SYRIA IT PRIMER J. Dyneley Prince 1 iacsrV' sa/u4ism/. ^<^e. P= xi^. i / ' / / < K * * * y'he *M*n/**vtiXi'Oo/t i *- .tsivc+4 sxA.e/o&'do'&t' sfro(A xO'r A sO^AV 'n>&*st' oCe # .*&- ,, a^ /tf ^ //> jf if go* /4 V0 ^ riNf /^.K ^'^filSr ^ ^NWY^JW >/ ?/ H 54 .JJLy/jj f "- A^jL ^ .i? >fl ^J* i /ft u c /Hsrf \#LS ,4*1 avtv / 4g / o / -ri -JtA / (Liu. / if I 'f / & '*--$ '* -~ .~J^ /^v2^n^<^ . .^rtr^fe^>- 63 / y . -,<*, -sfe ,- -J!# J? /? ^/" ' sfnt ^O^ ^ /^^ ff^h^-,^ fih. tfie*/, tAjcn^fo^} ' p D ') Ctw we- / %&t /n&jw rtftttxJbi&xsi* />^>istw?b ?f, X c s&sfQ-A>t*. 22 sOsnd. ;&!&_ *vcL /*-H^ ty^n. Cs /C&^L/qsvi.&T. t Z&(s ~$btt^&t'LA^i*^Ts-0//'t*>J sCmx 26 27 28 cy -Ae- /i^Mr^ ^/c&Trtwjr^T^ii &S /tmxif ^v/t- sCaJb, fans, sh. f '*);V* 32 t/x /v ?.J Att-jtj 4 to) ( . " jl &#** S&sm>t4/ 3,0LtrvE ^isi , ff - 11) V^W. 1) ~tfS j /l>d&(K*As ^M^xcui^^^rr^ 11% 81 41 42 ff^ae. .v-. r; 77 s -f- rF rf ^n^U s44Lt4*v-&fsrv(~ T /L' /-rf. if- i/A & x^-.W'jz ~7 Ki, &e*,snsi> 77 ^ X . T ? 77 ; ) T7 47 ~7 T T; Iff < / 48 ft) /Ji; ' I I* < , T7T7J . 17-^' . ^77^0/4.77 pT ; tf; -^^; xr-7^ ; 7; noj ; jr^7. sn n < I <=> us . T-O p ; 7 49 /*! T // *>/ r; 91 - 10 ton j A' *"? ; n jf to ; . "7 7 Z7 50 9) 13 4> & ; , Jg x^ Assyrian-English Glossary. Note that in the following word-list, Arabic numerals standing alone refer to the pages of the preceding lessons and that small Roman numerals followed by Arabic numerals refer to the text of the last three lessons, the Arabic numerals indicating the numbered lines. Thus, 48 would mean page 48, but XV, 10 indicates the tenth line of the fifteenth lesson. Note also that verbs final N 2 are indicated throughout by final !"l. u 'one', 11; edis 'alone', 39, 41. bx 2 N dlu 'city', pi. aldni, 15. 2N abu 'father', pi. aMti, 8; abisif, 'his father', (gen.), XIIT, 14. 23N abdbu 'shine, be pure', 35; prec. libbib 'mny he shine'; adj. ebbu 'shining, pure'. *p abiktu 'defeat'; ideogr. SI 1, 41. ras abkallum 'leader, governor', 33. pis abnu 'stone', 43. i2N 4 eberu 'cross over', 49 ; pret. %bir, XV, 6. 33N agdgu 'be angry'; pret. egugma, XIV, 6. Noun: uggatu ' 'anger', 23. D5N agammu 'marsh', 49 ; pi. agamme, XV, 6. 1N 4 adi prep, 'unto, as far as, together with', 38. "TIN addru 'fear', 39; pret. adur, XII, 11. nN 3 essu 'new', 23. aTN^ ezebu 'leave, abandon', 39, 41. TTN 4 ezzu 'strong, powerful', 22. "1TN 4 ezeru 'curse'; prec. pret. 1 p. luzzurma, XV, 10; ezru 'a curse', XV, 10. nN ahu 'brother', 15; ahatu 'sister', 15. TON ahdzn 'seize, grasp', 47; III, 1 \(&dhhaz, XIII, 16. i2t<4 eferu 'spare, save', 41. pN 4 nu 'eye', 11. -PN dru 'reach, attain', 23, 39. riDN aku 'cripple, feeble', 37. bDN akdlu 'eat'; pret. ekulma, XV, 11. sN* ekallu 'temple, palace', 42. Not a Semitic word, but from Sumerian e-gal 'big house'. b ilu 'god', pi. ildni, 11, 37. b ul 'not'; jisual negative = Heb. xb. bN* ultu prep? 'from', 11. nb4 elu 'go up, ascend', 48; pret. eli, XIV, 5. Adj. elinu, fern. elinitu 'upper', 38. Prep, eli 'against, over', 11. ^b 2 aldku 'go', 37, 48; pret. 1 p. allik, XIV, 13; 3 p. fflik, 19. bbN aldlu 'shine, be bright', 35; adj. ellu, fern, ellitii 'bright, pure', 23, 34. bb aldlu 'hang' (trans.); pret. 1 p. alul, XIII, 15. 28 ummu 'mother', 15. BN 3 emu 'father-in-law'; emetu 'mother-in-law', 15. bttN am&lu 'man'; pi. ameluti, 11. J7DN ummandti 'troops', 41; XIII, 16. p72N emuqu 'power', 44. T73N amdru 'see* ; pret. 1 p. amur, XII, 9. "TON tamirtu 'circumference'; ina tamirti 'around', 41. ~i70N 3 imeru 'ass', 15. ]N ana prep, 'unto': ina 'in, by', 11. n: annu 'this'; fern, annitu, 19; pi. annutu (ti), anndti, 20. 13N unutu 'furniture, implements', 43; XII, 10. *]3N andku pron. 1 p. T, 8. ^:N an^M 'lead' (metal), 34. J3K aninu 'we'; also: anini, n&nu, nmi, 8. ON ensu 'weak', 22. nON usdti 'help, assistance', 37. jDN isinnu 'feast', 50; isinnt, XV, 11. bcN aplu 'son', 23. DEN apsu 'abyss, ocean', 33. epdsu 'do, make', 37 ; adj. itpisu 'active, capable'. apdru: appardti pi. of apparu 'marsh', 45; XV, 6. epru 'dust', 46. irtu 'breast, front', 34. Urbi; name of a tribe, 23. y-M'irba 'four', 37. n4 eri 'like an eagle', XII, 3 from eru 'eagle', 34. n^N urfa 'road', 19; XII, 11; XV, 2. D"iN aramme, pi. 'siege instuments', 48; XIV, 12. ynN ir$itu 'earth', 11. TIN ardru 'curse'; arratu 'a curse', 23. ttiN* istu prep, 'from', 11. izio< i$atu 'fire', 34. ittJN aSdru 'care for, pay attention to'; pret. a$ur, XII, 10. ittjwx afru 'place', 23, 39. aSdridu 'leader', 38. ussu 'foundation', 1 1 ; XV, 8. aSSatu 'wife, woman', 11, 23. iSten 'one', XII, 8. nN itti 'with', 11. nN atta 'thou', fern, atti, 8 ; attunu 'ye', 8. nN itlum 'hero'; sometimes written idlum, 37. 53 3N3 bdbu 'gate', 23, 49 ; XV, 4. b 4 3 Ulum 'lord', 23,44; XII, 12; bffit, constr. of MUu 'lady', 50; XV, 7. 113 urfo 'well', 49; XV, 6. ma bitu 'house', 11, 34, 43. Bitdurani 'fortifications', 44. rTO3 bamdte(ti) 'high-places, heights', 15. HD3 banu 'build, beget'; noun: nabnitu 'offspring', XIV, 3. p13 bardqu 'lighten', 38. ttlba ba$u 'be, exist', 11; bu$u 'property', 43. gabbu 'all', XTV, 7. gitmalum 'perfect', 38. gimru 'entirety', constr. gimir, 19; XII, 5. gardru 'run'; girru 'campaign', 40. gaSru 'mighty', 22. 'look'; pret. adgul, XII, 8; %M/, 19. m~ dadmu 'dwelling'; pi. dadme, 23. ^in <^aA;M 'slay, kill'; pret. aduk, XIII, 16; maddktu 'fortification'. 4 "m dimdti 'posts, stakes', XII, 15; pi. of^Ww. pTDI damdqu 'be favourable to', 34 ; adj. damqu 'favourable, gracious', 37. pn dandnu 'be powerful'; adj. dannu 'powerful', 15, 37; fern. dannatu, 15. Noun: dunnu 'power, strength', XV, 8. r]sn duppu 'clay tablet', XIV, 11. i M 'and', 11. b3T abdlu 'carry, bring'; nouns: muttabilutu I, 2 partc. 'portable things' ; biltu 'tribute', 49 ; XV, 5. NXi asu 'go out'; noun: situ 'rising of the sun', 39. nn aru 'bring' ; uraSsu. XIV, 4 = urd + 5w. ^n arfcw 'after', XII, 8. 3n cwa^w 'dwell' 38; noun: Subtu 'dwelling', XIV, 2; with suffix Subatsun, XIII, 14. T IDT zikaru 'hero, male', 11. ^731 zam^Tm 'enemy', 38. qp; zaqdpu 'set up'; azqup, XIV, 13. npr zaqdtu 'be sharp'; zaqtu, pi. zaqtuti 'sharp', XIV, 7. Noun: zuqtu 'sharp peak', XIV, 5. N 4 1T zru: constr. ^r 'seed', XIII, 14. 54 n mn kadis 'joyfully', 43. Tin tohazu 'battle', 39, 42 ; XII, 10. Mahazu 'city', XII, 2. aan AaftM 'sceptre', XV, 1. btt hullanu 'garment', XV, 9. ynn hurdsu 'gold', 34, 43. nnn tahtu 'defeat'; tahtdSunu, XIV, 8. temu 'counsel, wisdom, taste', XV, 1. mra tabu, fern, fczfow 'good', 15. TIB fudu 'road', 19. rro ##u 'clay, mud', 23. bata fcW/w 'torch'; #to//#, 'like a torch', XIV, 3. idti 'me', 13. idu 'hand', 23; zW-za 'my hends', (dual), XII, 13. aqartu, fern, 'precious', 43. misaru 'righteousness', 37. ^ A;oa 'thee'; kd$i, 13; kdSunu 'you', 13. 03D kabdsu 'tread', III, 1, partc. constr.; sukbus 'hostile advance' XIV, 12. -\tt.kibrdti 'regions', 37. P3D kabtttu 'heart, liver, XIV, 6. -ns A;orfre 'gifts, tribute', 47; XIII, 16. bis kdlu 'all', 38; kdtisunu 'all of them', XIV, 4. j-0 kdnu 'establish', 49 ; prei ukin, XV, 5. Noun : kittu 'righteousness', 37. 13 Tdma 'like, like to', 11. ~D kakku 'weapon', 38. 13DD kalbanndti 'axes', 48; XIV, 12. IDDD kand$u 'bow down', 39. ^03 kaspu 'silver', 43. nss 7m^t2 'cold', XII, 11. DID /carww 'ploughed field', XV, 3. ^"O kurunnu 'wine', XV, 11. ^"^D kirdSu 'camp'; with suffix kirassu, 41. -IIUD kaSddu 'conquer'; pret. 1 p. aksud, 19, XIV, 9, 12, 44; tkSudd, 3 pi. fern., 42. 'hosts', 37. 55 Nb Id 'not', 11. E2N 4 b partc. M, it 'swallow up, devour', 38. ab libbu 'heart'; libbi, XIV, 6. -tab labiru 'old, ancient 1 , 23. sab Zafo&M 'be clothed ; II, 1 ulablis, XV, 9. ib ZM 'verily', 11. Strengthening and precative particle. ffiib liSdnu 'tongue, language', 15. -ibb lattamm 'honey', XV, 11. Mtob Zaww 'surround'; pret. 1 p. aZrae, XVI, 12. Noun: limdiu 'boundary, border', 44. fob ftmnt* 'evil', 34 ; XV, 10. N s pb %< 'take' ; pret. alqd, XII, 3. marw 'son', 33. ONTO mi'mma 'whatever, something', 34, 43. nNto maftt 'land', 15. Probably not a Semitic word, but from Sumerian mada. 1313 magdru 'favour', 38; migru, constr. migir 'favourite', 37. nifc mdtu 'die' ; I, 2. gmltfc, XV, 2. ynw mahdsu 'smash, smite'; pret. with suffix: amhassu 'I smote him'. Noun: mundahsu 'warrior', for vmimtahisu. inft mahru 'first', 40 ; tamhdru 'battle', 41. "OW namkuru 'property', 43. Nbw maZw 'be full'; ma/a 'as many as', 11. "pW maldku 'rule, counsel' ; mdtifcu, pi. malke, malkdni 'prince' ; malkatu, pi. malkdti 'princess', 15; milku 'counsel, advice' XV, 1. I'D mannu 'who?'; mzw 'what?', 20. nrra maww 'count, reckon'; pret. amrm, 43. npw maqdtu 'fall'; pret. amqut, 49. yjW WMSM 'night', 34. masdru 'leave, abandon; II, 1, umassir 'he left', XIV, 2. me&riti 'limbs', 34(?). Nn: nabu 'speak, utter', 34; nibu 'number', 45. baD nabdlu 'destroy' ; pret. abul, XII, 4. y5D nigissu 'gorge', 39. mD nadu 'set, place, lay' ; pret. addi, XV, 8. p: naddnu 'give'; pret. iddin, 15; pres. 3 pi mamdmu-ma, XIV, 2. Noun: mandatu 'tribute, gift', XV, 5. -n: nuru 'light', 34. HD nazdzu 'stand' ; pret. 3 p. fern, tazziz-ma, XII, 13 ; 1 p. ctzzaz, 19. nto: niati 'us', 13. V3 niru 'yoke', XII, 9. -113 n8ru 'a ner' = 600. 56 D=>: mksu 'breach in a wall', XIV, 12. -o: nakdru 'change, hostile'; II, 1, unakkir, XIII, 16; XV, 12. Noun: ndkiru 'enemy, XIV, 7; XV, 10. -,7o: namdru 'shine', 35. no; nasdhu 'tear away' ; pret. assuh, XIV, 3. e: napistu 'life', 41. -i}D nasdru 'keep', 37. Noun: nisirtu 'treasure', 43. -ipa naqdru 'tear down, destroy'; pret. 1 p. a^itr, XII, 4. Stt.3 na&2 'lift up'; pret. 1 p. assi, XV, 7 ; III, 1, u3a$$i with fern. suffix, XIV, 5 ; partc. nds, XV, 1. piB3 naSdqu 'kiss'; II, 1. unaS&q, XIV, 10. po sudinnu 'a sort of bird', 39. qno sahdpu 'overthrow' ; pret. ishup, XIV, 9. *ino sahdru 'surround', 37; ina sihirti-. prep, 'around', XIII, 5. 0^0 *WM 'horse, 42 ; XII, 9. rpo sakdpu 'overthrow'; pret. askup, 19; iskap, XII, 12. T^O samnu. ordinal: 'eighth', 11. jEO sapdnu 'sweep away, overthrow'; aspun, XII, 5. k]EO sippu 'threshold', 49 ; XV, 4. *ICD supuru 'enclosure', 22. no sittu, pi. sittuti 'rest, remainder', 23. pagru 'corpse'; pagris 'like a corpse', XIII, 15. pu, gen. joe 'mouth', 22. J9^ 'limit', XII, 5 : pat gimri 'entirety'. patdru 'split'; Noun: patru 'dagger', 23. paldhu 'fear'; ^M%, XIV, 9; puluhtu 'fear', XII, 12. jozZJw, v\.pil$i(e) 'hole, mine', 48; XIV, 12. piqittu 'order, muster', XII, 9. paru 'mule', 42. parakku 'royal chamber, shrine', 38. pardsu 'flee', 39; IV, 1, pret. ipparis XIV, 2. parMdu 'flee', 41. Quadriliteral from cnc. N 3 nc ^zVw 'open'; pret. apte-ma, 43. Nnx sdbu 'warrior', 41. 313S sumbu 'cart' ; pi. sumbe, 42. nn* sabdtu 'seize'; pret. 1 p. cqbaf, XIII, 11. ins sihru 'little, small', 22, 44. 1"S iru< constr. sir 'against', XV, 5. Dbs: salmu 'image'; constr. salam, 19; XIV, 12; XV, 9. 57 salmu 'black'; fern. pi. constr. salmdt: salmdt qaqqadi 'the black headed ones', i. e., the Babylonians, 39. simittu 'span, team', XII, 9. susu 'marsh', 19. ms 'sdrdhu 'cry out' ; I, 2. issarih, XII, 6 ; XIV, 6. rpSZ sarpu 'refined silver', 34. ntp qdtu 'hand', 19; dual qatd, 42. bap qablu 'midst; combat', 41. ttrp qistu 'gift', 23. "liSp ^zsrtt 'strength, power'; constr. qisir, XV, 8. ~PP qaqqadu 'head', 39. -ipp qaqqdru 'territory, ground', XV, 8. 3"ip qirbu midst', 35 ; constr. qirib, 42 ; qitrubu 'battle, attack', 42. "np qarradu 'warrior', 33 ; qurddu 'warrior', 15. nip qa$tu 'bow'; qasdtsunu 'their bows', XII, 13. PI. is qasdti. rtN 4 "i rum 'shepherd', 37. ON 3 ~i rdmu 'love', 37. wen rdsu 'head', 15, 23. na") rdbu 'be big, large'; III, 1. usarbd, 38. Adj. rabti, fern. rabitu, pi. rabuti, rabdti 'big, large', 22, 37. 3D"i rakdbu 'ride, mount'; noun: narkabtu, constr. narkabat-, pi. narkabdti, XIV, 5. nstl rflww 'help, aid'; pi. partc. rw^ 'allies', 41. Htzn raSu 'possess'; used particularly of mental qualities; partc. seen in rd3 t&mi 'possessor of counsel, understanding', XV, 1. 115 Sa: rel. pron. 'who'; prep, 'of, 11, 19. bj Sa'dlu 'ask' ; pret. 1 p. aSdl, XV, 7. 1N 3 1C 5^rw 'morning', 15. law sabdru 'break'; pret. 3 p. fern, ta&zr, XII, 13. rmz: M^t2 'mountain', 23. in, &2 'he; that one', 8. tii 'she', 8. tiunu, sina 'they' (masc. and fern.). Sdsu, fern. ^*, 8, 13; suatu, fern. Jzcrfz, pi. $uatunu, fern. Siatina, 19 ; also Satunu, masc. pi. demon- strative pronoun = 'that one, those ones'. -it3 foAzrw 'write'; III, 1. usa3tir-ma, XIV, 11. 'set, fix, establish' ; Simtu 'fate, destiny', 34 ; XV, 2. 'foot', 48 ; s&pi-ia 'my feet', XIV, 5. pw *a^nu 'set, establish', 34; pret. o^fcun, XIV, 8; I, 1. aSlakan, 41. 'snow', XII, 11. 58 bb' saldlu 'take as booty' ; pret. aglula, 44. Noun : Sallatu 'booty' ; allati 'as booty', 43; satlasunu = Sallat-sunu 'their booty', 44. obc saldmu 'set' (of the sun), 38. Noun : sulmu 'peace, greeting'. 19, 50; XV, 7. DIE sumu 'name', 34, 43; pi. sume. XIV, 11 ; constr. sing. Sum, XIII, 16. rTOC samu 'heaven'; pi. samt, 35. ri2tt sind 'two', XII, 8. "ffi Sandnu 'rival, vie with', 38. bsc saplu, fern, saptitu 'low', 39. yc^: *^)95M 'might, power', 39. ncffi M/?rM 'message'; constr. sipir, 19. *lttj Sarru, pi. sarrdni 'king', 15; sarrutu 'kingdom, royalty', 38. CJTC: sarapu 'burn' ; pret. 1 p. asrup, XII, 4. p-id sardqu 'give'; pret. 1 p. a$ruq, XIII, 16. rtpiZJ 6-o^M 'high', 23. nw sa^ftt 'year', 49 ; satttiam 'annually', XV, 5. DN 2 n tdmtu(m) 'sea', 38, 39 ; gen. tdmtim, XIV, 2. inn fc2rw 'turn, return', 34; III, 1. utir, XV, 3. *pn ^Ma^' 'ropes', XIV, 5. bDn tukuitu, constr.