!! I v/SMAINHJWV ^lOSANCE, 12^ S -. ( ft (L 5S VERS//, ^UIBRARYQr ^tUBRARYOc rsoi^ ^/hhainmv^ ^mmitcho^ ^/ojitvojo^ ^•lOSANCElfj> ^EUNIVERI/a le, open, willing ; but, have a care that you neitb «ed Eewa ,loyal, . generous in his affirmation of merit- but neither r nor unjust in his negation of demerit and insuffici- He was good-natured: he could listen to what it of place, or doubtfully off even, in a per- sonal regard, and keep silence with a smile on his Lips. That he was skilful and successful as a lawyer ; esteemed, sted, honoured as a judge, — that is a matter of public .lir.ion. To me if. belongs rather to noteth a lover of books. The houi he spent with the writings of his favourite autl foremost among whom were the ttion : and, of them all, that it was Emerson for whom, perhaps, he entertained specially a predilection, vouches for hi J Hither, no we know that not philosophy only, hut reli at his heart, and mu tituted there a familiar theme of and persistent mi m. I did not think of that then as I met him often in about Granton. I did not think of that then as I hirn trailing I. alytic limbs along, but hold- ing his head bi .d looking imperturbably b him, as, within his ope;. still placed a broad chest, as it were, in front of all the accident-, of time. That, in these oirc the impre-sion he .-. me. Ik: was for months confined to the ho . fch ; but, doubtl in these walks at that time he was meditating th. '. that is tl don of our being at pre tther. THE IJEQUEST. 5 And to that bequest it is now my duty to turn ; for, clearly, the very first necessity of the case is to know what that service specially is which the Testator expected to be rendered to the University and the public in return for his own munificence. 1 have Bpoken of Lord Gilford as pondering in his mind what best boon lie could find it within his power to bestow upon the public ; and about the very first words of the Extracts from his Trust Disposition and Settlement bear me out in this. " I, having fully and maturely considered my means and estate, and the modes in which my surplus funds may be most usefully and beneficially expended, and considering myself bound to apply part of my means in advancing the public welfare and the cause of truth : " from these words it is plain thai Lord Gifford, finding himself in possession of what appeared to him more than was necessary for the satis- faction and fulfilment of all his private duties, claims, wishes, or intentions, felt himself in presence with the rest of a public burden which he was bound to discharge. How, for the public welfare and the cause of truth, that could be most usefully and beneficially effected, was the next thought. And so, as he says further, " being of opinion that 1 am bound if there is a ' residue ' as so ex- plained, to employ it, or part of it, for the good of my fellow-men, and having considered how I may best do SO, I direct the ' residue ' to be disposed of as follows: — I, having been for many years deeply ami firmly convinced that the true knowledge of God, that is, of the Being, Nature, and Attributes of the Infinite, of the All, of the First and the Only Cause, that LS the One and Only Sub- stance and Being; and the true and felt knowledge (not mere nominal knowledge) of the relations of man and of the universe to llim, and of the true foundations of all ethics and morals, — being, 1 say, convinced that this 6 GIFFORD LECTURE THE FIRST. knowledge, when really felt and acted on, is the means of man's highest well-being, and the security of his upward progress, I have resolved, from the ' residue ' of my estate as aforesaid, to institute and found, in connection, if pos- sible, with the Scottish Universities, lectureships or classes for the promotion of the study of said subjects, and for the teaching and diffusion of sound views regarding them." From these words there can be no doubt that the con- clusion of Lord Gifford's mind as to how, in satisfaction of a public obligation which he felt lay upon him, he could best employ an expected " residue " of his estate, was the institution and foundation of certain lectureships in Natural Theology. The lectureships in question, in fact, are, within inverted commas, formally described as established for " Promoting, Advancing, Teaching, and Diffusing the Study of Natural Theology." That is ex- press ; there is no possible mistake of, or possible escape from, the bare term itself ; and just as little are we allowed any possible mistake of, or possible escape from, what Lord Gifford himself literally prescribes as his own whole will and meaning in the term. Natural Theology is, for Lord Gifford, in precise " other words," and with the same distinction of inverted commas, " The Knowledge of God, the Infinite, the All, the First and Only Cause, the One and the Sole Substance, the Sole Being, the Sole Reality, and the Sole Existence, the Knowledge of His Nature and Attributes, the Knowledge of the Relations which man and the whole universe bear to Him, the Knowledge of the Nature and Foundation of Ethics or Morals, and of all Obligations and Duties thence arising." All here, we see, is formal and express ; and everything is done that can be done by capital letters and inverted commas, by word upon word and phrase upon phrase, to cut off the very possibility of any failure to understand. That is the technical scroll, style, title, and designation of GOD ALL IN ALL TO LORD GIFFORD. 7 the business that is in hand. That is the Purview of the Lecturer : these are his Instructions. Further, indeed, and more expressly as regards the lecturers, he says this: "I have intentionally indicated the general aspect which personally I would wish the lectures to bear, but the lecturers shall be under no re- straint whatever in their treatment of their theme . . . provided only that the ' patrons ' will use diligence to secure that they be able, reverent men, true thinkers, sincere lovers of, and earnest inquirers after, truth." These, then, briefly are Lord Gifford's views in regard to the lecturers ; while, as for the lectures, we have already learned that they are to promote the teaching and diffu- sion of " sound views " in respect of Natural Theology. Now the whole question here is — What did Lord Gilford mean by " sound views " ? This, in the first place, is plain, that Lord Gifford wished the " sound views " he desiderated to be independent of Revelation ; but, in the second place, Revelation apart, he undoubtedly expected the phrase to be understood as it is ordinarily understood — and that is on the serious and affirmative side. ■Unless we can suppose that Lord Gifford could, in such serious and solemn circumstances, descend to a paltry quibble and an unworthy irony, we must believe that the phrase bore for him, and must have borne for him, the only signification that is given to it in current usage. But we can say more than that. Lord Gifford himself expressly tells us, " I have intentionally indicated, in describing the subject of the lectures, the general aspect which 'personally I would expect the lectures to bear ; " and with such an avowal as that before us, there can be no great difficulty in coming to a certainty of assurance as regards what was peculiarly meant by the expression " sound views." Lord Gifford tells us that his personal expectation as regards the general aspect of the lecturers has been " in- 8 GIFFORD LECTURE THE FIRST. tentionally indicated " by himself, and that we shall find as much in his description of the " subject " of the lectures. We are not even allowed a moment's hesitation in the reference, then ; for not only do we know that the subject is Natural Theology, but we know also, and that, too, in all fulness and completeness of detail, Lord Gifford's own definition of the subject. We need but recall a phrase or two here to have the whole before us again, and to feel relieved from all doubt relatively. " The First and Only Cause," " the Sole Being," " the greatest of all possible sciences, — indeed, in one sense, the only science, that of Infinite Being," — surely when Lord Gifford solicits " sound views " on such subjects, and so expressed, he is speaking affirmatively, and not negatively ; seriously, and not mock- ingly. The whole tone of any relative wording all through is one of reverent belief in, and reverent desire for. the realization of religion. His solemn last words are these : " I give my body to the earth as it was before, in order that the enduring blocks and materials thereof may be employed in new combinations ; and I give my soul to God, in Whom, and with Whom, it always was. to be in Him, and with Him for ever in closer and more conscious union." These sublime and solemn, almost awe- ing, last words comport but ill with <: sound views," in the construction that would make them only ironical and a mock. I have no desire to strain the situation to any undue extreme ; it is not my wish to make a Saint Simeon Stylites of Lord Gifford in the matter of Bevelation, nor yet an antique ruling elder in rigidity of Confession and the Creed. As to that I know nothing. How it was situated with Lord Gifford as regards any particular religious body or persuasion, is beyond my ken. I know only this, and the document so long before us bears ample testimony to the fact, that, during these suffering last years of Lord Gifford, it must have been the subject of religion that THE LECTURERS. ■> occupied his whole mind and heart. The proof is his Testament and Will, in which he is not content to concern himself only with the things of earth and his worldly relations, but in which he draws nigh also to his God and his heritage on the other side. " I give my soul to God," he says, "in Whom, and with Whom, it always was, to be in Him, and with Him for ever in closer and more conscious union." What, in a religious sense, Lord Gifford personally felt, and what, in a religious sense, as regards his lecturers, he personally expected or desired, I shall hold now to have been made conclusively plain. It is equally plain, at the same time, that Lord Gifford had no wish in any way to trammel his lecturers, or to bind them down to any express articles, provided always that whatever they advocated was advocated only by them as "reverent men, true thinkers, sincere lovers of, and earnest inquirers after, truth." No doubt that is true ; though I think we may also take it for granted, from the whole tone and general drift of his expressions, that it was the serious side he would wish to see triumphant in the world, and prevailing in the lives of men. " My desire and hope " — this is his own, most unambiguous declaration towards the close — "my desire and hope is that these lectureships and lectures may promote and advance among all classes of the com- munity the true knowledge of Him Who is, and there is none and nothing besides Him, in Whom we live and move and have our being, and in Whom all things consist, and of man's real relation to Him Whom truly to know is life everlasting." Now, coming from such considerations as these, it is not unnatural that the question should suggest itself, And how of the lecturer, — how is he situated in regard to the momentous interests which have been before us ? Of course there is no necessity in the bond that the lecturer, whom it has been the care of the patrons to 10 GIFFORD LECTURE THE FIRST. appoint, should declare himself before he lectures, or, simply, further and otherwise than as he lectures. Still it might be convenient did he contrive to let his hearers have some inkling beforehand, generally, of what spirit and drift they might expect from him. Fielding, in one of his novels, tells us that, when we dine with a gentle- man who gives a private treat, we must not find fault, but cheerfully accept whatever fare he pleases ; whereas, in the case of an ordinary, with a bill of fare in the window, we can see for ourselves, and either enter or turn away a* it suits us. This hint, which only bears on physical food, Fielding does not disdain to borrow in respect of food otherwise. Following his example, then, let us prefix, not exactly now a bill of fare (which will come later), but an explanation, so far, in regard to creed. But that amounts to a religious confession, whereas it may seem that Lord Giffbrd himself deprecates or disapproves all such. It is certain that, according to the terms of the document, all previous declarations are unnecessary ; but still it cannot be said that there is any actual prohibition of them, either expressed or under- stood. Lord Gilford himself, as I have attempted to show, has made no secret of his own convictions on the general question ; and without at all desiring to set up a compulsory precedent for others, we may, without impro- priety, follow his example. I am a member of the National Church, and would not willingly run counter to whatever that involves. Again, as is seen at its clearest and most definite in the sister Church farther south, perhaps, — there are three main sections of that Church, or rather, as actual speech has it, in that one Church, — there are three Churches. There is Broad Church, High Church, Low or Evangelical Church. I daresay it has been by some — few or many, I know not — supposed that I am Broad, and it is very certain THE IMMEDIATE LECTURER 11 that it is not with my own will that I shall be narrow. I am an utter foe to religious rancour — religious intolerance of any kind. In that respect I am absolutely as Lord Gifford himself would appear to have been from his own statements, which are now, I hope, clearly in our minds. Nevertheless, I have to confess that I would quite as soon wish to be considered High as Broad, and that the party to which I do wish to be considered to belong is the Low or Evangelical one. No doubt there is deeply and ineradic- ably implanted in the human soul an original sentiment which is the religious one ; and no doubt also there is as deeply and ineradicably implanted there a religious under- standing. We not only feel, we know religion. Religion is not only buoyed up on a sentiment of the heart, it is founded also on ideas of the intellect. So it is* that, if for me High Church seems too exclusively devoted to the category of feeling, Broad Church, again, too much accentuates the principle of the understanding. Now, if as much as this be true, as well for the one Church as the other, it will not be incorrect to say that while the Low or Evangelical Church is neither exclusively High nor exclusively Broad, it is in essential idea both ; and so it is that it is on its side that I would wish to be considered to rank. I know not at the same time but that all three Churches have a common sin, the sin of absolute intoler- ance and denial, the one of the other. That I would wish otherwise for them in a mutual regard, and that I would wish otherwise from them in my own regard when I point out this diffi rence between them and me, that what they possess in what is called the Vorstellung, I rely upon in the Begriff. What they have positively in the feeling, or positively in the understanding, or positively in a union of both, I have reflectively, or ideally, or speculatively in reason. What the term positiv amounts to will be best understood by a reference to other religions than our own. 12 G1FF0RD LECTURE THE FIRST. The very edge and point of the positive may be placed in bare will, the bare will of another. Mormonism is a positive religion. There, says Joseph Smith, holding up the book of Mormon, take that, believe whatever it says, and do what it tells you. That is positive : the religion — the book— is just given, and it is just received as given. There is not a shadow of explanation, not a shadow of reasoning, not a shadow of stipulation on the one side or the other. So it is with Mahomet and the Koran. Book in hand, he just steps forward, and there, on the instant, the Mahometan is at his feet, simply repeating the precise words he hears read out to him. It is for the same reason that laws are positive. They rest on authority alone, another will than his who must obey them : as the dictionary has it, They are prescribed by express enactment or institution. Nevertheless, it is implied in laws and law that they as particulars, and it as a whole, are as much the will of him or them who receive, as of him or them who give. Law is but a realization of reason, of the reason common to us all, as much yours as his, as much his as yours. So it is, or so it ought to be, with religion ; and there you have the whole matter before you. He whose religion rests only on the Vorstcllung possesses it positively — believes it positively only ; whereas he with whom religion rests on the Bcgriff, has placed beneath it a philosophical founda- tion. You may illustrate this by a reference to the Shorter Catechism. If you get its specifications by heart and, making them your own only so, straightway act upon them, then that is an illustration of what is positive. To dwell on each specification separately by itself again, making it to flow and coalesce, and live into its own inmost meaning — that is to transmute it into the Begriff, for the Begriff is but the external material words made inward intellectual notion or idea — thought — some- THE THREE CHURCHES, ETC. 13 thing from without converted into one's own substance from within. Not but thai the positive has its own rights too. We positively muzzle our dogs, we positively bridle our horses, and we positively install our cattle ; and we have right on our side. In the same way, and for the same reason, we positively teach our children ; and we have no other resource — we positively must. But what we teach them is only their own ; they follow only their own true selves when they follow us. We make it only that they are free — that it is absolutely only their own true wills they have, follow, and obey when we give them the wills of maturity and experienced reason. So it is that it has been a custom of a Sunday in Scotland to make our children learn by heart verses of the Bible or the specifications of the Shorter Catechism. They take what they learn only into the Vorstellung : they are unable as yet to convert it into Begriff; but the trust is that they will do so later. Nor is there any reason that they should not do so, at least on the whole. I do not mean to say that earnest reflection will remove every difficulty connected with the various articles of the Book of Articles or of the Larger or Shorter Catechisms ; but I do say that many of these articles mean at bottom the very deepest and most essential metaphysical truths. But it is not with that that we have to do at present, at the same time that it, and what else I have said in this connection, will all serve to realize to you the reli- gious position of the lecturer as what we are concerned with at present. And in that reference I ought to explain that, when I have opposed what is positively held in feeling, or understanding, or a union of both to what is reflectively, ideally, speculatively held in reason, it is not the system of belief technically known as Rationalism that I have in mind, whatever relation there may exist between the two words etymologically. As 14 GIFFORD LECTURE THE FIRST. the sentence itself shows, indeed, the term reason is opposed by me, not only to feeling, but also to under- standing ; and understanding is the faculty, special, proper, and peculiar, of Rationalism. Rationalism, in fact, means — in its religious application — nothing but Aufklarung, is nothing but the Aufklarung, though claiming a certain affir- mative side in its bearing on religion. The prevailing mind of the Aufklarung, namely, as in Hobbes, Spinoza, Hume, Voltaire, is seen to be, in a religious direction, negative, so far at least as Revelation is concerned ; whereas the Aufklarung in the form of Rationalism, as in such a writer as the German Reimarus, for example, while planing away much, or perhaps almost all, that is essen- tial in religion, makes believe still to have an affirmative attitude to Revelation. Of course, I need no more than mention the distinction between understanding and reason, as I have no doubt it is now well known and familiar. It is current in Coleridge. I think, then, there will no longer be any possibility of misapprehension or mistake when I oppose religion as in reason to religion as in understanding ; while the latter, in the form of Ration- alism say, has to do only with what is conditional and finite, the former, in ideal or speculative religion, would attain to converse with the unconditional and the infinite itself. But though I am thus careful to preclude the danger of a religion in reason being confounded with Rationalism, it seems to me that I must be equally careful to provide against another and opposing danger. There is a great prejudice against old forms now-a-days ; and it is not usual for the advocates of them to find themselves listened to. Advanced views, that is, what are called advanced views, are very generally, because advanced, supposed to represent the truth — at least the truth in its highest contemporary form. The supporters of them RATIONALISM AUFKLARUNG. 1 5 have been fighting a battle against the old, it has been conceived — a battle of enlightenment, progress, and im- provement against received prejudice, traditional bigotry, and stereotyped obstruction. It is the new only that is to be hailed as the true. He who, in any way, may seem now to stand for the old must be but a hired spadassin, a gladiator, a Praetorian guard, a bravo, a bully upon wages. He cannot have anything to say worth hearing. He must simply be going to babble the orthodoxy he is paid for. These words, I doubt not, will be found to strike a true note now. If a man would have any success with the general public now-a-days, almost it would seem as though, very commonly, he must approve himself, on the whole, as an Aufgeklarter, a disciple of the " advanced " thinking we all understand so well. That is the temper of the time, and the time — let critics say as scornfully as they like, " whatever that may mean " — the time has a a temper ; and, suppose it even in the wrong, it is as much in vain to move against it as for Mrs. Partington to stave out the Atlantic with her besom. The reason, of course, is that the Aufklarung, — call it if you will Secularism, Agnosticism, or even Eationalism, — the reason is that the Aufklarung which, to our greatest thinkers, was old and worn-out, and had completely done its task, by the beginning of this century has descended upon the generality. In our large towns in these days, in our capitals, in our villages, we are confronted by a vast mass of un- belief. The Aufklarung, the historical movement called Aufklarung, as I sav, dead among thinkers, has descended upon the people ; and there is hardly a hamlet but has its Tom Faines by the half-dozen — its Tom Paines of the tap, all emulously funny on the one subject. I witnessed such a thing as this myself last summer in the country 1G G1FF0RD LECTURE THE FIRST. — the bewildered defeat of my landlady under the crow- ing triumph of her son, a lad of seventeen or so, who had asked her to explain to him where Cain got his wife ! In such circumstances we cannot expect to find a large portion of the Press different. I recollect I was once warned by a publisher, that I must remember it was the No-God men who had the pull at present. One is glad to think, however, that in this the dawn of a change begins to show. There are those among our highest, best, and most influential organs that have ceased to think that it is any longer necessary only to follow. They will teach now, inform, instruct, educate, lead. Still, on the whole, we may lay our account with this, that there is a prejudice in the mass for what appears, at least, to come to it as new. These are the words of the advanced, it thinks, of those, as I have said, who have been fighting the battle of time, in which, of course, it is always the new is the true. I am sorry for this. It is only a radical mistake of what is the new and what is the true. " Distinguished Paine, rebellious staymaker, rebellious needleman," as Carlyle calls him, cannot at least be new in these days, seeing that it is now about a hundred years since, by his chalked door on the wrong side, he just escaped the very last tumbrils of the French Revolution. I suppose deep with Paine was but shallow at its best : it is not likely that the shallowness of a hundred years ago is less shallow now. That, however, is the other danger. If there was a danger that reason might be confounded with the under- standing, and philosophical faith with Piationalism, there is also a danger that said philosophical faith, just in this that it is faith, should, by the followers of what they consider the new, not be listened to. It is to be sus- pected, indeed, that many good men, who know quite well what and where the Aufklarung is, are now-a-days THE PREJUDICE AGAINST BELIEF. 1 7 reduced to silence precisely by such a consideration. "Why speak if no one will listen ? Nothing succeeds like success, and a failure remains a failure. Human nature is but weak ; and it cannot be wondered at, that it very soon gets hoarse in the throat, if it finds itself to be bawling only in a desert. It takes patience and a long life for men like the Carlyles and the Brownings to be overwhelmed with plaudits in the end that can only spoil themselves. What I mean by all this, however, is only to protest against such religious views as I have, not expounded, but indicated, being regarded as something too old to be listened to. I, for my part, very stupidly, perhaps, but still, as even the adversary will hasten to allow, not unnaturally, am apt to look upon them as the very newest of the new, as precisely the message which the votaries of philosophy have to give the world at present. And so it is that, to my mind, such votaries of philo- sophy must not allow themselves to be browbeat by the vulgarity that cries, and can only cry, as Cervantes tells us, " Long live the conqueror," meaning, of course, by that, only the side that is uppermost for the moment. What is really out of date, what is really behind the time, is to insist on regarding as still alive an interest that, as is historically known, had, so far as the progress of thought is concerned, fully come to term a hundred years ago. Not, at the same time, that there is any call for us to be either narrow or intolerant. What is in place now is a large and wise liberality that shall not fail at any time in the wish and the will to face and admit the truth. If any man confessed to me, for example, that, when the walls of the city were said to have fallen at the blast of the trumpet, his own belief was that this was merely the Oriental phantasy express- ing in a trope the signal speed of the event — if any man B 18 GIFFORD LECTURE THE FIRST. confessed such attitude of mind tome with fears for his orthodox security, I do think that I should not feel justified in bidding- him despair ! In fact, our relative riches aie such that, to my belief, we may readily allow ourselves as much. For the sake of comparison, let us even do this — let us consent, so far, and for this purpose, to place the sacred books of the Hebrews on the same level as the other sacred books of the East, and what have we lost ? Will they lose in the regard ? Is it not amusing at times to note the exultation with which our great Cochinese and Anamese scholars, our great Tonquin explorers, will hold up some mere halting verse or two, or say some bill of sale, certificate of feu, against the Hebrew Scriptures. Suppose the state of the case re- versed. Suppose we had been rejoicing all this time in these bills of sale, certificates of feu, and halting verses — nay, give them all, give them their own best, suppose we had been rejoicing all this time in the Confucian Kings and the very oldest Vedas, and suppose, in the face of all these possessions, the Hebrew Scriptures, unknown before, were suddenly dug up and brought to light ! Then, surely, there might be a cry, and a simultaneous shout, that never before had there been such a glorious — never before had there been such a miraculous find ! The sacred writings of the Hebrews, indeed, are .so im- measurably superior to those of every other name that, for the sake of the latter, to invite a comparison is to undergo instantaneous extinction. Nay, regard these Scriptures as a literature only, the literature of the Jews — even then, in the kind of quality, is there any literature to be compared with it ? will it not even then remain still as the sacred literature ? A taking simple- ness, a simple takingness that is divine — all that can lift us out of our own week-day selves and place us, pure then, holy, rapt, in the joy and the peace of Sabbath HISTORICAL ANACHRONISM. 19 feeling and Sabbath vision, is to be found in the mere nature of these old idylls, in the full-filling Bublimity of these psalms, in the inspired Godwards of these intense-souled prophets. With all that in mind, think now of the tumid superiority of Mr. Buckle ! If any one can contradict me, he magnanimously intimates when perorating against all that, " I will abandon the view for which I am contending ! " With the Hebrew Scriptures lying there before us in their truth, as I have attempted to image it, is it not something pitiably small to hear again the jokes even of a Voltaire about the discrepancies? I do not apprehend that it is pretended by any one that there are not discrepancies; but what are they in the midst of all that grandeur ? He, now, who would boggle at the wife of Cain, or stumble over the walls of Jericho, is not an adult : lie is but a boy still. For my part, I do believe — I feel sure — that David Hume, that Voltaire himself were he alive now, and were he cognizant of all the education that we have received since, even on prompting of his own, would not for a moment be inclined to own as his these laggards and stragglers of an army that had disappeared. He would know that the new- time had brought a new task, and he would have no desire to find himself a mere anachronism, and historically out of .date. But with whatever general spirit we may approach the subject, it is to be considered that that subject, that Natural Theology itself, makes no call on Revelation — nay, that the Lecturer is under an express stipulation to treat it in independence of Revelation. Natural Theology, indeed, just as Natural Theology, means an appeal to nature, an appeal that is only natural. In it the existence of a God is to be established only by reference to the constitution of the universe, even as thai universe exhibits itself within the bounds of space and 20 GIFFORD LECTURE THE FIRST. time ; and not in anywise farther than as it is reflected also in the intellect and will of man. Having thus exhausted what appeared necessary pre- liminaries of the subject so far as the respective persons seem concerned, their claims, wishes, intentions, views, powers, and understandings in its regard, we shall, in the next lecture, proceed to what more directly bears on the subject itself. GIFFORD LECTURE THE SECOND. Natural theology, what is it? — Usual answers — Hutcheson — Varro — The Middle Ages— Kaymund of Sebonde — Rays, Paleys, etc. — Till 1860— Since— Philosophies of religion— Pagan gods— De Quincey, Augustine, Cicero, Pliny, Juvenal, Herodotus, Aulus Gellius — The proofs historically treated — That the theme — Plotinus, Augustine— Natural theology not possibly a physical science — Understanding and faith, Augustine, Anselm — Monotheism alone religion proper — The course, affirmative, negative — China, India, Colebrooke, Riis bihiiri Mukharji — Hindu texts (Gnostics) — Hesiod. Having discussed and settled, so far as seemed desir- able, the personal aspects in connection with the matter in hand — what, viz., may have been the wishes, inten- tions, and general spirit of the Testator himself in the reference, as well as what expectations it may be in place to form in regard to the immediate lecturer, and the mood of mind in which he avows himself to enter upon this theme, — questions, it is hoped, all viewed with feelings and considerations not alien from, but so far in harmony with, the subject, — to that subject itself it only now remains for us more directly to turn. It — that subject — is formally dictated and expressly prescribed to us under the name of Natural Theology. We are met at once, in the first place, then, by the question, What is it — what is Natural Theology? I dare- say we have all some idea, more or less correspondent to the interest itself, of what Theology is. Theology, by the etymology of the mere expression, is the logos of God. The Greek logos, to be sure, like the Latin ratio, 22 GIFFOKD LECTURE THE SECOND. has quite an infinitude of applications ; but the applica- tion that comes pretty well at once to the surface here, suggests, as in some degree synonymous with itself, such words as description, narrative, account, report, rationale, theory, etc. Geology is a description, narrative, account, report, rationale, theory of all that concerns the earth in itself and in its vicissitudes. Zoology is such an account of all that concerns animals ; and astrology, supposing it to mean, as it ought, all that astronomy means, is a description, narrative, account, report, rationale, theory of all the objects we perceive in the heavens, and of their various movements and general phenomena. Theology, then, is to expound to us God, the fact of His existence, and the nature of His Being. Now, the qualifying word, Natural, when applied to Theology, must have a limitative, restrictive, and determinative force. What is still in hand is Theology, the account of God ; but that account is to be a natural account. In short, Natural Theology means that we are to tell of God all that we can tell of Him via natural, by the way of nature, — we are to tell of Him all that we can tell of Him from an examination of mere nature — of nature as we perceive or find it to be without us, of nature as we perceive or find it to be within us. The information so acquired will sometimes be found to be named, as by the Scholastics, and by Descartes and Leibnitz after them, the lumen naturae, lumen naturale, lumidre naturelle, the light of nature ; and consequently, by very name, is opposed to the super- natural light which is to be understood as given us by express revelation. Francis Hutcheson, in the third part, Be Deo, of his excellent little Latin Synopsis of Metaphysics, says that " although all philosophy is pleasant and profitable, there is, nevertheless, no part of it more productive and rich IIUTCHESON VAERO. 2 3 than that which contains the knowledge of God, quceque dicitur TJieologia Katuralis." This Natural Theology he goes on to describe as due to " philosophers who support themselves on the sole powers of human reason, and make no reference to what God has supernaturally revealed to inspired men." And the thing itself confirms the defini- tion. "We have only to look to what treatises have been actually written on the subject to perceive that the attempt in all of them is to demonstrate the existence and attributes of the Deity by reason alone, in applica- tion to nature itself as it appears within us or without us. Any sketch of the history of these treatises — of the history of Natural Theology — usually begins with the mention of Yarro, the contemporary of Cicero, a man, as it appears, of eneyclopa-die knowledge. I cannot see, however, much in his connection that is in application here. All that is known of Yarro on this head is to be found in the sixth book of St. Augustine's City of God, the greater part of which is taken up with Yarro and his relation to the gods. Augustine praise- Varro, and says, " he will teach the student of things as much as Cicero delights the student of words." There shall have been on his part also " a threefold division of theology into fabulous, natural, civil." And here Yarro says himself, " they call that kind mythical (or fabulous) which the poets chiefly use ; physical, that which the philosophers use ; civil, that which the people use ; " and again he says, " the first theology is especially adapted to the theatre, the second to the world, the third to the city." But without going any further into this, it may be said at once that the Natural, rather Physical Theology here, only considered the principles of the philosophers, as the fire of Heraclitus, the numbers of the Pythagoreans, the atoms of Epicurus ; and was merely a rationalizing of what was alleged 24 GIFFORD LECTURE THE SECOND. of the gods into these — these principles, and had no claim whatever to the title Natural Theology as understood by us. At all to allude to Varro in this connection is on the whole idle. Of the power and majesty, as well as of the love of God, exhibited in the spectacle of the creation, we know that in the Old and New Testaments there is much both of awing sublimity and heart-touching gentleness. And, accordingly, we may as readily surmise that such marvels of poetry and inspiration would not escape the early Fathers, but would be rapturously used by them. And so indeed it was. Not but that there was a religious teaching, sooner or later, in vogue also, that despised nature, and turned from it as something inferior or wicked. All through the Middle Ages, and in most of their respective writings, there occur traces of refer- ences to nature that may be claimed in any professed history of the subject ; but in point of reality there is no veritable " Natural Theology " till the work expressly so named by the Iiaimond Sebond, the Iiaimondus de Sebonde, of Montaigne. The place he is named from is supposed to be somewhere in Spain, but nobody seems to know where it is to be found ; every new authority has a new name for it, Sebonde, Sabunde, Sabeyda, Sabieude, etc. Eaymund nourished in the middle of the fifteenth century, and his book was called Tlieologia. Naturalis sive Liber Creaturarum ex quo homo in Dei et creaturarum suique ipsius cognitioncm assurgit — Natural Theology or Book of the Creatures, from which a man rises to a knowledge of God and the creatures and his own self. This is sufficiently promising ; but, after all, there is not a great deal in the book. Nevertheless, it appeared of such importance to the Eoman Curia that we find its Prologus in the list of forbidden books; this in 1595, BAYMUND KAYS, PALEYS, ETC. 25 more than a century and a half after its presumed composition. Montaigne, too, who translated it into French for his father, speaks in the highest terms of it, " Many folks amuse themselves reading it," he says, " and especially the ladies." I had noted some pas- sages to quote, but they are hardly worth the time. In the ascent of things to God, man is on the fourth grade, he remarks : he is, he lives, he feels, and he under- stands. This is a fourfold distinction taken from Aris- totle, which we find in most writers throughout the Middle Ages ; it is the esse, vivere, sentirc, intettigere, so universally applied in exposition of the stages of creation during the Hexaemeron — the six days of it, After liaymund, or his commentator Montaigne, I fancy we need hardly mention any other writers on the subject till we come to the Grews, Rays, Cudworths, Stillingfleets, Derhams, Clarkes, and Fenelons nearer our own times ; in which (times) all previous authorities have been superseded by our Paley and our Bridge- water Treatises. These last, then, — this now is the important considera- tion, and here is the critical pause, — these last, then, represent Natural Theology, and, as a whole, exhibit it — is it their contents that shall constitute the burden of these lectures, and be reproduced now ? It is Natural Theology we have to treat — Paley is Natural Theology. Shall we just give Paley over again ? I fear the ques- tion will be met by most of us with a shudder. For many years back it would seem as though the Natural Theology of the Eays and the Derhams, of the Faleys and the Bridgcivatcr Treatises had vanished from our midst. "Where," asked a metaphysician some four- score years ago, — " where may or can now a single note of former Natural Theology be heard — all that has been destroyed root and branch, and has disappeared from 26 GIFFORD LECTURE THE SECOND. the circle of the sciences ? " His own question, all the same, did not hinder the same metaphysician from lecturing affirmatively on Natural Theology a considerable number of years later ; while, at about the same time in England, there was a revival of interest in the subject, principally in consequence, perhaps, of a new edition of Paley's work, to which Sir Charles Bell and Lord Brougham had, each in his own way, contributed. From that time, quite on indeed till 1860, we may say, there was the old interest, the old curiosity, ad- miration, reverence, awe, as in presence of the handi- work of God, when the descriptions of Natural Theology were before us, whether in lecture or in book. But now, again, a new wave has come and washed, for some twenty years back, Natural Theology pretty well out of sight. He who should take it up now as Paley took it up, or as Lord Brougham took it up, would simply be regarded as a fossil. In such circumstances the resource seems to be to turn to what is called the Philosophy of Religion, and has been introduced into Great Britain almost quite recently in the form of one or two translations from the German. There are other philosophies of religion in existence besides any as yet translated. Perhaps, indeed, there is no department of philosophy, so far as publishers' lists are in evidence, which claims a greater number of books at present. Even here, however, with a special view to the requirements of Lord Giford's Bequest, I do not find my look of inquiry quite hope- fully met. In one of the translated books, for example, what we find as a philosophy of religion is pretty well a series of biographies ; while, in the other, there are two parts — a part that is general, and a part that is bio- graphical. Now, I do not apprehend that a mere series of biographies would suit the requirement which we PHILOSOPHIES OF ItELIGION*. 27 have in view ; and, as for the general part, it does not seem to satisfy me in that consideration either. That part may be said to consist of three divisions — one division being given to what we may call alien religions, another to our own Christianity, and a third to what may be regarded as specially general. Now, as regards Christianity, I do not feel that I should be happy did I philosophize it to you, even if that were competent to us on Lord Clifford's foundation, in the way in which it has been usual to do so, as, in fact, we find at once in the example readiest to hand — I mean in the Eaymund of Sabunde we have just spoken of. This writer holds that there must, of necessity, be a plurality of persons in the Godhead, quia in Deo debet esse communication quaz ncquit esse sine dantc, ct recipiente atque communicantc (that is, " because in God there must be communication or community, which, again, is im- possible unless there be a Giver, a Receiver, and a Communicator "). Of course, as is obvious at once, Eaymund means that the Father should be the Giver, the Son the Receiver, and the Third Person in the Godhead the Communicator. I do not mean to say that it is literally thus our modern writers philoso- phize to us the Trinity ; but it is an example in point, and perfectly illustrates the general method actually in use. I do not know that it is popularly known ; it is quite true, nevertheless, that in the greater number of the Fathers of the Church, and the other ecclesiastical, especially mystical, writers of the Middle Ages, some such method of philosophizing tin 1 persons of the Godhead is commonly to be found. In them, for example, as in more modern philosophical writers, it is quite usual for Christ to stand as the ex- istent world. Now, I am not at all a foe to a warrant ml religious philosophizing; I am not at all a foe even to 28 GIFFORD LECTURE THE SECOND. the carrying of trinity — trinity in unity — into the very heart of the universe in constitution of it. But it strikes me that in these days, and as we are here in Great Britain, so to attempt to philosophize the Christian God- head would only repugn. I, for my part, cannot feel at home in it. I feel quite outside of it. There is such a naked naivete in the Old Testament, and there is such a direct trust of natural simplicity in the New, as comport but ill with the apparent artifice and mere ingenuity of these seeming externalities. Again, as regards the divi- sion which, in these books, is devoted to other religions than our own, one finds it hard to put faith in that adjustment of them, the one to the other, that would make a correlated series of them, and a connected whole. With whatever attempt to philosophize them, there appears little for us that is vital in these religions now. They are not lively these nondescript divinities. My reading of these parts of these philosophies has been careful enough ; but I always found that a Gesindel (a rabble) of gods would not prove to me, as a Gesindel of ghosts had proved to a German professor, entertaining, that is, and refreshing. My experience rather seemed to be something like that of De Quincey in his dreams. " I fled from the wrath of Brahma ; Vishnu hated me ; Siva lay in wait for me ; I came suddenly on Isis and Osiris. I had done a deed, they said, which the ibis and the crocodile trembled at." Milton's " Lars and Lemures," and " wounded Thammuz," and " the dog Anubis," and " that twice-battered god of Palestine," were only delight- ful to me in his own most glorious poem. Apart from it, I was as grimly content to see them turn tail and flee as he was. I quite sympathized with Augustine in his contempt or horror of such gods as Jugatinus and Domi- ducus, and Domitius and Manturna, and Subigus and Prema and Pertunda. I agreed with Cicero that it was PAGAN GODS. 29 " detestable," that it was to be " repudiated," and not to be " tolerated," that there should be such gods as Fever and Mischance, Insolence and Impudence. I did not wonder at Pliny's disgust with the human folly that would believe in such gods. And did not Juvenal tell us of the Leek and the Onion as the gods whom, inviolably, the Egyptians swore by ? "Oh, the holy nation," exclaims Juvenal, — " oh, the holy nation whose very gods grow in their gardens ! " One remembers, nevertheless, that in the erection of the pyramids, according to Herodotus, these same Egyptians ate up ever so many hundred talents' worth of those gods of theirs. As for the divinity of the onion in particular, Aulus Gellius informs us that the Egyptian priests believed it, because the onion reversed for them the usual order of sublunary things, growing, namely, as the moon declined, and de- clining as the moon grew. I am not aware that modern science has confirmed the supposition ; but, no doubt, they knew a great many more things then than we know now ! A Gesindel, a canaille, a rabble of gods truly ! And Pliny has it that there was, in his time even, a greater population of gods and goddesses than of human beings ! The Greek poets and the Eoman poets — I am just recounting my relative experiences here — were all as pleasing to me, no doubt, as to another ; but I could not say that the special gods, Jupiter and the rest, made any very appreciable part of the pleasure. I had no interest in the gods of polytheism at all : after strange gods I suppose it formed no part of my idiosyncrasy to run. In short, in the division under reference of the said philosophies of religion, the philosophizing of the various gods of the various nations failed to move me or inspire me with a will to follow in the same direction. This, of course, cannot be without some natural exaggera- tion ; for, in the end, I by no means deny a certain affinity 30 GIFFORD LECTURE THE SECOND. of the religions, the one to the other, and a consequent possibility of philosophically bringing them together. I only wish that for the purpose of use the actual attempts in this direction, so far as possibility of presentation is concerned, were better suited for our public. But, for the mere histories of the various popular divinities, I failed to see that I could make any application of them in the charge I had accepted in connection with Lord Gifford's bequest. Natural Theology as Natural Theology I could not in any way find in them. But, besides the divisions philosophizing, — the one Christianity and the other paganism, — there was the inter- mediate division of a more general philosophical matter, discussing, for example, the question of the seat of re- ligion, whether it was a sentiment, or whether it was a knowledge — even here I failed to find myself satisfied as to its sufficient availableness in respect of the conditions in view. The best performances in this regard had in them, assuming all else to be unobjectionable, such a mode of presentation and treatment as hardly could be acceptably and intelligibly conveyed. Recurring perforce from the Philosophy of Tieligion to Natural Theology again, it suggested itself that, after all, Paley 's way of it did not exhaust the subject. The field was really a larger field than Paley occupied. Paley entertained no questions of the proofs as the proofs, and the proofs as the proofs constituted the subject. The arguments, the proofs for the Being of a God — that was Natural Theology. And, again, not less are these proofs the very essential elements and bases of the philosophy of religion itself. There is no philosophy of religion that, extricating itself from mere biography, possesses a general part, but finds room — the best of them large, important, and essential room — for the subject of the proofs. Whence come these proofs, then ? They must THE PROOFS HISTORICALLY TREATED. ol have had a beginning. But begin where they might, they could have had no place where paganism and polytheism obtained. Side by side with religion, there might have been vague, crude, general philosophizings, but there could have been no Natural Theology as Natural Theology, and no proofs as proofs of Natural Theology. Polytheism, therefore, must fade, monotheism must dawn, before there could be even a thought of Natural Theology or its proofs. What, then, is the history of these proofs, and in this relation ? Suppose, at long and last, we take up this, — suppose we take up consideration of the known, received, tabulated, traditional proofs, and in connection ivith their history, — that would be an escape at once from what is alleged to be antiquated, and to what brings with it an element that promises to be new ; for there may be in existence sketched suggestions in regard to those who have written on the DO O subject ; but it seems unknown that any attention has been paid as yet to the historical derivation of the proofs themselves. In this way, too, there would be no abandon- ment of the subject itself. Natural Theology — God as the sole content of Natural Theology — would never fall from sight nor cease to be before our eyes. Nor yet are we any more in this way excluded from philosophy : we are at once here in the very heart of the philosophy of religion itself ; and, in a personal regard, there can be no want of every opportunity to say everything whatever that one may have a wish or ability to say on such theme generally. With four men, at four universities, all declaiming, year after year, on the same text, there may come necessity for diversion and digression; but now, in this firsl year, it would ill become the lecturer who was first elected on the whole foundation, and in the university at least of the capital — it would ill become him, so signalized and so placed, to set the example of an episode, while il was the epic he was specially engaged for. There can be no doubt 32 GIFFORD LECTURE THE SECOND. that Lord Gifford was very serious in his bequest, — there can be no doubt of the one meaning, end, aim, intention, and object of all those emphatic specifications and desig- nations of his, — there can be no question but that the Testator's one wish, in these days of religious difficulty and distrust, was for some positive settlement in regard to the Being of a God. One cannot read that last Will and Testament of Lord Gifford's, indeed, without being reminded of what Porphyry tells us of Plotinus. Plotinus died, he says, with these last words in his mouth : Ileipdadco to ev fjfuv 6elov dvdyeiv 7T/30? to ev ra> irdvTi Oetov (strive to bring the God that is in us to the God that is in the All). Kepler, apparently in contrast to this, says : " My highest wish is to find within the God whom I find everywhere without." In such a matter, however, it does not signify from which side we take it. There can be no doubt that the last thoughts of Lord Gifford concerned his own soul, and the God who made it. To know that, was to Lord Gifford to know all. It was with him just as though he soliloquized with St. Augustine (Soliloq. i. 7) : Deum et unimam scire cupio (I desire to know God and the soul). Nihilne plus (Nothing more) ? Nihil omnino (Nothing at all)! It is true at the same time — and it may be well for a moment to meet this point — that Lord Gifford wished the subject to be treated as a strictly natural science, just as astronomy or chemistry is. But natural obviously is only opposed here to supernatural, only to what concerns lievelation. It were idle to ask me to prove this : every relative expression is a proof in place. If it were said that astronomy is to be treated as a strictly natural science just as chemistry is, would it be necessary to substitute in the former the method of the latter — to roast Jupiter in a crucible, or distil Saturn over in a retort ? Things that are identical in the genus are very unlike in the NATURAL THEOLOGY NOT POSSIBLY A PHYSICAL SCIENCE. 33 species, as in the Aristotelian example of the ox and the man, where each is an animal. The apparatus of chemistry is for chemistry, and the apparatus of astronomy is for astronomy : neither can be substituted for the other ; and both are powerless in regard to the object of Natural Theology. Our transatlantic brothers, as w T e hear at this moment, are going to have object glasses, or reflectors, or refractors, of ever so many feet ; but the very tallest American, with the very tallest of telescopes, will never be able to say that he spied out God. Natural Theology is equally known as Rational Theology ; and Rational Theology is equally known as the Metaphysic of God. That last phrase is acceptable enough ; it repugns not ; but fancy the Physic of God ! The Greek term, doubtless, has an identity with the Latin one ; but it has also a difference. Natural Theology may be considered a strictly natural science ; but it were hardly possible to treat it as a strictly physical science. Physical Theology sounds barbarous, and carries us no farther than Mumbo-Jumljo and the fetich in general. What we have to aim at, wholly and solely, here, in our science, is the knowledge of God, a knowledge that can come to us only metaphysically ; for it is a knowledge that, with whatever reference to nature, is still beyond nature ; — a knowledge, in fact, whose very business in the end is to transcend nature — the knowledge, namely, to which the Finite is only the momentary purchase that gives the rise to the Infinite. It can come to us, then, as said, only metaphysically, and for that matter, too, only religiously. The old way of it is not without its truth, the old way of it, as in the time of Augustine, or as in the time of Anselm. To both Augustine and Anselm there may be a necessity for a cultivation of the understanding ; but to both also there is a necessity that faith precede. Augustine {Civ. Dei, ix. 20) has in mind the verse (1 Cor. viii. 1), " Know- c 34 GIFFORD LECTURE THE SECOND. ledge puffeth up, but charity buildeth up." " Aud this can only be understood," he says, " as meaning that with- out charity, knowledge does no good, but inflates a man, or magnifies him with an empty windiness." So it is that to Augustine faith, love, charity must precede knowledge. Even as the ground must be loosened and softened for reception of the seed, so must the heart be made tender by faith, charity, and love, if it would profitably receive into itself the elements of knowledge. The same necessi- ties, to the same end, with humility, occur in Anselm. So here we have only to recollect his most frequent expressions to know that the general object of Lord Gifford, too, was faith, belief — the production of a living principle that, giving us God in the heart, should, in this world of ours, guide us in peace. How inapplicable mere Physics are to Natural Theology is obvious also from this, that Lord Gifford directly styles the latter " the only science, the science of Infinite Being." It is not in a science of Infinite Being that the lever or the pulley or the screw can have any place ; in respect of such a science, there is no power to deal with it but what lies in philosophy. And thus in meeting an objec- tion that may rest on such expressions as astronomy, chemistry, natural science, etc., we are brought back to where we were in connection with the proofs and their appearance in history. Natural Theology as Natural Theology, the philosophy of Infinite Being as the philo- sophy of Infinite Being, neither the one nor the other can be found in Physics, and just as little in paganism or in polytheism ; but both are to be found, and found together, when on the stage of history polytheism is melting into monotheism, and paganism is drawing nigh to Christianity. I have been met with surprise when I have said that religion proper only begins with mono- theism. But you will realize what I mean, if you will MONOTHEISM ALONE RELIGION PROPER. 35 only consider the idea of sin. In mere mythology, which is superstition only, there may be fear for an evil in threat, or hope for a good that is desired, but there is no moral sense of sin, no moral anguish and conflict in one's own conscience. Moral responsibility comes only with the doc- trine of the one God that has made man in His image. For then man is no longer a slave ; he is a free man, and is referred to his own standard as a rational being, in regard to whether he is in unison with his Maker or not. Had ever any Greek or Eoman struggles within himself as to his belief or unbelief ? Many a modern has given to this world soul-thrilling testimonies of struggles as to God; but never a Greek or a Eoman in regard to Jupiter or Juno. Men, of course, will tear you like wild beasts, and rend you into a thousand fragments, should you spit upon their fetiches, in whose good - will they trust ; but that is a different matter. These men may hate you ; but they have no struggles in themselves. And now, after all these meetings of objections and all these explanations, in which, I trust, you will still kindly acknowledge a certain treatment of the subject itself, — after all this, it remains for me to state finally and formally what our further course shall be both for this session and the next. I take the theme as it is pre- scribed to me — Natural Theology and the proofs for the Being of a God. These proofs I follow historically, while the reflection, at the same time, that we have still before us " the only science, the science of Infinite Being," may bring with it a certain breadth and filling, tending to preclude, perhaps, what possible insufficiency of philo- sophical matter a mere consideration of the proofs them- selves might chance to involve. This is one half of my enterprise. The other half — the negative half — shall concern the denial of the proofs. This session I confine myself to the affirmative ; next session, I shall conclude 36 GIFFORD LECTURE THE SECOND. with what concerns the negative. In this way we shall have two correspondent and complementary halves — one irenical, and the other polemical ; one with the ancients, and the other with the moderns. For I shall bring the affirmative half historically down only till we come again in sight of Eaymund of Sabunde, with whom in a way our explanations opened. I shall not trouble you with any formal exposition of the proofs themselves till we come to the negative that denies them ; and I do not think it necessary to deduce the historical part farther than Eaymund. I hold the Grews, the Kays, the Der- hams, etc., to have been all absorbed in your familiar Paley, who, for his part, needs no exposition of mine. Now, of the historical reference in question, I know not that there is much to be said till the first faint rise of monotheism begins to show itself among the Greeks ; for I shall presume the writings of the Hebrews to have stood fairly on the world-stage only after Christianity came to the struggle with heathenism ; though cer- tainly, some 250 years before the commencement of our era, the Jews had attained, in Alexandria, to a decided influence on, to say so, the universal historical life. Before Greece, and in regard to possible philosophizings spoken of as side by side with the religions, we have to cast our eyes only on India ; for, as regards China, there does not seem anything for us there, unless the declara- tion of the sect of Lao-tse, that a material naturalism need not alone be the object of knowledge and belief, but that the superiority lies with the things of reason and the soul. Henry Thomas Colebrooke, in his essays on the philosophy of the Hindus, published in the Trans- actions of the Royal Asiatic Society, and reprinted in his Miscellaneous Essays, has collected for us all that bears on the philosophical theology of India ; for what is philosophical in that reference alone concerns us — w T e CHINA, INDIA, COLEBROOKE. 37 have no call to turn to that Gesindel of gods them- selves. I may allow myself to lament to you that I have not an assistance here, which I had at least much hoped for. I have in correspondence with me an Indian gentleman of the greatest philosophical promise, who has for years been engaged upon, and will soon publish, a great historical work in reference to the philosophy and philosophies of the Hindus — Mr. Eas Biharl Mukharji. In the meantime, while we wait, we must be glad that we have Colebrooke. Here among his translations is one in which the beginning of all things is represented very much as it is in the first chapter of Genesis : " The earth was without form and void ; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. Then, was there neither entity nor nonentity ; no world, nor sky, nor aught above it . . . darkness there was ... but That breathed without afflation — other than Him nothing existed . . . this universe was enveloped with darkness . . . but that mass, which was covered by the husk, was at length produced by the power of contemplation and desire, the original productive seed." It is observed in a note to the passage in Colebrooke that darkness and desire here (Tamas and Kama) bear a distinct resemblance to the Chaos and Eros of Hesiod. But that mighty formless void, as it were the nebula of a world, breathed out like an exhalation around the Supreme Being, who then was simply contemplation and desire, reminds of similar ideas in the Gnostics, who also were mainly Orientals. Thus to Valentinus God was as the Bythos, the deeply-brooding abyss, the syzygy of which was evvoia, meditation ; and meditation was bliss. All these ideas seem to go together ; and, as Thomas Taylor might say, are not paradigmatic only, but parental. They are not merely schematic — merely in effigy or scheme, but they are substantially productive, procreative, parturient. 38 GIFFORD LECTURE THE SECOND. Almost we get the thought from them that God must be, and with God His world. There is the fivdos, the deep, the eternal deep, the abysmal deep— is it not very striking that with such first principle, the second should be evvota, meditation ? And that meditation is aiyij, silence, deep, eternal, infinite ; and that silence is Xapt?, bliss, the mighty secret, the deep, silent, mystic felicity of the all-blessed God hidden and shut up into Himself. One cannot think of that first of things, that unfathomable profound, all-silent there, all-blissful there, — one cannot think of it but as full — the seon world is its 7r\i]pa>fjLa, and its ir\r)p