SCHOOL BULLETIN PUBLICATION This series of Books for Teachers began with the issue in 18*2 Common School Law for Commo?i School Teachers. Within six j more than one hundred books were issued, with an aggregate ^x&^nAina tiir^A VmnHrpd thousand coDics. That no teacher's lib LIBRARY OF THE University of California. GIFT OF" Class ^Vux^ . I, A)'JJw/\.' POST-PAID without extra charge. Fully warranted to give satisfaction, or money refunded. Four sizes. To cover 50 feet, one coat 3 103 feet 1 200 feet < 400 feet ( Aids to School Di§cipline, containing 80 Certificates, 120 Checks, 200 Cards, 100 Single and Half Merits. Per box.. ] Supplied separately, per hundred, Half Merits, 15 cts; Cards, 15 cts; Checks, 40 cts; Certificates, 50 cts. Alden (Joseph) First Principles of Political Economy. Cloth, 16 mo. , pp. 153 Bradford (W. H.) The Thirty Possible Problems of Percentage. embracing a full and exhaustive discussion of the theory of General Percentage, with one hundred illustrative examples. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Flexible Cloth, 16mo., pp. 34 JBeebe (Levi N.) First Steps among Figures. A Drill Book in the Fundamental Rules of Arithmetic, based upon the Qrubl Meth- od. Teacher's Edition. Cloth, 16mo., pp. 326 ] PupiVs Edition. Cloth, 16mo., pp. 143 Buckliam (Henry B.) HANDBOOKS FOR YOUNG TEACH- ERS. No 1, FIRST STEPS. Cloth, 24 mo., pp. 152 No. 2, Lessons and Discipline. In preparation. ardeen (C. W.) Common School Law. A digest of statute and common law as to the relations of the Teacher to the Pupil, the Parent, and the District. With 400 references to legal decisions in 21 different states. To which are added the 1400 questions given at the first seven New York Examina- tions for State Certificates. 7th thousand. Cloth, 12mo., pp. 188 and Appendix.. 50 — Roderick Hume. The story of a New York Teacher. Cloth, 16mo., pp. 295 1 25 ulletin Blank Speller. Designed by Principal H. B. Buckham, Buffalo Normal School. Boards, 5£x7£, round corners, pp. 40 15 —Book-Keeping Blanks. Day-Book, Journal, Ledger, Cash Book, Sales Book. In sets or singly. Press board, 7x8£, pp. 28 15 — Composition Book. Designed by Principal H. B. Buckham, Buffalo Normal School. Manilla, 7x9, pp. 34 15 — Class Register. Designed by Edward Smith, Superintendent of Schools, Syracuse, N. Y. Press board covers, Two Sizes, (a) 6x7, for terms of twenty weeks, (b) 5x7, for terms of fourteen weeks. When not otherwise specified the smaller size is always sent. Pp.48 - 25 — School Ruler, marked on one side by inches and metres, and containing on the back an Immense amount of condensed sta- tistical information. Two Styles, (a) Manilla, 12 inch, (6) Card- board, 6 inch. Each 3 cts. Per hundred 1 00 olored Crayon, for Blackboard, per box of one dozen, nine different colors — Red, orange, yellow, green, lake, brown, light brown, blue, lilac 25 amnion School Thermometer, in box, post-paid 50 ooke (Sidney G-.) Politics and Schools. Paper, 8vo., pp. 23 25 raigf (Asa H.) The Question Book. A general review of Com- mon School Studies, to be used in schools in connection with text-books. Invaluable to teachers as a means of giving a Normal Training. 42d Thousand. Cloth, 12mo., pp. 340 1 50 e Graff (E. V.) PRACTICAL PHONICS. A comprehensive study of Pronunciation, forming a complete guide to the study of the elementary sounds of the English Language, and con- taining 3000 words of difficult pronunciation, with diacritical marks according to Webster's Dictionary. Cloth, 12mo., pp. 108 75 —POCKET PRONUNCIATION BOOK, containing the 3000 words of difficult pronunciation, with diacritical marks accord- ing to Webster's Dictionary. Manilla, 16mo., pp. 47 15 — Ihe School Room Guide, embodying the instruction given by the author at Teachers' Institutes in New York and other States, and especially intended to assist Public School Teach- ers in the practical work of the school room. Tenth Edition, with many additions and corrections. Cloth, 12mo., pp. 449_. 1 50 —The Song Budget. A collection of Songs and Music for schools and educational gatherings. Paper, small 4to., pp. 72 15 —The School-Room Chorus. A collection of 200 Songs, suitable for Public and Private Schools. Boards, small 4to., pp. 147.- 35 t>u THE Regents' Questions From the First Examination in 1866. Being the Questions for the Preliminary Examinations for Admission to the UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK prepared by the REGENTS OF TEE UNIVERSITY, And Participated in Simultaneously by Nearly Two Hundred and Fifty Academies, forming a Basis for Distributing More than a Million of Dollars. compiled by DANIEL J, PRATT, A. M, Ph.D., Assistant Secretary, Regents of the University. COMPIjESTEI. OF THE \jm-:?."-: rv or Ann SYRACUSE, N. Y. c. w. bardeen, publisher. 1882. Copyright, 1877, 1880, by C. W. Bardeen \o '-j 4- Jh£ ^jEQEJMT^' QuEjSTIOJ^jS. Since 1866 the Regents of the State of New York have held examinations three times a year in all the Academies and Academic Departments of the Union Schools, granting certifi- cates to such pupils as pass satisfactorily, and apportioning upon these certificates a large sum of money among the schools of the State. As pupils begin the study of the higher branches after passing this examination, the questions are made to em- brace all that is jrractical in the above branches. In all these 9,000 questions not a single unimportant or "catch " question can be found. They are now used as text-books in many of the leading schools of the country. Cornell University, and most other colleges, recognizing their practical character, now admit, without any further examination upon these subjects, pupils who have passed an examination upon these questions. Students must pass these examinations before they are ad- mitted to Teachers' Classes in Academies, and by the new rules of the New York Court of Appeals, applicants for ex- amination or for clerkship, shall, if not college graduates, first pass one of these examinations. The following TEN EDITIONS are published : 1. The Regents' Questions in Arithmetic, Geography, Grammar and Spelling, complete, with Keys to the Arithmetic, Geography and Grammar Questions, 16mo, cloth $2.00 2. The Regents' Questions in Arithmetic, Geography, Grammar and Spelling, Complete, cloth 1.00 3. The Regents' Questions in Arithmetic, manilla, cloth back.. 25 4. Key to the same, manilla, cloth back 25 5. The same, each on slip of Card-board, in box, with key 1.00 6. The Regents' Questions in Geography, manilla, cloth back 25 7. Key to the same, manilla, cloth back 25 8. The Regents' Questions in Grammar, manilla, cloth back 25 9. The Regents' Questions in Grammar, with Key, with references upon every point to all the leading text- books now in vse, thus forming a Comparative English Grammar, cloth ; 1.00 10. The Regents' Questions in Spelling manilla, cloth back .25 Any of the above will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of the prices annexed. Addresp, C. W. BARDEEN, Publisher, SYRACUSE, K. Y, THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. ARITHMETIC. Examination I. Jsfov. 8, 1866. 1. Write in figures each of the following numbers, add them, and express in words (or numerate) their sum: fifty-six thousand, and fourteen thousandths; nineteen, and nineteen hundredths; fifty-seven, and forty-eight ten-thousandths; twenty-three thousand five, and four tenths ; and fourteen millionths. 2. What is the difference between 3f plus 7f, and 4 plus 2f ? 3. In multiplying by more than one figure, where is the first figure in each partial product written, and why is it so written ? 4. If the divisor is 19, the quotient 37, and the re- mainder 11, what is the dividend ? 5. What is the quotient of 65 bu. 1 pk. 3 qt. di- vided by 12? 6. Which one of the fundamental operations (or ground rules) of arithmetic is employed in reduction descending? Give an example. 7. In exchanging gold dust for cotton, by what weight would each be weighed? THE REGENTS QUESTIONS. 8. What is the only even prime number? 9. How many weeks in 8,568,456 minutes? 10. To what term in division does the value of a common fraction correspond? 11. What is the product of a fraction multiplied by its denominator? Give an example. 12. What is the rule for the multiplication of deci- mals? 13. How is a common fraction reduced to a deci- mal? Give an example. 14. What is ratio and how may it be expressed? Illustrate by an example. 15. If 27 tons, 3 qr. 15 lb. of coal cost $217.83, what will 119 tons 1 qr. 10 lb. cost? 16. Find the cost of the several articles, and the amount of the following bill : Utica, Oct. 1, 1866. A. P. Jewett to Samuel Palmer, Dr. To 16,750 feet of board at $12.50 per M., " 1,750 " " 24.00 " " 3,500 " " 25.00 " .... Received payment, $ Samuel Palmee. 17. What is the length of the side of a cubical box which contains 389,017 solid inches? 18. What is the present worth of the following note discounted at bank, and when will it become due: — $100. Albany, October 11, 1866. Ninety days from date, for value received, 1 promise to pay to the order of John Smith, one hun- dred dollars, at the Albany City National Bank. John Brown. ARITHMETIC. 19. Involve f to the 7th power. 20. What is the square root of .0043046721? 21. Sold 9^ cwt. of sugar at $8i per cwt., and -thereby lost 12 per cent. : how much was the whole cost? 22. A person owned f of a mine, and sold £ of his interest for $1,710: what was the value of the entire mine? 23. When it is 2 hr. 36' a. m., at the Cape of Good Hope, in longitude 18 ° 24 ' east, what is the time at Cape Horn, in longitude 67 ° 21 ' west? 24. What is the cost of 17 tons 18 cwt. 1 qr. 17 lb. of potash at $53.80 per ton? Examination II. March i ; i86y. 25. Express in words the number 42567000129301. 26. Multiply five hundred and forty thousand six hundred and nine, by seventeen hundred and fifty. 27. Give the rule for reduction descending. 28. How many steps of 2£ ft. each would a man take in walking a mile? 29. How is a whole number reduced to a fraction of the same value having a given denominator? 30. What is the value of f of f- of % of ^ when re- duced to a simple fraction of the lowest terms? 31. Give the rule for reducing several fractions to equivalent fractions having the least common de- nominator. 32. Add 3f to 4 ft. 6 THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. 33. Write in figures, two and six hundred-mil- lionths. 34. Reduce 1375-8836 to a decimal. 35. Multiply seven thousand and five, by three hundred, and five millionths. 36. Divide 126.45 by 493.256. 37. The ratio of two numbers is 9, and the ante- cedent 90: what is the consequent? 38. Find the value of the omitted term in the fol- lowing proportion : — $4:(?) : :9:16. 39. If 56 R>. of butter cost $15.68, what will .078 of a ton cost? 40. If 96 horses eat 192 tons of hay in one winter, how many tons will 150 horses eat in 6 winters? 41. In 1 yr. 4 mo., $311.50 amounted to $336.42 at simple interest : what was the rate percent? 42. What is the interest of $14, 231 . 50 from June 29, 1860, to April 30, 1865, at 8£ per cent? 43. Three notes are payable as follows : — one for $200, January 1, 1866; another for $350, due Septem- ber 1, 1868; a third for $500, due April 1, 1867: what is the average of maturity, or the equated time of payment? 44. How much will it cost to carpet a parlor 18 ft. square, with carpeting f yd. wide, at $1.50 per yd. ? 45. The difference in the local time of two places is 2 hr. 18m. : what is the difference in longitude? 46. 33 is 2f per cent, of what number? 47. What is the length of each side of a square field which contains 5 acres? 48. A note for $470.66 drawn at 60 days, is dis- ARITHMETIC. counted at bank at 6 per cent. : what are the pro- ceeds? Examination III. June 14, 1867. 49. Express in figures MD^Tv CDLXXXIX. 50. Perform the operations indicated as follows :— 51. Numerate (or express in words) 90067236708. 52. What is the sum of 3912, 361, 40005, 98, 7368- ■63, 8342, 2900687, 9, 4000862, 28 ? 53. If two persons start from the same place, and travel in the same direction, one 7 and the other 11 miles per hour, at the rate of 9 hours per day, how far apart will they be at the end of the 17th day? 54. What is the amount due on the following bill of parcels : Albany, June 1, 1866. John Barnes, Bought of NATHAN HADLEY & Co., 16 lb. tea, @ 1.05 - $ 18 lb. sugar, @.14 25 lb. rice, ® .09 15 yd. linen, @ .66 Cr. $ By balance of account, - - 2.48 Balance due, $ Received payment, N. Hadley, & Co. 55. State the process of reducing inches to leagues. 56. How many bu. will a box 8 ft. long, 4 ft. wide, and 3 ft. high contain? 8 THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. 57. Add ||, | and ffc. 58. Reduce 1049-8392 to its lowest terms. 59. Give the rule for reducing fractions having different denominators to equivalent fractions hav- ing the least common denominator. 60. Multiply 18f by 7f. 61. Express in figures, forty-seven, and twenty- one hundred-thousandths. 62. Divide 2019.86928 by 30 *fo. 63. If 9 men cut 150 acres of grass in 18 days, how many will do the same work in 27 days ? 64. If 500 copies of a book containing 210 pages require 12 reams of paper, how much will 1,200 copies of a book of 280 pages require ? 65. "What is the value in currency of $865 in gold, when the latter is selling at 131 per cent? 66. What is the interest on $200 for 3 years and 10 months, at 7 per cent? 67. In what time will a sum of money double it- self at an annual interest of 5 per cent? 68. What is the face of a note at 30 days, which yields $500 when discounted at bank, at 7 per cent? 70. Extract the square root of .0043046721. 71. Involve 1.06 to the 4th power. 72. What debt can be discharged in a year by weekly payments in arithmetical progression, the first being $24, and the last $1,224? Examination IV. Nov. 8 ; i86j. 73. Express words in 2584503962047. 74. 2468+ 13579+100+6042-4-187-1-19= ? ARITHMETIC. 9' 75. What is the difference between 576-208+1645 -321, and 403-256+814-195? 76. Multiply forty-nine millions forty thousand six hundred and ninety-seven, by nine millions forty thousand seven hundred and nine. 77. One factor of a certain number is 11, and the other 3708311605: what is that number? 78. If the remainder is 17, the quotient 610, and the dividend 45767, what is the divisor? 79. What cost 3 A. 2 R. 20 rd. of land, at $43 per acre? 80. What is the difference of time between Juty 15, 1857, and April 25, 1862? [' T. cwt. qr. tt>. oz. dr. 14 13 2 15 15 15 13 17 3 13 11 13 ' 46 16 3 11 13 10 14 15 2 7 6 9 11 17 3 10 15 11 81. Add <{ 82. Find the greatest common divisor of 492, 744 and 1044. 83. Divide 137 a. 9 oz. 18 pwt. 22 gr. by 23. 84. From f of 137 subtract £ of 317. 85. Write eleven thousand, and eleven hundred- thousandths, (the whole as a single expression.) 86. Multiply .0097 by .000125. 87. Divide 475 by 128f . $8. What cost {± of an acre at $1.75 per sq. rod? 89. Divide 9811.0047 by .325947. 90. Reduce 18 s. 3f d. to the decimal of a £, 91. Find the third term of 7 : 8 ::(?): 12. 10 THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. 92. If 2i yd. of broadcloth cost $18, what will 27 yd. cost? 93. If 8 men spend $64 in 13 weeks, what will 12 men spend in 52 weeks? 94. Find the interest on $35.61 from Nov. 11, 1857 to Dec. 15, 1859, at 6 per cent. 95. What is the bank discount on a note for $350, payable 3 months after date, at 7 per cent, interest? 96. Find the square root of .876096. Examination V. Feb. 21, 1868. 97. Add together 15262986957 and 3879, and mul- tiply the 19th part of the sum by 76. 98. Subtract nine hundred and fourteen thousand nine hundred and twenty, from four hundred mil- lions and thirteen thousand. 99. A wheel makes 880 revolutions in passing over 2 mi. 1,430 yd. : what is its circumference? 100. Reduce 49 wk. 6 da. 19 hr. to minutes. 101. Find the greatest common divisor of 4004 and 5772. 102. Find the least common multiple of 25, 36, 33, 12, 45. 103. Divide 52 yd. 1 ft. 10* in. by 3 ^. 104. Reduce 3| of 1^ of 2 ^ to a decimal. 105. Find the value of 169 multiplied by .0000728. 106. Find the value of 25.000315— .0045 plus .2801 minus 18 plus 21.001. 107. Divide the number 54 into 3 parts, propor- tioned as 2, 3, 4. ARITHMETIC. ll 108. If for a certain sum 18 sheep may be grazed 20 days, how many days may 30 sheep be grazed for the same sum? 109. How many acres could 10 men plow in 14 hours, if 5 men plough 6 acres in 10£ hours? 110. Standard silver is composed of 87 parts of pure silver, and 3 parts of copper : how much per cent, of the whole is each of the components? 111. If I buy cloth at $1.20 per yard, how must I sell it so as to gain 25 per cent ? 112. Divide $1,200 between A. and B. so that A's. share may be to B's. as 2 to 7. 113. Divide 6 s. 6 d. between Jane and Ellen, so that Jane may receive 3 s. more than Ellen. 114. What is the value of the square root of 42X24X28? 115. How much coffee at 9, 11 and 14 cents a pound, will form a mixture worth 12 cents a pound? 116. When the extremes and the number of terms in an arithmetical series are given, how is the sum of the series ascertained? 117. The surface of a square table is 26 sq. feet, 100 in. : find the length of each side. 118. How many square yards of matting would cover a floor, the dimensions of which are 20 ft. 10 in., by 15 ft. 5iin.? 119. What sum of money will in 3 years, 10 mo. and 9 days at 7 per cent, amount to $1,524.10? 120. I have three notes payable as follows : one for $200, due Jan. 1, 1869; another for $350, due Sept. 1, 1869; and another for $500, due April 1, 1870: what is the average of maturity? 12 THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. Examination VI, June j>, 1868. 121. Express in figures the number represented by- four units of the tenth order, six of the eighth, four of the seventh, two of the sixth, one of the third, and five of the second. 122. Numerate the number represented by four units of the tenth order, six of the eighth, four of the seventh, two of the sixth, one of the third, and five of the second. 123. How may 25,000 be expressed in Roman nu- merals? 124. How is the local value of a figure determined, or upon what does it depend ? 125. What is the sum of the composite numbers from 50 to 80 inclusive? 126. From sixty-five trillions three millions six hun- dred and twelve, take nine billions one million four thousand and six. 127. A tax of thirty millions fifty-six thousand four hundred and sixty-five dollars is assessed equally on four thousand and ninety-seven towns: what sum must each town pay? 128. Which of the fundamental rules is employed in reducing a denominate fraction to integers of low- er denominations? 129. How many cubic inches does the standard unit of liquid measure contain? 130. How many cords of wood in a pile 140 ft. long, 4^ ft. wide, and 6^ ft. high? 131. A stationer bought 1 great gross of slates at 9 ARITHMETIC. 13 pence each; what was the whole cost, in pounds sterling? 182. Of what factors of two or more numbers does their greatest common divisor consist? 133. What is the smallest sum of money with which horses can be bought at $50 each, cows at $30 each, or sheep at $8 each, using the same amount in each case? 134. Express in words 0.500072. 135. What number must be multiplied by 15f that the product may be 56|? 136. How is the value of a fraction affected when its denominator is divided by a number greater than unity? 137. How do yon multiply .001 by 100,000? 138. What amount is due on the following items:? 37 chests green tea at $ 23 75 each. 42 " black " "17 50 " 12 crates Liverpool ware " 175 00 19 bbl. Genesee flour " 15 50 " 23 bu. rye " 1 52 " r 139. When are four quantities said to be in pro- portion? 140. If | of the distance from A to B is 32 miles, what is T \- of the same distance? 141. How is the rate per cent, ascertained when the 'principal, interest, and time are given. 142. If $300 gain $18 in nine months, what is the per cent? 143. What is the length, in feet and inches, of 14 THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. each side of a square carpet, made from 49 £ yd. of Brussels carpeting, f yd. wide? 144. How is tlie last term of a geometrical series found, the first term, ratio, and number of terms be- ing given? Examination VII. JVov. 13 , 1868. 145. Express in figures six hundred millions sev- enteen thousand three hundred and eight. 146. What is the sum of 372856, 404932, 2704793. 9078961, 304165, 207708, 41274, 375, 271, 34 and 6 ? 147. From sixty-five billions three millions six hun- dred and twelve, take nine billions one million four thousand and six. 148. One factor of a certain number is 11, and the other 3708311605: what is that number? 149. What are the prime factors of 800? 150. If the quotient is 482, and the divisor 281, what is the dividend? 151. If I take 13729 from the sum of 8762 and 14- 967, divide the remainder by 50, and multiply the quotient by 19, what is the product? 152. How many miles in 60,750 links? 153. What is the sum of & of 9f, and ^ of 328|? 154. Reduce f of if of 6^ of 17 to a simple fraction. 155. How many times is f contained in 837? 156. Reduce ^ of an acre to lower denomina- tions. 157. Find the greatest common divisor of 492, 744, 906. ARITHMETIC. 15 158. What is the least common multiple (or divi- dend) of the nine digits? 159. Divide 0.01764144 by 0.0018. 160. Reduce 7 fur. 29 rd. to the decimal of a mile. 161. What sum, at 7 per cent., will amount to $221,075 in 3 years 4 months? 162. What is the amount of $1,200 for 2 years at 6 percent, compound interest, payable quarterly? 163. If $100 gain $6 in 1 year, what principal will gain $12 in 8 months? 164. To what number has -£ the same ratio as ex- ists between 3 and 21 ? 165. What number of men will be required to per- form a piece of work in 8 days, that would take 15- men 24 days? 166. A. and B. enter into partnership. A. furnish- es $240 for 8 months; and B. $560 for 5 months. They lost $118. How much did each man lose? 167. What is the square root of 61723020.96? 168. How many cubic quarter-inches are contained in a cubic inch? Examination VIII. Feb. ig, i86g. 169. Add the following numbers : One hundred and eight billions, three hundred and six; twenty-one bil- lions, twenty thousands, two hundred and ten ; thirty billions, twenty-nine millions and three. 170. Reduce 2,579,792 drams avoirdupois to high- er denominations. 171. Reduce 1 mi. 18 rd. 2 yd. 2 ft. to inches. 16 THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. 172. Multiply * of V" b y 3±-i-16. 173. Divide T \ of if by ?. 174 Find the least common multiple of all the even cumbers from 1 to 15. 175. From the sum of f and | take f 9 . 176. Add together T Jw* lm d. ana f S iu - 177. Multiply 30.6002 by two and one ten-thous- andth. 178. Divide 4.08 by .000136. 179. Reduce f || to a decimal. 180. Reduce 8 oz. 5 pwt. 3 gr. to the decimal of a lb. 181. If 21 men in 12 days can do certain work, "how many men in 7 days could do | as much? 182. How much will it cost to dig a cellar 40 ft. long, 32 ft. wide, and 5 ft. deep, at $0.25 a cubic yard? 183. A. begins business with $500 ; at the end of 2 months B. puts in $300 ; at the end of 1 month more C. puts in $600; at the end of 5 months more, the profits amount to $1,056. What was each man's share? 184. 3 pence is what per cent, of 4 shillings? 185. What sum in 1 year will yield $48.75 at 12* per cent? 186. What is the bank discount on a note for $600 for 2 months and 9 days, at 10 per cent, per an- num? 187. I sell goods for $511.29, and gain 9£ per cent. ; what did the goods cost me? 188. At what rate will $500 yield $34 interest in 1 year 1 month and 18 d lys? ARITHMETIC. 17 189. What is the compound interest of $200 for 3 years at 7 per cent? 190. How much gold will $100 currency buy, gold being at 147? 191. What is the square root of 403.6081? 192. What is the cube root of mU^ Examination IX. June n, i86g. 193. The factors of a number are three hundred ninety-seven thousand five hundred, and nine thou- sand eight hundred. What is the product expressed in words? 194. If one man can mow 1.875 acres in a day, how many acres can 13 men mow in 7.5 days? 195. How many reams of commercial note paper each 8 in. long, 5 in. wide, and 3.5 in. thick, can be packed in a box, the inside dimensions of which are 3 \ 41f , and T 7 ^ feet respectively? 196. A note given May 10, 1867, was paid August 10, 1868. How long did the note run? 196ay the other extreme be found? 759. Given the first, second and fourth terms of a Proportion, how may the third be found? 760. In the question: If 4 tons of coal cost $24, what will 12 tons cost, what is the given ratio? 761. If 4 tons of coal cost $24, what will 12 tons cost? (Solve by proportion.) 762. Change f =£§ to the form of a proportion. 763—764. Albany is 73° 44' 50" West Longitude: San Francisco is 122° 26' 45". When it is noon at Albany, what is the time at San Francisco? (Two credits.) '63 THE regents' questions. 765. What will $884. 50 amount to in two years at 8 per cent, compound interest? 766. If 10 tons of hay will support 5 horses 8 mo., how many horses will 18 tons support one year? (Solve by double proportion.) 767. How many men will be required to build 32 rods of 'wall in the same time that 5 men will build 10 rods? (Solve by analysis.) Examination XXXIII. June 7, i8jj. 768. What are the 3 terms in multiplication called? 769. What are the 3 terms used in division called? 770. What are the first and second terms in multi- plication taken together called ? 771-772. To what terms in multiplication do the terms in division correspond? 773. How many partial products will there be, if the multiplier consists of several figures? 774. Given 73654 a multiplicand, and 4365 a mul- tiplier, what is each successive multiplier, expressed in words ? 775. Multiply 73564 by 4365, and express each par- tial product in words. 776. Multiply 73654 by 4365, giving the entire work. 777. To what, in division, does the numerator of a fraction correspond ? 778 To what in division does the denominator of a fraction correspond? ARITHMETIC. 63 779. If a cubic foot of limestone weigh 175 lbs., "what is the weight of a cubic yard? 780. What part of an acre is f of a square rod? 781. Find the greatest common divisor of 72, 96, 120, 384. 782. Divide 6525 by 4.35. 783. Add ±, h 4-13, 9-17. 784. Find the product of 8-15x12 1-4x1-5x7^. 785. Divide f of 2£ by f of 3. 786. Reduce to an equivalent decimal, 1-320: 787. If 10i cords of wood cost $34.12i, what will 60f cords cost? (Solve by analysis.) 788. How much carpeting £ of a yard wide, is re- quired for a room 27 ft. 3 in. long and 22 ft. 6 in. wide? 789. In multiplication of decimals, how is the place of the decimal point in the product determined? 790. In division, how is the place of the decimal point in the quotient determined? 791. At $1.20 per gallon, what cost lbbl. 15 gal. 3 bt. of molasses? 792. Reduce 28 rd. 4 yd. 2 ft. 10 in. to inches. 793. What per cent, of $4 are 30 cents? 794. Sold 160 acres of land for $4,563.20, which was 8 per cent, less than it cost; what did it cost per acre? 795. What is the simple interest of $137.25 for 2 yr. 7 mo. 14 da. at 7 per cent. ? 796. A note for $250, dated June 5, 1874, was paid Feb. 14, 1875, with interest at 8 per cent. What was the amount t 64 THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. 797. Bought two horses for $420, paying $48 more for one than the other. Find the price of each. 798-799. Boston is 71° 4' 2" w. longitude, and Washington 77° 1' 30". When it is noon at Boston, what is the time at Washington? (Two credits.) 800. If 2375 A. 2 R. 16 rd. of land be laid out in the form of a square, what will be the length of each side? 801. A. has $4,000, B. $2,700, C. $2,300 in a house renting for $720: what is each man's share of rent? 802. What is the present worth of $2,000 due in 3 yr. 6 mo. , with interest at 7 per cent. ? Examination XXXIV. Nov. 8 f i8y 7. 803. In the decimal notation, why is the nought (0) used, which of itself has no value? 804. Why does (0) annexed to the decimal not -change its value ? 805. What is the difference between a common and decimal fraction? 806. A man gave 503 acres of land to his sons, giv- ing them 83f acres each; how many sons had he? 807. What is the value of a fraction multiplied by its denominator? 808. If 14 acres of meadow yield 32j tons of hay, what will 5| acres produce at the same rate? 809. Change 4, 2.17, .136, and .0408 to equivalent decimals having a common denominator. (810.) Find their sum. ARITHMETIC. 6* 811-12. A farmer sold 300 bu, of oats at $0.45 a bu. and 16| cords of wood at $3| a cord. He re- ceived in payment 125 lb. of sugar at $0.12£ a lb., 36 lb. of tea at $| a lb. 6 bbl. of flour at $8.37* a bbl .. and the rest in cash. How much cash did he re- ceive? 813. Divide 100 by .001. 814. What is the cost of 536720 bricks, at $8.75 per M.? 815. How many coats can be made from 32.4 yds. of cloth, allowing 2.7 yds. for each coat? 816. Find the prime factors of 2205. 817. Divide 375287 by 46. 818. Divide 375287 by 46, and write the several parts into which the dividend is separated in the process of division, each exactly containing the divisor. 819. Divide 375287 by 46, and show that the sum of the parts into which the divide ad is separated in the process of division, each exactly containing the divisor, with the remainder, (if any) equals the dividend. 820. Divide 375287 by 46, and show that the sum of the several quotients obtained by dividing by the divisor each of the parts into which the dividend is divided in the process of division expresses the whole quotient. 821. Find the greatest divisor in 72, 126, 216. 822. What is Percentage? 823. How may the percentage of a number be found? 66 THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. 824. Mention three arithmetical operations ia which percentage is used. 825. What is the interest on $4,010 for lyr. 1 mo. 13 da. at 7 per cent, simple interest? 826. What is the commission on the sale of a house for $9,346.80. at 6J per cent. V 827. If $4.30 is paid for an insurance of $860, what is the rate ? 828. In a proportion, the two extremes and one mean being given, how may the other mean be found? 829. In what terms of a proportion may equal factors be cancelled ? 830. If a man walk 192 mi. in 6 da., walking 8 h. a day, how far can he walk in 18 days, walking 6 h. a day? (Solve by compound proportion.) S31. If 251 A. 65 P. of land are laid out in a form of a square, what will be the length of each side? 832. How many sheets :f tin each 14 X 22 in., will it take to cover a roof. 30 ft. X 18 it. 4 in. ? 833-837. At $0,36 per sq. yd., for plastering, and $0. 75 per roll for paper hanging, how much will it cost to plaster the walls and ceiling, and paper the walls of a room 18 X 16 X 9 ft., making allowance, in papering, for 2 windows, each 3 X 6 ft., and 3 doors, each 3X7 ft, , the paper being 1 ft. 6 in. wide and 7 yd. in a roll? ( 2 credits for computing plas- tering surface correctly; 2 for papering; and one for cost.) Examination XXXV. Feb. 28 ', 18 j8: 838. How many pounds of tea, at 72 cents a pound, ARITHMETIC. 67 would pay for 3 hogsheads of sugar, each weighing 1464 pounds, at 15 cents a pound? 839. A teamster agrees to cart 132 bbl. of flour for a merchant on Monday, 84 on Wednesday, and 108 on Friday; what is the largest number he can carry at a load, and yet have the same number in each? 840. In f how many ninety-eighths? 841. How many yards in three remnants of cloth containing respectively 2£ yd., 1 1-9 yd. and2-§ yd? 842. The sum of two numbers is 59f, and the greater is 30ff: what is the other number? 843. Find the value of (2f -j- 34) X (Sf — 4£). 844. How many cords in a pile of wood 196 ft. long, 7 ft. 6 in. high, and 8 ft. wide? 845. What will be the cost of removing the earth, from the cellar of a house 48 ft. 9 in. long, 32 feet wide, and 9 feet deep, at ,$0.57 per cubic yard? (2 credits : 1 for contents in cu. ft. ; 1 for cu. yds. and price.) 847. A has 25 per cent, of his property invested in a house, 10 per cent, in a farm, 5 per cent, in a barn, and the rest in a grove worth $4,800. What is the amount of his property? 848. Bought a barrel of syrup for $20; what must I charge a gallon in order to gain 20 per cent, on the whole? 849. B. sends $6,897.12 to his agent in New Or- leans, requesting him to invest in cotton after deduct- ing his commission at 2 per cent. ; what was the sum invested? 850. It costs me $72 annually to keep my house in. sured for $18,000; what is the rate? 08 TILE BEGENTS' QUESTIONS. m. ii ■■ iii. ii. m . 851. The difference in the time of St. Peter£Mrgh Washington is 7 hr. 9 min. 19£ sec. What is the dif- ference in the longitude of the two places? 852. What is Insurance? 853. What is the Policy? 854. What is the Premium? 855. A man bought a farm, giving a note for $3,400, payable in gold in five years ; at the expiration of the time gold was 175 per cent. ; what did his farm cost in currency? 850. Find the simple interest of $-160.90 for 3 yr. 8 mo. 13 da. at 3f per cent. 857. C. bought a house for $3,436, which rents foi $418.32. What rate per cent, does he make on the- investment? 858. Find the compound interest of $380.80 folf one year at 8 per cent, interest payable quarterly, " 859. What is True Discount? 860. What is Bank Discount? 861. What is the difference between the bank and true discount on $1,000 at 7 per cent., payable in 9$ days? 862. What are the terms of Ratio severally called l' 863. How is the ratio of two given numbers found? 864. Reduce the ratio 65 : 85 to its simplest terms. 865. Of how many ratios, at least, must a propor- tion consist? 866. The average cost of keeping 25 soldiers one year is $3,000; what would it cost to keep 139 sol- diers 7 years? (Solve by proportion.) 867. Find the square root of 466.489. ' 868-69. A pile of cord wood is 256 ft. long, 8 ft. ARITHMETIC. 69 high, and 16 ft. wide; what would be the length of each side of a cubical pile containing the same quantity? Examination XXXV L June 6 ; 18 j 8. 870. The Atlantic cable costs as follows: 2500 miles at $485 per mi. ; 10 miles deep sea cable, @ $j , 150 per mi. ; 25 miles shore ends @ $1,250 per mi. "What was the cost? 871. "What is the number which divided by 453 gives the quotient 307, and the remainder 109? 872. Which are the so called "Fundamental Bules" of Arithmetic? and (873), why are they so called? 874. What is a prime factor? 875. Find the prime factors of 2366. 876. A man working for $2 a day, and paying $4 a week for board, saved $72 in ten weeks. How many week-days was he idle ? 877. What is & fractional unit? 878. Reduce &, f x , II and 4£ to the least common denominator. 879. From 28$& subtract 3 T V 880. Divide & X 18-25 byiXiX X 5 T x U X 51-72. 881. Divide 46.1975 by 54.35. 882. From a hogshead of molasses, 28 gal. 2 qt. were drawn; what common fraction represents tke part of a hhd. which remained? 70 THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. — i .i.i i ■■ -i —* 883. What decimal part of a fathom is 3| ft? 884. If the consequent he 3£ and the ratio 7, what is the antecedent? 885. When are three numbers said to he propor- tional? 886. If a water pipe discharge 24 bbl. in 1 h. 14 m., in what time will it discharge 54 bbl. ? (Solve by analysis.) 887. What, is the cube root of 19.54, carried to 4 decimal places? 888. If it cost $95. 60 to carpet a room 24x18 ft. how much will the same kind of a carpet cost for a room 38x22 ft. ? (Solve by proportion.) 889. What sum of money is that of which, if 80 per cent, be deposited in bank, and 20 per cent, of this deposit be drawn, there will remain $5,760 in bank? 890. A lawyer collecting a note at a commission of 8 per cent, thereon, received $6.80. What was the face of the note? 891. Bought stock at par, and sold it at 3 per cent, premium, thereby gaining $750; how many shares, of $100 each, did I buy? 892. What is the amount of $16,941.20, for 1 yr. 7 mo. 28 da. at 4f- per cent, simple interest? 893. An investment of $7,226.28 yields $744.7937, annually: what is the rate of interest? 894. In what time wilt $273.51 amount to $312,864, at 7 per cent, simple interest? 895. What is the difference between the interest and the discount of $576, due 1 yr. 4 mo. hence, at per cent.? ARITHMETIC. 71 896. Three men gain $2,640, of which B. is to have as often as C. $4 and A. $2 ; what is each one's share ? 897. Find the square root of 10795.21. 898. What is the length of one side of a square piece of land containing 40 acres? 899. How is the true discount of a note found? 900. How is the bank discount of a note found ? 901. How is the present worth of a note payable at a future time without interest, found? Examination XXXVII. JVov. y, 18 j8. 902. Write in figures : two hundred thousand two hundred. 903. A man owns farms valued at $56,800; city lots valued at $86,760; a house worth $12,500; and other property, $6,785; what is the entire value of his property? 904. Bought 325 loads of wheat, each load con- taining 50 bu. at $2 a bu. What did the wheat cost? 905. Find the greatest common divisor of 679 and 1,869. 906. Find the least common multiple of 4, 16, 20, 48, 60, and 72. 907. What is the value of a fraction ? 908. Find the value of 12-1250. 909. If the divisor is less than a unit, how will the quotient compare with the dividend ? 72 THE regents' questions. 910. Divide 03 by &. 911. Find the difference between the continued products of 3, i h 4f , and 3£, f . 4, f . 912. If 36.48 yd. of cloth cost $54.72, what will 14.25 yd. cost? D13. A goldsmith manufactured 1 lb. 1 pwt. 16 gr. of gold into rings, each weighing 4 pwt. 20 gr. He sold the rings for $1.25 apiece; how much did he receive for them? 914. How many times will a wheel 16 ft. 6 in. in circumference turn round in running 42 miles? 915. What is the value of f of a hogshead, in in- tegers of lower denominations? 916. Washington is 77° 2' 48" west, and St. Peters- burgh 30° 19' east longitude; what is their difference of time? 917. What is 9f per cent, of 275 miles? 918. A man sends $3,246.20 to his agent in Boston, asking him to lay it out in shoes, after deducting his commission of 2 per cent. Plow much is his com- mission? 919. A gentleman has a house insured for $8,000, and the furniture for $4,000, at 2-f per cent. : what premium must he pay? 920. State the difference between percentage and interest. 921. What is the interest of $1,500.60 for 2 yr. 4 m \ at 6£ per cent. ? 922. Find the amount of $387.20, from Jan. 1 to Oct. 20, 1878, at 7 per cent. 923. A man was offered $3,675 in cash for his house, or $4,235 in three years without interest; he ARITHMETIC. 73 accepted the latter offer: did he gain or lose, and how much, money being worth 7 per cent. ? 924. What are the proceeds of a note for $368, a'. 90 days, discounted at bank at 6 per cent. ? 925. If 16 horses consume 128 bushels of oats in 50 days, how many bushels will 5 horses consume in 90 days? (Solve by Compound Proportion.) 926. Will the cube of £f be greater, or less, than that fraction, and why? 927. What is the square root of .00008836? 928. The pedestal of a certain monument is a cube, containing 373,248 solid inches; what is the length of one of its sides? 929. A. loaned $1,600, at 6 per cent., until it amounted to $2,000; what was the time? Examination XXXVIII. Feb. 2j,i8jg. 930-31. Write and define any four (or more) of the following terms: Notation; Roman Notation; Arabic Notation; Decimal Scale or System; Duo- decimals; Numerator; Quotient. (1 credit for 2, and 2 for 4 or more correct answers. ) 932. Write 1879 according to the Roman Notation. 933. Add the numbers: 1, 12, 123, 1234, 12345, 123456, 1234567, 12345678, 123450789. 934. Bought wheat at 94 cts. per bushel, to the amount of $59.22, and sold for $70.56; what was the selling price per bushel? Y4 THE REGENTS 5 QUESTIONS. 935. When are two u ambers prime to each, other? IJive two such numbers, each greater than fifty. 936-937. Express the following numbers and pro- cesses, by the proper arithmetical signs, and find the result: The fraction whose numerator is 19 and de- nominator 760, being increased by ¥ 3 F , and this sum multiplied by the square of 2, becomes a fraction, tfhose square is ^. (One credit for the expression, ind one for the solution.) 938-40. Reduce ($37f— $1S*) X (fof 8)-s-2£. (One credit for each of the operations indicated by the 3igns-, X , ■*■ .) 941. If 5 be added to both terms of the fraction f , will its value be increased or decreased, and how much? 942. Express the value of 501-1000000, without writing the denominator. 943. On a railroad 57 mi. 133 rd. Hi ft. long, there are 9 stations, including those at the two ends of the road. What is the average distance between the stations? 944. If 6 men can build 73 f fc. of wall 4 ft. high in 5 days, how many feet can they build in 33 days? (Solve by proportion.) 945. A merchant sold 86.55 tons of coal at $5.24 per ton; how much did he receive ($, cts., mills)? 946. In selling 86.55 tons of coal at $5.64 per ton, a merchant made $100.63; hov much did the coal cost him, per ton? 947. A merchant sold 86.55 tons of coal at $5.24 9 ton, gaining $100.63, what was his percentage of profit? ARITHMETIC. 75 948. Find the difference of longitude between Con- stantinople, 28° 59' E., and Boston, 71 c 3' 30" W. 949. When it is 12 m. at Constantinople, 28° 59' E., what time a. m. or p. m. is it at Boston, 71° 3' 80" W? 950. On what month and day will the following be due: Albany, Feb. 13, 1879. Sixty days after date, for value received, I promise to pay John Adams, or order, three hundred and seven y% dollars, at the Albany City National Bank. $307^. Thomas Jefferson. 951. What would be the rate per cent, of interest or discount on a note given and payable in this State,- no rate being expressed? 952. What would be the proceeds of a note at 60 days for $307^%, discounted at bank on the same day that it was made? 953. Find the present worth of $890. due in 1 yr. 6 mo., without interest, allowing 8 per cent, dis- count? 954. How would 7x7X7x7x7x7x7x7X7 be written, according to the notation used in Involution? 955. Perform the operations indicated as follows : y558009-*-y^=? 956. A certain room is 27 ft. long, 18 ft. wide, and 10 ft. high. How many pieces of paper \ yd. wide (9 yds. in a piece) will the side walls require, no al- lowance being made for doors, windows, etc. ? 957. How many yards of carpeting, $ yd. wide, would be needed for a room 18 X 27 ft? 76 THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. Examination XXXIX. June. 5 } 18 jg. 958. In multiplication, which factor must be an abstract number, or used as such ? 959. How many times is 4 g contained in 6,000? 960. The subtrahend being 14f$, the minuend 15^, find the remainder. 961. How many square feet in a piece of land, 13 rods square? 962. If I buy stocks at 10 per cent, below par and sell at 10 per cent, premium, what per cent, do I gain on my first investment? 963. Find the interest on $5,500 for 1 yr. 6 mo. 9 da. at 6 per cent. 964. "When it is noon on the prime meridian, where will it be 9£ o'clock a. m. ? 965. What will 7,580 bricks cost, at $3.50 per M.? 966. What is the difference between common and decimal fractions? 967. Divide fifteen thousandths by five ten-mil- lionths. 968. Find the greatest common divisor of 153 and 187. 969. Find the least common multiple (or dividend) of the same numbers. 970. A celler is to be dug 30 ft, long and 20 ft. wide : at what average depth will 50 cubic yards of earth have been removed ? 971. A. B. and C. trade together. A. puts in $1,000 for 10 months, B. $800 for 12 months, O. $900 for 14 months. They gain $1,200. What is the share of each? ARITHMETIC. Ti 972. What is the square root of a number? 973. Find the sum of the composite numbers be- low 47. 974. Name the 4th decimal order. 975. Change .03125 to a common fraction, in its lowest terms. 976. If 3£ cords of wood cost $11.37i, what will 12-J cords cost? (Solve by Proportion.) 977. John Brown bought of James Ray, on May 20, 1879, 2* yards broadcloth, at $3.50 a yard" 2 pairs gloves at $1.87£ a pair, 19 yards silk, at $1.75 a yard, and 33 yards sheeting, at 9 cents a yard. Make a bill in proper form and receipt it, as clerk. 978. How many rods of fence will be required to inclose a square field containing 90 acres? 979. What will be the cost of 4 lb. 5 oz. 6 pwt, of gold dust, at 75 cts. per pwt. ? 980. Give the rule for extraction of square root. 981. Give the table of linear (or long) measure. 982. A coal dealer bought 300 Ions; tons of coal at $3.75 a ton, and sold it at $4.60 per short ton. What was the total profit? 983. What is the rate per cent, of profit in selling 300 long tons of coal, bought at $3.75 a ton, at $4.60 a short ton? 984. What would be the proceeds of the following note discounted at bank on the day that it was made : Buffalo, May 20, 1879. Thirty days after date, for value received, I prom- ise to pay to the order of John Young, one hundred and five T 5 ^y dollars, at the Marine Bank. $105 T 5 ^. Ichabod Crane. 78 THE REGENTS' questions. 985. On what month and day must a note for 30 days, dated May 20, 1879, be paid, or in default of payment, be protested? Examination XL. J\ T ov. 6, i8jg. 9S6. What number divided by 453 gives 307 as a quotient, and 109 as a remainder? 987. How does a divisor of a number differ from a multiple of that number? 988. Find the greatest common divisor of 56, 140, 182, and 98. 989. What are the prime factors of 11970 ? 990. Explain the principle (not process) of cancel- lation, and illustrate by an example. 991. What change do we make in the value of a fraction if we take the same number of parts but di- minish their size? 992. 3050-5940=17-33. Why? 993. Prove that .625 =f. 994. A vat 13 ft. square contains 1224 cu. ft. How deep is it? 995. Change .0000625 mi. to decimal of a foot. 996. (24 X f or 7) X (f of 3 X A) = wliat? 997. The volume of a cube contains 91125 cu. ft. What is the length of each edge of the cube? 998. How many sq. ft. in the entire surface of a cube, each edge of which is 75 ft. ? 999. I have an acre of land in shape of a rectangle, one side of which is 9 rods in length. What is the length of the other side? ARITHMETIC. 79 1AAn 4|X51-7X8 , +0 1001. The time at a certain place is 16 h. 10 m. earlier than at Greenwich. Give the longitude of the place. 1002. I have a rectangular field which measures 25 rods by 10 rods. At $0.40 per yard, what will be the cost of boundary fences for the entire field? 1003. "What will be the total cost, at the same rate as in Q. 1002, of cross fences to divide the same field into lots 5 rods square? Make a small diagram of the field and its subdivisions. 1004. In a school of 300 pupils, the boys are to the girls in the ratio of 13 to 17; required the number of each. 1005. If I sell goods at one-half their cost, what per cent do I lose, and if at double their cost, what per cent do I gain? 1006. If 18 men can dig a trench 30 yd. long in 5 da. of 8 h. each, in how manv days of 10 h. each can 10 men do the same work? 1007. Show that ^ lb. Troy = ft P^« 1008. From f of a day take £ of an hour, leaving result in hours, minutes and seconds. 10 9. What will be the amount in three years of $625, compounded at 7%, annually? 1010. In what time will $240 amount to $720, at 12$ simple interest? 1011. Find the proceeds of a note for $1255.38, payable in 4 mo. 12 da., discounted at bank, interest being at 6$. 80 THE regents' questions. 1012. What is the present worth of a note for $1315.39, due in 2 years and 6 months, at 7#? 1018. Sold a horse for $91, which was £■ of what he cost rne. How much did I lose? Examination X.LI } Feb. 26 } 1880. 1014. The quotient of one number divided by an- other is 37, the divisor 245, and the remainder 230; what is the dividend? 1015. Two men start from different places, distant 189 miles, and travel toward each other; one goes 4 inilas, and the other 5 miles an hour; in how many hours will they meet? 1016. A merchant sold 18 barrels of pork, each weighing 200 pounds, at 12 cts. 5 mills a pound; what did he receive ? 1017. Suppose a certain township is 6 miles long and 4£ miles wide, how many lots of land of 90 acres each does it contain? 1018. What are the prime factors of 1800? 1019. Find the greatest common divisor of 1426, 322, and 598. 1020. What is the least common multiple of 9, 17, 6, and 27? 1021. Add 21f, 32f, and 47^. 1022. •< Reduce to its simplest form. ( 9xi 1023. How many times is .12 of 12 contained in .24 of 72? 1024. How many pounds of coffee, at 33£ cents per pound, can be bought for $14.50? ARITHMETIC. 81 1025. What is the cost of 2684 bricks, at $8. 50 per M? 1026. Required the number of pounds in a hogs- head of sugar, weighing 18 cwt. 3 qr. 14 lb. 1027. Reduce j% of a ton to integers of lower de- nominations. 1028. Sold a quantity of merchandise that cost $1670, at a loss of 3#: for what amount did I sell it? 1029. A house was sold, at an advance of 5$ on the cost, for $13,000: what was the cost? 1030. What is the interest of $475, for 3 years, at 5% simple interest? • 1031. Required the amount of $1350, from Janu- ary 12, 1880, to September 19, 1881, at 9% simple in- terest. 1032. What sum of money at 5% simple interest, will yield $275.40 in 3 years and 4 months? 1033. In what time will $3750 amount to $4541.25 at Q% per annum? 1034. What is the present worth of a debt of $1650, due 8 months hence, without interest, money being worth 6% ? 1035. What is the difference between true and bank discount on $1000, for 63 days, at 6#? 1036. Sold flour at $10.45 per barrel, and thereby lost 5% of the cost : what was the cost per barrel? 1037. Suppose a railroad train to run at the rate of 20 miles in 50 minutes, in what time will it run 275 miles? 1038. What will be the wages of 9 men for 11 days, if the wages of 6 men for 14 daj^s be $84? 1039. Find the square root of 149.4, correct to three decimal places. 1040 What is cube root? 1041. Required the cube root of 1860867. 82 THE REGENTS' QUEitfJONS. Examination XL 1 1 (a) ; June 3 , 1880: 1042. What are the fundamental rules of Arith- metic ? 1043. Why are they so called? 1044. If a scholar's expenses are 90 dollars for board, 30 dollars for clothes, 12 dollars for tuition, 5 dollars for books and 7 dollars for incidentals, what would be the expenses of 27 boys at the same rate? 1045. If 256 be multiplied by 25, the product di- minished by 625, and the remainder divided by 35, what will be the quotient? 1046. What are the terms of a fraction? 1047. Subtract 120 ¥ 9 T from 450|. 1048. 14f, less f of 8 f , is f- of & of what number? 1049. Reduce .9375 to a common fraction. 1050. How many times will .5 of 1.75 be contained in .25 of 17£ ? 1051. How much must be paid for lathing and plastering overhead a room 36 feet long and 20 feet wide, at 26 cents a square yard ? 1052. Reduce 150 sheets of paper to the decimal of a ream. 1053. A farmer having 760 sheep, kept 25 per cent of them, and sold the remainder. How many did he sell ? 1054. What is Commission ? 1055. What is Brokerage ? 1056. An auctioneer sold a house for $3284, and ARITHMETIC. 88 the furniture for $2176.50; what did hi3 fees amount to, at 2£ per cent. ? 1057. A man purchased $6275 stock in Pennsylva- nia Coal Company, and sold the same at a discount Of 12 per cent. : what was his loss ? 1058. If 12i hundred weight of sugar cost $140, how must it he sold to gain 25$ ? 1059. What will it cost to insure a factory valued at $21,000, at | per cent. ; and the machinery valued at $15,400, at ■§• per cent, ? 1060. What is the interest on $76.50 for 2 years, % months, at 5 per cent. ? 1061. Required the amount of $387.20, from Jan. 1 to Oct. 20, 1879, at Q% ? 1062. What will $450 amount to in 1 year, at 6# compound interest, payable quarterly ? 1063. What is the present worth of $180, payable in 3 years, 4 months, discounting at 6 per cent. ? 1064. Wishing to borrow $500 at bank, for what Bum must my note be drawn, at 30 days, to obtain the required amount, discount being at 6$ ? 1065. At what per cent, must $1,000 be loaned tot 8 years, 3 months, 20 days, to gain $ 183.18? 1066. How long must $204 be on interest at Q% to amount to $217.09 ? 1067. If a staft 3 ft. 8 m. long cast a shadow 1 ft; 8 in., what is the height of a steeple that casts a shad- ow 75 ft. at the same time ? (Solve by proportion.) 7056 1068. Extract the square root of-1^ 9216 1069. The pedestal of a certain monument is a cube 84 THE REGENTS' questions. of granite, containing 373243 solid inches : what i3 tiie length of one of its sides ? Examination XLIII(b), June 17 1880. 1070. Express in words: 5000000750001. 1071. If the product of two numbers is 346712, and one of the factors is 76, what is the other factor ? 1072. What is Cancellation ? 1073. Find the least common multiple of 4, 14,28, and 98. 1074. The product of 3 numbers is f : two of the numbers are 2£ and $■ : what is the third ? 1075. What is the sum of six-millionths, four ten- thousandths, 19 hundred-thousandths, sixteen-bun- dredths, and four-tenths ? 1076. Reduce t of 16 - 12a to a decimal fraction. 4| 1077. Make a receipted bill of the following arti- cles as if sold to John Smith by yourself: 16 lbs. of tea, at $.85 per lb. . • • 28 " " coffee, at $.25^ per lb. . . • 15 Yards of linen, at $.66 per yard. • i ir -■---■ 1078. How many acres are there in 250 city lots, each of which is 25 feet by 100 ? 1079. Add 96 bu. 3 pk. 2 qt. 1 pt., 46 bu. 3 pk. 1 qt. 1 pt, 2 pk. 1 qt. 1 pt., and 23 bu. 3 pk. 4 qt. 1 pt. 1080. By the chronometer, it is 4 hr. 56 inin. 4^ ARITHMETIC. 85 sec ., p.m., at Greenwich, when it is 12 m. at New York; what is the longitude of New York ? 1081. i of f is what part of T 9 T ? 1082. How many pounds of thread will it require to make 60 yd. of 3 qr. wide, if 7 lb. make 14 yd. 6 qr. wide ? (Solve by double rule of three). 1083. What is the difference between 5£ per cent, of $800, and 6£ per cent, of $1050 ? 1084 If I sell a piano, which cost $275, for $315, what is the rate per cent, of gain ? 1085. What amount of government stock can I buy for $15525, when it sells at 3^ per cent, premium ? 1086. What is the simple interest of $3750. 87, for 2 years and 9 months, at 8 per cent. ? 1087. The interest of $3375, for 3 years, is $771.75: What is the rate ? 1088. What is the amount, at compound interest, Of $250, for two years, at 8 per cent. ? 1039. What is the bank diseoimt of a note of $1000, payable in 60 days, at 6 per cent, interest ? 1090. A man who has only $50, owes $75 to A, $150 to B, and $100 to O: what should he pay to each ? 1091. Find the 4th power of 16. 1092. What is the square root of 26883881 ? 1093. How many small cubes, of 2 inches on a Side, can be sawed out of a cube 2 feet on a side, if nothing is lost in sawing ? 1094. How many bricks, 8 inches long and 4 inches wide, will pave a yard that is 100 feet by 50 feet ? 1095. There was a company of soldiers, of whom £ were on guard, ^preparing dinner, and the remain- 86 THE REGENTS' questions. der, 55 men, were drilling : how many were there in all? 1096. A wall of 700 yards in length, was to be built, in 29 days; 12 men were employed on it for 11 days, and only completed 220 yards: how many men must be added, to complete tne wall in the re- quired time? 1097. If a house is 50 feet wide; and the post which supports the ridge-pole is 12 feet high, what will be the length of the rafters? Examination XLIV. J^ov. n, i88q. 1098. Copy and add: £-i-naoT}©i>«©aoaocOT-ii©«oa>i~«©io io co «o cs 1-5 co t-I os r-i *> oh co id •*$ ^ i> co "<# co «CO OJL0 03NOOOW £>0 C\8 GO OS i> OS £> 1157. Define multiplication, multiplicand, multi- plier and product. ARITHMETIC. 91 1158. 330445150-*-3145=what number? 1159. How could you obtain the dividend, the di- visor, quotient and remainder being given? 1160. Find the least common multiple of 15, 18, 24, 35. 1161 Add 8ft, |, 3| and 4|. 1162. Bought 18 lb. of butter at 2S£ ct. per lb., giving in return 22^ lb. of lard at 12 ct. per lb., and the rest in cash; how much was the cash? 1163. Write with figures: Ninety-three and six hundred and nine ten-millicnths. 1164. On a railroad 149 mi. 234 rd. 4 yd. 2 ft. long, there are 18 stations, including one at each end of the road. What is the average distance between the stations ? 1165. How many boards 12 ft. long and 4 in. wide are require to floor a room which is 38 ft. by 27 ft.? 1166. Find the difference in circular measure be- tween Calcutta, E. Lon. 88° 19' 2"., and Phila- delphia, W. Lon. 75° 8' 54". 1167. Find the difference in time to correspond with your answer to Q. 1168. 1168. Reduce 23444 sq. in. to a compound number. 1169. What is the cost of 73590 lb. of coal, at $6.55 per ton (2000 lb.) ? 1170. 3 lb. 13 oz. are what per cent of 9 lb. ? 1171. Define per cent and percentage, as these terms are used in Arithmetic. 1172. Find the simple interest on $740 for 1 yr. 5 mo. 21 da., at 4+ per cent. 1173. What principal will amount to $310.60 in 3 yr. 5 mo. 9 da., at 5 per cent simple interest ? 92 THE regents' questions. 1174. What must be the face of a note for 90 days, at 6 per cent, on which I can obtain at bank $472.86 ? 1175. Two numbers are to each other as 7 to 11, and the greater is 329 : what is the less ? 1176. Paid $2225 for 180 sheep and sold them for $2675: what should I gain on 1200 sheep at the same rate ? (Solve by Proportion.) 1177. If it cost $176 to hire 12 horses for 5 days, what will it cost to hire 10 horses for 18 days ? (Solve by Compound Proportion.) 1178. How many miles of fence would be re- quired to enclose 640 acres laid out as an exact square 2 1179. What is the cube root of 104329 ? 1180. A person after spending £ and £ of his money and $20 more, had $80 left. What had he at first ? 1131. The width of a building being 38 ft., and the ridge of the roof 5 ft. higher than the eaves, how many feet of boards would be required to cover one of the gable ends ? Examination XLV ', June 26, 1882. 1182. Write in figures and numerate: Nine units of the 8th order, six of the 7th, three of the 5th, seven of the 4th, nine of the 1st. 1183. Copy and numerate: 9004082501. 1184. ( (256 X 25) - 625) -*- 35 = ? 1185. Find the prime factors of 2310. ARITHMETIC. 93 1186. What is the greatest common divisor of 1313 and 4108? 1187. What is the least common multiple of 84, 100, 224 and 600? 1188. If 235£ acres of land cost $4725f, what -will 628 acres cost, at the same rate ? 1189. From four hundred twenty-seven thous- andths take four hundred twenty-seven millionths. 1190. Divide ,125 by 8000. 1191. Add six hundred and twenty-five thous- indths; four tenths; seven, and sixty-two ten- thousandths; three, and fifty-eight millionths; ninety-two, and seven hundredths. 1192. What is the cost of 18640 ft. of timber, at $4.50 per 100 ft.? 1193. How many cubic inches does the standard (wine) gallon contain? 1194. The standard bushel? 1195. Keduce 41780 grains to pounds. 1196. In 10 mi. 7 ch. 4*rd. 20 1., how many links? 1197. Eeduce 3 qt. 1 pt. 1 gi. to the decimal of a gallon. 1198. How many shingles will it take to cover the roof of a building 46 feet long, each of the two sides of the roof being 20 ft. wide, allowing each shingle to be 4 in. wide, and 5 in. of the length to be exposed to the weather? 1199. What will it cost to build a wall 240 ft. long, 6 ft. high, and 3 ft. thick, at $3.25 per 1000 bricks, the size of each brick being 8 in. x 4 in, X 2 in. ? 1200. If a note for $605.70 given June 20, 1878, on simple interest at 8 per cent., be taken up June 94 THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. 20, 1881, what amount will then be due, if no inter- est bas been paid ? 1201. A man invests $2000 in bark stock, and re- ceives a semi-annual dividend of $75: what is the rate per cent of income, per annum ? 1202. Give the U. S. rule for partial payments. 1203. What is the present worth of a note for $1315.389, due in 2 y. 6 mo., at 7 per cent. ? 1204. If 6 men d\g a cellar 22.5 ft. long, 17.3 ft.- wide, and 10.25 ft. deep, in 2.5 days, of 12.3 ho., in how many days of 8.2 ho., can 9 men dig one 45 ft, long, 34.6 ft. wide, and 12.3 ft. deep? 1205. If an army of 55225 be massed in a solid square, how many men will there be on a side? 1206. A man bought a farm 198 rods long and 150 rods wide, and agreed to give $32 an acre : how much did the farm cost him ? 1207. What is the length of one edge of a cistern of cubical form, containing 1331 solid feet ? 1208. How many barrels does such a cistern as the one described in the preceding question, contain ? 1209. Name and desciibe the standard unit of weight in the Metric system. Examination XL VI. Nov. 17, 1881, (10:00-15:00 A. M.) 1210. Name five fundamental rules or operations of arithmetic. 1211. What is a composite number? 1212. Find the prime factors of 320. ARITHMETIC. 95 1213. What factors of two or more numbers must their greatest common divisor contain? 1214. Find the greatest common divisor of 527 and 1207. 1215. What is the least common multiple of 24, 48, 60 and 100? 1216. What does the numerator of a fraction show? 1217. What does the denominator show? 1218. From 20i take 13£. 1219. If 5 barrels of flour cost $48f , how many barrels can be bought for $263£? (Solve by analysis.) 1220. Divide .00144 by 1.2. 1221. How do you prove an example in division? 1222. London is 77° 1' east of Washington; what time is it at Washington when it is 12 m. at London? 1223. What will 4 cwt. 3 qr. 15 lb. of sugar cost at $8.95 a cwt. (= 100 lbs.)? 1224. A pile of wood is 6 ft. high, and 4 ft. wide: how long must it be to contain 10 cords? 1225. How many acres in a rectangular field that is 50 chains long and 30 chains wide? (Nov. 18. 10:00-12:00 A. M.) 1226. What is 150 per cent, of $560.25? 1227. 47 is 20 % of what number? 1228. A wagon was sold for $329, which was 16£ % more than it cost; what did it cost? 1229. If the interest of $36 for 3 yr. 8 mo. 19 da, is $8,034, what is the rate? 96 THE REGENTS' questions. 1230. What is the bank discount on $120 for 120 days, at 7 %t (Consider 360 da. = 1 yr.) 1231. "What is the true discount on $120 for 120 days, at 7 %1 (Consider 360 da. = 1 yr.) 1232. If f of an acre of land is worth $148, how much is \% of an acre worth? (Solve by propor- tion.) 1233. If 15 men in 9 days, by working 9 hours a day, build 36 rd. of stone-fence, how many rd. can 25 men build in 15 daj^s, by working 8 hours a day? (Solve by compound proportion.) 1234. A and B enter into partnership: A fur- nished $240 for 8 mo., and B $559 for 5 mo. They lost $118: how much did each man lose? 1235. In 25 kilogrammes how many pounds, Troy weight? (1 gramme = 15.432 gr.) 1236. "What is the square root of 222784? 1237. Give the method of proof for square root, and prove answer to Q. 1236. Examination XL VII. March 2, 1882, 1238. "What is arithmetic ? 1239. What is a concrete or denominate number t 1240. By what must I divide .7847 to get 1.9 ? 1241. What kind of a number must a multi- plier be ? 1242. What mixed number, multiplied by 25£, will produce 54 T 5 ¥ ? 1243. What is a decimal fraction ? ARITHMETIC. 91 1244. By how much does the cube of fifty-three hundreths exceed one millionth ? 1245. Eeduce 5f , 9£, 4|- to improper fractions, and then to their least common denominator. 1246. Add the numbers in Q. 1245. 1247. Reduce your answer to Q. 1246. to a whole number and decimal (carrying the result to five decimal places). 1248. If it requires 1 bu. 2 pk. of rye to sow an acre, how many quarts would be required for a rect- angular field 484 ft. long by 270 ft. wide ? 1249. What is a druggists' profit if he buys 5 lb. of opium at $12 per lb. avoirdupois, and sells it at $1 per oz. TrOy ? (7000 gr. = 1 lb. aviordupois). 1250. What would it cost to dig a cellar 30 ft. x 35 ft. x 8 ft., at $.84 per cubic yard ? 1251. The longitude of New York being 74° 0' 3" W. and that of San Francisco being 122° 23' W., what time is it at San Francisco when it is 1. p. m. at New York ? 1252. Reduce 12 miles to kilometers. (A meter = 89.37 in.). 1253. Into what pairs of factors may 12 be re- solved ? 1254. What is the cost of 2 T. 15 cwt. (100 lbs.) 3 qr. 15 lb. of hay, at $12.50 per T. ? 1255. Bought a hhd. of sugar for $55. 75, and sold it 'at a profit of 12£ per cent : what was the total profit ? 1256. What was the rate per cent, of a tax for 152.88 J on property assessed at $3,525.50 ? I 98 THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. 1257. What is the discount, at 8 per cent, on a note for $750, payable, without interest, in 2 yr. 3 mo. 20 da. ? 1258. Find the proceeds of a note for $1,000, due in 90 days, discounted at bank at 6 per cent. . 1259. C owes D $900, of which $200 will be due in 3 mo., $300 in 6 mo. and the balance in 12 mo. What would be the mean or equated time of pay- ment ? 1260. In the firm of A. & B., A invested $200 for 7 mo. and B. $300 for 9 mo. They gained $125 : what was each one's share of the gain. 1261. How many feet long is each side of a square acre ? 1262. If fifteen men can do a certain piece of work in 90 days of 10 hours each, in how many days of 12 hours each can 20 men do the same work ? 1263. What is the premium on a building valued at $3,000, insured for £ of its value, at 2£ per cent? 1264. Find the lacking term in the proportion. 10 gal. 3 qt. : : : 5 : 9. 1265. Find the length of the edge of a cubical box containing 262144 cu. ft. Examination XL VIILJune 15, 1882; (10 tO 12 A. M.) 1266. What do you understand by the prime factors of a composite number? 1267. Find the greatest common divisor of 360, §48. 972. ARITHMETIC. 1268. Find the least common multiple of 14, 16, 21, 24, 112. 1269. Exchanged a carriage worth $140, and five sets of harness worth $29 each, for 45 cords of wood and $73.50: what was the wood valued at, per cord? 1270. Express the present year of the Christian era, bjr Roman notation. 1271. Express in words: 645000021903. 1272. Copy and numerate: 14627.5623. 1273. State the essential difference between com- mon and decimal fractions. 1274. Write the table of linear (or long) measure. 1275. A owns T 3 T of a farm worth $15422, and sells |- of his share. Find the value of what he has left. 1276. f of it -- lH = what? 1277. (12X5X153X35X18X2) divided by (3x14 X9x5Xl7x20x6)=what? (Use cancellation.) 1278. Divide 87 lb. 8 oz. 19 pwt. 21 gr. by 7, leav- ing the result in the same denominations. 1279. Reduce .21675 T. to integers of lower de- nominations. 1280. How many flagstones averaging 2 ft. long by 1 ft. 3 in. wide will be required for a walk 250 ft. long and 4 ft. 6 in. wide? 1281. Find the side of a square field equivalent to a rectangular one 2859 yd. long and 714 yd. wide. JUNE 16, 1882. 10 to 12 A. M. 1282. If a pile of wood 36 ft. long, 4 ft. wide 100 THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. and 5 ft. high cost $58.50, what will a pile 60 ft. long, 4 ft. wide and 6 ft. high cost at the same rate? (Solve by proportion.) Suppose that Jonas Smith owes you $343, for which he gives his promissory note of this date, payable to your order in 90 days, with legal interest. (1283) Write a complete copy of the note, and (1284) compute the amount payable when due, in- cluding three days grace. 1285. How much can I realize on a note for $2144.50 due in 3 mo., 10 da., discounted at bank at 8 per cent. ? 'l286. Bought 150 bbls. of flour at $6.75 per bbl., and sold it at 12£ per cent, advance: what amount did it bring? 1287. How long must $240 *be on interest at 8£ per cent, to amount to $266.40? 1288. A vessel and cargo are valued at $297000. The premium paid for insurance on f- of their value was $2475. What was the rate of insurance? 1289. What sum of money will amount to $228.60 in 2 yr. 4 mo. 18 da., at 6 per cent. 1290. How many gallons in 24£ hektoliters of wine? (A liter = 1.0567 qt.) 1291. Explain the difference between specific and ad valorem duties. . 1292. Extract the cube root of 50653. 1293. The time at a certain place is 3 h. 15 min. earlier than at Washington. In what longitude, reckoned from Washington, is that place? THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS, 1866-1876. GEOGRAPHY. Examination I. Wop. 7> 7866. (9:00-10:30 A. M.) 1. Mention the grand divisions of the earth, and state within which hemispheres (northern or southern, and eastern or western) each is principally included. 2. Give a similar statement in relation to the several oceans, 3. Describe the equator, the tropics, and the polar cir- cles. 4. Define latitude and longitude. 5. Name the several zones, and state within or between what circles each is included. 6. Illustrate the relative positions of the equator, trop- ics, polar circles, and zones, by a 6mall circular diagram similar to an outline map of a hemisphere. 7. Mention the three lacgest islands of the globe, (ex- THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. cepting the so-called continents, ) in the order of theb size. 8. What bay and strait separate British America from Greenland ? 9. What parallel of latitude forms the northern boun- dary of the United States from the Lake of the Woods to the Gulf of Georgia ? 10. What is the capital of Canada, and how is it sit- uated ? 11. What strait connects Lake Huron and Lake Michi- gan? 12. What is the capital of California ? 13. What river forms part of the boundary between New York and Pennsylvania ? 14. Name and describe the largest river within the state of Virginia. 15. Which are the three largest of the West India Islands ? 16. Where and what is Terra del Fuego ? 17. Mention the countries comprised in the British Isles. 18. What strait separates Spain from Africa ? 19. What mountains between Norway and Sweden ? 20. What large river of Russia empties into the Black Sea? 21. What mountains form the boundary line between China and Hindoostan ? 22. Where is the empire of Japan, and of what does it consist ? 23. Is the greater part of Africa north or south of the equator ? Represent the 6hape of Africa by a small out- line map, and draw a line across it to correspond to the position of the equator. 24. Where is the island of St. Helena ? (Nearest which grand division, in what ocean, and hemispheres, and In about what latitude and longitude ?) GEOGRAPHY. Examination II. Feb. 28, 7867* (9:00-10:30 A. M.) 25. Define Circles of Longitude ? 26. What countries of the globe are crossed by the Arctic Circle? 27. What is the longitude of N, Y. City, reckoning from Greenwich ? (The minutes and seconds are not re- quired.) 28. Which of the United States have no sea coast ? 29. Through what state does the Mississippi flow? 30. On what waters may one sail from New York to Philadelphia ? 31. What river connects Lake Superior with Lake Huron ? 32. What river rises in the western part of North Caro- ina and flows into the Ohio ? 33. In what direction is the Isthmus of Darien from the mouth of the Orinoco ? 34. What countries of South America are crossed by the Equator ? 35. Name the three largest rivers of South America. 36. What countries of Europe border on the Mediter- ranean Sea ? 37. Describe the river Rhine. 38. What is the capital of Prussia ? 89. What range of mountains in Austria ? 40. Describe the river Rhone. 41. Where is Calcutta situated ? 42. Where is Mt. Sinai ? 43. What strait at the eastern extremity of Siberia ? 44. What is the capital of Japan ? 45. Describe the river Niger ? 46. In what direction do the Mountains of the Moon extend? 47. What is the largest island of Oceanica ? THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. 48. In what Zone is the Cape of Good Hope ? Any pupil who has the requisite time, may show by * small diagram, the relative position of lines of latitude and longitude on a map of the northern hemisphere. Examination III, June 73, 1867* (9:00-10:30 A. M.) 49. In what part of the world is the point of no latitude and no longitude, (reckoning longitude from Greenwich ?) 50. What is the width, in degrees, of each temperate zone? 51. How can we determine, by a map, the line or ridge of high land, called a watershed, which divides a coun- try into opposite slopes ? 52. What are the two principal water- sheds of the United States ? 53. What three large cities of North America are loca- ted near the 20th, 30th and 40th degrees of north lati- tude, respectively ? 54. On what parallel of latitude is the boundary of New York, from Lake Champlain to the river St. Lawrence ? 55. What parallel of latitude forms the boundary be- tween Virginia and North Carolina ? 56. What parallel forms the northern boundary of Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi ? 57. What four states border on Lake Michigan ? 58. How is Alabama bounded ? 59. What river flows into the northern extremity of the gulf of California ? 60. What country occupies the north-western extrem- ity of South America ? 61. What country of South America has no sea coast ? 62. What three great rivers of Europe rise in the Alps* and where do each of them empty ? GEOGRAPHY. 63. What mountain range passes tl rough the whole «ength of Italy ? 64. Into what sea does the river Elbe empty ? 65. What countries occupy the Scandinavian penin- sula? 66. What strait separates England from France ? 67. What three peninsulas on the southern border of Europe ? 68. What other continent has also three large penin- sulas on its southern border, and what are their names t 69. What is the general direction of peninsulas in any continent ? 70. What large c>'y is situated at the mouth of the Ganges ? 71. What gulf i» the north-westtrn part of the Red Sea? 72. What coud 4 y of Africa borders on the strait of Gibraltar ? Exami?iciion IT. JVor. 7, 1867. (9:00-10:30 A. M.) 73. What is t> ?, amount of the greatest longitude ? 74. What ba west of Greenland ? 75. What p rallels of latitude form parts of the north- ern boundary of the United States ? 76. What river forms part of the northeastern bound- ary of the United States ? 77. What lake between lake Huron and lake Erie ? 78. What states are separated by the Wabash river ? 79. What is the outlet of Lake Champlaiu ? 80. On what river is Rochester situated? 81. Of what river is the Juniata a branch ? 82. What two ranges of mountains in Virginia ? 83. ^yhat peninsula forms the south part of Greece? THB REGENTS' QUESTION*. 84. What is the capital of Prussia ? 85. Describe the Rhine. 86. Describe the Danube. 87. On what river is Paris situated ? 88. What large sea north of Prussia? 89. In what zone is the greater part of Asia? 90. What mountains between China and Hindoostan ? 91. Describe the river Ganges. 92. What sea between Arabia and Hindoostan ? 93. What two large islands on the Equator south east of Asia ? 94. What are the two largest rivers in Africa? 95. What large island east of Africa ? 96. What group of islands west of Morocco ? Examination Y. Feb. 20, 1868. (9:30-10:30 A. M.) 97. Which extends further south— the Old World or the New ? 98. In what Zone are the most highly civilized nations? 99. What connects the Pacific with the Arctic Ocean? 100. What change in temperature occurs in going from the base of a high mountain towards its summit ? 101. What is the largest river flowing into Hudson's Bay? 102. What large city on the western coast of the United States ? 103. Which of the New England States has the highest mountains ? 104. What lake is crossed by the northern boundary of Vermont ? 105. What mountains in the northern part of the Stat* of New York ? GEOGRAPHY. 106. What city in Delaware at the mouth of the Dela- ware River ? 107. On which side of the Mississippi is the greater part of Louisiana * 108. Why has South America no large rivers flowing westward ? 109. What is the only country lying wholly on the west- ern slope of the Andes ? 110. What islands east of the southern extremity of South America? 111. What is the south-western point of England called ? 112. What two large lakes south-west of the Whit* Sea? 113. What large river flows through Austria ? 114. What sea east of Italy ? 115. What waters between the Grecian Archipelago and the Black Sea ? 116. What waters are connected by the strait of Babel- mandeb ? 117. What peninsula between the Yellow Sea and the sea of Japan ? 118. What important country of Asia consists of islands only? 119. What country on the Mediterranean next west of Egypt? 120. What cape forms the most eastern point of Africa? Examinatio?i YI. June &, 7868, (9:00-10:30 A. M.) 121. In what direction does the Gulf Stream flow? 122. What large island east of the Gulf of St. Law- rence? 123. What island at the mouth of river St. Lawrence t THE REGENTS QUESTIONS. 134. Which thirteen of the United States border on th« Atlantic Ocean ? 125. What is the highest peak of the White Mountains ? 126. What island at the mouth of the Hudson, between New Jersey and Long Island ? 127. What large bay in the State of Maryland? 128. What mountains separate the States of Virginia and West Virginia ? 129. On what river is the capital of Tennessee situated t 130. What States are separated by the Sabine river ? 131. Which is further west, New Orleans or Lima ? 132. In what latitude is the mouth of the Amazon? 133. What divisions of South America border on the Pacific ocean ? 134. What are the three great rivers of South America? 135. Which is the further north, Paris or Quebec ? 136. What is the capital of Denmark ? 137. Which is the largest lake in Europe ? 138. What river flows into the Gulf of Lyons ? 139. Through what waters would a vessel pass in goinf from New Orleans to Smyrna ? 140. In what direction do the trade winds blow ? 141. In what latitude is the Strait of Gibralter ? 142. What is the capital of Persia ? 143. What mountains in the northern part of Africa ? 144. Which is the largest of the Sandwich Islands ? Examination VII. Nov. 12, 7868. (9:00-10:30 A. M.) 145. What is meant by small circles of a sphere ? 146. What does the eastern continent comprise ? 147. Which is the smallest of the United States ? 148. What States bound Florida on the north ? GEOGRAPHY 149. What States bound Wisconsin on the west ? 150. Name three of the western branches ot the Missis- •ippi river. 151. Between what States does the Connecticut river flow? 152. In what direction is Montreal from Quebec ? 153. What two large peninsulas- in Mexico ? 154. In what direction is Buenos Ayres from Rio De Janeiro ? 155. What is the capital of Turkey ? 156. What important seaport in the south of France ? 157. What island south of Hindoostan ? 158. What large desert in the Chinese Empire ? 159. What mountains between Siberia and the Chinese Empire ? 160. Is Liberia in north or south latitude ? 161. What circle bounds the torrid zone on the north ? 162. Describe the Antarctic circle. 163. Between what grand divisions is the Atlantic Ocean ? 164. Which is the largest lake of fresh water on the globe ? 165. Which is the largest island sea ? 166. What is the latitude of Washington city (degrees only?) 167. What is the longitude of New York city (degree! only ?) 168. By what waters may a vessel pass from Providence, R. I., to Nashville, Tenn. ? Examination Till. J^eb. 78, 7869. (9:00-10:30 A. M.) 169. How many degrees from the equator is the Arctic Circle ? THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. 170. By what circle is the South Temperate Zone bounded ? 171. Why do degrees of longitude vary in length at different places on the earth's surface ? 1*72. In what State is the geographical centre of the fcJnited States ? 173. Which State extends further north, Main or Min- nesota ? 174. What State extends further south, Florida or Texas ? 175. Mention the capitals of the Middle States. 176. Bound the State of Missouri. 177. Trace the water communication between Chicago and Pittsburgh. 178. To what European government does Cuba belong ? 179. What is the capital of Venezuela ? 180. What large river empties into the Atlantic near Buenos Ayres ? 181. What waters separate England and Ireland ? 182. By what route could a vessel sail from Marseilles to St. Petersburgh ? 183. What is the capital of Austria, and where is it situated ? 184. On what river is the city of Rome located ? 185. In what zone is Iceland ? 186. What large island near the eastern extermity of the Mediterranean Sea ? 187. In what does the river Indus empty ? 188. What is the general direction of the rivers of China ? 189. What bodies of water does the isthmus of Sues gep&rate ? 19C. What countries of Africa border on the Mediter- ranean Sea ? 191. Describe the Mozambique Channel. 192. In what zone does the highest civilization exist ? GEOGRAPHY. Examination IX. June 70, 7869, (9:00-10:30 A. M.) 193. What two revolutions does the earth perform t 194. What do each of these revolutions produce ? 195. What is meant by the cardinal points ? 196. Which one of the five zones has more land surface than any other ? 197. In which zone are volcanoes most numerous ? 198. Why are there few lakes in the torrid zone ? 199. Which is the longest mountain system of the globe ? 200. Which grand division is crossed by both the tropical circles ? 201. What is the general direction of the longest right line that can be drawn across the eastern continent ? 202. Which of the grand divisions are peninsulas ? 203. What river has its basin in the southern part of the great central plain of South America ? 204. What group of islands between North and South America ? 205. What island north-west of Europe, partly in the western hemisphere ? • 206. What large river of the United States flows into the Pacific Ocean ? 207. Which is the largest western branch of the Mis- sissippi river ? 208. Which is the largest branch of the Ohio river ? 209. Which of the thirty-seven United States extends farthest north ? 210. Which of the United States are intersected by the Mississippi river ? 211. What river bounds Iowa on the west ? 212. What city of Wisconsin is situated on Lake Michi- gan? 213. What island in the Niagara river ? THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. 214. What sea between Russia and Sweden? 215. What is the capital of Holland ? 216. Which of the five races of men is the moat numerous ? Examination X. JYov. 12, 7868* (9:00-10:30 A. M.) 217. How must a place be situated to be in north latitude ? 218. How must a place be situated to be in east longi- tude? 219. How many seasons has the torrid zone ? 220. Where are the richest silver mines of the globe .' 221. Into what races are mankind divided ? 222. What grand divisions lie wholly north of the equator ? 223. What two gulfs of North America are crossed by the Tropic of Cancer ? 224. Where is the Tropic of Cancer most nearly ap- proached by the United State ? 225. What large river in the western part of the United States has its source in British America ? 226. In what mountains does the Hudson river rise ? 227. What river forms part of the boundary between New York and Pennsylvania ? 228. What river empties into the head of Chesapeake Bay? 229. Through what two States does the Chesapeake Bay extend ? 239. What two rivers receive the waters of all the streams of Iowa? 231. Of what division of South America is the Isthmus of Panama a part ? 232. Alocg what three rivers are the principal lowland plains of South America ? GEOGRAPHY. 283. Is the greater part of Brazil in north or in south latitude ? 234. What range of mountains forms a natural boundary between France and Spain ? 235. What noted river of Europe empties into the North Sea? 236. Into what sea do all the rivers of South Russia empty ? 237. What 6ea is between England and Denmark ? 238. What important group of islands east of the Chinese Empire ? 239. In what country of Asia is Mt. Ararat? i4C. In what zones is Africa ? Examination XI. Feb. 18, 7870. (9:00-10:30 A. M.) 241. What oceans border on the Eastern Continent? 242. Between what two grand divisions has the Atlantic Ocean its greatest breadth ? 243. How many English miles from the equator is a place that is ten degrees north of it ? 244. What grand divisions are crossed by the meridian of Greenwich ? 245. Is Australia in east or in west longitude, reckon- ing from Greenwich ? 246. In which zone ie the southern extremity of South America ? 247. Which one of the United States lying wholly east of the meridian of Washington has no ocean coast ? 248. What States border on Pennsylvania ? 249. Which one of the United States consists of two peninsulas ? 259. How is Kansas bounded on the north ? 251. What is the chief town of Nova Scotia ? 252. What two large peninsulas in Mexico ? THE REGENTS QUESTIONS. 253. In what mountains does the Amazon river rise ? 254. Between what two rivers is Paraguay situated ? 255. What country occupies the southern extremity of South America? 256. What sea between Russia and SweAen ? 257. What five countries of Europe border on the Mediterranean Sea ? 258. Which are the five great powers of Europe ? 259. What country bounds Greece on the north ? 260. What is the name of the principal desert of Asia T 261. What is the capital of Persia? 262. What large bay east of Hindoostan ? 263. In what zone or zones is the Sahara desert ? 264. What large gulf on the western coast of Africa near the equator ? Examination XII. June 70, 7870, (9:00-10:30 A. M.) 265. Which extends farther east ; the United States or Brazil ? 266. Which is the more westerly ; Cape Horn or Cape St. Lucas? 267. Which ocean has the greater breadth ; the Atlantic between South America and Africa, or the Indian, be- tween Afriea and Australia ? 268. In what zones is Australia situated ? 269. What large bay east of Lake Huron and north of Lake Erie ? 270. What bodies of water are connected by the Wel- land Canal ? 271. Prove that Lake Superior is (or is not) more elevated than the Atlantic Ocean ? 272. Mention any sea or lake upon the globe whose surface is lower than the surface of the ocean. 27S. Mention all the States bordering upon IllinoU. OEOGRAPHT. 874. In sailing np the Mississippi river from its mouth to the latitude ol Chicago, what States, or parts of States, might you see upon the eastern shore ? 275. Which are the so-called " Gulf States ; " or, what 8tates border upon the Gulf of Mexico ? 276. Which is the highest mountain in New England ? 277. What large river east of and nearly parallel to the Hudson River? 278. Between what two rivers is Philadelphia situated ? 279. Mention one of the three large rivers of Vir- ginia, south of and nearly parallel to the Potomac, and emptying into the Chesapeake Bay ? 280. On which coast of Cuba, the northern or the aouthern, is Havana, the capital, situated ? 281. What large river flows through Venezuela ? 282. What two large rivers unite to form the Rio de la Plata f 283. What country of Europe partly encompasses the White Sea? 284. What country of Europe is situated between the Adriatic and a part of the Me'diterranean Seas ? 285. What range of mountains extends from the Bay of Biscay to the Mediterranean Sea? 286. In what direction from China is the China Sea ? 287. What is the capital of Japan ? 288. What large lake of Africa, on or near the equator, at the head of the river Nile ? Examination XIII. Nov. //, 7870. (9:00-10:30 A. M.) 289. What part of North America has the greatest longitude, i. e., extends farthest west ? 290. What zone contains the greatest number of islands ? 291. Which has the greater circumference : the Tropic of Cancer or the 80° circle of latitude ? THE KEGENTS' QUESTIONS. 392. In what direction is the Caribbean Sea from the Gulf of Mexico ? 293. Is the Sea of Kamchatka in the Eastern or in the Western Hemisphere ? 294. In what latitude is the mouth of the Amazon rher ? 295. Mention a large gulf, or a bay, in North America, so nearly surrouDded by land as to be almost a mediter- ranean or inland sea. 29H. What is the name of the outlet of Lake Huron ? 297. Mention some of the United States territories which are traversed by the Rocky mountain range. 298. Which of the United States border on the Pacific Ocean ? 299. "Which extends further north, the Gulf of Mexico or the Gulf of California ? 300. Mention one of the United States which has more than one capital city. 301. What State is indented by the Narraganset Bay ? 302. Which two New England States have a joint river margin or boundary ? 303. To what State do Nantucket and Martha's Vine- yard belong ? 304. What river is crossed three times by the southern boundary of the State of New York ? 305. Which one of the Middle States is nearly sur- rounded by water (sea coast and river) ? 306. Which of the United States border on Lake Superior ? 807. What large river of Europe empties into the Caspian Sea ? 308. What large river empties into the Black Sea from the west? 309. What large river of France empties into the Medi- terranean Sea ? 810. In what direction is Moscow from St. Peterstrargh I GEOGRAPHY. 311. What is the capital of China ? 312. What mountain range between China and Siberia? Examination XIV. Feb. 2&, 187 f. (9:00-10:30 A. M.) 313. What is the axis of the earth ? 314. Which grand divisions are partly within the South- ern Hemisphere ? 315. Which two grand divisions are traversed through- out their entire length by a continuous mountain range ? 316. Which is the highest mountain peak of North America ? 317. What large islands east of the Gulf of St. Law rence ? 318. What large river forms the greater part of the joint boundary of Oregon and Washington territory? 319. Mention eight cities in the State of New York. 320. What lake lies between Lake Champlain and the head waters of the Hudson river ? 321. What river forms the entire eastern boundary of Pennsylvania ? 822. What States are bounded on the south by the Ohio river ? 323. What large lake in Central America ? 324. What four islands form the group known as the Greater Antilles ? 325. Mention eight of the twelve countries of South America ? 326. Which one of these countries is traversed by the Orinoco river ? 327. What country of South America has no sea coast f 328. On what river of France is Paris situated ? 329. What large bay west of France ? 330. What range of mountains extends from the Black to the Caspian sea ? THE SEGENT3' QUESTIONS. 331. Mention four seas in and around Russia. 332. To what European power does Australia belong ? 333. In what zone is the greater part of Siberia ? 33!. What inland gulf lies between the Arabian sea and the eastern end of the Mediterranean ? 335. What strait separates Morocco from Europe ? 336. What large river flows into the gulf of Guinea ? Examination XT. June 9, 787 '/• (9:00-10:30 A. M.) 337. Mention the grand divisions of the Earth, and state within which Hemispheres (northern or southern, and eastern or western) Asia is principally included. 338. Give a similar statement in relation to the Hemi- spheres within which the Indian Ocean is included. 839. Describe the equator, the tropics and the polar circles. 34C. Define latitude and longitude. 341. Name the several zones and state within or be- tween what circles each is included. 342. Illustrate the relative positions of the equator, tropics, polar circles, and zones, by a small diagram similar to an outline map of a Hemisphere, and letter each of these parts of the diagram. 343. What is the width, in degrees, of each temperate zone? 344. What bay and strait separate British America from Greenland ? 345. What parallel of latitude forms the northern boundary of the United States from the Lake of the Woods to the gulf of Georgia ? 846. What is the capital of the Dominion of Canada, and where is it situated ? GEOGRAPHY. 847. What strait connects Lake Huron with Lake Michi- gan ? 348. What is the capital of California * 349. What river forms part of the boundary between Maryland and Virginia ? 350. Mention and describe the largest river within the United States. 851. Which are the three largest of the West India Islands ? 852. Where and what is Terra del Fuego ? 353. Mention the countries comprised in the British Islee ? 354. What separates Spain from Morocco ? 355. What mountains between Norway and Sweden ? 356. What large river empties into the Black Sea from the west ? 357. What mountains between the Chinese Empire and Hindoostan ? 858. Where is the empire of Japan, and of what does it consist ? 369. Is the greater part of Africa north or south of the equator ? Represent the shape of Africa by a small out- line map, and draw a line across it to show the position of the equator. 860. Where is the island of St. Helena ? (Nearest what grand division, in what ocean and hemispheres) ? Examination XTI. Nov. 70 y 787/. (9:00-10:30 A. M.) 861. Bound the South Temperate Zone. 862. What is the latitude of the northern boundary of Vermont ? 383. Mention all the grand divisions which lie partly is the North Temperate Zone. •••HE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. 864. What noted group of islands in the Pacific Ocean west of Mexico ? 365. What grand division would be reached in sailing east from Australia ? 366. What gulf on the Pacific coast of the Western Hemisphere ? 367. What five large lakes are drained by the river St Lawrence ? 368. Mention three tributaries of the Mississippi river, from the west. 369. On what river is the city of Hartford situated ? 370. What river rises in western Massachusetts and flows through Connecticut ? 371. In what mountains does the Hudson river rise ? 372. Which of the United States border on Lake Erie ? 373. Which states bound North Carolina and Tennes- see on the south ? 374. What is the capital of California? 375. What city and island in the St. Lawrence opposite the mouth of the Ottawa river ? 376. Into what four provinces is the Dominion of Canada divided ? (Note : There are now but two.) 377. What country of South America bounds Peru on the north ? 378. What country of South America is an Empire ? 379. What two large seas lie between the British Isles and the central part of Russia ? 380. What name is given to the peninsula between the Mediterranean and the Black Seas ? 381. What two rivers empty into the Persian Gulf ? 382. What mountain range extends southward from Abyssinia ? 383. Which grand division has the warmest average climate ? 884. What continent lies wholly in the Southern Hemi- sphere ? GEOGRAPHY. ■ ■ ■■ ■ '■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■■■-■■»■■ ■ ^i ■ ■■ Examination XTII. Feb. 28, 7872. (9:00-10:30 A. M.) 385. Which is the larger : Africa or South America ? 386. Which ocean is entirely within the Eastern Hemi- *phere ? 387. What three oceans are partly within the South Temperate Zone ? 388. In what direction is Madagascar from Australia ? 389. What two large islands of the Eastern Hemisphere are crossed by the equator ? 390. What ocean receives the largest amount of water from the continental nver systems ? 291. In what direction is the mouth of the Amazon from the mouth of the Mississippi ? 392. What city is located on the Boston and Albany railroad at its intersection with the Connecticut river ? 393. Mention five lakes lying wholly within the State ->t New York. 394. What city is situated in the south-western part of Pennsylvania ? 395. Is Philadelphia in east or in west longitude (reck- oning from Washington) ? 396. What is the capital of Alabama ? 397. What States bound Florida on the north ? 398. What large bay is situated on the western border of Lake Huron ? 899. What great lake borders on Minnesota ? 400. Which are the two largest rivers that empty into the Gulf of Mexico ? 401. What is the capital of Brazil ? 402. What country of South America is traversed by the Orinoco river ? 493. Which extends further south ; Norway or Sweden? 404. Mention four large islands of the Mediterraneai «ea? THE REGEKTS' QUESTIONS. 405. Of what country is Vienna the capital? 406. What channel between Ireland and Wales ? 407. Near what river and bay is Calcutta situated. 408. In what direction is New York city from the North Pole ? I?xami?iation XYIII. June 7, 1872* (9:00-10:30 A. M.) 409. How are the Arctic and Pacific Oceans connected ? 410. On which Hemisphere (eastern or western,) is the meridian 170 Q east longitude from Greenwich ? 411. Is New Zealand in the Eastern or Western Hemi- sphere ? 412. Mention a river of North America that flows in a northerly direction. 413. Mention one of the rivers of Maine. 414. How many square miles in the State of New York (in round numbers) ? 415. Which State has the larger territory : New York or California? 416. What is the population of the State of New York (in round numbers) ? 417. How many counties are there in New York State I 418. Which county of New York extends farthest east ? 419. What State bounds Kansas on the east ? 420. What is the capital of Illinois ? 421. What States would be crossed in passing direct from Indiana to Alabama ? 422. Mention any one of the United States which hat no sea or lake coast. 423. Mention a tributary of the Missouri river. 424. Mention one of the peninsulas adjacent to the Gulf of Mexico. 425. Which is nearer the equator : Cuba or Jamaica ? GEOGRAPHY. 426. What country bounds the Argentine Confedera- tion on the north ? 427. What large river of Colombia, S. A., empties into the Caribbean Sea ? 428. What large sea is situated about midway between the Adriatic and Caspian Sea ? 429. Mention one of the gulfs adjacent to the Baltic Sea. 430. In what direction is Corsica from Sardinia ? 431. What noted river empties into the Dead Sea ? 432. On which coast of Africa is Senegambia ? Examination XIX. JVov. 8, 1872. (9:00-10:30 A. M.) 433. What place upon the earth's surface is south from every other place ? 434. What zone has no sunlight during our summer ? 435. In sailing due east, which does a ship change : its latitude or its longitude ? 436. Which is the larger: North America or South America ? 437. In what ocean are the Japan Islands ? 438. What ocean between Africa and Australia ? 439. What peninsula lies between the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal ? 440. In what direction is San Francisco from the Iithmus of Darien ? 441. Does the greater part of the area of the United 8tates (including territories) lie east or west of the Mia- i isfiippi river ? 442. What territory between Kansas and Utah ? 443. What state between Utah and California? 444. Which has the greater elevation above the ocean j Lake Erie or Lake Huron ! THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. 445. What large town ol Massachusetts is situated on the Boston and Albany railroad, about midway between Bos- ton and Springfield ? 446. Which is the least populous county of the State of New Yorkf 447. What river rises in the State of New York and* empties into the Chesapeake Bay ? 448. What State bounds Tennessee on the east ? 449. What sea lies south of the West Indies ? 450. What is the capital of Brazil ? 451. Of what country is Santiago the capital f 452. Mention one of the countries of South America wholly in north latitude. 453. What country of South America is between Co- lombia and Peru ? 454. What range of mountains separates Spain and Portugal from the rest of Europe ? 455. What river empties into the North Sea at the Hague ? 455. Mention one of the rivers that empty into the Caspian Sea. Examination XX. Feb. 28 \ 187 S. (9:00-10:30 A. M.) 457. What general name is given to the several parti into which the whole of the earth's surface is divided by the tropics and polar circles ? 458. What lines on maps indicate north and south direo. tions? 459. What large river of North America empties into the Pacific ocean ? 460. What peninsula south of the Gulf of Mexico ? 461. Mention the largest river that empties into Lotg Island Sound. 463. What mountain chain traverses Vermont ? GEOGRAPHY. 463. Mention the largest river within the State of New Hampshire. 464. What general name is given to the mountains west of Lake Champlain ? 465. Mention a tributary of the Potomac river. 466. What large city is situated at the junction of the Allegany and Monongahela rivers ? 467. On what river is the capital of Virginia situated ? 468. What lake lies between Michigan and Wisconsin ? 469. What large city is situated in the south-western part of Ohio ? 470. Mention a city in the eastern part of Wisconsin. 471. What two rivers having the same name empty Into the Gulfs of Mexico and California, respectively ? 472. What is the capital of Minnesota ? 473. Mention one of the four provinces of the Dominion of Canada. 474. What country of South America bounds Colombia on the east ? 475. In what direction is England from Spain ? 476. What is the capital of Norway ? 477. What large city is situated between the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmora ? 478. What country bounds the Chinese Empire on the north ? 479. What mountains are situated in the north-western part of Africa ? 880. What large river empties into the Gulf of Guinea ? Examination XXI. June 6, 7873, (9:00-10:30 A. M.) 481. What part of the earth's surface has no sunlight at the time of our midsummer ? 482. Mention one of the conditions upon which climat* depends. THE REGENTS QUESTION8. 483. Which zone contains most of the coral inlands ? 484. In what general direction does the Gulf Stream flow off the United States coast ? 485. In what ocean is the geographical centre of the Eastern Hemisphere ? 486. Which grand division lies partly in the Eastern and partly in the Western Hemisphere ? 487. What province bounds Maine on the east ? 488. Among what mountains does the Hudson river rise? 489. What river flows between South Carolina and Georgia ? 490. On what river is St. Louis situated ? 491. What ocean receives the principal drainage of South America ? 492. What country lies almost wholly on the western slopo of the Andes mountains ? 493. What is the name of that arm of the ocean into which the Parana river empties ? 494. What is the capital of the Argentine Republic? 495. What sea lies west of Denmark ? 496. Of what empire is Vienna the capital ? 497. Through what country does the lower part of "the Danube flow ? 498. In what country of Asia is the river Ganges ? 499. What sea forms part of the northern boundary of Persia ? 500. Mention one of the large rivers of the Chinese Empire. 501. In what ocean i6 Madagascar? 502. Which extends further south : Africa, Australia or South America ? 503. Mention one of the ranges of mountains between the Red Sea and the Cape of Good Hope. 504. Towards which pole does the sun cast shadows at midday, in the south temperate zone ? GEOGRAPHY. Examination XXII. A r oy. ?, 7873. (9:00-10:30 A. M.) 405-609. Mention and bound each of the five zones. 510. Which State of New England has the highest mountains ? 511-518. What States east of the Mississippi river have neither sea nor lake coast ? 514-516. What States border on Lake Superior ? 517. What river forms part of the boundary between New York and Pennsylvania ? 518. Through what States does the Mississippi flow ? 519-520. What parallels of latitude form parts of the northern boundary of the United States t 521-522. Wbich are tbe two largest of the West India Islands ? 523-524. Mention two countries of South America that are crossed by the equator. 525. What country of South America lies wholly upon the western slope of the Andes Mountains ? 526-528. Mention three peninsular countries in the south of Europe. 529-532. Mention the four countries comprised in the British Isles. 533-535. What three noted rivers of Europe rise among tbe Alps ? 536-538. Into what sea do each of these three riven (533-535) empty ? 539. What important country of Asia consists of islands only? 540. What strait at the eastern extermity of Siberia ? 541-542. What are the two largest rivers of Africa ? 548. What sea is connected with the ocean by the Strait of Bab el Mandeb ? 544. What country of Africa borders on the Strait of Gibraltar ? THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. Examination XXIII. Feb. 27, 7876. (1:30-3:00 P. M.) What great circle separates (545) the Northern from the Southern Hemisphere ; and what one (546) the Eastern from the Western ? 547. Does the Northern or the Southern Hemisphere contain more land surface ; and, in like manner, (54.8) the Eastern or the Western ? Mention, as nearly as you can in the order of size, beginning with the largest, the six grand divisions of land on the Earth's surface : (549) ; (550) ; (551) ; (552) ; (553) ; (554) . Mention in like order as above, the five oceans : (555) ; (556) ; (557) ; (558) ; (559) . Give the (560) latitude, and the (561) longitude (from Greenwich) of the central point on the map of the West- ern Hemisphere. Mention the largest gulf on the American side of the (562) Atlantic, and (563) Pacific Oceans, respectively. Mention five of the lakes drained by the river St. Law- rence: (564) ; (565)- ; (566) ; (567) ; (568) . What two peninsulas and large intervening islands partially separate the Gulf of Mexico from the Caribbean Sea? (569) ; (570) ; (571) . 572. What body of water, in size approaching the Gulf of Mexico, is comprised within the limits of North America ? Mention five of the seas into which a vessel might sail going eastward from the Strait of Gibraltar : (573) ; (574) ; (575) ; (576) ; (577) . Mention four bodies of water (seas, gulfs and bays) into which a vessel may sail from the Indian Ocean : (578) ; (579) ; (580) ; (581) . Mention three inland Asiatic Seas, each having no out- let : (582) ; (583) ; (584) . GEOGRAPHY. Examination XXIY. June 5, 187&* (1:30-3:00 P. M.) 685-587. Give three proofs that the earth is spherical. 588. What is the situation of places whose time of day agrees with oar own ? 589. What is the situation of places which have the ■ame length of day and night that we have ? 590. In what ocean is a ship which is in 10° S. latitude and 70° E. longitude from Greenwich ? 591. By what two bodies of water are the Arctic and Pacific Ocean connected ? 592. Draw the outline of a hemispherical map, with the usual number of great and small circles ; (593) indicate the point of no latitude and no longitude by a 0; (594) and mark its number of degrees on each parallel and meridian represented. 595. To what great river system does Lake Champlaln belong ? 596. Bound the State of Connecticut. 597-599. What three groups of islands are included in the West Indies ? 600-601. What peninsula and island are partly in the Eastern and partly in the Western Hemisphere ? 602. What is the season of the year at Cape Horn in July? 603. What European sea borders on the Arctic Ocean ? 604-608. Mention five ranges of mountains each either within or bordering upon Europe. 609-614. Mention six of the islands of the Mediterranean sea? 615-618. Mention four seas which form parts of tha western boundary of Asia. 619. On what river is Nankin situated ? 620-622. Of what three divisions does Oceanica consist ? 623-624. What is the largest island adjacent to Africa, and what body of water separates them ? THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. l£xami?iation XXY. Aor. 6, 787&» (1:30-3:00 P. M.) 625-626. What parallels of latitude are in the northern boundary of the United States ? 627. What river rises in Pennsylvania and flows north through New York into Lake Onta'rio ? 628. Is the southern point of Florida, or the mouth of the Rio Grande, further south ? 629. What is the distance, in statute miles, from the most southern limit of the United States, in about 26° N. latitude, to the northern boundary, on the meridian of that limit ? 630. What river rises in the United States whose wateri flow through a lake into Hudson's Bay ? 631. What river is between Lower Canada (or Province of Quebec) and Upper Canada (or Ontario) ? 632. What two Provinces of British America are wholly south of the river St. Lawrence ? 633. What is the general direction of peninsulas? 634-635. What is the extent north and south of South America in degrees and in miles, the latitude of the Isthmus of Panama being 9° north ? 636-637. What are the two principal water sheds of the United States ? 638-639. W r hat river of Africa empties into the Mediter- ranean, and through which part does it flow ? 640. In what zone is the highest civilization ? 641. Where are the Islands of Japan? 642-645. What four seas on the eastern coast of Asia t 646. Of what does the British Empire consist ? 617. What islands in the Mediterranean belong to Great Britain ? 648-655. Through what bodies of water will a ship past on the shortest way from London to Calcutta ? 656-659. What countries of Europe touch the Baltic Bea, and what (660-664) the Mediterranean ? GEOGRAPHY. Examination XXYI. feb. 26, 7875, (1:30-3:00 P. M.) 665. What is Latitude; (666) on what circle is it measured ; (667) are degrees of Latitude of equal length ? 668. What points on the earth's surface have the great- est latitude, and what is it ? 669. How many statute miles in a degree of latitude ? 670. The length of a degree of latitude being known, how can the earth's circumference be found ? 671. What is Longitude ; and (672) from what meridian or meridians, on your map, is it reckoned ? 673. How many degress of longitude may there be ? 674. Are degrees of longitude of equal length ? 675. Where are degrees of latitude and longitude of equal length ? (These questions are on the supposition that the earth is a perfect sphere.) 676. What is the longitude of the Poles ? 677. How is the situation of any place on the earth determined ? 678. Bound the Atlantic Ocean. 679-682. Mention four Atlantic groups of islands. 683. What large island partly in the Atlantic and partly in the Arctic Oceans? 684-688. Mention five groups of islands in the Pacific Ocean, included in Occanica. 689. In what general direction will a ship sail in going from New York to Liverpool ? 690-694. Which are the five principal bays on the Atlantic coast of the United States ? Describe the (695) Hudson and the (696) Connecticut rivers ; — where each rises, in what direction it flows, and where it empties. 697. Mention and describe the largest river which flowi Into Delaware Bay. 698-700. Mention the three largest rivers of South America which flow into the Atlantic THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. 701. Mention five countries of South America which border on the Atlantic, (702) four on the Pacific, (703) one wholly inland, and (704) six countries of Asia. Examination XXYII. Ju?ie &, 1875. (1:30-3:00 P. M.) 705. In what general direction do the rivers of the Eastern and Middle States flow, and (706) those of the Southern States which empty into the Atlantic ? 709-709. Mention three rivers which empty into Long Island Sound. What large river empties into (710) New York Bay ? (711) into Delaware Bay? (712) into Chesapeake Bay? 713. What river forms about half of the southern boundary of the United States ? 714. Mention the most extensive river basin of the United States ; (715) where does this basin begin on the nortb, and (716) where terminate south ? 717. Mention five States on the eastern, and (718) five on the western slope of this basin. Mention two rivers in the northern part of the United States whose sources are near each other ; (719) one of which empties into the Pacific, and (720) and the other by the Mississippi into the Gulf of Mexico. 721. Mention the four great lakes between the United States and Canada; (722) what large lake connected with these is wholly in the United States ? 723. What extensive mountain chain in the western part of the United States, and (724) what is its general direc- tion ? (725) What mountain chain in the eastern part, and (726) what is its direction ? What (727) state and what (728) province bound the Eastern States on the west ? GEOGRAPHY. 729-733. Tnrough what principal waters may the products of the western States pass from Chicago to Montreal ? and (734) through what, by the shortest route, from Chicago to New York ? 735. Mention the highest mountain of South America ; (736-738) mention three South American countries traversed by the Andes mountains. 739. Mention six countries of Europe which border on the Atlantic or on the seas or bays connected with it, and (740) five countries in that part of Europe bordering on the Mediterranean ; (741) bound Europe. 742. What great empire in the eastern part of Europe and extending into Asia ? (743) Bound Asia. 744. What countries of Africa border on the Mediter- ranean Sea ? Examination XXVIII. JYor. 5, 7875. (1:30-3:00 P. m.) 745. Within which Hemisphere (northern or southern, md eastern or western) is Australia included ? 746. Give a similar statement in relation to the Hemi- spheres within which the Caribbean sea is included. Define the (747) equator, (748) tropics, (749) polar circles, (750) latitude and (751) longitude. 752-760. Write, in the order of their succession from north to south, the names of the zones and of the circle* which separate them. What is the (761) length and (762) breadth, in degreei, of the zone crossed by the equator ? What (763) bay partly separates New Brunswick from Nova Scotia ; and (764) what strait, Spain from Africa ? What parallels bound the United States, (765) westward from the Lake of the Woods, and (766) eastward from the River St. Lawrence, respectively ? 767. What is the outlet of Lake Huron f THE REGENT8' QUESTIONS. 768. What is the capital of California, and (769) on wnat river is it situated f 770. What river forms most of the boundary between Marvland and Virginia ; and (771) where does it empty ? 772. Mention and describe the largest eastern branch of the Mississippi river. 773-775. Name the three largest of the West India Islands. 776. What and where is Terra del Fuego ? 777. W r hat countries constitute Great Britain ? 778. What sea lies between Italy and Turkey ? 779. Wbat mountains on the east of Norway ? 780. What larger river empties into the Black Sea from the west ? 781. What mountain between the Chinese Empire and Hjndoostan ? 782. Where is the Empire of Japan, and (783) of what does it consist ? 784. Where is the Island of St. Helena (nearest which grand division, and in wbat ocean) ? Examination XXIX, Feb. 25, 1876. (1:30-3:00 P. M.) 785. What motion of the earth causes the alternation of day and night ? What is the (786) meridian, and what the (787) longitude of a place f 788. How does the isthmus differ from a strait ? 789. Which has at any time the longer day, Quito or Moscow ? (790) and why ? 791-793. Of what three departments does the United States government consist ; and of what does each de- partment consist ? GEOGRAPHY. Mention the (794-795) two principal mountain systems of the United States, and (796-799) four groups or range* oelonging to the more easterly system. 800-894. Mention five cities on the Mississippi and Its tributaries, and the State in which each is located. 805-811. Through what waters would a ship pass In sailing from St. Louis to Constantinople ? iHTOnly seven answers are called for, though more might be given. 813-816. Mention and describe five rivers that empty into the Atlantic or its adjacent bays, between the Hud- son and the Savannah. Mention a country of South America (817) wholly north of the Equator ; another (818) crossed .by the Equator ; and a third (819) wholly south of the Equator, but farther north than Patagonia. 820. What and where is the Crimea ? 821. Mention and describe a river of Africa that empties into the Mediterranean Sea. 822. What mountain range on the joint border of France and Spain ; (823) of Norway or Sweden ; (824) of Russia and Siberia ? Examination XXX. June 9, 7876, (1:30-3:00 P. M.) 825. Bound the territory of the United States. 826. Through what large bodies of water does a part of the northern boundary of the United States run ? 827. Name the New England States. 829-836. Name the other States which border on the Atlantic. 537. What States border on the Pacific ? THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. 838. What mountain system is nearly parallel with the Atlantic coast ; (839) into what do the rivers on the east- ern elope flow, and (840) into what those on its western slope ? 841. What great mountain system of the Western Hemisphere is nearly parallel with the Pacific, and into what do the rivers on its (842) eastern slope, and (843) those on its western, empty ? 844. What range of mountains in Oregon ? 845-846. Mention two ranges in California, and (847) one group in Arkansas. 848. What four countries of Europe are denominated empires ? 849. Mention the capital of each of these empires. 850. Which of these empires extend into Asia ? 851. What territory has France in Africa ? 853-856. Starting southerly from the Straits of Gibraltar, through what bodies of water will a ship sail in passing around Africa to the place of starting ? 857. How many times will she cross the equator ? 858-861. What three prominent capes, and what large island will she pass ? 862. Through what waters will a ship sail in passing easterly from Gibraltar to Calcutta; (863) what two prominent capes, and (864) what large island will she pass during the latter half of the voyage ? Examination XXXI. Nov. 70, 7876. (1:30-3:00 P. M.) 865. Which oceans each extend across three zones ; and (866) what are the names of those zones ? Mention (867) two grand divisions, and (868) two large Islands that are crossed by the equator. 869-871. What three large bodies of land are crossed by Ihe tropic of Capricorn ? QB0QBJLP1IT. 872 How many degrees from Greenwich is the middle meridian of the Western Hemisphere ? 873-875. What are the three principal divisions of North America ? 876. Which is the wider: the Atlantic or the Pacific side of the United States ? 877-881. Mention five large bays and gulfs along the Atlantic side of North America. 882. Which ocean is most interspersed with islands ? 883. What recently acquired territory of the United States extends eastward from Behring's Strait to British America ? 848-885. Which two of the United States extend farthest south, and (886) what one farthest north ? 887. What river forms part of the north-east boundary of the United States ; and (888) what river forms part of the south-west boundary ? 889. What city on the north shore of Lake Ontario? 890-897. What States are adjacent to Tennessee ? 898-900. What countries (excluding islands) of Europe are either wholly or partly west of the meridian of Greenwich ? 901. In what direction is Ceylon from Japan ? 902. What gulf is connected with the Arabian Sea ? 903. Under what government is the country between the Mediterranean and Black Seas ? 904. What great mountain chain north of India ? Examination XXXII. March 2, 7877. (1:30-3:00 p. M.) 905. If a line be drawn on a map of the world, from Greenland to the Cape of Good Hope, what ocean will it cross ? (906) From Alaska to Cape Horn ? (907) From Africa to Australia ? THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. 908. How many degrees is the Tropic of Capricorn from the North Polar circle ? 909. What mountain range is the water-shed between the western tributaries of the Mississippi and the rivert which empty into the Pacific ? 910. What city on an island in the St. Lawrence op- posite the mouth of the Ottawa river ? 911-914. What States are drained in part by the Con- necticut river ? 915. Near what parallel of latitude is Philadelphia? 916. What parallel forms part of the S. boundary of New York ? 917-922. Mention six states and territories directly be- tween St. Louis and San Francisco ? 923. Where is the Sierra Nevada rauge ? 924. What city near the mouth of the Mississippi ? 925-926. What peninsulas indent the Mexican Gulf ? 927. What sea east of Central America?. 928. What isthmus between Mexico and Central America ? 929-930. Mention two countries of South America that are crossed by the equator ? 931. What republic has Europe ? 932. What large peninsula between the Baltic sea and the Atlantic ? (933) Between the North sea and the Baltic ? 934. What mountain-chain traverses Italy ? 935. On what river of Italy is Rome situated ? 936. What country lies east of the Red sea ? 937. What country north of the Chinese empire ? 93S. In which one of the five zones is most of Asia ? 939. What large gulf indents the west coast of A frica f 940. What large island belongs to Africa ? 941. Id what direction from Persia is Australia ? 942-943. In which two zones is Australia ? 944. To what government does Australia belong f GEOGRAPHY. Examination XXXIII. Ju?ie S, 7877* (1:30-3:00 p. m.) 945. Which one of the Middle States extends farthest iouth, and (946), (947) which two of the United States extend farthest west ? 94S-949. Mention the two chief rivers of the state of Maine. 950. What river, rising in New Hampshire, passes through the north-eastern part of Massachusetts ? 951. What island forms the south-eastern extremity of Massachusetts ? 952. In what state, and (953) on the shore of what, is Chicago situated ? 953-951. Describe, in a similar manner, the location of Cincinnati, and <955) (956) that of St. Louis. 957-958. Mention two cities of Canada situated on the St. Lawrence river. 959-961. What waters lie around the group of West India Islands ? 963-963. Which two of the Greater Antilles are smaller than the other two ? 964-966. Through what principal bodies of water (i. e. other than rivers and straits or channels) would a ship fcail in passing from London to St. Petersburgh ? 967-972. Answer the same question for the route from Lisbon to the Sea of Azof ? 973. Which extends farthest south, Europe or Asia ? 974-975. What two ranges of mountains are on the boundary line between Europe and Asia ? 976-977. What large body of water is near each end of the more southerly of these ranges ? 978. What sea lies between the peninsula of Corea and China proper ? 979. Where are the Canary Islands ? THE REGENTS' QUE8TI0NS. 980-981. What countries of Africa, other than Egypt, border on the Red Sea ? 982. What canal connects the Mediterranean with the Red Sea ? 983. Which extends farther north, Africa or South America ? 984. Which country of Africa extends farthest south ? Examination XXXIV, JYov. 9, 7877. (1:30—3:00 P. M.) 985. In what ocean is a vessel whose latitude is 40° N^ and longitude 40° W. from Greenwich ? 986-97. Between what circles is the S. T. zone ? 988. What division of water corresponds to an isthmus ? 989. What body of land corresponds to a lake ? 990. What river is the outlet of the great lakes of North America ? 991. In what state are the White Mountains ? 992. What large island forms part of the State of New York? 993. What river on the western boundary of New Jersey ? 994. What river on the southern and western boundary of Maryland ? 995. On what river is the capital of the U. S. ? 996. By what is Lousiana bounded on the west ? 997-999. Mention the three largest cities of the U. 8. west of the meridian of Washington, and north of the parallel of New Orleans. 1000-4. On what lakes does Michigan border ? 1005. What parallel of latitude forms part of the north- ern boundary of Minnesota ? 1006. What territory bounds Oregon on the North f THB BEGENTg' QUESTIONS. 1007-8. In what two zones is Mexico? 1009. What large Island does a vessel pass in entering the Gulf of Mexico from the Atlantic ? 1010. What is the longitude of Greenwich, reckoning from Washington as prime meridian ? In what direction from England is (1011) Ireland ? (1012) Scotland ? (1013) Wales ? (1014) Spain ? 1015. What country occupies the whole of northern Asia? 1016. What large gulf on the western coast of Africa, and (1017) what large river flows into it ? 1018. What is the largest city in E^ypt ? 1019. In what ocean is Polynesia? 1020. What is the latitude of the Tropic of Capricorn t 1021-23. Mention three large Islands lying between Australia and the eastern part of Asia ; and (1024) one near Hindostan, on the side toward Australia. Examinatio?* XXXV, March /, 7878. (1:15—2:45 P. m.) 1025. How long is the day at either Pole ? 1026. When does the day begin and end, at the North Pole? 1027. Which is farther from Albany, a point 10° north, or one 10° west of it ; and 1028. Why \ 1029-33. Mention five lakes wholly within the State of New York. 1034. What is the capital of the Dominion of Canada? 1035-38. Mention the provinces of that Dominion. 1039. What lakes does the Welland Canal connect t 1040. What bay on the eav c t of Lake Huron, and 1041. What one on the west ? THE REGENTS' QUE8TIOH8. 1042. Between what two rivers is Philadelphia ? 1043. What is the capital of Denmark ? 1044. Into what does the Danube empty ? 1045. Which is the largest of the Sandwich Islands? 1046. Mention a river in Africa south of the Equator. 1047. What is the capital of Japan ? 1048. To which ocean doe-* the Gulf of Guinea belong f 1049-50. State two conditions which determine climate. 1051-53. Give three proofs of the form of the earth. 1054. What is a watershed ? 1055. Describe the position of the tropics on the globe. 1056. Glasgow and Edinburgh : — which is on the east and which on the west 6ide of Scotland ? 1057. The Rivers Rhine and Rhone: — which is the French and which is the German river; and (1058) which runs northerly and which southerly ? 1059-64. Name in their order the states and territories crossed by the direct line from St. Louis to San Fran- cisco. Examination XXXY1. June 7, 7878. (1:15— 2:45 P. M.) 1065-68. Define continent, peninsula, promontory, plateau. 1069-70. Which continents are crossed by the tropic of Cancer and which by the tropic of Capricorn ? 1071- 72. Should a traveler go to the point on the earth's surface directly opposite Greenwich, in which hemis- pheres (northern or southern, and eastern or western), and in which great division of land or of water, would he be? 1073. Which of the six continents has the most irre- gular outline, in proportion to its size ? THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. 1074. Which pole is now in darkness? (1075) When did it pa6s into darkness, and (1076) when will it again come into sunlight ? 1077-79. If the inclination of the earth's axis were to become 30°, what changes would the several zones un- dergo, as to extent ? Make a diagram or map of the tones, and insert dotted lines to show their extent on the supposition made. 1080-82. Name three rivers, each forming part of the boundary between the United States and some other division of North America. 1083. Which is the most westerly of the lakes wholly within the State of New York, and (1084) by what rivers does it reach the sea ? 1085-88. Name three rivers that empty into Lake On- tario on the side of New York, and one that empties into Lake Champlain. 1089-93. What five State capitals east of the Mississippi river are in about the same latitude as Philadelphia? Draw a small outline map of these five States, in connec- tion, and the location of their capitals. 1094-95. To what two river systems do the rivers of Ohio belong? 1096-98. Which three of the United States border on Lake Superior ? 1099. What country of South America touches both the Carribean sea and the Pacific ocean ? 1100. By what seas and (1101) oceans is Africa chiefly bounded ? 1102. Name one of the large lakes regarded as sourest of the Nile. 1103-4. Name and describe two rivers of Asia. THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. Examination XXXVII. Nov. 8, 1878. (1:15— 2:45 p. M.) 1105-6. What is the Gulf Stream? Give its course. HOT. What influence does it have on the climate of countries along whose coast it flows ? 1108-12. What races of people are there ? 1113. Which race has the highest civilization ? 1114. What has given to the city of New York its great commercial superiority ? 1115. Describe the chief river of New York. 1116. To what place is it navigable ? 1117-23. Name the counties in order on its east side, as far north as Lake Champlaiu. 1124-31. Name those on Lake Ontario and the river St. Lawrence. 1132. On what lake is. Buffalo? 1133. Piattsburgh ? 1134-35. What city of Connecticut is on Long Island Sound, and for what is it distinguished? 1136-38. Name three cities of the United States hav- ing the greatest population, and in their order. 1139. What important commercial city on the Ohio r River? 1140. On Lake Michigan? 1141. On the Mis- sissippi, above New Orleans ? 1142. What is the latitude of the extreme northern cape of Africa (within two degrees) ? 1143. What of the extreme southern cape ? 1144. What is the length of Africa in miles ? 1145. Will it be noon at places east of a given meri- dian earlier, or later, than on that meridian ? 1146. What is the difference of time for one degree difference of longitude ? 1147-49. What three rivers in Europe rise near each other, and flow, one into the North Sea, one into the Mediterranean, and one into the Black Sea ? 1150. What empire extends from the Black Sea to the Arctic Ocean ? GEOGRAPHY. 1151. To what sea does the Austrian Empire extend ? 1152-53. To what two seas, the German Empire ? 1154-56. What bodies of water wash the shores of France ? 1157-58. Of Spain ? 1159. Where is the Island of Cyprus ? 1160. Under what European power is Hindostan ? 1161-62. What two empires are partly in Europe and partly in Asia '? 1163-64. Name the capitals of Germany and Austria. Special Examination. (Supplementary to No. XXXVII, protest having been made against Questions 1117-31. Schools so desiring were permitted to use this examination instead. Time, one hour and a half. ) 1165. Through what strait is the entrance into Baffin's Bay? 1166. What laud on the east of that bay and strait ? 1167. What strait separates Alaska from Asia ? 1168. What province of British America between Alaska and the United States ? 1169. What large bay extends south into British America ? 1170. What is the southern part of that bay called ? 1171-72. What are the two great mountain systems of North America ? 1173. Which of these systems gives rise to the largest rivers ? 1174. On which slope do these rivers flow ? 1175. Why are the rivers on the western slope of this system smaller than those on the eastern slope ? 1176. What city on the Mississippi River a little below the mouth of the Missouri ? 1177. What city in Ohio on the Ohio River ? 1178. What, in Kentucky ? THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. 1179-80. What city at the head of Lake Michigan, and in what State is it ? 1181. What city at the eastern extremity of the New York Central Railroad ? 1182. What one at the western extremity ? 1183-85. Name three cities between those at the ex- tremities of the same road. 1186. In what direction will a ship sail from San Fran- cisco to Japan ? 1187. What is the great mountain system of South America ? 1188-90. What are the three great rivers of South America ? 1191. Why are they great? 1192. What large empire in South America ? 1193. What is the form of government of the other countries of South America ? 1194. How can a ship pass from the Atlantic to the Pacific without going around Cape Horn ? 1195. What sea bounds Europe on the south ? 1196. What ocean on the north V 1197-98. Name two seas in the northern part of Europe. 1199-1200. Name two gulfs in the Baltic Sea. 1201-3. What mountains, river, and sea make the eastern boundary of Europe ? 1204-5. What two islands between Italy and Spain ? 1206. What ocean bounds Asia on the north ? 1207. What on the east ? 1208. What on the south ? 1209. What country extends across the northern part of Asia ? GEOGRAPHY. Examination XXXVIII. Feb. 28, 1879. (1:15— 2:45 P. M.) Draw a circle to represent the ordinary hemispherical map : then 1210. Locate and name the poles and the equator. 1211-14. Also, the circles which mark the divisions of the earth's surface into zones, and name these circles. 1215. Mark the latitude of each of these circles. 1216. Write the names of the zones in their proper places on the map. 1217-19. What countries of the western hemisphere are wholly or partly in the north temperate zone ? 1220-21. What countries of North America are wholly or partly in the torrid zone ? 1222-25. Bound the county in which you now are. 1226-32. Describe the northern boundary of the United States, from the Pacific Ocean to New Hampshire. 1233-34. What States on the Mexican boundary ? 1235-38. Name the four capes on the extreme north, east, south, and west coasts of South America. 1239-40. By what European nations was South Ame- rica colonized"? and, 1241. Is any part now subject to either of those nations? 1242-43. What are the forms of government in South America ? 1244-46. Name three principal projections of land (peninsulas) on the western coast of Europe ? 1247-4^. Name two extending into the Mediterranean. 1249. In what zone is the greater part of Europe? 1250-52. What countries of Europe are partly in the frigid zone ? 1253-54. What channel and strait separate England from France ? 1255-56. Name the capital of France and the river on which it is located. 1257. What seaport of France on the Mediterranean ? TEE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. 1258-61. Name and locate four mountain ranges in Europe. 1262-63. What country in Asia is under the British Government, and what is its capital ? 1264-66. What three groups of islands on the north- west coast of Africa '? 1267-68. Mention two lakes of Africa, under the equa' tor, sources of the Nile. 1269. What large river of Africa empties into the Atlantic ? Examination XXXIX. June 6, 1879. (1:15—2:45 p. m.) 1270. Which ocean has the least coast line? 1271-72. Give the length and breadth of the torrid zone, in degrees. 1273. What is the season of the year at the Cape of Good Hope, in July ? 1274. What noted group of islands in the line of commerce between North America and China ? 1275. Which ocean receives the greatest amount of drainage from North and South America ? 1276-77. Which two meridians bound the eastern and western hemispheres ? 1278. What river separates Oregon from Washington Territory ? 1279. Texas from Mexico ? 1280. Into about how many States of the size of New York could Texas be divided ? 1281. What parallel forms part of the northern boundary of Minnesota ? 1282. In which State are the richest mines of copper ? 1283. In which, of coal? 1284. What is the U. S. form of government ? 1285-87. Of what three departments does it consist ? 1288. Through what do vessels pass from Lake Ontario to Lake Erie ? GEOGRAPHY. 1289-90. What rivers drain the lakes of Central New York? 1291-93. Mention the 3 largest of these lakes. 1294-97. Each of two islands' of New York is a county (under another name) : give the island name and the county name of each. 1298-1301. Which is the largest island of New York, and into what counties is it divided? 1302-4. Bound three countries of South America. 1305. What city of France is the seaport of Paris? 1306. What mountain chain traverses Italy? 1307. What sea between Italy and Turkey? 1308-11 . Mention four great seas on the west of Asia. 1312. What river empties into the Dead Sea? 1313. What is the capital of the Turkish Empire? 1314. Of China? 1315. Of Brazil? 1316. Of Ecuador? 1317. What large island south of Hindoostan? 1318. What tropic crosses Hindoostan and China? 1319. What is the most noted product of China? 1320-23. Mention the four principal bodies of water on the coast of Africa; and 1324-25. Two islands in S. Latitude, one east and one west of Africa. 1326. How is the fertility of Egypt annually re- newed? 1327-29. In what zones is Africa? Examination XL. Nov. 7, 1879. (1:15—2:45, P. M.) 1330. Which grand division has the most exten- sive and elevated plateaus? :he regents' questions. 1331. What seaport has New Hampshire? 1332-35. Mention two cities on the Connecticut river, and the state in which each is located. 1336-43. Write in a column the names of the provinces of the Dominion of Canada, and after each the name of its chief city (or one of its cities.) 1344-46. What mountains are between Connecti- cut river and Lake Champlain? Between the Hud- son and Susquehanna rivers? Between Lake Cham- plain and the St. Lawrence? 1347-52. Mention 3 lakes and 3 large rivers that form part of the boundary of N. Y. State. 1353-56. Mention the chief sea port and the chief lake port of this state, and the waters by which boats pass (by the shortest route) between them. •.Mention the cities of this state which answer to the following descriptions : 1357. Near Onondaga lake. 1358. On the Genesee river near Lake Ontario? 1359. At junction of Chenango and Susquehanna rivers. 1360-62. Near junction of Mohawk and Hudson rivers. 1363. Near Penn. line, west of the Susquehanna. 1364. On the St. Lawrence river. 1365-66. Which of the eastern states are crossed by the parallel of 45° N. latitude? 1367-70. Looking at the map of the U. S., what great central river may be compared to the trunk of a tree, which are its 2 chief opposite branches, and into what large body of water does the trunk river empty? GEOGRAPHY. 1371. Show by a small outline map the general form of S. America, and (1372) the location of its mountain and river systems. 1373-75. What waters are nearest the Desert of Sahara on the west, north and east? 1376-80. Mention, in their order, the oceans and grand divisions that would be crossed in going east- ward from N. Y. city entirely around the world. 1381-89. Mention, in their order, and give loca- tion of other natural features, such as large islands, rivers, seas and mountains, that might be seen on the same route, within the north temperate zone. Examination XLL Feb. 27, 1880. (1:15—2:45 P. M.) 1390-91. What bay and strait seperate British America from Greenland? 1392-93. What is the capital of Canada, and where is it situated? 1394. What river of North America flows into the Arctic Ocean? 1395. Into the Gulf of Mexico from the west? 1339. Into the Gulf of California? 1397. What chain of islands forms part of the southern boundary of Behring's or Kamtschatka sea? 1398. What peninsula in the southern part of the United States? and (1399-1401) what waters border upon it? 1402. Name the principal river of Alaska. 1403-4 Name two Gulfs on the west coast of South America. 1405. In what country of South America do the Andes attain their highest elevation? THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. 1406-9. Name two of the noted volcanic peaks of the Andes, and the country containing each. 1410. Mention a range of mountains in Brazil. 1411-12. What two rivers form the Rio De La Plata? 1413-17. Name five seas bordering upon Russia. 1418. What cape at south-west extremity of Eng land? 1419. What connects the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea? 1420. Name three large islands in the Medi'er- ranean Sea, and locate each. 1426. What is the capital of Portugal? 1427. Of Spain? 1428. Of Denmark? 1429. To what is the name British Empire applied? 1430. About what proportion of the human race are under British rule? 1431. Name a river of Scotland, and (1432) its chief city. 1433-34. Name two peninsulas in the south of Asia. 1435. What country between the Persian Gulf and the Caspian sea? 1436-37. What countries of Asia border upon the Red Sea? 1438-40. Name three large islands S. E. of Asia. 1441. What large sea between N. America and Asia? and (1442) what connects it with the Arctic Ocean? 1443. Wl at mountains on the N. coast of Africa? 1444. What mountains near the northern coast of the Gulf of Guinea? GEOGRAPHY. 1445-46. Through what gulf and strait must a vessel pass in sailing from the Indian Ocean to the Red Sea ? 1447-49. Name three countries of Africa border- ing upon the Mediterranean Sea, west of Egypt. Examination XL II (a), June J/., 1880, (1:30-3:00 p.m.) 1450-51. What bay and strait connect the Arctic and Atlantic oceans ? 1452-53. What sea and strait connect the Arctic and Pacific oceans ? 1454-55. Bound the Caribbean sea (on two sides by groups of islands). 1456-57. Between what two localities has North America its greatest extent ? 1458. What is the direction of a straight line join- these two localities ? 1459. What parallel of latitude approximately di- vides North from South America ? 1460-61. What is the general direction of the west- ern coast of North America ? and of South America ? 1462-63. What line of latitude and meridian cross each other at the centre of map of western hemi- sphere ? 1464-65. Considering the western hemisphere as thus divided into quarters (north-eastern, north-wes- tern, etc. ) within which quarter does the greatest part of North America lie ? and of South America ? 1466. Within which quarter are the Sandwich Is- lands ? THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. 1467. Within what body of water is the central point of the surface of the eastern hemisphere ? 1468-69. What large sea and bay indent Asia on. the south ? and (1470) what peninsula lies between them ? 1471-72. Mention two large islands between Aus- tralia and Eastern Asia, and (1473. ) a peculiar chain of islands north-east of Asia, stretching towards North America. 1473-77. What are the several divisons of Great Brit- ain, and (1478) what is meant by the British Em- pire ? 1479-^t. Mention eig-ht ssas that either indent or border upon Europe, 1487-88. What countries border upon the bay of Biscay ? 1489-98. Name ten countries of continental Europe (in a column), and the capital of each opposite. 1499-1503. Name five countries of Africa that bor- der on the Red and Mediteranean seas. (1504) Name the highest mountain groups or ranges in New York, (1505) South America, (1506) Europe, and (1507) Asia. Examination XLIIib), June 18, 1880. (1:30-3:00 P.M.) 1508-15. Describe a voyage around the world from Boston to Lisbon, thence to Calcutta by the shortest route, thence to Canton, thence to San Francisco, thence to Boston, naming in order the principal bodies of water over which you would sail ? GEOGRAPHY. 1516-20. Locate each of the cities named in the preceding question. 1521. Of what would the greater part of a cargo from Canton to San Francisco, probably consist ? 1522-31. Name and locate two mountain groups, three rivers, three lakes,, and two islands included within the state of New York. 1532-34. Where are the following articles exten- sively produced : coffee, cotton, spices ? 1535. What waters does the Erie Canal connect ? 1536-37. Name two extensive desert regions and the grand divisions in which eaeh is located ? 1538. Which grand division has the greatest extent of coast line in proportion to its size ? 1539-41. Which grand divisions nearly enclose the Arctic ocean ? 1542-44. Name three important rivers of the Unit- ed States which have large cities at or near their mouths, giving the names of the cities ? 1545-46. Which grand division is called the " Dark continent, " and why ? 1547-48. Name two peninsulas which extend in a northerly direction ? 1549-50. Name the largest river of Europe, and the sea into which it flows ? 1551-52. What are the two principal rivers of Hmdostan ? 1553. What is the principal mountain system of Asia ? 1554. What country occupies the Great Plain of Europe ? THE REGENTS QUESTIONS. 1555-58. What states and territories border on Mexico ? 1559. What group of large islands south-east of Australia ? 1560. In what direction is Raleigh from Chicago ? 1561. What large island in the West Indies belongs to Great Britain ? 1562-63. Name the largest rivers of British Ameri- ca. 1564-66. Give the largest lakes wholly within the United States. 1567. What is the principal tributary of the Miss- issippi river from the east ? Examination XLIV, Nov. 12, 1880. (1:30-3:00 P. M.) 1568. What geographical name is given to those semi-circumferences of great circles which end at the poles : and (1569) what, to those circumferences which cross the first named lines at right angles? 1570, 71. How are each of these two kinds of lines numbered on maps and artificial globes (i. e. . , where does the numbering begin and how far does it ex- tend); and (1572-77) what special names have some of them? 1578. What great circle divides the northern from the southern hemisphere; and (1579) what one the eastern from the western? GEOGRAPHY. Bound the south temperate zone, as follows: 1580, 81. First, by the adjacent zones. 1582, 83. Second, by the bounding lines, desig- nated by their proper names. 1584, 85. Third, by the distance in degrees of each bounding line from the nearer pole. 1586, 87. Which oceans cross three zones? 1588-90. Which are the three zones thus referred to; and what is their aggregate width, (1591) in de- grees, and (1592) in English miles? 1593. Which ocean receives almost the entire drainage of South America? Which hemispheres have the greater water sur- face: (1594) Northern or Southern; (1595) Eastern or Western? What are such parts of the earth's surface called as answer to each of the following descriptions? 1596. The largest bodies of land. 1597. Smaller bodies of land, surrounded by water. 1598. Small projecting parts of large areas of land. 1599. Projecting parts almost enclosed by water. 1600. Narrow necks of land between large areas. 1601. High and steep or sloping masses. 1602. High, broad and nearly level areas. 1603. Low and nearly level areas. 1604. Depressions between ridges of land. 1605. Depressions more nearly circular. Where is (1606) the greatest elevation, and (1607) where the greatest depression of land surface, as compared with the level of the sea? THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. 1608-10. Mention the three largest inland seas of the Eastern continent. 1611-14. Into what four chief political divisions is North America divided? 1615-18. Mention the four States directly between the Lake of the Woods and Louisiana? 1619-23. Mention any five continuous border" counties of the State of New York. 1624. What is the direction of the Gulf of Guinea from Siberia; and (1625) Australia from England? 1626. The whole surface of the earth contains about how many millions of square miles; and (1627) the State of New York, about how many thousands? Examination XLIV, March 4, 1881. (1:30 to 3:00 p. m., only.) 1628-9. Name the two principal motions of the earth; state how these differ in respect to (1630) thQ centre of motion, and the (1631) time and (1632) space in which one motion of each kind is com- pleted. 1633. Define geography, and (1634-6) three of its common branches or divisions. 1637. To which of these divisions does the frame- work of a map belong ? 1638. What is the estimated population of the globe ? 1639-43. Name the five races of men, and (1644, 5) the two most numerous ones. 1646, 7. Give, as nearly as you can, the latitude and longitude of the place where this examination GEOGRAPHY. is held; and (1648) the length of a degree of longi- tude at same place. 1649. "The land surface of the globe consists of about how many millions of square miles ? 1650, 1 . Give the relative size of North America and Asia, taking Europe as a unit of measure. 1652, 3, Mention the two great mountain systems of North America, and (1654-7) two ranges or groups of each system. 1658-62, Which States are nearly enclosed by the Mississippi and Ohio rivers and the great lakes ? What river flows along the west border of (1663) New Hampshire? (1664) New Jersey? (1665) Iowa ? (1666) Texas. 1667. How many of the States of the Federal Union are larger than New York ? 1668, 9. What States, and (1670) what province opposite to them, are bounded by the parallel of 45" N. Latitude ? 1671. Which county of this State contains the highest elevation, and (1672) what other county the lowest land in greatest extent ? Which has the more elevated site above the sea- level: (1673) Buffalo or Oswego ? (1674) Syracuse or Ogdensburgh ? (1675) Troy or Newburgh ? (1676) Binghamton or Brooklyn ? 1677. Prove your answers to questions (1673-6). 1688, 9. 'What countries are directly south of the Caribbean Sea ? Which is the most populous city of (1680) South America ? (1681) Africa ? (1682) Scandinavia ? THE REGENTS QUESTIONS. Where are (1683) the Atlas mountains ? (1684) the Pyrenees ? 1685, 6. Which oceans touch Africa ? 1687. Mention the largest island of the largest ia- and sea of the eastern hemisphere. Special Examination, March, 1881. (Supplementary to No. XLIV, protest having been made against its difficulty. Schools so desiring were permitted to use this examination instead. Time, one and one-half hours) : (1688) What is a meridian? (1689) a prime merid- ian? and (1690) what is the number of the merid- ian opposite the prime meridian? Describe (1691) the equator; (1692, 3) the tropics; and (1694, 5) the polar circles. (1696) What name includes all these lines (1688-95) as belonging to a sphere; and (1697, 8) what special names distinguish between the first four as a class, and the second four? (1699) What is the western boundary of the west- ern hemisphere? Bound the north temperate zone, as follows: (1700, 1) First, by the adjacent zones. (1702, 3) Second, by the bounding lines, designa- ted by their proper names. (1704, 5) Third, by the distance in degrees of each bounding line from the nearer pole. (1706-8) Within which zones does North America lie? and (1709, 10) South America? GEOGRAPHY. (1711) Which ocean has the greater length, as compared with its breadth? (1712) Where do the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans unite? and (1713) where else do they most nearly approach each other? Which hemispheres have the greater land surface, (1714) Northern or Southern, (1715) Eastern or Western ? (1716) Mention the largest political division of South America; and (1717-20) four others bordering on the Pacific Ocean. (1721-27) Mention portions of the route by which a vessel, starting eastward from the southern coast of Portugal, might sail to Behring's Strait. (1728-30) Mention three large islands of the Medi- terranean Sea. (1731) What sea between England and Norway? and (1732) what one east of Sweden? (1733-9) Bound Kentucky by the adjacent states. (1740-42) Mention three of the larger lakes drained by the Oswego river. Mention the counties of New York that answer to the following descriptions: (1743) the most westerly; (1744) the most northeasterly; (1745) the most east- erly; (1746) the most populous; and (1747) the least populous. Examination XLV, June 17, 1881i (1:15 to 5:45 P. M.) Describe the (1748) Equator; (1749) Tropic of Cancer; (1750) Antarctic Circle; and state (1751-3) THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS, how each of these circles is situated with reference to a zone which contains or borders upon it. Mention the chief natural divisions of (1754) land, and of (1755) water. (1756) What does Oceanica include? Which is the (1757) longest mountain range; (1758) largest gulf; and (1759) largest fresh-water lake of the globe? Is the earth's surface mainly land, or water, along the (1760) Equator; (1761) Arctic Circle; (1762) Tropic of Capricorn? (1763) Which meridian circle traverses less of land, and more of water surface, than any other? (1764-72) Name in their order from east to west the northern border states of the United States. Mention the (1773) longest river of the United States, and (1774-6) three of its tributaries. (1777-9) What portions of land nearly bound the Gulf of Mexico on the southeast; and by what waters is it connected with (1780) the Caribbean Sea, and (1781) the ocean proper? What (1782-4) three bays indent Massachusetts, and (1785) what one Rhode Island? (1786-8) Mention three large islands near the south shore of New England; and (1789-91) the three largest cities of New York, north of latitude 42°. In what direction is Cincinnati from (1792) Buf- falo, and from (1793) Chicago? (1794-8) Mention five capital cities of South America, and the political division to which each belongs. GEOGRAPHY. (1799, 1800) What countries border on the Bay of Biscay? Between what (1801, 2) grand divisions, and (1803, 4) seas is the strait on which Constantinople is situated? What (1805) sea, and (1306) bay north of the Indian Ocean? (1807) What mountains north of Hindoostan? Examination XLVI. Nov. 18, 1881, (1:15-2:45 P. M.) (1808) What meridian and (1809) which line of latitude mark by their intersection the centre of the western hemisphere? (1810) Where is the centre of the surface of the southern hemisphere? (1811) Which hemispheres are projected upon the plane of the equator? (1812-14) Mention three continental masses of land, and (1815-19) the grand divisions into which any of these are subdivided, (1820-22) Mention three important groups of islands, and (1823-25) their location relative to the nearest grand division. What is the general direction of the mountain THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. systems (1826) in the old world, and (1827) in the new? (1828-32) Mention an important mountain range wholly within each of the five grand divisions, and (1833-37) give its general direction. (1838-47) Mention ten great arms or projections (seas, gulfs, bays) of the Atlantic ocean, as usually shown on an artificial globe or map of the world. Mention the largest river that empties into each of the following seas: (1848) Caspian; (1849) Black; (1850) Mediterranean. What outlet has (1851) the Black sea; (1852) the Mediterranean? (1853) Which ocean receives the greater part of the drainage of Africa, and chiefly (1854-58) by what rivers? Give the (1859) latitude and (1860) longitude of Greenwich, in England, (1861) Name the third grand division in the order of size, and (1862) its extent in millions of square miles. (1863) New York State has how many millions of inhabitants; (1864) how many thousand square miles; (1865) how many counties; and (1866, 67) what cities with a population between 75,000 and 100,000? GEOGRAPHY. Examination XLVIL March %, 1882* (1:15 to 2:45 p. m.) 1868-72. What rivers are the final outlets of the streams and lakes of New York State ? 1873-77. Into what gulf or bay does each of these rivers empty ? 1878-80. What name is given to the principal cur- rent of the Atlantic within the North Temperate zone ; from what is that name derived ; and in what general direction does that current flow? Describe the following straits by naming the lands they separate and the waters they connect : 1881-82. Behring's; (1883-84) Florida; (1885, 86) Dover. 1887-88. Name two tributaries of the Ohio river from the north, below Pittsburgh. 1889-90. Which are the two principal grains raised in the United States ? 1891, In which one of the Middle States are both iron and coal abundant ? 1892. What other important mineral product is obtained in large quantities from the same State ? 1893-94. How does the climate of the interior of Mexico differ from that of the coast, and why ? 1895-98. Name and locate four cities of Great Britain. 1899-1901. Define archipelago, and give two exam- ples. 1902-3. Define capital and capitol. 1904. What is the capital of Kansas ? TRE REGENTS QUESTIONS. 1905-6. Name and locate the largest two cities of the United States, west of the Appalachian system. 1907-10. Name three peninsulas projecting from the E. half of Asia, and give their general direction. 1911-14. What are the four leading industrial pursuits of the people of the United States ? 1915-16. What two Empires include the greater part of Asia ? 1917-48. Name two branches of the river Ama- zon. 1919-20. Name the chief river and city of Aus tralia. 1921. For what is Switzerland (apart from its peo- ple) chiefly noted ? 1923-23. What territories of the United States bor- der on Mexico ? 1924-25. Mention two seaports of the Gulf states. 1926-27. What and where is New South Wales ? Examination XL VIII. June 16, 1882. (1:15 to 2:45 P. M,) 1928. What causes the regular succession of day and night, and (1929-30) of the seasons? 1931. Are meridian circles great, or small circles, and (1932) why? 1933. Why are the tropics in latitude 23* degrees (nearly)? 1934. What is longitude, and (1935) how is it reckoned ? 1936. Which of the five zones has the greatest GEOGRAPHY. land surface, and (1937) which probably has the least? 1938, 39. Name two peninsulas on the eastern coast of North America, and (1940, 41) two on the western. 1942. Name the chief river system of the United States, and (1943) give a reason, founded in nature, for its great extent. 1944. In what mountain system do most rivers of the Atlantic slope rise? 1945-49. Mention five ranges or groups of the mountain system referred to in question 1944. 1950. Is there a current in Lake Erie, etc., and (1951) what reason can you give for your answer? 1952-54. On what waters could a cargo be shipped from St. Louis to Boston? 1955-57. On what lakes would one sail in going by water from Detroit to Chicago? Locate (by telling in what county, and on what waters) the following places: (1958-59) Buffalo; (1960-61) Oswego; (1962-63) Utica; (1964-65) Ithaca; (1966—67) Poughkeepsie. 1968. Which is the leading nation of South America, and (1969) what is its form of government? What bodies of water are separated, and what countries or political divisions are connected by — 1970-73. The Isthmus of Panama? and 1974-77. The Isthmus of Suez? 1978. Why is the climate of England warmer than that of Labrador, in same latitudes? THE REGENTS QUESTIONS. 1979-80. Name two countries bordering on the Baltic sea, and (1981-82) the capital of each. 1983-85. What capes form, respectively, the east- ern, western and southern extremities of Africa? 1986-87. In what zones is Australia? THE , REGENT'S QUESTIONS, 1866-1876. GRAMMAR. Examination I. JYoy, 7, 7866. (1:30-3:00 P. M.) When are words said to be "derivative" and when "compound ? " Give examples of each. S. What classes of words are compared ? Give ex- amples of the regular comparison of words both by pre- fixes and suffixes : also, of irregular comparison, and of words of the same classes which do not admit of com- parison. 3. What are the names of the different classes of pronouns ? 4. What particular pronouns are varied in form to denote gender ? 5. Write sentences in which the relatives toko, which, what and that are properly used. 6. What is meant by case in nouns and pronouns ? THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. 7. What properties (or modifications, attributes, Ac,) have verbs ? 8. What is mood ? tense ? 9. What moods cannot be used in interrogative sen- tences ? 10. What tenses can be formed without auxiliaries ? 11. Give the second person singular of the verb be in the several moods and tenses. 12. What class of verbs admit of the passive form, and of which principal part and which auxiliary verb is this form constructed ? Give the first person singular passive of the verb see, in each of the moods and tenses. 18. What are the principal parts of the following verbs : lay, lie, lead, make, ride, see, svrim, write? 14. Of what does syntax treat ? (3:30-4:30 P. M.) Answer each of the questions annexed to the following sentence : — "Of the committee who, in June, 1776, had been ap- pointed to prepare the plan, Samuel Adams alone re- mained a member ; and even he was absent when * * 'articles of confederation and perpetual union' were adopted, to be submitted for approbation to the severa : States."— Bancroft's U. S. History, Vol. IX, page 436. 15. Of how many propositions (or principal clauses} does the above sentence consist, and with what word doei each proposition end ? 16. Give the leading subject and predicate of each pro- position ? 17. Designate the subordinate (or auxiliary) clauses (o» sentences'), and the subject and predicate of each. 18. Point out the several phrases, and the words whict they respectively modify. 19. Mention all the connectives, and the words, phrases, Ac., which they severally unite. 20. What words, phrases, &c, perform an adjective and what an adverbial office ? GRAMMAR, 21. What kind of a noun is "committee?" "June?* "approbation?" 22. Are the following words respectively primitive or derivative: "appointed," "prepare" "absent," "fif- teenth," "articles," "were," "States?" 23. Parse, "who," "1776," "member," "even," "toert adopted," and " to be submitted." 24. Give the voice (or form), mood, tense, person and number of " had been appointed" and "remained." Examination II Feb, 28, 7867 > (1:30-3:00 P. M.) " The best authors should be read by the student, that he may thus insensibly acquire a grace and refinement of expression which no arbitrary rules can give." 25. Parse "best" in the above sentence. [In parsing any word, be careful to give a full statement of its pro- perties and relations, i. e., its etymology and syntax.] 26. Give the voice (or form), mood, tense, person and number of " should be read." 27. Decline "student." 28. Parse "that." 29. What auxiliary verbs are used in the above sen- tence? 80. In what mood is " acquired." 81. In what case is "refinement." 82. Parse "which." 83. Transpose each transitive (or active) clause into its equivalent passive form and vice versa, and write out the full sentence in this changed form, 84. Into what simple sentences (or clauses) can the above sentence be separated ? 85. Give the subject and predicate of each simple sen- tence. THX RBGBKT8' QUE8TIOX8. 8& Parse "thus." 87. What parts of speech (or classes of words) are not eontained in this sentence ? 38. Parse "tio." Pnpils who have sufficient time may add a formal an- alysis of the above sentence, adopting any system with which they are familiar. (3:30-4:30 P. M.) 89. Write the plural of wharf, axis, focus, chemby phenomenon. 40. What is the difference between an adjective and an adverb ? 41. Write a sentence having for its predicate the passive potential present, third, plural form of the verb see. 42. Give a list of ten words commonly used as prepoat* tions. 43. What is the difference in the proper use of the rela- tives who. which and that ? 44. Analyze the following sentence, according to any familiar system : — "The use of a good dictionary should be insisted npon in the preparation of such lessons as are learned from books." 45. How may a declarative sentence be made interrog- ative ? 46. In the sentence, "Our fathers, where are they?* parse "fathers." 47. Why is the sentence "John ought to have went* incorrect ? 48- In what respect is the sentence, " Whom do men say that I am," grammatically incorrect ? Pupils who have time, will please illustrate the answers to the second, fifth, sixth and seventh question* by appro* priate examples. GRAMMAR. Examination III. June 73, 7867* (1:30-3:00 P. m.) (») "God made the country and man made the town. (») What wonder then that health and virtue, gifts (») That can alone make sweet the bitter draught (<) That life holds out to all, should most abound ( s ) And least be threatened in the fields and groves? (•) Possess ye, therefore, ye who, borne about ( 7 ) In chariots and sedans, know no fatigue ( 8 ) But that of idleness, and taste no scenes (») But such as art contrives, possess ye still ( I0 ) Tour element ; there only can ye shine." —Cowper's Task. 49. How many letters in the first line of the above ex- ercise are liquids? 50. Write the words in the first five lines which contain diphthongs, enclosing each diphthong in a parenthesis. 51. Which words in the sixth line are dissyllables ? 52. Write the words in the exercise which are trisyUaf bles, and mark the accented syllable in each. 53. Which line contains no noun? 54. What part or parts of speech (or classes of words) are not contained in the above exercise ? 55. What irregular verbs occur in the exercise ? 56. What passive participle (used only as such) ? 57. What verbs in the exercise are in the indicatfm mood? 58. Wtat verbs in the potential mood? 59. Wfiat verbs in the imperative mood ? 60. What adjectives occur in the exercise ? 61. What personal pronouns ? 62. What relative pronouns ? Pupils who have sufficient time, are requested to ar- range all other words in the above exercise into columns, according tc the parts of speech (or classes of words) to which they belong ; also to state how many, and what firind or kinds of feet are used in each line THB REGENTS' QUESTIONS. Accuracy in either of these items may be counted as one correct answer. (3:30-4:30 p. m.) 63. In the sentence, " God made the country and man made the town," what words, phrases or clauses does "and" connect? 64. What is the leading subject of the following sen- tence : — (!) "What wonder then that health and virtue, gifts ( 2 ) That can alone make sweet the bitter draught ( 8 ) That life holds out to all, should most abound ( 4 ) And least be threatened in the fields and groves ? " 65. What is the predicate of the same sentence ? 66. Parse " that " in the first line. 67. Parse "that" in the second line. 68. Parse " thai " in the third line. 69. Parse "health" and "virtue" and the verbs of which they are the joint subject. 70. Parse " wonder " in the first line. 71. Parse "gifts" in the first line. 72. Parse " sweet" in the second line. Pupils who have time, will please give an analysis of the above sentence, " What wonder then," el(l)come" in the second line belong: Primitive, derivative, simple, or compound ? 806. Why is "liking" in the seventh line spelled with- out an e ? 807-808. Change "I'll step in" in the eighth line to each of the other tense forms of the indicative active, ffiving the tense name of each. Examination XXIII. I^eb. 26, 787&* (1:30-3:00 P. M.) H) A Fir, upon a humble Thorn, (•) From his high top, looked down with scorn. M"For loftiest spires we grow," he said ; (••V'Of us the tallest masts are made, (^ While thou, poor Bramble, canst produce t j Nothing of ornament or use." t "Great tree," the modest Thorn replied, THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. ( 8 ) "When the sharp axe shall pierce your side, ( 9 ) In vain yon then may wish to be, ( 10 ) Unsought for and unknown like me." Write each one of the following words and its part qf speech (or class of words) as here used : — First line : (809) Tfpon ; (810) humble. Second line: (811) Looked; (812) down. Eighth line; (813) Side. Ninth line: (814) Then; (815) wish. Tenth line : (816) Unknown ; (817) like. Select from the exercise, and write in a column, eighi words which are used as simple subjects, numbering them from (818-825) inclusively: and opposite each of these subjects write the verb (principal and auxiliary, if any,) agreeing with it. Give the rule of syntax for (828) subject words, and that for (829) finite xerbs. \igst- The language of the rule, and not merely its number, is to be given.] Write in a column all the finite verbs in the exercise, (including auxiliaries, if any,) and opposite each verb give its voice (or form.) mood, tense, person and number, arranging the work thus : — 71 lie -rr . , h Voice. Mood. Tense. Pason. dumber. -. (830) — (831)-: (832) — ; (833) — ; (834)—. (835) — ; (836) — ; (837) — ; (838) — ; (839) — . (840) — ; (841) — ; (842) — ; (843) — (844) — . (845)- (846) — (847) — (84S)- (849) — . (850) — : (851) — ; (852) — (853) — ; (854)—. . (855)-; (856) — ; (857) — ; (858;—: (859) — . (860) — (861) — (862) — (863) — (864) — . . (865) — (866) — (867) — (868) — (869) -> (3:3( )-4:30 P. m. ) What noum > do the fol lowing pro Douns stan d for:— Second line : (870) His i I lighth line : (871) You r GRAMMAR. 872. What is the grammatical gender of "w* M in the third line ? Write in a column all the prepositional phrases con- tained in the first four lines of the exercise, and before each phrase write the word to which such phrase syntac- tically relates : (873) ; (874) ; (875) , (876) . Give the four principal parts (including the participle ba ing) of the verb in the fourth line : (877) ; (878) ; (879) ; (880) . Change the fifth and sixth lines to the equivalent ex- pression, having the verb passive. If correct in all respects, the answer may count as (881) ; (882) ; (883) . In what case is (884) "wse" in the sixth line? What is the syntax of (885) "Bramble" in the fifth line / 886. Change the ninth line to the corresponding form, having the verb in the indicative mood. Change the eighth line to the corresponding forms, having the verb in the (887) perfect, or future perfect tense, and in the (888) secoixd future, or future perfect tense. What "figure of speech" is employed in the above ex- ercise? The correct answer to this question may be counted as one. Examination XXI Y. Jiine. A, 787&» (1:30-3:00 P. M.) 889-896. Make a list of the eight parts of speech (or classes of words) and define each. 897. Compare an adjective by one of the two regula* modes of comparison, and an (898) adverb by the other. Write the plurals of (899) Elegy ; (900) church; and (901) piece; and state in what way each plural is formed. According to what rule or principal is ()02) voHteinf made writing ; and (903) n doubled in beginning? THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. Write in a column the following names, with the pre- fixed numbers, and annex to each name an example of the class which it represents : (901) Vowel ; (905) liquid ; (906) palatal; (907) double consonant ; (908) diphthong ; (909) word, primitive; (910) derivative; (911) compound; (912) sentence, simple; (913) compound; (914) adjective^ ordinal. 915-918. What modifications (properties or accidents) belong to nouns, and what are the several kinds of each ? Mention two modifications belonging to verbs only, with their kinds: (919) ; (920) . Conjugate the verb "see" according to the following outline : — 921. Principal Parts (including participle in ing,) writing its name over each part. Indicative Mood, First Person, Plural. Name of Tense. Active Form. Passive Form. 933 933 924 935 936 937 Potential, Third, Plural. 928- 929- 930 931- 982 933 964 Subjunctive, Third, Singular. Imperative, Second, Plural. GRAMMAR. Infinitives. MS-- 936 — Participles. 987 988 (3:30-4:30 P. M.) (») "Gkay's 'Megy Written in a Country Churchyard 1 is ( 3 ) a masterpiece from beginning to end. The thoughts, (») indeed, are obvious enough, but the dignity with which (<) they are expressed, the immense range of allusion and (») description with which they are illustrated, and the (•) finished grace of the language and versification^ in ( 7 ) which they are embodied, give to this work something ( 8 ) of that inimitable perfection of design and execution (•) which we see in an antique statue or a sculptured (») gem." — Shaw's English Literature. Analyze the first sentence of the exercise, giving (939) the simple (or grammatical) subject; (940) the simple pred- icate; (941) the modified (or logical) subject; and (942) the modified predicate. Write in a column all the prepositional phrases in the first sentence of the exercise, and prefix to each the word (or words) which it modifies : (943) ; (944) ; (946) . Parse (946) written ; (947) country ; (948) masterpiece. Write each of the following words and describe it as subject, predicate, object, adjective modifier, adverbial modi- fier, or attribute, as the case may be, of the word or words to which it is syntactically related, giving such word or words : — Third line: (949) Obvious; (950) enough. Fourth line : (951) They ; (952) range. Fifth line: (953) Which. Sixth and seventh lines: (954) Give; (955) versification, $956) something. Ninth line: (957) Which. / THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. 958-965. Write in a column all the personal and relative pronouns of the exercise in the order in which they occur, and annex to each ithe noun or nouns (expressed or under* stood) for which it stands. If the last word of the second line were made singular, what other words following in the sentence would also, on that account, require to be changed as often as each occurs ? (966) to ; (967) to . 968. Change "which we see" in the ninth line to the equivalent expression, having the verb passive. Examination XXV, Nov. 5, f87&' (1:30-3:30 P. M.) Define each of the following grammatical terms : (969) Grammar ; (970) English Grammar ; (971) a letter of the alphabet; (972) a syllable; (973) a word; (974) a phrase; (975) a clause ; (976) a sentence. 977-980. Into what four parts is grammar usually divided ? 981. Which one of those parts is usually studied in the spelling book ? 982. To which one of those parts does punctuation belong ? Mention the several modifications {properties or acci- dents') of nouns ; the different kinds of each modification ; and give a specimen noun of each kind, arranging the whole thus : — Modifications. Kinds or Each. Specimen Nouns, 987- 983 - 985 i-f 988- 989- 990- 984— < 986 { 991- 993 i I GRAMMAK. ( 997- 993 995 J 998- ( 999- ( 1000- 994 996 { 1001- 1002- 1003-1007. Decline each of the personal pronouns, arranging the work in regular form. 1008. Mention four words commonly used as relative pronouns. Give an example of a (1009) regular, and of an comparison of adjectives. 1010-1015. Give the passive, first person, plural forms of the verb "examine" in the several tenses of the indica- tive mood, prefixing the name of the tense of each form. 1016. Give the active imperative, the (1017) passive in- finitive, and the (1018) participial forms of same verb (3:15-4:15 P. M.) 0) "If our overworked professional men and students ( a ) should imitate Sir Henry Holland in taking an annual ( 8 ) two months' vacation, and once a year, like Antaeus, ( 4 ) touch old mother earth among the salmon and trout ( 6 ) streams of the breezy Canadian hills or Adirondacka, ( 8 ) they would return vastly invigorated to battle with the ( 7 ) realities of city life. Let no novice be deterred from a (*) trial, for he will find it very exhilarating, even if for < 10 ) a time he take no fish."— The Galaxy, Nov., '74, p. 617. Write the first verb of the exercise, and give its (1019; subject; (1020) object; (1021) mood; and (1022) tense. Write each of the following words and describe it as subject, predicate, object, adjective modifier, or adverbial modifier, as the case may be, of the word or words (ex- pressed or understood) to which it is syntactically related, giving such word or words : — First line : (1023) Overworked. Second line : (1024) Taking. Third line : (1025) Months'; (1026) vacation ; (1027) year ( 028) Antceus. THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. Fourth line: (1039) Touch; (1030) mother ; (1031) earth ; (1032) trout Fifth line: (1033) Streams; (1034) Adirondack*. Sixth line: (1035) Invigorated; (1036) battle. Seventh line : (1037) City. Ninth line: (1038) He; (1039) it; (1040) very; (1041) exhilarating. 1042. What passive verb occurs in the exercise ? 1043. Change "even if for a time he take no fish" in the ninth and tenth lines to the equivalent expression, having the verb passive. 1044. Give the four principal parts of "take" in the tenth line, (including the participle in ing.) 1045. Parse "If," (first line.) 1046. Parse "In," (second line.) 1047. Parse " Old," (fourth line.) 1048. Parse "No," (seventh line.) In parsing give the rule of syntax for each of theee words. Examination XXYI. Feb. 26, 7876. (1:30-5:00 P. M.) 1049. Write and define or describe each of the following grammatical terms : (1050) Pei-son ; (1051) number ; (1052) case ; (1053) pronoun ; (1054) relative pronoun ; (1055) tense ; (1056) interjection. 1057. Write a sentence (or sentences) containing eight different parts of speech (or classes of words,) and (1058- 1065) above one word of each class write the name of the part of Bpeech to which it belongs. Write an example of (1066) a noun in the possessive ease; (1067) a personal pronoun in theirs* person, plural; (1068) a relative pronoun in the objective form ; and a (1069) verb in the passive, indicative, present. GRAMMAR. Write the different kinds of each modification (property or aoeident) of verbs as named below, and give an example of each kind from the verb " see," with a subject prefixed, arranging the work tbus : — Modifica- tions. Voice, (or Form.) Mood. Tense. Person.- Dlumber.- Kinds or EACH Modification. -1070 \ fl071- 1072- 1073- 1074- 1075- 1076- 1077- 1078- 1079- 1080- 1081- -1082 ! -1083 \ Examples from verb see, with subjects. j 1084- I 1085- fl086- 1087- 1088- 1089- 1090- fl091- 1092- 1093- 1094- 1095- 1096- 1097 I 1098 'Answers to the following a.ipplementary questions may be added, for which due credit will be given : — 1099. What is the name of that part of Grammar which includes the classification and inflection of words ? Give a suitable form or model for parsing (1100) a noun; (1101) an adjective; (1102) a relative pronoun; and (1103) a preposition. Mention a numerical adjective of the (1104) cardinal and ane of the (1105) ordinal kind. 1106 Give the principal parte of the verb "give" THE REGENTS' QUESTIOH8. (8:15-4:15 P. M.) ( l ) " Socrates was never in haste that his followers should (') become skilful in speaking, in action, or in invention ; < s ) but, previously to such accomplishments, he thought (*) it proper that a love of self-control should be instilled (*/ into them ; for he considered that persons who had i 6 ) acquired those qualifications were, if devoid of self- ( 7 ) control, only better fitted to commit injustice and do {*) mischief." — Memorabilia, IV., Hi. 1. Mention the (1107) subject; (1108) the simple (or gram- matical) predicate ; (1109) the modified (or logical) predi- cate; aud (1110) the adjuncts (or modifiers) contained in the proposition, "Socrates was never in haste." 1111. By what is this proposition further modified, limited or explained in the exercise? 1112. Write the proposition beginning with "his" (first line,) and give (1113) the simple (or grammatical) subject ; (1114) the modified (or logical) predicate ; (11 15) the copu- lative and (1116) the attribute of the predicate; (1117) the adjunct (or modifier) of the subject ; and (1118) the adjuncts (or modifiers) of the predicate. (Designate each of these answers by one of the above names.) What other words of the exercise are used as simple (or grammatical) subjects ? Write after these subjects, the verbs (principal and auxiliary, if any,) agreeing with them : — 1119 1124 1120 1125 1121 1126 1122 1127 — 1123 1128 Which verbs of the exercise are in the potential mood ? <1129) ■; (1130) ; and which in the infinitive t (1131) ; (1132) . Compare (1133) the adjective in the second line ; and (1134) "better" in the seventh line. Fane (1135) "previously" in the third line; and(li»j the first verb in the sixth line. GRAMMAR. Examination XXYII. June S t 1876. (3:30-4:80 P. M.) 1137- Mention the four general divisions of Grammar. Under which of these general divisions is each of ths following subjects included : — 1138. Classification of woi-ds as to use. 1139. Classification of letters. 1140. Rules for agreement and government of words. 1141. Versification {or poetry.') 1143. Rules for spelling. Give a proper definition of each of the following terms. §iP Be careful to mention the term defined, in connection with each definition : (1143) Verb; (1144) pas- sive verb; (1145) irregular verb; (1146) intransitive verb ; (1147) mood; (1148) potential mood; (1149) tense; (1150) future tense; (1151) preposition ; (1152) conjunction. Write a sentence containing, respectively, an example of 1153. An adjective in the comparative degree. 1154. An adverb of manner. 1155. A disjunctive conjunction. 1156. An infinitive verb urithout "to" prefixed, 1157. A relative pronoun in the objective ease. 1158. Why are certain parts of verbs called principal parts ? 1159-1161. Which are the three principal parts of verbs, (other than the present participle ?) Write (1162) a regular verb, and (1163) an irregular verb, and place after each its additional principal parts, (in- cluding the participal in ing.) 1164. Decline the personal pronoun of the third person, feminine gender. Give an example of the comparison of adjectives (1165) fry prefixes, and (1166) by suffixes. Give the rule of syntax for 1167. A verb agreeing with two or more subjects aected by "and." THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. 1168. A pronoun, as related to its antecedent noun. 1169. For same cases before and after verbs. 1170. For a verb in tbe infinitive mood. 1171-1183. Give the active and passive forms of " strike^ with "J" (or "thou") as the subject of each, in the several tenses of the finite moods ; also, (1184) the present infini- tives, and (1185) present participles, active and passive. (3:15-4:15 P. M.) ( J ) "Our fathers raised their flags against a power to ( 2 ) which, for purposes of foreign conquest and subjuga- ( 8 ) tion, Rome, in the height of her glory, is not to be ( 4 ) compared, — a power which has dotted the surface of ( 6 ) the whole globe with her possessions and military posts, ( e ) whose morning drum- beat, following the sun in his ( 7 ) course and keeping pace with the hours, circles the ( 8 ) earth with one continuous and unbroken strain of the (») martial airs of England." — Webster. 1186. Write the first verb of the exercise and give its subject and object. What other (1187) finite verbs, what (1188) infinitive and (1189) participles occur in the exercise ? 1190. Change "which has dotted the surface of the whole globe " to the equivalent expression, having the verb in the passive voice (or form.) 1191-1198. Write in a column (midway between the right and left sides of your paper) the several prepositions in the first, second, fourth and eighth lines, and place before and after each preposition the words between which it shows relation. Write each of the following words, giving its part of speech (or class,~) and describe it as the subject, object, predicate, adjective modifier, or connective, as the case may be, of the word or words to which it is syntactically related, giving such word or words : — First line : (1199) Their. Second and third lines: (1200) Subjugation; (1201) Bom*. Fourth line : (1202) Surface. GRAMMAR. Fifth and sixth lines : (1203; Posts; (1204) whose; (1305) and ; (1206) sun. Seventh line: (1207) Keeping; (1208) circles. Eighth line : (1209) Strain. 1210. In what case is "power" in the fourth line? Parse (1211) the first verb, and (1212) the second verb in the third line ; (1213) morning, (1214) drum-beat, (1215) following, in the sixth line. ^°In parsing be careful to give the properties {modifi- cations or attributes) of nouns and verbs, and the syntax of each word. 1216. Select a derivative word from the eighth line. Exami7iatio?i XXVIII. Nov. £, 7875. (1:30-3:00 p. M.) 1. ''Sing to me, dearest nightingale," said a shepherd to the silent songstress, one beautiful spring evening. 2. "Alas!" said the nightingale, "the frogs make so much noise that I have no inclination to sing. Do you not hear them ? " 3. "Undoubtedly I hear them," replied the shepherd, "but it is owing to your silence." Write each one of the following words, with its number prefixed, and immediately thereafter the part of speech (or class of words) to which it belongs : — First paragraph : (1217) Sing; (1218) to; (1219) me; (1220) dearest; (1221) nightingale; (1222) spring. Second paragraph: (1223) Alas; (1224) so; (1225) that; (1226) no. Third paragraph : (1227) Owing. Write each one of the following words, with its number prefixed, and immediately thereafter describe it as the subject, predicate, object, adjective modifier, or adverbial modifier, as the case may be, of the word to which it if t yntactically related :— THE REGENTS QUESTIONS. Firat paragraph : (1228) Sing; (1229) said ; (1230) silent ; (1231) songstress ; (1232) one ; (1233) evening. Second paragraph: (1234) Noise; (1235) inclination; (1236) sing. Third paragraph : (1237) Owing ; (1238) silence. Select from the third paragraph a word in the (1239) nominative, one in the (1240) possessive, and one in the (1241) objective case. Mention the second verb of the second paragraph, and give its (1242) voice (or form;) (1243) mood; (1244) tense; and (1245) subject ; also, the (1246) first, (1247) second, and '1248) third principal parts of the same verb. Change "frogs maJce^ to each of the other tense forma of the indicative and potential moods, giving the names of Senses, and arranging them as follows : — Tenses. Indicative Mood. Potential Mood. Present. Frogs make. (1254) (1249) (1255) , (1250) (1256) (1251) s (1257) — (1252) (1253) Give the (1258) positive and (1259) comparative forms ot the first adjective ; also, the (1260) comparative and (1261) superlative of the last adjective in the first paragraph that admits of comparison. Select from the exercises a personal pronoun of each of the following forms : (1262) First person, singular number , nominative case ; (1263) first person, singular, objective; (1264) second person, singular, nominative ; (1265) second person, singular, possessive ; (1266) third person, singular, nominative ; (1267) third person, plural, objective. Give the word which each prepositional phrase (or ad* fund, modifies: — First paragraph : (1268) ; (1269) ; (1270) ■■ ■ ■ (preposition understood.) GRAMMAR. Second paragraph : (1271) (infinitive.) Third paragraph : (1272) . Parse (1273) Undoubtedly; (1274) I; (1275) hear; (1278) (hem, (3:15-4:15 P. M.) 1. "As a man, who was deeply involved in debt, wai walking in the street with a very melancholy air, one of his acquaintances asked him why he was so sorrowful. 2. 'Alas ! ' said he, ' I am in a state of insolvency.' 3. 'Well,' said his friend, 'if that is the case, it is not you, but your creditors, who ought to wear a woeful countenance.' " 1277. What word of the exercise has no syntax? 1278. Select from the exercise an example of a simple sentence (or independent proposition.) 1279. Is the first sentence simple or compound, or com- plex? 1280. What is the grammatical subject of the principal (or independent) clause of the third sentence ? 1281. Change "was walking" to the form of the plu- perfect (past perfect or prior past) tense of the same mood. 1282. Change the verb of the expression u was deeply involved " to the potet.dal mood, perfect (present perfect or prior present) tense of the same voice (or form.) 1283. Change ' ' one of his acquaintances asked him " to its equivalent, having the verb in the passive voice. 1284. Change "if that is the case" so that the verb shall be subjunctive in form, and (1285) parse "case." 1286. In what number is "who" in the third sentence ? 1287. In what words was the question referred to in the first sentence put by the asker (or speaker ?) 1288. What words does "with" in the first sentence connect or show the relation between ? 1289. What interrogative word occurs in the first sen* fence? 1290. What kind of conjunction is "but?" THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. 1291. In what case is the word "case" in the third sentence ? 1292. In what tense is "ought" in the third sentence? 1293. In what case is "countenance '* in the third sen tence ? 1294. What word (potential mood sign) might be sub- stituted for "ought to" in the third sentence? 1295. Of what words is "woeful" compounded? 1296. Which one of the five permanent vowels doea not occnr in " countenance ? " Examination XXIX. Feb. 21, 7876. (1:30-3:00 P. M.) 1297-1298. Mention and define the two parts of speech (or classes of words) most frequently used. Decline, in full, (1299) we ; (1300) her ; (1301) who. Give the two positives of (1302-1303) worse, and those of (1304-1305) most. Write a sentence (or sentences) in which that is properly used as (1306) a relative; (1307) an adjective; (1308) a conjunction. 1309. Correct, "The teacher sent for you and I" and (3310) give the reason for the correction. 1811. Change the sentence, "Those girls are writing on their slates," by making the subject singular, and the words corresponding in sense. 1312. What kind of a sentence, as to form, is that quoted in question 1311 ; and (1313) what would the sentence be- come if changed to the interrogative form ? 1314-1315. Change the sentence, "I shall go," and "I will go," by making each subject of the third person, singular, and by using the proper auxiliary to expreei future time simply, in the former sentence, and a purpom or determination in the latter. GKAMMAR. 1816-1317. Correct, "Four month's interest are due on this note," and (1318-1319) give the reasons for eacn correction. Define (1320 ) mood; (1321) tense; (1322) person ; (1323) number ; as applied to verbs. 1324-1328. Write in a column the names of the several moods of verbs, and after each name give a sentence containing a verb in that mood. 1329-1335. Write in a column the names of the several tenses of verbs, and after each name give the correspond- ing tense-form of some verb in the indicative mood. Give the principal parts of (1336) rise; (1337) raise; (1838) sit; (1339) set; and (1340-1342) write sentences containing an example of the proper use of each of these verbs. How is the (1343) passive voice (or form.) of any verb formed ? and how tbe (1344) progressive form ? Write two sentences, in one of which (1345) a phrase, and in the other (1346) a clause (or proposition) is used as the subject. Give the principal parts of each of the following verba : (1847) were; (1348) went; (1349) had fought; (1350) might have been found ; (1351) may have talked. Analyze the sentence, (1352) "Let him go;" (1353-1355) and parse each word. 1356. What particular name is given to that part of a verb which ends in ing ? (3:15-4:15 P. M.) (*) "These things that are not practicable, are not desir- (*) able. There is nothing in the world really beneficial (*) that does not lie within the reach of an informed under- (*) standing and a well-directed pursuit. There is nothing (*) that God has judged good for us that he has not given (•) us the means to accomplish, both in the natural and (*) the moral world. If we cry, like children, for th« (•) moon, like children we must cry on." — Burke. THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. Write each of the following words, with its number prefixed, mention its part of speech (or class of words,) and describe it as the subject, predicate, object, adjective modifier, adverbial modifier, or connective, as the case may be, of the word or words to which it is grammatically related, giving such word or words : — First line: (1357) That; (1358) the second verb. Second line : (1359) Nothing; (1360) beneficial Third line : (1361) The verb in that line. Fourth line : (1362) Pursuit. Fifth line: (1363) That. Sixth line: (1364) Us. Seventh line : (1365) Like. Eighth line: (1366) On. Make a list of the (1367) auxiliary ver*bs in the exercise, and the (1368) conjunctions. Parse each of the following as contained in the exercise ^" In parsing, give each modification (property or ac- cident) and the syntax of each word : — 1369. The proper noun. 1370. The verb in the infinitive mood. 1371. The verb in the potential mood. 1372. The verb in the fifth line. 1373. "Children," (eighth line.) 1374. What is the principal (or leading) clause (or pro- position) of the last sentence of the exercise ; and (1375) what the subordinate clause ? 1876. Parse "botii," (sixth line.) Examination XXX. June, 8, 7876. (1:30-3:00 P. M.) 1877. Of what does Etymology treat ? 1878. What are the parts of speech or classes into which words are divided ? GKAMMAR. 1879. Which of these modify, limit, or qualify th« meaning of nouns ? 1380. Which of verbs, adjectives and adverbs ? 1381. What is the subject of a sentence ? 1382. What is the predicate ? "The pleasures of sense resemble a foaming torrent, which, after a disorderly course, speedily runs out and leaves an empty and offensive channel." 1383-1387. In the above sentence, name the nouns, and state of each whether it is subject or object, and of what ? 1388. Name the pronoun, and state the same of it. 1389-1391. Name the adjectives, and the noun each qualifies. 1392-1393. Name the adverbs, and tbe word each modi- fies or qualifies. 1394-1395. Name the prepositions, and the words be- tween which they show the relation. 1396-1397. Name the conjunctions, and the words each connect. 1398-1401. Name the articles, and the nouns they limit. Name the plural of the following nouns : (1402) lady ; (1403) valley; (1404) pailful ; (1405) memorandum; (1406) analysis. 1407. What modifications or properties have nouns and pronouns ? 1408. What have verbs ? 1409-1413. Give the modifications of each of the nouni of the sentence, " The pleasures of sense," etc. 1414-1416. Same of the verbs. 1417-1418. How do you determine the modifications of pronouns ? 1419. What tenses has the Potential mood ? 1420. Define mood, and (1421) name the several mood*. 1422. Same of tense, and (1423) the several tenses. 1424-1426. Give an example of the moods of the verb %Drite, in the present tense, with boy as subject, i. «., thoM moods to which snch a subject is applicable. THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. (3: 15-4:15 P. M.) 1427. How are verbs divided in regard to form t 1428. How in regard to signification ? 1429. What determines the number and person of a verb ? 1430. Does the object of a verb influence its number and person ? 1431. In what case is the subject of a verb ? 1432. In what the object ? 1433. Have the nominative and objective cases of nouna different forms ? 1434. How are these cases determined ? 1435. To what is a noun in the possessive case joined? 1436. What does the noun with which it is joined denote ? If the following sentences are ungrammatical, correct them, and parse the word corrected. 1437-1438. They thought it was me. 1439-1440. I do not know who to send. 1441-1442. The man sets in the chair. 1443-1444. The book lays on the table. 1445-1446. The eldest of the two sons attends school. 1447-1448. The general with his soldiers were taken. 1449-1450. The room is twenty feet long. 1451-1452. To preach and to practise is very different 1453-1454. Write the participles of the verb love in th« active form, with the name of each. 1455-1456. The same of the passive form. Examination XXXI. JYor. 9, 7876. (1:00-3:00 P. M.) In what classes are simple words divided with refer- ence to their (1457-1459) number of syllables ; (1160-1461) formation ; (1462-1469) use in sentences ? GRAMMAR. 1470. Give the singular of men, teeth, mice. How are adjectives regularly compared to express degrees of comparison (1471) below the positive (or of diminution), and (1472-1473) above the positive (or of in- crease) ? 1474-1476. Give examples of comparison to illustrate answers 1471-1473. 1477. What modification have some adverbs ? 1478. From what other class of words are many adverbs derived ? 1479. Mention four general classes of adverbs. 1480-1482. Mention three kinds of pronouns, and give a definition of each kind. 1483-1488. Write the objective singular of each simple pronoun whose form is varied by declension, and after each of these objectives write a sentence containing it. 1489-1491. Which of the pronouns indicate, by their form, the gender of their antecedent nouns ? 1492. To what parts of speech do cases belong ? 1493-1494. What classes of verbs do not admit of a passive voice (or form) ? 1495. Define the subjunctive mood. 1496-1498. Which moods cannot be used in asking ques- tions ? 1499-1502. Which tenses employ auxiliaries ? 1503. What tense must be used to denote that a certain event will precede some other event referred to ? What parts of speech (or kinds of words) are needed to complete the two following sentences ? 1504. It must be done to-day to-morrow. 1505. Live peace all men. 1506-1508. What three principal statements are in- cluded in the exercise of parsing ; or, of what does pars- ing consist ? THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. (3:15-4:15 P. M.) Write, and parse in full each italicized word in the fol- lowing sentence, (including auxiliaries, of course, with their principal verbs) : 1509-1520. "The best authors should be read by the student, that he may thus insensibly acquire a grace and refinement of expression which no arbitrary rules can give." Correct the following examples of false syntax, and give the reason for the correction, and the syntax of the corrected word in each : 1521-1522. He is to be married to I don't know who. 1523-1524. Generation after generation pass away. 1525-1526. Young's "Night Thoughts" area gloomy but instructive poem. 1527-1528. On that occasion, neither he nor I were con- sulted. 1529-1530. Which is the largest number, — the minuend or the subtrahend ? 1531-1532. Pitt was the pillar who upheld the state. 1533-1534. Our teacher told us that air had weight. 1535-15S6. I intend to have written to him. Note. — In the plates from which the complete illustrated volume and the first editions of this pamphlet were print- ed, the numbers of the questions from Examination XII were too great by 24, the last queetion in XI being num- bered 264, and the first in XII 289. In this edition, the error has been corrected. The corresponding questions in the other editions may be found by adding 34 to ail numbers above 364 in this edition. GRAMMAR. Examination XXXII. March /, 7877. (1:30-3:00 p. m.) « Be thorough in every study. Passing over a field b of study has been compared to conquering a country. e If you thoroughly conquer everything you meet, you d will pass on from victory to victory ; but if you leave e here and there a port or garrison not subdued, you will / soon have an army hanging on your rear, and your o ground will soon need re-conquering. Never pass over h a single thing without understanding all that can be i known about it. Todd's Student's Manual, ch. iii, 4. Write the following verbs, and the voice (or form, or kind) ; — mood ; tense ; number, person and subject of each ; (Count number, person and subject as one ana.) 1637-1540. Be, line a. 1641-1544. Has been compared, line b. 1545-1548. Conquer, line c. 1549-1552. Meet, line c. 1653-1556. Will need, line g. 1657-1560. Can be known, lines h, i. 1661. What is an active verb ? Give an example. 1662. What is a passive verb ? Give an example. 1663. How is a passive verb formed f 1664-1565. In has been compared, what modification (property or accident) does each auxiliary show? Write the following words, give the part of speech (or class of words) of each, state how it is used,— whether ai subject, predicate, adjunct (or modifier), object, or conned- fee, — and give the word (or words or clauses) with which it Is so connected : Line a. (1566) thorough; (1667) every; (1668) pairing ; (1669) over. Line o. (1570) study ; (1571) conquering ; Lines 6, o. (1672) country ; (1573) everything. Line d. (1674) on ; (1575) but; (1&76) if. Lines «, /. (1577) tubdued ; (1678) soon. THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS, Line g. (1579) re-conquering ; (1580) over. Line h. (1581) understanding ; (1582) aU ; (1583) flfca*. Give the fonr principal parts (including present partici* pie) of (1584) meet, line c ; (1585) leave, line d ; (1586) lenovm, line i. (3:15-4:30 P. M.) 1587-1590. Mention and define each of the four princi- pal divisions of grammar. 1591. Define the imperative mood. 1592. What is a participle? 1593. What is an adjective, or adjective element ? 1594. What is an adverb, or adverbial element ? 1595. What is a simple or grammatical subject? 1596. What is a logical or modified subject ? 1597. Answer Q. 1595, as applied to sentence 2 of the Exercise. 1598. Answer Q. 1596, as applied to the same sentence, 1599. Select an adverbial element from the second sentence. 1600. Which sentence of the exercise is a simple de- clarative one? 1601. Which sentence is compound ? and, 1602. Of hovr many members does it consist ? 1603. What word connects the principal members ? 1604. In the member ending with the semi-colon, what is the leading or principal verb ? 1605. The member following the semi-colon has what two independent (or principal) clauses ? and, 1606. What word connects them ?• Select from the exercise (1607) a possessive and (1608) an objective personal pronoun ; (1609) a verbal noun ; and (1610) an adjective denoting unity. Correct the following sentences, and give the reason for the correction. 1611-1612. Me being present, they were embarrassed. GRAMMAR, 161S-1614. Texas is larger than any state in the Union. 1615-1616. A variety of objects charm the eye. Examination XXXIII, June 7,7877. (1:30-3:00 p. m.) A Highlander, who sold brooms, went into a barber's shop in Glasgow to be shaved. The barber took one of his brooms, and after having shaved him, asked the price of it. " Two pence," said the Highlander. "No, no," says the shaver, "I'll give you a penny, and if that /jdoes not satisfy you, take your broom again." The a Highlander took it and asked what he had to pay. "A n penny," says the barber. " I'll give you a half -penny," i says Duncan, " and if that does not satisfy you, put on j my beard again." 1617. What modifications (properties or accidents) have nouns and pronouns ? (1618; Verbs ? (1619) Some adjec- tives and adverbs ? Write each of the following words of the above " Ex- ercise," and name the part of speech (or class of words') to which it belongs ; give its several modification* ; and ite grammatical relation as subject, predicate or object, ac the case may be, to some other word to be named : 1620-1622. Highlander, line a. 1623-1625. Who, line a. 1626-1628. Sold line a. 1629-1631. Brooms, line a, 1632-1034. Shop, line o. 1635-1637. Him, line c. 1638-1610. Asked, line e. 1641-1643. Take, line/. 1644-1646. It, line g. Write and parse each of the following words, giving iti part of speech ; modifications ; and syntax. 1647-1649. Barber's line a. THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS, 1650-1652 The verb in line 5. 1653-1655. The first verb in line/. 1656-1658. The second verb in line/. 1659-1661. You, line i. 1662. What participle occnrs in the Exercise f 1663. What kind of a participle is it ? 1664. As partaking of the nature of an adjective, to what noun does that participle refer ? 1665. As partaking of the nature of a verb, what office does it perform in the sentence ? 1666. How is that participle related in construction to the word before it ? (1667). If that word were omitted, what would be the syntax of the. participle ? 1668. What is the corresponding passive form at the same participle ? (June 8, 3:15-4:30 r. if.) Decline the following words of the Exercise: 1669. Eis, line e. 1670. Penny, line e. 1671. B, line g. Give the four principal parts (including present partkfr pie) of the following verbs : 1672. Sold, line a. 1673. Went, line a. 1674. Took, line b. 1675. Asked, line c. 1676. Give, line e. 1677. Which one of the verbs In question (1871H167S) to regular, and (1678) why ? Select from tbe Exercise : 1679. A numeral adjective denoting plurality. 1680. An auxiliary verb, present tense. 1681. An auxiliary verb, future tense. 1682. An interrogative pronoun. GRAMMAR. 1683. A conditional conjunction. 1684. An adverb of negation ; and (1685) etate what verb it modifies. 1686. A compound noun. Parse each the following words: 1687. Pence, line d. 1688. What, line g. 1689. You, line i. 1690. On, line i. 1691. Beard, line/. 1693-1696. Analyze the third sentence. Examination XXXIY., JYbv. 8, 1877* (3:15^-4:30 p. m.) 1. Depend upon it, friends, if a straight line of life will not pay, a crooked one will not. 2. Anything that is won by fraud is very dangerous gam. 3. It may give a moment's peace to wear a mask, but deception will come home to you and bring sorrow with it. 4. Honesty is the best policy. 5. If the lion's skin does not do, never try the fox's. 6. Let your face and hands, like the cburch clock, always tell how your inner works are going. 7. Better is it to be laughed at as Tom Tell-truth, than praised as Crafty Charlie. 8. A,t the last, the upright will have their reward. — \ John Ploughman's Talk, p. 129. Write each of the following words of the above " Exer- cise," and name the part of speech (or class of words,) to which it belongs; give its several modifications (proper' ties or accidents); and its grammatical relation as subject, predicate or object, as the case may be, to some other word to be named. 1697-1699. It, line a. 1700-1702. Line, line a. 1703-1705. Pay, line 6. 1706-1708. Anything, line b. a b c d e f I THE EEGENT8' QUESTION. 1709-1711. Thai, line c. 1712-1714. Gain, line e. 1715-1717. Peace, line d. 1718-1720. Bring, line e. 1721-1723. Skin, line g. 1724-1726. Try, line g. Write and purse each of the following words, giving Ha part of speech ; modifications (properties, or accidents); and syntax: 1727-1729. Depend, line a. 1730-1732. The first verb in line c. 1733-1735. The first verb in line d, 1736-1738. Fox's, line ?. 1739-1741. Tell, line*. Write and parse the following words : 1742. Friends, line a. 1743. One, line &. 1744. Wear, line d. 1745. J3e«er, line i. 1746. How does the progressive form of conjugation represent an action or event ? 1747. Which principal part of a verb, and 1748. What auxiliary verb are used in the progrtssiw form of conjugation ? (3:15—4:30 P. m.) Compare the following words of the Exercise: 1749. Straight. 1750. Crooked. 1751. Better. Give the four principal porta (including prtmnt tiple) of the following words: 1752. Won, line c 1753. Wear, line d. 1754. Bring, line «. 1755. Do, line g. GRAMMAR. 1756. What other words does it, line d, stand for ? 1757. Answer the same question for it, linej. Select from the Exercise : 1758. A word that has no Syntax, i. e. no grammatical connection with other words of the sentence in which it occurs. 1759. An adverb of degree. 1760. A disjunctive conjunction. 1761. An adjective in the superlative degree. 1762. A verb in the progressive form, 1763. A principal verb whose auxiliary ia another form of the same verb. 1764. The last verb in the infinitive mood. 1765. An adjective used as a noun. 1766. A compound subject of a sentence. 1767. A compound predicate. Parse each of the following words : 1768. Home, line e. 1769. As, line j. 1770. Crafty Charley, line k. 1771. Their, line I. 1773-1776. Analyze, The upright will have (heir rmoartL a b c d e f I Examination XXX "V, Feb. 28, 1878. (1:30—3:00 P. M.) EXERCISE. # As I walked through the wilderness of this world, I lighted on a certain place where was a den, and laid me down in that place to sleep ; and as I slept, I dreamed a dream. I dreamed, and, behold, I saw a man clothed in rags standing in a certain place, with his face from his own house, a book in hi* own hand, and a great burden upon his back. I looked and saw him open the book, and lead there- OBAMMAB. in ; and as he read he read, he wept and trembled ; iand not being able longer to contain, he broke out with a lamentable cry, saying, What shall I do ? — | John Buntan's Pilgrim's Progress. Write each of the following words of the above "Exer- cise," and name the part of speech (or class of words) to which it belongs ; give its several modifications (proper- ties or accidents); and itB grammatical relation as sub~ ject, predicate or object, as the case may be. to some other word to be named : 1777-79. I, line a. 1780-82. walked, line a. 1783-85. wilderness, line a. 1786-88. was, line b. 1789-91. burden, line g. 1793-94. saw, line h. 1795-97. him, line h. 1798-1800. book, line h. 1801-03. trembled, line i. 1804-06. last verb in Ex. Write and parse each of the following words, giving its part of speech; modifications (properties, or acci- dents) ; and syntax: 1807-09. den, line b. 1810-12. the last verb in line b. 1813-15. the first verb in line c. 1816-18. standing, line e. 1819-21. open, line h. Write and give the syntax of each of the following words : 1822. tfirough, line a. 1823. behold, line d. 1824. with, line/. 1825. great, line g. 1826. longer, line j. 1827. saying, line k. 1828. What, line k. 1829. Give the progressive form of shall I do, line k. 1830. What present participle might be substituted for urtih, line/f (3:00—4:30 P. M.) 1831. Compare able ; and lamentable; one by suffixes; tihe other by prefixes. GRAMMAR. Give the four principal parts (including present parti- ciple) of which each of the following words is one part : 1832. laid. 1833. Bleep. 1834. being. 1835. broke. 1836. What prepositional phrase might be substituted for where, in line b of the Exercise. 1837. What other word might be used in place of as, lines a and c? 1838. Change What shall I do, to its equivalent having the verb in the passive voice (or form). 1839. What dependent (or subordinate) clause, intro- duced by the conjunction that, might take the place of to sleep, line c ? 1840. In what mood would the verb of that clause be ? Write, in succession, the several clauses (propositions or simple sentences) contained in the Exercise, — omitting words used as merely clause connectives, — and number the clauses, arranging work thus : 1841. Clause No. 1 1842. it Ii 2. 1843. i< it 3. 1844. ii ii 4. 1845. i< II 5. 1846. it ii 6. Write in a column the several words above designated as clause connectives, and after each give the numbers of the clauses whicb it connects, thus : 1847. connects Clause No. to No. . 1848. " mm to No. . 1849. — " " " to No. 1850. " " " to No. . 1851. " u " to No. . 1853. Which of these clauses expresses the leading Utought of the sentence ? 1853-56. Analyze, What shall I do t GRAMMAR. Examination XXXVI. June 6, 1878 % (1.30—3:00 P. M.) 1857. What is a sentence ? 1858. What are its parts ? 1859-60. Define each part. 1861. Write a sentence with one word in each part. 1862. Write one with two words in each part. 1863. What is analysis ? Analyze the following sentences, using diagram** if you can : 1864. ''The remedy will soon be in yonr power." 1865. " My uncle Toby has not the heart to retaliate o* a fly." 1866. What are parts of speech ? 1867. Name and define two principal classes of noun*. 1868. Give three examples for each class. Name and define the classes of verbs : 1869. As to form. 1870. As to signification. 1871-73. Name and define the modifications of nouns, 1874-77. Name and define the the modification! of verbs. 1878. By what other kinds of words may a noun be modified ? 1879. By what, a verb ? 1880. To each of the nouns in the answers to Q. 1868, as subject, annex a proper predicate. 1881. What modifications does the adjective have ? 1882. How do you determine the number and person of a verb ? 1883. What person has a verb in the imperative mood? 1884. How does the subjunctive mood differ from the indicative ? (In parsing, give the modifications of the word and lie relation to other words, naming the words.) GRAMMAR. 1885. Annalyze the following sentence, and parse each of the words in italics : 1886-90. "They refected the ceremonious homage which other sects substitute for the pure worship of the soul." Correct the following and give the reason : 1891-92. Whom they suppose is doomed. 1893-94. Has the articles been sent ? 1895-96. He had not ought to talk in that way ? 1897-98. The horse and carriage was sold. (3:00—4:30 P. m.) 1899. How is the case of a noun determined ? 1900. When do you say that the noun is in the nomi- native case ? 1901. When in the objective? 1902. What case of nouns has a different form from tht> other cases ? 1903-4. To what part of speech is this form joined t and what does it signify ? 1905. Analyze the following sentence, and parse each of the words in italics : 1906-10. 'Can the branch improve when taken from the stock which gave it nourishment?'' 1911. What office does a relative pronoun perform which a personal pronoun does not ? 1912. When a relative pronoun is the object of the verb, where in a sentence is it placed, with respect to the verb? 1913. What modifications may some adverbs have ? 1914. What parts of speech have no modifications? 1915. When a noun not in the possessive case modifies another noun, what relation is it said to have to it? 1916. Give an example. 1917-18. Construct a sentence with the subject modi- fied by an adjective and the predicate by an adverb. THE regents' questions. 1919-20. Construct a sentence with the subject modi- led by the prepositional phrase and the predicate having a direct object. Correct the following, and give the reason : 1921-22. The legislature have adjourned. 1923-24. If any one has been slighted, let them make it known. 1925-26. He did not know who to suspect. 1927-28. Does that boy know who he is speaking to ? 1929-30. He was absent this whole week. 1931-32. After I visited Europe, I returned to America. 1933-34. I respect every man's judgment and follow my own. 1935-36. Which is the greater of the American rivers ? Examination XXXVII. Nov. 7, 1878. (1:30— 3:00 p. m.) 1937-8. Of what do Etymology and Syntax treat ? 1939. Name the principal parts of a sentence. 1940. Which two are necessary to express thought ? 1941. Write a sentence containing these two only. 1942. Write a sentence containing a modified noun as subject, and a modified verb as predicate. 1943. Write a sentence which shall contain all the parts of speech except the interjection. 1941. What is the difference between adjectives and adverbs ? 1945. What is the office of conjunctions ? 1946. What, of prepositions ? 1947. Write the plural of each of the following nouns : kaife, lady, valley, shelf. \ "Bear with me ; "My heart is in the coffin, there, with Casear, "And I must pause till it come back to me." 1948. What is the subject of the first sentence ? i$49-51. Parse the verb in the first sentence. GRAMMAR. (In parsing, give the modifications of the word and its relation to other words, naming the words.) 1952. In the second sentence, by what is is modified '? 1953. What kind of noun is heart, and why ? 1954. Same of Ccesar ? 1955. Parse ba> ik. 1956-8. Parse the first verb in the last line. 1959-61. Parse the second verb in the last line. 1962. Parse till. 1963. Give the reason for the mood of must pause. 1964. How is the possessive case expressed in each number ? 1965. Define the participle. 1966. If it is not considered a distinct part of speech, with what is it treated ? 1967. What is an abstract noun ? 1968. What is a collective noun ? 1969. What is a participial noun ? 1970. What is a concrete noun ? 1971-74. Mention aud define four kinds of pronouns, 1975. What class of adverbs may be compared ? 1976. Give an example. (Nov. 8, 3:00—4:30 P. M.) Correct the four following sentences, aud parse the corrected word in each : 1977-78. It is me. 1979-80. I have seen my friend last summer. 1981-82. Cany them letters to the post-office. 1983-84. He is like a bird of prey who destroys with- out mercy. " O masters ! if I were disposed to stir Your hearts and minds to mutiny and rage, I should do Brutus wrong, and Cassius wrong, Who, you all know, are honorable men : I will not do them wrong : 1 rather choose To wrong the dead, to wrong myself and you, Than I will wrong such honorable men." THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. 1985. Analyze (by diagram, if you can) the sentence: " I should do Brutus wrong, and Cassius wrong." 1986-88. Parse masters. 1989-91. Parse the finite verb in the first line. 1992-94. Parse hearts and minds. 1995-97. Parse should do. 1998-2000. Parse Brutus. 2001-03. Parse wrong. 2004-06. Parse who, and give the reason of its number. 2007-09. Parse all. 2010-12. Parse men. 2013. Parse than. 2014. "What is the object of know? 2015. To what class of adverbs does rather belong ? 2016. Of what degree of comparison is it ? Examination XXXVIII. Feb. 27, 1S79. (1:30—3:00 p. m.) 2017-18. Give two rules for formiag the plural of nouns. 2019-21. Give the plural of oath ; class ; shelf. 2022-23. Give the possessive, sing, and plural, of man. 2024. Define declension of nouns. 2025. To what other part of speech (or class of words) does declension apply ? 2026. Before nouns of what number is an used ? 2027. What Ques. does a cardinal numeral answer ? 2028-30. Compare ill, old, beautiful. 2031. In what degree of comparison is less wisely? 2032-33. State two points in which the relative who differs from the relative what. 2034. Give an example of a commonly intransitive Verb used transitively. GRAMMAR. 2085. What does the perfect (present perfect or prior present) tense denote ? 2036-37. Give the mood of each verb in the sentence : 1 bid you speak. 2038-39. Correct the false syntax in the sentence : It was him ic?io I spoke to. 2040-42. Write a simple, a compound, and a complex sentence. (If you do not understand the term complex, write instead a sentence containing a relative.) 2043-45. Write a declarative, an imperative, and an interrogative sentence. (a) " He who writes what he should speak, and dares (b) not speak what he writes, is like either a wolf in (c) sheep's clothing, or a sheep in a wolf's skin." 2046. Of what two kinds is the foregoing sentence ? 2047-48. What two relations does the first word " He " bear to other words of the sentence (naming these other words) ? 2049-50. Give the object of writes, and of speak, line («)■ 2051. How do the objects of these words in line (b) differ from those in line (a) ? 2052-53. Give the mood of speak in line (a), and that of the same word in line (b). 2054-55. Give the subject of dares, and that of is. 2056-57. In what case is wolf, line (b), and why ? 2058. What other word has the same construction ? 2059. What conjunction connects these two words ? 2060-61. In what number is sheep's, line (c), and how do you determine its number ? 2062-63. Answer the same questions for sheep, line (c). 2064-65. What adverb occurs in line (b), and what kind of an adverb is it ? 2066. Parse either. THE REGENTS* QUESTIONS. BO a - x (i^&. 28, 3:00—4:30 p. m.) EXERCISE. 1. Murmur not, O man ! at the shortness of time, if thou hast more than is well employed. 2. Has not human life often been carelessly spent in doing either nothing at all, or nothing that ought to have been done ? 3. We sometimes complain because our days are so few, and yet act as if there would be no end of {them. 2067-69. Of the above sentences 1, 2, 3, which one is declarative, and of what kind is each of the other two (on the same principle of classification) ? 2070. Which words of sentence 1 have no syntax (i e., no grammatical relation to other words) ? 2071-74. Write and parse the first verb of sentence 1. SUSP In parsing a verb, state whether it is active or passive, (if active) transitive or intransitive, and regu- lar or irregular ; give its principal parts, including the present participle ; its modifications (mood, tense, per- son, and number) ; and its syntax. 2075-78. Write and parse the first verb of sentence 2. 2079-82. Write and parse the last verb of sentence 2. 2083-84. Write the last verb of sentence 3, and give its mood and tense, and the word with which it agrees as its subject. 2085-86. Write " Thou hast more than is well employed," with the words understood required in parsing and supplied in their proper places in the sentence. 2087. In what respect does ought differ from all the other verbs of sentences 1, 2, 3 ? 2088-90. Give the syntax of in, doing, and nothing, sentence 2. 2091-93. What auxiliary word shows the mood, what one the tense, and what one the voice (or form) of the last verb in sentence 2 ? 2094-96. Parse at, sentence 1 ; that, sentence 2 ; them, sentence 3. GRAMMAR. Examination XXXIX. June 5. 1879. (1:30—3:00 p. m.) 2097-99. Write three short sentences : the subject of the first being & proper noun ; of the second, a collective noun; of the third, an abstract noun. (Underscore, i. e. t draw a line under, each of these nouns.) 2100-2104. Write the plural of the nouns, fly, staff, money, pailful, and Mussulman. 2105-06. In forming the plural, when, as a general rule, should s alone be added ; and when es? 2107-11. Write the feminine of nephew, hero, baron, benefactor, man-servant. 2112-14. Write three short sentences ; the first con- taining a noun in the nom. case ; the second, a noun ia the poss. case: the third, anoiminthe obj. case. (Un- derscore each of these nouns.) 2115-17. Which parts of speech are declined? which, compared? which, conjugated? 2118-20. Compare three adjectives so as to show three methods of comparison. 2121-24. Decline 7, thou, who, whoever. 2125-27. To what objects may the relatives, who, which, and that, be respectively applied ? 2128-33. Give the principal parts (including present participle) of be, fly, flow, flee, go, undertake. 2134. Why are they called principal parte ? 2135. What is the difference between an active and r passive verb ? 2136. Name the class of verbs which take both the active and the passive forms. 2137-42. Write six short sentences, each containing a. verb in a different tense from the others. (Underscore these verbs.) 2143-46. Write four short sentences, each containing a verb in a different mood from the others. (Under- score these verbs.) THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. {June 6, 3:00—4:30 P. m.) EXERCISE. 1. We may not be able to accomplish all we de- sire, but shall we therefore sit still with folded hands? 2. By no means. 3. It is always brave and noble to do the best we can, under the cir- cumstances which surround us. 4. It is only the weak soul that yields supinely to discouragements. 5. Watch, pray, toil, are good words to remember, and in this world of care and disappointment they will carry us through. In parsing, twite the word, give the part of speech, its modifications {properties or attributes), and the word or words to which it is grammatically related. 2147-50. Parse the verbs of sentence 1. 2151. Give the connective of the two clauses. i 2152-55. Parse not, able, therefore, still, sentence 1. 2156-57. Parse by, in line 3. Give the predicate of sentence 3. 2158. Brave and noble, lines 3 and 4, modifies what ? , 2150. We, line 4, is the subject of what verb ? 2160-62. Write each of the following pronouns, and the antecedent word or words which it represents : it, line 3 ; that, line 6 ; they, line 9. 2163. What parts of speech are watch, pray, toil, line 7? 2164. Parse words, line 7. 1 " When he had traveled half a day's journey 2 through a country which was continually becom- ing more attractive, he came to the banks of a broad lake, in the center of which was a large and beautiful island." 2165-68. Write the clauses of the above sentence, in order, designating each as principal or subordinate. 2169-71. Parse each clause connective. m S3 24 GRAMMAR. 2172. Give the subject and the simple predicate of the principal clause. 2173. Select an adjective clause. 2174. Select an adverbial clause. 2175. Give the subject of was, line 4. 2176. What does attractive, line 3, modify? Examination XL, Nov. 6, 1879. (1:30—3:00 P. M.) EXERCISE. 1. We one day descried at sea, some shapeless object drifting at a distance. 2. It proved to be the mast of a ship that must have been completely wrecked. 3. There were the remains of handker- chiefs by which some of the crew had fastened themselves to the spar to prevent their being over- come by the waves. 4. No trace was found by which the name of the crew could be ascertained. 5. The wreck had evidently drifted for many months. 6. But where, thought I, are the crew? Washington Irving. 2177. Explain the difference between common and proper nouns, giving an example selected from the exercise to illustrate each. 2178. Give the gender of I (Sentence 6,) and the reason for your answer. Write the feminine form of (2179) duke, (2180) Hero ; the masculine of (2181) landlady, (2182) songstress; the plural of (2183) father-in-law, (2184) halo. 2185-88. Explain what you understand by the modifications (properties or accidents) of nouns and THE REGENTS QUESTIONS. a: pronouns — illustrating each modification by an ex- ample selected from the exercise. Write each of the following verbs (including its auxiliaries) and give, of each, its mode, tense, sub- ject and object. (If any verb has no object, explain why not.) 1, 1st verb: 2189— ; 2190— ; 2191— ; 2192—. 2, last verb: 2193—; 2194—; 2195—; 2196—. 3, 1st verb: 2197—; 2198—; 2199—; 2200—. 4, last verb: 2201—; 2202—; 2203—; 2204—. 5, 1st verb: 2205—; 2206—; 2207—; 2208—. 6, 1st verb: 2209—; 2210—; 2211—; 2212—. 2213-14. Name two modes not found in exercise. 2215. What auxiliary verb in the exercise is often used as a principal verb? Explain, and illustrate each answer by an exam- ple selected from the exercise, on what principle you describe or distinguish a verb as being : 2216. Regular; (2217) In active voice (or form.) 2218. Transitive; (2219) In passive voice (or form.) 2220. Rewrite sentence 1, changing it just enough to make the verb in passive voice and to express pre- cisely the same thought. Write each of the following words and after it give its part of speech (or class of words,) modifica- tions (properties or accidents,) and syntax: Day (sentence 1 :) 2221—; 2222—; 2223—. Their (sentence 3:) 2224— ; 2225—; 2226—. 2227. Parse: An adverb taken from sentence 2. 2228. An interrogative word from the exercise. 2229. The first by in sentence 3. GRAMMAR. (Nov. 7, 3:00 to 4:30 P. M.) EXERCISE. 1. We one day descried, sea, some shapeless ob- ject drifting at a distance. 2. It proved to be the mast of a ship that must have been completely wrecked. 3. There were the remains of handker- chiefs by which some of the crew had fastened themselves to the spar to prevent their being over- come by . the waves. 4. No trace was found by which the name of the crew could be ascertained. 5. The wreck had evidently drifted for many months. 6. But where, thought I, are the crew? Washington Irving. Select from the exercise : 2230. One phrase introduced by preposition and used as an adverb of place. 2231. One phrase introduced by preposition and used as an adverb of time. 2232. What is meant by that (Sentence 2 ?) 2233. What is meant by which (Sentence 4?) 2234. What one rule of Syntax applies alike to that (Sentence 2) and lohich (Sentence 4?) 2235. Write one sentence illustrating the proper use of the adjective (or article) "a," and (2236) another in like manner for "an." 2237. What is a collective noun? Illustrate by an example selected from the exercise. 2238. Explain fully what kind of a word them- selves (sentence 3) is, and (2239) give its syntax. 2240. Select from Sentence 1 a derivative word, and (2241) tell from what it is derived and how. THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. 2243. Give the part of sreech and (2243) syntax of drifting (Sentence 1.) Rewrite Sentence 5, chang- ing it into (2244) an interrogative sentence, and mak- ing the verb in (2245) the past (or imperfect) tense. 2246. What use is made of the word there in Sentence 3? Explain the difference in syntax (giving the rule which applies in each case,) between: 2247. Some (Sen. 1) and (2248) Some (Sen. 3.) 2249. Crew (Sen. 4) and (2250) Crew (Sen. 6.) 2251-53. What 3 parts of speech may adverbs modify? Illustrate each by a short sentence. 2254. Write a short sentence using a part of speech not found in the exercise. Underscore the word representing the part of speech intended. 2255. How do you determine whether a given adjective can be compared or not? Examination XLL Feb. %6, 1880. (1:30—3:00 P. m.) Define (2256) clause, (2257) compound sentence (2258) polysyllable, (2259) passive voice (or form.) 2260-63. Correct the errors in spelling and in the use of capitals in the following sentence, and give the reason for each correction : when i came home John brown was cuting wood. 2264-65. I have no money and can support you no longer. What part of speech is each word in italics? 2266-69. Write an interrogative and an exclama- tory sentence, placing after each the proper mark of punctuation. GRAMMAR. 2270. Correct the sentence, "Goodness brings it's own reward." 2271. This is the most valuable of the three. Change three to two and make any other necessary change in the sentence. 2272-75. Love not sleep lest it bring thee to poverty. Write the verbs of this sentence and give the mood of each. 2276-78. Express the indicative-present-first-sin- gular of the verb hear in three different forms, each of which shall represent the subject as acting. 2279. For murder, though it have no tongue, will speak. Parse have. 2280-81. Write the plural of this tooth. 2282-83. Write sentences containing an adjective modified by an adverb, and a noun modified by an adjective in the comparative degree. Underscore the modifying adverb and adjective. 2284. Write the word unit preceded by the proper indefinite article. 2285. Conjugate the imperfect (or past) tense of can. 2286-87. Write two sentences, one containing an object, the other an attribute (predicate noun or adjective.) 2288-89. Of what classes or kind is each verb in answers (2286-2287.) 2290-91. The storm having ceased, we departed. Parse storm. Change the part before the comma to a dependent or subordinate clause. THE REGENTS QUESTIONS. 2292-95. Write the possessive case in the plural number of the words: wolf, child, hero, princess. 2296. What is analysis? 2297. Fill the blank in the following sentence with the progressive form, present tense, of the verb go : Neither John nor James to school. 2298. Give both forms of the superlative of late. (Feb. 27, 3:00-4:30 p. m.) Write sentences containing the following words properly used : (2299) the feminine of king; (2300) the perfect (present-perfect or prior present) of send; (2301) the plural of mouse; (2302) a noun which has no plural; (2303) a noun which has the same form in "both numbers; (2304) an adverb of manner, in the comparative degree. EXERCISE. 1. I first saw Venice by moonlight, as we skimmed 2. by the island of St. George in a felucca, and 3. entered the Grand Canal. A thousand lamps 4> glittered from the square of St. Mark, and along 5. the water's edge. Above rose the cloudy shapes 6. of spires, domes and palaces, emerging from the 7. sea; and occasionally the twinkling lamp of a 8. gondola darted across the water like a shooting O. star, and suddenly disappeared, as if quenched lO. in the wave. Write each of the following words, with its num- bers prefixed, and give its part of speech, modifica- tions {properties or accidents,) and syntax: Line 3, (2305-7) entered. Line 5, (2308-10) water's; 2311-13) rose. Line 6, (2314-16) palaces. GRAMMAR. Give the syntax of the following: Line 1, (2317) first. Line 2, (2318) in. Line 5, (2319) above. Line 6, (2320) emerging. Line 7, (2321) occasionally. Line 8, (2322) across. 2323-24. Give the conjunctions in the first sen- tence, and (2325-27) the propositions in the secon herds. Of (60) catite (61) grazing; others whence the sound Of (62) instruments that made (63) melodious (64) chime." 14. Hiram had (65) hewers of wood. 15. None are (66) too young to (67) try. 16. (67) Matthew (68) fr-fes to learn. 17. The (69) czar (70) supported his (71) pretensions. 18. (72) Scholar, (73) soZdter, (74) surgeon, (75) sergeant, (76) sfteritf' and (77) sovereign, all begin with s. 19. (78) Binghamion is in (79) Broome county; (80) Syracuse is in (81) Onondaga, 20. (82) Reading, (83) Spelling, (84) TTritfng, (85) ^Irifli- m«sto, $8) Grammar, and (87) Geography, are very im- portant branches of (88) education. SPELLING. 21. James and (89) two other boys were (90) there. 22. The (91) schooner was lost at (92) sea, (93) of Cape (M) St. Roque. 23. (95) Tlceir eyes (96 see clearly. 24. "From (97) scenes like these old Scotia's (98) grandeur springs." 25. (99) " Vanity of (100) vanities saith the Preacher.*' Examination II. Feb. 28, 7867- (11:00 A. m— 12:00 m.) 1. The (1) principal of the (2) teachers' (3) institute (4) lectured on (5) physiology and (6) astronomy. 2. The (7) legislature is in (8) session at the (9) capital io the (10) c% of (11) Albany. 3. (12) Scholars should become (13) versed in the (14) principles of (15) science, and should (16) practice those of (17) morality. 4. A (18) geometrical (19) series (20) progresses by a (21) common (22) multiplier. 5. (23) Raleigh is the (24) capita* of (25) JVbrtfi Oar- oZiwa ; (26) Nashville of (2?) Tennessee; (28) Baton Rouge of (29) Louisiana ; and (30) Ottawa of (31) Canada. 6. In 1785, (32) Massachusetts (33) through her (34) deto- nates in (35) Congress (36) executed a deed of (37) cession to the general (38) government and (39) relinquished her claim to western (40) territory. 7. The (41) gladiators (42) entered the (43) arena of the (44) amphitheatre. 8. White (45; oears (46) inTia&ft (47) arciic (48) region*. 9. "How can ye (49) believe which (50) receive (51) honor one of (52) another? 10. (53) Mathematical (54) treatises are much used in (55) engineering. • THB BEGENT8' QUESTIOHft. 11. (56) Bread is (57) raised with (58) yeast 12. The (59) soldier (60) bared his breast to the (fil)fo+ man's (62) view. 13. A (63) youth (64) bred in (65) idleness may well bt (66) pfl&d. 14. " But (67) pleasures are like (68) poppies spread ; You (69) seize the (70) flower, its (71) bloom ia shed." 15. Carthage was (73) razed to its (74) /oundaftons. 16. Large (75) quantities of (76) flour are (77) shipped at (78) Chicago. 17. WoZues (80) pm/ upon (81) weaker (82) animate. 18. (83) Lewis's face was (84) pitted with (85) scars. 19. (86) Ccesar (87) reigned as (88) emperor. 20. iE is a (89) diphthong ; eau a (90) triphthong. 21. (91) .EK/a/i (92) prayed that it might not (93) rain,, and there was neither rain nor (94) dew. 22. The (95) messenger bears (96) dispatches. 23. A (97) suitable (98) site was selected. 24. The Jewish (99) rites and ceremonies were (100) manifold. Examination III. June 73, ?86'7* (11:00 A. m.— 12.00 m.) I he (1) saddler (2) plies his (3) awl (4) rapidly and with (5) pecuniary (6) profit. (7) Samson carried away the gates of Gaza by (8) niqht. (9) Cain (10) sZeio Abel. Noah's (11) ark and its contents were the (12) sole relief of the (13) antediluvian world. The (14) valiant (15) knight (16) ate a portion of the (17) prtiy, and ere the hour of (18) eight (19) blew the (20) bugle for his (21) martial band. SPELLING. The (22) yeoman (23) assented after much (24) solici- tation. The (25) beau (26) knew the (27) telle would gladly (28) receive so (29) brilliant a (30) bouquet. (31) Pigeons rarely (32) sow, but sometimes reap what has been (33) already sown. (34) Cromwell (35) prorogued the long (36) parliament. The (37) horse chestnut tree has (38) peculiar (39) foliage and (40) bears (41) very (42) beautiful clustere? of (44) /?ow?ers. Human pride is a (46) useless, rank, (47) repulsive (43) thistle in (4j) society. The (50) constitution contains a (51) guaranty that no State shall be deprived of a republican form of (52) gov* ernment. (53) Where may the (54) wearied (55) eye (56) repose. When (57) gazing on the (58) great ; Where (59) neither (60) guilty glory (61) pfota* Nor (62) despicable state ? The (63) Cincinnatus of the West, (64) Whom envy dared not hate, (65) Bequeathed the name of (66) Washington, To make man (67) blush there was but (68) one. The (69) marshal left his (70) carie at the (71) depot In (72) Keene, (73) iTeto Hampshire. Before (74) toee rose, and with thee (75) grew, A (76) rainbow of the (77) loveliest (78) 7iw«, Of three (79) bright (80) cofors, each divine, And fit for that (81) celestial (82) sign : One that was of (83) the (84) sunbeam's (85) dye* / One, the pure (86) depth of Seraph's eyes. The (87) three-ply carpet has a (88) blue (89) figure, and the (90) seams are well (91) sewed. Only (92) todies (93) die ; our (94) soufe fore7er lire. THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. (95) All (96) arcs of circles are less than (97) eircum- ferences ; all (98) sines, than diameters. The pillar (99) seems to have been (100) hewn out of a single block. Examination IT. JYor. 7, 7867, (11:00 A. M.— 12:00 M.) A (1) cord of (2) beech (3) wood (4) outweighs a (5) bale of (6) cotton. I (7) would (8) tmiie the (9) knot if I could. (10) Tears (11) steaZ from the (12) eye when the (13) heart (14) beats in (15) sympathy with another's (16) grief. The (17) auctioneer (18) seZte a (19) pair of (20) urns, a a (21) pail, a (22) mahogany (23) bureau, a (24) guitar, a (25) piece of (26) steeZ, and a (27) bass-viol to the (28) chorister. (29) Beets are (30) soicn in (31) tiers or rows. The (32) defendant (33) owned two (34) guineas. A (35) column of (36) artillery and a (37) battalion oi (38) cavalry (39) encamped near the (40) oeacft. of the (4^ *ea. The (42) advent of the (43) Messiah (44) occurred at a (45) period of (46) unparalleled (47) tranquillity. (48) Sfeafc and other (49) 7neais are (50) eaten with (51) &read and (52) vegetables. Be thou like a (53) roe or a young (54) TiarJ. That (55) vial of (56) aZ&aZi belongs to the (57) labor' atory. The (58) accused man gave (59) bail to keep the (60) peace. (61) Idle and (62) vain are the (63) ways of the (64) counterfeiters. SPELLING. There are (65) pears and (66) plums in the (67) orchard. The (68) ode was (69) written by a (70) pale-faced (71) poet. (72) Stakes are set for (73) metes and (74) bounds. The (75) needle (76) points (77) northward; the (78) teeather-vane (79) ofread (85) Sea is (86) tolerably (87) straight ; but (88) deep in its (89) ve?^ (90) bottom, the river (91) winds — it has (92) been (93) said that it (94) wriggles— (95) atongr like a (96) gigantic (97) serpent, so that the (98) ?en ; nor (92)%ould I regard him as a safe (93) counselor in the (94) affairs of his (95) government, whose (96) thoughts should be (97) mainly bent on (98) considering, not how the Union should be best (99) preserved but how tolerable might be the condition of the people when it shall be broken up and (100) destroyed, Examination XYJI. Feb. 28, /872. (11:00 A. m.— 12:00 M.) The (1) great (2) object of all (3) knowledge is to enlarge SPELLING. and purify the (4) sow?, to fill the mind with (5) nobis contemplations, and to furnish a refined (6) pleasure. (7) Considering this as the ultimate end of (8) science, no branch of it can surely (9) claim (10) precedence of (11) astronomy. * * * Much, however, as we are (12) indebted to our (13) ob- servations for (14) elevating our (15) conceptions of the (16) heavenly (17) bodies, they present even to the (18) un- aided (19) sight (20) scenes of glory, which words are (21) too (22) feeble to (23) describe. I had (24) occasion, a few weeks since, to take the (25) early (26) train from (27) Providence to (28) Boston ; and for this (29) purpose rose at (30) two o'clock in the morning. * * It was a mild, (31) serene, midsummer's (32) night,— the sky was without a (33) cloud — the winds were (34) whist. The moon, then in the last (35) quarter, had just (36) risen, and the stars shone with a spectral (37) lustre, but (38) little (39) affected by her (40) presence. (41) Jupiter, two (42) hours high, was the herald of the day ; the Pleiades just above the (43) horizon shed (4 ) their sweet (45) in- fluence in the east; Lyra (46) sparkled (47) near the Zenith ; Andromeda (48) veiled her newly (49) discovered (50) glories * * in the (51) south; the (52) steady (53) pointers far beneath the pole looked meekly up from the (54) depths of the north to their (55) sovereign. Such was the glorious (56) spectacle as I entered the train. As we (57) proceeded, the timid (58) approach of (59) twilight became more (60) perceptible ; the (61) intense (62) blue of the sky began to (63) soften ; the (64) smaller stars, like little (65) children, went first to rest, the sister- beams of the (66) Pleiades soon melted together ; but the (67) bright (68) constellations of the west and north (69) remained unchanged. Steadily the (70) wondrous trans- figuration went on. * * The blue sky now THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. turned more softly (71) gray; the great watch stars shut up their holy eyes ; the east began to (72) kindte. Faint (73) streaks of (74) purple soon blushed along the sky ; the (75) whole (76) celestial (77) concave was filled with the inflowing tides of tbe morniDg light, which came (78) pouring down from above in one great (79) ocean of (80) radiance. * * In a few (81) seconds, the everlasting gates of the morning were (82) thrown wide open, and the Lord of day, (83) arrayed in glories too (84) severe for the gaze of man, began his state. I do not (85) wonder at the (86) superstition of the (87) ancient Magians, who in the morning of the world went up to the hill tops of Central (88) Asia, and, ignorant of the (89) true God, adored the most glorious work of his hand ; but I am filled with (90) amazement, when I am told that in this (91) enlightened age, and in the (92) heart of the (93) Christian world, (94) there are (95) persons who can (96) witness this (97) daily (98) manifestation of the (99) power and wisdom of the (100) Creator, and yet gay in their hearts, "There is no God." Edward Everett, Examination XrZIZ. June 7, 7872. (11:00 A. M.— 12:00 m.) PATIENCE— Spurgeon. (1) Patience is (2) better than wisdom ; an (3) ounce of patience is worth a pound ot (4) brains. All men (5J praise patience, but few (6) enough can practice it ; it ia a (7) medicine which is good for all (8) diseases, and therefore every old woman (9) recommends it ; but it is not every garden that grows the (10) herbs to make it with. When one's flesh and bones are full of (11) aches and (12) SPELLING. pains, it is as (13) natural for us to (14) murmur as for a horse to shake his head when the (15) flies (16) tease him, or a wheel to (17) rattle when the spoke is loose ; but nature should not be the rule with (18) Christians, or what is their (19) religion worth 1 If a (20) soldier fights no better than a ploughboy, (21) off with his red (22) coat. We (23) expect more (24) fruit from an (25) apple-tree, than from a (26) thorn, and we have a (27) right to do so. The (28) disciples of a patient (39) Saviour (30) should be patient (31) themselves. Grin and (32) bear it, is the (33) old-fashioned (34) advice, but sing and bear it is a (35) great (36) deal better. After all, we get (37) very few cuts of the (38) whip (39) considering what bad (40) cattle we are, and when we do smart a little, it is (41) soon over. Pain past is (42) pleasure, and (43) experience comes by it. We (44) ought not to be (45) afraid of going down into (46) Egypt when we know we shall come out of it with (47) jewels of silver and gold. Impatient (48) people water their (49) miseries, and (50) hoe up their (51) comforts ; (52) sorrows are (53) visitors that come without (54) invitation, but (55) complaining minds send a (56) wagon to bring (57) troubles home in. (58) Many people are born (59) crying, live complaining and (60) die (61) disappointed ; they (62) chew the (63) bitter pill which they (64) would not even know to be bit- ter if they had the (65) sense to (66) swallow it (67) whole in a cup of patience and water. They think every other man's (68) burden to be (69) light, and their own (70) feathers to be (71) heavy as (72) lead ; they are hardly done by in their own (73) opinion ; no one's (74) toes are so often (75) iroddj&n on as (76) theirs ; the snow falls (77) thickest round their (78) door, and the hail (79) rattle* hardest on their (80) windows; and yet if the truth were (81) known, it is their (82) fancy rather than their fate THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. which makes things go so hard with them. A little sprig of the herb called (83) content put into the (84) poorest (85) soup will make it taste as rich as the Lord Mayor's (86) turtle. John (87) Ploughman (88) grows the plant in his garden, but the late hard winter (89) nipped it (90) ter- rdbly, so that he cannot (91) aford to give his (92) neighbors a slip of it ; they had better (93) follow (94) Matthew, xxv, 9, and go to those who sell and (95) buy for themselves. (96) Grace is a good (97) soil to grow it in, but it wants (98) watering from the (99) fountain of (100) mercy. Bxami?iation XIX. JYov. 70, 7877* (11:00 A. m.— 12.00 M.) EXERCISE. We, the (1) People of the (2) State of (3) New York, (4) grateful to (5) Almighty God for (6) our (7) freedom, in (8) order to (9) secure its (10) blessings, do (11) establish this (12) constitution. (13) Article I. (14) Sec. 1. (15) No (16) member of this state (17) shall be (18) disfranchised or (19) deprived of (20) any of the (21) rights or (22) privileges secured to any (23) citizen (24) thereof (25) unless by the (26) law of the land, or the (pi) judgment of his (28) peers. Sec. 2. (29) Trial by (30) jury in (31) all (32) cases in (33) w/ucTi it (34) has (35) teen (36) heretofore (37) used Ehall (38) remain (89) inviolate (40) forever, but a jury trial may be (41) waived by the (42) parties in all (43) CM>tf cases, in the (44) manner (45) prescribed by law. 8ec. 3. The (46) free (47) exercise and (48) enjoyment SPELLING. of (49) religious (50) profession and (51) worship, (52) without (53) discrimination or (54) preference, shall for- ever be (55) allowed in this state to all (56) mankind ; and no (57) person shall be (58) rendered (59) incompetent to be a (60) witness on (61) account of his (62) opinions on (63) matters of religious (64) 5efte/; but the (65) ftberfy of (66) conscience (67) hereby secured shall not be so (68) con- strued as to (69) excuse (70) acts of (71) licentiousness, or (72) justify (73) practices (74) inconsistent with the (75) .peace or (76) safety of this State. Sec. 4. The privilege of the (77) w# of (78) habeas (79) corpus shall not be suspended unless (80) when in cases of (81) rebellion or (82) invasion, the (83) publio safety may (84) require its (85) suspension. Sec. 5. (86) Excessive (87) baiZ shall not be required, nor excessive (S8) fines (89) imposed, nor shall (90) crwei and (91) unusual (92) punishment be (93) inflicted, nor ehall "witnesses be (94) unreasonably (95) detained. Sec. 6. No person shall be held to (96) answer for a (97) capital or (98) otherwise (99) infamous (100) crime. * * * unless on presentment or in- dictment of a grand jury. * * * Bxaminatio?i XX. Feb. 28, 7873. (11:00 A. m.— 12:00 m.) EXERCISE. (1) Once upon a (2) midnight (3) dreai-y, (4) while I (5) pondered, (6) icea& and (7) weary, Over (8) mam/ a (9) quaint and (10) curious (11) voZum* of (12) forgotten (13) tore,— While I (14) nodded, (15) nearly (16) napping, (17) skoU den7y (18) there came a (19; tapping, THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. As of some (20) one (21) gently (22) rapping, rapping at my (23) chamber (24) door; " Tis some (25) visitor," I (26) muttered, "tapping at my chamber door, — Only this, and (27) nothing more." Ah ! (28) distinctly I (29) remember, it was in the (30) bleak (31) December, And (32) each (33) separate (34) dying (35) ember (36) wrought its (37) ghost upon the (38) floor. (39) Eagerly I (40) wished the (41) morrow; (42) vainly I had (43) sought to (44) borrow, From my (45) books, surcease of (46) sorrow, — sorrow for the (47) tosi Lenore, — For the (48) rare and (49) radiant (50) maiden (51) whom the (52) angels name Lenore, — (53) Nameless (54) here (55) forevermore. (56) itacA; into the chamber (57) turning, (58) aZZ my (59) sowZ within me (60) burning, (61 ) Soon (62) agrain I (63) heard a tapping, (64) something (65) louder than (66) before; (67) "Surely" (68) said I,— "surely that is something at my (69) window (70) lattice; Let me (71) see then, (72) what thereat is, and this (73) mystery (74) explore, — Let my (75) heart be (76) still o, (77) moment^ and this mystery explore ; — 'Tis the (78) wind, and nothing more.' Open here I (79) flung the (80) shutter, (81) when, with many a (82) flirt and (83) flutter, In there (84) stepped a (85) stately (86) raven of the (87) saintly (88) days of (89) 2/ore. Not the (90) least (91) obeisance made he; not a (92) minute (93) stopped or (94) staid he ; SPELLING. But with (95) mien of (96) lord or (97) lady, (98) perched above my chamber door ; — Perched upon a (99) bust of Pallae, (100) just above my chamber door, — Perched and sat, and nothing more. Examination XXI. June 6, 7873. (11:00 a. m.— 12 m.) EXERCISE. (1) Wft£n, in the (2) course of (3) human (4) events, it (5) becomes (6) necessary for (7) one (8) people to (9) dis- solve the (10) political (11) bands which have (12) connected them with (13) another, and to (14) assume, (15) among the (16) powers of the (17) earth, the (18) separate and (19) egua?(20) station to -which the (21) Za?x-s of (22) nature and of nature's God (23) entitle them, a (24) decent (25) respect to the (26) opinions of mankind (27) requires that they (28) should (29) declare the causes which (30) impel them to the (81) separation. We hold (32) tfiese (33) frutfis to be (34) self-evident, that all men are (35) created equal ; that they are (36) endowed by (37) their (38) Creator with (39) certain (40) unalienable (41) rights; that (42) among these are life, liberty and the (43) pursuit of (44) happiness. That to (45) secure these rights, (46) governments are (47) instituted among men, (48) deriving their just (49) powers from the (50) consent of the (51) governed; that whetever any form of govern- ment becomes (52) destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to (53) alter or to (54) abolish it, and to in- stitute a (55) new government, (56) laying its {57) founda- tion on such (58) principles, and (59) organizing its powers In such form, as to them shall (60) seem most (61) likely to THE REGENTS QUESTIONS. (63) effect their (63) safety and happiness. (64) Prudence^ (65) indeed, will (66) dictate that governments long estab- lished, (67) should not be (68) changed for (69) light and (70) transient causes ; and (71) accordingly, all (72) experi- ence hath (73) shown, that mankind are more (74) disposed to suffer, while (75) evils are (76) sufferable, than to right (77) themselves by (78) abolishing the forms to which they are (79) accustomed. But when a long (SO) train of (81) abuses and (82) usurpations, (83) pursuing (84) in- variably the same (85) object, (86) euinces a (87) design to (88) reduce them under (89) absolute (90) despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to (91) throw (92) o#" such gov- ernment, and to (93) pj-ovide new (94) guards for their (95) future (96) security. Such has been the (97) patient (98) sufferance of these (99) colonies, and such is now the necessity which (100) constrains them to alter their for- mer system of government. Bxami?iation XXII, JVov. 7, ?S7#. (11:00 A. m.— 12:00 m.) Exercise — Fable of the Ant and the Grasshopper. In the (1) winter (2) season, a (3) commonwealth of (4) Ants was (5) busily (6) employed in the (7) management and (8) preservation of (9) tfieir (10) corn, which (11) they (12) exposed to the (13) air in (14) Tieaps (15) about the (16) avenues of tbeir (17) little (18) country (19) habitation. A (20) grasshopper who had (21) chanced to (22) ou^iw the (23) sitmmer, and was (24) ?*eadi/ to starve with cold and (25) hunger, (26) approached them with (27) great (28) humility, aud (29) foe^ed that (30) tfiey (31) would (32) re&eoe his (33) necessity with (34; one (35) grain of (36) icteaf or (37) rye. One of the Ants (38) asked him, how SPELLING. >M^ .11 | ■ ■ ■ I. ■ ■ ■ ■ II ■ i . M I _ ■ ,i I M ne had (39) disposed of his time in summer, that he had not taken (40) pains and (41) laid in a (42) stock as they had (43) done. (44) u Alas, (45) gentlemen," (46) sat^s he, "I (47) passed away the time (48) merrily and (49)pteas- anlly in (50) drinking, (51) singing, (52) dancing, ana (53) neuer (54) once (55) thought of winter." "If that be the ease," (56) replied the ant, (57) laughing, (58) "di I have to say, is, that they who drink, sing and dance in summer, must starve in winter." MORAL. As summer is the season of the (59) year in which the (60) husbandman (61) gathers such (62) fruits as may (63) supply his (64) necessities in winter, so (65) youth and (66) mantoood (67) should be (68) chiefly (69) occupied in (70) providing such (71) necessaries as may (72) suffice for the (73) craving (74) demands of (75) helpless old age. Yet (76) ma?i?/ of (77) tfiose (78) t«?iom we call (79) rational (80) creatures live in (81) guite the (82) opposite (83) root/, (84) making it their (85) business to (86) squander whatever they may have (87) acquired ; as if the (88) feebleness of age would (89) need no (90) supplies to (91) support it ; or, at (92) least, would have them (93) furnished in (94) some (95) miraculous (96) manner. From this fable we (97) learn this (98) lesson, never to lose any (99) opportunity of providing against the future evils and (100) accidents of life. Examinatio?i XXIII. Feb. 27, 7876. (3:15 A. M.— 4:15 M.) EXERCISE. (1) Daniel (2) Webster was (3) grea. in all the (4) dements of his (5) character : great in (6) original (7) THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. mental (8) strength ; great in (9) varied and vast (10> acquirements; great in (11) quick and (12) keen (13) perception; great in (14) subtle, (15) logical (16) dis- Crimination; great in (17) /orce of (18) thought; great in (19) power of (20) intense and (21) r?'gfici (22) analysis: great in rare and (23) beautiful (24) combination of (25) talents ; great in (26) ability to (27) command his powers ; great in (28) ran Nov- (3:15 to 4:15 P. M.) 36 divisor. 17, 1881. l^isdom. 2 excess. 3 generous. 4 Potomac (river). 37 realm. 38 cane (sugar). 39 verse. 40 Abraham. 5 bait (for trap). 41 sickness. 6 mission. 42 Frances (femi nine. 43 join. 44 symptom. 45 Hugh (Dame). 46 disagree. 47 sword. 48 chimney. 7 induce. 8 crowd. 9 earth. 10 abyss. 11 muff. 12 foul (un- clean) 13 cypress (tree). 49 sky 14 sermon. 50 achieve. 15 barren. 51 saint. 16 Damascus. 52 flaw. 17 main (chief). 53 grievous. 18 career. 54 hewing (cut 19 Ithaca. ting). 20 are (from verb55 orange. be. 56 dear (costly). 21 paragraph. 57- package. 22 explain. 58 Cain (Abel's 23 lie (falsehood) brother. 24 wheat. 59 tunnel. 25 Buffalo (city). 60 air (atmos- 26 dream. phere. 27 worse. 61 name. 28 caste (Hindoo)62 feud (quarrel). 29 equation. 63 Greece (coun- 30 Augustus. try. bl thimble. 64 homicide. 32 fool. 65 stair. 33 grease (fat). 66 democracy. 34 hue (color). 67 proverb. 35 bulwark. 68 conquer. 69 essay. 70 acquaintance. 71 pauper. 72 Greene (coun- ty). 73 incur. 74 repose. 75 breeze. 76 triumph. 77 level. 78 castle. 79 waste (loss). 80 abuse (verb). 81 suicide. 82 Francis (mas- culine). 83 Cyprus (is- land). 84 town. 85 bee (insect). 86 delicious. 87 mane (of a horse). 88 comma. 89 rabbit. 90 accurate. 91 prepare. 92 fowl (bird). 93 smooth. 94 banana. 95 beverage. 96 deer (animal^ 97 native. 98 cabinet. 99 loyal. 100 village. THE REGENTS' QUESTIONS. Examination « XL VII, March 2, 1882, (3:15 to 4:15) I '. M. 1 exercise. 36 lonely. • 66 knoll (small 2 preface (of a37 bridle. hill). book). 38 sirloin » (of67 sorrow. 3 command. beef. 68 gait (in walk- 4 region. « 89 deposit. ing). 5 burlesque. 40 story. 69 obelisk. C Nebraska. 41 Albany. 70 agreement. 7 river. 42 renown. 71 ordain. 8 harbor. 43 limit. 72 pilgrim. 9 scissors. 44 sell (buy and73 Matthew. 10 abstain. sell). 74 possess. 11 shark. 45 vise (instru-75 diagram. 12 by (preposi- inent). . 76 travel. tion) 46 moss (small77 buy (and sell) 13 noon. plant). 78 modern. 14 stalk. * 47 sulphur. * 79 still. 15 Binghamton . 48 disease. 80 program. 16 steeple. 49 road (forSi sketch. 17 humanity. travel). 82 mastery. 18 mosque (place50 admittance. 83 dew (mois- of worship). 51 smoke. ture). 19 lapse. 52 Morocco 84 lease. 20 reckon. (country). 85 beaver (ani- 21 arsenic. • 53 instrument. rnal). 22 penalty. . 54 retail. • 86 sacred. 23 cord (small 55 eminence. 87 metaphor. rope). 56 treason. 88 chord (in mu- 24 melancholy. * 57 barrier. sic). 25 team (of 58 sluice (water- 89 partridge. horses). way). 90 appear. 26 Harriet. . 59, feign (to j)re 91 Syracuse. 27 quart. tend) 92 usual. 28 fare (railroad). 60 whole (entire).93 peach. 29 timber. 61 Poughkeepsie94 duchess (fern. 30 abstinence. 62 'yea (yea and of duke. 31 watch. nay) 95 result. 82 gateway. 63 fair (exibition)06 bird. 33 vice (depfav-64 would (aux 97 pledge. ity. verb). 98 escort. 84 cell (prison). "65 canvass (poli-99 manner. 85 due (owed.) tical). 100 dismission. SPELLING. Examination XL VI 1 1, June 15, 1882. (3:15 to 4:15) P. m. 1 gem. 36 injustice. 69 impeach. 2 metal ( go id, etc) 37 catacomb. 70 ^Etna (volcano). 3 easy. 38 leave (pension). 71 partner. 4 Rome (city). 39 helm. 5 bench. 40 artillery. 6 ode (poem). 41 ensue. 7 claim (demand).' 42 Jupiter. 43 8 loss 9 France. 10 abbreviate. 11 lead (metal) 12 decay. 13 feast, 14 Mediterranean 49 Ohio 15 banish. 50 abound. deceit 44 settle 45 bitter. 46 lame. 47 channel. 48 group. (craft). 16 excite. 17 oppose. 18 divorce. 19 idiom. 20 apparatus. 21 hazard. ■ 51 harangue. 72 enamel. 73 remorse. 74 blight, 75 egg. 76 led (form of verb)' 77 abide. 78 fasten. 79 loud. 80 session (as of a court. 81 groan. 82 refuge. 83 beautiful. 52 peace ( quiet- 84 Monroe (Pres- ness). ident). 53 dipper. 85 gray (color). 54 parade. 86 caprice. 55 badger ( an i ma i 87 mettle (temper). 22 ces:-ion (as by 56 roam ( t0 wander). 88 Denmark. treaty. 23 Henrietta, 24 piece (a part), 25 become. 26 jacket. 27 pestilence. « 28 challenge. 29 lottery. 30 ambition. 31 rally. 32 earl (a title). 33 spatter. 84 Canada. 35 boat. 57 ebb (of tide). 89 kingly. 58 Manhattan (is 90 advocate. land. 59 rival. 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 attach. noxious. scowl. duel. seminary. beware. tedious. 91 horror. 92 ounce. 93 diary. 94 monument. 95 Bethlehem. 96 field. 97 grumble. 98 compassion. 99 illumine. 67 eye (organ of 100 good. sight. 68 convey.