n K B] JI R' REESE LIBRARY "NIVfeRSITY OF CALIFORNIA. APR 21 1893 n REVOLVING FUKNACiib I WAi UK jA^isjtii rur^NAC WINDING ENGINES | PUMPING ENGINES ETC., ETC. BOWES-SCOTT & WESTER] OFFICE- BROADWAY CHAMBERS, WESTMINSTER, LONDON. SAMPLING WORKS AND LABORATORY PHOENIX WHARF, CHURCH ROAD, BATTERSEA. TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS "DONBOWES, LONDON." TELEPHONE No. 3199. ^^MMMWH^^MMBMMMMHMMBBMM^^^M^^M^MBBMMBM^WM^M^^MMBIMM^MMMMI^MMMB-MM^MMMM^ SEND FOR CATALOGUE. The Phosphor Bronze Co., LIMITED, 87, SUJVINER ST., SOUTHWARD LONDON, S.E. Boiling and Wire Mills BAGOT STBEET, BIRMINGHAM. Branch Foundry ETRUBIA, STOKE-ON-TBENT. SOLE MAKERS OF THE "COG-WHEEL" BRAND PHOSPHOR BRONZE INGOTS AND CASTINGS, Spring and Electric Wire, Rods, Seamless Tubes, Sheets, Doctor Blades, Cycle Spokes, &c. ' ' SOLE PROPRIETORS OF THE BRITISH, INDIAN, and COLONIAL PATENTS, fop Silicium Bronze Electrical Wire, Qualities A, B, and G (see Circulars and Price Lists). FOR OVERHEAD TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE LINES, &C., As used by the chief Railway and Telephone Companies throughout the world HIGH CONDUCTIVITY, GREAT TENSILE STRENGTH, RESISTANCE TO CORROSION, PRACTICAL INDESTRUCTIBILITY, PAMPHLETS AND CIRCULARS ON APPLICATION. SOLE AGENTS FOR Bull's Metal, for Forgings & Stampings, &c. PSOMES JIMS& JEFFERIES, MINING ENGINE, COMPOUND ENGINE, WINDING ENGINE WITH PITHEAD GEAR UNDERTYPE ENGINES. PORTABLE ENGINES. Catalogues Post Free on Application. IPSWICH AND LONDON. KNAP'S PATENT IMPROVED ROOT STEAM BOILER TYPE A. IN "BRICK SETTING,' This Type is also made for "Iron Casing." Large firegrate area -for wood, dung, peat, cane, etc. " KNAP'S PATENT STEKL JOINTS" entirely supersede all perishable packings. Suitable for any pressure up to 200 pounds per square inch. Safety from disastrous explosions. FACILITY IN TRANSPORT, ERECTION, AND REPAIRS. These Boilers are made in sections of small size (150 Ibs. if required), which are carefully fitted together at the Works, and at destination can be erected without skilled labour, rivetting, or special tools. All parts are made to gauge and interchangeable ; each tube is entirely indepen- dent of its neighbours, and can be taken out and replaced in half an hour. p UMPING FOR MINING AND M ACHINERY GENERAL USE. Send for Lists and Telegraphic Code, No. 5OA Post Free. See also Code Words for our Pumps in Body of this Book. FOR SINKING SHAFTS to the depth of about 80 feet, DRAINING DIP HEADINGS or for Coal and Ore Washing, "THE PULSOMETER" PATENT STEAM PUMP IS INDISPENSABLE. It is shown in the right engraving, suspended on a chain, in which position it works perfectly, requiring no oil, tallow, packings, or foundations. The sandy and gritty nature of the water usually met with at mines and collieries, and which would wreck the ordinary type of pump, is dealt with freely by the PULSOMETER, it having no frictional or moving parts, but the simple valves (replaceable by any one on the spot by means of duplicates had at small cost), and is not therefore liable to get out of order. Any one can work it. The absence of exhaust steam is also a great advantage. It is extremely simple, portable and durable. Always ready for use FOR AWKWARD AND CONFINED SITUATIONS it is unequalled. PRICES (Others on Application) : Size No. 2, for 2000 gallons per hour ,, No. 4, for 6000 ,, ,, No. 6, for 13,000 ,, ,, No. 8, for 28,000 ,, No. ni, for 80,000 ,, *. 13 5 26 15 46 o 86 o 181 o These Prices are in England, and include a Foot-valve. OVER I2,OOO PULSOMETERS ARE IN USE The illustration on left represents one of our Patent Double Plunger 'DEANE" SINKING PUMPS for all Lifts above the range of the Pulsometer. These Pumps are lighter than an^ other Sinking Pump in the market ; take up little room in the shaft, are easj and noiseless in operation, simple, certain and durable. No foundations necess ary, Can be made in small parts, for transport on mule-back in mountainous country, at at extra cost. SIZES USUALLY IN STOCK : s. Size .to raise 4500 gallons per hour, 150 feet high, with 55 Ibs. steam 95 o. o 10,000 ,, 150 o o Other sizes on application. Speciallv suitable for dealing "with gritty water. DUPLEX STEAM FOR UNDERGROUND WORKINGS, where the heavy pressure and gritty nature of the water renders Ordinary Pattern Pumps undesirable. PUMPS Can be run on the most severe duty without shock or jar. Can be made also compound or con- densing. verv Combination made up at short- notice. A VERY LARGE STOCK KEPT. Telegraphic Address " PULSOMETER, LONDON." The Pulsometer Engineering Company, Ltd., NINE ELMS IRON WORKS, LONDON, S.W., ENGLAND. OREDENDA STRENGTH WITH LIGHTNESS THE CREDENDA PATENT Seamless Steel Cube COLD DRAWN TRADE "Crebenba" MARK FINEST QUALITY PRODUCED in the WORLD The CREDENDA 8EA.MLESS STEEL TUBE Co. Ld. SMETHWICK, BIRMINGHAM (telegrams : CREDENDA, BIRMINGHAM. W. C. STIFF, ZHanaging director, "The CREDENDA CO. have an International reputation, and are, without doubt, the largest and most successful Manu- facturers of SEAMLESS STEEL TUBING in Great Britain, if not the World. Notwithstanding the enormous facilities for producing Tubing, this Company have, from year to year, made vast extensions to their buildings, and increased their Tube producing plant many fold." BICYCLING WORLD & L.A.W. BULLETIN E. & F. N. SPON'S NEW BOOKS. In 2 vols., royal 4/0, cloth, price $ I2s., with 82 lithographic plates. A Practical Treatise on Coal Mining, by GEORGE G. ANDR, F.G.S., Assoc. Inst. C.E., Member of the Society of Engineers. CONTENTS : I. Practical Geology. II. Coal, its Mode of Occurrence, Com- position, and Varieties. III. Searching for Coal. IV. Shaft-sinking. V. Driving of Levels, or Narrow Work. VI. Systems of Working. VII. Getting the Coal. VIII. Haulage. IX. Winding. X. Drainage. XL Ventilation. XII. Incidental Operations. XIII. Surface Wor XIV. Management and Accounts. XV. Characteristics of the Coal Fields of Great Britain and America. r In super-royal ^to, cloth, price 2 I2s. 6d., with numerous illustrations. MINING AND ORE DRESSING MACHINERY. By C. G. WARNFORD LOCK, author of "Practical Gold Mining." In demy $vo, cloth, price $s., with six plates. LOSSES IN GOLD AMALGAMATION, WITH NOTES ON THE CONCENTRATION OF GOLD AND SILVER ORES. By W. MCDERMOTT and P. W. DUFFIELD. In crown 8vo, cloth, price 6s., illustrated with plates and cuts. THE HYDRAULIC GOLD MINER'S MANUAL. By T. S. G. KIRKPATRICK, M.A. In royal $vo, cloth, price 2 2s. PRACTICAL GOLD MINING. A Comprehensive Treatise on the origin and occurrence of Gold-bearing Gravels, Rocks, and Ores, and the methods by which the Gold is extracted, by C. G. WARNFORD LOCK, co-author of " Gold, its Occurrence and Extraction." With 8 plates and 271 engravings in the Text. In royal &vo, cloth, price i is., with numerous engravings. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON HYDRAULIC MINING IN CALIFORNIA. With description of the use and construction of Ditches, Flumes, Wrought-Iron Pipe? and Dams, Flow of Water on heavy grades, and its applicability under high pressure to Mining, by A. J. BOWIE, jun., Mining Engineer. In crown &vo, cloth, price IQS. 6d., with numerous engravings. The modern practice of Sinking and Boring Wells, with geological considerations and examples of Wells, by ERNEST SPON, Assoc. Mem, Inst. C.E., Mem. Soc. Eng.. and of the Franklin Inst., etc. Second edition, revised and enlarged. E. & F. N. SPON, 125, Strand, London. New York : 12, Cortlandt St KNAP'S PATENT IMPROVED ROOT STEAM BOILER TYPE E. IN "IRON CASING." This Type is also made for " Brick Setting." Large firegrate area -for wood, dung, peat, cane, etc. " KNAP'S PATENT STEEL JOINTS" entirely supersede all perishable packings. Suitable for any pressure up to 200 pounds per square inch. Safety from disastrous explosions. FACILITY IN TRANSPORT, ERECTION, AND REPAIRS. These Boilers are made in sections of small size {200 Ibs. if required), which are carefully fitted tog-ether at the Works, and at destination can be erected without skilled labour, rivetting, or special tools. All parts are made to gauge and interchangeable ; each tube is entirely indepen- dent of its neighbours, and can be taken out and replaced in half an hour- DAVEY, PAXMAN, & CO. ENGINEERS, COLCHESTER, ENGLAND, IMPROVED PORTABLE ENGINE. Single Cylinder, 4 to 12 H.P. nom. Double Cylinder, 8 to 30 H.P. nom. Telegraph Address : PAXMAN, COLCHESTER." MAKERS OF Semi-Fixed Engines and Boilers. Horizontal Engines. Vertical Engines and Boilers. Horizontal Winding- Engines. Vertical Hoisting- Engines and Boilers. Compound Portable and Semi- Portable Engines. Compound Horizontal Fixed Engines. "Windsor" Hig-h Speed Non- Compound Vertical Engines. Cornish, Lancashire, and other Boilers. PATENT SEMI-FIXED COMPOUND ENGINES. 8 to 50 H.P. nom. SPECIALITY. ECONOMY, EFFICIENCY, and DURABILITY. THE HUNTINGTON CENTRIFUGAL ROLLER CtUARTZ MILL, For fine pulverizing in concentration. ITS PARTICULAR MERITS ARE Economy in expense of plant. Economy in cost of working. Economy in transportation of machinery. Economy in cost of erection of mill at mine. Economy in time required to establish plant at mine (one day only being consumed). Economy in management of machinery (its simplicity of construction obviates the need of mechanical skill). Economy in power required (a saving of 50 per cent, being rendered). We claim especial merit in that feature of this system by which we prevent all flouring of gold and quicksilver, and the consequent loss of gold that attends stamp milling. HORIZONTAL CONDENSING ENGINE. 16 to ioo H.P. nom. Catalogues, Price Lists, and Specifications sent post free on applica- IMPROVED GEARED WINDING ,. , ENGINE, with Single or tlon to Double Drum attached. DAVEY, PAXMAN, & CO., ENGINEERS, COLCHESTER, ENGLAND. THE NEW GENERAL AND MINING TELEGRAPH CODE BY C. ALGERNON MOREING, M.Inst. C.E., l\ MINING ENGINEER. AND THOMAS NEAL, SECRETARY OF THE MONTANA COMPANY, LIMITED, AND THE MINES COMPANY, LIMITED. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. FOR THE USE OF MINING COMPANIES, MINING ENGINEERS, STOCKBROKERS, FINANCIAL AGENTS, AND TRUST AND FINANCE COMPANIES. LONDON: WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, 13, CHARING CROSS, S.W. Price One Guinea. ELECTRICITY AS A MOTIVE POWER. ELECTRIC MINING LOCOMOTIVE. The application of the electric current to the transmission of power is a branch of electrical science which has had a marked development in the past few years. This is not strange when we consider the many advantages which the electric motor possesses, its general adaptability to every condition where power is required, and that it has furnished us with the only method of distributing power in small units over large areas, practically and with economy. Central stations are now being established in nearly every town and city for supplying arc and incandescent lighting. The managers of these central stations have found it to their advantage to operate a portion of their plants for the distribution of power by means of electric motors. By means of the electric motor, distances are annihilated, and power can be transmitted to points, the distance of which depends only on the pressure used ; a radius of two or three miles from the central station being easily covered without using currents of high tension. It is a fact which has become recognized that the electric motor possesses advantages over any other form of power which can be used. All inconveniences of isolated steam plants, such as heat, dirt, noise, and care of boilers, are avoided. The motor is noiseless in its action, clean, safe, and does not require expert attention. Owing to the fact that it can be started and stopped at will, it is exceedingly economical in operation. That the steam engine, with its accompanying annoyances, may be displaced by quiet running electric motors, which are free from all danger, compact and well built, and which require but few repairs, added to the actual saving in expense which is secured by such a change, is a fact that has been clearly demonstrated, and the electric motor now has attained a position in the field of transmission of power, the permanence of which cannot be questioned. WOODHOUSE & RAWSON UNITED, LIMITED, LONDON, BARCELONA, MELBOURNE, BOMBAY. PREFACE. IN the preface to the Telegraphic Mining Code, published in 1888, the author stated that, although he had done his best to make it as complete as possible, the subject dealt with was too vast for him to think that it would be regarded as perfect, but he ventured to hope that it would form the foundation of a thoroughly complete and practical Code. He invited the co-operation of Mining Engineers and others interested in collecting data, with a view of compiling a more perfect work. This invitation has been widely responded to, and the work of arranging the data so collected has been performed by Mr. Thomas Neal, the Secretary of the Montana Company, Limited, and of the Mines Company, Limited, who has had large experience in cabling. The Telegraphic Mining Code contained 18,318 words ; the New General and Mining Code contains 36,898, or more than double. The number of sentences has been increased from 15,110 to 29,632, and the additions have been selected from such as have occurred, and been found useful, in general practice. The tables for Money have been largely extended PREFACE. for instance, English Money has been increased from 600 to 1650 words. Numerous new Tables have been added, which will be found extremely useful, such as those for Weights, Assays, Percentages, Dates, and Points of the Compass. A most important feature is the complete revision of the Code Words to satisfy the rules and requirements of the Telegraph Convention and the various Cable Companies. For this purpose the right has been acquired, at considerable expense, from the Proprietors of the " Telegraphic Convention Code " to use the words in the English section of that work. The Code Words are alphabetical from beginning to end, thus avoiding the waste of time and the possibility of mistakes sometimes arising from not knowing at once where to look for a word. The Author believes that this will now be found the most complete, the most useful, and the simplest Mining Code in existence, and that it will save much trouble and expense to Mining Companies and others adopting it. The Author is greatly indebted to his partner, Mr. T. Burrell Bewick, for the great care he has taken in reading and revising the proofs ; and he believes that the work will be found unusually free from errors. C. ALGERNON MOREING. SUFFOLK HOUSE, LAURENCE POUNTNEY HILL, LONDON, E.G., May, 1891. THE Cfi GOLD PROCESS AND FINE DEDUCTION SYNDICATE, LIMITED QJ JORDAN'S. PATENTS). h- 2 ir ' 'Jlf '"rt* g O > fir? // EBBV^K /i 2 a. Mf-W3lL /// < ___ . ^ ^ HR _^.. , x , o ULJ AM ALG AM AT oa. o 3 Apply for ft REPORTS OF ^ o SUCCESSFUL g WORKING. - \ FLOAT GOLD CANNOT ESCAPE. > CD A PRACTICAL SUCCESS. Apply for Full Particulars to T. B. JORDAN & SON, 15, GEORGE ST., MANSION HOUSE, LONDON, E.G. ELECTRIC MINING HOIST, (INDUSTRIES, 20th December, 1889.) T T 7E illustrate above an improved Electric Mining Hoist, which has * * recently beeh built for electric mining work. The speed of the motor is controlled by an electric switch at one side, by means of which the motor can be made to vary its speed by a single movement of the switch handle. Turning the handle to one notch will make the motor run slowly ; through two notches, faster ; and full number of notches, at full speed ; while turning the handle in the opposite direction will give similar rates of speed with opposite direction of rotation. The qualities of durability, compactness, ease of operation and minimum of wear, so essential in mining work, have been carefully attended to in this machine. The gearing is all boxed in iron cases to protect it from dust or stray stones. At the same time these cases can be quickly removed, if occasion should require, to reach the working parts. The efficiency of the electric motor when working at full load is claimed to be over 90 per cent. that is, more than nine-tenths of the energy which is delivered in the form of electric current at the terminals of the motor are transformed to effective work at the armature pinion. ELECTRIC HOISTS AND LIFTS. Specifications and Estimates for these articles will be supplied on application, adapted to the requirements of any particular case. Having erected and tested goods of this class, we are in a specially favourable position to furnish reliable apparatus of this character. WOODHOUSE & RAWSON UNITED, LIMITED, LONDON, PARIS, NEW YORK, JOHANNESBURG. CONTENTS. PAGE VOCABULARY ... ~" 597 SKELETON CODE FOR ADDENDA ... ENGLISH MONEY (STERLING) ... ... 6l 3 AMERICAN MONEY ... 24 NUMBERS ... FEET AND INCHES ... 39 WEIGHTS 6 4 ASSAYS ... 642 PERCENTAGES ... ... 44 DATES - 6 8 LETTERS ... ... ... - - 6 5 2 CABLES 6 54 POINTS OF THE COMPASS ... ... 6 5 6 ELECTRIC LIGHTING, ETC. BANKERS ... FINANCE AND MISCELLANEOUS COMPANIES ... SKELETON CODE FOR ADDENDA ELECTRIC MINING APPARATUS. ELECTRICAL CAPSTAN. ONE of the most promising fields opened up for the use of the electric motor has been that of mining. The main reason for the hearty welcome given by miners to electric apparatus probably is, that it admits of practical and economical long distance transmissions of power in a manner and to a degree not dreamed of a few years ago, so that mines which have yielded small returns or have even been abandoned, though within a few miles of inex- haustible water powers, have immediately been brought by the aid of electricity within the category of permanent and profitable enterprises. Another pleasing and noteworthy feature of electric plant has been its handiness, and the ease with which the motor may be conjoined with almost any other kind of machinery in almost any kind of position, so that crude, barbarous, and wasteful processes have no longer been a cruel necessity, but are substituted by those that in reality deserve the name of scientific. A third great recommendation for electric motors in mining has been their simplicity of mechanism and absence of complex detail. These advantages were frankly admitted recently by a well-known mining authority in America, the Colliery Engineer, which said: "It has been demonstrated in several instances that it is one of the best mediums for the transmission of power, haulage, pumping, coal-cutting, rock-drilling, and in fact for every kind of work that requires the carrying of power underground. On the surface it is especially adapted to work being done by machinery at any considerable distance from the main power plant. The locations of many ventilating fans are such as to make electricity by far the cheapest and most convenient power. The running of pumps can be done much cheaper and more conveniently by electricity than by steam. Every colliery official recognizes the disadvantages of steam-pipe running to pumps in mines. They not only make the atmosphere unfit for travelling through, but they cause dry rot in timbers and disintegration of the roof. These same results, besides loss of power by condensation, can be charged against steampipe carried into a mine for any mechanical purpose." ELECTRIC COAL CUTTERS. Prices and details supplied on receipt of exact specification of requirements. WOODHOUSE & RAWSON UNITED, LIMITED, LONDON, VALPARAISO, SYDNEY, YOKOHAMA. MORSE ALPHABET, A __ E G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X y z GOMMANS & CO., 52, Gracechurch Street, London, E.G. MANUFACTURERS OF ROCK DRILLS, AIR COMPRESSORS. OTTO'S AERIAL ROPEWAYS, ADOPTED BY THE BUKMA KUBY, THE SHEBA THE EDWIN BRAY; AND MANY OTHER MINING COMPANIES. Correspondence Solicited. Efficiency Guaranteed. ORE-DRESSING MACHINERY, ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR ALL CLASSES OF MINING MACHINERY. ELEGRAPI 1C CODE. ABA No. Code Word. 1 Aaronic . . 2 Aaronsrod . 3 Abaciscus . 4 Abacist . . 5 Abaft . . 6 Abaiser . . 7 Abalienate 8 Abandoned 9 Abandoning 10 Abandum . 11 Abanga . . 12 Abaptiston 13 Abashed 14 Abashment 15 Abasing . . 1 6 Abatable . 1 7 Abatements 1 8 Abatial . . 19 Abattised . 20 Abattoir. . 2 1 Abatude 22 Abbacinate. 23 Abbacy . . 24 Abbajeer 25 Abbatical . 26 Abbess . . 27 Abbeyland . 28 Abbotship . 29 Abbreviate . 30 Abbroch 31 Abbwool . 32 Abdevenham 33 Abdicant . 34 Abdicating . 35 Abdicative . 36 Abdicator . 37 Abdomen . 38 Abdominal . 39 Abdominous 40 Abduced 41 Abduction . 42 Abeam . . Abandon Do not abandon Likely to abandon Not likely to abandon Can I abandon work on If abandon(s) Will abandon Abandon work for the present on Will not abandon You must abandon Abandon to insurance You must abandon the idea Had better abandon the idea Before we abandon Shall I (we) abandon Have decided to abandon You must not abandon Must abandon the works unless If you resolve to abandon Will not be prudent to abandon If we are forced to abandon Abandoned Has been abandoned The mine was abandoned Was abandoned on account of The mine would be considered abandoned Has (have) abandoned Why was it abandoned Consequently was (were) abandoned Has (have) abandoned Had better be abandoned The lower workings were abandoned The works were abandoned (in consequence of) Has (have) been abandoned The works were abandoned in consequence of an Tried and abandoned long ago [influx of water Was abandoned Will be abandoned After the mine was abandoned The action has been abandoned Abandonment After abandonment (by) ABA No. CodeWord. 43 Abecedary . 44 Abeigh . . 45 Abelmosk . 46 Abeltree 47 Aberdevine 48 Aberrancy . 49 Aberrant 50 Aberrating . 51 Aberration . 5 2 Aberuncate 53 Abettors 54 Abeyance . 55 Abgregate . 56 Abhorrency 57 Abhorreth . 58 Abhorrible . 59 Abhorring . 60 Abideth . . 6 1 Abiding . . 62 Abidingly . 63 Abietic . . 64 Abigail . . 65 Abiliate . . 66 Abiliments . 67 Abilities. . 68 Ability . . 69 Abiogeny . 70 Abjectly. . 7 1 Abjugating . 72 Abjunctive . 73 Abjurement 74 Abjuring . 7 5 Ablaqueate . 76 Ablaze . . 77 Ablebodied. 78 Ablegate 79 Ableness 80 Ablephams . 8 1 Ablepsy . . 82 Ableseaman 83 Ablocated . 84 Abnegation 85 Abnegative . 86 Abnormal . 87 Abnormity . 88 Abnormous 89 Aboard . 90 Abpcocked . 91 Abodance . 92 Abolish . , Abate Will abate Will not abate Will he (they) abate Will you abate Cannot abate You must not abate You must not abate your exertions Abated Has (have) abated The sickness has abated Abatement Agree (s) to an abatement of No abatement in Will agree to an abatement If do (does) not agree to an abatement If agree(s) to an abatement An abatement of In abatement of In abatement of his claim In abatement of our claim In abatement of the damage A material abatement What abatement will he make Abeyance The matter is in abeyance Has been in abeyance until Why is the matter in abeyance (To) hold in abeyance In abeyance until we hear from (you) Abide Cannot abide by Will abide by , Will not abide by Will abide by Will you abide by Must abide by If will not abide by Abide by our decision Abide by our offer Abide at all risks by Must we abide by Refuse to abide by If he (they) refuse to abide by Able , Able to Not able to Am (are) not able to Am (are) able to Are you able to AEL No. Code Word. 93 Abolisheth 94 Abolishing 95 Abolition . 96 Abominable 97 Abominate 98 Aboriginal 99 Aborigines 100 Aborticide 1 01 Abortient . 102 Abortively 103 Aboveboard 104 Abovedeck 105 Abradant . 1 06 Abrahamic 107 Abrasions. 1 08 Abraxas . 109 Abrazitic . no Abreast in Abrenounce 112 Abridged . 113 Abridging. 114 Abridgment 1 1 5 Abrogable 1 1 6 Abrogating 117 Abrooding 1 1 8 Abrook 119 Abrotanoid 120 Abrupt. . 121 Abrupteth 122 Abruption 123 Abruptly . 124 Abruptness 125 Abscess . 126 Abscession 127 Abscond . 128 Absconding 129 Absence . 130 Absenters . 131 Absently . 132 Absentment 133 Abseybook 134 Absinthic . 335 Absolute . 136 Absolutely 137 Absolution 138 Ab solvable 139 Absolving . 140 Absolvitor. 141 Absonant . 142 Absonous . (are) able to (are) not able to Able (continued?) Have you been able to Have been able to Have not been able to If - is If - is If I am able (to) If I am not able (to) Shall be able to Shall not be able to Will - be able to When will - be able to Telegraph if you are able to Telegraph when you are able to As soon as you are able to As soon as we are able to Unless we are able to Unless you are able to Unless - is able to Must be able to May perhaps be able to Abolish It is proposed to abolish Abolished Has been abolished Has not been abolished Will be abolished Will not be abolished Must be abolished Is going to be abolished Has been abolished for some time Aboimd(ing) To abound in The district abounds in Abounding in About About the same Price will be about Profits will be about Expenses will be about About how much Write at once about Please see at once about See - about Have seen - about Have not been able to see about Will probably be about Telegraph at once about Should like to know about Know(s) all about Know(s) nothing about ABO No. Code Word. 143 Absorbent 144 Absorption 145 Absorptive 146 Abstain 147 Abstaining 148 Abstemious 149 Abstention 150 Absterged. 151 Absterging 152 Abstersive 153 Abstinency 154 Abstinent . 155 Abstorted . 156 Abstract . 157 Abstractly 158 Abstruse . 159 Abstrusely 1 60 Abstrusion 161 Absume . 162 Absurdity . 163 Absurdness 1 64 Abthane . 165 Abundant. 1 66 Abundantly 167 Abusage . 168 Abuseful . 169 Abusive . 170 Abusively. 171 Abutilon . 172 Abuttal 173 Abutting . 174 Abuzz . . 175 Abysm . . 176 Abysmal . 177 Abysses . 1:78 Acacia . . [79 Acaciatree 1 80 Academical 181 Academism 182 Academy . 183 Acalephan 184 Acalephoid 185 Acalycine . 1 86 Acantha . 187 Acanthice . 1 88 Acanthodes 189 Acanthoid 190 Acanthurus 191 Acarithylis 192 Acanticone About (continued) What do you think will be about (the) Can hear nothing about Above Do not go above Not above Above suspicion Above the present workings Above the old workings Above the datum level Above the water level Will be above Will it be above Expenses will be above Cost will be above Absconded Has absconded (taking) Has absconded, leaving heavy default Absence During your absence During my (our) absence During the absence of On leave of absence Wish(es) for leave of absence till Can I have leave of absence till Grant leave of absence to Do not grant leave of absence to Owing to the absence of In the absence of instructions from (you) Leave of absence until [right Can have leave of absence, if matters can go all Cannot grant leave of absence at present Absent I shall be absent from for the next days Is (are) absent If - - is absent apply to Will be absent Is absent through sickness Expect not to be absent more than Absolute Has (have) absolute power to Granting absolute power to To gain absolute control of Must have absolute control Has (have) absolute control of Absolutely Absolutely untrue The statement is absolutely untrue The report is absolutely untrue, and you can at Absolutely without foundation [once contradict it Absolutely worthless ABS No. Code Word. 193 Acaricide . 194 Acarpous . 195 Acatelepsy 196 Acatharsy . 197 Acathistus 198 Acatry . . 199 Acaulose . 200 Accable . 201 Accapitum 202 Accelerate 203 Accent. . 204 Accentors . 205 Accentual . 206 Acceptably 207 Acceptance 208 Accepteth. 209 Accepting. 210 Acception. 2 1 1 Acceptress 212 Accessible 213 Accessory. 214 Accidence 215 Accidental 216 Accipiter . 217 Accismus . 218 Acclaim . 219 Acclaiming 220 Acclamate 221 Acclinal . 222 Acclivity . 223 Acclivous . 224 Accloy. . 225 Accoast . 226 Accoasting 227 Accol . . 228 Accolade . 229 Accolent . 230 Accompany 231 Accomplish 232 Accompt . 233 Accord able 234 Accordancy 235 Accorded . 236 According 237 Accordions 238 Accountday 239 Accourage 240 Accoupled 241 Accoupling 242 Accredit . Absolutely (continued) Absolutely powerless (to act) . Abstract Send me (us) an abstract of Will send an abstract by first mail Have sent you abstract of . Cannot send you abstract before Send abstract of ore extracted Send abstract of profits (for) Abstract of title Abstract of accounts Abstract of returns Abstract of monthly yield Abstract of expenses Abstract of report Prepare abstract (of) Have prepared abstract (of) . Abstain Abstain from . You must abstain from Will not abstain from Abstain from trespassing . Absurd It would be absurd The story is absurd 's demands are quite absurd The amount asked is absurd . Abundance There is an abundance of Are found in abundance Fuel and timber in abundance There is an abundance of water Fuel, timber, and water in abundance [cheap Fuel, timber, and water in abundance, and labour Fuel and timber in abundance, water scarce Water in abundance, timber scarce Is there an abundance of . Abundant Are fuel, timber, and water abundant Not very abundant .Abut Abuts upon Abutting on . Accede Will the vendor accede to these terms Will the company accede to these terms Will he (they) accede to Will you accede to Accede to the proposition Will accede to Will not accede to 6 AGO No. Code Word. Accede (continued) 243 Accrescent . If accede(s) to these terms 244 Accretions . Should not accede to these terms 245 Accretive . , I hope to induce the vendors to accede to 246 Accrue. . . Accept(s) 247 Accruing . . I (we) accept 248 Accrument . I (we) cannot accept 249 Accumb . . Am convinced vendors would accept 250 Accumbency . Accept under protest 25 1 Accumbing . Will you accept 252 Accumulate . Will accept 253 Accuracy . . Will not accept 254 Accurse . . Will not accept less than 255 Accursing. . Shall I (we) accept 256 Accusable . Upon what terms will you accept 257 Accusant . . Shall I (we) accept his (their) offer 258 Accusation . You had better accept his (their) offer 259 Accusative . Accept 's offer, if nothing better cm be done 260 Accusatory . You had better not accept 261 Accusement . Accept subject to 262 Accustom . . Accept subject to approval of condition(s) 263 Aceldama. . Accept subject to conditions named 264 Acephala . . Decline to accept without 265 Acephalist . Shall I (we) accept for your account 266 Acephalous . Please accept on my (our) account 267 Acepoint . . Do not accept 268 Acerbate . . Do not accept bill for 269 Acerbating . Please accept bill for 270 Acerbitude . I (we) cannot accept your bill(s) 271 Acerbity . . Accept in full settlement 272 Acervose . . Accept, but for cash only 273 Acescency . Telegraph if you accept 274 Acescent . . Telegraph if you do not accept 275 Acetabulum . Telegraph if I (we) may accept 276 Acetamide . How much will he (they) accept 277 Acetarious . How much will you accept 278 Acetary . . Provided he (they) accept(s) 279 Acetified . . Provided we accept 280 Acetifying. . Will accept, provided 281 Acetimetry . In case you accept 282 Acetopathy . In case he accepts (they accept) 283 Acetosity . . Accept on terms named 284 Acetum . . Decline to accept on terms named 285 Acetyle . . Will not accept on any terms 286 Achatina . . You should not accept (his) (their) statements with- 287 Ached . . . Acceptance [out confirmation 288 Acheilary . . Acceptance is conditional (upon) 289 Acherontia . Unconditional acceptance 290 Acberset . . Acceptance has been returned 291 Achetidae. . Upon acceptance of 292 Ache weed. . Draft for acceptance by AGO No. Code Word. 293 Achievable 294 Achievance 295 Achieved . 296 Achieving 297 Achilleid . 298 Achimenes 299 Achirite . 300 Achlya . . 301 Achorion . 302 Acicularly . 303 Acidifier . 304 Acidify 305 Acidimeter 306 Acidness , 307 Acidulate . 308 Aciform . 309 Acinous . 310 Acipenser. 311 Aciurgy , 312 Acknow . 313 Aclinic. . 314 Acnestis . 315 Acolyte 316 Acolythist, 317 Acombered 318 Acondylous 319 Aconitum . 320 Acontiadae 321 Acontias . 322 Acoraceae 323 Acorn , . 324 Acorncup . 325 Acorn oil . 326 Acornshell 327 Acosmistic 328 Acosmium 329 Acotyledon 330 Acouchy . 331 Acousmatic 332 Acoustic . 333 Acoustical 334 Acquiesce 335 Acquirable 336 Acquired . 337 Acquiring . 338 Acquisitor. 339 Acquit . . 340 Acquitment 341 Acquittal . 342 Acrasies , Accepted The offer is accepted The offer has not yet been accepted The offer is not accepted Has (have) accepted Has (have) not accepted owing to Has (have) accepted all conditions imposed Will be accepted Has (have) accepted draft Is accepted (by) Not yet accepted Not accepted in consequence of Access (To) gain access to Cannot gain access to Can you gain access to Accident A bad accident has happened to Has met with an accident Owing to an accident to Cannot ascertain cause of accident Telegraph cause of accident The accident was caused by Works stopped, owing to accident to Mill shut down, owing to accident to Accident easily repaired Accident will take some time to repair- Owing to serious railway accident Was sent by accident (to) Have just heard by accident that Delayed by accident How long will it take to repair accident (to) A fatal accident has occurred Killed by accident In case of accident Accommodate Will accommodate Will accommodate Will not accommodate Done to accommodate Can accommodate Can you accommodate Cannot accommodate Will not accommodate more than Accommodated Have accommodated Accommodation Will be a great accommodation Any accommodation Wijl give all accommodation in his (their) power No. Code Word. 343 Acred ale . 344 Acrefight . 345 Acreshot . 346 Acridian . 347 Acrisy . . 348 Acrobat . 349 Acrobatic . 350 Acrocarpi . 351 Acrocinus . 352 Acrocomia 353 Acrodont . 354 Acrodus . 355 Acrogen . 356 Acrogenous 357 Acrography 358 Acroleine . 359 Acrolithan 360 Acromion . 361 Acronycal. 362 Acropetal . 363 Acropodium 364 Acropolis . 365 Acrosaurus 366 Acrospire . 367 Across . . 368 Acrostics . 369 Acroterium 370 Acrotism . 371 Acrotomous 372 Acrylic. . 373 Acting . . 374 Actiniadae 375 Actinism . 376 Actinoid . 377 Actinolite . 378 Actinology 379 Actinosoma 380 Actinozoa . 381 Action . . 382 Actionable 383 Actionist . 384 Actionless. 385 Activate . 386 Actively . 387 Activement 388 Activeness 389 Activities . 390 Actresses . 391 Actual . . AGO Accommodation (continued) Accommodation for Without any accommodation (for) Has every accommodation (for) The accommodation has been very opportune . The accommodation will be very useful . Accompany Think is the best man to accompany Will probably accompany you Will accompany me (us) Cannot accompany me (us) Must accompany me (us) [do the work alone Must have some one to accompany me as I cannot Do you require any one to accompany you If cannot accompany me (you) . Accomplish Can you accomplish Hope to accomplish Cannot accomplish . Must accomplish Should you not be able to accomplish We hope you can accomplish this If you can accomplish these results Hardly possible to accomplish Can easily accomplish what you require To accomplish these results To accomplish the desired results we shall have to adopt measures which we do not think judicious Can you accomplish this without seriously over- Cannot accomplish this without [taxing . Accomplished Has been accomplished Has not been accomplished Can be accomplished (if) Cannot be accomplished (unless) . Accord Act in accord with Will accord with Inaccord with . Accordance In accordance with Not in accordance with In accordance with your instructions In accordance with his (their) instructions In accordance with my (our) views already ex- . According [plained According to According to the agreement According to the reports According to instructions received According to the mining laws here No. Code Word. 392 Actualist . . 393 Actuality . . 394 Actualness 395 Actuarial . . 396 Actuated . . 397 Actuating . . 398 Actuation . . 399 Actuose . . 400 Actuosity . . 401 Acturience 402 Aculeated . . 403 Aculeiform . 404 Aculeolate 405 Aculeous . . 406 Acumen . . 407 Acuminated . 408 Acuminous . 409 Acutely . . 410 Adage . . . 411 Adagial . . 412 Adamant . . 413 Adamantean . 414 Adamantoid . 415 Adamitic . . 416 Adansonia 417 Adaptable 418 Adaptation . 419 Adapting . . 420 Adaptness 421 Adaptorial 422 Adarcon . . 423 Adaunted . . 424 Addable . . 425 Addecimate . 426 Addeemed 427 Addeeming . 428 Addendum 429 Adderbolt 430 Adderflies 431 Adderfly . . 432 Addergrass . 433 Adderpike . 434 Adderstone . 435 Adders wort . 436 Addeth . . 437 Addibility. . 438 Addict . . . 439 Addition . . 440 Additional 441 Addlepated . AGO 9 According (continued) According to private advices According to plans and specification According to circumstances According to our view of the matter According to your view of the matter According to instructions already given According to instructions to be given You must act according to your instructions Act according to your own discretion Acted according to instructions Account(s) On your account On my (our) account On no account On account of No account of Forward the accounts as quickly as you can The accounts are unsatisfactory The most reliable accounts to be had Forwarding by to-day's post the accounts Send account of bullion shipped Account is overdrawn Account is overdrawn, remit us by telegraph at once Get all accounts you can of the mine The accounts are very favourable The accounts are very unfavourable Have opened an account with Open an account with It must be taken into account To account for Our account at bank is very low Accounts will be sent as soon as possible No accounts have been kept Account(s) is (are) to be depended upon Account(s) is (are) not to be depended on Accounts are contradictory Have you had any account of Have you had any account with I (we) have not any account of I (we) have no account with I (we) have an account of I (we) have an account with On whose (what) account Will send accounts by next mail If account(s) is (are) favourable If account(s) is (are) unfavourable Can you account for Cannot account for That accounts for Not on account of TO AGO No. Code Word. Account(s) (continued) 442 Addleplot . . Entirely on account of 443 Addoom . . Account of all expenditure 444 Addressing . Account of all expenses incurred 445 Adducing . . Account of all expenses on Revenue Account 446 Adelaster . . Account of all expenses on Capital Account 447 Adelite . . Account of ore extracted 448 Adelopod . . Account of all ore milled 449 Adelphia . . Account of all shipments of ore 450 Adelphous Account of all stores consumed 451 Adenalgy . . Credit account (with) 452 Adeniform Debit account (with) 453 Adenitis . . Account shows a balance to credit (of) 454 Adenoncus . Account shows a debit balance of 455 Adenophyma. Accounts for last month 456 Adenose . . Accounts for this month 457 Adenotomy . Accounts for current half year 458 Adephagia . Accounts for last half year 459 Adeptist . . Accounts for half year show profit of 460 Adequacy . Accounts for half year show loss of 461 Adequate . . Sent accounts by last mail 462 Adequately . Sent accounts on 463 Adequation . Send accounts by next mail 464 Adhere . . Accounts made up to 465 Adherents Up to what date are accounts made up 466 Adhesions Must have accounts made up to 467 Adhesive . . Must have accounts not later than 468 Adhesively . The account has been forwarded 469 Adhibit . . We do not understand the account 470 Adhibiting . How do you account for 47 1 Adhibition . What is the state of your Bank Account 472 Adiabatic . . Accounts are unreliable 473 Adiantites Accounts do not tally with 474 Adiantum. . According to accounts 475 Adiaphory The accounts we have received 476 Adipate . . The accounts do not show 477 Adipocere . Accounts for freight 478 Adipsous . . The accounts include 479 Adjacent . . The accounts do not include 480 Adjacently . Included in the accounts 481 Adjectival Include in the accounts 482 Adjoin. , . Why did you not include in the accounts 483 Adjoinant . . Send us approximate accounts 484 Adjournal . . Have sent approximate accounts 485 Adjourning . To be charged to Revenue Account 486 Adjudge . . To be charged to Capital Account 487 Adjudging . Has been charged to Revenue Account 488 Adjudgment . Has been charged to Capital Account 489 Adjudicate . Profit and Loss Account 490 Adjunct . . Profit as shown by the accounts 491 Adjunction . Revenue and Expenditure Account AGO II No.' Code Word. 492 Adjunctly . 493 Adjure . . 494 Adjustable 495 Adjustage . 496 Adjusting . 497 Adjust! ve . 498 Adjustment 499 Adjutancy 500 Adjutator . 501 Adjutrix . 502 Adjuvant . 503 Admeasure 504 Adminicle 505 Administer 506 Admirably 507 Admiral . 508 Admirance 509 Admirative 510 Admirers . 511 Admiringly 512 Admissible 513 Admissions 514 Admissive 515 Admissory 516 Admittable 517 Admittance 518 Admitting. 519 Admixture 520 Admonish 521 Admonition 1522 Admonitive 523 Admonitory 524 Admoved . 525 Admoving 526 Adnascent 527 Adnate 528 Adnoun . 529 Adolescent 530 Adolode . 531 Adonean . 532 Adonic 533 Adopted . 534 Adoptedly 535 Adoptious 536 Adoptive . 537 Adorable . 538 Adornated 539 Adornments 540 Adossed . 541 Adpressed Account(s) (continued) Stores Account Accountant An experienced accountant Accumulate Has been allowed to accumulate Accumulate a sufficient stock of Which will accumulate Accumulated Accumulating We are now accumulating Accumulation A large accumulation of We have now a large accumulation of Accurate Is (are) report(s) accurate Is (are) quite accurate Is (are) not at all accurate Must be accurate Must be more accurate Accused Has (have) been accused of Has (have) been unjustly accused of Has (have) ever been accused of Acknowledge Acknowledge receipt of this Will not acknowledge Acknowledge(s) to have Acknowledge(s) to have received Acquainted Are you acquainted with Acquainted with Not acquainted with Acquire Acquire all the information you can about By this we acquire We acquire a most valuable property Will acquire a most valuable mine Acquire entire control of Must acquire entire control Can you acquire Can acquire Cannot acquire Should you not be able to acquire Acquitted Has (have) been acquitted Cannot be acquitted of all blame Has (have) been acquitted Acquitted of all blame Acre(s) The property comprises acres 12 ACE, No. Code Word. 542 Adread 543 Adrift . . 544 Adroit . . 545 Adroitly . 546 Adroitness 547 Adscript . 548 Adsignify . 549 Adularia . 550 Adulating . 551 Adulation. 552 Adulatory. 553 Adulterate 554 Adulterous 555 Adultery . 556 Adumbrant 557 Aduncity . 558 Aduncous . 559 Adusk . . 560 Adustion . 561 Advance . 562 Advancing 563 Advantage 564 Advenient 565 Adventive. 566 Adventual 567 Adverb 568 Adverbial . 569 Adversable 570 Adversity . 571 Advertence 572 Advertised 573 Adviceboat 574 Advigilate. 575 Advisably. 576 Advise. . 577 Advisement 578 Advisings . 579 Advisory . 580 Advocacy . 581 Advocate . 582 Advocatess 583 Advocation 584 Advoutress 585 Advoutry . 586 Advower . 587 Advowson 588 Adynamon 589 Aerating . 590 Aerations . 591 Aerial . . Acre(s) (continued) Equal to per acre Extending over acres How many acres are there in the property Across Across the Running across the Half across the Have come across Act Do not act except on written instructions Act(s) in the most honourable way Act(s) in the most underhand way Act upon advice Do not act without consulting Do not act till you hear from Do not act Do not act on my (our) letter of Act promptly Act cautiously Act accordingly Act according to agreement Act according to instructions Act as you think best How shall I act Will act on behalf of Who will act for us when you leave Act(s) on behalf of Will not act for Will act Shall I (we) act Cannot act Cannot act until we hear from For whom do(es) act Act on our behalf Before you act Act under legal advice Continue to act Continue to act as you have been doing Act on the defensive Act as proposed Will he (they) act Acting Who is acting for Acting on behalf of Is (are) not acting for There is no one acting for For whom are you acting Am acting for You are acting right You are acting wrong No. Code Word. 592 Aerially . 593 Aerides 594 Aerified . 595 Aerifying . 596 Aerocyst . 597 Aerognosy 598 Aerologist 599 Aeromancy 600 Aerometers 60 1 Aerometric 602 Aeronaut . 603 Aeronautic 604 Aerophane 605 Aerophobia 606 Aerophytes 607 Aeroscopy 608 Aerostatic . 609 Aerylight . 6 10 Aesthetic . 611 Affability . 612 Affably 613 Affabrous . 614 Affair . . 615 Affamish . 616 Affatuate . 617 Affect . . 618 Affectate . 619 Affectedly. 620 Affectible . 621 Affecting . 622 Affections . 623 Affeerment 624 Affianced . 625 Affiancing 626 Affidation . 627 Affidavit . 628 Affiliated . 629 Affinage . 630 Affinities . 631 Affinity 632 Affirm . . 633 Affirmably 634 Affirmance 635 Affirming . 636 Affixed. . 637 Affixture . 638 Afflatus . 639 Afflicteth . 640 Afflicting . 641 Afflictive . ACT 13 Acting (continued) Be cautious in acting with Is (are) not acting with sufficient caution Acting a double part Acting straightforwardly Not acting in good faith Acting contrary to instructions Acting according to instructions Acting under orders from Before acting, take legal opinion Before acting, consult Before acting Action Action for damages Owing to the action of So far they have taken no action in the matter Has (have) commenced an action against Commence an action against Avoid an action if possible Before taking any action in the matter Threaten him (them) with an action Shall I (we) begin an action (against) If necessary take action against Stop further action Abandon the action Defend the action Push forward the action [present Shall I (we) suspend all further action for the Has (have) abandoned the action Get the action postponed Action has been deferred Approve(s) of your action Do(es) not approve of your action Compromise the action if possible Withdraw the action Action withdrawn If action has been commenced If action has not been commenced Has (have) taken action Has (have) not taken action We are waiting till we see what action is taken Take immediate action If action is taken No time must be lost in taking action Adapted Well adapted for Adaptability Proved its adaptability , Add (to) This will add greatly to , This will not add greatly to 14 J^UU No. Code Word. Add (continued) 642 Affluent . . Will this add to 643 Affluxion . If we add this to 644 Afford . . Must add 645 Affordeth . Will add to our reserves 646 Affordment Add to reserve 647 Afforest . . Added (to) 648 Affray . . Added to amount previously sent 649 Affray ers . Added to reserve 650 Affray me nt . Addition 651 Affreight . In addition to 652 Affriended Is this in addition to 653 Affront What addition has been made 654 Affronting Must make some addition to 655 Affrontive. To make any addition to 656 Aflame. . . Additional 657 Aflaunt Will there be any additional expense 658 Aflighted . Causing an additional expense (of) 659 Aforehand Additional information 660 Afresh . , These will be additional 66 1 Africanism Is (are) there any additional 662 Africanize . . Address, (See Registered.) 663 Aftcastle . To what address shall I forward 664 Afterage . The registered address is 665 Afterbody . Telegraph at what address I shall find 666 Aftercabin Cannot find at the address given 667 Afterclaps Address communications direct to 668 Aftercost . In future address to 669 Aftercrop . Telegraph your address (at) 670 Afterdamp Telegraph the address of 671 Afterfeed . Address to me, care of 672 Aftergame . Adequate 673 Aftergrass An adequate remuneration 674 Aftergrief . Not an adequate remuneration 675 Afterguard Is (are) not adequate to 676 Afterhelp . Do you consider it adequate 677 Afterhind . Do not consider it adequate 678 Afterholds Without adequate 679 Afterhope . Without adequate means to go on 680 Afterlife . Adequate milling power 68 1 Aftermath. Think it is fully adequate 682 Afternoon. Adequate compensation 683 Afterpains Adequate supply of 684 Afterpeak . . Adhere 685 Aftersail . Must adhere to 686 Aftershaft . Do you adhere to 687 Afterstudy I (we) do not adhere to 688 After swarm Do(es) adhere to 689 Aftertaste . Do(es) not adhere to 690 Afteptime . Shall L (we) adhere to 691 Afterwards Do you adhere to the opinions expressed ADH No. Code Word. 692 Afterwise . 693 Against . 694 Agallochum 695 Agalwood . 696 Agapemone 697 Agaphite . 698 Agaricus . 699 Agathosma 700 Agathotes . 701 Agedly. . 702 Agencies . 703 Agentship 7 04 Ageratum . 705 Aggrace^ . 706 Aggrandize 707 Aggravable 708 Aggravated 709 Aggregator 710 Aggression 711 Aggressors 712 Aggrieve . 713 Aggrieving 714 Aggroup . 715 Aghast . . 716 Agilely. . 717 Agiotage . 718 Agistor 719 Agitable . 720 Agitate 721 Agitating . 722 Agitative . 723 Agitators . 724 Agletbaby. 725 Aglow . . 726 Aglutition. 727 Agmatology 728 Agminatea 729 Agnail . . 730 Agnostics . 731 Agonies . 732 Agonized . 733 Agonizing. 734 Agony . . 735 A raff . - 736 Agraphis . 737 Agrarian . 738 Agree . . 739 Agreeable. 740 Agreeing . 741 Agreeingly Adhere (continued) I (we) adhere to the letter of . Adit From the adit Above the adit Below the adit Proposed deep adit The length of the adit is Mine worked entirely by adits Samples taken from the adit The only development is an adit Adit has cut the vein feet below the outcrop Adit has cut the vein after driving We are driving the adit Are you driving the adit Adit is being driven to cut the vein By means of the adit The adit has been driven Adjacent The adjacent mine Adjacent properties Ought to buy the adjacent claim Vein runs into the adjacent claim Adjacent location Adjacent location to the north Adjacent location to the east Adjacent location to the south Adjacent location to the west If the adjacent location is bought If the adjacent location is sold Adjacent property can be bought Adjacent property cannot be bought . Adjunct A most valuable adjunct An undesirable adjunct . Adjust Can you adjust matters amicably Try to adjust matters amicably Can adjust matters amicably Cannot adjust matters amicably Hope to adjust matters amicably . Adjusted Matter has not yet been adjusted Matters have been satisfactorily adjusted Has matter been adjusted yet . Adjustment In course of adjustment Adjustment of our claim Adjustment of his (their) claim . Admit Is (are) willing to admit i6 ADM No. Code Word. 742 Agreements 743 Agrestial . 744 Agrestic . 745 Agricolist . 746 Agricolous 747 Agricultor. 748 Agriology . 749 Agriopus^. 750 Agronomial 751 Agronomy 752 Agrope . 753 Agrostemma 754 Aground . 755 Agroupment 756 Agrypnotic 757 Aguatoad . 758 Aguecake . 759 Aguedrop. 760 Aguefit 761 Agueproof 762 Aguespell . 763 Aguetree . 764 Aguishness 765 Agynous . 766 Aidmajor . 767 Aiguille . 768 Ailanthus . 769 Ailments . 770 Ailurus 771 Aimcrier . 772 Aimless . 773 Airballoon 774 Airbath 775 Airbed . . 776 Airbladder 777 Airbones . 778 Airbrake . 779 Airbraving 780 Airbricks . 781 Airbuilt . 782 Air cane . 783 Aircasing . 784 Aircells 785 Airchamber 786 Aircourse . 787 Aircushion 788 Airdrain . 789 Airdrill. . 790 Air engine . 791 Airescape . Admit (continued) Will not admit Must admit Must not admit Admit nobody Admit(s) of no delay Cannot admit . Will admit If will not admit Refuse(s) to admit any one to see the mine Has (have) refused to admit me (us) to see the mine Admit to see the mine Admit to see the works Do not admit to the mine If we admit Admit nothing Cannot admit that the fault is here . Advance Will advance the money required Is (are) ready to advance the money Am (are) ready to advance the money Can you advance what is required Will advance Will not advance Cannot advance any money until (or unless) On what terms will you advance What advance will be given Advance wanted of What can I (we) advance You must be very careful about advances Will require an advance Must advance more Cannot advance more Do not think it would be prudent to advance more Do not make any further advance(s) to Decline making advance before searching inspection Must not advance You may advance up to What has caused this advance in Advance money for examination of property What will advance towards The advance made is What advance has been made in Will he (you) advance Any advance made In advance of In advance of calls Payment to be made in advance Will not pay in advance Advance in price Owing to the advance in price of ADV No. Code Word. 792 Airfilter . 793 Airfunnel . 7 94 Airfurnace 795 Airgrating 796 Airguns 797 Airholder . 798 Airhole 799 Airiest . . 800 Airjacket . 80 1 Airlevel . 802 Airlock 803 Airmachine 804 Airpassage 805 Airpipe 806 Airplant . 807 Airpoise . 808 Airpump . 809 Airscuttle . 8 10 Airshaft . 811 Airslacked 812 Airstove . 813 Airthread . 814 Airtight . 815 Airtrap 8 1 6 Airtrunk . 817 Airtube . 818 Airvalve . 819 Airvessel . 820 Airwards . 821 Aisled 822 Aitchbone 823 Aitchpiece 824 Aizoon. . 825 Akerstaff . 826 Akimbo . 827 Alabandine 828 Alabaster . 829 Alabastrus 830 Alackaday 831 Alacrious . 83 2 Alacrity . 833 Aladinist . 834 Alarm . . 835 Alarmbell 836 Alarmclock 837 Alarm gauge 838 Alarmgun . 839 Alarming . 840 Alarmingly #41 Alarmists . Advance (continued) Wants us to advance . Advanced Has (have) advanced Has (have) not advanced The money thus advanced The works have much advanced The works have not advanced much Matters are no further advanced If has (have) not advanced Has (have) advanced The price asked has been advanced to Wages have advanced The price has advanced Shares have advanced Has (have) been advanced Has (have) been advanced to a point Has (have) materially advanced Has (have) already advanced . Advancing Are advancing Are rapidly advancing Prices are advancing Rate of wages is advancing We are now advancing We are now advancing in a direction Are you advancing favourably . Advantage Is there any advantage in It will be a great advantage It will be to your advantage There is no advantage It will be to our mutual advantage What would be the advantage of Taking advantage of Take advantage of The advantage to us is that The advantage to be derived from What advantage is there What advantage do you expect from . Advantageous Most advantageous offer Most advantageous for our interests Most advantageous for Will be in an advantageous position to More advantageous Will be very advantageous . Advertise May I advertise You may advertise Will advertise iS ADV No. Code Word. 842 Alarmpost 843 Alarmwatch 844 Alasmodon 845 Alaternus . 846 Albatross . 847 Albeit . . 848 Albescent . 849 Albicore . 850 Albigenses 851 Albinism . 852 Albuginea 853 Albumen . 854 Albumenize 855 Albuminoid 856 Alburnitas 857 Alcahest . 858 Alchemic . 859 Alchemical 860 Alchemilla 86 1 Alchemized 862 Alchymists 863 Alchymy . 864 Alcmanian 865 Alcohol . 866 Alcoholate 867 Alcoholism 868 Alcoholize 869 Alcoran 870 Alcoranish 871 Alcove . . 872 Alcyonaria 873 Alcyonite . 874 Alcyonoid 875 Aldebaran 876 Aldehyd . 877 Aldehydic 878 Alderman. 879 Aldermancy 880 Aldermanic 88 1 Aleatory . 882 Aleavement 883 Alebench . 884 Aleberry . 885 Alebrewer 886 Alecampane 887 Aleconner 888 Alectoria . 889 Aledraper . 890 Alefed . . Advertise (continued) Will you advertise Will advertise . Advertised Advertised for Advertised to be sold on Have you advertised for Has (have) advertised Has (have) not advertise . Advice (s) Advices from the mine are satisfactory Advices from the mine are unsatisfactory May favourable advices be expected Send advices immediately Waiting for advice No advice to hand Let me (us) have at once by telegraph any favour- able advices you can possibly send My (our) advice is Take legal advice before you do anything Have you had legal advice By advices which we have received Upon receipt of advices As soon as we receive advices (of) Have taken legal advice Are daily expecting advices Follow our advice By following 's advice Recent advices inform us Advice received too late to act What are the latest advices from . Advise Advise you to sell out your holding What do you advise Advise you to Do not advise (you to) Do you advise We advise you not to Advise by telegraph What do (does) advise Advise early what to do Advise if any change occurs Strongly advise(s) We advise you to have nothing to do with . Advisable Will it be advisable (to) It would be advisable (to) It would not be advisable (to) Do you consider it advisable (to) . Advised We have been advised (that) (to) No. Code Word. 891 Alegill . . 892 Aleglass . 893 Alehouse . 894 Aleknight . 895 Alembic . 896 Alembroth 897 Alert . . 898 Alertness . 899 Aleshot . 900 Alesilver . 901 Alestake . 902 Alewashed 903 Alewife 904 Alexiteric . 905 Aleyard . 906 Alfagrass . 907 Algaroth . 908 Algates 909 Algebra . 910 Algebraics 911 Algebraize 912 Algidity . 913 Algidiness 914 Algific . . 915 Algoid . . 916 Algorithm . 917 Alhambraic 918 Aliases. . 919 Alien . . 920 Alienable . 921 Alienage . 922 Alienating 923 Alienation 924 Alienators 925 Alienism . 926 Aligerous . 927 Alimental. 928 Alimonious 929 Alimony . 930 Aliquot 931 Alisander . 932 Alisma. . 933 Alismaceae 934 Ali trunk . 935 Alkahestic 936 Alkali . . 937 Alkalified . 938 Alkalify . 939 Alkalimide 940 Alkalinity . ADV Advised (continued) Keep us advised Keep them advised Until we are further advised As at present advised Has (have) been badly advised Was (were) well advised Have advised Have you advised Have not advised Affair(s) In the present state of affairs Affairs are in a hopeless muddle How are affairs going on Affairs are in a bad way Do you think affairs can be satisfactorily arranged Affairs are progressing satisfactorily On account of political affairs With the affair Affair settled satisfactorily Is the affair settled Can you settle the affair Can settle the affair Cannot settle the affair Affect Will affect the market Will not affect the market Will affect the sale Will not affect the sale Will not affect me (us) in any way How will this affect Does it affect It does not affect Will affect Will it affect Will not affect It is not likely to affect Affected Has affected the market Has affected us considerably Has not affected us much Has it affected Has been affected (by) Has been seriously affected (by) Has (have) not been affected (by) Affidavit(s) Affidavit(s) will be sent Shall want affidavit Affidavit to the following effect Affirm If what affirm (s) is true 20 AFF No. Code Word. 941 Alkalious . 942 Alkalizate . 943 Alkalizing 944 Alkaloids . 945 Alkanet . 946 Alkarsine . 947 Alkermes . 948 Allabreve . 949 Allagite . 950 Allantoic . 951 Allatrate . 952 Allay . . 953 Allaying . 954 Alldreaded 955 Allective . 956 Alledge . 957 Allegation 958 Allegeable 959 Allegement 960 Allegiance 961 Allegorist . 962 Allegory . 963 Allerion . 964 Alleviator . 965 All fours 966 Allgood . 967 Allhail . . 968 Allhailing . 969 Allhallow . 970 Alliaceous 97 1 Alliance . 972 Alliciated . 973 Alliciency. 974 Allicient . 975 Alligature . 976 Allocating 977 Allochrous 978 Allodially . 979 Allodials . 980 Allodium . 981 Allograph . 982 Allopathy . 983 Allophane 984 Alloquy . 985 Allot . . 986 Allotment . 987 Allotropic . 988 Allotted . 989 Allotting . 990 Alloverish Affirm (continued) As affirm (s) I cannot endorse what What affirm(s) is true affirm (s) He affirms (they affirm) that We affirm that Affirmed It has been affirmed that Has been affirmed Affirmation We shall require affirmation Must make affirmation Affirmative In the affirmative If I (we) get an answer in the affirmative If you get an answer in the affirmative Afford Can you afford Can afford Cannot afford This would afford an opportunity of Afraid Am afraid that Am not afraid that Is (are) afraid Is (are) not afraid Is (are) afraid Afraid of Afraid to After After what has taken place After what has been done After hearing from After seeing After the mine is unwatered After visiting shall go to After you have finished After finishing at shall go to After the arrival of After I (we) have After you have After they have (he has) After the mail After that date Look after On and after If, after If, after all Afternoon This afternoon To-morrow afternoon AGA 21 No. Code Word. 991 Allowably . 992 Allowances . 993 Alloxan . . 994 Alloxanate . 995 Alloxanic 996 Alloy age 997 Allperfect . 998 Allseed . . 999 Allseeing i ooo Allsorts . . i oo i Allspice . . 1002 Alluringly . 1003 Allusive . . 1004 Allusively . 1005 Alluvial . . 1006 Alluvious 1007 Allylamine . 1008 Allylene . . 1009 Almanac. . icio Almanrivet . 10 1 1 Almighty 10 1 2 Almondcake 1013 Almondoil . 1014 Almondtree . 1015 Almonry. . 1016 Almsdeed . 1017 Almsdrink . 10 1 8 Almsfolk. . 1019 Almsgiver . 1020 Almsgiving . 1 02 1 Almshouse . 1022 Almsman 1023 Almucantar. 1024 Alnagar . . 1025 Aloeswood . 1026 Aloetic . 1027 Aloetical. . 1028 Aloexylon . 1029 Alogians . . 1030 Alongshore . 1031 Alongside . 1032 Aloofness 1033 Alopecurus . 1034 Alopecy . . 1035 Aloud . . 1036 Aloysia . . 1037 Alpaca . . 1038 Alpenhorn . 1039 Alpenstock . 1040 Alpestrine . Again Again as soon as you can Shall have to go again Cannot go again Could you go again Must go again Shall have to see again about See again Cannot see again Till I hear again from Till hear(s) again from Has (have) been again Has (have) not been again Again in the market If the property is again offered The mine is again The water has again Has (have) again Has (have) not again If the matter comes up again Has (have) gone up again Has (have) fallen again Has (have) not gone up again When shall you again (Have) again started It must not occur again It shall not occur again If it occurs again Against Against my (our) wishes Against the hanging wall Against the foot wall Against the adjoining claim Against advice Has (have) gone against us Is (are) against our Agent(s) Cannot find your agent(s) You must appoint an agent Act(s) as agent(s) for Have appointed as my agent (our agent) Will not act as agent (s) 's agent is away Have left it in the hands of the agent to arrange Apply to the agent(s) Is acting as our agent Wish you to act as our agent Will you act as our agent Cannot act as your agent Are our agents 22 AGE No. Code Word. Agent(s) (continued} 1041 Alpha . . Care of our agents 1042 Alphabet . Address of our agents 1043 Alphabetic . Send through our agents 1044 Alphenic. . Our agent at 1045 Alphonsin . Our agent at will attend to 1046 Alpigene . Agency 1047 Alpinery . . Will you accept local agency of 1048 Already . . Through his agency (their agency) 1049 Alsophila . Through your agency 1050 Altaic . . Through the agency of 1051 xUtarbread . Decline the agency 1052 Altarcards . If it is by the agency of 1053 Altarcloth . Aggregate 1054 Altardues . Amounting in the aggregate to 1055 Altarhorn . The aggregate amount 1056 Altarledge . The aggregate tonnage 1057 Altarpiece . Agree 1058 Altarrail . . Will agree 1059 Altarside . Will agree to 1060 Altarstole . Agree(s) to 1 06 1 Altartable . Will not agree to 1062 Altarthane . The owners agree 1063 Altartomb . Will you agree to 1064 Altarvase . Would you agree to these terms 1065 Altazimuth . Cannot agree to these terms 1066 Alterably . Agree(s) to the conditions 1067 Alterative . Agree(s) to do all that is necessary 1068 Altercate . If agree(s) 1069 Alternally . If do (does) not agree 1070 Alternity . Cannot agree 1071 Alternized . You ought to agree 1072 Altheine . . Agree to the proposition 1073 Although . Agree to the terms 1074 Altify. . . Do you agree to or decline 1075 Altimetry . Cable promptly if you agree to or decline 1076 Altincar . . If we agree to 1077 Altiscope . If you cannot agree (to) 1078 Altisonous . If you can agree (to) 1079 Altivolant . If you can agree with 1080 Altoclef . . If he does (they do) not agree 1 08 1 Altogether . If you do not agree 1082 Altruistic . Agreeable 1083 Aludel . . It would be agreeable 1084 Aluminite . Would it be agreeable 1085 Aluminium . Most agreeable information 1086 Alumish . . It is the most agreeable information which has 1087 Alumrock . Agreed [reached us 1088 Alumroots . Has (have) agreed to, on condition that 1089 Alumschist . Has (have) agreed to 1090 Alumslate . Has (have) not agreed to AGR No. Code Word. Agreed (continued) 1091 Alumstone . Has (have) agreed to all except 1092 Alunogen . Unless has (have) agreed to 1093 Alutaceous . Agreement (See also Sign.) 1094 Alveated. . The agreement is signed by 1095 Alveolary . According to the present agreement 1096 Alveolate . Agreement has been signed 1097 Alveolus . . According to (his) their agreement with 1098 Always . . Not according to the agreement 1099 Alyned . . The original agreement 1 1 oo Alyssum . . On the same conditions as the original agreement noi Amacratic . No agreement has yet been made 1 1 02 Amalgam. . It would be wise to make a special agreement 1103 Amalgamize An agreement between 1104 Amalphitan . Willing to enter into an agreement 1105 Amanuensis. Cancel the agreement 1106 Amaranthus. The agreement is cancelled 1107 Amaritude . By a special agreement 1 1 08 Amaryllis . According to the original agreement 1109 Amarythrin . Have made an agreement (with) 1 1 TO Amassment. By this agreement 1 1 1 1 Amasthenic . By the terms of the agreement 1 1 12 Amateur. . Will you modify the agreement 1113 Amateurish . Cannot modify the agreement 1114 Amative. . Agreement must be modified 1115 Amatorial . Agreement has been modified 1116 Amatorious . Consent to alter the agreement 1117 Amaurotic . Has any agreement been arrived at 1118 Amazed . . Ahead 1119 Amazedness Shall be able to go ahead 1 1 20 Amazeful . Cannot go ahead owing to 1 121 Amazingly . To get ahead of 1 1 2 2 Amazonian . To go ahead 1123 Ambages .Aim 1124 Ambagitory . His (their) aim has been to 1125 Ambassador What is his (their) aim 1126 Ambered . Our aim should be (to) 1127 Ambering . Air 1128 Ambergris . Air in the mine is bad 1129 Amberseed . Air is too bad to permit progress in the mine 1130 Ambertree . Air-compressor 1131 Ambidexter . Air-pressure pounds per square inch 1132 Ambient. . Air-pipes 1133 Ambigenal . An air-shaft is necessary 1134 Ambiguity . An accident to the air-shaft 1135 Ambiguous . Alien 1136 Ambilevous . The Alien Act 1137 Ambilogy . Alienate 1138 Ambitioned . Alienated 1139 Ambler . . All 1140 Amblingly . All you can ALL No. 1141 1142 H43 1144 U45 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 "5i 1152 "53 "54 "55 1156 "57 1158 "59 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 "73 1174 "75 1176 "77 1178 "79 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 Code Word. All (continued} Amblotic . All you have Amblygon . All right Amblygonal. Allot Amblyopsis . Wish you to allot Amblyopy . Will you allot Ambreada . Cannot allot Ambrosial . Allotted Ambrotype . Allotted to you Ambsace . Allotted to me Ambulacrum Will be allotted Ambulances How many shares are there already allotted Ambulated . The company have allotted shares Ambulating . To be allotted to me or my nominees Ambulative . Allotted to you shares Ambulatory . Allotted to you or your nominees Amburbial . In whose name do you want shares allotted to you Ambury . . Allotment [to be placed Ambuscade . The allotment will take place Ambush . .. No allotment has been made Ambushing . Must proceed to allotment Ambushment The company has gone to allotment Amelcorn . Will go to allotment on Amenably . Pending the allotment Amendatory The directors refuse to go to allotment Amendful . The company goes to allotment on Amendments All allotments Amends . . Will join after allotment Amenity . . If we do not go to allotment Amercement If we do not go to allotment immediately, the thing Ametabola . Allow(ing) [will fail Amethyst . Do not allow Amherstia . Cannot allow Amiability . Will you allow Amianth . , It is impossible to allow Amianthoid . (To) allow easy access to Amicable . (To) allow the men to Amidogen . It would be wise to allow Amidships . Will not allow Amidward . You must not allow Ammochryse You must allow Ammodytes . Will allow us to Ammonalum Will not allow us to Ammonia . Why did you allow Ammoniacal Why did he allow (they allow) Ammoniuret Unless we allow Ammophila . Unless you allow Ammunition If you will allow Amnestied . If you will allow us to Amnesty . . If you will not allow Amongst . . If you will not allow us to ALL 25 No. Code Word. AUow(ing) (continued) 1191 Amorous . Will only allow on condition that 1192 Amorously . By allowing 1193 Amorphism . Allowing for 1194 Amorphous . Allowance 1195 Amorphozoa Making ample allowance for 1196 Amorphy . Not making any allowance for 1197 Ampelis . . What allowance has been made (for) 1198 Ampelopsis . After making reasonable allowance 1199 Ampersand . Some allowance will have to be made for 1200 Amphibia . No allowance has been made for 1 20 1 Amphibious. Allowance for travelling expenses 1202 Amphibolic . Allowed 1203 Amphibrach Has been allowed (for) 1204 Amphicome. Has not been allowed (for) 1205 Amphicyon . You have not allowed (for) 1206 Amphidisc . We have fully allowed (for) 1207 Amphigean . What have you allowed (for) 1208 Amphilogy . Have allowed (for) 1209 Amphimacer Alluvial 1 2 10 Amphioxus . Payable alluvial 12 1 1 Amphipoda . Payable alluvial has been found at 12 12 Amphisarca . Alluvial extends over acres, and averages 1213 Amphiscian . Alluvial contains per cubic yard [feet 1214 Amphithura. Rich alluvial 1215 Amphitrite . Alluvial deposit(s) 1216 Amphitype . Alluvial of no value 1217 Amphoral . Alluvial deposits have been found 1218 Amphoteric . Alluvial deposits are rich in gold 1219 Amplectant . Alluvial deposits are rich in 1220 Ampleness . Depth of the alluvial 1 22 1 Ampliated . If alluvial is found 1222 Ampliating . Almost 1223 Ampliative . Almost all 1224 Amplifier . Almost all the work has been done 1225 Amplify . . Almost all the ore 1226 Amplifying . Almost all the rock 1227 Amplitude . Have almost finished 1228 Ampulla. .Along 1229 Amputate . Along the course of the vein 1230 Amputation. Along the east wall 1231 Ampyx . . Along the west wall 1232 Amuck . . Along the level 1233 Amulet . . Along the face 1234 Amurcosity . Driving along 1235 Amurcous . Along the hanging wall 1236 Amusable . Along the footwall 1237 Amusing. . Ranging along 1238 Amyelous . Already 1239 Amygdalate . Have already indications of the vein 1240 Amygdalic . Has (have) already begun 26 ALE No. Code Word. Already (continued) 1241 Amygdaloid. Already completed 1242 Amygdalus . Already in vein matter 1243 Amylaceous. Alter 1244 Amyloid . . Have had to alter 1245 Amyraldism. Cannot alter 1246 Amyris . . Will you alter 1247 Anabaptist . Will alter 1248 Anabaptize . Will not alter 1249 Anabasis. . This will alter 1250 Anableps . Will alter 1251 Anacamptic. If- - will not alter 1252 Anacanth . It will be necessary to alter 1253 Anacardium Too late to alter 1254 Anachorism. If you can alter 1255 Anaclastic . If you cannot alter 1256 Anaclisis. . Alteration 1257 Anadromous The necessary alteration has been made 1258 Anagallis . No alteration can be made 1259 Anaglyph .. Has any alteration been made 1260 Anaglyptic . Great alteration has taken place 1261 Anagogic . Make the necessary alteration 1262 Anagraphs . No alteration has been made 1263 Analecta. . No alteration has taken place 1264 Analepsis . Alteration in milling 1265 Analgesia . Alteration in the management. 1266 Analogical . What alteration will be necessary 1267 Analogism . Make no alteration 1268 Analogized. No alteration is needed 1269 Analogous . Much alteration is needed 1270 Analysable . Alternative 1271 Analysing . The only alternative is 1272 Analysis . . Is there no other alternative 1273 Analytical . Is there any alternative 1274 Anamesite . Altitude 1275 Anamirta . At an altitude of 1276 Ananchytes . Owing to the high altitude 1277 Anapest . . Altogether 1278 Anaplastic . Taken altogether 1279 Anarchical . Taking it altogether 1280 Anarchism . Alum 1281 Anarchized . Alumina 1282 Anarchy . . Aluminium 1283 Anarrhexis . Amalgam 1284 Anasarca . Gold amalgam 1285 Anasarcous . Silver amalgam 1286 Anastatica . Sodium amalgam 1287 Anastrophy . Robbery of amalgam 1288 Anathema . Percentage of gold in the amalgam 1289 Anafocism . Percentage of silver in the amalgam 1290 Anatomical . Amalgamate (with) AMA No. 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 I33 1304 I35 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1316 13*7 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 i3 2 3 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 133 i33i 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 Code Word. Amalgamate (continued) Anatomized . Amalgamate interests Anatomy. . Can you amalgamate Anatreptic . Amalgamate companies as Anatripsis . Will not amalgamate Anatropal . Amalgamate your claims with the adjoining company Anatropous . Amalgamated Ancestor. . Have amalgamated Ancestral . Cannot be amalgamated Ancestress . Can only be amalgamated in pans Ancestry . . Cannot be amalgamated in pans. Anchilops . Amalgamating Anchithere . Amalgamating plates Anchor . . Amalgamating pans Anchorable . Amalgamation Anchorage . Amalgamation successfully carried through Anchorball . The amalgamation process Anchordrag . Pan amalgamation Anchoretic . Amalgamation on plates Anchorgate . Discontinue pan amalgamation Anchorhold . Resume pan amalgamation Anchorice . Ore not suitable for pan amalgamation Anchovies . Amalgamation in tortas on the Mexican system Anchovy . . Barrel amalgamation Anchusa . . Before amalgamation Anchylose . After amalgamation Anchylotic . Amalgamation of the companies Ancient . . Amalgamation of claims Anciently . Amalgamator Ancillary . An experienced amalgamator Ancipital. . Engaged as amalgamator Ancipitous . Send thoroughly competent amalgamator Ancanoid . Amount (s) Ancorist . . To what amount Ancylotome. Amount on hand Andabatism . Telegraph the amount Andalusite . Amount extracted per month is Andreolite . No record has been kept of amount Androecium A large amount has been extracted Androgynal . Impossible to estimate the amount Androides . What is the right amount Andromeda . The right amount is Andiophagi . This amount will be deposited subject to your order Andropogon Telegraph the amount of ore in sight Androspore . Does not amount to much Androtomy . A large amount has been lost Anecdotage . This amount will be deposited with Anecdote . Estimate the amount of ore in sight at Anecdotist . Cannot estimate the total amount Anelectric . What is the amount of capital Anemograph Will guarantee this amount AMO No. 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 Code Word. Anemology . Anemometry Anemone . Anemoscope Anemosis . Anentera Anenterous . Anesthesia . Aneurism . Aneurismal . Anfracture . Angelage Angelbed . Angelfish Angelgold . Angelhood . Angelical . Angelicize . Angelify . .. Angelized . Angelology . Angelshot . Angelwater . Angioscope . Angiosperm . Anglebar. . Anglebrace . Anglefloat . Angleiron . Anglemeter . Angleplane . Anglesite Angleties Anglicify. . Anglicism . Angola . . Angolacat . Angolapea . Angoragoat . Angorawool . Angrily . . Angriness . Anguineal . Anguished . Angularly . Angulosity . Angulous Angu state . Anhelose Anhydride . Amount (continued) What amount is there to my (our) credit The amount to your credit is What is the amount in hand Cable the amount you require By increasing this amount By reducing this amount A large amount Half the amount Double the amount The gross amount The net amount The total amount Only a small amount What is the amount of For what amount A further amount Amount of indebtedness The amount must be reduced Cannot reduce amount If the amount is reduced Unless the amount is reduced Unless the amount is increased Amounts to less than Amounts to more than Amounting Amounting to Not amounting to Amounting to upwards of Ample This will be ample for Ample for all demands Analysis Analysis shows Analysis shows only traces of Analysis of copper ore Analysis of lead ore Analysis of iron ore Analysis of the ore Result of analysis Having a complete analysis made And And if And if not And if so And when Angle(s) At an angle of At right angles Vein dips at an angle of ANG No. Code Word. I39 1 Anhy.drous . Angry 1392 Animadvert . Very angry with (that) 1393 Animalcule . Animation 1394 Animalisms . Considerable animation in 1395 Animality . There is less animation in 1396 Animalized . The animation has subsided 1397 Animalness . The animation in the mining market 1398 Animated Announce 1399 Animation . Enabling you to announce 1400 Animetta (Which) will enable us to announce 1401 Animism. . When can we announce a dividend 1402 Animistic Cannot announce a dividend 1403 Animosity . Announced 1404 Animus . . It is officially announced 1405 Anisomeric . Not yet officially announced 1406 Anisotrope . Not yet announced 1407 Ankerite . . Will be announced 1408 Anklebone . The directors have announced 1409 Ankylosed . AH i vi n f* KI M of TI^T Qnm*p KQC r\pf*t^ cmnonT^r***^ vJ.1 V lUCllU. \JL UC1 olldl C ilctb UCCIl ctllllU UIlL.xTxj, 1410 Annalistic . Will not be announced (until) 1411 Annelide. . As previously announced 1412 Annex . . It is announced (that) 1413 Annexary Announcement 1414 Annexation . The announcement is incorrect HI5 Annexment . The announcement is correct 1416 Annihilate . The announcement is incorrect, and you can con- 1417 Annotated . Announcement is premature [tradict it 1418 Annotating . Annoyed 1419 Annotation . The directors are annoyed 1420 Annotatory . I am (we are) much annoyed (that) 1421 Announce . Annoying 1422 Announcing. It is very annoying 1423 Annoy . . The delay is very annoying 1424 Annoyances . Annual 1425 Annoyful The annual meeting is fixed for 1426 Annoying . Will be decided at the annual meeting 1427 Annoyous . Must stand over till the annual meeting 1428 Annuities The annual meeting 1429 Annuity . . At the annual meeting 1430 Annumerate In time for the annual meeting 1431 Annunciate . The annual report 1432 Anodynes . Your annual report J 433 Anointed With the annual report 1434 Anointment . Annual report sent 1435 Anomalous . Annual report will be sent 1436 Anomaly. . Annual report cannot be ready (till) 1437 Anonyme Send with the annual report 1438 Anonymity . Annual statement 1439 Anonymous . Annual statement for registration 1440 Anophyta . Annual returns have been 3 o ANN No. Code Word. 1441 Anoplura . Annually 1442 Anorexy . . Returned annually 1443 Anorthura . Answer 1444 Anoxoluin . Telegraph 's answer 1445 Anserous. . Answer my telegram of 1446 Answer . . In consequence of receiving no answer 1447 Answering . Answer the questions about 1448 Answerably . Must have a definite answer by 1449 Answerless . Answer immediately 1450 Antacid . . Answer this by telegraph at once 1451 Antagonism. Will communicate as soon as answer comes 1452 Antagonize . Delay giving an answer (till) 1453 Antagony . Answer quickly to these questions 1454 Antalgic . . Expect to get an answer by 1455 Antalkali. . Answer by post 1456 Antarctic . Cannot get an answer 1457 Antbear . . Cannot give an answer yet 1458 Antbirds. . Cannot answer by telegraph 1459 Antcatcher . Cannot answer by telegraph, will write you fully 1460 Anteater . . It does not answer 1461 Antecedent . It answers very well 1462 Antecessor . Does it answer 1463 Antechapel . How does it answer 1464 Antechoir . We await your answer 1465 Antedated . When shall we have an answer 1466 Antefixes . Will answer when we get 1467 Antegg . . Answer fully and in detail 1468 Antelopes . Will give definite answer 1469 Antelucan . Have not answer yet from 1470 Antemosaic . Answered 1471 Antemural . Has (have) answered in the affirmative 1472 Antenumber Has (have) answered in the negative 1473 Antepenult . Has (have) already answered 1474 Anteponed . Has (have) not answered any of the questions 1475 Anteponing . Anticipate 1476 Anteriorly . Anticipate(s) some difficulty 1477 Anteroom . Anticipate(s) no difficulty 1478 Antetemple . Do you anticipate any difficulty 1479 Anthelix . . Anticipate rise (in) 1480 Anthem . . Anticipate fall (in) 1481 Anthemwise. Anticipated 1482 Antherdust . Have anticipated 1483 Anthericum. Anticipation 1484 Antheroid . In anticipation of 1485 Anthill . . In anticipation of your wishes 1486 Anthillock . Antimony 1487 Anthobians . Oxide of antimony 1488 Anthodium . Sulphide of antimony 1489 Antholite . Antimony mine 1490 Antholysis . Antimony ore ANT No. 1491 1492 U93 1494 H95 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1506 i57 1508 I59 1510 1511 1512 1513 I5 r 4 1515 1516 i5 J 7 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 i5 2 4 1525 1526 IS 2 ? 1528 *5 2 9 1530 i53i 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 Code Word. Antimony (continued) Anthomyia . Largely mixed with antimony Anthotaxis . Antimony occurs in Anthozasia . Owing to the amount of antimony (in the) Anthozoic . Anxiety Anthracite . There is great anxiety Anthrax . . There is great anxiety and annoyance Anthrenus . Is there any cause for anxiety Anthriscus . There is no cause for anxiety Anthropic . Absolutely no cause for anxiety or alarm Anthropoid . There is great cause for anxiety Anthurium . In alleviation of the anxiety An thus . . Anxious Anthyllis. . Am (are) anxious Antiaditis . Is (are) anxious Antichlor . Anxious to have your report quickly Antichrist . Anxious to have the matter settled Anticipant . Anxious to hear how things are going on Anticivism . Anxious to hear from you Anticlimax . Anxious to get off at once Anticlinic . Anxious for you to go to Anticmask . Anxious to go to Anticness . Anxious to come home Anticourt . Anxious for you to see Antidactyl . Anxious to have your opinion Antidesma . You need not feel anxious Antidorcas . Extremely anxious Antidotal . Shareholders are very anxious Antidoting . Shareholders are very anxious and desponding Antiemetic . Any Antiface . . Is (are) there any Antigraphy . There is (are) not any Antilobium . If there is (are) any Antiloquy . There has (have) never been any Antimason . Not any of them Antimonial . Not any reason Antinomist . There are hardly any Antiochian . If there are any other Antipapal . Any other Antipathy . In any event Antiphonal . Anything Antiphony . Can anything be done Antipodean . Have you done anything Antipoison . Have not done anything Antipsoric . Is there anything Antiptosis . If you can do anything Antiquated . Apex Antiquely . The apex of the lode is not in our property Antiquist . The apex of the lode is in our property Antirenter . The apex of the lode Antiscians . At the apex 32 -ft.JT.Ui No. Code Word. Apex (continued) 1541 Antiseptic Apex of lode is within surface boundaries 1542 Antispasis Apex of lode is not within surface boundaries 1543 Antitheist Apex of lode will be found 1544 Antithetic Apex of lode found 1545 Antitrade Apex of lode not found 1546 Antitragus Has apex of lode been found 1547 Antitype. Apex of lode intersects end lines 1548 Antitypous Apex of lode intersects side lines 1549 An tiered. Apex of lode intersects one end and one side line 1550 Antlermoth Apex of lode can be traced 1551 Antlion . Apart 1552 Antorbital Apart from this (these) 1553 Antozone Apart from this (these) cause (s) 1554 Antthrush Apparent 1555 Anvil . . It is quite apparent 1556 Anvilled . It is not apparent 1557 Anxieties Appeal 1558 Anxietude You had better appeal 1559 Anxiety . Intend(s) to appeal 1560 Anxious . Cannot appeal 1561 Anxiously Notice of appeal has been given 1562 Anybody. Shall I (we) appeal 1563 Anyhow . Do not appeal T C* f\ A AflVATif* Will nrmpnl J. K L//f. ,i\.ll V wllC VY 111 dUUCdl 1565 Anyrate . If we lose the case we shall appeal 1566 Anytime . Appeal at once 1567 Anywhere If we appeal 1568 Any whither If you appeal 1569 Aortic . If he appeals 1570 Aortitis . Appear 1571 Apagogical I (we) do not want my (our) name to appear 1572 Apagynous Do (does) not want his (their) name to appear 1573 Apanage. It must not appear 1574 Apanthropy It should appear 1575 Apartments It appears to have been 1576 Apastron. Does not appear to be 1577 Apathetic It appears to be 1578 Apathist . Appearance 1579 Apathy . There is no appearance of 1580 Apebearer Judging from the appearance of (the) 1581 Apecarrier There is every appearance of 1582 Apedom . The appearance of the mine is good 1583 Apehood. The appearance of the mine is discouraging 1584 Apennine The appearance of i.s85 Apepsy . In appearance 1586 Aperient. Appertain 1587 Aperture. All that appertains to 1588 Apetalous Appliance (s) 1589 Apexes . Complete appliances for opening up 1590 Aphanite What hoisting appliances have you APP 33 No. Code Word. Appliance(s) (continued) 1591 Aphelion . Have you the necessary appliances for 1592 Aphnology . Have no appliances for 1593 Aphorisms . Require appliances for 1594 Aphoristic . There is every appliance for 1595 Aphorized . What appliances are there for 1596 Aphorizing . (To) provide all appliances for 1597 Aphrizite. . Well eqaipped with every appliance 1598 Aphrodites . We have all needful appliances 1599 Aphthong . Application(s) 1600 Aphyllous . Has (have) made application to me (us) 1601 Apiarist . . If make(s) an application to you 1602 Apiary . . Will make application to you 1603 Apicillary . To whom is application to be made 1604 Apiculture . Has (have) sent an application 1605 Apiece . . Do not close the list of applications till 1606 Apishly . . Application arrived too late 1607 Apishness . Make immediate application to 1608 Aplacental . Application to be made by 1609 Aplanatic . Application cannot be entertained 1 6 10 Aplomb . . Application will be attended to 1611 Aplotomy . Notice has been given that the list of applications 1612 Aplustre . . On application to [for the will close on 1613 Aplysia . . If application is made 1614 Apocalypse . . Application (s) has (have) been made 1615 Apocarpous . If no applications are made 1616 Apocopated. Shall we make application 1617 Apocope. . Will you make application 1618 Apocrisary . Application has been made on your behalf 1619 Apocrustic . When will application be made 1620 Apocryphal . Applied 1621 Apocynum . To be applied in part payment 1622 Apodeictic . Has (have) applied for 1623 ' Apodema . Has (have) not applied for 1624 Apodosis . Apply (ies) 1625 Apogean . . Apply all your energies to 1626 Apogiatura . Does this apply to both 1627 Apograph . Does this apply to all 1628 Apologetic . To whom shall I (we) apply 1629 Apologist . Apply for funds to 1630 Apologized . Apply for information to 1631 Apologuer . It will be necessary to apply to 1632 Apology . . You had better apply to 1633 Apopemptic. -Apply it exclusively to 1634 Apophasis . It is useless to apply to 1635 Apophthegm Will not apply to 1636 Apophyge . Does not apply to 1637 Apoplectic . Applies to 1638 Apoplexy . This applies only to 1639 Aporosa . . This applies to all 1640 Aporrhais . This applies to both 34 APP No. Code Word. 1641 Aposepidin . Appoint 1642 Apostasy . Must appoint some one to 1643 Apostated . Do not appoint 1644 Apostatize . Whom shall I (we) appoint 1645 Apostaxis . You had better appoint (to) 1646 Apostolate . Appointed 1647 Apostolic . Has any one been appointed 1648 Apostrophe . Who has (have) been appointed 1649 Apotactite . Has (have) appointed 1650 Apothecary . No one has been appointed 1651 Apothecium Has (have) been appointed 1652 Apotheosis . I (we) have appointed as my (our) attorney 1653 Apotrepsis . Apprehend 1654 Apozemical . We apprehend 1655 Appalling . Apprehend there will be some trouble 1656 Appalment . Apprehend there will be some difficulty 1657 Appanagist . Need not apprehend any trouble 1658 Apparatus . Apprehension 1659 Apparel . . No cause for apprehension 1660 Apparelled . Approve 1661 Apparency . Hope you approve of the course we have taken 1662 Apparition . The Board quite approve the steps you have taken | 1663 Appeach . . We approve the proposal 1664 Appeaching. If you approve 1665 Appearance . We do not approve the proposal 1666 Appeasable . Approved 1667 Appeased . Is approved 1668 Appellancy . Is not approved 1669 Appellant . Your course is approved 1670 Appendages. Your course is not approved 1671 Appendicle . Has (have) been approved by the Board 1672 Appendix . Has (have) not been approved by the Board 1673 Appertain . The proposition has been approved 1674 Appetence . If the proposition is approved 1675 Appetite . . Approval 1676 Appetizing . Subject to approval (of) 1677 Applaud . . Does not meet with the approval of (the) 1678 Applauding . Has this your approval 1679 Applausive . It has my (our) approval 1680 Appledrink . The approval of 1681 Applefaced . Awaiting approval 1682 Applegraft . Subject to approval within days 1683 Applejack . Approximate 1684 Applejohn . What is the approximate value of 1685 Applemoth . The approximate value (of) 1686 Appleparer . The approximate amount of 1687 Applescoop . The approximate tonnage 1688 Appletrees . The approximate tonnage and value 1689 Applewine . The approximate value of ore in sight 1690 Appliable . The approximate yield APP 35 No. Code Word. Approximate (continued) 1691 Applicants . The approximate assay value 1692 Applicator . The approximate receipts 1693 Appliedly . The approximate expenditure 1694 Applying . Approximation 1695 Appoint . . Arbitrate 1696 Appointeth . Who will arbitrate (for) 1697 Appointing . Get a competent person to arbitrate 1698 Apporters . Cannot arbitrate 1699 Appraisal . Will arbitrate 1700 Appraising . Arbitration 1701 Appreciate . Try to get the matter settled by arbitration 1702 Apprehend . Will you agree to arbitration 1703 Apprentice . Agree(s) to have the matter settled by arbitration 1704 Approached Will not agree to have the matter settled by arbi- 1705 Approbator . Decline arbitration [tration 1706 Apprompt . Shall I (we) submit the matter to arbitration 1707 Approof . . The arbitration is against 1708 Approving . The arbitration is in our favour 1709 Appulsion . The arbitration is in favour of 1710 Appulsive . Agree to arbitration 1711 Apricot . . Are 1712 Aprilfool . . Are they 1713 Apron . . Are you 1714 Aproning . Are they not 1715 Apronman . Are you not 1716 Apronpiece . Are not 1717 Apropos. . If you are 1718 Apsidal . . If you are not 1719 Apsis. . . They are 1720 Aptable . . There are 1721 Apteral . . If there are 1722 Apterous . . You are 1723 Apteryx . . When you are 1724 Aptness . . When we are 1725 Apyrexy . . When they are 1726 Aquamarine. Area 1727 Aquarium . Covering an area of 1728 Aquatic . . Extending over the entire area 1729 Aquaticai . A large area 1730 Aquatinta . A small area 1731 Aqueduct . The property covers an area of acres 1732 Aqueous . . The property covers an area of square yards 1733 Aquiferous . The property covers an area of square miles 1734 Aquilegia . What is the area of the property (or concession) 1735 Aquiline. . A larger area than 1736 Aquosity . A smaller area than 1737 Arabical . . A much larger area than 1738 Arabically . Argentiferous 1739 Arabists . . Argentiferous ore 1740 Arachis . . In argentiferous 3 6 ARG No. Code Word. Argentiferous (continued) 1741 Arachnida . Argentiferous galena 1742 Arachnoid . Argentiferous copper ore 1743 Araneiform . Argillaceous 1744 Araneous . In argillaceous 1745 Arapaima . Arid 1746 Arapunga . Situated in an arid district 1747 Araucaria . The country around is very arid 1748 Arbalister . Arrange 1749 Arbitrable . You must arrange as soon as possible to 1750 Arbitrage . If you cannot arrange 1751 Arbitrary . To enable me (us) to arrange 1752 Arbitrator . Enabling you to arrange 1753 Arbitress. . I (we) cannot arrange to 1754 Arblasts . . I (we) cannot arrange with 1755 Arboreal. . If you can arrange 1756 Arboretum . You must arrange (with) 1757 Arboriform . Endeavour to arrange 1758 Arborists . Arrange as best you can 1759 Arborized . Arrange as best you can, but subject to our approval 1760 Arborous . We hope you will be able to arrange 1761 Arborvitae . Arrange as soon as possible 1762 Arbourvine . Arranged 1763 Arbuscle . . I have arranged to go to on 1764 Arbuscular . Telegraph when you have arranged 1765 Arcade . . Everything has been satisfactorily arranged 1766 Archaical . Nothing has been yet arranged 1767 Archaist . . Has (have) arranged with 1768 Archangel . To be arranged hereafter 1769 Archbands Has (have) arranged to 1770 Archbishop . Have everything properly arranged for inspection 1771 Archboard . When you have arranged 1772 Archbrick . Why have you not arranged 1773 Archbutler . Everything will be arranged 1774 Archchemic. If you have arranged 1775 Archcount . Has (have) not yet arranged 1776 Archdeacon . Arranged as stated in our letter of 1777 Archdruid . Arranged as proposed 1778 Archducal . Has anything been arranged about 1779 Archduchy . Must be arranged before 1780 Archegony . Must be arranged before you leave 1781 Archenemy . Must be arranged before I leave 1782 Archeology. Can be arranged after 1783 Archeress . Arrangement(s) 1784 Archerfish . No time to make other arrangements 1785 Archery . . What arrangement has been made (with regard to) 1786 Archetypal . Make whatever arrangements may be necessary 1787 Archiater . By this arrangement 1788 Architects . An arrangement has been made 1789 Architrave . No final arrangement has yet been made 1790 Archive . . W T ill not make any arrangement ARE, 37 No. 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 '833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 Code Word. Archivists . Archivolt Archlute Archmock . Archonship . Archontic . Archpastor . Archpillar . Archpoet Archpriest , Archrebel . Archstone , Archtype Archtyrant . Archways Archwife Arcograph . Arctitude Arctogeal Arctomys . Arcturus . . Arcubalist . Ardassine Ardentness . Arduous . . Arduously , Areasneak . Arefaction . Arenaceous . Arendalite . Arenicola Arenilitic Areolar . , Areolation , Areopagist , Areopagy Areostyle Argandlamp Argillitic . Argillous . Argosies . , Argosy . Argued . Arguing . Argument Arrangement(s) (continued) Make an arrangement by which Have made arrangements to According to arrangement According to arrangements made (with) Arrangement must be modified Make other arrangements Have not been able to make arrangements Confirm arrangements Arrangements approved If arrangements are not approved An arrangement has been made for you to inspect A temporary arrangement [and report upon Arrangement(s) only temporary Cannot approve such an arrangement If the arrangement is made When arrangement is made Arrastre(s) The ore has been ground in arrastres The only appliances on the mine for treating the ore are arrastres It will be as well to continue using arrastres (till) Arrival On arrival of On your arrival in (at) Advise of your arrival Wait for arrival of my written report Cannot wait for arrival of your written report Telegraph on your arrival at Await arrival of Shall await your arrival in order to discuss with you Arrive Must arrive here by or will be too late Will probably arrive about Is (are) expected to arrive about Is (are) not expected to arrive before When do you expect to arrive Arrived Arrived here safely Has (have) not yet arrived Arrived too late Arrived here to-day Arrived here yesterday Telegraph when has (have) arrived Arsenic Arsenical pyrites Containing arsenic Argumentum Articles Arguseyed . According to the articles of association Argusshell . Require the following articles Argutation . Asbestos 3 ASB No. Code Word. Asbestos (continued] 1840 Arhizous . Asbestos mine 1841 Arianize . . Asbestos occurs in 1842 Arianizing . Ascertain 1843 Aristarch . Ascertain who is 1844 Aristocrat . Ascertain what is owner's price 1845 Aristology . Can you ascertain 1846 Arithmancy . Cannot ascertain anything about 1847 Arithmetic . Ascertain as soon as possible and telegraph 1848 Arkshell . . Ascertain from 1849 Arlepenny . Ascertain what is doing (at) 1850 Armband . Could only ascertain 1851 Armchair . Ascertain the financial condition of 1852 Armental . To ascertain the extent of 1853 Armgaunt . Ascertain the value of 1854 Armholes . Ascertain if he is reliable 1855 Armillated . Ascertain if he is experienced and reliable 1856 Arrnillett . Ascertained 1857 Armipotent . Have you ascertained (that) 1858 Armisonant . (Has) have ascertained (that) 1859 Armisonous. Ask(s) 1860 Armistice . Whom shall I (we) ask 1861 Armouries . You must ask 1862 Armozine . I will ask 1863 Armpit . . Ask about 1864 Armrack . . Ask what he has done 1865 Armsweep . Ask him (them) if (or whether) 1866 Armycorps . Ask who 1867 Armylist . . Ask what has been done 1868 Arnica . . Asked 1869 Arnicine . . Has (have) asked about 1870 Arnoldist . Has (have) asked all who have been there 1871 Aroma . . Have asked him (them) 1872 Aromatic . Have asked if 1873 Aromatical . We have been asked (to) 1874 Aromatizer . Have asked what has been done 1875 Arpentator . Asking 1876 Arquerite . Has (have) been asking about 1877 Arraign . . Is (are) asking a great deal too much 1878 Arraign ers . What is (are) asking for 1879 Arranged . Aspect 1880 Arranging . The mine has a most favourable aspect 1 88 1 Arraswise . I (we) do not like the aspect of affairs 1882 Arrectary . A most promising aspect 1883 Arrest . . A most discouraging aspect 1884 Arresteth . Judging from the aspect of (the) 1885 Arresting . The mine now presents a more favourable aspect 1886 Arrestment . What is the present aspect of the mine 1887 j\ rres tor . . What is the present aspect of 1888 Arrhythmy . Presents a more promising aspect 1889 Arrival . . The political aspect (is) ASP 39 No. Code Word. Aspect (continued) 1890 Arrivance The financial aspect (is) 1891 Arrogant The commercial aspect (is) 1892 Arrogantly . Assay(s). (See Table at end.) 1893 Arrogation Please have it (them) assayed for 1894 Arrogative From the result of these assays 1895 Arrowgrass An assay of this sample gave 1896 Arrowheads Assays satisfactory 1897 Arrowing Assays average per ton 1898 Arrowlet . Assays disappointing 1899 Arrowroot Assays made of the vein matter give 1 900 Arrowstone Assays from borings in face of 1901 Arsenals . A rrrTTf *-\f r\v*c -A*r\t-v^ f/-\r\4- 1^*ril fT^^iTr xibodyb UI v^lC IrL/Lll 1OUL 1CVCI oilvyW 1902 Arsenical Assays from diamond-drillings 1903 Arsenious Assays made from surface ore show 1904 Arsenuret A rough assay showed 1905 Arson Please assay for 1906 Artemisia There is a good assay office at the mill 1907 Arteriac . Have had samples assayed with following result 1908 Artesian . Pulp assays at mill average 1909 Artful Ore on dump assays 1910 Artfully . An o<~"-o5' r^f ^Vn*"* < ~"Tmr\1^ k fYnT r r k IY> fro!*""! Xi.ll ctoody \JL LLllb bcitlJlJlC JidVC 111 eiUlLl 1911 Artfulness An assay of this sample gave ozs. in silver 1912 Arthritis . A occnw of f~nT* ^lYYtT^lr* frm T r^ ^ m lonrl .riii dbbdy ui mis bdnipic gdvc /o in icdu 1913 Arthrodia An assay of this sample gave % in copper 1914 Arthropoda A f T- * T- T-i r\ /-I P "1 . An assay 01 wnicn snoweoi ozs. in silver 1915 Artichoke An T""I^T r\F I"!"!!" "nmT'ilp* anK noicis tnc cicccib iinineciiaceiy 23*3 Avowry . . Bank holds the documents 2314 Avulsed . . Bank refuses to give up the documents 2 3 J 5 Avuncular . Bank has given up the deeds 2316 Await . . Bank will hold the deeds (until) 2317 Awaiting Bank holds deeds in escrow 2318 Awakement . Bank holds the bullion 2319 Awaken . . Bank pays us 2320 Awakening . If bank refuses to advance 2321 Awarded Bank advance 2322 Awaygoing . Bank will advance 2323 Awesome Bank will advance only 2324 Awestruck . Account at bank 2 3 2 5 Awhile . . Bank account overdrawn 2326 Awkward Overdraft at bank 2327 Awkwardly . Surplus at bank 2328 Awlshaped . To be sent to bank 2329 Awlwort . . Bank refused to cash draft 2330 Awnings . . Bank refused to discount 2331 Axaycatl . . Bank refused to advance 2332 Axeheads . Bankers 2 333 Axeman . . Bankers to the Company 2334 Axeshaped . Bankers to the Vendor(s) 2 335 Axestone Banket 2336 Axinomancy Banket reef 2337 Axiomatic . Banket easily worked 4 8 BAN No. Code Word. Banket (continued} 2338 Axioms . . Banket is rich in gold 2339 Axiopisty . Banket very fully developed 2340 Axlebar . . Banket not developed 2341 Axleboxes . Banket does not carry much gold 2342 Axleclip . . Banket is widely distributed and developed on the 2343 Axleguard . From the banket [whole property (district) 2344 Axlepins . Is the banket 2345 Axleskein . Banket assays 2346 Axlesleeve . Bankrupt (cy) 2347 Axletree . . The owner(s) is (are) bankrupt 2348 Axolotl . . On the verge of becoming bankrupt 2349 Axotomous . The company is bankrupt 2350 Axunge . . Is (are) not bankrupt as reported 2351 Ayegreen . Is (are) reported bankrupt 2352 Ayenbite . Is it true that is (are) likely to become 2 35 3 Ayenward . Will become bankrupt unless [bankrupt 2354 Azalea . . Bankruptcy imminent 2 35 5 Azimuth . . Proceedings in bankruptcy 2356 Azimuthal * Bar(s) 2357 Azobenzene. Have struck a bar of hard ground 2358 Azobenzol . Shall ship bars of bullion on 2359 Azolitmine . Have shipped this week bars 2360 Azotous . . Have shipped this month bars 2361 Azured . . Estimated value of bars shipped 2362 Azurestone . When will the next shipment of bars be made 2363 Azymite . . The shipment of bars delayed by 2364 Azzletooth . Since the last shipment of bars 2365 Baalism . . There has been a regular weekly shipment of - 2366 Babblishly . Number of bars [bars 2367 Babiana . . Bars of gold 2368 Babiroussa . Value of bars 2369 Babishly . . Bars shipped 2370 Babishness . Weight of bar(s) 2371 Baboons. . Bargain (s) 2372 Babyfarmer . A very good bargain 2373 Babyhood . A very poor bargain 2374 Babyhouse . Try and make a better bargain 2375 Babyish. . Cannot make a better bargain 2376 Babyjumper Have struck a bargain 2377 Babylonian . Bargain is off 2378 Babylonish . Is bargain off 2379 Baby pin . . Barometer 2380 Baby walker . Mercurial barometer 2381 Baccarat . . Aneroid barometer 2382 Bacchanal . Barren 2383 Baccharic . Barren-looking ground 2384 Bacciform . Barren quartz 2385 Bacheleria . Vein is barren 2386 Bachelor. .Basalt 2387 Bacillaria . Basaltic BAS 49 No. 2388 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 2 394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 243 1 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 Code Word. Backarack . Backhands . Backbiteth . Backbiting . Backbone . Backcarry . Backcast . . Backcentre . Backcomb . Backdoors . Backend . . Backfall er . Backfriend . Backgammon Background. Backhanded. Backingup . Backjoint Backlink Backpiece . Backraking . Backroom . Backsight . Backslang . Backslider . Backspeed . Backstream . Backstring . Backsword . Backwardly . Backwards . Backwater . Bacterium . Bactris . . Baculites Badgeless . Badgered Badgering . Baffling . . Bafflingly . Bagatelle . Bagfilters . Bagfox . . Baggagers . Baggy t . . Bagnolian . Bagpiper . Bagreefs . . Bagwig . . Baikalite . Basaltic (continued} In basaltic rock Base At the base of the From the base of the To the base of the Battery What do battery assays average Battery assays average Battery assays for the week average Battery assays for the month average New shoes and dies required for the battery The battery returns Are losing in the battery There is a good battery of stamps There is a poor battery of stamps A stamp battery A stamp battery wanted A prospecting battery Be To be Not to be Can be Cannot be Should be Should not be Will be Will not be Must be Must not be If there should be In order to be In order not to be Might be Might not be Will it be Will it not be Bear(s) Bear movement on - [soon advance stock; I believe it will There is said to be a bear movement (on) A bear interest in A bear interest in our shares A bear movement A strong bear movement The bears are active The bears are endeavouring The bears have forced down Bears have succeeded in their operations Bears have been caught short Bear operations Bear heavily BEA No. Code Word. Bear (continued) 2438 Bailbond . Bear interest on 2439 Bailiffs . . Bearer(s) 2440 Bailiwick Payable to bearer 2441 Bailpieces The bearer of our letter to you 2442 Bailscoop The bearer(s) of 2443 Bairam . . Bearing 2444 Baisemains HThp vrin ViPTrintr iT^nnt T^T^t f)f North J. I1C Vclll UCctrinti dUOUt _L/d.oL \JL .L^IUILII 2445 Baitmill . T'Vir i-rin Hnarinrr ahrmt XVp^fr of North . i ne vein uearmg auouL west ui i>uiin 2446 Baize . . The vein bearing 2447 Bakedmeat Gold-bearing veins 2448 Bakehouse Are insiders bearing 2449 Bakerfoot Bearing the stock 2450 Bakery . Bearing the shares 245 1 Bakester . Bearing interest 2452 Bakshish . Bearing interest at the rate of 2 453 Balabeds . Bearing little 2454 Balance . Bearing much 2455 Balancing . Because 2456 Balandrana Because of the 2457 Balaninus Not because of 2458 Balanoid . Because if there are 2 459 Balaustion Because if not 2460 Balbutiate . Become(s) 2461 Balconied Which will become 2462 Balcony . Unless it becomes 2463 Baldachin Do not let it become 2464 Baldeagle Has (have) become 2465 Balderdash . Bed 2466 Baldmoney The main bed of ore 2467 Baldness Through the bed 2468 Baldrib . In the bed of the river 2469 Baldricks . Bedrock 2470 Balefire . In the decomposed bedrock 2471 Balkingly On the bedrock 2472 Ballad . Close to the bedrock 2473 Balladist . Bedrock price 2474 Balladized . Been 2475 Ballahou . Has (have) been 2476 Ballastage Has (have) been here 2477 Ballasting Has (have) not been 2478 Ballatoon Has (have) not yet been 2479 Ballcaster Which must have been 2480 Ballimong Which cannot have been 2481 Ballinggun Should have been 2482 Ballismus Should not have been 2483 Ballistic . If you have been 2484 Ballooning May have been 2485 Balloonry Had been 2486 Ballotant If it had been 2487 Ballotbox If it had not been BEE No. 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2 495 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 2502 2 53 2504 2 55 2506 2507 2508 2509 2510 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2 533 2 534 2535 2 536 2537 Code Word. Ballproof Ballscrew Ballstock Balltrain Balltrolly Ball valve Ballvein . Balmified Balmmint Balneation Balneatory Balneology Balsam . Balsamic Balsamical Balsamous Balustrade Balzarine. Bamboo . Bamboorat Bamboozle Bambusa Banality . Bandaged Bandaging Bandagists Bandanna Bandboxes Banddriver Bandfish . Bandicoot Bandoleers Bandoline Bandore . Bandpulley Bandwheel Bandyball Bandyjig Bandyman Baneberry Bangle . Bangleear Bangorian Banish . Banisheth Banjo Bankable Bankagent Bankbill . Bankcredit Been (continued) We have been We have not been You have been You have not been If he has been If he has not been If they have been If they have not been . Before Not before On or before Before long This was before This was long before Before I (we) can Before you can Before he (they) can Before the agreement can be signed Before this Before your telegram arrived Before returning home Before we do Before you do Before you set to work Before you Before we . Before he (they) . If before If not before Unless before Before leaving . Beforehand So as to be beforehand (with) Beforehand (with) . Begin Shall begin immediately (to) Cannot begin till When can you begin to Begin work at once We can begin If you can begin Can you begin Begun Has (have) already begun Has (have) not yet begun Mill has begun to run again Has (have) begun to Has (have) not begun to Have you begun Behalf BEH No. Code Word. Behalf (continued) 2538 Bankers . On behalf of 2539 Bank fence . Who act(s) on behalf of 2540 Banknote . Will act on behalf of 2541 Bankpost . Will not act on behalf of 2542 Bankrupt On behalf of the Vendors 2543 Bankruptcy . On behalf of the Company 2544 Bankstock . On behalf of the Board 2545 Banneret On behalf of the Shareholders 2546 Bannerless . On behalf of all interests 2547 Banquet . . Believe 2548 Banqueting . Do you believe 2549 Banshee . . I (we) do believe 2550 Banstickle . You mav entirely believe all that "avf"^ 2551 Bantams . . "V ' f^t- f\n-nnr^t- Xali^TT/^ \ rl-irif r*n-.,fn\ i ou cannot uencve \vnat say(S) 2552 Bantamwork I (we) do not believe 2553 Banyan . . Is there any reason to believe 2554 Banyantree . There is every reason to believe 2555 Baphia . . There is no reason to believe 2556 Baphometic .. Do not believe 2557 Baptism . . Believe nothing you hear from 2558 Baptismal . Believed 2 559 Baptistery . (It) is generally believed (that) 2560 Baptistic . . Belong(s) (to) 2561 Baptizable . Whom does it belong to 2562 Baptized . . Do(es) not belong to 2563 Baralipton . Ought it (they) to belong to us 2564 Barbarian . Claim that it belongs to 2565 Barbarisms . Belong(s) to the same people 2566 Barbarity If it (they) belong(s) to 2567 Barbarized . Which belong(s) to 2568 Barbarous . Belonged 2569 Barbastel Formerly belonged to 2570 Barbate . . Belonging (to) 2571 Barbbolt . . Belt 2572 Barbecue A belt of hard rock 2573 Barbecuing . A belt of 2574 Barbellate . Belting 2575 Barcarole Leather belting 2576 Barcutter Rubber belting 2577 Barebones . Below 2578 Barefaced . Has (have) not been worked below 2579 Barefoot . . Has (have) been worked below 2580 Baregnawn . Below the lowest level 2581 Bareheaded . From below the 2582 Barepicked . Below its value 2583 Bareribbed . Below the level of 2584 Baresark . . Below the water level 2585 Bargain . . Below the surface 2586 Bargaining . Below the point where 2587 Bargainers . Any ore below BEN 53 No. 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2 593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2623 2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 2634 2635 2636 2637 Code Word. Bargeboard . Benefit Bargeman . A great benefit to Bargown . . Not any benefit to Barguest . . Would it be any benefit to Barillets . . Best Baritah . . What do you think would be best Baritone . , Do the best you can Barkantine . It is the best thing to do Barkbed . . The best plan would be Barkbound . The best that could be done Barkchafer . It will be best to Barkeeper . Is this the best that can be done Barkgalled . Doing the best we can Barklouse . Doing the best they can Barkpaper . Are you doing the best you can Barkpit . . Better Barkstove . Under better management Barlathe . . With better appliances for working Barley . . You had better Barleybird . The better way is to Barleycorn . What had better be done Barleymeal . In better health Barmaids . In no better health Barmacide . Can do better Barmaster . Cannot do better Barmilian . Cannot you do better Barmkyn . If nothing better can be done Barnabites . Decidedly better Barnaby . If can do any better Barnacle . . Vein is looking better Barndoor . Workings are looking much better Barnowl . . Is (are) doing better Barnyard . Is (are) much better Barograph . Better do so, than Barolite . . Between Barology . The vein runs between Barometer . Between the two Barometric . Between this Baroncourt . Beware Baroness. . Beware of Baronetcy . You must beware of Baronial . , Beware of judging ioo hastily Baroscopes . Bill(s) Barosma . . Cannot meet the bill(s) Barouche . Will meet the bill(s) Barpump . You must renew the bill(s) Barraboat . Will not renew the bill(s) Barracan . Will renew the bill(s) Barracks . . The bill is due on Barrator . . In order to meet the bill(s) 54 BIL No. Code Word. Bill(s) (continued) 2638 Barratrous . In order to renew the bill(s) 2639 Barrel . . All payments made by bills 2640 Barrelbulk . Bill(s) provided for 2641 Barrelcurb . Present bill(s) on 2642 Barrelled . l~)o not nrp^pnt bill^^ ^on \ U\J 11UU LJlCodlL L/llllo t IU11 2643 Barrelling Bill(s) protested 2644 Barrelloom . Bill(s) of lading 2645 Barrelpen Bill(s) of lading not to hand 2646 Barrenwort . Bill(s) of lading forwarded 2647 Barretcap The bill(s) has (have) been accepted 2648 Barricaded . Bill(s) has (have) been paid 2649 Barringout . Bill(s) has (have) not been paid 2650 Barrister . Will take bill(s) at months 2651 Barroom . . Bill(s) not presented yet 2652 Barrowpump "VVfnf" Hn^f"^ V>il1^\ "imrmnf tn vv lid, l uu^Cay UHi^by ctlliUUIlC lO 2653 Barshear . . Bill(s) amount(s) to 2654 Bartered . . Please forward bill(s) of lading 2655 Barytic . . Forward duplicate bill(s) of lading 2656 Basaltic . . Heavy bill(s) falling due 2657 Basaltoid Bill on 2658 Basanite . . Better take a bill of sale 2659 Baseballs . A bill of sale 2660 Base born Bills on a first class house 2661 Basebred Approved bill 2662 Basebroom . Bill payable at date 2663 Basecourt . Bill payable at 3 months date, dated 2664 Baselard . . Bill payable at 4 months date, dated 2665 Baseminded . Bill payable at 6 months date, dated 2666 Baseness . . Bill(s) accepted 2667 Baseplate Has (have) bill(s) been accepted 2668 Basering . . Bill(s) not yet accepted 2669 Baseviol . . Bind 2670 Bashaw . . Thi" will hinr! (tr*\ llllr> Will U1IK1 {L\JI 2671 Bashful . . This will not bind (to) 2672 Bashfully . Will thi" hinr! (tn\ vv in inio uniu vA^*/ 2673 Basicity . . TTI r\Tf^f^T tri VunH ^tf"^ JL11 UI del LU Ullli.1 1 r 2674 Basidium Will not bind ourselves to 2675 Basifugal If he will bind himself to 2676 Basigynium . Be careful not to bind yourself to 2677 Basihyal . . Get him to bind himself to 2678 Basil ical . . To bind himself to 2679 Basilisk . Binding 2680 Basilthyme . Not sufficiently binding 2681 Basilweed . Must make it binding (on) 2682 Basipetal Binding on us 2683 Basis . . . Binding on him (them) 2684 Basisolute . Not binding on us 2685 Basketfish . Not binding on him (them) 2686 Baskfcthare . Bismuth 2687 Baskethilt . Bitumen BIT 55 No. Code Word. 2688 Basketry . . Bituminous 2689 Basquish . Bituminous coal has been found 2690 Basrelief . . Blame 2691 Bassclef . Great blame attaches to 2692 Bassethorn There can be no blame attached to 2693 Bastardbar Can any blame be attached to 2694 Bastardice We blame 2695 Bastinado Is to blame (for) 2696 Bastionary Who is to blame (for) 2697 Basylous . . Blanket(s) 2698 Batfowler Blankets for saving the gold 2699 Batfowling A revolving blanket 2700 Bathbrick . Blasting 2701 Bathbun . The character of the rock necessitates constant 2702 Bathchair Very little blasting is needed [blasting 2703 Bathing . By blasting 2704 Bathingbox Blasting powder 2705 Bathingtub After blasting 2706 Bathmetal Much blasting is needed 2707 Bathorse . . Blowpipe 2708 Bathrooms Assays made by the blowpipe gave 2709 Bathstone Tested by the blowpipe 2710 Bathybius . Blueground 2711 Bathyergus "R1iipp r i"oii'nri Irmlpfl loici^ of" 10 cubic feet 2712 Bathymetry "D 1 i -i ad state 2747 Beadproof . There are boarding-houses in good repair 2748 Beadroll . . ATT^r1lTT f~i-/^-^- r^f Y-i/^v *-^>T-V|- s*i-r\ 4-V A boarding- ycdiiy pruiiu ui per ccni. un tiic 2749 Beadsman . Boarding-house for the men [houses) 2750 Beadsnake . Boarding-house for the men has been built 2751 Beadswoman Body 2752 Beadtools . Which will open up a body of ore 2753 Beagle . . Have struck a body of rich ore 2754 Beakhead . Every indication of soon striking the body of ore 2755 Beakirons . Prospects of large body of ore very good 2756 Beambird . Opened up large body of ore 2757 Beamless Body of ore 2758 Beancaper . Boiler(s) 2759 Beancod . . Portable locomotive boiler 2760 Beanfeast Cornish boiler 2761 Beanflies . . Knap's water-tube boiler 2762 Beanfly . . Tubular boiler 2763 Beangoose . Lancashire boiler 2764 Beanking Owing to boiler(s) being out of repair 2765 Beanmills Boiler(s) is (are) out of order 2766 Beanstalks . Require new boiler(s) for 2767 Bearcloth . There is (are) boiler(s) 2768 Bearded . . Thl^Tr* I** 1 /TTf*\ J"\ fl Vl/Yll Al*f C 1 2769 Beardgrass . Send h.p. tubular boiler 2770 Beardleted . Send h.p. portable boiler 2771 Beardmoss . C^*-!*--! V T> (~* /\ VV 1 V* Vk/^ll /ai- 2772 Beargarden . Send h.p. Lancashire boiler 2773 Bearish . . Send h.p. boiler 2774 Bearleader . ^\r*T\rl T*f" c\ V\oilr*T > fnV^r*^ "fot* V^ftil#*i* 2775 Bearlike . . Require h.p. boiler for 2776 Bearpits . . Bonanza 2777 Bearskins . Have struck a bonanza 2778 Bearwhelp . It is reported you have struck a bonanza 2779 Beastly . . A bonanza has been struck 2780 Beaterup . . Bond 2781 Beatific . . The bond on the property 2782 Beatifical . Bond must be for 2783 Beatifying . Bond can be secured for 2784 Beatitudes . The bond will be forfeited 2785 Beaujolais . In order to renew the bond 2786 Beauship Can you secure the bond 2787 Beauteous . Cannot obtain bond BON 57 No. 2788 2789 2790 2791 2792 Code Word. Beautiful Beautify . Beautiless Beautyspot Beavered 2793 Beaverrat . 2794 Beavertree . 2795 Beblot . . 2796 Beblotting . 2797 Bebooted 2798 Becafigo . . 2799 Becalmed 2800 Becalming . 2801 Beccabunga . 2802 Bechanced . 2803 Becharm 2804 Bechic . . 2805 Beckharman 2806 Beckoned 2807 Beclipping . 2808 Beclipt . . 2809 Becloud . . 2810 Beclouding . 2811 Become . . 2812 Becoming . 2813 Becomingly . 2814 Becoronet . 2815 Becripple 2816 Becuibanut . 2817 Becursed 2818 Becursing 2819 Bedabble . 2820 Bedabbling . 2821 Bedarken 2822 Bedashed 2823 Bedaub . . 2824 Bedaubing . 2825 Bedbolts . . 2826 Bedbugs . 2827 Bedchair . . 2828 Bedchamber 2829 Bedclothes . 2830 Bedecked . 2831 Bedecking . 2832 Bedehouse . 2833 Bedelry . . 2834 Bedevil . . 2835 Bedevilled . 2836 Bedew . . Bond (continued) Cannot renew the bond Try and obtain a bond to purchase Bond cannot be renewed without payment Get a working bond for months Cannot recommend bond. I would advise you to have deed in escrow [being satisfactory Get a bond subject to an examination and report Bond can only be secured upon following terms Will not give bond [and conditions I have obtained bond for months Bond for months Bond for a year Can you get a bond on the property Ca.n get a bond on the property Cannot get a bond on the property To give a bond on the property To give a bond for Renew the bond Bond has been given Must give a bond There is no bond Can do without a bond Do not (does not) want a bond Bonded Has (have) bonded the mine for When the mine was bonded The mine was originally bonded (to) To whom was the mine bonded To whom has the property been bonded The property has been bonded (for) Has (have) been bonded (for) Bonus Giving a good bonus To be paid as a bonus Bonus shares Bonus on the sale Bonus on the transaction Will give a bonus Have given a bonus Boom A big boom in mining speculations The boom is passing over In order to get it floated during the boom There is a boom now on (in) While the boom is on As soon as the boom is over Borax Bored How far have you bored We have bored BOB No. Code Word. 2837 Bedfellow . Borehole(s) 2838 Bedframe A borehole was put down 2839 Bediadem By a borehole(s) 2840 Bedimmed "Rrifph r\1 P 1 i fV^t 1 r\f*f*T*\ * JjvJICIlUiC ^^ ICCt (J.CCLJ 2841 Bedismal . . Boring(s) 2842 Bedizened Boring for 2843 Bedizening From borings in face of 2844 Bedkey . By the several borings made 2845 Bedlam . From the previous borings 2846 Bedlamite Advise boring for 2847 Bedlinen . In boring 2848 Bedmakers Do you advise boring 2849 Bedmate Has boring been begun 2850 Bedpheer Will begin boring 2851 Bedposts . Boring carried to 2852 Bedpresser Boring by air-drill 2853 Bedraggled Boring by diamond-drill 2854 Bedrench Have obtained by boring 2855 Bedridden "D S-V1--1 *-**-* .*-t*-fft*%*i s^A 4-j^. -T/-kZ^4- jjoring CcirncQ to iccc 2856 Bedrooms . Both 2857 Bedrop . . This refers to both 2858 Bedropped Has (have) been to both 2859 Bedscrews In both the 2860 Bedstaff . Both are 2861 Bedsteads Both should be 2862 Bed straw If both are 2863 Bedswerver When both are 2864 Bedwarf . Are both 2865 Bedwarfing In case both 2866 Beeblock Both of us 2867 Beebread . Bottom 2868 Beechcoal The bottom of the winze 2869 Beechfmch . The bottom of the shaft 2870 Beechgall The bottom of the mine 2871 Beechmast Going down into the bottom 2872 Beechnut The bottom seems to be out of 2873 Beechoil . . Bought 2874 Beechtrees Has (have) been bought by 2875 Beefeater Was (were) bought by 2876 Beefsteak Bought for joint account 2877 Beeftea . Have you bought 2878 Beefwitted Bought for you 2879 Beefwood Cannot be bought 2880 Beeglue . At what price have you bought 2881 Beehawk . Has (have) bought up 2882 Beehive . Why have you bought 2883 Beemaster Why have you not bought 2884 Beenettles What have you bought 2885 Beeorchis How much have you bought 2886 Beerengine Has (have) bought at BOU 59 No. 2887 2888 2889 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895 2896 2897 2898 2899 2900 2901 2902 2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 2913 2914 29!5 2916 2917 2918 2919 2920 2921 2922 2923 2924 2925 2926 2927 2928 2929 2930 2931 2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 Code Word. Bought (continued) Beerhouses . Has (have) bought for immediate delivery Beeriness . Has (have) bought for cash Beermoney . Has (have) bought enough for Beerpull . . If you have bought Beershop . If you have not bought Beerstone . Bought at price named Beeswax . . Bought as arranged Beeswing . Bought the whole for Beetle . . Bound Beetlebrow . By which we are bound to Beetlehead . By which he is (they are) bound to Beetradish . Is (are) not bound to Beetrave . . Has bound himself to Beetroots . Boundary Beeworm . The northern boundary (of the) Befallen . . The southern boundary (of the) Befaria . . The eastern boundary (of the) Befettered . The western boundary (of the) Beflowered . Bos Befoam . . Send a box of Befogged . Have sent a box of Befogging . Send boxes Beforehand . Have sent boxes Beforetime . A box of specimens Boxes of specimens Befreckled . A box of samples Boxes of samples Befriend . . Break Befrill . . A break in the Befrilling . Breakdown in the machinery Befringe . . Breakdown in the mill Befrizzed . What is the cause of the break in Befuddled . Breast Begall . . Breast of ore Beggar . . Breast of drift in pay ore Beggarly. . Breast promises fairly Begging . . Bribe Begifted . . As a bribe Begin . . . Has (have) been trying to bribe Beginner. . Broken Beginnings . Broken in transit Begirdle . . The machinery is broken Regtrdling . The engine is broken Beglared . . . Broken down Beglerbeg . Has (have) broken the Beglooming. Broker(s) Begodcled . Will act as broker(s) for Begonia . . Who will act as broker(s) for Begrease , . The broker(s) for Begrime . . Brokerage Begroaned . The brokerage is Begrudge . Including brokerage 6o BRO No. Code Word. Brokerage (continued} 2937 Begrudging . Exclusive of brokerage 2938 Beguile . . Will you pay brokerage of 2 939 Beguiling . No brokerage can be paid 2940 Beguilty . . Will pay brokerage 2941 Beguinage . Vendor to pay brokerage 2942 Behalf Brought 2943 Behappen . FTi^* "f*n \\f* V\T*rni o"Vi t* T"mlr kr< \\\? 2944 Behaving Has (have) to be brought from 2945 Behaviour . Cannot be brought 2946 Behemoth . Is brought to 2947 Behind . . Building(s) 2948 Behindhand . The buildings consist of 2949 Behither . The buildings are in good condition 2950 Behold . . The buildings are in bad condition 2951 Beholding . Expect to finish building 2952 Behoney . . Now building 2953 Behon eying . Built 2954 Behoof . . Have built a new 2955 Behoovable . Bull 2956 Behooveth *. To bull the shares 2957 Behooving . A bull movement in shares is likely to take place 2958 Behove ful . The bulls have run the shares up to 2959 Behowls . . Bull movement in the shares 2960 Beidelsar There are a good many weak bulls 2961 Beingplace . The bulls are very strong 2962 Bejade . . In consequence of bulls operating 2963 Bejaundice . Bull operations 2964 Bejesuit . . The bulls are furious 2965 Bejewel . . Bullion (See Bars, Ship.) 2966 Bejewelled . What is the total amount of bullion 2967 Bejuco . . Bullion shipped 2968 Bejumble Shall ship bullion on 2969 Bejumbling . "\^7"i11 \\c* n hi p \T\ C *\\'\T\ V^TT" T^nlliP m on 2970 Bekiss . . Ship all the bullion you possibly can before 2971 Beknaves No bullion on hand 2972 Beknight. . Ship no more bullion till ordered 2973 Belabour Will ship bullion amounting to 2974 Belaccoyle . Shipped bullion amounting to 2975 Beladling Shipment of bullion 2976 Belawgive . What bullion are you shipping [last shipment 2977 Belaying . . What do you estimate the bullion produced since 2978 Belch . . . Approximate value of the bullion 2979 Belcheth . Actual realized value of the bullion 2980 Beleaguer . Assay value of the bullion 2981 Belecture When will you ship bullion and how much 2982 Belemnites . Bunchy 2983 Belepered . The character of the ore is bunchy 2984 Belepering . Is very bunchy 2985 Belfries . . Burned 2986 Belfry. . . The mill was burned down BUR 61 No. Code Word. Burned (continued) 2987 Belgards . . The house was burned down 2988 Belibel . . Which has burned down 2989 Belibelled . Is all burned down 2990 Belief . . . Was burned down 2991 Beliefful . . Entirely burned 2992 Believable . Partially burned 2993 Believing . Burst 2994 Belikely . . Is (are) burst 2995 Belittle . . Bursting 2996 Belittling . Through the bursting of boiler 2997 Bellacity . . Through the dam bursting 2998 Belladonna . Business 2999 Bellatrix . . A large business is done in 3000 Bellbird . . No business is done 3001 Bellbuoy. . It may lead to business 3002 Bellcrank . Can you do the business 3003 Belled . . Can do the business 3004 Belleric . . Leave the business in my (our) hands 3005 Bellflower . Rather than lose the business 3006 Bellgable . Business in mining shares very dull 3007 Bellglass . . Business in mining shares very good 3008 Bellhanger . There is very little prospect of doing (the) business 3009 Bellicose . . Is there a prospect of doing (the) business 3010 Bellique . . Consider business safe 3011 Bellitude. . Do not consider business safe 3012 Belljars . . Buy 3013 Bellman . . Buy shares for me in 3014 Bellmetal . Buy immediately 3015 Bellowing . Buy for next account 3016 Bellpolype . Buy all you can (of) 3017 Bellpulls. . Shall I buy 3018 Bellroof . . Buy as much as you can of at 3019 Bellropes . I can buy for cash 3020 Bellshaped . I can buy cheaper here 3021 Belltowers . Buy back if you have sold 3022 Belltraps . . Do not buy any stock (or) (shares) 3023 Bellturret . Buy for my account, and hold subject to order 3024 Bellwether Buy for a quick turn 3025 Bellwort . . I advise you to buy (at about) 3026 Bellyache . The market will advance, you had better buy 3027 Bellyband . Cannot buy any 3028 Bellybrace . ' Can you buy 3029 Belly churl . Is it safe to buy 3030 Bellyful . . Take advantage of present weak market to buy 3031 Bellygod. . Stocks are too high to buy at present prices 3032 Belly guys . Do you advise buying at present prices 3033 Bellyroll . . Order to buy is countermanded 3034 Belly slave . Buy when you think it has reached the bottom 3035 Bellystay'. . Buy until the stock reaches 3036 Belomancy . Buy if the market is strong 62 BUY No. Code Word. Buy (continued} 3037 Belong . . Buy if the market is weak 3038 Belongeth . Cannot buy at limit 3039 Belongings . It will not do to buy 3040 Belopteron . Buy more at same price 3041 Beloved . . Can you buy more at same price 3042 Belsire . . Buyers 3043 Beltcutter . The buyers will complete purchase 3044 Beltlacing . The buyers will not complete purchase till 3045 Beltpipe . . Buyers are plentiful 3046 Beltpunch . Buyers are few 3047 Beltsaw . . Buyers are cautious 3048 Beluga . . No buyers for your property 3049 Bemangle . Who are buyers 3050 Bemangling . No buyers for stock ( shares) 305 1 Bemartyr . Buyers are cautious, but the stock is held firm (the 3052 Bemaul . . Buying [shares are held firm) 3053 Bemauling . Is (are) buying largely 3054 Bemazed . . Is (are) buying stock (shares) 3055 Bemirement Friends are buying 3056 Bemist . . Are insiders buying 3057 Bemitred . Miners are buying 3058 Bemitring . I advise buying 3059 Bemoaning . Who is buying 3060 Bemoanable I am (we are) buying 3061 Bemock . . Cable (See Telegraph.) 3062 Bemocking . Cable report immediately 3063 Bemonster . By means of a cable 3064 Bemourned . Cable me (us) at once ; wanting money badly 3065 Bemouthing . Cable immediately if 3066 Bemuddle . Have received your cable (dated) 3067 Bemuddling. As soon as you cable 3068 BemufBed . Cable sufficient details to enable me to prepare report 3069 Bemurmured Cable what you know about [for the public 3070 Benchclap . Do not send me (us) any more cables 3071 Benchers. . Cable in plain words not code 307 2 Benchhook . Cable your next address 3073 Benchmark. Will cable you my next address 3074 Benchreel . First word of the cable is unintelligible, repeat it 3075 Benchstrip . Second word of the cable is unintelligible, repeat it 3076 Bench table . Third word of the cable is unintelligible, repeat it 3077 Bendable . Fourth word of the cable is unintelligible, repeat it 3078 Bendways . Fifth word of the cable is unintelligible, repeat it 3079 Beneaped . Sixth word of the cable is unintelligible, repeat it 3080 Beneath . . Seventh word of the cable is unintelligible, repeat it 3081 Benedicts . Eighth word of the cable is unintelligible, repeat it 3082 Benefactor . Ninth word of the cable is unintelligible, repeat it 3083 Beneficial . Tenth word of the cable is unintelligible, repeat it 3084 Benefit . . word of the cable is unintelligible, repeat it 3085 Benefiting . First word of cable should be 3086 Benevolous . Second word of cable should be CAB 6 3 No. Code Word. Cable (continued) 3087 Bengalroot . Third word of cable should be 3088 Benignant . Fourth word of cable should be 3089 Benignity . Fifth word of cable should be 3090 Benteak . . Sixth word of cable should be 3091 Bentgrass . Seventh word of cable should be 3092 Benthamite . Eighth word of cable should be 3093 Benthamism Ninth word of cable should be 3094 Benumb . . Tenth word of cable should be 3095 Benumbing . word of cable should be 3096 Benumbment The following words of the cable are not intelligible, 3097 Benzamide . The words of the cable should be [repeat them 3098 Benzoic . . Cage(s) 3099 Benzoline . The cage in use is unsafe 3100 Bepaint . . Shaft fitted with one cage 3101 Bepearl . . Two cages 3102 Bepinched . Shaft fitted with cages 3103 Beplaster . Calcite 3104 Bepommel . The hanging wall is calcite 3105 Bepowder . The footwall is calcite 3106 Bepraise . .Calculate 3107 Bepraising . At what rate do you calculate 3108 Bepuckered . How do you calculate 3109 Bepuff . . We calculate that (there are) 3110 Bepuffmg . Calculated 3111 Bepurple . Have calculated that 3112 Bepurpling . Calculated at the rate of 3113 Bequeath . If we had calculated 3114 Bequest . . Calculation(s) 3115 Bequoted . Calculations based upon 3116 Bequoting . Calculation was right 3117 Berascal . . Calculation was incorrect 3118 Berattle . . Calculation was approximate 3119 Berberine . An approximate calculation of 3120 Berdash . . Upon a rough calculation 3121 Bergamot . Must check calculations 3122 Bergander . Calculations are correct 3123 Bergmaster . Calculations are not correct 3124 Bergmehl . Calc-spar 3125 Bergylt . . The matrix is calc-spar 3126 Berhyme . California 3127 Berhyming . Gold mine in California 3128 Beribanded . In California 3129 Beribbon . In Lower California 3130 Berlinblue . Call 3131 Berlinware . Call for letters at 3132 Berlinwool . Must make a call of per share 3133 Berserker . Must make a further call (of) 3134 Berthage , Cannot make a call 3135 Berthing . Call on when you are in 3136 Beryl ... No further call will be made (until) CAL No. Code Word. Call (continued) 3137 Berylline . Call has been made (of) per share 3138 Berylloids At the time the call was made 3139 Besagne . When will the next call be made 3*40 Besainted Next call is payable 3*4* Besainting Another call 3 J 4 2 Bescatter The last call 3 J 43 Bescorn . . Called (up) 3144 Bescoured Capital called up 3 J 45 Bescouring Called up per share 3146 Bescratch Have called up 3H7 Bescrawl "WHr^n im^c T^r*on r*n1Tr*f^ TIT* VV Ilcll ^^ lido UCCJ1 v^tlLlCU. U.L/ 3H8 Bescreen . Called for 3*49 Bescribble Has (have) called upon 3 J 5o Bescumber Has (have) called upon us (to) 3i5i Beseech . Have called upon him (to) 3152 Beseecheth . Came 3*53 Beseemly Before I came 3*54 Beset . . Before he (they) came 3 T 55 Besetment . - When I came 3 r 56 Beshout . When he (they) came 3 J 57 Beshrew . After I came 3*58 Beshrewing After he (they) came 3 X 59 Beshrouded . Can 3160 Besidery . . Can I (we) 3161 Besiege . Can you 3162 Besieging Can he (they) 3 l6 3 Beslabber I (we) can 3164 Beslave . You can 3 l6 5 Beslurry . He (they) can 3166 Besmear . I (we) cannot 3167 Besmearing You cannot 3168 Besmirch He (they) cannot 3169 Besmooth If I (we) can 3170 Besnuffed If you can 3 J 7i Besotted . If he (they) can 3172 Besottedly If I (we) cannot 3 J 73 Besought If you cannot 3 T 74 Bespangle If he (they) cannot 3 J 75 Bespeak . When you can 3176 Bespeaking When can you 3i77 Bespeckle Unless you can 3^78 Bespiced Unless he (they) can 3*79 Bespoken What can you 3180 Bespouting What can he (they) 3181 Bespread: Can you do this 3182 Besprinkle Can do what you want 3183 Bespurt . Can do nothing 3*84 Bespy . Can send 3 l8 5 Bestiality Cannot you 3186 Bestialize Cannot he (they) CAN No. Code Word. Can (continued] 3187 Bestiates Cannot we 3188 Bestick . . Cannot possibly 3189 Besticking . Cancel 3190 Bestirred . . Can you cancel 3191 Bestorm . . Will cancel 3192 Bestowal . . Will not cancel 3 J 93 Bestowing . Cancel my order to 3194 Bestowment . Threaten to cancel 3195 Bestraddle . On what terms can you cancel 3196 Bestrapped . I (we) can cancel 3197 Bestride . . I (we) cannot cancel 3198 Bestriding . Will cancel clause(s) No. 3199 Beswike . . Cancel order and substitute 3200 Betallow . . Cancel balance of order 3201 Betelnut . . Cancel the purchase if possible 3202 Bethlemite . Cancel the sale if possible 3203 Bethrall . . Cancelled 3204 Bethump iMsnitt^rGl "NTo TTm r *f l^P /"*i n /"* P^l f* H 3 2 5 Bethumping. Has (have) cancelled 3206 Betimes . . Has (have) not cancelled 3207 Betoken . . The order cannot be cancelled 3208 Betokening . The sale cannot be cancelled 3209 Betongue The purchase cannot be cancelled 3210 Betrayal . . Have you cancelled 3211 Betrayment . Will be cancelled (unless) 3212 Betroth . . Has been cancelled 3 2 i3 Betrothals . Canon 3214 Betrothing . The mines are situated in a canon 3215 Betrust . . A fine stream runs through the canon 3216 Betterhalf . In the canon 3217 Bettermost . Above the canon 3218 Betutored . The upper part of the canon 3219 Between . . Capabilities 3220 Betweenity . Possessing great capabilities for 3221 Beudantite . Possessing but small capabilities 3222 Bevelangle . Capable 3223 Bevelgear . Is (are) capable of 3224 Bevelled . . Capable of great development 3225 Bevelling Capable of being worked 3226 Bevelwheel . Capable of improvement 3227 Beverage Is (are) not capable (of) 3228 Bevilways . T *"* i iv/ :k \ r^sirtotalf* t~\ t* 3229 Bewailable . Not capable of judging 3230 Bewaileth Capacity 3231 Bewailing To the utmost of its (their) capacity 3232 Bewailment . Is mill working to its full capacity 3233 Beware . . The mill is working to its full capacity 3234 Beweep . . The mill is not working to its fullest capacity 3235 Beweeping . What is the capacity (of) 3236 Bewhisper . Worked to its fullest capacity F 66 CAP No. Code Word. Capacity (continued] 3 2 37 Bewilder . . Worked to its fullest capacity; to attempt more 3238 Bewimple . Has a capacity of [would be dangerous 3 2 39 Bewinged Capital 3240 Bewitch . . The capital of the company to be 3 2 4I Be witch ful . No capital to spend on the mine 3242 Bewitching . A judicious investment of capital 3243 Bewondered To bring capital into the concern 3244 Bewrayeth . Not sufficient capital to buy the mine 3245 Bewrought . Not sufficient capital to develop the mine 3246 Bezoardic . To be put aside for working capital 3247 Bezoargoat . r Pr\ TpfiTm T^PI* r*pnt" c\v\ \\\r* r* r t r ^if"i1 i- \J J.ClU.iJ.1 UCi LX.HL. i_/ll LUC LrdjJlLcLl 3248 Biacid . . At the rate of per cent, on the capital of the 3249 Biangular . On a capital of [company 3250 Biangulous . Fully justifying the expenditure of the capital named 3251 Biassing . . On the capital 325 2 Biassness The capital is too large 3253 Biaxial . . The capital is too small 3 2 54 Bibacious . Increase the capital to 3255 Bibasic . . . Reduce the capital to 3256 Bibcock . . Can you get the capital underwritten 3257 Bibitory . . Enough capital has been subscribed 3258 Bibleoath . Not enough capital has been subscribed 3259 Biblepress . The capital is to be reduced 3260 Biblical . . The capital cannot be reduced 3261 Biblically . The capital cannot be increased 3262 Biblicism The capital has been subscribed 3263 Bibliolite . The capital has been underwritten 3264 Bibliomany . What is the capital 3265 Bibliopegy . ~D /~*/-t 11-11- /-* IT^tl 4-/~L fl V- A YT*-Xt-1*-1 V* rf f\f\ T-vf 4-ll JXCvJUlIC yUU tvj lillU. ^^ WUlK-lllti CclUiLcll 3266 Bibliopole . \Vn~n1~ \vrn*lrTn o* r v iT^i1"nl VV dllt YYUl K-lllci v^clUlLcti 3267 Biblist . . ATl-lOT- t~-l-/~*-*Tl/-l /~* ITT/*-*-!?"!*-* rt- *-fcO Y-V.1T-0 1 IVlUbl plUVltiC \\UIKlIlg CdpllcU 3268 Bibulous . . Capital not fully subscribed 3269 Bicallous If capital should not be fully subscribed 3270 Bicameral . Particulars of capital 3271 Bicapsular . One-fourth of the capital 3272 Bicarinate . One-third of the capital 3273 Bicaudal . . One-half of the capital 3274 Bicavitary . The whole of the capital 3275 Biceps . . Who finds the capital 3276 Bichromate . Finds the required capital 3277 Bicipital . . Working capital (of) 3278 Bicipitous . Must reduce amount of working capital 3279 Bickerer . . Must increase amount of working capital 3280 Bickerings . The amount of nominal capital is [should be 3281 Bickerment . What does vendor propose the nominal capital 3282 Bicoloured . What does vendor propose the working capital to be 3283 Biconcave . The nominal capital must not exceed 3284 Biconvex Vendor does not Limit nominal capital 328$ Bicornous . On capital account 3286 Bicornute Expenditure on capital account CAP No. Code Word. 3287 Bicorporal 3288 Bicrural . 3289 Bicuspid . 3290 Bicycle . 3291 Bicycling 3292 Bicyclists 3293 Bidders . 3294 Bident . 3 2 95 Biennial . 3296 Biennially 3297 Bierbalk . 3298 Bifacial . 3299 Biffin . . 3300 Bifidated . 3301 Biflorous . 3302 Bifoliate . 3303 Biforine . 334 Biforked . 3305 Bifronted 33o6 Bifurcated 3307 Bifurcous 33o8 Bigamy . 339 Bigaroon 33* Bigboned 33H Bigeminate 33 12 Bigential . 33*3 Bighorn . 33H Biglaurel . 33*5 Bignamed 33 l6 Bigot . . 33 T 7 Bigotedly 33*8 Bigotical . 33 J 9 Bigotries . 3320 Bigotry . 332i Bigwigged 3322 Bijugate . 3323 Bijugous . 3324 Bilander . 3325 Bilateral . 33 26 Bilberries 3327 Bilberry . 3323 Bilboes . 3329 Bileduct . 3330 Bilgecoad 333i Bilgefree. 3332 Bilgekeel 3333 Bilgepiece 3334 Bilgeplank 3335 Bilgepump 3336 Bilgewater Capital (continued) Debited to capital Credited to capital Chargeable to capital Should be charged to capital Capital and liabilities Can you find capital for Can find capital for Cannot find capital for Capitalization On capitalization Over-capitalization Capitalized (at) The concern is over-capitalized Carbonate Carbonate of copper Carbonate of lead Carbonate of lime Carbonate of lime and magnesia Carbonate of iron Carbonate of soda Carbonate of lead with silver Carbonate of zinc Carboniferous In carboniferous rock Of the carboniferous period Carboniferous strata Care Has (have) taken care Has (have) not taken care Great care will be required Take care (of) Must take care Will take the greatest care The utmost care Take care not to To the care of If you do not take care Careful I will be very careful Be careful not to commit Be very careful in your dealings with Make the most careful examination Has (have) made a most careful examination Be careful how you Be most careful (to) (in) Be most careful not to Be careful of Carefully Has (have) been through everything very carefully The mines have been carefully worked 63 CAR No. Code Word. Carefully (continued) 3337 Bilgeways . Will have to be most carefully 3338 Biliation . . Carefully checked 3339 Bilingual . Carefully packed 3340 Bilinguous . Careless(ness) 3341 Billbergia . In the most careless manner 3342 Billboard . The greatest carelessness 3343 Billbook . . Carriage [costs per ton 3344 Billbroker . The carriage from nearest railway station to mine 3345 Billethead . The carriage from 3346 Billfish . . The carriage costs per ton 3347 Billiard . . The carriage on the bullion is very heavy 3348 Billicock . . The carriage on all goods is very heavy 3349 Billposter . By carriage miles from 3350 Billy biter . By carriage over dreadful roads 3351 Billyboy . . By carriage over miles, good road 3352 Bilobated . Carriage by waggon 3353 Bimaculate . Carriage on mule-back 3354 Bimembral . Carried 3355 Bimestrial . Has (have) been carried on 3356 Bimetallic .' Has (have) not been carried on 3357 Bimonthly . Carried away 3358 Bimuscular . Will have to be carried 3359 Binary . . Will be carried on 3360 Binaural . . Must be carried on 3361 Bind wood . Can be carried through 3362 Binervate . Cannot be carried through 3363 Binocular . Can be carried (out) (or over) 3364 Binomail . . Cannot be carried (out) (or over) 3365 Binoxyde . Carry 3366 Biocellate . To carry concern to successful issue 3367 Biodynamic . In order to carry on the 3368 Biogenist . Will carry on the negotiations (during) 3369 Biography . Carry the stock 3370 Biologist . . Can surely carry it 3371 Biolytic . . Will carry the stock for you 3372 Biometry . Cannot carry on 3373 Bioplasm . Who will carry on affairs whilst you are away 3374 Bioplasmic . To carry this out will need 3375 Biotaxy . . Cannot carry out instructions 3376 Bipalmate . Carry on the business 3377 Biparous. . Carry on the negotiations 3378 Bipartible . To enable me (us) to carry on 3379 Bipartient . Impossible to carry on any longer 3380 Biped . . . Carry on 3381 Bipedal . . Carry over 3382 Bipennated . Can you carry on 3383 Bipennis . . Carry out our instructions 3384 Bipolar . . Carry out instructions 3385 Bipolarity . Carry over the stock (shares) 3386 Bipontine . Cannot carry it out CAR No. Code Word. 3387 Bipunctual . 3388 Biquadrate . 3389 Biquintile 3390 Biradiated . 3391 Birch wine . 3392 Birdcages 3393 Birdcall . . 3394 Birdcherry . 3395 Birdeyed. . 3396 Bird footed . 3397 Birdgazer . 3398 Birdlime . . 3399 Birdorgan . 3400 Birdpepper . 3401 Birdseed . . 3402 Birdsmouth . 3403 Birdsnest 3404 Birdspider . 3405 Birdstares . 3406 Birdwitted . 3407 Birken . . 3408 Birlawman . 3409 Birthchild . 3410 Birthdays 3411 Birthdom 3412 Birthhour 3413 Birthmark . 3414 Birthplace . 3415 Birthright . 3416 Birthroot 3417 Birthsin . . 3418 Birthsongs . 3419 Bisaccate 3420 Biscroma 3421 Biscuit . . 3422 Biscutate 3423 Bisects . . 3424 Bisegment . 3425 Biserial . . 3426 Bisetous . . 3427 Bisexual . . 3428 Bishop . . 3429 Bishopdom . 3430 Bishopess 3431 Bishopling . 3432 Bishoprics . 3433 Bishopscap . 3434 Bishopweed . 3435 Bismuth . . 3436 Bismuthal . Carry (continued) Carry to The business will not carry Carrying Carrying over Carrying to Capital Account Carrying to Revenue Account Carrying to Stores Account Carrying over from account to account Carrying to account of Case In case of accidents Entirely alters the case Has (have) a strong case against In case In any case In no case In which case In every case In case of need Iri case of refusal It is not the case The facts of the case In case of delay Has (have) no case against In such a case Has (have) any case against The case will be heard Upon the hearing of the case When the case is heard In that case Cash For cash Will only accept cash payment By paying down, in cash In cash Bank refuses to cash your cheque In cash, and the balance in shares In cash, and the balance in debentures No cash required Cash to be deposited with In exchange for cash Will pay cash down Cash on delivery Cash in month(s) Cash in exchange for One-quarter in cash One-third in cash One-half in cash Two-thirds in cash Three-fourths in cash CAS No. 3437 3438 3439 3440 344i 3442 3443 3444 3445 3446 3447 3448 3449 345 3451 345 2 3453 3454 3455 345 6 3457 3458 3459 3460 3462 3463 34 6 4 3465 3466 3467 3468 3469 347 347i 3472 3473 3474 3475 3476 3477 3478 3479 3480 348i 3482 3483 3484 3485 3486 Code Word. Cash (continued} Bispinose . How much cash Bissextile . How much cash, and how much in shares Bistipuled . Cash must be paid within Bistoury . . Cash must be paid on Biteth . . We require cash Biting . . Cash value Bitingly . . Cash, less per cent. Bitless . . Cassiterite Bitmouth . Cause Bitstock . . This will cause a delay of Bitterash . . What is the cause of Bitterful . . Cause unknown Bitterking . This will not cause Bitterness . This will cause Bitternut . . Is there any cause Bitteroak . Is there any cause for the decline Bittersalt . What is the cause of the delay Bitterspar . There is no cause for alarm Bitterweed . There is every cause for Bitumen . . Caused Bituminize . What has caused (this) Bituminous . Has (have) been caused by Bivalve . . Has (have) not been caused by any Bivalvous . Which would have caused Bivalvular . Has caused great excitement Bivaulted . Has caused the greatest alarm Biventral . Caused a fall in the price Bivouac . . Caused a complete panic Bivouacked . Caution Biweekly . Act with great caution Blackact . . In spite of all the caution Blackamoor . Has (have) acted with all due caution Blackball . Caution against Blackbeer . Will act with caution Blackberry . Cautious Blackbirds . Be very cautious in your dealings with Blackbooks . Be very cautious in expressing your opinion Blackbrush . Is (are) very cautious Blackcap . Is (are) not very cautions Blackchalk . You cannot be too cautious Blackcock . We cannot be too cautious Blackdeath . Cave(s) Blackdrop . Will cave in Blackeyed . Likely to cave in Blackflags . Caves have occurred Blackflies . On account of caves Blackfly . . Caved Blackfoot . Has (have) caved in [in Blackfriar . The old workings, above the level, have caved Blackgame . The tunnel has caved in CAV No. 3487 3488 3489 349 3491 3492 3493 3494 3495 3496 3497 3498 3499 35 35 01 35 02 353 354 355 35 6 357 35o8 3509 351 35 11 35i 2 3513 35H 3515 35 l6 35*9 35 20 35 21 3522 3523 35 2 4 3525 3526 3527 3528 3529 3530 353i 353 2 3533 3534 3535 353 6 Code Word. Caved (continued] Blackgrass . Caved in, in consequence of which the mines have Blackguard . Shaft has caved in [been abandoned Blackheart . Impossible to get into the mine, owing to the Blackhole . Upper workings have caved in [having caved in Blackiron . Caving Blackjack . From caving in Blackknot . To prevent the tunnel(s) from caving in Blackleg . . Every prospect of the tunnel caving in Blacklist . . The mine is caving in Blackmatch . Is (are) caving in Blackmonk . All risk of caving in is now past Blackochre . There are signs of ground caving in Blackpines . Made all safe against caving in Blackplate . Are there any signs of caving in Blackrod . . ^ No fear of caving in future Blacksalts . Cease Blacksheep . Cease buying for the present Blacksmith . Cease selling for the present Blacksnake . Cease forwarding for the present Blackspaul . Cease delivering for the present Blacktail . . Have had to cease work on account of Blackthorn . The works practically cease through the winter Blackvomit . You had better cease Blackwash . Cease for the present (to) Bladder . . Has (have) had to cease Bladdernut . Will not cease Bladderpod . Do not cease Bladebone . Ceased Bladernetal . Opposition has now ceased Blamably . Have ceased buying Blameful . Have ceased selling Blamefully . Have ceased operations Blameless . Have you ceased Blancher . . Have ceased Blanch farm . Cent. (See Per cent.) Blancmange Cents, per ounce Blandation . Cents, per pound Blandiment . Has (have) advanced cents, per ounce Blank . . Has (have) advanced cents, per -pound Blankbond . Is now cents, per ounce lower Blanketing . Is now cents, per pound lower Blankets . Central Blanktire . In a central position Blarney . . From the central position Blarneying . Centre Blasphemed . In the centre of Blastema . Certain Blasthole . Are you certain Blastments . I am (we are) certain Blastoderm . I am (we are) not certain 72 GEE, No. Code Word. Certain (continued) 3537 Blastoidea . It is certain (that) 3538 Blastomere . It is not certain (that) 3539 Blastpipe . Quite certain 3540 Blastus . . Let me (us) hear for certain 3541 Blatant . . It is almost certain 3542 Blatteroon . Almost certain to float 3543 Blawort . . If you are certain 3544 Blazers . . Unless you are quite certain of 3545 Blazingly . Make certain that you get 3546 Blazon . . Must be quite certain 3547 Blazoning . Certainly 3548 Blazonment . Will certainly be 3549 Blazonries . Will certainly not 3550 Blazonry. . Will certainly go to 3551 Bleachery . Certainty 3552 Bleachings . With any degree of certainty 3553 Bleareyed . There is every certainty of 3554 Blemish . . No certainty of 3555 Blemisheth , There is no certainty in the matter 3556 Blemishing . Certificate(s) 3557 Blended . . Have obtained a certificate 3558 Blendings . Cannot obtain a certificate 3559 Blendous . All the certificates 3560 Blendwater . Share certificate (s) 3561 Blessedly . Certificate(s) not yet received 3562 Bletonism . Share certificate(s) will be sent on 3563 Blewits . . Share certificate(s) will be sent when ready 3564 Blindage . . You must get certificate 3565 Blindborn . Certificates must be made out in name of 3566 Blindcoal . In whose name must certificates be made out 3567 Blindfold . We wish certificates made out in the following name 3568 Blindingly . Certificates in name of 3569 Blindman . Send the certificates 3570 Blindshell . Certificates will be sent 3571 Blindside . Certificates to bearer 3572 Blindstory . Scrip certificates 3573 Blindworm . Certificate number 3574 Blinkard . . Consular certificate 3575 Bliss . . . Certified 3576 Blissfully . Are the titles certified (by) 3577 Blissless . . The titles are certified (by) 3578 Blisterfly . . The titles are not certified (by) 3579 Blistering . Must be certified (by) 3580 Blitheful . . Certified by consul 3581 Blithely . . Have been certified 3582 Blithemeat . Certify 3583 Blitheness . Is (are) able to certify 3584 Blithesome . Is (are) not able to certify 3585 Blobberlip . Is (are) able to certify 3586 Bloblipped . Shall certify his statement CER 73 No. Code Word. Certify (continued] 3587 Blobtale . . Q\-\c\\'\\(\ TI ot" \\f* n hi F* f~o r* r* T 1 1 fv OI1UU.1U ilvJL UC dUlC LU V-.CI LHV 3588 Blockade Refuses to certify 3589 Blockading . Chalk 3590 Blockhouse . Chalk formation 3591 Blockishly . In the chalk 3592 Blocklike . Chance(s) 3593 Blocktin . . If we now lose the chance, may not have another 3594 Blondlace . Do not lose the chance [opportunity 3595 Blondmetal . If by any chance 359 6 Blooddrier . Let us have the first chance 3597 Bloodheat . There is not much chance 3598 Bloodhorse . Lose no chance (of) 3599 Bloodhound . We think this chance should not be lost 3600 Bloodiest The chances are in our favour 3601 Bloodily . . The chances are much against 3602 Bloodiness . The chance is too good to be lost 3603 Bloodmoney Change (s) 3604 Bloodred A change in the character of the rock 3605 Bloodshot . No change in the character of the rock 3606 Bloodsized . Has any change taken place (in) 3607 Bloodstain . There has been no change worth reporting 3608 Bloodwood . It is necessary to change the 3609 Bloodworms A change for the better has taken place 3610 Bloodyflux . Change for the better 3611 Bloody hand . Change for the worse 3612 Bloom . . Telegraph if any change 3613 Bloomary . Telegraph at once if any change of importance in 3614 Bloom erism . A great change in [the workings 3 6l 5 Bloomless . No change in 3616 Blossom . . Telegraph the earliest change in 3617 Blossometh . Telegraph any material change in 3618 Blossoming . Do not think a change advisable 3619 Blotch . . Advise what changes can be made 3620 Blotching Changed 3621 Blottingly . Has (have) changed 3622 Bloused . . Has (have) not changed 3 62 3 Blowball . . Changed for the worse 3624 Blowerup. . Changed for the better 3 62 5 Blowflies . . Charge (s) 3626 Blowfly . . What would you charge 3627 Blowgun . . Charge the expenses to 3628 Blowhole Send a competent man to take charge 3629 Blowingoff . To whom shall I charge expenses 3 6 3 Blowmilk ! Is in charge of the works Blowpipe Left in charge of the foreman 3 6 3 2 Blowpoint . Who will take charge of 3 6 33 Blowtube Who will take charge while you are away 3 6 34 Blowvalve . Will take charge while I am away 3 6 35 Blowzy . . Who was in charge 3 6 3 6 Blubbered . Has (have) been in charge of 74 CHA No. Code Word. 3 6 37 Blubbering 3638 Bludgeons 3639 Bluebell . 3640 Blueberry 3 6 4i Bluebirds 3642 Blueblack 3643 Blueblood 3644 Bluebonnet 3645 Bluebooks 3646 Bluebottle 3647 Bluebreast 3648 Bluecap . 3649 Bluecoats 3650 Bluegowns 3651 Bluegrass 3652 Bluehaired 3653 Bluejack . 3 6 54 Bluejohn. 3655 Bluelight . 3656 Bluemantle 3 6 57 Bluemould 3658 Blueochre 3 6 59 Bluepeter 3660 Bluepili . 3661 Blueribbon 3662 Blueruin . 3663 Bluespar . 3664 Bluestone 3665 Bluethroat 3666 Bluetint . 3667 Blueveined 3668 Bluewater 3669 Bluewings 3670 Bluffbowed 3671 Bluffness . 3672 Bluffy. . 3673 Bluishly . 3674 Bluishness 3675 Bluntly . 3676 Bluntness 3677 Blushful . 3678 Blushing . 3 6 79 Blushingly 3680 Bluster . 3681 Blustereth 3682 Blustrous 3683 Blysmus . 3684 Boanerges 3685 Board able 3686 Boarders Cliarge(s) (continued) Who will pay the extra charges Will pay all charges All charges incurred After all charges are paid What charges have you incurred Have incurred charges amounting to On payment of all charges All charges for freight, etc. Inclusive of all charges Charged Has (have) been charged (with) To be charged to Capital Account To be charged to Revenue Account Ought to be charged to Has (have) not been charged Should be charged with Cheap Can be bought cheap The property is cheap at the price The mine(s) can be bought cheap Unless we can get it cheap, cannot entertain the Think it a cheap purchase [matter Cheaper It would be cheaper to It is cheaper to Must have it cheaper Is cheaper Cannot be done cheaper Will be cheaper If we cannot get the property cheaper, must We must have cheaper labour [decline it We must have cheaper Cheaply The mine(s) can be cheaply worked The ore can be cheaply mined and milled The works can be cheaply carried on Can be brought to the mine very cheaply Can the be cheaply worked Cannot be worked cheaply Check As a check on What check have you upon There has been no check on Must check Should this not check It is necessary to check Chemical The chemical works The erection of chemical works The chemical operations CHE 75 No. 3687 3688 3689 3690 3691 3692 3 6 93 3 6 94 3695 3696 3697 3698 3699 3700 3701 3702 3703 374 3705 3706 3707 3708 3709 3710 37ii 3712 3713 3714 3715 3716 3717 37i8 3719 3720 3721 3722 3723 3724 3725 3726 3727 3728 3729 3730 373i 3732 3733 3734 3735 Code Word. Chemical (continued} Boardrule . From a chemical point of view Boardwages . Cheque(s) Boarfish . . Do not pay cheque Boarspear . Do not pay any cheques till after Boarstag . . Cheque has been lost Boast ... A cheque for Boastful . . Send cheque for at once Boastfully . Send cheque immediately to Boastingly . 's cheque has been dishonoured Boastless . Cheque for has been presented Boatbill . . Cheque for has not been presented Boathook . I (we) send cheque Boathouse . Have you received cheque Boatplug . . Chloride Boatracing . Chloride of gold Boatshaped . Chloride of silver Boatshell . Chloride of sodium Boatswain . Chlorination Boattails . . Chlorination works Boatwright . Chlorination works will be required Bobbin . . By Chlorination process Bobbinwork. Chlorination is necessary Bobcherry . The Newbury Vautin Chlorination process Boblincoln . Chloritic Bobolinks . Chloritic slate Bobsleigh . The hanging wall chloritic slate Bobstay . . The foot wall chloritic slate Bobtailed . Chosen Bobtailwig . Has (have) chosen to Bobwhite . Has (have) chosen not to Bobwigs . . Chute Bocardo . . Chute of ore Bockbier . . The vein outside the pay chute is barren Bockelet . . There is a chute of pay rock about feet long average width Bodeful . . What is the length and width of pay chute Bodied . . What is average assay of pay chute Bodiless . . Pay chute averages per ton Bodycloth . From this chute we are extracting Bodycoat . From this chute we have extracted Bodycolour . From this chute we expect to get Bodyguard . Has opened up a fine chute of ore Bodying . . Cannot say yet what the character of the chute Bodyplan . Chute above level [will be Bogberries . Chute at level Bogberry. . Chute below level Bogbumper . This chute is now giving plenty of ore Bogearth . . Think this chute will prove a valuable addition Bogeyism . This chute is widening out Bogglish . . Cipher 7 6 CIP No. 3736 3737 3738 3739 3740 374i 3742 3743 3744 3745 3746 3747 3748 3749 375 375i 3752 3753 3754 3755 3756 3757 3758 3759 3760 3761 3762 3763 3764 3765 3766 3767 3768 3769 3770 377i 3772 3773 3774 3775 3776 3777 3778 3779 378o 378i 3782 3783 3784 3785 Code Word. Cipher (continued) Bogland . . Cipher not intelligible Bogmoss . . Cipher number Bogoak . . Cipher code must be used Bogorchis . Read this carefully : it is not all in cipher words Bogrush . . Permit our cipher to be used by Bogspavin . Cinnabar Bogtrotter . Cinnabar lode Bogus . . Cinnabar containing per cent, quicksilver Bogwhort . Cinnabar mine Bohemians . Cinnabar is found Bohunupas . Circular Boilary . . Official circular Boileriron . Private circular Boilingly . . Send out circular Boisterous . Do not send out circular Boletus . . Our fortnightly circular Bollworm . Our monthly circular Bolognese . In time for our monthly circular Bolstering .. In time for our half-yearly circular Boltauger . Half-yearly circular Boltboat . . Quarterly circular Boltenia . . In issuing our next circular Bolthead . . We wish this published in your next circular Bolting . . Circulate Boltingtub . Circulate the report that Boltonite . Do not circulate Boltrope . . Circulating Boltsprit . . Has (have) been circulating the report that Bomarea . . Who has been circulating the report that Bombarded . Circulation Bombarding In circulation Bombardman Not in circulation Bombast . . Circumstances Bombastic . Under the existing circumstances Bombayduck Under no circumstances Bombazine . Do not under any circumstances Bombchest . If you think the circumstances justify Bombilate . Carefully considering all the circumstances Bombilous . Enabling me (us) fully to understand the circum- Bombketch . Owing to the altered circumstances [stances Bombproof . Under what circumstances Bombshells . Entirely depends on circumstances Bombvessel . Under these circumstances Bombycidae According to circumstances Bombyx . . Under any circumstances Bonasa . . From circumstances which have come to our know- Bonassus . Much must depend on circumstances [ledge Bonbons . . Unforeseen circumstances which have arisen Bonchief . . From unforeseen circumstances Bonddebt . Are not aware of any circumstances which CIR 77 No. Code Word. Circumstances (continued) 3786 Bondfolk . We are justified by circumstances 3787 Bondmaid . Claim(s) 3788 Bondslave . The claim is feet x feet 3789 Bondtenant . The adjoining claim (s) 3790 Bondtimber . Claim is one of the best prospects in the district 3791 Bondwoman The owner(s) of the adjoining claim (s) 3792 Boneache . It is very important to buy the adjoining claim 3793 Bonebed . . The property consists of one claim feet X 3794 Boneblack . Of the claim [ feet x3795 Bonebrown . The property consists of claims. 3796 Bonecave . Of all the claims 3797 Bonedust . There are (is) claim(s) feet X feet 3798 Boneglue . It is very important to buy the adjoining claim as the vein runs into it. The owner(s) is (are) 3799 Bonemanure Make a claim for [not aware of this 3800 Bonemill. . Has (have) the first claim on your time 3801 Bonesetter . Has (have) made a claim for 3802 Bonespirit . A claim has been lodged 3803 Bonfires . . Cannot admit the claim 3804 Boniface . . Do (does) not claim 3805 Bonnet . . The claim had better be paid 3806 Bonneting . What is the amount of claim 3807 Bonnetbox . Amount of claim is 3808 Bonniest . . The claim had better be resisted 3809 Bonnily . . Has (have) a claim 3810 Boobies . Has (have) not any claim 3811 Booby . . Appears to be a reasonable claim 3812 Boobyhutch. The claim is excessive 3813 Boobyism . The claim is preposterous 3814 Bookbinder . Claim (s) is (are) withdrawn 3815 Bookcases . We claim that 3816 Bookdebts . Has a legal claim 3817 Booked . . I (we) have a claim 3818 Bookfair . . Who makes the claim 3819 Bookformed What is the claim for 3820 Bookholder . The claim is for 3821 Bookhunter . The claim is made by 3822 Bookmaker. Dispute our claim 3823 Bookmaking We dispute the claim 3824 Bookmonger Send particulars of the claim 3825 Bookmuslin . Claim the return of 3826 Bookoath . Admit the claim 3827 Bookpost . If the claim is pressed 3828 Bookseller . Shall press the claim 3829 Bookslides . Settle the claim 3830 Bookstalls . Settle the claim on best terms possible 3831 Bookstand . Settle the claim under advice 3832 Booktrade . Claim under the insurance 3833 Booktrays . Have settled the claim (for) 3834 Bookworms . There are claims patented 7 8 CLA No. Code Word. Claims (continued) 3835 Boomage . Unpatented claims 3836 Boomerangs Claims must be patented 3837 Boometh . How many claims are patented and how many 3838 Boomiron . Are all the claims patented [unpatented 3839 Boorish . . The claim (s) will be jumped 3840 Bootcloser . The claim(s) has (have) been jumped 3841 Bootcrimp . Fear claim(s) will be jumped 3842 Boothalers . Deep level claim (s) 3843 Bootikin . . Have secured claims 3844 Bootjacks . Spare no expense to locate claims 3845 Bootlaces . Buy as many claims as you can 3846 Bootleg . . Send plan of claims 3847 Bootless . . Plan of claims has been sent 3848 Bootlessly . Claimed 3849 Bootlick . . Has (have) claimed 3850 Boottop . . Has (have) been claimed 3851 Boottree . . Has (have) not been claimed 3852 Bopeep . . If not claimed 3853 Boracic . .. Classified 3854 Borborygm . Have classified 3855 Borderland . Classify 3856 Borderers . Classify as follows 3857 Bordlode . We should like you to classify 3858 Bordraging . Classification 3859 Boreal . . Classification of 3860 Boredom . Showing classification (of) 3861 Boringbars . Without some classification 3862 Boringbit . Clause 3863 Boringmill . Clause must be inserted 3864 Borrelist . . Clause must be struck out 3865 Borreria . . Insert the following clause(s) 3866 Borrowing . Will alter the clause respecting 3867 Borsella . . Will not alter the clause 3868 Boscage . . Do not allow any clause to be inserted which will 3869 Bosomer . . Clause(s) altered as follows 3870 Bosporian . Object to clause 3871 Bostrichus . A clause has been inserted by which 3872 Boswellian . If clause approved 3873 Botanical . If clause not approved 3874 Botanists . Clause makes it impossible to 3875 Botanized . Alter clause as follows 3876 Botanizing . Insert clause 3877 Botanology . Clause in respect to 3878 Botany . . Strike out clause 3879 Botaurus. . The clause is approved 3880 Botched . We do not approve the clause 3881 Botchedly . The following clause 3882 Bothering . If clause is waived 3883 Botherment . We agree to waive the clause 3884 Bothhands . He agrees (they agree) to waive the clause CLA 79 No. 3885 3886 3887 3888 3889 3890 3891 3892 3893 3894 3895 3896 3897 3898 Code Word. Bothsides . Botrychium . Botryogen . Botryoid . . Botryoidal . Botryolite . Botrytis . . Botthammer Bottleboot . Bottlebump . Bottlefish . Bottlehead . Bottlejack . Bottlenose . Clause (continued) Clause in the agreement Clay In the clay Through the clay Clay iron ore Clay seam Clay wall Clay slate Clean-up tons gave This clean-up is small owing to This clean-up fairly indicates the value of the ore After our next clean-up Clean-up after days of 24 hours, using inches of water, cost of labour , cost of on 3899 Bottlers . . Clean-up after crushing 3900 Bottletit . . 3901 Bottom . . 3902 Bottombed . 393 Bottomheat . 394 Bottomice . 395 Boltomland . 3906 Bottomless . 397 Bottomlift . 3908 Bottomry 399 Boudoirs . . 3910 Boughpot . 39ii Boughten 3912 Boulders . . 3913 Bounced . . 39*4 Bouncing 3915 Bouncingly . 3916 Bound . . 3917 Boundaries . Boundenly . 39*9 Boundless . 3920 Bounties . 3921 Bountihood . 3922 Bouquets 3923 Bourbonism . 3924 Bourignian . 3925 Bournonite . 3926 Bourock . . 39 2 7 Boveycoal . 3928 Boviform 3929 Bovine . . - tons of quartz, gross material , general expenses , profit The result of the last clean-up was Partial clean-up Shall arrange to clean-up When do you intend to clean-up Do not intend to clean-up until Shall clean-up Clean-up on and cable result Until clean-up cannot give actual result of Until you clean-up Days in addition to clean-up Shall not clean up this month on account of Defer clean-up until The clean-up yielded Found on cleaning up-that Suggest cleaning-up Cleaned up Have cleaned up after crushing tons of quartz Have cleaned up [gross yield The mill has not been cleaned up since Climate Climate good all the year The climate in winter very severe Climate very unhealthy Climate very healthy Climate fairly good Clique The clique is at work The clique has succeeded The clique is doing its utmost to Close CLO No. 3930 3931 3932 3933 3934 3935 3936 3937 3938 S939 3940 394i 3942 3943 3944 3945 3946 3947 3948 3949 395 395i 3952 3953 3954 3955 3956 3957 3958 3959 3960 3961 3962 39 6 3 39 6 4 3965 3966 39 6 7 3968 3969 3970 3971 3972 3973 3974 3975 3976 3977 3978 3979 Code Word. Close (continued) Bovista . . Close with the offer Bowbacked . Do not close until you hear from Bowbearer . Shall I (we) close Bowbent . . I (we) advise you to close with this offer Bowbrace . Do not close Bowchaser . Can you close Bowcompass After the close (of) Bowdlerize . We should like to close Bowdrill . . Close at once Bowelless . We cannot close Bowerbird . Cannot you close Bowereaves . Closed Bowermaid . Has (have) closed with Bowerthane . Has (have) not closed with Bowhand . Have you closed Bowieknife . Closed at Bowingly . I (we) have closed Bowknot . . I (we) have not closed Bowled . f Market closed weak Bowlegged . Market closed strong Bowpiece . Has (have) closed Bowshot . , If has (have) closed Bowtimbers . If has (have) not closed Boxcrab . . If you have closed Boxday . . If you have not closed Boxdrain . . If already closed Boxelder . . The transaction should be closed Boxers . . Have closed the accounts Boxgirder . The shares closed at Boxhaul . . Closed strong at Boxiana . . Closing Boxingday . Closing price Boxirons . . Closing transaction Boxlobby . Closing the business Boxraoney . Closing the agency Boxopener . Closing accounts Boxthorn . Clue Boxwood . Has (have) any clue to Boybishop . Has (have) a clue to Boyblind . . Has (have) not any clue to Boycott . . Coal Boycotting . Seams of coal Boyish . . The coal lies between beds of Boyishly . . Coal seam in. in thickness Boyishness . Anthracite coal Boyqueller . Bituminous coal Boyship . . Brown coal Boysplay . . Send tons of coal Boyuna . . It is cheaper to burn coal than woou Bracelets . It is cheaper to burn wood than coal COA 81 No. Code Word. Coal (continued) 3980 Brachial . . Coal is brought from 3981 Brachionus . Coal has been proved on the property 3982 Brachiopod . Coal in the district 3983 Brachylogy . The coal district 3984 Brachyura . Coal is shillings per ton delivered at 3985 Bracing . . Coal is per ton 3986 Bracingly . The coal seam dips into the adjoining property 3987 Bracken . . The coal extends over acres 3988 Bracteole . Coal can be delivered at the mine for per ton 3989 Bradawl . . Coal mine 3990 Bradypoda . In the coal measures 3991 Brady pus . The coal measures 3992 Braggart . . The coal measures extend 3993 Braggartry . The coal seams crop out 3994 Braggingly . The coal is a good hard coal 3995 Brahmaic . The coal is soft 3996 Brahmanas . The coal is very suitable for 3997 Braidcomb . The coal is very suitable for steam navigation 3998 Braincoral . The coal is not at all suitable for 3999 Brainfever . The coal is very good 4000 Brainish . . The coal is very bad 4001 Brainless. . The coal is of good average quality 4002 Brainpan . The coal is of fair quality 4003 Brainthrob . The coal is very dirty 4004 Brakebar . No economy in use of this coal 4005 Brakebeams Coal at the pit's mouth 4006 Brakeblock . Coal from the deep seams 4007 Brakeshoe . The price of coal per ton 4008 Brakesman . What is the consumption of coal 4009 Brakewheel . Consume about tons of coal per day 4010 Bramahlock. The consumption of coal is 4011 Bramantip . The high price of coal 4012 Bramble . . The low price of coal 4013 Bramblenet . The coal cannot be worked 4014 Braminical . Coal can be produced at 4015 Braminism . At what price can the coal be sold 4016 Branchiata . Hauling coal 4017 Branchleaf . Extracting coal 4018 Branchless . Coal owners 4019 Branchline . Has taken out tons of coal 4020 Branchy . . Have produced this month tons of coal at a 4021 Brandgoose . Coarse [cost of 4022 Brandied . Coarse gold 4023 Brandiron . Coarse-grained 4024 Brandisher . The gold is very coarse 4025 Brandlings , Coarse mesh 4026 Brandmarks . Is very coarse 4027 Brandnew . Coast 4028 Brandrith . All along the coast 4029 Brandwine . From here to the coast 82 COA No. 4030 4031 4032 4033 434 4035 4036 4037 4038 4039 4040 4041 4042 4043 4044 4045 4046 4047 4048 4049 4050 4052 453 454 4055 4056 4057 4058 459 4060 4061 4062 4063 4064 4065 4066 4067 4068 4069 4070 4071 4072 473 4074 4075 4076 4077 4078 4079 Code Word. Coast (continued} Brantfox . . Upwards from the coast Brassage . . Are sent down to the coast by Brassband . Cobalt Brassfoil . . Contains per cent, of cobalt Brassica . . Cobalt mine Brassleaf . . Code Brasspaved . The code now in use Brassrule . Are sending you a private code Brattice . . Send us a private code Bravado . . What code is he (are they) using Bravely . . Using the code Braveness . Additions to the code Bravoes . . Coded Brawlers . . Have coded Brawney . . Codification Brawniness . Requiring codification Brazened . Collapse Brazenface . Has (have) allowed the scheme to collapse Brazilnut . To prevent a collapse of the whole affair Braziltea . . A total collapse of the market Brazilwood . There has been a complete collapse Bread berry , The whole thing will collapse Breadcorn . Collapsed Breadfruit . Has (have) collapsed Breadmeal . The negotiations have collapsed Breadnut . The concern has collapsed Breadroot . Collect Breadsauce . Collect all the information you can about Breadstuff . To collect Breadth . . Collect and send Breadtree . Can you collect Break . . . Collect and remit amount due Breakable . Collect and send us a few specimens Breakdown . Collected Breakfast . Have you collected Breakjoint . Have collected a few specimens Breakneck . The specimens are collected from Breakshare . Have collected Breakup . . Have collected all the information I (we) can Breakvow . Colorado Breakwater . Gold mine in Colorado Breamflat , Silver mine in Colorado Breastband . Smelting works in Colorado Breastbeam . Mine in Colorado Breastdeep . Combination Breasthigh . Unless there is a combination of Breastknot . Owing to a combination of Breastmilk . Forming a combination of Breastpain . If a combination can be formed Breastrope . A very strong combination COM No. 4080 4081 4082 4083 4084 4085 4086 4087 4088 4089 4090 4091 4092 4093 4094 4095 4096 4097 4098 4099 4100 4101 4102 4103 4104 4105 4106 4107 4108 4109 4110 4111 4112 4H3 4114 4H5 4116 4117 4118 4119 4120 4121 4122 4123 4124 4125 4126 4127 4128 Code Word. Breastwall Breathless Brecciated Bredsore . Breechbancl Breechpin Breed bate Breeders . Breezefly Breezeless Brevet . Brevetcy . Breviature Brevimanu Breviped Brewage . Breweries Brewery . Brewhouse Brewster . Briarean . Briarroot . Bribable . Bribery . Bricabrac Brickbats Brickbuilt Brickclay Brickdust Brickearth Brickkiln Bricklayer Brickmaker Brickmason Bricktea . Brickwork Brickyard Bridal . Bridecake Brideday Bridegroom Brideknot Bridesmaid Bridewell Bridgedeck Bridgehead Bridgeless Bridgeward Bridlehand Combination (continued] Have formed a combination Have been unable to form a combination Combination of capitalists Combination of mine owners Combination of workmen Combination to exploit In order to form a combination Can you form a combination to take up this business Combine Will combine with us (to) Will combine with us (to) Will not combine with us (to) If will not combine with Offer(s) to combine with Do not combine If necessary combine with Cannot combine with If you will combine with If he (they) will combine with Offer to combine with us in forming a company Combined Has (have) combined with Has (have) not combined with Is (are) found combined with Chemically combined Not chemically combined Mechanically combined Come Come as soon as possible Come home immediately Can I come When can you come I can come If you can come Can you come Come back Come down to Come up to Cannot come till Must come back here When are you coming Will come about As soon Tell [settled as come(s), things can be definitely to come as quickly as possible I want your help ; come here at once ; leave in charge of everything Cannot leave till come(s) The matter is ir abeyance till comes, which Until I come [will be in a few days Until he comes (they come) 8 4 COM No. 4129 4I3 4I3 1 4i3 2 4133 4134 4135 4i3 6 4137 4138 4M9 4140 4141 4142 4H3 4144 4M5 4146 4^47 4148 4149 4152 4153 4154 4i55 4156 4157 4153 4'59 4160 4161 4162 4163 4164 4165 4166 4167 4168 4169 4170 4171 4172 4173 4174 4i75 4176 4177 4178 Code Word. Come (continued] Bridlepath . Until you come Bridleport . When I come Bridlerein . When he comes (they come) Bridleroad . When you come Bridleway . How soon can you come Bridoon . . Why did he not come Briefest . . As soon as you can come Briefless . . Coming Briefly . . Is (are) coming down Briefman . Is (are) coming in very quickly Brigandage . When is coming Brigbote . . Telegraph if you are coming Brighten . . Telegraph if he is (they are) coming Brightly . . Commence Brightness . Shall commence drifting Brightsome . Shall commence crushing ore Brilliance . Will commence Brimful . . I (we) shall commence work by Brimming . Shall commence sinking Brimmingly . Commence as soon as possible Brimsey . . Cannot commence till Brimstone . When will you commence Brindled . . When we commence Brinepump . Until we commence Brineworm . Until you commence Bringeth . . Expect to commence about Briskets . . Commenced Briskly . . Has (have) commenced Briskness . Has (have) not yet commenced Brittle . . Has (have) commenced Brittlely . . Have commenced driving on the vein Broach . . Have commenced driving the tunnel Broachers . Work commenced (on) Broadarrow . Commenced sinking Broadaxe . Mill commenced running on Broadbased . The rains have commenced Broadbill . Commencement Broadblown . At the commencement of Broadbrim . Commission Broadcast . A commission has been appointed to inquire into Broadcloth .. Has (have) agreed to pay a commission of Broaden . . What commission will have to be paid Broadening . Must have a commission Broadeyed . Get(s) a commission of Broadhorn . Who will pay my (our) commission Broadly . . Will get a commission if his report sells the mine Broadness . Will pay a commission of Broadpiece . Will take no commission Broadseal . Commission from both sides Broadsides '. Commission has been paid [thoroughly overhauled , after being COM No. 4179 4180 4181 4182 4183 4184 4i85 4186 4187 4188 4189 4190 4191 4192 4193 4194 4195 4196 4197 4198 4199 4200 4201 4202 4203 4204 4205 4206 4207 4208 4209 4210 4211 4212 4213 4214 4215 4216 4217 4218 4219 4220 4221 4222 4223 4224 4225 4226 4227 4228 Code Word. Commission (continued] Broadsword . What commission are you allowing Broadwise . Will allow you a commission of Brocaded . We accept that amount of commission Broccoli . . Decline to accept such a small commission Brodekins . Cannot allow higher commission Brogue . . Will accept the commission offered Broidery . . No commission to be paid Broiled . . Who is to pay the commission Broiling . . Vendor will pay commission Brokenness . Vendor must pay commission Brokenwind All commissions must be paid by Brokerage . Bank commission Brokers . . Commission on underwriting Bromegrass . The usual commission Bromide . . Commission to be included Bromoform . Commission to be divided Bromyrite . Our commission (is) Bronchi . . Your commission (is) . Bronchial . Commission and brokerage Bronchitis . Subject to a commission of Bronteum . You must arrange for a commission Brontolith . Commissioned Brontology . Was commissioned to Brontozoum Was commissioned to examine and report upon Bronzed . . Was commissioned to negotiate Bronzified . Was commissioned to take charge of Bronzify . . Has been commissioned to Bronzists . Communicate Broodeth . Can you communicate with Broodmare . I (we) can communicate with Brooklet . . I (we) cannot communicate with Brook lime . Communicate with Brookmint . Communicate in future direct with Brookweed . In order to communicate with [ a ppty to Brooky . Should you not be able to communicate with Broomcorn . With whom am I (are we) to communicate Broomrape . Will communicate Broomstaff . Communicate contents of letter to Broomstick . Please communicate with me (us), care of Brosimum . Communicate in confidence to Brotherly . Communicate contents of telegram to Brougham . Communicate with and report Browantler . If you cannot communicate with us Browbands . If you can communicate Browbeater . Until we can communicate with Browbound . Have communicated with Brownblaze . Communication Brownbread Am (are) in communication with Browncoal . Is (are) in communication with Browngull . There are no means of communication with COM No. 4229 4230 4231 4232 4233 4234 4235 4236 4237 4238 4239 4240 4241 4242 4243 4244 4245 4246 4247 4248 4249 425 4251 4252 4253 4254 4255 4256 4257 4258 4259 4260 4261 4262 4263 4264 4265 4266 4267 4268 4269 4270 4271 4272 4273 4274 4275 4276 4277 4278 Code Word. Communication (continued) Brownish . No means of communication between and Brownpaper . Have only postal communication with [graphic Brownrust . No means of communication either postal or tele- Brownspar . Telegraphic communication impeded with Brownstout . What communication is there between and Brownstudy . All communication is cut off (from) Brownwort . Resume communications with Browsewood Communication is now restored Browsick . The following communication Browsings . In direct communication with Browsnag . Company (ies) (See Registered.) Brucea . . Dividend-paying company Bruchus . . Non-dividend-paying company Brugmansia . Limited liability company Bruised . . Company in liquidation Bruisewort . Company in difficulties Brumous . . Can you form company Brunettes . The existing company Brunonian i. Trying to wreck the company Brunsvigia . Very sound company Brushburn . Company decline to Brushiness . I (we) advise the company to acquire Brushore . . In the hands of a company Brush wheel . Do you advise the company to acquire Brushwood . The mine was owned by a company which became Brusquerie . A company is already formed [bankrupt Brutalism . The company is now formed Brutalize . . The company has been registered Brutally . . The name of the company Brutish . . What is the capital of the company Brutishly. . Company with a capital of Bryology . . The company is greatly over-capitalized Bryony . . The company must go into liquidation Bryozoa . . The company must be reconstructed Bubalus . . If the company has to go into liquidation Bubonocele . Reconstruction of the company Bubukles . The company has been reconstructed Bucaneer . The company's articles of association Buccinal . . (To) bring out the company Buccinator . The company's solicitors Bucco . . The board of the company Bucconidae . The board of the company comprises Buccula . . The company has not enough Bucentaur . Prior to the company taking it over Buceros . , The company has been successfully floated Buchanite . Transfer of the property to the company Buckbasket . Transfer of the property to the company must be Buckbean . The company's shares [registered Buckboard . Upon registration of the transfer of the property to Bucketful . The first meeting of the company [the company COM No. Code Word. Company(ies) (continued) 4279 Bucketlift . The statutory meeting of the company 4280 Bucketrod . The company comprises shareholders 4281 Buckhound . A company is being formed to 4282 Bucklandia . The parent company 4283 Buckled . . The affiliated companies 4284 Buckmast . An independent company 4285 Buckram A subsidiary company 4286 Buckshot A small company 4287 Buckskin A very large company 4288 Buck stall . Comparative 4289 Bucktooth . The comparative cost 4290 Buckwaggon The comparative size of 4291 Buckwheat . Comparative economy in 4292 Bucolic . . C omparatively 4293 Bucolical Comparatively to 4294 Bucranium . Comparatively worthless 4295 Buddhism . At a comparatively small cost 4296- Buddhistic . Compare 4297 Budding . . If you compare 4298 Budeburner . Compare my letter of with 4299 Bu delight . Cannot compare with 4300 Budgeness . Compare(s) favourably with 43 01 Budget . . Comparers ) unfavourably with 4302 Buffalo . . This working compares favourably with last 4303 Buffalonut . Compared 434 Buffcoat . . Has (have) compared 435 Buffelduck . Has (have) not compared 4306 Bufferhead . "LT rt *-. /t-* *-* /-* \ f^r^-w\ .v% 4-.- .111 ^^ l^vJlllL/cLI LlllC 11 to 43i7 Bugbear . How many compartments 43i8 Buggyboat . Compel 4319 Buglehorn . Wants (s) to compel us to 4320 Bugleweed . Cannot compel us to 43 2 i Bugloss . . /""** *-* 1-1 j-k + i-^fv*-r-\,e1 4-/-* V^cillilUL CUlllpCl LU 4322 Buhlsaw . . f^ncrVil" to r^ornTif*! to v^/Utillt L\J ^CHllUCl L(J 4323 Buhlwork Could you not compel to 4324 Buhrstone . ' 1 *Vn r* -T/-xilly^ f* /-\ -v-k *-v ^1 ^-^^ JL Ills WUUiU. CUlllpCl LU 4325 Build . . . They can compel us to 4326 Buildings We can compel him (them) to 4327 Buildress Compelled 4328 Bulbaceous . Has (have) been compelled to COM No. Code Word. Compelled (continued) 4329 Bulblet . . Has (have) compelled to 4330 Bulbodium . Compelled to take legal proceedings 4331 Bulbous . . If not compelled 4332 Bulbotuber . Compensated 4333 Bulgaric . . Has (have) been compensated 4334 Bulimus . . Has (have) not been compensated 4335 Bulkheads . Shall I be compensated 4336 Bulkiness . Will be compensated 4337 Bullace . . Will not be compensated 4338 Bullantic. . Compensation 4339 Bullbat . . Demand(s) as compensation 4340 Bullbeef . . What compensation would take 4341 Bullbeggar . Claim compensation 4342 Bullcalf . . Will require heavy compensation 4343 Bullcomber . Will require some small compensation 4344 Bulldance . Not content with compensation offered (of) 4345 Bulldog . . In compensation for 4346 Bullennail . Must have compensation for 4347 Bulletined . Compensation for withdrawal of claims 4348 Bulletwood . Have agreed to give compensation 4349 Bullfaced . Have demanded compensation 4350 Bullfeast . . Competent 4351 Bullfight. . A competent man to 4352 Bullfinch . A competent expert 4353 Bullflies . . A competent mill foreman 4354 Bullfly . . A competent mine superintendent 4355 Bullfrog . . A competent and reliable expert 4356 Bullidae . . A competent and reliable manager 4357 Bullion . . A competent and reliable engineer 4358 Bullionist . Competent and reliable 4359 Bullseye . . A competent and reliable expert to examine and 4360 Bullsnose . Highly competent and trustworthy [report upon 4361 Bulltrout. . Not fully competent 4362 Bull weed . . Not quite competent for the purpose 4363 Bullyrag . . Competition 4364 Bullyrook . There is great competition 4365 Bullytree . Little or no competition 4366 Bulrush . . In direct competition 4367 Bultow . . Complaint 4368 BumbailifT . There is a great complaint about 4369 Bumblebee . A complaint against 4370 Bumbledom The cause of complaint 4371 Bumboat . Serious cause of complaint 4372 Bumelia . . What is the cause of complaint 4373 Bumper . . Complete 4374 Bumperize . In order to complete 4375 Bumpkin . Ready to complete purchase 4376 Burapkinly . Do not complete purchase till 4377 Bumptious . Can you complete examination by 4378 Bunchiness . When will you complete COM 8 9 No. Code Word. Complete (continued) 4379 Bungall . . Can complete 4380 Bungalows . Cannot complete 4381 Bungarus . In complete working order 4382 Bungdrawer. Expect to complete 4383 Bunghole . Complete arrangements 4384 Bungling . Complete examination 4385 Bunglingly . Complete examination must be made 4386 Bunkum . . A complete set of 4387 Buntlines . Unless you can complete 4388 Buoyance . Do not think we can complete 4389 Buoyantly . Will endeavour to complete 4390 Buoyrope . Must complete 4391 Buphaga. . Completed 4392 Burdened . Will purchase be completed 4393 Burdening . If purchase is not completed by 4394 Burdenous . The purchase to be completed by 4395 Bureaucrat . Has (have) been completed 4396 Burgess . . Has (have) not been completed 4397 Burggrave . Will shortly be completed 4398 Burghbote . Cannot be completed till 4399 Burgholder Will be completed by 4400 Burglar . . If not completed by 4401 Burglarian . When will be completed 4402 Burgward . Provided it is completed (by) 4403 Burials . . Must be completed (by) 4404 Buried . . Is not yet completed 4405 Burlap . . When are completed 4406 Burlesqued . When you have completed 4407 Burnetmoth . Have completed the arrangements 4408 Burnettize . When arrangements are completed 4409 Burnoose . Expect to have all completed (by) 4410 Burntear . . Complication(s) 4411 Burntstone . There is too much complication 4412 Burparsley . Complications have arisen 4413 Burraspipe . Should complications arise 4414 Burrelfly . . Composed 4415 Burrelshot . Is (are) composed of 4416 Burro wduck. Of what is (are) the composed 4417 Bursar . . Comprehensive 4418 Bursarship . Telegraph your report, making it thoroughly com- 4419 Bursiform . Not sufficiently comprehensive [prehensive 4420 Bursteth . . Compressor(s) 4421 Burstwort . Air-compressor 4422 Burthistle . Air-compressor for drills 4423 Burying . . Present air-compressor is too small 4424 Busbies . . Require a new air compressor 4425 Bushbeans . Order an air compressor 4426 Bushbuck . Comprise(s) 4427 Bushcat . . Does this comprise 4428 Bushel . . This does not comprise COM No. 4429 443 443 1 443 2 4433 4434 4435 443 6 4437 4438 4439 444 4441 4442 4443 4444 4445 4446 4447 4448 4449 445 445i 445 2 4453 4454 4455 445 6 4457 4458 4459 4460 4461 4462 4463 4464 4465 4466 4467 4468 4469 4470 447i 4472 4473 4474 4475 4476 4477 4478 Code Word. Comprise (s) (continued} Bushelage . This comprises Bushgoat . Comprised Bushhammer Comprised therein Bushharrow . Comprised in the schedule Bushman . Comprised in the list Bushments . Compromise Bushranger . Shall I (we) compromise Bushstrike . Compromise if you can Bushwoman I (we) cannot compromise Busiest . . You must not compromise Busily . . Try and compromise the matter Business . . Will not make any compromise Buskined . What will he (they) compromise for Bussupalm . Think he (they) would compromise Bustlers . . Refuse to compromise at all Busybodies . If you cannot effect a compromise Busybody . No compromise yet arranged Butcheries . No offer to compromise will be accepted Buteagum . Will consider any offer to compromise Butlerage . Compromised Butlership . Has (have) compromised Butment . . Has (have) not compromised Butomus . . Has (have) compromised Butshaft . . The action has been compromised Buttchain . All claims have been compromised Buttends. . Conceal Butterbirds . There is nothing to conceal Butterboat . (To) conceal the fact (that) Buttercup . (To) conceal the true state of affairs Butterfish . Concealed Butterfly . . Concealed the fact that Butterine . Concealed the true state of affairs Butterman . Has not concealed anything Buttermilk . Concentrate(s) Butterpats . (To) concentrate the ore Butterwife . (To) concentrate the tailings Butterwort . Concentrates from the ores Butterybar . Concentrates from the tailings Butthorn . . Concentrates from the pans Butthowel . Concentrates from the vanncrs Buttocks . . Concentrates from the Buttonbush . Concentrates on hand Buttonhole . Concentrates in transit Buttoning . Concentrates on hand and in transit Buttonloom . Concentrates assaying Buttontree . Concentrates to the value of Buttressed . Concentrates, granulations, etc. Buttweld . Concentrates sent to smelters Butylamine . Concentrates weighing and valued at Butyrous . . Concentrates to be sent to the smelting works at CON No. Code Word. 4479 Buxom . 4480 Buxomly . 4481 Buxomness 4482 Buyable . 44 8 3 Buzzards 4484 Buzzed . 4485 Bybidder 4486 Byblow 4487 Bybusiness 4488 Bycocket 4489 Bycorner 4490 Bydesign 4491 Bydrinking 4492 Byealtar . 4493 Eyeball . 4494 Byelaws . 4495 Byend 449 6 Eyewash . 4497 Bygones . 4498 Byinterest 4499 Bymatter 4500 Byname . Byordinar 4502 Bypassage 453 Bypaths . 454 By place . 455 Byproduct 4506 Byraft . 457 Byrespect 4508 Byroads . 459 Byroom . 45 10 Byrrhidae 45 11 Byspeech 45 12 Byspell . 45 J 3 Byssaceous 45 J 4 Byssoid . 45 J 5 Byssolite 45*6 Bystander 45*7 Bystreet . Bystroke . 45 X 9 Byttneria 4520 Byturning Byviews . 4522 Bywalk . 4523 Byway 4524 Bywest . 4525 Bywipe . 4526 Byzant . 4527 Byzantian 4528 Cabacalli Concentrate(s) (continued) We are now sending concentrates (to) Returns of concentrates Sacks of concentrates Sacks of concentrates weighing Concentrates sold to Moisture (per cent.) in concentrates Moisture (in concentrates) estimated at Nett weight of concentrates Concentrates should assay Refiners charges on smelting concentrates Loss in realization of concentrates Assay value of concentrates Realized (or realizable) value of concentrates High proportion of concentrates Low proportion of concentrates Loss on concentrates Gold in concentrates Silver in concentrates Lead in concentrates Percentage of gold and silver in concentrates Concentration Concentration works Concentration works are absolutely necessary In consequence of there being no concentration The ore requires concentration Concentration before amalgamation Concentration after amalgamation Concentration by Concentration by frue vanners Concentration of tailings Concentration is absolutely necessary Concentration is useless Concentration of the works A proper method of concentration The best method of concentration If concentration is employed The method of concentration adopted Concentration as now carried on Concession(s) It is necessary to get a concession from Will arrange to get a concession for Cannot get a concession from Who is the concession from Who has the concession Concession of no value Concession of great value Get a concession for Have got a concession for Have bought concession Share in the concession [works CON No. 45 2 9 4530 453 1 4532 4533 4534 4535 4536 4537 4538 4539 4540 454i 4542 4543 4544 4545 4546 4547 4548 4549 4550 455i 4552 4553 4554 4555 4556 4557 4558 4559 4560 456i 4562 4563 4564 4565 4566 4567 4568 4569 4570 457i 4572 4573 4574 4575 4576 4577 4578 Code Word. Concession(s) (continued} Cabal . . . Very valuable concession Cabalist . . In exchange for the concession Cabalistic . In purchase of the concession Cabalize . . Concession has been sold Caballaria . Concession has been bought Caballer . . If we get the concession Caballing . Has (have) given for the concession Cabaret . . What does he (do they) get for the concession Cabassou . Ask a heavy price for the concession Cabbagefly . Formed to work the concession Cabbagenet . The property covered by the concession Cabbages . The concession includes an area of Cabbaging . Concession has been granted Cabin . . Land concession Cabinboy Mining concession Cabinetted . Agricultural concession Cabinmate . The concession comprises Cabirian . . The concession estimated to be worth Cablegram . Make no concession Cablelaid . What concession will he (they) make Cabletier . Cannot make any concession Cablish . . The whole concession Cabmen . . Part of the concession Caboceer . Conclude Caboshed . We conclude from this, that Cabstands . If you conclude (from) Cacagogue . Do not hastily conclude Cacalia . . Concluding Cacatuinae . The concluding remarks Cachaemia . The concluding part of Cachectic . The concluding part of your report Cachexy . . Conclusion(s) Cachiri . . Upon (at) the conclusion of Cacholong . Have arrived at the conclusion that Cacklers . . The conclusion of the investigation Cacochymy . The conclusion to be drawn from Cacodemon . Conclusions have been drawn Cacodoxy . You can draw your own conclusions Cacodyle . The conclusions we have arrived at Cacoethes . The conclusions you have arrived at Cacography . The following conclusions Cacology . In conclusion of the report Cacophony . Please telegraph what conclusions you have arrived Cacotechny . Concur [at about Cactaceous . We cannot concur with your views Cadamba . Do not concur Cadastral . We concur with your views Cadaver . . If you concur with our views Cadaveric . Do you concur with Cadaverous . Concurrence CON 93 No. Code Word. 4579 Cadbait . 4580 Caddice . Caddicefly 4582 Cadenced 4583 Cadetship 4584 Cade worms 4585 Cadilesker 4586 Cadmium 4587 Cadrans . 4588 Cadre . . 4589 Caducary 4590 Caducean Caducous 4592 Caecias . 4593 Caenstone 4594 Caesarean 4595 Caesarism 4596 Caffeone . 4597 Caffercorn 4598 Caffila . 4599 Caged . 4600 Cageling . 4601 4602 Cagmag . Caimacam 4603 Cainozoic 4604 Cairned . 4605 Cairngorm 4606 Caitiffly . 4607 Caitiffs . 4608 Cajanus . 4609 Cajeput . 4610 Cajolement 4611 Cajoleries 4612 Cajolery . 4613 Cakebread 4614 Cakeurchin 4615 Calabash 4616 Calaboose 4617 Calaite . 4618 Calamanco 4619 Calamary 4620 Calamintha 4621 Calamist . 4622 Calamites 4623 Calamitous 4624 Calangay 4625 Calcaneal 4626 Calcareous 4627 Calcavella 4628 Calceolate Concurrence (continued) With my (our) concurrence Without my (our) concurrence Concurrently Concurrently with Condemn(s) Condemn (s) the whole concern Condemn(s) the mines as good for nothing If condemn(s) Condemned The mine was condemned The machinery was condemned The mill was condemned The management was condemned Was (were) condemned in the strongest terms The Board was condemned Condition(s) In its present condition Conditions absurd In the present condition of the In good condition In bad condition Condition improved Condition worse Conditions to be the same Impose(s) impossible conditions Will you (they) agree to these conditions I (we) accept the conditions Cannot agree to the conditions Only on condition that The conditions are to be On condition that modifications are made Conditions are not satisfactory The condition of the mine The condition of the property The condition of the workings Mine is in bad condition (In) The present condition of affairs The present condition and future prospect of the The condition is improving [undertaking A more hopeful condition The condition is precarious There is no change in the condition The conditions meet with my (our) approval If the conditions meet with your approval Subject to the conditions named Confer Confer with and report Confer with and let us know your joint opinion Confer with before doing anything Wish to confer with 94 CON No. Code Word. Confer (continued) 4629 Calcified . . Wish you to confer with 4630 Calciform . Conference 4631 Calcify . There will be a conference on the question 4632 Calcimine . A conference will be held 4633 Calcinable . The result of the conference 4634 Calcining . Conferring 4635 Calcitrate . After conferring with 4636 Calcium . . Confidence 4637 Calcsinter . I tell you this in strictest confidence; let no one 4638 Calcspar . . I (we) have every confidence in [know it 4639 Calctuff . . I (we) have no confidence in 4640 Calculary . In whom you may place thorough confidence 4641 Calculated . In whom you can place no confidence 4642 Calcule . . Is (are) unworthy of confidence 4643 Calculous . Is (are) worthy of every confidence 4644 Caldron . . Can I (we) have confidence in 4645 Calecannon . Confidence has been greatly shaken 4646 Caleches. . Confidence is not yet restored 4647 Calefying . . Confidence appears to be completely restored 4648 Calemberre . Has (have) lost confidence in 4649 Calendar. . Can no longer place confidence in 4650 Calendula . Has (have) very little confidence in 4651 Calescence . What confidence have you in 4652 Calflick . . In the strictest confidence 4653 Calflove . . Confident 4654 Calfskin . . Can you be confident that 4655 Calfward. . I am (we are) confident that 4656 Calibre . . Is (are) confident that 4657 Caliduct . . Not confident that 4658 Caligation . Confidential 4659 Caliginous . A confidential agent 4660 Caligraphy . Private and confidential 4661 Caliphate . Confidential reports 4662 Caliphship . Confidential reports have reached us 4663 Calippic . . Confidentially 4664 Calisayine . We hear confidentially 4665 Calixtin . . Has confidentially told us 4666 Callbell . . Confirm(s) 4667 Callbirds . I (we) can confirm 's statements 4668 Callboy . . I (we) cannot confirm 's statements 4669 Callimus. , Can you confirm 's statements 4670 Calliope. . Cannot confirm 's statements respecting amount 4671 Callipers. .. Confirm his (their) statements [of ore in sight 4672 Callitrix . . Telegraph whether or not you substantially confirm 4673 Callosoma . Confirm in writing [ reports 4674 Callous . . Will write to confirm all his (their) statements 4675 Callously . Confirm your statements 4676 Calluna . .. Can confirm all 's statements except that (those) 4677 Calmly . . Confirm the arrangement [in regard to 4678 Calmness . Confirm the undertaking CON 95 No. Code Word. Confirm(s) (continued) 4679 Calomel . . Your report confirms 4680 Caloric . . Confirmation 4681 Caloricity As soon as I (we) receive confirmation of the report 4682 Caloriduct . Subject to the confirmation of the reports (of) 4683 Calorific . . Confirmation of the report(s) (of) 4684 Calotropis . Telegraph your confirmation of 4685 Calottist . . "XAT"^ *4-4*-x ST* -fX*- >"/~vv* *-rv- rt 4- ^ ^v* s-\f 'c 9a r\r\**t- vv ailing iur cuniiriiiciLiun ui b rcpuri 4686 Calotype In confirmation of 4687 Calotypist . In confirmation of the statements made 4688 Calpslates . Subject to confirmation 4689 Calqued . . Subject to confirmation by telegraph 4690 Calthrop . . We are yet without confirmation 4691 Calumniate . Confirming 4692 Calumnious . Your telegram confirming the report received 4693 Calumny I (we) telegraphed confirming the report on 4694 Calvered . . Your letter confirming 4695 Calvinize Your report confirming 4696 Calycoid . . Your telegram confirming 4697 Calymene . Conflict(s) 4698 Calypso . . (To) conflict with 4699 Calyptrate . In conflict with 4700 Calystegia . Conflicts with what we have 4701 Calyxes . . Conflict(s) so much with the others 4702 Calzoons Conflicting 4703 Camassia Reports are conflicting 4704 Camatina Owing to conflicting accounts 4705 Cam bay e Very conflicting reports 4706 Camberbearn Conflicting with each other 4707 Cambistry . Confusion 4708 Cambrasine . To prevent confusion 4709 Cambrel . Everything is in a state of confusion 4710 Cambrics The confusion caused by 4711 Camelbird . Much confusion has been caused by 4712 Camelry . . Conglomerate 4713 Camelshair . Auriferous conglomerate 4714 Camelus . . Conglomerate containing ^^--- ~*~ &*5^ 4715 Cameotypes. Congratulate /%&^~ 4716 4717 Cameraria . Camerated . We congratulate you ft nNTvVlR%TTY\ Congratulation(s) (i 1 f J 4718 Camerating . In congratulation ^^P^UFOR $&?; 4719 Cameronian. Our congratulations (to) ^^~~ ..." ^^ 4720 Camestres . Our congratulations on the success which 4721 Camletteen . Connect 4722 Camletto In order to connect the 4723 Cammocky . Can you connect 4724 Camomile . Connected 4725 Camoys . Connected with 4726 Campaigner . Connected by 4727 Campanal . Not connected in any way with 4728 Campbeds . We have now connected 9 6 CON No. Code Word. Connected (continued] 4729 Campestral . (We have) now connected by a winze 4730 Campfight . (We have) now connected by a drift 4731 Camphine . (We have) now connected by a rise 4732 Camphogen. The two shafts are now connected 4733 Camphor . Are now connected 4734 Camphorate As soon as we have connected 4735 Camphoric . The two levels are now connected 4736 Camphoroil . Connecting 4737 Camping . Connecting levels No. and by a winze 4738 Campkettle . Connecting the works with 4739 Campstool , Connecting with the shafts 4740 Campylite . Is there any way of connecting with 4741 Camwood . Connecting levels and 4742 Canakin . . Connecting shafts 4743 Canalboat . Connection 4744 Canallift . . In connection with 4745 Canaries . . Must make connection with 4746 Canarybird . Connection has been made with 4747 Canaryseed . Have no connection with 4748 Canarywood Has (have) any connection with 4749 Canbuoys . Avoid all connection with 4750 CanceUate . Consent(s) 4751 Cancellous . Will consent to 4752 Cancercell . Wilt consent to 4753 Cancriform . Will not consent to 4754 Cancrinite . Waiting to get consent from 4755 Cancroid . Should not consent to 4756 Candareen . Let us know if you consent 4757 Candelabra . Cannot consent to 4758 Canderos . Decline to consent to 4759 Candicant . If we consent (to) 4760 Candid . . If you consent (to) 4761 Candidacy . He consents (They consent) 4762 Candidates . If you do not consent 4763 Candidly . Without our consent 4764 Candidness . Without your consent 4765 Candified . Without his (their) consent 4766 Candify . . Consented 4767 Canditeer . Has (have) consented 4768 Candlebark . Has (have) not consented 4769 Candlebomb Consenting 4770 Candlecase . In consenting to 4771 Candleends . By consenting to 4772 Candlefish . Consequence(s) 4773 Candlemine What would be the consequence (if) 4774 Candlenut . Of great consequence (to) 4775 Candlerush . Of little consequence 4776 Candlewood In consequence of which 4777 Candour. . Of no consequence 4778 Candroy . . In consequence 01 CON 97 No. 4779 4780 4781 4782 4783 4784 4785 4786 4787 4788 4789 479 479 1 4792 4793 4794 4795 4796 4797 4798 4799 4800 4801 4802 4803 4804 4805 4806 4807 4808 4809 4810 4811 4812 4813 4814 4815 4816 4817 4818 4819 4820 4821 4822 4823 4824 4.825 4826 4827 4828 Code Word. Consequence(s) (continued) Candying . May lead to very serious consequences Candysugar . The most serious consequences Candytuft . The consequences will be serious Canebrake . The consequences that may result Canechair . Consider Canegun . . Consider and decide Canehole . Hope the Board will consider Canemill . . The Board consider Canephorus . Consider the affair a good one Canesugar . Consider the affair a bad one Canetrash . Consider of no importance Canframe . Consider of great importance Canhooks . Consider it very doubtful Canina . . Consider it expedient Canisters . Consider it advisable Cankerbit . Consider it bad policy Cankerfly . Consideration Cankerrash . It is a matter for grave consideration Cankerworm Taking into consideration Cannabis . For the consideration of Cannelcoal . Give this your best consideration Cannibally . Has (have) not been taken into consideration Cannibals . Not worth consideration Cannonade . For your consideration Cannonball . Consideiation deferred (until) Cannoning . Consideration of the circumstances Cannonlock . Upon consideration (of) Cannonshot . Upon consideration of your report Canny . . Upon further consideration Canoebirch . A matter for consideration Canoeclub . Considered Canoeist . . The matter has been considered Canonbit. . The matter has been considered and deferred Canonbone . Considered and decided Canoness. . Was (were) considered Canonicals . The matter was fully considered by the Board Canonistic . The matter was fully considered and postponed until Canonlaw . Considered satisfactory [the next meeting Canonship . Fully considered in all its bearings Canonwise . Fully considered and not thought advisable Canopied. . Fully considered and was thought advisable Canopus . . Considered objectionable Canopy . . Considered in relation to Canopying . Considered in conjunction with Cantabank . Hope the Board have considered Cantaleup . Considered doubtful Cantaliver . Considering Cantatas . . Considering the Cantatory . Considering the course to be adop!ed Cantatrice . Considering the accounts 9 8 CON No. Code Word. Considering (continued) 4829 Canteens. . Considering the matter referred to 4830 Cantharis . Considering all the circumstances 4831 Canticles. . Consign 4832 Cantonal. . Consign to us 4833 Cantonment. Consign to agents 4834 Cantraip . . Do not consign to 4835 Cantspars . Consigned 4836 Canttimber . Consigned to you 4837 Canvas . . Consigned to your order 4838 Canvasback . Consigned to agents 4839 Canvassed . Consigned to shipper's agents 4840 Canvassing . Consigned to 4841 Caoutchouc . Consigning 4842 Capability . Who are you consigning to 4843 Capacitate . We are consigning 4844 Capacities . Consignments) 4845 Capacity . . Upon consignment (of) 4846 Caparisons . After consignment (of) 4847 Capcase . . Before consignment (of) 4848 Capepigeon . Against consignment (of) 4849 Caperbush . Consignment(s) of 4850 Caperclaw . Regular consignments 4851 Capering. . Further consignments 4852 Capersauce . Consist 4853 Capertea. . What does the consist of 4854 Capillose. . Consist(s) of 4855 Capistrum . Consistent 4856 Capital . . Consistent with our interests 4857 Capitalist . Consistent with our ideas 4858 Capitally. . Consistent with your interests 4859 Capitolian . Consistent with your ideas 4860 Capitulate . Consistent with his (their) interests 486 1 Capivard . . Consistent with the truth 4862 Capmoney . If it is not consistent 4863 Capnomancy In what way is it not consistent 4864 Capnomor . How far it may be (is) consistent 4865 Caponized . So as to be consistent 4866 Caponizing . Consisting (of) 4867 Capotted. . Consisting mostly of 4868 Capotting . Consisting of the following 4869 Capouched . Consolidate 4870 Cappadine . In order to consolidate the property 487 1 Cappaper . In order to consolidate 4872 Cappeak. . Consolidate all interests 4873 Cappudding. Consolidate all claims 4874 Caprella . . Desirable to consolidate 4875 Capreolus . Consolidate the properties 4876 Caprice . . Agreed to consolidate 4877 Capricious . Consolidated 4878 Capricorn Have consolidated CON 99 No. 4879 4880 4881 4882 4883 4884 4885 4886 4887 4888 4889 4890 4891 4892 4893 4894 4895 4896 4897 4898 4899 4900 4901 4902 4903 494 495 4906 4907 4908 4909 4910 4911 4912 49*3 4914 49*5 4916 4917 4918 4919 4920 4921 4922 4923 4924 49 2 5 4926 4927 4928 Code Word. Caprificus Caprifole. Caprioling Capriped. Caprizant Capromys Caprovis . Caprylene Capsheaf. Capsicine Capsicums Capsills . Capsize . Capsizing Capsquare Capstan . Capsular . Captaincy Captainess Captivated Captivity . Capturing Carabidae Carabineer Carabus . Caracal . Caracoled Caracoling Caradoc . Caragenine Caragheen Carapace Carapoil . Caravans. Carbamide Carbazotic Carbolic . Carbonated Carbonize Carbonous Carbonspar Carbuncle Carburetor Carcanet . Carcasses Carcinoma Cardamoms Cardbasket Cardboard Cardcases Consolidated (continued) Have you consolidated If not consolidated All interests should be consolidated Should be consolidated Cannot all interests be consolidated If properties are consolidated The consolidated properties Consols Three per cent, consols Two and three quarter per cent, consols New consols Consul The American Consul The British Consul Certified by the consul Is consul here Consular Consular certificate Consular invoice Consular certificate must be attached Without consular certificate The consular authority Consulate American Consulate British Consulate French Consulate Under the seal of the consulate The invoice must be certified at the consulate Application at the consulate Consult. (See also Confer.) You had better consult with Consult before acting Whom had I (we) better consult Consult a thoroughly competent lawyer Consult before telegraphing Consult counsel on the case Consultation [consultation with Telegraph what conclusion you arrive at after your After consultation with Consulted Have consulted (with) Have consulted the best lawyer Have you consulted (with) Have not consulted Has (have) been consulted Has consulted us with respect to Consulting Before consulting After consulting Do nothing without first consulting 100 CON No. Code Word. Consulting (continued) 4929 Cardiacal After consulting, the Board decided 4930 Cardioid . . Consumption 493 1 Cardiology What is the consumption of coal per day 4932 Cardmatch Consumption of coal is tons per day 4933 Cardophagi Increasing the consumption of 4934 Cardparty Decreasing the consumption of 4935 Cardplayer What is the consumption of 493 6 Cardracks What is the average consumption of 4937 Cardtables Consumption of cordwood 4938 Cardtray . Consumption of timber 4939 Carduelis Consumption of stores 4940 Carecrazed Consumption of quicksilver 4941 Career . . Consumption of salt 4942 Careering . Consumption of coal 4943 Carefully . To diminish the consumption 4944 Careless . To increase the consumption 4945 Carelessly Do your best to lessen the consumption 4946 Carentane The consumption is excessive 4947 Caressed . The consumption is steady 4948 Caretaker The consumption is too high 4949 Caretuned The consumption is small 4950 Careworn The consumption will 4951 Careya . . The average consumption 495 2 Cargoose This consumption is above the average 4953 Cariboo . . Increased consumption 4954 Caricature Increased consumption, owing to 4955 Carinthine Diminished consumption 495 6 Carjacou . . Diminished consumption, owing to 4957 Carlehemp If you can possibly diminish the consumption 495 8 Carlism . The daily consumption 4959 Carlylese . The weekly consumption 4960 Carlylian . . The monthly consumption 4961 Carmelite . The estimated consumption 4962 Carnaged . Contact 49 6 3 Carnal . A contact lode 4964 Carnalism In contact with 4965 Carnalized In close contact with 4966 Carnally . In the contact between 4967 Carnardine Not exactly in the contact 4968 Carnassial When do you expect to come in contact with 4969 Carnations Think we shall soon come in contact with 497 Carnifex . Think we are in close contact with 4971 Carnifying In contact with the footwall 4972 Carnivals In contact with the hanging wall 4973 Carnivora (To) make contact with 4974 Carolled . . Contain(s) 4975 Carolling The ore contains 4976 Carolus . Does it contain any 4977 Cafolytic . It does not contain 4978 Carotid . It contains CON No. Code Word. Contahl(s) (continued} 4979 Carotid al. . It contains matters of importance 4980 Carousals . What does it contain 4981 Carouse . . Whether it contains 4982 Carousing . If it contains 4983 Carpathian . The case contains 4984 Carpbream . The package contains 4985 Carpellary . The report contains 4986 Carpellum . Contingency (ies) 4987 Carpentry . In such a contingency 4988 Carpet . . Allowing for any contingencies 4989 Carpetbags . This does not allow for any contingencies 4990 Carpeting . To provide for contingencies 4991 Carpetrod . For contingencies 4992 Carpetwalk . In view of contingencies which may arise 4993 Carpetweed . Contingent 4994 Carpholite . (Is) contingent upon 4995 Carphology . Must be contingent upon 4996 Carpidium . The contingent results 4997 Carpingly . Results contingent upon 4998 Carpinus . Contingent upon the course (adopted) 4999 Carpmeals . Continuation 5000 Carpocapsa . In continuation of 5001 Carpophaga. In continuation of our report 5002 Carpophore. In continuation of your report 5003 Carriable. . In continuation of the opera tionf 5004 Carriage . . Continue 5005 Carrion . . To continue the 5006 Carrollite . The first thing is to continue the 5007 Carronoil . Continue sinking 5008 Carrying . . The stopes continue to look well 5009 Carry tale. . The mine continues to look 5010 Cartbody . The vein continues to look 5011 Carterly . . Shall continue (to) 5012 Carthamus . You must continue (to) 5013 Carthorse . Will still continue to 5014 Carthusian . It would be advisable to continue 5015 Cartilage. . Continue to telegraph regularly 5016 Cartjade . . Do not continue 5017 Cartload. . Continues in ore 5018 Cartoon . . Continues in pay ore 5019 Cartulary . Continues in country rock 5020 Cartway . . Continues in high grade ore 5021 Cart wright . Continues in low grade ore 5022 Carucage . Continues in force 5023 Carum . . Recommend you to continue 5024 Carvings . . Continued 5025 Carwheels . Have continued 5026 Carwhichet . Continuing 5027 Caryatic . . Continuing in (to) 5023 Caryatides . Continuity 102 CON No. Code Word. Continuity (continued) 5029 Caryocar . . In continuity with 53 Caryopsis Contract(s) (See also Sign.) 5Q3 1 Cascades Make a fresh contract 53 2 Cascading . Has (have) made a fresh contract 533 Casebags No contract has been made 534 Casebottle . By the terms of the contract 535 Caseharden . The work is all being done on contract 53 6 Caseknife . Has (have) made a contract with 537 Casemate Ifivmo" t"O fnf* POnf'Ti r*f* nf*1"\vpf v Ti nnrl V_7\vlJlL^ \\) 111C L.vJIILlcLv^l LJCLWCCI1 clilU. 5038 Caserack . . Has (have) thrown up the contract 539 Caseshot . . Have you entered into any contract 5040 Cashbooks . I (we) have made a contract in my (our) name with 54i Cashcredit . The contract is signed 5042 Cashewbird . Insist on fulfilment of contract 543 Cashewnut . Can you make a contract in your own name with 544 Cashewtree . XT^ r* /l-*rTT/^\ *-w-\ r* sJ t* ^>rx- 4--*-*- ^4- i t-k -T*- T ^.^ i v s^-T , r *-*-- /^. J- iclo lllctVC ) lllitviC L/UIlticLCL III IctVUU.1 Ul oclillC 545 Cashiered . The contract is not yet signed [terms as last 5046 Cashiering . Contract has fallen through 547 Cashkeeper . On completion of contract 5048 Cashmere . Can you contract 549 Cashnote Can contract 505 Casketed. . Cannot contract 5051 Cassareep . Is the contract signed 55 2 Cassia . . Do not close the contract till 5053 Cassiabark . If you can contract 5054 Cassiabud . According to contract 5055 Cassiaoil . . Upon signing contract 505 6 Cassiapulp . Upon expiration of contract 557 Cassicus . . To be executed by contract 5058 Cassideous . Give the contract to 5059 Cassidony . To whom shall we give the contract 5060 Cassiteria . Contract has been given to 5061 Cassocked . Contract has been cancelled 5062 Cassowary . What work are you doing by contract 5063 Cassumunar. What is the contract price for 5064 Cassweed What is the contract price for the engine and boiler 5 6 5 Castaway What is the contract price for all material delivered 5066 Caste . . Work being done by contract [at the mine 5067 Castellany . Work being done by contract at per foot, con- tractors finding material 5068 Castigator . Work being done by contract for a lump sum of 5069 Castingnet . Machinery ordered under contract 5070 Castiron . . Contract price to include delivery at 57i Castknee Contract price to include erection 5072 Castleward . Contract price, exclusive of cost of freight 5073 Castoff . . Contract price for machinery S74 Castorate . Contract price for machinery includes cost of erec- tion, but not cost of buildings, which the company 5075 Castorbean . Contract for machinery [will provide 5076 Castoric . . Contract for mill CON 103 No. 577 5078 5079 5080 5081 5082 5083 5084 5085 5086 5087 5088 5089 5090 509 1 5092 593 594 595 5096 5097 5098 599 5100 5101 5102 5 I0 3 5106 5 I0 7 5108 5i9 5110 Si' 1 5112 5ii3 5 IX 4 5H5 5116 5H7 5118 5 JI 9 5120 5121 5122 5123 5i 2 4 5^5 5126 Code Word. Contract(s) (continued) Castoridae . Contract for grading Castoroil . . Contract for woodwork Castshadow . Contract for stonework Caststeel . . Contract for building Casual . . Contract for shafting Casually . . Contract for tunnelling Casualness . Contract for drifting Casuist . . Contract for sinking Casuistic. . Contracted Catabasion . Has (have) contracted to supply Catabrosa . Have contracted for Cataclysm . Contradict Catacomb . Contradict the report Catadrome . Is entirely false, and you can contradict it Catagmatic . Wish you to enable us to contradict the rumour Catagraph . We emphatically contradict Catalectic . What was stated is not correct, contradict it Catalepsis . Contradicted Catalogize . Have contradicted Catalogued . Have officially contradicted Catamaran . Have formally contradicted the report Catamount . Was contradicted Cataphonic . Has been contradicted Cataphract . Contradiction Cataplasm . In contradiction of Catapult . . What have you to say in contradiction Catapultic Have nothing to say in contradiction Cataracts . Contrary Catarrh . . Unless you hear to the contrary Catarrhal . Unless I (we) hear to the contrary Catarrhina . Not having heard to the contrary Catarrhous . Contrary to instructions Catastasis . Contrary to our orders Catastomus . Contrary to our ideas Catbeam . . Contrary to our wishes Catbird . . Contrary to our advice Catcall . . Contrary to your Catcalling . Contrary to his Catchable . Control Catchclub . In order to control the market Catchdrain . In order to get control of Catcher . . To control the stock Catchfly . . The control of the stock is in the hands of Catching . . Who has the control at present Catchland . It is imperative that we should have entire control Catchmatch . To control the Catchpenny . Under your control Catchpoll . Under your sole control and management Catchweed . Under our control Catechetic . Control the output 104 CON No. Code Word. Control (continued) 5127 Catechism . The mine must control the mill 5128 Catechized . Controlled 5129 Catechu . . Output is controlled by 5130 Catechumen Copper 5131 Categorize . Copper mine 5132 Category. . Very productive copper mine 5133 Catenarian . Copper mine now paying 5134 Catenipora . Percentage of copper 5135 Catenulate . Copper pyrites 5136 Caterwaul . Peacock copper ore Si 37 Cateyed . . Grey copper 5138 Catfish . . Black oxide of copper 5139 Catfooted . Carbonate of copper 5140 Catgold . . Veins of copper ore 5141 Catgut . . Copper plates 5142 Catharists . Copper plates silvered 5143 Catharma . C^ (\T\T\(^T C\YC* C*C\Y\ f'TITlTn O" ^T*\ln TIPT fT^TI 5144 Catharping . /"''^-vfvt-x/^t* /-*LVC ^*~n-v4-n i vn-v t~f oil ir*2ir- l~v}>- 4-/-VY1 Cupper uie cuiHaiiiiiig biivci pci tun 5 145 Cathartes Copper stained 5146 Cathedral . Made of copper 5147 Catheritic . Copper now selling at 5148 Catheter. . f~"'/^T"\T\r w v r\vf* now Tallin or it" T^PT unit" 5149 Cathode . . Ore contains per cent, of copper 5150 Catholic . Copperas 5151 Catholical . Copy 5152 Catholicly . ^-r^Tirl rvir* /n^\ i m rvi r* r^ i -i1-/"^1'Tr -i f*f\Y\\* C\f RV post ociiu. int. ^uby iiiiincu.id.LCiy d cupy ui uy 5153 Catilinism . Have sent by post a copy of 5154 Catlike . . Will send by mail of a copy of 5155 Catlinite . A copy of the agreement will be forwarded 5156 Catmint . A copy of the 5157 Catnip . . Have yt>u a copy 5158 Catoblepas . Copy of account 5159 Catodon . . Copy of agreement 5160 Catopsis . . Copy of deed 5161 Catoptrics . Copy of plan 5162 Catoptron . Copy of drawing 5163 Catsalt . . Copy of section 5164 Catscradle . Copy of memorandum and articles of association 5165 Catsfoot . . Copy of invoice 5166 Catsilver. . Copies of plan and section 5167 Catsmilk. . Certified copy (of) 5168 Catspaw . . Cords of wood 5169 Catspurr. . 'T'Viprr* nfp pnrH^ nf ivfifxi rcaflv studied 5170 Catstail . . It takes cords of wood per week for 5171 Catstopper . Cord of wood costs 5172 Catthyme . Cord wood 5173 Cattlepens . Price of cordwood 5174 Cattlerun . Cordwood consumed 5175 Caucus . . Abundance of cordwood 5176 Caudated Have contracted for cordwood at per cord COR 105 No. 5177 5178 5179 5180 5181 5182 5186 5^7 5188 5189 5190 5I9 1 5192 5193 5194 5195 5196 5197 5198 5199 5200 5201 5202 5203 5204 5205 5206 5207 5208 5209 5210 5211 5212 5213 5214 5215 5216 5217 52i8 5219 5220 5221 5222 5223 5224 5225 5226 Code Word. Caudlecup . Corner Caulescent . There is a corner in Caulicule . Is there a corner in Cauliform . Are trying to get a corner in Caulker . . Correct Caulkings . Everything is quite correct Caumatic . Is (are) not correct as to Cauponate . The accounts are not correct Causable . The account is correct Causator . . Quite correct Causeful . . Is it correct that Causeless . Is everything correct Causeway . The statement is correct Causidical . The statement is not correct Causing . . Correct the mistake Caustic . . Is it not correct Causticity . Correct your report Cauterant . A correct report Cauterism . Correct report of the proceedings Cauterized . Send us a correct Cautionary . Have sent a correct Cautioned . Corrected Cautionize . The mistake has been corrected Cautious . . Corrected the accounts Cautiously . Corrected the mistake Cavalcaded . Corroborate Cavalier . . Can you corroborate 's statements Cavalierly . Money ready to purchase mine if you corroborate Cavallard . Does it corroborate [ 's statements Caveach . . Can corroborate all 's statements Caveator . Cannot corroborate 's statement/? Cavekeeper . Corroborated Cavendish . If the statements are corroborated Cavern . . The report must be corroborated Cavernal . Will it (they) be corroborated Cavernous . If (they) can be corroborated Cavicornia . In corroboration of Cavillous . Cost (of) Cavitary . . Cost per mile Cavities . . I estimate the cost of development at Cavolinite . I estimate the cost of sinking at Cawquaw . I estimate the cost of driving at Ceanothus . I estimate the cost of milling at Cebidae . . I estimate the cost of mining at Cebipara . I estimate the cost of prospecting at Cecidomyia . I estimate the cost of pumping at Cecilian . . I estimate the cost of surveying at Cecity . . I estimate the cost of timbering the shaft at Cecropia . . Can be worked at small cost Cecutiency . The cost of erecting chlorination works would be io6 COS No. 5227 5228 5229 523 5231 5232 5233 5234 5235 5236 5237 5238 5239 5240 5241 5242 5243 5244 5245 5246 5247 5248 5249 5250 525! 5252 5253 5254 5255 5256 5257 5258 5259 5260 5261 5262 5263 5264 5265 5266 5267 5268 5269 5270 5271 5272 5273 5274 5275 5276 Code Word. Cost (continued} Cedar . . Cost of working the ore is very great owing to Cedarbird . Cost of erecting stamps mill would be Cedarlike . Estimated cost [machinery at Cedar wood . I estimate the cost of erecting the necessary Cedrela . . I estimate that the additional cost would be Cedrin . . In your estimate of cost do you include [include Ceilinged . In your estimate of the cost of machinery do you Celadon . . In your estimate of the cost of developments do you Celandine . In future the cost of will be [include Celature . . The difficulty of estimating the cost arises from Celebrable . It is impossible to estimate the cost of Celebrant . The heavy cost of shipping the ore to has Celeriac . . Costs per ton [eaten up all the profits Celestial . . The cost of shipping the ore to is Celestify . . What will it cost (to) Celestine . What is your estimate of cost Celibacy . . Cost per foot run Celibate . . Cost per cubic foot Celibatist . Cost per yard Cellarage . Cost per cord Cellarbook . Cost per cwt. Cellarflap . What is the cost of Cellaring . What has been the cost of Cellarists . What will be the cost of Cellarman . The approximate cost Cellarous . The average cost per ton Cellepora . The probable cost when finished Cellular . . The total cost Cellulated . The total cost including Celluloid . The total cost including freight Cellulosic . The total cost including delivery Celosia . . The total cost will be Celotomy . The cost up to the present has been Celsitude . The future cost will be Celticism . Total cost which will be incurred by Cementeth . Total cost, including erection Cementing . Cost of examination and report Cemeterial . How is the total cost made up Cenegild . . Balance of cost required to complete Cenobite . Balance of cost yet to be paid Cenobitism . Have arranged for supply of at a cost of Cenogamy . Have arranged for machinery at a cost of Cenotaph . New machinery will cost Censorious . New mill will cost Censorship . New mill has cost Censurable . Estimated to cost about Centage . . Cost incurred in respect to Centenary . Total cost is made up as follows Centennial . Does the cost include Centering . Have you paid all the cost COS 107 No. 5277 5278 5279 5280 5281 5282 5283 5284 5285 5286 5287 5288 5289 5290 5291 5292 5293 5294 5295 5296 5297 5298 5299 5300 5301 5302 5303 534 535 53o 6 5307 53o8 539 531 5313 53*9 5320 532i 5322 5323 5324 5325 5326 Code Word. Cost (continued) Centesimal . Who pays the cost Centigrade . We have paid all the cost Centiped . The greater part of the cost is already paid Centipedal . Cost price Centonism . Will cost Centos . . Will cost more than Central . . Will it cost Centralise . Will cost too much Centrally . Will not cover the cost Centration . If the cost is too much Centrebit . Cannot estimate the cost, until Centrical . Legal costs Centricity . Costs in the action Centriscus . The cost of the litigation Centropus . The cost of erecting Centumvir . Will cover the cost Centurion . Will more than cover the cost Cepa . . . The cost of insurance Cepevorous . Cost-sheet(s) Cephalalgy . Send at once a copy of the cost-sheet Cephalata . Have sent a copy of the cost-sheet Cephalic . . Will send the cost-sheets Cephalicly . Could Cephaloid . Could you Cephalopod. Could be Cephalotus . Could be done Cepheus . . Could not be Cepolidae . Could not be done Cepphic . . Could not Ceraceous . If we could Cerambyx . If you could Ceramic . . If he (they) could Ceramidium If this could be done Ceraphron . If you could not Cerasinous . If he (they) could not Cerastes . . We could not Ceratium . Could not be done at present Ceratocele . Could not do this, without Ceratodus . When could you Ceratohyal . When could he (they) Ceratonia . Counteract Ceraunics . In order to counteract Cerberian . To counteract the depression Cerberus . To counteract the reports set afloat Cercocebus . Will serve to counteract Cercolabes . Counteracted Cercopidae . Counterbalance(cing) Cerdocyon . Will more than counterbalance Cerealia . . (As) counterbalancing Cerebellum . Counterbalancing the objections io8 cou No. 5327 5328 5329 5330 5331 5332 5333 5334 5335 5336 5337 5338 5339 5340 5342 5343 5344 5345 5346 5347 5348 5349 535 535i 5352 5353 5354 5355 535 6 5357 5358 5359 53 6 53 6 2 5363 5364 5365 5366 5367 5368 5369 5370 5372 5373 5374 5375 5376 Code Word. Cerebral . . Countermand Cerebrous . Countermand instructions Cerement . Have decided to countermand Ceremonial . Will countermand the order Ceremony . Will countermand the instructions Ceriph . . Countermanded Cerithium . Have countermanded orders Cerograph . Have countermanded instructions Cerosine . . Country Cerostoma . The country rock is Ceroxylon . The surrounding country Cerrial . . Through this country Certainly . We are now in country rock Certhinae . In country rock Certifier . . ' Drifting through country rock Certify . . The country rock is granite Certiorari . The country rock js slate Cerulean . The country rock is syenite Cerulific . . The country rock is gneiss Ceruminous. Course Cerura . . Following the course of the vein Cerussite . Drive in on the course of the vein Cervical . . In the course of a few Cespitose . In course of construction Cessant . . In due course Cessation . What course do you think it best to pursue Cessible . . What course do (does) intend to pursue Cessionary . The course we advise [regard to Cesspipe . . The course we recommend you to pursue Cesspool . Follow your own course Cestoid . . The course suggested Cestrum . . If you follow the course laid down Cestvaen . We shall pursue the course suggested Cetacea . . The best course to adopt Cetologist . Court Cetology. . Pay into court Cetraria . . Paid into court Cetylic . . To be paid into court Ceylanite . Court has awarded (or decreed) Ceylonmoss . By order of the court Chabasite . If the court should decree Chacma . . Settled out of court Chaetodon . Settle out of court if possible Chaetopoda Court of first instance Chafe . . . State court Chafery . . Supreme Court Chafewax . Court of Appeal Chafeweed . Cover(s) Chaffering . (To) cover the ground Chaffinch . Fully covers the ground cov 109 No. Code Word. Cover(s) (continued) 5377 Chagrined . Report covers the whole ground 5378 Chainbelts . Cover(s) the whole ground of inquiry 5379 Chainbond . Cover(s) all objections Chaincable . Cover all emergencies 5381 Chaingang . Cover all needful outlay 5382 Chainguard . Cover(s) our share (in) 5383 Chainhook , If you can cover 5384 Chainmail . If you cannot cover 5385 Chainpier . Cover our 5386 Chainplate . Cover your 5387 Chainpump . Cover his (their) 5388 Chainrule . Covered (by) 5389 Chainshot . Have you covered 539 Chainwheel . Has he covered Chainwork . We have covered 539 2 Chairbed . You have covered 5393 Chairdays . Has been fully covered 5394 Chairman . The ground covered by 5395 Chairorgan . Is completely covered by 539 6 Chalaza . . Credentials 5397 Chalcedony . Your credentials 5398 Chaldaism . His (their) credentials 5399 Chaliced . . Credentials are quite satisfactory 5400 Chalkbeds . Credible Chalkhill . It is hardly credible 5402 Chalkiness . Credit 5403 Chalkmark . To be placed to credit of 5404 Chalkpit . . To your credit 5405 Chalkstone . Has (have) good credit 5406 Chalky . . Has (have) bad credit 5407 Challenged . Please telegraph credit 5408 Chalybean . Credit is not good 5409 Chamaerops Credit is good Chamber Has (have) telegraphed credit 5411 Chamberlin . Letter of credit Chamecks . Letter of credit not received 5413 Chameleon . Cancel the credit 54H Chamfret . Placed to your credit on account of 5415 Chamois . . Credit opened in your favour with Champak Credit opened in favour of 54*7 Champarty . Please open a credit in favour of 54*8 Champertor . Open a credit with 54*9 Champion . What amount have you to my credit 5420 Chancel . To our credit Chancellor . To his (their) credit 5422 Chancrous . Have placed (this) to the credit of 5423 Chandler . Has been placed to your credit 5424 Chandlerly . Unworthy of credit 5425 Chandoo Cannot credit a word of it 5426 Changeful . Open credit no CUE No. Code Word. 5427 5428 5429 5430 5431 5432 5433 5434 5435 5436 5437 5438 5439 5440 544i 5442 5443 5444 5445 5446 5447 5448 5449 545 545 1 5452 5453 5454 5455 5456 5457 5458 5459 5460 546i 5462 5463 5464 5465 5466 5467 5468 5469 5470 547i 5472 5473 5474 5475 5476 Changeless . Chankshell . Channelled . Chantant Chanteth . Chaos . . Chaotic . Chapbook . Chapelcart . Chapelry Chapfallen . Chaplain Chaplaincy . Chapleted . Chapped . . Chapping . Chapteral . Charabancs . Characters . Charades . Charadrius . Charcoal Charge . . Chargeably . Chargeant . Chargeship . Charioteer . Chariotman . Charitable . Charitous Charity . . Charity boy . Charlatans . Charlock Charmingly . Charneco . Charpoy . . Chart . . . Charterboy . Charterist . Chartism Charwoman . Charybdis . Chasable Chasegun . Chasidean . Chasms . . Chasteness . Chastening . Chastise . Credit (continued} Shipping credit Open credit each Shipping credit each Cannot increase your open credit If necessary shall increase your open credit Do you want us to increase your open credit Cannot increase shipping credit If necessary shall increase shipping credit There is no need to increase shipping credit Did you increase shipping credit Did you increase open credit Shall we increase your shipping credjt There is no need to increase open credit Increase open credit by wire Increase open credit by letter Increase shipping credit by wire Increase shipping credit by letter Increased your open credit by wire . Increased your shipping credit by wire Your letter of credit must suffice [increased Telegraph whenever you want your shipping credit Telegraph whenever you want your open credit I did not increase your credit [increased I did not increase your open credit Increased your open credit - Increased your open credit ^1000 Increased your open credit ^2000 Increased your open credit ^3000 Increased your open credit ^4000 Increased your open credit ^5000 Increased your open credit ^6000 Increased your open credit ^7000 Increased your open credit ^8000 Increased your open credit ^9000 Increased your open credit ; 10,000 Send further letter of credit Send further letter of credit 1000 Send further letter of credit ^"2000 Send further letter of credit ^3000 Send further letter of credit ^4000 Send further letter of credit ^5000 Send further letter of credit ^6000 Send further letter of credit ^7000 Send further letter of credit ^8000 Send further letter of credit ^9000 Send further letter of credit Increase open credit - Increase open credit ^1000 Increase open credit ^2000 Increase open credit ^3000 10,000 CUE III No. 5477 5478 5479 5480 548i 5482 5483 5484 5485 5486 5487 5488 5489 5490 549i 5492 5493 5494 5495 5496 5497 5498 5499 55 55 01 55 2 553 554 555 55 6 557 558 559 55 10 55 11 55 12 55 J 3 55*4 55i5 55 l6 5517 55 20 55 21 55 22 55 2 3 55 2 4 55 2 5 Code Word. Credit (continued) Chattelism . Increase open credit ^4000 Chatterbox . Increase open credit ^5000 Chattered . Increase open credit ;6ooo Chatwood . Increase open credit ^"7000 Chaukdaw . Increase open credit ^'8000 Chaunter . Increase open credit ^9000 Chauvinist . Increase open credit ^10,000 Chavica . . We have increased shipping credit Chawbacon . We have increased shipping credit ^1000 Cheapen . . We have increased shipping credit ^2000 Cheapening . We have increased shipping credit ^"3000 Cheapjack . We have increased shipping credit ^4000 Cheapjohn . We have increased shipping credit ^5000 Cheaply . . We have increased shipping credit 6000 Cheapness . We have increased shipping credit 7000 Cheatingly . We have increased shipping credit ^8000 Chebec . . We have increased shipping credit ^9000 Checkbook . We have increased shipping credit ^10,000 Checkclerk . Credited Checking . To what account have you credited Checkmate . Has been credited with Checkrail . Credited to account Checkrolls . Crediting Checktaker . Crediting same to account Cheddar . . Creditor(s) Cheekbands Creditors are pressing Cheekbone . The principal creditor(s) is (are) Cheekpiece . Large creditor(s) Cheekpouch Who are the principal creditors Cheekstrap . Creek Cheektooth . In the bed of the creek Cheeky . . The creek is never dry, even in the hottest summer Cheereth . The creek is a very small one Cheerful . . Plenty of water in the creek Cheerfully . Very little water in the creek Cheerily . . Watered by a creek Cheeriness . Cretaceous Cheese . . Crisis Cheesecake . There will be a crisis Cheesefly . Do you fear a crisis Cheeselep . In order to weather the crisis Cheesemite . At this crisis of affairs Cheesepress Approaching a crisis Cheeseroom Are now approaching a crisis in Cheesevat . To avoid a crisis Cheetah . . The crisis is past Cheilopod . Croppings Cheirology . Croppings show the same kind of ore Cheiropter . The croppings of the vein show for Cheirotes . Ore taken from the croppings the affairs of the [company 112 CRO No. Code Word. Croppings (continued) 5527 Chekoa . . The croppings of the vein are well denned 5528 Chelicera The croppings are not well defined 55 2 9 Cheliform . Cross-cut(s) 553 Chelingue . f?*w%cc r*nf* ft*f^YY\ IfMrrO "NTn , __ i 1 1 f^Ti\7f*Y\ ..._. fV^pf ^IUba-CUC llOIIl icvcl IN U. " la Li 11 veil 1CCL 553i Chelodine . Cross-cut to the vein 553 2 Cheloid . . The cross-cut from 5533 Chelonian . The cross-cut to be extended 5534 Chelys . . Cross-cut is in 5535 Chemical Have struck large body of ore in the cross-cut 553 6 Chemically . Have struck small body of ore in the cross-cut 5537 Chemicking . Are now driving a cross-cut from 5538 Chemist . . Cross-cut is getting into 5539 Chemistry . Cross-cut is making good headway 5540 Chemitype . How far have you to drive to cross-cut lode 554i Chemosis When do you expect to cut lode in cross-cut 5542 Chequered . Expect to cross-cut lode in feet 5543 Chequering . 17* -ri-i*-n-*4- 4-s* ^*-y^rr* /-l-|f- l/-x^rf-k -I <-^l-Tri XL/XpCCC IO CrObo-CUL 1UUC 111 U.dj/o 5544 Chequey . . How far has cross-cut advanced 5545 Cherimoyer . . Cross-cut has cut the lode 5546 Cherish . . Have cut lode in cross-cut 5547 Cherisheth Drive a cross-cut (to) 5548 Cherishing . Cross-cut to the hanging wall 5549 Cheroot . . Cross-cut to the foot-wall 555o Cherries . . Drive cross-cuts to prove the walls 555i Cherrybay . Cross-cut to prove the walls (driven) 5552 Cherrycoal . Cross-cuts to prove the ground 1 5553 Cherrygum . Shall drive a cross-cut (to) 5554 Cherrypit Have driven cross-cut 5555 Cherrytree . Cross-cut has been driven 555 6 Cherrywine . Cross-cuts have been driven 5557 Chersonese . Cross-cut should be driven 5558 Cherub . . Cross-cut must be driven 5559 Cherubic Cross-cut to side vein Wk/*S ' 55 6 Cherubical . Cross-cut in level 55 61 Chervil . . Cross-cut in shoot 55 62 Chessapple . f* 1 1*/~\ r. n /tiif- *\Jr* i v-/i v-/ob""L'U.L JLN u 55 6 3 Chessboard . Cross-cut No. in 55 6 4 Chessex . . (~^-v*~\r*r* s%ii4- V* n r r* A -r T r vt ^ s~\ A fr\t^.^ V^/lUbo L*U.L lido dU. VctI-lt>tLl IcCt 55 6 5 Chessman . |^> j. fs-\s^4* t- /-\t-f 1% r\ rT-ir'A- v^rosb-cut " ~^ icct nortn 01 -~ biidic 5566 Chesstree . Cross-cut feet south of shaft 55 6 7 Chessylite . f~ t f/-\o'T' f"*n1~ - "fV^pi" ^oc*f* df clinfi" \^/L L/oo~l-.U.L ^^ iCCL CclbL Ul OiJclIL 5568 Chestnut . Cross-cut feet west of shaft 55 6 9 Chestrope . Think you should drive cross-cuts 557o Chestsaw Cross-cuts to test the lode 557i Cheveronny . Cross-cuts at intervals of 5572 Chevied . . We recommend that a cross-cut should be driven 5573 Cheviots . . We recommend that cross-cuts should be driven at 5574 Chevroned . intervals of 5575 Chiastre . . Position of cross-cut (or) Give position of cross-cut 5576 Chibbal . . Position of cross-cut shown on plan CRO No. 5577 5578 5579 5582 5583 5584 5585 5586 5587 5588 5589 5590 5592 5593 5594 5595 5596 5597 5598 5599 5600 5601 5602 5603 5604 5605 5606 5607 5608 5609 5610 5611 5612 5 6l 3 5 6l 5 5616 5618 5 6l 9 5620 5621 5622 5 62 3 5624 5 62 5 5626 Code Word. Chicane . . Chicanery . Chikadee . Chickenpox . Chickpea Chicory . . Chideress Chidester . Chidingly . Chiefbaron . Chiefdom . Chiefless . . Chiefly . . Chiefrent . Chieftain Chiffchaff . Chilblain . Child . . . Childage . . Childbirth . Childhood . Childish . . Childishly . Childkind . Childless . Childlike . Children . . Childwit> . . Chiliads . . Chiliagon Chiliarch . Chiliastic Chilliness . Chimera . . Chimerical . Chimerize . Chimney Chimneycap Chimneypot Chimpanzee Chinaaster . Chinaclay . Chinaink Chinaroot . Chinaroses . Chinashop . Chinaware . Chincapin . Chincloth . Chincough . Cross-cut(s) (continued] Want to know exact position of cross-cut Where does cross-cut begin and end Point of intersection of cross-cut (with) Cross-cut begins Cross-cut ends Cross-cut intercepts at Cross-cut driven to intercept Where will cross-cut intercept or cut Cross-cut will intercept or cut Cross-cut within about feet of point Cross-cut has reached the hanging- wall Cross-cut has reached the foot-wall Cross-cut has reached the side vein We think we have cut in cross-cut Running cross-cut to connect with Cross-cut now being run Cross-cut now being run to intercept this lode Cross-cut now being run to intercept this level We have cross-cut the lode at intervals We have cross-cut the lode at points between Of greatest importance to cross-cut When will cross-cut enter Cross-cut which has been driven Where cross-cut will cut or intercept Where cross-cut should cut or intercept Where cross-cut has cut Length of cross-cut Direction of cross-cut Cross- cutting Constant cross-cutting should be done You must keep on cross-cutting to prove the ground Cross-cutting towards Cross-cutting towards the hanging wall Cross-cutting towards the foot-wall Cross-cutting in the shoot Cross-cutting at intervals Cross-cutting the lode at points between Cross-cutting the lode at We are at present cross-cutting Shall commence cross-cutting Crucible Clay crucibles Plumbago crucibles Forward at once dozen crucibles Crush How many tons can you crush per week Crush only low-grade ore Crush only high-grade ore 114 CEU No. 5627 5628 5629 5 6 33 5 6 34 5635 5636 5637 5 6 39 5640 5 6 4i 5642 5 6 43 5 6 44 5 6 45 Code Word. Chinkbug Chinscab Chinstraps Chiococca Chipaxe . Chipbonnet Chipchop Chiphats . Chipmunk Chiragra . Chiromancy Chironomus Chiroplast Chirotony Chirping . Chirpingly 5 6 47 Chirrupeth 5648 Chirruping 5 6 49 Chirurgeon 5 6 5 Chirurgery 5 6 5 Z Qiirurgic 5 6 5 2 Chisel . 5 6 53 Chiselled 5654 Chiselling 5 6 55 Chitchat . 5656 Chitinous f 5657 Chitonidae 5658 Chittyface 5 6 S9 Chivalric 5660 Chivalrous 5661 Chlamydate 5662 Chlamys . 5663 Chloasma 5664 Chloral . 5665 Chloralism 5666 Chloranile 5667 Chloretic 5668 Chloridize 5669 Chloriodic 5670 Chlurodyne 5 6 7i Chloroform 5672 Chloroid . 5 6 73 Chloromys Crush (continued) Can crush tons per Will be able to crush tons per The mill crushes tons The mills crush tons We can crush Cannot crush more than tons Cannot you crush better ore Cannot crush better ore Crushed Total amount crushed is tons Total amount crushed unrecorded Crushed during last seven days tons le last tons Crushed during the week Crushed during month tons yielding y , ex- penses, Revenue Acccount , expenses, Capital Account , concentrates Let us know tonnage crushed Let us know tonnage and average value of ore Ore crushed in the mill [crushed Ore now being crushed assays During week mill -, expenses expenses During month mill Get quartz crushed [- Send quartz home to be crushed We are having quartz crushed Do not have any quartz crushed . Crusher (s) Require additional crusher(s) A stone crusher A Blake's crusher Are sending out a crusher Cost of a crusher . Crushing . Are crushing at the rate of tons per day Crushing in first-rate style We are now crushing ore from the About to commence crushing . First week's crushing Second week's crushing First month's crushing This month's crushing The ore we are now crushing We are now crushing better ore We are now crushing poorer ore We cannot get a crushing, the mills are full ng cost per ' to the ton Crushing is a failure Trial cmshings show CRU No. Code Word. 5 6 74 Chlorops 5 6 75 Chlorosis 5676 Chloruret . 5 6 77 Choanite 5678 Chocolate . 5 6 79 Choerogryl . 5680 Choiceful . 5681 Choiceless . 5682 Choke . . 5683 Chokedamp 5684 Chokefull . 5685 Chokepear . 5686 Chokeplum . 5687 Chokestrap . 5688 Chokeweed . 5689 Chokewort . 5690 Cholagogue . Choleate. . 5692 Choleraic 5 6 93 Cholericly . S 6 94 Choliamb 5 6 9S Choliambic . 5696 Cholic . . 5697 Chondrify . 5698 Chondroid . 5 6 99 Chondrus . 5700 Choosing 57 01 Choosingly . 5702 Chopboat . 573 Chopcherry . 574 Chophouse . 575 Choplogic . 5706 Choppy . . 577 Chopsticks . 5708 Choragic 579 Choralists . Chorally . . 57 11 Chording 57 12 Choriambus . Choristers . 57 I 4 Chorobates . 57*5 Chorus . . 5716 Chough . . 5717 Choultry . . Chowder . . 5719 Chrisinal 5720 Christdom . 572T Christened . 5722 Christian 5723 Christless . Crushing (continued) Advertise that the crushing shows to the ton. Curtail You must curtail the expenses Trying to curtail expenses Cannot curtail expenses Absolutely necessary to curtail expenses If you cannot curtail expenses Have curtailed expenses Curtail the output Have curtailed the output [practicable Curtail the output and save expense by every means Custom(s) What is the custom The custom here is to The custom has been to Customs dues Cannot pass the customs (except) In order to pass the customs, consular invoices must In order to pass the customs [be sent The local customs According to the custom of It is not now the custom The general custom (is to) Custom House The custom-house authorities Custom-house authorities will permit Custom-house authorities will not permit Will the custom-house authorities permit Cut Hope to cut the vein Have not yet cut the vein Have cut the vein How far must we drive to cut the vein :ill to drive to cut the vein Where we have cut the vein Have cut a vein Had cut Had not cut Think we have cut the vein Think we shall soon cut the vein Think we shall soon cut the Let us know as soon as you cut the vein When you have cut the vein When you have cut When do you expect to cut Cutting Cutting into Cutting out Cutting into good ore Good cutting ground CUT No. 5724 5725 5726 5727 5/23 5729 573 573i 5732 5733 5734 5735 573 6 5737 5738 5739 5740 574i 574 2 5743 5744 5745 5746 5747 5748 5749 575 575 1 575 2 5753 5754 5755 575 6 5757 5758 5759 5760 57 61 5762 5763 5764 5765 5766 5767 5768 5769 5770 577i 5772 5773 Code Word. Cutting (continued) Christtide . Bad cutting ground Chromatic . Little progress in cutting Chromealum Making good progress in cutting Chromeiron Cutting a vein Chromered . Cutting into barren ground Chromides . Cwt(s). Chromium . At per cwt. Chromo . . How much per cwt. Chromogen . How many cwts. Chromolith . Daily Chromotype Daily reports Chromule . Must have the daily record of Chronic . . Telegraph daily Chronicler . What is the daily production of Chronicon . The daily production of is Chronogram What is the daily consumption of Chronology . The daily consumption of is about Chrysalis . Decreasing daily Chrysene -. Increasing daily Chrysolite . Dam Chrysology . It will be necessary to erect a dam Chrysops . I estimate the cost of erecting dam at Chrysotype . What would be the cost of making dam Chubbiness . Tailing dam Chubby . . Dam for holding back water Chubfaced . Dam for reservoir Chuckaby . The company's dam(s) Chuckfull . A new dam must be erected Chuckhole . Cost of new dam Chuckled . Cost of new tailing dam Chuckling . Damage(s) Chuffily . . Damage caused by Chummage . Owing to the damage done by Chumpend . Damage must be repaired Chunam . . Damage not yet ascertained Chupatties . What is amount of damage Chupatty . Great damage has occurred (to) Church . . Slight damage has occurred (to) Churchale . Has any damage been done Churchbred . The amount of damage done Churchbugs . The damage done is but trifling Churchdom . The damage done is very serious Churchgoer . What was the cause of the damage Churchism . Damage has been caused by Churchland . Has done considerable damage Churchless . (It) will do us serious damage Churchlike . (To) repair the damage Cburchly . Will damage your reputation Churchmode Will damage reputation Churchowls . Will damage credit DAM 117 No. 5774 5775 5776 5777 5778 5779 5780 578i 5782 5783 5784 5785 5786 5787 5788 5789 579 579i 5792 5793 5794 5795 5796 5797 5798 5799 5800 5801 5802 5803 5804 5805 5806 5807 5808 5809 5810 5811 5812 5813 5814 5815 5816 5817 5818 5819 5820 5821 5822 5823 Code Word. Damage(s) (contimierf) Churchscot . Cannot repair damages under Churchship . Damaging Churchtown Greatly damaging the Churchway . Is very damaging to the affair Church work Dampness Churchyard . Owing to the excessive dampness of the climate Churlish . . Danger Churlishly . Is there any danger (of) Churnowl . There is great danger (of) Churnstaff . In danger of Churrworm . There will be no danger of Chutney . . There is no danger of Chylaceous . There is great danger in delay Chylific . . Out of danger Chylous . . To avert the danger Chymbe . . To avert the danger arising from Chymics . . The danger arising from Chymified . No danger need be feared (from) Chymify . . The danger most to be feared Chymifying . Dangerous Ciborium . The is too dangerous to be continued Cicada . . Owing to the dangerous state of the Cicadidae . It is very dangerous (to) Cicatricle . Dangerous to delay Cicatrized . In a most dangerous condition Cicatrose . Data Cicendia . . There are no reliable data Ciceronian . Are there any reliable data Cicisbeism . From the data in our possession Cicurate . . From the data in your possession Cicurating . Not sufficient data Cidaris . . We have not sufficient data to enable us Ciderists . . Data to enable us to Ciderkin . . Date Cidermill . At an early date Ciderpress . What date has been fixed for Cigartube . Your telegrams received up to date are Ciliary . . Have you received my telegrams to date Ciliata , . The earliest date Ciliograda . The latest date Cillo . . . What is the date of Cillosis . . What is the earliest date Cimbex . . What is the latest date Cimeliarch . You must name an earlier date Cimicidae . You must name a later date Cimicifuga . At what date Cimiss . . At what date did he Cimmerian . At what date did you Cinchona . At what date can he Cinchonism . At what date can you DAT No. 5824 5^5 5826 5827 5828 5829 5830 5831 5832 5833 5834 5835 5836 5837 5838 5839 5840 5841 5842 5843 5844 5845 5846 5847 5848 5849 5850 5851 5852 5853 5854 5855 5856 5857 5858 5859 5860 5861 5862 5863 5864 5865 5866 5867 5868 5869 5870 5871 5872 Code Word. Cinclides Cinclosoma . Cinclus . . Cinderbeds . Cindergirl . Cindering . Cinderman . Cinderpath . Cindery . Cinerary . Cinereous . Cinerulent . Cinnabar Cinnabaric . Cinnamomic Cinnamon . Cinnamyle . Cinnyridae . Cinquefoil* . Cinquepace . Cipher . . Cipherhood . Ciphering . Cipherkey . Cipolin . . Circean . . Circensial . Circinal . . Circingle Circle. . Circling . , Circuit . . Circuitous , Circulable , Circular . , Circularly , Circulator Circumcise , Circumduct Circumflex Circumfuse Circumgyre Circumsail Circumvent Circuses . Ciricsceat Cirrhopoda Cirrhotic Cirriped . Date (continued] At what date do you intend to At what date shall we At what date will he At what date may we expect to hear that What is the latest date at which we may expect What is the earliest date at which we may expect At an earlier date At an earlier date than we were led to expect Not later than the date named The earliest date at which you can The latest date you can give us What is the exact date of At or about what date At the date of writing At the date of receiving Cannot yet fix a date At months' date Dated Letter was dated Dated respectively Received your letter, dated Have you received my (our) dated Day(s) How much per day How many per day From to days Will send report in a few days During the next few days In the course of a few days It takes days to get to from How many days does it take to get to Causing an unusual delay of days It will only take two or three days It will only take days An answer will be given in days It will take days to get The next day The day after From day to day Per day of 24 hours It will take - [cleared of debris days to get mine unwatered and How many days will it take to make examination It will take days to go to , examine the mines, and return here How many days will you be absent Will be absent days The mill ran days How many days What day does reach How much can you turn out per day DAY ng No. Code Word. Day(s) (continued) 5873 Cirrostomi Can turn out per day 5874 Cirsocele During the past few days 5875 Cisalpine Day shift 5876 Ciselure . Days per week 5877 Cismontane Days per month 5878 Cispadane Days per year 5879 Cissoidal Working days 5880 Cistercian One day 5881 Cisterns . Two days 5882 Cistus Three days 5883 Citadels . Four days 5884 Citations Five days 585 Citatory . Six days 5886 Citizen . Seven days 5887 Citizeness Eight days 5888 Citizenize Nine days 5889 Citizenry Ten days 5890 Citrate . Eleven days 5891 Citric . . Twelve days 5892 Citrontree Thirteen days 5893 Citrullus . Fourteen days 5894 Cityward Fifteen days 5895 Civetcats Sixteen days 5896 Civil ^ . Seventeen days 5897 Civilation Eighteen days 5898 Civilian . Nineteen days 5899 Civilities . Twenty days 5900 Civility . Twenty-one days 59i Civilized . Twenty-two days 5902 Civilizing Twenty-three days 593 Clackbox Twenty-four days 594 Clackdish Twenty-five days 5905 Clackmill Twenty-six days 5906 Clackvalve Twenty-seven days 5907 Cladium . Twenty-eight days 5908 Cladocera Twenty-nine days 5909 Claim Thirty days 59 10 Claimable Thirty-one days 59 11 Claimants Dead fMo Tmin o* T? ppry^f- f-f-\ ff^l) von T~* H r^n fi rfiip-fi c\v\ \\\p\ 59 12 v^lctlllllllti _L\.Ci_:ICl \\j LCH yi_/Ll lo viCctvJ. y (VJ.1CLI L/I1 H1C/ 5913 Clamatores Have cut the vein, but it is dead 59 J 4 Clambered Large amount of dead work must be done 5915 Clambering Has (have) done no dead work 59i6 Clammy . The amount of dead work done 59 1 ? Clamorous Deal(s) 59i8 Clamour . Is (are) most honourable to deal with 59*9 Clamoureth Is (are) not good persons (people) to deal with 5920 Clamouring (To) deal with 59 2 i Clamourist (To) deal in 5922 Clampirons We will deal with 120 DEA No. 59 2 3 59 2 4 59 2 5 5926 5927 5928 59 2 9 5930 593 1 5932 5933 5934 5935 5936 5937 5938 5939 5940 594i 5942 5943 5944 5945 5946 5947 5948 5949 5950 595i 5952 5953 5954 5955 595 6 5957 5958 5959 5960 5961 5962 59 6 3 59 6 4 59 6 5 5966 5967 5968 5969 597o 597i Code Word. Deal(s) (continued) Clampnail . Few deals at present in Clamshells . Dealers Clanship . . Few dealers ; very little doing in the shares Clansman . Dealt Clapboards . How have you dealt with Clapbread . If fairly dealt with, we think Clapcake . Dear Clapnet . . Too dear at the price Clapsill . . Is (are) not dear Claptraps . With dear money Clarence . . Money very dear Clarenceux . Very dear and scarce Claretcup . Dearness Claretjugs . The dearness of Claribella . Debenture(s) Clarichord- . Debenture capital Clarified . . Debenture interest Clarify . . First debenture Clarifying Second debenture Clarigate . . Debentures will be issued to amount of Clarionet . Will you take debentures for Claritude . Propose to issue debentures for dashingly . What is the amount of debentures Claspered . Debentures bearing per cent. Claspknife . Debentures being a first charge on the undertaking Clasplock . Debenture interest will be paid Claspnail . Debentures to amount of bearing interest at per cent. Classical . . If -debentures are issued Classicism . Loan to be made on debentures Classifier . Arranging loan on debentures Clatter . . Loan on debentures Claudent . Debit Claudicant . Debit all charges to Clause . . Do not debit Claustral . You can debit me with Clausular . Debit Revenue Account Clavaria . . Debit Capital Account Claviceps . Debit Stores Account Clavicorn . Debit Reserve Clavicular . To debit of what account Claviger . . Have debited Clavipalp . Have debited your account Clawback . Should be debited to Clawhammer What is the amount debited (or at debit of) Clawwrench Amount to debit of Claybuilt . Debit balance Claycold . Debris Clayish . . Have been filled with debris Claykilns . Levels full of debris DEB 121 No. Code Word. Debris (continued) 5972 Claymill . . The mine, after being unwatered, was full of ddbris, which has to be cleared away before 5973 Claymore . Has (have) been in the habit of filling up the 5974 Claypit . . Cross-cuts filled with debris [with de'bris 5975 Clayslate . Debt(s) 5976 Claystone . Is (are) heavily in debt 5977 Clay water . Is (are) in debt to 5978 Cleanly . . To clear off the debt 5979 Cleansable . Debt must be paid off 5980 Cleansed . Debt must be paid off before we can do anything 5981 Clearance . Debt incurred in consequence of 5982 Clearcut . . Has (have) paid all the debt 5983 Clearsight . If debt is not paid before 5984 Clearstory . Deceive 5985 Cleavage . Has (have) done all he (they) could to deceive 5986 Cleftgraft . Do you think is (are) trying to deceive 5987 Cleftstick . Deceived 5988 Clematis . . Has (have) deceived us most shamefully (as to) 5989 Clemencies . Has (have) deceived us with regard to 5990 Clemently . Has (have) been deceived by 5991 Clepsammia Has (have) not been deceived with regard to 5992 Clepsydra . Deceptive 5993 Clergified . It is very deceptive 5994 Clergy . . Presented a most deceptive appearance 5995 Clergyman . Under a deceptive aspect 5996 Clerkale . . Appearances very deceptive 5997 Clerkless . Decide 5998 Clerklike . As soon as you decide 5999 Clerkship . It will be necessary to decide at once 6000 Cleruchial . Will decide 6001 Clethra . . Will not decide 6002 Clever . . Cannot decide until 6003 Cleverish . To enable me (us) to decide 6004 Cleverly . . Should decide not to 6005 Cleverness . Should decide to 6006 Clianthus . You must decide at once 6007 Cliency . . Hope you will decide quickly 6008 Cliental . . You must decide quickly ; no time is to be lost 6009 Clientship . Decide quickly or will lose the chance 6010 Climacter . If you do not decide promptly another party will 60 1 1 Climatical . Must leave it to you to decide [take it up 6012 Climatize . Decided 6013 Climax . . What has (have) decided 6014 Climbing . Has (have) decided to 6015 Clinch . . Has (have) decided not to 6016 Clinchers . It has been decided 6017 Clingstone . It has been decided not to 6018 Clinical . . Not yet decided (whether) 6019 Clinkerbar , Telegraph as soon as it is decided 6020 Clinometer . The Board have decided 122 DEC No. 6021 6022 6023 6024 6025 6026 6027 6028 6029 6030 6031 6032 6033 6034 6035 6036 6037 6038 6039 6040 6041 6042 6043 6044 6045 6046 6047 6048 6049 6050 6051 6052 6053 6054 6055 6056 6057 6058 6059 6060 6061 6062 6063 6064 6065 6066 6067 6068 6069 6070 Code Word. Clionidae Clipfish . Cliquish . Clitoria . Clivity . Cloacal . Cloakbag Cloakroom Clobberer Clock. . Clockalarm Clockcase Clockstar Clocktower Clockwork Cloddish . Cloddy . Clodhopper Clodpate. Clodpoll . Clogdance Clogginess Cloghead Cloister . Cloistral . Cloistress Closeness Closepent Closeth . Closeting Closure . Clotbur . Clothes . Clothespin Clothhall Clothpaper Clothwheel Clothyard Cloudage Cloudberry Cloudborn Cloudbuilt Cloudcapt Clouddrift Cloudily . Cloudiness Cloudlet . Cloudrack Cloudring Clougharch Decided (continued) As soon as you have decided Have you yet decided to If you have decided to If he (they) has (have) decided Have not decided Have decided to accept Have decided to decline Have decided to go on with the business Decipher Decipher this telegram and send it to Cannot decipher Decision As soon as we get your decision The final decision is to Decision in our favour The decision is against us Telegraph what decision has been arrived at What decision has been come to Awaiting your decision Awaiting his (their) decision Final decision Must have your final decision Pending the decision The decision (is) (being) favourable The decision (is) (being) unfavourable Hope you will reconsider your decision Hope (he) they will reconsider decision Upon reconsideration of former decision The decision will materially affect (us) The decision will not seriously affect (us) Declare This will enable you to declare Can we declare Decline I advise you to decline having anything further to . Will decline [do with the affair Will soon decline I advise you to decline What is the cause of the decline in The stock is sure to decline Decline the offer Decline(s) to have anything further to do with Decline(s) to go into the concern on account of Every prospect of a decline No prospect of a decline If decline(s) Must decline Must decline the proposition Must decline to act Decline to have anything to do with DEC 123 No. Code Word. 607 1 Clouterly 6072 Cloutnail 6073 Clovebark . 6074 Clovehitch . 6075 Clovehook . 6076 Clovepink . 6077 Cloversick . 6078 Clovetree 6079 Clown . . 6080 Clownery 6081 Clownishly . 6082 Cloyless . . 6083 Cloyment . 6084 Clubbable . 6085 Clubbing . 6086 Clubfisted 6087 Clubfoot . . 6088 Clubgrass . 6089 Clubhaul . 6090 Clubheaded. 6091 Clubhouse . 6092 Clublaw . . 6093 Clubmaster . 6094 Glubmoss . 6095 Clubrooms . 6096 Clubrush 6097 Clubshaped . 6098 Cluegarnet . 6099 Clueline . . 6100 Clumpboot . 6 1 01 Clumsier. . 6102 Clumsily. . 6103 Clumsiness . 6104 Clumsy . . 6105 Cluniac . . 6106 Clupea . . 6107 Clupeidae . 6108 Clusiaceae . 6109 Clymenia . 6 no Clypeaster . 6 1 1 1 Clypeate . . 6112 Clypeiform . 6113 Clypeus . . 6114 Clysmain 6115 Clyster . . 6116 Clysterize . 6117 Coacervate . 6118 Coachbox . 6119 Coached. . 6120 Coachful. Decline (continued) Decline in the price of Decline in the yield Decline(s) to Do you think there will be any further decline There has been a rapid decline There is no cause for the decline The decline is said to be caused by Declined Why has (have) declined Has (have) declined the offer on account of Has (have) not yet positively declined Has (have) declined to act Have declined Why have you declined Let us know if you have declined Have you declined to act (If) you have not yet declined The Board has definitely declined Definitely declined Declining In the event of your declining Gradually declining Has been gradually declining for some time past Declining the offer Declining the business Declining the appointment Decomposed Decomposed iron pyrites Decomposed quartz Decomposed granite Decomposed vein matter Decrease(ing) How do you account for decrease There has been a great decrease in By which means we hope to decrease You must try to decrease the There has been a heavy decrease all round in the Steadily decreasing Steadily decreasing returns Decreasing returns and increasing expenses There will be a slight decrease There will be a considerable decrease Deduct To deduct You must deduct from this We shall have to deduct Cannot deduct Deduct the amount from Deduct the expenses If he (they) will deduct 124 BED No. Code Word. 6121 Coachman . Deducted 6122 Coachstand. To be deducted from 6123 Coactive . . Has been deducted from 6124 Coactively , Have you deducted anything (for) 6125 Coadapted . Deducted from the amount 6126 Coadjacent . After the amount has been deducted 6127 Coadjusted . Deducting 6128 Coadjutant . After deducting 6129 Coadjutor . After deducting what is due 6130 Coadjutrix . Not deducting anything for 6131 Coafforest . Deduction 6132 Coagency . Without any deduction 6133 Coagitate . Balance after deduction of 6134 Coagulable . (After) deduction of all expenses 6135 Coagulant . . A small deduction allowed 6136 Coagulator . Deed(s) 6137 Coagulum . All the deeds are in my (our) hands 6138 Coalbasin . Has (have) handed over the deeds to 6139 Coalbeds . . The deeds are deposited in Bank of 6140 Coalblack . Would recommend you to have deed(s) made out 6141 Coalbox . . Deed(s) is (are) of no value [and placed in escrow 6142 Coalbrass . Deed(s) has (have) been duly executed, placed on record, and forwarded you Have deeds made out and placed in escrow, subject to following conditions Deeds will be duly recorded, as requested, and sent you by mail as soon as possible afterwards 6145 Coaldust. . Deed(s) deposited in escrow 6146 Coalesce. . Deed(s) has (have) been executed 6147 Coalescing . Deed(s) has (have) been duly executed and placed 6148 Coalfields . The deeds must be registered [on record 6149 Coalfitter . The deeds must be properly recorded 6150 Coalgas . . The deeds must be deposited with [the hands of 6151 Coalheaver . The deeds have been duly recorded, and placed in 6152 Coalholes . The deeds must be attested at the consulate 6153 Coalhulk . The deeds (are) duly recorded 6154 Coalmeter . Deeds not yet recorded 6155 Coalmine . Are the deeds ready 6156 Coalmining . Are the deeds registered (or recorded) 6157 Coalmouse . Why have the deeds not yet been executed 6158 Coaloil . . Why are the deeds not yet recorded 6159 Coalpasser . Deep 6160 Coalpits . . Is feet deep 6161 Coalplant . The deep workings 6162 Coalship . . The shaft is feet deep 6163 Coalslack . How deep have you gone 6164 Coalsmut . Feet deep below 6165 Coalstaith . Deeper 6166 Coalviewer . Must go deeper 6167 Coannex. . Expect to find rich ore deeper 6143 Coalbunker . 6144 Coaldrop DEE No. Code Word. Deeper (continued) 6168 Coannexing . As we go deeper we are finding better ore 6169 Coarctate . As we go deeper the ore is falling off 6170' Coarsely. . As we go deeper 6171 Coarsened . The deeper we go 6172 Coarseness . Cannot go deeper until (unless) 6173 Coassessor . Cannot go deeper on account of 6174 Coassume . Deepest 6175 Coastguard . The deepest shaft is feet deep 6176 Coastrat . . The deepest workings 6177 Coastwards . The deepest point yet reached 6178 Coastwise . Defeated 6179 Coatarmour. Has (have) been defeated 6180 Coatlink . . Has (have) been defeated in the endeavour to 6181 Coax. . . If we are defeated 6182 Coaxation . If we are defeated we must be prepared to 6183 Coaxeth . . Has (have) defeated all endeavours 6184 Coaxing . . Has defeated all our expectations 6185 Coaxingly . Has (have) been defeated at all points 6186 Cobaltblue . Defective 6187 Cobaltic . . Is (are) defective 6188 Cobblers . The arrangements are very defective 6189 Cobcoal . . The machinery is very defective 6190 Cobhorse . Is so very defective that (unless) 6191 Cobiron . .Defence 6192 Cobishops . That we may prepare our defence 6193 Cobitis . . There can be no defence 6194 Cobloaf . . Are there no means of defence 6195 Cobnut . . Defend 6196 Cobra . . Defend the action 6197 Cobstones . Defend the action at any cost 6198 Cobswan . In order to defend ourselves 6199 Cobwall . . We must defend ourselves 6200 Cobweb . . Steps have been taken to defend 6201 Cob webbed . Have resolved to defend 6202 Cocalon . . Defended 6203 Coccidae . Defended from all attacks 6204 Coccidium . Defended against hostile action 6205 Coccolite . Defended from misconstruction 6206 Coccomilia . Defer 6207 Coccosteus . Defer any action 6208 Cocculus Defer taking proceedings 6209 Coccygeal . Defer until you hear from us 6210 Coccyx . . Defer going (until) 6211 Cochlearia . Defer going for the present 6212 Cochleous . We wish you to defer 6213 Cocinic . . Think you had better defer 6214 Cockade. . We defer to your wishes 6215 Cockahoop . If you will defer 6216 Cockapert . Cannot defer any longer 6217 Cockatoo . Deference 125 126 DBF No. Code Word. Deference (continued) 6218 Cockatrice . In deference to 6219 Cockbill . . In deference to instructions received 6220 Cockboat . In deference to the directors' decision 6221 Cockchafer . Deferred 6222 Cockcrow . Has (have) deferred giving an answer till 6223 Cockerel . Have deferred telegraphing till 6224 Cockeyed . Have deferred sending my report till 6225 Cockfight . Would rather have deferred giving an opinion till 6226 Cockhedge . Have deferred writing (until) 6227 Cockhorse . Have deferred starting 6228 Cocklaird . Cannot be deferred any longer 6229 Cocklehat . Deficiency 6230 Cockleoast . There is a great deficiency in 6231 Cockmatch . A heavy deficiency in his accounts 6232 Cockney. . Is there any deficiency in 6233 Cockneydom What is the deficiency (in) 6234 Cockneyfy . Deficient 6235 Cockney ish . Very deficient in 6236 Cockpaddle . Defined 6237 Cockpit . . In well-defined walls 6238 Cockroach . A well-defined vein 6239 Cockscomb . Not well defined 6240 Cocksfoot . Is the vein well defined 6241 Cockshut . A well-defined hanging wall 6242 Cocksorrel . A well-defined foot-wall 6243 Cockspurs . A well-defined lode 6244 Cocksure . Is the well defined 6245 Cockswain . Our ideas have been clearly defined 6246 Cocktail . . Our position is clearly defined 6247 Cockwater . Definite 6248 Cockweed . Not definite enough 6249 Cocoa . . Have you come to any definite understanding with 6250 Cocoanuts . Has (have) come to a definite arrangement 6251 Cocoaoil. . Has (have) not yet come to any definite under- 6252 Cocoaplum . Very definite and clear [standing with 6253 Cocoatrees . Arrange something definite with regard to 6254 Cocoonery . Can get nothing definite from 6255 Coctible . . Must have something more definite 6256 Cocuswood . Nothing definite has yet been arranged 6257 Coddymoddy Nothing definite has yet been done 6258 Codeine . . Nothing definite can be done 6259 Codex . . Nothing definite is known yet 6260 Codfishery . Nothing can be more definite or clearer 6261 Codicils . . Must have more definite information 6262 Codify . . More definite information required before \ve can 6263 Codilla . . A definite understanding [decide 6264 Codling . . More definite instructions 6265 Codspund . Your instructions were most definite ; please adhere 6266 Coefficacy . Degrees [to them 6267 Coelacanth . Thermometer sometimes in the shade DEG 127 No. Code Word. Degrees (continued) 6268 Coelders . . Degrees below zero 6269 Coelogenys . Vein is dipping to the 6270 Coelosperm. The temperature has been down to 6271 Coemption . The temperature has been as high as 6272 Coenjoyed . By degrees 6273 Coen joying . We shall get on by degrees 6274 Coenoby. . Delay(s) 6275 Coenoecium Delay will be fatal 6276 Coenosarc . Causing a delay of 6277 Coequal . . Delay would do no harm 6278 Coequally . Delay as long as you can 6279 Coerce . . Avoid any delay as much as possible 6280 Coercible . Go without delay to 6281 Coercion . To avoid delay 6282 Coercively . Delay is unavoidable 6283 Coeternal . Has (have) tried to delay 6284 Coeternity . There must be no delay 6285 Coevous . . What caused the delay 6286 Coexecutor . The delay was caused by 6287 Coexist . . If there is any further delay 6288 Coexisting . Must avoid further delay 6289 Coexp md . These continued delays are most prejudicial to us 6290 Coextended, Not responsible for the delay 6291 Cofactor. . Who causes the delays 6292 Coffeecup . Delay your departure 6293 Coffeeman . Cannot delay any longer 6294 Coffeemill . Delay caused by bad weather 6295 Coffeenib . Causing further delay 6296 Coffeepots . Delay is dangerous 6297 Coffeeroom . Any further delay will ruin the whole affair 6298 Coffeetree . Better not delay your return any longer 6299 Cofferdam . Do not delay your return later than 6300 Coffership . Delayed 6301 Cofferwork . Has (have) been delayed by 6302 Coffinbone . Unavoidably delayed by 6303 Coffmless . Why has (have) delayed 6304 Coffins . . Has (have) delayed 6305 Cogencies . Deliver 6306 Cogent . . When will deliver 6307 Cogently . Will deliver 6308 Coggerie . . Will not deliver 6309 Cogitable . Do not deliver 6310 Cogitabund . Can deliver 6311 Cogitateth . Cannot deliver 6312 Cogitating . Deliver to 6313 Cogitation . If you can deliver 6314 Cognates . If you cannot deliver 6315 Cognisably . When can you deliver (up) 6316 Cognition . We wish you to deliver 6317 Cognitive . Delivered 128 DEL No. Code Word. Delivered (continued) 6318 Cognizance. To be delivered to 6319 Cognized . Has (have) delivered to 6320 Cognizing . Delivery (ies) 6321 Cognizors . Subject to delivery (on) 6322 Cognomen . Awaiting delivery (of) 6323 Cognominal Against delivery 6324 Coguardian . Will guarantee delivery (on) 6325 Cogwheels . After delivery (of) 6326 Cohabited . Delivery after 6327 Cohabiting . Upon delivery (of) 6328 Coheir . . Before delivery (of) 6329 Coheiress . Delivery before 6330 Coherald . (For) immediate delivery 6331 Coherent . Can you obtain delivery of 6332 Coherently . Can obtain delivery of 6333 Cohesible . Cannot obtain delivery 6334 Cohesion . Delivery must be completed 6335 Cohesively . Unless delivery be made at once 6336 Cohibitor . . Delivery to be made within 6337 Cohobation . Defer delivery until 6338 Coigny . . Deliveries to commence 6339 Coincide. . Demand(s) 6340 Coinciding . You must demand 6341 Coinhere . There is a great demand for 6342 Cointense . Should demand 6343 Cointerest . Do not demand 6344 Cokernut . Can meet all immediate demands 6345 Cokingkiln . Demand immediate settlement 6346 Cokingoven Demand the stock immediately 6347 Colander . There is no demand for 6348 Colanut . . What demand have you for 6349 Colaseed . . Continue(s) in fair demand 6350 Colatitude . There is but little demand for 6351 Colatree . . Is there any demand for 6352 Colbertine . The demand has fallen off (for) 6353 Coldblast . He demands (they demand) 6354 Coldchisel . What is the nature of the demand 6355 Coldcream . What is the amount of the demand 6356 Coldish . . The demand is unreasonable 6357 Coldkind . The demand is reasonable 6358 Coldly . . The most exaggerated demands 6359 Coldpale . To formulate the demand 6360 Coldserved . If his (their) demands are reasonable 6361 Coldshort . Cannot accede to (his) demands 6362 Colegatee . If the demands are pressed 6363 Coleophyll . In full of all demands 6364 Coleopter . A fair and equitable demand 6365 Coleorhiza . Demanded 6366 Colerape. . Has (have) demanded 6367 Colessor . . Has (have) demanded immediate settlement DEM 129 No. Codeword. Demanded (continued} 6368 Colicky . . Have you demanded 6369 Collapse. . Has (have) demanded immediate delivery of the 6370 Collapsing . Has (have) not demanded 6371 Collarbeam . If has (have) demanded 6372 Collarbone . Has (have) demanded nothing but what is fair 6373 Collarday . Demoralized 6374 Collatable . Has (have) become thoroughly demoralized 6375 Collate . . Demurrage 6376 Collect . . Demurrage has been incurred 6377 Collecting . The amount of demurrage 6378 Collection . Demurrage has to be paid 6379 Collegial. . Have we to pay demurrage 6380 Collibert. . Will not unload until demurrage is paid 6381 Collided . . Pay the demurrage 6382 Colliding . Denounce(d) 6383 Collieries . You must denounce the following claims 6384 Colliery . . Have denounced 6385 Colligated . Have denounced the following claims 6386 Collimator . Names of the denounced claims 6387 Collinear . As soon as we have denounced 6388 Collingual . Denunciation 6389 Colliquant . Denunciation has been made of 6390 Collisions . Formal denunciation of 6391 Collocate . Denial 6392 Collocutor . Have given a most emphatic denial 6393 Collodion . Give the statement emphatic denial, there is no 6394 Collogue . . Complete denial to the allegation [truth in it 6395 Colloguing . Denied 6396 Colloidal . If the statement is not denied 6397 Colloquial . The statement cannot be denied 6398 Colloquize . Deny 6399 Colloquy . You can deny it emphatically 6400 Collusive . Will you authorize us to deny it 6401 Collusory . Departure 6402 Collybist. . At the time of your departure 6403 Collyrite . . Delay your departure 6404 Collyrium . Departure delayed 6405 Coloboma . Cannot you delay your departure 6406 Colocynth . Depend 6407 Colonelcy . Must depend on 6408 Colonical . Depend upon 6409 Colonist . . Cannot depend upon 6410 Colonizer . You may thoroughly depend on 6411 Colonizing . You must not depend on 6412 Colonnades. If you can depend on 6413 Colophany . If you cannot depend on 6414 Colophene . Depend for supplies upon 6415 Colopholic . Shall have to depend upon 6416 Colorature . Can you depend upon 6417 Colossal . . Must depend upon circumstances 130 PEP No. Code Word. Depend (continued) 6418 Colossuses . Think you can depend upon 6419 Colostrum . Do not think you can depend upon 6420 Colour . . You can depend upon him, he is most trustworthy 6421 Colourably . Depended 6422 Colouring . Can be depended upon 6423 Colourists . Cannot be depended upon 6424 Colourless . Has (have) depended upon 6425 Colourman . Has (have) not depended upon 6426 Colpocele . Dependent(ce) 6427 Colportage . Dependent upon circumstances 6428 Coltevil . . Can any dependence be placed upon 6429 Coltsfoot. . Place entire dependence upon 6430 Colubridae , No dependence to be placed on 6431 Columbacei . Deposit(s) 6432 Columbary . A rich gold-bearing deposit 6433 Columbine . The extent of the deposit is 6434 Columella . Large deposits of 6435 Columnar . Superficial deposits 6436 Columnrule .- Deposit my stock with 6437 Colymbidae . Deposit to my (our) credit with 6438 Comatose . Deposit with 6439 Comatula . Deposit of - percent. 6440 Combacy . Has (have) demanded deposit 6441 Combatable Insist upon having deposit 6442 Combatants . Must deposit sufficient to cover all expenses 6443 Combative . Refuse(s) to make a deposit 6444 Combbroach What deposit is required 6445 Combhoney Require a remittance of for deposit to secure what I consider a very valuable property on the 6446 Combinedly Deposit on our account [following terms 6447 Combings . Deposit on your account 6448 Combless . The deposits mentioned in 6449 Comboloio . Deposited 6450 Combustion Must be deposited 6451 Comedian . This sum to be deposited with 6452 Comedietta . Deposited to your credit with 6453 Comedies . r \ Has (have) deposited at bank the sum of 6454 Comedy . Has (have) deposited as security 6455 Comelily . To be deposited 6456 Comeliness . Depreciated 6457 ComeofF . Has (have) been seriously depreciated 6458 Comeouter . Our shares are much depreciated 6459 Comephorus Depreciation 6460 Comestible . For depreciation 6461 Cometarium Depreciation of machinery and plant 6462 Cometh . . Depreciation fund 6463 Cometology . Depreciation on machinery 6464 Comfit . . Depreciation on buildings 6465 Comfiture . Depreciation on machinery and buildings 6466 Comfortful . Depreciation on mills DEP No. 6467 6468 6469 6470 6471 6472 6473 6474 6475 6476 6477 6478 6479 6480 6481 6482 6483 6484 6485 6486 6487 6488 6489 6490 6491 6492 6 493 6494 6 495 6496 6497 6498 6499 6500 6501 6502 6 503 6504 6 5<>5 6506 6507 6508 6509 6510 6511 6512 6513 65H 6515 6516 Code Word. Depreciation (continued) Comforting . Depreciation allowed Comic . . Depreciation for half year Comically . Depreciation for past half year Comicry . . Depreciation for year Comingon . Depreciation nil Comma . . Depreciation stands at in balance sheet Commandant Depreciation will stand at in balance sheet Commandery Nothing set aside or allowed for depreciation Commatical Set aside or allowed for depreciation Commeasure We think it advisable to allow for depreciation Commenced Allow for depreciation Commencing Allow for depreciation per cent, on Commendam We do not think it necessary to set aside anything Comment . Depressed [for depreciation Commentors Stocks are depressed Commercial . The market is depressed Commigrate Owing to depressed state of Commingle . Shareholders are much depressed Commissary We are much depressed at having such a bad report Commission Depressing Commissive Has (have) a depressing effect on Commitment Depth Committals , Committee . Committing Commixture Commodate Commodious Commonable Commoner . Commonly . Commonness Commonweal Commorancy Commorient Commother . Commotion , Community . Comocladia . Compact . , Compactly . Compacture Companions Companying Comparable Compared . Comparison Compass . Depth of incline Depth of shaft Depth of winze At a considerable depth below the surface At a depth of - feet The vein has been proved to a depth of feet Winze has been sunk to a depth of feet Depth attained to date The mine is getting richer as depth is attained Has reached a depth of feet Vein is improving with depth Vein is getting poorer with depth The mine has been worked by shafts to a depth [of feet To a depth of Must be sunk to a depth of They ceased work at a depth of feet What depth is the A moderate depth Derive You will be able to derive all information from Was (were) able to derive information from Was (were) not able to derive any information from From which I (we) derive Cannot derive Describe Must describe fully what is wanted Compassbox Description Compassing. The description you have given 13* DES No. Code Word. 6517 Compassion . 6 5 i8 Compatibly . 6519 Compatriot . 6520 Compeer 6521 Compelled . 6522 Compelling . 6523 Compendium 6524 Compensate 6525 Compesce . 6526 Competency 6527 Compilator . 6528 Compinged . 6529 Complacent . 6 53 Complained 6 53i Complanate . 6 532 Complease . 6 533 Complement 6534 Completely . 6 535 Completive . 6536 Complexion 6 537 Complexity . 6538 Complexure . 6 539 Compilable . 6540 Compliant . 6541 Complicacy . 6542 Complish 6 543 Complotter . 6 544 Comply . . 6 545 Complying . 6546 Component . 6547 Composedly 6548 Compositor . 6 549 Compound . 6 55 Comprehend 6551 Compressor . 6 552 Compriest . 6553 Comprisal . 6554 Comprobate 6555 Compromise 6556 Comptible . 6557 Comptrol . 6558 Compulse 6559 Compulsory 6560 Compimcted 6561 Compupil . 6562 Computist . 6563 Comradery . 6564 Comrogue . 6565 Comtism 6566 Conatus . . Description (continued] A full description of the property Must have a full description of the mine and property If the property is at all near the description A very valuable mine from the description given Full description of the developments and workings Full description of the surface works Send full description According to the description Is (are) nothing like the description Full description by first post Desert Is (are) situated in a desert The country round the mine is quite a desert Desirable The Board do not consider it desirable It is most desirable (that) It is not at all desirable (that) Is it desirable (that) If you consider it desirable Desirous Extremely desirous to Despatch With the utmost despatch When will you despatch Shall despatch on or about Cannot despatch before When did you despatch Prompt despatch is essential Despatched If despatched on or before Will be despatched Was (were) despatched Destroyed A fire has destroyed A flood has destroyed Has (have) been destroyed How was (were) - destroyed The mill was partially destroyed The mill was wholly destroyed Buildings destroyed The camp was nearly destroyed Despair Beginning to despair We do not despair of success No cause for despair There never was less cause for despair Despairing Shareholders are in a very despairing mood In a despairing mood and very angry Despairing of success, and much disheartened DET 133 No. 6567 6568 6569 6570 657T 6572 6573 6574 6575 6 57 6 6577 6578 6 579 6580 6581 6582 6583 6584 6585 6586 6587 6588 6589 6590 6591 6592 6593 6594 6595 6596 6597 6598 6599 6600 6601 6602 6603 6604 6605 6606 6607 6608 6609 6610 6611 6612 6613 6614 6615 Code Word. Concavity . Concavous . Concealeth . Concealing . Concedence . Conceive Concentric , Concentual . Concept . . Conception . Concertina . Concettism . Concha . . Conchacea . Conchifer . Conchitic . Conchoidal . Conchology . Conciator . Conciliate . Concionary . Concisely . Concitizen . Conclavist . Conclimate . Concluded . Concluding . Conclusory . Concocteth . Concocting . Concoction . Concolour . Concord . . Concordly . Concredit . Concrement Concretive . Concubaria . Conculcate . Concupy Concurring . Concussive . Concutient . Condemneth Condemning Condensers . Condensity . Condescend Condign . . Detail(s) Will furnish you with all the details When can you mail details Details will be mailed on Details will be mailed in a few days Has (have) sent the fullest details Has (have) received the fullest details Must have fuller details of Send full details Send sufficient details to enable us here to form an intelligent opinion about the matter We have sent you sufficient details to enable you to Detain [judge Will detain me (us) some days Do not let anything detain you This will detain This will not detain Will this detain This need not detain Detained Has (have) been detained by Am (are) detained here for want of money Detained by This has detained me here How long will you be detained Should you be detained Detained in consequence of Will be detained days We are detained here by business (Are) detained here by bad weather (Are) detained by the authorities Detained by circumstances beyond our control Determine(d) Can you determine Cannot yet determine Cannot yet be determined Has been determined (or) (have determined) Has not yet been determined Detrimental (to) Detrimental to the interests of the concern Detrimental to our interests Will be most detrimental (to) Develop In order to develop Will probably develop a valuable mine To develop To develop the mine would require Developed If the mine were better developed The mine is but little developed '34 DEV No. Code Word. 6616 Condignly . 6617 Condiments. 6618 Condolence. 6619 Condoned . 6620 Conducent . 6621 . Conducibly . 6622 Conducive . 6623 Conducted . 6624 Conducting . 6625 Conductors . 6626 Condurrite . 6627 Condyle . . 6628 Condyloid . 6629 Condylopod 6630 6631 6632 6633 6634 6635 6636 6637 6638 6639 6640 6641 6642 6643 6644 6645 6646 6647 6648 6649 6650 6651 6652 6653 6654 6655 6656 6657 6658 6659 6660 6661 6662 6663 6664 Condylura . Conenchyma Conepulley . Coneshell : Coneyfish . Confab . . Confabbing . Confabular . Confervoid . Confess . . Confessant . Confesseth . Confestly . Confident . Configured . Confinity Confirmeth . Confirming . Confiscate . Conflated . Conflating . Conflation . Conflict . . Confluence . Conflux . Confocal . . Conformers . Conformist . Confounded . Confronter . Confused Confusedly . Confutable . Confutant . Congeable . Developed (continued] Until better developed Development(s) Developments in the mine are Developments fully justify the advance in Developments do not justify advance in Developments expected every day The only development is The mines are valuable prospects requiring develop- To continue the developments [ment Not sufficient development to Do developments justify New developments Await further development Will probably turn out to be a good mining pro- perty : further developments necessary Further development necessary Development tunnel completed Further development of the property Employ men in development [ment Shall I spend money in sinking shaft for develop- Shall I spend money in driving adit for development Make a tunnel for development of the property Sink a shaft for development of the property Employ good engineer and men to assist him 'in Total lineal development [development What development work has been done How are the developments progressing What is the appearance of the recent developments Developments promise well Developments in the higher levels Developments in the lower levels Developments opening up splendidly The developments and workings Developments opening up ore bodies The ore bodies opened up by the developments Developments upon the lode Diameter Having a diameter of Inches in diameter Diamond(s) Diamond mine Diamonds discovered at Estimated value of diamonds found You will have to go to the diamond mines of Carats of diamonds value Diamonds found in Core from the diamond drills By use of diamond drills Assays from diamond drill cores (give) [wide The diamond drill has searched a zone feet DIA 135 No. Code Word. Diamond(s) (continued) 6665 Congenious . Depth of diamond drill bore 6666 Congenital . Diainondiferous 6667 Congereel , Diamondiferous blue ground 6668 Congested . Diamondiferous alluvial deposits 6669 Congestive . Diagram(s) 6670 Congiary. . Can do nothing without surveyor's diagrams 6671 Conglobed . Send surveyor's diagrams at once 6672 Congopea . Diagrams posted 6673 Congosnake We send you a diagram, frqm which you. will see 6674 Congreeing . Did 6675 Congregate , I (we) did 6676 Congresses . I (we) did not 6677 Congruency He (they) did 6678 Congruity . He (they) did not 6679 Congruous . Did not 6680 Conicality . Why did you 6681 Conicity . . Why did you not 6682 Conidium . I (we) did not get 6683 Coniferae . I (we) did not see 6684 Coniocyst . Did you go to 6685 Coniotheca . Did you 6686 Coniroster . It did 6687 Conject . . It did not 6688 Conjecting . If we did 6689 Conjobble . If you did 6690 Conjoined , If he (they) did 6691 Conjointly . If it did 6692 Conjugally . If they did not 6693 Conjunctly . What did he (they) da 6694 Conjurator . What did you do 6695 Connascent . Whether you did or not 6696 Connature . Whether he did say so or not 6697 Connective . Whether he (they) did or not 6698 Connexion . When did you 6699 Connivancy . When did he (they) 6700 Connubial , Why did it 6701 Conocarp . Died 6702 Conodont . Died suddenly 6703 Conohelix . Died of 6704 Conoidic . Died of on the 6705 Conoidical , Dies 6706 Conominee . Shoes and dies of iron 6707 Conqueress . Shoes and dies of steel 6708 Conquering. Set of shoes and dies 6709 Conscience , Difference 6710 Consecrate. Is there any difference 6711 Consectary , There is a great difference 6712 Consensus . There is no difference 6713 Consent . . Difference between 6714 Consenteth , What is the difference 136 DIF No. Code Word. 6715 6716 6717 6718 6719 6720 ! 6721 '' 6722 6723 6724 6725 6726 6727 6728 6729 6730 6731 6732 6733 6 734 6 735 6736 6737 6733 6739 6740 6741 6742 6743 6744 6745 6746 6747 6748 6749 6750 6751 6752 6 753 6754 6755 6756 6 757 6753 6 759 6760 6761 6762 6763 6764 Consenting . Consequent . Conserved . Consider . . Consigneth . Consigning . Consiliary . Consimilar . Consisted . Consistory . Consociate . Consolator . Console Consonancy Conspectus . Conspiracy . Conspire . . Conspiring . Constantia . Constantly . Constate . . Constipate . Constrain . Constrict Constringe . Consubsist . Consuetude . Consulage . Consulship . Consultive . Consumable Consumed . Consumedly Consuming . Consummate Consumpt . Consutile Contactual . Contagious . Contagium . Contain . . Containant . Containeth . Contango . Contemper . Contentful . Context . . Contynency . Continue Continuing . Difference (continued) (To) pay the difference The difference is made up by The difference between our views and The difference has been adjusted Very little difference (between) Different [led to suppose I find a very different state of things to what I was The reports are very different Has (have) been telling two different tales Under very different circumstances The mine(s) has (have) been in a number of dif- Difficult [ferent hands The mine(s) is (are) very difficult to work It will be a very difficult undertaking Will it be difficult It will be very difficult Very difficult to decide Very difficult to work Difficulty(ies) Will there be any difficulty Has (have) found great difficulty Will have some difficulty Has (have) found no difficulty The difficulty is Will have no difficulty What is the difficulty Without difficulty With great difficulty If there is any difficulty There is no difficulty We shall not have much difficulty The greatest difficulty we have to encounter Let us know if you have any (further) difficulty Difficulties have arisen (To) overcome the difficulties The difficulties have been overcome Difficulties in the way Dimensions The dimensions are What are the dimensions Give dimensions of the largest piece The dimensions of the largest piece Dimensions of the tunnel Dimensions of the shaft Diorite Dyke of diorite Dip(s) The dip of the lode Dips at an angle of Dips to the DIR 137 No. Code Word. 6765 Contorted . Direct 6766 Contraband . Shall go direct (to) 6767 Contracts . Direct communication with is interrupted, owing to 6768 Contradict . You had better go direct to 6769 Contramure There is no direct route to 6770 Contrapose . Direct all letters to the care of at 6771 Comtrarily . Direct all letters to hotel at 6772 Contribute . Direct all telegrams to the care of at 6773 Contrite . . Direct all telegrams to hotel at 6774 Contriving . Send direct to 6775 Controller . Ordered to be sent direct 6776 Controvert . Come home by most direct route 6777 Contrusion . Director (s) 6778 Contumacy . The directors approve 6779 Conundrum. The directors disapprove 6780 Convalesce. The directors authorize you to 6781 Convenable. Would the directors agree to 6782 Convergent. Will join board of directors 6783 Converse . Will you join board of directors 6784 Conversing . (As) local director 6785 Conversion . (As) resident director 6786 Converters . (As) managing director 6787 Convertite . (As) chairman of board of directors 6788 Convexedly ." Can you get me made a director 6789 Convexity . Can you get me made managing director 6790 Convexness . Is (are) appointed managing director(s) 6791 Convey . . Is (are) made director 6792 Conveyance. Would make a good director 6793 Conveying . Join board of directors after allotment 6794 Convicious . There are some good names among the directors 6795 Convicted . Cannot accept the post of director 6796 Convictism . Accept the post of director 6797 Convinces . Good names for local directors 6798 Convivial . Cable the names of local directors 6799 Convocatecl. Have appointed local director(s) 6800 Convoked . The directors wish you to 680 1 Convolute . The directors agree to your proposal 6802 Convulsed . The directors decline to 6803 Convulsing . Do the directors decline or consent 6804 Conyburrow The directors require further information 6805 Conycatch . The directors are of opinion that 6806 Conywool . Disabled 6807 Conyza . . Disabled by an accident 6808 Cooingly. . Disabled by sickness 6809 Cookeries . Is (are) disabled from 6810 Cookery . . Disappointed 68 1 1 Cookmaid . Have been greatly disappointed 6812 Cookroom . Disappointment 6813 Coolheaded . Much disappointment is felt '38 DIS No. Code Word. 6814 Coolness. . Disapproval (of ) 6815 Cool wort. . Desire to express their entire disapproval of 63 1 6 Cooped . . Disbursements 6817 Cooperated . Disbursements this month have been 6818 Coopering . Disbursements last month have been 6819 Cooptate. . What have been the disbursements for 6820 Cooptation . The disbursements have been very heavy 6821 Coordinate . Disbursements in respect of 6822 Copaiba . . On account of heavy disbursements (for) 6833 Copaifera . Discharge(d) 6824 Copalche . Discharged for 6825 Coparcener . Has been discharged 6826 Copartment. (Will) discharge the duties 6627 Copartners . Who discharges the duties in your absence 6828 Coparts . . Have had to discharge 6829 Copeck . . Disconnected 6830 Copepoda . Entirely disconnected from 6831 Copernican . We have disconnected 6832 Copesmate ; Discontented 6833 Copestones . Getting very discontented at 6834 Cophinus . Discontinue 6835 Cophosis . Will you discontinue 6836 Copied . . Think you ought to discontinue 6837 Copiously . You must discontinue 6838 Coplant . . You must not discontinue 6839 Coportion . Propose to discontinue 6840 Copper . . Shall discontinue 6841 Copperhead . Discontinued 6842 Copperish . Has (have) discontinued driving 6843 Coppernose . Have discontinued developments on account of 6844 Copperwork. Why was the - discontinued 6845 Coppice . . Have you discontinued 6846 Coppledust . Have discontinued 6847 Copresence . Discount 6848 Copridae . The shares are at a discount 6849 Coprolitic . What discount allowed for cash 6850 Coprophagi . Discount for cash 6851 Copsewood . Can you discount 6853 Copspinner . Can discount 6853 Copsy . . Cannot discount 6854 Copulate . . At a discount of 6855 Copulation . Rate of discount 6856 Copulatory . Cannot allow any discount 6857 Copybook . Discouraging 6858 Copyhold . The accounts are very discouraging 6859 Copying. . The aspect of affairs is very discouraging 6860 Copyists . . Discover 86 1 Copyright . Can you discover 6862 Coquetted . Cannot discover 6863 Coquetting . Hope to discover DIS 139 No. Code Word. 6864 Coquettish . Discovered 6865 Coquito . . Have you discovered 6366 Coracias . . Has (have) discovered 6867 Coracle . . Has (have) not discovered 6868 Coradicate . Nothing has been discovered about 6869 Coralloid . Discovery 6870 Corallum Important discovery (of) 6871 Coralrag . . Discretion 6872 Coralreefs . You must act on your own discretion 6873 Coral wort . At the discretion of 6874 Coranto . . Have no discretion in the matter 6875 Corbelled . At my (our) discretion 6876 Corbelling . Dishonest 6877 Corchorus . Is dishonest 6878 Cordately . The concern is in dishonest hands 6879 Cordgrass . A most dishonest report 6880 Cordial . . A more dishonest report was never made 6881 Cordialize . Dishonestly 6882 Cordially . Has (have) acted dishonestly 6883 Cordiceps . Has (have) been detected acting dishonestly 6884 Cordierite . Is (are) acting dishonestly 6885 Cordon . . Dishonesty 6886 Corduroy . Dismiss for his (their) dishonesty 6887 Cord wain TJrtx-. x-3 C ^ *-f i rt*-.^,^ fs\* sA * r*> l- s-\ - r- 4-t T jndvc \j.ibiiiio&cd ~ IL/J viibiiuiJco ty 6888 Cordwood . Dishonourably 6889 Coregonus Has (have) acted very dishonourably 6890 Corelation . Dishonoured 6891 Corelative . Draft(s) has (have) been dishonoured 6892 Coreopsis Draft will be dishonoured unless 6893 Corfhouse . Will be dishonoured 6894 Corivalry Dishonoured acceptance (s) 6895 Corkcutter . If acceptance is dishonoured 6896 Corkfossil . Acceptance dishonoured 6897 Corkingpin . Dismiss 6898 Corkjacket . Have been obliged to dismiss on account of 6899 Corkleg . . Dismiss all the men you can possibly do without 6900 Corkscrew . Do not dismiss 6901 Corktrees . Disorder 6902 Cormogens . The accounts are in the greatest disorder 6903 Cormophyte There is great disorder in 6904 Cormorant . Most disorderly 6905 Cornaceae . Dispensed with 6906 Cornamute . Must be dispensed with 6907 Cornbadger . Can be dispensed with 6908 Cornbeef Cannot be dispensed with 6909 Cornbeetle . Will be dispensed with 6910 Cornbrash , Has (have) been dispensed with 6911 Cornbread . Dispute 6912 Corncockle . There is a dispute (about the - - ) 6913 Corncrakes . There is a dispute between 140 DIS No. Code Word. Dispute (continued) 6914 Corncutter . The dispute has been settled about the 6915 Corndrills . The dispute is not yet settled about the 6916 Cornelian . What is the dispute 6917 Corneous . In the event of any dispute 6918 Cornercap . Can you settle the dispute 6919 Cornered If a dispute arises, the matter to be referred to 6920 Cornering . Refer the matter in dispute to 6921 Cornerwise . The dispute is settled 6922 Cornetstop . Dissatisfaction 6923 Cornfactor . Very general dissatisfaction Is expressed 6924 Cornfield . There is not so much dissatisfaction 6925 Cornflag . . Dissatisfied 6926 Cornflour Is (are) very much dissatisfied 6927 Cornice . . Am (are) very much dissatisfied 6928 Cornished . Shareholders are dissatisfied 6929 Cornjuice Dissolution 6930 Cornlaws T~^i c-o/^1 n f i/-\vt r\f T*O vf*- ^i*r*K i r-k V\ Cottierism . Cottonary . Cottongins . Cottonlord . Cottonous . Cottonrose . Cottonweed . Cottonwool . Cottony . . Coturnix . . Cotutor . . Cotyla . Cotyliform . Cotyloid . . Couchancy . Couchgrass . Dividend(s) (continued} Dividend for quarter ending 3 ist December Dividend at the rate of Dividend at the rate of 3 per cent. Dividend at the rate of 5 per cent. Dividend at the rate of 6 per cent. Dividend at the rate of 7^ per cent* Dividend at the rate of 10 per cent. Dividend at the rate of 12 per cent. Dividend at the rate of 12^ per cent* Dividend at the rate of 15 per cent. Dividend at the rate of 1 y per cent* Dividend at the rate of 20 per cent. Dividend at the rate of 22^ per cent* Dividend at the rate of 25 per cent. Dividend at the rate of 30 per cent. Dividend of threepence per share Dividend of sixpence per share Dividend of eightpence per share Dividend of ninepence per share Dividend of tenpence per share Dividend of one shilling per share Dividend of is. $d. per share Dividend of is. ^d. per share Dividend of is. 6d. per share Dividend of is. 8d. per share Dividend of is. yd. per share Dividend of 2s. per share Dividend of 2s. 6d. per share Dividend of 3^. per share We propose to pay a dividend (of ) We propose to pay an interim dividend Interim dividend Interim dividend for quarter Interim dividend for half-year We can pay a dividend We shall recommend a dividend We shall declare a dividend What rate of dividend are you paying What rate of dividend are they paying What rate of dividend can you recommend Dividend will be only at the rate of Cannot recommend dividend of more than In order that we may be able to determine what divi- dend we can with prudence recommend Declared a dividend No dividend declared Must pass dividend If we do not declare a dividend If we pay a dividend If we cannot declare more than DIV 143 No. Code Word. Dividend (s) (continued) 7063 Couchless . If no dividend is paid 7064 Coughing . If no dividend is paid we can carry forward 7065 Couguar . . In order to pay a dividend 7066 Coulter , . In order to pay a dividend we shall want 7067 Coulterneb . In order to pay this dividend you must remit 7068 Council . . Balance left after paying dividend 7069 Councilist . After dividend is paid 7070 Councillor . When will dividend be declared 7071 Councilman . When will dividend be paid 7072 Counited . Dividend will not be more than 7073 Counselled . Dividend will not be less than 7074 Countable . Dividend is quite satisfactory 7075 Counteract . Dividend is not satisfactory 7076 Countersea . Much dissatisfaction expressed at small dividend 7077 Countless . Can you pay a dividend 7078 Countrify . Ex dividend 7079 Countryman No dividend has been paid for 7080 Countwheel . Do 7081 Couplings . Do everything you can to 7082 Courage . . Do what you think best 7083 Courageous . Do as I advise 7084 Couriers . . Do you 7085 Cdurtamour. Do nothing 7086 Courtbaron . Do it 7087 Courtbred . Do not do it 7088 Courtcards . I do 7089 Courtcraft . I do not 7090 Courtdays . What are you going to do 7091 Courtdress . We do 7092 Courtesies , We do not 7093 Courtesy. . You do 7094 Courtesan . You do not 7095 Courtfool . They do (He does) 7096 Courthand , If we do 7097 Courthouse . If we do not 7098 Courtledge . If you do 7099 Courtleet . If you do not 7100 Courtlike . If they do (If he does) 7101 Courtlings , If they do not (If he does not) 7102 Courtparty . Whether he does or not 7103 Courtrolls . Whether you do or not 7104 Courtship . Do you not 7105 Courtsword . Do they not 7106 Couscousou Do all you can 7107 Cousinhood . Will do very well 7108 Cousinly. . When do you 7109 Cousinship . When do they (When does he) 7110 Covelline . Do not 7111 Covenantor . Do not go 7112 Coverchief . How do you 144 DO No. Code Word. Do (continued} 7113 Coveredway How do they (How does he) 7114 Covereth . Do no more 7115 Coverlid. .Documents 7116 Coverpoint . Has (have) the documents 7117 Covershame Send me (us) the necessary documents 7118 Coverdy . . Deliver the documents 7119 Covertness . Do not deliver the documents 7120 Covetingly . Documents are all in order 7121 Covetise . . Documents are not in order 7122 Covetously. Has (have) given up the documents 7123 Coward . . Has (have) not given up the documents 7124 Cowardeth . Documents forwarded by mail of 7125 Cowardlike . Documents received 7126 Cowardly . Documents not received 7127 Cowardous . Have you received the documents 7128 Cowardship . Will furnish you with the necessary documents 7129 Cowbane . Documents will be forwarded by mail of 7130 Cowberries . The documents must be recorded 7131 Cowberry , The documents are all in order, and you can go on 7132 Cowblakes . Documents will be sent [with the business 7133 Cowboys. . In exchange for the documents 7 134 Cowbunting Until you receive the documents 7135 Cowcalf . . Until we receive the documents 7136 Cowcatcher . Unless we get the documents 7137 Cowchervil . Doing 7138 Cowdiepine . What are you doing about 7139 Cowdoctor . Doing everything possible with regard to 7140 Cowfeeder . Doing nothing about 7141 Cowgrass . By so doing 7142 Cowherb. . In the event of his (their) doing so 7 143 Cowhides . Not doing anything 7144 Cowhiding . Doing very well 7145 Cowhouse . Doing better 7146 Cowkeepers . There has been very little doing 7 147 Cowleech . Telegraph what is doing in * 7148 Cowlstaff . Dollars 7149 Co workers . Dollars in cash 7150 Cowparsley . Dollars per ton 7151 Cowparsnip . Dollars per cord 7152 Cowpox . . Dollars per foot 7153 Cowquakes . Dollars per share 7154 Cowslip . . How many dollars 7155 Cowslipped . The equivalent in dollars 7156 Cowwheat . Dollars at pence 7157 Coxalgia . . Pounds sterling at dollars 7158 Coxcombly . Dolomite 7159 Coxcomical . Dolorite 7160 Cox^endix . Done 7161 Coyness . . Must be done 7162 . Coystrel . . Can it be done No. Code Word. 7163 Coziest . . 7164 Cozily . . 7165 Crabapple . 7166 Crabbedly . 7167 Crabby . . 7168 Crabeater . 7169 Crabfaced . 7170 Crabgrass . 7171 Crablouse . 7172 Crabsidle . 7173 Crabstick 7174 Crabtree . , 7175 Crab wood 7176 Crabyaws 7177 Cracidae. . 7178 Crackhemp . 7179 Crackle . . 7180 Crackling . 7181 Cracknel. , 7182 Crackrope . 7183 Crackskull , 7184 Cracksman , 7185 Cracowes 7186 Cradlebabe , 7187 Cradled . , 7188 Cradle walk , 7189 Craftiest . , 7190 Craftily . . 7191 Cragged . , 7192 Cragginess . 7193 Craigsman -. 7194 Crakys . . 7195 Crambus. , 7196 Crameria. , 7197 Crammer 7198 Cramming , 7199 Crampbark , 7200 Crampbone , 7201 Cranberry , 7202 Craneflies 7203 Cranefly . 7 204 Cranesbill 7205 Crangon . 7 206 Craniology 7207 Crankbird 7208 Crankhook 7209 Crankpin 7210 Crannied 7211 Crapaudine 7212 Crapensh DON Done (continued) When will it be done What has been done What have you done with regard to Will be done immediately It can be done It cannot be done Has (have) been done Has (have) not been done Will have to be done Nothing can be done (owing to) Will endeavour to get it done A great deal has been done (to) Very little has been done (to) Nothing has yet been done (to) Ought to be done (at once) . Will be done Much yet remains to be done Something must be done immediately If not already done Nothing can be done until There is nothing more to be done Have you done Has he (have they) done Whether done or not . Double Double the quantity (or amount) . (To) double the (To) double the capacity . (To) double the yield . (To) double the output Has been doubled . Doubt Have you any doubt Have no doubt Have great doubt Is there any doubt about There is no doubt (about) that There is a doubt about Beginning to doubt Doubt if we can (do) . Down The vein goes down As we go down Going down Down to Down to water level Has (have) not gone down Has (have) gone down . Downward A downward tendency 146 DRA No. Code Word. 7213 Crapes . . Draft (s) 7214 Crapulence. Date of draft 7215 Crapulous . Draft payable 7216 Craspedota . Draft dated at months 7217 Crassament . Draft is on the way 7218 Crassitude . Draft paid 7219 Crassness . Will you pay draft for (at) 7220 Crassula . . I will pay draft for (at) 7221 Crataeva. . Draft provided for 7222 Craterous . Send me (us) draft upon 7223 Craunch . . Have sent you draft upon 7224 Cravatted . Will send you draft upon 7225 Crawl. . . Your draft will be duly met 7226 Crawling. . Have honoured your draft 7227 Crawlingly . Your draft for has been dishonoured (at) 7228 Crayons . . Draft dishonoured ; drawer had no authority to draw 7229 Crazedness . All drafts will be duly honoured 7230 Crazemill . Draft has been dishonoured in consequence of time 7231 Cream . , Please pay draft [for delivery having elapsed 7232 Cream cake . Please provide for draft 7233 Creamery . Draft dishonoured because you departed from in- 7234 Creamfaced . Draft dishonoured, there being no funds [structions 7235 Creamfruit . Why was draft dishonoured 7236 Creaminess . Drain(age) 7237 Creamlaid . In order to drain the mine 7238 Creamnut . To drain the 7239 Creampots . Free drainage to depth of 7240 Creamslice . Drained 7241 Creamwhite. The mine has been drained 7242 Creamwove . The mine cannot be drained 7243 Creasing. . The mine is drained by a tunnel 7244 Creatable . When the mine is drained 7245 Create th . . Can you get the mine drained 7 246 Creatic . . To get the mine drained will require 7247 Creation. , The mine is drained by 7248 Creatural . If the mine is to be drained 7249 Creaturely . Draining 7250 Creaturize . Effectually draining the mine 7251 Crebritude .Draw (See also Sight.) 7252 Credencing . Draw on me (us) 7 2 53 Credendum . Draw on me (us) for investment 7254 Credent . . Draw on me (us) for fee 7255 Credential . At what date may I draw 7256 Credible . . On whom shall I (we) draw 7257 Creditably . Arrange to draw upon 7258 Creditress . May I (we) draw upon you (for) 7259 Creditrix. . Have had to draw on 7260 Credulity . Draw on for the amount of 7261 Credulous . Draw at days' date 7262 Creeper . . You may draw for DRA 147 No. Code Word. Draw (continued) 7263 Creephole Draw at days' sight 7264 Creeping. Draw at date 7265 Cremate . You may not draw for 7266 Cremating Do not draw on us 7267 Cremocarp Draw with bill of lading attached 7268 Cremona. To what amount may I (we) draw 7269 Cremosine Not authorized to draw 7270 Crenatula Cannot draw out 7271 Crenelets Authorized to draw 7272 Crenellate Draw for the amount (; ) attaching certificates 7273 Crenelled . Drawback [- bank 7274 Crenulated The drawback is 7275 Crepitant A most serious drawback 7276 Crepuscle . Drawing 7277 Crescentia Send drawing showing 7278 Crescive . . Have sent drawing showing 7279 Cresol . Drawing of the engine 7280 Crestless . Drawing of the mill 7281 Cresttile . . Drawing of the 7282 Crevices . General drawing 7283 Cribbage. . Working drawing 7284 Cribbiter. Detail drawing 7285 Cribration Drawing showing in some detail 7286 Cribrose . . Drawn 7287 Cricket . Have drawn on 7288 Cricketbat Have drawn upon you for through - at 7289 Cricketers T-Tmf> rlr""MV"n f\v\ nHvi rt r k IT"* VITT WITT* if draft is 7290 Cricoid . To what amount have you drawn [duly met 7291 Crime. . . Drift(s) 7292 Crimeless Drift from the 7293 Criminally Drift from the incline is in 7294 Criminate Drift from the shaft is in 7295 Criminous How is drift looking 7296 Crimpage Drift is now in 7297 Crimson . North drift on the feet level (is in) 7298 Crimsoning South drift on the feet level (is in) 7299 Crinal . ~C*Oct- y~J*-lA- /~\ fk 4- V* A ff*l l^lTT^fcl /I f 1V^\ 7300 Crinatory West drift on the feet level (is in) 7301 Crincun . The bottom drift looks well for ore 7302 Cringed . A sample taken from the drift assayed 7303 Cringeling It only appears at the bottom of the drift 734 Cringingly The lower drift is looking 735 Crinoidal How is the lower drift looking 7306 Crinosity. T\~iA- v/^.ir>f\ 4-V* rf-v 1 ^T^%1 7307 Criosphinx . Drift from shaft 7308 Cripple . . North drift 739 Crippling . South drift 7310 Crisis . . East drift 73" Crispate . . West drift 7312 Crispature . Side drift 148 DEI No. Code Word. Drift(s) (continued) 73 r 3 Crisply . . Bottom drift 7314 Crisscross . Drift on side lode 7315 Criterion. . Drift has advanced 7316 Crithmum . Drift has been run in very hard ground 7317 Critically . Drift has been run in ore 7318 Criticisms . Drift has been run in 7319 Criticizer . Drift is looking better 7320 Critiques. . Drift is not looking so well 7321 Croaked. . Drift looks well for ore 7322 Croceous . Drift is now in a large body of ore 7323 Crockery. , Drift still continues in barren ground 7324 Crocketed . Drift still continues in poor ore 7325 Crocodilia . Drift still continues in rich ore 7326 Crocoisite . Drift passed through ore 7327 Croconate . Drift passed through ore, giving high assays 7328 Croconic. . Drift has been in barren ground, but has now got 7329 Crocuses. . Shall drift on the vein [in ore 7330 Crook back . Shall drift both ways 7331 Crookedly * Shall drift to connect 7332 Cropeared . Have connected by a drift 7333 Cropfull . . Drift connecting and shaft 7334 Cropout . . Drift connecting 7335 Cropping . Drift to connect 7336 Crossaisle . We are now running a drift from to 7337 Crossarmed . Shall push forward drift with all possible speed 7338 Crossarrow . Hope to have drift completed within 7339 Crossbar. . When do you expect drift to reach 7340 Crossbill. . Bottom of drift 7341 Crossbirth . Top of drift 7342 Crossbones . Side of drift 7343 Crossbred . Face of drift 7344 Crosscheck . Average value of ore in drift 7345 Crosscut. . This drift does not show much promise as yet 7346 Crossdays . Drift is showing signs of getting into 7347 Crosseyed . Ore in this drift improving in value 7348 Crossfire. . Ore in this drift is giving out 7349 Crossflow . Work has been discontinued in this drift 7350 Crosshead . Drill(s) 7351 Crossings . Machine drills are doing excellent work 7352 Crossjack . Machine drills are working badly 7353 Crosslode . Machine rock-drill 7354 Crossly . . Diamond drill 7355 Crosspatch . Air drills 7356 Crosspawl . The drills we are using 7357 Crossroads . How many drills are you using 7358 Crosstail . . What kind of drill are you using 7359 Crosswinds . What drill do you consider best 7360 Crosswise . The most suitable drill 7361 Crosswort . Cost of the drills 7362 Crotalaria . Estimated saving in labour by the use of drills DRI 149 No. 7363 7364 7365 7366 7367 7368 73 6 9 7370 7371 7372 7373 7374 7375 7376 7377 7378 7379 7380 7382 7383 7384 7385 7386 7387 7388 7389 7390 7392 7393 7394 7395 7396 7397 7398 7399 7400 7401 7402 7403 7404 7405 7406 7407 7408 7409 7410 74H 7412 Code Word. Drill(s) (continued) Crotalidae . The best drill for our purpose Crotalo . . Repairs to drills Crotchety . Drive(s) Croton . . To drive on the vein Crotonoil . From various drives Crotophaga . Driven Crottles . . Have driven in Crouchback . Have driven in upon the vein for Crowbars . Driven to connect Crowding . How many feet have you driven (on) Crowds . . Driven to the hanging-wall Crowflower . Driven to the foot-wall Crowfoot. . Driven feet Crownagent . How far have you driven Crowncourt . How far have you driven in the direction of Crowneth . Have driven through the Crownglass . Have driven along Crownhead . Driving Crownpiece . Have commenced driving Crownpost . Have stopped driving in (on account of) Crownsaw . Driving through good ore Crownscab . Driving through poor ore Crownside . Driving through country rock Crownwheel Driving through granite Crowquill . Driving through barren quartz Crowsbill . Driving through slate Crowsilk . . Driving through soft ground Crowsnest . Driving through very hard ground Crowstone . Driving through a dyke Croziered . Driving through a horse Crozophora . Driving towards Crucial . . Driving in both directions Crucibles . In which direction are you now driving Crucifer . . Now driving on level Crucifixes . We are now driving at the rate of Crucifying . Dry(ing) Crudities. . The mines are always dry Crudity . The mine is quite dry Cruel . . Dry weather Cruelly . . On account of the dry weather Cruelness . Tons of dry ore Cruentate . Dry crushing Cruentous . Dry or wet crushing Cruetstand . Drying-floor Crumb . . Revolving dryers Crumbbrush Dump(s) Crumbcloth . An abundance of ore on the dump Crumbling . Tons of ore on the dump Crumbly . . Tons of ore from the dump Crummable . Assays from the dump averaged BUM No. 7413 7414 7415 7416 7417 7418 7419 7420 7421 7422 7423 7424 7425 7426 7427 7428 7429 7430 743 1 743 2 7433 7434 7435 7436 7437 7438 7439 7440 744i 7442 7443 7444 7445 7446 7447 7448 7449 745 745 r 7452 7453 7454 7455 745 6 7457 7458 7459 7460 7461 7462 Code Word. Crummock Crumpled Crunched Cruorin . Crusader . Crusading Crusheth . Crushhat . Crushroom Crustacea Crustalogy Crustation Crustific . Crustily . Crustiness Crutch . Cryer . . Cryolite . Cryophorus Crypt . . Cryptic . Cryptical. Cryptogam Cryptology Cryptonym Crystallin Cubation Cubatory Cubature Cubbyhole Cubdrawn Cubeba . Cubeore . Cubespar Cubical . Cubically Cubicular Cubiform Cubited . Cubocube Cuboidal. Cuckold . Cuckoldize Cuckoldly Cuckoldom Cuckoo . Cuckoobud Cuckoospit Cucubalus Cuculidae showed it to contain [about tons Dump(s) (continued) Measurement of the dump Old waste dumps Duplicate Send a duplicate copy of Have sent you a duplicate Will send you a duplicate copy (of the) Duty Neglects his duty Is unable to attend to his duty Has returned to his duty What is the rate of duty on The duty on Doing better duty Can do better duty Cannot do better duty As good duty as The engine will do a duty of The engine is doing a duty of What duty is the engine doing Is doing his duty We are only doing our duty You will be only doing your duty Chargeable with duty An ad valorem duty of The duty on machinery Dwelling-house There is a good superintendent's dwelling-house There is no manager's dwelling-house There is a good dwelling-house for There are dwelling-houses The dwelling-houses are built of Has a dwelling-house The dwelling-houses are in good condition The dwelling-houses are in a very bad condition Dwelling-house(s) for the staff Dwelling-house (s) for the miners Dynamite Are using dynamite The dynamite used Tons of dynamite Pounds of dynamite Dynamite for blasting Explosion of dynamite Dyke Slate dyke Granite dyke Porphyry dyke Vein here intersected by a dyke Dynamo Dynamo for electric lighting DYN , 5 i No. Code Word. Dynamo (continued) 7463 Cucullaris . Want a new dynamo 7464 Cucumbers . Put down a new dynamo 7465 Cucumiform Alteration in the dynamos 7466 Cucurbit . . The dynamo(s) now in use 7467 Cucurbital . Dynamo does not work well 7468 Cudbear. . A dynamo of greater power 7469 Cudgelled . Dynamo requires 7470 Cudgelling . Dynamometer 7471 Cudgel play . By testing with dynamometer 7472 Cudweed. . Trials with the dynamometer 7473 Cueball . . Each 7474 Cueing . . In each case 7475 Culicidae . Have visited each 7476 Culilawan . Keep the details of each mine separate and distinct 7477 Culinary. . Each of (them) [in your report 7478 Gullied . . Each of the mines 7479 Cullionly. . Each of the workings 7480 Cullizan . . For each (of them) 7481 Cully. . . Of each (of them) 7482 Cullyism . The price of each 7483 Culottic . . Each and every one 7484 Culpable. . If each of them 7485 Culpatory . Eager 7486 Culprit . . Is (are) very eager to 7487 Cultivator . Is (are) not very eager to 7488 Cultrate . . Do not appear too eager 7489 Culturable . Is (are) eager to 7490 Culturist . . Eagerness 7491 Cultus . . Shows too much eagerness 7492 Culver . . Earliest 7493 Culverkey . Earliest possible 7494 Culver tail . Shall take the earliest opportunity 7495 Cumbent . By earliest possible mail 7496 Cumberless . Early 7497 Cumbersome Send an early answer 7498 Cumbi . . As early as possible 7499 Cumbrance . Hope to get early to work 7500 Cumbrous . Not early enough 7501 Cumbrously. It is too early yet to 7502 Cuminol . . Much too early 7503 Cummerbund Not so early 7504 Cumshaw . At an early date 7505 Cumulate . At an earlier date (than) 7506 Cumulating . Early next month 7507 Cumulation . Early next 7508 Cumulose . Take an early opportunity (to) 7509 Cumyl . . Earnest 7510 Cunctation . In earnest 7511 Cunctative . Not in earnest 7512 Cuneal . . As earnest of our intention 152 EAR No. Code Word. Earnest (continued) 7513 Cuneatic. . Thoroughly in earnest 7514 Cuniculous .Earnestly 7515 Cunning. . Impress most earnestly on 7516 Cunningman Is (are) most earnestly 7517 Cupbearer . Earnings 7518 Cupboard . What are the net earnings (of) 7519 Cupel. . . The net earnings are 7520 Cupeldust . The gross earnings (are) 7521 Cupful . . The amount of earnings 7522 Cupgall . . Increase in earnings 7523 Cupidity. . Decrease in earnings 7524 Cupmoss. . The earnings last year (were) 7525 Cupressite . Earnings during the last six months 7526 Cuproid- . . The earning capacity 7527 Cupvalve . The total earnings during the past were 7528 Curability . Earthquake (s) 7529 Curacy . . The district is subject to frequent earthquakes 7530 Curassow . Severe shock of earthquake 7531 Curateship . The earthquake has caused but little damage 7532 Curators . . Suffered much damage from the earthquake which 7533 Curatrix . . Easier [occurred 7534 Curba . . Much easier than 7535 Curbless . . We require easier terms 7536 Curbplate . Arrange for easier terms 7537 Curbroof. . Easily 7538 Curbsender . Can you easily 7539 Curbstone . Can easily 7540 Curculio . . Can easily do what you want 7541 Curcuma. . Cannot easily 7542 Curcumine . East (See Table at end) 7543 Curdiness . Easy 7544 Curdled , . Easy payments 7545 Curdling. . Arrange for easy payments 7546 Curdog . . Balance by easy payments 7547 Curfew . . Easy payments extending over 7548 Curiosity. . On easy terms 7549 Curious . . It will be easy to 7550 Curlcloud . It is not so easy 7551 Curledness . Will not be so easy as you expect 7552 Curledpate . Less easy than 7553 Curly pated . Economical 7554 Curmudgeon Not so economical as 7555 Currants . . (Is) more economical than 7556 Currencies . A more economical process (or method) 7557 Currency. . Some more economical method must be adopted 7558 Curricle . . The most economical (method) 7559 Currishly. . Economize 7560 Currycomb . It is necessary to economize 7561 Cursedly. . So as to economize 7562 Curship . . Economy ECO 153 No. Code Word. Economy {continued) 7563 Cursitor . . With economy 7564 Cursive . * Use every economy 7565 Cursively . Every economy will be used 7566 Cursorary . Every economy must be used 7567 Cursorial. . Cannot you effect economies in 7568 Curstful . . With too great economy 7569 Curstfully . The mine has been starved from too great economy 7570 Curtail . . Economy in 7571 Curtaildog . Effect (of) 7572 Curtailing . The effect will be 7573 Curtalax . . What will be the effect of 7574 Curtana . . To take effect on 7575 Curtly . . This will have the effect of 7576 Curtness . . May have some effect 7577 Curtsied . . Do not know what the effect might be 7578 Curtsying . To this effect 7579 Curule . . To the same effect 7580 Curvature . To the effect that 7581 Curvetted . Unable to effect 7582 Curvetting . The effect will be favourable 7583 Curvity . . The effect will be serious 7584 Curvograph . Cannot say what the effect will be 7585 Cuscobark . Do you think it will have the desired effect 7586 Cushion . . Had the desired effect 7587 Cushioning. The effect of the arrangement 7588 Cusparine . A better effect 7589 Cuspidate . The desired effect 7590 Custard . . Will probably have some effect 7591 Custodian . The effect upon the 7592 Custom . . The effect upon the price of the shares 7593 Customable . A disastrous effect 7594 Customary . Will have a good effect 7595 Custometh . Will have a bad effect 7596 Cutaneous . Carry this into effect 7597 Cutaway . . Carried into effect 7598 Cutgrass . . Hope you will give effect to this 7599 Cutlasses. . Please to give effect to 7600 Cutlery . . Effective 7601 Cutoff . . The effective fall 7602 Cutpurse . The effective horse-power 7603 Cutterbar . If it is not effective 7604 Cutthroats . Not so effective as 7605 Cuttlebone . Effectually) 7606 Cuttlefish . Will this effectually (or) Will this be effectual 7 607 Cuttystool . This will effectually (or) This will be effectual 7608 Cutwater . Fear this will not effectually 7609 Cutworm . Effort 7610 Cyamidae . Every effort must be made (to) 7611 Cyanamide . Every effort will be made (to) 7612 Cyanhydric . Every effort has been made (to) 154 EFF No. Code Word. Effort (continued) 7613 Cyanogen Is (are) making no effort to 7614 Cyanometer Spare no effort to 76i5 Cyanopathy Either 7616 Cyanosis . Either will do 7617 Cyanotype Either one or the other 7618 Cyanurate Either of them 7619 Cyanuric . Either course can be adopted 7620 Cybium . If either of them was (or) (should be) 7621 Cycad . Either that or 7622 Cycadiform Elapse 7623 Cycadite . The bond will elapse 7624 Cyclamen r l 'K /-k -v>iv*^ ITT<- r l"/^v- A r*.A -W* T^rV-i f\\^ \11\\\ ^Trt-vr.rt ^%** j. iic mine wdb uuiiucu lur ? wiiionwut ciapbc on 7625 Cyclantha Has (have) allowed the time to elapse 7626 Cyclical . Do not let the time elapse 7627 Cycling . When does time elapse 7628 Cyclograph Elapsed 7629 Cycloid . Has not elapsed 7630 Cycloidal Will have elapsed 7631 Cyclolith Will not have elapsed 7632 Cyclometry Must be done before the time has elapsed 7633 Cyclonic . The time has elapsed 7634 Cyclopean As the time has elapsed for which 7 6 35 Cyclopedic Elected 7636 Cyclostoma Has (have) been elected 7637 Cyder . Has (have) not been elected 7638 Cydippe . Who has been elected (to) 7639 Cydonia . Has (have) elected to 7640 Cyesiology Has (have) elected not to 7641 Cygnet . What has (have) elected to 7642 Cygninae Election(s) 7643 Cylindric The election of as 7644 Cylindroid During the elections 7 6 45 Cymbal . After the elections 7646 Cymbalist The result of the elections 7647 Cymbella Electric (See Table at end) 7648 Cymbidium The electric light 7649 Cymbiform The electric light (is) used in the mill 7650 Cymiferous The electric light (is) used in the mine 7651 Cyminum The electric light (is) generally used 7652 Cymophane System of electric lighting 7653 Cymous . By the adoption of the electric light 7654 Cynanchum The electric wires ^7655 Cynara . Incandescent electric light(s) 7656 Cynegetics Arc electric light(s) 7657 Cynical . Electric transmission 7658 Cynicisms Electric storage 7659 Cynictis . Electric batteries 7660 Cynrpidae Electric machine for blasting 7661 Cynogale Electric fuses 7662 Cynography Electricity ELE 155 No. Code Word. Electricity (continued) 7663 Cynomorium Lighting by electricity 7664 Cynorexia Blasting by electricity 7665 Cynosure Transmission by electricity 7666 Cynthia . Introduction of electricity 7667 Cyophoria Light the mine by electricity 7668 Cyphelia Light the mill by electricity 7669 Cyphonidae By electricity 7670 Cyphonism (To) light by electricity 7671 Cypraea . Elevation [sea 7672 Cypress The elevation of the mine(s) is feet above the 7673 Cyprinus . What is the elevation of the mine(s) above the sea 7674 Cypruslawn At this elevation 7675 Cypselidae At what elevation 7676 Cypselus At an elevation of 7677 Cyrillic . Elevation of the 7678 Cyriologic Plan and elevation of the [sea 7679 Cyrtostyle At an elevation of feet above the level of the 7680 Cysticles . At an elevation of feet above the river (or creek) 7681 Cystidean At an elevation of feet above the valley 7682 Cystitis . At an elevation of feet above the mill 7683 Cystitome At what elevation is the above the 7684 Cystocarp Elevator 7685 Cystocele Elevator for 7686 Cystolith. Elicit 7687 Cystose . Can you elicit from whether 7688 Cystotomy Trying to elicit some information 7689 Cystula . Elicited 7690 Cytinaceae Have you elicited anything from 7691 Cytisus . Has (have) elicited from that 7692 Cytoblast Has (have) not elicited anything from 7693 Cytogeny Else 7694 Czarinian Anything else 7695 Czarish . Elsewhere 7696 Dabblers Have to send elsewhere 7697 Dabchicks Cannot apply elsewhere 7698 Dabeocia Try elsewhere 7699 Dabster . Is it done elsewhere 7700 Dacelo . It has been done elsewhere 7701 Dacoity . Emanated 7702 Dacrydium The report emanated from [report emanated 7703 Dacryolite Has (have) not been able to find out from whom the 7704 Dacryoma From whom has this report emanated 7705 Dactyl . Has (have) emanated from 7706 Dactylar . Has (have) not emanated from 7707 Dactylion We hear that the rumour emanated from 7708 Dadoes . The report emanated from the usual clique 7709 Dadoxylpn Emancipated 7710 Daemonic Emancipated from all control 7711 Daffodil. Emancipated from the control of 7712 Daggers . Emancipation EMA No. 7713 77H 7715 7716 7717 77 i8 7719 7720 7721 7722 7723 7724 7725 7726 7727 7728 7729 773 773i 7732 7733 7734 7735 7736 7737 7738 7739 7740 774i 7742 7743 7744 7745 7746 7747 7748 7749 775 775i 775 2 7753 7754 7755 7756 7757 7758 7759 7760 7761 7762 Code Word. Daggletail . Dagswain . Dagtailed . Daguerrean . Dahabieh Dahlias . . Daintiest . . Daintify . . Daintiness . Daintrel . Dairyfarm . Dairyhouse . Dairying . . Dairymaid . Dairyroom . Daisied . . Daisy . . . Dakerhen . Dalbergia Dalesman . Dallying . . Dalmahoy . Dalmatica . Dalriadic Daltonian . Damage . . Damageable Damaging . Damajavag . Damarresin . Damask . . Damaskins . Damaskplum Damaskrose Dambonite Damewort Damianist Dammara Dammed Damnably Damnatory Damnific Damnifying Damoclean Damoiselle Dampish Dampishly Damplate Dampness Dampoff . Emancipation (continued) Emancipation from control Embargo Place an embargo upon Placed an embargo upon Embargo removed Removal of embargo Embarrass Greatly embarrass (es) us Will greatly embarrass us Embarrassed Seriously embarrassed (by) + Embarrassment Caused great embarrassment Likely to cause great embarrassment Will cause us great embarrassment if we are corn- Is causing great embarrassment [pelled to Financial embarrassment Embarrassments have been caused by Embezzled Has embezzled Embezzlement Has committed embezzlement Embrace(ing) Will embrace Embracing every variety of Emerald(s) The emeralds are found in Emerald mines You will have to go to the emerald mines of Emeralds have been found Emeralds found, but do not pay cost of working Emeralds found, but not plentiful Emeralds (found) of poor quality Emeralds and rubies Emergency In case of emergency In case of emergency, we recommend you Employ Authorize you to employ It will be necessary to employ The company employs men How many men does the company employ You had better employ some other You had better employ some one to You had better employ How many men is it necessary to employ Must employ for this work good English miners Can you employ Can employ Cannot employ EMP 157 No. 7763 7764 7765 7766 7767 7768 7769 7770 7771 7772 7773 7774 7775 7776 7777 7778 7779 7780 7781 7782 7783 7784 7785 7786 7787 7788 7789 7790 7791 7792 7793 7794 7795 7796 7797 7798 7799 7800 7801 7802 7803 7804 7805 7806 7807 7808 7809 7810 7811 7812 Code Word. Dampy . Damsels . Damstone Dance Dancemusic Dancing . Dandelion Dandefied Dandiprat Dandled . Dandruff Dandycock Dandyhen Dandyish Dandyize Dandylings Danebrog Danegelt Dangerous Danglers . Dantesque Dapatical Dapedium Daphne . Daphnidae Dapifer . Dapperling Dapplebay Darapti . Darbyites Daredevil Daringly . Daringness Darkened Darkful . Darkish . Darkly . Darkness Darksome Darnix . Darootree Dartles . Dartoid . Dartrous . Dartsnake Darwinians Darwinism Dashboard Dashism . Dashwheel Employ (continued) Do not employ Do not employ any one, unless he is fully competent Do not employ any one, unless If you can employ If you cannot employ Can employ to better purpose (To) employ the funds (To) employ the capital (To) employ the surplus (To) employ the balance Employ some one (we) you can trust Employ a competent, trustworthy man Employ for the purpose named Employ a first-class lawyer Employ the best aid Employ the best expert Employ the best counsel Employ on our behalf Employ all possible means to Employed Has (have) employed Has (have) not employed Has (have) employed Has (have) been employed Has (have) not been employed How many men are employed (in) Must be employed Employed in interests Was employed by (in) (Have) employed the funds (Have) employed the man (or men) (Have) employed the amount (Have) employed the balance The capital employed The working capital employed The funds employed The men employed Good native miners can be employed Natives are employed Are employed, chiefly If you have employed If you have not employed "Why have you employed Why have you not employed Can be employed to better purpose Have employed all possible means (to) Every one fully employed Employing We are now employing We think of employing 153 EMP No. 78l3 7814 78i5 7816 7817 7818 7819 7820 7821 7822 7823 7824 7825 7826 7827 7828 7829 7830 7831 7832 7833 7834 7835 7836 7837 7838 7839 7840 7841 7842 7843 7844 7845 7846 7847 7848 7849 7850 7851 7852 7853 7854 7855 7856 7857 7858 7859 7860 7861 7862 Code Word. Dastardly Dasymeter Dasyornis Dasypidae Dasyprocta Dasypus . Dasyure . Dateless . Datepalm Dateplums Datesugar Datiscine Datisi. . Datura . Daubery . Daughterly Daunt Dauntless Dauphiness Davallia . Davenport Davidist . Davina . Davylamp Dawcock Dawdling Daybed . Daybooks Daybreak Daycoal . Daydreamer Daylabour Daylight . Daylilies . Daylily . Daylong . Daypeep . Day room Dayrule . Dayschool Dayshine Dayspring Daystar . Daytime . Daywoman Day work . Dazzle . Daazlement Dazzlingly Deaconess Employing (continued) In the event of employing Employment In whose employment was he The terms of his employment In our employment In employment His employment in our interests In the event of his employment The employment of counsel The employment of an expert The employment of a first-rate lawyer The employment of a surveyor The employment of a mining engineer Empower Will you empower us to Will you empower us to employ Empower you to act Empower you to Empower you to negotiate Empowered You are empowered to Is (are) empowered to Is (are) empowered to negotiate Empowered by Power of Attorney Fully empowered under the terms of Not empowered Empowering Empowering you to Empowering me (us) to Empowering him (them) to Empowering to [to act for us (Sending out) Power of Attorney, empowering you Empowering you to act on our behalf Enable Will enable me (us) to judge Will enable me (us) to Will enable you to Will this enable To enable to form an opinion To enable to do what is wanted Enabling Enabling us to Enabling you to Enabling him (them) to Encouraged We are encouraged to hope Will be encouraged Encouragement Do the mines give any encouragement There is no encouragement ENC 159 No. 7863 7864 7865 7866 7867 7868 7869 7870 7871 7872 7873 7874 7875 7876 7877 7878 7879 7880 7881 7882 7883 7884 7885 7886 7887 7888 7889 7890 7891 7892 7 8 93 7894 7895 7896 7897 7898 7899 7900 7901 7902 793 7904 795 7906 7907 7908 7909 7910 7911 7912 Code Word. Deaconhood Deaconry . Deaconship . Deadangle . Deadbeat Deadbell . Deadcentre . Deadened . Deadening . Deadflat . . Deadground Deadhedge . Deadhorse . Deadletter . Dead lift . . Deadlihood . Deadliness . Deadlock Deadneap . Deadnettle . Deadoil . . Deadpay Deadpoint . Deadripe Deadrising . Deadsheave . Deadshot , Deadvvall Deadwater , Deadweight , Deadwood , Deafen . , Deafmute , Dealbate , Dealbation , Dealfish . , Dealtree . , Dealwine Deambulate Deaneries , Deanship Dearborn Dearbought , Dearest . , Dearth ful , Deathagony , Deathbed , Deathblow Deathcord , Deathdamp , Encouragement (continued] There is every encouragement Is there any encouragement There is no encouragement to induce us to There is but little encouragement to persevere The report holds out great encouragement Without any encouragement [to expect Have not received the encouragement we were led If we can get sufficient encouragement Sufficient encouragement Encouraging Report is very encouraging Report is not encouraging The tone of your letter is not encouraging The purport of your letter is most encouraging Most encouraging Not at all encouraging Encroached (on) Has (have) encroached on the resources Has (have) encroached on the reserve (Has) have encroached considerably (on) Encroaching (on) Is (are) encroaching on Is (are) not encroaching on Is (are) encroaching on Encroaching on the resources Encroaching on the reserve Encroachment (on) Do not allow any encroachment (on) (To) prevent any encroachment (on) (To) stop at once the encroachment (on) End In the end At the end of An end of To bring it to an end The end of To the end that Bring the matter to an end There is an end of the matter To the bitter end Endeavour(s) (to) Use your best endeavours to Will endeavour Endeavour to ascertain Endeavour to ascertain and let us know by telegraph Endeavour to complete Endeavoured (to) Have endeavoured to Has (have) not endeavoured (to) Have you endeavoured (to) i6o END No. 79 r 3 7914 7916 7917 7918 7919 7920 7921 7922 79 2 3 7924 79 2 S 7926 7927 7928 7929 7930 7932 7933 7934 7935 7936 7937 7938 7939 7940 7941 7942 7943 7944 7945 7946 7947 7948 7949 795 795 1 795 2 7953 7954 7955 7956 7957 7958 7959 7960 7961 7962 Code Word. Deathdance. Endeavouring (to) Deathfire . We are now endeavouring to Deathify . . He is (they are) now endeavouring to Deathless . Has (have) been endeavouring to Deathrate . Has (have) been endeavouring for some time past to Deathsdoor . Has (have) been endeavouring for some time to Deaththroe . Endeavouring to raise capital [dispose of Deathtoken . Endeavouring to form a company Deathward . Endeavouring to raise sufficient funds Deathwatch . Ended Deathwound Has ended in Deathy . . Endorse Deauration . Do you endorse what states in his report Debacchate . We endorse what is stated in Debarment . Endorse what is stated Debarrass . Refused to endorse Debarred . Endorsed Debaseth . Have endorsed Debasingly . Have not endorsed Debated . . Has been endorsed by Debateful . By whom endorsed Debauchery. Acceptance endorsed by Debellate . Endorsement Debenture . The endorsement is good Debilitant . The endorsement is not good enough Debility . . Endorsement guaranteed Debiting . . Require the endorsement of Debonairly . Endorsement irregular Debruised . If the endorsement is Debtless . . Enforce Debtors . . You must enforce on the necessity of Decachord . Will enforce Decade . . Must enforce Decagon . . Enforce the claim Decagonal . Enforce the undertaking Decagynia . Enforce the covenant Decagynous . Take prompt steps to enforce Decahedron . Do not enforce Decaisnea . Enforced Decalcify . Have you enforced Decalogist . Has (have) enforced Decamped . Must be enforced Decamping . Cannot be enforced Decampment The claim must be enforced Decander . If the claim is not enforced Decandrous . Payment must be enforced Decangular . If payment is not enforced Decantate . Claim enforced Decapitate . Payment enforced Decapoda . Have enforced a settlement ENF 161 No. Code Word. Enforced (continued) 7963 Decapodous. Have not enforced 7964 Decastyle . Will not be enforced 7965 Decease . . Enforcement 7966 Decedent . We look to the enforcement of our claim 7967 Deceit . . Upon the enforcement of our claim 7968 Deceitful . The enforcement of the claim 7969 Deceitless . Engage(s) 7970 Deceived . Can you engage 7971 Decemberly Can engage 7972 Decemfid . Cannot engage for less than 7973 Decempedal Please engage 7974 Decemviral . Will engage 7975 Decennary . Engage(s) freight 7976 Decennium . Engage(s) to send out 7977 Decennoval. Engage for the purpose 7978 Decently. . Engage a competent 7979 Decentish . If we engage 7980 Deceptible . If you can engage 7981 Deception . If you cannot engage 7982 Deceptive . Engage a passage for 7983 Deceptory . Engage to superintend 7984 Decerpt . . Engage a lawyer 7985 Decidable . Engage to report 7986 Decidedly . Engage to audit 7987 Decidement. Engage to examine and report upon 7988 Decidence . Try to engage 7989 Deciduity . We must engage 7990 Deciduous . Engages to go out 7991 Decigram . Engages to go out, and will examine and report on 7992 Decillion . You may engage temporarily 7993 Decimal . . Engaged 7994 Decimalism . Has (have) engaged 7995 Decimally . Has (have) not engaged 7996 Decimated . Engaged temporarily 7997 Decimating . Permanently engaged 7998 Decimation . Must not be engaged 7999 Decimators . May be engaged 8000 Deciphered . May not be engaged 8001 Decision. . If you have engaged 8002 Decisively . Engaged the services of 8003 Decivilize . Engagement(s) 8004 Deckbeam . Do not make any engagements 8005 Deckcargo . Is (are) under an engagement to 8006 Decked . . No engagement has been made 8007 Deckhands . What engagements have you made 8008 Deckhook . The following engagements have been made 8009 Decking . . As regards the engagement (of) 8010 Deckload . Approve of the engagement 80 1 1 Deckpipe . Engagement binding 8012 Deckpump . Engagement not binding M 162 ENG No. Code Word. Engagement(s) (continued} 8013 Decksheet . More engagements than can possibly be carried out 8014 Declaim eth . Carry out engagement(s) 8015 Declaiming . Under engagement 8016 Declamator . Broken the engagement 8017 Declarable . Engine(s) 8018 Declarant . The engine has been removed from 8019 Declare . . Will replace the engine 8020 Declaredly . The engine is out of repair 8021 Declension . The repairs to the engine 8022 Declined Require h.p. engine 8023 Declinous . TJT x-vi - 4- 1 -M /* *~ v\ *-M -r\ /- *-*. V -T\ jnoibiiiig engine ui iup 8024 Declivity "P/^if f-n HI r* r^nrriTir 1 of Vi T"i 8025 Decoctible . Pumping engine of h.p. 8026 Decocting . ~D " r\ ' /-I" rr orirrin^ in f\Y\ & S\f - h.p. umpmg and winding engine in one, 01 8027 Decoctions . What is h.p. of engine 8028 Decollated . The engine is of h.p. 8029 Decolorant . The engine at the mill 8030 Decolorize . The cylinder(s) of the engine 8031 Decolour The condenser of the engine 8032 Decomplex . The piston-rod of the engine 8033 Decompound Engine(s) in good order 8034 Decoped . . Engine(s) in bad order 8035 Decorament Must have new engine 8036 Decoration . Full working power of engine is 8037 Decorative . Cost of erecting engine would be 8038 Decorous TA. -.1 J L^ ^^^^r,**-,, 4.^. VOTTi *%*> /Vll-H-k A >) It would DC ncCCobdry to iittvc engine^: 8039 Decorously . What is the power and condition of engine 8040 Decorum The engine is in good condition 8041 Decouple Engine and boiler in good condition 8042 Decoy . . Engine in good condition but boiler quite out of 8043 Decoybird . The engine is in very bad condition [repair 8044 Decoyduck . The engine is not sufficiently powerful 8045 Decoyman . Engineer(s) 8046 Decreased! . A thorough mechanical engineer 8047 Decreasing . A thoroughly efficient engineer 8048 Decree . . Must have a competent engineer to 8049 Decreeable . Have had to engage temporarily an engineer 8050 Decreement Send at once an engineer, to take complete control 8051 Decrepity . Mining engineer [of engines and machinery 8052 Decrescent . Require an efficient engineer 8053 Decrown . . Require an efficient mining engineer 8054 Decubitus . A competent and reliable mining engineer 8055 Decuman . A good engineer, who can 8056 Decumbent . A competent and reliable mining engineer to ex- 8057 Decurions . Enlarge [amine and report upon 8058 Decussate . To enlarge the 8059 Dedal . . Will you have to enlarge the 8060 Dedalian Will have to enlarge the 8061 Dedalous Need not at present enlarge the 8062 Dedicating . Enlarged ENL 163 No. Code Word. 8063 8064 8065 8066 8067 8068 8069 8070 8071 8072 8073 8074 8075 8076 8077 8078 8079 8080 8081 8082 8083 8084 8085 8086 8087 8088 8089 8090 8091 8092 8093 8094 8095 8096 ; 8o97 8098 8099 8100 8101 8102 8103 8104 8105 8106 8107 8108 8109 8110 8111 8112 Dedicatory . Dedimus Deducing Deduct . . Deductions . Deedbox Deediest . . Deedless. . Deedpoll . Deepbrowed Deepening . Deeplaid Deeply . . Deepsea Deepsome . Deepwaist . Deerfold . . Deergrass . Deerhair . . Deerhound . Deerneck Defacement . Defacer . . Defacingly . Defailure Defalcator . Defalk . . Defamation . Defamatory . Defamous . Defatigate . Defaulter . Defaulting . Defeasance . Defeating Defeature Defectuous . Defences Defencing . Defensible . Defensory . Defiance. . Defiantly Deficiency . Deficient Defiers . . Defiguring . Defilading . Defile . . Defiling . . Enlarged (continued) Have enlarged the Have not enlarged the Has been much enlarged Enlargement The enlargement of Enough There is enough ore There is not enough ore There will be time enough Is there enough There is enough There is not enough Enough ore to supply the The ore is rich enough to Enough ore can be raised (to) Have you enough Have not enough of Did you have enough of Shall you have enough of Enquire. (See Inquire.) Enter To enter into You had better enter into Do not enter into Will enter Will enter Will not enter Should be willing to enter Should not be willing to enter (To) enter into an undertaking (To) enter into an agreement (To) enter the mine Could not enter the mine (on account of) Entered Has (have) entered Has (have) not entered Has (have) entered Has entered upon his duties Entered into arrangements Enterprise Is it a risky enterprise A risky enterprise A most important enterprise The enterprise is one which Abandon the enterprise After enterprise was abandoned Abandonment of the enterprise (To) take up the enterprise If they take up the enterprise they will carry it The results of the enterprise [through i6* ENT No. Code Word. Enterprise (continued) 8113 Definite . . The objects of the enterprise 8114 Definitely . The enterprise was successful 8115 Defmitude . The enterprise has not hitherto been successful 8116 Deflagrate . Enterprising 8117 Deflected . Most enterprising 8118 Deflexion . Entertain 8119 Deflexure . Would entertain 8120 Defluous. . Would be inclined to entertain 8121 Deflux . . Would not entertain 8122 Defoliated . Will entertain 8123 Deforceor . Will not entertain 8124 Deforciant . Will you entertain a proposition 8125 Deformedly . Will you entertain a mining property 8126 Defossion . Entertain the proposition 8127 Defoulment. Entertain the idea 8128 Defraud . . Cannot entertain the proposal 8129 Defraudeth . Before we can entertain 8130 Defrauding . Will entertain the proposal, subject to certain modi- 8131 Defray . ."Entertained [fications 8132 Defraying . The proposition has been favourably entertained 8133 Defunct . . Will it be entertained 8134 Defunction . Will the proposal be entertained 8135 Defunctive . If proposal is entertained 8136 Defying . .Entirely 8137 Degarnish . Is it entirely 8138 Degeneracy . It is entirely 8139 Degenerate . It is not entirely 8140 Degenerous . Entirely out of the question 8141 Degrade . . The matter is one entirely of 8142 Degrading . Entirely settled 8143 Dehisce . . Entitle 8144 Dehiscence . Will this entitle 8145 Dehorter . This will entitle 8146 Dehumanize Will not entitle 8147 Dehusk . . Entitled 8148 Deiamba . Is (are) entitled to 8149 Deifical . . Is (are) not entitled to 8150 Deignous . Ought to be entitled to 8151 Deinacrida . Fully entitled to 8152 Deinosaur . The share to which is (are) entitled 8153 Deistic . . Has entitled to 8154 Deities . . We think we are fully entitled to 8155 Deity . . . Think you are entitled to 8156 Dejected . Not entitled to more than 8157 Dejectedly . Entitled under the agreement 8158 Dejectory . Entitled under the clause 8159 Dejerate . . Entitled under 8160 Defebechea . Eocene 8161 Delapse . . In Eocene formation 8162 Delapsion . Epidemic EPI 165 No. 8163 8164 8165 8166 8167 8168 8169 8170 8171 8172 8i73 8174 8175 8176 8177 8178 8179 8180 8181 8182 8183 8184 8185 8186 8187 8188 8189 8190 8191 8192 8i93 8194 8i95 8196 8i97 8198 8199 8200 8201 8202 8203 8204 8205 8206 8207 8208 8209 8210 8211 212 Epidemic (continued) An epidemic of CodeWord. _^__ Delayed . . An epidemic of has broken out Delayingly . Epidemic decreasing Delayment . Epidemic increasing Delectable . Owing to the prevailing epidemic Delectate . The epidemic now prevailing Delegation . The epidemic has subsided Delesseria . The epidemic has broken out again Deletery . . Equal Delft ... Is (are) equal to Delftware . Is (are) not equal to Deliac . . Must have equal Deliberate . The mines are not equal to the descriptions of them Delicacies . Quite equal to Delicacy . . Quite equal to the requirements (of) Delicious . Not quite equal to Delighteth . Equal to his duties Delightful . Must be equal to Delighting . Of equal quality (or grade) Delimit . . An equal division Delineator . If fully equal to Deliniment . Equally Delinquent . About equally divided Deliquate . Equally divided between Deliquesce . Equally bad Deliquium . Equally good Delirancy . Equally necessary Deliriant. . Equality Deliriums . Upon an equality of Deliver . . Equitable Deliveress . An equitable arrangement Deliverly . We think it a most equitable arrangement Delphic . . The most equitable arrangement [our approval Delphinate . Any equitable arrangement or agreement will have Delphinus . Cannot come to an equitable arrangement Deltaic . . Equitable terms Deltidium . Equitable terms have been proposed Delubrum . Equitable terms have been arranged Deluding . Equivalent (to) Delusions . At the equivalent of Delusive . . Taken as equivalent to Delusory. . The equivalent in dollars Delved . . The equivalent in pounds sterling Delving . . The equivalent in Demagogism What equivalent has he Demagogues What equivalent can you offer Demagogy . This will be about equivalent to Demand . . About equivalent to Demandable Not equivalent to Demandeth . Equivalent to what we are giving up Demanding . Equivocating i66 No. Code Word. Equivocating (continued} 8213 Demandress Is (are) equivocating 8214 Demarcated. Equivocation 8215 Demarch . Without any equivocation 8216 Demeanour . Let there be no equivocation 8217 Dementate . Without equivocation or reserve 8218 Dementia . Erect 8219 Demerits . Shall have to erect 8220 Demesne . Must erect 8221 Demesnial . It is positively necessary to erect 8222 Demibath . (To) erect the mill 8223 Demicannon (To) erect the machinery 8224 Demideify . (To) erect the engine 8225 Demidevil . (To) erect the 8226 Demiditone . Erection 8227 Demigorge . In course of erection 8228 Demigroat . The erection of 8229 Demijambe . Do you advise the erection of 8230 Demijohn . Advise erection of 8231 Demilance -. In course of erection, will be completed 8232 Demimonde Upon completing the erection 8233 Demiquaver The erection of a portion of the 8234 Demirep . . Error 8235 Demisable . Owing to an error 8236 Demising . There is an error 8237 Demisuit . There is no error whatever 8238 Demiurgus . Is there not some error 8239 Demivill . . There is a great error 8240 Demiwolf . There is an error in the accounts 8241 Demobilise . To eliminate the error 8242 Democracy . It was an error on our part 8243 Democrat . As a result of the error 8244 Demogorgon Attribute the error to 8245 Demography An error in the telegram 8246 Demolish . An error on the part of 8247 Demolition . How did the error occur 8248 Demonetize . Think you have made an error 8249 Demoniasm . If we have made an error 8250 Demonifuge. Admit(s) the error 8251 Demonology We much regret the error 8252 Demonomist Escape 8253 Demonry . To escape the consequences 8254 Demonship . To escape from 8255 Demoralize . A narrow escape (from) 8256 Dempster . No way of escape (from) 8257 Demulcent . Escaped 8258 Demure . . Escaped from 8259 Demurely . Escaped with life 8260 Demureness Escaped with life, but seriously injured 8261 Demurrable. Has not escaped (from) 8262 Demurrage . Essential ESS 167 No. Code Word. Essential (continued) 8263 Demurrer . It is absolutely essential 8264 Demurring . It is not absolutely essential 8265 Denariate . Is it absolutely essential 8266 Denaturate . Essentially 8267 Dendiculus . Report is essentially correct 8268 Dendriform. Accounts essentially correct 8269 Dendritic . Is essentially a question (of) 8270 Dendrobium Establish 8271 Dendrodont. (To be) able to establish 8272 Dendrodus . Must establish 8273 Dendroid . Cannot establish 8274 Dendroidal. Cannot you establish 8275 Dendrolite . Establish friendly relations with 8276 Dendrology . Establish a trade in 8277 Dendromys . If you could establish 8278 Dendrophis. Establish an agency 8279 Denelage . Establish a branch 8280 Denigrate . Established 8281 Denizen . . Was (were) established 8282 Denominate Has (have) been established 8283 Denotable . Must be established 8284 Denotative . Established an agency 8285 Denounce . Established a branch 8286 Denouncing Has (have) established 8287 Densely . . Has not yet been established 8288 Denseness . Establishing 8289 Dentalidae . Think of establishing 8290 Dentalium . Establishment 8291 Dentary . . The establishment of 8292 Dentately . Advise the establishment of 8293 Denticle . . Estimate(s). (See also Cost, and Time.) 8294 Dentiform . Estimate expenses for the month at 8295 Dentifrice . Impossible to estimate the value 8296 Dentiloquy . Cannot estimate the quantity of ore 8297 Dentinal . . I (we) estimate the value of the ore at 8298 Dentiscalp I (we) estimate the value of the machinery at 8299 Dentist . . I (we) estimate the value of mines, plant, and 8300 Dentistry . Do you include in the estimate [works at 8301 Dentition . I (we) estimate the value of the machinery and 8302 Dentizing . I estimate the expenses at [buildings at 8303 Denture . . In your estimate of working expenses do you include 8304 Denudating . Has (have) included in the estimate 8305 Denuded . Has (have) not included in the estimate 8306 Denunciant . Did not include in the estimate 8307 Denyingly . At what do you estimate 8308 Deobstruct . Cannot estimate 8309 Deoculate . Impossible to estimate 8310 Deodorant . Estimates forwarded 8311 Deodorize . Please send estimate for 83 1 2 Deonerated . Estimates are exaggerated i68 EST No. Code Word. Estimate(s) (continued) 8313 Deoppilate . Estimates for 8314 Deoxidized . Estimate of tonnage and value of ore reserves 8315 Depainter . Estimate of ore reserves (in) 8316 Departable . Estimate of ore in sight 8317 Departure . Estimates sent by last mail 8318 Depascent . Estimates will be sent on the 8319 Dependable. Cable what you estimate to be the amount and value of ore in sight, the rate of production, and 8320 Dependants. Cable what you estimate [the cost of mining 8321 Depended . Get an estimate from 8322 Dependency Estimates given by are too high 8323 Depeople . Estimates given by are too low 8324 Deperdit . Upon a moderate estimate 8325 Dephal . . Upon the basis of your estimate 8326 Dephlegm . The estimate is based upon 8327 Depict . . At a very low estimate 8328 Depicting . At a very high estimate 8329 Depilation . We think it will be safe to estimate 8330 Depilatory .- Estimated 8331 Depilous. . Estimated quantity of ore in sight 8332 Deplant . . Roughly estimated at 8333 Depleting . Estimated cost of 8334 Depletion . The estimated return 8335 Deplorable . The estimated yield 8336 Deplorate . The estimated expense 8337 Deplored . What have you estimated at 8338 Deploredly . Estimated to be worth 8339 Deploring . Estimated to produce 8340 Deploy . . What is the estimated 8341 Deployment Cannot be estimated 8342 Deplume . Estimated upon the basis of 8343 Depolarize . Estimation 8344 Deponeth . In your estimation 8345 Depopulate . In 's estimation 8346 Deportment. In the estimation of 83 17 Deposit . . Evade 83 j8 Depositing . Is (are) trying to evade 8349 Deposition . Will try to evade 8350 Depravedly . Do not evade 8351 Depravity . In order to evade 8352 Deprecable . Cannot evade 8353 Depredator . Cannot evade the conclusion (that) 8354 Deprehend . Have evaded 8355 Depressant . Evasion 8356 Depression. An evasion of the difficulty 8357 Deprisure . An evasion of the agreement 8358 Depriveth . Evening 8359 Depth . . On the evening of the 8360 Depucelate . This evening 361 Depulse . . To-morrow evening EVE i No. Code Word. Evening (continued) 8362 Depulsion . Last evening 8363 Depulsory . Event(s) 8364 Depurating . In the event of 8365 Depurator . To be prepared for any event 8366 Deputize . Recent events 8367 Deputizing . A most untoward event 8368 Deputy . . A most disastrous event 8369 Dequace . . In the course of events 8370 Deracinate . Events have proved 8371 Deraign . . Events have falsified 8372 Derainment . Eventually 8373 Deranged . If it should prove eventually 8374 Deranging . Eventually proved to be 8375 Derdoing . It may eventually 8376 Derelict . . Everything 8377 Dereworth . Everything ready 8378 Deridingly . Everything has been arranged most satisfactorily 8379 Derivably . Everything is going right 8380 Derivating . Everything is going wrong 8381 Derivation . Put everything in good order 8382 Dermalgia . Everything has been done 8383 Dermaptera . As soon as everything is going right 8384 Dermatoid . Everything now is in first-rate order 8385 Dermestes . How is everything going 8386 Dermic . . Everything looks well 8387 Dermotomy . Do everything that is possible 8388 Dernful . . Everything has been tried 8389 Dernly . . Everything possible 8390 Derogated . Evidence(s) 8391 Derrick . . The evidence is in favour of 8392 Derringdo . Has (have) given evidence on 8393 Derringers . There is no evidence to prove 8394 Dervish . . Get all the favourable evidence you can 8395 Desatir . . Is there any evidence to prove 8396 Descant . . Give(s) evidence of 8397 Descanteth . There is evidence to prove 8398 Descanting . Gives no evidence of 8399 Descended . We are looking up evidence 8400 Descendant . No evidence whatever 8401 Descension . Exact 8402 Descensive . Is (are) exact 8403 Describe . Is (are) not exact 8404 Describing . Exact statement as to 8405 Descrier . . Cannot be too exact 8406 Descry . . An exact copy of (Exact copies of) 8407 Desecrated. An exact statement of facts 8408 Desert . . Your report should be very exact 8409 Deserting . Will try to exact all he can 8410 Desertions . Trying to exact 8411 Desertless . Exact a sufficient amount 170 EXA No. Code Word. Exact (continued) 8412 Desertrix . Is (are) sufficiently exact 8413 Deservedly . The exact nature of 8414 Desiccant . Exacted 8415 Desiderate . Exacted as much as possible 8416 Desidiose . Exacting 8417 Designable . Exacting all he (they) can 8418 Designator . The exacting nature of the demands 8419 Designed . Exactness 8420 Designedly . Done with the greatest exactness 8421 Designful . The exactness of the drawings 8422 Designing . Exaggerated 8423 Designment. Exaggerated reports 8424 Desilvered . Cannot be exaggerated 8425 Desipient . Exaggerated statements 8426 Desireth . . Have been greatly exaggerated 8427 Desirous. . The most exaggerated notions have been conceived 8428 Desirously . The statements are exaggerated [of the 8429 Desist . . The statements (or reports) are not exaggerated 8430 Desistance -. Exaggerated and distorted 8431 Desistive . The facts have been exaggerated and distorted to serve the purposes of 8432 Deskwork . Do (does) not exaggerate in the slightest degree 8433 Desmidians . Examination. (See also Inspection.) 8434 Desmobrya . Subject to examination 8435 Desmodium Must have before leaving for examination of 8436 Desmodus . My fee and expenses for examination of - 8437 Desolating . Report of examination [mine(s) are 8438 Desolately . As soon as you have completed examination 8439 Desolator . Wish(es) you to make the most thorough examina- 8440 Despaired . An examination has been made [tion of 8441 Despairful . Have returned from making the examination of 8442 Despairing . An immediate examination of the mine(s) is 8443 Despatch . Make a searching examination [wanted by 8444 Desperados . When making the examination of mines 8445 Desperate . Examination of the mine finished, shall leave 8446 Despicably . If examination is unsatisfactory [on for 8447 Despiteful . Examination of the mine completed, report written and sent, fee and expenses amount to 8448 Despitous . After making searching examination 8449 Despoiler . On examination being satisfactory 8450 Despondent Examination completed and most satisfactory 8451 Desponsate . Upon examination, it is found 8452 Despot . . If examination is not required now 8453 Despotical . How soon can you make complete examination of 8454 Despotism , Fee for examination and report inclusive of all expenses will be [will be 8455 Despumated Fee for examination and report exclusive of expenses 845 6 Desquamate Fee for examination and report inclusive of travelling expenses [expenses but exclusive of 8457 Dessiatine . Fee for examination and report including travelling EXA 171 No. 8458 8459 8460 8461 8462 8463 8464 8465 8466 8467 8468 8469 8470 8471 8472 8473 8474 8475 8476 8477 8478 8479 8480 8481 :8482 8483 8484 8485 8487 8489 8490 8491 8492 8493 Code Word. Destinable Destinated Destining Destinists Destiny . Destituent , Destroy . , Destroying , Destruct . . Destructor . Desudation . Desuetude . Detach . , Detacheth , Detaching , Detachment Detailing Detained Deterge . , Determined Deterrence , Detersive Detestable , Detestate , Detesting Dethrone Dethroning , Detonize 8486 Detonizing Detort . Detracting Detractive Detractory Detracts . Detritus . Detruncate Examination (continued} The result of the examination is very satisfactory The result of the examination is not at all satisfactory We must rely on your examination Examination by competent expert (Make) Searching examination of mine(s), extent of property, workings, machinery, facilities for working, labour, material, water, reserves, pros- pects, method and cost of working, and value of produce, and advise on improvements, and future developments, latter important Examination of the mining property Examination of the mine situated at [etc. A thorough examination of the mine, the workings, Examination will be made [property A thorough examination of, and report upon the Examination completed, shall send report Have completed examination and sent report Subject to approval after examination Cannot make examination on account of Examination of the accounts Examine. (See also Inspect.) [mine(s) in Want(s) you to examine and report on the What would you charge to examine and report on a mine in My charge to examine a mine is , and expenses Permit to examine the report mine, and telegraph opinion mine, and report by letter Examine Examine the The mine you will have to examine is in Can examine both properties at the same time Could you examine both properties at the same time When can start to examine the mine Can start to examine the mine on Examine for my (our) account the mine(s) situated in Examine for my (our) account the mine(s) situated in , and send synopsis of report by telegraph (cable), and full report by mail as soon as possible [a mine in Be ready to leave as soon as possible to examine Arrange so that you can examine the mine(s) at on your way to Will arrange so as to examine the mine, on my Can examine mine [way to Examine and report upon the present condition of the mine(s), estimated quantity of ore in sight, developments, cost of working, estimated profit, facilities, assays, etc. Has (have) arranged that you examine Cannot examine 172 EXA 8507 8508 8509 8510 8511 8512 8513 8514 8515 Deviceful Devices . Devilbirds Devilfish Devilishly Devilkin . Devilries. Devilry . Devilsdust No. Code Word. Examine (continued} 8494 Deturpate . Impossible for me to examine 8495 Deuceace . (To) examine and report upon 8496 Deucedly . Send a competent man to examine 8497 Deutoplasm I cannot examine the property, until 8498 Deutoxyde . Can examine the mine about 8499 Devastator . Have sent a competent man to examine 8500 Developed . Examine carefully into the matter 8501 Developing . Have arranged to examine and report upon 8502 Devex . . Examine the accounts 8503 Devexity . Examine the statements 8504 Deviate . . Let go at once to examine 8505 Deviating . Examined 8506 Deviations . I have examined the mine(s), and can recom- mend it (them) [commend it (them) I have examined the mine(s), but cannot re- Who has. previously examined the mine(s) I have carefully examined the property When examined the mine(s) Have examined several other mines in the district, which were more developed, so as to be able to Have you examined the [judge better Have examined the Have examined very carefully and find I have examined the mine(s), and can recom- mend buying for the price of on condition that a working capital of be provided 8516 Devilship . Have examined the mine(s) and can recom- mend it (them) at the price of 8517 Devitalize . My fee and expenses amount to for having examined the mine [reported upon 8518 Devitrify. . The mines have been frequently examined, and 8519 Devocation . The mines have never been examined by any re- 8520 Devolving . Must be minutely examined [liable expert 8521 Devotary . Appear never to have examined 8522 Devoted . . Appears never to have been examined 8523 Devotement Has it (have they) ever been examined 8524 Devotion . Examined and reported upon 8525 Devotional . Allow the mine to be examined 8526 Devourable . Mine had been previously examined 8527 Devoureth , Previously examined and reported upon (by) 8528 Devouring . Examining 8529 Devoutful . While examining 8530 Devoutly . While examining the property 8531 Devoutness . After examining 8532 Devoyre . . Before examining 8533 Dewberries . What is your fee for examining 8534 Dewberry . My fee for examining the mine will be 8535 Dewclaw . If, after examining, you find that 8536 Dewdrop . Exceed(s) 8537 Dewfall . . Not to exceed EXC 173 No. Code Word. Exceed(s) (continued) 8538 Dewiness . Will exceed 8539 Dewpoint . Must not exceed 8540 Dewretting . The capital of the company ought not to exceed 8541 Devvstone . Ought not to exceed 8542 Dewworm . Expense(s) ought not to exceed 8543 Dexter . . Greatly exceed(s) our expectations 8544 Dexterity . Does not exceed what we expected 8545 Dexterous . Probable that it will exceed 8546 Dextral . . It is possible that it will not exceed 8547 Dextrality . If it does not exceed 8548 Dextrorsal . Exceeded 8549 Dextrously . Exceeded what we expected 8550 Dhurra . . Exceeded the last 8551 Diabetes. . Greatly exceeded our expections 8552 Diabetical . Exceeded the cost 8553 Diablery . . The cost exceeded the value 8554 Diabolic . . Exceeding 8555 Diabolisms . Not exceeding 8556 Diabrosis . If exceeding 8557 Diacaustic . If not exceeding 8558 Diachylon . Without exceeding 8559 Diachyma . At an expense not exceeding 8560 Diaconate . If without exceeding the cost 8561 Diacope . . Is (are) rapidly exceeding 8562 Diacritic. . Exceeding all previous 8563 Diadelph . Exceeding last week's 8564 Diadem . . Exceeding last month's 8565 Diadexis. . An outlay much exceeding 8566 Diaglyphic . Exceedingly 8567 Diagnose . Exceedingly rich 8568 Diagnosing . Exceedingly profitable 8569 Diagnostic . Exceedingly rich in gold 8570 Diagometer . Exceedingly rich in silver 8571 Diagonally . Exceedingly doubtful (if) 8572 Diagonial . Exceedingly difficult 8573 Diagonus . Exception(s) 8574 Diagram. . With the exception of 8575 Diagraphs . With few exceptions 8576 Dialect . . No exception can (to) be made 8577 Dialectal. . Must take exception to 8578 Dialectics . Take(s) exception to the charge 8579 Diallage . . With the following exception 8580 Diallelous . Without exception 8581 Dialling. . Will make an exception in this case 8582 Diallogite . Cannot make any exception 8583 Diallyl . . An exceptional case 8584 Dialogism . Excess 8585 Dialogize . Is (are) greatly in excess (of) 8586 Dialogues . There is no excess 8587 Dialoguing . Expenses in excess of 174 EXC No. Code Word. Excess (continued} 8588 Dialplate . Will there be any excess 8589 Dialwheel . Owing to the excess of 8590 Dialwork . Excessive 8591 Dialytic . . An excessive strain upon 8592 Dialyzer . . Excessive and wasteful expenditure 8593 Dialyzing . We think the expenses are excessive, and they must 8594 Diamantine. The charges are excessive [be reduced 8595 Diameter . Exchange 8596 Diametric . At what rate of exchange 8597 Diamonds . If exchange is favourable 8598 Dianatic . . What is the rate of exchange 8599 Diander . . Rate of exchange is 8600 Diandrian . In exchange for 8601 Diandrous . At what rate of exchange have you calculated 8602 Dianthus . Will you exchange 8603 Diapason . Will exchange 8604 Diapente . Will not make the exchange 8605 Diapering . Will make the exchange 8606 Diaphanic ." At the current rate of exchange 8607 Diaphanous . Excitement 8608 Diaphragm . Great excitement in the market 8609 Diaphysis . Great excitement prevails 8610 Diaplastic . The excitement is subsiding 8611 Diapnoic . To take advantage of the excitement in 8612 Diaporesis . There is no excitement here 8613 Diapyetic . Caused great excitement [been discounted 8614 Diarists . . Caused but little excitement, the information had 8615 Diarrhetic . Under the influence of the excitement 8616 Diarrhoea . Exclusive 8617 Diaschisma . Exclusive of 8618 Diaspore . This must be exclusive of 8619 Diastaltic . Exclusive of travelling expenses 8620 Diastasis . Exclusive of out-of-pocket expenses 8621 Diastema . Exclusive intelligence 8622 Diathermal . Exclusive of all other considerations 8623 Diathesis . Excuse 8624 Diatomic . There can be no excuse for 8625 Diatomous . Every excuse must be made 8626 Diatribe . . Cannot excuse 8627 Diatribist . Execute 8628 Diazeutic . If you cannot execute 8629 Dibber . . Executed 8630 Dibrothian . Was (were) executed 8631 Dibstone . Was (were) not executed 8632 Dicacity . . The order was executed 8633 Dicaeology . The order was not executed 8634 Dicastery . Why was the order not executed 8635 Dicebox . . Can the order be executed 8636 Dicecoal. . Order has been executed 8637 Dichastic . Exertion EXE No. Code Word. Exertion (continued) 8638 Diche . . . Use every exertion to 8639 Dichobune . Has (have) used every exertion to 8640 Dichodon . Exist(s) 8641 Dichogamy . Do (does) not exist 8642 Dichroism . Exists in large quantities 8643 Dickey . . Proving that exist (s) 8644 Dicksonia . No longer exist(s) 8645 Dickybird . Existing 8646 Diclesium . Under the existing circumstances 8647 Diclinic . . At present existing 8648 Dicoccous . Not now existing 8649 Dicotyles . Exorbitant 8650 Dicrurinae . An exorbitant demand 8651 Dicrurus . . The price asked is simply exorbitant 8652 Dictamnus . Consider the demand exorbitant 8653 Dictate . . Expect 8654 Dictating . When do you expect to be able to leave for 8655 Dictation . I fully expect to finish here by 8656 Dictatress . I do not expect to leave before 8657 Dictatrix. . Do not expect 8658 Dictature . Do you expect 8659 Dictionary . I (we) expect 8660 Dictum . . I (we) do not expect 8661 Dictyogen . Expect to strike the vein 8662 Dicynodon . You may expect to arrive about 8663 Didactic . . I expect to be here about 8664 Didactical . You may expect 8665 Didactyl . . I expect to be able to 8666 Didascalar . Expect to hear 8667 Didelphian . When do you expect 8668 Didelphys . When may I (we) expect 8669 Dididae . . Expect to know 8670 Didrachm . You must not expect 8671 Didunculus . You must not expect such a good return 8672 Didymous . What do you expect will be the 8673 Didynamian Expect the run will be about 8674 Dieaway . . Expect the result will be 8675 Diegesis . . Expectation(s) 8676 Diervilla . . In the full expectation of 8677 Diesinker . Contrary to expectations 8678 Diesinking . Expectations have been realized 8679 Diestock . . Expectations have not been realized 8680 Dietarian . Expected 8681 Dietary . . Expected to arrive 8682 Dietbread . Expected to leave 8683 Dietdrink . Not expected until 8684 Dietetic . . Expected you were at 8685 Dietetists . It was expected that 8686 Differeth. . Less than was expected 8687 Differing . . More than was expected 175 176 EXP No. Code Word. Expected (continued) 8688 Difficile . . As might have been expected 8689 Difficulty . Is (are) expected 8690 Diffidence . So different to what was expected 8691 Difflation . Turning out as good as was expected 8692 Diffluency . Turning out better than expected 8693 Diffluent . . Expecting 8694 Difflugia . . Has (have) been expecting to 8695 Difform . . Expedient (s) 8696 Difformity . As may be deemed expedient 8697 Diffract . . A judicious expedient 8698 Diffused . . The only expedient we can suggest 8699 Diffusedly . Do not think it expedient to 8700 Diffusible . The most expedient course 8701 Diffusion . Act as you deem expedient 8702 Diffusive. . All expedients have been tried but without success 8703 Difluan . . Expedite 8704 Digamma . To expedite matters 8705 Digastric . It will expedite matters very much, if 8706 Digerent. / Can you expedite the matter 8707 Digest . . Expenditure 8708 Digestedly . A judicious expenditure of capital 8709 Digestible . By a small expenditure 8710 Digestion . The expenditure of capital named 8711 Digital . . Justifying the expenditure of 8712 Digitately . The prospects do not justify the expenditure (of) 8713 Digitiform . The expenditure of 8714 Digitorium . Expenditure on Capital Account 8715 Digladiate . Expenditure on Revenue Account 8716 Diglyph . . Expenditure on Stores Account 8717 Dignitary . By increasing the expenditure 87 1 8 Digress . . In this expenditure is included 8719 Digressing . The expenditure is rapidly increasing 8720 Digressive . An increase in the expenditure and decrease in the 8721 Digynian . Without any increase of expenditure [yield 8722 Dihedral. . Keep the expenditure down 8723 Dijudicant . The expenditure on the 8724 Dilacerate . A most lavish expenditure 8725 Dilapidate . Extraneous expenditure 8726 Dilatable . Expense(s). (See Reduce, Regulate.) 8727 Dilatation . Telegraph me for travelling expenses 8728 Dilating. . Who will pay expenses 8729 Dilative . . Will pay expenses 8730 Dilatorily . Will not pay expenses 8731 Dilemmatic . Will pay any extra expense incurred 8732 Dilemmas . The extra expense to be provided for by 8733 Diligences . Expenses exceed receipts by 8734 Diligent . . Expenses per ton are [the reason thai 8735 Diligently . The expenses this month have been very heavy foi 8736 Dillenia . . Not sufficient funds to meet the additional expense(s) 8737 Dillydally . The expenses will not be so great in future EXP 177 No. 8738 8739 8740 8741 8742 8743 8744 8745 8746 8747 8748 8749 8750 8751 8752 Code Word. I Dilogy . . Dilucid . . Dilucidity . Dilute . . Dilutedly . Diluteness . Dilutions Diluviated . Diluvium Dimaris . . Dimensity . Dimeran Dimerous . Dimicatibn . Dimidiated . Sxpense(s) (continued} What will be the expense of To meet the expense of Expenses will be about General expenses The expenses necessary to The expenses ought to be paid by Will pay all expenses (of) Expense is no object with Will the expenses exceed What will be about the month's expenses Keep expenses down as much as possible Will entail very considerable expense The works have been carried on regardless ol expense [expense 8753 Diminish . The works have been carried on without much 8754 Diminuent . To whom shall I (we) apply to pay expenses of 8755 Diminutely . Expense on revenue account 8756 Diminutive . Expense on capital account 8757 Dimissory . Provided that expenses do not exceed 8758 Dimities . . The expense is too great 8759 Dimity . . Has (have) paid for expenses 8760 Dimorphic . What is the amount of expense entailed 8761 Dimorphous Expenses are guaranteed (up to) 8762 Dimpled. . The expense entailed (by) 8763 Dimplement Will pay travelling expenses 8764 Dimpling . Decline(s) to pay travelling expenses 8765 Dimpsy . . The expense of working the property 8766 Dimyary . . Willing to divide the expense 8767 Dinarchy . Telegraph us what the expenses are (were) of visiting 8768 Dinetical . The expenses cannot be kept below 8769 Dinginess . Mining and milling expenses 8770 Dingo . . Development expenses 8771 Dingthrift . How are expenses to be paid 8772 Diningroom . Spare no expense 8773 Dinmont. . What do you estimate the expense of 8774 Dinnerhour . Extraneous expenses amount to 8775 Dinnerless . Extraneous expenses include 8776 Dinnertime . Extraneous expenses for month 8777 Dinornis . . To the extraneous expenses must be added 8778 Dinosauria . The expense will be very heavy 8779 Dinothere . The expense will not be so heavy 8780 Diocesans . The expense will be too heavy 8781 Diocese . . Incur no further expenses on 8782 Diocesener . Expenses must be paid (by) 8783 Diodon . . At any expense 8784 Dioecious , We think expenses can be reduced 8785 Dioecism . What expense has been incurred in respect of 8786 Diomedea . Great expense has been incurred by N I 7 8 EXP No. Code Word. 8787 Diopsis . 8788 Dioptase 8789 Diopter . 8790 Dioptric . 8791 Dioptrical 8792 Dioramic 8793 Diorism . 8794 Dioristic . 8795 Diorthosis 8796 Dioscorea 8797 Diosma . 8798 Diospyros , 8799 Dipaschal , 8800 Dipchick 8801 Dipetalous 8802 Diphda . 8803 Diphtheria 8804 Diphthongs 8805 Diphycerc , 8806 Diphyes . 8807 Diphydae 8808 Diphyllous 8809 Diphyodont 8810 Diplogenic 88 1 1 Diploma. 8812 Diplomacy 8813 Diplomatic 8814 Diplopoda , 8815 Diploptera 8816 Diplopy . 8817 Diplotaxis 8818 Diplozoon 8819 Dipnoi . 8820 Dipodidae 8821 Dipped . 8822 Dippings 8823 Diprotodon 8824 Dipsaceae , 8825 Dipsas . , 8826 Dipsomania 8827 Dipsosis . , 8828 Diptera . 8829 Dipterous , 8830 Dipteryx . , 8831 Diptych . , 8832 Diptychum , 8833 Dipvvorking , 8834 Dipyre . , Expense(s) (continued) Your expenses will be paid The working expenses The working expenses should not exceed The expense of bringing out the company All expenses up to allotment Legal expenses The legal expenses will amount to The expense of advertising All expenses for brokerage, commission, etc. The expense of floating the company, including legal charges, printing, advertising, brokerage and commission Expert(s) Expert's report is Experts' reports are The first expert The opinion of every expert in the country Experts all speak favourably of mine(s) A mining expert of great repute A mining expert of no repute A competent and reliable expert The advice of the best expert Recommended as a most expert Expiration At the expiration of Before the expiration of Expire (s) When will the time expire Will not expire until The bond expire(s) The time expires Expired The time has already expired Explain Will explain everything Will explain Will not explain Explain by telegraph Explain by letter Cannot explain by telegraph, will write you fully Cannot explain more clearly Must explain more clearly Explanation(s) What explanation can I give Wait explanation by letter What explanation can you give Explanation satisfactory Explanation not satisfactory Wish to have full explanation More satisfactory explanations EXP 179 No. Code Word. 8835 Dipyrenous 8836 Direct . 88 37 Directeth 8838 Directive 8839 Directly . 8840 Directness 8841 Directors 8842 Directrix 8843 Direfully 8844 Dirempt . 8845 Diremption 8846 Dirge . . 8847 Dirgeful . 8848 Dirtbed . 8849 Dirteating 8850 Dirtily . 8851 Dirtpie . 8852 Disability 8853 Disable . 8854 Disabling 8855 Disabused 8856 Disaccord 8857 Disacidify 8858 Disadorned 8859 Disadvance 8860 Disadvise 886l Disaffects 8862 Disaffirm 8863 Disagree . 8864 Disalliege 8865 Disallows 8866 Disamis . 8867 Disanchor 8868 Disangelic 8869 Disanimate 8870 Disannex 8871 Disannuls 8872 Disapparel 8873 Disappear 8874 Disappoint 8875 Disapprove 8876 Disarm . 8877 Disarming 8878 Disarrange 8879 Disassent 8880 Disaster . 8881 Disasterly 8882 Disastrous Explanation (s) (continued) Send full explanation by mail Am writing full explanation Full and definite explanations What is the explanation of Give no explanation What explanation can give Can give any explanation Has (have) no explanation to give In explanation of the plan (drawing) For full explanation await Explicitly) Not sufficiently explicit Must be more explicit Cannot be more explicit Our instructions were very explicit In the most explicit term Stated explicitly Exploration(s) Exploration work Extensive explorations have been made More extensive explorations must be made Explorations in the higher levels Explorations in the lower levels In carrying out the explorations The recent explorations The recent explorations are opening out The explorations have not as yet given us much ore, but we have learnt a good deal from them of the nature of the vein The recent explorations have developed a fine body The explorations promise well [of ore What is the appearance and value of the explora- Explosion [tions in A bad explosion has occurred Boiler explosion Gunpowder explosion Dynamite explosion Colliery explosion Explosion of Explosion of fire-damp Explosion of a blasting-charge The explosion destroyed When the explosion occurred Killed by the explosion Injured by the explosion Export (s) Our export trade The export of Exports extensive Express < i8o EXP No. Code Word. Express (continued) 8883 Disattach . Send by express 8884 Disattune . Sent by express 8885 Disavaunce . Am sending by express 8886 Disavow . . Extend. (See also Provided.) 8887 Disavowal . To extend 8888 Disavowing . Not to extend 8889 Disband . . Will extend 8890 Disbanding . Will not extend 8891 Disbelief . Will extend 8892 Disbenched . Extend the drift to 8893 Disblame . Extend beyond 8894 Disblaraing . Extend as far as 8895 Disbodied . Extended 8896 Disbowel . The tunnel to be extended 8897 Disbranch . To be extended north 8898 Disbudded . To be extended south 8899 Disbudding . To be extended east 8900 Disburgeon . To be extended west 8901 Disbursers . Was (were) extended 8902 Disburthen . Was (were) not extended 8903 Discamp . . Has (have) been extended 8904 Discandy . Has (have) not been extended 8905 Discarded . (Have) extended the time 8906 Discardure . (Have) extended the drift 8907 Discarnate . When the drift is extended to 8908 Discern . . Should be further extended to 8909 Discerneth . Extension (of) 8910 Discerning . Will grant extension (of) 8911 Discerns. . Extension will be granted 8912 Discharges . Extension of time required 8913 Discharity . Must have further extension (of) 8914 Dischidia . Cannot grant extension (of) 8915 Dischurch . Have asked days extension 8916 Disciple. . Extension of time for which the mine is bonded 8917 Discipling . Extent 8918 Disclaimed . In extent 8919 Disclosing . (To) the extent of 8920 Disclosure . What is the extent of 8921 Discloud. . To a reasonable extent 8922 Disclusion . No extent of 8923 Discoast . . To a great extent 8924 Discobolus . The mine has not been worked to any great extent 8925 Discocarp . The mine has been worked to a very great extent 8926 Discoidal . To what extent 8927 Discolith. . To the fullest extent 8928 Discolor . . To the fullest extent of our resources 8929 Discomfits . The extent is not known yet 8930 Discomfort . The extent of the damage 8931 Discommend Can you give the extent of 8932 Discompose Cannot give the extent of EXT 181 No. Code Word. 8933 Discompt . Extract 8934 Disconcert . An extract from 8935 Discophora . In order to extract 8936 Discordant . It is difficult to extract the ore on account of 8937 Discordful . Cannot extract 8938 Discordous . Extracted 8939 Discourage . Is (are) easily extracted 8940 Discoursed . Large quantities of ore have been extracted 8941 Discovery . The means by which the ore is extracted 8942 Discradle . What amount of ore has been extracted 8943 Discredits . Extraction 8944 Discreet . . The cost of extraction 8945 Discreetly . The labour of extraction 8946 Discrepant . By the extraction of 8947 Discretion . Rely on an increased extraction 8948 Discrowned . Extraction doubled 8949 Disculpate . Increased extraction 8950 Discumber . Extraordinary 8951 Discurrent . Most extraordinary 8952 Discuss . . Nothing extraordinary 8953 Discutient . Has (have) taken extraordinary measures (or pre- 8954 Disdain . . Extraordinary measures [cautions) 8955 Disdaineth . Extraordinary precautions 8956 Disdainful . Extreme(ly) 8957 Disdaining . In the extreme 8958 Disdainous . Extremely doubtful 8959 Diseaseful . Fabrication 8960 Disedge . . The account you have heard is a complete fabrica- 8961 Disedified . Pace [tion 8962 Disedify . . Face is changing in appearance 8963 Disembarks . Have had samples assayed from the face, with the 8964 Disembody . Face of cross-cut is in [following results 8965 Disembogue Face of cross-cut is looking 8966 Disembosom Face of drift 8967 Disembowel How is the face of drift looking 8968 Disembroil . The face of drift is looking 8969 Disemploy . From the appearance of the face 8970 Disenchant . The face is now in 8971 Disendow . The face is not looking so well 8972 Disengage . The face is looking better 8973 Disennoble . Facilitate 8974 Disenroll . It will facilitate work 8975 Disenslave . To facilitate the work 8976 Disentail . Facility (Facilities) 8977 Disentitle . Will give you every facility 978 Disentomb . There is every facility at hand for working the mine 8979 Disentwine . What facilities are there [cheaply 8980 Disespouse . There is (are) no facility(ies) for 8981 Disesteern . Facilities for exploration 8982 Disfancies . What facility(ies) have you T82 FAG No. Code Word. Facility (Facilities) (continued) 8983 Disfancy . . Every facility will be given 8984 Disfashion . Give every facility 8985 Disfavour . No working facilities whatever 8986 Disfeature . Working facilities very inadequate 8987 Disfigured . Working facilities fair 8988 Disflesh . . Working facilities capable of great improvement 8989 Disfriar . . Working facilities good 8990 Disgarland . Working facilities specially good 8991 Disgarnish . Have you facilities for 8992 Disgavel . . Further facilities 8993 Disglorify . Fact(s) 8994 Disglory . . Has (have) ascertained the fact that 8995 Disgorge. . The real facts of the case (are) 8996 Disgorging . It is not the fact 8997 Disgospel . Is it a fact (that) 8998 Disgrace . . The facts are not as stated 8999 Disgregate . What are the real facts of the case 9000 Disguised . If the actual facts can be ascertained 9001 Disguising : From the fact of 9002 Disgustful . The facts, as disclosed, indicate 9003 Dishabille . Is a very unpleasant fact 9004 Dishabit . . Cannot conceal the fact 9005 Disharmony The fact must be known 9006 Dishaunted . Fail 9007 Dishcatch . Do not fail to 9008 Dishcloths . Will not fail to 9009 Dishclout . Must without fail 9010 Dishearten . Must not fail to 90 1 1 Disheir . . Let us know without fail 9012 Disheiring . Failed 9013 Dishelmed . Has (have) failed to 9014 Disheritor . Has (have) failed to make connection 9015 Dishevel. . Has (have) not failed 9016 Dishful . . The trial has failed 9017 Dishonest . Failed in the attempt to 9018 Dishonour . Failure 9019 Dishumour . What is the failure due to 9020 Dishwasher . Owing to the failure of 9021 Disimpark . The failure is due to 9022 Disimprove . The failure of 9023 Disincline . To avoid failure 9024 Disinfects . Is an entire failure 9025 Disinherit . Reported to be a failure 9026 Disinhume . Is report of ? s failure correct 9027 Disinter. . The report of failure is correct 9028 Disinure . . A very heavy failure 9029 Disinvolve . Affected by the failure (of) 9030 Disjection . The cause of the failure (of) 9031 Disjoin . . The process is an entire failure 9032 Disjoining . Fair FAI 183 No. 933 9034 9035 9036 9037 9038 9039 9040 9041 9042 9043 9044 9045 9046 9047 9048 9049 9050 9051 9052 9053 9054 9055 9056 9057 9058 9059 9060 9061 9062 9063 9064 9065 9066 9067 9068 9069 9070 9071 9072 9073 9074 9075 9076 9077 9078 9079 9080 9081 9082 Code Word. Pair (continued) Disjointly . Very fair Disjunct . . Not very fair Dislady . . In a fair way Dislikable . Not in a fair way Dislikeful . Are things in a fair way (to) Disliking . It would not be fair Dislimb . . Think it would be more fair (if) Dislimbing . It would be perfectly fair Dislinked . We are in a fair way to Dislocate . Fairly Dislodge . . Has (have) acted very fairly Dislodging . Has (have) not acted fairly Disloyal . . Has (have) acted fairly with regard to Disloyally . Fairness Dismal . . (In) fairness to both (or all) parties Dismally. . In fairness to Dismalness . Faith Dismantle . In good faith Dismarshat . In order to keep good faith with Dismasked . Not in good faith Dismayful . Good faith with all concerned Dismaying . Am (are) beginning to lose faith in Dismember . Has (have) lost faith in Dismettled . There is no faith to be placed in Dismiss . . Fall Dismissals . A fall in stocks is imminent Dismissing . A fall in our shares Dismissive . Be prepared for a fall in Dismounted Will cause a fall (in) Disnatured . A fall of inches per Disnest . . A fall of feet Disnesting . Fallen Disobey . . Has (have) fallen Disobeyeth . Has (have) not yet fallen Disobeying . Shares have fallen on the report that Disoblige . Our shares have fallen Disomatous . Shares have fallen from to Disopinion . Falling Disorder . . Stocks are all falling Disorderly . Stocks continue falling Disorient . To prevent the shaft from falling in Disowneth . Falling in Disownment Falling off Disoxidate . There is a great falling off in Dispansion . Familiar Disparage . Quite familiar with Disparity . Must be familiar with Dispark . . Famine Dispathy . There is every prospect of a famine Dispauper . Are face to face with famine FAM No. Code Word. Famine (continued} 9083 Dispel The famine is very severe 9084 Dispelled . Famous 9085 Dispensary . ' The mine(s) has (have) always been famous 9086 Dispeopled . Fancy 9087 Disperance Is (are) putting a fancy price upon the property 9088 Disperge . . Far 9089 Dispermous Far down 9090 Dispersal Far up 9091 Dispersive Far from 9092 Dispirited Far in 9093 Displacing How far 9094 Displant . Not far from 9095 Displayeth As far as you can 9096 Displeased How far will you go 9097 Displosion . Is it far to 9098 Displosive . Far off 9099 Disponged Hn T 'from Tvi^nincr t*rt 9100 Disport . As far as can be seen 9101 Disposeth As far back as 9102 Disposing If it is not too far 9103 Dispositor We are still far from 9104 Dispossess . Farther. (See also Further.) 9105 Disposure To sink farther 9106 Dispraise To drive farther 9107 Disprepare Gone up farther 9108 Disprison Will have to go on farther 9109 Disprized Not much farther 9110 Disprizing A good deal farther 9111 Disprofess Can go no farther 9112 Disprofit. Can go farther in the direction of 9113 Disproof. If we go any farther 9114 Disproval How much farther 9115 Dispurpose The farther we go 9116 Dispurvey A ** TVf* rrr\ foTfl - ir k r iT^T^pnv*' TITIOTV ; promising 9117 Disputable To go no farther 9118 Disputed . Farther to the 9119 Disputing Farther away (from) 9120 Disqualify Farther toward 9121 Disquiet. Farther progress (toward) 9122 Disquietal On the farther side of 9123 Disquietly . Farthest 9124 Disranked At the farthest point 9125 Disranking What is the farthest 9126 Disregard Not the farthest 9127 Disregular . To the farthest 9128 Disrelish. The farthest point reached 9129 Disrepair The farthest point to which we have driven 9130 Disrepute . Fast 9131 Disrespect As fast as possible 9132 Disrobe . Not as fast as it ought FAS 185 No. 9'33 9*34 9135 9136 9137 9138 9139 9140 9141 9142 9143 9144 9145 9146 9 T 47 9148 9149 9i5 9I5 1 9i53 9i54 9156 9 r 57 9i59 9160 9161 9162 9163 9164 9 l6 5 9166 9167 9168 9169 9170 9171 9172 9*73 9'74 9 T 75 9176 9177 9178 9179 9180 9181 9182 Code Word. Fast (continued) Disrobing . Push on as fast as you can Disrooted . As fast as circumstances permit Disruly . . Not so fast as we should like Disrupt . . Faster Disrupting . Cannot get on faster Disruption . Shall be able to get on faster Disrupture . (To) get the work done faster Dissatisfy . Fastest Disscatter . The fastest speed at which we can drive Dissect . . The fastest speed attainable Dissecting . Fathom(s) Dissection . Shaft has been sunk fathoms Disseize . . Fathoms in depth Disseizors . Fathoms apart Dissemble . One fathom Dissented . The fathom seam Dissertate . The fathom level Disservice . Fathoms below Dissevered . How many fathoms Disshadow . Fault(y) Dissheathe . Whose fault is it Disship . . It is the fault of Disshipped . Through no fault of Disshiver . Through a fault in the Dissight . . What is the fault Dissilient . Was (were) in fault Dissimilar . Have come across a fault Dissipable . Do not consider it is fault of Dissipated . Faulty in construction Dissocial . . Faulted Dissoluble . The vein has faulted Dissolute . Favour Dissolved . Is (are) in favour of Dissolving . Is (are) not in favour of Dissonancy . In favour of Dissonant . Not in favour of Disspirit . . In my (our) favour Dissuade . In your favour Dissuading . In his (their) favour Dissuasion . Can you do me (us) the favour (to) Dissuasory . Ask(s) the favour of Dissweeten . Think it will be in our favour Distackle . Judgment is in our favour, with costs Distaffs . . If in our favour Distancial . Decision given in favour of Distancing . Are you in favour of Distantly . Without fear or favour Distaste . . The utmost favour that can be Distasting . Should be in favour of Distasture . Favourable 1 86 FAV No. Code Word. 9183 Distemper 9184 Disthene 9185 Disthroned 9186 Distichous 9187 Distillate 9188 Distillery 9189 Distilleth , 9190 Distilment 9191 Distinct . 9192 Distinctly 9193 Distinctor 9194 Distitle . 9195 Distortion 9196 Distortive 9197 Distracted 9198 Distrainor 9199 Distraught 9200 Distream 9201 Distressed 9202 Distribute 9203 Distringas 9204 Distrouble 9205 Disturb . 9206 Disturbing 9207 Distutor . 9208 Distyle . 9209 Disulphide 9210 Disuniform 9211 Disunion . 9212 Disunited 9213 Disuniting 9214 Disusage 9215 Disutilize 9216 Disvalue . 9217 Disvaluing 9218 Disvelop . 9219 Disvouched 9220 Diswitted 9221 Disworship 9222 Disworths 9223 Disyoke . 9224 Disyoking 9225 Ditchdog 9226 Ditchwater 9227 Dithecai . 9228 Ditheist . 9229 Ditheistic 9230 Dithyramb 9231 Ditriglyph 9232 Ditrochean Favourable (continued) I consider the prospects most favourable Are the prospects favourable or otherwise Do you consider the prospects more favourable It is a favourable moment to It is not a favourable moment to Is in a favourable condition Is not in a favourable condition Is it favourable Favourable news Accounts are more favourable Accounts are less favourable Appearances are favourable Everything seems favourable (for) A very favourable report The report is very favourable Favourable to our interests If the report is favourable Of a highly favourable character for A favourable result may be looked for Very favourable results have been attained Under the most favourable circumstances If you find the prospect favourable There are favourable indications of Very favourably situated (for) . Pear(s) Do you think there is any fear Have no fear as to the result Do not have any fear Our only fear is There is great reason to fear If you have any fear No reason for fear or alarm Has given rise to fears Our fears have been realized . Feasible Would it be feasible It would be feasible It would not be feasible Even if feasible, we do not think it advisable . Fee(s) What is your fee What will be your fee My fee is per day and expenses My fee and expenses amount to My fee will be Do not give up report till you get the fee Who will pay fee and expenses Will pay fee and expenses Has (have) paid towards the fee Has (have) paid towards fee and expenses FEE 187 No. Code Word. Pee(s) (continued) 9233 Dittology Do not go unless has (have) paid fee 9234 Dittybag . "p-TlTT" T^Tlt' ff^T^fVTt' "fr*P TH f\ f* Y T~\ f* T\ '"T* *" TTTimiTli' fTl JTltlVC oClll iCUUltj ICC clLHl tAlJCiloCb tllIlUU.111 LU * which please get before giving up the report 9235 Diuresis . .Peel 9236 Diurnal . Feel very strongly on this matter 9237 Diurnalist . Peeling 9238 Diurnally There is a strong feeling in favour of 9239 Diuturnity There is a strong feeling against 9240 Divan What is the present feeling 9241 Divaricate A feeling of greater confidence exists 9242 Divedapper A feeling of alarm has arisen 9243 Divellent Feeling here is very good, people are buying 9244 Divergency Feeling here is very bad, people are selling 9245 Diversify . In the present state of feeling 9246 Diversions . The prevailing feeling is one of 9247 Diverted . There is a much better feeling 9248 Diverticle Will create a bad feeling 9249 Diverting In the prevailing feeling of anxiety 9250 Divertised . Feet 9251 Divestment CV\r^V i r s3s%t*T%k ff^f\^ Ollclll lb LUJWll ^^ 1CCL 9252 Divide . "\r^i*- vTr* I"*?* **-* A-yxw* f*\t- 4-s\ -f^At v cin Varying irom icci to ICCL 9 2 53 Dividends "VViTi^f* i*" 1 rl r*\vn "fV^pf* "nplow Willie lo LlvyWll 1CCL UClV/W 9254 Dividing r PiTnr\ r*1 lii" Vior^n /^vfonHr^rl fo^t 1 J. UIlIlCl IKlh UCCLl CALCUUCU. ICCl 9255 Dividual . T^tlTlt^Ai ' trt "*"* frf*Ail X ill LIICI lo 111 ICCt 9256 Dividually *\r rt C. !-/-,(-' l-v^.^** T^v/^r--r-\^^f.i/-1 ** ^ * v cin nab Uccn probpcctcu. it/ci 9257 Dividuous Tn- /s*vi\ nl-v/-\ii4- -T^^ki- firr\t-*- b ^aicy aUOUL - IcCL 11U111 9258 Divination How many feet 9259 Divinatory . Cubic feet 9260 Divinely . Cubic feet per second 9261 Divingbell Cubic feet per minute 9262 Divinities At the rate of feet per day 9263 Divinized A f- fVir* 1*1 IT* <~\f fr^f^t' t^f^Y 1 movii'rt xxL L11C IctLC \JL ^^ ICCL L/C1 lllUlltil 9264 Divisibly . Square feet 9265 Divisional Feet square 9266 Divisor . Feet wide 9267 Divorce . Feet long 9268 Divorcible Feet deep 9269 Divulgate . Feet high 9270 Divulged Feet in diameter 9271 Divulging Feet in circumference 9272 Divulsive Running feet 9273 Dizened . Thousand square feet 9274 Dizzied . Average about feet 9275 Dizzy . . Feet of water 9276 Dizzying . Tn n rienth nf fppt J. \J CL ULCUL11 Ui ICCL 9277 Docetic . At a depth of feet 9278 Dochmius Feet below 9279 Docible . We are now down feet 9280 Docility . TTv-^wk 4-f\ 4- Jr rom - to iGCt 9281 Docimacy . Felspar 188 PEL No. Code Word. 9282 Docimastic . Felspathic rock 9283 Docimology. The hanging wall is felspathic rock 9284 Dockage . . The foot wall is felspathic rock 9285 Dockcress . Ferruginous 9286 Docketed . Ferruginous quartz 9287 Dockmaster. Ferruginous matter 9288 Dockrent . Fever 9289 Dockyard . There has been an outbreak of fever 9290 Doctor . . Malarial fever 9291 Doctorally . Yellow fever 9292 Doctorated . Prostrated with attack of fever 9293 Doctoress . From fever and ague 9294 Doctorfish . Few 9295 Doctorship . Very few 9296 Doctrinal . Only a few 9297 Document . There are very few 9298 Documental. To get a few 9299 Doddart . . Send a few 9300 Doddering . Fiery 9301 Dodecagon . Fiery seams 9302 Dodecander. Owing to the fiery nature of the seams 9303 Dodge . . The seams are very fiery 9304 Dodging . . A very fiery mine 9305 Dodipate . Figure(s) 9306 Dodipoll. . At this figure 9307 Dodrans . . About the figure 9308 Doffing . . Beyond this figure 9309 Dogapes. . Mistake in the figures 9310 Dogbolt . . These figures will show 9311 Dogbrier. . Too high a figure 9312 Dogcabbage. At a reasonable figure 9313 Dogcarts, . Must have exact figures 9314 Dogcheap . The exact figures are not to be had 9315 Dogdays . . This is as close as we can figure 9316 Dogdraw. . It figures out at 9317 Dogfancier . Cannot alter the figures 9318 Dogfish . . Cannot give the exact figure 9319 Dogflies . . Do not think figures are correct check them 9320 Dogfly . . The figures must be checked 9321 Dogfox . . If you have reason to alter your figures 9322 Doggedly . Fill 9323 Doggedness. Can you fill in the time between 9324 Doggerel . To fill in the time between 9325 Doggerman . Mine beginning to fill 9326 Doghearted . Fill up 9327 Dogleach . Fill up the old workings 9328 Doglegged . Fill up the stopes 9329 Doglichen . Preparing to fill up 9330 Doglooked . Do not fill 9331 Dogmatic . If you can fill FIL 189 No. Code Word. Fill (continued) 9332 Dogmatical . Shall fill in (or up) 9333 Dogmatisms Filled 9334 Dogmatized . The stopes are filled with 9335 Dogmatory . Filled up 933 6 Dogparsley . Filled up the old workings 9337 Dogsbane . The shaft is filled up with ddbris 9338 Dogsfennel . Filling 9339 Dogsick . . Filling with water 9340 Dogskin . . Filling up fast 934i Dogsleep The filling in will take 9342 Dogsmeat . Filling up with debris 9343 Dogsrue . . Final 9344 Dogstail . . Waiting for the final 9345 Dogstones . Is this final 9346 Dogstongue . This is final 9347 Dogstooth . (To) take it as final 9348 Dogwatch . As a final result 9349 Dogweary . A final interview (with) 935 Dogwhelk . Final arrangement 935 1 Doings . . Finally 935 2 Doldrums . We have finally determined 9353 Dolebeer Finally settled 9354 Dolebread . Have finally succeeded 9355 Doleful . . Finanee(s) 935 6 Dolefully . Can you finance 9357 Dolemeadow The state of the finances 935 8 Dolent . . The state of the finances will not warrant 9359 Dolerite . . In the present state of the finances 9360 Dolesome . Finances much embarrassed 9361 Dolesomely . Not easy to finance 9362 Dolichos . . Financial 9363 Dolichurus . Financial statement 93 6 4 Doliolum The financial results 93 6 5 Dollyshop . From a financial point of view 9366 Dolorific . . Financial difficulties 93 6 7 Dolorous Good financial house(s) 9368 Dolorously . Financial arrangements 93 6 9 Dolphin . . Financial assistance 9370 Dolphinfly . Will give us financial aid 937i Doltish . . Financing 9372 Domain . . Will undertake the financing 9373 Domanial . Requires for financing 9374 Dombeya Terms for financing 9375 Domboc . . If we (you) can succeed in financing 9376 Domestic Has (have) succeeded in financing 9377 Domestical . Aided us in financing 9373 Domiciliar . Will assist in financing 9379 Domified Find 9380 Domify . . I (we) find on further examination 938i Dominancy . I (we) find on looking into the matter igo FIN No. 9382 9383 9384 935 9386 9337 9388 9389 9390 939 l 9392 9393 9394 9395 939 6 9397 9398 9399 9400 9401 9402 9403 9404 9405 9406 9407 9408 9409 9410 9411 9412 9413 9414 94i5 9416 9417 9418 9419 9420 9421 9422 9423 9424 9425 9426 9427 9428 9429 9430 943 * Code Word. Dominant Domination . Dominative . Domineer . Dominicide . Dominions . Donatist . . Donatistic . Donaught . Donax . . Donkey . . Donkeyman. Donkeypump Donnism Donors . . Doodlesack . Doomful . . Doomsday . Doomsman .. Doomster . Doonga . . Doorcase Doorframe . Dooring . . Doorkeeper . Doornail. . Doorplate . Doorstead . Doorsteps . Doorstone . Doorway Dorian . . Doricism Dorippe . . Dormant Dormouse . Dorrhawk . Dorstenia . Dotyphora . Dosithean . Dotage . . Dotardly . . Doublebank. Find (continued) Find(s) that Will find (out) Find out about Cannot find at the address given Cannot find out From all I (we) can find out Find out from Cannot find You must find We must find Shall have to find If you find If you do not find If we find that If he finds that (if they find that) Undertake(s) to find Where shall we find Have been unable to find any You will find (that) As soon as you (we) find Pine Of very fine quality Very fine specimens Not very fine Will be subject to a fine unless What is the fine The fine is (will be) Upon payment of fine Fine (was) imposed upon The fine has been remitted The fine has been paid Fine reduced to There is fine ore in Fine ore continues to be taken (from) There is a fine prospect for Finish When can you finish I (we) hope to finish here by Finish as quickly as possible Shall finish If you can finish by If you cannot finish (before) Cannot finish till Doublebass . Finished. (See also Examination.) Doublecone. If you have finished Doubledyed . If you have not finished [detained by Doubleface . Expected to have finished by , but am (are) Doublegear . When has (have) finished Doublegild . When you have finished Doublehung. Have finished putting up machinery FIN 191 No. 9432 9433 9434 9435 9436 9437 9438 9439 944 9441 9442 9443 9444 9445 9446 9447 9448 9449 945 945 1 9452 9453 9454 9455 945 6 9457 9458 9459 9460 9461 9462 9463 9464 9465 9466 9467 9468 9469 9470 947i 9472 9473 9474 9475 9476 9477 9478 9479 9480 9481 Code Word. Finished (continued) Doublelock . Not yet finished Doubleplea . Has (have) finished Doublestop . Has (have) not finished Doublets . . Could not be finished in time (to send) Doubling . I (we) have not quite finished Doubly . . Will be finished Doubtable . Will be finished on or about Doubtful . . The work is now finished Doubtfully . Shall have finished here (by) Doubtingly . As soon as it is finished Doubtless . Fire Doubtous . Fire has broken out in the mine Doucepere . Fire has destroyed Doucker . . The mill has been destroyed by fire Doughfaced. Has (have) been destroyed by fire Doughnut . A fire in the is raging Doughtiest . In order to extinguish the fire Doughtily . Since the fire Doutance . On fire Dovecots . The camp is on fire Doveeyed . Cause of fire Dovekie . . Timber in shaft is on fire Dovelet . . Has been much damaged by the fire Doveplant . Forest fire broken out Dovesfoot . Fire still raging, camp is in danger Doveship . Totally destroyed by the fire Dovetail . . Partially destroyed by the fire Dowager . . Not much damage done by fire Doweljoint . Estimated damage by the fire Dowelled . Fire in wood-yard Dowelpin . On account of the fire Downbeard . Vigorous efforts made to extinguish the fire Downcast . Precautions against fire Downcome . Fire-extinctors Down fallen . The fire has been totally extinguished Downgyved . Fire still spreading Downhaul . The loss by the fire will exceed Downiness . Fire has again broken out Downline . Could not save anything from the fire Downlooked Fire-damp Downlying . Explosion of fire-damp Downpour . Fire-damp in the mine Downright . Firm(s) Downrush . Be firm with Downsett . Firm at the close Downshare . Firm at the opening, but closed weak Downstairs . Unless you are firm Downsteepy. Not firm enough Downstroke . A firm offer has been made to us Downthrow . We have made a firm offer 192 FIR No. 0482 9483 9484 9485 9486 9487 9488 9489 9490 9491 9492 9493 9494 9495 9496 9497 9498 9499 9500 95 01 9502 953 954 9505 9506 9507 9508 9509 95 J o 95U 95 15 95i 6 95*7 95^ 95'9 9520 952i 9522 9523 9524 9525 9526 9527 9528 9529 9530 Code Word. Pirm(s) (continued} Downtrain . If a firm offer is made Downtrod . Do you know the following firm(s) Downweed . The firm consists of Downweigh . The firm(s) you ask about is (are) highly respectable Doxologize . Frm(s) is (are) very doubtful Doxology . Firm(s) has (have) a very poor reputation Drabbish . Ascertain the position of the firm Dracanth . Have nothing to do with the firm named Drachma . It is a first-class firm Draconic . A well-known and most respectable firm Dracontium . The firm is not of much account Drafthorse . The firm is not known here Draftox . . The firm is in difficulties Draftsman . The firm failed some time ago Dragantine . The firm failed recently Dragbar . . Firmly Dragchain . Firmly established Draggle . . Not firmly established Draghook \ Am (are) firmly convinced Draglink . . First Dragnets . First opportunity Dragon . . From first to last Dragonade . The first thing to be done Dragonbeam First call Dragonfish . First class Dragonfly . In the first place Dragontree . First chance you have Dragooner . For the first few days Dragooning . The first man to Dragsheet . Has a first-class record Drainable . When (it) was first Drained . . On the first of the month Draintiles . The first tests made Draintrap . Our first offer Drake . . The first offer Drakeflies . From the very first Drakestone . For the first time Dramatical . The first few days Dramatize . When was the first Dramaturgy . If not the first Dramshop . Fissure Draperied . True fissure vein Drapery . . A contact fissure Drastic . . A well-defined fissure vein Draughtbar . Is it a true fissure vein Draughty . A true and well-defined fissure vein running Dravidian . A fissure vein with a dip of Drawback . Fit Drawbolt . Not fit for anything Drawboys . Not at all fit for our purpose(s) FIT No. Code Word. Pit (continued] 9532 Drawbridge. Can you fit up 9533 Drawcansir . We can fit up 9534 Drawcut . . We cannot fit up 9535 Drawgates . Fitted 9536 Drawgear . Is (are) eminently fitted for 9537 Drawgloves . Is (are) riot fitted for 9538 Drawingawl. Is (are) fitted with 9539 Drawingpen. Is (are) not fitted with 9540 Drawings . Has (have) been fitted with 9541 Drawknife . Has (have) not been fitted with 9542 Drawlatch . Ought to have been fitted with 9543 Drawn . . Must be fitted with 9544 Drawplate . Have fitted up 9545 Drawwell . Not properly fitted 9546 Drayage . . Fitted up in accordance with 9547 Draycarts . Well fitted for the purpose (of) 9548 Dray horses . Fix 9549 Drayman . In a fix about 9550 Dray plough. If you can fix 9551 Dreadable . If you cannot fix 9552 Dreadful . Can you fix a time for 9553 Dreadfully . Cannot yet fix a time for 9554 Dreadingly . We propose to fix it 9555 Dreadless . Fixed 9556 Dreadly . . Has (have) fixed 9557 Dreameth . Has (have) not fixed 9558 Drearihood . Is not fixed 9559 Drearily . . Has (have) fixed 9560 Dreariment . The time fixed 9561 Dreariness . The price fixed 9562 Drearisome . Have you fixed the time for 9563 Dredge . . Flat(s) 9564 Dredgebox . The country around is very flat 9565 Dredgeman . The ore occurs in flats 9566 Dredging . The flats extend for a long distance 9567 Dreggy . . In flats 9568 Dregs. . . Flaw 9569 Drench . . Owing to a flaw in the agreement 9570 Dresscoat . Owing to a flaw 9571 Dressings . There is a flaw 9572 Dressmaker . There is a flaw in the agreement 9573 Dribblets . The flaw in the agreement has been rectified 9574 Driftage. . Took advantage of a flaw in 9575 Driftbolt. .Flinty 9576 Driftland . Hard flinty rock 9577 Driftless . . Owing to the flinty nature of the rock 9578 Driftnet . . Float 9579 Driftsail . . Prepared to float company 9580 Driftway. . Will you endeavour to float a (the) company 9581 Driftwind . To float the company, we require o 193 194 FLO No. Code Word. Float (continued) 9582 Driftwood . Can float the company 9583 Drillbow . Floated 9584 Drillpress . To be floated 9585 Drillstock . Company has been floated 9586 Drimys . . Company has not been floated 9587 Drink. . . Company floated in 9588 Drinkable . Company cannot be floated yet 9589 Drinking . Company cannot be floated until (or unless) 9590 Drinkless . Can only be floated if 9591 Drinkmoney The company can be floated here 9592 Dripstones . Company cannot be floated without capital is sub- 9593 Drivelled . When it is floated [scribed to the amount of 9594 Drivelling . Company floated ; capital 9595 Driverant . If the company is floated 9596 Driverboom. After the company was floated 9597 Driveth . . Unless the company is floated before 9598 Driving . . Float-gold 9599 Drivingbox . Cannot save the float-gold 9600 Drizzling ". Contains float-gold 9601 Drizzly , . Percentage of gold is float 9602 Drogher . . The gold lost occurs in the form of float 9603 Droitschka . So much float-gold is lost 9604 Droitural . Endeavour to save the float-gold 9605 Droll . . . The greater part of the float-gold is lost 9606 Drolleries . Claims to save most of the float-gold by this process 9607 Drollery . . Floating 9608 Drollish . . No chance of floating 9609 Dromedary . Floating reef 9610 Dromond . Property is worth floating for 9611 Dronebees . Property is not worth floating 9612 Dronefly . . Flood(s) 9613 Dronishly . Subject to severe floods 9614 Droop 1 . . The flood is subsiding 9615 Droopeth . A bad flood has destroyed 9616 Drooping . The flood is rising steadily 9617 Droopingly . The flood is increasing rapidly 9618 Dropax . . Owing to the floods, we cannot 9619 Drophammer Owing to the flood, have had to 9620 Dropletter . The place is nearly submerged by the flood 9621 Droplight . Heavy floods prevail 9622 Dropmeal . After the flood had subsided 9623 Dropped . . As soon as the flood subsides 9624 Droppress . The floods have subsided 9625 Dropscene . Flood subsided ; can now re-start 9626 Dropsical . Flooded 9627 Dropsied . The market is flooded with 9628 Dropsy . . Heavy storms ; fear we shall be flooded 9629 Dit>ptable . The mine is flooded 9630 Droptin . . The roads are flooded 9631 Dropwise . The country round is flooded FLO 195 No. Code Word. 9632 Dropwort . Flooding 9633 Drosera . . Flooding the market 9634 Drosky . . Ploor(s) 9635 Drosometer. Depositing floors 9636 Drosophila . On the depositing floors 9637 Drossel . . Dressing floors 9638 Drover . . The dumping floor 9639 Drownage . The drying floor 0640 Drowse . . Plow 9641 Drowsily. . Has ceased to flow 9642 Drowsiness . To stop the flow 9643 Drowsyhead The flow of water (in) 9644 Drudgery . The flow of water in the mine 9645 Druggist . . The flow of water from the 9646 Drugster . . The flow of water is at the rate of about 9647 Druid ... In order to check the flow [gallons per minute 9648 Druidess . . Have checked the flow 9649 Druidic . . The flow of water is equal to miners' inches 9650 Druidical . Fluctuated 9651 Drumfish . Fluctuated very much 9652 Drumhead . Fluctuated between 9653 Drummajor . The price of the shares fluctuated between 9654 Drummers . Fluctuation(s) 9655 Drumroom . On account of the fluctuations in the market 9656 Drumstick . The fluctuations in the price [from 9657 Drunkards . There have been rapid fluctuations; prices ranged 9658 Drunken. . We wish these fluctuations could be avoided 9659 Drunkenly . Fluctuations in the yield 9660 Drunkship . The effect of these repeated fluctuations is 9661 Drupaceae . In order to check the fluctuations [be checked 9662 Drupaceous . It is very important that these fluctuations should 9663 Drupel . . How can these fluctuations be avoided 9664 Druxey . . These fluctuations have a most prejudicial effect 9665 Dryandra . Flume (s) 9666 Dryas . . . Flume(s) in good condition 9667 Dryasdust . Flume(s) is (are) out of repair 9668 Drybeat . . The flume(s) has (have) been destroyed 9669 Drybeating . Will have to build a flume 9670 Dry boned . A (the) flume from the hills 9671 Drycastor . A (the) flume from the creek 9672 Drycupping. The company's flume 9673 Drydock. . Fluorspar 9674 Dry fisted . The matrix is principally fluorspar 9675 Dryfoot . . Flux 9676 Dryingroom. Used as flux for 9677 Drymeasure. Difficulty in getting fluxes- 9678 Dry ness . . Follow(s) 9679 Drynurse . Will follow later 9680 Drypile . . Follow the instructions (of) 9681 Drypoint. . Will follow in a few days 196 FOL No. Code Word. Folio w(s) (continued) 9682 Dryrent . Follow the vein 9683 Dry rub . (To) follow it up 9684 Dryrubbed We intend to follow 9685 Dry rubbing Cannot follow 9686 Drysalter As follows 9687 Dryshod . . Followed 9688 Drystoves To be followed by 9689 Dualism . Have followed the course of the vein - - feet 9690 Dualistic . Has (have) followed 9691 Dubiate . Has (have) not followed 9692 Dubiating You ought to have followed 9 6 93 Dubiosity You ought not to have followed 9694 Dubiously If had followed 9695 Dubitable If our instructions had been followed 9696 Dubitancy Has (have) followed your instructions 9697 Dubitation Instructions must be strictly followed 9698 Dubitative Followed the usual course 9699 Ducal Our orders must be followed 9700 Ducally . Should be followed up 9701 Ducatoons . Following 9702 Duchess . Is (are) following 9703 Duchy . Am (are) following 9704 Duchycourt Is (are) not following 9705 Duckant . Am (are) not following 9706 Duckbills T r* /r*+*s^\ Tftll/*HRrtY)fir J.b (dlCy ^^ 1UA1U VVlIlii 9707 Duckhawk In the following manner 9708 Ducklegged We are now following up 9709 Duckling Following up the clue to the 9710 Duckmole On the following day 9711 Ducksfoot This month and the following 9712 Ducksmeat Arrived at the following conclusions 9713 Duckweed Following up the lead 97*4 Ductile . Following the course of the vein 9715 Ductilely Following the outcrop of the vein 9716 Duddery . Following our letter of 9717 Duebill . Following your letter of 9718 Dueller . Following the report 9719 Duellist . . Foolish 9720 Duellum . It would be very foolish 9721 Duffers . It would be foolish to ignore the fact 9722 Dufoil . Behaved in a foolish manner 9723 Dufrenite . Foot 9724 Dugongs . One foot 9725 Dugout . From one foot 9726 Dukedom T7i-/-s.-v ^-\i-\<-fc -A-\yxl- 4-s-*. aO+ JUlOIll vyllC lOvyL tv) 1CCL 9727 Dukeship Not a foot of ground 9728 Dulcamara Every foot of 9729 Dulcet . . Footing 9730 Dulciana Put matters on a better footing 973i Dulcified Establish a firm footing FOO 197 No. Code Word. Footing (continued) 9732 Dulcify . . Gain a footing in 9733 Dulcifying . On a firmer footing 9734 Dulciloquy . Foot-wall 9735 Dulcimers . Close to the foot-wall 9736 Dulcinist Against the foot-wall 9737 Dulcitude . The foot-wall is 9738 Dulcorate . From the foot-wall to 9739 Dulcose . . Towards the foot-wall 9740 Dulia . . . The foot-wall is well defined 9741 Dullardism . r PV*^ f"X/~\4' T^roll /^ir^c 1 o f~ on Tnrrlr* r\f o 1 I1C lOUL-Wdll Ulpb d-L d-11 ctllglc (Jl 9742 Dullbrowed . A solid and good foot-wall 9743 Dulleyed. . Have encountered the true foot-wall 9744 Dullhead From foot-wall to hanging-wall 9745 Dullish . . Have not yet got to the foot wall 9746 Dullness . . For 9747 Dulocracy . For you 9748 Dumbarge . For me (us) 9749 Dumbbells . For him (them) 9750 Dumbcake . Not for 9751 Dumbcraft . For some time 9752 Dumbfound . For fear of 9753 Dumbledor . Is for 9754 Dumbshow . Is not for ( )755 Dumbwaiter It is not for us to say 9756 Dumetose . It is for you to say whether 9757 Dumpage . For a few days 9758 Dumpingcar For a short time 9759 Dumpylevel For you to return 9760 Dunciad . For you to remain 9761 Duncow . . For you to send 9762 Dunderhead For what 9763 Dunderpate. For how long 9764 Dundivers . If only for 9765 Dungeoned . For the next 9766 Dungeoning For the past 9767 Dungfork . Forage 9768 Dunghill. . It is difficult to get forage for the horses 9769 Dungiyah . Plenty of forage can be got 9770 Dungmeer . Forage is cheap 9771 Dungyard . Forage is dear 9772 Duodecimal. Forbidden 9773 Duodecuple Has (have) forbidden 9774 Duodenary . Has (have) been forbidden 9775 Duodenum . Has (have) not forbidden 9776 Duoliteral . Has (have) not been forbidden 9777 Duping . . T-T*-*<-. /KrtTT^x Vv^.^v*-k s\ i- Vvi A r\ a * 9778 Duplex . . Has (have) forbidden the work to go on 9779 Duplexing . Has (have) forbidden the mine to be shown 9780 Duplicate . Force 9781 Duplicity. . With great force 198 FOR No. 9782 9? 8 3 9784 9785 9786 9787 9788 9789 9790 9791 9792 9793 9794 9795 9796 9797 9798 9799 9800 9801 9802 9803 9804 9805 9806 9807 9808 9809 9810 9811 9812 9813 9814 9815 9816 9817 9818 9819 9820 9821 9822 9823 9824 9825 9826 9827 9828 9829 9830 9831 Code Word. Force (continued] Durably . . Not a sufficient force Durance . . Wish(es) to force us to Durbar . . Do not force Duressor . . Force on the action Duskily . . How long is the agreement in force Duskiness . Will be in force until Duskishly . There is a force of good men, but not enough. Dustbrand . The present force sufficient Dustbrush . The present force insufficient Dustcart . . With all the force at our command Dusted . . Employ all the force at your command Dustpoint . All the available force Dustyfoot . With the full force of Duteous . . Still in force Duteously . Not now in force Dutifully . . Forced Dutyfree . . We have been forced to Duumvir . -. Forced to withdraw Duumviral . Forced to conclude that Dwarf . . The suit has been forced on us Dwarfing . Forcing Dwarfish . . Is (are) forcing us to Dwarfishly . Forcing on the sale Dwarfwall . Is (are) not forcing Dwelleth . . Forebreast Dwelling . In the forebreast Dwindle . . The forebreast of the drift Dyadic . . Forebreast is in Dyehouse . Foreclose Dyersmoss . Foreclose the mortgage Dyersweed . Threaten to foreclose Dyestuff . . Do not foreclose Dyewood . Taking steps to foreclose Dyeworks . Foreclosed Dying . . Have foreclosed the mortgage Dyingly . . Foreclosure Dyingness . Taking steps to prevent foreclosure Dynameter . The foreclosure of the mortgage Dynametric . Forego Dynamical . Must forego Dynamism . Not to forego Dynast . . If will forego Dynastidan . Forehead Dynasties . In the forehead Dyschroa . The vein in the forehead Dysclasite . Foreman Dyscrasy . The foreman of the Dysentery . The foreman told me (us) Dyslogy . . The foreman can be relied on Dysodile . . A good mill foreman FOR 199 Code Word. 9832 Dysorexia 9833 Dyspepsia 9 8 34 Dyspeptic 9835 Dysphagia 9836 Dysphony 9837 Dyspnoic 9838 Dysthetic 9839 Dysthymic 9840 Dystomous 9841 Dysuria . 9842 Dytiscidae 9843 Dytiscus . 9844 Eachwhere 9845 Eager . . 9846 Eagerly . 9847 Eagleeyed 9848 Eaglehawk 9849 Eagleowl 9850 Eagleray . 9851 Eaglestone 9852 Eaglewood 9853 Earache . 9854 Earcap . 9855 Earcockle 9856 Eardrum . 9857 Earkissing 9858 Earldom . 9859 Earlier . 9860 Earmark . 9861 Earnest . 9862 Earnestly 9863 Earpiercer 9864 Earshrift . 9865 Earthapple 9866 Earthbath 9867 Earthboard 9868 Earthborer 9869 Earthbred 9870 Earthdrake 9871 Earthflax 9872 Earthhog 9873 Earthhouse 9874 Earthiness 9875 Earthlings 9876 Earthly . 9877 Earthmad 9878 Earthoil . 9879 Earthpeas 9880 Earthpig . 9881 Earthplate Foreman (continued) A good underground foreman The mill foreman A competent and trustworthy foreman . Foresee Foresee a difficulty I (we) plainly foresee Do you foresee Cannot foresee We plainly foresee that if . Foreseen It has been foreseen for some time past . Forest(s). (See also Fire.) Fine forest of No forest near The mine(s) is (are) surrounded by forests (of) The forest is almost denuded of timber The forest can supply plenty of timber From the forest in the vicinity . Forfeit(s) Forfeits all right or claim to . Forfeited Has (have) forfeited , This sum to be forfeited if Has (have) been forfeited . To be forfeited The concession has been forfeited The concession will be forfeited (unless) Has forfeited all right to . Forfeiture Under forfeiture clause of agreement Concession is in danger of forfeiture . Forged Forged deeds Property acquired by means of forged deeds . Forgery(ies) The signature is a forgery The endorsement is a forgery Has been guilty of forgery The forgery of the deeds Forgery is suspected Large forgeries have been detected in scrip . Forget Do not forget Do not forget to send . Forgotten Has (have) been forgotten Has (have) forgotten Do not let it be forgotten that The document forgotten to be sent with our letter Has forgotten his papers 200 FOR No. 9882 9883 9884 9885 9886 9887 9888 9889 9890 9891 9892 9893 9894 9895 9896 9897 9898 9899 9900 9901 9902 993 9904 995 9906 9907 9908 9909 9910 9911 9912 99'3 9914 99 T 5 9916 9917 9918 9919 9920 9921 9922 99 2 3 9924 99 2 5 9926 9927 9928 9929 9930 Code Word. Forgotten (continued} Earthquake . Have you forgotten your promise Earthshine . Had forgotten to send Earthtable . Form Earthwolf . Form a company Earthworks . Form a just opinion Eartrumpet . Form any Earwax . . This will form Earwigged . Not to form Earwigging . Cannot form Earwigs . . Can you form Earwitness . If we form a company Easeful . . Form a syndicate Easements . In proper form Easiness . . Have not been able to form Easterday . Formation Easterdues . Company now in course of formation Easteregg . Formation of company Easterling . After the formation of the company Eastwards ' By the formation of Easychair . To hasten the formation of Easygoing . To prevent the formation of Eatingroom . A water-bearing formation Eavesboard . The vein formation Eavescatch . From the peculiar formation of [formatioi Eavesdrop . We have learnt a good deal about the geological Ebbtide . . From further knowledge of the formation Ebeneous . From the formation of Ebonists. . Formed Ebony . . A company has been formed to acquire Ebriety . . A company has been formed with a capital of Ebriosity . . Should be formed Ebulliated . Has (have) been formed Ebulliency . Has not been formed Ebullient . Can be formed Ebullition . Cannot be formed Eburna . . Will be formed Eburnation . Will not be formed Ecballium . Have you formed Ecbasis . . Has (have) formed Ecbolic . . If a company can be formed Eccentric . As soon as the company is formed Ecchymosis . Has (have) not formed [to purchase the mine Ecclesiast . A company should be formed with a capital of Eccope . . A syndicate now being formed Eccoprotic . Have formed a syndicate to examine, and if thought Eccrisis . . A syndicate to be formed [fit to develop Ecderon . . Former Echeloned . On my former inspection Echeneis . On a former occasion Echeveria . The former owner(s) FOR 201 No. 9932 9933 9934 9935 9936 9937 9938 9939 9940 9941 9942 9943 9944 9945 9946 9947 9948 9949 9950 9951 995 2 9953 9954 9955 9956 9957 9958 9959 9960 9961 9962 9963 9964 99 6 5 9966 9967 9968 9969 9970 9971 9972 9973 9974 9975 9976 9977 9978 9979 9980 9981 Code Word. Former (continued} Echidna . . The former owners bought it for Echidnine . The former owners sold it for Echimyna . By the former Echinated . Against the former Echinidan . Was bought by the former Echinoderm Sold by the former (10) Echinomys . Formerly Echinops . Formerly owned by Echinozoa . Formerly worked by Echinulate . The mine was formerly owned by Echium . . Formerly occupied by Echoed . . Formerly owned the property, but it is now in the Echoing . . Formidable [hands of Echometry . A formidable opponent Eclampsy . Not a very formidable Eclegm . . Formidable opposition must be expected Eclipsed . . Fortnightly Eclipsing . Fortnightly report(s) Ecliptic . . Fortnightly report(s) must be sent by Eclysis . . Send fortnightly reports regularly Economical . Fortnightly accounts Economized Fortnightly statements of Economy . Fortnightly output Ecphlysis . Fortunate Ecphonema Have been so fortunate as to Ecphonesis . At a fortunate moment Ecphora . . You will be fortunate (if) Ecphractic . It was a fortunate circumstance Ecstasied . Forward Ecstatical . Please forward without delay Ecthlipsis . Pushing forward as fast as possible Ecthyma . . Get everything forward Ectoblast . When can you forward Ectodermal . Push the work forward Ectopy . . Not sufficiently forward to Ectosarc . . Pushing forward Ectozoa . . If you cannot forward Ectropical . From this time forward Ectropium . We are now well forward with Ectylotic . Forwarded Ectypal . . Has (have) been forwarded Ecumenic . Has (have) not yet been forwarded Ecumenical . Has (have) forwarded Eczema . . Has (have) not forwarded Eczematous . Has (have) forwarded Edacious . Will be forwarded Edaciously . Your telegram was forwarded Edacity . . To be forwarded Edaphodont Not to be forwarded Eddaic . . Forwarded by express 202 FOR No. 9982 9983 9984 9985 9986 9987 9988 9990 9991 9992 9993 9994 9995 9996 9997 9998 9999 10,000 10,001 10,002 10,003 10,004 10,005 10,006 10,007 10,008 10,009 10,010 10,011 IO,OI2 10,013 10,014 10,015 10,016 10,017 10,018 10,019 10,020 IO,02t 10,022 10,023 IO,024 10,025 IO,O26 10,027 10,029 10,030 Code Word. Forwarded (continued} Eddied . Have forwarded to the care of Eddying . Forwarded to the address of Eddywater. Have forwarded to your address Eddywind . Should be forwarded (by) Edenized . When was it (were they) forwarded Edenizing . Found Edentulous Has (have) been found Edgebone . I (we) have found on further examination Edgerail . I (we) have found everything very satisfactory Edgetool . Found everything to be as represented (by) Edgewise . Found everything all right Edging . Found nothing Edgingiron Not yet found Edible . . Have you found Edibleness. Has he (have they) found Edictal . . We have found Edificant . Has not yet been found Edifice. ._ Was (were) found to be Edificial . Foundation(s) Edifier . . The foundation of Edify . . Laying the foundation of Edifying . The foundation plate Edifyingly. The foundations are giving way Edileship . The foundations for the mill Editor . . The foundations for the engine Editorial . To get in the foundations will require Editorship Now grading for foundation Editress . Foundered Educated . The ship by which they were sent foundered, and Education. Framing [all were lost Eelbasket . Framing for mill Eelfork. . Framing for battery Eelgrass . We are now framing Eelspout . Fraud Effable . . It is a regular fraud Effacement The whole thing is a regular fraud from beginning Effacing . Is it a fraud [to end Effective . Is charged with fraud Effectual . We think a charge of fraud could be sustained Effectuous Fraudulent Effeminacy Done with a fraudulent intent Effeminize Fraudulent practices somewhere Efferous . Free Effervesce . Is (are) free to Effete . . Is (are) not free to Efficacy . Is (are) free to Efficiency . Are you free to Efficient . You are free to act as you think best Effigiated . Must be free to act as I (we) think best Effigy . . Free gold FRE 203 No. Code Word. Free (continued] 10.032 Efflation . Full of visible free gold 10.033 Effloresce . Specks of visible free gold 10.034 Effluency . Abound(s) in free gold 10.035 Effluvial . A streak of the vein very rich in free gold 10.036 Efflux . . Pieces of quartz very rich in free gold 10.037 Effluxing . Free milling ore 10.038 Effluxions . Not free milling ore 10.039 Effodient . Is the mine free of water 10.040 Efforming . Do not go unless you hear the mine is free of water 10.041 Effortless . Shall not go unless I (we) hear the mine is free of 10.042 Effracture . When the mine is free of water [water 10.043 Effrayable . The mine is now free of water 10.044 Effrayed . Could not get the mine sufficiently free of water to 10.045 Effronted . Free of water [enable me (us) to see 10.046 Effrontery. Should be free to 10.047 Effulcrate . Delivery free on board 10.048 Effulge. . Price includes delivery free on board 10.049 Effulgence We give you a free hand 10.050 Effulging . If you let us have a free hand 10.051 Effumable. Free of everything 10.052 Effusions . Let us know if you are free 10.053 Effusive . W T e are free to go when you wish 10.054 Effusively . Would like to be set free 10.055 Eggbags . Free of duty 10.056 Eggbird . Free of expense 10.057 Eggcup . Free of all expense to you 10.058 Eggery. . Free of all expense to us 10.059 Eggflip. . Free of all charges 10.060 Eggshot . Freely 10.061 Eggler . . Not freely 10.062 Eggplant . Buy freely 10.063 Eggsauce . Has been freely 10.064 Eggshell . Shares have been freely bought, and are now at 10.065 Eggspoon . Freight(s) 10.066 Egilopical . Allowing for freight and charges 10.067 Egilops . Owing to the heavy freight rates 10.068 Eglantine . The freight and charges are 10.069 Egoical . As freight 10.070 Egoism . What is rate of freight 10.071 Egoistical. Rate of freight is 10.072 Egophonic Who is to pay freight and carriage 10.073 Egotheism We have paid freight on this side 10.074 Egotistic . You have nothing to pay for freight 10.075 Egotize . You must pay freight and charges 10.076 Egregious. Freight, duty, and insurance 10.077 Egriot . . Freight, duty, and insurance, to port of discharge 10.078 Egritude . Freight, duty, and insurance right up to the mine 10.079 Egyptology Can you get a special rate of freight 10.080 Ehlite . . Quoted a special rate of freight 10.081 Ehretia . Freight per ton 204 FEE No. Code Word. Freight (continued} 10.082 Eiderdown Freight per loolbs. 10.083 Eiderduck. Freight per carload 10.084 Eidolon . Freight, in carloads, per TOO Ibs. 10.085 Eightday . Freight, less than carloads, per loolbs. 10.086 Eightfold . Freight from to 10.087 Eightscore Have engaged freight for 10.088 Eirenarch . Cannot engage freight on terms quoted 10.089 Eisenrahm Your terms for freight are too high 10.090 Eisteddfod Quote lowest terms for freight 10.091 Ejaculated At a low freight 10.092 Ejecting . Freight is too high 10.093 Ejectment. Have made contract for freight and carriage, to include all charges right up to 10.094 Elaborate . Freight and all charges will be paid here 10.095 Elaidate . Freights will be lower (after) 10.096 Elaphine . Freights will be higher (after) 10.097 Elaqueated Shippers claim for freight 10.098 Elastic . . Railroad company claims for freight 10.099 Elatchee . Freighters 10.100 Elatedly . Wiio are the freighters 10.101 Elatedness The freighters are 10.102 Elateridae. The freighters undertake to 10.103 Elaterium . Frequent 10.104 Elbow. . Is of frequent occurrence in the district 10.105 Elbowchair Very frequent 1 0,1 06 Elbowing. Not frequent 10.107 Elbowpiece Frequent stoppages 1 0,1 08 Elbowroom Frequent complaints are made 10.109 Elbuck. . What is the cause of the frequent 10, no Elcaja . . Owing to the frequent io,ni Elcesaite .Frequently 10.112 Elderberry Do not occur so frequently 10.113 Eldergun . Frequently occur (occurring) 10.114 Elderly . Not so frequently i o, 1 1 5 Eldership . Fresh 10.116 Eldertree . Telegraph if anything fresh occurs 10.117 Elderwine. A fresh connection 10.118 Elderwort . Nothing fresh 10.119 Electary . We have nothing fresh to report (since) 10.120 Electicism. Nothing fresh since we last wrote 10.121 Electively . Friable 10.122 Electorate. Friable quartz i o, 1 2 3 Electoress . Of a friable nature 10.124 Electorial . Friday 10.125 Electrical . Every Friday 10.126 Electrify . Every other Friday 10.127 Electrizer . Last Friday 10.128 Electrode . Next Friday 10.129 Elegant . On Friday 10.130 Elegantly . First Friday in the month FRI 205 No. Code Word. Friday (continued) 10.131 Elegiac . Second Friday in the month 10.132 Elegiacal . Third Friday in the month 10.133 Elegiambic Fourth Friday in the month 10.134 Elegiasts . Last Friday in the month 10.135 Elegize . From 10.136 Element . From this date 10.137 Elementary From all I can find out 10.138 Elementoid From whom 10.139 Elenchical From which 10.140 Elenchize . From the other 10.141 Elenchus . Not from 10.142 Eleocharis. From one (of the) 10.143 Elephants . From what I (we) can learn, I (we) advise you to 10.144 Eleusinian. From the nearest 10.145 Eleutheria. From whom did you get the 10.146 Elevates . From what part did it come 10.147 Elevating . From all parts 10.148 Elevation . From here 10.149 Elevatory . From some cause or other 10.150 Elfarrow . From us 10.151 Elf bolt. . Not from us 10.152 Elfchild . If not from us 10.153 Elfdart. . From you 10.154 Elfland. . Not from you 10.155 Elflock. . If not from you 10.156 Elfstone . From what we hear 10.157 Eliciting . Frontier 10.158 Eliminant. Miles from the frontier 10.159 Eliquament Near the frontier 1 0,1 60 Elixate. . The frontier town of 10.161 Elixirs. . From the frontier 10.162 Elknut. . Frost(s) 10.163 Ellipsis . The severe frosts prevent 10.164 Ellipsoid . Owing to the severe frosts 10.165 Elliptical . As soon as the frost breaks up 1 0,1 66 Ellwands . Severe frosts for months in the year 10.167 Elmidae . Sharp frost has set in ; temperature has been to 1 0,1 68 Elmosfire . The frost is breaking up 10.169 Elmwood . The frost is all gone 10.170 Elocution . Frue vanner(s) 10.171 Eloignment Will require frue vanners 10.172 Elongated. Frue vanners working well 10.173 Elongating Frue vanners working badly 10.174 Elongation There are frue vanners 10.175 Elopement Frue vanners are being erected 10.176 Eloping . Frue vanners are ready to work 10.177 Eloquent . Frue vanners are stopped 10.178 Eloquently Frue vanners will commence work 10.179 Elsewhere. Frue vanners commenced work io ; i8o Elsewise . Frue vanners commenced work, and are doing weft 2o6 FRU No. Code Word. Frue vanner(s) (continued) 10.1 8 1 Elucidate . Frue vanners commenced work, and are not doing 10.182 Elum bated Frue vanners are a failure [well 10.183 Elvan . . Frue vanners stopped for water 10.184 Elvanite . When will vanners be ready to start 10.185 Elvish . . How are vanners working 10.186 Elvishly . What percentage are vanners saving out of tailings 10.187 Elydoric . Why are vanners stopped 1 0,1 88 Elytriform How many vanners have you at work 10.189 Elytrocele. Working expenses of vanner per ton treated 10.190 Elytroid . Fuel 10.191 Emaciate . What fuel do you use 10.192 Emaciation The daily consumption of fuel is 10.193 Emanated. Fuel is very abundant 10.194 Emanating What is price of fuel 10.195 Emancipate The price of fuel is about 10.196 Emancipist Fuel is scarce and expensive 10.197 Embalm . Fuel is so abundant, that the only cost is the cutting 10.198 Embalming No fuel to be had [and stacking 10.199 Embanked The fuel used is wood 10.200 Embankment The fuel used is a resinous wood 10.201 Embargo . The fuel used is anthracite coal 10.202 Embarrass The fuel used is coal 10.203 Embarren . The fuel used is coal of a poor quality 10.204 Embathe . The fuel used is coal of excellent quality 10.205 Embed. . The fuel used is coal brought from 10.206 Embedded The fuel used is petroleum 10.207 Embedding Fuel and water both abundant 10.208 Embedment Have you any fuel 10.209 Embellish . Wood only is available for fuel 10,21 Emberdays We have sufficient fuel on the property to last 10.211 Emberfast. Coal is sufficiently near to be reckoned on for fuel 10.212 Embergoose Fulfil 10.213 Embertide. So as to fulfil the terms of the bond 10.214 Emberweek To fulfil the agreement 10.215 Embezzle . (To) fulfil my (our) part of the 10.216 Embezzling Cannot fulfil 10.217 Embillow . Is (are) ready to fulfil the 10.218 Embitter . (To) enable us to fulfil our promises 10.219 Emblazing Can you fulfil the promises you made 10.220 Emblazoned (To) fulfil the promises made to the shareholders 10.221 Emblematic (To) fulfil our part of the agreement 10.222 Emblemized To fulfil the contract 10.223 Emblems . Fully believe we can fulfil our promises 10.224 Emblica . If we do not fulfil our promises we must expect 10.225 Embloomed Ready to fulfil 10.226 Emblossom If you cannot fulfil 10.227 Embodiers If he (they) cannot fulfil 10.228 Embody . Fulfilled 10.229 Embodying Fulfilled the agreement 10.230 Embogue . Fulfilled the contract FUL 207 No. 10,231 10,232 10,233 10,234 10,235 10,236 10,237 10,238 10,239 10,240 10,241 10,242 10,243 10,244 10,245 10,246 10,247 10,248 10,249 10,250 10,251 10,252 10,253 10,254 10,255 10,256 10,257 10,258 10,259 10,260 10,261 10,262 10,263 10,264 10,265 10,266 10,267 10,268 10,269 10,270 10,271 10,272 10,273 10,274 10,275 10,276 10,277 10,278 10,279 10,280 Code Word. Fulfilled (continued) Emboguing Fulfilled so much of the Embolden Fulfilment Embolism . In fulfilment of the agreement Embolismal In fulfilment of the contract Embosom . In fulfilment of our promises Embossed. Full Embossing Could see nothing, as the mine was full of water Embossment The shaft is full of water Embottled All the lower workings are full of water Embowelled All workings full of water Embox. . Is always full of water Embraced. Not full Embracery Quite full Embracive Full particulars Embrangle Full details Embrasures The shaft is full of rubbish Embright . For full particulars, refer to Embrocado Full of debris Embrocated Not nearly full Embroider As full as possible Embroiling Fully Embronze. Am (are) fully convinced Embrown . Am (are) fully satisfied with Embrowning Are you fully satisfied that Embryology Fully paid-up shares Embryonary Funds Embryotega Work on the mine has been stopped for want of funds Embryotic Not having sufficient funds in hand Embryous . Not having funds enough to purchase Emendals . Funds are running short Emendately Funds are exhausted Emendation Funds will last till Emendicate Funds are exhausted, please send at once Emerald . The available funds Emerged . It will require large funds to Emergency What funds have you in hand Emerging . Must provide funds for Emerycloth Cannot provide funds for Emerypaper All available funds that can be spared Emerywheel To provide funds (for) Emforth . Reserve funds Emicant . A reserve fund of Emictory . Sinking fund Emigrating The only available funds are those derivable from Emilian . Out of the fund arising from Eminence . The funds set apart for [how long Eminently Have you sufficient funds to go on with, and for Emissaries How do you propose to raise funds to Emissary . Must furnish me with necessary funds to examine Emmantling An accumulated fund (of) 208 FUN No. 10,281 10,282 10,283 10,284 10,285 10,286 10,287 10,288 10,289 10,290 10,291 10,292 10,293 10,294 10,295 10,296 10,297 10,298 10,299 10,300 10,301 10,302 10,303 10,304 10,305 10,306 10,307 10,308 10,309 10,310 10,311 10,312 10,313 10,314 10,315 10,316 10,317 10,318 10,319 10,320 10,321 10,322 10,323 10,324 10,325 10,326 10,327 10,328 10,329 Code Word. Emmarble. Funeral Emmenology Dead ; funeral will take place Emolliated Furnace (s) Emollition Drying furnace Emoluments Reverberatory furnace Emotional Roasting furnace Emotions . Water-jacket furnace Emotively . Smelting furnace Empaistic . Bruckner furnace Empanoply Howell white furnace Empasm . Cupelling furnace Empawned Melting furnace Empeopled Furnaces to boilers worn out Emperished Must put up new furnace Emphasized Cost of a new furnace (will be) Emphatic . The best furnace Emphatical The best furnace to burn Emphrensy Furnace must be adapted to burn Emphysema- Furnish Empiric . Will furnish full particulars of the mine(s) Empirical . Will furnish you with the necessary money examine mine(s) Empiricism Will not furnish me (us) with Emplaster. Furnish full particulars Emplecton Furnish us with Employable Furnish and provide for Employed . Do not furnish Employment Furnished Emplumed Has not furnished Has (have) furnished us with Fully furnished and equipped with all appliances Has furnished you with full particulars to Emplunge. Emplungin Empoison . Empoldered Has not yet furnished us with Emporetic. Furnishing Emporium We are now furnishing Empowering The cost of furnishing Emprize . Furniture Emptier . The furniture and equipment Emptiness Further. (See also Farther.) Empty . . Can do nothing further in the matter Emptying . After further Empurple . Have driven in further on the vein Empuzzled If you hear anything further Empuzzling Wait till you get further instructions Empyocele Am (are) waiting for further instructions Empyreal . Is (are) waiting for further orders Empyreuma Further from Empyrosis. Further information required Emulations Further down Emulative. Further away from FUR 209 No. Code Word. Further (continued) 10.330 Emulatory Further details 10,331 Emulatress Further particulars 10,332 Emulgent . If you do not hear further from io,333 Emulous . Until you hear further from io,334 Emulously Cannot go further I0 >335 Emulsified Cannot further your wishes 10,336 Emulsify . Do not go any further io,337 Emunctory Fuse(s) 10,338 Emuwren . ^\ r* TI rl fT\il r ' r "i "fr* f* v TI t ^ ^ i>339 Emydidae . Electric fuses 10,340 Enabled . Future 10,341 Enabling . Am (are) convinced there is a brilliant future before 10,342 Enacteth . You must in future [the Company 10,343 Enaliosaur Future developments would determine 10,344 Enaluron . In the future 10,345 Enambush Some future time 10,346 Enamel . Am (are) sure it is a mine with a great future before 10,347 Enamelled Future developments [it 10,348 Enamelling What is your opinion of the future prospects of the 10,349 Enamoured The future prosperity of the mine [mine 10,350 Encalendar Unfavourable for the future prospects of the under- 10,351 Encampeth What are your views as to the future [taking 10,352 Encamping The future prospects of the mine are good io,353 Encampment The present condition and future prospects 10,354 Encanker . Having regard to the future and not to immediate 10,355 Encanthis . Future runs [interests 10,356 Encardion. Future runs should exceed io,357 Encarpus . Are future runs likely to be better 10,358 Encashment We think future runs will be better io,359 Encauma . Consider that future runs 10,360 Encaustic . Future yield 10,361 Encenia . Future yield will depend upon 10,362 Encephalos Gain 10,363 Enchafe . It will be a decided gain 10,364 Enchafing . What shall I (we) gain 10,365 Enchanters What will be the gain 10,366 Encharging What will he gain (by) 10,367 Encheason By which we gain 10,368 Encheer . By which will gain 10,369 Enchelya . Do (does) not gain 10,370 Enchisel . Will gain nothing (by) 10,371 Enchodus . Will gain nothing by delay 10,372 Enchorial . Shall gain very little io,373 Enchoric . Shall gain by the transaction 10,374 Enchymonia Gained io,375 Encincture Has (have) gained 10,376 Encindered Has (have) gained io,377 Encircled . Has (have) not gained 10,378 Encircling. Has (have) gained on 10,379 Enclasp . The water has gained on the 210 GAI No. Code Word. Gained (continued} 10.380 Enclasping Nothing to be gained by the transaction 10.381 Enclitics . There is nothing to be gained by 10.382 Encloister. Gaining 10.383 Enclosure . We are gaining on the water daily 10.384 Encoaching Galena 10.385 Encoffin . Galena carrying ounces of silver per ton 10.386 Encollar . Argentiferous galena 10.387 Encomiast Argentiferous galena plant complete with power, 10.388 Encomion. Gales [etc., for tons daily 10.389 Encomiums Heavy gales have been raging 10.390 Encompass Damaged by the heavy gales 10.391 Encores . The late heavy gales have prevented us 10.392 Encounter Gangue 10.393 Encouraged The gangue consists of 10.394 Encradle . Gas 10.395 Encradling The bad gas in the mine stops work 10.396 Encratites . Carbonic acid gas 10.397 Encrimson Water gas 10.398 Encrinal .. Coal gas 10.399 Encrinitic . Gas explosion 10.400 Encroached Gather 10.401 Encumber Gather all the information you can 10.402 Encurtain . From what we can gather 10.403 Encyclic . Gathered 10.404 Encyclical Gathered from various parts 10.405 Encysted . Gathered from what was said 10.406 Endamage Gear 10.407 Endamaging Gear wants overhauling 10.408 Endangered Pumping gear 10.409 Endarken . Hauling gear 10.410 Endearedly The gear will be repaired 10.411 Endeareth Had to overhaul the gear 10.412 Endearment Had to repair the gear 10.413 Endeavour Generally) 10.414 Endeixis . The general feeling here is 10.415 Endemical In general 10.416 Endemicity General dissatisfaction (caused by) 10.417 Endermatic General distrust of the management 10.418 Endiaper . General distrust prevails 10.419 Endless . General satisfaction is felt 10.420 Endlessly . There is a general want of confidence 10.421 Endlong . There is general dissatisfaction and disappointment 10.422 Endmost . The general results are satisfactory 10.423 Endocarp . The general result is disappointing 10.424 Endochrome The general outlook is promising 10.425 Endoctrine Matters in general are going on satisfactorily 10.426 Endocyst . A general strike is imminent 10.427 Endoderm Generally speaking 10.428 Endodermic How are things looking generally 10.429 Endogamous Generously . GEN 211 No. Code Word. Generously (continued) 10.430 Endogamy Has (have) very generously 10.431 Endogen . Has (have) not behaved generously i o, 43 2 Endolymph Genuine 10.433 Endomorph Thoroughly genuine 10.434 Endoplast. Not (a) genuine 10.435 Endopleura It is a thoroughly genuine affair 10.436 Endopodite Do not think it is a genuine affair 10.437 Endoptile . Geologically) 10.438 Endorhiz . Geological formation 10.439 Endorsable The geological features of the district 10.440 Endorse . From the geological formation of the lode 10.441 Endorsing The geological formation leads us to suppose 10.442 Endosmic. Have learned a good deal about the geological 10.443 Endosmosis Geologically speaking [formation 10.444 Endospore A geological map of the (district) 10.445 Endostomes A celebrated geological expert 10.446 Endowed . From the geological formation and character of the district we consider that there is no probability of being found 10.447 Endowments A reference to the geological features [dicate 10.448 Endrudge . There is nothing in the geological formation to in- 10.449 Endspeech Geological conditions absolutely prohibit the ex- istence of any metalliferous deposit Geological conditions are not unfavourable, but hitherto no metalliferous deposits of any value have been discovered Geological conditions are favourable and it is pro- bable that metalliferous deposits of value will be found Totally unprospected, and geological conditions so obscured that it is not possible to form any opinion as to metalliferous value until some work Endwise . Geologist [has been done Enemies . An experienced geologist Energetics Geology Energical . The geology of the mine Energizer . The geology of the district Energizing Geometrical Energumen A geometrical survey Energy. . Get 10,450 Endurably 10,451 Endurance 10,452 Enduringly 10,453 io,455 10,456 io,457 10,458 io,459 10,460 10,461 10,462 10,463 10,464 10,465 10,466 10,467 10,468 10,469 10,470 Enervated Get me (us) some Enervating Get more of Enervative Get permission to examine Enfamished Get some of the shares at about Enfeebled . Get the men to wait for money till Enfeebling Can you get Enfeeblish If you cannot get Enfeloned . Cannot get Enfeoff . Can get Enfever . Get out of 212 GET No. Code Word. Get (continued) 10,471 Enfierced . We shall be able to get out of the difficulty 10,472 Enfiladed . "\\Tti r-Vo1l 4-\^ ^v*-* Vx^k rtVkl^k 4-yx rv^-y*. ^nf- f^*-*c- r-\^k* *-J/-T VV C olldll LiiCil UC- clUlC \*\J fiCL UU.L ^^ LUllo LJC1 vJ.cLV io,473 Enfilading What can you get out (of) 10,474 Enflesh . Can get nothing out (of) 10,475 Enflowered Can only get 10,476 Enfolded . I did not get io,477 Enfoldment Row much can you get 10,478 Enforce . Cannot get more till 10,479 Enforcedly To enable us to get 10,480 Enforcible Get all you can 10,481 Enforcing . You must get to 10,482 Enforested From whom shall I (we) get 10,483 Enfortune . Shall have to get 10,484 Enfreed . You must get 10,485 Enfreedom Get ready to 10,486 Enfroward (To) get on with 10,487 Enfrozen . Cannot get on at all with 10,488 Engaging . To get over the difficulty 10,489 Engagingly All that we can get out 10,490 Engaol . . Cannot get any further 10,491 Engarboil . Cannot get any more 10,492 Engarrison If you cannot get more i ? 493 Engender . Getting 10,494 Engendrure Getting along fast io,495 Engineman Getting along slowly 10,496 Enginetool Getting ready to 10,497 Engiscope \\T\ of^i, /V* 4-4-1 *-/- fi"\Y" C *^ ^* ^** ^vl- s*.f VV C die iiCLLIHH LUI1S L)ci (Jdy UUL C/I 10,498 Engladded Has (have) been getting 10,499 Englishry . Is (are) getting 10,500 Englislet . Not getting enough 10,501 Englooming Is (are) getting all he (they) can 10,502 Englutting Getting out 10,503 Engorged . He is (they are) getting 10,504 Engraft . Getting enough out to pay expenses 10,505 Engrapple Give 10,506 Engrasped Give your opinion of 10,507 Engraulis . The last returns give an average of 10,508 Engravings Can you give 10,509 Engreaten Can you not give 10,510 Engross . Can give 10,511 Engrosseth Cannot give 10,512 Engrossing Declines to give 10,513 Enguard . Must give 10,514 Enguarding Will give 10,515 Engulf . . Will not give 10,516 Engulfing . Will give 10,517 Engulfment < \;l7'il1 ^.-.v.j-% . M vv in ' give up 10,518 Enhanceth Will give up 10,519 Enhancing Will not give up 10,520 Enharbour What will you give GIV 213 No. 10,521 10,522 lo,5 2 3 10,524 10,525 10,526 10,527 10,528 10,529 10,530 10,531 10,532 *>533 10,534 10,535 10,536 10,537 10,538 10,539 10,540 10,541 10,542 10,543 10,544 10,545 10,546 10,547 10,548 10,549 10,550 Jo.SS 1 10,552 io,553 10,554 *o,555 10,556 io557 10,558 10,559 10,560 10,561 10,562 10,563 10,564 10,565 10,566 10,567 10,568 10,569 10,570 Code Word. Give (continued] Enhardened What will he (they) give Enharmonic How long can you give Enhedge . You must give longer time Enhedging Cannot give longer time Enhunger . If he will give Enhydra . He (they) will give more Enigma . He (they) will give longer time Enigmatic Give in exchange (for) Enjoined . Give(s) a better result Enjoining . If he (they) can give Enjoinment If we can give Enjoyable If you can give Enkennel . Given Enkindle . Has (have) given Enkindling Has (have) given up Enlacement Has (have) given out Enlangour Has (have) given up Enlarged . Has (have) not given Enlargedly Within a given time Enleague . Must be given Enleaguing Must not be given Enlengthen The men have given in Enlightens Have given better results Enlink . . What has been given Enlinking . Given in exchange for Enlistment Glad Enlivened You will be glad to know that Enlivening Am (are) very glad to be able to tell you that Enmanche Am (are) very glad to be able to give you good Enmeshed Shall be glad to hear [accounts of the mine Enmity . Am (are) very glad to hear Ennobled . I (we) shall be glad to know Ennobling Globe mill Ennuye . Globe mill of a capacity to crush Enomotarch Gneiss Enormities The hanging-wall is gneiss Enormity . The foot-wall is gneiss Enormous. The country rock is gneiss Enormously Go Enpatron . Be ready to go on to Enquicken When can you go to Enquired . Can go to on Enrapture . Cannot go till you send me Enravish . You must go to Enregister Go by way of Enrich . . Am (are) able to go Enricheth . Am (are) not able to go Enriching . Have to go by steamer to Enrichment Will have to go immediately Enridged . Go as quickly as possible 214 No. 10,571 10,572 10,573 10,574 io,575 10,576 io,577 10,578 10,579 10,580 10,581 10,582 10,583 10,584 10,585 10,586 10,587 10,588 10,589 10,590 10,591 10,592 io,593 10,594 10,595 10,596 io,597 10,598 io,599 10,600 10,601 10,602 10,603 10,604 10,605 10,606 10,607 10,608 10,609 10,610 10,611 10,612 10,613 10,614 10,615 10,616 10,617 10,618 10,619 10,620 Code Word. Go (continued) Enripen Enrol . . Enrolled . Enrounded Ensample . Ensampling Ensanguine Enscaled . Enscaling . Enschedule Ensconce . Ensconcing Enseal . . Ensearch . Ensemble . Enshawl . Enshawling En sheath . Enshield '. Enshrine . Enshrining Enshroud . Ensiform . Ensign . . Ensigncy . Ensignship Enskied . Ensky . . Ensilage . Enslave . Enslaving . Ensnareth Ensober . Ensphere . Ensphering Enstamp . Enstamping Enstock . Enstocking Enstyle . Enstyling . Ensuable , Ensued Ensuing . Enswathing Ensweep . Entackle . Entail . . Entaileth . Entailing . Will go with me (us) Cannot go with me (us) Am (are) ready to go To go down To go up If can go If cannot go Can only go as far as Go ahead (with the) Likely to go through Can you go Can go by rail, and then by car- triage to the mine Must not go Can go Cannot go Will go Will not go From here shall go to Go at once to Can go at once to We will go together if you wish It is essential that I go at once to You must go immediately to He must go immediately to Must go with you (To) go with you Goes The ore goes down The ore goes up Goes up Goes down Goes along Going They are going to Must decide quickly what he is (they are) going to do Who is going Going away Am (are) going (to) Is (are) going (to) Am (are) not going to Is (are) not going to Are you going to Is (are) going to If is (are) not going to Otherwise, all is going well Telegraph when you are going (to) What are you going to do (about) What is he (are they) going to do Is going with me Is going with you GOL 315 No. Code Word. 10,621 Entailment Gold. (See also Free.) 10,622 Entalent . The mine is very rich in free gold 10,623 Entangle . Have struck a large pocket of gold 10,624 Entangling Have struck a small pocket of gold 10,625 Entelechy . Showed only a trace of gold 10,626 Entellus . A rich streak of gold ore 10,627 Entempest Sample assayed gave no gold 10,628 Enterclose A large quantity of gold has been taken from 10,629 Enteritis . Pieces of rock containing visible gold 10,630 Entermewer Is one of the richest gold-mines in the district of 10,631 Enterodela Pieces of pure gold "0,632 Enterolith The gold lies in the arsenical pyrites 10.633 Enterology The gold lies in iron pyrites 10,634 Enterotome The gold-bearing vein runs through 10,635 Enterpart . The gold is in alluvial deposit 10,636 Enterprise The gold-bearing veins run north and south 10,637 Entersole . The gold-bearing veins run east and west 10,638 Entertains The gold occurs in quartz lodes 10,639 Entheastic Gold is found in the bed of, the stream 10,640 Enthralled Nuggets of gold have been found 10,641 Enthrone . The gold-bearing vein can be traced for a long dis- 10,642 Enthroning Owing to the gold being found in [tance 10,643 Enthronize Indications show that gold exists in abundance on 10,644 Enthunder Showing traces of gold [this property 10,645 Enthusiasm An average assay gave in gold 10,646 Enthymema Gold ore 10,647 Entice . . Alluvial gold 10,648 Enticement Retorted gold 10,649 Enticing . Gold amalgam 10,650 Enticingly Gold has been discovered 10,651 Entirely . Ounce(s) of gold per ton 10,652 Entireness Ounces of gold have been shipped 10,653 Entitled . Ounces of gold will be shipped 10,654 Entomb How much gold has been shipped 10,655 Entombing Crushed tons obtained ounces of gold 10,656 Entombment The gold quartz is very free ; no base metals present 10,657 Entomoid. The gold in quartz is not free; there are base 10,658 Entomotomy Gold shipped to England [metals present 10,659 Entonic . Gold shipped to 10,660 Entophytic Proportion of gold to silver is per cent. 10,661 Entozoon . This chute is very rich in gold 10,662 Entrammel Very rich in gold 10,663 Entranced The gold occurs in 10,664 Entrapped How many ounces of gold 10,665 Entreasure Ounces of gold 10,666 Entreateth Payable in gold 10,667 Entreating The assay value of the gold 10,668 Entreaty . The realized value of the gold 10,669 Entrench . Gold mill of stamps 10,670 Entrochal . Chloride of gold 2l6 GOL No. Code Word. Gold (continued) 10,671 Entrust . Gold from concentrates 10,672 Entrusting Gold from tailings 10,673 En try money Tailings being worked for gold 10,674 TT n f'lvinf* T*/"\n / ~' tnilinfi""* T^roHno/^rl r\nnr*A ri of fTAin JLl/Ii L\\ IIlC J. Olio LcilllllL^b UI LJU.lH~.CLl L)Ullv>Co LJl iiLJILl 10,675 Entwining. Average assay of gold from tailings 10,676 Entwisted . Of the total amount, the value of gold is 10,677 Enucleated Gold from the reef 10,678 Enunciable The reef assays in gold 10,679 Enunciated Value of gold bullion 10,680 Enuresis . Fineness of gold 10,681 13* VIVA 00M1 TI-. S-L ./-^x-vl A 795 10,796 10,797 10,798 10,799 10,800 10,801 10,802 10,803 10,804 10,805 10,806 10,807 10,808 10,809 10,810 10,811 10,812 10,813 10,814 10,815 10,816 10,817 10,818 Epizeuxis . Grant Epizooty . Will grant Epochal . Will grant Eponymic Will not grant Epopt . . If will not grant Epsomite . A grant of Epsomsalt To obtain a grant Epyornis . Gratification Equability Have much gratification in stating GRA 219 No. Code Word. Gratification (continued) 10.819 Equably . It was with much gratification 10.820 Equalize . Gravel 10.821 Equalizing Gravel carrying gold 10.822 Equalness . Gravel pays per cubic yard 10.823 Equangular In the gravel 10.824 Equanimity Through the gravel 10.825 Equanimous Auriferous gravel 10.826 Equated . Auriferous gravel yielding per cubic yard 10.827 Equating . The gravel goes down to a depth of 10.828 Equation . Panning out the gravel 10.829 Equatorial Gravel will pan out 10.830 Equerries . Gravel will assay 10.831 Equerry . Rich gravel has been found 10.832 Equestrian There is a bed of rich gravel 10.833 Equiangled Great (er) 10.834 Equicrural Great waste of time 10.835 Equiform . Great deal of waste 10.836 Equinoxes Covering a great extent 10.837 Equip . . To a great extent 10.838 Equipage . Very great 10.839 Equipped. Not very great 10.840 Equipping Great many 10.841 Equiparate As great as 10.842 Equipedal Not so great as 10.843 Equipment Greater than before (hitherto) 10.844 Equipoise Greater than ever 10.845 Equirotal . Greatly 10.846 Equisetum It would be greatly to 10.847 Equison . It would not be greatly to 10.848 Equisonant Would be greatly to our advantage 10.849 Equitancy Would greatly prejudice 10.850 Equitant . Would greatly restrict our efforts 10.851 Equities . Gross 10.852 Equity. . Gross yield 10.853 Equivalent The gross yield per ton is 10.854 Equivalved The gross receipts 10.855 Equivocacy The gross receipts have been 10.856 Equivocate What are the gross receipts for 10.857 Equivorous A gross revenue of 10.858 Eradicable Grossly 10.859 Eradicated Is (are) grossly exaggerated 10.860 Eragrostis Grossly exaggerated accounts have been circulated 1 0,86 1 Eranthemum Grossly insulting remarks 10.862 Erastian . Ground(s) 10.863 Erectable . There is a dispute about the ground 10.864 Erectility . Over the whole of the ground 10.865 Erectness . In barren ground 10.866 Erelong . Ground much broken up 10.867 Eremitic . Above ground 10.868 Eremitical The ground above 2 2O GRO No. Code Word. Ground(s) (continued) 10,869 Eremitish . Below ground 10,870 Erethism . The ground below 10,871 Erethistic . They have no ground for complaint 10,872 Erewhiles . On the ground of 10,873 Ergotine . No ground for 10,874 Ergotisms Is there any ground for 10,875 T7* x* rtrtrt ,-. /-. r P"U ^x rrTTMIVtrl Vv^% */-*. l,o,T,^1 \T/"k ir i*T-v1r f\ A s\tt4* jti/riCciCCOuS i fie ground tiuuvc icvci i>u. io WUIKCU uui 10,876 Eridanus . The surrounding ground 10,877 Erigeron . The ground about here is very rich 10,878 Eriophorum We are now in poor ground 10,879 Erlking . The ground we are now in is poor, but improving I0,88o Erminemoth There are grounds for complaint [as we go on 10,881 Erminites . There are grounds for suspicion 10,882 Erminois . There are grounds for the belief 10,883 Erodium . There are no grounds for 10,884 Erosionist . Upon all grounds 10,885 Erotesis . Group 10,886 Erotomany A (the) group of mines 10,887 Erpetology The entire group 10,888 Errable . In the group 10,889 Errabund . Amongst a group of 10,890 Errand . The entire group of mines offered for 10,891 Errantry . Will accept for the entire group 10,892 Errhine . Cannot offer for the entire group more than 10,893 Erroneous. Guarantee. (See also Provided.) 10,894 Errors . As a guarantee 10,895 Eructate . Will guarantee 10,896 Eructating Will guarantee 10,897 Erudite . Will not guarantee 10,898 Eruditely . Must guarantee 10,899 Erudition . Without a guarantee 10,900 Eruginous Will you guarantee expense of examination 10,901 Erunda . Will guarantee to the amount of 10,902 Eruption . Do not go without a guarantee 10,903 Eruptional Who will guarantee us 10,904 Eruptive . Under the guarantee of 10,905 Ervalenta . Must have a guarantee 10,906 Eryngium . Joint guarantee 10,907 Eryngo . Joint and several guarantee 10,908 Erysimum Will not give required guarantee 10,909 Erysipelas Against approved guarantee 10,910 Erythace . Guaranteed 10,911 Erythrean . If guaranteed (by) 10,912 Erythrosis If not guaranteed (by) 10,913 Erythrozym Expenses guaranteed (by) 10,914 Escalade . Expenses guaranteed, not to exceed 10,915 Escalading Must be guaranteed 10,916 Escallonia Guard 10,917 Escape . To guard against accidents 10,918 Escapement Be on your guard with GUA 221 No. Code Word. Guard (continued) 10,919 Escaping . You must guard against 10,920 Eschara . Guard our interests 10,921 Escharotic Guarded 10,922 Escheatage You cannot be too guarded with 10,923 Eschew . Your interests will be guarded 10,924 Eschewers Guidance 10,925 Eschewing For my (our) guidance 10,926 Eschewment For your guidance 10,927 Eschynite . For my (our) guidance in preparing the report 10,928 Escorted . For your guidance we forward 10,929 Escorting . Let us have for our guidance 10,930 Esculapian For his (their) guidance 10,931 Escutcheon Guide 10,932 Esdras . . As a guide J o,933 Eskimodog Is no guide 10,934 Esnecy . Must have some guide J o,935 Esophageal Guided 10,936 Esopian . Be guided by J o,937 Esoterical Do not be guided by 10,938 Esoterism Has (have) been guided by io,939 Esparto . Has (have) not been guided by 10,940 Especially Who has (have) been guided by (in> 10,941 Espied . . Guided by circumstances 10,942 Espionage Gulch 10,943 Esplanades Gypsum 10,944 Espousals Habit 10,945 Espouser . Is (are) in the habit of 10,946 Espousing Is (are) not in the habit of 10,947 Espying . ' The habit of working here 10,948 Essay . . Had 10,949 Essayist . Had not 10,950 Essenced . Had you not 10,951 Essenism . After he had (they had) 10,952 Essential . After we had J o,953 Essonite . After you had J o,954 Essorant . Before he had (they had) *o,955 Esteemed . Before we had 10,956 Esteeming Before you had J o,957 Estiferous If he had (they had) 10,958 Estimably If we had J o,959 Estimate . If you had 10,960 Estimating If it had 10,961 Estimation If it had not been (for) 10,962 Estimators If there had been 10,963 Estivage . If there had not been 10,964 Estoppel . Must have had 10,965 Estranged Could have had 10,966 Estranging Could not have had 10,967 Estuaries . You could have had 10,968 Estuary . We could have had 222 HAD No. 10,969 10,970 10,971 10,972 io,973 10,974 10,975 10,976 10,977 10,978 10,979 10,980 10,981 10,982 10,983 10,984 10,985 10,986 10,987 10,988 10,989 10,990 10,991 10,992 io,993 10,994 10,995 10,996 10,997 10,998 10,999 11,000 11,001 II,OO2 11,003 11,004 11,005 1 1, OO6 11,007 1 1, 008 II,OO9 11,011 II,OI2 11,013 11,014 11,015 11,016 11,017 11,018 Code Word. Had (continued) Eternalist . He (the^) could have had Eternified He (they) had not Eternify . We had not Etheling . You had not Ethereal . Which had Ethereally What had Etherous . You had better Etheriform You had better not Etherism . Half Etherizing One half Ethical . Half the amount Ethically . Halfway between Ethidene . Not worth more than half the price Ethiopic . Half the year Ethmoid . For the half-year Ethmoidal Half in cash, and half in shares Ethnarchy. Half in cash, and half in days Ethnic . . Half next month, and half the month after Ethnicism Half now, and the remainder Ethnogeny Handle Ethnologic Difficult to handle Ethopoetic In order more easily to handle Ethusa. . To handle the stuff Ethyl . . So as to handle Ethylamine Could not handle Etiquette . Must handle very carefully Etonian . Handling Ettercap . We are now handling Etterpyle . Hand(s) Etymic . On hand Etymologic We have in hand Eucalyn . Short of hands Eucalyptus In our hands Eucharist . In the hands of Euchelaion In other hands Euchirus . In whose hands Euchite . In whose hands is the property now Euchlore . Property in the hands of Euchology Most of the hands Euchroite . All hands at work Euchymy . All hands set to work Eucrasy . Hanging-wall Eudaemon The hanging-wall is Eudemonism Against the hanging-wall Eudiometry Have encountered the true hanging-wall Eudoxian . Have not yet got to the hanging-wall Eudyalite . The hanging-wall is well defined Eugenesic . The hanging-wall is not well denned Eugubine . Hanging-wall solid and good Euhemerize Happen(ed) HAP No. Code Word. Happen(ed) (continued) 11.019 Eukairite . How did it happen 11.020 Eulogical . Happened in consequence of 11.021 Eulogist . A serious accident has happened owing to 11.022 Eulogistic Happens 11.023 Eulogiums If it happens again 11.024 Eulogized . It so happens that 11.025 Eulogizing Hard 11.026 Eulogy . Very hard 11.027 Eunectus . Not very hard 11.028 Eunuch . Very hard to 11.029 Eunuchate It will be hard work 11.030 Eunuchism The rock has become very hard 11.031 Eupatorine Hard rock 11.032 Eupatrid . We are now drifting through hard rock 11.033 Eupepsy . Harder 11.034 Euphemism If the rock becomes harder 11.035 Euphemized If the rock does not become any harder 11.036 Euphonic. It is a harder task than I (we) expected 11.037 Euphonical The rock has become much harder 11.038 Euphonious In harder rock 11.039 Euphonon It is harder 1 1,040 Euphorbial Hardness 11.041 Euphrasia Owing to the hardness of the rock 11.042 Euphroe . The hardness of the rock necessitates 11.043 Euphrosyne The hardness of the rock retards the progress of 11.044 Euphuistic Harm 11.045 Euphuize . No harm has been done 11.046 Euplastic . Great harm has been done by 11.047 Eupyrion . Is (are) doing great harm by 11.048 Eurekas , Has (have) done any harm by 1 1,049 Euripus . To prevent from doing any harm to 11.050 Eurithmy . Harmoniously ) 11.051 Euroclydon Harmonious action desirable 11.052 Europa . Work(ing) harmoniously together 11.053 Euryale . Work(ing) harmoniously with 11.054 Eurycerous Hasten(ed) 11.055 Eusebian . Hasten matters as much as you can 11.056 Eustachian Cannot be hastened 11.057 Eutaxy. . Hasty 11.058 Euterpe . Js (are) too hasty 11.059 Euthanasy Could only make a hasty inspection 1 1, 060 EuUophic. After a very hasty examination 1 1, 06 1 Eutychian. Do not be too hasty 11.062 Euxanthic Haul 11.063 Euxenite . What can you haul in one day 11.064 Evacuated Are able to haul tons per day 11.065 Evacuating We hope to be able to haul tons per day 1 1, 066 Evacuation To haul 11.067 Evadable . Cannot haul more than 11.068 Evade i . Haulage 224 HAU No. 11,069 11,070 11,071 11,072 11,074 11,075 11,076 11,077 11,078 11,079 1 1, 080 1 1, 08 1 11,082 11,083 11,084 11,085 11,086 11,087 1 1, 088 11,089 11,090 11,091 11,092 11,093 11,094 11,096 11,097 11,098 11,099 11,100 11,101 11,102 11,103 11,104 11,105 11,106 11,107 11,108 11,109 11,110 11,112 11,113 TI.II4 11,115 11,116 11,117 Ti,u8 Code Word. Haulage (continued) Evading . Cost of haulage Evanesced Haulage is carried on by Evanescing System of haulage Evangel . Mechanical haulage Evangelian Haulage by tramway Evangelize Haulage by rail Evaporated Haulage by horse teams Evasions . Haulage by wire-rope tramway Evasive . Hauled Evcctics \Vnf~Pr Tnnlpfl trnllnn^ Evenbishop All materials have to be hauled Evendown Hauled tons Evenfall . Hauling Evenhand Snow has prevented hauling Evening . Hauling ore from mine at present Eveninggun Now hauling material Evenkeel . Now hauling machinery Evenlike . Bad state of roads impedes hauling Evenly . . Hauling engine. (See Hoisting.) Eventful . Have Eventide . Have you Eventerate Have you not Eventually I (we) have Everduring I (we) have not Everglade . Has (have) not Evergreen Has (have) had Everliving Has (have) not had Everybody Have you had Everyday . Have you not had Everything If you have Everywhere If you have not Evestigate If has (have) Evidence . If they have not Evidential When you have Evidently . When has (have) Evildoer . When will you have Evileyed . When shall we have Evilly . . Why have you Evilminded Shall have Evincement Shall not have Evincing . Can have Evincive . Cannot have Eviration . Must have Kvitable . Should have had Eviternity . Ought to have Evoking . Have not any HAV 225 No. 11,119 11,120 11,121 11,122 11,123 IT, 124 11,125 11,126 11,127 TI,I28 11,129 11,130 HjIS 1 11,132 11,136 11,137 11,138 IM39 11,140 11,141 11,142 IM43 11,144 IM45 11,146 11,147 11,148 11,149 11,150 HjiS 1 11,152 11,156 11,157 11,158 n,i59 11,160 11,161 11,162 11,163 11,164 11,165 11,166 11,167 11,168 Code Word. Have (continued) Evolatic . Have you any Evolatical Could you not have Evolutions Ought not to have Evolved . That you might have Evolvement In case you have Evomition So that we may have Evulgate . Let us know if you have Evulgation Let us know if he (they) have Evulsion . Hazardous Ewecheese It would be too hazardous Exacerbate Would it be too hazardous Exacinate A very hazardous undertaking Exactitude Very hazardous for all concerned Exactly . Heading Exactness To drive a heading in Exactor . General appearance of heading (is) Exalt . . Most of the headings (are in) Exalteth . The heading, as far as driven Exalting . The heading is (headings are) being driven Examinable Headway Examinator Have made no headway as yet Examiner . We are making good headway (with) Examining Are you making any headway Exampless Hope soon to make some headway (against) Exangia . Heap Exanguious A great heap Exanimated To heap up Exanthema From the heap Exanthesis Hear Exarchate Let me (us) hear immediately Exaristate Let me (us) hear as soon as you can Exasperate When can I (we) hear (as to) Excalceate If you hear anything Excalibur . You shall hear about (the) Excamb . Cannot hear till Excambion I (we) hear on good authority that Excavated From what I (we) can hear Excavating Expect to hear Exceedable Can only hear Exceeding You ought to hear Excellency Should hear Excellent . If you do not hear from us Excelsior . We hear that you have Excentral . We hear that he has (they have) Excepted . Unless we hear further Exceptant Unless we hear to the contrary Exceptive . Unless they hear to the contrary Exceptless Unless you hear to the contrary Excerpt . Heard Excerption I (we) hoped to have heard (from) 226 HEA No. 11,169 11,170 11,171 11,172 11^73 11,174 H,I75 11,176 11,177 11,178 11,179 11,180 11,181 11,182 11,183 11,184 11,185 11,186 11,187 11,188 11,189 11,190 11,191 11,192 u,i93 11,194 11,196 11,197 11,198 11,199 11,200 II,2OI II,2O2 11,203 11,204 11,205 II, 206 11,207 1 1, 208 11,209 II.2IO 11,211 11,212 11,213 11,214 11,217 Code Word. Heard (continued) Excerptors Has (have) heard (that) Excessive Has (have) not heard Exchange . Has (have) not yet heard anything from Exchanging Have you heard Excheator Has (have) heard nothing Exchequer Has (have) only heard Excipients Heard through Excipule . Heard from Excise . . We heard from Exciseman Have you heard anything about Excisions . Have you heard anything further about Excitant . Have heard nothing further about Excitation Have not heard from (of) Exciteful . We heard that he was Exciteth . Heard that you were Excitingly When we last heard Exclaim . Heat Exclaimeth The heat in summer is intense Exclaiming Great heat has now set in here Exclude . As soon as the heat abates Excluding Owing to the great heat Exclusion Heavily Exclusory . Has (have) lost heavily over the mines Excoction Has (have) bought heavily Excogitate Is (are) buying heavily Excommune Height Excoriable In height Excoriated The height of Excrements (At) a height of feet Excrescent Held Excretory Is (are) held by Excruciate Was (were) held by Excudit . Will be held by Exculpable Is (are) not held by Exculpated Held together by Excurrent. Help Excursus . Shall want help Excusatory Will help Excuseless Will not help Excusement To help to Execrably. A help in Execrated . No help to be had [and take the samples Execration Must take to help me make the examination Executable To help in making the assays Executants Will be a help Executeth . It would be no help Executors . Cannot help Executrix . To help if possible Exegesis . Should you want help Exegetical Who can help HEL 227 No. Code Word. Help (continued) 11,219 Exemplar . If you can possibly help it, do not 11,220 Exemplify Take to help you 11,221 Exempt . Cannot do without some (further) help 11,222 Exempteth Can we help you in any way 11,223 Exemptible Can be of material help 11,224 Exemption Is a great help to me (us) 11,225 Exequatur Help us over the 11,226 Exequial . Unless you cannot possibly help it 11,227 Exequious Helpless 11,228 Exequy . We are quite helpless 11,229 Exercising Too helpless to do anything 11,230 Exergue . T c* /-fiif/-i \\ f\ r-il ^rr 11,231 Exertment Here 11,232 Exestuate . Not here 11,233 Exfetation I (we) must remain here till H,234 Exfoliate . I (we) must remain here till you send me (us) money 11,235 Exhalable . I (we) shall remain here till 11,236 Exbalant . Telegraph to me (us) here (till the) H.237 Exhalation Telegraph to me (us) here ; shall get it on my (our) 11,238 Exhaled . Has (have) left here [return from 11,239 Exhalement Was (were) here, but has (have) gone 11,240 Exhaust . Write to me here [my letters are to be sent 11,241 Exhausteth Write to me here ; I shall leave full directions where 11,242 Exhausting Write to me here ; I shall find your letter on my 11,243 Exhaustion Will return here [return from 11,244 Exhedra . Shall go from here to H, 2 45 Exheredate Arrived here 11,246 Exhibited . Will be here (about) (on) 11,247 Exhibitive Come here at once 11,248 Exhibitor . Must be here at latest 11,249 Exhibitory Come here as soon as 11,250 Exhumate If you are here before 11,251 Exhuming Cannot remain here longer than 11,252 Exiccating When will you be here i I > 2 53 Exigencies When will he (they) be here 11,254 Exigency . If not here before (or by) " 2 55 Exigendary Passed through here 11,256 Exigible . Now here, on way to 11,257 Exiguity . Hesitate 11,258 Exintine . Do not hesitate 11,259 Existence . Hesitate(s) to 11,260 Exocetus . Do (does) not hesitate to declare 11,261 Exofficial . Hesitate before taking action 11,262 Exomphalos Hesitation 11,263 Exonerator After much hesitation 11,264 Exonship . Hide 11,265 Exopodite To hide the fact 11,266 Exorbitant Is (are) trying to hide 11,267 Exorciseth Do (does) not try to hide the fact 11,268 Exorcism . It is no use trying to hide the fact 228 HID No. Code Word. Hide (continued) 11.269 Exordiums Even if we wished to hide the fact 11.270 Exorganic. High 11.271 Exorhizal . High enough 11.272 Exorhizous Too high 11.273 Exortive . Too high a price is asked for the 11.274 Exosculate Very high 11.275 Exosmose. Not very high 11.276 Exosmotic The shares keep high 11.277 Exosporous We think the shares are too high 11.278 Exossated Expenses too high ; must be kept down 11.279 Exossation This seems very high ; is it right 11.280 Exosseous The mines stand high 11.281 Exostemma The mines are surrounded by high hills 11.282 Exostosis . On the side of a high hill 11.283 Exotery . Higher 11.284 Exothecium Will they go any higher 11.285 Exotic. . They will go higher 11.286 Exotical f . They are not likely to go any higher 11.287 Expand ". Is (are) fetching a higher price 11.288 Expansible Is (are) going higher 11.289 Expansions May possibly go higher 11.290 Expatiated Will undoubtedly go considerably higher 11.291 Expectancy Telegraph if you think they will go higher 11.292 Expectedly Unless you think they will go higher 11.293 Expediency The higher levels 11.294 Expedient The higher workings 11.295 Expedite . In the higher districts 11.296 Expeditely At a higher altitude 11.297 Expedition Highest 11.298 Expelled . Has (have) reached the highest figure 11.299 Expenditor The highest point 11.300 Expenseful Not yet at the highest point 11.301 Expensive Hill(s) 11.302 Experience The mine(s) is (are) at the top of a very steep hill 11.303 Experiment Down the hill 11.304 Expertly . Up the hill 11.305 Expiating . On the top of an almost perpendicular hill 11.306 Expiatists . To carry the ore down the hill 11.307 Expiatory . The hills are impassable in consequence of 11.308 Expirable . On the top of the hill 11.309 Expirant . On the slope of the hill 11.310 Expiry. . The hill slopes steeply 11.311 Expiscate . Halfway up the hill or thereabouts 11.312 Explanate. Over the hill 11.313 Expletives Along the side of the hill 11.314 Expletory . At the foot of the hill ' 11.315 Explicable To get it up the hill 11.316 "Explicator Hindered 11.317 Explicit . Have been greatly hindered by 11.318 Explicitly. We are no longer hindered by HIN 229 No. H 5 3I9 11,320 11,321 11,322 n,323 11,324 ",325 11,326 11,327 11,328 11,332 ",333 ",334 ",343 ",344 ",345 ",346 ",347 ",348 ",349 ",35o ",352 ",353 ",354 ",355 ",356 ",357 ",358 ".359 11,360 11,361 11,362 ",363 ",3 6 4 ",365 11,366 ",367 11,368 Code Word. Explode . Hindrance Exploding Has been a great hindrance Exploiture The want of has proved a great hindrance Explosion A hindrance caused by Explosive . Would not be any hindrance to Expolish . Hire Exponent . Shall have to hire Exposed . Can you hire Exposing . Try to hire Exposition If you cannot hire Expositive Cannot hire Expository Has (have) been able to hire Exposures Hoist Expounder To hoist Express . Can hoist tons per day Expressage Cannot hoist Expresseth Can you hoist Expression So as to be able to hoist Expressly . To hoist tons per day Exprime . To hoist tons per day from a depth of Exprobrate Hoisted Expugn . Hoisted last week tons Expugnable Has (have) hoisted Expunction Hoisting Expunged Expunging Expurgate Exquisite . Exscind . Exscribed Exscript . Exsertile . Exsiccant . Exsiccator Exsputory Exsuccous Exsufflate . Extancy . Extant . . Extemporal Extendant Extendedly Extendeth Extendible Extendless Extension Extenuator Exteriorly . Exteriors . Extermine Hoisting engine Hoisting machinery Engine capable of hoisting tons A hoisting engine with gear to lift We are hoisting daily tons per day Placing hoisting engine in position Have started hoisting engine When will hoisting engine be ready to start We propose to place hoisting engine in Hold(s) To hold Hold(s) all the stock Hold(s) balance Hold your stock Hold on Hold yourself in readiness to Hold back Try to get hold of It is desirable to get hold of Has (have) hold of Do you think it safe to hold We hold shares He holds shares We recommend you to hold on How many do you hold Can you hold on 230 HOL No. 11,369 11,373 u,374 n,377 n,378 n,379 11,380 11,381 11,382 n,383 11,384 n,385 11,386 n,387 11,388 11,389 Code Word. Extern . External . Externally Extimulate Extincted . Extinguish Extirpable Extirpator Extirped . Extolleth . Extolling . Extolment Extorters . Extortious Extra . . Extracted . Extracting Extraction Extractors Extradite -. Extradosed n,394 n,395 n,396 ",397 ",398 n,399 11,400 11,401 11,402 11,403 11,404 11,406 11,407 11,408 11,409 11,410 11,411 11,412 ",4i3 11,414 ",4i5 11,416 11,417 Hold(s) (continued) Think it safe to hold Hold largely in Holders Holders have great confidence in Holders will not sell at present prices The holders of Is the holder of Who are the principal holders Many holders would be glad to The principal holders are A few large holders A few large holders control the market Holding What is 's holding in Is (are) holding back Is (a are) holding the stock Hole(s) Only a hole in the ground A few holes have been made Holed Holed the rise Extradotal Holed the winze Extramural Holed through to the old workings Extraneity Have holed Extraneous Holidays Extrasolar Nothing now will be done till after the holidays Extraught Before the holidays Extreme . During the holidays Extremely After the holidays Extremists It must be put before the public before the holidays Extricated The Company must be brought out as soon as the Extrinsic - Directly after the holidays [holidays are over Exuberancy The banks here are closed on account of a national holiday, which will detain me days Yesterday was Bank Holiday To-day is Bank Holiday To-morrow will be Bank Holiday On account of the holidays Is taking a holiday ; will return Home Shall be home about the Am (are) anxious to return home You must return home at once ; is very ill You must return home at once ; died on the Before returning: home Exuberant Exudating Exulcerate Exultancy . Exultant . Exultingly Exundate . Exundation Exungulate Exuperable Exurgent . Exuvial Exvotos . Eyasmusket E)ident Eyeballs . Am (are) on my (our) road home Shall return home by way of Can you arrange to return home by way of Is (are) away from home Impossible to return home till HOM 23' No. 11,418 11,419 11,420 11,421 11,422 11,423 11,424 11,426 11,427 11,428 11,429 H,432 n,434 n,435 n,43 6 n,437 n>43 8 11,440 11,441 11,442 n,443 11,444 n,445 11,446 II448 11,449 ii,45 n,45 2 n,453 n,454 n,45 6 n,457 n,459 11,460 11,461 11,462 11,463 11,464 11,465 11,466 11,467 Code Word. Home (continued] Eyebeams Come home immediately Eyebolt . Will come home as fast as possible Eyebrow . How are all at home Eyedoctor All at home are well Eyedrops . Will come home as soon as the business is settled Eyeflaps . Honest Eyeful . . Has (have) not the reputation of being too honest Eyeglance Is (are) thoroughly honest and upright Eyeglasses Honeycombed Eyeing . . In honeycombed quartz Eyelash . In honeycombed rock Eyeleteer Honour Eyelethole Of unimpeachable honour Eyelid . . Please to honour our draft Eyepieces . Will honour your draft Eyeservant Honourable Eyeservice Is a most honourable man Eyeshot . Are most honourable men Eyesight . Is (are) not considered to be very honourable Eyesores . Has (have) behaved in a most honourable way about Eyesplice . Not a very honourable proceeding Eyespotted Anything but honourable Eyestrings Strictly honourable Eyetooth . Honourably Eyewater . Has not behaved honourably Eyewink . We do not consider that he acted at all honourably Eyewitness Honoured Eyliads Fabaceae . Fabaceous Fabian . , Fabric . , Fabricant . Fabricator Fabricked Fabulist Fabulized Fabulizing Fabulosity Fabulous Faburthen FaQades Faceache Facecloth Faceguard Has (have) honoured the draft Hope Hope you will be able Hope I (we) shall be able to Hope you will Hope you will not Has (have) no hope of Has (have) great hope Is there any hope that (of) There is every hope that Hope you will send Must hope for the best There is little hope of There is very little hope of Hope to inform you soon [in the matter We are still in hope of doing better Have lost all hope and confidence Our only hope now lies in Facehammer Hopeful Facernould Am (are) very hopeful of Facepiece . Not hopeful of Faceplates Are you hopeful of Faceted . Hopeless HOP No. Code Word. Hopeless (continued) 11,468 Facetious . Not hopeless 11,469 Facewheel Is it hopeless 11,470 Facially . It is quite hopeless 11,471 Facileness Do not think the case quite hopeless 11,472 Facilitate . It is a hopeless matter 11,473 Facility . Hopelessly 11,474 Facingly . Hopelessly lost n 5 475 Facingsand Hopelessly involved 11.476 Facsimile . Horizontally 11.477 Factionary Worked horizontally 1.1,478 Factiously. The vein is pinching out horizontally 11.479 Factitive . Hornblende 11.480 Factorage . Horse(s) 11.481 Factoress . Cutting a horse 11.482 Factorized A horse of granite 11.483 Factorship A horse of slate 1 1,484 Factory . The horse met with 11.485 Factotums There are horses 11.486 Factum . Horse-whim 11.487 Faculties . Horse-power 11.488 Facundious 11.489 Faded . . Nominal horse-power 11.490 Fadedly . Effective horse-power 11.491 Fadeless . Indicated horse-power 11.492 Fading. . Effective horse-power required for 11.493 Fadingness Hospital 11.494 Fagend . Is now in hospital 11.495 Faggotvote Had to leave him in hospital 11.496 Fagopyrum Now convalescent, and has left hospital 11.497 Fagots. . Hospital fund 11.498 Fahamtea . Hostile 11.499 Fahlerz . Decidedly hostile to 11.500 Fahlore . Was hostile, but now supports 11.501 Fahlunite . If he takes a hostile course of action 11.502 Fahrenheit Hostile proceedings threatened 11.503 Failance . Hostile proceedings commenced 11.504 Failingly . Hostility 11.505 Failures . We have to face his (their) hostility 11.506 Faintdraw. In the event of his (their) hostility 11.507 Faintish . Displays the greatest hostility to 11.508 Faintling . Have to meet bitter hostility from 11.509 Faintness . Hour(s) 11.510 Fairfaced . In hour(s) 11.511 Fairhood . In the twenty-four hours 11.512 Fairies. . How many hours does it 11.513 Fairishly . It takes hours to get from here to 11.514 Fairleader It takes Fairminded A journey of 11.516 Fairplay . Must have a reply in hours 11.517 Fairspoken A delay of hours has occurred HOU 233 No. 11,518 11,520 11,521 11,522 n,524 11*526 n,527 n,528 n,529 531 n,534 n,539 n,'54i n ; 544 n,547 n,55o n-55 1 n,552 >553 n,554 ">555 11,558 11,560 11,561 11,562 11,563 11,564 11,565 11,566 11,567 Code Word. Hour(s) (continued} After a delay of Will take hours to Every hour Hours' shift Fairworld . Fairy . . Fairyism . Fairyking . Fairyland . Fairylike . Fairymoney Fairyqueen Fairytales . Faithful . Faithfully . Faithless . Falcated . Falchion . Falcon . . Falconers . Falconidae Falconry . Falderall . Faldfee . Faldistory . Faldstool . Faldworth Falernian . Fallacies . Fallacy . Fallals . . Fallboard . Fallibly . Fallopian . Fallowchat Fallowcrop Within hours hours Less than hours How many hours One hour Two hours Three hours Four hours Five hours Six hours Seven hours Eight hours Nine hours Ten hours Eleven hours Twelve hours Thirteen hours Fourteen hours Fifteen hours Sixteen hours Seventeen hours Eighteen hours Nineteen hours Twenty hours Twenty-one hours Twenty-two hours Twenty-three hours Twenty-four hours Fallowdeer Housing. (See Dwelling-House.) Fallowists . Housing for battery Fallowness Housing for rolls Falltrank . Housing for the men False . . How Falsefaced How is (are) Falseheart How long Falsehood How shall I (we) Falsely . . How has (have) Falseness . How many Falsifying . How soon Falsism . How far Falsities . How much is there Faltering . How is it that Famacide . How much Famblecrop How large is Familiar . How can you best 234 HOW No. Code Word. How (continued) 11.568 Familiarly How can 11.569 Familistic. How high is 11.570 Family. . (And) it not, how 11.571 Familyhead However 1 1, 57 2 Familyman However the case may go 11.573 Famished. However you may n,574 Famishment We think, however, that n,575 Famosity . Hundredweight. (See Cwt.) n,576 Famously . About one cwt. 11.577 Famousness Send us about cwt. 11.578 Fanatic . Weight about cwt. Hunt To hunt up Must hunt up Huntington mill(s) Huntington mill(s), with engine and boiler Huntington mill(s), with engine and boiler, tables Huntington mill(s), with turbine [and vanners Huntington mill(s), with turbine, tables, and vanners Huntington mill(s), with tables and vanners Arrangement of Huntington mill(s) Hurry Too great a hurry Is (are) in too great a hurry to get the matter settled Must hurry on the sale Hurry back to Hurry over Impossible to hurry It will be impossible to get it done in such a hurry Must hurry on the works In the hurry of Do not be in too great a hurry There is no need to hurry By undue hurry all may be spoiled (or lost) No use in trying to hurry Owing to the hurry of business In the hurry of leaving, forgot to Must hurry up in order to Hurry shipment ; very important Hurt Has any one been hurt Is (are) hurt No one was hurt Was (were) not hurt Seriously hurt by a railway accident Seriously hurt by fall from a horse Much hurt ; compelled to lie over Hurt by accident ; fear seriously Much hurt by what was said Hydraulic n,579 Fanatical . ] 11,580 Fanaticism 11,581 Fanaticize 11,582 Fan blast . ] 11,583 Fan blower 11,584 Fancied . 11,585 Fanciful . 11,586 Fancoral . 11,587 Fancricket 11,588 Fancyball . 11,589 Fancyfair . ] Fancyfree I1 ,59 I Fancygoods 11,592 Fancying . 11,593 Fancysick . n,594 Fancywork n,595 Fancywoven n,596 Fangleness n,597 Fanlight . n,598 Fannerved u,599 Fanshaped n, 600 Fantastic . 11,601 Fantomcorn 11,602 Fantracery 11,603 Fanveined 11,604 Fanwheels 11,605 Fanwindow 1 1, 606 Farabouts . 11,607 Farad . . ] 11,608 Faradism . 11,609 Farandams 11,610 Farbrought 11,611 Farcically . n, 612 Farcybud . 11,613 Fardingale 11,614 Fardingbag 11,615 Farewells . 11,616 Farfetched 11,617 Farforth . ] HYP No. Code Word. Hydraulic (continued) 1 1,6 1 8 Farinose . Hydraulic machinery 11.619 Farinosely Hydraulic mining 11.620 Farmable . Hydraulicked during past week 11.621 Farmership Hydraulicking 11.622 Farmhouse Want man experienced in hydraulicking 11.623 Farmoffice A competent hydraulicking engineer 11.624 Farmstead Hydraulicking operations 11.625 Farmstock Hypothecated 11.626 Farmyard. Hypothecated to cover advance 11.627 Farobank . Hypothecated to 11.628 Far off . . Property hypothecated 11.629 Farseeing . Hypothecation 11.630 Farsighted Ice 11.631 Farsought. Blocked with ice 11.632 Fascialis . Blocked for many months by the ice 11.633 Fascicle . Over the ice 11.634 Fasciculus . Idea 11.635 Fascinate . Can form no idea 11.636 Fascinous . Can you form any idea (whether) 11.637 Fashioneth Have no idea that 11.638 Fastday . Abandoned the idea 11.639 Fastenings What are your ideas on the matter 11.640 Fasthanded We have an idea that 11.641 Fastidious Above our ideas of its value 11.642 Fastigium . The idea appears to be a good one 11.643 Fastingday Identical 11.644 Fastingman Identical with 11.645 Fastnesses Identification 11.646 Fastuosity. Upon identification 11.647 Fatalistic. Identification of the properties (named) 11.648 Fatality . Identified 11.649 Fatalness . Must be identified 11.650 Fatbrained Until identified 11.651 Fatefully .Identify 11.652 Fatherhood In order to identify the 11.653 Fatherland Can you identify the 11.654 Fatherless Will serve to identify 11.655 Fatherly . Idle 11.656 Fathership Idle from want of 11.657 Fathom . Idle from want of funds 11.658 Fathomable Idle from want of water 11.659 Fathoming The mills are standing idle for want of 11. 660 Fathomless Idle on account of 11.661 Fathomwood Again started after standing idle 11.662 Fatigable . Igneous 11.663 Fatigation Dyke of igneous rock 11.664 Fatigued . In igneous rock 11.665 Fatiguing. Igneous formation 11.666 Fatiscence Ignorance 11.667 Fatlute . Astonished at the apparent ignorance (of) 2 3 6 IGN No. Code Word. Ignorance (continued] 11.668 Fatness . Complain of being kept in ignorance 11.669 Fattened . Still in ignorance of 11.670 Fatty . . Have been kept in ignorance (of) 11.671 Fatuitous . Ignorant 11.672 Fatwitted . Being ignorant of 11.673 Faultful . Kept ignorant about 11.674 Faultily . Quite ignorant with regard to 11.675 Faultless . Could not have been ignorant of 11.676 Fauna . . Ignorant of what was going on (or being done) 11.677 Faunist . Why were we kept ignorant of 11.678 Fausens . Ill 11.679 Favaginous I am very ill, and must go for advice to 1 1, 680 Favella . Has (have) been dangerously ill, but is (are) now 11.681 Favonian . Is (are) dangerously ill with [better 11.682 Favourably Has (have) been ill with 1 1,683 Favouress . I am very ill (with) 11.684 Favourite. Is very ill (with) 11.685 Favularia . Illness 11.686 Fawned .- Leaving owing to illness 11.687 Fawningly Illness appears to be serious 11.688 Fazzolets . Illness is not serious 11.689 Fearbabe . Illustration(s) 11.690 Fearful. . In illustration of 11.691 Fearfully . Imagine 11.692 Fearless . Do not imagine that 11.693 Fearlessly. Seem(s) to imagine that 11.694 Fearnaught Cannot imagine why 11.695 Fearsome . Immaterial 11.696 Feastrite . It is quite immaterial (whether) 11.697 Feastwon . Immediate 11.698 Featbodied Immediate attention is requested 11.699 Feateously Take immediate action 11.700 Featherbed Immediate measures must be taken 11.701 Feathering Immediately 11.702 Feathertop See immediately 11.703 Featured . Must be done immediately 11.704 Febricula . Must have immediately 11.705 Febrific . I acted immediately 11.706 Febrifugal Telegraph immediately 11.707 Februation Send immediately 11.708 Fecifork . Cannot go immediately on account of 11.709 Feculency Come immediately 11.710 Feculent . Wanted immediately 11.711 Fecund . Come or send some one immediately 11.712 Fecundate Immediately after 11.713 Fecundify. Immediately before 11.714 Federacy . Immense 11.715 Federalist. An immense expense 11.716 Feebleness. On an immense scale 11.717 Feebly . Covering an immense tract of country IMM 237 No. Code Word. Immense (continued) 11.718 Feedhead . Worked to an immense extent 11.719 Feedmotion Immense profits have been made 11.720 Feedpipe . Imparted 11.721 Feedpump Imparted to me in confidence 11.722 Feedwater Imparted the information (to) 11.723 Feefarm . Impartial 11.724 Feelingly . An impartial report 11.725 Feesimple From an impartial point of view 11.726 Feigned .Impartially' 11.727 Feignedly . Considered impartially 11.728 Feigning . Impassable 11.729 Feigningly The roads are impassable 11.730 Felapton . Impassable in winter 11.731 Feldspar . Impatient 11.732 Felicified . Is (are) very impatient 11.733 Felicify . Getting very impatient 11.734 Felicitate . Impatient for the report I 1 , 7 35 Felicitous. Too impatient 11.736 Felixian . Impatient to get 11.737 Fellable . Getting very impatient at the delay 11.738 Fellinic . Very impatient at the want of further information 11.739 Fellmonger To allay the impatience 11.740 Fellowfeel Impediment 11.741 Fellowlike An impediment in the way 11.742 Fellowly . Until this impediment is removed 11.743 Fellowship Impending 11.744 Felonious. The impending trial 11.745 Felonwort. The impending lawsuit 11.746 Felony. .Imperative 11.747 Felspath . It is most imperative that you should 11.748 Felspathic It is most imperative that we should 11.749 Felstone . This is most imperative 11.750 Feltcloth . It is imperative upon us 11.751 Feltgrain . It is imperative upon him (them) to 11.752 Felthat . Our instructions are imperative and leave no alter- 11.753 Feltmaker It is an imperative necessity [native 11.754 Femalist . Imperceptible 11.755 Femalized Almost imperceptible 11.756 Feminancy Imperceptibly 11.757 Feminine . Imperfect 11.758 Femininely 11.759 Fenberries 11.760 Fen berry . 11.761 Fenboat . 11.762 Fenceless. 11.763 Fencemonth 11.764 Fenceroof. 11.765 Fencible . 11.766 Fender 11.767 Fenderbolt The imperfect means of working Is (are) imperfect Imperfect in many ways Veiy imperfect, but can be improved The arrangements are very imperfect Imperfect, wants renewing So imperfect, that we recommend you to replace by The accounts are imperfect [new The description is imperfect The method employed is very imperfect 2 3 8 IMP No. 11,768 11,769 11,770 11,771 11,772 11,774 11,775 11,776 11,777 11,778 11,779 11,780 11,781 11,782 11,783 11,784 11,785 11,786 11,787 11,788 11,789 11,790 11,791 11,792 n,793 n,794 n,795 11,796 u,797 11,798 n,799 1 1, 800 11,801 11,802 11.803 11,804 11,805 1 1, 806 11,807 11,808 11,809 11,810 n,8n n, 812 11,813 11,814 11,815 11,816 11,817 Code Word. Imperfect (continued] Fenderpile The machine (or machinery) is very imperfect Fenduck . Imperfection (s) To remedy the imperfections Can the imperfections be remedied With all imperfections Owing to the imperfections Free from imperfection Is there any imperfection in Imperfection can be remedied Imperil Will imperil our interests Will imperil your interests Imperil the interests of Will not imperil in any way Does not imperil our interests Imperilled Will our interests be imperilled by Interests are imperilled by Implicated Is (are) implicated in the matter Is (are) not implicated in the matter Is (are) implicated in the Fenestella Fenestral . Fenfowl . Fengeld . Fengoose . Fenianism Fenland . Fenugreek Feodality . Feodaries . Feodary . FeofTment . Ferdigrew . Ferdwit . Ferineness Feringhees Ferment . Fermental Fermenting Fermillet . Fernandina Fernowls . Fernseed . Fernshaw . Fernticle . Ferocious . Ferocity . Ferraria . Ferried . Ferrilite . Ferrotype . Ferrugo . Ferrules . Ferryboat . Ferrying . Ferryman . Fertilizer . Fervence . Fervently . Fervescent Fervidity . Fervidness Fervour . Fesapo Fessitude . Festal . . Festally . Festino Implicated in Implicated in the swindle If is implicated in Implicit Place(s) implicit faith in Have had implicit confidence in Implicit obedience to orders Implicitly Has (have) trusted implicitly Was implicitly trusted Your instructions will be implicitly obeyed Implicitly rely on Imply Do (does) mean to imply What do you imply by Mean(s) to imply Do (does) not mean to imply Impolitic Think it would be very impolitic Think it was very impolitic The course taken very impolitic If such an impolitic course were pursued Import Will have to import Need no longer import When they had to import Importance It is of the greatest importance IMP 239 No. Code Word. Importance (continued} 11.818 Festivals . It is of great importance to myself and friends 11.819 Festivity . It is not of any importance 11.820 Festoon . It is of great importance to secure 11.821 Festooning Not of sufficient importance 11,82-2 Festuca . Think it of sufficient importance 11.823 Festucous . Cannot too much urge the importance of 1 1,824 Fetichism . Over-estimate the importance of 11.825 Fetisely . Important 11.826 Fetlocked. Important to know 11.827 Fetlow. . Too important to be overlooked 11.828 Fetterlock, A most important point 11.829 Feudal. . Has (have) gone to on important business 11.830 Feudalism Important business [connected with 11.831 Feudalized Sufficiently important to warrant 11.832 Feudally . Very important that you should 11.833 Feudatory. Very important that we should be kept well posted 1 1,834 Feudbote . Important that we have the earliest information as to 11.835 Feuillans . If it is important 11.836 Feverbush Important to get it out quickly 11.837 Feverfew . It is very important (to) 11.838 Feverish . It is the more important (to) 1 1,839 Feverishly Which is the more important 11.840 Feverly . Imposing 11.841 Feverous . Is (are) imposing absurd conditions 11.842 Feverously Is (are) imposing too many restrictions 11.843 Fevertree . Is (are) imposing on 11.844 Feverweed Is (are) not imposing on 11.845 Feverwort. Impossible 11.846 Fewtrils . It is impossible 11.847 Fibreless . It will be impossible 11.848 Fibres. . It is not impossible 11.849 Fibriform . It is impossible to get any information about 11.850 Fibrilla . Quite impossible at present 11.851 Fibrillous . We found it impossible to do as you wish 11,8.52 Fibroin . It was quite impossible 11.853 Fibrolite . Is not impossible, but very difficult 11.854 Ficaria. . Impossible to answer by telegraph [write fully 11.855 Fichtelite . Impossible to answer all your questions now will 11.856 Fickle . . Impracticable 11.857 Fickleness Is quite impracticable 11.858 Fictional . The idea is quite impracticable 11.859 Fictionist . Do you consider the idea impracticable 1 1, 860 Fictitious. If impracticable, then try 11.861 Fiddlebow Impress 11.862 Fiddledock You must impress upon 11.863 Fiddlers . Has (have) tried to impress upon 11.864 Fiddlewood Cannot too strongly impress upon 11.865 Fidejussor Will impress upon 11.866 Fidelity . Impressed 11.867 Fidgety . Favourably impressed by what was stated . 240 IMP No. Code Word. Impressed (continued] 11.868 Fidhammers Unfavourably impressed by what was stated 11.869 Fidonia . Most favourably impressed by (with) 11.870 Fiducial . Much impressed by the proposal 11.871 Fiducially. Favourably impressed by, but cannot at present 11.872 Fieldale . Impression(s) [entertain, the proposal 11.873 Fieldbasil . Has (have) formed a most favourable impression of 11.874 Fieldbeds . Has (have) formed an unfavourable impression of 11.875 Fieldbook . What is your impression as to 11.876 Fieldday . (Our) impression of the matter is decidedly favourable 11.877 Fieldduck. Acting upon my (our) impressions, have decided to 11.878 Fieldfares . The impression which he formed from the examina- 11.879 Fieldglass . My (our) impression is [tion was 1 1, 880 Fieldgun . Our impressions after reading your letter were 11.881 Fieldhand. The impression which remains in our minds is that 11.882 Fieldhouse We still retain the impression (formed after) 11.883 Fieldnotes We cannot divest ourselves of the impression that 11.884 Fieldpiece We hope you will be able to remove these im- 11.885 Fieldroom A most disagreeable impression [pressions 11.886 Fieldsman * The shareholders have formed an impression 11.887 Fieldstaff . An impression founded on the perusal of the report 11.888 Fieldtrain . There is an impression of insecurity i [,889 Fieldvole . An impression of pending disaster [which prevails 11.890 Fieldwork . We shall do our best to remove the bad impression 11.891 Fiendful . In order to remove the bad impression 11.892 Fiendfully. Improbability 11.893 Fiendish . The evident improbability of the statement 11.894 Fiendishly Its improbability must be evident 11.895 Fiendlike . There is an air of improbability about it 11.896 Fierce . . Improbable 11.897 Fiercely . It is very improbable 11.898 Fierceness Not at all improbable (that) 11.899 Fierycross Improper 11.900 Fieryhot . In a very improper manner 11.901 Fierynew . It was very improper of him (them) 11.902 Fieryshort Strongly disapprove such improper conduct 11.903 Fifemajor . Improperly 1 1,904 Fiferail . Has (have) acted very improperly 11.905 Figapple . Has (have) very improperly allowed 11.906 Figaro. . Has been improperly worked 11.907 Figcake . The property has been improperly managed 11.908 Figeater . Improperly and without system 11.909 Figgnats . Unfairly and improperly taken advantage of 11.910 Figgum . Improve(s) 11.911 Fight . . Is it likely to improve 11.912 Fighting . The mine continues to improve 11.913 Figleaf. . The mine does not improve 11.914 Figments . Does the mine improve in depth 11.915 Figpecker . Is likely to improve 11.916 Figshells . Not likely to improve 11.917 Figtrees . Do you think the runs will improve IMP 241 No. Code Word. Improve(s) (continued} 11.918 Figurable . We think the runs will improve 11.919 Figural . Think it (they) will improve 11.920 Figurately. Ought to improve 11.921 Figurative. The vein improves as it goes down 11.922 Figurehead The face improves as we go on 11.923 Figureth . The quality of ore improves 11.924 Figwort . Improved 11.925 Filament . Has improved 11.926 Filatories . Has not improved 11.927 Filatory . Has improved since we last wrote 11.928 Filbert. . Has not improved since we last wrote 11.929 Filcher . Improvement (s) 11.930 Filchingly . Improvements consist of 11.931 Filecutter . There is a great improvement in 11.932 Filefish . Do you see any improvement in 11.933 Fileleader . There are indications of improvement (in) 11.934 Filial . . There are no indications of improvement (in) I][ )935 Filibuster . No improvements of any kind 11.936 Filiciform . There is no improvement (in) 11.937 Filicoid . Owing to the improvements in [velopments 11.938 Filicology . Is there any improvement in the workings and de- 11.939 Filiformia . The workings show considerable improvement 11.940 Fillagree . The developments show some improvement 11.941 Fillhorse . We think the improvement will continue 11.942 Fillibegs . Does the improvement continue 11.943 Filliped . The improvement continues 11.944 Filliping . Imprudent 11.945 Fillister . We think it was very imprudent 11.946 Fillyfoal . Think it will be most imprudent 11.947 Filmy . . A most imprudent statement 11.948 Filoplume Inaccessible 11.949 Filtered . Very inaccessible 11.950 Filth . . The mines are situated in a most inaccessible place 11.951 Filthiest . Quite inaccessible except by 11.952 Filthily . Owing to the inaccessible position of the property 11.953 Filthiness . Inaccuracy 11.954 Filtrate . There is some inaccuracy in 11.955 Filtrating . Inaccurate 11.956 Filtration . The reports are most inaccurate 11.957 Fimblehemp Do you find the reports inaccurate 11.958 Fimbriate . The figures are inaccurate 11.959 Finance . The statement sent is inaccurate, must ask you to 11.960 Financial . Inadequate [rectify it 11.961 Financing. Totally inadequate 11.962 Findfault . Quite inadequate to the 11.963 Finedrawn Remuneration is inadequate 11.964 Finery. .Inadequately 11.965 Finespokeh Inadequately paid for the risk run 11.966 Finespun 11.967 Finestuff Very inadequately provided for Inadmissible 242 INA No. Code Word. 11,968 Finger . . Inadvertency 11,969 Fingerbowl Owing to inadvertency 11,970 Fingerfern Inapplicable 11,971 Fingerpost Inapplicable under the circumstances 11,972 Fingrigo . Inattention IJ ,973 Finical . . Inattention to our interests n,974 Finically . Owing to inattention 11,975 Finicking . The least inattention will 11,976 Finified . Incalculable n,977 Finingpot . Will do incalculable injury 11,978 Finish . . Incapable *T f\ TTi ri cV AfVi T s*/-\-v\r>i A r\t ^iiiC*-^ * * n *-*- rt, 1 -^ 1 . nf 11,980 J? lllloIlCLll Finpike Is (are) incapable of II,98l Finscales . Incautious 11,982 Finspined . The incautious use of 11,9^3 Fintoed . If is so incautious as to 11,984 Firealarm . Inch, Inches Firearms . The vein is several inches in width Il'986 Firearrow . TT^inrr inr*Vio~ f * t LJ oiiiwj mcfics 01 \\cHrir 11,987 Fireballs . Per miner's inch 11,988 Firebarrel . Inches wide 11,989 Firebasket Inches deep 11,990 Firebavin . Inches thick 11,991 Fireblast . Inches in diameter 11,992 Fireboard . Inches in circumference n,993 Firebox . A stringer from to inches thick 11,994 Firebrand. One quarter of an inch Firebrick . Half-an-inch 11,996 Firebridge Three-quarters of an inch Firebrief . One inch 11,998 Firebrush . Two inches 11,999 Firebucket Three inches 12,000 Fireclay . Four inches 12,001 Firecock . Five inches 12,002 Firedamp , Six inches 12,003 Fireengine Seven inches 12,004 Fireescape Eight inches 12,005 Firefanged Nine inches 12,006 Fire flags . Ten inches 12,007 Fireflaire . Eleven inches 12,008 Fireflies . Twelve inches I2,OO9 Firefly . . Thirteen inches I2,OIO Firehooks . Fourteen inches 12,011 Firehouse . Fifteen inches I2.OI2 Firekiin . Sixteen inches 12,013 Fireladder. Seventeen inches 12,014 Firelight . Eighteen inches 12,015 Firemains . Incidentally) I2,Cl6 Firemarble Incidental expenses 12,017 Firemaster Incidental to the main question INC 243 No. 12,018 12,019 12,020 12,021 12,022 12,023 12,024 12,025 12,026 12,027 12,028 I2,O29 12,030 12,031 12,032 12,033 12,034 12,035 12,036 12,037 12,038 12,039 12,040 12,041 12,042 12,043 12,044 12,045 12,046 12,047 12,048 12,049 12,050 12,051 12,052 12,053 12,054 >55 12,056 12,057 12,058 12,059 12,060 12,061 12,062 12,063 12,064 12,065 12,066 12,067 Code Word. Fire opal . Fireordeal . Firepan Fireplaces . Fireplug . Firepolicy . Fireproof . Fireraft. . Fireroll. . Firescreen . Fireships . Fireshovel. Fireside . Firesteel . Firestop . Fireswab . Firetower . Firetube . Firewarden Firewater . Fireworks . Firinbond . Firingiron . Firkins . . Firlot . . Firmaments Firmfooted Firmity Firmlier . Firmness . Firrape Firstbegot . Firstborn . Firstclass . Firstfloor . Firstfoot . Firstfruit . Firsthand . Firstlings . Firstly . . Firstmate . Firstmover Fiscal . . Fishable . Fishbacked Fishbeam . Fishblock . Fishcarver . Fishdavit . Fisherboat Incidental(ly) (continued) Incidentally stated Inclination At an inclination of At an inclination of - from the perpendicular from the horizontal There is an inclination on the part of What is the inclination of Have no inclination to Incline Incline is down Incline shaft On the incline of the lode North of the incline shaft South of the incline shaft East of the incline shaft West of the incline shaft There is an incline shaft started The shaft is on an incline of from the perpen- At an incline of [dicular At an incline of one in Inclined Is (are) inclined to Is (are) inclined to Is (are) not inclined to Not inclined to act as suggested Whether would be inclined If they do not feel inclined The shareholders (may) feel inclined Not inclined to go into Include (s) To include Do (does) not include Does this include You must include Will include Will not include This includes Included(ing) Was this included (in the) Must be included (in the) Must not be included (in the) Was included (in the) Was not included (in the) Everything included Which is not included Without including Inclusive (of) Is inclusive, of Is inclusive of all expenses Is inclusive (of) Not inclusive (of) 344 INC No. Code Word. Inclusive (of) (continued) 12.068 Fisheries . Inclusive of everything except 12.069 Fisherman. Income 12.070 Fishertown Is (are) receiving a large income from the mines 12.071 Fishfags . The income from these mines is per annum 12.072 Fishflour . The income from these works is per annum 12.073 Fishgarth . Increasing the income 12.074 Fishglue . At what do you estimate the income from the 12.075 Fishguano. The income of the property for the past years 12.076 Fishhawks. Income tax [has been per ami. 12.077 Fishhook . Incommensurate (with) 12.078 Fishified . Incompetent 12.079 Fishiness . Incompetent for the duties 12.080 Fishing. . Quite incompetent; cannot recommend him 12.081 Fishingfly . Incomplete 12.082 Fishingnet. The arrangements are as yet incomplete 12.083 Fishingrod Still incomplete 12.084 Fishjoint . Incompletely 12.085 Fishkettle . Incompletely equipped 12.086 Fishknife . Incompletely organized 12.087 Fishlike . Inconsiderable 12.088 Fishhouse. An inconsiderable portion of the 12.089 Fish market Inconsistent (with) 12.090 Fishmonger Inconsistent with what was stated 12.091 Fishoil . . Inconsistent with the report 12.092 Fishplates. Inconsistent with the preceding 12.093 Fishponds. They are inconsistent 12.094 Fishpool . Inconsistent with the facts 12.095 Fishrooms. Incontestible 12.096 Fishsauce . It is incontestible that 12.097 Fishskin . An incontestible reply 12.098 Fishsound. It is an incontestible fact that j 2,099 Fishspear . Incontrovertible 12.100 Fishtackle. We have incontrovertible proof 12.101 Fishtongue There is incontrovertible evidence 12.102 Fishtrowel Inconvenience 12.103 Fish way . The inconvenience resulting from 12.104 Fishweirs . Cause (causing) great inconvenience 12.105 Fishwife . Great inconvenience (from) 12.106 Fishwoman Without inconvenience 12.107 Fishy . . To counterbalance the inconvenience 12.108 Fissipara . Inconvenient 12.109 Fissipeds . It will be most inconvenient to 12.110 Fissuring . Will it be inconvenient to i2,m Fistiana . It is very inconvenient 12.112 Fistic . . If not inconvenient to you 12.113 Fisticuffs . Would it be inconvenient for you to 12.114 Fistulary . Incorporate 12.115 Fjstulous . To incorporate the mine (or property) 12.116 Fitchbrush Wish(es) to incorporate the mine (or property) 12.117 Fitful . . Will agree to incorporate INC 245 No. Code Word. Incorporate (continued} 12,118 Fitfulness . Will not agree to incorporate 12,119 Fittest . . "\X7\11 rvf^-v^w 4-r^ \-r\ *-n-\*.*~k^*-^ f/-v win dgicc to Hicorporciic 12,120 Fittingly . I (we) shall not agree to incorporate, unless they 12,121 Fittingout . In order to incorporate [will pool the stock 12,122 Fittings Do not consent to incorporate the mine unless they 12,123 Fittingup . Incorporation [will pool the stock 12,124 Fitweed . Before incorporation 12,125 Fivebar After incorporation 12,126 Fivebarred As a condition of incorporation 12,127 Fivecleft . Deed of incorporation 12,128 Fivefold . Incorporation decided upon 12,129 Fiveparted The parties to the incorporation 12,130 Fivescourt. The scheme of incorporation 12,131 Fixative . Incorrect 12,132 Fixedly . The accounts of the mine are incorrect 12,133 Fixedness . The statement is incorrect, that 12,134 Fixity . . HHol r^riTTm T? inr*r^Tror*f' fr k r^r v ni' $YC\YC\ tr i Fixtures . The drawings appear to be incorrect, send revised 12,136 Fizgig . . We have only an incorrect [ones 12,137 Flabbily . Increase 12,138 Flabbiness To increase the 12,139 Flabby. . An increase of I2,I4O Flabel . . Can you increase the 12,141 Flabellate . Cannot increase 12,142 Flabergast . Will increase 12,143 Flaccidity . Will not increase 12,144 Flagbearer Must increase 12,145 Flagellant . Do not increase 12,146 Flageolets . Increase the output 12,147 Flaggingly. Shall have to increase 12,148 Flagitate . Intend(s) to increase 12,149 Flagitious . f^rt-M IT/'Ml '- -----krt r*s\ 4-V\ CL + S^ \^, 4 68 12,469 12,470 12,471 12,472 J2,473 12,474 12,475 12,476 12,477 12,478 12,479 12,480 12,481 12,482 12,483 12,484 12,485 12,486 12,487 12,488 12,489 12,490 12,491 12,492 1 2,493 12,494 12,495 12,496 12,497 12,498 12,499 12,500 12,501 12,502 12,503 12,504 '2,505 12,506 ^2,507 12,508 12,509 12,510 12,511 12,512 12,513 12,514 12,515 Code Word. Foothold . Footiron . Foot] aw . Footlicker Footlights Footmantle Footmen . Footmuff . Footnotes . Footpads . Footplate . Footplough Footpost . Footpound Footprints Footrules . Footsore . Footstalk . g Footstep . ' Footstool . Footvalve . Footwalin^ Footwarmer Footways . Fopdoodles Foplings . Foppish . Foppishly . Foragecap Foraging . Foralite Inspect (continued} Cannot inspect and report on property Can you go to inspect and report on Can inspect and report on property Am I to inspect and report on mines Telegraph when you can inspect Have arranged for a first-class man to inspect A first-class man to go and inspect Inspected Mine has been inspected Mine has not been inspected Mine is being inspected Have you inspected the property Mine cannot be inspected owing to Mine will be inspected Inspection. (See also Examination.) When you have finished your inspection of the mine telegraph your report Since my previous inspection With regard to other inspections Who is to pay for inspection of mine Will pay for inspection of mine Could make inspection of mine on my way to Immediate inspection urgent Inspection not yet arranged Inspection must be made immediately Fee for inspection and report Subject to inspection by Previous to inspection After inspection Inspection arranged Inspection by first expert Inspection by second expert Foraminouslnstance Foraminule In the first instance Forasmuch There has never been any instance of Forbade . At the instance of Forbear . At whose instance Forbearant Instead Forbidden Instead of Not instead of Instructions Give instructions to (to) Forbreak . Forbruised Forcefully . Forceless . Forcemeat Forcepiece Forcepump Forcibly . Forcingpit Forcipated Forclosure Awaiting instructions Has (have) given instructions to Wait for instructions Had not given any instructions as to Act only upon written instructions Send instructions at once Telegraph me (us) instructions Am (are) waiting here for instructions INS 253 No. 12,516 12,517 12,518 12,519 12,520 12,521 12,522 12,523 12,524 12,525 12,526 12,527 12,528 12,529 12,530 12,531 12,532 12,533 12,534 12,535 12,536 12,537 12,538 12,539 12,540 12,541 12,542 12,543 12,544 12,545 12,546 12,547 12,548 12,549 12,550 12,551 12,552 12,553 12,554 12,555 12,556 12,557 12,558 12,559 12,560 12,561 12,562 12,563 12,564 12,565 Code Word. Instructions (continued) Fordable . Telegraph instructions direct to Fordrive . Your instructions are to proceed at once (to) Foreadvise Require more explicit instructions Foreallege Instructions have been given to Foreanent Letter of instructions Forebelief. Have instructions been given to [day or two Foreboded Await full instructions, which will be sent you in a Foreboding Has (have) received instructions to Forecabin . Has (have) not received any instructions as to Forecasts . Full instructions have been sent by post Forechosen Send full instructions to me (at) Forecovert Instructions are being carried out Foredated As soon as you get instructions from Foredeck . Your instructions shall be carried out at once Foredeem . Final instructions from [and meet you at Foredesign Full instructions have been sent to to telegraph Foredoomed Please carry out the instructions of the Board Foreelders Please carry out instructions of Forefather According to instructions Forefeels . Instructions arrived too late Forefences Full instructions given Forefinger If no instructions to the contrary Foreflow . You have not followed instructions Forefront . To whom shall I apply for instructions Foregame . Have you any instructions from Foregirth . Instructions could not be carried out Forego. . Insurance Foregoing . Policy of insurance Foreground The insurance of Foreguess . To effect an insurance on Forehead . The rate of insurance (upon) Foreign . What is the rate of insurance (upon) Foreignism Amount paid for insurance Forejudge Insurance company (ies) Foreknown Rate of insurance per cent. Foreleg . Have you any insurance upon Forelift . Better renew insurance (to cover) Foremost . Claim on the insurance company for Foremostly Premium on insurance Forenoon . Premium on insurance is payable Forenotice Insure Forensic . Shall I insure Forensical How much shall I insure Foreordain You need not insure Forepart . At what rate can you insure Forepassed Cannot insure on lower terms Forepeak . Can you not insure at a lower rate Foreplane . Cannot insure Foreprized Insured Forequoted None of the buildings are insured 254 INS No. 12,566 12,567 '12,568 12,569 12,570 12,571 12,572 12,573 12,574 12,575 12,576 12,577 12,578 12,579 12,580 12,581 12,582 12,583 12,584 12,585 12,586 12,587 12,588 12,589 12,590 12,59! 12,592 12,593 12,594 12,595 12,596 12,597 12,598 12,599 12,600 12,601 12,602 12,603 12,604 12,605 12,606 12,607 12,608 12,609 12,610 12,611 I2,6l2 Code Word. Insured (continued] Forereach . All the buildings are fully insured [for Have insured the works in the Insurance Office Forerun . Forerunner Foresaying Forescent . Foreseized Foresettle. Foreshadow Foreshamed Are all the buildings insured ? if not, insure them Have you insured against fire [at once If you have not insured, do so at once Mill is insured for Everything else insured for Have insured the at per cent. Has (have) been insured for Foreshore . Insurrection Foreskirt . Is in a state of insurrection Foresight . The insurrection has been crushed Foreslack . Intelligent Foresleeve Is very intelligent Forespeech Not very intelligent Forespend Intend Forespoken We intend to Forest . . Do not intend to Forestall . . Do you intend to Forestage . Does he (do they) intend to Forestfly . Did you intend us to Forestoak . If you do not intend to Foresttree Do you not intend to Foretackle Provided you intend to Foreteller . Intend later on to Forethink . Intend in the meantime to Foretop . Did not seriously intend to Foretopman Intention(s) Forevouch As earnest of our intention To prove our intention My intention, unless I hear to the contrary, is to What is 's intention Foreweary Forewinds Forewoman Foreyards . Forfeited . Forfeiting . Forfeiture . Forficula . Forge man Forgeries . Forgetable F'orgetful 's intention is to The intention was Has (have) abandoned their intention of Has (have) any intention of I2,6l4 Has (have) no intention of Has (have) not the least intention to That is our intention Have changed our intentions Intercepted Forgetteth Intercepting Forgewater Interception Forgiving . The interception of Forgotten . Intercession Forjudging By the friendly intercession of Forkchuck Interest(s) Forky . . Will protect your interest(s) Forlays . Has (have) sold his (their) interest in Forlorn Interest at the rate of INT 255 No. Code Word. Interest(s) (continued] 12.616 Forlornly . To pay interest at the rate of 12.617 Formalisms What interest do you think can be paid 12.618 Formality . Have you any interest in 12.619 Formalizer I have an interest in 12.620 Formative I have no interest in 12.621 Formedon Has no interest in 12.622 Formerly . A quarter's interest at the rate of per cent, per 12.623 Formful . Interest for the half-year [annum 12.624 Formica . Will you sell your interest in 12.625 Formicidae A small interest 12.626 Formidably What interest 12.627 Formulary A good interest on the money 12.628 Formulated Has (have) a large interest in 12.629 Forrayers . Take an interest in 12.630 Forsaketh . Would take an interest in 12.631 Forsongen Do (does) not care to take an interest in 12.632 Forsooth . One-eighth interest in 12.633 Forsterite . One-sixth interest in 12.634 Forsworn. One-fifth interest in 12.635 Fortalice . One-fourth interest in 12.636 Forthby . One-third interest in 12.637 Forthright One-half interest in 12.638 Forthward Two-fifths interest in 12.639 Forthwith . Three-fifths interest in 12.640 Fortified . Four-fifths interest in 12.641 Fortify. . Two-thirds interest in 12.642 Fortifying. Three-quarters interest in 12.643 Fortitude. Five-sixths interest in 12.644 Fortmajor. Three-eighths interest in 12.645 Fortressed Five eighths interest in 12.646 Fortrodden Seven-eighths interest in 12.647 Fortuity . The remaining interest in 12.648 Fortunate. Not entitled to interest 12.649 Fortunes . What is the rate of interest 12.650 Forward . Interest will be allowed at the rate of 12.651 Forwarding Entitled to interest 12.652 Forwardly Must charge interest upon 12.653 Forwearicd A strong bear interest at work 12.654 Forweep . A strong bull interest at work 12.655 Forwounded The largest interest (in) 12.656 Forwrapped Outstanding interest 12.657 Fossick . Try and purchase as many interests as you can 12.658 Fossicking Have bought all his (their) interests in 12.659 Fossil . . Interests in are valued at 12.660 Fossilcork All interests of every description 12.661 Fossilflax . Our interests 12.662 Fossilify . His (their) interests 12.663 Fossilism . Your interests 12.664 Fossilized. Watch our interests 12.665 Fossilogy . (To) protect interests 2 5 6 INT No. 12,666 12,667 12,668 12,669 12,670 12,671 12,672 12,673 12,674 12,675 12,676 12,677 12,678 12,679 12,680 12,681 12,682 12,683 12,684 12,685 12,686 12,687 12,688 12,689 12,690 12,691 12,692 12,693 12,694 12,695 12,696 12,697 12,698 12,699 12,700 12.701 12,702 12,703 12,704 12,705 12,706 12,707 12,708 12,709 12,710 12,711 12,712 12,713 12,714 12,715 Code Word. Interest(s) (continued} Fossil wood We look to you to protect our interests The interests of the other parties The interests of the respective parties 's interests will be looked after by Has (have) bought up the other interests in the mine Interested Owing to the large number interested Is (are) interested in Fossores . Fossorial . Fossulate . Fosterbabe Fosterdam Fosterling . Festerment Fostership Fosterson . Foully . . Foulness . Foulspoken Foundation Foundering Foundress Foundry . Fountain . Fountful . Fouquiera . Fouredged Fourfold . Fourfooted Is (are) not interested (in) Interested to a large extent (in) Interested to a small extent only (in) The parties interested (in) Has (have) interested himself (themselves) Have interested ourselves Much interested in the How are we interested We cannot see how we are interested Chiefly interested Interesting A very interesting report Some interesting facts in relation to (The) statement is very interesting Most interesting and valuable Fourhanded Interfere Fourhorse . To interfere with Fourinhand Not to interfere with Fourposter Will this interfere with Fourscore . This will interfere with Foursquare This will not interfere with Foveolated If it will not interfere with Foxbat . . If it will interfere with Foxbrush . Do not interfere Foxchase . Do not let it interfere with Foxearth . Must interfere with Foxery . . It would interfere with our plans Foxfish . I think you had better interfere Foxglove . I think you had better not interfere Foxgrape . Has interfered with Foxhounds Interference Foxhunt . The interference of Foxhunting Interfering Foxlike . If it can be done without interfering (with) Foxshark . It can be done without interfering (with) Foxship . It cannot be done without interfering (with) Foxtailed . If it cannot be done without interfering (with) Foxtraps . Without interfering (with) Foxtrot . Is (are) interfering (with) Fractious . Has (have) been interfering (with) Fracture . Intermediate Fracturing The intermediate drift __ INT 257 No. Code Word. 12.716 Fragaria . Interrupt 12.717 Fragilely . To interrupt the work 12.718 Fragmental Interrupted 12.719 Fragments Has much interrupted the work 12.720 Fragrancy. The business has been interrupted by 12.721 Fragrant . Progress interrupted by 12.722 Frailness. Has been greatly interrupted by 12.723 Frailty. .Interruption 12.724 Framable . The interruption to the work (owing to) 12.725 Framboesia The interruption to the negotiations 12.726 Framesaw . Intersect 12.727 Frampold . To intersect 12.728 Franchised Hope to intersect 12.729 Franciscan The veins intersect 12.730 Francisque Think we shall soon intersect 12.731 Frangent . If we do not soon intersect 12.732 Frangible . When do you expect to intersect 12.733 Frangipane Intersected 12.734 Frangulin . The vein was intersected 12.735 Frankbank Have intersected 12.736 Frankchase Intersected at a distance of feet 12.737 Frankenia . Intersected by a cross-cut 12.738 Frankferm Intersection 12.739 Frankfold . At the point of intersection (of the) 12.740 Franking . (At) the intersection of the two veins 12.741 Frankish . At the intersection of the tunnel with the vein 12.742 Franklinic Interval 12.743 Frankly . The interval between 12.744 Frankness The interval between is filled with 12.745 Frantic . Can you fill up interval 12.746 Franticly . Fill up interval 12.747 Fratercaul Interview 12.748 Fraternism Interview with regard to 12.749 Fraternity. Has (have) had an interview with 12.750 Fratriage . Cannot have any interview with (till) 12.751 Fratricide. Can you arrange an interview between and 12.752 Fraud . , To interview with the object of 12)753 Fraudful . Am (are) to have an interview with on 12.754 Fraud fully It was arranged in an interview with 12.755 Fraudless . Nothing was arranged in the interview 12.756 Fraudulent Interview with most satisfactory 12.757 Fraughtage Interview with very unsatisfactory 12.758 Fraughting Nothing settled definitely in the interview with } 12.759 Fraxinella After an interview [we meet again on 12.760 Fraxinus . Cannot arrange without interview 12.761 Freakishly Have not yet been able to interview 12.762 Fredstole . Our interview was most friendly 12.763 Freebench Intimation 12.764 Freebooty The first intimation we received (that) 12.765 Fieeborn . 'Upon the first intimation (of) (that) S 2 5 8 INT No. Code Word. Intimation (continued] 12.766 Freechapel Have no intimation (of) (that) 12.767 Freecharge Have had intimation (of) (that) 12.768 Freecity . Have given intimation (that) 12.769 Freedman Into 12.770 Freedom . Go(es) into 12.771 Freefisher Run(s) into 12.772 Freefooted Are into 12.773 Freegrace. Not yet into 12.774 Freeholder How deep does it go into 12.775 Freelance. How far into 12.776 Freeliving. Into the side of the hill 12.777 Freelove . As soon as we get into 12.778 Freely . . Intolerable 12.779 Freemartin Has become intolerable 12.780 Freemason Threatens to become intolerable 12.781 Freeminded Intractable 12.782 Freepass . Intractable to ordinary treatment 12.783 Freeschool^ Intractable without treatment by 12.784 Freesocage* The ore is very intractable owing to 12.785 Freesoil . Very intractable 12.786 Freespoken Introduce 12.787 Freestate . Can you introduce 12.788 Freestuff . Can introduce 12.789 Freetrader Wish to introduce 12.790 Freewarren Introduced 12.791 Freewill . Introducing 12.792 Freeze. .Introduction 12.793 Freezing . Intended as an introduction to 12.794 Freightcar By the introduction of 12.795 Freisleben Introductory 12.796 Frenchbean The introductory remarks 12.797 Frenchfake Intrust 12.798 Frenchhorn Whom will you intrust with 12.799 Frenchify. Will intrust the care of to 12.800 Frenchpie Do not like to intrust it to 12.801 Frenchplum Can intrust it to 12.802 Frenchroof Must not intrust it to 12.803 Frenchtub Intrusted 12.804 Frenzical . Have intrusted (with) 12.805 Frenzied . Has (have) been intrusted (to) 12.806 Frenziedly Intrusted to carry out 12.807 Frenzying. Intrusted with full powers 12.808 Frequence Intrusted as our agent(s) 12.809 Frequently Intrusted with the charge of the mine 12.810 Frescade . Will be intrusted to (with) 1 2,8 1 1 Fresco. . Will not be intrusted to (with) 12.812 Frescoing . Inundation 12.813 Freshblown The inundation of the district around 12.814 Freshened. Invalid 12.815 Freshening Is (are) quite invalid INV 259 No. Code Word. Invalid (continued) 12.816 Freshforce The concession is invalid 12.817 Freshman . Invalidate 12.818 Freshshot . Goes far to invalidate 12.819 Freshwater Quite sufficient to invalidate 12.820 Fresison . Invalidated 12.821 Fretful. . Invalidated the concession 12.822 Fretfully . Has invalidated the title 12.823 Fretting . Rights have become invalidated by 12.824 Friability . Invalidation (of the) 12.825 Friarbird . By the invalidation of the concession 12.826 Friaries . Invalidity (of the) 12.827 Friarlike . The invalidity of the title 12.828 Friarly . . The invalidity of the claims 12.829 Friarscowl Invariable 12.830 Friarskate. The invariable custom 12.831 Fribble . As an almost invariable rule we find 12.832 Fricando . Invariably 12.833 Fricative . Invariably found in 12.834 Fricatrice . Invariably find in connection with 12.835 Friending. Almost invariably 12.836 Friendlily . Not invariably, though very often 12.837 Friendship Invention 12.838 Friezerail . A new invention for 12.839 Frigatoons By this invention 12.840 Frigerate . The saving effected by this invention 12.841 Frightened This invention is expected to 12.842 Frightful . Inventory 12.843 Frightless . An inventory of all stores, loose plant, etc 12.844 Frightment An inventory of the machinery, etc. 12.845 Frigorific . A complete inventory of everything on the place 12.846 Frilled. . According to inventory 12.847 Fringeless A monied inventory of 12.848 Fringelike Invest 12.849 Fringetree Invest immediately on my account 12.850 Fringilla . Will invest on your account 12.851 Frippery . Do not invest in 12.852 Friskful . I advise you to invest in 12.853 Friskily . Do you advise me to invest in 12.854 Frislet . . Intend(s) to invest in 12.855 Frithsplot . Will do well to invest 12.856 Frithstool . Invested 12.857 Fritillary . Has (have) invested in 12.858 Fritinancy Has (have) not invested in 12.859 Frittering . Has (have) invested in 12.860 Frivolism . Has (have) not invested very much 12.861 Frivolity . Invested on your account 12.862 Frivolous . To be invested in 12.863 Frizzy . . How much is invested (in) 12.864 Frockcoat. Has been invested in 12.865 Frocked . Invested in the undertaking 260 INV No. 32,866 12,867 12,868 12,869 12,870 12,871 12,872 12,873 12,874 12,875 12,876 12,877 12,878 12,879 12,880 12,881 12,882 12,883 12,884 12,885 12,886 12,887 12,888 12,889 12,890 12,891 12,892 12,893 12,894 12,895 12,896 12,897 12,898 12,899 12,900 12,901 12,902 12,903 12,904 12,905 12,906 12,907 12,908 12,909 12,910 12,911 12,912 12,913 12,914 12,915 Code Word. Invested (continued) Frockless . Invested in machinery Frogbit . Invested in the mine Frogcheese Invested in stores Frogeater . Reserve fund (is) invested in Frogfish . Investigate Frogflies . Investigate, and let me know Frogfly . . Will investigate and let you know the result Froggrass . Investigated Froghopper Have investigated the matter Frogorchis Investigation Frogshell . Committee of investigation Frogspit . Will make a thorough investigation Frolic . . Has (have) made a thorough investigation Frolicful . Could not make a thorough investigation Frolicked . Make a thorough investigation Flolicking . The investigation shows Frolicly . After a close investigation, I am of opinion that Frolicsome Will bear the closest investigation Frondesce (After) a thorough investigation by a disinterested Frondous . Desire a thorough investigation . [party Front . . A thorough investigation of all the circumstances Frontage . The result of the investigation is favourable Frontdoor. The result of the investigation is unfavourable Frontiers . Will it bear investigation Fronting . Investment Frontlets . Capital investment (of) Frostbite . I strongly recommend the investment Frostbound I do not recommend the investment Frostiness . A good investment for a capital of Frostlamp . I consider the mine a good investment Frostmist . It is a sufficiently good investment Frostnail . I am sure it would prove a bad investment Frostsmoke Do you recommend investment in Frostweed By an investment of Frostwork. I consider expenditure stated a judicious investment Frosty . . This investment will [of capital Frothily . It would necessitate an investment of Frothworm It is an investment bringing in per cent Frouzy . . Invisible Frownful . The rock is rich in goid, but it is invisible to the Frowningly Invisible to the eye [eye Frozen. . Invoice Frozenness Invoice in duplicate Fructified . Invoice in triplicate Fructist . Must send invoice in duplicate Fructose . Consular invoice Fructuary . Invoice must be certified by consul Frugal . . Invoice and bill of lading Frugality . Invoice and list of contents of packages Frugalness Charged at invoice price INV 261 No. 12,916 12,917 12,918 12,919 12,920 12,921 12,922 12,923 12,924 12,925 12,926 12,927 12,928 12,929 12,930 12,93! 12,932 12,933 12,934 12,935 i2,93 6 12,937 12,938 12,939 12,940 12,941 12,942 12,943 12,944 12,945 12,946 12,947 12,948 12,949 12,950 12,95^ 12,952 12,953 12,954 12,955 12,956 12,957 12,958 12,959 12,960 12,961 12,962 12,963 12,964 12,965 Code Word. Invoice (continued] Frugivora . The invoice price is Fruitbud . Invoice price free on board Fruitcrow . Involve Fruiterers . This will involve Fruitery . This will not involve Fruitflies . Will this involve Fruitful . Involve an additional expense of Fruitfully . Not to involve Fruitive . Involve us in an expense of Fruitknife. Involve us in litigation Fruitloft . Involve us in disputes with Fruitshows Involve alterations in Fruitstall . Involved Fruitsugar We are involved in Fruittree . Heavily involved [with him (them) Frumgyld . Is (are) heavily involved be careful what you do Frumpish . Our reputation is involved Frumpy . Your reputation is involved Frustrated His reputation is involved Frustulent Reputation and honour involved Frustulose Seriously involved by failure Frutescent Not at all involved Frutical . Iron Fruticous . Iron ore Fryingpan Iron pyrites Fubsy . . Found in connection with iron pyrites Fuchsia . Oxide of iron Fucivorous Stained with iron oxide Fucoid. . Brown iron ore Fuelfeeder Haematite iron ore Fuelled . Magnetic iron ore Fuelling . Bog iron ore Fugacity . The iron occurs Fugitively . A rich deposit of iron ore Fugitives . To divide the from the iron Fugleman . Veins of iron ore Fuguist . Traces of iron are found Fulciment . Cast iron Fulcrate . Wrought iron Fulcrums . Corrugated iron Fulfilled! . Irregular Fulfilling . The vein is very irregular Fulfilment The veins being so irregular makes it difficult to Fulgency . Very irregular Fulgent . In a most irregular manner Fulgidity . The proceedings were very irregular Fulgoridae A very irregular course Fulgurated Irregularity(ies) Fulgurous . Characterized by great irregularity Fulgury . There must be great irregularity somewhere 262 IER No. Code Word. Irregularity(ies) (continued] 12,966 Fuliginose. Irregularities in the accounts 12,967 Fullborn . Irregularities in the management 12,968 Fullbottom Such irregularities deserve most severe censure 12,969 Fullbutt . Irrespective (of) 12,970 Fullcentre Is this irrespective of 12,971 Fullchisel . This is irrespective of 12,972 Fulldress . This is not irrespective of 12,973 Fulldrive . Irritated 12,974 Fulleared . Much irritated by 12,975 Fullfed. . Irritation 12,976 Fullformed Much irritation exists 12,977 Fullgrown . To allay the irritation 12,978 Fullhot . Is 12,979 Fulllength Is it 12,980 Fullmanned Is it not 12,981 Fullmoon . Is now being 12,982 Fullorbed . If it is 12,983 Fullsailed . . If it is not 12,984 Fullsplit . If he is 12,985 Fullsummed Is it so 12,986 Fullswing . It is so 12,987 Fullvoiced Why is it (that) 12,988 Fullwinged When it is 12,989 Fulmar . . When is it 12,990 Fulmineous Issue 12,991 Fulmining In order to bring matters to a successful issue 12,992 Fulsamic . Have brought the affair to a successful issue I2 ,993 Fulsome . Have failed to bring matters to a successful issue 12,994 Fulsomely ^XT'ill ir-r'ii^. Will lobLiC- 12,995 Fulvid . . Will issue 12,996 Fulvous . Will not issue 12,997 Fumaramide How much is the issue 12,998 Fumarate . Before we can issue 12,999 Fumblingly The first issue of shares 13,000 Fumeless . The second issue i3,coi Fumifugist We propose to issue 13,002 Fumigated We can issue shares 13,003 Fumigating Cannot issue shares until 13,004 Fumigatory As soon as we issue 13.005 Fumingly . The first issue will not exceed 13,006 Fumishness The issue of the shares 13,007 Funambulus The certificates are ready to issue 13,008 Function . Before issue we require 13,009 Functional Issue of debentures 13,010 Fundament Issue of preference shares 13,011 Fundholder Before we can issue certificates 13,012 Fundungi . Before we can issue certificates, please give us 13.013 Fundus Issued [names of your nominees 13,014 Funebrial . Have any shares been issued 13,015 Funebrious Has (have) issued ISS 263 No. 13,016 i3> 01 7 13,018 13,019 13,020 13,021 13,022 13,023 13,024 13,025 13,026 13,027 13,028 13,029 13,030 13,031 13,032 13,033 13,034 13,035 13,036 13,037 13,038 13,039 13,040 13,041 13,042 13,043 13,044 13,045 13,046 13,047 13,048 13,049 13,050 13,051 13,052 13,053 13,054 13,055 13,056 13,057 13,058 13,059 13,060 13,061 13,062 *3, 6 3 13,064 13,065 Code Word. Issued (continued} Funeral . Has (have) not issued Funeralale Certificates will be issued Funerally . Certificates must be issued Funeration Certificates issued Fungi . . Certificates will not be issued until completion of Fungidae . Against shares issued [transfer of property Fungiform Before any shares can be issued Funginous Before any certificates can be issued Fungology As soon as they are issued Fungosity . The shares were taken up as soon as issued Funguspit . Issued at Funicle . Issued at a premium of Funicular . Issued at a discount of Funiliform If shares are not issued Funnelnets Shares cannot be issued Funnyman Shares can be issued Furbelow . Issued to you or your nominees Furbish . Issuing Furbishers A favourable time for issuing Furfurine . Are issuing Furfurous . Propose issuing Furibund . Do not think of issuing at present Furibundal In the event of our issuing Furiosant . Are not issuing Furiously . Join Furlough . I wish to join me as soon as possible Furnace . To join with Furnacebar Do not join Furnishing Will not join Furriery . If will join Furrowweed If you will join Furtherer . Is (are) willing to join with us in Furthest . Cannot join on account of Furtive . Will you join to the extent of Furze . . Will join to the extent of Furzechat . Join in the expense of Furzeling . If you will join us in the expense Furzewren If will not join Fuscation . Join in the expedition Fuscite . Join in the purchase of Fuseloil . Join interests with ours Fusibility . Joined Fusible . Has (have) joined Fusilier . Has (have) not joined Fusilladed Has (have) joined Fusion . . Joined the Board Fusionless Joint Fussiest . On joint account Fussily . . By joint action Fusteric . A joint survey JOI No. 13,066 13,067 13,068 13,069 13,070 13*071 13,072 i3>73 i3'74 i375 13,076 i3>77 13,078 I379 13,080 13,081 13,082 I3> 8 3 13,084 I3> 8 5 13,086 13,087 13,088 13,089 13.090 I3J09 1 13,092 I3>93 I3>94 13^95 13,096 I3>097 13,098 13,102 i3> 10 3 13^04 i3> 10 5 13,106 i3> 10 7 13,108 13,110 i3> IIT 13,112 Code Word. Joint (continued) Fustianist . A joint expedition to survey Fustiness . Joint expense Fusulina . The joint properties Futchell . A joint-stock company Futilous . Our joint interests Futtock . A joint committee Futurable . A joint interest in Futurists . Journey Futurities . On the journey [by coach Futurition . The first part of the journey is by rail, the last part Fuzees . . The first part of the journey is by , the last by Fuzzball . A long journey from here to Fylfot . . A difficult journey to make, on account of Fyrdung . Can you undertake the journey Gabarage . Too ill to undertake the journey Gabbronite Cannot possibly undertake the journey to Gabellman Had to make the journey by Gabilla. . Judge Gabionnade Could you judge Gableends I could not judge Gableroot . In order to judge Gable ver . To judge by Gablifters . It is difficult to judge on account of Gablock . As far as I can judge Gabrielite . To judge of Gadabout . The judge was very strong in his remarks Gaddingly The judge was evidently in favour of Gaddish . The judge ruled that Gadflies . The judge declined to Gadhelic . The judge condemned Gadolinite You can best judge (whether) Gadsteel . Judging (by) Gaelic . . No means of judging Gaff. . . Judging by what has been done before Gaff hook . Judgment Gafflocks . Use your own judgment Gaffsman . On mature consideration my judgment is Gafol . . Judgment has been given for us Gafolgild . Judgment has been given against us Gafolland . Judgment in favour of Gagrein . Judgment in our favour with r.osts Gagrunner Used my own judgment in Gagtoothed Judgment will be given on Gahnite . When will judgment be given Gaidheal . In whose favour is judgment given Gaiety . . Cannot form a judgment Gainable . Rely on our judgment Gained . We rely on your judgment Gainfully . Your judgment must be confirmed by expert's report Gaingiving Our judgment has been confirmed by JUD 265 13,132 13,133 13,134 13,135 13,136 13,137 13,138 ' No. Code Word. Judgment (continued) 13.116 Gaining . Shows a great want of judgment 13.117 Gainsaid . Judgment in favour of plaintirT(s) 13.118 Gainsayer . Judgment for the defendant(s) 13.119 Gainsaying Judgment in favour of the company 13.120 Gainsome . If judgment is given against us, we must appeal 13.121 Gainstrive Judgment deferred 13.122 Gairfowl . The judgment carries with it 13.123 Gaitered . According to the best of our judgment 13.124 Galactia . Cannot say when judgment will be given 13.125 Galadress . Judicious 13.126 Galanthus Would it be judicious (to) 13.127 Galantine . It would be judicious (to) 13.128 Galavance It would not be judicious (to) 13.129 Galaxies . Think(s) it a judicious step to take Galaxy . . Do(es) not think it a judicious step to take Galbanum Judiciously Galbula . We think you acted very judiciously in the matter Galeas . . Acted judiciously Galeated . A little money judiciously spent may prove the Galecynus Jumped [property to be of considerable value Galemys . Have not been jumped Galenical . May be jumped Galenism . Otherwise our claims could be jumped, according Galeocerdo Has (have) jumped [to the custom here 13.140 Galeodes . To prevent our claims being jumped 13.141 Galeodidac Claims have been jumped 13.142 Gaieopsis . Rumoured that claims have been jumped 13.143 Galimatias Jumped because not worked for thirty consecutive Galingale . Nothing to prevent property being jumped [days Galipots . Claims jumped ; non-payment rental on due date Gallant . Jumped because licences not paid Gallantise . Jumpers Gallantly . Lost case against jumpers Gallaox . Won case against jumpers Gallature . Lost case against jumpers, and are appealing Gallduct . Jumpers are appealing against decision 13.152 Galleria . We consider jumpers have a good case 13.153 Galletyle . We consider jumpers have a poor case 13.154 Galleyfire . Jumpers will consent to draw their pegs 1 3. 1 55 Gallfly . . Do not think jumpers will obtain judgment in their 13.156 Galliambic Have compromised with jumpers for [favour 1 3. 1 57 Galliard . Jumpers decline to compromise 13.158 Gallicised . Suggest you compromise with jumpers 13.159 Gallicolae . Jumpers accede to proposal 13.160 Gallinha . Jumpers decline proposal 13.161 Gallinsect Jumping 13.162 Gallinule . Carrying jumping case into court 13.163 Gallium . Believe rumour as to jumping is without foundation 13.164 Gallivant . Are inquiring as to alleged jumping 13.165 Galliwasp . Junction 13,145 I3,*46 13,147 i&H 8 13,149 266 JUN No. Code Word. Junction (continued] 13.166 Gallnut . Effect a junction with 13.167 Gallomania Can you effect a junction with 13.168 Gallooned . Cannot effect a junction with 13.169 Gallopaded At the junction of 13.170 Galloping . Have effected a junction with 13.171 Gallowglas Juncture 13.172 Gallows . At this juncture I 3' I 73 Gallowstop Jurisdiction 13,174 Gallpipe . Under the jurisdiction of I 3 I 75 Gallstone. Beyond the jurisdiction of 13.176 Gaily worm Has no jurisdiction 13.177 Galuncha . (If) the court has no jurisdiction 13.178 Galvanical Jury 13.179 Galvanism The case to be tried by special jury 13.180 Gamagrass As the jury cannot agree, there is to be a fresh trial 13.181 Gamass . The jury have given a verdict of 13.182 Gambado . Just 13.183 Cambist ._ Do you consider it just (that) 13.184 Gambol ." I (we) consider it quite just (that) 13.185 Gambolled I (we) do not think it just (that) 13.186 Gambolling Not just yet 13.187 Gambroon Has (have) just 13.188 Gamebag . Has (have) just had 13.189 Gamecocks It is not just 13.190 Gameegg . Just come out of the mine 13.191 Gamefowl. Justice 13.192 Gamekeeper In justice to 13.193 Gamelaws. To do justice to 13.194 Gameless . Do not see the justice of 13.195 Gamely . Justified 13.196 Gamesomely Is (are) justified in 13.197 Gammarus Is (are) justified in 13.198 Gammoned Is (are) not justified in 13.199 Gamut. . Are we justified in 13.200 Gangboard I (we) think we are justified in 13.201 Gangcask . I (we) do not think we are justified in 13.202 Gangetic . Should we not be justified in 1 3; 203 Gangliated Justify 13.204 Gangliform Does not justify 13.205 Ganglionic Does this justify 13.206 Gangmaster Nothing can justify 13.207 Gangplough Do not think will justify the expense 13.208 Gangpunch Keep 13.209 Gangrenate Keep me (us) regularly informed 13.210 Gangrening Keep me (us) well posted up 13.211 Gangrenous Keep the accounts separate 13.212 Gangtide . Keep this to yourself 13.213 Gangways . Shall keep the men working on 13.214 Gangweek Keep us informed of any change in 13.215 Ganoid . We keep on the old hands KEE 267 No. 13,216 13^17 13,218 13.219 13,220 13,221 13,222 13.223 I3> 2 24 13.225 13,226 13.227 13,228 13,229 13.230 13.231 13.232 13.233 13.234 13.235 13.236 13.237 13.238 13.239 13,240 13.241 13.242 I3. 2 43 13.244 I3>245 13,246 13.247 13,248 I3> 2 49 13.250 13*251 13.252 T 3* 2 53 13.254 13*258 !3' 2 59 13,260 13,261 13.262 13*263 13,264 Code Word. Keep (continued) Ganoidal . Keep a look-out for Gantlope . Keep it down (or) keep down the Gaolbird . Keep it quiet Gaolfever . Keep it up (or) keep up the Garanceux Keep expenses down as much as possible Garangan . Keep a sharp watch upon Garbled . Keep a record of Garbling . Keep in reserve Garcinia . Keep in bounds Gardener . If we keep on at the rate we have been doing Gardenless We cannot keep on at the Gardenplot Keeping Gardenship In safe keeping Gardenware Keeping back Garfish . Not keeping any Gargalized Kept Garganey . Has (have) been kept Gargoyle . Has (have) not been kept Garibaldi . Has (have) been kept Garishness The accounts have not been kept posted Garlicky . Not well kept Garlicpear Kept in reserve Garmenture Kept in bounds Garnished Has been kept down as much as possible Garookah . Killed Garpike . Has (have) been killed Garreteers Reported to be killed Garrisons . No one killed Garrulity . Persons killed Garrulous . Killed, and injured Garterfish . The names of the killed Garterking Killed in a fight Garthman . Killed by an accident Garvie . . Several killed and hurt Gasalier . Kind Gasbath . There is every kind of Gasbracket There is no kind of Gasburner A kind of Gascheck . Be so kind as to Gascoal . What kind of Gascoynes What kind of ore have you Gasefy . . The kind of ore Gasengine Very kind of Gaseous . Not the kind of man we want Gasfitter . The kind you want Gasfixture. Kindness Gas furnace Ask Gasgauge - to have the kindness to Through the kindness of 1 was (we were) able to Gashliness Knew Gasholders Knew nothing about it 268 KNE No. 13,266 13,267 13,268 13,269 13,270 13,271 13,272 13,273 13.274 I3>275 13,276 13*277 13,278 13,279 13,280 13,281 13,282 13*283 13,284 13,285 13,286 13,287 13,288 13,289 13,290 13,291 I3,29 2 13,293 13,294 13,295 13,296 13,297 13,298 13,299 I3>3 13,30* i3,3o 2 13.303 13,304 13,305 13,306 13,309 13,312 13,313 13,314 13,315 Code Word Knew (continued} Gasified . Knew some time ago Gasjet . . Knew all the time that Gaslamp . Knew everything that was being done Gaslantern Knew everything that took place Gaslight . If you knew anything Gasmain . If he (they) knew Gasmeter . Know(s) Gasometric Gasoscope Gaspereaux Gaspipes . Gasretort . Gasservice Gasstove . Gastanks . Gasteropod Gastornis . Gastralgia e Gastric . . Gastridium Gastritis . Gastrocele Gastrology Gastromyth Gastronome Gastrula . Gaswork . Gatevein . Gateward . Gatewise . Gather . Do you know anything about Do you know if Know(s) all about Know(s) nothing about Do (does) not know Did not know at the time Do (does) not know whether Will know soon if Must know by Will not know before Let me (us) know by telegraph See if know(s) anything about Know nothing of the suitability of Want to know what we are to do Wants to know what he is to do Do you know the party named What do you know about Know nothing of the man Do you know when Do not know what to do Let us know the worst If you know If you do not know What they want to know (is) Gatherable Knowledge Gathereth . It has come to my knowledge that Has (have) great knowledge of the mines Has (have) great knowledge of the mining laws of Owing to the knowledge of [this country Done without our knowledge Without my (our) knowledge or consent If done without your knowledge Without his knowledge Without ( 's) knowledge or sanction Gatherings Gatlinggun Gaudiest . Gaudiness Gaudyday . Gauffered . Gaugeable Gaugecock Gaugeglass Gaugelamp Gaugepoint Without your knowledge The knowledge we have gained It has come to the knowledge of Gaugingrod Known Gaulthena Is it known that Gauntlets . It is not generally known that Gausabey . It is well known that Gavelet . Nothing is known of it here Gavelkind We fear the worst is not yet known KNO 269 No. I3,3i 6 13,317 I3,3i8 ^3^9 J 3,32o 13,321 I 3,3 2 4 13,325 13,326 13,327 13,328 13,329 13,33 J 3,334 13,335 13,336 X 3,337 13,338 13,339 13,340 13,344 13,345 13,346 13,347 13,348 13,349 13,350 I3-35I 13,352 13,353 13,354 13,355 13,356 13,357 13,358 13,359 13,360 13,361 13,362 13,363 13,364 13,365 Code Word. Known (continued) Gawky . . As soon as it is known (that) Gawntree . If it is known (that) Gaybine . Nothing can be known until Gaylussite Nothing more is known (of or about) Gazeebo . Is anything more known (of or about) Gazeful . If we had known Gazehound If we had known in time Gazement . Has been known to Gazetted . Has it yet been made known Gazetting . Laborious Gazogene . It will be a most laborious task to Gazolytes . It has proved a most laborious task to Gazzatum . A most laborious journey Gearcutter Too laborious Gearwheel Very laborious Gecarcinus Labour Geckotidae Cost of labour to produce Gehlenite . Labour is scarce Gelasimus . Labour is expensive Gelatinize . Labour is scarce and dear Gelatinous Labour is plentiful Geldable . Labour is cheap Gelderrose Labour is plentiful and cheap Geldings . What is the cost of labour Gelidity . The labour question Geloscopy The labour question is giving much trouble Gelsemium How does the labour question affect Geminate . Cannot get sufficient labour Gemination Owing to the lack of labour Geminy . Skilled labour Gemmaceous Unskilled labour Gemmary . Labourers Gemmels . Labourers earn Gemmeous Lack Gemmipara For lack of Gendarmery No lack of Genealogy Developing works were stopped for lack of funds Genearch . A lack of funds Generality Owing to lack of funds we have had to Generalize Ladder(s) Generated The ladders in the shaft are unsafe Generating Put ladders down Generative Laid Generatrix Has been laid down Generic . Not yet laid down Generical . Cannot be laid down Generous . Laid under Generously Lain Genethliac Has (have) lain idle for want of Genevanism Has (have) lain 270 LAI No. 13,366 13.367 13,368 13,371 13,373 i3<374 13,375 13,376 13,377 13,378 13,379 13,380 I3,38i 13,382 13,383 13,384 13,385 13,386 13,387 13,388 13,389 13,390 i3,39i 13,392 13,393 13,394 13,395 13,396 13,397 13,398 13,399 13,400 i3,40i 13,402 13,403 13,405 13,406 13,407 13,408 13,412 Code Word. Genially . Genialness Geniculate Genipap . Genista . Genitival . Geniture . Genius . . Genteel . Genteelish Genteelly . Gentian . Gentilized Gentlefolk Gentleman Gentleness Gentleship Genuflect . Genuinely*. Geocentric Geocorisae Geocronite Geocyclic . Geodephaga Geodesian Geodesy . Geodetic . Geodetical Geoffrey i a Lain (continued} Has (have) not lain From having lain Lain under water Land The value of the land The land comprises acres (Of) land suitable for Good agricultural land Land of no value Land is worth per acre The land is valued at The land about here The land on which is situate The land required The land has been bought for The land has been secured for Land for tailings Land for mill site (To) secure the land (or) securing the land If you can buy the land at a reasonable price Can you buy the land at Do not want the land (To) buy the land to protect Must acquire the land The adjoining land The land on both sides The land to the Their land adjoins The land in question Geoglossum Landed Geognost . The goods have been landed The goods not yet landed Have had the landed and stored Geognostic Geogonical Geography Geologian . Geology . Geometral Geometrize Geometry . Geophagism Landed and sent up country Landed and sent off by rail As soon as they are landed As soon as landed, will have them forwarded Have them landed and forwarded Hope to have them landed As soon as you have landed 13,415 Geophagous Language Geophila . Use plain language Georgos . Used very plain language Geosaurus . The language is too strong Geoselenic The language is not at all too strong Geostatic . Lapse (d) Geoteuthis Will lapse Geothermic Otherwise it will lapse Geotropism The concession has lapsed Geraniums Lapsed through effluxion of time LAR 271 No. 13,416 13.419 13,420 I342i 13^22 I3.423 I3.4 2 4 13.425 13,426 13.427 13.428 13.429 13,43 I3.43 1 13.432 13.433 13.434 13.435 13.449 13.45 I3.45 1 13.452 13,453 13.454 13.455 13.456 13.457 I3.45 8 13.459 13.460 13.461 13,462 13,463 Code Word. Gerbil . . Large Germander The vein is large and well defined Germanisms Covering a large extent A large percentage of It will require a large outlay Not very large Large enough to Hardly large enough to Not large enough If not too large How large is Too large That size is too large Must not be too large If too large, will not pass through The pieces are too large Largely The mine has been largely worked The mine has not been very largely worked The mine has been largely and badly worked, and there is every likelihood of its caving Very largely Must increase very largely This will add largely to Largely encroached upon Largely availed of Added largely to our reserves Has (have) been largely drawn upon Larger Must not be larger than Cannot be made larger If larger than If not larger than Germcell . Germtheory Gerocomia Gerontes . Geropigia . Gerund . Gerundive Gerusia . Gervas . . Gervillia . Gesnera . Gestural . Gesturing Getpenny Gewgaws Geyser . Ghainorik I3.43 6 Gharry 13.437 Ghastful . I3.43 8 Ghastfully . 13.439 Ghastliest . 13,44 Ghastly . I3.44 1 Gherkin . I3.44 2 Ghibelline 13.443 Ghittern . 13.444 Ghost . . 13,445 Ghostlike . 13,446 Ghostmoth 13,447 Ghostseer . Ghoststory Largest Ghyll^ Giantize Giantly Giantship Giaours Gibberish Gibbose Gibbosity Gibbsite Gibcat . Gibeonite Gibingly Gibship Gibstaff Giddily The largest piece must not exceed The largest will measure The largest will measure feet by feet What is the largest-sized piece that will pass through The largest will weigh The largest we can Last [prospects of any more The ore will not last much longer, and there are no The ore will not last more than months, but we hope soon to cut another body of ore The stopes will not last much longer The last shipment of bullion Cannot last Cannot last much longer Will last some time longer From the last 272 LAS No. Code Word. Last (continued} Giddyhead I estimate the ore will last To last (about) By last mail The last telegram If you refer to my last letter you will see If you refer to my last telegram you will see The last time Last chance Will last Will not last Will not last more than The last report on the mines The last carload The last few We have at last We sent the last The last which we sent Send the last From first to last The last remaining Keeping to the last Late Will it be too late Is it too late It is too late now It is not too late If put(s) off the examination till so late Shall be late Too late to Came too late Too late to be of any use ately Has (have) been lately begun Has (have) been lately stopped Lately they have been working Lately have only been working low-grade ore Not lately The mine was lately examined by The bunch of ore lately struck averages Have been running the mill lately on Have been getting lately our supply of ore from Was (were) lately at Has (have) not been very lately to See , who was lately at , and get from him There was lately [all particulars about (Has) have fallen off lately (Has) have lately begun to (Has) have only lately Later Can you give us any later news (or particulars of) 13*465 Giddying . 13,466 Giddypaced 13,467 Giereagle . 13*468 Gieseckite 13*469 Giftedness 13.470 Giftrope . 13*47* Gigantean 13*472 Gigantic . 13*473 Gigantical 13*474 Giggling . 13*475 Gighorse . 13*476 Gigmachine 13*477 Gigster 13478 Gilbertine . 13.479 Gilded . . 13,480 Gilhooter . 13*481 Gillaroo . 13*482 Gillcover \ 13*483 Gillflap . 13*484 Gillyvor . 13.485 Gilpy . . ! 13*486 Gilthead . 13*487 Gilttail. . 13*488 Gimcracks 13*489 Gimlet . . i349 Gimleteye Gimmalbit I3*49 2 Gingerade 13*493 Gingerbeer 13*494 Gingerly . 13*495 Gingerness '. 13*496 Gingerpop 13*497 Gingerwine Gingham . 13*499 Gingival . Ginglymoid I 3*5 I Ginglymus I 3.5 2 Ginhouses 13,503 Ginpalace . 13 504 Gipsies 13*505 Gipsy . . 13*506 Giraffe . . 13*507 Giraffina . 13*508 Girdlebelt . 13*509 Girlhood . Girlish . . 13,511 Girlishly . 13*512 Gironde . \ I3-5I3 Girondists . LAT 273 No. 13,514 13,515 13,516 13,517 I3,5i8 13,519 13,521 13,522 13,523 13,524 13,525 13,526 13,527 13,528 13,532 i3>533 J 3,534 13,535 13,536 13,537 13,538 I 3S39 13,540 I 3i54i 13,542 13,543 13,544 13,545 13,546 13,547 13,548 13,549 13,550 i3,55i 13:552 i 13,553 i 13-554 13,555 J 3,556 13,557 13,558 *3<559 13,560 13,561 13,562 13,563 Code Word. Later (continued) Gironny . Cannot give you later than Girtline . Want something later Gismondine Have nothing later Glabrity . Will be later than expected Glabrous . Later in the year Glacialist . Not later than Glaciarium Later on [wait for assay of samples Glaciers . The report will follow by post later on, as I have to Gladdened Later on will have to Gladdening Later on in the month Gladiolus . Send us later on Gladship . Latest Gladsome . By the latest Gladsomely By the latest mill returns, I find that Gladwyn . The latest returns show Glagolitic . The latest accounts show that Glairine . You shall have the report by at the latest Glairy . . At the latest Glama . . The latest possible time (for) Glamoury . What is the latest possible time you can give Glancecoal Must be ready at the latest Glanced . From the latest advices Glandage . We want this at the latest by Glandiform Lavished Glandular . Have been lavished on Glandulous So much has been lavished on Glaringly . Law(s) Glasscase . According to the mining laws of Glasschord According to the law Glasscoach As the law now stands Glasscrab . By law we are forbidden to Glasseyes . The laws are powerless Glassfaced (To) go to law Glassful . In defiance of the law Glassgall . Lawsuit Glasshive . The lawsuit in which we are engaged Glasshouse We are liable to get into a lawsuit about Glassmen . Threaten(s) us with a lawsuit about Glassmetal Must try and prevent getting into a lawsuit (over) Glasspaper Has (have) instituted a lawsuit Glassrope . In the event of a lawsuit being brought Glassshade (in) the recent lawsuit Glasstears . (In) the lawsuit now pending between and Glauberite Involved in a lawsuit Glaucium . Lawyer(s) [if they are all right Glaucolite Get a reliable lawyer to examine the titles, and see Glaucoma . Consult a thoroughly competent lawyer Glaucopis . Employ a lawyer to Glaudkin . It is not necessary to employ a lawyer Glebeland I am (we are) employing a lawyer to 274 LAW No. 13,564 13,565 13,566 13,567 13,568 13,569 13.572 13,573 13,574 13,575 13,576 13,577 13,578 13,579 13,582 13,583 13,584 13,585 13,586 13,587 13,588 13-589 13,593 13,594 13,595 i3'596 13,597 13,598 13,599 13,600 13,601 13,602 13,603 13,604 13,605 13,606 13,607 13,608 13,609 13,610 13,611 13,612 13,613 Codeword. Lawyer(s) (continued) Glebeless . See lawyer, and arrange as deemed best Glechoma . What does your lawyer advise Gleeclub . Have consulted a first-rate lawyer on the subject Gleeful . Have put the affair into a lawyer's hands Gleemaiden The lawyer(s) advise(s) Gleichenia The lawyer (s) does (do) not advise Glenoid . The lawyer's fee will be Gliadine . Have engaged the best lawyer we can get Glibbery . A lawyer of great experience (in) Glibly . . A lawyer of the highest standing Glimmer . Have got lawyer's opinion Glimmering Have consulted , as he is considered the lawyer Glimpse . Lax [of highest standing here Glimpsing Too lax Glissade . Has (have) been very lax in the way of Glisten . . Lay Gloaming . To lay bare the vein Globard . To lay before the Board of Directors Globe . . Lay ourselves open to Globedaisy You lay yourselves open to Globefish . Laid open to Globeglass Layers Globosity . In layers (of) Globular . Between layers (of) Globularly Superimposed layers (of) Globulism Alternate layers (of) Glochidate Laying Gloiocarp . Is (are) laying down Glomerate By laying down Glomerous By laying out Gloomiest . By laying down a tram line Gloomily . Is (are) laying out Gloominess Is (are) not laying out Gloriable . Lead Gloriation Glorified . Glorify . . Glorifying . Gloriosa . Gloriously . Gloss . . Glossarial . Glossist . Glossocele Glossotomy Glottal . . Glottalite . Glettology Gloveband Gloveclasp Lead ore Argentiferous lead ore Veins of lead ore The ore contains a large percentage of lead How many tons of lead ore to the fathom Carbonate of lead carrying ounces of silver The ore assays per cent. Tons of lead ore to the fathom Lead to no result A strong lead The lead continues strong Upon the lead Main lead Leader(s) There are many leaders There are no reefs, only leaders of lead and [ozs. of silver LEA 275 No. Code Word. Leader(s) (continued) 13.614 Glovemoney The leaders appear to be 13.615 Glowingly Leading Leading to (towards) Not leading to Appears to be leading towards eak Owing to a leak (in) Sprung a leak in The leak has been stopped The leak cannot be stopped Is (are) very leaky The leak is increasing If leak is not stopped Learn I (we) learn on good authority that Will have to learn Lease(s) We can get a lease of the property for years 's lease expires [for Lease will expire To grant leases for Lease will be renewed Lease will not be renewed We can take over 's lease for The lease expires ; it can be renewed for The lease expires ; it can be renewed on the Can you get a lease of [same terms Can get lease for at Taken a lease of the property for Lease will run until How long has the lease to run Can you renew the lease Cannot obtain renewal of lease Offers to renew the lease On lease for years Leased Has been leased to us Have leased to them Leased for years Leased at a rental of At what rental is it leased sasehold Leasehold property Is leasehold Part leasehold, part freehold Leave(s). (See also Telegraph.) Cannot leave Must leave Will leave I leave on for 13,616 Glowworm 13,617 Gloxinia . 13,618 Glucose . 13,619 Glucoside. ] 13,620 Glucosuria 13,621 Glueboiler 13,622 Gluepot . 13,623 Glueyness . 13,624 Gluish . . 13,625 Glumaceous 13,626 Glumales . 13,627 Glumella . ] 13,628 Glumi ferae 13,629 Glu^nous . Glumpy . ] 13,63! Glutinate . 13,632 Glutman . 13,633 Glutted . 13,634 Glutting . 13,635 Gluttonish 13,636 Gluttonize 13,637 Glyceria . 13,638 Glycerule . 13,639 Glycocoll . 13,64 Glycogen . I 3, 6 4 I Glycogenic 13,642 Glycol . . 13,643 Glyconic . 13,644 Glyph . . 13,645 Glyphideae 13,646 Glyptodon 13,647 Glyptothek 13,648 Gnaphalium 13,649 Gnarly. . '. 13,650 Gnasheth . J 3,65i Gnashing . I 3, 6 S 2 Gnashingly J 3, 6 53 Gnatflower 13,654 Gnathitis . 13-655 Gnathodon '. 13,656 Gnathonic 13,657 Gnatworm 13,658 Gnawing . 13,659 Gneiss . . '. 13,660 Gneissic . 13,661 Gneissoid . 13,662 Gnetum . 13,663 Gnomic . =76 LEA No. Code Word. Leave(s) (continued) 13,664 Gnomical . He (they) will leave on for 13,665 Gnomologic When do you leave 13,666 Gnomon . Will not leave (until) 13,667 Gnomonist You must not leave (until) 13,668 Gnosticism Will leave as soon as possible for 13,669 Goading . Will leave immediately for 13,670 Goatbeard Before you leave 13,671 Goatchafer Expect to leave about 13,672 Goatfish . I (we) leave it to you 13,673 Goatishly . You had better leave it to me (us) to 13,674 Goatmilker Now ready to leave 13,675 x_jQ3,tmotri (ret lci\ r c from to ^ximiric tlio 13,676 Goatpepper Leave instructions with 13,677 Goatroot . Unless you wire, will leave immediately for 13,678 (~^.r\735 13,736 13,737 13,738 13.739 13,740 I3.74I 13.742 13,743 13,744 13,745 13,746 13.747 13,748 13,749 13,752 13.753 13,754 13.755 13,756 13,757 13^758 13,759 i3,76o 13,761 13,762 13,763 Code Word. Golaba . . Golandause Goldbeater Goldbound Goldcloth . Goldcradle Goldcup . Goldcutter Left (continued) Has (have) not left Has (have) been left Left to to decide Left here on his way to Is anything left There is nothing left How much is left Legal Golddigger Get the best legal opinion on Golddust . The best legal opinion on Goldenbug Legal proceedings will be taken . Goldencarp Acting under legal advice Goldenclub It is perfectly legal Goldeneye Would it be legal Goldenfish It would not be legal Goldenhair A legal opinion in a similar case Goldenknop Have (you) legal proof Goldenrod Legalized . Goldenwasp Must be legalized Goldfever . Send all documents properly legalized Goldfield . Legally Goldfinch . Cannot legally Goldfinder If it can be legally done Goldfinny. Legitimate Goldfoil . Is it a legitimate transaction Goldhammer It is not a legitimate transaction It is a perfectly legitimate transaction Not legitimate Quite legitimate Lend Will lend Can you lend Will not lend If will lend If will not lend Would lend Goldleaf Goldlily . Goldney . Goldplate . Goldproof Gold size . Goldsmith Gold stick . Goldthread Goldwasher Goldylocks Golfclub . Golgotha . Goliardery Goliathus . Goloeshoe Gomarist . Gomelin . Gomphiasis Bank will lend us Bank declines to lend us Will not lend without good security. Will not lend more than Will lend himself (themselves) to anything for a Length (of the) [commission The vein has been proved for a length of feet What will be the length What length of time Gompholite The entire length Gomphonema The whole length of the Gonangium In length Gondolier . The total length is Gonggong For a length of ( feet) 2 7 8 LEN No. I3J 6 4 13,765 13,766 13^67 13,768 13,769 13,770 I3J7I 13,772 13,773 13,774 13,775 13,776 13,777 13,778 13.779 Code Word. Length (continued} Gongmetal With a combined length of Gongylus . What is the length of Goniaster . The vein has been prospected for the length of Goniatites . What is the greatest length [feet Goniometer The greatest length that will pass Gonocalyx The greatest length Gonophore The length of the tunnel Gonoplax . Lengthen Gonopteryx In order to lengthen Goodbye . Will lengthen Gooddeed Will not lengthen Goodeven Do not lengthen Goodfaced Lent Goodfellow Has (have) lent Goodfolk . Has (have) not lent Goodhumour We have lent to Goodliest . How much have you knt to Goodluck . Less Less than was expected Less than Not less than Not to pay less than per cent. The mine has never paid less than per cent. The profits this half-year will be less on account of The expenses in future will be less The cost of will be less than at first estimated The mines must be worked at less cost, otherwise Less 5 per cent [there will be no profits Less 10 per cent. Less per cent. Will take less Will not take less (than) The amount of ore hauled has been less for the Less will not do [ because of Would, I feel sure, take a less price for the mine, Can do with less [if the offer was firm How much less The amount of ore in sight is much less than Will be less an account of [estimated Think will be less Less for the past week Less for the past month Less for the next week Less for the next month No less will be taken Less than was estimated Proved to be less aessee(s) The previous lessee Gopher . The present lessee(s) of the mine is (are) 13,782 Goodnature 13,783 Goodness . 13,784 Goodnight 13,785 Goodnow . 13,786 Goodsense 13,787 Goodsshed 13,788 Goodstrain 13-789 Goodstruck 13,79 Goodswagon 13,79! Goodwill . 13,792 Goodwoman 13,793 Goodyera . 13,794 Goodygood 13,795 Goodyship 13,796 Goosander 13,797 Goose . . 13,798 Gooseberry 13,799 Goosecap . 13,800 Goosecorn 13,801 Gooseflesh 13,802 Goosefoot . 13,803 Goosegrass 13,804 Gooseherd Gooseneck 13*806 Goosepie . 13,807 Goosequill 13,808 Goosery . 13,809 Gooseskin 13,810 Goosestep i3.8n Goosetansy ] 13,812 Goosewing LES 279 No. Code Word. Lessee(s) (continued} 13,814 Gopherwood The present lessee(s) of the mine state(s) that I3,8l5 Goracco . Can you ascertain from the lessee(s) I3,8l6 Gorbelly . The present lessee(s) of the mine has (have) been I3,8l7 Gorcrow . Lessen [making a profit 13,818 Gordiacea (To) lessen the expenses 13,819 Gordian . (To) lessen the cost of 13,820 Gorebill . Lesser 13,821 Gorfly . . In a lesser degree 13,822 Gorgeous . On a lesser capital 13,823 Gorgeously Let 13,824 Gorgonean Let it (them) 13,825 Gorgonized Let it (them) alone 13,826 Gormagon Let me (us) 13,827 Gormandize Let me (us) have 13,828 Goshawk . Let me (us) know 13,829 Gospel . . Let him know 13,830 Gospelize . Let it remain 13,831 Gospellary Let it stand (in) 13,832 Gossamery Do not let know 13,833 Gossip . . T f^t- 1r*-**-x^TT JLjCL K.I1UW 13,834 Gossiping . Do not let the 13,835 Gossipred . Do not let anything keep you from 13,836 Gossoon . Will let you 13,837 Gossypium Will you let us 13,838 Gothamist . If you let 13,839 Gothic . . If we let 13,840 Gothical . Cannot let the 13,841 Gothicism Can you let us have 13,842 Gothicized Have let the 13,843 Gougebit . Letter(s). (See Registered, and Table at end.) 13,844 Gougeslip . Letter is on the way about 13,845 Goura . . Letter received about 13,846 Gourdtrees Letter sent relating to 13,847 Gourdworm Letter sent explaining 13,848 Gourdy . Letter will give you all particulars about (the) * 3' 8 49 Gourmand Did not get your letter 13,850 Goutily Did not get your letter in time 13,851 Goutwort . Your letter received ; will answer as soon as possible 13,852 Govern Letter missing 13,853 Governable Letter of advice 13-854 Governess Letter of guarantee 13,855 Governing Letter of introduction 13,856 Government Please address your letter(s) to 13,857 Governor . Please address, till further notice, my letters to 13^858 Gowdnook Please send letter of introduction to 13,859 Gownpiece T-TrTr^k irx-vii --/-k^^v^ *rrt^l *-*-ITT /,~nff\ 1^4-4-^k-*. *-\F ^n' te .nave you received, my ^oury letier 01 oa 13,860 Gownsman Have not received your letter of 13,861 Graafian . Have not received the letter referred to 13,862 Grabgame . I (we) have received your letter dated 13,863 Gracecups If you have received letter from 280 LET No. CodeWord. Letter(s) (continued) 13.864 Graceful . Have you received a letter from 13.865 Gracenote If you have not received my (our) letter of 33.866 Gradient . Has (have) received a letter from 33.867 Gracility . Has (have) not received a letter from 13.868 Graciously No letter to hand yet [about 13.869 Gracy . . I am (we are) anxiously expecting letters from you 13.870 Gradations My (our) last letter to you was dated 13.871 Gradatory . Letter of credit 1-3,872 Gradient . Letter(s) now in the post for you to care of 13.873 Gradually . My (our) letter of was registered (and contained) 13.874 Graduating Since my (our) last letter 13.875 Gradus. . Letter containing full instructions 13.876 Graffages . Mail arrived, and no letter from you 1 3*87 7 Grafter. . Letter forwarded by mistake to 13.878 Grain . . Letter(s) for you, was (were) posted (on) 13.879 Grainage . Your letter of gone astray ; if contents impor- tant, telegraph [contents important 13.880 Grainmill . Your usual letter not to hand; please telegraph if 13.881 Grainmoth Your letter dated to hand to-day 13.882 GrainstafT . Upon receipt of letter from 13.883 Gramashes Please refer to my (our) letter 13.884 Gramercy . Waiting for letter from before acting 13.885 Gramineal Referring to your letter of 13.886 Gramineous On referring to 's letter 13.887 Grammarian Wait for my letter of date 13.888 Grammatic Your letter of explaining about to hand ; I (we) consider it very satisfactory 13.889 Granaries . My (our) letter of explains everything 13.890 Granary . Your letter of explaining about to hand ; I (we) consider it very unsatisfactory 13.891 Grandaunt You do not explain in your letter 13.892 Grandchild Telegraph in answer to my (our) letter of the I3;893 Grandcross Tell us by letter 13,894 Grandduke Have given a letter of introduction to you, in favour of , who is (are) I (we) believe worthy of every confidence Have been obliged in some measure to give a letter of introduction to you in favour of ; be very cautious in your dealings Grandevity When was your letter posted Grandguard Referred to in your letter Grandific . Send letter of introduction Grandinous Letters waiting for you at Grandjuror Address letters to till after that to 13,895 Grandest 13,896 13^97 13,898 13,899 13,900 13,90* 13,902 13,903 13,906 Grandmamma Before receipt of your letter Grandness Letter sent to our agents Grandniece Inquire for letter(s) at Grandpiano As per your letter of Grandsire . As per our letter of Grandsons The enclosure referred to in my letter LET 281 No. Code Word. L Grandstand ietter(s) (continue^) ' 1 'U ^ ov\ /^1 /"iC-11 VjC* VAfA1*1*ja/3 ^ ^ ^*^ W*-*T 1/- 4- */*%- //^f \ -rr.-r* j. lie enclosure reieircu. LU in my icLicr ^ui j \vj omitted you will receive it by next mail 13,908 Granduncle Referred to in his (their) letter of *3,99 Grand vicar As per his (their) letter of *3,9* Granite . Level(s) Granitical . T"*V, ^ -| A 1*^JT- ~~* Z-r* fs^^t. i ne level is driven in icer 13,9*2 Granitoid . From the level mouth *3,9*3 Granted . Above the level of the sea *3,9*4 Granulary . The* mine*'"* T T*P ^itiirLtcrl fcot nnovc trie Icvd oi *3,9*5 Granulated Proposed level [the sea *3,9* 6 Grapeshot On the same level *3,9*7 Grapesugar Below this level *3,9* 8 Grapevines Near the level mouth *3,9*9 Grapewort Above the water level 13,920 Graphic . Below the water level *3,9 2 * Graphical . Down to the water level 13,922 Graphitoid Above this level a stope has been started *3>9 2 3 Grapholite The ft. level has been extended *3,9 2 4 Graphotype The level should be continued feet *3,9 2 5 Grappled . The lowest level 13,926 Grapsus . Next to the lowest level Graptopora /"\V\ 4-T- \ A- 1 /-*,- T X-vl Vyll lllC it* level 13,928 Grasp . . Above the ft. level *3,9 2 9 Graspable . To the ft. level *3,93 Grasping . The ft. level is in *3,93* Graspingly Tp .1 r. -i i 13,932 Graspless . From the ft. level to ft. level *3,933 Grassant . On the No. level *3,934 Grassblade A Vvy-VTTQ, 4-V A "VTr% 1 -r\T^k1 ti-L/UVC C11C J. \ v/ 1CVC1 *3,935 Grasscloth To the No. level *3,93 6 Grassfinch The No. level is in *3,937 Grassgrown T7f^w- 4-V*A XTy-k I^Tr^l *3,93 8 Grassland . T? jl XT 1 1 A- J.T- XT . l^trckl i lOITl tllG IN O. "" ICVCi tO LilC IN O iwvci *3,939 Grassmoth To drive a level (levels) *3,94 Grassoil . From the surface to the level *3-94* Grassplot . Driving a level 13,942 Grasspoly . Driving levels *3,943 Grassquit . Driving north level 13,944 Grasstree . Driving south level 13,945 Grass vetch Driving levels north and south 13,946 Grassweek Driving levels east and west *3,947 Grasswidow The levels, both north and south *3,94 8 Grasswrack The levels, both east and west *3,949 Grassy . . The distances between the levels *3,95 Gratefully . North level *3,95* Gratelupia South level 13,952 Gratified . East level 13.953 Gratify . . West level Gratifying . No. level *3',955 Gratiola . Have driven level (s) 232 LEV No. Code Word. Level(s) (continued} 13,956 Gratis . . Are you driving level (s) 13,957 Gratitude . Have you driven level(s) 13,958 Gratuitous Level should be driven 13,959 Gratuity . Levels should be driven north and south 13,960 Gratulant . Levels should be driven east and west I3,96l lT-mrnTV^on T /^r^1r. r 4- zx-* FA -? -T^/^4- VJrl ct V ctlllCIl J_jCVClb dL CVCiy --- 1CCL 13,962 Gravel . . How many feet have you driven level !3,963 Graveless . Level has been discontinued 13,964 Gravelly . Level does not show any promise of ore 13,965 Gravelpit . Level has been run through quartz 13,966 Gravelwalk Level has been run through granite 13,967 Gravemaker Level has been run through country-rock 13,968 Gravestone Level has been run through very hard ground 13,969 Graveyard Rate of progress in the level has been slow 13,970 Gravigrade We have made good progress with this level I 3,97 I Gravimeter Level has been advanced feet since 13,972 Gravitate . It is my intention to discontinue work in this level 13,973 Gravities . It is my intention to push on this level as quickly 13,974 CjrsLvitv Drive lovel^ nt ovorv feet 10, OOSSIDIG 13,975 Graybird . Drive level(s) to intercept 13,976 Grayfalcon Drive level (s) to make connection with 13,977 Grayflies . Drive level (s) as quickly as possible 13,978 Grayfly . There is little change to report in this level 13,979 Grayish . There is not any improvement to report in this level 13,980 Grayle . . The appearance of the ore-body in this level 13,981 Graylings . The appearance of the ore-body in this level is improving [so good 13,982 Graymalkin The appearance of the ore-body in this level is not 13,983 Graymare . The ore-body in this level is somewhat larger 13,984 Graymillet The ore-body in this level is somewhat larger and well denned [its contents are valueless 13,985 Grayowl . The ore-body in this level is somewhat larger, but 13,986 Graypease Have struck a large ore-body in the level 13,987 Gray wacke Have struck a large ore-body in the level ; ore 13,988 Grazierly . Expect this level will strike [assayed 13,989 (~* 1*01 T*ta r\"V TPTTir k rt* f'Tii'"' IrMT^I ivill '^i'r'ilrr* in f^iv^ vJlCdbCUL/A. JlfXiJcCL Llllb ICVcl Will oLilKC U.ctVo I 3,99 C^ Tr*i TT^nr'lr TFvr~Yr v .r i 't' f'Tii'"' IP^T*! Tvill T/^or*!^ flir* in nnniif" \jL CdocCUCJv .CjXIJCOU Llllo ICVCl Will ICdL-ll LI 1C 111 dUUUL I 3,99 I Greatborn When do you expect level will reach (or strike) I 3,99 2 Greatcoats How far have you driven level in the direction of J 3,993 Greatest . How many feet have the following levels been driven T 3,994 Greatly . Level has again entered a body of 13,995 Grecianize The level is now feet from the boundary line Grecism . Levelling 13,997 Grecized . Levelling over 13,998 Grecizing . By levelling it was found to be 13,999 Greedy . Levied 14,000 t~* -*ns\A *rs>ii4- "CTo r /V\riTr^\ I^TriCk/-! VJlCCCly iiUL Xxdb ilJdVCy 1CV1CL1 14,001 Greenback Has (have) levied 14,002 Green bird . Has (have) not levied 14,003 Greenbone Not yet levied LEV 283 No. 14,004 14,005 14,006 14,007 14,008 14,009 14,010 14,011 14,012 14,013 14,014 Code Word. Levied (continued} Greenbrier The government have levied a tax upon Greenbroom The taxes are levied upon the income Greencloth The taxes are levied upon the rateable value Greencrop Upon which the taxes are levied Greenebony Income tax levied Greeneyed Levy Greenfinch Levy a tax of Greengage Greenheart Greenhouse Greenish . Do (does) Will levy upon intend to levy Will not levy Intend(s) next month to levy Greenlaver Liability (Liabilities) Incurring heavy liabilities We shall thus incur a liability of No liability What is (are) the liability(ies) The liability (ies) is (are) heavy The liability(ies) is (are) slight No further liability Liability(ies) probably about Cannot accept the liability Will you accept the liability Repudiate(s) the liability Incur no further liability Cannot undertake any further liability No liability can be incurred No further liability will be incurred The liabilities incurred amount to A Limited Liability Company Failed with liabilities amounting to Diminish the liability to Increase the liability to The liabilities have been lessened to The liabilities are so heavy Admit any liability for Liable Is (are) liable (for) Is (are) not liable (for) Will be liable to Will not be liable to Liable to cave in at any moment Liberal(ly) Is offered on very liberal terms Has (have) behaved in a very liberal manner Has (have) not behaved in a liberal manner Most liberal terms Anything but liberal A very liberal offer (Has been) treated very liberally Liberty 14,016 Greenshank 14,017 Greensnake 14,018 Greenstall . 14,019 Greensward 14,020 Greentea . 14,021 Greenwax . 14,022 Greenwood 14,023 Greetings . 14,024 Gregarian . 14,025 Gremial . 14,026 Grenadiers 14,027 Grenadillo 14,028 Grenatite . 14,029 Gressorial . 14,030 Grewia . . 14,031 Greybeards 14,032 Greyhound 14,033 Greylag . 14,034 Gridelin . 14,035 Gridirons . 14,036 Griefshot . 14,037 Griego . . 14,038 Grievable . 14,039 Grievances 14,040 Grieved . 14,041 Grievingly. 14,042 Grievous . 14,043 Grievously 14,044 Griffin . . 14, 45 Griffinism . 14,046 Grillroom . 14,047 Grilse . . 14,048 Grimaced . 14,049 Grimacing. 14,050 Grimalkins 14,051 Grimily 14,052 Griminess . 14,053 Grindery . 284 LIB No. 14,054 14,055 14,056 14,057 14,058 14,059 14,060 14,061 14,062 14,063 14,064 14,065 14,066 14,067 14,068 14,069 14,070 14,071 14,072 14,073 14,074 14,075 14,076 14,077 14,078 14,079 14,080 14,081 14,082 14,083 14,084 14,085 14,086 14,087 14,088 14,089 14,090 14,091 14,092 14,093 14,094 14,095 14,096 14,097 14,098 14,099 14,100 14,101 14,102 Code Word. Grindlet Grindstone Gripepenny Gripesegg . Gripleness. Liberty (continued) Have perfect liberty to Must have liberty to Liberty to act as think (s) proper Are we at liberty to You are at liberty to Grisamber. License(s) Griskin. . Prospecting license(s) Gristmill . Diggers' license(s) Gritrock . Paying licenses on Groanful . Licenses are issued Grobman . Have received license to Groceries . Licenses have been paid Grocery . Licenses are in arrears Grogginess Pay licenses at once Groggy. . Take out licenses Grogram . Licenses quote wrong numbers Grogshop . Licenses have been amended Groomlet . Cannot get licenses amended Grooving . Licenses granted Groroilite . Lie(s) Grossfed . Report is a tissue of lies Grossular . The statement is a lie Grotesque. The mine(s) lie(s) Grotto . . The lode(s) lie(s) Grottowork The strata lie Groundash Lies in Groundbait Lie(s) under Groundedly Lie(s) over Groundform Lie(s) at the side Groundgame Lie(s) on either side Groundhold Lie(s) over against Groundivy Lie(s) conformably to Groundlaw How do they (does it) lie Groundless Lien Groundling Have (has) a lien upon Groundnut Have (has) no lien upon Groundoaks Has he (have they) a lien upon Groundpigs Retaining a lien upon Groundplum A lien to the amount of Groundrent Free from any lien whatever Groundroom No further lien upon Groundrope Lighter Groundsill The work is much lighter on account of Groundtier The work is now lighter as we are Groundwork Lighterage Grouped . Lighterage incurred upon Grouping . Charges for lighterage Grouty . . Like Groveller . If you like Grovelling. Would like to have LIE 285 No. Code Word. Like (continued) 14.104 Growth . Is (are) like 14.105 Growthead Is (are) not like 14.106 Grubaxe . What would you like 14.107 Grubworm We do not like 14.108 Grudged . Likely 14.109 Grudgeful . (It) is very likely (to) 14.110 Grudgekin. (It) is not likely (to) 14.111 Grudgingly Is it likely (that) 14.112 Grudgings. Is there likely to be 14.113 Grudgment Would be likely to 14.114 Gruesome. If were likely to 14.115 Gruffish . Would most likely accept if it were offered to him 14.116 Gruffly. . Likely to occur 14.117 Grugeons . Would most likely open up ore bodies 14.118 Grugru. . Limestone 14.119 Grumblers Magnesian limestone 14.120 Grumpily. Hard blue limestone 14.121 Grunts. . In the limestone 14.122 Gryde ... In carboniferous limestone 14.123 Gryfon. . Consists of limestone 14.124 Gryllidae . Argillaceous limestone 14.125 Gryphaea . Limit(s) 14.126 Gryphosis . Reduce limits 14.127 Grysboc . Increase limits 14.128 Guaranteed All limits removed 14.129 Guarantors All limits removed, but act with great caution 14.130 Guaranty. Cannot get on at the limit 14.131 Guarapo . Could not act on account of your limit 14.132 Guardable. Limit too high 14.133 Guardage . Limit too low 14.134 Guardboat At or about the limit of 14.135 Guarded . I (we) cannot increase my (our) limits 14.136 Guardedly. Beyond my (our) limit(s) 14.137 Guardful . Is this beyond your limits 14.138 Guardfully My limit is 14.139 Guardian . Within the prescribed limits 14.140 Guardirons Not to exceed my (our) last limits 14.141 Guardless . At the extreme limits of 14.142 Guardroom May we increase limits 14.143 Guardship. May we reduce limits 14.144 Guardsman Can do nothing at present limits 14.145 Guavajelly Do not limit you with regard to 14.146 Guaza . . Limited (to) 14.147 Guazuma . The mines are too limited in extent 14 148 Guelphic . Limited liability 14.149 Guerillist . Of limited capacity 14.150 Guesser . The output has been limited 14.151 Guessingly Must be limited to 14.152 Guesswork My (our) liability must be limited to 14.153 Guest . . Limited demand 286 LIM No. Code Wovd. Limited (continued) Too limited Within the limited time In the limited space Space is very limited We are limited by Not limited with regard to The length must be limited (to) The workings are too limited in extent On a very limited scale Lne(s) Up to the boundary line On the line Beyond the line The line of cleavage The line of demarcation Within the line (of) Through one side line Through one end line The line extends to Define side and end lines on plan Lode passes through side line Lode passes through end line Does the lode pass through or cut side or end line The line follows In a straight line towards A straight line from to The boundary line(s) of the claim The line shown on plan (marked) Our line of action The plan shows the line (of) The line beyond which it is not prudent to go The lines laid down (by) The side lines The end lines Through both lines The side and end lines Liquidated Being officially liquidated Being voluntarily liquidated Liquidation The company is in liquidation Will be put in liquidation To put into liquidation Endeavour to avoid liquidation Cannot avoid liquidation Liquidation will now be avoided Has (have) filed a petition of liquidation Resolved upon voluntary liquidation (In) liquidation for purposes of reconstruction Has application been made for liquidation (for) 14,154 Guestrope . 14,155 Guesttaker 14,156 Guestwise . 14,157 Guffaw. . 14,158 Guffawing . 14,159 Guianabark 14,160 Guibas . . 14,161 Guidance . 14,162 Guide . . 14,163 Guidebcir . ! 14,164 Guideblock 14,165 Guidebooks 14,166 Guidepost. 14,167 Guiclerail . 14,168 Guidetubes 14,169 Guidonian 14,170 Guildhall . 14,171 Guildrent . 14,172 Guildry i 14,173 Guileful . 14,174 Guillevat . 14,175 Guillotine . 14,176 Guiltilike . 14,177 Guiltily . 14,178 Guiltiness . 14,179 Guiltsick . 14,180 Guineacorn 14,181 Guineafowl 14,182 Guineahen 14,183 Guineapig . 14,184 Guineaplum 14,185 Guineas . 14,186 Guitar . . 14,187 Gulaund . 14,188 Gulfstream 14,189 Gulielma . 14,190 Gullible . : 14,191 Gullygut . 14,192 Gullyhole . 14,193 Gulosity . ! 14,194 Gulped . 14 195 Gulping . 14,196 Gumanimal 14,197 Gumarabic 14,198 Gumboils . 14,199 Gumcistus 14,200 Gumdragon 14,201 Gumelastic 14,202 Gumelemi . 14,203 Gumjuniper LIQ 287 14,204 14,205 14,206 14,207 14,208 14,209 14,210 14,211 14,212 14,213 14,214 14,215 14,216 14,217 14,218 14,219 14,220 14,221 14,222 14,223 14,224 14,225 14,226 14,227 14,228 14,229 14,230 14,231 14,232 14,233 14,234 *4,235 14,236 14,237 14,238 14,239 14,240 14 241 14,242 14,243 14,244 14,245 14,246 14,247 14,248 14,249 14,250 14,251 14,252 14,253 Code Word. Liquidation (continued} Gumlac . No application has been made for liquidation (for) Gumminess Going into liquidation Gumption . Will have to go into liquidation Gumrash . May have to go into liquidation Gumresin . Liquidator Gumsenegal Who is the liquidator Gumstick . The liquidator is Gumtrees . The official liquidator Gumwater. Little Gunbarrel . Very little Will be very little Too little Too little to be of any use Of very little use Load(s) Loads of 1 6 cubic feet Loads of cubic feet To load Loads on the floors Not to load Must not load with too much capital Will load it with Can you load How many car-loads Freighted car-loads Car-loads of Freight per load We have now ready to load Loaded Has (have) loaded it too heavily Has (have) loaded Has (have) not loaded Has (have) loaded Guncotton Gun decks . Gundelet , Gunfire Gunflint , Gunlocks . Gunmetal . Gunnel. . Gunport . Gunpowder Gunreach . Gunroom . Gunshots . Gunsmith . Gunstone . Guntackle . Gunwadding Gurgle . . Gurhofite , Gustable , Gustation , Gustatory Gustful . , Gustless Guttatrap Guttering Guttifers , Gutturally Gutturized Gwyniad If not too heavily loaded Has been too heavily loaded Loaded up Loaded with Heavily loaded (with) Loaded on board Loaded in the cars GymnasiumLoading Gymnast . Loading up with Gymnastics Have commenced loading Gymnic . Have finished loading Gymnical . Loading instructions Gymnodont The loading is progressing Gymnogen Now loading for Gymnosophy Expect to finish loading GymnospermLoan Gymnotidae Is (are) trying to raise a loan 288 LOA No. Code Word. Loan (continued) 14.254 Gymnotus. Can you raise a loan 14.255 Gymnura . Cannot raise a loan 14.256 Gynandria Want a loan of 14.257 Gynandrous A loan of has been 14.258 Gynarchy . (To) raise a loan on terms to be arranged 14.259 Gyneceum Can you obtain a loan on the terms named 14.260 Gyneocracy Obtain loan from company's bankers 14.261 Gynethusia Do not think it prudent to ask for a loan 14.262 Gypaetus . Negotiating a loan 14.263 Gypseous . Loan against satisfactory security 14.264 Gypsology. Will not loan more than 14.265 Gypsoplast Locality 14.266 Gypsum . I visited other mines in the locality to help me to 14.267 Gypsyhat . In the same locality [form an opinion 14.268 Gypsyism . In the locality of 14.269 Gypsywort The locality of the property 14.270 Gyration . Full particulars as to the locality of the mine or 14.271 Gyrational The locality is very healthy [property 14.272 Gyratory The locality is unhealthy 14.273 Gyreful . The mine is situated in a very healthy locality 14.274 Gyrfalcon . (To) choose a suitable locality 14.275 Gyrinidae . The locality is very suitable for the purpose 14.276 Gyrocarpus The locality is excellent; there is plenty of wood 14.277 Gyrogonite The locality referred to [and water 14.278 Gyroidal . Localize 14.279 Gyrolepis . To localize 14.280 Gyroma . (To) enable you to localize 14.281 Gyromancy So that we may localize 14.282 Gyrophora The localization of 14.283 Gyroscope Locate 14.284 Gyrostat To locate the claim 14.285 Gyved. . Will locate 14.286 Gyving. . Will locate 14.287 Haarkies . Will not locate 14.288 Habenaria Should be located 14.289 Habendum Have located 14.290 Habenry . Lock-out 14.291 Haberdash Lock-out is expected 14.292 Haberdine Lock-out is not expected to last long 14.293 Habergeon Think we must have a lock-out 14.294 Habilatory Lock-out has begun 14.295 Habilitate. Lock-out has ended 14.296 Habitance Prospect of a lock-out 14.297 Habitation Have been locked out 14.298 Habitmaker Lock(ed) up 14.299 Habits . . A lock-up of the capital 14.300 Habitshirt. The amount of capital locked up 14.301 Habitually Amount locked up in 14.302 Habituated So much has been locked up 14.303 Habitudes. Too much locked up LOG 289 No. 14,304 14,305 14,306 14,307 14,308 14,309 14,310 14,311 14,312 14,313 14,314 14,315 I4,3l6 14,317 Code Word. Lock(ed) up (continued) Habranthus Has been locked up Habrocoma Lode Habromania Outcrop of the lode Habroneme A well-defined lode The lode runs north and south The lode runs east and west The lode runs east of north The lode runs west of north Habzelia . Hachure . Hackery . Hacklog . Hackmatack Hackneyed The lode runs between walls of The lode runs Hackneyman Average width of lode is feet Hackster . Average assays from the lode give Hackwatch The lode carries gold in paying quantities Haddock . The lode does not carry gold in paying quantities Haecceity . Prospecting for a long time in same lode Lode opening up well Lode is getting narrower Lode is getting wider The lode has been located by different persons An adit driven feet has cut the lode The lode has been proved to a depth of feet An inclined shaft has been sunk on the lode The metal-bearing part of the lode lies against the A continuation of the same lode [hanging wall The metal-bearing part of the lode lies against the The lode is dipping [foot-wall The only development is an adit driven in The lode contains [feet on the lode A compact, well-defined lode between walls of How far does the lode extend The lode extends The lode extends (or extending) eastward The lode extends (or extending) westward The lode extends (or extending) northward The lode extends (or extending) southward The lode can be traced In direct extension of the lode Parallel to the lode 14319 Haemagogue 14,320 Haemal . 14,321 Haemalopia 14,322 Haematinic 14,323 Haematodes 14,324 Haematoid 14,325 Haematopus 14,326 Haematozoa 14,327 Haemoptoe 14,328 Haemulon 14,329 Hagada . 14,330 Hagberries 14,331 Hagberry . 14,332 Hagbut . 14,333 Haggard . 14,334 Haggardly *4,335 Haggis . . H,336 Haggled . 14,337 Haggling . 14,338 Hagiarchy 14,339 Hagiocracy 14,34 Hagiology Hagioscope 14,342 Hagridden 14,343 Haiduck . 14,344 Hailed . . 14,345 Hailfellow. Hailmixed 14,347 Hailshot . Hailstones 14,349 Hailstorm . 14,35 Haimura . T 4,35 I Hairbell . i435 2 Hairbroom 14,353 Hairbrush . lode Contiguous to the lode In conjunction with the Intend to follow the lode The lode appears to be lost The lode is split up The full breadth of the lode A branch of the main lode At the junction of the lodes The lode is barren The lode is very rich A very rich lode Lode not well denned u 290 LOD No. 14,354 14,355 14,356 14,357 14,358 14,359 14,360 14,362 14,363 14,364 14,365 14,366 14,367 14,368 14,369 14,372 14,373 14,374 14,375 14,376 14,377 14,378 14,379 I4,38o I4,38l 14,382 14,383 14,384 14,385 14,386 14,387 14,388 14,389 14,39 14,391 14,393 14,394 14,395 14,397 14,398 14,399 14,400 14,401 14,402 14 43 Code Word. Lode (continued) Hairdye . Has (have) struck the lode Hairglove . Struck another lode Hairhung . The lode has pinched out Hairlichen The lode is pinching out Hairlike . The lode is looking promising Hairneedle The lode gets poorer as we go Hairnets . Plenty of ore to be got from this lode Hairoil . . We think this lode will yield an ore-body of con- Hairpencil The lode, so far, has yielded [siderable value Hairpins . The lode, so far, has not yielded Hairpowder The surface indications of the lode Hairsalt . The lode, in the upper level(s) Hairshaped The lode, in the lower level(s) Hairshirt . Prospected on the lode Hairsieve . The lode has been worked by Hairspace . Log(s) Hairspring The buildings are made of rough logs Hairworker A log building Hairworms Long Hakesdame For a long time The mines are situated a long distance from How long will it take to go to and examine How long [the mine(s) How long will it be How long will it (they) take It (they) will not take long It is (they are) too long It is (they are) not long enough Haladroma Halation . Halberd . Halberdier Halcyon . Halcyonian Halcyornis Haldanite . Halecret . Halfbatta . Halfblood. Halfbred . Halfcaste . Halfcheek. Halfcocked Halffaced . Halfheader Halfhourly Halfkirtle . Halflap. . Halflength Halfmerlon Halfmoon . Halfpike . Halfport . Halfpress . Halfshift . Halfsister . Halfsword Halftimber There is not long enough time to Cannot give as long as wish(es) How long will give You must not be long The mines have not been worked for a long time Some long time ago For a long distance Before long We hope before long to As long as As long as you can As long as we can How long can you How long is (are) How long will last How long is it since If you are too long about it Longer Cannot give longer time Cannot remain longer Not much longer A little longer LON 291 No. 14,404 14,406 14,407 14,408 14,409 14,410 14,411 14,412 14,413 14,414 14,416 14,417 14,418 14,419 14,420 14,421 14,422 14,423 14,424 14,425 14.426 14,427 14,428 14,429 14,43! 14,432- 14,433 14,434 14,435 14,436 14,437 14,438 14,439 14,440 14,441 14,442 14,444 14,446 14,447 14,448 14,449 14,45 14,452 14,453 Code Word. Longer (continued) Halftongue Not any longer Do not be longer than How much longer shall you Shall not remain much longer [the inspection Will take longer than I (we) expected to make I (we) hope to be in by the , but may be Halftruth Halfway . Halfwitted Halfyear . Halfyearly Halicore . Halidom . Halieutics . Halimass . Haliotidae Haliotoid . Halituous . Halldinner Hallelujah Halllamp . Hallo wfair Longer than necessary Longer than was expected Longer than A little longer than Must have longer If it is longer, it will not pass We must have a little longer time About a week longer About - days longer About - - weeks loner [a day or two longer About a month longer Hallowmas Longest Hallowtide The longest (of the) Hallux . . At the longest Halmalille The longest piece must not exceed Halmaturus Look(s) Halmote . How does it look Halogenous Look(s) encouraging Looks like a failure Looks better than expected Looks very favourable Look out for Will look out for Look into the matter immediately Look after Look into in length Haloid . Halophytes Halorageae Haloscope Halosel . Halsening . Halterman Haltersack Halteth . Halticidae Halvanner Hal vans . Halvenet . Halyard . Halysites . Hamcurer . Hamiform . Hamiltonia Hamitic . Hamlets . Hammer . Hammerable Look into the matter the first opportunity Have had to look into Have not had time to look into the matter Look to Look up Telegraph when you can look to Am very pleased with the look of the mine Am very disappointed with the look of the mine You must not look for Look for an increase in Look for a decease in Look for increased monthly runs Look for decreased monthly runs If you look for Hammeraxes We certainly look for Hammerbeam The shareholders look for Hammernsh We look to you for Hammering Must look to him (them) for 292 LOO No. 14,454 14,455 i4,45 6 14,457 14,458 14,459 14,460 14,461 14,462 I 4A^>3 14,464 14,465 14,466 14,467 14,468 14,469 14,470 14,471 14,472 14,473 14,474 14,475 14,476 14,477 14,478 14,479 14,480 14,481 14,482 14,483 14,484 14,485 14,486 14,487 14,488 14,489 14,490 14,491 14,492 14,493 14,494 Code Word. Look(s) (continued} Hammerman Look to me (us) for Hampered Looked 14,496 14,497 14,498 14,499 14,500 Hamshackle Hamstring Hamulus < Hanaper . Hanchinol Handball . Handbarrow Handbasket Handblows Handbook Handbrace Handcloth Handcuff . Handdrop Handfast . Handfastly Handfetter Handflower Handfooted Handgallop Handglass Handgripe Handgrith I have looked though I have looked through - The mine looked well [he is right in every respect 's report on the mine; 's report; his statements [are wrong The mine looked very bad Looked promising Looking Looking bad Looking well Looking worse Looking better Looking first-rate Not looking so well Is looking the same Where the vein is looking Is (are) looking ahead Has (have) not been looking ahead, and consequently Looking well after Looking out for This will require looking after at once Is (are) looking out (for) I am (we are) looking after it (them) How is the vein looking How is the looking 14,502 Handgun . Lose Handicap . Will be likely to lose Handicraft Will probably lose all that has been put into it Handiest . How much will lose by Handinhand Do(es) not lose Handiworks Do not lose any time in Handjar . Shall lose Handleable Shall not lose Handling . Do not lose sight of Handmaiden Lose(s) sight of Handmaking They lose at present Handmallet They lose per cent, of the gold from not being Handmills May lose by it [able to work the sulphurets Handorgan Will lose by it Hand plant Do not Ipse any chance of Handpress If we lose Handpump If you lose Handsaws . Not likely to lose Handscrew Lose more than Handshoes If you now lose the chance you may not have Handsmooth (To) lose the chance of [another Handsome How much shall we lose Handsomely Not lose any time in making the necessary arrange- Handspike Not lose so much [ments Handstaff . Lose too much LOS 293 No. Code Word. Lose (continued] 14,504 Handstaves Lose at present 14,505 Handstroke Lose by the present method 14,506 Handtight Loser(s) 14,507 Handtimber Will be the loser (s) 14,508 Handvice . Will not be any loser(s) by 14,509 Handweapon I (we) shall be the loser(s) 14,510 Hand winged Loser (s) by this transaction 14,511 Handwrite Losing [working TT J A 1 " rf-v* *-kVk4- f\f fV*o - through bad I4?5*2 xianay . . Are losing per cent, ui LUC T i p* T -t "PTnnrltfVnlltr A vr* IrvM'nrr T^PT r*PTTl~ OT 1~nf-* I 4) SI- X _LittIlU.y UJLily -tVl C JlvJ oil-led lr ^Cllt vA Lilt 14,514 Handyblow We are losing 14,515 Handydandy We are not losing 14,516 Handyfight Are we losing 14,517 Hangbies . We are losing weekly 14,518 Hangdog. We are losing monthly 14,519 Hanged . Losing per cent, of the ore in the tailings "rr .-. r.^*-* T " -w-x/-v* ^*~wt-\+- s\f fV*k *~r/"k1 f\ f\-nr\ i4o2Q jnangerson juosmg percent. 01 me goiu. dnu. 14,521 Hangings . Losing more than [of the silver 14,522 Hangman. Losing in the concentrates 14,523 Hangnest . Now losing at the rate of 14,524 Hankering Losing by the present system 14,525 Hanselines Losing by the new system 14,526 HansomcabLoss(es) 14,527 Hapalidae Loss of 14,528 Hapharlot What is the estimated loss 14,529 Haphazard Cannot estimate the loss 14,530 Hapless . Do not think there will be any loss T i c ^ T TTonnpnincr frTPit lo^ of 1~hron rv H imDGrfGCt working JtA^K^sX JL JLdU UC111 11^ vTICdt JLUoo \JL LliAVJU.^i-1 llli^t-l It^xi* 14,532 Happiest. Detained here by loss of luggage "U/-tvr^--. *r>e~* T^l-* f*i*s\ Vk f\ r. "K^^-^% r\ ly-\r^n y-v-f /1oi7C S\ wing to 14,533 -TTappincss i nere nas ueen a loss 01 u.cij'o u 14,534 Harangue . Through the loss of I 4,535 Haranguing Estimate the loss of 14,536 Harass. . Loss of time 1 4,5 3 7 Harassing. A total loss of 14,538 Harassment To prevent any loss 14,539 Harbinger Loss will be about 14,540 Harbour . Has (have) incurred severe loss 14,541 Harbourage Has (have) sustained loss of 14,542 Harbourlog At a loss of 14,543 Hardbake The loss will be great 14,544 Hardbilled The loss will be small 14,545 Hardbound The loss is heavy 1 4 ,,546 Hardearned The loss is trifling 14,547 Hardens . Loss by depreciation of 14,548 Hardfern . Loss by depreciation of silver [4,549 Hardfisted The loss caused by [4,550 Hardfought The average loss [4,551 Hardgot . The loss in tailings [4,552 Hardgotten The loss in working 1 4,5 5 3 Hardhanded The loss is greatest in 394 LOS No. 14,554 14,555 i^SS 6 14,557 14,558 T4,559 14,560 i4,5 61 i4,5 62 U,5 6 3 U,5 6 4 i4,5 6 5 14,566 U,5 6 7 14,568 14,569 i4,57 i4,57 2 14,573 14,574 14,575 Code Word. Loss(es) (continued} Hardhead . The loss is least in Hardihood Assays from show a loss of Hardruled Show a loss of Hardtack . Loss of life Hardware . Loss of life and property Hardyshrew How is it there is so much loss in Harebrain Will have to stand the loss Harehounds The loss will be counterbalanced by Harelipped Hope still to come out without loss Haremint . The loss per cent. Harepipe . The loss per ton Haresear . In estimating the loss Haresform Provided the loss does not exceed Harfang . The loss will not exceed Haricot . There is a heavy loss (in or on) Harlequins The loss of the ship conveying Harmaline The loss in weight Harmanbeck After such a heavy loss Harmattan The loss by the present system Harmfully The loss by Harmless . Loss for the quarter Harmonical Loss for the half-year Harmonious Will entail a loss of DSt Too much is lost in the tailings Lost in the working Per cent, is lost through thieving Is (are) lost Is (are) not lost Per cent, of the is lost The rest is lost Telegraph how much is (are) lost in Has (have) lost Has (have) not lost Has (have) been lost Have lost time through Lost by Will be lost Lost in the tailings Lost in concentrates Lost from want of Lost heavily (on) Must have been lost Could not have been lost We have lost during the past Lost in transit Much of this has been lost by Lost more than Lost nearly as much as 14,577 14,578 Harmonist jj Harmonized ost Tc 14,579 Harmony . Lo 14,580 Harmotome Pe Harnessed Is 14,582 Harnesstub Is 14,583 Harpax Pe 14,584 Harpoon . Tl 14,585 Harpoongun Te 14,586 Harpooning H 14,587 Harpseal . Hi 14,588 Harpsichon H; 14,589 Harpster . H; 14,59 Harpyeagle L< Harquebuse W 14,592 Harrateen L( 14,593 Harridan . L( 14,594 Harriers . L( 14,595 Harrower . Lc 14,596 Harshening M 14,597 Harshly . C( 14,598 Harshness W 14,599 Hartall . L( 14,600 Hartcrop . M 14,601 Hartroyal . L< 14,602 Hartshorn Lc 14,603 Haruspex . Lot LOT 295 No. 14,604 14,605 14,606 14,607 14,608 14,609 14,610 14,611 14,612 14,613 14,614 14*615 14,616 14,617 14,618 14,619 14,620 14,621 14,622 14,623 14,624 14,625 14,626 14,627 14,628 14,629 14,630 14*631 14,632 14,633 14,634 14,635 14,636 14,637 14,638 14,639 14,640 14,641 14,642 14,643 14,644 14,645 14,646 14,647 14,648 14,649 14,650 14,651 14,652 14,653 Code Word. Lot (continued) Haruspicy A lot of Harvest . Low. (See also Grade. ) Harvestbug Very low Low as you can The water is very low in Low price Of a very low grade How low will it go The stock is very low Lower I (we) think the 'will go lower I (we) think the will not go lower We must sink feet lower Will have to sink the lower Harvesters Harvestfly Harvestman Haschish . Hashedmeat Haspicoll . Hastated . Hastive . Hatband . Hatblocks Hatbox , Hatbrush . Hatchboat Hatcheller Hatchetine Hatchment Hatchways Hatchy . Hateful . Hatmould Hatracks . Hatred . . Hattemist . Hatteria . Hatworship Hauberk . Hauerite . Haughtiest Haughty . Haulse . . Haunched Haustellum Haustorium Haustus . Hautboy . Hautboyist Hautepace Hauteur . Hautgout . Hauyne . Havenage . Haverbread Havermeal Haversack Haversian Haverstraw Havoc . Must have lower terms At the lower level Cannot lower Cannot go lower without Can go lower As we go lower Think we must go lower (before) Lower than the level Will be lower this week Will be lower this month Will be lower next month Will not be lower (than) Lower for the next few weeks Lower for the next month or two A little lower If the price is not lower A lower temperature Must not be lower (than) Must be lower Lower than it has ever been Must have lower rates Quote lower rates The lower run is owing to Lower quotations Cannot quote lower than we have already done Owing to the lower Lowest On the lowest terms The lowest level Telegraph lowest price The lowest price 's lowest price is What is the lowest price What is the lowest sum you will take (for) Is the lowest price ; no reduction can be made The mine has been worked at the lowest cost 2* LOW No. Code Word. Lowest (continued) 14.654 Hawbucks The cost of working must be brought down to the 14.655 Hawcubite Is this the lowest you can [lowest figure 14.656 Hawfinch . Insured at lowest possible rate 14.657 Hawhaw . At the lowest possible estimate 14.658 Hawhawing Carried at lowest possible rate 14.659 Hawk . . The lowest possible cost 14.660 Hawkbit . The lowest point (reached) 14.661 Hawkeyed The lowest workings 14.662 Hawking . Luck 14.663 Hawkmoth Through a piece of luck 14.664 Hawknosed Lucky 14.665 Hawkowl . Has (have) been so lucky as to 14.666 Hawksbeard Has (have) not been lucky in 14.667 Hawksbill Lucrative 14.668 Hawkweed I feel sure it will be a lucrative venture 14.669 Hawsebag Not sufficiently lucrative 14.670 Hawseblock Has (have) been very lucrative 14.671 Hawsehoojc Has (have) never been lucrative 14.672 Hawsepiece Will it be sufficiently lucrative 14.673 Hawsepipe Luggage 14.674 Hawseplug As soon as my (our) luggage arrives 14.675 Hawserlaid Our luggage has not yet come to hand 14.676 Hawsewood Lumber 14.677 Hawthorns Waiting for lumber 14.678 Hayasthma Plenty of lumber 14.679 Haybird . Built of lumber 14.680 Haycock . The houses are built of lumber 14.681 Haydenite A scarcity of lumber 14.682 Hayfever . Lumber for the mill 14.683 Hayfield . Lumber for housing 14.684 Hayingtime Specification of lumber, length and size 14.685 Hayknife . Cost of lumber per 1000 superficial feet 14.686 Hayloft . Can get lumber from 14.687 Haymaids. Cannot get lumber nearer than 14.688 Haymaker Superficial feet of lumber 14.689 Haymow . Machine 14.690 Hayricks . Will make a trial of the machine 14.691 Haystalk . A very useful machine 14.692 Haytea . Machine not suitable for 14.693 Haytedder Machine such as we require 14.694 Hazardable Machinery 14.695 Hazardize . Machinery broke down ; had to stop hoisting 14.696 Hazardous Machinery broke down; had to stop pumping 14.697 Hazardry . The only machinery is 14.698 Hazelearth There is no machinery whatever at 14.699 Hazelly . What hoisting machinery is there at the mine 14.700 Hazelnut . Machinery (at ) complete in every way 14.701 Headbands What machinery will be required 14.702 Headblock Machinery received 14.703 Headcheese Have commenced erecting machinery MAC 297 No. Code Word. Machinery (continuec) 14,704 Headcourt 14,705 Headdress 14,706 Headfast . 14,707 Headgargle 14,708 Headgear . 14,709 Heading . 14,710 Headknot . 14,711 Headlights 14,712 Headlongly 14,713 Headlugged 14,714 Headmark 14,715 Headmaster 14,716 Headmoney 14,717 Headmost 14,718 Headpiece 14,719 Headrail . 14,720 Headranger 14,721 Headrope . 14,722 Headsea . 14,723 Headshake 14,724 Headsilver 14,725 Headspring 14,726 Headstall . 14,727 Headstrong 14,728 Headsword \ 14,729 Headwind 14,730 Headyard 14,731 Healable . 14,732 Healingbox 14,733 Healthful . 14,734 Healthier . 14,735 Healthless 14,736 Healthsome 14,737 Healthy . 14,738 Heapkeeper 14,739 Hearkener 14,740 Hearsay . 14,741 Hearselike 14,742 Heartache 14,743 Heartblood 14,744 Heartbreak 14,745 Heartburn 14,746 Heartfelt . 14,747 Heartfree . 14,748 Heartgrief 14,749 Heartheavy 14,750 Hearthrug 14,751 Heartily . 14,752 Heartleaf . 14,753 Heartlings I estimate it will cost to put up the necessary Machinery out of repair [machinery I estimate the value of the machinery at The machinery that will have to be erected is The machinery works badly The machinery will be up by The machinery has been sent The machinery cannot be sent out (until) The repairs to the machinery will take The best way to send the machinery Am (are) sending machinery What kind of machinery do you want Have not got the machinery to do it There is no machinery at all Have tested the machinery The machinery is in good condition The new machinery will cost The new machinery has cost The new machinery is working well The new machinery not yet arrived The new machinery not yet finished The machinery for the Put machinery into thorough repair Put the machinery into good working order Cade Made money over Made money out of Will have to have the made I am (we are) getting it (them) made Shall I (we) get it (them) made here Can be made here Cannot be made here When will it (they) be made When was it (were they) made It (they) will be made about Must be made immediately You had better have made If you can get it (them) made If it was (they were) made It was (they were) made If you cannot get it (them) made Could not be made out Made the best terms I could Can be made at Made by Made up to Cannot be made up Has (have) been made Has (have) not been made Trial made ; result satisfactory 2 9 8 MAD No. Code Word. Made (continued) 14.754 Heartquake Trial made ; result unsatisfactory 14.755 Heartsease Not made by 14.756 Heartsick . Made up of 14.757 Heartsore . Made too heavy 14.758 Heartwhole Made too light 14.759 Heartwood Will have to be made 14.760 Heartyhale If you have not made 14.761 Heatengine If he has (they have) made 14.762 Heathbell. Must be made in accordance with specification 14.763 Heathberry Made to drawing 14.764 Heathclad Made to specification 14.765 Heathcock Get it made at once 14.766 Heathen . Made in order to 14.767 Heathendom Must be made (up) not later than 14.768 Heathenish Magnitude 14.769 Heathenize The magnitude of the concern 14.770 Heathgame Of what magnitude is Heathgrass Of great magnitude Heathpea . Of no great magnitude Heathpoult Mail(s) Heavenborn Sending report by to-day's mail Heavenbred Sending report by to-morrow's mail Heavenly . Sending report by mail of Heavenward Report sent by mail of Heaviest . Will write by next mail Heaviness Will send full particulars by next mail Heavyarmed Wait for the mail of Heavyladen By the first mail Heavyspar By last mail Heavystone By last mail which left here on Hebdomad By next mail Hebdomadal By the next mail which leaves on Hebevase . No dependence can be placed on the mails Hebraic . Mail arrived too late for me (us) to Hebraical . Mail delayed through accident to Hebraicize Mail delayed owing to bad weather Hebraisms Leaving by mail steamer of for Hebraized Leaving by mail train (on) for 14.792 Hebraizing Write by next mail about 14.793 Hebrew . There is a weekly mail here from 14.794 Hebrewess There is a monthly mail here from 14.795 Hecatombs There is a fortnightly mail here from 14.796 Heckle . Not hearing from you by last mail 14.797 Heckling . Have sent you by the mail of 14.798 Hectastyle Have sent you the accounts for the year ending 14.799 Hectic . . We are sending by this mail [by mail of 14.800 Hectical . You will receive it by the mail of 14.801 Hectogram Letters, etc., sent by mail of lost; we send 14.802 Hectorian. Mail of lost in steamer [copies 14.803 Hectorly . Please send by first mail i4,77 2 14,773 14,774 14,775 14,776 14,777 14,778 H,779 14,780 14,781 14,782 14,783 14,784 14,785 14,786 14,787 14,788 14,789 14,790 MAI 299 No. Code Word. Mail(s) (continued} 14.804 Heddleeye Mail steamer broken down 14.805 Hedeoma . Mailed 14.806 Hedgeborn Was mailed in the 14.807 Hedgehogs If not already mailed, please send immediately 14.808 Hedgeknife Mailed in time for 14.809 Hedgenote Main 14.810 Hedgepig . Main drift 14.811 Hedgepress Main shaft 14.812 Hedgerhyme In the main drift 14.813 Hedgestake In the main shaft 14.814 Hedonics . The main shaft is down ft 14.815 Hedyphane The main tunnel 14.816 Hedysarum From the main shaft to 14.817 Heedfully . Main drift has been advanced 14.818 Heedily . Our main object is to 14.819 Heedlessly The main object in view 14.820 Heelknee . Make 14.821 Heelpost . Prepared to make over 14.822 Heeltap . Not prepared to make over 14.823 Heel tool . Willing to make 14.824 Hegelian . Not willing to make 14.825 Hegemonic Must make some alteration 14.826 Heifer . . Cannot make any alteration 14.827 Heighho . Do not make any alteration 14.828 Heightener Make a good run 14.829 Heinous . Make a better run 14.830 Heinously Make a better 14.831 Heirlooms Make (any) alteration (in) 14.832 Heirs . . Please make out and send at once 14.833 Heirship . Make arrangements to go to to examine 14.834 Hejalap . To make money [mine 14.835 Helamys . When can you mak 14.836 Helarctos . Can make 14.837 Helbeh . Can you make 14.838 Helicoidal Cannot make 14.839 Heliconian Cannot you make 14.840 Helicteres. If you cannot make 14.841 Helictis . Can make use of it 14.842 Heliograph Make the most of it 14.843 Heliolites . Make terms with 14.844 Heliometer Make the best of the matter 14.845 Heliostat . Make up the accounts 14.846 Heliotype . Do not know what to make of it 14.847 Hellanodic We think you ought to make 14.848 Hellbender Make a difference 14.849 Hellblack . Do not make it the same as you 14.850 Hellbrewed How much do you make it 14.851 Hellbroth . Making 14.852 Helldoomed Am (are) now making up the accounts 1 1,853 Helleborus Making no profits, only paying expenses 300 MAK No. Code Word. Making (continued] 14.854 Hellenic . Now making sufficient to 14.855 Hellfire . Not making enough to 14.856 Hellgates . Am (are) not making more than 14.857 Hellhag . Are you making 14.858 Hellhound Hope soon to be making 14.859 Hellish . Making good progress 14.860 Hellishly . Man 14.861 Hellkite . A man of no reputation 14.862 Hellward . Is a man notorious for writing exaggerated reports 14.863 Helmage . Must have a reliable man to 14.864 Helmets . Is a man who gets paid a commission only if his re-. 14.865 Helminth. A man of high standing [port sells the mine 14.866 Helminthic Manage 14.867 Reimport . Can you manage 14.868 Helmsman Can manage (to) 14.869 Helmwind Can manage (to) 14.870 Heloderma Cannot manage (to) 14.871 Helodus . If you can manage (to) 14.872 Helopidae' Has (have) not been able to manage (to) 14.873 Helotism . If you cannot manage (to) 14.874 Helotry . Very difficult to manage 14.875 Helpfellow Shall be able to manage (to) 14.876 Helpful . Has (have) not known how to manage the 14.877 Helping . Will you manage (to) 14.878 Helpless Has (have) been able to manage 14.879 Helplessly Will undertake to manage 14.880 Helpmeet . Managed 14.881 Helvella . Has been badly managed 14.882 Helvetic . Can be easily managed 14.883 Hemachate The property has been badly managed 14.884 Hemachrome The property has been well managed 14.885 Hemanthus It is a well-managed mine 14.886 Hemastatic If not well managed, heavy loss will result 14.887 Hematherm Must be better managed henceforth 14.888 Hematocele Managed it badly 14.889 Hematology Management 14.890 Hematosine Will take the management 1 4 ,,8 9 1 Hematuria Owing to bad management 14.892 Hemelytron Will you take the management 14.893 Hemerobian With proper management 14.894 Hemicarp. Will not take the management 14.895 Hemicrany Without proper management 14.896 Hemicycle Will take the management 14.897 Hemidactyl I (we) will leave the management of to 14.898 Hemidesmus It will be best to leave the management of to 14.899 Hemigamous Will require some little management 14.900 Hemiglyph To whom can you leave the management of 14.901 Hmihedron Will leave the management to 14.902 Hemiope . The sole management (01) [settled 14.903 Hemiopsy With careful management the affair may be easily MAN 301 No. Code Word. Management (continued) 14.904 Hemiplegia Management left to 14.905 Hemiplexy Change in the management 14.906 Hemipode The previous management 14.907 Hemipodius Your predecessor in the management 14.908 Hemiprism (Under) the present management 14.909 Hemipter . Manager (of) 14.910 Hemipteral Who is the manager of 14.911 Hemitropy To appoint as manager 14.912 Hemlock. Appoint as manager 14.913 Hemoptysis Manager of mine is leaving 14.914 Hemorrhage Will not do as manager 14.915 Hemorrhoid Has been appointed manager 14.916 Hempnettle Must have a competent man as manager 14.917 Hemppalm Resident manager (of) 14.918 Hempseed Assistant manager (of) 14.919 Hemstitch The resident manager's report 14.920 Henbanes. The assistant manager's report 14.921 Henceforth The manager's report 14.922 Henchboy Manganese 14.923 Henchman Black oxide of manganese 14.924 Hencoop . The manganese deposit 14.925 Hendecagon Manifest 14.926 Hendiadys It is manifest that 14.927 Hendriver Manipulated 14.928 Henfish . The stock has been manipulated 14.929 Henharrier Is being manipulated 14.930 Henhearted Is the stock being manipulated 14.931 Henhouses Manipulated for their own purposes 14.932 Henhussy . Must not be manipulated 14.933 Hennery . Has been manipulated in some way 14.934 Henotheism Manipulating 14.935 Henpeck . Manipulation 14.936 Henpeckery If it cannot be done without manipulation 14.937 Henrician With any manipulation 14.938 Henroost . Great waste in manipulation 14.939 Hensfoot . Manner 14.940 Henwife . In what manner 14.941 Hepatalgia In the same manner as 14.942 Hepatic . In like manner 14.943 Hepatitis . In some manner 14.944 Hepatize . In no other manner 14.945 Hepatizing In the manner explained 14.946 Hepbramble The only manner in which the ore can be worked 14.947 Hepbriar . Cannot in any manner [to any profit is by 14.948 Hephaestos In a very proper manner 14.949 Hepialidae This is the only manner 14.950 HeptachordM anuf actory (ies) 14.951 Hep tad . From the manufactory (of) 14.952 Heptaglot. Several manufactories 14.953 HeptagonalManufacture(s) 302 MAN No. 14,954 14,955 14,956 14,957 14,958 14,959 14,960 14,961 14,962 14,963 14,964 14,966 14,967 14,968 14,969 14,970 14,972 14,973 14,974 14,975 14,976 14,977 14,978 14,979 14,980 14,981 14,982 14,984 14,985 14,986 14,987 14,988 14,989 14,990 14,991 14,992 14.993 14,994 14,995 14,996 14,997 14,998 14,999 15,000 15,001 15,002 Code Word. Maimfacture(s) (continued) Heptagynia In the manufacture of Heptameron Manufactures very limited Heptander Process of manufacture Heptaphony (Who) are the manufacturers of Heptarchic Many Heptateuch How many do you want Heptylene Do you want many Heraclidan I (we) do not want many Herald . . I (we) shall want a great many Heraldcrab As many as you can get Heralding Not so many as Heraldship As many as possible Herbaceous Not very many Herbage . Is found in many of the mines in the district Herbalists In many instances Herbarium Many miners Herbelet . Many of the mines about here Herbescent How many Herbgerard In many places Herbgrace In many cases Herbist . Many of the men Herbivora Map(s) Herborized Send me (us), if you can, a map of the country Herbparis . Map of the country in which the mines are Herbrobert No reliable map has ever been made of [situated Herbulent A government map of the Herbwoman You will see by the map that Herculean Map of the district Hercynian Map of the state Herderite . Map of the country Herdewich Map of the concession Herdgroom Map of the property Herdsgrass Geological map Hereabouts A contour map Hereafter . Map showing the mines Herebote . Map showing the concession (s) Hereby . Map showing the position of the property Heredipety Map showing the reefs Hereditary Map showing all the locations (or claims) Heregild . Map to accompany (accompanying) the report Herehence Sketch map Herein . . Map showing the roads, rivers, etc. Heretoch . Map showing the geological features Heretofore Can you send a good map of Hereupon Have sent you a map of Herewith . The map is reliable Heriot . . The map is unreliable Heriotable Map published by Herisson . A good map of published by Heritably . Map and report(s) MAR 303 No. 15,004 15,005 15,006 I5, 07 15,008 15^010 15,011 15,012 I5,oi3 15,014 15,016 15*018 15,020 15,021 15,022 15,023 15,024 15,025 15,026 15,027 15,028 15,029 I5,03 15,031 15,034 15,035 15,036 I5.037 15,038 15,039 15,040 I5,04i 15,042 15,043 15,044 15,046 15,047 15,048 15,049 Code Word. Heritance. Margin(s) Heritrix . Must have a margin for contingencies Hermaic . A further margin of Hermaical Will not give any margin Hermannia Will give a margin of Herminium Unless it (they) leave a margin Hermitage Leaving no margin Hermitcrab Leaving a good margin for Hermitess The requisite margin Heroerrant Quite sufficient margin Heroically Margin not sufficient Heroicness Margin must be made good on Heroified . Margin for working Heroify . Margin of for contingencies Heronsbill Margin absorbed by Heronshaws The margin of profit very small Heroship . No margin necessary Herpestes . The margin will be absorbed by Herpeton . Mark Herringbus There is a mark Herrnhuter There is no mark Hersillon . Left a mark Herstpan . The mark is Herygoud . The distinguishing mark Hesitative . Mark cannot be found Hesperian Mark the place (in the) Hessianbit Marked Hessianfly None seem to have been marked Hesychast Have marked Hetaristic . Have marked the places (in the) Heterarchy Market Heterocera Market advancing Heterodoxy Market broke Heterogeny Market broke so fast, could not sell more than Heterogyna Market closed firmer with more inquiry Heteromys Market closed dull with less inquiry Heterophyl Market declining Heterosis . Market dull Heuchera . Market dull, but prices are firm Heulandite Market has an upward tendency Hewhole . Market has a downward tendency Hexade . Market has indications of a panic Hexagyn . Market is dull and unsettled Hexagynian Market is dull owing to Hexagynous Market is strong on Hexahedral Market is weak on Hexamerous Market opened weak, but closed strong Hexameter Market opened strong, but closed weak Hexametric Market quiet, but firm Hexandrian Market is improving 34 MAR Code Word. Market (continued} Hexangular Market appears to have reached top Hexapla . Market appears to have reached the bottom Hexapods Market much affected by the report Hexastich. Market firming rapidly Hexastylar Market weakening rapidly Hexyl . . Market very sensitive [output this month Heyday . Market will probably rise in view of expected large Heydeguy Market will probably firm in view of expected large Heypass . Market still falling [output next month Hiatus . . Market opened and closed firm Hibernacle Market opened and closed weak Hibiscus . Market slightly better Hiccough . Market void of buying orders Hiccuping Market spirited, owing to receipt of foreign orders Hickjoint . Market affected by Hickwall . All stocks are advancing ; the market is very strong Hidden . All stocks are declining; the market indicates a further downward tendency Hiddenly.. All stocks are declining; market very weak Hiddenness How is the market ? Please telegraph Hideous . If the market is strong Hideously . Telegraph if there is any change in the market Hiderope . As fast as the market will stand it Hidrotic . From appearance of the market Hieracian . From appearance of the market I think I had better buy. What is your advice From appearance of the market I think I had better sell. What is your advice Hierarch . From appearance of the market, stock will soon Hierarchal If the market is weak [decline Hieratic . Think there is a prospect for a good market Hieratical. The report has had a depressing effect on the Hierochloa To excite the market [market Hieroglyph The report has had a favourable effect on the Hierolatry I think the market will keep up [market Hierologic I think the market will not keep up Hieromancy To excite the market as little as possible Hierophant What do you think of the market [bottom Hieroscopy Watch the market, and buy quicklv if it shows Hierourgy The circular depressed the market Highaimed Depressed the market considerably Highaltar . Raised the tone of the market Highblest . Panic in the market all round Highbound Had no effect on the market Highbuilt . Impossible to say whether market will rise or fall Highcaste There has been a complete panic in the market ; Highchurch London market [our shares declined to Highest . Paris market Highfed . Berlin market Highflier . Continental markets No. 15,054 *5,55 15,056 i5 ? 57 15,058 15,059 15,060 15,061 15,062 i5> 6 3 15,064 15,065 15,066 I5,o 6 7 15,068 15,069 15,07 15,071 15,072 i5,o73 15,074 15,075 15,076 15,077 15,078 Hierapicra 15,079 15,080 15,081 15,082 15,083 15,084 15,085 15,086 15*087 15,088 15,089 15,090 15,091 15,092 15,093 i5, 94 15,095 15,096 i5, 97 15,098 15,099 15,100 MAR 305 No. Code Word. Market (continued) 15.101 Highflown Do not expect any improvement in market before 15.102 Highflying Do not expect much improvement in market before 15.103 Highgoing Banks pressing customers, so forcing market 15.104 Highheeled No dependence to be placed on market 15.105 Highhorse How is your market 15.106 Highlife . What are prospects of your market 15.107 Highlows . Is your market to be relied on 15.108 Highmass. What has deranged market 15.109 Highmen . There is no market here for 15.110 Highminded Material(s) 15.111 Highpalmed Materials can be easily obtained Shall have to send to for necessary materials to No materials at hand for The necessary material for For the materials to Is it material Material to interests Very material to the purpose It is material that we should What are the materials used Materials used are principally Cost of materials and labour Matrix The matrix being The matrix is Matter(s). (See also Settle.) Go into the matter carefully Have referred the matter to What is the matter with The matter has been settled by The matter is not yet settled When the matter is settled Till the matter is settled I (we) leave the matter to to arrange The matter is now in hand (Will) have nothing to do with the matter The matter will soon be settled Matter(s) appear(s) very unsettled It will not matter The matter is in the hands of The matter is no longer in the hands of There is nothing the matter with It does not matter It is a matter of the greatest importance It is a matter of no importance How do matters stand It is a matter of Settle the matter as we best can Settle the matter as you best can The matter is now out of our hands 15,112 Highplaced 15,113 Highpriest 15,114 Highproof 15,115 Highraised 15,116 Highroad . 15,117 Highseas . 15,118 Highsouled 15,119 Highstrung 15,120 Highswoln 15,121 Hightaper . 15,122 Hightasted 15,123 Hightide . ]\ 15,124 Hightoned 15,125 Highvoiced 15,126 Highway . ]\ 15,127 Highwayman 15,128 Hilarate . *5, I2 9 Hilarious . 15,130 Hilary . . Hillfever . 15,132 Hillfolk . I 5,i33 Hillfoot . 15,134 Hillocky . J 5,i35 Hillside . 15,136 Hilltop . i5,i37 Hilsah . . 15,138 Himantopus X 5,i39 Himself . 15^40 Hindberry Hindbow . I5, J 42 Hindcalf . I 5,i43 Hinderling I5,i44 Hindleg . iSjUS Hindooism 15^46 Hindrance i5,i47 Hingejoint Hinoideus i5,i49 Hipbath . 15,15 Hipgout . MAT No. I5>I5I 15,152 15,153 15^54 15^55 15,156 15,157 15,158 15,159 15,160 15,161 15,162 15^63 I5> l6 4 15,165 15,166 i5, l6 7 15,168 15,169 15,173 15,174 i5>i75 15,176 15,177 15,178 15,179 15,180 15,181 15,182 15,183 I5, l8 4 15,185 15,186 15,187 15,188 15,189 15,19 15,191 15,^92 15,^96 i5,i97 15,198 I 5>*99 15,200 Code Word. Matter(s). (continued) Hipjoint . Bring the matter forward (at the) Hipknob . Cannot matters be settled without litigation Hipmould Taken action in the matter Hipparchia The matter has been adjourned Hipparion The matter will be reconsidered Hippelaph Cannot you reconsider the matter Hippides . Expedite matters Hippobosca Is anything the matter (with) Hippobroma Considering the matter Hippocamp The matter must be settled (by) Hippocras Nothing to do with the matter Hippogryph We leave the matter to your discretion Hippolith . The matter has been left Hipponyx. May Hippophagi How soon may I (we) Hippopus . How much may I (we) Hippuric . How long may I (we) Hippurites When may I (we) Hiprafter , May I (we) Hipshot . May you Hiptile . I (we) may Hircinous . I (we) may not Hirsute . You may Hirudinea You may not Hirudo . You may not have Hispid . . May he (they) Hispidity . He (they) may Hissingly . If we may Histeridae If you may Histiology If he (they) may Histogeny If may Histologic If may not Histolysis . May I (we) do so Historical . If I (we) may do so Historify . May go up again Histrionic May go down Hithermost May decline Hitherto . In case it may Hitherward Meagre Hoarding . We have very meagre details Mean(s) Do not understand what you mean in your letter of Do not understand what you mean in your telegram By what means [of By which means What do (does) mean By all means By no means Hoarfrost Hoariness Hoarstone Hoatzin . Hobbadehoy Hobbism . Hobblebush Hobbled . Hobbleshow Hobblingly Has (have) the means Has (have) not the means MEA 307 No. Code Word. Mean(s) (continued) Take such means as you think best Shall take other means (to) Take every possible means (to) What does it mean If he means If you mean The means to be taken Has (have) taken means to Some effectual means must be taken Must take other means Has (have) ample means at Has (have) unlimited means The best means of knowing Means have been provided for Provide means for What do the following words mean Must take prompt means If we do not take prompt means Cannot think that mean(s) Tried all possible means Have you tried all possible means Means will not permit Take energetic means He means (they mean) to We mean to Do you mean to The only means available The only means possible The most effectual means Prompt and energetic means Means (are) adequate to (If) no other means can be taken Leaning What is the meaning of The meaning is clear Our meaning cannot be clearer (To) make the meaning clear Meant I (we) meant to say What was meant Was not meant What is meant (by) Who is meant Meant to convey our Hoidenhood Meantime Hoidenish In the meantime Hoistway . If in the meantime Hoitytoity. Shall be glad if, in the meantime Hokerly . Measure Holasrer . Measure carefully 15,201 Hobbyhorse 15,202 Hobgoblin 15,203 Hobnail . 15,204 Hobnob . 15*205 Hobnobbing 15,206 Hockamore 15,207 Hockday . 15,208 Hockherb . 15,209 Hockleaf . 15,210 Hocktide . 15,211 Hocus . . 15,212 Hocuspocus 15,213 Hocussed . 15*214 Hocussing . 15,215 Hoddengray 15,216 Hoddypeak 15,217 Hodgepodge 15,218 Hodiern . i5, 2I 9 Hodiernal . 15,220 Hodman . 15,221 Hodmandod 15,222 Hoecake . 15,223 Hoemother 15,224 Hoffmanist 15,225 Hogbacked 15,226 Hogcote . 15*227 Hogframes 15,228 Hoggerpump 15,229 Hoggishly. 15*230 Hogpeanut 15,231 Hogplums. i5* 2 32 Hogreeve . 15,233 Hogringer. ]\ 15*234 Hogrubber 15,235 Hogsback . 15^236 Hogscore . 15*237 Hogsheads 15,238 Hogslard . XV 15*239 Hogsteer . 15,240 Hogwallow 15,241 Hogwash . 15,242 Hogweed . 15,243 Hohlspath 15,244 Hoiden 15,246 15*247 15,248 15,25 3 o8 MEA No. Code Word. Measure (continued) 15.251 Holdback . Measure from top to 15.252 Holdbeam Measure from bottom to 15.253 Holdfast . Measure from centre to 15.254 Holding . Measure inches from top to 15.255 Holectypus Measure inches from bottom to 15.256 Holiday . Measure inches from centre to 15.257 Holingaxe Measure feet from top to 15.258 Hollandish Measure feet from bottom to 15.259 Hollowest. Measure feet from centre to 15.260 Holloweyed Measure yards from top to 15.261 Hollowly . Measure yards from bottom to 15.262 Hollowrail Measure yards from centre to 15.263 Hollowroot Measured 15.264 Hollowspar Has the been measured 15.265 Hollyhocks Cannot be measured exactly 15.266 Hollyoak . Has (have) been measured up 15.267 Hollytrees Measurement(s) 15.268 Holmoak . Careful measurements have been taken 15.269 Holocaust, Take accurate measurements 15.270 Holohedral We find after taking accurate measurements 15.271 Holophotal Careful measurements prove that 15.272 Holosteric. Measure(s). (See also Means.) 15.273 Holosteum Take strong measures 15.274 Holothuria Such measures as may be necessary 15.275 Holstered . What measures have been taken 15.276 Holusbolus The measures we have taken 15.277 Holycross. The measure was strongly supported 15.278 Holycruel . The measures (by which) you propose 15.279 Holyfire . Measures are being taken to 15.280 Holystone Do not wish to take harsh measures 15.281 Holywater Mechanic(al) 15.282 Holy week. A skilled mechanic 15.283 Homagejury The master mechanic 15.284 Homagium A competent master mechanic 15.285 Homarus . A mechanic for general use in mines and mills 15.286 Homeblow Suitable mechanics 15.287 Homeborn (The) mechanical means 15.288 Homebrewed (The) mechanical action 15.289 Homebuilt Is perfect in its mechanical action 15.290 Homecircle The action is purely mechanical 15.291 Homefelt . From the mechanical point of view 15.292 HomegrownMechanism 15.293 Homeless . The mechanism is very simple 15.294 Homelike. The mechanism can be considerably improved 15.295 Homemade Medium 15.296 Homeopathy The ore is of medium quality 15.297 Homesick. Only of medium quality 15.298 Homespun A medium grade of ore, assaying 15.299 H*omestall Affording a medium for 15.300 Homethrust The only medium available MEE 309 No. 15,301 I5>32 '5,303 15,304 i5,35 15,306 i5,3 7 15,308 15,309 Code Word. Homeward Meet 15,318 15.319 i5,3 20 15,321 15,322 15,323 15,324 15,325 15,326 i5>327 15,328 15,329 15,33 i5,33i 15,332 15,333 15,334 15,335 15,336 15,337 15,338 15,339 15,34 i5,34i 15,342 15,343 15,344 15,345 15,346 15.347 15,348 Homiletics Homilist . Hominy . Homocerc Homogamy Homogene Homogeneal Homography Homologate Homologous Meet me (us) at Meet me (us) on arrival, at the Will meet you at Will meet me (us) at Will not be able to meet you at Will not be able to meet you at - If do (does) not meet you hotel -, but will follow If you cannot meet Must have to meet current expenses Telegraph to to meet me at Homomalous Telegraph to the bank to meet me on my Homonym Can you meet at [arrival at Homonymic We have to meet Homonymous Have to meet all charges Homophone The charges we have to meet Homoplasmy When we next meet Homopteran Tell him to meet you Homorgana Has been told to meet Homostyled Cannot meet Homotaxis Was unable to meet Homotony Have to meet the bill Homotropal Meet our engagements Homunculus Meet his engagements Honestate. Meeting Honestly . Call a meeting of Honey . . Statutory meeting Honeyant . A public meeting Honeybag . Has (have) called a meeting of Honeybees Annual general meeting will be held Honey berry Extraordinary general meeting Honeycomb The meeting was highly satisfactory Honeycrock At the meeting [telegraph Honeydew Please attend meeting of and report result by Honeyeater A meeting will be held on (to) Honeygnats A Board meeting Honey guide The last Board meeting Honeyless When will the next Board meeting take place Honeymonth The next Board meeting will take place Honeymoon At the next Board meeting Honeystalk At a meeting held it was decided to Honeysugar Nothing was decided at the meeting Honeysweet A meeting will shortly be held to decide Honorarium Please attend the- meeting, and watch our interests Honorary . A meeting of creditors Honorific . At a meeting of the creditors of payment of in the pound was offered Honour . A Committee meeting Honourable At the last meeting Honoureth The annual general meeting MEE No. I5.350 15,351 15,352 15,353 15,354 15,355 15,356 15,357 15,358 15,359 15,360 15.362 15-363 15,364 15,365 15,366 15,367 15,368 15,369 15.370 15,372 15,373 J 5,374 Code Word. Meeting (continued} Honouring The half-yearly general meeting Honourless The half-yearly general meeting will be held Hoodcap . General meeting of shareholders Hoodless . Meeting of bondholders Hoodlum . Must be ready for the general meeting Hoodmould In time for the general meeting Hoodsheaf A meeting of the principal shareholders Hoodwink A private meeting [holders Hoof bound At a private meeting of a few of the largest share- Hoofed . General meeting held ; passed off satisfactorily Hoofmark . At the general meeting, which passed off very well, a vote of thanks was passed to yourself Hookah . At the meeting much dissatisfaction was expressed Hookbeaked The meeting passed off very well Hookbilled The meeting passed off better than we expected Hookbone It was resolved at the meeting Hookedback The meeting was stormy Hookedness The meeting was adjourned until At the meeting, the Directors had to resign At the meeting some uneasiness was feit Report was read at the meeting When will meeting be of Attend the meeting on my behalf At a meeting of the company Hookladder Hookland . Hookmotion Hookpin . Hookrope . Hooksquid Hoopash . Hoopskirt 1 5,3 7 5 Hopbinds 15,376 J5.377 15,378 15,379 15,380 i5,38i 15,382 ^,383 15,384 15,385 15,386 15,387 15,388 15,389 Hopeful Hopefully Convene meeting of shareholders by advertisement ( ) company meeting ; statements made thereat in favour of company highly misleading ( ) company meeting; statements made by chairman and others in favour of company are Meeting was not held [fair and true There was a great difference of opinion at the T 5,393 J 5,394 15,395 i5,396 Hopelessly Member(s) Hopfactor. Is (are) member(s) of Hopflea . Is (are) not member(s) of Hopgarden Is (are) member(s) of Hopingly . By a member of Hopkinsian Member of Trades Union Hoplotheke Member of Parliament Hopped . Member of Council Hopperboy Member of Congress Hoppickers Member of the Committee Hopping . Member of the Legislature Hoppocket Member of the Government Hoppoles . Member of the Stock Exchange Hopscotch Men Hoptrefoil Short of men Hopvine . Require - Hepyards . Require - Horatian . There are plenty of men Hordeine . How many men will be required [meeting men to experienced men to MEN 3" No. Code Word. Men (continued) 15.397 Hordeo\um Sufficient men will be sent 15.398 Horizon . Send some good men 15.399 Horizontal A great scarcity of good men 15.400 Hornbeak. Can get plenty of good men 15.401 Hornbill . Men are beginning to 15.402 Hornblende Has (have) got a very good lot of men 15.403 Hornbugs . Waiting for more men 15.404 Horned . Stopped for want of men 15.405 Hornedowl Will you send men, or shall we get them 15.406 Hornedpout Men down with sickness 15.407 Hornfish . Several men have died 15.408 Hornfoot . We shall have trouble with the men 15.409 Hornify . Are having trouble with the men 15.410 Hornmaker Several of the leading men 15.411 Hornpipe . Mention 15.412 Hornpock . Do not mention to any one 15.413 Hornsilver You had better mention (this) to 15.414 Hornslate . Will mention the matter to 15.415 Hornspoon Will make no mention 15.416 Hornthumb You do not mention 15.417 Hornwrack Did not mention 15.418 Hornyfrog Mentioned 15.419 Horny wink Has not been mentioned 15.420 Horologist Was mentioned to me privately 15.421 Horometry Is not to be mentioned (at) 15.422 Horopter . Was mentioned as a positive fact 15.423 Horoscopic As mentioned in last 15.424 Horrendous Think we heard it mentioned 15.425 Horrent . The matter was never mentioned 15.426 Horrible . Has been mentioned more than once 15.427 Horrified . Merchant (s) 15.428 Horrifying Is (are) the leading merchant(s) of this place 15.429 Horseboat Is (are) leading merchant(s) of 15.430 Horseboxes Is (are) merchant(s) in , but in a small way 15.431 Horsecloth On behalf of , who is (are) merchant(s) in 15.432 Horsecrab The vendors are merchants in J 5>433 Horsefair . Several merchants here 15.434 Horsefinch Merchantable 15.435 Horseflesh Not merchantable 15.436 Horsefly . Mercury. (See Quicksilver.) 15.437 Horsegin . Losing mercury per ton of ore (owing to) 15.438 Horseiron . Merit(s) 15.439 Horseknave The great merit is 15.440 Horseknop On its merits 15.441 Horselaugh Its chief merit is 15.442 Horseload Message 15.443 Horsemeat I (we) do not think you understand the message 15.444 Horsenails Send following message to 15.445 Horsepath Repeat the message 15.446 Horsepicks Last message received from you was dated 3i2 MES No. Code Word. Message (continued) I5>447 Horseplay My (our) last message 15.448 Horsepond My (our) last message to you was dated 15.449 Horsepower Have not received the message referred to (of) 15.450 Horserace Has (have) received a message trom saying 15.451 Horserugs From message received 15.452 Horseshoe Has (have) sent no message 15.453 Horsesugar I (we) do not understand the message 15.454 Horsethief A message was sent X 5>455 Horsevetch Message was received 15.456 Horseweed Received no message from you 15.457 Horsewhips The message was forwarded on the 15.458 Horsewoman The message was delayed 15.459 Hortation . When did you dispatch the message 15.460 Hortatory . In reply to your message 15.461 Hortensial Messenger 15.462 Hosanna . Have sent a messenger 15.463 Hoseheeler By a special messenger, if necessary 15.464 Hosiery . Met 15.465 Hospitably Was (were) met with 15.466 Hospital . Met me (us) at 15.467 Hospitious Has (have) not met 15.468 Hostages . Met with 15.469 Hostelry . Met by 15.470 Hostess . We met, but could not agree 15.471 Hostillar . Metal(s) 15.472 Hotbed . The precious metals 15.473 Hotblast . The precious metals are found here 15.474 Hotblooded The baser metals 15.475 Hotbrained The only metals which are found 15.476 Hotchpotch Metallic 15.477 Hotcockles Of a metallic nature 15.478 Hotflue . Metallic alloy (s) 15.479 Hotheaded Metalliferous 15.480 Hothouse . Metalliferous deposits 15.481 Hotlivered Metalliferous veins 15.482 Hotmouthed The metalliferous district includes i5>483 Hotpress . Metamorphic 15.484 Hotshort . Metamorphic slate 15.485 Hotspurred The foot-wall is metamorphic slate 15.486 Hotwalls . The hanging-wall is metamorphic slate 15.487 Hotwater . The formation is metamorphic slate 15.488 Hounded . Method 15.489 Hourangle The method by which the gold is extracted 15.490 Hourglass . I want to go to to see a new method for 15.491 Hourhands A new method of extracting the from the 15.492 Hourline . A great saving is accomplished by the method which 15.493 Hourly. . By this method [has been adopted 15.494 Hourplate (By) the present method 15.495 Houseagent The method now used is 15.496 Housedog. (By) the new method of treatment MET 313 No. Code Word. Method (continued) 15.497 Households What about the new method 15.498 Houselarab Discarded the old method 15.499 Houseleeks This method will not suit 15.500 Houseling. We think the method will suit 15.501 Housemaid There is no other method 15.502 Houseroom We are now trying the method 15.503 Housewarm We recommend you to try this method 15.504 Housewife . Micaceous 15.505 Hovel . . Micaceous schist 15.506 Hovelhouse Micaceous rock 15.507 Hovelled . Michaelmas (day) 15.508 Howdie . Up to Michaelmas 15.509 However . Next Michaelmas 15 510 Howitzer . Middle 15.511 Howsoever In the middle (of) 15.512 Hubbub . From the middle (of) 15.513 Hubbubboo Through the middle (of) 15.514 Huckaback At the middle (of) I 5-5 I 5 Hucklebone Midst 15.516 Huckstress In the midst of 15.517 Huffcap . Now in the midst of preparations for 15.518 Huffish. . Midsummer (day) 15.519 Huffishly . Up to midsummer day 15.520 Hugeness. Next midsummer 15.521 Hullabaloo Midwinter 15.522 Humane . Might 15.523 Humanely Might I (we) 15.524 H umanics . Might he (they) 15.525 Humanified You might 15.526 Humanistic He (they) might 15.527 Humanized Might I (we) not 15.528 Humanizing It might 15.529 Humankind It might not 15.530 Humation. Might be able to 15.531 Humbird . If it might not be 15.532 Humbleness If it might be J 5o33 Humblepie Might be 15.534 Humbleth. Might it be J 5>535 Humbling. It might be done 15,536 Humbly . It might lead to 1 5 5 3 7 Humbugged Might not be 15.538 Humbugging Might it not be 15.539 Humectant What might 15.540 Humective Which might 15.541 Humefied. Which might be 15.542 Humefying Which might not 15.543 Humhum . Mile(s) 15.544 Humidity . Is about miles from the mine(s) 15.545 Humidness Miles from 15.546 Humifuse . The mine(s) is (are) miles from MIL No. 15,547 15,548 15,549 15,550 15,551 15,552 15,553 15,554 15,555 15,556 15,557 15,558 15,559 I5,56o 15,561 15,562 15,563 15,564 15,565 15,566 15,567 15,568 15,569 15,570 15,571 15,572 15,573 15,574 15,575 15,576 15,577 15,578 15,579 I5,58o 15,581 15,582 15,583 15,584 15,585 15,586 15,587 15,588 15,589 15,59 15,591 15,592 15,593 15,594 15,595 15,596 Code Word. Mile(s) (continued] Humiliated The mill is miles from the mine(s) Hummeller How many miles is (are) the mine(s) from Hummingtop The last miles of the journey, the road is very Hummocky Can be traced for many miles [bad The first miles The last miles are over the mountains Humoral Humoralism Humoristic Humorous Humorously Humorsome Less than a mile More than a mile More than miles (long) Square miles Humpbacked The property has an area of square miles Humph . Is miles from the nearest railroad Hunchback From thence miles on horseback Hungbeef . Miles over bad roads Hungerbit . Miles of fairly good road Hungerly . The area is miles long by miles wide Hunkerism How many miles is it from Huntingbox Has to be hauled miles Huntress . A journey of miles Huntsman There are miles of very good road Huontree . There are miles of very bad road Huraulite . Mill(s). (See also Stamps.) Hurdlerace Hurlbat . Hurlwind . Hurlyburly Huronian . Hurrah Hurricane . Hurtlessly . Hurtsickle Husband . Husbandage 5 stamp mill - 10 stamp mill 15 stamp mill 20 stamp mill 25 stamp mill 30 stamp mill 35 stamp mill 40 stamp mill 50 stamp mill 60 stamp mill 70 stamp mill Husbandman 80 stamp mill Husbandry 90 stamp mill Hushaby . Hushing . Hushmoney Husker Huskingbee Hustled . Huswifely . Hutchinsia Huzzaing . Hyaenodon Hyaline . Hyalomelan (or) 5 stamps - (or) 10 stamps - (or) 15 stamps . - (or) 20 stamps - (or) 25 stamps - (or) 30 stamps - (or) 35 stamps - (or) 40 stamps !or) 50 stamps or) 60 stamps - (or) 70 stamps - (or) 80 stamps - (or) 90 stamps (or) 100 stamps (or) 120 stamps (or) 150 stamps 100 stamp mill 120 stamp mill 150 stamp mill Mill is (mills are) running on ore from Mill returns show Have based my calculation on the mill run for the There is a stamp mill [last year A new stamp mill required The mill can crush tons in twenty-four hours Mill stopped for repairs on the , will start work Mill starts again on [again on Mill stopped crushing to clean up Hyalotype Has (have) used his (their) mill to crush ore from Hybernate The present mill is [neighbouring mines Hyblaean . There must be a new mill MIL 315 No. Code Word. Mill(s) (continued] 15.597 Hybodont Mill working splendidly 15.598 Hybodus . Mills are idle from want of water 15.599 Hybrid. . Mill stopped for boiler to be cleaned and repaired 15.600 Hybridisrris The present mill is of no use 15.601 Hybridity . With the present incomplete mill 15.602 Hybridizer Mill has been working day and night for days, and has crushed tons in that time 15.603 Hycsos . Mill working hours per day 15.604 Hydage . It will be necessary to erect a stamp mill 15.605 Hydatism . Mill closed in consequence of 15,606 15,608 15,609 15,610 15,611 15,612 15,616 i5> 6l 7 15,618 i5> 6l 9 15,620 15,621 15,622 Hycsos Hydage . Hydatism . Hydracid . Hydraform Hydragogue Hydrangea Hydrastis . Hydration Hydratuba Hydraulics Hydriodic . Hydrocele Hydracyst Hydroecium Hydrogen. Hydrology Mill arrived, will start at once erecting it Chilian mill Globe mill Huntmgton centrifugal roller quartz mill Wiswell mill Gold mill with plates and vanners Wet stamp mill Dry stamp mill Cannot work the mill full time owing to Mill working day and night Mill crushed in that time Mill working again, plenty of water Mill Working aga.in, think it will be all right Working mill to its utmost capacity Hydromania The mill will work night and day Hydromancy The present mill-returns satisfactory Hydromys The present mill-returns unsatisfactory 15.623 Hydropathy During the week mill worked days, crushed tons, yielded ozs. gold, and ozs. silver; expenses 15.624 Hydrophoby During the month mill worked days, crushed tons, yielded ozs. gold, and ozs. silver; expenses 15.625 Hydrophyte Value of the production of the mill 15.626 Hydropical Mill running on high-grade ore 15.627 Hydropsy. Mill running on low-grade ore 15.628 Hydro pult Mill returns will improve 15.629 Hydrorhiza Sufficient ore for the mill 15.630 Hydroscope If the mill is to be kept going 15.631 Hydrosoma The mill(s) cannot be kept going 15.632 Hydrostat. In order to keep the mill going 15.633 Hydrotheca Have ordered new mill 15.634 Hydrous . Have begun to erect new mill 15.635 Hydroxyde Grading for the new mill 15.636 Hydrozoal Think we shall complete new mill 15.637 Hyemation Contract for the new mill 15.638 Hyenadog Estimate for the new mill 15.639 Hyetometer Mill broken down owing to accident to machinery 15.640 Hygeian . Mill broken down ; repairs now being done 15.641 Hygienic . Mill site MIL No. 15,642 15^43 i$,&44 15,645 15,646 15,647 15,648 15,649 i5, 6 5 15,651 Code Word. Mill site (continued) Hygrometry Mill site is in good situation ; plenty of water Hyleosaur Mill site is in a poor situation and water is scarce Hylisra . Mill site very bad ; inaccessible Hylogeny . Mill site good ; with existing mill Hylonomus There is a good situation for a mill site Hylozoical The mill site is close to the river Hylozoism Water can be conveyed to the mill site Hymenium Milling Hymenopter Milling delayed owing to Hymenotomy Milling ore extracted during the past Hymnals 15,653 Hymnbook 15.654 Hymnody . 15,655 Hyoideal . 15,656 Hyopotamus 15,657 Hypallage . 15,658 Hypanthium 15,659 Hypaspist . 15,660 Hyperaemia 15,661 Hyperbaton 15,662 Hyperbolic 15,663 Hyperdulia 15,664 Hyperite . 15,665 Hypermeter 15,666 Hyperstene 15,667 Hypethral 15,668 Hyphasma ]S 15,669 Hyphened 15,670 Hyphening 15,671 Hypnotism 15,672 Hypnotized 15,673 Hypnum . 15,674 Hypoblast 15,675 Hypobole . I 15,676 Hypochil . 15,677 Hypocotyl 15,678 Hypocrisy 15,679 Hypocritic 15,680 Hypodermal 15,681 Hypogeum 15,682 Hypogynous 15*683 Hyponasty 15,684 Hypophet . 15,685 Hypophysis ,5,686 Hypopyon 15,687 Hypostatic 15,688 Hypostroma 15,689 Hypostyle What will be cost of mining and milling the ore with the present appliances I estimate the cost of mining and milling the ore with the present appliances at Always sufficient water for milling purposes Not sufficient water for milling purposes Milling has turned out well Milling has turned out badly Cost of milling per ton Cannot you reduce the cost of milling Cost of milling has been reduced to per ton Cost of milling has increased to per ton We have been milling ore (from) We are now milling ore from Suitable for milling Not worth milling What is the total yield and cost of milling The ore we are now milling tilled Amount of ore milled Grade of ore milled Value of ore milled Tonnage and value of ore milled Milled ; value Milled during [ill test First mill test Second mill test Last mill test Mill test on ores from Mill test will be made Shall make a mill test Shall make another mill test After a prolonged mill test Several mill tests have been made Result of mill tests satisfactory Result of mill tests unsatisfactory Result of mill tests disappointing Result of mill test disappointing but think it is Result of first mill test [unreliable MIL 317 No. Code Word. Mill test (continued] 15.690 Hypotenuse Result of second mill test 15.691 Hypothec . Mill test was not reliable 15.692 Hypsodon What was the result of the mill test 15.693 Hyracium. The value of the ore according to the mill test 15.694 Hyracoidea Mind [was 15.695 Hyrax . . You must bear in mind 15.696 Hyssop . Do not mind 15.697 Hyssopus . If you would not mind 15.698 Hysteric . Bearing in mind 15.699 Hysterical Bearing in mind how important it is 15.700 Hysteroid . Mine(s) 15.701 Ibigau . . The mine(s) is (are) [ore is discovered 15.702 Iceanchor . The mine is exhausted unless another streak of pay- 15.703 Icebergs . The mine(s) is (are) well worthy of investigation 15.704 Iceblink . The mine(s) is (are) not worthy of investigation 15.705 Iceboat . The mine(s) look(s) splendid 15.706 Icebound . The mine(s) is (are) situated in a district having a 15.707 Icebrook , On the mine [reputation for good properties 15.708 Icebuilt . The mine(s) is (are) not situated in a district cele- 15.709 Icechisel . In the mine [brated for good properties 15.710 Icecold . I consider the mine(s) very valuable 15.711 Icedcream The mine(s) is (are) worked out 15.712 Icedrops . I strongly recommend the purchase of the 15.713 Icefender. At the mine(s) [mine(s) for 15.714 Icefern. . I do not consider the mine(s) worth more than ; a sum I feel sure the vendors will 15.715 Icefield . How is (are) the mine(s) looking [accept 15.716 Icefloe . . Will be necessary to thoroughly equip the mines 15.717 Icefoot. . The mine is not worth 15.718 Iceglazed . Mine(s) is (are) full of water 15.719 Icehooks . From all parts of the mine 15.720 Icehouse . I cannot advise the purchase of the mine(s) 15.721 Iceisland . I advise purchase of the mine(s) for 15.722 Icemaster . The mine(s) in its (their) present condition 15.723 Icepails . The mine(s) fall(s) far short of the report by 15.724 Iceplant . The mine has been so badly worked that there is great danger of its caving 15.725 Iceplough The mine(s) is (are) within easy access of 15.726 Icequake . The mine(s) is (are) worth the price 15.727 Icesafe . . The mine(s) is (are) not worth the price 15.728 Icespar . The mine has been relocated 15.729 Icetable . Have a mine of undoubted value offered me for ; will pay a dividend of per cent, per annum. Could you do anything with it Look about quietly, and if you can get hold of a thoroughly good mine for about let me know. I would like to have a really good Icewater . Mine has improved [property to offer Ichneumon The mine does not look as well as I expected Ichnolite . Mine does not look encouraging 15,730 Icetongs 15,733 MIN No. 15.734 15,735 15,736 15.737 15.738 15^739 15.740 15.741 15.742 15.743 15.746 15.747 15.748 15.749 15.750 I5.75I I5.75 2 15.753 15.754 15.755 15.756 15.757 15.758 15.759 15.760 i5.76i 15.762 15,763 15,764 15.765 15.766 15,767 15.768 15.769 15.770 15.771 15,772 15,773 15,774 15.775 15,776 15,777 Code Word. Ichnology . Ichorous . Ichthine . Ichthulin . Ichthyic . Ichthyocol Ichthyodea Ichthyosis . Ichthys Icicle . . Iconisms . Iconize Iconoclasm Iconolatry Icosander . Icosandria Icterical . Icteritous . Icteroid .. Ictides . . Icypearled Idealist . Idealistic . Ideality Idealogue . Ideation . Ideational . Identic Identical . Identified . Identity . Ideogram . Ideography Ideologist . Ideology . Ideomotion Idiocrasy . Idiocratic . Idiocy . . Idiopathy . Idiotish Idiotype . Idleheaded Idlely . . 15,778 Idleness . Mine(s) (continued] Mine is being badly managed Mine(s) is (are) being worked all right Mine(s) is (are) better than I expected Mine(s) is (are) closed Mine(s) is (are) getting into rich ore Mine(s) is (are) improving Mine(s) is (are) looking poor Mine(s) is (are) looking better Mine(s) is (are) looking worse Mine(s) is (are) looking well Mine(s) is (are) almost exhausted Must shut down the mine It is reported that the mine has been shut down Admit no one into the mine(s) Have examined the - mine(s) Nothing new in the mine Keep me (us) posted of every change in the mine(s) No truth in the reported developments in the mine(s) From other parts of the mine samples taken assay Nothing new in any of the mines Average samples from different parts of the - Keep the mine(s) closed [mine(s) assay The present condition of the mine would not justify I consider the developments in the mine(s) fully justify the erection of - stamps, in addition to those already in use A better mine than Indications in the mine show that we must be near There is nothing in the mine to justify the advance In the neighbourhood of the mine(s) This mine (these mines) Mine(s) not good enough In different parts of the mine If the - mine(s) is (are) all right Nothing wrong in the mine(s) No merit in the mine(s) Cannot get into the mine(s), but from reliable in- I was in the mine(s) [formation I learn that Cannot get into - mine(s) The mine(s) has (have) very good indications of Have stopped work on the - in the mine Have struck good ore in the - mine(s) Have struck it rich in the - mine(s) Have struck quartz in the - mine(s) Have struck the vein in the - mine(s) Have been in the - mine to-day, and think the recent developments show Has been in the - mine(s). See him and learn all you can about it (them) [on it (them) 15,779 Idlewheel . All who have visited mine(s) report very favourably MIN Code Word. Mine(s) (continued] 319 No. 15.780 Idling . . Go into the mine(s) at once, examine the reported developments, and telegraph me (us) promptly [mine(s) situated at 15.781 Idolatrize'. I have arranged for your inspection of the 15.782 Idolatrous. Estimate value of mine in its present state at 15.783 Idolatry . Containing rich silver mines 15.784 Idolfires . Mine is not what it was represented to be 15.785 Idolify . . It is a very poor mine; won't pay to work 15.786 Idolized . All who have visited the mine report 15.787 Idolizing . Examined mine; find statements grossly exagge- rated [stantially correct 15.788 Idolous . Have examined mine, and find representations sub- 15.789 Idolshell . What do you think of the mine 15.790 Idrialine . Will examine the mine and report at once 15.791 Idyll . . A valuable gold mine 15.792 Idyllic . . A valuable silver mine J 5>793 Igneous . A valuable copper mine 15.794 Ignifluous. A valuable silver-lead mine 15.795 Ignigenous The mines included in the concession 15.796 Ignite . . Running expenses of the mine J 5>797 Ignitible . In the lower workings of the mine 15.798 Ignivomous Reports of the mine being exhausted 15.799 Ignobility . Picking out the eyes of the mine 15.800 Ignominy. Have picked out the eyes of the mine 15.801 Ignoramus The mine is best reached via 15.802 Ignorance. No other mine in the vicinity worthy of trial 15.803 Ignorantly Mine is being worked by 15.804 Ignored . Mine has been worked by and paid well 15.805 Ignorement Mine has produced in the past 15.806 Ignoring . The operations in the mine 15.807 Ignoscible The developments of the mine fully justify the ex- pectations which have been formed 15.808 Iguanidae . State if mine from miner's standpoint can fairly be 15.809 Iguanodon The condition of the mine [worked 15.810 Ilicine . . Mine must be fairly worked in a miner-like manner 15.811 Ilixanthin . Has mine (mine has) been fairly and properly 15.812 Illadvised . Telegraph opinion and value of the mine [worked 15.813 Illapsable . The mine has been salted 15.814 Illapse . . Was the mine salted 15.815 Illaqueate . The mine must have been salted 15.816 Illation . Could they have salted the mine 15.817 Illative. . Send reliable miner to ascertain the intrinsic value 15.818 Illatively . Mine equipments [of the mine 15.819 Illaudable. The mine is equipped with 15.820 Illblood . Miner(s) 15.821 Illbred . . Miners are 15.822 Illcontent . Miners demand 15.823 Illecebrum Are good miners 15.824 Illegalize . Are bad miners [for the work 15.825 Illegibly . It will be necessary to engage good English miners 320 MIN No. 15,826 15,827 15,828 15,829 Code Word. Miner(s) (continued] Illerected . Much sickness among the miners Miners have struck ; they demand 15,831 15,832 15,833 I5, 8 34 15,835 15,836 15,837 15,838 15,839 15,840 15,841 15,842 15,843 15,844 15,845 15,846 15,847 15,848 15,849 15,852 15,853 15,854 15,855 15,856 15,857 15,858 15,859 15,860 15,861 15,862 15,863 15,864 15865 15,866 15,867 15,868 15,869 15,870 15,871 15,872 15,873 15,874 Illeviable , Illfated . Illgot . , Illhumour . Illiberal . Illicit . , Illicitly , Illicitous . Illicium . Illighten , Illimited , Illiquid Illiteracy , Illjudged , Illlived . , Illlooked , Illlooking . Illluck . , Illmatched Illmeaning Illnature . Illocable , Illocality , Illogical . Illomened , Illset . , Illstarred , Illtimed , Illtreat Illuminary extra In a miner-like manner [wages per day The miners here are a lawless set, and likely to give Impossible to get good miners [much trouble The miners prefer working on contract Miners will not work on contract We are likely to have trouble with the miners The miners are giving a good deal of trouble Miners are paid per day From a miner's standpoint The Miners' Union Mineral The mineral belt of The mineral district of The mineral zone A very rich mineral district Mineral oil Minimum The minimum price The minimum production As a minimum The minimum cost Has reached the minimum since Mining [ per ton The cost of mining and milling the ore has been Estimated cost of mining and milling Placer mining [primitive fashion The mining in this district is carried on in a very Mining interests are looking up The cost of mining and milling, with the improve- ments I have specified, would be, I estimate, Illuminate Have resumed mining operations [per ton Illuming . Facilities for mining exceptionally good Illuminism The mines are situated in the mining district of Illured . . Mining operations suspended Illusory . Mining operations not yet commenced Illustrate . Mining stocks generally strong Illwill . . Mining stocks generally weak Illwisher . Mining can only be carried on for months in Ilmenite . Is a fair mining venture [the year Imageable What is the cost of mining and milling ore Imageless . Mining properties Imagemaker The mining rights Imageman A good mining captain Imagery . Mining engineer(s) Imagined . Send mining engineer Imaginous Mining engineer will be sent to examine property Imbanking Is (are) mining engineer(s) of great repute Imbannered Is a (are) mining engineer(s) of no repute MIN 321 No. Code Word. Mining engineer(s) (continued] 15.875 Imbecility Has (have) the reputation of being mining engineer(s) of ability and integrity 15.876 Imbellic . Has(have)the reputation of being mining engineer(s) of ability, but unscrupulous Imbenching Mining engineer has examined, and confirms reports Imbibe . Mining engineer does not confirm reports Imbibing . Minister Imblaze . The British Minister at Imboil . . The Minister for Foreign Affairs Imbonity . The Minister of Public Works Imbordered The Minister of Commerce Imbruement The United States Minister at Imbruing . The Minister for Imburse . Minority Imbution . The Board were in a minority Imitancy . Our opponents were in a minority Imitated . A discontented minority Imitations A small, but influential, minority Imitative . Mint Imitatress . To the mint Imitatrix . All our bullion is sold to the mint Immaculate At the mint of Immailed . The bullion is shipped to the mint at Immanifest To what mint is the bullion shipped Immaturely At the mint price Immensely At the mint price of gold Immersed . The English mint price of Immersible The United States mint price of Immeshing Minute(s) Immethoded How many minutes How many strokes per minute How many revolutions per minute How many feet per minute Is making strokes per minute Is making revolutions per minute Makes revolutions per minute and throws 15,877 15,878 15,879 15,880 15,881 15,882 15,883 15,884 15,885 15,886 15,887 15,888 15,889 15,890 15,891 15,892 15,893 15,894 15,895 15,896 15,897 15,898 15,899 15,900 i5,9oi 15,902 i5,9 3 15,904 !5,905 15,906 I 5,97 15,908 15,909 15,910 i5,9n 15,912 15,916 *5,9i7 15,918 J 5'9i9 15,920 i5,9 2 i 15,922 Immingle . Immingling Immix . . Immixable Immobile . Immobility Immoderacy Immoderate Immodest. Immodestly Feet per minute Number of gallons per minute Speed of engine in revolutions per minute Speed of piston in feet per minute Immolating Minutely Immolation Must be minutely examined Immortally Have gone most minutely into all the details of Immould . You must go very minutely into all the details Immunities Had not time to go very minutely into all the details Immunity . Misapprehension Immutably There has been some misapprehension Impackment There has been no misapprehension Impact . Has there not been some misapprehension Impaireth . Labouring under a misapprehension 322 MIS No. Code Word. 15.923 Impairing. Miscellaneous 15.924 Impalsied. Miscellaneous expenses 15.925 Impalsy . A miscellaneous collection of 15.926 Impannel . Misconception 15.927 Imparlance Owing to a misconception on the part of 15.928 Impartial . It was a misconception on 's part 15.929 Impassably Misconduct 15.930 Impatience Dismissed for gross misconduct 15.931 Impavid . Through his gross misconduct 15.932 Impavidly Misconstruction I 5>933 Impeach . By a misconstruction of what was said 15.934 Impeacheth Owing to a misconstruction 15.935 ImpeachingMisconstrue(d) 15.936 Impeccancy Misconstrue the meaning 15.937 Impeccant You have misconstrued what we 15.938 Impede . Misconstruing 15.939 Impedible Misfortune 15.940 Impeding . Has (have) had the misfortune to 15.941 Impellent'. A great misfortune to have 15.942 Impendence It would be a great misfortune to 15.943 Imperatory Mishap 15.944 Imperfect . Mishap to battery 15.945 Imperially Mishap to pump 15.946 Imperilled Mishap to engine 15.947 Impersonal Misinformed 15.948 Impervious You have been totally misinformed (as to) 15.949 Impester . I (we) have been totally misinformed (as to) 15.950 Impetigo . Has (have) been misinformed (as to) 15.951 Impetrable Mislead 15.952 Impetus . Intended to mislead 15.953 Impeyan . Misleading 15.954 Impicture . The accounts are very misleading 15.955 Impiety . The accounts of the mine(s) are very misleading, although not absolutely untrue 15.956 Impinguate Some very misleading statements have appeared in 15.957 Impiously. Misled [the papers I 5)95S Impish. . We have been misled (by) 15.959 Impishly . Appears to have been misled (by) 15.960 Implements Do not be misled (by) 15.961 Implexous Do not allow shareholders to be misled (by) 15.962 Implicit . Mismanaged 15.963 Implicitly. Was (has been) mismanaged in every way 15.964 Impliedly . Has been shamefully mismanaged 15.965 Implorator Mismanagement 15.966 Imploring. Through gross mismanagement 15.967 Impocket . The mismanagement has been extreme 15.968 Impolarily Mismanagement has been stopped 15.969 Impolicy . Misrepresent(ed) 15.970 Impolite . Do not misrepresent 15.971 Imporosity Have been greatly misrepresented MIS 323 No. Code Word. Misrepresent(ed) (continued} 15.972 Imporous . Do not allow the case to be misrepresented 15.973 Importless Misrepresentation(s) 15.974 Impose . Misrepresentation of the facts of the case 15.975 Imposement Miss 15.976 Imposingly Do not miss 15.977 Impositor. Shall miss 15.978 Impossible Will not miss 15.979 Imposthume If you miss 15.980 Impostrix . You should not miss 15.981 Impostured Missed 15.982 Impotently Have you missed 15.983 Impound . Missed the steamer (owing to) Impoundage Missed the mail (owing to) Impounding Missed hearing from Impoverish Missed seeing Imprecated Has (have) missed 15.985 15,986 15,987 15,988 15,989 15.99 I5.99I I5.99 2 15,993 15.994 15,995 15.996 15,997 15,998 15,999 16,000 16,001 16,002 16,003 16,004 16,005 16,006 16,007 16,008 16,009 16,010 16,011 16,012 16,013 16,014 16,015 16,016 16,017 16,018 ImpregnantMissing Impress . The is (are) missing Impresseth How much is missing Impressive The inclosure in your last letter, relating to is missing ; telegraph synopsis Imprimatur Has arrived ; parts missing are Imprimery Send us missing parts at once Imprisoned Have received the missing Improbity . Send copy of the missing Improduced The missing parts Improperly Missing documents Improve . Missing report Improving Miss-statements Improviser Is full of miss-statements Imprudence Such miss-statements do a great deal of harm Impuberal Through the miss-statements made (by) Impudent. Mistake(s) Impugn . You have made a mistake Is not a mistake Impugnable Impugneth Impugning Is a mistake; it ought to have been Please correct mistake immediately Impugnment There is some mistake (in) Impulsion . There is some mistake in the figures ; send corrected Impulsive . Has the mistake been found out [statement Impunctate There is not any mistake Impurely . Has (have) made a mistake [read Impureness Have made a mistake in telegram of ; for Imputative Is not word in your telegram of a mis- take ? Telegraph correctly at once A mistake has been made in Imputing . Inability . Inaccuracy Inaccurate There must be a mistake in your telegram of ; are the following words correct ? if not, telegraph We made a mistake [the right words at once If you find any mistake in 324 MIS No. Code Word. Mistake (s) (continued] 16.019 Inactivity . It would be a great mistake to 16.020 Inadequacy It was a great mistake to 16.021 Inadequate Was sent by mistake by 16.022 Inadherent Is there not some mistake (in) 16.023 Inadhesion Made a mistake in the figures 16.024 Inanimate. There is a mistake in description 16.025 Inanition . There is no mistake in description 16.026 Inapathy . There was a mistake in description 16.027 Inapertous There was no mistake in description 16.028 Inapposite There was a mistake in 16.029 Inapt . . Misunderstand 16.030 Inaptness . You misunderstand our views 16.031 Inaquation Misunderstand(s) the instructions given 16.032 Inasmuch . Misunderstanding 16.033 Inaudibly . There is evidently a misunderstanding about 16.034 Inaugur . Misunderstanding between 16.035 Inbeaming No misunderstanding at all 16.036 Inbeing . Let there be no misunderstanding 16.037 Inblown -. Will lead to misunderstanding and cause confusion 16.038 Inboard . Misunderstood 16.039 Inbreeding You must have misunderstood 16.040 Incapably . Has (have) misunderstood 16.041 Incarnate . Misunderstood instructions 16.042 Incask . . Misunderstood our meaning 16.043 Incautious Mix 16.044 Incavated. Do not mix up the two matters 16.045 Incaverned Do not mix up 16.046 Incendiary Mixed 16.047 Incendious The ore is largely mixed with 16.048 Incensed . Mixed up with 16.049 Incensory . So as not to be mixed up with 16.050 Inception . The accounts are so mixed up, you can tell nothing 16.051 Inceptive . Mode 16.052 Incertum . The mode in which they work the 16.053 Incessancy Go to and see their mode of working the 16.054 Inchamber The mode in which they have hitherto worked is 16.055 Inchested. The mode of working 16.056 Inchmeal . The mode in which the accounts are (were) kept 16.057 Inchoately Model 16.058 Inchoation A model of the mine 16.059 Inchoative A model of the mill 16.060 Inchpin . A model of the machine 16.061 Incident . A model to the scale of inch(es) to the foot 16.062 Incidently. Moderate(s) 16.063 Incipiency At a moderate computation 16.064 Incipient . At a moderate expense 16.065 Incisely . . Must be very moderate 16.066 tncitative . A very moderate 16.067 Incitement A moderate output 16.068 Incivility . A moderate increase in the MOD 325 No. 16,069 16,070 16,071 16,072 16,073 16,074 16,075 16,076 16,077 16,078 16,079 16,080 16,081 16,082 16,083 16,084 16,085 16,086 16,087 16,088 16,089 16,090 16,091 16,092 16,093 16,094 16,095 16,096 16,097 16,098 16,099 16,100 16,101 16,102 16,103 16,104 16,105 16,106 16,107 16,108 16,109 16,110 16,111 16,112 16,113 16,114 16,115 16,116 16,117 Code Word. Moderate(s) (continued] Incivism . A moderate profit Inclemency When the weather moderates Inclement. Moderated Inclineth . Has been moderated Inclip . . The weather has moderated Inclipped . Moderation Inclipping By proceeding with moderation Include . Modification(s) Includible What modification would be required Including . Not much modification Incoact . With but little modification Incocted . Some modification will be necessary Incogitant . Have you any modifications to make Incolumity Modify Income . Does it modify your views Incometax Will you modify your Incoming . See no cause to modify our Incompact Modify so far as Incomplete Intended to modify IncomposedModified Inconcoct Our views are not modified Will be modified in respect to Cannot be modified Considerably modified The whole arrangement must be modified Must be modified Modified with a view to Moment A favourable moment An unfavourable moment It is of no moment Do not lose a moment Every moment is of importance Incorpse . Incorpsing Incorrupt . Increase . Increasing Incredibly Increscent Incruental Incrustate . Incubate . Incubation Incubatory Incubuses. Monday Inculcator. On Monday Inculpated Incult . . Incumbency Incumbent Incumbrous Incurable . Incurred . Incurrence Incurring . Incurvity . Indagate . Indebt Last Monday Next Monday Every Monday Every other Monday The first thing Monday morning Every second Monday Every third Monday First Monday in the month Second Monday in the month Third Monday in the month Fourth Monday in the month Last Monday in the month Indebtment Money Indecent . Am (are) badly in want of money; you mast send me (us) at once MON No. Code Word. Money (continued) 16,118 Indecisive Shall want money when I get to ; telegraph 16,119 Indecorous T~\ . . .*. rt *~*L s^-*~i ^ r * ^ jo you Wcini any money tu 16,120 Indecorum T-Fivp Tnt von tViinlnnp' von will lie in wont JTlclYC oCllL VUU. llllllK.lilci \\J\J. Will U\^ ill WctllL 16,121 Indefinite . The money is already subscribed [of money for 16,122 Indelibly . Can pay the purchase money as soon as your report 16,123 Indelicacy . Have the money ready [reaches us 16,124 Indemnify The money to be paid on the 16,125 Indented . There will be a difficulty in raising the money 16,126 Indentedly There will be no difficulty in raising the money 16,127 Indentures Require an advance of money 16,128 Indesert . How much money do you want 16,129 Indevoutly Demand (s) a deposit of money as a guarantee 16,130 Indexerror You must demand a deposit of money as a guarantee 16,131 Indexglass Have demanded a deposit of money as a guarantee 16,132 Indexing . We are prepared to pay down the purchase money as soon as we receive your report advising pur- 16,133 Indiaman . Will want money by [chase of 16,134 Indianeer . It will require a large outlay of money to 16,135 Indianlike . Will cause a forfeiture of all money paid thereon 16,136 Indiapaper Shall not want any money till 16,137 Indicated . Will remit the money to 16,138 Indication There is no money in it 16,139 Indicative . There is money in it 16,140 Indicatory We are short of money 16,141 Indicolite . Shall want money before going to ; send me 16,142 Indictable AX7K /~V T*Tll1 -fit-V/^ -fK^k -W- S\ *-/-*,- T ^W r f\ * r\ I-*/"- * VV llC/ Will 1 J 1 1 (.1 tllC IllvyllCy 1OI ctL Uiiv-'t 16,143 Indicteth . Will find the money for 16,144 Indicting . Will not find the money for 16,145 Indigence . Has (have) provided the money for 16,146 Indigenous Money is easy 16,147 Indigently Money is tight 16,148 Indign . . Money is plentiful 16,149 Indignant . Money is on the way 16,150 Indigobird Must have the money by 16,151 Indigoblue Must have the money for men's wages by 16,152 Indigofera Money to be paid down 16,153 Indigogen . Must first have the money 16,154 Indigotic . The money will be paid down 16,155 Indiligent . The money will not be paid (without) 16,156 Indiscreet . Do you think the money is all right 16,157 Indisposed I (we) think the money is all right 16,158 Indistancy I (we) do not think the money is all right 16,159 Inditched . What amount of purchase money is required 16,160 Inditer . . Purchase money required is 16,161 Individual The supply of money has increased 16,162 Indivinity . Stop the monthly money of 16,163 Indocility . From the want of money 16,164 Indolence . Cannot send money 16,165 Indolently If the money is not paid on or before 16,166 Indomable Money required will be supplied by MON 327 No. Code Word. Money (continued] 16.167 Indoors . From whom shall I draw money 1 6, 1 68 Indraught . Draw what money you require from 16.169 Indrawn . Supply of money very scarce 16.170 Indubious. No money received yet, please send me (us) at 16.171 Inducement Money is no object [once 16.172 Inducing . Money down is an important object in the case 16.173 Inductric . Will send money 16.174 Indulgeth . I (we) have not sufficient money in hand for 16.175 Indulging . I (we) have sufficient money in hand for 16.176 Indumentum I am (we are) entirely without money 16.177 Industrial. Will keep you supplied with money 16.178 Industry . May calculate on having money by 16.179 Indwell . Will send money very soon 16.180 Indwelling Send money at once to pay 16.181 Inearthed . Has (have) enough money for the present 16.182 Inebriated. Has (have) only enough money to 16.183 Inebriety . Money for travelling expenses 16.184 Inebrious . Without any money in hand 16.185 Inefficacy . Monopolize(s) 1 6, 1 86 Inelastic . Monopolized 16.187 Inelegancy Entirely monopolized (by) 1 6, 1 88 Ineloquent Month(s) 16.189 Ineptitude During last month 16.190 Inequable. During next month 16.191 Inequality. The month after next 16.192 Inequitate. This month 16.193 Inerrably . Last month 16.194 Inerratic . Next month 16.195 Inerudite . One month 16.196 Inevasible. Two months 16.197 Inevidence Three months 16.198 Inexact . Four months 16.199 Inexertion Five months 16.200 Inexistent. Six months 16.201 Inexorably Seven months 16.202 Inexpert . Eight months 16.203 Inexpiable Nine months 16.204 Inexplicit . Ten months 16.205 Inexposure Eleven months 16.206 Inextended Twelve months 16.207 Inextinct . By the month (of) 16.208 Infall . . For the month (of) 16.209 Infallible . In the month (of) 16.210 Infamized. During the month (of) 1 6,21 1 Infamous . After the month (of) 16.212 Infamously Since the month (of) 16.213 Infamy. . Before the month (of) 16.214 Infanthood The beginning of the month 16.215 Infantile . At the beginning of each month 16.216 Infantlike . The end of the month 321 MON No. 16,217 16,218 16,219 16,220 16,221 16,222 16,223 16,224 16,225 16,226 16,227 16,228 16,229 16,230 16,231 16,232 16,233 16,234 16,235 16,236 16,237 16,238 16,239 16,240 16,241 16,242 16,243 16,244 16,245 16,246 16,247 16,248 16,249 16,250 16,251 16,252 16,253 16,254 16,255 16,256 16,257 16,258 16,259 16,260 16,261 16,262 16,263 16,264 16,265 16,266 Code Word. Infatuated Infausting, Infectious Infective Infecund , Infelicity , Inferable Inference Inferior Infidelity Infiltrate , Infinitely , Infinitude . Infirmary . Infirmness Infixed Inflame . Inflaming . Inflatable '. Inflatus Inflected . Inflex . . Inflexure . Inflicting . Infliction . Influenced Influxious . Informal . Informally Informants Informed . Informing. Infossous . Infragrant . Infrapose . Infrequent Infringe . Infringing . Infrugal Infuriate . Infuse . . Infusing . Infusorial . Infusory . Ingeminate Ingendered Ingirt . , Inglenook . Inglobate . Inglorious . Month(s) (continued) At the end of each month In a month from this date In month(s) from Per month In month(s) Will leave early this month for Will leave towards the end of the month for Will leave early next month for Will leave towards the end of next month for Every alternate month About the middle of the month On or before the of the month For) this present month For) this month and next For) the next two months For) the next three months The return for last month The return for this month The return for next month For the past month For the past three months For the past months For the first half of the month For the second half of the month The accounts for the month (of) Half this month, and half next Has been made (or done) during the month The work done during the month Monthly What are the monthly expenses At what do you estimate monthly profits Monthly payments are Monthly shipment of bars averages Monthly shipment(s) of ore Monthly profits estimated at (Send) monthly statement of (Send) monthly statement of expenses and returns (Send) monthly statements so that they arrive here Monthly report [by the of each month Regular monthly report The monthly accounts Monthly production Have not yet received the monthly The usual monthly Our monthly circular The monthly return Total monthly payments More Will want more MOR 329 No. Code Word. More (continued) 16,267 Ingluvial . No more than 16,268 Ingrained . But no more 16,269 Ingraining A great deal more than 16,270 Ingrate . . No more can be got 16,271 Ingrately . From a great many more 16,272 Ingratiate . No more wanted 16,273 Inguilty . More than 16,274 Ingustable More than was expected 16,275 Ingwort . If no more than 16,276 Inhabit If there is no more 16,277 Inhabiting Will probably want more 16,278 Inharmony More development work must be done 16,279 Inherently Will not in all probability want more 16,280 Inheritors . Will not cost more than 16,281 Inheritrix . Will cost more than 16,282 Inhibitory . Will be a little more 16,283 Inholdeth . Will be a great deal more 16,284 Inhoop . . Will not be any more 16,285 Inhuman . Do you think it will be more 16,286 Inhumanly Prove(s) to be more than I first stated 16,287 Inimicous . When we want more 16,288 Inimitable If more wanted, telegraph 16,289 Iniquitous . Do you want more 16,290 Iniquity . How much more 16,291 Initialled . f^lTI KlSIVA TYIATP 1 1 1 TO mil TO /i 16,292 Initiatory . Have more 16,293 Inject . . Have you any more 16,294 Injecting . We can do more if necessary 16,295 Injellied . Can you do any more 16,296 In jelly . . We cannot do more 16,297 Injudicial . Will take more than 16,298 Injurious . Morning 16,299 Injustice . This morning 16,300 Inkbag . . Any morning 16,301 Inkberries To-morrow morning 16,302 Inkberry . Yesterday morning 16,303 Inkblurred \ t" r\'r*1pir*l'* i"ViT"* TvioTninnr 16,304 Inkbottle . Early in the morning 16,305 Inkfish. . Morning shift 16,306 Inkglass . Mortars 16,307 Inkholder . Wet crushing mortars 16,308 Inkhorn . Dry crushing mortars 16,309 Inkiness . Mortgage(s) [per cent . interest 16,310 Inkling. Will be allowed to remain on mortgage it" 16,311 Inkmaker . Mortgage must be either paid or arranged (for) 16,312 Inkpot . . With mortgage on record nothing can be done 16,313 Inkstand . Has (have) a mortgage on the property 16,314 Inlaid . . Ascertain if there is any mortgage on the 16,315 Inlandish . There is no mortgage on 16,316 Inlapidate There is (are) mortgage(s) on the property as follows 330 MOR No. Code Word. Mortgage(s) (continued) 16.317 Inlaying . The only mortgage on the property is for 16.318 Inmates . Mortgage on the land 16.319 Innately . Mortgage must be paid off 16.320 Innermost Mortgage will be foreclosed (if) 16.321 Innerplate Warranted free from mortgage 16.322 Innkeeper. Will give a mortgage on the property 16.323 Innocuity . Will take a mortgage on the property 16.324 Innominate The mortgage deeds 16.325 Innovated. Foreclosure of the mortgage 16.326 Innovating Has foreclosed the mortgage 16.327 Innovative Mortgaged 16.328 Innoxious. The property is mortgaged for 16.329 Innumerous The property is mortgaged up to the hilt 16.330 Inobedient Mortgagee(s) 16.331 Inocarpin . Who is (are) the mortgagee(s) 16.332 Inoceramus Telegraph name (s) of mortgagee (s) 16.333 Inoculable Mortgagee threatens to foreclose 16.334 Inoculator If the mortgagee forecloses 16.335 Inodorous. Most 16.336 Inopinate . The most of the 16.337 Inopulent . Most of the work 16.338 Inordinacy Most of the ore now being extracted 16.339 Inordinate Most of the ore now being milled 16.340 Inorganic . By far the most 16.341 Inosculate The most that can be done 16.342 Inosic . . What is the most that can be 16.343 Inpenny . The most that was ever done (made) 16.344 Inquest . What is the most 16.345 Inquinate . Have made the most 16.346 Inquirable Mould(s) 16.347 Inquiring . Ingot mould (s) 16.348 Inquiry . Bullion mould (s) 16.349 Inquisitor. Lead mould(s) 16.350 Inroads . Silver mould (s) 16.351 Insanitary. Gold mould (s) 16.352 Insanably . Mount ain(s) 16.353 Insaneness The side of the mountain 16.354 Insanified . The summit of the mountain 16.355 Insanify . The foot of the mountain 16.356 Insapory . Driving into the mountain 16.357 Insatiety . The other side of the mountain 16.358 Inscribe . Driven in the side of the mountain 16.359 Inscribing. The mountain is mostly 16.360 Inscroll . These mountains 16.361 Insculp . Situated in mountains 16.362 Insculping A mountain road 16.363 Insectator On the precipitous side of a mountain 16.364 Irlsectile . Halfway up the mountain 16.365 Insects. . Mountainous 16.366 Insecure . A very mountainous district to MOU 331 No. Code Word. Mountainous (continued) 16,367 Insecurely. A very mountainous road 16,368 Insensibly. Move 16,369 Insensuous To move in the matter 16,370 Inseparate Do not move in the matter 16,371 Inserting . To move away 16,372 Inservient. The first thing is to move the i6,373 Insessores We shall have to move i6,374 Inshelled . Will move 16,375 Inshore . Will not move 16,376 Inside . . Try to move l6,377 Insidiated . Not to move 16,378 Insight . . Has (have) tried to move i6,379 Insincere . (To) move the court 16,380 Insinewed . (To) move that the action be 16,381 Insinuator . Watch every move (of) 16,382 Insipid . . Cannot move without 16,383 Insipidly . Moved 16,384 Insipience Moved the court 16,385 Insisted . Moved to set aside 16,386 Insisture . Movement(s) 16,387 Insnaring . A movement in 16,388 Insolvable There is a considerable movement in 16,389 Insolvency There is but little movement in 16,390 Insolvent . No movement in i6,39l Insomnia . A movement is being made to 16,392 Insomnious Every movement i6,393 Insooth . What are your movements 16,394 Insoul . . Please wire at once your movements i6,395 Inspected . Watch his (their) movements 16,396 Insperse . Moving l6,397 T T\ *"* T^ mr i tnn r * T*"* IIT^I TnoT T iT^fT in 1"T^f* Tnnt'fpT JLIlblJCAlHl Llo -1 o (dlCJ illA.) ViUci 111 LIJC llltlLLCi 16,398 Inspirable . Is (are) moving in the matter l6,399 Inspissate Is (are) not moving in the matter 16,400 Install . . Will soon be moving 16,401 Installing . Now moving to upset the 16,402 Instalment Much 16,403 Instancing Not much 16,404 Instantly . Very much 16,405 Instaurate . As much as 16,406 Insteeped . As much as you can 16,407 Insteeping If we do as much as 16,408 Instigator . If you do as much as 16,409 Instinctly . Cannot do as much 16,410 Instituted . Much less (than) 16,411 Instruct . Much more (than) 16,412 Instructor . How much (shall) 16,413 Instrument Without much more 16,414 Insuavity . Will not be much more 16,415 Insularity . Shall get as much 16,416 Insulate . Shall not get as much 332 MUG No. Code Word. Much (continued) 16.417 Insulation. Without much 16.418 Insulous . Quite as much as we expected 16.419 Insulted . Much more than expected 16.420 Insulting . How much more do you expect to get 16.421 Insultment We expect to get much more 16.422 Insurance . Have you much further to go 16.423 Insurgent . We have not much further to go 16.424 Inswathed. Much further 16.425 Intangible Not very much (of) 16.426 Integrally . Multiplication 16.427 Integrity . Multiplying 16.428 Integument Murdered 16.429 Intendancy Has been murdered 16.430 Intendant. Several murders have been committed 16.431 Intendedly Must 16.432 Intendment Must be 16.433 Intensify . Must not be 16.434 Intent . . Must this be 16.435 Interact -. You must 16.436 Interagent You must not 16.437 Interaulic . I (we) must 16.438 Interaxal . I (we) must not 16.439 Interblend He (they) must 16.440 Intercalar . He (they) must not 16.441 Intercedes Must I (we) 16.442 Intercept . Must I (we) not 16.443 Interchain Must proceed 16.444 Intercloud Must not proceed 1 6,445 Intercome If I (we; must 16.446 Intercross. If you must 16.447 Interested. When you must 16.448 Interfold . When must you 16.449 Interfuse . Why must 16.450 Interhemai (It) must be done 16.451 Interim . (It) must not be done 16.452 Interimist. Must do it 16.453 Interjects . Must not do it 16.454 Interknit . You must come at once 16.455 Interknow. You must go at once 16.456 Interlaced. Mutilated 16.457 Interlapse. The message was mutilated In being cabled 16.458 Interleaf . The telegram was evidently mutilated 16.459 Interlibel . A mutilated and garbled report 16.460 Interlink . In a mutilated form 16.461 Interloper. Mutual(ly) 16.462 Interlunar. To our mutual advantage 16.463 Intermarry A mutual arrangement 16.464 Intermixed A mutual exchange 16.465 Intermural It is mutually agreed 16.466 Internodal On mutually advantageous terms MYS 333 No. Code Word. 16.467 Interpale . Myself 16.468 Interplay . By myself 16.469 Interplead For myself and friends 16.470 Interposit. Cannot do the work by myself 16.471 Interreign. Reserve for myself 16.472 Interrupt. To be allotted to myself 16.473 Interscind Name(s) (of) 16.474 Intershock Name of the company 16.475 Intersour . Telegraph the right name (of) 16.476 Intertalk . What is (are) the name(s) of 16.477 Intertwist . The name of a good maker of 16.478 Intervened In my (our) name 16.479 Interview . In your name 16.480 Intervisit . In the name of 16.481 Intervital . Name the date 16.482 Intervolve. Do you know the name(s) of (the) 16.483 Interwish . Name(s) not known 16.484 Interwork . Name(s) not much liked 16.485 Interwound Name(s) stand(s) well 16.486 Interwoven Cannot name a day 16.487 Intestable. The name of the mine is 16.488 Intestacy . Do not name 16.489 Intexture . Cannot ascertain name 16.490 Inthirsted. Name has a bad reputation 16.491 Inthrall . What name will you give the company 16.492 Intimacy . Sign your name to 16.493 Intimating First-class names 16.494 Intimidate Names of firms 16.495 Intolerant. Names of firms from whom we are to obtain 16.496 Intoxicant. Names of firms who supply 16.497 Intreatful . Names of some of the best firms 16.498 Intrepid . Names of some of the best makers 16.499 Intrepidly. Narrow 16.500 Intricable . A narrow strip of 16.501 Intricacy . The vein is narrow 16.502 Intriguing. Becomes narrow 16.503 Intrinsic . Is too narrow to work profitably 16.504 Introduced In a narrow 16.505 Introspect Is found in narrow 16.506 Introsume. In the level the vein becomes narrow 16.507 Introvert . Narrowing 16.508 Intruder . The vein is narrowing 16.509 Intrudress . The vein is narrowing as we get deeper 16.510 Intrusive . Native(s) 16.511 Intrusted . Native silver 16.512 Intumesce Native copper 16.513 Inundating In a native state 16.514 Inurbane . The natives in the district are very quiet 16.515 Inurbanely The natives in the district are very trouulesome 16.516 Invalidism Plenty of native labour to be got 334 NAT No. Code Word. Native(s) (continued} 16.517 Invalidity. Native workmen 16.518 Invalorous Native miners 16.519 Invaluably Have procured some natives from 16.520 Invariable. Natives have been substituted 16.521 Inveigh . We have brought up some native miners 16.522 Inveigheth Are chiefly natives 16.523 Inveighing Both natives and foreigners 16.524 Invenoming Native labour is cheap and abundant 16.525 Inventory . Native labour is scarce 16.526 Inventress Natives earn from to a day 16.527 Inversely . Native labour difficulties 16.528 Investment We have a good deal of difficulty with the natives 16.529 Inveteracy Nature 16.530 Inveterate. The nature of the 16.531 Invidious . What is the nature of the 16.532 Invigorate Of a dangerous nature 16.533 Invillaged . Owing to the dangerous nature of the 16.534 Inviolacy . Owing to the peculiar nature of T 6,535 InviolateoV Of a temporary nature 16.536 Invisibly . The inflammable nature of the 16.537 Invitingly. The nature of the vein system 16.538 Invocate . From the nature of the 16.539 Invocation Navigable 16.540 Invocatory A navigable river 16.541 Invoice . Not navigable for 16.542 Invoked . Navigation 16.543 Involucral Navigation closed 16.544 Involuted . Navigation opened 16.545 Involutina Navigation will not be open until 16.546 Involving. Navigation expected to 16.547 Inweave . Near (the) 16.548 Inweaving The mines are situated near (the) 16.549 Inwheeled The mines are not near any 16.550 Inwoven . Near the vein 16.551 Iodized . Near the hanging wall 16.552 Iodizing . Near the foot-wall 16.553 lodof rm . As near as possible 16.554 Iracund . Near the bottom (of) 16.555 Irascible . Quite near enough 16.556 Ireful . . Not near enough 16.557 Irenicon . Very near 16.558 Iricism. . We should be very near (the) 16.559 Iridectomy Not near 16.560 Iridescent. Near the surface 16.561 Iridosmium We are getting near 16.562 Irisated . As we get near the 16.563 Iriscope . Near the shaft 16.564 Irishmoss . Near the boundary 16.565 Iritis . . Nearer 16.566 Irksome . Nearer the NEA 335 No. Code Word. Nearer (continued) T f\ r f\ *r TTlrT^vn ol i r MfTTOT 1~ViiYi XU.^Uy J.IK.oUllICiy IMCctiCl Lllctll 16,568 Ironbark . Will be nearer than 16,569 Ironbound Getting nearer the 16,570 Ironcased. Not nearer than 16,571 Ironclad . When nearer 16,572 Ironcrown Is it (are they) any nearer to 16,573 Ironfisted . No nearer 16,574 Ironflint . Nearly 16,575 Irongray . Has (have) nearly reached the 16,576 Ironhat . Has (have) nearly completed (the) TO r* *7 T TrO'niPnl In P ^i'OT^P'^ nlinvp- IfMrpl M"r\ ni re nearly done JLVJj^yy J.1 iJIlL^ctl J. IC oLvy UCb ctUL/VC 1CVCI Xi U dJ 16,578 Ironically . The ore is nearly worked out 1 6,5 7 9 Ironingbox Not nearly done 16,580 Ironish. . Not nearly finished 16,581 Ironliquor. Not nearly 16,582 Ironlord . Very nearly 16,583 Ironmaster The works are nearly completed Tn r* R 1 Tvnn rn C\T\ np PT* H*rr v r*tin'n r\f nAoi*1t7 /^omr^l/^fr^rl Al^.SO^- v/lIlllwll^Ci .L/I ClsllUil Ul ^^ llCdliy UC/lll U 1C LCU. 16,585 Ironmould Examination nearly completed 16,586 Ironsand . Necessary 16,587 Ironsick . The first thing necessary is to 16,588 Ironsides . To do what is absolutely necessary 16,589 Ironstone . Do (does) not think it will be necessary 16,590 Ironware . It will be necessary (to) 16,591 Ironwood . It will not be necessary (to) 16,592 Ironworks Under these circumstances it will be necessary 16,593 Irradiancy. But, if necessary, you can 16,594 Irradiate . If necessary 16,595 Irrational, If not necessary 16,596 Irregular . If necessary to give 16.597 Irregulous If necessary to take 16,598 Irrelative . If not necessary to give 16,599 Irrelevant . If not necessary to take 16,600 Irremoval . It is necessary (to) 1 6, 60 1 Irrenowned It is not necessary (to) 16,602 Irresolute. If absolutely necessary 16,603 Irrigate . It is absolutely necessary 16,604 Irrigating . It is not absolutely necessary 16,605 Irritation . Will it be necessary (to) 16,606 Irritatory . If you consider it necessary (to) 16,607 Irrubrical . I (we) do not consider it necessary (to) 16,608 Irrupted . More than is necessary 16,609 Irvingite . Provide all that is necessary 1 6,6 10 Isabelline . I am (we are) taking the necessary steps (to) 1 6,6 1 1 Isagogic . Take (taking) the necessary means (to) 16,612 Isagogical. Necessitate 16,613 Ischiadic . (This) will necessitate 16,614 Ischiagra . (This) need not necessitate 16,615 Ischiocele. (This) will necessitate renewing the bond 16,616 Ischium . (This) will necessitate his (their) 336 NEC No. 16,617 16,618 16,619 16,620 16,621 16,622 16,623 16,624 16,625 16,626 16,627 16,628 16,629 16,630 16,631 16,632 16,633 16,634 16,635 16,636 16,637 16,638 16,639 16,640 16,641 16,642 16,643 16,644 16,645 16,646 16,647 16,648 16,649 16,650 16,651 16,652 16,653 16,654 16,655 16,656 16,657 16,658 16,659 16,660 16,661 16,662 16,663 16,664 16,665 16,666 Code Word. Necessitate (continued) Ischuretic . (This) will necessitate my (our) (This) will necessitate your Will this necessitate It will not necessitate Provided it does not necessitate Necessity Is there any necessity to (for) I (we) do not see any necessity to (for) There is great necessity In case of necessity Unless compelled by absolute necessity Need Do (does) not need There is no need Shall not need In case of need In need of I am (we are) much in need of In case of need, apply to In case of need, to whom shall I (we) apply Has (have) no need of Is (are) in great need of You need not Procure whatever you need (from) Negative In the negative Telegraph at once if negative If the reply is in the negative Neglect There is great neglect Very great neglect Do not neglect I (we) will not neglect Do not think there has been any neglect There has been no neglect on my (our) part There has been no neglect on part The result of neglect Owing to the neglect of Ischury Ischyodon Isidoid . Isinglass Islamism Islamitic Islamize Islamizing Islanders Islandy. Isnardia Isobar . . Isobaric . Isobrious . Isochimal . Isochronon Isochrous . Isoclinic -. Isocryme . Isodomum Isodynamic Isogonic . Isography . Isohyetose Isolable Isolated . Isolatedly . Isolating . Isomerical Isomerism Isomerous Isonandra . Isonomy . Isopathy . Isopoda . Isopodous Isopolity . Isopyre Isosceles . Isotherm . Isothermal Isotropic . Israelitic . Issuably . Issuance . Issueless . Issuing Isthmian Isthmitis Owing to the neglect of proper precautions Neglected Has (have) neglected to Has been very much neglected Was (has been) entirely neglected You have neglected to I (we) neglected to I (we) have not neglected to Why have you neglected to Why has (have) neglected to . Neglecting In consequence of neglecting to NEG- 337 No. Code Word. 16.667 Itaberite . Negotiate 16.668 Italic . . Can you negotiate 16.669 Italicism . Can you negotiate bill (on) 16.670 Italicized . I (we) can negotiate 16.671 Itinerancy I (we) cannot negotiate 16.672 Itinerant . Hope to be able to negotiate 16.673 Ittrium. . Shall be able to negotiate 16.674 Ivories. . Cannot negotiate 16.675 Ivory . . Cannot negotiate bill (on) 16.676 Ivoryblack Could not negotiate 16.677 Ivorynut . Do not negotiate 16.678 Ivorypalm. Negotiated 16.679 Ivoryshell. Have negotiated a bill (on) 16.680 Ivygum . Has (have) negotiated terms of agreement 1 6, 68 1 Ivymantled Negotiating 16.682 Ixodes . . We are now negotiating for 16.683 Ixolyte. . Negotiating terms 16.684 Jaalgoat . Negotiating the purchase of 16.685 Jabber . . Negotiating the sale of 16.686 Jabbering . Negotiation(s) 16.687 Jabberment Negotiations still pending 16.688 Jabbernowl Negotiations are not satisfactory 16.689 Jabiru . . Negotiations are very satisfactory 16.690 Jaborandi . Am (are) carrying on negotiations 16.691 Jacamars . Is (are) carrying on negotiations 16.692 Jacaranda. Negotiations stopped for the present 16.693 Jacare . . Negotiations have failed 16.694 Jacinth . Negotiations satisfactorily carried through 16.695 Jackadandy Negotiations are going on for the acquisition of 16.696 Jackalent . Stop all negotiations (concerning) 16.697 Jackanapes Have stopped all negotiations (concerning) 16.698 Jackarch . The result of the negotiations (with or about) 16.699 Jackbacks To facilitate negotiations 16.700 Jackblock. Negotiations will have the result of 16.701 Jackboot . Negotiations broken off 16.702 Jackchain. Negotiations have been resumed 16.703 Jackdaws . Negotiations are concluded 16.704 Jackflag . The matter is ripe for negotiation 16.705 Jackfruit . No time for negotiation 16.706 Jackknife . The time for negotiation is past 16.707 Jackrafter . Negotiation for the purchase of 16.708 Jackrib . Neighbourhood 16.709 Jacksauce . In the neighbourhood 16.710 Jackscrew. When you are in the neighbourhood 16.711 Jackslave . As I (we) shall be in the neighbourhood 16.712 Jacksnipe . Being in the neighbourhood 16.713 Jackstaff . Not in the neighbourhood 16.714 Jackstays . Neither 16.715 Jacktimber In neither 16.716 Jacktowel . From neither 338 NEI No. 16,717 16,718 16,719 16,720 16,721 16,722 16,723 16,724 16,725 16,726 16,727 16,728 16,729 16,730 16,731 16,732 16,733 16,734 16,735 16,736 16,737 16,738 16,739 16,740 16,741 16,742 16,743 16,744 16,745 16,746 16,747 16,748 16,749 16,750 16,751 16,752 16,753 16,754 16,755 16,756 i 16,757 <; 16,758 16,759 16,760 16,761 16,762 16,763 16,764 16,765 16,766 Code Word. Neither (continued) Neither of the Neither one nor the other Neither seen nor heard of Neither of the has Jacktree . Jackwood . Jacobinism Jacobinly . Jacobus Jactancy . Jactation . Jaculating . Jaculator . Jadery . . Jaggedness Jagghery . Jaghirdar . Jaghire . Jaguars Jailbird Jailfever . Jailkeeper . Jailors . " . Jalap . . Jalapic . . Jaloose Jamdari . Jamesonite Jamming . Jamnut Jampanees Jamrosade Jangleress . Jangling . Janglour . Janissary . Janitrix . Janizar . Janizarian . Jansenism . Janthina . Janus . . Janusfaced Japanblack Japanearth Japanner . Japanning Japannish . Jargoned . Jargonists . Jargonized Jarool . . Jarringly . Jashawk . In neither of the Net What has been the net yield per ton What is the net yield What is the net value The net yield per ton is The net value of the mine(s) is The net value of the bullion is The net value (of) The net weight The net profits The net proceeds Has (have) netted Neutral Will remain neutral Advise you to remain neutral Is (are) perfectly neutral Will remain neutral unless our interests are in danger Never It will never do to It has never been known It has never been mentioned It can never be done unless You must never Never mind Never before Has (have) never known a similar case Nevertheless We think, nevertheless New Is there anything new Is (are) quite new Will require new Nothing new Everything new Send immediately new Have made a new shaft The new developments The new workings The new machinery The new shaft It will be better to have new Must have new Make a new Need not at present have new Everything new and in good order NEW 339 No. Code Word. New (continued} 16.767 Jaspachate This is perfectly new to us 16.768 Jasperated New and improved plant 16.769 Jaspideous For new machinery, building, etc. 1 6,7 70 Jaspoid . News 16.771 Jasponyx . Waiting anxiously for news of 16.772 Jatamansi . What is the latest news 16.773 Jateorhiza. What news have you of 16.774 Jatropha . Have you any news l6 >775 Jaundice . I (we) have no news 16.776 Jaundicing The latest news is 16.777 Jauntily . Very important news 16.778 Jauntiness No news of importance 16.779 Javelining. Have no further news (from) 16.780 Javelins . Send all the news you can about 16.781 Jawfallen . Unless you have favourable news do not telegraph 16.782 Ja wfoot . Unless you have later news of a favourable character 16.783 Jawlever . News not reliable 16.784 Jawrope . News quite correct 16.785 Jawteeth . Owing to the news that 16.786 Jawwedge . Very glad to receive news of 16.787 Jazerant . Very sorry to receive news of 16.788 Jealous . Alarming news (from) 16.789 Jealously . Favourable news 16.790 Jeddingaxe The only news we could get 16.791 Jehovistic . The latest news is very good 16.792 Jejunely . The latest news is unfavourable 16.793 Jejuneness What further news concerning 16.794 Jellied . . The news upset everything 16.795 Jellybag . Newspapers 16.796 Jellyfish . Send newspapers 16.797 Jemidar . Send all newspapers which refer to 16.798 Jemminess A paragraph in the newspapers 16.799 Jenneting. A newspaper notice 16.800 Jennyass . The newspapers have reported 1 6, 80 1 Jeopardize The newspaper report 16.802 Jeopardous Most of the newspapers 16.803 Jeopardy . The best newspaper 16.804 Jerfalcon . (By) advertisement in the newspapers 16.805 Jerguer . Has appeared in the newspapers 16.806 Jerked . . You will have seen by the newspapers 16.807 Jerking . Next 16.808 Jerkinhead Leaving by next steamer 16.809 Jeronymite Will send by next steamer 1 6,8 10 Jessamine . In your next letter 16.811 Jesseraunt In your next telegram 16.812 Jestbooks . Nickel 16.813 Jesters. . Nickel ore 16.814 Jestful . . A nickel mine 16.815 Jestmonger Nickel has been found 1 6,8 1 6 Jestword . Night(s) 340 NIG No. CodeWord. Night(s) (continued) 16.817 Jesuit . . During the night 16.818 Jesuitess . Night shift 16.819 Jesuitical . Last night 16.820 Jesuitry . Received last night 16.821 Jesuitsnut. Left last night 16.822 Jetblack . To-morrow night 16.823 Jetsam. . Will leave to-morrow night for 16.824 Jetties . . Last night, after office had closed 16.825 Jettisoned . Too late last night for reply 16.826 Jetty . . No 16.827 Jettyhead . No more 16.828 Jewbush . There is (are) no 16.829 Jewel . . There can be no 16.830 Jewelblock There has been no 16.831 Jewelcase . We have no 16.832 Jewelhouse We say at once, no 16.833 Jewellery . Decidedly no 16.834 Jewellike . If no, then 16.835 Jewelweed Is (are) there no 16.836 Jewesseye. No more to be had 16.837 Jewish. . No less 16.838 Jewishly . Nominal 16.839 Jewishness For a nominal consideration 16.840 Jewsapple . At a nominal rate (or rent) 16.841 Jewsear . A nominal payment 16.842 Jewsharp . Quotations nominal 16.843 JewsmallowNominally 16.844 Jewspitch . Nominally quoted at 16.845 Jewstrump Nominate 16.846 Jezid . . We must nominate some one to 16.847 Jibbing . Whom can you nominate to 16.848 Jibboom . Is (are) the best man (men) to nominate 16.849 Jiboya . . Do not nominate 16.850 Jickajog . Cannot nominate 16.851 Jiffy . . You must nominate some one 16.852 Jiggumbob Nominate some one to act for you 16.853 Jigjog . . Nominate as trustee 16.854 Jigmaker . Nominate as agent 16.855 Jigpin . . Nominated 16.856 Jigsaw . . Have nominated 16.857 Jillflirt . . Have nominated the following 16.858 Jilt . . . Whom have you nominated 16.859 Jimps . . Nominated as director 16.860 Jippo . . Nominated by the Board 1 6, 86 1 Jirkinet . Nominated by the vendor 16.862 Jobbery . Nominee(s) 16.863 Jobmaster. Our nominee(s) 16.864 Jobprinter His (their) > nominee (s) 16.865 Jobspost . Your nominee(s) 16.866 Jobstears . The vendor's nominee NOM 341 No. Code Word. Nominee(s) (continued] 16,867 Jobwatch . (In) the names of my (our) nominees 16,868 Jockey . . Non- 16,869 Jockeyclub Non-acceptance (of) 16,870 Jockeyism . Non-appearance 16,871 Jockeyship Non-committal 16,872 Jockied . Non-compliance (with) 16,873 Jocose . , Non-concurrence (with) 16,874 Jocosely . Non-delivery (of) 16,875 Jocoseness Non-fulfilment (of) 16,876 Jocular . Non-payment (of) 16,877 Jocularity . Non-performance (of) 16,878 Jocund . Non-presentation (of) 16,879 Jocundly . Non-receipt (of) 16,880 Jocundness None 16,881 Jogtrot. . None of the 16,882 Johannite . Are there none to be had 16,883 Johnapple . None have been sent 16,884 Johncrow . There are none to be had 16,885 Johndory . Nonsense 16,886 Johnnycake It is utter nonsense 16,887 Johnnyraw A great deal of nonsense was talked 16,888 Johnsonese Treat it as utter nonsense 16,889 Johnsonian Stand no nonsense 16,890 Johnswort . North. (See Table at end.) 16,891 Joinhand . Not 16,892 Joining . Not any 16,893 Jointchair . Not at present 16,894 Jointevil . Not before 16,895 Jointfiat . Not after 16,896 Jointheir . Not to be 16,897 Jointless . Not until 16,898 Jointly . . Not unless 16,899 Jointstock. Not much (not many) 16,900 Jointstool . If not so 16,901 Jointures . If I am (we are) not to 16,902 Jointuring . If it is not 16,903 Jointworm Is it not 16,904 Jokingly . Is it not so 16,905 Jokish . . Are we not 16,906 Jollier . . Are you not 16,907 Jollily . . Are (is) there not 16,908 Jolliment , Is he (are they) not 16,909 Jolliness . Must not 16,910 Jollyboat . Must not be 16,911 Jollyhead . Not more (than) 16,912 Jolterhead Not less (than) 16,913 Jorum . . Notarial(ly) 16,914 Joss . . Notarial attestation required 16,915 Josshouse . Notarial charges 16,916 Jossstick . Must be notarially attested and certified by consul 3*2 NOT No. Code Word. Notarial(ly) (continued) 16,917 Jostle . . Notarially attested 16,918 Jostling Note(s) 16,919 Jotted . . Be very careful to note 16,920 Jougs . . Have taken great care to note 16,921 Journalary Note the 16,922 Journalbox We have taken note of 16,923 Journalism (To) take notes 16,924 Journalize . Will take notes 16,925 Journey . Nothing 16,926 Journeying If there is nothing suitable 16,927 Journeyman Nothing can be done 16,928 J ouster. . Can nothing be done 16,929 Jovial . . Nothing doing 16,930 Jovialist . Nothing to prevent 16,931 Jovialized . Nothing yet 16,932 Jovially Nothing has been done 16,933 Jovialness . Nothing new worth reporting 16,934 Jowler . . Do nothing without first consulting l6,935 Jowlopped Do nothing until you hear 16,936 Joyance . Can do nothing till I hear from i6,937 Joybells . Is (are) doing nothing to 16,938 Joyful . . There is nothing in it 16,939 Joyfully . There is nothing in the mine 16,940 Joyfulness . Nothing in sight 16,941 Joyless . . Nothing left 16,942 Joylessly . It is worth nothing 16,943 Joyous . . Can see nothing owing to 16,944 Joyously . Can hear nothing of i6,945 Joyousness Nothing at all 16,946 Jubilant . Nothing more can be done 16,947 Jubilation . Have nothing to do with it (him) 16,948 Judaical . Nothing to do with 16,949 Judaism . Nothing more to do with 16,950 Judaistic . Nothing can be further from 16,951 Judaize Nothing was further from our intention (or wish) 16,952 Judaizing . Thought nothing of it i6,953 Judashole . That nothing be done 16,954 Judasly Nothing later than i6,955 Judastree . Nothing prevents 16,956 Judcock . Nothing will be done until we hear from you 16,957 Judged Notice 16,958 Judgeship . Has (have) given notice l6,959 Judging . Has (have) received no notice 16,960 Judgingly . Has (have) sent any notice 16,961 Judgments Due notice will be sent 16,962 Judica . . Give notice that 16,963 Judicable . C^~1trt *r\ r^+-t r*/~i VTlVC IIULICC 16,964- Judicatory Until further notice 16,965 Judicature Notice to terminate the agreement 16,966 Judicially . What notice is necessary NOT 343 No. Code Word. Notice (continued} 16,967 Judicious . Has (have) taken no notice 16,968 Jugglery . Take no notice of 16,969 Juglandine Have you given notice 16,970 Juglans Shall we give notice 16,971 Jugulate . Has he given notice 16,972 Juiceful If notice has not been given 16,973 Juiceless . No notice was given 16,974 Juices . . A notice of days was given 16,975 Julianist . Due notice has been given 16,976 Juliform . The proper notice must be given 16,977 Julyflower. Final notice 16,978 Jumbled . Formal notice 16,979 Jumblemenl tT-f f\ r^. ** ^4- *-"iTT\ v\r\ir*e JLI \JL\J 11UL glVC llULIv^C 16,980 Jumpingrat Not worthy of notice 16,981 Jumpseat . This is to give due notice 16,982 Jumpweld . Public notice must be given 16,983 Juncaceous Without further notice 16,984 Juncous Notices have been posted 16,985 Juncture . Notice is published (that) 16,986 Juneating . Notification 16,987 Juneberry . Official notification 16,988 Junglefowl Upon notification of 16,989 Jungly . . Notification of the numbers 16,990 Junglygau . Without proper notification 16,991 Junior . . Received notification 16,992 Juniority . Notified l6,993 Juniorship Has (have) notified me (us) that 16,994 Juniper Has (have) not yet been notified 16,995 Junkbottle Have you been notified of 16,996 Junkerite . Unless I am (we are) notified 16,997 Junket . . Has (have) been notified 16,998 Junketings Unless you are notified 16,999 Jupatipalm Will be notified in due time 17,000 Jurassic . Must be notified 17,001 Juration . Notify 17,002 Juratory . Failed to notify 17,003 Juridic . . Notify all parties concerned 17,004 Juridical . Notorious 17,005 Jury box . Notorious for 17,006 Juryman . Is notorious as having been the 17,007 Jurymasts . It is notorious as a regular swindle 17,008 Juryrigged Notwithstanding 17,009 Juryrudder Notwithstanding this 17,010 Jussel . . Now 17,011 Justice . . Now is a favourable time to 17,012 Justiciary . It must be done now 17,013 Justified . It is now the time to 17,014 Justifying . Now is the time to act 17,015 Justinian . Not now 17,016 Justly . . Now on the way 344 NOW No. Code Word. Now (continued) 17,017 Justness . 17,018 Jutwindow 17,019 Juveniles . 17,020 Juvenility . 17,021 Juventate . 17,022 Juvia . . 17,023 Juwanza . 17,024 Juxtapose . 17,025 Juzail . . 17,026 Jymold 17,027 Jysse . . 17,028 Kabani 17,029 Kadiaster . 17,030 Kafilah . 17,031 Kafirbread 17,032 Kainsi . . 17,033 Kajugaru . 17,034 Kakaralli . 17,035 Kakoxene* 17,036 Kalaf . . 17,037 Kalends . 17,038 Kalmia 17,039 Kaloyer 17,040 Kamala 17,041 Kamarband 17,042 Kamichi . 17,043 Kanchil . 17,044 Kangaroo . 17,045 Kantists . 17,046 Kaoline . 17,047 Karaskier . 17,048 Karatas 17,049 Karengia . 17,050 Karstenite 17,051 Katydid . Kauripine . 17,053 Keblah . 17,054 Kecklish . 17,055 Kedgerope 17,056 Keelage . 17,057 Keelblock Keelboat . 17,059 Keelfat . 17,060 Keelhaul . 17,061 Keelson . 17,062 Keelstaple 17,063 Keenest . 17.064 Keeneyed . 17,065 Keenwitted 17,066 Keeperless Now ready to leave Now or never If not done now We are now We are now in a position to We are not now Are you now Is (are) now Now and then From now until We should now We must now Nowhere Go nowhere without first telegraphing me (us) Nowhere else Nowhere to be found Nowhere in this neighbourhood Nugget(s) The nugget was found Have found a nugget weighing ozs. Nuggets have frequently been found in the Have found nuggets weighing altogether Nuisance [ ozs. It will be a great nuisance The nuisance is almost unbearable Number(s) A large number A small number Has (have) obtained a number of Number of certificates What is the number of the certificates Hold(s) a number of (A) number of shares The number of men employed The number of employed What is the exact number (of) Numbers and marks (of) Numbers and dates (of) Numbers and dates of the respective Number of square on plan See square No. , letter Number and letter of square on plan Number and letter of square on section What is the number of What are the numbers of The numbers of the shares are Numeral (s) The following numerals Indicated by the numerals In numerical order NUM 345 No. 17,067 17,068 17,069 17,070 17,071 17,072 17^73 17,074 17,075 17,076 17,077 17,078 17,079 17,080 17,081 17,082 17,083 17,084 17,085 17,086 17,087 17,088 17,089 17,090 17,091 17,092 17,093 17,094 17,095 17,096 17,097 17,098 17,099 17,100 17,101 17,102 17,103 17,104 17,105 17,106 17,107 17,108 17,109 17,110 I 7 ,III 17,112 i7, I][ 3 17,114 i7,n5 17,116 Code Word. Numeral(s) (continued} Keepers . Numeral and letter indicate Keepership Numerous Keepsake . Numerous complaints Keepworthy From numerous sources Keffekil . Numerous inquiries Kehul . . Oak Kelpies . Oak timber Kempt . . Oak guides Kennel . Framing of oak Kennelled We are using oak Kentledge Obedience Keplerian . In obedience to your instructions Keratome . Will have ready and willing obedience Kerchief . Obey Kernbaby . You must obey instructions Kernelwort Do not obey Kerodon . Will obey Kerosolene Will not obey Kersey . . If will not obey orders KerseymereObeyed Keslop . . We expect our orders will be obeyed Kettledrum Object Kettlehat . What is the object Kettlepins What is 's object in Kevelhead Their only object is to Kexy . . Unless you object Keyboard . I (we) object very strongly to Keybugle . You must object to Keycold . Why do (does) object to Keycolour We do not object to what you propose Keyscrew . Cannot see the object of Keyseat . The object is evidently to Keystone . What object have you in view . Key way . Have no other object than Khamsin . Our object has been, and still is, to KhansamrJi So long as this object is attained Khawass . It must be our object to Khaya . . The object for which we are striving Khenna . Objected Khuskhus . Objected to Kibbal . . Objection(s) Kick . . Has (have) raised an objection to Kickable . Make no objection Kickshaws What is the objection Kickup . No objection to your Kiddows . There would be no objection to Kiddypie . I (we) have no objection Kidfox . . Have you any objection to Kidlings . We shall raise objection Kidnap . Will raise objection 346 OBJ No. Code Word. Objection (s) (continued} 17.117 Kidnapped The chief objection 17.118 KidnappingOblig ation(s) 17.119 Kidney be in Avoid putting us under any obligation to 17.120 Kidneylipt Thereby preventing our being under any obligation 17.121 Kidneywort Putting us under an obligation to [to 17.122 Kilderkin . Is (are) under a great obligation to 17.123 Killadar . Under obligations (to) 17.124 Killas . . Fulfil obligations 17.125 Killcow . Can obligations be fulfilled 17.126 Killeth. . Oblige 17.127 Killigrew . This will oblige us to 17.128 Killingly . This will not oblige us to 17.129 Killinite . To oblige 17.130 Kiln . . Obliged 17.131 Kilndried . Shall be obliged (to) 17.132 Kilndry . Will not be obliged (to) 17.133 Kilndrying We have been obliged to 17.134 Kilnhole . Are we obliged (to) 17.135 Kilodyne . Obliged to be very cautious 17.136 Kilogramme Are you obliged to 17.137 Kilolitre . Observation 17.138 Kilostere . A close observation leads us to think 17.139 Kimcoal . After the closest observation 17.140 Kincob . The closest observation failed to show 17.141 Kindlecoal Observe 17.142 Kindlefire. Did not observe 17.143 Kindliness Observed 17.144 Kindly. . Has (have) been observed 17.145 Kindspoken Has (have) not been observed 17.146 Kinesodic. Have you ever observed 17.147 Kinetic . Has (have) been recently observed 17.148 Kingapple Have observed that 17.149 Kingatarms Obstacle 17.150 Kingbird . A great obstacle 17.151 Kingcrabs. This obstacle must be overcome at once 17.152 Kingcrow . An unforeseen obstacle 17.153 Kingcup . Place (placing) every obstacle in our way 17.154 Kingdom. (To) remove the obstacle 17.155 Kingfisher This obstacle will be the cause of much delay 17.156 Kinggeld . Experjse must be no obstacle 17.157 Kingkiller. The greatest obstacle is the 17.158 Kinglihood Obtain 17.159 Kinglypoor Can you obtain 17.160 Kingmullet You must obtain 17.161 Kingpiece You must obtain longer time 17.162 Kingpost . Try and obtain easier terms 17.163 Kingsevil . Endeavour to obtain 17.164 Kingspear. I (we) can easily obtain 17.165 Kfngstones I (we) cannot obtain 17.166 Kingtable . Difficult to obtain OBT 347 No. 17,167 17.168 17,169 17,170 17,171 17,172 17,173 17^74 17,175 17,176 17,!77 17,178 17^79 17,180 17,18! 17,182 17,183 17,184 17,185 17,186 17,187 17,188 17,189 17,190 17,191 17,192 17,193 17,194 17,195 17,196 I7, J 97 17,198 17,200 17,201 17,202 17,203 17,204 17,205 17,206 17,207 17,208 17,209 17,210 17,211 17,212 17,213 17,214 17,215 17,216 Code Word. Obtain (continued) Kingtruss . I (we) hope to obtain Kinkajou . Likely to obtain Kinked . Important to obtain Kinkhaust Think we can obtain better terms Kinking . Think we can obtain better results Kinless . How much can you obtain Kinone . If you cannot obtain all Kinsfolk . Obtainable Kinship . Must be obtainable Kinsman . Obtainable under the deed Kinswoman The property not now obtainable Kippage . May be obtainable later on Kippered . Obtained Kippernut Have obtained all we want Kipskin . Have obtained our ends Kirkyard . Have obtained Kirtle . . Has (have) not obtained Kirwanite . Obtained from this test Kismet . Can be obtained from Kiss . . Cannot be obtained from Kissing . Can be obtained locally Kissmiss . Cannot be obtained locally Kitcat . . The results obtained Kitcatroll . The results obtained would justify Kitchen . Obtaining Kitchendoin Did not succeed in obtaining Kitchenry . Succeeded in obtaining Kiteflier . Obviate Kiteflying . To obviate this Kitefoot . To obviate the necessity Kithara . Thereby obviating the necessity of Kitten . . Occasion Kittenhood Is there any occasion for Kittenish . There is no occasion for Kittiwake . If the occasion occurs Kleeneboc On the next occasion Klopemania May have occasion to (for) Knabbing . Occasionally) Knabble . Except for an occasional Knack . . Occasionally occur Knackish . Occupation Knapbottle Can you obtain occupation for Knappeth . Occupation has been to Knappia . There is plenty of occupation for Knapsack. Occupied Knapweed At present occupied in Knautia . Occupied in preparing statement Knave . . If not already occupied Knavery . How long shall you be occupied Knaveship The ground is already occupied 348 occ No. Code Word. 17,217 Knavish . Occupy 17,218 Knavishly . This will occupy 17,219 Kneaded . This will occupy me (us) days 17,220 Knebelite . This will not occupy 17,221 Kneebrush Will this occupy 17,222 Kneecords Occupy yourself with other inspections till 17,223 Kneedeep. Occurred 17,224 Kneehigh . Nothing of importance has yet occurred 17)225 Kneeholly Telegraph if anything of importance has occurred 17,226 Kneejoint . What has occurred that we do not hear 17,227 Kneeling . A disagreement has occurred between 17,228 Kneepan . Has occurred 17,229 Kneepiece Has anything occurred 17,230 Kneerafter Has anything occurred to lead you to suppose i7, 2 3i Kneestop . Nothing has occurred to lead us to believe i7 2 32 Kneestring Have from time to time occurred 17,233 Kneeswell What has occurred makes us anxious 17)234 Kneetimber After what has occurred, we think it will be best 17)235 Knells . . Occurrence 17,236 Knickknack Is (are) of frequent occurrence 17,237 Knifeblade Is (are) not of frequent occurrence i7,23 8 Knifeboard Is (are) of frequent occurrence 17,239 Knifebox . Offer(s) 17,240 T*T rii fp 1 P r\ rrp "Von hifi Vipff'PT* molT* on /^FTpi* J\. IlllCCU-ciC X vJU. IJcLU UCLLCI IllcilvC ctll Uiltl 17,241 Kniferest . Has (have) made an offer [through 17,242 Knifetray . With firm offer I am (we are) certain to put it 17,243 Knight . I (we) would advise you to withdraw the offer 17,244 Knightage Cannot make better offer 17,245 Knighthood Offer accepted 17,246 Knightless Offer declined 17,247 Knightlike Cannot obtain better offer 17,248 Knightly . Has (have) withdrawn his (their) offer 17,249 Knightsfee If the offer is firm I 7, 2 5 Knightship With a firm offer I 7, 2 5 I Knitster . Has (have) made no offer as yet I 7, 2 52 Knittable . Has (have) declined the offer 17,253 Knitting . Is (are) likely to make any offer *7; 2 54 Knobbiness A reasonable offer 17,255 Knobby . An unreasonable offer i7,25 6 Knobkerrie Do you accept the offer 17,257 Knobstick Does he (do they) accept our offer i7,25 8 Knockdown Have submitted your offer to 17,259 Knocking . If the offer is not accepted 17,260 Knockkneed Shall we accept the offer 17,261 Knockstone Accept the offer 17,262 Knoppern If we accept the offer 17,263 Knorria . Renewal of offer 17,264 Knosp . . Accept offer if it is the best you can get 17,265 Knotberry Offer to do it for 17,266 Knotgrass . Wire the best offer you can get (for) OFF 349 No. 17,267 17,268 17,269 17,270 17,271 17,272 17,273 17,274 17,276 17,277 17,278 17,279 17,280 17,281 17,282 17,283 17,284 17,285 17,286 17,287 17,288 17,289 17,290 17,291 17,292 17,293 17,294 17,295 17,296 17,297 17,298 17,299 17,301 17,302 17,303 17,304 17,305 17,307 17,308 17,309 17,312 17,3*3 Code Word. Knotless . Knotted . Knottiest . Knotwort . Knout . . Knowable . Knoweth . Knowing . Knowingly Knowledge Knowlton a Knubs . . Knuckles . Knurled . Knurry Kobellite . Kobold . Koeleria . Koff . . Kohlrabi . Kokob . . Kokrawood Konigite . Koninckia Koordish . Korkalett . Kousso Kraals . Kriegspiel . Kritarchy . Kruller . Krummhom Kufic . . Kuhhorn . Kuhnia Kuichua . Kumquat . Kundahoil Kyanize Offer(s) (continued) . Offer will be kept open for Cannot keep offer open any longer Best offer that can be got (is) (Is) now under offer Consider offer withdrawn Cannot get an offer Made an offer Keep the offer open Offers the property for Offer(s) that part of the property, known as Do not offer more than At the time the offer was made A bontl-fide offer Accept the offer, provided that Offer accepted ; come over at once Offer is too late Have refused offer of Offer withdrawn Received better offer Offer made is not sufficient inducement to us to Offer is under consideration Have submitted your offer Offer subject to immediate reply Offer subject to reply within Offered Has (have) offered to I (we) have offered to Has (have) offered to [take the matter up Kyanol Kymograph Office Kyrie . Kyriolexy Kyrsin . Labadist Labarri Labefied Labefy . Labefying The property was offered The mine has been offered I am offered I have offered The property is being offered at Offered and refused Offered and accepted Offered the mine for a sum of If the mine (or property) is offered Offering Is (are) offering the mine for offering mine for Has (have) been offering (to) In the office Has (have) an office in A good man to manage the office and keep the For record in the office [accounts Officially) An official statement An official declaration (The) official authorization 350 OFF No. 17,317 17,318 17,319 17,320 I7,3 2 l 17,322 17,323 17,324 17,325 17,326 17,327 17,328 17,329 17,330 I7.-33I 17,332 17,333 17,334 17,335 17,336 3 7,337 17,338 17,339 17,340 Code Word. Officially) (continued] Labelled . (The) official notification Labellum . Official map (of) Labially . Official map, showing Labiated . Officially recorded Labipalpi . Officially reported Laboratory Often Laborious . Which often occurs Labour. . Has often been found Labouring Not very often Labourless Cannot often be seen Laboursome The mine(s) has (have) often been Labrax . . How often do you Labridan . It often occurs (that) Laburnum Old Labyrinth . Old workings full of water Laccic . . In the old workings Lacdye . In the old shaft Lacebark . The buildings are old and dilapidated Laceboot ; Too old for Laceframe Very old Laceleaf . Below the old workings Lacemakers Extensive old workings Laceman . The old workings appear to have been Lacepaper Old workings quite exhausted Lacepillow Old workings caved in 17.342 Lacerable . Cannot yet get into the old workings 17.343 Lacerating Old workings extend to a depth of 17.344 Lacerative Under the old management 17.345 Lacertian . The old company 17.346 Lacertilia . The old board 17.347 Lacewoman The mine is a very old one, and has been worked 17.348 Lachesis . The machinery is very old and nearly worn out 17.349 Lachesness Omission Lachrymal By the omission of Lachrymose The omission may involve Lacings . The omission of all reference to Laciniform Omit(s) Lackadaisy Do not omit to Lackalls . Do not omit to mention Lackbrain . Do not omit to see Lackeymoth Do not omit to send Lackeys . You must not omit Lacklinen . If you omit to do so Lacklustre If he omits If they omit Laconic . Will not omit (to) Laconical . We think you should omit Laconicism Omit that part of Laconized Omitted 17,352 17,353 17,354 17,355 17,356 17,357 17,358 17,359 17,360 17,361 17,362 17,363 17,364 17,365 17,366 Lacquered Has (have) omitted to Lacquering The has (have) been omitted OMI 351 No. 17,367 17,368 17,369 17,370 17,371 17,372 17,373 17,374 17,375 17,376 17,377 17,378 17,379 17,380 17,382 17,383 17,384 17,385 17,386 17,387 37,388 17,389 17,390 17,391 I7,39 2 17,393 17,394 17,395 17,396 17,397 17,398 17,399 17,400 17,401 17,402 17,403 17,404 17,405 17,406 17,407 17,408 17,409 17,410 17,411 17,412 17,413 17,414 17,415 17,416 Code Word. Omitted (continued) Lacrymable It has been omitted Lactamide Has (have) omitted to mention Has (have) omitted to send Omitted in my (our) last On On and after the Has (have) now on hand On hand and in transit On the whole Once Go at once to You must see at once Lacteal Lacteally . Lacteously Lactific Lactifuge . Lactometer Lactoscope Lactose Lactuca . Lactumen . Lacunaria . Lacustrine Ladderwork Ladiesman Ladkin . . Ladkful . Ladling Ladybird . Ladybrach Ladyclock Ladycourt Ladycow . Ladyfern . Ladyhood . Ladylike . Ladylove . Ladysbower Ladyscomb Ladysgown Ladyshair . Ladyship . Ladysmaid Ladysseal . Ladyssmock Lagbeliied Lagomys . Lagoon Lagopus Lagostoma Can you at once Cannot be done at once owing to This must be seen to at once We want at once Only I (we) could only judge by I (we) could only Can only be done at Appears the only thing to be done The mill is only running days per month Is (are) only working days per month Only one sale at that price There has been only one Can only be done by There is (are) only Only a few Only enough If only a little Only once Can only do Can only be If you can only Had only Had only just enough Have only just learnt that We can only We can only suppose that Onyx Mexican onyx Lagostomys Onyx and other minerals Lagothrix . Open Lagurus . Open to an offer [valuable mine Laic . . I am (we are) convinced that this will open up a Laical . . Will this open up a desirable property Laicality . In order to open up Laird . . Open an account at Lairdship . Open to consider Lakebasin . Am (are) open to 352 OPE No. Code Word. Open (continued) 17.417 Lakelet . Are you open to 17.418 Lakepoet . Is he (are they) open to 17.419 Lakewake. Not now open to offer 17.420 Lamaism . Open as long as possible 17.421 Lamarckism When do you expect to open up 17.422 Lamasery . Before we can open up 17.423 Lambative Open-cuts 17.424 Lambdacism The open-cuts have fallen in [abandoned 1 7,425 Lambdoidal When the open-cuts became dangerous the mine was 17.426 Lambkins . The mine has been extensively worked by open-cuts 17.427 Lamblike. The open-cuts have been filled in 17.428 Lambswool (By) open-cuts and trial shafts 17.429 Lameduck (By) open-cuts and prospect tunnels 17.430 Lamella . Opened. (See also Account and Market.) 17.431 Lamellarly At what bank have you opened an account 17.432 Lamellated Have opened up a fine body of ore 17.433 Lamellose. The mine has not been opened up 17.434 Lament . The mine has been opened up well 17.435 Lamentable Have you yet opened up 17.436 Lamenteth Opening 17.437 Lamenting What will the cost be of opening up the mine 17.438 Lamination By opening up 17.439 Lammas . Must be set aside for opening up the mine 17.440 Lammasday To make an opening 17.441 Lammastide We are now opening up 17.442 Lampblack Opening communication with 17.443 Lampereel Operated 17.444 Lamperns . The quantity operated upon 17.445 Lampetians Have operated upon 17.446 Lampglass Is being operated on 17.447 Lampooned Operated on by the new process 17.448 Lampoonry Operation(s) 17.449 Lamppost . In full operation 17.450 Lamprey . Not in operation 17.451 Lampshade The mill was not in operation when I was there 17.452 Lampshell Before commencing operations 17.453 Lampyrine Commence operations 17.454 Lancegay . Put into operation 17.455 Lancehead Limit your operations to 17.456 Lanceolar . Are limiting our operations to 17.457 Lancetfish Limit operation to those workings (only) 17.458 Lancewood By limiting the operations 17.459 Lancinated Large "bull" operations (in) 17.460 Landagent Large "bear" operations (in) 17.461 Landaulet Operations have resulted in 17.462 Landblink No longer in operation 17.463 Landbreeze Repeat the operation 17.464 Landbug . Continue operations 17.465 Landcrab . Undergone an operation 17.466 Landdamn Had to undergo an operation OPE 353 No. 17,467 17,468 17,469 17,470 Code Word. Landfall . Landflood . Land force . Landfowls i7>47i Landgabel 17,472 Landholder 17,473 Landice . 17,474 Landladies 17,475 Landlady . 17,476 Landleaper 17,477 Landless . 17,478 Landlocked 17,479 Landloping 17,480 Landlords . 17,481 Landlubber 17,482 Landlurch 17,483 Landman . 17,484 Landmarks 17,485 Landoffice 17,486 Landowner 17,487 Landpilot . 17,488 Landreeve 17,489 Landrents . 17,490 Lan droll . I7.49I Landscapes 17,492 Landscurvy 17,493 Land shark 17,494 Landside . 17,495 Landslips . 17,496 Landspout 17,497 Landspring 17,498 Land strait 17,499 Landtaxes 17,50 Landturtle i7,5 01 Landurchin 17,502 Landwaiter Land worker 17,504 Langaha . 17,505 Langsettle Langsyne . 17,507 Languages Languid . 17^509 Languidly . Languor . I 7,5 11 Languorous 17,512 Laniary 17,5*3 Laniferous I 7,5 I 4 Lanifical . 17,515 Lanius . . Operation(s) (continued} Operations are most satisfactory Operations are not satisfactory Opinion Telegraph sufficient details to enable us to form here an intelligent opinion of the value of the My opinion is very unfavourable [mine In my opinion Is (are) of opinion that Ascertain 's opinion of Have changed my opinion since Telegraph your opinion (of) What is your opinion with regard to The opinion of all who have visited the mine is Has (have) formed a very poor opinion of Has (have) formed a very high opinion of The general opinion is What is the legal opinion What is the general opinion Expert's opinion (is) Counsel's opinion (taken) Take counsel's opinion and act as he advises Let us have your candid opinion Opinion not worth anything In the opinion of If your opinion is unchanged In my opinion mine will develop into a fine property In my opinion mine is worthless Opinion based upon Too soon to form an opinion Has (have) formed a decided opinion Our opinion is unchanged Is (are) of the same opinion Write fully your opinion Take the opinion of , and cable Have taken the opinion of A very unfavourable opinion Cannot express opinion without further information Opponent(s) Is (are) our opponent(s) as to Is (are) very formidable opponent(s) Are there any opponents to fear Is a (are) opponent(s) not to be much feared Opponents who can be squared Our opponents are Our opponents have Has (have) many opponents Our opponents intend to Our opponents did not venture to Our opponents were successful Give opponents no opportunity 2 A 354 OPP No. Code Word. 17.516 Lansium . Opportunity 17.517 Lansquenet When will there be a good opportunity 17.518 Lantcha . Should the opportunity occur 17.519 Lanterloo . At the earliest opportunity 17.520 Lanternfly If I can get the opportunity I will 17.521 Lanthorn . Have not had an opportunity ot 17.522 Laophis . Have lost the opportunity (to) 17.523 Laparocele If favourable opportunity occurs 17.524 Lapdogs . Presents no opportunity I 7>5 2 5 Lapicide . Will lose the opportunity if you do not 17.526 Lapidarian There is a favourable opportunity 17.527 Lapidator . If you lose the opportunity 17.528 Lapideous Oppose(s) 17.529 Lapidified. Intend(s) to oppose JTjSS Lapidify . It would not be wise at first to oppose 17.531 Lapidose . Oppose(s) us in every way 17.532 Lapilli . . Do not oppose I 7>533 Lapjointed Will not oppose 17,534 Laplap. . Opposed T 7'535 Lappaceous The directors are opposed to 17.536 Lappior . Am (are) opposed to 17.537 Lappish . Is (are) opposed (to) 17.538 Lapponian Is (are) not opposed (to) 17.539 Lapsable . We were opposed by 17.540 Lapsana . We shall be opposed by 17.541 Lapstones. In the event of our being opposed 17.542 Lapstreak . Opposition I 7>543 Laputan . Have you met with any opposition 17,544 Lapwings . If you meet with any opposition *7>545 Lap work . Has (have) met with great opposition 17.546 Laquear . Has (have) not met with any opposition 17.547 Larboard . There was considerable opposition 17.548 Larcenist . After considerable opposition we succeeded in 17.549 Larcenous Offering great opposition 17.550 Larceny . Opposition from a large section of the shareholders 17.551 Lardaceous Opposition being got up by 17.552 Lardoil . Expect opposition from 17.553 Large . . Meets with great opposition 17.554 Largeacred Little or no opposition 17.555 Largifical . The opposition was very feeble 17.556 Largition . The opposition has collapsed 17.557 Larksheel . You are acting in opposition to your own interests 17.558 Larkspur . The opposition comes from a few large shareholders 17.559 Larrup. . The opposition comes from 17.560 Larruping. In the event of opposition to the proposals 17.561 Larvated . In opposition to the wishes of the Board 17.562 Larviform. In opposition to our wishes and instructions 17.563 'Larvipara . Option 17.564 Laryngeal. At my option 17.565 Laryngitis. At your option OPT 355 No. 17,566 i7,'568 17,569 17,573 17,574 17,575 I7.576 17.577 17,578 17,579 i7,58o 17^82 17,583 17,584 17,585 17,586 17,587 17,588 17,589 17,593 17,594 17,596 17,597 17,598 17,599 17,600 17,601 17,602 17,603 17,604 17,605 17,606 17,607 17,608 17,609 17,610 17,611 17,612 17,613 17,614 17,615 Code Word. Lascivient Lascivious Lashfree . Lasionite . Lassitude . Lasslorn . Lasso . . Lassoing . Lastcourt . Lastheir . Lastingly . Lastrea Latakia Latchets . Latchkey . Latency . Laterality . Latescence Lathebed . Lathraea . Lathreeve . Lath work . Lathyrus . Latialite . Latibulize . Laticlave . Latinism . Latinistic . Latinity . Latiseptae . Latitancy . Latrine Latrociny . Latterly . Lattermath Lattices . Latticing . Laudably . Laudanum Laudation Laudative . Lauder . . Laughable Laughingly Laughs . . La.ughsome Laughter . Laumontite Launch . Launching Option (continued) At his option Do you authorize my (our) paying - We must have the option of Will give us no option in the matter Give(s) us the option of To have the option of An option on the property Can have option by giving bonds for [option to secure Can we have the option of If you can get an option on the property Try and get the option of There is no option in the matter This company has the option on the property Order(s) Act strictly according to order(s) from Order at once Do not order Out of order When will everything be in working order To your order To my (our) order Is (are) in good working order Have placed order with Have not yet placed order Before placing order Get estimate and tender before placing order From whom shall we order Think you had better place order with Have executed the order (s) Work on order Now under order from We authorize you to order Decline the order Have written to decline the order Declining to place the order with If accept(s) the order Order still in force Order cancelled Cannot cancel order Waiting for orders If all is in order Everything is now in order Consigned to your orders Until receipt of orders Until further orders Can you execute the order Cannot carry out the orders (Upon) completion of the order Received an order (from) 356 ORD No. 17,616 17,617 17,618 17,619 17,620 17,621 17,622 17,623 17,624 17,625 17,626 17,627 17,628 17,629 17,630 17,631 17,632 17,633 17,634 17,635 17,636 17,637 17,638 17,639 17,640 17.641 17,642 17,643 17,644 17,645 17,646 17,647 17,648 17,649 17,650 17,651 17,653 I7>654 17,655 17,656 17,657 17,658 17,659 17,660 17,661 17,662 17,663 17,664 Codeword. Order(s) (continued} Launderer In order to prevent Laundress In order to allow Laundry . Ordered Laureate . Have already ordered Laureating If it has (they have) not been already ordered Laurel . . Has been ordered to Laurelled . As ordered in the first instance Laurencia . When was ordered Laurestine Too late ; had already ordered Lava . . Ordinary Lavandula Is it an ordinary thing Nothing but the ordinary In the ordinary manner The ordinary amalgamation process By the ordinary process Ore. (See also Estimate, Free, Grade.) Ore chamber [the week was tons Ore extracted and forwarded to the mill(s) during All ready to ship ore to the extent of tons Lavatera . Lavatories Laveeared Lavender . Lavish . . Lavishly . Lavishment Lavishness Lawabiding Lawbooks . Lawbreach Lawbreaker Law burrows Lawcalf . Lawday Lawful . . Lawfully . Lawfulness Lawgiver . Lawgiving Lawlessly . Lawlists . Lawlore . Lawmaker Lawmaking Lawmonger Lawn . . Lawnmower Lawnsleeve Lawntennis Lawofficer Lawsonia . Lawsuit Law writer . Lawyer Lawyerlike Lawyerly . Laxities Have discovered a good body of pay ore Assorted ore [tons I (we) estimate the amount of ore in sight at I (we) estimate the value of the ore at The reserve of ore Good ore is still being found Ore of fair grade The bunch of ore is pinching out [ever Ore is inches thick, and continues as rich as We are now putting high-grade ore through the mill We are now putting low-grade ore through the mill You must put high-grade ore through the mill in order to have sufficient money for the quarter's The ore from these workings [dividend A streak of ore in this mine gives assays 01 Now producing large quantities of ore Now producing large quantities of rich ore There is no pay ore below the level There is no pay ore above level Owing to the ore being very refractory We are taking out tons of ore in the twenty- The ore is very rich . [four hours The amount of ore in sight is tons, yielding a Ore pays [net profit of per ton The ore is getting poor (in) The ore is giving out (in) Ore in shaft is improving as it goes down The ore in sight will last for Ore in stope is improving Ore in winze is improving Ore is good and will pay ORE 357 No. Code Word. Ore (continued) 17.665 Laxness . Ore is improving in the drift as we advance 17.666 Lay down . The ore is milling better than was expected 17.667 Layerboard Ore in the level is very rich 17.668 Layering . Ore struck, assays show per ton 17.669 Layerout . Are out of ore 17.670 Layfigure . The ore is found in 17.671 Layrace . Is there any ore in sight 17.672 Laysermon Have found ore 17.673 Lazarhouse Number of tons of first-class ore is 17.674 Lazarists . Number of tons of second-class ore is 17.675 Lazarlike . Number of tons of third-class ore is 17.676 Lazarwort. Number of tons of ore on the dump is 17.677 Laziest. . Shipping tons of ore to the mill(s) per day 17.678 Lazuli. . Take out all the ore you can 17.679 Lazy . . The ore cannot be worked except by 17.680 Lazybed . The body of ore is narrowing 17.681 Lazybones The body of ore is increasing in width 17.682 Lazytongs . So as to open up fresh bodies of ore 17.683 Leadarming I (we) cannot procure ore on account of 17.684 Leadash . We get our principal supply of ore out of 17.685 Leaderette Ore improving in quality as developed 17.686 Leadership First-class ore 17.687 Leadglance Drift now in ore, assaying per ton 17.688 Leadgray . Fine body of ore 17.689 Leadmill . Has the appearance of good body of ore 17.690 Leadmine. No pay ore found yet 17.691 Leadplants Tons of ore in sight in mine 17.692 Leadscrew Free milling ore 17.693 Leadspar . Refractory ore 17.694 Leadworks The body of ore is getting poorer 17.695 Leafbridge Teams cannot haul ore at present on account of 17.696 Leafbud . Ore contains no visible gold 17.697 Leafcutter. Selected ore 17.698 Leaffat . . Rich ore 17.699 Leafgold . Very rich ore ; averaging per ton 17.700 Leafhopper Poor ore 17.701 Leafinsect Poor ore ; does not average more than 17.702 Leaflard . Have struck pay ore 17.703 Leafless . Have struck very rich ore 17.704 Leaflouse . Have struck very rich ore, which promises to yield 17.705 Leafmetal . Have struck very rich ore, and expect it to continue 17.706 Leafmould Have struck ore of fair quality 17.707 Leafstalk . Have struck high-grade ore 17.708 Leafy . . Are in good ore 17.709 League . Ore continues so far very good 17.710 Leaguelong Ore continues to improve 17.711 Leaguerer. Coming into good ore 17.712 Leakage . Shows a body of ore wide 17.713 Leakiness . Has developed a large body of high-grade ore 17.714 Leanfaced. Has developed a large body of low-grade ore ORE No. Code Word. Ore (continued) 17,715 Leanto . Will place at our command a valuable body (or stope) of high-grade ore Has placed in our possession a large body of ore There is a very good prospect of finding ore No prospect of finding ore in this A rich streak of ore has been found A rich streak of ore, assaying about Ore that will pay expenses of mining and milling Ore that will assay per ton 17,716 Leapeth . Leapfrog . 17)718 Leapingly . 17,719 Leapweel . 17,720 Leapyear . 17,721 Learn . . 17,722 Learnable . Learnedish 17,724 Learnedly . 17,725 Leasable . 17,726 Leasehold 17,727 Leashing . 17,728 Leastways . 17,729 Leastwise . 17,730 Leathery . 17,731 Leaveneth 17,732 Leavening 17,733 Leavenous Lecanora . 17,735 Lecher . . 17,736 Lecherous 17,737 Leckstone 17,738 Lecterns . !7,739 Lecturing . 17,740 Lecythis . Ledgerbook J 7,74 2 Ledgerline J 7,743 Leeboards . J 7,744 Leech . . J 7;745 Leechcraft 17,746 Leechline . 17,747 Leechrope 17,748 Leefange . 17,749 Leekgreen Leelite . . 17,7s 1 Leelurch . 17,752 Leetides . J 7,753 Leetman . J 7,754 Leewardly 17,755 Lefthanded 17,756 Leftoff . . J 7,757 Leftward . 17,758 Leftwitted 17,759 17,760 17,761 17,762 Legacies . Legacy . Legal . . Legalities . Ore that will not pay expenses Ore blocked out Ore in sight averages about per ton How many tons of ore are you getting daily How many tons of ore have you open as reserve How many tons of ore are stored on dump How is the ore looking in the A daily supply of ore sufficient for the mill(s) Cannot mine sufficient ore to keep mill(s) going Sufficient quantity of high-grade ore Sufficient quantity of low-grade ore Bearing strictly in view average tonnage value of ore Tonnage of ore [reserves Tonnage and gross value of ore Tonnage and value of ore reserves Tonnage of ore stored on dump Tonnage and value of ore milled Tonnage and value of ore shipped Ore shipped to smelters [value of Tons of ore shipped during of an estimated Shipped tons of ore to smelters Ore reserves Ore reserves, high grade Ore reserves, low grade Ore reserves, estimated average per ton Approximate tonnage and value of ore reserves Ore reserves now in sight ; estimated tonnage ; The grade of ore is very good [estimated value The grade of ore is not up to my expectations Ore now being extracted from First-class ore from to per ton Second-class ore from to per ton Third-cla?^ ore from to per ton Ore suitable for the mill Ore assays : gold, ozs. ; silver, ozs. Ore averages ozs. silver; per cent. copper ; per cent, lead per cent lead per cent, copper ton ozs. of silver ; per Ore from face of drift [cent, of lead Ore averages Ore averages Ore assays per ORE 359 No. 17,763 17,764 17,765 17,766 17,767 17,768 17,769 17,770 17,771 17,772 17,773 17,774 17,775 17,776 17,777 17,778 17,779 17,780 17,781 17,782 17,783 17,784 17,785 17,786 17,787 17,788 17,789 17,790 17,791 17,792 17,793 17,794 I7795 17,796 17,797 17,798 17,799 17,800 17,801 17,802 *7,8o3 17,804 17,805 17,806 17,807 17,808 17,809 17,810 17.811 17,812 Code Word. Ore (continued] Legalism . Ore from winze Legalize . Ore from stope Legalizing Had not any better ore to crush Legalness . The ore is in thin stringers Legantine . Interspersed with the ore Legateship The ore shows a considerable quantity of Legbail . A good breast of ore Leggism . Rich ore going down in Leggy . . Feet of rich ore has been struck Legibility . Ore is high in sulphurets Legibly . Ore is rich in gold Legionary . Ore shows free gold Legions . Ore is copper stained Legislator . Ore shows ruby silver Legitim . Have forwarded samples of ore Legitimacy Samples of ore Legitimate Ore is largely charged with Legitimism The character of the ore Legless . The ore mills tolerably free Leglock . The ore is somewhat refractory Leguleian . The ore wants roasting Leguminous Ore only suitable for milling Leiodon . Ore only suitable for smelting Leiothrix . Is there any ore to be seen , Leiotrichi . The ore comes mostly from Leipoa . . Ore delivered at mill this week Leipothymy Ore reduced this week Leisurable Ore smelted this week Leisure . Ore shipped this week Leisurely . Ore delivered at mill this month Lemniscata Ore reduced this month Lemodipoda Ore smelted this month Lemonade Ore shipped this month Lemongrass Tons of ore in the twenty-four hours Lemonjuice Ore breakers Lemonkali Ore feeders Lemonpeel Orebody (Orebodies) Lemuridae Orebody to the north Orebody to the south Orebody to the east Orebody to the west Orebody feet long and feet wide Orebody feet, width not proved Lengthened Lengthful . Lengthier . Lengthways Lengthwise Lengthy . Lenience . Leniently . Lenitive . Lenocinant Lenocinium Lenses . Orebody now being developed Developed a fine orebody A fine orebody of high-grade ore A large orebody of low-grade ore A large orebody, but very low grade (From) the orebodies now being worked The orebody in the chute 3 6o OEE No. Code Word. Orebody (continued) 17,813 Lenten . . A very large orebody 17,814 Lenticular. The orebody in the level 17,815 Lentigo . Large orebodies have been worked 17,816 Lentiscus . Orebody not so large as was supposed 17,817 Lentitude . Struck a very valuable orebody 17,818 Lentoid . Hope to find this orebody in the level below 17,819 Lenzinite . This orebody continues in 17,820 Leonides . Organization 17,821 Leoninely . The organization of the concern 17,822 Leonurus . Perfect organization 17,823 Lepadite . Organize 17,824 Lepidoid . It will be necessary to organize 17,825 Lepidolite You must organize 17,826 Lepidotus. Organized 17,827 Lepismidae Not fully organized 17,828 Leporine . Have organized a 17,829 Lepraria . When the arrangements are fully organized 17,830 Leprosy . Organizing 17,831 Leprous .. We are now organizing 17,832 Leptolepis Origin 17,833 Leptology . The origin of the whole thing 17,834 Lernean . From its origin 17,835 Lessening . What was the origin of 17,836 Lessons . Original 17,837 Letchtub . According to the original agreement 17,838 Letgame . The original document(s) 17,839 Lethality . (Copy) copies of the original (documents) 17,840 Lethargize Send a copy of the original 17,841 Lethargy . Originally 17,842 Lethean . The mines were originally worked by 17,843 Letheonize Who originally worked the 17,844 Letterbox . Originated 17,845 Lettercase Originated the scheme 17,846 Letterclip . The fire originated in 17,847 Letterize . The report has originated from 17,848 Letterling . The report has not originated from 17,849 Letterwood From whom has the report originated 17,850 Letticecap Originating *7,85i Leucine . Originating in *7,85 2 Leucitic . Other(s) 17,853 Leucitoid . In no other way 17,854 Leucojum . From other 17,855 Leucol . Other parts of the mine 17,856 Leucopathy By other 17,857 Leucophane By no other 17,858 Leucosis . Other parties 17,859 Leucostine If by any other means 17,860 Levanters . Is there any other 17,861 Levelcoil . Others have said 17,862 Levelism . If, in any other way OTH 361 No. Code Word. Other(s) (continued) 17.863 Levelness . Other than 17.864 Leverboard Or other 17.865 Levervalve In other respects 17.866 Levesell . On the other hand 17.867 Leviable . Otherwise 17.868 Leviathan . Otherwise it will be 17.869 Levied. . Otherwise you will have to 17.870 Levigate . Otherwise we run the chance of 17.871 Levigating Otherwise it cannot be done 17.872 Levigation Otherwise all going well 17.873 Levinbrand But if otherwise 17.874 Levitic. . Ought 17.875 Levitical . It ought to be 17.876 Levogyrate It ought not to be 17.877 Levulose . Ought not to 17.878 Levying . Which ought 17.879 Lewdly . If we ought 17.880 Lewdness . But which ought 17.881 Lewdster . Do not think we ought to 17.882 Lexical . If you think ought to 17.883 Lexically . Ounce(s) 17.884 Lexicology Ou nee (s) of gold per ton 17.885 Lexiconist Ounce(s) of silver per ton 17.886 Lexigraphy How many ounces to the ton 17.887 Lexiphanic Assuming the ounce to be worth 17.888 Leydenjar (At) the United States standard price of silver of 17.889 Lherzolite Weighing ounce(s) [1*2929 dollar per ounce 17.890 Liability . (At) the United States standard price of gold of 17.891 Liableness Less than half an ounce [20*67 dollars per ounce 17.892 Liafail . . (At) the English standard of gold per ounce 17.893 Liassic . . (At) the English standard of silver per ounce 17.894 Libations . Taking the value of the ounce of gold at 17.895 Libatory . Taking the value of the ounce of silver at 17.896 Libel . . The present price of gold per ounce 17.897 Libelling . The present price of silver per ounce 17.898 Libellist . Less than an ounce 17.899 Libellous . More than an ounce 17.900 Libellula . More than ounces 17.901 Liberal . Ore assaying less than ounce will not pay 17.902 Liberalism The ore assays more than ounces 17.903 Liberality . Our(selves) 17.904 Liberation If our 17.905 Liberties . Is (are) our 17.906 Liberty . Can our 17.907 Libidinist . And if our 17.908 Libidinous Our own 17.909 Librarian. We can reserve for ourselves 17.910 Library . Ourselves and friends 17.911 Licensable Out (of) 17.912 License . We are quite out of 362 OUT No. 17,913 I7,9 T 4 17,916 17,9*7 17,918 I 7>9 1 9 17,920 17,921 17,922 17,923 17,924 17,925 17,926 17,927 17,928 17,929 17,93 17^932 17,933 17,934 17,935 17,936 17,937 17,938 17,939 17,940 I7>941 17,942 17,943 i7;944 17,945 17,946 17,947 17,948 17,949 17,95 i7,95i 17,952 17,953 17,954 17,955 17,956 *7>957 ^7,958 17,959 17,960 Code Word. Q lit (of) (continued} Licensing . Left out Licensure . Out of time Licentiate Out and home ' Licentious (To) carry out Lichened . Outcrop Lichfowl . The outcrop extends for many miles Lichgate . Judging from the outcrop Lichway . Having an outcrop of considerable width Lickerish . Samples from the outcrop in various places assayed Lickspigot Samples from this outcrop assayed [ per ton Lieabeds . Having a bold outcrop Lieberkuhn The outcrop of the vein Liegeman . The outcrop can be traced Lienteric . The outcrop runs north and south Lievrite . The outcrop runs east and west Lifearrow . The outcrop is visible in places Lifebelts . The outcrop is strong Lifeblood . The outcrop yielded Lifeboat ^ To judge from the outcrop Lifebuoys . The outcrop runs diagonally across the claim Lifedrop . The outcrop runs straight through the end lines Lifeful . . There is an outcrop Lifegiving . Outcrop in several of the claims Lifeguard . Outcrop is plain on adjoining property, and the strike of formation is towards and through the claims There is no outcrop, but reef is probably present There is no outcrop, doubtful if reef is in the ground Outfit A complete outfit (of) Outlay The mine(s) can be worked without a great outlay The state of the mine(s) necessitates a large outlay An outlay of [in order to What outlay will be necessary at first (to) Will this outlay be sufficient for I (we) recommend an outlay of The first outlay need not be more than An outlay of will be sufficient Lifehold Lifeless Lifelessly Lifelike Lifelong Lifemortar Lifeoffice . Liferate Liferenter . Liferocket Lifeshot . Lifesome . Lifespring . Lifetime . Lifeweary . Lifthammer A considerable outlay The outlay will be soon repaid (Will) repay the outlay Liftingrod. Outlying Liftlock . Some outlying claims Liftpump . In the outlying Ligamental If we obtain these outlying claims Ligaments The outlying claims should be bought Lightable . Outlying properties Lightballs. Output " past Lightboat . What has been the output from the mine(s) in the OUT 363 No. 17,961 17,962 17,963 17,964 i?>9 6 5 17,966 17,667 17,968 17,969 17,970 17,972 17,973 17.974 17,975 17,976 17,977 17,978 17,979 17,980 17,981 17,982 17,983 17,984 17,985 17,986 17,987 17,988 17,989 17,990 17,99! 17,992 17,993 17,994 i7 ? 995 17,996 17,997 17,998 17,999 18,000 18,001 18,002 18,003 18,004 18,005 18,006 18,007 18,008 18,009 Assuming an output of In order to increase the output To prevent any decrease in the output Output was tons Code Word. Output (continued) Lightbrain The output has been tons in Lightdue . The output has been tons in Lightened Lighterage Lighterman Lightfoot . Lighthouse Lightly . Lightmaker Lightnings Lightship . Lightsome Lightwood Lignaloes . Lignitic Ligusticum Likeable . Likelihood Likelier . Likely . . months weeks Output is satisfactory Output is unsatisfactory Output very poor Probable output Output is more than Output is less than Output steadily increasing Output decreasing What was the output What is the present output What is the output likely to be An output of over [of ore Expect largely increased output from better quality Expect a largely increased output from increased number of stamps now in operation Likeminded Expect largely increased output from exhaustive Likeness . Last month's poor output attributable to [effort Lilac . . Last month's output of these fields was Lilacine . Outside Liliaceous . On the outside Lilliputian From the outside Lilliput . Are now outside Lillypilly . Outside of the boundaries of Lilybeetle . Outside our Lilyfaced . Outstanding Lilyhanded To get in all outstanding claims Lilypad . To pay all outstanding accounts Lily white . Are there any outstanding accounts Limawood No outstanding accounts Limbeck . Outstanding accounts Limberhole Outstanding liabilities (to the amount of) Limberness Outstanding since (last) Limbmeal . Outstanding debts amount to Limbo . . There are no outstanding claims Limeburner All outstanding claims Limejuice . Over Limekilns . Anything over will do Limelight . Not over Limenean . Nothing (none) over Limepit . Over and above Limerod . Come over Limesink . Send over Limestone There will be over Limetwig . We have over 364 OVE No. 18,010 18,011 18,012 18,013 18,014 18,015 18,016 18,017 18,018 18,019 18,020 18,021 18,022 18,023 18,024 18,025 18,026 18,027 18,028 18,029 18,030 18,031 18,032 18,033 18,034 18,035 18,036 18,037 18,038 18,039 18,040 18,041 18,042 18,043 18,044 18,045 18,046 18,047 18,048 18,049 18,050 18,051 18,052 18,053 18,054 18,055 18,056 18,057 18,058 18,059 will soon be over Code Word. Over (continued] Limewash . We expect Limewater Overboard Limitarian Were (was) thrown overboard Limitary . Overcharge (s) Limited . Is an overcharge ; should be deducted Limitedly . Overcharge will be credited next account Limitless . Debit with the overcharge Limnoria . All overcharges Limonite . Overcome Limosa . There will be great difficulties to overcome Limosella . In order to overcome Limp . . Can you overcome Limpidity . Overdraft Limpidness Overdraft at bankers Limpingly . Overdraft at bank has been reduced Linaloa . Overdraft has been paid off Linctus . Have asked bank to allow an overdraft Linear . . Bankers want overdraft reduced Linearly ,. Overdraft not to exceed Lingence . Ask bank to allow overdraft (of) Lingered . Will not allow further overdraft (until) or (unless) Lingering . Overdrawn Linguiform Account is overdrawn by Has (have) overdrawn Has (have) overdrawn Linguist Linguistic . Lingulate . Link . . Linkboy . Linkman . Linkmotion Linkwork . Linoleum . Linsang . Linseed . Linseedoil Linstock . Lintwhite . Lionant . Lionced . Liondog . Lionesses . Lionheart . Lionism . Lionize Lionizing . Lionlizard . Lionly . . Lionsfoot . Lionship . Lionsleaf . Cannot allow account to be overdrawn Overdue Is (are) overdue Overdue acceptance(s) Mail is overdue Accounts overdue Account is overdue and must be paid Overhaul Must overhaul thoroughly Overhauled Has (have) been thoroughly overhauled Overlap(s) Claims overlap Overlap(s) the A question of overlap Overlapped Is overlapped by Overlapped by a prior location Overlapping The overlapping claims Shown on the plan as overlapping Overlook Do not overlook You must on no account overlook (the) Cannot overlook OVE 365 No. Code Word. Overlook (continued) 18.060 Lionsmouth Will overlook 1 8, 06 1 Liontiger . Overlooked 18.062 Lipborn . Was (were) overlooked 18.063 Lipcomfort Has (have) been overlooked 18.064 Lipgood . Overlying 18.065 Liplabour . The overlying beds 18.066 Liplet . . The overlying strata 18.067 Lipogram . Overlying the reef 18.068 Lipothymia Overpowered (by) 18.069 Lippia . . Has overpowered the 18.070 Lippitude . Has been overpowered by 18.071 Lipreading Overpowering 18.072 Lipservice Overpowering all efforts made to check it 18.073 Lipwisdom Overrated 18.074 Liquable . Much overrated 18.075 Liquate . The value has been much overrated 18.076 Liquating . Overreached 18.077 Liquation . Overreached themselves (himself) 18.078 Liquefying Overreaching 18.079 Liquescent Overrun (with) 18.080 Liquidable Oversight 18.081 Liquidator By an oversight 18.082 Liquidize . It has been a gross oversight on the part of 18.083 Liquidness By an oversight on our part 18.084 Liquids . By an oversight on your part 18.085 Liquorice . Owing 18.086 Liricone . Owing to the 18.087 Liripoop . We are now owing 18.088 Lisping . He is (they are) now owing 18.089 Lissome . How much are we owing 18.090 Listeners . Not owing (to) 18.091 Listeth. . Nothing owing to them 18.092 Listful . . Nothing owing by us 18.093 Listless . Nothing owing by him (them) 18.094 Listlessly. Owing nothing to 18.095 Litanies . Own(s) 18.096 Litany . . He (they) own(s) 18.097 Literalize . Own(s) one-half of the property 18.098 Literally . Own(s) one-quarter of the property 18.099 Literature. Own(s) one-third of the property 18.100 Lithagogue Own(s) two-thirds of the property 18.101 Litherlie . Own(s) the largest share in the 18.102 Litherness Own(s) the greatest numbers of shares in the 18.103 Lithiasis . Own(s) the adjoining claim(s) [company 18.104 Lithiate . Own(s) the entire property 18.105 Lithic . . Own(s) the mine 18.106 Lithocarp . Own(s) the concession 18.107 Lithocyst . Own(s) a part of the concession 1 8, 1 08 Lithodome Who owns 18.109 Lithodomus One company should own both mines 366 OWN No. Code Word. Own(s) (continued} 18,110 Lithograph By this means we shall own 1 8, i n Lithoid . Do (does) not own 1 8, 1 12 Lithoidal . Do you know who owns 18.113 Litholabe . Will own 18.114 Litholatry . We now own 18.115 Lithology . Who now own the 1 8,1 1 6 Lithomancy Unless we can own the largest part 18.117 Lithomarge To own the controlling interests in the mme(s) 18.118 Lithophyl . It is necessary you should own the 18.119 Lithornis . Owned 18.120 Lithotint . The mine(s) is (are) owned by 1 8, 12 1 Lithotomic The mine(s) has (have) been owned by 18.122 Lithotrite . Ascertain who are the different parties who have owned the 18.123 Lithotypy . When the mine(s) was (were) owned by 18.124 Lithoxyle . Owned by 18.125 Litigator . Never owned by 18.126 Litigious . Is jointly owned by owners 18.127 Litmus. -. Owner(s) 18.128 Litotes . . The owner(s) of the mine(s) will meet you at 18.129 Littleease . See the owner(s) of the mine(s) 18.130 Littlego . The mines have frequently changed owners 18.131 Littleness . The owner(s) wish(es) to retain an interest in the 18.132 Littoral . The owner(s) represent(s) [mine(s) 18.133 Littorella . The owner(s) will accept in cash, and - 18.134 Littorina . On behalf of the owner(s) [in shares 18.135 Lituolida . Is (are) the largest owner(s) in the mine(s) 18.136 Liturate . The owner(s) of the adjacent claim(s) 18.137 Liturgical . Have seen the owner(s) of the mine(s) (who) 18.138 Liturgist . The owner(s) of the property 18.139 Liveliest . The owner(s) of of the property 18.140 Livelily The previous owner (s) 18.141 Liveoak . The present owner(s) 18.142 Liverfluke . Stated by the owner(s) to be 18.143 Liveried . Who are the owners of the property 18.144 Liverspots The owner(s) of the 18.145 Liverstone The owner offers 18.146 Liverwort . Owner offers the mine for 18.147 Liverycoat What does the owner say 18.148 Liverygown The owner's share is 18.149 Liveryman The owner (s) will take 18.150 Lividness . Package(s) 18.151 Livonian . Package contains (containing) 18.152 Lixiviated. Every package 18.153 Lixivium . Package not received 18.154 Lizards . Each package not to weigh more than 18.155 Lizardtail . Package of samples 18.156 Loadmanage In packages not over Ibs. in weight 18.157 Loadsman In packages for mule transport 18.158 Loadstones Packages have been opened PAG 367 No. 18,159 18,160 18,161 18,162 18,163 18,164 18,165 18,166 18,167 18,168 18,169 18,170 18,171 18,172 18,173 18,174 18,175 18,176 18,177 18,178 18,179 18,180 18,181 18,182 18,183 18,184 18,185 18,186 18,187 18,188 18,189 18,190 18,191 18,192 18,193 18,194 18,195 18,196 18,197 18,198 18,199 18,200 18,201 18,202 18,203 18,204 18,205 18,206 18,207 18,208 Code Word. Package (s) (continued} Loafers . Packages will be examined Loafsugar . Weight of packages Loanmonger Packed Loanoffice Packed in bags Loathful . Packed in case(s) Loathing . Sent, packed in bags Loathingly Securely packed Loathly . Must be carefully packed Loathness . Paid Loathsome Has (have) paid This sum to be paid on To be paid Cannot be paid till Has draft been paid Has not been paid Has been paid Has (have) hitherto paid What has been so far paid To be paid immediately, otherwise Will have to be paid Have paid to your account Bill has been paid Bill has not been paid Bill will be paid Bill will not be paid Has (have) not paid To be paid as follows Unless paid by Have paid to your credit at the To be paid in advance Have you paid Must be paid Should be paid Should not be paid Will be paid Will not be paid until To be paid on delivery To be paid on completion To be paid in cash ; in shares Lobated . Lobbies . Lobby . . Lobbyist . Lobcock . Lobefoot . Lobelias . Lobiole Lobiped . Loblolly . Lobscouse Lobspound Lobulated . Lobworm . Localisms . Localize . Localizing Locating . Locator . Lochial Lockband . Lockers . Lockerup . Lockfast . Lockgate . Lockjaw . Lockkeeper Lockout . Lockpiece . Lock sill . Locksmiths Lock spit . Locks tep . Lockstitch Lockweir . Locofoco . Locomotion Locomotive Loculament Loculous . bank the sum [of Remainder to be paid in instalments (of) Paid on your account Freight paid here Freight, duty, and transport paid here Freight and duty paid here Freight to be paid at destination Freight to be paid in advance Have paid into court Duty paid Paid a profit last year of Paid a profit for last half-year 368 PAN No. Code Word. 18,209 Locustbean Pan (out) 18,210 Locustelle 18,211 Locustidae l8,2I2 Locusts 18,213 Locusttree l8,2T4 Locutory . 18,215 Lodam . . 18,216 Lodgeable 18,217 Lodgegate 18,218 Lodgment ] 18,219 Loftiest . 18,220 Loftily . . 18,221 Loftiness . 18,222 Lofty . . 18,223 Logarithm 18,224 Logbook . 18,225 Logcabin . '. 18,226 Logcanoe . 18,227 Loggerhead 18,228 Logglass . : 18,229 Logheaps . 18,230 Loghouse . 18,231 Loghut 18,232 Logic . . 18,233 Logical . 18,234 Logically . 18,235 Logicising 18,236 Logistic . ] 18,237 Logistical . 18,238 Logman . 18,239 Logocracy 18,240 Logography 18,241 Logogryph 18,242 Logomachy 18,243 Logomania ! 18,244 Logometer 18,245 Logometric 18,246 Logothete . 18,247 Logotype . 18,248 Logreel . 18,249 Logrolls . ! 18,250 Logslate . 18,251 Logwood . 18,252 Lohock . 18,253 Loiterer . 18,254 Loitering . 18,255 Loligidae . 18,256 Loligo . . 18.257 Lollard 18,258 Lollingly . Pan amalgamation Pan gearing Pan shoes Pan mullers Pan bottoms Pans and settlers Can pan out gold Have panned out mning(s) In panning out In panning out, visible gold is seen Pannings give excellent results Pannings give good results Pannings give fair results Pannings give encouraging results Panic There has been a complete panic Things settling down after the panic Papers Papers have been sent Duplicates of papers wanted All needful papers Send all papers relating to Have sent all papers relating to All the papers are ready All the papers are ready, and will be sent as soon as Par At par The shares are now at par When the shares are at par, sell Are to be had at par Has (have) bought at par To get the shares above par iragraph The paragraph in the about The paragraph in the is absurd The paragraph is a tissue of lies Paragraph in the report (about) Let us have a paragraph about Part(s) A part of Do not part with On the part of Divided into parts Each part The lesser part (of) The greater part (of) On our part On your part PAR 369 No. 18,259 18,260 18,261 18,262 18,263 18,264 18,265 18,266 18,267 18,268 18,269 18,270 18,271 18,272 18,273 18,274 18,275 18,276 18,277 18,278 18,279 18,280 18,281 18,282 18,283 18,284 18,285 18,286 18,287 18,288 18,289 18,290 18,291 18,292 18,293 18,294 18.295 18,296 18,297 18,298 18,299 18,300 18,301 18,302 18,303 18,304 18,305 18,306 18,307 18,308 Code Word. Part(s) (continued) Lollipops . On his (their) part Lollop . . Only take a part Londonize Participate Loneness . Who participate in Lonesome Do you want to participate Lonesomely Should like to participate Longago . Participating Longbows. Participating equally Longdozen Participation Longest . In participation with Longeval . Particularly Longevity . You must particularly Longevous Will particularly Longhand Has (have) particularly LongheadedParticulars Longhorned Get full particulars about Longicorn Telegraph full particulars Longimetry Has (have) obtained full particulars as to Longingly . Send the fullest particulars Longipalp Have sent full particulars by letter Longitude Furnish him with full particulars Longlegs . Will give particulars in letter Longlived . Could get no particulars as to Longmynd Let us have further particulars by post Longnecked Have sent further particulars Longnose . Parties. (See Party.) Longprimer You must see all the parties interested Longshore Can you send me the names of the parties interested Longspun . Parties here impatient at delay Longstop . Parties have money ready Longtailed The names of the parties Longtom . The parties who circulate these reports Longtongue Circulated by the usual parties Longways . The parties are well known Longwinded There are no other parties Longwise . The interested parties Lonicera . The parties chiefly interested Looking . Other parties Lookoutman Other parties have also to be considered Loomed . Parties to the transaction Loomgale . Opposing parties Loopholed Partly Looplight . The mine(s) has (have) only been partly worked Loopline . Could only partly examine the mine(s) owing to Loosebox . Is (are) partly Loosehouse Was (were) partly Loosely . Partner(s) Looseneth Are partners in the cone Loosening Are no longer partners Lootable . Partner objects to :rn 2 n 370 PAR No. Code Word. Partner(s) (continued) 18.309 Lopestaff . One of the partners is now in 18.310 Lophiodon One of the partners is on his way to 18.311 Lophius . As soon as the other partner(s) arrive(s) 18.312 Lophophore Has bought out his partner(s) 18.313 Lophopoda Could only see 's partner 18.314 Lophyrus . Partnership 18.315 Lopsided. Has gone into partnership with 18.316 Loquacious Have formed partnership 18.317 Loquacity. Have dissolved partnership 18.318 Loquela . Party. (See Parties.) 18.319 Loranthus Party to the transaction 18.320 Lorcha. . The other interested party 18.321 Lorddom . Another party 18.322 Lordeth . The party referred to 18.323 Lordlike . Is there any other party 18.324 Lordliness Who is the party 18.325 Lordmayor No other party 18.326 Lordolatry Party interested 18.327 Lordsday ; Party well known 18.328 Lorettine . Party not known 18.329 Loricated . Pass 18.330 Loricating To pass over 18.331 Lorication As you will pass on your way to 18.332 Lorikeet . Will you pass on your way to 18.333 Lorimer . Do (does) not pass 18.334 Losengeour Shall pass 18.335 Losing. . Shall you pass 18.336 Lossful . Must pass dividend 18.337 Lotion . . (To) pass a dividend 18.338 Lotteries . Through having to pass 18.339 Lottery . Passage 18.340 Lotus . . Made a quick passage 18.341 Lotuseater Made a slow passage 18.342 Lotusland . Passage-money to be paid here 18.343 Loudful . Agreed to pay his passage (to) 18.344 Loudlunged First-class free passage to 18.345 Loudvoiced Second-class free passage to 18.346 Lounge . Pay his passage back 18.347 Lousewort Wants his passage paid 18.348 Loutishly . Passage money 18.349 Loveapple Has (have) taken his passage ; to leave on the 18.350 Lovebird . Taken passage for him by the 18.35 1 Lovebroker Passed 18.352 Lovecause Have passed dividend 18.353 Lovecharm Have passed the 18.354 Lovechild. Have you passed 18.355 Lovedrink Passenger 18.356 Lovefavour Passenger on board 18.357 Lovefeast . Passengers all saved 18.358 Lovegrass . Past PAS 371 No. Code Word. Past (continued) 18.359 Lovejuice . In the past 18.360 Loveknot . The past records 18.361 Loveless . Judging from the work done in the past 18.362 Loveletter. Patent(s) 18.363 Leveling . Patents all in order 18.364 Lovely. . Number and date of patent 18.365 Lovemaking Number and dates of respective patents 18.366 Lovematch Unless you can get patents 18.367 Lovemonger Insist on the patents being obtained 18.368 Lovepined Title to property is United States patent 18.369 Lovescene Have the patents examined by an efficient lawyer 18.370 Loveshaft . Patent has been applied for 18.371 Lovesick . Patent has not yet been granted, but all is in order 18.372 Lovespell . Patented 18.373 Lovesuit . Is the property patented 18.374 Lovetoys . The property is patented l8 >375 Lovingcup The property is partly patented and partly not 18,376 Lovingness Have nothing to do with the mine(s) unless patented J 8,377 Lowbell . Each claim is patented 18.378 Lowborn . This claim is patented 18.379 Lowcaste . Is the claim (are the claims) patented 18.380 Lowercase See that the claim(s) is (are) patented 18.381 Lowerclass The mine is patented 18.382 Loweringly Patented mill site J 8,383 Lowermost Patented mining claim 18.384 Lowlands . If not patented cannot do anything 18.385 Lowlife . The mine(s) must be patented 18.386 Lowlihead Not yet patented, but provisionally protected 18.387 Lowlily . Patience 18.388 Lowmmded If you will have a little patience 18.389 Lownecked If shareholders will only exercise a little patience 18.390 Lowpitched Have a little patience 18.391 Lowstudded Think your patience will soon be rewarded 18.392 Lowwater . Have shown a good deal of patience 18.393 Loxabark . Pay(s) 18.394 Loxarthrus Pay to the credit of 18.395 Loxia . . Do not pay 18.396 Loxodon . Who will pay 18.397 Loxodromic Agree(s) to pay 18.398 Loxosoma Do not make pay till 18.399 Loyalness . Will have to pay 18.400 Lozengy . Will not pay 18.401 Lubberly . Will not have to pay 18.402 Lubricated Pay to the order of 18.403 Lubricity . (To) pay me (us) j 8,404 Lucanus . (To) pay you 18.405 Lucent. . You must not pay more than 18.406 Lucidly . Can you pay 18.407 Lucidness. Can he (they) pay 18.408 Luciferian If you can pay 372 PAY No. 18,409 18,410 18,411 18,412 18,413 18,414 18,415 18,416 18,417 18,418 18,419 18,420 18,421 18,422 18,423 18,424 18,425 18,426 18,427 18,428 18,429 18,430 l8,43l 18,432 i8,433 18,434 i8,435 18,436 18,438 i8,439 18,440 18,441 18,442 i8,443 18,444 18,445 18,446 18,447 18,448 18,449 18,450 i8,45 J i8,45 2 i8,453 i8,454 i8,455 18,456 i8,457 18,458 Code Word. Pay(s) (continued) Lucimeter If you cannot pay Cannot pay so much Please pay for my account (To) pay hini (them) Pay by telegraph Will it pay (to) It will pay to Pay assessment on Is (are) unable to pay To whom shall we pay your dividend To whom shall we pay the amount due Shall we pay for your account Shall I pay You have nothing to pay ; all charges were paid here No instructions to pay Will pay you Will you pay How much will pay Will pay him Luckiest . Luckily Lucklessly Luckpenny Lucrative . Lucrous . Luctation . Lucubrator Luculently Lucullite . Lucuma . Luddite . Ludicrous . Luffed . . Luffhook . Lufftackle . Luggage . Luggagevan Lugmark . Lugsail Lugubrious Lukewarm Lukewarmly Lullabies . Lullaby Lumachella Lumbago Lumber . Lumberman Lumberroom Lumberyard Lumbric . Lumbrical Luminance Luminaries Luminary . Luminosity Luminous . Lumpfish . Lumpsucker Lumpsugar Lunacy Lunarian . Lunatics . Lungeous . Lunggrown Lungwort . Lunisolar . Lunistice . Not pay more than Pay as little as you can in cash Pay by instalments Pay all charges The mine pays annually The mine will pay In what way is it proposed to pay Pay off all hands Payable Payable in month (s) Payable in instalments of Payable at the bank of Payable to the credit of Payable to the order of Have sent payable to your order Payable to you at Payable quarterly Payable half-yearly Payable in cash Payable in cash, and the balance in shares Payable in cash, and the balance in debentures Duty payable [bearing per cent, interest Payable entirely in fully paid shares How is it payable It is (they are) payable to bearer Shares payable to bearer Payable on delivery Payable on shipment, the balance Payable monthly Payable against bills of lading The first call is payable PAY 373 No. Code Word. Payable (continued) 18.459 Lunitidal . The second call is payable 18.460 Lunular . The balance payable 18.461 Lupercal . Paying 18.462 Lupiform . The rnine(s) is a (are) dividend-paying property 18.463 Lupinus . A non-paying concern 18.464 Lupuline . Has (have) been paying 18.465 Lurched! . Has (have) not been paying 18.466 Lurching . Is (are) the mine(s) a paying concern 18.467 Lurdane . By paying in cash you would secure a most 18.468 Luscinia . By paying [valuable property 18.469 Luscious . Are not paying 18.470 Lusciously Paying at the rate of 18.471 Lusiad. . Are not paying sufficient attention to 18.472 Lustdieted The mine is a paying concern 18.473 Lustfully . Before paying the balance 18.474 Lustihood Before paying his account 18.475 Lustreless . The mine has been paying for the last 18.476 Lustrical . Paying through the nose for 18.477 Lustrums . We are now paying .18,478 Lusty . . Is now paying 18.479 LutebackedPayment(s) 18.480 Luteoline . In part payment 18.481 Lutheran . Payment in full 18.482 Lutherism. Future payments 18.483 Lutraria . Payment(s) to be made to 18.484 Luxating . Make no payment(s) till after 18.485 Luxuriancy Demand payment 18.486 Luxuriant . Will guarantee payment 18.487 Luxurious . No arrangement made as to payment 18.488 Luxurist . Stop the payment of 18.489 Luxury . Payment on delivery at 18.490 Lycaena . Payment in full of all demands 18.491 Lyceum . Guaranteed payment 18.492 Lychnis . What are the arrangements for payment 18.493 Lychnobite Payment to be made as follows : 18.494 Lycodon . Peace 18.495 Lycoperdon Prospect of peace 18.496 Lycopodite There will be no peace 18.497 Lycopodium Peaceable 18.498 Lycopus . Peaceable possession 18.499 Lycotropal Have taken peaceable possession of the property 18.500 Lygodium. Peaceable intentions 1 3, 50 1 Lymegrass Peculation 18.502 Lymexylon Peculation has been going on 18.503 Lymhound Pending 18.504 Lymnite . Pending further instructions 18.505 Lymphatic Pending the settlement of affairs 18.506 Lymphoduct Pending the decision of the court 18.507 Lynch . . Whilst this is pending 18.508 Lynching . While the action is pending 374 PEN No. Code Word. Pending (continued) 18.509 Lynchlaw . Pending the hearing of the case 18.510 Lyndentree While negotiations are pending 18.511 Lynxeyed . Pending the result of 18.512 Lyoncourt Penetrated (through) 18.513 Lyre . . Penetrating 18.514 Lyrebird . Penetration 18.515 Lyrical. . Through the penetration of 18.516 Lyrichord . By constant penetration 18.517 Lyricisms . Penny we ight(s) 18.518 Lyrist . . Less than one pennyweight 18.519 Lysimachia Not more than one pennyweight 18.520 Lyssa . . About one pennyweight 18.521 Lyterian . Pennyweights per ton 18.522 Lythraceae Per 18.523 Lythrum . Yielding per cent, on capital 18.524 Maasha . Per annum 18.525 Macacus . Percent. 18.526 Macadamize Per cent, per annum 18.527 Macarized Per diem 18.528 Macaronian Per mensem 18.529 Macaroon. How much per cent. 18.530 Macaws . Per cent, is lost, by 18.531 Macawtree A profit of per cent. 18.532 Maccoboy Will yield a profit of percent* 18.533 Maccouba There is a loss of per cent, 18.534 Maceale . There is a gain of per cent. 18.535 Macebearer Percentage 18.536 Maceproof What percentage do you estimate 18.537 Maceration A large percentage 18.538 Macereed . A small percentage 18.539 Machinal . Perceptible 18.540 Machinator Very perceptible 18.541 Machinery Hardly perceptible 18.542 Machinists Perceptible to the naked eye 18.543 Macilency Peremptory 18.544 Mackerel . Peremptory orders have been given 18.545 Mackintosh Under peremptory orders to 18.546 Maclurite . Perfect 18.547 Macrodome Perfect in every respect 18.548 Macrology Quite perfect, except 18.549 Macrometer Very far from perfect 18.550 Macropiper The method is as nearly perfect as can be 38.551 Macropod. Has been started, and found to work perfectly 18.552 MacropodalPerform(s) 18.553 Macropus . Can you perform your promise 18.554 Macrural . Cannot perform our promise 18.555 Macrurous Will he perform what he promised 18.556 Mactator . Will perform 1 8,5 5 7 Mactra . Performs all that was promised 18,558 Maculating Does not perform all that was promised PER 375 No. Code Word. 18.559 Maculature Performance 18.560 Madapple. Performance not satisfactory 18.561 Madarosis A very satisfactory performance 18.562 Madbrained Performance might be better 18.563 Madbred . Performance not as good as 18.564 Madcaps . Performed 18.565 Madden . Has (have) performed 18.566 Maddening Has (have) not performed 18.567 Madeiranut Must be performed 18.568 Madheaded Has not been performed 18.569 Madhouses We have performed our part of the contract 18.570 Madjoun . Perhaps 18.571 Madman . Perhaps you can 18.572 Madness . Perhaps we might 18,573- Madoqua . Perhaps you might 18.574 Madreporal Perhaps might be 18.575 Madrigals . It may perhaps be advisable to 18.576 Madroma . Period 18.577 Maelstrom At this period 18.578 Magazines At what period 18,579, Magazining At a later period 18.580 Magbote . At an earlier period 18.581 Magdaleon A period of great anxiety 18.582 Magellanic Permission. (See also Get.) 18.583 Maggotish, Do not give permission 18.584 Maggoty . Has (have) given permission 18.585 Magianism Will not give permission 18.586 Magic . . Has (have) refused permission 18.587 Magically . Has (have) obtained permission to 18.588 Magicians. With the full permission and sanction of 18.589 Magilph . Try and get permission 18.590 Magistery . Will you give permission to 18.591 Magistracy Permission to inspect the mine- 18.592 Magistral . You have full permission (to) 18.593 Magnality. With our permission 18.594 Magnates . Without our permission 18.595 Magnesite. Without any permission 18.596 Magnesium Permit(s) 18.597 Magnetical Permit our cipher to be used by- 18.598 Magnetized Permit to examine the 18.599 Magnific . Will you permit 18.600 Magnifiers Will you permit me (us) to 1 8, 60 1 Magnifying Will permit 18.602 Magnitude To get a permit 18.603 Magnolia. Do (does) not permit 18.604 Magotpie . Cannot permit 18.605 Magpiemoth It is advisable to permit 18.606 Magpies . Permit(s) us to 18.607 Magydare . Permitted 18.608 Mahaleb . Was (were) permitted to 376 PER No. Code Word. Permitted (continued) 18.609 Maharmah Was (were) not permitted 18.610 Mahoganize Have permitted 18.61 1 Mahomedan If it was not permitted 18.612 MahometismPermitting 18.613 Mahometry Permitting us to 18.614 Mahonia . Perseverance 18.615 Maidchild. With patience and perseverance . 8 , 6 1 6 Maidenhair Persevere 18.617 Maidenhood You must persevere 1 8,6 1 8 Maidenish We intend to persevere 18.619 Maidenlike If we persevere 18.620 Maidenly . Persist(s) 18.621 Maidenmeek Persist in doing (proceeding) 18.622 Maidenpink Persist(s) in the determination (to) 18.623 Maidenplum Persist in the course of action 18.624 Maidenship If he (they) persist 18.625 Maidmarian Persisted in 18.626 Maidpale . Persistence 18.627 Maigrefood, Steady persistence in 18.628 Mailable . Person(s) 18.629 Mailbags . A most unsuitable person 18.630 Mailboat . The person(s) concerned 18.631 Mailclad . Who is the person referred to 18.632 Mailcoach A suitable person 18.633 Mailguard. Personal 18.634 Mailing . Personal expenses 18.635 Mailmaster Personal guarantee 18.636 Mailroom . Personal liability 18.637 Mailroute . Personal and joint undertaking (or guarantee) 18.638 Mailstage . Personally 18.639 Mailtrain . You must see personally 18.640 Maimedness Has (have) not personally any knowledge of 18.641 Mainboom Has (have) seen personally 18.642 Maincouple Has (have) personally seen the mine(s) 18,6^3 Maindecks Have you personally examined 18.644 Maineport Personally responsible (for) 18.645 Mainhamper Personally and collectively 18.646 Mainhatch Persuaded 18.647 Mainhold . Am (are) persuaded that 18.648 Mainkeel . Cannot be persuaded 18.649 Mainland . Can he (they) not be persuaded 18.650 Mainly. . Petition 18.651 Mainmasts To petition against 18.652 Mainpernor Have presented a petition 18.653 Mainpost . Petition is refused 18.654 Mainprize. Petition is granted 18.655 Mainsail . You had better petition against 18.656 Mainsheet The hearing of the petition 18.657 Mainspring Now preparing petition 18.658 Mainstay . Petroleum PET 377 No. 18,659 18,660 18,661 18,662 18,663 18,664 18,665 18,666 18,667 18,668 18,669 18,670 18,671 18,672 18,673 18,674 18,675 18,676 18,677 18,678 18,679 18,680 18,681 18,682 18,683 18,684 18,685 18,686 18,687 18,688 18,689 18,690 18,691 18,692 18,693 18,694 18,695 18,696 18,697 18,698 18,699 18,700 18,701 18,702 18,703 18,704 18,705 18,706 18,707 Code Word. Petroleum (continued) Mainsworn The petroleum occurs in strata of The petroleum is found at feet Borehole (s) struck petroleum at feet Well(s) produce(s) gallons petroleum per hour Maintackle Maintains . Maintop . Mainyard . Majestical . Majesties . Majesty Majolica . Maj oration Majorities . Majority . Majuscula Makebate . Makeless . Makepeace Makeshift . Makeup . Makeweight Makingiron Malacatune Malacoderm Malacology Maladies . Malakanes Malapert The supply of petroleum is inexhaustible Petroleum is found largely in the district For burning petroleum Petroleum is used Pick If you have the chance to pick up a good mine for about , do so. This is a good moment to To pick up [sell To pick over Have been able to pick up a good mine, time Picked [ months, titles all right Picked ore Picked specimens Has (have) picked up Picked up a very promising Picked over Has (have) been picked over Has (have) not been picked over Hand-picked samples Can be picked up Some promising mines can be picked up cheap Pinched The vein is very much pinched Malapertly Pinched out Malapropos The vein has pinched out Malarious . Much pinched for want of Malax . . Pinching Malaxate . The vein is pinching out laterally Malaxation The vein is pinching out vertically Malbrouk . The veins are pinching out Maledict . The vein is showing signs of pinching out Malefactor Pipe(s) Malefern . Lay down pipes Maleficent By laying down pipes Malengine Miles of pipes Maletolt . In (a) pipe(s) Malevolent The water has to be brought in pipes Malevolous Cast-iron pipes Maliced . Copper pipes Malign . . Gun-metal pipes Malignancy Wrought-iron pipes Malignity . Steel pipes Malingery , Pipes - inches diameter [feet ; thickness Malison . Cast-iron pipes : diameter inches ; length Malleate . Wrought-iron pipes : diameter inches ; length Malleating Steam pipe (s) [ feet; thickness 378 PIP No. 18,708 18.709 18,710 18,711 18,712 18,713 18,714 18,715 18,716 18,717 18,718 18,719 18,720 18,721 18,722 18,723 18,724 18,725 18,726 18,727 18,728 18,729 18,730 18,731 18,732 18,733 18,734 18,735 18,736 18,739 18,740 18,741 18,742 18,743 18,744 18,745 18,746 18,747 18,748 ^8,749 18,750 18,751 18,752 18,753 ^8,754 18,755 18,756 18,757 Code Word. Pipe(s) (continued) Malleation Mallemock Mallenders Malleolar . Malleus . Mallophaga Mallotus . Malmbricks Malmrock Malmsey . Malodorous Malodour . Malpighia Maltbarn Maltdrink Maltdust Maltfloor Malthouse Malthusian Maltkim . Maltliquor Maltmill , Maltose . Maltreat . Maltster . Maltworm . Malurus . Mamma . Mammalian Mammalogy Mammary Mammeated Mammifer Mammillate Mammilloid Mammock Mammonists Mammonize Mammose Mammoths Manacle State length and diameter of pipes required Length, diameter, and thickness of pipes, Pipes have been laid Pipes will have to be renewed The cost of pipes will be Pipes to discharge gallons Pipes to convey the water (from) Pipes with flanges Flanges of pipes Flanges of pipes to be .-r inches diameter Pipes with socket joints Through the bursting of a pipe Piping Feet of wrought-iron piping inch diameter Feet of cast-iron piping inch diameter Place(s) Have no one to take the place of In no place are the conditions so favourable for In place of [cheap working At what place At this, place Can you place Can place If we can place Cannot place In several places In no place The place at which The place where we are The place where we found The place where it was Who can take your place Will take my place Goes in place of Can you place any shares of What amount of shares can you place Have been able to place Have not been able to place .-^ Want to know the exact place Place in the hands of Places me (us) in an awkward position Manacling Placed Manageably The matter is placed before Managed . Has the matter been placed before Manageless Has (have) placed Management Has (have) not yet placed Managerial Placed in position Manatus . Have been placed Manbound The shares have all been placed Manchineel Has been placed in the hands of PLA 379 No. 18,758 18,759 18,760 18,761 18,762 18,763 18,764 18,765 18,766 18,767 18,768 18,769 18,770 18,771 18,772 18,773 18,774 18,775 18,776 18,777 18,778 18,779 18,780 l8 >7 8l 18,782 18,783 18,784 18,785 18,786 18,787 18,788 18,789 18,790 18,791 18,792 18,793 18,794 18,795 18,796 18,797 18,798 18,799 18,800 18,801 18,802 18,803 18,804 18,805 18,806 18,807 Placed (continued) Have placed the matter in Code Word. Manciple . Have placed the matter in ^s hands Mancusa . In whose hands have you placed the business Mandarinic Placing Mandatory Am (are) now placing While we are placing After placing Plant What plant is there Mandibula Mandil . , Mandilion Mandioc . Mandragora Mandrakes M an du cable Manducated Manducus Manefaire . Manettia . Manfully . Manmlness Manganate Manganesic Manganium Mangcorn . Mangifera . Mangily . Does this include all the plant Not including the plant Including all the plant The necessary plant All the plant The plant is not worth anything The plant is old-fashioned and almost worn out The plant is almost new The plant is in first-rate condition Plant and machinery Plant, machinery, and buildings Inventory of the plant, etc. The plant, at a fair valuation, is worth The machinery and plant cost [and stores Send a complete inventory of the plant, buildings, Manginess Plan(s) Manglers . When will you send plan Mango . . The plans of the ( ) mine(s) were sent you on Mangobird The plans are now in the office Mangofish Send as soon as possible plans of Mangonel . Has (have) sent the plans of Mangonism You will see by the plans that Mangostan There are no good plans of the Mangotree Have plans made of the ( ) mine(s) Mangrove . From the plans Manhater . It will be seen upon the plan sent Manholes . Plan and section of the mine Maniacal . Plan of the different locations Manicate . . Complete plan, showing all surface features Manichean Plan showing each level Manicheism Sketch plan Manicordon Progress plan(s) and section (s) Manifest . Plan to accompany the report Manifestly Plan of the mills and buildings Manifoldly Plan and specification Maniform . Letter and number of square on plan Manilahemp See square on plan : letter , No. r- Manipular Square on plan indicating position of Manitrunk Platinum Mankind . The platinum is found in Manlessly . Large quantities of platinum Manmercer Small quantities of platinum 3 so PLE No. Code Word. 18.808 ManmindedPleased 18.809 Mannacroup You will be pleased to learn 18.810 Mannerism Are pleased to hear 1 8,8 1 1 Mannerly. Much pleased with 18.812 Mannishly Much pleased with the appearance of 18.813 Manorchis Pledged 18.814 Manorhouse Is (are) distinctly pledged (to) 18.815 Manorial . Plentiful 18.816 Manorseat Plentiful supply of 18.817 Manoscopy A plentiful supply of water at all times 18.818 Manovery. Is there a plentiful supply of 18.819 Manpleaser Is very plentiful in the district 18.820 Manqueller Is not very plentiful in the district 18.821 Manrent . Plenty 18.822 Manrope . Can you get plenty of 18.823 Manservant There is plenty of 18.824 Manslayer To be found in plenty 18.825 Manstealer Plenty coming forward 18.826 Mansties / Plenty of room in 18.827 Mansty . Plunder 18.828 Mansuete . His share of the plunder 18.829 Mansuetude (To) disgorge some of the plunder 18.830 Mantellia . Plundered 18.831 Manteltree Has plundered and robbed 18.832 Mantichor Has (have) been plundered every way 18.833 Mantiger . Much of was plundered 18.834 Mantiscrab Poeket(s) 18.835 Mantispa . The ore is mostly found in pockets 18.836 Mantled . Have struck a large pocket of ore 18.837 Mantraps . Have struck a small pocket of ore 18.838 Manualist . Several pockets of very rich ore have been found 18.839 Manually . Owing to the ore being mostly in pockets 18.840 Manubrium Pockety 18.841 Manucaptor Pay ore very pockety 18.842 Manuducent The mine is said to be very pockety 18.843 Manuductor A very pockety mine 18.844 Manumise Policy 18.845 Manumitted The best policy would be 18.846 Manumotive The line of policy we recommend you to adopt 18.847 Manumotor What policy do you recommend 18.848 Manurance Think your best policy is to 18.849 Manure . Think it will be good policy 18.850 Manuscript Think it will not be good policy 18.851 Manworship A very judicious policy 18.852 Man worthy Cannot alter our policy 18.853 Manyheaded Must adhere to the policy laid down 18.854 Manyplies. Policy based upon 18.855 Manysided Would it be good policy to 18.856 Manyways See no reason to alter our policy 18.857 Manywise. The policy to be adopted POL 381 No. Code Word. 18.858 Maple . . Politic(al) 18.859 Mapmounter A very politic course 18.860 Mappery . Most politic measures 1 8, 86 1 Maracan . In the present state of politics 18.862 Maranatha Political disturbances affect us 18.863 Marasmus Political questions 18.864 Maraud . Great political uneasiness 18.865 Marauding Poor. (See also Quality.) 18.866 Marbleize . Poor returns 18.867 Marbly . Too poor to pay 18.868 Marcasitic Too poor for milling purposes 18.869 Marceline. Not quite so poor 18.870 Marcescent Very poor 18.871 Marchest . The vein looks poor 18.872 Marching . The ore is too poor to pay for extraction 18.873 Marchpane Getting only poor ore 18.874 Marchward Poorer 18.875 Marcidity . Poorer and poorer 18.876 Marcionite If the vein gets poorer 18.877 Marcosian The vein is getting poorer 18.878 Mareca . The ore is getting poorer in depth 18.879 Marekanite Ore gets poorer as we advance 18.880 Marestail . Porphyry 1 8, 88 1 Margaric . The hanging wall is porphyry 18.882 Margarous The foot- wall is porphyry 18.883 Marginal . The country rock is porphyry 18.884 Marginally Porphyritic 18.885 Margining Porphyritic rock 18.886 Marginline Porphyritic dyke 18.887 Margosa . Port 18.888 Margravate Port of loading 18.889 Marguerite Port of discharge 18.890 Marigold . Port charges 18.891 Marigraph Bound for the port of 18.892 Marikina . Now in port waiting for 18.893 Marineglue Portion 18.894 Marinorama A large portion of which 18.895 Mariolater A small portion of which 18.896 Mariput . If only a small portion 18.897 Markab . In a portion of 18.898 Marketable As our portion 18.899 Marketbell The greater portion 18.900 Marketday To retain the greater portion 18.901 Marketers . A considerable portion of (the) 18.902 Marketrate The largest portion of the 18.903 Markettown What portion (of the) 18.904 Markingink Position 18.905 Markingnut Telegraph position and standing of 18.906 Marksman What is the position of affairs with regard to 18.907 Marlaceous To strengthen our position 382 No. 18,908 18,909 18,910 18,911 18,912 18,913 18,914 18,915 18,916 18,917 18,918 18,919 18,920 18,921 18,922 18,923 18,924 18,925 18,926 18,927 18,928 18,929 18,930 18,931 18,932 18,933 18,934 18,935 18,936 18,937 18,938 18,939 18,940 18,941 18,942 18,943 18,944 18,945 18,946 18,947 18,948 18,949 18,950 18,951 18,952 18,953 18,954 i8,955 18,956 18,957 Code Word. Marlitic Marlpit Marlstones Marmalade Marmatite Marmorated Maronite . Maroon Marooning Marplot . Marquees . Marquisate Marquisdom Marrowbone Marrowfat Marrowish Marrowless Marrymuffe Marsdenia" Marshalled Marshalsea Marshelder Marshgas . Marshiest . Marshiness Marshnut . Marshy Marsupial , Martello , Martext , Martial Martialism Martialize , POS Position (continued] To improve the position What is the position of Position very serious Is (are) in a wrong position In a very dangerous position The position of Are now in a position to Not in a position to Send plan showing position of Present position is such that Having regard to the present position Present position and future prospects Position is not encouraging Our position will be serious if you cannot What is the position likely to be, in the event of The position is unchanged In our present position it will be best to In a very questionable position Position has improved Position improved, but time is needed to What is our position Cable your opinion of the position and prospects Has (have) taken up a strong position Position taken by is very weak Are you in a position to Positive Nothing positive as yet arranged Are you positive Cannot be -positive till As soon as anything positive is arranged Something positive must be settled at once Am positive that Is (are) positive that Martingale Possession Martinmas In possession of Martyrdom Possession will be given Martyrest . (To) put us in possession 'of Martyrized Cannot get possession Martyrly . (To) gain possession of Marvel . . Is (are) in possession Marvelling Is (are) not in possession of the property Marvellous Am in possession (of) Marybud . Not in possession (of) Maryolatry When shall we be in possession (of) Masahib . Have retaken possession Mascagnin Forcible possession Masculated Gave up possession Masculy . Refuse(s) to give up possession Mashingtub Can give possession, upon Mashvat . Have you got possesion (of) POS 383 No. 18,958 1^,959 18,960 18,961 18,962 18,963 18,964 18,965 18,966 18,967 18,968 18,969 18,970 18,971 18,972 18,973 18,974 18,975 18,976 18,977 18,978 18,979 18,980 18,981 18,982 18,983 18,984 18,985 18,986 18,987 18,988 18,989 18,990 18,991 18,992 i8,993 18,994 i8,995 18,996 18,997 18,998 18,999 19,000 19,001 19,002 19,003 19,004 19,005 19,006 19,007 Code Word. Possession (continued) Masked . Have taken possession (of) [session Maslach . The money is ready are you prepared to give pos- Masonbee . Will give possession upon receipt of Masonry . Must be in our possession Masonvvasp If possession is not given [trouble Masoretic . Possession of these claims will relieve us of all Masorite . Possible Masquerade As soon as possible Massacring As much as possible Massday . Is it possible Masseter . It is possible Masshouse (It) is not possible Massilia . Would it be possible Massively . If possible Massoybark Would not be possible Masspriest Would it not be possible to Massuelle . Do what you possibly can (to) Mastax . It is hardly possible (to) Mastcoat . If not possible Masterdom It is just possible that Masterful . Possibility Masterhood The mere possibility of Mastering . Is there any possibility of Masterjest. Not the slightest possibility of Masterless If there is the slightest possibility of Masterlode No possibility of doing anything MastermindPost. (See also Mail.) Masterous A very responsible post Is the best man for the post Will be fit for the post Mastership Masterwork Masthead . Masthoop . Masticable Masticator Masticine . Mastiffbat. Mastiffs Is not fit for the post By last post By this evening's post By the next post Do not post Do not post any letters to me Shall not post any more letters MastigopodPostpone Mastitis . You must postpone Mastodon . Will postpone Mastoid . Will not postpone Mastoideal Will postpone Masttree . Cannot postpone Masulaboat Postpone going to till Mataco . Postpone all operations Matafund . Postponed Matamata . Postponed on account of Matchcloth Have postponed my departure Matchcoat Pound(s) Matchless . Pounds weight 384 POU No. 19,008 19,009 19,010 19,011 19,012 i9> 01 3 19,014 i9> 01 5 19,016 19,017 19,018 19,019 19,020 19,021 19,022 19,023 19,024 19,025 19,026 19,027 19,028 19,029 19,030 I9.03 1 19,032 19^33 19,034 19,035 19,036 19,037 19,038 19,039 19,040 19,041 19,042 19,043 19,044 19,045 19,046 19,047 19,048 19,049 19,050 19,051 19,054 19.055 19,056 Code Word. Pound(s) (continued) Matchlock How many pounds Matchmaker We require pounds Matchplane Pounds sterling Matchtub . Pounds sterling equivalent to dollars Materially . Pounds sterling equivalent to rupees Materiated Powder Materious . Waiting for powder in order to Maternity . Send Ibs. of giant powder Matfelon . No powder to be had here Mathematic Have only Ibs. of powder in store Mathemeg Powder in store Mathesis . Mammoth powder Matindog . Blasting powder Matins. . Power Matricaria Has (have) great power Matricide . Has (have) no power Matrimony Of what power Matronal . It is in the power of Matronhood It is not in the power of Matronize . If it is in the power of Matronlike Is it in 's power Matronly . It is in your power (to) Matthiola . Is it in your power (to) Mattresses It is in (my) our power (to) Mattulla . It is not in my (our) power (to) Maturative Power of attorney to be made in name of Maturely . In whose name is power of attorney to be made Matureness Power of attorney will be required Matwork . Who holds power of attorney Maudlin . Give power of attorney to Maudlinism Send power of attorney Maulstick . Send power of attorney to sue Maumetrie Cannot send power of attorney Maumletdar Has (have) sent power of attorney ; see it is duly Maund . . Will send power of attorney [recorded Maundering Have received power of attorney Mauresque Power of attorney notarially attested Mausoleum Power of attorney in favour of Mauveine . Power of attorney must be recorded Mawkish . Power of attorney recorded Mawseed . Hereby withdraw and cancel power of attorney Maxilla . Power of attorney cancelled Maxillary . Date when power was given Maxilliped Date when power was revoked Maximist . Power of attorney not on record Maximized Special power of attorney Maximum Sufficient power to Maybeetle Not enough power to Maybloom More power required Maybug . Adding more power POW 385 No. Code Word. Power (continued) 19.058 Maybush . More power can be obtained by increasing fall 19.059 Maydew . Of greater power 19.060 Mayflower An engine of greater power required 19.061 Mayflies . Engine-power 19.062 Mayfly . Water-power 19.063 Maygame . Steam-power 19.064 Mayhap . Steam power necessary to drive 19.065 Maymorn . Electric-power 19.066 Mayonnaise Is electric power obtainable 19.067 Mayor . . Power obtained is sufficient (to) 19.068 Mayoralty Powerful 19.069 Mayoress . Is (are) all-powerful in the district 19.070 Mayorship Not sufficiently powerful 19.071 Maypole . Is sufficiently powerful 19.072 Mayqueen Will require more powerful machinery 19.073 Mazdean . Very powerful 19.074 Mazdeism . Practicable 19.075 Maze . . Is it practicable 19.076 Mazologist It is quite practicable 19.077 Mazurka . It is not practicable 19.078 Mazzard . If it is not quite practicable 19.079 Meacock . Has been found practicable 19.080 Meadow . Practically 19.081 MeadowlarkPractice 19.082 Meadowpink Has been found in practice 19.083 Meadowrue Precaution(s) 19.084 Meadowsage Take every precaution 19.085 Meadowwort Has (have) taken every precaution 19.086 Meagrely . As a measure of precaution 19.087 Meagreness Has (have) not taken any precautions 19.088 Meagrim . What precautions have you taken against 19.089 Mealbeetle Precedent(s) 19.090 Mealies . Is there any precedent for 19.091 Mealiness . The case is without precedent 19.092 Mealinonger There is no well-established precedent 19.093 Mealmoth. If a precedent can be found 19.094 Mealsmeat Precedents have been looked up 19.095 Mealtime . Preceding 19.096 Mealtub . The preceding points 19.097 Mealworm To explain the preceding 19.098 Mealy . . During the preceding 19.099 Meander . Precisely 19.100 Meandrian Want to know precisely 19.101 Meanest . Preehide(s) 19.102 Meanwhile Would preclude us from 19.103 Measelry . Preclude(s) us from 19.104 Measles . Precludes them (him) from 19.105 Measurable To preclude them (him) from 19.106 Measured . Does not preclude us from 19.107 Measuring Preclude(s) the possibility 2 C 386 PRE No. Code Word. 19.108 Meatflies . Prefer(s) 19.109 Meatfly . Which do you prefer 19.110 Meatpie . Would you prefer 19.111 Meatscreen Would prefer 19.112 Mechanic . Would prefer not to 19.113 Mechanical If you prefer 19.114 Mechanurgy We should prefer to 19.115 Mechlin . Preferable 19.116 Mecometer Would it not be preferable 19.117 Medalet . Would be preferable 19.118 Medallic . Would not be preferable 19. 1 1 9 Medallions Preference 19.120 Mediacy . By preference 19.121 Mediaeval We give the preference to 19.122 Mediatize . We have the preference 19.123 Mediator . You will have the preference 19.124 Medicable Should give the preference to 19.125 Medicago . Prejudice (s) 19.126 Medicean . Without prejudice (to) 19.127 Medicinal . Offer made without prejudice 19.128 Medick. We consent, but without prejudice to our rights 19.129 Mediocral. A strong prejudice against [and claims 19.130 Mediocrist Will prejudice our case 19.131 Meditate . If it will not prejudice our case or claim 19.132 Meditating Must seriously prejudice us 19.133 Meditation Seriously prejudices our efforts to obtain 19.134 Medjidie . Prejudiced 19.135 Medlars . Is (are) prejudiced against 19.136 Medullary Is (are) prejudiced in favour of 19.137 Medullated Without being prejudiced 19.138 Medullose A prejudiced opinion 19.139 Medusoid . Preliminaries 19.140 Meekeyed Preliminaries arranged 19.141 Meekly . Preliminaries not yet arranged 19.142 Meerkat . Preliminary 19.143 Meerschaum As a preliminary step 19.144 Megaceros A preliminary agreement 19.145 Megachile. Premature 19.146 Megacosm Premature disclosure 19.147 Megafarad Would be at present premature 19.148 Megalanea Do nothing premature 19.149 Megalithic Is at present premature 19.150 Megalodon The statement (or report) is premature 19.151 Megalonyx Premium 19.152 Megalosaur What is the premium (on) 19.153 Megalotis . The premium is too heavy 19.154 Megaptera. At a premium of 19.155 Meganan . The shares are now at a premium 19.156 Megascopes The shares, after touching a premium, fell off 19.157 Megaspore Is a premium upon dishonesty PRE 387 No. Code Word. 19.158 Megasthene Prepaid 19.159 Megaweber Must be prepaid 19.160 Meggelup. The freight was prepaid 19.161 Megohm . All charges have been prepaid 19.162 Meibomian We are prepaying 19.163 Meiosis . Preparation(s) 19.164 Meith . . Preparations being made 19.165 Meiwell . Preparations have been made 19.166 Melaconite Preparations delayed owing to 19.167 Melada . Time to make preparations 19.168 Melaleuca. Making preparations (to) 19.169 Melampode Make all necessary preparations 19.170 Melampyrum All the necessary preparations are now made 19.171 Melancholy Prepare 19.172 Melaniline Prepare as quickly as possible 19.173 Melanism . Prepare everything for 19.174 Melanoma Will prepare 19.175 Melanopsis Cannot prepare 19.176 Melanotic. Is there time to prepare 19.177 MelanotypePrepared 19.178 Melanure . Has (have) prepared 19.179 Melaphyre Has (have) not yet prepared 19.180 Melarosa . I am (we are) prepared for 19.181 Melasmic . Not prepared for 19.182 Melchite . Have you prepared 19.183 Melder . Cannot be prepared 19.184 Meleagrina You must be prepared for 19.185 Melicerous Prepared to accept an offer 19.186 Melicgrass Is (are) not prepared to 19.187 Melidae . Shall you be prepared 19.188 Melilotus . Shall be fully prepared when the time arrives 19.189 Meliorate . Preparing 19.190 Meliphaga When preparing for 19.191 Melissa . Now preparing for 19.192 Melitose . We are preparing to 19.193 Melittis . Prepayment 19.194 Mellific . Upon prepayment of 19.195 Melligo . Presence 19.196 Mellilite . In the presence of 19.197 Mellivora . Your presence needed here 19.198 Melloca . Will my presence be needed 19.199 Melocactus Present(s) 19.200 Melocoton At the present time 19.201 Melodious Up to the present 19.202 Melodist . For the present 19.203 Melodize . Not at present 19.204 Melodizing Do not present 19.205 Melodrama That may present itself 19.206 Melody . Now presents a better appearance 19.207 Melolontha Presented 388 PRE No. Code Word. Presented (continued} 19.208 Melopiano Has (have) been presented 19.209 Meltingly . Has (have) not been presented 19.210 Meltingpot When presented 19.211 Melyridae . Has (have) the been presented 19.212 Membership The bill has been presented for payment but 19.213 Membrane Preservation [returned dishonoured 19.214 Membranous In a good state of preservation 19.215 Memento . Preserve 19.216 Memoir . In order to preserve our rights 19.217 Memoirist To preserve what is left 19.218 Memorable Preserve all rights intact 19.219 MemorandumPreserved 19.220 Memorative All rights preserved intact 19.221 Memoriter Our interests have been preserved 19.222 Memorize . President 19.223 Memorizing The president of the 19.224 Memphian Is president of 19.225 Menace . Who is the president of 19.226 Menacingly Have laid the matter before the president 19.227 Menagerie The president has promised 19.228 Menagogue Press 19.229 Mendacious Press for an answer 19.230 Mendicancy Press for payment 19.231 Mendicity. Pressed 19.232 Mendose . Has (have) pressed 19.233 Mengite . We have been pressed to 19.234 Menhaden Pressed for time 19.235 Meningeal Pressing 19.236 Meningitis Are now pressing 19.237 Meniscoid. Is (are) now pressing his (their) claims against 19.238 Meniscuses Pressure 19.239 Meniver . Under a heavy pressure 19.240 Mennonite The heavy pressure 19.241 Menologium Owing to the pressure put upon 19.242 Menology . Bring all the pressure you can get to bear (upon) 19.243 Menopome Prevail 19.244 Menostasis Hope to prevail on to 19.245 Mensa . . Cannot prevail on to 19.246 Mensurate Can you prevail on to 19.247 Mentagra . We have prevailed upon 19.248 Mentally . Prevalence 19.249 Menthene . Owing to the prevalence of 19.250 Mentoniere Prevent 19.251 Mentum . Cannot prevent 19.252 Menuridae Try and prevent 19.253 Menyanthes Will prevent 19.254 Menyie . To prevent expense and delay 19.255 Menziesia . You must prevent him (them) from 19.256 Mfephitic . There was nothing to prevent 19.257 Mephitical Is there anything to prevent PEE No. Code Word. Prevent (continued) 19.258 Mercantile Do all you can to prevent 19.259 Mercaptan Did all we could to prevent 19.260 Mercatante To prevent others from 19.261 Mercature To prevent others from stepping in 19.262 Mercenary Impossible to prevent 19.263 Mercership Do you know of anything likely to prevent 19.264 Merchand Can prevent 19.265 Merchandry If anything happens to prevent 19.266 Merciable . Prevented 19.267 Merciament Was (were) prevented from 19.268 Merciful . Could not have been prevented 19.269 Mercifully. Which has prevented 19.270 Merciless . Been prevented by circumstances 19.271 Mercurial . Cannot be prevented 19.272 Mercurify . If we had not been prevented (by) 19.273 Mercurism We have been prevented from the want of 19.274 Mercurous Preventing 19.275 Mercyseat Thereby preventing from 19.276 Meregoutte Previous 19.277 Merenchyma On my previous visit 19.278 Merestead Since the previous 19.279 Merganser In your previous letter 19.280 Mergus . Previous to 19.281 Meridian . Had been done previous to 19.282 Meridional In its (their) previous state 19.283 Merismatic Previous orders withdrawn 19.284 Merit . . Since your previous instructions 19.285 Meritedly . Price(s). (See also Shares.) 19.286 Merithal . Is the price asked 19.287 Meriting . At what price can you 19.288 Merlangus At what price did you 19.289 Merlucius . At present price(s) 19.290 Mermaids. At what price can you bond 19.291 Merman . What is the lowest price you will take 19.292 Merocele . Wire present price of 19.293 Meropidae Is the price asked, but vendors would take 19.294 Merosome Is (are) getting good prices for 19.295 Merrily . Is (are) worth the price 19.296 Merrimake The price asked is reasonable 19.297 Merrynight The price asked is unreasonable 19.298 Merry quilt Has (have) asked too high a price 19.299 Merula. . This price can probably be reduced 19.300 Mervaille . What is the price of 19.301 Mesartin . Is the price of 19.302 Mesdames Would get a high price for 19.303 Meseems . With the high price of 19.304 Mesenteric Can get a high price for 19.305 Meshwork Reserve price 19.306 Mesitule . The reserve price set upon the property is 19.307 Mesitylene At a reasonable price 39 PHI No. 19,308 19,309 19,314 JQ.SIS 19,316 19,317 19,318 19,320 19,321 19,322 19,323 i9,3 2 4 19,325 19,326 19,327 19,328 19,332 19,333 19,334 19,335 19,336 19,337 19,338 19,339 19,340 i9,34i 19,342 19,343 19,344 19,345 19,346 19,347 19,348 '9,35* 19,352 19,353 19,354 19,355 19.356 Code Word. Price(s) (continued) Mesmerical The price is too high Mesmerism If can reduce the price to Mesmerized If the price does not exceed Mesnality . Cannot touch it at the price Mesne . . Price should be reduced to at least Mesoblast Original invoice price Mesocaecum Prices rising Mesocarp . Prices have risen Mesoderm Prices steady Mesoleucos Prices declining Mesolite . Prices will go lower Mesolobar Prices nominal Mesomelas Prices continue to increase Mesopodium Prices continue to fall Mesorectum The price to include Mesosperm At what price was it offered Mesothesis What price does he expect to get Mesothorax Much higher prices Mesotype . Much lower prices Mesoxalic . At an increased price Mesozoic , At a reduced price Mespilus . Price does not include Mesprise . Does the price include Messalian. Principal Messdeck . Our principal object (is) Messenger The principal thing is Messianic . In the absence of our principal Messidor . Principal will not be here Messmates Our principal Messtable . Their principal Mesteque . Principally MesymnicumPrinciple Metabasis . Object upon principle Metabolic . The principle is quite wrong Metacarpal The principle upon which Metacentre Cannot approve of the principle Metacetone Private Metacism . This is for your private information only Metacresol This is to be kept quite private Metagallic Tell in private Metaleptic Told me in private that Metallical . From private information Metalling . Private and confidential Metallists . Has been kept private Metallize . By private contract Metalloid . Privilege (s) Metallurgy (To) have the privilege of Metalman . Our privileges and rights Metameric Their privileges Metaphor . Cannot have the privileges PRI 391 No. I9,35 8 J 9,359 19,360 19,361 19,362 19,363 19,364 *9,365 19,366 19*367 19,368 19,369 i9,37o 19,371 J9,372 19,373 19,374 ^9,375 Code Word. Privilege (s) (continued) Metaphrase The privileges now enjoyed Metaphysic Probability Metaplasm Metaptosis Metastatic Metastoma Metatarsal Metecorn . Metegavel. Metempiric Meteor . Meteorism Meteorites Meteoroid Metestick Meteyard . In all probability Is there any probability of There seems a probability of There is no probability of If there is no probability of Metathetic Probable (Probably) Metazoa . Is it probable (that) It is very probable (that) Not very probable (that) Will probably be able to Will probably Procedure By this procedure This method of procedure Proceed Proceed at once to - , make a thorough exami- nation of the property, telegraph opinion, and Will proceed as requested [send by post full report You need not now proceed to Instruct -- to proceed to - (to) Cannot proceed at once ; can do so on Can you proceed at once to Unable to proceed to Must proceed at once to Now ready to proceed Proceed against Cannot proceed further (without) Proceeding(s) Am (are) now proceeding against Commence proceedings Proceedings have begun Legal proceedings Proceedings are illegal Proceedings have been instituted to oceeds Remit proceeds Telegraph proceeds of Proceeds of the - amount to Proceeds of the sale Proceeds of the shipment(s) The proceeds to be devoted to Gross proceeds Net proceeds The net proceeds resulting from The proceeds will be more than sufficient to Process A new process 19,376 Metheglin . 19,377 Methinks . 19,378 Methodical 19,379 Methodists 19,380 Methodized i9,38i Methought Methule . 19,383 Methylated 19,384 Methylic . 19,385 Meticulous 19,386 Metonymy ! 19,387 Metrical . 19,388 Metrically J 9;3 8 9 Metrifier . 19,390 Metrists . 19,39! Metromania Metronymic 19^393 Metrotome '. 19,394 Metroxylon 19,395 Mewl . . 19,396 Mewling . 19,397 Meynt . . 19,398 Mezuzoth . 19,399 Mezzo . . 19,400 Mezzotint . 19,401 Miargyrite 19,402 Miaskite . 19,403 Miasm . . 19,404 Miasmal . ] 19,405 Miasmatic 19,406 Miasmology I am going to to see a new process of 392 PRO No. Code Word. Process (continued) By which process By an improved process The new process is now at work Saving by the new process What process is most suitable This process is well adapted for Procured Can be procured Cannot be procured Must be procured oduce Hope to produce Cannot produce What do the mines produce per week For some time past the produce has been The annual produce The monthly produce The weekly produce The entire produce from Will produce on an average Cannot produce more than oduced The mine(s) has (have) produced Have produced per week Have produced per month for the last months Producing The mine(s) is (are) producing tons The mine(s) is (are) producing tons per week The mine(s) is (are) producing very fine ore Hope shortly to be producing tons per week The ore chute is now producing Stope is now producing Production To increase the production To maintain this production Production will increase What is the average production What is the production likely to be The production has increased The production has fallen off (to) Profit(s) Profit in sight Last month's profit was Profit this month will be Profit will be Likely to give large profits An annual profit of The net profit for the year is What are the profits upon [been paid What profit will there be after all expenses have 19,407 Micliaente 19,408 Michaelmas 19,409 Michelia . 19,410 Micraster . 19,411 Microcosm 19,412 Microdon . 19*413 Microfarad ! 19,414 Micrograph 19*415 Microhm . 19,416 Microlite . 19*417 Micrometry] 19,418 Microphone 19,419 Micropyle . 19,420 Microscope 19,421 Microzoa . 19,422 Midchannel 19,423 Midcouples 19,424 Midcourse 19*425 Midday 19,426 Middle. . 19,427 Middleage 19,428 Middleman ] 19,429 Middlemost 19,43 Middletint 19*431 Middlingly i9>43 2 Mid earth . ] 19*433 Mid feather 19*434 Midheaven 19*435 Midhour . 19*436 Midleg . . 19*437 Midmost . 19*438 Midnight . 19*439 Midnoon . ] 19,440 Midrash . 19,441 Midrib. . 19,442 Midsea. . 19,443 Midship . 19,444 Midshipman 19*445 Midsky 19,446 Midstream Midsummer 19,448 Midwkket 19,449 Midwife . Midwifery 19,45* Midwifish . Midwinter 19*453 Miemite . 19*454 Miff. . . 19*455 Mightful . 19,456 Mightier . PRO 393 No. 19,457 19,458 *9>459 19,460 19,461 19,462 19,463 19,464 19,465 19,466 19,467 19,468 19=469 19,470 19,471 19,472 19.473 19,474 19,475 19,476 19,477 19,478 19,479 19,480 19,481 19,482 19,4^3 19,484 19,485 19,486 19,487 19,488 19,489 19,490 19,491 19,492 19,493 19,494 19,495 19,496 19,497 19,498 19,499 19,500 19,501 19,502 I953 19,504 19,505 19,506 Code Word. Profit(s) (continued) Mightily . Will net profits for month be Mightiness A monthly profit (of) Mighty . . (At) a profit of Migrant . The profits have been very large Migration . The profits at first will not be large Migratory . Telegraph the probable net profit for the month of Mikania . Estimated profit Milch . . Leaves too small a profit Mildest . I estimate we shall make a profit of Mildewy . Profit on the run Mildness . Have been making small profits all the time Mildspoken Has been worked at a profit (of) Mileage . Profits may be expected inside of Milepost . Profit may be expected to be not less than Milestone . There will be no profit Milfoil . . How much profit do we make Miliaria . Actual realized profit Miliola . Impossible to estimate profit Miliolitic . A good margin of profit Militancy . Profit for the half-year Militiaman Profit and loss account Miliuni . Think the mine will make large profits Milken way Afraid there is very little profit to be made Milkfever . Profits to be divided Milkglass . Out of the profit for Milkhedge Out of the profits made we can declare a dividend Milkily . . Leaves no profit [at the rate of Milkmaids Leaves a large profit Milkman . Leaves a small profit Milkmolar Profitable Milkpunch A very profitable undertaking Milkquartz Am (are) sure it will be a very profitable investment Milkrack . Not sufficiently profitable Milksnake Progress Milksop . What progress is being made Milksopism Good progress is being made Milksugar . Cannot you make better progress Milkthrush Not making much progress at present Milktree . Not making much progress, owing to Milk vats . Promise (s) Milkvessel Promise has not been fulfilled Milkvetch . Will promise to Milkwarm . Cannot promise to Milkwhite Would not promise Milkwood . Can you promise Milky . . Can you fulfil your promise Millbar . Rely on the fulfilment of your promise Millcog . Can promise faithfully Millennial . Promises to do all he can Milleped . The mines promise well 394 PRO No. 39>57 19,508 i9,59 J9,5 10 ^S 11 i9,5 12 not want promises but divi- [dends 19,5*5 i9',5i8 I9,5i9 19,520 19,521 19,522 19,523 19,524 19,525 19^527 i9,5 2 8 19,529 19,53 i9,'532 19,533 19,534 19,535 19,536 I9.538 J 9,539 19,542 19,543 J9.544 19,545 19.546 19,547 19,548 19,549 19,55 19,552 19,553 19.554 19,555 Code Word. Promise(s) (continued) Millepora . The shareholders do Millerite . Promised Millesimal Has (have) promised to Milletbeer. Has (have) promised not to Milleyes . I (we) have promised Millgang . Promised to give a definite answer Millhands . If you had not promised Millholm . If had not promised Milligram . Shareholders were promised Millilitre . Promissory note Milliner . Has (have) given a promissory note (for) Millionist . Promissory note presented and honoured Millocrat . Promissory note presented and returned unpaid Millpick . Promote Millpond . (To) promote a company Millrace . Cannot promote Millrea . (To) promote a good feeling Milltail . (To) promote a better feeling Milltooth . Will not tend to promote M'illwheel . Will promote Mill works . (To) promote your interests Millwright (To) promote the interests of all concerned Miltonic . Promoted Miltwaste . Company has been promoted Milvinae . Company now being promoted Milvus . . Promoted the suit Mimetene . Promoted a better feeling among all concerned Mimetism . Promoter(s) Mimical . Are strong promoters of the Mimically . The promoters (to) get Mimicker . Cannot allow the promoters Mimicking Promoters and underwriters get Mimicry . The promoters of the undertaking Mimulus . Promoting Mimusops Are promoting a company Minaccioso Are promoting a movement for Minarets . Promotion Minargent Expenses of promotion Minatorily Promotion expenses to be borne by Minaul . All promotion expenses, including legal charges, printing, brokerage, and commission Mincemeat The promotion of the company Mincepie . The promotion of the lawsuit Minded . Prompt Mindful . Has (have) been as prompt as possible Mineon . Be as prompt as you can Mineral . Prompt action is required Mineralist . Prompt action will be taken Mingleable Promptly Mingledly This must be done promptly PRO 395 No. Code Word. Promptly (continued} Minglement Promptly on account of Act very promptly, if you wish to Must act promptly in order to prevent Proof As a proof There is no proof The proof is What proof is there that Can give sufficient proof to convince you that Can show no proof Could give no proof There is every proof that If you want proof Properly Fairly and properly worked Accounts were properly made out Not properly done Property I consider it a most valuable property The property is worth I do not consider the property worth having It is not as valuable a property as represented The property is situated The situation of the property is bad [desired The situation of the property is all that can be The property comprises Owing to the large extent of the property How is the property situated The position of the property In the same locality as the company's property The property is in the district What is the property worth What will they take for the property Is the property worth having What does the property consist of The property is in the hands of The code word of the property to be Property code word altered to The property is situated near the Co.'s property The property is situated on side of In my opinion, the mine will develop into a fine Has (have) examined the property [property 19,557 Mingling . i9,55 8 Mingrelian 19,559 Miniard . ! 19,560 Miniardize 19,561 Miniatures 19,562 Minieball . Minierifle . 19,564 Minimizing 19,565 Minioning 19,566 Minionlike Minionship 19^568 Ministered 19,569 Ministrant ! 19,570 Ministry . Minnows . 19^72 Minoration 19,573 Minoress . '. 19,574 Minorities 19,575 Minority . 19,576 Minorship 19,577 Minstrel . 19,578 Minstrelsy 19,579 Mintage . 19.580 Mintjulep . 19,581 Mintmark . 19,582 Mintmaster 19,583 Mintsauce 19,584 Mint warden 19,585 Minuend . 19,586 Minuscula 19,587 Minutebell 19,588 Minutebook 19,589 Minutegun J 9,59 Minutehand I 9,59 I Minutejack 19,592 Minutely . J 9,593 Minuteness J 9,594 Minutia 19,595 Minutiose . 19,596 Minxotter . 19,597 Miocene . J9,598 Miohippus 19,599 Miquelet . 19,600 Mirabilary 19,601 Mirabilis . 19,602 Miraculize 19,603 Miraculous 19,604 Mirador . Can get lease of property for Can get lease of property for years at months at If we can con- The property is offered to others. elude at once, believe we can secure it over their A most promising property [heads Property in an excellent district Is the property auriferous Do not vouch for the property being auriferous 396 PEG No. Code Word. Property (continued) 19.605 Mirbane . Property represented as auriferous 19.606 Mirecrow . Property probably is auriferous 19.607 Miredrum. Property is auriferous 19.608 Mirfack . A interest is offered to us in a property for . Shall we accept on your account 19.609 Mirific . . Have personally inspected property, and recommend 19.610 Mirificent. The property is a good one [it on terms stated 19.611 Mirligoes . What work has been done on the property 19.612 Mirthful . Please visit property again and confirm your report 19.613 Mirthless . Thoroughly good property [by wire 19.614 Misaccompt Please give your opinion of it as a payable gold 19.615 Misadjust . Fairly good property [property 19.616 Misaimed . The property may be auriferous, but not in our opinion payably so The property is a fair one, and at a moderate figure a good investment What price do you intend giving for the property We know nothing of the property Property is not known of here The property is practically a dwt. property The property is a oz. property 19,617 Misapplied 19,618 19,619 19,620 19,621 19,622 19,623 19,624 19,625 19,626 19,627 19,628 19,629 19,630 19,631 19,632 19^33 19.634 19.635 19,636 19.637 19.638 19.639 19,640 19,641 19,642 i9. 6 43 19,644 19.645 19,646 19,647 19,648 19,649 19,650 Misapply . Misascnbe Misassign . Misattend . Misbecome Misbeget . Misbehave Misbeseem Misbestow Misboden . We have closed all connection with the property The property has been specially registered Adjoining property has been abandoned Refused access to property Transfer of the property Miscalling. Proportion(s) Miscarried Contain(s) a proportion of Miscarry . Contains a large proportion of Miscast . A large proportion of which Miscellany In proportion to Miscentre . In what proportion Mischance Is not in proportion to Mischief . Our proportion will be Mischna . Your proportion will be Mischoose Divide(d) in equal proportions Misclaim . Proportionally Miscognize Proportionally divided among Miscollect Proposal(s) Miscompute Has (have) made a proposal to Misconduct Have asked to make a proposal Misconster Proposal cannot be entertained Miscovet . A very fair proposal Miscreants Must have a more definite proposal Misdated . Accept the proposal Misdaub . Decline the proposal Misdealing Proposal accepted, subject to modification TVIisdeeds . Proposal accepted, provided that Misdemean Must modifiy proposal Misderive . Any further proposals PRO 397 P No. 19^52 5 19,655 19,656 19,657 19,658 19,659 19,660 19,661 19,662 19,663 19,664 19,665 19,666 19,667 19,668 19,669 19,670 19,671 19,672 19,673 19,674 I9>675 19,676 19,677 19,678 19,679 19,680 19,681 19,682 19,683 19,684 19,685 19,686 19,687 19,688 19,689 19,690 19 691 19,692 19,693 19,694 19,695 19,696 19,697 19,698 19,699 19,700 19,701 Code Word. Misdesert . Misdiet Misdirects Misdivide . Misdo . . Misdoings Misdoubt . Misdread . Miseasy . Misedition Propose (s) Would propose to Do (does) not propose to What do (does) propose doing Propose(s) the following Have you anything to propose I have nothing to propose Proposed It was proposed at the meeting to It has been proposed Miseducate Proposition. (See Proposal.) Misemoney Wire if proposition is accepted Misentries A very fair proposition Misentry . Proposition has been altered Miser . . Prosecute Miserable . Will prosecute Miserect . Will not prosecute Miserly . Will prosecute Misexpound In order to prosecute Misfaith . Not to prosecute Misfare . Prospect(s) Misfeasor . Prospect thoroughly Misfeign . What is the prospect of Misfit . . If any immediate prospect Misfitting . The mine is little more than a prospect Misformed A valuable prospect Misfortune There seems every prospect of Misframe . There seems no prospect of Misframing No prospect of our being able to Misgivings A poor prospect Misgotten A fine prospect Misgovern Think the mine is a good prospect Misgraff . With this prospect in view Misground Unless there be some prospect of Misgrowth Think there is little prospect Misguess . If no prospect of Misguide . Prospect very doubtful Mishandle Can see no immediate prospect of Mishappen There are good prospects Mishaps . Prospects are discouraging Mishmash . Prospects are encouraging Misinform Prospects not encouraging enough to warrant Misintend . The future prospects of the Misintreat . Prospects do not seem to improve Misjoinder As prospects are improving Misjudge . As prospects do not improve Misjudging Prospecting Miskenning Have sunk a prospecting shaft Miskindled Prospecting a long time on the same vein Misknow . Must at once begin prospecting 398 PRO No. Code Word. Prospecting (continued) 19.702 Misknowing No prospecting has been done 19.703 Mislaid . Shall continue prospecting in 19.704 Misleadeth Shall stop prospecting in 19.705 Mislearned Has (have) stopped prospecting 19.706 Mislight . Stop prospecting 19.707 Misluck . Am (are) prospecting 19.708 Mismake . Has (have) been prospecting for 19.709 Mismanage Are prospecting in every direction 19.710 Mismanners What prospecting has been done 19.711 Mismatch. Prospecting adit(s) 19.712 Mismeasure Prospecting shaft 19.713 Misnomers Prospecting vigorously carried on 19.714 Misnumber You can spend in prospecting 19.715 Misnurture How much can we spend in prospecting 19.716 Misobserve Desirable to go on prospecting 19.717 Misogamist Examining and prospecting the 19.718 Misogamy. Syndicate for prospecting and developing 19.719 Mispense . Prospecting over the entire property 19.720 Mispikel . I recommend your prospecting (it) 19.721 Misplace . Do you recommend us to accept it on prospecting 19.722 Mispoint . Set men on prospecting [terms 19.723 Mispolicy . Prospectus 19.724 Misprinted Send me prospectus 19.725 Misproud . Sending prospectus 19.726 Misquoted Send your prospectus 19.727 Misquoting Prospectus will be issued 19.728 Misraise . Prospectus issued 19.729 Misreceive Prospectus not issued 19.730 Misrecital . Shall we issue prospectus 19.731 Misreckon We advise issue of prospectus 19.732 Misrelate . Prospectus withdrawn 19.733 Misrender. Withdraw prospectus until 19.734 Misreport . Defer issuing prospectus 19.735 Missal . . Protect(s) 19.736 Missayer . It will be necessary to protect 19.737 Misseek . (To) protect yourself 19.738 Misseldme (To) protect ourselves against 19.739 Misshaping Will protect 19.740 Missionary Will not protect 19.741 Missives . Will this protect 19.742 Missound . Protect our rights and interests 19.743 Misspeech Protect all interests 19.744 Misspell . Protect us from molestation 19.745 Misstep . We undertake to protect 19.746 Missuccess Protected 19.747 MisGwear . Protected by 19.748 Mistakenly Not protected by 19.749 . Mistaking . Must be fully protected 19.750 Misteach . Protection 19.751 Mistflower What protection is there PRO 399 No. Code Word. Protection (continued) I9>75 2 Misthrive . There is no protection against 19 753 Misthrow . Sufficient protection against 19,754 Mistico . Every protection i9>755 Mistide . Every protection has been afforded us by the i9,75 6 Mistihead . For our protection i9>757 Mistily . . For whose protection i9,75 8 Mistletoe . For the protection of our interests 19,759 Mistook . The proper protection of our rights 19,760 Mistrals . Under the protection of the court 19,761 Mistruster. Protest(s) 19,762 Mistryst . Protest against i9>763 Mistuned . Pay under protest 19,764 Mistutored Has (have) paid under protest 19.765 Misty . . No use to protest 19,766 Misurato . Protest against action in the matter 19,767 Misuse . . A formal protest against 19,768 Misusement Must protest strongly against 19,769 Misusing . Under protest 19,770 Misvouch . Prove (s) 19.771 Miswed . Can you prove 19,772 Miswedding Cannot prove 19,773 Miswrite . We can prove 19,774 Miswriting Incontestably prove(s) 19,775 Miswrought If we can only prove 19,776 Miszealous Evidence to prove 19,777 Mitaine . Prove(s) the truth of 19,778 IVTitTTT'i f^nn T>TOVP 1~ViP f* vi f ^i~F k 'np/" > r\T J.YJLI1111 do v^ctll UIUVC tilt* CA.ib LClll^C UJ. 19,779 Mithridate To prove the existence of 19,780 Mitigable . To prove the vein in depth 19,781 Mitigant . Likely to prove a valuable ore body 19,782 Mitigation Proved 19,783 Mitigatory Has (have) been proved by 19,784 Mitisgreen Has (have) not been proved (by) 19,785 Mitrailled . This has proved 19,786 Mitrebox . Unless it has been proved that 19,787 Mitredrain Width has not yet been proved 19,788 Mitrejoint. Length not proved 19,789 Mitresill . Length feet ; width not yet proved 19,790 Mitrewheel This has proved to be *9>79i Mitriform . Proved to be in excess of 19,792 Mittimus . Proved less valuable than I9J93 Mixable . Pro vide (s) 19,794 Mixtion . To provide against all emergencies 19,795 Mizmaze . It is necessary to provide 19,796 Mizzled . To provide against 19,797 "\ K s-\ r\ *".!* i T-v yx "YArll v*-*-*-*TT-i A ^ tCr*\ iviudcniuu . win ~ piuvitic \i(jij 19,798 Mobcaps . Will provide 19,799 Mobile . . Will not provide 19,800 Mobilised . Must provide for 19,801 Mobility . Will this provide 400 PRO No. Code Word. Provide (continued) 19.802 Moblaw . Provide what is necessary 19.803 Mobocracy Provide funds for 19.804 Mobocratic Provide a reserve for 19.805 Mobreader Provide against all contingencies 19.806 Mobsman . Provide a sufficient stock of 19.807 Mobstory . To provide against possible loss 19.808 Moccasin . Provide for the proper working of 19.809 MochastoneProvided 19.811 Mockadour Provided will give a guarantee 19.812 Mockbird . Not provided in any way for 19.813 Mockeries Has (have) not provided against 19.814 Mockery . Be provided for 19.815 Mockheroic Has been provided for 19.816 Mockingly Funds provided for 19.817 Mockish . Providing 19.818 Mocklead . While providing for 19.819 Mockorange Providing for future use 19.820 Mockore. . Provision(s) 19.821 Mocksun . Provision must be made for 19.822 Mockturtle Has (have) made provision for 19.823 Mock velvet Has (have not made provision for 19.824 Modalist . Sufficient provision for 19.825 Modelize . Insufficient provision for 19.826 Modelled . What provision has there been made for 19.827 Modelling. Owing to the difficulty of getting provisions 19.828 Moderable Provisional 19.829 Moderance Provisional agreement 19.830 Moderately Provisional arrangement 19.831 Moderating Provisional certificates 19.832 Moderation Provisional accommodation 19.833 Moderators Provisional measures 19.834 Moderatrix Prudent 19.835 Modern . It will be more prudent to 19.836 Modernisms Be very prudent in 19.837 Modernized Must be more prudent 19.838 Modesties. Not sufficiently prudent 19.839 Modicity . Will it be prudent (to) 19.840 Modicum . We think it would be prudent 19.841 Modifiable Public 19.842 Modifier . For the public 19.843 Modiola . To make public 19.844 Moduleth . Has not yet been made public 19.845 Moehringia The public are eager for mining speculations 19.846 Moenchia. The public will not at present touch any mining 19.847 Moggan . Before the public [speculation 19.848 Mograbian You can make this public 19.849 Mohair . Do not make this public till 19.850 $Eoholi . Stated in public that 19.851 Mohsite . Before it is made public PUB 401 No. Code Word. Public (continued) 19.852 Mohwatree This will not be made public till 19.853 Moidore . The public are investing largely in 19.854 Moieties . The public took 1 9>%5$ Moiety . Did not go down with the public 19.856 Moineau . We shall not have to go to the public 19.857 Moist . . We shall have to go to the public for the money 19.858 Moistener . Publication 19.859 Moistening For publication in 19.860 Moistless . Intended for publication 19.861 Moisture . Publish 19.862 Molasses . Intend(s) to publish 19.863 Molecast . Will not publish 19.864 Molech . Do not publish 19.865 Molecular . Do not think it advisable to publish 19.866 Molehill . Think it desirable to publish 19.867 Molerat . We must publish 19.868 Moleskin . Be careful what you publish 19.869 Molest . . Must be careful what we publish 19.870 Molestful. Publish in extenso 19.871 Molesting. Shall only publish 19.872 Moletrack Publish only that part of the report 19.873 Moletree . You can publish full report 19.874 Molewarp . Can we publish 19.875 Moliminous When shall you publish 19.876 Molinism . Published [be published 19.877 Mollebart . Be very guarded in your report, as all you say will 19.878 Mollemoke This ought, I think, to be published 19.879 Molleton . This had better not be published 19.880 Molliently Should this be published 19.881 Mollify . Has (have) been published 19.882 Mollities . Has (have) not yet been published 19.883 Mollitude . Has this been published 19.884 Mollusc . When this (it) is published 19.885 Molluscoid As soon as published 19.886 Molluskite Telegraph fully all the information which you con- 19.887 Molochize Pulp [sider should be published 19.888 Molokan . Pulp assays average 19.889 Molopes . Pulp assays for one week average 19.890 Molothrus Pulp assays for one month average 19.891 Molten . What is the weekly average of the pulp assay 19.892 Molunghee Pump(s) 19.893 Molybdate Will erect the necessary pumps 19.894 Molybdic . Purchasers to take over pumps at valuation 19.895 Molybdous The pumps are out of repair 19.896 Momentary The pumps cannot cope with the water 19.897 Momentous Must at once erect pumps 19.898 Momentum Pump capable of raising 19.899 Momier . Send - - inch bucket-lift pump - - feet stroke 19.900 Mommery Send inch plunger pump feet stroke 19.901 Momordica Send - feet of inch pumps 2 D 402 PUM No. Code Word. Pump(s) (continued) Will this sum include the pumps Pumps will have to be sent from Pumps now working Will require new pumps Delay of days owing to pump(s) being out of Windbore for inch pump [order Working barrel * inch pump Pump is not able to keep the water down Pump is gaining rapidly on the water What pumps exist at the mine Can do nothing till pumps arrive [ feet Require pumps to raise gallons per hour Pumps will raise gallons per minute [hours Pumps are now lifting gallons every twelve Pump that will lift gallons per minute To pump gallons per minute from a depth of Pump to raise gallons per hour [ feet Have you started pump(s) Have started pump(s) Have started ; pumps working well Cannot do anything without steam pump Pump continually going Steam pump will be sent Send steam pump at once Shall start steam pump What size pumps do you require Pumps are inadequate Pump capacity Pumps working day and night Pumps working hours How many hours in twenty-four are pumps at work Are pumps at work Pumps making strokes per minute Pumps can make strokes per minute Pump used whilst sinking This pump handles all the water coming from Total cost of engine and pump-work Pumps and ironwork complete Pumps and ironwork complete for a feet Pumps in shaft [standing lift Suction pump(s) Plunger pump(s) Pump throws the water to the surface Pump delivers the water at the level Water thrown by these pumps Pump-work in shaft Wood-work in pump-rods, guides, bearers, etc. Pump is working hours out of twenty- four Pump is able to cope with all the water we have Stroke of pumps feet 19,902 19.903 Momotmae Monadaria 19,904 Monadelph 19.905 Monadic . 19,906 Monadology 19,907 Monandry 19,908 Monanthous 19,909 Monarch . 19,910 Monarchal 19,911 Monarchism 19,912 Monarchize Monarda . 19,914 Monastery I 9>9 1 5 Monastical 19,916 Monaulos . 19.9*7 Mondjourou 19,918 Monecian . 19,919 Monetizing 19,920 Moneyage- 19,921 Moneybill . 19,922 Money land 19,923 Moneymaker 19,924 Moneyorder 19.925 Mongolidae 19,926 Mongolioid 19,927 Mongoose 19,928 Mongrel . 19,929 Mongrelize 19.930 Monilifer . Moniliform 19,932 Moniours . 1 9.933 Monisher . 19,934 Monishment 19.935 Monition . 19,936 Monitive . 19,937 Monitorial 19,938 Monitory . 19,939 Monitress . 19,940 Monkbat . 19,941 Monkeyboat 19,942 Monkeycup 19.943 Monkeyism 19,944 Monkeypot 19,945 Monkeyrail 19,946 Monkfish . 19.947 Monkhood 19,948 Monkseal . 19,949 Monobasic 19,950 Monocarpic 19,95! Monoceros PUM 403 No. 19.952 J 9.953 19.954 19.957 19.95 8 19.959 19,960 19,961 19,962 19.963 19,964 19.965 19,966 19,967 19,968 19,969 19,970 i9.97i 19,972 19.973 19,974 19.975 19,976 19.977 19,978 19.979 19,980 19,981 19,982 J 9>9 8 3 19,984 i9.9 8 5 19,986 19,987 19,988 19,989 19,990 19,991 19,992 19.993 19,994 19.995 19,996 19.997 19,998 19,999 20,000 20jOOI Code Word. Pump(s) (continued) Monochord Pump is capable of raising gallons per hour Monochrome Pump is not able to do more than Monoclinal Monocotyle Monocrat . Monocular Monodical Monodist . Monodrama Monoecious Monogamist Pump is working at its full capacity Pump keeps the water down easily Pump(s) inch diameter, and feet stroke Particulars of pumps [cation Contract price for engine and pumps as per specifi- Contract price for engine and pump-work Contract price for pumps and pump-work Steam pump Pulsometer pump Monogamous Centrifugal pump Monogamy Pump buckets Monograph Pump bob (s) Monogyn . Pump plunger(s) Monolith . Pump rod(s) Monolithal Length of pump rods Monologist Wooden pump rods inches square Monologue Wrought-iron pump rods inches diameter Monomachy Six-inch pumps Monomane Seven-inch pumps Monomaniac Eight-inch pumps Monometric Nine-inch pumps Monomial . Ten-inch pumps Monomyaria Eleven-inch pumps Monopathic Twelve-inch pumps Monophonic Thirteen-inch pumps Monopnoa Fourteen-inch pumps Monopoly . Fifteen-inch pumps Monopteral Sixteen-inch pumps Monoptote Seventeen-inch pumps Monorganic Lift of pumps feet MonorhymePumped Monosperm Water has been pumped out Monostich Cannot be pumped out, without Monostyle As soon as the water is pumped out Monoth ecal Pumping Monotheism Commence pumping at once Monotonic Have to be constantly pumping Monotonous Continue pumping Monotreme Cease pumping Monotropa Pumping the water out of the mine Monotype. Are pumping gallons in twenty-four hours Monovalent Are not pumping Monoxylous Have had to stop pumping Monsoon . Recommence pumping Monstrance Pumping engine Monstrator Pumping engine of h.p. Monstrous Pumping engine and machinery Montanism Cornish pumping engine (single acting) 404 PUM No. 20,002 20,003 20,004 20,005 20,006 20,007' 20,008 20,009 20,010 20, on 20,012 20,013 20,014 20,015 20,016 20,017 20,018 20,019 20,020 20,021 20,022 20,023 2O,024 20,025 2O,026 20,027 20,028 20,029 20,030 20,031 20,O32 20,033 20,034 20,035 20,036 20,037 20,038 20,039 20,O40 20,O4I 20,042 20,043 20,044 20,045 20,046 20,047 20,048 20,049 20,050 Code Word. Pumping (continued) Montanize Cornish pumping engine (double acting) Differential compound condensing pumping engine Direct-acting pumping engine Must have pumping power sufficient Pumping machinery in shaft Pumping machinery in shaft now being erected Pumping machinery in shaft will be completed Pumping machinery in shaft now at work Particulars of pumping engine and machinery Purchase With the option of purchase Tried to purchase the mine, but failed Will take purchase money in shares The purchase completed The purchase not yet completed The purchase must be completed by Montant . Monterocap Montezuma Monthling Monticle . Montross . Monument Monumental Moodily Moodishly Moodymad Moonbeam Moonblind Mooncalf . Moondial . Mooneye . Moonface . Moonfern . Moonflower Moongus . Moonlight Moonlit . Moonloved Moonmilk Moonmonth Moonraker Moonraking Moonrise . Moonseed Moonshaped Moonshine Moonstones Moonstruck Moonyear . I (we) advise purchase of mine(s) for I ( we) cannot advise purchase Do you advise purchase We authorize the purchase (of) Money ready if you advise purchase Will interfere with the purchase It is a very good purchase It is a very bad purchase To complete the purchase Completion of the purchase Purchase was made with the clear understanding that Purchase made under following conditions Ready to complete purchase [purchase Telegraph as soon as you are ready to complete Purchase can be completed as soon as deeds are The purchase of [ready Delay the purchase To complete purchase, money must be paid by In order to complete purchase, please have deeds recorded and hand them to Moorage . Purehaser(s) Moorbred . Purchaser(s) to deposit as guarantee Moorcha . Purchaser (s) has (have) money ready Moorfowl . Purchaser(s) to take over plant at a valuation Moorgrass Can you find a purchaser for Moorhen . Have found a purchaser for Moorlands Cannot get a purchaser for Moory . . The purchaser now here Moosedeer Purchasing Moosewood Think of purchasing Mootcourt On the point of purchasing Moothall . Purport Moothouse The purport of the report Mootpoint The purport of the telegram No. 20,051 20,052 20,053 20,054 20,055 20,056 20,057 20,058 20,059 20,060 20,061 20,062 20,063 20,064 20,065 20,066 20,067 20,068 20,069 20,070 20,071 20,072 20,073 20,074 20,075 20,076 20,077 20,078 20,079 20,080 20,081 20,082 20,083 20,084 20,085 20,086 20,087 20,088 20,089 20,090 20,091 20,092 20,093 20,094 20,095 20,096 20,097 20,098 20,099 20,100 PUB Code Word. Purport (continued] Mopboard The purport of our remarks Misunderstood the purport of What is the purport of Do not understand the purport of Purported Purported to be Purporting to be Purporting to come from Purpose For what purpose For the purpose of On purpose For no purpose Will answer our purpose very well Does it answer the purpose Does ( ) not answer the purpose 405 Mopeeyed Mopfair . Mopish Mopishly . Mopsical . Moraceae . Moraine . Moralized . Moralizing Morassy . Morbid . Morbidezza Morbidly . Morbidness Morbific . Morbifical . Morbillous Morbosity . Morceau . Morchella Mordente . Mordicant Morehough Moreover . Morganatic Morgay . Moribund . Morigerate Morigerous Moringa Will answer the purpose, if we Too large for the purpose Not enough for the purpose Too little (too small) for the purpose More than needed for the purpose We purpose doing so Push Push the sale of Do not push the Push ahead with You must push on the To push it through Hope(s) to push through Push the matter forward with all speed Push the matter forward or it will be too late Morisonian Pushing Mormonism Pushing the matter forward with all possible speed MormonitesPut Mormyridae Do not put Mormyrus Not to be put in Morose . Put in your next Morosely . To be put in Moroseness We have not put Morosoph . Why did you put Morosous . What has been put down for Moroxite . Nothing put down for Morphia . Put everything in good order Morphology Put off payment of all the bills you can, and only Morphosis Put off [draw for what you are compelled to pay Morpion . Put on all the men you can to work Morpunkee Putting Morrhua . We are now putting up Morriced . Now putting up the ; and expect it will be Morrimal . Recommend putting off [ready by 406 PYR No. 20,101 20,102 20,103 20,IO4 20,105 20,106 20,IO7 20,108 20,109 20,110 20,111 20, 1 12 20,113 20,114 20,115 20,116 20,117 20,118 20,119 20,120 20,121 20,122 20,123 20,124 20,125 20,126 20,127 20,128 20,129 20,130 20,131 20,132 20,133 20,134 20,135 20,136 20,137 20,138 20,139 20,140 20,141 20,142 20,143 20,144 20,145 20,146 20,147 20,148 20,149 20,150 Code Word. Morrispike Pyrites Morrow Morsel . . Mortality . Mortalness Mortarbed Mortcloth . Mortgage . Mortgageor A sample with pyrites assayed A sample rejecting pyrites assayed The pyrites assay per ton Arsenical pyrites Magnetic pyrites per ton per ton If the pyrites were concentrated A sample of pyrites assayed The principal part of the gold is in the pyrites Mortgaging Quadrant Mortising . Wrought-iron quadrant Mortstone Quadrant and fittings complete Mortuaries Connection with quadrant and spears Mortuary . Main caps for connecting quadrant and spears Mosaic . Qualification(s) Mosaical . Possessing the necessary qualifications Mosaically Qualified Mosaicist . Qualified surveyor Mosaicwork A fully qualified Mosasaurus Quality. (See also Grade.) Moschatel Medium quality Moschidae Good quality Moschine . Fair quality Moslem . Usual quality Mosquito . Inferior quality Mossagate What is the quality of the ore Mossbunker Quality of ore is improving Mosscapped Quality of ore is not so good Mossclad . Same quality as last Mossgrown Better quality than last Mossiness. Quality of ore fully equal to Mossland . Quality of ore equal to what it was in the Mosspink . Plenty of ore, but the quality is not very good Mossrose . Plenty of ore of good high-grade quality Mostahiba Quantity(ies) Mostick . The quantity and quality of the ore are all that can Mostra . . A large quantity has been taken [be desired Motacil . What quantity of is there Motazilite A large quantity of Motella . A small quantity of Mothblight What quantity have you Motheaten A much larger quantity Mothercell A less quantity Mothercoal From the quantity of Motherhood A large quantity of ore is now being extracted from Motherland Increase the quantity Motherless If the quantity is increased Motherly . The quantity can be increased Motherspot A considerable quantity still on hand Motherwit In large quantities 407 No. 20,151 20,152 20,153 20,154 20,155 20,156 20,157 20,158 20,159 20,160 20,161 20,162 20,163 20,164 20,165 20,166 20,167 20,168 20,169 20,170 20,171 20,172 2-0,173 20,174 20,175 20,176 20,177 20,178 20,179 20,180 20jl8l 20,182 20,183 20,184 20,185 20,186 20,187 20,188 20,189 20,190 20,191 20,192 20,193 20,194 20,195 20,196 20,197 20,198 20,199 20,200 Code Word. Quantity(ies) (continued} Motherwort In small quantities Mothgnat . (In) quantity and quality MothhunterQuarrel(s) Motific. . There has been a quarrel between Owing to the quarrel (between) Avoid any quarrel with To prevent any quarrel Quarry(ies) Large quarries of exist Motioned . Motioning Motionless Motives . Motley Motliest . Motmot . Motorpathy Mottoed . Mould . . Mouldable Mouldboard Mouldery Mouldeth Limestone quarry (quarries) Marble quarry (quarries) Granite quarry (quarries) You can quarry it Can get quarry for Quarry producing Quarry has been worked for Quarrying Cost of quarrying Mouldiness In quarrying for Mouldloft. Quarter(s) Mouldstone A quarter of Mouldwarp One quarter Mountance Three quarters Mountebank Less than a quarter Mounted . Quartz Mountingly Quartz coming in (in face of) Mournfully Veins of gold-bearing quartz Mourning . The average thickness of the quartz is Mournival . Rejecting the barren quartz Mournsome No available quartz Mousebird Contains no quartz Mouseear . Composed of decomposed quartz Mousefall . Rich quartz Mousehawk Barren quartz Mousehole The quartz being very white Mousehunt Quartz vein Mousekin . From specimens of the quartz Mousesight The matrix is quartz Mousetail . Quartz assayed badly Mousetrap Quartz assayed Mousing . Composed of quartz and Mouthglass Gold-bearing quartz Mouthmade Quartz is charged with Mouthpiece Quartz carries traces of gold Mouthorgan Samples of quartz (from the) Movement Very promising quartz Mowburn . Quartzite Mowyer . Quartzite formation Mozarabic The hanging-wall is quartzite Mucate . The foot-wall is quartzite 408 GLUE No. 20,201 2O,2O2 20,203 20,204 20,205 2O,2O6 20,207 2O,208 2O,209 2O,2IO 20,211 2O,2I2 20,213 20,214 20,215 2O,2l6 20,217 20,2l8 20,219 20,220 2O,22I 20,222 20,223 2O,224 2O,225 20,226 20,227 2O,228 20,229 20,230 20,231 20,232 20,233 20,234 20,235 20,236 20,237 20,238 20,239 2O,240 20,241 20,242 20,243 20,244 20,245 20,246 20,247 20,248 20,249 20,250 Code Word. Mucedineae Question(s) Mucedinous It is a question whether Mucilage . There is no question as to Muciparous What is the question Mucivora . In answer to your question Muckender Answer this question at once Muckforks This is a question which will have to be answered Muckheap Out of the question Muckiness It is a question of Muckrakes It is a very important question Mucksweat Must give plain answer to the question Mucksy . Questions relating to title Muckthrift Questions relating to Muckworm A question of the greatest importance for the future Mucocele . The question is sure to be put [of the concern Mucoraceae Cannot answer the question Mucosity . Quick. (See also Prompt.) Mucous . Be as quick as you can Mucousness Not as quick as it should be Mucronate Will be as quick as possible Muculent . Quickly Mucusine . As quickly as Mudbath . Do it quickly Muddevil . Must be done quickly Muddiest . Go as quickly as you can Muddrag . Will be sent as quickly as possible Muddredger Send as quickly as you can Mudfish . Has been done as quickly as possible Mudflat , Was not done as quickly as it might have been Mudhole . Cannot get things done quickly here Mudlark . Very quickly Mudplug . Not very quickly Mudsill . Working quickly Mudstone. Quicksilver Mudsucker A quicksilver mine The quicksilver is found Causing the quicksilver to sicken Great difficulty in getting quicksilver for What is present price of quicksilver in London What is the present price of quicksilver in San Fran- Quicksilver is quoted per flask [cisco Can get quicksilver delivered at mine at per Have ordered flasks of quicksilver [flask You can order flasks of quicksilver Mudturtle . Mud valves Mudwalled Mudworms Muffettees Muffin . . Muffincap . Mufflers . Mufti . . Mugiency . Mugiloid . Mugweed . Mulatto . Mulattress Mulberry . Quicksilver has advanced Quicksilver has fallen considerably ; think it a good Quicksilver in store [time to buy Freight of quicksilver per car-load Quicksilver consumed The loss of quicksilver QUI 409 No. 20,251 20,252 20,253 20,254 20,255 20,256 20,257 20,258 20,259 20,260 20,261 20,262 20,263 20,264 20,265 20,266 20,267 20,268 20,269 20,270 20,271 20,272 20,273 20,274 20,275 20,276 20,277 20,278 20,279 20,280 20,281 20,282 20,283 20,284 20,285 20,286 20,287 20,288 20,289 20,290 20,291 20,292 20,293 20,294 20,295 20,296 20,297 20,298 20,299 20,300 Code Word. Quicksilver (continued) Mulctuary . What is the consumption of quicksilver Muledriver Quicksilver saved Mulejenny Offer quicksilver at Muleyhead Quicksilver in great demand Muleysaw . Little demand at present for quicksilver Mulgedium The production of quicksilver is Muliebrity Average consumption of quicksilver per ton of ore Mulierly . Quiet [milled Mulishness Everything is now quiet Mullet . . Quietly Mullidae . Look about quietly, and tell me (us) Mulligrubs Go to work quietly Multeity . We are quietly working Multifaced Quietly and steadily Multifid . Quit Multiflue . Will quit work Multiform . Has (have) not yet quit Multipedes Is (are) likely to quit Multiplied Quite Multisect . Is (are) quite Multitude . Is (are) not quite Multivalve Quite right Multivious Quite sufficient Multivocal Quite the same Multoca . Not quite the same Multocular Are you quite sure Mumblenews Must be quite sure Mumbudget Is (are) quite correct Mumchance Quite in order MummachogQuotation(s) Mummeries The quotatk quotations are Mummycloth Want lowest possible quotation for Mummy wheatTelegraph quotation (s) of Mumpsimus The following are the latest quotations Mundanely Quotations the last week have been Mundation Want quotation for freight Mundify . Want quotation for freight, insurance, and all Munerary . Not exceeding your latest quotation [charges Municipal . The quotation includes freight and insurance Munificate Quotation is for delivery at mine Muniments Quotation is F. O. B. Munjah . Quotation is loaded in cars at Munjistin . At the present quotation (s) Munsiff . Quoted Muntin . Quoted at premium Muraenoid Quoted at discount Murdering Quoted at par Murderment Telegraph at what shares are being quoted Murderous Shares are being quoted Murex . . Shares are not quoted 410 QUO No. 20,301 20,302 20,303 20,304 20,305 20,306 20,307 20,308 20,309 20,310 20,311 20,312 20,313 20,314 20,315 20,316 20,317 20,318 20,319 20,320 20,321 20,322 20,323 20,324 20,325 20,326 20,327 20,328 20,329 20,330 20,331 20,332 20,333 20,334 20,335 20,336 20,337 20,338 20,339 20,340 20,341 20,342 20,343 20,344 20,345 20,346 20,347 20,348 20,349 20,350 Code Word. Quoted (continued) Murexide . Shares now quoted at cum div. Murgeon . Shares now quoted at ex div. weak market they will go [better 1 of the mine Murkily . Rail(s) Murmured By rail to ; thence by Murmurings Hours journey by rail Murrain . By rail all the way Musaceous Can get the goods by rail Musalchees Will go forward by rail Muscardine Bridge rails Muscicapa Flat-bottomed rails Muscle . Railway(s) Muscling . Railway washed out by floods Muscoid . Railway from to snowed up Muscovado A railway is projected which will pass Muscular . A branch railway to [miles IVIuscularlv Thf npirp^t riilwnv ^tition i^ - / of the mines Musculous A proposed line of railway [mile(s) of the mine Museum . Railway blocked by landslip Mushrooms Railway blocked by floods Musical . Railway blocked ; bridge broken Musicalbox If a railway is constructed Musically . Until the railway is completed Musicbook Delivered on the railway at Musicfolio Rain(s) Musiclofc . The mine was flooded owin^ to heavy rains Musicpaper As soon as the rains set in Musicshell Only after the rains Musicsmith Till the rains Musicstand During the rains Musicstool No rain yet Musictyp^ Heavy rains Musimon . Was (were) washed away by heavy rains Musingly . Has (have) been delayed by the rain Muskbag . Great damage has been done by the late rains Muskball . Owing to the heavy rains Muskbeaver The rainy season has now begun Muskbeetle The rainy season will last until Muskcake . The rainy season is over Muskcavy. Inaccessible during the rainy season Muskduck Raise , Musketeer Raise to meet the Musketoon To raise Musketrest Can you raise RAI No. 20,351 20,352 20,353 20,354 20,355 20,356 20,357 20,358 20,359 20,360 20,361 20,362 20,363 20,364 20,365 20,366 20,367 20,368 20,369 20,370 20,371 20,372 20,373 20,374 20,375 20,376 20,377 20,378 20,379 20,380 20,381 20,382 20,383 20,384 20,385 20,386 20,387 20,388 20,389 20,390 20,391 20,392 20,393 20,394 20,395 20,396 20,397 20,398 20,399 20,400 Code Word. Raise (continued) Musketry . Will raise Muskmallow Cannot raise Muskmelon If you can raise Muskorchis If you cannot raise Muskox . Try and raise Muskpear . Trying to raise Muskplants How much can you raise Muskplum Can you raise enough money to Muskrat . Can raise enough Muskrose . Cannot raise enough Muskseed . Will raise the price (of) Muskwood Raised Muslinet . Has been raised Muslinkail Has not been raised Musnud . Have you raised Musomania Will be raised Musquash Have raised enough ore to Musquaw . Raised enough ore to keep us going until Musselbed Raised enough capital Mussulman Have raised on the Mustang . Raising Mustardpot Raising per day Musteline . Raising up on the Musterbook Are now raising on the Musterroll Rate(s). (See Freight.) Mutability The rates are very high Mutatory . The freight rates are very high Mutilated . To increase the rates Mutilating To lessen the rates Mutineers . The high rate of Mutinied . The low rate of Mutinous . At the rate of Mutinously At what rate Mutiny . What are the rates for Mutinying . At any rate Mutism . At what rate can you Muttonchop Rates are falling Muttonfist Rates moderate Muttonham Rates are rising Muttonpie Can you maintain 'the present rate of Mutual , Can maintain the present rate of Mutually . What is the lowest possible rate Muzzy . . Special rate fixed Myadae . Can you get a special rate Myalgia . Cannot get a special rate (for) Myallwood At the present rate Mycelium . At the present rate of increase Mycetes . Rates are likely to be advanced Mycina . Rates will probably be lowered Mycoderm Rather 412 RAT No. Code Word. Rather (continued) 20.401 Mycodermic Rather than 20.402 Mycologic Would rather not 20.403 Mycose . Would rather 20.404 Mydriasis . It would be rather 20.405 Myelitis . Rather venturesome to predict 20.406 Mygale . Rather too much 20.407 Mylabris . Rather too little 20.408 Mylocarium Reach 20.409 Mylodon . Hope(s) to reach on 20.410 Mylohyoid Telegraph when you reach 20.411 Mynchery. To reach me (us) at 20.412 Myocaris . Will not reach in time 20.413 Myographic To reach you at 20.414 Myolemma When do you expect to reach 20.415 Myological Will reach you at 20.416 Myologist. I shall reach on 20.417 Myomancy Ought to reach you by 20.418 Myonicity. May probably reach you by 20.419 Myonostis. As soon as reaches 20.420 Myopathia Reached 20.421 Myopic . This is the highest yet reached 20.422 Myosis. . The news reached us 20.423 Myositic . Has now been reached 20.424 Myosurus . Have now reached 20.425 Myotomy . Have you reached 20.426 Myoxidae. Readiness 20.427 Myriad . In readiness for 20.428 Myriagram Ready 20.429 MyriaHtre . Everything ready to begin work 20.430 Myriapod . Are you ready to 20.431 Myriarch . Be all ready to 20.432 Myricin . Must be ready by 20.433 Myriologue Have everything ready 20.434 Myriorama Not yet ready 20.435 Myristica . All will be ready by 20.436 Myrmidons When will you be ready to 20.437 Myrobalan Is everything ready for 20.438 Myronic . Shall be ready on 20.439 Myropolist Cannot be ready before 20.440 Myroxylic . As soon as everything is ready 20.441 Myrrh . . Not ready until 20.442 Myrrhic . Hold yourself ready to go to 20.443 Myrtaceae All ready and awaiting shipment 20.444 Myrtaceous Will be ready in time 20.445 Myrtiform. Has (have) been ready for some time 20.446 Myrtle . . Has (have) been ready since 20.447 Myrtlewax Nothing ready yet 20.448 Myself . . Everything is ready (for) 20.449 Mysisstage Will not be ready for some time 20.450 Mysorine . The mill will be ready to start REA 413 No. 20,451 20,452 20,453 20,454 20,455 20,456 20,457 20,458 20,459 20,460 20,461 20,462 20,463 20,464 20,465 20,466 20,467 20,468 20,469 20,470 20,471 20,472 20,473 20,474 20,475 20,476 20,477 20,478 20,479 20,480 20,481 20,482 20,483 20,484 20,485 20,486 20,487 20,488 20,489 20,490 20,491 20,492 20,493 20,494 20,495 20,496 20,497 20,498 20,499 20,500 Code Word. Ready (continued) Mystagogic The engine will be ready to start Mysterial . When will you be ready to start Mysterious We are now getting ready to Mystic. . Realizable Mysticism The amount realizable (upon) Mystified . Realization Mystify . Net value of bullion on realization Mystifying Net value of concentrates on realization Myth . . Net value of gold on realization Mythical . Net value of silver on realization Mythically Net value of on realization Mythologue Loss on realization MythoplasmRealize Mythopoeic Ought to realize Mytiloid . What ought the to realize Mytilus . Will realize about Myxinidae Had better realize at once Myxopoda Realized Nabobs Nachlaut Nacodar Nacreous Nacrite Naevose Nagelfluh . Nagyagite . Naiades . Naididae . Nailball . Nailbrush . Naileress . Nailfile . Nailhead . Nailwort . Nainsook . Naique Naissant . Naively . Naked . . Nakedly . Nakedness Namaycush Namaz . Net realized or realizable value of bullion Net realized or realizable value of concentrates Has realized After everything is realized If now realized will fetch about Reason In reason The reason is Do not know the reason Out of all reason Anything ask(s) in reason There is every reason to believe There is no reason for Is there any reason for Do everything in reason to help For reasons already stated The reason given is insufficient What is the reason for Reasonable What ask(s) is fair and reasonable Quite reasonable Is it reasonable It is not reasonable Will do anything reasonable Will accept any reasonable offer Nambypamby Will take a reasonable price Nameable. Rebate Namelessly Rebate allowed of Nameplate A rebate of Namesake. Receipt (s) Nankeen . Expenses exceed receipts by Nanosaur . Am (are) in receipt of 414 REG No. 20,501 20,502 20,503 20,504 20,505 20,506 20,507 20,508 20,509 20,510 20,511 20,512 20,513 20,514 20,515 20,516 20,517 20,518 20,519 20,520 20,521 20,522 20,523 20,524 20,525 20,526 20,527 20.528 20,529 20,530 20,531 20,532 20,533 20,534 20,535 20,536 20,537 20,538 20,539 20,540 20,541 20,542 20,543 20,544 20,545 20,546 20,547 20,548 20,549 20,550 Code Word Receipt(s) (continued] Nanosaurus Is (are) in receipt of Napecrest . Receipts exceed expenses by Naphawater What are the receipts for the month of Naphtha . When you are in receipt of Napiform . Telegraph each month's receipts Napkinring Receipts from the sale of Napkins . Receive Napped . To receive Naptakings Did not receive Napwarp . Will receive Narceine . Cannot receive before Narcissus . As soon as you receive Narcotical. You will receive full instructions at Narcotism . As I (we) did not receive any Narcotized When shall I (we) receive Nardus . When did you receive Narghile . When do you expect to receive Narica . . If you receive Narrating . If you do not receive Narrations Will not receive Narratory . You will receive Narrowest Receive it on account of Narrowly . Receive it on our account Narthecium Received Narwhal . Received from Nasal . . Received on accoun; Nasalizing. Nasally . Nascency . Nascent . Naseberry. Nasicornia Nasolabial Nasturtion Nastyman Natalitial . Natation . Natatores . Nathmore . National . Nativeness Nativity . Natrolite . Natterjack Nattiest . Nattily. . Nattiness . Naturalism Naturality . Naturalize Has (have) received Has (have) not received Have you received Has (have) received Wait till you have received If you have not received Has (have) received your orders to Received your orders ; will attend to them at once Will by this time have received Have received no such message ; repeat at once Has (have) not been received Was (were) received by You have probably by this time received From the statement received No return has been received Recent Recent developments show Quite recent Has this been recent The recent discoveries Recently Has (have) quite recently Has (have) been recently Has (have) not been very recently REG 415 No. Code Word. Recently (continued] 20.551 Naturemyth Has (have) been recently 20.552 Naturists . Has (have) been recently begun 20.553 Nauclea. . Has (have) been recently discovered 20.554 Naufrages. Reckon. (See Rely.) 20.555 Naulage . To reckon on 20.556 Naumannite You must reckon on 20.557 Nauscopy . You must not reckon on 20.558 Nauseant . You may reckon on 20.559 Nauseating Can I (we) reckon on 20.560 Nauseation Reckoned 20.561 Nauseous . Reckoned on the basis of 20.562 Nauseously Recognition 20.563 Nausity . In recognition ot 20.564 Nautch . Recognize 20.565 Nautchgirl Will not recognize 20.566 Nautical . Will not in any way recognize claims or title 20.567 Nautically. To recognize 20.568 Nautiloid . Not to recognize 20.569 Navagium. Must recognize 20.570 Navarchy . If he (they) will not recognize 20.571 Navehole . Recognized 20.572 Navelgall . Been fully recognized 20.573 Navelled . Must be fully recognized 20.574 Navelwort. Our claim has been recognized 20.575 Navicular . Recommence 20.576 Navigably. When do you recommence 20.577 Navigate . Not able to recommence before 20.578 Navigating We are about to recommence 20.579 Navigation Recommenced 20.580 Navigators Recommenced operations 20.581 Navigerous Recommenced sinking 20.582 Navvies . Recommenced drifting 20.583 Navvy . . Recommencing 20.584 Navybill . Recommend 20.585 Nazaritic . I (we) strongly recommend 20.586 Neaptide . I (we) would recommend you 20.587 Nearlegged I (we) cannot recommend you 20.588 Nearness . Do you recommend 20.589 Neathanded What would you recommend 20.590 Neatherd. Telegraph if you can recommend 20.591 Neathouse Ask if he (they) can recommend 20.592 Nebalia . Have you any one to recommend 20.593 Nebneb . Have no one I (we) can recommend 20.594 Nebulists . Recommendation 20.595 Nebulized. Acting upon his recommendation 20.596 Nebulose . We think the recommendation a very judicious one 20.597 Nebulosity If the recommendation is not acted upon 20.598 Necessary . Recommended 20.599 Necessism Has (have) been recommended 20.600 Neckbands Has (have) been recommended not to 4.6 EEC No. Code Word. Recommended (continued) 20.601 Neckbeef. Was (were) not recommended 20.602 Neckcloth Strongly recommended us to 20.603 Necklaces Recommended by 20.604 Necklet . Reconsider 20.605 Neckmould To reconsider the matter and decided 20.606 Neckpiece It would be advisable to reconsider 20.607 Neckties . Would reconsider 20.608 Neckverse It is useless to ask to reconsider 20.609 Neckweed Open to reconsider 20.610 Necrolatry Will you reconsider the matter 20.611 Necrologic Reconsidered 20.612 Necronite . Have reconsidered the matter and decided 20.613 Necrophaga After having reconsidered the 20.614 Necrophoby Reconstruct 20.615 Necropsy . (To) reconstruct the company 20.616 Necrotomy Reconstructed 20.617 Necrosed. Company has been reconstructed 20.618 Nectandra Is now reconstructed 20.619 Nectareal . Must be reconstructed 20.620 Nectareous Reconstruction 20.621 Nectarine. Scheme of reconstruction 20.622 Nextocalyx No course open but reconstruction 2.0,623 Nectosac . If reconstruction carried out 20.624 Needfire . Advise reconstruction of company 20.625 Needlebook Record(s) 20.626 Needlecase The only records 20.627 Needlefish There is no record to show 20.628 Needleful . Before any record was kept 20.629 Needlegun Is there any record of 20.630 Needlework (To) keep a strict record of 20.631 Needment According to the record 20.632 Neemtree . I (we) gathered from the record(s) that 20.633 Neesewort On record in the record office (of) 20.634 Nefand . Must have deed to record in 20.635 Negations . Place on record 20.636 Negative . In the record office 20.637 Negatively The official record of 20.638 Negativing Recorded 20.639 Negatory . It is recorded that 20.640 Neglect . Has (have) been recorded 20.641 Neglecteth Has (have) not been recorded 20.642 Neglectful To be recorded 20.643 Neglection Deed(s) must be recorded 20.644 Negligence If deed is not recorded (before) 20.645 Negligible All papers must be recorded 20.646 Negoce . All papers have been recorded 20.647 Negotiable Transfer of the property recorded 20.648 Negotiant . As soon as the transfer is recorded 20.649 Negotiator Deeds recorded 20.650 Negotious. When deed(s) has (have) been recorded REG 417 No. 20,651 20,652 20,653 20,654 20,655 20,656 20,657 20,658 20,659 20,660 20,661 20,662 20,663 20,664 20,665 20,666 20,667 20,668 20,669 20,670 20,671 20,672 20,673 20,674 20,675 20,676 20,677 20,678 20,679 20,680 20,681 20,682 20,683 20,684 20,685 20,686 20,687 20,688 20,689 20,690 20,691 20,692 20,693 20,694 20,695 20,696 20,697 20,698 20,699 20,700 Code Word. Negress . Negro . . Negrocorn Negroflies . Negrofly . Negrohead Negrooid . Negundo . Neighbour Neighing . Nelumbium Nelumbo . Nemalite . Nematelmia Nematocyst Nematoda Nemausa . Nemertean Nemertid . Nemocera Nemophila Nemorose. Nempne . Nenuphar . Neoarctic . Recorded (contimted) If the is (are) not recorded Let us know if is (are) recorded (To) be recorded not later than That it should be recorded Was (were) recorded on the Recorded in the official registry Recover What do you expect to recover Ought to recover Will try to recover Can you recover Cannot recover Expect to recover Do not think we can recover more Can recover If we recover If you can recover Recover all you can Cannot recover more than . Not likely to recover Doubtful if we shall ever recover Think we shall recover Think he will recover Recover what has been spent The amount which we have been able to recover Neocomian Recovered Neocosmic Have recovered from Neodamode Recovered from the tailings Neogamist How much have you recovered Neolatin . Have you recovered Neolithic , Have recovered some of the Neological Recovered a considerable portion of the Neologism Very little has been recovered Neologized If no more can be recovered Neomorpha Recovering Neophron. Now recovering from Neophytes Succeeded in recovering Neoplastic Recovery Neoteric . Recovery very doubtful Neoterized The recovery of the Neozoic . No hope of recovery Nephalist . Rectification Nepheloid Rectification of the boundary line Nephew . Rectified Nephrite . The mistake cannot be rectified Nephrodium Cannot be rectified Nephrops . Will be rectified Nephrotomy Must have it (them) rectified Nepotal . Must be rectified Neptunian Have been rectified ? F EEC No. 20.701 20,702 20,703 20,704 20,705 20,706 20,707 20,708 20,709 20,710 20,711 20,712 20,713 20,714 20,715 20,716 20,717 20,718 20,719 20,720 20,721 20,722 20,723 20,724 20,725 20,726 20,727 20,728 20,729 20,730 20,731 20,732 20,733 20,734 20,735 20,736 20,737 20,738 20,739 20,740 20,741 20,742 20.743 20,744 20,745 20,746 20,747 20,748 20,749 20,750 Code Word. Nereids . Neritacea . Nerium . Neroli . . Nervation . Nervecell . Nerved Nervefibre Nerveless . Nervetube Nervimotor Nervosity . Nervous . Nervously . Nervure . Nescience Nesodon . Nestegg . Nestle . . Nestling . Nestor . . Nestorian . Nethermost Nethinim . Netloom . Netmaking Netmasonry Nettapus . Netted . Nettlerash Nettletree . Nettlewort Neuralgia . Neurectomy Neurilemma Neuritis Rectified (continued} How can be rectified Rectify Rectify the mistake Rectify the accounts Rectify the boundaries Recurrence To prevent any recurrence (of) Has there been any recurrence There has been no recurrence (of) Redress What redress can we get The only redress will be Can get no redress If they refuse redress, no other course is open but to Court will give redress Court refuses to give redress Reduce You must reduce It is necessary to reduce Can reduce Cannot reduce Will reduce Will not reduce In order to reduce Reduce the staff Reduce expenses Cannot reduce the amount If you can reduce If we can reduce Reduced Reduced by this means (to) Has (have) been reduced Can be reduced to Cannot be reduced Have reduced expenses as far as possible Expenses must be reduced as much as possible Neurocity. Reducing Neurology Instead of reducing Neuroma . By reducing the Neuropathy Reduction Neuropter No reduction can be made Neurospast Reduction works Neurotome By a reduction of Neutralist. Endeavour to make (get) a reduction Neutrally . The reduction of the ores Nevermore The reduction of the ores by this process Newborn . Process of reduction Newcomer Smelting and reduction works Newcreate The reduction works are situated Newfangle Reduction by the process RED 419 No. 20,751 20,752 20,753 20,754 20,755 20,756 20,757 20,758 20,759 20,760 20,761 20,762 20,763 20,764 20,765 20,766 20,767 20,768 20,769 20,770 20,771 20,772 20,773 20,774 20,776 20,777 20,778 20,779 20,780 20,781 20,782 20,783 20,784 20,785 20,786 20,787 20,788 20,789 20,790 20,791 20,792 20,793 20,794 20,795 20,796 20,797 20,798 20,799 20,800 Code Word. Reduction (continued) Newfashion The reduction of the ores can only be effected by Newfledged This new process of reduction Newlaid . What method of reduction would you recommend Newly . . The effect of the reduction Newmodel Owing to the reduction we have made in Newsagent A large part of the reduction arises from Newsbooks Some reduction must be made Newsboy . Some reduction can no doubt be made Newsletter Machinery used in reduction of ores Newsmen . Reef(s) Newsmonger Fall of reef has occurred which will stop hauling Newspaper The reef is dangerous [blueground for In order to handle the reef Heavy falls of reef are constantly occurring The expenses of hauling the reef are per load Newsroom Newsvendor Newswriter Newyear . Nexible . Nexus . . Nias . . Nibbling . Nibblingly Niblick . Niccolite . Nicelings . Nicest . . Niceties . Nichar . . Nickartree Nickeared Nickelic . Nickname . Nicknaming Nicksticks Nicolaitan Nicotylia . Nidamental Niddicock Niddui . . Nidering . Nidgery . Nidificate . Nidnod . Nidnodding Nidor . . Nidorose . Nidorosity Nidulant . Nidularium Nidulation Nigella What are the expenses of hauling the reef per load Have discovered another reef on the property No other reef of importance on property Several small reefs on property No reef of any importance on property Every probability that reefs pass through property Now prospecting reefs Reef proved to a depth of feet Reef proved for a length of feet Reef has a dip of from the horizontal Reef has an average assay value of per ton Reef gives a mill result of Reef has an average assay value of oz. per ton Reef has an average assay value of i oz. per ton Reef has an average assay value of i^ oz. per ton Reef has an average assay value of 2 ozs. per ton Reef has an average assay value of 2^- ozs. per ton Reef has an average assay value of 3 ozs. per ton Reef has an average assay value of 3^ ozs. per ton Reef has an average assay value of 4 ozs. per ton Reef feet wide, and assays [property Reef is a splendid one, and extends full length of Reef visible at surface, wide Reef not visible at surface Reef visible at surface, but much broken and dis- The width of reef is feet [turbed The reefs on the property amount in number to The reefs extend about miles The reefs are exposed The reefs show visible gold Expect to strike reef Expect to strike reef at a depth of feet Have struck reef at a depth of feet Have claims on reef and dip [feet Have claims on reef, but will probably lose at 420 REE No. 20,801 20,802 20,803 20,804 20,805 20,806 20,807 20,808 20,809 20,810 20,811 20,812 20,813 20,814 20,815 20,816 20,817 20,818 20,819 20,820 20,821 20,822 20,823 20,824 20,825 20,826 20,827 20,828 20,829 20,830 20,831 20,832 20,833 20,834 20,835 20,836 20,837 20,838 20,839 20,840 20,841 20,842 20,843 20,844 20,845 20,846 20,847 20,848 20,849 20,850 Code Word. Reef(s) (continued} Niggard . Reef outcrops through claims Niggardise There is no outcrop ; reef is probably present Niggardly . There is no outcrop; doubtful if reef is in the ground Nigglers . Re-examination Nightbell . After a re-examination of the Nightcaps . A thorough re-examination made NightcharmRe-examine Nightcrow Nightdew . Nightdogs Nightdress Nighteyed Nightfire . Nightflies . Nightfly . Nightglass Nightgowns Nightheron Nightish .' Nightjar . Nightlamp Nightlight. When I (we) go to re-examine the mine When you re-examine the mine I (we) shall go about to re-examine the mine Cannot re-examine the mine till When can you re-examine the mine Refer(s). (See also Tables.) If you will refer to You had better refer to To whom can I (we) refer (about) Refer him to me (us) Refer to my (our) letter dated Refer to my (our) telegram of Refer to your letter of Refer to your telegram of Refer to your report (No. ) (dated) Nightlong. Reference(s) Nightmares With reference to Has this any reference to This has no reference (to) Without any reference to Get reference in regard to Reference is satisfactory Nightpiece Nightrail . Nightraven Nightshade Nightshirt . Nightsnap Nightspell Nightsteed Nighttaper Nightwalk Reference is not at all good By a reference to With reference to what occurred Has very good references Referred (to) Nightwatch Has referred him (them) to you Nigrescent Referred to in our letter of Nigrine . Referred to in our cable of Nigritude . Referred to in your letter of Nihii . . Referred to in your cable of Nihilism . The matter has been referred to Nihilistic . Referring Nihility . Upon referring to Nilometer. Refined Niloscope . To be refined Nilotic . . Refined bullion Nimbly . The bullion is sent to be refined Nimbose . Sent to to be refined Nincompoop After having been refined Ninekiller. Refining Ninepins . Refining charges REP 421 No. Code Word. Refining (continued) 20,851 Ninetyknot Smelters' refining charges 20,852 Ninny . . The expenses of refining 20,853 Niobium . Refining works 20,854 Nipadites . Refining works at shut down 20,855 Nipperkins Smelting and refining plant would have to be erected 20,856 Nippermen Would be advisable to erect smelting and refining 20,857 Nippingly . Refining furnaces [works 20,858 Nippitate . Smelting and refining works would cost 20,859 Nipplewort Smelting and refining plant to treat 20,860 Nipter . . Refractory. (See Ore.) 20,861 Nirles . . The ore is too refractory to be treated in the usual 20,862 Nirvana . Ore very refractory ; requires roasting [way 20,863 Nitency . Ore is very refractory ; must be treated by the 20,864 Nitidous . The ore is very refractory [process 20,865 Nitramidin Refund 20,866 Nitranisic . Will refund 20,867 Nitraria Will refund 20,868 Nitrates . Refuse(s) to refund 20,869 Nitriary . Must refund the amount 20,870 Nitrogen . Refund the amount spent in 20,871 Nitroleum . Will refund amount, as soon as 20,872 Nitrous Who will refund the 20,873 Nitryl . . Refunded 20,874 Noachian . The amount has been refunded 20,875 Nobbily . Has not been refunded 20,876 Nobiliary . To be (must be) refunded as soon as 20,877 Nobilities . On the amount being refunded 20,878 Nobleman If the amount is refunded 20,879 Nobleness. On condition that it is refunded 20,880 Nobodies . Refusal 20,881 Nobody . Get the refusal of 20,882 Nocent Has (have) the refusal of 20,883 Nocently . Since the refusal by 20,884 Nocive Will you give refusal till 20,885 Noctambulo Give you the refusal until 20,886 Noctidial . Try and get the refusal extended to 20,887 Noctiluca . Have got the refusal extended to 20,888 Noctograph Cannot get refusal extended 20,889 Noctuary . Refuse 20,890 Nocturnal . I (we) would advise you to refuse 20,891 Nocuous . To refuse 20,892 Nocuously Do not refuse 20,893 Noddingly You must refuse 20,894 Nodosaria . Positively refuse (s) (to) 20,895 Nodose The directors refuse to 20,896 Nodosities We must refuse to 20,897 Nodosity . Refuse to be a party to 20,898 Nodulous . If we refuse 20,899 Noematical If you refuse 20,900 Noemics . If he refuses (if they refuse) 423 KEF No. 20,901 20,902 20,903 20,904 20,905 20,906 20,907 20,908 20,909 20,910 20,911 20,912 20,913 20,914 20,915 20,916 20,917 20,918 20,919 20,920 20,921 20,922 20,923 20,924 20,925 20,926 20,927 20,928 20,929 20,930 20,931 20,932 20,933 20,934 20,935 20,936 20,937 20,938 20,939 20,940 20,941 20,942 20,943 20,944 20,945 20,946 20,947 20,948 20,949 20,950 Code Word. Refuse (continued") Noetian . Reasons why we refuse Nohow . Reason why you should refuse Noiseful . Will not refuse Noiseless . Refuse(s) to take the matter up Noisily . Refuse (s) to have anything to do with Noisome . Refused Noisomely Have you refused Nomad a . Has (have) refused Nomadism Has (have) been refused Nomadizing Sorry you have refused Nomarchy Regard Nominalism Having regard to the future of the concern Nominalize Having regard to the fact that we cannot Nominally Having regard to the falling off in Nominating Having regard to -these points, do you consider we Nominor . Pay no regard to [are justified m Nomocanon Having regard to the very low grade of the ore re- Nomothesy With regard to [serves Nomothetic Having regard to the low grade of ore now being Nonaccess Without regard to [worked Nonacid . Having regard to the large quantity and high value Nonadult . Do not regard it as hopeless [of the ore Nonagons . Regard it as almost hopeless Nonarrivai Regard our position with great anxiety Nonce . . Do not regard it as Nonchalant Having no regard to Nonclaim . Regard it as lost Nonconcur Regarded Noncontent Is it regarded Nonego , Nonelastic Nonelect , Nonentity Nonesuch Nonillion . Regarded as Regarded as lost Regarded as of the highest importance Regarded in the light of past experience Should be regarded as Regardless (of) Nonionina Regardless of consequences Nonius . Regardless of the past Nonjoinder Register Nondurable Register in the name of Nonjurant Register the deed at once Nonjuror . Register the transfer NonmemberRegistered Nonpayment To be legally registered Nonplus . Registered in the name of Nonplussed What is your registered telegraphic address Nonregent What is registered telegraphic address of Nonreturn Registered address is Nonsense . Has (have) no registered address Nonsociety The company is registered under the name of Nonsolvent Has (have) been registered REG 423 No. Code Word. Registered (continued") 20.951 Nonsparing Has not been registered 20.952 Nonsuit . Must be registered 20.953 Nonsuiting As soon as the company is registered 20.954 Nonsurety Send by registered letter 20.955 Nontenure Has (have) sent in registered letter 20.956 Nonterm . Was the letter registered 20.957 Nontronite Has the deed been registered 20.958 Nonuplet . Deeds must be registered and deposited with 20.959 Nonusance Has transfer been registered 20.960 Nonuser . Transfer must be registered 20.961 Noodle . Transfer was registered 20.962 Noodledom The deeds were registered 20.963 Nook . . (Has) have been registered, and (is) are now in the 20.964 Noonday . Registered in the office of [hands oi 20.965 Nooning . As soon as is (are) registered 20.966 Noons tead The registered owners 20.967 Noontide . Registration 20.968 Nootkadog Fees to be paid upon registration 20.969 Nopopery . Stamp duty upon registration 20.970 Nopster . Stamp and fees payable on registration 20.971 Noraghi . Stamp duty of i per mille on the capital to be paid 20.972 Norbertine Regret(s) [on registration 20.973 Norimon . We cannot but regret that 20.974 Normalcy . Regular (ly) 20.975 Norroys . All in regular order 20.976 Northerner A regular system of accounts 20.977 Northernly In the regular course 20.978 Northmost Regularly sent 20.979 Northness. Take care that are regularly sent 20.980 Northpolar Regulate 20.981 Northstar . In order to regulate 20.982 Northwind You must regulate 20.983 Nosebands To regulate the 20.984 Nosebit . Regulated 20.985 Nosebleed Regulating 20.986 Nosegay . Regulation(s) 20.987 Noseherb . By careful regulation of the 20.988 Nosepiece . Under new regulations 20.989 Noserings . The regulations now in force 20.990 Nosesmart Reject 20.991 Nosethrill. Have had to reject 20.992 Nosocomial Could not reject 20.993 Nosography You must reject 20.994 Nosologist Rejected 20.995 Nosology . We have rejected all, as useless 20.996 Nosopoetic Petition was rejected 20.997 Nosotaxy . The motion was rejected 20.998 Nostalgia . Has been rejected 20.999 Nostoc . Rejecting 21,000 Nostomania Now rejecting all 424 REJ No. Code Word. Rejecting (continued} 21.001 Nostril. . Rejecting all ore that does not assay 21.002 Nostrums . Relation(s) 21.003 Notabilia . Our relations with 21.004 Notandum His (their) relations with 21.005 Notarial . Has (have) no relations with 21.006 Notarially . Your relations with 21.007 Notchblock Relative 21.008 Notchboard Everything relative to 21.009 Notchweed Is this relative to 21.010 Notch wing This is relative to 2 1,01 1 Notebook . This is not relative to 21.012 Notedly . Telegraph everything of interest relative to the 21.013 Notedness Relax [workings 21.014 Notepaper Do not relax your vigilance 21.015 Noteworthy Do not relax your efforts 21.016 Nothing! sm Will not relax my efforts 21.017 Noticeable Release(s) 21.018 Notices . Will release us from our agreement 21.019 Noticing . Will not release us from our agreement 21.020 Notidanus Will release us from our agreement 21.021 Notified . Will not release you 21.022 Notify. . Release, under the terms of the 21.023 Notifying . Release(s) us from 21.024 Notionate . Release(s) you from 21.025 Notionists Release him (them) from 21.026 Notist . . Releasing us from 21.027 Notochord Reliable 21.028 Notonecta Is (are) reliable 21.029 Notopodium Is (are) perfectly reliable 21.030 Notorhizal Is (are) not reliable 21.031 Notoriety . Reliable statement 21.032 Notorious . Reliance 21.033 Notornis . Can any reliance be placed on (in) 21.034 Nottpated Reliance can be placed on (in) 21.035 Notturno . Place full reliance on (in) 21.036 Notwheat . Place very little reliance on (in) 21.037 Nougat . Relied .\ 21.038 Noumenal Relied entirely upon 21.039 Nounize . Upon which we relied 21.040 Noun verb. Relieve (s) 21.041 Nourisher . Relieve us from great anxiety 21.042 Nourishing Relieve the strain upon 21.043 Novaculite Relieves us from responsibility 21.044 Novargent Relieved 21.045 Novator . Wish (wishes) to be relieved of 21.046 Novelette . Before being relieved of 21.047 Novelism . I had hoped to be relieved of the strain upon me 21.048 Novelize . To be relieved from 21.049 Novelizing Relieved from 21.050 Novelties . Relinquish(ed) REL No. 21,051 21,052 21,053 21,054 21,055 21,056 21,057 21,058 21,059 21,060 21,061 21,062 21,063 21,064 21,065 21,066 21,067 21,068 21,069 21,070 21,071 21,072 21,073 21,074 21,075 21,076 21,077 21,078 21,079 21,080 21,081 21,082 21,083 21,084 21,085 21,086 21,087 21,088 21,089 21,090 21,091 21,092 21,093 21,094 21,095 21,096 21,097 21,098 21,099 21,100 Code Word. Novelty . Novem Novenary . Novennial Novercal . Noviceship Novilunar . Novitiate . Novitious . Novodamus Nowadays Nowhere . Nowhither Noxious . Noxiously . Noyade Nozzle . . Nuance . Nubecula . Nubigenous Nubilated . Nubilous . Nucifraga . Nucleiform Nucleoid . Nucleolite Nucleus . Nucula Nuculanium Nudibranch Nudicaul . Nudifidian Nudities , Nudity . , Nuggets Relinquish(ed) (continued) Relinquish all rights to Relinquished all rights Relinquished in favour Rely. (See Reckon.) You must rely on I (we) rely on you Rely on me You may rely on Obliged to rely on Do not rely on Can you rely safely on Relying Relying upon Remain(s) Cannot remain any longer Remain where you are (till) How long am I to remain I (we) must remain here till I (we) shall remain days at How long do you remain at Remain at till you hear from Will remain at How long will remain at Remain till all is settled Remain till my successor comes All that remains of Very little remains of the Several of the still remain Much of the ore still remains Still remain to be accounted for There still remain on the dump Remaining Remaining on hand Remaining until There are points still remaining from which Nuisances. Remainder Nulledwork Send remainder to Nullibiety . Remainder has been sent to Nullifier . Dispose of the remainder Nullifying . Remainder awaits Numberous The remainder of the Numbfish . Remedied Numenius . Can only be remedied by Numerally Can be remedied (by) Numerals . Must be remedied Numeration These faults must be remedied before we can Numerical Remedy Numerosity The only remedy is Numerously The only remedy we can suggest is Numidian. What remedy can you suggest 426 KEM No. 21,101 21,102 21,103 21,104 21,105 21,106 21,107 21,108 21,109 21,110 21,111 21,112 21,113 21,114 21,115 2I,Il6 21,117 21,118 21,119 2I,I2O 21,121 21,122 21,123 21,124 21,125 21,126 21,127 21,128 21,129 21,130 21,131 21,132 21,133 21,134 21,135 21,136 21,137 21,138 21,139 21,140 21,141 21,142 21,143 21,144 21,145 21,146 21,147 21,148 21,149 21,150 Code Word. Remedy (continued) Numismatic Take steps to remedy the evil Nummular There is no other remedy Nummulitic Remember Numskull . Do not remember Nunbuoy . Remember having Nunciature You will remember that Nuncupate Remind Nundinal . We beg to remind you that Nuptials . Remit Nursechild Remit immediately if disaster is to be prevented Remit by cheque Will remit in a few days Will remit by Are prepared to remit Will remit as soon as we are advised that Why do you not remit Remit immediately When will you remit When you remit Remit by telegraph Unless you remit Will remit you in days Cannot remit any What can you remit Remit by draft upon Remit in bullion How much do you think you will be able to remit How much can you remit next Can you remit by telegraph not later than Will remit by telegraph not later than Nursemaid Nursename Nursepond Nurseries . Nursery . Nurseryman Nurture . Nurturing . Nussierite . Nutbone . Nutbrown . Nutcracker Nutgall Nuthatch . Nuthetes . Nuthooks . Nutjobber Nutlock . Nutmeg . Nutmeggy Nutmegtree Nutoil . . Nutpecker Nutpines . Nutriment Nutritial . Nutritious . Nutritive . Nutshell . Nuttrees . Nutty . . Nutweevil . Nutwrench Nuxvomica Nuzzerana Nyctalopia Nyctibius . .Nycticebus Nycticorax Njctinomus How much can you conveniently remit, and when How much can you remit on account To do what is proposed we should require you to Will certainly remit not later than [remit Remit by telegraph next week Will telegraph on how much we can remit Will be able to remit Shall not be able to remit Not able to remit more than Do your best to remit (To) remit what you want To remit what you want, we shall have to If you cannot remit Will remit to-morrow Will remit next week Cannot you remit Do you want to remit Will remit by telegraph as soon as Remit on account of Remit now, and balance on REM 427 No. Code Word. Remit (continued) 21.151 Nyctisaura Please remit through 21.152 Nylgau . Remit what you can now, the rest can follow later on 21.153 Nymphets How much do you want us to remit 21.154 Nymphical Can you remit bullion 21.155 Nymphish Remit on account of profits 21.156 Nymphlike Remit for credit of 21.157 Nymphly . Remit in gold Remit in dollars Have instructed to remit you Have paid to to remit you through their Let us have all you can possibly remit [agents Remittance (s) Require a remittance of on Have sent remittance by What remittance do you require Will send the remittance to-day You must not rely upon receiving remittance Must have remittance at once No remittance received yet Remittances to cease after Remittance of received In order to do this, we require a remittance of A remittance of would meet all requirements Have received remittance as per your telegram of Have received remittance How shall I make remittance Remittance will be sent on the Daily expecting remittance Remitted Has (have) remitted you to Remitted through Messrs. to be paid you with Must be remitted at once [the sanction of Must be remitted by telegraph Has been remitted to Have remitted through Have remitted by cable this day Remitted in cash Remitted in bullion Remitted by telegraph Remitted by draft upon Remitted in gold Remitted in dollars Remitted in bars Remitted through our bankers Remitted for credit of Remitted on account of profits Remitted proceeds of emonstrate Remonstrate strongly against You must remonstrate as strongly as possible 21,158 Nymphotom 21,159 Nyroca 21,160 Nystagmus 21,161 Oafish . . 21,162 Oakapple . ] 21,163 Oakbeauty 21,164 Oakenpin . 21,165 Oakgall . 21,166 Oakleather 21,167 Oaklungs . 21,168 Oakpaper . 21,169 Oakspangle 21,170 Oaktree . 21,171 Oakum 21,172 Oakwart . Oarfooted . 21,174 Oaritis . . 21,175 Oarlocks . 21,176 Oarsman . 21,177 Oarswivel . 21,178 Oarweed . 21,179 Oasthouse \ 21,180 Oatcake . 21,181 Oatgrass . 21,182 Oathable . 21,183 Oathrite . 21,184 Oatmalt . 21,185 Obambulate 21,186 Obbligato . 21,187 Obclavate . 21,188 Obconic . 21,189 Obconical . 21,190 Obcordate 21,191 Obduracy . 21,192 Obdurate . 2i,i93 Obduration 21,194 Obdureness Obeah . . 21,196 Obedible . 21,197 Obedience 21,198 Obediently ; 21,199 Obeisancy 21,200 Obeisant . 428 EEM No. Code Word. 21.201 Obeliscal . Remonstrated 21.202 Obelisks . Have remonstrated strongly 21.203 Obequitate Removal 21.204 Obesity . The removal of 21.205 Obeyer . The removal of the case to the Superior Court 21.206 Obeying . Remove 21.207 Obeyingly Propose to remove the 21.208 Obfirmate. If we remove the 21.209 Obfuscated Can we remove the 21.210 Obfusque . Remove the injunction 21.211 Obitual . Removed 21.212 Obituaries Have now removed 21.213 Obituarily. Has (have) been removed 21.214 Object . . Has (have) not been removed 21.215 Objectable Was (were) removed by 21.216 Objecteth . The action has been removed to 21.217 Objectify. Injunction has been removed 21.218 Objecting . If you can get it removed 21.219 Objecfeize . Can get it removed 21.220 Objectless Removed all difficulty 21.221 Objectors . Removing 21.222 Objicient . Remunerate 21.223 Objurgate . Will remunerate you 21.224 Oblate . . Remunerated 21.225 Oblateness Will be remunerated accordingly 21.226 Oblations. Will be remunerated by 21.227 Oblectated Remuneration 21.228 Obligant . What remuneration is offered 21.229 Obligation Our remuneration 21.230 Obligatory Your remuneration 21.231 Obliged . The remuneration is not sufficient 21.232 Obligement Will increase your remuneration 21.233 Obliging . In remuneration for 21.234 Obligingly Unless further remuneration be given 21.235 Obligulate It is a question of remuneration 21.236 Oblique . Remuneration for services rendered 21.237 Obliquely . Very adequate remuneration 21.238 Obliterate. The remuneration offered is not enough 21.239 Oblivial . Remunerative 21.240 Oblivious . Is not remunerative 21.241 Oblocutor. Is not sufficiently remunerative 21.242 Oblong . Must make it more remunerative 21.243 Oblongish. Can be made remunerative 21.244 Oblongly . Cannot be made remunerative 21.245 Oblongness Renew 21.246 Obloquy . Will you renew 21.247 Obnoxious Wish(es) to renew 21.248 . Obnubilate Renew the bond 21.249 Oboist . . Will renew the bond for a further period of 21.250 Obolary . Think it desirable to renew REN 429 No. 21,251 21,252 21,253 21,254 21,255 21,256 21,257 21,258 21,259 21,260 21,261 21,262 21,263 21,264 21,265 21,266 21,267 21,268 21,269 21,270 21,271 21,272 21,273 21.274 21,275 21,276 21,277 21,278 21,279 21,280 21,281 21,282 21,283 21,284 21,285 21,286 21,287 21,288 21,289 21,290 21.291 21,292 21,293 21,294 21,295 21,296 21,297 21,298 21,299 21,300 Code Word. Obole . . Obelize , Obelizing , Oboval Obreption , Obrotund . Obscene . Obscenely Obscenous Obscurant Obscurer , Obscurity Renew (continued] To renew on favourable terms Will not renew Renewed We have renewed The whole of the has been renewed Has not been renewed since Reorganization The reorganization of the company Reorganization now completed Reorganization will be effected as soon as Reorganization upon an entirely new basis Reorganization will effect a saving of Obsecrate. Reorganize Obsequent You must reorganize Obsequious It will be necessary to reorganize Obsequies . Reorganize the undertaking Obsequy . Reorganize the entire system Observably As soon as we are able to reorganize ObservandaReorganized Observator Reorganized on the basis of Observe . Has been completely reorganized Observing . Reorganizing Obsidian . We are now reorganizing Repaid Must be repaid by Has been repaid We shall be repaid Repair(s) Repairs to mill Repairs to engine Repairs to boiler Repairs to machinery Repairs to shaft Repairs to pumps The is (are) out of repair Obsidional Obsignate . Obsolete . Obsoletism Obstacle . Obstetric . Obstinacy . Obstructed Obstupefy . Obtain . . Obtainment Obtected . Obtemper . Obtend . Obtension Obtrition . Obtrude . Obtruding. Obtruncate Obtrusive . Obtundent Obturator . Obtuse . . Obtusely To repair the damage done Is (are) the in good repair The repairs are nearly finished Estimate cost of repairs to machinery The repairs are not completed owing to What do you estimate will be the cost of Cost of repairs will be about Had to shut down on account of repairs Repairs will take about Owing to repairs, could not work the Repairs can be done here Repairs have been 'well done Obtuseness Repaired Obuncous . Cannot be repaired Obversant Will be repaired at once repairs [(to) 430 REP No. 21,301 21,302 21,303 21,304 21,305 21,306 21,307 21,308 21,309 21,310 21,311 21,312 21,313 21,314 21,315 21,316 21,317 21,318 2l,3T9 21,320 21,321 21,322 2T,32 3 21,324 21,325 21,326 21,327 21,328 21,329 21,33 21,331 21,332 21,333 2i,334 2i,335 21,336 2i,337 21,338 2i,339 2i,34o 2i,34i 21,342 2i,343 2i,344 2i,345 21,346 2i,347 21,348- 2i,349 21,350 Code Word. Repaired (continued) Obverse . Damage has been repaired Obversely . Repaired, and will restart work Obverting . Have repaired all damage caused by the Obviated . Repairing Obvious . Repairing damages to Obviously . Repairing as fast as we can Obvoluted Commenced repairing Occasional Finished repairing Occasive . Repay Occiduous This will repay Occipital . Will not repay Occiput . Will this repay Occlude . To enable us to repay Occluding . Can repay the loan out of (the) Occlusion . Repaying Occrustate Repaying us for Occult . . Repayment Occultly . In repayment of advance Occultness Repayment of charges Occupancy Repayment of the loan Occupant . In repayment of all demands Occupation Repeat Occupier . You must repeat Occupy . Repeat your telegram [in plain words Occupying Do not understand your telegram ; please repeat Occurred . Do not understand following words ; please repeat Occurrence Repeat first part of your telegram [them Ocean . . Repeat latter part of your telegram Oceanology If you can repeat Ocellaria . Repeat the offer Ocellus . Can only repeat what we previously stated Ocelot . . Must not expect us to repeat Ochletic . Repeated Ochlocracy Will not be repeated Ochraceous Cannot be repeated Ochre . . If repeated, will do much harm Ochreate . Repeatedly Ochroma . It has been repeatedly done Ochymy . It has been repeatedly stated Ocimum . Repetition Octachord A repetition of Octagon . A repetition of such a run Octagonal Replace Octagynous Replace him by a better man Octahedral To replace it by Octameter Will replace Octandrian Will not replace Octandrous Must replace Octangular Replaced Octans . . Has been replaced by REP 431 No. Code Word. Replaced (continued) 21.351 Octapla . If not soon replaced 21.352 Octarchy . Replied 21.353 Octaroon . Have replied seriatim to the inquiries made 21.354 Octastyle . Fully replied to in our last 21.355 Octateuch . Has replied that he will 21.356 Octennial . Replied in the affirmative 21.357 Octillion . Replied in the negative 21.358 Octobass . Replied, assenting to 21.359 Octodecimo If you have not already replied 21.360 Octoedrite Reply 21.361 Octofid . Whilst waiting for your reply 21.362 Octogamy . Will give a reply after 21.363 Octogenary Cannot reply for a few days 21.364 Octogynia. Has (have) received no reply from 21.365 Octopedes Awaiting a reply from 21.366 Octopus . In reply to 21.367 Octroi . . Subject to reply by 21.368 Octuple . You must reply at once 21.369 Octyl . . Cannot have a reply before 21.370 Octylamine As soon as a reply is received from 21.371 Octylic . Reply by wire at once 21.372 Ocubawax Reply by letter 21.373 Oculary . Must have a reply in time for 21.374 Oculina . Can get no definite reply from 2I j375 Oculist. . Have you any reply from 21,376 Ocypoda . Reply to care of 2I >377 Ocypodian What reply shall I make 2I >378 Odalisque . Telegraph reply to our letter of 2I >379 Oddfellow Wire reply to our telegram of 21.380 Oddities . In reply to your inquiry 21.381 Oddity . . If we have no reply to 21.382 Oddlooking Want reply to our inquiry 2I >3^3 Oddness . Subject to immediate reply 21.384 Odds . . Subject to reply within days 21.385 Odemaker Cannot reply by wire; will write you 21.386 Odically . Cannot reply yet ; awaiting 21.387 Odiousness Why do you not reply to 21.388 Odium. . Awaiting your reply 21.389 Odize . . Must have definite reply 21.390 Odometry . Reply to hand; it is quite satisfactory 21.391 Odontagra A very unsatisfactory reply 21.392 Odontalgic Your reply will be considered confidential 2I >393 Odontaspis Whatever may be said in reply 21,394 Odontitis . Replying 2I >395 Odonto . Replying fully to 21,396 OdontogenyReport(s). (See also Telegraph, Proceed, and 2I >397 Odontoid. Send copy of report to [Examine.) 21,398 Odontolite Is your report favourable or otherwise 2I >399 Odontology Report is favourable 21,400 Odontrypy Report is unfavourable 432 REP No. Codeword. Report(s) (continued] 21.401 Odorament Report is utterly false 21.402 Odorate . Telegraph me permission to report on 21.403 Odorating. You are permitted to report on 21.404 Odorous . Cannot permit you to report on 21.405 Odour . . No change to report 21.406 Odourless . Telegraph your report in condensed form 21.407 Odynerus . How long will it take you to report in detail on 2 1,408 Odyssey . Prepare your report, and telegraph from first avail- 21.409 Oeillade . Separate reports [able office 21.410 Oenanthic On your confirming 's guaranteed report 21.411 Oenanthyl Telegraph your report at the earliest opportunity 21.412 Oenothera Can you, and if so, when, report fully on the 21.413 Oesophagus Since last report [following property (ies) 21.414 Ofcome . (In) the first report 21.415 Offal . . (In) the second report 21.416 Offcap . . Cannot wait your written report ; telegraph 21.417 Offcapped When can you report on 21.418 Offcapping Can you report for us, on 21.419 Offcasts . Has (have) unfavourable report(s) of 21.420 Offcolour . Has (have) received unfavourable reports from 21.421 Offcorn . To report as soon as possible [regard to 21.422 Offcut . . 's report conveys an erroneous impression with 21.423 Offday . . When will you be able to send report 21.424 Offenceful RerJbrts are favourable from 21.425 Offending . There is a report that 21.426 Offendress Is notorious here for writing reports on mines for 21.427 Offensive . Report by letter [a commission out of the sale 21.428 Offerable . Report by telegraph 21.429 Offered . Adverse reports current here relative to 21.430 Offertory . Examine and report fully on present condition of the mine, and what additional capital will be necessary to put all in good condition 21.431 Offerture . Be very careful in your report (to) (on) 21.432 Offhand . Be very guarded in your report (on) 21.433 Official. . Shall start on for to report on (a) mine(s) 21.434 Officially . Report for the week ending [for 21.435 Officiated . Report immediately as to 21.436 Officious . Weekly report 21.437 Offlets . . Fortnightly report 21.438 Offscum . Monthly report 21.439 Offseason . Reports are untrue in every essential particular 21.440 Offsetting. Concise report (upon) 21.441 Offshoots . Detailed report upon 21.442 Offside. . Engineer's report (upon) 21.443 Offskip . First expert's report (upon) 21.444 Offspring . Mine superintendent's report (upon) 21.445 Offstreet . Report and plan 21.446 Oftencomer Report with plan and section 21.447 Oftentimes Report received, but not plan 21.448 Ogdoad . Wire cost of report REP 433 No. Code Word. Report(s) (continued) 21.449 Ogdoastich Wire preliminary report 21.450 Ogganition Can we accept the report of ; is he reliable and respectable ; and does he carry any weight in the place [of here 21.451 Ogham . You can accept 's report; he is thought well 21.452 Ogival . . No good, and his report is not worth having 21.453 Ogle . . 's reports are not thought much of here 21.454 Ogling. . 's report cannot be relied on 21.455 Ogrillon . Report, owing to press of business, not despatched 21.456 Ogynian . There is no truth in the report [until 21.457 Ohmad . Can confirm first expert's report 21.458 Oidemia . Can confirm 's report 21.459 Oilbag . . Have examined the mine and workings; can fully confirm 's report in all essential particulars 21.460 Oilbeetle . There is a report current here that 21.461 Oilbird. . Can we contradict the report 2 1,462 Oilboxes . You can contradict the report ; it is quite unfounded 2 1,463 Oilcake . If the report is confirmed 21.464 Oilcans . We have contradicted the report 21.465 Oilcloth . The report has been traced to its source (from) 21.466 Oilcoal . Cannot ascertain the origin of the report 21.467 Oilcolour . Treat this report as confidential 21.468 Oilcup . . Copy of report has been sent 21.469 Oiliness . Report received too late 21.470 Oilmills . Too late to be inserted with report 21.471 Oilnuts . This report compares favourably with the last 21.472 Oilpalm . Reports must be regularly kept up 21.473 Oilpress . The expert reports favourably 21.474 Oilpumps . The expert reports unfavourably 21.475 Oilseed . Your report by letter is required on situate 21.476 Oilshale . Get an expert's report on [ agent at 21.477 Oilskin. . Wire report briefly as to situate agent 21.478 Oilspring . What are your terms for report on [ at 21.479 Oilstone . Report briefly by wire and fully by letter on situate agent at 21.480 Oiltree . . Points chiefly requiring report (are) 21.481 Oily. . . Our report is adverse to any speculation in the 21.482 Oilygrain . Full report is sent by mail [property 21.483 Ointment . Reported 21.484 Oisanite . The mine has been favourably reported on 21.485 Okro . . The mine has been unfavourably reported on 21.486 Oldened . Do not know who reported upon (it) (the) 21.487 Oldhamia . Do you know who reported upon (it) (the) 21.488 Oldmaidish When previously reported on 21.489 Oldoil . . Has (have) reported upon 21.490 Oldsaid . The mine was reported on (by) 21.491 Oldster . Reporting 21.492 Oldworld . Since reporting 21.493 Oleaginous Charge for reporting 21 494 Oleamide . When reporting upon 434 REP No. Code Word. 21.495 Oleander . Represent(s) 21.496 Oleasters . Who will represent us 21.497 Olecranon Will represent us 21.498 Olefiant . Cannot represent us on account of 21.499 Olefine . Does it represent 21.500 Oleic . . Does it represent the actual state of 21.501 Oleographs Do they represent 21.502 Oleoptene Do (does) not represent 21.503 Oleoresin . Representation(s) 21.504 Olfact . . A representation has been made 21.505 Olfaction . Made a representation (to) 21.506 Olfactive . Representation of interests 21.507 Olfactory . The representations made were 21.508 Olibanum . The representations made by are substantially 21.509 Olidous . Representative(s) [correct 21.510 Oligaemia. My (our) representative 21.511 Oligarch . His (their) representative 21.512 Oligarchal. See or his representative 21.513 Oligist . . Represented 21.514 Oligistic . It has been represented to us 21.515 Oligocene . If this is properly represented to 21.516 Oligocla se . Not represented 21.517 Oligodon . Is not at all what it was represented to be 21.518 Oligonite . Representing 21.519 Oligonspar As representing all interests 21.520 Olitory. . Representing the vendor 21.521 Oliva . . Representing the company 21.522 Olivaceous Representing the present state of 21.523 Olivegreen Repudiate(s) 21.524 Olivenite . Entirely repudiate 21.525 Oliveoil . Do you repudiate 21.526 Olivewood Repudiated 21.527 Oliveyard . Has (have) repudiated 21.528 Olivinoid . If not repudiated 21.529 Olympiad . Repudiated all their undertakings 21.530 Olympionic Repudiated their indebtedness 21.531 Omagra . Repudiation 21.532 Omasum . Repudiation of the statement 21.533 Ombrometer Repudiation of the agreement 21.534 Omenings. Reputation 21.535 Omiletical Is a man of good reputation 21.536 Ominously An ignorant man and of no reputation 21.537 Omissible . What sort of reputation has (have) 21.538 Omission . Has (have) the reputation of being 21.539 Omissive . Known to me (us) by reputation only 21.540 Omissively Reputed 21.541 Omittance Is reputed to be 21.542 Omitted . Request(s) 21.543 Omitting . Your request will be attended to 21.544 Omneity . Your request cannot be allowed REQ, 435 No. Code Word. Request(s) (continued) 21.545 Omnibus . At your request 21.546 Omniform. At (the) request of 21.547 Omnifying Your request is under consideration 21.548 Omnigraph Request considered and approved (with regard to) 21.549 Omniparity Refused the request 21.550 Omnipotent We must request you to 21.551 Omniscient Requested 21.552 Omniscious Has (have) requested 21.553 Omnivalent Has (have) been requested 21.554 Omnivora . Require (s) 2I ?555 Omnivorous Will require 21.556 Omohyoid Will not require 21.557 Omoplate . If you require 21.558 Omphacine When will you require 21.559 Omphalic . How much will you require 21.560 Omphalode Require immediately 21.561 Onager . Do you require 21.562 Onagraceae I (we) shall require 21.563 Oncidium . Require on or before 21.564 Ondatra . What do you require to enable you to 21.565 Oneberries Requires us to 21.566 Oneberry . Required 21.567 Onehorse . As required by the contract 21.568 Oneirology Will be required 21.569 Onerary . Will not be required 21.570 Onesided. If it is required 21.571 Onesidedly When will it be required 21.572 Onhanger . You know best what will be required 2I ?573 Onicolo . Will not be required for some time 21.574 Onioneyed Will be required not later than 21.575 Onionshell How much money will be required (to) 21.576 Oniscidae . How long a time will be required (to) 21.577 Oniscus . Requirements 21.578 Onlooker. Send particulars of all your requirements 21.579 Onlooking (To) meet all requirements 21.580 Onobrychis Not equal to our requirements 21.581 Onocentaur Equal to the requirements of 21.582 Onomantia Does not come up to the requirements 21.583 Onomastic Cannot comply with your requirements 21.584 Onomatope Requisite 21.585 Ononis . The machinery requisite for 21.586 Onopordum To get only what is requisite 21.587 Onosma . Cannot get the requisite 21.588 Onrush . To get the requisite 21.589 Onset . . (With) the requisite pumps and machinery 21.590 Onslaught. The requisite notice 21.591 Onstead . (To) give the requisite notice 21.592 Ontogeny . Requisite notice has been given 2I >593 Ontologic . The requisite time 21,594 Onward . The requisite funds for 436 REQ, No. Code Word. Requisite (continued) 2i,595 Onycha . The requisite output 21,596 Onychite . The requisite milling power 21,597 Onyx . . The requisite developments 21,598 Oocyst. . Requisition 2i,599 Oogonium A requisition has been made 21,600 Oolak . . An official requisition 21,601 Oolitic. . Reservation 21,602 Oolysis . Without any reservation 21,603 Oomiac . With considerable reservation 21,604 Oosphere . Reservation would seem to imply 21,605 OosporangeReserve(s) 21,606 Oospore . A reserve of at least 21,607 Oostegite . There are no reserves of ore in sight 21,608 Ooticoid . I (we) estimate reserves of ore at 21,609 Oozed . . Impossible to estimate reserve of ore 21,610 Opacity . Telegraph what reserves of ore are available 21,611 Opacous . Telegraph reserve of ore 2I,6l2 Opalesce . - Not a great reserve of ore 2I,6l3 Opalescing The reserves of ore are very large 2I,6l4 f^Tnl in CT^f^T* TTI Vic TT k T\r*Tf' rcfimofT k c vocrM-ir/^c r\ r\Yr* *\\" wpr* i r* ^ xx*--^,^*- V_x IJcLU UCllCoo JJjoLlilldie \JL UIC ICbClVCb ^^ LUllb Ib OUliCUL 21,617 Onpnl^ill rrinrintpp^ ^ th^ DTP TP^PTVP nt tnn vyiJCllUlll * VJildlcillLCC I o i tllU Ul C ICoCI VC ctL LUllb 21,618 Opencast . Think this chute will place us in possession of 21,619 Opendoored Must reserve [valuable reserves 21,620 Openeyed . The ore body should give us good reserves 21,621 Openhanded Likely to develop large reserves 21,622 Openly. . Large reserves may be expected from 21,623 Openness . Large reserves of ore, but of low grade 21,624 Opentide . Large reserves of ore, of fair grade 21,625 Openwork Large reserves of ore, which may be reckoned on 21,626 Opera . . Large reserves of [to average 21,627 f^TiP'ri r*lr\n lr 1? r^^TTr/^r' r\f r\Yf* T^f*f"n7pr*T"i . . nnrl lAt/Alc V/ UCl cti-lL/clK. J\.CbCl VCo Ul L/1C UCLWCC11 ctllU. ICVClb 21,628 Operaglass Reserves of ore above the 21,629 Operahat . Reserves of ore below the 21,630 Opecahouse Can you reserve 21,631 Operameter Will reserve 21,632 Operancy . If you do not reserve 21,633 Operatical Can reserves be relied upon 21,634 Operating . Reserves practically all low grade 21,635 Operations Sufficient high-grade reserves 21,636 Operative . Reserve Fund 21,637 Opercular . Reserve fund 21,638 Operose . Reserve fund should be formed 21,639 Operosity . Reserve fund now stands at 21,640 Ophiasis . Carried to reserve fund 21,641 Ophicalcic Debit reserve fund 21,642 Ophicleide Credit reserve fund 21,643 Ophidia . Reserved 21,644 Ophidious Has (have) reserved HES 437 No. Code Word. Reserved (continued) 21.645 Ophiolatry Has (have) not reserved 21.646 Ophiolite . Have reserved to themselves the right of 21.647 Ophiologic Have reserved to ourselves the right of 21.648 OphiomancyReserving 21.649 Ophiops . Reserving to ourselves 21.650 Ophiorhiza Reserving to himself (themselves) 21.651 Ophioxylon Reserving the right to 21.652 Ophite. . Reserving all claims 21.653 Ophiuchus Reserving intact all rights and privileges 21.654 Ophiuridae Reserving the full use of 21.655 Ophrys . Reserving full freedom to 21.656 Ophthalmia Reserving only 21.657 Opianic . But not reserving 21.658 Opiferous . Resign 21.659 Opinants . Must resign 21.660 Opinator . Must not resign 21.661 Opined . Wish(es) to resign 21.662 Opining . Will not resign 21.663 Opiniastre Wishes to resign on account of ill-health 21.664 Opiniated . Wishes to resign in order to 21.665 Opiniatry . Has had to resign 21.666 Opinicus . Take his place when he resigns 21.667 Opinionate Can allow to resign 21.668 Opiumeater Must ask to resign 21.669 Opletree . Have asked him to resign 21.670 Opobalsam If he does not resign 21.671 Opodeldoc Resignation 21.672 Opoponax Sent in his resignation 21.673 Oporice . Resignation sent in ; have accepted it 21.674 Opossum . Resignation sent in ; but not accepted 21.675 Oppidan . Wish to withdraw resignation 21.676 Oppilation Resigned 21.677 Oppilative Has (have) resigned 21.678 Opponency Has (have) not resigned 21.679 Opponent. The position which he resigned 21.680 Opportune Resigning 21.681 Opposable Is about resigning on account of 21.682 Opposed . By resigning at the present time 21.683 Opposeless Resolution^) 21.684 Opposing . The following resolution was passed 21.685 Oppositely The resolution was not carried 21.686 Opposition Passed a resolution to 21.687 Oppositive Resolution of the Board 21.688 Oppress . Resolution of shareholders 21.689 Oppresseth Resolution for winding up 21.690 Oppressing Resolution appointing a committee of inquiry 21.691 Oppressive Resolution calling upon the Board to resign 21.692 Oppressor. Resolution proposed, but fell through for want of 21.693 Opprobium Supported the resolution [support 21.694 Opprobry . Opposed the resolution 438 RES No. 21,695 21,696 21,697 21,698 21,699 21,700 21,701 21,702 21,703 21,704 21,705 21,706 21,707 21,708 21,709 21,710 21,711 21,712 21,713 21,714 21,715 21,716 21,717 21,718 21,719 21,720 21,721 21,722 21,723 21,724 21,725 21,726 21,727 21,728 21,729 21,730 21,731 21,732 21,733 2i,734 2i,735 21,736 2i,737 21,738 2i,739 21,740 21,741 21,742 2i,743 2i,744 Code Word. Resolution (continued) Oppugn Oppugnancy Oppugning Opsimathy Opsiometer Opsomania Optated . Optatively Optically . Opticians . Optics . . Optigraph Optimacy . Optimates Optimism Optimistic Optimized Optimizing Option . . Optional . Optogram . Opulency . Opulent . Opunctly . Opuntia . Opuscle . Opusculum Oracular . Oracularly Oragious . Orangeade Orangebird Orangelily Orangeism Orangemen Orangemusk Orangepeel Orangery . Orange skin Orangetip . Orangewife Orangutan Orator . . Oratorial . Oratorious Oratorize . Orb. . , Orbfish . Orbical . Orbiculina If the resolution is carried A resolution will be proposed [lution to A section of the shareholders intend to move a reso- Will vigorously oppose the resolution There was some opposition, but the resolution was Will support the resolution [ultimately carried Resolution will strengthen our hands Resolution of want of confidence in the Board Resolution is one involving grave censure on Resolution will much hamper us The resolution was carried by a majority of Resolved Has (have) resolved to Has (have) resolved not to What have you resolved with regard to Resolved to carry out Resolved to wind up voluntarly Resolved to raise more capital Resolved to go into liquidation Have resolved Hope you have resolved If you have not resolved Resolved what action to take Resource (s) Exhausting too much the resources Not to exhaust the resources of The resources of the mine The resources of the mine are very great What are the resources of the mine The resources at hand No resources at hand Must not count on our resources being large enough The resources of the mine are not sufficient to At the end of our resources Our resources will only hold out How long will your resources hold out (With) your present resources (With) our present resources (With) his (their) present resources The only resources we have now to depend on are The present available resources As a last resource Resources we can depend on may be taken at Respect With respect to Is (are) held in great respect In every respect In this respect In what respect If, in any respect RES 439 No. 2i,745 21,746 2i,747 21,748 21,749 21,75 21,751 2r,75 2 2 i,753 2i,754 2i,755 2i,75 6 2i,757 21,758 2i,759 21,760 21,761 21,762 21,763 21,764 21,765 21,766 21,767 21,768 21,769 21,770 21,771 21,772 2i,773 2i,774 2i,775 21,776 21,777 21,778 21,779 21,780 21,781 21,782 21,783 21,784 21,785 21,786 21,787 21,788 21,789 21,790 21,791 21,792 2i,793 21,794 Code Word. Respect (continued) Orbitelae . With respect to the future Orbitude . With respect to what was done Orbity . . Respectable Orblike . Is (are) the most respectable here in his (their) Orchal . . Are most respectable people [profession Orcharding Not respectable people Orchards . Very respectable Orchestral Is (are) respectable Orchideous Responsibility(ies) Orchiocele Take full responsibility (for) Orchotomy Will accept the entire responsibility Ordain . . The full responsibility devolves on Ordainable The responsibilities entailed upon Ordaineth . Acting on our own responsibility Ordaining . Responsibility ceases Ordainment Responsibility now at an end Ordalian . No further responsibility Ordeal . . No responsibility incurred Ordealbean Will incur no further responsibility Ordealnut . Incur no responsibility Ordealroot Not prepared to undertake the responsibility Ordealtree Do not care to incur such onerous responsibilities Orderable . Undertaken all responsibilities Orderbook Responsible Orderings . Responsible parties Orderly . Is (are) not responsible for Ordinalism Will not be responsible for Ordinary . Is (are) responsible for Ordinative Who is responsible for Ordonnant Hold you responsible Oreala . . Hold him (them) responsible Orehearth . We shall be responsible for Oreillet . Be held responsible for Organdy . Make us responsible for Organfish . Make you responsible for Organic . Make him responsible for Organical . Unless are held responsible Organicism If are responsible Organista . Rest(s) Organized The rest (of the) Organizing Of the rest Organloft . To rest upon Organogen Rests upon Organology It rests with Organpipe Take the rest Organpoint You can send the rest Organstop Restricted Organzine Are we restricted to Orgasm . (Is) are restricted to Orgiastic . (Is) are not restricted to 440 RES No. 2i,795 21,796 21,797 21,798 21,799 21,800 21,801 21,802 21,803 21,804 21,805 21,806 21,807 21,808 21,809 21,810 21,811 2l,8l2 21,813 21,814 21,815 21,816 21,817 21,818 21,819 21,820 21,821 21,822 21,823 21,824 21,825 21,826 21,827 21,828 21,829 21,830 21,831 21,832 21,833 21,834 21,835 21,836 21,837 21,838 21,839 21,840 21,841 21,842 21,843 21,844 Code Word. Orgyia . Restriction(s) Oribatidae All restrictions are now removed Orichalcum The restrictions have been withdrawn Oriel . . Without any restriction Oriency . Proposes to withdraw restrictions Orientals . Impose (imposed) the following restrictions Orientness With such restrictions as may be needful to Orifex . . With no restriction as to cost or time Orifices . The restrictions imposed upon us Orinamb . Much fettered by the restrictions Origanum . Result(s) Origin . . The result of which has been to Original . The result will be Originally . Is the result satisfactory Originator Result is satisfactory Oriolinae . Result is unsatisfactory Oriolus . With no great result at present Orion . . What is the result of Orismology Telegraph the result (of) Orlop . . Result encouraging Ormolu . Result disappointing Ornament . With no better result than the former Ornamental Give (gives) a better result than we expected Ornately . Result worse than we expected Ornateness The result was not as good as we should have liked Ornature . It will result in Ornithon . What do you think the result will be Ornithopus The result will probably be Orobanche Think the result will be satisfactory Orographic The result will be most prejudicial to our interests Orological The result of the experiment Orology . The result of the trial Orontiad . Gave certain results, which Orphalines The result is very uncertain Orphan . If you cannot get a good result Orphanage Good results can only be attained by Orphanhood The result of the trial will be disastrous, if against us Orphanism The result is very annoying Orphanry . No better results can be secured Orpharion The result of the inquiry Orphic . . Investigation has had the result of Orphrey . The results of the operations Orpiment . Has had the result of Orrery . . The result is not yet known Orrisroot . What is the result of the negotiations Orsedew . Result of the negotiations as to Orthoceras The result of the action is to Orthoclase Resulted Orthodox . Resulted in our having to Orthodoxly Which resulted from RES 441 No. Code Word. Resulted (continued) 21.845 Orthodromy Resulted in the stoppage of 21.846 Orthoepic. Resulting 21.847 Orthogamy Resulting from our efforts 21.848 Orthogonal Resulting from the work done 21.849 Orthology. Resume 21.850 Orthometry (To) resume work on 21.851 Orthopaedy Shall be able to resume 21.852 Orthophony Will resume work on the basis of 21.853 Orthopnoea When can you resume 21.854 Orthopraxy Cannot resume till 21.855 Orthopter. When do you resume operations 21.856 Orthose . Expect to resume operations 21.857 Orthostyle Resume operations as soon as 21.858 Orthotone. Cannot resume operations until 21.859 Ortive . . Resumed 21.860 Ortolan . When you have resumed operations 21.861 Orvietan . When the men have resumed work 21.862 Oryctology Resumed work on 21.863 Oryza . . Men have resumed work 21.864 Oscillancy Resumption 21.865 Oscillator. The resumption of work 21.866 Oscitantly. The resumption of our rights 21.867 Osculant . The resumption of all rights 21.868 Osculating Retain (s) 21.869 Osculatory Retain the stock till further orders 21.870 Osculatrix. Retain until further orders 21.871 Osierait . To retain 21.872 Osierbed . You can retain 21.873 Osierholt . Will retain 21.874 Osleoniron Will not retain 21.875 Osmanlis . We shall retain 21.876 Osmazome We shall retain the best man we can get 21.877 Osmelite . Retain the best expert you can get 21.878 Osmia . . Retain the best counsel you can get 2^879 Osmiamic. Retain the possession of 21.880 Osmious . Retain the services of 21.881 OsmiridiumRetained 21.882 Osmometer Retained a first-class man 21.883 Osmotic . The man we have retained is a 21.884 Osmunda . Retained at a fee of 21.885 Osprey. . The counsel retained has had great 21.886 Osseous . If not retained promptly [mining cases 21.887 Ossianic . Retaining 21.888 Ossicle. . By retaining 21.889 Ossified . We are retaining 21.890 Ossifrage . Retarded 21.891 Ossify. . Much retarded by 21.892 Ossifying . Our progress has been greatly retarded by 21.893 Osspringer Have been retarded owing to the bad weather 21.894 Ossuaries. Have not retarded the work mining expert of [great repute experience in 442 RET No. Code Word. 21,895 Ossuary , Ostensible Ostension , Ostensive , Ostensory Ostentator 21,896 21,897 21,898 21,899 21,900 21,901 21,902 21,904 2i,9S 21,906 21,907 21,908 21,909 21,910 21,911 21,912 21,913 21,914 21,915 21,916 21,917 21,918 21,919 21,920 21,921 21,922 21,923 21,924 21,925 21,926 21,927 21,928 21,929 21,930 21,93! 21,932 21,933 21,934 2i,935 21,936 2i,937 21,938 2i,939 21,940 21,941 21,942 2i,943 21,944 Retired The bill has been retired The bill has not been retired Has (have) not retired the bill Have you retired If not retired before Ostentous . Retort(s) Osteoblast To retort the amalgam Osteocolla Retorted Osteocope What is amount of retorted gold Osteolepis Retorted gold Osteoma . Return(s) Osteomanty Stop at - on your return from Osteozoa Ostiolum . Ostler . . Ostleress . Ostracism , Ostracized Ostracoda Ostreidae . Ostrich . Ostrya . . Oswego . Oswegotea Otacoustic Otalgia . Otheoscope Othergates Otherwards Otherwise . Otidinae . Otiose . . Otiosity . Otobafat . Otoconite . Otocrane . Otocyon . Otography Otolithic . Otopathy . Otopteris . Otorrhoea Otoscopes Otosteal . Otozoum . Ottar . . Otterdog . . Otterhound Ottershell . You will find letters on your return to As I (we) return Will return When do you return to Will stop at - on my (our) return from Will return by way of Will return in a few days You must return home immediately Return immediately Do not return Shall I return is dan- [gerously ill You must return home at once You must return home at once As soon as you return from As soon as - return(s) On the return of Cannot return until Shall return by - Expect - will return about is dead steamship (company) Do not expect to return before Am (are) waiting for the return of On my return will You had better return by way of The annual return This month's return Next month's return Last month's return The returns show Telegraph the returns for Returns for this month and next Returns for the next two months Returns for the next three months Future monthly returns Future returns will be much better Future returns will not be so good The low return has caused great dissatisfaction What is the cause of the low returns RET 443 No. 21,945 21,946 21,947 21,948 21,949 21,950 21,95! 2i,95 2 2i,953 2i,954 2i,955 2i,95 6 2i,957 21,958 2i,959 21,960 21,961 21,962 21,963 21,964 21,965 21,966 21,967 21,968 21,969 21,970 21,971 21,972 2i,973 21,974 2i,975 21,976 2i,977 21,978 21,979 21,980 21,981 21,982 21,983 21,984 21,985 21,986 21,987 21,988 21,989 21,990 21,991 Code Word. RetUrn(s) (continued} Otterspear In order to keep up the returns Ottoman . Do you see your way to better returns Ouarine . See the way to better returns regardless of future Oubliette . Can you make a better return [discoveries Oudenodon Can you make a return as good as Ought . . If the returns do not improve Oughtness Returns should improve consequent upon Ouistiti . We think returns likely to improve Oulachon . Gradual increase in the returns may be expected Oulorrhagy Do not reckon upon a better return Ouphen . Will not materially affect the return Ourebi . . Will have a most beneficial effect upon the return Ouroscopy What effect are the present developments likely to have upon the returns [better returns Ourself . Considering you are in good ore cannot you make Ourselves . Cannot you work any of the richer ore so as to increase the returns Outargue . Estimated return this month will be Outarguing Estimated return next month will be Outbabble The average returns will be about Outbalance We could show better returns if Outbargain Could otherwise show better returns Outbarred . Instead of steadily increasing returns Outbidder Why should the returns decrease Outblaze . Cannot increase returns without adopting very in- Outblazing With regard to the low returns [judicious means Outblown . Can you fairly exceed the regular returns Outblush . We do not wish the returns increased if you cannot do so without forcing the mine Outboard . Do not pick the eyes of the mine out in order to Outbounds A very poor return [swell the returns Outbrag . A most excellent return Outbragged The return we have just received Outbreaks To equalize the returns Outbribe . Revenue returns Outbudding The returns from the mint Outbuilds . Returned Outburneth Has (have) returned from Outburst . Nothing can be done, till has (have) returned Outcaper . Has (have) not yet returned Outcast . As soon as has (have) returned Outcasting Unless returned at once Outcept . Was returned Outcheat . Was returned by a large majority Outclimb . Returning Outcome . Before returning Outcompass After returning Outcourts . When returning Outcraft . Revenue Outcrier . Revenue falling off 444 REV No. 2i>99 2 21,993 21,994 2i,995 21,996 21,997 21,998 2i,999 22,000 22,001 22,002 22,003 22,OO4 22,OO5 22,006 22,007 22,008 22,OO9 22,010 22,011 22,012 22,013 22,014 22,015 22,0l6 22,017 22,Ol8 22,019 22,O2O 22,021 22,022 22,023 22,024 22,025 22,O26 22,027 22,028 22,029 22,030 22,031 22,032 22,033 22,034 22,035 22,036 22,037 22,038 22,03 9 22,040 22,041 Code Word. Revenue (continued} Outcrop . Considerable falling off in revenue Outcropped Revenue increasing Revenue has risen from to Revenue has risen in years Revenue accounts Balance of revenue Revenue derived from Outcry . Outcrying . Outcursing Outdazzel . Outdo . . Outdoeth . Outdoors . Outdream . Outdrink . Outdwell . Outermost Outerplate Outfawn . Outfield . Outfit . . Outfitters . Outflanked Outflatter . Outfling . Outflowed . Outflowing Outfool . Outfuneral Outgates . Outgeneral Outgive Outgoings Yield (yielding) a fairly steady revenue To be paid out of revenue Has been paid out of revenue All expenses must be paid out of revenue The revenue for the current The revenue for the past The revenue for the next Expenses of should be charged to revenue Should not be charged to revenue What part of the expenditure on has been Chargeable to revenue [charged to revenue Charge to revenue instead of capital To be transferred from revenue to capital Revoke Revoke power of attorney given to We are writing to revoke Revoked Have revoked Have revoked the order Have you revoked Have not revoked Power of attorney revoked Outgrinned Revoking Outgrowth Revoking all powers Revoking your power of attorney Have written revoking power Revolution(s) Revolution has broken out Revolution will seriously interfere with The r/evolution has been crushed The revolution has been successful In consequence of the revolution How many revolutions per minute does the - (Making) revolutions per minute [make Must work at revolutions per minute Outguard Outhaul . Outhiss . Outhissing Outhouses Outjesting Outjuggle . Outkeeper Outknave . Outlance . Outlandish Outlaugh . Outlaw . Outlawries Outlawry . .Outleaped Outleaping Outlinear . Outliving . The revolution in the At a speed of revolutions per minute The engine works at revolutions per minute, Revolving [and indicates horse-power Revolving furnaces Revolving barrel (s) Revolving buddies Reward EEW 445 No. 22,042 22,043 22,044 22,045 22,046 22,047 22,048 22,049 22,050 22,051 22,052 22,053 22,054 22,055 22,056 22,057 22,058 22,059 22,060 22,061 22,062 22,063 22,064 22,065 22,066 22,067 22,068 22,069 22,070 22,071 22,072 22,073 22,074 22,075 22,076 22,077 22,078 22,079 22,080 22,081 22,082 22,083 22,084 22,085 22,086 22,087 22,088 22,089 22,090 22,091 Code Word. Reward (continued) Outlooks . (To) offer a reward Outlustre . As a reward for his services Outmantle Claims a reward Outmarch . Offered a reward for the discovery of Outmaster Rich Outmeasure Have struck rich ore in Outmounted Rich strike is reported in The company is very rich The ore is very rich, assaying per ton , assays gve mine Outnoise . Outnumber Outparish . Outpassed. Outpatient Outpeer . Outpeering Outpenny . Outpicket . Outpoising Have struck a pocket of very rich ore Shall come to the end of the rich ore in The very rich ore only occurs in pockets Rich ore Very rich Not very rich Rich chutes of ore A chute of rich ore days Outporch . Richer Outposts . The deeper down the richer the ore Outpowered The ore is richer than ever Outprays . Are now getting into richer ore Outpreach The richer ore we are now getting Outprize . Now milling richer ore Outprizing Richer in some parts than others Outquench Richest Outrageous The richest ore we have yet found Outrank . From what part of the mine are you getting the Outranking The richest mine about here [richest ore Outrapping The richest ore is coming from the Outrayed . Richness Outreached The richness of the ore Outreason. Of extraordinary richness Outreckon Of great richness, assaying probably [pectation Outriding . The richness of this chute has surpassed our ex- Outriggers Rid (of) Outright . Can you get rid of Outrival . Cannot get rid of Outroar . If you can possibly get rid of Outromance We very much wish to get rid of Outrooted If we could get rid of Outsail . . Have at last got rid of Outsailing. Right(s) Outscented It would not be right to Outscold . Is everything all right Outscorned You must do whatever you think right Outscout . The right place would be Outsentry . Is in the right place Outsettler . The mill is not in the right place Outshine . The mine has not been worked right Outshining The right thing would be to 446 RIG No. 22,092 22,093 22,094 22,095 22,096 22,097 22,098 22,099 22,100 22,101 22,IO2 22,103 22,104 22,105 22,106 22,107 22,108 22,109 22, IIO 22,111 22,112 22,113 22,114 22,115 22,Il6 22,117 22,Il8 22,119 22,I2O 22,121 22,122 22,123 22,124 22,125 22,126 22,127 22,128 22,129 22,130 22,131 22,132 22,133 22,134 22,135 22,136 22,137 22,138 22,139 22,140 22,141 Code Word. Outshoot Outskip . Outskipped Outskirts . Outslang . Outsoaring Outsounded Outspan . Outspanned Outsparkle Outspoken Outsport . Outspread Outstay Outstepped Outstretch Outstride . Outsubtle . Outsuffer . Outswear . Outswelled Outtalked . Outtelling. Outthrow . Outtongued Outtop . . Outvalue . Outvenom Outvillain . Outvoiced Outvote . Outvoting . Outwardly Out wash . Outwatched Outwearied Right(s) (continued] Has (have) no right to Is this right It is right Should we be right in What right had Who has the right Our rights must be upheld Is within our clear rights The only right we can claim Forfeit our rights Rise The vein in the rise The rise is about feet from surface Have holed with rise Rise up on the vein The vein in the rise contains ore There is a rise in the vein from the Samples from rise gave From the rise Fear the water will rise Do not think the water will rise The price of the shares will rise Cannot rise unless No. i Rise (From Rise No. i) No. 2 Rise (From Rise No. 2) No. 3 Rise (From Rise No. 3) No. 4 Rise (From Rise No. 4) No. 5 Rise (From Rise No. 5) Rise No. (From Rise No. ) What prospects are there of a rise in Good prospects of a rise No immediate prospects of a rise Do not think there will be a rise Further rise doubtful for a time Expect a rise about Buy for me and hold for a rise Outweary . Risen Outweep . The water has risen - Outweigh . The price of the shares has risen from Outwinded Has the price of the shares risen Outwitting Rising Outworking The water is still rising in shaft Outworks . To stop the water from rising Outwrest . Rising up on the vein Outzanied. After rising to Outzany . Risk Outzanying The risk is too great Ouviranda There will be no risk Ouzel . . Is there any risk Ova . The risk is ft. in twenty-four hours -to HIS 447 No. 22,142 22,143 22,144 22,145 22,146 22,147 22,148 22,149 22,150 22,151 22,152 22,153 22,154 22,155 22,156 22,157 22,158 22,159 22,160 22,l6l 22,l62 22,l63 22,164 22,l65 22,l66 22,167 22,l68 22,169 22,170 22,171 22,172 22,173 22,174 22,175 22,176 22,177 22,178 22,179 22,l8o 22,l8l 22,l82 22,l83 22,l84 22,185 22,186 22,187 22,188 22,l89 82,190 Code Word. Risk (continued) Ovalbumen Is not worth the risk Ovaliform . There is no risk Ovally . . If it can be done without risk Ovariotomy Will take the risk of Ovarium . The risk is too great for us to undertake Ovation . Think there is serious risk Ovenbird . There is great risk that Ovenchyma At our risk Ovenless . At 's risk Overabound Take the risk Overact . River (s) Overacting River crosses the property Overaction A river runs close to the property Overaffect . River supplies the water-power Overalls . River is within miles Overarched River is within of a Overawed . Overawful . Overbarren Overbear . Overbid . Overboard Overbodied River nearly dry in summer Overbody . The river affords ample water for power and milling Overboldly Road(s) [purposes Overbridge There is a good road to the mine(s) Overbright A good road of miles leading from , and of very easy grade Is miles by good road from A very bad road Now on the road Owing to the bad state of the roads There is not much water in the river River has flooded the banks The river is about yards wide From the river a plentiful supply of water can be Good site for a mill on the river-side [obtained is brought from the Overbuild. Overbulked Overbuying Overcanopy Overcarry . Overcatch. Overcharge Overcivil . Overclean. Overclimb Overcloud Overcoats . Overcolour Overcometh Overcostly Overcount Overcritic . Overdo . Overdoers Overdosed Overdress . Overdrink Teams cannot haul ore, on account of the bad state On the road to [of the roads Will this include making roads To include making of roads Roads in bad condition Roads are impassable after rain Roads are too steep for To improve the roads Road will have to be made Road open The road to the mine The roads are fine natural ones What sort of roads are there Roads unfit for anything but mules Roads now impassable owing to the rains Road impassable, owing to Have made a new road A road from the mine to the mill 448 BOA No. Code Word. Road(s) (continued] 22.191 Overdrive . Road from the mine to 22.192 Overdrawn Roast 22.193 Overdry . It is necessary to roast the ore 22.194 Overdue . It is not necessary to roast the ore 22.195 Overeager. Used to roast the ore at one time 22.196 Overeat . Roaster(s) 22.197 Oterempty There is a roaster attached to the mill 22.198 Overenrich There is no roaster attached to the mill 22.199 Overeye . Must put up a roaster at the mill 22.200 Overfilled . Roasting 22.201 Overflowed Roasting furnace 22.202 Overflux . Rock(s) 22.203 Overfondly Rock-breaker 22.204 Overforce . Rock-breaker jaws 22.205 Overfrieze Send spare jaws for rock-breaker at once 22.206 Overfront . Wall rock 22.207 Overgazed Rock is getting harder 22.208 Overgazing Rock is getting softer 22.209 Overglided Send samples of rock from 22.210 Overgloom The hardness of the rock necessitates 22.211 Overgrace. Owing to the hardness of the rock 22.212 Overgreat . It is easy rock to work 22.213 Overgreedy Owing to the softness of the rock 22.214 Overgross . Going through hard rock 22.215 Overgrowth Driving through very hard rock 22.216 Overhanded Rock-boring 22.217 Overhangs Rock-boring machinery 22.218 Overhappy The country rock is 22.219 Overhaste. The country rock is granite 22.220 Overheated The country rock is porphyry 22.221 Overheavy The country rock is slate 22.222 Overhighly Rolls 22.223 Overhold . Crushing rolls 22.224 Overinform Send set of Cornish rolls 22.225 Overissue . Set of Kroms rolls 22.226 Overjoy . Steel rolls 22.227 Overjump . Room(s) 22.228 Overkind . Have you room for 22.229 Overlabour Have plenty of room for 22.230 Overlapped Want more room 22.231 Overlaps . Must have more room 22.232 Overlavish There would be room for 22.233 Overlaying Reserve room for 22.234 Overliness What room have you 22.235 Overliver . Rope(s) 22.236 Overloaded Wire rope inches circumference 22.237 Overlong . Manilla rope inches circumference 22.238 Overlooker Hemp rope inches circumference 22.239 Overloop . Steel rope inches circumference 22.240 Overlusty . Wire rope X inches, flat ROU No. Code Word. 22.241 Overmanner Rough 22.242 Overmeddle A rough draft of 22.243 Overmellow Have sent a rough plan of 22.244 Overmerit. The men are a rough lot to deal with 22.245 Overmix . Route 22.246 Overmixing Will be the easier route 22.247 Overmoist Whichever is the best route 22.248 Overnice . Go by the shortest route 22.249 Overnicely Is the best route to take 22.250 Overoffice. By the quickest route possible 22.251 Overpaint . The route we shall take will be by 22.252 Overparted Rubber 22.253 Overpeople Feet of rubber belting inches wide 22.254 Overplease Rubber packing 22.255 Overply . Rubber hose internal diameter 22.256 Overpoised Rubbish 22.257 Overpolish Are full of rubbish 22.258 Overpower To clear out all the rubbish 22.259 Overprompt Have had all the rubbish cleared out 22.260 Overquell . On account of the shaft being full of rubbish 22.261 Overreach We are filling in the old workings with rubbish 22.262 Overready Rubies 22.263 Overreckon The rubies are found in 22.264 Overrefine The finest rubies 22.265 Overrides . Are there any rubies in the district 22.266 Overripen. Rubies are found, but small and poor 22.267 Overruled. Ruby 22.268 Overruling The ruby mines are situated 22.269 Oversail . You will have to go to the ruby mines 22.270 Overscent . Want(s) you to visit the ruby mines of 22.271 Overseers . To work a ruby mine 22.272 Overshadow No ruby mine about here 22.273 Overshoot The only ruby mine near here 22.274 Oversized . Ruin(s) 22.275 Oversleep . The buildings are in ruins 22.276 Overslow . The whole place is in ruins 22.277 Oversorrow Ruined 22.278 Overspan . Was ruined by 22.279 Overspread Former owners were ruined 22.280 Overspring Present owners nearly ruined 22.281 Overstock . The undertaking has been ruined by 22.282 Overstored Will be ruined unless 22.283 Overstrain Ruinous 22.284 Overstrict . The whole place is in a most ruinous condition 22.285 Oversubtle Could only be done at a ruinous cost 22.286 Oversupply It would be ruinous to attempt to 22.287 Oversure . Rumour(s) 22.288 Overswayed There is a rumour here that 22.289 Overswell . Have not heard any rumour of it 22.290 Overswift . Have heard a rumour that 2 G 449 450 RUM No. 22,291 22,292 22,293 22,294 22,295 22,296 22,297 22,298 22,299 22,300 22,301 22,302 22,303 22,304 22,305 22,306 22,307 22,308 22,309 22,310 22,311 22,312 22,313 22,314 22,315 22,316 22,317 22,318 22,319 22,320 22,321 22,322 22,323 22,324 22,325 22,326 22,327 22,328 22,329 22,330 22,331 22,332 22,333 22,334 22,335 22,336 22,337 22,338 22,339 22,340 Code Word. Rumour(s) (continued} Overt . . Is there any truth in the rumour that Overtake . There is no truth in the rumour (that) Overtaking Run Overtempt Overthrow Overthwart Overtilt . Overtitled . Overtrade . Overtrip . Overtrust . Overturner Overtwine Overvalue . Overview . Overvote . Overvoting Overwash . Overweak . Overweigh Overwhelm Overwisely Overworked Overwrest . Overyeared Overzeal . Ovibos . . Ovicell . . Ovicular . Ovidian . Oviduct . Ovipara . Oviparous. Oviposit . Ovipositor Ovisac . . Ovoid . . Ovoidal . Ovulation . Ovulum . Owenite . Owlery . . Owleyed . Owllight . Owner . . Ownership Oxalamide Oxalate . Oxalic . . Oxalidcae . The run for the month The run for the next month A better run Not so good a run The mill has run - days After a run of - days The mill can run - days What is average run of mill We shall run the mill Run away Run up The price of shares has run down on account of (To) run down the price (To) ) run up the price Has run up to Running Running - stamps Running through Mill running well Mill running badly Running day and night Running through good ore Running through low-grade ore Mill now running on high-grade ore Mill now running on low-grade ore Mill now running on medium ore Mill now running on ore assaying Mill now running on ore from the Mill now running on selected ore We are now running through We are now running the mill on Sack(s) Ore sacks A sack sample assayed Sacks of ore shipped (weighing) Sacks of concentrates Are now shipping -- sacks, weighing Safe The workings are not safe It would not be safe to Quite safe Make everything safe Would it be safe to Workings have now been made quite safe Are they now quite safe Not safe at present Do not consider (it) them safe SAF 451 No. 22,341 22,342 22,343 22,344 22,345 22,346 22,347 22,348 22,349 22,350 22,35* 22,352 22,353 22,354 22,355 22,356 22,357 22,358 22,359 22,360 22,361 22,362 22,363 22,364 22,365 22,366 22,367 22,368 22,369 22,370 22,371 22,372 22,373 22,374 22,375 22,376 22,377 22,378 22,379 22,380 22,381 22,382 22,383 22,384 22,385 22,386 22,387 22,388 22,389 22,390 Code Word. Safe (continued) Oxaluria . It is not safe to work (it) Oxalyl . . Everything has been made safe Oxbird. . Safely Oxbiters . Cannot be safely done Oxbow . . May be safely done Oxeyed . Can be safely worked Oxfence . Cannot be safely worked Oxflies . . Arrived here safely Oxfly . . Safety Oxfoot . . The safety of the men Oxfordclay The safety of the mine Oxgang . Safety lamps Oxgoads . Safety valve of the engine Oxidates . With perfect safety Oxidating . Can be done with perfect safety Oxidation . To ensure safety Oxidizable Said Oxidizer . It was said Oxidulated It has been said by Oxlip . . Something should be said about Oxpecker . What has been said (about) Oxpith . . Sail(s) Oxreim . Expect to sail on the Oxstalls . To sail not later than Oxtongue . To sail on or before Oxycoccus Expected to sail in a few days Oxycrate . Will sail for Oxygen . Cannot sail (before) (until) Oxygenacid Sailed Oxygenator Sailed in the Oxygenize Sailed yesterday Oxygenous Sailed to-day Oxygonal . Salary Oxymel . At a salary of Oxymoron Has (have) engaged at a salary of Oxymuriate Salary of per annum At too high a salary What salary does get Oxyopia Oxyphony Oxyrrhodin Oxysalt . Oxytone . Oxytonical Oxyuris Oyez . . Oysterbed Oysterling Oysters Oysterwife Ozokerite . Ozonation On salary and commission At a salary of and commission of per [cent. Not sufficient salary It is not a sufficient salary for a good man Sale(s) Have completed the sale of The mines are for sale Have heard the mine(s) will shortly be for sale ; Have withdrawn the sale [can you do anything Have not completed sale The property is again for sale If the sale is effected 453 SAL No. Code Word. Sale(s) (continued) 22,391 Ozone . . T-f tTrf-M-i Vii*-i* r\ o rtr\f\A *-v-*ivn^ /- rn1z* -fX* ol^rMif _L1 yUUL llCdi Ul d gUULL IIlllJLC iUl bdlC lUF aUOUC 22,392 Ozonify TH* ffl ca r v 'f"prl I'TiP' ccil^ of* I'Al^rrrQTVK in A oi* ^nr*^ JLfllCUtCLL L11C otllC \Jl IdCcdlciUll 111C dL IJIlCC 22,393 Ozonifying TTnvp hpirrl nrivnfplv tint flip * minp nrp fnr J-JLclVC llCclIU. UIlvctLCiy LllctL LilC llllllCo ctJ C IUl sale. Owner(s) would take What can you do ? It is a great opportunity 22,394 Ozonometry Will be for sale shortly 2 2,395 Pabouches If you can effect a sale of 22,396 Pabular . We authorize the sale of 22,397 Pabulation HP K f* ro1f* r\f of fli {* T^T*ir*O T^OTYIf^rl J. I1C ocl-iC L/l ^^ ci L LI I.L. Ul IvxC IlcilllCvL 22,398 Pacable . What was paid for last actual sale in 22,399 Pachacamac Do you advise a sale of 22,400 Pachalic . In treaty for the sale of 22,401 Pachana . Sale under the order of the court 22,402 Pachyderm Sale of the company's property 22,403 Pachyote . Instructions for sale (of) 22,404 Pacifiable . Conditions] of sale 22,405 Pacifical . A forced sale 22,406 Pacifying . Compulsory sale under mortgage 22,407 Packages . In the event of sale taking place 22,408 Packcloth. O-"|A f\f -i *- 4- y-v*. ^ r* * --^k OdlC \)L ^^ lllLClCoL ill 22,409 Packduck . The sale produced 22,410 Packers . Sale of ores 22,411 Packetboat Sale of concentrates 22,412 Packetday Sale of granulations, etc. 22,413 Packetship Sale of machinery 22,414 Packfong . Loss on sale of 22,415 Packhorse Sale of property to company will be assured 22,416 Packice . Saleable 22,417 Packingawl Is it (are they) saleable 22,418 Packingbox Saleable at present (at) 22,419 Packload . Is (are) not saleable 22,420 Packmen . Salt 22,421 Packsaddle r vi ^fpTir*^ of '"""lit* n f" ff* Vii ^ npPTi T\Tr\Trr*r1 VVT J-jAlo LCllL-C vjl OctlL dL 1 L. lido UCCH UlvJVCU. Uv 22,422 Packsheet . A salt deposit [boreholes put down 22,423 Packthread A bed of salt 22,424 Packwares No salt in the neighbourhood 22,425 Packway . Can obtain salt easily 22,426 Pacouryava Mill stopped for want of salt 22,427 Pactolian . Supply of salt uncertain 22,428 Padalon . Good supply of salt 22,429 Paddlebeam There is salt at feet down 22,430 Paddlebox Tons of salt now on hand 22,431 Paddlecock Quantity of salt consumed 22,432 Paddled . Difficult to get salt 22,433 Paddlefish Salt is obtained from the salt-beds (of) 22,434 Paddlehole Salt is very impure 22,435 Paddlewood The salt from these beds is very good 22,436 Paddybird The salt from these beds is very impure 22,437 Padlocked Salt is very dear 22,438 Padlocking Rock salt SAL 453 No. 22,439 22,440 22,441 22,442 22,443 22,444 22,445 22,446 22,447 22,448 22,449 22,450 22,451 22,452 22,453 22,454 22,455 22,456 22,457 22,458 22,459 22,460 22,461 22,462 22,463 22,464 22,465 22,466 22,467 22,468 22,469 22,470 22,471 22,472 22,473 22,474 22,475 22,476 22,477 22,478 22,479 22,480 22,481 22,482 22,483 22,484 22,485 22,486 22,487 22,488 Code Word. Salt (continued] Padnag . The salt lakes of Padowpipe No salt anywhere nearer than Paduasoy . Salt mines Paederia . Salted Paganical . There is no doubt the mine was salted Paganish . The mine had been salted Paganize . The samples were salted Paganizing Sure the mine had not been salted Paganly . Were not the samples salted Pageantry. To prevent their (its) being salted Pageants . Take every precaution that it is not salted Pagehood. Same Pagellus . Not the same Paginal . Same as Pagination Same as reported Pagodas . At the same time Pagodite . By the same Paguma . The same people have Pagurian . From the same Paideutics Much the same as Paigle . . About the same Pailful . . Same as before Paillasse . Same quality as Painstaker On the same terms as Paintbox . Not on the same terms Painter . In the same way Pairroyal . If it is not the same Pairwise . If it is all the same to Palacecar . Is it (are they) the same (as) Palaces . In other respects, the same (as) Palaeaster Can you get the same Palaeogean It is the same which we Palaeolith . It is (they are) not the same (as) Palaeology The same, in every respect, as Palaeomys It is the same property Palaeophis It cannot be the same Palaeosaur Sample(s) Palaeozoic The samples not to hand An average sample assayed Average sample from the dump gave Impossible to sample the reserves of ore A large sample from the whole width of the vein An average sample An average sample contained no gold Send us, as a sample, about Ib. of Sold as sample Another sample assayed Samples from this assayed Palagonite Palamedea Palankas . Palapterix Palatable . Palatial . Palatinate . Palative . Palaver Palavering Paleale . Palebuck . Wait for the assays of samples Send home samples of the ore 454 SAM No. 22,489 22,490 22,491 22,492 22,493 22,494 22,495 22,496 22,497 22,498 22,499 22,500 22,501 22,502 22,503 22,504 22,505 22,506 22,507 22,508 22,509 22,510 22,511 22,512 22,513 22,514 22,515 22,516 22,517 22,518 22,519 22,520 22,521 22,522 22,523 22,524 22,525 22,526 22,527 22,528 22,529 22,530 22,531 22,532 22,533 22,534 22,535 22,536 22,537 22,538 Codeword. Sample(s) (continued] Paledead . Samples from outcrop assay [and numbered Paleeyed . Send samples with localities and position marked Palefence . Samples of the tailings Paleness . Samples of concentrates Palfrey . . Samples of the ore (from) Palicourea Samples of the pulp from Palimpsest Samples of diamond drill cores Palindrome Send samples via Palinodist Send us some samples as quickly as possible Palinody . Samples, asked for, sent Palisading Samples will be sent Palisander Sealed samples Paliurus . Send some more samples (of) Palladium . The average of samples Pallbearer. Sampled Pallholder Have been sampled Palliated . Have been sampled, and assayed Palliating . When you have sampled Palliative . Have sampled the ores, and find them Palliatory . Sanction Pallidly . You have the sanction of the board Pallidness The board will not give their sanction to Pallor . . You have my (our) sanction to Palmacite . I (we) cannot give my (our) sanction to Palmary . Without the sanction (of) Palmata . With the sanction (of) Palmately . Do you sanction Palmatifid. Sanctioned Palmbirds . The court sanctioned the Palmbutter Sanctioned the proposed Palmcats . Has not been sanctioned by Palmcolour Sandstone Palmelleae In sandstone Palmerworm Micaceous sandstone Palmettes . Sandstone formation Palmhoney Sapphire(s) Palmhouse The sapphires are found in Palmigrade With the sapphires Palming . The finest sapphires Palmipeds Sapphires are said to be found Palmisters Sapphires and rubies found Palmistry . Satisfaction Palmitic . To (for) the satisfaction of Palmkale . Can get no satisfaction from Palmoil . Give (given) great satisfaction Palm sugar To our satisfaction .Palmsunday (It) has given us the greatest satisfaction 'Palmtree . Satisfactorily Palmwine . Satisfactorily arranged Palmworms The whole thing has been satisfactorily carried out SAT 455 No. Code Word. Satisfactorily (continued] 22 >539 Palmyra . Has not turned out satisfactorily 22,540 Palpable . Satisfactory 22,541 Palpation . It would be more satisfactory if 22,542 Palpebral . Is (are) not satisfactory 22,543 Palpi . . Is (are) most satisfactory 22,544 Palpicorn . If you consider it satisfactory 22,545 Palpitate . May be considered satisfactory 22,546 Palsical . Satisfactory to both parties 22,547 Palsied . Not satisfactory to either party 22,548 Palstave . The most satisfactory arrangement 22,549 Palsy . . We cannot consider (it) satisfactory 22,55 Palsying . Not so satisfactory as we could wish 22,551 Palsywort . Satisfied 22,552 Paltock . Am (are) quite satisfied (with) 22,553 Paltrily . Am (are) not satisfied (with) 22,554 Paltriness . If you are satisfied (with) 22,555 Paludament Is (are) satisfied (with 22,556 Paludina . Is (are) not satisfied (with) 22,557 Paludinous Is (are) satisfied (with) 22,558 Palustral . Will not be satisfied (unless) 22,559 Pampas . Requirements cannot be satisfied [results 22,560 Pampascat Are not satisfied with promises ; want substantial 22,561 Pampering Hope you (they) will be satisfied that we have done 22,562 Pamphila . Satisfy [all we could 22,563 Pamphlets In order to satisfy 22,564 Panabase . We can satisfy you as to 22,565 Panacea . Saturday 22,566 Panamahat On Saturday 22,567 Pancakes . Last Saturday 22,568 Panchway . Next Saturday 22,569 Pancratian Every Saturday 22,570 Pancreas . Every other Saturday 22,571 Pancreatic Save(s) 22,572 Pandarism Could not save 22,573 Pandarized Did not save 22,574 Pandect . Will in future save 22,575 Pandemic . To save the 22,576 Panderly . Try and save 22,577 Pandowdy How much do you save (on) (by) 22,578 Panegyrics Save(s) more than 22,579 Panegyry . Save(s) as much as 22,580 Panelling . We can save 22,581 Panelsaw . Does not save as much as 22,582 Panel work Impossible to save (the) 22,583 Pangenesis Save(s) per cent. 22,584 Pangolin . Do not save more than 22,585 Panicgrass Do you save anything (by) 22,586 Paniculate Do not save anything (by) 22,587 Panicum . Saved 22,588 Panivorous A great deal can be saved by 456 SAV No. 22,589 22,590 22,591 22,592 22,593 22,594 22,595 22,596 22,597 22,598 22,599 22,600 22,601 22,602 22,603 22,604 22,605 22,606 22,607 22,608 22,609 22,610 22,611 22,612 22,613 22,614 22,615 22,616 22,617 22,618 22,619 22,620 22,621 22,622 22,623 22,624 22,625 22,626 22,627 22,628 22,629 22,630 22,631 22,632 22,633 22,634 22,635 22,636 22,637 22,638 Code Word. Panmugs . Panniered Pannierman Panningout Pannose , Saved (continued} The amount saved The value of the saved Per cent, is saved by There is nothing saved (by) How much is saved by Panomphean Saving Panophobia Saving the expense of Panoplied . Will cause a great saving Panoply . By saving the Panopticon Are saving the Panoramic Saving per cent, of Panorpa . Have not been saving the Panorpidae Saving per month Panotype . Saving the cost of Pansclavic . Not much saving in Pansies . Now saving by the new process Panslavism Effecting a great saving in Pansophy . The saving that has been effected by Panspermy Saving in tailings Pantacosm A very little saving (in) (by) Pantagamy Do not think there would be any saving (in) Pantagogue What saving is there in Pantagraph A saving of about per ounce Pantalets . Claim (s) to effect a saving in Pantaloons Will probably effect a saving of Pantamorph Saw Pantheism Saw nothing of the Pantheon . Saw everything Pantheress From what I saw Pantherine If saw Pantile . . Circular saw Pantomime Frame saw for cutting ba'ks Pantonshoe Sawmill Pantophagy There is a sawmill on the property Pantopoda We shall want a sawmill Pants . . Sawmill for cutting Panyard . Sawmill with engine Panym . . For want of a sawmill Panzoism . It would be advisable to erect a sawmill Papalists . Sawn Papalizing Sawn lumber Papally . Sawn logs Paparchy . Sawn timbers in. X in. Papaverine Say(s) Papaverous Papawtrees Papayaceae Papboat . Paperbook Paperclip . I could not say I should say that Say(s) that there is They all say that Would you say that It is difficult to say SAY 457' No. 22,639 22,640 22,641 22,642 22,643 22,644 22,645 22,646 22,647 22,648 22,649 22,650 22,651 22,652 22,653 22,654 22,655 22,656 22,657 22,658 22,659 22,660 22,661 22,662 22,663 22,664 22,665 22,666 22,667 22,668 22,669 22,670 22,671 22,672 22,673 22,674 22,675 22,676 22,677 22,678 22,679 22,680 22,681 22,682 22,683 22,684 22,685 22,686 22,687 22,688 Code Word. Say(s) (continued) Papercoal . It is impossible to say Paperday . Would say certainly that Paperfaced Say(s) that he (they) will Paperknife Say(s) that he (they) will not Papermaker Says that he Papermills If he says that he can Papermoney If he says that he cannot Paperreed Scarce Paperruler Provisions are very scarce Papershade Water is very scarce Papescent Wood is very scarce Papess . . Very scarce on account of Papilio . . Is (are) very scarce Papillated Are scarce and very dear Papillous . Becoming very scarce Papion. . Scarcely Papistic . Scarcely any to be found Papistical . Scarcely anything Papized . Scarcely time yet Papoose . Scarcely any to be found near Pappous . Scarcity Pappy . . Owing to the scarcity of Papyrean . A great scarcity of Papyrus . From the scarcity of Parabola . Scattered Parabolist . Very much scattered Paraboloid Scattered here and there Parachrose Scheme Paracresol . The scheme is to Paradisaic The scheme has been to Paradoxal . What is the scheme Paraffin . In carrying out this scheme Paragoge . What do you think of the scheme Paragram . Think favourably of the scheme Paraiba . There is a scheme on foot to Paralepsy . If the scheme is carried out Parallax . A very promising scheme Parallelly . Interested in the scheme Paralogism Scliist(s) Paralogize Talc schists Paralyse . Hornblende schists Paralysing In schists Paralytic . Schist formation Paramatta Screens Paramentos Battery screens Paramo . Battery screens Paramoudra Battery screens, No. Paramount Revolving screens Parathine . Scrip Paranut . The scrip is held by mesh (wire cloth) slot 458 SCR No. 22,689 22,690 22,691 22,692 22,693 22,694 22,695 22,696 22,697 22,698 22,699 22,700 22,701 22,702 22,703 22,704 22,705 22,706 22,707 22,708 22,709 22,710 22,711 22,712 22,713 22,714 22,715 22,716 22,717 22,718 22,719 22,720 22,721 22,722 22,723 22,724 22,725 22,726 22,727 22,728 22,729 22,730 22,731 22,732 22,733 22,734 22,735 22,736 22,737 22,738 Code Word. Scrip (continued) Paranymph By whom is the scrip held Parapegm . Scrip to be sold at your discretion' Parapeted . Scrip to be sold or held at your discretion Paraph . . Scrip must not be sold Paraphonia Scrip must be sold Paraphrase Send our scrip to Paraphysis Scrip only signed by one director Paraplegia Scrip not signed by secretary Parapodium Scrip is informal Paraquet . Scrip has been lost Parasang . Scrip has been found Parasceve . Examine scrip carefully, as many forged certificates Parasite . Scrip not endorsed [are in existence Parasitism Scrip was officially issued Parasols . What date was scrip officially issued Parastata . Bank will not advance more than against lodg-' Paratactic. Keep the scrip [ments of scrip (as follows) Parataxis . Lodge our scrip in bank against overdraft of Parathesis . Will pay in London if scrip is delivered by you to Paratomous Deliver all our scrip to Parboiled . Draw on me at sight with scrip attached Parboiling Draw on us attaching scrip Parbreaked Bank instructed to cash draft if scrip is attached Parbuckle Send scrip at once Parcelbook Sea Parceldeaf Parcelgilt . Parcelled . Parcelpoet Parcelvan Parcenary . Parceners . Parched . Parchments It takes days to get to The best way is to go by sea to The mine(s) is (are) situated - And then by sea to The sea coast A sea voyage All the way by sea The only way to get to the To the sea by sea miles from the [seaport of Pardalotus Seam(s) - mine(s) is by sea [to and then Pardon Pardonable Pardoneth Pardoning Paregmenon Paregoric . Parelcon . Parembole Parenchyma Parenetic . Search Parentage . Will search Parentally .Parenthood Parentless In seams of Seams of quartz Showing sulphuret in the seams On a thin seam On the seam Thin seams of There is a thin seam of There is a fine seam of There are some fine seams of Parergies To search for A strict search You must search for After a thorough search, found SEA 459 No. 22,739 22,740 22,741 22,742 22,743 22,744 22,745 22,746 22,747 22,748 22,749 22,750 22,751 22,752 22,753 22,754 22,755 22,756 22,757 22,758 22,759 22,760 22,761 22,762 22,763 22,764 22,765 22,766 22,767 22,768 22,769 22,770 22,771 22,772 22,773 22,774 22,775 22,776 22,777 22,778 22,779 22,780 22,781 22,782 22,783 22,784 22,785 22,786 22,787 22,788 Code Word. Parergy . Pargeter . Pargework Parhelion . Pariahs Parietal . Parietaria . Parietine . Parisblue . Parisgreen Parisred . Paritors . Parkia . . Parkkeeper Parkleaves Parleyed . Parleying . Parliament Parlours . Parmelia . Parmesan . Parnassia . Parochial . Parodical . Parodists . Parody . . Parodying Paronomasy Paronychia Paronyme . Paronymous Parotitis . Paroxysm . Paroxysmal Paroxytone Parquetage Parqueted Parquetry . Parrakeets Parral . . Parrelrope Parrhesia . Parricidal . Parrotcoal Parroted . Parrotfish . Parroting . Parseeism Parsimony Parsley Search (continued] The search was fruitless Searching Are now searching for Have been searching for the reef (or vein) Searching for the vein Season(s) Is now the season (to) Will be the season to The only season of the year when During the hot season During the hot season there is not enough water No change in the seasons Too late in the season Too early in the season The season is unfavourable for During the winter season During the winter season, the mill is shut down During the winter season, the smelting works at Second [are closed Second-class ore Second telegram Second time Second visit Secondary This is a secondary consideration Secret; Keep this quite secret A secret for the present It is kept a profound secret It is no secret here We think this should be kept quite secret Secretary Will act as secretary (to) Declines to act as secretary Who is the secretary (to) The secretary of A new secretary Appoint a secretary Appointed secretary to Without a secretary at present Have appointed as secretary Section(s) Sections of the mine A section of In this section Plan and section With plans and sections Plan received, but no section Send a section of the mine Made in sections not exceeding 460 SEC No. Codeword. Section(s) (continued) 22.789 Parsnips . Made in sections fbr mule transport 22.790 Parsonbird If made in sections, extra cost will be 22.791 Parsonic . No section must exceed in weight 22.792 Parsonish. Weight of each section 22.793 Partake . In sections 22.794 Partaking . Section of the mine, showing the 22.795 Partheniad Longitudinal section of 22.796 Parthenope Horizontal section of 22.797 Partialist . Cross section of 22.798 Partially . Vertical section of 22.799 Partibus Indicate the square on the section 22.800 Participle . Square on section marked 22.801 Particular . See square on section 22.802 Parting . The locality is marked on the section 22.803 Partisans . Have marked on the section 22.804 Partitive . Secure(s) 22.805 Partnered. Secure all you can 22.806 Partowner You must secure control 22.807 Partridge . Can you secure 22.808 Partsong . Secure all the time you can 22.809 Parturiate. Shall secure all we can 22.810 Parturions If we can secure 22.811 Partyfence Hope to secure 22.812 Partygold . Am trying to secure 22.813 Partyism . Secure it immediately 22.814 Partyjury . Cannot secure 22.815 Partyman . To secure the services of 22.816 Partywalls Cannot secure on reasonable terms 22.817 Parulis. . Am endeavouring to secure a gold property at 22.818 Parvitude . I can secure a gold property in 22.819 Parvity. . Secured 22.820 Pasch . . Can be secured if deposit of paid at once 22.821 Paschal . Has (have) secured 22.822 Paschalist. Ought to have secured 22.823 Paschegg Has (have) not secured 22.824 Pascuage . Can be secured 22.825 Pasigraphy Cannot be secured 22.826 Pasilaly . Must be well secured 22.827 Pasquil . Cannot be better secured 22.828 Pasquiller. Have secured a first-class gold property in 22.829 Pasquinade Have secured a first-class 22.830 Passages . Endeavouring to secure a first-class 22.831 Passbook . Are you secured 22.832 Passboxes. We are fully secured 22.833 Passcheck We are partially secured 22.834 Passengers Has been secured for 22.835 Passerby . Is (are) not secured 22.836 Passerine . Think we ought to be secured against ; 22.837 Passeth . Secured from further trouble 22.838 Passholder Have secured a bond upon SEC 461 No. Code Word. Secured (continued] 22,839 Passiflora . Have secured the services of 22,840 Passion Security 22,841 Passionary As a security 22,842 Passionist . It is good security for 22,843 Passivity . No security 22,844 Passkey . No security against 22,845 Passman . What security have you (that) 22,846 Passover . The only security 22,847 Passparole The security is good 22,848 Passport . *\X7*l-*rt4- cofMTri f"\r ^ *"*"* j-k-flPVkv* VV IJctL oCwLUliy C-cii-i ^^ U11CI 22,849 Passwords Offer(s) as security 22,850 Pasteboard Can give security for 22,851 Pastime . Cannot accept the security offered 22,852 Pastiming . Must have good security 22,853 Pastinaca . Want better security 22,854 Pastor . . Want first-class security 22,855 Pastoral . Cannot do it without good security 22,856 Pastorless . If no better security can be got 22,857 Pastorlike . See(s) 22,858 Pastorly . You must at once see (to) 22,859 Pastorship I (we) could not see 22,860 Pastrycook Am (are) to see 22,861 Pastrymen See about 22,862 Pasturable See about this at onre 22,863 Pasturage . QAA _ -i w-k i-v* c\ f\ i r 4- *~ 1 i T OCC ^^ 1111I11CLI IcllCl V 22,864 Patacoon . See if it is all right 22,865 Patagium . See what is wrong 22,866 Patavinity. See what you can arrange 22,867 Patchedly . If you can see your way 22,868 Patchouli . "\7V\ii *Vknr4- rt'f 1 ^\f\/-^ CP> -r^ /* v - /-vi r* 1 1 TT r\ *A /3 ft%f/Vl*TVl X U U lllLloL ctt V^llCC oCC 1 JCi oUilclll V , cilJLL ililUiIll 22,869 Patchwork See at once with regard to [him that 22,870 Patellidae . Will see to it at once 22,871 Patentable Have not been able to see 22,872 Patented . Can you see 22,873 Patenting . Do you see your way to 22,874 Paternal . Cannot see my (our) way 22,875 Paternally. You will see that 22,876 Pathetical . When you see 22,877 Pathetism . Have let him (them) see that 22,878 Pathflies . Seem(s) 22,879 Pathfly . . It seems to me (us) that 22,880 Pathnage . Seems to be giving out 22,881 Pathogeny Seems to be falling off 22,882 Pathognomy There seems to be 22,883 Pathology . This seems 22,884 Pathometry This does not seem 22,885 Pathopoeia Seem(s) uncertain whether to 22,886 Pathos . . Seen 22,887 Pathways . Have you seen 22,888 Patibulary Has (have) seen 462 SEE No. Code Word. Seen (continued} 22,889 Patient . Has (have) not seen 22,890 Patiently . Has (have) not yet seen 22,891 Patoncee . As soon as has (have) seen 22,892 Patriarch . Can be seen 22,893 Patricians . Cannot be seen 22,894 Patriot . . Is (are) said to have been seen 22,895 Patriotism. We do not think any have been seen 22,896 Patrolled . If any had been seen, we should have heard 22,897 Patrolling . Gold has been seen 22,898 Patronage . Has (have) been seen 22,899 Patroness . From what I have seen 22,900 Patronized Which has been seen 22,901 Patronymic Where it was (has been) seen 22,902 Pattemar . Has been seen in considerable quantities 22,903 Pattypan . Seize 22,904 Pauciloquy Threaten to seize 22,905 Pauhaugen Attempted to seize 22,906 Paulianist . Can seize under the judgment 22,907 Paulician . Seize the whole of 22,908 Paunchma. Seized 22,909 Paunchy . Has been seized 22,910 Pauper . . Has been seized under the judgment 22,911 Pauperism Seized by order of the court 22,912 Pauperized Seized by the Government 22,913 Pauropoda Seized by the custom-house officials 22,914 Paused. . Seized by the mortgagee 22,915 Pauxi . . Seized by the creditors \ 22,916 Pavache . Seized for the non-payment of 22,917 Pavements Will be seized if we do not 22,918 Pavesade . Cannot be seized 22,919 Paviage Any risk of being seized 22,920 Pavilions . Liable to be seized (for) 22,921 Paviors Illegally seized 22,922 Pawing The whole has been seized 22,923 Pawlbitt . Seizure 22,924 Pawlpost . The seizure was illegal 22,925 Pawnable . (To) set aside the seizure 22,926 Pawnbroker The seizure of the property 22,927 Pawnticket To avoid seizure 22,928 Paxboards Have succeeded in setting aside the seizure 22,929 Paxillose . Select 22,930 Paxwax Select a good man to 22,931 Payclerk . Will select 22,932 Paylist . . Did not select 22,933 Paymaster You could not select a better 22,934 Payoffice . Select some of the best 22,935 Payroll. . Selected 22,936 faysa . . Selected ore 22,937 Peabeetle . Selected samples 22,938 Peabugs . Has (have) selected SEL 463 No. 22,939 22,940 22,941 22,942 22,943 22,944 22,945 22,946 22,947 22,948 22,949 22,950 22,951 22,952 22,953 22,954 22,955 22,956 22,957 22,958 22,959 22,960 22,961 22,962 22,963 22,964 22,965 22,966 22,967 22,968 22,969 22,970 22,971 22,972 22,973 22,974 22,975 22,976 22,977 22,978 22,979 22,980 22,981 22,982 22,983 22,984 22,985 22,986 22,987 22,988 Code Word. Selected (continued] Peaceably . Has (have) been selected Peaceful . Was selected Peacefully . Was (were) not selected Peacemaker Had been selected Peaceparty Had not been selected Peachafers Have selected the best Peachdown Have selected some of the best Peachick . Selection Peachtree . Sell Peachwood On no account sell Peacoat . I (we) have agreed to sell Peacocked Has (have) agreed to sell Peacocking Intend(s) to sell his (their) interest in Peacrab . In order to sell the stock Peadove . Is (are) trying to sell Peafowl . It would be better to sell Peagrit . . Do not sell Peagun . Can you sell Peajacket . If you can sell Peakish . If we now sell Peamaggot If you cannot sell Peanisms . I (we) can sell Pearguage I (we) cannot sell Pearifle . Shall I (we) sell Pearl . . At what price can you sell Pearlash . At what price may I (we) sell Pearledge . You may sell at Pearlgrass. Can you sell any more Pearliness . Can you sell at a fair profit Pearlmoth . We can sell at a profit ; shall we do so Pearlplant . Do not sell until they reach Pearlsago . Can most probably sell Pearlside . Will most probably sell Pearlspar . Shall I (we) sell for your account Pearlstone Sell on my account Pearlwhite Sell when they reach Pearlwort . Sell at call best terms Pearmain . Sell the one half Pearshaped Sell the shares on our account Peartrees . Sell as much as you can at Peasantry . Telegraph if you will sell Peascod . Will probably sell better Peashell . Sell at Peashooter Sell at about Peasoup . Sell quickly Peatmoss . Sell quietly Peatsoil . Cannot sell at limit Peaty . . Do not sell any more Peaweevil . Advise you to sell out your holding Pebbled . Sell in your market to arrive at best prices 464 SEL No. 22,989 22,990 22,991 22,992 22,993 22,994 22,995 22,996 22,997 22,998 22,999 23,000 23,001 23,002 23,003 23,004 23,005 23,006 23,007 23,008 23,009 23,010 23,011 23,012 23,013 23,014 23,015 23,016 23,017 23,018 23,019 23,020 23,021 23,022 23,023 23,024 23,025 23,026 23,027 23,028 23,029 23,030 23,031 23,032 23,033 23,034 23,035 23,036 23,037 23,038 Codeword, Sell (continued) Pebrine I (we) advise you to sell Peccadillo Sell at your discretion Peccancies Sell in your market to arrive Peccant . I (we) advise you not to sell Peccantly . You had better sell ; market will decline Peccavi . Take advantage of present favourable moment to Pechurane We now sell the ore at [sell Pecopteris We now sell the concentrates (to) Pecora . . Sell quickly, prices will be lower Pectinated Sell as soon as you hear of Pectized . Sell at current price Pectizing . Sell by public auction Pectorally . Sell without reserve Pectous . Do you intend to sell Peculate . Sell to arrive Peculating Can sell more at same price Peculation Sellers Peculiar . What are sellers asking for Peculiarly . Advise sellers to register sale so as to avoid possible Pecuniary. Selling [liability Pecunious . Is (are) selling all his (their) stock Pedagogism Is (are) selling at Pedagogued Stop selling Pedagogy . Selling out Pedalbass . Do you advise selling Pedality . Keep selling Pedalnote . Who is (are) selling Pedalorgan Has (have) stopped selling Pedaneous Selling orders Pedantical Selling orders are in the way Pedanticly Send Pedantism Must send to (for the ) Pedantized Have to send the ore to Pedantry . Will send Pedatisect. If he will send Peddlery . If you will send Pederast . If you can send Pederastic Send after deciphering to Pedescript Send the fullest particulars Pedestal . When can you send Pedestrian Can you send Pedicelled Can send Pedigree . Cannot send Pediluvy . Send by telegraph Pedimane . Send to the care of Pedimanous Send bullion Pedimental Do not send Pedipalp . Do not send until (unless) Pedireme . Where am I (are we) to send Pedleress . The best way is to send SEN 465 No. Code Word. Send (continued) Will send you to-morrow Send by steamer Send by express We shall not send (until) Cannot send any at present Let us know when you intend to send Send reply to my (our) last telegram It is impossible to send Can send either to or to Send as much as you can Send at earliest opportunity Send by quickest route Send a few If you will send If you cannot send Have to send the > to Send us a competent Send as soon as possible When will they send We now send to Send now, and the balance on Send as much as you can now, the rest can follow Sending Am (are) now sending Are you sending (us) Sending all we possibly can We are now sending the ores to We are now sending the concentrates to We are now sending Sending at first opportunity Recommend sending Instead of sending to We propose sending you What are you sending Recommend sending a competent person Sent Have you sent Has (have) sent (you) Has (have) not sent Has (have) sent Will be sent To be sent to Will be sent as soon as possible Competent person must be sent Competent person is sent Sent by mail Sent particulars by letter Sent tb the care of Was (were) sent Was (were) sent without 23,039 redomancy 23,040 Pedometric 2 3>4 I Pedomotive 23,042 Pedomotors 23,043 Pedotrophy 23,044 Peduncle . 23,045 Peduncular 23,046 Peelhouse 23,047 Peeltower . 23,048 Peepbo 23,049 Peeped . 23,050 Peepholes. 23,051 Peepshow . 23,052 Peerages . 23,053 Peerdom . 23,054 Peeresses . 23,055 Peery . . 23,056 Peevish 23,057 Peevishly . 23,058 Peganum . 23,059 Pegasean . 23,060 Peggingawl 23,061 Pegmatite . ! 23,062 Pegtankard 23,063 Pegtops . 23,064 Peirameter 23,065 Pejorative . 23,066 Pelagic 23,067 Pelagosaur 23,068 Pelecanus . 23,069 Pelecoids , 23,070 Pelf. . . 23,071 Pelioma . 23,072 Pellagrins . 23,073 Pellicles . 23,074 Pellmell . ! 23,075 Pellucid . 23,076 Pellucidly , 23,077 Peloconite 23,078 Pelorism . 23,079 Peltate . . 23,080 Peltately , 23,081 Pelted . . 23,082 Peltiform . 23,083 Peltmonger 23,084 Peltocaris . 23,085 Peltrot . . 23,086 Peltryware 23,087 Peltwool . 23,088 Pelvic . . 466 SEN No. 23,089 23,090 23,091 23,092 23,093 23,094 23,095 23,096 23,097 23,098 23,099 23,100 23,101 23,102 23,103 23,104 23,105 23,106 23,107 23,108 23,109 23,110 23,111 23,112 23>"3 23,114 23,H5 23,116 23,117 23,118 23,119 23,120 23,121 23,122 23,123 23,124 23^ 2 5 23,126 23,127 23,128 23,129 23,130 23,131 23,132 23,133 Code Word. Sent (continued) Pelvimeter Must be sent to arrive not later than Pemmican Must be sent without fail Pemphigus All goods to be sent via Penally . Machinery to be sent vi Penalogist If you have not yet sent Penalties . If they have not yet been sent Penannular Why have you not sent Pencilling . When will they be sent Pencils . Separate Pencraft . Keep the two reports separate Pencutter . Must be kept separate Pendentive It is very difficult to separate Pending . Can you separate Pendragon Cannot separate Pendule , Are keeping them separate Pendulous Do you wish them to be kept separate Pendulum, Separated Penelope . Easily separated Penetrable Separated with difficulty Penetrancy Could not be separated Penetrated Separated sects classes Penfish . Separation Penguinery The separation of the ores Penguins . Serious Penholder A serious outbreak has occurred Penible . A serious outbreak is feared Peninsula . Has caused serious damage Penitency . Nothing serious Penitent . Likely to prove serious Penknife , Is it serious Penman . Is (are) in a very serious condition Penmanship Serious disturbances here in consequence of Pennached More serious than at first anticipated Pennatula . Less serious than at first anticipated Penniless . Not of a very serious character Pennoncel The matter is serious, and requires careful handlin: Pennons . The consequences may be serious Pennycress Serpentine Pennydog . In serpentine rock Pennygaff . Serve Pennyroyal Will serve Pennywise It will serve to Pennyworth It will serve as a warning Penock . Will serve us faithfully Pensility . Will not serve Pension . Will serve our purpose Pensionary It will not serve our interests 23.136 -Pensive . Served 23.137 Pensively. Served our purpose 23.138 Penslides . Served us faithfully $ SER 467 No. 23,139 23,140 23,141 23,H2 23,143 23,144 23,145 23,146 23,147 23/148 23,*49 23,150 23, J 5i 23,152 23,153 Pentastich Code Word. Served (continued] Penstocks . Have been served with a writ Pentachord Service (s) Pentacles . Will be of no service Pentadesma Is of no service Pentafid . Will be of great service Pentaglot . To accept service Pentagonal Agent to accept service Pentamera Must appoint an agent to accept service Pentamyron Is of great service Pentander . No longer in the service of the company Pentandria In the service of Pentapody For service rendered Pentaptote What do you consider value of service rendered Pentaptych Consider value of service rendered to be Pentarchy. Serviceable Pentaspast Can be made serviceable Cannot be made serviceable Can it be made serviceable It is quite serviceable More serviceable Is not serviceable t Has set in Winter has set in Has not yet set in To be set aside Will be set aside Have set aside A set of A complete set of Is set up Will be set up Cannot be set up Settle To settle To settle the matter Can you settle (the) Shall I (we) settle on these terms Try and settle the matter amicably Cannot settle Will settle Will not settle Hope to settle Settle the matter, if possible, without going to law Settled Is it settled Get it settled It is settled Not yet settled Has been settled 23,156 Pentastyle Pentateuch 23,158 Pentecost . Pentelican 23,160 Penthouses ! 23,161 Pentremite 23,162 Pentroof . 23,163 Pentrough 23,164 Penult . . 23,165 Penultima . 23,166 Penumbral 23,167 Penwiper . 23,168 Penwoman 23,169 Peonage . 23,170 People . . 23,171 Peopling . 23,172 Pepper. . { Pepperbox 23,174 Peppercake 23,175 Peppercorn 23,176 Peppermint 23, X 77 Peppermoth 23,178 Peppernel . 23^79 Peppertree 23,180 Pepsine . 23,181 Peptics . 23,182 Peracted . 23^83 Peracting . ! 23,184 Peracute . 23,185 Peragrated 23,186 Perceive . 23,187 Perceiving 23,188 Percentage 468 SET No. Code Word. Settled (continued] 23,189 Percept . Has not been settled 23,190 Perceptive Getting more settled 23,191 Perch . . Has (have) settled to 23,192 Perchance Have you settled 23,193 Perchloric Have you settled the contract 23> I 94 Percidae . As soon as it is settled 23,195 Percipient Telegraph what has been settled about 23,196 Percolated Must have it all settled before 23^97 Perculaced It was settled before I left (that) 23,198 Percurrent Must have everything settled 23^99 Percuss The dispute will have to be settled by 23,200 Percussing No prospect of being settled 23,201 Perdifoil . Cannot be settled as long as 23,202 Perdition . Will not be settled until 23,203 Perdix . . The matter can be at once settled (if) 23,204 Perdurance When once the matter is settled 23,205 Peregrine . Have settled the terms upon which 23,206 Perempt . Has been satisfactorily settled 23,207 Peremption Do not think it can be settled without 23,208 Peremptory It will have to be settled 23,209 Perendure Settlement 23,210 Perennity . A settlement of affairs 23,211 Perfect . . As soon as a settlement has been arranged 23,212 Perfecting . No settlement 23,213 Perfection . The settlement of 23,214 Perfectly . Unless settlement be made by 23,215 Perfervid . No prospect of a settlement 23,216 Perfidious . In settlement of claim 23,217 Perfidy . Have made a settlement with 23,218 Perflable . Have you made any settlement with 23,219 Perflating . Do not make any settlement without 23,220 Perfoliate . Several 23,221 Perforator . It will be several days before 23,222 Perforce . It will take several weeks 23,223 Perforcing In several places 23,224 Perfricate . From several people 23,225 Perfumed . Shaft(s). (See also Sink.) 23,226 Perfuming CM-io/V V\ f\ r* Tm.n r\\^ f^.A n x^/-T-*4-Vv s^F /"yv/^4" OUdlL lldb ICddlcLL a. UcpLll Ul ICCL 23,227 Pergola Shaft is repaired 23,228 Pergunnah Shaft is being repaired 23,229 Perhaps . Shaft is timbered, station opened 23,230 Periagua . Main shaft is down 23,231 Perianth . The first thing is to sink a vertical shaft 23,232 Periastral . The shaft has been sunk feet 23,233 Peribolos . Has been prospected by a shaft, to the depth of 23,234 Pericardia . Tn thr "Tin ft f fppf -111 Ll 1C oIlcliL ICCL 23,235 Perichete . From the shaft 23,236 Periclase . Connections must be made to the shaft 23,237 Periclinal . The vein has been extensively worked by shafts 23,238 Pericope . At the bottom of the shaft SHA 409 No. Code Word. Shaft(s) (continued} 23,239 Periderm . Has (have) seen all the shafts free of water 23,240 Peridiolum In the bottom of the deepest shaft 23,241 Peridrome Lack of funds compelled stopping the shaft at 23,242 Perigean . ' 1 'k f^ *-,l^{V rvmc'f- Vv rt x>x^-ft~4-i--k*i r^f\ ^ -^ ^4-1% r^-* -f^/^4- 1 lie bllcUL IllUbL DC CUIILHIUCQ cUlUUlCI J.CCI 23,243 Perigonium There are shafts on the mine 23,244 Perigord . T'hpiv irf ^Hift^ '"iinlr nn thf vfin virvinr r iri J.11CJLC ctl C ^^ ollctlLo DLHiiv \J\.\ 111C VClllj Vdij'lll^ ill 23^45 Perigynous f\\ A r* J*i iff* PH ^r^Vi fVr^TTi . ^ppf* tr\ . fppt" wld olld.lt IClCpLll liUlll 1CCL LvJ 1CCU 23,246 Perihelium New shaft 23247 Perilled . New shaft will be sunk 23,248 Perilous . Shaft has cut the vein 23,249 Perilously . In the main shaft 23,250 Perilymph Sinking shaft 23,251 Perimorph Inclined shaft 23,252 Period . . Shaft(s) full of water 23,253 Periodic . Shaft(s) free of water 23,254 Periodical . The shaft is on the incline of the vein 23,255 Periosteal . The shaft is sunk at an angle of 23,25 6 Peripetia . The shaft is perpendicular 23,257 Peripheral To connect with the shaft 23,258 Periphery . Shall 23,259 Periplast . Shall I (we) 23,260 Periploca . When shall you 23,261 Peripteros I (we) shall not 23,262 Peripyrist . What shall I (we) do 23,263 Perisarc . Think we shall 23,264 Periscopic . Do not think we shall 23,265 Perisheth . They shall not 23,266 Perisperm . We shall be able to 23,267 Peristyles . Shall not be able to 23,268 Peritropal . Let us know if we shall 23,269 Periwig Shall we go on with 23,270 Periwigged Share (s) 23,271 Periwinkle To share 23,272 Perjenete . Not to share 23,273 Perjurious No demand for the shares 23,274 Perjury Great demand for the shares 23,275 Perkinism . Provided the shares are pooled 23,276 Perky . . How many shares stand in the name of 23,277 Permanable Shares stand in the name of 23,278 Permanency No shares stand in the name of 23,279 Permanent The shares are being largely dealt in 23,280 Permeably The greater portion of the shares 23,281 Permeated The greater portion of the shares are held by 23,282 Permiss . Have disposed of shares at per share 23,283 Permitting All shares taken up 23,284 Permixtion Per share 23,285 Permutably Who has (have) the largest share in the mine 23,286 Pernicity . Buy shares of 23,287 Perorate . Shares taken up 23,288 Perorating Please buy following shares immediately 470 SHA 23,293 23,294 23,296 23,297 23,298 23,299 23,300 23,301 23,302 23,303 No. Code Word. Share (s) (continued] 23.289 Peroration I am (we are) not open to take shares in the 23.290 Peroxidize Shares appropriated to you in the mine 23.291 Perpend . Shall I (we) apply for shares for your account (in mine) ? If so, please telegraph instructions 23.292 Perpetrate Please apply for shares in the mine on my (our) account [account Perpetual . I (we) have obtained shares in for your Perpetuity I (we) have obtained shares of Perplex . I (we) have not been able to get any shares Perplexeth How many shares have you obtained Perplexing How many shares have you got rid of Perplexly . What is the present buying price per share Perquisite . What is the present selling price per share Perruquier Present buying price per share is Persecute . Present selling price per share is Perseides . Shares are at premium Persevered Shares are at discount Persicaria . Shares are at par Persiflage . Sell my (our) shares (in ) Persifleur . Do not part on any account with shares Persimmon Do not part with shares under Persist . . Do not buy shares above Persistent . Please sell following shares immediately Persistive . Get rid of shares at present market prices Persolved . Get rid of shares at any price Persolving Have sold - shares Personal . Cannot sell shares Personally You have done well to sell the shares Personator Transfer shares to Personify . Transfer all shares to Perspicacy A call of per share has been made Perspicil . Please pay the call on my (our) shares Perspirate . To receive shares Perspiring . Shares as part payment Perstringe . Total share capital of company will be Persuade . Shares have been allotted to you Persuading Shares allotted to Persuasive Hold shares to my order Persuasory Register shares at once in our name Pertaining Register shares at once in name of Perthite . How many shares is on the register for Pertinacy . Shares eagerly sought after here Pertingent Shares not obtainable here Pertness . Shares obtainable here at par Perturb . Shares obtainable here at \ premium Perturbate Shares obtainable here at \ premium Perturbing Shares obtainable here at f premium Peruked . Shares obtainable here at \ premium Perusal . Shares obtainable here at f premium Perusing . Shares obtainable here at f premium 23,305 23,306 23,307 23,308 23,309 23,310 23,311 23,312 23,313 23,314 23,315 23,316 23,317 23,3^ 23,319 23,320 23,321 23,322 23,323 23,324 23,325 23,326 23,327 23,328 23,329 23,330 23,33i 23,332 23,333 23,334 23,335 23,336 SHA No. Code Word. Share(s) (continued) 23.337 Pervaded , Shares obtainable here at f premium 23,338 Pervasion , Shares quoted under par 2 3'339 Perverse , Shares not obtainable at all 23,34o Perversely , No market for shares here 23,34i Perversive Better buy them, as they are certain to rise 23,342 Perverted . Shall I buy shares 23,343 Perverting 9h-il1 T ~rll ~}nrr~ Oil till J. bCll ^^ ollcllCo 23,344 Pervially , "Von r**rn Vmv Qnor^Mi i U U Cu.ll U LL V ollcllCb 23,345 Pervious . You can sell - shares; 23,346 Peschito . Shares falling rapidly 23,347 Peskilly . Shares likely to fall 23,348 Pessary Has (have) sold shares and flooded market 23,349 Pessimists . Has bought . - shares 23,350 Pessimize . The certificates of ( ) shares wiU be ready on 23,351 Pessomancy What are shares worth 23,35 2 Pestering , Shares are worth 23,353 Pesterous , No shares sold for some time, do not know 23,354 Pestiduct , Do not part with shares [value 23,355 Pestilence , Have you any shares in [both in London and 23,356 Pestled , Make arrangements that shares can be transferred 23,357 Petal . , The share list opens 23,358 Petaliform The share list closes 23,359 Petalism , Arranged that shares can be transferred both in 23,360 Petaloid , AVhen does the share list open [London andl 2 3,36t Petardier . When shall we close the share list 23,362 Petasites . Close your share list 23,363 Petaurist , Only allot shares 23,364 Petechial . Shares only allotted 23,365 Peterboat . Provisional certificates have been issued for shares 23,366 Peterpence Share certificates 23,367 Petiolary . How many shares can you dispose of, and at what 23,368 Petioled . Sell shares at any price, and wire result [price 23,369 Petiolule . Shillings per share 23,370 Petitioned Dollars per share 23,371 Petitory . What price did the shares realize, and how many 23,372 Petiveria . I can buy shares in the [did you sell 23,373 Petong . . Get the brokers to cable to London for shares, as 23,374 Petrean . Allotted shares [this will benefit us 23,375 Petrescent We have only got applications from the public for 23,376 Petroleum CK-l***r T-riTr* V\^k^k*- f\ t-vi-vl-i r^A -V^- 1 r* U s-t**^r QiictibS ncivc ut.cn .ppncQ lur - biuiicb 23,377 Petromyzon Shares remain unapplied for 23,378 Petronel , Shares were overapplied for 23,379 Petrosilex . Subdivision of the shares 23,380 Pettichaps Shareholders will be entitled to - ~ new share(s) for 23,381 Petticoat The new shares will rank [one old share 23,382 Pettifog , The new shares will rank for dividend part passu 23,383 Pettish . , Ordinary shares of > each [with the old shares 23,384 Pettishly . T} f/ieM"^T-H-* rV* 01-^0 --n-\V yQ--*4- r^f ^rty-l- jr iciciciicc aiidrcb, ~ per ccuu, m cdcn 23,385 Pettitoes , Conducted altogether for share-gambling purposes, with no regard to the future 472 SHA No. Code Word. Share(s) (continued) 23.386 Pettyrice . The present low price of the shares is owing to market speculation, without any reference to their 23.387 Petty whin . Founder's shares [intrinsic value 23.388 Petulancy . Please give permission by wire to buy on my own account shares in [shares in 23.389 Petulant . You have permission to buy on your own account 23.390 Petulcity . You have not permission to buy on your own account shares in Large demand has set in for shares Shares are likely to be dearer Large transactions to-day in shares Small parcels to-day in shares Procure shares paid up, ex div. Procure shares paid up, cum div. Procure shares paid up, ex rights Procure shares paid up, cum rights Advise buyers buy (shares) cum all rights Advise buyers buy (shares) only old issue Advise buyers buy (shares) only new issue Shares fully paid up, and company registered with The new issue of shares [limited liability Shares fully paid up ; company not yet registered Shares only paid up, but registered Shares only paid up, but not yet registered Do you advise buying shares Do you advise a sale of shares What are buyers offering for shares Shares are expected to move (good authority) Thoroughly good ; shares are worth Buy on my (our) account shares Buy on my (our) account shares at , my Expected fall in shares [extreme limit Buy shares in your market at best price, and draw through bank, attaching certificates Do not advise sale of shares Do not advise buying shares What are buyers offering for shares Hold the shares or sell at your discretion Buy shares at , and I (we) will take a 23,39! Petulcous . 23,392 Petunia . 23,393 Petuntze . 23,394 Petzite . . 23,395 Peucedanin 23,396 Pewfellow . 23,397 Pewit . . 23,39 8 Pewitgull . 23,399 Pewopener 23,400 Pewterers . 23,401 Pewtery . 23,402 Peytrel . . 23,403 Peziza . . 23,404 Pezizoid . 23,405 Pezophaps 23,406 Phacochere 23,407 Phacoid . 23,408 Phacops . 23,409 Phaeton . 23,410 Phagedena 23,411 Phalaena . 23,412 Phalangium 23,413 Phalanxes 23,414 Phalaris 23,415 Phalarope . 23,416 Phallic. . 23,417 Phanerogam 23,418 Phansigar . 23,419 Phantasm . 23,420 Phantasmal 23,421 23,422 23,423 23,424 23,425 23,426 23,427 23,428 23,429 Phantastry Phantoms . Pharbitis . Pharisaism Pharisean . Pharmacist Pharmacon Pharmacy . Pharology . Pharyngeal interest in the venture Shares must not be sold without our authority Have bought on your account shares in at Strongly recommend you to buy shares Suggest you buying for your own profit and risk The price of shares was here The price of shares was at days The price of shares was to arrive The price of shares was to arrive in Can you secure for me shares at limit Can secure you shares at price named SHA 473 No. Code Word. Share(s) (continued] 23.431 Pharynx . Buy for me and hold for a rise shares 23.432 Phasma . Suggest your buying joint risk and profit shares 23.433 Phasmidae Will you join us (risk and profit being divided) in 23.434 Phatagin . New shares for one old share [ shares 23.435 Pheasant . The shares not being delivered as per broker's note, I have refused to accept them We have declined to accept the shares because Hold the shares pending further instructions Send the shares here, drawing for the amount Is putting on screw and forcing shares into market Errors in numbers on share scrip (or certificates) Disquieting rumours here re , shares likely to fall Shares have fallen in sympathy with Shares have not been delivered Shares were not delivered till Decline(s) to accept shares Decline(s) to deliver shares Shares have been lodged in bank against overdraft Cannot get more than for ( shares) Take over from the following share for me (us) Sell at once for us shares, and apply sum Shareholder(s) [realized to payment of One of the largest shareholders in A shareholder in The shareholders in One of the largest shareholders Is (are) not shareholders in Shareholders are getting anxious Meeting of shareholders Meeting of shareholders will be held A meeting of the largest shareholders The English shareholders The colonial shareholders The American shareholders The foreign shareholders Some of the principal shareholders A committee of shareholders At a conference with some of the principal share- List of shareholders [holders it was decided A list of shareholders will be sent Mu-st have a list of shareholders Mail us copy of list of registered shareholders Is on register as a shareholder Shareholders are demanding a committee of inquiry Shareholders will not agree to The shareholders are very despondent The shareholders are very angry The shareholders are very cheerful Ship Will ship 23,436 Pheesy . 23,437 Phenakism 23,438 Phengite . 23,439 Phenicine . 23,440, Phenicious Phenogamia 23,442 Phenomenal 23,443 Phenylia . 23,444 Phial . . 23,445 Phialled . 23,446 Phialling . 23,447 Phigalian . 23,448 Philander . 23,449 Philately . 23,450 Philautie . Philippic . J 23^452 Phillipsia . 23*453 Phillyrea . 23*454 Philogyny . 23*455 Philologue 23,456 Philomath 23,457 Philomela . 23,458 Philosophy 23,459 Phiz . . 23,460 Phlebitis . 23,461 Phlebolite . 23,462 Phlebology 23*463 Phlegm . 23,464 Phlegmatic 23*465 Phlegmon . 23,466 Phloeum . 23,467 Phlogiston 23,468 Phlogotic . 23,469 Phlomis . 23,470 Phlorizin . Phlox . . 23,472 Phlyctena . 23*473 Phoca . . 23*474 Phocacean 23;475 Phocidae . 23,476 Phoenix . 23,477 Pholadite . 23,478 Pholadomya 23,479 Phonation 474 SHI No. Code Word. Ship (continued} 23,480 Phonetical Will not ship 23,481 Phonics . What quantity of bullion can you ship 23,482 Phonogram At what rate can you ship 23,483 Phonograph Can you ship 23,484 Phonolites How much shall you ship 23,485 Phonometer If you can ship 23,486 Phonoscope If you cannot ship 23,487 Phonotype Ship all you can 23,488 Phormium Have not been able to ship bullion 23,489 Phoronomy Will have to ship the ore to 23,490 Phosgene . Shall not be able to ship more 23,491 Phosphide Shipment(s) 23,492 Phosphor . Expedite the shipment 23,493 Phosphoric Next shipment about the 23,494 Phosphuret Can make no shipment till the 23,495 Photizite . For the shipment 23,496 Photo . . Now ready for shipment 23,497 Photogenic Now in course of shipment 23,498 Photologic Shipment of ores 23,499 Photophony Shipment of high-grade ores 23,500 Photopsy . Shipment of concentrates 23,501 Phragma . Shipment to smelters 23,502 Phragmites Statement of all shipments 2 3>53 Phrasebook Shipment per first steamer 2 3>54 Phrased . Shipment has been delayed by 23,505 Phraseless In future shipments 23,506 Phraseman Shipped 2 3>57 Phrasing . There have been shipped [month 23,508 Phrenesiac There have been shipped for the first half of the 23,509 Phrensy . There have been shipped for the latter half of the 23,510 Phryganea There have been shipped for the month [month 23,511 Phrygian . In addition to what has been shipped 23,512 Phthisic . How much ore have you shipped 23,513 Phthisical. Tonnage and value of all ore shipped 23,514 Phthisicky. There have been shipped tons of ore, of an 23,515 PhycomaterShipping [estimated value of 23,516 Phylacter . Shipping instructions 23,517 Phylarchy. Telegraph shipping instructions 23,518 Phyletic . Shipping dues and charges 23,519 Phyllary . We are now shipping 23,520 Phyllised . Shoot. (See Chute.) 23,521 Phyllising . Ore shoot in mine 23,522 Phyllocyst Ore shoot to mill 23,523 Phyllodium The old ore shoot 23,524 Phyllogen . The new ore shoot 23,525 Phylloid . The ore is sent down a shoot 23,526 Phyllopod. Timber shoot 23,527 Phyllotaxy Had to make a new shoot 23,528 Phylloxera Utilke(d) the shoot 23,529 Phyllula . Shore SHO 475 No. Code Word. Shore (continued) 2 3>53 Phyma. . Has gone on shore 23,531 Physalite . On shore off ; cargo lost 2 3>53 2 Physconia . Is reported on shore 2 3>533 Physeter . Run on shore 23,534 Physic. . Short 2 3>535 Physical . Cannot complete in so short a time 2 3^536 Physically . The time is too short 2 3>537 Physicians Cannot be done in so short a time 23,538 Physicist . Will be short of 2 3>539 Physicmits Short of money 23.540 Physiology We are running short of 23.541 Physique . Has (have) been selling short 23.542 Physnomy Several have been selling short 2 3543 Phyteuma. If you run short of 23,544 Phytochimy If you are short of money 2 3545 Phytochlor Shortly 23.546 Phytocrene Will shortly be 23.547 Phytolacca Shortly after 23.548 Phytophagy Shortly before 23.549 Phytozoons Will shortly have 23.550 Piacular . If it cannot be done shortly 23.551 Piaculous . Should 23.552 Pianette . Should be 23.553 Pianists . Should not be 23.554 Pianoforte Should have been 23.555 Pianograph Should not have been 23.556 Pianos . . Should have done so (but) 23.557 Piassava . Should not have done so (but) 23.558 Piazzian . If you should 23.559 Pibcorn . If you should not be able 23.560 Pibroch . If I (we) should 23.561 Picamar . If I (we) should not 23.562 Picaninny . Should be done at once 23.563 Picaroons . Should it 23.564 Picayune . Should it not 23.565 Piccolo . Should it not be 23.566 Pickaback Should it not have been 23.567 Pickaxe . It should (be) 23.568 Pickerbend It should not 23.569 Pickerels . It should not be 23.570 Pickeridge Unless we should 23.571 Pickery . Unless you should 23.572 Picklings . Unless (he) they should 23.573 Picklock . We should not have 23.574 Pickmeup. When should 23.575 Pickpocket Which should 2 3j576 Pickpurse . Which should not 23.577 Pickthank. Why should 23.578 Picktooth . Why should we 2 3>579 Pickwick . Why should we not 476 SHO No. Code Word. Should (continued) 23,580 Picnicked . Why should you 23,581 Picnicking Why should you not 23,582 Picraena . Why should, he (they) 23,583 Picris . . Why should he (they) not 23,584 Picromel . You should 23,585 Picrophyll You should not 23,586 Picrosmine You should have 23,587 Picrotoxin You should not have 23,588 Pictorial . But if not, you should 23,589 Pictoric . But if not, it should 23,590 Picturable If so, it should be 23,59! Picture . . If so, you should 23,592 Picturerod Show(s) 23,593 Picturized . You can show 23,594 Piecegoods Do not show 23,595 Piecely . . Shall I (we) show 23,596 Piecemeal . Could show 23^597 Piecework Could not show 23,598 Piedness* . To be able to show 23,599 Pieman Cannot show 23,600 Pieplant . Did not show 23,601 Piepowder This will show you 23,602 Pierceth . Who will show you 23,603 Piercing . Who will show me 23,604 Piercingly . If will not show 23,605 Pierglass . Show him (them) my letter of 23,606 Pierian Show this to 23,607 Pierides . This does not show 23,608 Piertable . Would show 23,609 Pietistic . There is a good show of 23,610 Pigacia The accounts show 23,611 Pigeonhole If we can show 23,612 Pigeonpea. If we can show a profit 23,613 Pigeonry . Shows a profit of 23,614 Pigeonwood Shows a loss of 23,615 Piggeries . Shows a balance of 23,616 Pigheaded Showed 23,617 Pigiron. . Which showed at once 23,618 Pigmentary This showed 23,619 Pigmentous Showing 23,620 Pigmy . . Showing plainly that 23,621 Pignerate . Showing traces of 23,622 Pignuts Showing signs of 23,623 Pigpens . Showing some improvement 23,624 Pigskin Not showing such good 23,625 Pigweed . Upon his (their) showing 23,626 Pigwidgin . Shut 23,627 Pikedevant Shut down 23,628 Pikestaff . Shut down for repairs 23,629 Pilastered . Shut down days for repairs SHU 477 No. Code Word. Shut (continued} 23.630 Pilaws. . Shut down on account of bad weather 23.631 Pilchard . Shut down days on account of bad weather 23.632 Pilcrow . The mine has been shut down (since) 23.633 Pilecap . It is reported you have had to shut down 23.634 Pilecarpet . Shall be compelled to shut down 23.635 Pileclamps Have shut down the mill 23.636 Piledriver . Must shut down if we cannot 23.637 Pilehoop . Shut up 23.638 Pileiform . Everything shut up 23.639 Pilentum . Will have to shut up 23.640 Pileopsis . Sick 23.641 Pileorhiza. The men are sick from 23.642 Pileplank . Constantly sick 23.643 Pileshoe . Is sick, and unable to attend to business 23.644 Pile wort . Is sick, and returns to 23.645 Pilfer . . Is sick, and wishes to return 23.646 Pilfering . Is sick with 23.647 Pilgarlick . Sick leave granted 23.648 Pilgrim . Am sick, and must return 23.649 Pilgrimage Sickness 23.650 Pilidia . . There is at present much sickness 23.651 Piliferous . Owing to the prevailing sickness we have a diffi- 23.652 Pillaged . Side(s) . [culty in getting labour 23.653 Pillaging . On the side 23.654 Pillarbox . On the side 23.655 Pillarist . From the side 23.656 Pillbeetle . By the side 23.657 Pillboxes . At the side 23.658 Pillez . . From one side 23.659 Pillorized . From the other side 23.660 Pillory . . On which side 23.661 Pillorying . On both sides 23.662 Pillowbear Sight 23.663 Pillowlace . There is no ore in sight 23.664 Pillowslip . What quantity of ore is there in sight 23.665 Pilltile . . Estimated amount of ore in sight 23.666 Pilose . . In sight 23.667 Pilotage . Not in sight 23.668 Pilotbird . There is very little ore in sight 23.669 Pilotboats . Draw at days' sight 23.670 Pilotcloth . Do not draw at sight 23.671 Pilotfish . Have drawn at days' sight 23.672 Pilotjack . There are now tons of ore in sight 23.673 Pilotstar . Tons of ore blocked out and in sight 23.674 Pilula . . Bill at days' sight 23.675 Pilularia . Do not lose sight of 23.676 Pilulous . Have not lost sight of 23.677 Pilumnus . Will not lose sight of 23.678 Pimelite . Lost sight of 23.679 Pimelodus Now in sight between the SIG No. 23,680 23,68 i 23,682 23,683 23,684 23,685 23,686 23,687 23,688 23,689 23,690 23,691 23,692 23)^93 23,694 23,695 23,696 23,697 23,698 23,699 23,700 23,7 01 23,702 23,7 3 23,704 23,705 23,706 23,707 23,708 23,709 23>7 10 23,7H 23,712 23,713 23,714 23,715 23,716 23,717 23,7 l8 23,719 23,720 23,721 23,722 23,723 23,724 23,725 23,726 23,727 23,728 23,729 Code Word. Pimenta . Sign Pimgenet . To sign Pimpernels Not to sign Pimplike . Will sign Pimply. . Will not sign Pimpship . Shall I (we) sign Pinacloth . Do not sign Pinafore . Do not sign any contract without Pinax . . Do not sign any agreement Pinbouke . Before you sign any agreement Pinbuttock To sign the agreement Pincase . Before sign(s) the agreement Pinchbeck Will not sign the contract without Pinchfist . If you sign Pinchgut . Sign nothing Pinchingly Signature (s) Pinchpenny Ready for signature Pincushion Signature must be certified by Pinda . Requires signature Pindaric . Sending deed for your signature Pindarical. Signature guaranteed Pindjajap . Signature notarially attested Pindrill . Signed Pindrop . Was signed Pindust . Was not signed Pineapple . Has the agreement been signed Pineasters . The agreement was (has been) signed and sealed Pinebarren Could not be signed on account of Pinebeetle Will be signed Pinechafer Will not be signed Pineclad . Has been signed Pinefmch . Has not been signed Pineful . Have signed and returned Pineknot . Nothing has been signed Pinemarten Has (have) not yet signed the Pinemast . When you have signed Pineoil . Unless signed before Pinestove . Not signed by Pinetree . Significant Pinfeather. It is very significant Pinguefied Signified Pinguefy . Have signified intention Pinguicula Have you signified Pinguitude Have they signified Pinholes . Have not signified Pinioned . Signify Pinionists . It does not signify Pinionwire Signing Pinites . . Before signing Pinkeyed . Before signing the contract SIG 479 No. 23,730 23,731 23,732 23,733 23,734 23,735 23,736 23,737 23,738 23,739 23,740 23,741 23,742 23,743 23,744 23,745 23,746 23,747 23,748 23,749 23,75 23,75! 23,752 23,753 23,754 23,755 23,756 23,757 23,758 23,759 23,760 23,761 23,762 23,763 23,764 23,765 23,766 23,767 23,768 23,769 23,770 23,771 23,772 23,773 23,774 23,775 23,776 23,777 23,778 23,779 Code Word. Signing (continued) Pinkneedle Before signing the agreement Pinkroot . After signing Pinkstern . Immediately upon signing Pinmakers Silver Pinmoney Chloride of silver Pinnacling Native silver Pinnated . Ruby silver Pinnatiped Horn silver Pinniform . Sulphide of silver Pinnigrada The silver is found in Pinnipedia Pockets of silver ore Pinnothere Almost pure silver Pinpoint . Assays give - ozs. of silver per ton Pinrack . Rich deposits of silver Pintails . Samples show immensely rich in silver Pintle . . Samples show but little silver Pintpots . A vein of silver ore Pinworm , There is no vein, the silver being all in pockets Pioneering Consisting of rich deposits of silver ore in the lime- Pioneers . A silver mine in [stone Piophila . The silver occurs in galena Piosoca . The silver occurs in carbonate of lead Piously . (At) the standard price of silver Pipecase . At i dollar 290. per oz for silver Pipefish , (At) the present price of silver Pipelayer , At per oz, for silver Pipelaying The market price of silver is now Pipemouth Silver has advanced per oz. Piperaceae Silver has fallen per oz. Piperic . . Silver is advancing Piperidge . Silver is falling Piperolls . Richer in silver than gold Pipestaple . Not so rich in silver Pipestick , The loss of silver Pipestone , The loss of silver is considerable Pipewine . We estimate the loss of silver at Pipingcrow Similar Pipings . Similar in appearance Pipistrel . Not similar to Pippinface Is it similar to Pipra . . In a similar manner Pipridae . In a similar case Piquancy . Very similar to Piquant . Simplest Pique . . The simplest way (would be) Piquework Simplify Piquing . In order to simplify matters Piracy . . It would tend to simplify Piramidig . This will simplify Pirate . . Will this simplify 480 SIM No. Code Word. Simplify (continued) 23.780 Piratical . It would simplify matters, if 23.781 Pirating . Simplify the method 23.782 Piraya . . Simplify the proceedings 23.783 Pirouetted Simplifying 23.784 Piscation . By simplifying the accounts 23.785 Piscatory . By simplifying the process 23.786 Piscidia . Simultaneously (with) 23.787 Piscinal . Since 23.788 Pismire . Since I (we) 23.789 Pisolite . Since it has (he has) 23.790 Pisophalt . Since it is 23.791 Pisselaeum Since you 23.792 Pistachio . Since you wrote 23.793 Pistazite . Since we last heard 23.794 Pistiaceae. Since we last wrote 23.795 Pistillary . Since we telegraphed 23.796 Pistolade . Since we have 23.797 Pistolling . Since the date of 23.798 Pistols . . . Since when 23.799 Pistonrod . Since sending 23.800 Pisum . . Since then 23.801 Pitapat. . Since the receipt of 23.802 Pitchblack But since 23.803 Pitchchain But since you have 23.804 Pitchfield . (It is) sometime since 23.805 Pitchfork . It is now since 23.806 Pitchopal . How long since 23.807 Pitchpine . Since (he) they 23.808 Pitchpot . Since commencing 23.809 Pitchstone Since starting 23.810 Pitchwheel Not long since 23.811 Pitchy . . Sink 23.812 Pitcoal. . To sink 23.813 Pitfall . . Will begin to sink the shaft 23.814 Pitfalling . To sink a shaft 23.815 Pitframe . Must sink the shaft 23.816 Pithecia . Do not begin to sink 23.817 Pithecoid . Since we began to sink 23.818 Pitiable . Have begun to sink 23.819 Pitiedly . Shall sink 23.820 Pitiful . . As soon as can sink the shaft 23.821 Pitifully . Sinking 23.822 Pitiless . Sinking at the rate of feet per day 23.823 Pitilessly . (To) continue sinking 23.824 Pitsaw . . Will continue sinking 23.825 Pittacal . Sinking the shaft 23.826 Pittance . Sinking the incline shaft 23.827 Pittikins . Have stopped sinking 23.828 Pituita . . Am (are) now sinking 23.829 Pituitary . Shall stop sinking (until) SIN 4 s, No. Code Word. Sinking (continued) 23,830 Pitying . . Resume sinking 23,831 Pityingly . Have resumed sinking 23,832 Pityriasis . A sinking fund 23,833 Pityroid . To provide a sinking fund 23,834 Piuma . Site(s) 23,835 Pivot . . An excellent site for 23,836 Pivotal . . Mill site 23,837 Pivotguns . HP1-* ,rk *-v-fci!1 r*i4-/-* vvil,^r. -T-/-^*-^ +!* r*. \\\\Y\f* -LUC 111111 olLC ^^ lllllcb IIOIII \.ILc 111L11C 23,838 Pivotman . Have selected a site for 23,839 Piwarrie . The site of 23,840 Pixyled . There is not a good site for 23,841 Pixyring . Situated 23,842 Pixystool . Situated as we are 23,843 Placards . Situated as you have been 23,844 Placate . How are you situated in respect to 23,845 Placating . Situated miles north of 23,846 Placebo . Situated miles south of 23,847 Placebrick Sifttr4-/^/-l w-\il^r **<-.<-*- s-^ ILLLcLLCLi IllllCo CilbL Ul 23,848 Placement Qii"n<"i fr*r1 T"nilr kr * ivr^^t" r\f OlLUclLCU. ^^ 111 u Co WCoL Ul 23,849 Placenta . Much better situated than 23,850 Placentary How is situated 23,851 Placeproud Situation 23,852 Placidly . What is the present situation 23,853 Placidness The situation of the mines is 23,854 Placitum . Owing to the bad situation 23,855 Placoderm Owing to the favourable situation 23,856 Placoidian Accept the situation 23,857 Plafond . The financial situation 23,858 Plagal . . The political situation 23,859 Plagiarism The situation is 23,860 Plagiarize . What is the situation 23,861 Plagiary . Size 23,862 Plagiaulax In size 23,86 3 Plagueful . The vast size 23,864 Plagueless What is the size of 23,865 Plaguemark The size of 23,866 Plaguesore What size do you want 23,867 Plaguespot The size of this vein 23,868 Plaguing . From the size and appearance of 23,869 Plaiding . (What is) the largest size 23,870 Plainant . (What is) the smallest size 23,871 Plainbacks Owing to the large size of 23,872 Plainchant Slate 23,873 Plainly. . The formation is clay slate 23,874 Plainness . Slate formation 23^75 Plainsong . The hanging-wall is slate 23,876 Plaintful . The foot-wall is slate 23,877 Plaintiffs . The country rock is slate 23,878 Plaintive . Compact slate 23,879 Plainwork . We are now in slate 2 I 482 SLI No. 23,880 23,881 23,882 23,883 23,884 23,885 23,886 23,887 23,888 23,889 23,890 23,891 23,892 23,893 23,894 23,895 23,896 23,897 23,898 23,899 23,900 23,901 23,902 23,903 23,904 23,905 23,906 23,907 23,908 23,909 23,910 23,912 23,916 23,917 23,918 23,920 23,921 23,922 23,9 2 3 23,924 23,9 2 5 23,926 23,927 23,928 23,929 Code Word. Plaited . Slightly Planarian . Slightly better Planarioid. Slightly worse Planched . Slightly less Planeguide Slightly more Planeiron . Slightly built Planera . Slip Planerhead A considerable slip Planertree A slip has occurred Planestock Let the chance slip Planetary . Slipped Planetule . Slipped through (in) Plangency Slipped through our hands Planimetry Slipped in without being noticed Planish . Slow Plankroad . Our progress is very slow owing to Planksheer Will not be so slow Planorbis . Slow work Plantable . It is very slow work, as we have had to Plantago . Has been very slow on account of Plantains . Progress henceforth will not be so slow Plantation Progress has been very slow owing to the hardness Plantcane . Slowly [of the rock Planticle . Slowly at present, but shall make better progress as Plantlet . As slowly as [we get experience in the use of Plantlouse Is (are) now working slowly Plashoot . Too slowly to satisfy us Plashwheel Sluice(s) Plashy . . Sluice-boxes Plasmatic . Small Plasmodiura The vein(s) is (are) small Plastering Too small Plastery . Although small Plasticity . Too small to justify Plastron . A small but well-defined vein Plataazul . A small loss Platalea . A small profit Platamsta . As small as Platanus . As small as possible Plataverde It (there) is a very small Plateaux . Smaller Plateglass . Smaller than Platelayer . Very much smaller Platemark. Smelt Platemetal To smelt Platerack . Will pay to smelt Platessa . Have to smelt Platform . Not having to smelt Platic . . To smelt the ore Platinized . To smelt tons per day SME 483 No. Code Word. 23*93 Platinode . Smelted 23,93! Platinous . The ore has to be smelted 23,93 2 Platonical . The ore will be smelted (at) 23^933 Platonism . Concentrates will be smelted 23,934 Platymeter Can only be smelted 23,935 Platyodon Must be smelted 23,936 Platypus . Sent to be smelted (at) 23,937 Platyrhina . Smelters 23>93 8 Platysma . Price of silver given by smelters 23,939 Platysomes Price of gold given by smelters 23,940 Plaudit . . Value by smelters' assays 23>94i Plauditory Smelters and refiners 23,942 Plausible . Treatment as smelters 23,943 Playactor . Per cent, of gold allowed by smelters 23,944 Playbills . Per cent, of silver allowed by smelters 23,945 Playbook . Smelters' allow 23,946 Playday . Smelters charges amount to 23^947 Playdebts . Smelting 23,948 Players Smelting ore 23'949 Playfellow A free-smelting ore 23>95 Playfully . A free-smelting lead and silver ore 23,95! Playgames For smelting the ore 23,95 2 Playgoer . It is proposed to erect smelting works 23,953 Playgoing . It will be advisable to erect smelting works 23;954 Playground Will it be necessary to erect smelting works 23,955 Playhouse Smelting works 23,956 Playless . Would not pay for smelting 23,957 Playthings Rich ore for smelting 23,958 Playtime . Smelting ore, assaying 23,959 Playwright The ore is suitable for smelting 23,960 Play writer ^mplt*inrr 1r\ < n r * T^r^i* rlnv OJ 11L1L 111 Li LvJlJo JJCI Clcty 23,961 Pleading . Smelting operations 23,962 Pleasance . Smelting and refining 23,963 Pleased . Smelting and refining works 23,964 Pleasedly . The ore has to be sent to the smelting works at 23,965 Pleasurer . The ore has been sent to the smelting works at 23,966 Pleasuring Concentrates to be smelted 23,967 Plebeians . Ore to be smelted 23,968 Plebeity . Concentrates to be sent to the smelting works at 23,9 6 9 Plebiscite . Concentrates have been sent to the smelting works at 23,970 Plebs . . Smelting charges 23,97i Plectrum . Loss in gold per cent, in smelting 23,972 Pledged . Loss of silver per cent, in smelting 23,973 Pledgeless. Smelting furnace 23,974 Pledgery . Tf \vnnlH rn^t tn prprt c rnpltir\ rr works J, U WULlIv_l ODoL Lv/ ClCi^L olliCilill^ iVVJIJVO 23,975 Pleiades . Cost of smelting 23,976 Plenarily . Profit on smelting 23,977 Plenicorn . Lead for smelting 23,978 Plenilunar Flux(es) for smelting 23,979 Plenipos . Smoothly 484 SMO No. 23,980 23,981 23,982 23,983 23,984 23,985 23,986 23,987 23,988 23,989 23,990 23,991 23,992 23>993 23,994 23,995 23,996 23,997 23,998 23,999 24,000 24,001 24,002 24,003 24,004 24,005 24,006 24,007 24,008 24,009 24,010 24,011 24,012 24,013 24,014 24,015 24,016 24,017 24,018 24,019 24,020 24,021 24,022 24,023 24,024 24,025 24,026 24,027 24,028 24,029 Code Word. Plenished . Plenteous . Plenties . Pleochroic Pleonasm . Pleonastic Plerophory Plesiosaur . Plethora . Plethron . Pleuralgia . Pleurisy . Pleuritic . Pleurodont Pleurotoma Plevin . . Plexiform Pleximefer Pliancy Pliant . . Pliantness . Plication Pliers . . Plight . . Plighting . Plinth . . Pliocene . Pliohippus Pliosaurus. Plocaria . Ploceus Plodding . Ploddingly Plotinist . Plotproof . Plotters . Plough. . Ploughable Ploughalms Ploughboys Plougheth . Smoothly (continued] The machinery is working very smoothly Snow Mine cannot be examined on account of snow Have had a heavy fall of snow On account of the deep snow Great quantities of snow have fallen Snow feet deep Cannot work on account of snow Cannot travel to on account of snow Teams cannot haul ore on account of the snow Very little snow has yet fallen Snow falling heavily ; roads blocked Railroad blocked by deep snow Thaw set in snow disappearing Think snow will soon disappear ; shall then be [able to As soon as the snow disappears Snow has stopped all transport If the snow continues Owing to the snow melting Snowed. Are snowed up every winter for months Snowed up Snowed up ; cannot get out Snowing Snowing heavily It has been snowing since So So as to So that So as not to So as not to hinder So far as So far as we have gone So long as So long as it lasts So few So little So much So very If it is so If it is not so It is not so Ploughgate Soda Ploughhead Nitrate of soda Ploughing . Sulphate of soda Ploughiron Carbonate of soda Ploughshoe Sodium ^Ploughsock Sodium amalgam 'Ploughtail Soft Pluck . . The rock is soft and easily worked Plucketh . Rock is so soft here that cost of mining will be low SOF 485 No. 24,030 24,031 24,032 24,033 24,034 24,035 24,036 24,037 24,038 24,039 24,040 24,041 24,042 2 4,043 24,044 24,045 24,046 24,047 24,048 24,049 24,050 24,051 24,052 24,053 24,054 24,055 24,056 24,057 24,058 2 4,059 24,060 24,061 24,062 24,063 24,064 24,065 24,066 24,067 24,068 24,069 24,070 24,071 24,072 24,073 24,074 24,075 24,076 24,077 24,078 24,079 Code Word. Soft (continued) Plucking . The ore is soft and does not need blasting Plugrod . The rock has become soft Plumage . In soft ground Plumassary Softer Plumbbob The rock is softer Running in softer ground Sinking in softer ground Sold Have you sold If you have sold If you have not sold If not sold before Have sold Have already sold Had already sold Has (have) been sold Has (have) not been sold Have not sold Must be sold Must be sold at any price Not to be sold Must not be sold Not yet sold Cannot be sold Could not be sold Have sold at your limits Have sold above your limits Could not be sold at your limits Cannot be sold at any price Will be sold by Sold for Sold privately To be sold at once Telegraph what you have sold Telegraph if you have sold Telegraph if he has (they have) sold Telegraph when was sold Plumbeous Plumbery . Plumbic . Plumblines Plumbosite Plumbroth Plumbrule Plumcake . Plumealum Plumebird Plumeless . Plumemaker Plumiped . Plumists . Plummet . Plumosity . Plumparmed Plumpfaced Plum pie . Plumply . Plumpness Plumule . Plunder . Plunderage Plunderers Plungebath Plungeon . Pluperfect Pluralism . Plurality . Pluralized . Pluries . . Plusher Plutarchy . Plutocracy Plutocrat . Plutonian . Pluvious . Plying . . Pneumatic Pneumology Pneumonia Poachiness Poaching . Poachy Sold for account of Sold for your account Sold for next account Sold on joint account Sold as per instructions Sold at good prices Sold at better prices Sold at low prices Sold at lower prices Sold at sheriff's sale Sold by private contract Sold for delivery Part have been sold 486 SOL No. 24,080 24,081 24,082 24,083 24,084 24,085 24,086 24,087 24,088 24,089 24,090 24,091 24,092 24,093 24,094 24,095 24,096 24,097 24,098 24,099 24,100 24,101 24,102 24,103 24,104 24,105 24,106^ 24,107 24,108 24,109 24,110 24,111 24,112 24,113 24,114 24,115 24,116 24,117 24,118 24,119 24,120 24,121 24,122 24,123 24,124 24,125 24,126 24,127 24,128 24,129 Code Word. Sold (continued] Poacite . Have been sold at a considerable advance Pocanbush Number of shares sold Pochard . Have been sold ; shall sell the rest Pockarred We have sold only Pockbroken Sold the remainder Pocketbook Sold the last at Pocketflap Will probably be sold Pocketful . Sold on speculative account Pockethole A large number have been sold Pocketing . We do not think they should be sold at present Pocketlid . Everything to be sold Pockmarks Sold by auction Pockpitted Will be sold by public auction Pockwood Has been sold by public auction Poculent . Sold before Podagra . Sold before your message arrived Podagrical Sold subject to confirmation by wire Podagrous Have not sold any Podargus . Solvent Podauger . Is (are) solvent Podbit . . Is (are) quite solvent Podetium . Considered to be quite solvent Podgy . . Some Podiceps . Some more Podocarp . Some of it Podogynium Some of them Podology . We shall want some (more) Podoscaph From some Podosomata In some places Podosperm In some ways Poduridae In some places we have found Poematic . By some Poephaga . Some means of Poephagous For some Poetasters Some one Poetical . Send some Poetically . Have sent some Poeticules Have found some Poetized . To find some one to Poetizing . Can you find some one to Poetress . If, in some way Poetry . . Of some importance Poetship . Something Poetsucker Something is wrong with Poignancy Something has occurred to Poignant . Unless something is done Poikilitic . Something must be done at once toinciana . Something must be settled Point . . Cannot something be done (to) Pointblank Some time (ago) SOM 487 No. Code Word. Some time (ago) (continued] For some time past Will take some time Some time in the future Somewhat Somewhat better than Somewhat less than Somewhat more than oon It is too soon As soon as possible As soon as Very soon Not soon enough Quite soon enough How soon How soon can you How soon must I How soon will you Will be too soon for Not at all too soon for How soon could we have How soon could you send We shall soon We shall soon have Will soon Sooner Sooner than Cannot be done sooner Can be done sooner (if) The sooner the better Sorry Sorry to learn that I am (we are) very sorry Very sorry to report Is (are) very sorry that Very sorry you cannot Very sorry to have such a bad report (or return) Very sorry for your sake Very sorry for all concerned ort(s) (To) sort out the best (To) sort the Do not sort Will sort Cannot sort Sorting Now sorting out Sought Sought for Much sought after 24,130 .Pointedly . 24,131 Pointlace . 24,132 Pointleted 24,133 Pointsman I 24,134 Poisonable 24,135 Poisonbulb 24,136 Poisoneth . 24,137 Poison fang J 24,138 Poisonful . 24,139 Poisonivy . 24,140 Poisonous 24,141 Poisonsome 24,142 Poisontree 24,143 Poisure 24,144 Poitrel 24,145 Poitrinal . 24,146 Pokeberry 24,147 Pokebonnet 24,148 Pokelokens 24,149 Poker . . 24,150 Pokerish . 24,15! Pokesleeve 24,152 Pokeweed 24,153 Pokiest . 24,154 Poking 24.155 Polacre . $ 24,156 Polanisia . 24,157 Polarily . 24,158 Polaristic . 24,159 Polarities . 24,160 Polarized . $ 24,161 Polarizing . 24,162 Poldway . 24,163 Poleaxes . 24,164 Poleclipt . 24,165 Poledavy . 24,166 Polelathes 24,167 Polemarch 24,168 Polemast . 24,169 Polemical . g 24,170 Polemics . 24,171 Polemonium 24,172 Polemy 24,173 Polestar . 24,174 Polewards . 24,175 Polewig . { 24,176 Policemen 24,177 Policies . S 24,178 Polishable 24,179 Polished . 488 SOU No. Code Word. Sought (continued] 24.180 Polishing . We have sought in vain for 24.181 Polishment Source (s) 24.182 Polite . . From its source 24.183 Politeness. From what source 24.184 Politician . Traced to its source 24.185 Politicly . Have traced it to its source 24.186 Polka . . The river, from its source 24.187 Pollarchy . Appears to be the source from which 24.188 Pollarding South. (See Table at end.) 24.189 Pollbook . Spare 24.190 Pollclerk . Can you spare 24.191 Pollenger . How much can you spare 24.192 Pollenine . We can spare 24.193 Pollentube Cannot possibly spare more (than) 24.194 Pollevil . If you can spare 24.195 Pollinctor . As much as you can spare 24.196 Polliwigs . Special 24.197 Pollmoney Very special 24.198 Pollpick " . Not of special importance 24.199 Pollsilver . Special information 24.200 Polltax . . Special power for (to) 24.201 Polluted . Special reason 24.202 Pollutedly. A special case 24.203 Polluting . Special care 24.204 Pollutions. For special purpose 24.205 Polo . . Special reasons are given for 24.206 Polonaise . Have prepared a special case 24.207 Polonian . Preparing a special report 24.208 Poltfooted Have prepared a special report 24.209 Poltronry . Send a special report 24.210 Poltroon . Am sending a special report 24.211 Polyadelph Specially 24.212 Polyandry Specially required for 24.213 Polyanthus Specie 24.214 Polyatomic Payable in specie 24.215 Poly basic . Specie sent 24.216 Polycarpon Specie will be sent 24.217 Polychord Specie to be forwarded 24.218 Polychrest Boxes of specie 24.219 Polychrome Specie will be forwarded by the 24.220 Poly conic . Specification 24.221 Polycracy. In accordance with the specification 24.222 Polydipsia Specification and drawings 24.223 Polyedrous Contract according to specification 24.224 Polyfoil . According to specification and drawings 24.225 Polygala . A complete specification 24.226 Polygaline Specification is not complete 24.227 Polygamize Have sent specification 24.228 Polygarchy Received specification of from 24.229 Polygenist Have you sent specification of SPE 489 No. 24,230 24,231 24,232 24,233 24,234 24,235 24,236 24,237 24,238 24,239 24,240 24,241 24,242 24,243 24,244 24,245 24,246 24,247 24,248 24,249 24,250 24,251 24,252 24,253 24,254 24,255 24,256 24,257 24,258 24,259 24,260 24,261 24,262 24,263 24,264 24,265 24,266 24,267 24,268 24,269 24,270 24,271 24,272 24,273 24,274 24,275 24,276 24,277 24,278 24,279 Code Word. Polygeny . Polyglot . Polygonal . Polygraph Polygynia . Polygynous Polyhalite . Polyhedron Polyhistor . Polyhymnia Specification (continued) Specification of engine Specification of mill Clause in the specification Specified In specified terms Within the specified time Specified in the Specified in clause of the contract As specified in the contract (or agreement) If not otherwise specified Polymath . Specify (ies) Polymathic To specify Polymerism You must specify Polymnite Do not specify Polymorphy Does the specify Polynemus Will specify Polynomial The contract must specify Polyodonta The contract does not specify (any) Polyonymy The contract specifies Polyoptrum The agreement specifies Polyorama Specimen(s) Polyparous Have seen specimens of the Polyphagia Send home specimens of the Polyphant . From specimens Polyphonic No specimens Polyphore The specimens we saw (contained) Polypier . Specimens from the Polypifera . Some very fine specimens Polypodium Speculate Polypogon To speculate Polyporite Do not speculate Polypstock Speculating Polypterus Is (are) speculating largely in Polypus Polyscope . Polyspast . Polysperm Polystyle . Polytheism Polytheize Polytomous Poiytypage Polytyping Polyzoa . Polyzoary . Polyzoons . Pomace . Pomanders Pomatum . Has (have) been speculating Has (have) not been speculating Speculating, but not to any great extent Speculation Too risky a speculation As a speculation A fair prospecting speculation Bought for a speculation Nothing but a speculation Be very careful ; a great deal of speculation is going Pomecitron Speculative Speculation turned out a success Speculation turned out a loss Will you join me (us) in the speculation I (we) will join you in the speculation I (we) cannot join you in the speculation I (we) consider this a good speculation [on 490 SPE No. Code Word. Speculative (continued) 24.280 Pomeroy . Project is wholly speculative 24.281 Pomeroyal Project is wholly speculative; so far not a single thing known in the properties worth working 24.282 Pomewater It is too speculative for us to touch 24.283 Pomey. . Speculators 24.284 Pomfret . Very few speculators in the market 24.285 Pomiferous Speculators for the rise 24.286 Pommel . Speculators for the fall 24.287 Pommelion Speculators offering 24.288 Pommelled In the hands of speculators 24.289 Pommelling Speed 24.290 Pomoerium At what speed are you running the 24.291 Pomotis . Running at a speed of revolutions per minute 24.292 Pomp . . Running at a speed of strokes per minute 24.293 Pompatic . The highest speed at which (you) (we) can run 24.294 Pompelmous The speed is too great 24.295 Pempelo . At a very low rate of speed 24.296 Pompholyx At a speed of 24.297 Pompillibn Spend 24.298 Pompion . Do not spend so much 24.299 Pomposity Do not spend more than 24.300 Pompous . We shall have to spend 24.301 Pompously You will have to spend 24.302 Pomum . How much do you propose to spend 24.303 Ponderal . Now spending at the rate of 24.304 PonderanceSpent 24.305 Ponderers Spent up to the present 24.306 Pondlily . Spent more than 24.307 Pondperch Split 24.308 Pondweeds Much split up 24.309 Pongo . . Vein splits here 24.310 Poniard . Will split the difference with you 24.311 Poniarding Spread 24.312 Ponibility . Spread out 24.313 Pontedeira Spread over months 24.314 Pontific . Spread over a considerable area 24.315 Pontifical . Spreading (out) 24.316 Pontlevis . Spreading out over 24.317 Pontonier. Spring(s) 24.318 Pontvolant This spring 24.319 Poohpooh Last spring 24.320 Poonawood Next spring 24.321 Poorbox . During the spring 24.322 Poorest . Everything ready to start in the spring 24.323 Poorjohn . Springs from Springing from 24.324 Poorlaws . Stables 24.325 Poorly . . There are good stables for horses 24.326 "Poorness . The stables are out of repair 24.327 Poorrate . Must enlarge the stables 24.328 Popcorn . Stage STA 491 No. Code Word. Stage (continued) 24.329 Popdock . Going on the stage from to 24.330 Popedom . Stage as far as 24.331 Popehood. Stage thence to 24.332 Popery. . Please take seats in the stage leaving 24.333 Popguns . Stamp(s). (See also Mill.) 24.334 Popinjay . Must increase the number of stamps 24.335 Poplared . There is work enough for stamps [stamps 24.336 Poplins . Send the necessary money to put up more 24.337 Poplitaeus Will send the money to put up more stamps 24.338 Popliteal . When will the new stamps be working 24.339 Poplitic . Shall be working with stamps by 24.340 Poppies . Stamps of Ibs. each 24.341 Poppyhead Stamps of 750 Ibs. each 24.342 Poppyoil . Stamps of 850 Ibs. each 24.343 Popshop . Stamps of 950 Ibs. each 24.344 Popularize Stamps of 1000 Ibs. each 24.345 Populators Do you recommend putting up more stamps 24.346 Populosity I (we) do not recommend putting up more stamps 24.347 Populous . Stamps are now working on [at present 24.348 Porbeagle. I (we) recommend putting up more stamps at 24.349 Porcated . How many stamps of the mill [once 24.350 Porcelain . We are employing stamps 24.351 Porcellio . If more stamps are put up 24.352 Porcine . The large reserves of ore would justify putting up 24.353 Porcupines By putting up more stamps [more stamps 24.354 Poriferan . The new stamps are working well 24.355 Poriform . New stamps will be at work 24.356 Porism. . Stamps hung up on account of 24.357 Porismatic Shall have to hang up stamps 24.358 Poristical . Have had to hang up stamps 24.359 Porkchop . Propose to hang up si imps 24.360 Porkeater . Stand 24.361 Porklings . (To) stand 24.362 Porkpie . (To) stand in the name of 24.363 Porosity . How do matters stand 24.364 Porous . . As matters now stand 24.365 Porously . To take everything as it stands 24.366 Porousness How do they stand 24.367 Porpentine How does it stand 2 1,368 Porphurie . Stand on our legal rights 24.369 Porphrya . Stand on the rights acquired by 24.370 Porphyrize From our standpoint 24.371 Porpoises . Take our stand upon 24.372 Porraceous Has (have) no ground to stand upon 24.373 Porridge . They stand out for 24.374 Portals . Standard 24.375 Portative . The standard price of 24.376 Portbar . Is the regular standard for 24.377 Portcannon Up to the standard required 24.378 Portcluse . Standing 492 No. Code Word. Standing (continued] 24,379 Portcrayon Now standing 24,380 Portcullis . Standing over 24,381 Portdues . Standing in the name of 24,382 Portend . Standstill 24,383 Portendeth Everything is at a standstill 24,384 Portension Is (are) at a standstill for want of 24,385 Portentous Start 24,386 Porterage . 1T7V* <-wvk wr-ill f*-/- -*- VV 11 Cll Will ^^ blctiL 24,387 Porteress . Will start 24,388 Porterly . Do not start 24,389 Portfolio . Cannot start 24,390 Portglave . Hope to start 24,391 Portholes . Expect to start milling on or about 24,39 2 Porthook . Prepared to make a start 24,393 Portico Will start work in a few days 24,394 Portioned . If we start now 24,395 Portionist . If you start now 24,39 6 Portlast . If you start on the 24,397 Portlid . . When do you start 24,398 Portlifter . W 7 ill start early in 24,399 Portliness . Will start early on that day 24,400 Portmote . When can you start for 24,401 Portpane . C^ f vf \T\ ^*vo rvi n r rv * r\r> /\t-i Vs f *"11 v^clll oLcLIL L\J C AiLllliilL Illlllt^S Ull , L/UC \\lll await your letter containing full instructions sent 24,402 Portraits . Started ' [by mail 24,403 Portray Has (have) started 24,404 Portrayal . Has (have) not started 24,405 Portraying T-T'T*' fVlQVJ*! ^tTrtO/l jni -v ^ ^ 4- xi yuu can cuiiiinn b oLdLciiiciiLo ^icopect 24,443 Posthorn . T T - 1 /% r r 'r n <- r\ 4- ^\ -*-* ^^ r\ f rt x>*-1- Vki r* f\Y*i fil*-h- A /^ LJIiLCbo o oLcl LCillClltb Cclll UC Cv/llllllllCvJ. 24,444 Posthume . Statement is correct 24,445 Posthumous Statement is incorrect in some respects 24,446 Posticous . Statement is entirely false 24,447 Posticum . Send full statement 24,448 Postilion . Send a revised statement 24,449 Postilize . General statement 24,450 Postillate . Official statement 24,451 Postique . Cash statement 24,45 2 Postliminy Dr. and Cr. statement 24,453 Postmarks Statement of the company's position 24,454 Postmaster Statement of claim 24,455 Postmortem Statement of expenses incurred 24,456 Postnatus . Statement of estimated 2 4,457 Postobit . Statement of all ores shipped 24,458 Postoffice . Statement you have sent 24,459 Postpaid . Statement sent by 24,460 Postponeth Statement made by 24,461 Postponing With regard to statements 24,462 Postposit . Statements to be verified 24,463 Postremote Title and statements to be proved 24,464 Postroad . Statements must be proved to your satisfaction 24,465 Postcript . According to (or in accordance with) the statement 24,466 Postulated The statements are erroneous in many particulars 24,467 Postured . The statement is in most respects correct 24,468 Posturist . We require another statement showing 24,469 Potamology What further statements are required 24,470 Potargo . Only want an approximate statement 24,471 Potash . . The statement must be full and complete 24,472 Potassic . Please send statement(s) of ore shipped 24,473 Potassium Please send statement of ore milled 24,474 Potations . Ore statements will be forwarded 24,475 Potato . . Must have statement for prospectus 24,476 Potbellied . Must add to your statement list of buildings, plant, 24,477 Potbelly . A most misleading statement [and machinery 494 STA No. Code Word. 24,478 Potboiler . Station [ railway 24,479 Potelot '"PKr* rv- i T * c oi-ck r-i4-ii n f /a585 24,586 24,587 24,588 24,589 24,59 24,59! 24,59 2 24,593 24,594 24,595 24,59 6 24,597 24,598 24,599 24,600 24,601 24,602 24,603 24,604 24,605 24,606 24,607 24,608 24,609 24,610 24,611 24,612 24, 6l 3 24,614 24,615 24,616 24,617 24,618 24,619 24,620 24,621 24,622 24,623 24,624 24,625 24,626 24,6*7 Code Word. Steps (continued] Precedency Take immediate steps Precellent . What steps have you taken with regard to Preceptial . Steps must be taken immediately (to) Preceptory Take such steps as you think best Precessor . Has (have) taken steps to Precincts . No steps have been taken to Preciously If steps are not taken without delay Precipice . Steps have been taken Precisely . Take no further steps at present Precisian . Has (have) taken no further steps Preclair . If he takes (they take) any steps Precluding Take steps to prevent Preclusive . Take steps to protect ourselves Precociry . Have not yet taken any steps Precompose Refuse(s) to take any steps Preconceit Before taking any further steps you PrecondemnSterling had better con- [sult Preconform What is the rate of sterling exchange Preconquer The rate of st.erling exchange is Preconsign Sterling exchanges banker's sight Precordial Sterling exchanges for banker's, 60 days Precurse . Sterling exchanges for commercial sight Precursory Sterling exchanges for commercial, 60 days. Predacean Sterling exchanges for commercial, 90 days Predaceous In sterling Predate . In sterling, at the rate of dollars per Predation . In sterling, at the rate of rupees per Predecay . Stiffening Predeclare Require (s) stiffening Predefined Are stiffening the Predesign . Prices are stiffening Predestiny Still Predial . There are still left Predicable We have still on hand Predicant . Still days Predicted . Still weeks Predictive . Still working at (on) Predispose Still sinking Predoomed Still driving Predorsal . Still unable to Preemploy Still without Preexamine Still in hand Preexist . What have you still on hand Preface . Do you still hold Prefacing . Are you still Prefecture If you can still Prefer . . We still hold Preferably . We still think that Preference We are still Preferred . Stipulate (for) STI No. Code Word. 24,628 Preferring . Stipulated 24,629 Prefident . As stipulated in the agreement (or contract) 24,630 Prefigure . As stipulated in clause of the contract 24,631 Prefinite . Tf- i <- *"t"i nnli f-*H V\T T f"1ri t* 24,632 Prefixed . It is not stipulated in the agreement 24,633 Prefixing . It is stipulated that is to 24,634 Prefixion . It must be stipulated that 24,635 Prefool . Stipulation (s) 24,636 Pregaged . (By) the stipulations of the contract 24,637 Preglacial . (By) the stipulations of the agreement 24,638 Pregnable . Insist(s) upon a stipulation that 24,639 Pregravate Stipulations provide for 24,640 Pregustant Stock(s) 24,641 Prehended In stock 24,642 Prehensile Stock (s) on hand 24,643 Prehensory vVf* T"i T\ T f* i r "f~/" i \f % lr r*vf r "iTfifnr k if k n1~ "fot* 24,644 Prehnite . What stock have you 24,645 Prejudge . A fair stock of 24,646 Prejudging A large stock of 24,647 Prejudical . Only a small stock of 24,648 Prelacies . Stocks are rising 24,649 Prelacy Stocks are falling 24,650 Prelateity . The stock of is said to be 2 4,65I Prelatess . Stocks are diminishing 24,652 Prelatical . Stocks are accumulating 24,653 Prelatism . Increase your stock of 24,654 Prelatized . Purchase of stock 24,655 Prelector . Have just bought a considerable stock of 24,656 Prelimit . Our stock amounts to 24,657 Prelook . If prices favourable, lay in a stock of 24,658 Prelooking Can do with our present stock until 24,659 Prelude . T"\/-v **/%+ nlt^-v-itr IT/-XII*- o*-/~*/~lr f\ ( +- r\ rrli- 4-f\/-i low j_/u iiui ctnuvv your atu^iv ui - iu ^ci LUU 24,660 Preludial . A necessary stock of 24,661 Preludious A needlessly large stock of 24,662 Prelumbar Reduce your stock (of) 24,663 Prelusory . We are reducing our stock (of) 24,664 Premature Buy(ing) to increase our stock while prices are low 24,665 Premediate Stocks in excess of 24,666 Premerited Stocks are not in excess of 24,667 Premising . A large stock of but little demand for 24,668 Premiums . There is a great demand for but little in stock 24,669 Premna . Inform us that stocks are likely to 24,670 Premolar . Have now filled up our stock 24,671 Premonish A good stock of tools and all appliances 24,672 Premonitor Stocks are low, and prices rule high 24,673 Premunite Hold a considerable stock in reserve 24,674 Prenanthes Advise buyers this stock is not safe to touch except with special guarantee of non-liability beyond 24,675 Prender . This stock not safe to touch [purchase price 24,676 Prenomen Thoroughly good stock and likely to rise 2 K 498 STO No. Code Word. Stock(s) (continued) 24,677 Prenostic . Indifferent stock of only speculative value 24,678 Preoblige . Stock Exchange Committee [Committee 24,679 Preobtain . Case is being brought before the Stock Exchange 24,680 Preoccupy Case decided against us by Stock Exchange Com- 24,681 Preominate Stock has large industrial merits [mittee 24,682 Preopinion Case decided in our favour by Stock Exchange 24,683 Preordered Stolen [Committee 24,684 Prepaid . Stolen in transit from the mine 24,685 Prepalatal . Much of the rich ore is stolen 24,686 Preparable Has (have) stolen 24,687 Preparance Amalgam has been frequently stolen 24,688 Preparedly Stolen amalgam 24,689 Preparers . Stolen bullion 24,690 Prepay . The stolen has been traced 24,691 Prepayment Recover the stolen 24,692 Prepensing A good deal of the missing was no doubt 24,693 ~Pi"PT^nl1 PTI t" TViP 1 '"'trilpn ntQ npf^n rr*fT\vr i T*i ii H Pcf-l-i-i. JL 1 C UU11C11L J. I1C olUlL.il iltio IJCC11 ICi-UVClCU. I StOicH 24,694 Preponder Stop 24,695 Preposed . Stop payment 24,696 Prepositor Stop for a time 24,697 Prepossess To stop the 24,698 Prepotency Can you stop 24,699 Preremote Cannot stop 24,700 Prerequire Will stop 24,701 Preresolve You must put a stop to (or on) 24,702 Presageful In order to put a stop to (or on) 24,703 Presaging . Must stop 24,704 Presbyope Do not stop 2 4,75 Presbytery Stop everything till you hear again from 24,706 Presbytia . Stop the works 24,707 Prescience Stop working 24,708 Prescind . Stop all exploratory work 24,709 Prescripts Stop all operations 24,710 Preselect . Remove the stop on 24,711 Presented . Have removed the stop on 24,712 Presential . Cheque (or bill) has been lost ; please stop payment 24,713 Presently . Stope(s) 24,714 Presentoir. The stopes above Level No. 24,715 Preserving The next stope will remove 24,716 Preshow . Begin to stope 24,717 Preshowing The stopes are looking better 24,718 Presidiary . The stopes are looking poor 24,719 Presigmfy . In the stopes 24,720 Prespinal . From the stope 24,721 Pressbed . A sample from the stope above Level assayed 24,722 Pressers . Stopes looking splendid 24,723 Pressfat . The stopes above Level No. have communi- 24,724 * Pressgangs The stope is [cated with the old working above 24,725 Pressitant When will you begin to stope 24,726 Pressive . Stopes still hold good in STO 499 No. Code Word. Stope(s) (continued) 24.727 Pressly . The stope(s) above 24.728 Pressmoney The stope in chute 24.729 Pressness . The stope is improving 24.730 Presspack The stope is not looking so well 24.731 Pressrooms The stope is yielding ore assaying 24.732 Pressurage The stope has given out of pay ore 24.733 Presswork. The stope in has communicated with 24.734 Prestable . The stope has broken into 24.735 Prestige . Have begun to stope 24.736 Presto. . From the stope in chute 24.737 Presultor . To connect with the stope 24.738 Presumably How is the stope looking 24.739 Presuming Ore from this stope assays [of ore 24.740 Presuppose From this stope we expect to get a valuable supply 24.741 Presurmise From this stope we have taken up to now, tons 24.742 Pretence . We hope to get from this stope [of ore 24.743 Pretendant The old stopes have caved in 24.744 Pretermit . From the old stopes and workings 24.745 Pretexed . From some of the old stopes 24.746 Pretibial . In some of the old stopes 24.747 Pretiosity . The face of the stope 24.748 Pretorium. The stopes in the upper part of the mine 24.749 Pretorship Is the roof in stope good 24.750 Pretorture. Stoped 24.751 Prettiest . Have stoped 24.752 Prettified . Stoped out all the ore 24.753 Prettiness . Ore stoped 24.754 Prettyism . Stoping 24.755 Pre typify . Commence stoping 24.756 Prevail . We are now stoping in 24.757 Prevaileth . Have you begun stoping in 24.758 Prevailing We have begun stoping in 24.759 Pre valency When will you begin stoping 24.760 Prevalent . Stoping above Level 24.761 Prevenancy Stoping in Level 24.762 Prevenient Stoping in the chute 24.763 Preventeth Shall continue stoping 24.764 Prevention Have discontinued stoping (until) or (on account of) 24.765 Preventive Stoppage 24.766 Previewed Avoid any stoppage 24.767 Previewing Why is there a stoppage 24.768 Prevoyant. In order to prevent any stoppage 24.769 Pre warned A stoppage has occurred in 24.770 Prewarning No stoppage has occurred in 24.771 Priapean . Stopped 24.772 Priapism . Has (have) stopped 24.773 Priceless . Has not yet stopped 24.774 Prickeared Have stopped payment (of) 24.775 Prickingup Has (have) not been stopped 24.776 Pricklouse Must be stopped 5oo STO No. 24,777 24,778 24,779 24,780 24,781 24,782 24,783 24,784 24,785 24,786 24,787 24,788 24,789 24,790 24,791 24,792 24,793 24,794 24,795 24,796 24,797 24,798 24,799 24,800 24,801 24,802 24,803 24,804 24,805 24,806 24,807 24,808 24,809 24,810 24,811 24,812 24,813 24,814 24,815 24,816 24,817 24,818 24,819 24,820 24,821 24,822 24,823 24,824 24,825 24,826 Code Word. Stopped (continued) Prickly. . Need not be stopped Pricklyash Why have you stopped Prickpost . As soon as it is stopped Prickpunch Stopped sending Prickshaft . The works have been stopped Pricksong . All operations stopped on account of Prickwood All works must be stopped Prideful . Stopped on account of Pridefully . Stopped for want of Priestcap . It is said that have stopped payment Priesthood Store(s). (See also Stock.) Priestism . In store Stores now in hand Stores in hand at end of month You had better reduce stores Keep a good store of Lay in a good store of A large store of To supply the necessary stores Value of stores in hand Including the stores Stores have to be sent miles The company keeps a store which What store is there of Priestless . Priestlike . Priggery . Priggish . Prill . . Prillon . Primacy . Primage . Primality . Primatial . Primero . Primest . Primestaff . Primetide . Primeval . Primevally Primipilar. Primitive . Primordial Primprint . Primrosed. Primula . Primwort . Princedom Princelike. Princeling. Princely . Princessly. brings a yearly [profit of There is a good store of wood ready stacked at the Stored [mill Have stored Have been stored Stored on account of Strata < Stratum) The strata The strata are known to dip towards the The strata are nearly vertical The strata dip Horizontal strata The strata are well denned Well-defined strata Strata very irregular The strata are much distorted In a stratum of PrincewoodStratification Principals , The dip of the vein is the same as the stratification Principia . Stratification nearly perpendicular [of the rock Principled. The peculiar stratification Princox . The pitch of the stratification Pringlea . Stratified Printfield . Stratified rocks of the period Printroom. Streak(s) Printshop . The rich streak is from to thick Printworks The streak could be followed for some distance STR 501 No. Code Word. Streak(s) (continued) 24.827 Prionidae . There is a streak of ore in the vein that assays 24.828 Prionodon A streak of ore [per ton 24.829 Prior . . Rich streaks of ore, carrying 24.830 Priorate . Thin streaks of 24.831 Prioress . Traversed by streaks of 24.832 Priorly. . These streaks are highly charged with 24.833 Priorship . Stream(s) 24.834 Prisebolt . A fine stream of water 24.835 Prismoid . The stream is full only in the winter 24.836 Prismoidial The stream runs dry in summer 24.837 Prisms . . The stream is generally dry 24.838 Prisonbase No streams 24.839 Prisoners . Several streams 24.840 Prisonment Constant stream of running water 24.841 Prisonship There are several small streams 24.842 Prisonvan . Two or three streams 24.843 Pristinate . On one side is a good stream of water 24.844 Privacies . A stream sufficient to drive 24.845 Privateers . Stream does not supply enough water to 24.846 Privations. Stream supplies water enough for a mill of 24.847 Privileged. A broad, rapid stream [stamps 24.848 Privily . . A shallow stream 24.849 Privycoat . An excellent stream of clear water 24.850 Privypurse This stream could be dammed up 24.851 Privyseal . Strength 24.852 Prizeable . Has not sufficient strength 24.853 Prizecourt The strength of the vein 24.854 Prized . . At its full strength 24.855 Prizefight . Strengthened(ing) 24.856 Prizelist . Has strengthened considerably 24.857 Prizeman . We have strengthened the 24.858 Prizemoney By strengthening the it will be safe to work 24.859 Prizerings . We are strengthening 24.860 Proaulion . Stress 24.861 Probably . By stress of weather 24.862 Probal . . A great stress upon 24.863 Probang . Strike(s) 24.864 Probative . A strike is threatened 24.865 Probatory . A strike has been ordered by the 24.866 Problem . The reason of the strike 24.867 Proboscis . The strike is likely to cause us much trouble 24.868 Procacious How long is strike likely to last 24.869 Procedendo Do not think strike will last long 24.870 Procedure. To avert a strike 24.871 Proceedeth Strike expected among the 24.872 Proceeding Strike of miners and labourers 24.873 Procellous Strike will probably last some time 24.874 Proception Strike has been averted for the present 24.875 Process . Strike averted, but afraid we shall have trouble by- 24.876 Processive Strike begun [and-bye 502 STR No. 24,877 24,878 24,879 24,880 24,881 24,882 24,883 24,884 24,885 24,886 24,887 24,888 24,889 24,890 24,891 24,892 24,893 24,894 24,895 24,896 24,897 24,898 24,899 24,900 24,901 24,902 24,903 24,904 24,905 24,906 24,907 24,908 24,909 24,910 24,911 24,912 24,9 J 3 24,914 24 ? 9i5 24,916 24,917 24,918 24,919 24,920 24,921 24,922 24,923 24,924 24,9 2 5 24.926 Code Word. Strike(s) (continued) Prochilus . Strike continues Strike over ; men have returned to work Strike over ; men gave in Strike over ; we have had to Strike over ; terms of payment agreed to Workmen on strike Labourers on strike Pitmen on strike Miners on strike Mill men on strike Caused by strike of pitmen In the event of a strike Caused by strike of miners The strike was caused by The strike originated with Hope shortly to strike the vein If by then we do not strike the vein To strike the vein Telegraph when you strike the vein Expect to strike the vein within days (To) strike the main vein (To) strike side vein Proclaimed Proclitic . Proclive . Proclivity . Proclivous Procoelia . Proconsul . Procreate . Proctocele Proctor Proctorage Proctorial . Procumbent Procurable Procuracy . Procurator Procured . Procyon . Prodigally. Prodigated Prodigious Prodigy . Proditor . Prodromus Producer . Producing Productile. Production Proembryo Profanate . Professors . Proffer. . Proffering . Proficient . Profilist . Profitable . Profitless . Profligacy . Profluence Profound . Profoundly Profulgent Profusely . Profusion . Profusive . Progenitor Proglottis Expect to strike the vein at a distance of As soon as we strike ore Rich strikes have been made at several places Strike made in Strike reported in Have made rich strike in Strike in is not good for much Pushing on to strike chute above Pushing on to strike chute below Stringers No regular vein, only stringers Stringers of rich ore Stringers of quartz Small stringers of quartz Stromeyrite Strong A strong, well-defined vein Very strong Not very strong The vein is not so strong as we expected Not so strong as Not strong enough Probable strong inquiry at higher prices Strong enough to bear the strain There is a strong feeling against There is a strong feeling in favour of Prognostic Stronger Programme Stronger than it has ever been STR 503 No. Code Word. Stronger (continued) Stronger than we have yet seen it Have made it much stronger ; it now works very Strongest [well In the strongest manner possible Of the strongest make Struck We have struck Have struck a seam of Telegraph when you have struck ore Telegraph when you have struck the Have not yet struck any ore Struck a rich body of ore The men have struck at the dictation of the Union Miners have struck for less hours Miners have struck for higher wages Miners have struck for Miners have struck against Miners have struck against proposed reduction in Have struck water in [wages Have not struck any water (Have) struck the hanging-wall ?Have) struck the foot- wall (Have) struck the lode (Have) struck the ore body in Have struck pay ore Have struck rich ore Have struck country rock Have not yet struck Struck by lightning Subject (to) Subject to the conditions named 24.958 Prominent Subject to a commission of 24.959 Promiseth. Subject to a rebate of 24.960 Promisor . Subject to a return of 24.961 Promissive Subject to a discount of 24.962 Promissory Subject to our approval 24.963 Promontory Subject to approval of 24.964 Promotions Subject to an early reply 24.965 Promptbook Subject to the terms of the contract 24.966 Prompting Subject to confirmation 24.967 Promptly . Will be subject to 24.968 Promptness Will not be subject to 24.969 Promptnote Will always be subject to 24.970 Promptuary Will always be subject to 24.971 Prompture Will not in future be subject to 24.972 Promulgate On the subject 24.973 Promulged The subject referred to in 24.974 Promulging The subject was fully discussed and it was decided to 24.975 Pronaos . Sub-let 24.976 Prongbuck Cannot sub-let 24,927 Progressed 24,928 Prohibit . 24,929 Proined . 24,93 Project 24,931 Projectile . 24,932 Projection 24,933 Projectors 24,934 Prolabium 24,935 Prolapsed . 24,936 Prolapsing 24,937 Prolapsion Prolefied . 24,939 Proleg . . 24,940 Proleptics . 24,941 Proletary . 24,942 Prolicide . 24,943 Prolific . 24,944 Prolifical . 24,945 Prolixity . 24,946 Prolixness 24,947 Prolocutor 24,948 Prologized 24,949 Prologue . 24,950 Prolongate 24,951 Prolonging 24,952 Prolongs . 24,953 Promenade 24,954 Promerit . 24,955 Promerops 24,956 Promethean! 24,957 Prominency 504 SUB No. Code Word. Sub-let (continued) 24.977 Pronghoe . Have sub-let the contract 24.978 Pronghorns To sub-let the contract 24.979 Pronominal Do not allow to sub-let the contract 24.980 Pronounced Have allowed to sub-let the contract 24.981 Pronouns . Will not allow to sub-let the contract 24.982 Pronucleus Subordinate(d) [which demand attention 24.983 Pronuncial (Must be) subordinate to the more important matters 24.984 Proofarm . Hold (holding) a subordinate position 24.985 Proofhouse Is a subordinate consideration 24.986 Proofless . Subordinating 24.987 Proofprint Subordinating everything to this consideration (or 24.988 Proofsheet Subseribe(d) [object) 24.989 Prooftext . Will subscribe for shares 24.990 Propaganda Will subscribe to the extent of 24.991 Propagator Capital already subscribed 24.992 Propago . How much will you subscribe 24.993 Propagulum Enough money has been subscribed 24.994 Proparent . What has been subscribed 24.995 Propel . | , Has (have) subscribed 24.996 Propelled . Has been subscribed 24.997 Propelling Capital was subscribed twice over 24.998 Prepense . Capital subscribed times over 24.999 Propension More was subscribed than was wanted 25.000 Propensity The full amount will be subscribed 25.001 Properates Was privately subscribed 25.002 Properly . The total subscribed is 25.003 Properness Was quickly subscribed 25.004 Propertied If you have not already subscribed 25.005 Prophasis . STibscriber(s) 25.006 Prophecy . Put my name down as a subscriber for 25.007 Prophesied The subscribers to the loan 25.008 Prophet . The subscribers to the syndicate 25.009 Prophetess The subscribers to the 25.010 Prophetize Subscription (s) 25.011 Prophoric. A subscription list has been opened 25.012 Propitiate . What is the total subscription 25.013 Propitious Subscription was not well taken up 25.014 Proplasm . Subscriptions invited for 25.015 Proplastic. Now inviting subscriptions for 25.016 Propodium Subscriptions were times the amount asked for 25.017 Propolis . Submit 25.018 Proportion Submit for your consideration 25.019 Proposals . Submit to arbitration 25.020 Proposedly Submit to the decision of 25.021 Propounded Willing to submit it to , and abide by his (their) 25.022 Proppage . Will not submit to [decision 25.023 Propriety . Submitted 25.024 Proproctor Submitted to the action (of) 25.025 Props . . Submitted to arbitration 25.026 Propugner Submitted for consideration SUB 505 No. 25,027 25,028 25,029 25,03 25,031 25,032 25,033 25,034 25>o35 25,036 25,037 25,038 25,039 25,04 25,041 25,042 25,043 25,044 25,045 25,046 25,047 25,048 25,049 25,050 25,051 25,052 25*053 25,054 25,055 25,057 25,058 25,059 25,060 25,061 25,062 25,063 25,064 25, 6 5 25,066 25,067 25,068 25,069 25,070 25,071 25,072 25,073 25,074 25,075 25,076 Code Word. Submitted (continued} Propugning Submitted to for approval Propulsory Has been submitted to Propwood Cannot be submitted to Propylaeum Will be submitted to Propylon . Your proposal was submitted to Proratable Submitted to and approved Proroguing Subsequent the Board and [approved [your opinion Prosaism . If subsequent investigations cause you to change Proscenium Subsequent events showed that Proscolex . Subsequent investigations have not changed my Proscolla . Subsequent investigations have proved [opinion Prosecuted In a subsequent interview with Proselytes. As read by the light of subsequent events Proserpine Subsequently Prosimiae . It was subsequently decided Proslavery (What) occurred subsequently Prosodical Subsided Prosodist . As soon as the flood has subsided Prosody . The excitement has subsided Prosoma . Has the excitement subsided (about) Prospect . Flood has subsided Prospector Flood has subsided ; not much damage done Prospered . Flood has subsided ; have re-started Prospering Substance Prosperous Was, in substance, correct Prostatic . Give the substance of Prosthesis. The substance of what was said Prostrated Substantially Prostyle . Substantially built Protamoeba Has been substantially rebuilt Protandry . Substantially as reported upon Protasis . Substitute(d) Proteacea . May we substitute Protean . You may substitute Proteanly . For the old we shall substitute Protected . Substituted for Protective. Substituting Protectrix . We are now substituting Proteidae . Substitution Proteinous By the substitution of Proteles . Succeed(s) Protervity Hope you will succeed in Protestant In order to succeed Protests . Will succeed Prothallus . Will not succeed Prothorax . Can you succeed in Prothyrum Fear I (we) shall not succeed in Protocol . Hope to succeed in Protogyny If we succeed Protopapas We shall succeed 5 o6 sue No. 25,077 25,078 25.079 25,080 25,081 25,082 25,083 25,084 25,085 25,086 25,087 25,088 25,089 25,090 25,091 25,092 25,093 25,094 25,095 25,096 25,097 25,098 25,099 25,100 25,101 25,102 25,103 25,104 25,105 25,106 25,107 25,108 25,109 25,110 25,111 25,112 25,116 25,118 25,119 25,120 25,121 25,122 25^23 25,124 25> I2 5 25,126 Code Word. Succeed (continued) Protophyte Cannot succeed in Protoplast Hope will succeed in Protopteri Fear will not succeed in Protornis . Succeed in obtaining Protosalt . Cannot succeed except by (or unless) Protospore If you succeed in doing this Prototypes If we do not succeed Protoxide . If we do not succeed it will be on account of Protozoic . If you do not succeed Protract . If does not succeed Protractor Did not succeed in Protrude . Likely to succeed Protruding Succeeded Protrusile . Have you succeeded Protutors . Has (have) succeeded Proudish . Has (have) not succeeded Proudly . To be succeeded by Proudness Have succeeded beyond our expectations Proudpied Succeeded in obtaining Provably . Have not yet succeeded, but still hope to do so Provant . As soon as we have succeeded Proveditor Succeeded in finding the vein Provedores Success Provender A great success Proverbial Success now assured Proverbs . Success is doubtful Provided . (We) can make it a great success Providence Must make it a success Providing . Has been a great success Provinces . What success have you had in Provision . Have had a great success Provisory . If it should not be a success Provokable Is going to be a great success Provoke . Success may be considered certain Provoking Success is very doubtful Provost . Success is assured, if Prowess . Confident of success Prowled . In order to make it a success Prowleries There is a good prospect of success Prowling . May expect moderate success Proxenet . We think that future success is certain Proximal . Successful Proximity . Has (have) been very successful Proximo . Have always been successful Proximous Was (were) not at first successful Proxy . . Was (were) ultimately successful Proxying . Has (have) not been successful Proxyship . Has (have) been successful (in) Prudential Not likely to be successful Prudently . Not so successful (as) sue 507 No. 25,127 25,128 25,129 25,13 25,131 25,132 25,133 25,134 25, J 35 25,136 25,i37 25,138 25,140 25,141 25,142 25,143 25,144 25,146 25,147 25,148 25,i49 25,15 2 5, I 5 I 25,152 25,i53 25,154 25,158 25,i59 25,160 25,161 25,162 25,i 6 3 25,164 25,165 25,166 25,167 25,168 25, l6 9 25,17 25,171 25,172 25,173 25,174 25,i75 25^76 Code Word. Successful (continued] Prudery . Was very successful in the past Prudishly . The old owners were very successful Pruinate . If not successful at present Prunelet . We have at last been successful in Pruner . . If you are not successful Prunings . Successfully Pruriency . Was successfully carried out (or completed) Prurient . Such Prurigo . From such ;' ' Pruritus . By such Prussiate . From such a source Prutenic . Such is (are) Pryest . . Is (are) such the Prytaneum Such as Prytany . In such a case Psalm . . Just such another as Psalmist . If such is the case Psalmodic Such as may Psalterium Suction Psaltery . Suction valves and seats Psamma . Suction valve-box Psammitic Suction lift Psammodus Suddenly) Psarolite . There has been a sudden change Psellismus The sudden disappearance of Psephism . A sudden change in the weather Pseudobulb Cannot account for the sudden Pseudodox Very suddenly (or) Very sudden Pseudology Died suddenly last Pseudonym Sue Pseudopus To sue (for) Pseudova Pshaw . Pshawing Psidium Psilothron Psittacid Psittacula Psoas . . Shall sue them in the court Psophia , Psoralea Psoriasis Psoric . Psychal , Psychiatry Psychism Intend to sue Do not sue Must sue Sue at once To sue them for damages Will sue Will not sue Shall sue them in the Shall sue for substantial damages Shall sue for a re-hearing of the case If he sues (they sue) us If we sue him (them) Sued Expect to be sued for As to which we are sued Psychology Suing Psychopomp Now suing for Psychosis . Suing for heavy damages Psychotria. Sufficient(ly) 5 o8 SUF No. 25,177 25,178 25, J 79 25,180 25,181 25,182 25,183 25,184 25,185 25,186 25,187 25,188 25,189 25,190 25,192 25^93 25,194 25^196 25,197 25,198 25> T 99 25,200 25,201 25,202 25,203 25,204 25,205 25,206 25,207 25,208 25,209 25,210 25,211 25,212 25,213 25,214 25,215 25,216 25, 2I 7 25,218 25,219 25,220 25,221 25,222 25,223 25,224 25,225 25,226 Code Word. Psylla . Psyllidae . Ptarmic . Ptarmigan Pteraspis . Pteroceras Pterodon . Pteroma . Pteromys . Pteropidae Pteropus . Pterosaur . Pterygium Pterygoid . Pterygotus Ptinidae . Ptisan . . Ptochogony Ptolemaic . Ptyalin. . Ptychodus Puberulent Pubescency Pubescent Public . . Publicans . Publicist . Publicly . Publicness Publish . Publishers Puccinia . Puceron . Puchapat . Puckball . Puckered . Puckering . Puckfists . Suffieient(ly) (continued) There is sufficient Not in sufficient quantities Sufficient money in hand (to) Not sufficient money in hand (to) A sufficient quantity Reserving only sufficient There is sufficient wood to last for years Is it (are they) sufficient It is (they are) sufficient It is (they are) not sufficient The quantity is sufficient to The quantity is not sufficient to Have you sufficient Have sufficient Have sufficient to last for Have not sufficient Not sufficient There not being sufficient If not sufficient Sufficient for the purpose (of) Sufficient to justify Not sufficient to justify Producing sufficient for Milling sufficient ore to keep up The output is sufficient to keep the mill going There will not be sufficient We have not sufficient for more than Sufficient to carry us over Sufficient to enable us to Sufficiently large to Sufficiently satisfactory Suggest What would you suggest Can you suggest any means (or cause) Cannot suggest Cannot suggest any better way We suggest that you should If you can suggest any better way Puddening Suggested Puddingbag It has been suggested to us (that) Puddingpie We suggested to him (them) Puddleball Suggestion(s) Puddlepoet Acted on your suggestion At our suggestion At suggestion Do not approve of suggestion Appro ve(s) of suggestion Puddly Pudendous Pudicity . Puerile . . Puerilely . Puerperal . Puerperous Suggestion is impracticable Cannot act on your suggestion Glad to receive any suggestion STJG 509 No. Code Word. Suggestion(s) (continued) 25,227 Puff. . . Think the suggestion a good one 25,228 Puffadder . The suggestion will be considered 25,229 Puffbird . Your suggestion shall have our best consideration 25,230 Puffery. . Suggestions for you to consider 25,231 Puffiness . C*lSVSA0f > **%T%C !*-** -CT/-VII f\ * r\ _ -f r^ *-\ <-\ * <- i A 1 T Suggestions lur yuu tinu. 10 cuiioiuci 25,232 Puffiingly . Will consider your suggestions 25, 2 33 Puffpaste . Our joint suggestions 25,234 Pugdog . Your joint suggestions 25,235 Pugfaced . Suit(s) 25,236 Pugh . . To suit 25,237 Pugilism . Will suit 25,238 Pugilistic . Will not suit 25,239 Pugmill . Anything to suit 25,240 Pugnacious Nothing that will suit 25,241 Pugnacity . Will it suit 25,242 Pugnosed . Will suit very well 25,243 Pugpiles . Would suit much better (if) 25,244 Pugpiling . Would not suit so well 25,245 Puisny . . In the suit of versus 25,246 Puissance . The suit of the company versus 25,247 Puissantly. *Pl- ^ r*ii^+- rxf . Tr/^-K-r-n r- 4-V /^ /"/-MTT r\r\ v\ TT J.I1L, olllt \JL ^^ VdoU.o LUC i^k/IH L/clll V 25,248 Pulex . . (It is) a suit for damages 25,249 Pulicaria . (It is) a suit for trespass 25,25 Pulicene . At the suit of 25,25! Pulings This suit will be heard 25,25 2 Fullback . You need have no fear about the suit 25,253 Pulleys . The suit will not come on until 25,254 Pullicat . The hearing of the suit 25,255 Pullmancar If the suit is heard 25,25 6 Pullulated . Who are the plaintiffs in the suit 25,257 Pulmograda Who are the defendants in the suit 25,25 8 Pulmonary Are the plaintiffs ; are the defendants in the suit 25,259 Pulmonata The plaintiff in the suit 25,260 Pulmonicks The defendant in the suit 25,261 Pulmonifer The result of the suit 25,262 Pulpers . If it will suit 25,263 Pulpited . If it will not suit 25,264 Pulpitical . If it suits our purpose, we will 25,265 Pulpitish . It suits our purpose 25,266 Pulpitry . Qii-ifQ t~v 1 1 v>. ^ r /% OUlLb ^^ UUlUUot 25,267 Pulpous . When it suits 25,268 Pulsated . We shall not move until it suits us to do so 25,269 Pulsatilla . Suitable 25,270 Pulsations . Would it be suitable 25,271 Pulsative . Suitable in every way 25,272 Pulsatory . Not suitable for the work 25 2 73 Pulseglass . Not at all suitable 25,274 Pulseless . Telegraph if anything suitable offers 25,275 Pulsific. . Nothing suitable offered 25,276 Pulsion . Think it would be very suitable 5io SUI No. 25,277 25,278 25,279 25,280 25,281 25,282 25,283 25,284 25,285 25,286 25,287 25,288 25,289 25,290 25,291 25,292 25,293 25,294 25,295 25,296 25,297 25,298 25,299 25,300 25,301 25,302 25,303 25,304 25=305 25,306 25,307 25,308 25,309 25,3 10 25,3H 25,312 25,313 25,316 25,3*7 25,318 25,319 25,320 25,321 25,322 25,323 25,324 25,325 Code Word. Suitable (continued] Pultaceous If nothing suitable offers Pulverable Nothing more suitable to offer Pulverate . More suitable for our purpose Pulverized In other respects, it is very suitable Pulverous . Might be made suitable Pulvillo . Is there any suitable Pulvinuli . Find anything suitable Pulwar . . Cannot find a suitable Pumicose . Would be very suitable for Pumpbarrel Sulphide (of) Pumpbits . Sulphide of silver Pumpbox . Sulphide of copper Pumpbrake Sulphide of zinc Pumpchain Sulphur Pumpdale. Sulphurets Pumpetball Cannot treat the sulphurets Pumphandle These sulphurets can only be treated by Pumphood In the sulphurets Pumprooms Sum(s) Pumpspear A sum of Pumpstock Too large a sum Pumpwell . Not too large a sum Punawind . Do you think it too large a sum to pay for the mint Punch . . I (we) consider it a fair sum Punchbowl A lump sum of Punchcheck Offer him (them) a lump sum down Puncheon . A lump sum offered Punchladle Large sums have been spent Punctuated Summer Punctators This summer Punctiform Last summer Punctilio . Next summer Punctist . During the summer Punctual . Very hot in summer Punctually Summit Punctulate On the summit Puncturing From the summit Pundum . Over the summit Pungently. At the summit Pungled . The summit of Punica . . Near the summit Punish . . Sunday Punishable On Sunday Punishing . Last Sunday Punishment Next Sunday Punitory . Every Sunday Punnets . Every other Sunday Punsters . Sunk Puparial . Have sunk Pupilage . Sunk feet on the vein SUN No. Code Word. Sunk (continued] 25.327 Pupilarity . Sunk on the vein 25.328 Pupils . . Have sunk feet 25.329 Pupivora . Have not sunk far enough 25.330 Pupivorous After they had sunk feet 25.331 Puppetish. How far have you sunk 25.332 Puppetly . Have sunk feet for water 25.333 Puppetman Shaft sunk 25.334 Puppetplay Superficial 25.335 Puppetshow Could only make superficial examination 25.336 Puppyism. From a superficial examination 25.337 Purblind . Have made only a superficial examination 25.338 Purblindly The superficial measurement 25.339 Purchase . Superfluous 25.340 Purchasing Would be quite superfluous 25.341 Purflewed. Superintend (s) 25.342 Purgament Who will superintend 25.343 Purgation . Will superintend 2-5 > 344 Purgatives. Will not superintend 25.345 Purgatory . Cannot superintend 25.346 Purgingnut You must superintend yourself 25.347 Purify . . Has (have) sent proper person to superintend 25.348 Purists . . Shall we send proper person to superintend 25.349 Puritan . Send a proper person to superintend 25.350 Puritanism Must have efficient man to superintend 25.351 Puritanize. Superintended 25.352 Purlieus . Has been superintended by 25.353 Purloin . Who superintended 25.354 Purloining Superintendence 25.355 Purparties. The chief superintendence of 25.356 Purplefish . Superintendent 25.357 Purplewood The mine superintendent 25.358 Purpling . The underground superintendent 25.359 Purport . The superintendent of the 25.360 Purporting Surface superintendent 25.361 Purposeful Superintending 25.362 Purposely . Superintending everything 25.363 Purposive . Superior 25.364 Purpurate . Superior to any we have yet seen 25.365 Purreic. . Superior to all others 25.366 Pursecrab . If not superior 25.367 Purseful . A much superior kind 25.368 Pursemouth Do not think it superior to 25.369 Pursenet . Supersede(s) 25.370 Pursepride Intended to supersede 25.371 Purseproud Will it supersede the old 25.372 Purslane . Think it will supersede 25.373 Pursuable . Superseded 25.374 Pursuance. Have (has) superseded 25.375 Pursueth . Has been superseded (by) 25.376 Pursuivant Supervision 512 SUP No. 25,377 25,378 25,379 25,380 25,381 25,382 25,383 25,384 25,385 25,386 25.387 25,388 25,389 25,390 25,391 25,392 25,393 25,394 25,395 2 5,39 6 25,397 25,398 25,399 25,400 25,401 25,402 25,403 25,404 25,405 25,406 25,407 25,408 25,409 25,410 25,411 25,412 25,413 25,414 25,415 25,416 Code Word. Supervision ^(continued) Purtenance Under good supervision There has been no proper supervision To be placed under proper supervision Greatly in need of supervision Give this your personal supervision Without - personal supervision 25,418 25,419 25,420 25,421 25,422 25,423 25,4 2 4 25,425 25,426 Purulency. Purulent . Purvey . . Purveyance Purveyors . Purview . Puseyism . Puseyistic . Pushed . Pushpins . Pussmoth . Pustular . Putamen . Putchock . Puteal . . Putloghole Putorius . Putrefied . Putrid . . Putridity . Putterout . Puttyers . Pu'ttyeye . Puttyfaced Putty knife Puttyroot . Puzzle . . Puzzledom Under the personal supervision of Will give his personal supervision Most careful supervision Supplement In order to supplement the supply of Supplement what is wanted to complete the Supplementary (to) A supplementary report Supplemented (by) Supplied Supplied with Badly supplied (with) Well supplied (with) Has supplied us with Was (were) supplied Must be supplied with Are you well supplied (with) We are now well supplied (with) Shall be well supplied with Supplied with tools and other appliances Have supplied all that is wanted New have been supplied Supplied to replace the old Puzzlement Supplies Puzzling . Supplies are very short Puzzolite . Supplies easily hauled from the seaport of Pyaemia . Supplies hauled with great difficulty from Pycnidium Milling and mining supplies Pycnite . Large supplies Pycnodont Small supplies Pycnogonum Supplies coming in slowly Pycnostyle Supplies coming in quickly Pyebald . Large supplies expected Pygarg . . Supplies have to be hauled Pygathrix . Supplies coming to hand daily Pygmean . Supply Pygmiest . Can supply Pygopus . Can you supply Pyjama . If you cannot supply Pyloridea . Can supply Pyogenesis Cannot supply Pyogenia . Must supply Pyoning . Supply exceeds the demand Pyracanth . Supply falls short of demand SUP No. Code Word. Supply (continued) 25.427 Pyracid . Supply us with 25.428 Pyramidal. Will furnish a regular supply (for) (of) 25.429 Pyramidion Will supply 25.430 Pyramises. Will not supply 25.431 Pyreneite . Would supply 25.432 Pyrethrum We must have a good supply of 25.433 Pyretic. . Has (have) now a regular supply 25.434 Pyretology The supply is irregular (of) 25.435 Pyrexial . Has (have) a good supply in hand (of) 25.436 Pyritized . Sufficient supply of 25.437 Pyritizing . Short supply of 25.438 Pyritous . An abundant supply of 25.439 Pyroacetic Have bought a large supply of 25.440 Pyrochlore The supply appears inexhaustible 25.441 Pyrochroa. A constant supply of 25.442 Pyrogallic. A supply of new 25.443 Pyrogenous Can you supply the extra needed to 25.444 Pyrognomic Will supply us with enough ore to last 25.445 Pyrolaceae Supplying 25.446 Pyrolatry . Am (are) supplying the mill with ore from the 25.447 Pyroleter . Supplying all materials 25.448 Pyrolithic . Supplying what is necessary for 25.449 Pyrologist . Support (s) 25.450 Pyrolusite. The support of the government 25.451 Pyromantic Promise of support (from) 25.452 Pyrope. . The authorities will support 25.453 Pyrophorus Will require support from 25.454 Pyrorthite. In order to support 25.455 Pyrosoma . To support 25.456 Pyrotechny Will support 25.457 Pyrouric . Will not support 25.458 Pyroxene . Must support 25.459 Pyroxyline Get to support you 25.460 Pyrrhicist . The supports 25.461 Pyrrholite. No support can be expected from 25.462 Pyrrhonean The supports have given way 25.463 Pyrrhonic . (To) have the support of 25.464 Pyrrhula . (To) replace the old supports 25.465 Pyrulinae . The old supports are quite decayed 25.466 Pythagoric Can no longer support 25.467 Pythiad . Must put in new supports to make all safe 25.468 Python . New supports 25.469 Pythoness. Support the strain thrown upon it 25.470 Pyxineae . You will have the support of 25.471 Pyxis . . Agreed to support 25.472 Quabird . (To) support the proposition 2 5>473 Quackery . Supported 25,474 Quackhood Is (are) entirely supported by 2 5>475 Quackish . Must be supported 2 5>4?6 Quackled . Unless supported by 9. L 513 5'4 SUP No. 25,477 25,478 25,479 25,480 25,481 25,482 25,483 25,484 25,485 25,486 25,487 25,488 25,489 25,49 25,491 25,492 25,493 25,494 25,495 25,496 25,497 25,498 25,499 25,5 25,501 25,5 2 25,503 25,504 25,505 25, 5 6 25,507 25,508 25,509 25,51 25,5n 25,512 2 5,5 J 3 25,5*4 25,5^ 25,516 25,5*7 25,518 25,5*9 25,520 25,521 25,522 25,523 25,524 25,525 25,526 Code Word. Quackling. Supposed Quadra . Supposed to have been Quadragene Supposed not to have been Quadrangle Is it supposed that Quadrantal It was supposed to be (that) Quadrated It is supposed to be (that) Quadrating Supposition Quadratrix On the supposition that Quadrature Sure Quadricorn Quadrics . Quadrifid . Quadrilles. Quadriloge Quadrivium Quadroon . Quadroxide Quadrumana Quadruped Quaesta . Quaff . . Quaffing . Quagmire . Quags . . Quahaug . Quailcall . Quailed Quailpipe . Quaint . . Quaintly . Quaintness Quakegrass Quaker Quaker bird Quakergun Quakerism Quaketail . Quakingly. Qualified . Qualify . Qualifying Qualm . Qualming . Qualmish Are you sure To be quite sure I am (we are) quite sure Is (are) sure I am (we are) not sure Is (are) not sure Make quite sure of your ground We have made quite sure of Quite sure we are right Quite sure it was the right thing to do Do not feel quite sure If you are not sure, you should Surface. (See also Indications.) On the surface From the surface Along the surface Below the surface Much nearer the surface Near the surface Surface examination impossible on account of snow Surface indications point to The surface works consist of Surface workings (By) surface workings and trial shafts Many surface holes from to feet deep One or two surface holes Surface trials made Development consists of surface-openings only From these surface openings The whole surface of the claims The surface of the entire district Here and there along the surface Picked up on the surface The surface features of the country From the surface down to Qualmishly Surplus Quamoclit. The surplus to be applied (in) Quandaried What surplus will there be 'Quandary. The surplus that will be left Quantitive Will leave a surplus of Quantum . Have a surplus of SUR 515 No. Code Word. Surplus (continue^) Quarantine Any surplus there may be With the surplus Surprised Have been surprised to hear Have been surprised at receiving Was (were) surprised Was (were) not surprised Have been surprised to find You will be surprised to learn that Surrounded The property is surrounded by Surrounding(s) From the surroundings The surrounding country The surrounding mines Survey (s) Have a survey made (of) Make an accurate survey Have finished the survey Have not yet finished the survey Has any survey been made Will make a survey and report upon A survey of all the company's property An accurate survey of (From) a survey of the property [cession (From) a survey of the district covered by the con- An engineer has been appointed to make the neces- The surveys required by [sary surveys As soon as the surveys are completed The surveys will take to complete Estimated cost of the surveys If no surveys are made within the specified time, Survey contracts [the concession will be forfeited. Go to to commence surveys Quarterly survey (s) Available for surveys Surveys will cost Arrangements have been made to survey Surveys in the various districts, for which legal arveyed [notices have been complied with Has (have) surveyed Has (have) not surveyed Has (have) the mine(s) been properly surveyed Has (have) been thoroughly surveyed Has (have) never been properly surveyed Expect to have surveyed Have had surveyed Not yet surveyed Must be surveyed before The lands (or claims) to be surveyed 25,528 Quarrel Quarrelled 25,530 Quarriable 25,531 Quarriers . 25,532 Quarry . . 25,533 Quarrying . 25,534 Quarry man 25,535 Quarterday 25,536 Quartering 25,537 Quartettes . 25,538 Quarto . . 25,539 Quartpots . 25,540 Quartridge 25,541 Quartzite . 25,542 Quartzmill 25,543 Quartzoid . 25,544 Quartzrock 25,545 Quartzy . 25,546 Quaschi . 25,547 Quasifee . 25,548 Quasimodo 25,549 Quassation 25,550 Quassia . 25,55! Quarterfoil 25,552 Quarternate Quatorzain 25,554 Quatrain . 25,555 Quatuor . 25,556 Quavered . 25,557 Quayage . 25,558 Quayberth 25,559 Quaying . 25,560 Queached . 25,561 Queasily . 25,562 Quebecoak 25,563 Queenapple 25,564 Queenbee . 25,565 Queencake 25,566 Queen craft ! 25,567 Queendom 25,568 Queengold 25,569 Queenhood 25,570 Queening . Queenlike. 25^572 Queenly . 25,573 Queenpost 25,574 Queenship 25,575 Queensware 25,576 Queentruss 5i6 SUE, No. Code Word. 2 5>577 Queerish . Surveying 2 5578 Quell . . When can you commence surveying 2 5>57 9 Quemeful . Surveying the old workings 2 5>5 8 Quenchable Will commence surveying 2 5>58i Quenchcoal Am (are) now surveying 2 55^ 2 Quenching The expense of surveying 2 5>5 8 3 Quenchless Surveying instruments 2 5>5 8 4 Quercetic . Surveyors 25*585 Quercitron Surveyors will be sent 2 5>586 Quercus . Surveyors have been sent 2 5>587 Queried . When will surveyors commence 2 5>588 Querimony Surveyors' report 2 5>589 Querists . Have arranged with surveyors 2 5) 5 9 Querulous. Suspect 2 5>59 I Questers . Do you suspect (any) (that) 2 5>59 2 Questioned I (we) suspect that 25.593 Questman . I (we) have reason to suspect 25.594 Questuary. We suspect that the cause was 2 5>595 Quibble " . Have no reason to suspect 25.596 Quibbling. Suspected 25.597 Quickbeam Has (have) been suspected (of) (that) 25.598 Quicken . Was (were) never suspected (of) (that) 25.599 Quickeneth Has (have) ever been suspected of 25.600 Quickening I (we) suspected (that) 25.601 Quickhatch Having suspected (that) 25.602 Quickhedge I (we) never suspected (that) 25.603 Quicklime. Suspecting 25.604 Quickmarch Suspecting that all was not right 25.605 Quickness . Suspend 25.606 Quicksands To suspend 2 5>6o7 Quickstep. Likely to suspend 25.608 Quidam . Not likely to suspend 25.609 Quiddany. Suspend further action 25.610 Quiddative Suspend work until 25.611 Quidnunc. Will suspend 25.612 Quiesced . We shall suspend all work 25.613 Quiescency We shall have to suspend 25.614 Quiescing . Suspend all operations 25.615 Quietened. Have had to suspend work in on account of 25.616 Quietism . Have had to suspend work in in order to put 25.617 Quietistic . Suspended 25.618 Quietous . Has (have) suspended 25.619 Quietously Has (have) not suspended 25.620 Quietsome Must be suspended 25.621 Quietude . Cannot be suspended 25.622 Quillnibs . All operations have been suspended in consequence 25.623 Quillwork . Been partly suspended [of the severe frost 25.624 Quiltings . Been suspended for days 25.625 Quinceseed Has (have) suspended payment 25.626 Quincetree Suspending SITS 517 No. 25,627 25,628 25,629 25,630 25,631 25,632 25,633 25,634 25,635 25,636 25,637 25,638 25,639 25,640 25,641 25,642 25,643 25,644 25,645 25,646 25,647 25,648 25,649 25,650 25,651 25,652 25,653 25,654 25^55 25,656 25,657 25,658 25,659 25,660 25,661 25,662 25,663 25,664 25,665 25,666 25,667 25,668 25,669 25,670 25,671 25,672 2 5,673 25,674 25,675 25,676 Code Word. Suspending (continued) Quincewine We are suspending operations Quincunx . Cause for suspending Quinine . Suspense Quininism. Have been kept in suspense Quinoa . In a state of suspense Quinology Suspension Quinquevir The suspension has been announced of Quinquina Suspicion Quinsywort Is (are) under grave suspicion of having No suspicion attaches to Is there any suspicion of Great suspicion No suspicion (of) We had no suspicion that Should be regarded with suspicion Suspicious I am (we are) very suspicious (of) Are you suspicious Is Care) suspicious Quintals Quinteron . Quintilian . Quintuple . Quirinalia . Quiristers . Quirky . . Quisqualis . Quitclaim . Quittance . Quiver . . Quivering . Quixotic . Quiz . . Quizzed . Quizzical . Quizzism . Quoddy . Quodlibet . Quondam . Quorum . Quota . . Quotable . Quotations Quoteless . Quotidian . Quotient . Quoting . Raasch. Rabbetted. Rabbinical Rabbinism Rabbitfish . Rabbiting . Rabbits . Rabblement Rabblerout Rabdoidal . Rabdology No cause to be suspicious Every reason to be suspicious Sustained Credit must be sustained Great loss will be sustained Sustained no damage (or loss) Sustained very little damage (or los^) What loss (damage) has been sustained Sustaining We are sustaining Sustaining heavy loss Swindle(d) The mine(s) is (are) a regular swindle The whole thing is a regular swindle Do you think it a swindle If you think it a swindle Was (has been) completely swindled Syenite The hanging-wall is syenite The foot-wall is syenite The country rock is syenite Syndicate A syndicate has been formed From a syndicate In the hands of a syndicate Ought to be bought by a syndicate, who would If it were in the hands of a syndicate Syndicate with a capital of in Is suitable for a syndicate A small syndicate Rabdomancy A syndicate to provide, say [develop it shares 5 i8 SYN No. 25,677 25,678 25,679 25,680 25,681 25,682 25.683 25,684 25,685 25,686 25,687 25,688 25,689 25,690 25,691 25,692 25,693 25,694 25,695 25,696 25,697 25,698 25,699 25,700 25,701 25,702 25,70.3 25,704 25,705 25,706 25,707 25,708 25,709 25,710 2 5,7 r * 25,712 25,713 25,714 25,7*7 25,718 25*719 25,720 25,721 25,722 25,723 25,724 25,725 25,726 Code Word. Rabidly Rabidness . Raccahout Raccoons . Racecourse Raceginger Raceground Racehorses Racemation Racemic . Racemous Racemulose Racer . . Racetrack . Raceway . Rachialgia Rachidian Rachilla . Rachis . . Rachitome Racial . . Rackbars . Rackblock Rackingcan Rackpin . Rackrail . Rackrenter Racksaw . Rackstick . Rackwork . Racodium . Racoonda Racovian . Racquets . Radevore . Radiance . Radiantly . Radiating . Radiative . Radiator . Radical . Radicalism Radically . Radicose . Radicular . Radiolaria Radiolite . Radious . Radix . . Raduliform Syndicate (continued} Obtained by the syndicate Endeavouring to syndicate A powerful syndicate Represent a syndicate of Who are in the ( ) syndicate Fresh syndicate has been formed The syndicate gets The syndicate gets in cash and shares respectively The syndicate gets no cash, only shares The syndicate gets no shares, only cash Syndicate with a small capital A small syndicate might be formed A syndicate to find means to have it reported on Syndicate being formed to [and developed Syndicate has taken It would be best to form a syndicate Syndicate will be formed Syndicate has expended Syndicate has sent out Syndicate to take up a land concession in Syndicate has bought the concession Syndicate has obtained the concession Syndicate to explore Share in the syndicate The syndicate has called up Syndicate must send out Syndicate must be prepared to System Must have a better system Must alter the system of The system is bad The system is very good A better system of Cannot adopt a better system There has been an entire want of system The entire system of work wants thorough revision- Have adopted a new system Under the old system The change from the old system to the new Cost of the respective systems By the new system we expect to save The saving effected by system Is the system adapted for our The system is not adapted for Table(s) Refer to the table of By the tables which we send Snaking tables Tabular Tabular statement(s) TAB 519 No. Code Word. Tabular (continued) 25,727 Raffish . . Tabular statement of results 25,728 Rafflenet . Tabular statement of monthly expenses 25,729 Rafflers . Tabular statement of work done 25,730 Rafflesia . Tabular statement of ore extraction Raftbridge Tabular statement will show 25,732 Raftdog . Information arranged in a tabular form 25,733 Raftering . Tailings 25,734 Raftports . Average sample of tailings (give) 25,735 Ragabash . The tailings would be worth working 25,736 Ragamuffin Lost in the tailings 25,737 Ragbolts . Assay of tailings 25,738 Ragcarpet . Tailings will pay to work 25,739 Ragdust . Tailings will not pay to work 25,740 Ragerie . Estimate tailings on hand to be tons 25,741 Ragfair . Estimate tailings on hand to be worth 25,742 Ragingly . Tons of tailings worth 25,743 T^ i^minroll Thf* tiilin^ from thp mill JLXCl^llltllll vJll JL 11C Idlllllc^o 1IU111 L11C ^^ 111111 25,744 Ragounce . Tailings from vanners 25,745 Ragpicker. How much can you save in the tailings 25,746 Ragshop . The best way of treating the tailings 25,747 Ragstone . Cost of treating the tailings 25,748 Ragwheel . Treating tailings by the process 25,749 Ragwort . Can treat tons of tailings every twenty-four 25,750 Railcar . By this process of treating the tailings [hours 25,7s 1 Railfence . Slum mill for treating tailings 25,75-' Railjoint . Assay value of tailings now being worked 25,753 T? ill dr-XT T-TrTTk ffl/^/1 -r\ vr\ y- r\ r* r* fsm* 4- * ^ *- fr i v* /-* -f l-\ i i-oilll [IgS jxctiiiciy jnidvc LIICU. UIL/UCOD ic/i iiCctiiiiti LUC LctniJ 25,754 Railroad . Tried process of treating the tailings, but it 25,755 Railway . Take [was not successful 25,756 Raiment . Take all you can get 25,757 Rainbirds . Take all the 25,758 Rainbowed (To) take up 25,759 Rainclouds (To) take out 25,76o Raindrop . (To) take over 25,761 Rainfall . Not to take 25,762 Raingauges Will take 25,763 Raininess . Will you take 25,764 Rainprint . Will he (they) take 25,765 Raintight . Will it take 25,766 Rainwater . Will not take 25,767 Rainy . . Will not take less (than) 25,768 Raise . . Can take 25,769 Raisingbee Can take any quantity Raisins . Can you take 25,771 Rajahship . Cannot take 25,772 Rakestale . Should take 25,773 Rakevein . Ought not to take 25,774 Rakish . . Ought not to take more (than) 25,775 Rakishly . It will take too long 25 3 776 Rakishness It will take some time 520 TAK No. 25.777 25,778 25,779 25,780 25,781 25,782 25,783 25,784 25,785 25,786 25,787 25,788 25,789 25,79 25,79i 25,79 2 25,793 25,794 25,795 25,79 6 25,797 25,798 25,799 25,800 25,801 25,802 25,803 25,804 25,805 25,806 25,807 25,808 25,809 25,810 25,811 25,812 25,813 25,814 25,815 25,816 25,817 25,818 25,819 25,820 25,821 25,822 25,823 25,824 25,825 25,826 Code Word. Take (continued) Rallidae . It will not take much How much will it take to In order to take out tons per day Rallus . . Ramagious Ramberges Rambler . Rambling . Rambootan Ramekin . Ramhead . Ramified . Ramiparous Rampage . Rampallian How long will it take to Will take subject to Will be compelled to take Necessary to take When it suits to take If we take it If we take any part of If we do not take it We must take Have had to take out Rampancy Taken Ramphastos Very little has been taken (from) A great deal has been taken (from) Has much been taken (from) How much has it taken How much has been taken It has taken It has taken more than It has not taken Have you taken I (we) have taken Has (have) taken Has (have) not taken Has (have) not taken more than Taken from Taken from the dump Sample(s) taken from assay (s) Ore taken from assays Rampion Rampired . Ramrods . Ramsagul . Ramtilla . Ramulous . Ramuscule Rancescent Ranched . Rancidity . Rancorous Rancour . Randanite Randletree Random . Randomly Rangement Rangership Raniceps . Rankest . Rankling . Rankriding Ransacked Ransacking Ransomable Ransombill Ransomfree Ransoming Ransomless Ranters Have taken out the old Have taken some of Have not taken any of No more has been taken Taking In taking these samples Taking out - tons per day Has (have) been taking Not taking Taking out sufficient to Is (are) taking out We are now taking out more than Not taking out as much as We are now taking out Taking out the old timbering and replacin Ranterism Rantipole . Talc Ranula. . Talk Ranunculus There is a talk of Rapaces . There is no talk of it by TAL 521 No. Code Word. Talk (continued) 2 5,827 Rapadura . Is there any talk of 25,828 Rapecake . Tank(s) 25,829 ~R TDPOI] r~*T"l" iron tinlc^^ to hold Dillon JLVdUCv-'iJL V-/doU 11LHJ. LcllliVloJ LvJ 11UIC1 i^cllll/llo 25,830 "O o *-v^t- /-\/-k4- "\X7V^ii /VK4- ni-xM-^ 4-n Y\\T /r\ 4-f\ Vn"*!^ rrr\ 1 1 ^v - r JXctpeiUUl . VVIUUgllL liUIl IdllK^by LU 11U1U. gdilUIlo Rapeseed . Square wooden tank(s) 25,832 Rapewine . Round wooden tank(s) 25,833 T? TTlVl 1 AllT>~> TlTll^/CM I/^VKT ^TTl/^f* . flpPTi jLvdUlldCllblll J.dllK.(oJ " lUIlcij " WlCJCj vlCCL) 25,834 T? Tnn n pli \~f* T?/^nTiH toTilr^ .< . /"liTm^f'OT HPAT^ _LXd L/lldCllLC JCvULllH-l Ldlllvo LllcilllCLCl LiCCL' 25,835 Raphanus . Tank excavated in the rock 25,836 Raphe . . Tank must have a capacity of gallons 25,837 Raphides . Tank burst 25,838 *I? <1 T^ 1 /3 C T/i t-\l- /r^\ V* <-\1 /-\\ v\ /v ^vrtll ^\v\ r Jxd^/i(j.o JL dnK.( sy iic/iciiiig ^ciiions 25,839 Rapierfish. Tariff 25,840 Rapinous . The new tariff will come into operation 25,841 Rapparee . Duty under the new tariff 25,842 Raptorial . The new tariff will be prejudicial 25,843 Raptorious New tariff imposes heavy duties upon 25,844 Rapturist . New tariff will make all material much dearer 25,845 Rapturized New tariff will make everything cheaper 25,846 Rarebit . Tax(es) 25,847 Rareeshow A heavy tax 25,848 Rarefiable . To pay the taxes on 25,849 Rarefy . . What taxes will there be 25,850 Rarefying . To meet this tax 25,851 Rascaldom Intend (s) to levy a tax on 25,852 Rascality . To cover the taxes 25,853 Rascallike. The tax on 25,854 Rascallion Must get the tax reduced 25,855 Rascals . Intend(s) to do away with the tax on 25,856 Rashly . . The taxes must be paid 25,857 Rashness . Taxes and insurance 25,858 Raskolnik . The tax is levied on 2 5,859 Raspatory . Let us know the amount of taxes 25,860 Raspberry . The taxes amount to 25,861 "Pn^nTf* Tf" t f }~vf* c * *rt*r* Tio1~ T\iirl VIT T fnf* T\TOTiPvf"i T will be JXcLolll C? J.1 LcLACb dlC IlUt UdlU. \J\ U1JC Ulx-MJClLV 25,862 Ratability . Income tax on profits [seized 25,863 Ratable . Income tax levied on 25,864 Ratcatcher Valuation for taxes 25,865 Ratch . . What is the valuation upon which taxes will be 25,866 Ratebooks Taxing [assessed 25,867 Ratepayer Without taxing too heavily 25,868 Ratetithe . Improperly taxing 25,869 Ratholite . Team(s) 25,870 Rathripe . Ore team broke down owing to 25,871 j'vcitiiicL vvitn. one tCQ.m ton" DOT* fliv cnn oc* IT* mled 25,872 Ratifiers . Will necessitate having another team 25,873 Rationally . Cannot get teams at present 25,874 Jxcitioniii " Incliidin rr n tcnm of" hor n p r * inrl Tyi'ilp*"* 25.875 Ratitate . Team working steadily 25.876 Ratmara . With one team 522 TEA No. 25^77 25,878 25,879 25,880 25,881 25,882 25,883 25,884 25,885 25,886 25,887 25,888 25,889 25,890 25,891 25,892 25,893 25,894 25,895 25,89.6 25,897 25,898 2 5,899 25,900 2 5,9 01 25,902 25.9 3 25,904 25,905 25,906 25,907 25,908 25,909 25,910 ^5,9 IJ 25,912 25,9*3 2 5,9 J 4 25,9*5 2 5,9i6 25,9*7 25,918 25,922 25,923 25,924 25,9 2 5 25,926 Code Word. Team(s) (continued) Ratpit . . With two teams Ratsbane . Another team Ratsnake . Team can haul Rattailed . What can team haul in one day Ratteen . Team(s) cannot haul ore on account of Rattlebox . Team(s) at work again Rattlecap . Technical Rattlehead In the technical accounts Rattlepate The technical accounts to be sent Rattlewort The technical accounts Rattraps . Technical objections to Rauchwacke From a purely technical point of view Ravaged . Raising technical objections to Ravaging . There are technical difficulties to be overcome Ravehook . Technical difficulties have been overcome Ravelment Telegram(s). (See also Date.) Raveningly Your telegram of to-day's date [to Ravenously Cannot understand your telegram ; repeat from Ravens . . Must prepare report for the public on your telegrams Ravenstone In a telegram from Raviney . On receipt of telegram Ravisher . Has (have) received telegram (from) Ravishing . Has (have) not received any telegram (from) Rawboned Unless you get a telegram from Rawest . . Wait for telegram Rawport . Wait for telegram giving result of assays Rayah . . Waiting reply to my telegram Razorable . Not receiving any telegram Razorback Have you had any telegram from Razorbill . This is our telegram of to-day Razorfish . This refers to our telegram yesterday Razors . . Referring to your telegram (of) Razorshell Referring to our telegram (of) Razorstone We confirm our telegram of Razorstrop The word of telegram should read Razzia . . Repeat word of your telegram Reabsorb . See telegram to Reaccess . Telegrams and letters to be sent to Reaccused You will find telegram at [advices Reaccusing Do not act on telegram of but await further Reachable Telegram did not reach me (us) until Reacted . Have no telegram from you (since) Reactions . Reply to our telegram immediately Reactive . Report fully and send telegram to Reactively You have not yet replied to our telegram Readably . Your telegram to hand Readept . Telegram came to hand too late Readepting Telegram is not satisfactory Readeption This telegram is by A B C Code Readiest . This telegram is by Moreing's Code, second edition TEL No. Code Word. Telegrana(s) (continued^ 533 25,928 2 5>9 2 9 25,930 25,931 25,932 25,933 25,934 Readingboy This telegram is by iVToreing's New General and Send a telegram by A B C Code [Mining Code Send a telegram by Moreing's Code, second edition Send a telegram by Moreing's New General and Mining Code Readopted Telegraph. (See also Cable Wire.) Readjourn Readjusted Readmitted Readorn . Telegraph by A B C Code ; has no copy of Readorning Readvance 25,935 Readymacie 25,936 Readymone] 25,937 Reaffirm . 25,938 Reafforest . 25,939 Reagreeing 25,940 Realgar 25,94! Realism . 25,942 Realistic . 25,943 Realities . 25,944 Reality . 25,945 Realizable 25,946 Realized . 25,947 Realizing . 25,948 Reallege . 25,949 Realleging 25,950 Realliance 25,95! Realm . . 25,952 Realmless . 25,953 Reanimate 25,954 Reannex . 25,955 Reannexing Reanoint . 25,957 Reanswer . 2 5,95 8 Reapers . 25,959 Reapparel 25,960 Reappear . 25,961 Reapplied 25,962 Reapply . 25,963 Reapplying 25,964 Reapproach 25,965 Reardorse . 25,966 Rearfront . 25,967 Rearguard 25,968 Reargue . 25,969 Rearguing Rearingbit 25,971 Rearmost . 25,972 Rearrange Moreing's New General and Mining Code Telegraph by Moreing's Code, second edition Telegraph by Moreing's Code, second edition; has no copy of Moreing's New General and Mining Code Telegraph by Moreing's New General and Mining Telegraph how long you stay at [Code Telegraph when you can leave for Telegraph width of vein Telegraph to me at Telegraph fuller report Telegraph as soon as possible Telegraph any new strike at once Telegraph what has been done with regard to Telegraph at my (our) expense Telegraph all particulars Telegraph the latest information about Telegraph any information of interest relating to the Telegraph what you have done [developments Telegraph what you are doing in Telegraph your opinion as to the present appearance Telegraph the result of [of the Telegraph if there is any improvement Telegraph how the new workings are looking Telegraph the substance of Telegraph how much you can send Telegraph whether you can Telegraph a definite answer Telegraph clearly what is wanted Telegraph if it is not in order Please telegraph to to pay me Telegraph reply to reach us without fail to-morrow Please telegraph reply not later than [morning We require this information by telegraph not later Will telegraph again [than Will telegraph Cannot telegraph Will telegraph instructions Please telegraph me at once Shall not be able to telegraph Could not telegraph sooner on account of Do not answer by telegraph ; answer by letter Reply by telegraph immediately 524 TEL No. 25,973 25,974 25,975 25,976 25,977 25,978 25,979 25,980 25,981 25,982 25,983 25,9 8 4 25,985 25,986 25,987 25,988 25,989 25,99 25,99* 25,99 2 25,993 25,994 25,995 25,996 25,997 25,998 25,999 26,000 26,001 26,002 26,003 26,004 26,005 26,006 26,007 26,008 26,009 26,010 26,011 26,012 26,013 26,014 26,015 26,016 26,017 26,018 26,019 26,020 26,021 26,022 Code Word. Rearrank : Telegraphed Rearvault . Have telegraphed to pay you Rearwards Telegraphed you yesterday Reascend . Telegraphed you this morning Reason . Have telegraphed to Reasonings Have telegraphed full instructions to Reasonless Telegraphic Reassemble Telegraphic communication Reassign There is no telegraphic communication with Reassumed Is the nearest telegraphic station Reattach . All telegraphic communications stopped on account Reattained Telegraphic communication resumed [of Reattempt Telegraphic communication between and Reaumuria Telegraphing [is interrupted Reavowed When telegraphing in future (usi) Reavowing Tell Reawake . Please tell to Reawaking Can you tell Rebaptism Cannot tell Rebaptize . Cannot tell how it occurred Rebatement Cannot tell who it was Rebeck . Cannot tell exactly Rebeccaism If you can tell us Rebeccaite Do not tell Rebeldom Telluride Rebelled . The gold is found as a telluride Rebellious Temporary Rebellowed As a temporary measure Rebloom . A temporary way of Reblooming Only temporary Reblossom Can you make any temporary arrangement Reboant . Do you think the improvement is only temporary Reboation Think improvement is only temporary Rebounding Is this temporary or permanent Rebrace . Temporary arrangements Rebracing. A temporary advance Rebreathe. A temporary advantage Rebucous . Tend Rebuff. . This will tend to Rebuffeted Will this tend to Rebuffing . This will not tend to Rebuilder. Tendency Rebuilding With a tendency to Rebuilt . No tendency to liebukable Is there any tendency Rebuked . There is a strong tendency to Rebukeful. If you notice any tendency to Rebuking . Tender(s) Rebukingly Will send in a tender Rebuoy Have sent in a tender TEN 525 No. Code Word. Tender(s) (continued) 26.023 Rebuoying Send in a tender 26.024 Reburied . Has (have) not sent any tender 26.025 Rebus . . The tender must include 26.026 Rebuttal . Tender is the lowest 26.027 Recadency The highest tender was 26.028 Recall . . The lowest tender was 26.029 Recallable Tenders for sinking the shaft 26.030 Recalling . Tenders too high 26.031 Recallment Has (have) called for tenders 26.032 Recaptor . Intend(s) to call for tenders 26.033 Recaptured Inviting tenders from 26.034 Recarnify . From whom shall we invite tenders 26.035 Recarried . Tenders from the best two or three makers 26.036 Recarry . Have received tenders from 26.037 Recasting. Cannot accept your tender 26.038 Receipting Tender accepted for 26.039 Receiptor. Tendered 26.040 Receivable Tendered for the work 26.041 Receivers . Tendered for the supply of 26.042 Recent. . Term(s) 2 6 ,,043 Recentred For a term of years 26.044 Receptacle Term has nearly expired 26.045 Recessed . What terms can you get 26.046 Recession . Terms are impossible 26.047 Recharged Impossible to come to terms with 26.048 Rechasten Are you likely to come to terms with 26.049 Rechauffes The best terms that I can get 26.050 Recheat . Cannot accept the terms ottered 26.051 Recherche Accept the terms offered 26.052 Rechoose . If these terms are accepted 26.053 Rechoosing On the same terms as before 26.054 Recidivate Hope will accept these terms 26.055 Recidivous Will you accept these terms 26.056 Recipe. . Would advise accepting these terms 26.057 Recipiency On satisfactory terms 26.058 Recipient . Make the best terms possible 26.059 Reciprocal The best terms possible have been made 26.060 Reciprok . If to be had on easy terms 26.061 Recital . Terms will be made to suit 26.062 Recitation Terms are too high 26.063 Reciters . Terms are very low 26.064 Reckless . Let us know the lowest terms 26.065 Recklessly Let us know the best terms you can obtain 26.066 Reckon . Try to obtain better terms 26.067 Reckoneth Try to come to terms on the matter 26.068 Reckoning The best terms I (we) can offer 26.069 Reclaimant According to the terms of the 26.070 Reclaimed Have offered better terms 26.071 Reclinate . Have been offered better terms 26.072 Reclosed . Would like to come to terms 526 TER No. Code Word. Term(s) (continued) 26.073 Reclosing. If you cannot obtain better terms 26.074 Eeclothe . Obtain satisfactory terms 26.075 Reclusely . More favourable terms 26.076 Recognitor Terms are not stated 26.077 Recognized Better terms should be got, considering 26.078 Recoiled . Terms have been modified 26.079 Recoinage Terms must be modified 26.080 Recollect . Terms must be distinctly stated 26.081 Recolonize Have it on the most favourable terms 26.082 Recombine On the following terms 26.083 Recomfort Terminate 26.084 Recommend (To) terminate the affair 26.085 Recommit (To) terminate the engagement 26.086 Recompact Terminated 26.087 Recompense The difficulty was terminated by 26.088 Recompile Was terminated by 26.089 Reconciled Terminating 26.090 Recondite Thus terminating the 26.091 Reconduct Termination 26.092 Reconfirm The termination of the strike 26.093 Reconjoin. The termination of the difficulty 26.094 Reconquest The termination of the agreement (or contract) 26.095 Reconsider Territory 26.096 Recontinue In the territory of 26.097 Reconvey. A vast territory 26.098 Recordance The extent of the territory 26.099 Recorder . The territory covered by the concession 26.100 RecouchingTertiary 26.101 Recoup . Tertiary formation 26.102 Recoupment Test. (See Mill Test.) 26.103 Recovering A fair test of 26.104 Recreancy Can you test (will you test) 26.105 Recreating Can you not test 26.106 Recross . Subjected to a thorough test 26.107 Recrossing Will give it a fair test 26.108 Recruiting Have made a fair test of 26.109 Rectangle. Tested 26.110 Rectified . Have tested 26.111 Rectify. . Has (have) been thoroughly tested 26.112 Rectifying Not yet been tested 26.113 Rectitude. Have not yet tested 26.114 Rectorship The statements can be tested 26.115 Rectory . Testify (Testifies) 26.116 Rectrix. . Shall have to testify 26.117 Recumbence Testifies to 26.118 Recuperate Testimony 26.119 Recureful . Testimony will be required 26.120 Recurrency Testimony in support of 26.121 Recurvated Shall be prepared to bear testimony 26.122 Recurve . Most important testimony THA 527 No. Code Word. 26,123 Recurvity . Than 26,124 Recurvous Than we thought 26,125 Recusancy More than 26,126 Recusant . More than was expected 26,127 Recusative More than ever 26,128 Redacting. Not more than 26,129 Redbelly . Less than 26,130 Red bird . Not less than 26,131 Redbreast. Better than 26,132 Redcaps . Lower than 26,133 Redcoat . Higher than 26,134 Redcross . Than that 26,135 Redden . Cannot be less than 26,136 Reddening Cannot be more than 26,137 Reddendo. Than any 26,138 Reddish . Than any yet 26,139 Reddition . Than it could have been 26,140 Redditive. Thank(s) 26,141 Redecorate Has (have) begged me to thank you 26,142 ~p pHpHj^o ff> TMpT*f tn thinlr on nur lirhilf -LXGL1C\J. JL\^clLC JL ICctoC LU LlJdlllV yjll LJUI UCllcill 26,143 Redeem . Thank him for his services 26,144 Redeem eth Thanks for your services 26,145 Redeeming Thank all for what they have done 26,146 Redeemless Accept my thanks for 26,147 Redelivery A vote of thanks was passed 26,148 Redemand Passed a vote of thanks to you and staff 26,149 Redemise . Our thanks are due to 26,150 Redemising Accept our best thanks 26,151 RedemptionThat 26,152 Redemptive That is (are) 26,153 Redemptory That is (are) not 26,154 Redented . Is that 26,155 Redeposit. Is that so 26,156 Redfire . All that can be 26,157 Redgame . If there is any that 26,158 Redhanded In that case 26,159 Redhot . Is that all that 26,160 Redigest . That will be 26,161 Rediminish That will do 26,162 Redisburse That will not be 26,163 Rediscover That will not do 26,164 Redisposed If that is so 26,165 Redisseize If that is not so 26,166 Redissolve Unless that is done 26,167 Redivide . Unless that 26,168 Redividing If that can be 26,169 Redlattice . If that cannot be 26,170 Redletter . That is not the case 26,171 Redlooked When that is done 26,172 Redly . . Their 528 THE No. Code Word. Their (continued} 26,173 Rednose . Is not their own i 26,174 Redolency By their own 26,175 Redolent . Their own 26,176 Redoubled Their stock 26,177 Redoubling When their 26,178 Redoubt . Is it their own 26,179 Redowa . It is their 26,180 Redperch . It is their fault 26,181 Redpole . Their view of the matter 26,182 Redraft . In their case 26,183 Redrafting Their contention is 26,184 Redressal . In their opinion 26,185 Redressing Their opinion is 26,186 Redressive Their will be 26,187 Redriven . How is their 26,188 Redshank . What is their 26,189 Redsilver . Who is their 26,190 Redskin . He is their 26,191 RedsorreL . Their friends 26,192 Redstart . Their agent(s) 26,193 Redstreak Their services 26,194 Redtapery They want their 26,195 Redtapism Will want for their 26,196 Redthroat . Them 26,197 Redtop . To them 26,198 Redub . . By them 26,199 Redubber . For them 26,200 Reducibly . For them and their friends 26,201 Redundance Against them 26,202 Redwood . From them 26,203 Reebok . Let them know 26,204 Reechoed . Inform them that 26,205 Reechoing Themselves 26,206 Reechy . For themselves 26,207 Reedbirds . By themselves 26,208 Reedbuck . Then 26,209 Reedgrass . Will know by then 26,210 Reedified . If, by then 26,211 Reedify . Then you can 26,212 Reedifying Then you will 26,213 Reedling . Will then 26,214 Reedmace Will not then 26,215 Reedorgan Then if you find 26,216 Reedplane You can then proceed 26,217 Reedstop . Theodolite 26,218 Reefbands Please send theodolite as soon as possible 26,219 Reefknot . Have sent theodolite 26,220 Reefline . Theory 26,221 Reefpoint . If this theory is correct 26,222 Reeftackle Upon this theory THE 529 No. 26,223 26,224 26,225 26,226 26,227 26,228 26,229 26,230 26,231 26,232 26,233 26,234 26,235 26,236 26,237 26,238 26,239 26,240 26,241 26,242 26,243 26,244 26,245 26,246 26,247 26,248 26,249 26,250 26,251 26,252 26,253 26,254 26,255 26,256 26,257 26,258 26,259 26,260 26,261 26,262 26,263 26,264 26,265 26,266 26,267 26,268 26,269 26,270 26,271 26,272 is (are) is (are) not (no) Code Word. Reefdes . There Reelcotton There Reelection There Reelevate . If there are Reeligible . If there are not Reelstand . In case there is (are) Reembark Is (are) there (any) Reembattle There will be Reembodied There will not be Reembody Will there be Reembraced Is there likely to be Reemerging There could not be (have been) Reenaction There may be (may have been) Reendow . There might be (might have been) Reengraved If there might not be (not have been) Reenjoyed There ought to be (to have been) Reenjoying There was (were) Reenkindle There were not (any) Reenlisted There would not be (not have been) Reenslave If there should be (should have been) Reenstamp Unless there are Reentering When there are Reentrance Thereby Reentry . Can tell thereby Reermouse Cannot tell thereby Reexamined Can judge thereby ReexchangeThermometer Reexhibit . Very cold weather set in; thermometer down to Reexpel . Thermometer has been down to Reexpelled Thermometer has been up to Reexport . Thermometer below zero Reextent . The heat intense ; thermometer at Refashion . They Refastened They are Refectorer They are not Referees . They can Referable . They cannot Refigured . If they can Refinedly . If they are Refinement If they are not Refineries . They will Refinery . They will not Refit . . They will try Refitted . They could Reflecting . They might Reflexed . Unless they Reflexible . Until they Reflexity . When they Reflexive . Thick Reflourish Is very thick 2 M 53 THI No- Code Word. Thick (continued) 26.273 Reflower . A thick seam of 26.274 Refluency. Thickness 26.275 Refluent . What is the thickness of 26.276 Refomented The thickness of the seam 26.277 Reformers Thin 26.278 Reformist . The vein is thin and ill denned 26.279 Reform ly . Where the vein is thin 26.280 Refortify . Very thin 26.281 Refract . A very thin streak of 26.282 Refragable A thin line (of) 26.283 Refrain . Too thin to work 26.284 Refraineth Think(s) 26.285 Refraining As you think best 26.286 Reframed . What do you think of 26.287 Refresher. I think you had better 26.288 Refreshful Telegraph if you think 26.289 Refreshing Think (s) it advisable to 26.290 Refringent I (we) think 26.291 Refuge. : I (we) do not think 26.292 Refugeeism Think(s) that 26.293 Refulgent . Think it will 26.294 Refunded. Think it will not 26.295 Refunding Do(es) not think that 26.296 Refundment If you think that 26.297 Refurnish . Think it prudent 26.298 Refutably . Hardly think that 26.299 Refutation There is reason to think 26.300 Refutatory Do not think it advisable (to) 26.301 Regaining. Think you ought to 26.302 Regality . When do you think of 26.303 Regardant Do you think it well to 26.304 Regarded . Third(s) 26.305 Regardful . One-third (of) 26.306 Regardless Two-thirds (of) 26.307 Regather . This 26.308 Regattas . By this you will se 26.309 Regency . This does not prove 26.310 Regenesis . Does this mean 26.311 Regentbird This is all I can find out 26.312 Regentship This is a (the) 26.313 Regicidal . This is an attempt to 26.314 Regifugium This may be (so) 26.315 Regild . . If this is so 26.316 Regildirig . If this is not so 26.317 Regimental This is not the 26.318 Regional . In this case 26.319 Registered This or the other 26.320 Registrary This must not 26.321 Regium . This has not 26.322 Regma. . This must be so THI 53^ No. Code Word. This (continued] 26.323 Regnicides This was 26.324 Regranted This was not 26.325 Regrators . This can 26.326 Regret. . This cannot 26.327 Regretful . This could 26.328 Regretting What has this to do with 26.329 Regrowth . After this 26.330 Reguerdon Before this 26.331 Regularize During this 26.332 Regularly . Thoroughly 26.333 Regulated A thoroughly good 26.334 Regulation Went most thoroughly into every detail 26 5335 Regulus . You must thoroughly investigate every matter con- 26.336 Rehearsers Have thoroughly [nected with 26.337 Rehelm . Have not thoroughly 26.338 Rehelming You must thoroughly 26.339 Rehibition Thought 26.340 Rehibitory Has (have) thought it necessary to 26.341 Reillumine Has (have) not thought it necessary 26.342 Reimburse Without any thought of the future 26.343 Reimmerged Have thought it advisable 26.344 Reimplant Have not thought it advisable 26.345 Reimported It is thought here that 26.346 Reimpose . It is not thought much of here 26.347 Reimposing It is thought highly of here 26.348 Reimpress Have thought the matter over 26.349 Reimprison Thoughtlessness) 26.350 Reincense Is too thoughtless 26.351 Reincite . It was very thoughtless of 26.352 Reincrease From sheer thoughtlessness 26.353 Reincurred Thousand(s) 26.354 Reindeer . There are thousand tons of ore 26.355 Reinduced Many thousand tons 26.356 Reinducing At a cost of several thousands (of) 26.357 Reinfect . Have spent thousands (of) 26.358 Reinforced Threaten(s) 26.359 Reinfused . Threaten (s) to bring an action 26.360 Reinhabit . Threaten (s) us with 26.361 Reinquire . Now threaten(s) to 26.362 Reinserted Threaten(s) to oppose us 26.363 Reinspect . Threatened 26.364 Rein spired Is (are) threatened with 26.365 Reinstall . Has (have) threatened to 26.366 Reinstates Have been threatened with 26.367 Reinstruct Through 26.368 Reinsured. Through the 26.369 Reinterred To get through 26.370 Reinthrone Will soon be through 26.371 Reinundate Cannot get through 26.372 Reinvest . We are not yet through 532 THE, No. Code Word. Through (continued} 26.373 Reinvolve. Through the ledge 26.374 Reissuable Carry it through 26.375 Reissue . We can carry it through 26.376 Reissuing . Cannot carry it through 26.377 Reiterant . Through all the workings 26.378 Rejectable Have been through all 26.379 Rejective . Through the whole length of 26.380 Rejoice . Through our 26.381 Rejoicing. Through them 26.382 Rejoinders Through their 26.383 Rejointed. Through what was 26.384 Rejolt . . Through exertions 26.385 Rejudged . Through influence 26.386 Rejuvenate Throughout 26.387 Relapsing . Throughout the country 26.388 Relational Throughout the mine 26.389 Relatively. Throughout the district 26.390 Relators . Throughout the summer 26.391 Relatrix . Through-rate (s) 26.392 Relax . . Through-rate to 26.393 Relaxable. The lowest through-rate we can get 26.394 Relaxation The nearest place to which we can get a through-rate 26.395 Relaxative Thrown 26.396 Relaxeth . Has (have) been thrown away 26.397 Relbun . It is simply good money thrown away 26.398 Releasable Has (have) been thrown 26.399 Release . Thrown on the market 26.400 Releasing. Throwing 26.401 Relegated. Are now throwing away 26.402 Relegating It is throwing money away (to) 26.403 Relenting . Thursday 26.404 Relentment Next Thursday 26.405 Relessor . Last Thursday 26.406 Relevancy On Thursday 26.407 Relevant . Every Thursday 26.408 Reliably . Every other Thursday 26.409 Relicly. . Tight 26.410 Relics . . Can be made tight 26.411 Reliefless . It has to be made tight 26.412 Relieved . Cannot make it tight 26.413 Religious . Timber (s) 26.414 Relinquish Plentiful supply of timber 26.415 Reliqua . Timber is scarce [district 26.416 Reliquary . There is no timber for mining purposes in the 26.417 Relishable Timber has to be brought a long distance to the mine 26.418 Reloaded . Timber is plentiful for all mining purposes, and for 26.419 Reloading Is there plenty of timber near the mine(s) [fuel 26.420 Relocating The shaft(s) require(s) fresh timbers 26.421 Relodge . Timbers rotten in the shaft 26.422 Relodging Estimate cost of new timbers in the shaft at TIM 533 No. 26,423 26,424 26,425 26,426 26,427 26,428 26,429 26,430 26,431 26,432 26,433 26,434 26,435 26,436 26,437 26,438 26,439 26,440 26,441 26,442 26,443 26,444 26,445 26,446 26,447 26,448 26,449 26,450 26,451 26,452 26,453 26,454 26,455 26,456 26,457 26,458 26,459 26,460 26,461 26,462 26,463 26,464 26,465 26,466 26,467 26,468 26,469 26,470 26,471 Code Word. Timber(s) (continued] Reluctancy Reluctant . Relumined Remanation Remanent Remarkably Remarriage Remarrying Remeasure Remediably Remedial . Remediless Remedy . Remedying Remelted . Remelting Remember Rememorate Remercied Remigable Remiges . Remigrate Remijia . Reminders Remissful . Remissible Remission Remissly . Remissness Remitment Remittal . Remix . . Remnants Remodel . Remodelled Remodified Remodify . Remontoir Remordency Remorsed . Remotely . Remoteness Remould . Remoulding Remounted Removable Remove . Removing Remugient Remunerate What do you estimate new timbers in shaft will cost All timber has to be imported Plenty of valuable timber The right of cutting timber There is plenty of timber on the property There is no timber on the property The timbers are still sound The timbers are quite rotten The old timbers are not safe; we must put new ones in Now putting in new timbers Time required to put in new timbers Have shored the old workings with heavy timbers Size of timbers required Timbers : length feet - Timbers inches square X inches inches x [inches The extreme length of timbers New timbers throughout Timbers for framing Timber cribs Timbered Have timbered the Timbering Timbering commenced Timbering must be done at once Estimate cost of timbering at What will be the cost of timbering Does your estimate include timbering My estimate includes timbering Timbering throughout Have finished timbering Timbering will be a heavy item in the cost, owing Time(s) [to scarcity of wood You must get the time extended Will extend the time to Time extended to Will extend the time to Will not extend the time beyond There is not sufficient time allowed Impossible to do anything in so short a time Cannot get to and examine the mine in the So that no time may be lost [time allowed Shall not have time to It is now a good time (to) It is now a bad time (to) To be in time Will you have time to Last time There will be time enough Time is too short 534 TIM No. Code Word. Time(s) (continued) 26.473 Remurmur What time will you 26.474 Rename . For some time to come 26.475 Renaming For some time past 26.476 Renascent This time 26.477 Renascible Next time 26.478 Renavigate In the time 26.479 Renculus . In a week's time 26.480 Rendering In a month's time 26.481 Rendezvous In months' time 26.482 Rendrock . Another time 26.483 Reneague . At all times of the year 26.484 Renegation Can only be worked at times 26.485 Renerving There are times when the mine is completely shut off 26.486 Renewable The mine can be worked at all times [from 26.487 Renneted . Can the mine(s) be worked at all times of the year 26.488 Rennetwhey Many times 26.489 Renovate . At such times 26.490 Renovating Within the specified time 26.491 Renovation Time must be limited 26.492 Renowned Is (are) in good time 26.493 Renownedly Can you extend the time 26.494 Renownful Cannot get time extended 26.495 Renownless A short time ago 26.496 Rentarrear Until the time has expired 26.497 Rentcharge Unless can get time extended 26.498 Rentday . At what time 26.499 Rentroll . How much time can you give 26.500 Rentseck . Time occupied in 26.501 Renverse . A great waste of time 26.502 Renvoy . A most anxious time 26.503 Reobtained Time is all important 26.504 Reoccupied The best time 26.505 Reopen . It is now the best possible time to 26.506 Reopening The worst time 26.507 Reopposed If time permits 26.508 Reopposing Hardly expect to be in time 26.509 Reordained Expect to be in time for 26.510 Reordering Will be in time 26.511 Reorganize Will not be in time 26.512 Reorient . It will take some time to 26.513 Repacified Cannot fix a time 26.514 Repacify . What time did our message reach you 26.515 Repacking What time do our messages an ive 26.516 Repairer . Have plenty of time to 26.517 Repairmen t If at any time 26.518 Repandous Tin 26.519 Reparably Tin has been found 26.520 R^parative Tin ore 26.521 Repartee . Stream tin 26.522 Repass. . Title(s). TIT 535 No. Code Word. Title(s) (continued) 26.523 Repassage Have the titles examined by some competent person 26.524 Repatriate Searching examination of titles must be made 26.525 Repayable The title is good 26.526 Repeal . The title is not good 26.527 Repealers . Titles to property are perfect 26.528 Repeatedly Titles to property are not perfect 26.529 Repellency Titles certificated 26.530 Repellent. The titles are all right 26.531 Repentance Is the title to the property good 26.532 Repenteth Will give a proper title 2 6 >5 3 3 Repeopling Cannot get a good title 26.534 Repercuss Unless you can get a better title 26.535 Reperusal. Have had the titles examined ; they are all right 26.536 Reperusing Have had the titles examined ; they are not good 26.537 Repetend . Owing to the titles being wrong (or defective) 26.538 Repetitive Examine into the title of , and furnish us with 26.539 Repiningly The title is disputed [the best legal authority 26.540 Replacing . There is a flaw in the title 26.541 Replaited . Trouble about titles will cause delay 26.542 Replead . Owing to defective title must decline the property 2 6>543 Repledge . Title deed not on record 26.544 Repledging Title not patented 26.545 Replegiare The title must be valid in every respect 26.546 Replenish. Title must be patented 26.547 Replevin . Title must be recorded 26.548 Replevisor Title not yet patented (but) 26.549 Replevy . Is title in order 26.550 Replevying Title has not yet been recorded 26.551 Replicated It is a question of title 26.552 Replunged Lawyers state title is in order 26.553 Replyer . An indefeasible title 26.554 Repoison . Under what title is the property held 26.555 Repolished The title is held direct from 26.556 Reportable Title held under U.S. patent 26.557 Reportage The validity of the titles is questioned 26.558 Reporting Cannot do anything until we are satisfied as to title 26.559 Reposance Title in perfect order ; transfer deeds registered (or recorded) 26.560 Reposedly Title bad, do not touch it 26.561 Reposeful. To 26.562 Repository In order to 26.563 Reposure . So as to 26.564 Repour . Not to be 26.565 Represent . So as not to be 26.566 Repress . Are not to 26.567 Reprieve . Is not to 26.568 Reprieving To-day 26.569 Reprimand Arrived here to-day 26.570 Reprinted. Leaving here to-day for 26.571 Reprinting Will send to-day 536 TOD No. CodeWord. To-day, (continued] 26.572 Reprized . Have sent to-day 26.573 Reproach . Have written to-day 26.574 Reprobacy Have heard to-day that 26 575 Reprobance To-day at a.m. 26.576 Reprobated To-day at p.m. 26.577 Reproduce Meeting held to-day 26.578 Reproof . We have to-day 26.579 Reprovably Together 26.580 Reproval . Both together 26.581 Reptile . Together with 26.582 Reptilian . Not together 26.583 Reptonize . To-morrow. (See also Telegraph.) 26.584 Republican Will leave to-morrow for 26.585 Republish. Send me (us) to-morrow without fail 26.586 Repudiated Will send to-morrow 26.587 Repugnancy Cannot send to-morrow 26.588 Repugnant To-morrow morning 26.589 Repugned To-morrow evening 26.590 Repulpit . Meeting will be held to-morrow 26.591 Repulsing. We want reply early to-morrow 26.592 Repulsive . The day after to-morrow 26.593 Repurchase Ton(s). (See Tables at end.) 26.594 Reputeless Value per ton 26.595 Requested Per ton 26.596 Requesting Hauling tons per day 26.597 Requiem . How many tons can you haul in twenty-four hours 26.598 Requietory Weighing tons 26.599 Requirable About tons of quartz 26.600 Required . What is the value per ton (of) 26.601 Requiring . Per ton of 2000 Ibs. 26.602 Requisite . Tons of 2000 Ibs. 26.603 Requitals . Per ton of 2240 Ibs. 26.604 Reredos . Tons of 2240 Ibs. 26.605 Rerefine . Yield per ton 26.606 Rerefming Grains per ton 26.607 Resailed . Ounces per ton 26.608 Resaunt . How much per ton 26.609 Rescinded How many tons of 26.610 Rescinding How many tons have you 26.611 Rescissory How many tons of ore are you getting from 26.612 Rescuable How many tons of ore are you milling 26.613 Rescue . Producing tons of ore 26.614 Rescueless Have given us tons of ore 26.615 Rescussor . Shall require about tons 26.616 Research . From this chute we have got tons 26.617 Reseda . Tons crushed 26.618 Reseizure . Tons milled 26.619 Resemblant Tons smelted 26.620 Reseminate Tons, valued at 26.621 Resentful . Dry tons TON 537 No. Code Word. Ton(s) (continued) 26.622 Reserate . Wet tons 26.623 Reservance Tonnage 26.624 Reservoir. Tonnage and value of ore 26.625 Resettable Tonnage and value of ore reserves 26.626 Resettle . What is the tonnage and value of 26.627 Resettling What is the tonnage of 26.628 Reshape . Gross tonnage 26.629 Reshaping Net tonnage 26.630 Reshipment Too 26.631 Reshipped Too much (many) 26.632 Residenter Not too much 26.633 Residuum . Too little 26.634 Resignant . Not too little 26.635 Resilient . Too great 26.636 Resinbush Too few 26.637 Resinoid . Top 26.638 Resinously At the top 26.639 Resiny . . Near the top 26.640 Resisteth . At the top of the shaft 26.641 Resistible. At the top of the hill 26.642 Resistless . Total 26.643 Resolder . I estimate the total expense of working the ore at 26.644 Resoluble . I estimate the total expense of erecting machinery at 26.645 Resolution I estimate the total value of mine, machinery, and 26.646 Resolutive Total expense [plant at 26.647 Resolve . Total amount 26.648 Resolvedly What do you estimate is total value of mine and 26.649 Resonancy Total expense of mill this month is [machinery 26.650 Resonator Total expense of mine this month is 26.651 Resorb . What has been the total expense of 26.652 Resorbent Total amount of ore hauled in was 26.653 Resorcine . Total amount of ore for the year was 26.654 Resource . What has been total amount of ore hauled 26.655 Respectful What is the total 26.656 Respecting What will be the total 26.657 Respection At a total cost of 26.658 Respirable Telegraph total amount 26.659 Respirator Total amount of freight 26.660 Respired . Total amount of stores 26.661 Respiting. Total amount of invoice 26.662 Respond . Total amount of expenditure 26.663 Respondeth Total sales amount to 26.664 Responding Total purchases amount to 26.665 Responsal The total will be about 26.666 Responsion The total so far, is 26.667 Responsive Touch 26.668 Responsory Do not touch it 26.669 Restagnate Will not touch it 26.670 Restaur . It is not worth while to touch it 26.671 Restaurant Advise you not to touch it on any account 538 TOIT No. Code Word. Touch, (continued) 26,672 Restem . Keep in touch with 26,673 Restemming Near enough to touch 26,674 Restfully . Towards 26,675 Restharrow Towards the 26,676 Resthouse Now heading towards the 26,677 Restiaceae Town 26,678 T? p c L 1 1 fr "Mr* "("own rtpnfpv tnnTi \ miloc <-Trt 26,679 Restiform . The mine is situated miles ironi the town of 26,680 Resting . Near the town of 26,681 Restitute . At the town of 26,682 Restively . Trace(s) 26,683 Restorable A trace of 26,684 Restorator No trace of 26,685 Restored . To trace 26,686 Restrained Can trace 26,687 Resubject . Cannot trace 26,688 Resublime Can you trace 26,689 Result . . We found traces of 26,690 Resultarice On assaying, traces were found of 26,691 Resulting . Cannot find any traces of 26,692 Resummons If you can trace 26,693 Resumption If you cannot trace 26,694 Resumptive Destroyed all traces of 26,695 Resupplied Traced 26,696 Resupply . The vein can be traced for 26,697 Resurgence The vein cannot be traced beyond 26,698 Resurprise Can the vein be traced for any distance 26,699 Resurrect . Can be traced 26,700 Resurvey . Cannot be traced 26,701 Retailers . Has been traced for miles 26,702 Retainal . Was traced for a short distance 26,703 Retaliate . Has (have) been traced (to) 26,704 Retard . . Has (have) not been traced 26,705 Retarding . The lode has been traced for 26,706 Retecious . Trachyte 26,707 Retepora . Tracing(s) 26,708 Rethor. . Send tracing(s) of plan(s) as quickly as possible 26,709 Retiarius . Tracings of the plans 26,710 Retiary . Tracings of plan and section 26,711 Reticency . Will send tracings 26,712 Reticle. . Tract 26,713 Reticulosa Comprises a large tract of country 26,714 Reticulum Covering a large tract of country 26,715 Retinalite . The tract of country included in the 26,716 Retinervis . Has granted a large tract 26,717 Retinitis . A small tract 26,718 Retiped . Trade 26,719 * Retiracy . Trade is brisk 26,720 Retirade . Trade is dull and likely to continue so 26,721 Retiredly . Trade is dull, but likely to improve shortly TRA 539 No. Code Word. Trade (continued) 26,722 Retorsion . Do (does) a large trade in 26,723 Retorted . Train(s) 26,724 Retortive . Trains delayed by 26,725 Retoss . . No trains running, owing to 26,726 Retossing . By train to and thence by 26,727 Retouch . Everything in train (for) 26,728 Retractate Put everything in train for 26,729 Retraxit . Send by passenger train 26,730 Retreated . Send by goods train 26,73 Retreatful . Sent by passenger train 26,732 Retribute . Sent by goods train 26,733 Retrieval . Tram 26,734 Retrimmed A tram line 26,735 RetrimmingTramway 26,736 Retroact . Wire tramway 26,737 P Gtroccdc Trim iv iv milp Innir J.xv^Li vjv^^vj.v- J. idlJ.1 YYdy ^^ IilliCb lUIlti 26,738 Retrochoir Tramway of inch gauge 26,739 Retroflex . Conveyed by tramway 26,740 Retrofract Must have a tramway for 26,741 Retrograde A tramway from the mine to 26,742 Retrogress Tramway from the shaft to the mill 26,743 Retrorsely Tramway from tunnel to the mill 26,744 Retrospect There is a tramway between 26,745 Retrovert . Overhead wire tramway 26,74<3 Returnable Tramway on the system 26,747 Returnball Inclined tramway from 26,748 Returnday Length of tramway 26,749 Returner . Estimated cost of tramway 26,75 Returnless Waggons for tramway 26,75! R^liniOn r l"''./-"w-k*-t w-r -*-j-4lr* 1V\r -r^/^v -tro-ir-/-! J-Vt.LiAJ.iv-/ii X i dill Wet V JLcLllo ^^ lUb L/C! Vcllvl 26,752 Reunitedly Transact 26,753 Reuniting . To transact 26,754 Reurge . Will transact 26,755 Reurging . Cannot transact 26,756 Revalue . To transact the business 26,757 Revaluing Has (have) no authority to transact 26,75 8 Revamp . Give full authority to to transact 26,759 Revamping Transacted 26,76 Revealable As soon as the business is transacted 26,761 Revealed . Has (have) transacted 26,762 Revealment Has (have) not transacted 26,763 Revegetate Has (have) transacted 26,764 Reveland . Has (have) been successfully transacted 26,765 Revelation Cannot be transacted 26,766 Revelatory Transacting 26,767 Revelrout . The business we are now transacting 26,768 Revenge . Is transacting considerable business 26,769 Revengeful Transaction(s) 26,770 Revenging Large transactions in 20,771 Reverence Small transactions in 540 TEA No. Code Word. Transactions (continued) 26,772 Reverently No transactions in 26,773 Reveries . What transactions have there been in 26,774 Reversal . Transactions have been mostly of a speculative 26,775 Reversedly In all our transactions with [character 26,776 Reversible There have been some heavy transactions 26,777 Revertant . Transfer 26,778 Revestiary Please to execute transfer 26,779 Revesture . Do not transfer to 26,780 Revibrate . The transfer of the mine is effected 26,781 Reviction . Will transfer the deeds at once 26,782 Revictual . Will not transfer the deeds till 26,783 Review When will transfer of deeds take place 26,784 Reviewage The transfer of the property 26,785 Revigorate Transfer of the shares 26,786 Revileth . Transfer of the shares 26,787 Revised . Transfer shares 26,788 Revisions . Transfer shares standing in the name of 26,789 Revisory . T-ToTrr*- frO r^rrro T^Vi r*rl i t~r\ trnn^fiPF 26,790 Revivalism Transfer at once 26,791 Revivers . Do not give transfer 26,792 Revivified We will transfer 26,793 Revivify . Will not give transfer 26,794 Revocably Transfer is obtained 26,795 Revocated Transfer is not obtained 26,796 Revocatory Do not want transfer 26,797 Revoke . To give money against transfer 26,798 Revokingly Until transfer is completed 26,799 Revolted . Transfer will be registered 26,800 Revolting . Transfer has been registered 26,801 Revolvency Transfer is irregular 26,802 Revolvers . Transfer not properly executed 26,803 Rewardably Transfer cannot be registered 26,804 Rewrite . Transfer books will be closed from - to 26,805 Rewriting . Transfer books closed 26,806 Reynard . As soon as transfer is completed 26,807 Rhabdolith Undertake(s) to transfer 26,808 Rhamadan A telegraph transfer 26,809 RhamnaceaeTransferred 26,810 Rhamnus . Has (have) been transferred to 26,811 Rhapsode . Has (have) not been transferred to 26,812 Rhapsodist Has (have) the been transferred 26,813 Rheafibre . Have the transferred to 26,814 Rheic . . Ao <- r\ ^ * n r 4- \\ f* -ir* fTTH ^lipTVPfi 26,815 Rheinberry As soon as deeds are transferred 26,816 Rhenish . As soon as shares are transferred 26,817 Rheochord Until have been transferred 26,818 Rheometer Has (have) transferred 26,819 Rheometric Has (have) net yet transferred 26,820 Rheoscope Cannot be transferred 26,821 Rheostat . Transferring TEA 541 No. 26,822 26,823 26,824 26,825 26,826 26,827 26,828 26,829 26,830 26,831 26,832 26,833 26,834 26,835 26,836 26,837 26,838 26,839 26,840 26,841 26,842 26,843 26,844 26,845 26,846 26,847 26,848 26,849 26,850 26,851 26,852 26^53 26,854 26,855 26,856 26,857 26,858 26,859 26,860 26,861 26,862 26,863 26,864 26,865 26,866 26,867 26,868 26,869 26,870 26,87! Transhipment The transhipment of the Transhipped Had to be transhipped at Must be transhipped Can be transhipped Transit Is it (are they) for transit Has been lost in the transit Code Word. Rheotome Rhesus Rhetor. . Rhetoric . Rhetorical Rhetorized Rheuma . Rheumatism Rhexia Rhigolene . In course of transit Rhinal . . Overland transit Rhinanthus Transmitted Rhindmart Power transmitted by Rhinoceros Transmitting RhinoscopyTranspired Rhipiptera It has transpired that Rhipsalis . (It) has not yet transpired Rhizanth . Transport Rhizodont Arrange for transport Rhizodus . Have arranged transport Rhizogen . Transport will cost per ton Rhizoid . What means of transport have you (are there) Rhizomania No means of transport except by Rhizomys . . Mule transport Rhizophaga Transport by ox waggon Rhizopod . Transport from to RhizostomaTransporting Rhizotaxis Treasury Rhodaloze Cash in the treasury Rhodanic . No money in the treasury Rhodanthe What is there in the treasury RhodeswoodTreat Rhodiola . To treat the ore Rhodium . To treat with Rhodonite Cannot treat the ore Rhodymenia Cannot treat with Rhomb . In order to treat the ore Rhomboid In order to treat with Rhomboidal To enable us to treat with Rhombspar To treat the tailings Rhombus . To treat the concentrates Rhoncal . To treat by the process Rhopalic . Treated Rhopalodon By which means the ore can be treated Rhubarb . How is the ore treated Rhumbline The ore is treated Rhyme . Can only be treated (by) Rhymeless Treating Rhymeroyal (By) treating the ore Rhymery . Have been treating the ore 542 THE No. 26,872 26,873 26,874 26,875 26,876 26,877 26,878 26,879 26,880 26,881 26,882 26,883 26,884 26,885 26,886 26,887 26,888 26,889 26,890 26,891 26,892 26,893 26,894 26,895 26,896 26,897 26,898 26,899 26,900 26,901 26,902 26,903 26,904 26,905 26,906 26,907 26,908 26,909 26,910 26,911 26,912 26,913 26,914 26,915 26,916 26,917 26,918 26,919 26,920 26.921 Code Word. Treating (continued) Rhymist . The method of treating Rhymster . By this method of treating Rhynchops To see the new way of treating the Rhysimeter By the method of treating Rhythm . We are treating the (by) Rhythmical Treaty Rhythming In treaty for Rhythmus Under the treaty Rhytidoma A new treaty Rhytina . Trespass Ribadoquin The alleged trespass Ribald . . It is a trespass case Ribaldish . Trespassing Ribaldrous To prevent any trespassing on our claim Ribaldry . Is (are) trespassing on Ribandweed Not trespassing Ribbands . Allege that we are trespassing on Ribbonfish Trial Ribbonism The trial is fixed for Ribbonmaps The trial is postponed till Ribbonsaw Till the trial comes off Ribbon worm Trial of machinery Give it a trial What is the result of the trial The trial is coming on in a day or two The trial will take place (on) (or about) Trial will not take place until Trial concluded ; the result is The trial is not yet over As a result of the trial Will a trial be given to A trial will be given A trial will not be given Ribroast Ribwort . Ricciaceae Ricebird . Ricecorn . Ricedust . Riceflour . Riceglue . Ricemilk . Ricepaper Riceshell . Ricesoup . Riceweevil Rich . . Richardia . Richly . . Ricinolic . Ricinus Rickers . Ricketish . Rickstand . Ricochet . Riddance . Riddled . Riderless . Riderroll . Ridgebands Ridgelet . Have given it a fair trial Will give it a fair trial The result of the trial is very satisfactory The result of the trial is very unsatisfactory We expect the trial will Will pay for expense of a trial Tribute The men working on tribute No men working on tribute Can let on tribute At what tribute Tribute of per cent. Some men who have been working on tribute Have you any men working on tribute Advisable to have men working on tribute Not advisable to have men working on tribute How many men have you on tribute TRI 543 No. Code Word. Tribute (continued) 26.922 Ridgeling . Working on a tribute of per cent. 26.923 Ridgepiece Offer to take the work on tribute 26.924 Ridgeplate Have let it on tribute 26.925 Ridgepoles Tried 26.926 Ridgeroof . Has (have) tried 26.927 Ridgetile . Has (have) not tried 26.928 Ridiculed. Have you tried 26.929 Ridiculing I (we) have tried 26.930 Ridiculize Tried again, but with no better success 26.931 Ridiculous Have tried the new process, and found it 26.932 Riding. . Tropics 26.933 Ridingday In the tropics 26.934 RidinghoodTrouble 26.935 Ridingrods To avoid trouble in the future 26.936 Ridingwhip There is great trouble in 26.937 Riffraff . There will be no trouble in 26.938 Rifleball . Will there be any trouble in 26.939 Riflebirds . The trouble has been to 26.940 Riflecorps . What is the trouble 26.941 Rifleman . We expect to have considerable trouble with 26.942 Riflepit . We had trouble at first with the 26.943 Rifted . . The machinery gave some trouble at first, but all 26.944 Rigadoon . Has not given any trouble [goes well now 26.945 Rigafir. . Trouble likely to be caused by 26.946 Rightabout Has been the cause of much trouble 26.947 Rightdrawn All the trouble might have been avoided 26.948 Righteous Has given great trouble 26.949 Rightfully. Troublesome 26.950 Righthand A very troublesome business 26.951 Rightwhale Is likely to prove troublesome 26.952 Rightwise . True 26.953 Rigid . . Is it true (that) 26.954 Rigidly . It is true 26.955 Rigidness . If it is true 26.956 Rigmarole It is not true 26.957 Rigorism . If what you say is true 26.958 Rigorous . What was stated is quite true 26.959 Rigorously What was stated is not true 26.960 Rimbase . Trust 26.961 Rimlock . If you can trust 26.962 Rinderpest Can you trust 26.963 Ringarmour Can trust 26.964 Ringbolts . Cannot trust 26.965 Ringchuck You must not trust 26.966 Ringcourse Do not trust the report of 26.967 Ringdial . We trust that you will 26.968 Ringdoves We trust to your judgment 26.969 Ringfence In trust for 26.970 Ringfinger The trust deed 26.971 Ringformed The tru^t deed has been registered 544 TRU No. Code Word. Trust (continued] 26,972 Ringgauge Trust deed not registered 26,973 Ringings . Send copy of trust deed 26,974 Ringleader Trusted 26,975 Ringleted . f**r\-r\ KA f*7*nci*A/i iiiTit'ni 26,976 Ringman . Can be implicitly trusted 26,977 Ringmaster Cannot be trusted 26,978 Ringmoney May be trusted to any amount 26,979 Ringouzel . May be trusted to the extent of 26,980 Ringrope . TTi *"* /ViTi*r*\ 1"rii ^f~r*r1 \T\ Xado (iicivcy irubLcu. tu 26,981 Ringsaws . Can be trusted to look after our interests 26,982 RingshapedTrustee(s) 26,983 Ringstand As our trustee(s) 26,984 Ringtailed As trustee(s) for 26,985 Ringwall . In the hands of trustees 26,986 Ringworm To name as trustee (s) 26,987 Riolite. . Will act as trustee (s) 26,988 Riotous . Will not act as trustee(s) 26,989 Riotously . The property has been vested in trustees 26,990 Riparian . Would (and ) act as trustee(s) 26,991 Ripeness . As trustee for the estate of 26,992 Ripening . As trustee for the bondholders 26,993 Riphean . Truth 26,994 Rippingsaw Is there any truth in the report that 26,995 Ripplemark There is no truth in the report 26,996 Ripplingly The real truth is 26,997 Ripply . What is the real truth 26,998 Riprap Try 26,999 Risibility You must try to 27,000 Risible. Will try to 27,001 Risky . Will not try to 27,002 Risotto Useless to try to 27,003 Rissoles Try to do without 27,004 Risus . Try elsewhere 27,005 Ritely . Will try elsewhere 27,006 Ritual . Try what you can do 27,007 Ritualism We shall try to 27,008 Ritually Trying 27,009 Rivalling Has (have) been trying to 27,010 Rivalry Has (have) not been trying to 27,011 Rivals . Has (have) been trying to 27,012 Rivalship After trying 27,013 Riverbed We are trying to 27,014 Rivercrab We are trying by all possible means 27, OI 5 Riverhog Trying every method to 27,016 Riverhorse Tuesday 27,017 Riverplain On Tuesday 27,018 Riverside . Last Tuesday 27,019 Riversnai! . Next Tuesday 27,020 Riverwall . Every Tuesday 27,02! Riverwater Every other Tuesday TUN 545 No. 27,022 27,023 27,024 27,025 27,026 27,027 27,028 27,029 27,030 27,031 27,032 27,033 27,034 27,035 27,036 27,037 27,038 27,039 27,040 27,041 27,042 27,043 27,044 27,045 27,046 27,047 27,048 27,049 27,050 27,051 27,052 27,053 27,054 27,055 27,056 27,057 27,058 27,059 27,060 27,061 27,062 27,063 27,064 27,065 27,066 27,067 27,068 27,069 27,070 27,071 Code Word. Rivetboy . 1 Riveter . Riveting . Rivetjoint. Rivose . . Rivulet . Rixation . Rixatrix . Rixdollar . Rizom . . Rizzered . Roadbed . Roadbook Roadharrow Roadmetal Roadroller Roadsteads Roadsulky Roadway , Roadworthy Roamer . Roantree . Roareth . Roaringly . Roasting . Robbercrab Robemaker Roberdsman Robertine . Robingroom Robin ia . Robinwake Roborant . Roboration Roboreous Robust . Robustious Robustly . Robustness Rocambole Roccella . Rochelime Rockalum Rockaway Rockbasin Rockbound Rockbutter Rockcork . Rockdove . Rockdrill . 'unnel(s) The rock is soft to tunnel through The rock is difficult to tunnel through The rock is hard to tunnel through day length Has been taken from this tunnel A blast put in the end of the tunnel Tunnel No. The tunnel is in From the end of the tunnel to the surface Tunnels have been driven In the tunnel From the tunnel The tunnel has caved for the entire length Tunnel bpinf driven nf ntp of fppf npr The only development a tunnel feet in By a tunnel To drive a tunnel Have driven a tunnel Tunnel stopped for lack of funds What progress do you make with the tunnel Tunnel is in feet ; no ore Tunnel is flooded by water Feet from the end of tunnel Have begun tunnel Tunnel mouth From the mouth of the tunnel When shall you begin to tunnel We wish you to drive a tunnel Tunnel to intercept Tunnel to cut vein Tunnel to cut vein feet below mouth of shaft Tunnel now being driven Tunnel now being driven through country rock Tunnel now being driven through granite Tunnel now being driven through slate Tunnel now being driven through quartz Tunnel now being driven through Tunnel has been driven Tunnel to cut vein below water-level Tunnel has cut vein below water-level Tunnel has cut Tunnel has cut vein Tunnel has cut vein feet from Tunnel will be driven Tunnel will be driven with all possible speed 2 N 546 TUN No. Code Word. Tunnel(s) (continued) How many feet has tunnel been driven How long will it take to complete tunnel Cost of driving tunnel Have discontinued tunnel (on account of) We wish you to stop tunnel Tunnel stopped for the present Tunnel stopped until Tunnel stopped until further orders Propose to tunnel Proposed tunnel innelled Have tunnelled through Must be tunnelled through innelling Tunnelling to reach the Turbine High-pressure turbine Low-pressure turbine Turbine of h.p. for a fall of Driven by a turbine A turbine can advantageously be employed Recommend a turbine being put down Turning Turning out satisfactorily Turning out badly Ultimately Will be able ultimately Can you ultimately Hope ultimately to Think the mine will ultimately turn out successful Will ultimately prove to be worthless May be ultimately worked up into a paying concern Ultimately will pay Ultimo Refer to our letter of the ultimo Refer to our telegram of the ultimo 27,072 27,073 JKocketcase Rocklimpet 27,074 Rockling . 27,075 Rockmaple 27,076 Rockmilk . 27,077 Rockmoss 27,078 Rockoil 27,079 Rockpigeon 27,080 Rockplant 27,081 Rockrabbit 27,082 Rockribbed' 27,083 Rockruby . 27,084 Rocksalt . 27,085 Rockshaft . ' 27,086 Rockshell . 27,087 Rockslater \ 27,088 Rocksnake 27,089 Rocksoap . 27,090 Rockstaffs 27,091 Rocktar . 27,092 Rocktemple 27,093 Rocky . . 27,094 Rodiron . ' 27,095 Rodomel . 27,096 Rodomont 27,097 Roebuck . ' 27,098 Roedeer . 27,099 Roffia . . 27,100 Rogation . 27,101 Rogerian . 27,102 Rogueries Roguery . 27,104 Rogueship 27,^5 27,106 Roguishly . Roignous . 27,107 Roister 27,108 Roisterly . 27,109 Rokelay . 27,110 Rokette . 27,111 Rollable . 1 27,112 Rollabout . 2 7 II 3 Rollcall . 27,114 Rolled . . Rollerbolt . 27,116 Rolleyway 27,117 Rollick . 27,118 Rollicking 27,119 ' Rollingpin 27,120 Rolypoly . 27,121 Romancer Refer to your letter of the Refer to your telegram of the On or about the ultimo Unable (to) Unable at present to We have been unable to Unable to do better Unable to do ,what is required Unable to reply at present Are you unable to If you are unable to If he is (they are) unable to Unable to do more Cable if you are unable to ultimo ultimo UNA No. Code Word. 27.122 Romancing Unaccountable 27.123 Romanesque Quite unaccountable 27.124 Romanized It is quite unaccountable how 27.125 Romantic . Unadvisable 27.126 Romanticly Consider it most unadvisable 27.127 Romantype A most unadvisable proceeding 27.128 Romanwhite Unanimous 27.129 Romanza . Unanimous in supporting 27.130 Romaunt . Unanimous in opposing 27.131 Rombowline (By) a unanimous vote 27.132 Romepenny (By) the unanimous expression of 27.133 Romeshot. Unanimous in opinion 27.134 Rompingly Unanimously 27.135 Rompish . Unanimously agreed to 27.136 Rondeau . Resolution passed unanimously 27.137 Rondeletia Resolution unanimously rejected 27.138 Rondure . Unanswered 27.139 Ronyon . My communication of is unanswered 27.140 Roodarch . Why is my (our) telegram of unanswered 27.141 Roodbeam Why is my (our) letter of unanswered 27.142 Roodfree . Unappropriated 27.143 Roodloft . The unappropriated balance 27.144 Roodscreen The unappropriated funds 27.145 Roodtower If entirely unappropriated 27.146 Roofing . The unappropriated portion of the 27.147 Rooflet . Unassessable 27.148 Roofy . . Shares unassessable 27.149 Rooklers . Unauthorized 27.150 Rookpie . Is (are) unauthorized 27.151 Roomily . Was (were) unauthorized 27.152 Roominess In a most unauthorized manner 27.153 RoomriddenUnavoidable 27.154 Roomsome The delay is unavoidable 27.155 Roomth . Unavoidable on account of 27.156 Roomthier Is it unavoidable 27.157 Roosaoil . Unaware 27.158 Roostcock Unaware of what was done 27.159 Rootbuilt . Unaware of any such thing 27.160 Rootcrop . Uncertain 27.161 Rooteater . Very uncertain whether 27.162 Rootleaf . Uncertain what to do 27.163 Rootmildew Uncertain what is best to be done about 27.164 Rooyebok . In the present uncertain state of affairs 27.165 Ropebark . Uncertain how long it may last 27.166 Ropedancer The supply of ore is uncertain, owing to 27.167 Ropeladder It is very uncertain (when) 27.168 Ropemaker Very uncertain whether 27.169 Ropemaking Still uncertain 27.170 Ropemat . Am (are) uncertain 27.171 Ropeporter Is (are) uncertain 547 5+8 UNO No. Code Word. Uncertain (continued) 27.172 Ropepump Owing to the uncertain way in which 27.173 RopeshapedUncertainty 27.174 Ropetrick . The uncertainty which we feel as to 27.175 Rope walker Owing to the great uncertainty 27.176 Ropeyarn . The uncertainty of the market 27.177 Ropily . . If there is any uncertainty 27.178 Roquelaure Unchanged 27.179 Rorifluent. Aspect of affairs is unchanged 27.180 Rorulent . Character of rock still unchanged 27.181 Rosaceous Remain(s) unchanged 27.182 Rosalina . If still unchanged 27.183 Rosaniline Uncommon 27.184 Rosary. . Not uncommon in this district 27.185 Roseacacia Very uncommon 27.186 Rosebeetle A very uncommon occurrence 27.187 Rosebuds . Uncompromising 27.188 Rosebushes Uncompromising hostility to 27.189 Rosechafer Uncompromising resistance to 27.190 Rosecold . Shows a most uncompromising attitude 27.191 Rosecolour Unconditional (ly) 27.192 Rosecross . An unconditional surrender 27.193 Rosedrop . Unconditionally agreed to 27.194 Roseelder . Undecided 27.195 Roseengine Undecided whether 27.196 Rosefaced Under 27.197 Rosefever. Under the agreement (of) 27.198 Rosefish . Under the system in use 27.199 Roseflies . Not under any 27.200 Rosefly . From under 27.201 Rosegall . Driving under 27.202 Rosehued . Appear to lie under 27.203 Roseknot . If it (they) come(s) under 27.204 Roselathe . Under the Act of Parliament 27.205 Roselips . Under the Alien Act 27.206 Rosemadder Under the Act of Congress 27.207 Rosemaliow Under the laws of 27.208 Rosemary . Under the local laws or regulations 27.209 Rosenoble Under the terms of 27.210 Roseola . All that are under 27.211 Rosepink . Under great pressure 27.212 Rosequartz Under the heavy strain upon it 27.213 Roserash . Undergone 27.214 Rosered . Has (have) undergone 27.215 Rosetum . Has undergone great changes 27.216 Rosewater Underground 27.217 Rosewindow Surveying underground 27.218 Rosewood (In) the underground workings 27,219* Rosintin . An underground foreman 27.220 Rosmarine The underground superintendent's report 27.221 Rosoglio . Underground survey (s) UND 549 No. Code Word. Underground (continued) Plan of the underground workings Section of the underground workings Plan and section of the undei ground workings Both at surface and underground Underhand Owing to the underhand way in which Has (have) behaved all through in an underhand The underhand manner of [way Some underhand work Underhand stoping Underlie(s) The vein underlies nderlying The underlying rocks The underlying strata (stratum) Underlying the entire area Underlying the whole of Understand Did not understand (why) I (we) understand (that) Understand from Do you understand As far as I (we) can understand " We understand that you have We are given to understand that Cannot understand your instructions If you do not understand If he does (they do) not understand Do you clearly understand ? if not, wire Cannot understand what is wanted; please wire Understand from your letter of [more definitely Understand from your telegram of Understand from your remarks Understand, that unless Understand, that until Are we to understand that With respect to the part you do not understand Do not quite understand your telegram Do not understand that part of your telegram We are sorry to understand [referring to We are pleased to understand In order to understand Jnderstanding According to our understanding of (or with) The understanding between us Must have a clear understanding before we can By an understanding with Is there any understanding between There has been an understanding between There has been no understanding (between) 27,222 Rosselly . 27,223 Rostellum 27,224 Rostriform 27,225 Rosytinted 27,226 Rotacism . I 27,227 Rotaclub . 27,228 Rotaeform 27,229 Rotascope 27,230 Rotated . 27,231 Rotating . 27,232 Rotational I 27,233 Rothernail 27,234 Rothoffite. I 27,235 Rottenness 27,236 Rottolo . 27,237 Rotular . 27,238 Rotund 27,239 Rotundate I 27,240 Rotundious 27,241 Rotundity . 27,242 Rotundness 27,243 Roturier . 27,244 Rouged . 27,245 Roughcast 27,246 Roughclad 27,247 Roughdraft 27,248 Roughdried 27,249 Roughdry . 27,250 Roughens 27,251 Roughhewer 27,252 Roughness 27,253 Roughrider 27,254 Roughshod 27,255 Roughtree 27,256 Roughwork 27,257 Rouging . 27,258 Rounceval 27,259 Roundabout 27,260 Roundalls . 27,261 Roundelay 27,262 Roundfish 27,263 Roundhand 27,264 Roundhouse 27,265 Roundridge 27,266 Roundrobin 27,267 Roundshot 27,268 Roundtower 27,269 Roundtrade 27,270 Round worm 27,271 Rousant . 550 UND No. Code Word. Understanding (continued) 27.272 Routcakes Cannot come to any understanding with 27.273 Routinary. Understood 27.274 Routinist . I (we) clearly understood from that 27.275 Rovingshot Understood that (on) 27.276 Rowboats . Understood to be 27.277 Rowdies . It was an understood thing that 27.278 Rowdy. . Understood by both parties 27.279 Rowdydowdy Let it be clearly understood 27.280 Rowdyism Was not understood to be 27.281 Rowel. . Never understood this 27.282 Rowelhead Was understood to refer to 27.283 Rowelling. Undertake(s) 27.284 Rowleyragg Will undertake (to) 27.285 Rowlocks . Will undertake (to) 27.286 Royalarch Will not undertake (to) 27.287 Royalets . Do not undertake 27.288 Royally . Can you undertake (to) 27.289 Royalmast Cannot possibly undertake to 27.290 Royalties . Must undertake to 27.291 Royalyard Must undertake at his own cost to 27.292 Royena . Must not undertake 27.293 Roysterer . Must undertake not to 27.294 Rubadub . Will not undertake it, unless 27.295 Rubbishing If you can undertake to 27.296 Rubblewall If you cannot undertake to 27.297 Rubblework Unless undertake(s) to 27.298 Rubbly . If do(es) not undertake to 27.299 Rubellite . Undertake to do it before 27.300 Rubeola . Can undertake 27.301 Rubeoloid Undertaking 27.302 Rubezahl . Before undertaking 2 7>33 Rubiacine. No hesitation in undertaking 27.304 Rubicative An arduous undertaking 27.305 Rubicelle . Do not care about undertaking 27.306 Rubicund. Undertook 27.307 Rubific . He (they) undertook to 27.308 Rubiginose I (we) undertook to 27.309 Rubigo . Undervaluation 27.310 Rubrician . Owing to the undervaluation of the products 27.311 Rubrics . Owing to the undervaluation of the reserves 27.312 RubsencakeUndervalue 27.313 Ruby . . Think you undervalue the 27.314 Rubyblende I (we) do not undervalue the 27.315 Rubysilver Undervalued 27.316 Rucheing . Was (were) undervalued 27.317 Rudderband Have undervalued the 27.318 -Ruddercase In the statement of I (we) undervalued 27.319 Ruddercoat Owing to having been undervalued 27.320 Rudderfish Underwrite 27.321 Rudderhole Will vendors underwrite any portion of the capital UND 551 No. 27,322 27,323 27,324 27,325 27,326 27,327 27,328 27,329 27,33 27,331 27,332 27,333 27,334 27,335 27,336 27,337 27,338 27,339 27,340 27,341 27,342 27,343 27,344 27,345 27,346 27,347 27,348 27,349 27,350 27,351 27,352 27,353 27,354 27,355 27,35 6 27,357 27,358 27,359 27,360 27,361 27,362 27,363 27,364 27,365 27,366 27,367 27,368 27,369 27,370 Code Word. Underwrite (continued) Ruddernail Vendors will not underwrite any part of the capital Ruddied . Vendors will underwrite Ruddleman Will underwrite Ruddocks Agreed to underwrite Rudenture Underwriters Ruderary . The underwriters have withdrawn Rudesby . Underwritten Rudiment . All the capital is underwritten Rudimental Has been underwritten The remainder will be underwritten Can you get underwritten Can get underwritten Rudmasday Rudolphine Ruebargain Rued . . Rueful . . Ruefully . Ruefulness Ruellbone Ruellia . Underwritten at a commission of Not all underwritten Undesirable It is most undesirable to Uneasiness (There is) no cause for uneasiness as yet ; we hope to be able to give reassuring information Rufescent . Much uneasiness as to the political condition of the Ruffian . These things cause much uneasiness [country Ruffianage Uneasy Ruffianism Shareholders feel very uneasy about the position of Ruffianly . We are very uneasy in respect to [affairs Ruffinous . There is no reason for you to feel uneasy Ruffled . Unexpected Ruffleless . Quite unexpected Rufflement Happened in a most unexpected manner Rufterhood Unexplored Rugged . Entirely unexplored hitherto Ruggedly . Unexplored ground to the north Ruggedness Unexplored ground to the south Rugging . Unexplored ground to the east Ruggown . Unexplored ground to the west Rugheaded The unexplored claims Rugosa . Unfair Ruination . It is a most unfair arrangement Ruiniform It is most unfair Ruinously Is it unfair Rulers . . An unfair advantage Rumex . It is unfair to saddle us with Ruminantia Was most unfair to us Ruminantly Would be very unfair Ruminated Unfairness Ruminators The unfairness is evident Rummaged Unfavourable Rummaging I (we) have formed a very unfavourable opinion of Rummy . The reports are very unfavourable Rumour . If your report is unfavourable Rumpfed . Should your report be unfavourable 552 TTNF No. Code Word. Unfavourable (continued) Rumpless . Report is very unfavourable Prospects are unfavourable Counsel's opinions are unfavourable A most unfavourable time for The weather has been very unfavourable Unfavourable opinions have been expressed about Very unfavourable Conditions are not of an unfavourable character Has (have) taken a most unfavourable turn Under most unfavourable circumstances Unfavourably Sorry to have to report unfavourably of the position Spoke very unfavourably of [and prospects Unfinished Owing to the unfinished state of Left unfinished Had to be left unfinished Unfit Unfit for the position Quite unfit for Unfit for use Unforeseen Unless something unforeseen occurs Was quite unforeseen at the time Unforeseen events which have since occurred Unfounded The report is quite unfounded Quite unfounded Unhealthy The district is most unhealthy The mine(s) is (are) situated in a very unhealthy Climate unhealthy for Europeans [part Unhealthy at certain seasons Unhurt All unhurt except The men escaped unhurt Hope all have escaped unhurt Unimportant Otherwise, the changes are unimportant I think it is quite unimportant An unimportant matter Uninformed Why are we kept uninformed Have been kept quite uninformed Was (were) quite uninformed Complain that they are kept uninformed about Unintelligible Your telegram unintelligible ; repeat The following words in your telegram unintelligible ; Unless [please repeat them 27,372 Rumpling . 27,373 Rumpsteak 27,374 Rumpus . 27,375 Rumshrub 27,376 Rumswizzle 27,377 Runagate . 27,378 Runaway . 27,379 Rundle . 27,380 Runecraft . 27,381 Runologist 27,382 Rupellary . 27,383 Rupicapra 27,384 Rupicola . 27,385 Ruppia 27,386 Ruptuary . 27,387 Ruralist . 27,388 Rurality . 27,389 Ruralized . 27,390 Ruralizing 2 7,39 r Ruralness . 27,392 Ruricolist . 27,393 Rurigenous 27,394 Ruscus 27,395 Rushcandle 27,396 Rushlights 27,397 Rushlike . 27,398 Rushy . . 27,399 Russet . . 27,400 Russeting . 27,401 Russophile 27,402 Rustical . 27,403 Rustically . 27,404 Rusticated 27,405 Rusticity . 27,406 Rustling . 27,407- Rustydab . 27,408 Rutabaga . 27,409 Rutelidae . 27,410 Rutha . . 27,411 Ruthenium 27,412 Ruthless . ' 27,413 Ruthlessly 27,414 Rutilant . 27,415 Rutterkin . 27,416 Ryacolite . 27,417 Ryotwar . 27,418 Rypecks . 27,419 Sabadilla . 27,420 Sabathian . UNL 553 No. 27,421 27,422 27,423 27,424 27,425 27,426 27,427 27,428 ,27,429 27,430 27,431 27,432 27,433 27,434 27,435 27,436 ,27,437 I 27,439 I 27,440 : 27,441 27,442 27,443 27,444 27,445 27,446 27,447 27,448 27,449 27,450 27,45! 27,45 2 27,453 27,454 27,455 27,456 27,457 27,458 27,459 27,460 27,461 127,462 27,463 27,464 27,465 27,466 27,467 27,468 27,469 27,470 Code Word. Unless (continued) Sabbath . Unless you can Sabbaton . Will not unless Sabbire . Unless he (they) will Sabella . Unless I (we) can Sabellaria . Do not go unless Sabianism . Do not agree unless Sablemouse Will go unless Sabling . Will agree unless Sabretache Will not go unless Saccade . Will not agree unless Saccharate Not unless Saccharify Unless I (we) have Saccharoid Unless he has (they have) Sacciform . Unless it saves Saccomys . Unless you can do better Saccosoma Unless you cannot do better Sacculated Unless there is a change for the better Sacellum . Unless you will Sacerdotal Unless he (they) can Sachemdom Unless there is Sachemship Unless there has been Sacheverel Unless we Sackbarrow Unless you Sackbuts . Unless they Sackdoudle Unless this can be done Sackful . Unless you can do this Sacking . Unless it is absolutely necessary Sackless . Unless prevented by Sackposset Unlikely Sacrament It is very unlikely (that) Sacrarium . Is it unlikely (that) Sacrated . It is not unlikely (that) Sacredly . Unlimited Sacredness Unlimited time Sacrific . With unlimited means Sacrificial . An unlimited supply Sacrilege . An unlimited demand (for) Sacrist . . Unloading Sacristans . Including unloading Sacrosanct Including unloading and delivery at mine Sacrum . Unloading at station and delivery at mine Saddened . Unloading at port of delivery Saddest . Upon unloading Saddlebow The ship is now unloading Sadd legal! . Unlucky Saddleroof It is very unlucky Saddlerugs Very unluckily for us Saddlery . Unnecessary Saddlesick Quite unnecessary Saddletree Unobtainable 554 UNN No. Code Word. Unobtainable (continued] 27.471 Sadducaic Unobtainable at any price 27.472 Sadducism Unobtainable at present 27.473 Sadducized Unpaid 27.474 Sad eyed . Has (have) been left unpaid 27.475 Sadfaced . Remain (s) unpaid 27.476 Sadhearted Unpaid accounts at end of month 27.477 Sadirons . Unpaid accounts on the 27.478 Safeguards Amount due, still unpaid 27.479 Safely . . Unprofitable 27.480 Safepledge So far, has been unprofitable 27.481 Safeties . Too unprofitable to work 27.482 Safetyarch Unpromising 27.483 Safetybelt . The state of affairs is unpromising 27.484 Safety buoy The state of the mine is unpromising 27.485 Safetycage Unprovided 27.486 Safetyfuse. Quite unprovided for 27.487 Safetylamp Unreasonable 27.488 Safetypin . Demands are quite unreasonable 27.489 Safetyplug It is unreasonable to expect 27.490 Safflower . Do you think it unreasonable (to ask) 27.491 Saffron . . I do not think it unreasonable 27.492 Saffroning. Unreliable 2 7>493 Sagacious . The sample was unreliable 27.494 Sagacity . The assays were (are) unreliable 27.495 Sagamore . We think they are unreliable 27.496 Sagapen . Is (are) very unreliable 27.497 Sagapenum Unreliable and disappointing 27.498 Sagathy . The indications are unreliable 27.499 Sagenitic . Are unreliable as affording any indications of 27.500 Sagina . . You may consider it (them) unreliable 27.501 Sagittal . Unsafe [mine 27.502 Sago . . It is unsafe to work in the present condition of the 2 7j53 Saguerus . The workings were unsafe, and therefore abandoned 27.504 Sahib . . Becoming unsafe 27.505 Sahlite . . Too unsafe (to be) 27.506 Sailborne . It would be unsafe to leave them as they are 27.507 Sailcloth . Is (are) unsafe 27.508 Sailhook . Is it unsafe to 2 7>59 Sailloft . . The old workings, which were very unsafe, have been 27.510 Sailmaker . Was (were) too unsafe to work in [filled in 27.511 Sailneedle. Think it very unsafe to 27.512 Sailorlike . Would be unsafe to 27.513 Saintdom . Unsafe to rely upon 27.514 Saintesses . Workings are very unsafe 27.515 Sainthood . Unsatisfactory 27.516 Saintism . Most unsatisfactory 27.517 Saintlike . A most unsatisfactory state of affairs 27.518 Saintly. . The account you give is most unsatisfactory 27.519 Saintship . The unsatisfactory result is owing to 27.520 Sakur . . The output is very unsatisfactory UNS 555 No. 27,521 27,522 27,523 27,5 2 4 27,525 27,526 27,527 27,528 27,529 27,530 2 7,53i 27,532 27,533 27,534 27,535 27,536 27,537 27,538 27,539 27,540 27,54i 27,542 27,543 27,544 27,545 27,546 27,547 27,548 27,549 27,55 27,55 2 27,553 27,554 27,555 27,55 6 27,557 27,558 27>559 27,560 27,561 27,562 27,563 27,564 27,565 27,566 27,567 27,568 27.569 Code Word. Unsatisfactory (continued) Salaaming The results are very unsatisfactory Salaams . How do you account for such unsatisfactory Salad . . Unsettled Saladoil . The unsettled condition of affairs Salalberry . Everything is in a most unsettled state Salamander Owing to the unsettled state of the Salamba . Unsuccessful Salamstone Has (have) been very unsuccessful If should be unsuccessful Unsuitable Quite unsuitable for the purpose Find it unsuitable for Is considered unsuitable for Until Nothing can be done until Until it is Until it has been Until it has been proved Until we can Until you can Until he (they) can Until are Until have Salaried Salary . Salarying Salep . Saleratus Saleroom Salework Saliaunce Salicetum Salicornia Salicylic Salifiable Salimeter Salineness Saliniform Salinity Salinous Salique Salisburia Salivary Salivated Salivating Salleeman Salleting Sallow . Sallowish Sallylun Sallyport Until this is done Until we see our way to Until you see your way to But not until Will not go until Until the last Until (I) we hear from you I waited until Must ask you to wait until Unusual(ly) It is very unusual It is not unusual Has been unusually Salmagundy Unwell Salmiac . Am (is) very unwell Salmonet . Too unwell to attend to any business Salmonidae Too unwell to attend to his duties Salmonoid Has been very unwell Salomonian Unwilling(ly) Saloons . Shall be very unwilling to Salopian . If is unwilling to Salpidae . Is (are) very unwilling to Salpinx . Did it most unwillingly Salsilla . . Shall have most unwillingly (to) Salsoacid . Unwise Saltant . . I think it would be very unwise to Saltatory . Do you think it would be unwise to 556 UNW No. 27.573 27,574 27,575 27,576 27,577 27,578 27,579 27,580 27,581 27,582 27,583 27,584 27,585 27,586 27,587 27,588 27,589 27,59 27,591 27,592 27,593 27,594 27,595 27,596 27,597 27,598 27,599 27,600 27,601 27,602 27,603 27,604 27,605 27,606 27,607 27,608 27,609 27,610 27,611 27,612 27 613 27,614 27,615 27,616 27,617 27,618 27,619 27,620 Code Word. Saltbox Saltbutter Saltcake Saltcellar Saltduty Saltern . Saltfish Saltfoot Saltgreen Saltholder Salticus Saltigrade Saltishly Salt junk Saltlick Saltly . Saltmarsh Saltmine Saltness Saltpan Saltpetre Saltrakers Saltrheum Saltsea . Saltspring Saltwater Salubrious Salubrity Salutarily Salutation Saluted Salvadora Salvage Salve . Salvific . Samaritan Samaroid Sambucus . Sambuke . Samolus . Samoyedic. Sampans . Samphire . Sampleroom Samshoo . Samyda Samydaceae Unwise (continued] Very unwise to Up Not quite up to Up to the present time Upcast shaft Uphill It is very uphill work Upper The upper part of the mine The upper workings The ore from the upper workings Upon Upon the whole Upon what basis have you Upon what grounds do you Upon the basis of Upraised Have upraised to Have upraised to level above Have upraised to No. level Have upraised to winze in Upraise The upraise in level The upraise from The upraise from is now completed Upraising Upraising to Upraising to so as to get better ventilation Upset This will entirely upset my plans Has completely upset my calculations Urge Strongly urge you to Urge the importance of We cannot too strongly urge Urgent Is it urgent It is most urgent that you should Am (are) in most urgent need of money Very urgent demands have been made Urgent necessity for The matter is urgent ; let it have immediate attention In case the matter is urgent The urgent demands upon There is urgent need of your presence If anything urgent should necessitate There is no urgent necessity for Sanability . Us Sanatorium For us and those interested with us Sanctebell . For us and you US 557 No. Code Word. Us (continued} 27.621 Sanctified. Us and our friends 27.622 Sanctify . Acting with us 27.623 Sanctimony Use 27.624 Sanctioned Necessitating the use of 27.625 Sanctitude Now in use 27.626 Sanctuary . Use your own discretion in j 27.627 Sanctum . Use your influence to 27.628 Sandalled . May I use my own discretion in 27.629 Sandals . If you can use 27.630 Sandalwood What is the use of 27.631 Sandbanks Will use 27.632 Sandbath . No use for 27.633 Sandbed . No use now 27.634 Sandblast . Of no use whatever 27.635 Sandboy . Will have to use 27.636 Sandcanal . Will be of some use 27.637 Sandcorn . Use other means 27.638 Sandcrack Use the wire (cable) freely 27.639 Sanddrift . There is no need to use the wire (cable) so freely 27.640 Sandflag . Can you make any use of 27.641 Sandfluke . Cannot make any use of 27.642 Sandgall . (To) use in case of need 27.643 Sandgrouse Use more 27.644 Sandheat . To use it to advantage 27.645 Sandhills . Usage 27.646 Sandhopper According to usage and custom 27.647 Sandiver . Used 27.648 Sandjet . Has heen used as 27.649 Sandlance Used for a long time 27.650 Sandlizard Is used for 27.651 Sandmartin Using 27.652 Sandmole . Has (have) been using* 27.653 Sandmyrtle Is (are) using 27.654 Sandnecker We are now using 27.655 Sandoricum Using all the influence possesses (as) 27.656 Sandpipe . Useless 27.657 Sandprey . It is useless to 27.658 Sandpricle. Is it useless to 27.659 Sandsmelt. Will be quite useless (to) 27.660 Sandstones The machine is quite useless 27.661 Sandstorm Usual 27.662 Sandtubes. It is usual 27.663 Sandwasp . Is it usual 27.664 Sandwich . It is not usual 27.665 Sandwort . (Subject to) the usual conditions 27.666 Sandyx . (Subject to) the usual terms 27.667 Sangaree . (Subject to) the usual commission 27.668 Sangfroid . What are the usual terms (conditions) 27.669 Sanglier . More than usual 27.670 Sangreal Less than usual 558 usu No. Code Word. 27.671 Sanguifier . Usually 27.672 Sanguify . (As) is usually the case 27*673 Sanguinary If usually done 27.674 Sanguined . Utmost 27.675 Sanguisuga Am (are) doing my (our) utmost 27.676 Sanhedrim Is (are) doing his (their) utmost 27.677 Sanidine . Do your utmost to 27.678 Sanitary . Utmost limit 27.679 Sanitist . The utmost care has been taken 27.680 Sanjak . . The utmost care must be taken 27.681 Sansappel . The utmost caution must be observed 27.682 Sanseviera Will do our utmost (to) 27.683 Sanskrit . Will do their (his) utmost to 27.684 Santalum . The utmost that can be done 27.685 Santhee . Have done our utmost 27.686 Saouari . To the utmost point 27.687 Sapball. . The utmost point we have reached 27.688 Sapcolour . Vacancy 27.689 Sapfaggot . A vacancy has occurred 27.690 Sapgreen . If a vacancy occurs 27.691 Saphead . Vacant 27.692 Saphenous The vacant spaces have been filled in 27.693 Sapidless . The vacant space will be used for 27.694 Sapience . Vague (ly) 27.695 Sapiential . Vague rumours are afloat that 27.696 Sapiently . Your instructions are too vague 27.697 Sapium . Very vaguely worded 27.698 Saponacity Valid 27.699 Saponaria . Quite valid 27.700 Saponified. Is it valid 27.701 Saponify . Title. is quite valid 27.702 Saponine . Valid powers conferred upon 27.703 Saporosity Is the deed valid 27.704 Sapota . . Valid in any court of law 2 7>75 Sapotaceae Has been pronounced to be quite valiJ 27.706 Sapphic . If give(s) a valid title 27.707 Sapphirine Is (are) not valid 27.708 Sappodilla The concession is quite valid 27.709 Saproller . Validity 27.710 Saprophyte The validity has been established 27.711 Saprot . . Validity unimpeachable 27.712 Sapsago . The validity of our title 27.713 Sapskull . The validity of our claims 27.714 Sapsucker . The validity of the deed 27.715 Sapwood . Concession of doubtful validity 27.716 Sapygidae . The validity is doubtful 27.717 Sarabaite . Valuable 27.718 Saracenic . Have developed a most valuable mine 27.719 Sarasin. . Will become very valuable 27.720 Sarcasmous Is likely to become more valuable VAL 559 No. Code Word. Valuable (continued) 27,721 Sarcastic . Do you think the mine sufficiently valuable r> * *T ** / SsiTYMlic *<" ri pT\M/"*/^ r * \\TMI!/^ "Ho \T*Y\? T r n 1 1 1 1 1"\ 1 r* m <& y y ^& ^ Ociidiio o oci viocb vvuu.ii-1 uc very vctiuduic in 27,723 Sarcinula . Likely to turn out very valuable 27,724 Sircled . Considered to be very valuable 27,725 Sarcobasis Very valuable concession 27,726 Sarcocarp . Most valuable ^ 27,727 Sarcocolla . Least valuable 27,728 Sarcoderm The portions alienated least valuable 27,729 Sarcodic . The portions alienated most valuable 27,730 Sarcolemma Very valuable stocks of 27,731 Sarcolobe . Most valuable deposits of 27,732 Sarcology . The most valuable part of the 27,733 Sarcoma . Is not as valuable as stated 27,734 Sarcophaga The least valuable part of 27,735 Sarcophile The least valuable ores assay from to - per 27,736 Sarcoptes . Chiefly valuable as containing [ton 27,737 Sarcosperm Valuation 27,738 Sardachate Purchaser (s) to take over at a valuation 27,739 Sardonyx . Have set too high a valuation on 27,740 Sargassum To be taken over at a valuation 27,741 Sarmentous The valuation of the mine 27,742 Sarmentum What do you think the true valuation of the mine 27,743 Sarplier . Taken at a low valuation 27,744 Sarracenia Our valuation is based upon 27,745 Sarsa . . Could be realized at our valuation 27,746 Sarsenet . If realized at our valuation . 27,747 Sartorius . Your valuation too high 27,748 Sashbar . At a nominal valuation 27,749 Sashchisel Value. (See also Estimate.) 27,750 Sashdcors Of no value 27,751 Sasheries . The value of 27,752 Sashery . Estimated value (of) 27,753 Sashframe The full value of 27,754 Sashgate . State as near as you can the value 27,755 Sashsaws . What is the value of 27,756 Sashsluice . Of great value 27,757 Sassanage . Of greater value than estimated 27,758 Sassenach . Value of bullion 27,759 Sassoline . Value of bullion in hand and in transit 27,760 Sassorol . Value of concentrates 27,761 Sassorolla . Value of concentrates in hand and in transit 27,762 Sasstea. . Of no practical value 27,763 Satanical . Of very little value 27,764 Satchel . Concession of very little value 27,765 Satellites . The greater part of the value is in 27,766 Satiable . May be of very great value n n *r f\ *r ^ii tTnl"MTr1 Thr* n orn msil' vdliiA 10 * nniini"iilf vvrMiln realize 27.707 OctLillUllU. iHC I J U III 111 ell V cil U.C lo \J.U LlUtll XL W \JU1LI 27,768 Satinpaper To the value of [this 27,769 Satinspar . Of the greatest value at the present moment 27,770 Satinstone The actual realized or realizable value 5 6o VAL No. Code Word. Value (continued} 27.771 Satinturk . The value has been proved by repeated tests and 27.772 Satinwood Value of the stocks in hand [assays 27.773 Satiny . . Value of stores in hand 27.774 Satirized . Reduces its value very much 2 7>775 Satirizing . Reduced its value 27.776 Satisfier . Not considered of any value 27.777 Satisfy . . Valueless 27.778 Satisfying . Absolutely valueless 27.779 Satrap . . Variation 27.780 Satrapical . Without much variation 27.781 Satrapies . There is great variation 27.782 Saturable . Vary 27.783 Saturated . Vary from day to day 27.784 Saturating. Do not (does not) vary very much 27.785 Saturnalia . The appearance varies daily 27.786 Saturnine . Has not varied 27.787 Satyr . . Varying 27.788 Satyriasis . Varying very much in quality 27.789 Satyrical . Varying very much in appearance 27.790 Satyrion . Varying very much in quantity and quality 27.791 Saucealone Working with varying success 27.792 Sauceboat. Varying from to 27.793 Saucepans Varying in width from feet to feet 27.794 Saucer . . Has been worked by the process with varying results 27.795 Sauciest . Vein(s) 27.796 Saucily. . Have found the vein 27.797 Saucybark . The vein in rise No. 27.798 Saultree . The vein in winze No. 27.799 Saunterer . On the vein 27.800 Sauntering Vein is well denned 27.801 Saurian . Vein is fully feet wide 27.802 Saurillus . A true fissure vein 27.803 Saurodon . A contact vein 27.804 Sauropsida A gash vein 27.805 Saurypike . The vein averages in value 27.806 Sausage . The vein is barren everywhere 27.807 Sausefleme On the course of the vein 27.808 Saussurite . The vein has been driven upon feet [show 27.809 Savagely . Assays made of the vein matter taken promiscuously 27.810 Savageness There is (are) vein(s) embraced in the property 27.811 Savagistn . Vein is very much broken and disturbed 27.812 Saveall . Vein is compact and well denned 27.813 Saveloy . Sink upon the vein 27.814 Savingly . The vein is between walls of 27.815 Savingness Vein has all the appearance of being permanent 27.816 Savorous . The vein runs north and south 27.817 Savory . . The vein runs east and west 27.818 Savourily . Vein is almost horizontal 27.819 Savouring . Vein is vertical 27.820 Savourless The vein dips at angle of to the VEI 561 No. 27,821 27,822 27,823 27,824 27,825 27,826 27,827 27,828 27,829 27,830 27,831 27,832 27,833 27,834 27,835 27,836 27,837 27,838 27,839 27,840 27,841 27,842 27,843 27,844 27,845 27,846 27,847 27,848 27,849 27,850 27,851 27,852 27,853 27,854 27,855 27,856 27,857 27,858 27,859 27,860 27.861 27,862 27,863 27,864 27,865 27,866 27,867 27,868 27,869 27,870 Code Word. Vein(s) (continued:) The vein is very irregular Vein is very narrow, not over Vein is not over feet wide Sawarranut Sawdust . Sawfile. . Sawframe . Sawgate . Sawmill Sawsash . Sawtoothed Sawwhettcr Saw wrest . Saxatile . Saxhorn . Saxicavous Saxicola . Saxifraga . Saxon . Saxonblue . Saxondom Saxongreen Saxonisms Saxophone Saxotromba Saxtuba . Sayings Scabbard . Scabies Scabiosa . Scabredity Scabrous . Scabwort . Scaffold . Scaffraff . Scaglia . . Scalable . Scalaria . Scaldfish , Scaldhead. Scaldic . Scalebeam Scaleboard Scalefern , Scaleless . Scalemoss Scalenus Scalestone Scalingbar Scaliola . Scallion . Scallop Scalloping inches wide Telegraph width of vein The vein can be seen on the surface, coursing the The veins are [whole length? of the claim The vein is irregular and much mixed with country The vein is [rock Average width of vein is feet Telegraph the character of the vein The vein is composed of A quartz vein (containing) A vein of lead ore A vein of copper ore A vein of iron ore Vein has faulted Vein runs north-east and south-west Vein runs north and south, dipping east Vein runs north and south, dipping west Vein runs east and west, dipping north Vein runs east and west, dipping south A belt of veins running A belt of veins dipping The veins are of various widths The veins are of various widths, the largest averaging The veins are of various widths, the smallest The mother vein [averaging The side vein Subsidiary veins Veins running parallel to the main vein The veins intersect The vein is improving in depth The vein is getting poorer in depth The two veins appear to merge into each other The two veins diverge Veins crossing at an angle of The vein at present yields a very low-grade ore Is located on the same vein Distinct mineral veins In addition to smaller veins The veins contain many chutes and chimneys of ore The vein was worked in former days Is one of the best veins in the district Vendor(s) The vendor(s) would take You must see , the vendor of the mine The vendor(s) to retain an interest If the vendor(s) will Ascertain from the vendor(s) Shall soon see , the vendor(s) of the mine 2 o YEN No. 27,871 27,872 27,873 27,874 27^75 27,876 27,877 27,878 27,879 27,880 27.881 27^882 27,883 27,884 27,885 27,886 27,887 27,888 27,889 27,890 27,891 27,892 27,893 27,894 27,895 27,896 27,897 27,898 27,899 27,900 27,901 27,902 27,903 27,904 27 } 9 5 27,906 27,907 27,908 27,909 27,910 27,911 27,912 27,9 J 3 27,9*4 27,9!5 27,916 27,917 27,918 27,919 27,920 Code Word. Vendor(s) (continued) Scalpel . Have seen the vendor(s) Scalpellum From the vendor(s) Scalplock . To the vendor(s) Scalprum . The vendor(s) will [daily correct Scammonia The representations of the vendor(s) are substan- Scamp . . You must see vendor(s) and arrange with them per- Scampered The vendor(s) offer(s) to [sonally Scampering The vendor (s) will not agree to a lower price than Scampish . The vendor(s) will not agree (to) [that Scandalize If the vendor(s) still insist upon the terms, suggest Scandalous Will the vendor(s) allow us to go to allotment for Scandent . The vendor(s) to [the working capital alone Scanning . The vendor(s) of the property is (are) going to Scansion . The vendor will pay towards promotion the sum of Scansores . Will vendor pay expenses of examination and report Scansorial . Vendor will not bear the expense of examination and Scantiest . Will vendor pay the expense of [report Scantilone Vendor will pay the expense of Scantily . Vendor will bear the expense of examination and Scantiness Vendor will not pay the expense of [report Scantle . Vendor wishes examination to be made immediately Scantling . Vendor will reduce the amount of purchase money Scapegoat . Vendor declines to reduce the amount of purchase Scapegrace Vendor will accept [money Scapellus . Ventilated Scapewheel Mine is ventilated by Scapha . . Mine is ventilated by upcast and downcast shafts Scaphander Mine is ventilated by a fan Scaphidium Ventilating Scaphism . Ventilating fan and blower Scaphoid . Ventilating fan has broken down Scapiform . Ventilation Scapolite . For purposes of ventilation Scapulary . To improve the ventilation of the mine Scapus . Owing to insufficient ventilation Scarab . . The proper ventilation of the mine Scarabaeus Venture Scaramouch It is too risky a venture Scarbroite Will venture Scarcely . Do not venture Scarcement Would not venture Scarceness It is worth while to venture Scarebabe Verdict Scarecrow . The verdict is in our favour Scarfjoint . The verdict is against us Scarfskin . The verdict is in favour of Scarfweld . The verdict is against Scarifiers . Telegraph as soon as you know the verdict Scarifying . The verdict is for us ; pays all costs [costs Scariose . The verdict is against us ; we have to pay all the VER 563 No. ^27,921 27,922 27,923 27,924 27,926 27,927 27,928 27,929 27,930 27,93i 27,932 27,933 27,934 27,935 27,936 27,937 27,938 27,939 27,940 27,941 27,942 27,943 27,944 27,945 27,946 27,947 27,948 27,949 27,95 27,95! 27,95 2 27,953 ; 27,954 27,955 27,95 6 27,957 27,958 27,959 27,960 27,961 27,962 27,963 27,964 27,9 6 5 27,966 27,967 27,968 27 969 27,970 Code Word. Verdict (continued} Scarlatina . Verdict will be given on Scarleted . Verge Scarmage . On the verge of Scarnbee . Verification Scarred . Statements require verification Scatebrous In full verification of report Scatheful . Verified Scathly . Statements verified Scattereth Must be verified Scaturient . Must be verified and legally attested Scauper . If statements are not verified Scavage . Verify Scavenger . If you can verify 's statements Scavenging I can verify Scazon . . I cannot verify Scelerat . Can verify all statements made by Scelides . Can verify, in the main, his reports Sceneman . Version Sceneries . According to his (their) version of the matter Scenery . According to your version of the matter Scenework Think this is the true version Scenograph Vertical Scented . Vertical shaft feet deep Scentful . To sink a vertical shaft Sceptic . The vein is nearly vertical Sceptical . Very Scepticism Very few men at work Scepticize . Very few to be got Sceptring . Could only get very few Schalstein . Without very great trouble Schapziger Very nearly Schediasm Very great Schedule . Very high Scheduling Very low Scheelite . Of very little account Scheelium Vessel Scheellead Send by sailing vessel Schema . Have sent by sailing vessel Schematism Vessel will sail shortly Schematize Vessel expected to sail about the Schemeful Send them by the first vessel leaving for Scheming . Vested Schemingly Is vested in the hands of trustees Schererite . To be vested in Scherzando Ought to be vested in Scherzo . If not vested in Vicinity In the immediate vicinity Visited the mines in the immediate vicinity Schinus Schireman Schirrhus , Schism Owing to the near vicinity of 54 VIC No. Code Word. Vicinity (continued] Can be got in the vicinity of the mines The country in the immediate vicinity View(s) Nothing in view Not much in view- In view of What is your view of What have you in view Keep in view If this meets views Have nothing in view at present Do not let any one know your views about Have (has) other views Fall in with views In accordance with view Our views agree with A favourable view of An unfavourable view of Are your views still unchanged I (we) cannot carry out your views Views still unchanged Meet their views to the extent of [property Directors anxious to have your views upon the Vigorously If vigorously undertaken, the work will soon be done If vigorously set about, can soon Vigorously prosecuted Have vigorously proceeded with the Vigour With the utmost vigour Vindicated Has fully vindicated our claim Has fully vindicated our character Vindication In vindication of our character In vindication of our claim to priority In vindication of all our rights Violation In violation of the agreement In violation of the terms laid down In violation of the law Visible Visible to the eye Not visible Is visible throughout Rich in visible free gold Samples taken from where the gold was not visible Visit [gave I cannot visit at present Visit as soon as you can 2 7>97* bchismatic 27,972 Schismless 27,973 Schistous . 27,974 Schizandra 27,975 Schizodus . 27,976 Schizopod 27,977 Schlich . 27,978 Schmelze . 27,979 Schnapps . 27,980 Schoenus . 27,981 Scholar . 27,982 Scholarity . 27,9^3 Scholastic . 27,984 Scholiasts . 27,985 Scholiaze . 27,986 Scholical . 27,987 Scholiums 27,988 Scholy . . 27,989 School . . 27,990 Schoolbook 27,991 Schoolboys 27,992 Schoolbred 27,993 Schooldame 27,994 Schoolgirl. 27,995 Schooling . 27,996 Schoolmaid 27,997 Schoolroom 27,998 Schoolship 27,999 Schorist . 28,000 Schorlite . 28,001 Schottish . 28,002 Schrode . 28,003 Sciaenurus 28,004 Sciamachy 28,005 Sciatheric . 28,006 Sciatic . . 28,007 Sciatical . 28,008 Scienced . 28,009 Sciential . 28,010 Scientific . 28,011 Scientism . 28,012 Scilicet 28,013 Scilla . . 28,014 Scillitine . 28,015 Scincoid . 28,016 Scincus 28,017 Scinque . 28,018 Scintilla . ' 28,019 Sciography 28,020 Sciolism . VIS 565 No. 28,021 28,022 28,023 28,024 28,025 28,026 28,027 28,028 28,029 28,030 28,031 28,032 28,033 28,034 28,035 28,036 28,037 28,038 28,039 28,040 28,041 28,042 28,043 28,044 28,045 28,046 28,047 28,048 28,049 28,050 28,051 28,052 28,053 28,054 28,055 28,056 28,057 28,058 28,059 28,060 28,061 28,062 28,063 28,064 28,065 28,066 28,067 28,068 28,069 28,070 Code Word. Visit (continued] Sciolous . After the next visit to If you have time, visit the mine Should like to visit Was (were) unable to visit Can you visit large mines (at) I cannot visit the place I will visit the place when opportunity offers I will visit the place at once, and let you have I will visit [required report by To visit and report upon the place will take me I do not consider it wise to visit or report upon On the occasion of each visit If possible, will visit the Had not time to visit the Visited After having visited the mine(s) (of) After you have visited I have visited Have never visited the place Have you visited the mine Void(ed) Will become void Will make void Will this make void the Will not make void This makes the agreement perfectly void The sale is void on account of The purchase is void owing to Has become void by lapse of time To become void If the is void Has voided the agreement Has voided the concession Volcanic Of volcanic origin In volcanic rock Vouch To vouch for Cannot vouch for Will vouch for Will vouch for Sciomancy Scion . , Sciopticon Scirewyte Scirrhoid Scirrosity Seised . , Scissible . Scissors Scissure Sciurine Sclavonic Scleragogy Sclerema Scleriasis . Sclerites . Sclerobase Scleroderm Sclerogen . Scleroid Sclerotic . Sclerous . Scobina . Scoff . . Scoffery . Scoffingly . Scoffings . Scold . . Scolders . Scolecida . Scolite . . Scolloped . Scolopax . Scolymus . Scomber . Somberoid Scooping . Scoopnet . Scoopwheel Scopelidae Scopiped . Scorbutic . Scorched . Scorching . Scordium . Scorers . . Scoriae Scorious . Scornful . Will vouch for the truth of the statement (made by) Voucher(s) The voucher(s) Bring all the vouchers with you Send all the vouchers Will bring all the vouchers with me Have sent on all the vouchers Voucher(s) will follow by next mail Want the vouchers for 566 VOY No. Code Word. 28,071 Scornfully . Voyage 28,072 Scorodite . Voyage safely over 28,073 Scorpaena A voyage of days 28,074 Scorpions . A long stormy voyage 28,075 Scorpiurus Had a very long voyage 28,076 Scorza . . Had a very quick voyage 28,077 Scorzonera Had a rough voyage 28,078 Scotchhop Had a very pleasant voyage 28,079 Scoterduck Wages 28,080 Scotfree . Wages amount to 28,081 Scotist . . Owing to the high wages 28,082 Scotodinia Miners are getting very high wages 28,083 Scotograph To reduce the wages 28,084 Scotomy . Wages have been reduced to 28,085 Scotoscope Low wages 28,086 Scotticism Could not wages be reduced 28,087 Scotticize . What do the wages amount to 28,088 Scoundrel . The wages of competent miners are per day 28,089 Scourged . Wages per day 28,090 Scourging . What is the rate of wages 28,091 Scout . . Are demanding more wages 28,092 Scovanlode About when wages are low 28,093 Scowerer . Wages are very high at present 128,094 Scowlingly Expect to have to advance wages very soon 28,095 Scraffito . TV y Tii r '1" ITTV#* f"O Tbiv Inf* \v r io r P^* of IVLUol llttVC L\J IJcty LilC- WtleiCo \sl 28,096 Scraffle . . It is not a wages' question 28,097 Scrag . . Wait 28,098 Scraggily . Wait to see 28,099 Scramblers Wait to hear 28,100 Scrannel . Not to wait 28,101 Scrapbook Shall I (we) wait (for) 28,102 Scraped . Must wait here for 28,103 Scrapiana . Shall have to wait for 28,104 Scrapingly Will wait here for . 28,105 Scrapings . Will not wait any longer 28,106 Scrapiron . Cannot wait any longer 28,107 Scrapmetal Will wait till I hear from you 28,108 Scrappy . Will wait 28,109 Scratch Wait for a further decline 28,110 Scratchpan Wait for better prices 28,111 Scratchwig Wait for result of assays 28,112 Scrawled . Do not wait 28,113 Screable . Wait for a few days 28,114 Screechowl Wait till you receive my (our) letter(s) of 28,115 Screechy . Wait for 28,116 Screenings Wait till 28,117 Screwbolts Do not wait any longer 28,118 Screwbox . How long must wait 28,119 Screwcap . Agree(s) to wait 28,120 Screwclamp Have no objection to wait WAI 567 before send- [ing report No. Code Word. Wait (continued) 28.121 Screwdock Wait for further orders 28.122 Screwjacks Wait on the chance of 28.123 Screwkey . Can you wait (until) 28.124 Screwnail . Cannot wait an indefinite time 28.125 Screwpile . You had better wait for 28.126 Screwplate How long shall we have to wait for 28.127 Screwpost. How long can they wait 28.128 Screwpress Wait till you receive our letter of 28.129 Screwshell If you will wait 28.130 Screwstone Wait a little longer (before) 28.131 Screwtree . If I (we) have to wait (for) 28.132 Screwvalve What is there to wait for 28.133 Scribbet . No reason to wait longer 28.134 Scribblers . Waited 28.135 Scriber. . Waited as long as possible 28.136 Scribism . Waited in hope of 28.137 Scrimmages Waited in expectation of being able to announce 28.138 Scrimply . Waiting 28.139 Scrimpness Am (are) kept waiting 28.140 Scriptory . Waiting for 28.141 Scriptural . Waiting for your reply to my (our) telegram of 28.142 Scrivello . Waiting for you to 28.143 Scrivener . Waiting for reply to my (our) letter of 28.144 Scrofula . Whilst waiting for 28.145 Scrofulous Why are you waiting 28.146 Scroll . . Am (are) all ready ; only waiting for 28.147 Scrollhead There is no good in waiting longer 28.148 Scrollsaws . Waiting to hear from 28.149 Scrollwork Am (are) not waiting 28.150 Scroop . . Still waiting (for) 28.151 Scrotiform Waiting for orders 28.152 Scrotocele Waiting for remittance 28.153 Scroyles . Waiting for funds 28.154 Scrubbed. Waiting until the road is clear 28.155 Scrubbing . Waiting until the frost has broken up 28.156 Scrubby ish Waive 28.157 Scruboak . Will you waive the right 28.158 Scrubrace . Will not waive the right 28.159 Scrubstone, Agree to waive the right 28.160 Scruff . . If they will not waive their rights 28.161 Scruple . Wall(s) 28.162 Scrupling . Between walls of 28.163 Scrupulize Without walls 28.164 Scrutable . On the hanging-wall 28.165 Scrutation . With plainly denned hanging and foot walls (of) 28.166 Scrutators . Having well-defined walls 28.167 Sciutineer. Against the foot- wall 28.168 Scrutinize. Samples taken from the hanging-wall 28.169 Scrutinous Samples taken from the foot- wall 28.170 Scrutiny . Want 568 WAN No. Code Word. Want (continued) 28.171 Scrutoire . I (we) want 28.172 Sculleries . He (they) want(s) 28.173 Scullery . Do you want 28.174 Sculptor . Want(s) you to 28.175 Sculptress. Do(es) not want 28.176 Sculptured In want of 28.177 Scummings From want of 28.178 Scummy . Want(s) too much 28.179 Scurfiness . Want(s) immediately 28.180 Scurrile . Will want 28.181 Scurrility . Will not want 28.182 Scurrilous . What do you want 28.183 Scurvy . . Let me (us) know exactly what you want 28.184 Scutage . If you want me (us) to 28.185 Scutellate . Do not want any more 28.186 Scuttles . Do you want me to go to 28.187 Scybala . Do you want me to 28.188 Scyllarian . In case you want 28.189 Scyllarus . We shall want 28.190 Scymitar . We shall want more (than) 28.191 Scymnidae We still want . to make up 28.192 Scyphiform What did want 28.193 Scyphulus. Greatly in want of . 28.194 Scythed . Want all we (you) can get 28.195 Scytheman Want(s) very much to 28.196 Scythewhct Want(s) to 28.197 Scything . Will want to 28.198 Scythrops . Wanted 28.199 Seaacorn . Wanted him (them) to 28.200 Seaadder . Wanted you to 28.201 Seaanemone Wanted me (us) to 28.202 Seabarrow Not wanted 28.203 Seabasket . Wanted immediately 28.204 Seabass . Will be wanted 28.205 Seabeaten. Will not be wanted 28.206 Seabirds . Will soon be wanted 28.207 Seabiscuit . You are wanted immediately in 28.208 Seabound . What is principally wanted is 28.209 Seabreach . Let us know what is wanted 28.210 Seabreeze. If we know what is wanted 28.211 Seabugloss Unless we know what is wanted 28.212 Seabuilt . War 28.213 Seacabbage War threatening between and 28.214 Seacalf . . Since the war 28.215 Seacaptain Owing to the war 28.216 Seacarps . Nothing can be done owing to the rumour of war 28.217 Seacatgut , War between -and -averted 28.218 Seachange War is over 28.219 Seacoast . Continually at war with 28.220 Seacompass In the event of war breaking out WAR 569 No. Code Word. War (continued) 28.221 Seacraft The war scare caused a panic 28.222 Seacrow . The war scare has subsided 28.223 Seadevil . A war must seriously affect us 28.224 Seadog . . War has broken out 28.225 Seadottrel. There are rumours of war 28.226 Seadragon The seat of war 28.227 Seaducks . Expect war will soon be declare J 28.228 Seaeagle . Expect war will soon be over 28.229 Seaegg. . A renewal of the war is imminent 28.230 Seafarer . Do you think there will be any war 28.231 Seafaring . War has been declared between 28.232 Seafennel . To support the war a tax has been imposed 28.233 Seafern . Intend to levy a war- tax 28.234 Seafight . Warn 28.235 Seaforthia . I think it right to warn you 28.236 Seafoxes . Must warn not to 28.237 Seagirdle . Warn -against 28.238 Seagirkin . Will warn 28.239 Seagirt". . Warned 28.240 Seagoddess Has (have) been warned not to 28.241 Seagoing . Has (have) been warned against 28.242 Seagrape . Was (were) not warned 28.243 Seagreen . Be warned in time 28.244 SeagudgeonWarrant 28.245 Seagulls . There is nothing to warrant 28.246 Seaheath . Sufficient to warrant the 28.247 Seaholly . Do you think there is sufficient to warrant 28.248 Seaholm . There is a warrant out against 28.249 Seaisland . To warrant me (us) 28.250 Sealark . To warrant such a course 28.251 Sealegs . Was 28.252 Sealeopard I was 28.253 Sealetters . I was not 28.254 Sealingwax He was 28.255 Sealskin . He was not 28.256 Sealwax . Was he 28.257 Seamaid . Was he not 28.258 Seamanship Was not 28.259 Seamarge . It was 28.260 Seamblast. It was not 28.261 Seamlace . If it was 28.262 Seamonster If it was not 28.263 Seamrent . Was it not 28.264 Seamroller There was 28.265 Seamstress There was not 28.266 Seaneedle . Was it so 28.267 Seanymph. Why was it not 28.268 Seaonion . Was there any 28.269 Seaooze . There was not one (any) 28.270 Seaorb . . When was 570 WAS No. Code Word. Was (continued} 28.271 Seaotter . Where was 28.272 Seapad . Which was 28.273 Seaparrot . Washing 28.274 Seaperch . In washing 28.275 Seapieces . By washing the stuff, we found 28.276 Seaplant . Washing for gold 28.277 Seapoacher Waste(s) 28.278 Seapudding Great waste of 28.279 Seapurse . Waste rock 28.280 Seaquake . There is no waste of 28.281 Searadish . To stop the waste of 28.282 Searaven . The waste in 28.283 Searchable There has been a great waste of 28.284 Searchless Can you stop the waste of 28.285 Searisque . Waste no time 28.286 Searobbers Causing a great waste of time 28.287 Searobin . Waste of money 28.288 Searocket . Causing a great waste of money 28.289 Searoom . From the waste of 28.290 Searoving . Entails a considerable waste of 28.291 Seasalt. . It would be a positive waste of time (to) 28.292 Seascape . There is considerable waste of 28.293 Seaserpent Considerable waste of quicksilver 28.294 Seasharks . Why is there such a waste of 28.295 Seashore . Watch 28.296 Seasick . Watch carefully 28.297 Seaside . Watch the market 28.298 Seaslater . Watch the mine 28.299 Seasleeve . You must watch 28.300 Seaslug . Will watch 28.301 Seasnail . Cannot watch 28.302 Seasnakers To watch over 28.303 Seasnipe . Watch carefully what is being done 28.304 Seasonably Watch very closely what he is (they are) doing 28.305 Seasonage Watch the case in our interest 28.306 Seaspider . Watched 28.307 Seasquirt . Have carefully watched 28.308 Seastock . If not watched 28.309 Seasurgeon Watchful(ness) 28.310 Seaswallow Extreme watchfulness is necessary 28.311 Seaswine . Watching 28.312 Seathief . Watching for the opportunity 28.313 Seathong . Watching the proceedings 28.314 Seatitling . Water 28.315 Seatossed . There is always a great scarcity of water 28.316 Seaturtles . From the scarcity of water 28.317 Seaunicorn Water very scarce 28.318 Seaurchin . Water plentiful 28.319 Seaviews . Water is diminishing 28.320 Seawalled . Water getting low WAT 57 1 No. Code Word. Water (continued) 28,321 Seawater . Water increasing 28,322 Seaweed . Water will not interfere with the working of the mine 28,323 Seawife The water from the mine 28,324 Seawolds . Could see nothing, the mine being full of water 28,325 Seaworthy . It will take days and cost to get water 28,326 Seawrack . Full of water [out of mine 28,327 Sebacic Free of water 28,328 Sebastes . The mine being always free of water 28,329 Sebestan . Water-power is not enough for all demands 28,330 Sebiparous Water-power is ample for all demands 28,331 Sebka . . Water tank(s) 28,332 Sebundy . Do not go to unless you hear the water has been taken out of the mine 28,333 Seceder . Has seen 1 the mine free of water 28,334 Seceding . Succeeded in lowering the water to 28,335 Secern . . Sufficient water to (or for) 28,336 Secernment Not sufficient water to (or for) 28,337 Secluded .. Will get the water out of the mine 28,338 Secludedly TV/TiY-^Ck T\r\r\f\cf\ \Sf\T\\ rwrfn-t" o -r* r\ tir-iTI T^n 1 1 1 T"P JAM i. 1C ilUv/LiCLl VY1U11 WciLC.lj dllUL Wilt iCUUllC 28,339 Secluding . Water to work the [pumps to cope with it 28,340 Seclusion . tXT"/-* 4-/-1-M -ivill Vs,/^ s*Ltt4- *-v " t-v-i t *-k t* 1*-* s^f^tm VV dlCi Will UC UU.L \J1 I1J111C 111 vidVo 28,341 Second This creek is always full of water [P an 7 a * 28,342 Secondary Water in any quantity obtainable from a water corn- 28,343 Secondbest Water costs per miner's inch 28,344 Secondhand A v-> i *"v 1 1 V\ 4- ^-f T<-4-^- ** f\ j^\ w- -v\ r *- ^ i r* 7 *-k ./-kl^ ^r --wFi4-Vv - -iVLllUmiL (Jl WdLcl dt OUlllilictllLl lo ^^ HlCJlCo Wltli ct 28,345 Secondrate "Ffom T.T'inf* of*Tvif"r i T" I ViPiri c\f "fp^t" JTlv/Ill \\ctllL v/1 WdtCl 1 llCclU \JL ^^ ICCt 28,346 Secrecies . What is the head of water and quantity 28,347 Secrecy . In order to keep the water under [hours 28,348 Secret . . There are gallons of water in the twenty-four 28,349 Secretage . Water is available for [miles 28,350 Secretions . The water is brought in pipes a distance of 28,351 Secretists . The water-pipes will have to be renewed at a cost of 28,352 Secretness . TV'^f'P'V rT.OTV/^T* T"* ITV\T\lA to TIITl " i" O TY"I Tl *"* VV .Lcr"L)L) WCi lo cililUlC tLf 1 Llll oLdlllUo 28,353 Secretory . Sufficient water available to run all the machinery 28,354 Sectarist . Available water-power ample for all demands, but will require miles ditch, costing 28.355 Sectional . Is there plenty of water on the place 28.356 Sectionize . What fall of water have you 28.357 Sectism . Fall of water will be feet 28.358 Sectmaster The water has risen in 28.359 Secularism The water still rising [season 28.360 Secularity . Calculating at the lowest flow of water in the dry 28.361 Secundated Calculating at the present good flow of water 28.362 Secundine. The property has no water upon it 28.363 Securable . The property is far from water 28.364 Securely . The property is close to water 28.365 Secureness The property has water on it 28.366 Securifer . For how many stamps have you water 28.367 Securiform What depth of water is there 28.368 Securitan . Depth of high-water spring-tides 572 WAT No. 28,369 28,370 28,371 28,372 28,373 28,374 28,375 28,376 28,377 28,378 28,379 28,380 28,381 28,382 28,383 28,384 28,385 28,386 28,387 28,388 28,389 28,390 28,391 28,392 28,393 28,394 28,395 28,396 28,397 28,398 28,399 28,400 28,401 28,402 28,403 28,404 28,405 28,406 28,407 28,408 28,409 28,410 28,411 28,412 28,413 28,414 28,415 28,416 28,417 28,418 Code Word. Water (continued) Securities . Depth of high-water neap-tides Sedanchair The water is not sufficient for motive power, but is Water-ditch [enough for the plates of a battery There is always plenty of water in the creek Flume for conveying water Gives us the command of water Plenty of water to be obtained Water is now in fork Water can be kept down without difficulty Water is giving much trouble Water is not giving much trouble A considerable stream of water A considerable stream of water is constantly flowing Under a full head of water Under a feet head of water Water is highly charged with acid Water rapidly corrodes the pumps Is there much water in the mine Is there much water in the shaft Is the mine free from water When will the mine be free from water Mine flooded with water Workings flooded with water Water will be out of the mine on Water in any quantity obtainable Amount of water at command is inches A head of water of feet can be obtained Sedately . Sedateness Sedentary . Sederunt . Sedgebird . Sedgy . . Sedilia . . Seditious . Seducingly Seductive . Seductress Sedulously Seedbasket Seedbud . Seedcakes . Seedcoat . Seedfield . Seedgarden Seedgrain . Seedleaf . Seedlobe . Seedoil. . Seedpearl . Seedplot . Seedsheet . Seedsman . Seedtime . Seedvessel Seedy . . Seeker . . Seeksorrow Seemingly . Seemlily . Seemliness Seemlyhood Seerhand . Seership . Seersucker Seesaw . . Seesawing . Seethe . . Sefatian Seghol . Segholate Segment Segmenting Water is available from the Water has to be brought a distance of Water would have to be brought from a distance of The water is brought in pipes (from) The water is brought in a leat from Water can be brought The water-pipes will have to be renewed Water pipes required inches diameter Available water to run Available water power ample for all demands, but Water-pipe [will require pipes, costing Water to be lifted, estimated at gallons per hour Gallons of water per hour Gallons of water per minute to Water-power estimated at h.p. Stopped for want of wattr In order to keep the water under, we shall require Watered The stock has been heavily watered The watered stock is worth about What is the watered stock worth SegmentsawWater level Segregated Below the water level WAT 573 No. Code Word. Water level (continued} 28.419 Seguidilla . At the water level 28.420 Seignorage From the water level 28.421 Seignory . Above the water level 28.422 Seineboat . Water level has been reached 28.423 Seismology To reach the water level 28.424 Seisura . . Have you reached the water level 28.425 Seizable . Have not yet reached the water level 28.426 Seize . . Shall sink until we reach the water level 28.427 Seizing. . Expect to reach water level (in) 28.428 Sejunction Continue sinking until you reach water level 28.429 Sejungible From the water level downwards 28.430 Selachian . Water-right(s) 28.431 Selbite . . Water-right surveyed 28.432 Seldom . The property has no water-right 28.433 Seldomness The property has an excellent water-right 28.434 Seldshown Get a water-right 28.435 Select . . Water-rights have been secured 28.436 Selectedly. Water-rights must be secured 28.437 Selecting . Water-rights can be bought for 28.438 Selectman. Water-rights have been bought for 28.439 Selectness . Secure water-rights 28.440 Selectors . Survey water-rights 28.441 Selenitic . Cannot secure water-rights 28.442 Selenium . Water-rights fully protected 28.443 Seleniuret . By getting these water-rights we avoid risk of 28.444 Selenology All the available water-rights [litigation 28.445 Selfabased Litigation respecting water-rights 28.446 Selfacting . Dispute about water-rights 28.447 Selfaction . The respective water-rights 28.448 Selfborn . Water-rights extend 28.449 Selfbounty Water- wheel(s) 28.450 Selfbreath . Pelton water-wheel 28.451 Selfdanger Overshot water-wheel 28.452 Selfdeceit . Undershot water-wheel 28.453 Selfdenial . Breast water-wheel 28.454 Selfesteem Water-wheel feet diameter, x feet wide 28.455 Selffaced . Wooden water-wheel 28.456 Selffed . . Iron water-wheel 28.457 Selffeeder . The water-wheel drives 28.458 Selfhelp . Way 28.459 Selfishly . Either way 28.460 Selfkilled . Either one way or the other 28.461 Selfleft. . Which way 28.462 Selflike. . Whichever way may be chosen 28.463 Selfloving . In every way possible 28.464 Selfmade . In that way 28.465 Selfmettle . It is the only way (to) 28.466 Selfmotion Is it the only way possible 28.467 Selfmoved. The best way to 28.468 Selfmurder Do not consider it the best way 574 WAY No. Code Word. Way (continued) 28.469 Selfpity . On the way to 28.470 Selfpraise . Out of the way 28.471 Selfprofit . In a fair way to 28.472 Selfrolled . In a fair way to recovery 28.473 Selfruined . We see our way cleirer 28.474 Selfsame . Do you see your way clearer 28.475 Selfscorn . Now on the way to 28.476 Selfseeker . We 28.477 Selfslain . We are 28.478 Selfstyled . We are not 28.479 Selftaught . We can 28.480 Selftrust . We cannot 28.481 Selfview . We have 28.482 Selfwill. . We have not 28.483 Selfwrong . If we are 28.484 Seltzogene If we have 28.485 Semaphore If we can 28.486 Semblable. We may be 28.487 Semblance We may have 28.488 Semblative Weakened 28 489 Semecarpus Much weakened by 28.490 Semeiotics Wealthy 28.491 Semencine In the hands of wealthy people 28.492 Semiacid , The owners are wealthy 28.493 Semiangle . Very wealthy and important firm 28.494 Semiannual Reputed to be wealthy 28.495 Semibreve. Was (were) once very wealthy 28.496 Semibull . Has (have) become very wealthy 28.497 Semichorus Is (are) not so wealthy as represented 28.498 Semicircle. Weather 28.499 Semicolons Frosty weather 28.500 Semicolumn Cannot leave owing to the bad weather 28.501 Semicubium Cannot go to on account of bad weather 28.502 Semidome Are subject to sudden and great changes of weather 28.503 Semidouble Weather permitting 28.504 Semifable . In bad weather 2^,505 Semiflexed In fine weather 28.506 Semifluid . Weather too rough to do anything 28.507 Semiformed There is a favourable change in the weather 28.508 Semiliquid The mine(s) is (are) inaccessible in bad weather 28.509 Semilunar . Every appearance of present weather lasting 28.510 Semimetal. During the hot weather 28.511 Semiminim The weather is exceedingly hot 28.512 Seminality Severe weather; snow and gales 28.513 Seminarian Severe weather; heavy blizzard 28.514 Seminary . Severe weather; the snow has completely blocked 28.515 Seminating Owing to the severity of the weather [the roads 28.516 Semiopal . As soon as weather permits 28.517 Semiopaque Experienced bad weather during the voyage 28.518 Semiped . Experienced fine weather during the voyage WEA 575 No. 28,519 Code Word. Semipedal . 28,520 Semispinal 28,521 Semisteel . 28,522 Semitism . 28,523 Semitonic . 28,524 Semivocal . 28,525 Semolella . 28,526 Semolina . 28,527 Semper vive 28,528 Semuncia . 28,529 Senatus 28,530 Senecaoil . 28,531 Senecaroot 28,532 Senecio . 28,533 Senega . . 28,534 Senescence 28,535 Senile . . 28,536 Senility 28,537 Senior . . 28,538 Seniority . 28,539 Seniorized . 28,540 Sennachy . 28,541 Sensation . 28,542 Senseless . 28,543 Sensibly . 28,544 Sensific 28,545 Sensitive . 28,546 Sensitory . 28,547 Sensorium 28,548 Sensual 28,549 Sensualism 28,55 Sensuality . 28,551 Sensuous . 28,552 Sensuously 28,553 Sentenced . 28,554 Sentencing 28,555 Sentiency . 28,556 Sentiment . 28,557 Sentinels . 28,558 Sentries . 28,559 Sentry . . 28,560 Sentrybox . 28,561 Sepalous . 28,562 Separately . 28,563 Separation 28,564 Separatist . 28,565 Sepawn 28,566 Sepia . . 28,567 Sepiolite . Weather (continued) Weather has become much milder; think we shall soon be free from snow , Weather milder ; frost breaking up The bad weather has made it impossible (for) Weather very much against my (our) Weather unusually severe Wednesday On Wednesday Last Wednesday Next Wednesday Every Wednesday Every other Wednesday Week(s) During the week Last week Next week The week after next For the week ending This week One week Two weeks Three weeks Four weeks Five weeks Six weeks Seven weeks Eight weeks For weeks In weeks For the next few weeks For the past few weeks For the next weeks This week's run In a week or ten days Early next week Towards the end of next week Every week regularly The work can easily be done in a week The work can easily be done in weeks Can you get through in a week About the beginning of the week About the middle of the week About the end of the week Weekly Weekly statements Weekly shipments (To) show what has been done weekly Weigh(s) No piece weighs more than The whole of the machinery weighs 576 WEI No. Code Word. Weigh(s) (continued) 28,568 Sepometer . Do (does) not weigh more than 28,569 Septaria . Must not weigh more than 28,570 Septemvir . Weighing 28,571 Septenary . Weighing less than 28,572 Septennate Weighing more than 28,573 Septennium Weight 28,574 Cp-r\j-pT-* f ft r\ r ~T* V* p, vv'Pi *"nf" of Pi r*Ti TiiorT* f~r\ f~\o l^f^vtf" iinnpr 1V>^ OC L/LCllli L\J J. 11C WClc^lltUl CciL-ll ULCOC \\J Ue ivLUL U.11U.C1 " lUo 28,575 Septette . What is the weight 28,576 Septfoil . The weight is Ibs. 28,577 Septically . The estimated weight 28,578 Septicidal . What weight is required 28,579 Septicity . The average weight 28,580 Septiform . Weight of ore 28,581 Septimal . Weight of dry ore 28,582 Septuagint Weight of concentrates 28,583 Septulate . The greatest weight 28,584 Septuor . Broken down under the weight of 28,585 Sepulchral Give the size and weight 28,586 Sepulture . Loss of weight 28,587 Sequarious Loss of weight may be taken at 28,588 Sequels . Loss of weight per cent 28,589 Sequence . The invoice weight 28,590 Sequential The net weight 28,591 Sequester . The gross weight 28,592 Sequestrum What are the net and gross weights respectively 28,593 Seraglio . Net weight gross weight 28,594 Seralbumen The weight of the heaviest piece (is) 28,595 Seraph . . Well(s) 28,596 Seraphic . It would be as well to 28,597 Seraphical Not so well 28,598 Seraskier . Is (are) well known 28,599 Serbonian . Is (are) not well known 28,600 Serenade . Very well 28,601 Serenading Is (are) well known 28,602 Serenely . Can you get water by a well 28,603 C?jr\Y*i"*|4-i-i /-]f\ A TvrOl Vn r * T^/T^TI T\nf" rlmvn fV^ot" iod cm in Lie .TJ. wen iido uecii UU.L ciuwn ICCL 28,604 Serf . . . Wells have been put down 28,605 Serfdom . Artesian wells supply ample water 28,606 Serfhood . Abundance of well water 28,607 Sergeancy . From wells 28,608 Sergeant . From a well 28,609 Seriatim . By a well feet deep 28,610 Q ^--I /-.^/-N -i r T4. , ill V*^ t-i /-v^/^r-r- ri I--VT 4-'-* ^.i^l*- tTT/^ll/rA ociiccous . j.c win DC neccbadry tu binK. wcu^&y 28,611 Sericulus . Is (are) well 28,612 Seriema . Is (are) quite well 28,613 Seriocomic I am quite well 28,614 Seriously . I am not well enough to 28,615 Serjania . Not being very well 28,616 Sermon . Is (are) not well enough to 28,617 Sermonical Is (are) looking well WEL No. Code Word. Well(s) (continued) 28.618 Sermoning Doing very well 28.619 Sermonish In other respects, all is going well 28.620 Sermonized Generally, all is going well 28.621 Serotine . Were 28.622 Serotinous If we were 28.623 Serpent . If we were not 28.624 Serpentary If you were 28.625 Serpentize. If you were not 28.626 Serpigo . If he (they) were 28.627 Serpolet . If he (they) were not 28.628 Serranus . We were 28.629 Serratula . We were not 28.630 Serricorn . You were 28.631 Sertularia . You were not 28.632 Servable . They were 28.633 Servantess They were not 28.634 Servantry . There were 28.635 Service. . There were not 28.636 Serviceage There were not any 28.637 Servilely . Unless there were 28.638 Servingraan Unless we were 28.639 Servitium . Unless you were 28.640 Servitors . Unless they were 28.641 Sesame . Were there 28.642 Sesamoid . If there were 28.643 Sesamoidal If there were any chance of 28.644 Sesbania . West. (See Table at end.) 28.645 Seseli . . Going west 28.646 Sesleria . Driving west 28.647 Sesqui . . At the west end 28.648 Sesquisalt . West cross-cut 28.649 Session. . West drift 28.650 Sessional . West vein 28.651 Sestertius . To the west (of) 28.652 Setback . West of north 28.653 Setbolt . On the west side of (the) 28.654 Setdown . Miles west of 28.655 Setfair . . Wet 28.656 Setigera . The mine(s) is (are) very wet 28.657 Setigerous. The mill is constructed for wet crushing 28.658 Setireme Very wet 28.659 Setline . . Becoming wetter 28.660 Setoff . . Not so wet as it has been 28.661 Setscrew . Wet crushing 28.662 Settersoff . Battery for wet crushing 28.663 Setterup . Tons of wet ore 28.664 Setterwort It is an unusually wet season 28.665 Settlebed . Much delayed by the wet season 28.666 Settlement During the wet season 28.667 Settlers . Wharf 577 2 P 578 WHA No. 28,668 28,669 28,670 28,671 28,672 28,673 28,674 28,675 28,676 28,677 28,678 28,679 28,680 28,681 28,682 28,683 28,684 28,685 28,686 28,687 28,688 28,689 28,690 28,691 28,692 28,693 28,694 28,695 28,696 28,697 28,698 28,699 28,700 28,701 28,702 28,703 28,704 28,705 28,706 28,707 28,708 28,709 28,710 28,711 28,712 28,713 28,714 28,715 28,716 28,717 Code Word. Wharf (continued) Setulose . From the company's wharf Setwall . . A private railway to the wharf Sevenfold . The company have a tram line to their wharf Sevennight As the company owns a wharf at Sevensome It is essential to have a wharf at Seventhly . The stuff can be run down at small cost to the wharf Several . To our own wharf [by means of a tramway Severalize . Delivered free on the wharf at Severally . The company's wharf Severeness Now lying on the wharf (at) Sevoeja . Have been lying on the wharf since Sewage . Wharfage Sewers . . Wharfage charges Sexagenary Wharfage and lighterage Sexagesima Wharves Sexangled . The company owns wharves at Sexangular What Sexdecimal What is (are) What are you What are they What shall I What should I What will What is the What would What do you think of What he (they) What he (they) may do What you may do What had we better do What was What we What were What is to be done And if so, what Whatever Whatever you think best Whatever course is best Whatever you think right Whatever may be done Whatever may do Sexennial . Sexhindman Sexifid . . Sexivalent . Sexless . . Sexlocular . Sexly . . Sextain Sextile . . Sextillion . Sextonry . Sextonship Sextuple . Sexualized Sexually . Shabbiest . Shabbily . Shabrack . Shackatory Shackbolt Shackle Shacklebar Shackling . Shacklock . Shadbush . Shaded , Shadefish . Shad frog . Shadings . Shadoof , Shadowing Shadowish Whatever it was possible to do Wheel(s) Wheel . feet diameter Fly-wheel broken Trolley wheels and axles When (ever) When are When can When is WHE 579 No. 28,718 28,719 28,720 28,721 28,722 28,723 28,724 28,725 28,726 28,727 28,728 28,729 28,730 28,731 28,732 28,733 28,734 28,735 28,736 28,737 28,738 28,739 28,740 28,741 28,742 28,743 28,744 28,745 28,746 28,747 28,748 28,749 28,750 28,751 28,752 28,753 28,754 28,755 28,756 28,757 28,758 28,759 28,760 28,761 28,762 28,763 28,764 28,765 28,766 28,767 Code Word. When(ever) (continue^} Shadowless When we are When you are When are you When you can When can you When you do When do you When I can When can I (we) When will you When do yon think When you think When we When we were When you When you were When they When they were When there were When were you When were they And if so, when When is (are) likely to Shaft . . Shaftalley . Shafthorse Shaftman . Shagbark . Shagged . Shagginess Shagging . Shaghaired Shagreen . Shakedown Shakefork . Shakerag . Shakerism . Shalloon . Shallowest Shallowly . Sham . . Shamanism Shambles . Shambling Shamefaced Shameful . Shamefully Shameless . Shameproof Cable when When and where Whenever you Whenever it can be done Shamfight . Where(ever) Shamoying Where are Shampoo . Where is Shampooing Where was Shamrock . From where Shandrydan Where can I Shandygaff Where you can Shankbeer Where can you Shantyman Where there is Shapeable . Where we Shapely . Where you Shapesmith Where did you Shapournet Where he (they) Shardborne Where is (are) likely to Sharebeam And where Shareline . Wherever it occurs (they occur) Sharelists . Is (are) found, wherever Sharkray . Whether Sharpcut . Whether we Sharpen . Whether you Sharpeneth Whether he (they) Sharpening Whether or not Sharpness . Whether it is probable 5 8o WHE No. Code Word. Whether (continued) 28,768 Sharptail . Whether it is possible 28,769 Shathmont Cable us whether or not you 28,770 Shattering . Which(ever) 28,771 Shavegrass Which are 28,772 Shawfowl . Which have 28,773 Shayaroot . Which have been 28,774 Shearbill . Which can be 28,775 Shearhogs . Which must 28,776 Shearman , From which 28,777 Shearwater To which 28,778 Sheathclaw Which of the 28,779 Sheathing . From which of the 28,780 Sheathless . Which we 28,781 Sheavehole Which you 28,782 Shebander Which he (they) 28,783 Shebeen . Whichever is best 28,784 Shebeenin^ While 28,785 Shed . . While I am (we are) 28,786 Shedroof . While you are 28,787 Sheenly . While it is being 28,788 Sheepberry While is there 28,789 Sheepbiter While I am there 28,790 Sheepcote . While is (are) here 28,791 Sheepdip . While he is (they are) 28,792 Sheepdogs For a long while past 28,793 Sheepfaced For a long while to come 28,794 Sheepfold . While that is being done 28,795 Sheephooks Cannot be done while 28,796 Sheepish . Whim(s) 28,797 Sheepishly Horse whim 28,798 Sheeplouse By a whim 28,799 Sheeprun . By a horse whim 28,800 Sheepsbane Put up a whim 28,801 Sheepseye. The horse whim is in course of erection 28,802 Sheepshank The whim won't work 28,803 Sheepshead Whim erected and working well 28,804 Sheepskins Who 28,805 Sheepsplit Who are 28,806 Sheeptick . Who are not 28,807 Sheepwalk Who is 28,808 Sheerhulk . Who is not 28,809 Sheermould Who is it 28,810 Sheerplan . Who was 28,811 Sheetcable Who was not 28,812 Sheetglass . Who were 28,813 Sheetiron . Who were not 28,814 Sheetlead . Who will 28,815 Sneetpile . Who will not 28,816 Shekarry . Who must 28,817 Shekel . . Who should WHO 581 No. Code Word. Who (continued] 28.818 Sheldrakes Who can 28.819 Shelfy . . Who cannot 28.820 Shellac . Who have 28.821 Shellapple Who have not (no) 28.822 Shellbark . Who have been 28.823 Shellbit . Who was it that 28.824 Shellboard Who are our 28.825 Shellcameo Who gave 28.826 Shellfish . The man (men) who 28.827 Shellgum . Whole 28.828 Shelllime . On the whole 28.829 Shellmarl . From the whole 28.830 Shellmeat . To get the whole 28.831 Shellproof The whole of the 28.832 Shellroad . Whom 28.833 Shellsand . From whom 28.834 Sheltered . By whom 28.835 Sheltering. With whom 28.836 Shemitic . Without whom 28.837 Shendfully To whom have you 28.838 Shepherd . To whom did you 28.839 Shepherdly To whom we are indebted 28.840 Sherardia . To whom are we (am I) indebted for 28.841 Sherbet . To whom do they (does it) belong 28.842 Sheriff . . Whose 28.843 Sherkers . From whose 28.844 Sheslips . By whose 28.845 Shewbread With whose 28.846 Sheworld . Without whose 28.847 Shibboleth By whose instructions 28.848 Shield . . By whose orders 28.849 Shieldeth . By whose exertions 28.850 Shieldfern. Why 28.851 Shielding . Why is (are) 28.852 Shieldless . Why is not 28.853 Shiftable . Why are not 28.854 Shiftiness . Why is this 28.855 Shiftingly . Why, did 28.856 Shillelah . Why did you 28.857 Shimmer . Why did you not 28858 Shimmering And if so, why 28.859 Shimplough Why then was it 28.860 Shinbone . Why then did you 28.861 Shineth . Why will 28.862 Shingle . Why will not 28.863 Shintoism . Why will he (they) not 28.864 Shipboard Why do you 28.865 Shipboy . Why do you not 28.866 Shipcanal . Why does he (do they) 28.867 Shipfever . Width WID No. 28,868 28,869 28,870 28,871 28,872 28,873 28,874 28,875 28,876 28,877 28,878 28,879 28,880 28,881 28,882 28,883 28,884 28,885 28,886 28,887 28,888 28,889 28,890 28,891 28,892 28,893 28,894 28,895 28,896 28,897 28,898 28,899 28,900 28,901 28,902 28,903 28,904 28,905 28,906 28,907 28,908 28,909 28,910 28,911 28,912 28,913 28,914 28,915 28,916 28,917 Code Word. Shipful . . Shipholder Shipless . Shipletter . Shipman . Shipmoney Shiprigged Shipshape . Shipworm . Shipwreck Shipwright Shipyard . Shireclerk Shiremote Shirereeve Shiretown . Shirewick . Shirk . . Shirtfront . Shiver . . Shivereth . Shiverspar Shoadpit . Shoadstone Shoal . . Shoaliness Shoalwise . Sliockdog . Shockhead Shocking . Shockingly Shoddy . Shoddymill Shoeblack . Shoeboy . Shoebrush Shoebuckle Shoefactor Shoehammer Shoehorn Shoeknife Shoemaker Shoemaking Shoepeg . Shoeshave Shoestones Shoestrap . Shoestring Shoetie . Shooters . Width (continued) In width The width of the vein Width not yet determined Varying in width Varying in width From the width At its greatest width The whole width (of the) What is the width Will Will you Will you not Will he (they) I (we) will I (we) will not He (they) will He (they) will not If he (they) will If he (they) will not Will it Will it not It will not When will you be able When will he (they) If you will If you will not Will not Will not be You will not It will be It will not be In that case, will Will be here Will be with you Will be with you about Will not, in any case, be We will at once Will, if you wish Hope you will at once Willing Would be willing to Am (are) willing to Is (are) willing to Is (are) not willing to Perfectly willing to Perfectly willing to leave it to If you are willing to If you are not willing to If he is (they are) willing If he is (they are) not willing WIN 583 No. Code Word. 28,918 Shopbill . Wind 28,919 Shopbook . To wind up 28,920 Shopgirls . Resolution passed to wind up 28,921 Shopkeeper Winding-up 28,922 Shoplifter . Voluntary winding-up 28,923 Shopmaid . Winding-up under inspection 28,924 Shoppish . Winding engine. (See Hauling.) 28,925 Shopshift . Winding engine is wanted for 28,926 Shopwalker A small winding engine of about h.p. 28,927 Shopwoman Putting down a winding engine 28,928 Shoreweed Winding engine will be placed 28,929 Shortage . Winding engine will be started 28,930 Shortarmed Winding engine started ; going well 28,931 Shortbread Winding engine for shaft 28,932 Shortcake Winding engine for the tramway 28,933 Shortdated Windlass 28,934 Shortdrawn A steam windlass capable of hoisting (or hauling) 28,935 Shortener . Can do at present with a hand windlass 28,936 Shorthand Now hoisting with a small steam windlass 28,937 Shortlived. Using at present hand windlass 28,938 Shortly . Winter 28,939 Shortness . Mine cannot be examined in winter 28,940 Shortrib . Must finish before winter sets in or it will have to 28,941 Shortsight In the winter [stand over until the spring 28,942 Shotanchor Through the winter 28,943 Shotbelt . The winter begins in 28,944 Shotclog . The winter is not over before 28,945 Shotgauge . During the winter months 28,946 Shotgun . Cannot work in the winter 28,947 Shothole . The winter has set in with great severity 28,948 Shotlocker (If) we cannot get done before the winter sets in 28,949 Shotmetal . Cannot get mill up before the winter sets in 28,950 Shotplug . Must finish before winter sets in 28,951 Shotpouch Winter has begun in earnest ; ground is frozen hard 28,952 Shotproof . Looking for the end of the winter 28,953 Shotrack . Winter nearly over ; frost is breaking up 28,954 Shotsilk . Winze(s) 28,955 Shottower . Winze No. r 28,956 Shot window Winze No. 2 28,957 Shoulder . Winze No. 3 28,958 Shoutings . Winze No. 4 28,959 Shovegroat Winze No. 5 28,960 Shovelard . Winze No. 6 28,961 Shovelful . Winze No. 7 28,962 Shovelhat . Winze No. 8 28,963 Showboxes Winze No. 9 28,964 Showcards Winze No. 10 28,965 Showcase . Winze No. 28,966 Showerbath In winze No 28,967 Showerless Samples from winze No. assayed 584 WIN No. Code Word. Winze(s) (continued) 28.968 Showery . Estimate the cost of sinking winze at 28.969 Showglass . The vein in winze No. 28.970 Showiest . From winze 28.971 Showplace By a winze 28.972 Showrooms Connected by a winze 28 >973 Shrank. . Have commenced winze No. in level 28.974 Shredhead Winze from level down feet 28.975 Shredless . Winze (in) 28.976 Shreetalum Sinking a winze (in) 28.977 Shrew . . Sinking a winze to connect with 28.978 Shrewdest . Winze has been sunk 28.979 Shrewdly . Winze has been sunk to a depth of 28.980 Shrewdness Shall sink a winze (in) 28.981 Shrewishly Shall sink a winze from (level) 28.982 Shrewmole Shall sink a winze to connect with 28.983 Shriek . . Winze form level should be sunk 28.984 Shrieking . Winze form level has been sunk 28.985 Shriekowl . Winze has made connection with the upraise in 28.986 Shrieval . How deep has winze been sunk in 28.987 Shrievalty . How deep has winze been sunk in , and what is the appearance and assay of ore therefrom 28.988 Shrill . . Winze from level 28.989 Shrillness . Winze from has been sunk to connect with 28.990 Shrimp . Winze down feet, ore therefrom assays 28.991 Shrimpers . Have sunk a winze (in) 28.992 Shrimpnet Have commenced sinking a winze 28.993 Shrinkage . To connect with winze 28.994 Shrivelled . Continue sinking winze No. 28.995 Shroff . . Have discontinued sinking winze (from) 28.996 Shroffage . Winze has not been sunk during the month 28.997 Shroud . Do not propose to sink winze any further 28.998 Shrouding Propose to sink a winze (in or from) 28.999 Shroudless Wire 29.000 Shroudrope Feet of steel wire rope, inches circumference 29.001 Shrovetide Wire tramway 29.002 Shrubbery. Feet of steel wire flat rope, - - inches x - 29.003 Shrugs . . Wire rope [inch 29.004 Shudder . Wire rope for tramway 29.005 Shuddereth Wire rope for hoist 29.006 Shuddering Copper wire 29.007 Shufflecap Wish(es) 29.008 Shufflers . Wish you to 29.009 Shuntguns Wish you not to 29.010 Shunting . Wish(es) that 29.011 Shuttlebox Do(es) not wish 29.012 Shwanpan When do you wish 29.013 Shyly . . I (we) do not wish 29.014 Shyness . If you wish 29.015 Siagush . If you do not wish 29.016 Sialagogue Do you wish (for) (to) WIS 585 No. Code Word. Wish(es) (continued) 29.017 Sialidae . Do they (does he) wish (for) (to) 29.018 Sibbaldia . Do not wish (for) (to) 29.019 Siberite . Unless you wish me (us) to 29.020 Sibilancy . Wish that you would 29.021 Sibilant . Sorry we cannot comply with your wish 29.022 Sibilating . Impossible to do what wish(es) 29.023 Sibilatory . We wish to avoid 29.024 Sibilous . Wish you could (would) 29.025 Sibthorpia Wish he (they) could (would) 29.026 Sibylline . Wish him (them) not to 29.027 Sibyllists . Your wishes shall have our best attention 29.028 Siccated . Wishes shall be attended to at once 29.029 Siccating . Have acted in accordance with your wishes 29.030 Siccation . Has (have) not acted in accordance with our wishes 29.031 Siccific . Withdraw 29.032 Siccity . . I would advise you to withdraw your offer 29.033 Siciliana . Better to withdraw from the matter 29.034 Sickbay . Wish(es) to withdraw his (their) offer 29.035 Sickbed . Do not withdraw 29.036 Sickberth . Will withdraw 29.037 Sickerly . Will not withdraw 29.038 Sickfallen . Withdraw letter 29.039 Sickleman. Withdraw if possible 29.040 Sicklewort Withdraw the claim 29.041 Sicklist. . Withdraw from the case 29.042 Sicknesses Withdraw all objections 29.043 Sidearms . Cannot now withdraw 29.044 Sideaxe . Withdrawing 29.045 Sidebar . Withdrawn 29.046 Sideboxes. Has (have) withdrawn from 29.047 Sidechain . Has (have) not withdrawn from 29.048 Sidecut . Have you withdrawn 29.049 Sidedish . Have withdrawn the offer 29.050 Sideglance Withdrawn our claim 29.051 Sidehead . Withdrawn their claim 29.052 Sidehook . Withdrawn the petition 29.053 Sidelever . Has been withdrawn (from) 29.054 Sidelights . Have withdrawn our account from 29.055 Sidelong . All objections have been withdrawn 29.056 Sidepipe . Has not been withdrawn 29.057 Sideplane . Has (have) withdrawn his (their) offer 29.058 Sidepost . Within 29.059 Sideration . Within the time 29.060 Sidereal . Within the space 29.061 Siderolite . Within the limit 29.062 Siderostat , Within the limited space 29.063 Siderotype Within the limited time 29.064 Sidesaddle Within reasonable limits 29.065 Sideslip . Within the specified amount 29.066 Sidestitch . Within the specified time 586 WIT No. 29,067 29,068 29,069 29,070 29,071 29,072 29,073 29,074 29^75 29,076 29,077 29,078 29,079 29,080 29,081 29,082 29,083 29,084 29,085 29,086 29,087 29,088 29,089 29,090 29,091 29,092 29,093 29,091 2 9>95 29,096 29,097 29,098 29,099 29,100 29,101 29,102 29,103 29,104 29,105 29,106 29,107 29,108 29,109 29,110 29,111 29,112 29> ir 3 29,114 Code Word. Within (continued} Sidetaking Cannot keep within Sidetimber Not within Sideview . Without Sidewalk . Without the Sideways . Without our consent Sidewinds . Without our knowledge Sidled . . Without prejudice Siegetrain . Without any warning Sigaultian . Without any (more) Sigheth . Not without reason Sighing . Not without Sighingly . Has been done without Sightdraft . Cannot do without Sighthole . Have had to do without Sightseer . Run(s) without a hitch Sightshot . Witness(es) Sightsman To witness Sigillaria . Can witness Sigmoid . Will witness Sigmoidal . The witness Signable . As witness(es) Signal . . Can you call witnesses to prove Signalbox . Can call plenty of witnesses to prove Signalfire . Witnesses can prove Signality . Witnesses cannot prove Signalized. Won Signallamp Has (have) won the case Signalling . Telegraph who has won Signalman Has (have) won the Signalpost Have won the case with costs allowed Signation . The other side have won the case Signature . The other side have won ; we shall appeal Signboards We have won ; our opponents intend to appeal Signers . Wood(s) Signetring . Good wood Signified . Poor wood Signify . Plenty of wood Signiorize . There is a fair quantity of wood in the neighbour- hood of the mines Signmanual A scarcity of wood Signposts . Wood costs per cord, delivered at works Silence . Wood only costs for the hauling Silencing . Estimate there is enough wood to last years Silentious . Teams have to haul wood miles Silently . What is the yearly cost of wood Silentness . What is the cost of wood at the mine Silesian . Engine(s) take(s) cords of wood per day Silicated . Mill takes cords of wood per day Silicify . . Large woods in the neighbourhood Silicon . . Work(s) WOR 587 No. 29,116 Code Word. Silicula 29,117 Siliginose 29,118 Silingdish . 29,119 Siliquae . 29,120 Siliquella . 29,121 Siliquous . 29,122 Silkcotton . 29,123 Silkened . 29,124 Silkfowl . 29,125 Silkhen . 29,126 Silkmercer 29,127 Silkmill . 29,128 Silkweaver 29,129 Silkweed . 29,130 Silkworms 29^31 Sillabub . 29,132 Silliest . . 29*133 Silly . . 29^34 Silting . . 2 9> I 35 Siluridan . 29,136 Silvanite . 29i37 Silverbell . 29,138 Silverbush 29^39 Silverfox . 29,140 Silvergray . 29,141 Silvering . 29,142 Silverized . 29> J 43 Silver-leaf . 29,144 Silverless . 29>i45 Silvertree . 29,146 Silverweed 29,147 Simblot . 29,148 Simiadae . 29,149 Similar 29,150 Similarity . 29,151 Similitude 29,152 Simious 2 9> J 53 Simoniac . 29^54 Simoniacal 2 9> I 55 Simonists . 29,156 Simony 29^57 Simoom . 29,158 Simper. . 2 9 I 59 Simpering 29,160 Simpleness 29,161 Simpleton 29,162 Simplician Work(s) (continued] There is nothing to prevent the work of mining and milling proceeding throughout the year Prevents the regular work of mining and milling from being carried on throughout the year The necessary work for developing the mine A great deal of dead work has to be done Do you consider sufficient for opening mine Work is being pushed ahead [for full work Work suspended (owing to) Work will be resumed Have stopped work Work will be commenced Will not work Stop all work upon Men refuse to work Men refuse to work at a reduction Men agree to work Agree to work Work day and night Work only eight hours a day Too much work No work is being done on the place No work is being done in the mine A great amount of surface work has been done The work done on the place is of the most meagre description and of no practical value Work(s) well Work(s) badly I believe these works will open up a mine worth The first works to be done are The works will be completed about Can only work months in the year Must have to do the necessary work A great deal of work will have to be done before A great deal of the work has been done Can work to better advantage Work has been resumed Work has been begun upon Will start work (upon) Have begun work Have not yet begun (to) work The necessary work(s) The whole of the work to be done The whole of the work that has been done The works will include The only work at present carried on Cannot now work to a profit Work had progressed to a distance of Work done upon this lode Upon this work (these works) alone have been spent 588 WOR No. Code Word. 29,163 Simplicity . Worked 29,164 Simplified . The mine is being worked 29,165 Simplify . Has (have) been largely worked 29,166 Simplistic . The mine is not being worked 29,167 Simploce . The mine is worked out 29,168 Simulachre The mine will soon be worked out 29,169 Simulacrum Have worked out 29,170 Simulated Which was (were) worked 29,171 Simulating The whole of the upper levels (above No. ) 29,172 Simulation Not worked [worked out 29,*73 Simulatory Extensively worked 29,*74 Simulium . Very little worked 29.I75 Simulties . Only worked on the surface 29,176 Simulty . Neither of the mines are being worked 29,177 Simurg . . None of the mines are being worked 29,178 Sinaitic The mine(s) has (have) been badly worked 29,179 Sinapism . The mine(s) has (have) been well worked 29,180 Sinborn . Owing to the mine(s) having been so badly worked 29,181 Sinbred . "\ A 7"/-\ *-!*/-* /-I JTM"I C 29,182 Sincere Worked hours 29,183 Sincerely . Can the ( ) mine be worked profitably 29,184 Sincipital . Can the property be worked to a profit 29,185 Sinciput . The whole of the is worked out 29,186 Sineater . Worked by steam-power 29,187 Sinecural . Worked by water-power 29,188 Sinecurism How is (are) the worked 29,189 Sinewiness Has not been worked since 29,190 Sinewous . When it was last worked 29,191 Sinewy . . Was (were) formerly worked 29,192 Sinful . . When worked by the previous owner 29,193 Sinfully . The mine was worked in former days 29,194 Sinfulness . It is said that the mine when formerly worked 2 9,!95 Singeress . The mine, as now worked [yielded 29,196 Singingman The greatest depth to which" the mine has been 29,197 Singlecut . Can be worked to better advantage [worked 29,198 Singletree . Cannot be worked to better advantage 29,199 Singly . . (If) worked under a better system 29,200 Singular . Worked in a very imperfect way 29,201 Singularly . Has been successfully worked 29,202 Singultous The mine was worked by the Spaniards 29,203 Sinister . Was never properly worked 29,204 Sinisterly . From the way in which it has been worked 29,205 Sinistral . Has been worked 29,206 Sinistrous . Has not been worked 29,207 Sinkhole . Not recently worked 29,208 Sinktrap . Most energetically worked 29,209 Sinlessly . Have worked hard in order to 29,210 ' Sinologist . Worked continuously for 29,211 Sinology . Now being worked 29,212 Sinople Not being worked at present WOB 589 No. 29,213 29,214 29,215 29,216 29,217 29,218 29,219 29,220 29,221 29,222 29,223 29,224 29,225 29,226 29,227 29,228 29,229 29,230 29,231 29,232 29,233 29,234 2 9, 2 35 29,236 29,237 29,238 29,239 29,240 29,241 29,242 29,243 29,244 29,245 29,246 29,247 29,248 29,249 29,250 29,251 29,252 29,253 29,254 29,255 29,256 2 9,257 29,258 29,259 29,260 Code Word. Sintoc . . Sinuose . Sinuosity . Siphonage Siphoncup Siphonida . Siphonifer Siphuncle . Sipunculus Sirenical . Sirenize . Sirenizing . Siriasis . . Siricidae . Sirius . . Sirloins Sirocco . Siruped . Sisalgrass . Sisalhemp Siserara . Siskiwit . Sismometer Sison . . Sisterhood Sisterly . Sisymbrium Sisyphean Sitfast . . Sitomania . Sitophobia Situate . . Situations . Sitzbath . Sium . . Sixfold. . Sixshooter Sizar . . Sizarship . Sizeroll Sizestick . Skaddon . Skainsmate Skater . . Skating . Skayle . , Skedaddle Skegger . 29,261 Skegshore Worked (continued) Worked to its (their) utmost capacity Cannot be worked more economically Must be worked more economically Working(s) In the old workings The old workings have caved, and are inaccessible Out of the old workings Very extensive old workings The workings were consequently abandoned To start the workings up again Cost of working is about per ton The ore from these workings Cheap working Great facilities exist for working the ore cheaply For working the ore Working day and night Working hours Working day of eight hours Working day of hours Working hard to obtain There are considerable old workings on the property How are the workings looking Cable how the new workings are looking The new workings and developments The workings above the The upper workings The workings in the upper part of the mine The lower workings The workings in the lower part of the mine The lowest workings The workings below the [encouraging The development in this working has been most Conditions and prospects of the workings are most Are you still working on [encouraging Have you anything to report upon the workings in The workings in the level From these workings we expect to obtain We are still working on the ore from the To connect (connecting) these workings with The caves in the old workings Owing to the workings having caved in The old workings have caved on the surface (From) the ore body we are now working (From) the face of the workings The presence of in these workings No working facilities whatever Working facilities very inadequate Working fairly, but do not appear to understand what they have to deal with (From) the surface workings 590 won No. 29,262 29,263 29,264 29,265 29,266 29,267 29,268 29,269 29,270 29,271 29,272 29.273 29,274 29.275 29,276 29,277 29,278 29,279 29,280 29,281 29,282 29,283 29,284 29,285 29,286 29,287 29,288 29,289 29,290 29,291 29,292 29,293 29,294 29,295 29,296 29,297 29,298 29,299 29,300 29,301 29,302 29,303 29,304 29,305 29,306 29,307 29,308 29,309 Code Word. Skeins . Skelder . Skeletal . Skeletons . Skelloch . Skellum . Skerry . . Sketching . Sketchy . Skewarch . Skewbald . Skewbridge Skewcorbel Skewed . Skewering Skewfillet . Skewplane Skewput . Skidpan . Skied . . Skilful . . Skilfully . Skimington Skimmilk . Skinbound Working(s) (continued) Now working on the vein The workings on the vein Working with little hope of success Working with good prospects of success This working (these workings) have so far not As soon as the workings are opened up [yielded Until the workings have been opened up These workings have opened up The workings have opened out well The old workings, from which were extracted Immense bodies of ore in sight in these workings Ore from these workings has been treated The workings are very extensive The recent workings and developments Have taken the men out of these workings Discontinue operations in these workings Workings in have been abandoned The extent and depth of the workings More extensive and deeper workings These workings have been carried on for The workings promise to develop large ore bodies Give us some information about the workings in Cable the latest information about the workings and Workings very discouraging [developments (in) Anxious to know what you are doing in the work- ings in, or (in these workings) [to keep on Skindeep . The workings are more encouraging, and we intend Skinflint . There is no change ia the workings (since) Skinwool . There is no material change in the workings (since) Skipjacks . Is there any change in the workings Skipkennel Is there any change in the workings or develop- Skipping . Workings and developments [ments (since) Skippingly Workings very discouraging, and we intend to stop Skirmisher The workings show an inclination to develop into a substantial pay chute [a good pay chute Skirret . . The workings show no inclination to develop into Skittish . No probability of finding in these workings any ore Skittishly . Width and size of ore body we (you) are now work- Skolecite . Must stop working if you cannot [ing on Skuagull . Must stop working unless we are provided with Skulked . Have had to stop working [more funds Skulkingly Stop working until Skullcap . The expense of working the Skulless . Delay in working caused by Skulpin . Restarted working upon (in) Skunkbirds The cost of working is too great Skunkish . The poor results obtaining from (the) working Skunkweed In working the mill Skyblue . Working as cheaply as Skyborn . Worn won 591 No. Code Word. Worn (continued) Quite worn out Quite worn out, and must replace them Replace the worn Worse Do you think the mine looks worse The mine is looking worse The mine is not looking worse Getting worse Matters growing worse every day Appear to be getting worse Is worse, come home at once Is worse, we do not expect he will live Is (are) no worse Worse and worse Worse than when we last wrote The last accounts we had were much worse The ore is much worse and will not pay expenses Much worse, will hardly pay Worse than we anticipated If matters grow worse Cannot be much worse Expect things will be worse yet Worst If it comes to the worst The worst that could happen The worst that we have had to contend with The worst of all The worst results that have been obtained The worst place possible (for) The worst that could be found The worst predictions have been verified The worst of the matter is, that Has (have) realized our worst fears One of the worst points about it Put the worst possible construction upon Worth What do you think trie mine is worth I estimate the mine is worth Think it is worth Not worth more than Worth altogether I estimate the mine and mill are worth Is it worth while to It is hardly worth while to Hardly worth the expense Worth much more than Worth much less than Will be worth more when The whole is not worth more than Worth considerably more than was given for it 29,310 29.3" bkycolour Skydrain . 29,312 Skydyed . 29,313 Skyhigh . 29,314 Skyish . . 29.315 Skylark . 29,316 Skylarking 29,317 Skyless . 29,318 Skylights . 29,319 Skyparlour 29,320 Skyplanted 29,321 Skyrocket . 29,322 Skyroofed . 29,323 Skysail . . 29,324 Skyscraper 29,325 Skyward . 29,326 Slabline . 29,327 Slabsided . 29,328 Slack . . 29,329 Slackening 29,330 Slack] aw . 29,331 Slackly . 29,332 Slackness . ' 29,333 Slakeless . 29,334 Slamkin . 29,335 Slammed . 2 9,33 6 Slammerkin 29,337 Slamming . 29,338 Slander 29,339 Slanderin g 29,340 Slanderous 29,34i Slantingly . 29,342 Slantwise . 29,343 Slapbang . 29,344 Slapdash . 29,345 Slapup . . 29,346 Slashing . 29,347 Slateaxe . 29,348 Slateclay . 29,349 Slattern . 29,350 Slatternly . 29,35i Slaty . . 29,352 Slaveborn . 29,353 Slaveforks 29,354 Slavegrown 29,355 Slavelike . 29,35 6 Slavery 29,357 Slaveship . 2 9,358 Slavetrade 29,359 Slavocracy 592 WOE No. 29,360 29,361 29,362 29,363 29,364 29,365 29,366 29,367 29,368 29,369 29,370 29,371 29,372 29,373 29,374 29,375 29,376 29,377 29,378 29,379 29,380 29,381 29,382 29,384 29,385 29,386 2 9,387 29,388 29,389 29,390 29,39! 29,392 29,393 29,394 29,395 29,396 29,397 29,398 29,399 29,400 29,401 29,402 29.403 29,404 29,405 29,406 29,407 29,408 29,409 Code Word. Sleavesilk . Sleaziness . Sleazy . . Sledging . Sleekstone Sleepers . Sleepful . Would cost more than it is worth Sleepiest . Much more than it is actually worth Sleepily . Worthless Sleepwaker Quite worthless Sleeress Is it worthless Worth (continued] Think it is well worth Think it is well worth while to try Is not worth altogether Says it is fully worth May be worth when What is really worth Sleevefish . Sleevehand Sleeveknot Sleeveless . Sleevelink Sleigh . . Sleighbell . Sleighing . Slenderly . Slept . . Slibowitz . Slicebar . Slicer . . Slidegroat . Sliderail . Sliderest . Sliderod . Sliderpump Slidevalve . Slighten . Sliminess . Slingcart . Slingdog . Slipclutch . Slipdock . Slipkiln Slipknot . Sliplink . Slipon . Slippered . Slipperily . Sliprope . Slipshod Slipsloppy Slipstring Slipthrift Slitdeal Slobbered Slobbering Would be worthless Worthless at present owing to Would Would it be Would it not be Would be Would be better Would be better not Would you Would there be any Would he (they) do this It would be It would not be I (we) would I(v we) would not He (they) would He (they) would net How would How would you wish it If you would If he (they) would If it would be If it would not be too much If it would not inconvenience (you) Unless he (they) would Wreck(ed) Saved from the wreck Is a total wreck Totally wrecked (by) Has been wrecked by a gang of swindlers Has been wrecked by gross mismanagement Has been wrecked by Writ A writ has been issued Has (have) been served with a writ Has (have) issued a writ against The writ issued Write(s) [what is being done m Write me full particulars regarding appearance, and WRI 593 No. 29,410 29,411 29,412 29,414 29,416 29,417 29,418 29,419 29,420 29,421 29,422 29*423 29,424 29*425 29,426 29,427 29,428 29*429 29*43 29*43 r 29*432 29,433 29434 29*435 29,437 29439 29,440 29,441 29*442 29443 29*444 29,445 29,446 29*447 29,448 29*449 29,450 2945 1 29452 29453 29454 29455 29,456 29457 20.459 Code Word. Writ e (s) (continued) Slogan . . Write me at Sloop . . Write fully by first post Slopbasin . Write immediately full particulars Slopbowl . Write immediately following particulars Sloped . . Write promptly if any change occurs Slopewise . Write to me, care of at Slopingly . Write all you know about Sloppail . Write fully to at once saying Sloppiness Write for particulars Slopping . Write what has been done Sloppy . . Write full particulars next mail what has been done Sloproom . Write full instructions [about Slopseller . Write regularly Slopshops . Write as soon as you Slopwork . Will write Sloshy . . Will write to you to explain Slothful . Will write you fully Slothfully . Will write him (them) fully Slothound Writes us saying Slouch . . Will write you as soon as Slouchhat . Promise(d) to write Slouching . No use to write, you must telegraph Slovenly . Writing Slowback . Writing you by to-day's post Slowgaited Writing you by next mail Slowlemur Writing to you at Slowness . Writing to ask why (about) Slowpaced Have it all in writing Slowwinged Will be sure to have it all in writing Sluerope . Not in writing Slugabed . Am writing you fully Sluggard . Am writing him (them) Sluggish . Better to put it in writing Sluggishly . If you are writing Slughorn . When writing you last, we omitted to send it Slugsnail . In writing [will be sent with our next Sluice . . When writing Sluicegate . After writing Sluiceway . Written Sluicing . Have written you to care of at Slumberer Has (have) written that Slungshot . Have you written to Slurred . Have both written and wired Slyboots . Have both written and wired, but can get no reply Smalkaldic Has been written to on the subject Small . . All that has been written Smallage . If all has been written is true Smallarms Have written fully explaining Smallbeer. Wrong Smallcoal . Is anything wrong 2 o 594 WHO No. 29,460 29,461 29,462 29,463 29,464 29,465 29,466 29,467 29,468 29,469 29,470 29,471 29,472 29,473 29,474 29,475 29,476 29,477 29,478 29,479 29,480 29,481 29,482 29,483 29,484 29,485 29,486 29,487 29,488 29,489 29,490 29,491 29,492 29,493 29,494 29,495 29,496 29,497 29,498 29,499 29,500 29,5 01 29,502 29,53 29,504 29,505 29,506 29^07 29,508 29509 Code Word. Wrong (continued) Smallcraft . Quite wrong Smallfry . Is (are) wrong Smallhand The accounts are wrong Smallish . There is nothing wrong (with) Smallpica . If anything is wrong (with) (about) Smallpox . There appears to be something wrong Smallstuff . Working in a wrong direction Smalltalk . Has gone wrong Smallwares Something has gone wrong with Smaltine . Have done wrong Smaragd . Have found nothing wrong as yet Smaragdine Whatever has been done wrong Smartened You have a wrong idea Smartly . It is a wrong assumption Smartmoney Put a wrong construction upon Smartness . Has (have) not been far wrong Smartweed Are they not wrong Smashers . The plan is quite wrong Smatterers I am (we are) not wrong Smearcase There must be something wrong with Smeardab . The entire system is wrong Smectite . Wrong from beginning to end Smeddum . Wrongly Smeginatic Wrongly kept Smellfeast . Wrongly detained Smelling . Wrongly accused Smellless . Has been greatly wronged by Smelltrap . Yard(s) Smeltery . Cubic yard(s) Smerlin . Square yard(s) Smilaceae . Cost per yard Smilax . . What is the cost of driving per yard Smilingly . Cost of driving is per yard Smirching What is the cost of sinking per yard Smirked . Cost of sinking is per yard Smithcraft Per lineal yard Smitheries Per cubic yard Smithery . Per square yard. Smock. . Cost of is per cubic yard Smockfaced What is the cost per cubic yard Smockfrock Year(s) Smockmill In one year Smokable . Smokearch Smokeball Smokeblack .Smokeboard Smokebox Smokecloud Smokedried For one year In years For years In the year For the year For the past year For the current year Next year YEA 595 No. 29,5 10 29,5*1 29,5*2 29,5*3 29^5*5 29,516 29*5*7 29,5*9 29,520 29,52* 29,522 29,523 29,524 29,525 29,526 29,527 29,528 29,529 29,530 29*53* 29,532 29,533 29,534 29,535 29,536 29,537 29,538 29,539 29,540 29,542 29*543 29,544 29,545 29,546 29,547 29,548 29,549 29*55 29,55* 29,552 29,553 29,554 29,555 29*556 29,557 Code Word. Year(s) (continued) Smokedry . Last year Smokejack Early in the year Smokemoney During the year Smokepenny During last year Smokeplant During the last years Smoketight During next year Smoketree About the beginning of next year Smokiest . About the middle of the year Smokily . About the end of the year Smokiness About the end of last year Smoking . About the end of next year Smokingcap All the year round Smooth . The average of the last year Smoothbore The average of the last years Smoothing Towards the end of the year Smoothly . A year or two hence Smoothness It will take at least a year Smothered It will take several years Smotherfly Cannot last more than years Smothering In the course of the year Smouched How many years (has) Smouldered Over a number of years Smudge . For several years past SmudgecoalYearly Smugboat . A yearly income of A yearly profit of Yearly accounts Yearly statements Forward the yearly accounts as soon as possible Have not yet received yearly accounts Have sent the yearly accounts Yes Yes, certainly Yes, you may do it Yes, do what you propose Yes, act as you think best Referring to your our reply is Yes Yesterday Smugfaced Smuggle . Smuggling Smugly Smutball . Smuttiest . Smuttily . Smuttiness Smyrnium Snacks . . Snaffle . . Snafflebit . Snaffling . Snagtooth . Snailfish . Snaillike . Snailpaced Snailplant . Snailshell . Snailslow . Snakebird . Snakeboat Snakeflies . Snakefly 29,559 SnakegourdYet Arrived here yesterday Left yesterday for Wrote yesterday Went yesterday Sent yesterday We received yesterday We wrote you yesterday When writing yesterday The day before yesterday Early yesterday morning Too late yesterday to reply 59 6 YET No. 29,560 29,561 29,562 29,565 29,566 29067 29,568 29,569 29.570 29.57 1 2 9>57 2 29,573 29,574 29,575 29,576 29,577 2 9,573 2 9,579 29,580 29,581 29,582 29,583 29.584 29,585 29,586 29,587 29,588 29,589 29,59 2 9,59 r 29,592 2 9>593 29,594 2 9,595 29,596 2 9,597 29,598 2 9,599 29,600 29,601 29,602 29,603 29,604 29,605 29,606 . 29,607 29.608 29,609 Code Word. Yet (continued) Snakehead Not yet Snakemoss Snakenut . Snakepiece Snakestone Cannot yet Will not yet It is yet too soon (to) But yet there may be Snakeweed Yield. (See also Ton.) Snakewort Snapbug . Snapdragon Snaphance Snaplock . Snappish . Snappishly Snaredrum Snarlknot . Snatched . Snattocks . Sneakcup . Sneakiness Sneaking . Sneerful . Sneeringly Sneers . , Sneeshin . Sneezed . Sneezewood Sneezings . Sniff . . Sniggering Snipebill . Snipefish Snippety Snipsnap Snivel . Snivelly Snob . Snobbery . Snobbish . Snobbishly Snoblings . Snobocracy Snortings . Snowapple Snowballs . Snowberry Snowboot . Snowbreak Snowbroth Snowdrift . The gross yield being Estimate the yield at I believe this will increase immensely the yield of Will yield Will not yield Can yield Cannot yield What will be the probable yield of What is the average yield The yield has averaged The yield from has been The yield has averaged gold and silver The average yield in gold and silver The yield from all the mines Will yield a good return Will yield enough to Yielded The mines have yielded The mines have not yielded much lately Yielded gold Yielded silver Yielded ozs. of gold and ozs. silver Yielded copper Yielded per cent, of . Yielding Not yielding any profit The mines are yielding a net profit of What are the mines yielding The mines are yielding tons per month You Do you advise Do you admit What do you If you When you When do you Your By your From your To your To your care From your letters By your instructions Snowdrops Yourself (selves) YOU 597 No. 29,610 29,611 29,612 29,613 29,614 29,616 29,617 29,618 29,619 29,620 29,621 29,622 29,623 29,624 29,625 29,626 29,627 29,628 29,629 29,630 29,631 29,632 Code Word. Yourself (selves) (continued) Snoweyes . By yourself Snowfed . Not by yourself Snowfield . You have only yourself to blame (if) Snowflakes It rests with yourself Snowfleck . If you, yourself, cannot make it pay, who can Snowflood You have, yourself Snowgoose Zeal(ous) Snowhut . Has (have) shown great zeal in Has (have) not shown much zeal in Has shown more zeal than discretion Is very zealous to do what he can Zealously working to effect (or) (carry out) Snowish . Snowlight . Snowlimbed Snowmould Snowplant Zero Snowplough below zero [ below zero Snowshoes Through the winter the thermometer at night averages Snowskate The thermometer falling below zero Snowslip . Zinc Snowstorm Zinc ore Snowwater Veins of zinc ore Snowwhite Sulphide of zinc Snowwreath Carbonate of zinc Snowy . . Zinc blende occurs with Snubbed , Silicate of zinc 593 MESSAGE. No. Code Word. 2 9*633 Snubnosed 29,634 Snubpost . 2 9,63 5 Snuffbox . 29,636 Snuffdish . 29*637 Snuffers . 29.638 Snuffmill . 29.639 Snufftaker 29.640 Snuggeries 29.641 Snuggery . 29.642 Snugness . 29.643 Snush . . 29.644 Soak . . 29.645 Soakings . 29.646 Soapboiler 29.647 Soapbubble 29.648 Soapcerate 29.649 Soapengine 29.650 Soaphouse 29.651 Soappan . 29.652 Soapplant . 29.653 Soapstone. 29.654 Soapsuds . 29.655 Soaptest . 29.656 Soapworks 29.657 Soapy . . MESSAGE. 599 No. Code Word. 29.658 Soarant 29.659 Soarfalcon 29.660 Sobeit . . 29.661 Soberized . 29.662 Soberly . 29.663 Soberness . 29.664 Soboles 29.665 Sobrieties . 29.666 Sobriety . 29.667 Socalled . 29.668 Socdolager 29.669 Sociably . 29.670 Socialists . 29.671 Socialized. 29.672 Socialness . 295673 Societary . 29.674 Socinian . 29.675 Sociologic. 29.676 Socket . . 29.677 Socketbolt 29.678 Sockplate . 29.679 Socmanry 29.680 Socome 29.681 Socotrine . 29.682 Socratical . froo MESSAGE. No. Code Word. 29.683 Socialism . 29.684 Soda . . 29.685 Sodaalum . 29.686 Sodaash 29.687 Sodalime . 29.688 Sodality . 29.689 Sodapowder 29.690 Sodasalt . 29.691 Sodawater 29.692 Sodburning 29.693 Sodden 29.694 Soddening 29.695 Sodomapple 29.696 Sofabed . 29.697 Sofism . . 29.698 Soften . . 29.699 Softeneth . 29.700 Softening . 29.701 Softeyed . 29.702 Softgrass . 29.703 Softheaded 29.704 Softhorn . 29.705 Softish . . 29.706 Softspoken 29.707 Soil . . MESSAGE. 601 No. Code Word, 29.708 Soilless 29.709 Soilpipe . 29.710 Soirees. . 29.711 Sojourn . 29.712 Sojourneth 29.713 Sojourning 29.714 Sokeree ve . 29.715 Solace . . 29.716 Solacement 29.717 Solacing . 29.718 Solangoose 29.719 Solania 29.720 Solatiums . 29.721 Soldanel . 29.722 Soldanella 29.723 Soldanry . 29.724 Soldieress . 29.725 Soldierly . 29.726 Solecisms . 29.727 Solecistic . 29.728 Solecizing. 29.729 Solely . . 2 9>73 Solemn * 29,731 Solemnity. 2 9>73 2 Solemnizer 602 MESSAGE. No. Code Word. 2 9)7 33 Solemnness 2 9>734 Solenacea. 2 9>735 Solenodon 2 9736 Solenoid . 2 9>737 Soleship . 2 9>73 8 Solfanaria. 2 9>739 Solicit . . 29.740 Soliciteth . 29.741 Soliciting . 29.742 Solicitous . 2 9>743 Solicitude . 29,744 Solidago . 2 9)7 45 Solidarity. 29.746 Solidate . 29.747 Solidified . 29.748 Solidism . 29.749 Solidness . 29.750 Solidus 29.751 Solifidian . 29.752 Soliform . 2 9 ,75 3 Soliloquy . 29.754 Solipedal . 29.755 Solitaires . 29.756 Solitarian . 29.757 Solitary . MESSAGE. 603 No. Code Word. 29.758 Solitudes . 29.759 Solivagant 29.760 Solivagous 29.761 Sollerets . 29.762 Sollunar . 29.763 Solograph. 29.764 Soloists . 29.765 Solos . . 29.766 Solpuga . 29.767 Solpugidae 29.768 Solstice . 29.769 Solstitial . 29.770 Solubility . 29.771 Solutions . 29.772 Solutive . 29.773 Solvency . 29.774 Solvent 29.775 Somateria . 29.776 Somatical . 29.777 Somatics . 29.778 Somatocyst 29.779 Somatology 29.780 Somatome 29.781 Sombre . 29.782 Sombrely . 604 MESSAGE. No. Code Word. Sombreness 29.784 Sombrerite 29.785 Sombrous . 29.786 Sombrously 29.787 Somebody 29.788 Somedeal . 29.789 Somegate . 29.790 Somehow . 29.791 Somersault 29.792 Something 2 9 7 93 Sometimes 29.794 Somewhat 29.795 Somewhile 29.796 Somnambule 29.797 Somnial . 29.798 Somniative 29.799 Somniatory 29.800 Somnific . 29.801 Somniloquy 29.802 Somnipathy 29.803 Somnolency 29.804 Somnolent 29.805 Somnolism 29.806 Sonance . 29.807 Sondeli . MESSAGE. 605 No. Code Word. 29.808 Songbird . 29.809 Songcraft . 29.810 Songful 29.811 Songless . 29.812 Songster . 29.813 Songstress 29.814 Songthrush 29.815 Soniferous 29.816 Soninlaw . 29.817 Sonneteer. 29.818 Sonnetists 29.819 Sonnetize . 29.820 Sonometer 29.821 Sonorous. 29.822 Sonorously 29.823 Sonship . 29.824 Soochong . 29.825 Soofeeism . 29.826 Sooterkin . 29.827 Sootflake . 29.828 Soothed . 29.829 Soothfast . 29.830 Soothingly 29.831 Soothsay . 29.832 Sooty . . 608 MESSAGE. No. Code Word. 29.883 Soupmaigre 29.884 Soupticket 29.885 Source . . 29.886 Sourcrout . 29.887 Sourdine . 29.888 Sourdock . 29.889 Sourgourd. 29.890 Sourmilk . 29.891 Soursop . 29.892 Sourtree . 29.893 Sourwood . 29.894 Sou terrain 29.895 Southdown 29.896 Southerner 29.897 Southernly 29.898 Southmost 29.899 Southward 29.900 Souvenance 29.901 Souvenir . 29.902 Soverainly 29.903 Sovereign, 29.904 Sowans 29.905 Sowthistle. 29.906 Soyled . . 29.907 Spa. . . MESSAGE. 6og No. Code Word. 29.908 Spaced 29.909 Spaceline 29.910 Spacerule 29,911 Spacially 29.912 Spadassins 29.913 Spadebone 29.914 Spadeful 29.915 Spadeiron 29.916 Spadiceous 29.917 Spadicose 29.918 Spadix 29.919 Spadroon 29.920 Spagyric 29.921 Spagyrical 29.922 Spalpeen 29.923 Spancel 29.924 Spancelled 29.925 Spandogs 29.926 Spandrels 29.927 Spanemy 29.928 Spangled 29.929 Spanishelm 29.930 Spanishfly 29.931 Spanishnut 29.932 Spanishred MESSAGE. No. Code Word. 29.883 Soupmaigre 29.884 Soupticket 29.885 Source . . 29.886 Sourcrout . 29.887 Sourdine . 29.888 Sourdock . 29.889 Sourgourd. 29.890 Sourmilk . 29.891 Soursop . 29.892 Sourtree . 29.893 Sourwood . 29.894 Souterrain 29.895 Southdown 29.896 Southerner 29.897 Southernly 29.898 Southmost 29.899 Southward 29.900 Souvenance 29.901 Souvenir , 29.902 Soverainly 29.903 Sovereign , 29.904 Sowans , 29.905 Sowthistle . 29.906 Soyled . 29.907 Spa . . MESSAGE. 6og No. Code Word. 29.908 Spaced 29.909 Spaceline 29.910 Spacerule 29,911 Spacially 29.912 Spadassins 29.913 Spadebone 29.914 Spadeful 29.915 Spadeiron 29.916 Spadiceous 29.917 Spadicose 29.918 Spadix 29.919 Spadroon 29.920 Spagyric 29.921 Spagyrical 29.922 Spalpeen 29.923 Spancel 29.924 Spancelled 29.925 Spandogs 29.926 Spandrels 29.927 Spanemy 29.928 Spangled 29.929 Spanishehn 29.930 Spanishfly 29.931 Spanishnut 29.932 Spanishred 6i2 MESSAGE. No. Code Word. 29.983 Spearwort 29.984 Specht 29.985 Specialist 29.986 Specific 29.987 Specifical 29.988 Specifying 29.989 Specimens 29.990 Speciology 29.991 Specked 29.992 Spectacle 29.993 Spectant 29.994 Spectation 29.995 Spectators 29.996 Spectatrix 29.997 Spectral 29.998 Spectrally 29.999 Spectrebat 30,000 Spectrums ENGLISH MONEY, STERLING. Code Word. s. d. Code Word. s. d. Code Word. s. d. Specular o o T V Sphereborn 3f Spinellane 2* Speculated o oj- Spherical o 3i Spinescent 3 Speculum T% Sphericity 3f Spinnaker 3* Speechday Oj Spherics o 3f Spinnery 4 Speechful o Q-& Sphering o 3t Spinous 4* Speechify o of Spheroidic o 4 Spinozism 5 Speeching A Spherulate 4i Spinstress i 5^ Speechless o oj Sphery o 4i- Spinstry i 6 Speed fully o A Sphex o 4f Spinthere 6* Speediest Of Sphincter o 4i Spinulose 7 Speedily o oft Sphinxes 4f Spirally 7* Speediness o of Sphingidae o 4f Spiranthy 8 Speedwell o oil Sphragide o 4J Spirifer $* Speiss o of Sphrigosis 5 Spiritduck 9 Spelaean o oH Sphygmic 5i Spiritedly 9* Speldron I Spials o 5i Spiritful 10 Spellable 'A Spica o 5t Spiritism 10 Spellbound H Spicated o St Spiritlamp 11 Spellful *& Spiccato o 51 Spiritless Hi Spellwork IJ Spicebush o 51 Spiritoso 2 Spelter *A Spicenut o 51 Spiritroorn 2 0* Spelunc If Spicewood o 6 Spiritual 2 I Spendall iA Spiciform o 6-i- Spirituous 2 11 Spendeth o I*- Spicknel o 6^ Spirometer 2 2 Spenserian ^A Spicose o 6} Spirorbis 2 21 Spermaceti I| Spicosity o 7 Spirula 2 3 Spermagone x ii Spidercrab o 7t Spirulidae 2 3* Spermarium I| Spiderfly o 7i Spissated 2 4 Spermary I Spiderlike o 7f Spissitude 2 4* Spermatize J l Spiderwort o 8 Spitbox 2 5 Spermatoid ^1 Spigelia o 8J Spitfire 2 5* Spermcell 2 Spignet o 8 Spitously 2 6 Spermic 2 A Spigurnel o 8| Spitpoison 2 6 Spermoderm 21 Spikelet o 9 Spittly 2 7 Spermoil 2 1 3 7T Spikenard o 9J Spittoons 2 7* Spermwhale 2^ Spikeoil o 9^ Spitvenom 2 8 Spetches 2 nr Spikeplant o 9 f Spitzdog 2 8* Spetum 2f Spiketeam 10 Splachnei 2 9 Sphacel 'A Spiketub o io|- Splanchnic 2 9i Sphacelism 2 Spilanthes 10-2- Splashed 2 10 Sphaereda 2 T 9 5 Surgical 73,000 Sustaining 182,500 Suppletory 37,000 Surinamine 74,000 Sustenance 185,000 Supplial 37,5 Surmark 75, oo Susurrant 187,500 Suppliance 38,000 Surmisal 76,000 Susurrous 190,000 Supplicant 38,5 Surmisings 77,000 Suttee ism 192,500 Suppliers 39,000 Surmounted 78,000 Suzerainty 195,000 Supplying 39,5 Surmullet 79,000 Swaggerer 197,500 Support 40,000 Surnames 80,000 Swainish 200,000 Supporteth 40,500 Surnominal 82,000 Swainmote 202,500 Supportful 41,000 Surpass 84,000 Swallowed 205,000 Supporting 41,500 Surpasseth 86,000 Swampoak 207,500 Supposable 42,000 Surpliced 88,000 Swamppink 210,000 Supposure 42,500 Surplusage 90,000 Swampwood 212,500 Suppress 43,000 Surprises 92,000 Swampy 215,000 Suppressor 43,5oo Surprising 94,000 Swanflower 217,500 Suppurated 44,000 Surquedous 96,000 Swanlike 22O,OOO Supralunar 44,500 Surquedrie 98,000 Swanmark 222,500 Suprarenal 45,000 Surquedy 100,000 Swanneries 225,000 Supremacy 45, 5 Surrebut 102,500 Swannery 227,500 Supreme 46,000 Surrejoin 105,000 Swansdown 230,000 Suradanni 46,500 Surrenal 107,500 Swanshot 232,500 Surbased 47,000 Surrenders 110,000 Swanskin 235,000 Surbating 47,5 Surrogatum 112,500 Swarth 237,500 Surbedded 48,000 Surround 115,000 Swarthiest 24O,OOO Surbedding 48 500 Surrey 117,500 Swarthily 242,500 ENGLISH MONEY, STERLING. 6 23 Code Word. Code Word. Code Word. Swartstar 245,000 Swimmable 440,000 Sybarite 15,000,000 Swartzia 247,500 Swimmeret 445,000 Sybaritism 16,000,000 Swashbank 250,000 Swimmingly 450,000 Sycamore 17,000,000 Swashplate 252,500 Swindlers 455, Sycite 18,000,000 Swashway 255,000 Swinebread 460,000 Sycoma 19,000,000 Swathbond 257>5 Swinecrue 465,000 Syconus 20,000,000 Swathed 260,000 Swinedrunk 470,000 Sycophancy Swathing 262,500 Swinegrass 475,000 Sycophant Swaybacked 265,000 Swineherd 480,000 Syenitic Swayful 267,500 Swineoat 485,000 Syllabaria Sweaters 270,000 Swinepipe 490,000 Syllabical Sweatiness 272,500 Swinepox 495,000 Syllabify Sweepbir 275,000 Swinestone 500,000 Syllable Sweepnet 277,500 Swinesty 505,000 Syllabling Sweeps 280,000 Swingbeam 510,000 Sylleptic Sweepstake 282,500 Swingboats 515,000 Syllogisms Sweetapple 285,000 Swingism 520,000 Syllogize Sweetbay 287,500 Swingknife 525,000 Sylph Sweetbriar 290,000 Swingtree 530,000 Sylphish Sweetcorn 292,500 Swingwheel 535,ooo Sylvan Sweetened 295,000 Swinishly 540,000 Sylvatic Sweetening 297,500 Swiple 545> Sylviadae Sweetest 300,000 Switch 550,000 Symbolic Sweetfern 305,000 Switchman 555,00 Symbolical Sweetflag 310,000 Swiveleyed 560,000 Symbolisms Sweetgale 315,000 Swivelgim 565,000 Symbolized Sweetgum 320,000 Swivel hook 570,000 Symbology Sweetheart 325,000 Swizzled 575 5 ooo Symmetrist Sweetjohn 330,000 Swizzling 580,000 Symmetry Sweetly 335, Swobbers 585,000 Sympathise Sweetmeats 340,000 Swollen 590,000 Sympathy Sweetoil 345>oo Swooning 595,000 Symphonies Sweetroot 350,000 Swooningly 600,000 Symphonize Sweetrush 355>oo Swooped 700,000 Symphony Sweetsop 360,000 Swordarm 800,000 Symphyseal Sweetwater 365,000 Swordbelt 900,000 Symphysis Swelldom 370,000 Swordblade I 000,000 Symphytum Swellish 375 5 ooo Swordcanes 2 ; 000,000 Symplesite Swellmob 380,000 Swordcut 3,000,000 Symplocos Swellorgan 385,000 Sworddance 4,000,000 Symposaic S welting 390,000 Swordfight 5,000,000 Symposium Swertia 395,000 Swordgrass 6,000,000 1 Symptoms Swerved 400,000 Swordhand 7,000,000 Synagogal Swiftfoot 405,000 Swordknot 8,000,000 Synagogues Swiftly 410,000 Swordless 9,000,000 Synalepha Swiftness 415,000 Sword lily 10,000,000 Synanthous Swig 420,000 Swordmats 1 1,000,000 Synanthy Swigged 425,000 Sword play 12,000,000 Synapta Swilley 430,000 Swordstick 13,000,000 Synartesis Swillings 435; Swung 14,000,000 Syncarpous 624 AMERICAN MONEY. Code Word. Cents. Code Word. Dol. Cts. Code Word. Dol. Cts Synchronal I Syringed 5 1 Tacca 1.05 Synchrony 2 Syringing 52 Tachylite 1. 10 Syncladei 3 Syrinx 53 Tachypetes I.I5 Synclinal 4 Syrma 54 Tacitly 1.20 Syncopated 5 Syrupy 55 Taciturn 1.25 Syncopize 6 Systaltic 56 Taciturnly 1.30 Syncratism 7 Systasis 57 Tackduty i-35 Syncretic 8 System 58 Tackled 1.40 Syncrisis 9 Systematic 59 Tackling 1-45 Syndactyl 10 Systemizer 60 Tacksman 1.50 Syndic ii Systemless 6! Tackspins 55 Syndicate 12 Systyle 62 Tacktackle .60 Syndrome 13 Syzygies 63 Tactic 65 Synecdoche 14 Syzygium 64 Tactical .70 Synechia 15 Syzygy 65 Tactically 75 Synedrous ]6 Tabachir 66 Tacticians .80 Synergetic 17 Tabanidae 67 Tactility 85 Synergism 18 Tabanus 68 Tadorna 1.90 Synergy 19 Tabard 69 Tadpoledom i-95 Syngenesia 20 Tabbinet 70 Tadpoles 2.OO Syngnathus 21 Tabbycat 7i Tafelspath 2.05 Syngraph 22 Tabellion 72 Taffata 2.10 Synochus 2 3 Tabering 73 Taffrail 2 -l5 Synocreate 24 Tabernacle 74 Tafilet 2. 2O Synod 2 5 Tabetic 75 Tagbelt 2.25 Synodal 26 Tablature 76 Tagetes 2.30 Synodists 27 Tableaux 77 Tagrag 2-35 Synoecious 28 Tablebeer 78 Taguan 2.40 Synomosy 2 9 Tablebells 79 Taguicati 2-45 Synonym 30 Tablebook 80 Tailage 2.50 Synonymal 31 Tablecloth 81 Tailblock 2-55 Synonymize 32 Tablecover 82 Tailboards 2.60 Synonymous 33 Tableknife 83 Tailend 2.65 Synopsis 34 Tablelinen 84 Tailorbird 2.70 Synoptical 35 Tableman 85 Tailrace 2-75 Synovia 36 Tablemen ts 86 Tailvalve 2.80 Synovitis 37 Tablemoney 87 Tailvices 2.85 Syntactic 38 Tableshore 88 Tailwater 2.90 Syntax 39 Tablespar 89 Taintless 2-95 Synthermal 40 Tablespoon 90 Taintworm 3.00 Synthesis 4i Tabletalk 9 1 Tajassu 3-05 Synthetize 42 Tablets 92 Takeoff 3.10 Syntomy 43 Tablinum 93 Takingly 3.i5 Synzygia 44 Tabooed 94 Takingness 3.20 Syphilitic 45 Tabourets 95 Talbotype 3-25 Synphilize 46 Tabula 96 Talcite 3-30 Syphiloid 47 Tabularize 97 Talcky 3-35 Syphon 48 Tabulated 98 Talcous 3-4C Syphonic 49 Tabulating 99 Talcschist 3-45 Syriacism 50 Tacamahac 1. 00 Talcslate 3-50 AMERICAN MONEY. 62; Code Word. Dol. Cts Code Word Dol. Cts Code Word Dol. Cts. Talebearer 3-55 Tangibly 7.10 Taraxacine I5-25 Talemaster 3,60 Tanhouse 7.20 Tarboggin I5-50 Talented 3-65 Tanist 7-3 Tarboosh 15-75 Taleteller 3-7o Tankards 7.40 Tardation 1 6. oo Talisman 3-75 Tankengine 7-5 Tardied 16.25 Talismanic 3.80 Tankia 7.60 Tardigrada 16.50 Talkative 3-85 Tankiron 7.70 Tardo 16.75 Talked 3-9 Tankworm 7.80 Tardy ing 17.03 Tallness 3-95 Tanmill 7.90 Targeted 17-25 Tallower 4.00 Tannadar 8.00 Targe tiers 17.50 Tallowface. 4-5 Tannery 8.10 Targum 17-75 Tallowtree 4.10 Tannings 8.20 Targumist 18.00 Tallwood 4.i5 Tannometer 8.30 Tariffing 18.25 Tally 4.20 Tan pickle 8.40 Tariffs 18.50 Tallyman 4-25 Tan pits 8.50 Tarlatan 18-75 Tallytrade 4-3 Tanspud 8.60 Tarnish 19.00 Talmigold 4-35 Tansy 8.70 Tarnishers. 19.25 Talmud 4,40 Tantalism 8.80 Taroc 19.50 Talmudic 4.45 Tantalized 8.90 Tarpan 1975 Talmudical 45 Tantamount 9.00 Tarpaulin 20.00 Talook 4-55 Tantivy 9.10 Tarquinish 20.25 Talookah 4,60 Tantrums 9.20 Tarragon 20.50 Talookdars 4-65 Tanvats 9-30 Tarsiatura 20.75 Talus 4.70 Tanystome j 9.40 Tarsius 21.00 Tamandua Tamarinds 4-75 4.80 Tanzimat Tapcinder 9-5 .'* 9.60 Tarsotomy . Tartaric 21.25 21.50 Tamarisk 4-85 Tapeiscn 9-7o Tar(;arous ' 21.75 Tambac 4.90 Tapeline 9.80 Tartrate 22.OO Tambour 4-95 Taperingly 9.90 Tartuffe; ,4 j 22.25 Tambourine. 5.00 Taperness IO.OO Tartuffish 22.50 , Tambreet 5.10 Tapers 10.25 Tasimeter 22.75 ! Tameness 5.20 Tapestried 10.50 Ta si me trie 23.00 j Tammin 5-30 Tape* try io-75 Taskmaster 2 3 2 5 Tammuz 5.40 Tapeworms 11.00 Taskwork 23.50 | Tamperers 5-50 Taphole ,. 11.25 Tasmanite 23.^5; * Tampingbar 5.60 Tapinage II 50 Tasselgent v / - / , 24.00- Tamtams Tanacetum 5-7o 5.80 Tapioca Tapiridae 11-75 12.00 Tasselling Tastable " i 24.25; 24.c;o Tanagra 5-9o Tapiroid 12.25 Tasteful - I J 24.71 Tanagrinae 6.00 Tapirus 12.50 Tastefully. r * Jf 25.00- Tanballs 6.10 Taplash 12.75 Tasteless 25.^0 Tanbeds 6,20 Tapnets 13.00 Tattle a a 20.00 Tandem 6.30 Tappice 13.25 Tattling 26.^0 Tangencies 6.40 Taproom 135 Tattooer *j^** 27.00 Tangency 6.50 Taprooted. 1375 Tattooing j W 27 tro Tangential 6.60 Taquanut 14.00 Taught / j 28.00 Tangents 6.70 Tarafern 14.25 Taunting 28.50 Tangerine 6.80 Tarantass !45 Tauridor 29.00 Tangfish 6.90 Tarantella J 475 Tau ri form 2Q CO Tanghinia 7.00 Taraquira 15.00 Taurocoll y-j*^ 30.00 2 S 624 AMERICAN MONEY. Code Word. Cents. Code Word. Dol. Cts. Code Word. Dol. Cts Synchronal I Syringed 5 1 Tacca 1.05 Synchrony 2 Syringing 52 Tachylite I. 10 Syncladei 3 Syrinx 53 Tachypetes IS Synclinal 4 Syrma 54 Tacitly .20 Syncopated 5 Syrupy 55 Taciturn 2 5 Syncopize 6 Systaltic 56 Taciturnly 30 Syncratism 7 Systasis 57 Tackduty 35 Syncretic 8 System 58 Tackled .40 Syncrisis 9 Systematic 59 Tackling 45 Syndactyl 10 Systemizer 60 Tacksman 5 Syndic ii Systemless 61 Tackspins i-55 Syndicate 12 Systyle 62 Tacktackle i. 60 Syndrome 13 Syzygies 63 Tactic 1.65 Synecdoche 14 Syzygium 64 Tactical 1.70 Synechia J 5 Syzygy 65 Tactically i-75 Synedrous 16 Tabachir 66 Tacticians i. 80 Synergetic 17 Tabanidae 67 Tactility 1.85 Synergism 18 Tabanus 68 Tadorna 1.90 Synergy 19 Tabard 69 Tadpoledom i-95 Syngenesia 20 Tabbinet 70 Tadpoles 2.0O Syngnathus 21 Tabbycat 7i Tafelspath 2.05 Syngraph 22 Tabellion 72 Taffata 2.10 Synochus 23 Tabering 73 Taffrail 2-15 Synocreate 24 Tabernacle 74 Tafilet 2. 2O Synod 2 5 Tabetic 75 Tagbelt 2.25 Synodal 26 Tablature 76 Tagetes 2.30 Synodists 27 Tableaux 77 Tagrag 2 -35 Synoecious 28 Tablebeer 78 Taguan 2.40 Synomosy 2 9 Tablebells 79 Taguicati 2.45 Synonym 30 Tablebook 80 Tailage 2.50 Synonymal 31 Tablecloth 81 Tailblock 2-55 Synonymize 32 Tablecover 82 Tailboards 2.60 Synonymous 33 Tableknife 83 Tailend 2.65 Synopsis 34 Tablelinen 84 Tailorbird 2.70 Synoptical 35 Tableman 85 Tailrace 2-75 Synovia 36 Tablemen ts 86 Tailvalve 2.80 Synovitis 37 Tablemoney 87 Tailvices 2.85 Syntactic 38 Tableshore 88 Tailwater 2.90 Syntax 39 Tablespar 89 Taintless 2-95 Synthermal 40 Tablespoon 90 Taintworm 3.00 Synthesis 4i Tabletalk 9i Tajassu 3-o5 Synthetize 42 Tablets 92 Takeoff 3.10 Syntomy 43 Tablinum 93 Takingly 3-15 Synzygia 44 Tabooed 94 Takingness 3.20 Syphilitic 45 Tabourets 95 Talbotype 3-25 Synphilize 46 Tabula 96 Talcite 3-30 Syphiloid 47 Tabularize 97 Talcky 3-35 Syphon 48 Tabulated 98 Talcous 3-4C Syphonic 49 Tabulating 99 Talcschist 3-45 Syriacism 50 Tacamahac 1. 00 Talcslate 3-50 AMERICAN MONEY. 625 Code Word. Dol. Cts. Code Word Dol. Cts. Code Word Dol. Cts. Talebearer 3-55 Tangibly 7.10 Taraxacine 15.25 Talemastcr 3,60 Tanhouse 7.20 Tarboggin I5-50 Talented 3-65 Tanist 7-3 Tarboosh 15-75 Taleteller Tankards 7.40 Tardation 1 6. oo Talisman 3-75 Tankengine 7-50 Tardied 16.25 Talismanic 3.80 Tankia 7.60 Tardigrada 16.50 Talkative 3-85 Tankiron 7.70 Tardo 16.75 Talked 3-9 Tankworm 7.80 Tardy ing 17.03 Tallness 3-95 Tanmill 7.90 Targeted 17-25 Tallower 4.00 Tannadar 8.00 Targe tiers 17.50 Tallowface. 4-05 Tannery 8.10 Targum 17-75 Tallowtree 4.10 Tannings 8.20 Targumist 1 8. oo Tallwood 4-15 Tannometer 8.30 Tariffing 18.25 Tally 4.20 Tan pickle 8.40 Tariffs 18.50 Tallyman 4-25 Tan pits 8.50 Tarlatan 18.75 Tally trade 4-30 Tanspud 8.60 Tarnish 19.00 Talmigold 4-35 Tansy 8.70 Tarnishers 19.25 Talmud 4,40 Tantalism 8.80 Taroc 19.50 Talmudic 4-45 Tantalized 8.90 Tarpan 1975 Talmudical 45 Tantamount 9.00 Tarpaulin 20.00 Talook 4-55 Tantivy 9. 10 Tarquinish 20.25 Talookah 4,60 Tantrums 9.20 Tarragon 20.50 Talookdars 4-65 Tanvats 9-30 Tarsiatura 20.75 Talus 4.70 Tanystome .] 9.40 Tarsius 21. OO Tamandua 4-75 Tanzimat ty 9-5 Tarsotomy . 21.25 Tamarinds 4.80 Tapcinder f 9.60 Tartaric 21.50 Tamarisk 4-85 Tapeisrn ' 9-7o Tar(;arous 1 21.75 Tambac 4.90 Tapeline 9.80 Tartrate 22.OO Tambour 4-95 Taperingly 9.90 Tartuffe i 1! 22.25 Tambourine. 5.00 Taperness 10.00 Tartuffish 22.50 Tambreet 5.10 Tapers 10.25 Tasimeter 22.75 Tameness 5.20 Tapestried 10.50 Tasimetric 23.OO Tammin 5-30 Tapenry 10.75 Taskmaster 23.25 Tammuz Tapeworms 11.00 Taskwork 23'50 Tamperers 5-5o Taphole 11.25 Tasmanite Tampingbar. 5.60 Tapinage II 50 Tasselgent 24.DO Tamtams 5-7 Tapioca "75 Tasselling 24-25: Tanacetum 5.80 Tapiridae 12.00 Tastable 24.50- Tanagra 5-9 Tapiroid 12.25 Tasteful Tanagrinae 6.00 Tapirus 12.50 Tastefully. 25.00 Tanballs 6.10 Taplash 12-75 Tasteless 2 5-50 Tanbeds 6.20 Tapnets 13.00 Tattle ^ 2O.CO Tandem 6.30 Tappice 13.25 Tattling 26.50 Tangencies 6.40 Taproom 1350 Tattooer 27.00 Tangency 6.50 Taprooted. 1375 Tattooing 27 50 Tangential 6.60 Taquanut 14.00 Taught 28.00 Tangents 6.70 Tarafern 14.25 Taunting 28. co Tangerine 6.80 Tarantass 14.50 Tauridor J 20.00 Tangfish 6.90 Tarantella H75 Tauriform y 20. CO Tanghinia 7.00 Taraquira 15.00 Taurocoll y,). 30.00 2 S 626 AMERICAN MONEY. Code Word Dol. Cts. Code Word. Dollars. Code Word. Dollars. Tauromachy 3o-5o Teasing 61 Tellina Ill Taustaff 31.00 Teaspoon 62 Tellinidae 112 Tautaug 31-5 Teataster 63 Telltale 1J 3 Tautolite 32.00 Teatray 64 Telltroth 114 Tautologic 32.50 Teaurns 65 Telluric "5 Taverner 33-oo Teazehole 66 Tellurions 116 Tavernings 33-5 Teazetenon 67 Tern e rat ion 117 Tavernman 34-00 Tebbad 68 Temerity 118 Tawdries 34-5 Technic 69 Temperancy 119 Tawdriness 35-oo Technicals 70 Temperate 120 Tawdry 35-5 Technicist 7i Tempestive 121 Tawdrylace 36.00 Technology 72 Tempests 122 Taxability 36-50 Tectrices 73 Templars I2 3 Taxably 37-oo Tecumfibce 74 Templed I2 4 Taxaceae 37-5 Tedder 75 Templeless I 2 5 Taxatively 38.00 Tedious 76 Templinoil 126 Taxcart 38.50 Tediously 77 Tempo I2 7 Taxel 39-oo Tedium 7* Temporal 128 Taxfree 39-5 Teemeth 79 Temporally I2 9 Taxiarch 40.00 Teemful 80 Temporist 130 Taxicorn 40-5 Teeming 8r Temporized 131 Taxidermic 41.00 Teemless 82 Temptable 132 Taxing 41.50 Teesdalia 83 Temptation 133 Taxless 42.00 Teetotal 84 Tempting 134 Taxodites 42.50 Teetotally 85 Temptingly *35 Taxodium 43.00 Teetotums 86 Temsebread 136 Taxology 43-5 Tegmentum 87 Temulency J 37 Taxonomic 44.00 Teguexin 88 Tenable 138 Taxpayer 44-5 Tegumina 89 Tenacity 139 Teaboard 45-0 Teidae 90 Tenaculum 140 Teacaddies 45-50 Teiltrees 9i Tenaillon 141 Teacaddy 46.00 Teinds 92 Tenancy 142 Teacake 46.50 Teinoscope 93 Tenant '43 Teachest 47..o Telamones 94 Tenanteth 144 Teacups 47-50 Telarly 95 Tenantless 145 Teadealer 48.00 Telegraphy 96 Tenantsaw 146 Teadrinker 48.50 Telemeter 97 Tench J 47 Teagarden 49.00 Teleophyte 98 Tendance 148 Teak 49-50 Teleosaur 99 Tendencies 149 Teakettle 50.00 Teleost TOO Tendency J 5 Teaktree 51.00 Teleostean 101 Tenderest 151 Tealead 52.00 Teleozoon 102 Tenderling 152 Teamsters 53-oo Telephone 103 Tenderloin J 53 Teamwork 54-oo Telephorus , IO4 Tenderly 154 Teaoii 55-00 Telerpeton 105 Tenderness 155 Teapots 56.00 Telescopes 106 Tendotome 156 Teardrop 57-00 Telesia 107 Tendrac 157 ' Teasaucer 58.00 Telestick 108 Tendriled 158 Teased 59.00 Telic 109 Tendsome '59 Teaservice 60.00 Tellership no Tenebrific 1 60 AMERICAN MONEY. 62: Code Word. Dollars. Code Word. Dollars. Codeword. Dollars. Tenebrious 161 Terminator 211 Testify ion; Tenebrose 162 Termmist 212 Testimony Tenement 163 Terminthus 213 Testiness - Tenemental Tenendas 164 165 Termitary Termites 214 215 Testobject Testpaper 320 Tenesmic 166 Termitidae 216 Testplate 110 Tennantite Tennisball 167 168 Termly Termpiece 217 218 Testpump Testril 335 140 Tenon augur 169 Ternately 219 Testtube \J i Tenorino 170 Terneplate 220 Testudinal 1CJO Tenotomy 171 Ternion 221 Testudo 3t Tenpounder 172 Terpodion 222 Testy OD J 360 Tensionrod 173 Terraced 223 Tetanoid 36^ Tensity 174 Terracing 224 Tetanus 17O Tentacular J 75 Terracotta 225 Tethys O / Tentative 176 Terraneous 226 Tetracerus 380 Tenterhook 177 Terrapene 227 Tetrachord J Tenthredo 178 Terraquean 228 Tetracolon 1QO Tentmaker 179 Terreen 229 Tetrad loc Tentories 180 Terremote 230 Tetradite oy j Tentorium 181 Terreplein 231 Tetraedal Tentory Tentstitch Tentwort Tenuate 182 183 184 185 Terrestre Terribly Terricolae Terrific 232 233 234 2 35 Tetragonal Tetragram Tttragynia Tetrameter 4IO 4'5 420 Teocallis Tepejilote 186 187 Terrifical Terrifying 2 3 6 237 Tetramorph Tetrander 430 Tephrosia 188 Territory 2 3 8 Tetrandria 44 Tepidarium 189 Terrorism 2 39 Tetraonid 44^ Tepidity Tepidness Teratical Teratogeny 190 191 192 193 Terrorized Terseness Tertenant Tertiated 240 2 4 I 242 243 Tetrapla Tetrapody Tetraptote Tetrarch ftp 450 455 460 46 < Teratology 1~ L * 194 Tertiating 244 Tetraspore *T^ J 47 erbium 195 Teruncius 245 Tetrastic 47 r Tercellene 196 Terutero 246 Tetrastoon "ft J 480 Tercemajor Tercine 197 198 Terzarima Terzetto 247 248 Tetrastyle Tetratomic *T v ^ v-r 485 Terebate Terebella 199 200 Tessellar Tessera 249 250 Tetricity Tetricous 495 Terebic Terebinth 201 202 Tesseraic Testacea 255 260 Tetryl Tetrylene 505 Teredina 203 Testaceous 265 J Tetterous CjEf Teretous Tergal 204 205 Testaments Testamur 270 2 75 Tettigonia Teucrium D D 520 Termagancy 206 Testation 280 Teuthidans r?O Termagant 207 Testators 285 Teutlose J3 Termfee 208 Testatrix 290 Teutonized C4O Terminable 209 Testglass 295 Textbook j t w Terminal 210 Testified 300 Texthand 550 628 AMERICAN MONEY. Code Word. Dollars. Code Word. Dollars. Code Word. Dollars. Textorial 555 Thenarclite 805 Theurgic IIIO Textpen 560 Thencefrom 810 Theurgical 1120 Textrine 565 Theobroma 8l5 Theurgists 1130 Textualist 570 Theocracy 820 Thewy 1140 Textually 575 Theocrat 825 Thibaudia 1150 Textuists 580 Theocratic 8 3 Thicketty 1160 Textury 585 Theodicean *35 Thickeyed 1170 Teyne 59 Theodicy 840 Thickhead 1180 Thalamus 595 Theodolite 845 Thicklips 1190 Thalarctos 600 Theogonism 850 Thicknee 1200 Thalessema 605 Theologers 855 Thickness 1210 Thalian 610 Theologian 860 Thickset 1220 Thalictrum 6i5 Theologue 865 Thickskin 1230 Thallious 620 Theomancy 870 Thickskull 1240 Thallogen 625 Theopathy 875 ThicksturT 1250 Thamnium 630 Theophanic 880 Thieftaker 1260 Thanage 635 Theorbo 885 Thieved I27O Thanatici 640 Theorems 890 Thievery 1280 Thanedom 645 Theoretic 895 Thievish 1290 Thanehood 650 Theorists 900 Thievishly 1300 Thaneland 655 Theorize 905 Thigh 1310 Thaneship 660 Theorizing 910 Thighbone I 3 20 Thanked 665 Theory 9i5 Thimbleful 133 Thankful 670 Theosophy 920 Thimblerig 1340 Thankfully 675 Theotheca 925 Thimbles 135 Thankless 680 Theowman 930 Thingumbob 1360 Thanksgive 685 Thereanent 935 Thinkable 1370 Thanus 690 Thereaway 940 Thinking 1380 Thapsia 695 Therefore 945 Thinkingly 1390 Thatchers 700 Thereinto 950 Thinly 1400 Thatchtree 705 Thereof 955 Thinned 1410 Thawed 710 Thereunder 960 Thinspun 1420 Thawing 715 Therewhile 965 Thirdpenny 1430 Theandric 720 Therfbread 970 Thirdrate 1440 Thearchies 725 Theriac 975 Thirdsman 145 Thearchy 730 Thermal 980 Thirlage 1400 Theatine 735 Thermally 985 Thirst 1470 Theatres 740 Thermidor 990 Thirsteth 1480 Theatrical 745 Thermogen 995 Thirstily 1490 Thebaia 75o Thermology IOOO Thirstless 1500 Thecal 755 Thermopile 1010 Thisness 1510 Thecaphore 760 Thermostat 1020 Thistle 1520 Thecidae 765 Thermotics 1030 Thither 1530 Thecodont 770 Thermotype 1040 Thlaspi 1540 Theft 775 Thesaurus 1050 Thlipsis 1550 Theftbote 780 Thesicle I060 Tholepin 1560 Theiforjn 785 Thesis 1070 Tholobate 1570 Theistical 790 Thesium 1080 Tholus 1580 Themselves 795 Thespesia 1090 Thomaism 159 Thenadays 800 Theta 1 100 Thomasite 1600 AMERICAN MONEY. 629 Code Word. Dollars Code Word. Dollars Code Word. Dollars. Thomean 1610 Thrillant 2ITO Thumbstall 2625 Thomsonian 1620 Thrilled 2120 Thunder 2650 Thong 1630 Thrincia 2130 Thunderfit 2675 Thorax 1640 Thrips 2140 Thundering 2700 Thorinum 1650 Thrissops 2150 Thunderous 2725 Thornapple 1660 Thrivers 2160 Thunderrod 2750 Thornback 1670 Thrivingly 2170 Thurible 2775 Thornbush 1680 Throatband 2180 Thurifers 2800 Thornbut 1690 Throated 2190 Thurified 2825 Thornhedge 1700 Throatpipe 2200 Thurify 2850 Thorn tail 1710 Throatwort 2210 Thurifying. 2875 Thorny 1720 Throbbed 2220 Thuringite 2900 Thoroughly 1730 Throbbings 2230 Thurrok 2925 Thorow 1740 Thrombosis 224O Thuytes 2950 Thorowwax i75o Thrombus 2250 Thwack 2975 Thoughted 1760 Throneless 2260 Thwarter 3000 Thoughtful 1770 Throngful 2270 Thwarting 35 Thrackscat 1780 Throngly 2280 Thwartly 3100 Thraldom 1790 Thronize 2290 Thwartness 3*5 Thralling 1800 Thronizing 2300 Thwartship ' 3200 Thralllike 1810 Throstling 2310 Thy in e 3 2 5o Thrasaetus 1820 Throttled 2320 Thylacinus 33oo Threadbare 1830 Through 2330 Thylacoleo 335o Threadcell 1840 Throughout 2340 Thymele 3400 Threaders 1850 Throve 2 35 Thy m us 345o Threadlace 1860 Throwcock 2360 Thymy 35oo Threadworm 1870 Throwing 2370 Thyroid 355 Thready 1880 Throwoff 2380 Thyroideal 3600 Threat 1890 Throwster 2390 Thyrse 3650 Threatened 1900 Thrum 2400 Thyrsiform 3700 Threatful 1910 Thrumming 2410 Thysanoura 375 Threatless 1920 Thrumwort 2420 Thyself 3800 Threeaged 1930 Thrushes 2430 Tiberts 3850 Threecoat 1940 Thrust 2440 Tibia 3900 Threefold 195 Thrusthoe 2450 Tibicinate 395 Threeman 1960 Thrymsa 2460 Ticement 4000 Threepiled 1970 Thuban 2470 Tichorhine 4050 Threeply 1980 Thud 2480 Tickbean 4100 Threescore 1990 Thuggism 2490 Ticketday 415 Threnetic 2000 Thuja 2500 Ticketed 4200 Threnode 2OIO Thulite 2510 Ticketing 4250 Threnodial 2O20 Thumbband 2520 Ticklish 4300 Thresh 2030 Thumbblue 2 53o Tickseed 435 Threshing 204O Thumbcleat 2540 Ticktack 4400 Threshold 205O Thumbed 2550 Ticorea 445 Thridace 2060 Thumbkins 2560 Ticpolonga 4500 Thridacium 207O Thumblatch 2570 Tidbits 455 Thrifallow 2080 Thumbmarks 2580 Tidecoach 4600 Thriftiest 2090 Thumbnut 2590 Tideday 4650 Thrifty 2IOO Thumbscrew 2600 Tidedial 4700 630 AMERICAN MONEY. Code Word. Dollars. Code Word. Dollars. Code Word. Dollars. Tideful 4750 Tiniarcha 7250 Tinplate 975 Tidegate 4800 Timbal 7300 Tinsaw 9800 Tidegauge 4850 Timberhead 735 Tinselled 9850 Tidelock 4900 Timberlode 7400 Tinsmiths 9900 Tiderip 495 Timbermare 7450 Tinstone 995 Tidetables 5000 Timberson 7500 Tintamar 10,000 Tidewaiter 5050 Timbertree 7550 Tinternell 10,100 Tidewave 5100 Timberwork 7600 Tinttool 10,200 Tidewheel 5i5o Timbrelled 7650 Tintype 10,300 Tidily 5200 Timbrels 7700 Timvorms IO,4OO Tidiness 5250 Timebook 775 Tipcart 10,500 Tidingwell 53o Timecandle 7800 Tipcheese 10,600 Tidying 535 Timefuse 7850 Tippling 10,700 Tiebeam 5400 Timegun 7900 Tipsified 10,800 Tiercel 5450 Timeist 795 Tipsifying 10,900 Tierods 55o Timekeeper 8000 Tipsily 11,000 Tiewig 555 Timelessly 8050 Tipstaff 11,100 Tiffany 5600 Timeliness 8100 Tipsycake 11,200 Tigellate 5650 Timenoguy 8150 Tiptilted 11,300 Tigellus 5700 Timepieces 8200 Tiptoeing 11,400 Tigercat 575o Timeserver 8250 Tiptop 11,500 Tigercowry 5800 Timid 8300 Tipulary II, 600 Tigerism 5850 Timocratic 8350 Tipulidae 11,700 Tigerlily 5900 Timoneer 8400 Tiresome 1 1, 800 Tigermoth 595 Timonize 8450 Tiresomely 11,900 Tigershell 6000 Timonizing 8500 Tironian 12,000 Tigerwolf 6050 Timorous 8550 Tirralirra 12,100 Tighten 6100 Timorously 8600 Tissue 12,200 Tightness 6150 Timorsome 8650 Titanate 12,300 Tightrope 6200 Timpani 8700 Titaness 12,400 Tigrisoma 6250 Timwhiskey 8750 Titanitic 12,500 Tikus 6300 Tinamidae 8800 Titanium 12,600 Tiledrain 6350 Tinamotis 8850 Titanshorl 12,700 Tileearth 6400 Tinamou 8900 Tithable 12,800 Tilefield 6450 Tinctorial 8950 Tithe I2,9OO Tileore 6500 Tinctured 9000 Tithefree 13,000 Tilepin 6 55o Tinderbox 9050 Titheless 13,100 Tiletea 6600 Tinderlike 9100 Tithepig I3,2OO Tiliaceae 6650 Tinewald 9 I S Tithing I3<300 Tillandsia 6700 Tinfloor 9200 Tithingman 13,400 Tillerhead 6750 Tinfoil 9250 Tithonic 13,500 Tillerrope 6800 Tinglass 9300 Tithymal 13,600 Tillers 6850 Tinker 9350 Titillated 13,700 Tilleyseed 6900 Tinkering 9400 Titivating 13,800 Tillman 6950 Tinkerly 945 Titlark 13,900 Tiltboat 7000 Tinkerman 9500 Titledeed 14,000 Tilthammer 7050 Tinliquor 9550 Titleleaf 14,100 Tiltmill 7100 Tinmordant 9600 Titlepage I4,2OO Tiltyard 715 Tinnient 9650 Titlerole 14,300 Timalia 7200 Tinnitus 9700 Titmice 14,400 AMERICAN MONEY. Code Word. Dollars. Code Word. Dollars. Code Word. Dollars. Titmouse 14,500 Toilworm 19,500 Tonguepad 24,500 Titrating 14,600 Tokened 19,600 Tongueshot 24,600 Tittering 1.4,700 Tokening 19,700 Tonguesore 24,700 Tittlebat 14,800 Tolerably 19,800 Tonguester 24,800 Titubation 14,900 Tolerance 19,900 Tonguetied 24,900 Titular 15,000 Tolerated 20,000 Tongueworm 25,000 Titupping 15,100 Tolerating 2O,IOO Tonguing 25,100 Tituppy 1.5,200 Toleration 20,200 Tonnage 25,200 Tityretu 15,300 Tolibants 20,300 Tonous 25,30 Toadeater 15,400 Toll 2O,4OO Tonsilar 25,400 Toad eating 15,500 Tollbars 20,500 Tonsilitic 25,500 Toadfish 15,600 Tollbooth 20,600 Tonsorial 25,600 Toadflax IS,? 00 Tollbridge 20,700 Tonsured 25,700 Toadies 15,800 Tollcorn 20,800 Toolpost 25,800 Toadlets 15,900 Tolldish 20,90O Toolstock 25,900 Toadseye 16,000 Tollgates 2I,OOO Toothache 26,000 Toadspit 16,100 Tollhop 21,100 Toothback 26,100 Toadstool 16,200 Tollhouse 21,200 Toothbrush 26,200 Toadyism 16,300 Tolsester 21,300 Toothedge 26,300 Toasted 16,400 Tolsey 21,400 Toothful 26,400 Toastrack 16,500 Toluol 21,500 Toothkeys 26,500 Toastwater 16,600 Tolutree 21,600 Toothless 26,600 Tobacco 16,700 Tomahawk 21,700 Toothpicks 26,700 Tobaccobox 16,800 Tomalline 21,800 Toothshell 26,800 Tobaccoman 16,900 Tomato 21,900 Toothsome 26,900 Tobacconer 17,000 Tomboys 22,000 Toothwort 27,000 Tobagocane 17,100 Tombstone 22,100 Toothy 27,100 Tobine 17,200 Tomcats 22,200 Toparch 27,200 Toboggan 17,300 Tom cod 22,30O Toparmour 27,300 Tockay 17,400 Tomedes 22,40O Topaz 27,400 Tocsin 17,500 Tomentose 22,500 Topazolite 27,500 Tocussa 17,600 Tomfool 2.2,600 Topbeam 27,600 Toddalia 17,700 Tomfoolery 22,700 Topblock 27,700 Toddle 17,800 Tomfoolish 22,800 Topboots 27,800 Toddling 17,900 Tomifarous 22,900 Topchain 27,900 Toddybird 18,000 Tom John 23,000 Topcloth 28,000 Todidae 18,100 Tommied 23,100 Topdress 28,100 Tofana 18,200 Tommying 23,200 Topfilled 28,200 Tofieldia 18,300 Tommy shop 23,300 Topful 28,300 Tofore 18,400 Tommystore 23,400 Topgallant 28,400 Toftman 18,500 Tomnoddy 23,50 Tophaceous 28,500 Toga 18,600 Tompoker 23,600 Tophamper 28,600 Togated 18,700 Tomrig 23,700 Topheayy 28,700 Together 18,800 Tomtits 23,800 Tophonour 28,800 Toggleboit 18,900 Tondino 23,900 Topiarian 28,900 Toiletset 19,000 Toned 24,000 Topiary 29.000 Toilful 19,100 Tongabean 2 4, TOO Topic 29,100 Toilinette 19,200 Tongkang 24,2OO Topical 29,200 Toilsome 19,300 Tongs 2,4,300 Topically 29,300 Toilsomely 19,400 Tongueless 24,400 Topknot 29,400 6 3 2 AMERICAN MONEY. Code Word. Dollars. Code Word. Dollars. Code Word. Dollars. Toplantern 29,500 Torrefy 52,500 Tough ly 77,500 Toplight 29,600 Ton-elite 53, oo Toumbeki 78,000 Toplining 29,700 Torrentbow 53,5oo Toupettit 78,500 Topmasts 29,800 Torrential 54,000 Tour 79,000 Topmaul 29,900 Torrentine 54,5oo Touraco 79,5o Topography 30,000 Torridity SS, 000 Tourism 80,000 Topolatry 3 ,5oo Torrock 55,5oo Touristic 80,500 Toponomy 31,000 Torrontes 56,000 Tourmaline 81,000 Topping est 3i,5 o Torsion 5 6 ,5oo Tournament 81,500 Toppingly 32,000 Torsional 57,ooo Tourneries 82,000 Toppled 3 2 5 5oo Torteaux 57,5 Tourniquet 82,500 Topproud 33,000 Tortfeasor 58,000 Tournure 83,000 Toprails 33^0 Tortile 58,500 Towardness 83,5 Toprim 34,000 Tortoise 59,000 Towards 84,000 Topsawyer 34,5 o Tortozon 59,5oo Towelgourd 84,500 Topshell 35,ooo Tortrix 60,000 Towelhorse 85,000 Topsiturn 35.500 Tortulous 60,500 Towerlet 85,50 Topsoiling 36,000 Tortuosity 61,000 Towingpath 86,000 Topsyturvy 3 6 3 5oo Torturable 61,500 Towingpost 86,500 Toptackle 37,000 Torturer 62,000 Towingrope 87,000 Toptimber 37,5 Torturing 62,500 Towline 87,500 Toque 38,000 Torulacei 63,000 Town box 88,000 Torchdance 38,500 Torulose 63,50 Townclerk 88,500 Torched 39,000 Torvity 64,000 Towncrier 89,000 Torchlight 39,5oo Torvu.lae 64,500 Townhouse 89,500 Torch race 40,000 Toscarock 65,000 Townland 90,000 Torchstaff 40,500 Tossed 65,500 Townless 90,500 Torcular 41,000 Tossily 66,000 Town major 91,000 Tordylium 41,500 Tosspot 66,500 Townships 91,500 Toreutic 42,000 Tossup 67,000 Town talk 92,000 Torgant 42,500 Totalize 67,500 Towntop 92,500 Torilis 43,000 Totalizing 68,000 Town wards 93,000 Tormented 43,5 Totally 68,500 Towpath 93,5oo Tormentful 44,000 Totemism 69,000 Towrope 94,000 Tormenting 44,500 Totterers 69,500 Towser 94,5 Tormentors 45,ooo Touch 70,000 Toxicant 95,000 Tormina 45,5 Touchable 70,500 Toxicology 95,5 Torminous 46,000 Touch box 71,000 Toxoceras 96,000 Tornadoes 46,500 Touchhole 71,50 Toxotes 96,500 Torpedo 47,000 Touchiness 72,000 Toyman 97,000 Torpescent 47,5oo Touching 72,500 Tozy 97,5<> Torpidly 48,000 Touchingly 73,000 Trabeated 98,000 Torpidness 48,500 Touchpan 73,5oo Trabeation 98,500 Torpified 49,000 Touchpaper 74,000 Trabecula 99,000. Torpifying 49,5oo Touchpiece 74 ; 5o Traceably 99:50 Torpitude 50,000 Touchstone 75,000 Traceries 100,000 Torpor 50,500 Touchwood 75-5oo Tracheal 200,000 Torporific * 51,000 Toughened 76,000 Tracheitis 300,000 Torqued 5i,5oo Toughening 76,500 Trachoma 400,000 Tbrreadcr 52,000 Toughish 77,000 Trachytic 500,000 AMERICAN MONEY. 633 Code Word. Dollars. Code Word. Dollars. Code Word. Dollars. Trackroad 600,000 Trammelled 5,600,000 Trapesing 13,000,000 Trackscout 700,000 Tramontane 5,700,000 Trapezate 13,500,000 Trackways 800,000 Trampled 5,800,000 Trapeziums 14,000,000 Tractarian 900,000 Trampling 5,900,000 Trapezoid 14,500,000 Tractators 1,000,000 Tramppick 6,000,000 Trapholes 15,000,000 Tractatrix 1,100,000 Tramroads 6,100,000 Trappean 15,500,000 Traded 1,200,000 Tramway 6,200,000 Trappists 16,000,000 Tradeful 1,300,000 Trancedly 6,300,000 Trappy 16,500,000 Tradehall 1,400,000 Trangram 6,400,000 Traprock 17,000,000 Trademarks 1,500.000 Trankum 6,500,000 Trapstair 17,500,000 Tradeprice 1,600.000 Tranlaced 6,600,000 Trapstick 18,000,000 Tradesale 1,700,000 Trannel 6,700,000 Traptree 18,500,000 Tradesfolk 1,800,000 Tranquil 6,800,000 Traptufa 19,000,000 Tradesmen 1,900,060 Tranquilly 6,900,000 Trashiness 19,500,000 Tradewind 2,000,000 Transact 7,000,000 Traulism 20,000,000 Trading 2,100,000 Transactor 7^100,000 Traumatism 21,000,000 Traditores 2,200,000 Transcend 7,200,000 Traunter 22,000,000 Traducible 2.300,000 Transcribe 7,300,000 Travail 23,000,000 Traducing 2,400,000 Transearth 7,400,000 Travailous 24,000,000 Traduct 2,500,000 Transenna 7,500,000 Travelled 25,000,000 Traduction 2,600,000 Transepts 7,600,000 Travelling 26,000,000 Traductive 2,700,000 Transfer 7,700,000 Traverser 27,000,000 Traffic 2,800,000 Transflux 7,800,000 Traversing 28,000,000 Trafficker 2,900,000 Transforms 7,900,000 Travestied 29,000,000 Tragacanth 3,000,000 Transfrete 8,000,000 Travesty 30,000,000 Tragalism 3,100,000 Transgress 8, 1 00,000 Travis 31,000,000 Tragedian 3,200,000 Tranship 8,200,000 Trawlbeams 32,000,000 Tragedy 3,300,000 Transiency 8,300,000 Trawlboat 33,000,000 Tragetour 3,400,000 Transient 8,400,000 Trawlhead 34,000,000 Tragic 3,500,000 Transiting 8,500,000 Trawlwarp 35,000,000 Tragical 3,600,000 Transition 8,600,000 Tray tip 36,000,000 Tragically 3,700,000 Transitory 8,700,000 Treachery 37,000,000 Tragicomic 3,800,000 Transluce 8,800,000 Treachour 38,000,000 Tragopan 3,900,000 Translunar 8,900,000 Treacly 39,000,000 Tragopogon 4,000,000 Transmoved 9,000,000 Treadeth 40,000,000 Tragulidae 4, 1 00,000 Transmuter 9,100,000 Treadmill 41,000,000 Trailnets 4,200,000 Transpired 9,200,000 Treadwheel 42,000,000 Trainband 4,300,000 Transplace 9,300,000 Treasonous 43,000,000 Trainers 4,400,000 Transposal 9,400,000 Treasures 44,000,000 Trainoil 4,500,000 Transprint 9,500,000 Treasuring 45,000,000 Traipse 4,600,000 Transtra 9,600,000 Treasury 46,000,000 Traitor 4,700,000 Transude 9,700,000 Treatably 47,000,000 Traitorism 4,800,000 Transumpt 9,800,000 Treatiser 48,000,000 Traitorly 4,900,000 Transverse 9,900,000 Treatments 49,000,000 Traitorous 5,000,000 Transvievv 10,000,000 Trebled 50,000,000 Traject 5,100,000 Transvolve 10,500,000 Trebleness 60,000,000 Trajecting 5,200,000 Trapballs 11,000,000 Trebling 70,000,000 Trajectory 5,300,000 Trapbat 11,500,000 Trebucket 80,000,000 Tralucency 5,400,000 Trapdoor 12,000,000 Treebeard 90,000,000 Tralucent 5,500,000 Trapelus 12,500,000 Treecrabs 100,000,000 634 NUMBERS. Code Word. No. Code Word. No. Code Word. No. Tree fern I Triad 51 Tridacna 101 Treefrog 2 Triadic 52 Tridactyle- 102 Treegoose 3 Triakenium 53 Tridented 103 Treehair 4 Trialday 54 Triduan 104 Treejobber 5 Trialfire 55 Trientalis 105 Treeless 6 Triality 56 Trierarch 106 Treelouse 7 Trialogue 57 Trieterics 107 Treemallow 8 Trialtrips 5* Tri facial 108 Treeonion 9 Triander 59 Trifid 109 Treepigeon 10 Triandrous 60 Triflers no Treeship ii Triangles 61 Triflingly in Treeshnke 12 Triangular 62 Trifloral 112 Treesorrel 13 Trianthema 63 Triflorous "3 Treetoad 14 Triarchy 64 Trifolium 114 Treewool 15 Triarian 65 Trifoly "5 Trehala 16 Triassic 66 Triformity 116 Trehalose 17 Triatomic 67 Tri furcate 117 Treillages 18 Tribalism 68 Trigamist 118 Trekked 19 Tribometer 69 Trigastric 119 Trektow 20 Triboulet 70 Trigemini 120 Trellised 21 Tribrach 7i Trigintal 121 Trellising 22 Tribunals 72 Triglidae 122 Tremarctos 23 Tribune 73 Triglochin I2 3 Trematoda 24 Tributary 74 Tnglyph I2 4 Tremblers 25 Tricennial 75 Tnglyphic I2 5 Tremella 26 Trichechus 76 Trigonella 126 Tremellini 27 Trichiasis 77 Trigonia 127 Tremelloid 28 Trichidium 78 Trigrammic 128 Tremendous 2 9 Trichilia 79 Trigraph 129 Tremolando 3 Trichinous 80 Trigyn 130 Tremolite 3i Trichocyst 81 Trigynous 131 Tremor 32 Trichodon 82 Trihedron 132 Tremulent 33 Trichogyne 83 Trihilate i33 Trenchcart 34 Trichonema 84 Trijugous i34 Trenched 35 Trichords 85 Trilaminar i35 Trenchmore 36 Trichotomy 86 Trilinear 136 Trend 37 Trichroism 87 Trilingual i37 Trentsand 38 Trickery 88 Triliteral 138 Trepan 39 Trickiness 89 Trilith i39 Trepanized 40 Trickishly 90 Tnlithic 140 Trepanners 4i Trickment 9i Trilithons 141 Trepeget 42 Tricksome 92 Trilli bub 142 Trephining 43 Tricksters 93 Trills 143 Tresayle 44 Triclinate 94 Trilobed 144 Trespassed 45 Tricoccae 95 Trilobitic J 45 Tressful 46 Tricoccous 96 Trilogy 146 Tressour 47 Tricolour 97 Trimembral 147 Trevat 48 Triconodon 98 Trimera 148 Triable 49 Tricostate 99 Trimester 149 Triaconter So Tricycles IQ.Q Trimmed 150 NTJMBEES. 635 Code Word. No. Code Word. No. Code Word. No. Trimorphic 151 Trisulcate 201 Trotcosy 251 Trimyarian 152 Tritheism 202 Trolhring 252 Trinervate S3 Triticum 203 Trotters 253 Trinerved Tritone 204 Troubador 254 Trinity I 55 Tritonidae 20 5 Troublable 255 Triniunity 156 Tri tori um 206 Trouble 256 Tnnketecl Tritozooid 207 Troubledly 257 Trinketry 158 Triturable 208 Troublous 258 Trinoctial Triturated 2O9 Trousered 2 59 Trinoda 1 60 Tritylene 210 Trousering 260 Trinominal 161 Triumph 211 Trousseau 261 Triobolar 162 Triumphal 212 Troutful 262 Trioctile 163 Triumphing 2I 3 Troutlet 263 Trioecious 164 Triumviry 214 Troutling 264 Triolet 165 Trivalent 21 5 Trouveur 265 Trionyx 166 Trivalve 216 Trowest 266 Triosteum 167 Trivial 217 Trowsed 267 Triparted 168 Trivialism 218 Truage 268 Tri paschal 169 Trivially 219 Truancy 269 Tripedal 170 Triweekly 22O Truanted 270 Tripeman 171 Trocar 221 Truanting 271 Tripennate 172 Trochanter 222 Truantship 272 Triphammer 173 Trochilics 223 Trubtail 2 73 Triphane Trochiscus 224 Truce 274 Triphasia 175 Trochisk 225 Truckage 2 75 Triphthong 176 Trochleary 226 Trucking 276 Triphyline 177 Trochoid 227 Trucklebed 277 Triplex 178 Trochoidal 228 Truckler 278 Triplicity 179 Trodden 229 Truculency 279 Tripmadam 1 80 Troglodyte 230 Trudgeman 280 Tripodian 181 Trogonidae 231 Trudging 281 Tripods 182 Trolley 232 Trueblue 282 Tripping 183 Trollol 233 Trueborn 283 Tripsis 184 Trollolled 234 True bred 284 Tripterous 185 Trollopish 235 Truelove 285 Triptich 1 86 Trollopy 2 3 6 Truepenny 286 Triptote 187 Troll plate 237 Truetable 287 Triptychon 188 Trombone 238 Truisms 288 Tripudiary 189 Trompour 239 Truismatic 289 Tripyramid 190 Troopbird 240 Truly 290 Triquetra 191 Troopers 241 Trumpery 291 Trireme 192 Troopmeal 242 Trumpeters 292 Trisagion 193 Troopship 243 Trumpetfly 293 Trisected 194 Tropaeolum 244 Trumpeting 294 Trisecting Trophies 245 Truncal 295 Trisection 196 Trophonian 246 Truncating 296 Trismus 197 Trophosome 247 Truncheons 297 Trispaston 198 Trophy 248 Trundling 298 Tristfully 199 Tropicbird 249 Trunk 2 99 Trisulc 200 Tropologic 250 Trunkfish 300 636 NUMBERS. Code Word. No. Code Word. No. Code Word. No. Trunkhose 301 Tu^iron 35 1 Turbinate 401 Trunkline 302 Tuille 352 Turbinidae 402 Trunkwork 303 Tuition 353 Turbot 403 Trunnioned 34 Tuitionary 354 Turbulency 404 Trusion 35 Tulametal 355 Turbulent 405 Trusshoop 306 Tulchan 356 Turcism 406 Trustdeeds 307 Tulipist 357 Turdus 407 Trustingly 308 Tuliptree 358 Turf 408 Trustless 309 Tulipwood 359 Tuffclad 409 Truthful 310 Tumblebug 360 Turfdrain 410 Truthfully 3H Tumbledown 361 Turfhedge 411 Truthlover 312 Tumblehome 362 Turfhouse 412 Tryable 3^ Tumblerful 363 Turfknife 413 Trycock 314 Tumblers 3 6 4 Turfmoss 414 Trygon 3i5 Tumefy 365 Turfplough 415 Tryma 316 Tumescence 366 Turfspade 416 Trysted 3 T 7 Tumidly 367 Turgesce 417 Try sting 3i8 Tummals 368 Turgescing 418 Tubberman 3 J 9 Tumoured 369 Turgid 419 Tubbing 320 Tumpline 370 Turgid ity 420 Tubbish 321 Tumulated 37i Turgidous 421 Tubby 322 Tumulosity 372 Turinnut 422 Tubeplate 3 2 3 Tumult 373 Turio 423 Tubeplugs 324 Tumulters 374 Turiones 424 Tubepouch 325 Tumultuary 375 Turkeybird 425 Tuberacei 326 Tumultuate 376 Turkeycock 426 Tubercle 327 Tumultuous 377 Turkeyhone 427 Tubercular 328 Tunably 378 Turkeyred 428 Tuberosity 329 Tunbellied 379 Turkised 429 Tubesheet 330 Tunefully 380 Turkishly 430 Tubewell 33i Tuneless 38i Turkscap 431 Tubfast 332 Tungstate 382 Turkshead 432 Tubful 333 Tungstenic 383 Turlupins 433 Tubicolae 334 Tungusic 384 Turmeric 434 Tubicolous 335 Tunhoof 385 Turmoil 435 Tubiporite 336 Tunicate 386 Turmoiling 43 6 Tubivalve 337 Tuning 387 Turnbench 437 Tubman 333 Tuningfork 388 Turnbroach 438 Tubthumper 339 Tuningkey 389 Turncoats 439 Tubularian 340 Tunnelhead 390 Turncock 4-40 Tubule 34i Tunnelling 39i Turndown 441 Tubulicole 342 Tunnelpit 39 2 Turnip 442 Tuburcinia 343 Tupaia 393 Turnipfly 443 Tub wheel 344 Tupaiadae 394 Turnkeys 444 Tuckahoe 345 Turacine 395 Turnout 445 Tucknet 346 Turban ed 39 6 Turnover 446 Tuftaffeta 347 Turbantop 397 Turnpike 447 Tufthunter 348 Turbary 398 Turn plate 448 Tufty 349 Turbidly 399 Turnscrew 449 Tugboats 350 Tiirbillion 400 Turnsick 450 NUMBERS. 637 Code Word. No. Code Word. No. Code Word. No. Turnsole 45i Twicetold 55 Typewriter 810 Turnspit 452 Twiddled 5io Typhaceae 820 Turnstiles 453 Twiggy 5i5 Typhfever 830 Turnstones 454 Twigrush 520 Typhline 840 Turntable 455 Twilight 5 2 5 Typhlops 850 Turntippet 45 6 Twin born 530 Typhoid 860 Turpentine 457 Twinflower 535 Typhomania 870 Turpeth 458 Twinges 540 Typhoons 880 Turquoise 459 Twinkler 545 Typhpoison 890 Turreted 460 Twinkling 55o Typifiers 900 Turretship 461 Twinleaf 555 Typify 910 Turribant 462 Twinscrew 560 Typifying 920 Turrilite 463 Twinsister 565 Typocosmy 93 Turritella 464 Twiscar 57o Typolite 940 Turritis 465 Twisting 575 Typology 95 Turtleback 466 Twitched 580 Tyrannical 960 Turtledove 467 Twitching 585 Tyrannidae 970 Turtler 468 Twittered 59 Tyranning 980 Turtlesoup 469 Twittingly 595 Tyrannous 99 Turtling 47 Twocelled 600 Tyrants 1000 Turves 47i Twocleft 605 Tyrocinium 1050 Tusked 472 Twodecker 610 Tyrociny 1 100 Tussehsilk 473 Twoedged 6i5 Tyronism 1150 Tussicular 474 Two faced 620 Uberty 1200 Tussle 475 Twofold 625 Ubication 1250 Tussocky 476 Twohand 630 Ubiquarian 1300 Tutenague ' 477 Tvvoheaded ' 635 Ubiquist 135 Tutmouthed 478 Twolipped 640 Ubiquitous 1400 Tutnose 479 Twoness 645 Ubiquity 145 Tutor 480 Twopetaled 650 Udal 1500 Tutorage 481 Tvvoranked 655 Udallef I 55 Tutorism 482 Twosome 660 Udalman 1600 Tutorly 483 Twotongued 665 Uddered 1650 Tutworkman 484 Twovalved 670 Udderless 1700 Tuwhits 485 Twyfoil 675 Udometer 1750 Tuyere 486 Twyforked 680 Ugliest 1800 Twaddling 487 Tyall 685 Uglifies 1850 Twaddly 488 Tyburntree 690 Uglify 1900 Twaincloud 489 Tychonic 695 Uglifying 195 Twan g 490 Tydy 700 Ugliness 2OOO Twanging 491 Tyer 710 Ugric 2050 Twangled 492 Tylophora 720 Ugsome 2100 Twankay 493 Tymp 730 Ugsomeness 2150 T way blade 494 Tympanitic 740 Ukase 22OO Tweed 495 Tympanized 75 Ulcer 2250 Tweedledum 496 Tympanum 760 Ulcerable 2300 Tweezers 497 Tyndaridae 770 Ulcerated 2 350 Twelfthday 498 Typemetal 780 Ulcerating 2400 Twentyfold 499 Types 790 Ulceration 2450 Twibill 500 Typesetter 800 Ulcerous 2500 638 NUMBERS. Code Word, No. Code Word. No. Code Word. No. Ulcerbusly 2550 Unacquired 7100 Unavenged 29,000 Ulcuscle 2600 Unactable 7200 Unavoided 30,000 Ulema 2650 Unacted 73 Unawakened 31,000 Uletree 2700 Unactive 7400 Unbacked 32,000 Ullage 2 7 50 Unactuated 7500 Unbaffled 33,ooo Ullmannite 2800 Unadjusted 7600 Unbagging 34> 000 Ulmaceous 2850 Unadmitted 7700 Unbailable 35 ,000 Ulmic 2900 Unadorned 7800 Unbalanced 36,000 Ulmous 2 95 Unadvised 7900 Unbank 37,000 Ulodendron 3000 Unaffable 8000 Unbaptized 38,000 Ulorrhagia 3100 Unaffected 8100 Unbashful 39,000 Ulotrichan 3200 Unafraid 8200 Unbearably 40,000 Ulsters 3300 Unalarmed 8300 Unbearded 41,000 Ulterior 3400 Unalarming 8400 Unbearing 42,000 Ultimate 35 oo Unalist 8500 Unbeaten 43,000 Ultimately 3600 Unallayed 8600 Unbeavered 44,000 Ultimation 3700 Unalliable 8700 Unbecome 45,000 Ultimatums 3800 Unallied 8800 Unbecoming 46,000 Ultimo 3900 Unaltered 8900 Unbedinned 47,000 Ultraism 4000 Unamazed 9000 Unbefool 48,000 Ultroneous 4100 Unamusive 9100 Unbegotten 49,000 Ululating 4200 Unanchor 9200 Unbeguiled 50,000 Ulvaceae 4300 Unangular 9300 Unbegun 51,000 Umbellated 4400 Unanimity 9400 Unbeheld 52,000 Umbellifer 4500 Unanimous 9500 Unbeknown 53,000 Umbellule 4600 Unannoyed 9600 Unbelief 54,ooo Umbery 4700 Unanointed 9700 Unbeliever 55,ooo Umbilic 4800 Unanxious 9800 Unbeloved 56,000 Umbilical 4900 Unappalled 9900 Unbelted 57,ooo Umbonulate 5000 Unapparent 10,000 Unbenign 58,000 Umbracle 5100 Unapplied 10,500 Unbenumb 5 9,000 Umbraculum 5200 Unapproved 11,000 Unbereaven 60,000 Umbrageous 5300 Unaptly 11,500 Unbereft 61,000 Umbrated 5400 Unargued 12,000 Unbeseem 62,000 Umbratical 5500 Unarm 13,000 Unbesought 63,000 Umbrating 5600 Unarming 14,000 Unbespeak 64,000 Umbrellas 57 Unartful 15,000 Unbestowed 65,000 Umbrose 5800 Unartfully 16,000 Unbetide 66,000 Umbrosity 5 900 Unartistic 17,000 Unbetrayed 67,000 Umlaut 6000 Unascried 18,000 Unbewailed 68,000 Umpirage 6100 Unaspiring 19,000 Unbewares 69,000 Umpires 6200 Unassuming 20,000 Unbewitch 70,000 Umpireship 6300 Unassured 21,000 Unbiassed 71,000 Unabashed 6400 Unatonable 22,000 Unbiassing 72,000 Unableness 6500 Unatoned 23,000 Unbigoted 73,ooo Unabridged 6600 Unattached 24,000 Unbinding 74,000 Unabsurd 6700 Unaltered 25,000 Unbishop 75joo Unabundant 6800 Unattire 26,000 Unblamable 76,000 Unaccented 6900 Unattiring 27.000 Un blasted 77,000 Unaccorded 7000 Unavailing 28,000 Unbleeding 78,000 NUMBERS. FEET and INCHES.* 639 Code Word. No. Code Word. Inches. Code Word. Ft. Ins. Unblended 79,000 Uncertain TV Uncongeal 2 o Unblighted 80,000 Uncessant i Unconjugal 2 3 Unblissful 8:1,000 Unchain A Unconning 2 6 Unblooded 82,000 Unchaplain * Unconstant 2 9 Unblushing 83,000 Uncharged i Uncontrite 3 o Unboastful 84,000 Unchariot & Uncordial 3 3 Unbodkined 85,000 Un charity TV Uncouple 3 6 Unbolt 86,000 Uncharnel 1 Uncoupling 3 9 Unbolting 87,000 Unchaste Uncourted 4 o Unbonneted 88,000 Unchastely tt Uncouth 4 3 Unbookish 89,000 Unchecked 7 ff Uncouthly 4 6 Unborrowed 90,000 Uncheerful il- Uncovering 4 9 Unbosomer 91,000 Uncheery *i Uncovvled 5 o Unbosoming 92,000 Unchild 1* Uncrafty 6 o Unbounded 93,000 Unchildish if Uncredit 7 o Unbowable 94,000 Uncholeric 2* Uncrippled 8 o Unbreast 95,000 Unchristen 2* Uncritical 9 o Unbreathed 96,000 Unchurch a* Uncrossed 10 o Unbreech 97,000 Unciatim 3* Uncrown n o Unbribable 98,000 Uncipher 3* Uncrowning 12 o Unbridled 99,000 Uncivil 3* Unctuosity 13 o Unbridling 100,000 Uncivilly 4* Unctuous 14 o Unbroken 200,000 Unclaimed 4* Uncular 15 o Unbruised 300,000 Unclasped 4f Unculpable 16 o Unbuckling 400,000 Unclassic Si Unculture 17 o Unbudded 500,000 Unclean 5* Uncumbered 18 o Unbuoyed 600,000 Uncleanly 5* Uncurl 19 o Unburdened 700,000 Unclench 6i Uncurrent 20 o Unburnt 800,000 Unclerical 6* Uncustomed 21 o Unburrow 900,000 Uncloak 6f Undaunted 22 o Unburthen 1,000,000 Uncloaking 74 Undawning 23 o Unburying 2,000,000 Unclogged 7* Undeadly 24 o Unbuttoned 3,000,000 Unclose 7* Undeaf 25 o Unbuxom 4,000,000 Unclothed i Undecagon 30 o Uncadenced 5,000,000 Uncloudy 8* Undecaying 35 o Uncage 6,000,000 Unclutched 81 Undeceived 40 o Uncaging 7,000,000 Uncoached 9* Undecency 45 o Uncalled 8,000,000 Uncoffined 9* Undecide 50 o Uncalm 9,000,000 Uncoif 9t Undeck 60 o Uncamped 10,000,000 Uncoloured 10* Undecking 70 o Uncandid 15,000,000 Uncombine 10* Undecreed 80 o Uncanny 20,000,000 Uncomely lOf Undefaced 90 o Uncanonize 25,000,000 Uncommixed II* Undefended 100 o Uncanopied 30,000,000 Uncommon *I* Undefining 150 o Uncaptious 35,000,000 Uncommonly * Undeify 200 o Uncareful 40,000,000 Unconcern 19 Undeluged 250 o Uncaria 45,000,000 Uncondited 20 Undeniably 300 o Uncastled 50,000,000 Unconforrn 21 Undeplored 350 o Uncensured 60,000,000 Unconfound 22 Undepraved 400 o Uncentre 70,000,000 Unconfused 23 Underagent 500 o * See also under Inch in Alphabetical Code. 640 WEIGHTS. Code Word. Weight. Code Word. Weight. Code Word. Weight. Underaided Ibs. i Undershoot Ibs. 51 Undulative Ibs. TO i Underboard 2 Undershrub 5 2 Undulatory 102 Underbrace 3 Undersign 53 Undull I0 3 Underbrush 4 Undersized 54 Undumpish 104 Underbuy 5 ' Undersky 55 Undusted I0 5 Underchaps 6 Undersoil 56 Unduteous 106 Underclay 7 Underspend > 57 Undutiful 107 Undercliff 8 Underspore 58 Unearth io3 Undercoat 9 Understock 59 Unearthing 109 Undercroft 10 Undersuit 60 Unearthly l> HO Underdelve 1 1 Undertaxed 61 Uneasily III Underdo 12 Underturn 62 Uneasiness cwt. i Underdosed 13 Undervalue 63 Uneclipsed 2 Underdrain 14 Underverse 64 Unedge 3 Underfeed 15 Underwater ,, 65 Unedging 4 Underfoot 1 6 Underwear 66 Unedified > 5 Undergird , 17 Underwings 67 Unedifying 6 Undergoing , 18 Underworld 68 Uneducate 7 Undergone 1 9 Underwrite 69 Unelected 8 Undergo wns 20 Undesired 7 Unelegant 9 Undergroan 21 Undesiring 7i Unembodied i I0 Undergrub 22 Undesirous 72 Unemphatic , ii Underheave 23 Undevilled 73 Unemployed , 12 Underhung 24 Undevout 74 Unemptied . 13 Underjaw 25 Un diademed 75 Unendeared , 14 Underkind 26 Undid 76 Unendly J 5 Underlaid 27 Undigested 77 Unendowed , 16 Underlay er 28 Unclight 78 Unenglish T 7 Underleaf 29 Undiocesed it 79 Unen joyed , 18 Underlies 30 Undirect 80 Unenjoying i 19 Underlip , 31 Undirectly 81 Unenlarged tons i Underlock , 32 Undisclose 82 Unenslaved Underlying , 33 Undismayed 83 Unentangle 3 Undermatch , 34 Undisputed , 84 Unentering 4 Undermeal , 35 Undivine , 85 Unentombed 5 Undermines , 36 Undivorced , 86 Unenviable 6 Undermirth 37 Undivulged , 87 Unenvied 7 Undermost 38 Undoer , 88 Unequal 8 Underntide 39 Undomestic , 89 Unequally 9 Underparts 40 Undoubtful , 90 Unerringly , 10 Underpight 41 Undoubting > 9 1 Unespied > ii Underpin 42 Undoubtous , 9 2 Unethes i 12 Underplay 43 Undreaded 93 Uneven , 13 Underprize ,, 44 Undress 94 Unevenly i U Underprop 45 Undressing 95 Unevenness J 5 Underpull 46 Undriven > 9 6 Uneventful 16 Underrated 47 Undrooping 97 Unevident 17 Underroof 48 Undueness 98 Unexacted 18 Underscore 49 Undulant 99 Unexamined T 9 Undersell 50 Undulation [00 Unexampled 20 WEIGHTS. 641 Code Word. Tons. Code Word. Tons. Code Word. Tons. Unexcis'ed 21 Un fraught 71 Unhailed 1900 Unexempt 22 Unfreezed 72 Unhallows 2000 Unexpected 23 Unfreezing 73 Unhampered 2100 Unexplored 24 Unfret 74 Unhandily 2200 Unextorted 25 Unfriendly 75 Unhandled 2300 Unfadable 26 Unfrock 76 Unhandsome 2400 Unfaded 27 Unfrocking 77 Unhappiest 2500 Unfairly 28 Unfruitful 78 Unhappily 2600 Unfairness 2 9 Unfurnish 79 Unhaps 2700 Unfaith 3 Ungainful 80 Unhardy 2800 Unfaithful 3i Ungallant 81 Unharmful 2900 Unfalcated 32 Ungartered 82 Unharness 3000 Unfamiliar 33 Ungauged 83 Unhatted 3100 Unfastened 34 Ungenerous 84 Unhattings 3200 Unfatherly 35 Ungenial 85 Unhazarded 3300 Unfathomed 36 Ungenteel 86 Unhealthy 3400 Un fatigued 37 Ungetting 87 Unheard 35 Unfaulty 38 Un gifted 88 Unheededly 3600 Unfearful 39 Ungirds 89 Unhelm 37 Unfeasible 40 Ungive 90 Unhelped 3800 Unfeather 4i Ungiving 9i Unhelpful 3900 Unfeatured 42 Ungkaputi 92 Unhidden 4000 Unfeeling 43 Unglazed 93 Unhinged 4100 Unfeigned 44 Unglazing 94 Unhitched 4200 Unfeigning 45 Unglorify 95 Unhitching 4300 Unfellow 46 Ungloved 96 Unhoarding 4400 Unfeminine 47 Unglue 97 Unholiness 4500 Unfenced 48 Unglutted 98 Unholy 4600 Unfertile 49 Ungodded 99 | Unhonest 4700 Unfetter 5 Ungodly TOO Unhonestly 4800 Unfigured 5i Ungorgeous *5P Unhonoured 4900 Unfilial 5 2 Ungotten 200 Unhoped 5000 Unfilially 53 Ungoverned 250 Unhopeful 5500 Unfinished 54 Ungown 300 Unhorse 6000 Unfirm 55 Ungraced 350 Unhospital 6500 Unfix 56 Ungraceful 400 Unhostile 7000 Unfixing 57 Ungracious 500 Unhumanize 7500 Unflagging 58 Ungravely 600 ! Unhumbled 8000 Unfledged 59 Ungreable 700 Uniate 9000 Unfleshing 60 Unground 800 Uniaxal 10,000 Unfleshly 61 Ungrudging 900 Unicameral 11,000 Unflower 62 Ungual 1000 Unicity 12,000 Unfluent 63 Unguarded 1 100 Uniclinal 13,000 Unforbade 64 Unguentary 1200 Unicorn 14,000 Unforeseen 65 Unguentous 1300 Unicornous 15,000 Unforetold 66 Unguical 1400 Unicostate 16,000 Unforgiven 67 Unguicular 1500 Unideal 17,000 Unforgot 68 Unguidably 1600 Unifacial 18,000 Unforsaken 69 Unguiform 1700 Unific 19,000 Un framed 7 Unhabile 1800 Unifilar 20,000 2 T 642 ASSAYS. Code Word. Assays (or Assaying). Code Word. Assay (or Assaying). Uniflorous i dwt. per ton Universe 4 OZS. 15 dwts. per ton Unifoil 2 3, ,3 University 5 M 33 33 Unifoliate 3 33 Univocal 5 j 5 33 Uniformity 4 33 33 Univocally 5 M 1 33 ,', Uniforms 5 Unjealous 5 n 15 Unigenous 6 Unjointing 6 )? Unijugate 7 ,3 Unjoyful 6 ft 5 33 Unilabiate 8 , Unjoyous 6 10 , Unilateral 9 , Unjustly 6 15 3 3 Unillumed 10 - Unjustness 7 33 o 3 3 Unillusory ii t Unkempt 7 33 5 Unilocular 12 , Unkindly 7 ,, TO 3 3 Unimagined 13 3 Unkindness 7 33 15 3 ) Unimmortal 14 3) f Unkindred 8 3 J O 3 1 Unimparted 15 J Unkinglike 8 5 3 3 Unimposing 16 j Unkingship 8 M 10 Unimproved 17 3 Unknelled 8 , 15 3 3 Uninclosed 18 3 Un knightly 9 3 , y Unindented r 9 , Unknotty 9 ? 5 J , Uninflamed 20 , , Unknow 9 , 10 3 3) Uninspired 21 , , Unknowable 9 ; 15 3 33 Unintitled 22 ? Unknowing 10 ? o ' 33 Uninvented 23 3 ( Unlaboured 10 , 10 3 '3 Uninvite 24 , Unladylike ii 3 o 3 33 Uninviting 2 5 3 I Unlapping ii } 10 > 33 Uninvolved . 26 , Unlashing 12 j o Union 2 7 3 ! Unlavished 12 3 10 Unionidae 28 ? Unlawful 13 ; o Unionism 29 , 5 Unlawfully 13 j 10 Unionistic 3 3 Unleashed 14 o Unionjack Unlectured 14 }3 10 Union] oint 32 ! Unlettered 15 ^ 33 ,3 Uniparous 33 ( Unlicensed 15 )J 1 33 33 Uniplicate 34 , Unlikely 16 o Unique 35 3 Unlikeness 16 j 10 Uniquely 36 ? Unlimber 17 J3 o Uniqueness 37 j Unlimited 33 10 Uniseptate 38 , Unlineal 18 33 3, 3 Uniserial 39 Unliquored 18 )3 10 Unisonance 2 ozs. o dwts. per ton Unload 19 3) 3, Unisonous 2 )) 5 >3 33 Unloading 19 3) 1 33 Unitable 2 10 ,, Unlocated 20 33 o Unitarian 2 ,, 15 Unlocketh 20 >3 10 Unitary 3 o Unlodge 21 33 o Unitedly 3 5 3 Unlogical 21 33 TO , Unition 3 5 1 3 Unloosened 22 3) o Unitively 3 > 15 Unloving 22 33 10 , Unitizing 4,0, Unlucent 2 3 3> o , Univalent 435.- Unluckiest 23 3} 10 , Universal 4 , 10 Unlucky 24 ,, o ASSAYS. 643 Code Word. Assays (or Assaying). Code Word. Assays (or Assaying). Unluminous 24 ozs. lodwts. per ton Unnamed 15010 160 ozs. per ton Unlustrous 25 5 o 55 55 Unnative 160 55 55 Unlute 25 10 55 Jf Unnatural i6oto 170 1 55 Unmade 26 o 55 55 Unnaturing 170 ' 11 Unmaidenly 26 10 55 55 Unnervate 1 70 to 180 1 1 Unmakable 27 55 55 Unnestled 180 5 Unmanacle 27 10 55 5 Unnestling i8oto 190 1 5 Unmanaged 28 o 55 5 Unniggard 190 5 5 Unmanlike 28 10 55 5 Unnobly 1 90 to 200 5 5 Unmarked 29 >5 55 5 Unnoticed 2OO < 55 Unmarried 29 55 10 55 5 Unobscured 200 to 250 5 55 Unmarrying 30 55 55 Unobserved 250 5 55 Unmartyr 3 to 35 OZS , }? Unobvious 25010 300 11 ' 5 Unmasking 35 55 Unoccupied 300 '5 55 Unmatched 35 to 40 55 ?5 Unoften 300 to 35 55 55 Unmeaning 40 55 >5 Unopposed 35 >' 55 Unmeant 40 to 45 5' 55 Unorder 35 to 400 55 5 Unmeasured 45 55 55 Unordering 400 55 55 Unmeetly 45 to 55 55 Unorderly 400 to 45 55 55 Unmeetness 5 55 55 Unoriginal 45 55 5' Unmellowed 5 to 55 55 55 Unorthodox 450 to 500 55 55 Unmerciful 55 55 55 Unowned 500 55 55 Unmerited 55 to 60 55 55 Unpack 500 to 600 55 5 Unmew 60 5> 55 Unpacking 600 5 ) 11 Unminded 60 to 65 55 55 Unpaint 600 to 700 55 V Unmindful 65 55 15 Unparadise 700 55 55 Unmiry 65 to 70 55 55 Un parroted 7 oo to 800 1) ' Unmitre 70 55 5 Unpastor 800 '5 5' Unmitring 70 to 75 5' Unpay 800 to 900 55 ; - Unmixed 75 55 5 Unpayable 900 55 * Unmodified 75 to 80 ( j 5 Un peace 900 to IOOO 55 55 Unmodishly 80 55 Uii peaceful IOOO 55 ' Unmoist 80 to 85 55 5 Unpeerable IOOO tO 1 1 00 55 >5 Unmolested 85 55 5 Unpen IIOO 55 5) Unmoneyed 85 to 90 5 5 Unpenitent I IOO tO 1200 55 15 Unmonkish 90 5 Unpenning 1200 5 ' ; Unmoor 90 to 95 5 5 Unpeople 1200 tO 1300 55 5- Unmooring 95 5 5 Unpeopling 1300 5 5 5> Unmortised 95 to IOO 5 5 Unperegal 1300 to 1400 55 5' Unmosaic IOO 5 5 Unperjured 1400 5 55 Unmotherly IOO to IIO 5 5 Unperplex 1400 to 1500 5 '.1 Unmoulded 110 5 Unpervert 1500 1 " Unmoulding no to 120 5 Unpierced 1500 to l6oO 5 11 Unmovable 120 , 5 Unpillared 1600 5 55 Unmuffling 120 to I 3 Unpiloted 1600 to 1700 5 5' Unmurmurec I 3 5 5 Unpinion 1700 55 " Unmuscular I 3 to 140 1 5 Unpitied 1700 to I800 J 5' Unmusical 140 5 5 Un pitiful I800 55 Unmuzzled 140 to 150 Unpitous 1 800 to 1900 >5 5J Unmystery T 5 5 )5 Un pitying 2000 ,. 644 PERCENTAGES. Code Word. Code Word. Unplagued %loss Unrazored II %10SS Unplausive % profit Unreality "4 Unpleasant % premium Unrealized 12 Unpliant % discount Unreason 124 Unplucked % higher than Unrecuring 13 ,, Unpoetic % lower than Unredeemed ^ 34 Unpoetical 2i % higher Unrefined 14 Unpoisoned 5 Unreformed 144 Unpolicied 74 Unregarded 15 ii Unpolish 10 Unrejoiced 154 Unpolitely 124 Unrelated 16 Unpolitic I 5 Unrelative 1 64 Unpolluted 174 Unremedied 17 ii Unpopular 20 Unremitted 174 Unposted 2 % lower Unremoved 18 Unpowerful 5 Unrenewed 184 Unpraising 7* Unrepaid 19 Unpreached 10 Unrepealed 194 Unpredict 124 Unrequited 20 Unprepared I S Unresisted 204 Unpressed 174 Unresolve 21 ,. Unpretty 20 Unrespited 214 Unpriest A % loss Unrestful 22 Un priestly * Unresty 22^ Unprince i 4 I Unreverend 2 3 Unprincely 1 Unrevoked 234 Unprincing 4 Unriddle 24 ,, Unprizable 1 Unrigging 244 Unprized * Unrighting 2 5 11 Unprolific 4 Unrioted 2 54 Unpromise i Unripened 26 Unprompted i* Unrobed 26-4 Unproposed 2 i, Unrobing 27 i, Unpropped 24 Unromantic 274 ,, Unprovided 3 Unroofing 28 Unpublic 3* ii Unroyal 284 Unpunctual 4 Unruffled 29 s Unpunished 4* Unruinable 294 Unpurged 5 Unruinated 30 Unpurified 5* Unruliment 34 Unqualify 6 Unruliness 3i ii Unqueen 64 Unrumple 3 T 4 Unquelled 7 Unru tripling 32 Unquick 7* Unsaddens 3 2 4 Unquieting 8 Unsaddle 33 Unquietly . 84 Unsaddling 334 Unquietud 9 Unsadness 34 ,, Unraised 9* Unsafely 35 ii Unraptured 10 Unsalaried 36 Unravelled ioi Unsanitary 37 PERCENTAGES. 645 Code Word. Code Word. Unsavoury 38% loss Unsluice i5i % profit Unsaying 39 J J Unsluicing 16 Unscanned 40 5? Unsmirched 16* jj Unschooled 4i 5) Unsmitten 17 jj Unscience 42 JJ Unsmoked i7* ?j Unscorched 43 ?J Unsmooth 18 jj Unsecured 44 J> Unsociably i&* jj Unscreened 45 JJ Unsocial ^9 jj Unscrew 46 5? Unsolders 19* ?j Unscrewing 47 >} Unsolemn 20 jj Unseasoned 48 5J Unsolid 20 jj Unseconded 49 JJ Unsoundly 21 11 Unsecret 5 JJ Unspeak 21* j> Unsecular 1 o/ TTf A profit Unspeaking 22 jj Unseduced i 8 jj Unspeedy 22* j Unseemly 5) Unspike 2 3 j Unseized f 55 Unspirited 23* j Unseldom * JJ Unspoil 24 Unselfish * J J Unsportful 24* > Unservice * )J Unspotted 2 5 j Unsettling i >j Unsquared 25* M Unsevered I 'J Unsqueezed 26 jj Unsexed I* Unsquiring 26* ?) Unshackle 2 >5 Unstabled 27 }< Unshadowed 2* J) Unstarch 27* ) Unshakable 3 5) Unstartled 28 )J Unshape 3* Unstating 28* J ) Unsheathed 4 >J Unsteadily 2 9 JJ Unshed 4* )) Unstirred 2 9 * JJ Unshielded 5 J) Unstooping 3 J> Unshook 5* ? J Unstop 30* 5J Unshowered 6 J Unstopped 3* J Unshriven 6* JJ Unstormed 3i* J Unshrouded 7 JJ Unstrewed 3 2 J t Unshrubbed 7* ? Unstringed 32* J Unshut 8 J5 Unstruck 33 j Unshutting 8* )J Unstudied 33* J Unsightly 9 J) Unsubdued 34 JJ Unsimple 9* J5 Unsubject 35 JJ Unsinew 10 5 J Unsuccess 36 5 Unsinewing zo* 5) Unsucked 37 JJ Unsinned II JJ Unsuitably 38 JJ Unsisterly II* Unsuited 39 J) Unsizable 12 5J Unsuiting 40 JJ Unskilful 12* J Unsullied 4i JJ Unskill 13 5J Unsunny 42 jj Unslain 13* JJ Unsupple 43 J> Unslaked 14 JJ Unsupplied 44 JJ Unsleek 14* JJ Unsuspect 45 J> Unsling 15 Unswayed 46 M 646 PERCENTAGES. Code Word. Code Word. Unswept 47 % Profit Unturn ii per ce Unswerving 48 Untutored IJ * ii n Unswilled 49 i, Untwisting 12 ,, y. Unsworn 5 Ununited Untaken T V per cent Unusage 3 ,> Untalented i Unusual fj Untappice Unusually U ,, Untasted 4 II Unuttered Unteach A i, Unvalued J 5 n Unteaching 1 Unvarying i5* f Untemper Unveiledly i6 i J Untenant * ', ," Unveileth Untendered * , ,, Unvenomous 17 I, . Untearific IT ir i ii Unveracity 9 Unthankful i , n Unverdant 18 , Unthawed Un vicar i Unthinker ii \ ", Unvicaring 19 ii j Unthinking if , Unviolable 5 Unthorny i* , Unvirtuous 20 ' Unthread Unvitiated 20*,, j Un thrift 4 \ ", Unvizard 21 J Unthroned ii- , Unvote Untidiest 2 , , Unvulgar 22 J Untidy 2 i> i Unwarily 22*,, Untillable 2i,, , Unwariness 23 ii j Untimely "8" i> i Unwatchful Untimeous 2*,, , Unwavering 24 ,r 1 Untoiiing 2* , Unweary Untold 2"t ,, , Unwearying 25 17 Untombed Unwebbed f Untongue 3 " r', Unweighed II' 2 ',', . Untonguing Unwelcome 26*,, ? Untooth 3? ii ,, Unwhipped 27 1, j Untoothing 3* ,, i> Unwhole Untouched 4 ,, Unwieldy 2^ " Untoward 4i ,, ,, Unwilling r Untowardly 4* ,, Unwisdom 29 j Untrading Unwise 2 9* II ? Untragic s i, " Unwisely 30 Untrampled Unwished Untrifling 6* ',| ] Unwithered 3 1 Untrimmed 6* , Unwittily 3 1 * ,i ? Untrodden 7 ,, , Unwomaning 3 2 ,i j Untrouble Unwomanly Untruisms 8* ," ,' Unwonder 33 ' Untruly Unwontedly 33*,, Untrussers 9 i> ' Unworldly 34 ii ii Untruthful Unworth 34* Untruths , 10 i Unworthily 35 ?.' Unturbaned !0* ii ii Unwrapping 31 PERCENTAGES. 647 Code Word. Code Word. Unwrinkle 36 per cent Uplooking 170 per cent Unwrtmg 36* 5J ,5 Upper 180 Unyielding 37 5, 55 Upperhand 190 Unyoked 37*5, 55 Uppermost 200 Unyoking 3^ 5, 55 Upperworld 225 Upas j> Uppishness 250 Upastree 39 5, Upplough 275 Upbind 39*5, ?5 Uppluck 300 Upblow 40 ,, 55 Uppricked 3 2 5 Upborne 4* 55 ,5 Upprop 35 Upbraideth 41 55 55 Uppropping 375 Upbraiding 4 1 * 55 5J Upputting 400 Upbreak 42 55 Uprearing 45 Upbreaking 42* J' Upridge 500 Upbringing 43 55 55 Upright 600 Upbrought 43* 55 55 Uprightly 700 Upbuoyance 44 55 55 Uprisings 800 Upburst 44* 5, 5 5 Uproar 900 Upcast 45 5, Uproarious 1000 Upcaught 45*5, 55 Uprooted Upcheer 46 5J Uproused Upcheering 46* 55 Uprush Upclimb 47 5, 55 Uprushing Upclimbing 47* . ,5 Upseek Upcoiled 48 , 55 Upsend Upcoiling 48* , 55 Upsetteth Updrawn 49 * 5, Upsetting Upfilled 49* 5 55 Upshoot Upflowing 5 5 55 Upshooting Upgather 55 5J Upskip Upgaze 60 , J5 Upsoared Upgazing 65 5 Upsoaring Upgrowth 70 , J5 Upspear Uphang 75 , 55 Upsprung Uphanging 80 , 55 Upstairs Upheaped 85 5 5 J Upstand Upheavals 9 , ,5 Upstanding Uphill 95 55 Upstir Uphoarded 100 , 55 Upstroke Upholdeth 105 5 5' Upswarm Upholding no 5, Upswell Upholstery 115 , 55 Upswelling Uplander 120 , 55 Uptake Uplandish 125 , JJ Uptaking Uplay 130 , }J Uptear Uplaying 135 5 J5 Upthrow Upled 140 5 Upthrowing Uplifting 145 ; 55 Upthunder Uplocked 15 >; ,. Uptown Uplook 160 J> Uptrace 648 DATES. JANUARY, j FEBRUARY. I MARCH. Code Word. Code Word. Code Word. Uptracing Usable Vacated Uptrained Usager Vacating ist of Upturning Usance Vaccinator 2nd of Upupa Usefully Vaccinists 3rd of Upupidae Uselessly Vaccinium 4th of Upwafted Usherance Vachery Sth of Upwards Usherdom Vacillancy 6th of Up whirl Ushereth Vacillated 7th of Upwhirling Ushership Vacoa 8th of Upwinding Usnea Vacuity 9th of Uraemia Usquebaugh Vacuolated roth of Uralian Ustilago Vacuumpan nth of Uranic Ustulation Vacuum pump I2th Of Uranium Usualness Vacuums i3th of Uranmica Usucaption Vacuumtube 1 4th of Uranochre Usufruct Vademecum i5th of Uranolite Usurarious Vadimony i6th of Uranology Usuring Vagabond iyth of Uranoscopy Usuriously Vagabondry 1 8th of Uranous Usurp Vagal 1 9th of Uranutan Usurpant Vagantes 20th Of Urban Usurpation Vagarish 2 ist of Urbanists Usurpatory Vaginant 22nd of Urbanity Usurpature Vaginule 23rd of Urbanized Usurpers Vagrantly 24th of Urbanizing j Usurpingly Vaguely 25th of Urbiculous Utensils Vagueness 26th of Urceola Utilities Vaguest 27th of Urceolaria Utility Vainglory 28th of Urchin i Utilized Valentines 29th of Uredo Utilizing Valeriana 3oth of Urged ! Utopian Valeric 3 ist of Urgently Utopianism Valerole For the month of Urgewonder Utraquist Valet During the month of Urginea Utricle Valhalla Early in Urinary Utriculate Validated About the middle of Urinators Utriculoid Validating Towards the end of Urinometer | Utterable Valinch The first week in Urnful Utterances Valises The second week in Urodela Utterly Valkyrian The third week in Urogenital Uveous Vallatorv The fourth week in Uromastix Uvrou Valleys ' The last week in Uroplania Uvularly Vallicula From ist to i5th Urox Uwarowite Valonia From i5th tO3oth (3 ist) Ursidae Uxorial Valorous From ist to loth Ursuline Uxoricide Valorously From loth to 2oth Ursus Uxorious Valour From 2oth to 3oth (3 ist) Urtica Vaagmar Valuable For first half of Urticaria Vacancies Valuators For second half of Urti cation Vacancy Valueless Month(s) ending 3oth (3 T st) DATES. 649 APRIL. MAY. JUNE. Code Word. Code Word. Code Word. Valvasor Variety Veiled Valvecage Variformed Veilless ist of Valvegear Variola Veinlets 2nd of Valveshell Variolaria Veinstone 3rd of Valvestems Variolitic Veinstuff 4th of Valvular Varioloid Veiny 5th of Vambrace Variorum Velar 6th of Vampirebat Varix Velarium yth of Vampirism Vartabed Velatura 8th of Vamplet Varvicite Velella 9th of Vanadous Vascular Velellidae loth of Vancourier Vasculares Veliferous nth of Vanda Vasculose Velivolant 1 2th Of Vandalism Vasculum Vellicate 1 3th of Vandellia Vaseline Vellon i4th of Vandyke Vasiform Velloped 1 5th of Vandyking Vasomotor Vellozia 1 6th of Vanellus Vassalages Vellumy lyth of Vanessa Vassalry Veloce i 8th of Vanfoss Vastate Velociman i 9th of Vangloe Vastators Velocipede 20th Of Vanguards Vastitude Velumen 2 ist of Vanillin Va^anism Velveteen 22nd of Vanished V^P^de Velvetleaf 23rd of Vanishment /Vaticinal Velvetmoss 24th of Vanquished Vatted Velvetpile 25th of Vapidly Vatting Velvety 26th of Vap Vault Venalities 2 yth of Vaporable Vaultage Venality 28th of Vaporation Vaulting Venatorial 29th of Vaporific Vaunteth Vendace 3oth of Vaporized Vauntful Vendetta 3 ist of Vaporizing Vauntingly Vendibly For the month of Vaporose Vauntmure Vendition During the month of Vapourbath Vauqueline Vendors Early in Vapoured Vavasory Veneered About the middle of Vapouring Vedanga Veneering Towards the end of Vapourish Vedantists Veneermoth { The first week in Vaquero Vedettes Venefical The second week in Varangian Vegetables Venenosa The third week in Variably Vegeta Venerably The fourth week in Variance Vegetality Veneraceae The last week in Variations Vegetarian Venerate From ist to i5th Varicella Vegetating Veneration From 1 5th to 3oth (3 ist) Variciform Vegetative Venereous From ist to loth Varicocele Vegetous Venetians From .ioth to 2oth Varicose Vehemently Veneys From 2oth to 3oth (3 ist) Varicositv Vehicled Vengeance For first half of Varied Vehiculary Vengeful For second half of Variegate Vehmic Vengefully Month(s) ending 3oth (3 1 st) 650 DATES. JULY. AUGUST. SEPTEMBER. Code Word. Code Word. Code Word. Vengement Verjuice Vestryman Venison Vermelet Vestryroom ist of Venomed Vermetus Vesuvians 2nd of Venomous Vermicelli Vetchling 3rd of Venomously Vermiceous Vetchy 4th of Venosity Vermicide Veterinary 5th of Ventanna Vermiform Vetiver 6th of Ventbit Vermifugal Veto yth of Ventfield Vermilion Vetoist 8th of Ventiduct Vermin Vexatious gth of Ventilator Vermuth Vexillary roth of Ventousing Vernacular Vexillum 1 1 th of Ventpegs Vernage Vexing I2th Of Ventpiece Vernicle Vexingly i 3th of Ventplug Vernier Viable 1 4th of Ventricose Vernonia Viaduct i 5th of Venturers Verruca Viand i 6th of Venulose Verrucidae Viandry i yth of Verandah Versatile Viatecture i8th of Veratric Versemaker Viatic 1 9th Of Verb Verseman Viaticum 20th Of Verbal Versified Viators 2 ISt Of Verbalisms Versify Vibex 22nd of Verbalized Versifying Vibices 23rd *f Verbascum Versionist Vibraculum 24th of Verbatim Vertebra Vibrant 25th of Verbena Vertexes Vibrating 26th of Verberated Verticity Vibrations 27th of Verbiage Vertumnus Vibratory 28th of Verbose Vervain Vibrio 2 gth of Verbosely Vesania Vibrissae 3oth of Verdancy Vesicated Vibriscope 3 ist of Verdant Vesicating Viburnum For the month of Verdeawine Vesicatory Vicarage During the month of Verderor Vesiculate Vicarial Early in Verdict Vesiculous Vicarious About the middle of Verdigris Vesperal Vicarship Towards the end of Verditure Vesperbell Vicebitten The first week in Verdoy Vespertine Viceconsul The second week in Verdured Vespiary Vicegerent The third week in Verdurous Vespidae Viceking The fourth week in Verecund Vespillo Vicenary The last week in Vergaloo Vessels Vicennial From ist to i5th Vergeboard Vessignon Viceregal From 1 5th to 3oth (3 ist) Vergency Vestiariaa Vicinity From ist to loth Vergers Vestibule Viciously From loth to 2oth Veridical Vestiges Vicontiel From 2oth to 3oth (3151) Veriest Vestments Victim For first half of Verifiable Vestries Victimate For second half of Verifiers Vestry Victimized ! Month(s) ending 3oth (3 ist) DATES. 6: 1 OCTOBER. NOVEMBER. DECEMBER. Code Word. Code Word. Code Word. \T' f- "\7"ir\lcj r* ACI f* "\7"ioi f*n fi on v ictorme Victory V lOiclCLu.C Violaceous V lolLcillUll Visitress ist of Victualled Violascent Vismia 2nd of Vicugna Violating Visnomy 3rd of Vidame Violation Vistas 4th of Videlicet Violators Visuality 5th of View Violently Visualized 6th of Viewhalloo Violetwood Vital 7th of Viewing Violinist Vitalism 8th of Viewless Violone Vitalized 9th of Viewly Viper Vitalizing loth of Vigesimal Viperina Vitally nth of Vigilantly Viperish Vitellary 1 2th Of Vigils Viperous Vitellicle 1 3th of Vignette Viraginity Vitiated 1 4th of Vigour Virago Vitiating 1 5th of Vile Virent Viticula i6th of Viliaco Vireonidae . Vitrify 1 7th of Vilified Virgated Vitriol i8th of Vilipend Virgilia Vitriolize 1 9th of Villagery Virgin Vitriolous 2oth of Villamize Virginal Vitrotype 2ISt Of Villainous Virginborn Vitruvian 22nd of Villainy Virginhood Vituline 23rd of Villakin Virgoleuse Vituperate 24th of Villanage Virgularia Vivace 25th of Villarsia Virgulate Vivacity 26th of Villatic Viripotent Vivandiere 27th of Vinaigrous Viroled Vivarium 28th of Vinatico Virtueless Vivency 29th of Vincentian Virtuosity Viverra 3oth of Vincible Virtuous Viverridae 3ist of Vincture Virulency Vivianite For the month of Vinculum Virulent Vivid During the month of Vinclemial Virus Vivifical Early in Vindicable Visaged Vivifying About the middle of Vindicator Visaging Viviparity Towards the end of Vindictive Visavis Viviparous The first week in Vineal Viscach Vixen The second week in Vinegar Visceraa Vixenish The third week in Vinegareel Viscerated Vixenly The fourth week in Vmegrub Viscosity Vizament The last week in Vinemildew Viscum Vizierial From ist to i5th Vineyards Visibly Vizoring From 1 5th to 3oth (3 ist) Viniferae Visigothic Vlackevark From ist to loth Vinometer Vision Vocable From loth to 2oth Vintagers Visionary Vocabulary From 2oth to 3oth (3 ist) Vintnery Visionists Vocabulist For first half of Viola Visitable | Vocalic For second half of Violable Visitant Vocality Month (s) ending 301)1(3 ist) LETTERS. OUR LETTER YOUR LETTER HAVE RECEIVED YOUR LETTER Code Word. Code Word. Code Word. Vocalized Voluminous Voyaging Of the Vocalness Volumists Vugg ist Vocations Volunteers Vulcanizer 2nd Vocative Voluptuary Vulgar 3 r <* Vochyaceae Voluptuous Vulgarisms 4th Vociferant Voluspa Vulgarity 5th Vociferous Volutidae Vulgarness 6th Voglite Volvox Vulnerable yth Vogue Volvulus Vulnerary 8th Voiced Vomerine Vulnerose 9th Voiceful Vomica Vulnific loth Voiceless Vomicnut Vulnifical nth Voicing Vomited Vulpecular ,. i2th Voiders Vomiting Vulpes i3th Voidness Vomitory Vulpicide i4th Voiture Voracious Vulpinism I5th Volatility Voracity Vulturish 1 6th Volatilize Vortex Vulturous iyth Volauvent Vortexring Vulviform 1 8th Volcanian Vertically Wabbly 1 9* Volcanoes Vorticella Wabronleaf 20th Volitient Votarists Wadded 2ISt Volitional Votary Waddling 22nd Volkameria Votively Waddlingly 23rd Volleying Vouchers Wadhook 2 4 th Voltaic Vouchment Wadingbird 2 5th Voltairism Vouchsafe Wadsetter 26th Voltameter Voussoir Waferers I* 2 7th Voltaplast Vowbreak Waferirons 28th Voltatype Vowelish Waferwoman 29th Voltigeurs Vowfellows Wafture 3oth Voltzia Voxhumana Wagering ,, 3ist Volubilate Voyage Wagework Referring to Volubly Voyageable Waggoner In answer to Volumetric Voyageurs Wagh alter LETTERS. 653 REFER TO OUR LETTER REFER TO YOUR LETTER HAVE YOU RECEIVED OUR LETTER Code Word. Code Word. Code Word. Wagnerite Wallerite Wapatoo Of the - Wagon Walleteer Wapenshaw ist Wagonage Walleyed Wapentake 2nd Wagonettes Wallfrait Wapp 3 rd Wagontrain Wallmoss Warblers 4th Wagtails Wallnewts Warblingly 5th Waif Wallopped Warcraft 6th Wainbote Wallpapers Warcries 7th Wainhouse Wallpepper Warcry 8th Wainman Wallpie Wardance 9 th Wainropes Wallplate Wardcorn loth Wainscot Wallrocket Wardecorps nth Waistband Wallsided Wardenpie i2th Waistbelt Walltent Wardenry 1 3th Waistcoat Walltrees Wardmote I4th Waitingly Wallwort Wardpenny I5 th Waitress Walnutoil Wardrobes 1 6th Waived Walnuts Wardroom i7th Waiwode Waltron Wardship i8th Wakeful Waltzer Wardsman i9th Wakefully Waltzing Wardstaff 20th Wakened Wambais Warehouses 2ISt Wakerife Wampum Warfare 22nd Wakerobin Wandereth Warfaring >, 2 3 rd Walchowite Wandering Warfield 2 4 th Waldgrave Wanderoo Warflame 25th Waleknot Wanghee Wargarron 26th Walepiece Wangtooth Wargear 27th Walk Wanhope Warhorse 28th Walkable Wantonings Wariangle 29th Walking Wantonize Wariment ,, 3oth Walkmill Wantonly Warish ,, 3"t Wallaba Wantonness Warlike Referring to Wallbox Wantwit Warlockry In answer to Wallcress Wapacut Warmarked CABLES. OUR CABLE YOUR CABLE HAVE RECEIVED YOUR CABLE Code Word. Code Word. Code Word. Warmheaded Waspflies Waterborne Of HIP Warmingpan Waspfly Waterbreak ISt Warmness Waspish Waterbug 2nd Warmonger Waspishly Watercarts 3rd Warmsided Wassail Watercask 4th Warmth Wassailcup Waterclock 5 th Warpaint Wassailers Watercraft 6th Warpath Wastage Watercress 7th Warped Wasteth Waterdrain 8th Warping Wastebooks Waterdrops 9th Warplume Wastegate Waterelder loth Warproof Wastegood Waterfall nth Warragal Wastelcake Waterflood ,, 1 2th Warrantize Wastepaper Waterflies 1 3th Warrantors Wasteweir Waterfly ,, i4th Warrener Watchbells Waterfowls ,, i5th Warrior Watchbox Waterfox i6th Warrioress Watchcase Waterguage iyth Warsong Watchdogs Waterglass i8th Warthog Watched Watergruel iQth Warthought Watchful Waterhemp 20th Wartwort Watchfully Waterinch 2 ISt Warwasted Watchglass Waterlaid 2 2nd Warwearied Watchguard Waterleaf 23rd Warwhoop Watchhouse Waterlevel 24th Warwolf Watchkeys Waterlily ,, 25th Washable Watchlight Waterman 2 6th Washballs Watchpaper Watermarks 2 7th Washhouses Watchtower Watermelon 28th Washiba Watchwords Watermill 2 9 th Washing Waterage Waternewts 3th Washoff Wateraloes Waternixie 3ist Wash pots Waterapple Waternymph Referring to Wash stand Wateravens Waterousel In answer to Washtub Waterbirds Waterpipe CABLES. 655 REFER TO REFER TO OUR CABLE YOUR CABLE 1 HAVE YOU RECEIVED OUR CABLE Code Word. Code Word. Code Word. Water plant Wavellite Way wardens Of the Waterpoise Waveloaf Waywiser ISt Waterpower Wavemotion Weakeneth 2nd Waterproof Waveringly Weakening 3 r d Water qualm Waveshell W'eakfish 4rd Waterrails Waveson Weakheaded 5th Waterrams Waxbasket Weakness 6th Waterscape Waxbill Wealdclay 7th Watersheds Waxcandle Weals man 8th Watershrew Waxcloth Wealth 9 th Waterside Waxdolls Wealthiest loth Watersnail Waxflower Weanlings nth Watersnake Waxinsect Weapon 1 2th Waterspout Waxlight Weaponless 13 th Waterstead Waxmoth Weaponry 1 4th Watertabby Waxmyrtle Weariable ,, 15th Watertable Waxpalm Weariest i6th Watertanks Waxpaper Weariful iyth Watertap Waxtree Wearifully ,. 1 8th Waterthief Waxwork Weariless 1 9th Waterthyme Waxworkers Wearisome 20th Watertick Waybaggage Weasand 2 ISt Watertight Waybennet Weaselcoot 22nd Watertwist Waybread Weather 2 3 rd Watertwyer Waydoor Weatherbow ., 2 4 th VVatervole Wayfarer Weatherspy >, 25th Waterweed Waygoose Weaverbird 26th Waterwing Waylay Weaverfish 27th Waterworm Waylaying Weaving 28th Watery Wayleaves Web eye 2 9 th Wattlebird Waymark Webfoot 3oth Wattled Waypost Webpress 3*st Waveborne Wayside Websterite Referring to Wavelength Way-station Weddingday In answer to Waveless Wayward Wedge POINTS OF THE COMPASS. NORTH. SOUTH. Code Word. Weedery Weedgrown Weekday Weep Weepable Weepful Weepingash Weevil Weevilled Wehrgelt Wehrvvolf Weigh Weighable Weighage Weighboard Weighhouse Weighlock Weighshaft Weighted Weightiest Weightily Weightnail Weird Weirdness Weissite Welaway Welcome Welcomely Welcoming Welkin Wellarmed Wellboat Wellborer Wellbucket Wellchosen Welldoing Welldrain Wellfamed Wellgraced Wellhole Wellknit Well known Wellliking Wellloved Wellmeaner Wellmet Wellminded Wellness Wellnigh Woii; /i Code Word. Wellread Wellrooms Wellseeing Wellsinker Wellspent Wellspoken Wellspring Wellsweep Welltook Welltrod Well water Wellwiller Wellwished Wellwon Welshers Weltered Weltering Wencher Wenchlike Wendish Wertherian Wesleyan Westerner Westmost Westringia Westwardly Wetdock Wetfinger Wetnurse Wetshod Whack Whalebird Whalebone Whalecalf Whalefin Whalelouse Whaleshot Whallabee Wharf Wharfage Whartboat Wharfinger Wharves Whatlike Whatnots Whatsoever Whealworm Wheatears Wheaten WVvonffl^oo f\t\ drift (of) rnrl /nf\ extremity (of) - limif irtf\ ot) (of) \ side (of) bounded on the by ) to the (of) at the (of) n f thp rnrl /nH (in) a direction the direction of the lode is the vein runs dipping to the due n ore have begun driving have driven why not drive end of this drift n f fhp ^hnff have cross-cut to the POINTS OF THE COMPASS. 657 EAST. WEST. Code Word. Wheatfly Wheatgrass Wheatmidge Wheatmoth Wheedle Wheel Wheelbands Wheelboat Wheelbug Wheelchair Wheelhorse Wheelless Wheellock Wheelman Wheelore Wheelrace Wheelropes Wheelswarf Wheeltires Wheelworks Wheezing Whelky Whelm Whelped Whence Whenever Whereabout Whereness Whereout Whereso Whereunto Wherry Wherryman Whethering Wheyey Wheyface Wheyish Whichever Whiff Whiffing Whiffled Whig Whigamore Whiggarchy Whiggishly Whilom Whimbrel Whimmy Whimper Whimpering Code Word. Whimsey Whimshaft Whimsical Whimsies Whimwham Whinaxe Whinchat Whining Whinnied Whinnying Whinyard Whipcat Whipcord Whipgraft Whiphand Whipjack Whiplash Whipmaker Whipperin Whipray Whipsaws Whipshaped Whipsnake Whipstaff Whipstalk Whipster Whipstitch Whipstocks Whirlblast Whirler Whirlicote Whirligigs Whirlpits Whirlpool Whirlpuff Whirlwater Whirlwinds Whirlybat Whirrick Whiskered Whiskey Whiskified Whisking Whiskyjack Whisperers Whistled Whiteant Whitebay Whitebeard Whiteblaze of) (of) \ The boundary (of) drift (of) , level (or the level limit ( rf\ side (of) hounrlpfl on frho hv at the extreme pvfpnrlc _. . , /nr to t"hf* "\ ) to the (of) it thp - /nfY it the pnrl fnf\ (in) a direction the direction of the lode is - the vein runs from to the hanging-wall is to the due the vein has taken a bend to urohililp contirnnfrion to in ore have stopped driving why not drive face of this drift is now of the shaft have cross-cut to the cross-cut to the - 6 5 8 POINTS OF THE COMPASS. N.E. N.W. Code Word. Whitebrant Whitecaps Whitecedar Whitefaced Whitefilm Whiteflaw Whitefriar Whitegum Whiteiron Whitelead Whitelie Whitelight Whitelily Whitelimed Whitemeats Whitemetal Whitemoney Whiteoak Whitepine Whitepoppy Whitepot Whiterent Whiterope Whitesalt Whiteshark Whitesmith Whitespur VVhitesters Whitestone Whitetail Whitethorn Whitewash Whitewhale Whitewitch Whitewood Whitingmop Whitish Whitsour Whitsunale Whittawer Whitybrown Whizzingly Whoa Whobub Wholeness Wholesome Wholly Whoop Whopping Code Word. Whortles Whoso Whyles Wicked Wickedest Wickedly Wickedness Wickentree Wickerwork Wicketgate Wicking Wicliffite Wicopy Wideawake Widely Widened Widening Widespread Widewhere Widgeons Widow Widowbench Widowbird Widowers Widowhood Widowly Widowmaker Widowwail Width Widual Wieldable Wielding Wieldsome Wieldy Wifehood Wiferidden Wigblock Wigless Wigreve Wigwams Wigweavers Wildbasil Wildbeast Wildboar Wildbrains Wildcat Wildcherry Wildduck Wilderedly \\Ii 1 r\ Arm p>r f r \ hf* bminrl'Trv /rA rlrift- /nf\ ,, emit ^oi^ rnrl /nft 55 enu ^or^ ,, end line (of) limit fnf\ lode or vein (of) ci H r fnf\ bounded on the by at the extreme to the (of) it thf* - /nfi if tVif fnrl ^nA the direction of the lode is the vein runs the hanging- wall is to the the foot-wall is to the the vein dips dipping to the due a bend to the driving have begun driving have stopped driving have driven ^ pnrl of thi's HrifY face of this drift is now in ore of the shaft have cross-cut to the cross-cut to the POINTS OF THE COMPASS. S.E. S.W. Code Word. Wilderness Wildfowl Wildgoose Wildhoney Wildish Wildland Wildlichen Wildmare Wildrice Wildswan Wildtansy Wildthyme Wildwood Wileful Wilfully Wilfulness Willowgall Willowherb Will o wish Willowlark Willowmoth Willowoaks Willowwren Wimbled Wimbling Windage Windbags Windbeam Windbill Windbound Windbreak Windbroach Windbroken Windchest Winddropsy Windegg Winders Windfallen Windflower Windgall Windgauge Windguns Windhatch Windhover Windiness Windlasses Windlift Windowbars Windowed Windowless Code Word. Windowsash Windowseat Windowsill Windowtax "Windpipe Windplant Windpump Windrose Windsails Windshaken Windshock Windside Windsucker Windtrunk Windup Windway Winebibber Winecasks Winecellar Winecooler Wineglass Winegrower Wineheated Winemaking Winepalm Winepress Winesap Wineskin Winevault Winewhey Wingcovert Wingfooted Winglet Wingshell Wingstroke Wingswift Winnowing Winsome Winterclad Winterer op Winterkill Winterlove Wintennew Wintermoth Winterpear. Wintertime Winterweed Wintrous Wintry Wirecloth HrifY frtf\ extremity (of) limit (r\ f\ lode or vein (of) extreme limit (of) lies to the (or lying to ) at the extreme to the (of) at the (of) (in) a direction the direction of the lode is the vein runs the h&ncrincr will is to the the vein dips dipping to the due a bend to the the vein has taken a bend to probable continuation to driving have stopped driving have driven has been driven why not drive , -* of the shaft drying a cross-cut to the have cross-cut to the why not cross-cut to the you should cross-cut to the cross-cut to the from the 66o ELECTRIC LIGHTING, ETC. Code Word. Wiredrawer . Dynamo Wireedge . Series dynamo Wirefence . Shunt Wiregauze Compound dynamo Wiregrub . Alternating TTT' J T\ ,. ^ 4- st. fvl-rrs-\ *T/-fc1fr' Wireguards . uyn^iiKj iu give vuiLo Wirepuller TXT* amperes Wireropes . 55 >> alternations per second rmT kr ' "vr^lf"^ Wiretwist . gives voitb TTT" -_,1- rt^l 1 T~n r-^-ppq Wirewneel * >? 99 Wireworker , alternations per second Wireworm armature faulty Wiry . . broken down J Wisdom . for electric refining Wiseacres . for vats Wiselike . for Ibs. per hour Wiselings . What is speed of dynamo Wisest . . Dynamo speed is revs, per minute Wishbone . Spare armature wanted Wishedly . Electrical efficiency of dynamo i~ o/ Wishers . )> }> /O Wishfully . Commercial efficiency of dynamo Wishingcap is % Wishywashy . Electric Light Wistaria . Series arc system Witchcraft Series incandescence system Witcheries No. of lamps Witchery . No. of lamps of volts Witchmeal Lamps of volts Witchtree . Lamps of 8 c.p. Witcracker 16 Withal . . ii 32 ,, Withamite So Withdraw . I0 Withdrawal ,, 200 Witherband 3 Withereth . 500 Witherling Withernam Parallel incandescence system Withered . arc system Withheld . Alternating current system Withholden Alternating current Withinside Volts in primary circuit Without . Volts in secondary circuit Withstood Accumulators Withwind . Storage cells A i * - / 4-/^i-o/-Yo ^^llrA -V\* *- YviT^otvi nr\iit"C Witjar . .. Accumulators (or stoiage censy i< ampere n Witmonger Witnesseth E.M.F. of storage volts Electric installation to be carried out Witnessing 9t is carried out ELECTRIC LIGHTING, ETC. 661 Code Word. Witsnapper . I Witstarved . Witticisms Wittiest . '. Wittified . . Wittily. . . Wittiness . . Witwanton Wives . . . Wizardly . . Wizen . . . Woadwaxen . Wodegeld . . Woebegone . Woful . . . Wofully . . Wofulness . Wolf . . . Wolfdog . . Wolffian . . Wolffish . . Wolfishly . . Wolflings . . Wolfnet . . Wolfram . Wolfsbane Wolfsclaw . . Wolfskin . . Wolverine Woman . . Womanborn . Womanfully . Womangrown Womanguard Womanhater . Womanhood . Womanish Womankind . Womanless . Womanlike . Womanly . . Womanpost . Womantired . Wonderful Wonderland . Wondermaze . Wonderment . Wonderwork . Wondrous. . Wondrously . Electrical transmission of power We require to transmit h.p. Distance yards Water power to be used for driving generators bteam ,, ,, ,, J5 . ,, What kind of power to be used for driving generators Generators to be driven direct _ by gearing j> ampereb for E.H.P. to have a spare armature require Electro-motor (or motors) to give B.H.P. for volts for amperes ,, - men lan ,, ,, ,, CAliaUbLCi pumping stamps to be coupled direct Transmit power from motor by belt by worm by spur-wheel Series electro-motor Shunt What B.H.P. do you require voltage do you require system of conductors fall in E.M.F. % allowed ,, speed do you require to run size pulley required Overhead conductors Underground conductors / fall in F M F allowed to be flat crowned -* plated shrouded We require a Telpher line What distance of Telpher line required miles Cars to carry cwt each 662 BANKERS. Code Word. Wontedness . Agra Bank, Limited. Woodacid . . Alliance Bank, Limited. Woodapple . Anglo-Argentine Bank, Limited. Woodashes . Anglo-Californian Bank, Limited. Woodbine . Anglo-Foreign Banking Co., Limited. Woodbirds . Banco-Nacional de Brazil. Woodboring . Banco-Nacional de Mexico. Woodcarpet . Bank of Africa, Limited. Woodchoir . Bank of Australasia. Woodchucks . Bank of British Columbia. Woodcraft . Bank of British North America, Woodculver . Bank of California. Woodcut . . Bank of Egypt, Limited. Woodcutter . Bank of England. Wooddove. . Bank of France. Wooddrink . Bank of Montreal. Woodduck . Bank of New South Wales. Wooded . . Bank of New Zealand. Woodenly . . Bank of Scotland. Woodfall . . Bank of South Australia, Limited. Woodgas . . Bank of Tarapaca and London, Limited. Woodgods. . Bank of Victoria, Limited (Australia). Woodgrouse . Barclay, Bevan, Tritton, Ransom, Bouverie, & Co. Woodhole . . Baring, Brothers, & Co., Limited. Woodibis . . British Linen Co. Woodkern . . Brooks & Co. Woodlarks . Brown (Alexander) & Co. Woodlayer . Brown, Brothers, & Co. (New York). Woodmite . . Brown, Janson, & Co. Woodmonger . Brown, Shipley, & Co. Woodnotes . Capital and Counties' Bank, Limited. Woodnymph . Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China. Woodoil . . Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London, and China. Woodopal . . Child & Co. Woodpaper . City Bank, Limited. Woodpie . . Clydesdale Bank, Limited. Woodpigeon . Cocks, Biddulph, & Co. Woodreeve . Colonial Bank of New Zealand. Woodrush . . Commercial Bank of South Australia. Woodsage . . Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. Woodscrew . Commercial Bank of Australia, Limited. Woodsia . . Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris (Paris). Woodslaves . Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris (London). Woodsman . Consolidated Bank, Limited. Wood soot . . Coutts & Co. Woodsorrel . Cox & Co. Woodspirit . Credit Lyonnais (Paris). Woodspite. . Credit Lyonnais (London). Woodstamp . Cunliffe (Roger), Sons, & Co. Woodtar . . Delhi and London Bank, Limited. BANKERS. Code Word. Woodwasps . Deutsche Bank (Berlin). Woodwork . Dimsdale, Fowler, Barnard, & Dimsdales. Woodwren . D'Obree, Samuel, & Sons. Wooers. . . Drexel, Morgan, & Co. (New York). Woolburler . Drummond, Messrs. Woolcomber . Eives and Allen. Woolder . . English Bank of the River Plate, Limited. Wooldriver . English Bank of Rio de Janeiro, Limited. Wooldyed . . Erlanger (Emile) & Co. (Paris). Woolgrower . Erlanger (Emile) & Co. (London). Woolliness . Fuller, Banbury, Nix, & Co. Woollybut . . Gibbs (Anthony) & Sons. Woollyhead . Glyn, Mills, Currie, & Co. Woolmill . . Grant & Co. Woolpacker . Herries, Farquhar, & Co. Woolsack . . Hoare, Messrs. Woolsey . . Hong-Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. Woolshears . Imperial Bank, Limited. Woolsorter . Imperial Bank of Persia. Woolstaple . Imperial Ottoman Bank. Woolstocks . King (Henry S.) & Co. Woolwinder . Knowles & Foster. Woorali . . Kountze Brothers (New York). Wootz . . . Land Mortgage Bank of India, Limited. Wordbook . Land Mortgage Bank of Victoria, Limited Wordish . . Lloyds, Barnett's, & Bosanquet's Bank, Limited. Wordsquare . London & Brazilian Bank, Limited. Workaday . . London & County Banking Co., Limited. Workbag . . London & Provincial Bank, Limited. Workboxes . London & River Plate Bank, Limited. Workers . . London & San Francisco Bank, Limited. Workfellow . London & South Western Bank, Limited. Workfolks . London & Westminster Bank, Limited. Workful . . London Bank of Mexico & South America, Limited. Workhouse . London Chartered Bank of Australia. Workingday . London Joint Stock Bank, Limited. Workmanly . Manchester & Liverpool District Banking Co., Limited. Workmaster . Martin & Co. Workmen . . Matheson & Co. Workpeople . Melville, Evans, & Co. Workshops . Merchant Banking Company of London. Worktables . Morgan, J. S., & Co. Workwoman . C. de Murrieta & Co., Limited. Worldlings . National Bank, Limited. Worldwide . National Bank of Australasia. Wormbark . National Bank of India, Limited. Wormcast . . National Bank of New Zealand, Limited. Wormeaten . National Bank of Scotland, Limited. Wormfence . National Provincial Bank of England, Limited. Wormfever New London & Brazilian Bank. BANKERS. _ _ Code Word. Wormgear . New Oriental Bank Corporation, Limited. Wormgrass . Peabody (Henry W.) & Co. Wormholes . Praeds & Co. Wormlike . . Prescott & Co. Wormoil . . Queensland National Bank, Limited. Wormpowder . Redfern, Alexander, & Co. Wormseed . Robarts, Lubbock, & Co. Wormshaped . Rothschild, N. M., & Sons. Wormshell . Royal Bank of Scotland. Wormwheels . Schuster, Son, & Co. Wormwood . Scott (Sir Samuel), Bart., & Co. Wornout . . Seligmann & Co. (New York). Worried . . Seyd & Co. Worry . . . Silver, S. W., & Co. Worrying . . Smith, Payne, & Smiths. Worryingly . Socie'te' Ge'ne'rale. Worsening . Standard Bank of South Africa, Limited. Worship . . Twining, R., & Co. Worshipful . Union Bank of Australia, Limited. Worshipped . Union Bank of London, Limited. Worst . . . Union Bank of Scotland, Limited. Worthier . . Union Bank of Spain & England, Limited. Worthily . . Union Discount Co., Limited. Worthless . . Wells, Fargo, & Co. Woundwort . Williams, Deacon, and Manchester & Salford Bank, Limited. MISCELLANEOUS COMPANIES. 665 Code Word. Woundy . . African Gold Share Investment Company, Limited. Woven . . African Investment Corporation, Limited. Wracked . . Agency and Exploration Company of Australasia, Limited. Wrackgrass . Alliance Trust and Investment Company, Limited. Wrainbolt . Assets Realization Company, Limited. Wraith . . British and African Investment Company. Wranglers . British North Borneo Company. Wrap . . . British South Africa Company. Wrappages . Commercial Trust and Agency. Wraprascal . Debenture Corporation, Limited. Wrasse . . Empire of India Corporation, Limited. Wrathfully . Exploration Company, Limited. Wrathily . . Financial Trust Corporation. Wreathes . . Financial Trust, Limited. Wreckage. . Foreign and Colonial Debenture Corporation, Limited. Wreckers . . Hudson's Bay Company. Wreckfree . Imperial British East Africa Company. Wreckful . . Industrial and General Trust, Limited. Wren . . . I nternational Trustee, Assets, & Debenture Corporation, Ltd. Wrencheth . London and Australasian Debenture Corporation, Limited. Wrenching . London and Colonial Finance Corporation, Limited. Wrestling . . London Share and Debenture Company, Limited. Wretch . . London and South African Exploration Company, Limited. Wretchcock . Merchants' Trust, Limited. Wretchedly . Metropolitan Contract Corporation. Wretchless . Mexican Association, Limited. Wriggle . . Mexican Company of London, Limited. Wriggling. . Mexican Explorations, Limited. Wrightia . . Mexican and General Concessions Company, Limited. Wringstaff . Mexican General Land, Mortgage, & Investment Co., Ltd. Wrinkles . . Mexican Investment Corporation, Limited. Wristdrop . Mines Company, Limited. Writable . . Mines Contract Company, Limited. Writerling . Mines Trust, Limited. Writers . . Mining and Financial Trust Syndicate, Limited. Writership . Mining Shares Investment Company, Limited. Writhled . . Mosambique Company. Writingink . National Financial Corporation. Wroken . . Phoenix Trust Company. Wrongdoer . South African Gold Trust and Agency Company, Limited. Wrongdoing . South African Prospecting and Mortgage Corporation, Ltd. Wrongful . . South African Loan, Mortgage, & Mercantile Agency, Ltd. Wrongfully . South African Trust and Finance Company. Wronghead . South American and Mexican Company, Limited. Wronging . Transvaal Mortgage, Loan, and Finance Company. Wrongless . Trust and Agency Company of Australasia, Limited. Wrongly . . Trustees Executors & Securities Insurance Corporation, Ltd. Wrongous . United Kingdom & Foreign Investment & Finance Co., Ltd. Wroth . , . United States & South American Investment Trust Co., Ltd. Wrung . . . United States Debenture Corporation, Limited. 666 MESSAGE. Code Word. Wryly Wrymouthed Wryneck Wurrus Wychelm Wychhazel Wychwaller Wyvern Xanthate Xantheine Xanthium Xantho Xanthocon Xanthopous Xanthosis Xenelasia Xenium Xenodochy Xenops Xenotime Xerasia Xeroderma Xerodes Xeromyrum Xerophagy MESSAGE. 667 Code Word. Xiphias Xiphidium s Xiphodcn Xiphoidian Xiphosura Xylanthrax Xylene Xylobius Xylocopa Xylograph Xyloidine Xylol Xylophagus Xylophilan Xylophylla Xylopia Xyloretine Xylotile Xyridaceae Xyst Xystarch Xysters Yaccawood Yacht Yachtclub 668 MESSAGE. Code Word. Yachting Yachtsman Yaffingale Yagger Yanked Yankeeisra Yanolite Yaourt Yapocks Yapon Yardarm Yardland Yardstick Yarely Yarn Yarnuts Yawls Yawneth Yawning Yeanling Yearbook Yeared Yearlily Yearningly Yeast MESSAGE. 669 Code Word. Yeastiness Yeastplant Yell Yelling Yellow Yellowbird Yellowgum Yellowish Yellowjack Yellowlegs Yellowness Yellowpine Yellowtop Yellowwood Yenite Yeoman Yeomanly Yerbamate Yergas Yestereve Yesterraorn Yestern Yewbow Yewen Yewtree 670 MESSAGE. Code Word. Yieldance Yieldingly Yieldless Yirdhouse Yoicks Yokeage Yokefellow Yokeline Yokemates Yokerope Yoketh Yoky Yolk Yonder Young Youngeyed Youngish Younglings Youngly Youngness Youngster Youth Youthful Youthfully Youthhood MESSAGE. 67] Code Word. Youthly Youthsome Yucca Yulan Yuleblock Yulelog Yuletide Zabism Zacchean Zamang Zamia Zanied Zanonia Zantewood Zany Zany ing Zaphara Zapotilla Zayat Zeal Zealful Zealless Zealotical Zealotism Zealotry 672 MESSAGE. Code Word. Zebeck Zebra Zebraplant Zebrawolf Zebrawood Zechin Zechstein Zedoary Zeine Zemindary Zenana Zenith Zenithal Zeolitic Zephyrs Zero Zested Zetetics Zeticula Zeuglodon Zeugma Zeugmatic Zeuxite Zibeth Zibethum MESSAGE. Code Word. Ziega Zigzag Zigzaggery Zincamyl Zincblende Zincbloom Zincethyl Zincky Zincoid Zincolysis Zincolyte Zincopolar Zincwhite Zingel Zingho Zingian Zingiber Zinkenite Zircon Zirconium Zithern Zizania Zizyphus Zoadulae Zoantharia 2 X 674 MESSAGE. Code Word. Zoanthidae Zoanthropy Zocco Zodiac Zodiacal Zoetrope Zohar Zoilean Zoilism Zomboruks Zonulet Zoocarp Zoochemy Zoogen Zoogenic Zoography Zooid Zoolatry Zoolite Zoologer SPECIAL MINING MACHINERY, ETC. 675 Code Word. Zoological Zoomorphic Zoophaga Zoophagous Zoophilist. Zoophily . Zoophoric Zoophytes Zoophytoid Zoosperm . Zootheca . Zootic . . Zootomist. Zootomy . Zoozoo Zopilote . Zopissa . Zosterite . Zosterops Zouaves Zoutch. . Zygomatic. Zygosis . Zygosphene Zymic . . Zymologist Zymology . Harling's special surveying and mining aneroid, giving readings to single feet of altitude. No. 1086. Stout bronze metal case, 3^ inches diameter, silvered metal dial, vernier scale, moved by rackwork motion, reading lens arranged to traverse the entire circle. Altitude scale to 6000 feet. Compensated for temperature. In sole leather sling case, $ 15^. No. 1087, ditto, ditto, same as above but 5 inches diameter, giving more open divisions, 6. Harling's 6-inch transit theodolite, divided on silver to 20 seconds. In case, with tripod stand, price 26 ics. Harling's portable anemometer, in box, with two dials, read- ing to 1000 feet, with disconnector, price 2 $s. Harling's ditto, ditto, with six dials, reading to 10,000,000 feet, 2 i2S. 6d. No. i, pulsometer with foot and back pressure valves, short length of suction pipe and strainer, steam valve, and set of spare parts. No. 2, ditto, ditto. No. 3, ditto, ditto. No. 4, ditto, ditto. No. 5, ditto, ditto. No. 6, ditto, ditto. No. 7, ditto, ditto. No. 7, ditto, ditto. No. 8, ditto, ditto. No. 9, ditto, ditto. No. 10, ditto, ditto. No. n, ditto, ditto. If pump is wanted with the Pulsometer Engineering Com- pany's special wrought-iron flanged pipe for 80 feet total lift, add this word. If pulsometer is required with boiler, add this word. " Deane " double-plunger sinking pump with one 7-in. and one 5-in. plunger, lo-in. cylinder, i6-in. stroke, capable of raising 4500 gallons per hour, 150 feet high, with 50 Ibs. of steam. " Deane," ditto, ditto, for 10,000 gallons per hour. Please send out the Pulsometer Engineering Company's lists. Ask the Pulsometer Engineering Company, 63, Queen Victoria Street, E.G., to give you quotation for pumps suitable for the work. One patent stone breaker (Jordan's), price 100. One patent centrifugal fine reducer (Jordan's), price ^"250. One patent centrifugal amalgamator (Jordan's), price ^250. The necessary shafting, pulleys, bearings, couplings, gear, belting, and laces for driving, and the necessary pipes, cocks, and connections for the immediate water supply (Jordan's), price ^200. 676 SPECIAL MINING MACHINERY, ETC. Code Word. Zymome . Zymometers Zymoscope Zymotic . i Zymurgy . | Zythepsary One set complete ready for working (Jordan's), price ^800. A suitable steam engine for driving one set of the plant of high pressure horizontal type having cylinder 10 in. dia- meter, and i8-in. stroke, feed pump and high-speed governor, and throttle valve complete. The engine of high-class workmanship and very best material (Jordan's), price ^154. A single-flued multitubular steel boiler, 1 1 feet long by 5 feet diameter, with all the necessary mountings, and fitted with smoke box jacketed to act as feed-water heater, and 20 feet wrought iron chimney 2 feet diameter, the whole arranged so as to require no brick setting or flues (Jordan's), price ^255. Steam and blow-off pipes, cocks and connections between engine and boiler, supposing same to be in close proximity (Jordan's), price 20. Engine and boiler complete as above (Jordan's), price ^"429. Process complete with engine and boiler, and all accessories as above (Jordan's), price ^1229. LONDON ! POINTED BT WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS. HARVEY & CO., L.D., fSlininy tinsinttw, AND MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY. The following South African Mines have been supplied with Machinery by H. & Co,, Ld. ; AURORA AURORA WEST BEATRIC BEN LOMOND BLAANWBANK CANKIN BAMBOO CAPE COPPER MINES COETZEESTROOM DEEPKLOOF DWARSKEI DURBAN-ROODE- POORT EDNA EMMA FERREIRA FORBES REEF GIE APPANTOO HILL'S WATEB- FALL HERCULES HENEOT HOOWICK & ROCKLEY HOUGHTON IDA JUBILEE JUMBO JUMPERS JUMPERS EX- TENSION ZIMBERLEY SHEBA KLEMFONTEIN MAIN REEF METROPOLITAN MEYER & CHARL. TON MINT MOSS ROSE EXTENSION NATIONAL NIGEL NOOITGEDACHT EXTENSION FERAZ PILGRIM'S REST ROBINSON RUBY SALISBURY STANHOPE THREE SISTERS TRANSVAAL SILVERS UMZINTO VAN ROOYEN VAN RHYN WEENEN COUNTY WESTERN LANG- LAACTE WOLSINGHAJtt WORCESTER IMPROVED CALIFORNIA.N REVOLVING STAMPS. Address : 186, 187 & 188, Gresl\ain House, London, E,C, Works: HAYLE, CORNWALL, ENGLAND. AGENTS: S. AFRICA HARVEY, CHURCH SQUARE, JOHANNESBURG. AUSTRALIA McILWRAITH, McEACHARN & CO., MELBOURNE. NEW ZEALAND JOHN CHAMBERS & SON, AUCKLAND. MEXICO READ & CAMPBELL, CITY OF MEXICO. 2 Y 118,000 The "Telegraph Convention" Codes (COPYRIGHT), Compiled by a Staff of the Most Experienced Telegraphists in the World. It may be pointed out to those firms whose Codes are already compiled that the adoption of the ''TELEGRAPH CONVENTION " CODE words will not involve any interference with the phraseology of such Codes. It will only be necessary to send one copy of the "TELEGRAPH CONVENTION" CODE to each correspondent, with the intimation that the words telegraphed will be taken from it, and that the meaning will be found against the corresponding number in the phrase book. These Codes have received the approval of the great Telegraph Companies, and can be relied upon to give the greatest satisfaction to firms starting a new Code or revising or extending the Codes now in use. The object sought to be attained by the Publishers has been the compilation of a vocabulary of words as free as possible from all causes which lead to error in the trans- mission of Telegrams, and it is believed that the extreme attention which has been given to the selection of words in the Eight Languages authorised by the International Tele- graph Convention renders these Codes much superior to any hitherto offered to the public. Less than one-ninth of the words examined have been found suitable for these Codes. PRICE PER PAIR: ENGLISH CODE, containing 36,900 words 6 6 o LATIN ,, ,, 20,710 ,, 440 GERMAN ,, 14,366 330 SPANISH 11,244 ,, 330 DUTCH CODE, containing 10,720 words 2 2 o FRENCH ,, 10,650 ,, 220 ITALIAN ,, 9,815 ,, 220 PORTUGUESE ,, )4 6i i n 6 PUBLISHED AT 1, 2, and 3, SALISBURY COURT, FLEET STREET, LONDON, E.G. Telegrams : [ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.} ** Electrician Newspaper^ London." ^ Telephone, 2714. NOW RF.ADY. I TO CORRECTION OF ERRORS CODE (OT N H D ER ) TELEGRAMS. FOURTH EDITION. 450 large quarto pages, bound in cloth, gilt. The previous Editions of this Work have proved so useful to the Telegraphing Public that several of the leading Telegraph Companies have decided to issue an Enlarged Volume, with the words which many years' experience have shewn to be liable to errors in transmission. By reference to this Book a large percentage of Telegraphic Errors may be explained without the expense and delay of REPETITION, and the Telegraphing community can now to a large extent be guided in the formation of New Codes, or ia eliminating words in their existing Codes which have too gre'at a resemblance to other words having a very different meaning. THIS EDITION CONTAINS ABOUT 70,000 IBI^-AIlMIFIEjES, Selected fiom the EIGHT CONVENTIONAL LANGUAGES, of which nearly Are proved Telegraphic IDENTICALS, and the remainder differ only very slightly in Signal, Sound, or Writing. Thousands of these are the outcome of actual experience. " PRICE 7s. 6d7 Nett. Post free, 8s. PUBLISHED AT 1, 2, and 3, SALISBURY COURT, FLEET STREET, LONDON, E.G. [COPYRIGHT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.] Telegrams: ' Electrician Newspaper, London." Telephone, 2714. Barling's Special Surveying and Mining Aneroid, Giving Readings to Single Feet of Altitude. if? 3 Bt 8.. I 8 ? This Instrument has been designed and constructed specially for the purpose of readily ascertaining slight variations in gradients, levels, etc., and from its extreme sensitiveness will be found of considerable utility in Mining and Surveying work generally. Besides extreme sensitiveness, the speciality claimed for this Instrument is an arrange- ment of the Scale of Altitudes which admits of subdivision by a Vernier, hitherto imprac- ticable, owing to the Altitude Scale in ordinary use being a gradually diminishing one, to which a Vernier cannot be applied. In the present Instrument the action has been so adjusted as to give accurate readings upon a regular Scale of Altitudes, the Barometrical Scale of inches having been made progressive so as to afford the correct relative readings with the Scale of Altitudes, so that the arrangement in no way interferes with its use as an ordinary Barometer. For Mining purposes the entire circle of the dial is graduated to represent 6 inches of the mercurial column i.e. from 2"j to 33. This scale will register about 2000 feet below sea-level to 4000 feet above ; the divisions of the Altitude Scale represent 10 feet measure- ments, which can be again subdivided, by the Vernier Scale, to single feet. The Vernier. Scale is moved by a rackwork adjustment, and a magnifying lens which rotates on the outer circumference of the Instrument facilitates the reading of minute quantities. HARLING'S 6-INCH TRANSIT THEODOLITE, Divided on silver to 20 seconds. In case, with tripod stand, price ^"2$ l(Xr. (Code, Zoophaga), HARLING'S PORTABLE ANEMOMETER, Two DIALS, reading to 1000 feet, with disconnector, price ^2 5s. (Code, Zoophagous) ; or with six dials, reading to 10,000,000 feet, 2 12s. 6d. (Code, Zoophilist). Illustrated Catalogue of Surveying and Drawing Instruments Post Free. W,H, flAI(LING,47,Fii|st)uryPaenieiit, London,, E,C, 2 Z PHOSPHOR BRONZE FOR BEARINGS, SLIDE VALVES, PUMPS AND MACHINERY PARTS. SUPPLIED IN INGOTS AND CASTINGS TO PATTERN OR DRAWINGS. eware of all Imitations, and specify the COG- WHEEL BRAND of THE PHOSPHOR BRONZE CO., LIMITED, 87, SUMNER STREET, SOUTHWARK, LONDON, S.E. Salem Street, ETRURIA, NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE. ALL INGOTS BEAR THE COMPANY'S NAME, COG-WHEEL TRADE MARK, AND THE NUMBER OF ALLOY. MANUFACTURERS OF ROLLED BRASS of all kinds; BRASS WIRE and RODS ; COPPER WIRE (Best High Conductivity and Ordinary). SOLE AGENTS FOR BULL'S PTAL, for Forgings, Stampings,