reading the Koran with equal profit. I found the prevailing ignorance of Scripture history and doctrines almost as dense as in Wales. The Bible is read as a reading exercise, and seldom with any attempt at a comprehension of its meaning in day-schools. The mechanical arts of education are, on the whole, better taught 380 On the State of Education in Wales, temof in j.'piiiie. than I had been led to expect ; and, considering the short time the children stay in school, they certainly attain as much facility in reading, writing, and ciphering as could reasonably be expected ; and I can perfectly understand a person who fancies this is educa- tion, giving a favourable rather than an unfavourable report of what is effected with scholars whose average stay at school very slightly exceeds a year. The following extracts from the notes I took in several schools which I inspected may furnish your Lordships with some notion of tVie general character of the different classes of schools, and with illustrations of the instruction given in this district: The following Table sums up the results of the inquiry into the a ^ s of discipline and system : Instruction, Sec. Number of Schools. Proportion per Cent, of whole Number. Whole Number of which the Proportions are given. Schools opened with a hymn or prayer . REMOIOUS INSTRUCTION CONDUCTED BY- 72 93 29 1 4 44 26 22 25 10 47 120 7 37 90 15 31 "G *75 5G-G 73-2 \ 22-8 1 8 3-2 J 34-6 20-5 17-3 19-7 7-9 37-0 94-5 1 5-5 ) 29-1 1 70-9 j 11-8 1 24-4 4 59*1 127 127 127 127 127 METHOD ov INSTRUCTION. w . Individually . . . .] ( "= - Individually aud in classes] [ Individually and in classes} B ^ momtors { LANGUAGE IN WHICH INSTRUCTION is GIVEN. VISITATION MADE B\ Patron . Total Schools .... W~ NOTES OF SCHOOLS. Tlie Town Schools, Pontypool. I VISITED these schools on the 12th of March. The boys' school did not impress me very favourably. I found great noise prevailing. The monitors were either teaching mono- Monmouthshire. 381 syllables to very young jchildren, or were screaming questions out of a catechism about Scripture history and sacred writers, which, as many as could, answered at the pitch of their voices. There is a gallery at the eud of this school, in which I requested that the children mi^ht be ranged ; a class of the girls was also brought from the girls' school. There were 43 boys, of whom 25 were of the first class, and 34 girls, of whom 15 were of the first class. Both of the first classes read in the Testament very fluently, but none, I thought, with expression ; the tone and style of reading was a near approach to shouting. \4The master did not show the children how to read better himself, but told one of the boys once to imitate another boy who had read the verse correctly, but without any emphasis or impressive intonation of voice. I mention this incident, because it is a specimen of the standard alone aimed at. In one instance the master corrected a boy, who had pronounced shewed as showed; he told him it was pronounced shoo-ed ; the boy repeated his former pro- nunciation of the word, and was told by the master to sit down, and not to read again to-day, as a punishment. He then made them answer questions, put in the usual way, on the subject of the chapter itself, in turns. The 7th chapter of the Acts of the Apostles was selected by the master. The Testament given to me was thumbed quite black at that place. Most of the questions put by the master and by myself were very fairly answered by a few of the girls and boys in each of the first classes ; by 10 of each at the outside. The ability and information evinced by some few of these children were very satisfactory and pleasing. It was far otherwise with the rest of the school. Out of 18 girls in the first and second classes, only one knew what " perceive" meant. Very few even of the higher children, and none of the lower, knew the meaning of " object," "preserve;" and one of the best informed of the girls said u civilized" meant Christian. In spelling, most of the children were proficient. The few elder children were able to answer very simple general questions, and a few on the elements of geography ; the great bulk of the school were ignorant of the large towns of England, and their products. Three only knew of Leeds, 4 of Sheffield, 6 of Manchester, and none of Macclesfield. The second class thought Ireland was in Africa, and that in Turkey, Scotland, Spain, and Canada, the people were black. Several equally absurd guesses were made. This school is well supplied with funds, and there are maps and prints of animals hung up aloft on the wall, with very little appearance of being used. I found the children generally very backward in arithmetic. The copy- books in both schools were good. My general impression of this school is, that a few clever children are well taught ; that the answers which have raised the reputation of the school in the examinations which occa- sionally take place are almost exclusively made by 15 or 20 children, and that the education of the rest is much neglected. I think the system, moreover, of teaching defective, and that oral instruction, for which the gallery affords the means, is very imperfectly practised. The children sang very nicely. I cannot conclude my remarks on this school without mentioning the cleanliness and orderly conduct of the girls, which struck me as being very superior to that of the boys, very few of whom had clean faces. The Rev. Mr. Davies takes much interest in these schools, which nre in connexion with the Church. Mr. Hanbury Leigh, the Lord Lieutenant, is one of the chief promoters. 2 D 382 On the State of Education in Wales, Mr. Brown's Private School, Pontypool. This is a private school, kept by a poor but intelligent man and his wife, in the common room of their small house. 32 children were present on the day of my visit. They were of all ages from two years to 16. There was nothing more than a few benches and a table by way of school furniture. The woman had a young child in her arms, and divided her attention between the dinner on the fire and the performance of her maternal duties. The only instruction given was in reading, writing, and arithmetic, which was done according to the old system. Several of the children were learning long rows of spelling. In ciphering 1 , two or three had made respectable progress; the copy-hooks were creditable; and, seeing that the master had no conception of any improved system of teaching, his pupils did him credit. He assured me that the parents of the children were per- fectly indifferent to education, and that they came less when trade was good, and went away to work before they had made any sufficient pro- gress. He had an adult school, attended by about 20 persons, in the evenings ; chiefly to learn arithmetic and writing. This school was a very favourable specimen of its class. Mr. Williams 1 s Pontenewydd Schools. These schools are in con- nexion with the iron-works of Mr. Williams, of Snatchwood. Pontenewydd. They are held in a very large and substantially-built school-room, with a gallery in a separate side-room, which opens out of the school-room, and would afford every facility for the excellent plan suggested by Mr. Moseley, in his Report on the Midland District, for drafting sections of the school into a class-room, fitted up for gallery instruction. It is much to be lamented that, although the manager of the school is zealous for education, and presents a complete exception to the general indifference of iron-masters on the subject of education, he has neglected and under- rates the manifest advantages for which his building presents unusual facilities. The gallery is not used, there being no stove or grate in the fire-place; although it is alone wanting in order to complete this desirable addition to an establishment which is a credit to its promoters and an example to the neighbourhood. I have met with none equally efficient, or on a more liberal scale, in this county. The schoolmaster is a person of considerable ability, and I am enabled to speak in decided terms of his energy and the success of his instruction. He has nearly all the same disadvantages in shortness of stay and out-door contamination to contend with ; but, nevertheless, I found the first class very far advanced in comparison with other schools, and I took pains to test the information of the younger boys in a very large class which I examined, and I found them all satisfactorily taught, as far as the appliances placed at the com- mand of the master permitted. I have already mentioned one deficiency in the disuse of gallery instruction, and the comparative inefficiency of oral lessons. The Abersychan, or British Iron Company's School. I visited these schools on the 29th of March. They are held in a very substantial and sightly building, on the premises of the Company. The master of the boys' school appeared to be an amiable and deserving man ; he complained, as usual, of the short time the children remained at school, and the early age at which they went to the works. The first class of boys read the 2nd chapter of the First Book of Kings. They read in the usual shouting Monmouthshire. 383 twanging tone of voice, and without any apparent instruction in nvidu- lation or expression. Some of the elder children in the first class answered elementary questions in Scripture very pleasingly. The master had previously questioned them in some recondite minutia, such as how old Saul was when he was anointed, et similia, without much success. I found that the elder boys had a good general knowledge of the nature of prophecies ; the distinct objects of the different dispensations ; the nature and character of parables and miracles, &c. Their knowledge of geography was very deficient, although several excellent maps hung on the walls of the school. None of them could tell me what sea bounds Prussia on the north, and only half-a-dozen had any notion of the names of the large towns in England or the capitals of Europe. They spelled very indifferently ; the easy words were alone spelled with accuracy ; the e's and i's, in perceive, believe, &c., puzzled them sadly- Their knowledge of the language was singularly defective, although the majority do not speak Welsh at home. Of the first class, some of them thought the word " observe " meant to obey ; 10, to love God ; and 10, to take notice. According to my usual practice in these cases, where I have reason to suspect gross ignoiance of the meaning of words, I put to each child tii'i-Uithn the question, What does to observe mean ? Is it to obey, to take notice of, or to love God ? I mark the reply of each in my note- book. None of the second class knew the meaning of "observe," or "demand;" which they guessed, meant to do nothing; others, to * God ; and one thought it meant to be good. Writing and arithmetic were better attended to. Rules and Regulations for the New British Iron Company' 's School at AT a Meeting of the Committee of Management of the Abersychan School, held at the office of the New British Iron Company, on the 20th May, 1845, Resolved That the New British Iron Company's School is established for the purpose of imparting to the children of their workmen a sound, religious, moral, and suitable education; and that it shall be governed according to the following Rules and Regulations : I. The children eligible to be admitted are the following, and they take precedence in the order they are arranged : Children of parents working in the works ; Children having lost their parents, who died in the Company's employ, and who are supported by brother?, or other relatives employed in the works; Children of parents who died in the Company's employ, but who have no relatives employed in the works. II. That the school shall be opened and closed, morning and evening, with prayer and hymn ; and the Bible shall be the only text- book for religious instruction. IH. That the children shall attend at nine o'clock in the morning, and go to dinner at twelve ; return at two o'c'ock ; and break up for the day at five, from the first day of March to the first day of October, and at four o'clock from the first day of October to the first day of March. IV. That every child must attend school with hands and face clean, and hair combed; and in case this rule is not attended to, the master and mistress are required to send them home. 2 D 2 334 On the State of Education in Wales, V. That children, after being admitted, must attend the school regu- larly ; but in case they do not, a report to that effect must be made by the master and mistress, and delivered into the Company's Office every Saturday. That the parent or parents of the children absenting them- selves must be called upon by two or more of the members of the committee, and admonished. It' the irregularity continues after this, the children may be suspended or dismissed from the school, at the discretion of the committee, and not to be re-admitted without an order from them. . VI. Parents are not to interfere with the schoolmaster or mistress in consequence of any correction which they may, in discharge of their duty, inflict upon the children. If they consider unnecessary severity has been used, they must complain to the committee, who will make inquiry into it, and adopt such measures as the case may require. Any inter- fereuce contrary to this regulation will occasion the immediate expulsion of the child or children. VII. That the schoolmaster and mistress keep a list of all the chil- dren, with the names of their parents, and their occupations, and a daily account of their attendance, in a book to be provided for that purpose. VIII. That the children be dismissed from school in classes, with a short interval between each ; and each class to be attended by the monitor beyond the limits of the school. IX. That a monthly report be made by the master and mistress of the general conduct of the children, and of any irregularity not com- prised in these regulations. That the said report be sent in to the New British Iron Company's office, on the last Saturday in each calendar month; and that a meeting of the committee be held on the first Mon- day of the following month, at twelve o'clock, at the aforesaid New British Iron Company's office. X. That the holidays for the year shall be five weeks, and take place as follows : Two weeks at Christmas ; Three days at Easter ; Three days at Whitsuntide ; Two weeks at Midsummer ; XI. That two children out of each school shall be appointed by the master and mistress weekly to sweep the rooms daily. That the said rooms shall be washed every fortnight, and the windows cleaned ; and that 3/. per annum be allowed for doing the same, including brushes, flannels, soap, &c. XII. That neither the master nor mistress shall, on any consideration whatever, employ the children, without their parent or parents' consent, to carry coal into their house, nor manure into their garden, nor any other description of work not comprised in these regulations, nor with the parents' consent during school hours. XIII. That no children in whose family there exists any infectious disease shall be permitted to attend the school till it shall be pronounced safe for them to do so by the medical officer of the works for the time being. XIV. That any child absent after the time for opening the school shall be kept in, by the master or mistress, to learn some lesson, for the same length of time after school hours. XV. That it is also desirable that the ladies of the Abersychan Monmouthshire. 385 district and neighbourhood be invited to pay periodical visits to the girls' school, for the purpose of superintending the needle and other work belonging to their department. XVI. That the girls be taught some work of industry, such as knit- ling, straw-platting, and plain needlework ; or any other branch of industrial labour the ladies may suggest, subject to the approval of the committee. XVII. That for the purpose of carrying out these regulations, any four members of the committee shall form a quorum, arid their decision shall be final. The meetings to take place in the office of the New British Iron Company. WILLIAM WOOD, Chairman of the Committee. The British School at Pontneicenydd. This large school, which is calculated to do much good, when I visited it, was held in a low and inconveniently crowded room. The master appeared to me a person of capacity, who, both in the want of sufficient apparatus and in the fluctuating stay of his scholars, had very great disadvantages to encounter. Some of the children who had been longest in the school evinced the fruits of good instruction, but a large proportion, as far as I could judge, were extremely ignorant. The singing was very good. When this school is housed in its new building, it will, in all probability, be much improved. In the estimate of the acquirements of the scholars attached to the account of it in the Appendix, only 8 are entered as reading with fluency and expression. It was suggested to me that either this was too low an estimate or that my standard was too high. It is fair to state that I consider that this classification excludes all children who do no more than read correctly with proper attention to punctuation. I think they are included in the category of "reading with ease." Expressive reading means the highest order of reading: so, at least, I have considered it. I may remark, however, that in very few cases have I felt that this estimate and classification of scholars according to acquirement could be usefully given. Unless a personal examination of each child were made, it is not possible to speak with any confidence of their individual pro- ficiency ; and as in my Lords' Instructions and in the Schedules supplied for our use, such details were not imperatively required, I have generally refrained from giving them, owing to the great difficulty and expenditure of time which it would have entailed to do it accurately. Nant-y- Glo School. These schools (one for boys and one for girls) arc held in a school-house, built for the purpose by the Messrs. Bailey, who own these iron-works. The boys' school was badly conducted, but as I believe the master is to be shortly removed, it is scarcely of use to enter into any detail as to the present state of things. 1 examined the children of both schools in the presence of the clergymen of the district and of other neighbouring districts, and found their information and acquirements somewhat scanty. The girls were, however, superior to the boys. Blaina Iron-worhs, Schools. These schools are conducted en the Lancasterian principle, but certainly not very effectually at present. The schools are, however, newly built and established, and may improve. I examined children in each school, and found them more than usually backward. The vocal music was very good. 386 On the State of Education in Wales, In few, if any, of the schools is there any idea that it is desirable to do more than teach reading, writing, and a little arithmetic. A detail of the examination in each school would be a mere repetition of the same barren results. Court- y-bella School. I visited this school on the afternoon of March 31st, accompanied by the Rev. Mr. Hughes, of Mynyddyslwyn. It was established and is chiefly maintained by Sir Thomas Philipps, who has large coal-mines in the immediate neighbourhood. The ex- ertions of this truly benevolent man in the cause of education are well known, and this school is worthy of its author. It is a handsome building, standing on the bank of the deep ravine which skirts the tram-road to Tredegar. It consists of three spacious rooms, of which the two outer ones contain galleries. Neither the master nor the mistress were in the school when we entered ; they both came shortly, and the two first classes were marshalled in one of the galleries for examination. They read indifferently, but the first class and a few of the second class answered questions in Scripture history and doctrines remarkably well. They also acquitted themselves very fairly in arithmetic and geography. I was not able to examine the lower classes, but I believe that they were not nearly so proficient. The master appeared to me to be a person of considerable ability. British School, Monyddyslwyn^ near Blackwood. This school-room is newly built and very well adapted to its purpose. I cannot say that I was much pleased with the instruction given. The boys I examined knew little or nothing, and the girls, though perfectly able to go through a set of answers when catechised by the mistress, were unable to reply to very simple questions put by me. The reading was very tolerable, but there is little appearance of any mental instruction whatever. Of arithmetic, with a very few exceptions, they were wretchedly ignorant ; the girls seemed to know little or nothing of it. The copy-books shown to me were very creditable. The girls were taught sewing to good purpose. Risca School. The only day-school, except dame-schools, in this parish, was held temporarily in a little chapel belonging to the Wealeyan Methodists, although it professes to be a Church school. It is a fair specimen of the country schools. The master is a poor cripple, but a man of some capacity. A few children were scattered about the chapel : 15 could read in the Bible, but 9 could scarcely read at all. As usual, the mechanical art of reading and writing were all that were taught, except a little arithmetic. The children knew very little of the meaning of anything. They had just been reading the Psalms, which they did with more ease than usual. Several of them thought that David lived after Christ, and one or two believed that Christ will never come again, and three or four only had any notion of the doctrines of salvation. With a few exceptions, the words they read conveyed no notion to their minds whatever. Four thought " defend" meant " to pray ;" 1 1 thought " regard" meant "to feel," and four only gave its meaning. They spelt much worse than usual. Two only spelt " rough" rightly, and the rest all spelt it " ruff." In arithmetic they had made more advance. One was in the Cube Root, 2 in the Rule of Three, 4 in the Compound Rules, 17 wrote in copy-books. Of all ordinary knowledge they had scarcely a vestige ; four thought they were living in Africa, and 5 in Wales. The answers to Monmouthshire. 387 "which is the largest town in England?" were "Bristol, Wales, Mon- mouthshire, and America." One only said London. Seven thought there were 48 weeks in a year, and one only said 52, which several said was wrong, but they had never heard how many there were. My impression, never- theless, was that the master had ability which may be turned to better account. At present it is not expected that the minds of his scholars should be instructed, and of course, it is not attempted. The curate of this parish had service to perform, and, consequently, could not accom- pany me to the school ; he mentioned that a better building was in contemplation. Tredegar Town- schools. Mr. Homfray has had the discretion and good sense to select an able master for this school. It would have required several hours to have inspected it thoroughly. I paid it two visits. It is held in the Town Hall, a very large room, well lighted and warmed. The school is conducted on the monitorial system. It con- tained a large number of boys. I examined three or four classes, and found more proficiency than in nine out of ten of the schools I have seen. The higher classes possessed a veiy good general knowledge of the Scriptures. In spelling they excelled. In arithmetic I found the first class very fairly taught, and some of the boys had attained much power of calculation ; they were not, however, beyond practice, with a few exceptions. The second and lower classes were very backward in arithmetic, few could work more, than a Simple Multiplication sum, and many of them worked one incorrectly. Simple questions in general knowledge, elementary history, and the outlines of geography, were answered very fairly by the higher classes. A large number of the younger children were learning to read and write, and no further progress had been made with them. I tried the first class with writing from dictation : very few children can do this, even in the best schools, and the following is the result of the trial I made : The sentence given was this, "The horse is a noble animal, of the description called quadruped, and is very useful to man. In this country it is only to be seen in its tame state, but in many parts of the world horses are found wild, and are seen feeding in herds of 400 or 500. " Out of 15 boys, five made no mistake in writing these words, one made 1 mistake, two made 2, three made 3, two made 5, one made 6, and one made 7 mistakes. Of four, the hand -writing was very good ; of five, good; of four, tolerable ; and of two, bad. The copy books were very good, and gave evidence of superior instruction. There is also a girls' school and an infant school in the same building, which are creditably conducted. These schools belong to the Tredegar Iron Company, and are supported entirely by the money deducted for that and other purposes from the wages of the workmen. Much dis- satisfaction was expressed at the children being compelled to attend the Church Sunday-school though many of the parents are Dissenters. Some of the men are therefore compelled to pay for schooling which they cannot conscientiously avail themselves of for their children. Sirhowey Day-school. This school belongs to the Company, and is held in a long, low, narrow room. The children were all very young. They sat in square classes, and were all reading apparently without method or superintendence. The master complained that he had no 388 On the State of Education in Wales, assistant. It was impracticable to question much, he said, and all that the children appeared to be learning' was the mechanical art of reading and writing. They read in the Gospel. The attempts to obtain an- swers were not successful. To the question, " What must we do to be saved ?" the only answers were " to live, to believe, to cry out, and to fear." None knew what a parable was; 7 only knew of Christ, 11 out of 12 did not know who St. Paul was, and the 12th said he was a Roman. Of the meaning of words they were as ignorant as usual. To persecute, one said, meant to preach, but none could set him right. They spelled tolerably well. Two out of the whole school were in the liule of Three, 12 in Reduction and compound rules, and 24 in the common rules. In all points of general geographical knowledge they were quite ig- norant. Two thought the people in Scotland black, and two white, England was part of Wales, Ireland a town, the weeks in the year were 40, 60, 50, &c. ; none knew how many there \vere but one boy out of 13. March had 21 days. The writing was indifferent. Newport National- schools. These are important schools : they are handsomely built, and consist of two large rooms on the ground-floor in the principal street. They are very capacious, lofty, and airy. I visited them on the 30th of March. These schools are frequently called Normal and Training schools. They, in some measure, serve these purposes, but very imperfectly. Young men and women go for short periods to learn their art, periods in which it would be scarcely possible to acquire a tolerable knowledge of the easiest handicraft. I am sorry to be compelled to say, that from the examination of the boys, together with my observation of the mode of instruction, I am constrained to think that these schools, as regards the training of masters, and especially of schoolmistresses, are likely to do as much harm as good, Neither the instruction given, nor the time it lasts, nor the character of the model given can impart proficiency. On the contrary, they must send the pupils away with a mere smattering knowledge of their practical duties, and a very defective notion of the requirements of their office. I found few large schools where there was less mental exercise ; and if, as is pro- bable, the pupils who leave this school administer still less efficient educa- tion, and, nevertheless, are regarded as the offspring of a training-school of reputation, they cannot but disseminate very mischievously erroneous views, and contribute to degrade the standard of opinion which it is so essential to instruct and raise. Mr. Lingen had mention made to him, he tells me, of this school as a model one of some mark. I did not examine the girls' school, for the Rev. Mr. Wybrow, the incumbent of St. Woollas, in which the schools are situated, told me, that the girls' school was decidedly inferior to the boys' school, and expressed his dissatisfaction with it. The master is apparently a very amiable and kind person, but I believe unable to cope with the adversities which beset him with such a ruffian class of children as compose no inconsiderable portion of his scholars: they come and go perpetually, they learn next to nothing, and keep up a constant counteraction to discipline. Considering the powers of dis- order at work against him, I am disposed to think the chief merit of this school is the imperfect degree of discipline which the master nevertheless maintains. As a specimen of the dispositions he has to struggle with, I may mention that his utmost efforts have failed to pre- Monmouthshire. 339 vent obscene words from being chalked on the doors of the school, often in a handwriting which shows that the culprits are not confined to the lower classes of the school. Whilst I was there, caps were thrown and scuffles took place whenever the master's back was turned. An arithmetic lesson was being given when I entered the school ; the black board was used, and the sum was 278s. -4-12, each boy in rotation giving answers. Ten boys only were in the Rule of Three. I gave them 99 at 6s. Sd., and one only could work it, and he knew no simpler mode of doing so than by multiplying 6s. Qd. by 1 1 and 9. In mental arithmetic two only could reduce 365no to w en oo co r- too to ocp>o trsob "7^ ^ Oi oofs -^ o S5-J5 S^ 6S g s s e llllffl csu ^^ c 1 Number of Schools in which Ish^M rfi*Jl S3 12 J?S W c 1 H r,s 2 ^.2^ s 1 yn 2 5S8" mi 8 2 SS* <* * i . s 3 e |Ij| IS** ' 11 sl SlalS ~< r>. NO>O S3 8 33 o 53 i-.iW -i 1 + ^ O to -^ O S 2 Jg g 2 oo" y 03 Centesimal Proportion of Schools taught in each Language to the whole Number. g= 1 r^>n i^ t^ono 2^ ^ l3fiS - > sr~ 5 e >n . o o -* o ^ . o t^ 1-*. oo o vi.i.-nt 1 ' . . X . i li i>)its among number ot these men, for his contribution and patronage, the Men. " Indeed," he said, " I cannot give you either, for if I did I should be arming the men against myself, and enabling them to strike for wages. I want them to spend their earnings and not to hoard them." This was an unusual case- of candour, but by no moans unusual policy. I mentioned it to a neighbouring magis- trate, who told me he firmly believed it; and I hoard from others, in whom I can place confidence, that the desire to deprive the men of the means of striking for wage> and to subjugate them to their employers, is said to animate their conduct, and it appears to be even more at the root of the truck-system than the immediate gain which springs from it. After considerable inquiry, and much conversation on the subject, I am persuaded that the same motive in effect protects the spirit-shops. In one part of my district alone, I was informed that there are above 80 private houses where spirit is sold without a licence ! The public-houses swarm ; and it is not easy to ascribe the extent to which these outrageous temptations to drink are allowed to multiply with impunity to any other cause than a wilful connivance on the part of those who are morally bound to check them. Where a man gets a little behind in the world, it is a common f^'" 5 practice to have a bidding ; he buys a cask of beer, a few bottles of spirits, and invites a party of males and females to his house nominally to supper, each paying him a certain sum for the entertainment and the liquor. They not unfrequently keep up the orgies at these banquets all night long and part of 'the follow- ing day, when the coarsest debaucheries take place. Children 396 On the State of Education in Wales, and young people are generally present part of the time, and the demoralization of this practice is said to be frightful. Wages are so constantly paid at public-houses, and such an unblushing tolerance of these invitations to drunkenness abounds, that I feel almost justified in believing that could the present system of drinking be abolished to-morrow, the majority of the iron-masters would not be likely to aid its removal. If I had had my informa- tion from any one party or source alone I should doubt it ; but when I found all parties, who dared trust my promises not to reveal their names, giving the same account, and saw practical evidence of its existence with my own eyes in almost every corner and alley of this district, the system adopted by the masters did appear to me as if expressly designed to reduce the men to a state of powerless vassalage. Wages are high ; for without plenty of good food there would not be sufficient strength to do the heavy work required alike at the forge, the rolling mills, the puddling furnaces, and in the mines: all is hard work, and muscles must be nurtured. Wages, under those circumstances, are always high ; but this creates a danger, and arms the workmen in the constant struggle for higher wages still ; for there is as much craving for gain among the men as among the masters they struggle with each other in the worship of their common idol. Everything that would give the men foresight, prudence, and discretion, and which, by teach- ing them to husband their means, would empower them in the strife and give them a vantage ground whereon to make their stand, is discouraged and checked by the masters. In order effectually to subjugate the men and disarm them from power to strike, which is the great dread of the employer, they seem to strive to keep the men always at the end of their means, and their expenditure in advance of their income. Where the master is above keeping a truck-shop in his own name, he effects the same purpose in this way : Wages are paid monthly. Few men can pay their way after they once fall into the snare of the spirit-shop, or wait for pay-day : they apply for an advance ; they receive a small slip of paper containing an acknowledgment of wages due for 10s., or 15*., or 20^. This ticket is exchanged for goods only at particular shops ; but almost invariably at the spirit-shops. These shops exchange them with one another ; and, in some cases, they are realised by the shop- keepers at one shop which is in connexion with the master's interest, if not his own concern, as often happens, and is deducted in the final settlement with the man himself. As these tickets are seldom cashed for money, every one through whose hands they pass takes his profit out of them, and the labourer forestalls a portion of his wages, part only of which he ever enjoys. Mining agents are allowed to have spirit licences : and wages being paid, are expected to be partly spent, at their houses. Of all these Monmouthsh ire. 39 7 facts testimony is given in the following evidence, and especially in the letters of the Rev. A. Morgan, and Rev. Mr. Hughes, who lives in the centre of the district. Even the physical condition of the people seems almost as i contrived for the double purpose of their degradation and the tlie Pe P le - employers' profit. Some of the works are surrounded by houses built by the Companies without the slightest attention to comfort, health, or decency, or any other consideration than that of realizing the largest amount of rent from the smallest amount of outlay. I went into several of this class of houses in the north part of my district, and examined them from top to bottom. Men, women, and children, of all sexes and ages, are stowed away in the bed- rooms, without any curtains or partitions, it being no uncommon thing for 9 or 10 people not belonging to the same family to sleep together in this manner in one room. In one instance I found three men sleeping in a sort of dungeon, which was about 9 feet by 6 in dimensions, without any light or air, except through a hole in the wall not a foot square, which opened into another room occupied by some women. The houses are, many of them, so constructed that each story is let oil* to different tenants. The necessary outbuildings in most cases do not exist at all. An immense rent, in comparison to the accommodation, is paid to the Company or master for these miserable places. Heaps of rubbish lie about in the streets and before the doors of the houses. There is neither drainage, nor even lights, in the streets although coal is close at hand. Tram-roads intersect and run along the streets of these places, which contain above 30,000 inhabitants. Never- theless these places are little worse than others, and, in some respects, superior to Brynmawr, which I described in my last Report. In many cases the Iron Companies have merely a lease of the estate, and have no other interest than that of making the most they can out of it. In some places I heard of beds being so scarce that they were perpetually occupied, one gang or set of men turning in as the others turned out : they work every eight hours consecutively, and the beds had never time to cool. 1 need hardly say that fever ensued, and the practice was then forbidden by the employers I could dilate considerably on this state of things were it pertinent to the object of my mission to do so. I have felt it right to say what I have said, because I cannot but feel that the external circumstances of a community operate on their morals, and that both affect their minds and form serious impediments to education. They who constantly witness scenes of dirt and disorder, and who are exposed to the debasing agencies of a low physical condition, are almost out of the reach of moral influences. Nevertheless these influences, I feel assured, might produce ample fruit. In spite of the rough and repulsive exterior these benighted people exhibit, I have had reason to know that Mr. Hughes, of Llanhilleth, is fully 2 E 398 On the State of Education in Ignorance prevailing among the People. Superstition. borne out in his mention of the kindheartedness and benevolence they possess : they are, moreover, by no means deficient in natural ability. I regard their degraded condition as entirely the fault of their employers, who give them far less tendance and care than they bestow on their cattle, and who, with few exceptions, use and regard them as so much brute force instrumental to wealth, but as nowise involving claims on human sympathy. I am aware that I have used strong language on this subject, but I am more than fortified by strong facts, and I am not therefore to be deterred by fear of ill-will from the duty I humbly believe to be incumbent upon me. I found in all my inquiries the grossest ignorance prevailing among the people ; and by no means confined to any particular sect or age. I examined numbers of children, and took every opportunity of conversing with adults among the working classes. The most startling proofs were afforded of absence of all know- ledge, even of the most ordinary matters, out of the sphere of their own narrow experience, and unconnected with their own concerns. On religious subjects I found them generally better informed, where they knew anything, than on any other subjects. Men who had no conception whether York was in England or Ireland, or how many days there were in a year, would argue on the necessity of adult baptism and the question of regeneration ; but, usually, I found them quite ignorant and divested of any desire for know- ledge. The prevailing sentiment among them seemed that, if the Government, wanted to mend their condition, it had better "tackle their masters," and stop the Irish coming among them. This referred to the subject of a strike then occurring, owing to the employment of Irish labourers, who were the means, they alleged, of reducing wages. Very violent threats were used at, meetings of the men ; and one of the magistrates told me, whilst I was at Pontypool, that he had notice to be in readiness to read the Riot Act. These things are not of very unfrequent occurrence. Superstition prevails to a great extent. Not only is a belief in supernatural appearances almost universal (borne out by evidence which is certainly calculated to confirm the belief), but charms are resorted to of the most ludicrous description, and which are recon- cileable with nothing but a state of barbarism. Although I gave evidence in my last Report, derived from magistrates of high respectability, relating to Brynmawr, which in no material respect differs from this district, which it adjoins, I was anxious to procure some additional testimony relating to Mon- mouthshire alone, and beg respectfully to invite your Lordships' attention to that which follows : Questions. 1. Is there a deficiency of good day-schools, with competent masters, in your neighbourhood ; and in what, respects are they defective? 2. Is there much ignorance among the poor, and on what subjects ? Monmouthshire. 399 3. Are their morals defective, and if so, in what respects? State instances and facts which illustrate this. 4. To what extent do the people near you possess the means of religious instruction, and how do they profit by them ? 5. State any other particulars with regard to the pursuits and character, or social or political conduct of the people in your neighbour- hood worthy of remark. 6. Would better education tend to improve the morals and conduct of the people? 7. Do they themselves desire it ? 8. Is the English language gaining ground ; and is it desirable that it should be better taught, and if so, for what reason ? 9. Are there local means, by subscription or otherwise, for building and supporting good day-schools with competent masters in your locality, and are they likely to be established and maintained without aid from Government? 10. If you think Government aid desirable, states pacifically to what extent, and in what manner it could be best applied, taking into account the circumstances of the country, and the diversities of creed. 11. State any other opinion which you think may assist the Inquiry. No. 1. John Harley, Esq., Pontypool. 31st March, 1847. 1.* The schools, as compared with the population, probably afford sufficient accommodation at present. The population, however, is rapidly increasing in the parish of Trevethin, as well as in the adjacent parishes connected with the iron works. 2. Yes; but less among young persons than those more advanced. 3. Intemperance, particularly drunkenness and general improvidence, prevail to a lamentable extent, and great earnings are dissipated without further provision for sickness or old age, than the temporary one of benefit clubs, very general through the district. 4. A large parish church, now nearly re-erected, a chapel of ease, two district churches, services in the schoul-room in Pontypool, a Roman Catholic church, and several dissenting meeting-houses. The churches, as well as the meeting-houses, are generally reported to be well attended. 5. Good order generally prevails, excepting only drunkenness and its consequent evils. The district is free from crimes of violence, arid poli- tical agitators have not latterly produced much effect. 6. Though there has been great improvement in education, further progress is very desirable, and it is hoped will be attained by means of the systematical inspection and other measures now determined upon by Government. The morals, conduct, and usefulness of the people in their various duties, will doubtless be promoted by better education. 7. In numerous instances it is desired, but the inducement of great earnings leads young persons into the works at a very early period of life. 8. The English language is gaining ground rapidly. * The numbers refer to the questions. 400 On the State of Education in Wales, No. i. 9. Local means have hitherto been the sole reliance for maintaining JohnTlTrley, tbe Schools. E-iq., Ponty- 10. Government aid is doubtless desirable, together with participation in the system of inspection, &c. &c., and in such improvements as may arise from it. 11. The foregoing replies have reference to the parish of Treveton, principally, and are communicated by the undersigned at the request of Capel H anbury Leigh, Esq., whose engagements do not permit him to attend to the business at the present moment. JOHN HARLKY. No. 2. NQ. 2. Edward H. Phillips, Esq., M.D., Pontypool. ^VVJ^TH. 31st March, 1847. Philhps.Esq. M.D., Ponty 1. Great improvement has taken place, within the last few years, in the provision made for the education of the poorer classes in this parish, and the attainments of the schoolmasters are respectable. A different picture, however, is presented in the agricultural districts ; in many country places there are no schools at all; arid where any have been esta- blished, the stipends are too small to secure the services of really compe- tent masters. 2. Yes: on religious subjects, on their duty to their superiors, and the necessity of obedience to the laws and institutions of their country. 3. Intemperance, incontinence, Sabbath desecration, prevail to an alarming extent, particularly in our manufacturing districts. I consider the beer-houses a very great evil; sufficient legal authority to control them is much needed. The latter remark applies also to public- houses. 4. If by means of religious instruction be meant opportunities of attending the public services of religion, then I would observe that the church accommodation is sadly inadequate, there being no church or any place of worship in the western district, extending three miles and a half from the new parish church. The population of the parish at present is at least 18,000, and yet in our churches there is not room for more than 3'000 at the very outside. 5. It is impossible to think of the social and political conduct of the people without alarm. Their dissolute habits, their recklessness of living, their contempt for authority, their "speaking evil of dignities," must, if unchecked, bring on a state of things in this country which it is frightful to contemplate. I would not needlessly make invidious remarks, but I cannot help observing that much of that turbulent insubordination, and that haughty independence which spurns control, manifested by the people, may be attributed to the violent and inflammatory harangues which they often hear from platforms and pulpits of dissenters. 6. I have no doubt that decidedly religious and moral training would improve the character of the people. 7. I believe that many are desirous ; but I fear that, generally speak- ing, there is not in parents that concern for the moral and religious welfare of their children which there ought to be. 8. The English language does gain ground, but it is very desirable that it should prevail to a greater degree than at present, for the follow- ing reasons : it would tend to destroy the jealousy which more or less Monmouthshire. 401 exists between the Welsh and English, by cementing them more closely No. 2. together; it would extend the influence and power of the Established Edw ^~ H Church, because it would remove the cause of complaint on the part of PbflUps,&q. many Welsh persons that they cannot get Welsh exclusively in the JJJ M Pvnty ' Establishment, which they forsake for Dissent, where this exclusiveness is generally found ; and consequent upon this would be the general improvement of the people in due deference to their superiors and respect for the law of the land ; for a long experience has convinced me of the more peaceful and submissive character of the lower orders who are members of the Church of England over those of other sects, and it would facilitate their access to religious and literary works, which would improve their morals and refine their taste, as there is no litera- ture of any real value and utility in the Welsh language. 9. The inhabitants of this place are not able to contribute more than they do at present, and schools in this locality are not likely to be sup- ported without aid from Government. 10. The population certainly requires more schools here than we have at present. Owing to the prevalence of dissent, it would be better to have separate schools for Church people and Dissenters, as it would be impracticable to establish exclusively church schools. 11. Many of the large iron works are managed by agents, there not being any resident partners, consequently little or no interest taken to improve the morals of the people. EDWARD H. PHILLIPS. No. 3. No. 3. W. W. Phillips, Esq., Ponty Moile. lY'V" 1st April, 1847. 1. We shall be fairly supplied, both as to number of schools and quality of instruction, very shortly. 2. The neglect of public worship is very great, and it is much to be feared there is a considerable deficiency of religious knowledge. 3. The beer and public-houses are largely frequented, and the drink- ing customs very extensive. 4. Very considerable ; I should say nearly one-third of the population attend public worship. 5. The holding of benefit clubs in public-houses I believe to be attended with very serious injury to the morals of the people. 6. I hope we shall see large benefits arise from the existing schools in a few years hence. 7. There is an increasing desire for the education of their children on the part of the parents. 8. It is gaining ground, and doubtless will be an advantage, as it will open a very increased means of improvement in the numerous small cheap publications in the English language. 9. Yes. 10. I do not. 11. I am greatly in hopes that our Sabbath -schools are raising their standard of religious education, and I believe great good will arise there- from to nearly 2000 children in our parish. W. W. PHILLIfS. 402 On the State of Education in Wales, KO._<. No. 4. Rev. Francis The Rev. Francis Bluett, of Abersychan. 6th April, 1847. 1 . There is a deficiency of good day-schools in the district of Aher r sychan ; the population of the district amounts, I believe, to from 8,000 to 10,000, but I cannot speak with much accuracy on this point, as when the last census was made it had not been constituted a distinct .chapelry district by the Queen in Council. The population of the district has also nearly doubled within the last three years, since 1 have known the place, occasioned by the increased briskness in the iron trade. The only diy-school, with efficient master and mistress, within the district, is the British Iron Company's School, capable of containing about 300 children. 2. There is much ignorance among 1 the poor, especially on the subject of religion, and this to a most lamentable extent. I not unfrequetitly meet with persons who have not attended any place of worship for years, and who know nothing about the Lord Jesus Christ. 3. As the answer to the above would indicate, from the connexion between religion and morality, there is great and awful immorality in this place; neglect of the Sabbath and drunkenness abound; nor is this to be wondered at, as there is much work done on the Sabbath ; and it is more natural that those who have broken the fourth commandment in the morning, should spend their evening in an ale-house than a place of worship, especially as (as I am informed and believe) it is a common practice to give beer to induce the men to work on the Sabbath. But the sin I have been most struck with as abounding in the district, is the disregard and lightness with which the marriage vow is held and treated. Persons are often found here living together as man and wife for years, and supposed to be married, when it is discovered, sometimes after the death of one of the parties, that they were not married, and sometimes that they could not, inasmuch as that one or both the parties had husband or wife already living ; yet this does not prevent some from going through the marriage service. I have lately heard of two women being married to other parties on the same day, who had each a husband already living ; and I lately saw a letter from a woman, who had gone off with another man, to her mother, which expresses a feeling too common here; it was to this effect, that she had married the man she had gone off with, and that her husband (not calling him her hus- band, but mentioning him by name) may get married as soon as he pleased. 4. There is one church capable of containing from about 900 to 1000 persons, and chapels of different Dissenting denominations capable of containing perhaps nearly double that number, some of them pretty well attended, but the replies to the foregoing questions would seem to show not with much profit. 5. Standing out for wages is far from uncommon here, and has a very bad effect on the people ; a few ill-disposed persons can, I am informed, almost at any time produce this effect. At the present moment many are in almost a starving condition from this cause, and all in the neigh- bourhood are greatly injured by it ; it has now continued for weeks, and some seem as resolute as at first still to stand out, though most with whom I converse on the subject, express their willingness and even Monmouthshire. anxiety to work, but are afraid to do so, lest as they say they should be No marked and suffer for it from their fellow workmen even years hence. 6. Undoubtedly, if founded on the word of God. 7. Not generally to the extent that could be wished, though many certainly do. 8. The English language is gaining ground ; it is therefore desirable that it should be better taught, and all the instruction now given in schools is carried on in that language, as far as I know, except in a few Dissenting Sunday-schools. 9. One school for all denominations, in which the Bible is the book of religious instruction, is supported by the British Works ; another, not on exactly the same plan as to its support, but similar to the one at Pontnewynydd, has been purposed for the Gelynos and Varteg Works, both in my district ; this has not yet commenced : these could be maintained without aid from Government, but I know of no funds or means from the district by which a school could be built or supported strictly in connexion with the Established Church, though much required, and most desirable in my opinion. 10. I think parts of the Government plan might be advantageously applied to the schools existing and purposed here, but I rather imagine it would not be desired by persons of influence connected with them ; of this I think I can speak with certainty, as far as regards the British Company's School. 11. Sunday work, and the number of public and beer-houses are, in my opinion, the great curses of the place, and as long as these causes exist in anything like their present extent, I cannot see ground to hope for much religious and moral improvement to take place ; yet, as if we had not enough of Sabbath desecration here already, a Sunday post and public delivery of letters, &c., has lately been introduced, though here- tofore unknown here. FRANCIS L. BLUETT. No. 5. NQ. 5. . The Rev. Mr. Morgan, of Nantyglo. 26th March, 1847. 1. This immediate neighbourhood contains a population of upwards of 20,000 souls, and the deficiency of good day-schools is truly lament- able, there being only two well-organized schools established here; one at Nantyglo, conducted on the National system, and another recently established atBlaenan, in connexion with the British and Foreign Society. It is extremely difficult to procure active and efficient masters and mistresses; and as the population is continually shifting in these mining districts, and the children, in consequence of their obtaining high wages in the works, are removed from school at an early age, the proficiency which is generally found in the schools is not so satisfactory, as under other circumstances it doubtless would have been. There are no private day-schools, to my knowledge, of any efficiency in this neighbourhood. 2. Ignorance prevails to a great extent on almost all subjects among the poor ; except a very limited knowledge of the fundamental doctrines of Christianity. It is, however, remarkable, that the poor in Wales are generally better able, as I can state from my own personal knowledge and 404 On the State of Education in Wales, N . observation, to form a correct estimate of a sermon and sound doctrine than the poor in England. This I attribute chiefly to the existence of adult Welsh Sunday-schools, which are generally numerously attended, and well conducted. The people take great interest in these schools, and repeat large por- tions of Scripture every Sunday ; an important defect, however, in- them is that, comparatively, but few children attend them. 3. The morals of the people are lamentably defective ; certain habits which prevail among them have a most demoralizing tendency ; and the grosser and more heinous sins prevail here to a fearful extent. 4. A new district has been recently constituted at Nantyglo ; the popu- lation is about 5000 ; and Divine service is at present performed twice every Sunday at the school-room, which accommodates between two and three hundred, and is generally crowded to excess. There are also several dissenting chapels in the neighbourhood. 5. The people do not seem to take any particular interest at present in political affairs: the wages have of late been very good, and the more provident and industrious among them form relief clubs and unions, and thereby provide for sickness and old age. But, upon the whole, they are exceedingly improvident and extravagant. 6. On this point I entertain no doubt whatever ; and I am persuaded that the extreme profligacy, improvidence and misery, which are so pre- valent among the labouring classes in these districts, are chiefly to be ascribed to the want of a sound, religious, and moral education. 7. There is, I believe, an increasing desire for better education among the people, though they do not, generally speaking, sufficiently appreciate it. 8. The English language is gaining ground decidedly and rapidly ; and it is most desirable that it should be better taught ; because it is almost universally used in transacting business, and all documents and receipts are drawn up in it. Great inconvenience has also arisen in courts of justice, and instances are known where the ends of justice have been defeated in consequence of the jury's ignorance of the English language. 9. There are no local means available for this purpose, and it is most desirable that aid should be afforded by Government. 10. The best plan that could be adopted, in my opinion, to apply Government aid, would be to establish schools throughout the country, and to bring education within the reach of the lower orders, by allowing limited salaries to the schoolmasters, in aid of the school wages, instead of going to the hurtful extreme, which tends to render teachers careless and parents indifferent. 11. I have no other opinion to state. DAVID MORGAN. No. 6. No. 6. JjJ-j.M,'- The Rev. Owen Phillips, Pontenewydd. Funtenewydd. IStll March, 1847. 1. We have a good day-school in the centre of the district, with com- petent teachers, capable of affording instruction to six or eight hundred children. There is no deficiency in that respect. Monmouthshire. 405 2. There is great ignorance amongst a large portion of the poor, chiefly those who come from the counties of Gloucester and Somerset. The natives of the county and of the principality are, for the most part, '" tolerably well informed, especially on religious subjects. 3. The principal defects in morals are those of intoxication and prosti- tution. These evils prevail to a very great extent among the unsettled parts of the population. 4. There is a church, to which a district has been assigned within the last three years, and also a Sunday-school. In the former there are two services on Sunday, and one evening service during the week, each of which is well attended There are also two Dissenting chapels, having good congregations attached to them. 5. The people of this neighbourhood (like those of every other con- nected with iron works) are extremely prodigal. They earn high waires, varying from 3/. to 25/. per month, but there are few indeed who think of saving any portion of it. 6. The present means of education are quite sufficient. They have been in operation for a very short time, but a decided improvement in morals and conduct has already been manifested, and is very apparent, by comparing this with such places as have not the means of education to so great an extent. 7. The people appear to be satisfied with present resources. 8. The English language is gaining ground rapidly; and, in order to promote unanimity, stability of principle, and religious knowledge, it is highly desirable that it should become still more general. 9. The proprietor of the works, W. Williams, Esq., supports a school for boys and girls, on the National system, at his own expense. The school- rooms are commodious, and the master and mistress fully competent. 10. I do not think any aid necessary at present. 11. I think that a sound Scriptural education is, of all other things, necessary to a population such as we are surrounded with. It is evident that the inculcation of the pure truths of the Gospel can form the only effectual antidote to existing evils. Sceptical and profane publications are but too freely circulated amongst a certain class ; and whenever a spirit of insubordination and dissatisfac- tion prevails, it is invariably to be found amongst that class. OWEN L. H. PHILLIPS. W. Williams, Esq., to J. C. Symons, Esq. SIR, Snatchwood House, April 28, 1847. I BEG to apologize for my seeming neglect in riot acquainting you before that our respected clergyman, Rev. Mr. Phillips, brought me his report to you of the queries wanted by you answered, and as they were quite in accordance with my vie\vs, I did not consider another report necessary ; nor have I anything further to say on the subject than what he communicated to you. Sir, your obedient Servant, W. WILLIAMS. 406 On the State of Education in Wales, No. 7. NO. 7 (vfjl^es The Rev. James Hughes, Rector of Llanhilleth, Pontypool. ighes. i*MMh. 15th March, 1847. 1. There is no deficiency of day-schools ; but a more competent master in one of the two parochial schools of this parish is very desirable. 2. Of religious subjects and the contents of the Bible, I should say that the poor of this locality are far from being ignorant ; but I should say that the poor are deplorably ignorant of all knowledge of a secular nature. 3. The leading vice is drunkenness. I once witnessed an individual who had attended a funeral falling down in an insensible state of intoxication within a few yards of the grave, while I was reading the funeral service over the corpse. This indecency I thought proper to notice, by summoning the said individual before the magistrates, who was fined accordingly. 4. The Welsh portion of the community possess abundant means of religious instruction ^ but the English portion have not equal advantages, having seldom more than one service on the Sabbath, and in some in- stances without any. 5. In regard to their pursuits in life, they are all in this locality agri- culturists or colliers. In regard to their character, a disposition to de- ceive, to act disingenuously, and even dishonestly, characterizes the generality. The poor people are very kind and accommodating to each other. They are dissatisfied with many of the laws of the land, particularly the ecclesiastical laws, and those relative to the poor. 6. Education would decidedly improve the people, by infusing into the mass of the people a higher tone of morality, better principles of honesty, and by softening sectarian and political prejudices. 7. They are particularly anxious for a good education for their children. 8. The English language is gaining ground but very imperceptibly. As the Welsh language has not any valuable writings, either in prose or poetry, and as the Welsh people have not one single interest uncon- nected with the English, I consider the language to be a nuisance and an obstacle, both to the administration of the law, and to the cause of religion, imposing on pastors a double degree of work (or duty), by their having the Welsb and the English portion of the community to attend to. 9. There are scarcely any local means to promote education. 10. I should say that few places can be found where government aid is more desirable ; it should be afforded to the extent of securing half the salaries of the teachers; of securing residences for the teachers; and of rewarding the monitors who help the teachers. The day-schools of this parish have been but recently established. They are both under the sole management of the incumbent of the parish, and no antipathy on the score of diversity of creed has hitherto been manifested by any party, it being known that the clergyman does not insist on the children's attendance at church, provided they go to some other place of Christian worship. 11. I consider a district partly rural and partly manufacturing to bq Monmouthshire. 407 far more deserving of Government aid than districts where large coal or No> 7 iron works are in operation, and where the proprietors of these works are ' principally resident, and therefore are more ready, as well as more able to support schools. In this locality there is not one proprietor resident; not one gentleman of wealth or education to support a public object such as a school ; and thus the clergyman of the parish is the only one either disposed or competent to attend to the education of the working classes. JAMES HUGHES. The Rev. Mr. Hughes to J. C. Symons, Esq. Llanhilleth via Newport, Monmouthshire, DEAR SIR, August 24, 1847. I HAVE great pleasure in forwarding to you any information that I am able to give relative to the subject of your communication. This parish is an agricultural district, interspersed with small collieries, which are superintended by petty agents or foremen (the owners being non-resident). Here the collier is not employed except at such times as there is a demand for coal in the market (Newport). This irregularity of employment is a feature in the condition of the country collier which does not exist in the case of those who are employed at large works, such as Merthyr, Tredegar, and others ; the latter are constantly em- ployed (except, of course, in times of general depression of the trade throughout the country) ; but not so the country collier, he has no cer- tainty of getting work for two days consecutively, and as a general rule, it may be said that he is unemployed for 10 days in each month ; and in the months of March and April, when vessels are detained by stormy winds, they have no work at all. The natural consequence of such a state of things is, that no operative will seek employment at the country coal provided he can get it elsewhere, and the country colliers are for the most part composed of those who have been discarded by their em- ployers at those large works, and I consider them to be inferior to the general run of colliers, both as regards their moral habits and temporal condition. During the interval of non-employment, they are supported by getting credit in small country shops, who sell inferior goods at an extravagantly high price, and thus they become involved in debt, which they can never finally discharge. It is not an uncommon thing for one man to get into debt to the amount of seven or eight pounds at two or three of these shops at the same time (for there is not one great truck-shop in the county). Their debt prevents them from being able to pay the weekly pence for their children's school, much less to give them shoes to go to school, and I cannot describe to you the sorrow that I have felt at witnessing their poor children thus debarred from the ad- vantages of education ; and I cannot think that any scheme of education will be complete unless some provision be made to meet such cases, inasmuch as the lowest portion of society are, from want of clothing, frequently unable to derive advantages from the schools which are close b y- There is another evil connected with the condition of the operative in this district still worse than any I have hitherto adverted to, viz., the 408 On the State of Education in Wales, practice of agents keeping public-houses. There are in this small parish two agents of works keeping each a public-house, and a third who already keeps a public-house is likely to become the agent or superintendent of a very large coal-work now being opened- This state of things actually prevents the operative from being sober and thrifty, and holds out a reward to the drunkard, it being: the interest of the employer or agent to have such men as will spend their all at his house ; nor is he slow in intimating to such as are not in the habit of frequenting his house, that their services are not acceptable, and thus the more sober a man is, the more he is exposed to petty annoyance from his employer. Much has been said of the evil of truck and the practice of paying the men in public-houses, but these evils are trivial compared to the evils of the system I now allude to a system which appears to be getting more and more prevalent, and which strongly demands legislative interference. Another subject to which I am desirous to allude is the following : There are in this small parish eight public-houses, five of which have spirit licences. The frequency of these houses in a parish comparatively agricultural and thinly populated has often been to me a matter of no small surprise.* #$#***# Public- houses are also very much open on Sundays during Divine service, as well as during unseasonable hours of the night. In town and populous districts there are policemen to stop these disorders, but there is not the least check ever attempted in a locality of this description, and I do not know where the fault lies. I also consider the owners of collieries much to be blamed for their selection of agents over these small concerns, as they may be termed, as compared with larger works. They are, for the most part, men who have been raised from the condition of the workmen, given to the same habits of life, and much addicted to swearing and irreligion, and capable of harbouring vindictive feelings towards the operatives. Much has been said of the ignorance of the Welsh, but this declaration should, in my opinion, be made with much restriction. In secular knowledge the Welsh are doubtless more ignorant than the English, but in knowledge of the Scriptures the former are undoubtedly before the latter. I have met with Welsh cottagers capable of arguing on the most abstruse theological points, and taking them as a whole, they are very well acquainted with the Bible ; but the Welsh have absolutely a dis- taste for any other kind of reading. Seldom will you see a Welshman reading a newspaper, but he reads with unusual fondness such publications as extol his religious party or expose the failings of those sects to which he does not belong. This fondness for divinity subjects to the exclusion of all secular knowledge, I ascribe in a great measure to the absence of day-schools, which were nowhere to be seen in Wales until of late years. It has been frequently said that secular knowledge is a great handmaid to true religion, and I believe the character of the Welsh illustrate in a remarkable manner this proverb. With all their religious knowledge, I consider them to be inferior to the English in principle, honesty, and * A statement reflecting on the conduct of the magistrates, published in the folio edition of this Report, has been subsequently retracted by Mr. Hughes. J. C. S. Monmouthshire. 409 sincerity. They are moreover bigoted and intolerant, and such is their contempt of the Scriptural knowledge of the Englishman, that in their minds (although they do not express it) they scarcely consider him within the pale of salvation. The workpeople are very kind to each other, and will help each other in times of distress to an extent that would scarcely be believed, and ought to put to shame the paltry charity of those who are in wealthy circumstances. I have often been much surprised at the self-denial that they will exercise in order to relieve their fellow-workman when out of work, and that apparently for no other cause than that he is a neigh- bour. This feature in the character of the operatives of those parts I consider to be very creditable to them a feature, however, which characterizes the Welsh portion more than any other. In these parrs the iron and the coal trade are rather on the increase than on the decrease. Of their origin, and of other matters connected with these mercantile enterprises, I confess that I am not capable of passing an opinion. I have only lived five years in Monmouthshire, and I have carefully abstained from adverting to any points which I have not perfect knowledge of, lest I might possibly mislead you ; if, however, what I have hereby stated will in any way be of service to you, you may safely depend on the accuracy of this report, as derived from my own personal knowledge and experience. I have no objection for my name to be mentioned in connexion with this Report, only that I should not wish to appear as exposing any parties in an unfavourable view. Any other information that 1 am capable of imparting I shall be most happy to do so. As it is your desire to have the Report as soon as possible, I have endeavoured to do so without delay, and have not spent time either in the wording or the writing of it, but simply to state facts which I have no doubt you will embody in your Report better than I could, and I have the honour to remain, dear Sir, Your obedient and faithful Servant, JAMES HUGHES, Rector of Llanhilleth. No. 8. No. 8. The Rev, Z>. Jones, Incumbent of Panteg. 15th March, 1847. 1. Yes ; there is not a day-school in the parish of Panteg. 2. Yes, on most subjects. 3. Not very defective in this parish. 4. There is a parish church and a chapel at Pontymoile, and also an Independent place of worship. 5. Dissent, with its concomitant peculiarities, gives a bias to the reli- gious and political character of the people that is more to be deplored than admired. 6. Yes. 7. I believe many do. 8. Yes. Yes, in order that the minds of the people should be better informed. 9. No. 410 On the State of Education in Wales, No. 8. 10. Yes; but I am not prepared to answer the latter part of the Rev.1)~ question specifically, but in a general respect the aid and consideration Jones, Pan- of Government would be most desirable. teg ' DAVID JONES. No. 9. No. 9. The Rev. T. Davies, Incumbent of Trevethin. 17th March, 1847. 1. The parish of Trevethin is now rather well supplied with day- schools, and the masters may be reported to be well qualified for their duties. The upper part of the parish (including Varteg and Garncldi faith) is in want of day-schools, but the deficiency, I am happy to say, will be supplied by the establishment of schools, which will be done at the joint expense of two gentlemen in whose employ the people chiefly are, viz., William Williams, Esq,, Snatchwood House, and Mr. Vipond, a coal- merchant. 2. I should certainly say that the working population were not in a state of great ignorance; they do not always understand, it is true, the precise meaning of English terms, though in common use ; still they apprehend distinctly what is intended to be conveyed by the use of such words. The same remark well applies to the children also. 3. I should say that the morals of the larger proportion of our manu- facturing population were decidedly bad. A spirit of restlessness and disaffection pervades a large number of the working class, and this dis- contented feeling is much strengthened and invigorated by their associa- tions with dissolute characters in public-houses, and by listening to the clamorous declamations of a few disaffected leaders. This unfortunate feeling is often provoked to acts of public outrage. The bane of the manufacturing districts is the beer-shops. They ruin the morals of every neighbourhood. Drunkenness is the crying sin of our working class, and by the facility which beer-houses afford of inducing people to drink, multitudes are led astray. 4. The means of religious instruction, as afforded by the Church of England and Dissenters, are quite adequate to the wants of the popula- tion, but the measure of good fruits is scanty indeed. Profession of re- ligion is common amongst the people, but their lives are often very in- consistent. 5. The mass of our population are slaves to intemperate habits, and consequently they have scarcely any taste for such pursuits as would tend to the improvement of their minds and morals. Often, for the want of public amusements (such as would afford real recreation for mind and body), they flock to the beer-shops for them. The great desideratum in our manufacturing districts seems, to my mind, to be the establishment of such recreations as would divert from such grovelling pursuits and pleasures as beer-shops afford. 6. My opinion is, that a certain kind of better education would be much appreciated by a certain class of our mechanics and artisans, espe- cially such an education as would in some measure be made to bear upon their several vocations in life, and which would tend to give them a deeper insight into the various improvements in mechanical sciences. Monmouthshire. 411 7. The delivery of popular lectures would also produce good effects, NO. 9. and would be hailed with cordial welcome on the part of the better class Rev> ~^~7 of our mechanics and other labouring people, especially if a large room Daviea, (where the poor people could feel at home, and where coffee or tea, &c., Pont w" 1 ' &c., could be supplied cheaply to them) were built for the purpose : I am confident of the success of such an undertaking. Many have ex- pressed themselves as very desirous of securing such advantages. 8. The English language is decidedly gaining ground, and by means of English schools the rising generation for the most part will know no other language. The existence of two languages is a serious disadvantage to the minority of the people. This remark applies with unquestionable truth to the Welsh people. One need only read the Welsh publications to be convinced of the non-utility of the language for any practical purpose whatever, religious, political, or commercial, and the sooner it becomes dead the better for the people. 9. To establish new schools with more competent masters would be next to an impossibility in this place and neighbourhood. For example, it is with great difficulty that the Pontypool Charity-school can be supported by means of voluntary subscriptions ; and whatever fresh efforts are made for establishing a better kind of education, they must be done at the expense of Government. 10. For carrying into effect my suggestions (Ques. 6), under the plan most easy of execution and the least expensive, would be to add to the present town schoolroom awing to connect with it by means of a folding door; by adopting this plan the whole space might be made available to the use and accommodation of the public when occasion required, such as the delivering of lectures, &c. &c. ; and with closed doors the room might be used for imparting a better kind of education to superior mechanics, or as a reading-room, where coffee and tea might also be supplied cheaply to the working classes. This would prove, I am per- suaded, a source of great improvement and amusement to them. 11. In addition to the foregoing observations made under the various questions proposed, little remains to be said. 1 feel the vast difficulty of suggesting any scheme that will meet, in the way of effective remedy, the evils now existing amongst a population like that of this manufacturing neighbourhood. I cannot, however, but cherish a strong hope, that by establishing public rooms of the kind already described, a partial remedy would be applied to existing evils. I have an earnest desire to make the trial, if pecuniary means could be found. Some aid would be afforded by a few neighbouring friends towards the accomplishment of this scheme, but at present I have no prospect of immediate success. May I hope these remarks will prove worthy of your benevolent attention. THOMAS DAVIES. No. 10. NO. 10. The Rev. Daniel Eees. of Cwm Celyn. ev - Mr - 1X663, 23rd March, 1847. Cwm Celyr>t 1. There certainly is a great deficiency of good day-schools with com- petent masters in this neighbourhood ; in fact, with the exception of a few small dame-schools, which, for want of encouragement, are seldom kept for any length of time, there are only two day-schools capable of 412 On the State of Education in Wales, NO. 10. accommodating between them about 500 children, viz., the National School at Nanfyglo, and the British School at Blaina iron-works, among a population of from 20,000 to 25,000 people, including Beaufort iron- works and Brynmaur. The latter of these schools has not been opened quite a twelvemonth ; and during the ten years the former has been in existence and operation, it has been found exceedingly difficult to meet with competent masters and mistresses to conduct it. The consequence has been that the children have seldom made that progress which, under more favourable circumstances, might have been reasonably expected. 2. Speaking generally, it may be safe.ly stated that the poor are very ignorant on almost, all subjects, except, perhaps, a very crude knowledge of the leading doctrines and duties of Christianity. The majority of them can seldom read with fluency and propriety, and few of them, comparatively, can even write their names. 3. I lament to state that, with some rare and honourable exceptions, the morals of the poor also are very defective. Their prevailing sins are cursing and swearing, lying and slandering, profanation of the Sabbath, neglect of Divine ordinances, breach of the seventh commandment, drunk- enness, and the numerous train of evils that usually accompany it. Many instances and facts in illustration of this state of things occur at almost every petty sessions held in the neighbourhood, where numerous cases of assault and battery, the result of intoxication, have invariably to be disposed of. 4. They possess the means of religious instruction to a considerable extent, there being, besides the very inadequate means provided by the Established Church, chapels belonging to almost every denomination of Christians, attached to most of the iron-works ; but I have reason to think that one-half of the people seldom profit by them. 5. Of late years, ever since what is here called the Chartist rise, in the autumn of 1839, the people have not meddled much with political matters ; but their social state is not improved, while their general pursuits are such as might be expected from their state of ignorance or want of information. 6. On this point I have no doubt whatever ; indeed, I consider better education to be the very thing which they most need, and that it could not fail vastly and speedily to improve their morals and conduct. Edu- cation, however, to be thus effective, must include the constant and diligent inculcation of Christian principles. 7. I fear the majority do not. The people, involved as they are in ignorance, do not appreciate, and perhaps cannot reasonably be expected to appreciate as they ought, the value of education, either to themselves or their children, and therefore do not desire it. 8. The English language is certainly rapidly gaining ground in this neighbourhood, and is, I believe, the only language used in all our day- schools. It is desirable, of course, that it should be well taught, in order to open the various sources of instruction to the rising generation in a language they can understand. 9. There are here no local means worth mentioning for these purposes, except what may be supplied by the iron-masters ; and, if I may judge by the apathy displayed on this subject in past years, there is little pros- pect, I apprehend, of schools being established in this locality, on any- thing like an adequate scale, without the aid of Government. 10. I do certainly think Government aid most desirable, nay, I should Monmouthsh ire. 4 1 3 say it is absolutely necessary and indispensable, and I do not see any NO. 10. prospect of a better state of 'things without it. I am, however, unable Ttev ^ m to state to what extent and in what manner it could be best applied. HCM, The diversities of creed are such obstacles in the way of almost every Cl plan that can be proposed, that it must probably be left to every denomi- nation of Christians to conduct their schools in their own way, subject only to some such control as that proposed to be exercised in the Re- solutions lately issued by the Committee of Council on Education. 1 1 . I have no other opinion to offer. _________^___ DANIEL REES. No. 11. N^n. The Rev. Augustus Morgan, Rector of Machen, and Rural Dean. u e v. Augus tus Morgan, 6th April, 1847. Machen. 1. A great deficiency. This arises, I consider, chiefly from a lack of funds to erect school-rooms and furnish salaries sufficient to induce com- petent and respectable persons to undertake the office of schoolmaster. 2. The poor are shrewd enough in their respective callings, but sadly ignorant on the subject of religion and literary attainment, 3. Throughout the mineral districts their morals are very defective, and, I regret to say, that the evil seems to be extending to the lowlands, or rural districts, caused, I consider, by the communication necessary for the sale of their produce, as well as from the agricultural labourer, who has been induced to leave his home to obtain a higher rate of wages on the hills, returning contaminated by the drunken and profligate habits he has acquired during his absence among the ironworks and collieries. In my opinion, a tramroad, for the conveyance of coal from the hills to the sea-port for exportation, tends to demoralize the district through which it passes to an inconceivable degree. The results are theft, drunk- enness, and prostitution. Women und children of all ages, sent out ex- pressly by their parents, are seen at all hours following the tram-waggons, to obtain by any means, save by a pecuniary purchase, coals for the use of their respective families ; the haltiers of the trams, from a knowledge and intimate acquaintance with the parties, oftentimes aiding and assist- ing in the plunder of their employers. 4. In my own parish I have two day-schools, in addition to which there is a Sunday-school held at the Wesleyan chapel ; many of the Dissenters, however, send their children to my day-schools, and make no objection to their conforming strictly to the rules, and attending the service of the Church on Sunday. 5. My impression is, that if good day-schools were established, and no invidious distinction made with regard to sect, but merely a strict com- pliance with the rules insisted upon, numbers who now call themselves, and are considered Dissenters, would take advantage of these schools, and send their children to them without hesitation. 6. Most assuredly it would, in a general point of view, although some children, who are innately of a wicked and depraved disposition, would, in my opinion, become greater adepts in crime by the cultivation of their intellect. I consider I have had instances of this in my own neighbour- hood, and that some families, with scarcely a member of it that would prove an exception, are incorrigible. 7. There is a very general desire amongst the working classes to edu- 2 F 414 On tl ic State of Education in Wales NO. n. cate their children, but as in the neighbourhood of the works employment Rev~A7 g us- can be obtained for them at a very early age, they readily sacrifice the tus Morgan, future welfare of their offspring as regards their education for the sake Macficn. ^ ^ j. gw sn in m g S tne y are a bl e to get by their weekly earnings. 8. The English language is rapidly gaining ground, and it is very de- sirable that it should altogether supersede the Welsh, for the following reasons: 1st. For the better carrying out matters of law in courts of justice, where, in many instances, judge, counsel, and jury, are altogether dependent upon an interpreter for a correct version of the evidence ad- duced. 2nd. It would, I consider, ensure a larger congregation, and a more regular attendance of the rising generation in parish churches, which the administration of the service alternately injEnglish and Welsh has a tendency to diminish and prevent. 3rd. I believe it has been proved, that the meetings which preceded and which were held during the chartist outbreak and Rebecca conspiracy, in Monmouthshire and South Wales, were carried on altogether in the Welsh language, solely with a view that the extent of their proceedings should not be discovered by the police and other agents sent down by the Government for the dis- covery and counteraction of their revolutionary plot. 9. I do not consider that there are sufficient local means available for building and supporting good day-schools in this locality without Go- vernment aid, as the owners of land, and the proprietors and lessees of the works and collieries, with a few exceptions, do not seem disposed to give that countenance to education which, in my humble opinion, they ought to do, and the livings are too small for the clergy to effect much out of their limited incomes. 10. As the parishes in this locality are so unequal both in extent as well as population, I would propose that they should be divided into districts, that Government should be met half way by the owners of property, each subscribing in proportion to the nature of the property they possess within the district. This can be ascertained by reference to the parish rate-book. That the parties so subscribing should have the nomination of a number of children in proportion to their subscription ; that the clergyman of the district should have the nomination of the children whose education would be defrayed by the sum advanced by Government, subject to the sanction and approval of the Government inspector ; that these sums should not altogether defray the charges of education, but that the parents of each child should have to pay a certain quota, however small, towards it. This latter point I consider most essential, as I have invariably found that the working classes seem to value less, at all events appear more indifferent to, free schooling than when they themselves pay wholly, or in part, for [the tuition of their children. The attendance of the children is therefore less regular, and their instruction consequently retarded. 11. As, from the increasing number of works and collieries, there are a great many more agents and clerks employed, who require for their children a higher grade of education than is generally afforded by the present day-schools of the district, it would be desirable that the masters should understand and be able to teach at least the elements of engi- neering, land-surveying, levelling, and dialling. AUGUSTUS MORGAN, Rector of Machen, and Rural Dean Monmouthshire. 415 The Rev. Mr. Morgan subsequently writes thus : "From what I have seen within the last few days as regards the different works and collieries in my immediate neighbourhood, the sad, nay almost total, ignorance on religious matters of children ripening into manhood, the total indifference of their masters, and, I regret to add, almost equally so of their parents (beyond the obtaining the day's work on the part of the former and the daily earnings on that of the latter), all convince me of the imperious necessity of even a compulsory system for the education of the working-classes. ***** It is really painful to see the degraded state, both mentally as well as physically, of lads who, had they not been buried alive from the earliest age they could use their hands, might have been healthy, active, and intelligent, but are now squalid pictures of disease and deformity, many indeed ignorant and indifferent to anything beyond what is absolutely necessary for the support of their bodily strength." [I have subsequently received the following letter from the same gentleman.] " You are at full liberty to make an extract from the letter which I last wrote you, for, as far as I can recollect, it contained nothing but my candid opinion on the matter, which I care not who knows. I believe 1 qualified my assertions by stating that they were exceptions to the general rule, and one of an interesting character occurred, not long since, where an ironmaster of great respectability appeared at the baptismal font as sponsor for two of his workmen's children, thereby proving an interest in their spiritual as well as their temporal welfare. I do not know that I am justified in saying that there is a will to encourage drinking, to prevent these men laying by a store against a rainy day, lest it should form a fund to support them during a strike, but this is, I believe certain, that neither by advice nor remonstrance do they endeavour to check this prevailing vice, and that the mass of the population in the mining districts are not so much bound to their masters by love, respect and esteem, as they are by the dread of losing their work ; and it has always been found, whenever an emeute or outbreak has occurred, that, with a few exceptions, a stranger, whether magistrate or otherwise, had more weight in bringing them to their senses, by showing a kindness and sympathy with regard to their fancied or real hardships, than those by -whom they had been employed, probably for the greater part of their lives, and to whose control and advice you would have supposed they would have yielded without a murmur ; but for what reason ! Simply, because they had never shown, when times were flourishing, that interest in their domestic comforts that wish to promote the moral and religious education and civilization of their families, to which a few pounds annually out of their enormous profits would have essentially contributed. I feel more convinced every day that Government can, comparatively speaking, do nothing unless they are willingly and ably assisted by the landed proprietors in the agri- cultural, and the lessees as. well as the owners of the works and collieries in the mineral, districts. The clergy, however zealous they may be, without the co- operation of their patrons, can avail but little : their confined incomes put it out of their power to do much in a pecuniary point of view ; but I feel convinced that in most instances they will not be found wanting, provided the sinews of war are forthcoming, to carry out the views and wishes of those who are able and who ought to furnish them with the means of mutually benefiting so many of their fellow-creatures at this moment, in one sense of the word, in a state of utter destitu- tion. The character of the Welsh has always been that of a wish to show gratitude for favours conferred. But now there is no favour to acknowledge no feeling of gratitude engendered : you contract for him in labour and bodily strength : for this it is true you pay him, oftentimes in truck (which, again, is a source of profit to the master), but you interest yourself no further about him or his concerns; he, therefore, naturally enough, cares as little about you. This I hold to be the general feeling throughout our enormous mineral population," and I only trust that the time is far distant when it will be put to the proof. A time of dearth and bodily priva- tion would tell a fearful tale. You would find those mothers and daughters, (whom clothing clubs and schools of industry would have civilized and conciliated), as in the French Revolution, to be the leaders of the affray. They are now little below the savages, the drudge and servants of their husbands ; but, as in the Chartist riots, they tried to urge them on to plunder and riot. 1 ' 2 F 2 416 On the State of Education in Wales, No. 12. NO. 12. Samuel Dobree, Esq., Risca, near Newport. 31st March, 1847. 1. Yes, decidedly. There is only one school conducted on Church principles, and held in a Dissenting chapel in the parish ; at present it is attended by about 20 children, paying 4d. and 6d. a-week ; last year the numbers were nearly double, but, from the dearness of provisions, the parents state that they cannot afford to pay so much for their chil- dren's schooling. There is also a Baptist school attended by about the same number of children. The education in both schools is very limited. There are also a few dame-schools hardly worthy of notice. 2. The poor are generally intelligent, but very ignorant on religious subjects. They are nearly all Dissenters. 3. Drunkenness is almost universal, which is encouraged by the end- less number of beer-shops. After the pay-day (once a-month) no work is done for two or three days, and the village is full of drunkenness and disorder. 4. The church was, until lately, only open once on a Sunday; but about six months since a second curate was appointed, and since that time there have been two full services on the Sunday, and the sick and poor have been much better attended to ; theattendance at church is also increasing. There are several Dissenting chapels in the parish, principally Wesleyan, Baptist, and Primitive Methodists. They are all well attended on Sundays. There appears to be a religious feeling among the colliers, mixed up with great ignorance and almost universal dis- sent. 5. Improvidence is the distinguishing feature of the men. Although receiving good wages, they are generally penniless ; all their money goes in drink ; and there does not appear to be any effort made in this place to bring about more provident habits ; on the contrary, a feeling exists, that, if the men could be induced to save their money by provident societies, or other means, it would be arming the men to stand out longer against the master when a strike occurs, and consequently no en- couragement is given to such societies. 6. This can only be a matter of opinion ; in mine most decidedly it would. 7. Yes, most decidedly. 8. In this neighbourhood there are very few persons who do not speak English, although Welsh is most commonly used among the people. I do not see that any alteration in this respect is desirable. 9. Endeavours are now being made to build a Church school to edu- cate 150 children, but from the poverty of the neighbourhood (the popu- lation being wholly composed of colliers and miners) great doubts exist if sufficient funds can be raised even to build the school. The local means of supporting a day-school by subscription is very small indeed ; not more than 51. per annum could be collected. 10. I am of opinion that, if means could be found to build a Church school for the education of 1 50 children, it would be fully attended, as the Dissenters now send their children to the Sunday-school held in the church (in number from 60 to 70), and express a strong desire to see a school built, that they might send their children to it. This would, I Monmouthshire. 4 1 7 think, tend to improve the rising generation more than anything else; but No - 12 - I am doubtful if such a school can be supported by the pence of the Siimuei Do- children, and from some trifling local subscription, without the aid of Sa/iSr Government or of the Educational Societies. Newport. SAMUEL DOBREE. No. 13. No. 13. [The folio ii' in fj Answers refer to the South Brecknockshire Mining ^ ^^r~ District, and were not received in time for the former Report.] Cnae, F* P. Moir Crane, Iron-master, Ystradgynlais, Brecknockshire. 25th March, 1847. 1. I consider that there is a great deficiency, which arises principally from a want of proper persons as competent masters; there are several schools, but mostly inefficient. 2. The ignorance is very great, 1 may say, on every subject; but the ignorance that strikes one most is, that want of a care of themselves, as, for instance, education is regarded as almost useless, laying by a part of their earnings for old age or sickness is almost unknown, and the practical bearing of vital religion in the heart in promoting peace, con- tentment, and happiness, amongst a professedly religious people, appears little understood. 3. Drunkenness prevails to a great extent on Sunday, and after work the public-house appears to be the great recreation. Almost in every case on marriage intercourse has taken place before, so that a child is born soon after ; it is not thought anything for a woman to have had one or two children before marriage. Numbers of deaths occur with illegitimate children. Parental discipline is almost unknown, and family ties are very slender. 4. The means of religion, with the exception of sermons on the Sun- day, are very few, and inadequate to the population ; there is nothing like a pastoral superintendence ; the means are good as far as they go, and the people do profit by them, but more means are wanted. 5. The advance of population has been far beyond the provision made by any denomination for the spiritual wants of the people. 6. There cannot be a doubt but that education would tend to improve the people, more especially if it is based upon truth and the religion of the Bible, laid down as the great source of true morality and content- ment. 7. I cannot say there is much desire for education. 8. The English language is gaining ground ; it is most desirable that it should do so ; the means of communicating knowledge and of in- structing are very scanty amongst the Welsh. 9. In this immediate district there are means ; but, around, assistance would be desirable. 10. I think in assisting to pay good masters, as schoolmasters are generally underpaid, and a man can do better at other trades, wherever a school could be got up. From 20/. to 40/. per annum would be a great boon to assist good schoolmasters, to be open to all denominations. 11. As master over about 1200 workpeople, I am quite of opinion 418 On the State of Education in Wales. NO. is. that the state of Wales is worse than almost any part of the kingdom; if I have any strike or quarrel with the people, it is almost next to im- possible to reason or talk with them, for they are so led by others that they will give up their own judgment entirely. I have never known a people with less of a mind of their own when their interests are called into question, when they have to act for themselves. P. MOIR CRANE. This testimony, my Lords, develops the existing evils and the true root of the great moral disease which opposes itself to all educational progress. The patients have no faith in the physician. They estimate all the superior classes by the conduct of those they are immediately placed under. Sympathy and kindness towards the poor are essential to their confidence in the rich ; to sympathy and kindness these benighted people are well-nigh utter strangers. The fierce struggle of interests believed to be adverse is ever pre- sent, fomenting envy, bitterness, malice, and all the inhumanities of hatred. It pervades the entire conception of the relation be- tween labour and capital. There is, therefore, no confidence in the class through whose medium the remedy should be administered ; nor are they inclined to administer it by other means than a tax on wages, which renders it repulsive to the recipients, whose sym- pathy and appreciation it is so essential to secure. No effective voluntary efforts on the part of the people to obtain sound education can be expected whilst they are too ignorant to value it ; nor will any voluntary exertion be made by those who can so well afford it, whilst that feeling prevails among the majority of the employers of labour which it has been my painful duty to develop and attest. These, my Lords, are the results of my inquiry. I could have multiplied details to a great extent, but, on carefully looking over the notes and documents I collected, I am persuaded that though the district I have visited is one of the first importance, of great peculiarity of feature, and deserving earnest attention, I could not, by merely enlarging the picture, have rendered it more ex- pressive of the facts I was commissioned to investigate. I have the honour to be, My Lords, Your very obedient faithful Servant, JELINGER C. SYMONS. [ 419 ] PART III. REPORT ON NORTH WALES. BY HENRY VAUGHAN JOHNSON, Es. ii. The Teachers, and their Method of Instruction ..... 438 Income of teachers, 439. Class from which taken, 439. Sex, 439. Age, 439. Physical condition, 440. Collateral employments, 440. Qualifications: first, intellectual; knowledge of the English lan- guage, 446. Methods adopted for teaching English, 449. Reading, 452. Writing, 454. Arithmetic, 454. Higher secular objects, 455. Holy Scripture,^ 458. Catechisms, 460. Secondly, moral qualifica- tions : discipline and general moral influence, 460. 'Methods of punish- ment, 462 Specific training of Teachers, 462. Object of Normal Schools misunderstood, 462. iii. The Fiaitors ; Government and Organization of Schools . 446 Individual instruction, 466. Monitorial, effects of, 469. Simultaneous, 471. Inspection, neglect of, 471. Results, 471. Abstract of Schools in abeyance, 474. Defective inspection ; promoters uneducated, 476. Or misapprehend the Education required, 477. iv. The Scholars and their Proficiency 479 Number of Scholars, 479. Average daily attendance, 479. Sex; com- parative Education of Males and Females, 480. Age of prevailing Education, 484. Pupils between 10 and 15 years, 484. Age of least Education"; Infant Schools, 484 ; Duration of attendance, 484-Distance of Scholars from School, 484. Inferences, 484. Attainments of Scholars classified, 486. Results of Examination of 19,521 Scholars in all subjects professed, 487. Knowledge chiefly religious, 493. Extent illustrated, 493. Varies inversely with repetition of Cate- chisms, 497. Fundamental error in Welsh Education, 500. V. Causes of Defective Education ....... School Funds, 501. Imperfectly distributed, 501. First, Endowments ; breaches of trust, 501. Schools in abeyance, 505. Or useless, 506. Madam Beavan's Locomotive Schools, 509. Secondly, Benefactions of rich arid payments of poor applied to maintain conflicting Schools, 511. Fatal results of social division, 511. II. MEANS OF EDUCATION FOR ADULTS ....... 513 First, Secular Instruction ; Night Schools, 513. Mechanics' Institute Reading Rooms, Circulating Libraries, 513. Secondly, Religious Instruction ; Sunday Schools, statistics of, 515. Nature and object, 515. Course of proceeding in, 515. ,. III. RESULTS: GENEUAL INTELLIGENCE AND CIVILIZATION . . . Results of present system ; imperfect civilization ; First, in language, 519. Literature, 519. And general intelligence of the people; farmers, 522. Tradesmen, 524. Sailors, 525. Quarrymen, 526. Secondly, in social and moral condition of agricultural counties, 527. Towns, 527. Carnarvonshire quarries, 528. Mining districts on English border, 531. And manufacturing towns of Montgomeryshire, 533, The besetting vice of North Wales, 534. [ 421 ] Report on North Wales, comprising the Six Counties of Anylesey, Carnarvon, Denbigh, Flint, Merioneth, and Montgomery, under the Commission of Inquiry into the State of Education in Wales. BY HENRY VAUGHAN JOHNSON, ESQ. To the Right Hon. the Lords of the Committee of Council on Education. MY LORDS, Lincoln's Inn, October, 1817. UNDER the Commission which I received from your Lordships, I have made Inquiry into the State of Education in North Wales, especially into the means afforded to the labouring classes of ac- quiring a knowledge of the English language. I have conducted this Inquiry in conformity with the Instructions which I received ; and by the aid of the assistants appointed under your Lordships' sanction, I have procured information upon the several particulars set forth in my Instruction-. The Appendices of Evidence obtained under this Commission are preceded by statements of the sources from whence they were llesultaof severally obtained, comprising an account of the general method inquiry. which I have pursued. In the following Report, I have the honour to lay before your Lordships the results of my Inquiry, as they illustrate, first, the state of education among the children of the labouring classes; secondly, the means of instruction provided for adults; and, thirdly, the general state of intelligence and civilization among the poorer classes in North Wales.* I. STATE OF EDUCATION AMONGST CHILDREN. North Wales comprises one half of the number of counties which form the principality ; it includes 2,044,160 acres, and contains a population amounting at the last census to 396,320. In this district I found 591 schools for primary instruction, of which 13 were in abeyance : the remaining 578 were attended by 32, scholars. The distribution of the latter, with reference to the amount and density of the population in the several counties, appears from the following table : Number of tlistrictand Counties. Statute Acres. Population m 1841 No. of In- habitants to 100 Statute Acres. No. of Schools in opera- tion, and of Scholars on the Books, at the time of Inquiry. Schools. Scholars. Anglesey Carnarvon . . Denbigh . . Flint . . . 173,440 348,160 405,120 156,160 424,320 536,960 50,891 81,093 88,666 66,919 39,332 69,219 29-3 23-3 21-9 42-8 9-3 12-9 60 79 127 131 60 121 3,404 5,867 7,405 7,586 3,006 4,765 Merioneth . Montgomery Total North Wales . 2,014,160 396,320 19-3 578 32,033 * In conformity with Section XX. of the Instructions, this Report is confined to a statement of the facts which .have been ascertained. 422 On the State of Education TABLE (A). CLASSIFICATION OK SCHOOLS. DENOMINATION/ ANGLESEY. Under a Master. Under a Mistress. Under both. Total. Proportion per Cent. of each Class of Schools to the whole Number. Proportion per Cent, of Scholars in each Class of Schools to the whole Number. Schools Scholars School* Scholar* Schools Scholars Schools Scholars I SCHOOLS PROVIDED FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE POOR I. IN CONNEXION WITH A PARTICULAR CHURCH OR SECT : 1. Church 19 1,163 2 62 4 654 25 1,879 41-7 55-2 3! Calviuistic Methodists . . . 5. Roman Catholics .... II. SCHOOLS NOT SECTARIAN: 1. British and Foreign Schools . 2. Schools not British and Foreign 19 1,163 2 62 4 654 25 1,879 41-7 55-2 5 2 449 90 * 1 90 5 3 449 180 8-3 5'0 13-2 5-3 II. SCHOOLS NOT PROVIDED FOR THE POOR, hut taught on PRIVATE ADVENTURE: 1. Private Adventure .... Graud Total Schools and Scholars Average per School .... 7 15 539 1 90 8 629 13-3 18-5 522 11 330 1 44 27 8% 45-0 26-3 41 2,224 14 482 5 698 60 3,404 100-0 100-0 54 34 140 57 I. SCHOOLS PROVIDED FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE POOR I. IN CONNEXION WITH A PARTICULAR CHURCH oa SECT: CARNARVON. 36 2,411 6 640 5 943 !. 47 3,994 59-5 68-1 3. Calvinistic Methodists . . . 5. Roman Catholics .... II. SCHOOLS NOT SECTARIAN : 1. British and Foreign Schools . 2. Schools not British and Foreign 36 2,411 6 640 5 943 47 3,994 59-5 68-1 4 4 1 356 332 36 "i 46* 1 339 5 5 1 695 378 36 6-3 6-3 1-3 11-85 6-45 G II. SCHOOLS NOT PROVIDED FOR THE POOR, but taught on PRIVATE ADVENTURE: 1. Private Adventure .... Grand Total Schools and Scholars Average per School .... 9 724 i 46 1 339 11 1,109 13-9 18-9 13 514 8 250 21 764 86-6 13-0 58 3,649 15 936 6 1,282 79 5,867 100-0 100-0 63 62 214 74 in North Wales. TABLE (A). Classification of Schools continued. DENOMINATION. DENBIGH. Under a Master. Under a Mistress. Under both. Total. Proportion per Cent. of each Clas of Schools to the whole- Number. Proportion per Cent, of Scholars in each Class of Schools to the whole Number. Schooli Scholars Schools Scholar* School. Scholars Schools Scholars I. SCHOOLS PROVIDED FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE POOR I. IN CONNEXION WITH A PARTICULAR CHURCH OR SECT : 31 ' 2 2 ' f 2,085 *92 84 *83 20 886 9 875 60 *2* 2 "V 3,846 *92 84 *85 47-2 VlS 1-6 '8 52'0 1-24 1-13 l"- 1*3 2 Baptists . . . . 3. Calvinistic Methodists . . . 4. Independents 5. Roman Catholics .... II. SCHOOLS NOT SECTARIAN : 1. Mritish and Foreign School* . 2. Schools not British and Foreign 36 2,346 20 886 9 875 65 4,107 51'2 55-5 8 9 1,010 469 " "l57 3 "a" 730 ift 11 2 1,740 c-ji; 123 8-7 8-6 1-6 23-5 8-4 1-7 II. SCHOOLS NOT PROVIDED FOR THE POOR, but taught on PRIVATE ADVENTURE : 1 . Private Adventure .... Grand Total Schools and Scholars Average per School .... 17 1,479 S 157 5 853 24 2,489 18-9 33-6 11 274 26 505 1 30 38 809 29-9 10-9 64 4,099 43 1,548 15 1,758 127 7,405 100-0 100-0 64 32 117 58 I. SCHOOLS PROVIDED FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE POOR I. IN CONNEXION WITH A PARTICULAR CHURCH OR SECT : FLINT. 24 V 2 1,409 *48 103 12 16 "i 962 *43 20 2,522 60 "l* 2 2 65~~ 4,893 *48 103 55 ^,099 45-8 ' -8 1-5 1-5 49-6 64-5 ' -G 1-4 7 3. Calvinistic Methodists . . . 5. Roman Catholics .... II. SCHOOLS NOT SECTARIAN ; 1. British and Foreign Schools . 2. Schools not British and Foreign 3. Workhouse 28 1,572 17 1,005 20 2,522 67-2 4 3 'l* 493 236 *30 *2* *75 1 *2* 313 "ll*2 5 5 2 1 806 311 112 30 3-8 3-8 1-5 8 10'6 4-1 1-5 4 II. SCHOOLS NOT PROVIDED FOR THE POOR, but taught on PRIVATE ADVENTURE : 1. Private Adventure .... 8 759 2 75 3 425 13 1,259 9-9 16-6 19 459 33 723 1 46 53 1,228 40-5 16-2 Grand Total Schools and Scholars Average per School . . . . 55 2,790 52 1,803 24 2,993 131 7,586 100-0 lOO'O 51 34 125 58 j i 424 On the State of Education TABLE (A). Classification of Schools continued. DENOMINATION. MERIONETH. Under a Master. Under a Mistress. Under both. Total. Proportion per Cent i>f each Cltiss o( Schools to the whole Number. Proportion per Cent, of Scholars in each Schools to the whole Number. Schools Scholar* Schools Scholar* Schools Scholars School* Scholars I. SCHOOLS PROVIDED FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE POOR I, IN CONNEXION WITH A PARTICULAR CHURCH on SECT: 21 968 4 199- 5 369 30 1,536 50-0 51-1 2. Baptists l' 40 1 40 1*7 1-3 5. Roman Catholics .... 11. SCHOOLS NOT SECTARIAN : 1. British and Foreign Schools . 2. Schools not British and Foreign 3. AVorkhouse 22 1,008 4 199 5 369 31 1,576 51-7 52-4 12 1 1,051 20 12 1 1,051 20 20-0 1*7 34-9 . . *. 1 II. SCHOOLS NOT PROVIDED FOR THE POOR, but taught on PRIVATE ADVENTURE : 1. Private Adventure .... Grand Total Schools and Scholars Average per School .... 13 1,071 13 1,071 21-7 35-6 13 308 2 11 1 40 16 359 26-6 12-0 48 2,387 6 2iO 6 409 | 60 3,006 lOO'O 100-0 . . 50 35 68 50 I. SCHOOLS PROVIDED FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE POOR I. IN CON'NEXION WITH A PARTICULAR CHUKCII OR SECT : MONTGOMERY. 30 "l 1,374 *48 11 310 6 900 47 2,584 38-9 54-2 3. Calvinistic Methodists . . . 'l 200 1 * 1 48 200 8 8 1-0 *4-2 5. Roman Catholics .... 6. Weslevans II. SCHOOLS NOT SECTARIAN : 1. British and Foreign Schools . 2. Schools not British and Foreign 3. Workhouse 31 1,422 11 310 7 1,100 49 2,832 i 40-5 59-4 4 4 1 238 211 23 *2 164 4 4 3 238 211 192 3-3 3-3 2-5 5-0 4-5 4-0 II. SCHOOLS NOT PROVIDED FOR THE POOR, but taught on PRIVATE ADVENTURE :- 1. Private Adventure .... Grand Total Schools and Scholars Average per School .... 9 477 | . . 2 164 11 641 9-1 13-5 28 693 32 539 1 60 61 1,292 50-4 27-1 68 2,592 43 849 10 1,324 121 4,765 100-0 100-0 28 . . 19 132 39 in North Wales. TABLE (A). Classification of Scliools continued. 425 DENOMINATION. THE SIX COUNTIES. Under a Master. .SL. "** Total. Proportion per Cent. of each OM of School* to the whole Number. m C. I*'', sl^ =2 = 2 pl! Schools Scholars Schools Scholar* Schools Scholars Schools Scholars I. SCHOOLS PROVIDED FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE TOOK I. IN CONNEXION WITH A PARTICULAR CHURCH OR SECT : 1. Church 161 9.410 59 3,059 49 6,263 269 18,732 46-5 58-5 3. Calvinistic Methodists . . . 3 6 1 1 140 275 II 85 *1 48 J 200 3 6 2 2 140 275 55 285 5 1-0 4 4 4 a .0 9 5. Rom;in Catholic 6. Wesleyans II. SCHOOLS NOT SECTARIAN : 1. British and Foreign School* . 2. Schools not llritish and Foreign 3. Workhouse 172 9,922 60 3,103 50 6,463 282 19.-J87 48-8 60 '8 37 23 2 1 3,597 1,358 64 30 *6* 368 5 *6* 1,382 399 42 29 8 1 4,979 1,718 463 30 7-2 5'0 1-4 2 15-5 5-4 1*1 1 II. SCHOOLS NOT PROVIDED FOR THE POOR, but taught on PRIVATE ADVENTURE : 1. Private Adventure .... Grand Total Schools and Scholars Average per School .... 63 5,049 6 368 11 1,781 80 7,198 13-8 22-5 2,770 112 2,358 5 220 216 5,348 37-4 16-7 334 17,741 178 5,828 GG 8,464 578 32,033 100-0 100-0 .. u 33 128 55 The schools at present in operation belong to two principal classes, viz. schools provided for the benefit of the poor, and schools conducted upon speculation or private adventure. The former have been established from a sense of the importance of providing instruction for those who may be too poor to obtain it for them- selves ; the latter have been set up as a speculation or trade for the benefit of the promoters. Schools of the first class are divided, according to the motives which determined their original foundation, or the principles upon which they are at present conducted, into schools established in connexion with some religious church or sect, with the primary object of inculcating certain religious tenets ; and schools established for general education. The distribution of the 578 schools of North Wales, according to this classification, is exhibited in the foregoing tabular sum- mary . The following table shows the number of schools which have been more than 20 years in operation, and the several numbers established in each of the last 20 years, distinguishing Church pchooh, British schools, and schools taught on private adventure : Causes which led to estab- lishment of schools. Correspond- in;' classifica- tion. Date of establish- ment pro- gress of edu- cation. 426 On the State of Education TABLE (B). DURATION OF SCHOOLS ; DATES OF ESTABLISHMENT. Year of Establishment. ANGLESEY. CARNARVON. 1>KNBIGH. FLINT. 11 jl ll H ||| 11 1* II [Ij N- III *3 5 go, ll |3 aj' HC x-i A s-g ? flCO JjW O PQ il -2! \ Before 1827 . II 4 i i 2 2 2 8 6 1 10 3 2 30 7 2 28 1 'i 8 " 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 Part o Numb blis 1S2' Not a . . . 1 1 1 'i i 'i '4 2 i 4 2 1 *i i i 2 8 1 3 1 'l 'i 'l 1 1 '3 1 1 3 1 1 'i 2 2 2 1 'l 1 *i 3 1 2 . . . i . . . 2 . . . 3 *2 1 1 *{ 'i 3 "i 2 7 'i *i 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 4 1 1 2 3 *i 4 3 1 1 1 "i i i 2 *5 7 2 'i i i i *3 2 5 3 1 3 1 1 1 3 9 2 3 2 31 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 6 6 7 3 'i 2 *3 2 1 3 . . . 1 . . . 1 2 'i 2 1 2 er esta- j ied since I r . . j scertained. 13 5 23 2 34 3 5 18 5 35 10 1 30 1 16 1 5 44 1 13 Year of Establishment. MERIONETH. MONTGOMERY. THE SIX COUNTIES. 4J || 4 ll flj V 111 || 11 5* ill i* B g o ||| ill] 1 |j| ll Before 1827 . 7 .. 18 4 11 2 106 33 7 146 1827 |f "i *2 'i 2 'i '2 'i 7 2 7 1 4 5 8 4 5 15 8 7 8 6 7 7 17 15 8 21 4 166 7 4 7 10 14 5 4 2 2 7 3 8 6 2 1 5 5 5 4 8 6 10 8 18 21 46 10 1 'i 2 1 *i i *3 3 3 4 5 7 10 2 12 4 9 9 9 14 14 7 6 20 14 14 13 17 16 20 33 45 46 91 21 1829 . . . 1 1 2 3 3 'i 1833 . . . 1834 1835 . . 1836 . . 2 1838 . . . 1 i 'l *i 2 6 1 2 *2 2 1 3 2 3 3 6 5 10 5 1840 . . 1841 1 2 1843 . . . 1844 . . . 1845 . . . 1946 . . . Part of 1847 . 1 2 7 4 *4 5 *9 Number esta-' Wished since 1827 . . | Not ascertained 25 13 16 2 ' 28 1 4 50 7 42 1 181 2 45 1 434 11 in North Wales. 427 IW CO CO I 1 1 g o V 3 5 FLINT. ill] o o -n 1 to .1 j l-r :JT : * Ij 1 -V Whole Number of Schools. S s 1 1 o *o I s absent, at B a P J|.|jj t^ CO Tf to ! M 00 O Tl CO CO to > 3 / - 1 fl^l . ro o n -r O CO IO * 35 5; -?3 5 il !l B rRUCTION Number of Schools. CJ* OO iO "^ 1 l-H . Tj . 00 E H ~s* : S"1 ij , the mist i V. u - x] Whole Number of Schools. a R e S" -I s y obtained f. B H-sj CO CO O CO CO ^ OO Ol rt ITS "o H O < D ^5 |?!i ^l "^oo 00 *5^^ .1 1 n -^ ' C 1 ! t^ I 4 S6 K - t- M *| O - o t^ co i-i CM O i SHOWING iH s | s e o Cj h 1 H I 111! co t^ %, to ^ x t>. co t^ co U^ _3 P . u * a a*s " t^ 55 * 00 to CO o *2 co S a < r- 1,1 3 "3 fc CO i] Ci i CO 'N . Tl r-t . CM .CO 8 * g "S 1 1 en * SD* s Language in^which Instruction is given. in Welsh only . . . in English only . . . In Welsh and English . 'n the grammar of Welsh n the grammar of English n the grammar of both langu Vo grammar used . . Total Schools . n Welsh only . . . n English only . . n Welsh and English . n the grammar of Welsh n the grammar of English n thegrammar of both langiii Vo grammar used . . ^3 -3 :J "o CO M "o H * 430 On the State of Education these buildings : the British schools which are held in them are among the most efficient schools at present in operation ; but the peculiar system of teaching and organization to which British teachers have been trained is incompatible with the materials which they are driven to employ. In the British and Foreign school at Mostyn, Flintshire The building is entirely occupied with pews. In these the classes are placed in the most inconvenient manner, so that organization and discipline are alike impossible. When i entered, some 20 children or more were sitting in pews doing nothing, and without books. The British system cannot be carried out. The materials for teaching are nsufficient, and in indifferent rep:iir. There appears to be no immediate prospect of a suitable building being erected, and even the funds of the school are altogether uncertain. The master realizes about 7*. per week Irom the pence of the children. At present there is no salary fixed, and the continuance of the school is precarious. In the British and Foreign school at Rhosllanerchrugog, county of Denbigh The chapel is large, but insufficiently warmed, and very inconvenient for the purpose of a British school. It was very dirty. The school apparatus, which are provided by the Committee, are all insufficient. For this school of 267 scholars of both sexes, there is no outbuilding of any kind. In the British school at Barmouth The building is singularly ill adapted for the purpose to which it is applied. The pews are a hindrance, and there are none of the fixtures necessary for a British school. It is stated that many more scholars might be receiving education if the managers had a building constructed and set apart for the purpose. The general apparatus, books, black boards, slates, &c., are deficient; and there are no outbuildings proper for the school. In Jerusalem British school, in the parish of Castle Caercinion, county of Montgomery In winter the school is removed from the chapel to a room over the adjoining stables, to secure the convenience of a fireplace. The pews in the chapel have been fitted up with a few desks. The books, which are miscellaneous, have been provided out of a fund raised for the purpose by collection. They were insufficient and in bad repair. The British school in the parish of Llanfawr, county of Merioneth The school is kept in a little loft connected with a chapel, and intended for a school-room. Considering the area, the number of children on the books are, twice as many as the room will accommodate. It is moreover dark, low-roofed, and incapable of sufficient ventilation. The master informed me that a new school-room was about to be built in the neighbourhood, but it does not appear that any subscription has been set on foot for this purpose. Dr. William s's charity-school, Aberyele in North Wales. 431 The chapel in which the school is held is most unsuitable for the and build purpose. The furniture, with the exception of a small table and a pulpit, JrcefaU consists exclusively of pews. This prevented classification, order, ltlon discipline, and system. Whenever a movement of the classes for any purpose was required, it occasioned great inconvenience and disturbance, the same class being often in two or three pews, the doors of which opened in different directions. Even in the case of school- rooms set apart for the purpose of instruction, many were not erected for that purpose, but have been adapted from barns or other vacant buildings purchased, hired, or given up for the benefit of the rising generation; while others, owing to the neglect of those who are responsible for the support of education, have been allowed to fall into the disgraceful condition illustrated by the following extracts of evidence : Tn the free grammar-school at Dolyclly The school-room consists of the upper floor of a very old building. It is reached by a flight of steps ascending outside, the ground-floor being let to poor cottagers. Nothing can exceed the miserable condition of the building. The floor of the school-room is rotten and intersected with large holts, and the roof is too low to allow a person to stand upright. At one end of the room, behind a desk, is a large c;>al-heap. The furniture is ill suited for the purpose, and in wretched condition, and there are no maps, books, or apparatus. The present master is the Rev. G. Andrews, B.A., of Trinity College, Cambridge; he is the curate of Dolgelly. In the Church school at Aber, county of Carnarvon I examined this school November 24th. I found the school-room, and the master's house, which is under the same roof, in miserable repair ; the appearance of both was wretched, dirty, and disorderly; the windows of the school-room were broken, and the floor contains large pits, which have been filled with wet clay. The furniture was scanty and bad, and the books torn. In the Church school at Llangian, in the same county The building is in an exposed situation and much out of repair. On the day of my visit there was a great hole in the roof. The floor of the room used for the school is of earlh and full of holes. The outbuildings are insufficient, out of repair, full of lumber, and inaccessible. There is a separate girls' school-room, but it is used as a receptacle for turf. In the Church school at Worthenbury, county of Flint The school-room is very ill adapted for the purpose, being low, dark, ill ventilated, and very dirty. The fixtures were insufficic-nt and worthless. There was not a map in the school, nor a book besides the spelling-book and Bible. In the free-school at Holt, county of Denbigh The school-room is very low, dark, and ill ventilated. It was also dirty, and contained a heap of coals in one corner. There was no proper drainage, the floor being on a level with the street, into which it was difficult to walk without stepping into puddles and heaps of filth. 432 On tlic State of Education Although the school has been held here for a great many years, there are no outbuildings connected with it. In the free-school at Llanasa, county of Flint The school-house is very old, having been built in 1675. There appears to be danger of the roof falling in, and of the floor giving way beneath. The builiing is so damp, that the master was obliged to vacate his dwelling, which is on the floor below the school-room. The latter is dark, low, and ill ventilated, and far too small to hold the number of pupils. In the large Church-school at Holywell The school building is very damp, the earth resting against the outer wall to a considerable height. The girls are obliged to stand upon blocks and planks of wood to prevent cold. All the materials for instruction are deficient. which occa- The consequence of employing such buildings is frequently seen in the prevalence of disease among teachers and scholars. In the Church school at Llangurig, county of Montgomery The room is too small for the number of scholars, and so out of repair as to be full of draughts. The master stated that, when he began keeping school in it, he found that the children became ill, and he felt so himself; and that the only remedy he could find was " fre- quent exercise in the open air." On the occasion of my visit there was but a very bad fire, though the day was cold. A collection is made among the children twice a-year for the purpose of providing fuel. Last year 4s. were collected in this manner, which served to purchase peat sufficient to last for two months. There are no outbuildings at all. There was a deficiency of every kind of apparatus, which the children are required to provide. The master informed me that the subscriptions had been lately reduced from 207. to 31. He has no house or other emoluments, and receives in all only 10/. 4s. from the school. In a Church school in the parish of Abergele The mistress appeared in weak health, a circumstance which need not be wondered at, for, at the rate of six square feet to a child (much too little in so small a place), the room is calculated for only about one- third of the scholars. In this room is the mistress's bed; and there are no means of ventilation, except those caused by the dilapidation of the cottage. The free grammar-school in the town of Denbigh (discontinued at the time of the inquiry) It appears that it has been customary to hold the school in a species of crypt underneath the chancel of the parish church at Denbigh. I visited this school-room February 11. It is in wretched repair, the planks of the floor being broken, and the battening of the south wall, which is considerably below the level of the churchyard, being destroyed This battening was constructed to prevent the ill effects of the damp from the churchyard, which caused disease among the scholars. The few articles of furniture which remained were in miserable condition. There are no outbuildings for the use of the school, and none have ever existed, either for the grammar-school or for the adjoining blue-coat school, although both are situate in the centre of the town. in North Wales. 433 The precarious tenure of a large proportion of school-buildings is another important fact ascertained by the inquiry. It appears that more than two-thirds of the schools at present in operation are conducted in buildings held on temporary occupation, for the con- tinuance of which there is no security. This defect is principally incident to schools in connexion with the British and Foreign Society, the promoters of such schools being unable, as I have already mentioned, to obtain conveyance of suitable buildings, or even of sites for the erection of school-rooms. Consequently vast numbers of schools of this description, after surviving a few months in Dissenting chapels, are compelled to be discontinued, the rooms being found wholly unsuitable, or the congregations requiring the scholars to remove. It is a fact significant of the Welsh character, that 417 schools p n ^; uild * (71 '5 per cent, of the entire number) are destitute of sufficient outbuildings: 210 (or 36 per cent.) having no sort of provision of the kind. The germs of the barbarous and immoral habits which disfigure Welsh civilization are thus implanted in the minds of children, together with the first elements of education. Table (D) (p. 434) exhibits a summary of statistics relating to JjJJfJ'' 11 sta ' the description, tenure, capacity, and condition of school-buildings, and the sufficiency and condition of the school furniture and apparatus; from which it appears that, of 580 schools, only Furniture- 128 are provided with a sufficient supply of furniture and apparatus, t a ^ appttrj xitfficiency being here measured not by what is required for a proper system of education, but with reference to the limited subjects of instruction in each school and the method which the teacher professed to adopt. Of the 580 schools above mentioned, 128 possess this bare sufficiency of materials : the remaining 452 are destitute of forms, desks, and other indispensable fixtures, of books for reading, and of slates and other materials for writing and ciphering. The following examples illustrate the extent to which this niusir:,tHns deficiency prevails ; the pages of the Appendix from which they ncy are taken abound with evidence to the same effect : In the British school at Llanbadrig, Anglesey The committee and master complain of the want of books, slates, maps, and other school furniture and apparatus. These cannot be procured for want of funds. The school was established by a few farmers and small tradesmen in the neighbourhood, who have already done their utmost in erecting the school, which is yet incomplete. They have guaranteed a salary of 50/. per annum to the master, but nothing has been subscribed towards a fund tor this and other expenses. The labourers are very poor in this neighbourhood. Great numbers are unable to send their children to the school, although it is capable of containing 70 more than are at present members. To induce the children to attend, the commiltee, in many cases, pay the entrance fee, 2 H 434 On the State of Education TABLE (D). SCHOOL BUILDINGS ANGLESEY. CARNARVON. DENBIGH. fei fc . || 3 t M "H School Buildings, Furniture, and Apparatus. 1 fe !l lei >le Number ich the Proj ns are given nber of each .ss. 1:1 >le JN umber ich the Prop is RTC given 1 ll ^3 jhi If! I S III g*3 I S pi 111 11 iii in D INSCRIPTION OF SCHOOL- BUILDINGS: School-rooms set apart for thel 36 26 58-1 41-9 } 62 52 28 65-0 35-0 1 80 55 78 41-3 58-7 Il33 Miscellaneous buildings . TENURE: Tenancy at will .... 37 59-7 46 57-5 85 63-9 In trust for ever* . , [7] 19 30-6 62 [2 30 37-5 80 [8] 46 34-6 133 By lease for a term . . ; 6 9-7 4 5-0 2 1-5 STATE OF REPAIR: School-room Good . . 37 59-7 ) 49 61-2 ] 63 47-4 , , Indifferent . ,, Bad ... 19 6 30-6 9-7 } 62 15 16 18-8 20-0 \ 80 43 27 32-3 \\33 20-3 J Out-buildings : Sufficiency Sufficient . 18 29-0 ) 25 31-2 ) 37 27-8 'l ,, Insufficient. 12 19-4 Ua 22 27-5 > 80 64 48-1 }133 , , None 32 51-6) 33 41-3 J 32 24-1 J Condition Good . 13 43-3 21 44-7 ) 34 33-7 ) ,, Indifferent . 7 23-3 30 4 8-5 [47 37 26-7 M01 Bad . . 10 33-4 j 22 46-8 f 40 39-6 J FURNITURE AND APPARATUS : Sufficiency Sufficient . 25 40-3 1 r. 35 44-3 ' 70 16 12-2 Ini ,, Insufficient. 37 59-7J u * 44 55-7 ^ / 7 115 87-8 j Condition In good repair , , In bad repair 40 22 23} 53 26 67-1 32-9 [ 79 46 85 35-1 64-9 },31 j 1 ||| 1 1 1 j M ||| School Accommodation. I I *4 | S a [ m 1 it's g 5 !? & I 1 jll I 1 c |ll 3 1 > X ^ Number for whom accommoM dation is provided, at six feet 1 square for each child, in J 3,692 103 36 7,405 142 52 8,100 147 o5 school-rooms J ' In miscellaneous buildings ,203 46 26 3,r:4 109 28 5,613 72 78 Total Number for whom there 1 is accommodation . . . j 4,895 79 62 10,469 131 80 13,713 103 133 * The numbers within brackets [ ] denote the schools which are not secured by deed. in North Wales. 435 FlJHNITUKE, AND APPARATUS. FLINT. MERIONETH. MONTGOMERY. THE SIX COUNTIES. 1 Number of each Class. Centesimal Propor- tion of whole Number. Whole Number of which the Propor- tions are given. Number of each Class. Centesimal Propor- tion of whole Number. Whole Number of which the Propor- tions are given. Number of each Class. Centesimal Propor- tion of whole Number. Whole Number of which the Propor- tions are given. Number of each Class. Centesimal Propor- tion of whole Number. Whole Number of which the Propor- tions are given. 64 68 48-5 51-5 132 32 31 50-8 49-2 1 63 35 86 28-9 71-1 1 121 274 317 4C-4 53-6 1 591 97 7-1-1 41 65-1 90 75-6 396 67-3 [7 l-2 24-4 131 [3] 19 30-1 63 [8 L 18-5 119 [35 168 28-6 588 [1] 2 1-5 3 4-8 7 5-9 24 4-1 83 629 33 524 66 r.-i-G }"' 331 56-0 37 12 28-0 9-1 132 15 15 23-8 23-8 63 35 20 28-9 16-5 121 164 96 27-8 16-2 591 51 58 23 38-6 44-0 17-4 132 17 14 31 27-4 22-6 50-0 i. 18 37 59 15-8 32-4 51'8 114 166 207 210 28-5 35-5 36-0 583 59 47-7 17 54-8 1 20 36-4 1 ~>7 42-1 26 23-9 109 3 9-7 31 10 18-2 55 77 20-6 i 373 31 28-4 11 35-5 J 25 45-4 139 37-3 29 99 22-7 77-3 [ 128 12 48 20'0 80-0 60 11 109 9-2 90-8 120 128 452 22-1 77-9 580 52 76 40-6 59-4 [ 128 30 30 50-0 50-0 60 38 82 31-7 68-3 120 259 321 44-7 55-3 580 1 per School. 'umber of on which is struck. 1 per School. 'umber of on which ' is struck. S 1 umber of on which is struck. J 1 i!! =J 0"- J2 tr 1 ** SC O * *D a) ^~* w ? 1 Jjjj 1 1 III 1 { II? g 1 Jlf H J "^ < ce H < * < J fications which are deemed sufficient for the office as seen in the attainments of teachers, and their method of teaching ; and to the amount and character of specific training which they receive. The income of teachers in North Wales affords a compendious income out certain indication of the general state of schools. It appears that of 625 teachers at present employed, 601 are receiving an income less than the wages of the lowest class of skilled mechanics, and that of this number 420 have neither a house rent free, nor any other emoluments. It appears further that 401 teachers are receiving an income lower than the wages of common agricultural labourers, of which number 305 derive no other benefit from their calling. Hence may be inferred the condition and circumstances of persons who are induced to become teachers. The teachers in North Wales are, in fact, drawn from cia of the lowest class in society which contains individuals competent to p oy e a~ read, write, and cipher. In many cases even these conditions are teachers. dispensed with, and any person who is supposed to understand the English language better than his neighbours is encouraged to undertake the office of schoolmaster. A catalogue of the previous occupations of teachers throughout North Wales is contained in the tabular Reports of the several counties, from whence it appears that several schoolmasters have been selected from the class of agricultural labourers, quarrymen, miners, or weavers, according to the prevailing occupation of the working classes in the neigh- bourhood ; but as few persons in the class of operatives possess an available knowledge of the Englisn language, the majority of schoolmasters are persons who were formerly employed in some petty trade or occupation which has afforded opportunities of learning English as carpenters, joiners, innkeepers, assistants in grocers' or drapers' shops, retired soldiers or excisemen. Females of the poorest class being enabled while engaged in domestic service to acquire a knowledge of English with greater facility than men, the class of schoolmistresses is composed of persons who have been employed as sempstresses, charwomen, and ser- vants of the most humble description. The relative number of male and female teachers has been Their sex, already stated in Table (A), page 422, which shows the number of schools and scholars under a master, under a mistress, and under both. The average income of teachers being lower than the wages ofa K e, able-bodied labourers, few persons are induced to undertake the employment who are not incapacitated by age or infirmity for manual labour. The following table, intended to exhibit the average age of teachers, and the period of life at which they commence their employment, is rendered inaccurate by the fact that great numbers commence teaching because they are either too old or too young for hard work : 440 On the State of Education TABLE (K). AGE OF TEACIIKUS. ANOMSEY. CARNAR- VON. DENBIGH. ' FLINT. i MERIO- NKTH. MONTGO- MERY. The Six Counties. 1 . i |J J3 2 i ll AOK or TKACHKRS. '-= .2 II ^1 || 1| ll | * 0) '81 i "? < I* 1 |j 3* c 1 1 a, II 1 |M 60 II | bo II |> ^ bo i| *S s<: E ll 1 a< 1 s< E ll 1 | < rtnr1its\r. g * * * mg aged persons and cripples, who are yet more numerous among the class of Welsh teachers. The following extracts of evidence illustrate the condition of this class of teachers : In the parish of Kilken, Flintshire At the time of my visit the National school was not in operation, and the original schoolroom was let (by what authority it does not appear) to one Thomas Jones, who employs it to teach a school upon private adventure. Thomas Jones was formerly a miner. He was disabled from following 1 that employment by ill health, and has now become a schoolmaster and preacher. His knowledge of English is so limited that I was frequently obliged to interpret my questions into Welsh in order to obtain an answer. In the National school at Pontbleddyn, in the parish of Mold The master has received a very slender education, and no training. His knowledge of the English language does not exceed that of a labouring man in England. He adopts no system of interpretation although many of his scholars understand English imperfectly. His total income from the school does not amount to 19/., and he has no house. The loss of one eye appears to have induced him to become a schoolmaster upon these terms. in North Wales. 441 C* -! o o o || ,; CO O o . -M M o :N ^. .- ^ e ;*. ' .0 CO TJ< -. . . CO 01 CO I CO ts o o 2 1 o 5 00 - 1 CARNAW If H S ^ ^ . co. . Cl O i ]s CO CO CO g -* OS CO 00 eo . 00 ^ s 01 C7> 00 CS O ^S it -r co ^ 2 "^ CO 5> o o , 000 CO CO la' co e* t^ oo f . . CO t>. CO giS +< ^11 2 s - o c* 3 '* > -0- n 1 -. K CO co 1-* N 2 3 s O CO CO JS O 00 _ 00 d 2 "^ ^ CO O . 1 ^ o -f . S |' 5 i 2 2 t^ St^ fe *?J i - - *<~ CO j| eo iiU * ~i ^ \ 01 ^ 5 0, ^^ p ill -g i <0 s / * N . 2 ' 13 .... . . . 1 .... . . . 1 .... . . 1 .... . . 3 . i .... ' i " .2 5 .... ' r * .2 '* o ^~ -* ^ 1 a o 1 o H ^ GO C . w -s s n INCOME OF As derived from, Salary . School Pence . House and Garden Other Emoluments Total from School sourc* Sources independent of Trade . . . . Profession . Total Teachers whose J Gross Amount from a i i 4 AS uenveu ironi, Salary . . . School Pence . House and Garden Other Emoluments T>tal from School sourct Sources independent of fc Trade . . . . Profession . 1 Total Teachers whose I Gross Amount from al 442 On the State of Education h ^- oo to II .0 . ^ o o - So >5 _A? i is . CO CO . . ' i i 2 .s o S2 * S 2 |ll CO "Q O Tj< 0, to O> 8 TP O o t- oo Tf i i '5 o o z o 1 || . to i* I lo J | is. g Is i g "^0^ ~ "S'" 1 % H O *^3 rt O -"^ CD T ~ > 1-1 "* K I - - & - "111 |l|l ^f *? .2 "3 J . "I f 1 ,8-s| Jg c ^ *<*& & $ - ^ 1 ^b1|s e^j || S-3-slS *'i^ HS SoscnWO ^ gHP-i 2 "^ 4S S -2r5 w> o w .0 o co 05 Oi o ia5OtOO>OO G^l TJ o co co 2 -i CO 9 00 ^ O CO - ^- c-i co ^-i-iOO rj o r^ ao o ao oo oo rr co r . r^ o o cj CO O - >. CO CO ^^^^0,^0,-^ - s 3 F"J, jo jaquinjj CO (M OO O O CM CO >-i C-l 0< CM SM ' 1 ^C5000 t^OOO 00 OJ CO p ' rt o to ce ;ot>.Ti'r-*ooi CO ^ a sjuauinj C1 1 t-i CM >O **< CO 2 MERIONET fr 8 ||^| ~* 1 -^ooooooooo oo 00 1 THE SIX COU ^ CO CO -i s . . * ^H (NOJ-^ " CO ,-WL e "-"" :" : : : : oco=,co 2 cococ, ; . . s jo jaqutnji ^^t.^cot.^^ .^^ ct^SS^SSS-- 00 e 2 H | M 8 -T* go 1 | & CO 'OiftOOOOOOO :r:;"::'t 1 ~ ** * i 1 1 1 P O -3 "^ S3 jl 1 fOOtfiOOQOOOO >J PX _i CM CO Tf< CO 00 p^S^Sco^oS^S in North Wales. 445 In Llanferras endowed Church school, in the county of Denbigh Neither master nor mistress has received any kind of training or preparation for their present employment. The master, having lost an arm, commenced teaching at the age of 19, and has been so employed for four years: he speaks English with a strong Welsh accent and idiom, and ungrammatically. His mode of conducting his school is altogether old-fashioned. No system is adopted either for teaching or maintaining discipline. The mistress was formerly a dressmaker. In the Churchschool at Llanfair-is-gaer, county of Carnarvon The master was formerly a shopkeeper. Having been disabled by an accident from active work, he became a schoolmaster, and spent two months and a half at Carnarvon to learn the National system. He speaks very broken English, both in point of grammar and pro- nunciation ; and his questions on Scripture were feeble. In Pentrecaehelyn Church school, in the parish of Llanfair- dyffryn Clwyd The master was formerly a quarryman. Having met with an accident by which he fractured his leg, he determined to commence teaching; but instead ot attempting to be trained for the purpose, or preparing himself by an elementary education, he commenced learn- ing Latin and Greek, and, after pursuing these studies for nine months, set up a school. He is unable to pronounce a word correctly, and his English was a literal translation of Welsh thoughts. His school is conducted upon the old fashion of private adventure-schools, and not in proper discipline. In the Church school at Rhyl, county of Flint The present master has been engaged in teaching for four months only : he was never trained for the purpose. He is unfortunately extremely deaf, and can neither detect mistakes nor ascertain when his scholars are creating a disturbance. The deplorable condition of the Church school at Llandrygarn, Anglesey, is to be attributed to the system of employing aged and infirm persons, who are past work, to discharge the duties of a schoolmaster. None could read simple passages in a spelling-book correctly ; none could repeat any portion of the Church Catechism ; none had any knowledge of Scripture or of the truths of religion. A boy, who professed to be reading in the New Testament, thought that Jesus Christ was another name for Moses. He could not tell what was meant by the Bible. This was an English boy. Another, also reading in the New Testament, when asked, " Who made you ?" replied, " Jesus Christ." Another boy, examined in Welsh, had heard of God, but did not know who He was, and could state nothing about Him. The master is aged and infirm. He appears to have had no educa- tion ; and, although processing to teach English only, he understands it so little himself that I was compelled to employ an interpreter in order to communicate wiih him. The evil effects of employing persons of this description will be seen by reference to the full reports of the respective schools, as given in the Appendix. 446 On the State of Education Teachers It appears from the foregoing table respecting the income of r teachers, that 107 teachers receive less than 107. per annum, 185 8 less tha " ] ^'' ancl 25 8 less than 20/. in return for their exertions. It is clear that a pittance so meagre would not suffice to provide the means of livelihood ; it is therefore necessary to combine some other occupation with that of teacher, in order to induce even the poorest to undertake the business of instruction. In schools which are not connected with the Established Church, the masters are frequently ministers or local preachers in connexion with some Dissenting congregation. In Church schools the master is frequently made parish clerk, constable, overseer, or collector of taxes; and the schoolmistress takes in' needlework. Other teachers combine some petty trade or craft with their scholastic duties. These occupations will be found noted in the tabular reports of the several schools, whence it appears that schoolmasters are employed as village shopkeepers, gardeners, small farmers, coopers, barbers, shoemakers, and even publicans. Some are compelled to work as agricultural labourers, and others are in the receipt of parochial relief. Many are appointed to the office of teacher by the parochial authorities, in order that they may not become chargeable to the parish. Qualifications The qualifications of those who become teachers may be inferred of teachers: fr om p rece( Jj n g statements. Persons are appointed to conduct important schools who are unable to speak or even to understand knowledge of English. In addition to the extracts already given, which inci- dentally illustrate this subject, I select the following evidence. It will be remembered that, with one exception, all the schools in North Wales have been established for the purpose of teaching English among Welsh masters. In a well-supported school in the parish of Llanbrynmair, county of Montgomery, The master is a village shopkeeper. He has never been trained to teach. He appeared unable to maintain discipline, as the children laughed at everything which was said to them. He was unable to speak English correctly, but asked the following questions : " Did God heard their crroaninnrs ?" " What did Moses said ?" " To where he led his flocks ?" What did John worn ?" In the large National school at Llanfair Talhaiarn The master was formerly a farmer. He has never received any kind of preparation for his present employment. He spoke English (which is the only language professed to be taught in the school) very incorrectly ; e.g. " Where was God appeared to Abraham ?" " What God said to him?" "Did God made the world ?" He could with difficulty understand what was spoken to him in English, and was unable to detect the mistakes committed by his scholars. Five could repeat a portion of the Church Catechism; but they knew it by rote only, and did not understand the meaning. They appeared to know nothing either of Scripture or of the truths of religion. Could not tell which part of man was immortal, his body or his soul ; in how in North Wales. 447 many days God created the world ; could not say how many days there are in a week, or how many months in a year. It appears tint no one assists the master to give religious instruction. In Gwydyr Church school, parish of Bettws-y-coed The master was formerly a draper's assistant in London. He has been employed as a teacher for 10 years, but was never trained. His total income from the school is 19/. per annum, and he makes only I/, from other sources; but he was clean and respectful in his manner. He spoke very bad English. He said " hypocrissy " for " hypocrisy ;" and talked of "only four of them gone about a week into the Testament." In order to teach the children English, at night, when the school is dimissed, he gives each "a word," with the signifi- cation, and these are to be remembered till the next morning. He had but very little government over the school, and he was careless in hearing the lessons. He allowed his own little daughter to say her lesson to him thus : " Cla, sla ; cle, sle ; cli, sli," &c. As he did not correct her at all, I asked him if he taught her to say so ? He replied, " No, sir; he" (the daughter) "is very bad for learning." In the Church school at Maentwrog, county of Merioneth The master was formerly a sailor. He has been 30 years engaged in teaching. Before commencing his employment he spent three months at a National school in Wales, in order to learn the system. This is all the training he has received. He appears to have had but little education. He speaks English indifferently, and writes incor- rectly. In his school register I saw the following entries : " Stuborn girl ;" " verry bad ;" "her parents gave to much her own way." In Rhiulas school, parish of Llansilin The master is 34 years of age ; he has been a teacher 12 years, but has never been trained. He was formerly a blacksmith. He under- stands English, but not well ; and he speaks the language most incorrectly. For father he said fayther ; and he pronounced the word counsellor as if written gounzellor. It would be profane to repeat the mistakes he committed in putting Scripture questions, which in other respects were creditable. In a Church school in the parish of Llandwrog, county of Car- narvon, situate in an important district abounding with slate- quarries, The master appears to have had very few opportunities of receiving instruction. He speaks broken English. He asked such questions as these: "How many Gospels are? How many Apostles are?" &c. Although grammar and geography are professed, nothing was known of either subject. The master did not appear to detect the blunders which his scholars committed: "Brethren" he admitted to be the singular number, and the word " child " was stated to be the singular number of the plural "women." In geography, I was told that Wales is to the east of England, and Ireland to the east of Wales. The questions were put in Welsh as well as English. Of Holy Scripture the scholars were very ignorant, although attempting to read the most difficult passage in the Epistle to the Galatians, upon which \\I\i tion On the State of Education subject tlie master assured me they could answer questions. It would be profane to detail the mistaken answers which were given. In a Church school in the parish of Penegoes, county of Mont- gomery The master has not been trained to leach, and appears to have had no opportunities of education. He speaks English incorrectly in every respect. He pronounced wild, weeld ; region, ragion; sort, short t &c. ; and his questions, in catechising 1 , were ungrammatical, e. g. " What he say of him ?" with innumerable other errors of a similar kind. Among his pupils there was not one who could tell me who was the Father of Jesus Christ, the number of His disciples, or the name of any one of the disciples. Two were able to read a verse of the Bible, but all have contracted a habit of stammering and repeating the same words over and over again, which it will require much pains to eradicate. They understand scarcely a word of English. This ignorance of English is not confined to teachers who are \\I\i ext 1 " natives of Wales. In schools taught by English masters the children are taught the bad grammar and mispronunciation incident to the provincial dialect of the teacher. In a large free school at Holt, county of Denbigh The master speaks English with a broad Cheshire dialect, and very ungrammatically. He said he "went and teached" some ''byes" (b;>ys). He prefaced a question as to whether I had not met witli many " ignorant schoolmasters," by saying me being an interested party." And while I was examining a class, he directed the children to " stand backer. 11 He used no book in hearing the reading-lesson, and when he thought a blunder was committed he corrected it by committing another. In an important Church school, well supported by subscriptions, at Halkin, county of Flint -- The master is an Englishman, 39 years of age. He speaks English incorrectly, and his pronunciation is very bad. He says whoole for whole, han for an. In hearing a little boy repeat a lesson, he said, " Q-hen-e, what does that spell? One, isn't it?" In questioning the first class, he said, " When the apostles returned, what did he tell them hall?" The mistress is an Englishwoman, and speaks very much with a Lancashire accent. She appears to have had little education. Such is the ignorance of English among the majority of Welsh teachers. Among the rest it is rare to find one who has ever thought of the importance of explaining or interpreting English to his scholars, and hitherto no attempt has been made to carry out systematic instruction in English.* The following extracts illustrate the course pursued by most teachers : In the free school at Aberffraw, Anglesey * In the British and Foreign school at Ruthin, an English and Welsh vocabulary is employed, aud the master of the National school at Machynlleth has compiled a small work of the same description : but these are rare exceptions : in by far the majority of schools the children are left, in the words of the masters, " to pick up English as they can." in North Wales. 449 The master has the reputation of being- a good scholar, but he has l 1 "," 1 '^, 1 " 11 ] never been trained to teach, and his method of teaching; is very ing English antiquated. He has no books, except one or two Bibles, a Church JjjJJj^? Catechism, and u copy of Walking-name's Arithmetic. None of the children can read with ease. They understand nothing- of what they read in English, and are unable to translate the simplest English words into Welsh. The master assured me that they knew nothing of the meaning of what they read ; that it was impossible for them to do so, considering that at home they never heard a word spoken in English, and considering the utter worthlessness of his materials for translation. He does not attempt to assist them by any system of interpretation viva voce, or by any kind of explanation in Welsh of what is tead or learned. Under such circumstances it is difficult to comprehend how any ideas can be communicated between a master and his scholars. In the Church school at Caerwys, county of Flint Both teachers admitted that their pupils do not understand what. they read or hear from ignorance of English, yet no system of interpret- ation is attempted, and neither teacher professes to ask any questions or to give instruction upon the meaning or history of the Bible ; consequently the children know nothing of Scripture. 15 were able to repeat parts of the Church Catechism; but if questioned out of the usual order, their answers were extravagantly wrong: 3 boys in the first class were ignorant of the Commandments, and one of them of the Lord's Prayer. The first girl in the school said, that to " descend " meant to go up, and that " hell," in the Apostles' Creed, signified tin- place of torment. Even to Dr. Watts's Catechism, which is employed in the school, I received the most incongruous answers when the questions Mere asked irregularly. The first girl in the school said that James, John, Abraham, and Isaac, were four of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ; yet 25 pupils had been members of the school for more than three years. The most ignorant pupils had attended school for periods varying from five to seven years. Even in reading they were unable to pronounce a word distinctly, and what they had learned by rote was rendered unintelligible. No subject appeared to be taught or learned intelligently. The children were unable to take down a sum from dictation, and could not work a simple process of multiplication without referring constantly to the Multiplication Table. In the Church school at Capel Curig One boy said that James was the mother of John the Baptist. The children are questioned in Scripture only once or twice a- week. The master said he could get no better answers, because the children hardly knew what he said. Although he is a Welshman, he never questions them in Welsh. I tried both languages, but could get no good answers. The master understands English, but does not speak well. He was formerly a shopkeeper, and has never been trained to teach. He has been a schoolmaster nearly 20 years. In the Church school at Rhyl, The attainments of the scholars were exceeding low. The head girl could not repeat the Belief. I asked a few of the easiest questions 2 i 450 On the State of Education upon Holy Scripture, but none could answer them until translated, and then it was necessary to put them in the form of leading questions. None could tell me the Welsh for the word Gospel; none knew what sin Judas Iscariot committed. They said that Jesus Christ remained in the grave for 40 days; and none knew for what purpose Jesus Christ will come again*at the last day. It appears that the children never read the Bible in Welsh, English alone being used, even in the Sunday-school. Ou the other hand, with the exception of two or three who are English, they understand nothing of any language but the Welsh, so that their ignorance on all subjects is not surprising. Interpretation is occasionally taught, but not upon any system, or apparently with success. In the Church school at Bodewryd, Anglesey When examined in Welsh, some of the children could read the New Testament pretty well, and were able to answer some easy questions respecting its contents-. In English they could neither read nor under- stand. One boy could repeat the Church Catechism in Welsh and in English ; but there was no process of interpretation going on in his mind. If prompted with the first word or two of an answer in Welsh, and afterwards with the corresponding words in English, he would repeat the rest of the answer in both languages, without knowing that he was stating the very same thing. The consequent hindrance to mental development in every branch of knowledge is inevitable ; all books at present used in Welsh schools for instruction in history, geography, and higher subjects being written in English. In the British and Foreign School at Llanuwchllyn Upon all higher subjects the information of the pupils was confused and desultory. A young man, 18 years of age, believed the world to be divided into twelve parts ; another conceived Asia to be a large mountain in America. The majority of the scholars are entirely ignorant of the English language, and all they read is necessarily unintelligible to them. In fact, there was not one in the school who had such a command of English as to make it the medium of thought. In stating that one excelled in English grammar, I mean that he had committed the rules to memory. He had but few words at command, and the little he said in English was quite ungrammatical. With reference to those who were learning geography and history, their progress appeared to be checked by their very limited acquaintance with the language in which the information was communicated. Owing to their ignorance of English, the master finds it necessary to convey most of his instruction in Welsh. Even in teaching " the grammarians," as he styled them, he is accustomed to talk Welsh. ^ !1 sc ^ loo ^ s where English teachers are employed, the confusion and ambiguity is increased. The following extract from the Report on the Church school at Brymbo, in the parish of Wrcxham, illustrates the course adopted in such cases : The mistress does not understand Welsh, and finds great difficulty in conveying ideas to her pupils. She employs a child to explain to Ill North Wales. 451 the class an English word by a Welsh one, but is unable to detect whether the Welsh interpretation is correct; and so little English is known by any of her pupils that this is seldom the case. In the Church school at Cyffyllioy, Denbigh Of those present, four or five had a very slight acquaintance with English ; the rest could understand nothing but Welsh. The mistress understands English only, and can convey no ideas to the pupils except by the help of one of the older girls, who acts as interpreter. Under these circumstances little progress can be made, and none in the absence of the interpreter. The mistress has never been trained to teach, but spen\t six months in 1843 at a third-rate National school in North Wales to learn the system. The ignorance of the scholars in the Church school at Llan- fynydd, county of Flint, illustrates the effect of this system : I found five scholars who could read a verse of the Bible, but none who could write well upon paper; none who could work u sum in compound arithmetic correctly, or answer questions upon Scripture. They were ignorant r of the birthplace of Jesus Christ; of his death, burial, and crucifixion. They are for the most part Welsh children, and unable to understand the greater part of what they hear read in English. On the otner hand, the master does not understand Welsh, and no kind of interpretation or explanation is attempted. The master was formerly a labourer, and now keeps a toll-gate. He has never been trained to te;ich, and appears to have been little educated. He did not know the meaning of the most common English words ; did not know what was meant by teaching children in classes, and assured me that he had no classes in his school, although there was a class before him at the time. He instructs his pupils to pronounce very many words incorrectly, so that after they leave school it will be necessary for them to unlearn much which they have here learned amiss. In many cases the English teachers who are employed appear unconscious of any necessity for interpreting the unknown lan- guage which it is their business to teach. In the importan; Church school at Ruthiu, containing 208 scholars The attainments of the scholars were, for the most -part, acquired under the preceding master, who had resigned the school a few weeks before my visit. The present master is an Englishman, and under- stands nothing of Welsh. He adopts no system of interpretation, although all his pupils are Welsh, and have no other means of acquiring a knowledge of English. He has been trained for eight months at the central school, Westminster, but there is no appearance of improved method in his government or mode of teaching. The questions which he put were few, slowly conceived, and common- place, and his pronunciation of English was inferior to that of many Welsh masters. The same defect is observable in superior schools. In the free grammar-school at St. Asaph, in which Latin and the classics are taught by a superior master, 2 i 2 452 On the State of Education Six boys were reading* the outlines of English History, published by the Christian Knowledge Society ; but, with the exception of one boy who was born of Scotch parents, none were able to answer miscellaneous questions correctly. The language of the book they were reading was unintelligible to the Welsh boys, and there was no system of interpret- ation practised. None could explain in Welsh or English the meaning of the words, "A sanguinary conflict ensued," although they could interpret the words equivalent, "A bloody battle followed." Those who learn Latin are provided with grammars, dictionaries, and vocabularies ; but here as elsewhere no hand-books have been provided for learning English, although English is to many of the pupils as unintelligble as any dead language. This accounts in some measure for the limited knowledge of Scripture History in this school. The Scotch boy above mentioned was well acquainted with the Old and New Testament, but among the Welsh pupils I found no adequate knowledge of the Bible, although all read it daily. ScV" Welsh The following extract from the report upon a school at Llandyrnog, county of Denbigh, contains mention of a custom which has been invented in the hope of promoting a knowledge of English : My attention was attracted to a piece of wood, suspended by a string round a boy's neck, and on the wood were the words, "Welsh stick." This, I was told, was a stigma for speaking Welsh. But, in fact, his only alternative was to speak Welsh or to say nothing. He did not understand English, and there is no systematic exercise in interpreta- tion. The Welsh stick, or Welsh, as it is sometimes called, is given to any pupil who is overheard speaking Welsh, and may be trans- ferred by him to any schoolfellow whom he hears committing a similar offence. It is thus passed from one to another until the close of the week, when the pupil in whose possession the Welsh is found is punished by flogging. Among other injurious effects, this custom has been found to lead children to visit stealthily the houses of their schoolfellows for the purpose of detecting those who speak Welsh to their parents, and transferring to them the punishment due to themselves. Qualifications Teachers who are unable to pronounce English cannot be reaa?ng. hmj expected to give instruction in the art of reading. I have fre- quently observed teachers reprove their scholars for pronouncing English words correctly, and mislead them by a false pronunciation. The consequences are seen in a subsequent table, showing the attainments of the scholars, whence it appears that, of 19,521 scholars examined, only 149 were found able to read with propriety and expression. In a large class of schools the teachers have had so little education themselves that they scarcely profess to teach reading, but confine themselves to hearing their pupils spell columns of polysyllabic words ; a task which is performed in a confused and gabbling manner, which makes it impossible to ascertain whether it is performed correctly or not. in North Wales. 453 In the Church school at Dolwydellan, county of Carnarvon The master is 64 years of age, and, without ever having been trained or prepared in any way, has been a teacher 34 years. His previous occupation was that of 'cattle-dealer and d rover. Having*, in pursuit of this calling, hail frequent occasions to go to England, he managed to pick up a little English ; and this appears to have been the main part of the stock with which he commenced business as a schoolmaster: but he speaks English very incorrectly. Upon rny inquiring if any of the absent scholars could speak Englirh,he said, ' There's only him as is in arithmetic as can" (the boy alluded to was absent) ; yet he alleges that he is accustomed to teach by interpretation, and to question the children in Scripture, once a-week. As to controlling the scholars, they positively laughed at his attempting to do so. His method of teaching is quite old-fashioned. There is nothing in the school hut rote. In point of fact, reading is little taught ; all spell, and a few read. He told me that he " kept them long spelling." The surprising ignorance of the scholars in the Church school at Llanfihangel, county of Montgomery, a school which receives the benefit of a large endowment, is owing to the same defective system : I found none able to read a verse of the Bible correctly, or to write well upon paper; only one could remember any part of the Ten Commandments, and could not repeat the Fourth Commandment through, although he had been for ?e*en years a member of the school. Of the facts narrated in the New Testament, the pupils were, with two exceptions, totally ignorant. These two children were members of Sunday-schools; their knowledge did not extend beyond the first outlines of the Gospel history, although they had been in school for six and seven years respectively. The master has never been trained to teach. He appeared to understand very little English, and declined to take any part in the examination, but remained doing nothing, or reading a b>ok to himself, until I had concluded. He states, that he " learns them to spell," but seldom makes his pupils read, and does not ask question?, or teach them Scripture history, or religious knowledge, for want of books. In many schools all the children in a class are required to read simultaneously, so as to prevent the possibility of individual correction or progress, as in the Church school at Llanenddwyn, Merioneth : Neither teacher has been trained to conduct a school. The master speaks English incorrectly. His grammar is defective; he is slow and old-fashioned in his method of teaching, and there is no attempt at organization in his school. I saw one monitor, but he could not understand a word of English, nor did he appear to be doing anything. The master called upon them to interpret words into Welsh, but did not profess to ask them questions either on the sense of what they read or on Scripture history. The children observed no discipline, but, as soon as their books were distributed, all read out aloud simultaneously, making a deafening noise. The master allows them to read the same verse one after another till they know it by rote. in the best sohools the scholars are allowed to read the 454 On the State of Education same book repeatedly, until it ceases to be an exercise, even for the memory. writing. The ar t o f writing is the forte of Welsh masters. It forms the only branch of English education of which Welsh parents, and in many cases the promoters of education in Wales, are competent to judge. Much time is therefore consumed by the teachers in perfecting themselves and their scholars in this accomplishment. They are in the habit of setting a manuscript copy in every fresh page of the writing-book of each scholar, a process which in larger schools occupies all their leisure time, and excludes every oppor- tunity for improvement in higher subjects. In examining these copies, I have often found startling mistakes in grammar and orthography written by the master in a hand which might other- wise have been mistaken for copperplate, and carefully transcribed by the scholars in every line of the page below. The following letter, written in a fair Italian hand, was addressed to me by a schoolmaster in a populous mining district in North Wales : " HONOURED SIR, 9th March, 1847. " I WAS feeling much grievious for not been present when your Assistant came to visit my school, I was that day in a Funeral one of my relation Brother in law that was the cause, And now at your desire I shall in this place obey to give and answer to your questions. " Question, of teaching Catechism in th shool i have not put some questions myself from the Holy Scriptures. I Learn the^Creed the Ten Commandments and the Lord's Prayer for them. " What do i teach them is spelling, reading, writing, an arithmetic, some of the gramma also of the geography some, they are all But young for the two last named." Arithmetic. Many teachers have a practical skill in working sums in the four first rules of arithmetic, but very few possess an intelligent know- ledge of the elements of the science, or of the reasons upon which simple arithmetical operations are based. Yet more inconsiderable is the number of those who have studied the best method of teaching arithmetic to others. In modern National schools the teachers are occasionally furnished with black boards, but are in general ignorant of the end for which black boards were designed, and employ them in a manner which allows the children to copy each slep in the process without comprehending the reason why the result is correct, or the end to be gained by it. The majority of schools are not provided with these materials, but the teachers pursue the antiquated method illustrated by the following report upon the free school at Overton : The master dictates each step to a whole class, who repeat it after him in a chanting tone, thus: "About anjnch from the top, and an inch from the left-hand side, set down seven." When this is repeated and accomplished, the master continues, "About half an inch to the right, set down six." The consequence of this system is a total ignoraHce of notation, and of the value of numbers and figures, so that in North Wales. 455 the pupils are unable to set down " seventy-six," or any other number above the value of units. Out of six who professed to know arith- metic, only two could work a plain sum in Addition. In such cases, if the pupils cannot copy from the master, they copy from each other, and a long operation is exhibited as the unassisted performance of each child in a class of 30, whereas every step has in fact been copied, right or wrong, from some one scholar who is supposed to be most proficient in the class. In the great majority of schools arithmetic is not taught in classes, but the scholars are left to acquire a knowledge of the science by the aid of the Tutor s Assistant, a work in which the rules are expressed in terms which an English scholar would not understand, and which few English masters could explain. To Welsh pupils and teachers it is equally unintelligible. The children may be seen endeavouring to imitate the examples contained in this work, and carefully transcribing them, together with the rules, into account -books, which are exhibited to the visitors and examiners as evidence of the progress which the school is making. In the mean time they are often found to know nothing of the value of numbers or figures. I have scarcely found one in thirty Welsh schools where the children who learn arithmetic have been able to take down a sum from dictation correctly : for 1847 they would write 8,0047, or 7481, or any combination of figures but the right one. Even the course prescribed in the Tutor s Assistant is inverted, the tables of Addition and Multiplication are neglected, and children who profess to understand the higher rules of arith- metic may be seen counting on their fingers, or by notches and marks on their slates, and referring to the tables printed at the backs of copy-books, in order to ascertain the amount of 6 + 8, or 5 times 9. The following extracts illustrate the qualifications of teachers to give instruction in the higher branches of secular knowledge as branches of , . s-c'ilar in- grammar, history, geography, &c. sanction. In Trinity Church school, in the parish of Llanfaior, Merioneth In English grammar, a class of 5 were able to repeat portions, but they did not profess to understand the application of rules or the mean- ins of definitions. If asked, "What is an article?" they replied, in the words of the book, " An article is, &c., as a man, a tree, a horse ;" but were unable to distinguish between the article and the substantive, or say whether man, tree, and horse, were articles or not. The master professed to teach them first the rules and then the application. In a school at Efailrhud, in the parish of Llanrhaiadr, Denbigh The master was formerly a farm-servant, but has followed his present employment for seven years without having received any training. Although he understands English tolerably well, he speaks with a strong Welsh accent, and very ungrammatically. He spoke of children 456 On the State of Education who had been " sended " to his school. His method of teaching grammar is unusual. He reads the book, and the children repeat after him as if making responses at church. It was lamentable to hear him mispronounce almost every word he uttered, and the children closely imitating him. A noun he called a "noons' In the National school at Llanelidan, county of Denbigh There were scholars who had read 76 pages of the History of England, comprising an outline of the narrative to the reign of Henry VI. Upon questioning them, I found that they knew literally nothing at all of the subject ; and when I asked the master the cause, he said that he was thinking he had better let them read the book " onest over, and then catechise them upon it." By which means, they were allowed to remain in perfect ignorance of the contents of the book till they had finished its perusal. It is needless to multiply illustrations of the inability of the present teachers to give instruction in these subjects. Their extremely limited knowledge of English, combined with the fact that all the books at present employed for teaching grammar, geography, and history are written in English only, prove that such instruction is impossible. Even if the teachers were com- petent to understand the books which they employ, and to acquire a comprehensive knowledge and mastery of the subject sufficient to explain the difficulties which must occur to the minds of children in a manner adapted to their capacity, a further impediment is presented by the prejudice of Welsh parents against the employ- ment of their own language, even as a medium of explanation. '' In the day-schools," say they, " we wish our children to be taught English only : what good can be gained by teaching us Welsh? We know Welsh already." In fact, of these higher branches of secular instruction, the only one which is taught in a considerable number of schools is grammar. It appears from a preceding table* that about one-third of the schools at present in operation profess to give instruction in grammar, and, with two exceptions, in English grammar only. In the greater number of cases, grammar is taught not as a science, or as a subject to be addressed to the understanding, but as an exercise of memory only, so as to become a matter of pure skill in the same manner as reading and writing. The teacher requires his pupils to commit to memory page after page of Murray's Grammar, or of some cheaper treatise contained in one of the various spelling-books provided by the parents. The definitions and explanations in these works, which would be difficult to an English scholar, are incomprehensible to Welsh children, and the teacher, even if competent to interpret, neglects to do so. No part of the subject is illustrated by familiar examples suited to the capacity of children ; and in the conversation * Table (C), p. 427, in North Wales. 457 of the teacher, the rules of syntax and grammar are far more frequently broken than observed. Instances might be multiplied of schools in which the master, while perfecting his pupils in the rules and theory of grammar, violated every rule both in speaking and writing. With respect to geography, in the majority of schools, there Ge s ra P h y- is nothing to indicate that the teachers are aware that such a science exists. Some possess a map of Palestine, from which they profess to give instruction in Scripture geography, but the scholars have no conception where Palestine lies with respect to any other country in the world, and cannot distinguish north from south upon the map. In the few schools which are provided with the requisite books and maps, geography, like grammar, is taught as an effort of memory, and not as a means of enlarging the intellects or extending the knowledge of the pupils. Whole classes may be heard repeating with one response the definitions of longitude and latitude, of equatorial and equinoxial lines, of circumference and oblate spheroids, in phrases which might possibly be intelligible to an English scholar, but to a Welsh child are as unmeaning as the technicalities defined. Even the familiar illustrations con- tained in the modern and improved treatises on geography are committed to memory, and thus divested of their meaning. But it does not appear to have occurred to the teachers, or even the visitors and promoters of schools, that to Welsh children even English definitions need to be defined, and the most familial- illustrations to be illustrated. In the best schools I found occasionally a remarkable degree of proficiency in pointing out places on the map, an art which the natural quickness of Welsh children enables them readily to acquire, as involving a knowledge of no language except their own. But at best their skill is useful only as means towards an end, and, taken alone, is as unprofitable as that of a librarian who can find the position of every book in a library, but is altogether ignorant of the contents of any. These children can point out. many places, but have no idea of their inhabitants or productions, of the peculiar climate or features of the several countries, or of their relations to each other. Upon the whole, even in the best schools in North Wales, the true method of teaching geography is inverted ; the geography of home is neglected. Children who are perfect in definitions, and can point out islands, straits, mountains, and promontories in the other hemisphere, suppose that such phenomena have no existence in North Wales; yet few countries afford an intelligent teacher such facilities for instruction. From the top of a Welsh mountain with every variety of phenomenon before him, he might teach more on a single holiday than has yet been taught in any school, by explaining that difficulty which never ceases to perplex the minds of children the connexion between the real appearance 458 On the State of Education of the earth and the conventional representation of it by geo- graphers. gnaiiiv.1- It appears from the foregoing table that, of the entire number tions iv,r j,'iv- of schools provided for the poor, those established in connexion tkm "n reii- ; with religious bodies, or with the view of perpetuating particular religious creeds, are nearly four times as numerous as schools for general education unconnected with a sect or church. It is, therefore, of the more importance to ascertain the qualifications of teachers for imparting a knowledge of Holy Scripture, and of the truths of religion. in Holy" With respect to Holy Scripture, the following extracts illustrate the attainments of a class of teachers who have large and important schools committed to their charge : In the Church school at Corwen, county of Merioneth None appeared to understand what they were reading, and the master was not able to explain. He even explained wrong 1 : e. g., " There came a dearth over all the land of Egypt." Master, " What is a dearth ?" No answer. Master, tl A dearth means a dew or dark- ness" He professed " to question them sometimes, when a public examination was at hand." At my request he asked them questions upon what they had been reading, but his questions were of the most ignorant description, consisting of no more than a repetition of the commencement of each verse successively in an interrogatory tone : in reply to which the children repeated in a loud voice the remainder to a full stop. As the Bible and Church Catechism were the only subjects taught, I examined the scholars in both. The answers were very few, and those grossly ignorant : Jesus Christ wrote his own history, as given in the Gospels. Others said it was written by his disciples, and that St. Mark and St. Luke were two of the twelve apostles. No one could explain what a miracle meant ; no one could remember an instance of a miracle. St. Paul was a friend of Jesus Christ when he was on earth. The word Acts, in the title Acts of the Apostles, meant a tool, such as coopers use. Out of 14 who professed to know the Church Catechism, 5 were ignorant of the Commandments, and only 2 knew the answers to the questions respecting the Commandments and the Lord's Prayer, and those two repeated them by rote, making mistakes which destroyed their sense "that it may please him to save and descend us," &c. The master stated, in excuse, that u they did not remember the Catechism well at that time of the year (it was in January) ; they were not accustomed to keep it up all the year round, the country people not liking it. Just before Lent time, they were used to learn the Catechism." In the Church school at Llandysilio, county of Denbigh The master is a mere boy, 19 years of age. He has never received any kind of training. He appears incompetent to give instruction. During my visit he even instructed them wrong. " Was St. Peter one of the twelve apostles? Ans. " No." "What was he then?" No Huswer. Master (informing the whole school), " He was one of the seventy." In examining them upon the passage of Scripture which had been read, Acts i. 1, " The former treatise," &c., I said, " St. Luke in North' Wales. 459 wrote two books ; The Acts was the second, what was the first ?" Ans. " St. Matthew no, it was St. John." I applied to the head boy, and asked him the simplest questions li Who was the mother of Jesus Christ ?" Ans. "God." Again (the same boy), " Judas Iscariot was a good man. I never heard how many gospels there are. I never heard for what purpose Jesus Christ came upon earth. I do not know how long it is since Jesus Christ was born, nor the day upon which we keep his birth in memory" (though the Christmas holidays were barely over). " Jesus Christ died like other men a natural death he died in his bed." The master alleged that only one, who was an Englsh boy, could understand what I said ; that the rest could only understand Welsh ; I therefore requested him to explain a simple question to the class in Welsh, upon which he admitted that he knew very little of the Welsh language, and not sufficient for that purpose. I believe that he did his pupils injustice, for I observed that, when at play in the church- yard, they conversed with me in intelligible English. The master said that his pupils knew the Church Catechism ; I therefore asked, "What is the first commandment?" No answer. (To the head boy) "Can you repeat the Belief?" " I believe in the Holy Ghost." *" If you cannot repeat the Belief, repeat the Lord's Prayer." He repeated the beginning, as far as "thy will be done on earth" then continued, "as it is against us." The Creed being at length repeated between them, I asked the English boy, " What do you mean by the resurrection of the body ?" Ans. "Amen." The master complained of the difficulty he experienced, as the children could not understand English, and he could not translate it into Welsh; that his teaching was therefore confined to writing and a little accounts. But only one boy professed to know any- thing of arithmetic, and he could not write down 104. There was only one slate in the school. In the Church school of Llam/nys, in the same county Of Holy Scripture nothing was known, and the master appeared unable to give them instruction in this subject. When his pupi s stated that Pharaoh was the king of Israel, he commended them, saying, " Very good." He has never been trained to teach, but has conducted a school for 35 years upon the old-fashioned method of private school- masters. He seldom attempts to teach interpretation, and his scholars cannot distinguish between their right hands and their left when asked to do so in English. He himself understands English but imperfectly, and speaks it without any regard to grammar or pronunciation, calling British Brutish, with other mistakes. Ignorance of Scripture, however,, is less frequent among Welsh teachers than ignorance of the proper method of teaching Scripture to others. Owing to the prevalence of Sunday-schools in Wales, adults among the poorest classes are far better acquainted with the Bible than persons of the same class in England ; consequently the teachers who frequent such schools possess a better knowledge of Scripture than would be inferred from their deficiency in other qualifications; but being accustomed to read and explain the Bible in Welsh, they are at a loss when confined, as in all day-schools, to the English version and the English language. On the other 460 On the State of Education hand, in the great majority of Church schools little effort is made by the teachers to give intelligent or lively instruction in Holy Scripture in a form adapted to the minds of children. This object is presumed to be attained by employing the Bible, or selections from the Bible, as the only hand-book, and by excluding secular subjects. To interpret, to explain, or illustrate, are deemed superfluous, or, if attempted, are performed by the aid of printed questions, which, being learned by rote by teacher and pupil, prove alike useless and injurious to both. in catc- Among the various catechisms and religious formularies in use in North Wales, that of the Established Church is alone enforced as a subject of instruction. It is taught sometimes without expla- nation, sometimes accompanied by larger or smaller treatises, containing explanations, commentaries, glossaries, and Scripture proofs; but whatever catechism was employed, I do not remember h've schools in which the teacher was heard to accompany it by original questions, or to explain in his own words the nature of the truths to be conveyed. In all cases the employment of a form of questions and answers has induced the teacher to suspend all intelligent exertion ; the formulary has been left to work its way into the mind of the pupil, and the process of learning it by rote has deprived it, as in the case of the definitions and illustrations of grammar and geography, of all significance and vitality. I do not remember five schools in which the most perfect repetition of the catechism in any language, or with any amount ot glossaries or exposition, could safely be taken to indicate a real understanding of the subject. The fatal effects of this system will be illustrated in a future part of the Report,* by extracts from evidence respect- ing the attainments of scholars in religious knowledge. Moral qualm- With regard to the moral qualifications of those who are cMim-' -m-i etn PJy e d as teachers, their ideas of order and decorum, their general* moral ability to control and direct the operations of the school, their rice '' modes of punishment and general moral influence, the following extracts illustrate in some measure the present condition of the great majority of schools : In the large Church school at Gresford, in the county of Denbigh The master and mistress are husband and wife; neither of them was ever trained to conduct a school. We found the master in a public- house ; the hour was 10 A.M. The boys were in the school meanwhile, playing with all their might. In the afternoon, when I had occasion to revisit the school, I found the master again absent, and the boys making" all manner of noises, playing at horses, &c. The master has no control over the school, and does not appear to think noise and confusion at all * See pages 496 500. If (he present teachers are incompetent to teach the simple Gospel narratives and |;iecej>ts, much less are they qualified to inculcate effectually distinctive creeds and formularies. in North Wales. 46 1 incompatible with education. Neither has he much management of any kind ; for, when the arithmetic class came to be examined without slates, instead of supplying them himself with slates in order us they stood, or directing' a monitor to do so, he sent them flying in all directions to supply themselves. When he had occasion to leave the room for a short time, he took no measures to secure order in his absence, and instantly he was gone the school was a complete fair. In the school attached to the Montgomery and Wclshpool House of Industry There appeared to be a great want of discipline and proper respect for the school and schoolmaster. During my visit, one of the female paupers was nursing a baby, which prevented her from learning anything, and disturbed the business of the school. She appeared to be a pupil, as the master stated that "she was there saying a lesson upon times" Another female pauper rushed into the school during school-hours, in a manner which indicated the small respect paid to the duties of the school and the authority of the master. It appears that some of the pupils are also employed in out-door work, as I met two of them driving cattle on my way to the school. In the Church school at Llanfynydd, county of Flint The master had no idea of governing his school, and did not attempt to suppress the tumult, uproar, and disorder which prevailed during my visit, but allowed the scholars to continue laughing', playing, and jumping upon each other's backs, boys and girls promiscuously, with such contempt for all authority, that I was under serious apprehension lest a general fight should ensue before my examination could be concluded. In St. David's Church school, Festiniog During my visit, discipline was not attempted. The school was in a continual uproar; girls were sweeping the school-floor unbidden, and struck the heads of the boys with a broom while the examination was going on. The organization is defective, the lower classes being in total idleness while the first was examined. The monitors were neither capable of maintaining discipline nor of giving instruction. In the large Church school at Ruthin, containing 208 scholars, taught by a master who has been trained for eight months at Westminster Neither master nor scholars appeared to have any idea of manners or discipline. While I examined the school, all remained sitting, including the master; I could not do the same, as there was no seat left. The boys sat lolling luxuriously with their hands in their pockets, and answered or not, just as they felt inclined. In the mean time all business was abandoned by the rest, who collected themselves in groups, looking on and talking. One or two monitors amused themselves by wandering about, striking the younger boys, but indiscriminately, and with no useful object in view. I could with difficulty walk across the room without catching the saliva which the boys were spitting in all directions not through disrespect, but from habit. In the British and Foreign school at Rathin, a school which, in respect of the method of instruction and the attainments of the scholars, is one of the best in North Wales 462 On the State of Education The master lias inspired his pupils with a desire for knowledge, but has neglected to teach them proper discipline and good manners. When any movement was required, his pupils rushed pell-mell to their places, thwarting and tripping each other; then mounted the desks and sat upon them with their caps on, swinging their legs ; some peeling sticks, others caning those near them with the master's cane, the rest struggling together, talking, or playing tricks with anything which happened to be at hand. The answer sent by one boy, when summoned by the master to his place, was, that he would not come. It is to be regretted that scholars so intelligent, and making such sound progress in all subjects, should not be taught manners. Corporal In the majority of schools corporal punishment is employed. I punishment. . ., J * . j ^ i * i_ J ' * have seldom seen it actually administered except by ignorant and petulant teachers, when it has always failed to produce adequate results except in noise and confusion. In a Church school in Anglesey, in which, notwithstanding, the discipline was imperfect The conduct of the master was wantonly severe. He was in the habit of striking the children in the face with a large rod, boys and girls indiscriminately, and without regard to merit or demerit. In this manner I saw him strike one little girl, who had committed no kind of offence, a blow which deprived her of sight during the remainder of my visit. Yet he did not appear to be naturally ill-natured, but was ignorant of any better system of discipline. However deficient in other apparatus for instruction, few schools were found destitute of a cane or birch rod, and the general appearance of the pupils indicated that they were habitually governed by fear, and not by that moral and intelligent influence which, by enlisting the affections and awakening the attention and enterprise of children, secures the most perfect discipline and industry, and, by accustoming them to the habit of self-government, attains a moral object more valuable than mere outward decorum. The practice of receiving specific training at Normal or Model schools, preparatory to undertaking the office of teacher, is of recent origin in North Wales, and the real object of such institutions is still misapprehended. For many years past it has been supposed sufficient preparation to spend a fortnight at some National school in the neighbourhood, conducted by a teacher who has himself received no specific training, and, in fact, possesses no superiority over the novice whom he professes to train except that of seniority and longer experience in a defective system. Thus far the principle of training teachers has been recognised for many years. In the year 1846 a Normal department was formed in the National school at Carnarvon, with the view of training masters for Church schools. As a Report of this institution is contained in the Appendix of Evidence, it is sufficient here to state that the master was him- self trained for three weeks only, more than ten years ago ; and that, in addition to his important duties, he gives private instruction to adult pupils, and has the charge of the largest National school in North Wales. The Carnarvon Training school is the principal in North Wales. 463 resort of those who can afford to be trained as National school- masters. For schools unconnected with the Established Church, there is at present no training institution in North Wales. The^JP*J u as to the real nature of the benefit to be derived from a Normal or Model school. At present the object of such schools is over looked, and they are made to do the work of teaching as well as training to teach. The candidate is sent to a Normal school, when he requires to be himself taught not only every branch which he is about to profess, but the first elements of English. In one of the best schools which I examined in North Wales, the master, while catechising the children upon a passage in Scripture respecting the Land of Promise, asked "To whom did God promise her (Canaan) ?" This master had been trained for six months at the Borough-road Normal school. In the British and Foreign school, at Llandudno The master was formerly a printer. He has been trained for six months at the Borough-road. He was able to ask good questions upon the subject-matter of the lessons, hut his English was bad in grammar and idiom. He allowed the children to make blunders without correcting them. He took no notice of the rude answers which they made when he spoke to them, but allowed them to jump about the school from place to place, and to play ami chat with each other. It is difficult to conceive boys in school, and subject to a master, more rustic and offensive in their manners. The first and second classes were deplorably ignorant; they could not tell the number of Jesus Christ's disciples, how many Gospels there are, or whether St. Matthew was a man or a woman. When examined in grammar, the first class com- pared good and bad thus: " Good, gooder, goodest ; bad, badder, baddest." The monitors were rude, undisciplined, and ignorant, and were neither able to teach nor to maintain discipline. In the British school at Llangerniew, Denbigh The master is 23 years of age ; he has spent a month at a British school in North Wales, and attempts to imitate the British system. But some ot his scholars surpassed him, both in respect of attainments and manners. His questions were slowly conceived, such as might he expected from a child who had leceived an ordinary education. He understands English imperfectly, and in catechising his pupils spoke incorrectly : e.g." Where river Thames is?" " What Jesus Christ did?" &c. There was great confusion in the classification of his school ; the discipline was not good; the children were exceedingly rude and unmannerly. 4G4 On the State of Education o ^ 1 S "rt Is CO 05 i O o III a 00 01 C5 o i4 i TT O 1 ' Is. -M Cs i s | B H i CO 01 ? . 0- > H ^ cs | ' f-' X. CO !0 ' X I CO s gj - VC* C^ 1^ 00 *o " o i^ O l> oo < CO o o ^ 3 WJ tS, H 1 - 5 71 S -s N; ^ _ 4 05 ^ |o | i ys I/ 1 ^ P-.-W ^2 OT j 01 00 o 05 o 1 I i ^g ^g ,2 0,1 i 1 . GO 1 * a; ts ro V5 O o a S d s ~ 00 1 s a o "^ ~ a CO _2 "!= O5 00 ^ o o |- o C ^2 2 OT 1-5 5 s J JS g 2 ^ ta s c l "? 1 s S co Is. 9 5 Tj* <^1 > "^ CO ts. sp o t; oo ts J2 "T r^ -* Ol CO ^ i>^ " ^ a . , . O -r w j ' O ^ "y , p 1 1 tJC 'S S g bi '3 *- 3 . o . e "3 H ho c c H B o . fl 'S o a '= * J 2 X J ' li 2 H 3 a go 1-2 S H li 11 II 1 1 in North Wales. 465 2 j TJ O imal Proportion Total Teachers. 1 ^a f Female. 2 I L ^ t^ CO o . g e-S 3 i^. . CO J : Female. CO ^ 00 " o i : : 1 O 00 o co S oo c-i a r^ s 1 f 1 MERION 1 t 1 ?~ er of Teach Female. -T O CO |? I ^ ! (M CO (0 l r Number Teacher 3 ~s M 1* 1 1 CO 5 | t (M CO 1? 7 5 o o -T i ob 2 s . en 09 g M 33 o o CJ . . . . Bd A M & o 02 H p 8 ' -3 * na " "3 ,' r ,2.0 .s . S H i- g 4 *" "-5 2 o 2 H 2 1 * *~ :P e* 1 * S 5 < M ^ ^ g 11 d - 2 .2 '3 -g 2 H ll ^ 1 3 -a 1 ^ ^ a = 2 "3 2 'IS | ! 2s i j> HP H u -aodojj aqi q.iiq w jo 2 K 468 On the State of Education U&AlS 'J suol | g S ' NTIES. jo aaqmn A \[ a[oi{AY i " i - r jaqtunsj ajoiiM jo O O CM . O l O< n ~# -^ i TT -i if* SB h sjooipg jo jaquin^i o t^eoooooi O-^QOOOQO co -o < -M o< 01 C> 3 i r i r-< F-H O4 O< W 1!" a U3Al aJB SUOI} g 4?. > 23 jo aaquin^ sioq.v^ o 5 uaquinM ajoi{M jo t- (M co o r- co eo oo c-i i>. t^ o oo o o K juaQ jad uoi^odoja -H as in. ico co o as oot^-t^ O 5OO4 O4 i i CO O1 CO > ^J* "3* m s[ooip S jo aaqumM rj CO^HO-M 1 ^ 00 Cl x CO 00 . 00 CO (M-^-q'CMCO i ITJ. .0 UBAlS aJB SUOI1 -jodojj aijj nDiq.w 9 o c" c '-5 o jo aaqunitf aioq^V S 2 I s 2 o jaqransj a^oi{.\\ jo r* ocoi> t^ ot^t^.oo r^co o ^ 5 X }U3Q jad^ uoi^jodojj I-H O i i I-H . 10 i-H3C,oO COOOOO OO O G.coot>.r> OCO^ S . . . -c i . . _ . . X 2 < I H * 1 ,1 ? ' S 2 . .||i . ..S . H 6 1 .! :5 5 1 . .* ' >. H . . 1 ORQANIZA' 'i >.>> S> ^ SJ. S ? s 1 Ifflll Iff itj] S|v;-:- 1 il|||f rillll I||!|| S ^2 ScaCrtrt^. 3 J5 IS W TJ ^ c ^-c^i^-s 1 Eii^^l il2fl2jg| sa5ol^ 3d 5* 5 _g in North Hales. 469 As practised by untrained teachers, this system is an unmixed Monitorial evil. The following examples, taken from Reports upon British J' ' schools conducted by masters who have received the best description of training, show what defective discipline and teaching are pro- duced even under the most favourable circumstances : In the large British school at Rhosymedre, in the parish of Ruabon The classes were unequal ; and the monitors were too ignorant to teach their classes, and too undisciplined themselves to think of keeping others in order. They shouted their instruction in the most deafening manner. The children were very dirty and ragged, uncouth and undisciplined. The noise in the school was distracting. The master informed me that v\hen the school commenced six months ago, the children were so completely wild, that it required three men besides himself to keep them in any sort of order. The master is only 24 years of age. He was trained at the Borough-road. In the large British school at Llanncst^ conducted by a master who has many excellent qualifications Though there were two or three of the monitors who did their duty pretty well, generally speaking, they were, as usual, incompetent; one monitor, who was supposed to be capable ot interpreting English words to the class, as the lesson proceeded, was himself unable to read with case. A second not only read incorrectly, but contradicted her pupils when they pronounced words aright. She said that she had been doing* so " since long time." Two others were much too young to be employed as monitors, and I saw another beating the members of his class. In a British school, established a few weeks previously to the date of visitation, at Cemmaes, county of Montgomery, The monitors receive special instruction after school-hours. At present they are incompetent. One little girl, who was employed as monitress of an alphabet class, said that she " could not read them," meaning the words of a very simple narrative; and, as if conscious that she ought to have been able to do so, added, in Welsh, " I have done nothing but teach these disagreeable little children." In a British school at Llanrhaiadr, in the county of Denbigh, The first class of monitors were uncertain as to whether Mary Magdalene or the Virgin Mary was the mother of Jesus Christ. In answer to my questions, they stated that Moses, Jacob, and Abraham were of the twelve apostles, and that Herod and Pharaoh were the two wicked ones who betrayed their Lord and Master. In a British school at Llandderfel, in the county of Merioneth, With one exception, the monitors were unequal to their duties. One of them read more incorrectly than his own pupils. They used Welsh to communicate their wishes to the scholars, and appeared to know very little English, except the words " tell him !" One of them, finding that a member of the class would not give place when corrected, took him by the shoulder and pushed him down by main force. In the boys' department of the British school at 470 On the State of Education The classification of this school is very unequal, especially among the lower classes. The monitors vary considerably. I found one who uas intelligent; the next to him reproved a pupil who was reading correctly, telling him to read scared for sacred. The s;ime monitor failed to correct a boy, who repeatedly said mistolec, instead of mistletoe. Some questioned their pupils intelligently, others were careless. All the monitors receive additional instruction for half an hour after school, both morning and evening. In the British school at Rhosllanerchrugog, conducted by a master who was trained for six months at the Borough-road Normal school, It is impossible, in a school so recently established, to have monitors competent to teach, yet nine monitors are employed in this school, all of whom were found to be incompetent. Upon these monitors and the master, aged 21, depends the education of 267 children. The master is necessarily inexperienced, and it is difficult to imagine a school where more experience would be required. Though he appears anxious to do his best, he does not and cannot control the school, which is not only numerous, but consists of children who, being altogether uncivilized, appear to require discipline even more than instruction. In National schools the monitorial system is no less injurious, and proves more obnoxious to the parents. In the Church school at Llangelynin, county of Carnarvon, The monitors employed to teach reading could themselves only read monosyllables. The monitor of the first class in arithmetic could not tell how many pounds are contained in 51 shillings. None of them were able to keep alive the interest and attention of their classes ; the children, therefore, became listless and dull. In the National school at Llangollen, The master has been but a few months engaged in teaching. He was formerly a bookseller, and has recently spent four months at Carnarvon, with the view of being trained. He understands very little Welsh. The younger pupils in his school understand no English. The children are in general monotonous and sleepy, and he appears to want the power of interesting them and fixing their attention. His questions were feeble and without point. His school is not well organized. Monitors are employed, but, if the master's attention is withdrawn for an instant, the business of the school is at a stand. The attainments of the scholars are so low that there is not much opportunity for classification, but the scholars are not arranged according to their merit. All the children in a class are in the habit of answering simultaneously, but on a bad system, so that those who are ignorant cannot be detected. In the Church school at Pentrefoelas, The master was formerly a labourer, and speaks English very ungrammatically. He has been employed in teaching for a year, but has never been trained or educated for the purpose. He attempts to conduct his school upon the National system, which he has seen adopted at Bangor. He employs 20 monitors, five for a week at a time, but there is not a pupil in the school competent to teach. None had any in North Wales. 47 [ conception of the meaning of what they were learning and reading. As no system of interpretation is adopted, they are in the habit of reading the Scriptures without deriving any notion of the first rudiments of Christian doctrines or morality. I asked " How many Command- ments are there ?" and, failing to obtain an answer, I asked them to tell me in Welsh the meaning of the word " commandment ;" upon which one answered " loan Fedyddiwr" (John the Baptist). A young man 20 years of age, in answer to a question respecting the passage of the Israelites through the Red Sea, told me that he thought they must have crossed when the tide was out. None could tell me who were the Jews, and many believed that the Welsh were Jews. They were questioned in Welsh and English. With respect to the simultaneous instruction mentioned in the simuitane. foregoing table, it is important to explain that in schools in North 1 ' Wales it signifies the habit of hearing two or more classes recite their catechism or other repetition lesson simultaneously. The simultaneous method (properly so called) of giving catechetical lectures is only practised in a very few schools, for which the teachers have received superior training. It appears from the foregoing summary that, of the 578 schools Neglect of now in operation, 232 are never visited at all ; that, of the anj* remainder, none have as yet been subjected to any periodical tion visitation by the Inspectors appointed under your Lordships' authority, or by other Inspectors expressly appointed by any diocesan or other local Board of Education there being no such Board in existence in North Wales ; and that only one school is periodically visited by the Bishop of the diocese.* The visitation which prevails is conducted, in the case of Church schools, by the minister, or patron, or both ; and in that of British and Foreign schools, by the Committee. The following extracts illustrate the effects which follow the neglect of visitation and assistance : In the Church school at Penmachno, county of Carnarvon, Results- schools ill I asked six boys, between 10 and 13 years of age, where did Christ conducted; die? Two replied, " In Eden." Another said, "In Bethlehem." They were questioned in Welsh, not one of them being able to talk English at all. The master said he was in the habit of questioning them as to the meaning of English words ; but on my requesting him to do so, he allowed the children to translate English verbs into Welsh nouns. Even in reading, he is incapable of correcting the children's blunders. He read the word interpretation interpret- ation ; and the word stripped striped. His method of teaching arithmetic is not good. A boy could not tell how many pounds there are in 53s. without getting his copy-book, on the cover of which there was a money-table. The master has been more than 20 years a * The Dean of Bangor, the benevolent and active promoter of Church schools in North Wales, has been in the habit of visiting those in the diocese of Bangor ; but there is no official or systematic inspection with any guarantee of permanence. 47 '2 On the State of Education teacher. He was originally a farmer, and received no preparation for liis present employment. When I entered the school, I found him reading a newspaper. He told me that he durst not teach the "catecmV (that of the Church), the parents having sent him word that, if he did, they would take away all his pupils. A new school had been commenced, about a fortnight before, in an adjacent chapel, and had taken away a great number of his scholars. His salary is 10/. per annum. The building was dirty, and the windows were much broken and patched. There are no outbuildings. The master states that no one ever visits his school, or assists him to give religious instruction. In the Blue-coat Church school at Denbigh a school richly endowed with an income of 1187. per annum, I found none who could read with ease. Among all the copy-books belonging to the school, there was not one which contained good writing. I found 3 who could work a sum in Proportion, and 26 who could repeat parts of the Church Catechism, but this was the amount of their attainments. None had any competent knowledge of Scripture ; so little English is known that they cannot understand what they read, and the master adopts no system of interpretation. He does not even catechise them upon what they read, further than to ask a few questions out of a book, which, if the children answer, they answer by rote. Beyond this, he appears to have no idea of instruction. He states that no one assists him to give instruction in religion. He has been 14 years a teacher, but was never trained in any way. Fie was formerly a joiner, and still follows that trade during the holidays. Although monitors are employed, none of those I saw were able to read. The children were dirty, which could not be a matter for surprise considering the state of the school-room, which was dark, wet, and filthy in the extreme. Al- though there were at one time more than 200 scholars of both sexes, and the building is in the centre of the town, no outbuildings of any description have been provided. The snow was deep at the time of my visit, yet the windows were broken, and one casement was entirely gone. At the time when the Charity Commissioners visited Denbigh, there was a large girls' school, supported by the funds of the charity. This has been discontinued for many months. No adequate reason is assigned for its discontinuance. In the Church school adjoining the vicarage at ffanmer, in the county of Flint, supported by a valuable endowment, The master stated that no one ever visits the school ; and that during three months of the year, viz., from the 5th of November to the 14th of February, the school is not held during the afternoon. The building was very damp and badly drained. It appeared to be literally falling to ruins. The door was worse than that of any barn or out-house in the neighbourhood. The master and another person in the village in- formed me that parents object to sending their children into the place, because it is so damp. The furniture, which consists of a few forms and desks, was apparently rotting, and so dirty was everything in the school, that I could find no decent place whereon to lay my papers. Only 8 children were present, all of whom, except one, had attended the school between one and four years. Among 3 who were learning arithmetic, the highest could with difficulty add a few sums of money together in North Wales, 473 and there was not one good specimen of writing on paper among all the copy-books belonging to the school. The knowledge of Scripture in this school was exceedingly low. One pupil said that St. Paul wrote the Acts of the Apostles ; another said that the apostles wrote the book themselves. I was told that Jacob had only two sons : and thatZebedee was the mother of St. John the Baptist. Upon my asking from what place it was that Jesus Christ ascended into heaven, a boy replied, *' From hell." All the pupils understand English, which is the only language spoken in the parish. In the Church school at Llangicnadl, county of Carnarvon, The master was formerly a labourer he has never been trained to teach ; he could not read an English book well, and, in speaking English, he made the most extravagant blunders, yet he maintained that he was competent to teach English grammar. He complained that nobody * looked after them," meaning himself and the scholars. The place in which the school is held appeared to me miserably unfit for the purpose, without sufficient liijht, without a proper fireplace, smoky, dismal, and out of repair. There are no outbuildings. The school is partly supported by several endowments. In a Church school of GO children at Trefriw, in the same county, Only 7 could read a chapter of the Bible with ease ; of 10 who were learning to write, there was only one able to write legibly ; only 3 were learning arithmetic; of these, the most advanced, v\ho was practising Bills of Parcels, could not tell what 13 articles would come to at Is. Id. each. The rest were scarcely able to work a sum in Simple Addition. The Scriptures are read in the school, but nothing was known about them. Some of the first class said that Moses was the husband of the Virgin Mary, and that Jesus Christ was born in the garden of Eden. They were questioned in Welsh, none being able to understand English. The master was never trained to teach, and conducts a school after the old-fa?i|UlUU GJOqAV O; .i~>\' ;u uoaiodojd 'gjB[Oi[DS JO wqtun jj CO "* t>. n xas OUIBS jo sjBjoqos J j..imiiit afoq.M 04 .>n\ qoB3 jo uoi|jodojd 00 O o => sjBioqog jo jaquinjj "M Ci CO ^^ co co xag OUIBS jo sjBioqos jo joqtunu a^oq.M o; ,.n v 'l JL '- )B lU)|UO(lo.ld | in<^ 'M "M 01 O CO JS O 00 T P w Igg Ix CO ^ oo (M O o o o o S3 X8S 31UBS JO SJBIOqos JO aaqunm .>['>![ A O) .'."> \' i(.n:,) ) uop.iodo.id *< o r- co O> CJ o r- /. 'M X3S 8UIBS JO SJBIOqDg JO jaqiun o) a3y qoaa o I o o o C5 CXD o oo o o 00 00 TJ< -co |-r ^ --; g.2 *-y 03 OS 00 O iTi co 00 vc ci -T GO CN O S CO co t^ O TJ< O |^S ^f * O5 ^ Tp 00 CO CO i^ CM 01 o CN uoiieindoj CO O o CO CO CO CO CO OS CO 00 aq; oj sj^pqos jo ^UOQ jad uoi^Jodoijj CM CO CO ^r *rs T CO o ^ os r> "M (>l t>. -r o Ol -> &t s CO O OS CO O rj- 00 Tf OS Ol 05 OS CO r-, O . rc c fM CO -> CN o ^r i S =>, e8 (N i i *d< . r- C-l T CO b>, i s -a |I1 >O in CM i 00 00 O O TT o co o CO CO TJ< . cT IN. to -* ?M (N 00 .. oo T}< O O ^ 9^ o? -siBioipg jo ?uao jad uopaodojj ^r to >0 n< tx. CO O1 C) CO 03 O !> l t^ CM i i 03 1 S CO OS T Tf O CO ^2SB CO 00 1 rs <>i 00 00 CM O t^ CO 00 rrco 0> CO CM CO -r -r co c* ^r OS ^1 i >O 00 CN t CO (M 00 Tf 2 OJ 00 IN NGLESE 1 i ra * CO <-< i irt ' t- CO oo CO t^ o S OS O 03 -sy o -r CO < 1S O ,i iT. T5 CO i i to o o 01 TP CO CM r " c^ CO OS 00 03 OS OS 00 ,^ 103 00 CO CO OO O 05 CO t>. CO CO CO CO CO Ol f^. O co co ^S CO ff CO co cr> t^ CM i ~~ O-l O t>^ X CO - IN ^r . 1 t^ o 00 t^ o . t>. >o -3" MONTGOMERY. IJL 5 s f 00 CO 1 _ CO CO '.O o ^T 71 -0 ^ CO CM CO ri -Ti T3 C-i t>. co H * * gg r>. r-. ~ i S^ . 1 55 1 , 0? t^ to ^ co -r i > s oTc^T o o t^ -r" cT .2 * ii ! pi t> I'M QO t> rr O c^ 2 o r^ CO O coco - o -r 23 o e M CO CO t^. 01 CT> in o OS Tj T* 0> -r -* co *TJ1 CO 22!>< n CN MERIONETH, 11 KS-I O V3 CO Tr N rH ^ CO c^S -r CO c^^ o co vs t^ C^l U i i t- -r X 1 O ss cr> -o 04 cr: r-. -r - 1 < 00 *! a CM -i CO 1 CO*" t? t 1 00 O CO O CO CO 1-1 CS T CO 01 l>. -T t^ 2^ CO o t^ CO CM CT5 t^ o T-l CO O ^ O O ^ - >0 10 CO 1] CO * -* o co . t>. O . O ^^ O5 CO O c* t>. en oo o oc i 00 -^ 01 CO CJ s ^ r^. r^ to MERIONETH. jaquinsj paureiiaosB aq? 0} pouad qoEa joj uipuav)B sjw[ -oqogjo uopjodojj iBunsajudQ O o co s? >1i- O i O 01 O TJ 01 1C ^ i c^ uaipttqo jo aaquin^ . -M Tf *O 00 TT > O O r^ o . ^-. co s ^Ji FLINT. J. miltli ^ p.nmriJ.DSl! .ii[i O) pouad qaia joj ftuipuavi" Jl oqog jo uoiuodooj pxuisaiuaQ o en n ^ co & CO to o o o QO <* t O o Oi o r: i s 8 t^ o 00 DENBIGH. jaquin^sj pdiiiv)Joosv aqi oj pouad qawa JGJ Sutpu.mB sa^i -oq'as jo uo.niodoa.i iBinisaiudQ rr (M t^ ^- O o^ 1- . %w ft- 00 'T s, 1 s s ^ ^ s uajpnqo jo jaquinx 5 ^ S S S2 ~ TT ^ TT O "< O t>. TJ . OS O O I 1 ^ fM CO t>. O Ol <0 ^ QO CO (?J s I ANGLESEY. aaqtun ij pauiBjjaore aq; o; pouad qoBa joj Kuipua^B SUBJ -oqog jo uoijaodojj ivtutsaiuaQ O O CO O 00 ll ? |x -i o CO 8 3 S ' I JOqtLIl ^ ''f >. > " CJ O CO OO CO O QO O4 ^^ bx tx CO ..! g >. s 5 lagJI-irsI 1 s^^ g-*- a - s-s i 9 CajW^a;^^ 53 ^* ^Ioc,5a55^ sja g ^z ^ 486 On the State of Education value of the instruction given compared with the expense, and considering the materials for instruction and the qualifications of the teachers, the scholars cannot reasonably be expected to be more numerous, more regular in their attendance, or to expend more time in an employment so unprofitable. The complaints have been generally made by persons among the higher classes, who, through neglect, have allowed their schools to become extinct, or, through misapprehension of the character and temper of the inhabitants, have failed to adapt the style and subjects of instruc- tion to the requirements of those whom they professed to teach. In order to lay before your Lordships the fullest statistical details respecting the attainments of the scholars, which afford the only certain criterion of the value of the present means of education, I have endeavoured, in conformity with the instructions which I received, to examine every school in such a manner as to enable me to record the attainments of the scholars in the form of a tabular summary. In this manner 488 schools have been examined, and the attainments of the scholars present, to the number of 19,52 1 , recorded according to the following standard of classification : * PRINCIPLE OF CLASSIFICATION EXPLAINED. Scripture. Class 1 includes those who were able to answer plain questions upon the History of the Old, as well as of the New Testament ; e. g., the History of the Patriarchs, the Plagues of Egypt ; the deliverance of the Israelites out of Egypt ; the History of Moses, Samuel, Saul, David and Solomon ; the names of some of the Prophets ; the captivity of the Ten Tribes, and that of the Two Tribes. Class 2 includes those who had a corresponding amount of knowledge of the New Testament History without more ; e. g., of the General History of the Gospels, the miracles of our Saviour, the principal events in the Life of St. Paul and St. Peter, the names of the Epistles, and of the Apostles who wrote them. Class 3 comprises those whose knowledge was limited to the facts attending the birth and death of Jesus Christ, with the names of the four Evangelists. ' Religious Catechisms. The knowledge of Welsh children in this branch being found, as stated above, to be confined in nearly all cases to verbal repetition, I have not attempted in this summary to distinguish those who possessed an intelligent knowledge of the subject. Of the entire number of schools in North Wales, there are not five in which any attempt is made to convey such intelligent knowledge of the subject, except by requiring the pupils to commit to memory expositions or glossaries, which, being in English, do not serve the purpose of inter- pretation to Welsh children, and, being committed to memory, fail to * Schools in which the scholars have not been examined consist almost exclusively of dame schools, or schools taught on private adventure, in which the attendance was extremely small, and the amount of instruction inconsiderable. Consequently the re- sults of this branch of the inquiry afford the most favourable representation of the attainments of scholars in North Wales. in North Wales. 487 reach their understanding. Consequently the classification under this subject is confined to verbal accuracy of repetition : Class 1, com- prising children who could repeat the whole perfectly ; Class 2, those who could repeat a part perfectly : and Class 3, those who had a less perfect knowledge of the whole or of a part of the Catechism. Art of Writing. Class 1 comprises such as could write a round hand perfectly. Class 2, such as could write legibly, but with less neatness and symmetry. Class 3, such as were beginning to form letters, and to join them into words. The number of children able to write upon paper cannot be taken us a basis of calculation, since, in many cases, copy-books were produced which belonged to scholars who were not present during examination. Arithmetic. The scholars examined have been classed according to their respective proficiency (I) in the first four rules ; (2) in Reduction and Compound Arithmetic; and (3) in Proportion: Class 1, in each case, denoting those who were able to work an easy sum correctly at the first trial ; Classes 2 and 3, those who had some knowledge of the rules which they respectively professed, but who applied them more or less incorrectly. Mental Arithmetic has been recently introduced, and is seldom taught except in the few schools conducted by teachers uho have received express training. It requires little knowledge of English, and consequently Welsh children, who are naturally quick, make very rapid progress in mental calculation. Grammar, Geography, History, 8fC. From the method of instruction in these higher branches, as already detailed, it has been necessary to classify the scholars, not according to their comprehension of the meaning of what they have been taught, but for the most part, as in the case of catechisms, according to the degree of verbal accuracy with which they were able to repeat the books committed to memory. Thus, in Grammar, all who could parse words, or exemplify rules correctly, are included in Class 1. Classes 2 and 3 are formed with reference to the degree of accuracy with which the scholars could repeat from memory larger or smaller portions of the treatise used in the school. At present, as stated above, none have acquired such a knowledge of grammar as to write or speak correctly. In the same manner in Geography, Class 1 is confined to such as were able to point out upon the map the position of the countries, towns, &c., the names and classification of which they had learned by heart; Classes 2 and 3, including those who could repeat with more or less accuracy portions of the book used in the school for instruction in geography, and those whose skill in local geography was very inferior. From an analysis of Table (P), it appears that, the proportion of scholars entitled to & first class on the several subjects of exami- nation is as follows : In knowledge of catechisms or other religious formularies, 6*4; Attainments in Holy Scripture, 2*7 ; English grammar, *56 ; geography, *54 ; analyzed. History of England, '18. Of scholars able to read with ease and correctness, 8'2 ; to work sums in the Rule of Three correctly, 1*15; to calculate mentally, *32. 488 On the State of Education TABLE (0). RESULTS OF ANGLESEY. CARNARVON. Degrees of Pro- . "3 Degrees of Pro- . o ficiency. i'J> | ficiency. c > 1| SUBJECTS r> WHICH tc ^ "r H'O zJ ^ '~ "i\ I THK CHILDREN WERE EXAMINED. First Class. Second Class. Third Class. Not Classed.* Total know in thing of the Proportion pe latter No. to No. examine First Class. 1 Tliird Class. Not Classed. Total knowin thing of the III ! Religions ( Holy Scriptures . . . . 85 189 177 52 503 21-2 127 159 199 7 492 14-0 Instruction | Catechism> &c 121 158 122 401 16'9 142 170 ?1 215 343 9 668 15-6 115 212 373 79 779 16*3 59 129 ! 164 16 368 19-7 263 394 52 939 22-0 446 458 626 290 1820 38*0 52 105 IM 11 293 15-6 6 485 583 111 1485 34'8 419 538 503 141 Ifi91 35'3 176 233 27 734 39 2 1 372 341 75 1049 24-5 370 429 406 69 1274 2er present. nation. exami- nation. 92 2711 29 488 19,521 40 z?z North Wales. 491 ST?I3 ?SJtJ Ut SJB[Ol[0 *y os CM O 00 TT O ^o^.^: ^s ^ "2 i jo '^uaQ jad uotjjodoij . O> " . . . -1 ! r * ?sjy[ aqj jo jaquiu*^ o to i i T OS -H f^ t>* *O TT co^r ^* IN. C^ 00 to ~ ^ oo 1 ! .a^oaojpautuzB 10 TJ OS rf J-i S oo T< cO 00 -C OS CO T OO O to 1-1 ~-< CO CO TF ^ t>. tx. t^% 00 00 QO 1 -xa &TB[oqog jo jaqran sj ^ rr ^^^^ ^^.^^^^^ 1 ssBK) 1'J ut ^oqos -*Tf co c^ t^ o t^ i I OS TJ 1 t^t^ CO S jo '}U9O Jtad uopiodojj -1 t>. O 00 I 1 ^^ . J 3 a )SJt j at{) jo joqiun >^ 23 to ^ os co o O O tc >. C-l CM *"* 8 SSBlO^SJIJUtSJUlOUOS to . n, since exami SOSCTJOJOJ pamutB o co t^ -r co (M o co o co * n rs TT OS 00 < TT oo oo n -< -r os t^ t^ *-* co t^o ooso - o "T ^* '-O ^ O >O O 2.3 Js i 3 "O -xa sjBioqog jo jaqtunsj co co CO CO CO CO eo co co co CO CO CO CO CO CO CO SCTioiMijmsiiiioins t^-. CO-^2 t^ oo a> o OS 04 15 1 jo *4ua3 jad uotjjodojj CO >0 4o 01 TO 2 a 9 SSBO GO Cl N. O -^ CO o> to co .- -* to o TJ S 5 5 SOSStQ JOJ p.MIIUlV eo CO CO . to t- t^. e* co co co to o t>^ 1 . 'o rt ^B 3 o "B :s *! *^ o 1 1 . t, tc"fl liir.r- o M w W >3 J fc * The number of c Proportion of scholars of the first class in the several subjects of examination. 492 On the State of Education TABLE (P). Proportion of Scholars in the First Class in the several subjects of Examination continued. THE SIX COUNTIES. ssnjo }saij uj smjoips jo -;uao aad uo^iodoaj t^tr CO o 01 fi O i i CO T O CO CO H iTi O 01 . to >. ""-"-< ' ?sj;j d\n jo joqxjuiisj CO CO CO O 01 -rf ! O -f CO O t^ oo cs o > oo o C5 CT: O5 C5 05 Oi CT3 C5 Oi C5 MONTGOMERY. SSBJQ ;sjtj ui sjBioqog jo "juaj lad uoijaodoij r^o O rH ^ Tt< O -! CO T -00 0,^^ ~~~ 5SIIJ aip jo J^qinn^i to o i to C^ 00 t^ OJ CO CM 04 ^^ .^ . . . sassB^o aoj pauiuiB -xa saBpqos jo jaqtun NJ to o !! O to CT5 Tj-iO^OrM^,^ to to t^ to t^ r^ t^ 0.(N (M OJ Ol 01 (N MERIONETH. SSBJQ ISJtjJ Ut SJBlOlfDg jo %ua3 aad uoi^iodoaj oicooeoco OOOOTTCO^ 01 CO, I 1 i s Writing. fLearning First Rule A *!, *: J Reduction and Coin Arithmetic ^ Ru]e of T |,ree. &c. . [Mental Arithmetic . " * M "-."" in North Wales. 493 On the other hand, it appears from Table (O), that of 19,521 |% scholars examined, the proportion unable to read a verse of the Bible was 73*5 ; totally ignorant of the Rule of Three, 96'8 ; of geography, 94-6 ; of English grammar, 94*9 ; of history, 98*2 ; and the proportion ignorant of the first outlines of the history of the New Testament, 83*4. The extent to which ignorance prevails among this vast ?;^ o e r "^ majority is illustrated by the answers received in the course of (chiefly on examination, as given in the Appendix of Evidence. The following extracts illustrate the degree of ignorance of the history of the trated - Bible and the outlines of Christianity, subjects which, independently of their intrinsic importance, acquire additional significance as constituting the basis of the present system of education in Wales. The hand-books for teaching the art of reading are, in almost all cases, extracts from the Bible; the principal subjects repeated as an exercise of memory are catechisms and religious formularies ; consequently, if the present system of education produces any results, they will be seen in the religious knowledge of the scholars. In a Church school in the township of Nerquis, Mold I could find no one who could read a verse of the Bible correctly, no one who could write well ; no one could work a sum in the first four rules of arithmetic, or repeat any portion of the Church Catechism. They all appeared heavy and dull. Failing to obtain any answer upon the chapter of the Bible which they had attempted to read, I asked a few general questions, e. oni l n edu " Wales. They have supposed that, if children make use of the North Wales. Bible as a handbook to learn reading from the alphabet upwards, and if catechisms be carefully committed to memory, the narratives and doctrines therein contained must be impressed on their understanding and affections. The catechisms and religious formularies which were intended to direct and assist the teacher in explaining Scripture and in imparting religious instruction, to supply the defects of extempore explanation, and to secure the scholars from the inculcation of false doctrine, have had the effect of suspending all intelligent exertion : have degraded the office of the teacher, and reduced the scholars to a state of hopeless ignorance, not only of the peculiar doctrines of respective denominations, but. of the first principles and truths of Christianity. Note. In the foregoing description of the present state of education in schools for the young, I have spoken of the great majority of schools, and described the average state of education. There is a small class of schools recently established which form an exception to some of the harsher features above described, as, on the other liand, there is a large class in which education is yet more deplorably deficient. It will suffice here to annex a catalogue of schools of the former description, of which full Reports will be found in the Appendix, folio edition : ANGLESEY : The National school at Beaumaris (LF.ANDEGFAN), the Infant school at Holyhead, and the British and Foreign school at Llanrhyddlad. CARNAUVON : The Carnarvon Infant school is excellent. The Church schools at in North Wales. 501 v. CAUSES OF DEFECTIVE EDUCATION. The present defective condition of schools for the poor in North CAUSES OF Wales is usually attributed to the want of funds for the support of EDUC education. It is, in fact occasioned by the misapplication and defective distribution of funds already available for the purpose. The following table (page 502) shows the present state of funds in the several counties of North Wales, as returned by 517 out of 591 schools, distinguishing the various sources from whence they are derived. Defective distribution occurs in every source of income, but First endow especially in permanent endowments. The sum at present avail- able for education from this source considerably exceeds 4000Z.* ex- clusive of lost charities and certain large endowments, which, being under litigation, have not been returned. Of this large sum it appears that a considerable portion is misapplied by the trustees; that where there is no breach of trust, and the funds are Breach of actually available for the purpose of education, the schools are in tn many cases in abeyance ; and that where the income is paid, and the schools are carried on, the education given is, in the great majority of cases, of no practical value. These statements are illustrated by the following facts, abstracted from the detailed evidence contained in the Appendix : Jn the parish of Newmarket^ county of Flint, the arrears due for the purpose of education exceed 2559/. The intention of the founder of this charity was to establish a grammar school for instruction in Greek and Latin, or for primary education. The parish and neigh- bourhood have derived no benefit from the endowment for nearly a century, notwithstanding the animadversions of the Charity Commis- sioners and repeated decrees in Chancery. No other funds are raised for education in the neighbourhood. In a Church school which is self-supported in the parish,'the children were found deplorably ignorant : believed that their " ghostly enemy" is Jesus Christ, and that there are three, nine, and fifteen gods. Y Bont Newydd (LLANEEBLIG), and Pwllheli are promising, and those at Bangor and Carnarvon possess great advantages. DENBIGH : The British and Foreign schools at Denbigh, Ruthin, Wrexham, and Llunwrst, and a Church school just commenced on a good method in the latter town. FLINT : St. Asaph Church school for girls, and the British and Foreign school at Mold. MERIONETH : The British and Foreign schools at Barmouth (LIANABER), Bryncrug (To\vYN), Corris (TALYLLYN), Corwen, and Dolgelley. MONTGOMERY : The National school at Machynlleth, and the Wcsleyan School at Newtown. On the borders of England, there are useful Church schools al Chirk, Hawarden, Peuley, Threapwood, and Welchpool, but these are for the benefit of an English popu- lation." * A portion of this sum is received by the masters of the grammar schools at Bangor, Ruthin, and Beaumaris, which not being, as at present conducted, available for the poor, were beyond the purpose of this inquiry. 502 On the State of Education "53 (N D i Cl i ; o oo oo ** I '' H it O 0> >n oo eo to t- . . i ^,8 2 S S ^^ CO CO * M 1 S-S , * iliM i a? v* I- J - ' l^j CO i Tf CO * i <& - S 6 CO 1 s " s s s K o ^ tTi Tj O O t~ 1 '?'. HH 3 a ^ t- O CO O . o O5 lO *H l^ CO . Q M 1 H i E S E i ' M ** H 34 5! " >< ~ F |j-| 2 l s - 5 s o oo w i I 3 2 a O i ~ ~ o in t- '. e* o 9>i o t- -. CO ^ CO >-< C4 00 * - ^ ^ a s 2 s M > - 2 85 8 g > Q 00 Tf t- <0 ** s O O 0! O o 1 . o "- 00 * . H 0, t- . 1 S 4 ^| S | I t- | 1 s 1 g M ll-^.-S o m 5 -* s s * r- 01 !T 2 * ^* - o C-i - CC libraries, for the poor, have been made in only two or three localities, and are so feebly supported that their continuance is doubtful. * Half the number of schools at present existing would, if properly distributed, suffice for all those who are now under instruction, allowing one school lor about 1 10 scholars; in which case the present funds would, if equally distributed, afibrd each school an income of about GO/. Upon the present system of conflicting schools no increase of funds would secure permanent efficiency. 514 On tlic State of Education TABLE (R.) NIGHT SCHOOLS for ADULTS. saniotps J -wquintf aSsiaAy F- CO CO O ^ O O CO CO OS C-l O CD CO -H O # r>l quin^ afiiMJAV ^ ^ ^ w ^ 1 i CO ^oafqn SJ a VO r- CO - r-< r IN o CO a? s bo C 1 I q^og c? co o WM : : : : ^ : q S! l3u 3 rj< 00 (M O O I-H r- ' r ( ^ EH paSTo^qumN O O O CO O O uorjBdnooo snoiAaij ^njjap jo a^qB^ dpi A * Furniture. ft (M CO f CO O r-i C< i-H i-l CO tx> i i W -H . Description of mooa qniO : : : : ^ : Sni|iaM(j (N I-H o r* CO 5 fad^qQ l-l PX TP p* CM PH O icoqos "- 1 O V3 O CO i ^i siooq^o^uu^ "*< 00 -* CN l~ t i 8 M a Is & ; * f 1 So b bo c r3 O> c3 OO C3 g> | g .5 'i E2 76-8 79-2 51 t> 44M 50 2 77-1 582 604 6,987 1.937 1,570 82 550 273 2,700 684 537 25 7 52 1 8 5 1,139 877 9.739 2,6."9 2,112 53 22 9*6 15*4 15-1 14'3 13-7 2*1 19-:} 6-3 5*7 6-7 2-0 19-4 6'1 5*1 6-5 2-0 19-4 6*4 5-4 i-o. 1-3 16-0 4-2 3-6 > -92 12-6 2-8 2-4 98 3-0 1*09 1-4 14-3 16-2^ 3-7 4-6 3-0 3-9 5,69 95 I 9,03 1 3,01 2,83 ) 6 1,058 212 2,272 538 620 10 2 47'8 53-0 50*1 11,708 4,769 82 16,559 22 14-2 '39-8 39*6 39-9 26-2 19'7 23-1 29*3 21,60 4,710 for calculation. In Anglesea, \\ ; Carnarvon, 13 ; Denbigh, 8 ; Flint, 5 ; Merioneth, 5 ; Montgomery, 4 ; Total, 4<5. 518 On the State of Education TABLE (T.) SUMMARY OF SUNDAY SCHOOLS DISCIPLINE AND INSTRUCTION. SECT OR CONGREGATION. Number of Schools. Number of Schools in which Simultaneous Instruction is given by Schools in which Instruction is given. Centesimal Proportion of Schools taught in each Language to the ascertained Number. Number of Scholars who read the Scriptures. Centesimal Proportion ol tbOMJ who read the Scriptures to tin whole number of Scholars. | Number of School* in which Secular Instruction is given. The Scriptures arc committed to memory. | It j | 5 ! c .2 Z | 1 '3 ai >. 1 !t fit !f 1 bo . C >* S* j ANGLESEY. Church of England Baptists . . C.ilvinisticMethodists Independents . . Wesleyan Methodists Other Denominations Total . . . CARNARVON. Church of England Baptists . . . Cal vi n istic M ethodists Independents . . Wesley an Methodists Other Denominations - Total . . . DENBIGH. Church of England I '-.i ris's .... C.ilvinis ic Methodists Independents . . Wesley an Methodists OtherDenominations Total . . . FLINT. Church of England K-iptists .... CalvinisticMethodists Independents . Wesleyan Methodists Other Denominations Total . . . MERIONETH. Church of England Baptists .... CalvinisticMethodists Independents . . Wcsleyan Methodists Other Denominations Total . . . MONTGOMERY. Church of England Baptists .... CalvinisticMethodists Independents . . Wesleyan Methodists Other Denominations Total . . . TOTAL NORTH WALES. Church of England Baptists .... CalvinisticMethodists Independents . . Wesleyan Methodists Other Denominations Grand Total . . 10 17 70 il 14 i *i 4 14 59 16 11 2 3 6 4 1 4 17 68 19 10 2 'i 4 *2 2 3 40*0 100-0 97-1 90-5 71'4 20'0 7'1 40'0 2 : 9 9-5 21-5 386 919 6,413 1,189 544 54'4 69-1 68-4 57-7 44'0 ' 7 17 70 21 14 8 16 70 16 13 7 13 1 1 132 2 104 16 118 3 11 89-4 23 8-3 9,451 64'3 .. 129 123 101 11 16 16 131 49 24 8 1 12 120 42 18 1 2 3 3 1 3 12 127 45 13 4 'i 9 3 1 2 9 18-7 80-0 99-2 93-7 56'5 25-0 2*1 4-4 56'3 20-0 8 4-2 39.1 718 637 12,499 2,333 1,307 49-3 54-3 69-2 58-4 63'3 13 16 129 46 24 14 14 126 35 22 9 10 105 37 20 1 1 15 t. i 236 8 193 10 200 6 24 87'0 6'3 52-6 83-7 72-5 50-0 2-6 10'4 47,494 60'4 .. 228 211 181 32 19 104 40 38 2 9 8 3 1 12 88 30 36 1 1 4 8 9 2 1 2 10 87