5293 V7A5 The Beginning of the temperance movement in Vine land Frank De "ette Andrews THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES The Beginning of the TEMPERANCE MOVEMENT IN VINELAND COMPILED BY FRANK D. ANDREWS VINELAND N. J. 1911 The Beginning of the TEMPERANCE MOVEMENT IN VINELAND Compiled by FRANK D. ANDREWS Sec'y Vineland Historical & Antiquarian Society VINELAND N. J. 1911 VI PREFACE . Early in its history Vineland became widely known through its temperance policy, the decisive action of the settlers in preventing the sale of intoxicating liquors and the annual vote against license keeping the town free from the demorali- zing influence of the saloon and legalized liquor traffic. Through this effort on the part of its citizens, Vineland acquired a reputation for sobriety, industry and intelligence, which it has maintained for the half century of its existence. This has not been accomplished without per- sistent work by those who had the best interest of the community at heart, attempts having been made to establish the saloon in Vineland against the will of the people. While many of the earnest workers in the cause of temperance have passed from this field of ac- tion there still remain others who will continue the work so successfully maintained. With the ever growing public sentiment against the liquor traffic the present inhabitants or Vine- land cannot allow the labors of the faithful men and women to be undone or the moral standard lowered. All citizens without regard to personal prejudice should unite in upholding the temper- ance policy established in June 1863. 516187 THE BEGINNING OF THE TEMPERANCE MOVEMENT IN VINELAND. One of the important questions the early set- tlers were soon called upon to decide, was, whether liquor should be sold in Vineland, as it was then in every town and city in the state, or, should its sale be prohibited in the new set- tlement. This was a momeutious question and one on which the future prosperty of Viueland depend- ed, Let liquor in and the character of the set- tlement would change; the bright hopes of the founder would be obscured by such a calamity, and a majority of the settlers being in favor of temperance would not care to remain in a com- munity where such principles did not prevail. A number of the men employed in chopping wood and making roads were accustomed to the use of liquor, so also were a few of the settlers. For the convenience of this small minority and with a view to the profits arising therefrom, one of the grocers, Rollins by name, added ale, beer and porter to his stock of goods. The sale of malt liquors was believed to be but a starting point, if there was no opposition to his venture doubtless stronger liquors would fol- low, hence the importance of immediate action. 4 Mr. Landis, who felt the success of the settle- ment was at stake remonstrated with the offend er, telling him it was against the wishes of the majority of the inhabitants that liquor should be sold in Vineland. This had little influence with Mr. Rollins, who believing he had the right, con- tinued to supply customers with beer. As it became generally known liquor was be- ing sold notwithstanding Mr. Landis remon- strance, it was decided among those most inter ested to hold a public meeting. A call for such a meeting met with a ready response fifty five signatures being readily obtained, as follows: NOTICE We the undersigned, settlers of Vineland, re- spectfully request all persons who are interested in the good order, and the continuance of the same, in Vineland, to meet at the School House, on Wednesday the 10 inst. at 7, O' Clock P. M. for the purpose of considering the propriety of forming a League for the purpose of mutual pro- tection against ,a traffic, corrupting to morals, injurious to health, and in violation of Law. Vineland June 2d 1863 Alex Cole Landou Taylor George B. Swain C W Cutting B Swain Jr David Landis Wiuslow L Fish E P. Morehouse W. W, S. Holbrook. Wm O. H. Gwynueth Geo. W Houdlett A S Hall Wm F, Bassett A F Barcus Wm W. Gifford B D Stewart E R King J. H. Allen Wm A. Morgan Chas. F. Jones. 5 John Wescott f Hoyt H J Barnes Geo W Nabb Chester P. Davis Danforth Clark Walter Davis Joseph Beaumont B Lang Wm Bridges P Gifford Win S Raubenols Wm Webster Wm W Gifford Jr Thomas Dennery Joseph Rollins J V Faunce Wm D Martin S Loomis H E Thayer D, G. Whitcar W. S Smith E W. Reaser Isaac Wilson I Reaser Geo W Pryor S Ganse James H Amsdem Wm W. Cone. J. B Drew Hiram R King Levi B Drew Avery Y. Gates R H Hodgdon Justin H Loomis The school house where the meeting was held stood on the lot where the Grove House now stands. Mr. Landis had built it for the accom- modation of the people, and it served as Vine- land's first public hall until the depot was erected in 1864, when the second story, known as Union Hall, was used for public gatherings. The school house was used for school purposes during the day, and by various organizations and socie- ties in the evening. I can find no record of the attendance at this first temperance meeting on Wednesday evening, June 10, but we may believe the importance of the movement filled the room. Alexander Cole called the meeting to order, John H. Allen was chosen chairman and Timo- othy Hoyt, secretary. The chairman requested Mr. Cole to address the meeting. Mr. Cole on taking the floor, read the following resolutions: "Vineland, June loth 1863. Whereas: Ale, Beer, and Porter, together with with other spiritous and drugged liquors, are kept, drank, sold and trafficked in by persons be- ing in Vineland, to the disturbance of good order. i. Therefore be it resolved as the sense of this meeting. That the traffic in such malt and spiritous liquors is deemed by use to be destruct- ive to the peace & happiness of the community, detrimental to the prosperity and future progress of the settlement, injurious to the health, cor- rupting to the morals, of those directly engaged therein. 2. That we will use all proper moral means to suppress this scourge of our race, and to this end, will shun, and in every possible way, dis countenance those who persistently continue to be engaged in the sale, or in any way, or under any pretence, give their money, influence, or support, in sustaining the unholy traffic. 3. Tnat if measures mild in their character, shall fail to put down this abominable nuisance, we will avail ourselves of such other, and harsh- er means, as may be found in the statues of New Jersey, and in the Internal Revenue Laws of the U. S. 4. That whoever sells intoxicating drinks under the cover of a license, is no less the object of our just indignation and scorn. 5. That we individually and collectively a- gree, pledge, and promise, to, and with each other, that we will not, use as a bevetage traffic in, or in any way, encourage others in the use, or deal in, of such liquors, and that we will, to the best of our several abilities, discourage, help to banish, and forever keep out of Vineland, this unmitigated evil. 6. That we do hereby pledge ourselves, one and all, to withdraw our custom or patronage from any store that may sell alcoholic or malt li- quors either by the Quart or by the smaller quan tity, or any alcoholic tonics, bitters, or medi- cines, or any name under which it may be desig- nated unless by the written prescription of some practicing physician." These resolutions were emphatically endorsed by the people present. A committee was then appointed to canvass the settlement and obtain a full expression of the people, for, or against, the traffic in, and use of liquors. The committee consisted of Alexander Cole, John H. Allen and Rev. Samuel Loomis, who circulated papers headed as follows: "We the undersigned, residents of Vineland. desirous of making our infant settlement for ourselves, our children, and those who come after us to the latest generation, the home of sobriety of virtue, of good order, of good morals, and of temporal prosperity, hereby express our sincere judgement and our hearty desire, with regard to the sale of intoxicating drinks, as a beverage, of whatever form and under whatever name, within the bounds of this community." Vineland, New Jersey, June nth 1863. 8 Names of those who exclude the sale of all in- toxicating drinks in Vineland, and pledge them- selves not to patronize any establishment where intoxicating drinks as a beverage are sold. John H. Allen Samuel Loomis Chas K Landis Geo. W. Houdlette Lizzie C. Bassett Mira A Houdlette Hattie E Drew Alex Cole Lizzie C. Swain. Clara B Cole B Swain Jr Eliza Swain George B Swain Winslow L Fish Eveline M Fish Angeline Cole Wesley Simmons Lydia B Brown Geo. B. Manchester. Herbert Cole Wm. W. Cone Albert D. Manchester Warren J Spencer L G Spencer Wm O. H. Gwynneth W M Gwynneth L. S. Gwynneth Wm W. Gifford. Timothy Hoyt. Emma L. Hovt H. S. Ames Climena P. Allen J. B. Drew Orin Packard Daniel Strickles J. H. Biddle E. P. Morehouse Mary E Morehouse Rhoda Lombard Elizabeth A Barket John McMahan Mrs Jane McMahan Mrs Elizabeth D McMahau Polly McMahan Eliza A McMahan James H McMahan D W Barker Elizabeth A Barker Mary L Barker Wm R McMahan Sarah McMahan J Clark McMahan R A McMahan James McMahan Anna M. Spaulding Mary B. McMahan Augusta Davis R. S. Barns F. C. Cranmer Louiza M Beacham Enos Worzt C. M.Wildes Charles H. Clark E. H. Impson M. A. Impson Eliza J. Loomis Mary E. Bowers Ann Ludham John B. Robbius Cynthia S Robbins John Gibson Mayiet Gibson John H. Haswell Anna S. Haswell Henry Bishop J. W. Day Lucy Jane Day Maryette Perrigo S. A. Bradford Lydia A. Ulich John C. Ulich Sarah Johnson Charles H. Hathaway Andrew B. Hathaway John R. Johnson S. B. Spear Isaac Willson Mrs. E. G. Will sou Henry Willson Elizabeth H. Willson George W. Rifenburg Rnby A. Rifenburg Justin H. Loomis James M. Loomis Wni. Bridges H. M. Holbrook W. W. S. Holbrook Wm. D. Martin James H. Amsden Lucy Amsden Pardon Gilford H. W. Webster A. J. Hamilton C. S. Hamilton Mrs. L. Demmon Willard A.White Maria H. Richardson Mrs, Sarah W. Gifford Mrs. Maria H. Gifford C. J. Rice Mrs. L. J. Rice Mrs. Mary Rice John Rice W. D. Martin Myra S. Martin J. E. Hitsell Wm. E. Carney R. F. Lombard Alfred Noyes Mrs. L Noyes Mrs. Phebe F. Larrabee M Jane Larrabee Ellen Larrabee Edward F. Larrabee Chas. W Cutting J. S. Kuhus W. E. Roberts P. Roberts 10 F. A. Roberts Rufus Sanders Albert Crowell Mrs. W. R. Reede Amelia M. Adams Sylvanus Gardner James Williams John W. Chace J. C. Howe S. E. Howe LtUella Richardson Chr. Wenz Louisa W. Wenz Harriet B. Sanders Hannah A. Howland Wm. A. Morgan Samantha Morgan Hiram R. King Amandia M. King Abby Corlies Mrs. G. D. Corlies G. D. Corlies H. H. Bigelow Ivory Dame Lydia Dame George Dame Brown Emerson Catharine B. Emerson Carrie M. Stratton Amy Boynton Mrs. C. A. Boynton James Stuart John Dennery Thomas Dennery Mrs. J. C. Stafford Milo Hammond Mrs. H. U. Hammond H Z.Ellis Mrs. H. Z. Ellis Rufus Hadgdon Wm. P. Anthony Frank E. Anthony B. Ball Chas. Ives James Bean Pardon R. Francis D. C. Jenkins Mrs. Albert S. Hall A. S. Hall George Pearson Henry K. Brandriff Kate L. Brandriff Richard Vanman Isaac Carlton George M. Carlton Landon Taylor James Beacham Loiza M. Beacham Stephen Hoyt Louisa F. Sykes Robert C. Sykes Geo. W. Pryor T. W. Collins H. Collins D. E. Collins Go. Moody Chevine Moody Charles Moody 1 1 Mrs. C. Moody Susan Harvey John Koffman Sarah T.H. Pearson Catherine Koffman Margaret Pryor Mrs. J. C Stafford Charles F. Jones Geo. L,. Post J. L,auterback Geo. M. Post J. C. Fuller Elizabeth M. Post Mrs. J. C. Fuller Sarah Maria Holbrook G. H. Smith C. L. Holbrook Win. H. Bowen Thomas Bates Wm. F. Basset Mary Bates A G. Warner George lyee H. McMahan William Gould Arthur McGliney Geo. Pryor, aged 84 years Annie T. Harvey Names of those who desire the sale of intoxi- cating drinks for medical purposes, or for other purposes under restrictions. Benjamin B. Bowen William Hilton Names of those who are unwilling to express their opinion. Names written by the committee. I. H. Garry Nelson Stevens Haskell B. Merrill M G. Fisk A meeting was held June 22, 1863, when, after the preliminary exercises, the chairman of the committee to canvass the settlement was called upon to give a report of their labors which was given, as above, and accepted. 12 Rev. Samuel Loomis was then called upon to report his articles preliminary to a Temperance Organization, which were presented and adopted with an amendment by C. K. Laudis. Nominations were then made for President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, a vote was then taken and carried to postpone the election of said officers until Monday evening, June 29. The meeting then adjourned. CONSTITUTION. Article i. This Society shall be known as the Temperance Society of Vineland. Article 2. Its object shall be to promote and perpetuate a public sentiment in favor of Tem- perance Principles, to guard our infant settle- ment from the evils of the grog shop, and of drunkenness, and by such continued vigilance and such timely efforts as circumstances may re- quire to prevent forever the sale of intoxicating drinks on the soil of Vineland. Article 3. The officers of this Society shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Article 4. There shall be a regular meeting of the Society, the ist Mondays of January, April, July and October in each year, and it shall be the duty of the officers of the Society by securing lecturers, and presenting subjects for discussion to give to the meetings interest and attraction and secure (so far as they may) a general attendence. Article 5. Every person who shall become & member of the Society [unfinished.] Article 6. The officers of the Society shall be elected at the annual meeting, the first Monday in January and shall hold office for one year. With a very large proportion of the settlers opposed to the sale of intoxicating liquors, it was proposed to take measures to stop its sale in Vineland. A public meeting in the school house was announced to which all were invited. The farmer left his plow and hoe, the carpenter his saw and plane, the mason his trowel, while the women of the settlement duly recognizing the danger which threatened the peace and comfort of the family and home were also present under the leadership of Mrs. Sarah T. H. Pearson. At this meeting Mr. Rollins was given an op- portunity to defend his position. In his speech, in which it is said he was quite eloquent, he re- fered to the liberty which the laws of the coun- try gave him and closed by defying any one to interfere in his business which was carried on under a license from the United States Gov- ernment. Mr L,andis, in reply, entered at once upon the subject in question: "Should liquor be allow- ed to be sold in Vineland, or should Vineland become thoronghly a temperance town, a refuge for the tempted, and an example for others, un- til the great destroyer should be banished from ever city and town." His speech aroused great enthusiasm and a request was made to Mr. Rol- lins that he stop selling liquor. This he re- fused to and leaving the building went home. 15 As soon as the meeting adjourned it was again called together in front of the school house by some of the leaders, a procession formed, and soon the assembled citizens, men, women and children were marching down Landis Avenue to the south-west corner of West Boulevard, where Mr, Rollin's store was located. Here he was again requested to stop selling intoxicating drinks. It is reported he had received the advice of some friends who had seen the temper of the people, and acting upon their council, gave the required promise. Finding he had lost the patronage as well as the respect of a majority of the inhabitants he made preparations to leave Vineland, George Pearson purchased the lot and buildings thereon, afterwards improving the place and residing there. This attempt to sell liquor in Vineland .o a- roused public sentiment that when an act to es- tablish a new township in the county of Cumber- land to be called the "Township of Landis" was formed, article 19, read as follows: "And be it enacted, That it shall be unlawful for any person to sell any ale, porter, beer or other malt liquor as a beverage within the said township, except it be at a regularly licensed inn or tavern. Article 20. And be it enacted. That it shall be submitted to the people annually at their regular town meetings, to decide whether they shall apply for a license to the court for an inn and tavern licensed to sell intoxicating liquors a a beverage in said township, and that no liceme shall be granted to any person or persons for 16 that purpose, unless a majority of the votes thus cast shall be in favor of the same. ' ' This act was approved and became a law March yth 1864. On the eighth of August the present year Vineland will have attained its first half-century ; during that time it has been kept free from li- censed tavern or saloon. May the descendants of the early settlers who oppossed liquor selling, and the temperance people who have since made their home here, consider it their sacred duty to keep Vineland forever free from the legalized traffic in intoxicating liquors, University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. NON-RENiMBlE ncl U LL/-I Hi 994 DEC 15 JAN 1 1 1 DUE 2 WKS FROM IJATE RECEIVED ( THE LIBRARY OF r AIJFORNiA movement in Vineland. HV 5293 VTA5