l-\ Ki \\ o \ CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEAEY OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY Compiled to June ISS-i LONDON ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY BURLINGTON HOUSE 1886 ii)8.)i)3 PRISTKD BY SPOTTISWOODE Mil) CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE ■-»■ LONDON' PEEFACE. The Library of the Eoyal Astronomical Society consists ^ of about 9,000 volumes, more than half of these being bound O volumes of serial publications. The tiers of shelves are numbered 1 to 71, the separate shelves on each tier being (T^ distinguished by the letters of the alphabet. As far as the sizes of the books will permit, they are arranged on the shelves according to subjects. The follow- ing table shows the general arrangement at present adopted. ^ This will be liable to change, as the increase of the Library may necessitate the removal of certain subjects to other shelves. Tier. Shelf. Subject. ^ pjY" [ Astronomical Works, I7tli and 1 8th Cent. Ni 2 A B I V A ' T 1 Popiil^'J^ Astronomy. <^ 3 ^> i Theoretical and Practical Astronomy, &c. 5 Observations of Sun, Moon, Planets, Comets, and Meteors. 6 Observations and Catalogues of Stars, &c. 7 A-H History of Astronomy ; Scientific Bibliography. 7 I,K Star Charts. 8 A, II-K Dictionaries, Encyclopasdias, &c. 8 B-Fl 9 A-K }■ Ephemerides. 10 a-fJ ^° -p~Y [ Astronomical and Logarithmic Tables, &c. 1 1 A-C Chronology, the Calendar, »S:c. 11 E Mechanics. 12 C-G Collected Works. 12 II-K Diflerential and Intof^rul Calculus, Sec. 13 A-E Bound volumes of Astronomical Tracta. 13 F-II Instruments, &c. 13 I, K Spectroscopic Works. IV Tier. Shelf. Subject. 14 A-E Physics, Natural Philosophy, &c. 14 F-I Optics. 15, 16 lieports of English, Colonial and American Observa- tories. 17-23 Transactions of English, Colonial and American So- cieties, and other Serial Works. 24 -3 1 A-Ii Ti-ansactions of Continental Societies, and other Serials. 25-31 I, K lieports of Continental Observatories. 32 Manuscripts. ;^^ Early printed Astronomical Works. 34 Paradoxical Works, Sec. 35 Geography; Voyages and Travels. 36 A-D Navigation. 36 E. F 37-40 4^ . .( 42 Meteorology and Terrestrial Magnetism. . _Pj i Figure of the Eartli, Geodesy, Surveys. Mathematics — Miscellaneous. 42 D, E ( 43 I 44 Geometry and Trigonometry. 45 Arithmetic and Algebra. 46 Astrology ; Fluxions ; Probabilities. 47 Mathematical Serials, &c. 48, 49 Natural Philosopliy, &c. 50 Catalogues of Libraries. 52-71 Transactions of Societies, and other Serials, English and Foreign. *J' Tiers 34 to 71 are in the gallery. The Catalogue contains nearly 7,000 titles, exclusive of cross references and lists of contents of some important series of Reports of Observatories, which it has been thought desirable to insert. The following subject headings have also been given : — Bibliographiea Ephemerides Dictionaries Star Charts Papers published in Transactions of Societies, &c., of which the Library possesses separate copies, have been catalogued in most cases — such titles being marked by an asterisk. The INIanuscript Catalogue, which is placed in the Library for reference, is written upon cards, each title bearing the number of the tier and the letter of the shelf. The Catalogue has been prepared under the direction of the Library Committee, by the Assistant Secretary, Mr. W. H. Wesley. CATALOGUE Abbadie (Antoine d') : : *Eclipse totale du Soleil observee le 28 Juillet 185 1 en Norwege. 4*0. Paris, 1854 : Sur le Tonnerre en Ethiopie. 4to. Paris, 1858 : Resume Geodesique des positions determinees en Ethiopie. 4to. Leipzig, 1859 : *Eclipse totale du 18 Juillet i860. 4to. Paris, i860 : *Description d'un Instrument pour la pratique de la Geo- desie expeditive [Aba]. 4to. Paris, 1863 : *Sur la division decimale de Tangle et du temps. 4to. Paris, 1870 : Geodesic d'Ethiopie, ou triangulation d'une partie de la Haute Ethiopie, executee selon des methoJes nonvelles. 4to. Paris, 1873 : *lStudes sur la Verticale. 8 vo. Bordeaux, 1872 ; Observations relatives a la physique du globe, faites au Biesil et en Ethiopie. Redigees par R. Radau. 4to. Paris, 1873 : *Sur la latitude d' Abbadie, pres de Hendaye (Basses- Pyrenees). 4to. Paris, 1875 : 'instruments a employer en voyage et maniere de s'en servir. 8vo. Paris, 1878 : *Recherches sur la Verticale. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1881 Abbatt (Richard) : : The elements of plane an«l spherical trigonometry, and its application to astronomy, dialling, and trigonometrical sur- veying. 8vo. Ijondon, 1832 Orthogi-aphic projection of the globe. 8vo. London, 1857 The elements of i)hysical astronomy. 8vo. Lo'don, 1870 Ditto. Second edition, 8v(). London, 187 1 Remarks on the infinitesimal calculus. (A]ipondix to tlie elements of physical astronomy.) Svo. London, 1876 Abbe (Cleveland) : Report on the Solar Eclipse of July, 1878. (Professional papers of the Signal Service, No. i.) 4to. Washington, 18S1 Abbott (Francis) : : * Meteorological observations taken at Hobait Town, Tas- mania, 1856-59. 4to. Hol)art Town, 1859 : Results of twenty-five years' meteoT'ological observations. 4I0. lioliai't Town, 1866 : Results of five year.s' meteorological ol)sorvations for Hobart It Abbott ( Francis)— conHnucd. Town, with which are incorporated the results of twenty- five years' observations previously published. 4to. Hobart Town, 1872 Abdilazus, see Alchabitius. Abetti (Antonio) : : Cenni storici sul successivo sviluppo della meteorologia e su alcune sue importanti applicazioui, 8vo. Padova, 1872 • : *I1 passaggio di Yenere sul Sole osservato a Muddapur il 9 Dicembre 1874. 4to. Palermo, 1875 : *Osservazioni e calcoli eseguiti sulla Cometa Swift. 8vo. Venezia, 1880 : *Sulla determinazione del Tempo coll' osservazione dei pas- saggi dellestelle pel verticale della polare. 8vo. Venezia, 1880 : Sugli elemeuti dell' orbita del pianeta (170) Maria. 4to. Kiel, 1882 Abney (William de W.) : : Instruction in photography. Thu-d edition. 8vo. London, 1876 : Photography with emulsions : a treatise on the theory and practical working of the collodion and gelatine emulsion processes. 8vo. London, 1882 o Abo: : Observationes astronomicse in Specula Universitatis Litte- rarijB Fennicse facta? .... instituit F. G. A. Argelander. Tomus 1-3. 1824-28. fol. Helsingforsiae, 1830-32 : >See also Argelander (F. W. A.). Aboul Hhassan Ali de Maroe : Traite des Instruments Astronomic-(ues des Arabes compose au treizi^me siecle .... traduit de I'Arabe .... par J. J. Sedillot. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1834-35 Abraham Judaeus : Tractatus de nativitatibus, per Lucam Gauricum Geophonen- sem castigatus, & in ordinem redactus atque recognitus, cum infinitis prope modiim annotationibus. 4to. Romse, 1545 Abulfeda (Ismael) : Chorasmise et Mawaralnahrse; hoc est regionum extra fluvium Oxum descriptio (ed. J. Gravius). 4to. Londini, 1650 Academy (the)- Record of literature, learning, science and art. Vol. 1-6, 8. 4to. London, 1870-75 Adams (George) : : Astronomical and Geographical essays : containing, I. The general principles of Astronomy ; II. The use of the ce- lestial and tei-restrial globes ; III. The description and use of the Armillaiy sphere, planetarium, tellurian, and lunarian ; IV. An introduction to practical astronomy .... Second edition. 8vo. London, 1790 : Geometrical and grapliical essays, containing a general de- scription of the mathematical instruments used in geometry, surveying, levelling and perspective. Second edition, cor- rected and enlarged by William Jones (with vol. of plates, 4to.). Svo. London, 1797 Adams (George)— co7itimied. : Lectures ou natural and experimental philosophy, con- sidered in its present state of improvement. Vol. i, 3. 8vo. London, 1794-99 Adams (John) : : The mathematician's companion, or a table of logarithms from I to 10,860. Svo. London, 1782 : Extracts from a meteorological Journal kept at E hnonton, i\Iiddlesex (1792-96, 1811). i2mo. London, 1814 Adams (John Couch) : : *An explanation of the observed irregularities in the motion of LTranus on the hypothesis of disturbances caused by a more distant planet. 8 vo. London, 1846 : On new tables of the Moon's parallax, to be substituted for those of Burckhardt. 8vo. London, 1853 : *0n the secular vai-iation of the Moon's mean motion. 4to. London, 1853 : See also Cambi'idge Observatoiy. Adelaide, Government Observatory : Meteorological Observations made . . . . during the yearp 1859— 61,1863-65,1869-70, 1876, 1878-80, under the direction of Charles Todd. fol. Adelaide, 1860-82 Adelaide, Royal Society of South Australia : : Transactions and Proceedings and Eeport of the Philosophi- cal Society of Adelaide, 1877-79, Vol. 1-2. Svo. Adelaide, 1878-79 : Transactions and Proceedings and Report of the Royal Society of South Australia, 1879-83. Vol. 3-6. 8vo. Adelaide, 1880-83 The title of the Society was changed in 1880. Adler (Marcus N.) : *Memoir of the late Benjamin Gompertz. Svo. Adolph (G. H. W. Carl) : Bahnbestimmung der Mnemosyne und Ableitung der Jupiter- masse aus den Mnemosyne Beobachtungen seit 1859. Erster Theil. Inaugiu-al- Dissertation. 4to. Carlsruhe, 1874 Adolph (William) : ; The simplicity of the ci'eation, or the astronomical monu- ment of the Blessed Virgin : a new theory of the solar sys- tem. Svo. London, 1859 : Ditto. Second edition. Svo. Loudon, 1864 : The simplicity of the creation : concise view of a new theory of the solar system, the tides, &c. i2mo. London, 186 1 Aeolus. A retrospect of tlie weather of the twelvemontli past, 1844, and i)r<)gn()stication for that of the coming 1845. Svo. London, 1S45 Agardh ( Joh. Mort ) : : De motu systematis solan's progi-essivo dispulatio astrono- mica [inauguralis]. 2 parts. Svo. Lunda-, 1841 : Obscrvationes Ecb'psis Solis qua^ erat die xxviii Julii MUCCCLI calculataj a J. M. Agardh. 4to. Luntlu", 1853 u 2 Agelet Joseph (Lepaute d') : *Redixction of the observations of fixed stars made by J. L. D'Agelet at Paris in 1783-85, with a catalogue of the cor- responding mean places, referred to the equinox of 1800. By B. A. Gould. 4to, Washington [1866] Agnesi (Maria Gaetana) : : Traites elementaires de calcul diSerentiel et de calcul int6- al. 8vo. Paris, 1775 SVc b : Analytical institutions in four books. Translated into English by the late Bev. John Colson .... [edited by] the Bev. John Hellins. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1801 Agnew (H. C.) : A letter from Alexandria on the evidence of the practical application of the quadrature of the circle in the configu- ration of the great pyramids of Gizeh. 4to. London, 1838 Agrippa (Henrieus Cornelius) : Three books of occult philosophy .... translated out of the Latin into the English tongue by J. F. 4to. London, 165 1 Aguilar (Antonio): *Breve reseila de la Historia y Progresos de la Astronomia. 4to. Madrid, 1855 Aim6 (Georges) : *Memoire sur les variations de niveau de la Mediterran6e. 8vo, Paris [1844] Ainslie (John) : A treatise on land surveying : new and enlarged edition by William Galbraith. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1849 [Air. ] Thoughts on the propeities and formation of the different kinds of air. 8vo, London, 1785 Airy (George Biddell) : : *0n the longitude of the Cambridge Observatory. 4to. Cambridge, 1828 : *0n the correction requisite to be applied to the length of a pendulum consisting of a ball suspended by a fine wire. 4to. [Cambridge, 1829] : *0n certain conditions under which a perpetual motion is possible. 4to. Cambridge [1829] : Mathematical tracts on the lunar and planetary theories, the figure of the earth, precession and nutation, the calculus of variations, and the undulatory theory of optics. Second edition. 8vo. Cambridge, 1831 : *0n an inequality of long period in the motions of the Earth and Yenus. 4to. London, 1832 : Giavitation : an elementary explanation of the principal pei'turbations in the Solar System. i2mo. London, 1834 : Populiire ph^sische Astronomic. A us dem Englischen Ubersefzt von K. L. von Littrow. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1839 : Extracts of papers printed and mnnuscript, laid before the Commission appointed to consider the steps to be taken for restoration of the standards of weight and measure. 4to. London, 1840 Airy (George Biddel\)—coniimied. : Accouut of the Northumberland equatoreal and dome, attached to the Cambridge Observatory. 4to. Cambridge, 1844 : *0n the laws of the tides on the coasts of Ireland. 4to. London, 1845 : *Account of the measurement of the astronomical difterence of longitude on the arc of parallel extending from Greenwich to the Island of Yalentia in the south-west of Ireland. 4to. London [1846] : Tides and Waves [from the Encyclopajdia Metropolit;ina]. 4to. [London, 1848] ; Six lectnres on Astronomy, delivered at ... . Ipswich, in the month of March, 1848. Svo. London [1849] : *0n the Eclipses of Agathocles, Thales, and Xerxes. 4to. London [1853] : Lecture on the pendukim-experiments at Harton pit .... together with a letter containing the lesults of the experi- ments. 8vo. London, 1855 : *Account of the construction of the new national standaid of length, and of its principal copies. 4to. London, 1858 : On the algebraical and numerical theory of errors of obser- vations and the combination of observations. Svo. Cambridge, 1861 : An elementary treatise on partial differential equations, designed for the use of students in the University. 8vb. Cambridge, 1866 : On sound and atmospheric vibrations, with the mathe- matical elements of music. 8vo. Loudon and Cambridge, 1868 : A treatise on magnetism, designed for the use of students in the University. 8vo. London, 1870 : Coi)y of the Repoi-t by the Astronomer Royal .... on the telescopic observations of the Transit of Venus, 1874, made in the expedition of the British Government, and on the conclusion derived from those observations. fol. London, 1877 ; On the undulatory theory of optics, designed for the use of students in the University. New edition. 8vo. London, 1877 : Account of observations of the Transit of Venus, 1874, December 8, made under the authority of the British Government, and of the reduction of the observations. 4to. London, 1881 : A new method of clearing the lunar distance. 8vo. London, 1881 : See also Weyer (G. D. E.) : *Logarithms of the values of all vulgar fractions with numerator and denominator not exceeding 100, arranged in order of magnitude. 8vo. London, 1881 : *0n a systematic interruption in the order ot" numerical values of vulgar fractions, when arranged in a series of consecutive magnitudes. 8vo. London, t88i : *Monthly means of the highest and lowe.st diurnal tcnij)o- Airy (George BiddelD— continued. ratures of the water of the Thames, and comparison with the corresponding temperatures of the air at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. 8vo. London, 1882 : See also Cambridge Observatory ; Greenwich, Eoyal Ob- servatory. Albany, Dudley Observatory : : The Dudley Observatory and the Scientific Council. State- ment of the Trustees. 8vo. Albany, 1858 : S'ee echo Gonld (B. A.) : Defence of Dr. Gould by the Sjientific Council. Second edition. 8vo. Albany, 1858 : Annals, Vol. i, 2. 8vo. Albany, 1866-71 : Annual Report of the Astronomer for 1877. 8vo. Albany, 1878 : See also Boss (L.) Albdri (Eugenio) : ; De Galilei Galileii circa Jovis satellites lucubrationibus .... brevis disquisitio. 8vo. Florentiae [1843] : Risposta .... ad uno scritto pubblicato in Bologna .... intitolato lettera dell' Abate Pietro Pillori .... sul preteso ritrovamento delle effemeridi Galileiane dei Satelliti di Giove. 8vo. Marsilia — : Ultime parole di E . . . . A . . . . a' suoi avversari in materia dei lavori Galileiani sui satelliti di Giove. 8vo. Albohali : : De ivdicijs Natiuitatum liber unus, antehac non editus. Cum priuilegio D. loanni Schonero concesso. 4to. ISToribergaj, 1546 : De ivdiciis Natinitatil liber unus, antehac non ediius. EpistolanuncupatorialoachimiHelleri. 4to.]Sroriberg?e,i549 Albohazen Haly Alius Abenragel : : Preclarissim' Liber cdplet' in iudicijs astrorum .... (bene reuisus & fideli studio emedatus p. dominu Bartolomeum de Alten de Nusia). fol. Venetiis (E. Ratdolt), 1485 : Preclarissimus Liber completus in iudicijs astrorum .... (bene reuisus . . . . B. de Alten de Nusia). fol. [Yenetiis], J. B. Sessa, 1503 : Preclarissimus Liber copletus in iudicijs astrorum . . • , (bene reuisus . . . . B. de Alten de Nusia). fol. Yenetiis, 1523 Albubather : Liber Genethliacvs, sine De natiuitatibus, non solum ingenti rerum scitu dignarum copia, uerum etiam iucundissimo illarum ordine conspicuns. 4to. Norimberg?e, 1540 Albumasar : : Introductorium in astronomiam Albumasaris abalachi octo continens libros partiales. 4to. Augustpe Yiudelicorum (E- Ratdolt), 1489 : Floras Albumasaris. (Tractatus . . . . florura astrologie.) 4to. Augustse Yiudelicorum (E. Ratdolt), 1495 Alcala-G-aliano (Dionisio): Memoi'ia sobre las observaciones do latitucl y longitud en el mai-. 4to. [Madrid], 1796 Alchabitius : : Libellus -ysagogic' abdilazi. i. serui gloriosi dei : q' dr alcha- biti' ad magisteriu iudiciorum astroruin : Iterpretat' a ioane hispalesi. 4to. Venetiis (E. Ratdolt), 1482 : Libellus isagogicus abdlazi. id est serui gloriosi gei. Qui dicitur alchabitius, ad magisterium iudicioru astrorum in- terpretatus a Joanne hispalensi, scriptumque in eudem Joanne saxonie editum (anno 1331). 4to. Venetiis (M. Sessa), 15 12 : Opus ad scrutanda Stellarum Magisteria isagogicu .... restitutu ab . . . . Antonio de Fantis, qui notabilG eiusds Auctoris Libellu de Planetarum Coiuctionib' .... ad- didit & pleraque scitu dignissima cu castigatissimo Joancis de Saxonia Cdmetario. 4to. Venetiis (M. Sessa), 1521 Alembert (Jean le Rond D') : • : Traite de dynamique. 4to. Paris, 1742 : Eeflexions sur la Cause generale des Vents. 4to. Berlin, 1 747 : Essai d'une nouvelle tlieorie de la resistance des Huides. 4to. Paris, 1752 : Eeclierches sur differens points importans du systeme du monde. 3 parts in 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1754-56 : Opuscules matbematiques, ou memoires sur differens snjets de geoinetrie, de mechanique, d'optique, d'astronouiie, &c. 8 vols. 4to. Paris, 1761-80 : *Recherches sur les mouvemens de I'axe d'une planete quelconque dans I'hvpothese de la dissimilitude des meri- diens. 4to. Paris, 1768 Alexander (John) : A synopsis of Algebra. ... To which is added an appendix by Humfrey Ditton. Done from the Latin by Samuel Cobb. 2 parts in i vol. 8vo. London, 1709 Alexander (Stephen) : : *Observation of the Annular Eclipse of May 26 [1854], in the suburbs of Ogdensburgh, N.Y. 4to. [1856] : >Sc€ also United States Coast Survey, Alfonso X. (of Castile) : : Tabule astronomice Alfonsi Regis (necnon stellaru fixarum longitudines ac latitudines). [Edidit Johannes Lucilius Santritter.] 4to. Venetiis, 1492 In the colophon the Tables are said to bo ' Opera et arte mirifica viri Bolertis Johannis Hamman de Landoia, dictus Hertzog.' : Tabule astronomice Divi Alfonsi Regis .... nupcr qut\m diligentissime cum additionibus emendate. 4to. A^enetiis (1'. Liechtenstein), 1518 (1521) The first date is tliut of the title ; tlie second of the colophon. ; Astronomica3 tabulae, in propriam integi-itatera restitutne, ad calcem adiectis tabulis .... cum plurimoru locorti 8 Alfonso "K.— continued. conectione, & accessione variaru tabellaru ex diversis auctoribus. . . . Qua in re P. Hamelliiis .... sedula operam suam prsestitit. 4to. Parisiis, 1545 : Libros del saber de astronomia, copilados, anotados y comentados por Manuel Rico y Sinobas. Tonic 1-5, parte i. fol. Madrid, 1863-67 Alfonsus de Corduba : Tabule Astronomice Elisabeth Regine. 2 parts. 4to. Venetiis (P. Liechtensteyn), 1503 Alfraganus (Muhanied) : : Brevis ac pervtilis compilatio Alfragani Astronomorum peritissimi, totum id cotinens, quod ad rudimenta Astro- nomica est opportunum. 4to. Norimbergfe, 1537 : Chronologica et Astronomica elementa .... additus est commentarius, qui rationem calendarii Romani, ^gyptiaci, Arabici, Persici, Syriaci & Hebraei explicat .... autore J. Christmanno. 8vo. Francofurdi, 1590 Algarotti (Francesco) : Sir Isaac Newton's philosophy explain'd for the use of the ladies, in six dialogues on light and colours. From the Italian. 2 vols. i2mo. London, 1739 Algebra: Elements of Algebra, for the use of students in Universities. Third edition. 2 parts in i vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1789 Algower (David) : Schriirt- und Vernunfft-massige Anzeige, dass man sich vor innstehender grossen Sonnen-Finsterniss welche den 3 Maji, 1715, eintreilen wird, weder furchten noch selbige fiir ein ausserordentliches Giittliches Zorn- und Straff- Zeichen halten. 4to. Ulm Alhazen: Opticie Thesavrvs .... libri septem, nunc primum editi ; eivsdem liber de Crepvscvlis & Nubium ascensionibus. Item Vitellonis Thvringopoloni libri x. Onmes iustaurati, figuris illustrati & aucti ; adiectis etiam in Alhazenum commentai-ijs a Federico Risnero. fol. Basilete, 1572 Aliacus (Petrus de) [Cardinal d'Ailly] : : Cucordatia astronomie cii theologia ; Cocordatia astronomie cu hystorica narratione, et elucidariu duorum precedentium. 4to. Augusta} Vindelicorum (E. Ratdolt), 1490 : Tractatus .... sup. libros Metheororii, de impressionibus aeris. Ac do hijs quae in prima, secunda, atque tertia regionibus aeris fiunt ; sicut sunt Sydera cadentia, Stellae, Cometaj .... deque genera tis infra terram. 4to. Argentinse, 1504 A116 (Moriz) : ^ ^^^. • ^Opposition der Calliope vom Jahre 1857. Svo.Wien, 1856 • *Ueber die Bahn der Laetitia. 8vo. Wien, 1857 • *LTeber die Bahn der Nemausa. 8vo. Wien, i860 [Allen (William)] : Companion to the transit instrument, containing the right ascension and declination of stars from the first to the fourth magnitude, with the places of some of the most interesting double stars, 8vo. London, 1S15 Allgemeine Geographische Ephemeriden : : A'erfasset von einer Gesellschaft GeJehrter, uud hei-aus- gegeben von F. von Zach (A. C. Gaspari, C. G. Eeichard, F. J. Bei-tuch). Band 1-5 1. 8vo. Weimar, 1798-1816 : Neue allgemeine geographische Ephemeriden .... hcraus- gegeben von F. J. Bertuch. Band t-io. 8vo. Weimar, 1817-22 : Neue allgemeine geographische und statistische Epheme- riden. Verfosset von einer Gesellschaft von Gelehrten, und herausgegeben von dem Geograjihischen Institute. Band 11-23. Svo. Weimar, 1822-27 Almanac for the year 1386. Transcribed, verbatim, from the original antique illuminated manuscript in the black letter. 1 2 mo. Loudon, 18 12 Almanac : Allmanach und Prognosticon auff das Jahr 1670 durch Jo- hannem Mejerum. i2mo. Hamburg Almanacs : [Acollectionof 14 astrological almanacks from 1752, 1760-61.] 3 vols. 12 mo. London, 1752-61 Al-Sufi (Abd-al-Rahman) : L)escriptiou des etoiles fixes composee an milieu du dixi^me siecle de notre ere par I'astronome persan A . . . . S . . . . Traduction .... avec des notes par H. O. F. C. Schjel- lerup. 4to. St.-Petersbourg, 1874 Altenburg, Kunst- und Handwerks-Verein : Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Mittheilungen aus dem Osterlande. Band 15, 16. 8vo. Altenburg, 1861-63 Amante (Fedele) : : *Considerazioni sulle formole adoperate comunemente dai geogi-afi per calcolare le posizioni geografiche dei vertici dei tiiangoli geodetici. 4to. Napoli, 1837 : *8ulle formole da usarsi ne' calcoli geodetici per la riduzione degli angoli all' orizzonte della stazione. 4to. Napoli, 1837 American Academy of Arts and Sciences : : JNlemoirs, Vol. 1-4. 4to. Boston and Cambridge, 1 785-1818 New series, Vol. i-ii. Part i. Cambridge, 1833-82 : Proceedings, 1846-73. Vol. 1-8. 8vo. Boston and Cambridge, 1848-73 New series, 1873-83. Vol. i-io (whole series, Vol. 9-18). 8vo. Boston, 1874-83 American Almanac, and Repository of Useful Knowledge, 1834 42, 1848. i2mo. Boston, 1833-47 lO American Association for the Advancement of Science : : Proceedings, Fourth meeting, 1850, to Twenty- first meeting, 1872. 8vo. Washington and Cambridge, 1851-73 : *Address .... by S. P. Langley, 1879. 8vo. Salem, 1879 : ^Address .... by Asaph Hall, 1880. 8vo. Cambridge, 1880 American Journal of Mathematics pure and applied : Edited by J. J. Sylvester [and others]. Published under the auspices of the Johns Hopkins University. Vol. 1-6. 4to. Baltimore, 1878-84 American Journal of Science, more especially of mineralogy, geology, and the other branches of natural history ; includ- ing also agriculture and the ornamental as well as useful arts. Conducted by Benjamin Silliman. Vol. i. 8vo. New York, 1818 American Journal of Science and Arts. Conducted by Benjamin Silliman. Vol. 2-15. 8vo. New Haven, 1820-29 : Second series, conducted by B. Silliman, B. Silliman, jun,, J. D. Dana [and others]. Vol. 29-50. 8vo. New Haven, 1860-70 : Third series, edited by J. D. (and E. S.) Dana, B. Silliman [and others]. Vol. 1-27. 8vo. New Haven, 1871-84 General index in every lotli vol. of 2nd and 3rd series. American Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia for promoting useful knowledge. : Transactions, Vol. 1-6. 4to. Philadelphia, 1 789-1809 New series, Vol. 1-15. 4to. Philadelphia, 18 18-81 : Proceedings, 1838-82. Vol. 1-20. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840-83 : Catalogue of the Library. Part 1-3. 8vo. Philadeli)hia, 1868-78 Amici (Giovanni Battista): *Descrizione di alcuni istrumenti da misurare gli angoli per riflessione. 4to. Modena, 1836 Ampdre ( Andr6-Marie) : Th^orie des phenomenes ^lectro-dynamiques, uniquement deduite de I'experience. 4to. Paris, 1826 Amsterdam, Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen : : Verhandelingen. Afdeeling Natuurkunde. Deel 1-23. 4to. Amsterdam, 1854-83 : Verslagen en Mededeelingen. Afdeeling Natuurkunde. 17 vols. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1853-65 tweede Reeks. Deel 1-18. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1866-83 Jaarbock, 1862-82. 8vo. Amsterdam Processen-Verbaal van de gewone Vergaderingen, Afdee- ling Natuvirkunde, 1865-83. 8vo. Amsterdam : Bapport .... section physique. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1868 : Catalogus van de Boekerij. 2 vols. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1857-81 Analekten fiir Erd- und Himmelskunde : Herausgegeben von Fr. v. P. Gruithuisen. Band i,'Heft 1-7. 8vo. MUnchen, 1828-31 II Analekten (Neue) fur Erd- und Himmelskunde : Band i.. 2 (Heft 8-15). 8vo. Miinclien, 1834-36 Analogy (a new) for determining the distances of the planets from the Sun, and of the satellites from their primaries. By the author of ' a new introduction to the mathematics,' ttc. 8vo. London, 1842 Anderson (Predrik) : : *Bestamning af Planeten (92) Undinis Bana. 4to. Lund, 1870 : *Bestiimning af Planeten (86) Semeles Bana. 4to. Lund, 1872 Anderson (Biehard) : Lightning conductors ; their history, nature, and mode of application. 4to London, 1880 Andr6 (Charles) : : Etude de la diffi-action dans les instruments d'optique ; son influence dans les observations astronomiqiies. (Paris, Theses Fac. Sci. no. 376.) 4to. Paris, 1876 : *E,apport sur le passage de IVIercure sur le Soleil, observe a Ogden (Utah) le 6 Mai 1878. 8vo. Paris, 1881 : *jMission de Noumea. Eapport sur le passage de Yenus du 9 Decembre, 1874. 4to Paris, 1881 Andr6 (Charles), G. Rayet, et A. Angot : L'astronomie pratiqiie et les observatoires en Europe et en Amerique, depuis le milieu du xvii^ siecle jusqu'a nos jours. Partie 1-5. 8vo. Paris, 1874-81, 1878 [Andr6 (Noel),] Chrysologue de Gy: Abrege d'aatronomie pour I'usage des planispheres. 8vo. Paris, 1778 Andrew (James): Astronomical and nautical tables, with precepts, for finding the latitude and longitude of places by lunar distances, double altitudes, (fee, 8vo, London, 1805 Andrew ("William) : Constitution of nature. Theories intended to unfold nature and her operations. 8vo. Milwaukee, 1864 o Angstrom (A. J.) : Pi.echerches sur le spectre solaire .... Spectre normal du soleil : atlas de six planches. 4to. [Atlas in folio], XJpsal, 1868 Anguiano (Angel) : Viaje A Europa en comision asti'onomica. 4to. Mexico, 1882 Ann Arbor, Detroit Observatory of the University of Michigan : Report of the Director for 1879-81. 8vo. Ann Arbor, 1881 Annales de Math^matiques pures ot appliqudes, recueil periodique, redige par .J. D. Gergonne. Tome 21, 22. 4to. Nismes, 1830-32 12 Annals of Philosophy, or Magazine of Chemistry, Mineral- ogy, Mechanics, Natural History, Agriculture and the Arts : : By Thomas Thomson. i6 vols. 8vo. London, 1813-20 New series. Vol. 1-12. Svo. London, 1821-26 ■ : See Philosophical Magazine. Annely (Bernard): A theory of the winds, shewing by a new Hypothesis, the physical causes of all winds in general. 8vo. London, 1729 Anquetil (J. P.) : : Questions on astronomy, and a new system proposed. Svo. Paris, 1833 : Questions sur I'astrouomie, suivies de la proposition d'un nouveau systeme. 8vo. Paris, 1833 Anton (Ferdinand) : *Bestimmnng der Bahn des Planeten (114) Cassandra, Svo. Wien, 1883 Aoust (l'Abb6) : Analyse intinitesimale des courbes ti-acees sur une surface quelconque. Svo. Paris, 1S69 Apelt (Ernst Friedrich) : : Johann Keppler's astronomische Weltansicht. 4to. Leipzig, 1849 : Die Reformation der Sternkunde. Ein Beitrag zur deutschen Culturgeschichte, Svo. Jena, 1852 Apianus (Petrus) : : Quadrans Apiani astronomicus et jam recens inventus et nunc primum editus. fol. Ingolstadii, 1532 ■ : Folium populi : Instrumentum hoc a Petvo Apiano jam recens inventum, et in figuram folii populi redaetam. fol. Ingolstadij, 1533 ; Instrumentum Primi Mobilis, a Petro Apiano nunc primum et inventum et in lucem editum .... accedunt ijs Gebri Filii Affla Hispalensis .... libri ix de j^stronomia. fol. NorimbergEe, 1534 —- — : Astronomicum Cpesareum. (Meteoroscopion ])lanum ; observationes cometarum quinque; Compositio Torqueti.) fol. Ingolstadii, 1540 Apianus (Petrus) et Gemma Frisius : Cosmographia .... per Gemmam Frisium .... jam demum ab omnibus vindicata mendis, ac nonnullis quoque locis aucta. Additis ejusdem argumenti libellis ipsius Gemmae Frisij. 4to. Antverpise, 1564 Apollonius Pergseus : : Willebrordi Snellii Apollonius Batavus, seu exsuscitata ApoUonii Pergaei Trept Atwpicr/Aev?/s to/at^s geometiia. 4to. Lugodini, 1608 : Conicorum libri octo (lib. iv. priores cum Pappi Alexan- drini lemmatis, et Eutocii Ascalonitse commentariis [Gr. & Lat.] ; lib. v., vi., vii. ex Arabico in Latinum conversi cum Pappi lemmatis ; subjicitur liber con'^orum octavus 13 Apollonius TeTgddUS—confiniied. restitutus). Sereni Antissensis de sectione cylindri et coni libri duo. (Edidit E. Halleius.) 3 parts in i vol. fol. Oxoniae, 1710 : Locorum planorum libri 11., restituti a Roberto Simson. 4to. Glasgiife, 1749 : Inclinationum libri duo, restituebat Samuel Horslej. 4to. Oxonii, 1770 ■ : ,See also Burrow (R.) : The two books of . ... concerning tangencies, as they have been restored by Franciscus Vieta and Marinus Ghetaldus. With a supplement by John Lawsou. Second edition, to which is now added a second supplement, being M. Fermat's treatise on sj)lierical tangencies. 4to. London, 1 7 7 1 : The two books of ... . concerning determinate section, as they havii been restored by Willebrordus Snellius, by John Lawson. To which are added the same two books, by WilliamWales, being an entu-e new work. 4to. London, 1772 : Opuscula, e tenebris eruta ac restituta (ab E. Halleio). 8vo. Arago (Dominique Fran9ois Jean) : : *Rapport .... sur un memoire de M. Fresnel relatif aux couleurs des lames cristallisees douees de la dovible refrac- tion. 8vo. Paris [182 1] : *Elogehistoriquedudocteur Thomas Young. 4to. Paris, 1832 : Betrachtungen Uber die Bewegung und die Natur der Kometen, nebst ihrer Einwirkung auf unsere Erde im Allgemeinen vind insbesondere liber den Kometen, welcher im Jabre 1832 erscheint und eine Umlaufszeit von pf Jahren hat. 8vo. Briinn, 1832 : The Comet. Scientific notices of comets in general, and in particular of the comet of 1832. . . . Translated from the French, by Colonel Charles Gold. 8vo. London, 1833 : Populiire Vorlesungen Uber die Astronomic. . . . Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt von C. H. Schnuse. 8vo. Weimar, 1838 : Le9ons d'Astronomie professdes k I'Observatoire Royal .... Recueillies par un de ses el^ves. Troisi^me edition. 8vo. Paris, 1840 : *Biographie de Jean Sylvain Bailly. 4to. Paris, 1844 : Popular Astronomy : . . . Translated fi-om the original, and edited by Admiral W. H. Smyth and Robei-t Grant. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1855-58 : Astronomie populaire .... publiee d'apros son ordre sous la direction de J. A. Barral (Euvre posthume. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1857-60 : CEuvres compU'tes .... publiees .... sous la direction de J. A. Barral. Tables. 8vo. Paris, 1862 The index volume only. : Kosmische Meteore. . . . Anhang zu der Schrift * Die Sonne brennt.' 8vo. Leipzig, 1 865 : Etoiles doul)l('S, srr Grandsagne. : Recueil d'Observations, .see Blot et Arago. Aratus Solensia : : De siderum natura & motu, see Valderus, Sphaera. : Les plienomenes d' Aratus de Soles, et de Germariicus Cesar, avec les scliolies de Theou, les catasterismes d'jEratos- th6ne, et la sphere de Leontius. Trad nits pour la premiere fois en Fi'an9ais .... par I'Abb^ Halma, [Greek and French.] 4to. Paris, 1821 Prefixed to Vol. 2 of Halma's edition of tiie ' Ci)mmentaires de Tlieon.' : Des Aratos Sternerscheinunsfen und Wetterzeichen, iiber- setzt und erklart von J. H. Voss [Greek and German]. 8vo. Heidelberg, 1824 : *Observations on a manuscript in the British Museum .... containing Cicero's translation of the astronomical poem by Aratus, accompanied by drawings of the constellations. By W. Y. Ottley. 4to. London, 1835 : /See also Petavius. Arbogast (L. F. A.) : Du calcul des derivations. 4to. Strasbourg, An VIII (1800) AreMmedes : : De insidentibus aquse liber primus (et secundus). 2 vols. 4to. Venetiis, 1565 : Archimedis qupe supersunt omnia, cum Eutocii Ascalouitse commentariis, ex recensione J. Torelli, cum nova versions Latina. [Gr. & Lat.] Accedunt lectiones variantes (C. Sibiliati de Vita ac Studiis J. Torelli commentarium). fol. Oxonii, 1792 : Arenarius, see Rigaud. Arctic Expedition, 1875 (Manual for the use of). Natural history, geology and physics of Greenland and the neigh- bouring regions. . . . Edited by T. Rupert Jones. 8vo. London, 1875 Argelander (Friedrich Wilhelni August) : : De Observationibus astronomicis a Flamsteedio institutis dissertatio. [Inaugural Dissertation.] 4to. Eegiomonti Borussorum, 1822 : TJntersuchungen Uber die Bahn des grossen Cometen vom Jahre 181 1. 4to. Kcinigsberg, 1822 : Observationes astronomicfe in Specula Universitatis Littera- rice Fennicae factse. Abose, 182 4- 1828. Tomus 1-3. fol. Helsingforsise, 1830-32 : DLX Stellarum fixarum positiones mediae ineunte anno 1830. Ex observationibus Abose habitis. 4to. Helsingforsise, 1835 : De fide Uranometrise Bayeri dissertatio academica. 4to. Bonnse, 1842 : Uranometria Nova. Stellse per mediam Europam solis oculis conspicufe secundum veras lucis magnitudines e coelo ipso descriptse. obi. fol. Berlin, 1843 : Catalogus Stellarum. 8vo. Berlin, 1843 : De Stella /3 Lyrae variabili disquisitio. [Inaugural Disser- tation.] 4to. Bonnse, 1844 15 Argelander (Friedrich Wilhelm A\igvist)—coii/init/'(I. : Zouen-Beobachtungen vom 45. bis So. Grade iiordlicher Declination, in mittleren Positionen fiir i842"o, nach gerader Aufsteigung geordnet von Wilhelm Oeltzen. 8vo. Wien, 1 85 1-5 2 Vols. I and 2 of Series 3 of ' Annalen der k. k. Sternwarte in Wien.' : Zonen-Biob ichtungen vom — 15° bis — 31° Decl. in mittleren Po^tionea fiir 1853, von W. Oaltzen. 8vo. Wien, 1857-58 In \'ie:iaa ' Sitzung.sberiehte,' Bi. 26. 27, 29, 31. : Anzeige von einer auf der Koniglichen Cniversitats-Stern- v?-arte zu Bonn unternommenen Durchmusterung des nordlicheu Hiiumel^;. 8vo. Bonn, 1856 : Da Stella /3 Lyrae variabili comme itatio altera. 4to. BonnfB, 1859 : Atlas des nordlichen gesfcirnten Hiinmels fiir den Anfanff des Jahres 1S55, anter Mitwirkung der Herren E. Schon- feld and A. Krueger. fol. Bonn, 1863 : Bonn, Beobachtaugen, see Bonn, Starnwarte. : Life, see Krueger (A.), Sclionfeld (E.) Argoli (Andreas) : : Ep'iemerides .... ad longitii linem almae urbis Romge, ab anno incarnationis Dotninicae mdcxxi usque ad mdcxl, ex Prutenicis Tabulis concinne supputatte. 4to. Venetiis, 1623 : Epliemerides annorum l., iuxta Tychonis Hypotheses, et accurate e coelo deductas obseruationes. Ab anno 1630 ad annum 1680. 3 vols. 4to. Yenetiis et Patavii, 1638 : Tabulre Primi Mobilis. Tabulse Asceusionum obliquarura ad latitud. gr. 31 usque ad 60. Yol. 2. 4to. Patavii, 1644 : Ptolemteus parvus in genethliacis j unctus Arabibus. 4to. Lugduni, 1652 : Ephemerldes exactissimse cselestium motuum ad longitu- dinem Almse Urbis, et Tychonis Brahe hypotheses, ac deductas 6 ca?lo accurate observationes, ab anno 1641 ad annum 1700. Vol. i, 3. 4to. Lugduni, 1659 Arguelles {Jos6 Reguero) : Astronomia Fisica. Nociones de esta ciencia sublime, dirigidas A ponerla al alcance de todos, y a preparar al estudio elemental de la misma. 3 vols. 8vo. Madrid, 1850-51 Aristarchus Samius: : De magnitudinibus et distnntiis Solis et Lunoe liber ; cum Pappi Alexaudrini explic;vtionibus quibusdam, a F. Com- mandino .... in Latinum conversus ac commentarijs illiis- tratus. 4to. Pisauri, 1572 : Liber de magnitudinibus et distnntiis Solis et Luna?. Nunc primum Gra?ce editus. Cum Latina versione F. Com- mandini. Accurante Johanne Wallis. 8vo. Oxonia?, 1C88 Aristotle : llcpi Koafiov. Curavit editionem J. Chr. Kappius. 8vo. Alteidjurgi, 1792 i6 Arithmetic : Six lectures on arithmetic, containing a familiar explanation of the principles and rationale of the general rules of arith- metic. i2mo. London, 1842 Armagh Observatory: : Astronomical Observations made .... by T. R. Eobinson. Vol. I, Parts 1-3. London, 1829-32 : Report made at the annual visitation .... by T. R. Robinson. 8vo. Armagh, 1842 : Places of 5,345 stars observed from 1828 to 1854 .... by T. R. Robinson. 8vo. Dublin, 1859 : *PlaceR of one thousand stars observed at the Armagh Observatory. By T. R. Robinson. 4to. Dublin, 1879 Armellini (Tito): * Di alcune proprieta del Barometro-Idrargiro Statico. 8vo. Roma, 1862 Arndtsen (Adam") : Physikalske meddelelser .... udgivne af C. Hansteen. IJniversitets-Program 1858. 4to. Christiania, 1858 Arnold (J.), see Earnshaw and Arnold. Arnott (IS'eiD : : Elements of physics, or natural philosophy, general and medical Second edition. 8vo. London, 1827 : Elements of physics, or natural philosophy, general and medical, explained independently of technical mathe- matics. In two volumes; Vol. 2, Part i, comprehending the subjects of heat and light. 8vo. London, 1829 : Elements of physics, or natural philosophy, general and medical. . . . New edition with additions, by Isaac Hays. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1841 Arrest (Heinrieh Louis d') : : * Resiiltate aus Beobachtungen der Nebelflecken und Stern- haufen. . . Erste Reihe. 8vo. Leipzig, 1856 : Instrumentum magnum sequatoreum in Specula Universi- tatis Hauniensis nuper erectum. [Inaugural Dissertation.] 4to. Haunise, 1861 : Siderum nebulosorum observationes Havnienses institiitae in Specula ITniversitatis per tubum sedecirapedalem Mer- zianum ab anno 1861 ad annum 1867. 4to. Havnife, 1867 : Undersogelser over de nebulose stjerner i henseende til deres spektralanalytiske egenskaber. (Indbydelsesskrift til Kjobenhavns Universitets Aarsfest.) 4to. Kjubenhavn, 1872 ; Life, see Dreyer (J. L. E.) Art (P) de vei-ifier les dates des faits historiques, des inscriptions, deschroniques, et autres anciens monuments .... par un religieux de la congregation de Saint-Maur. 42 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1819-30 Arthus (Gothard) : Cometa orientalis. Kurtze und eygentliche Beschi-eibung dess newen Cometen . . . . 161 8. 4to. Franckfurt am Mayn, 16 19 17 Asliby (Samuel): The young analyst's exercise. i2mo. Loudon, 1737 Ashe (E. D.) : : On the longitude of some of the principal places in Canada, as determined by electric telegrapli. 8vo. 1858 : The motions of the top, teetotum, and gyroscope explained. Svo. Quebec, 1864 : The proceedings of the Canadian eclipse party, 1869. fol. Quebec, 1870 Asiatic Society of Bengal, see Calcutta. Assemanus (Simon) : Globus cfelestis Cufico-Arabicus Veliterni Musei Borgiani .... illustratns : pra^missa ejusdem de Arabum asti-ono- mia dissertatione et adjectis duabus epistolis Josephi Toaldi. 4to. Patavii, 1790 Associazione Italiana per le osservazioni delle Meteore luminose : : Osservazioni, 1874-77, 1881-83. 12 mo. Torino : See also Moncalieri, II. Collegio Carlo Alberto. Asten (Friedrich Emil von) : : Determinatio orbitse grandis cometse anni 1S58 e cunctia observationibus. [Inaugural Dissertation.] 4to. Bonnfe, 1865 : *Neue Hulfstafeln zur Reduction der in der Histoire Celeste Fran9aise enthaltenen Beobachtungen. 8vo. Leipzig, 1868 : *Ilesultate aus Otto von Struve's Beobachtungen der Uranustrabanten. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1872 : * Untersuchungen liber die Theorie des Encke'schen Couie- ten. I. Berechnung eines wichtigen Theiles der absoluten Jupitersstoruiigen. II. Resultate aus den Erscheiaungen 1819-1875. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1872-78 : *Ephemeride des Encke'schen Cometen fiir das Jahr 1875. 4to. [St. Petersbur-g] o Astrand ( Joh. Julius) : : Om astronomiska og geodetiske obsei'vationer i sommeren 1 86 1. Svo. Christiania, 1863 • : Let og n^iagtig methode for bestemmel.se af den paakom- mende bredde og lasngde om mitldagen samt compasi>ets mis- visning, udeu hjailp af logarithm er. 4to. Bergen, 1864 : Indberetning om astronomiske og geodetiske observationer anstilkde paa en reise i Kr^ndi'o Beigeidiuus Amt i Som- meren 1863. 8vo. Chiistiaiiia, 1864 : *Enkel approximations method iir tids- och longituds- bestamniiigar. 8vo. Stot^kliolm, 1865 • : *Neue einl'ache Methode fiir Zeit- und L;iiigt'nl)e.stimmuiig. Mit VorVjemerkungen von K. von Littrovv. 8vo. Wien, 1867 : *Ny Interpolationsmethode. 8vo. Chri.sliania, 187; : *Neue Interpolationsmelliode. 8vo. Leipy.ig : *0m 'Archibald Smitli's method' fcir berakning af kompas- sens lokaldeviationer, saint ett par enklare ocli noggrannare methoder ftir saninia iindamiil. Svo. Stockholm, 1S75 c i8 Astrand (Joh. Julius) — continued. : *Ny method for losning af trinomiska eqvationer. 8vo. Stockholm, 1877 : *Two short and easy methods for correcting lunar distances. Svo. London, 1879 : See also Petrosemolo (G.) : Om en ny methode for ^sning af trinomisk eligninger af w*« Grad. Svo, Kristiania : iSee also Christiania, Universitet, Astrolabe : L'usage de I'un et I'autre astrolabe particulier et universal. Svo. Paris, 1625 Astrologer (the). ISTos. 8-16. Svo. London [1830-31] Astrologer (the) of the nineteenth century, or the master key of futui'ity .... By the members of the Mercurii .... Seventh edition. Svo. London, 1825 Astrology : Several cases of conscience concerning astrologie, and seekers unto astrologers, answered. By a Friend to the truth. Svo. London, 1659 Astrology and Astronomy [from the Encycloptediq, Britan- nica]. 4to. Astronomical Journal (the) : Edited by Benjamin Apthorp Gould. Yol. 1-6. 4to. Cambridge and Albany, 185 1-6 1 Astronomical Notices, by F. Briinnow. Nos. 1-24, 26-28. Svo. Ann Arbor, 1858-61 Astronomical Register (the): : A medium of communication for amateur observers, and all others interested in the science of astronomy. Vols. 1-2 1. Svo. London, 1864-83 : General Index to the first twenty volumes, by F. W. Le- vander. Svo. London, 1883 Astronomic (Geschichte der) von den altesten Zeiten bis zu dem Ende des siebzehnten Jahrhunderts. Neue Ausgabe. Svo. Chemnitz, 1819 Astronomic (1') : Revue d'astronomie populaire, de m^t^orologie et de phy- sique du globe. Publiee par Camille Flammarion. Ann^e 1-3. 1882-84. 8vo. Paris, 1883-84 Astronomische Abhandlungen : Herausgegeben von H, C. Schumacher. Heft 1-3. 4to. Altona, 1823-25 Astronomische Gesellschaft, Leipzig: : Publicationen, 1-17. 4to. Leipzig, 1865-83 : Vierteljahrsschrift. Jahrgang, 1-18. Svo. Leipzig, 1S66-83 Astronomische Nachrichten : : Herausgegeben von H. C. Schumacher. Band 1-3 1. 4to. Altona, 1 8 23-51 19 Astronomisehe 'Nachvichten—contimced. ; Begrlindet von H. C Schumacher, fortgesetzb von A. C . Petersen (P. A. Hansen, C. A. F. Peters, C. P. W. Peters). Band 32-99. 4to. Altona, Kiel, 1851-81 : Begrlindet von H. C. Schumacher, unter Mitwirkung des Yorstandes der Asti'onomischen GesslLschaft, herausgegebeu von A. Krueger. Band 100-108. 4to. Kiel, 1881-84 : General-Register der Biinde 1-20. Ausgearbeitet von G. A. Jahn. 4to. Hamburg, 185 I : Cieneral-EegisterderB'ande 21-40. Ausgearbeitet von G. A. Jahn. 4to. Hamburg, 1856 : General- Register der Biinde 41-60. Ausgearbeitet von C. F. W. Peters. 4to. Hamburg, 1866 : General- Register der Biinde 61-80. Ausgearbeitet von C. F. W.Peters. 4^0. Leipzig, 1875 Astronoinisches Jahrbuch, see Berlin. Astronomisches Jahrbuch fiir physische und naturhisto- rische Himmelsforscher . . . . : Heraasgegel:)en von Fr. v. P. Gi-uithuisen. Bandi-ii. 8vo. Miinchen, 1838-51 Astronomy (a new theory of), deduced from the latest discoveries. i6mo. Dublin, 1857 : (Syllabus of an elementary system of). 8vo. Cambridge : (the new system of) : or, is the earth a fixed star or a planet? 8vo. London, 1869 Athenseum : Journal of Literature, Science, and the fine arts. 4to. London, 1831-84 Athenseujn Library : Catalogue [with supplement]. Svo. London, 1845-51 Athens, Observatoire : ; Publications .... ire Serie, Tome i. Astronomisehe Beobachtungen Uber Cometen, von J, F. J. Schmidt. 4to, Athen, 1863 : 2me Serie, Tome i. Beitrage zur physikalischen Geo- graphie von Griechenland, von J. F. J. Schmidt. 4to. Athen, 1S61 Atkinson (Henry) : : *0n astronomical and other refractions. 4t(). London, 1826 : A new method of extracting the roots of equations. 4to. Newcastle, 1831 Atkinson (James) : Epitome of the art of navigation, or a short, easy, and metho- dical way to become a compleat Navigator. Svo. London, 1753 Atwood (George) : : An essay on the arithmetic of factors, applied to various computations which occur in the practice of numl)ois. 4to. London, 17S6 : An analysis of a course of lectures on the principles of natural pliilosoi)hy. 8vo. London, 1784 : A treatise on tlie rectilinear motion and rotation of boiUes, c 2 20 Atwood (George) —continved. with a description of original experiments relative to the subject. 8vo. Cambridge, 1784 August (,E. F.) : Vollsfandige logarithmische iind trigonometrische Tafeln, zLim Theil in neuer Anordnung, durch Zusatze erweitert und mit ausfuhrlichen Erlauterungen versehen Sechste Auflage. Svo. Leipzig, 1865 Autier ( — ) : Extrait de I'astronomie physique (ouvrage en preparation). Svo. Paris, 1877 Auwers (G. F. J. Arthur): De motu proprio Procyonis variabili. Dissertatio Inaugu- ralis Astronomica. 4to. Regimonti Prussorum, 1862 . *Wi]liam Herschel's Verzeichnisse von Nebelflecken und Sternhaufen. fol. Konigsberg, 1862 : *Parallaxen-Bestimmungen mit dem Kouigsberger Helio- meter. 4to. Altona, 1863 : Reduction der Beobachtungen der Fundamentalsterne am Passageninstrument der Sternwarte zu Palermo, 1803-5. 4to. Leipzig, 1866 : *Bestimmung der Bahn des Cometen III, i860. 4to. Berlin, 1867 : *Bestimmung der Parallaxe des Sterns 34 Groombridge durch chronogi^aphische Beobachtungen am Aequatoreal der Gothaer Sternwarte. 4to. Berlin, 1867 : Untersuchungen liber verJinderliche Eigenbewegungen. Erster Theil. Bestimmung der Elemente der Procyonbahn [&c.]. Inaugural- Dissertation. 4to. Konigsberg, 1862 : *Zweiter Theil. Bestimmung der Elemente derSiiiusbahn. 4to. Leipzig, 1868 ■ : *Untersnchungen iiber die Beobachtungen von Bessel und Schliiter am Kouigsberger Heliometer zur Bestimmung der Parallaxe von 61 Cygni. 4to. Berlin, 1868 *Uber den Werth der Aberrations- Constante, nach den Beobachtungen von Molyneux. 8vo. Berlin, 1869 *Uber eine angebliche VerJinderlichkeit des Sonnen- durchmessers. Svo. Berlin, 1873 *Nachtrag zu den Untersuchungen iiber die veranderliche Eigenbewegung des Procyon. Svo. Berlin, 1873 *Uber der Parallaxe die Sterns 1830 Groombridge nach Johnson's Beobachtungen am Oxford Heliometer. Svo. Berlin, 1S74 *Bericht liber die Beobachtungdes Yenus-Durchgangs vom 8. December 1874 in Luxor. 4to. Berlin, 1878 Fundamental-Catalogue fiir die Zonen-Beobachtungen am nordlichen Himmel. 4to. Leipzig, 1879 See also Heiz und Strobl. *MitUere Orter von ^t^ sUdlichen Sternen fiir 1875. 4to. Leipzig, 18S3 Neue Reduction der Bradley'schen Beobachtungen aus den Jahren 1750 bis 1762. Band 2. 4to. St. Petersburg, 18S2 21 Babbage (Charles): : A letter to Sir Humpliry Davy .... on the application of machinery to the purpose of calculating and printing mathematical Tables. 4to. London, 1822 *0n the influence of signs in mathematical reasoning. 4to. Cambridge, 1S26 Table of the logarithms of the natui-al numbers fiom i to ioS,ooo .... Second edition. 8vo. London, 1831 Observations on the temple of Serapis at Pozzuoli ntar Naples. . . . ^Vith a supplement : conjectures on the phy- sical condition of the surface of the Moon. 8vo. London, 1847 • : Observations addressed, at the last anniversary, to the Presi- dent and Fellows of the Royal Society. [On the Swedish tabulating machine.] 8vo, London, 1856 ; Examples of the solutions of functional equations. 8vo. With Peacock and Herschel's Examples of the calculus. : Life, see Quetelet (L. A. J.) [Babbage, Charles : Calculating Machine] : *The eleventh chapter of the History of the Royal Society, by C. R. Weld, with Prof. De Morgan's review .... from the ' Athenasum,' Oct. 14 & Dec. 16, 1848. 8vo. London, 1848 Bach ( — ) : Calcul des eclipses de soleil par la methode des projections. 8vo. Paris, i860 Baehe (Alexander Dallas) : : *0n the tides of the western coastof the United States : Tides of San Francisco Bay, California. 8vo. New Haven, 1856 : *0n the heights of the tides of the United States, from ob- servations in the Coast Survey. 8vo. New Haven, 1858 : *Dif^cussion of the magnetic and meteorological observa- tions made at the Girard College Observatory, Philadelphia, in 1840-45. 4to. Washington, 1859-62 : *Lecture on the Gulf Stream. 8vo. New Haven, i860 : *General account of the results of Part 2 of the discussion of the declinometer observations made at the Girard College, Philadelphia, Ijetween 1840 and 1845, witli special reference to the solar diurnal variation and its annual inequality. 8vo. New Haven, 1861 : *Records and results of a magnetic survey of Pennsylvania and parts of the adjacent States. 4to. Washington, 1863 ; Tide tables for the use of navigators ; px-epared from the Coast Survey Observations. 8vo. [1857] Backlund (J. O.) : *Berukning af relativa storingar for planeten (112) Iphigenia. 8vo. Stockholm, 1874 Backlund (O.) : • ; *Flemente und Ephemeride des Encke'schen Cometen fiir das Jahr 1881. 4to. St. Petei-sl)ourg, 1S81 : *Zur Tbeorie des Encke'schen Cometen. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1881 22 Backlund (Albert Victor) : *Bestamning af Polhojden for Lund's Observatoriuni medelst observationer i fdt-sta vertikalen. 4to. Lund, 1867 Bacon (Francis) : : Sylva sjlvarum, or a Naturall Historie. In ten centuries .... published by William Rawley. Tiiird edition [to which is added] New Atlantis. 2 parts in i vol. fol. London, 1631 : Resuscitatio, or bringing into publick light several pieces of the works .... hitherto sleeping, of ... . Fiancis Bacon .... together with his lordship's life ; second edition. By William Eawley, [to which is added] several letters, written by this honourable authour. 2 parts in i vol. fol. London, 1661-57 : Baconians, or certain genuine remains of Sr. F. B . . . ., in arguments civil and moral, natural, medical, theological, and bibliographical. 8vo. London, 1679 ; Novum organum scientiarum, in two parts. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1802 Vols. 3 and 4 of collected works. : Works, 12 vols, 8vo. London, 181 5 Bacon (Roger) : Opus majus .... ex MS. codice Dubliniensi, cum aliis qui- busdam collate, nunc primum edidit S. Jebb. fol. Londini, 1733 Baden Powell, see Powell (Baden). Baeyer (J. J.) : Die Kiistenvermessung und ihre Verbindvmg mit der Berliner Grundlinie, ausgefiihrt von der trigonometrischen Abthei- luug des Generalstabes. 4to. Berlin, 1849 : Ste also Berlin, K. preuss. geodiit. Institut ; Bessel und Baeyer. Bagay (V.) : Nouvelles tables astronomiques et hydrographiques, contenant un traite des cercles de la sph^'re ; la description des instru- ments k reflexion ; diverges methodes pour obtenir les lati- tudes et les longitudes terrestres ; une nouvelle table des logarithmes, des sinus, cosinus, tangentes et cotangentes de seconde en seconde pour les 90 degr6s du quart du cercle. 4to. Paris, 1829 Bailly (Jean Sylvain) : ■ : Essai sur la th^orie des satellites de Jupiter, suivi des tables de leurs mouvemens, d^duits du principe de la gravitation universelle .... avec les tables de Jupiter, pai- M. Jeaurat. 4to. P:iris, 1766 : Histoire de 1' Astronomic ancienne, depuis son origine jusqu'i I'etablissement de I'Ecole d'Alexandrie. 4to. Paris, 1775 : Geschichte der Sternkunde des Alterthums bis auf die Errichtung der Sohulezu Alexandrien [iibersetzt von C. E. W^iinsch]. 2 vols. Svo. Leipzig, 1777 : Lettres sur Foiigiiie des sciences, et sur celle des peoples de I'Asie, adressees a M, de Voltaire, Svo. Paris, 1777 23 Bailly (Jean Sjlvain)~co)iti!n(ed. : Histoire de 1' Astronomie ancienne, depuis son origine jnsqu'^ r^tablissement de I'ecole d'Alexandrie. Seconde Edition. 4to. Paris, 1781 : Ti-ait^ de rAstronomie indieiine et orientale ; ouvrage qui pent servir de suite -k I'histoire de I'astronomie ancienne. 4to. Paris, 1787 : Geschichte der neuern Astronomie. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1796 Vol. I. Von der Stiftung der alcxandrinischen Schule bis zu ilu-tiu Untergange. Vol. 2. Vom Untergange der alexandrinischen Sehule bis Kepler. : Histoire de I'Astronomie Ancienne et Moderne .... dans laquelle on a conserve litteralemeut le texte historique de I'Auteur, en supprimant les details scientifiques, les calculs abstraits [&c.] par V. C. [Victor Comeyras]. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1805 : Manuel d'Astronomie, ou traite ^lementaire de cette science d'apres I'etat actuel de nos connaissances. 8vo. Paris, 1825 : Biography, see Arago. Baily (Francis) : : The doctrine of interest and annuities analytically investi- gated and explained, together with several useful tables con- nected with the subject. 4to. London, 1808 : The doctrine of life-annuities and assurances, analytically investigated and practically explained, together with several useful tables connected with the subject ; to which is now added an a])pendix. 2 vols in i. 8vo. London, 181 3 : Memoir relative to the annular eclipse of the sun which will happen on September 7, 1820. 8vo. London, 1818 : Astronomical Tables and remarks for the year 1822. 8vo. London, 1822 : *0n some new tables of Aberration and Nutation. 8vo. London, 1822 : Remarks on the present defective state of the Nautical Almanac. 8vo. London, 1822 : An address delivered at a Special General Meeting of the Astronomical Society of Loudon, on p)-et-enting the Gold medals to J. F. W. Herschel, J. South, and Professor Stni ve. 8vo. London, 1826 : *A list of moon-culminating stars for 1827. 8vo. London, 1827 : Astronomical tables and formulse, together with a vaiiety of problems explanatory of their use and application. To which are prefixed the elements of the solar system. 8vo. London, 1827 : *0n some new auxiliary tables for determining the apparent places ol' the Greenwich stars. 8vo. Jjondon, 1827 [ ]: *0n the Royal Observatory at Palermo. 8vo. London, 1827 ■ : Gatalogiie of Zodiacal stars. 8vo. London [1827] ■ : Further remarks on the present defective stato of the 24 Baily (Francis) — cmit'mmd. Nautical Almanac, to which is added an acconnt of the New Astronomical Ephemeria published at Berlin. 8vo. London, 1829 : *0n the discordancies in the resalts of the methods for determining the length of the simple Pendulum, 8vo. London, 1829 : * JNIayer's Catalogue of stars, corrected and enlarged ; together with a comparison of the Places of the greater part of them, with those given by Bradley. fol. London [1831] : An account of the Eevd. John Flamsteed, the first Astro- nomer-Royal ; compiled from his own manuscripts, and other authentic documents never before published. To which is added his British Catalogue of stars, corrected and enlarged. 4to. London, 1835 : An address to astronomical observers, relative to the im- jirovement and extension of the Astronomical Society's Catalogue of 2,881 principal stars. 4to. London [1837] : British Association Catalogue, La Caille's Catalogue, La- lande's Catalogue, see British Association. : Astronomical Society's Catalogue, see London, Boyal Astro- nomical Society. : Memoir, see Herschel (J. F. W.) Bainbrigge (Lieut. -Col.) : *Description of an improved sextant. Svo. London, 1832 Baird (A. W.), E. Roberts (and M. W. Rogers) : Tide-tables for the Indian ports for the years 1881-83. i2mo. London Baker (Thomas) : The Geometrical Key ; or the gate of equations unlock'd : a new discovery of the construction of all equations, howso- ever affected, not exceeding the fourth degree .... and the finding of all their roots, as well false as true .... (Clavis Geometrica Catholica). Latin and English. 4to, London, 1684 Bakewell (F, C.) : ■ : Considerations respecting the figure of the earth, in relation to the action of centrifugal foice, and to the attempts to determine the ellipticity of the globe by pendulum obser- vations. 8vo. London, 1862 — : A dynamical theory of the figure of the earth, proving the poles to be elongated. 8vo. London, 1867 Bakhuyzen (Ernst Frederik van de Sande) : Bepaling van de helling der ecliptica, uit waarnemingen veiricht aan de Sterrenwacht te Leiden. [Inaugural-Dis- sertation.] Svo. Leiden, 1879 Bakhuyzen (H. G. van de Sande), see Leiden Observatory. Ball (Leo de): ■ : Untersuchungen iiber die eigene Bewegung des Sonnensys- tems, abgeleitet aus Beobachtungen der Stern warten Cap, 25 Ball (Leo de) — contmued. Melbourne, Williamstown, St. Helena und Madras. In- augural-Dissertation. 4to, Bonn, 1877 ■ : *Declinationen von 200 Sternen innerhalVj der Zone -f- 49° bis 4-51° nach Beobachtungen im ersten Vertical am Passageninstruutente der Herzogl. Sternwarte zu Gotha. 4to. Kiel, 1882 : *Bestimmung der Constfinte der tiiglichen Nutation. 4to. Kiel, 1883 Ball (Robert Siawell) : : Astronomy, (The London Science class-books, elementary series.) i2mo. London, 1877 : Elements of Astronomy, Svo. London, 1880 Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University : Circular, Nos. 15, 17, 19-22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 30. 4to, Bali more, 1882-84 Bamfield (.Samuel) : A new treatise of astronomy, or astronomy opened : being a rational and matbematic enquiry into the true principles and nature of astronomy. 4to. Exon. 1764 Banidres (Jean) : Examen et refutation des elemens de la pbilosopbie de Neuton de M. de Voltaire. 8vo, Paris, 1739 Barclay (J. G. ), see Leyton Observatory. Barker (, George F.) : *0n the total Solar Eclipse of July 29, 1S78. 8vo. [Philadelphia, 1878] Barker (Thomas) : An account of the discoveries concerning comets, with the way to hud their orbits, . , , [with] new tables .... par- ticularly with regard to that comet which is soon expected to return. 4to. London, 1757 Barker (William Alleyne) : Mathematical tables, containing the logai^ithms of all numbers from I to 10,000, the logarithmic sines and tangents to every degree, a traverse or table on difierence of latitude and departure, with a table of rumbs. i2mo. Loudon, 181 5 Barlow (Peter) : • : * Demonstration of a curious numerical proposition. 8vo. 1 8 10 : An elementary investigation of the theory of numbers, with its application to the indeterminate and Diophantine analysis, the analytical and geometrical division of the circle [ctc.j. 8vo. London, 181 1 : New mathematical tables, containing the factors, squares, cubes, square roots, cube roots, recij)rocals, and hy})erbolic logarithms of all numbers from i to 10,000. Svo. London, 1814 : Tables of squares, cubes, square roots, cube roots, reciproc;ils of all integer numbers up to 10,000. Svo. London, 1840 Edited for Uie Society for the dift'utiion of Useful Knowledge, by Prof. l)e M'jrgan. 26 Barlow (Peter)- contbmed, : An essay on the strength and stress of timber .... also an appendix on the strength of iron and other materials. 8vo. London, 1817 : Ditto. New edition, by J. F. Heather, to which is added an essay on the effects produced by causing weights to travel over elastic bars, by Rev. R. Willis. 8vo. London, 1851 : An essay on magnetic attractions, and on the laws of terrestrial and electro-magnetism. Second edition. Svo. London, 1823 ■ : See also Encyclopfedia Meti-opolitana. Barlow's Fluid Lens (reports upon), by Sir J. F. W. Herschel, Prof. Airy, and Capt. W. H. Smyth. 8vo. London, 1833 Bax'neby (Thomas) : Catalogue of popular sidereal objects (150) in the order of theii- Right Ascension on the ist January, 1870. Svo. Worcester, n.d. (Barrington, Daines) : The probability of reaching the North Pole discussed, [to- gether with] additional instances of navigators who have reached high northern latitudes. 2 parts. 4to. London, 1775 Barrow (Isaac) : : The usefulness of mathematical learning explained and de- monstrated ; being mathematical lectures read in the public schools at the University of Cambridge .... Translated by the Rev. John Kirkby. Svo. London, 1734 : Geometrical lectvires, explaining the generation, nature and properties of curve lines .... Translated from the Latin .... by Edmund Stone. Svo. London, 1735 : Mathematical works .... Edited for Trinity College by W. Whewell. Svo. Cambridge, 1S60 Bartholini (Caspar) : Specimen philosophife naturalis, pvsecipua physices capita exponens .... accedit de foiitium fluviorumque origino ex pluviis dissertatio physica. i2mo. Amstelfedami, 1697 Basel. Bernoullianum Anstalt fiir Physik, Chemie und Astronomie an der Universitat ; : *Beschreibung und Plane. Svo. Munchen : Bericht f iir 1879. Svo. Mlinchen, 1880 Baselli (Gio. Alberto) : An essay on mathematical language ; or an introduction to the mathematical sciences. Svo. London, 1787 Bashforth (Francis) : . : * Description of a chronograph adapted for measuring the varying velocity of a body in motion thi-ough the air, and for other purposes. Svo. London, 1866 • : Reports on experiments made with the Bashforth Chrono- graph to determine the resistance of the air to the motion of projectiles. 1S65-1870 Svo. London, 1S70 27 Bartsch (Jacob) : : Usus astronomicus planisplirerii stellati, seu vice-globi coeles- tis in piano delineati compendiaria introductio. 4to. (Argentiuse, 1624) : Tabulje logaritLmicfe, see Kepler et Bartsch. Batavia, Magnetieal and Meteorological Observatory : : Observations .... 1866 So, made under the direction 01 P. A. Bergsma. Vols. 1-5. 4to. Batavia, 1871-82 : Regenwaarnemingen in Nederlandsch-Indie. Jaargang 1-4, 1879-82, door P. A. Bergsma (& J. P. van der 8tok). 8vo. Batavia, 1880-83 Batavia, Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch Indie : : Yerhandelingen ( A.cta). Deel 1-6. 4to. Batavia, 1856-59 : Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indie. Deel 1-20, 22-26, 28-43 (serie 1-8). 8vo. Batavia, 1850-84 Bateman (Joseph) : The construction and application of the sliding rule used by the officers of Her Majesty's x-evenue. i2mo, London, n.d.. Bauernfeind (Carl Maximilian) : Die Bedeutungmoderner Gradmessungen. 4to. Miinchen, 1S66 Bauernfeind (Carl Maximilian) und Carl Bruhns: *Bestimmung des geographischen Liiugenunterschiedes zwi- schen Leipzig und Miinchen. 4to. Miinchen, 1S76 Baxendell (J.), see Knott and Baxendell. Bayer (Johannes) : : Ex])licatio characterum ajneis Uranometrias imagiuum, tabulis, insculptorum, addita, r6cision d'une seconde. 4to. Paris [1791] Cassini de Thury (C6sar Francois): La meridienne de I'Observatoire Royal de Paris, verifiee dans toute I'etendue du Royaume par de nouvelles observations; .... avec des observations d'histoire naturelle faites dans les provinces travereees par la meridienne, par Le Monnier. 4*0. Paris, 1744 Cassino (Samuel E.) : The International Scientist's Directory. 8vo. Boston, U.S., 1883 Cassola (Gaspare Luigi) : Deir Astronomia libri 8ei [an astronomical poem]. 8vo. Milano, 1774 Castelli, Banedetto : Risposta alle opposizioni del S. Lodovico delle Colombo e del S. Vincenzio di Grazia, contro al trattato del Sig. Galileo Galilei, delle cose che stanno sii 1' acqua, o cbe in quella si muovono. 4*0. Firenze, 16 15 Attributed to Galileo. Caswell (Alexis): ; *Meteorological Observations made at Providence, R.I. 1831-60. 4*0. Washington, i860 : *Lectures on Astronomy. 8vo. [Washington] Cataldi (Pietro Antonio) : Prima (seconda, terzae quarta) parte della pratica aritmetica. 4 parts fol. Bologna, 1602-17, 1616 Cattan (Christopher) : The Geomancie of Maister Christopher Cattan .... where- unto is annexed the wheele of Pythagoras. Translated out of the French. 4*0. London, 1591 Catureglio, Ephemerides, see Bologna. Cavalieri (Cavalerius), Bonaventura: Geometria indivisibilibus continuorum noua quadam ratione promota. 4*0- Bononise, 1653 Cavendish (Henry) : *0n the civil year of the Hindoos and its divisions, with an' account of three Hindoo almanacs. 4to. London, [1792] Cayley (Arthur) : : An elementary treatise on elliptic functions. 8vo. Cambridge, 1876 : *0a Hansen's lunar theory. 8vo. London, 1857 Cell^rier (Gustave) : *Refraction cometaire. 4*0. Geneve, 1883 Celoria (Giovanni) : : Laluna; monografia fisica. 8vo, Milano, 1872 : Le Comete. 8vo. Milano, 1873 : *Sopra alcuni Eclissi di Sole antichi, e su quelle di Aga- tocle in particolare. 4*0. Roma, 1880 69 Celoria (Giovanni) -continued. : *Suir Eclissi Solare totale del 3 Giuguo, 1239. 4to. Milano : *Sopra uua deviazioue sensibile del filo a piombo esistente fra Milano e Geneva. 8vo. Milano, 1884 Chacornac (Jean) : : *\N'ote sur les temperatures des sources jaillissant en talus escarpes dans le Jura. 8vo. Lyon, 1864 : Note sur les apparences de la surface lunaire. 8vo. Lyon, 1864 : Notice sur la constitution physique du Soleil. 8vo. Lj oa : Ecliptic Charts, see Paris, Observatoire, Atlas Ecliptique. Challis (James) : : *0u the extension of Bode's empirical law of the distances of the planets from the Sun, to the distances of the Satel- lites from their respective primaries. 4to. Cambridge, 1829 : *0n the detei'mination of the longitude of the Observatory of Cambridge by galvanic signals. 4to. Cambridge, 1854 : Lecture.^ on practical astronomy and astronomical instru- ments. 8vo. Cambridge, 1879 : Observations, see Cambridge Observatory. Chalmers (Thomas) : : A series of Discourses on the Christian revelation, viewed in connection with the modern astronomy .... fifth edition. 8vo. Glasgow, 181 7 : Ditto. Tenth edition. 8vo. Glasgow, 1822 Chambers's Educational Covirse : Mathematical tables, consisting of logarithmic, nautical, and other tables. New edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1870 Chambers (Charles) : The meteorology of the Bombay Presidency. 4to. [with vol. of maps, &c. fol.] London, 1878 Chambers (F.) : : Abnormal variations of barometric pressure in the tropics, and their relation to Sun-spots, rainfall and famines. fol. Bombay [1880] : Repoi-t on the administration of the meteorological depart- ment of Western India for the years 1878-79, 1880 8r. fol. Bombay Chambers (George Frederick): : A handbook of descriptive and practical Astronomy. 8vo. London, 1861 Descriptive Astronomy. 8vo. Oxford, 1867 *Weather facts and predictions. 8vo. 1868 A handbook of descriptive astronomy. Third edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1877 : Cycle of celestial objects, see Smyth (W. H.). [Chambers, Robert] : V^esti^'es of the natural history of creation. 8vo. London Chaney (H. J.), see London, Board of Trade. 70 Chapultepee, Observatorio Astronomieo : Anuaiio, 1882-83. i2mo. Mexico, 1881-82 Charlton (Jasper) : The Ladies' Astronomy and Chronology (explained and de- monstrated by means of a machine called the Assimilo). 8vo. London, 1735 Charpentier (P. E. A.): De la pesanteur terrestre. 8vo. Paris, 1859 Chartres : Catalogue des manuscrits de la biblioth(^que de la ville. 8vo. Chartres, 1840 Chase (Pliny Earle) : ^Velocity of pi-imitive undulation. 8vo. New Haven, 1874 *Origin of attractive force. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1874 *Astronomical approximations, 1-6. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1880 Chasles ( Wichel) : : Ti'aite de geometrie superieure. 8vo. Paris, 1852 : *Lettre ;\ M. L. Am. Sedillot, sur la Question de la Varia- tion lunaire decouverte par Aboul-Wefa. 4to. [Paris] : Catalogue de la Bibliotheque Scientifique de M. C. 8vo. Paris, 1881 Chasles (Philardte) j : Galileo Galilei : sa vie, son proces, et ses eontemporains. 8vo. Paris, 1862 Chastellet (Marquise du), ste Du Chastellet. Chaufa Mongkut (T. Y.): Supplement to the Bangkok Calendar. 8vo. Bangkok (Siam), 1850 Chaulnes (le Due de) : Nouvelle methode pour diviser les instruments de mathe- matique et d'astronomie. fol. Paris, 1768 Chanvenet CWilliaml : A manual of spherical and practical astronomy : embracing the general problems of sjihei-ical astronomy, the special applications to nautical astronomy, and the theory and use of fixed and portable astronomical instruments ; second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1864 Chazallon (A. M. R.) : Memoire sur les divers moyens de se procurer unebase, par la mesure directe, par la vitesse du son, par des observations astronomiques. 8vo. Paris, 1837 Cherbourg, Soci6t6 des Sciences Naturelles (et Math6- matiques) : : Memoires. Vols. 2-23. 8vo. Cherbourg, 1854-80 : Compte-rendu de la Seance extraordinaire .... le 30 Dec. 1876. 8vo. Cherbourg, 1877 : Catalogue de la Bibliotheque. 2 parts. 8vo. Cherbourg, 1870-78 : Ditto, i^'e partie, 2™^ edition, 8vo. Cherbourg, i88i 71 Cheseaux (Jean Philippe Loys de) : : Tiaite de lu Comete qui a paiu en Decembre 1743, et en Janvier, Fevrier &, Mars, 1744. Contenant outre les observations de I'auteur celles qui ont et6 faites a Paris par Mr. Cassini, et a Geneve par M. Calandrini. 8vo. Lausanne et Geneve, 1744 : Memoires posthumes .... sur divers sujets d'astronomie et de mathematiques, avec des nouvelles tables tres exactes des moyens mouvemens du soleil & de la lune. (Remar- ques historiques et chronologiques sur Daniel.) 4to. Lausanne, 1754 Cheyne (C. Hartwell Home) : : The earth's motion of rotation, including the theory of precession and nutation. 8vo. Cambridge, 1867 : An elementary treatise on the planetary theory, with a collection of problems. 8vo. Cambridge, 1862 : Ditto. Second edition. 8vo. Cambridge, 1870 : Ditto. Third edition, edited by the Rev. A. Freeman. 8vo. Cambridge, 1883 Chiarini (C.) : FragDient d'Astronomie Chaldeenne, decouvert dans le prophete Ezechiel. 8vo. Leipzig, 1831 Chicago Astronomical Society : The Solar Eclipse of July 29, 1878 [Reports by various observers]. 8vo. (Jhicago, 1878 Chicago, Dearborn Observatory : Annual Report of the Board of Directors .... together with the Report of the Director of the Dearborn Obser- vatory, 1880-83. 8vo. Chicago, 1880 83 Chicago Public Library : Annual Report, 1880 82. 8vo. Chicago Childe(G. F.): Singular properties of the ellipsoid, and associated surfaces of the nth degree. 4to. Cape Town, t86i Childe(L.): A short compendium of the new and much enlarged sea-book or Pilot's sea mirror. 2 parts. 4to. London, 1669 China : Documents relating to the establishment of meteorologiciil stations in China .... and exchange of weather news l)y telegraph along the Pacific Coast of Asia. fol. Chladni (Ernst Florens Friedrich) : Die Akustic. 4*0. Leipzic, 1802 Choumara (P. M. Th6odore) : Veritable cause physique de la pesanteur des corps terrestres, et de la gravitation imivorselle des corps celestes. 8vo. Paris, 1855-56 Christiania, K. Norske Frederiks Universitet : : Meteorologiske lagttagelser i det Sydlige Norge, 1863-66. Oblong 4to. Chi'istiania, 1867 72 Christiania, K. Worske Frederiks JJiiiversitet—cov filmed. : Meteorologiske lagttagelser paa fem Telegrafstationer ved Norges Kyst. Reduceredeog sammenstiJlede af J. J. Astrand. Aargang, 1-2. Oblong 4to. Christiania, 1866 Christiania, Norske Meteorologiske Institut : : Foiste Bei-etning . . . . af H. Mohn. 8vo. Christiania, 1867 : Norsk Meteorolcgisk Aarbog, 1867-73. Aargang 1-7. 4to. Christiania, 1868-74 : Storm- Atlas , . . af H. Mohn. fol. Christiania, 1870 : Jahrbuch, 1874-81. Herausgegeben von H. Mohn. 4to. Christiania, 1877-82 Christiania, Observatorium : : Meteorologische Beobachtungen, 1837-63. 4to. Christiania, i860 65 : Meteorologiske lagttagelser, 1864-67. Oblong 4to. Christiania, 1865-68 : See also Hansteen und Fearnley ; Mohn (H.) Christie (James R.) : An introduction to the elements of practical astronomy. 8vo. London, 1853 Christie (S. Hunter) : : *Discu8sion of the magnetical observations made by Captain Back during his late Arctic expedition, 4to. London, 1836 : An elementary course of mathematics for the use of the Royal Military Academy, and for students in general. Vol. I, Arithmetic and Algebra. 8vo. London, 1845 Christie (W. H. Mahony) • Astronomy. 8vo. London, 1875 Chrysologue de Gy [Andr6 (Noel)] : Abrege d'Astronomie pour I'usage des planispheres. 8vo. Paris, 1778 Chumacero (J. M.) : The elements of the principal sciences, viz. metaphysics, logic, and universal mathematics, by way of question and answer. 8vo. London, 1770 Ciccolini (Lodovieo) : Formole analitiche pel calcolo della pasqua, e correzione di quelle di Gauss, con critiche osservazioni su quanto ha sciitto del calendario il Delambre. 8vo. Koma, 181 7 Cimento ( Accademia del), see Florence, Cincinnati Observatory : : An oration delivered .... on the occasion of laying the corner stone of an Astronomical Observatory. By John Quincy Adams. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1843 : The Annual Address . , , . by E. D. Mansfield .... Together with the reports of the Board of Control, and of the Director of the Observatory. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1845 : Liaugural Report of the Director .... 1868. Annual Report, 1869-70. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1869-70 73 Cincinnati Observatory — continued. ; Publicixtious, Nos. 1-7. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1S76-83 1. Catalogue of 50 double stars. Howe. 2. Measurements of 176 double stars. Mitchel. 3. „ 166 ,, Stone. 4- >i 517 11 » 5- .. 1054 6. ,, 455 " " 7. Observations of comets. Stone and Wilson. Circle (the) and the square in composition, or the quadrature of the circle. By the author of ' Honiographia,' kc. 8vo. London, n.d. Ciscar (Gabriel) : : E^plicacion de varios metodos grdficos, para corregir las di-stancias lunares con la aproximacion necesaria para deter- niinar las longitudes en la mar, 4to. Madrid, 1803 : See also Juan (Jorge). Clairaut (Alexis Claude) : ^ : Theorie de la figure de la Terre, tiree des principes de I'hy- drostatique. 8vo. Paris, 1743 : Theoiie du mouvement des Cometes, dans laquelle on a egard aux alterations que leurs orbites eprouvent j)ar Taction des planetes. Avec I'application de cette theorie a la Comete qui a ete observee dans les annees 1531, 1607, 1682 & 1759. 8vo. Paris, [1760] : Theorie de la lune, deduite du seul principe de I'attraction reciproquement proportionnelle aux quarres des distances .... seconde edition. 4to. Paris, 1765 Clare (Martin) : The motion of Flviids, natural and artificial ; in particular that of the Air and Water. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1737 Clare (Peter) : *An account of some thunder-storms and exti'aordinary elec- trical phsenomena that occurred in the neighbourhood of jNIanchester, July 16, 1850. 8vo. London, 1850 Clark ( Alvan G.), double stars, see Bui nham, Clark (Latimer) : : A treatise on the use of the transit instrument, as applied to the determination of time, for the use of country gentle- men. 8vo. London, 1882 : Transit tnbles foi- 1883-84, giving the Greenwich mean time of the transit of the Sun, and of certain stars, for every day in the year, with an ephemeris of the Sun, Moon, and planets. 8vo. London, 1883 84 : Manual of the transit instrument as used for obtaining correct time. 8vo. London, 1884 Clark (Samuel) : An easy introduction to the theory and practice of mechanics ; containing a variety of curious and important problt^ms. 4to. London, 1 764 74 ■ Clarke (Alex. Ross) : : *0n the detei-mination of the direction of the meridian with a Russian diagonal transit instrument. 4to. London 1870 : See also United Kingdom, Ordnance Survey. Clarke (Colin C.) : : The Universe. 8vo. Melbourne, n.d. : The true theory of the Universe. Svo. Melbourne, 1879 Clavijo (Salvador) : Reflexiones sobre el sistema planetario. Svo. Santa Cruz de Teneriffe, 1870 Clavius (Christophorus) : : In Sphferam loannis de Sacro Bosco commentarivs, nunc iterum ab ipso auctore recognitus, cs of the Society for the Uiil'usion of Useful Know- ledge. . , . Second edition. 8vo. London, 1847 ■ : Arithmetical books from the invention of printing to the 89 De Morgan (Angwstus)- continued. present time ; being brief notices of a large number of works, drawn up from actual inspection. 8vo. London, 1847 : Formal Logic, or the calculus of inference, necessary and probable. 8vo. London, 1847 : *0n the structure of the syllogism, and on the application of the theory of probabilities to questions of argument and authority. 4to. Cambridge, 1S47 : Trigonometry and double algebra. 12 mo. London, 1849 : *0n the symbols of logic, the theory of the syllogism, and in particular of the copula, and the application of the theory of probabilities to some questions of evidence. 4to. Cambridge, 1850 : Companion to the almanac for 1850, 1852, 1855. 8vo. London : The book of almanacs, \^-ith an index of reference by which the almanac may be found for every year, whether in old style or new, from any epoch, ancient or modern, up to A.D. 2000. oblong, London, 1851 *0n some points of the Integral Calculus. 4to. Cambridge, 1851 *0n the authorship of the account of the Commercium Epistolicum. 8vo. London, 1852 •■'Some suggestions in logical phraseology. 8vo. London, 1853 *0n some points in the theory of differential equations. 4to. Cambridge, 1855 *0n the syllogism. No. III., and on logic in general. 4to. Cambridge, 1858 *A proof of the existence of a root in every algebraic eourdoii, Elements of Algebra ; Decimal Association. Do Morgan (Sophia Elizabeth) : Memoir of Augustus de Morgan .... with selections from his letters. 8vo. London, 1882 Donning (William Frcdorick) : : Astronomical phenomena in 1S72. 8vo. London, 1872 ■ : Riidiazioni Meteoriche dedotte da 7512 trajettorie di stello cadcnti osservate durante 1' anno 1872 dai membri doll' Associazionc Moteorica Italiana. 8vo. Torino, 1878 Dennis ( Jollcry) : : A diurnal register for the barometer and thermometer. 4to. London, 1S18 90 Dennis (J effevy)— continued. : Ample instrnctions for the barometei' and thermometer .... The third edition. 8vo. London, 1825 Dennis (J. C.) : A diurnal register for the barometer, sympiesometer and thermometer. 4to. Loudon, n.d. Dent (Caroline), see Rolleston. Dent (Edward J.) : : Abstract of paper on pendulums presented to the British Association. i6mo. London, 1838 : On the errors of chronometers, and explanation of a new- construction of the compensation-balance. 8vo. London, 1842 On the errors of the chronometrical thermometer. 8vo. London, 1843 A description of the dipleidoscope, or double reflecting meridian and altitude instrument. 8vo. London, 1843 *A paper on the patent azimuth and steering compass. 8vo. London, 1844 A treatise on the aneroid, a newly invented portable barometer. 8vo. London, 1849 Denza (Francesco) : : Le stelle cadenti dei periodi di Novembre 1868 ed Agosto 1869 osservate in Piemonte ed in altre contra de d' Italia. Memoria V e VI. 8vo. Torino, 1870 : Norme per le osservazioni delle meteore luminose. 8vo. Torino, 1870 : *Sulla possibile connessione tra le Ecclissi di Sole ed il magnetismo terrestre. 4to. Roma, 1873 : *Osservazioni della declinazione magnetica fatte in occa- sione delle Eclissi di Sole del 9-10 Ottobre 1874, del 5 Aprile e del 29 Settembre 1875. 4to. Eoma, 1876 — — : La Corrispondenza Meteorologica Italiana Alpina-Appen- nina. Relazione di F . . . D . . . 4to. Roma, 1877 : ^Riassunto delle osservazioni meteorologicbe eseguite nelle stazioni Italiane presso le Al})i e gli Appennini 1874-76, 8vo. Torino, 1878 : *Relazione tra la frequenza delle macchie solari e delle variazioni della declinazione magnetica. 8vo. Firenze, 1878 *La Corrispondenza Meteorologica Italiana Alpina-Appen- nina. Lettera di F . . . D . . . 8vo. Torino, 1878 *Intorno alia Aurora Polare del 31 Gennaio 18S1. 8vo. Torino, 1881 *Amplitudine della oscillazione diurna della declinazione magnetica ottenuta all' Osservatorio .... in Moncalieri, 1879-80. 8vo. Torino, 1881 *Variation de la declinaison magn^tique deduite des obser- vations reguli^res faites k Moncalieri. 8vo. Paris [1881] *Sulla connessione tra le eclissi di Sole ed il magnetismo terrestre. 8vo. Torino, 1882 91 Denza (Francesco) —continued. : *La meteorologia e la fisica terrestre al III Congresso Geo- grafico luternazionale di Venezia. 8vo. Roma, 1S82 : *0.sservazioni del passaggio di Venere [1SS2] sul disco solare, fatte all' Osservatorio del R. Collegio Carlo Alberto in Moncjilieri. 8vo. Milano, 1883 : See also Schiaparelli (G. V.), e F. Denza. Der Beeke (David von) : Exercitium Astronomicum circa Eclipsin Solis futuram anni 1684. 4to. Hamburg!, 16S3 Derham (Rev. William) : Astro-theology, or a demonstration of the being and attributes of God, from a survey of the heavens .... Eighth edition. 8vo. London, 1741 Desaguliers (John Theophilus) : A course of experimental philosophy. Third edition. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1763 Des- Cartes (E,en6) : : Appendix continens objectiones quintas & septimas in . . . meditationes de prima philosophia. 4to. Amstelodami, 1649 : Meditationes de prima philosophia, in quibus Dei existentia, & animse humante a corpore distinctio demonstrantur. 4to. Amstelodami, 1650 : Principia philosophise. 4to. Amstelodami, 1650 : Ditto. 4to. Amstelodami, 1656 : Specimina philosophire, seu dissertatio de methodo rect6 regeudfe rationis & vciitatis in scientiis investigandfe : di- optrice et meteora. 4to. Amstelodami, 1656 : Passiones, sive affectus animse. 4to. Amstelodami, 1656 : Opera philosophica. Editio ultima. 4to. Amstelodami, 1692-98 Dosdouits ( — ) : Lecons el^mentaires d'Astronomie. 8vo. Tours, 1844 Design and Work. Vol. 8-10. Fol. London, 1880-81 Desjardins (C): Pr6cis d'Uranographie et de 'g(5ographie, math^matique et physique [French and German]. 8vo. Vienna, 1847 Diarian Repository, or Mathematical Register. Containing .... all the mathematical questions which have been pub- lished in the ' Ladies' Diaiy ' from .... 1704 to 1760. 4to. London, 1774 Diaz (Juan Carballo y) : Sistema asti'onomico. 4to. Scvilla, 1870 Dick (Thomas) : : Celestial Scenery ; or, the wonders of the planetary system dis])layed ; illustrating the perfections of the Deity and a plurality of worlds. 8vo. London [1838] : The practical astronomer ; comprising illustrations of light and colours ; practical description of all kinds of tolescopes ; 92 Dick {Th.ora.SiS)—contimied. the use of the equatorial, transit, circular, and other astro- nomical instruments [Arc] 8vo. London, 1S45 : Die Wunder des Himmels. Dargestelltzur Verherrlichung der Yollkommenheiten Gottes und zur Aufkliirung liber eine Mehrheit von Welten .... Aus dem Englischen von F. V. Eichstrom .... Neuer Abdruck. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1S50 : The sidereal heavens, and other subjects connected with Astronomy, as illustrative of the chai'acter of the Deity and of an infinity of worlds. 8vo. London [1859] Dictionaries : Englisli. Bailey (N.) : The new universal etymological English dic- tionary .... 4th edition. . 8vo. London, 1756 Ditto. 22nd edition. 8vo. London, 1770 Johnson (Samuel) : A dictionary of the English language, in which the words are deduced from their originals, and illus- ti^ated in their different significations by examples from the best writers ; together with a history of the language and an English grammar, with numerous corrections .... and additions by the Eev. H. J. Todd. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1827 Eowbotham (J.) : A new derivative and etymological dic- tionary of such English words as have their origin in the Greek' and Latin languages. 8vo. London, 1838 . : English-French, ■ Chambaud (Louis) : Dictionnaire FranQois-Anglois & Anglpis- Fran^ois .... Nouvelle edition . . . par J. Th. H. des Carrieres. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 18 15 Wessely (J. E.) : A new pocket dictionary of the English and French languages .... Fifth edition. i6mo. Leipzig, 1873 : English- German. Wessely (J. E.) : A new pocket dictionary of the English and German languages . . . . Fifth edition. i6mo. Leipsic, 1875 : English-Italian, Wessely (J. E.) : A new pocket dictionary of the English and Italian languages . . . . Third edition. i6mo. Leipsic, 1874 English-Latin. Ainsworth (Pvobert) : Latin dictionary, improved and enlarged by the late Dr. Thomas Morell ; since carefully revised .... by John Carey .... Second edition. 4to, London, 1823 -: English-Russian. Tauchnitz (Karl) : A new pocket dictionary of the English and Russian languages, i6mo. Leipsic, 187 1 - : English-Spanish. Wessely (J. E.) and Gironcs : A new pocket dictionary of the English and Spanish languages .... Third edition. 1 6 mo. Leipzig, 1874 93 Dictionaries : English-Swedish. Tauehnitz (Karl): A new pocket dictionary of the English and Swedish languages. i6mo. Leipsic, 1873 Dictionnaire de G6ographie ancienne et moderne h I'usage du libraire et de I'amateur de livres. Svo. Paris, 1870 Dien (Ch.) : : Atlas des phenomenes celestes, donnant le trace des niouvements apparents des planetes, a I'usage des astronomes et des navigateurs .... Annee 1841. 4to. Paris, 1841 : Tables donnant les mesures micrometriques de phis de 500 etoiles doubles et multiples observees a Dorpat par F. G. W. Struve . . . . et classees par constellations par C. D. . . . fol. Paris, 1S43 : De I'usage des globes et des spheres . . . . nouvelle edition. 8vo. Paris, n.d. — : — : Atlas celeste contenant plus de 100,000 etoiles et nebu- leuses dont la position est reduite au i*^'" Janvier i860, d'apres les catalogues les plus exactes des astronomes frani^ais et etrangers. fol. Paris, n.d. Dieu (Th.) : Sur la propagation du son dans un milieu indefini homogene dans I'etat d'equilibre. (Paris, Theses Fac. Sci.) 4to. Paris, 1S49 Digges (Leonard and Thomas) : A Geometrical Practise, named Pantometria, divided into three Bookes, Longimetra, Planimetra, and Stereometina, containing Rules manifolde for mensuration of all lines, Superficies and Solides .... framed by L . . D . ., lately finished by T . . D . . bis sonne, who hath also thereunto adioyned a mathematicall treatise of (Geometricall solides). 4to. London, 157 1 Dijon, Academie des Sciences, Arts, et Belles-Lettres : : ]\Iemoires. 1820-50. 14 vols. 8vo. Dijon, 1820-50 : 2™'^Serie,Annee 1851-70. Tome 1-14,16. 8vo. Dijon, 1852-71 : 3™e Serie, Annee 1871-82. Tome 1-7. Svo. Dijon, 1873 82 Dilworth (Thomas) : : The schoolmaster's assistant, being a oompt^udium of arithmetic both practical and theoretical. 16th edition. 1 2 mo. London,. 1770 : Miscellaneous arithmetic, or a full account of the new calendar, with the several uses of the logarithms . . . . }ieory of the solai- spectrum. Svo. New Haven, 1877 : ^Astronomical observations on the atmos])hcre of tliu llocky Mountains. Svo. New IFavon, 1877 : *0n pliotogi-aphing the R])cctra of the stars and planets. Svo. New llavci), 1879 u 98 Draper (Henry)— cofitinucd. : *Thc total solar eclipse of Jnly 29, 1878, 8vo. Phllaclelphia, 1S78 : *0n pliotogi'aphs of the spectrum of the nebula in Orion. 8vo. New Haven, 1882 : Account of. (From Anthony's Photographic Bulletin.) 8vo. New York, i88t Draper (Henry), Charles A. Young, and E. C. Pickering : *E.esearches on astronomical spectrum photography. Extracts from the oiiginal note books, with an introduction and de- scription of the apparatus by C. A. Young" and measure- ments and discussion of the plates by E. C. Pickering. 8vo. Cambridge, Mass., 1884 Draper (John William) : *Researches in actino-chemistry. Memoir second ; on the disti-ibution of chemical force in the spectrum. 8vo. New Haven, 1872-73 Drechsler (Adolph) : : Die Sonnen- und Mondfinsternisse in ihrem Verlaufe, oder Anleitung wie diese durch Rechnung oder Zeichnung zu ermitteln sind. 8vo. Dresden, 1858 : Astronomische Vortrage liber Stellung, Beschaffenheit, und Bewegung der Gestirne .... Zweite Auflage, 8vo. Dresden, 1861 Drew (John) : . :*0n the adjustment of the transit circle and equatorial. 4to. London : Manual of Astronomy : a popular treatise on theoretical, descriptive, and practical astronomy; with a familiar explanation of astronomical instruments, and the best methods of using them. i2mo. London [1845] : Ditto, second edition. 8vo. London, 1S53 : *0n the instruments employed in meteorological observa- tions. 8vo. London, 1850 : *0n deductions from meteorological observations. 8vo. London, 1850 Dreyer (John L. E.) : . *0n personal errors in astronomical transit observations. 8vo. Dublin, 1876- : *Heinrich Louis D' Arrest. 8vo. Leipzig, 1876 : * A supplement to Sir John Herschel's ' General Catalogue " of Nebulce and Clusters of Stars.' 4to. Dublin, 1878 : *Notes on the physical appearance of the planet Mars, as seen with the three-foot reflector, at Parsonstown, during the opposition of 1877. 4to. Dublin, 1878 ; *Note on the meteors connected with the first comet of JS70. 8vo. Dublin, 1880 ; *A record of the progress of astronomy during the year J 870. 8vo. Dublin, 1880 Drobisch (Moritz Wilhelm) : : Disquisitionis de vera lunae figura observatiouibus deter- 99 Drobisch (Moritz Wilhclm)—cojithnicd. ruiiKinda pars prior. . . , [Inaugural dissertation.] 8vo. Lipsiae, 1826 : Ad selenogmpliiam matliematicam symbolae. [Inaugural Dissertation.] 4to. Lipsiae, 1827 Droysen ( Johanii Friedrich) : Ueber den Gebraucli des Hadley'schenOctanten, besonders zu Beobachtungen auf der See. i6mo. Greifswald, 1804 Dryander (Johannes) [Johann Eyeliinann] : Novi annuli astronomici, per J .... D ... . excogitati, atque hactenus, ex crebra ejusdem Instrumenti, in diversis scholis professione, mirum iu modiim, aucti, Canones atque expli- catio succincta. 4to. Mai-purgi, 1536 Dryden ( Jolinathan) : An elementarj' treatise on the angular calculus, developing the pi-operties of n Arcs in a clear and comprehensivo manner, consisting of at least 115 formula? not previously published. 8vo. London, 183 1 Dublin, Royal Irish Academy : : Transactions. Vol. 1-23. 4to. Dublin, 1787-1S56 : Transactions, Science. Vol. 24-28. 4to. Dublin, 1871-83 : An index to the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy (Vol. i-ii) from 1786 to the present time, by Nicholas Carlisle. 4to. London, 18 13 : Cunningham Memoirs, No, i. 4to. Dublin, 1880 : Proceedings, 1836 69. 10 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1841-70 Vol. 7 contains Index to Vols. 1-7. : Proceedings. Scries 2, Vol. r-3. Science. 8vo. Dublin, 1870-83 Dublin, Royal Society : : Journal. Vol. 1-7. 8vo. Dublin, 1858-78 : Scientihc Proceedings {New Series). Vol. 1-3. 8vo. Dublin, 1878-83 : Scientific Transactions. New Series. A^'ol. 1-3, Part i. 4to. Dublin, 1877-83 Dubois (Edmond) : : Cours d'astronomie, Ouvrage destine aux ofliciers de la marine Imperiale, aiix cloves de I'Ecole Polytechnique, de I'Ecole normale, de I'J^cole centrale, &c., et aux Jjicencies cs sciences. . . . Deuxi6me edition. 8vo. Paris, [1865] : Les passages de Vciuis sur le di.sque solaii-e considercs au point de vue de la determination de la distance du Soleil a la terre. Passage de 1874. Notions historiques sur les passages de 1761 et 17C9. i2mo. Paris, 1873 Dubourguet (J. B. E.) : L'Art du calcul astronomique des Navigateurs. 4to. Paris, an X (1801) Du Chastollet (G. E. Le Tonnelior de Bi'eteuil), Marquise: : institutions phy.si<]ues ; nouvollo edition. Tome ). 8vo. Amsterdam, 1742 lOO Du Chastellet (G. E. Le Tonnelier de Breteuil), Marquise— co7itimied. : Principes math6matiques de la philosophie natui'elle. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1759 A translation of Newton's Principia, with commentary. Ducom (P.) : Cours d'observations nautiques. 8vo. Bordeaux, 1820 Dudithius (Andreas), see Bosius ; Erastus and others. Dudithius (Andreas) et Thomas Erastus : De cometarum significatione 01. Virorum A. Duditii com- mentariolus, & D. Thomse Erasti sententia. Elias Maior Vratislaviensis denuo edidit, «fe adjecit -jrapdco^ov on oi)8cts Ko/xrjT7]?, ocrTL^ ovK dyaObv cfiepeu Svo. Bl^eslse, 1 6 19 Dudley Observatory, Albany : : The Dudley Observatory and the Scientific Council. State- ment of the Trustees. Svo. Albany, 1858 : See also Gould (B. A.) : Defence of Dr. Gould by the Scientific Council. Second edition. 8vo. Albany, 1858 : Annals, Vol. i, 2. Svo. Albany, 1866-71 : Annual Report of the Astronomer for 1877. Svo. Albany, 1S78 : /See also Boss (L.) Dufour (Ch.) : *M6moire sur une nouvelle methode pour determiner la distance de quelques etoiles. Svo. Paris, 1868 Dufresnoy (Lenglet) : Tablettes chronologiques de I'histoire universelle sacree et prophane, ecclesiastique et civile, depuis la creation du monde, jusqu'a Fan 1762. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1763 Du Hamel (Jean Baptiste) : Astronomia physica, seu de luce, natura, et motibns cor- porum ofelestiuui libri duo .... Accesseie Petri Petiti Observationes aliquot eclipsium solis et lunas, cum disserta- tionibus de latitudine Lutetire, declinatione magnetis, nee non de novo fystemate mundi quod anonymus dudum pro- posuit. 4to. Pai'isiis, 1660. Duhamel (J. A. Mazure) : Memoiro sur I'astx'onomie nautique. 4to. Paris, 1S22 [Du Hamel, le Due] : Diverses methodes pour connaitre k la mer sans observations nautiques I'avance et le retard absolu des Chronometres sur le temps moyen du lieu ou ils ont ete regies. 4to. Londres, 1832 Dumont d'Urville (Jul. S6b. C6s.) : Voyage au pole Sud et dans I'Oc^anie sur les corvettes VAstrolahe et la Zelee, execute .... pendant les ann^es 1837-40. Hydrographie, par Vincendon-Dumouiin. Svo. Paris, 1843 lOI Dun Echt Observatory : : Publications, Vol. i, 2. 4to. Dun Echt, Abei'deen, 1S76-7 7 Vol. I, A siiiiiinary or index of the measuremonts in the ' Stellarum duplieium et multiplicium niensuKL' micrometricae ' ; ' Ad- ditanieutum in , . . mensuras mierometri&is ' . . ; in- cluding all tlic stars in the • Synopsis observationum de stellis duplicibus in Specula Dorpatensi, 1S14-24 . .'; and in the ' II. Mensurae Micrometricae.' Vol. 2. Mauritius Expedition, 1S74, I. ■ : Classificxtion scheme, and index to the same, of tlie Library of the Observatory, by Lord Lindsay. 4to. Dun Echt, 1S79 Duner (N. C.) : : Mesures micrometriques d'Etoiles doubles, faites k I'Obser- vatoire de Lund, suivies de notes sur leurs niouvements relatifs. 4to. Lund, 1876 : * Underscikningar ovfer kiirnan och die niirmast kiirnan liggande delarne hos 1874 ai'S stora komet. 8vo. Stockholm, 1876 Dunkin (Edwin) : : The Midnight Sky : familiar notes on the stains and planets. 4to. London [1869] • ; Obituary notices of astronomers. Fellows and Associates of the Eoyal Astronomical Society. Written chiefly for the Annual Reports of the Council, Svo. London, 1879 : &'ee also Lardner (D.) ; Milner (T.) Dunn (Samuel) : A descx'iptiou of peculiar charts and tables for facilitating a discovery of both the latitude and longituile in a ship at sea. fol. London, 1787-88 Dunsink, Observatory of Trinity College, Dublin : Asti"onomical Observations and lleseaiches. Part 1-4. 4to. Dublin, 1870-82 Dunthorne (Richard): The practical astronomy of the Moon, or new tables of the Moon's motions ; with precepts for computing the place of the Moon and eclipses of the luminaries, 8vo. London,: 739 Du Petit-Thouars (Abel) : Voyage autour du monde sur la fregate la Venus pendant les annees 1836-39. Tome 6-10. Physique, par U. do Tessan. Svo, Paris, 1842-44 Dupin (Charles): *N<)ticc necrologique sur M, Delambre. Svo. Paris, 1S22 Dupuis (Charles Frangois) : : *Mcmoirc sm- I'originc des constellations, et sur I'explica- tion de la Fable, par le moyen dc I'astronouiie , , , , ex- trait de I'Astronomie de M, de la Lande, Tome 4. 4to. Paris, 17S1 : INIomoire cxplicatif du Zodiaquc chronologique ot mytliolo- gique. 4to. Paris, i8o6 ; Dissertation sur leZodiaque de Dendra. 12 mo. Paris, 1822 102 Dupuy (LO: *Exposition de la m6thode de Hansen relative au calcnl des perturbations des petites planetes. Svo. Bordeaux, 1874 Durban, Natal Observatory: Report on the Natal Observatory (by E. Neison), fol. Dui'ban, 1885 Durham, Observatory of the University : Ilesults of Astronomical Observations made .... from 1 846 to 1852, under the dii-ection of the Rev. Temple Chevallier, by the Rev. R. A. Thompson and R. C. Carrington. 2 vols. Svo. Durham, 1846-55 Durret (Noel) : Novai motuum cselestium Ephemerides Richelianse, annorum 15, ab anno 1637 incipientes, .... quibus accesserunt in priori parte : i. Isagoge in Astrologiam. 2. De aeris mu- tatione; 3.Doctrinaprimi mobilis .... In secunda part« : I. Usus tabular um . . . . ; 2. De crisium mysterio tracta- tiis ; 3. Gnomonices liber tmus. 4to. Londini, 1647 Du S6jour (Ach. P. Dionis): : Essai sur les Com^tes en general, et particulierement sur celles qui peuvent approcher de I'orbite de la terre. 8vo. Paris, 1775 : Traite analytique des mouvemens apparens des corps ce- lestes. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1786-S9 Du Villard de Durand (E. E.) : Nouvelle formule poui' trouver la hauteur des lieux par celles du barometre et du thermometre. Svo. Paris, 1S26 Dyer (John) : The spherical form of the earth. A reply to ' Parallax.' Svo. London, n.d. Earnshaw (Thomas) : : Longitude : an appeal to the public, stating Mr. Thomas Earnshaw's claim to the original invention of the improve- ments in his timekeepers. Svo. London, 1 80S : Longitude. [A broadsheet advertisement setting forth INIr. Karnshaw's claim for the reward offered by the government for the improvement of timekeepers.] — : See Dalrymple (A.) Earnshaw (Thomas) and John Arnold : Explanation of Timekeepei^s. Published by order of the Com- missioners of Longitude. 4to. London, 1806 Earth not a globe! An experimental inquiry into the true tigiue of the earth ; proving it a plane, without axial or oi'bital motion, and the only material world in the Universe! by ' Parallax.' Svo. Bath, 1865 Eastman (, J. R.) : : *Report on the difference of longitude between "Washington and Detroit, Michigan; Carlin, Nevada; and Austin, Nevada. 4to. Washington, 1874 I03 Eastman (J. 'R.)—conimticd. : *l\eport on tlie difference of longitude l)etween Washington and Ogdeu, Utah. 4to. Washington, 1876 : *A value of the solar parallax from meridian observations of Mai-s at the opposition in 1877. 4to. Washington, 1S81 : *Internal contacts in transits of the inferior planets. Svo. Salem, Mass., 1883 : See also Washington, U.S. Naval Observatory. Eastman (J. R.) and Henry S. Pritchett : *The longitude of the Morrison Observatory, Glasgow, Mo. 4to. Washington, 1S81 Ecce CoBlum, or parish astronomy. In six lectures. By a Con- necticut pastor. Nineteenth edition. Svo. Boston, 1867 Eclipse races, .... being an impartial account of the celestial coursers and their riders, starting together April i, 1764 .... By Philo-Pegasus. 4^0. London, 1764 Eclipse, Solar (1715) : : Geographische und astronomische Beschreibung dor entsctz- lichen grossen Sonnen-Finsterniss welche in diesem 1 7 1 5ten Jahr den 3. May wird zu sehen seyn. 4to. Leipzig, 17 15 : Ditto, 1870, see Italian Eclipse Expedition. Eder (J. M.) : The chemical effect of the spectrum. Translated and edited by Capt. W. de W. Abney. . Svo. London, 1883 Edinburgh Astronomical Institution (laws of the). Svo. Edinburgh, 18 15 Edinburgh. Philosophical Journal, exhibiting a view of the progress of discovery in Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Natural History [&c.] Conducted by D. Brewster and R. Jameson, 14 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1S19-26 Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, exhibiting a view of the progressive improvements and discoveries in the sciences and the arts. Conducted by R. Jameson. Vol. 1-2S. Svo. Edinburgh, 1826-40 Edinburgh, Royal Observatory : : Astronomical observations made .... by Thomas Hen- derson and Charles Piazzi Smyth, 1834-77. Vol. 1-14. 4to. Edinburgh, 1S38-77 Vol. I- 10 by Thomas Henderson. Vol. 6-10 reduced and edited by C. P. Smyth. Vol. Ii-I4by C. P. Smyth. Vol. 14 Edinburgh Star Catalogue, R.A. o" to 3". . : Some remarks on the present state and future prospects of the Observatory of the Astronomical Institution of FaV\u- bur"h. Svo. Edinburgh, 1846 ; *Scottish Meteorology, 1856-71, computed at the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh (from the ol)servations of the Scottish Meteorological Sucioty). 4to. Ediulnirgh [1871] 104 Edinburgh, Royal Society : Transactions. Vol. 1-30. 4to. Edinburgh, 1 788-1 883 Proceedings, 1832-80. Vol. i-i i. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1845-82 Address .... by J. D. Forbes .... on the rise and progress of learned societies [&c.] 8vo. Edinbui-gh, 1863 Egidy (Heinrieh Eduard von) : Das Weltall, oder popuhire Darstellung der Astronomie. . . II. Theil. Kometen, Astronomie, vind Astrologie. Zweite Auflage. 8vo. Zittau und Leipzig, 1845 Eiehhorn ( Johann Aegidi) : Die Erscheinung der Venus in der Sonnenscheibe, als eine sehr seltene und well die Welt stehet nur einmal bemerkte Himmelsbegebenheit ; welche zum andernmal den 6. Jun. dieses Jahrs Vormit. erscheinen wird. 410. Niirnberg, 1761 Eiffe (John Sweetman) : Account of improvements in chronometers With an appendix containing Mr. Kobert Molyneux's specification of a patent for improvements in chronometers. 4to. London, 1842 Electrical News and Telegraphic Reporter. Vol. i, 4to. London, 1875 Eliander (Johann Baptista) : Cometische hohe Himmels-Ruthe, so der allmachtige Gott in Friihling dieses weit-aussehenden i672sten Jahrs Nord- westenwerts zur Abendzeit unter den gestirneten Perseo uns zur Busse nebenst mehrern nachdencklichen Wunder- zeichen vorgestellc. 4to. Leipzig, 1672 Elkin (William L.) : Uber die Parallaxe von a Centauri. Inaugural Dissertation. 4to. Karlsruhe, 1880 Ellery (R. L. J.), see Melbourne Observatory. Ellis (Alexander J.) : Algebra identified with geometry ; in a series of five tracts. 8vo. London, 1874 Ellis (George E.): JViemuir of Sir Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, with notices of his daughter. Published . ... by the Amei-ican Academy of Arts and Sciences. 8vo. Philadelphia [1873] Ellis (William) : : *0n the relation between the diurnal range of magnetic declination and horizontal force, as observed at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, 1 841- 187 7. 4to. London [1880] : *0n the Greenwich sunshine records, 1876-80. 8vo. London, i88q Emerson (William) : [ -^ : The projection of the sphere, orthographic, stereographic, and gnomonical. 8vo. London, 1 749 t ] : Ditto, second edition. 8vo. London, 1769 : The principles of mechanics ; explaining and demonstrating I05 Emerson (William)— contbmed. the general la-ws of motion, the laws of gravity, motion of descending bodies . . . Svo. London, 1754 ; The doctrine of iiuxions ; not only explaining the elements thereof, but also its application, luid uae in the seveiul parts of mathematics and natural philosophy. The second edition .... Svo. London, 1757 : The method of increments, wherein the principles are de- monstrated, and the practice thereof shewn in the solution of problems. 4*0. London, 1763 : Cyclomathesis ; or an easy introduction to the several branches of the mathematics. Svo. London, 1763 : The Elements of Geometry. Svo. London, 1763 [ ] : Navigation, or the art of sailing upon the sea, containing a demonstration of the fundamental piinciples of this art .... Second edition. i2mo. London, 1764 ; A treatise of algebra, in two books. Svo. London, 1764 ——— : The elements of trigonometry, containing the properties, relations and calculations of sines, tangents, secants, &c. Second edition, with tiibles of sines, tangents, &c., and logarithms. Svo. London, 1764 : The arithmetic of infinities, and the differential method ; illustrated by examples. Svo. London, 1767 : The elements of optics, in four books. i. Simple optics. 2. Catoptrics. 3. Dioptrics. 4. The construction of optical instruments. [Part 2. J Perspective. 2 parts in i vol. Svo. London, 1768 : Mechanics, or the doctrine of motion. Svo. London, 1 769 : The laws of centripetal and centrifugal force, shewing the motion of bodies in circular orbits, and in the conic sections and other curves. Svo. London : A system of astronomy, containing the investigation and demonstration of the elements of that science. Svo. London, 1769 : The art of surveying, or measuring land. Svo. London, 1770 : Calculation, libration, and mensuration ; or the arts of reckoning, weighing and measuring. Svo. London, 177° : Chronology, or the art of reckoning time .... founded upon astronomical principles. Svo. London, 1770 [ ] : The doctrine of combinations, permutations, and com]){>si- tions of quantities, clearly and succinctly demonstrated. Svo. London, 1770 : A shoi-t comment on Sir I. Newton's Principia, containing notes ujjon some difficult places of that excellent book. Svo. London, 1770 : Mi.scellanies ; or a miscellaneous treatise, containiiig several mathematical sulijects. Svo. London, 1776 Emmanuel (Charles) : : Astioiiomio nouvelle, ou erreurs des Astronomes .... Seconde edition, r2mo. Paris, 1S53 : CJonfcrences astrononiiques. Premiere conference, precedce d'unc lettre a I'Academie. laruo. Paris, i860 io6 Encke (Johann. Franz): ■ : Die Eutfernuii" der Sonno von der Erdc aus dem Venus- durchgange von 1761 hergeleitot, 8vo. Gotha, 1822 : Dei' Venusdurchgang von 1769, also Foitsetzung der Ab- handlung iiber die Entfernung der Sonne von der Erde. 8vo. Gotlia, 1824 . : *Uel>er die niichste Wiederkelir des Cometen von Pons im Jahr 1832. 4to. Altona, 1831 : On Encke's Comet. Encke's dissertation contained in Nos. OCX and ccxi of the 'Astronomische Nachrichten.' Trans- lated from the German by G. B. Airy. 8vo. Cambridge, 1832 : ■•'•tjber die geographische Lange i;nd Breite der Berliner Sternwarte. 4to. Berlin, 1832 : Extract of a letter .... to Mr. Aiiy. (Ephemeris of Encke's comet, 1842.) 4to. 1841 : Betrachtungen Uber die Anordnung des Sternsystems. Svo. Berlin, 1844 : Ueber das Verhaltniss der Astronomic zu den andern Wis- senschaften. 8vo. Berlin, 1846 : *0n a new method of computing the perturbations OT planets .... Translated and illustrated with notes by G. B. Airy. 8vo. London, 1852 : *tjber die Existenz eines widerstehenden Mittels im Welt- raume. 8vo, Berlin, 1858 : Ueber die Erscheinungen der Kometen. Ein Vortrag im wissenschaftlichen Yereinzu Berlin. 8vo. Berlin, 1859 : *Sur la difference de longitude des observatoires de Bruxelles et de Berlin [trad, de I'Allemand]. 4to. Bruxelles [1861] : Observations, see Berlin, K. Sternwarte. : Life, see Bruhns (C.) Eneyclopsedia Britannica : : 7 th edition : Dissertations on the history of metaphysical and ethical, and of mathematical and physical science, by Dugald Stewart, Sir James Mackintosh, John Play- fliir and John Leslie. 4to. Edinburgh, n.d. : A review of the pi'ogress of mathematical and physical science in more recent times, and particularly between the years 1775 and 1850 .... prefixed to the 8th edition. By James D. Forbes. 4to. Edinburgh, 1858 Eneyclopsedia Metropolitana : : Second division, Mixed Sciences (Electro-Magnetism, Elec- tricity, Galvanism, Heat, Light, Chemistry, Sound). 4to. London, 1830 ; The encyclopaedia of pure mathematics. 4to. London, 1847 : The Encyclopfedia of astronomy, comprising plane astro- nomy, by Peter Barlow. Nautical astronomy, by Captain Kater. Physical astronomy, by Sir J. F. W. Herschel. On the figure of the earth, and on tides and waves, by G. B. Airy. 4to. London, 1848 107 Encyelopsedia Motropolitana— cow^fwactZ. : The Eucyclopajilia of experimental philosophy ; comprising Magnetism, Electro-Magnetism, Electricity, Cialvanism, Heat, Chemistry, INIeteorology. 4to. London, 1848 : The Encyclopajclia of mechanical philosophy, comprising the sciences of mechanics, hydrodynamics, pneumatics, and optics, by Peter Barlow, and treatises on Sound and Light by Sii* John F. W. Hei'schel. 4to. London, 1848 : See also De Morgan (A.) Enfield :William) : Institutes of natural philosophy, theoretical and experimentiil. 4to. London, 17 85 Engel (P.) and K. Schellbach : Explanations of the 2 1 plates containing the graphical rejire- sentations of optics. (With Atlas in folio.) 8vo. Halle, 1856 Engelhardt (Valentinvis) : Libellus de compositione et usu quadrantis astronomic! ac geometrici scriptus. 4to. Erphordiae, 1550 Engelmann (Rudolf) : : jMessungen von neunzig Doppelsternen am sechsfiissigen Refractor der Leipziger Stern warte ausgefiihrt. 8vo. Leipzig, 1865 : *Eesultate aus Doppelstei^n-Messungen. 4to. [Altona, 1867] : Uber die Helligkeitsverhaltnisse der Jupiterstrabanten. Habilitations-Schrift. Svo. Leipzig, 187 1, : See also Bessel, Abhandlungen. Englefield (Henry) : On the determination of the orbits of Comets, according to the methods of Father Boscovich and Mr. de La Place. With new and complete tables ; and examples of the calcu- lation by both methods. 4to. London, 1793 English Mechanic (the) and World of Science. Vols. 11-38. fol. London, 1870-84 English Pilot (the). fol. London, 1755 Engman (Eric): Dissertiitio astronomico-physica de Luna non habitabili. 4to. Upsalite, 1740 Engstrom (Folke) : *Bestamning af banan for Komet 1847 H- 4to. Lund, 188 1 Enigmatical Entertainer, and mathematical assoeiato for 1828-29. 1 2 mo. Loudon, 1827 28 Ennis (Jacob) : : The origin of the stars, and the causes of their motions and tlieir light .... second edition. 8 vo. New York, 1 868 : Ditto, fir.st London, from the fourth Amcriftin edition. Svo. i^ondon, 1S76 : *Sequel to the ' Origin of the stars,' or the meihanical theory of .solar heat. Svo. Philadelphia, 1S67 io8 Ennis (Jacob)— continued. • : *Seqiiel to the ' Origin of the stars,' or the necessity of nebu- lar rotation. 8vo. Philadelphia : : *The discovery of the force which in the beginning put all the heavens and the earth in motion. 8vo. Cambridge [U.S.], 187 1 : *The meteors and their long-enduring trails. 8vo. Cambridge [U.S.], 1872 : *The four great eras in modern astronomy. 8vo. Cambridge [U.S.], 1872 : *Our sidereal system, and the direction and distance to its centre. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1876 : ^'Physical and mathematical principles of the nebular theory. 8vo. London, 1877 Ephemerides : Argoli(A.): Ephemerides, 1621-40 ; 163O-80 ; 1641-1700, Bartsch (J.): Planisphserium stellatum (Ephemeris V planetarum, 1624-33). Berlin: Astroiiomisches Jahrbiich, 1776-1886. Bologna : Novissimse Ephemerides motuum ccelestium a E. Manfredio, 1715-50- : Ephemerides motuum caelestinm a P. Catureglio, 1829-44. Coimbra: Ephemerides astrouomicas 1804-24, 1844-46, 1853, 1865-71, 1874-77, 1879-85. Diirret (N.) : Novse motuum cselestium Ephemerides Kichelianse, 1637-51- Gadbury (J.) : Ephemerides of the celestial motions, 1672-1701. Kepler (J.): Ephemerides novae motuum ccelestium, 1617-20. Leovitius (C): Ephemeridum novum atquo insigne opus, 1556-1606. London: Naiitical Almanac, 1767- 1887. Milan: Eifemeridi astronomiche, 1821, 1823-4, 1826-7, 1829-30, 1833-5, 1840-41, 1843-52, 1861. Mouton (Gr.) : Observationes diametrorum Solis et Lunse . . cum tabula declinationum Solis [&c.], 1670. Origanus (C): Ephemerides novce, 1595-1630. : Novae motuum ccelestium Ephemerides Brandeuburgicse, 1595-1624. Pagan (B. F. de): Tables astronomiques. Paris, 1681. Palermo: Eifemeridi astronomiche, 1855-56. Paris: Connaissance des Temps, 1686,1762-5, 1769, '71. '73. '77. '81, '84, 1806-7, 1810-85. - : Ephemerides des mouvemens celestes, par Desplaces, Lacaille et Lalande, 1715-35, 1745-1800. Perlachius (A.): Ephemerides pro anno ISS^* Pitatus (P.): Almanach novum, 1551-56. Eegiomontauus (J. de) : Ephemerides astronomicse, I475-J5°6. : Ephemerides, 1482-1506, Eeinieri (V.): Tabulae motuum caelestium . . Medieeae, 1647. San Fernando: Almanaque Nautico, 1830-32, 34-50, 55-64, 67-85. Stadius (J.) : Ephemerides novae et exactae, 1554-70. : Ephemerides novae, auctae et repurgatse, 1554- 1600. Stoffler (J.) : Tabulae astronomicae. Verarum mediarumque coniunc- tionum et oppositionum Solis et Lunae exactissima supputatio, 1514- 109 'E'phemerideB—co7itmiied. Stoffler(J.): CalenJarium Romanum, 151S-79. Washington : American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac, 1855-83. Wing (J.) : Ephemorides of the ccelestial motions, 1702-7. AVing (V.) : Ephemerides of the ccelestiall motions, 1652-71. Erastus (Thomas) [and others] : : De Cometis di.s.seitjitiones novje clariss. \'irorum Thorn. Erasti, Dudithij, Marc. Sqviarcialupi, Symon Grynan. 2 parts, 4to. [Basileae], 1580 : See also Bosius ; Dudithins. Eratosthenes, Catasterisms. See Aratus. Erlinger (Georg): Innhalt des planetischen Wercks. 4to, Aiigspurg, 15 16 Ertborn (Octave van) : *Observations de la planete Y^nus en 1876. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1877 E[sper] (J. P.): Anweisung den Lai;f eines Cometen und nndere Gestirne ohne astronomische Instrumenten imd mathematische Rechnungen zu beobachten. 8vo. Erlangen, 1770 Essler (Joannes) : Speculiim Astrologorum, see Purbach. Euclid : : The elements of geometrie of the most auncient Philosopher Euclide of Megara. Faithfully (now first) translated into the Englishe toung by H. Billingsley, citizen of London .... with a very fruitfull preface made by M. I. Dee. fol. London (1570) : Euclid[s Elementorum Libri XV. Una cum scholijs anti- quis. A Federico Commandino Urbinate nuper in Latinum conversi, commentarijsque quibusdam illustrati. 4to. Pisauri, 1572 : Elementorum libri XV., Greece & Latine. 8vo. Parisiis, 1573 : Elementorum libri XV., breviter demonstrati opera Is. Barrow, i2mo. Cantabrigian, 1655 : The English Euclide, being the first six elements of geometry, translated out of the Greek, with annotations and useful supplements. By Edmund Scarburgh. fol. Oxford, 1705 : Elements ; the whole fifteen books compendiously demon- strated, with Archimedes's theorems of the sphere and cylinder .... By Isaac Barrow. To which is anncx'd Euclide's Data with Marinus's preface, and a brief treatise of regular solids. 8vo. London, 1722 : Elementa Euclidea geometi'ia?, plana) ac solida?, et selecta ex Archimode thcoremata^ quibus accedit trigonometria, auctore Andrea Tacquet [edidit] Gulielmus Wliiston. 8vo. Amstelodami, 1725 : The elements of Euclid explain'd .... By Claud. Francis Milliet de Chales. Seventh edition. Svo. London, 1726 : The .six first, together with the eleventh and twelfth bof)ks of Euclid's elements. By Henry Hill. 4to. London, 1 726 no Euclid — contmuecl. : Elements .... with select theoi'oms out of Archimedes. By the learned Andrew Tacquet .... Abridg'd, and publish'd in English by WilHam Whiston. Third edition, 8vo. London, 1727 : Elements of geometry, from the Latin translation of Com- mandine ; to which is added a treatise of the nature of arithmetic, of logarithms, likewise .... of plain and spherical trigonometry, with a pi-eface .... by John Keil .... The whole revised .... by Samuel Cunn. The fourth edition. 8vo. London, 1741 : Elements of geometry .... translated into English from Dr. Gregory's edition, with notes and additions. By E. Stone. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1752-31 : Elements .... viz. : the first six books, together with the eleventh and twelfth .... also the book of Euclid's data .... By Robert Simson. To this third edition are also annexed elements of plain and spherical trigonometry. 8vo. Edinbui'gh, 1767 : Elementoram libii priores XII, , ex Commandini et Gregorii versionibus Latinis, in usum juventutis academicse edidit,. pluribus in locis auxit, et in depravitis emendavit Samuel [Horsley], Episcopus Roflfensis. 8vo, Oxonii, 1802 : Datorum lil>er, cum additamento, necnon tractatus alii ad geometriam pertinentes (Sphrericorum liber Theodosii ; Archimedis circuli dimensio ; cribrum Eratosthenis ad numeros primes omnes ordine inveniendos ; J, Keillii de uatura et arithmetica logarithmorum). Edidit Samuel [Horsley], Episcopus Asaphensis. 3 parts in i vol. 8vo. Oxonii, 1803 : The elements of plane geometry, containing the first six books of Euclid .... with notes .... To which are added Books 7-10. By Thomas Keith. 8vo. London, 18 14 : Les CEuvres d'Euclide, en Grec, en Latin, et en FranQais, d'apres un manuscrit tres-ancien qui etait reste inconnu jusqu'a nos jours. Par F. Peyrard. [At the end of the third vol. is added] Les deux livres des cinq corps, attribues k Hypsicle. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 18 14-18 L'Eug6nie (Voyage autour du Monde sur la Fregate Suedoise), execute pendant les annees 1851-53, sous le commande- ment de C. A. Vu-gin. Observations scientifiques (publiees par A. J. xlngstrbm). Physique. [French and Swedish.] 4to. Stockholm, 1858-74 Euler (Leonhard) : : Mechanica, sive motus scientia analytice exposita. 2 vols. 4to, Petropoli, 1736 : Tentamen novae theoriae musicae ex certissimis harmoniae principiis dilucide expositae. 4to. Petropoli, 1 739 ; jNIethodus inveniendi lineas curvas maximi minimive proprietate gaudentes, sive solutio problematis isoperi- metrici latissimo sensu accepti. 4to. Lausanna! k Genevse, 1744 Ill Eulor CLoonhard)— continued. : Tbcoria Motuum Planetarum et Cometarum .... iina cum calculo, quo Cometa;, qui annis 1680 ct 1681, itemque ejus, qui nuper est visus, motus verus investigatvu\ 4to. Berolini, 1744 : Opuscula varii avgunienti. [Tomus 2.] Coiijectura physica circa propagationem soni ac luminis una cum aliis disserta- tionibus aualyticis. Tomus 3, continens novam tlieoriam magnetis .... una cum nonnullis aliis dissertationibus analytico-mecbanicis, 3 vols, in 2, 4to. Berolini, 1746-51 : Intx-odnctio ad analysin infinitorum. 2 vols. 4to. Lausannre, 1748 : Theoria motus Lunae, exbibens omnes eius inaequalitates. In additamento .... osteuditur quemadmodum motua Lunae cam omnibus inaequalitatibus innumei'is aliis modis repraesentari atque ad calculum reuocari possit. 4to. Berolini, 1753 : Institutiones calculi difFerentialis, cum eius usu in analysi finitorum ac doctrina serierum. 4to. Petropoli, 1755 : Tbeoria motus corporum solidorum sen rigidorum ex primis nostrae cognitionis principiis stabilitata, et ad omnes motus qui in hujusmodi corpora cadere possunt, accommo- data. 4to. Rostochii et Grypbiswaldiae, 1765 : Institutionum calculi integralis volumen primum (secun- dum et tei^tium.) 3 Vols. 4to. Petropoli, 1768-70 : Dioptricae pars prima . . . . de exjjlicatione principiorum ex quibus constructio tam telescopiorum quam microsco- piorum est petenda ; pars secunda . . . . de constructione telescopiorum .... pars tertia . . . . de constructione microscopiorum. 3 vols. 4to. Petropoli, 1769-71 : Theoria motuum Lunae, novia methodo pertractata, vna cum tabulis astronomicis, vnde ad quoduis tempus loca Lunae expedite computari possunt, incredibili studio .... J. A. Euler, W. L. Kraflft, J. A. Lexell ; Opus dirigente L. Eulero. 4to. Petropoli, 1772 : Elemens d'Algebre .... tradviits de 1' AUemand, avec des notes et des additions. 2 vols. 8vo. Lyon, 1774 : Theorie der Planeten und .Cometen, von Johann Freilierrn von Paccassi iibersetzt. 4to. Wien, 1781 : Opuscula analytica. 2 vols. 4to. Petropoli, 1783-85 : Elements of Algebra .... translated from the French, with the critical and historical notes of M. Bernoulli ; to which arc added the additions of M. de la Grange .... Vol. 2. Svo. London, 1797 : Letters .... on different subjects in physics and phi- losophy, addressed to a German piincess. Translated from the French by ITcnry Hunter .... Second edition. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1802 : S'ee also Fuss (P. H.) Europe, Centralburoau der Europaischen Gradmessung : : Gegonbericht an die pcrmanente Commission der Kuio. paischeu Gradmcssung, von P. A. Hansen. 4to, Gotha, v868 I 12 Europe, Centralbureau der Europaischon Gradmessung— continued. ■ : Verhandlungen der vom 13. bis t6. September 1880 zu Miinchen abgehaltenen sechsten allgemeinen Conferenz der Europaischen Gradmessung. 4to. Berlin, 1881 : Verhandlungen der vom 11. bis 15. September 1882 im Haag vereinigten permanenten Commission der Euro- paischen Gradmessung. 4to. Berlin, 1883 : ^'Unification des Longitudes par Tadoption d'un Meridien initial unique, et introduction d'une heure universe! le. (From 'Verhandlungen,' 1883.) 4to. Berlin, 1884 Evans (Frederick J. O.) : Chart of the curves of equal magnetic variation, 1858. 4to. London, 1859 Evans (T. S.) : : *Further remarks on Dr. Bradley's theorem for computing the astronomic refraction. 8vo. London, 181 6 : *Historical memoranda respecting experiments intended to ascertain the calorific powers of the different prismatic rays. 8vo. London, 18 16 Everest (George) : : An account of the measurement of an Arc of the meridian between the parallels of 18° 3' and 24° 7', being a con- tinuation of the grand Meridional Arc of India, as detailed by Lieut.-Col. Lambton. 4to. London, 1830 : Rectification of logarithmic errors in the measurements of two sections of the Meridional Arc of India. 8vo. London, 1859 : See also India, Great Trigonometrical Survey. Everett (J. D.) : Illustrations of the centimetre-gramme-second (C.G.S.) system of units. 8 vo. London, 1875 Ewbank (Thomas) : A descriptive and historical account of hydraulic and other machines for raising water, ancient and modern ; with observations on various subjects connected with the mechanic arts. 8vo. New York, 1842 Ewing (Alexander) : Practical astronomy ; containing a description of the solar system ; the doctrine of the sphere ; the principal problems in astronomy, illustrated with many examples. Together with astronomical tables of the sun, moon, and primary planets. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1797 Exhibition (Great), 185 1 : Reports by the Juries. Class X. Philosophical instruments and processes depending upon their use. By James Glaisher. 4*0. London Exhibition (International), 1862: Jurors' Reports. Chronometers, watches, and clocks. fol. London if3 Exley (Thomas) : Principles of natural philosophy, or a new theory of physics, founded on gravitation. 8vo. London, 1829 Faber Stapulensis [J. L6f6vre d'Etaples] : Inti'oductorium astrouomicum, theorias corporum coelestium duobus libris complecte ; adiecto commentario declaratum (Judoci Clichtouei). fol. Parisiis, 15 17 Falconer ("William) : An univex'sal dictionary of the marine .... New edition. 4to. London, 1789 Fale (Thom.as) : Horologiogi-aphia. The art of dialling ; teaching an easier and perfect way to make all kinds of dials upon any plaiue plat howsoever placed. 8vo. London, [1593] Fantonius (Philippus) : De ratione reducendi anni ad legitimam formam et numernm, ac aliis ad eandem rem pertinentibus. 8vo. Florentiae, 1 560 Faraday (Michael): : Chemical manipulation ; being instructions to students in chemistry. 8vo. London, 1827 : * On the manufacture of glass for optical purposes. (The Bakerian Lecture, 1829.) 4to. London, 1830 : Experimental researches in Electi'icity. 8vo. London, 1839 Fauro (F.) : Beobachtungen der totalen Sonnenfinsterniss am 18. August 1868, angestellt von den Vatern der Gesellschaft Jesu zu Manila auf den Philippinen. 8vo. Halle, 1869 Faye (Herv6 Aug. Et.) : : Legons de cosmographie, redigees d'apies les programmes officiels d'admission a I'Ecole Polytechniqvie et a I'Ecole de Saint-Cyr. 8vo. Paris, 1852 : Ditto, deuxieme edition. 8vo. P;iris, 1854 : *Sur les travaux selenographiques de M. Bulard, et sur la formation des Cii-ques lunaires. 4to. Paris, 1858 : *Sur une methode nouvelle proposee par M. de Littrow pour determiner en mer I'heure et la longitude. 8vo. Vienne, 1864 : *Sur la situation actuelle du Bureau des Longitudes. 4 to. Paris, 1872 : Cours d'Astronomie Nautique. 8 vo. Paris, 1S80 : Cours d'Astronomie de I'Ecole Poly technique. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1881-83 Fearnley (C): : *Nordly8ets Hoide bestemt vcd lagttagelse fra eet Punkt. 8vo. Christiania, 1859 : *0m Fordelingen af den Lysog Varmema;ngde, som Jorden modtager fra Soleu. 8vo. Stockholm, 1868 Fodorenko (Ivan): Positions moyennes pour Tcpoque de 1790,0 des ctoiles circompolaires dent les observations ont 6tc publices par Jerome Lalando. 4to. St.-Pet^rsbourg, 1854 I 114 Peilitzsch (P. C. O. von) : Optisclie Untersucliuiigen veranlasst durch die totale Sonnen- finsterniss des 28 Juli 1851. 8vo. Greifswuld, 1852 Fellocker (Sigmund) : Gescbichte der Stei-nwarte der Benediktiner-Abtei Krems- miinster. 4to. Linz, 1864 Fenland Meteorological Circular and Weather Report. 1874-75. Edited by S. H. Miller. 4to. Wisbeach, 1874-76 Fenning CD.) and John Probert : The Method of calculating an Eclipse geometi-ically ; with an example of the great Eclipse of the Sun, which will happen on April the 1st, between nine and ten in the morning, 1764. 8vo. London, 1764 Fenwick (Stephen) : : On the motion of a projectile in a resisting medium. 8vo. Woolwich, 1859 : Applications of mechanics. 8vo. Woolwich, i860 Pergola (Emmanuele) : : *Sopra talune oscillazioni diurne degli strumenti astro- nomic!, e sopra una probabile causa della loro appai-enza. 4to. Napoli, 187 1 *Determinazione novella della latitudine del R. Osservatorio de Capodimonte. 4to. Napoli, 1873 *Sulla posizione dell' asse di rotazione della Terra rispetto air asse di figura. 4to. Napoli, 1874 *Dimensioni della Terra, e ricerca della posizione del suo asse di figura rispetto a quello di rotazione. 4to. Napoli, 1876 Pergola (Emmanuele) ed Angelo Secchi : *Sulla differenza di longitudine fx-a Napoli e Roma. 4to. Najioli, 1871 Pergola (Prancesco) : Relazione delle operazioni geodetiche eseguite nelle provincie settentrionali del regno di Napoli. 4to. Perguson (James) : : A dissertation upon the phenomena of the harvest Moon, also the description and use of a new four-wheel'd Orrery, and an essay upon the Moon's turning round her own axis. 8vo. London, 1747 : An idea of the material universe, deduced from a Survey of the Solar System. 8vo. London, 1754 : A plain method of detei-mining the pai-allax of Venus, by her transit over the Sun, and from thence, by analogy, the parallax and distance of the Sun, and of all the rest of the planets Second edition. 4to. London, 1761 : Analysis of a course of lectures on mechanics, hydrostatics, hydraulics, pneumatics, spherics, and astronomy. . . . The fifth edition. 8vo. London, 1767 : Anfaugsgriinde der Sternseherkunst fiir die Jugend in zehen Gespriichen. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt. 8vo. Leipzig, 1771 115 Ferguson (James)— coniinued. : Astrouomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's principles, and made easy to those who have not studied mathematics; to which are added a plain method of finding the distances of all the planets from the Sun by the transit of Venus over the Sun's disc, in 1761, an account of ]\Ir. Hon ox's observation of the transit of Venus in 1639 [&c.] New edition. 4^0. London, 1773 : Select mechanical exercises, showing how to construct diiferent clocks, orreries, and sun-dials, on plain and easy principles, with several miscellaneous articles, and new Tables, i. for computing the time of any new or full Moon ; 2. for graduating the lines on the Sector, Plain Scale, and Gunter ; to which is prefixed a short account of the life of the author [written by himself]. 8vo. London, 1778 : An easy introduction to Astronomy, for young gentlemen and ladies. . . . Fourth edition. Svo. London, 1779 : An Astronomical lectvire, on Eclipses of the Sun and Moon, the true year of our Saviour's crucifixion, the Supernatural Darkness at that time, and the prophet Daniel's Seventy weeks. Svo. Bristol, n.d. : Lectures on mechanics, hydi-ostatics, hydraulics, jMieumatics, optics, geogi-aphy, astronomy and dialing ; edited by David Brewster. Plates. 4to. Edinburgh, 1805 : [Life] see Henderson (E.) Fermat (Pierre de) : : Varia opera mathematica ; .... accesserunt selectee qusedam ejusdem Epistola^, vel ad ipsum . . . . de rebus ad mathe- maticas disciplinas aut physieam pertinentibus scriptaj. fol. Tolosae, 1679 : Spherical tangencies, see Apollonius. Ferrari (G. F.) : *Risposta ad una critica del Sig. F. Keller intorno alle osser- vazioni della declinazione magnetica fatte all' Osservatorio del Collegio Romano. 4*0- Roma, 1880 Ferrari (Gaspare Stanislao) : : Pticerche fisico-astronomiche intorno all' uranolito caduto neir Agro Romano il 31 di Agosto 1872.^ 4to. Roma, 1873 : *Sopra la relazione fra i massimi e minimi delle Macchie Solari e le straordinarie perturbazioni magnetiche. Com- municazioni I-XIf. 4^0. Roma, 1874-81 : *Terza serie delle misure micrometriche delle Stelle doppie fatte air equatoriale del Collegio RomaLO dal 22 Giugno 1872 a tutto il 1874. 4to. Roma, 1875 : *Sopra il radiante delle Stelle Cadenti del periodo di Agosto. 4to. Roma, 1876 : *Sulle protuberanze e le macchie solari osservate nel 1877 neir Ossorvntoi-io del Collegio IJoniano. 4to. Roma, 1879 [Obituary Notice of Angelo Secchi.] 4to. Roma, 1878 *Meteorologia Romana. 4to. Roma, 1878 *La luce zodiacale studiata secondo le osscrvazioni fatte dal I ID Ferrari (Gaspar Stanislao)— co?;i!mMf(^. 1875 al 1879 air osservatorio di Zi-Ka-Wei, nolla Cina, dal P. Marco Declievrens. 4to. Koma, 1880 *La luce zodiacale. 8vo. Roma, 1881 *I recenti progress! delF Astronomia. 8vo. Roma, 1882 II calendario Gregoriano. 2** edizione. 8vo. Roma, 1882 La riforma Gregoriaiia del calendario. 8vo. Roma, 1883 See also Rome, Collegio Romano, Ferrel (W.) : *Tlie motions of fluids and solids relative to the earth's sur- face ; comprising applications to the winds and the currents of the ocean. 4to, New York, i860 Ferrer ( Jos6 Joaquin de) : *0n the determination of the parallax of the Sun from the observations of the Transit of Venus over his disk, June 3, 1769. 4to. London, 1833 Fienus (Thomas) et Libertus Fromondus : : De coraeta anni mdcxviii. Dissertationes. . , . eiusdem T. Fieni epistolica qufestio, an verum sit, Calum moueri, & Terram quiescere 1 8vo. Antverpise, 1 6 1 6 : Ditto. 8vo. Londini, 1655 Pi6vez (Ch.) : : *Bibliographie des ouvragcs, m^moires et notices de spectro- Bcopie. i2mo. Bruxelles, 1878 : *]^tude du spectre solaire. 4to. Bruxelles, 1882 : *Etude de la region I'ouge (A — C) du spectre solaire. 4to. Bruxelles, 1883 Filipponi (Alfonso) : Elogio del P. Giuseppe Piazzi. 8vo. Napoli, 1826 Filopanti (Quirico) : : Sunto della memoria sulle Geviranie ossia di alcune siugolari relazioni cosmiche della Terra e del cielo. 8vo. Bologna, 1862 : Indication de quelques nouvelles idees scientifiques exposes dans son ouvrage ' L' Universo,' ou Essai de philosophic en- cyclopediqne. 8vo. Bologue, 1875 Finseus [Fineus, Find] (Orontius) : : Sphaera Mvndi, sive cosmographia qvinque libris rec6ns auctis & emedatis absoluta ; in qua tvim prima astronomiae pars, turn geogiaphiaj ac hydrographise rudimenta perti-ac- tatur. 4to. Lutetiai Parisiorum, 1552 : De duodecim caili domiciliis, & horis insequalibus, libellus non aspernandus. 4to. Lutetian, 1553 : In eos quos de mundi sphpera conscripsit libros, ac in pla- netarum theoricas, canonum astronomicorum libri 11. 4to. Lutetise, 1553 Findlater (Andrew) : Asti'onomy (Chambers's Elementary Science manuals). 8vo. Edinburgh, 1875 117 Fischer (A.) : Die Erscheinung des Halley'schen Kometen im J.ahre 1835. Nach den besten astrouomischen Schriften ruit einer Ein- leitiing in das Weltall zu Jedermannes Belehrung. i2mo. Stuttgart, 1835 Fischer (Ernst Gottfried) : Betrachtnngeu iiber die Kometen, Bey Gelegenheit der ver- mutheten Wiedererscheiniing eines Kometen im Jahre 17S9, Svo. Berlin, 1789 Fisher (W. M.) : A pliilosoijhical dissertation on Astronomy, containing an accurate and comprehensive view of the Solar System, Svo. Liverpool, n.d. FitzRoy (Robert) : see London, Board of Trade. Fizeau (H,) et A. Cornu : *Ilesume desmesures effectuees sur les epreuves daguerriennes du passage de Venus en 1874, obtenues par la Commission franeaise. 4to. Paris, 1882 Flammarion (Camille) : : La pluralite des mondes habites. Etude ou Ton expose les conditions d'liabitabilite des terres celestes discutees au point de vue de I'astronomie, de la physiologie, et de la philosophie naturelle. . , . Nouvelle edition, Svo. Paris, 1864 Ditto, vingt-cinquieme edition. Svo. Paris, 1877 *Changement arrive sur la Lune. Le cratere de Linne. 4to. Paris [1867] fitudes et lectures sur I'Astronomie. Tome i~8. i2mo. Paris, 1867-77 *Etudes m^teoi-ologiques faites en Ballon. 4to. Paris, 1868 *Segmentation d'une tache solaire. 4to. Paris 1868 Vie de Copernic et histoire de la decouverte du systeme du monde. Svo. Paris, 1872 L' Atmosphere. Description des grands plienomenes de la Nature. Svo, Paris, 1872 Ditto, deuxieme edition. Svo, Paris, 1873 *Sur la planete Mars. 4to. Paris 1S73 *Orbite apparente et periode de revolution de I'etoile double ^ de la Grande Ourse, 4to. Paris 1873 *Phenom6nes observes sur les satellites de Jupiter. 4to. Paris 1874 *Orbite de I'etoile double y de la Vierge, 4to. Paris 1874 *Orbite apparente et periode de revolution de I'c^toile double 7] de la Couronne. 4to. Paris 1874 *Orbite apparente et periode de revolution de I'etoile dou- ble C d'llercule. 4to. Paris 1874 Ixjs mondes imaginnires et les mondes reels. Voyage pit- toresfjue dans Ic cie],et revue critique des theories luimainivs scientifi(juf's et romanesques, anciennes et moderncs, sur les habitants des astres. Quatorzicme edition. Svo. P.iris, 1876 ii8 riammarion iCsimil.l6)—contimied. : Petite astronomie descriptive . . . adapt^e aux besoins de Tenseignement par C. Delon. 8vo. Paris, 1877 : Les Terras du Ciel, Description astronomique, physique, climatologiqne, geographique, des planetes qui gravitent avec la terre autour du Soleil, et de I'etat probable de la vie k leur surface. Svo. Pai'is, 1877 : Histoii-e du Ciel. Svo. Paris [1872] ; Les merveilles celestes, lectures du soir .... Sixi^me edition. Svo. Paris, 1878 : Catalogue des 6toilea doubles et multiples en mouvement relatif certain, comprenant toutes les observations faites sur chaque couple depuis sa d^couverte et les r^sultats conclus de I'etude des mouvements. Svo. Paris, 1878 ; Les etoiles et les curiosites du ciel ; description complete du ciel visible k I'ceil nu, et de tons les objets celestes faciles k observer : Supplement de I'Astronomie Populaire. 8vo. Paris, 1882 : Astronomical Myths, see Blake (J. F.) : See also Astronomie (1'). Flamsteed (John) : : Historipe Coelestis libri duo quorum prior exhibet catalogum stellarum fixarum Britannicum .... posterior transitus syderum per planum Arcus meridionalis. fol. Londini, 17 12 : Historise Coelestis Britannicse Yolumen primum (secundum et tertium) .... observante J. F . . . . 1675-1720 in Ob- servatorio Regio Grenovicensi. 3 vols. fol. Londini, 1725 Atlas Ca3lestis. fol. London, 1726 Ditto. fol. London, 1781 Atlas celeste .... approuve par I'Academie Royale des Sciences, et public sous le privilege de cette compagnie. Seconde edition. Par M. J. Fortin [with catalogue of stars, &c.] 4to. Paris, 1776 : See also Bodo (J. E.) : Catalogue of stars, taken from Mr. Flamsteed's observations contained in the second volume of the Historia Coelestis, and not inserted in the British Catalogue. By Cai-olina Herschel. fol. London, 1798 : An account of the Eevd. John Flamsteed, the first Astronomer Boyal, compiled from his own manuscripts, and other au- thentic documents never before published. To which is added his British Catalogue of stars, corrected and enlarged. By Francis Baily. 4to. London, 1835 Flauti (V.) : *Discorso pronunziato .... nella solenne pubblica tornata della Societa Eeale Borbonica, 1847. 4to. Napoli [1847] Fleming (Peter) : Geometrical solutions of the quadrature of the circle. fol. Montreal, 1850 119 Fleming (Sandford) : : Papers on Time-reckoning and the Relection of a prime meridian to be common to all nations. 8vo. Toronto, 1879 : The adoption of a prime meridian to be common to all na- tions. The establishment of standard meridians for the regulation of time. 8vo. London, 188 1 Fletcher (A.) : The universal measurer and mechanic. 8vo. London, 1762 Flogel (J. H. L.) : *LTeber die Hohe des Nordlichtes, und dessen Lage im Raume. 8vo. Wien, 187 1 Florence, Accademia del Cimento : : Essayes of Natural Experiments made in the Academie del Cimento .... Englished by Richard Waller, 4to. London, 1684 : Saggi di naturali esperienze ; . . . . terza edizione Fioren- tina, preceduta da notizie storiche dell' Accademia. 4to. Firenze, 1841 Florence, R. Museo di Fisica e Storia Naturale : : Annali del Museo Imperiale per I'anno 1808-9. Tomo i, 2. 4to. Fix-enze, 1808-10 : 1865. Nuova Serie. Vol. i. 4to. Firenze, 1866 : Archivio Meteorologico centrale Italiano. Prima Pubhli- cazione. 8vo. Firenze, 1858 : Annuario, 1S59-60. 1 2mo. Firenze, 1858-60 Floryn (Evert) : Tafelen bevattende de sinussen, tangenten, en secanten .... en de logarithmen der sinussen, tangenten en secanten. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1817 Fluxions (an explanation of) in a short essay on the theory. 8vo. London, 1741 Fluxions (an introduction to the doctrine of). Revised by several gentlemen well skill'd in the mathematics. 8vo. London, 1751 Fockens (Gerard Regner) : Commentatio Astronomica de parallaxi annua stellarum fixarum (qui praemium reportavit). 4to. Lugdimi Batavorum, 1S34 Fontana (Francesco): Novae ccelestium terrestriumque rerum observatione?, et for- tasse hactenus non vulgata; . . . sjiecillis a se inveutis, et ad summam perfectionem perductis, editse. 4to. Neapoli, 1646 FontenoUe (Bernard le Bovier de): : Entretiens sur la plui'alite dcs mondes Nouvolle edition, augmentdc de pieces di verses. 8vo. Paris, 1724 : I^itto, avec des remarques ifi'), sej; Brewster, Lil)ri, Stjcchi, Society for the DiU'u- siun of U&cful Knowledge, V^iviani. 126 Galilei Galileo— continued. : (Trial), see Chasles, Gebler, Gherardi, Plana, Wohlwill, Wolynski. Galle (Andreas) : Zur Berechnung der ProximitUten von Asteroidsn-Bahnen. Inaugural-Dissertation, 8vo. Breslau, 1883 Galle (Joliann Gottfried) : : Ueber die Verbesserung der Planeten-Elemente aus beo- bachteten Oppositionen, angewandt auf eiue neue Bestim- mung der Pallas-Bahn. [Habilitations-Schrift.] 4to. Breslau, 185S : Dr. Wilhelm Olbei-s' Abhandlung iiber die leichteste und bequemste Metliode die Bahn eines Cometen zu bereclinen. Nachtrag zu der zweiten Auflage. 8vo. Leipzig, 1864 : *Uebcr die Bahn des am 30. Januar 1868 beobachteten und , . . . als Steinregen niedergefallenen Meteors durch die Atmospbare. 8vo. Breslau, 1868 : Ueber eine Bestimmung der Sonnen-Parallaxe aus corre- spondirenden Beobacbtungen des Planeten Flora auf mebreren Sternwarten der ntirdlichen und slidlichen Halbku- gel ira October und November 1873, 8vo. Breslau, 1875 Gallo (Giuseppe) : Introduzione alia meccanica, ed alia filosofia della natura. 2 vols. 8vo. Torino, 185 5- 1860 Galloway (Thomas) : ; *A treatise on Astronomy, theoretical, physical and prac- tical, from the Encyclopfedia Britannica. 7th edition. 4to. Edinburgh, 1831 *Trigonometrical survey. [Encycl. Brit. 7th edition.] 4to. *Figure of the Earth. [Encycl. Brit. 7th edition.] 4to, *A treatise on probability, forming an article under that head in the seventh edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1839 ; *Memoir of Thomas Henderson. 8vo. London, 1845 Gallucci (Giovanni Paolo) : : Della fabrica it uso del novo Horologio universale ad ogni latitudine. 4to. Venetia, 1590 : Speculum Yranicvm ; in quo vera loca turn octauje spha;r£e, turn septem Planetarum mira facilitate ad quodlibet datum tempus ex prutenicarum ratione colliguntur. fol. Venetija, 1593 Gamaches (Etienne Simon de) : Astronomie phy.sique, ou principes generaux de la nature, appliques au mecanisme astronomique, et compares aux principes de la philosophie de M. Newton. 4to. Paris, 1740 Gareseus (Johannes) : : Primus Tractatus brevis et utilis de tempore, con.'^crijfjt us in gratiam studiosorum. 8\'o. Vitebergse, 1563 127 Garceeus (Johnnnes)— continued. : Secundus Tractatus de tempore, sive de ortu et occasu stellarum fixarum ad quodlibet temporis momentum. 8vo. Witebergre, 1565 : Tertius Tractatus, de usu globi astriferi. 8vo. Vitebergfe, 1565 : Astrologiae methodus in qua secundum doctrinam PtoleniaM, exactissima facillimaque Genituras qualescunque iudicandi ratio traditur .... (accessit E. O. Schreckenfuchsii Dia- logus de septem Calendariis). 2 vols, in i, fol. Basilese, 1576 Gardiner (Wm.) et Francois Callet : Tables portatives de logarithmes, publi^ea ci Londres par Gar- diner, augmentees, et perfectionnees dans leur disposition par M. Callet. 12 mo. Paria, 1783 Garnier (J. G.): : Elemens d'alg^bre h I'usage des aspirang a I'Ecole Polytecli- nique. Premiere section. Ti'oisieme rjdition. 8vo. Paris, 181 1 : Le9ons de calcul integral .... Troisieme edition. 8vo. Paris, 181 2 ; Analyse alg^brique, faisant suite k la premiere section de I'algebre. Deuxieme edition. 8vo. Paris, 18 14 : Elemens de geometrie analytique. 8vo. Paris, 1808 : Lecons de statique, k I'usage des aspirans a I'Ecole Imperialo Polytechniquo. 8vo. Paris, 181 1 : Keciproquea de la geometrie, suivies d'un recueil de theo- rfemes et de pro blames. Seconde edition. 8vo. Paris, 1810 Garrard (William) : Copious trigonometrical tables, sbewing the results in all cases of plane trigonometry, by inspection. Intended to complete the requisite tables to the Nautical Almanack. 8vo. London, 1589 Garthe (C.) : : Foucault's Versuch als direkter Beweis der Achsendrehung der Erde, angestellt im Dom zu Kiiln. 8vo. Kuln, 1852 : Die Absidenscheibe. Beschreibung eines Apparates durcli welchen die Lage der AV)sidenliuie der Erdbahn und deren Veranderlichkeit im Weltenraume erortert werdcu kann. 8vo. Kiiln, 187 1 Gasparis (Annibale de): *Sui rapporti delle variazioni simviltanee di alcunielementi di ellissi instantanee nel problema dei tre corpi. 4to. Napoli, 18S0 Gassondi (Pierre) : : Novem stella) circa Jovem visse. . . . Accessit observatio geminntae in singnlos dies (a;stus maris instar) rociproca- tionis p(;r[K!iuli(uIorum. 4to. Parisiis, 1643 : Tychonis Brahei Equitis Dani, astronoraorum Corypluiii vita .... Accessit Nicolai Gopernici, Georgii Pourbuchii, 6i Joanuis Ilegiomontani aatronomorum colel)riuiii vila. 4to. Paiihiia, 1654 128 Gassendi (Tierre)—conii7uicd. : Institutio astronomica juxta b3'potheses tarn vetenim quam Copernici & Tychonis .... Accedunt ejusdem varij trac- tatus astronomici. Editio nltima. 4to. Hagas-Comitum, 1656 : Institutio astronomica, juxta hypotheseis tain veterum quam I'ecentiorum. Cui accesserunt Galilei Galilei Nun- cius Sidereus et Johannis Kepleri Dioptrice. Tertia editio. 3 parts in i vol. 8vo. Londini, 16S3 (1682) : The vanity of judiciary astrology, or divination by the stars. 8vo. London, 1659 Gauss (Carl Friedrich) : : Disquisitiones ai-ithmeticae. 8yo. Lipsiae, 1801 : Recherches arithm6tiques .... traduites par A. C. M, Poullet-Delisle. 4to. Paris, 1807 — ■ — : Theoi'ia motus corporum coelestium in sectionibus couicis Solem ambientium. 4to. Hamburgi, 1809 : Theorie du mouvement des corps celestes parcourant des sections coniques autour du Soleil ; traduction du ' Theoria motus ' de Gauss, suivie de notes, par Edmond Dubois, 8vo. Paris, n.d. : Theorie der Bewegung der Himmelskcirper welche in Kegelschnitten die Sonne umlaufen .... Ins Deutsche Ubertragen von Carl Haase. 4to. Hannover, 1865 : *Disquisitio de elementis elhpticis Palladis ex oppositionibus annorum 1803-1809. 4to. Gottingae, 181 1 : *Observationes cometae secundi A. 1813 in Observatorio Gottingensi factae ; adjectis nonnullis adnotationibus circa calculum orbitarum parabolicarum. 4to. Gottingae, 1813 : Determinatio atti-actionis, quam in punctum quodvis posi- tionis datae exerceret planeta, si ejus massa per totam orbitam, ratione temporis, quo singulae partes describun- tur, uniformiter esset dispertita. 4to. Gottingae, 181 8 : Theorematis fundamentalis in doctrina de residuis quadra- ticis demonstrationes, et ampliationes novae. 4to. Gottingae, 18 18 : *Theoria combinationis observationum erroribus minimis obnoxiae. 4to. Gottingae, 1823 — : Theoria residuorum biquadraticorum .... Commentatio Secunda. 4to. Gottingae, 1832 : Werke. Herausgegeben von der K. Gesellschaft der Wis- senschaften zu Gottingen. 7 vols. 4to. Gcittingen, 1870-77 Band i. Disquisitiones arithmeticse. 2. Hohere Arithmetik. 3. Analysis. 4. Wahrscheinlichkeits-Reclmung und Geometric. 5. Mathematische Phys-ilv. 6. Astronomische Abliandlungea. 7. Theoria motus corporum coelestium. : Life, see Winnecke. Gauss (Carl Friedrich) und Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel: Briefwechsel .... Herausgegeben auf Veranlassung der kuiiiglich-preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Sro. Leipzig, 1S80 1 29 Gauss (Carl Friedricli) imdHeinricli Christian Scluimacher : Briefweclisol .... lIerausgegol)cii von 0. A. 1*\ iV'tcMs. 6 vols. 8vo. Altona, 1860-65 Gautier (Alfred) : : Essai histonque sur le probleme des trois corps, ou disserta- tion sur la tbeorie des mouvemens de la lune et des pla- netes. 4to. Paris, 181 7 : *Note snr quelqnes observations asti-onomiques faites en 182 1 et 1822 a I'observatoire de Geneve. 4to. Geneve, 1822 : ■• Memoire sur une nouvelie determination de la longitude de Geneve. 4to. Gend've, 1824 : "••■Coup-dVeil sur I'etat actuel de Tastronomie pratique en France et en Angleterre. 8vo. Geneve, 1825 : *Memoire sur une nouvelie determination de la latitude de Geneve. 4to. Geneve, 1830 : *Sur les Bolides qui ont paru le 19 Aout 1847 ^t le 11 Fe- vrier 1850. 8vo. Gcn6ve, 1850 : *]Srotice biogi*apbique sur M. le Baron Maurice. 8vo. Geneve, 1851 : *Notice sur les derniers travaux d'observation lelatifs aux Anneaux de Saturne. 8vo. Geneve, 1856 : Sur quelqnes applications rcceutes de la pliotograpliie a lastronomie. 8vo. Geneve 1858 : *Sur les travaux recents des geom6tres et des astronomes relatifs a la tbeorie des mouvements de la lune. 8vo. Geneve, 1859 : *Louis Franc^ois Wartmann. 8vo. Genivo, 1864 : *Notice sur les observations m6t6orologiques faites sur la Cote du Labi-ador par des missionnaires Moraves. 8vo. Geneve, 1870 : *Observations tbermometriques recentes faites dans qnel- ques stations de Syrie et de Palestine. 8vo. Genive, 1870 : [Previews of various astronomical works, from tlie Biblio- tlieque Cniverselle, &c.] 8vo. Gen(^ve, v.d. Gautier (Emile): : *Observation de rcclipsc totale du soloil du 18 Juillet i860 k Tarazona. 8vo. Geneve, i860 . : Notice historiquo et descriptive s\u- TObservatoirc do Geneve. 8vo. Geneve. 1883 Gober (Filius Affla Hispalensis) : Liljri IX de Astronomia, see Apianus, Instrumentum Priini Mobilis. Gobi or (Karl von) : Galileo Galilei and tlie Pi,oraan Curia, from auibciitic sources .... 'J'ranslatcd, with the sanction of the authoi", by Mrs. G. Sturgo. 8vo. Loiidun, 1879 Goisor (C. F.): r>i'itriige zur syntbetiseben Geoinetrie. 8vo. Ziiiidi, 1866 Gell (Robert) : Stella nova, a new starre leatling wisemen unto ( 'hrist. 4to. London, 1649 K I30 Gelpke (August Heinrich Christian): : Neue Ausicht iibor deu merkwiirdigen Naturbau der Ivome- ten und besonders derjenigcn von iSii iind 1819; wie auch liber die Bescliaflenheit ihrer Balinen, und die einstige Zerstbrungsart unsei'es Wolinortes von denselben. Zweito .... Ansgabe. 8vo. Leipzig, 1820 : Nene Ansicht liiDer den merkwiirdigen Naturbaix der Kometcn nnd die Bcschaffenheit ihrer Bahnen, wie auch iiber die einstige Zersturnngsart unseres Wohnortes von denselben. Dritte .... Ausgabe. 8vo. Leipzig, 1829 : L^eber die schrecklichen Wirknngen des Aufsturzes eines Kometen auf die Erde und liber die vor fiinftausend Jahren gehabte Erscheinung dieser Art. 8vo. Leipzig, 1835 : tjber die Entstehungsart und BeschafFenheit der Kometen, wie auch iiber die Bahn und den Lauf des Halley'schen Kometen fiir das Jahr 1835. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1835 : Populaii'e Himmelskunde oder allgemein fassliche Betrach- tungen iiber die grossen Wunderwerke des AVeltalls .... Fliufte .... Ausgabe. 8vo. Hannover, 1837 Geminus : : Ft/L/fiow E(Vayi.)y»/ fu; Tft ^ao'o/^tf la. Gemini . . . . Elementa Astronomise, Grsec^ & Latine, interprete Edone Hildcrico. 8vo. Altorphii, 1590 : Isagoge ad Arati Phpenomena,see Petavius. Gemma Frisius (Reinier): : De Radio Astronomico & Geometrico liber. In quo multa qufe ad Geographia, Opticam, Geometriam &, Astronomiam vtiliss. sunt, demoustrantur. 4to. Antucrpite, 1545 : De Astrolabo Catholico, liber quo latissime patentis Instru- menti multiplex vsus explicatur, & quicquid vspiam rerum Mathematicaru tradi possit continetur. 8vo. Antuerpiae, 1556 : De piincipijs Astronomije & Cosmographise, deque vsu globi ab eodem editi : Item De Orbis diuisione, & Insulis, i-ebusque nuper inuentis. 8vo. Colonia3, 1578 : Cosmographia, see Apianus et Gemma Frisius. Geneva, Observatoire: : Observations Astronomiques faites .... dans les annees 1841-58, par E. Plantamour. 4to. Geneve, 1842-61 : Kesultats des observations magnetiques .... dans les annees 1842 et 1843. 4to. Geneve, 1844 : Resume des observations thermometriques et barometriques faites a I'Observatoire de Geneve et au Grand St.-Bernard . . . 1S41-50. 4to. Geneve, 185 1 : ^Resume Meteorologique .... pour Geneve et le Grand St.-Bernard, par E. Plantamour (et A. Kammermann), 1847-48, 1850-77, 79-82. 8vo. Geneve, 1848-83 : *Nouvelle organisation des observations mcteorologiques a Geneve, au Grand Saint-Bernard, &, a j\Iartigny. Observa- tions mcteorologiques .... pendant le mois de Decembre 1883. Svo. Geneve, 1884 : ,S'.e «/.w Gautier (K.): Meyer (W.) 131 Geneva, Soci6t6 do Physiqtio ot d'Histoiro Naturelle: : Meuioires. Tome 5-28, Part i. • 4to. Geneve, 1S32-S3 : Table cles memoires contenus dans les tomes 1-20. 4to. Geneve, 1871 : Rapport du President (A. de Candollc) pour la periode annuelle 1873-74. 4to. Geneve Gentleman's Diary, or mathematical repository, 1741-77, and 1782-1813. 7 vols. i2mo. 1741-1813 Gentleman's Mathematical Companion, 1798-182 7. 7 vols. i2mo. London, 1797-1827 The title of tlie first vol. is ' Companion to the Gentleman's diary.' Geography and Astronomy : An introduction to geography and astronomy : containing chiefly The Description and Use of the Terrestrial and Celestial Globes .... The second edition. 8vo. London, 1735 George (Christopher) : *Description of an improved double sextant. 8vo. London, 1867 Georgetown College, District of Columbia : : Astronomical Observatory, Annals. No. i. 4to. New York, 1852 : Observations of solar spots, see Sestini (B.). Georgetown, Demerara, Observatory: Monthly Tables of daily means of meteorological elements, deduced from observations taken .... during eleven years, commencing January 1846 .... by Patrick Sandeman. 4to. Greenock, 1857 Gorgonne (J. D.) : Annalcs de mathematiques pures et appliquees : recueil periodique. Tomes 21, 22. 4to. Nismes, 1830-32 Gerling (Christ. Ludwig) : Beitrage zur Geographie Kurhessens und der nmliegenden Gegenden, vermittelst der kurhessichen Triangulirung vom Jahr 1823. 8vo. Cassel, 1831 39 Germain (A.) : Traite des projections des cartes gcographiques, representation plane de la sphere et du spheroide. 8vo. Paris, n.d. Gcrmanicus, Phaenomena, see Aratus. Gormar (F. H.) : Suclis Tafelii zur Erleichlorung der llimmelskundc, fiir die Lieljhaber derselben (with portfolio of plates). 8vo. Leipzig, 1846 Gherardi (Silvestro): : ^11 pioccsso Galileo riveduto sopra docuuienti di nuova foiile. 8vo. Firenze, 1870 : *SulIa dIssertazioiiod<;l d(jtt. Emilio Wohlwill. 11 procfs.-o di (Jalileo Galilei : ragguaglio. 8vo. Firer.ze, 1872 K 2 132 Gilbert (William) : Tractatus, sive physiologia nova tie Magnete, magneticisque corporibus, & magno magnete tellure, sex libris compre- hensus .... omnia nunc diligenter recognita .... opera & studio Wolfgang! Lochmans. 4to. Sedini, 1633 Gill (David) : : *The Determination of the Earth's distance from the Sun : an address delivei-ed at the annual meeting of the South African Philosophical Society at Cape Town. 8vo. Cape Town, 1880 : *A determination of the solar parallax from observations of Mars made at the Island of Ascension in 1877. 4to. London, 1881 : *rinlay's Comet [1882, II]. 8vo. Cape Town, 1882 Gill (Mrs.) : Six months in Ascension. An unscientific account of a Scientific Expedition [with an introduction by David Gill] 8vo. London, 1878 Gilliss (James Melville) : : *The longitude of Washington, computed from the moon culminations observed .... 1839-42. 4to. Philadelphia, 1849 : *An account of the total eclipse of the Sun on September 7, 1858, as observed near Olmos, Peru. 4to. Washington, 1859 : *Physical aspects of the Comet II, 1 86 1 , 8vo. New Haven, 1861 ; *A catalogue of 1963 stai's reduced to the beginning of the year 1850, together with a catalogue of 290 double stars. The whole from observations made at Santiago, Chili, during the years 1850-51-52, by the U.S. Naval Astro- nomical Expedition. 4to. Washington, 1870 : See also Maury (M. F.) ; United States Coast Survey; Washington, U.S., Naval Observatory. : Life, see Gould (B. A.). Giulio (Carlo Ign.) : *Pecherches experimentales sur la resistance de I'air au mouvement des pendules. 4to. Turin, 1852 Glaisher (James) : : *0n the amount of the radiation of heat at night from the earth, and from various bodies jjlaced on or near the surface of the earth. 4to. London, 1847 : Hygrometrical Tables, to be used with, and description of the dry- and wet-bulb thermometers. 8vo. Loudon, 1847 ; *0n the reduction of the thermometrical observations made at the apai'tments of the Royal Society from the years 1774-1781, 1787-1843. 4to. London, 1849 Sequel. 4to. London, 1850 *Meteorology of Scotland, 1856-57. 8vo. *0n the determination of the mean temperature of every day in the year from .... observations taken at the Hoyal Observatory, Greenwich, 1814-56. 8vo. London, 1858 Glaisher iJsime3)—coniinifrd. ; *0n tlie meteorological and physical effects of the Solar Eclipse of March 15, 1858. 8vo. London, 1858 : *An account of meteorological and physical observations made in five balloon ascents in the year 1863. 8vo. London, 1863 : *An account of meteorological and physical observations made in nine balloon ascents in the years 1863 and 1864. 8vo. London. : Scientific experiments in balloons. 8vo. London, 1S63 : Meteorology of England, 1863-84. 8vo. London. : Reduction of the meteorological observations made at the Royal Horticultui-al Gardens, Chiswick, in the years 1826- 69. 8vo. London, 187 1 : See also Guillemin (A.) ; Mitchel (0. M.), Glaisher (J. W. L.) : *Report of the Committee [of the Bi*itish Association] ou mathematical tables. 8vo. London, 1873 Glasgow Astronomical Society (report of the nature and pro- gi'ess of the), drawn up by order of the directors. 8vo. Glasgow, 1809 Glasgow, Mitchell Library: Report, 1881-83. ^^o- Glasgow. Glasgow Observatory: : Report of the pi-oceedings at the dinner of the friends of astronomical science, held in the Town Hall on Friday, December 16. 8vo. Glasgow, 1836 : Rei:)ort of the Professor of Astronomy in the University of Glasgow, 1864-68 and 187 1. 8vo. Glasgow. : Catiilogue of 6415 stars, for the epoch 1870, deduced from observations made .... during the yeai's i860 to 1881, preceded by a synopsis of the annual results of each star arranged in the order of Right Ascension. By Robert Grant. 4to. Glasgow, 1883 Glasgow Philosophical Society : Proceedings, 1841-83. Vol. 1-14. 8vo. Glasgow, 1844-83 Glasgow University : Statement by tlie Committee .... on time-signals, in refer- ence to a report addressed on the 14th of October, 1863, by Professor Piazzi Smytli to the Board of Visitox'S of the Ediul)urgh Observatory, 8vo. (!lasgo\v,i863 Gledhill (Joseph) : Handbook of Double Stars, see Crossley and Gledhill. Gloriosus (Joannes Camillus): : De Cometis dissertatio Astronomico-Physica. 4to. Venctiis, 1624 : Responsio ... ad controversias de Cometis peripateticas, seu potius a.d calumnias &, mendacia cuiusdain poi-ipatolici. 4to. Venctiis, 1626 Gnomonic Projection of the Sphere. 8vo. London, 1851 134 Goad (JO: A.stro-meteorologica, or aphorisms and discourses of the Bodies Coelestial, their natures and influences, fol. London, 1686 Godfray (Hugh) : : A treatise on astronomy for the use of colleges and schools. 8vo. Cambridge, 1866 : An elementary treatise on the lunar theory, with a brief sketch of the history of the problem before Newton .... Third edition. 8vo. Cambridge, 187 1 Godward (William) : Auxiliary tables for computing an approximate Ephemeris of a Minor Planet where the angle of excentricity does not exceed twenty degrees. 4to. London, 1S66 Gogou (Constantin), see Paris, Observatoire. Goldbach (C. F.) : Neuester Himmels-Atlas zum Gebrauche flir Schul- und Akademischen Unterricht .... Pievidix-t auf der Stern- warte Seeberg bey Gotha, und mit einer Einleitung begleitet vom Hrn. Obristwachtmstr. von Zach. Obi. fol. AVeimar, 1799 Goldbach (Joachim): Dissertatio Selenographica. [Inaugural dissertation.] 4to. Regiomonti, 1662 Goldingham (John) : : Eepoit of the length of the pendulum at the Equator from experiments and observations made on an expedition in 1821 ; together with a deduction of the figure of the Earth. fol. Madras, 1824 : See also Madras Observatory. Gompertz (Benjamin): : *0n pendulums vibrating between cheeks. 8vo. London, 1S17 : The prmciples and application of imagioary quantities. Books I and 2. 2 parts in i vol. 4to. London, 181 7-18 : *A sketch of an analysis and notation applicable to the estimation of the value of life contingencies. 4to. London, 1820 : Hints on Porisms .... being No. 3 of Original Tracts. 4to. London, 1850 : Life, see Adler (M. N.). Good (John) : The art of shadows, or universal dialling, with tables exactly calculated for the lat. of 51 deg. 30 min. viz.: London. Third edition. 8vo. London, 1731 Goodaere (Robert) : A glossary; or explanation of the principal terms used in the Sciences of Astronomy and Geograpliy, with a description of the principal stars and constellations of the heavens .... Fifth edition. 12 mo. Nottingham, 1828 J ^ — Gordon (Edward Smith) : *0n fixing positions by the more siuq)le astronouiical ob?er- vutions. 8vo. Woolwich, i8Si Gore (John Ellard) : Southern stellar objects for small telescopes, between tlie equator and 55° south declination, with observations made in the Punjab. 8vo. Lodiana, 1877 Gotha Observatory, see Ball (L. de) ; Hansen (P. A.); Zach (F. X. von). Gothard (Alexander von): *Adatok Jupiter es Mars Bolygok physikajalioz. Svo. ]{uda[)e&t, 1SS4 Gothard (Evigen von) : : *Ein Spektroscop fiir Kometen- und rixstern-P)Oobach- tungen. 4to. Leijizig, 1883 : *Egy uj Spektroscop. Svo. Budapest, 1S84 : See Hereny, Observatorium. Gottingen, Konigliehe Gesellschaft der Wissensehaften : : Commentarii Societatis llegiae Scientiaruiu Gottingensis, 1751-54- ,. _ 4 vols. 4to. Gottingae, 1752-55 : Novi Commentarii Societatis Begiae Scientiarum Gottiu- gensis, 1769-77. 8 vols. 4to. Gottingae, 1771-78 : Commentationes Societatis Begiae Scientiarum Gottingensis Becentiores, 1823-27. Vol. 6. 4to. Gottingae, 1828 : Abhandlungen, 1838-83. Band 1-22, 24-30. 4to. Gottingen, 1843-83 : Glittingische Gelehrtc Anzeigen, 1858-83. i2mo. Gottingen, 1858-83 : Kachrichten von der k. Gesellschaft der Wissensehaften und der Georg-Augusts-Uuiversitat, 1853-83. 1 2 mo. Gottingen, 1853-83 Gottingen (Konigl. Sternwarte): : AstrouomLsche IMitthcilungeu. Erster Thcil : Mittlcro Oerter der in den Zonen — 0° und — 1° der Bonner Durcli- niustei'ung enthaltenen Sterne bis zu 9"'o (Jrilsse bcoliachtet und auf 1875.0 reducirt, von B. Copeland und 0. Borgen. 4to. Gfittingen, 1869 : VerofTentlichungen . . . , i. Theorie des Bifilar-Hygrome- ters. 2. Ucl^er Fixsternsysteine. 3, Ueber eiucn grossen Stcrnschnuppcnfall aus dom Jalu'c 524, von W. Kliiiker- fues. 4. Zeiclmungen des Planeten Mars, von O. Boeddicker. 8vo. Gottingen, 1S78 : See also Mayer (T.) Gould (Benjamin Apthorp) : : UntcTSuchungeu iiber die gegenseitigo Lagc der Bahnon dor zwischcn Mai's und Jupiter sich bewogcnden Planeten. In.'iugui-al- J dissertation. 4to. Gottingen, 1848 : The Astronomical Journal. Vol. i 6. 4to. Gaml)rins, 1 848-8 1. Results of spectroscopic and photographic oliservations, 1S78-81, Reports of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors, 1836-84. : E,eduction of the observations of the Moon made .... from 1750 to 1830, computed , . . , under the superin- tendence of G. B. Airy. 2 vols. 4to. Loudon, 1848 : (Continuation) from 1831 to 1851. 4to. London, 1859 : Reduction of the observations of planets made .... from 141 Greenwich, Royal OhserYatory—conthtned. 1750 to 1S30, computeJ .... under the superintendence of G. B. Aiiy . 4to. Loudon, 1 S45 : Reduction of twenty years' photographic records of the haro- meter, and dry-bulb and wet-bulb thermometers, and of twenty-seven years' observations of the earth thermometers, made .... under the direction of G. B. Airy. 4to. London, 1878 Greenwood (Nicholas) : Astronomia Anglicana : containing an absolute and entii'e piece of astronomy. Wherein is succinct 1}^ handled the trigono- metrical part, genei'ally propounded and particulai'ly apply'd in all questions tending to diurnal motion . . . with new, facile, and most exact tables . . . fol. London, 1689 Grdgoire ( — ) : Kapport sur I'etablissement du Bureau des Longitudes. 8vo. Paris, An III [1795] Gregorie (John) : The description and use of the terrestrial globe (description and use of maps and charts). 4to. London, 1649 Gregorius, Bishop of Tours : Liber ineditus de Cursu Stellarum ; ratio qualiter ad officiuni implendum debeat observari, sive de cursibns ecclesiasticis. Nunc primum edidit, recensuit, vindicavit Frid. Ha;ise. 4to. Vratislaviae, 1853 Gregory (David) : : Astronomic physicse & geometricse elementa. fol. Oxoniae, 1702 : Astronomic physicse & geometries elementa. Secunda editio ; accesserunt prcfatio editoris (0. Huart) ; cometo- graphia Halleiana ; Horologiorum Sciotericorum tractatus [a C. Huart]. 2 vols. 4to. Genevse, 1726 : The elements of physical and geometrical astronomy, done into English. Second edition, to which is annex'd Dr. Halley's synopsis of the astronomy of comets. The whole newly revised .... by Edmund Stone. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1726 : Catoptricse et dioptrics spluericse elementa. 8vo. Edinburgi, 17 13 : Elements of catoptrics and dioptrics. Translated from the Latin original, with a larg3 supplement, by William Browne. The second edition, to which is added an appendix by J. T. Desaguliers. 8vo. London, 1735 Gregory (G.) : Tiie economy of nature explained and illustrated on the prin- ciples of modern philosophy. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1796 Gregory COlinthns) : : A treaiise on astronomy, in wliich tlio elements of the • science are deduced in a natural order, from the appearances of the heavens to an observer on the earth .... 8vo. liOndon, 1S02 142 Gregory {01int'h.vLs)—conti7iucd. : Elements of plane and sphei"ical trigonometry. 1 2 mo. London, iSi6 : *An account of some experiments made in order to deter- mine the velocity with which sound is transmitted in the atmosphere. 4to. Cambridge, 1824 : Mathematics for practical men ; being a common- place book of principles, theorems, rules, and tables. 8vo. London, 1825 Gregory (Clinth-us) [and others] : Dissertations and letters by Don Joseph Rodriguez, the Chevalier Delambre, Baron de Zach, Dr. Thomas Thomson, Dr. Olinthus Gregory, and others, tending either to impugn or defend the trigonometrical survey of Engl.and and Wales .... collected by .... G ... . 8vo. London, 181 5 Gregory (Olinthus"), W. S. B. Woolhouse, and James Hann : Tables for the use of nautical men, astronomers, and others, intended particularly as supjJementary to the Nautical Almanac, and White's coelestial atlas. 12 mo. London, 1841 Gressler (P. G. L.) : HimmelundErde, beschrieben vindim Modell dargestellt .... Achte Auflage. 8vo. Langensalza, 1853 Groombridge (Stephen) : : * Astronomical Observations. 4to. London, 1820 : A catalogue of Circumpolar Stars, deduced from the obser- vations of Stephen Groombridge .... reduced to January I, 1810. Edited by G. B. Airy. 4to. London, 1838 Grove (William Robert) : : A lecture on the progress of physical science since the opening of the London Institution. 8vo. London, 1842 : On the correlation of the physical forces ; being the sub- stance of a course of lectures delivered in the London Insti- tution in the year 1843. 8vo. London, 1846 • : The correlation of the physical forces. Sixth edition. With other contributions to science. 8vo. London, 1874 : Address to the British Association for the advancement of Science. (On continuity.) 8vo. London, 1867 : *0n aplanatic telescopes. 8vo. London, 1867 Grover (H. M.) : Changes of the poles and the equator considered as a source of error in the present construction of the maps and charts of the globe. Svo. London, 1848 Grubb (Howard) : *0n a new form of equatorial telescope. 4to. Dublin, 1884 Grubb (Howard) and C. E. Burton : *0n a new form of Ghost micrometer for nse with astrono- mical telescopes. 8vo. Dublin, 1880 Grubb (Thomas), Melbourne Telescope, see Robinson and Grubb. 143 Gruitliuison (Franz von Paula) : : Ueber die Natur der Kometen, mit Ecfloxionen auf iluo Bewohnbarkeit imd Schicksale ; bey Gelegenlieit des Kometen von 1811. 8vo. Miinchen, iSii : Selenognostische Fragmente .... Einleitung. 4to. : Analekten fiir Erd- und Himmels-Kunde. Band i. Heft 1-7. 8vo. Miinchen, 1S28-31 : Neue Analekten fiir Erd- und Himmels-Kunde. Band i, 2 (alter Beilie 8,-15, Heft) 8vo. Miinchen, 1834-36 : Kritik der Rede Schellings zum fiinf und siebzigsten Jahres- tag der kiJniglicli-Bayer'schen Akademie der Wisseu- schaften. 8vo. Miinchen, 1S34 : Natm'geschichte desgestirnten Himmels, Eineneue, zufolge ihrer Eini-ichtung jedem scientiflsch Gebildeten fassliche Darstellung der neuesten Lehren der Astronomie, nebst tabellaiischer Astronomie als Anhang. 8vo. Miinchen, 1836 : Astronomisclies Jahrbuch fiir phjsische vind natui4iistorische Himmelsforscher. Band i-ii, 8vo. Miinchen, 1838-51 : Bedeutungsvolle und neue Erscheinungen bei der Sonnen- finsterniss vom 8. Juli 1842, 8vo. Stuttgart, 1842 Grummert (Gottfried Heinrich) : Betrachtungen liber die Mondenluft, bey Gelegenheit der grossen Sonnenfinsterniss, am 25, des Heu-Monats 1748. 4to, Dresden und Leipzig, 1748 Grunert ( Johann August) : : Optische XJntersuchungen. i. Allgemeine Theorie der Fernrohre und Mikroskope. 2. Theorie der achromatischen Objective. 3. Theorie der zweifachen achromatischen Oculare, 3 parts in i vol. 8vo. Leipzig, 1846 51 : Beitriige zur meteorologischen Optik und zu verwandten Wissenschaften. Herausgegeben von J, A, G. Band i. Heft 1-4, 8vo, Leipzig, 1848-50 : Loxodi'omische Trigonometrie. Ein Beitrag zur Nautik. 8vo, Leipzig, 1849 : *Ueber die nautisclie Aufgabe : Aus den gemessenen Hijhen zweier Sterne, deren Rectascensioncn und Declinationen bekannt siud, und der Zwischenzeit der beiden Beobach- tungen die Polhuhe und die Zeit zu bcstimmen. 8vo. Greifswald, 1850 : *Neue Methode zur Berechnung der Cometenbahncn. 8vo. Greifswald, 185 i : *U1)er die Proximitiiten der Bahnen der Planeten und Kometen, 8vo, Wien, 1854 : *'I'heorie der Sonnenfinsternisse, der Durchgiinge der unteren Planeten vor der Sonne, und der Sternbedeckungen fiir oincn gegebencn Ort der Ei'de. 2 parts, 4to. Wien, 1854-55 : *Uber eine geouietrischo Aufgalx', mit besonderer Eiicksiclit auf die i'estimmung der Stillstands])unkte oder Stationen der uui die Sonne sich bewegenden Weltkiirpei'. 8v(). Wioii, 1S55 : *Uber einc astronomisclie Aufgabe. 8vo. Wi(;ii, 1S55 144 Grunert (Johann A\igust)—co7iti}mfcl. : De area trianguli loxodromici in snperficie ellipsoidis. Inaugural Dissertation. 4to. GryphiswaklisB, 1859 : *Neue naherungsweise Aufliisungder Kepler'schen Aufgabe. 8vo. Wien, 1856 : *Theoine der wahren und scheinbaren Bewesunjr eines Weltkorpers um die Sonne, nebst neuen Methoden zur Bestimmung der Bahn aus drei Beobachtungen. 8vo. Greifswald, 1857 : *Directe Bestimmung der Durclischnittspunkte der Bahnen zweier in Kegelschnitten sich um die Sonne bewegender Weltkcirper. 4to. Wien, 1861 : *Allgemeine Theorie der Kegelsclmitte als Curven im Raume betrachtet, nebst deren Anwendung auf die Bestim- mung der Bahnen der um die Sonne in Kegelschnitten sich bewegenden Weltkcirper und der Proximitaten dieser Bahnen. 8vo. Greifswald, 1861 Gruppe (O. P.) : Die kosmischen Systeme der Griechen. 8vo. Berlin, 1851 Gruss (Gustav): : *Uber die Bahn der Loreley (165). 8vo. Wien, 1877 : *Bestimmung der Bahn des Kometen V, 1874. 8vo. Wien, 1878 Grynseus (Simon) : Commentarii duo, de ignitis meteoris unus : alter de cometarum causis atque signiiicationibus .... Accessit eiusdem ob- servatio cometse .... 1577-78 . . . . et disputatio de inusitata magnitudine & figui-a Veneris .... 1578-79. 4to. [Basilese, 1580] Gualterotti (Raflfaele), Nuova Stella, see Jacoli (Ferdinando). Guarini (Giovanni), L. Palmieri, ed. A. Scacchi : Memoria sullo incendio Vesuviano del mese di Maggio 1855, 4to. Napoli, 1855 Guarini (Gtiarino) : Cselestis mathematica?, pars prima, in qua leges antiqiije et novfe temporum ac planetarum digeruntur, et in tabulas ox-dinantur. fol. Mediolani, 1683 Guceia (J.) : *Sur une classe de surfaces, representables, point par ]:)oint, sur un plan. 8vo. Paris, [1880] Guericke (Otto von) : Exj>erimenta nova (ut vocantur) Magdebui-gica de Vacuo Spatio .... quibus accesserunt simul certa quagdam de aeris pondere circa terram ; de virtutibus mundanis & systemate mundi planetario ; sicut Sl de stellis fixis ac spatio illo immense, quod tarn intia quam extra eas fiinditur. fol. Amstelodami, 1672 Gu^rin (J.) : Catalogue des manuscrits orientaux en lantifiie Sanscrite, sur I'astronomie, la modecine, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1855 145 Guillemin ( Am6d6e) : : Le Ciel : Notions d'astronomie a I'usage des gens du monde et de la jeunesse. 8vo. Paris, 1S64 ; Ditto, quatrieme edition. 8vo. Paris, 1870 • : Le Ciel. Notions elementaires d'astronomie physique .... Cinquieme edition. 8vo. Paris, 1S77 : The Heavens : an illustrated handbook of popular astro- nomy .... Edited by J. Norman Lockyer. 8vo. London, 1866 La Lune. 8vo. Paris, 1866 Le Soleil. 8vo. Paris, 1869 The Sun. . . . From the French by T. L. Phipson. 8vo. London, 1870 : Les Cometes. ' 8vo. Paris, 1875 : The World of Comets. . . . Translated and edited by James Glaisher. 8vo. London, 1877 : Les Nebuleuses : notions d'Astronomie sidcrale. 8vo. Paris, 1880 Guimaraens (A. de Soiiza) : *Eemai-ks on a paper on fluid cavities in Meteorites .... by H. Hensoldt. 8vo. London, 1883 Guinand (Aim6) : Some account of the late M. G., and of the important dis- covery made by him in the manuftictnre of Flint Glass for large telescopes. (By E. R.) 8vo. London, 1825 Guinea : Observationes meteorologica3 per annos 1829 34 & 1838-42 in Guinea factfe a J. J. Trentepohl, P. Chenon, F. Sannom. 4to. Ilaunite, 1845 Guldberg (C. M.) : Om Cirklers Berciring. Christiania Universitets-Program. 4to. Christiania, 186 1 Guldberg (C. M.) et H. Mohn : Etudes sur les mouvements de I'atmosphere. Premiere partie. 4to. Christiania, 1876 Guldberg (C. M.) et P. Waage : Etudes sur les affiuites chimiques. Programme de I'Universite, 1867. 4^0. Christiania, 1867 Gumpach (Johannes von) : : llulfsljucli dor llechuenden Chronologic, oder Lai'gcteau's abgekiirzte Sonnen- und Mondtafeln .... nebst Beispielen ihrer praktischen Anwendung. 8vo. Heidelberg, 1853 : A popular inquiry into the Moon's rotation on her axis. 8vo. London, 1856 : A letter to William Hopkins .... on the suiyect of the true figure and dimensions of the Earth. 8vo. Guernsey [1862] : A letter to Warren De La Rue [the same letter]. 8v(). Guernsey [1S62] : The true figure and dimensions of the Earth, newly dctttr- mined from the results of geodetic measurements and I. 146 Gumpaeh (Johannes von)— continued. pendulum observations . ... in a letter addressed to G. B. Airy, Astronomer Royal. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1862 Gunter (Edmund) : : Works : containing the description and use of his sector, cross-staff, bow, quadrant, and other instruments : with a canon of artificial sines and tangents to radius of 10,000,000 parts, and logarithms from an unite to 10,000 .... cor- rected by H. Bond. Fouith edition, to which is added the description and use of another sector . . . . also of a quadrant .... by Sam. Foster. Enlarged by W. L[eybourn]. 4to. London, 1662 : Ditto, fifth edition. 4to. London, 1673 Guntlier (Priedrich Willielm) : De perturbationibus quas SaturnuS per integram revolutionem in Palladem exercet ; commentatio astronomica, cut Palladis orbitae deter minatio nova sviperstinitur. [Inaii- gural Dissertation.] 4to. Wratislaviae, i860 Giinther (Joli. Jac.) : Populare Betrachtung liber die Kometen, mit Bezug auf die uns in diesem (1834) oder folgenden Jahre (1835) bevor- stehende Erscheinung des sogeuannten Halley'schen Kometen. i2mo. Coin, 1834 Gussew (H.) : *Uber die Gestalt des Mondea. 8vo. St. Petersburg, i860 Guynemer (A. M. A.) : Dictionnaire d'astronomie a I'usage des gens du monde. 8vo. Paris, 1852 Guyot (Arnold) : : *A collection of meteorological tables, with other tables useful in practical meteorology. 8vo. Washington, 1852 : Ditto, second edition (tables meteorological and physical). 8vo. Washington, 1858 Gyld6n (Hugo) : : *Untersuchungen liber die Constitution der Atmosphiire und die Strahlenbrechnng in derselben. (Abhandlungen I und 11.) 4to. St. Petersburg, 1866-68 : *Uber eine Methode die Stcirungen eines Cometen vermit-' telst rasch convergirender Ausdriicke darszustellen. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1869 : *Studien auf dem Gebiete der Sttirungstheorie. I. Ent- wicklung einiger Verbindungen elliptischer Functionen. 4to.St. Petersbourg, 1871 : *Relationer emellan Stjernornas glans, antal och relativa medelafstand frin v^r standpunkt i verldsrymden. 8vo. Stockholm, 1872 : *Formler och tabeller for beriikning af fyrars lysvidd. 8vo. Stockholm, 1872 . : *0m stjernkatalogen i Lacaille's 'Astronomife Fundamenta.' 8vo. Stockholm, 1873 147 Gylddn {Hxigo)— continued. : *Forteckning (ifver rektascensioiierna flir 103 Fuurla- mentalstjernor. 8vo. Stockholm, 1874 : *0m en method for den analytiska hjirledningon af do sma, planeteinas relativa storingar. Svo. Stockholm, 1874 : *CTranddi'agen af en method tor bei-iikningen af absoluta storingar, med hufvndsakligt afseende pa de smfi plane- ternas banor. Svo. Stockhohn, 1875 : Die Grundlehren der Astronomie nach ihrergesehichtlichen Ent'unckelung dargestellt. Svo. Leipzig, 1877 : *Ueber die mittlere Parallaxe der Fixsterue erster Grosse. Svo. Leipzig, 1877 : *Ueber die Bahn eines materiellen Punktes, der .sich unter dem Einflusse einer Centralkraft von der Form ^' 4- /igr bewegt. 4to. Stockholm, 1879 : * Sur h\ sommation des fonctions periodiques. 4to. Paris, 1879 : *Versuch einer mathematischen Theorie zur Erklarung des Lichtwechsels der verjinderlichen Sterne. 4to. Helsingfors, 1880 : *0m banan af en punkt, som ror sig i en sferoids eqvators- plan under inverkan af den Newtonska attraktionskraften. Svo. Stockholm, 1880 : *Ueber die Theorie der Bewegungen der Himmelskikper. 4to. Kiel. : *Eine Annjiherungsmethode im Probleme der drei Korper. 4to. : *Ueber die Convergenz der successiven Annaherungen bei der theoretischen Berechnung der Bahnen der Himmels- kcirper. Svo. Leipzig [18S1] : *Undersokningar af theorien for himlakropparnas rcireLser. 1-3. Svo. Stockholm, 1881-82 : *Bestamning af afstundet till stjernan No. 3077 i. Bradley's Katalog. Svo. Stockholm, 1882 : *Ueber die absoluten Elemente der Planeten bahnen. 4to. Kiel, 1 88 2 : See also Stockholm, Observatorium. G-yory (Sandor) : A' Felsobb Analysis' Elcmei. Parts i, 2. 4to. Budan, 1836-40 Haarlem, Mus6e Teyler : : Archives. Vol. 1-4. Svo. Haarlem, 1S68-1S78 : Serie 2. Part 1-3. Svo. Haarlem, 1881-S2 Haase (Carl) : : Die Sonnenfinsterniss. Popnllir beschrieben, nebst erliiu- ternden Angaben fiir die iotale Finsterniss am 18. Jidiiis i860. Svo. Hannover, i860 : *l]inige Zusammenstellungen als Beitrag zu der Frage, ob ansser Mercur und Venus in dem Ranine zwisclun Sonne und Erdc; iioch aiidcne planetennrtige Korper vor- haudcn siuil. . . . llerausgcgebeu von C. A. F. Peters. Svo. i I.MllluVCl-, I 864 148 * Hadley (John, George and Henry), (biograi)liical aocount of). 8vo. Hadley's Quadrant (the natm-e and use of), with .... a de- scription of the Nonius. 8vo. London. *Hadley's Quadrant (invention and history of). 8vo. Hagecius [Hageck] (Thaddeus): : Dinlexis de novje et prius incognitje stellro inusitatfe magni- tudiuis k splendidissimi luminis appai'itione, & de eiusdera stellse vero loco constituendo. Adiuncta est ibidem ratio investigandse parallaxeos cviiuscunque Phfenomeiii, eiiisque a centre terrte distantia. .. . 4to. Francofurtiad Mcenum,i574 : Responsio ad virulentem &, maledicum Ilannibalis Ray- mundi .... scriptum ; quo iterum confirmare nititur, Stellam, quje anno Lxxii & lxxiii supra sesquimillesimum fnlsit, non noua, sed veterem fuisse. 4to. Pragse, 1576 Hagen (Gotthilf Heinrich Ludwig) : *Uber die Wiirrae der Sonuenstrahlen. 4to. Berlin, 1864 Hagens (Joachim Heinrich) : Bemerkung der jUngsten grossen Comet-Ersclieinungen, auf Hoch-Furstlichen gniidigsten Befehl, verabfasst und hervoi'- gegeben. 4to. Bayreixt, 1681 Hague (The), Commission g^od^sique N6erlandaise : Publications, No. i : Determination, k Utrecht, de I'Azimut d'Amersfoort, par J. A. C Oudemans. 4to. La Haye, 1881 Hahn (Friedrich Gustav) : Ueber die Beziehungen der Sonnenfleckenperiode zu meteoro- logischen Erscheinvingen. Inaugural-Dissertation. 8vo. Leij)zig, 1877 Hahn (Otto): Die Meteorite (Chondrite) und ihre Oiganismen. 4to. Tubingen, 1880 Haidinger (Wilhelm) : : Berichte iiber die Mittheilungen von Fi'eunden der Natur- wissenschaften in Wien. Band i, 2. 8vo. Wien, 1847 : Naturwissenschaftliche Abhandluugen, gesammelt und .... herausgegeben von W. H . . . Band i. 4to.Wien, 1847 : *Herrn Director Julius Schmidt's Beobachtung der Meteore inderNacht des 13. -14. November 1866. 8vo. Wien, 1866 Hailes (John Davey) : : Asti'onomy, established on a principle practically proving the words of Joshua, ' Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon, and thou. Moon, in the valley of Ajalon.' i6mo. London, 1843 : Instructions for J. D. Hailes's universal orrery globe. 8vo. London, 1848 : The Hailesean system of Astronomy .... displaying Joshua's mii^acle time, origin of time from science ; with Bible and Egyptian history. i2mo. Cambridge, 1865 149 Hales (Charles) : The theory of electric repulsion examined, in a series of experiments .... adduced principally to show the non- existence of repulsion. 8vo. London, [1837] Hales (William) : Analysis Fluxionum. 4to. Londini, 1800 Hall (Asaph^i : : ^Catalogue of 15 1 Stars in Prsesepe. 4to. Washington, 1870 : *Address before the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science .... 1880. 8vo. Camln-idge, 1880 : ^Observations of double stars made at the United States Naval Observatory. 4to. Washingtou, 1881 : *The Parallax of a Lyra) and 6 1 Cygni. 4to. Washington, 1882 : *The motion of a satellite. 8vo. • *Stellar parallax. 8vo. Hall (Asaph) and William Harkness : *l\eports on observations of Encke's comet during its return in 187 1. 4to. Washington, 1872 Hallaschka (Cassian) : : Elementa eclipsium cjuas patitur tellus, Luna earn inter ei Solem versante, ab a. 1816 usc^ue ad a. i860. 4to. Pragae, 18 16 : Sammlung der vom 8. May 181 7 bis 31. December 1827 in .... Pi-ag angestellten astronomischen, meteorologischcn und physischen Beobachtungen. 4to. Prag, 1830 Halle, Kaiserliche Leopoldinisch-Carolinische deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher : : Yerhandlungen (Nova Acta). Band 41-44. 4to. Halle, 1879-83 : Leopoldina. Heft 17, 18. 4to. Halle, 1881-82 Halley (Edmund) : : Catalogus Stellarum australium sive Supplementum Cata- logi Tychonici exhibens longitudines & latitudines Stellarum fixarum .... Accedit appendicula de rebus quibusdam astronomicis [Mercurii transitus, etc.] 4to. Londini, 1679 : Catalogue des estoilles australes, ou supplement du cata- logue de Thycho. i2mo. Paris, 1679 : Astronomical tables with precepts both in English and Latin, for computing the places of the Sun, Moon, planets, and comets. 4to. London, 1752 : *Dissertation on the method of determining tlie parallax of the Sun by the Transit of Venus, June 6, i 761. 4to. London, 1761 : Astronomy of Comets, see Gregory (D.) ; Jligaud (S. P.). Halliwell (James Orchard) : : Para inatheiiiatica ; or a collection of treatise.^ on the mathe- matics and subjects connected witli them, from ancient iiiedited manu.scripts. 8vo. Cambridge, 1S39 Contains Sacro I'xjsco fohlen wird. 4to. Miinster, 1874 Zodiacallicht-Beobachtungen in denletzten 29 Jahren, 1847- 1S75. ' 4to. Miinster, 1875 Eesultate der in den 43 Jahren 1833-1875 angestellten Sternschnuppen-Beobachtungen. 4to. Miinster, 1877 Atlas Coelestis Eclipticus .... octo continens tabu las ad delineandum Lumen Zodiacale. obi. fol. Coloniae ad Rhenum, 1878 Hell (Maximilian) : Tabulte solares (lunares et planetarum) ad meridianum Parisi- num, quas .... deduxit . . , . N. L. de la Caille (T. Mayer, J. Cassini). Svo, Vindobonae, 1763-64 Hell (Maximilian) : Observatio fcransitus Veneris ante discum Solis die 3 Junii anno 1769 Wardoehusii .... facta. 4to. Hafnife, 1770 159 Hell (Maximilian) et A. Hallerstein: Observationes Astronomica' nb Anno 171 7 ad Annum 1752 a patribns Societatis Jesu Pekini Sinarum factie eta A. Haller- stein .... coUectfe atque operis editionem ad fidem auto- graphi manuscripti curante INI. Hell. 2 parts, 4to. Vindobonse, 1768 Hellins (Jolin) : : Mathematical essays on several subjects, containing new improvements and discoveries in the mathematics. 4to. London, 1788 : An extract from a letter .... to Francis IMaseres [relat- ing to the trial of Mr. Mudge's time-keepers at the Eoyal Observatory]. 4to. [London, 1792] Helmert (F. R.) : Der Stern-Haufen im Sternbilde des Sobieski'schen Schildes. (Publ. der Hamburger Sternwarte.) 4to. Hamburg, 1874 Helmholtz (Hermann L. P.): : Optique physiologique. Ti^aduite par Emile Javal et N. Th. Klein. 8vo. Paris, 1867 : On the sensations of tone as a physiological basis for tlie theory of music .... Translated .... by Alexander J. Ellis. 8vo. London, 1875 : Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. Band i, Abth. i. 8vo. Leipzig, 1882 Helmnth ( Johann Heinrich) : Gestirnbeschreibung nach den von dem Bayer gebrauchten griechischen Buchstaben, und den seit seiner Zeit an der scheinbaren Grosse der Sterne geschehenen Veriinderungen. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1747 Helsham (Richard): A course of lectures in natural philosophy .... published by Bryan Robinson. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1743 Helsingfors, Pinska Vetenskaps-Soeietet : : Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennica?. Tom. 1-12. 4to. HelsingforsiiB, 1842-83 : Ofversigt, 1838-82. Vol. 1-4, 4to. Yol. 7-24, 8vo. Helsingfors, 1853 82 : Ftirteckning tifver Finska Vetensk. Soc. Boksamling. 8vo. Helsingfors, 1862 : Katalog ofver .... Bibliothek. 8vo. Helsingfors, 18S1 : Observations Mcteorologiques, 1873-80. Vol. 1-8. 8vo. Helsingfors, 1875 83 Helsingfors, Observatoiro Magn^tique et Mdteorologiqiie : : Observations faites .... sous la direction de Jean Jactpies Nervander (1844-48). Vol. 1-4. 4to. Helsingfors, 1850 Premiere section, Observations magnetiqiics. Deuxieme section, Observations mcteorologiques. : Observations. Vol. 5. 4to. Helsingfors, 1873 : Zonen-Beobachtungen, see Kruegcr (A.). i6o Helvicus (Christoph.) : Theatrnm historicuui et chrouologicum .... Nunc de novo recognitum . . . . k Johanne-Justo Winkelmanno .... Editio quinta. fol. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1666 Henderson (E.): Life of James Ferguson, in a brief autobiographical account and further extended memoir. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1867 Henderson (Thomas): : *0n the declinations of the principal fixed stars, deduced from observations made at the observatory. Cape of Good Hope, in the years 1832 and 1833. 4to. London, 1837 : Life, see Galloway ; Observations, see Edinburgh, Royal Observatory. Henischius (Georgius) : Tabulpe Institutionum Astronomicarum .... Adiuncta est sphaera Procli, cum textu Graeco e regione in latinam lin- guam conuerso. 4to. Augustse Vindelicorum, 1575 Henly (William) : *Experiment3 and observations on a new apparatus, called a machine for exhibiting pei'petual electi-icity. 4to. London, 1776 Hennessy (Henry) : *0u the influence of the earth's internal structure on the length of the day. 8vo. London, 1856 Henry (Joseph) : *Meteorology in its connection with agriculture. 8vo. Washington, 1858 Henry (Paul et Prosper): *Sur un nouveau telescope catadioptrique. 4to. Paris, 1879 Herapath (John) : Mathematical physics, or the mathematical principles of natural philosophy ; with a development of the causes of heat, gaseous elasticity, gravitation, and other great phe- nomena of natui^e. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1847 Her^ny, Astrophysikalisches Observatorium : Publikationen .... Herausgegeben von Eugen von Got- hard. Heft i. 4to. Hereny, 1884 Herlicius (Christian) : Eclipsiologia : das ist griindliche, wahre, natiirliche, astro- nomische und historische Beschreibung der vier erschreck- lichen Fiusternissen .... welche sich begeben und zu- tragen auflfs Jahr .... 1634. 4to. 1633 Hermann (Jacob) : Phoronomia, sive de viribus et motibus corporum solidorum et fluidorum libri duo. 4to. Amstelfedami, 17 16 Hermes Trismegistus : De decubitu infirmorum, see Boderius. Herpin (A.) : Dictionnaire astronomique, ou expose par ordre alphabetique des principes fondamentaux et des lois generales de la mecanique universelle. 8vo. Paris, 1875 t6i Herrick (Edward C.) : *Sur les etoiles filantes, iS6i. Svo. Bruxelles, 1862 Herschel (Alexander Stewart) : : * Method of determining the path of a meteor. 8vo. London, 1S63 : Observations and real path of the fireball of 1879, Septem- ber 23rd, 8*^ 10"^ p.m. (Scotland and the north of Eng- land). 8vo. : *Notice of the fall of an aerolite near INIiddlesborough, Yorkshire, on the 14th of March, 1881. 1 6mo. Newcastle on Tyne Herschel (Carolina) : Catalogue of stars, taken from Mr. Flamsteed's observations contained in the second volume of the Historia Ccelestia, and not inserted in the British Catalogue; to which is added a collection of errata that should be noticed in the same volume .... with remarks by William Herschel. fol. London, 1798 [Herschel (John)] : : *Bibliography of pendulums in connection with the figure of the Earth. 4to. Calcutta, 1879 : *Table of provisional equatorial vibration-numbers of pendulums used differentially since 1800 ; followed by a synopsis of pendulum observations from 1672 to 1874. 4to. Calcutta, 1879 Herschel (Mrs. John) : Memoir and correspondence of Caroline Herschel. 8vo. London, 1876 Herschel (John Frederick William) : ; A collection of examples of the applications of the calculus of finite ditferences. 8vo. Cambridge, 1820 Funning Part 3 ot Peacock's examples of tlie calculus. : *0n the reduction of certain classes of functional equations to equations of finite differences. 4to. Cambridge, 1820 : Light. [Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.] 4to. [London, 1827] : A preliminary discourse on the study of natural philosoiihy. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaidia.] i2mo. Lrmdon, 1831 : *0n the absorption of light by coloui-ed media, viewed in connexion with th(i undulatory theory. 8vo. London, 1833 : A treatise on Astronomy. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopiodia.] i2mo. London, 1833 : *Observations of Nebula; and clusters of stars, made at Slough, with a twenty-feet reflector, between the years 1825 and 1833. 4to. London, 1833 : * A second series of micrometrical measures of double st:u-s, cliiefly performed with the 7-feet equatorial at Slough, in the years 1831, 1832, and 1833. 4to. London, 1S34 : *A list of test olyects, principally double stars, arranged in cla.sses, f(jr tljo trial of telescopes in various respects, as to liglit, distinctness, ifec. 4to. London, 1834 : *()n till' satellites of Uranu.s. 4to. London, 1834 l62 Herschel (John Frederick WilliSixa)—contimied. : *0n the advantages to be attained by a revision and re- arrangement of the constellations, with especial reference to those of the southern hemisphere. 4to. London, 1841 : Memoir of Francis Baily. 8vo. London, 1845 : Results of Astronomical Observations made during the years 1834-38 at the Cape of Good Hope ; being the completion of a telescopic survey of the whole surface of the visible heavens, commenced in 1825. 4to. London, 1847 : Outlines of Astronomy. 8vo. London, 1849 : Ditto, fifth edition. 8vo. London, 1858 : Ditto [Translated into Chinese, by A. Wylie.J 3 vols. Shanghae, 1874 : *0n the algebraic expression of the numl:)er of partitions of which a given number is susceptible. 4to. London, 1850 : Essays from the Edinburgh and Quarterly Reviev/s, with addresses and other pieces. 8vo. London, 1857 : An essay, entitled The Yard, the Pendulum, & the Metre, considered in reference to the choice of a standard of length. 8vo. London, 1863 : *A general catalogue of nebulae and clusters of stars, ar- ranged in order of Right Ascension and reduced to the common epoch i86o-o. 4to. London, 1864 : *Supplement, by J. L. E. Dreyer. 4to. Dublin, 1878 : *A catalogue of 10,300 multiple and double stars arranged in the order of right ascension. . . . Edited by R. Main and C. Pritchard. 4to. London, 1874 : Life, see Harley ; Pritchard ; Quetelet. Herschel (John Frederick William) and James South : *Observations of the apparent distances and positions of 380 double and triple stars, made in the years 1821, 1822, and 1823. 4to. London, 1825 Herschel (William) : : * Astronomical observations on the periodical star in collo Ceti. 4to. London, 1780 : *Astronomical observations relating to the mountains of the Moon. 4to. London, 1780 ; * Astronomical observations on the rotation of the planets - round their axes, made with a view to determine whether the Earth's diurnal motion is perfectly equable. 4to. London, 1781 : * Account of a comet. [Uranus.] 4to. London, 1781 : *0n the parallax of the fixed stars. 4to London, 1782 : *Catalogue of double stars. 4to. London, 1782 : *Description of a lamp-micrometer, and the method of using it. 4to. London, 1782 : *A paper to obviate some doubts concerning the great magnifying powers used 4to. London. 1782 : *A letter .... to Sir Joseph Banks, [upon the name of the newly discovered planet.] 4to. London, 1782 i63 Herschel (Willia,ra)^co)ifmited. : *0n the diameter and magnitude of tlie Georgium Sidns, with a description of the dark and lucid disk and periphery micrometers. 4to. London, 1783 : *0n the proper motion of the Sun and solar system, with an account of several changes that have happened among the fixed stars since the time of Mr. Flamstead. 4to. London, 1 783 : *0n the remarkable appearances at the polar regions of the planet Mars, the inclination of its axis, the position of its poles, and its spheroidical figure. 4to. London, 1784 : *Account of some observations tending to investigate the construction of the heavens. 4to. Loudon, 1784 : * Catalogue of double stars. 4to. London, 1785 : *0n the construction of the heavens. 4to. London, 1785 : *Catalogueof one thousand new nebuke and clusters of stars. 4to. London, 1786 : * Investigation of the cause of that indistinctness of vision whicli has been ascribed to the smallness of the optic pencil. 4to. London, 1786 : *An Account of the discovery of two satellites revolving round the Georgian planet. 4to. London, 1787 ■■ : *An account of three volcanoes in the Moon. 4to. London, 1787 : *0n the Georgian planet and its satellites. 4to. London, 1788 : *Observations on a Comet. 4to. London, 1789 : *Catalogue of a second thousand of new nebulfe and clusters of stars, with a few introductory remarks on the construction of the heavens. 4to. London, 1789 : *Account of the discovery of a sixth and seventh satellite of the planet Saturn ; with remarks on the construction of its ring, its atmosphere, its rotation on its axis, and its spheroidical figure. 4to. London, 1789 : *0n the satellites of the planet Saturn, and the rotation of its ring on an axis. 4to. London, 1790 : *0n nebulous stars, properly so called. 4to. London, 1791 : *0u the ring of Saturn, and the rotation of the fifth satel- lite upon its axis. 4to. London, 1792 : *Miscellaneous observations. (Account of a Comet; On the periodical appearance of o Ceti ; On the disappearance of the 55th Herculis; Remarkable phienomona in an eclipse of the Moon.) 4to. London, 1792 : ^Observations on the planet Venus. 4to. London, 1793 : ^Observations of a (piintuple belt on the planet S.iturn, also an account of sonui particulars observed during the lato eclipse of the Sun, and also on the rotation of the planet Saturn upon its axis. 4to. London, 1794 : ^Description of a forty-feet reflecting telescope. 4to. London, 1795 : *0n the method of observing the changes that liappen to tlio fixed stars, with some remarks on the stability of the light of our Sun : to which is added a catalogue of comparative M 2 164 Herschel (Willia,va.)—conM7med. bri<,'litness, for ascertaining the permanency of the lustre of stars. 4to. London, 1796 ; *0n the periodical star a Herculis ; with remarks tending to establish the rotatory motion of the stars on their axes ; to which is added a second catalogue of the comparati%'e brightness of the stars. 4to. London, 1796 ; *A third catalogue of the compai-ative brightness of the stars ; with an introductory account of an index to Mr. Flamsteed's observations of the fixed stars. 4to. London, 1797 : *Observations of the changeable bi^ghtness of the satellites of Jupiter, and of the variation in their apparent magni- tudes, with a determination of the time of their rotatory motions on their axes [&c.] 4to. London. 1797 : *0n the discovery of four additional satellites of the Geor- fjium Sidus. The retroo;rade motion of its old satellites announced, and the cause of their disappeai-ance at certain distances from the planet explained. 4to. London, 1798 • : *A fourth catalogue of the comparative brightness of the stars. 4to. London, 1799 : *0n the power of penetrating into space by telescopes, with a compai-ative determination of the extent of that power in natural vision, and in telescopes of various sizes and con- structions. 4to. London, 1800 : *Investigation of the powers of the prismatic colours to heat and illuminate ol3Jects, with remarks that prove the different refrangibility of radiant heat ; to which is added an inquiry into a method of viewing the Sun advantage- ously with telescopes of large aperture and high magnifying powers. 4to. London, 1800 ' : ^Experiments on the refrangibility of the invisible rays of the Sun. 4to. London, 1800 : *Experiments on the solar and on the terrestrial rays tliat occasion heat ; with a comparative view of the laws to which light and heat .... are subject .... 4to. London, 1800 . : *Observations tending to investigate the nature of the Sun, in order to iind the causes or symptoms of its variable emission of light and heat ; with remarks on the use that may possibly be drawn from solar observations. 4to. London, 1801 : ^Additional observations tending to investigate the sym- ptoms of the vai^iable emission of the light and heat of the Sun, with trials to set aside darkening glasses by trans- mitting the solar rays through liquids. 4to. London, 1801 : *Observations on the two lately discovered celestial bodies [Ceres and Pallas]. 4to. London, 1802 : *Catalogue of five hundred new nebula?, nebulous stars, planetary nebulag, and clusters of stai's ; with remarks on the construction of the heavens. 4to. London, 1802 • : ^Observations of the transit of Mercury over the disc of the 165 Herschel (WU.liaiix)—confini(aL Suu ; to which is added an investigatiou of the causes which often prevent the proper action of mirrors. 4to. Loudon, 1S03 : "Account of the changes that have happened, during the last twenty-five yeai-s, in the relative situation of double stai-s, and an investigation of the ciiuse to which they are owing. 4to. London, 1803 : '""Continuation of an account of the changes that have happened in the relative situation of double stars. 4to. London, 1804 : ^Experiments for ascertaining how far telescopes will enable us to determine very small angles ; . . . . with an applica- tion of the result of these experiments to a series of observa- tions on the nature and magnitude of Mr. Harding's lately discovered star [Juno]. 4to. London, 1805 : "On the direction and velocity of the motion of the Sun and solar system. 4to. London, 1805 : ^Observations on the singular figure of the planet Saturn. 4to. London, 1805 • : "^On the quantity and velocity of the solar motion. 4to. London, 1806 : ^Observations and remarks on the figure, the climate, ai.d the atmosphere of Saturn and its ring. 4to. Ltmdon, i8c6 : ^Experiments for investigating the cause of the coloured concentric rings, discovered by Sir Isaac Newton, between two object-glasses laid upon one another. 4to. London, 1807 : ^Observations on the natui'e of the new cekstial body [Vesta] discovered by Dr. Olbers, and of the Comet which was expected to a])pear last January in its return from the Sun. 4to. London, 1807 : ^Observations of a Comet, made with a view to investigate its magnitude and the nature of its illumination ; to which is added an account of a new irregularity lately perceived in the apparent figure of the planet Saturn. 4to. London, 1808 : *Continuation of experiments for investigating the cjiuse of cohnirc'd concentric rings ; and other appearances of a similar natiu'e, 4to. London, 1809 : 'Supplement to the fii'st and second part of the paper of ex- periments for investigating the cause of coloured concentric rings between object-glas; es, and other a})pearances of a similar nature. 4to. London, 1810 : *Astronomical observations relating to the construction of the heavens, arranged for the pui peso of a critical examina- tion. 4t<). lyoudoii, iSii : *Obseivations of a Comet, with remarks on the con.stniction of its different parts. 4to. London, 181 2 : *Observations of a second Comet, with remarks on its con- struction. 4to. Lond(m, 1812 : * Astronomical ol)scrva(ions relating to the sidereal p:irt of the Leavens, and its connection with the nebulous part. 4to. London, i 3 1 4 i66 Hers.chel {Willis.vQ.)—coiifi!uicd. : *A series of observations of the satellites of the Georgian plauet, including a passage through the node of their orbits, with an introductory account of the telescopic appai-atus that has been used on this occasion. 4to. London, 1815 : * Astronomical observations and experiments tending to investigate the local arrangement of the celestial bodies in space, and to determine the extent and condition of the milky way, 4to. London, 181 7 : *Astrononiical observations and experiments selected for the purpose of ascertaining the relative distances of clusters of stars, and of investigating how far the power of our telescopes may be expected to reach into space. 4to. London, 181 8 : Discoveries, see Pfaif. : Nebulae (catalogues of), see Auwers. : Variable stars (observations of), see Pickering. : Life, see Holden, Wolf. Hersohel (William and Carolina) : : *An account of a new Comet. 4to. London, [1786] : * Account of the discovery of a new comet. 4to. London, 1795 Hertzsprung (Severin) : *Eeduction af Maskelyne's lagttagelser af smaa stjerner, anstillede i aai-ene fra 1765 til 1787. 4to. Kjbbenhavn, 1865 Herz (Norbert) und Jcsef Strobl : *ilednction des Auwers'schen Fundamental-Cataloges auf die Le Yerrier'schen Praecessionscoefficienten. 4to. Wien, 1883 Hevelius (Johannes) : : Selenographia, sive Lunse desciiptio atque accurata .... de- lineatio. In qua simul cfeterorum omnium planetarum nativa facies variseque observationes, prtesertim autem macularum solarium atque Jovialium, tubospicillo acqui- sitae, figuris accuratissime seri incisis, sub aspectum ponun- tur .... Addita est lentes expoliendi nova ratio, fol. Gedani, 1647 : EpistolaB TV. I. De observatione deliquii Solis anno 1649 habita .... II. De eclipsi Solis anno 1652 observata . , , , III. De motu Lunse libratorio .... IV. De utriusque luminai'is defectu anni 1654, fol. Gedani, 1654 : Epistola; II. Prior, de motu Lunse libratorio, in certas tabulas redacto . . . , posterior, de utriusqi;e Luminaris defectu anni 1654. fol, Gedani, 1654 ■ : Dissertatio de nativa Saturni facie, ejusque variis phasibus, certa periodo redeuntibus ; Cui addita est, tam eclipseos Solaris anni 1656 observatio, qu;\m diametri Solis appar- entis accurata dimensio, fol. Gedani, 1656 ; Mercurius in Sole visus Gedani anno christiano mdclxi .... Cuiannexa est Venus in Sole pariter visa anno 1639 16; Hevelius (Johannes)— cow/i^^frf. .... Liverpolite a Jeremia Korroxio .... quibus accedit succmcta historiola novas illius ac mirse stellse in collo Ceti. fol. Gedani, 1662 : Prodromus Cometicus, quo historia Cometse anno 1 664 exorti cursum, faciesque diversas capitis ac caudae accurate deline- atas complectens, nee non dissertatio de Oometarum omnium motu, generatione, variisque phsenomenis, exhibetur. fol. Gedani, 1665 : Descriptio Cometfe anno ser^ Christ, mdclxv exorti .... cni addita est mantissa Prodromi Cometici, observation es omnes prioris Cometse mdclxiv. fol. Gedani, 1666 : Cometogi-aphia totam naturam cometavum . . . exhibens. In qua universa insuper |)hjenomena, quKstionesque de cometis omnes, rationibus evidentibus deducuntur .... cumprimis verb Cometse anno 1652, 1661, 1664 & 1665 ab ipso auctove summo studio observatse .... accessit omnium cometarum a mundo condito .... historia. fol. Gedani, 1668 : Annus climactericus, sive rerum uranicarum observationum annus quadragesimus nonus, exhibens diversas occulta- tionestam planetarum quam fixaium post editam Machinam Ccelestem, nee non plurimas altitudines meridianas Solis, ac distantias planetarum fixarumque . . . &, continuatione his- toriae novaj stellte in Collo Ceti. fol. Gedani, 1685 : FLrmamentum Sobiescianum, sive Uranographia, totum ccelum stellatum, utpote tarn quodlibet sidus, quam omnes et singulas stellas, secundum genuinas earum magnitudiues, nudo oculo, et olim jam cognitas, et nuper primum detectas accuratissimisque organis rite observatas exhibens. fol. Gedani, 1690 : Prodromus astronomise, exhibens fundamenta, quse tarn ad novum plan6 & correctiorem stellarum fixarum catalogum construendum, quam ad omnium planetarum tabulas corri- gendas omnimode spectant .... quiljus additus est uterque catalogus stellarum fixarum. fol. Gedani, 1 690 : The illustrated account given by Hevelius in his ' Machina Celestis ' of the method of mounting his telescopes and erecting an observatory. Reprinted from an original copy, with some remarks, by C. Leeson Prince. 8vo. Lewes, 1882 : >Si:e Hooke (Robert). Heynes (Samuel) : A treatise of trigonometry, plane and si)herical, theoretical and practical .... as likt wise a treatise of stereograpliick and orthographick projection of the sphere. Tliird edition. 8vo. I^ndon, 1725 Heyns ( Johann) : Versuch oiner Betrachtung iiber die Cometen, die Siindllut und das Vorspiel desjiingsten Gerichts, nach astrt)nomisclien Griinden und der heiligen Schrift angestellet, >uid mit Herrn J. Chr. Gottscheds .... Yoiredc^ Ijpgleitet. 8vo. Dcrliu und Leipzig, 1742 i68 Hibnor (Israel) : Mysteriuin sigilloruui herbarum et lapidum .... Translated .... foi' B. Claylon. 8vo. London, 1698 niggins (W. H.) : The names of the stars and constellations, compiled from the Latin, Greek, and Arabic, with their derivations and mean- ings. 8vo. Leicester, 1882 Higgins (W. M.) : Researches in the Solar realm. 8vo. London, 1852 Hildreth (S. P.) : *E.esults of Meteorological Obsei^vations made at Marietta, Ohio, between 1826 and 1859 inclusive. 4to. Washington, 1868 Hilflker (Jakob) : Ueber die Bestimmnng der Constante der Sonnenparallaxe mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Oppositionsbeobach- tungen. 8vo. Bern, 1878 Hill (George W.) : : Tables of Venus, prepared for the use of the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac. 4to. Washington, 1873 : *Besearches in the lunar theory, 1—3. 4to. Baltimore, [1878] : On the part of the motion of the lunar perigee which is a function of the mean motions of the Sun and Moon. 4to. Cambridge [U.S.], 1877 : On the development of the perturbative function in periodic series. 8vo. : On Gauss's method of computing secular perturbations. (Astronomical papers prepared for the use of the American Nautical Almanac.) 4to. Washington, 1881 Hill (John) : : Urania, or a compleat view of the heavens ; containing the antient and modern astronomy, in form of a dictionary. 4to. London, 1754 : Arithmetick, both in the theory and practice, made plain and easy in all the common and useful rules .... nth edition. 8vo. London, 1772 ' : A review of the works of the Boyal Society of London, containing animadversions on such of the papers as deserve particular observation .... Second edition. 4to. London, 1780 Hind (John) : ■ : The elements of plane and spherical trigonometry, designed for the use of students in the University. Second edition. 8vo. Cambridge, 1828 : The elements of algebra, designed for the use of students in the University. Second edition. 8vo. Cambridge, 1830 : Ditto, fourth edition. 8vo. Cambridge, 1839 : The principles of the differential calculus, with its applica- 1 69 Hind (Jo'h.n)—co?i/iiif(ed. tiou to curves and cui-ve surfaces. Designed for the use of students in the University. . . . Second edition, 8vo. Cambridge, 1831 : Tlie principles and practice of arithmetic, designed for the use of students in the University. 8vo. Cambridge, 1832 Hind (John Russell) : : On tlie expected return of the great Comet of 1 264 and 1556 ; with a history of former appeai-ances, comj»iled from various authors, and ephemerides for faciUtating its re-discovery. 8vo. London, 1848 : The solar system : a descriptive treatise upon the 8un, Moon, and planets, including an account of all the recent discoveries. 8vo. Loudon [ 1 85 1 ] — — — : An Astronomical vocabulary ; being an explanation of all terms in use amongst Astronomers at the pi-esent day, 8vo. London, 1852 : The Comets : a descriptive treatise upon those bodies, with a condensed accoimt of the numei-ous modern discoveries respecting them ; and a table of all the calculated comets from the earliest ages to the present time. 8vo. London, 1852 : Die Kometen. Eine gemeinfassliche Beschreibung dieser Korper nebst einer kurzen Uebersicht der neueren Entdeckungen und einer Tafel der Kometenbahnen .... In deutscher Bearbeitung mit zahlreichen Anmerkiingeu nnd Zusjitzen von J. H. Madler. 8vo. Leipzig, 1854 : Total Solar Eclipse, i860, July 18. Bevised path of the shadow, &c. (Nautical Almanac circular, No. 5.) 8vo. London, [1858] : An introduction to astronomy, to which is added an astronomical vocabulary containing an explanation of terms in use at the present day. Third edition. 8vo. London, 1863 Hipp (Karl Triedrich) :. Commentatio de scriptis factisque "Veterum, qui vel obser- vandis et describendis rebus caelestibus vel perficienda astrorum scientia prae ceteris inclai'uerunt. [Inaugui'al Dissertation.] 4to. Hamburg!, 1826 Hirsch ( Adolph) : : * V'orausberechnung der totalen Sonnen-Finsterniss am 18. Juli i860, 8vo. Wion, 1856 : Determinations de longitude, see Plantamour et Hirsch. Hirsch (Adolph) et E. Plantamour : Nivellement de pvcci.sion de la Suisse, execute par la Com- mission Geod6sique Ecddrale. Livraison 1-8. 4to. Geneve, 1867-83 Hirsch (Meier) : : Integral tafeln, oder Sammlung von Integndformcln. 4to. Berlin, 1810 I70 Hirsch ('M.eieT)—contmncd. : Collection of examples, formulae, it calculations, on the literal calculus and algebra. Translated .... by the Rev. J. A. Ross. 8vo. London, 1827 Hirzel (G.) : Astronomie de I'amateur, ou considerations philosophiques et populaires sur I'univers, suivies d'une methode nouvelle et facile de connoitre les etoiles. 8vo. Geneve, 1820 Hobart Town, Magnetieal and Meteorological Observatory: Observations made at the .... Observatory, and by the Antarctic Naval Expedition, 1841-48. Printed • _• • • under the superintendence of Lieut.- Col. Edward Sabine. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1850-53 Hobart Town, Meteorological Observatory : Results of meteorological observations for twenty years for Hobart Town, made at the Royal Observatory, Ross Bank, 1841-54, and at the private observatory, 1855-60. 4to. Hobart Town, 1861 : * Meteorological Observations, 1856-58, by F. Abbott. 4to. Hobart Town, 1859 : Results of twenty-five years' meteorological observations. By F. Abbott. 4to. Hobart Town, 1866 : Results of five years' meteorological observations .... with which are incorporated the results of twenty-five years' observations previously published. By F. Abbott. 4to. Hobart Town, 1872 Hobart Town, Royal Society of Tasmania : : Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Van Diemen's Land. Vol. 2, Part 2, and Vol. 3, Part 2 (and Report for the year 1852). 8vo. Hobart Town, 1853-59 : Monthly notices of papers and proceedings (and Reports), of the Royal Society of Tasmania, 1863-74. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1864-75 : Papers and proceedings and report, 1875-81. 8vo. Hobart Town, 1876-82 Hodgson (James) : : A system of the mathematics ; containing the Euclidean geometry, plane and spherical trigonometry, the projection of the sphere .... astronomy, the use of the globes, and navigation. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1723 : The theory of Jupiter's satellites, with the construction and use of the tables for computing their eclipses, to which is added an account of the several methods proposed for fixing the longitude of places. 4to. London, 1750 : The doctrine of fluxions, founded on Sir Isaac IsTewtou's method, published by himself in his tract upon the quadra- ture of curves, 4to. London, 1758 Hoek (Martinus) : : De Kometen van de Jaren 1556, 1264 en 975, en hare vermeende identiteit. Academisch Proefschrift .... 4to. s'Gravenhage, 1857 171 Hoek (Martinus) —continued. : Determination de la vitesse avec laquelle est entrainee una onde lumineuse traversant un milieu en mouvement. Sur les prismes aehromatiques construits avec line seule sub- stance, 8 vo. Amsterdam, 1867 ; See aho Utrecht, Observatoire. HofFmann (Karl Friedrich) : A'ollstandiger HimmeLs-Atlas fiir Freunde nrid Liebhaber der Sternkunde, nach den vorzuglichsten Hilf^qiiellen und eigenen Beobachtungen gezeichnet. obi. fol Stuttgart, 1835 Hofmann (Andreas) : Disputatio Astronomica . . . . de Eclipsibns terrestribns, in specie vero de famosa ilia ad ^f Sept. 1699. [Inaugural Dissertation.] 4to. Lipsire, 1699 Holden (Edward S.) : : *0n supposed changes in the Nebula M. 17. 8vo. New Haven, 1S76 : *0n the proper motion of the Trifid Nebula : M. 20. 8vo. New Haven, 1877 : *Index catalogue of books and memoii-s relating to Nebulae and Clusters, etc. 8vo. Washington, 1877 : *Index catalogue of books and memoirs on the transits of Mercury. 4to. Cambridge, Mass., 1878 : *Note on a relation between the colours and magnitudes of the components of binary stars. 8vo. New Haven, 18S0 : *0n some of the consequences of the hypothesis, recently proposed, that the intrinsic brilliancy of the fixed stars is the same for each star. 8vo. [1880] • : *Observations on the light of telescopes used as night- glasses. 8vo. New Haven, 1881 : ^Investigation of the objective and micrometer of the twenty-six inch equatoiial constructed by Alvan Clark & Sons. 4to. AVnshington, 1881 : *The multiple star 2 748. 4to. Washington, 1881 : Sir William Herschel, his life and works. 8vo. New York, 18S1 : *Monograph of the central parts of the Nebula of Orion. 4to. Washington, 1882 : *Observations of the transit of Venus made at the Wash- burn Observatory, Madis(>n, AVisconsin, 1882, December 5-6. 8vo. New Haven, 1883 : Astronomy, see Newcomb and Holden. : Determination of secondary meridians, see Green and Holden. : See also Washburn Observatory ; Washington, U.S. Naval Observatory. Holdred (Theophilus): A new niotliod of solving equations with ease and expedition. 4to. London, 1820 Holetschck ( Johann) : *i>ahnbestiraniung des ersten Komelen vom Jahre 187 1 [2 pai-ts]. Svo. Wien, 1873-74 172 Holfelder (Georg) : De Sole, omnium sidervim inerrantium ct planefcirum maximo ac splendidissimo luminaii .... I'ractatus theologicus & philosophicus. 8vo. Noribergai, 161 2 Holland (James) : The Herschelian ; or companion to the telescope. [Part i .] foL Loudon, 1831 Holliday (Francis) : Au introduction to fluxions, designed for the use, and adaj)ted to the capa,cities of beginners. Svo. London, 1777 HoUis (Henry William) : The Asti-onomical Almanac for 1873-74. Svo. London and Newcastle, Staffordshire, 1873-74 Holmboe (C. A.) : Ezecliiels Syner og Chaldteernes Astrolab. Universitets- Pro- gram. 4to. Christiania, 1866 Holmgren (F.) : I)e la cecite des couleui-s. 8vo. Stockholm, 187S Holtzapffel (Charles) : A new system of scales of equal parts, applicable to various purposes of engineering, architectural and general science. Svo. London, 1838 Holwell (John) : Catastrophe Mundi ; or Europe's many mutations until the year 1 7 10 ... . also an ephemeris of all the comets that have appeared from the year .... 1603 to ... . 1682. 4to. London, 1682 Hombresoy : La repulsion universelle. Svo. Paris, 1872 Hong Kong Observatory : : Repoi't on a determination of latitude at Mount Elgin, in the Kau-lung Peninsula, by Major H. S. Palmer. fol. Hong Kong, 1S82 : Report of the Government Astronomer, 1883. fol. Hong Kong, 1883 Honorius Augustndunensis [Galltis] : Mundi synopsis, sive de Imagine Mundi, libri tres. Svo. Spirfe, 1583 Hooke (Robert) : : Animadversions on the first part of the Machina Coelestis of the honourable, learned, and deservedly famous asti'o- nomer Johannes Hevelius .... together with an explica- tion of some instruments made by R .... H ... . 4to. London, 1674 : An attempt to prove the motion of the earth fiom observa- tions. 4to. London, 1674 : Lampas ; or descriptions of some mechanical improvements of lamps (fe waterpoises, together with some other physical and mechanical discoveries. 4to. London, 1677 : A description of helioscopes and some other instruments. '/6 Hooke {'Rohert) -co/ifiiiKid. (Appendix concerniug the eclipse of the moon, observed in London Jan. i, 167^.) 4to. London, 1676 ; Lectures de potentia restitutiva, or of spring, explaining the power of springing bodies : to -which are added some collections. 4to. London, 1678 : Lectures and collections. I. Cometa [ 181 t Vol. I. Second edition. : Key, by D. Dowling. 8vo. London, 1818 and 1824 179 Hutton (Charles) —confmncd. : Mathematical tables, containing the common, hypei-bolic, and logistic logarithms; also sines, tangents, secants & versed sines both natural and logarithmic. . . . Fourth edition. 8vo. London, 1S04 : Ditto, fifth edition. 8vo. London, 181 1 : Ditto, with seven additional tables of trigonometrical formulfe, by Olinthus Gregory. . . . Twelfth edition. 8vo. London, 1S55 : Tracts on mathematical and philosophical subjects, com- prising, among numerous important articles, the theory of bridges ; . . . . also the results of numerous experiments on the force of gunpowder. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 18 12 : A philosophical and mathematical dictionary, containing an explanation of the terms, and an account of the several subjects comprised under the heads mathematics, astro- nomy, and philosophy both natural and experimental. 2 vols. 4to. London, 181 5 : *A letter .... to the Mai*quis De Laplace, on several astronomical and philosophical subjects. 8vo. London, 1820 : *0n the mean density of the earth. 4to. London, 1821 : Life : see Bruce (J.) Huyghens (Christian) : : Systema Saturnium, sive de causis mirandorum Saturni phaenomenon, et comite ejus planeta novo. 4to. Hagse-Comitis, 1659 : Horologium oscillatorium, sive de motu pendulorum ad horologia aptato demonstrationes geometricse. fol. Parisiis, 1673 : The celestial worlds disco ver'd, or conjectures concerning the inhabitants, plants and productions of the worlds in the planets. 8vo. London, 1698 ■ : Kocr)u.o^£wpos, sive de teri'is ccelestibus, earumque ornatu, conjecturjB. 4to. Hagaj-Comitum, 1698 : Ditto, Editio Altera. 4to. Hagfe-Comitura, 1699 : Opuscula postuma, qufe continent dioptricam, commentaries de vitris figurandis : dissertationem de corona & parheliis : tractatum de motu ; de vi centrifuga ; descriptionem automati planetarii. 4to. Lugduni Batavorum, 1703 : Opera varia. (Tom us primus, opera mechanica. Tom us socundus, opera geometrica. Tomus tertius, opera astro- nomica. Tomus qtiartus, opera miscellanea.) 4 vols, in I, 4to. Lugduni Batavorum, 1724 : Christiani TTugenii, aliorumqno scculi xvii virorum cele- brium exercitationes mathematicas et philosophica3 .... Edidit Petrus Joannes Uylenbroek. Fasciculus 1-2. 4to. Hagje Comitum, 1833 Hyginus (C. Julius) : : Clarisftinii viri llyginii Poeticon Astronomicon. 4to. Venetiis (Thomas de Blavis de Alexandria), 1488 : C'lai'issimi viri llii^inij Poeticon Astronomicon. 4to. Parrhisijs, 1514 N 2 i8o Hyginus (C Ju\iVLS)~-conti?ined. : Clarisaimi viri Higinii Poeticon Astronomicon. 4to. Parrhisijs, 15 17 : Fabularum liber .... Poeticon Astronomicon libri qna- tuor : quibus accesserunt .... Palfephati de fabulosis narrationibus .... Arati <^atvo/xevwv fragmentum, Ger- manico Csesare interprete ; eiiisdem Phsenomena grsec6, cum interpretatione Latina : Procli de sphtera libelhis, Gra;c6 & Latine. fol. Basilete, 1570 : Hygini Astronomica, ex codicibus a se primi;m collatis, recensuit B. Bunte. 8vo. Lipsiae, 1875 Ideler (Julius Ludwig) : Ueber den Ursprung der Feuerkugeln und des Nordlichts. Svo. Berlin, 1832 Idelor (Ludwig): • : Historisclie Untersuchungen Uber die astronomischen Beobachtungen der Alten. Svo. Berlin, 1 806 : Untersuchungen liber den Ursprung und die Bedeutung der Sternnamen. Ein Beytrag zur Geschichte des gestirnten Himmels. Svo. Berlin, 1809 : Handbuch der mathematiscben und technischen Chrono- logie. 2 vols. Svo. Berlin, 1825-26 India, Great Trigonometrical Survey : : An account of the measurement of an Arc of the Meridian between the parallels of 18° 3' and 24° 7', being a continua- tion of the Grand Meridional Arc of India, as detailed by Lieut.-Col. Lambton. By Capt. G. Everest. 4to. London, 1830 : An account of the measurement of two sections of the Meridional Arc of India, bounded by the pai-alleLs of 18° 3' 15"; 24° 7' 11'' ; cfe 29° 30' 48". By Lieut.-Col. Everest. [With vol. of plates.] 4to. London, 1847 : Tables of heights in Sind, the Punjab, N.W. Provinces, and Central India, determined .... to May 1862. Svo. Calcutta, 1863 : Tables of heights in jST.W. Pro\'inces and Bengal, deter- mined .... to May 1865. Svo. Roorkee, 1866 : Abstract of the Keports of the Surveys and of other geogra- phical opei'ations in India for 1869-70. Svo. London, 1871 : Account of the operations of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Prepared under the direction of Lieut.- Gen. J. T. Walker. Vol. 1-9. 4to. Dehra Doon, 1870-83 : General Report on the operations of the Great Trigonome- trical Survey of India, 1S67-77. fol. Dehra Doon and Calcutta, 1S68-78 : Genei'al Report on the operations of the Survey of India, comprising the Great Trigonometrical, the Topographical, and the Revenue Surveys, 1878-82. fol. Calcutta, 1880-83 : See also Markham (C. R.). Inghirami (Giovanni) : : Metodo e tavole per costruii-e un efemeride di occultazioni dolle fisse sotto la luna. 4to. Firenze, 1826 i8i Inghirami ( Giovanni)— continued. : iNIappn Uranografica lappiesentante la porzione dell' ora XVIII compresa fra i paralleli xv° boreale et xv° austral e .... presentata alia reale Accademia delle Seienze di Berlino [e catalogo delle stelle]. fol. Firenze, 1829 : Life : see Scarpellini. Inglefleld (E. A.) : A uew theory of tlie physical causes of Terrestrial Magnetism, aud some remarks in counectiou therewith on the Aiirora Borealis. 8vo. London, 1851 Ingram (Alexander) : A concise system of mensuration, adapted to the use of schools. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1S22 Inman ( James) : Nautical tables, designed for the use of British seamen .... New edition. 8vo. London, 1856 Innes (George) : : *0n the great solar eclipse which will take place on the 17th July, 1833, being the principal results of a calcula- tion for Edinburgh Observatory. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1828 : Tide Tables for 1834-42, showing at sight the true times of high water at Aberdeen, Dundee, Leith & London. 1 2 mo. Aberdeen. : *jMeteorological Observations made at Aberdeen, 1837 41. 8vo. and 4to. Aberdeen. Intellectual Observer : Review of Natural History, microscopic research, and recreative science. Vol. 1-12. 8vo. London, 1862-68 Continued to 1871 under the title of The Student and Intellectual Observer. International Polar Commission : Mittheilungen der internationalen Polar-Commission. Heft T-5, 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1882-84 International Scientist's Directory .... Compiled by S. E. Cassino. 8vo. Boston, U.8.A., 1883 International Standard (the), a magazine devoted to the pre- servation and perfection of the Anglo-Saxon weights and measures, and the discussion and disseminaticm of the wisdom contained in the great pyramid of Jeezeh in Egypt, Vol. I, No. 4. Svo. Cleveland and Boston, 1883 Inwards (Richard) : Weather Lore ; a collection of pi'overbs, sayings, and rules concerning the weather. 8vo. London, 1869 [Italian Eclipse Commission] : Eapporti suUe osservazioni doll' ccclisse totale di Sole del 22 Dicembre 1870 cseguite in Sicilia dalla commissione Italiana. 4to. Palermo, 1872 Italy, Associazione Meteorologica Italiana: : Atti della prima riunione meteorologica Italiana. Svo. Torino, i88i l82 Italy, Associazione Meteorologica Italmna—cmtimied. : I. Assemblea Generale .... nella CitttV di Napoli, 1882. Svo, Napoli, 1882 : See Moncalierli, R. Collegio Carlo Alberto. Italy, Riiinione degli Scienziati Italiani : Atti della pi'ima riunione .... tenuta in Pisa, 1839. 4to. Pisa, 1840 Itinerary Instructor (the), No. 1-8. 8vo. London, 1861 Ivory (James) : *A method of ascertaining the number of figures that are exact, in the value of a root of an algebraick equation that has been obtained by Mr. Raphson's method of approxima- tion [from Maseres's Scriptores Logarithmici], 4to. Jack (Richard) : Elements of conic sections, in three books. Svo. Edinburgh, 1742 [Jackson (J. R.)] : Commentary notes on the first two chapters of the * Vestiges of the natural history of creation.' Svo. London, 1 845 Jacob (William Stephen) : : A few more words on the plurality of worlds. Svo. London, 1855 : See also Madras, Observatory. Jacobi (Hermann) : De astrologiae Indicae * Hora ' appellatae originibus, [Inau- gural Dissertation.] Svo. Bonnae, 1872 Jacoli (Ferdinando) : *Intorno a due scritti di Raffaele Gualterotti Fiorentino, re- lativi alia apparizione di una nuova Stella avvenuta nell' anno 1604. 4to. Roma, 1875 Jahn (Gustav Adolph) : ; Practische Astronomie, oder Beschreibung und Gebrauch der vorziigKchsten astronomischen Instrumente und Tafeln, 2 vols, in I, Svo. Berlin, 1834-35 : Diegrosse Sonnenfinsterniss am 15. Mai 1836 central und ringfdrmig in ihren verschiedenen und merkwiirdigen Umsfanden ausfuhrlich beschrieben. Svo. Leipzig, 1S36 : Populiire Sternkunde, oderleichtfassliche vind unterhaltende Darstellung der "VVunder des gestirnten Himmels. Nebst einem Anhange liber das Wesentlichste des Kalenders und der Witterungslehre. Svo. Leipzig, 1843 : Geschichte der Astronomie vojn Anfange des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts bis zu Ende des Jahres 1842. 2 vols. Svo. Leipzig, 1844 : Ueber den neuen Planeten Astraa und den Biela'schen Kometen. Svo. Leipzig, 1846 : Verzeichniss aller bis zum Jahre 1847 berechneten Kometen- bahnen. obi. fol. Leipzig, 1847 : PopulJire Astrognosie oder leichtfassliche Anleitung zur Kenntniss des gestirnten Himmels. Svo. Leipzig, 1848 i8 1 Jahn (Gustav Adol'ph)—conH7iuid. : Kutecbismus del' Aslronomie. 8vo. Leipzig, 1851 : Der grosae Komet von 1556 und seine bevorsteliende Wiederkehr. 8vo. Leipzig, 1856 Jahrbuch, herausgegeben von H. C. Schumacher, 1836-41, 1S43-44. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1836-44 Jahrbiich (Astronomisclies), see Berlin; Gruithuisen. Jamaica : Weather Report for the month of April 1883. fol. Kingston, 18S3 James (Henry): : Instructions for taking meteorological observations, witli tables for their correction, and notes on meteorological phe- nomena, (Ordnance Survey.) 8vo. London, i860 : See also United Kingdom, Ordnance Survey. Jam.ieson (Alexander) : A celestial atlas comprising a systematic display of the heavens in a series of thirty maps .... accompanied by catalogues of the stars and astronomical exercises. obi. 4to. London, 1822 Janssen (Jules) : : *E.apport sur une mission en Italia, dans les Alpes, et en Grece .... concernant I'etude de plusieurs questions de physique celeste. 8vo. Paris, 1868 : *Note sur la photographie de la Comete b 1881, obtenue k rObservatoire de ]\Ieudon. i2mo. Paris [1882] : Observations de I'Eclipse totale du 6 Mai 1883 a I'Lsle Caroline. 8vo. Salem, Mass., 1883 Janvier ( Antide) : Des revolutions dea corps celestes par le mdcanisme des rouages. 4to. Pciris, 1812 Java: : Die Triangulation von Java, ausgefiihrt vom Personal des Geographischen Dienstes in Niederlandisch Ost-Indien, von J. A. C. Oudemans, E. Metzger und C. Woldringh. Abtheilung i, 2. 4to. Batavia und Haag, 1875 78 : /See also Oudemans (J. A. C). Jcanjaquet (Eugdne) : Phenomones celestes resultant de la transmission successive de la Lumiere. 8vo. Neuchatel, 1859 Jeans (George): Practical Astronomy for the unlearned. 8vo. London, 1856 Jolinek(C.): : *Bahubestimmung des von de Vico am 24. Januar i846ent- deckten Cometen. 4to. Prag, 1848 : See also Vienna, K.K. Sternwarto. Jontzsch (Hermann Theodor) : Theorie der Astroideii ; einer ncucu Classe von Curvon. [In- augural-Dissertation.] Svo. Greifswald, i860 1 84 Jerwood (James) : : A lecture on the now planet Neptune and its discovery. 8vo. Exeter, 1849 : *0n the longitude of places, and on the application of the electric telegraph to determine it. 8vo. Exeter, 1867 : *0n the application of the calculus of lirobabilities to legal and judicial subjects. 8vo. Exeter, 1868 Johnson (Edward John) : Practical illustrations of the necessity for ascertaining the deviations of the compass. 4to. London, 1847 Johnson (Manuel John) : : Astronomical Observations made at the Honorable East India Company's Observatory, St. Helena, 1831. 4to. St. Helena, 1832 : A catalogue of 606 principal fixed stars in the Southern hemisphere ; deduced from observations made at the Obser- vatory, St. Helena, 1829, 1833. 4to. London, 1835 : See also Oxford, Eadcliffe Observatory. Johnson (Richard Coward) : *De3cription of observatory at Higher Bebington, Cheshire. 8vo. Manchester, 1878 Johnson (Samuel J.) : Eclipses, past and future ; with general hints for observing the heavens. ■ 8vo. Oxford, 1874 Jolly (Ph.) : Das Leben Fraunhofer's. Rede an die Studirenden der k. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat zu Miinchen. 8vo. Miinchen, 1865 Jones (George) : Observations on the Zodiacal light, from April 2, 1853, to April 22, 1855 ... . with conclusions from the data thus obtained. (United States Japan Expedition, Vol. 3.) 4to. Washington, 1856 Jones (T. Rupert) : Manual of the natural history, geology and physics of Green- land and the neighbouring regions, prepared for the use of the Arctic expedition of 1875 ... . Edited by T. R .... J ... . 8vo. London, 1875 Jones (William) : : An essay on the fii'st principles of natural philosophy .... In four books. 4to, Oxford, 1762 . *Pi-operties of the conic sections. 4to. London, 1774 Jordaine (— ) : Duodecimal Arithmetick. 4th edition. 8vo. London, 1720 Jordan (William Leighton) : : A treatise on the action of Vis Inertise in the ocean, with remarks on the abstiact nature of the forces of vis inertise and gravitation, and a new theory of the tides. 8vo. London, 1868 i85 Jordan (William lioighton)— continued . : The oceau ; its tides auJ currents, and their causes. 8vo. liOndon, 1873 : The new principles of natural philosophy . Svo. London, 1883 Jordanus, see Ptolemy, Planisphserium ; Yalderus and others. Jost (Ernst) : Das Sonnensystem von einem hydrodynamischen Gesichts- punkte betrachtet. [Inaugural Dissertation.] 4to. Berlin, 1874 Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the Arts : : By William Nicholson. 5 vols. 4to. London, 1 797-1 802 : Ditto [Second series]. Vol. 1-14, 16-36. Svo. London, 1802-13 Journal of Science and the Arts. Edited at the Eoyal Insti- tution of Great Britain. Vol. 1-6. 8v^o. London, 1816-19 : The Quarterly Journal of Literature, Science and the Arts. Vol. 7-22. Svo. London, 1 8 19-2 7 : Index to the first twenty volumes. Svo. London, 1826 : The Quarterly Journal of Literature, Science and the Arts (New Series). Jan. 1S27 to June 1830. 7 vols. 8vo. London, 1827-30 Journal of Science [continuation of the Quarterly Journal of Science] edited by W. Crookes. Third series. Vol. 1-5. Svo. London, 1879-S3 Juan (Jorge) : Examen maritimo teorico-prActico, 6 tratado de mecdnica aplicado k la construccion, conocimiento y manejo de los naviosy demas embarcaciones. Edicion segunda, aumentada . . . por Gabriel Ciscar. Tomo i. 4to. Madrid, 1793 Juan (Jorge) y Antonio de Ulloa : : 01:)servaciones astronomicas, y phisicas hechas .... en los reynos del Peru .... de las quales se deduce la figura y magnitud de la tierra, y se aplica d la navegacion. 4to. Madrid, 1748 : A voyage to South Amei'ica . . . translated from the original Spanish. Third edition, to which are added, by Mr. John Adams . . . occasional notes and observations [&c.]. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1772 Julius (Frederik Hendrik) : Berekcning van de Loopbaan der Komect 1S63 VI. Acadc- misch Procfschrift. Svo. Uti'echt, 1867 Junctinus (Franciscus) : Speculum Astrologite, vnivcrsam mathematicam scientiam in certas classes digestam comi)lcctens. 2 vols. fol. Lugduni, 1583-81 Tom. I. In PtolfinBoi Quiidripartiti libros comment. Do. judioii.s ot rovo- hilioniljus naf.ivitatum ; ivcvolutiunus aniiorum niiuuli. 2. Comment, in G. Purbachii theoricsp planotanim libor : Comment, in splixrara J. de Sacroljosco ; De stollis fixis ; Do oclipsibub ct cometis; Caloiidarium astrologicum. i86 [Jurin, Dr.] : : Geometry no friend to infidelity, or a defence of Sii- Isaac Newton and the British mathematicians, in a letter to the author of the Analyst .... By Philalethes Cantabri- giensis. 8vo. London, 1734 [ ] : The minute mathematician, or the free-thinker no just- thinker. Set forth in a second letter to the author of the Analyst .... By Philalethes Cantabrigiensis. 8vo. London, 1735 : See Berkeley (Bishop); Robins (B.) Kaiser CFrederik) : : Verhandeling over de Komeet van Halley, hare vroegere verschijningen en de Toekomstige in het Jaar 1835, tevens inhoudende ; een overzigt over alle Kometen wier omloops- tijden met meerdere of mindere juistheid zijn bepaald. 8vo. 'sGravenhage en Amsterdam, 1835 : Redevoering over de Sterrekunde, het waardigste Voor- werp eener algemeene Beoefening ; met Aanteekeningen. 8vo. 'sGravenhage en Amsterdam, 1836 : Het Observatorium te Leiden. 8vo. Leiden, 1838 : Das Sonnensystem und die Gesetze seiner Bewegung popular dargestellt, [iibersetzt] von Dr. C!h. G. Trobst. 8vo. Weimar, 1850 : *Sur la determination absolue de I'erreur personnelle dans les observations astronomiques. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1863 : *Onderzoekingen omtrent den gang van het Hoofduurwerk der Steri-ewacht te Leiden, de pendule Hohwii, No. 17. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1865 : Eenige opmerkingen omtrent de periodieke fouten van mikrometer-schroeven, naar aanleiding van de jongste onderzoekingen aan de Sterrewacht te Leiden. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1866 : Rapport omtrent de tweede algemeene Bijeenkomst der gemagtigden voor de Graadmeting in Europa. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1867 : *Ueber einen neuen Apparat zur absoluten Bestimmung von personlichen Fehlern bei astronomischen Beobach- tungen. 8vo, Amsterdam, 1867 '- ; * Waarnemingen omtrent een merkwaardigen Vviurbol vol- bragt aan de Sterrewacht te Leiden (Nov. 1865). 8vo. Amsterdam, 1866 Kaiser (Frederik) en L. Cohen Stuart : De eischen der medewerking aan de ontworpen Graad- meting in Midden-Europa voor het Koningrijk der Neder- landen. 4to. Amsterdam, 1864 Kalendarium perpetuum juxta ritum sacii ordinis praedica- torum. 8vo. Romae, 161 2 Kalendermann (Der wohlerfahrene), nebst einer neuen popu- laren Astronomie. 8vo. Ulm, 1849 Kampf(C. L. P.): Ueber die Untersuchung der Microscope- und Theilungsfehler 18; Kampf (C. L. 'F.)— continued. an deu Kreiseii des neuen Aequatoreals der Hamburger Stern warte. Inaugui^al-Dissertation. 8vo. Altona, 1868 Kane (Elisha Kent) : : ^Astronomical Observations in the Arctic Seas .... 1853-55. Reduced and discussed by C. A. Schott. 4to. Washington, i860 : *Tidal Observations in the Arctic seas, 1853-55, 1^6- duced and discussed by C. A. Schott. 4to. Washington, i860 Kant (Immanuel) : AUgemeine Naturgeschichte und Theorie des Himmels, oder Versuch von der Yerfassung und dem mechanischen Ursprunge des ganzen Weltgebaudes nach Newtonischen Grundsatzen abgehandelt. Vierte Aufiage. 8vo. Zeitz, 1808 Karlinski (Francisciis Michael) : Hestiae planetae minoris XLVI elementa nova ex obser- vationibus sex oppositionum annorum 185 7-1 864. 4to. Cracoviae, 1865 Kasan, Observatoire de l'Universit6 Imp^riale : Observations astronomiques' faites .... par (Jean) Simo- noff et (M.) Lepounoff. Cahier i. 4to. Kasan, 1842 Kasan, ITniversite Imp^riale : Uchenuiya Zapiski (Scientific Notes). 8vo. Kasan, 1864-82 Kastner (Abraham Gotthelf ) : : Astronomische Abhandlungen zur weiteren Ausfiihrung der astronomischen Anfangsgriinde. Sammlung i, 2. 8vo. Giittingen, 1772-74 : Anfangsgriinde der Arithmetik, Geometrie, ebenen und sphiirischen Trigonometrie, und Perspectiv. Diitte AuiJage. 8vo. G(5ttingen, 1774 Kater (Henry) : Nautical Astronomy, see Encyclopajdia Metro- politana. Kayser (E.) : Resultate aus Beobachtungen von Sonnenflecken wiihrcnd der Jahre 1754-58. 8vo. Kayser (Heinrich) : Lchrbuch der Spcktralanalyse. 8vo. Berlin, 1883 Kegler (Ignatius; : Scientia Eclipsium, see Briga. Keilienheim (Hugo) : Die absolutcn Bewegungen der Himmelskorper und die wahre Natur der Dinge. 8vo. Koln, 1868 Keill (John) : : Introductio ad veram physicam, seu lectiones physicaB habitaj in schola naturalis philosophia; Academia) Oxoniensis An. Dom. 1700 .... Editio tertia. 8vo. Oxonia", 1715 : Introductio ad veram astronomiam, seu lectiones astro- nomicai habitte in schola astronomica academiic Oxoniensis. 8vo. Oxonian, 171& : lutroductiones ad veram physicam et veram astronomiam ; i88 Keill (John) — continued. Quibus accedunt trigonometria ; de viribiis centralibns ; de legibus attractionis. 4to. Lugduni Batavorum, 1725 : An introduction to the true astronomy, or astronomical lectures read in the astronomical school of the University of Oxford .... Second edition. 8vo. London, 1730 Ditto. Fourth edition. 8vo. London, 1748 Ditto. See Le Monnier. An examination of Dr. Burnet's theory of the earth, with some remarks on Mr. Whiston's new theory of the earth .... Second edition .... To the whole is annexed a dissertation on the diflferent figures of the coslestial bodies, &c. ... by Monsieur de Maupertuis .... 8vo. London, 1734 : An introduction to natural philosophy ; or philosophical lectures read in the University of Oxford. To which are added the demonstrations of Monsieur Huygens's theorems concerning the centrifugal force and circular motion. Fourth edition. 8vo. London, 1745 Keith (Thomas) : ; An introduction to the theory and practice of plai:ie and spherical trigonometry, and the stereographic projection of the sphere, including the theory of navigation. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1810 : A new treatise on the use of the Globes, or a philosophical view of the Earth and Heavens .... Third edition. i2mo. London, 181 1 : Ditto. A new edition, by J, Eowbotham. i2mo. London, 1843 : The complete practical arithmetician. Sixth edition. 1 2 mo. London, 181 5 : A key to the complete practical arithmetician .... to which is added an appendix, containing a synopsis of logarithmic arithmetic. Thii-d edition. i2mo. London, 181 3 Kelly (John) : The life of John DoUond, F.R.S,, inventor of the Achromatic Telescope. With a copious appendix of all the Papers referred to. Third edition. 4to. London, 1808 Kelly (P.) : A practical introduction to Spherics and Nautical Astronomy .... containing .... the discovery of a projection for clearing the lunar distances, in order to find the longitude at sea, with a new method of calculating this important problem. 8vo. London, 1796 Kempf ( Johann Christopher) : Theoria gravitatis corporum ac motus planetarum. [Inaugural Dissei'tation.] 4to. Gissae, 1745 Kempf (Paul) : Untersuchungen iiber die Ptolemaische Theorie der Mond- bewegung. 8vo. Berlin, 1878 1 89 Kendall (E. Otis) : *Oii the longitude of several places in the United States, as deduced from the Observations of the Solar Eclipse of Sep- tember 1 8, 1838. 4to. London [1839] Kennedy (John) : A complete system of astronomical chronology, unfolding the Scriptures. 4to. London, 1762 Kenrick (William) : ; An account of the automaton, constructed by Orffyreus, 4to. London, 1770 : A lecture on the perpetual motion .... Part i & 2. 4to. London, 1771 [ ] : Reasons for offering a parliamentary premium for the discovery of the perpetual motion. 4to. London, n.d. Kepler (Gabriel) : Knrtzer jedoch grlindlicher Bericht dess im Christ-Monat Anno 1664 erschienenen, und von verstiindigen Astrologis allendhalben wargenommen grossen Cometen. 4to. 1665 Kepler (Joannes) : : Prodromus dissertationum cosmographicarum continens mysterium cosmographicum, de admirabili proportione orbium cceleetium, deque causis coelorum numeii, magni- tudinis, motuumque periodicorum genuinis & proprijs. 4to. Tubingaj, 1596 : Ad Yitellionem paralipomena, quibus astronomise pars optica traditur ; potissimiim de artificiosa observatione et sestimatione diametrorum deliquioruraq; Solis & Lunse. 4to. Francofurti, 1604 : De Stella nova in pede Serpentarii, et qui sub ejus exortum de novo iniit trigono igneo .... accesserunt I. De Stella incognita Cygni narratio astronomica. II. De Jesu Christi Servatoria vero anno natalitio. 4to. Pragae, 1606 : Phjenomenon singulare seu Mercurius in Sole. Cum digressione de causis, cur Dionysius Abbas Christianos minus justo a nativitate Christi Domini numerare docuerit: De capite & anni Ecclesiastici. 4to. Lipsia?, 1609 : Astronomia nova airtoAoyT^Tos, seu physica coelestis, tradita commentariis de motibus stellse Martis ex observationibus G. V. Tychonis Brahe. fol. Praga>, 1609 : Ephemerides nova3 motuum ccelestium, ab anno vulgaris ffirse M.DCXVii (ad annum mdcxx). Ex obsei'vationibus potissimiim Tychonis Brahei, hypothcsibus physicis & Tabulis Rudolphinis, 4to. Lincij Austrian [161 7] : Epitome astronomije Copernicanfe usitata foi'ma qusestionum it responsionum conscripta, inq; VII. libi-os digtsta, quorum tres hi priores sunt de doctrina sphajricu. 8vo. Lentijs ad Danubium, 16 18 : Ditto. 8 vo. Francofurti, 1635 : Ilarmonices mnndi lihri V., quorum primus Cicometricus, sccundus Architectonicus, tei'tius Ilarmoiu'cu.s, cpiartiis Kepler iJosimn.es)—co7itim(cd. Metaphysicus, psychologicus et astrologicus, quintus Astro- nomicus et metapliysicus. fol. Lincii Austrise, 1619 : Astronomisclier Beiicht von zweyen im abgelauffenen 1620 Jahr gesehenen grossen und seltzamen Mondsfinsternussen ; wie auch von der grossen Sonnenfinsternuss , . . . 162 1. 4to. Ulm, 162 1 : Tabulse Riidolphinfe, quibus astronomicfe scientise, temporum longinquitate collapsse restauratio continetur. 2 parts in i vol. fol. Ulmse, 1627 [1629] : Epistolse ad Joannem Kepplerum, mathematicum Csesareum scriptfe; insertis ad easdem responsionibus Kepplerianis, quotquot liactenus reperiri potuerunt .... ex manuscriptis edidit (Michael Gottlieb Hanschius). fol, Lipsise, 17 18 : Opera omnia, edidit Ch. Frisch, 8 vols, 8vo, Francofurti et Erlangae, 1858-70 : Dioptrice, see Gassendi, Institutio astronomica. : Life, &c., see Apelt, Brewster, Brubns, Breitschwert, Forster, Reitlinger, Small, Stark, Wolf (R.), Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Kepler ( Johann) et Jacob Bartsch : Tabulae Manuales logarithmicse ad calculum astronomicum, in specie Tabb. Rudolphinarum compendiose tractandum mire utiles, . . . 8vo. Argentorati, 1700 Kerigan (Thomas): : A practical treatise on the eclipses of the Sun and Moon and the deflection of the Moon and planets, . . , , with remarks on the anomalies of the present theory of the tides, 8vo, London, 1844 : The anomalies of the present theory of the tides, elucidated by additional facts and arguments . . , . with remarks on the newly-discovered planet. 8vo, London, 1847 Kersey (John) : : The elements of that mathematical art commonly called algebra, expounded in four books. 2 vols. fol. London, 1673-74 : The elements of that mathematical art commonly called Algebra, expounded in two books .... To which is added, Lectures , . , . concerning the geometrical construction of algebraical equations, and the numerical resolution of the same by the compendium of logarithms, by Dr, Edmund Halley. fol. London, 1717 Kerz (Ferdinand): Die Entstehung des Sonnensystems nach der Laplace'schen Hypothese, in verschiedenen neuen Richtungen ausgefulirt. Eine mathematische Abhandlung. 8vo. Darmstadt, 1875 Kew Observatory: : *Report of the Kew Committee, 1872-73, 1875-83. 8vo. London, 1872-83 191 Eew Observatory— coM^/wj^fc?. : *Eesults of tho monthly observations of magnetic dip, horizontal force, and declination made .... 1869-75. 8vo. London, 1876 : See also Whipple (G. M.). Kiefer (H.) : : *Erdbeben in Kaukasien im Jahre 1868. 8vo. Tiflis, 1869 : J. B. Biot's Tafeln zur Berechnung barometrischer Hijhen- messungen. Neu berechnet und erweitert. 4to. Tiflis, 1874 : See also Moritz und Kiefer ; Tiflis, Observatorium. Kincaid (Sidney Bolton) : An introduction to lunar theory, 8vo. Cambridge, 1S79 Kindermann (Eberhard Christian): Collegium Astronomicum, als der andere Theil, oder Erkliirung seiner teutschen Astronomie .... 4to. Dresden und Leipzig, 1747 King (Philip Parker) : ; Selections from a meteorological journal kept on board H.M. Ship Adventure during the survey of the southern coasts of South America, 1827-30. 8vo. : Astronomical Observations at Tahlee, Port Stephens, New South Wales. 8vo. Tasmania, 1 849 : * Abstract from a meteorological Joui-nal kept at Port Stephens, New South Wales, 1843-47. 8vo. : On the specific gl•a^'ity of sea- water in different parts of the North and South Atlantic Oceans and in the South Pacific. Svo. Kinns (Samuel) : Moses and Geology, or the harmony of the Bible with Science. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1882 Kirby (Joshua): Dr. Brook Taylor's method of perspective made easy, both in theory and practice, in two books. Third edition. 2 parts in i vol. 4to. London, 1768 Kirch (Christfried) : MerckwUrdige Himmels-Begebenheiten, so sich im 1736 Jahr zutragen werden. 4to. Berlin, 1736 Kircher (Athanasius) : : Magncs, siue do Arte Magnetica, opus tripartitum .... Editio secunda. 4to. Colonite Agrippina?, 1643 : Iter extaticum coeleste .... hac secunda editione prrelu- sionibus & scholiis illustratvim .... a Gaspare Schotto .... Accessit ejusdem Auctoris iter extaticum terrestre & synopsis mundi subterranei. 4to. Herbipoli, 1660 : Mundus Subterraneus, in xii Libros digeatus. Editio tertia. 2 vols, in i, fol. Amstelodami, 1678 Kirchhofif (Gustav): Researches on the solar spectrum, and the spectra of tho cliemical elements. Translated by ]T. E. Roscoc. 2 parts, 4t(). Cambiidgft, 1862 63 192 Kirkby (John) : Arithmetical institutions, containing a compleat system of arithmetic, natural, logarithmical, and algeln-aical in all their branches. 4to. London, 1735 Kirkwood (Daniel) : : Meteoric Astronomy : a treatise on shooting-stars, fire-ballg, and aerolites. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1867 : *0n Comets and Meteors. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1869 : Comets and Meteors : their phenomena in all ages ; their mutual relations; and the theory of their origin. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1873 : *0n eight Meteoric Fireballs seen in the United States from July, 1876, to February, 1877. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1877 : *0n Meteoric Fireballs seen in the United States during the year ending March 31, 1879. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1879 Kirsehner (J. A.): Ueber die Bahn der Himmelskorper. 8vo. Halle und Leipzig, 1820 KitcMner (William) : [ ] : A companion to the telescope. i2mo. London, iSii : Practical observations on telescopes. i2mo. London, 181 5 : Practical observations on telescopes, opera-glasses and spectacles .... Third edition. i2mo. London, 18 18 : The economy of the eyes. Part 2, Of telescopes; being the results of thirty years' experiments with fifty-one telescopes of from one to nine inches in diameter. i2mo. London, 1825 Klausing (Heinrich): Eclipsis Lunaris nv^per visa et observata Wittenbergae anno MDCCXViii die ix Septembr. in qua Singularia ejusdem Eclipseos notantur solidisque Fundamentis superstruuntur. 4to. Wittenbergae, 17 19 Kleiber (Joseph A.) : Astronomical theory of shooting stars [in Russian]. Svo. St. Petersburg, 1884 Klein (Hermann J.): : Entwickelungsgeschichte des Kosmos nach dem gegen- wartigen Standpunkte der gesammten Naturwissenschaften. Mit wissenschaftlichen Anmerkungen. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1870 • : Handbuch der allgemeinen Himmelsbeschreibung vom Standpunkte der kosmischen Weltanschauung. 2 vols. Svo. Braunschweig, 1S71-72 1, Das Sonnensystem. Zweite verbesserte Auflage. 2, Der Fixsternhimmel. : Populare astronomische Encyclopadie. Astronomisches Handworterbuch ; . . . . nebst biographischen Notizen liber die hierbei erwahnten Forscher. Svo. Heilbronn, 1S74 : Anleitung zur Durchmusterung des Himmels. Astrono- mische Objecte fur gewohnliche Telescope. Ein Hand- und Hiilfsbuch fiir alle Freunde der Himmelskunde, besonders fiir die Besitzer von Fernrohren. Svo. Braunschweig, 1S80 193 Klinkerfues (Wilhelm) : : lTb3r eine neue Methode die Bahncn der Doppelsterne zu berechnen. Inaugural-Dissertation. 4to. Gottingen, 1855 : Die Aberration der Fixsterne nach der Wellentheorie. 8vo. Leipzig, 1867 : Theoretische Astronomie. Svo. Braunschweig, 1871 : Theorie des Bifilar-Hygrometers mit gleichtheiliger Prozent- Scala. Svo. Gottingen, 1875 : Ueber die Koraeten-Erscheinungen von 371 v, Chi'., 1668, 1843 I und 1880 I. Svo. Gottingen, 1880 Kloden (K. P.) : Der Sternenhimmel. Eine vollstandige populare Sternen- kunde mit besonderer Beziehung auf die grosse Sternwand- karte des Landes-Industrie-Comptoirs. Svo. Weimar, 1848 Kliiber ( Johann Ludwig) : Die Stern warte zu Mannheim. 4to. Mannheim, 181 1 Kliigel (Georg Simon): Anfangsgriinde der Astronomie, nebst der mathematischen Geographie, Schiti'fahrtskunde, Chronologie und Gnomonik. Svo. Berlin und Stettin, 1793 Kluk (V. P.) : Aufltisung des VerhJiltnisses der Quadratur in den Kreis, als eines einzelnen Ealles des allgemeinen mathematischen Grundgesetzes in formellen Korpersistemen und Kraft- eigenheiten der Naturerscheinungeu. Svo. Wien, 1861 Kliik-Kluezycki (V. P.) : Die Kometen als Trabanten der Planeten, zum Beleg fUr die gan2:liche Reform der Himmels-Mechanik entwickelt. Svo. Leipzig, 1873 Kliipfel (Johann Albreeht) et Johann Christian Weuflfer: De atmospha3ra sol is, atque hinc explicandis caussis macula- rum solarium. [Inaugural Dissertation.] 4to, TubiugJB, 1746 Kmeth (Daniel): *Lettre . . . . a M. le Baron de Zach ; sur une nouvellc Anjosiade, ou sur un delit astronomique, commis k rObservatoire Royal de Bude en Hongrie. Svo. Genes, 1823 Knobel (Edward Ball): : * The chronology of star catalogues. 4to. London, 1877 : *Notes on a Persian MS. of Ulugh Beigh's catalogue of stars. Svo. London, 1879 Knorre (Karl) : : Der Ort des Sterns 8 Ursae minoris flir joden Tag der Jahre 1823-1830. 4to. Nicolnjew, 1824 : *Gutachten vlber das Werk des ITerrn Prof. Dr. Sawitsch. [Practische Astronomie, &c.] Svo. Knorre (Victor): Additamenta in usum commodiorem et tutiorem methodorum, quae ad orbitas planetaruin paucis ob^ervationibus determi- nandas inserviunt. Disscrtatio Inauguralis. 4to. Ferolini, 1867 o 194 Knott (George): : *0n the variable star R. Yulpeculse. 8\^o. London, 1867 : *Micrometrical measures of double stars. 4to. London,i877 Knott (George) and Joseph Baxendell : On the method of observing variable stars. 8vo. London, 1863 Knowledge : nn illustrated magazine of Science, plainly worded — exactly described. Conducted by llichard A. Proctor. Vol. 1-5. 4to. London, 1882 84 Kobold(H.): K linkerfues'sche Constanten zur Reduction auf den schein- baren Ort fiir die mittleren Tage 1884, 12^ mittlere Zeit Berlin. 8vo. Gottingen [1883] Koch (Georg): Micrometrische Vermessiing des Sternhaufena Herschel 1712. Inaugural-Dissertation. 8vo, Leipzig, 1876 Koch (Julius August): Astronomische Tafeln zur Bestimmung der Zeit, aus der beobachteten gleichen obwohl uubekannten Hohe zweyer Fixsterne. 8vo. Berlin und Stralsund, 1797 Kohler (Heinrich Gottlieb): Logarithmisch-trigonometrisches Handbuch, 8vo. Leipzig, 1847 Kokides (Demetrius K.) : De variationibus declinationum stellarum ^ Ursae Majoris et /3 Draconis. Dissertatio Inauguralis. 4to, Berolini, 1862 Kollmann (August Gottlob) : Dissertatio de atmosphaera Lunae. [Inaugural Dissertation.] 4to. Yitembergae, 1734 Konigsberg, Konigliche Universitats-Sternwarte : : Astronomische Beobachtungen. Abtheilung 1-36. fol. Konigsberg, 1815-70 Band 1-21 heraxisg. von F. W. Bessel. 22-30 „ ,, A. L. Busch. 30-36 „ „ E. Liither. : Systematisches Verzeichniss der in der Bibliothek .... enthaltenen Biicher. 8vo. Konigsberg, 1852 : See also Luther (E.) Konkoly (Wieolaus von): : Beobachtungen angestellt am astrophysicalischen Observa- torium in 0-Gyalla. Band 1-5. 4to. Halle, 1879-83 : *Der neue Eefraktor des astrophysikalischen Obsex'va- turiums in 0-Gyalla. 4to. Leipzig, 1883 : Praktische Anleitung zur Anstellung astronomischer Beo- bachtungen, mit besonderer Rlicksicht auf die Astrophysik. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1883 Kortazzi (J.) : *Be.stimmung der Langen-Differenz zwischen Pulkowa, Hel- singfors, Abo, Lowisa und Wiborg. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 187 1 195 [Kostrowicki (le Cte.)J : Commeutaire et discussion du systeme planetairo de I'astro- nome J. Perny Villeneuve. Par un ancien oilicor de I'Etat- Major. 4to. Vienue, 1861 Kovesligethy (Rudolf von): *Ueber deu Farbeiiwecliael des Sternes a Ursse Majoris. 8vo. Coin, 1882 Kowalski (Marian): : *E,echerches sur les mouvements de Neptune, suivies des tables de cette planete. 8vo. Kasan, 1855 : *Sur les loia du mouvement propre des etoQes du catalogue de Bradley. 8vo. 1859 : *Rechercbes sur la refraction astronomique. 8vo,Kasan,i878 Krabbe (Johann) : Newes Astrolabium, sampt dessen Nutz und Gebi^uch. 4to. Wolfenbiittel, 1525 [1625] Kraetzer (J.) : A short description of the astronomical clock .... in the museum at Mentz. 1 2 mo. Krahl (Theodor): De orbita cometae tertii mdcccliii. Dissertatio inaugui-alis astronomica. 4to. Yratislaviae, 1867 Kramp (Chrdtien) : Analyse des refractions astronomiques et teri'esti'es. 4to. Strasbourg, 1799 Kreil (Karl) : *Versuch, den Einfluss des Mondes auf den atmospharischen Zustand unserer Erde aus einjahrigen Beobachtungen zu erkennen. 4to. Prag [1841] Kremsmiinster, Sternwarte : : *Magnetische Beobachtungen . . . . im Jahre 1855-56, von P. Augustin Reslhuber. 4to. Wien, 1858-61 : Resultate aus den in den Jahren 1857-59, 1868-69 • • • • angestellten meteorologischen Beobachtungen. Von A. Reslhuber. 8vo. Linz, 1858-72 : Mittlere Orter von [750] Fixsternen, bezogen auf das mittlere Aequinoctium i870"o .... von P. G. Sti-asser. 8vo. Kremsmiinster, 1S77 : See also Reslhuber (A.) Kreutz (Heinrich) : Untersuchungen liber die Bahn des grossen Kometon von 1 861 (186 1 II.). Inaugural-Dissertation. 4to. Bonn, 1880 Kruoger (Adalbert): : De ascensionibus rectis a Flamsteedio quadrantis muralis ope observatis. Di.ssertatio astronomica [inauguraUa]. 8vo. Bonnae, 1854 : *Ueber die Parallaxe des Sternes Oeltzen No. 17415,6. 4to. Helsingfors, 1863 : *Ueber die Parallaxe des Sterns LL. 21258. 4to. Helsingfors, 1863 o 2 196 Krueger (Adalbert)— confimted. : *Der Sfcernliaufen h Persei. Beobachtungen desselben am Bonner Heliometer nebst deren Berechnung. 4to. Helsingfors, 1865 : •Untersuchung liber die Bahn des Planeten Tliemis, nebst einer neuen Bestimmung der Anziehung des Jupiter (mit Fortsetzung). 4to. Helsingfors, 1866-73 : *Ueber die mittlere Temperatur zu Helsingfors, nach den Beobaohtungen des magnetisch-meteorologischen Observa- toriums, 1845-56. 4to. Helsingfors, 1874 ; Minnestal iifver Friedrich Willielm August Argelander. 4to. Helsingfors, 1875 : Zonenbeobacbtungen der Sterne zwischen 55 und 65 Grad nbrdlicher Declination, angestellt an den Sternwarten zu Helsingfors und Gotha, Band i. Zonen 1-338. 4to. Helsingfors, 1883 Klichenmeister (C. J.) : Die Sonnenfinsternis-e : mit besonderer Bezugnabme auf die am 28. Juli d. J. stattfindende totale Sonnenfinsterniss. 8vo. Hamburg & New York, 1851 Kuhn (Carl) : Ueber das Klima von Munchen Festrede. 4to. Miincben, 1854 Kxipffer (Adolph Theodor j : : Travaux de la Commission pour fixer les mesures et les poids de I'Empire de Riissie. 2 vols. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1841 : Observations magn^tiques, see St. Petersburg. Kiistner (Friedrich) : *Bestimmungen des Monddurchmessers, aus neun Plejadenbe- deckungen des Zeitraumes 1839 bis 1876, mit gleicbzeitiger Ermittlnng der Oerter des Mondes. Inaugural-Dissertation. " 4to. Halle, 1880 Eutczycki : A^ccount of eclipse of 1850, f^^e Carrington (E,. 0.). La Caille (Nicolas Louis de) : : The elements of astronomy, deduced from observations, and demonstrated upon the mathematical principles of the Newtonian philosophy .... Translated from the French .... by John Robertson .... 8vo. London, 1750 : AstronomijB Fundamenta novissimis solis et stellarum observationibus stabilita Lutetise in Colleario Mazarinfeo et in Africa ad Caput Bonfe Spei peractis. 4to. Parisiis, 1757 : S'ee Gylden (H.) ; United States Coast Survey. : Lectiones elementares astronomice geometricfe et physicse ex editione Parisina anni mdcclv in Latinum traductfe a C. S. e S. J I vol. and Appendix, 4to. Viennre, Pragse et Tergesti, 1757 62 : Lemons elementaires d'astronomie geometrique et physique : .... Nouvelle edition. 8 vo. Paris, 1761 : Coeliim australe stelliferum ; sen ob.servationes ad con- struendum Stellarum Australium catalogum institutfe, in Africa ad Caput Bonpp-Spei. 4to. Parisiis, 1763 197 La Caille (Nioolas lAonia de)~co}itinncff. : Leoons clemeutaires tie mechanique, on traitfe abr6j^6 da mouvement et de I'equilibi-e. . . . Nouvelle edition. 8vo. Paris, 1765 : Lecoris elementaires de mathematiqueg. Nouvelle edition, par M. Marie. 8vo. Paris, 1770 : Journal historique du voyage fait au Cap de Bonne- Esperance. 12 mo. Paris, 1776 : A CJitalogue of 9766 stars in the Southern Hemisphere, for the beginning of the year 1750, from observations .... made at the Cape of Good Hope in the years 1751-52. Reduced at the expense of the British Association. 8vo. London, 1S47 : See also Paris, Ephemerides. La Casa (Don Vittorio de) : Opuscolo analitico di geodesia sublime. Svo. Vienna, 1824 La Condamine (Charles Maurice de) : Mesure des trois premiers degres du m6ridien dans I'hemi- sphere austral, tiree des observations de M""^ de I'Academie Roy ale des Sciences, envoyet? par le Roi sous I'Equateur. 4to. Paris, 1751 Lacroix (Silvestre Francois) : : Traite du calcul differentiel et du calcul integral. Vol. I ik 2, 4to. Paris, an V, VI (1797-98) ; Vol. 3 (second edition), 18 19 : T^lemens de Geometric, k I'usage de I'ficole Centrale des quatre-nations. Neuvieme edition. 8 vo. Paris, 181 1 : Traite elementaire d'arithmctique, k I'nsage de rEcole Centrale des quatre-nations. Onzieme edition. 8vo. Paris, 181 1 : iilemens d'Algebre, ci I'usage de I'Ecole Centrale des quatre- nations. Onzieme edition. Svo. Paris, 1815 : Essais sur renseignement en general, et sur celui des mathematiques en particulier, seconde edition. Svo. Paxi.s, 1 816 : Traite elementaire du calcul des probabilites. Svo. Paris, 1816 : An elementary treatise on the differential and integral calculus .... Translated from the French, with an appendix and notes [by G. Peacock and J. F. W. Herschel]. Svo. Cambridge, 181 6 : Traite elementaire de calcul differentiel et de calcul inte- gral .... Troisieme edition. Svo. Paris, 1820 Ladies' Diary, or Woman's Almanack, 173') 1741-1818. 9 vols. i2mo. London, 1731-1818 Lagrange (Joseph Louis de) : : *liecherche3 sur les in6galites des satellites de Jupiter. 4to. Paris, 1766 : *Recherches sur la manidre de former des tables des planites, d'apres les seules observations. 4to. Paris, 1772 198 Lagrange (Joseph Louis de) — continued. : *Recherches sur les Equations seculaires des mouvemens des Nceuds, et des inclinations des orbites des planetes. 4to. Paris, 1774 : M^chanique analytique. 4to. Paris, 1788 : Ditto .... Troisieme Edition, revue, corrig^e et annotee par J. Bertrand. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1853-55 ; Th^orie des fonetions analytiques, coiitenant les principes du calcul difFerentiel. 4to. Paris, an IX [1799] [ ] : LeQons sur le calcul des fonetions. Nouvelle edition. 8vo. Paris, 1806 : (Euvres, .... publiees par les soins de J. A. Serret. Tome 1-13. 4to. Paris, 1867-82 La Hire (Philippe de) : : La gnomonique, oit methodes universelles pour tracer des horloges solaires, ou cadrans, sur toutes sortes de surfaces. i2mo. Paris, 1698 : Tabula astronomicte, Ludovici Magni jussu et munificentia exaratse et in lucem editre ; in quibus solis, lunas reliquio- rumque planetarum motus ex ipsis observatioiiibus .... traduntur .... Adjecta sunt descriptio, constructio & usus instrument orum astronomife .... Secunda editio. 4to. Parisiis, 1727 : New elements of conick sections, together with a method for their description on a plane. Translated by Brian Eobin- son. Third edition. 8vo. London, 1729 Lais (Giuseppe) : : Studi sul Barometro aneroide. 8vo. Roma, 187 1 : Prolegomeni alio studio delle Burrasche del Clima di Roma. 4to. Roma, 1873 La Lande (Jos. J6r6me le FrauQcis de) : : Exposition du calcul astronomique. 8vo. Paris, 1762 : Astronomie .... Seconde Edition. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1 7 7 1 : Ditto, troisieme Edition. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1792 : Tables astronomiques calcul^es pour le meridien de Paris, sur les observations les plus exactes, faites jusqu'tl I'annee 1770 [from 'Astronomie.' Tome i]. 4to. [Paris, 177 1] : Abr^gd d'Astronomie. 8vo. Paris, 1774 : Astronomisches Handbuch, oder die Sternkunst in emera kurzen Lehrbegriff. 8 vo. Leipzig, 1775 A translation of ' Abr^g^ d'Astronomie.' : Abr^g6 de Navigation ; historique, theorique et pratique. 4to. Paris, 1793 : Histoire Celeste frauQaise, contenant les observations faites parplusieurs astronomes fran^ais. Tome i. 4to. Paris, 1801 : Tafeln zur Reduction der Beobachtungen, see Asten (F. E. von); Schumacher (H.C.) : Bibliographie astronomique ; avec I'histoire de I'Astronomie depuis 1 781 jusqu'.^ 1802. 4^0. Paris, 1803 : Tables de logarithmes pour les nombres et pour les sinus. i2mo. Paris, 1816 199 La Lande (Jos. Jdrdme le FranQois &e)—con(mite(I. : A catalogue of tbose stars in the Histoiro Celeste frau(jaise .... foi' which tixbles of reduction to the epoch 1800 have been published by Prof. Schumacher. Reduced at the expense of the British Association .... under the im- mediate superintendence of Francis Baily. 8vo. Loudon, 1847 : See Lindhagen (D. G.). : Logarithmisch-trigonometrische Tafeln .... Herausge- geben von Heinrich Gottlieb Koliler. Dritte Ausgabe. i2mo. Leipzig, 1849 : Positions moyennes pour I'epoque de 1790,0 des ^toiles circompolaii'es dont les observations ont et6 publi6es par Jerome Lalande. . . . Par Ivan Fedorenko. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1854 : Tafeln der fiinfstelligen Logarithmen. Vierte Ausgabe. i2mo. Leipzig, 1873 : See also Paris, Ephemerides. Lambert (Jean Henri) : : Systeme du monde .... publie par M. Merian .... Seconde edition. 8vo. Berlin, 1784 : Supplementa tabularum logarithmicarnm et trigonome- tricarum .... secundum ultima auctoris consilia ampli- ficata, curante Antonio Felkel. 4to. Olispone, 1798 : The system of the world .... Translated from the French, by James Jacque. 8vo. London, 1800 : *Sur les irregularites du mouvement de Jupiter et de Saturne. 4to. Berlin, 1779 Laming (Richard) : *0n the primary forces of Electricity. 8vo. London, 1838 Lament (Johann von): • : Ueber die Nebelflecken. 4to. Mlinchen, 1837 : Ueber die Bahn des dritten Satui-ns-Satellitcn. 4to. [1837] : Ueber das magnetische Observatorium der koniglichen Sternwarte bei Miinchen. 4to. Mlinchen, 1841 : *Darstellung der Temperaturverhaltnisse an der Oberflache derErde. 4to. Miinchen [1843] : *Beschreibung der an der Miinchener Sternwarte zu den Beobachtungen verwendeten neuen Instrumento und Ap- parate. 4to. Mlinchen, 1851 : Magnetische Ortsbestimmungen an verschiedenen Puncten des Kbnigreichs Bayern, und an einigen auswiirtigen Sta- tionen. Theil i, 2. 8vo. Miinchen, 1854-56 : Magnetische Karten von Deutschland und Bayern. fol. Miinchen, 1854 : Untersuchungen liber die Eichtimg und Starke des l<]rd- magnetismus an verschiedenen Puncten des siidwcstlichen Europa. 4to. Miinchen, 1858 : Untersucliungen liber die Piichtung und Stiirkn dos Erd- niagnetismus in Nord-Di;u(scliland, ]?e]gicn, Holland, D'cinemark, im Sommer des Jahres 1858 ausgefLilirt. 4to. Mlinchen, 1859 : See also INIunicli, Sternwarte. 203 Lamp (Ernst) : Der sclieinbare Ort des Polarsterns <( IJrsae Minori.s. Astro- nomische Dissertation. 8vo. Kiel, 1874 Lamp (Johannes) ; Neue Berechnung der Parallaxe von 61 Cygni aus den Beobachtungen von Schweizer in Moskau, 1863- 1866. Inaugural- Dissertation. 8vo. Kiel, 1883 Lamy (Bernard): Traite de la Grandeur en gcn6i-al, qui comprend Tarithmd- tique, I'algebre, I'analyse, et les principes de toutes les Sciences qui ont la Grandeur pour objet. i2mo. Paris, 1680 Lancaster (Albert) : : *]Srotes meteorologiques. i6mo. Bruxelles : Bibliographie astronomique, see Houzeau et Lancaster. Landen (John) : : Mathematical lucubrations ; containing now improvements in various branches of the mathematics. 4to. London, 1755 : A discovirse concerning the residual analysis : a new branch of the Algebraic art. 4to. London, 1758 : Mathematical memoirs respecting a variety of subjects, with an appendix containing tables of theorems for the calculation of fluents. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1780-89 ; Observations on converging series, occasioned by Mr. Clarke's translation of Mr. Lorgna's treatise on the same subject. 4to. London, 1781 Landmann (I.) : Practical geometry, fortheuseof the Eoyal Military Academy at Woolwich. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1805 Langhansen (Christopher) : De Eclipsi Solari, occasione insignis eclipseos anno hoc cur- rente 17 15 d. 3 Maji appariturtB. [Inaugural Dissei'ta- tion.] 4to. Pvegiomonti, 1715 Langley (Samuel P.): : *0n the minute structure of the solar photosphere. 8vo. New Haven, 1874 : 'The Solar Atmosphere, an introduction to an account of researches made at the Allegheny Obsei-vatory. 8vo. New Haven, 1875 : *0n the comparison of certain theories of Solar Structure with observation. 8vo. New Haven, 1875 : *A proposed new method in solar spectrum analy.sis. 8vo. New Haven, 1877 : *Nouvelle methode spectroscopique. 4to. Paris, 1877 ; *0n the possibility of transit observation without personal error. 8vo. New Haven, 1877 : *0n certain remarkable groups in the lower spectrum. 8vj. Boston, 1878 : ♦On the temperature of the Sun. 8vo. Boston, 1878 — - : *Transit of Mercury of May 6th, 1878. 8vo New Haven. 1878 20I Langloy (Samxiel "P.^—contiytved. : *0n the Janssen Solar photograph and optical Studies. 8vo. New Haven, 187S ; *The total solar eclipse of July 29, 1878. Observations at Pike's Peak, Colorado. 4to. Washington, 1880 : *Address .... before the American Association for the Advancement of Science . . . . 1879. [On recent progress in solar physics.] 8vo. Salem, 1879 : *Observations on Mount Etna. 8vo. New Haven, 1 880 : *Sur la distribution de I'energie dans le specti-e solaire normal. 4to. Paris, 1881 *The Bolometer. Svo. New York, 1881 *The Bolometer and radiant energy. 8vo. Cambridge, 1881 *Observations du spectre solaire. 4to. Paris, 1882 *The selective absorption of solar energy. 8vo. New Haven, 1883 : Experimental determination of wave-lengths in the invisible prismatic spectrum. 8vo. New Haven, 1884 Lansberg (Jacobus) : Apologia pro commentationibus Philippi Lansbergii in motum terrse diui-num et annuum, adversus Libertum Fromondum. 4to. Middelburgi Zelandise, 1633 Lansberg (Philipp van): : Bedenckinghen op den daghelijckschen ende laerlijckscheu loop vanden Aerdt-cloot. 4to. Middelburgh, 1629 : Commentationes in motum terrte diurnum & annuum, et in verum adspectabilis ca^li typum .... In Latinum versse a Martino Hortensio, una cum ipsius prjefatione. 4to. Middelburghi, 1630 : Uranometriae libri tres ; in quibus Lunfe, Solis, & reliquorum planetarum, & inerrantium stellarum distantiaj k terra, & magnitudines, hactenus ignoratse perspicu^ demonstrantur. 4to. Middelburgi, 1631 : Tabulae motuum ooelestium perpetu£e, ex omnium tempo- rum observationibus conatructae, temporumque omnium observationibus consentientes ; item novae et genuinae motuum coclestium theoricse, & astronomicarum observa- tionum thesaurus. 3 parts in i vol. fol. Middelburgi [Lugduni], 1632 : Verklaeringhe van hat ghebruyck des astronomischen ciide geometrischen quadrants .... van nieua oversien ende vermeedert .... door D. Govbard. 4to. Middelburch [Haerlem], 1633 : Opera omnia. 10 pts. in I vol. fol., Middelburgi Zelandiac, 1635-63 : Astrolabium ; dat is ... . vorklaringho van do platto sphsero van Ptolomffius, anders astrolabium glicnaemt. 4to. Middelburgh, 1635 . Ditto. 4to. Middelburgh, 1653 : In fjiiadrantem turn astronomic um, turn geometricuni ; noc non in astrolabium introductio. fol. Middelburgi, 1635 [1636] 202 Lansberg (Philipp van)— continued. : Beschrijviiigh der vlacke Sonne-Wysers .... Nieuwelijx orersien .... door Jacob Mogge. fol. Middelburgh, 1675 [Harlemi, 1666] Lanz (— ), et D. E. B6tancourt : Essai sur la composition des Machines .... Seconde edition. 4*0. Paris, 1819 La Place (Pierre Simon, Marquis de) : : Theorie du mouvement et de la figure elliptique des planetes. 4*0. Paris, 1784 : Traite de Mecanique celeste. 5 vols. 4to. Paris, an VII [i799]-i825 : Supplement a la theorie de Taction capillaire (2™^ Supple- ment au livre X, et Suppl. au 3me. Vol. de la Mec. Cel.). 4to. Paris, 1807 : The system of the world .... translated from the French by J. Pond. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1809 : Exposition du systeme du monde .... quatrieme edition, revue et augmentee par I'auteur. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 181 3 : A treatise upon analytical mechanics : being the first book of the Mechanique Celeste .... translated and elucidated with explanatory notes by the Rev. John Toplis. Svo, Nottingham, 18 14 : Theorie analytique des probabilites .... Seconde edition. 4to. Paris, 18 14 : Ditto, troisieme edition. 4*0- PaHs, 1820 : Essai philosophique sur les probabilites .... Troisieme edition .... 8vo. Paris, i8i6 : Precis de I'Histoire de I'Astronomie. Svo. Paris, 182 1 : Mecanique celeste .... Translated, with a commentary, by Nathaniel Bowditch (with a memoir of the translator by his son, N. I. Bowditch). 4 vols. 4to. Boston, 1829-39 : CEuvres completes .... publiees sous les auspices de I'Academie des Sciences par MM. les Secretau-es perpetuels. Tome 1-5. 4*0. Paris, 1878-82 . : Mecanique Celeste, see Biot (J. B.) ; Young (T.). : Memoir, see Poisson (S. D.) ; Biot (J. B.). Lardner (Dionysius) : : A system of algebraic geometry .... In two volumes. Vol. I, containing the geometry of plane curves. Svo. London, 1823 An elementary treatise on the differential and integral calculus. 8vo. London, 1825 An analytical treatise on plane and spherical trigonometry, and the analysis of angular sections. Svo. London, 1826 A discourse on the advantages of natural philosophy and astronomy, as part of a general and professional education. Svo. London, 1829 Popular astronomy .... from ' the Museum of Science and Art.' 8vo. London, 1856 Ditto, second series. 8vo. London, 1857 203 Lardner {'Dion.jsiu8)—conii)nied. : Handbook of Astronomy. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1853-56 : Ditto, fourth edition, revised and edited by Eihvin -Dunkin. Svo, London, 1875 Largeteau (G. L.) : * Tables de j^i'ecession, d'aberration et de nutation pour 65 ^toiles principales. Svo. Paris, 1S33 Lartigue (H.) : Exposition du systeme des vents, on traite du mouvement de Fair. Deuxieme edition. Svo. Paris, 1855 Lassell (William) : *0n polishing the specula of reflecting telescopes. 4to. London, 1874 Laughton (John Knox) : : Physical Geography in its relation to the prevailing winds and currents. Svo. London, 1870 : An introduction to the practical and theoretical study of Nautical Surveying. Svo. Loudon, 1872 Laiigier (Paul Auguste Ernest) : : *Memoire sur I'influence du ressort de suspension sur la duree des oscillations du pendule. 4to. Paris, 1845 : *Memoire sur quelques cometes anciennes. 4to. Paris, 1846 : Usage du cercle meridien portatif pour la determination des positions geographiques. 4to. Paris, 1852 : *Memoire svir la determination des distances polaires des etoiles fondamentales. 4to. Paiis, 1859 Laussedat (A.) : : *Eapport sur I'observation de I'Eclipse du 18 Juillet i860, faite en Algcrie par MM. Laussedat, de Salicis, Mannheim, Boiu" et Girard. [2 papers.] 4to. Paris, i860 ■ — — : *Difference de longitude de I'Observatoire de Toulouse et de la Citadelle de Montpellier. 4to. Paris, 1862 : Memoire sur un fragment de cadran solaire trouve en Phenicie. 4to. : *Sur les applications utiles de la methode graphique a la prediction des eclipses de Soleil. 4to. Paris, 1870 : *Sur I'aurore boreale du 4 Fevrier 1872. 4to. Paris, 1872 : La lunette astronomique hoi-izontale, destinee u I'observation du Soleil, de ses eclipses, et des passages deV^nvis sur cet astre. Svo. Paris, n.d. Lavaux (Eugene) : Nouveau systeme du Monde, ou les premieres forces de la nature .... deuxieme edition. Svo. Paris, 1875 Lawson (Henry) : : Meteorological Journal, kept at Hereford, 1841. Svo. Uex-eford, 1842 : A paper on the arrangement of an observatory for practical astronomy and meteorology. Svo. Bath, 1844 : Observations on the placing of thermometers, with tho plan of a stand, by which many of the errors arising from want of uniformity will be avoided. Single sheet, Svo., 1845 204 Lawson i, John) : : Tlie two books of Apollonius Pergseus, concerning Tan- gencies, as they have been restored by Franciscus Vieta and Marinus Ghetaldiis .... The second edition, to which is now added .... Fermat's treatise on spherical tangencies. 4to. London, 1771 : The two books of Apollonius Pergteus, concerning deter- minate section, as they have been restored by Willebrordus Saellius .... to which are added the same two books by WiUiam Wales, being an entire new work. 4to. London, 1772 : A synopsis of all the data for the construction of triangles, from which geometrical solutions have hitherto been in print, with references to the authors, where those solutions are to be found. 4to. Rochester, 1773 [ ] : A dissertation on the geometrical analysis of the antients ; with a collection of Theorems and Problems, without solu- tions, for the exercise of young students. 8vo. Canterbury, 1774 Lax (W.) : Tables to be used with the Nautical Almanac for finding the latitude and longitude at sea. 8vo. London, 182 1 Leadbetter (Charles) : : Astronomy of the satellites of the earth, Jupiter and Saturn .... also new tables of the motions of the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn ; ... to which is added a problem to find the latitude of the place by the altitude of the Sun, Moon, or Star. 8vo. London, 1729 : Urauoscopia, or the contemplation of the heavens ; being a demonstration of the equation of time, with the method of observing the solar ingresses into any point of the ecliptic, and the investigation of the aphelions and eccentricities of the planets .... 8vo. London, 1735 : A compleat system of astronomy .... containing the description and use of the sector, the laws of spheric geome- try, the projection of the sphere, .... the doctrine of the sphere, and the eclipses of the Sun and Moon for thirty-nine years .... Also new tables of the motions of the Planets .... Second edition. 2 vols. Bvo. London, 1742 (Le Clerc, Sebastian) ; Pratica di Geometria (trad. diE. Brulon). i2mo. Roma, 1746 Lecoq de Boisbaudran ( — ): Spectres lumineux : spectres prismatiques et en longueurs d'ondes, destines aux recherches de chimie minerale. (Texte et Atlas.) 8vo. Paris, 1874 Lecount (P.): A description of the changeable magnetic properties possessed by all iron bodies, and the different effects produced by the same on ship's compasses, from the position of the ship's head being altered. 8vo. London, 1820 Lecouturier ( — ) et A. Chapuis: : Carte generale de la Lune. i sheet, Paris, n.d. 205 LecouUirier ( — ) ot A. Cha-puis -c. Rruxellns, 1S76 2o6 Lehmann (Fr. Xav.) : Die Sternbilder des Thierkreiaes. 8vo. Constanz, 1852 Lehmann (Jacob Wilhelm Heinrich): : Abliandlung liber die hochst merkwiii'dige, aber bisher, wie es scheint, noch zu wenig beaclitete ringfiu'mige Son- nenfinsterniss vom 7. September 1820. 8vo. Berlin, 1820 : Ueber die sebr grossen und totalen Sonnen-Verfinsterunijen auf der Erde Uberhaupt .... Zweite Auflage, 4to. Hamburg, 1842 Le Hon (H.): Manuel d'Astronomie, de Meteorologie etde Geologie, k I'usage des gens du monde .... Quatrieme edition 8vo. Bruxelles et Leipzig, i860 Leibnitz (Gottfried Wilhelm): Opera omnia, nunc primum coUecta .... studio L. Dutens. 6 vols. 4to. Genevaj, 1768 Tomus I . Theologica. 2. Logica, metaphytica, physica, chymia, &c. 3. Mathematica. 4. Philosoph., histor., jurisprudent. 5. Philologica. 6. Philologica, etymologica. Leibnitz (Gottfried Wilhelm) et Jean Bernoulli : Commercium philosophicum et mathematicum, 1694-17 16. 2 vols. 4to. Lausannse 1745 Leiden, Sternwarte: : Annalen. Band 1-4. 4to. Harlem, Haag, 1868-75 Band 1-3 herausgegeben von F. Kaiser. „ 4 „ ,, H. G-. van de Sande Bakhuyzen. : Yerslag van den staat der Sterrewacht te Leiden .... 1863-70, uitgebracht door F. Kaiser. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1864 : Ditto, 1873-74, uitgebracht door H. G. van de Sande Bakhuyzen. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1874 : Catalogus van de Boeken [with 2 supplements]. 8vo. 'sGravenhage, 1877-82 Leipzig, Astronomische Gesellsehaft : : Publicationen, 1-17. 4to. Leipzig, 1S65-83 1. Hiilfstafeln zur Berechnung specieller Stomngen. 2. Lesser, Tafeln der Metis. 3. Weiler, Ueber das Problem der drei Korper. 4. Hoiiel, Tables pour la reduction du temps en parties decimalcs du jour. 5. Auwers, Reduction der Beobachtungen der Fundamentalsternc am Passageninstrument zii Palermo 1803-1S05. 6. KechtwinkUge und Polarcoordinaten des Jupiter. 7. Auwers, Veranderliche Eigenbewegungen. Tlieil 2, Bestimmung der Elemente der Siriusbahn. 8. Sehjellerup, Genaherte Oerter der Fixsterne, fiir die Epoche 1855. 9. Lesser, Tafeln der Pomona. ID. Becker, Tafeln der Amphitrite. II. Winnecke, Bestimmung der Parallaxe des zweiten Argelander'schen Sternes. 207 Leipzig, Astronomische Gesellsohatt—contiuHcd. 12. Weiler, Gruudziige eincr neiieu Storungstlieorio. 13. Sporer, Beobachtungen der Sonneiiflecken. 14. Auwers, Fundameutal-Catalog fiir die Zoneiibcoljachtimgen am Dordl. Himmel. 15. Hartwig, Durclimesser der Planeten Venus und Mars. 16. Oppolzer, Syzygien-Tafeln fiir den Mond. 17. Au-wers, Mittlere Oerter von 83 siidliclien Sternen fiir 1875. : Vierteljahrssclirift, Jahrgang i-x8. 8vo. Leipzig, 1866-83 1. Supplementheft (Jahrg. 3). Von Asten, Hiilfstafeln zur Keduction der in der 'Hist. Cel.Fran9aise' enthaltcnen Beobachtungen. 2. „ (Jahrg. 4). Tafeln zur Eeduction von Fixstern-Boobachtun- gen, 1726-50. 3. „ (Jahrg. 14). Bruhns, Catalog der Bibliothek. Leipzig, Fiirstliehe Jablonowski'sche Gesellsehaft : : Abliandlungen, bei Begi iincliiiig dex' Koniglich-Sachsisclien Gesellsehaft der Wissenschaften am Tage dei* zweihundert- jahrigen Geburtsfeier Leibnizens herausgegeben. 4to. Leipzig, 1846 : Preisschviffcen. 1-5, 18. 8vo. Leipzig, 1847-75 : Jaliresbericht. 8vo, Leipzig, 1875, '78, '79, '81, '82 Leipzig, Koniglich-Sachsische Gesellsehaft der Wissen- schaften : : Abliandlungen der matliematisch-physischen Classe, Band 1-12. 8vo. Leipzig, 1852-82 : Berichte iiber die Yerhandlungen, 1846-47. Band i. 8vo. Leipzig, 1848 : Bericlite iiber die Yerhandlungen, mathematisch-physische Classe, 1849-81. Band 1-33. 8vo, Leipzig, 1882 Leipzig, Konigl. Universitats-Sternwarte : : Geschiclite und Beschreibung der Leipziger Sternwarte .... Herausgegeben von Dr. C. Bruhns. 4to. Leipzig, 1861 : Beobachtungen .... mit vorausgeschickter Beschreibung der jetzigen Einrichtung dieser Sternwarte .... von A. F. Mtibius. 8vo. Leipzig, 1823 : Resultiite aus Beobachtungen. I. Beobachtungen am Meridiankreis, von Rudolf Engelmann. 4to. Leipzig, 1870 : /See also Bruhns ; Engelmann ; Vogel. Loith (John) : The true physical cause of the precession of the Equinox. 8vo. Auckland [1876] Le Jeune (Guillaume Alexandre) : Dissertiitio Astronomica, exhibens definitioncs ex nonnullis Pleiadum occultationibus deductas. [Inaugural Disserta- tion.] 8vo. Lugduni-Batavorum, 1845 Le Monnier (Pierre Charles): : Ilistoire Celeste, ou rccueil de toutes les observations astro- nomiques faites par ox'dre du Hoy; avec un discours pre- liminaire sur le progris de I'Astronomie. 4to. Paris, 1741 : La thcorie dos Comctes, on I'on traitc du progres do cette partie de rAstronouiie ; avec des tables pour calculer les 208 Lg Monnier (Pierre Charles)— contimied. mouvemeats des Com^tes, du Soleil, &, des priinjipalos Etoiles fixes. 8vo. Paris, 1743 [ ] : Institutions astronomiques, ou le90us elementaires d'astro- nomie, .... avec de nouvelles tables d'equation corrigees, et particx;licrement les tables du Soleil, de la Lune, & des satellites ; precedees d'un essai sur Thistoire de I'astronomie moderne. 4to. Paris, 1746 A translation, with additions, of Keill's ' Introductio ad veram Astro- nomiam.' [ ] : Memoires concernant diverses questions d' Astronomic et de Physique; lus & communiques a I'Academie Royale des Sciences, &c. 4to. Paris, 1781 Leontius, see Aratus. Leovitius [Leowitz] (Cyprianus) : : Ephemeridvm novvm atque insigne opvs, ab anno Domini 1556 vsq. in 1606 accuratissime supputatum ; . . . . accesserunt. I. Eclipsivm typi elegantissimi. II. Expedita ratio constitvendi coelestis thematis, cum tabnlis .... III. Brevis ratio geneses ivdicandi .... IIII. Loca stel- larvmfixarvm .... V. Themata qvatvor anni temporvm. 2 vols, in I, fol. AvgvstjB Vindelicorvm, 1557 — — : De Conivnctionibvs magnis insigni(iribvs svperiorvm plane- tarum, Solis defectionibus, & Cometis, in quarta monarehia, cum eorundem effectuum historica expositione .... acces- sit, ab anno Domini 1564, in viginti annos sequentes, prognosticon. 4to. Londini, 1573 : De judiciis nativitatum, see Strauchius. Leslie (John): : An experimental inquiry into the nature and propngation of heat. 8vo. London, 1804 : Elements of geometry, geometrical analysis, and plane trigonometry. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1809 The philosophy of arithmetic. 8ro. Edinburgh, 181 7 Ditto. Second edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1820 Geometrical analysis and geometry of curve lines, being volume second of a course of mathematics. 8vo. Edinburgh, 182 1 : Elements of natural philosophy .... Vol. i, including mechanics and hydrostatics. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1823 Lespiault (G.) : : *Memoire sur le mouvement des nceuds de la Lune et sur I'inegalite en latitude qui donne la mesure de rai)latisse- ment de la terre. 8vo. Paris, 1861 : *Theorie geometrique de la variation des elements des planetes. 8vo. Bordeaux, 1868 Lesser (Otto) : : *Tafeln der Metis, mit BerUcksichtigung der Storunsjen durch Jupiter und Saturn. 4to. Leipzig, 1865 : *Tafeln der Pomona, mit Eerlicksichtigung der StiJrungeu durch Jupiter, Saturn, und Mars. 4to. Leipzig, 1869 209 Leveau (Gustave): : *Travaux Astronomiqnes. 4(0. Paris : *E.echerclies sur la comote periodique de D'Arrost, eb determination des elements en 185 1, 1869 et 1877. 1877 1878 1S80 4to. Paris : *Theorie de Yesta. 4to. Paris : *Theorie du mouvement de Vesta. 4to. Paris : *Sur la comete periodique de D'Arrest, et son procliaiii retour en 1883. 4to. Paris [1883] Leveque (Pierre) : : Tables generales de la hauteur et de la longitude du noua- gesime, calculees pour toutes les latitudes terrestres. 2 vols. Svo. Avignon, 1776 : Recueil de tables astronomiques et nautiques, dressees jiour le calcul des latitudes et des longitudes en mer. Svo. Nantes, 1779 Levera (Franeiscus) : Prodropjvs vniversae astronomiae restitvtae ; de anni Solaris, See also Bothkamp, Sternwarte ; Yogel und Lohse. London, Admiralty Library: Catalogue of the books. 4to. London, 1875 London, Astro-Meteorological Society : Record. Vol. i, No. i, 2. 8vo. London, 1861 London, Board of Trade : : Beport of the meteorological department, 1857, 1858, 1862. 8vo. London, 1857-62 : Meteorological Papers, No. 1-14. Svo. and 4to. London, 1857-65 : Passage Table, and general sailing directions, compiled by E. FitzRoy. 8vo. London, 1859 219 London, Board of Trade— confinned. : Swinging Ship for deviation. Compiled by E. FitzTJoy. Svo. London, 1S59 : Notes on Meteorologj^ 1859. Compiled by R. FitzRoy. Svo. London, 1859 : Barometer and Weather guide, 1S58. Compiled by K. FitzRoy, Second edition. Svo. London, 1859 : Ditto. Fourth edition. Svo. London, 186 1 : Barometer Manual, 1 86 1. Compiled by R. FitzRoy. Fourth edition. Svo. London, i86i : See also Bothkamp, Stern warte ; Meteorological Office. London, Board of Trade, Standard "Weights & Measures Department : : An account of the comparisons of the three Parliamentary copies of the Imperial standards. Svo. London, 1877 : Eleventh Annual Report of the Warden of Standards, 1S76-77. Svo. London, 1S77 : Memorandum on an examination of Standar-d Measures of length for the Rumford Committee of the American Academy. (By H. J. Chaney.) fol. London, iSSo : Calculations of densities and expansions. (By H. J. Chaney.) Svo. London, 1S83 : Report by the Board of Trade on their proceedings and business under the Weights and Measures Act, 187S. fol. London, 1883 London, see British Association fbr the Advancement of Science. London, British Horological Institute : Horological Journal. Vol. 1-26. Svo. London, 1S58-82 London, Geological Society : : Proceedings, 1826-45. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1S34-46 : Quarterly Journal. Vol. 1-40. Svo. London, 1S45-S4 London, Institute of Actuaries : : Journal, N0.84-129. Svo. London, 1S72-83 : Tables deduced from the mortality experience of life assurance companies. Svo. London, 1872 : Catalogue of the Library. Svo. i SSo London Institution : Catalogue of the Library. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1835-43 London, Mathematical Society, Spitalfields : Catalogue of books [with the rules of the Society]. Svo. London, 1S21 London, Meteorological Olfice: : Report of the Meteorological Committee (Council) of the Royal Society for the years 1867-75, 1S77-84. Svo. London, 1868-S4 : Report of an Inquiry into the connexion between strong winds and barometrical differences .... by R. H. Scott. Svo. iiondon, 186S : Report .... on the meteorology of the North Atliuitic, between the panllels of 40° and 50° N. By H. Toyubee. Svo. Ijondon, 1869 2 20 London, Meteorological 0&.ce— continued. : Report .... on the use of Isobaric Curves, and a line of greatest barometric change in attempting to foretell winds .... by H. Toynbee. 8vo. London, 1869 : Charts showing the surface temperature of the South Atlantic Ocean. fol. London, 1869 : Quarterly Weather Report, 1869-80. 4to. London, 1870-83 : Barometer Manual, compiled by R. H. Scott. 8vo. London, 187 1 : Contributions to our knowledge of the meteorology of Cape Horn and the West Coast of South America. 4to. London, 1871 : A discussion of the meteorology of the part of the Atlantic lying north of 30° N., for the eleven days ending 8th February 1870. [With charts and diagrams.] 4to. London, 1872 : Currents and surface temperature of the North Atlantic Ocean from the Equator to latitude 40° N., for each month of the year, with a general current chart. 4to. London, 1872 : *]Srotes on the form of cyclones in the Southern Indian Ocean, and on some of the rules given for avoiding their centres. By C. Meldrum. 8vo. London, 1873 : Contributions to our knowledge of the meteorology of the Antarctic regions. 4*0. London, 1873 : Charts of meteorological data for square 3, Lat. o°-io° N., Long. 20°-3o° W. fol. : Remarks to accompany the monthly charts of meteorological data for square 3. 4*0. London, 1874 : Report of the Proceedings of the Meteorological Conference at Leipzig. 8vo. London, 1873 : Hourly Readings from the self-recording instruments at the seven observatories in connection with the Meteorological Office, 1874-80. foL London. : Ditto. 1881-82. 4to. London, 1882-83 : Report of the Pi'oceedings of the Meteorological Congress at Vienna. 8vo. London, 1874 : Report on weather telegraphy and storm warnings pre- sented to the Meteorological Congress at Vienna by a Committee appointed at the Leipzig Conference. 8vo. London, 1874 : Reports of the Permanent Committee of the first Inter- national Meteorological Congress at Vienna, for the years 1874, 1876, 1878. 3 parts, 8vo. London, 1875-79 : Ditto. Supplement, 1876. 8vo. London, 1877 : Report of the Proceedings of the Conference on Maritime Meteorology, held in London, 1874. 8vo. London, 1875 ■ : Instructions in the use of meteorological instruments. By R. H. Scott. 8vo. London, 1875 : On the physical geography of the part of the Atlantic which lies between 20° N. and 10° S.; and which extends from 10° to 40° W. By H. Toynbee. 8vo. London, 1876 : Contribution to the meteorology of Japan, by T. H. Tizard. 4to. London, 1876 . 221 London, Meteorological OtQ.ce—co7i.ti7ii(ed. : Report of the Proceedings of tbe second International Meteorological Congress at Rome, 1879. 8vo. London, 1879 : Report on the meteorology of Kerguelen Iskind, hy Rev. S. J. Perry. 4to. London, 1879 : Aids to the study and forecast of the weathei-, by W. Clement Ley. Svo. London, 1880 : Meteorological Observations at stations of the second order, 187S-79. 4to. London, 1S80 82 : Report of the International Meteorological Committee. Meeting at P>erno, 1S80. 8vo. London, 1881 : Report on the storm of October 13-14, 1881 (by R. H. Scott). 8vo. London, 1882 : Report of the second meeting of the International Meteo- rological Committee, held at Copenhagen, 1882. 8vo. London, 1883 : Sunshine records of the United Kingdom for 1881. Svo. London, 1883 : Rainfall tables of the British Isles for 1866-80. Compiled .... by CI. J. Symons. Svo. London, 1S83 : Meteorological Atlas of the British Isles. 4to. London, 1SS3 : The monthly weather report for January i S84. 4to. London, 1884 London, Meteorological Society: : Transactions of the Meteorological Society of Great Britain, Vol. I. Svo. London, 1839 : *Report of the Council of the British Meteorological Society, 1S51, 1S56-58. _ _ Svo. : Proceedings of the British Meteorological Society, 1S61-67. Yol. 1-3. Svo. London, 1863-67 : Proceedings of the Meteorological Society, 1S67-71. Yol. 4, c. Svo, London, 1869-71 : Quarterly Journal of the Meteorological Society (1S71-S3). Yol. 1-9. Svo. London, 1873-83 : Quartei^y Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 18S4. Yol. 10. Svo. London, 1S84 : Index to the publications of the English Meteorological Societies, 1S39 to t8Si. Svo. London, iSSi : The history of English Meteorological Societies, 1823 to 1880 .... By G. J. Symons. Svo. : The snow storms of January 17th to 21st, iSSi. Svo. : Hints to Meteorological observers, with instructions for taking observations, and tables for their reduction. Pre- pared .... by W. Marriott. Svo. London, 1S81 : The Meteorological Record. INIonthly results of observa- tions made at the stations of the (Royal) Meteorological Society, with remarks on the weather, 1881-83. By W. Marriott. No. i-io. 8vo. London. : Instructions for the observation of phonological i)henomc'na. Second edition. Svo. London, 1883 Charter & By-Laws of the R<.yal INTeteorological Society, 1SS4. 8vo. Loudon 222 London, Meteorological Sooiety—cojiHmied. : List of Fellows, 1 884. 8vo. London : Catalogue of the Library. 8vo. London, 1876 London, Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris : -: 1767-1887. 8vo. London, 1 766-1 883 : Tables requisite to be used with the Nautical Ephemeris for finding the latitude and longitude at sea. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1781 Ditto. Third edition. 8vo. London, 1802 fSee also Garrard (AV.) ; Lax (W.). Ditto. Appendix to the third edition .... being new tables of natural sines, natural versed sines, and logarithms of numbers, 8vo. : Selections from the additions that have been occasionally annexed to the Nautical Almanac from its commencement to the year 181 2. 8vo. London, 181 3 : Natural versed sines from 0° to 125°, and logarithmic versed sines from 0° to 135°, or o^ to 9^, used in computing lunar distances. fol. London, 1856 : Haversines natural and logarithmic used in computing lunar distances .... Edited by J. C. Hannyngton. fol. London, 1876 : Supplement, 1867-69 ; Ephemerides of the minor planets for the years 1864-66, 8vo. London : See also Baily (F.) ; South (J.). London, Photographic Society : : Journal .... containing the Transactions of the Society, and a general record of photograj^hic art and science. Vol. I- 1 6. 8vo. London, 1854-76 : The Photographic Journal, including the Transactions of the Photographic Society of Great Britain. New series. Vol. 1-8. 8vo. London, 1877-84 London, Physical Society : Proceedings, 1874-83. Vol. 1-5. 8vo. London, 1876-83 London, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland : : Transactions. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1827-35 : Journal. 20 vols. 8vo. London, 1834-63 : Journal, new series. Vol. 1-16. Svo. London, 1865-84 : Catalogue of historical manuscripts in the Arabic and Pei-- sian languages. Svo. London, 1854 London, Royal Astronomical Society : : Memoirs, Vol. 1-47. 4to. London, 1822-83 : A general index to the first thirty-eight volumes of the Memoirs. Svo. London, 1871 : Monthly Notices, containing papers, abstracts of papers and reports of the proceedings, 1827-S3. Vol. 1-44. Svo. London, 1 831 -84 : A general Index to the first twenty-nine volumes of the Monthly Notices (1827-69). Svo. London, 1870 223 London, Royal Astronomical Soeiet-y—confhmcd. : Address and regulations of the Astronomical Society of London. 8vo. London, 1820-21 : Charter and Bye Laws, 1831, '44, '58, '70, '80. 8vo. London -^ : *Report of the Committee appointed .... for the pur- pose of examining the telescope constructed by Mr. Tulley. 8vo. London, 1S26 : Statement of a plan for making a minute survey of the heavens, and for the formation and publication of some new celestial charts under the superintendence and dii'ection of the Koyal Academy of Sciences at Berlin. 8vo. London, 1826 : New tables for facilitating the computation of precession, aberration and nutation of 2881 principal fixed stars ; together with a catalogue of the same reduced to January I, 1830 .... to which is prefixed an inti-odnction .... by Francis Baily. 4to. London, 1827 : Meridian Ephemeris of the sun and planets for the year 1836. Computed at the expense of Francis Baily. 8vo. London, 1835 : Catalogue of the Library. [With Appendices 2-16.] 8vo. London, 1850 London, Royal G-eographical Society : Journal, 1831-80. Vol. 1-50. 8vo. London, 1831-80 General Index to the fourth 10 vols. 8vo. London, 1881 Proceedings. Vol. 2-5, 7-22. 8vo. London, 1858-78 Proceedings . . . and Monthly Record of Geography ; New monthly series. Vol. 1-6. 8vo. London, 1879-84 : Classified catalogue of the Library. 8vo. London, 1871 London, Royal Institution of Great Britain : : Journal. Vol. i, 2. 8vo. London, 1830-31 : Notices of Proceedings at the Meetings, 185 1-84. Vol.i-io. 8vo. London, 1854-84 : Classified Catalogue of the Library. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1857-82 : See also Joui-nal of Science and the Arts. London, Royal Society : : Philosophical Transactions : giving some Accompt of the present undertakings, studies, and labours of the ingenious in many considerable parts of the world, 1665-1775. Vol. 1-65. 4to. London, 1 667-1 775 : Philosophical Transactions of the Koyal Society of London, 1776-91. Vol. 66-81. 4to. London, 1776-91 : Philosophical Transactions, 1792-99, 1801-1882 [Vol. 82-172]. 4to. London, 1 792-1882 : A general index or alphabetical table to all the IMiiloso- phical Transactions, from the beginning to July 1677. 4to. London, 1678 : A general index to the Philosophical Transactions from tlie first to the end of the sevcntictli volume [1665-1 780], by Paul Jfeni-y Maty. 4^0. J^ondon, 1787 : The Philo.sophical Transactions and collections to the end of the year 1700, abridg'd and dispos'd under general heads. 224 London, Royal Society— ron tinned. in three volumes. By John Lowthorp. The fourth edition. Vol. 1-3. 4to. London, 1731 : Ditto. The fifth edition, in which the Latin papers are now first translated into English. Vol. 1-3. 4to. London, 1749 : Ditto, from 1700 to 1720. By Henry Jones. The third edition .... in which the Latin papers are now first trans- lated into English. Vol. 4, 5. 4to. London, 1749 : Ditto, from 1719 to 1733. By John Eames and John Martyn. Vol. 6, 7. 4to. London, 1734 Vol. 7 contains a general index to the se.ven volumes. : Ditto, from 1732 to 1744, the Latin papers translated into English. By John Martyn. Vol. 8, 9. 4to. London, 1747 : Ditto, from 1743 to 1750, the Latin papers translated into English. By John Martyn. Vol. 10. 4to. London, 1756 : The Philosophical Transactions from the year 1700 (where ]Mr. Lowthorp ends) to the year i72o,abridg'dand dispos'd under general heads. By Benj. Motte. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1721 : Memoirs .... being a new abridgment of the Philoso- phical Transactions .... from 1665 to 1735. ^Y ^'^^' Baddam. Second edition. Vol. 1-6. 8vo. London, 1739-40 : Abstracts of the papers printed in the Philosophical Transac- tions .... fi-om 1800 to 1830. Vol. I, 2. 8vo. London, 1832-33 : Abstracts of the papers printed in the Philosophical Tx\ans- actions .... 1830-54 (Proceedings, No. 1-102). Vol. 3-6. 8vo. London, 1837-54 : Proceedings, 1854-83. Vol. 7-35. 8vo. London, 1856-83 : The Statutes of the Royal Society of London. 4to. London, 1823 : List of the Fellows, 1878, '80, '82, '83. 4to. London, 187 8-S3 : Six discourses .... on the award of the Royal and Copley medals .... By Sir H. Davy. 4to. London, 1827 : Report on the adjudication of the Copley, Rumford, and Royal Medals ; and appointment of the Bakerian, Croonian, and Fairchild Lectures. Compiled from original docu- ments in the archives of the Royal Society by James Hudson. 4to. London, 1834 : Address delivered at the Anniversary meeting of the Royal Society, 1833 ^^^ 1S36, by the Duke of Sussex. 4to. London, 1833-36 ■ : Catalogue of the Scientific books in the Library, 8vo. London, 1839 : Catalogue of miscellaneous literature. 8vo. London, 1841 : Catalogue of the Scientific books in the Library. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1881-S3 : Catalogue of Scientific papers (1800-1873). Compiled and published by the Royal Society of London. Vol. 1-8. 4to. London, 1867-79 : The history of the Royal Society of London, for the im- proving of natural knowledge, by Tho. Sprat. Second edition. 4to. London, 1702 225 London, Royal So oiet j— con /in riei/. : Ditto. Tho foui-tli oih'tion. 4to. LcMulon, 1734 : A i-eview of tlie works of the Royal Society of London, containing animadversions on such of the papers as deserve particular observation, by Sir John Hill .... Second edition. 4to. TiOndon, 1780 : An authentic narrative of the dis.=entions and debates in the Royal Society, containing the speeches at large of Dr. Horsley, Dr. Maskelyne, Mr. Maseres, Mr. Poore, INIr. Glenie, Mr. Watson, and Mr. jNIaty. 8vo. London, 1784 : History of the Royal Society from its institution to the end of the eighteenth century, by Thomas Thomson. 4to. London, 181 2 : A history of the Royal Society, with memoirs of the Presi- dents, compiled from authentic documents, by Charles Richard Weld. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1848 : An additional word on the pristine establishment of the Royal Society Club (by Admiral W. H. Smyth). 4to. London, 1S60 London, Royal United Service Institution : : Journal. Tol. i 27. 8vo. London, 1858-84 : Catalogue of the Library. 8vo. London, 1865 London. Selenographical Society : The Selenogi'aphical Journal ; a monthly Bulletin of the Selenographical Society. Vol. 1-5. 8vo. London, 1879-83 London, Society of Arts : : Journal. Vol. 12-32. 8vo. London, 1864-84 : Index to Vols. 21-30. 8vo. London, 1884 London, University College Library : Catalogue of books. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1879 Long (Roger) : Astronomy, in five books. 2 vols. 4to. Cambridge, 1742-85 Longitude : : An account of the proceedings, in order to the discovery of the lojigitudo : in a letter to the Right Honourable * * * *, Member of Parliament. 4to. London, 1763 : *]iOngitude by Telegraph. 8vo. 1882 Longomontanus (Christianus Severinus) : ■ : Cyclometria ex lunulis reciproce deinonstrata, vinde tam areas quam perimetri circuli exacta dimensio, cfe in numeros diductio scquuta est, hactonus ab omnibus mathematicis unicc desiderata. 4to. Hafniie, 1612 : r)isputatio philosophica qua? secunda astronomiae est, de Spha^rse ccplestis legitima constitntione, officio, & multiplici utilitate. [Inaug. Dissert. : pia;side C. S. ii. . . .] 4to. HafniiP, 16 12 : A.stronomia Danica .... in duas partes tributa, quarum prior doctrinam do diurna apparente siderum revolutione supei- sjilia-ra ai-millari votorum iiistaiirata, duoVius libri.s explicat : postcnnr, thcorias dc molibns planetaruin . . . . Q 226 Longoraontanus (Christianxis Severin\ia)—co'iHn'iiecl. compleotitur. Cum appendice de asseititiis cceli pli«no- menia, nempe stellis novis et cometis. 4to. Amsterodami, 1622 : Ditto. 2 parts in i vol. fol. Amsterdami, 1640 Longstreth (Miers Tisher) : *(Jn Ike accuracy of the tabular longitude of the Moon, to be obt:\ined by the construction of new lunar tables. 4to. Philadelphia, 1851 Loomis (Elias) : : The recent progress of Astronomy ; especially in the United States. 8vo. New York, 1850 : An introduction to practical astronomy, with a collection of astronomical tables. 8vo, New York, 1855 Ditto. 7th edition. 8vo. New York, 1880 A treatise on astronomy. 8vo. New York, 1866 Elements of astronomy, designed for academies and higlier schools. 8vo. New York, 1869 : * Contributions to meteorology, jiapers 8-19. 8vo. New Haven, 1878-83 : Memoires de meteorologie dynamiqne ; expose ^des resul- tats de la discussion de cartes du temps des Etats-Unis, ainsi que d'autres documents, traduits .... par M. H. Brocard. 8vo. Paris, 1880 Loomis (Francis E.) : Periodic Stars. Inaugural Dissertation. 4to. Gottingen, 1869 Lopes (Antonio de Castro): Memoria sobre a possibilidade e conveniencia da suppressao dos annos bissextos, escripta em Portuguez, liatim e Francez. 8vo. Pio de Janeiro, 1881 Lorek (Emil Franz): Die Bahn der Semele. [Inaugural-Dissertation.] 8vo. Kijnigsberg, 1868 Lorenzoni (Giuseppe) : : *Suir eclisse totale del sole dell' 11 Dicembre 1871 : Calcolo preparatorio. 8vo. Yenezia, 1871 : *Sulla eclisse parziale di sole del 26 Maggio 1873. 8vo. Yenezia, 1873 : *Di un mezzo atto a rendere visibile tutta in una volta una immagine mouocromatica completa della cromosfera e delle protuberanze solari, 8vo. Yenezia, 1874 . : Giovanni Santini, la sua vita e le sue opere. Discorso letto nella chiesa di S. Sofia in Padova. 8vo. Padova, 1877 — — : *Sulla determinazione delle coordinate angolari, mediante gli strumenti astronomici, e in particolare sullo strumento dei passaggi. 8vo. Yenezia, 1878 : *Suir andamento del pendolo di Frodsham N. 1604, pos- seduto dal E. Osservatorio di Padova. 8vo. Yenezia, 1881 : *Sulle osservazioni della Cometa b (III.) 1881 fatte al R. Osservatorio di Padova. 8vo. Yenezia, 1882 : *L' Astronomia in questi ultimi tempi. 8vo. Yenezia, 1882 227 Lorenzoni ( Giusep-pe) —conf iuiwd. : *8ulle determinazioni di tom2:>o eseguite ad Aroetri nell' autunno del 1S82, colla osservazione dei passaggi di stelle pel verticale della Folare. 8vo. Venezia, 1884 Lorgna (Anton Maria) : A dissertation ou the summation of infinite converging series with algebraic divisors. . . . Translated .... witli notes and observations. To which is added an appendix, con- taining all the most elegant and useful Formulse which have been investigated for the summing of the different orders of series .... by H. Clarke. 4to. London, 1779 Loseby (E. T.) : : On the phenomena of meteors. i2mo. Leicester, n.d. : Improvements in time-keepers. 8vo. London, n.d. Lossius (Lucas) : Cisio Janus, hoc est kalendarium syllabicum. 4to. Wittebergae, 155 1 Low (Moritz), see Berlin, K. preuss. geodat. Listitut. Low (Moritz) et E. Plantamour: Diff6i*ence de longitude entre Geneve et Strasbourg. 4to. Geneve, 1879 Lowe (Edward Joseph) : : Prognostications of the weather, or signs of atmospheric changes. 8vo. London and Nottingham, 1849 : Natural phenomena and chronology of the seasons. 8vo. London, 1870 Lowe (Edward Joseph) and A. S. H. Lowe : The climate of Nottingham during the year 1852. 8vo. London, 1853 Lubbock (John W.) : : *0n the comparison of various tables of annuities. 4to. Cambridge, 1829 : Account of the ' Traite sur le flux et reflux de la mer ' of Daniel Bernoulli ; and a treatise on the attraction of ellip- soids. 8vo. London, 1830 : On the determination of tlie distance of a comet from tlie earth, and the elements of its orbit. 8vo. London, 1832 : Ditto. New edition. 8vo. London, 1835 : On the theory of the Moon, and on the perturbations of the planets. Svo. London, 1833 : Ditto. New edition. Svo. London, 1834 : An elementary treatise on the computation of eclipses and occultations. Svo. London, 1835 : On the theory of the Moon, and on tlie pertur})atians of the planets. Part 2, 3, 6 10. Svo. London, 1836 60 : An elementary treatise on the Tides. Svo. J^ondon, 1839 : On the hesit of vapouis and on astronomical i-efractions. Svo. fiOiidon, 1840 : On tlie determination of the cocfiicients A and B in the development of [ i — A cos nj i and (i — A cos a) -i. Svo. London, 1849 Q 228 Lubienietski (Stanislaus de) : : Theatrum cometicum, duabus pai'tibus constans. quarum altera .... Cometas aniii 1664 & 1665, variis viroruru per Europani clariss., cum quibus ;uictor de hoc argurneiito contulit, observationibus [&c.] .... exhibet .... altera continet historiam cccf'xv cometarum a tempore diluvii ad anil. 1665. 2 parts, in 2 vols. fol. Amstelodami, 1668-66 : Ditto. 2 parts, in 2 vols. fol. Lngduni Batavoriim, 1681 Lxidlam (John) : Astr-onomical Observations made in St. John's College, Cambridge, in the years 1767 and 1768; with an account of several astronomical instruments. 4to. Cambridge, 1769 Lndlam (William) : : *An account of a balance of a new construction, supposed to be of use in the woollen manufactui'e. 4to. London, 1766 ; Mathematical essays .... The second edition, with ad- ditions. 8\-o. Cambridge, 1787 : The rudiments of mathematics, designed for the use of students at the Universities. Third edition. 8vo. London, 1790 Lnigi (MasGhi) : Jjeggi della rotazione diurna planetare in rapporto colla gravi- tazione universale e colla circumvallazione orbitale. Svo, Parma, 1876 Lund, Observatorium : ^ _. -*pia,net- och Komet-Observationer austiillda Ar 1867-72 .... utgivna af Axel MiiUer. 4to. Lund, 1868-73 : *Eiiiige Resultate aus den meteorologischen Beobachtungen angestellt auf der Sternwarte zii Lnnd in den Jahren 1741- 1870; von A.V. Tidblom. 4to. Lund, 1876 — — : Beobachtungen des Mars wuhrend seiner Opposition 1877, angestellt .... von A. Lindstedt. 4to. Lund, 1878 : See Dun^r ; Lindstedt ; INloller. Lundahl (Gustaf): De numeris nutationis et aberrationis constantibus atque de parallax! annua stellae polaris. [Inaugural Dissertation.] 4to. Helsingforsiae, 1842 Luther (Eduard): ; Berechnung der auf der Kiinigsberger Stern warte in den Jahren 1830 bis 1838 gemachten Beobachtungen der Plaueten Merkur, Venus, Mars, Jupiter und Saturn. 4to. Konigsberg, 1849 : Declinationes stellarum fundamentalium novae ex ultimis ill* Bessel Observationilnis derivatae. . . . [Inaugural Dis- sertation.] 4to. Eegiomonti Pr. 1859 : *Das Klima von Konigsberg. 4to Konigsberg, 1864 Luvini (Giovanni): : *Le dietheroscope. Svo. Turin, 1876 : -^Presentaziom^ di un modello di dieterosco])io. . . . De- .scrizione ed applicazioni. Svo. Torino, 1S76 229 Liiyts (Joannos'i : Astrunomica iustitutio, in (jua docliina spliicrica alque tbeorica, interuiixto u.sa sphten« cojlestis, it variis dirono- logicis, pertractantur. 4to. Tiajrcti ad Rhciuun, 1692 Lycosthenes [or von Rufach] (Conrad): i'rodigioivm atiiue osteiitorum tam c(«lcstiuiu i[uaiu tenes- triuin Chrouicon, ab exordio luundi usq : ad nostra tem- jjora. fol. Basileag, 1557 Lydyat (, Thomas) : Pnvlectio Astronomica de uatvra (wli ct coiiditiouibus ele- nientorum ; tuui autem de caiisis pvajcipuorum motuum coeli et stellarum. Item disquisitio physiologica de origine foiitinni pereuiiium IVigidorum et calidonuu. Svo. Londini, 1605 Lynn (Thomas) : : Horary tal)le.s, for finding the time \)y inspection, to facili- tate the operations for obtaining the h)ngitude at sea by chronometers and lunar observations. 4to. London, 1827 : New star tables, adapted to practical purposes for twenty- two years, commencing January 1843. 8vo. London, 1847 Lynn (William Thynne) : ■ : The first principles of natural philosophy. 8vo. London, 1863 : Celestial motions ; a handy book of astronomy. Svo. London, 18S4 : Ditto. Hecond edition. 8vo. Loni'Dn, 1884 : b'ee also Main (R.) Lyons (Israel) : A treatise of fluxions. Svo. London, 1758 Macclesfield (the Earl of) : : ^Remarks upon the solar and the lunar years, the cycle of 19 years, commf)idy called the golden nuuil)er, the epact, and a method of finding the time of Easter. 4to. London, 1750 : Speech in the house of Peers, March 18, 1750, at the second reading of the bill for regulating the commence- ment of the year. 4to. London, 1751 : Correspondence of scientific men of the seventeenth cen- tury, including letters of Barrow, Flamsteed, Wallis, and Ne\vtens locum, uidtuui, niagiiitu- dinem, causas, eftectus ct signiticationes couielie. [Inaugural Dissertation.] 4to. Gedani, 1653 Maddy (W.): The elements of the theory of astronomy .... A new edition, revised and greatly enlarged, by J. Hymers .... 8vo. Cambridge, 1832 Madison, Washburn Observatory of the University of Wisconsin : : Contributions, Number i. (List of new nebulae and double stars.) 4to. Madison, 1881 : Publications .... (under the superintendence of E. S. Holden). Vol. i. Svo. Madison, 1SS2 Madler ( Johann Heinrich von) : : Kurzgefasste Beschreibung des ]Mondcs. EinAuhzugaus der grosseren Selenographie von W. Beer und J. II. Madler. Svo. Berlin, 1839 Astronomische Briefe. Svo. Mitau, 1846 Die Centralsoune. 4to. Dorpat, 1846 Untersuchungeu liberdie Fixstern-Systeme. ErsterTheil. Die partiellen Systeme. Zweiter Theil. Das allgemeine System. fob Mitau und Leipzig, 1847-1848 : Tabula generalis stellarum duplicium indicationem motus gyratorii exhibentium. obi. fol. Dorpati, 1849 : Sonne und Mond. Svo. Leipzig, 1852 : Der Eixsternhimniel. Eine gemeiufassliche Darstellung der neuern auf ihn sicli beziehenden Forschungen. Svo. Leipzig, 1858 : Die Fixslernwelt .... Zweile Auflage des "Werkes : Ueber die Fixsterne im Allgemeinen und die Doppelsterne insbesondere. Svo. Berlin, 1861 : Der Wunde)'bau des Weltalls, oder populiire Astronomie .... Nebst einem Atlas, astronomische Tafeln, Abbil- dungen und Sternkarten enthaltend. Fiinfte Auflage. Svo. (atlas in fob). Berlin, 1861 : *Uber totale Sonncnfinsternisse mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Finsterniss vom iS Juli i860. [Mit Nach- trag.] 4to. Jena, 1S61-62 : Kui'zer Abrisg der Astronomie. Svo. Essen, 1S63 : Reden und Abhandlungen iibei- Gegenstiinde der Ilimmels- kunde. Svo. Berlin, 1S70 : Geschichte der Ilimmelskunde von der Ultesten bis auf die neueste Zeit, 2 vols. Svo. Braunschweig, 1873 : Der i\Iond, ttc, see l^eer und Madler. : Dorpat Beobachtungen, see Dorpat, Sternwarte. Madras Literary Society : The Madras Journal of Literature ?\nd Science, 1836 40. Vol. 4 12, 8v(». Madras, 1S36 40 232 Madras Observatory : : Observed transits of the fixed stars and planets over the meridian, 1 812-14. [J. Goldingham.] ioL [Madras] : Madras Observatory papers, by J. Goldingham. fol. Madras, 1827 : Result of astronomical observations made . . . . by T. (I. Taylor, 1831-47. Vol. 16. 4to. Madras, 1832 48 : Astronomical Obsei'vations made .... by W. K. Worster and W. S. Jacob, for the years 1848-52. 4to. Madras, 1854 : A general catalogue of the principal fixed stars from obser- vations made .... in the years 1830-43, by T. Q. Taylor. 4to. Madias, 1844 ; *A subsidiary Catalogue of 1440 stai-s selected from the British Association Catalogue, reduced to January ist, 1850, from observations made at Madras in the years 1849-53. [W. S. Jacob.] 4to. (Madras, 1854) : Meteorological Register .... by J. Goldingham and T, G. Taylor, 1822-43. f"^- Madras, 1844 : Meteorological Observations, 1841-45. 4to. : Ditto, by T. G. Taylor, W. K. Worster, and W. S. Jacob, in the years 1846-50. 4to. Madras, 1854 : Magnetical Observations made .... by T. G. Taylor, W, K. Worster, and W. S. Jacob, in the years 1846-50. 4to. Madras, 1854 : Meteorological Observations made under the superinten- denceof W. 8 .Jacob, in the years 1851-55. 4to. Madi-as,i874 : Report of the Government Astronomer upon the proceed- ings of the Observatory, in connexion with the total Eclipse of the Sun on August i8th, 1868, as ob.'^rved at Masuli- ])atam, Vunpurthy, Madi'as, and other stations in Southern India. 8vo. : Administration Reports for the Madras Observatory and Meteorological Departments for 1875. By N. R. Pogson. fol. Madras, 1877 Madrid, Real Academia de Ciencias : : Memorias. Tomo 1-4, 5 (p. i), 6 (p. i, 2). 4to. Madrid, 1850-65 • : Resumen de las Actas, 1847-63. 8vo. Madrid, 1848-64 Madrid, Real Observatorio: • : Instruccion sobre el eclipse de sol, que ha de verificarse el 18 de Julio de i860. 4to. Madrid, i860 : Comuuicacion del director . . . . al comisario regio del mismo, participAndole los princijmles resultados obtenidos en la observacion del eclipse de sol del 18 de Julio (i860) en el Desierto de las Palmas. 8vo. Madrid, 1 860 : *Observacion del eclipse de sol del 6 de Marzo de 1867. 4to. Madrid, 1867 : Observaciones Meteorologicas, 1863-78. 8vo. Madrid, 1865-79 : Resumen de las observaciones meteorologicas efectuadas en la Peninsula, 1866-75. 8vo. Madrid, 1868-78 : Anuario, afio 2-17. 1861-79. 8vo. Madrid, 1860-78 O '^ '> -J J Moestlinvis (Michael) : : Epitome a^>troiiomife, qua brevi explicatioue omnia, tam ad spbajricam quam theoricam eiiis })aitem i)ei'tiuentia, ex ipsius scientire fontibus deducta, perspicue per qusestiones traduntur. 8vo. Tid)iiig<'e, 1610 : Ditto. 8vo. Tubingte, 1624 Magellan (Jean Hyacinthe de) : Collection de diftcrens tiaites sur des instriimens d'astrononiie, physique, &c. 4to. Londres, 17 So Magintis (Joannes Antonius) : Novse coelestium orbium tUcorica^ congi'uentes cum obserua- tionibus N. Copeinici. 4to. Venctiis, 1589 Magnaghi (G. BO: Gli Strumeuti a rillessione per uiisurare angoli. 8vo. Milano, 1875 Mailly (Edoiiard'i : : *Eelation d'un voyage fait en Sicile et dans le niidi de ritalie. i2mo. Bruxelles, 1859 : * Precis de I'histoire de rastronomie aux Etats-Unis d'Amerique. i2mo. Bruxelles, i860 : *Essai sur les institutions scientifiques de la Grande-Bre- tagne et de I'lrlande. Partie i, 3, 5, 6. i2mo. Bruxelles, 1861-67 : *L'Espagne scientifique. i2mo. Bruxelles, 1868 : De I'astronomie dans I'Academie Koyale de ]:>elgique : rappoi-t seculaire (1772-1872). 8vo. Bruxelles, 1872 : *Tableau de rastronomie dans Fhemispbere austral et dans rinde. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1872 : *Adolphe Quetelet. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1874 : Essai sur la vie et les ouvrages de L. A. J. (Quetelet. 1 2 mo. Bruxelles, 1875 : *Notice sur Ernest Quetelet. 12 mo. Bruxelles, 1880 Main (Robert) : : Practical and spherical astronomy, for the use chiefly of students in the Universities. 8vo. Cambridge, 1863 : Eudimentary astronomy : third edition, revised and cor- rected to the present time by William Thyune Lynn. 8v'o. London, 1882 : See Greenwich Observatory ; Oxford, Radclille 01)servatory. Mairan (Jean Jacques Dortous de) : Traitc physi(iue et histori(iue de Taurore boreale. (Suite des Memoires de I'Academie, 1731.) i2mo. Amsterdam, 1735 Malcolm (Alexander) : A new system of arithmetick, theoretical and ]tractical, wherein the science of numtjcrs is demonstrated. 4to. London, i 730 Manchester, Chctham Library: Bibliothcca Chethamcnsis. 3 vols. 8vo. Mancunii, 1791-1826 234 Manchester Free Public Libraries : : Annual Report, 1859-84. 8vo. Manchester : Catalogue of the books in the Reference Department. 4to. London, 1864 Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society : : Memoirs, second series. Vol. 6-15. 8vo. London, 1842-60 Vol. 12 contains Index to the 17 vols, of the Memoirs (Vol. I old series to Vol. 12 new series). : Memoirs, third series. Vol. 1-7. 8vo. London, 1862-82 : Proceedings, Vol. 1-22. 8vo. Manchester, 1857-83 : Rules. 8vo. Manchester, 1861 : Catalogue of the hooks in the Library. Svo. Manchester, 1875 : A centenary of science in Manchester. By R. Angus Smith. Svo. London, 1883 Mandey (Venterus) : Synopsis mathematica universalis, or a brief system of the mathematics for 3'oung students, and such as have not arrived to a great perfection in those studies. Svo. London, 1709 Mandey (Venterus) and James Moxon : Mechanick-powers, or the mistery of nature and art unvail'd, shovv-ing what gi-eat things may be perform'd by mechanick engines. 4to. London, 1696 Manetho : Mave^wvos A-7roTeXeafiaTLKwv /?tySXia EH. Manethonis Apo- telesmaticorum libri sex. Nunc primum ex bibliotheca Medicea editi curu Jacobi Gronovii, qui etiam Latine vertit ac notas adjecit. 4to. Lugduni-Batavorum, 1698 Manfredi (Eustachio) : : Instituzioni astronomiche. Opera postuma, (Opera di Manfredi, tomo 2.) 4to. Bologna, 1749 : De annuis inerrantium stellarum aberrationibus. 4to. Bononia?, 1729 : See Bologna, Ephemerides. Manilius (Marcus) : : Astronomiconad Caesarem Augustum. Svo. Lugduni, 1551 : Astronomicwn libri qvinqve, Joseph vs Scaliger Ivl. Caes. F. recensvit, ac pristino ordini suo restituit. Svo. Lutetiag, 1579 : Astronomicon, a Josepho Scaligero ex vetusto codice Gem- blacensi infinitis mendis repurgatum ; eiusdem Josephi Scaligeri notfe. 4to. Lugduni Batavorum 1599 : Astronomicon, a Josepho Scaligero ex vetusto codice Gem- blacensi infinitis mendis repurgatum ; eiusdem Josephi Scaligeri notse .... accesservmt qusedam .... Thomre Renesi et Ismaelis Bvllialdi animaduersiones. 4to. Argentorati, 1655 : The Sphere of Marcus Manilius made an English poem : with annotations and an astronomical appendix. By Etiward Sherburne. ful. London, 1675 -) -1 r -OO Manilius (Marcus) — confinind. : Astrononiicon ; interpretatioTie et notisac figuiis illustravit M. Fayvus .... accesserunt P . D. Huetii animudver- siones . . . . et Scaligeii notas. 4to. Parisiis, 1679 : Astroiiomicon, ex receiisione Richardi Bentleji. ciiu) selectis variorum ac propriis notis .... ciira et studies ]\I. Eliie Stceber. 8vo. Argent oral i, 1767 : Himmelskiigel ; Lateinisch und Deutsfh, im Versiiiasze des Originals zum ersten Male Ubersetzt mid mit Anmer- kungen begleitet von J. Merkel. 8vo. Aschaffenburg, 1S44 Mann (Robert James) : : Meteorological observations made at Pietermaritzburg during the years 1863-65. fol. : The climate of Maritzburg, Natal. i2mo. Pietermaritzburg, 1864 : A guide to Astronomical Science. 8vo. London, n.d. Mann (W. Wilberforce) : A new decimal metrical system founded on the eai-th's polar diameter. 8vo. New York, 1872 [Mannevillette (d'Apres de)] : Description et usage d'un nouvel instrument pour observer la latitude sur mer, appelle le nouveau Quartier A nglois. Nouvelle edition [par M. Bory]. 12010. Paris, 1751 ■ Mannheim. Grossherzogliehe Sternwarte : : Astronomische Beobachtungen .... Angestellt und lier- ausgegeben von E. Schonfeld (und W. Valentiner). Abtheilung 1-3. 4to. Mannheim, Karlsruhe, 1862 -79 : *Barry's Fixsternbeobachtungen auf der (Jr. Sternwarte zu Mannheim. Berechnet und herausgegeben von W. Valen- tiner. I. Beobachtungen am Passageuinstrument im Jahre 1805. 8vo. Mannheim, 1878 : Die Sternwarte zu Mannheim, beschrieben von ihreni Curator (J. L. Kliiber). 4to. Mannheim, 181 1 : See also ]\Iayer (C.) Manning (Thomas) : An introduction to arithmetic and algebra. 2 vols, in I, 8vo. Cambridge, 1796 98 Marcoz (J. B. P.) : : Astionomie Solaire d'Hipparque, soumise ;i une critique rigoureuse, et ensuite rendue a sa v^rite primordiale. 8vo. Paris, 182S : Astronomic solaire simplifiee, fondee sur les observations tant anciennes que du moyen age, et prouvant Texclusion des variations seculaires theoriques introduites dans les cnlcul.s des lieux du soleil. 8vo. Paris, 1832 : Kefutation de la critique du livrc intitule astronomic solaire d'Hipparque, par J. B. P. Marcoz, inseree par M, Letronnedans le Journal des Savants, 1828 29. 8vo. ( Paris, 1832] : EiTCur des astronomes et des gcomctres d'avoir admia I'accclcralion scculaire de la hine, en prenant pour dea 236 Marcoz (J. B. "P.)— continued. observations reelles et legitimes les recits d'eclijjses de I'Al- mageste, tandis qu'ils iie sont que des calcuLs faits par Ptolemee avec ses tables .... 8vo. Paris, 1833 Mai'getts (George) : : Longitude tables for correcting the effect of parallax and refraction on the observ'd distance taken between the Moon and the Sun or a fixed star. 4to. London, 1790 : Horaiy tables, for showing by inspection the ap})arent diurnal motion of the Sun, Moon, and stars, the latitude of a ship, ik the azimuth, time, or altitude corresponding with any celestial object. fol. London, 1790 Marinoni (Giovanni Giacomo) : De astronomica specula domestica et organico apparatu astronomico libri duo. fol. Viennaj Austrise, i 745 Markham (Clements R.) : : A memoir on the Indian Surveys. 8vo. London, 1871 : Ditto. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1878 Markree Observatory : Catalogue of stars near the Ecliptic, observed at Markree during the years 1848 (to 1856), and whose places are sup- posed to be hitherto unpublished. By Edward J. Cooper. 4 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1851-56 Marquez (Francisco de Paula) : Memoria sobre el eclipse de sol de 18 de Julio de i860. 8vo. Madrid, 1861 Marrat (W.) : An Introduction to the theory and practice of mechanics. 8vo. Boston, 18 10 Marriott (William), see London, Meteorological Society. Martens (J. H). : Nachtrag zur Beschreibung der neuen freien Chronometer- Hemmung mit Ruhecylinder und Schutz gegen unzeit- gemasse Auslosung. 8vo. Freiburg, 1876 Marth (Albert) : : Auxiliary tables for the solution of Lambert's equation, with a few remarks on the determination of cometary oi'bits. 4to. London, 1865 : Solar Tables, see De La Rue and Marth. Martin (Benjamin) : : A new compleat and universal system or body of decimal arithmetick. 8vo. London, 1735 : The young student's memorial book, or pocket library [mathematics, mechanics, &c.] i2mo. London, 1736 : The yoinig trigonometer's compleat guide ; being the mystery and rationale of plain (and spherical) trigonometr}'. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1736 : Logarithmologia, or the whole doctrine of logarithms, com- mon and logistical, iu theory and practice. Svo. London, 1 740 Martin {'Benjamin) -coiithnucL : A new and compendions system of optics, in three parts, viz. : I. Catoptrics. 2. Dioptrics. 3. Optical instru- ments. 8vo. London, 1740 : New principles of geography and navigation. fol. London, 175S : An essay on visual glasses .... fourth edition. 8vo. London, 175S : New elements of optics, or the theory of the aberrations, dissipation, and colours of light .... the pro})erties of single and compound lenses, and the nature, construction and use of ... . telescopes and microscopes. 8vo. London, 1759 : A new and comprehensive system of mathematical insti- tutions, agreeable to the present state |of the Newtonian mathesis. 2 vols. 8vo. LondoTi, 1759-64 : The young gentleman and lady's philosophy, in a continued survey of the works of nature and art. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1759 : Ditto. Third edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1781-82 : *Venus iu the Sun : being an explication of the rationale of that great plufnomenon. 4to. London, 1761 : The philosophical grammar; being a view of the present state of experimented physiology, or, natural philosophy .... Sixth edition. 8vo. London, 1762 : iJiographia Philosophica. Being an account of the lives, writings, and inventions, of the most eminent philosophers and mathematicians who have flourished from the earliest ages of the world to the present time. 8vo. London, 1764 : A plain and familiar introduction to the Newtonian ex- perimental philosophy .... The fifth edition. 8vo. London, 1765 : The new ai't of surveying by the goniometer. (Appeiulix .... containing a new construction of a pantagraph.) 8vo. London, 1766 : Institutions of astronomical calculations. Part 2. Con- taining the astronomy aTid geography of transits, and the principles of calculation, illustrated and sipplied to the ensuing transit of Yen us in 1769. 8vo. London, 1768 : Philosophia Pritannica : or a new and comprehensive system of the Newtonian philosophy, astronomy, and geography .... Foui'th edition. 3 vols. 8vo. I^ondon, i 788 : The description and use of both the globes, the armillary sj)here, and Orrery. 8vo. London, n.d. Martina (Luigi) : Osservazioni della Comet.-i apparsa in Aprilc 1S30, fattc ncl Real Osservatorio di I'aliiuiu. 8\o. Mascheroni (L.) : Ccomotiic du couip.'is .... Ouvi'agc tiadnK <1(; I'ltal'cn par A. .M. Oarcttc. 8v(). I'aiis. 1798 238 Maseros (Francis) : : A dissertation on the use of the negative sign in algebra .... shewing how quadratic and cubic equations may be explained, without the consideration of negative roots. To which is added .... Mr. Machin's Quadrature of the Circle. 4to. London, 1758 : Elements of plane trigonometry ; in which is introduced a dissertation on the nature and use of logarithms. 8vo. London, 1760 : The princii)les of the doctrine of life-annuities explained in a familiar manner .... with a variety of new tables. Svo. London, 1783 : Scriptores logarithmici, or a collection of several curious tracts on the nature and construction of logaiithms. 6 vols. 4to. London, 1791-1807 : The doctrine of permutations and combinations, being an essential and fundamental part of the doctrine of chances, as it is delivered by James Bernoulli in his .... Ars Conjectandi, and by John Wallis .... with some other useful mathematical tracts. Svo. London, 1795 : Tracts on the resolution of affected algebraick equations by Dr. Halley's, Mr. Raphson's, and Sir Isaac Newton's methods of approximation. Svo. London, 1 800 : Tracts on the resolution of cubick & biquadratick equa- tions. Svo. London [1803] : [Scriptores optici] : J. Gregory, Optica promota ; R. Des Cartes, Dioptrice, Explicatio ovalium opticfe inservientium, cum notis F. a Schooten ; Extrait du traite de Huyghens sur la lumiere ; C. Eabuel, figures des verres ; Excerpta ex lib. 2 geometrise, R. Des Cartes. Vol. i. 4to. London, 1823 Maskelyne (Nevil) : • : *Concise rules for computing the effects of refraction and parallax, in varying the appai-ent distance of the Moon from the Sun or a star ; also an easy rule of approximation for computing the distance of the Moon from a star, the longitudes and latitudes of both being given, 4to. London, 1765 : Instructions relative to the observation of the ensuing transit of the planet Yenus over the Sun's disk, on the 3d of June 1769. Svo. London, 1768 : *Observations of the transit of Venus over the Sun. and the eclipse of tne Sun on June 3, 1769, made at the Royal Observatory. 4to. London, 1769 : Tables for computing the apparent places of the fixt stars, and reducing observations of the planets, fol. London, 1774 : Tables requisite to be used with the Nautical Ephemeris for finding the latitude and longitude at sea .... The second edition. Svo. London, 1781 : Ditto. Third edition. Svo. London, 1802 : Ditto. Appendix to the third edition, .... being new tables of natui-al sines, natui-al \ersed sines, and logarithms of numbers. Svo. 239 Maskelyne CN evil)— coiifim'eJ. : *Adveiti.sement of tlie expect oel return of tlie Coiuet of 1 1;32 and 1661 iu the year 17S8. 4to. London, 1786 : *An attempt to explain a difficulty in the theory of vision, depending on the different refrangibility of light. 4to. London [17S9] : A.n answer to a pamphlet entitled ' a narrative of facts,' lately published by Mr. Thomas Mudge, junior, relating to some time-keepers constructed by his father, Mr. Thomas Mudge. 8vo. London, 1792 : See Greenwich, Royal Observatory ; Hertzsprung (S.) Mason (Ebenezer Porter) : *Observations on nebuhe with a fourteen feet Reflector, made by H. L. Smith and E. P. Mason during the year 1839. 4to. Philadel[)hia, 1841 Massimo (M.) : *Eclisse Solare del iS Luglio i860 osservata in Roma, e calcolata da M. M. . . . 4to. Roma, i860 Massucci (Nicolo): Discorso .... della correttionne dell' Anno, & del nuovo Calendario. 8vo. Roma, 1583 Matalene (P.) : L'anti-Copernic. Astrometrie nouvelle, suivie de plusieurs problemes. 8vo. Paris, 1842 Mathematical magazine and philosophical repository, containing a variety of original pieces in all parts of mathe- matical science, by G. W. Witchell, T. Moss, &c. Vol. i. 8vo. London, 1761 Mathematical Monthly. Edited by J. D. Runkle. Vol. i. 4to. Cambridge [Mass.], 1859 Mathematical Science (further researches in). ... By the author of 'the two discoveries.' 8vo. Bridgwater, 1875 Mathematical Transactions and Collections ; with a metho- dical history of mathematics; by a society of gentlemen. No. I. 4to. London, 1762 Mathematician (the\ containing many curious dissertations on the rise, progress, and improvement of geometry .... with a collection of . . . . problems. By a society of gentlemen. Svo. London, 1751 Mathematician (the). Edited by T. S. Davies, W. Rutherfoi-d, and S. Pen wick, 3 vols. Svo. London, 1845 5° Mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Berichte aus Ungarn : mit Unterstiit/ung der U^ngarisclien Akadomic [ifec] Redigirt von J. Frolicli. Band i. 8vo. Berlin, 1882 83 Matthes (Carolus Johannes) : iJissertatio mathematica de inveniendaaef|uationeCausticarum. [Inaugural Dissertation.] 4to. Lugduni rJatavniutn. 1857 240 Matthews (Thomas) : A inode of trisecting a plane rectilineal angle, for 2,000 years reputed impossible, by the use of circles and straight lines only. 8vo. Horsham, 1875 Matthiessen (E. A).: Tabula ad expeditiorem calculum logarithmi summae vel differentiae duarum quantitatum, per logarithmos tantura datarum. [Lat. & Ger.] 4to. Altonae, 1818 (1817) Maudiiit (A. R.) : A new and complete treatise of spherical trigonometry .... Ti^anslated by W. Crakelt. 8vo. London, 1768 Maughan (W. K.) : On the barometer and tides. 8vo. London, 1863 Maupertuis (Pierre Louis Moreau de) : : The figure of the earth, detei'mined from observations made by order of the French King at the Polar Cii'cle, by de Maupertuis, Camus, Clairaut, Le Monnier, Outhier, and Celsius. 8vo. London, 1738 : Astronomie Nautique, ou elemens d'astronomie, tant pour un observatoire fixe, que pour un observatoire mobile. 8vo. Paris, 1743 : Ouvr;iges divers .... Elements de Geogi\aphie. Discours sur les difFerentes figures des corps celestes. Discours sur la parallaxe de la lune, et lettre sur la comete. i2mo. Amsterdam, 1744 : OEuvres. — Nouvelle edition, 4 vols. 8vo. Lyon, 1768 : See also Keill (J.) Maupertuis (Pierre Loiiis Moreau de) et J. Pieard [fee] : Degre du meridien entre Paris et Amiens, determine par la mesure de M. Pieard, et par les observations de M''" de Maupertuis, Clairaut, Camus, Le Monnier. 8vo. Paris, 1740 Maurice (George) : Discours surl'histoiredelamesuredutemps. 8vo. Geneve, 1831 Maurolycus (Franciscus) : : Cosmographia .... in tres dialogos distincta; inquibus de forma, situ, numeroque tarn coeloruro quam elementorum, aliisque rebus ad astronomica rudimenta spectantibus satis disseritur, 4to. Yenetiis, 1543 ■ : Opuscula mathematica. 4to. Venetijs, 1575 Maury (M. F.): : Explanations and sailing directions to accompany the wind and current charts. Third edition. 4to. Washington, 1851 : Ditto. Fourth edition. 4to. Washington, 1852 : Ditto. Eighth edition. 2 vols. 4to. Washington, 1858-59 Maury (M. F.) and J. M. Gilliss : Circular .... in relation to the Astronomical Expedition to Chile. (Table I. Ephemeris of Venus and her stars of comparison, 1S50 & 1852. Table II. Ephemeris of Mars and its stars of compaT'ison, 1849 and 1852. By Lieut. J. M. Gilliss.) 4to. Washington, 1849 241 Maxwell (Alexander): Plurality of Worlds : or letters, notes, & memoranila, pliilo- sophical and critical ; occasioned by ' a series of discourses on the cliristian revelation, viewed in connection with the modern astronomy, by Thomas Chalmers, D.D.' Svo. London, 1820 Maxwell (James Clerk) : : Theory of heat. Second edition. Svo. London, 1872 : Remarks on Professor Hamilton's paper, ' A law of elliptic motion.' Svo. Liverpool, 1873 Mayer (Alfred Marshall) : : Lecture-notes on physics. Svo. Philadelj^hia, 1 868 : *The total Eclipse of August 7th, 1869. Svo. Philadelphia, 1869 ; *Observations on the variation of the magnetic declination in connection with the Auroi-a of October 14, 1870. Svo. New Haven, 1S71 : *Observations on the planet Jupiter. Svo. Philadelphia, 1S70 Mayer (Christian): ; De novis in coelo sidereo Phaenomenis in miris stellarura fixarum comitibus Mannhemii in Specula nova Electorali recens detectis. 4to. Mannhemii, 1779 : Solis et Lunas eclipseos observatio asti'onomica .... facta Schweziugse in Specula nova Electorali anno 1764 diebus 17 Martii et i Aprilis. 4to. Mannheimii, n.d. Mayer (Joannes Tobias) : : Theoria lunas juxta systema Newtonianum. 4to. Londini, 1767 : Tabulas motuum solis et lunas novag et correctse .... quilius accedit methodus longitudinum promota. [Edidit N. Mas- kelyne.] 4to. Londini, 1770 : Opera Inedita. Vol. i. Commentationes Societati Regiae Scientiarum oblatas, quae integrae supersunt, cum tabula selenographica complectens. Edidit et obsoruationum appendicem adjecit Georgius Christophorus Lichtenberg. 4to. Gottingae, 1775 : Commentatio de aborrationibus stellarum fixarum compu- tandis. [Inaugux\al Dissertation.] 4to. Erlangae, 1787 : Lunar Taljles, improved by Chai'les Mason. 4to. London, 1787 : Liihrbuch iiber die physische Astronomie, Theorie der Erde und Meteorologie. 4to. Gottingen, 1805 : Astronomical Observations, made at Gottingen, from 1756 to 1 761. [Published by order of the Gommissioners of Longitude, under the superintendence of F. Mossotti.] fol. London, 1826 : *Catalogue of stars corrected and enlarged; together with a compariBon of the places of the greater part of them with those given by Ihadli;y, and a reference to every observation of every star, by Francis Baily. fol. London [1831] : GroHsere Mondkarte, nobst Detailzciclmungen, zum crsten H 242 Mayer (Joannes Tohias)—conthiued. Male heransgegeben von der Konigl. Sternwarte zii Gottin- gen. [i 2 sheets of drawings.] Gottingen, 1881 Mayr (Aloys) : Ueber die tangirenden Flachen erster und zweiter Ordnung. 4to. Wiii-zburg, 1845 Mazure Duhamel (J. A.): Memoire sur I'astronomie nantique. 4to. Paris, 1822 M^chain (Pierre Frangois Andr6) et J. B. J. Delambre : Base du systeme metiique decimal, ou mesure de Tare du meridien compris entre les paralleles de Dunkerqne et Barcelone. (Suite des Mcmoires de I'lnstitut.) 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1 806-1810 Megerlin (Peter) : Astrologische Muthmassungen von der Bedeutiing des jiingst entstandenen Cometen, 1664. 4to. [Basel, 1665] Meibauer (R. O.) : : Ueber die physische Beschaffenheit der Sonne. [Inaugural- Dissertation.] 4to. Berlin, 1866 : Die Sternwarte zu Greenwich. 8vo. Berlin, 1868 : Der Novemberschwarm der Sternschnnppen. 8vo. Berlin, 1S68 : Die physische Beschaffenheit des Sonnensystems. . . . Zweite Auflage. 8vo. Berlin, 1872 [Meibomius] (Marcus): De Proportionibus dialogus. fol. Hafniae, 1655 Melander (Daniel) et Paolo Frisi : De theoria lunpe commentarii. 4to. Parmse, 1769 Melanderhjelm (Daniel) : Conspectus prselectionum academicarum, continens funda- menta astronomije. 2 vols, in i, Upsalise, 1779 Melbourne, Flagstaff Observatory : : Results of the meteorological observations taken in the colony of Victoria during the years 1859-62, and of the nautical observations collected and discussed at the Flag- staff Observatory .... during the years 1858-62. George Neumayer, Director. 4to. Melbourne, 1864 : Discussion of the meteorological and magnetical observa- tions made .... during the years 1858-63, by G. Neumayer. 4to. Mannheim, 1867 Melbourne, Williamstown Observatory: Astronomical Observations made .... in the years 1861, 1862, and 1863, under the direction of Robert L. J. EUery. Vol. i. 8vo. Melbourne, 1869 Melbourne Observatory : : Third meteorological report. fol. Melbourne, 1858 : Report of the Board of Visitors, together with the annual report of the Government Astronomer, 1859-83. fol. Melbourne, 1859-83 243 Melbourne Observatory — contiimed. : Results of astronomical observations made .... in the 5'ears 1863-75, under the direction of Robert L. J. EUery. Vol. 2-5. 8vo. Melbourne, 1866-79 : Results of Observations in meteorology, terrestrial mac- netism, A'c, etc., during . . . . 1872, 1874-76, together with abstracts from meteorological observations obtained at various localities in Victoria, Under the superin- tendence of R. L. J. Ellery. Vol. 1,3-5. 8vo. Melbourne. : Monthly Record of results of observations in meteorology, terrestrial magnetism, &c., tfec., taken .... under the superintendence of R. L. J. Ellery, 1873-83. 8vo. Melbourne. : First Melbourne general catalogue of 1227 stars for the epoch 1870, deduced from observations extending from 1863 to 1870 made .... under the direction of Robert L. J. Ellery .... Reduced and prepared for publication by E. J. White. 4to. Melbourne, 1874 : Obsei'vations of Mai^ and comparison stars taken .... in the year 1877. 8vo. Melbourne, Melbourne, Royal Society of Victoria : : Transactions of the Philosophical Society of Victoria, 1854- 55. Vol. I. 8vo. Melbourne, 1855 : Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria, 1855-60. Vol. 1-4. 8vo. Melbourne, 1857-60 : Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Vic- toria, 1860-82. Vol. 5-19. 8vo, Melbourne, 1860-83 In 1855 the Philosophical Society of Victoria united with the Victorian Institute, under the title of Philosophical Institute of Victoria, which in i860 became the Royal Society of Victoria. Melde (Franz) : Theorie und Praxis der astronomischen Zeitbestiramung mit Zugrundlegung vorbereitender Lehren, und uuter Beriick- sichtigung einfacher Hilfsmittel. 8vo. Tlibingen, 1876 Meldola (Raphael) : *0n a cause for the appearance of bright lines in the Solar spectrum. 8vo. London, 1878 Meldrum (Charles): : *0n the hurricanes and weather in the Indian Ocean, Jan. and Feb. i860. 8vo. Mauritius. : ^ISTotes on the form of Cyclones in the Southern Indian Ocean, and on some of the rules given for avoiding their centres. 8vo. London, 1873 Melloni (Macedonio): : *Elettroscopio del M .... M ... . 4to. Napoli, 1854 : Elogio storico, see Nobile (A.) Melsens (H. Louis F.) : *De I'application du Rhe-electrom^tre aux paratounones dcs t^Iegraphes. 8vo. Bruxclles, 1877 Memo (Giovanni Maria): Tre libri del la sostanza et forma del Mondo. 4to. Venetin, 1 545 k2^ 244 M6nabr6a (Louis Frdd^ric): : *M6moire sur la s^rie de Lagrange. 4to. Turin, 1844 : *M6moire sur les quadratures. 4to. Turin, 1844 : *Observations sur la veritable interpretation de la s6rie de Lagrange. 4to. Turin, 1847 Mendoza y Rios (Jose de) : : A complete collection of tables for navigation and nautical astronomy .... Second edition. 4to. London, 1809 : Coleccion completa de tablas para los uses de la navegacion y astronomia ndutica, 4to. Madrid, 1850' Mengoli (Pietro) : Geometrife speciossB elementa : de potestatibus k radice binomia & i^esidua; de innumerabilibus numerosis pro- gressionibus ; de quasi proportionibus ; de rationibus- logarithmicis ; de proprijs rationum logarithmis ; de in- numerabilibus quadraturis. 4to. Bononise, 1659 Mercator (Gerardus): Atlas, sive cosmographicse meditationes de fabrica mvmdi et fabricati figura. Editio quarta. fol. Amsterodami, 1611 Mercator [Kaufmann] (N'icolaus) : Institutionnm astronomicarum libri duo, de motu astrorum communiet proprio, .... cum tabulis Tychonianis .... et Rudolphinis. ... 2 parts in i vol. 8vo. Londini, 1676 Mercier (Louis Sdbastien) : De I'impossibilite du syst^me astronomique de Copernic et de Newton. 8vo. Paris, 1806 Merriman (Mansfield) : : Elements of the method of least squares. 8vo. Cambridge, 1877 : *A list of Writings relating to the Method of Least Squares, with historical and critical Notes. 8vo. New Haven, 1877 Messahala : De Elementis et orbibvs ccelestibvs liber antiqvvs ac eruditus .... cui adiectum est scriptvm cvivsdam Hebrfei de Eris ; . . . item ijsdem de rebus scriptvm cvivsdam Saraceni, continens prseterea prtecepta ad usum tabularum Astronomicarum utilissima .... [edidit] J. Hellerus. 4to. Noribergpe, 1549 Meteors : Die Meteoriten Kreisreihen als Erzeuger der Kometen, Sonnenflecke, des Erdmagnetismus .... u.s.w. 8vo. n.d. Metius (Adrian) : Astrolabium ; hoc est astrolabii utriusque accurata descriptio. 8vo. Franekerae, 1626 Meyer (Arnold): Zur Theorie der unbestimmten terniiren quadratischen Formen. Inaugural-Dissertation. 8vo. Ziirich, 1871 245 Moyer (J.) : Himmel und Erde oder das Vex'haltniss der Erde zam Fix- sternliimmel, zur Sonne und zum Mond. Ein Lehrbuch fiir Schule und Haus. . . . Zweite Auflage. 8vo. Leipzig, 1S55 Moyer i^Otto): Ueber die Gestalt der Himmelskorper. (Programm der Realschule zu Konigsberg.) 4to. Konigsberg, 1S69 Meyer (Wilhelm) : : *Ivecherches sur Saturne, ses anneaux et ses satellites, d'apres les observations faites k TObservatoire de Geneve pendant I'opposition de 1880. 4to. Geneve, 1881 : *Sur Fenregistrement des baltements de secondea d'une pendule au moyen du microphone. 8vo. Geu6ve, iSSi : *Memoire sur la grandecom^te australe du mois de Fevrier 1S80, 4to. Geneve, 1882 Meyer ( — ): Ivosmische Mesaungen. (Jahresbericht liber das Gymnasium zu Bunzlau.) 4to. Bunzlau, 1S68 Mezger ( Johann) : Tabulae aberrationis et nutjitionis in ascensionem rectam et deciinationem insigniorum cccLii stellarum, cum aliis tabulis .... Cum prrefatione Christiani Mayer. 8vo. Mannliemii, 1778 Miari-Fulcis (Francesco) : *lliduzione a comune misura dei massimi e minimi barome- trici annuali osservati a Padova dal 1725 al 1881. 8vo. Venezia, 1882 Michell (John) : : *A recommendation of Hadley's quadrant for surveying. 4to. London, 1765 : Proposal of a method for measuring degrees of longitude upon parallels of the a^quator, 4to. London, 1767 : Au enquiry into the probable parallax and magnitude of the fixed stars, from the quantity of light which they afford us, and the particular circumstances of their situa- tion. 4to. London, 17 68 Michelson (Albert A.): Experimental determination of the velocity of light. (As- tronomical papers prepared for the use of the American Nautical Almanac.) 4to. Washington, 18S0 Middleton (Empson E.) : : New process of measuring the height of the Sun. 8vo. London, 1874 Middleton (J.) : : A celestial atlas containing maps of all the constellations visible in Great Britain, with coiTesi)t)udiiig blank maps of the stars. fol. London and Norwich, n.d. : A companion to the celestial atlas ; being a series of lessons 246 Middleton (J.)-~continued. on the constellations, a dissertation on the fixed stars, and conversations on the heavens. Second edition. 8vo. London, n.d. Milan : Effemeridi astronomiche. 1821, 1823-4, 1826-7, 1829-30, 1833-5, 1840-41, 1843-52, 1861. 8vo. Milano, 1820-1860 *Milan (Livellazione della cittc\). 8vo. Milano, 1834 Milan, Reale Istituto Lombardo di Seienze e Lettere : : Memorie ; classe di seienze matematiche e naturali. "Vol. 10-12 (serie terza Vol. 1-3). 4to. Milano, 1867-73 : Rendiconti. Classe di Seienze Matematiche e Naturali. 4 vols. 8vo. Milano, 1864-67 : Rendiconti. Serie II. Vol. 1-6. 8vo. Milano, 1868-73 : Annuario, 1864. i2mo. Milano. Milan, Reale Osservatorio : : Osservazioni sulF intensit;\ e sulla direzione della forza magnetica istituite negli anni 1836-38 .... da C. Kreil e P. della Vedova. 8vo. Milano, 1839 : Osservazioni meteorologiche eseguite .... negli anni 1848 al 1859 inclusivi dall' Abate Giovanni Capelli. 4to. Milano, 1861 : See also Schiaparelli (G. V.) Milan, Reale Osservatorio di Brera : Piibblicazioni. 1-23. 4to. Milano, 1873-83 Milberg (James Hermann) : Das wahre Sonnensystem. Bewegiingen und Bahnen der Gestirne nach einer neuen Auftassvmg wie dieselbe im Himmelsraume, und zwar nicht in Ellipsen, statt hat. 8vo. Mlinchen, 1862 Miller (J. F.) : *Synopsis of meteorological observations made at White- haven, Cumberland, in the years 1849-52. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1850-53 Miller (Samuel H.) : The Fenland Meteorological Circular and Weather Eeport, 1874-75. 4to. Wisbeach, 1874-76 Miller (William Hallowes) : *0n the construction of the new Imperial standard pounds ; on the comparison of the new standards with the Kilo- gramme des Archives [&c.] 4to. London, 1857 Milliet Dechales (Claude Francois): The Elements of Euclid explained .... Seventh edition. 8vo. London, 1726 Millington (John) : An epitome of the elementary principles of natural and experimental philosophy. Part i . . . . Properties of matter, mechanics, pneumatics, acoustics, hydrostatics, hydraulics. 8vo. London, 1823 247 Millosevieh (Elia) : : *Nuovi studi e calcoli intorno al passaggio ili Yenere siil disco del Sole del 6 Dicembre 1882. Svo. Venczia, 1874 : *Disciissione di alcune osseivazioni dell' occultazione di Regolo per la luna del 26 FeLbraio (1877). Svo. Venezia, 1877 : *Determinazione della latitudine dell' Osservatorio dell' Istituto di Marina Mercantile in Venezia. Svo. Venezia, 187S ; *Intorno alia vita ed ai lavori di Giovanni Santiui. 4to, Roma, 1878 : *L' aspetto delle Nebulose a proposito di alcimi disegni di Guglielmo Tempel. Svo. Venezia, 1S78 : *Sugli eclissi di sole che saranno visibili a Venezia nel resto di questo secolo. 4to. Palermo, 1879 : *Verificazione della latitudine di Venezia con osservazioni di stelle in meridiano. Svo. Venezia, 1S79 : *Determinazione dell' orbita della cometa Barnard (c iSSi). 4to. Roma, 1S82 : *Riflessioni sulle carte celesti particolareggiate, e suUe zone speciali di cielo. 4to. Roma, 1883. Milne (David) : Essay on Comets, which gained the first of Dr. Fellowes's prizes, proposed to those who had attended the University of Edinburgh within the last twelve years. 4to. Edinburgh, 1S28 Milne (Joshua) : A treatise on the valuation of annuities and assurances, on lives and sur\*ivorships, on the construction of tables of mortality, and on the probabilities and expectations of life .... with tables. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1S15 Milner (Thomas) : : The heavens and the earth ; or, familiar illusti-ations of astronomy. Svo. London, n.d. : The heavens and the earth. A popular handbook of astronomy. New edition, with revision and additions by Edwin Dunkin. Svo. London, n.d. Milnes (Jacob) : Sectionuiii conicarum elementa, nova methodo demonstrata. Editio secunda. Svo. Oxonian, 1 7 1 2 Minto (Walter) : Life of Napier, see Buchan and Minto. Miscellanea" Analytiea de seriebus et quadraturis. 4to. Londini, 1730 Miscellanea Curiosa, rontnining a collection of some of the piincipal plia'uomena in nature .... Ijeing the most valu- able discourses [tfec] read and delivered to the Royal Society. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1726, '23, '27 Vol. 1, tliird edition; Vol. 3, second edition. Miscellanea Curiosa mathematica .... containing .... matliematical essays and dissertations .... [jiiid] 160 new problems. Vol. 12, No. 1-4. 4t(). liondon, 1749 248 Miscellanese Curiosae, or entertainments for the ingenious of both sexes, for 1734-35. 6 pai'ts in i vol. 8vo. York, 1734-35 Miscellanea Scientiflca Curiosa ; consisting of essays and dis- sertations on the moat curious and interesting subjects in natural philosophy, speculative and mixed mathematics [(fee] .... By a society of gentlemen. No. 1-8. 4to. London, n.d, Mitchel (Ormsby Macknight) : : The Sidereal ]SIessenger, a monthly journal, devoted to as- tronomical science. Vol. 1-2, and Vol. 3, No. i, 2. 4to. Cincinnati, 1848 : Popular Astronomy. A concise elementary treatise on the sun, planets, satellites and comets. 8vo. New York, i860 : The planetary and stellar worlds : a popular exposition of the great discoveries and theories of modern astronomy . . . . With additions by James Glaisher. 8vo. London, n.d. : See also Burritt (Elijah). : Double stars, see Cincinnati Observatory. Mobius (August Ferdinand) : : De computandis occultationibus fixarum per planetas. Dissei-tatio astronomica [inaugui-alis]. 4to. Lipsiae, 181 5 : Die wahre und die scheinbare Bahn des Halley'schen Kometen bei seiner Wiederkunft im Jahre 1835 anschau- lich dargestellt und allgemein fasslich erklart. 8vo. Leipzig, 1834 : Die Elemente der IMechanik des Himmels, auf neuem Wege, ohne Hiilfe hoherer Kechnungsarten dargestellt. 8vo. Leipzig, 1843 : Die Hauptsatze der Astronomie zum Gebrauche bei seinen Vorlesungeu fiir Gebildete zusammengestellt. Sechste Auflage. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1874 : See also Leipzig, Sternwarte. Modena, B.. Osservatorio Astronomico : Atti .... raccolti e ordinati da Giuseppe Bianchi. Tomo i . fol. Modena, 1834 Modena, Soeieta Italiana delie Seienze : : Memorie di Matematica e di Fisica. Tomo 19-25 4to. Modena, 1821-55 : Ditto. Serie seconda. Tomo i, 2. 4to. Modena, 1862-66 : Ditto. Serie terza. Tomo 1-5. 4to. Firenze (e Napoli), 1867-82 : Questione della Society. 8vo. Torino, 1861 Moesta (Carl Wilhelm) : : Informe sobre las observaciones hechas durante el eclipse solar de 30 de Noviembre de 1883. 8vo. Santiago de Chile, 1854 : Determinacion de la latitud jeografica del circulo meridiano del observatorio nacional de Santiago. 8vo. Santiago de Chile, 1854 : Observaciones astronomicas, see Santiago de Chile. 249 Mogge (Jacob) : Algemeene manier tot de px-actijck oefToningh der Sonne- wysers. fol. Middelburgh, 1675 [1666] Mohammed ben Musa : The algebra of Mohammed ben Musa, edited and translated by Frederic Rosen. Svo. London, 1S31 Mohn (H.) : : Am kometbanernes indbyrdes beliggenhed besvarelse af Universitetets prisopgave for i860. 4to. Christiania, 1S61 : *Den magnetiske declination i Christiania, udledet af Observationer 1842-62. 8vo. Christiania, 1S63 : *Iagttagelser over Kometen 1862 II anstillede paa Christiania Observatorium. 8vo. Christiania, 1863 : *Bewolkimg in Christiania. 8vo. Berlin [1864] : *Nog]e bemjerkninger om tordenveirenes Dannclse. 8vo. Christiania, 1868 : *Stormen den yde til 8de Febuar 1868. 4to. Kristiania, 1S68 : *N"orges vind- og stormstatistik. 8vo. Christiania, 1S69 : *0m tordenvejr i Norge i 1868-69. Svo. Christiania, 1869-70 : Temperature de la mer entre I'lslande, I'Ecosse et la Norv^ge. 8vo. Christiania, 1870 : *Lviftens temperatur i og udenfor Christiania samt dens fdrandring med h)^jdeu sammesteds. 8vo. Christiania, 1874 : *Bidrag til ^st-Ishavets klimatologi og meteorologi. Svo. Christiania, 1874 : See also Norwegian North Atlantic Expedition. Mohn (H.) og C. de Seue : *Meteorologiske meddelser. Svo. Christiania, 1868 Mole (John) : Elements of algebra ; to which is prefixed a choice collection of arithmetical questions, with their solutions. Svo. London, 1788 Molerius (Ellas) : De Sydere novo, seu de nova stella qua) ab S die Octobris anni .... 1604 inter astra Sagittarii videri ccopit .... Enarratio apodeictica. 4to. 1666 Molison (A. R.) : Against the theory of the retarding influence of tidal action on the axial motion of the eartli, and showing the true source of tidal energy, Svo. London, n.d. Moll ^Gerard) : : Oratio de vitanda, in astronomiae studio, fingendi temeritate, et coeli observatione quam diligentissiino, instituonda. [Inaugural Dissertation.] Svo. Trajecti ad Kliennin, 1819 : *Mercurius in Sole visus, of overgang van Morcurius over die Zon ; den 5 Mei 1832 te Utrecht waargonomou 4to. [Amsterdam, 1833] 250 [Moll, H.] : On the alleged decline of science in England. By a foreigner. 8vo. London, 1831 MoUer (Axel) : : *TJndersokning af planeten Pandoras rorelse. Afdelningen I, II. 4to. Stockholm, 1870-77 : *Elementer for Fayes Komet och efemerid for dess aterkomst 1873. 8vo. Stockholm, 1872 : *Bericht liber die Resultate einer neuen Berechnung der Elemente des Faye'schen Comet. 8vo. Leipzig, 1872 : *Redogorelse for de arbeten, som blifvit utforda pa Astro- nomiska Observatoriet i Lund under aren 1 867-1 874. [Inaugural Dissei-tation.] 4to. Lund, 1875 : *Elementer och efemerid for Fayeska kometens aterkomst 1880. 8vo. Stockholm, 1878 : *Nya elementer fijr planeten Pandora, hjirledda ur obser- vationerna under 16 oppositioner 1858-77. 8vo. Stockholm, 1879 : See also Lund, Observatorium. MoUer (J. C.) : Beschreibung des Saturnrings und anschauliche Darstellung der Ursachen seiner veranderlichen Lichtgestalt. Svo. Altona, 181 9 Moller (Julius) : Die jahrliche Periode des atmospharischen Niederschlages in der Schweiz. Inaugural-Dissertation. 4to. Ziirich, 1883 Moller (Nicolaus) : De indubio solis motu, immotaque telluris quiete dissertatio. 4to. Kiliae Holsatorum, 1734 Molyneux (William) : : Sciothei'icum telescopium, or a new contrivance of adapting a telescope to an horizontal dial for obsei'ving the moment of time by day or night .... with proper tables requisite thereto. 4to. Dublin, 1686 : Dioptrica nova, a treatise of dioptricks, in two parts, wherein the various effects and appearances of spherick glasses . . . . together with their usefulness .... are explained. 4to. London, 1692. Monatlielie Correspondenz zur Beforderung der Erd- und Himmels-Kunde : : Ilerausffeoreben von Fr. von Zach. 28 vols. Gotha, 1800-1813 : Register .... Ano;efertis;t von J. G. Galle. Svo. Gotha, 1850 : See Correspondance Astronomique. Moncalieri, R. Collegio Carlo Alberto : : Bullettino Meteorologico dell' Osservatorio .... compilato dal P. Francesco Denza, 1865-80. Yol. 1-15. 4to. Torino, 1866-81 : Associazione Meteorolourica Italiana : Bullettino Mensuale 251 Moncalieri, R. Collegio Carlo Alhevto—coutinucd. pubblicato per cura dell' Os^ervatorio Centrale tlel lieal Collegio. Serie 2, 1880-83. ^"l- ^^"4' 4^°* Torino, 18S1-84 : See also Denza (F.) Monckhoven (D. van) : : *De I'elargissement des raies spectrales de riiydrogene. 4to. Paris, 1882 : A popular treatise on photography ; also a description of, and remarks on, the stereoscope and photogi-aphic optics, &c., &c. Translated by W. H. Thorn thvvaite. Second edition. i2mo. London, n.d. Moniteur Scientifique, Journal des Sciences pures et appliquces. Tome 6-9. 4to. Paris, 1864-67 Montano (Don Vincente) : Discurso filosofi-astronomico .... sobre el Cometa que aparecio . . . . 1689. 4to. Barcelona, 1690 Monteiro da Rocha (J.) : Memoires sur I'Asti'onomie pratique .... traduits du portugais. 4to. Paris, 1808 Mont^mont (Albert) : Lettres aur I'Astronomie, en prose et en vers. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823 Monteregio, see Regiomontanus. Montignot (l'Abt)6) : Etat des Etoiles fixes au second siecle, par Claude Ptolemee, compare a la position des memes etoiles en 1786, avecle texte gi'ec & la traduction frangoise. 4to. Strasbourg, 1787 Montigny (Ch.) : : [13 papers on the scintillation of stars, from Brussels Academy Bulletins.] 8vo. Bruxclles, v.d. : *Les grandes decouvertes faites en physique depuis la fin du XVIIP siecle. 8vo. Bruxclles, 1882 Montlivault (E. de) : Lettre adi-es.see a Sir Jonh Herschell [sic] sur les causes do I'aberration de la lumi^re. 4to. Tours, 1835 Montpellier, Acad6niie des Sciences et Lettres : Memoires de la Section des Sciences. Tome i-io. 4to. Montpellier, 1847-82 Montreal, Royal Society of Canada : Proceedings and Transactions, 1882-83. Vol. i. 4to. Montreal, 1883 Montsouris, Observatoire Astronomique : : Annales du Bureau des Longitudes (&c.). Tomo 1-2. 4to. Paris, 1877-82 : See also Paris, Bureau des Longitudes. Montucla (Jean Etienne) : Ilistoire des Mathdmatiques .... Nouvollo [socoridej 6(li- tion, consid6rablement augment^e, et prolongeu jusqucvers I'cpoque actuelle. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1799-1802 Tile third and fourth volumos complotfd and edited by L;i Laudo ; for list of contents see Dc Morgun. 252 Moon : Conjoctiires sur la reunion de la lune k la terre, et des satel- lites en general h lour planete principale .... Par un ancien officier de Mai-ine. 8vo, Palis, 1821 Moon (rotation of the). An examination of the astronomical doctrine of the moon's rotation. 8vo. Edinbui-gh, 1847 Moon (Robert) : : Professor Challis and Professor Tardy. The new equation in hydrodynamics. 8vo. Cambridge, 1850 : An appeal to the Cambridge Philosophical Society in con- nection with a recent decision of the Council of the Society. 8vo. London, 1872 Moore (E. K.): *Method of testing chronometers at the U.S. Naval Obser- vatory. 8vo. Annapolis, 1884 Moore (John Hamilton) : The new practical navigator; being an epitome of Naviga- tion, containing the different methods of working the lunar observations, and all the requisite tables used with the Nautical Almanac .... Twelfth edition. 8vo. London, 1796 Moore (Jonas) : : A new systeme of the Mathematicks; containing arith- metick, and the principles of algebra ; practical geometry ; trigonometry ; cosmography ; navigation ; the doctrine of the sphere ; asti'onomical tables ; a new geography. 2 vols. 4to. London, 16S1 (1680-81) : A mathematical compendium, or useful practises in arith- metick, geometry, and astronomy, geography and naviga- tion. . . , i2mo. London, 1695 Moore (J. J.) : The British mariner's vocabulary, or universal dictionary of technical terms and sea phrases. i2mo. London, 1801 Morin (Arthur Jules) : Aide-memoire de mecanique pratique k I'usage des officiers d'artillerie et des ingenieurs civils et militaires. i2mo. Bruxelles, 1838 Moritz (A.) : : *Die Sonnenfinsterniss vom 6. Marz (22 Februar) 1867, beobachtet in Tiflis. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1868 : Exercices Hypsometriques. Livr. i. 8vo. Titiis, 1869 • ; Das Pieflexions-Thermometer. 8vo. Tiflis, 1876 : *Bemerkungen iiber die Meereshbhe von Tiflis. 8vo. St. Petersburg. : See Tiflis, Physikalisches Observatorium. Moritz (A.) und H. Kiefer : Sammlung von Hiilfstafeln zur Berechnung barometrischer Hohenbestimmungen. [German and Russian.] 4to. Tiflis, 1870 253 Morley (William H.) : : Description of a planispheric astrolabe constructed for Sluih Sultdn Husain Safawi .... comprising an account of the astrolabe generally, with notes .... to which are added concise notices of twelve other astrolabes, fol. London, 1S56 : *Description of an Arabic quadrant. 8vo. London, 1S60 Morrison (Joseph) : An elementary treatise on plane trigonometry, with numerous examples and applications. 8vo. Toronto, 1S80 Morrison (R. J.) : The Comet: a large lithogi-aphic map of the true course of Encke's Comet, with a letter to the members of the Royal Astronomical Society. Svo, London, n.d. [Morton (Pierce)] : : Geometry, plane, solid, and spherical, in six books : to which is added in an appendix the theoi^y of projection, so far as it is auxiliary to geometry ; with an account of the plane sec- tions of the cone and cylinder. (Library of Useful Know- ledge.) 8vo. London, 1830 : Ditto. Another edition. Svo. London, 1838 Moscow, Observatoire : . : Annales (publiees par Th. Bredichin). Vol. 1-9. 4to. Moscou, 1874-83 : Tiber den im August 1847 in Moskau entdeckten Komcten. 8vo. Moscou Moseley (Henry) : Lectures on astronomy delivered at King's College, London. Fourtb edition. Svo. London, 1854 Mossotti (Ottaviano Fabrizio) : : Sur les forces qui r^gissent la constitution int^rieure des corps. 4to. Turin, 1836 : Sulla costituzione del sistema stellare di cui fa parte il sole. 8vo. Corfu, 1S40 : *Sulle propriety degli spettri di Fraunhofer formati dai ro- ticoli, ed analisi della luce che somministrano. 8vo. Pisa, 1845 : Lczioni elementari di Fisica Matomatica. 2 vols. 8vo. Firenze, 1845 : '^Discussione analitica sull' in(hionza che 1' azione di un mezzo dielottrico ha sulla distribuzione dell" elettricit;\ alia superficie di pivi corpi clettrici dissemiuati in esso. 4to. Modena, 1846 : *Sulle macchie del disco solare. 8vo. [Pisa], 1854 : Memoir, see Bicchierai. Mouchez (E.), see Paris, OV)servatoire. Mount Hamilton, Lick Observatory: Ptcport to the Trustees of the ' James Lick Trust ' of observa- tions made on Mt. ITainilton witli n^fcronce to tlic location of Lick (Observatory, l)y S. W. Itiiinhain. .jto. Chicago, 1S80 254 Mouton (Gabriel) : Observationes diametroruni Solis etLunfe apparentium, meridi- anarumque aliqiiot altitiulinum Solis & paucai-um fixarum, cum tabula declinationum Solis. . • . Adjecta est brevis dissertatio de dierum naturalium insequalitate [&c.]. 4to. Lugduni, 1670 Mudge (Thomas), Jun. : A reply to the answer of the Rev. Dr. Maskelyne, Astronomer Royal, to a narrative of facts relating to some time-keepers constructed by Mr. Thomas Mudge. . . . With remarks .... by the Count de Bruhl. 8vo. London, 1792 A description, with plates, of the time-keeper invented by the late .... T .... M. To which is })refixed a narrative by Thomas Mudge, his son, of measures taken to give effect to the invention since the reward bestowed upon it by the House of Commons. 4to. London, 1799 Mudie (Robert) : The Heavens. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1836 Mueller ( Johann) : Die Aequatorialzone des gestirnten Himmels. I sheet [with explanation], Freiburg, 1856 Mulcaster (J. W.) : An elementary treatise on Statics, with numerous examples and solutions. Svo. London, 187 1 Mulerius (Wicolaus) : ; Tabulae Frisicse lunfe-solares quadruplices e fontibus CI. Ptolemtei, Regis Alfonsi, Nic. Copernici & Tychonis Brahe recens constructs ; quibus accessere Solis tabulre totidem. 4to. Alcmariae, 161 1 : Judseorum annus lunse-solaris, et Turc-Arabum annus mer6 lunaris. fol. Groningse, 1630 Miiller (Priederich Christoph) : Tafeln der Sonnenhohen ftir ganz Deutschland und dessen westlich und ostlich benachbarte Lander, 8 vo. Leipzig, 1791 Miiller (H.): Die Kepler'schen Gesetze : eine neue elementare Ableitung derselben aus dem Newton'schen Anziehungsgesetze. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1870 Miiller (Hugo W.) : see De La Rue and Miiller. Muller (John) : A mathematical treatise ; containing a system of Conic Sec- tions, with the doctrine of Fluxions and Fluents, applied to various subjects. 4to. London, 1736 Muller (W.) : • ■ : On the use of a knowledge of astronomy and geography. 8vo. (London, 1829) : Geography and astronomy ; illustrated by patent cosmo- spheres, or globes of the universe. Svo. (London, 1829) 255 Munich, Koniglich - Bayorischo Akadomio der WissDn- schaften : : Abliandlungen der matliematisch-physikaliscbcn Classe. Band 1-14. 4to. Mlinchen, 1832-83 : Bulletin, 1842-53. 12 vols. 4to. Mlinchen, 1842-53 : Sitzuug-sberichte, Jahrgang 1S60-70. 8vo. Mlinchen, i860 70 : Inhaltsverzeichniss za Jahrgang 1860-70. 8vo. Mlinchen, 1872 : Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-physikalischen Classe, 1871-83. Band 1-13. Svo. Mlinchen, 1871-83 ■ : Almanach, 1S44, '45, '49, '55, '59, '75, '78. i2mo. Mlinchen. Munich, Sternwarte : : Astronomische Beobachtungen angestellt auf der K. Stern- warte zu Bogenhausen von .... J. Soldner, 1820-27. Theil 1-5. 4to. Mlinchen, 1822-38 Theil 2-5 heriuisgegeben von J. Lament. ■ : Observationes Astronomicae in Specula Regia Monachiensi institutae at ... . editae a J. Lament, 1828-44. Vol. 6-15 (seu novae seriei vol. i-io). 4to. Monachii, 1841-47 : Annalen .... herausgegeben von J. Lament. Band 1-20 (der vollstiindigen Sammlung Band 16-35). Svo. Mlinchen, 1848-74 : Supplementband 1-13. Svo. Mlinchen, 1851-74 Eaiid I-4. Mcteorologische Beobachtungen. 5. Verzeicliniss von 9412 Aequatorial-Sternen zwischen + 3° und — 3'' Declination. 6, 7. Meteorologische Beobachtungen. 8. Yerzeichniss von 6323 telescopischcn Sternen zwischen + 3° und + 9° Declination. 9. Yerzeichniss von 4793 telescopischen Sternen zwischen — 3° und- 9^ Declination. 11. Yerzeichniss von 3571 telescopisclien Sternen zwischen + 9° niid -• 15° Declination. 12. Yerzeichniss von 4093 telescopischen Sternen zwischen — 9° und- 15° Declination. 13. Yerzfichuiss von 5563 telescopischen Sternen nordlich von + 15° und siiJlicli von— 15° Declination. : Nachwcise iiber die an der Miinchener Sternwarte von 1840 bis 1869 beobachtcten Zonen. Svo. : Jahrbuch, 1838, 1840-41, von J. Lamont. Jahrg. i, 3, 4- i2mo. Mlinchen, 1837-40. : Jahres-Bericht, 1852, 1854, 185S. Svo. Miinchcn. : *Ptesultate des magneti.schen Observatoriums in Miinchon wiihrend der dreijiihrigen Periode 1843-45, von J. Lamont. 4to. Miinchon, 1846 : *Re8ultate aus den .... meteorologischen Llntersiuliungcn, neb.st Andeutungen iiber den Kinfliiss des Clima von Miin- dicn auf die Gesundheits -Yerhiiltnisse der Bi^wolmor, von J. Lamont. 4^0. iMiinclicn, 1857 256 Munich, Stemwarte—confinued. : Meteorologische und magnetische Beobaclitungen . . . Jahrgang 1882. Svo. Miinchen, 1883 : See Lament, J. Murdoch (Patrick) : Mercator's sailing, applied to the true figure of the earth ; with an introduction, concerning the discovery and deter- mination of that figure. 4to. London, 1741 Murray (W. Keith) : Description of an astronomical observatory .... at Ochter- tyre, Perthshire. 4to. Musschenbroek (Peter van) : : Physicpe experimentales et geometricse de magnete, tuborum capillarium, vitreorumque speculorum attractione, magni- tudine terrse, cohserentia corporum firmorum dissertationes; ut et ephemerides meteorologicae ultrajectinjB. 4to. Lugduni Batavorum, 1729 : The elements of natural philosophy .... translated by John Colson. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1744 : Cours de physique experimentale et mathematique .... Traduit par Sigaud de la Fond. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1769 Mylius (Albert de) : Description of a planetarium, or astronomical machine .... invented, and partly executed, by ... . Phil. Matthew Hahn .... Svo. London, 1791 Nagelius (Paulus) : Stellse prodigiosfe seu cometaj .... Das ist, des newen Cometen und Wunder-Sterns in .... 161 8 erschienen warhafftige Deutung .... 4to. 161 9 Nagy (Karoly) : ; Memoire sur le systeme solaire, et sur Texplication des phenom^nes celestes. 8vo. Paris, 1862 : Considerations sur les cometes ou elements d'une cometo- logie. Svo. Paris, 1862 : Die Sonne und die Astronomie, Svo. Leipzig, 1866 Namur (A.) : Tables de logarithmes a 12 decimales, jusqn'4 434 milliards, avec preuves . . . precedees d'une introduction theorique et d'une notice sur I'usage des tables par P. Mansion. Svo. Bruxelles, 1877 Napier [Neperus], (John), Baron of Merchistoun : : Mirifici Logarithmorvm canonis constrvctio, et eorvm ad natvrales ipsorum numeros habitudines .... Quibus accessere Propositiones ad triangula sphaerica faciliore cal- culo resoluenda. "Vn^ cum annotationibus .... Henrici Briggii. 4to. Lugduni, 1620 : De arte logistica .... libri qui supersunt. [Edited by Mark Napier.] 4to. Edinburgi, 1839 : Life, see Buchan and Minto. Naples, Realo Ossorvatorio Specola Reale) : : Rag,i,'uag]io. 4to. jSTapoli, 1S21 : Coinentarj Astronomici . . . . di Carlo Brioschi. Vol. i (in 2 parts). 4to. Napoli, 1824-26 : Annuario, 1S46, i860. i2mo. Napoli. Waples, Societa Reale (Accademia delle Scienze) : -; : Atti della Reale Accademia delle Science, sezione della Societa Reale Borbonica. Vol. 2, 5, 6. 4to, Napoli, 1825-51 : Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Scienze, dal 1852 in avanti ripartite nelle tre classi di matematiche, scienze naturali, e scienze morali, 1852-57, 2 vols. 4to. Napoli, 1856-57 : Atti deir Accademia delle scienze fisiche e matematiche. Vol. I, 3-9. 400. Napoli, 1863-82 : Rendiconto delle adunanze e de' lavori dell' Accademia. Tomo 5-9, no. 49-51. 4to, Napoli, 1846-50 : Nuova serie. Anno 1-6. 4to. Napoli, 1852-57 : Rendiconto dell' Accademia delle Scienze fisiche e mate- matiche. Anno 1-2 1. 4to. Napoli, 1862-82 Napoleon (Prince) : * Experiences sur la direction des courants de I'ocean Atlan- tique septentrional. 4to. Paris, 1856 Nares (G. S.) : Arctic expedition : Report of Pi-oceedings. fol. London, 1876 Narrien (John) : : An historical account of the origin and progress of Astro- nomy. With plates, illustrating chiefly the ancient systems. 8vo. London, 1833 : Practical astronomy and geodesy ; including the projections of the sphere and spherical trigonometry, for the use of the Royal Military College. 8vo. London, 1845 Nasmyth (James) and James Carpenter : The Moon : considered as a planet, a world, and a satellite .... Second edition. 4to. London, 1874 Natal Observatory, see Durban. Natani (Leopold) : Der Himmel uiid die Weltkorper. Eine Uebersicht der Astronomie und der Hiilfswissenschaften dersclben. 8vo. Berlin, 1863 Nature. A v/eekly ilhistrated Journal of Science. Vol. 1-29. 4to. London, 1870-84 Naturforscher (der) : Wochenblatt zur Vcrbreitung dor Fort- schrittc in den Naturwissenschaften. Hcrausgogebcn von W. Sklarek. Jahi'gang 7-17. 4to. Berlin, 1874-84 Nautical Almanac (the). See London. Ncison (Edmund) : The Moon and the condition and confignnilions of its surface. 8vo. London, 1876 B 258 Nell (A. M.) : Der Planetenlauf ; eine grapliischeDarstellung der Balinen rler Planeten, um mit Leichtigkeit ihren jedesmaligen Ort unter den Gestirnen auf eine Reihe von Jahren voraus 7.u be- stimmen. 8vo. [with atlas of 5 plates, fol.] Braunschweig, 1858 Neptune, Discovery of: * Investigation of the rival claims of Adams and Le Yerrier to the discovery of the new planet Asti-sea. 8vo. London, 1846 Nesbit (A.) : : A complete treatise on practical land-surveying. 8vo. York, 18 10 : A treatise on practical mensuration, 8vo. London, 181 6 Neuchatel, Soci6t6 des Sciences Natnrelles : Bulletin. 1870-83. Tome 9-13. 8vo. Neuchatel, 1873-83 Neumayer (Georg) : ; Results of the magnetic Survey of the Colony of Yictoria, executed during the years 1858-64. 4to. Mannheim, 1869 : Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Beobachtungen auf Reisen, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Bediufnisse der kaiser- lichen Marine. 8vo. Berlin, 1875 : Hee also Melbourne Observatory. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Literary and Philosophical Society: Catalogue of the library. 8vo. Newcastle, 1848 Newcomta (Simon) : *0n the secular variations and mutual relations of the orbits of the asteroids. 4to. Cambiidge [U.S.], i860 *An investigation of the orbit of Neptune, with general tables of its motion. 4to. Washington, 1866 *Investigation of the distance of the Sun, and of the elements which depend upon it, from the observations of Mars made during the opposition of 1862, and from other sources. 4to. Washington, 1867 *Description of the transit circle of the United States Naval Observatory, with an investigation of its constants. 4to. Washington, 1867 *Th6orie des perturbations de la lune qui sont dues a Taction des planetes, 4to. Paris [187 1] *0n the Right Ascensions of the Equatorial fundamental Stars, and the corrections necessary to reduce the Right Ascensions of different Catalogues to a mean homogeneous system. 4to. Washington, 1872 *0n the possible variability of the earth's axial rotation, as investigated by Mr. Glasenapp. 8vo. New Haven, 1874 Investigation of correctioiis to Hansen's tables of the Moon, with tables for their application. [Amei'ican Transit of Yenus papers, pai-t 3.] 4to. Washington, 1876 *0n the mean motion of the Moon. 8vo. New Haven, 1877 ^Researches on the motion of the Moon, made at the United States Naval Observatory, Washington. Part i. Reduc- ^59 Newcomb (Simon)— eoufiiiufr?. tion and discussion of observations of the ]\[oou before 1750. 4to. Washington, 1S78 : Popular Astronomy. 8vo. London, 1878 : Ditto. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1883 : Popnlare Asti'onomie ; dentsche vermehrte Ausgabe, bear- beitet durch R. Engelmann. 8vo. Leipzig, 1881 : On the recun-ence of solar eclipses, with tables of eclipses from B.C. 700 to A.D. 2300. 4to. Washington, 1879 : Observations of the ti'ansit of Yenns, December 8-9, 1874, made and reduced under the direction of the Commission created by Congress. Part. i. General discussion of re- sults. 4to. Washington, 1880 : Discussion and results of observations on transits of Mer- cury, 1677-1881. 4to. W^ishington, 1882 : Catalogue of 1098 standard clock and zodiacal stars. 4to. Washington [1882] : Report to the Secretary of the Navy on recent improve- ments in astronomical instruments. 8vo. Washington, 1884 : Development of the pertvubative function and its deriva- tives. 4to. Washington, 1884 : See also Washington, U. S. Naval Observatory. Newcomb (Simon) and Edward S. Holden: : Astronomy for stvidents and general readers. (American Science Series.) Second edition. 8vo. New York, 1880 : Astronomy. (American Science Series, Briefer Course.) Second edition. 8vo. New York, i88i Newcomb (Simon) and John Meier : : A transformation of Hansen's lunar theory compared with the theory of Delaunay. 4to. Washington, 1880 : Formulae and tables for expressing corrections to the geo- centric place of a planet. 4to. Washington, 1883 New Haven, Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences: Transactions. Yol. i 5. 8vo. New Haven, 1866-82 New Haven, Yale College Observatory : Pvcport for the years 1880-83. 8vo. New Aaven, 1881-83 New South Wales, Royal Society : : Transactions of the Philosophical Society of New South Wales, 1862-65. 8vo. Sydney, 1866 : Transactions of the Royal Society of New South Wales, 1867-74. Yol. 1-8. 8vo. Sydney, 1868 75 : Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, 1875. Yol. 9. 8vo. Sydney, 1876 : Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, 1876-82. Yol. io~i6. 8vo. Sydney, 1877-83 Thp tiile of the .Society was changed to ' Koyal Society' iu 1867. Newton (Hubert Anson) : : *An account of two meteoric fireballs, observed in the United States August 2 and 6, i860. 8vo. New Haven, 1863 : *0n November Star-showers. 8vo. New Haven, 1864 s2 2 6o Newton (Hubert Ansony-co^if inned. — — : *Abstract of a memoir on Shooting Stars. 8vo. New Haven, 1865 : *0n certain recent contributions to Astro-Meteorology. 8vo. New Haven, 1867 : *0n the origin of Comets. 8vo. New Haven, 1878 Newton (Hubert Anson) and A. W. Phillips : ■*0n the Transcendental Curves sin y sin my^a sin x sin ■nx-\-b. 8 vo. New Haven Newton (Isaac) : : Philosophise naturalis pi'incipia mathematica. 4to. Londini, 1687 : Ditto. Editio ultima, auctior et emendatior [a R. Cotes]. 4to. Amstoelodami, 17 14 : Ditto Perpetuis commentariis illustrata, communi studio T. Le Seur & F. Jacquier. 3 vols. 4to. Genevse.i 739-42 : Ditto, . . . Editio altera. 3 vols. 4to. Colonije Allobrogum, 1760 : Ditto. . , . Editio nova. 4 vols. 8vo. Glasgute, 1822 : The Matheinatical principles of natural philosophy .... Tronslated into English by Andrew Motte ; to which are add«id Th'i li.ws of the Moon's motion according to gravity, by John Machin, 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1729 : The mathematical principles of natural philosophy. . . . ti-anslated into English by Andrew Motte ; to which are added Newton's System of the World, a short comment on, and defence of, the Principia, by W. Emerson, with the laws of the Moon's motion .... by J. Machin. New Edition .... by W. Davis. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1803 : Ditto, 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1819 [ ] : Principes mathematiques de la philosophic naturelle, par feue Madame la Marquise Du Chastellet. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1759 A translation of the Principia, with Commfntary. — : De muudi systemate. [Principia, lib. III.] 4to. Londini, 1731 : The first three sections of Newton's Principia, with copious notes and illustrations, and a gi-eat variety of deductions and problems. By Pev. John Carr. 8vo. London, 182 1 : Analysis per quantitatum series, fluxiones, ac differentias., cum enumeratione linearum tertii ordinis. [Ed. W. Jones.] 4to. Londini, 1 7 1 1 : Optice ; sive de reflexionibus, refractionibus, inflexionibus & coloiibus lucis, libri tres. Latine reddidit Samuel C'larke. Editio secunda. 8vo. Londini, 17 19 : Universal Arithmetick, or a treatise of arithmetical com- position and resolution ; to which is added Dr. Halley's method of finding the roots of equations arithmetically. Translated by J. Paphson and revised and corrected by S. Cunn. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1728 : Optical lectures read in the publick schools of the University of Cambridge, , . . 1669 .... Translated into English out of the original Latin. 8vo. London, 1728 26l Newton {Isaac)— contimtcd. : Lectioncs optica?, annis 1669, 1670 Sz 167 1 in scholis publicis habitie, et nunc primum ex MSS. in lucem edita?. 4to. LoncUni, 1739 : Opticks; or a treatise of the reflections, refractions, inflec- tious and colours of light. Fourth edition. 8vo. London, 1730 : A treatise of the method of fluxions and infinite series, with its application to the geometry of curve lines. 8vo. London, 1737 : Opuscula mathematica, philosophica, et philologica. Collegit partimque Latine vertit ac recensuit Joh. Castillioneus. 3 vols. 4to. Lausanno3 & Geneva?, 1744 : Two treatises of the quadrature of curves and analysis by equations of an infinite number of terms, explained .... tianslated into English, with a lai'ge commentary [ttc.] .... by John Stewart. 4to. London, 1745 : Universal Arithmetick, or a ti-eatise of arithmetical comjjo- sition and resolution . . . . Translated by J. Laphson, and revised and corrected by S. Cunn. To which is added a treatise upon the measuies of ratios by J. ]\Iaguire .... with a series of notes by Rev. T. Wilder. 8vo. London, 1769 : Enumeratio Linearum tertii ordinis ; sequitur illustratio ejusdem ti-actatus, auctoreJacobo Stirling. Svo. Paris, 1797 : Apologie du sentiment de Monsieur le Chevalier Newton sur I'ancienne chronologie des Grecs, conteuant des reponses a toutes les objections qui y ont ete faites jusqu'a present. Par Monsieur le chevalier S 1, 4to. Francfort sur le Mein, 1757 : Opera quae exstant omnia, comentariis illustrabat Samuel Horsley. 5 vols. 4to. Londini, 1779-85 : Discoveries, see Maclaurin. ; Philosophy, see Algarotti, Domckius, Pemberton, Voltaire, Whiston. : Principia, see Emerson, Pigaud, Wright. : Refutation de Neuton, see Panieres. : Resistance of solids, see Robinson (C.) : Newton and Flamsteed, see Whewell. : De Analysi promota, etc. See Commereium Epistolicum. : Life, see Brewster, Grant, Turnor, Soc. DiO'. Useful Know- ledge. Newton (Isaac) and Roger Cotes : Correspondence .... including letters of other eminent men, now first ))ublished from the originals in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge .... by J. Edleston, INLA. 8vo. London ct Cambridge, 1850 Newton (T.) : A short treatise on the conic sections. 8vo. Cambiidgc, 1794 New York, Astor Library: Annual Report, 1S80 84. 8vo. New York 262 New York Chamber of Commerce : Oil the expediency and practicability of a time and weatber Observatory in the City of ISTew York. 8vo. New York, 1857 New York, Columbia College : The School of Mines Quarterly. Vol. 5, No. 3, 4 ; Yol. 6, No. i. Svo. New Y'ork, 1884 New Yoi'k, Meteorological Observatory : Annual Report for 1876-78, by Daniel Draper, Director. Svo. New York, 1877-79 Nichol (John Pringle) : : The phenomena and order of the solar system. Svo. Edinburgh, 183S : Views of the architectvire of the heavens .... Fourth edition. Svo. Edinburgh, 1843 : The Stellar Universe ; views of its arrangements, motions, and evolutions. Svo. Edinburgh, 1S48 : Thoughts on some important points relating to the system of the world. Svo. Edinburgh, 1848 : The architecture of the heavens .... Ninth edition, en- tirely revised and greatly enlarged. Svo. London, 1S51 Nicholson (Peter) : : An introduction to the method of increments, expressed by a new form of notation, shewing more intimately its relation to the fluxional analysis. Svo. London, 1S17 : Essays on the combinatorial analysis, shewing its application to some of the most useful and interesting problems of algebra. Svo. London, 181S : The rudiments of algebra. i2rao. London, 181 9 : Essay on involution and evolution ; . . . with an Appendix, showing the use of figurate numbers and arithmetical equivalents in the exti'action of roots. Svo. London, 1820 : Analytical and arithmetical essays, consisting of continued fractions — figurate numbers .... the transformation of equations .... finite diflferences, indeterminate equations, and the combinatorial analysis. Svo. London, 1S21 Nicholson (Peter) and J. Rowbotham : : A practical system of Algebra, designed for the use of schools and private students. 12 mo. London, 1824 : Ditto. Key. i2mo. London, 1S25 : Ditto. Second edition. i2mo. London, 1831 Nicholson's Journal, see Journal of Natural Philosophy. Nicolaus Rensbergensis : Astronomia Teutsch. 4to. Augspurg, 15 68 Nicollet (J. N.) : : *Memoire sur la libration de la lune. Svo. Paris [iSiS] : * Addition au memoire sur la libration de la lune. Svo. Paris. Nicomachus of Gerasa : NtKo/./a;;^ou repacrtioii 'ApiOixi]TiK7js f^L/3Xfa cvo. Nicomachi Gera- sini arithmeticae libri duo : nunc primum typis excusi, in lucem eduntur. 4to. Parisiis, 1538 263 Niesten (L."): : *Observations sur I'nspect physique Je la planete Mars pendant I'opposition de 1877. 410. Bruxelles, 1878 : *Recherclies sur les couleurs des etoiles doubles. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1879 Nieuwentyt ( Bernard) : The religious Philosopher, or the right use of contemplating the works of the Creator, designed for the conviction of atheists and infidels .... translated .... by J. Cham- berlayne. To which is prefixed a letter to the translator bv J. T. Desasruliers. Fifth edition. Vol. i. 8vo. London, 1745 Nitikin (Basil) and Prochor Souvoroflf; Elements of plane and spherical trigonometry. 4to. London [1786] Nobile I Antonio) : : *Modo di determinare le differenze di Longitudini geografiche per via delle stelle cadenti. 4to. 1840 : *Memoria .... sulle stelle cadenti. 4to. Napoli, 1841 : *Memoria su le maree del Golfo di Napoli. 4to. Napoli, 1842 : *Elogio storico di Macedonio Melloni. 4to. Napoli, 1855 Nobile (Arminio) : : *Saggio di un nuovo metodo per 1' osservazione delle dis- tanze scambievoli delle stelle multiple. 4to. Napoli, 1875 : *Misure di angoli di posizione di alcuni sistemi di stelle multiple. 4to. Napoli, 1875 : *Sulle due stelle multiple 1263 S e o- Coronse. 4to. Napoli, 1876 : Terza ieterminazione della latitudine geografica del R. Osservatorio di Capodimonte. 4to. Napoli, 1883 Noble (S.) : The astronomical doctrine of a plurality of worlds irreconcil- able with the popular systems of theology, but in perfect hai^mony with the true Christian religion. 8vo. London, 1828 Noel (Francois) : Observationes mathematicfe et physicse in India et China factse . . . . ab anno 1684 usque ad annum 1708. 4to. Praga^, 1 7 1 o NoUet (Jean Antoine) : : Lectures in experimental philosophy. Translated .... by John Colson. 8vo. London, 1752 : Lemons de physique expcrimentale. 5"'" edition. 5 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1759-65 Nonius (Petrus) : Opera ; quie complectuntur primum dvos libros, in qvorum priore tiactantur pulcherrima Problemata : in altero .... regulffi ik instrumenta artis navigandi .... Annotationes in Aristotelis problema mechanicum de motu/ navigii : .... Item in G. Purbachii planetarum theoricas annota- tiones : . . . . De Erratis Orontii Fina;i : . . . . De cre- pusculis. fol. Basilooe, 1592 264 Norman (Robert): The newe attractive, shewing the nature, propertie, and rdanifold vertues of the loadstone. 8vo. London, 1720 Normand (J. A.) : : Note sur la determination de la parallaxe solaire. 8vo. Paris, 1874 : Memoire sur les occultations d'etoiles par les planetes. 4to. Paris, 1876 : Navigation stellaire. 4to. Paris, 1 883 Norton (William A.) : An elementary treatise on astronomy : in four parts, contain- ing a systematic and comprehensive exposition of the theory, and the more important practical problems, with solar, lunar, and other astronomical tables .... (second edition). 8vo. New York, 1845 Norway, Norwegische Commission der Europaisehen Gradmessung : : Geodatische Arbeiten, Heft 1-3. 4to. Christiania, 1882 : Geodatische Ai-beiten, Heft 4, 5 (Yandstandsobservationer, Heft I, 2). 4to. Christiania, 1882-83 Norwegian North Atlantic Expedition, 1876-78 : Part i-io. 4to. Christiania, 1880-83 Part I. Chemi, H. Tornoe. 2, 3. Zoologi, E.. CoUett, D. C, Danielssen, og J. Koren. 4. Historisk Beretuing, &c., C. Wille. 5. Astronomiske Observationer, H. Molin; Magnetiske Obs., C. Wille ; Geografi, &c., H. Mohn. 6-8. Zoologi, D. C. Danielssen, J. Koren, G- A. Hansen, H. Friele. 9. Chemi. L. Sehmelek. 10. Meteorologi. H. Mohn. Norwood (Matthew) : The Seaman's Companion, being a plain guide to the understanding of arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, navigation, and astronomy, applied chiefly to Navigation, .... Second edition. 4to. London, 1671 Norwood (Richard) : : The Sea-man's practice, contayning a fvndamentall probleme in navigation experimentally verified. 4to. London, 1644 : Ditto. Eighth edition. 4to. London, 1 668 : Tiigonometrie, or the doctrine of triangles : . . . . where- unto is annexed .... a treatise of the application thereof in the three principal kindes of sayling (and a triangular canon logarithmicall, or a table of artificiall sines, tangents, &c.) Second edition. 2 parts in i vol. 4to. London, 165 1 Novara : Reise der osterreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857-59 unterdeu Befehlen des Commodore B. von AViillcrstorf-L^rbair. Nautisch-physicalischer Theil. 4to. Wien, 1 862-1 865 265 Niirnberger (Joseph Emili: Populures ati^tronoiniscbes Ilandwuiterbuch, oiler Yersuch einer alphabetisch geordneten ErklUrung der vornehmsten Begrifle und Kunstworter der Astrononiie. 2 vols. 8vo. Kempten, 1S48 Nursingrow (Ankitam Venkata) : : Solar eclipses, and the great partial eclipse of the 17th August 1 868 visible at Yiaxgapatam. Svo. : Results of meteorological observations (at Daba Gardens, Vizagapatam), 1872, 75-77, 79-S2. 8vo. Calcutta, 1873-83 Nyr^n (Magnus) : : *Determination du coefficient constant de la precession an moyen d'etoiles defaible eclat. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1870 : *Bestimmung der Nutation der Erdachse. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1872 : *Die Polhcihe von Pulkowa. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1873 : *Das Aequinoctium fiir 1865-0, abgeleitet aus den am Passaeeninstrumente und am Yerticalkreise in den Jahren 1861-70 in Pulkowa angestellten Sonnenbeobachtungen. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1876 : See also Pulkowa, ISTicolai Hauptsternwarte. Nyren (Magnus) und V. Fuss: *Bestimmung der Liingen-Differenz zvvischen den Stern- warten Stockholm und Helsingfors, ausgefUhrt im Sommer 1870. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1871 Nystrom (John W.) : Principles of Dynamics. Svo. Philadelphia, 1874 Observatories : Description of the public and private observatories in London and its vicinity. lamo. Loudon, 1851 Observatory iThe), a monthly review of Astronomy. Edited by W. H. M. Christie (and E. W. IMaunder). Vol. 1-7. 8vo. London, 1878-84 Observing Astronomical Society: Bepoit of observations made by the members, 1 869-1 870. Svo. Bristol, 1871 Oehl (Edmund): Yersuch einer Theorie Uber Kometen. Svo. Wien, 186S Oeltzen (Wilhelm) : : Argelanders Zonen-Beobachtungen vom 45° bis 80° nord- licher Declination, in mittleren Positioneu fiir 1842-0 nach gerader Aufsteigung geordnet. Svo. Wien, 1851-52 Vol. I and 2 of series 3 of ' Annaion dcr K.K. Sternwarto in Wien.' : Argelanders Zonen-Bcobachtungen vom 15° bis 31° siid- licher Declination in mittleren Positioneu fiir 1853. Svo. Wien, 185 7-5 S In Vienna ' Sitzungsbcrichte,' Bd. 26, 27, 29, 31. -. *Yergleichungcn zwischen den Zonenbeobachtinigen von Bessel und Argelander. Svo. Wion, 1854 : *Erg;inzungen zar 'Histoire celeste Frani^-aise ' und ciuigon andcren Stcrnkatalngon. Svo. Wien, 1S54 266 Oertling (August) : : *Ueber die Priifung plan -parallel er Gljiser, und Beschrei- bung des dabei in Anwendung gebrachten Instrumentes. 4to. Berlin, 1843 : *Besclireibung eines neuen Spiegelkreises. 4to. Berlin, 1844 Ogilby (William) : New theory of the figure of the earth, considered as a solid of revolution, founded on the direct employment of the centri- fugal force, instead of the common principles of attraction and variable density. 4to. London, 1872 O Gyalla, Astrophysicalisches Observatorium : Beobachtungen .... herausgegeben von N. von Konkoly. Band 1-5. 4to. Halle, 1879-83 Olbers (Wilhelm) : : *Verzeichniss aller bisher berechneten Cometenbahnen. 4to. Altona, 1823 : Abhandlung liber die leichteste und bequemste Methode die Bahn eines Cometen zu berechnen .... von Neuem herausgegeben von J. F. Encke. 8vo. Weimar, 1847 : Nachtrag .... von J. G. Galle. 8vo. Leipzig, 1864 Olbers (Wilhelm) und Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel : Briefwechsel .... Herausgegeben von Adolph Erman. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1852 Oliver (A.), Comets, see Winthrop and Oliver. Olivet (I'Abb^ d') : Histoire de I'Academie Frangoise depuis 1652 jusqu'a 1700. Tome 2. 4to. Paris, 1729 Olmsted (Denison) : The mechanism of the heavens. 8vo. London, 1859 Olsen (Ole Theodore) : The Fisherman's Nautical Almanac, 1882-84. i2mo. Grimsl)y Oltmanns (Jabbo) : *Ueber die wahre Epoche der grossen von Herodot erwiilm- ten Sonneniinsterniss am Flusse Halys. 4to. [Berlin, 18 13] Olufsen (C. F. R.), Tables du soleil, see Hansen et Olufsen. Om.maney (Erasmus) : *Address delivered at the Plymouth meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, to the Geo- graphical Section. 8vo. London, 1877 Opelt (O. Moritz) : Der Mond. Populiire Darstellung der Verhaltnisse und Erscheinungen welche von diesem Korper bekannt sind .... Nebst einer Karte der sichtbaren Oberfliiche des Mondes, in fortschreitender Phase dargestellt, und einer Namen- und Hohenkarte. 8vo. [with 2 maps], Leipzig, 1879 Oppolzer (Theodor von) : ; *Berichte (2, 4, 6) der zur Beobachtung der totalen Son- nenfinsterniss des Jahres 1868 nach Aden unternommenen bsterreichischen Expedition. 8vo. Wien, 1868-69 267 Oppolzer (Theodor von) — continued. : *Bt'obaclitung des Venusdurchgangs (1S74, December 8) iu Jassy und Bestimmung der geograpliisclieu Breite des Beobaohtungsortes, 8vo. Wien, 1875 : *Entwicklung der Ditferentialquotienten der wahren Ano malie und des Radiusvector nach der Excentrieitat in nahezu parabolischen Bahneu. 8vo. Berlin, 1878 : *N'eue Methode zur Bestimmung der Bahnelemente gleicher Walirscbeinlichkeit fur eineu kleinen Planeten aus der Beobachtung einer Erscbeinung. 8vo. Berlin, 1878 : Lehrbuch zur Bahnbestimmung der Kometen und Planeten. 2 vols. 4to. Leipzig, 1870-80 : Ditto. Band i, zweite .... Auflage. 4to. Leipzig, 1882 : *Syzygien-Tafeln fiir den Mond, nebst ausfiihrlicher An- weisung zum Gebrauche derselben. 4to. Leipzig, 1881 : I«t das Newton'sebe At traction sgesetz zur Erkliirung der Bewegungen der Himmelskorper ausreicbend 1 Hat man Veranlassung, dasselbe nur als Niiberungsausdrufk zu bezeichnen? 4*0. Salzburg, 1881 : *L^eber einige Relationen zwiscben den Combiuations- summen der Quadrate der geraden und ungeraden Zablen. 8vo. : Determination de longitude, see Loewy et Oppolzer. Ordnance Survey, see United Kingdom. Orfif I Colonel von) et E. Plantamour : Difference de longitude entre les observatoires de Geneve et de Bogenbausen pros Munich. 4to. Geneve, 1879 Oriani (Barnaba'i : *Elementi di trigonometria sferoidica. 4to. Bologna, 1806 Oriani (Barnaba) e Giuseppe Piazzi : *Corrispondenza Astrouomica. fol. Milano, 1874 Origanus (David) : : Ephemerides novaj aunorvm xxxvi, incipientes ab anno Xpimoyti'iinc 1595, quo loannis Stadii maxime aberrare incipiunt, & desinentes in annum 1630. Quibus prsemissa est introdvctio, sev compendiaria Epbemeridum enarratio. 4to. Francofurti ad Via(b-u)ii, 1599 • : Novai motuum ccelestium Ephemerides Braudenbvrgicaj annorvm LX, incipientes ab anno 1595, i^ desinentes in annum 1655 (1624) .... cum introductione .... pleniore, in qua Chronologica, Astronomica & Astrologica ex funda- mentis ipsis tractantur. Vols. I and 2, 4to. Francofurti cis Yiadrum, 1609 Ormathwaite (Lord) : Astronomy and geology compared. 8vo. London, 1872 Orontius Finseus, aee Finrnus. Orsan (A. Le Vengeur d'): Our .satellite : a .selenography according to llio ])rosent .stale of .science. No. i. fol. London, 1862 268 Ossipofsky (T.) : Recherches sur les pli^nomiues lumineux qu'on aper^oit quel- quefois an ciel dans des positions determinees par rap])ort au soleil ou a la Inne. 4to. St. Petei'sbonrg, 1828 Oswaldus, Comet 1652-53, see Macovius. Ottley CWilliam Young) : * Observations on a manuscript in the British Museum .... containing Cicero's translation of the Astronomical poem by Aratus, accompanied by drawings of the constellations. 4to. London, 1835 Otto (Andreas) : De Terra. [Inaugural Dissertation.] 4to. 1659 Oudemans ( Johann Abraham Christian) : ; Dissertatio astronomica inauguralis, exhibens observationes, ope instrumenti transitorii portabilis institutas. 4to. Lugduni Batavorum, 1852 : *Memoire sur I'orbite de la comete periodique decouverte par M. d' Arrest le 27 Juin 1851. 4to. Amsterdam, 1854 : *Zweija3hrige Beobachtungen der meisten jetzt bekannten verfenderlichen Sterne. 4to. Amsterdam, 1856 : Verslag van de geographische dienst in Nederlandsch Indie, 1858-59. 4to. Batavia, i860 : Verslag van de bepaling der geographische ligging van die plaatsen op Java, waar telegraafkantoren gevestigt zijn. 4to. Batavia, 1862 : Die Triangulation von Java, ausgefiihrt vom Personal des geographischen Dienstes in Niederlandisch Ost-Indien. Ab- theilung i, 2. 4to. Batavia und Haag, 1875-78 : Determination, k Utrecht, de I'azimut d'Amersfoort. 4to. La Haye, 1881 : *Sur une meilleure methode pour faire les mesures helio- metriques a I'occasion d'un passage de Venus sur le soleil. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1876 Oughtred (William) : : The key of the mathematicks new forged and filed ; to- gether with a treatise of the resolution of all kinde of affected ajquations in numbers, with the rule of compound usury, .... and a most easie art of delineating all manner of plaine Sun-Dyalls. 2 parts in i vol. 8vo. London, 1647 : Trigonometric, or the manner of calculating the sides and angles of triangles, by the mathematical canon demon- strated. 4to. London, 1657 : Opuscula mathematica hactenus inedita. 8vo. Oxonii, 1677 : Clavis mathematicte denuo limata, sive potius fabricata, cum aliis quibusdam ejusdem commentationibus (Elementi decimi Euclidis declaratio ; de solidis regularibus ; Theore- matum in libris Archimedis de sphfera & Cylindro de- claratio, Ilorologia scioterica). Editio quinta. 4 parts in i vol. Oxoni?e, 1693 269 Outhier (Reginald) : : Journal d'uu voyage au nord en 1736 it 1737. 4to. Paris, 1 744 : Ditto. i2mo. Amsterdam, 1746 Overley (Isaac) : Measuring made easy (witli a table of logarithms). 8vo. London, 1739 Oxford, Radeliffe Library : : Catalogue of books on Natural Science . . . . to 1872. 4to. Oxford, 1877 : Additions, to 1883. 4to, Oxford. Oxford, Radcliflfe Observatory: : Astronomical Observations made .... in tlie years 1840- 52 by Manuel J. Johnson. Vol. r-13. 4to. Oxford, 1842-54 : Astronomical and meteorological observations made .... in the years 1853-64, under the superintendence of Manuel J. Johnson (and the Rev. Robert Main). Vol. 14-24. 4to. Oxford, 1855-67 : Results of Astronomical and meteorological observations made .... in the years 1865-80 under the superintend- eace of the Rev. Robert Main (and Edward James Stone). Vol. 25-38. 4to. Oxford, 1868-83 : Report of the Radeliffe Observer to the Board of Trustees, 1861-75. 4to. Oxford, 1861-75 : Ditto, 1883. 4to. Oxford, 1883 : The Radeliffe catalogue of 6317 stars, chiefly circumpolar, redviced to the epoch 1 845 'o, formed from the observations made .... under the superintendence of Manuel John Johnson .... with introduction by the Rev. Robert Main. 4to. Oxford, i860 : Second Radeliffe Catalogue, cotitaining 2386 stars ; deduced from Observations extending from 1854 to 1861 .... I'educed to the epoch i860, under the superintendence of the Rev. Robert Main. 4to. Oxford, 1870 Oxford, University Observatory: : Report of the Savilian Professor of Astronomy to the Board of Visitors, 1877-82. 4to. Oxford, 1877-82 : Astronomical Observations made .... under tlie direction of C. Pritchard. No. i. 8vo. Oxford, 1878 Oxley (Thomas) : The gem of the astral sciences, or mathematics of celestial philosophy. 8vo. London [1S4SJ Ozanam f Jacques) : : Recreations mathematiqnos et i)hysiques, qui contienncnt plusieurs pi'oblemes d'arithuuHique, de goometrie, d'op(i(]ue, de gnomonique, de cosmographie, de niccani(pie, de p}'ro- technie, & de physique. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1694 : Usage de IMnstiument universe], pour r^soudre piomtomeut &, tres-exactemcjit tons les 2)rol>luiies du la gi'onictrio pratique sans aucun calcul. 8vo. Paris, 1 700 : Cur.sus mathematicus ; or a compleat course of the ukiUh' 270 Ozanam (Jacques) -continued. maticks .... done into English, with improvements and additions by J. T. Desagulievs. 5 vols. 8vo. London and Oxford, 1712 (1725) ■ : La trigonometrie rectiligne et sphevique, avec les tables des s?nns, tangentes et secantes .... et les tables des loga- rithmes des sinus et des tangentes .... nouvelle edition. 8vo. Paris, 1765 : Recreations in mathematics and natural philosophy .... lately recomposed and greatly enlarged . . by M. Montucla . . Translated . . with many additions and observations by Charles Hutton. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1803 Padua, Osservatorio della R. Universita : -: *Osservazioni astronomiche. No. 2. 8vo. Venezia, 1882 : See also Lorenzoni (G.) ; Santini (G.) Paduanius (Fabritius) : Tractatus duo : alter de ventis, alter perbrevis de terrtemotu. 4to. Bononiai, 1601 Pagan (Blaise FranQois de): Les tables astronomiques .... donnees pour la juste suppu- tation des planetes, des eclipses, & des figures celestes. Avec les m^thodes de trouver facilement les longitudes. 4to. Paris, 1681 Pagel (Louis) : La latitude par les hauteurs hors du meridien. Methode facile et courte poiir determiner la position de I'observateur par les hauteurs. 8vo. Paris, 1847 Palagi (Alessandro) : *Della ecclisse totale di sole del 22 Dicembre, 1870. 4to. Bologna, 187 1 Palermo, Accademia di Scienze e Lettere : Atti, nuova serie. Vol. i. 4to. Palermo, 1845 Palermo, Societa degli Spettroscopisti Italiani : Memorie. Paccolte e pubblicate per cura del Prof. P. Tac- chini. Vol. 1-8, 4to. Palei^mo, 1872-79 Vol. 9-12, 4to. Roma, 1880-83 Palermo, Speeola Astronomica (R. Osservatorio): : Della Speeola Astronomica de' Regj Studj di Palermo libi-i. 1-5, di Giuseppe Piazzi. fol. Palermo, 1792-94 : Del Real Osservatorio di Palermo libri 69 (di G. Piazzi e N. Cacciatoi-e). fol. Palermo, 1806-26 : Giornale astronomico e meteorologico del Reale Osservatorio di Palermo, pubblicatodal Prof. DomenicoRagona. Vol.i, 2. 4to. Palermo, 1855-57 : *Osservazioni meteorologiche fatte .... nell' anno 1844. 4to. Palermo [1845] : Osservazioni meteorologiche, 1864. 4to. Palermo. ■ : Bullettino meteoi'ologico, 1865-79. Vol. i 15. 4to. Palermo, 1865-81 ; Pubblicazioni, 1881-83. ^r- Cacciatore, Direttore. 4to. Palermo, 1882-83 2/1 Palermo, Specola Astronomiea (R. OsserYeLtorio)—coiitimicd. : Annuario, 1S42-46. Anno 1-5. i2mo. Palermo : Effemeridi astronoiuiclie di Palermo, 1855-56, pubblic-ate dal Prof. Ragona. 8vo, Palermo, 1854-55 : Storia Celeste .... dal 1792 al 1813. 9 vols. Vienna, 1845-49 Yol. 4-12 of ' Annalen der K. K. Stern-warte in Wien,' Ser. 2. : See Martina (L.), Piazzi (G.), Pucco (A.), Palladium (.the), Gentleman and Lady's Palladium, British Palladium [&c.], 1749-65, 1771-79. i2mo. London, 1749-79 Many cliangps of title. Palmer (John) : The Catliolique planisplia^r, which Mr. Blagrave calleth. the mathematical jewel, bi-ieHy and plainly described, in five books. . . . Hereunto is added a brief description of the cros-staf, and a catalogue of eclipses. 4to. London, 1658 Palmieri (L.): Tncendio Vesuviano, see Guaiini (Giovanni). Pape (Carl Ferd.) : : *Untersuchung iiber die Erseheinungen des gi'ossen Como- ten vom Jahre 1858. 4to. Altona, 1858 : *Ueber die Genauigkeit der Beobachtungen der Rectascen- sionen bei Anwendung chronographischer Apparate. 4to. Altona, i860 Paramatta Observatory : : A catalogue of 7385 stars, chiefly in the southern hemisphere, prepared from observations made in the years 1822-26 at the Observatory, Paramatta, New South Wales, founded by Lieut. Gen. Sir T. Brisbane The computations made and the catalogue constructed by W. Richardson. 4to. London, 1835 : See also Riimker (Carl). Pare Astronomique (Notice sur le) de la Societe Technomatique, Oil se trouve en ce moment la plus grande lunette du monde. 8vo. Paris, 1856 Pardies dgnaee Gaston) : : Q^uvres de mathematique, contenant les elcmens de g6ome- trie, discours du mouvement local, la statisti(|ue, et deux machines propres a faire los cadrans. 2 parts in i vol. 12 mo. La TTnye, 1690 91 : Short, but yet plain elements of geometry and plain t)-igo- nometry .... rendered into English l)y John Harris. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1702 Paris, Acad^mie des Sciences (Institut de France) : : Memoires de mathematique et de physique, 1692-93. Nou- velle edition. 2 vols. 12010. Auistoi-dam, 1723 : IIii>toire de T Academic (et Memoires de mathrinatitpie et de physique), 1699 '7'4; n^^^ 57- 121110. Amstciilaiii, 1706 69 272 Paris, Aead^mie des Sciences (Institut de 'France)— confiimcd. : Table generale des matieres contenues dans I'Histoire et les Memoii-es, 1699-1751. 4 vols. i2mo. Amsterdam, 1741-60 : Histoire .... avec les memoires de mathematique et de ])hysique. 1719, 1724-25. 4to. Paris, 1721-27 r Recueil d'Observations faites en plusieura voyages par ordre de sa Majeste pour perfectionner rastronomie et la geo- gi-aphie, avec divers traitez astronomiques. Par Messieurs de 1' Academic Eoyale des Sciences. 8 parts in i vol. fol. Paris, 1693 ; Histoire de I'Academie Francjoise depuis 1652 jusqu'a 1700, ])ar I'Abbe d'Olivet. Tome 2. 4to. Paris, 1729 : Memoires de I'Institut National des Sciences (Lettres) et Arts. Sciences mathematiques et physiques. Tome 1-6. 4to. Paris, an 6 [1798]-! 806 : Memoires presentes a I'Institut des Sciences, Lettres et Arts par divers savans, et lus dans ses assemblees. Sciences mathematiques et physiques. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1 805-1 81 1 : Memoires de la classe des sciences mathematiques et phy- siques, 1806-1815. 8 vols. 4to. Paris, 1806-1818 : Memoires de I'Academie . . des Sciences. Tome 1-33. 4to. Paris, 181 8-61 : Memoires presentes par divers savants. Sciences mathe- matiques et physiques. Tome 1-17. 4to. Paris, 1827-62 : Comptes-Ptendus hebdomadaires des stances. Tome 1-98. 4to. Paris, 1835-84 • : Annuaire de I'Institut pour i860. i2mo. Paris, i860 : Recueil de Memoires, Rapports et documents relatifs a I'ob- servation du passage de Venus sur le Soleil. Tome i, 2, Parts I and 2 ; Tome 3, Part 3. 4to. Paris, 1877-82 : Connoissance des Temps .... publiee par ordre de I'Aca- demie Royale des Sciences, 1686, 1762-65, 1769, '71, '73, '77, '81, '84. Svo. Paris, 1685-1781 Paris, Bureau des Longitudes : : Connaissance des Temps, ou des mouvements celestes, a I'usage des astronomes et des navigateurs .... 1806, 1807, 1810-41, '43-56, '58-85. 8vo. Paris, 1804-83 The vol. for 1806 contains Index to the vols, for 1760 to 1805. ,, 1S22 „ „ 1806 to 1822. „ 1867 „ „ 1823 to 1867. : Annales du Bureau des Longitudes et de I'Observatoire As- tronomique de Montsouiis. Tome i. 4to. Paris, 1877 : Annales du Bureau des Longitudes. Travaux faits h I'Ob- servatoire Astronomique de Montsoui'is (section navale), et memoires divers. Tome 2. 4to. Paris, 1882 : *Ephemerides des etoiles de culmination lunaire et de longitude pour 1879, 1882-83. ^^^ ^- Loewy. 4to. Paris, 1878-82 : Annuaire, 182S-37, 44-485 5°> S2-54, 58) 70-84- 1 2 mo. Paris. : Observalions astronomiques, see Paris, Obsei'vatoire. - / J Paris, Bureau dos Longitudes -w''//(Wf^. : Tables Astronomi(iue.s, 6Y'e Biirckhardt ; Bouvaid ; Bouvard et Delambie ; Damoiseaii ; Delambre et l^ihg. Paris, Coinit6 International des Poids et Mesures : : Proces- Ver bail X des seances, 1875-83. 8vo. Paris, 1876-84 : Travaux et Memoires du Bureau International des Poids et Mesures. Tome i, 2. 4to. Paris, 1881-83 Paris, Conference Internationale du Passage de V6nus [1882] : Proces- Yerbaux. fol. Paris, 1881 Paris, Eeole Polytechnique : Journal. Cahier 1-9, 11-54. Tome i 28. 4to. Paris, an III [i795]-i884 Paris, Observatoire : : Ephemerides des mouvemens celestes .... pour le meri- dien de la ville de Paris, 17 15-1800. Par Desplaces (La Caille, La Lande). Tome i, 2,4-9. 4**^- P'^ris, 1716-92 : Histoire Celeste, ou recueil de toutes les observations astronomiques faites par ordre du Roy ; avec un discours preliminaii-e sur le progres de I'astronomie, par M. Le Monnier. 4to. Paris, 1741 : Extrait des observations astronomiques et phy.'^iques faites par ordre de sa Majeste .... 1785-91. Le Comte de Cassiiii, directeur. 4to. Paris, 1786-91 : Observations Astronomiques faites a I'Observatoire Eoyal [1810-28], publiees par le Bureau des Longitudes. Tome I, 2. fol. Paris, 1825-38 : Observations Astronomiques [1837-46], publiees par le Bureau des Longitudes. 10 vols. fol. Paris, 1837-46 : Atlas des mouvements generaux de I'Atmospliere, 1864-65. obi. fol. Paris, 1868 69 Atlas des orages de I'annee 1865. fol. Paris, 1866 Atlas meteorologique. 1866 74. fol. Paris, 1867-75 Bulletin astronomiquG .... pul)lie par Ch. Delaunay. Tome I (and v.n. of Tome 2). 8vo. Paris, 1872-73 — : Bulletin International. v.n. 4to. Paris, 1875-78 — : Annales .... publiees par U. J. Le Yerrier (et sous la direction de M. le Contre-Amiral Mouchez). Memoires. Tome 1-17. 4to. Paris, 1855-83 Tome I. Le Vcrrier, Recherelies astronomiques (Oalcul des fonctions, coordonnees astronomiques ; mouvement des corps celestes ; calcul des perturbations). 2. Le Verrier, Recherches astronomiques (Dc^veloppement des fonc- tions ; perturbations ; dlements des orbites ; etoiles fondamon- tales). 3. Villarceau, Determination des orbites des plan^tes et des cometos ; Le Verrier, Recherches astronomiques. 4. Le Verrier, Recherchrs astronomiques (Theorie et tables du Soleil); Lefort, (Irandes tabh-s loyaritlimiqu.'S et triffom.rat- triques calculees au bureau du Cadastre. 5. Le Verrier, Recherches astronomiques (Thcum^ el tables de T 2 74 Paris, OhBerv&toire—co7itimicd. Mercure) ; Foucaiilt, Construction des telescopes en verr© ar- gente ; Serret, Theorie dii mouvement de la terra, anomalie excentrique, &c. ; Eoche, Atmosphere des com^tes. Tome 6. Le Verrier, Eeeherehes astronomiques (Theorie et tables de Venus et Mars). 7. Villarceau, Mouvement et compensation des chronomfetres ; Puiseux, In^alites a longues periodes ; Desains et Charault, Recherches magn6tiques ; Bourget, Fonction perturbatrice ; Villarceau, Lunette m^ridienne ; Loewy, Orbite de la planfeto Eugenie ; Barbier, Thermometrographes. 8. Determinations des longitudes et latitudes ; Hoiiel, Developpe- mentdes fonctions; Wolf, Equation personnelle. 9. Villarceau, Determination des longitudes et latitudes ; Hirn, Le gyroscope ; Bourget, Mouvement vibratoire d'unccorde ; Sedillot, Astrolabe Persan ; Fouque, Dissolutions salines; Villarceau, Chercheur parallactique ; Traversees entre la France et le Mexique. 10. Le Verrier, Recherches astronomiques (Actions mutuelles de Jupiter et de Saturne) ; Wolf et Andre, Contacts de Mercxire et de Venus avec le bord du Soleil. 11. Le Verrier, 'Recherches astronomiques (Variations seculaires des elements de Jupiter, Saturne, Uranus et Neptune; Theorie de Jupiter et de Saturne). 12. Le Verrier, Recherches astronomiques. (Tables do Jupiter et Satiirne). 13. Le Verrier, Recherches astronomiques ; Cornu, Vitesse de la lumiere ; Rayet, Observations magnetiqiies. 14. Le Verrier, Recherches astronoiniques (Tables d'Uranus et Neptune) ; Leveau, Comfete de d' Arrest ; Perigaud, Methode de Hansen ; Go;irnerio, Observations do Bouguor ; AVolf, Description des Pleiades. 15. Eloge et travaux de Le Verrier; Leveau, Theorie de Vesta; Villarceau, Pendule a reversion ; Tisserand, Fonction pertur- batrice. Perturbations de Pallas par Jupiter. 1 6. Callandreau, Perturbations d'une petite planete ; Radau, Refrac- tions astronomiques ; Loewy et Perigaud, Etude des flexions du grand cercle meridien ; Tisserand, Parallaxe duSoleil ; Mouve- ments seculaires des plans des orbites de trois planites. 17. Gogou, Inegalite lunaire a longue periode ; Leveau, Mouvement de Vesta ; Wolf, Etalons de poids et mesures ; Schulhof et Bossert, Orbite de la comfete de 1812; Leveau, Com^te de d'Arrest. : Annales .... publiees par U. J. Le Verrier (et sous la direction de M. le Contre-Amiral Mouchez). Observa- tions, Tome 1-24 ( 1 800-1 869) et Annee 1870-80. 4to. Pai-is, 1858-83 : E,apport annuel sur r^tat de rObservatoire .... 1879-83 .... par I'Amiral Mouchez. 4to. Paris, 1880-84 : Service Met6orologique des Ports. Lettre du Directeur . . . . ^ M. Airy, 4to. Paris, i860 : Memoirs snr I'etat actuel de I'Observatoire Imperial ^7o Paris, Observatoire —continued. presente par les astronomes a son exc. le Ministre de I'lnstruction Publique. 4to. Paris, 1870 : Notes administratives [par U. J. Le Verrier]. 4to. Paris. : Rapport presente a la Commission d'Inspection par le directeur de I'Observatoire (Cli. Delaunay), le 31 jNIai, 1872. 4to. Paris. : Ephemeride pour la recherche de la Comete de 181 2 (Pons), par Schulhof et Bossert (1882, Aout-1883, Fevr.). 2 sheets fol. Paris. : Atlas ecliptique (par MM. Chacornac, Paul et Prosper Henry, (fcc.) [incomplete]. 54 sheets, Paris, v.d. Paris, Socidte Math^raatiqne de France : Bulletin. Tome i-ii. Annee 1S72-83. 8vo. Paris, 1875-83 Paris, Societe Philomathique : : Bulletin .... serie 6, 1873-76. Tome 10-12. 8vo. Paris, 1874-77 : Ditto. Serie 7, 1876-83. Tome 1-7. 8vo. Paris, 1877-83 Pariset (G. H.) : Essai sur la nature des orbites des cometes. Svo. Paris, 1867 Parker (George): Eland's tutor to astrology, or astrology made easie .... tenth edition. 12 mo. London, 1704 Parker (John A.) : Second lecture on polar magnetism : its astronomical origin, its period of revolution, and the synodical period of the earth identical. Svo. ISTew York, 1869 Parkhurst (Henry M.) : : Astronomical tables, comprising logarithms from 3 to 100 decimal places, and other useful tables. 1 2 mo. New York, 1875 : Ditto. Revised edition. i2mo. New York, 1881 Parkinson (Stephen) : A treatise on optics. Third edition. 8vo. London, 1870 Parkinson and Frodsham : A brief account of the Chronometer, with remarks on those furnished by P .... & F .... to the expeditions of Captains Ross, Parry, Sabine, King, Lyon, Foster [&c.] Svo. London, n.d. Parpart (A. von) : Bericht an eine Konigl. Preuss. Academic der Wissenschaften zu Berlin iiber die auf der Sternwarte zu Storlus wahrend der Sonnenfinsterniss vom 28. Juli 1851 angestellten astro- nomischen und meteorologischen Beobachtungen. Svo. Culm, 1 85 1 Parry 'William Edward) : : Journal of a voyage for the discovery of a North-west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, performed in the years 1S19-20 in His Majesty's ships Ilecla and Griper; T 2 2 76 Parry (William Edward) —continued. .... with an appendix containing the scientific and other observations. 4to. London, 1821 : Journal of a second voyage for the discovery of a North- West passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, performed in the years 1821-23, in His Majesty's ships Fury and Ilecla. 4to. London, 1824 : A supplement to the Appendix of Captain Parry's voyage for the discovery of a North -West passage in the years 1819-20, containing an account of the subjects of Natural History. 4to. London, 1824 : Appendix to Captain Pan-y's Journal of a second voyage for the discovery of a North- West passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific. 4to. London, 1825 Parry (William Edward), H. Poster, and J. C. Ross : *Observations and experiments made at Port Bowen in the years 1824-25 on the figure of the earth, on magnetism, and atmospherical refraction. 4to. London, 1826 Partridge (John) : : MiKpoiravaa-Tpwv ; or an astrological Vade Mecum, briefly teaching the whole art of astrology. i2mo. London, 1679 : Merlinus Liberatus : an almanac for 1726, 1752, 1760-61. i2mo. London, 1726-61 Partridge (Seth) : The descrijDtion and use of an instrument, called the double scale of proportion. 8vo. London, 1692 Pascal-Newton (la question). Soup^ons d'un Bouquiniste. 8vo. Liege, 1867 Pasquieli (Johann) : Epitome elementorura astronomiae sphaerico-calculatoriae. 2 parts and appendix in i vol. 4to. Yiennae, 181 1 Pauilli6 (A. O.) : Astronomic des gens du monde, ou exposition du systeme planetaire avec I'explication des phenomenes celestes. Ouvrage mis a la port^e des personnes qui ne sont pas versees dans les mathematiques .... Seconde edition. 8vo. Paris, 1824 Paul (H. M.) : *A determination of the semi-diameter of the Moon from two occultations of the Pleiades observed on July 6, 1877, and September 6, 1879. 4to. Washington, 1883 Payne (William) : : An introduction to geometry, containing the most useful propositions in Euclid, and other authors. Second edition. i2mo. London, 1768 : Elements of trigonometry, plain and spherical, applied to the most useful problems in heights and distances, astro- nomy and navigation. 8vo. London, 1772 2/7 Peacock ^D. M.) : A system of conic sections, adapted to the study of natural philosophy. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1817 Peacock (George) : : A collection of examples of the applications of the diflferen- tial and integral calculus. Part i, 2. 8vo. Cambridge, 1820 : Ditto. Part 3. Examplesof the applications of the calculus of finite differences, by J. F.W. Herscliel. 8vo. Cambridge, 1820 : Life of Thomas Young. 8vo. Loudon, 1S55 Pearson (James) : : *Observations on tlie phenomena of the tides as observ-ed at Fleetwood, Lancashire : with illustrations from the tides of Rathmullan, Co. Donegal. 8vo. Dublin, 1877 : *Computation of tides at Fleetwood : results of theory and observation. 8vo. Dublin, 1878 : *Computation of tides at Fleetwood : discussion of corre- sponding phenomena in different yeai's, &c. Computation of occultations and eclipses, 8vo. Dublin, 1879 : An elementally treatise on the tides, based on that of the late Sir J. W. Lubbock. 8vo. London, 1881 Pearson (John B.) : A series of observed lunar distances, with explanations and analysis. obi. fol. Cambridge, 1879 Pearson (William) : An introduction to practical astronomy ; containing tables recently computed, for facilitating the reduction of celestial observations, and a popular explanation of their construction and use. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1824-29 Pechiile (C. P.) : Expedition Danoise pour I'observation du passage de Venus, 1882 ; publie par ordre du ministers de I'lnstruction Pu- blique. 8vo. Copenhague, 1883 Peck (William) : The coming transit of Venus on December 6, 1882, illustrated with charts and diagrams. 4to. Edinburgh, 1882 Peirce (Benjamin) : : *The latitude of the Cambridge Observatory in Massa- chusetts. 4to. Cambridge, 1846 : Tables of the moon, constructed from Plana's theory, with Airy's and Longstreth's corrections, Hansen's two inequali- ties of long period arising from the action of Venus, and Hansen's values of the secular variations of the mean motion and of the motion of the perigee. Arranged in a form designed by Benjaiijin Peirce .... under the superin- tendence of C. H. Davis. 4to. Washington, 1853 : TaVjles of the moon's parallax, constructed from Walker's and Adams's formulte, arranged as a supplement to the first edition of Peircu's Tables of the Moon, under the superin- tendence of C. H. Davis. 4to. Washington, 1854 — ' — : Phy.sical and celestial mechanics, .... developed in four 2/8 Peirce (Benjamin) — continued. systems of analytic mechanics, celestial mechanics, potential physics, and analytic morphology : [Part i], A system of analytic mechanics. 4to. Boston, 1855 Peirce (C. S.) : : The papers on logic, read before the American Academy of Sciences, 1867. 8vo. 1867 : Photometric researches, see Harvard College Observatory. : Eilipticity of the earth, see U.S. Coast Survey. Pekin : Observationes astronomicse ab anno 1717 ad annum 1752 a patribus Societatis Jesu Pekini Sinarum factse, et a Augus- tino Hallerstein .... collectse atque operis editionem ad fidem autographi manuscripti curante Maximiliano Hell. 2 parts, 4to. Yindobonse, 1768 Pemberton, (Henry) : : A view of Sir Isaac Newton's philosophy. 4to. London, 1728 : See also Robins (B.) Penny Cyelopsedia (the; of the Society for the diffusion of Use- ful Knowledge. 27 vols. I'oy. 8vo. 1833-43 : Supplement. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. 1851 : Second supplement. roy. 8vo. 1858 Penrose (Francis Cranmer) : On a method of predicting by graphical construction occulta- tions of stars by the moon, and solar eclipses, for any given place .... fol. London, 1869 Peralta (Pedro de) : Observationes astronomicse habitse Limse. (Observatio Lunaris deliquii . . . . 17 17.) 4to. Limse, 17 17 Parigal (Henry) : : Experimental researches in kinematics, designed to exem- plify and elucidate the laws of motion, by the organical development of their representative, or characteristic curves, the resultants of combinations of movements. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1838-42 : Notes on the kinematic effects of revolution and rotation with reference to the motions of the moon and of the earth. - 8vo. London, 1846-49 : The Moon controversy: facts v. definitions. 8vo. London, 1856 : Revolution and rotation. 8vo. 1864 : On the misuse of technical terms. (Rotation and revolu- tion.) 8vo. n.d. ; Classification of bi-circloids, curves of two curvatures (in the same plane), the resultants of two circular movements. 8vo, n.d. Perigaud ( — ) et Maurice Loewy : : '^Determination de la flexion .... du cercle meridien de Bischoffsheim. 4to. Paris, 1881 : *Etude des flexions du grand cercle meridien. 4to. Paris, 1881 2/9 Peri6dico Mensiial de Ciencias Matomaticas y Fisicaa. Tomo I, No. 1-6. 4to. Cadiz, 1848 Perlachius (Andreas) : Ephemerides .... pro anno . . . . 1531. 4to. [Yieunse Austrise, 1530] Perrey (Alexis^i : : Determination de I'orbite d'une etoile d'un syst^me binaiie dans son mouvement autour de I'autre. 4to. Dijon, 1837 : Theorie du mouvement d'un coi-ps solide autour d'un point fixe. 4*0. Dijon, 1838 : *Sur la determination de I'orbite des planetes et des com^tes. Bvo. Paris [1853] Perrier (Franpois) et Maurice Loewy : *Determination telegrapbique de la difference de longitude entre Paris et . . . . Alger. 4to. Pax-is, 1877 Perrotin (J.) : Visite k divers observatoires d'Europe : notes de voyage. 8vo. Paris, 1881 Perry (Stephen Joseph) : : *Notes of a Voyage to Kerguelen Island to observe the transit of Venus, December 8, 1874. 8vo. Roehampton, 1876 : Report on the meteorology of Kerguelen Island. 4to. London, 1879 Pesaro, Osservatorio Meteorico e Magnetico Valerio : Bullettiuo Mensile. Serie 2, Vol. i. 4to. Bologna, 1875 Pesth, see Buda-Pesth. Petavius (Dionysius) : Uranologion, sive systema variorum authorum qui de sphan-a ac sideribus, eorumque motibus Grse^ie commentati sunt. Sunt autem horum libri : Gemini 1 Isagogc ad Arati } Achillis Tatii J Plisenomena. Ilipparclii libri tres, ad Aratum. PtolemcEi de apparentiis. Theodori Gazse, de Mensibus. Maxirai -« Isaaci Argyri duplex \ Computi. S. Andrese Crotensis J Acesserunt variarum dissertationuiu libri oeto. 2 parts in i vol. fol. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1630 Peters (^ Christian August Friedrich) : : *Numerus constans nutationis ex ascensionibus rectis stellae polaris in Specula Dorpatensi annis 1822 ad i838observatis deductus. 4to. Petropoli, 1842 : *Uber Professor Madler's Untersuchungen liber die eigenen Bewegungen dor Fixsterne. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1848 : *Recherches sur la parallaxe des ctoiles fixes. 4to. St. Pdtersboui'g, 1848 : *Ueber Bessels Bestimmung der Parallaxe von 61 t-ygni 28o Poters (Christian August Friedrioh.)— continued. aus Beobachtungen am Heliometer der Konigsberger 8tern- warte. 8vo. [St. Petersbourg], 1849 : Ueber'die eigene Bevvegung des Sirius. [Inaugural-Disser- ■ tation.] 4to. Konigsberg, 1851 ■ • : *Bestimmung der Abweichungen des Greenwicher Passagen- Instruments vom Meridiane, t'iii' deu Zeitraum vom 2. Sep- tember 1750 bis zum 16. Jali 1762. 4to. Danzig, 1855 : Zeitschrift fiir populiire Mittlieilungen aus dem Grebiete der AstronoQiie uiid verwaudter Wissenschaften. Band I, 2. 8vo. Altona, 1860-63 : Ueber die Bestimmung des Langenunterschiedes zwisclien Altona und Schwerin, ausgefiihrt im Jahre 1858 durch galvanisclie Signale. 4to. Altona, 186 1 : Bestimmung des Langenunterschiedes zwischen den Stern- warten von Kopenhagen und Altona. 4to. Kjobenhavn, 1877 Peters (C. P. WJ : *Resultate aus Pendelbeobachtungen. 2 parts. 4to. Kiel, 1880 Peters (C. H. P.) : Celestial charts made at the Litchfield Observatory of Hamilton College, Clinton, N.Y. No. 1-20. obi. fol. n.d. Petit (Pr6d.6ric) : Ti'aite d'Astronomie pour les gens du monde, avec des notes complementaires pour les candidats au Baccalaureat, aux Ecoles speciales et a la licence es Sciences mathematiques. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1866 Petit (P.), see Du Hamel (J . B.). Petrosemolo (G.) : : *Sulla determinazlone del segno di dS nell' equazione delle altezze corrispondenti. 8vo. Livorno, 1880 : *Dimostrazione elementare di un nuovo metodo di J. J. Astrand per la ridnzione della distanza lunare. 8vo. Livorno, 1880 : *Dimostrazione del metodo di Lyon per la riduzione delle distanze lunari, e formole per calcolare la tavola occorrente. 8vo. Livorno, 1881 Peurbach, see Purbach. Pew (Richard): Observations on the art of making gold and silver ; or the probable means of replenitshing the nearly exhausted mines of Mexico, Peru, and Potosi. 4to. Salisbury, 1796 Pezelius ( Christopher) : Prsecepta genethliaca, sive de prognosticandis hominum nativitatibus commentarius eruditissimus. 4to. Francofurti, 1607 Pfaff ^ J. W.^ : : Das Licht und die Weltgegenden, samt einer Abhandlung liber Planeten-Conjunctionen und den Stern der drey Weisen. 8vo. Bamberg. 1821 28l Pfaff (J. W.^—conUnucd. : De dimensione coeli secundum principia W. Hersclielii. [luaugural dissertation.] 4to. Edangae, 1S25 : W. Herschels Entdeckungen und die Fortschiitte seiner Zeitgenossen in der Astronomie und den ihr verwandten Wissenscliafteu. Erste Abtheilung. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1828 Pfeil (L. von) : Kometische Strbmungen auf der Erdoberflache. 8vo. Berlin, 1879 PMladelphia, Academy of Natural Sciences : Proceedings, 1862-70. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1862-70 Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society . . . for promoting useful knowledge : Transactions, Yol. 1-6. 4to. Philadelphia, 1 789-1 809 New Series, Yol. 1-15. 4to. Philadelphia, 1818-81 Proceedings, 1838-82. A'^ol. 1-20. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840-83 : Catalogue of the Library. Pai-t 1-3. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1868-78 Philadelphia, Franklin Institute : Journal, Third Series. Yol. 21-87. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1851-84 Philadelphia, Magnetic and Meteorological Observatory at the Girard College : *Discussion of the magnetic and meteorological observations made .... 1840-45. By A. D. Bache. 4to. Washington, 1859-62 Phillippes (Henry) : The geometrical sea-man ; or the art of navigation performed by Geometry .... Second edition. 4to. London, i6[57] Phillips (John): *Xotices of some parts of the surface of the Moon. 4to. London [1868] Phillips Lawrence Barnett) : Horological rating tables for ascertaining the daily rate of watches and chronometers. 4to. London, 187 1 Phillips (Richard) : : Twelve essays on the proximate causes of the material phe- nomena of the universe. 8vo. London, 182 1 : Natural philosophy. 8vo. London, 1827 : Protest against the prevailing pi-inciples of natural philo- sophy, with developement of a common-sense system. 8vo. London, n.d. : Additional protest in regard to Kepler's laws, especially the first. Svo. London [1830] : Essay on the physico-astronomical causes of the geological changes on the earth's surface, and of tlie clianges in terres- trial temperature. . . . With a preface by W. D. Saull. Svo. London [1832] 282 Phillips (William) : Eight familiar lectures on Asti-onomy, intended as an intro- duction to the science, for the use of young persons, and others not conversant with the mathematics. 8vo. London, 1S17 Philosophical Magazine : : Comprehending the various branches of Science, the liberal and fine arts, agriculture, manufactures and commerce. By Alexander Tilloch. Vol. 1-42. 8vo. London, 1798-1813 : Philosophical Magazine and Joui-nal, comprehending the variovis branches of Science, the liberal and fine arts, agri- culture, manufactures and commerce. By Alexander Til- loch (and Richard Taylor). Vol. 43-68. 8vo. London, 1814-26 : See Journal of Natural Philosophy. : Philosophical Magazine, or annals of chemistry, mathe- matics, astronomy, natural history and general science. By Richard Taylor and Richard Phillips. (New and united series of the Philosophical Magazine and Annals of Philo- sophy.) Vol. i-ii. 8vo. London, 1827-32 : See Annals of Philosophy. • : General Index to the Philosophical Magazine, or annals of chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, natural history and general science. Vol. i-ii. (United series of the Philo- sophical Magazine and Annals of Philosophy.) 8vo. London, 1835 : The London and Edinburgh (and Dublin) Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. Conducted by Sir David Brewster, Richard Taylor, Richard Phillips (and Sir Robert Kane). New and united series of the Philosophical Magazine, (Annals of Philosophy) and Journal of Science. Vol. 1-37. 8vo. London, 1832-50 : See Edinburgh Philosophical Journal. : General Index to the London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. Vol. 1-12 (1832-1838). 8vo. London, 1839 ; The London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Maga- zine and Journal of Science. Conducted by Sir D. Brew- ster, R. Taylor, R. Phillips, Sir R. Kane, and W. Francis. Fourth Series. Vol. 1-50. 8vo. London, 1851-75 : Ditto. Conducted by Sir R. Kane, Sir W. Thomson, and W. Francis. Fifth Series. Vol. 1-17. 8vo. London, 1876-84 Phipps (Constantine John) : A voyage towards the North Pole, 1773. 4to. London, 1774 Photographic Journal (Journal of the Photographic Society). Vol. 1-16. 8vo. London, 1854-76 : Including the Transactions of the Photographic Society. New Series. Vol. 1-8. Svo. London, 1877-84 Piazzi (Giuseppe) : ; Pra^cipuarum stellarum inerrantium positiones mediae 2S3 Piazzi (Gi\isep-pe)—co>itim(ed. ineunte seculo XIX. Ex observatiouibus liabitis in specula Panormitana ab anno 1792 ad annum 1S02. fol. Panormi, 1803 : Praecipuarum stellarum inerrantium positiones mediae ineunte saeculo XIX. Ex observationibus habitis in specula Panormitana ab anno 1792 ad annum 181 3. fol. Panormi, 1814 : *Furtlier list of errors in Piazzi's Catalogue of Stars. 8vo. London : See also Bianchi (G.) ; Littrow (K. L.) ; Palermo, Specola Astronomica. : *Saggio sui movimenti proprii delle Fisse. 4to. Bologna, 1804 [ ]: Delia Cometa del 1811. Osservata nella specola di Palermo dai 9 Settembre ai 11 Gennaro 181 2 8vo. Palermo, [1812] : Lehrbucli der Astronomie .... Aus dem Italienischeu libersetzt von J. H. Westpbal. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1822 : Eloges sur, see Campagna (G.) ; Filipponi (A.) Piazzi (Giuseppe) e Oriani (Barnaba) : *'Corrispondenza Astronomica. 4to. Milano, 1874 Picard (Jean), P. L. M. de Maupertuis [and others] : Degre du Meridian entre Paris et Amiens, determine par la mesure de M. Picard, et par les observations de M'"^ de Maupertuis, Claii-aut, Camus, Le Monnier. 8vo. Paris, 1740 Piccolomini (Alessandro) : : De la sfera del Mondo libri qvattro : . . . De le stelle fisse libro vno, con le sve figvre e con le sve tauole. 4to. Venetia, 1548 : La prima parte dele Theoriche o vero speculationi dei pianeti. 4to. Vinegia, 1558 • ; De le stelle fisse libro vno, dove di tvtte le xlviii immagin celesti minutissimamente si tratta . . . . et oltre a questo ci son tavole, con nuoua inuention fabricate. 4to. Venetia, 1570 Pick (Adolf Jos.) : *Uber die Sicherheit barometriscber Hohenmessungen. 8vo. Wien, 1855 Pickering (Edward C.) : : *Dimensions of tbc fixed stars, with especial reference to binaries and variables of the Algol type. 8vo. Cambridge, 1880 *]Srew planetary Nebulaj. 8vo. New Haven, 1880 *Large telescopes. 8vq, Boston, 1881 *Variable Stars of short peinod. 8vo. Cambridge, i88i *A plan for securing observations of the variable stars. 8vo. Cambridge, 1882 *The wedge photometer. 8vo. 1882 ^Observations of the transit of Venus, December 5 and 6, 1882, made at the Harvard College Observatory. 8vo. Cambridge, 1883 *Mouutain Observatories. 8vo. 1883 284 Pickering (Edward C.)—co7iti)med. : First circular of instructions for observers of variable stars. 8vo. 1883 : *Sir William Herschel's observations of variable stars. 8vo. 1884 : See Harvard College Observatory. Pickering (Edward C), Arthur Searle & O. C. Wendell: *Pliotoraetric measurements of the variable stars j] Persei and D.M. 81° 25' made at the Harvard College Observatory. 8vo. Cambridge, 1881 Pickering (John) : Eulogy on Nathaniel Bowditch .... including an analysis of his scientific publications. 8vo. Boston, 1838 Pickering (William H.) : *Photometric researches. 8vo. Cambridge [U.S.], 1880 Piddington (Henry) : • : *E,esearches on the gale and hurricane in the Bay of Bengal, June 3-5, 1839. 8vo. Calcutta, 1839 : Notes on the law of storms, as applying to the tempests of the Indian and Chinese seas. 8vo. Calcutta, 1840 Piedmont and Savoy : Operations geodesiques et astronomiques pour la mesure d'un arc du parallele moyen, executees en Piemont et en Savoie par une Commission composee d'officiers et d'astronomes Piemontais et Autrichiens, en 1821-23. 2 vols. 4to, Milan, 1825 Pietermaritzburg : Meteorological Observations made .... during 1863-65. (By R J. Mann.) fol. Pigorini (Pietro) : *]S'ecrologia del Prof. A. Colla. 8vo. Parma, 1857 Pihl (O. A. L.) : : Micrometric examination of stellar cluster in Perseus. 4to. Christiania, 1869 — ' — : *0n magnets. 8vo. Christiania, 1878 Pilarik (Esaias) et Matthias a Schmidegg: Dissertatio astronomica de eclipsi Lun^e. [Inaugural Disser- tation.] 4to. Wittebergae, 1680 Pina Vidal (Adriano August© de) : Tratado elemeiitar de optica. 8vo. Lisboa, 1874 Pingr6 (Alex. Guillaume) : Cometogi'aphie, on traite historique et theoi'ique des cometes. 2 vols. 4to. Pai-is, 1783-84 Pisa: Observationes siderum habitiB Pisis in Specula Academica ab anno Lxxiv ad annum xc vertentis sseculi xvm .... in lucem editaj a Josepho (et Francisco) Slop de Cadenberg. 4 vols. 4to. Pisis, 1778-95 Pitattis (Petrus) : Almanach Novvm .... snperadilitis annis qninque snpra ultimas hactenus in lucem editas loannis Stcefleri Eplie- meridas 1551 ad fiiturun^ Christi annum 1556. Isagogica in coelestem Astronomicam disciplinam ; tractatus tres per- breues de electiouibus, renolutionibns annorum, & mutatione seris : item horarise tabulas. 4to. Tubiugse, 1544 Pitiseus (Bartholomseus) : : Trigonometrife,- sive de dimensione triangulorum libri qninque ; item problematum variorum, nempe geodseticorum, altimetricorum, geograpliicorum, gnomonicorum, asu'onomi- corum libri decern .... Editio secunda (access. Canon Triangulorum). 2 parts, 4to. Augustas Yindelicorum, 1608 (1609) : Ditto. Editio tertia, cui recens accessit problematum archi- tectonicorum liber unus. 3 parts, 4to. Francofurti, 161 2 Pittei (Costantino) : : *Ricordo del Prof. G. B. Donati. 8vo. Firenze, 1873 : *Congresso Tnternaz'onale di Meteorologia a Roma. 8vo. Roma, 1879 : Rapports presentes au deuxieme Congres Meteorologiqiie International de Rome. 8vo. Florence, 1879 Plana (Giovanni) : : *Memoire sur I'iutegration de I'equation lineaire y^) • • • ' d7n + -^"-_lrf7^ + ^n-2rf^^ • ■ • • +A^-~ + Ao = A dans le cas particulier oii le polynome ^=s" + Jn_,sn-' 4-yln_2^n-2 .... + ^ (2 + Jq ^nferme un nombre quelconque de racines egales. 4to. Torino, 1826 : *Note sur un memoire de M. de Laplace, ayant pour titre : Sui' les deux grandes inegalites de Jupiter et Saturne. 4to. Torino 1827 : "•'^Memoire sur la partie coefficient de la grande inegalite de Jupiter et Saturne qui depend du carre de la force pertur- batrice. 2 parts, 4to. Turin, 1828-29 : *Methode elementaire pour decouviir et demontrer la pos- sibilite des nouveaux theoremes sui» la theorie dea trans- cendantes elliptiques publics par M. Jacobi. 4to. Torino 1829 : *Memoire sur le developpement des termes du cinquieme ordre qui font partie du coefficient de la grande inegalite de Jupiter et Saturne. 4to. Turin, 1832 : Theorie du rnouvement de la lune. 3 vols. 4to. Turin, 1832 : *Memoire sur le rnouvement d'un pendule dans un milieu resistant. 4to. Turin, 1835 : *Memoire sur trois integrales definies. 4to. Bruxelles, 1837 : *Memoire .sur une nouvelle maniere de determiner les integrales definies .... 8vo. Bruxelles, 1837 : ^Memoire sur la chaleur des gaz permanens. 4to. Tiiiiii, 1842 ; *Recherches analytiqucs sur la decouverte de la loi dc la 286 Plana (Gioyanni)— continued. pesanteur des planetes vers le soleil, et sur la theorie de leur mouvement elliptique, 4to. Turin, 1S48 : *Memoire sur I'equation seculaire du moyen mouvement de la lune. 4to. Turin, 1856 : *Memoire sur un rapprochement nouveau eutre la theorie moderne de la propagation lineaire du son, .... et la theorie des pulsions, exposee par Newton. 4to. Turin, 1857 : *Memoire sur le mouvement conique a double courbure d'un pendule simple dans le vide. 4to. Turin, 1858 *Note sur le proees de Galilee. 4to. Turin, 1858 *Memoire sur la theorie des nombres. 4to. Turin, i860 [Four letters to Sir J. W. Lubbock on the secular accelera- tion.] 4to. Turin, i860 : *Ileflexions svir les objections soulevees par Arago contre la priorite de Galilee pour la double dccouverte des taches solaires noires et de la rotation uniforme du globe du Soleil. 4to. Turin, i860 : *Memoire sur I'integration des equations diiferentielles relatives au mouvement des cometes etablies suivant I'hypothese de la force repulsive definie par Monsieur Faye, et suivant I'hypothese d'un milieu resistant dans I'espace. 4to. Turin, 1861 : *Memoire sur laloi du refroidissement des corps spheriques, et sur I'expression de la chaleur solaire dans les latitudes circumpolaires de la terre. 4to. Turin, 1863 : *Memoire sur I'expression du rapport, qui {abstraction faite de la chaleur solaire) existe, en vertu de la chaleur d'origine, entre le refroidissement de la masse totale du globe terrestre et le refroidissement de sa surface. 4to. Turin, 1863 Planets (Method of Finding the Rotary Motions of the). 8vo. Circular, n.d. Plantamour (Emile) : : *Sur la determination des hauteurs par le barometre. 8vo. Geneve, 1855 : *De la temperature k Geneve d'apr^s vingt annees d'obser- vations (1836 ^1855). 4to. Geneve, 1857 *Note sur la comete de Donati. 8vo. Geneve, 1858 *Mesures hypsometriques dans les Alpes. 4to. Geneve, i860 *Observation de I'eclipse totale de soleil du 18 Juillet i860 a Castellon de la Plana (Espagne). 8vo. Geneve, i860 Du climat de Geneve. 4to. Geneve, 1863 *Note sur les variations periodiques de la temperature et de la pression atmospherique au Grand St.-Bernard. 8vo. Geneve, 1862 *E.echerches sur la distribution de la temperature a la sur- face de la Suisse pendant I'hiver 1863-64. 8vo. Zurich, 1864 *Experiences faites a Geneve avec le pendule a reversion. 4to. Geneve, 1866 *Des anomalies de la temperature observees a Geneve .... 1826-65. 4to. Geneve, 1867 28; Plantamour (Eraile)— co«.'<«?w(/. : Nouvelles experiences faites avec le peiidule a reversion, et determination de la pe.santenr a Geneve et au Kiglii-Kuhn. 4to. Geneve 1872 : Observations faites dans les stations astronomiques Suisses. 4to. Geneve, 1S73 : Recherches experimentales sur le mouvement simultane d'uu pendule et de ses supports, 4to. Geneve, 1878 : See Geneva Observatory ; Hirsch et Plantamour. Plantamour (Emile) et A. Hirsch : Determination telegraphiqvie de la difference de longitude entre des stations Suisses. 4to. Geneve, 1872 Plantamour (Emile) et Moritz Low : Determination telegraphique de la difference de longitude entre Geneve et Sti'asbourg, executeeen 1876. 4to. Geneve, 1879 Plantamour (Emile) et Colonel von Orff: Determination telegrapbique de la difference de longitude entre les Observatoires de Geneve et de Bogenliausen, pros Munich, executee en 1877. 4to. Geneve, 1879 Plantamour (Emile) et Rudolf Wolf: Determination telegraphique de la difference de longitude entre I'Observatoire de Zurich et les stations astronomiques du Pfcinder et du Gabris. 4to. Geneve, 1877 Plantamour (Emile), R. Wolf et A. Hirsch: Determination telegraphique de la difference de longitude entre la station astronomique du Righi-Kulm et les obser- vatoires de Zurich et de Neuchatel. 4to. Gen6ve, 187 1 Plantamour (Ph.): *Sur le deplacement de la bulle des niveaux a bulle d'air. 4to. Paris, 1878 Plarr (Gustavo): : Essai d'une thcorie de la figure de la teri^e, basce sur le calcul de I'attractiou des spheroides heterogenes. [Inau- gural Dissertation.] 4to. Strasbourg, 1850 : Sur le calcul de la clialeur solaire i-ec^Mie en un point quel- conque de la sm-facc de la terre, dans I'hypothese d'une ab- sorption de la chaleur par I'atmosphere. 4to. Paris [1856] Playfair (^ James) : A system of chronology. fol. Edinburgh, 1784 (Playford, John) : Yade niecum, or the necessary companion. Containing Sir S. !Morhind's perpetual almanac [etc.]. Bvo. London, 1680 Pliny iPlinius Secundus): The historic of the world, commonly called the Natvrall His- lovie of C. Plinivs Secvndvs. Translated into English ])y Philemon Holland. 2 vols, in i, fol. London, t6oi 28S Pluchc, (Noel Ant.) : [ ] : Spectacle de la nature, or nature delineated, being philoso- phical conversations .... translated by J. Kelly, D. Bellamy, and J. Sparrow. Third edition. 5 vols. 1 2 mo. London, 1743-53 : The history of the heavens, considered according to the notions of the Poets and Philosophers, compared with the docti'ines of Moses .... Translated . . . . by J. B. de Freval. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1752 Plummer (John Isaac) : Introduction to Astronomy for the use of science classes and elementary and middle-class schools. 8vo, Glasgow, 1876 Plummer (William E.) : *Ontheorbitof Denning'sComet(i88i,V). 4to. Dublin, [1884] Pogson (Norman R.) : : *0n the Madras survey of the southern heavens. 8vo. Madras, 1863 : See also Madras Observatory. Pohl (Joseph Johann) : *Beobachtungen wiihrend der Sonnenfinsterniss am 2 8ten Juli 1 85 1. 8vo. Wien, 1852 Pohl (Joseph Johann) und J. Schabus : ■ : *Tafeln zur Vergleichung und Reduction der in verschie- denen Langenmassen abgelesenen Barometerstilnde. 8vo. Wien, 1852 : *Tafeln zur Reduction der in Millimetern abgelesenen Barometerstande auf die Normaltemperatur von 0° Celsius. 8vo. Wien, 1852 Pointer (John): A rational account of the weather, shewing the signs of its several changes and alterations, together with the philo- sophical reasons of them. 8vo. Oxford, 1723 Poisson (Simeon Denis) : : *Analyse de la partie du traite sur la chaleur de M. Poisson qui se rapporte a la chaleur terrestre. 8vo. Geneve, 1835 : Discours prononce aux obseques de M. le Marquis de Laplace. 4to. [Paris, 1827] Pole (William): : *Memoranda on the great Comet of 1844-45. 8vo. [Bombay], 1845 : *Description of the prismatic clinometer, a new pocket instrument for measuring vertical angles. 8vo. London, 1853 : *]Srarrative of the Astronomical expedition to Spain for observing the total Eclipse of the Sun, July 18, i860. 8vo. London, 1860 Poll (Giuseppe Saverio) : Elementi di Fisica sperimentale. 4 vols. 8vo. Venezia, 181 9 Polydore (Epaminondas En.): Explication du calendrier- perpetuel (dunouveau style) i'i deux couleurs. i2mo. Smyrne, 1882 289 [Pombrient (I'Abbe de)] : ISTouvelles vues sur le systeme de I'univers. Svo. Paris, 1751 Pond (John) : Observations and Catalogue, see Greenwich. Pontanus (Joannes Jovianus) : Liber de Meteoris : cum interpretatione Viti Amerbachij. Svo. Argentorati, 1539 Pontdcoulant (Philippe Giistave Doulcet de) : : A history of Halley's Comet ; with an account of its return in 1835, and a chart, showing its situation in the heavens. Ti'anshited .... by C. Gohl. i2mo. London, 1835 : *Memoire sur la theorie de la lune, et specialement sur les inegalites lunaires k longues periodes. Svo. Paris, 1S37 : Traite elementaire de physique celeste, ou precis d'Astro- nomie theorique et pratique, servant d'introduction a I'etude de cette science. 2 vols. Svo. Pai-is, 1840 : Populare Astronomie fiir Alle, welche ohne mathematische Vorkenntniss liber die Einrichtung des Weltgebiiudes theoretisch und praktisch vollkommen belehrt sein wollen. . . . Aus dem Franzosischen von F. Nork. 2 vols. i2mo. Stuttgart, 1846 : Theorie analytique du systeme du monde. 4 vols. (Vol. I and 2, second edition). Svo. Paris, 1856-46 : *Notice sur la comete de Halley et sur ses apparitions successives de 1531 a 19 10. 4to. Paris, 1S64 Porro (J.) : La Tacheometrie, ou I'art de lever des plans et de faire les nivellements avec beaucoup de precision, et une economie de temps considerable. Nouvelle edition. Svo. Paris, 1 85 8 Porta (Joannes Baptista) : De ^'Eris transmutationibus libri iiii. 4to. Roma^, 16 14 Portius (Leonardus) : De Sestertio, Talentis, Pecunijs, ponderibus, mensuris, stipen- dijs militaribus antiquis, ac provinciarum regum populi Romani .... libri duo. 4to. n.d. Portraits : Volume contiiining various portraits (chiefly of Astronomers) and other prints. fol. Postcl (Guillaume) : Signorvm Coelestivm vera configvi-alio avt asterisraus, stella- rumve per suas imagines aut coufigurationes dispositio, it in eum ordinem quern illis Deus piiefixerat, restitutio et significationum expositio. 4to. Parisiis, 1553 Potsdam, Astrophysikalisches Observatorium : I'ulilicationcn. Land 1-3. 4to. Potsdam, 1879 83 Potter (John): : A system of practical mathematics. Svo. London, 1753 : Ditto. Second edition. Svo. fiOndon, 1757 u 290 Poullet-Delisle (A. Ch. M.) : Application de I'algfebre u la geometrie, 8vo. Paris, 1809 Powalky (Carl R.) : : Neiie Untersuclinng des Yenusdurchganges von 1769 ziir Bestimmung der Sonnenparallaxe. [Inaugural-Dissertation.] 4to. Kiel, 1864 : ^Discussion nouvelle du passage de Venus de 1769, en vue de la determination de la parallaxe Solaire. 8vo. Paris, 1 865 : See also United States Coast Sui-vey. Powell (Baden) : : A general and elementary view of the undulatory theory, as applied to the dispersion of light, and some other subjects. 8vo. London, 1841 : *0n necessary and contingent truth, considered in regard to some primary principles of mathematical and mechanical science. 8vo. Oxford, 1849 Power (Henry) : Experimental Philosophy, in three hooks, containing New Experiments, INIicroscopical, Mercvirial, Magnetical. 4to. London, 1664 Prague, K. K. Sternwarte: : Magnetische und meteorologische Beohachtungen, 1867-73. Jahrgang 28-34. 4*0. Prag, 1868-74 : Astronomische, magnetische und meteorologische Beohach- tungen, 1874-82. Jahrgang 35-43- 4*0. Prag, 1875-83 Pratt (Henry) : *0n the rotation- period of Jupiter. 8vo. London, 1880 *The belts of Saturn. 8vo. London, 1884 *Abnormal appearance of Jupiter's satellite IV while in transit on March 1 2 ; and occultations of \ Geminorum and K Cancri. 8vo. London, 1884 Pratt (Henry F. A.) : _ An eccentric and centric force : a new theory of projection. 8vo. London, 1862 Pratt (John H.) : A treatise on attractions, Laplace's functions, and the figure of the earth. Third edition. 8vo. Cambridge, 1865 Prescot (Bartholomew) : The system of the universe, in which the unchangeable obliquity of the ecliptic, the solar and lunar equations, deduced from circular orbits [Sur le chmat do la Belgique. [2 papers.] 4to. Bruxelles, 1849-57 : *Me]noire sur les variations periodiques et non periodiques de la temperature. 4to. IJruxelles, 1853 : *Siir la comcto do Donati. 8vo. ]>ruxell(\s, 1858 : *\'A-]i\>He de soleil du 15 Mars 1858. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1858 : llistf lire des Sciences mathematiques et physiques chez les Beiges. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1864 : Sciences mathematiques et physiques cliez les Beiges, au oommoncemcnt du xix'^ Sioclc. Svo. Hiuxelles, 1866 298 Quetelet (Lambert Adolphe Jacques)— continued. : Meteorologie de la Belgique comparee h celle du globe. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1867 *Sir John F. AV. Herschel. Svo. Bnixelles, 1870 *]S[otice sur Charles Babbage. Svo. Bruxelles, 1873 [16 paper-s on meteors from Brussels Acad. Bulletin.] Svo. Bruxelles, v.d. : *Simon Stevin. 4to. : Funerailles de. Svo. Bruxelles, 1874 Quintella (Ignacio da Costa) : Annaes de Marinha Portugueza. Primeira parte. Tomo 1,2. 4to. Lisboa, 1839-40 Racine (Ain6d6e) : Tables povir calculer la latitude d'un lieu par des observa- tions de la polaire. 4to. [Paris] 1824 Eadau (Rodolphe) : : *Sur un theoreme de mecanique. 4to. Paris, 1S6S : *Theor6me sur les equations ditfereutielles du premier ordre. 4to. Paris, 1868 : S'ee also Paris, Observatoire. Raganoothachary (Chintamanny) : : *0n the total eclipse of the sun on December the nth, 1 87 1, as visible in the Madras presidency. Svo. London, 187 1 : The Transit of Venus [in the form of a dialogvie] Svo. ; Ditto [in Hindustani and Telugu]. Svo. 1874 1874 Ragona-Scina (Domenieo) : : Relazione sulF ecclissi totale del Sole del 28 Luglio 1851, osservata in Rixthoft. Svo. Berlino [1851] : Osservazioni suUa seconda cometa del 1S54. 4to. Palermo, 1854 : Lezioni, memorie, ed articoli intorno a varii argomenti di astronomia sferica e teorica. Vol. i. Svo. Palermo, 1857 : * Ri vista meteorologica del 1857. Svo. 1857 : *Su taluni nuovi fenomeni di colorazione soggettiva. 4to. Palermo, 1858 • : *Sulla terza cometa del 1854 ; osservazioni e risultati. 4to. Palermo, 1858 : *Suir oculare a separazione di imaggini applicato all' equa- toreale del R. Osservatorio di Modena. Svo. Cherbourg, 1867 : *Stelle meteoriche di Agosto 1867. 4to. Roma, 1S67 : See also Palermo, Specola Astronomica. Rambosson (J.) : Astronomy .... translated by C. B. Pitman. Svo. London, 1875 Ramchundra : ': A treatise on problems of maxima and minima, solved by algebra. Svo. Calcutta, 1S50 : Ditto. Reprinted .... under the superintendence of Augustus de Morgan, Svo. London, 1859 299 Eamsay (Alexander), see Scientific Eoll. Ramsbottoni iRichard) : Fvactions anatomized, or the doctrine of parts made plain and easy to the meanest capacity. 12 mo. Loudon, 1762 Ramsden (Jesse) : : Description of an engine for dividing mathematical instru- ments. 4to. London, 1777 : Description of an engine for dividing strait lines on mathe- matical instruments. 4to. London, 1779 Eansome (Arthur) and G. V. Vernon : *0n the influence of atmospheric changes upon disease. 4to. Manchester, 1861 Rantzovius (Henricns) : Catalogvs Impei-atorvm, Eegvm ac Principvm qui astrologi- cam artem amarunt, ornarunt & exercuerunt : quibus additse sunt astrological qutedam prredictiones .... Adiectvs est prajterea tractatus de annis climactericis .... edita a Theoj^hilo Silvio. 8vo. Antverpia?, 15 So Eanyard (Arthur Cowper) : : *Note on the presence of particles of meteoric dust in the atmosphere. 8vo. London, 1879 : Observations made during total solar eclipses, collated by A. C. R . . . (Mem. E.A.S., vol. 41.) 4to. London, 1879 Raper (Henry) : : Tables of logarithms to six places, containing logarithms of numbers from i to 10,000, and of sines, tangents and secants for every half-minute, with proportional parts for seconds. 8vo. London, 1846 : The practice of navigation and Nautical Astronomy {with supplement). 8vo. London, 1840 Ditto. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1842 Ditto. Third edition. 8vo. London, 1849 Ditto. Fonrth edition. 8vo. London, 1852 Ditto. Fifth edition. 8vo. London, 1856 Ditto. Sixth edition, Svo. London, 1857 Raphson (Joseph) : Historia fluxionum, sive tractatus originem & progressum peregregite istius methodi brevissimo compendio (et qunsi synoptice) exhibens. 4to. London, 17 15 Ransch (Chr.) : Populare Astronomie fiir Schule und Haus. Svo. Llibeck, 1853 Rayet (G.): : *Les cadrans solaires coniques. 8vo. Paris, 1875 : *]Aa,pport sur une mission astronomique en Italic. Svo. Paris, 1876 : *Obser\ations pluviomitriqnes et thermoraetriques faites dans le Departement de la Gironde, 1882-83. Svo. JJordeaux, 1S83 : Asti'onomic pratique et Observatoires, see Andrd et Rayet. 300 (Raymond H.) : Le(^ons d'un p6re a son fils, siir les syst^mes du monde ; ou I'hypothese Copernicienne demontrde par les machines de Loysel, avec explications. 8vo. Paris, 1805 Rebeur-Paschwitz (Ernst von) : Tiber die Bewegung der Kometen im widerstehenden Mittel, mit besonderer Berlicksiclitigimg der sonnenaaheu Kome- ten. Inaugural-Dissertation. 4to. Berlin, 1883 Reccard (Gotthilf Christian) : Abhandlung vou der gi-ossen Sonnen-Finsterniss welche sich im Jahr 1764 ereignen wird. 4to. Berlin, 1763 Recorde (Robert) : [ ] : The whetstone of witte, whlche is the seconde parte of Arithmetlke ; containyng thextraction of Bootes : the Cossike practise, with the rule of Equation, and the woorkes of surde nombers. 4to. London, 1557 : The pathewaie to knowledge, containyng the first principles of Geometrie, as thei male moste aptly bee applied vnto pi^actise, bothe for use of instrumentes Geometricall and Astronomicall ; and also for proiection of plattes of euery kinde. ... 2 jmrts, 4to. London, 1574 : Record's avithmetick, or the ground of arts .... augmented by John Dee, and since enlarged .... by John Mellis. 8vo. London, 165 8 Reddie (James) : : The mechanics of the heavens, and the new theories of the Sun's electro-magnetic and repulsive influence. 8vo. London, 1862 : Vis inertise victa, or fallacies affecting science : an essay towards increasing our knowledge of some physical laws. 8vo. Loudon, 1862 : Victoria toto ccelo ; or modern astronomy recast : being a paper on the theoretical motions of the Earth, Sun, Moon, and planets. 8vo. London, 1863 RedhilL Catalogue of 3735 circumpolar stars observed .... 1854-56 .... by B. C. Carrington. fol. London, 1857 Regiomontanns [Johann Mliiler] : : [E[)hemerides astronomicas, ab anno 1475 ^^ annum 1506.-] (Title wanting.) 4to. [Norimberga?] 1474 : Ephenierides (ab anno 1482 ad annum 1506). 4to. Venetiis (E. Ratdolt) 1481 : Tabule directionu profectionuque .... in natiuitatibus multum vtiles (composita^ 1467 : Joannis Angeli diligenti correctione). 4to. Augustas Vindelicorum (E. Batdolt), 1490 : Tabvlse diiectionvm profectionumque, non tam astrologise iudiciariaj, quam tabulis iustrumentisque innumeris fabri- candis utiles ac necessarise. Eiusdem .... tabvla sinuum, per singula minuta extensa .... 4to. Tubingse, 1550 : Ditto. 4to. Tubingse, 1559 : Disputationes contra Cremonensia deliramenta, & Tabula primi mobilis, see Purbach. 30I Regiomontanus [Johann 'M.iXllev]— continued. : See also Schoner ; Life, see Gassendi. Reich (Ferdinand) : : Fallversucbe iiber die Umdrehunsr der Erde ansestellt .... in dem drei Brliderscliachte bei Freiberg. 8vo. Freiberg, 1832 : *Neue Versuche mit der Drebwaage. Svo. Leipzig, 1S52 Reimann (Eugen) : Die Hbhenbestimmung der Sternscbnuppen. Svo. Breslau, 1870 Reinhold (Erasmus) : Prvtenicfe Tabvlte coelestivm motvvm. 4to. Tvbinga3, 155 1 Ditto. 4^0. Tvbingge, 1562 See also Sacrobosco ; Purbacb. Reinieri (.Vincentio) : 'J'abulaj motaiim cfelestium universales serenissimi macni ducis Etrurise Ferdiimndi II. auspiciis prime edita?, & Medicea^ nnncnpat;ie. Nunc vei'O aucta?, recognitje, atque . . . . D. Beruardini Fernandez .... jussu acsumptibn.s recusae. fob Florentine, 1647 Rois (Paul) : Die Sonne. Zwei pbysikabscbe Vortrage .... nebst einer neuen Sonnenflecken-Theorie. Svo. Leipzig, 1869 [Reisch (Gregorius)] : Margarita pbilosopbica, cu additionibus nouis ab auctore suo studiosissima reuisioe tertio superadditis. 4to. Basileae, 1508 Reitlinger (Edmund) : Jobannes Kepler : vier Biicber in drei Tbeilen .... vmter Mitwirkung von C. W. Neumann, .... und dem Heraus- geber, K. CIruner. Erster Tbeil, Svo. Stuttgart, 1868 Rensbergensis (Nieolaus): Astronomia Teutsch. 4to. Augspurg, 1568 Repulsion : A preliminary treatise on tbe law of repulsion as a universal law of nature ; in wbicb tbe Mosaic bistory of creation is vindicated and sustained. Svo. Pbiladelphia, 1S53 Resal (H.): Traits elementaire de mecanique celeste. Svo. Paris, 1865 Rcslhuber (Augustin) : : Die Constanten von Kremsmiinster. 4to. Linz, 1853 : *Uber das magnetiscbe 01)servatorium in Kremsmiinster, und die von den Jahren 1839-50 aus den Beobacbtungen al)geleiteten Resultate. 4to. Wien, 1854 : Bericlit iiljcr die Kometen von den Jabren 975, 1264 und 1556. Svo. Linz, 1857 : Ueber die Witterungs-Anzeigen in den Kalcndern. 4t(). r.inz, 1857 302 Reslhuber (AugvLstin)—co7iiinued. : *Leistungen eines nach der Erfindung des Herrn K. Kreil construirten Kupferdraht-Tliermometrograplien. 4to, Wien, 1858 : Untersuchungen liber den Druck der Liift. 8vo. Liuz, 1858 : *Bericht liber die am 21. vmd 29. Api-il 1859 zu Krems- mlinster beobachteten Nordlichter. 8vo. Wien, 1859 : *Berichfc liber die im Jahre 1859 auf dem magnetisclien Observatorium zu Kremsmiinster beobachteten Storungen. 8v-o. Wien, i860 : Magnetische Beobachtungen, see Kremsmiinster. Respighi (Lorenzo) : : *Sulle osservazioni circumzenitali delle stelle. 4to. Bologna, 1863 • : *Sulla latitudine dell' Qsservatorio di Bologna. 4to. Bologna, 1863 : *Intorno 1' influenza del moto dei mezzi rifrangenti sulla direzione dei raggi luminosi. 4to. Bologna, 1863 : *Sulla velocita della luce dedotta dagli eclissi dei satelliti di Giove, e dell' aberrazione delle stelle. 4to. Roma, 1868 : *Sulla latitudine dell' Osservatorio della Romana Univer- sitci sul Campidoglio. [2 papers.] 4to. Roma, 1868-77 : *Sulla scintillazione delle stelle. i, 2. 4to. Roma, 1868-69 : *Osservazioni degli spettri delle stelle per mezzo di un grande prisma applicato all' obiettivo dell' equatoriale dell' Osserva- torio del Campidoglio. 4to. Roma, 1869 : *Sulle osservazioni spettroscopicbe del bordo e delle protu- beranze solari, fatte all' Osservatorio del Camj)idoglio. (1-5, 7.) 4to. Roma, 1870-77 : *Sul cannocchiale zenitale dell' Osservatorio della R. Uni- versita sul Campidoglio. 4to. Roma, 1871 : *Osservazione dell' eclisse totale del 12 Dicembre 187 1 a Poodoocottali neir Indostan. 4to. Roma, 1872 : *Sulla nota del Prof. P. Seccbi intitolata ' Sull' ultima eclisse del 12 Dicembre 187 1.' 4to. Roma, 1872 : *Osservazioni del diametro solare fatte al R. Osservatorio del Campidoglio nel 1876, 4to. Roma, 1877 Reuss (August Christian) : Dissertatio physica de terr£e motuum caussis. [Inaugural Dissertation.] 4to. Tubingpe, 1773 Reuss (Jerem. Dav.) : Repertorium Commentationum a Societatibus litterariis edi- tarum secundum disciplinarum ordinem. 16 vols. 4to. Gottingae, 1801-21 Tomus I. Historia Naturalis. 2. Botanica et miueralogia. 3. Chemia. 4. Physica. 5. As.tronomia. 6. CEconomia. 7. Mathesis, mechanica, &c. 8. Historia, geographia, &c. 303 Reuss (Jerem. 'Da,v.)~coiiti>med. Tonms 9. Philologia, &c. IO-16. Scioutia et ars medica et chirurgica. Revue Scientifique de la France et de I'Etranger: : Serie 2. 1871-81. 19 vols. 4to. Paris, 1871-S0 : Serie 3. 1881-83. Tome 2-6. 4to. Paris, 1881-83 : Table des Matieres conteimes dans les 14 premiers vol mnes (1864 a 1874). 8vo. Paris, 1875 Rey (J.) : Himmel und Erde. Erste Einfiihrung in die Himmelskunde nnd in die matliematisehe Geographie. 8vo. Ziiricli, 1868 Reyer (Eduard) : Beitrag zur Physik der Eruptionen und der Eruptiv-Gresteine. 8vo. Wien, 1877 Reynard (Francis) : Geometria legitima, or an elementary system of theoretical geometry. 8vo. London, 1813 Rheinwald (Karl Christian), P. A, Oflfterdinger et J. H. Doerner : De influxu Lunte in partes Terrse mobiles. [Inaugural-Dis- sertation.] 4to. Tubingre, 1769 Rhode (J. G.): Versucli liber das Alter des Thierkreises und den Ursprung der Sternbilder. 4to. Breslau, 1809 Rieca (Vincenzo Saporito) : La corona solare e Fecclissedel 22 Dicembre 1870. 4to. Palermo, 187 1 Riccioli (Giovanni Battista) : : Almagestum novum, astronomiam veterem novamque com- plectens, observation! bus aliorum et propriis, novisque theo- rematibus problematibus ac tabulis promotam. Tomus I in 2 vols. fol. Bononije, 1653 (165 1) : Geographife et hydrographise reformatse libri duodecim. fol, Bononia3, 1661 : Astronomife reformatae tomi duo, quorum prior observa- tiones, hypotheses, et fandamenta tabularum, posterior prsecepta pro usu tabularum astronomicarum, et ijisas tabulas astronomicas cii continet. [Accedit catalogus fix- arum.] 2 vols. in I, fol. Bononias, 1665 : Argomento fisico mattematioo .... contra il moto diuinio della terra, confirmato con 1' occasione della risposta alle considerazioni sopra la forza dell detto argomento fatto da S, de gli Angeli. 4to. Bologna, 1668 Ricco (A.) : : *Osservazioni astrofisiche del pianeta Giove eseguite nel Ilegio O.sservatorio di Palermo. 4to. Roma, 1882 : *Osservazioni astrofisiche della grande Conieta del 1882, eseguite nel Regio Osservatorio di Palermo. 4to. Roma, 1883 304 Richards (T.) : New South Wales in 1881, being a brief statistical and de- scriptive account of the colony up to the end of the year. 8vo. Sydney, 1882 Riddle (Edward): : Observations on the present state of nautical astronomy. 8vo. London, 1821 : *Observations on the practical inutility of Messrs. Yarrow and Lynn's new methods of finding the longitude. 8vo. London, 1826 : *A description of Barclay's Hydrostatic Quadrant, and an account of observations made with it. 8vo. London, 1826 : A treatise on navigation and nautical astronomy .... with an extensive series of examples for exercise, and all the tables requisite in nautical computations. 8vo. London, 1824 Ditto. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1S31 Ditto. Third edition. 8vo. London, 1836 Ditto. Sixth edition. 8vo. London, 1855 Ditto. Seventh edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1859 Ditto. Eighth edition, revised by A. Escott. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1864 Riel (Karl): Die Sternenwelt in ihrer geschichtlichen Entfaltung .... Erste Abtheilung, der Fixsteiiihimmel. 8vo. Leipzig, 1866 Rigaxid (J.) : Stephen Peter "Rigaud .... A Memoir. 8vo. Oxford, 1883 Rigaud (^Stephen Peter) : ; Some account of Halley's Astronomise cometicje synopsis, which contains his investigation of the orbits of comets. 8vo. Oxford, 1835 : On the arenarius of Archimedes. 8vo. Oxford, 1837 : Historical essay on the first publication of Sir Isaac New- ton's Principia. 8vo. Oxford, 183S [ ] : Mean heights of the barometer and thermometer, with the fall of rain at the observatory, Oxford, during each month of the years 1828 to 1836. 8vo. : See also Bradley's miscellaneous works ; Macclesfield collec- tion. Rignano (Duca di) : *De' passaggi di Mercuric sul disco solare ed in ispecie di quello del 1832 osseryato in Poma nella Specola Massima. 8vo. Roma, 1835 Riha (J.): *Bericlit (3.) der zur Beobachtung der totalen Sonnenfin- sterniss des Jahres 1868 nach Aden unternommenen oster- reichischen Expedition. 8vo. Wien, 1868 Ringelberg (Joachim) : Institutiones Astronomicse ternis libris contentae. 8vo. Venetijs, 1535 305 Ringwood (Alexander) : Means by which the height of clouds can be obtained by one observer. i2ino. Adelaide, 1877 Rinonapoli (Michele) : *£rrori delle tavole lunari, dedotti dalle osservazioni dell' ecclisse solare del 28 Luglio 1851. 4to. Napoli, 1852 Rio de Janeiro, Observatoire Imperial : : Bulletin Astronomique et Met^orologique, 1881-83. 4to. Rio de Janeiro, 1881-83 : Annales .... Extrait du i"" volume (Passage de Mer- cure, ifec). Tome i. Description de I'Observatoire. 4to. Eio de Janeiro, 1881-82 : See also Cruls (L.). Riteliie (Frederick J.) : *Description of the clock-trigger for the time-gun signal in Edinburgh Castle. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1861 Ritgen (Ferd. Aug. Maria Fr. von) : Betrachtung der Kometen als Sterne in friiher Gestaltungs- zeit. 8vo. Giessen, i860 Ritter (Elie) : *]Srouvelle methode pour determiner les elements de I'orbite des astres qui circulent autour du soleil. 4to. Geneve, 1855 Rivard (Dominiqxie Francois) : : Trigonometrie rectiligne et spherique, avec la construction des tables des sinus, des tangentes, des secantes et des logarithmes. Troisifeme edition. 8vo. Paris, 1750 : Traite de la sphere et du calendrier, Septieme edition, revue et augmentee par Puissant. 8vo. Paris, 1816 Robert (Henri) : Les mouvements des corps celestes et les pinncipaux pheno- menes qui en resultent demontres a I'aide des appai-eils cosmographiques .... Deuxieme edition. 8vo. Paris, 185 2 Roberts (Edward^ : Tide- tables for the port of Hong Kong for the year 1883. 8vo. London. Roberts (Edward), A. W. Baird (& M. W. Rogers) : Tide- tables for the Indian ports for the years 1881-83. Svo. London. Robertson (Abram) : : Sectionum Conicarum libri septem ; accedit ti'aetatus do sectionil)us conicis, et de sciiptoribus (]ui earuni doctriuaiu tradiderunt. 4to. Oxonii, 1792 : A geometrical treatise of Conic Sections : .... to which is added a treatise on the primaiy properties of conchoids, the cissoid, the quadratrix, cycloids, the logarithmic curve, and the logarithmic, Archimedean and hyperbf)lic spirals. 8vo. Oxford, 1802 : Elements of Conic Sections deduced from the Cone, and designed as an introduction to the Newtonian philosophy. 8vo. Oxford, 181 8 3o6 Robertson (Frank) : Engineering Notes. 8vo. London, 1873 Robertson (John) : : A treatise of such mathematical instruments as are usually put into a portable case .... with a short account of the authors who have treated on the proportional compasses and sector. Second edition. Svo. London, 1757 : The elements of navigation ; containing the theory and practice ; with all the necessary tables. To which is added a treatise of marine fortifications .... Second edition. 2 vols, in I, Svo. London, 1764 Robins (Benjamin) : : A discourse concerning the nature and certainty of Sir Isaac Newton's method of fluxions, and of prime and ulti- mate ratios. Svo. London, 1735 : Mathematical tracts .... In two volumes. Yol. i, new principles of gunnery ; Vol. 2, discourse on the methods of fluxions, and of prime and ultimate ratios. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1761 Robins (Benjamin), Philalethes Cantabrigiensis and H. Pemberton : [A discussion relating to Sir Isaac Newton's method of fluxions, in a sei'ies of articles from ' The present state of the Republic of letters ' for 1735-37-] Svo. London, 1 735-37 Robinson (Christopher) : A view of Sir Isaac Newton's method for comparing the re- sistance of solids. Svo. London, 1734 Robinson (Thomas Romney) : : *0n the longitude of the Armagh Observatory, given by fifteen chronometers of Arnold and Dent, &c. 4to. Dublin, 1S39 : *0n the difference of longitude between the Observatories of Armagh and Dublin, determined by rocket signals. 4to. Dublin, 1840 : *An account of the Earl of Rosse's great telescope [2 papers]. Svo. Dublin, 1S47-50 : *Description of an improved anemometer for registering the direction of the wind, and the space which it traverses in given intervals of time. 4to. Dubhn, iS^^i : *0n the probable errors of the eye and ear in transit obser- vations. Svo. Dublin, 1853 • : *The speculum. [Article from ' Nichol's Physical Sciences.'] Svo. Glasgow. : Observations and Catalogues of stars, see Armagh Observa- tory. Robinson (Thomas Romney) and Thomas Grubb: *Description of the great Melbourne telescope. 4to. London, 1869 Robison (John) : : Elements of mechanical philosophy. Vol. i, including dynamics and astronomy, Svo. Edinburgh, 1804 307 Robison (John) — continued. : Ditto. With notes by David Brewster. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1822 Roblin t Justin) : Exjilication du zodiaque de Denderah, des pyramides et de la Genese. Svo. Caen, 1861 Robson (Thomas Charles) : A treatise on marine surveying. Svo. Edinburgh, 1S34 Roche (Edouard) : : *]Srote sur la variation de la pesanteur 4 I'intcrieur de la terre. 4to. Montpellier, 1855 : *Eeflexions sur la theorie des ph^nomenes cometaires k propos de la comete de Donati. Svo. Paris, i860 : *Kouvelles recherches sur la figure des atmospheres des corps celestes. 4to. Paris, 1862 : Recherches sur les offascations du soleil et les meteores cosmiques. 4to. Paris, 1868 : See also Paris, Observatoire. Rodwell (George Farrer) : A dictionary of science, comprising astronomy, chemistry, dynamics, electricity, heat, hydrodynamics, hydrostatics, light, magnetism, mechanics, meteorology, pneumatics, sound, and statics. Preceded by an essay on the history of the physical sciences. Svo. London, 1871 Roger (Emile) : Eecherches sur le systeme du monde. 4to. Paris, 1862 Rogers (William A.) : : *The determination of geographical latitude from observa- tions in the prime vertical. Svo. N"ew Haven, 1869 : *0n the variability of personal equation in transit observa- tions. Svo. New Haven, 1869 : *Catalogue of 6 1 8 stars observed at the astronomical obser- vatory of Harvard College .... 1S71-75. 4to. Cambridge, 1S80 : *0n the present state of the question of standards of length. Svo. Boston, iSSo : *0n a method of detei-mining the index error of a meridian circle, at any instant, depending upon the observed polar distance of /"oZaWs. Svo. Boston, 1883 : *Studies in metrology. Part i. Svo. Boston, 1883 : *0n the reduction of the different star catalogues to a common system. Svo. Boston, 18S3 Rohault (Jacques) : Physica, Latin6 vertit, recensuit, & adnotationibus .... amplicavit & ornavit Samuel Claike. Editio quarta. Svo. Londini, 1718 Roias (Joannes de) : Commentariornm in Astrolabium quod PI an isph atrium uocant, libri sex, nunc priraum in lucem editi. 4to. Lutetite, 1550 X 2 3o8 Rolleston (Frances) : : Mazzarotli, or the constellations. Pai't 1-4. 8vo. London, 1862-65 : The testimony of the stars to truths revealed in the Bible. Abridged from . . . . ' Mazzai-oth, or the constellations,' by Caroline Dent. Svo. London, 1879 Rollwyn (J. A. S.) : : Astronomy simplified for general reading, with numerous new explanations and discoveries in Spectrum Analysis, &c. &c. Svo. London [1870] [ ] : Comets, and the New Comet of 1874; with a complete popular account of all that is known of these wonderful bodies, which are so great a perplexity to science. Svo. London, 1874 Romano (Antonio) : Esposizione di quattro nuove scoperte : il moto perpetuo o continuato per quattro leggi e per due sistemi diversi, 8vo. Como, 1870 Rome, Aceademia de' Lincei : Memorie istorico-critiche .... raccolte e scritte da D. Baldassare Odescalchi, 4to, Roma, 1806 Rome, Aceademia Pontiflcia de' Nuovi Lincei: : A.tti.Anno 25-34 (i87i-8i).Tomo 25-34. 4to.Roma, 187 2-81 : Triplice omaggio alia santita di Papa Pio IX. nel suo giu- bileo episcopale, ofFerto dalle tre Romane Accademie .... (Scienze: Accad. Pontif. de'Nuovi Lincei). 4to. Roma, 1877 Rome, Reale Aceademia dei Lincei: : Atti. Tomo 25, sessione 4-6 ; Tomo 26, sessione 3, 4. 4to. Roma, 1872-74 : Atti, Serie 2. 1873-76. A^ol. 1-3. 4to. Roma, 1875-76 : Atti, Serie 3 : Memorie della classe di scienze fisiche, mate- matiche e naturali. Vol. 1-13. 4to. Roma, 1877-82 General Index in lotli vol. : Atti, Serie 3 : Transunti. Yol. 1-8. 1876-84. 4to. Roma, 1877-84 Rome, Osservatorio del CoUegio Romano: : Effemeridi della cometa d' Halley. calcolate secondo i diversi elementi dei Signori Damoiseau e Pontecoulant. 4to. Roma, 1835 : Nuova cometa di breve periodo . . . . di cui si attende probabilmente il ritorno verso la fine del presente anno 1836 4to. Roma, 1836 : Memoria intorno ad alcune osservazioni fatte alia Specola del Collegio Romano nel corrente anno, 1838. 4to. Roma. : Memoria intorno a parecchie osservazioni fjxtte nella Specola deir Universita Gregoriana in Collegio Romano dagli astronomi della Compagnia di Gesii, 1839. 4to. Roma, 1840 : Annali dell' Osservatorio astronomico diretto dai Padri della Compagnia di Gesii, Vol. i. (Osservazioni meteorolo- giche 1 782-1842 ; Memoria intorno a parecchie osservazioni faite .... 1842.) 4to. Roma, 1840 309 Roins, Osservatorio del Collegio 'Romano— coidimied. : Orfservazioui thttc iiella Specola nell' Uuiversita Gregoiiana in Collegio Romano, diretto dai P.P. della Compagnia di Gesu. Anno 1843. 4to. Roma : Memorie deir osservatorio .... 1850-51. 2 vols. 4to. Roma, 1851-52 : Memorie 1852-55. Descrizione del nuovo Osservatorio: .... Memoria sui lavori eseguiti dal 1852 a tutto Aprile 1856 del P. Angelo Secchi. 4to. Roma, 1856 : Memorie del Nuovo Osservatorio .... dall' Aprile 1856 al Settembre 1857 pubblicate dal .... P. A. Secclii. 4to. Roma, 1857 : Memorie .... Nuova Serie .... pubblicate dal P. A. Seccbi, 1857-63. Vol. i, 2. 4to. Roma, 1859-63 : Catalogo di 1321 [1221] stelle doppie misurate col grande equatoreale di Merz .... dal P. A. Secclii. 4to. Roma, i860 : *Serie seconda delle misure micrometriclie fatte 1863-66 .... dal P. A. Seccbi. 4to. Roma, 186S : *Terza serie delle misure micrometriclie delle stelle doppie, fatte, .... 1872-74, dal* P. G. Stanislao Ferrari. 4to. Roma, 1875 ; Osservazioni magnetiche e meteorologiche, 1862-71. 4to. Roma : Bullettino Meteorologico .... con Corrisjiondenza e Bibliografia per 1' avanzamento della fisica terrestre, com- pilato dal P. Angelo Secchi. Vol. 1-17. 4to. Roma, 1862-78 : Pontificia Universita Gregoriana : contiuuazione del Bullet- tino Meteorologico dell' Osservatorio del Collegio Romano [Edited by G. S. Ferrari]. Vol. 18-21. 4to. Roma, 1879-82 : Stelle del Catalogo di Baily dal polo boreale fino a 30° di decl. australe, contrassegnate secondo i loro diversi colori. [12 maps.] Fasc. i. obi. fol. ii.d. Borne, Soeieta degli Spettroscopisti Italiani: Memorie. Raccolte e pubblicate per cura del Prof. P. Tacchini. Vol. 1-12. 4to. Palermo e Roma, 1 87 2 83 Rome, TJfiB.cio Centrale di Meteorologia Italiana: Aunali, Serie 2. Vol. i, 3. 1879-81. 4to. Roiua, 1880-83 Bonayne (Philip): A treatise of algebra, in two books. . . . Second edition. 8vo. Jiondon, 1727 Rosa (Paolo): Studii intorno ai diametri solari. 4to. Roma, 1873 Rosa (Philipp Georg) : iJissertatio chiiiiico-medica de tlieriacii coelesti. [Inaugural- Dissertation.] 4to. Jente, 1703 Roscoo (Henry E.): : Lessons in elementary chomistry. i2mo. London, 1866 : Spectrum analysis. Six lectures, delivered in 186S, before the Society of Apothecjii-ies of London. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1870 3IO Eosen (P. G.): *Studien und Messungen an einem Zollner'schen Astro-Photo- meter. 8vo. St, Petersburg, 1869 Rosencreutzer (Marcus Friedericli) : Astronomia Inferior, oder septem planetarum terrestrium spagyrica recensio : das ist Erzehlung und Erwehlung der Kieben irdischen Planeten .... Svo. Nurnberg, 1674 Rosier (Gottlieb Priedrich) : Handbuch der praktischen Astronomie fiir Anf anger und Liebhaber. 2 vols. Svo. Tubingen, 1788 Ross (John): : A voyage of discovery .... in His Majesty's ships Isabella and Alexander, for the purpose of exploring Baffin's Bay, and inquiring into the probability of a North-West passage. 4to. London, 181 9 • : Narrative of a second voyage in search of a North-West passage, and of a residence in the Arctic regions, during the years 1829-33; .... including the reports of James Clark Ross, and the discovery of the Northern Magnetic Pole. [With Appendix.] 4to. London, 1835 : A short treatise on the deviation of the mariner's compass. 8vo. London, 1849 : Description and use of the royal Clarence Sextant. 4to. n.d. Rosse (Alexander): The new planet no planet ; or the earth no wandring star, except in the wandring heads of Galileans; here the earth's immobility is asserted, and Copernicus his opinion, as erroneous, ridiculous, and impious, fully refuted. 4to. London, 1646 Rosse (Earl of ) : : *Preliminary note on some measurements of polarization of the light coming from the Moon and from the planet Venus. 8vo. Dublin, 1877 : *0n some recent improvements made in the mountings of the telescopes at Birr Castle. 4*0- London, 1 880 : *Observations of nebulae and clusters of stars made with the six-foot and three-foot reflectors at Birr Castle, from the year 1848 up to the year 1878. . . . Part 1-3. 4to. Dublin, 1880 Rossel (E. P. E. de) : : A practical treatise on finding the latitude and longitude at sea ; with tables designed to facilitate the calculations. Translated from the French by Thomas Myers .... to which are subjoined an extensive series of practical examples, an introduction to the tables, and some additional tables, by the translator. 8vo. London, 181 5 : Traite des calculs de I'astronomie nautique, avec des Tables destinees a en faciliter I'usage. Svo. Paris, n.d. : See also Bezout, Traite de navigation ; Biot (J. B.), Traite d'astronomie physique. 3^1 Rossi (Gaetano): Soluzione esatta e regolave del diflicilissimo probleuia della quadi-atura del circolo. 8vo. Loiidra, 1804 Rost i; Johann Leonhard) : : Der aufrichtige Astrouomus. 4to. Niirnberg, 1727 : Atlas portatilis coelestis, oder compendiose Vorstellung des gantzen Welt-Gebiiudes, in deu Anfangs-Gr linden der wabren Astronomie. Svo. Niirnberg, 1743 : Astronomiscbes Handbucb .... Neue Auflage beraus- gegeben von Georg Fricdericb Kordenbuscb. 4 vols. 4to. JSTurnberg, 1771-74 Rothman (R. W.) : : *0n an ancient observation of a winter solstice. 4to. Cambridge, 1830 : *Account of observations of Halley's Comet. 4to. Cambi'idge, 1838 Rowe (Jolin): An introduction to the doctrine of fluxions .... Second edition. 8vo. London, 1757 Rowland (David) : A brief description of the patent double sextant and circle. Svo. London, 1840 Rowning (John): ; Preliminary discourse to an intended treatise on the fiuxio- nary method. 8vo. London, 1756 : Compendious system of natural philosophy, with notes, containing the mathematical demonstrations and some occasional remarks. . . . Sixth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1767-65 : Ditto. Seventh edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1772 : *Directions for making a machine for finding the roots of equations universally ; with the manner of using it. 4to. London, 1771 Royal Engineer Stations: : Abstracts from the meteorological observations taken at the stations of the Royal Engineers in the years 1853-59. Edited by H. James. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1855-62 : Abstracts from the meteoi'ological observations taken in the years 1860-61 at the lloyal Engineer Ollice, New Westminster, British Columbia. Edited by IL James. 4to. London, 1S62 Rubenson(R.): *0m stormen den 30 Maj 1865, och fijljande dagar. Svo. Stockholm, 1856 Riigby School ISTatural History Society: Report for the years 1S71-83. Svo. Rugby, 1872-84 Rumford (Benjamin Thompson, Count): : Essays, political, economical and philosophical .... f(jurth edition. Vol. 1-3. Svo. London, 1 798-1 802 : Coiiipleto works .... Published by tho American Academy of xVrts and Sciences. 4 vols. Svo. Boston, 1 S70-75 312 Rumford CBenjamin Thompson, Count)— coiiimued. — — ■ : Memoir .... with notices of his daughter. By G. E. Ellis. 8vo. Philadelphia [1873] Riimker (Carl Ludwig) : : Preliminary catalogue of fixed stars intended for a pro- spectus of a catalogvie of the stars of the Southern hemi- sphere .... from the observations made in the Observa- tory at Paramatta. 4to. Hamburgh, 1832 : Ueber die Oerter spharischer Dreiecke, 4to. Hamburg, 1834 : Mittlere Oerter von 12,000 Fix-Sternen, fUr den Anfang von 1836, abgeleitet aus den Beobachtungen auf der Ham- burger Sternwarte. oblong fol. Hamburg, 1843 : Handbuch der SchifFfahrts-Kunde, mit einer Sammlung von Seemanns-Tafeln .... Vierte Auflage. 8vo. Hamburg, 1844 : Ditto. Fiinfte Auflage. 8vo. Hamburg, 1850 Ditto. Sechste Auflage. 8vo. Hamburg, 1857 ; Langen-Bestimmung durch den Mond : eine nautisch- astronomische Abhandlung. 8vo. Hamburg, 1849 : See also Hamburg, Sternwarte. Rlimker (Georg): Die totale Sonnenfinsterniss am 18. Juli i860, beobachtet zu Castellon de la Plana. 4to. Hamburg, 1861 Runkle (John D.) : *New tables for determining the values of the coefficients in the perturbative function of planetary motion, which depend upon the ratio of the mean distances. [With] As- teroid supplement. 4to. Washington, 1855 Rush (George) : Account of ascents in the Nassmi and Victoria balloons, 1838, 1849 & 1850 .... and an appendix by W. H. Jones, consisting of tables for the measurement of heights by the barometer. 8vo. London, 1851 Russell (Henry Chamberlaine) : : *Observations on the stars and nebula about 77 Argiis. 8vo. Sydney, 1871 : Climate of New South Wales : descriptive, historical, and tabular. 8vo. Sydney, 1877 : *Storms on the coast of New South Wales. 8vo. Sydney, 1878 : *Papers read before the astronomical section of the Royal Society of New South Wales, 1878-79. 8vo. Sydney, 1879-80 ; *The Wentworth hurricane. 8vo. Sydney, 1 880 : *Some new double stars and southern binaries. 8vo. Sydney, 1880 : *The * Gem '-cluster in Argo. 8vo. Sydney, 1880 ; *Note upon a sliding-scale for correcting barometer readings to 32° Fall, and mean sea level. 8vo. Sydney, 1880 Russell (Henry Charaberlaine) — continued. *Thuucler and hail storms in New South Wales. 8vo. Sydney, iSSi *Eeceut changes in the surface of Jupiter. 8vo. Sydney, rSSi *Transit of Mercury, November 8th, 1881. 8vo. Sydney, 1882 *The spectrum and appearance of the recent comet [Comet b, 18S1]. 8vo. Sydney, 1882 *Results of double star measures made at the S}dney Ob- servatory, New South Wales, 187 1 to 1881. 8vo. Sydney, 1882 : See also Sydney Observatory. Russell (John) : A description of the Selenographia ; an apparatus for exhibit- ing the phenomena of the Moon. 4to. London, 1797 Russia : : Nachricht von der Vollendung der Gradmessung zwischen der Donau und dem Eismeere. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1853 : See St. Petersburg. Rutherford (John) : A sketch on the loftiest science presented to the human mind ; comprising an abstruse problem in nautical astronomy, with the key to its solution. 8vo. London, 1861 Rutherford (William) : : *Computation of the r-atio of the diameter of a circle to its circumference to 208 places of figures. 4to. London, 1841 : The complete solution of numerical equations ; in which, by one uniform process, the imaginary as well as the real roots are easily determined. 4to. London, 1849 : Mathematical papers on statical friction and revetments. 8vo. Woolwich, 1859 Rutherford (William) and Stephen Fenwick : Elementary propositions in the geometry of co-ordinates, both of two and three dimensions. 4to. London, 1843 Rutherford ( W.), S. Fenwick, and T. S. Davies : An elementary course of mathematics, prepared for the Royal Military Academy, by order of the Master-General and Board of Ordnance .... 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1853 Rutherforth (T.) : A system of natural philosophy, being a course of lectures in mechanics, optics, hydrostatics, and astronomy. 2 vols. 4to. Cambridge, 1748 Ryan (Matthew): The celebrated theory of parallels : demonstration of the cele- brated theorem, Euclid 1, Axiom 12 ; with appendix, con- taining the philosopliy of the demonstration, together witli the partial refutation of Sir William PLimilton's Philosophy of the Unconditioned or Infinite. 8vo. Washington, 1866 314 Sabine (Edward) : : *Report on the variations of the magnetic intensity ob- served at different points of the earth's sui'face. 8vo. London, 1838 : *E,eport on the magnetic isoclinal and isodynamic lines in the British Islands. 8vo. London, 1839 : Magnetic observations. 8vo. n.d. : See Colonial Magnetic Observatories, Cape of Good Hope, Hobarton, St. Helena, Toronto. Sabler (G.): Beschreibnng der znr Ermittelung des Hohenunterschiedes zwischen dem Schwarzen und dem Caspischen Meere .... in den Jahren 1836 und 1837 von G. Fuss, A. Sawitsch und G. Sabler ausgefiihrten Messungen .... zusammengestellt von G. Sabler. Herausg. von W. Struve. 4to, St. Petersburg, 1849 Sacrobosco or Sacrobusto (Joannes de) : : Sphericu opusculu. Cutraq: cremonesia 1 planetarum theoricas delyrameta Joanis de mOte regio disputationes ta acuratiss. q: vtiliss. Necno georgij purbachij I eorude mot' planetarum acuratiss. theorice .... 4to. [Yenetiis] E. Ratdolt, 1482 : Sphaera Mvndi. (Sphsericu opusculu una cu additioibus nonullis .... Cotraq: cremonesia i planetarum theoricas delyramenta loanis de mOteregio disputaoes tta acuratis. q' utilis. Nee no Georgii pui-bachii i eorude motus planetarum accuratis, theoricaj. . . .) 4to. Venetiis, 1490 : Opusculum Johannis de sacrobusto spericu, cum notabili commento atq : figuris, textum declarantibus vtilissimis (per Wenceslaum Fabri de Budweysz . . . correctum). 4to. Lipczk, 1499 : Sphaira lani de Sacrobvsto asti'onomiae ac cosmographiae candidatis scitu apprime necessaria, per Petrum Apianum accuratissima diligentia denuo recognita ac emendata. 8vo. Ingolstadii, 1526 : Spherae tractatus Joannis de Sacro Bvsto ; Gei'ardi Ci-emo- nensis theoricae planetarvm veteres ; Georgii Pvrbachii theoricae planetarvm novae .... Joannis Baptistas ca- puani sipontini expositio in sphtera & theoricis [&c.] fol. Venetiis, 1531 : Libellvs de sphsera. Accessit eivsdem avtoris compvtvs ecclesiastic us .... cum prsefatione Philippi Melanthonis. (Access. Themata quae continent methodicam Tractationem de horizonte rationali ac sensibili [&c.], auctore Erasmo Reinholdo.) 8vo. Yitebergse, 1545 : Ditto. 8vo. Vitebergse, 1558-78 : Sj^hjera .... emendata. Elise "Vineti Santonis scholia in eandem Sphseram, ab ipso auctore restituta. Adjunximus huic libro compendium in Sphteram per P. Valerianum . . . . et Petri Nouii .... demonstrationem. 8vo. Parisiis, 1569 315 Sacrobosco or Sacrobusto (Joannes 6e)—contimied. : Qufestiones novaj in libellum de Sphiera .... in gi-atiain studiosae iuuentutis collectaB ab Ariele Bicardo. 8vo. Pariisiis, 1569 • : Libellvs . . . . de anni ratione, seu vt vocatiu- vulgo, Computus ecclesiasticus. Cvm prsefatione Philippi Me- lanchthonis. 8vo. Lutetias, n.d, ; Opusculum .... spei'icum cum notabili cometo a Mag- nitico viro domio Wenceslao Fabri de Budrveysz medicine Doctore edito, cumq : figuris textum declarantibus vtilis- simis. 4to. (no place nor date) : De Arithmetica, see Halliwell ; Sphajra, see Clavius; Junc- tinus. Safafik ( — ) : *Uber die Sichtbarkeit der dunklen Halbkugel des Planeten Venus. 8vo. Prag, 1873 Saflford i Truman Henry) : : *A new method for correcting a planet's orbit. 4to. Cambridge, Mass., 1857 : *The observed motions of the companion of Sirius con- sidered with reference to the disturbing body indicated by theory. 8vo. Cambridge, Mass., 1S63 : *0n the Right Ascension of the Pole Star, as determined from observation. 8vo. Cambridge, Mass., 1864 ' ; Investigation of corrections to the Greenwich planetary ob- servations from 1762 to 1830, prepared for the ofhce of the American Ephemeris 4to. Washington, 1883 : See Harvai'd College Observatory. Saigey (Jacques Fr^d^rie) et Coulvier Gravier : Piecherches sur les etoiles filantes. 8vo. Paris, 1847 Saint (W.) : Remarks on the elements of the true arithmetic of infinities by Thomas Taylor (the Platonist). 8vo London (181 1) St. Helena, Hon. East India Company's Observatory : : Astronomical Observations . . . . 1831. By ]\lanuel J. Johnson. 4to. St. Helena, 1832 : A catalogue of 606 principal fixed stars .... by Manuel J. Johnson. 4*0- London, 1835 St. Helena, Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory : Observations .... printed .... under the superintend- ence of Lieut.-Col. Edward Sabine, 1840-49. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1847-60 St. Petersburg : : Annuairo Magn6tique et Meteorologique du Corps des Ingcnieurs dea Mines de Russie, ou Recueil d'observations maguctiques et meteorologiques faites dans I'etendue de I'empire de Russie, et publi6ea .... par A. T. Kupfl^er, 1837-46. 10 vols. 4to. St. Pctorsboui'g, 1839-49 : Observations met^orologiipies et magnttiques faites dans I'empire de Russie, redigeee et publioes .... par A. T. Kuiiffer. Tome i. 4to. St. Potersbourg, 1837 3i6 St, "PetersbViTg— continued. : Recueil d'observations magnetiques faites a. St. Peters- bourg et sur d'avitres points de I'empire de Russie, par A. T. Kupffer et ses collaborateurs. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1837 : Travaux de la Commission pour fixer les mesures et les poids de I'empire de Russie. Rediges par A. T. KupfFer. 2 vols. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1841 St. Petersburg, Acad^mie Imp6riale des Sciences : : Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropoli- tanae 1726-46. Tom. 1-14. 4to. Petropoli, 1728-51 : Novi Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Pe- tropolitanae. 1747-75. Tom. 1-20. 4to. Petropoli, 1750-76 : Acta Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae. 1777-82. 12 vols. 4to. Petropoli, 1778-86 : Nova Acta Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropoli- tanae. 1783-90. Tom. 1-8. 4to. Petropoli, 1787-94 : Memoires, Tome 10, avee I'Histoire de 1' Academic pour les annees 1821-22. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1826 : Kecueil des Actes de la seance solennelle de I'Academie .... tenue a I'occasion de sa fete seculaire .... 1826. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1827 : Recueil des Actes des seances publiques .... 1827-48. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1828-49 : Memoires presentes .... par divers savants et lus dans ses assemblees. Tome 1-9. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1831-59 : Memoires .... 6™*^ Serie, sciences mathematiques, physiques et naturelles. Tome 1,2. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1831-33 : Memoires .... sixieme serie, sciences mathematiques, physiques et naturelles, Tome 3-9. Premiere partie, sciences mathematiques et physiques, Tome 1-7. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1838-59 : Memoires, Serie 7. Ouvrages astronomiques et geodesiques publics dans la serie. Tome i, No. i— Tome 31, No. 15. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1859-83 : Compte Rendu, 1852-57. 8vo. St. Petersbourg, 1853-58 : Recueil des Memoires presentes .... par les astronomes de Poulkova, ou offerts k I'Observatoire Central par d'autres, astronomes du pays. Public par W. Struve et O. Struve. Vol. I, 2. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1853-59 : Melanges mathematiques et astronomiques tires du Bulle- tin. Tome 1-6. [The Astronomical Papers only]. 8vo. St. Petersbourg, 1859-83 : Bulletin. Tome 1-28. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1860-83 : Tableau general methodique et alphabetique des matieres contenues dans les publications de I'Academie . . . .ire pai'tie. Publications en langues etrangeres. 8vo. St. Petersbourg, 1872 Salentin (L. M.) : Diametre du tourbillon du soleil determine par les incli- naisons des orbites de ses planetes. 8vo. Paris, 1857 Z^7 Salusbury (Thomas) : Mathematical collections and ti-anslations .... containino' Galileus Galileus, his system of the world [ttc] 2 vols, in I, fol. London, 1661 Sandeman (Patrick) : Meteorological observations, chiefly intended to explain the origin of the rainy seasons near the Equator, and changes of the seasons and courses of the winds in more northerly latitudes. 8vo. Greenock, n.d. San Fernando, Observatorio Real de Marina : : Almanaque. ndutico y Efemerides astronomicas pai'a el ailo de 1830-32, 1834-50, 1855-64, 1867-85. 8vo. Madrid, 1827-83 : Observaciones hechas en el Observatorio Heal .... 1833-35. 3 vols, in I, fol. San Fernando, 1835-36 : Anales del (Instituto y) Observatorio .... publicados de orden de la superioridad por el Director C. Pajazon. Seccion 2. Observaciones meteorologicas, 1870-82. fol. San Fernando, 1870-83 : Anales .... Seccion i . Observaciones astronomicas : eclipse de Sol de 22 de Diciembre de 1870. fol. San Fernando, 1871 : Formulas nuevas para calcular la aben-aciou do los planetas (y de los cometas) .... por Don Josef Sanchez Cerquero. 8vo. Sang (Edward) : : *Nouveau calcul des mouvements elliptiques, 4to. Turin, 1879 ; On the comet's [Comet b, 18S1] close approach to the star B.A.C. 1 88 1 (Camelopardus H 21). 8vo. Edinburgh, 1881 : See Shortrede (R.), Traverse tables. Santiago de Chile : *A catalogue of 1963 stars, reduced to the beginning of the year 1850, together with a catalogue of 290 double stars. The whole from observations made .... 1850-52 by the U.S. Naval Astronomical Expedition .... James M. Gilliss, superintendent. 4to. Washington, 1870 Santiago de Chile, Observatorio Nacional : : Observaciones astronomicas hechas .... en los anos do 1853-60, por C. G. Moesta. Tomo i, 2. 4to. Santiago de Chile, 1859 75 : Observaciones meridianas i micromctricas relativas al planeta Marte al tiempo dc su oposicion en 1862. fol. Santiago, 1863 : Observaciones meteorolojicas verifioadas en el Observatorio Astronomico de Santiago (i en Valparaiso) en los afios 1868-64, por C. G. Moesta. 8vo. Santiago de Chile, 1S63-65 Santini ( Giovanni) : : *Teoria del nuovo pianeta Vesta, ricavafca dalle opposizioni degliaiini 1808 14. 4to. Verona, i8i6 3i8 Santini (Giovanni)— ccntinued. : Elementi di Astronomia, con le applicazioni alia geografia, nautica, gnomonica, e cronologia. 2 vols. 4to. Padova, 1819-20 : Ditto, Edizione secunda. 2 vols. 4to. Padova, 1830 : *Osservazioni intorno all* ecclisse solare del giorno 7 Set- tembre dell' anno 1820, 4to. Modena, 1824 : *0.sservazioni intorno alia cometa appai-sa agli ultimi di Dicembre dell' anno 1823, fatte nell' Ilegio Osservatorio di Padova. 4to. Padova, 1825 : Teorica degli stromenti ottici destinati ad estendere con- fini della visione naturale. 2 vols. 8vo. Padova, 1828 : *Ritorno della cometa periodica di Biela al suo perielio neir anno 1832. 4to. Padova, 1833 : *Calcolo delle variazloni prodotte negli elementi ellittici della cometa detta di Biela dall' azione di Giove, di Satui^no e della Terra .... 1832-39. 4to. Padova, 1835 : *Picerche intorno alia massa di Giove determinata me- diante le digressioni del suo quarto satellite. 4to. Modena, 1836 : *Opuscoli astronomici intorno alle comete osservate .... dair anno 1830 fino all' anno 1835. 4to. Padova, 1S36 : *Descrizione del circolo meridiano dell' I. P. Osservatorio di Padova, seguita da un Catalogo di stelle fisse per I'anno 1840. 4to. Padova, 1840 *Posizioni medie delle stelle fisse ridotte al principio dell' anno 1840. 4to. Padova, 1840 *Considerazioni intorno al calcolo degli ocidari per i cann- occhiali astronomici. 4to. Venezia, 1842 *Osservazioni intorno alle comete apparse nell' anno 1843 fatte neir I. R. Osservatorio di Padova. 4to. Modena, 1844 *Calcolo delle perturbazioni .... della cometa di breve periodo appellata di Biela .... 1846-52. 4to. Yenezia, 185 1 *Sul progresso degli Studii Astronomici negli ultimi tempi. 8vo. Yenezia, 1853 *Descrizione di un oculare composto da cinque lenti pe' cannoccbiali della terza specie, appellati terrestri. 8vo. Padova, 1855 *Annotazioni intorno alia cometa periodica di Biela, ed alia III Cometa del 1854. 8vo. Yenezia, 1855 *Dei diversi metodi per determinare le longitudini geo- grafiche .... 8vo. Padova [1855] ■*Osservazioni della ecclisse solare del giorno 28 Luglio 1 85 1 fatte in diversi osservatorii di Europa, calcolate per G .... S ... . 4to. Yenezia, 1856 *Intorno ai micrometri formati nell campo oscuro di un cann- occbiale con linee chiare e punti luminosi dietro i pro- getti proposti dal Sig. Simone Stampfer. 8vo. Yenezia, 1857 *Posizioni medie di 2706 stelle pel i Gennajo i860 distri- buite nella zona compresa fra 10° e 12° 30' di declinazione australe, dedotte dalle osservazioni fatte negli anni 1856-58 neir I. E. Osservatorio di Padova. 4to. Yenezia, 1858 319 Santini {Giovanni)— con finned. : *Intorno alia cometa pei-iodica di Biela di ciii attendesi il ritorno al perielio nel prossimo meso di ISIaggio 1859. 8vo. Venezia, 1859 : *Esperimento Astronomico esegiiito sul picco di Tenerillii nel 1856 . . . . dal Prof. C. Piazzi-Smith. 8vo. Padova, i860 : *Posizioni medie di 2246 stelle distribuite nella zona com- presa fra li 12° 30' e li 15° di declinazione anstrale dedotte dalle osservazioni fotte dal Sig. Trettenero nell' I. E. Osser- vatorio di Padova, 1857-61. 4to. Venezia, 1862 : *Cenni stoiiei intorno alia misura dell' arco dell meiidano di 25°2o' eseguita in Russia 1812-52. 8vo. Padova, 1862 : *Delle recenti ricerche intorno alia vera figura della Terra. 4to. Venezia, 1863 : *Relnzione intorno alle attrazioni locali risultanti nei con- torni di Mosca, dietro il confronto delle posizioni geodesiche con le osservazioni astronomiche istituite in diversi punti di quel circondario. 4to. Venezia, 1865 : *Delle interpolazioni e quadrature meccaniche per gli u^i astronomici. 4to. Venezia, 1866 : *Cenni relativi alle osservazioni stellari postumedel fu Prof. Virgilio Trettenero seguite da vina relazione del i-ecente catalogo di stelle del Sig. Lamonte di Monaco. 8vo. A-^enezia, 1S67 ; *Notizie intorno agli apparati magneto- elettrici per la determinazione delle longitudini geografiche. 8vo. Padova, 1867 : *Posizioni medie di 1425 stelle pel principio del i860 dis- tril)uite nella zona compresa fra 0° e 3° di declinazione australe, dedotte dalle osservazioni fatte dal Prof. Tret- tenero nel R. Osservatorio di Padova .... 1861-63. 4to. Venezia, 1870 : [Life], see IMillosevich, Lorenzoni. Sarsi (Lotario), see Grassi. Saturn's Rings : The meteoric theory of Saturn's rings, considered with reference to the solar motion in space. By S. M. D. 8vo. Dublin, 1867 Sauer (Martin) : An account of a geographical and astronomical expedition to the northern j)arts of Russia .... performed .... by Commodore Joseph Billings in the years 1785 94. 4to. London, 1802 Saunders CRichard) : The astrological judgement and practice of physick. 8vo. London, 1677 Saunderson (Nicholas) : : The elements of algebra, in ten books .... To which is prefixed an account of the author's life and character. 2 vols. 4to. Cambridge, 1741-40 : Tho method of fluxions, applied to a select number of use- ful problems. 8vo. London, 1756 320 Saussure (Horace Benedict de) : Essais sur rHygrometvie. 4to. Neucbatel, 1783 Sav6rien (Alexandre) : : Dictionnaire universel de mathematique et de physique, oii Ton traite de I'origine, du progi"es de ces deux sciences & les arts qui en dependent, & les diverses revolutions qui leu r sent arriveesjusqu'a notre terns. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1753 : Histoire des Philosophes modernes. Seconde edition. 8 vols. 1 2 mo. Paris, 1762-73 Savile (Henry) : Prjelectiones tresdecim in principium elementorum Euclidis, Oxonii habitse, mecxx. 4to. Oxonii, 162 1 Sawitsch (Alexei) : : Abriss der practischen Astronomie, vorziiglich in ihrer Anwendung auf geograpbische Ortsbestimmung .... aus dem Russiscben iibersetzt von Dr. W. C. Goetze. 2 vols, in I, 8vo. Hamburg, 1850-51 : (Theory of Probabilities : in Pussian). Svo. St. Petersburg, 1857 : Die Anwendung der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie auf die Berechuung der Beobachtungen und geodiitischen Messun- gen, oder die Methode der kleinsten Quadrate .... Deutsch bearbeitet von C. G. Lais. Svo. Mitau und Leipzig, 1863 Sawyer (Edwin P.) : *First catalogue of radiant points of meteors. 8vo. New Haven, 1879 Sawyer (F. E.) : The climate of Brighton ; being a summary of meteorological observations made in the town to the end of 1870, by S. Barker, E. Rowley, andF. E. Sawyer. i2mo. Brighton, 1871 Sayce (A. H.) : *The astronomy and astrology of the Babylonians, with trans- lations of the tablets relating to these subjects. 8vo. London, 1874 Scaliger ( Josephus Justus) : : Opvs novvm de emendatione temporvm in octo libros tribvtvm. fol. Lvtetije, 15&3 : Cyclometrica elementa duo. fol. Lugduni Batavorum, 1594 : In Mesolabium. fol. Lugduni Batavorum, 1594 : Opvs de emendatione temporvm : hac postrema editione .... addita vetervm Grajcorvm fragmenta selecta. 2 parts in i vol. fol. Genevje, 1629 Searpellini (Caterina) : : *Ipotesi sulla fisica e meccanica celeste secondo il sistema fluidale-olettro-magnetico. 4to. Poma, 1859 : *I1 grande ecclisse solare del 18 Luglio i860. 4to. Roma, i860 : *Snr les etoiles filantes du 10 aout 1862. Lettre a M. Ad. Quetelet. Svo. Bruxelles, 1S62 321 Scarpellini lErasmo Pabri) : : *Sopra alcuui nuovi riflettori lavorati in Eoma per uso di gi-undi telescopii. 4to. Roma, 1835 : Ditto Seconda edizione, acci'esciuta di un appendice .... pel- cura di Pietro Biolchiui. 8vo. Roma, 1S38 : *Cenno necrologico dell' astronomo P. Giovanni Jnghirami. Bvo. Roma. : *Memorie . . . . di Niccolb Cacciatore. 8vo. Roma. Schaeberle (J. M.) : *0u the remai-kable Aurora of September 12-13, 1881. 8vo. New Haven, 1881 Schaub (Franz) : : *Beobachtnngen der totalen Sonnenfinsterniss am 7, Juli 1842 in der osterreichischen Monarchie und Turin. 4to. Wien, 1843 : Magnetische Beobachtungen im ostlichen Theile des Mittel- meeres .... ausgefiihrt im Jahre 1857. 4to. Triest, 1858 : Leitfaden flir den Unterricht in der nantischen Astro- nomie in der kais. kon. Marine .... Z\yeite Auflage. 8vo. Wien, i860 Scheibel ( Johann Ephraim) : Einleitung zur mathematischen Bliclierkenntni.ss. Stiick 13- 16 (Astronomische chronologisclie Bibliograpbie, xv. und XVI. Jahrhundert). 8vo. Breslau, 1784-86 Scheiner (Christoph) : : Rosa Vrsina, sive .sol ex admirando facvlarum A; macula- rum suarum phasnomeno varivs, necnon circa centrum suum &, axem fixum .... ab ortu in occapum conuer- sione quasi menstrua, super polos proprios, libris quatuor mobilis ostensus. fol. Bracciani, 1630 : Oculus ; hoc est fnndamentum opticum, in quo ex accux'ata oculi anatome .... radius visualis eruitur ; sua visioni in oculo sedes decernitur; anguli visorii ingenium aperitur [itc] 4to. Londini, 1652 Schellen (Heinrich) : : Die Spectral analyse in ihrer Anwendung auf die Stoffe der Erde und die Natur der Himmelskorper .... Zweite .... Auflage. 8vo. Braunschweig, 187 1 : Ditto. Dritte .... Auflage. 2 vols. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1883 : Spectrum analysis in its application to terrestrial sub- stances, and the physical constitution of the heavenly bodies .... Translated .... by Jane and Caroline Las- sell. Edited, with notes, by William Iluggins. Bvo. London, 1872 Scherffer (Carl) : : Institutionum geometricarum pars prima (secunda, tertia et quarta), sive geometria clementaris, conscripta in usum tironum. 4 parts in i vol. 4to. Vindobonaj, 1770 : Institutiones astronomise theoreticae, conscriptfe in usum tironum. 4(0. \''indobonae, 1777 Y 322 Sehiaparelli (Giovanni V.): *Notizie suUa vita e sugli scritti di Francesco Carlini, 8vo. Milano, 1863 *Intorno al corso ed all' origine probabile delle stelle meteo- riclie. Lettere al P. A. Secchi. 4to. Roma, 1866 *Note e rillessioni intorno alia teoria astronomica delle stelle cadenti. 4to. Firenze, 1867 * Sulla velocita delle meteore cosmiche nel loro movimento a ti-averso dell' atmosfex'a terrestre. 8vo. Milano, 1868 *Alcune principali radiazioni meteoriclie dedotte dalle osservazioni di stelle cadenti fatte a Bergamo dal sig. G. Zezioli .... 1867-69. 8vo. Milano, 1870 : *Alcuni risultati preliminari tratti dalle osservazioni di stelle cadenti pubblicate nelle Effemeridi degli anni 1868, 1869, 1870 [2 papers]. 8vo. Milano [1870] : Entwurf einer astronomischen Theorie der Sternschnuppen .... Aus dem Italienischen ubersetzt und lieraiisgegeben von Georg von Boguslawski. 8vo. Stettin, 187 1 : *I1 periodo undecennale delle variazioni diurne del magne- tismo terrestre considerato in relazione colla frequenza delle macchie solari. Risultati di 38 anni di osservazioni fatte a Milano. 4to. Palermo, 1874 : *Sul calcolo di Laplace intorno alia probability delle orbite cometarie iperboliche. 8vo. Milano, 1874 : *Osservazioni astronomiche e fisiche sull' asse di rotazione e sulla topografia del pianeta Mai-te fatte nella reale Specola di Brera in Milano coU' Equatoriale di Merz durante 1' op- posizione del 1877. 4to. Roma, 1878 : *Osservazioni astronomiche e fisiche sull' asse di rotazione e sulla topogi'afia del pianeta Marte fatte nella reale Specola di Brera in Milano coll' Equatoriale di Merz. Memoria seconda. 4to. Roma, 1881 : *Osservazioni sulla topografia del pianeta Marte fatte a Milano coll' equatoriale di Merz durante 1' opposizione 1881- 82. Communicazione preliminare. 4to. Roma, 1882 : *Misure di alcune principali Stelle doppie di rapido movi- mento orbitale eseguite negli anni 1 875-1 882 col Refrattore di Merz del R. Osservatorio di Brera in Milano. 4to. Milano, 1882 Sehiaparelli (Giovanni V.) e Francesco Denza : *Sulla grande pioggia di Stelle cadenti prodotta da! la cometa periodica di Bielae osservata 27 Nov. 1872. 8vo. Milano, 1872 Schier (Carl H.) : Globus coelestis Arabicus, qui Dresdae in Regio Museo mathe- matico asservatur. 4to. Lipsise, 1865 Schiller (Julius) : Ccfilum Stellatvm Christianum, ad maiorem Dei Omnipo- tentis, Sanctseque Eius .... Ecclesi?e Gloriam, obductis Gentilium simulachris, Eidem Domino et Creatori suo, postliminio quasi restitutum .... Sociali opera J. Bayeri Vranometriam nouam .... suppeditantis. . . . obi. fol. Augustte Vindelicorum, 1627 1 2.^ Schilling (Mag. O.) et Adolph P. Weller : De meritis Tychonis Brahe in Astronomiara Mechanicam Dissertatio [Inauguralis]. 4to. Upsalia^, 1792 Schimko ( Johann Gottlieb) : Die Planetenbewohner, und ihre .... verschiedene geistige Vollkommenbeit, init besonderer Rlicksicht auf des Men- scben physischen und geistigen Zustand. 8vo. Olmlitz, 1856 Schio (Almerico da) : Di due astrolabi in cax'atteri cufici occidentali trovati in Val- dagno (Veneto). 4to. Venezia, 1880 Schjellerup (H. C. F. C.) : : Stjernefoi'tegnelse indeholdende 10,000 Positioner af tele- skopiske Fixstjerner imellem — 15 og +15 Graders Dekli- nation. 4to, Kjobenhavn, 1864 : *Genaberte Orter der Fixsterne. 4to. Leipzig, 1867 : *Bidrag til bedommelsen af de moderne maaneelementers paalidelighed. 8vo. Kjobenhavn, 1874 : See Al Sufi, Description des etoiles fixes. Schlafli (Ludwig) : : Losung einer Pendel-Aufgabe. (Zum Lections-Katalog der Berner Hochschule, 1867.) 4to. Bern, 1867 : Einige Zweifel an der allgemeinen Darstellbax-keit einer •willklirlichen periodiscben Function einer reellen Variabeln durch eine trigonometriscbe Reihe. [Inaugural- Disser- tation.] 4to. Bernse, 1874 Schlagintweit (Hermann von) : *Optische Erscheinungen der Atmosphare. 8vo. Leipzig [1850] Schlegel (Gustave) : : Uranograpbie Cbinoise ou preuves directes que I'astrono- mie primitive est originaire de la Chine, et qu'elle a ete empruntee par les anciens peuples occidentaux a la spb^re cbinoise. 2 vols. 8vo. La Haye & Leyde, 1875 : Atlas celeste cbinois et grec d'apres le Tien-Youen-Li-Li. fol. La Haye k Leyde, 1875 : *Reponse aux critiques de I'Uranograpbie Cbinoise. 8vo. La Haye, 1880 Schmalcaldor ( — ) : A short explanation of the use and advantages of tbe patent repeating tbeodolite. 8vo. London, 1818 Schmerbauch (Gottlieb Heinrich): Cogitationes rationales de systemate mundi. [Inaugural- Dissertation.] 4to. Vitebergae, 1737 Schmick (J. Heinrich) : : Der Mond als gliinzender Beleg fiir die kosmisch bewirkte sJikularc Umlegung vcrschiebbarer Bestandtbeile der Welt- korper. 8vo. Leipzig, 1876 : Sonne und Mond als Bildner der Erdscbale orwieson durch ein klares Zeugnlss der Natur. Einigo Verwendungcu dieses Ergebnisses. 8vo. Leipzig, 1878 Y 2 324 Schmidt (Johann Priedricli Julius) : : Beobachtuag der totalen Souuonfinsterniss vom 288ten Juli 1 85 1 za Rastenburg ia Ostpreussen. 4to. Bonn, 1852 : Das Belief tier sichtbareii llalbkugel des Mondes, ange- fertigt von Th. Dickert, Svo. Bonn [1854] : Das Zodiacallicht. Uebersicht der seitherigen Forscbiin- gen nebst neuen Beobacbtnngen liber diese Erscbeinung in den Jahren 1843 ^^^ 1855. Svo. Bi\aun.scbvveig, 1856 : Der Mond. Ein Ueberblick liber den gegenwiirtigeu Umfang und Standpunkt unserer Keuntnisse von der Oberflacbengestaltung iind Physik dieses Weltkorpers. Svo. Leipzig, 1856 : Resultate aus elfjiihrigen Beobachtungen der Sonnenilecker). 4to. Wien und OhiiUtz, 1857 : *Ueber die Bewegung dunkler und heller Flecken aiif Jupiter. 4to. Altona, 1865 : *Beobachtung der Meteore in der Naclit des 13.-14. Novem- ber 1866. Svo. Vv^ien, 1866 : iJber Rillen aufdem Monde. 4to. Leipzig, 1866 : *Uber Feuermeteore 1842 bis 1867. Svo. Wien, 1867 ; Charte der Gebirge des Mondes, nacli eigeuen Beobachtun- gen in den Jahren 1S40-1874. 25 Blatter. (fol. 4to.), Berlin, 187S : Erlauterungsband. 4to. Berlin, 1878 : See also Athens Observatory ; Lohrmann's Mondcliarte. Sehmitz (J. W.) : : De I'etat stationnaire de la philosophie naturelle, on indica- tions des recherches k faire dans I'astronomie et la physique. Svo. Paris et Bruxelles, 1837 : Natur-Astronomie fiir jeden gesunden Menschenverstand. Svo. Ktiln, 1857 Schomburg (Heinrich) : Geoscopiee Selenitarum, h.e. discursus astronomici de figura. magnitudine [&c.], tellviris e lunu spectatse. Pars prima. [Inaugural Dissertation.] 4to. Jense, 1654 Schoner (Johann) : Tabvlae astronomicte, qvas uulgo, quia omni diffieultate & obscuritate carent, Resolvtas uocant. Ex qnibu.s cum erra- ticorum, turn etiam fixorum siderum motus .... facillime calculari possunt .... Ratio .... duodecim domorum coeli, Authore loanne de Monte regio. Prasfixtio Philippi Melanchthonis. 4to. Norimbergte, 1536 Schonfeld (Eduard) : : Nova elementa Thetidis, deducta ex observntionibus annorum 1852 et 1853. [Inaugural Dissertation.] 4to. Bonnae, 1854 : *Beobachtungen von veriinderlichen Sternen. Angestellt auf der kljniglichen Stern warte zu Bonn. Svo. Wien, 1861 : *Catalog von veranderlichen Sternen mit Einschluss der neuon Sterne. Mit Noten. Svo. Mannheim [1866] 325 Schonfcld ^Eduard) — continued, : Zweiter Catalog von veraiideilichen Stei-nen. Mit Noteii. 8vo. [Mannheim, 1874] : Frederic Argelander (traduit par E. Mailly). Svo. (Bruxelles). Schoof ( W. Gj : Im23rovemeiits in the lever-escapement for watches and marine chronometers. Svo. London, 1874 Schooten (Fr. van) : TabuliB Sinuum, tangentium, secantium, ad radium 10000000. i6mo. Amsterdam, 1627 Schopffer (Carl) : Die Bewegungen der Himmelskorper. Neue und unwider- legliche Beweise dass unsere Erde im Mittelpunkte des Weltalls steht, und Sonne, Mond und Sterne sich um dieselbe bewegen. Svo. Braunschweig, 1854 Schorr (F.) : : Der Voriibergang der Venus vor der Sonnenscheibe am 9. December 1S74 und die Bestimmung der Entfernung der Sonne. Svo. Biaunschweig, 1873 : Der Yenusmond und die Untersuchungen iiber die friiheren Beobachtungen dieses Mondes. Svo. Braunschweig, 1S75 Schram (Robert) : *Hilfstafeln fiir Chronologie. 4to. Wien, 1S83 Schreckenfuehs (E. O.), see Garcaeus ; Ptolemy. Schroder (G.) : Sonnenfiecken-Beobachtungen im Januar 1S61. Inaugural- Dissertation. Svo. Gottingen, 1S61 Schroder (J. F. L.) : Oratio de majoribus corporum coelestium permutationibus, quatenus ex iis pi'ogressum naturae in his corporibus for- mandis suspicari licet. [Inaugural Dissertation.] Svo. Trajecti ad Khenum, iSi6 Schroeder (Karl) : La rotation souterraine de la masse ignee, ses causes et ses consequences. Svo. Paris, 1856 Schron (Ludwig) : Seven-figure logarithms of numbers from i to ioS,ooo, and of sines, cosines, tangents, cotangents, to every 10 seconds of the quadrant. . . . Fifth edition .... with a description of the tables added by A. De Morgan. 4to. London, 1865 Schroter ( Johann Hieronymus) : : Beobachtungen iiber die Sonnenfackeln und SonnenHecken samt beylseufigen Bemerkungen ueber die scheinbare Flaiche, Rotation und das Licht der Sonne. 4to. Ei'furt, 1789 : Selenotopographische Fragmento zur genauern Kenntniss der Mondfljicho, ilnor erlittenen VcrJindorungen imd Atnio- sphare, sammtden dazii gehiirigen Specialcliaiten iiud Zeich- nungen. 2 vols. 4to. Gottingen, 1791-1802 326 Schroter (Johann 'H.ieronjTo.us)—contimwd. : Aplu'oditographische Fragmente, zur genauern Kenntniss ties Planeten Venus ; cammt beygefligter Besclireibiing des Lilienthalischon 27-fussigen Telescops, mit practischen Bemerkungen und Beobachtungen liber die Giosse der Scliopfung. 4to. Helmstedt, 1796 : Lilienthalische Beobachtungen der nen entdeckten Planeten Ceres, Pallas und Juno. 8vo. Gottingen, 1805 : Kronogx-aphische Fragmente znr genauern Kenntniss des Planeten Saturn, seines Binges und seiner Trabanten. Erster Theil. 8vo. Gottingen, 1808 : Beobachtungen des grossen Cometen von 1807; sammt einem Nachtrage zu den aphroditographischen Fi'agmenten. Svo. Gottingen, 181 1 : Areogi-aphische Beitrage zur genauern Kenntniss und Beurtheilung des Planeten Mars, in mathematisch-phy- sischer Hinsicht .... Heraiisgegeben von H. G. van de Sande Bakhuyzen. 8vo. [with Atlas in fol.], Leiden, 1881 : Ai-eographische Fragmente, see Terby (F.). Schubart (Th.) : Description et notices siir I'installation et I'entretien des Meteorographes graveui'S de Yan Eysselberghe & Schubart. Svo. Gand, 1880 Schubert (E.) : : Tables of Harmonia .... computed for the A merican Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac. 4to. Washington, 1869 : Tables of Parthenope .... computed for the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac, 4to. Washington, 187 1 Schubert (Priedrich Theodor) : : PopulJire Astronomie. Erster Theil. Geschichte der Astronomie und spharische Astronomie. Svo. St. Petersbiu'g, 1804 : Traite d'astronomie theorique. 3 vols. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1822 Schubert (Gotthilf Heinrich von) : : Die Urwelt und die Fixsterne. Eine Zugabe zn den Ansichten von der Nachtseite der Naturwissenschaft. Svo. Dresden, 1S22 : Ditto .... zweite .... Auflage. Svo. Dresden und Leipzig, 1839 : Lehrbuch der Sternkunde fUr Schulen und zum Selbstun- terrichte. . . . Dritte Auflage. Svo. Erlangen, 1S47 Schubert (T. F. de) : : Expose des travaux astronomiques et geodesiques executes en Bussie dans un but geographique jusqu'4 I'annee 1S55, avee supplement. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1858 : *Essai d'une determination de la veritable figure de la Terre. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1859 : *Sur I'influence des attractions locales dans les operations geodesiques. 4to. Altona, i860 v-1 Schulhof et Bossert, see Paris, Observatoire. Sehultz (Hermann) : : Declinations-Bestimmungen mitdem Dollond'schen Durch- gaugs-Instrumente auf der Berliner Sternwarte. 4to. Berlin, 1858 : *Mars-Beobaclitungen 1862. 8vo. Upsala, 1S62 : *Miki-ometrisk bestamning af 104 stjernor inom tele- scopiska stjerngruppen 20 Vulpeciilse. 4to. Stockliolm, 1873 : *Micrometrical observations of 500 Nebulae. 4to. Upsala, 1874 : *0m kompai'ations-stjernorna vid nebulos-observationerna i Upsala. 8vo. Stockholm, 1875 : *Normalorter och oskulerande element for planeten Alex- andra (54). 8vo. Stockliolm, 1875 : Astronomiska observations-konsten. 8vo. Upsala, 1878 : Sferiska astronomins grundbegrepp. 8vo. Upsala, 1879 Schultzen (Georg) : Figur und Himmelsgestalten den Sonnenfinsterniss und grossen Gegenscheine der obern drey Planeten Saturni, Jovis und Martis, so sich begeben am 29. Martii, 17. Aprilis und 13, Jiini altes Calenders im Jahr Christi mdcxxxiii, 4to. Leipzig. Schuize (Gottlob Leberecht) : : Das veranschauliclite Weltsystem, oder die Grundlebren der Astronomie und deren leichte und sichere Veranschau- lichung durcb eigentlilimliche Versinnlichungswerkzeuge dargestellt und nachgewiesen. 8vo. Leipzig, 1 838 — ^- : Astronomia per Nicolavim Copernicum instaurata religionis et pietatis Christianae per Martinum Lutherum ad scrip- turae sacrae normam repurgatae egregia adjutrix. [Inau- gui-al Dissertation.] 8vo, Budissae, 1830 Schuize (L. R.) : : Uber den Lauf des D'An-est'schen Cometen. [Inaugural- Dissertation.] 4to. Schwerin, 1862 : *Elemente des ersten Cometen vom Jahre 1830, mit BerUcksichtigung von 319 Beobacbtungen. 8vo. Leipzig, 1873 Schtunacher (Heinrich Christian) : : Nachricht Uber den Apparat, dessen er sich zur Messung der Basis bei Braack im Jahre 1820 bedient hat. (Schrei- ben an Olbers.) 4to. Altona, 1821 : Ephemeris of the distances of the four planets Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn from the Moon's center for 1823 ('25, '27) .... to which are annected tables for finding the latitude by the polar-star for 1823, '27, '29. 4to. Copenhagen, 1821-27 : Astronomische Abhandlungen. lleft 1-3. 4to. Altona, 1823-25 : Sammlung von Hiilfstafeln, zweites Heft ; Tafein zur Reduction der in der 'Ilistoii-e Celeste' entlialtenenBeobach- tungen. 8vo. Copenliagen, 1825 328 Schumaclier (Heinrich Christian)— w^/rw?/^/. : Journal of observations made for ascertaining the time of the place, in the observatory which was erected at Helgo- land for that purpose. 4to. Altona, 1825 : De Latitudine Speculae Havniensis brevis disquisitio. [Inaugural Dissertation.] 4to. Altonae, 1827 : Difetances of the Sun and the four planets Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn from the Moon calculated according to Mr. Bessel's method, together with theii- places for every- day in the years 1835-37, to which is added an Ephemeris of the Moon [for 1835] .... the culmination of the Moon for every day in 1835 (and 1837) . . . . and tables for finding the latitude by the pole-star for 1835-37. 8vo. Copenhagen, 1834-37 : Jahrbuch fur 1836-41, 1843-44. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1836-44 : Astronomische Hiilfstafeln (Tables auxiliaires astrono- miques), 1821, 1823-29. 8 vols. 8vo. Copenhagen : See also Astronomische Nachrichten. Scliumaclier (Heinrich Christian) und Carl Friedrich Gauss : Bx'iefwechsel .... Herausgegeben von C. A. F. Peters. 6 vols. 8vo. Altona, 1860-63 Schumann (G. A.) : Das WissenswLirdigste von den physischen Erscheinungen an den Weltkorpern, vorziiglich an der Erde. . . . Z welter Theil, Von der Natur der Himmelskorper. 8vo. Quedlinburg und Leipzig, 1833 Schur (Wilhelm) : *Bestimmung der Masse des Planeten Jupiter aus Heliometer- Beobachtuugen der Abstiinde seiner Satelhten. 4to. Halle, 1882 Schiitte (Wilhelm) : Der Sternhimmel : eine populiireDarstellungdesWeltgebaudes. 4to. Leipzig, 1877 Schwarz (Bernhard) : * Astronomische Untersuchung liber eine von Archilochus und eine in einer assyrischen Tnsrchrift erwiihnte Sonnenfinster- niss. 8vo. Wien, 1883 Schwedoff (Theodore) : : Idees nouvelles sur I'origine des formes cometaires. Svo. Odessa, 1877 : Illusions astronomiques. I. Force repulsive du soleil. II. Matiere specitique cometaire. III. Le vide interplanetaire. IV. Conclusion. 8vo. Odessa, 1878 Theorie mathematique des formes cometaires. ... Pre- miere partie : formes fondamentales. Svo. Odessa, 1880 Les configurations de la grande comete de 1882 a, predites d'apres la theorie des ondes cosmiques. fol. Odessa, 1882 Sur I'origine de la grele. 8vo. Odessa, 1882 Schweigger (Joh. Salomo Christoph) : * Ueber die Natur der Sonne mit Beziehung auf v. Soem- merrings Sonnenbeobachtungen. Svo. Halle, 1S29 3^9 Schweizer »; Gottfried) : : *Beiiclit .... ueber die Expedition nach IMuclinowka, beliufs der Beobaclit ungeu der totiileu Soiineufinsteniiss des Jahres 1S51. 8vo. Moskau, 1851 : *Untersuchungen ueber die in der Kaehe von Moskau stattfiudende Local- Attraction. 8vo. Moskau, 1863 Sehwerd (Friedrich Magnus) : : Die Beugungserscheinungen aus den Fundamentalgesetzen der Undulationstheorie, analytisch entwickelt, und in Bil- dern dargestellt. 4to. Mannheim, 1835 : See also Speyer, Sternwarte. Sehwilgue (Th.) : Kurze Beschreibung der astronomischen Uhr des Strasbvirger Munsters. i2mo. Strasburg, 1857 Schwinck (G.) : Mappa coelestis sive tabulae quinque inerrantium septimum ordinem non excedentium et usque ad xxx gvaduoi decl. austr. pertinentium, fol. Lipsiae, 1843 Sehyanofif (Alexandre) : Essai sur la metaphysique des forces inlierentes a I'essence de la matiere, et introduction a une nouvelle theorie atomo- dynamique. . . . Deuxieme edition. 8vo. Kiew, 1868 Science. An Illustrated Journal. Vol. 1-3. 4to. Cambridge, Mass., 1883-84 Science Observer. A Journal for Scientists. Vol. 1-4. 8vo. Boston, 1877-82 Scientific Memoirs, selected from the transactions of foreign Academies of Science and learned Societies, and from foreign Journals. Edited by Richard Taylor. Vol. i, Vol. 2, Part 5, 6, 8vo. London, 1837-39 Scientific Opinion. Jan. -June, 1870. 4to. London. Scientific Roll, and Magazine of systematized Notes. Conducted by Alexander Ramsay. No. i-ii. 8vo. London, 1880-83 Scoresby (William) : Magnetical investigations. Part i. 8vo. London, 1739 Scott (Robert H.) : : Instructions in the use of meteorological instruments, 8vo. London, 1875 : See also London, Meteorological Office. Searle (^Arthur) : *The zodiacal light. 8vo. Philadolpliia [1883] Secchi (Angelo) : : *Riceiche di reometria elettrica. 8vo. Roma, 1850 : *Sop)a un nuovo fotometro destinato specialmente a misurare 1' intcnsita relativa della luce delle slclle. 4to. Roma, 1851 330 Secchi (Angelo)—contmued. : *Sopra le osservazioni fatte alia Specola del Collegio Romano durante 1' eclisse del 28 Luglio 1851. 4to. Roma, 1852 : *Researclies on electrical rheometry. 4to. Washington, 1852 : *Sulle apparenze osservate nell' anello di Saturno nel 1850 e 1851. 4to. Roma, 1852 : *Pontificia corrispondenza meteorologica telegrafica in Roma. 4to. Roma, 1855 : *Ricerclie suUa luce elettrica. Svo. Torino, 1856 : *Osservazioni di Saturno e suoi anelli. 4to. Roma, 1856 : *Intorno ad un nuovo barometrografo. 4to. Roma, 1857 : Misui-a della base trigonometrica eseguita sulla Via Appia .... 1854-55. 4to. Roma, 1858 . : *Sulle Macchie Solari e del modo di determinare la pro- fondita. 4to- Roma, 1858 : Quadro fisico del sistema solare. Svo. Roma, 1859 : *Sulla ecclisse solare del 18 Luglio i860. 8vo. Roma, i860 : Relazione delle osservazioni fatte in Spagna durante r ecclisse totale del 18 Luglio i860. 8vo. Roma, i860 : Catalogo di 1321 [1221] stelle doppie misurate col grande equatoriale di Merz all' Osservatorio del Collegio Romano e confrontate colle misui-e anteriori. 4to. Roma, 1 860 *Alcune ricerche meteorologiclie sulle tempeste occorse nel 1859-60. 4^0- Roma, i860 *Osservazioni e I'icerche astronomiche sulla grande cometa del Giugno 1861. 8vo. Roma, 1861 *Intorno alia relazione che passa tra i fenomeni meteoro- logici e le variazioni del magnetismo terrestre. Memoria 2. 4to. Roma, 1862 *Sulle fotografie del sole fatte durante 1' ecclisse totale del 18 Luglio i860. 4to. Roma [1862] *L' unita delle forze fisiche ; saggio di filosofia naturale. Svo. Roma, 1864 *Ricerche sulla corrente elettrica, e sue analogie coi feno- meni idraulici. 4*0. Roma, 1864 *Les decouvertes spectroscopiques dans leurs rapports avec la recherche de la nature des corps celestes. (Traduit par A. Gautier.) 8vo. Geneve, 1865 *Le scoperte spettroscopiche in ordine alia ricerca della natura de' corpi celesti. Svo. Roma, 1865 *Sulle condizioni igieniche del Clima di Roma. Svo. Roma, 1S65 *Sugli spettri prismatici delle stelle fisse. 4to. Firenze, 1867 La met^orologie et le meteorographe a I'Exposition univer- selle. 8vo. Paris, 1867 *Ricerche sulle macchie solari e i loro movimenti. Svo. Roma, 1S67 *Le recenti scoperte astronomiche. Svo. Roma, 1868 *Suir ultima publicazione del prof. Volpicelli intorno alia cecita del Galileo. Svo. Roma, 1S6S *Suir epocha vera e la durata della cecita del Galileo. Svo. [Roma, 1S6S] '> 31 Secehi (Angelo)—contvimd. : *0n stellar spectrometry. 8vo. London [1868] : *Sugli spettri prismatici delle stelle fisse. (Memorie i e 2.) 8vo. Roma, 1868 : *Siilla gi-ande nebulosa di d' Orione. 4to. Firenze, 1868 : *Serie seconda delle misure micrometi-iche fatte all' equa- toriale di Merz del Collegio Romano dal 1863 al 1866 in- clusive. Stelle doppie e nebulose. 4to. Roma, 1868 Ditto, serie terza, see Ferrari. *Fisica solare. SuUe ultima scopei-te spettroscopiche fatte nel sole. 8vo. Roma, 1869 *Sugli spettri prismatici de' corpi celesti. Memoria 3. (Ricerclie spettrali sul sole.) 4to. Firenze, 1870 *Sul Sole. 8vo. Roma, 1870 *Rapporto della Commissione per la misura del meridiano centrale Europeo negli Stati Pontifici. 4to. Roma, 187 1 *Sulle protuberanze solari e le facole. 4to. Roma, 187 1 *Sopra un nuovo metodo spettroscopico. 4to. Roma, 1871 *Ricerclie Solari. 4to. Roma, 187 1 *Sulla distribuzione delle protviberanze intorno al disco solai'e [&c.]. Communicazioni 3-13. 4to. Roma, 1871-75 *Sugli spettri prismatici de' corpi celesti. 4to. Roma, 1872 Note spettroscopiche sul sole e gli altri corpi celesti. 8vo. Roma, 1872 *Suir Aurora Elettrica del 4 Febbraio 1872. 4to. Roma, 1872 *Suir ultima ecclisse del 12 Dicembre 187 1. 4to. Roma, 1872 Die Sonne. Die wichtigeren neuen Entdeckungen liber ihren Bau, ihre Strahlungen, ihre Stellung im Weltall und ihr Verhaltniss zu den ilbrigen Himmelskorpern .... Autorisirte deutsche Ausgabe und Originalwerk .... herausgegeben von Dr. H. Schellen. 2 vols. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1872 *Riassunto delle osservazioni sulle protuberanze solari e la loro distribuzione fatte all' Osservatorio del Collegio Romano neir anno 187 1. 8vo. Pisa, 1872 *I1 traforo delle Alpi nella catena del Moncenisio al Colle di Frejus. 4to. Roma, 1872 *Di alcuni fenomeni accaduti nella scarica di un fulmine in Alatri. 4to. Roma, 1872 *Le stelle cadenti del 27 Novembre 1872. 4to. Roma, 1873 *Cenni sulle macchie solari e la loro teoria. 8vo. Roma, 1873 *Intorno a due critiche fatte dal Sig. Bertrand ad alcune teoria solari del P. Angelo Secehi. 8vo. Roma, 1874 *Studi fisici sulle comete del 1874. 8vo. Roma, 1874 *Note relative k I'observation du passage de Venus devant le Soleil au moyen du spectroscope. 4to. Paris [1874] Le Soleil .... Deuxi^me edition, revue ot augmentce. 2 vols. 8vo. with atlas of plates. 4to. Paris, 1875-77 *Snlla pioggia osservata al Collegio Romano dal 1825 al 1874. 4to. Roma, 1875 -1 1 o Secchi {A.ng3lo)— continued. : *Studi fisici fatti all' Osservatorio del Collegio Romano sulle comete di Tompel (II) e Coggia (III) nel 1874. Seconda commiinicazione. 4to. Roma, 1875 : *Sa gli ultimi avanzamenti dell' astronomia fisica e in par- ticolare sulle maccliie solari. 8vo. Roma, 1875 : *Snir ultimo passaggio di Venere avanti al sole nel Dicem- bre 1874. 4*0. Roma, 1875 : *Prodromo di un catalogo fisico delle stelle colorate. 4to. Palermo, 1876 : *Di alcuni fatti relativi all' origine della grandine. 4to. Roma, 1876 : Les etoiles, essai d'astronomie siderale. 2 vols. 8vo. Pai-is, 1879 *Un orologio solare antico. 8vo. Determinazione di longitudine, see Fergola e Secchi. *Progetto di un monumento meteorologico da erigersi in Roma alia memoria del P. Angelo Secchi. 4to. Roma. : See also Rome, Collegio Romano ; Life, see Cacciatore (G.) ; Ferrari (G. S.). Sector, The description and use of the, the crosse-staffe, and other instruments, for such as are studious of mathematical! practise. 4*0. London, 1624 S^dillot (J. J.).> Instruments des Arabes, see Aboul Hhassan Ali. S6diIlot (L. Am6d6e) : : *Isrouvelles recherches pour servir a I'histoire de I'astrono- mie chez les Arabes. 8vo. Paris, 1836 : *Memoire sur les instruments astronomiqiies des Arabes. 8vo. Pai'is, 1 84 1 : *Memoire sur les systemes geographiques des Grecs et des Arabes. 4*0- Paris, 1842 : *Sur la determination de la troisi^me inegalite lunaire, ou variation, par les Arabes. 4to. Paris, 1843 *De la latitude de la lune. 4*0. Paris, 1844 *Sur la decouverte de la variation. 4to. Paris, 1844 *Reponse k quelques observations nouvelles sur la decou- verte de la variation, ou troisi^me inegalite lunaire, par- les astronomes arabes du X^ siecle. 4to. Paris, 1845 Materiaux pour servir a I'histoire comparee des sciences mathematiques chez les Grecs et les Orientaux. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1845-49 Courtes observations sur quelques points de I'histoire de I'astronomie et des mathematiques chez les Orientaux. 8vo. Paris, 1863 * Sur I'origine de la semaine planetaire, et de la spii-ale de Platon. 4to.Rome, 1874 *Sur les emprunts que nous avons faits a la science arabe, et en particulier de la determination de la troisieme ine- galite lunaire, ou variation, par Aboul-Wefa de Bagdad. 4to. Rome, 1875 Sedillot iL. Ain6d6e)—^co7iiinued. [ ] : Note relative ;i une edition des Tables Astronomiques d'Oloug-Beg, commeucee en 1S39. 8vo. : See also Paris, Observatoire. Seeliger (Hugo) : : Znr Theorie der Doppelsterubewegungen. Inaugural- Dissertation. 8vo. Leipzig. 1872 : *Untersuchungen iiber die Bewegungsverhdltnisse in dem dreifachen Sternsystem f Cancri. 4to. Wien, 1881 Seguin ( Ain6) : Considerations sur les lois qui president a raccomplissement des phenom^nes naturals ra})portes a Tattraction ISTew- tonienne. 8vo. Paris, 1861 Seibt CWilhelm), see Berlin, K. preuss. geodafc. Institut. Seidel (Ludwig) : : *IIntersuch\ingen iiber die gegenseitigen Helligkeiten der Pixsterne erster Grosse, und iiber die Extinction des Lichtes in der Atmosphiire. 4to. Miincben, 1852 : *Untersucbungen iiber die Lichtstarke der Plaiieten Venus, Mars, Jupiter und Saturn verglichen niit Sternen, und iiber die relative Weisse ihrer Oberfliichen . 4to. Miincben, 1859 Seinsheim (Philippus L. B. de) : Disquisitio astronomica de cori'ectione calendarii. [Inaugural Dissertation.] 4to. Ingolstadtii, 1699 Selenographical Society : Tbe SelenograpliicalJournal, Yd, 1-5. 8vo. London, 1879 83 [Seller (John)] : Practical Navigation, or an introduction to tbe whole art. 4to. Semler (Christian Gottlieb) : : Vollsfandige Beschreibung von dem neuen Cometen des I742sten Jabres, samt einer astronomiscben Wiederlegung das der Stern der Weiaen kein Comet gewesen .... 8vo. Halle, 1742 : VoUstilndige Beschreibung des Sterns der Weisen, wobey zugleich der grosse Unterscbied desselben von einem Cometen gezeiget, und von der wahren Zeit der Geburt Christi .... Mit A. N. Grischows .... Tage-Pvegister von dem Cometen des i743sten Jabres. 8vo. Halle, 1743 Sepulveda (Joannes Genesius) Cordubensis : De correctione anni mcnsivmque Pomanorvm .... com- mentatio. 8vo. Lutetije Parisiorum, 1547 Serooskerken CR. C. van Tuyll): Disputatiu matbematica inauguralis de latitudiue ex obsor- vatis duabus astrorum altitudinibus coinputanda. 4to. Trajecti ad Ilbenum, 1823 Scrpicri ( Alossandro) : *Ijii luce zodiacalc, sue leggi e teoria cosmieo-atmosferica, dedotto dalle osservazioni di (i. .Jones. 4t(). Palermo, 1876 334 Serret (Joseph Alfred), see Paris, Observatoire. Sestini (Benedetto) : : Memoria sopra i colori delle stelle del Catalogo di Baily. 4to. Roma, 1845 : A treatise of analytical geometry, 8 vo. Washington, 1852 : *Obser\'ations on Solar Spots, made at the Observatory of Georgetown College, 1850. 4to. Washington, 1853 A treatise on Algebra. i2mo. Baltimore, 1855 Ditto. Second edition. i2mo. Baltimore, 1855 Elements of Geometry and Trigonometry. 8vo. Baltimore, 1856 Settimanni (C6sar) : : D'une nouvelle methode pour determiner la parallaxe du soleil. 8vo. Florence, 1869 : D'une seconde nouvelle methode pour determiner la paral- laxe du soleil. 8vo. Florence, 1870 : Nouvelle theorie des principaux elements de la lune et du soleil. 4to. Florence, 187 1 : Supplement. 4to. Florence, 1874 Seue (C. de) : Windrosen des sudlichen Norwegens. 4to. Kristiania, 1876 Sexe (S. A.) : Le Glacier de Boium en .Juillet 1868. 4to. Christiania, 1869 Sextant: The description and use of a new astronomical instrument for taking altitudes of the Sun and Stars at sea, without an horizon [&c.]. 4to. London, 1735 Seydler (August) : *Uber die Bahn der Dione (106) [2 papers]. 8vo. Wien, 1872-77 Seyflfarth Gustav. : : Beitraege zur Kenntniss der Literatur, Kunst, Mythologie und Geschichte des alten Aegypten. 8vo. Leipzig, 1833 : *Corrections of the present theory of the Moon's motions, according to the classic eclipses. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1877 Shadwell (Charles F. A.) : : Tables for facilitating the approximate prediction of occul- tations and eclipses for any particular place. 8vo. London, 1847 : Tables for facilitating the determination of the latitude at sea by the simulfcxneous altitudes of two stars. 8vo. London, 1849 : Tables for facilitating the determination of the latitude and time at sea by observations of the stars. . . . New edition. 8vo. Loudon, 1854 : Notes on the management of chronometers and the measure- ment of meridian distances. 8vo. London, 1855 : Ditto. New edition. 8vo. London, 1861 : Tables for facilitating the reduction of lunar observations. 8vo. London, i860 335 Shadwell (Charles F. A.)— continued. : Formula of navigation and nautical Astronomy. [Set of cards in case.] London, 1856 : Ditto. Revised editions. 1869 and 1878 : Notes on interpolation, mathematical and practical. 8vo. London [1879] S[harp], A[brahamJ : Geometry improv'd : i. by a large and accurate table of seg- ments of circles .... with compendious tables for finding a true proportional part, and their use .... exemplify'd in making out logarithms or natural numbers from them, to sixty figures, there being a table of them for all primes to 1 100, true to 61 figures. 2. A concise treatise of polyedra, or solid bodies of many bases. 4to. London, 1 7 1 7 Sharpless (Isaac) : *The latitude of Haverford College Observatory. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1883 Sheepshanks (Richard) : : Tables containing the logai'ithms of A, B, C, D, for every day in the year 1829. 8vo. London, 1829 : Tables for facilitating astronomical reductions. 4to. London, 1846 : A reply to Mr. Babbage's letter to the Times ' on the planet Neptune and the Royal Astronomical Society's Medal.' 8vo. London, 1847 : A letter to the Board of Visitors of the Greenwich Royal Observatory, in reply to the calumnies of Mr. Babbage .... with correspondence prefixed. 8vo. London, i860 (1854) : *Memoir. 8vo. London, 1856 Shepheard's Kalender (the), newly augmented and corrected. fol. [London]. (Shepherd, Antony) : Tables for correcting the apparent distance of the Moon and a star from the effects of refi'action and parallax. Published by order of the Commissioners of Longitude. 4to. Cambridge, 1772 Sherwin (Henry) : : Mathematical tables. . . . The third edition, carefully revised and corrected, by William Gardiner. 8vo. London, 1741 : Ditto. The fourth edition. 8vo. London, 176 1 Shires (William) : The principles of mechanics, in three lectures ; designed as an introduction to this branch of the mathematics. 8vo. London, 181 8 Shortredc (Robert) : ■ : Compendious logaiithmic tables, embracing logarithms to numbers and num])crs to logarithms, with logarithmic sines and tangents to every five minutes of the (luandnint. Svo. Edinburgh, 1S44 : Logarithmic tables to seven places of decimals, containing 336 Shortrede i'Rohort)—continu(rl logarithms to numbers from i to 120,000; numbers to logarithms from "o to i-ooooo; logaritlimic sines and tangents to every second of the circle, with arguments in space and time, and new astronomical and geodesical tables. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1844 : Logarithmic tables to seven places of decimals, containing logarithmic sines and tangents to every second of tiie circle, with arguments in space and time. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1849 : Traverse tables to five places for every 2' of angle up to 100 of distance. Edited by Edward Sang. 4to. Edinburgh, 1864 Sidereal heavens (a theory of the structure of the), including an explanation of the phenomena of the via lactea and nebul?e, founded on a new astronomical doctrine. 4to. London, 1842 Sidereal Messenger (the). A monthly journal devoted to As- tronomical Science. Edited by 0. M. Mitchel. Vol. i, 2, and Vol. 3, No. 1,2. 4to. Cincinnati, 1S46-48 Sidereal Messenger (the). Conducted by Wm. W. Payne. Vol. I, 2. 8vo. Northfield, Minn., 1883-84 Sidler (Georg) : : Die Theorie der Kugelfunktionen. (Programm der Berner Kantonsschule, 1861.) 4to. Bern, 1861 : Zur Dreitheilung eines Kreisbogens. (Programm der Berner Kantonsschule, 1876.) 4to. Bern, 1876 Siemens (Charles William) : : *0n the dependence of radiation on temperature. 8vo. London, 1883 : On the conservation of solar energy : a collection of papers and discussions. 8vo. Loudon, 1883 : *0n the conservation of solar energy : reply .... to Mr. E. H. Cook. 8vo. London, 1883 Sigorgne (Pierre) : ; Praelectiones astronomiae Newtonianae, ad usum studiosae juventutis. . . . Edidit Aug. Frid. Boeckius. 8vo. Tubingae, 1769 ; Institutions Newtoniennes. . . . Seconde edition. 8vo. Paris, 1769 : Institutiones astronomise Newtonianse. 8vo. Tubingse, 1780 Silliman (Benjamin) : First principles of chemistry. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1866 Silliman's Journal, sec American Journal of Science. Simmler (Rudolph Theodor) : Beitrage zur chemischen Analyse durch Spectralbeobachtun- rren. 8vo. Chur, 1861 Simmons (G. Harvey) : Meteorological Tables for the reduction of barometrical and hygrometrical observations [&c.]. 8vo. London, 1861 6j/ Simms Frederick W.': A treatise on the principal mathematical instruments em- ployed in surveying, levelling, and asti'onomy. 8vo. London, 1834 Simms ("William) : : The achromatic telescope, and its various mountings, es- pecially the equatorial : to which are added some hints on private observatories. 8vo. London, 1852 : The sextant and its applications ; including the correction of observations for instrumental errors, and the determina- tion of latitude, time and longitude by various methods, on land and at sea. 8vo. London, 1858 Simon (T. C): Scientific certainties of planetary life ; or, Neptune's light as great as ours, with vaiious other hitherto unconsidei'ed facts connected with the resideiue of moral agents in the woilds that surround the stivrs. 8vo. London, 1855 Simonelli (Jacob Philip), Ignatius Kegler, et Melchior a Briga : Scientia Eclipsium ex imperio et commercio Sinaram illus- trata, complectens Integras construct io lies astronomicas J. P. Simonelli ; Observationes Sinicas «fcc. Ignatii Kegler ; Investigationes ordinis eclipsium Melchioris a Briga. 4 parts in 2 vols. 4to. Roma? et Lucaj, 1744-47 Simonoflf dvan): : *Sur remj)loi des hauteurs correspondantes en mer. 8vo. St. Petersbourg 1840 : Pecherches sur Taction magnetique de la terre. 8vo. Kazan, 1840 Simotta (George): A theater of the planetary hovres for all dayes of the yeare, wherein may be gathered from the earth vnder the coeles- tiall influences divers sorts of hearbs . . . for the vse of physick . . . the Sunne rising, and to finde the determi- nate houre of it. Translated out of Greeke . . . fitted to our calculation (by G. Baker). 4to. London, 1631 Simpson 'Thomas*: : A new treatise of fluxions, wherein the direct and invei-se method are demonstrated after a new, clear, and concise manner, with their application to physics and astronomy. 4to. London, 1737 : The nature and laws of chance. 4to. London, 1740 : Essays on several curious and useful subjects in speculative and mix'd mathemuticks, illustrated by a variety of exam- ples. ' 4to. London, 1740 : The doctrine of annuities and reversions, deduced from general and evident principles; with useful tables, shewing the values of single and joint lives, etc. 8vo. London, 1742 : Trigonometry, plane and spherical ; with the consti-uction an(l application of logaritlims. 8vo. London, 1748 : The doctrine and Mpplicat ion of fluxions, ron1:iining, beside.s z 338 Simpson {Th.oToa.as)—co7iti7iued. what is common on the subject, a number of new improve- ments in the theory. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1750 : Select exercises for young proficients in the mathematicks. 8vo. London, 1752 : A tr-eatise of algebra .... to which is added the geome- trical construction of a great number of linear and plane problems, with the method of I'esolving the same numeri- cally. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1755 : Ditto. Eighth edition. 8vo. London, 1804 : Miscellaneous tracts on some curious and very interesting subjects in mechanics, physical astronomy, and speculative mathematics ; wherein the precession of the equinox, the nutation of the earth's axis, and the motion of the Moon in her orbit, are determined. 8vo. London, 1757 : Elements of geometry, with their application to the men- suration of superficies and solids ; to the detei-mination of the maxima and minima of geometrical quantities .... Second edition. 8vo. Loudon, 1760 Sirason (Robert): : Opera qusedam reliqua, scilicet, i. Apollonii Pergsei de sec- tione determinata .... 2. Porisniatum liber .... 3. De logarithmis liber. 4. De limitibus quantitatum et rationum fragmentum. 5. Appendix, pauca continens problemata ad illustrandam jn-secipue veterum geometrarum analysin .... post ax;ctoris mortem .... edita .... cura vero J. Clow. 4to. Glasguse, 1776 : A treatise concerning Porisms .... Translated from the Latin by John Lawson. 4to. Canterbuiy, 1777 : Elements of the conic sections. A new edition. 8vo. Glasgow^ 1 81 7 : See also Apollonius ; Euclid ; Life, see Trail (W.). Sinding (E. A. H.) : *Magnetiske undersj2^gelser foretagne i 1868. 8vo. Christiania, 1870 Singapore, East India Company's Magnetieal Observatory : Meteorological observations made . . . . by C. 1\L Elliott, in the years 1841-45. 4to. Madras, 1850 Sirigattus (Eranciscus) : Do ortu et oecasii signorum libri duo. 4to. Lugduni, 1536 Siriiis: Zeitschrift fiirpopulare Astronomie. Herausgegeben von Rudolf Falb (und Hermann J. Klein). Band 9-17 (neue Folge, Baud 4-12). 8vo. Leipzig, 1876-84 Skertchly (Sydney B. J.) : The physical system of the universe : an outline of physio- gi'aphy. 8vo. London, 1878 Slafter (Edmund E.) : History and causes of the incorrect latitudes as recorded in the journals of the early writers, navigatoi-s and explorers, relating to the Atlantic coast of North America, 1535-1 740. 8vo. Boston, 1882 339 Slawinsky (Piotra) : : Poczatki Astronomii teoretyczney i praktyczney. Svo. Wilnie, 1S26 : *Notice sur les observatoires en Angleterre. 4to. Vilna, 1835 : Remarques sur les observations faites ;i rObservatoire de Yilna au cercle repetiteur de Reichenbach, de dix-huit pouces de diametre. 4to. Vilna, 1835 Slop (J. et P.) : see Pisa. Slusius [Sluse] (Ren6 Francois) : Mesolabum, seu duas mediae proportionales inter extremas datas per circulum et per intinitas hyperbolas, vel ellipses et per quamlibet exhibitse, ac problematum omnium soli- dorum effectio per easdem cui-vas ; accessit pars altera de analysi, et miscellanea. 4to. Leodii Eburonum, 1668 Small (Robert) : An account of the astronomical discoveries of Kepler, includ- ing an historical review of the systems which had succes- sively prevailed before his time. Svo. I.ondon, 1804 Smeaton (John) : : Experimental enquiry concerning the natural powers of wind and water to turn mills and other machines [. 4t(). Hdinburgli, 1S.1S / 2 340 Smyth (Charles Piazzi) — continued. : *0n the determination of the true strength and direction of the wind at sea. 4to. Edinburgh, 1848 : *Contributions to a knowledge of the Zodiacal Light. 4to. Edinburgh, 1852 : *0n the total solar eclipse of 185 1. 4to. Edinburgh, 1852 : TenerifFe, an Astronomer's expeiiment : or, specialities of a residence above the clouds. 8vo. London, 1858 : *E.eport on the Teneriffe astronomical experiment of 1856. 4to. Edinburgh, 1858 : *Experiences with a free-revolver stand for a telescope at sea, during a voyage to Teneriffe in the summer of 1856. 8vo. London, 1857 : *Suggested explanation of Messrs. Carrington and Hodg- son's I'ecently observed solar phenomenon. 8vo. London, i860 : *0n the methods adopted to secure extreme accuracy in the Edinburgh Castle time-gun signal. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1861 : *0n the reputed meteorological system of the Great Pyramid, 4to. Edinburgh, 1864 : *Exhibition of a series of photographs illustrating the land of Egypt, the great pyramid [&c.]. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1866 : *0n intensified gravity in centrifugal governoi-s of driving clocks and steam-engines. 8vo. Glasgow, 1869 : *0n an equal surface projection for maps of the world, and its applications to certain anthropDlogical questions. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1870 : A. poor man's photography at the Great Pyramid in the year 1865 : compared with that of the ordnance survey establishment .... under the order of Col. Sir Henry James. 8vo. London, 1870 : *End-on illumination in private spectroscopy, and its appli- cations to both blow-pipe flames and electric illumined gas- vacuum tubes. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1879 : *Carbon and carbo-hydrogen, spectroscoped and spectro- meted in 1879. ^^'^- London, 1879 • : *The solar spectrum in 1877 and 1878, with some practical idea of its probable temperature of origination. 4to. Edinburgh, 1879. : *Gaseous spectra in vacuum tubes under small dispersion and at low electric temperature ; including an appendix by A. S. Herschel. 4to. Edinburgh, 1881 ; Madeira Spectroscopic ; being a revision of 21 places in the red half of the solar visible spectrum, with a Rutherfurd diffraction grating. 4to. Edinburgh, 1882 : *0n the constitution of the lines foi-ming the low-tempera- ture spectrum of oxygen. 4to. Edinbui-gh, 1882 : Observations, see Edinburgh, Royal Observatory. Smyth (William Henry) : : *Accouiit of a private obsei'vatory recently erected at Bed- ford. 4to. London [1830] o 41 Smyth (William 'H.enry)~co>iti)iucd. : A cycle of celestial obj' cts, for the use of naval, military, and private astrouoiners. 2 vols. 8vo. Lomlon, 1844 V.il. I, Prolegomena. Vol. 2, The Bedford Catalogue. : Ditto. Second edition. Revised, condensed and greatly enlarged by George F. Chambers. [The Bedford Catalogue only] Svo. Oxford, 1881 : ^Description of an astrological clock belonging to the Society of Antiquaries. 4to. London, 1848 : Svipplement. 4to. London, 1851 : ^5Cdes Hartwellianpe, or notices of the manor and mansion of Hartwell. 4to. London, 1851 : Addenda to the j3l]des Hartwellianaj. 4to. London, 1864 : [Speculum Hartwelliannm.] The cycle of celestial objects continued at the Hartwell Observatory to 1859, with a notice of recent discoveiies, including details from the ^des Hartwellianse. 4to. London, i860 : An additional word on the pristine establishment of the JRoyal Society Clul). 4to. London, i860 : Sidereal Chromatics : being a reprint, with additions, trom the ' Bedford cycle of celestial objects ' and its ' Hartwell continuation ' on the colours of multiple stars. 8vo. London, 1864 Smytliies (John Kinnersley) : Essay on the theory of attraction. 4to. London, 1850 Snart (John) : Tlie power of numbers exemplified by the laws of permuta- tion. Svo. London, 181 9 Snellius (Willebrord) : : Apollonivs Bataws, seu exsuscitata Apollonii Pergaei nept Ai(j)f)i(Tfxevr)^ TOfj.r]<; geometria. 4to. Lugodini, 1608 : Eratosthenes Bataws de tense ambitus vera quantitate. 4to. Lugduni Batavorum, 161 7 : Coeli & siderum in eo errantium observationes Hassiacaj, ilhistrissimi principis Wilhelmi Hassire Lantgravii auspiciis (piondam institutfe ; et spicilegium biennale ex observation- ibus Bohemicis Tychonis Brahe .... quibus accesserunt J. Regiomontani & B. Walteri Observationes Noribergica^. 4to. Lugduni Batavorum, i6i8 Sniadecki ( Jean-Bap tiste) : Discours sur Nicolas Kopernik. 8vo. Paris, 1820 Snooke ( W. Drew) : Brief astronomical tables, constructed on a simple plan for the expeditious cidculation of eclipses in all ages, designed for the purpose of verifying dates. 8vo. London, 1852 Snow (Robert) : : Observations of the Aurora Borealis from September 1834 to September 1839. i2mo. iiOiidon, 1842 : A manual chielly of definitions, introductory to the jilane abtronomy of the globes. 8vo. London, 1847 342 Societa degli Spettroscopisti Italian!: Memorie. Raccolte e pubblicate per cura del Prof. P. Tacchini. Vol. 1-12. 4to. Palermo e Pioma, 1872-83 Societa Italiana delle Scienze : : Memorie di matematica e di fisica. Tomo 19-25. 4to. Modena, 1821-55 : Ditto. Serie seconda. Tomo i, 2. 4to. Modena, 1862-66 : Ditto. Serie terza. Tomo 1-5. 4to. Firenze (e Napoli), 1867-82 : Questione della Societa. 8vo. Torino, 1861 Society for Opposing the Endowment of Research, Ex- tracts reprinted by the. 8vo. London, 1881 Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge : : Library of viseful knowledge : Natural philosophy. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1829-34 Vol. 3 contains astronomy, history of astronomy, matliematical geo- graphy, physical geography, aiul navigMtion. Six maps of the stars. fol. London, 1830 Six maps of the stars [lai-ge maps]. London, 1836 The Stars in six maps, on the gnomonic projection. Origi- nally designed and arranged by Sir John Lubbock, Bart., and published under the superintendence of the S. D. U. K. fol. London, n.d. : An explanation of the gnomonic projection of the sphere, and of such points of astronomy as are most necessary in the use of astronomical maps. By A. De Morgan. 8vo, London, 1836 Companion to the Society's maps of the Stars. : Lives of eminent persons ; consisting of Galileo, Kepler, Newton, &c. 8vo. London, 1833 : Tables of logarithms. i2mo. London, 1839 : /S'ee Barlow (P.), Mathematical Tables; De Morgan (A.) ; Penny Cyclopsedia. SocoloflF (A.) : *Sm' la queue du i^'' type de la comete de 1858, V. 8vo. Moscou, 1884 Sodargna (Antonio) : Annotazioni sul canto xviii dell' Iliade .... ossia dimos- trazioue del vcro sistema planetario conosciuto ed allegori- ' camente descritto da Omero. 8vo. Venezia, 1847 Soemmering (S. Th.) : Macula? Solis, see Thilo (L.). Sofka (Franz Octav) : Die kosmischen Abkiihlungen : ein meteorologisches Prinzip. 8vo. Wien, 1863 Sohncke (Leonhard A.) : : Bibliotheca Mathematica. Yerzeichniss der Biicher iiber die gesammten Zweige der Mathematik .... welche .... vom Jahre 1830 bis Mitte des Jahres 1854 erschie- nen sind. 8vo. Leipzig, 1854 : *Vortrag iiber Sternschnuppen nnd Kometen. 4to. Konigsberg, 1867 343 Sohneke (Ludwig Adolph) : De motu corpornm coelestium in medio resistente Dissertatio [Inauguralis]. 4to. Eegiomontii Prussoruui, 1S33 Somerville (Mary): : Mechanism of the heavens. 8vo. London, 1831 : On the connexion of the physical sciences. . . . Second edition. 8vo. London, 1835 : Physical Geogi-aphy. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1 848 Sonnenscliniidt (Hermann): Kosmologie. Geschichte und Entwicklang des Weltbaues, unter Zugrundelegimg der neuesten Forschungen der Wis- senschaft. 8vo. Leipzig, 1878 Souchon (Abel) : Ti'aite d'astronomie pratique, comprenant I'exposition du calcul des ephemerides astronomiques et nautiques. 8vo. Paris, 1883 Souciet (E.) : Observations mathematiques, astronomiques, geographitpies, clironologiques, et physiques, tirees des anciens livTes Chinois, ou faites nouvellement aux Indes et a la Chine, par les peres de la Compagnie de Jesus, redigees et publiees par . . . . E. S. Tome i. 4to. Paris, 1729 Soiilas (A. L.) : La levee des plans et I'arpentage rendus faciles. Deuxifeme edition. i2mo. Paris, 1820 Sourdon (Huet de) : Elements d'astronomie, propres a servir d'explication et de developpement a la machine astronomique. 8vo. Paris, 1807 South ( James ) : : Practical observations on the Nautical Almanac and Astro- nomical Ephemeris. 8vo. London, 1822 : *Corrections in Right Ascension of 37 stars of the Green- wich Catalogue. 8vo. London, 1823 : *Inquiry how far the opinions generally entertained of the inutility of observations of Jupiter's third and fourth satel- lites are well or ill founded. 8vo. London, 1824 : *An inquiry how far it would be ad\dsable that the daily corrections in Right Ascension and North Polar distance of the forty-six zero stars should be computed annually at the public expense. 8vo. London, 1824 : *Astronomical phenomena, arranged in the order of suc- cession, for ... . 1824. 8vo. London. : *0n the discordances between the Sun's observed and com- puted right ascensions as determined at the Blackman Street Observatory during the years 1821-22. 4to. London, 1826 : *Observations of the apparent distances and positions of 458 double and triple stars, made in the years 1823, 1824, and 1825. 4to. Ijondon, 1826 : Refutation of the numerous misstatements and fallacies con- 344 South (Jaxaes)— con/ i/mcd. tained in a paper presented to the Admiralty by Dr. Thomas Young. 8vo. London, 1829 : Reply to a letter in the Moriiing Chronicle relative to the interest which the British Government evinces in the pro- motion of astronomical science. 8vo. London, 1829 : Charges against the President and Councils of the Royal Society. 8vo. London, 1830 : A letter to the Fellows of the Royal and the Royal Astro- nomical Societies, in reply to the obituary notice of the late Rev. Richard Sheepshanks. . . . With an appendix, con- taining the copy of a memorandum presented by the Earl of Rosse to the Council of the Royal Society. 8vo. London, 1856 : *Review of a letter from Sir James South ' to the Fel- lows of the Royal and the Royal Astronomical Societies, in reply to the obituary notice of the late Rev. Richard Sheepshanks. . . .' 8vo. London, 1856 South (James) and J. F. "W. Herschel : *Observations of the apparent distances and positions of 3S0 double and triple stars, made in the yeai's 1821, 1822, and 1823. 4to. London, 1825 South Kensington Museum : : Conferences held in connection with the special loan collec- tion of scientific apparatus, 1876. 2 vols. 8vo. London. : Catalogue of the special loan collection of scientific apjiara- tus. 8vo. London, 1877 Spath ( Johann Leonhard) : L^eber die Entstehung und Ausbildung des Sternhimmels, oder die Cosmogonie in Grundlegung der neuesten Beobachtun- gen nacheigenen Ansichten aufgestellt. 8vo. Niirnberg, 1815 Spence (William) : : Outlines of a theory of algebraical equations, deduced from the principles of Harriott, and extended to the iluxional or differential calculus. 8vo. London, 1814 : Mathematical Essays .... edited by John F. W. Herschel, with a biographical sketch of the author. 4to. London, 18 19 Speyer, Sternwarte : Astronomisciie Beobaclitunaren ansestellt auf der Sternwaite des Konigl. Lyzeums .... von F. M. Schwerd, . . . 1826-27. Abtheilung i, 2. 4to. Speyer, 1829-30 Spiller (Philipp): Die Entstehung der Welt und die Einheit dtr Nalurkiafte. 8vo. Berlin, 1870 Spinola (Francesco): De Intercalandi ratione corrigenda, & de tabellis quadratorum nunierorum, a Pythagoreis dispositorum. 8vo. Venetiis, 1562 Spittler (Johann Friedrich): De parallaxi longitudinis atque latitudinis planetarum. [In- augural Dissertation.] 4to. Tubingfe, 1756 345 Sporer (G.^ : : *Beobachtungen .... uber die Sonnenflecken (Anclam). 8vo. Berlin, 1865 : *Beobachtuiigen der Sonnenflecken zu Anclam. Part i & 2. 4to. Leipzig, 1874 76 Spottiswoode (William) : Polarisation of light. i2mo. London, 1874 Sprat ( Thomas \ Bishop of Rochester : : The history of the Eoyal Society of London for the improv- ing of natural knowledge. Second edition. 4to. Loudon, 1702 : Ditto. Fourth edition. 4to. London, 1734 Squarcialupus (Marcus), De Cometis, see Erastus and others. Squire (Jane): A proposal for discovering our longitude. [English and French.] 4to. London, 1742 Stadius (Joannes) : : Ephemerides novfe et exactfe .... ah anno 1554 ad annum 1570. 4to. Colonial Agrijipinje, 1556 : Ephemeiides nova3, auctse, et repnrgatse .... ah anno 1554 usque ad annum 1600. 4to. Colonise Agrippinse, 1570 Standards of Weight and Measure : : Rep'^rt of the Commissioners appointed to consider the steps to be taken for restoration of the standards of weight and measure. fol. London, 1841 : See also Airy (G. B.) ; London, Board of Trade; Paris, Comite International. Stanley (William Ford) : A descriptive treatise on mathematical drawing instruments. 8vo. London, 1866 Star Catalogues : See Knobel (E. B.), Chronology of star cata- logues. Star Charts: Al Sufi : Description des ctoiles fixes. Trad, avec notes par H. C. F. C. Sehjellerup, 1874. Argelander (F. W. A.) : Atlas des nordlichen gestirntcn Hinimels. 1863 : Uranometria Nova, stellye per nicdiani Eiiropam solis oculis con- spicuae. 1843. Bayer (J.) : Uranometria, omnium asterismorum cont inens schemata. 1661. Bazley (T.) : The stars in their courses. 1878. Bohrmann (C.) : Atlas des siidlichen gestirnten Ilimmols. 1874. Berlin, Akademische Sternkartfn. 1859. Bishop's Ecliptic Charts. Epoch 1825. Bofle (J. E.) : Representation des astres. 1782. : Uranographia, sive astrorum descriptio. 1801. Carrington (R. C): Circumpolar charts for 1855. Dien (Ch.) : Atlas Celeste, n.d. [p:poch i860.] Doppelmaier (J. G.) : Atlas coelestis. 1742. ") 46 star ChdiVts— continued. Flamsteed (J.) : Atlas ccelestis. 1781. : Atlas celeste (Fortin). 1776. Goldbach (0. F.): Neuester Himmelsatlas. 1799. Gould (B. A.) : Uranometria Argentina. 1879. Green (J.) : Astronomical Recreations : Position and mythological history of the constellations. 1824. Harding (K. L.) : Atlas novus coelestis. 1822. : Neuer Himmelsatlas : neue Ausgabe. 1856. Heis (E.): Atlas Coelestis novus: stellse per mediam Europam solis oculis conspicuiB. 1872. : Atlas Coelestis Eclipticus ad delin. Lumen Zodiacale. 1878. : Fiinf Sterncharten zum Einzeichnen der Sternschnuppen. 1868. Horschel (J. F. W.) : Eesults of astronomical observations made at the Cape of Good Hope. 1847. Hevelius (J.): Firmamentum Sobieseianum, sive Uranographia. 1690. Hoffmann (K. F. V.): Vollstandiger Himmelsatlas. 1835. Houzeau (J. C.) : Urauometrie generale. Atlas de toutes les dtoilea visibles a I'ceil nu. 1878. [Brussels, Annales de I'Observatoire, nouv. ser., Tom. i.] Jamieson (A.) : Celestial Atlas. 1822. Littrow (J. J.) : Atlas des gestirnten Himmels. 2nd ed. 1854; 3rd ed. 1S66. Middleton (J.) : Celestial Atlas, of stars visible in Great Britain. 1840. Paris, Observatoire : Atlas eeliptique, par Chacornac, Henry, &c. Peters (C. H. F.) : Celestial Charts, n. d. [Epoch i860.] Piccolomini (A.) : De la sfera del mondo. ist ed. 1548; 2nd ed. 1570. Proctor (E. A.) : The Stars in 12 maps. 1866. ; Constellation Seasons: guide to the knowledge of the stars. 1S67. : Large Star Atlas, fol. 1870. : A new Star Atlas. 8to. 1875. : Half Hours with the stars : guide to the Constellations. 1877. Rome, CoUegio Romano : Stelle del catalog© di Baily, contrassegnate secondo loro diversi colori. n. d. Rest (J. L.) : Atlas portatilis coelestis. 8vo. 1743. Schiller (J.) : Coelum Stellatum Christianum. 1627. Schlegel (G.) : Atlas celeste Chinois et Grec. 1875. Schwinck (G.) : Mappa coelestis. 1843. Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Six maps of the stars. [Small] 1830; n.d. ; [large] 1836. Turin Academy, Atlante di carte celesti. n.d. [Epoch 1880.] WoUaston (F.): A portraiture of the heavens as they appear to the naked eye. 181 1. Stark (Paul): Johannes Kepler. Sein Yerhaltniss zur schwabisclien Heimath 1596-16 19. 8vo. Gotha, 1868 Stars (the) and the Earth ; or, thoughts upon space, time, and eternity. 2 parts, 8vo. London, 1846-47 : Ditto. 6th edition. 2 parts, 8vo. London, 1854 Steell (Robert) : A treatise of conic sections. 8vo. Dublin, 1723 347 Steffens (Johann Heinrich): Die grosse Sonneufiusternis.s im Jabr 1S20, neb.st allgeineinon und besonderen Betrachtungen iibei* Sonn- und Mondfin- sternisse. 8vo. Wien, 1S20 Stehr (^L.) : Das Welts^'^stem, erforscht und durch Berecbnung bewiesen. .... Zweite Aiiflage. 8vo. Berlin, 1872 Steinheil (Carl August von) : Copie des Meter der Archive zii Paris. 4to. Miiuchen, 1S44 Stella (Rupertus) : The astrologian's guide in horary astrology. i2mo. London, 1832 Stephan (E.) : Bapport sur I'observation de Fcclipse de soleil du 18 aout 1868. 8vo. Paris, 1869 Stephan (E.) et Maurice Loewy: *Determination de la diflerence des longitudes entre Paris - Marseille et Alger-Marseille. 4to. Paris, 187 8 Stern (Moriz A.): Himmelskunde. Volksfasslich bearbeitet. 8vo. Karlsruhe, 1844 Stevin (Simon) : : Les CEuvres Mathematiques . . . . oii sont inserees les mc moires mathematiques esquelles s'est exerce le . . . . Prince ^Maurice de Nassau, Prince d'Aurenge. Le tout reveu, corrige & augmente par Albert Girard. 2 vols, in I, fol. Leyde, 1634 ■ : Life, see Qnetelet (L. A. J.). Stewart (Balfour): The conservation of energy : being an elementary treatise on energy and its laws. Third edition. 8vo. London, 1874 Stewart (Matthew): : Some general theorems of considerable use in the higher parts of mathematics. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1746 : Propositiones geometricje, more veterum demonstrata?, ad geometriam antiquam illustrandam et promovendam idonere. 8vo. Edinburgi, 1763 Stieber (Friedrich Carl Gustav) : *Die wahre Gestalt der Planeten- und Kometenbahnen. 4to. Dresden, 1864 Stirling (James) : : Lineje tertii ordinis Neutonianse, sive illusti'atio tract'itus D. Neutoni do enumeratione linearum tertii ordinis; cui subjungitur solutio trium problematum. 8vo. Oxonia% 1 7 1 7 : IVIethodns differentialis, sive tractatus de summationt^ et interpolatione serierum infinitarum. 4to. Londini, 1730 Stirrup (Thomas): Ilorometria, or thecompleatdiallist. . . . The second edition. 4to. London, 1659 348 Stockholm, Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps Akademie: : Handlingar. Ny Foljd, 1855-79. Bandet 1-17. 4to. Stockholm, 1858-81 : Bihang till .... Handlingar. Bandet 1-5. 8vo. Stockholm, 1872-80 : Ofversigt af Kongl. Yetenskaps-Akademiens Fuihandling.i r, 1844-80. Argfingen 1-37. 8vo. Stockholm, 1845-81 : Lefnadsteckningar. Bandet i, 2. 8vo. Stockholm, 1869 78 Stockholra, Observatorium : Astronomiska lakctageLser och Undersokningar .... Ut- gifna af Hugo Gylden. Bandet i. 4to. Stockholm, 1880 Stockwell (John N.): : A treatise on the secular equations of the IMoon's mean motion. 8vo. Cambridge [U.S.], 1867 : Theory of the Moon's motion. 4to. Philadelphia, 1875 : Ditto. 2nd edition. 4to. Philadelphia, 1877 : The theory of the Moon's motion deduced from the law of universal gravitation. 4to. Philadelphia, 1881 Stoffler [Stoefflerus, Stoefflerinus] ( Johann) : : Elvcidatio fabricae vsvsque Asti'olabii .... nuper Ingeni- ose cocinnata atque in lucem edita. fol. Oppenheym, 1513 (1512) : Tabulfe Astronomicfe. Verarum mediarumque coniunc- tionu & oppositionum Solis & Lunfe exactissima supputatio pro omni tempore. Et toti propemodum Europse accom- moda. Cyclorum patruui aiitiquorum de coniunctionu & oppositionu reditu imperfectio & fere redargutio. Eclipsium luminarium priedictio. Ei'usdem Instrumeuti astrologici additio, fol. Tubingse, 15 14 : Der Romisch Kaleuder .... Cristlicher Kirchen zu Ere Uii dem Groszmechtigsten Maximiliano Rtimischem Keyser &c. zu Ewiger gedechtnus Auch. Gemeynem volck zu under- richtung Gerechet und geordent. fol. Oppenheym, 15 18 : Calendarium Romanum magnum, Ctesareaj maiestati dica- tum. [15 18-15 79.] f^'- Oppenheym, 15 18 ■ : Ephemerides, 1544-5, see Pitatus, Almanach novum. Stokes (George Gabriel): Mathematical and physical papers. 2 vols. Cambridge, 1 880-S3 Stone (Edmund) : A new mathematical dictionary. 8vo. London, 1726 Stone (Edm.) and G. F. A. de I'Hdpital: : The method of fluxions both direct and inverse : the former being a translation from the celebrated Marquis De I'Hos- pital's Analyse des infinivient petits, and the latter supply'd by the translator, E ... S ... . 8vo. London, 1730 : See also L'Hopital (G. F. A. de). Stone (Edward James): : [Address on the transit of Venus, delivered at the meeting of the subscribers to the South African Public Library.] Svo. Caye Town, 1S72 3\9 stone (Edward Jamos) -cnntitmcd. : *Plac*es of eight close southern cii'cumpolar stars. Svo. Cope Town, 1S74 : Cape Catalogues and Observations, see Cape of Good Hope, Royal Observatory. : Radcliffe Observations, see Oxford. Stone (Ormond): : *0n the extra-meridian determination of time by means of a portable transit instrument. Svo. Cincinnati : Measures of double stai-s, see Cincinnati Observatory. Stonyhurst College Observatory: Kesults of meteorological and magnctical observations, 1865. Svo. Clitlieroe Storer (W.): Syllabus to a course of optical expariments on the syllepsis optica, or the new optical principles of the royal delineator analysed. 4to. [L )ndon, 1782J [Stow, John] : A hermit's idea that the stars are the liomes of the heavenly hosts. 4to. London, 1862 Strachan (R.): Principles of weather forecasts and storm prevision. 2nd edition. Svo. Londori, 1868 Straehey (Edward) : BijaGanita, or the algebra of the Hindus. 4to. London, 1813 Strasbourg (Cath6drale de) : : Uescription abregee de I'horloge astronomique. 1 2 mo. Strasbourg, 1S54 : Sep also Schwilgue (Th.). Strasser (P. G.): IVlittlere Orter von [750] Fixsternen, bezogen nuf das miltlcre Aequinoctium 1870-0 abgeleitet aus den Beobaclitungen der Sternwarte KremsmUns-ter. Svo. Kremsmiinster, 1877 Stratford (William Samuel): *0n the t'lemonts of the orbit of Halley's Comet, at its apjieaiance in the years 1835 and 1836. Svo. London, 1837 Strauchius [Strauch] (^gidius): : Aphoi'ismi astrologici methodice in usum docentium et dis- centiura collecti ; accessit Cyi)riani Leovitii de judiciis nativitatum doctrina .... Editio secunda. i2mo. Witteborga;, 1675 : Tabula; sinuum, tangentium, logarithmorum et per uni- versam mathesin. Auctioi-es & correctissima\ . . . Acces- sere Leonh. Christ. Slurmii .... tabular plane uova3. Svo. Amstelodami, 1700 : Taljollcn der Sinuum, Tangentium, Logarithmorum, und zu der gantzen Mathesi .... [luit | L. C. Stuiinii TabrlK'n. Svo. Amstci'dam, 1700 The SHine work as tho foregoing, wii li iiiirdilnci iuu in (nrninn. 350 Strauchius [Strauch] (Mgidius)— continued. : Astrognosia synoptice et methodice in usum gymnasiorum et academiarum adornata; addita sunt asterismorum et plane - tarum schemata .... Editio quinta. i2mo. Vitembergre, 1722 Streete (Thomas) : : Astronomia Carolina, a new Theorie of the Ccelestial Motions. Composed according to the Best Observations and most Rational Grounds of Art. Yet farre more Easie, Expedite and Perspicuous than any before Extant. With exact and most E:isie Tables thereunto, and Precepts for the Calcula- tion of Eclipses, &c. 4to. London, 1661 : Astronomia Carolina, with exact and most easy tables and rules for the calculation of eclipses. The third edition .... to which is added a series of observations on the planets, chiefly of the Moon, made .... in order to find out the Lunar Theory a posteriori, being a proposal how to find the longitude, &c. By Dr. Edmund Haley [sic]. 4to London, 17 16 StreH { Johann) : De proMematis Kepleriani solutionibus. Dissertatio Inau- guralis astronomica. 8vo. Gryphisvaldiae, 1861 Strode (Thomas) : A New and Easie Method to the Art of D vailing. Contain- ing I. All Horizontal Dyals, all upi'ight Dyals, Reflecting Dyals, Dyals without Centres, Nocturnal Dyals, Upright Declining Dyals .... II. The most Natural and Easie Way of Describing the Curve-Lines of the Sun's Declination on iiny Plane. 4to. London, 1688 Struve (Friedrich Georg Wilhelm von^ : : Der Ort des Sterns 8 Ursae minoris in seiner oberen Cul- mination flir jeden Tag der Jahre 1820, 1821, 1822. 8vo. Dorpat, 1821 : *Catalogus 795 stellarum duplicium ex diversoi'um astio- nomorum observationibus congestus in specula Dorpa- tensi. 4to. Dorpati, 1822 ■ : Beschreibung des auf der Stei-nwarte der kaiserlichen Universitat zu Dorpat befindlichen grossen Refractors von Fraunhofer. fol. Dorpat, 1825 : Catalogus novus stellarum duplicium et multiplieium maxima ex parte in specula Universitatis Caesareae Dorpa- tensis .... detectarum. fol. Dorpati, 1825 : Beschreibung der .... von der Universitat zu Dorpat veranstalteten Breitengradmessung in den Ostseeprovinzen Russlands, ausgefiihrt und bearbeitet in den Jahren 1821-31. 2 parts, 4to. Dorpat, 1831 : Ueber Doppelsterne nacli den auf der Dorpater Stern warte .... von 1824 bis 1837 angestellten Micrometermessun- gen. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1837 : Stellarum duplicium et multiplieium Mensurae Microme- tricae per magnum Fraunhoferi tuhum annis a 1824 ad 1837 in Specula Doi-patensi institutae. fol. Petropoli, 1837 : *Additamentum in ... . Mensums Micrometricas Stel- Struve (Friedrieh Georg Wilhelm von)— continued. larum Dupliciuiu .... adjecta est disquisitio de parallax! annua stellae a Lyrae. 4to. St. P^tersbourg, 1839 : Beobachtungen des Halley'schen Cometen bei seinem Er- scheinen im Jahre 1855 auf der Doi-pater Stern%yarte angestellt. fol. St. Petersburg, 1839 : *[Rapport sur le] Metnoire sur revaluation numerique de la constante de la precession des equinoxes eu egard au mouvement propre du centre de gravite du systeme solaire dans I'espace. 8vo. St. Petersbourg [1841] : *Table des positions geographiques principales de la Russie. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1843 : Catalogue de 514 etoiles doubles et multiples decouvertes sur I'hemispliere celeste boreal par la grande lunette de rObservatoire central de Poulkova, et catalogue de 256 etoiles doubles principales oii la distance des composantes est de 32 secondes a 2 minutes, fol. St. Petersbourg, 1843 : *Notice sur I'instrument des passages de Repsold etabli k rObservatoire de Poulkova. 4to. St. Petersbourg [1843] : Expedition Chronometrique executee .... entre Poul- kova et Altona pour la determination de la longitude geo- grapliique relative de I'Observatoire Central de Russie. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1844 : *Rapport .... sur le memoire de C. A. F. Peters; Numerus Constans nutationis. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1 844 : *Ueber den Flacheninhalt der 37 westlichen Gouvernements und Provinzen des Europaischen Russlauds. 4to. St. Petersburg, 1845 : *Astronomische Ortsbestimmungen in der Europaischen Tiirkei, in Kaukasien und Klein-Asien. 4to. St. Petersburg, 1845 : Description de I'Observatoire Astronomique central de Poulkova. [With vol. of plates.] 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1845 : * Rapport .... sur une mission scientifique. 4to. [1847] : Etudes d'Astronomie Stellaire. Sur la voic lact^e et sur la distance des etoiles fixes. 8vo. St, Petersbourg, 1847 : *Sur la dilatation de la glace. 4to. St, Pctersl)ourg, 1848 : Stellarum fixarum imprimis duplirium endant la soiree du 25 Mars. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1874 : *Sur I'aspect de Tombre du 2™*^ satellite de Jupiter le 25 Mars 1874. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1875 ; *Areographie ou etude compai-ative des observations faites sur I'aspect physique de la planete Mars depuis Fontana (1636) jusqu'a nos jours (1873). 4to. Bruxelles, 1875 : ^"Observations des Cometes 6 et c de 1881 faites a Louvain. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1881 : *]S[ote &ur I'Avirore Boreale du 2 Octobre 1882. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1882 •, *Kote sur I'Aurore Boreale du 17 Novembre 1882. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1882 : ^Aspect de la grande comete de 1882 .... observee a Louvain. (Notice 1-3.) 8vo. Bruxelles, 1882-83 : *Observations de la Lumiere Zodiacale et d'un petit bolide, a Louvain. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1883 • : *Snr I'existence et sur la cause d'wne periodicite mensuelle des Aurores Boreales. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1883 Tessan (U. dej : Pliytique du voyage de la Venus pendant les annees 1836-39. 5 vols. Paris, 1842-44 359 Teyler ( M\is6e > : ■ ^: Archives, Vol. 1-5. 8vo. ITaarloia, 1S6S-78 : Serie 2, Part 1-3. 8vo. Haarlem, 1881-82 Thacker (Anthony): A miscellany of mathematical problems. Vol. i . 8vo. Birmingham, 1743 Thalen (Tobias Robert): *La longitude terrestre determines au moyen de signaux gal' vaniques. 4to. Upsala, 1856 Theodosius Tripolitae : Sphrericorum libros tres, Ernestus Nizze recogno\-it, Latine redditos emendavit, commentariis instruxit, appendicibus et indice auxit, 8vo. Berolini, 1852 Theon (of Alexandria) : ; 0€a)i/os AAe^avSpews YTrofJLvrjfxa eis to Trpcorov [kul to Seurepov] T7;s TLroXi/xaLov Ma^r^/xurtKr^s ^vi'Ta$€u)<;. Commentaire .... sur le premier (et le second) livre de la composition mathematique de Ptolemee, tradiut pour la premi6re fois du grec en frantj-ais .... par M. I'Abbe Halma. [Gr. & Fr.] 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1821 Tome I. Premiere partie des devcloppeniens de la trigonometrie spherique d'Hipparque et de Ptolemee. 2. Secoude partie de la trigonometrie spherique d'Hipparque et de Ptolemee [&c.]. : See also Aratus [&c.] par Halma ; Valderus. Theon (of Smyrna) : Twv Kara ixaOqjxaTiKrjv .... Eorum, qufe in mathematicis ad Platonis lectionem vtilia sunt, expositio. . . . Opus nunc primum editum, Latina versione, ac notis illustratum ab Ismaele Bvllialdo. 4to. Lutetife Parisiorum, 1644 Theophilus (Christianus) : Cometen-Propheten : ein kurtzer doch ausfiihrliclier Bericht, von der Comet-Sternen Natur und Wiirckung ; samt einer Erzehlung aller Cometen und ilirer Geschichteu. 4to. Niirnberg, 1665 Thevenot (Arsene) : Biographie de Charles-Eugene Delaunay. 8vo. TroyevS, 1878 Thiele (T. N.) : : Castor. Calcul du niouvement relatif et critique des observations de cette 6toile double. [Kjobenliavns Univer- sitet Festskrifter.] 8vo. Kjobenhavn, 1879 ; Sur la compensation de quelques erreurs quasi-syslcmati(|ue,s j>ar la nicthode des moinsimo 8. Th. Stcmmering observatae aduinbrantur. 4to. Kiaiicofiirli ad IMn'iium, 1S2S 360 [Thompson, (T. Perronet)]: Geometry without axioms, or tlie first book of Euclid's ele- ments, with alterations and familiar notes; with an intercalary book in which the straight line and plane are derived from properties of the sphere, with an appendix, containing notices of methods proposed for getting over the difficulty in the 12th axiom of Euclid. Fourth edition. 8vo. London, 1833 Thomson (David) : Lunar and horai-y tables, for new and concise methods of performing the calculations necessary for ascertaining the longitude. 8vo. London, 1824 Thomson (Thomas) : : History of the Royal Society, from its institution to the end of the eighteenth century. 4to. London, 18 12 : See also A nnals of Philosophy. Thomson (William) : Mathematical and physical papers. Vol. i. 8vo. Cambridge, 1S82 Thomson (William) and Peter Guthrie Tait: Treatise on natural philosophy. New edition. Vol. i, Part I, 2. 8vo. Cambridge, 1879-83 Thresher (William) : Astrology. [Title wanting.] 8vo. Thiimmig (Ludwig Philipp) : Dissertatio physico-mathematica de propagatione Inminis per systema planetarium. [Inaugural Dissertation.] 4to. Halee Magdeburgicse, 1721 Tiarks (John Lewis) : : *Repoi't .... on his Astronomical Observations for ascer- taining the most north-western point of the Lake of the Woods. 8vo. [1829] : *Report on Captain Foster's chronometrical observations in H.M.S. Chanticleer. 8vo. : Letter, in explanation of geocentric latitude. fol. Tides (the), a theory thereof. (By W. B.) 8vo. 1883 Tiele (Bernhard): Nova elementa Fidei planetae, deducta ex observationibus quinque opposilionum annorum 1 855-1 861. [Inaugural Dissertation.] 4to. Bonnae, 1861 Tiotjen (Friedrich) : De methodis ad orbitas cometarum determinandas adhibitis, Introductio. Dissertatio Inauguralis. 4to. Berolini, 1864 Tiflis, Physikalisches Observatorium : : Magnetische Inclinationen in Tiflis, 1870-76, bestimmt von H. Kiefer. 4to. Tifiis, 1877 : jNIiiterialien zu eincr Klimatologie des Kaukasus, gesammelt und hcrausgf'gubeu von A. Moritz. 36i Tiflis, Physikalisches Ohseryatorivim—coniiiiued. Abtheilung i. Meteorologische Beobachtinigen, Baiul I, 2. 1871-79. 8vo. & 4to. Titiis, 1877-S0 Abtheilung 3. Klimatologische Skizzen. Band r. Svo. Tiflis, 1 87 1 : Collection de tables a I'lisage des Stations Mcteorologiques du Caucase, par A. Moiitz. 8vo. Tiflis, 186S : IMagnetische Beobachtungeu, 1879-82. Herausgegebeu von J. Mielberg. 4to. Tiflis, 1880-83 ; Meteoi'ologische Beobacbtungen, 1880-82, 4to. Tiflis, 1881-83 : Inbaltsverzeichniss zum Bibliotheks-Katalog. Svo. Tiflis, 1874 Tilloch (Alexander), see Philosophical Magazice. Tischner (August) : The Sun changes its position in space, therefore it cannot be regarded as being ' in a conditiou of rest.' i6mo. Leipzig, 1883 Tisserand (F.), see Paris, Observatoire. Titis (Placidus de) : : Tabuhe primi mobilis cum thesibiis ad theoricen & canoni- bus ad praxim. 4to. Patavii, 1657 : Primum mobile ; with theses to the theory and canons for practice .... Translated .... with notes and an ap- pendix .... by John Cooper. Svo. London [181 5] Tizard (T. H.), see London, Meteorological OiEce. Tizini (Mohammed), Tabulae declinationum et rectarum ascen- sionum, see XJlugh Beigh. Todd (Charles) : ■ : Eeport on the determination of the boundary line of the colonies of South Australia and New South Wales. fob Adelaide, 1869 : Observatory and Climate of South Australia. Svo. Adelaide, 1876 : Bainfall in South Australia during the year 1878. fol. Adelaide, 1S79 : >S'ee also Adelaide Observatory. Todd (D. P.): ■ : A continuation of De Damoiseau's tables of the satellites of Jupiter to the year 1900 .... pul>lislied for the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac. 4to. Washington, 1876 ^Preliminary account of a s])eculative and practical search for a trans-Neptunian planet. Svo. Now JIaven, 1880 *Ileport on the total solar eclipse of 1878, July 29. 4to. Washington, iSSo '"'"Observations of the transit of Mercury, 1878, May 5- 6, including a systematic search for a satellite, and measures of the diameter of the planet. Svo. Salem, 1880 *Solar parallax from the velocity of light. Svo. New ITaven, iSSo *0n a mechanical attacJimcnt for cfjuatorial mountings, to facilitate sweeping in riglit asceusioii. Svo. Boston, 18S0 3^2 Todd (Thomas) : Perpetuuni kalendaiium astronomicum, or a perpetual astro- nomical kalenclar. 4to. Edinburgh, 1738 Todhunter (Isaac) : : A history of the progress of the calculus of variations during the nineteenth centmy. 8vo. Cambridge, 1861 : A history of the mathematical theory of probability from the time of Pascal to that of Laplace. 8vo. Cambridge, 1 865 : A. history of the mathematical theoiies of attiaction and the figure of the earth, from the time of Newton to that of Laplace. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1873 T6ki6, Seismological Society of Japan: Transactions, 1882-83. Vol. 4-6. 8vo. Tokio T6kid University: Memoirs of the Science Department. No. 5. (Appendices) Measurement of the force of gravity at Sa2:)poro (Yesso), (and at Naha and Kagoshima). No. 9. Earthquake measurement, by J. A. Ewing. 4to. Tokio, 1882-84 Tornamira (Francisco Vicente de) : Chronographia, y repertorio de los tiempos, a lo moderno, en qual tratavarias ydiversas cosas: de cosmographia, sphera, theorica de planetas [&c.]. 4to. Pamplona, 1585 Toronto, Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory: : Observations .... printed .... under the superin- tendence of Lieut. Col. Edward Sabine. 1840 48. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1845-57 ■ : Abstracts of magnetical observations made .... during the years 1856 to 1862 inclusive, and during parts of the years 1853, 1854, & 1855. 4to. Toronto, 1863 : Abstracts of meteorological observations made .... during the years 1854 to 1859 inclusive. 4to. Toronto, 1864 ■ : Hesults of meteorological observations made .... during the years i860, 1861, & 1862. 4to. Toronto, 1864 • : Abstracts and results of magnetical and meteorological ob- servations .... from 1 84 1 to 1 87 1 inclusive. 8vo. Toronto, 187.5 Toronto, Meteorological OflQ.ce: : Reports on the meteorological, magnetic, and other obser- vatories of the Dominion of Canada. 1874-76. 8vo. Ottawa, 1875-77 : Report on the Meteorological Service of the Dominion of Canada .... to which are appended the Reports of the Directors of the Magnetic and other Observatories for 1877-81. 8vo. Ottawa, 1878-83 Torricellian Experiment: Dilliciles nug;v, or observations touching the Torricellian experiment, and the weight and spring of air. 8vo. London, T674 Toulouse, Academie des Sciences, Inscriptions ot Belles- Lettres : : Histoire et l\I6moires .... depuis son r^tablissement en 1 807, pour faire suite a I'Histoire et anx Memoires de I'an- cienne Academie, 2'"^ serie. 6 vols. 8vo. Toulouse, 1827-43 : Memoires. 3™*^ serie. 6 vols. 8vo. Toulouse, 1844-50 ^me g^rie. 6 vols. Svo. Toulouse, 1851-56 ^me serie. 6 vols. Svo. Toulouse, 1857-62 6™« serie. 6 vols. Svo. Toulouse, 1863-68 yme s^rie, 10 vols. Svo. Toulouse, 1869-78 8™*^ serie. Tome 1-5. Svo. Toulouse, 1879-83 : Table Alphabetique des matieres contenues dans les seize premiers tomes des Memoires. Svo. Toulouse, 1854 : Table Alphabetique des matieres .... 4'"" et 5™*^ serie. Svo. Toulouse, 1854 : Table Alphabetique des matieres .... 7'"^ serie. Svo. Toulouse, 1880 : Annuaire, 1877-83. i2mo. Toulouse Toulouse, Observatoire : : Aunales .... par F. Petit. Tome i . 4to. Toulouse, 1 863 ■ : Observatoire astronomique, maguetique, et meteorologique .... Travaux executes 187 3-1 878, sous la direction de F. Tisserand .... publics par B. Baillaud. Tome i. Paris, 1880 Tis.serand (F.) : OrLite du 8me satellite de Saturne ; Mouveraent des apsides des satellites de Sattinie ; Anneau de Saturne. Perrotin (J.): Theorie do Vesta : Observations des satellites de Jupiter et de Saturne, Taches de Soleil, Lumiere zodiacale, &c. Toynbee (Henry): : *How to handle hmars. Svo. London : A method for rating chi'onometers by lunars, containing a few practical hints on lunars, on the best means of employ- ing the results, and on the state of the sextant used for measuring the distance. Svo. Loudon, 1856 : See also London, Meteorological OflSce. Trafford (P. W. C.) : Amphiorama, ou la vue du monde. Svo. Zurich, 1874 Ditto. Svo. Zurich, 1875 Ditto. Svo. Lausanne, 1875 Ditto. Svo. Lausanne, 1877 Souvenir do ramphiorama, ou la vue du iiiondo pendant son passage dans une comtte. Svo. Zurich, 1880 Trail (William) : Account of the life and writings of Eobert Sinison, IVI.D., late Professor of Mathematics in the University of Glasgow. 4to. Lath, 181 2 Trcmaux (P.): Principe universel du mouvcmont (!t des actions de la maticre resultant de la dccouvertc de cette lui geiierale : la farce vive se transmet mieux entre corps sembiabics i/u'cntre corps ditferents. Svo. Paris, 1876 3^4 Tresca (Henri), see Loewy et Tresca, Tresenreuter (Christoph Friedrich) : Dissertatio pliysico-astronomica de inaeqnali claritate lucis diurnae in terra et plauetis. 4to. Altoi'fii, 1729 Trettenero (Virgilio), see Santini. Trevandrum Observatory : : An Astronomical Ephemeris for the years 1 838-40, adapted to the meridian of the Observatory at Trevandrum. 8vo, Trevandrum, 1838-39 : Description of an observatory established at Trevandrum by .... the Rajah of Travancore. By John Caldecott. 4to. London, 1839 : Report on the Observatories of His Highness the Rajah of Travancore, at Ti-evandrum, and on the Augustier Peak of the Western Ghats. By J. A. Broun. 8vo. Trevandrum, 1857 : Observations of magnetic declination made at Trevandrum and Augustia Mai ley .... in the years 1852 to 1869, being Trevandrum Magnetical Observations, Vol. i. Dis- cussed and edited by J. A. Broun. 4to. London, 1874 Tromholt (Sophus) : *Sur les periodes de I'aurore boreale (d'apres des observations faites a Godthaab en Groenland) [French and Danish]. 4to. Copenhague, 1882 Troughton's Reflecting Circle (directions for observing with). 8vo. London, n.d. Trouvelot (Leopold) : : *0n the veiled Solar Spots. 8vo. Boston, 1876 ■ : *0n some physical observations of the Planet Saturn. 8vo. Boston, 1876 : *The Moon's Zodiacal Light. Undulations observed in the tail of Coggia's Comet, 1874. Sudden extinction of the light of a solar protuberance. On Saturn's rings. 8vo. Boston, 1878 : ^Spectres fugitifs observes pres du Kmbe solaire. 8vo. Paris, 1880 ■ : *Observations on Jupiter. |^8vo. Boston, 1S81 Trowbridge (David) : *0n the atmospheres of the Sun and planets. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1877 Truth in Extremis : A plea against the murder of science liy the gold-poison. By a searcher. 8vo. Oxford, 1876 Tschermak (Gustav) : : Die mikroskopische Beschaffenheit der Meteoriten, ei'lautert durch photographische Abbildungen. fol. Stuttgart, 1883 : /See also Buchner und Tschermak. Tupman (George Lyon) : ■ : Observations of shooting stars in the years 1869, 1870, 1 87 1. 8vo. Loudon, 1S74 365 Tupman (Georgo 'LYon)—co/iiiiiiied. — ■ — : *0n the great meteors of 1S75 : September 3, September 7, and September 14. 8vo. Loiulcm, 1876 : *rhe meteors of 1877, Nov. 23. Svo. Lomlon, 187S Turin, Reale Accademia delle Scienze : : Miscellanea philosophico-mathematica Societatis Privatae Taurinensis. Tomus i. 4to. Aiigustfe Taui-inorum, 17S9 : ^Melanges de philosophie et de mathcmatique de la Soeiete Eoyale de Turin, 1760-73. 4 vols. 4to. Turin. ; Memoires de-l'Academie E-oyale des Sciences, 1784- 1800. 6 vols. 4to. Turin, 1786 180 1 : Memoires de I'Academie (Imperiide) des Sciences, littc- rature et beaux-arts de Turin : Sciences physiques et mathematiques, an X [i8o2]-i8i2. 5 vols. 4to. Tuiin, 1S04-13 Litterature et beaux-arts, an. X [i8o2]-i8i2. 5 vols. 4to. Turin, 1803-13 : Memoires de I'Academie Eoyale des Sciences de Turin, 181 3-18 1 4. 4to. Turin, 181 6 : Memorie della E. Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. Tomo 23-40. 4to. Torino, 1818-38 Serie seconda. Tomo 1-35. 4to. Torino, 1839-84 Atti, 1865-84. Vol. 1-19. Svo. Torino, 1866-83 Notizia Storica dei lavori fatti dalla classe di scienze fisiche e matematiche negli anni 1864 e 1865, dal A. Sobrero. 8vo. Torino, 1869 : Annuario .... per 1' anno 1877-78. Anno i. 8vo. Torino, 1877 : Atlante di carte celesti, contenenti le 634 stelle principali visibili alia latitudine boreale di 45° .... e catalogo delle .... stelle per I'anno 1880. obi. fo]. n.d. : II primo secolo della E. Accademia delle Scienze di Torino : notizie storiche e bibliograficlie (i 783-1883). 4to. Torino, 1883 Turin, R. Osservatorio della R. Universita : : Observations Astronomicjvies faites en 1822-25 • • • • prcced6es d'un memoire sur les refractions astronomiques par J. Plana. 4to. Turin, 1828 : Eolletino Meteorologico cd Astronomico. Anno 5 17, 1868-82. oblong 4to. Torino Turner (John) : Mathematical exercises. No. 1-6. Svo. London and Wrexham, 1750-52 Turner (Rev. — ) : The Heavens survoy'd, and the true System of the Universe dnliueated, so as to form a curious Astronomical Insti-iiuicnt : exhibiting the number, order, periods, aphelions, pcrihelions, nodes, &.C., of all the Primary Planets l>y inHpccfioii. fol. Loudon, 1783 366 Turner ('Edmunds : Collections for the history of the town nnd Soke of Grantham. Containing authentic memoirs of Sir Isaac Newton, now first pnbliished from the original MSS. in the possession of the Earl of Portsmouth. 4to. London, iSo6 Tuttell (Thomas) : A mathematical dictionary, &c. (the description of mathe- matical instruments). 2 parts, 8vo. London, 1701 Twining (Alexander C.) : *Investigations respecting the Phenomena of Meteoric Rings, as affected by the Earth. 8vo. New Haven, 1862 Twysden (John) : ■ : The use of the general planisphere, called the analemma (the planetary instrument, and the nocturnal). 3 parts in i vol. 4to. London, 1685 : See also Foster (Samuel). Tycho Brahe, see Brahe. Tyndall (John): : *0n the physical basis of solar chemistry. 8vo. London [1861] : Heat a mode of motion. Fifth edition. 8 vo. London, 1875 Uhlemann (Max) : Grundziige der Astronomie und Astrologie der Alten, be- sonders der Aegypter. 8vo. Leipzig, 1857 Ule (Otto) : Das Weltall. Beschreibung und Geschichte des Kosmos im Entwicklungskampfe der Natur .... Zweite Auflage. 3 vols. 8vo. Halle, 1853 TJlloa (Antonio de) ; Observaciones astronomicas, see Juan y Ulloa. TJlugh Beigh: : Epochal celebriores, astronomicis, historicis, chronologis Chataiorum, SyrogTfecoi'um, Arabum, Persarum, Choras- miorum usitatse ; . . . . publicavit, recensuit, et commen- tariis illustravit J. Gravius. 4to. Londini, 1650 : See also Knobel (E. B.). : Tabulae long, ac lat. stellarum fixarvim, ex observatione Ulugh Beighi, Tamerlanis magni nepotis .... jam priniilm luce ac Latio donavit et commentariis illustravit Thomas Hyde. [Pers. & Lat.] In calce libri accesserunt Mohammedis Tizini tabulfe declinationum et rectarum as- censionum ; additur elenchus nominum stellarum. [Arabic & Lat.] 2 parts in i vol. Oxonii, 1665 IXnited Kingdom, Ordnance Survey: : An account of the operations carried on for accomplishing a trigonometrical survey of England and Wales ; from the commencement, in the year 1784 (to 1809). By W. Mudge, I. Dalby, and T. Colby. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1799 181 1 -^ 67 United Kingdom, Ordnance Survey— rr/»/;«//pr7. : Astronomical Oljservations made with Ranisden's Zenith Sector, together with a catalogue of the stars which have been observed, and the amplitudes of the celestial arcs, deduced from the observations at the different stations. 4(0. London, 1S42 : An account of the measurement of the Lough Foyle base in Ireland, with its verification and extension by triangu- lation ; together with the various methods of computation followed on the Ordnance Survey, and the requisite tables. By Capt. ^\". Yolland. 4to. London, 1847 : Astronomical observations made with Airy's Zenith Sector from 1842 to 1850, for the determination of the latitudes of various trigonometrical stations. By Capt. W. Yolland. 4to. London, 1S52 : Account of the observations and calculations of the princi- pal triangulation, and of the figure, dimensions, and mean specific gravity of the earth as derived therefiom. Drawn vip by Ca[)t. A. R. Clarke under the direction of Lieut. Col. H. James (with vol. of plates). 4to. London, 1858 : Instructioiis for taking meteorological observations, with t;ibles for their correction, and notes on meteorological phenomena. By Col. Sir H. James. 8vo. London, i860 : Abstracts of the principal lines of spirit levelling in England and Wales. By Col. Sir H. James (witli vol. of plates). 4to. London, x86t : Absti-act of the principal lines of spirit levelling in Scot- land. By Col. Sir- H. James (with vol. of plates). 4to. London, 1861 : Comparisons of the Standards of Length of England, France, Belgium, Prussia, Bussia, India, Australia, made at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southaraj^ton, by Capt. A. R. Clarke, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James. 4to. London, 1866 : Extension of the triangulation of the Ordnance Survey into France and Belgium, with the measurement of an arc of parallel in Latitude 52° N., from Valentia in Ireland to Mount Kemmel in Belgium. By Col. Sir 11. James. 4to. London, 1S63 : Determination of the positions of Feaghmain and Haver- fordwest; longitude stations on the great European arc of parallel, being an appendix to the Account of the piincipal triangulation of Great Britain and Ireland. By Capt. A. R. Clarke, under the direction of Col. Sir H. James. 4to. l^ondon, 1S67 United States Almanac, or Complete Ephemeris, 1843, '45. i2mo. Philadelphia. United States Boundary Commission, see. Boss (L). United States Coast fand Geodetic) Survey: ■ : Report of the Superinteiidcnt of the LTnited States Const Survey, showing the progress of the survey during the years 1853-77. 4*^'- Washington, 1854 80 368 United States Coast (and Geodetic) SnrveY—confimted. : Report of the Suporintentlent of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, showing the progress of the work during the years 1878-82. 4to. Washington, 1881-83 Appendix to vol. fur i860 contains Eeports of Observations of solar eclipse, July i860. Alexander & Gilliss. „ „ 1861. Abstracts of observations of eclipse of July 1S60. „ ,, 1869. Reports of observations of solar eclipse, Aug. I S69. „ „ 1870. „ „ _ „ Dec. 1870. ,, „ 1871. Reports of observations of solar eclipse, Dec. 1870, and general index of professional and scientific papers in Reports for 1851-70. „ ,) 1873. List of stars for observations of latitude ; Errata in Heis's catalogue of stars. „ „ 1875. Report on Transit of Venus Expeditions, 1874. „ „ 1876. Catalogue of stars for observations of latitude. „ „ 1878. Observations of Transit of Mercury, May 1878. „ „ 1881. EUipticity of the earth from pendulum experiments, &c. C. S. Peirce. „ „ 1S82, Total eclipse of Jan. 1880 (Davidson). New reduction of Lacaille's Observations of Funda- mental Stars (Powalky). : Report on the history and progress of the American Coast Survey up to the year 1858. 8vo. : Standard mean Right-Ascensions of circumpolar and time stars. 4to. Washington, 1862 : *Methods, discussions and results. Meteorological Re- searches for the use of the Coast Pilot. (By William Ferrel.) Part 1-3. 4to. Washington, 1877-82 United States Geographical Surveys: Report upon United States Geographical Surveys west of the one-hundredth meridian, in charge of Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler, Vol. 2, Astronomy and barometric Hypsometry. 4to. Washington, 1S77 United States Geological Survey : Meteorological observations during the year 1S72, in Utah, Idaho, and Montana. 8vo. Washington, 1873 United States Naval Astrononiical Expedition : ■ : To the Southern hemisphere during the years 1849, 1850, 1 85 1, 1852, Lieut. J. M. Gilliss, Superintendent. Vol.- 1-3, 6. 4to. Washington, 1855-56 : A catalogue of 1963 stars . . together with a catalogue of 290 double stars. The whole from observations made at Santiago, Chili, during the years 1850-185 2. 4to. Washington, 1870 Universal System (the), or mechanical cause of all the appea- rances and movements of the visible heavens .... with a dissertation on Comets : . . . . likewise an attempt to prove what it is that moves the Sun round its axis. Svo. London, 1779 Upsala Kongl. Universitet : Arsskrift. 1861-70. Svo. Upsala. t 69 Upsala, Kongl. Votenskaps-Societet: : Nova Acta llegiixi Societatis Scieutiaium. Seines 3, Vol. i-ii. 4to. Upsaliie, 1855-83 : Nova Acta. Volnmen extra ordinem edituiu. (In memo- riam quattuor seculorum ah Univei-sitate lT])saliensi perac- torum Regia Socictas Scientiarum Upsaliensis.) 4to. Upsalije, 1877 : Arsskrift. Argangen 1,2. 8vo. Upsala, 1860-61 Upsala, K. Universitats-Sternwarte : : ilefractors-Eeoliachtiiniien .... vom Februar 1862 bis Januar 1864. 8vo. Upsala, 1864 : Observations meteorologiques faites .... pendant les annees 1S55 62. 4to. Upsal, 1866 : Observations meteorologiques horaires, execiitees par une Societe d'Etudiants .... 1865-68. Dirigees et publiees par R. Rubenson. 4to. Upsal, 1877 ; Bulletin meteorologique mensuel, 1869-75. Vol. 1-7. 4to. Upsal, 1871-76 Uranus ; oder tagliche, fiir Jedermann fassliclie Uebersicht aller Himmelsei'scheinungen. Hei-ausg. von P. H. L. von Boguslawski. 1846, '47 : 1849, Part i. 8vo. Glogau und Breslau, 1845-48 Ure (Andrew) : A slight sketch of, reprinted from ' The Times ' and various other Periodicals. i2mo. London, 1875 Ursinus [Ursin] (Georg Frederik Kriiger) : : De Eclipsi Solari die vir Septembris mdcccxx apparitura secundum methodum geometrias analytical tractata disser- tatio. 4to. HafniK, 1820 : Logarithmi vi Decimalium scilicet numerorum ab i ad 100,000 et sinuum et tangentium ad 10", quilnis additi sunt varii logarithmi et numeri ssepius in mathesi adhibiti. 8vo. Ifafnia', 1827 Useful Knowledge Society, see Society for th(^, Dilfusion of Useful Knowledge. Utrecht, Observatoire Astronomique Sonnenburg: : Recherches astronomiques .... publiees par M. Hoek. I. J)e rinfluence des niouvements de la terre sur los phe- nomcnes fondamcntaux de I'optique .... 11. Perturbations de Proserpine, dopendantes de la premiere puissance de la masse perturbatrice de Jupiter. Livraison i, 2. 4to. Jia Maye, 1861-64 : Recherches astronomiques, addition a la premiere livraison : Recherches sur la quantite d'ether conteuue dans les liquides, par M. lloek et A. C.Oudemans. 4to. La Haye, 1 864 Uylenbroek (Pieter Johannes): Oratio de Astronomiac conditione .ipud Arabes, aliasque medii aevigentes oriental es. 4to. JiUgduni I'.alaxdrimi, 1832 Uzielli (Gustavo): •*G. 1;. Donati. S\-o. I! 1; Z70 Valdoriis (J.) [and. others] : Sphterre atqve astrorvm ccDelestium I'atio natura & motus. (J. Ziegler, de solidfe spha^rse constructione : Proclus, de sphpei-a, sive globo ccelesti, scbolijs eiusdem Ziegleri expli- catus : Hemicyclium Berosi : Avatus, de siderum natiira &, iQotti : . . , . cum commentarijs Tlieonis Alexaudrini : Ptolemseus & Jordanus, planispliseriiim. 8vo. [Basile0e,i536] "Valentiner (Wilhelm) : Determinatio orbitae Cometae v anui mdccclxtii. Difser- tatio inauguralis. . . . 4to. Berolini, 1869 Vallas (Antal) : Felsobb Egyenletek egy Ismeretlennel. Part i. 8vo. Bxidan, 1842 Valz (Benjamin) : *E.echerches sur le mode de formation des queues de cometes. 8vo. Geneve, 1831 Vapcreau (G.): Dictionnaire universel des contcmporains, contenant toates les personnes notables de la France et des pays etrangers. 8vo. Paris, 1S58 Veechietti (Hieronymus) : De anno primitive ab exordio mundi ad annum Julianum accommodato, et de sacroi'um temporum ratione libii octo. fol. Augustae Vindelicorum, 1621 Vega (Georg von): : Thesaurus logarithmorum completus, ex aritbmetica, logaritli- mica, et ex trigonometria artificiali Adriani Vlacci col- lectus, plurimis erroribus pvu-gatus, in novum ordinem redactus. [Lat. & German.] fol. Lipsiae, 1794 : Manuale logarithmico-trigonometricum matlieseos studio- scrum commodo in minorum Vlaccii, Wolfii, aliarumque hiijus generis tabularum logai'ithmico-trigonometricarum mendis passim quam plurimis scatentium locum substita- tum. [Lat. & Ger.] 4to. Lipsiae, 1820 : Logaritlimiscli-trigonometrisches Handbuch.Yierzigste Auf- lage, .... bearbeitet von Dr, C. Bremiker. 8vo. Berlin, 1856 Venturi (Giambattista) : Experimental enquiries concerning the principle of the lateral communication of motion in fluids. Applied to the ex- planation of various hydraulic phenomena. Translated [I)y \V. Nicholson]. 8vo. London, 1799 Venus (Transit of), 1874 : Papers relating to the Transit of Yenus in 1874, prepared under the direction of the Commission authorised by Con- gi"ess. 4to. Washington, 1872-76 Venus (Transit of), 1882 : Instructions to observers. [Issued by the British Transit of Venus Committee.] 8vo. London 1 *7 T o/ ^ Vernon (Goorge Vcnablcs) : : *0n the irregular oscillations of the barometer at Man- chester. ^ 8vo. IMauchester, iS6t : *0u the irregular barometric oscillations at Geneva and on the Great St. Bernard, and their relations to the mean temperature and the fall of rain. 8vo. London, 1S62 : *0n the number of days on which rain falls annually at London. Svo. London, 1S64 : *0n the direction of the wind at Manchester during the years 1849-61, at 8 a.m. 8vo. London, 1864 : *0n the meteorology of scarlatina. 8vo. : See aho Heap and Vernon; Ransome and Vernon. Veteres Mathematici : Veterum mathematicorum Athensei, Apollodori, Philonis, Bitonis, Heronis, et aliorum Opera, Grajce et Latine pleraque nunc primum edita. fol. Parisiis, 1693 Vicaire (E.): : *Sur la theorie des taches et sur le noyau obscur du soleil. 4to. Paris, 1873 ; *Sur la constitution du soleil et la theorie des taches. [2 memoires.] 4to. Paris, 1873 : *Sur la constitution physique du soleil, Tleponse aux cri- tiques de M. Faye. 4to. Paris, 1873 : ^Observations sur la theorie des cyclones solaires. [2 me- moires.] 4to. Paris, 1873 : *Sur la loi de I'attraction astronomique sur les masses des divers corps du systeme solaire, et en particulier sur la masse et sur la duree du soleil. 4to. Paris, 1874 Victoria, Royal Society : : Transactions of the Philosophical Society of Victoria, 1854- 55. Vol. I. 8vo. Melbourne, 1855 : Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria, 1855-60. Vol. 1-4, 8vo. Melbourne, 1857-60 : Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Vic- toria, 1860-82. Vol. 5-19. 8vo. Melbourne, 1860-83 Vidal (Adriano Augusto de Pina) : : Curso de Meteorologia. 8vo. Lisboa, 1869 : Tratado elementar de optica. 8vo. Lisboa, 1S74 Vienna, Gosellschaft der Freunde dor Naturwissonschaf- ten : : Berichte iiber die ]\Iittheilungen .... gesammelt und herausgegeben von W. If ai dinger. Band 1,2. 8vo. Wien, 1847 : Naturwissenschaftliche Abhandlungcn, .... heraus- gegeben von W. Ifaidingcr. ]>and i. 4to. Wien, 1S47. Vienna, Kaisorliche Akadomie der Wissonschafton : : iJenksclniflon .... Mathcmatisch-natur\vis.scnschaf(Hclio Classe. Band 1-4 [.and vol. of plates], fol. Wien, 1850-52 : Ditto. Band 5 46. .jto. Wien, 1853 S3 JJcgi.su-r z\\ (Icn Biiiidcn I-25 in JJ.iinl 26. „ 26-40 „ 40. n 11 2 5> Vienna, Kaiserlicho Akademie der Wissenschaften— ra;//2«?/ffZ. ' : Sitzniigsberiflite der matbeiiiatiscli-naturwissonscliaftliclion Classe, 1849-60. Band 2-42. 8vo. Wien, 1849-61 : Abtheilung 2 (Matheniatik, Physik, Chemie, Mecbanik, Meteorulogie, Astrouomie), 1861-83. Rand 43 86. 8vo. Wien, 1861-83 Register zn den ersten 10 Banden. 8vo. Wien, 1854 ,, ,, zweiten 10 Banden. 8vo. Wien, 1856 ,, ,, Biinden 21-30. 8vo. Wien, 1859 ,, ,, ,, 31-42. 8vo. Wien, 1862 „ 43-50- 8vo. Wien, 1865 ,, „ 51-60. 8vo. Wien, 1870 „ ,, ,, 61-64. 8vo. Wien, 1872 Feierliche Sitzung, 1859, '61. 8vo. Wien Almanach, Jalirgang 5, 6, 8, 9. 1855-59. ^vo. Wien Circidar, No. 23-50. 8vo. Wien* 1877-83 Vienna, K. K. Central-Anstalt fur Meteorologie und Erd- magnetismus : : Jahrblicher .... von Karl Kveil, 1848-56. Band 1-8. 4to. Wien, 1854-61 : Ubersicliten der Witterung in Osterreich und einigen ans- wiirtigen Stationen im Jahre i860. 4to. Wien, 1861 Vienna, K. K. Sternwarte : : Annalen .... von J. J. von Littrow (und C. L. von Littrow). Theil 1-20 (in 10 vols.) fol. Wien, 1821-40 : Ditto. Herausgegeben von C. L. von Littrow. Neue Folge. Band 1-14. 4to. Wien, 1841-51 Vol. 4-12. Storia Celeste del E. Osservatorio di Palermo dal 1792 ai 1813. : Ditto. Herausgegeben von Carl von Littrow (und E.Weiss). Dritte Folge. Band 1-29. 8vo. Wien, 1851-80 Vol. I, 2. Argelander's Zonen-Beohaclitiingen vom + 45° bis + So° Decl. in mittleren Positionen fiir i842*o, von W. Oeltzen. : Meteorologische Beobacbtungen .... von 1775 bis 1855 .... berausgegeben von Carl von Littrow und Cai'l llorn- stein (und Edmund Weiss). Band 1-5. 8vo. Wien, 1860-66 : Meteorologiscbe Beobacbtungen, 1839-50. 4to. Wien : Uebersicbt der meteorologiscben Beobacbtungen von C. Jelinek (und A. Kunes), 1839-50. 4to. Wien : Hygrometer- Beobacbtungen, 1829-33, 1836-45, .... re- ducivt von C. Jelinek. 4to. Wion : Iliilfs-Tafeln .... zusammengestellt im Jabre 1837 von C. L. V. Littrow. 8vo. 1837 : *E,esultate der Beobacbtungen am JMeridian-Kreifie, zusani mengestellt von E. Weiss. 8vo. Wien, 1871 Vienna, osterreichische Kriegsmarine : Almanach, 1863-65. Jahrg. 2-4. 8vo. Wien Vieta (Franciscus) : : Canon matbematicvs sev ad triangvla cum adpendicibus. fol. Lutetije, 1579 6/ J Vieta ^Franciscus)— continued. : Opera inathfuiafica, in uiuim Volumeii congesta ac i-eco^- nita, opeia atque studio Fraucisci a HclR)oten. fol. Lugduui Batavorvm, 1646 Vige[ne]re (Blaise de) : Traicte dos Comctes, ou estoilles chevelues, apparois&mtea extraordinairemeut au ciel ; avec leurs causes & effects. 8vo. Paris, 1578 Vignoles (Charles): Observations to accompany the map of the shadow-path thrown by the total eclipse of the Sun on the 18th July, 1S60, across the north-eastern part of Spain. 8vo. London, i860 Villarceau (Autoine Franpois Joseph Yvon) : : •• Proccde pour calculer la masse et les elements do I'orljite d'uue planete perturbatrice inconnue .... (Extrait). 4to. Paris, 1848 *Memoires et notes sur les etoiles doubles et la determina- tion des oi-bitcs des plauetes. 8vo. Paris, 1850 '•■'Theorie analytique de I'megalitc de lumiere des etoiles doubles. (Extrait par I'auteur.) 4to. Paris, 1852 *Troisieme memoire sur les etoiles doubles. (Extrait par I'auteur.) 4to. Paris, 1852 *Tlicorie analytique du gyroscope de M. L. Foucault. 8vo. Paris, 1855 ^Determination des orbites des planetes et des cometes. 4to. Paris, 1857 *Prochain retour de la comete decouverte par ]\[. D'Arrest en 1 85 1. 4to. Paris, 1857 *Expose du systeme des observations et de la determina- tion des elements de leur reduction. 4to. Paris, i860 *Epbemerides pour la recherche de la comete periodique de d'Arrest, a son prochain retour en 1863 et 1864. 4to. Paris, 1862 *Recherches sur le mouvement et la comi)ensation des chronometres. 4to. Paris, 1862 *Etude du mouvement de rotation de la lunette meridieime. 4 to. Paris, 1863 *Nouveau theoreme sur les attractions locales. 4to. Paris, 1868 *Discussion relative au transfert de I'Obscrvatoire Imperial de Paris. 4to. Paris, 1869 *Nouvelle determination de la vi'aie figure de la terre, ou de la surface de niveau, n'exigeant pas remj)loi des nivelle- ments proprement dits. 4to. Paris, 1871 *Theorie du pendule simple, a oscillations coniques, en ayant cgard a la rotation de la terre. 4to. Paris, 1879 *A))plicati()n de la theorie des sinus des ordres superieurs a I'integration des equations diiferentielles linoaires. 4to. Paris, 1880 *Mocani(iue cddeste. Exposd des methodcs de Wronski et conqx^sautes des forces perturbatriccs suivant les axes mobiles. 4to. Paris, j88i 374 Villarceau (Antoine Francois Joseph Yvon)—continiiecL : *Remarques a I'occasion du memoire de MM. Loewy et Perigaud sur la flexion des lunettes. 4to. Paris, 1881 : *Theorie de la flexion plane des solides, et consequences relatives, tant a la construction des lunettes astronomiques, qu'a la reglementation de ces appareils, pour les afii'anchir des deviations de I'axe optique produites par la flexion. 4to. Paris, 1881 : *Mecanique celeste. Essai pliilosophiqvie sur la science de I'ordre (methode ainsi nommee par son auteur). 4to. Paris, 1882 : See also Paris, Observatoire. Villehuet (Bourd6 de) : Le Manceuvrier, ou essai sur la th^orie et la pratique des • mouvements du navire et des evolutions navales. 8vo. Paris, 1769 Villeneuve (J. Perny) : Commentaire et discussion de I'Astronome J. P. . . V . . , par un ancien officier de I'Etat-Major [le C*° Kostrowicki]. 4to. Vienne, 1861 Vilna, see Wilna. Vince (Samuel) : : A treatise on practical astronomy. 4to. Cambridge, 1790 : *A new method of investigating the sums of infinite series. 4to. London, 1791 : The principles of hydrostatics. Vol. 3, Part 2. 8vo. Cambridge, 1796 : A comiDlete system of astronomy. 3 vols. 4to. Cambridge, 1 797-1 808 : The principles of astronomy, designed for the use of students in the University. 8vo. Cambridge, 1799 : A treatise on plane and spherical trigonometry, with an introduction, explaining the nature and use of logarithms. 8vo. Cambridge, 1800 : The principles of fluxions, designed for the use of students in the University. Third edition. 8vo. Cambridge, 1805 : A confutation of Atheism, from the laws and constitution of the heavenly bodies : in four discourses preached before the University of Cambridge. 8vo. Cambridge, 1807 : The elements of the Conic Sections, adapted to the use of students in Philosophy. Fourth edition. 8vo. Cambridge, 18 10 : A treatise on fluxions. Fifth edition. 8vo. Cambridge, 1818 Vineendon-Dumoulin (A.) : Hydrographie du voyage au Pole Sud et dans I'Oceanie sur les corvettes V Astrolabe et la Zelee, execute .... pendant les annees 1837-40, sous le commandement de J. Dumont d'Urville. 8vo. Paris, 1843 Virgin (C. A.): Voyage autour du moiule sui- la frcgatc Su^doisc VEtujenic, execute pendant les aunees 1851-53, sous le commandemenb de C. A. Virgin. Observations scientifiijues : 3"'^ partie. Piiysiqiie. [French and Swedish. Edited by A. J. Ang- strom.] 4to. Stockholm, 1858-74 Viseonti (Ferdinando): Del sistema metrico della Citta di Napoli. Svo. Napoli, 1S38 Vision (the theory of), or visual language, shewing the immediate presence and providence of a l)eity, vindicated and ex- plained. Svo, Loudon, 1733 Viviani ( Vincenzio) : : De Maximis et Minimis, geometrica diuinatio in quintum conicorum ApoUonii Pergasi adhuc desideratum .... liber primus (et secundus). 2 vols, in i,fol. Florentife, 1659 : La Vita, ed alcune lettere familiar! di Galileo Galilei. Svo. Venezia, 1826 Vizagapatam Observatory: Results of meteorological observations, 1872, '75-77, '79-82. By A. V. ISTursingrow. Svo. Calcutta, 1873-83 Vlacq (Adrian) : : Chiliades centum Logarithmorum \n-o numeris ab unitate ad 100,000. fol. [Goudje, 1628I] : Arithmetique logaritmetique, ov la consti'vction et vsago d'vne table contenant les Logavithmes de tous les Nombres depuis rVnite jusques a 1 00000, et d'vne avtre table en laquelle sont comprins les Logarithmes des Sinus, Tangentes «fe Secantes, de tous les Degrez & Minutes du quart du Cercle, selon le Raid de 10,00000,00000 parties. fol. Goude, 1628 : Tabvlae sinvvm, tangentivm, et secantivm ; logarithmi sinvvm, tangentivm, et nvmerorvm ab vnitate ad 10,000. Cvm methodo facilima, illarvm ope, resolvendi omnia triangvla rectilinea et sphaerica, et plvrimas ((vaestioncs astronomicas. Editio nova et emenduta a Joh. Jacobo Hentschio. Svo. Francofurti et Lipsiae, 1778 Vogel (Hermann Carl) : ; Beobachtungen von Nebelflecken und Sternhaufen am sechsfiissigen Refractor und zwollTussigen Aequatoreal der Lei])ziger Stern warte ausgefuhrt. Svo. Leipzig, 1867 : *Verzeichniss von hundert Nebelflecken, abgelcitet aus Beobachtungen an der Leipziger Sternwarte. 4to. Altona, 1867 : *Balmbcstimmung und Ephemex'iden der Phmeten Antiope (90) und Aegle (96). 4to. Altona, 1S67, 186S : *Ba]inV)estimmung dcaCometen V, 1846. 4to. Altona, 1868 : Beobachtungen von Nebelflecken und Sternhaufen deren Declination zvvischen 9° 30' und 15° 30' gelegcn sind. Inaugural-Dissertation. Svo. Jena, 1870 : *Resultate spectralanalytischer Untersucliungon an Gestirnen. Svo. Leipzig, 1871 Z1^ Vogel (Hermann Carl)— row ^;«?<«Z. *Untersuchungen iiber das Spectrum ties Nordlichts. 8vo. Leipzig, 1871 *Ueber die Absorption der chemisch wirksainen Strahleu in der Atmosphiire der Bonne. Svo. Leipzig, 1872 *Uber ein Spectroskop zur Beobachtung lichtschwacher Sterne, und einige damit ausgefiihrte Beobachtungen. Svo. Leipzig, 1873 : Untevsuchungen neber die Spectra der Planeten .... Gekronte Preisschrift. Svo. Leipzig, 1874 : *Positionsbestimmungen von ISTebeltieckenund Sternbaufen zvvischen -f- 9° 30' und +15° 30' Declination, 4to. Leipzig, 1876 : *XJntersuchungen liber das Spectrum des neuen Sterns im Schwan. Svo. Berlin, 1877 : *Spectralphotometrische Untersuchungen, insbesondere zur Bestimmung der Absorption der die Sonne umgebenden Gashlille. Svo. Berlin, 1877 : Der Sternhaufen y^ Persei beobacbtet am 8-zolligen Refractor der Leipziger Stern warte in den Jahren 1867 bis 1870. 4to. Leipzig, 1878 : *Notizen iiber fernere Beobachtungen des neuen Sterns im Schwan. Svo. Berlin, 1878 : *Uber eine einfaehe Methode zur Bestimmung der Brenn- punkte vmd der Abweichungskreise eines Fernrohrobjectivs fUr Strahlen verschiedener Brechbarkeit. Svo. Berlin, 1S80 : *Ilesultate spectralphotometrischer Untersuchungen. Svo. Berlin, 18S0 : *Yermischte Mittheilungen, betrelFend Spectralapparate. 4to. Berlin, 1881 : *Ueber eine Methode, die Schwingungszeit eines Pendels oder irgend eines schwingenden Stabes durch Coincidenzen mit einem Pendel oder Stabe von bekannter Schwingungs- dauer zu ermitteln. Svo. [Miinchen, 1881] : *See also Bothkamp, Sternwarte. Vogel (Hermann Carl) und Osw. Lohse : *Untersuchungen iiber die Verwendbarkeit der Kollodion- Photographie zur Beobachtung des bevorstehenden Venus- Voriiberganges. Svo. Leipzig, 1873 Vogt (Carl) : Les pretendus oi'ganismes des meteorites. 4to. Geneve, 1882 Voigt ( Johann Heinrich) : Entvvickelung der physischen Beschaffenheit der Kometen vmd ihres dadurch begriindeten natUrlichen Einflusses auf andere Weltkorper. Bey Gelegenheit des Kometen von 1807. Svo. Rudolstadt, 1808 Voiron ( — ) : Histoire de TAstronomie, depuis 1781 jusqu'a 181 1, pour servir de suite a I'Histoire de I'Astronomie de Bailly. 4to. Paris, 1810 377 Volpicelli ( Paolo 1 : *Descrizioue della hvuipaila elettro-dinaniica ilul Siij. Duboscq- Soleil. 4to. iloma, 1851 Voltaire (Francois Marie Arouet de) : Siemens de la philosophie de Neuton mis a la portce de tout le monde. 8vo. xVmsterdam, 1738 Vorsselman de Heer iP. O. C.) : : Specimen inaugurale de fractionibus continuis. 4to. Tiajecti ad Eheniim, 1833 : *Note sur le calcul de I'iucliuaison magnetique. 8vo. Geneve, 1835 Vulliamy (Benjamin Lewis) : : Some considerations on the subject of public clocks, par- ticularly church clocks, with hints for their improvement. ' 4to. London, 1828 : A supplement to the paper entitled ' some considerations on public clocks' .... consisting of a coi-respondence with the committee for buildmg the new church at Bermondsey. 4to. London, 1830 *0n the construction and regulation of clocks for railway stations. 8vo. London, 1845 On the construction and theory of the dead escapement for clocks. 8vo. London, 1846 A portion of the papers relating to the great clock for the new Palace at Westminster, with remarks, fol. London, 1848 Wace (Henry) : A simple method of calculating logarithms to any number of fi"-ures. Svo. London, 1873 Wackerbarth (Francis Diedrich) : *0m planeten Neptunus. Svo. Uppsala, 1865 *A provisional theory of Leda. 4to. ITpsala, 1S66 Fem-stiilliga logarithm-tabeller, innehallande de vanliga logarithmerna frfm o till iiooo, de naturliga logarithmerna fran o till loooo, logarithmerna for die trigonometriska funktionerna, jemte en samling tabeller. Svo. Upsala, 1867 Wagner (A.) : [Notices of Astronomical books, from Astron. Gcsellsch. Vierteljahrsschrift.] Svo. Leipzig, v.d. Waldo (Leonard) : Report of the Observations of the total Solar Eclipse, July 29, 1878, made at Fort Worth, Texas. 4to. Cambridge [U.S.], 1879 Waldschmicdt Johann Jacob) : Diatriba de atomis, finibus mundi ct loco. [Inaugural Dis- sertation.] 4to. Marburgi, 16S7 Walcnn (W. H.): *0n Uuitation ; a novel arithmetical operation. Svo. London, 1868 ^ 78 Wales (William) : xVstronomical observations made in the voyages which were undertaken by order of His present Majesty for making discoveries in the southern hemispliere .... by Com- modore Byron, Captain "NVallis, Captain Carteret, and Cap- tain Cook .... fol. London, 1788 Walker (Charles V.) : *Galvanic time-signals. 8vo. London, 1876 Walker (D. F.) : An epitome of astronomy, with the new-discovered planets, and the late comet, as illustrated by the Eidouranion ; or transparent Orrery. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1824 Walker (George) : On the doctrine of the sphere, in six books : to which is added an appendix, containing the solution of a problem for ascer- taining the latitude and longitude of a j^lace, together with the apparent time, 4to. London, 1777 Walker (Robert) : Analysis of researches into the origin and progress of his- torical time. 8vo. London, 1796 Walker (Sears C): : ^Researches relative to the planet Neptune. (Ephemeris for the opposition of 184S.) 4to. Washington [1848] : ■■•■'Ephemeris of the planet Neptune for the years 1851 and 1852. 4to. Washington, 1851 Walkingame (Francis) : The tutor's assistant, being a compendium of arithmetic and complete question-book. 9th edition. i2mo. London, 1771 Wallace (John) : : A new treatise on the use of the globes, and practical astronomy ; or a comprehensive view of the system of the world. 8vo. New York, 181 2 : Logarithmic tables : containing the logarithms of numbers, log. sines, tangents and secants, and natural sines. 8vo. [title wanting] Wallis (John) : ■ : A treatise of algebra, both historical and practical, shewing the original, progress, and advancement thereof .... With some additional treatises : I. Of the cono-cuneus .... II. Of angular sections .... III. Of the angle of contact .... IV. Of combinations, alterations, and aliquot parts. 3 parts in i vol. fol. London, 1685-84 : Opera mathematica. 3 vols. fol. Oxonise, 1699-93 WaUis (John) : A biief examination of the nebulous hypothesis, with stric- tures on a work entitled ' Vestiges of the natural history of creation,' 8vo. London, 1845 379 Walmesley (D. C.^ : The theory of the motion of the iipsides in general, and of tlie apsides of the Moon's orbit in particuhir. [Transhiled from the French.] 4to. London, 1754 Warburton (Henry) : : *0n the partition of numbers, and on combinations and permutations. 4to. Camlu-idge, 1849 : *0n self- repeating series. 4to. Cambridge, 1856 Ward iHon. Mrs.) : Telescope teachings. 8vo. London, 1859 Ward ( Jolin) : : The young Mathematician's guide ; being a plain and easy introduction to the mathematicks .... The seventh edition, to which is . . added a supplement, containing the history of logarithms. 8vo. London, 1 740 : The Lives of the Professors of Gresham College : to which is prefixed the Life of the Founder, Sir Thomas Gresham. fol. London, 1740 : Posthumous works .... Part i, containing his new method of navigation .... Part 2, containing the doc- trine of the sphere .... Revised by George Gordon. 8vo. London, 1765 : Life, see Birch (T.). Ward (Seth), Bishop of Salisbury : Astronomia geometrica; ubi methodus proponitur qua pri- , , , . . f elliptica "1 manorum planetarum astronomia, sive < (.;«„,, ],^,.ig ) P^^' sit geometric^ absolvi. 3 parts in i vol. 8vo. Londini, 1656 Warner (Thomas) : : How to keep the clock right by observations of the fixed stars with a small fixed telescope. 8vo. London, 1869 : Ditto. Improved edition. 8vo. London, 1876 Warren (Henry White) : llecreations in astronomy, with directions for practical ex- periments and telescope woi-k. i2mo. New York, iSSo Wartmann (Louis Fr(5d6ric) : : Cartes Celestes [six maps, showing the apparent paths of the Comets of Halley, Biela, Encke, &c.] 6 sheets [with text 8vo.J, Geneve, 1828-35 : Cartes celestes surun plan nouveaUjContenant .... toutes les 6toiles de i'^ a 6"^*^ grandeur .... visibles en Europe. 2 sheets [with text 8vo.], Geneve, 1835 : *]Srotice sur la rcapparition de la comite Ji courte periode d'Encke. 8vo. Geneve, 1838 Washburn Observatory of the University of Wisconsin : : Contributions .... Nuiii!)Ci' i. 4to. Madison, iS8i : Publications .... Vol. i. (E. S. ILoldeu, Director.) 8vo. Madisou, 1882 ') 8o Washington, Bureau of Navigation : : Tbe American Eplieineris iind Nautical Almanac, 1855-S3. 8vo. Washington, 1852-80 : Supplement (Asteroids for the year 1865). 8vo. Washington : Almanac Catalogue of Zodiacal Stars. * 8vo. Washington, 1864 Tables of Mercury, by J. Winlock, 4to.Washington,i864 Tables of Harmonia, by E. Schubert. 4to. Washington, 1 869 Tables to facilitate the reduction of places of the fixed stars. 4to. Washington, 1869 : Tables of Parthenope, by E. Schubert. 4to. Washington, 1871 : Tables of Venus, by G. W. Hill. 4to. Washington, 1873 : Logarithms of sines and cosines, with the argument in time. 8vo. Washington, 1874 : Continuation of Damoiseau's Tables of the satellites of Jupiter to 1900, by D. P. Todd. 4to. Washington, 1876 : Astronomical papers prepared for the use of the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac. Vol. 1-3, No. i. 4to. Washington, 1882 [i879]-84 Vol. I, No. I. On the recurrence of solar eclipses from b.c yoo to a.d. 2300. Newcomb. 2. A. transformation of Hansen's Lunar Theory, compared with the theory of Delaunay. Newcomb & Meier. 3. Experimental determination of the velocity of light made at the U.S. Naval Academy. Michelson. 4. Catalogue of 109S standard clocks & zodiacal stars. New- comb. 5. On Gauss's method of computing secular perturbations, with an application to the action of Venus on Mercury. Hdl. 6. Discussion of observed Transits of Mercury, 1677-1881. Newcomb. 2, No. I Coefficients for correcting planetary elements. Newcomb & Meier. 2. Inve^tigations of corrections to Greenwich planetary obser- vations, 1762-1830. Safford. 3, No. I. Development of the perturbative function and its derivatives. Newcomb. Washington, National Institution for the Promotion of Science: : Lulletin of the Proceedings. No. 1-3. 8vo. Washington, 1841-45 : Constitution and By-Laws. 8vo. Washington, 1840 : Discourse . . . delivered at the first anniversary, by J. R. Poinsett. 8vo. Washington, 1841 Washington, Philosophical Society : Bulletin. Vol. 1-6. 8vo. Washington, 1874-84 Washington, Smithsonian Institution: : Smithsonian Contributions to knowledge. Vol. 1-23. 4to. Washington, 1848-81 : Annual Ileport of the Board of Piegents, 1849-52,1854-82. 8vo. Washington, 1850 84 38i Washington, Smithsonian Institution -fowi'/««c(;. : Smithsonian JMist-elUuieous Collections. Vol. 1-27. 8vo. Washington, 1862-83 Washington, United States Hydrographie Office : : Practical Papers. No. 5 , The determination of secondary meritlians by electric telegraph, and the personal equation, by F. M. Green and E. S. Holden. Svo. Washington, 1876 : An observing list of stars selected for the determination of time with the portable meridian transit in the Southern hemisphere. 8vo. Washington, 1877 : Keport on the telegraphic determination of diti'crences of longitudes in the West Indies and Central A luerica, by F. M. Green. 4to. Washington, 1877 : Telegraphic determination of longitudes on the East Coast of South America, embracing the meridians of Lisbon, Madeira [&c.], by F. M. Green, C. H. Davis, and J. A. Nori-is, in 1878 and 1879. 4to. Washington, 1880 : Telegraphic determination of longitudes in Japan, China, and the East Indies. By F. M. Green, C. H. DaA^s, and J. A. Norris, 1881-82. 4to. Washington, 18S3 Washington, United States Naval Observatory : : Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at Wash- ington .... by Lieut. J. M. Gilliss (1838-42). 8vo. Washington, 1S45 : Astronomical Observations made .... by Lieutenant J . M. Gilliss ( 1 838-1 842). 8vo. Washington, 1846 : Astronomical Observations made during the years 1845, 1847, 1S51 & 1852. 4to. Washington, 1846-67 Appendix, 1847. A. Observations on solar spots. Sestini. B. „ on the Mississippi rivor. R. A. ]\l:irr. C. Tables for reduction of tlic places of the fixed stars. : Asti'onomical and Meteorological Observations made during the years 1861-79. 4to. Washington, 1862 83 Appendices, 1862. Longitnde of Washington. 1S63. A. Solar parallax from Observations of Mars, 1862. 15. New elements of Neniausa. 1864. Latitude and Longitude of U.S. Naval Observa- tory. Ncwconib. 1S65. I. Description of the Transit Circle. XL Investigation of the Distance of the Sun. New- comb. 1866. Discussion of MeteoroIogicalObservat ions, 1 842-67. 1867 I. JJifflruuce of Longitude between Washington and Havana. Harkness. II. Observations of the Total Eclipse of the Sun, August 7, 1869. III. Positions of Funilamental Stars from AVasliiugtou Observations, 1862-67. Newcoml). IV. Calaliiguc of 151 Stars in Pricsepo. ITall. 1868. Catalogue of Stars observed by the US. Astrono- mical Kxpedition to the Sunt hern IleniisiilitM'o, 1850-52. Gilliss. 1S69. I. Keports on Toter 1864. 8vo. Wien Ueber Fix.sternsysteme. Ein Vorlrag. 8vo. Wien, 1865 ♦Balinbcstininiung von Maja (66). 8vo. Wien, 1S65 Ueber d if Mci.dul.ci llachf. lOiii Vortrag. 8vo. Wien. i 860 3S6 Weiss (Edmund) —conHmicd : *Berechnnng tier Sonnenfinsternisse des Jahrea 1867. 8vo. Wien, 1866 ; *Bericht iiber die Beobaelitnngen wahrend der ringfcir- migen Sonnenfinsterniss am 6. Miirz 1877 in Dalmatien. 8vo. Wien, 1867 : *Bereelinung der Sonnenfinsternisse in den Jahren 1868 bis 1870. 8vo. Wien, 1867 : *Beitnige zur Kenntniss der Sternschmippen. [2 papers.] 8vo. Wien, 1868-70 : *Bestimmung der Lan gen differ en z Wien- Wiener Neustadt dnrch Chronometer-Ubertragungen. 8vo. Wien, 1872 : *Sternsehnnppen-Beobachtiingen aupgefiihrt in den Jahren 1867-1874 [2 papers]. 8vo. Wien, 1873-74 : *>Sternschnuppen-Beobachtungen, ansgefiibrt von August 1874 bis Ende 1877 (^^nd in den Jahren 1840 bi-i 1845). 8vo. Wien : *Beobachtung desVenusdurchganges vom 8. December 1874 in Jassy, nnd Bestimmung der geographischen Lange des Beobachtungsortes. 8vo. Wien, 1875 : See also Vienna, K.K. Sternwarte. Weiss (Edmund), Th. Oppolzer, und J. Riha: Berichte (1-7) der zur Beobachtung der totalen Sonnen- finsterniss des Jahres 1868 naoh Aden unternommeneu oesterreichischen Expedition. [Mit] Discussion der .... Beobachtungen .... von Edmund Weiss. 8vo. Wien, 1868-70 Weiss (Priedrich) : Die Gesetze der Satellitenbildung. Einleitung zur Geschichte der Erde. ' 8vo. Gotha, i860 Weisse (Christoph): Terrae motum tempore passionis Christi ol^servatum. [Inau- gural Dissertation.] 4to. Jenfe, 1683 Weisse (Maximilian): : Coordinatae Mercurii, Veneris, Martis, Jovis, Saturni et Urani. 4fco. Cracoviae, 1829 : Correctiones temporis ex altitudinibus correspondentibus. 4to. Cracoviae, 1829 : Positiones mediae stellarum fixarum in zonis Regiomon- tanis a Besselio inter — 15° et 415° declinationis obser- vatarum, ad annum 1825 i^eductae et in catalogum ordinatae. Edit, curavit et praefatus est F. G. W. Struvo. 4to. Peti-opoli, 1846 : Positiones mediae stellarum fixarum in zonis Regiomontanis a Besselio inter +15° et +45° declinationis observatarum, ad annum 1825 reductae et in catalogum ordinatfe. Edit, curavit et praefatus est Otto Struve. 4to. Petropoli, 1863 : * Vergleichung des catalogus generalis pro 1830 in Struve's Stellarum fixarum .... positiones mediae .... mit den beidcn Katalogen aus Bessel's Zonen-Beobachtungen. 8vo. Wien, 1858 3^7 Weisse (Maximilian)— co?»?i««ec?. : *Variationcn der Declination der Magnotnndel beobaclitet in Krakau. 4to. Wien, 1S59 : See also Cracow, Sternwarte. Weisse (Maximilian) und Adalbert Kunes : *Stiiudliche Barometer-Beobachtiingen zu Krakau in den Jahren 1S48-56. 4to. Wien, 185 8 Weld (Charles Richard) : A history of the Eoyal Society, with memoirs of the Presi- dents, compiled from authentic documents. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1S4S Weller (Adolph P.), see Schilling und Weller. Wells (Edward) : : The Young Gentleman's course of mathematicks, containing the more useful and eas}' elements of arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, mechauicks, opticks, astronomy, chronology, dialling. Vol. i & 2. 8vo. London, 17 14 : The Young Gentleman's astronomy, chronology, and dial- ling, containing such elements of the said arts or sciences, as are most useful and easy to be known. 8vo. London, 1725 W[ells] (J[ohn]) : Sciographia, or the art of shadowes, Plainly demonstrating, out of the Sphere, how to project great and small circles, upon any Plane whatsoever, with a new Conceit of reflect- ing the Sunne beames upon a Diall, contrived on a Plane, which the direct beames can never shine upon. Together with the manner of cutting the five Regular Platonicall bodies .... All performed by the Doctrine of Triangles ; and for ease and delight sake by helpe of the late in- vented and worthily admired Numbers, called by the first Inventor Logarithmes. By I. W. Esquire. 8vo. London, 1635 Followed by the table of Briggs's Logarithms (Goude, 1826). Wells (William Charles) : Two essays : one upon single vision with two eyes ; the other on dew [&c.] 8vo. London, iSiS Wendelinus (Gottfried) : Eclipses lunares ab anno mdlxxtii ad :\rprxLTil obsm-- vataj; quibus tabulce atlanticie supcrstvuuntnr eariunquo idea proponitur. 4to. Antver})ia', 1644 West ^John; : Elements of mathematics, comprehending geometry, conic sections, mensuration, spherics. 8vo. Edinbuvgli, 1784 Wctherald CR.) : Peri5ctual calculator (the), or time's universal stamlard. (Chronology, solar i^ystem, pneumatics and hydrostatics.) 8vo. NcwcastU^ upon Tyiio, 1760 388 Wetf-el lEduard) : Allgemeine rrimmolskiinde: eino poj^nlare Diirstellnns; (.liosov Wissenschaft nach den neuesten Forsclnmgen .... Zweite Auflage. 8vo. Berlin, 1870 Weyer (G. D. E.): : tJbercHe Differentialformeln fiir Cometenhalmen von grosser Excenti'icitiit mit Berueksichtiguug der planetarisel.en Stornngen. Svo. Berlin, 1852 ■ : *Ueber die kiirze.ste Bereclmungsart der Monddistanzen iin nautisclien Gebraiich. 4to. Bei^lin, 188 1 : *Ueber die Berechnung des wahrscheinlichsten Chronome- terganges aus einer Reihe von Standbeobachtungen uiul iiber Gewiebtsbestimmungen aus Standunterschieden der Chronometer. 4to. Berlin, 1881 : *Die Wiedererscheinnng der Methode nnd Tafel von Elford als sogennnnte 'Neger-Tafel.' 4to. Berlin, 1882 ■ : *Konstrnktion zn einer KUstenaufnahme imVoibeifalnen. .... nebst Beiti-figen ziir Geschiclite der geometrischen Auflusungen der sogenannten Pothenot'schen Anfgabe. 4to. Berlin, 1882 : *Bericht iiber eine neue Schrift von Sir G. B. Airy, die Be- rechnung der Monddistanzen betreffend. 4to. Berlin, 1882 : *Die direkten oder strengen AuHusungen fiir die Bestini- minig des Beobachtunsrsortes aus zwei Hohen der Sonne oder andererbekannten Gestirnc, nebst dem Zeitunterscbiede der Beobachtungen. 4to. Berlin, 1883 Weyprecht (Karl) : An address delivered .... at Graz, 1875. Fundamental principles of scientific Arctic investigation. 4to. Weyprecht (Karl) et le Comte "Wilczek : Programme des travaux d'une expedition polaire Interna- tionale. 4to. Wharton (George) : An astrologicall jvdgement upon his Majesties present march .... 1645. 4to. Oxford, 1645 Whatton (Arundell Blount) : Memoir of the life and labors of the E,ev. Jeremiah Horrox, curate of Hoole, near Preston ; to which is appended a translation of his celebrated discourse upon the Transit of Venus across the Sun. 8vo. London, 1859 Whew ell (William) : • : An elementary treatise on mechanics .... Vol. i, con- taining statics and part of dynamics. Svo. Cambridge, 1819 ; A treatise on dynamics : containing a considerable collec- tion of mechanical problems. 8vo. Cambridge, 1823 : An introduction to dynamics, containing the laws of motion and the first three sections of the Principia. Svo. Cambridge, 1832 : Analytical statics : a supplement to the fourth edition of an elementary treatise on mechanics. Svo. Cambridge, 1833 389 Whowell {William.)— con /ill iicd. : Astronomy and general phy^it-s i-onsidciel with reference to natural theology. [Hiidgewater treatises, 111.] Seeond edition. 8vo. London, 1833 : Ditto. 8th edition. 8vo. London. 1871 : Die Sternewelt, als Zeugniss fiir die Herrlichkeit des Schopfers. Aus dem Englischen .... von Gustav Plie- ninger. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1837 : Newton and Flamsteed. Eemai'ks on an article in number cix. of the ' Quarterly Review.' 8vo. Cambridge, 1836 : Of the plurality of worlds : an essay. 8vo. London, 1853 : Of the plurality of worlds : an essay. Also a dialogue on the same subject .... The fifth edition. 8vo. London, 1859 : History of the Inductive Sciences from the earliest to the present time .... The third edition, with additions. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1857 : Ditto, Supplementary volume to the second edition .... containing the new matter of the third edition. 8vo. Loudon, 1857 Whipple I George Mathews): : *0n the comparison of the standai-d Barometers of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, and the Kevv Observatory. 8vo. London, 1878 : *0n the relative duration of sunshine at the Royal Obser- vatory, Greenwich, and at the Kew Observatory, during the year 1877. 8vo. London, 1878 : '*0n the relation between the height of the barometer, the duration of sunshine, and the amount of cloud, as observed at the Kew Observatory. 8vo. London, 1879 : *0n the relation existing between the duration of sunshine, the amount of solar radiation, and the temperature indicated by the black-bulb thermometer in vacuo. 8vo. London, 1879 : *0n the rate at which barometric changes traverse the British Isles. 8vo. London, 1880 Whiston (William) : : Prfelectiones astronomicte Cantabriguo in scholis publicis habitse . . . . quibusaccedunt tabular pluriuueastronomicie Flamsteediana? correcta3, llalleianaj, Cassinianae, et Stree- tianse. 8vo. Cantabrigiie, 1707 : Astronomical lectures read in the publick schools at Cam- bridge; . . . whereunto is added a collection of astronomi- cal tables ; being those of Mr. Flamsteed, corrected ; Dr. Halley ; Monsieur Cassini ; and Mr. Street. 8vo. London, 17 15 : Ditto. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1728 : An account of a Surprising Meteor, seen in the Air, IMarch the 6th, 1 7f;; at night .... The second edition. ,S\d. liOiidon, I 7 16 390 Whiston (WU.liQ.VQ.)~co7itwued, : The longitude and latitude found by the inclinatory or Dipping Needle, Avherein the laws of magnetism are also dis- covered. To which is prefix'd an historical preface, and to which is subjoiia'd Mr. Robert Norman's New Attractive, or account of the first invention of the Dipping Needle. 2 parts, 8vo. London, 172 1 (1720) : A new theory of the earth, from its original to the consum- mation of all things ; wherein the creation of the world in six days, the universal deluge, and the general conflagration as laid down in the Holy Scriptures are shown to be per- fectly agreeable to reason and philosophy .... third edition. 8vo. London, 1722 : The calculation of Solar Eclipses without Parallaxes. With a specimen of the same in the total eclipse of the Sun, May II, 1724. 8vo. London, 1724 : Astronomical principles of religion, natural and reveal'd .... Second edition. Svo. London, 1725 : The longitude discovered by the eclipses, occultations, and conjunctions of Jupiter's planets; with descriptions of the instruments necessary for this discovery ; to which is added an ephemeris for the latter half of the year 1738. Svo. London, 1738 Whiston (William) and Humphry Ditton : A new method for discovering the longitude both at sea and land, humbly proposed to the consideration of the publick. Svo. London, 17 14 White (Daniel Appleton) : An Eulogy on the life and character of Nathaniel Bowditch. Svo. Salem, 1838 White (Martin) : Remarks on the winds, tides, and currents of the ocean, with other phenomena. Svo. London, 1846 Whitehurst (John): An attempt towards obtaining invariable measures of length, capacity, and weight, from the mensuration of time, inde- pendent of the mechanical operations requisite to ascertain the centre of oscillation or the true length of pendulums. 4to. London, 1787 (Whitford, J.): The pendulum : an epitome of the principles of its calculations for any latitude. Svo. Stockport, 1S72 Whiting (Thomas) : : Mathematical, geometrical, and philosophical delights, con- taining essays, problems, solutions, theorems, etc., selected from an extensive correspondence by T . . W . . No. i-io. 4to. London, 1792-97 : Scientific Receptacle (the), containing problems, solutions [(tc] .... selected from an extensive correspondence by T . . W . . Vol. I. i2mo. London, 1795 : A comprehensive system of astronomy, both theoretic and practical, with extensive tables of the Sun, Moon, and planets 4to. London, 1828 391 Whitney ^ William D.) : *0u the hiuai- zodiac of India, Arabia and China. 8vo, Cambridge (Mass.), 1874 Wichmann (Moritz): : De parallaxi stellae Aigelaudriae (1830 Gvoombvidge). [In- augural Dissertation.] 410. Eegiomonti Pinssoruni, 1847 : *Erster Versuch zur Bestimmung der physischen Libration des Mondes aus Beobachtungen mit dem Heliometer. .^to. Altona, 1847-48 Wiedebiirg (Johann Bernhard): Astronomische Beschreibung and Nachricht von dem Cometen Avelcher im ]\Ionath Mertz die-ses jetztlautlenden Jabres 1742 erschienen. 4to. Jena, 1742 Wijkander (August) : Berakning af planeten (117) Lomias Bana. [Inaugural Dis- sertation.] 4to. Lund, 1872 Wilcocks (Alexander) : ^Thoughts on the influence of ether in the solar system, its relations to the zodiacal light, comets, the seasons, and periodical shooting stars. 4to. Philadelphia, 1 864 Wildig (G. B.): A geometrical system of conic sections, for the use of mathe- matical students at the Royal Liverpool Institution. 8vo. Cambridge, 1822 Wildt r Joh. Christ. Dan.) : Commentatio de rotatione annuli 8aturui. [Inaugural Dis- sertation.] 4to. Ilannoverae, 1795 Wilkes (Charles): Theory of the zodiacal light. 4to. Philadelphia, 1857 Wilkins (John), Bishop of Chester: [ ] : The discovery of a world in the ]\Ioone, or, a discovrse tending to prove, that 'tis piobable there may be another habitable World in that Planet. 8vo. London, 1638 : A discovery of a New World, or a discoui'sc tending to prove, that 'tis Probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon. AVith the Discourse conceiuing the probability of a passage thither. Unto which is added a Discourse Con- cerning a Xeio I'lanet, tending to prove that 'tis Probablo our Earth is one of the I'lauets, The fourth edition cor- rected and augmented. 8vo. London, 1684 : Mathematical magick, or the wonders that may be per- formed by mechanichal geometry. In two books, concerning mechanical powers [and] motions. 8vo. London, 1680 : Mathematical and philosophical works ; .... to which is prefixed the author's life, and an account of his works. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1802 Wilkins (N. G.) : Kules for effecting certain operations in di\isi()n in a neat and expeditious manner. 8vo. Hanover, 1878 392 Wilkinson (Thomas T.) : *0n bisectiint axes, and their I'elatiou to the radical axes of two or more given circles. i2mo. London, 1852 *Additions to the late Mr. T. S. Davies's notes on geometry and geometers. ' 8vo. London, 1852 *An account of the early mathematical and philosophical writings of the late Dr. Dalton. 8vo. Manchestei", 1854 *The Lancashire Geometer's and their writings. 8vo. Manchester, 1854 *De Tactionibus ; or some problems on contact, as treated geometrically by Apollonius, Vieta, and Swale. 8vo. Liverpool, 1872 Williams (John) : Observations of Comets, from B.C. 611 to a.d. 1640, extracted from the Chinese annals. Translated, with introductory remarks, and an appendix, comprising the tables necessary for reducing Chinese time to European reckoning, and a Chinese Celestial Atlas. 4to. London, 1871 Williams (W.) : The mathematical demonstrations of Euclid rendered clear .... with no other mathematical instruments than the .... Chinese Puzzle. 12 mo. London, 181 7 Williams (W. Mattieu) : The fuel of the Sun. 8vo. London, 1870 Williamson (Thomas) : Mathematics simplified and practically illustrated .... to- gether with a complete essay on the art of surveying lands, &c. 8vo. London, 1808 Willich (Charles M.) : Popular tables, arranged in a new form, giving information at sight for ascertaining .... the value of lifehold, leasehold, and church property, renewal fines, &c. . . . Third edition. 8vo. London, 1853 Wilna, Observatoire de 1' Acad^mie Imp6riale des Sciences : : Extrait des observations faites .... pendant les annees 1834-35, 1837-38, 1839-40, par (P. de) Slavinsky et — Hlouschnevitch. 4to. Vilna, 1838-42 : Remarques sur les observations faites a I'Observatoire de Yilna .... par P. de Slavinski. 4to. Vilna, 1835 Wils (Pieter) : Wis-konstige Wercken, bestaende in eenighe Meet-konstighe ende hemel-klootsche aenteyckeningen elck met hare ver- klaringhen ende bewijsen. [P^dited by G. Kinckhuysen.] 4to. Amsterdam, 1653 Wilson (Henry) : Trigonometry improv'd, and projection of the Sphere made easy. 12 mo. London, 1720 Wilson (H.C.): Observations of Comets. *See Cincinnati Observatory. 393 Wilson ( James^ : : A complete dictionaiy of astrology. 8vo. London, 1S19 : A new and complete set of astrological tables. 8vo. London, 1820 Wilson (J. Maurice) : : Elementary geometry. Books 1,2, 3, containing the sub- jects of Euclid's first four books ; following tiie syllabus of geometry prepared by the Geometrical Association. Svo. London, 1S73 : See also Crossley and Gledhill. Wilson (John) : The lost solar system of the ancients discovei-ed. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1856 Windsor, New South Wales : Meteorological Observations made at the Private Observatory . of John^Tebbutt .... 1863-81. fol. Sydney, 1868-82 Wing (John) : Ephemerides of the coelestial motions for six years, beginning anno 1702 and ending anno 1707. 4to. London, 1702 Wing (Vincent) : : Harmonicon Cceleste ; or the ca3lestiall harmony of the visible world, containing an absolute and entire piece of Astrouomie. Wherein is succinctly handled the trigono- metricall part, generally propounded and particularly applyed in all questions tending to the diurnall motion. Especially respecting, and truly subservient to the main doctrine of the second motions of the luminaries and other planets, together with their affections, as eclipses, &c. fol. London, 1651 : An ephemerides of the ccelestiall motions for vii years, be- ginning anno 1652, ending anno 1658. 4to. London, 1652 : An ephemerides of the coelestial motions for xiii years, be- ginning anno 1659, ending anno 1671.410. London, 1656-57 : Astronomia Britannica, in qua per novam concinnioremque methodum, hi quinque tractatus traduntur : I. Logistica astronomica . ... II. Trigonometria .... EIL Doctrina sphserica .... IV. Theoria planetarum .... V. Tabula2 novfe astronomic.ie .... Cui accessit observationum astronomicarum Synopsis Compendiaria. 2 parts in i vol. fol. Londini, 1669-68 Wingate (Edmund) : : AoyapLO/ioTexytoL, or the construction and use of the logarith- meticall tables. Second edition. i2mo. London, 1635 : Mr. Wingate's Arithmetick ; containing a plain and familiar method for attaining the knowledge and practice of common arithmetick. Revised by J. Kersey. 15th edition, with a new supplement, by G. Shelley. 8vo. London, 1726 Winlock (Joseph) : : Tables of Mercury, for the use of the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac. 4to. Washington, 1864 : See also Washington, U.S. Naval Observatory. 394 Winnecke (Priedrich A\ig. Theodor) : : De Stella 77 Coronae Borealis duplici. Dissertatio Astrono- mica Inauguralis. 8vo. Berolini, 1856 : Uber die Sonne. 8vo. : *Beobaclatuugen des Mars um die Zeit der Opposition 1862. 4to, St. Petersbui'g, 1863 : *PuIkowaei' Beobachtungen des hellen Cometen von 1862, nebst einigen Bemei'kungen. 4to. St. Petersburg, 1864 : *Bestimmung der Parallaxe des zweiteu Argelander'schen Sternes aus Messungen am Heliometer der Sternwarte zu Bonn, 1857-58. 4to. Leipzig, 1872 : Gauss. Ein LTmriss seines Lebens und Wii'kens. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1877 Winthrop (John) and A. Oliver : Two lectures on Comets, by Prof. Winthrop ; also, an essay on Comets, by A.. Oliver, Jun., with sketches of the lives of Prof. Winthrop and Mr. Oliver ; likewise a supplement relative to the present Comet of 181 1. i2mo. Boston [U.S.], 181 1 Wittram (Theodor) : *Allgemeine Jupiterstorungen des Encke'schen Cometen fiir den Bahntheil zwischen i52°2i'7''*62 und 170° wahrer Anomalie. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1883 Wittstein (Theodor) : Eiinfstellige logaiithmisch-trigonometrische Tafcln. 8vo. Hannover, 1859 Witty (John) : A treatise of the sphere, shewing how it is deriv'd from that theory which justly asserts the motion of the eaith ; as also the projections of it, both orthographical and stereographical. 8vo. London, 17 14 Woeekel (Lorenz) : Die Sonne und ihre Flecken. (Programm der Studienanstalt in Niirnberg.) 4to. Niirnberg [1845] Wohlwill (Emil) : Der Inquisitionsprocess des Galileo Galilei. Eine Prlifung seiner rechtlichen Grundlage nach den Acten der Eo- mischen Inquisition. 8vo. Berlin, 1870 Wolf (Christian): : Elementa matheseos universse, Tom. i, qui commenta- tionem de methodo mathematica, arithmeticam, geometriam, trigonometiiam, analysin, staticam et mechanicam [&c.] complectitur. (Tom. 2, opticam, sphterica et trigonome- triam sphsericam, astro nomiam, geographiam, chi'onologiam, &c.) 2 vols. 4to. Halse Magdeburgicse, 17 13-15 : Ditto. Editio nova. Tom. i . 4to. Halte Magdeburgicie, 1 730 : A ti-eatise of algebra, with the application of it to a variety of problems in arithmetic, to geometry, trigonometry, and conic sections. 8vo. London, 1739 Wolf(C.): : *Recherches sur I'equation person nelle dansles observations de passages. 4to. Paris, 1865 395 Wolf (C.)— continued : *Desciiption Ju gioupo des Pleiades et iiiesuies niicromc- triques des positions relatives des principales etoiles qui le composent. 4to. Paris, 1877 : *Eecberches liistoriques sur les etalons de poids et inesnres et les appareils qui out servi u les construire. 4to. Paris, 1882 Wolf (Rudolf) : : *Neue XJntersuchungen Uber die Periode der Sonnenflecken und ihre Bedeutung. 8vo. Bern, 1852 : *Jolianu Baptist Cysat von Luzern. Ein Beitrag ziir Gescbichte der Mathematik und Physik in der Schweiz. 8vo. Bern, 1853 : *Mittheilungen uber Sternscbnuppen und Feuerkugeln. 8vo. Ziiricb, 1S56 : Ueber Cometen und Cometen-Aberglauben. Ein populjirer Vortrag. 8vo. Ziiricb, 1857 : Biograpbien zur Kultvirgescbicbte der Scbweiz. 4 vols. 8vo. Ziiricb, 1858-62 : Tascbenbucb fiir Matbematik, Pbysik, Geodiisie und Astronomie, Dritte .... Auflage. 8vo. Bern, i860 : Ditto. Vierte Auflage. 8vo. Ziiricb, 1869 : Ditto. Flinfte AuHage. 8 vo. Ziiricb, 1877 : Die Sonne und ibre Flecken. Ein Voi-trag. 8vo. Ziiricb, 1861 : *Mittbeilungen iiber die Sonnenflecken. 1-18. 8vo. Ziiricb, 1856-65 : *Astronomiscbe Mittbeilungen. 21-59. Band 1-4. 8vo. Ziiricb, 1866-83 : Wilbelm Herscbel. Ein Vortrag. 8vo. Ziiricb, 1867 : *Materiaux divers pour I'bistoire des matbematiques. 4to. Rome, 1869 : Handbucb der Matbematik, Geodasie, und Astronomie. 2 vols. 8vo. Ziiricb, 1869-72 : Jobannes Keppler und Jost Blirgi : Vortrag. 8vo. Ziiricb, 1872 : Gescbicbte der Astronomie. 8vo. Miincben, 1877 : Gescbicbte der Vermessungen in der Scbweiz, als bistoriscbe Einleitung zu den Arbeiten der scbweiz-geodatiscben Com- mission. 4to. Ziiricb, 1879 : *Quelques resultats deduits de la statistique solaire. 4to. Roma, 1881 : Determinations de longitude, see Plantamour et Wolf. Wolfers (^ Jacob Philipp) : : Tabulae reductionum observationum astronomicarum annis i860 usque ad 1880 respondcntes : . . . . Additae sunt tabulae Regiomontanae annis 1850 usque ad i860 re- spondentes ab 111. Zech continuatae. Svo. Berolini, 1858 : *Die totale Sonnen Finsterniss am 18. Juli i860. 4to. Altona, 1858 : *Neuc Beiicbtigung der Elemente der Metis. 4to. Altona, 1859 396 "Wollf I Julius Theodor ) : Photometrisclie Beobaclitungeu lui Fixstei'iieii. 4to. Leipzig, 1877 Wollaston (Francis) : : A specimen of a general Astronomical Catalogue, aiiangeJ in zones of north polar distance, and adapted to Jan. i, 1790 : containing a comparative view of the mean positions of stars, nebulse, and clusters of stars .... together with a proposal for setting on foot some regular method of ob- serving the heavens. fol. London, 1789 : Directions for making an universal meridian dial, capable of being set to any latitude, which shall give the mean solar time of noon, by inspection, without any calculation whatsoever. 4to. London, 1793 : Fasciculus Astronomicus, containing observations of the Northern circumpolar region ; together with some account of the instrument with which they were made, and a new set of Tables by which they were reduced to the mean position for the beginning of January 1800. 4to. London, 1800 : A portraiture of the Heavens, as they appear to the naked eye : constructed for the use of students in Astronomy. fol. London, 181 1 Wolynski (Arturo) : • ; Fac-simile della prefazione di Niccolo Copernico [with fac- similes of letters, MSS., &c., of or relating to Copernicus]. lol. : Nuovi documenti inediti del processo di Galileo Galilei. 8vo. Fh-enze, 1878 Wonders (the) of the Heavens displayed, in twenty lectures; by the author of the Hundred Wonders of the World. 8vo. London, 1821 Wood (James) : ■ : The principles of mathematics and natural philosophy. Vol. I, The elements of algebra. 8vo. Cambridge, 1795 : The elements of optics, designed for the use of students in the University. ^ 8vo. Cambridge, 1799 ; The principles of mechanics; designed for the use of students in the Univei'sity .... The second edition. 8vo. Cambi-idge, 1799 ■ : The elements of algebra, designed for the use of students in the University. . . . Third edition. 8vo. Cambridge iSm Woodhouse (Robert) : ■ : The principles of analytical calculation. 4to. Cambridge, 1803 : A treatise on plane and spherical trigonometry. 8vo. London, 1809 : A treatise on isoperimetrical problems, and the calculus of variations. 8vo. Cambridge, 1810 • : An elementary tieatise on astronomy. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 181 2-1 8 397 Woodley iWilliam) : The system of tlio UTUverso, witli diagrams, showing tlie daily motion of tha Sun, JNIoon, itc, round the earth .... together with a prospectus for simplifying the method of finding the longitude at sea. 8vo London, 1831 Woolhoiise (W. S. B.) : : Tables of continental linear and square measures. i2mo. London, 1836 : The elements of the differential calculus. 1 2 mo. London, 1852 : Measures, weights and moneys of all nations, and an analysis of the Christian, Hebrew, and Mahometan calen- dars. Sixth edition. i2mo. London, i88t : *0n the adjustment of mortality tables ; a sequel to former papers on the same subject. 8vo. London : See also Gregory and Woolhoiise. Woollgar (J. W.) : : Descriptive list of ancient and modern ccelestial maps. Svo. : Table for giaduatiug by a dividing engine on a circular logarithmic scale of 1600 divisions. 8vo. [ ] : *A new perpetual calendar. Svo. London, 1827 Worms (Henry de) : The earth and its mechanism ; being an account of the various proofs of the rotation of the earth. 8vo. London, 1862 Worsdale (John) : (ienethliacal astrology, comprehending an enquiry into, and defence of the celestial science .... Second edition. Svo. Newark, 179S Worster (Benjamin) : A compendious and methodical account of thq pi'inciples of natural philo.sophy. Second edition. Svo. London, 1730 Wrey (H. B.) : A few pages on the Great Pyramid of Ghizeh, viewed in our times as a monument of pro})hetic, historic, and scientific knowledge, supernatur.illy communicated to man four thousand j'ears since. Svo. Barnst:iple, 1S77 Wright (Arthur W.) : : *0n the polarization of the Zodiacal Light. Svo. New ILaven, 187.}. : ^Examination of gases from Meteorites. [4 papers.] Svo. New Ifaven, 1875 76 : *0n a new process for the electrical deposition of metals, and for constructing metal-covered glass specula. Svo. New Haven, 1877 : *Report on the polarization of the corona during the total solar ec]ips(> of .Fuly 29, 187S. 4to. Washington, i S80 '> 98 Wright (Edward) : : Certaine eri'ors in Nauigation detected and corrected .... with many additions that were not in the former edition. (The diuision of the whole art of nauigation ; an addition touching the variation of the compasse.) 3 parts in i voL 4to. London, 1610 : The Sea-man's tutor, or the marriuer's art made easie. In two parts ; the first teaching the principles of the Sphear .... the second the practical part of navigation. 4to. London, 1659 Wright (G.) : : The description and use of a new universal dial, or portable equatorial instrument. 8vo. London, 1781 : The description and use of a new constructed Octant, Sex- tant and Quintant. 8vo. London, 1782 Wright (J. M. F.) : : Solutions of the Cambridge problems, 1800 to 1820. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1825 • : The private tutor, and Cambridge mathematical reposi- tory ; comprising illustrations and examples in every branch of the mathematics. Vol. i. 8vo. C^am bridge, 1830 : A commentary on Newton's Principia, with a supplemen- tary volume. Designed for the use of students at the Universities. 2 vols. 8vo. London and Glasgow, 1833 [ ] : Heads of a recent discussion between a learned Doctor in Divinity and the author of ' Commentaries on the Principia of Sir Isaac Newton.' 8vo. London, 1847 Wright (Thomas) : : The use of the globes ; or the general doctrine of the sphere .... to which is added, a synopsis of the doctrine of eclipses. 8vo. London, 1740 : An original theory or new hypothesis of the Universe, founded upon the laws of nature, and solving by mathema- tical principles the general phsenomena of the visible crea- tion, and particularly the via lactea, 410. London, 1750 Wright (Thomas) : Popular treatises on Science, written during the Middle Ages, in Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Norman, and English. Edited from the original manuscripts (for the Historical Society of Science). 8vo. London, 1841 Wronski (Hoen6) : Address .... to th<^ British Board of Longitude, upon the actual state of the mathematics, their reform, and upon the new celestial mechanics, giving the deBnitive solution of the problem of longitude. Transhxted by W. Gardiner. 8vo. Loudon, 1820 Wrottesley (Lord) : : *0u the results of periodical observations of the positions and distances of nineteen of the stars in Sir John Her- schel's lists of stars, favourably situated for the investigation of parallax. 4to. London, 1851 399 Wrottesley CLoTd)—co>ifi>ii(ed. : Speech .... on Lieut. INIauiy's pl.xn for improving navi- gation ; with some remarks upon the advantages arising from the pursuit of abstract science. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1853 Wiillerstorf-Urbair (Bernhard, Freilierr von) : lleise der osterreichischen Fregatte Xoirira um die Erde in den Jahren 1857-59. Nautisch-physicalischer Theil. 4to. Wien, 1862-65 Wiirkert (Ludwig) : Populare Astronomic. Vollstandiges Lehrbuch flir Schule und Hans. 8vo. Leipzig, 183S Wurm (Johann Friedrich) : Geschichte des nexien Planeten Uranus, samt Tafehr fiir dessen heliocentrischcn und geocentriscben Ort. Svo. Gothn, 170 1 Wurzelbaur (Johann Phillipp a) : Uranies NoricK basis astronomica, sive rationes motns annui ex observationibus in solem lioc nostro et seculo abliinc tertio Norinbergfe sub eodem meridiano habitis .... de- ductae. fol. Norinberga?, 1719 Wyld (Samuel) : Tlae practical surveyor, or the art of land-measuring made easy. Fifth edition. 8vc. London, 1764 Wylie (A.) : . *The Mongol astronomical instruments in Peking. Svo. : See also Herschel (J. F. W.), Outlines of Astronomy. Ximenes (Leonardo) : Del vecchio e nuovo Gnomone Fiorentino e delle osservazioni astronomiche, fisiche ed architettoniche fatte ncl verifiearnc la costruzione libri TV. ; a' quali premettesi una introduzione istorica sopra la coltura dell' Astronomia in Toscana. 4to. Firenze, 1757 Yale College Observatory: Reports, 1880-83. Svo. New Haven, 1 88 1-83 Yarnall (M.) : : Catalogue of stars observed at the United States Naval Observatory during 1845 ^^ 187 1. 4to. Washington, 1873 : Ditto. Second edition. 4to. Washington, 1S7S Yates (James) : *Oii the excess of water in the region of the Earth about New Zealand ; its causes and its effects. Svo. Edinbuigh, 1S62 Yolland (William) : see United Kingdom, Ordnance Survey. Young (Alexander) : A Discourse on the life and character of the Hon. Natlianiol Bowditch. Svo. Boston, 183S Young (Charles A.) : : '^Spectroscopic Notes. Svo. Philadolpliia, iS6q : *0n a new method of determining the level-error of tlio axis of a meridian instrument. Svo. Now Haven, 1S70 400 Young (Charles A.)—covfiiincd. : *Oii tho solar corona. 8vo. New Haven, 187 1 : *Observatious of the solar eclijose, 1870, at Jerez. 8vo. Philadelphia, 187 1 : *Preliminary catalogue of the bright lines in the spectrum of che chromosphere. 8vo. New Haven, 187 1 : *Letter to the superintendent of the U.S. Coast Sui'vey, containing a catalogue of bright lines in the spectrum of the solar atmosphere, observed at Sherman, Wyoming .... Svo. New Haven, 1872 : The Sun and the phenomena of its Atmosphere [a lec- ture delivered at New Haven]. Svo. New Haven, 1872 : *Observations on Encke's Comet at the Dartmouth College Observatory. Svo. New Haven, 1872 : *Observations on the displacement of lines in the solar spectrum caused by the Sun's rotation. 8\^o. New Haven, 1876 : *American Astronomy : its history, present state, needs and prospects. An address .... before the American Association for the A dvancement of Science .... 1S76. Svo. Salem, 1877 : *Observations upon the solar eclipse of July 29, 1878, by the Pi-iucetown eclipse expedition. Svo. New Haven, 187S : Solar eclipse, 1S78 [2 papers]. Svo. 1878 : *Note on the spectrum of Brorsen's Comet. Svo. New Haven, 1S79 : ""^Spectroscopic notes, 1S79-S0. 8\'o. New Haven, 1S80 : *Measures of the polar and equatorial diameters of Mars, made at Princeton, New Jersey, U.S. Svo. New Haven, 1880 : The Sun. Svo. New York, 1881 : *Observations of the transit of Venus, Dec. 6, 1SS2, at Princeton, N.J., and South Hadley, Mass. Svo. New Haven, 1883 : * Astronomical Collisions. Svo. New York, 18S3 Young (Edward L.) : A new theory of gravitation, and other subjects. Svo. Norfolk, Va., 1874 Young (J.R.): : An elementary treatise on algebra^ theoretical and practicn.l. Svo. London, 1823 : The elements of mechanics, comprehending statics and dy- namics, with a copious collection of mechanical problems. 1 2 mo. London, 1832 Young (J. R.), H. Breem, — Seoffern, and E. J. Lowe : Nautical Astronomy .... Practical Astronomy, and Me- teorology. [Orr's circle of the sciences, Yol. 5.] Svo. London, n.d. Young (James) and George Forbes: ^Experimental determination of the velocity of white and of coloured light. 4to. London, 1882 40I Young (Robert) : An essay on the powers and mechanism of nature ; intended .... to extend, improve, and more iirmly establish the grand superstructure of the Newtonian System. 8vo. London, 1788 Young (Thomas) : : A coui-se of lectures on natural philosophy and the me- chanical arts. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1S07 [ ] : Elementary illustrations of the celestial mechanics of Laplace. Part the first, comprehending the first book. 8vo. London, 1821 • : Miscellaneous works .... Edited by Gr, Peacock (and J. Leitch). 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1855 Vol, I, 2. Scientific memoirs, &e. 3. Hieroglyphical essays and correspondence. : Life, by George Peacock. 8vo. London, 1855 : Life, see also Arago (D. F. J.) Zach (Franz Xaver von) : : Tabulae motuum Solis novae et correctae ex theoria gravi- tatis et observationibus recentissimis erutae, quibus accedit fixarum praecipuarum catalogus novus ex observationibus astrouomicis annis 1787, 1788, 1789, 1790, in specula astronomica Gothana habitis. 4to. Gothae, 1792 : Tabulae speciales aberrationis et nutationis in ascensionem rectam et in declinationem ad supputandas stellarum fix- arum positiones sive ajjpai'entes, sive veras : una cum in- signiorum ccccxciv stellarum zodiacalium catalogo novo. 2 vols. 4to. Gothae, 1S06 : Monatliche Correspondenz zur Befiirderung der Erd- und Himmels-Kunde. 28 vols. Gotha, 1800-13 : Ditto. Register .... Angefex-tigt von J. G. Galle. 8vo. Gotha, 1S50 : Correspondance Astronomique, Geographique, Hydrogra- phique et Statistique. Vol. 1-14. 8vo. Genes, 1818-26 : L'attraction des montagnes et ses effets sur les fihs a plomb ou sur les niveaux des instrumens d'astronomie, constates et determines par des observations astronomiques et geo- desiques faites en 1 810 . . . . pres de Marseille. 2 vols. 8vo. Avignon, 18 14 : See also Allgemeine geographische Ephemeriden. Zach (Stefan) : Der Parallelismus zwischon Sonnonflecken, Erdmagnetismus und Nordlichtorn als feste Grundlagcfiir eiiien Erklih-unga- versuch des Polarlichtes. [Programm des Gymnasiums in Budwcis.] 8v(). Pudweis, 1876 Zadkiol : The grammar of Astrolog)' .... tliird edition. 8v(). Tj(ind().n, \'^.\() 1) u 402 Zahn (Joannes) : : Oculus artificialis teledioptricus. [Part III.] Pro practice construendo et elaborando oculo artificiali telediopti-ico. fol. Herbipoli, 1686 : Oculus artificialis teledioptricus, sive telescopium, ex abditis rerum naturalium & artificialium principiis protractum nova metliodo, eaque solida explicatum ac comprimis 6 tri- plici fundamento ; physico seu naturali, mathematico di- optrico, et mechanico, seu practico stabilitum .... editio secunda. fol. Norimbergse, 1702 Zantedeschi (Francesco) : : *Nouveau spectromfetre. Des irradiations chimiques au point de vue de la photogra])hie. Nouvelle analyse de la lumiere du spectre solaire. De la vision stereoscopique. 4to. Paris, 1856-57 : *De mutationibus quae contingunt in spetitro solari fixo. 4to. MUncben, 1857 : *Suir esistenza delle linee longitudinali dello spectro solare. Svo. Venezia, 1869 Zeeli (Julius) : ; Astronomische Untersuchungen iiber die Mondfinsternisse des Almagest. Preisscbrift. 8vo, Leipzig, 185 1 : Astronomiscbe Untersuchungen iiber die wichtigeren Fin- sternisse welcbe von den Schriftstellern des classischen Alterthums erwahnt werden. Preisscbrift. Svo. Leipzig, 1853 ; Tafeln der Additions- und Subtractions-Logarithmen fiir sieben Stellen. Zweite Auflage. Svo. Berlin, 1863 Zeitschrift fiir Astronomie und verwandte Wissenscbaften berausgegeben von B. von Lindenau und J. G. F. Bobnen- berger. Band 1-6. Svo. Tubingen, 1816-18 Zeitschrift fiir Instrumentenkunde : Organ fiir Mittbeilun- gen aus dem gesammten Gebiete der Wissenscbaftlicben Tecbnik. Jabrang 1-4. 4to. Berlin, 1881-84 Zeitschrift fiir populare Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Astronomie und verwandter Wissenscbaften. Herausg. von C. A. F. Peters. Band i, 2. Svo. Altona, 1860-63 Zenger (Carl Venceslas) : : *Ueber ein neues TTniverBalmikroskop, und ueberein neue"^ pbotograpbipcbes Verfabren zur korrekten und beliebigen Vergrosserung photographiscber Aufnabmen. Svo. Prag, 1874 • *tjber katadioptriscbe Fernrbbre und Aplanaten. Svo. Prag, 1875 : *Uber dialytiscbe Refractoren. Svo. Prag, 1876 . : *Uber die Grundursacben der Sonnenfleckenperiode. Svo. Prag, 1 8 76 : *trber Heliopbotograpbie und einen beliograpbiscben Ap- ■ parat. 8vo. Prag, 1876 403 Zenger (Carl Venoe3laB)—conti}iued. : *tTber Berechnung aplanatischer katadioptrischer Objective. 8vo. Prag, 1877 : *Ein neues Positionsmicrometer. Svo. Prag, 1877 : *Ein neues Sounenocular, Svo. Prag, 1877 : *UbereineneuespektrometrischeMethocle. 8vo. Prag, 1877 : *Die Grundursache der Planetaren-Bewegimgen im Son- nensystem. 8vo. Prag, 1880 : *Uber den Zusammcnhansr der Erdstiirme mit den Plane- taren-Verhaltnissen des Sonnensystems. 8vo. Prag, 1880 : *Das Stereomikrometer, fol. Prag Ziegler (Jacob) : De solidse sphserae constructione, see Valderus and others. Zodiac : : Qii'est-ce que le zodiaque 1 En a-t-il jamais exists un vrai- ment astronomique 'i Svo. Paris : Encore quelques argumena contra le zodiaque. Svo. Paris Zollner (Johann Carl Friedrich) : : Grundziige einer allgemeinen Photometric des Himmels. 4to. Berlin, 186 1 : Photometrische Untersucliungen mit besonderer Rlicksicht auf die physische Beschaifenheit der Himmelskiirper. Svo. Loipzig, 1S65 Theorie der relativen Lichtsfarke der Mondpbasen. [In- augural-Dissertation.] Svo. Leipzig, 1865 *Beobacbtungen von Protuberanzen der Sonne, Svo. Leipzig, 1S69 *Astrophysik. [Notices of various spectrosco])ic works.] Svo. Leipzig, 1S69 *Ueber ein neues Spectroskop ; nebst Beitiagen zur Spectralanalyse der Gestirne. Svo. Leipzig, 1869 *0n the Temperature and Physical Constitution of the Sun. [Translated from the German.] Svo. Philadelphia, 1870 ♦Ueber die electrischo und magnetische Fernewirkung der Sonne. Svo. Leipzig, 1S72 liber die Natur dor Cometen. Beitriige zur Geschiehte und Tbeorie der Erkenntniss. Svo. Leipzig, 1S72 *Ueber das spectroskopische Eeversionsfernrobr. Svo. Leipzig, 1S72 *Zur Geschichte desHorizontalpendels. Svo. Loipzig, 1S72 *Ueber den Zusammenhang von Sternschnuppen und Cometen. Svo. Leipzig, 1872 * U eber die Temperatur und physische ]>eschaffenhcit der Sonne. (Zweite Abhandhing.) Svo. Jjcipzig, 1873 ♦Photometrische Untoi-suchuiigon iibcr die physische Bcscliafrenhcit des Pljiiu'ten i\lerkur. Svo. Leipzig [1874] WiEJbenschafllicho Abhaudluugen. Band i. Svo. Leipzig, 1878 404 Ziirich, Waturforschende Gesellschaft : : Moteorologisclie Beobaclitungen, 1837-46. 4to. Ziiricli : Mittheilungen. Band 1-4. 8vo. Ziirich, 1849-56 : Vierteljahrsschrift .... redigirt von Rudolf Wolf. Jahr- gang 1-25. 8vo. Ziirich, 1856-80 : Die wichtigsten Momente ans der Geschichte der Natnr- forschenden Gesellschaft in Ziirich. 4to. Ziirich, 1846 : Bibliographische Notizen iiber die ziircherischen Natur- forscher, Geographen, Aerzte und Mathematiker. 4to. Ziirich, 1846 Ziirich, Schweizerisclie Meteorologische Central-Anstalt : : Schweizerische meteorologische Beobaclitungen, heraus- gegeben .... untcr Direktion von Budolf Wolf, 1864-80. Jahrgang 1-17. 4to. Ziirich : Annalen, 1880-82. Jahrgang 18-19, 4to. Ziirich 3IANUSCRIPTS. Adams (Charles B.) : Spots on the Sun, observed 1819-23. fol. [drawings only] Astrological MS. : anonymous. Aspects of the planets. 8vo, Astronomical Society : Catalogue of Stars : MS. copy. fol., and original computations, 8 vols. 4to. Baily (Francis) : : The Cavendish experiments for determining the mean density of the earth. [Results printed in R.A.S. 3Iemoirs, vol. 14.] 6 vols. 4to. : Computations for his edition of Flamsteed's British Cata- logue of Stars, 7 vols. Svo. Bernaerts (Gustave Louis) : : Observations du Soleil, 1870-79. 7 vols. 4to. and 6 vol. fol. — ■ — : Observations de Mars, 1875-77. Portfolio of drawings — • — : Observations de Jupiter, 1875-78. 2 portfolios of drawings Birt (William Radcliff) : : Observations on the physical aspects of the lunar crater Plato, 1 860-6 r. 4to. — ■ — : Observations for the British Association lunar map and catalogue (unfinished), 12 vols. fol. Burrow (Reuben) : MS. diary, 1775-87. 3 vols, small 8vo. Calcutta, Surveyor General's OfQce : Meridional transits of the Moon's following limb and certain stars, between Nov. 13, 1826, and Jan. 13, i8?8, by Major ^. A, Hodgson and assistapts. 2 vols, fol. 405 Campanella's Astrological Predictions, in four books. Svo. i7i6(]) Cape of Good Hope, Royal Observatory : Transit and Circle Observations made in the years 1834-35, under the superintendence of Thomas Maclear, and reduc- tion of circle observations, 1 834 (copies). 5 pai'ts, fol. Carrington (Richard Christopher) : Sun spots observed at Eedhill, 1853-61. 10 vols. 4to. of observations and reductions; 4 vols. fol. of dramngs. Chevallier (Temple) : Drawings of Sun-spots, 1847-49. 2 vols. obi. fol. Cordova, Observaciones meteorologicas, 1S13-14. 4to. Eclipse (total solar) of 1868, August 18 : Original MSS. of Observations. [Results printed in E.A.S. Memoirs, vol. 41.] fol. Eclipse (total solar) of 1870, December 22 : Original MSS. of Observations. [Results printed in R.A.S. Memoirs, vol. 41.] fol. Eclipse (total solar) of 1871, December 11 : Original MSS. of Observations. [Results printed in R.A.S. Memoirs, vol. 41.] fol. Florence, Accademia del Cimento : Historical notices relative to the Academy del Cimento, trans- lated fi'om the 3rd. edition of the ' Saggi di naturali espe- rienze,' by S. M. Drach. 4to. 1856 Franks (William Sadler) : Catalogue of the colours and magnitudes of 3890 stars, be- tween the North Pole and 25° S. Declination. 4to. 1878 Galloway (Thomas): Unpublished Memoir on recent progress of astronomy. 4to. GilK David): A determination of the solar parallax from observations of Mars, made at the Island of Ascension in 1877. [Original MS. of paper partly printed in R.A.S. Memoirs, voL 46.] 2 vols. fol. Gorton (Sandford) : A series of drawings of the planet Jupiter, 1859-61. 4to. Groombridgo (Stephen) : Original observations for catalogue of Circumpolar stars. Halley (Edmund) : Astrouonii(;al observations made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, from April 11, 1719, to Dec. 31, 1739. Copied from the four volumes of manuscripts now in the Library of the Royal Observatoi-y, 1832. fol. Horschol (John Frederick William) : A general history of double stars (unfinished), with an index- catalogue reduced to 18300. [The catalogue printed in R.A.S. Memoirs, vol. 40.] Separate sheets. 4o6 Herschel (William) : : Observations of double stars, 1779 ^^ 1804. 4 vols. fol. : Sweeps with the 20-foot rellectoi% Doc. 1783 to Sept. 1802, transcribed by Carolina Herschel. 8 parts, fol. Hill (Thomas Wright) : Computations for a table of logarithms to 22 places, and other mathematical MSS. 2 vols. 4to. and fol. Hewlett (Frederick): Drawings of solar spots from 1859 to 1874. 5 vols. obi. fol. Hussey (Thomas John) : — : Calculations for the reduction of those stars of Lalande's * Histoire Celeste ' and Bessel's ' Zones,' which come within the portion (Hour XIV.) contributed by the author to the series of Berlin Star Charts. 2 vols. 4to. : Observations of Sun-spots made at Chislehurst, 1826-37. 4to. — : Meteorological observations, made at Chislehurst, 1827-38. 4to. Jacob (William Stephen) : Original MS. of observations of double stars made at Poena, 1845-48. [Results printed in B.A.S. Alemoirs, vols. 16, 17.] Separate sheets. Johnson (Samuel J.) : Projections of Eclipses of the Sun and Moon, from A.D. 1880 to 2000. Obi. fol. Jupiter : Two portfolios of drawings by various observers, 1 85 6-82. 4to. Lawson (Henry) : Register of the appearances on the Sun, 1831-32. 2 vols. Svo. Madras Observatory : <= : Meteorological Journal for the years iSoi, 1803-12, 1821-23, 1826. fol. ■ : Astronomical observations made in the years 1 793-1818, 1821-23, 1826, and miscellaneous MSS. fol. Mars : Portfolio of drawings by various observers, 1862-79. 4to. Mathematical solutions by members of the Mathematical Society. 2 vols. fol. cir. 1828 Mayer (Christian) : Complete defence of new observations of fixed-star satellites which have been discovered at the Electoral Observatory at Mannheim [Mannheim, 1778]. Translated by S. M. Drach. 4to. Newman (W. L.) : Tables for the numerical solution of Herschel's equations for the radii of an aplanatic object glass. 2 vols, 4to. [1845] 407 Paramatta Observatory : : Transit and Circle observations (copies), 1 82 2-23. 3 vols. obi. fol. Transit observations, 1S23-25. 2 vols. obi. fol. Circle observations, 1S23-26. 7 vols. obi. fol. Miscellaneous papers relating to the Paramatta Catalogue. Unbound Pastorflf (Wilhelm) : Beobachtungen der Sonnenflecken . . . zu Buchbolz bei Drossen, 1819-33 [Ji"awings only]. 3 vols, sm, 4to. Persian MS. : Treatises on elementary geometry, astronomy and geography. Sm. 8vo. 1S46 Robinson (Thomas Romney) : Table II of Dr. Kobinson's paper on lunar nutation. [R. A.S. Afe77ioirs, vol. 11.] fol. Saturn: Drawings by various observers, 1852-84 [separate drawings in portfolio]. 4to. Schwabe (^Heinrich) : Astronomische Beobachtungen, 1825-67. [Chiefly Sun-spots, but also containing observations and drawings of the jMoon, planets, comets, &c.] 38 vols. 4to. & fol. Sharp (Abraham) : Letters from John Flamsteed and Joseph Crosthwait, addressed to Abraham Sharp, during the years 1 702-1 730. Copied from the original MSS. by Francis Baily, 1834. Shea (Charles) : Observations of spots on the Sun, 1847-66. 5 vols. 8vo. Sheepshanks Correspondence : Letters from J. C. Adams, G. B. Airy, J, Challis, W. K Dawes, J. Hartnup, J. R. Hind, M. J. Johnson, W. Lassell, J. Lee, H. C. Schumacher, T. Sheepshanks, W. H. Smyth, C. P. Smyth, &e., 1836-59. Unbound Smyth (William Henry) : Observations of double and multiple stars, &c. [Original MS. of the ' Bedford Catalogue '.] Separate sheets Solar Tables, to convert apparent into mean time, for 1810. 2 sheets South (James) : Original INISS. of observations of double stars, 1S21-25. [I'rinted in J'/iil. Trans., 1825-26.] 12 vols. sm. 4to. Standard Scales: : Original entries of the Comparisons of various standard scales made by a Committee of the Royal Astronomical Society in the yciirs 1834-36, with a complete index by F. Baily. 4to. : Correspondence and various MSS. relating to ditto. Unbound 4o8 Tabuloe inediorum motuuni omnium planetarum ; mediorum conjunctiomim Solis et Lunaj, &c.. ; cmn canoiiibus, super meridiem Oxononiai ordinatse. Tabulas continentes verum locum Satiirni, Jovis, Martis, Veneris et Mercurii in longitudine et latitudine, pro quodlibet tempore atque situ, in Oxonia constitutse. Tabula longitudinis et laLi- tudinis civitatum diversiirum. Tal>ul:e magistri Johannia de Lineriis de quinque planetis retrogi-adis, et alise varife tabulfe astronomicse, ad meridianum civitatis Toloti, cum canonibus. 2 vols. fol. on vellum, cir, 1349 Tennant (James Francis) : Report on tlie determination of the latitude at Karachi .... in March and April, 1855. fol. Ulugh Beigh : : Astronomical tables and catalogue of stars. [Persian MS.] 4to. 1839 : Preface to the catalogue and knowledge of the stars. [Persian MS.] 4to. 1839 Utting (J.) : Tables of circumferences, areas, &c., of circles ; of squares, cubes, reciprocals and roots; of vibrations, &c.., of pendu- lums ; of chords, angles, and circular arcs ; Sun's meridian altitude at Greenwich, according to Sun's longitude, Sun's R.A. and longitude, &c. fol. Venus : Drawings by various observers, 1857 to 1873. [Separate drawings in portfolio.] 4to. Willey (John) : Index to the Catalogue of the Astronomical Society, showing the order and magnitude of each star in its i'esj)ective con- stellation, 4to. Williams (John) : Comets observed in China from B.C. 613 to a.d. 1640. [Original MS. of printed work.] 4to. 1S69 Wilna, Observatoire : Observations astronomiques faites en 1832-34. Par P. Sloevinski. 4to.. Wrottesley (Lord) : Original observations of Lord Wrottesley's Catalogue of 1009 stars. [R.A.S. Memoirs, vol. 23.] SPOTTISWOODE AMD CO., NliW-STHEKT SQUAKK LONUOX UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. I.L lyiAH APR16T9B9 Form L9-Series 444 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY ! II III ||ll II INI mi Ml I II III I i|i II, |iii, |i M iiii II 11,1 ml Ml I AA 000 484 113 i PLEA'^'t DO NOT REMOVE THIS BOOK CARD ^:^\l:LipRARVQ/:^ %0JI]V3J0'^ > r •JD University Research Library o o ■o o 3)