LIBRARY OF CONGRESS A LIST OF THE MORE IMPORTANT BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ON BANKS AND BANKINa COMPILED UNDER / ' V '^■^ \ /^' ■'i- /-^ f-2/ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS A LIST OF THE MORE IMPORTANT BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ON BANKS AND BANKINa COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER 1 I2H33 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE » • • • 4 • • • • I > • • • * . • • • • PREFATORY NOTE This List is principally composed of titles of books shelved in the Libraiy, in the section devoted to banks and banking-. There have, however, been inserted the more important treatises in other classifica- tions vrhich refer to the subject. Certain United States documents and Parliamentary papers which possess special value for the study of the subject have been included. Treatises on currency are not included. General treatises on hanl'lng^ its j)rinciples and mechanism^ are Bagehofs ''Lombard street: a description of the money market;" Bolles's "Practical banking;" Conant's "A history of modern banks of issue;" Courcelle-Seneuil's "Les operations de banque;" Crump's "The English manual of banking, 2ded. ;" Dunbar's "Chapters on banking;'' Easton's "The history and principles of banks and bank- ing;" Fiske's '"The modern bank; a description of its functions and methods, etc.;" Gilbart's "A practical treatise on banking;" Indian- apolis monetary convention, "Report;" Macleod's "The elements of banking, 3d ed. ;" P*algrave's "Notes on banking;" Patten's "The methods and machinery of practical banking;" Raguet's "A treatise on currency and banking;" Scharling's "Bankpolitik;" Scott's " Money and banking;" and White's "Money and banking illustrated by Amer- ican history." General histories of hanhing are Collins's "The history, law, and practice of banking;" Conant's "A history of modern banks of issue;'^ Gilbart's "The histor}^, principles, and practice of banking;" God- dard's "A general history of the most prominent banks in Europe;" and "A history of banking in all the leading nations." For the general history of hanks and hanki^ig in the United States there are to be spcciall^^ noted Dunbar's "Laws of the United States relating to currency, finance, and banking from 1780 to 1896;" Knox's "A histor}' of banking in the United States;" Sumner's "A liistor}' of banking in the United States;" and White's "Money and banking illustrated by American history." Other works on the sub- ject are: Baker's "Banks and banking in the United States;" Bolles's "The financial liistory of the United States;" Conant's "A history of modern banks of issue;" Dawes's "The banking system of the United States;" Eliason's "The rise of commercial ])aidving institutions in the United Stjites;" Elliot's "The funding system of tlie United States and of Great Britain;" (iilbart's "The liistory of banking in America;" and Gouge's "A short history of pa])ei' money and bank- ing in the United States." For fundamental material on the Baiil- of the United States there is Clarke and Hall's "Legislative and docu- 3 4 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS mentarv histoiy of the Bank of the United States." See also titles under the heading "Bank of the United States;" Biddle's "Two let- ters addressed to the Hon. J. Quincy Adams; embracing a history of the re-charter of the Bank of the United States;" "A brief review of the origin, progress, and administration of the Bank of the United States;" Catterall's "The first six years of the second bank of the United States;" Chapter 13 in Conant's "A histor}' of modern banks of issue;" Gilbart's "The history of banking in America;" Alexander Hamilton's "The report of the Secretary of the treasury on the sub- ject of a national bank, etc.;" Knox's "A history of banking in the United States;" Documents under United States, Treasury depart- ment, in this List, and White's "Money and banking illustrated by American history," There are numerous discussions of the removal of the deposits by President Jackson noted throughout this List. For State hanks there are Baker's "Banks and banking in the United States;" Barnett's "State banking in the United States since the pass- age of the national bank act;" Barrett's "Modern banking methods and practical bank bookkeeping;" Blair's "A historical sketch of bank- ing in North Carolina;" Br3'an's "History of state banking in Mar}^- land;" Cleaveland's "The bank system of the State of New York;" Conant's "A history of modern banks of issue," chapter 14; Felch's "Early banks and banking in Michigan;" Gibbons's "The banks of New York;" Hadden's "History of earl}' banking in Wisconsin;'' Hinchman's "Banks and banking in Michigan;'' Knox's "A history of banking in the United States;" Merritt's "The early history of banking in Iowa;" Sumner's "A history of banking in the United States;'' United States, Treasury department, "State banks and bank- ing companies,'' forming House executive document no. 42, Twenty- fourth Congress, first session, and White's "Money and banking illustrated by American history." See also United States report of the Comptroller of the Currency for 1876 for a concise history of banking down to the Civil War. Treatises on local haniks of the United States are Cook's "The Phila- delphia national bank;" Domett's "A history of the bank of New York, 1784-1884;" Lewis's "A history of the Bank of North America;" Morris's "The history of the First national bank of Chicago;" Stone's "A century of Boston banking," and Woodward's "One hundred years of the Hartford hank, now the Hartford National Bank, of Hartford, Conn." The so-called Suffolk hank system is set forth in Whitney's "The Suffolk bank." See also a chapter in White's "Money and banking illustrated by American history," and incidental notices in Sumner's "A history of banking in the United States." Special treatises on Amet'icati colonial hanking are Bronson's "A historical account of Connecticut currency, continental monej', and the finances of the Revolution;" Davis's "Currency and banking in the PREFATORY NOTE 5 province of Massachusetts-bay," Douglas's "The financial history of Massachusetts from the organization of the Massachusetts Bay colony to the American revolution;'' Gouge's ""A short history of paper money and banking in the United States, including an account of pro- vincial and continental paper money;" Trumbull's "Plrst essays at banking." Canadian hanking receives specific treatment in Breckenridge's "The Canadian banking system, 1817-1890;" Conant's "A history of modern banks of issue," chapter 16; Cornwell's "The currency and the banking law of the Dominion of Canada," and Walker's "Banking in Canada." General histories of the Ba7ik of England are: Francis's "History of the Bank of England;" Macleod's "A history of banking in Great Britain;" Turner's "Chronicles of the Bank of England;" and War- ren's "The story of the Bank of England." See also Conant's "A history of modern banks of issue," chapters 4 and 5. Histories con- fined to a limited period are Fortune's "Concise and authentic history of the Bank of England," and Rogers's "The first nine 3'ears of the Bank of England." A general history in French is Andreades's " His- toire de la Banque d'Angleterre." For special phases of the history of the Bank of England see titles under the heading "Bank of Eng- land," in this List; Gilbart's "The histor}', principles, and practice of banking;" Godfrey's "A short account of the Bank of England;" Reports of Parliamentary committees under the heading "Great Britain, Parliament;" in this List; Leckie's "Review of the proceed- ings of the committee of the House of Commons on banks of issue, 1840;" Loyd's "Remarks on the management of the circulation, and on the condition and conduct of the Bank of England;" Mushet's "An attempt to explain from facts the effect of the issues of the Bank of England;" Noel's "Les banques d'emission en Europe;" Palgrave's "Bank rate in England, France, German}-, 1844—1878;" Parnell's "A plain statement of the power of the Bank of England;'' Philippovich von Philipjjsberg's "Die Bank von England im Dienste der Finanzver- waltung des Staates;" "Reasons for encouraging the Bank of Eng- land;" "Review of the past and present polic}' of the Bank of Eng- land;" Seyd's "The Bank 6f England note issue and its error;" "Some reflections on the Brief account of the intended Bank of Eng- land,"" and Wolowski's "La Bancpie d'Angleterre et les banques d'Ecosse." For a list of authorities see Stephens's "A contri])ution to the >)ibliograi)hy of the Bank of England." KiKilisJi. local hanl-s. — Grindon's "Manchester banks and bankers;" Pliiliii)s's "A history of banks, bankers, & banking in Northuml)er- land, Durham, and North Yorkshire;'' Price's "A handbook of Lou- don bankers," and Rae's "The country banker, etc.^'* Banking in Scotland \s set forth in the following works: Attwood's "The Scotch baidvcr;" Kerr's " History of banking in Scotland;" 6 . LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Lawson's "The histoiy of banking; with a comprehensive account of the origin , rise, and progress of the banks of P^ngland, Ireland, and Scotland;" Logan's ''The Scotish banker;'' Noel's '"Les banques d'emission en Europe;" Parneirs "Observations on paper money, banking, and ovei'trading; including those parts of the evidence taken before the committee of the House of Connuons, which explain the Scotch system of banking;" Somers's "The Scotch banks and system of issue;" Wolowski's " La Banque d'Angleterre et les banques d'Ecosse;" see also Conant's "A history of modern banks of issue," chapter G. Treatises on hanking in France are Courcelle-Seneuil's "Les opera- tions de banque, traite theorique et pratique;" Courtois's "Histoire des banques en France;" Dartiguenave's "Relations de la Banque de France avec le Tresor;" Des Essars's "A history of banking in the Latin nations, namely, France, Ital}", etc. ;" France. Senat. "Rap- port et discussion d'une petition relative ii la Banque de France et a la Banque de Savoie;" Goddard's "A general histor}" of the most promi- nent banks in Europe, particularly the banks of England and France;" Kalbe's "Die deutsche Reichsbank und die Bank von Frankreich;" Noel's "Les banques d'emission en Europe," and Vigne's "La banque a Lyon du xv" au xviii*" siecle.'' French colonial hanl's. — Denizet's " Les banques coloniales." See also Conant's "A history of modern banks of issue,'' chapter 3. Banl'tng in Alsace-Lorraine. — Lumm's "Die Entwickelung des Bankwesens in Elsass-Lothringen seit der Annexion;" Noel's "Les banques d'emission en Europe," and Raflfalovich's " Banks of Alsace and Lorraine, after the annexation." Banking in Belgium. — Belgium. Banqxie nationale. "Lois orga- niques, statuts, reglement d'ordre interieur;" Des Essars's "A history of banking in the Latin nations, namely, France, Ital}", Spain, Belgium, etc.;" Greef's "Le credit commercial et la banque nationale de Bel- gique," and Noel's "Les banques d'emission en Europe." Banking in Switzerland. — Des Essars's "A history of banking in the Latin nations, namel}", France, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, etc.," and Conant's "A history of modern banks of issue," chapter 12. Banking in Scandinavia is treated in Gamborg's " Seddelbanken;" Jensen's "A history of banking in the Scandinavian nations;" Ki»r's "Om seddelbanker;" Palgrave's "Notes on banking in Great Britain and Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, and Hamburg." See also Conant's "A history of modern banks of issue," chapter 11. Banking in the Netherlands. — Borght's "A history of banking in the Netherlands." Banking in Germany. — Germany. " Die Reichsbank, 1876-1900;" Kalbe's "Die deutsche Reichsbank;" Knies's "Geld und Credit;" Palgrave's "Bank rate and the money market in England, France, Germany, Holland, and Belgium, 1811-1900;" Scharling's "Bank- PREFATORY NOTE 7 politik;" Schulze-Delitzsch's "The people's banks of Germany;" Soetbeer's "Beitriig-e und Materialien zur Beurtheilung- von Geld imd Bank-Frag-en mit besonderer Kiicksicht auf Hamburg;" "Die Hamburger Bank, 1C19-1S60;" and Wirth's "A history of banking in German}' and Austria-Hungary." See also Conant's "A history of modeni~banks of issue," ohaj^ter S. Banl'huj in Austr/ a -Hungary. — NoePs " Les banques d'eraission en Europe," and Wirth's "A history of banking- in Germany and Austria- Hungar}^." See also Conant's "A histor}^ of modern banks of issue," chapter 0. Banking in Italy. — Des Essars's "A history of banking in the Latin nations, namel}', France, Ital}', etc." Italy. Camera dei deputati. "Relazione della commissione parlamentare d' inchiesta sul corso for- zoso dei biglietti di banca deliberata, etc. ;" and Sieveking's '^ Genueser Finanzwesen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Casa di S. Giorgio." See also Conant's "A history of modern banks of issue," chapter 2. Banking in Sicily. — Cusumano's "Storia dei banchi della Sicilia." Banking in Bussia. — Horn's "A history of banking in the Russian empire." See also Conant's "A history of modern banks of issue,' chapter 10. Banking in Finlaiid. — Asp's "Die Geschichte des finliindischen Bank- und Miinzwesens bis 1865." Banking in Spain. — Des Essars's "A history of banking in the Latin nations, namely: France, Ital}', Spain, etc.," and Mirabeau's " De la banque d'Espagne." See also Conant's "A history of modern banks of issue,'' chapter 12. Banking in Portugal. — Des Essars's "A history of banking in the Latin nations, namely: France. Italy, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, Portugal, gfc." Banlxing in Boumania. — Des Essars's "A histor}' of banking in the Latin nations, namel}': France, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, Portugal, and Koumania." See also Conant's "Histor}' of modern banks of issue,'' chapter 12. Banking in British India. — Berg's "Bankwesen en ])anken in Britsch-Indie." See also Conant's "History of modern banks of issue," chapter 18. Banking in Dutch East Indies. — Berg's "De Bataviasche bank- courant en bank van leening 1746-1794;" "Over orondcrediet en hy])otheekl)anken in Nederlandsch-Indie.'' JJanking in China. — .Jernigan's "Banking, currency, and land tenure in the Chinese empire." Banl-ing in Japan. — Kiga's "Das Bankwesen Japans," and Soyeda's "A history of banking in Japan." Agrimdturalljanks. — Casasus's "Les institutions de credit;" Cour- tois's "Histoire des bancjues en France;" Des Essars's "Credit popti- lairt' et credit agricole;" "Dop's " L(^ cn'dit agricole;" Fi'anz's •• Pii^ 8 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS landwirtschaftlichen Kreditinstitute in Preussen;" Great Britain. Parliament. "Cop}^ of correspondence respecting agricultural banks in India," and '* Report on land and agricultural banks;" Hecht's "Der europaische Bodenkredit;" Ileutsz's "Inlandsch Landbouw- crediet op Java;" ''Josseavvs ''Des institutions de credit foncier et agricole dans les divers etats deFEurope;" Lumm's " Die Entwicke- lung des Bankwesens in Elsass-Lothringcn;" Ripamonti's "O credito agricola e os bancos ruracs;" Sayous's "Les banques de depot, les banquesdc credit et les societesiinancicres;" Schulze-Delitzseh's "The people's banks of German}^;" Vigano's "Banques populaires;" and Vliebergh's "Le credit foncier." For works on savings hanks there are Chandler's "National savings banks;" Forbes's "A short account of the Edinburgh savings bank;" J. H. Hamilton's "Savings and savings institutions;" Kej^es's "A his- tory of savings banks in the United States, 1816-1877," and the same author's "A history of savings banks in the State of New York, 1819- 1869;" Laurent's "Les caisses d'epargne et de prevoj-ance depuis leur origine jusquTmos jours;'' Lewins's "A history of banks for savings in Great Britain; " Rose's "Observations on banks for savings; " Scratch- lej^'s "A practical treatise on savings banks;" Thir3''s "School savings banks in the United States;" Townsend's "A history of savings banks in the United States;" and Vigelius's "Handbuch fiir Sparkassen." The laws ofhaiiklng. — An extensive discussion of this subject is to be found in John T. Morse's "A treatise on the law of banks and banking: 4th ed., revised, rearranged and greatly enlarged \i\ Frank Parsons. "-^ The following periodicals on hanhs and hanhing are currently received in the Library of Congress: The American bank reporter. New York; The American banker, New Y'ork; The Banker, a bi-monthly magazine devoted to the bank- ing interests of Pennsj^lvania and the United States, Pittsburg; The Bankers' insurance managers' and agents' magazine, London; The Bankers' journal, London; The Bankers' magazine. New York; The Banking law journal, New Y'ork; Banking world. New York; The Chicago banker, a weekly paper devoted to the banking and financial interests of the middle west; The Clearing house quarterl}", Minneap- olis; The Commercial & Financial chronicle, bank and quotation supplement. New Y'ork; The Economist, weekh^ commercial times, bankers' gazette, and railway monitor, London; Journal of the Insti- tute of bankers, London; The National banker, Chicago; The North- western banker, Des Moines, Iowa; The Rand-McNally bankers' monthh', Chicago; Reports, of the national banks of the principal banking centres of the United States, published five times a year, by the Evening Post, New York. A. P. C. Griffix Chief Bibliographer Herbert Putnam Librarian of Congress Washington, D. C, July W, 190 J^ A LIST OF THE MORE IMPORTANT BOOKS IX THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ON BANKS AND BANKING Allardyce, A. An address to the proprietors of the Bank of Eng- land. 3d ed., with additions. London: AY. J. arid J. Michardsoii^ 1798. 22pp. JiP. Postscript to an address to the proprietors of the Bank of England: with an appendix, and a continaa<"ion of the postscript. London: W. J. and J. Richardson., 1798. [23]-32, 156 pp. r- American bankers' association. Education of business men. 1^. JTtw Yoi'k: Aiiierican hariJcers' association, 1892-1893. 3 vols. 8°. First report of the executive committee for 1877, including the addresses and proceedings before the Committee of ways and means of the House of Representatives, at Wash- ington, 7th February, 1877. New Yorli: Evening post steam, presses., 1877 . JfO p)p- 8^. Bound with Reports of proceedings at conventions of the American bankers' association, 1875-[1892], vol. 1, New York, 1890. Proceedings. 2d-llth, 16th, 19th-21st, 23d-29th conventions. Nefio York: Aiaei'ican hankers' association., 1876-1903. 23 vols, in 15. Plates. Portraits. 8^. Proceedings of the southern and western members of the executive council of the American bankers' association, at St. Louis, Mo., January 8, 0, and 10, 1878, with the addresses presented to the Committee of wa3's and means and the subcommittee of the House of Representatives for the repeal of the federal taxes on the deposits of pri- vate bankers, state and national banks, trust companies, and savings institutions. 2d ed. Neiv York: American ba/ike/'s^ association, 1878. 58pp. 5°. Bound with, Reports of proceedings at conventions of the Ameri- can bankers' association, 1875-[1892], vol. 1, New York, 1890. 32650—04 2 9 10 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS American bankers' association. Reports of proceedings at conven- tions, 1875 to [1892]. I^^eio York, 1S90-[1892\ 3 vols. Illustrations. Plates. 8^. "The proceedings for the years 1879 and 1880, being out of print are omitted." 1877 has title-page and list of oflficers only. Table of contents and index to the proceedings, from 1875 to 1802 inclusive. Compiled by William T. Brant. JVeic To7'k: American ha nl'ers'' association, 1893. lJf7 j)2>- 8^. Bound with, Reports of proceedings at conventions of the American bankers' association, 1875-[1892], vol. 2. New York, [1892]. Andreades, A. Essai snr la fondation et Thistoire de la Banque d^Angleterre (1694-18-tl). Paris: A. Rousseau, 1901. (6), 390, {2) 2>P' S°, " Bibliographie " : pp. .369-.381. Histoire de la Banque d'Angleterre. Ses origines, sa fonda- tion, son developpement. L'act de Robert Peel et son fonctionnement. Relations avec le Tresor. Pains: A. Rousseau, 190 Jf.. 2 vols. 8°. Andre-ws, Mark, eonip. The bankers' guide for the purchase of cou- pons and called bonds of the U. S. Washington, D. C: Gihson brothers, printers.^ 1879. (9) leaves. }^°. The Arguments and reasons for and against engrafting upon the Bank of England with tallies, &c. As they were debated in a late general court of the said bank, considered, in a letter to a friend. [London? 1690?] 16 pp. <§°. No title-page. Arkansas. Report of the accountants, appointed under the act of January 15, 1855, to investigate the affairs of the real estate bank of Arkansas. Little Rocli: Printed at the True Democrat o'ffice, 1856. 192 pp. 8°. Report of the accountants of the state bank of Arkansas. Little Rock: Johnson i& Yerkes, 1858. 167 pp. Jf. fold. leaves. 8^. [Asgill, John.] Remarks on the proceedings of the commissioners for putting in execution the act past last sessions, for establishing of a land-bank. London: Printed., and sold hy the hooksellers of London and West/ninster, 1696. (^), 4^j pp. 8^. BOOKS ON BANKS AND BANKING 11 Asp, Thore. Die Geschichtc des finliindischen Bank-und Miinzwesens bis 1865. Inaugural-Dissertation, Stmsshiuy /. K: C. ct' J. Gudlt-r, 1898. xvl, 113, (2) pp. Tahles. 8^. Atkinson, Edward, The banking principle; or, banking in its rela- tions to currenc\\ [JS^ew Yorl'? 1895^] 9 pj). 8^. From the Xew York Journal of commerce and commercial bulletin of April 1, 1895. AVhat is a bank ^ What service does a bank perform? A lecture given before the Finance club of Harvard univer- sit}', March, 1880. Also, How every man ma}" become his own landlord. Boston: A.Willuiins and conijxmy, 1880. 38pp. J/P. [AttAwood, Thomas.] The Scotch ])anker; containing articles under that signature on banking, currency, etc., republished from the Globe newspaper. With some additional articles. London: J. Bidgicai/j 1828. xiii,{S^.^ 175 pp. 8°. Badia, Jaime. Cartas sobre los bancos de los Estados-Unidos. Jfatanzas: Imprenta de Goblerno por 8. M. y de Marina., mo. 117, {6) pp. 24^. Bagehot, Walter. Lombard street: a description of the money market. JVew Y(jrh: Scrthner, Anm^trong tfc co., 187. 'i.. vlll, 359 pp. 12-. Baird, Henry Carey. Money and )>ank credit in the United States, France, and Great Britain; and their effects on the people in their efforts to associate, to exchange services, commodi- ties and ideas among their several selves. Philadelphia: IT. C. Baird i& CO., 1891. 21^ pp. 8^. Baker, Henry F. Banks and banking in the United States. Boston : Ticknor, diced, and J'iclds, 1853. 50 pp. 8^. Same. Part II, relating to the states of Kentuck}', Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. Cincinnati: C. F. liradley d; co., 185Jf. 56 pp. 8'^. Bangor hank. Report on the affairs of the Bangor bank. Boston: Printed hy Raxxell cfc Gardner, 1822. Hi pp. 8"^. Bank charter. Letters to Lord AUhurp, in May and Juiir, is;32. ]'>\ a citizen of London. London: Ejfinyhani WiUon, 1832. !^ . 12 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Bank-credit: or the usefulness & security of the Bank of credit examined; in a dialogue between a country gentleman and a London merchant. London: J. Gain, 1683. m j)p. <9°. [Bank of England.] A digest of the evidence on the bank charter taken before the committee of 1832, arranged together with the tables under proper heads; to which are prefixed stric- tures and illustrative remarks. Also copious indexes, &c., &c. London: J. Ridgway, 1833. xxU, S96 pp. <§°. The unclaimed dividend books of the Bank of England: con- taining the names and descriptions of upwards of twenty thousand persons, entitled to various sums of money, of all amounts, . . . London: W. Strange, [18J^f] (^), 196 jyp. 1^°. The Bank of England: and the organization of credit in Englana. London: Longman, Green^ Longman, LtoberU, & Green, 1865. via, Jf.62 pp. 12°. Same. 2d ed., revised and enlarged: with the evidence of MM. Isaac and Emile Pereire before the French commis- sion of inquiry into the Bank of France: also abstract of the American free banking act. London: Longmans, Green, Reader, & Dyer, 1866. xvi, 869 pp. Fi'ontispiece {diagram). 12°. Bank of Maryland, Extracts from the correspondence and minutes of the trustees of the Bank of Maryland, published by J. B. Morris & R. W. Gill, two of the trustees, having relation principally to their intercourse with Poultney, Ellicott & CO., and Evan Poultney. Baltimore: Printed hy Jas. Lucas c& E. LC Deaver, 1835. 65 2)p. 8°. Bank of the United States. An exhibit of the losses sustained at the office of discount and deposit, Baltimore, under James A. Buchanan, president, and James W. M'Culloh, cashier. To which is appended a report of the conspiracy cases, tried at Harford county court in Maryland. Baltimore: T. Mmpliy, 1823. 28, xix, (i), 280, 116, {2) pp. Folded charts. 8°. Report of a committee of directors, [Dec. 3, 1833]. [71. p. 1833.'] 16 pp. 8°. BOOKS ON BANKS AND BANKING 13 Bank of the United States. Report of a committee of directors of the Bank of the United States. [Philadelpfiia, 1833.] U pp. 8°. Report of the committee of investigation appointed at the meeting of th'e stockholders of the Bank of the United States, held January 4, 1841. Made to an adjourned meet- ing, held April 5, 1841: also, a report of the Board of directors. Philadelphia, 18^1. 79, (1) pp. 8^=. Report on the condition of the Bank of the United States, by the committee of inspection and investigation, appointed at a triennial meeting of the stockholders, Adopted by the stockholders. Philadelphia: Printed hy William Fry, 1822. 88pp. ' 8^. Report to the Committee of ways and means of the House of Representatives, January 28, 1833. [ Washington, 1833.] 50 pp. 8°. Bank or no bank. [ Washiyigton: PiMisfied hy order of a committee of the Dem- ocratic inenibers of Congress, 18 1^,1^..] 6 pp. 8°. The Banker's almanac, 1851-1894. Mio York, [etc.] [1851-1894]. 63 vols. 8°. Called "The merchant's and banker's almanac" from 1852 to 1856; "Merchants and bankers' register" from 1857 to 1860; "The mer- chants and bankers' almanac" from 1861 to 1872; "The banker's almanac" in 1873 and 1874; "The banker's almanac and register" from 1875 to 1879; "The banker's almanac and register and legal directory" in 1880 and 1881; "The banker's almanac and register" from 1882 to 1886, and "The banker's almanac and register and legal directory" from 1887 to 1894. The Banker's directory, and special list of guaranteed and recom- mended ))ank attornevs. Homans and Sharp & Alleman's ed. Chicago and New York: The Credit co., [1895-1903]. 16 vols. Jfaps. 4-^. Titles vary. First appeared as "The Ijankers directory, lloman's ed." In 1896 the title became a.s above. Bankers' committee on consolidation. An argiuncnt in favor of the organization of a financial corporation and union of banks, together with plans of consolidation. [Detroit, Mich., 1892.] 103 pp. 16"". 14 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Tlio Banking uhnanac, directory, yearbook and diary [1876, 1879-1881]. London: ^187 6-1880. \ \voU. 8^. Les Banquiers et les quatre canges a Liege avant 1408. Introduction: Le double etalon or et argent a Liege en 1328. Bruxelles: G. A, vmi Trigt, 1881. {2), 2W jyp. 16^. Barnett, George Ernest, State banking in the United States since the passage of the national l)ank act. BaUimm\': The Johns Hopkins press., 1902. 117 pi^. Dia- grams. 8^. (Johns Hopkins univei'sity studies in histm'ical and political science^ sei'ies 20., nos. 2-3.) Barrett, Albert Reed. Modern banking methods and practical l)ank bookkeeping. JVeiv York: B. Rhodes (& company., 1902. (^), 325 jyp. Forms. 8^. Bauza, Francisco. Estudios teorico— practicos sobre la institucion del Banco nacional. Montemdeo: Imprenta liberal., 187 Jf.. (^), xvi, 206, (3) pp. 8^. [Beeckman, Daniel.] To the honourable the Commons of England assembled in Parliament. Proposals ... to raise live hundred thousand pounds per annum, to make good the adulterated and defaced coin of this kingdom. . . [London.? 1695 f] 16 pp. l°i°. Beigel, R. Handbuch des Bank- und Borsenwesens; ein Nachschlage- buch fiir praktische Kaufleute, Juristen und Handels- ^ schulen. 2., vollstandig ungearb. und wesentlich verm. Auflage. Leipzig: B. F. Volgt., 1903. viii, 1^15 pj). 8^. Belgium. Banqxie nationale. Lois organiques, statuts, reglement d'ordre interieur. Recueil des documents et discussions parlementaires concernant Tinstitution de la Banque nationale. Bruxelles: F. Guyot, 1872. (2), 378, {l)pj).' 4°. Bell, G. M. The country banks and the currency'; an examination of the evidence on banks of issue, given before a select com- mittee of the House of Commons in 1841. London: Longman, Brov^n, Green, and Longmans, 18Ii,2. xii, [3yi502)p- 16''. The philosophy of joint stock banking. London: Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 18 W' vi, {2), 105 2W' ^°- BOOKS ON BANKS AND BANKING 15 Bell, G. M. The philosophy of joint stock banking, 2d ed. London: Longman^ Broirn^ Gh^een^ and Longmans., 1855. xvi, 166 pp. 8'^. Berg, Xorbert Pieter van den. Bankwezen en banken in Biitsch- Indie. Eene geschiedkundige schets. Batavia: IT. 21. van Dorp, 1866. a-, {2\ WO pp. 5^. De Bataviasche bank-courant en bank van leening 1T46-1794. Eene bijdrage tot de geschiedenis van het banken linancie- wezen van Nederlandsch Indie, Amsterdam: P. iV, van Kampen.^ 1870. xiv, '218 pp. 8^. Het octrooi dor Javasche bank, Aniste/'dani : P. X. van Kampen., 1869. (4^), 90 pp. 8^. Over grondcrediet en hypotheekbanken in Nederlandseh- Indie, Officieele bescheiden met machtigiiig van de regee- ring uitgegeven. Batavia; Ogilvie ct co., 1884. 69pp. 8°. Cover-title. Bettamio, Jose. Tratado pratico da organisayao, administrafao e liquidayao das eompanhias de fundos associados na con- formidade das disposiyoes do companies act 1862, . . . Bio de Janeiro: Typ. do Correio mercantil., 1866. xii\ (:^), 229, i2)jjp. 8^. Biddle, John. Remarks on the subject of a national bank of issue and deposit; with proposals for superseding the necessity of renewing the l)ank charter, still preserving the private interest of that important establishment, and of all other banking concerns throughout the kingdom. Addressed to the Parliamentary committee appointed to inquire into the state of banks of issue, and of banking generally. Leainington: G. C. Liehenrood, 184-1. 15 pp. Folded sheet. 8°. Biddle, Nicholas. Two letters addressed to the Hon. J, Quincy Adams; embracing a history of the re-charter of the Bank of the United States; and a view of the present condition of the currency. London: J \'J ham Bichardson, 1837. 20 p)p. S^. Blair, "\V. A. Banks of issue. Winston, X. C. : Lrini'>np. 8-. Money, banking, and finance. JVew York, [etc.]: American hook company, [1903]. 336 pp. 12°. The national bank act, and its judicial meaning, with an appendix, containing ofiicial instructions and rules relating to the formation and management of national banks. United States bonds, and the issue and redemption of coins and currency. JVew York: Ilomans piihlishing company, 1888. xix, (1), 376 pp. 8°. BOOKS ON BANKS AND BANKING 17 Bolles, Albert Sidne3\ Pi'actical ])anking. jVcw Y^i>rl.' Ilotnans jXiMlsIung company^ ISSlf.. xii,316 j)2J- IBollmann, Erick.j Paragniphs on banfes. Philadelphia: C. c^ A. Conrad c& co., 1810. vi, 73 jyj}. S'^. Sa?Jie. 2d ed., improved. Philadelphia: O. <& A. Coiirad c& co., 1811. io., [9]-122 pp. 16°. Borght, Richard van der. A historj^ of banking in the Netherlands. {In A history of banking in all the leading nations, vol. 4, pp. 189-371. NewVork, 1896. L.8°.) Bosanquet, Bernard Tindal. Our banking system: and the sufficiency or insufficiency "of our cash reserves. London: E. Wilson ds co..^ 1892. SJpj'P- 8^. Bourne, Edward G. The history of the surplus revenue of 1837, being an account of its origin, its distribution among the states, and the uses to which it was applied. Weio York (& London: G. P. Putnani's sons, 1885. viii, 161 pp. i^°. {Questions of the day, no. 2. 'f..) Boyd, C. R. The available banking margin and a sufficient volume of sound currency. Wijtheville, Va., 189^. 26 pp. 8'^. \ Breckenridge, Roeliff Morton. The Canadian banking system, 18l7- ibyo. JVeio York: Macmillan cfe company, \1895\. p'6 p)>. Folded chart. Folded tables. 8^. {Aniericayi economic associa- tion. PuMications, vol. 10, nos. 1-3.) Bibliography, pj). 471-476. A Brief outline for a national bank, by a native citizen. Cincinnati, 1837. 8 pp. 8°. Caption-title. A Brief review of the origin, progress, and administration of the Bank of the United States, to the present time: respectfully submitted to the stockholders. l>y a friendlj' monitor. 2d cd. Republished, Septem})or 20, 1822. [ Fhiladelph !a, 1822. J {2) , U pp. 12°. 32650—04 3 18 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS B[riscoe] J[ohn], A discourse on the late funds of the million-act, lottery-act, and Bank of England. Shewing, that they are injurious to the nobility and gentry, and ruinous to the trade of the nation. Together with proposals for the supplying their majesties with mone}' on eas}^ terms. Jjojidoji: 1694-. iv^ 56 pp. 8^. Bronson, Henry. A historical account of Connecticut currency, coi:- tinental money, and the finances of the Revolution. {In New Haven colony historical sotnety. Papers, vol. 1, (2), ix, 192 pp. New Haven, 1865. 8°. ) Brough, William. Open mints and free banking. N&vo York cfe London: G. P. PutnarrCs sons, 1898. viii, (^), 179 pjy. m."" Browne, ^\"illiara. Banking. Reasons in support of a bill for ren- dering country bankers' circulation invariable, and con- vertible into a metallic currency, and for granting licenses to chartered banks. London: natchett and son ^ 1832. 12 pp. J/P. Bryan, Alfred Cookman. Histor\^ of state banking- in Maryland. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins ptvss, 1809. D^li. pp. 8~'. (Johns Hopkins university studies in histm'ieal and political science., 17th sei'., 1—3.) Bibliography, pp. 141-144. Bullock, Charles ,h Essays on the monetary history of the United States. IVew York: The MacviiUan cornpamj, 1900. x, (2), 292pp. 12^. {The citizen'' s lihrary.) " State banks of issue," pj). 79-93. Burgess, Henry. The appeal of Henry Burgess to the country bankers of England and Wales; on matters affecting their interests and character. London: Priuiedly C. Smith, 1827. 70pp. <9". C, R. A letter to a friend concerning usury. Wherein are men- tioned all the arguments formerh' written for and against the abatement of interest. Collected out of four tracts on that subject: One by Sir T. Culpeper senior, in 1621. Another by Sir T. Culpeper junior, in 1068. The third by Sir J. Child, in 1668. And the fourth by T. Manley, in 1669. Londfm, 1690. (2), 30 pp. 2J^°. BOOKS ON BANKS AND BANKING 19 Calhoun, John C. Remarks . . . delivered hi the Senate of the United States, January 13, 1831, on the subject of the removal of the deposites [sic] from the Bank of the U. States. Washington, 183 J^. 16 pp. 8°.-^ Cannon, Henrj- \Y. Banking and currency. {InThe Union college practical lectures (Butterfield course), vol. 1, pp. 351-369. New York, 1895. 8°.) Cannon, James Graham. Clearing'-houses; their history-, methods and administration. JVeiv York: D. Ajjjyleton hia: PubUsht-d hy the authoi\ 1811. viii., [^15}-80 pp. 8"". Letters to the directors of the banks of Philadelphia. Philadelphia: Printed and pmljUshed hy the aut/ior, 1816. xiv, [9]-80pp. 12°. Kcfiections on the present system of banking, in the city of Philadelphia. With a plan to revive confidence, trade, and commerce, and to facilitate the resumption of specie paj'- ments. Philadelphia: PiMlshedhy the author, 1817. 30 p)p. 5°. Carlile, William Warrand. The evolution of modern money. XeioYorl-: The Macmillanco., 1901. xxiii, 373, {1) 2>p- 8^. Carroll, Ivlward, y'/-. Principles and practice of tinance; a practical guide for bankers, merchants, and lawyers. Together with a sunmiar}' of the national and state banking laws, and the legal rates of interest, tables of foreign coins, and a glos- sary- of commercial and financial terms. Nev) Y'lrl-, London: (I. /'. /*atnarn\^ sons, 1895. vii, (7), 311 j>p. 8' V- 20 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Gary, John. An essay towards the setlement of a national credit, in the kingdom of Enoland, humbly presented to the two . houses of Parliament. Lomhn: F. Colllm, IGDG. (^), 19 pp. 12°. Casasus, Joaqufn D. La oucstion de los bancos a la luz de la econ- omia politica y del derecho constitucional. Mexico: Impr. de F. D. de Leon., 1885. 2U, (2) j)j). 8°. Les institutions de credit; etude sur leurs fonctions et leur organisation. Bruxelles: 0. Schepens c6 anl\ 1003. 220 pp. Frontispiece. Plates. Portraits. Facsiniiles. 8^. Cornwell, "William C. The currenc}^ and the bankino- law of the Dominion of Canada considered with reference to currency reform in the United States. New York: G. P. Putnants sons., 1895. (2), Hi, 86 pp>. ^°. Courcelle-Seneuil, Jean Gustave. Les operations de banque, traite theorique et pratique. 7. ed., rev. et mise a jour par A. Liesse. Paris: Guillaumin et cie. , 1896 . xxiv, 668 jyp- 8^. Courtois, Alphonse Charles. Histoire des banques en France. 2. ed., avec un portrait de Law d'apres Rigaud, grave par Schmidt. Paris: Guillaumin et cie., 1881, mi, 375 j^p- Frontispiece {portrait.^ 8°. {Publicistes et economistes contenqyorains.^ Crump, Arthur. The English manual of banking. 2d. ed., revised and enlarged. London: Longman^ s. Green, c& co., 1877. xvi, 375 pp. 5°. A practical treatise on banking, currencj^, and the exchanges. London: Longmans, Green, and co., 1866. xiv,251i.jjp. 12^. Cusumano, Vito. Storia dei banchi della Sicilia. Roma: E. Loescher <& c.° \etc.\ 1887-1892. 2 vols. 8"". Dartiguenave, Aj^mard. Relations de la Banque de France avec le i resor. Paris: Lihrairie de la Societe du recueil general des lois et des arrets [etc.], 1902. {4), 206 jn^- 8^- Davis, Andrew McFarland. Currency and banking in the province of Massachusetts-bay. New York: For the American economic association, hy the Macmillan co., 1901. 2 vols. Plates. 8^. {American economic association. Publications. ) Contents: pt. 1. Currency; pt. 2. Banking. Da-wes, Charles G. The banking system of the United States and its relation to the mone}- and business of the countr}-. Chicago: Rand, McNally <& company, 189Jt.. 83 pp. 12^. Denizet, Pierre. Les banques coloniales. Paris: A. Redone, 1899. 2J^8 jyj^. 5°. BOOKS ON BANKS AND BANKING 23 A Description of the Office of credit; hj the use of which, none can pos.sibbh' sustain loss, but every man ma}- cei'tainl}' receive great gain and wealth. AVith a plain demontration [!J how a man may trade for six times his stock, and never be trusted; and that (if generally received) there can after- wards no accident happen to cause a deadness or slowness of trade, except warrs, nor need men make an}- more bad debts. With divers other publick and paivate [!] conven- iences and profits: as also objections hitherto made against it, largely and fully answered. London : Printed by the orde)' of the Society, for T. Roolcs^ 1665. {l^\26,{2)2)p. 8-. "The Society" by whose order this tract was printed was appar- ently the "Society governing the Office of credit," mentioned on p. 3. Des Essars, Pierre. Credit populaire et credit agricole. {In Revue internationale du commerce, 5. annee, Dec. 31, 1903, pp. 839-847. ) A history of banking in the Latin nations; namely: France, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, Portugal, and Roumania. (/?i A History of banking in all the leading nations, vol. 3, pp. 1-391. New York, 1896. L. 8°.) ff Dil-worth, James A. B. Free banking a natural right. New York and London: Continental publishing co.^ 1897. 212 pp. 16^. Domett, Henry W. A history of the bank of New York, 1784-1884. Compiled from official records and other sources at the request of the directors. New York: G. P. Putnam'' s sons .,188 Jf.. xv,{l)136jjp. Plates. Portraits. Facsimiles. 8^. Dop, Louis. Le credit agricole. Le credit foncier de France dans le role de banque centrale. Avec une preface de Daniel Zolla. Paris: V. Giard cfe E. Briere, 1901. (2), xxxviii, 28J(. pp. 16"^. Douglas, Charles lienry James. The financial history of Massachu- setts from the organization of the Massachusetts Ba}^ colony to the American revolution. [Neio York], 1892. ix, [ll]-lJ!^8, {2) pp. 8^. Bibliography: pp. 138-148. Same. (/n Columbia university. Faculty of political science. Studies in history, economics, and i)ublic law. 2<1 cd., vtil. I, no. 4, pp. 249-396. New York, 1897. 8°.) 24 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Diiane, William J. Narrative and correspondence concerning the removal of the deposits, and occurrences connected there- with. PhUadelphia, 1838. (^), 176 2)p. <§°. Dun, John. British banking statistics; with remarks on the bullion reserve and non-lcgal-tender note circulation of the United Kingdom. London: Khrard Stanford, 1876. (p,,ii, 189 pp. .§# " Reprinted from the Journal of the Statistical society." Dunbar, Charles Franklin. Chapters on banking. Cambridge, [Mass.\ 1885. 117, (2) j^p. 12^. Chapters on the theor}' and history of banking. Xew Yorl-: G. P. Putnam'' s sons, 1891. vi, 199 pp. 12^. A revision of the author's "Chapters on banking." 1885. Same. 2d ed., enl.; ed. by O. M. W. Sprague. New York and London: G. P. Putnavi's sons, 1901. viii, {2) 252 p2). 12"". ' comp. Laws of the United States relating to currency, finance, and banking from 1789 to 1891. Boston: Ginn and company, 1891. 309 i)p>. 8^. Same. 1789-1896. Rev. ed. Boston: Ginn and compa7iy, 1897. 310 j)]). 8^. Duncan, Henry. An essay on the nature and advantages of parish banks: together with a corrected copy of the rules and regulations of the parent institution in Ruth well. Edinburgh: Printed for Oliphant, Waugh ch Innes and A. Constable d? co., 1815. 28 ])p. Tables. 8^ Duryea, John B. A practical treatise on the business of banking and commercial credits. Pes Moines: Published by the author, 1892. (^), J!i32 jyp- 8^. Easton, H. T. Banks and banking. London: K Wilson, 1896. vi, {2), 219 pp. 6'^. The history and principles of banks and banking. New ed. London: Effingham Wilson, 190 Jf. 8^. "While its pages do not pretend to contain any great amount of original information, the prominent features and tendencies of mod- ern banking in England are brought together in convenient form." — Institute of Bankers' Journal, June 1904: 384- BOOKS ON BANKS AND BANKING 25 Eckels, James H. The methods of banking. {In Hatfield, Henry Rand. Lectures on commerce, pp. 243-253. Chicago, 1904. 8°.) Eliason, Adolph Oscar. The rise of commercial banking institutions in the United States. Minnea_poIis, 2Iinn.: {University press\ 1901. 69 i^p- 5°- "Bibliography:" pp. 66-69. Elliot, Jonathan. The funding system of the United States and of Great Britain, with some tabular facts of other nations touching the .same subject. Washington: Blair and Rives., 1845. xxiv, 1299 jpp. 8°. ( U. S. %8th Congress., 1st session. House document no. 15.) Pelch, Alpheus. Earh' banks and banking in Michigan, {In U. S. 52d Congress, 2d session. Senate executive document no. 38, parti, pp. 72-83. Washington, 1893. 8°.) Ferraris, Carlo Francesco. Principii di scienza bancaria. Milano: U. Hoepli, 1892. xi^ (2), 445 pp. 8^. {Studi giiiridici e politici. ) Fisk, Theophilus. The banking bubble burst: being a historj^ of the . . . American banking system. Charleston, S. C, 1837. 88 j^p. 5°. Fiske, Amos Kidder. The modern bank; a description of its func- tions and methods and a brief account of the development and present systems of banking. Neto York: D. Appleton and company^ 1904. xii., 3^8 pp. Frcfiiti^piece. Illustrations. Folded chart. Forms. 12°, {Appleton'' s hnsiness series.) Forbes, John Ha}'. A short account of the Edinburgh savings' bank, containing directions for establishing similar ])anks, with the mode of keeping the accounts, and conducting the details of business. 3d ed. Fdinhurgh : Printed for J. Anderson and co. , 1815. 24 pp. 8°. Forbes, ^iir William. Memoirs of a banking-house. London and Edinburgh: TU and R. Chamhers., 1860. ia?, (i), 91 pp. Frontispiece {portrait). 8°. Fortune, E. F. Thomas. Concise and authentic histoiy of the Bank of P^ngland. A\'ith dissertations on metals and coin, bank notes and bills of exchange. To whicii is added, their charter. Jid ed., with considerable additions. London: Printed for T. Boosey, 1802. {12), 134 j^p. 16°. 326r>0— 04 4 26 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS Fortune, E. F. Thomas. The history of the Bank of England, from the establishment of that institution to the present da}". London: Printed for Allen and CO., [1796]. 110,60 jyp. 1^^. France. Senaf. Rapport et discussion d'une petition relative a la Bancjue de France et a la Banque de Savoie. Seances du Senat des 20 et 30 mai 1864. Paris: Typogra])hie E. PanckoucJceet cie., 186J{.. 205 pp. 8^. "Extrait du Moniteur universel des 21 et 31 mai 1864." Francis, John, History of the Bank of P^ngland, its times and tra- ditions. London: Willoughhy ds co. [etc.\ 181f7. 2 vols. 8^. History of the Bank of England, its times and traditions, from 1694 to 1844. 1st Am. ed. with notes, additions and an appendix ... to the close of 1861, ... by J. S. Homans. JVeiv York: Office of the Banker'' s magazine., 1862. (2), viii, [13]-476pp. Frontispiece. 8^. Francis, Joseph Hume. History of the Bank of England. Chicago., Illinois: Euclid publishing company, 1888. 301 pp. Frontispiece. 8°. Franz, Robert. Die landwirtschaftlichen Kreditinstitute in Preussen. Ihre rechtlichen und finanziellen Verhiiltnisse und ihre geschichtliche Entwickelung. Berlin: F. Schneider i& co., 1902. xvi, 401 pp. 8°. Friihauf, Adalbert. Die Gruppenbank, Versuch eines sozialen Umbaues durch genossenschaftliche Selbsthilfe. Dresden und Leipzig: F. Pierso7i, 1903. viii, 152 pp. 8^. Gallatin, Albert. Suggestions on the banks and currency of the several United States: in reference principally to the sus- pension of specie payments. [With appendix: documents respecting the resumption of specie payments in the year 1838.] Mw York: Wiley and Putnaia, 18 U. (^), 9-12^ j^P- 8^ - G-allatin, James. Letter to Hon. Wm. P. Fessenden, senator of the United States. The proposed United States banking sys- tem, and further issues of legal tender. New York: J. W. Amerma7i, 1863. 11 jyp. 8°. BOOKS ON BANKS AND BANKING 27 Gamborg, J. C. Seddelbanken. En kritisk frem8tilliiig af grund- saetning-erne for seddelbankers indrctning- og virksomhcd med saerligt hensj'iitil de skandinaviskc yeddelbankeri deres nuvffirende skikkelse. Kristiania: P. T. Mailings Ifoghandel^ 1877. «/, (-5), 221 pp. 8°. G-arrigos, O. El banco de la provincia. Buenos Aires: Imprenta de Pablo E. Coni., 1873. 311^ (5), Ixxii, (3) pp. ^°. G-ermany. I>drsen-e7iquete-ko/nmissio?i. Bericlit der Borsen-euquete- kommission. Beiiin: Gedruckt in der Reichsdruckerei., 1893. (5), 190 pp. ^°. Die hauptsilchlichsten Borsen Doutschlaiuis und dcs Aius- lande.s, ihre Orgauisationen, Einrichtiingvn, Gebniuclie u. s. w. dargestellt auf Grund der durch das Auswiirtige amt des Deutschen Reichs bezw. das Koniglich preussische Ministerum fiir Handel und Gewerbe beschaften Original- Materialien. Berlin: Gedruckt in der Peichsdruckei'ei, 1892. (^), 186 pp. JfP. Reichsbank. Die Reichsbank, 1876-1900. Berlin: Gedruckt in der Reiclisdruckerei., Kommissionsverlag von G. Fischer. Jena, {190 1\. xi.,lf.85 pp. Foldedniap. JfP. Greyer, Philipp Joseph. Theorie und Praxis des Zettelbankwesens, nebst einer Charakteristik der englischen, franzosischen & preussischen Bank. Munchen: E. A. Fleischmann {A Riegner)., 1867. xi, 352 jjp. 8^. Gibbons, James Sloan. The banks of New York; their dealers, the clearing house, and the panic of 1857. JVew York: D. Appleton (& co., 1859. xii, 9-399 pp. Plates. Folded chart. 12°. Gilbart, .lames William. The history' and principles of banking. London: Longman., Rees., [etc.], 183]^. vi, (2), 220pp. 5°. The history, principles, uiui practice of lianking. New cd., rev. to the present date, by A. 8. INIichie. Lofido/i: G. Bell and sons, 1882. 2 vols. Frontispiece {portrait). 12'^. {Bohn's economic libranj.) 28 LIBRARY OF CONGKESS Gilbart, James "William. The history of banking in America: with an inquiry how far the banking institutions of America are adapted to this country; and a review of the causes of the recent pressure on the money market. London: Longman, Bees, [etc.], 1837. xii, W7, {1) pp. 8°. The logic of banking: a familiar exposition of the principles of reasoning, and their application to the art and the science of banking. London: Longman, Bromn, Green, \etc.'\, 1859. xi, (1), 605, (1) pp. i^". A practical treatise on banking, -ith ed. London: Longman, Bees, Orme, [etc. \ 1836. ix,{3), 178 p>P' 8^. Same. 5th ed. London: Longman, Broum, [etc.], 1849. 2 vols. Portrait. Plate. 8^. Grilman, Theodore. Federal clearing houses. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin <& co., 1899. x, ^89 pp. 12°. G-oddard, Thomas H. A general history of the most prominent banks in Europe: particularly^ the banks of England and France; the rise and progress of the Bank of North America; a full history of the late and present Bank of the United States [etc.]. Neiv York: H. C. Sleight, 1831. 25J^pp. 8^. Grodfrey, Michael. A short account of the Bank of England. Reprinted. [Londonf 169-f] 12 pp. 8°. No title-page. Gotha. Lehensversicherung shank. Aus der Praxis - der Gothaer Lebensversicherungsbank. Versicherung-Statistisches u. - Medizinisches. Bearb. von Professor Dr. Karup, Dr. med. Gollmer und Dr. med. Florschiitz. Hrsg. vom Vorstand der Gothaer Lebensversicherungsbank a. G. zur fiinfund- siebenzigsten Wiederkehr des Griindungstages der Bank. Jena: G. Fischer, 1902. mii, (2), 520 pp. Tahles. 8^ ?o Gouge, William M. The curse of paper-mone}^ and banking; or, A short history of banking in the United States of America. To which is prefixed an introduction by William Ccbbett. London: [Mills, Jowett, and Mills], 1833. xxii, (2), 200 pp. 12"^. BOOKS ON BANKS AND BANKING 29 Gouge, ^yilli:nn ]\1. An inquiry into the expediency of di.■^pensing with bank agenc}' and bank paper in the fiscal concerns of the United- States. PKiladelplna: Prhitedhy William Stavely^ 1837. 56pp. 8°. A short history of paper money and banking- in the United States, including an account of provincial and continental paper money; to which is prefixed an inquiry into the prin- ciples of the system. Philadelphia: Printed ly T. TT. Vstick, 1833. xii, llfi, ^Ifi^yp. 16^. Same. 2d ed. JSfeio - Tm^Jc: B. & S. Collins, 1835. J^, (^), [5]-^^ pp. 8-. Great Britain. Parliament. Reports of the Lords' committee of secrecy. [Ordered to be printed 3d March, 7th March, 21st April, 1797.] 3 pts. in 1 vol. F-. On affairs of the Bank of England. Committee of secrecy on the Ban I- of England charter. Report, with the minutes of evidence, appendix and index. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 11 August 1832. 488. 189 pp. F". {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1831-2, vol. 6.) Secret committee on joint stock hanhs. Report, together with the minutes of evidence and appendix. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 20 August 1836. xii, 251 pp. F^. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1836, vol. 9.) Report, together with the minutes of evidence, appendix and index. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 15 July 1837. iv, 304, 174, 93 pp. F°. (In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1837, vol. 14.) Same. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 25 July 1838. iv, 126, ii, 22 pp. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1837-8, vol. 7.) Select committee on hanJxs of issue. Report, with the minutes of evidence, appendix and index. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 7 August 1840. xii, 374, 424 pp. F*^. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1840, vol. 4.) (1.S41). First report. Orden-d. by the House of Commons, to be printed. 4 .lime. lsll. :5 ])p, F^. 30 LIBKAEY OF CONGRESS Great Britain. Parliament. Select conimittee on hanks of Issue. Second report, with the minutes of evidence, appendix and index. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 15 June 1841. viii, 358 pp. F^. (/n Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1841, vol. 5.) House of Commons. Secret committee on commercial distress. First and second reports, with the minutes of evidence, appendix and index to the two reports. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 8 June and 2 August 1848. 2 vols. F^. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1847-8, vol. 8, pt. 1-2.) The committee was "appointed to inquire into the causes of the recent commercial distress, and how far it has been affected by the laws for regulating the issue of bank notes payable on demand." House of Lords. Secret committee on commercial distress. Report from the Secret committee of the House of Lords appointed to inquire into the causes of the distress which has for some time prevailed among the commercial classes, and how far it has been affected by the laws for regulating the issue of bank notes payable on demand; together with the minutes of evidence, and an appendix. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 28 July 1848. Iv, 480, 20 pp. F^. " [In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1847-8, vol. 8.) An investigation of the operation of the Bank of England after the suspension of the bank act of 1844. The Minutes of evidence of this report were reprinted, with fuller index, February 17, 1857. Great Britain. Parliament. Ses- sional papers, 1857, vol. 2.) Select committee on hank acts. Report, together with the proceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence, appendix and index. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 30 July 1857. 2 vols. F^. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1857, vol. 10, pt. 1-2.) Report, together with the proceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence, appendix and index. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed. 1 July 1858. Ixxvii, 688 pp. F-. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1857-8, vol. 5.) Select committee on hanks of issue. Report, together with the proceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 22 July 1875. xii, 668 pp. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1875, vol. 9.) BOOKS ON BANKS AND BANKING 31 G-reat Britain. Paiiimnent. Cop}' of correspondence respecting^ agricultural banks in India. India office, 9 September 1887. Ordered, b}- the House of Commons, to be printed, 16 September 1887. 71 pp. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1887, vol. 62.) "Return, extracted from Vol. 11 of the Report on land and agricultural banks, published by the government of Madras in 1897, and consisting of translations by Mr. F. A. Nicholson of laws, statutes, &c., relating to land credit (mortgage debenture) institutions in Germany, France, Hungary, Great Britain. Italy, and Switzerland. *' Ordered, b}' the House of Commons, to })e printed, 'lY March 1898. 66 pp. F-. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional {tapers, 1898, vol. 72.) G-reef, Guillaume de. Le credit commercial et la Banque nationale de Belgique. Bruxeiles: O. Mayolrz d; J. Audiarte^ 1899. (4), a:', Jf69 pp. Diagrams. JfP. Crreene, "William B. Mutual banking. West Bi'Ookfield.f2fass., 0. S. Cooke d;co.^ 1850. 9Ji.pp. 12'^. G-rindon, Leopold Hartle}'. Manchester banks and bankers: histori- cal, biographical, and anecdotal. 2d ed. Manchester: Palmer & Hovje; [etc.^ etc.], 1878. vizi, 332, (2) jpp. 12°. ' "The chief portion . . . was originally published in the . . . Manchester city news during the summer of 1877." Grygax, Paul. Kritischc Betrachtungen fiber das schweizerische Notenbankwesen, mit Beziehung auf den Pariser AVech- selkurs. Zurich: Pmckerei der Neueii Zurcher Zeitung., 1901. {16), Jt.05 2>p- S'^. H., E. Reasons for the abatement of interest to four in the hundred. And the o])jections against it fairly stated, and briefly and fully answer'd. Londoji: For I). Brovm cfc M. GiUyjfmver.^ 1692. (^), 60 />/>. Hadden, Bernard. Ilistor}' of early banking in Wisconsin. {In Wisconsin academy of sciences, arts, and letters. Transactions, vol. 10, pp. 159-198. 1894-1895.) Bibliography, pp. 197-198. 32 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Hamilton, Alexander. The report of the Secretary of the treasury, (Alexaiulcr Hamilton), on the .subject of a national bank, read in the House of Representatives, Dec. 13th, 1790. Neiv Yorl-: S.^m ting dc CO., 1811. U Pl^- <5°- The works of Alexander Hamilton, edited b}^ Henrj^ Cabot Lodge. G. P. Putnam'' s aojis, New York and London., 190^. 12 vols. Portrait. 8^. {Federal edition.) Banks essential to government, vol. 3, p. 167; Examples in other countries, vol. 1, p. 234; vol. 3, p. 428; Bank of North America, vol.3, pp. 110, 119, 140; State banks, vol. 3, pp. 110, 140; Necessity of national bank, vol. 2, pp. 314; Proposed, vol. 1, p. 267; Established (1781), vol. 3, p. 493; Subsequent history of, vol. 3, pp. 493, 494; Present system, vol. 3, ji. 495; Papers on national bank, vol. 3, pp. 319, 325, 342, 343, 347, 354, 355, 360, 367, 385, 388, 415, 428, 431, 443, 445; Bank of Maryland, vol. ?, p. 141; Bank of the United States, Bank of North America, Bank of Massachusetts, Bank of I\Iaryland, Bank of Providence, vol 3, p. 141; Bank of New York, vol. 3, pp. 110, 141. Hamilton, James Henry, Savings and savings institutions. New York., London: The Macmillan company., 1902. (2), J06 pp. 12"". Handy, William Mathews. Banking systems of the world; an impar- tial statement of the conditions of note is-sue by banks in all nations and the workings of the systems. 3d ed., rev. Chicago: The Jamieson-Hig gins co.., 1902. 167 pp. 12°. Hankey, Thomson. The principles of banking, its utilit}^ and econ- om}"; with remarks on the working and management of the Bank of England. 2d ed. London: K Wilson, 1873. xiv, (2), 126 pp. 8°. Hare, Robert. Suggestions respecting the reformation of the bank- ing system. Philadelphia: Printed hy John C. Clark, 1837. 29 pp. 8°. Hecht, Felix. Der europaische Bodenkredit. Erster Band. Die Entschuldung des landischen Grundbesitzes. Die Entwick- lungsgeschichte der staatlichen und provinziellen Boden- kreditinstitute in Deutschland seit 1890. Leipzig: Duncker <& Humhlot, 1900. xx, Ii52 j^p- 8°. HelfFerich, Karl. Studien iiber Geld- und Bankwesen. Berlin: J. Guttentag, 1900. (6), 261, {1) pp. 8°. Hepburn, Alonzo Barton. History of coinage and currency in the United States and the perennial contest for sound mone}^. New York: The Macmillan company, 1903. xiv,666pp. 8°. BOOKS ON BANKS AND BANKING 33 Heutsz, P. J. F. van. Inlandsch Landbouw-crediet op Ja-i-a. (1900- 1901.) Batavia: 11. M. van Dorp tfe co., 1901. Ic, (i), 251, (2) j)p. 8°. Hildreth, Kichard. Banks, banking, and paper currencies; in three parts. Boston: JV7upjjIe d; Damrell, 18^0. 209 pp. 12°. A letter to his excellency Marcus ]VIorton. on banking and the currency. Boston: Printedhy Kiddei' <.{■ Wr!(/ht, 18110. 16pp. 5". Hinchman, T. H. Banks and banking in Michigan; with historical sketches, general statutes of banking under state and national laws, and personal notices of late prominent bank officers. Detroit: Wm. Graham, 1887. 171, (2) pjj. 12^. A History of banking in all the leading nations; comprising the United States; Great Britain; Germany; Austro-Hungar}-; France; Itah'; Belgium; Spain; Switzerland; Portugal; Koumania; Russia; Holland; the Scandinavian nations; Canada; China; Japan; compiled by thirteen authors. Edited bN' the editor of the Journal of connnerce and commercial bulletin. JVew YorTx: Published hy the Journal of commerce and com- inei'cial hulletin, 1896. Jf-vols. If'. CoxTEXTs. — Vol. I. A historv of banking in the United States, by William Graham Sumner; Vol. II. Banking in Great Britain, by Henry Dunning MacLeod; Banking in the Russian empire, by An- toine E. Horn; Savings banks in the United States, by John P. Town- send; Vol. III. Banking in the Latin nations (France, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, Portugal, and Roumania), by Pierre Des Essars; The banks of Alsace-Lorraine after the annexation, by Arthur Raffalo- vich; Banking in Canada, by Byron E. Walker; Vol. IV. Banking in Germany and Austria-Hungary, by Max Wirth; In the Netlierland^, by Richard van der Borght; In the Scandinavian nations, by Adolph Jensen; In Japan, by Juichi Soyeda; In China, by Thomas R. Jemigan. The History of banks: to which is added a demonstration of the advan- tages and necessity of free competition in the l)usiness of banking. Boston: iniliard, Gray cfe company, 1837. 11^, (2), iv pp. 12°. [Homans, .1. Smith, i>. IJ . Contains articles by various authorities of the time. 34 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Horn, Autoine E. A history of banking- in the Russian empire. {In A History of banking in all the leading nations, vol. 2, pp. 339- 435. New York, 1896. L. 8°.) Hotchkiss, Philo Pratt. Banks and banking; 1171-1892. An his- torical sketch based upon official records. 2d ed., newly revised and enlarged. Nexo Yorhih London: The Knickerbocker press ^ ISQ^. 55 jyj). Plate. Porfni'd. <9^. Indiana. General assembly. Senate. Journal of the Bank investi- gating- committee; a select committee of the Indiana senate, 1857. Indianapolis: J. J. Bingham, 1857. Jf!71, {l)pp. 8°. Binder's title: Bank frauds. Indianapolis monetary convention. Report of the monetary com- mission of the Indianapolis convention of boards of trade, chambers of commerce, commercial clubs, and other simi- lar bodies of the United States. \^Chicago~\: The Vniverslty of Chicago press., 1898. xiti, (i), 608 J) p. Diagrams. 5°. Prepared by J. Laurence Laughlin. "Banking," jst. 2, pp. 159-386. Institute of bankers, London. Journal. London, 1880-1903. ^^ vols. 8°. Italy. Camera del deputati. Relazione della commissione parlamen- tare d'inchiesta sul corso forzoso dei biglietti di banca deliberata nella tornata del 10 marzo 1868. Firenze: Eredi Botta, 1868-1869. 3 vols. Folded tahles. ^°. James, Henr3\ Considerations on the policy or impolicy of the fur- ther continuance of the bank restriction act. London: Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 1818. 68 pp. 6"°. Jensen, Adolph. A history of banking in the Scandinavian nations. Translated by William Price. {Ill A History of banking in all the leading nations, vol. 4, pp. 373-406. New York, 1896. L. 8°.) Jernigan, Thomas R. Banking, currency and land tenure in the Chinese empire: an essa}'. {In A History of banking in all the leading nations, vol. 4, pp. 545-567. New York, 1896. L.8°.) BOOKS ON BANKS AND BANKING 35 [Johnson, Reverdy, cuul John G-lenn.] Reply to a pamphlet entitled '"A brief exposition of matters relating to the Bank of ]Mar3'land."' with an examination into some of the causes of the bankruptcy of that institution. Baltimore: Printed hy Jas. \Cucas cj6 E. K. Deaver, 183 Jf.. 51^, {^^\ 81 PI?. 5°. [ ] A tinal reply to the libels of Evan Poultne}', late president of the Bank of Maryland, and a further examination of the causes of the failure of that institution. Baltimore: Printed hy Jas. Lucas c6 E. K. Denver. 1835. 137,{3\H2yp. . Bryce ih i*on, 188]f.. (2),i'li,2')5,{l)j'j>. I'oldid tables. 8'. 3G LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Kerr, Andrew William. Scottish banking during the period of pub- lished accounts. 1865-1896. London: E. Wilson, 1898. ix, 172 pp. 8°. Keyes, Emerson W. A history of savings banks in the United States from their inception in 1816 down to [18TT]. ^'eir Tori-: B. Rhodes, 1876-1878. 2 vols. <§°. A history of savings banks in the state of New York from their inception in 1819, down to 1869. To accompan}- the annual report of the superintendent relative to savings banks. Albany: Argus company., 1870. 331t.pp. 8'^. Kicer, Anders Nicolai. Om seddelbanker. En kritisk fremstilling af grundswtningerne for seddelbankers indretning og virk- somhed med sserligt hensyn til de skandinaviske seddel- banker i deres nuvserende skikkelse. Kristiania: P. T. Mailing .,187 7. {2).,187.,\iii\-^ipp. Tables. Folded diagrams. 8°. Kiga, Kanju. Das Bankwesen Japans. Leipzig: A. Deichert., lOOI).. vi, 197 pp. 8^. "Angabe der benutzen wichtigsten Literatur;" p. v-vi. Kinley, David. The histor}", organization and influence of the inde- pendent treasur}^ of the United States. JVeto York: Thomas Y. Croivell d; co. ., [1893]. viii, 329 pp. 12°. (Library of ecorwmics and politics.) Knies, Karl Gustav Adolf. Geld und Credit. Berlin: Weidmann, 1873-1879. 2 vols, in 3. 8°. Knox, John Jay. A history of banking in the United States, by . . . J. J. Knox . . . assisted by a corps of finan- cial writers in the various states; the entire work . revised and brought up to date by B. Rhodes and E. H. Youngman. JVeiv Yorl: B. Rhodes c& co., 1900. [2], xxii, 880 ])p. Por- traits. 8°. United States notes; a history of the various issues of paper money b}^ the government of the United States. With an appendix containing the recent decision of the Supreme Court of the United States and the dissenting opinion upon the legal tender question. 2d ed. , revised. London: T Fisher TJnwin, 1885. xii^ 21^7 pp. Plustra- tions. Facshniles. 6"°. BOOKS ON BANKS AND BANKING 37 Kutorga, ^Mikhail Semenovich. Essai historiqu«> sur los trapezites ou banquiers d'Athenes; precede d'une notice sur la distinction de la propriete chez les Atheniens. P«Ws, 1859. 26 pp. 8°. "M^.moire lu a I'Acad^mie des'sCiences morales et politiques dans la stance du samedi 24 septembre 1859." Lahaye, Paul Louis. Recherches sur les chambres de compensation (clearing-houses); creation, organisation & developpenient en France, Angleterre, Allemagne, Autriche, Italic, Austra- lie, au Japon et en Anierique. Caen: Impr. C. Valin, 1901. (5), 17J^2->p^ S°. Laurent, H. Les caisses d'epargne et de prevo3^ance depuis leur origine jusqu'a nos jours. Pithiviers: Imjyr. des caisses d'epargne., 1892. 2 vols. 8^. LaTVson, William John. The history" of banking; with a comprehen- sive account of the origin, rise, and progress of the banks of England, Ireland, and Scotland. London: R. Bcnthy., 1850. xii^ 52Ji..,{l) JU^- Portraits. 8°. Leckie, William. Review of the proceedings of the committee of the Plouse of Commons on banks of issue, IS-iO. And an inquiry into the effects of the bank restriction and the changes in the value of mone}^; with an examination of the leading principles in the work on political econonw of the late David Ricardo. London: J. TJnwin., 18J!f.l. vi, 299 pp. Folded tables. 5^. Leigh-Smith, Antonio G. G. Cm Kreditanstalterna for det svenska Jordbrn.ket. Svensk upplaga. Stockholm: P. A. Norstedt iSa Soners FMag, \1892\ 223, (2) pp. 8°. The Letters of Lowndes, addressed lo the Hon. John C L'alhoun. Stw York: D. AppletonLhco.,18.'i3. 100 pp. 5^. Levi, Israel. Le casse di risparmio nella legge e nella giurisprudenza. Tarino-Roraa: Roux e Viarengo,\]901\. Lin j>j>. 12,-. [Levy, E.J The Rcpul»licaii liaiik: hciiig an essa.v on the ])resont sys- tem of ))anking: show iiig its evil tendency and dcx ('l()|)ing :iii entirely new method of establishing a iiincncy which will not be at all subject to the various ill clb'cts ol' our present paper money. By a C'itizen of Indiana. Madison: I'rlnhd h;, IT. //. W'.hh. is.r.K j;^^.. 5°. 38 LIBRARY OF COKGRESS Lewins, William. A history of banks for savings in Great Britain and Ireland. London: S. Low^son^and Mar8ton^\1866\ xvi,If-If5 2)2^- ^^• Levris, Lawrence, /;•. A history of the Bank of North America, the first ])ank chartered in the United States. Philadelphia: J. B. Lipjjincott (& co., 1882. loS p)J>- Por- ti'aits. Facsimiles. ^°. Logan, W. H. The Scotish banker; or, A popular exposition of the practice of banking in Scotland. 3d ed. - Edlnhurgh: Oliver cfc Boyd, m7. {10), 218 -pp. Folded tahle. ^^°. London. Court of commooi council. England's interest; or, The great benefit to trade by banks or offices of credit in Lon- don, etc., as it hath been considered and agreed upon b}' a committee of aldermen and commons . . . appointed, bj^ the . . . lord major, aldermen and commons, in common-council assembled. London: Printed hy J. Gain, 1682. 8 p>P- ^°- Loyd, Samuel Jones, Baron Overstone. Remarks on the management of the circulation; and on the condition and conduct of the Bank of England and of the country issuers, during the 3^ear 1839. London: P. Richardson, 18Jfi. 135 pp. 8^. Lumm, Karl von. Die Entwickelung des Bankwesens in Elsass- Lothringen seit der Annexion. Jena: G. Fischer, 1891. x,223,{T)pi). 8^. {Staatswissen- schaftliche Studien, 3. Bd., 7. Hft.) M., H. England''s glory; or, The great improvement of trade in gen- eral, by a royal bank, or office of credit, to be erected in London. By H. M. London: Printed hy T. IF. for Tho. Bever, 1691^.. (8), 94 pp. 16°. [McKenna, J. L.J A disclosure of the true causes which led to the loss by the Bank of Alexandria of its long-established agency in the collection of the public revenue. March, 183L [Washington, 1831.] 30 pp. 8°. BOOKS ON BANKS AND BANKING 39 McCulloch, John Uunisay. Essays on interest, exchange, coins, paper nione}', and banks. PhUadelpJua: A. Hart, 1851. {12), IH, (3) j>p. 8^. Macleod, Henry Dunning. The elements of bankinj^. 3d ed. London: Lonymans, Green and co., 1877. xrit, (i), 271 pp. 12'-. A history of bankino- in Great Britain. (7n A History of banking in all the leading nations, vol. 2, p]). 1-337. New York, 1896. L. 8°.) The theory and practice of bankint^: with the elementary- principles of currency; prices; credit; and exchanges. London: Longman., Bro^vn., Green., and Longmans., 1855- 1856. 2 vols. 8°. Same. 2d ed. Lojidon: Longmans., Green., Reader t5 Dyer., 1866. 2 'vols. 8°. Sayne. 5th ed. London: Longmans.^ Green and co.., 1892-1893. 2 vols. 8^. The theory of credit. 2d ed. London: Longmans, Grreen and co., 1893-1897. 2 vols, in 3. 8°. McPherson, Logan G. The monetary and banking problem. j\ew York: L). Appleton and company, 1896. iv, (2), 135 pp. 12°. Malherbe, Georges. Les banques populaires agricoles; ^tude mono- graphique sur la caisse rurale de Willaiipuis. Binche: Secretariat du Cercle d'' etudes sociales, 1902 . 52 p]?. 8°. {Cercle d' etudes sociales de Binche.) Margrafif, Anthony W. International exchange, its terms, parts, oper- ations, and scope; a j)ractical work on the foreign l)ankliig department and its administration b}' American Itaiikcrs. Chicago: L^'iyus printing compatiy, 1903. {^),xii, 3-299 j>j>. Frontispiece {pcrrtrait). 8°. Same. 2(1 ed. Chicago: Inti.rndtional cxcliange, 1901^. xii, 3-29'.) j>j>. l-'nm- tispiece {portrait). 8°. 40 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Marius, John. Advice concerning bils [.svVJ of exchange. The second edition, very nmch enlarged b}' the author. London: Printed hy W. IT., and are to he sold hy Nicolas Bourne, 1655. {1G).160AU)]4)- W- Advice concerning bills of exchange. The third edition, very nmch enlarged and corrected by the author. London: Prlntedhy Robert Home, 167 Jf. {16), 160, {13) pp. Martin, Frederick. Stories of banks and bankers. London and Cambridge: Macmillan and co., 1865. viii, 200 pp. i^°. Martin, John Biddulph. "The Grasshopper" in Lombard street. London: The LeadenhaUp>ress,Jtd.\ete.']; New York: Scrib- ner cfe Welford, 1892. xx, 328 2:)p. TUustrated. Plates. Portrait. Folded maps. Plans {partly folded). Fac- similes. Tables. ^°. Maryland. General assembly. Report of the Select committee, to which was referred the memorials and petitions . . . praying the establishment of a financial institution under the style of the Bank of the State of Maryland. Annapolis: J. Green, 1830. 1^8 p)p>. lico. Memoria de las instituciones de credito correspondiente a los anos de 1897, 1898 y 1899. Mexico: Tip. de la Oficina impresora del Timbre, 1900. 2 vols, in 1. F^. MUls, Richard Horner. The principles of currenc}^ and banking: being live lectures delivered in Queen's college, Cork, to the students in arts of the third year. 2d ed., revised and corrected. London: Groombridge and sons, 1857 . xvi, 118 pp. 8°. [Mirabeau, Honore Gabriel Riquetti, comte de.] De la banque d'Espagne, dite de Saint-Charles. [Ge?ieve], 1785. xiv, {2), 14-4^, clxiipp. 8^ ?o BOOKS ON BANKS AND BANKING 41 Money and banking, or their nature and effects considered. Together with a plan for the universal diffusion of their legitimate benefits without their evils. By a Citizen of Ohio. Cincinnati: Published hy William Beck^ 1839. 213, vi, (5) pp. i. Folded diagrams. 8°. Contents. — Introduction; Banque d'Angleterre; Banques d'Ecosse etd'Irlande; Banques provinciales; Banque P' -/^°. Observations on the Bank of the United States. Annapolis: Jonas Green., [1819^]. 21 p>j). 8°. Obst, Georg. Theorie und Praxis des Checkverkehrs. Mit beson- derer Beriicksichtigung des Depositen- und Abrechnungs- wesens. Ein Wegweiser fiir den modernen Geldverkehr. /Stuttgart: Strecker & Mosei\ 1899. vi. 17Ji.2^P- 12°- BOOKS ON BANKS AND BANKING 43 [Ogden, James de Pey.ster.J The letters of Publius on the subject of reforming the banking sN'stem and currency of the United States, and of providing a substitute for a national bank, and sub-treasury system. Originally published in the ]Madi- sonian. --, Was/tmgfon, D. C, 1838. G8 pp. 8°. [Page, Richard.] Banks and bankers. By Daniel Hardcastle, jun. [pseud.] London: Whittaker and co.., 18Jf2. xvi., Ji.ll pj). 12^. Palgrave, Robert Harry Inglis. Bank rate and the money market in England, France, Germany, Holland, and Belgium, 1844- 1900. London: J. ^fut^ray, 1903. xadii, 237 pp. 8^. Bank rate in England. France, and German}*. 1844-1878. With remarks on the causes which influence the rate of interest charged: and an analysis of the accounts of the Bank of England. London: E. Wihon, 1880. viii, iv, 14 1^, (-?), iv pp. 8^. Notes on banking in Great Britain and Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, and Hamburg; with some remarks on the amount of bills in circulation, both inland and foreign, in Great Britain and Ireland; and the banking law of Sweden. London: J. Murray., 1873. ix, (1), 133pp. 8''. Papers on banking and finance. By a bank manager. London: Bemrose and sons, 1871. (G), 163 pp. 12^. ParneU, S!r Henr}' B., Baron Congleton. Observations on paper money, banking, and overtrading; including those parts of the evidence taken before the committee of the House of Commons, which explain the Scotch svstem of banking. 2ded. London : J. Rldgway., 1829. /'v, 177 }>p. 8°. A plain statement of the power of the Bank of England, and of the use it has made of it; with a refutation of tlie ()))jec- tions made to the Scotch system of banking; and a r('j)ly to the " Historical sketch of the Bank of England." 2d ed. London: J. Ridgimy., 1833. (^), 98 pp. 8-. Patten, Claudius B. The methods and machinery of practical bank- ing. Kc[)i'inted from Rhodes' Journal of banking, and carefully icvised and anangrd. Nein Ymk: It. Ji/iodrs d' coii/jxiiii/, ISUI. t.i\ (/), olo pp. FrontiKjy'iim' {portrait). Fohhd sheets. 8^. 44 ' LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS Pennsylvania. General assemhly. Debates and proceedings on the memorials praying a repeal or suspension of the law annul- ling the charter of the bank. Mathew Carey, editor. Philadel_p}ua: Printed for Cai'ey and co., Seddon and Prit- chard, M. BCC. LXXXVJ. (7^), 132 j^p. 8^. Pereire, Isaac. Principes de la constitution des banques et de I'organ- isation du credit. Paris: P. Pupont, 1865. 324- pp. 8°. Perrot, F. Das Bankwesen und die Zettel-Privilegien. Rostoch: Stiller' sehe liof- und UniversitdtsbuchJiandlung ^ 187 J,, via, 151pp. 12°. Perroud, Jean. Essai sur le billet de banque. Paris: A. Pousseau, 1901. {2), 132 pp. 8^. Philippovich von Philippsberg, Eugen. Die Bank von England im Dienste der Finanzverwaltung des Staates. Wien: Toeplitzd; Peuticke, 1885. viii,2Upp. 8°. Phillips, Maberl}'. A history of banks, bankers, & banking in North- umberland, Durham, and North Yorkshire, illustrating the commercial development of the north of England, from 1755-1894. London: E. Wilson and co., 189 j^. xxx, (^), 4^6 pp. Por- traits. Facsimiles . I/P. Poultney, Evan. An appeal to the creditors of the Bank of Maryland and the public generally. Baltimore: John D. Toy., 1835. 58 pj). 8°. Price, Bonamy. Currency and banking. London: Jlenry S. Iving & co., 1876. (6'), 176pp. 12°. Price, Frederick George Hilton. A handbook of London bankers; with some account of their predecessors the earlj^ gold- smiths; together with lists of bankers from 1670, including the earliest printed in 1677, to that of the London post office directory of 1890. Enl. ed. Lon^don: Simpkin, Marshall, Llamilton Kent & co., ltd.; New York: Scrihner c& Wei ford, 1890-1. vi, (2), 4^4- pp- 4P. Proceedings of the meeting in relation to the establishment of a large national bank, in this city. New York: Wm. C. Bryant dia co., jjrijiters, 1863. 8pp. 8°. Cover-title. BOOKS ON BANKS AND BANKING 45 Purdy, William. London banking life. Papers on trade and finance. Neio York: Lovell, Adam., Wesson <& company^ \1876\. xii^ Rae, George. The country banker, his clients, cares, and work, from an experience of forty years. With an American preface b}^ Braj'ton Ives. New York: Charles Scribiier's S07is, 1886. ccv, (i), 320 i)p. The internal management of a country bank: in a series of letters on the functions and duties of a branch manager. Vty Thomas Bullion, \pseud.\ London: R. GroomhAdge cfc smis., 1850. a:*, {2), 203 i^p. 16''. Rafifalovich, Arthur. Banks of Alsace and Lorraine, after the annex- ation. {Ill A History of banking in all the leading nations, vol. 3, pp. 393-412. New York, 1896. L.8°.) Rafinesque-Schmaltz, Constantine Samuel. Safe banking, including the Principles of wealth; being an enquiry into the princi- ples and practice of safe and unsafe banks, or monied insti- tutions in North America, the defects of the American banking S3^stem and legislation, &c. Philadeljjhia: Divitial institution of North Aniefrica., and 6 per cent savings-hanJc, 1837. 136, (2) pp. 8^. Raguet, Condy. A treatise on currency and banking. Philadeljjhia: Qrigg i& Elliott, 1839. xiH,26Jf.pp. 8°. Reasons for encouraging the Bank of England: I. In respect of jus- tice and common right. II. Of its usefulness and the pul)- lick good. {London? 1606?] J^ pp. 8°. No title-page. Reasons for estal)lishing the Commercial ))ank of London. Addressed to the directors and managers of all joint stock banks, as well as to the priv^atc bankers of tlif rnitiMl Kingdom. [London, 184.-.] 16 j>j>. ,s'-. [Reed, (Jeorgc B.J Sketch of the early history of banking in Vermont. [Boston, 1870.] 28 pp. 8''.' 46 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS La Refornia del Bunco de Espafia. Madrid: Impr. de A. Perez y ca., 1902. 256, [4] pp. Folded tahle. 8^. In large part a reprint of articles iirst issued in the Revista de eco- nomia y hacienda and other Spanish periodicals, together with a few translations from French journals. Remarks on banks and banking; and the skeleton of a project for a national bank. By a Citizen of Boston. Boston : Torrey <& Blair., ISJfi. 62 pjj. 8°. Report from the secret committee on the expediency of the bank resuming cash pa3'ments; with the minutes of evidence of George Dorrien, esq., [and others]. London: Printed for Charles Clement., 1819. (2), ii, 382 pp. 8-. Report on the affairs of the Bangor Bank. Boston: Russell dd Gardner, 1822. 16pp. 8°. Revie"w of the past and present polic}' of the Bank of England, and of banking in Great Britain and Ireland, in connection with the banking acts of 18 11 1 5. By an old banker. 2d ed. London: K Wilson, 1856. {If), 23 pp. 8-. Revie^w of the veto. Containing an examination of the principles of the President's message, and his objections to the bill to modify and continue the act rechartering the Bank of the United States. Philadelphia, 1832. 66 p>p. 8°. Richardson, Hobart Wood. The national banks. New YorJ^: Harper dilrothers, 1880. 212pp. 32^. {Har- per's half -hour series, no. IJfl) Ripamonti, Joao Achilles. O credito agricola e os bancos ruraes. Disserta^ao inaugural apresentada ao Conselho escolar do Instituto do agronomio e veterinaria. Lisboa: Typographia pmrtuense, 1888. 266, {T) p>p. 5°. Rogers, James E. Thorold. The first nine years of the Bank of England; an enquiry into a weekly record of the price of bank stock from August 17, 1691:, to September 17, 1703. Oxford: The Clarendon pyr ess, 1887. xxxi, {1), 183 pp. 8^. Rose, George. Observations on banks for savings. 4th ed., with alterations and additions, in consequence of the act which was passed in the last session of parliament to encourage those establishments. London: T. Cadell and W. Dames, \etc.\ 1817. {2), 66pp. 8°. BOOKS OTvr BANKS AND BANKING 47 Sayous, Andre E. Los Inuiquos de depot, les hanquesde credit et les societes tinancieres; cours libre professe u la Faculte de droit de TUniversite de Paris. Paris: L. Larose,190l. {G)^oJfJi.j)]). 12^. {Manuel theorique (& pratique cCeconomie politique et financiere.) Scharling, Hans AVilliam. Bankpolitik. Jena: G. jFisc/ier, 1900. xii^ 371 pp. 8^. Scheire, Aug. Eenige bladzijden uit de geschiedenis van de banken ran leening, vooral met het oog op den Berg Aan barm- hartigheid te Gent. Gent: J. YuyUteke, 1896. (.4), 12Jt. pp. 12-. {Willems- fonch.) Ghent. Uitgaven. nr. 14^.) Schmidt, Hermann. Foreign banking arbitration: its theory- and practice. A handbook of foreign exchanges, bullion, stocks and shares, based upon the new currencies. Sic. The liter- arv text revised by N. G. Mussabini. London: E. WtUon, 1875. i^iii. 272 pp. 12^. Schulze-Delitzsch, Hermann. The people's banks of Germans: their oro-anization under the recent law. Translated bv S. M. Quincy. Boston: Little., Brown and company^ 1870. 58 pp. 8°. Scott, I). Gavin. History of the rise and progress of joint stock banks in England, with a statement of the law relating to them, [etc.]. London: W. Morrison, 1837. (^), 108 pp. 8-. Scott, William A. Money and banking; an introduction to the study of modern currencies. JVewTorl-: Henry Holt ddcomjjany, 1903. (2), x, 381 pp. <9^. "List of references," pp. 353-363. Scratchley, Arthur. A practical treatise on savings ])anks, contain- ing a review of their past history and prescMit condition, with rules, acts of Parliament. tScc, inchiding Mr. (ilad- stone's new post ofBcc savings hank system. London: Longman., Green., LAmgiiiai), and Roherts, 18G2. via, p. s . Several oltjections sometimes made against tli(> olliee of ei-(>(lit. fully answeiM'd. [Londoi,? 1082?] 26 pp. 8-'. No title-page. 48 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Seyd, Ernest. The Bank of England note issue and its error. An address to the holders of Bank of England stock, and to bankers and economists generall3% Londoiu 187 1^. xviii, 298pp. 8°. The banks of issue question. Memorial addressed to the governor and court of directors of the Bank of England, and submitted to the select committee of the House of Com- mons of 1875. London: E. Stanford, 1875. xix, (i), 138 pp. 5°. The London banking and bankers' clearing house system. 3ded. London., {etc.^: Cassell., Fetter and Galpin [i57^]. (^), 68 pp. 8^. Sieveking, Heinrich Johann. Genueser Finanzwesen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Casa di S. Giorgio. Freiburg i B., Leijyzig, [etc.]: J. C. B. Mohr, 1898-1899. 2 vols, in 1. 8°. ( Volkstoirtschaftllche Ahhandlungen der hadischen Hochschulen. 1. Bd.., 3. Hft.; 3. Bd.., 3. Hft.) "Quellen und Litteratur: " v. 1, pp. ix-xv; v. 2, pp. xi-xv. Sketch of the commercial resources and monetary and mercantile system of British India, with suggestions for their improve- ment, by means of banking establishments. London: Smith., Elder., and co.., 1837. viii, 109 pp. 8^. Soetbeer, Adolph. Beitrage und Materialien zur Beurtheilung von Geld-und Bank-Fragen mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Hamburg. Hamhurg: Herold'' sche Buchandlung ., 1855 . {6).,135p>p. JfP. Die Hamburger Bank. 1619-1866. Eine geschichtliche Skizze. {In Vierteljahrschrift flir Volkswirthschaft und Kulturgeschichte, 4. Jahrgang, 3. Band, pp. 21-54; 5. Jahrgang, 2. Band, pp. 1-53. Berlin, 1866-1867. 8°.) Some reflections on the Brief account of the intended Bank of Eng- land, whose author's name is supposed to be . . . Jerry Squirt. [London: E. Taylor, 169 1, :\ 12 pp. 8'^. No title-page. BOOKS OK BANKS AND BANKING 49 Somers, Robert. The Scotch banks and s3-stem of issue. Including translation of " Les banques d"p]cosse," by L. Wolowski, member of the French Institute. With notes, remarks, and appendix. Edinburgh: A. and C. Black^1873. xii^ 2}fJf.pp. 8'^. Soyeda, Juichi. A history of bankino- in Japan. {In A History of banking in all the leading nations, vol. 4, pp. 407- 544. New York, 1896. L. 8°. ) Spaulding, Elbridge Gerr}'. One hundred years of progress in the business of banking. Address at the meeting- of the Bank- ers' Association, at the International exposition, Philadel- phia, May 30, 1876. Buffcdo: Press of Bake7\ Jones (& CO. ^ 1876. 70 pp. 8°. Spooner, Lysander. Considerations for bankers, and holders of United States bonds. Bosto7i: A. WilUcans (& eo., 1864- 96 j)j). 5°. A new banking system: The needful capital for rebuilding the burnt district. Boston: A. Williams d; co., 1873. 77pp. 8°. [Squire, Newton.] The New York clearing house, its methods and systems, and a description of the London clearing house, with valuable statistics and other information. [JVew York]: Arthur c&Bonnell, [1888]. 88 j^p. Plate. Por- traits. 8°. Stephens, T. A. A contribution to the ])i})liograi)hy of the Bank of England. London: Ejfinghain Wilson cO co. , 1897. xiii., (1), WO pp. 8°. Stone, Edwin A. A century of Boston banking. Boston: Rockwell i& Churchill., 189 4. 111. {5) pj). 8°. [Strange, William, jr.] Strangc's unchiimcd divulcud hooks oi" the South sea stock, now lying in the Bunk of England; . . . By order of the directors of the Soutli sea comi)any. London: William Strange, jun., [1851]. 12°. X'arionsly paged. Sumner, William (jrahani. A hisiory ol' Itaiii^ing in the I niicd Stales. {In A History of banking in all tlu; heading nations, \<<\. 1, i)p. (vii)- XV, 1-485. New York, 1896. L. 8°.) 50 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS Tennessee. Legislature. Report of the eToint select committee appointed to examine and report to the legislature the con- dition of the Bank of Tennessee. Ntishirille: G. C. Torhett and company., 1858. 65 jpp. 8°. Thiry, ,1. H. School savings' banks in the United States. A paper read before the American social science association at Sara- toga Springs, September 7th, 1888, and prepared for the Uiii\ersal scientific congress of provident institutions at Paris, Jul}' ith, 1889. Long Island City: Press of Daily and Weekly Star., 1888. 23pjK Folded sheet. 8°. To-wnsend, John P. A history of savings-banks in the United States. {In A History of banking in all the leading nations, vol. 2, pp. 437- 467. New York, 1896. L. 8°.) Trumbull, James Hammond. [Article on first essays at banking in New England.] [1)1 American antiquarian society. Proceedings, new series, vol. 3, pp. 266-303. 'Worcester, 1885. 8°.) Tucker, George. The theory of money and banks investigated, Boston: O. C. Little d^ Brown, 1839. viii, U^ 2W- <^°- Turner, B. B. Chronicles of the Bank of England. London: S. SonnenscTiehi <& co.., 1897. xii., 296 pj)- Lllus- trations. Plates. Portraits. 8^. [Turner, Thomas.] The case of the bankers and their creditors more fully stated and examined; and a second time printed, with more than a third part added. . . . As it was inclosed in a letter to a friend. B}' a true lover of his king and coun- trey, and a suflferer for loyalty. {Lo7u:io7}'], 1675. \5y56i)p. 8°. "The postscript to the letter" is signed " Tho. Turner." United States. Congress. House. Committee on hanking and cur- rency. Hearings before the Committee. Fifty-third Con- gress, first [and second] session[s] 1893-[94]. ^Vashington: Goremment printing office., 1893-[1894]- 51^9 pp. 8°. Hearings and arguments before the Committee on banking and currency of the House of Representatives. Fifty-fourth Congress, first and second sessions, 1896-97. Washingto7i: Government ^j>W?izJm^ (ffice, 1897. 607 pp. Folded sheet. Folded map>. 8°. BOOKS ON BANKS AND BANKING 51 United States. Co^^gresx. JLnise. Onninlfteeo)! Ixotl'ing and cui^i'ency. Hearings and arguments before the Conmiittee . . . Washington: Government i)rinting office., 1897-1899. 3 vols, in 2. 8-. S8th Congrem. 1st session, 1863-1864. The national t)ank act: an act to provide a national currency secured by a pledge of I'nited States bonds, and to provide for the cir- culation and redemption thereof, approved June 3, 1864. AVith the amendments of 1865-70. To which are added the decisions of the Supi^eme court U. S., and of the state courts; and decisions and rulings of the Comptroller of the currency- and the Commissioner of internal revenue, in reference to said act, from 1865 to 1870. For the cashiers desk. JVew Yorl-: Pah. at the office of the Banlers" magazine and statistical register, 1870. U\ 100, 20, 63 pp. 8-. Reprint of articles on National bank ai-t, ajjpearing in the Bankers' magazine, New York, from 1864 to 1870. 53d Congress, 3d session. House report no. 15(is. Report of the Committee on banking and cfirrency, together with hearings thereof, on bill H. K. 8141). Fifty-third (Vmoress, third session. 1894. Washington: Government printing office, 189 Ji.. {^^,371 pp. 8°. On " National banking associations." Presented by iMr. Springer. .55th Congress, 2d session. House report no. 1575. Strength- ening the public credit, etc. Report l)y Mr. McCleary, from the Committee on banking and currency. June 15, 1898. 38 pp. 8^. House report no. 1575, pt. i'. To sct-uro to the people a sound currency. Report by Mr. Walker, iroin the Committee on baiddng and currency, sulnnitting the views of minority. Juih' 23, 189S. li>5 i)p. s. Signed by .1. H. Walker. Comptroller of the (Mrreiicij. Annual reports . . . lin.luding statements of national banks]. Washington: Governmeiit p>rinting !' vols. 8°. Include special reports on "The national baiikin;,' system, ■' .1. J. Knox, 1875; "Other sy.stenis of lianking," ( particularly state banks), J. J. Knox, 187«); "Substitutes for money," J. J. Knox, 1881; E. S. Lacey, ISflO; .James II. Eckels and David Kinley, 1894; .James H. Eckels and I);ivid Kinley, 18«K1; " State banks," A. B. Ileplxirn, 1S<»2; " Foreign baiikinn syst«'ms," ISiMl; " Oepos- itors and deposits in savings banks. 1820 to IS'.IC," .lames 11. Eckels, 189(); "State banks," James H. Eckels, IS'tti. 52 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS United States. -^f(/fi/fts. The njitioiuil bank act: an act to provide a national cnrrent\v secured by a pledge of United States bonds. With the amendments of 1865-70. To which are added the decisions of the Supreme court, U. S., [etc.]. JVeio Yor^': Bankera^ magazine and statistical register^ 1870. (4). OS pp. 8^. TreuKHrt/ (IvjHU'tinent. Condition of certain state banks. Let- ter from the Secretary of the treasur}^, transmitting state- ments in relation to the condition of certain state banks. \^Wnshington: Gales & Seaton., i^riiiteTS., 1835. '\ 275 pj)- ^°- ( U. S. 23d Congress, 2d session. House executive docu- ment no. IDO.) Condition of the state banks. Letter from the Secre- tary of the treasur}^, transmitting statements showing the condition of state banks. [ Washington] : Blair c6 Rives., printers., [184-0.] 1375 pp). 8°. {U. S. 26th Congress., 1st session. House executive docu- ment no. 172.) Same. [Washington., I84.I.] 1156 pp. 8^. {U. S. 26th Congress, 2d session. House executive document no. 111.) Instructions and suggestions of the Comptroller of tho currency in regard to the organization and management of national banks. [Washington, 186 Jf.] 40 p)p- <^°- Cai3ti(jn — title. Letter from the Secretar}^ of the treasury, relative to banking statistics of state banks, banking institutions, sav- ings banks and national banks, etc., from the periods of 1830 and 1863, respectivel3^ [Washington: GoveTmnent p)rinting office, 1893.] 119 p>p. 8°. ( U. S. 52d Congress, 2d session. Senate executive docu- ment no. 38, pt. 1.) Reports of the Secretar}^ of the treasury of the United States [1801-1836], to which are preiixed the reports of Alexander Hamilton, on public credit, on a national bank, on manufactures, and on the establishment of a mint. Wa.^hington: 1828-1837. 3 vols. 8°. Printers: v. 1 printed hj D. (jrreen; v. 2-3, by Blair & Rives. BOOKS ON BANKS AND BANKING 53 United States. Treasury department. State banks and l^anking companies. Wa>sldngton: Blair & Rives, 1836. 92 ])^. TaUes. 8°. {U. S. 24-th Congress, 1st session. House executive docu- ment no. Jf2.) Viganb, Francesco. Banques populaires, . . . avec beaucoup de documents de 1865 a 1875. Paris: GuiUaumin et cie., 1875. 2 vols. J^^. Vigelius, Carl. Handbuch fiir Suarkassen. Zum praktischen Ge- brauch. Breslau: M. (& H. Marcus, 1902. viii, 375 pjj. 8"^. Vigne, Marcel. La banque a Lijon du xv* au xviii* siecle. Lyon: A. Bey; Pains: Guillaunnn, 1903. 2}fi 2)]). 8^. "Bibliographie": pp. [5] -13. Vliebergh, Em. Le credit foncier. Allemagne-France-Italie. Avec une lettre-preface de M. FAl^be ]Mellaerts. Leipzig: Otto Harrassowitz ; Paris: Larose p. Fron- tispiece. 8^. Watson, Archibald Rol)inson. The law of the clearing house. New York: The Banks law pidMshing co., 1902. xiv, 107 pp. 8\ Weber, Adolf. Depositenbankcn und vSpekulationsbankcn. Ein Vergleich deutschen und englischen Bankwesens. Leipzig: Duncher . 12°. o Form L-9-35m-8,'2S 1 F5U5 U.S. Library of • -gongr ess, ^i^^ivi^ sion or blDilo -"" graphy - A list of the raore important book s in the Libra SOUTHEBHrtJi ry of Congress on Z l\bw-'- ill •»«So A97 201^ 1x ■•::^ *''< '1 ; "'- ^-■^■■''^^: ^% 1;,-- ' -y ■(r/^r ■ f