gibHrrflvaphia (!jcncalo,qica gimcvicana ALrilABETICAL INDEX LMEPxICAN GENEALOGIES AND PEDIGREES CONTAINKD IN STATE, COUNTY AND TOWN IIISTOHIES, PRINTED GENEALOGIES, AND KINDllEl) WORKS. DANIEL S. DURRIE, LIBIlAniAN UTATE IIISTOniCAL SOCIETY OF WI«ONSIN. ALBANY, N. Y. : J K L M I' N S K L L 1 S(iS. LOAN STACK PRE F A C I^ This work has been prepared with a view to facilitiitc the study of family history, by furnishing an Index to the genealogies con- tained in the large number of county and town histories, collections of public and privately printed genealogies, centennial anniversary celebrations, biographies, and other works containing the desired information. But few persons have an ade(juate knowledge of the amount of genealogical material to be found in such volumes, from the fact, that anything like a full collection of works in those departments, can only be found in the larger cities, and in the hands of a lew private parties; and without consulting them, it is often an impossi- bility to prepare a family history, or of learning anything very definite of any particular family. With the assistance furnished by this volume, no difficulty will be experienced in collecting needed information, by any one intere.'^ted in such investigations. It also affords instruction to the general reader, who may not know whether the history of his native county, town, or village has ever be»!ii written and published; but its most desirable feature, is the know- ledge to be gained by all persons, whether residing in the country, or elsewhere, who, by examining its pages, can inform themselves whether the genealogy, or pedigree of any family, or any portion thereof, in which they may feel an interest, has been printed in any volume, and if so, that they may have the benefit of ^nrh in formation. IMore than len liiousaiid names are here alplialietieaily ,iir;iri_T.I Several hiitidred volumes of historictil and bio-ra|iliie:il imblicMtinM- i^. I'KEFACE. h;ivc been iiiiiiutcly oxamiucil in detail, aud not depending on tlie indexes appended to such volumes, which are more or less defective, and incomplete. A number of works not accessible to the compiler, have been examined by parties interested in perfecting the work. The more important names in Dr. Savage's Genealogical Dictionary, have been noticed, as well as the genealogies found in the twenty- one published volumes of the New Eiujland Historical and Gcnc- aloijical Riyistrr. This is the first work of the kind published in this country. It h;i.s been the aim of the compiler to make it as thorough and com- plete as possible, though undoubtedly there are some works, that have been inadvertantly omitted. With the hope that it will supply a need which it is believed has long existed, and be of utility to the genealogical student, the volume is commended to the public. TITLES WORKS REFERRED TO IN THE INDEX, Abbot, Abiel. History of Aiulover, Mass., from its St'ttk-mcnt to \Hid Andovcr, 1829, pp. 20;3. Ad.ois, Chas. F. Works of John Adams. Boston, IHoO, 10 vols., 8vo, vol. i. Alden, Timothy. Collection of American Epitapiis. New York, 1814, 5 vols., 12mo. Allen, Rev. Joseph. The Worcester, Mass., Association, and its Ante- cedents. Boston, 18G8, 8vo. American Antiquarian SocietyTransactions, vol. in. Worcester, 1857, 8vo. Andrews, A. Genealogical and Ecclesiastical History of New Britain, Conn. Chicaa:o, 18G7, 8vo. Babson, J. J. History of the Town of Gloucester, Cape Ann, inchulinj,' the Town of Rockport. Gloucester, 18(30, 8vo. Balch, Thos. Letters and Papers Relating to the Provincial History of Pennsylvania, with Genealogies. Philadelphia, p]). 4.')0. Bakry, John S. Historical Sketch of Town of Hanover, .Mass., willi Family Genealogies. Boston, 1853, pp. 448. Bakky, AVm. History of Framingham, Mass., 1()40-1847, with a Notice of Sudburj' and its first Proprietors ; also a Register of Families with Genealogical Sketches. Boston, 1847, pp. 454. Baylies, Francis. Historical Memoir of Colony of New PIvmouth. Boston, 1866, 2 vols., 8vo. Benton, Nathaniel S. History of Herkimer County, N. Y. ; including liic Upper Mohawk Valley. Albany, 1856, pp. 497. Bland Papers. Edited by Chas. Campbell. Petersburg!), 1840, 2 vols., Hvo. Bliss, Leonard. History of Rehol)otli, Bristol County, ; compris- ing tiie present Towns of Rehoboth, Seekonk, and Puwtuckcl, witii Skctclies of adjoining towns. Boston, 18:36, pp. 2!)4. Blood, Henry A. History of Temple, N. H. Boston, lM(iO, 8vo, pp. :{52. Bolton, Robert, Jr. History of tiie County of Westchester, N. Y. New York, 1848, 2 vols., pp. x.wii, and 55!); and 582. Bond, Henry. Family Memorials, Genealogies of tlie Families and Descendants of the Early Settlers of Walertown, Mas.s. Boston, 1855, pp. 1094. yi TITLES OF WORKS REFERRED TO. BoiTTON, Rev. N. Centennial Sermon at Concord, N. H. Concord, 1831, 8vo. Boi-Tox, Nathaniel. History of Concord, N. H., from its First Grant in 1725, to the Organization of the City Government, 18o3. Concord, 1850, pp. 78G. Bk-xdiuuv, Chas. History of Kennebunkport, Me., from 1662 to 1837. Kcnnebunk, 1837, 13nio. Bridgm.\x, Thos. Epitaphs from Copp's Hill Burial Ground, Boston, Willi notes. Boston, 1851, pp. 253. Bi{iU(i.MAX, Thos. Memorials of the Dead in Boston ; with Transcripts of Inscriptions in the King's Chapel Burial Ground. Boston, 1853, pp. 339. BuiDGMAN, Thos. The Pilgrims of Boston and their Descendants, with Inscriptions from Monuments in the Granary Burial Ground. Bos- ton, 1856, pp. 406'. BuoNsoN, Henry. History of Waterbury, Conn. ; including Watertown, Plymouth, Oxford, Wolcott, Middlebury, Prospect, and Naugatuck, with Biographies and Genealogies. Waterbury, 1858, pp. 583. BuooKs, Chas. History of the Town of Medford, Mass., 1630 to 1855, witli a Register of Families by W. H. Whitmore. Boston, 1855, pp. 576. BuTLEH, Caleb. History of the Town of Groton, including Pepperell and Shirley, Mass., with Family Registers. Boston, 1848, pp. 499. Campbell, Charles. History of Colony and Ancient Dominion of Vir- ginia. Philadelphia, 1860, 8vo. Campbell, W. W. Life of Dewitt Clinton. New York, 1849, 8vo. Caulkins, Francis M. History of New London, Conn., from 1613, to 1853. New London, 1853, pp. 679. Caulkins, F. M. Same, continued to 1860. New London, 1860, pp. 692. Caulkins, F. M. History of Norwich, Conn., from 1660 to 1845. Nor- wich, 1845, pp. 359. Caulkixs, F. M. Historj' of Norwich, Conn., to the year 1866. Hart- ford, 1867, 8vo. CiiAPix, Rev. A. B. Glastenbury for Two Hundred Years : a Centen- nial Discourse, May 18, 1853, with Historical and Statistical Papers of Interest. Hartford, 1853, pp. 353. Chase, Geor to. vii CoTiiREX, Wm. IlistcMT of AiuiiMit Woodbury, ("oiiii., Ki.V.t to lHr»J, in- chulinu: the Present Towns ol Wiisliin.u'ton, Soiitlilnii\ , Hethlrlieni, Hoxhuiv, Oxl'onl aiul Middlcbuiy, with (ieiieah>''ies." Walerlnirv I8r)4, 2 vols., pp. 8;i;5. I'liOSHY, Nathan. Annual Obituary Not ires of Eminent 1'er.sons, for IHTi? and IS.IS. Boston. IS.l.S, IS.")!), 2 vols., pp. 4:!-,> and :t."i7. D.VGGETT, John. Sketch of the History of Atlleboroii^di, Mass., IVum its first Settlement. Dedham, 3Iass"., j))). i;{(). nKANK, Samuel. History of Scituati-, Mass. Bo.ston, 1S:{1, Svo. DoDi), Stephen. East Haven, Conn., Heirister: Containinir a History of the Town; Account of Nanies, .Slarriaircs and Hirlhs of Early Families, and a Genealogy of the Dodd E.uuilv. New Ilaveii 1824, pp. 200 and 24. DooLiTTLE, :\Iark. Historical Sketch of the Consresational Church in Belchertown, ^[, with (Genealogies and aii Early History of the Town. Northampton, 18.j2, i>p. 282. Doiuj, Rev. Beuj. Life of .John Fanning Watson. Philailelphia, isill, 8vo. DuAKE, Samuel G. History and Anti(iuities of Boston, Mass., lOlJO to 1770. Boston, 185(5, pp. 840. DuAKE, S. G. Witchcraft Delusion in New England. Roxburj-, 18(10, 3 vols., small 4to. Draper, James. History of Spencer, Mass., from Earliest Settlement, to the year 1860 -with a brief Sketch of Leicester, to 17.")3 ; 2d edition with (ienealogies. Worcester, n.d., pp. 27(). DtTRFEE, Rev. C. Memoir of Mark Hopkins, D.D., LL.D., with a Genea- logy. Hartford, 1861, pp. 20. Eager, S. W. Outline History of Orange County, N. Y., with Bio- graphical Sketches of Early Settlers. Newburgh, 1846-7, pp. (m2. Eatox, Cyrus. Annals of the Town of Warren, Me.; with the earlv History of St. George's Bay, etc. Hallowell, 18.")1, pp. 4:57. Eatox, Cyrus. History of Thomaston, Rockland and South Tliom;iston, Me. Hallowell, 180.5, 2 vols., 12mo, pp. 4(i8, 472, vol. ii. Eatox, F. B. History of Candia, N. II., formerly known as Charming- fare, with Notices of Early Families. Manchester, N. H., 1H.52. Ellis, C. M. History of Ro.xbury, Mass., Part 1, p:arly History. Bos- ton, 1847, pp. 146. Essex Institute, Salem, Mass., Historical Collections. Salem, Mass.. Is.V.t- 1867, 7 vols., 4to. Farmer, J. and ^loore, J. B. Collections, Topographical, Historical and Biographical, relating i)rincipallv to New Hampshire. Concord, 1822-3, 2 vols., pp. 2!)0 and 388 and 100. Flaxders, Henry. Life and Times of Chief Justices of thcUniliHl Slnles. Philadelphia, 18-58, 2 vols., bvo. FoLSOM, George. History of Saco and Biddeford, Me. Saco, Ih:!0, pp 3:il . FooTE, Rev. Wm. II. Historical and l'.iograi)hical Skelclies of Virginia. I.-t and 2d Series. Philadelphia, 1H.55, 8vo. ^.jii TITLES OF WORKS REFERRED TO. Fowi.KR, Wm. C. History of Durham, Conn., 1662 to 1866. Hartford, 18(56, pp. 444. Fox Chas J. History of Old Township of Dunstable ; includiiig Nashua, Nasiivillc, Hollis, Hudson, Litchfield, and Merrimac, N. H. I^ashua, 1846, 12nio. FiiKEM.vN, Frederick. History of Cape Cod; the Thirteen Towns of Barnstable county, Mass. 1858-62, 3 vols., vol. i, pp. 803, vol. n, 80d. Gage, Thos. Histoiy of Rowley, Mass., including Bradford, Boxford, 'and Georgetown. Boston, 1840, 12mo, pp. 484. Gardneu a. Address at Centennial Anniversary of Organization of Town of Wales, Mass. Springfield, 1866, pp. 44. GooDKicn, S. G. Recollections of a Life Time. New York, 1857, 2 vols., 12mo. Gould, Jay. History of Delaware County, New York. Roxbury, N. Y., 1850, 8vo. Griffin, Augustus. Journal. First Settlers of Southold, L. I., First Proprietors of Orient, etc., etc. Orient, 1857, pp, 312. IT \T.L Edwin. Ancient Historical Records of Norwalk, Conn., 1650-1800. 'New York, 1847, pp. 320. IT vxsoN, Rev. J. W. History of Gardiner, Pittston, and West Gardiner, Me., 1602-1852. Gardiner, 1852, 8vo. Hedges, H. P. Two Hundredth Anniversary of Settlement of East Hampton, L. I., N. Y. Sag Harbor, 1850, pp. 101. Heraldic Journal ; Recording the Armorial Bearings and Genealogies of American Families. Boston, 1865-8, vols. i-iv. Hill, Joiin B. History of the Town of Mason, N. H. Boston, 1858, 8vo, pp. 113. lIoBAKT, Benj. History of Town of Abington, Plymouth County, Mass. Boston, 1866, 8vo. Holland, J. G. Lite of Abraham Lincoln. Springfield, Mass., 1866, 8vo. HoLLiSTER, George H. History of Connecticut. New Haven, 1855, 2 vols., 8vo. floLLisTER, Hiel. Pawlet, Vt., for One Hundred Years. Albany, 1867, 8vo. Hough, F. B. History of Lewis County, N. Y. Albany, 1860, pp. 319. Howe, Henry. Historical Collections of Virginia. Charleston, S. C, 1852, pp. 544. Hudson, Chas. History of the Town of Lexington, Middlesex County, Mass., from First 'Settlement to 1868, with a Genealogical Register. Boston, 1868, 8vo, pp. 449 and 296. Hudson, Charles. History of Town of Marlborough, Mass., 1657 to 1861, with a Sketch of Northborough, and a Genealogy of Families, to 1800. Boston, 1862, pp. 545. Hyde, W. Historical Address at Ware, Mass., March 31, 1847. Brook- field, 1847, 8vo. TitviN[ass., 1(;:?!)-1S0(), with a (u-ncaloirical It.-iri.slrrof Inl.uhil- auts prior lo 1800. Boston, 1S.~»4, jip. ."m. JoiiNSOX, Edward. Wonder Working Providence. Heiirint. Andover 18(57, 8vo. Jones, Electa F. Stockbridgc, Mass., Past and Present: Or, Ueenrds of an Old Mission Station. Sprinirfield, 18.")4, pp. 27."). JoNKS, Wni. A. Memorial of Hon. David S. Jones ; with Notices of tlic Jones Family. New York, 184i), pj). !)!». JiDD. Sylvester. History of Hadiey, ineludin;; tlie f:arly Historv of Hatfield, Sonth Hadiey, Amiierst and (;ranl)v, .Mass., with Fainilv Genealogies, by L. M. Boltwood. Nortiiainpton, 18(;:i, pp. (!.{t;. Kelley, Rev. J. Sermon at Fnncral of Dr. Wm. Coggswell of Atkinson, N. H., 1831, with a Genealogy. Boston, 1881, pp. Hi. Ketchum, William. History of Butfalo, N. Y. Bntfalo, 18«5, 2 vols., 8vo. KiDDEU, Fred. Military Operations in East Maine and Nova Scotia, with Memorial of Col. John Allan. Albany, 1807, 8vo. KiLBoruNE, Rev. James. Sermon at Fnneral of Mrs. Rebecca Bowers of East Haddam, Conn., Dec, 1855, with an Appendix of Genealo- gical Notes. Hartford, 1856, pp. 19. KiLBOUHNE, P. K. Biographical History of Countv of Litchlield, C;onn. New Y'ork, 1851, pp. 413. Kingman, Bradford. History of North Bridgewater, Plymouth Co., Mas.s., from its first Settlement, with Fam. Registers. Boston, 1800, pp. (jJ)G. Lancaster, Daniel. History of Gilmanton, N. H. Boston, 1845, Hvo. Leonard, Levi W. History of Dublin, N. H., containing the Address of Charles Mason, and the Proceedings of the Centennial Celel)ration, July, 1853 : witii a Register of Faniilies. Boston, 1855, pp. 4;5:{. Lewis, Alonzo, and Nkwhall, J. R. History of Lynn, Essex Co., Mas.s., including Lynnfield, Saugus, Swampscot and Nahant. Boston, 1865, pp. 620. LoKiNG, J. S. One Hundred Boston Orators. Boston, 185:}, \)\). 7ni. LcNT, W. P. Two Discourses on 20()lh Anniversary of Gathering of 1st Congregational Church, Quincey, Mass. Boston, 1840, pj). 147. Ly-MAN, Rev. Jos. Sermon at Northampton, Nov. 11, 181!>, at Interment of Gov. Caleb Strong, with Genealogy of Strong Family. North- ampton, 1819, pp. 28. M.\cniAS, Me. Memorial of the Centennial Anniversary of tiie Settlement of Machias, Me., May 20, 1863. Machias, 1803, pp. 180. Malden, Mass. Bi-Ccntennial Book of Maiden. Boston, 1850, 12ino. Matthews. Lyman. Historv of the Town of Cornwall, Vermont. Middlebury, 1802, pp. 3.j0. Maiky, Ann. Memoirs of a Huguenot Family. New York, 1S58. pp. 512. McRee, G. J. Life and Correspondence of Jas. Iredell of South Carolina. New York, 1857, 2 vols., 8vo. Meade, Bishop. Old Churches, Ministers and Families of Virginia. Philadelphia, 2 vols., pp. 480 and 495. X TITLES OF WOEKS REFEREED TO. MiNKK, O. History of Settlement of Phelps and Gorliam's Purchase. Rochester, N. Y., 1851, 8vo. MrrcuELi. Nalunn. History of the Early Settlement of Bridgewater Mass., including an Extensive Family Register. Boston, 1840, pp. 402. MoouE, Jacob B. jNIemoirs of American Governors. New York, 1846, vol. i, 8vo, pp. 4;J9. Mt^KSE, Abner. Genealogical Register of Early Settlers of Sherborn, Holliston and Medway, Mass. Boston, 1855, 8vo, pp. 264. MoHTON, Nathaniel. New Englau.l Memorial. Boston, 1855, 8yo. MouKT^ Relation; or Journal of the Plantation at Plymouth, 1623, with an introduction by H. M. Dexter. Boston, 1865, 4to. McNSELL, Joel. Annals of Albany, N. Y. Albany, 1850-59, 10 vols. MuNSELL, Joel. Collections on the History of Albany. New series, vol. i, 1865, pp. 529, vol. ii, 1867, pp. 507. New England Historical and Genealogical Register, published quarterly. Boston, 1847-1867, 21 vols. New Haven, Conn. Historical Society Collections. New Haven, vol. 1, 1865, 8vo. Newmvn S. C. Historical Oration delivered July, 4, 1860, at Seekonk (Ancient Rehoboth), with proceedings at 216th year of its History. Pawtucket, 1860, pp. 112. OsciooD, George. Historical Sketch of North Danvers. Salem, 1855, pp. 32. Paukek, Rev. Edward L. History of Londonderry, comprising the Towns of Derry and Londonderry^ N. H. Boston, 1851, 12mo. Parsons, U. Life of Sir William Pepperell, Bart. Boston, 1855, 8vo. Peters, Rev. Samuel. History of Rev. Hugh Peters ; with an Appendix containing a Genealogy of the Peters Family. New York, 1807, pp. 155. Phelps, Noah A. History of Simsburv, Granby aud Canton, 1642 to 1845. Hartford, 1845, pp. 176. Pierce, Josiah. History ofthe Town of Gorham, Me. Portland, 1862, 8vo. PLr.MMEi{ Hall, Salem, Mass. Proceedings at Dedication ; with addresses and a Genealogy of the Plummer Family. Salem, 1858, pp. 97. Poor, Alfred. Historical and Genealogical Researches in the Merrimac Valley, Nos. 1, 2, April, 1857, January, 1858. Haverhii, 1857-8, pp. 300. Porter, Wm. S. Historical Notices of Connecticut, Nos. 1 aud 2. Hart- ford, 1842, pp. 48. Prime Rev. N. S. ' History of Long Island, New York. New York, 1845, 12nio. Randall, Ilenrv S. Life of Thomas Jefferson. New York, 1858, 3 vols Hvo, vol. i. RicKETsoN, D. History of New Bedford, Mass. New Bedford, 1858, 12mo. Ri KKii, Jas., Jr. Annals of Newtown, Queens Co., N. Y. ; with a particular account of Long Island Families. New York, 1852, pp. 437. TITLES OF WoKKS HKFKKUKD To. j., IJoiJiJixs, Rov. C. Smiion at tlw Fimcnil of Noali Lincoln, „f IJosion Mass., who ilii-d July :U, IMl!, willi (J.ncaloiriral .N.,u..s H.ision' l.S")(), pp. 4!). lliTTiiNHKU, F,. R. Hisloryof the Town of Ntwiniiiih, X. Y , with (nnc alo^ii'S. Nfwbiirgli, 185U-«1, pp. ;{'JI. S.vvACE, James. Goncalo;ics , Walworth's Hvdc (;enfaloi,'V, i. of Watertowu, Mass., 1, 073, 5)01 . , 205 ; ii, 1045, 10(55. Abbot, , Abcll, Bonton's Centennial Sermons at ! Canlkins's Historv of Norwidi, Concord, N. II., 5!), GO. I Coiui., eililion 1S07, 20!», 210. Abbot, Abel I, Bonton's History of Concord, j Savage's (ienealogical Dirtion N. II., 020-30. I ary, i, G, 7. Abbot, j Aberiiethy, Eaton's History of Thomastou, llinmair's Selllers of Cnnn , IT, Rockland, etc., Me., 138. | 18. Abbot, Achorn, Hill's History of Mason, N. H., Eaton's History of Tiionmsion. 199. Rockland, etc., Me.. 12H. 129 Abbot, 1 Acker, Hinnian's Settlers of Conn., I Rntfenbcr's History of N.-w- 14-lG. ! iMirgii, N. V.,2H2, 2s:{. Abbot, I Acklcy, Hudson's History of Le.vlnglon, Field's History of lladdaui and .1,0. I Ea.-,t HaddaMi,C..nn.. 13. INDEX TU AMEillCAX PEDIGREES. Ackley, Hinmau's Connecticut Settlers, 18-20. Ackley, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 7. Acres, Fox''s History of Dunstable, Mass., 337. Acres, Akers, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary,!, 7, 8. Adam, Adam's Genealogy of Adam Family. Adams, Adams's Genealogy of Adams Family of Kingston, Mass. Adams, Adams's Haven Genealogy, 29, 30. Adams, Adams's Works of John Adams, i, 6-12. Adams, Alden's Collection of American! Epitaphs, iii, 5, G. Adams, Bradburv's History of Kenne- bunkport, Me., 224. Adams, Barry's History of Framingliam, Mass., IGG, 1G7. Adams, Bond's Genealogies, etc., of Wa- tertown, Mass., 1-3, 547, 548, 673. Adams, Bronson's History of Water- bury, Conn., 458-9. Adams, Brown's Genealogy of Settlers of West Simsbury, Conn., 7-10. Adams, Butler's History of Groton. Pep- pcrell and Shirley, Mass., 3S4. Adams, Caulkius's History of New Lon- don, Conn., 486, 487. Adams, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 211, Adams, Draper's History of Spencer, Mass., 159, 160. Adams, Eaton's History of Tliomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 129, 130. Adams, Fox's History of Dunstable, Mass., 237. Adams, Hill's History of Mason, N. H., 199. Adams, ^ Hinmau's Connecticut Settlers, 20-6. Adams, Hollister's Pawlet, Vt., for one lumdred years, 156. Adams, Hudson's History of Lexington, 6-8. Adams, Jackson's History of Newton, Mass., 231-3. Adams, Kidder's History of 'New Ips- wich, N. II.. 289-93. Adams, Locke's Genealogy of Locke and Allied Families, 48, 60, 148-50. Adams, Lancaster's History of Gilman- ton, N. H., 255. Adams, Leland Magazine ; or Genealogy of Leland Family, 192-6. Adams, Leonard's History of Dublin, N. H.. 309-11. Adams, Memoranda, Respecting Quincy and Adams Families. Adams. Moore's Genealogy of Sherborn and Holliston Families, Massa- chusetts, 1-9. INDEX TO A.MKKU'AN I'KDKIUKKS Adams, Jlorsc's 'Memorial of Morse's, iippeiulix No. 32, 4(ii. Adams, New Enslaiul Historical anil Genealouical Kcirister, vol. vii, ;5!)-4r), ;jr)i; viii/4i, 2s;>,-r); ix, 8t), 127-8; X, 89-91; xi, .■):5-G0 ; xiv, 300-3 ; xv, 244 ; xviii, 244. Adams, Parker's History of Loiuloii- derry, N. H., 254-5. Adams, Porter's Genealogy of Hartford, Conn., Settlers, 1,2. Adams, Savage's Genealogical Dit'tion- ary, vi, 8-lG. Adams, Sliattuck's History of Concord, Mass., 361. Adams, Sibley's History of Union, Me., 430. Adams, Stiles's History of Windsor, Conn., 515, 516. Adams, Thayer's IMemorial of Early Settlers, 37-48, 173-4. Adams, Vinton IMemorial and Allied Families, 295-302. Adams, Ward's History oi Shrewsbury, Mass., 212. Adams, \Vaslil)urn's History of Leices- ter, Mass., 343. Adams, Weaver's History and (Jcn- eulogy of Ancient Windliam, Conn., 29, 30. Addington, Leveret t's ^lemoir of Sir John Leverett and Family, 31-48. Addington, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, iv, 1 1 1-16. I AddiMgtt)n, I Savage's (lenealogicul Diction- j ary, i, 17, 18. Ad ford, Deane's Historv of Scilnatc, Mass., 211. Adgate, Caulkins's Historv of Norwidi, Conn., edition 18-15, 91; edition 1867, 155, 156. Adgate, IIinman'sConneticutSi'tlkTs,27. Adgate, Savage's Genealogical I)i, 517. Alsop, Riker's Annals of Newtown, Long Island, N. Y., J334-8. Alsop, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, \, 45. A 1 ward, Littell's Passaic Valley Genea- logies, 7-11. Ambler, Ames, Ilinman's Connecticut Sctiicrs, 4'.»-51. Ames, Kingnmn's llistorv of North Bridgewaler, .Mass', J:!7 t:i. Ames, Leonard's History of Diihliii, N. H., -.iVi. Ames, :SIitchcIl's History of Hridgc- water,, 'JU-105. Ames, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, xvi, 255-7. Ames, Poor's Historical and Gcnea- ■ logical Researches, 83, 8-1. 120. Ames, i Savage's Genealogical Diclion- I ary, i, 49, 50. Hinman's Conn. Settlers, 48, 49. I ^™^^' , „ ,. ., , . labular Pedigree ol the Anus I Family. Ambler, Meade's Old Churches and Fa- I A moQ milies of Virginia, i, 103. ' ^nies I AVeaver's History and Gcnca logy of Windham, Conn., 39-41. Ambler Savage's Gen. Dictionary, i, 48. I ^xiies Ambrose, Bouton's History of Concord, N. II., 031. Ambrose, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 48. Ames, Andrews's Gencal. and Eccle. History of Ne\v Britain, Conn., 188, 189. Ames, Butler's History of Groton, Peppcrell and Shirley, Mass., ; Rockland, ctc.,"'Me., i;M. 384 and 408, Ames, Winsor's History of Dnxbnry, Mass., 220. Amory, Amory's Anior y Amistad, 30. Amory, Heraldic Journal, ii, 1800, 101- 10. Amory, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, .\. 59-l>.5. Ara.sbury, Eaton's History of TImnnuston, Amsden, ludd and Boltwood's Hisl«»ry Eaton's History of Thomaston, ■ undCienealogy of Iladlev, .Mu-k-h. ' ^ ' 448. Amsdeii, Rockland, etc., Me., 132-4. Ames, Hill's History of Mason,. N. IL, Hudson's History of Murlhoro'. M: 30S,309. 12 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Amsden, New England Historical and Gcnealogfcal Register, xv, 21, 23. Amsden, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 50. Anderson, Eaton's Annals of Warren, Me., 375, 376. Anderson, Eaton's History of Candia, N. H., 51-3. Anderson, Hyde's Historical Address at AVare, Mass., 52. Anderson, Parker's History of London- derry, N. H., 259-62. Anderson, Weaver's History and Geneal. of Windham, Conn., 41. Anderson, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 50, 51. Andrews, Andrews's Genealogical and Ecclesiastical History of New Britain, Conn. , 151, i52, 195-7, 233, 234, 246. Andrews, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 57, 58. Andrews, Dodd's History of East Haven Couu., 101, 102. Andrews, Eaton's Annals of AVarren, 376, 377. Andrews, 1 Eaton's Histor}' of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Mn., 135. Andrews, Hale's Lawrence Family, 10-13. Andrews, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 51-53. Andrews, j\Iacliias, Maine,Ceuteunial Cele- bration, 152, 153. Andrews, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 51, 57. Andrews, Walker's Memorials of AValker Famih', 215. Andrews, Wards History of Shrewsbury, Mass., 221-5. Andrus, Andrews's Genealogical and Ec- clesiastical Hist, of New Britain. Conn., 139, 140, 166-8, 172, 173, 202, 203,213. Andrus, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 54-6. Andrus, Hollister's Pawlet, Vt., for One Hundred Years, 159, 160. Andrus, New England Historical and Genealogrcal Register, xv, 242, 243. Ang:ell, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 57. Angevine, Bolton's History of Westchester, Co., N. Y., ii, 499. Anger, Dodd's History of East Haven, Conn., 102. Angier, Barry's History of Framingham, Mass., 168, 169. Angier, Bavlie's Historical Memoir of New Plymouth, part 4, 89, 90. Angier, Bond's Genealogies of Water- town, Mass., 8, 9. Angier, Hudson's History of Lexing- ton, 8. Angier, AlkcheU's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 105, 106. INDEX TO AMKHICAX l'Kni(;|{i:i-> 18 Amiable, Dcanc's llistoiy of Scituate, :Mass., 2\:i. Apjiliii, S!iviii,'i''s CciicaKtjiiciil Diciinii- aiy, i, (I'J. Apthorj), Froeman's History orCai)c Cod, King's Cliaprl Iiix riptinii-, 'JTti Archer, Savage's Gen. Dictionaiv, i, .18. IJolton's Historv of Wcstclustcr County, X. Y.,"ii, 4it!». Archer, Ilerahlic Journal, iii, isiiT, 71,72. Archer, 8avai,'c's UcnealitL^ical Diclioii- ary, i, (12, m. Arey, Eaton's Ilistorv of Thoinaston, Rockland, etc., "Me., i;5.")-(i. Amiable, Freema :>[ass., ii. 2 Amiable, Savage' Auneke Janse, (See Jause). Amiis, Eaton's Annals of AVanen, Me., 377. Anuis, Savage's Gen. Dictionary, i, 59. Authony, Savage's Genealoiiical Diction- ary, i, 59, 60. Antill, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, xix, 105, lUG. Antram, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, CO. Appleton, Appleton's Genealogy of Apple- ton. Appleton, Heraldic Journal, i, 1865, 97-9. Appleton, Jewett's Appleton jMeniorial. Appleton, Kidder's History of New Ii)S- wich, N. H., 294- 829 Appleton, Leonard's History of Duljlin, N. H., 318-15. Appleton, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 60-2. Applegate, SavaL'e's Genealotrical Diction- ary, i^ GO. Applin, J>ond's Genealogies and History of Watertown, Mass., 9. Arey, Freeman's History of Cai)e Cod, Mass., ii, 163. Arniitage, Savage's (genealogical Diction- ary, i, 68. Arms, Hudson's History of Lexington, Arms, Judd and Boltwoo.l's History and Genealogy of Hadicy, A[as.s., 448. Arms, Kello-g's Memorial of Kl.l.r .lolin Wiiitc, 100. Anns, Nasii's (Jenealogy of Na>li Fa- mily, 48, 44. Arms, Savage's Genealogical Diction ary, i, 68. Armsbee, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 68. Armstrong, Cone's Kccord of Cope Family of Penn., 90-9, 191-7. Armstrong, Jlager's Hi.slor}- of Orangr Co , N. Y., J27. 14 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Armstrong, Hinman's Conn. Settlers, 57. Armstrong, Savage's^ Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 63. Armstrong, Walworth's Hyde Genealogy, i, 665-9. Armstrong, Weaver's History and Genea- logy of Windham, Conn., 41,42. Arnold, Barry's History of Framing - ham, Mass., 170. Arnold, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 136. Arnold, Field's History of Haddam, and E. Haddam, Conn., 43. Arnold, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 187. Arnold, Holdeu's Genealogy of Caprou Family, part 10, pr251. Arnold, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 58-61. Arnold, Hudson's History of Marlboro', Mass., 309, 310. Arnold, Rhode Island Historical Society Collections, iii, 294. Arnold, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 64-7. Arnold, Thayer's Memorial of Early Settlers, 49-52. Arnold, Weaver's History and Genea- log}^ of Windham, Conn., 42-4. Arnold, Winsor's THistorv^ of Duxbury, Mass., 221. Ashbj, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 67, 68. Ashcraft, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 68. Aslilett, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 69. Ashley, Goodwin's Genealogy of Olcott Family, 44. Ashley, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 61-73. Ashley, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, ii, 394. Ashley, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 68, 69. Ashley, Weaver's History and Genea- logy of Windham, Conn., 44-7. Ashton, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 69. Aspenwall, Weaver's History and Genea- logy of Windham, Conn., 47, 48. Aspinwall, Savage's Genealogical Diction- aiy, i, 69-71. Aspinwall, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 74. Asten, Hill's History of Mason, N. H., 200. Astwood, Ellis's History of Roxbury, 91. Astwood, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 71, 72. Atchinson, Miner's History of Phelps and Gorham's Purchase, 419, 420. INOEX TO AMKWICAN I'KDK.'HKKS i:, Atlieani, Savasic's Geiicaloo;ical Diction- ary, i", 72. Athertoii, Savage's Genealogical Dielion- ary, f, 72, 73. Atkins, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 1G4, 359, (544. Atkins, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 73, 74. Atkinson, Hinmau's Connecticut Settlers, 75, 7G. Atkinson, Savage's Genealogical Diction- aiy, i, 74, 75. Atwater, Atwatcr's Genealogical Regis- ter of Atwaters, 30. Atwater, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 7G. Atwater, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 75, 76. Atwell, Caulkius's History, of New London, Conn., 305,300. Atwell, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 70, 77. Atwell, Vinton Memorial and Allied Families, 204. At wood, Cotlircn's History of Ancient Woodbury, Conn., 490-501. Atwood, Freeman's Hist, of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 373, 035. Atwood, New England Hist, and Gcneal. Register, xv, 241, 242. Atwood, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 77, 7H. Atwood, Walker's Mt nu.riais of Walker Family, 23. Atwood, Weaver's History and (Jcnca- logy of Wiiidlian'i, Conn., 4s. Auger, Savage's Gencaloirical Diction- arj', i, 78, 79. Aiigier, Savage's Genealogical Diclinii- ary, i, 57, 58. Augustine, Savage's Genealogical Diclion- arj-, i, 79, SO. Austin, Dodd's Historv of East Haven, Conn., 103, 104. Austin, Eaton's Hislorv of Tlionm.ston, Rockland, etc.'Me., 137. Austin, Hinman's Conn. Settlers, Sl-fi. Austin, Ne-.v England Hist, and Gcneal. Register, v, 450. Austin, Savage's Genealoirical Diction- ary, i, 80, 82. Austin, Weaver's Hist, and (Jencalogy of Windham, Conn., 49, 50. Austin, Whitney's Geneal. of Descend- ants of t>. Whitney. Ai)pcndi.\. Averill, Bradbury's History of K.inii • bunkporl, .Mc, 225. Averill, Cothren's History of Wo. ..i)„nv Conn., 484-90. Averill, Eaton's Hi.storv of TiK.iiiaMoii. Rockland, etc., Mc, 137. Averill, Hinman's Conn. Settlers, M«. Averill, ^Fachias, .Me., Centennial Cel<' brat ion, 153. 16 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Averill, Savage's Genealoii'ical Diction- ary, i, 82. Averill, Weaver's Hist, and Geneal. of Windliam, Conu., 50. Avery, Allen's History of Worcester, Mass., Association, 152, 158. Avery, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 58. Averj^ Bridgman's King's Chapel Me- morials, 301-4. Avery, Caulkius's History of New Lon- don, Conn., 831, 332. Avery, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 558. Avery, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 88, 90. Avery, Macliias Me., Centennial Cele- bration, 153. Avery, Morgan's Family Genealogy of Morgan and Avery, 16. Avery, Oxford, N. H., Centennial Cele- bration, 103. Avery, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 82, 83. A.vis, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 83, 84. Axtell, Hudson's History of Marlboro', Mass., 310, 311. Axtell, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, xxii, 143, 144. Axtell, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 84. Ayer, Bouton's History of Concord, N. H., 630, 631. Ayer, Chase's History of Haverhill, Mass., 73, 216,274, 275, 615. Ayer, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 84, 85. Ayers, Judd and Boltwood's History and Genealogy of Hadley, Mass., 449. Ayers, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, xv, 56, 57 ; xvii, 307-810 ; xix, 28, 29. Ayrault, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 90. Ayrault, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 85. INDEX TO AMERICAN I'KDK^JKKS B. Babb, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 85. Babbidge, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., ile., 138. Babcock, Babcock's Short Gencal. of Bab- cock Family. Babcock, llinnian's Conn. Settlers, 92-5. Babcock, Hudson's Hist, of Lexington, 9. Babcock, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, xiv, 2S, xi.\-, 215. Babcock, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 8G-7. Babcock, Weaver's History and Genea- logy of Windham, Conn,, 50-8. Babson, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 59-01. Babson, Savage's Gen. Dictionary, i, 87. Bache, Meade's Old Churches and Fa- milies of Virginia, viii, ;}74. Backus, Caulkins's History of Norwich, Conn., 95-G. Backus, Caulkins's Historv of Norwich, Conn., Ed. 1807, 157-01. 3 Backus, (Baclihousc), Hinman's Puritan Coimerticut. Settlers, 95-(i. Backus, Huntington's Geneal. of Hunt- ington Family, 74. Backus, Savage's Genealoi^ical Diet ion - arj', i, 89. Backus, Walworth's Hyde (rcnealoirv ii, 920-8. Backus, Weaver's History and Genea- logy of Windliam, Conn., 58-02. Bacon, Bacon's Descendants J. Bacon. Bacon, Barry's Historv of Frauiing- ham,, 170. Bacon, Brown's Genealogy of W. Sims- bury, Conn., Settlers, 11. Bacon, Cothren's History of \V( M " 11 M I ry , Conn., 510-9. Bacon, Freeman's History of Capo Cod,, i, 352; ii, 204, 293, 295, 290, 302, 032. Bacon, Hinman'sConn. Settlers, 97-105. Bacon, Huclson's Historv of r.exing- ton, 9. Bacon, .laek.son's Hi.slory of Newton, Alass., 234-0. 18 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Bacon, Kellogg's Memorial of Eld. J White, and Descendants, 39. Bacon, Lcland Magazine ; or Genealogy of Lelaud Family, 210. Bacon, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, ii, 378. Bacon, Pierce's History of Gorham , Me., 154. Bacon, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 89-93. Bacon, Sewall's History of Woburn, Mass., 593. Bad cock, Appleton's Brief Genealogy of Badcock Family. Badcock, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 106-8. Badcock, Morse's Genealogy of Sherborn and Hollister, Mass, 10, 11. Badcock, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, xix, 315. Badcock, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 93, 93. Badger, Chase's History of Haverhill, Mass., 615-7, Badger, Lancaster's History of Gilman- ton,N.H., 356-8. Badger, New Hampshire^ Historical So- ciety Collections, vi, 124-7. , Badger, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 93. Badger, Weaver's History and Gene- alogy of Windham, Conn., 63- 65. Badgley, Litteh's Passaic Valley, N. J., Genealogies, 12-16. Bagg, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 93. Bagley, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 93. Bailey, Barry's History of Hanover, Mass., 199-206. Bailey, Bolton's History of Westches- ter Co., N.y.,ii, 500, 501. Bailey, Caulkins's History of Now Lon- don, Conn., 390, 391. Bailey, Coffin's History of Newbury, Mass., 294 Bailey, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 313-5. Bailey, Dudley's Genealogy of Dudley Family, 114. Bailey, Field's History of Haddam and East Haddam, Conn., 43. Bailey, Hanson's History of Gardiner, Pittston and W. Gardiner, Me., 73,73 106. Bailey, Hinman's Conn. Settlers, 108-10. Bailey, Hudson's Hist, of Lexington, 10. Bailey, Littell's Passaic Valley, N. J., Genealogies, 17. Bailey, Mitchell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 107-8. Bailey, Poor's Historical and Gene- logical Researches, 77-161. Bailey, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 94, 95. Bainbridge, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, xxii, 18-20. INDEX TO AMKIUCAN i'KDUiHKK: VJ Baker, Bouton's History of Concord, N. IL, m2, (j-S-i. ' Baker, Caulkhis's History of New Lon- don, Conn., 302-303. Bakei", Cotliren's History of Woodbury, Conn., 503-4. Baker, Eaton's History of Tlioniaston, Rockland, etc.,' Me., 138, 130. Baker, Ellis's History of Roxbury, €onn., 91. Baker, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 203, 37?; 29G, 702, 707- 711, 714. Baker, Hedge's Anniversary Address Baker, Sewall's History of Wob.irii 592. Baker, Walker's Memorials .>f Walk.r Family, 17."), 170. Baker, " Ward's History of Slire\vsl.urv. Mass., 238-40. Baker, Weaver's History and (Inna- logy of Windham, Conn., 0."» s. Baker, Winsor's History of Dnxbiiry. Mass., 222. Balcb, Barry's History of Framing - ham, Mass., 171. Balch, Hinman's Conneetieut SctlliTs, 112-113. etc.,";!! East Hampton, L. I., N. ! Balch, Y., 1850. I Historical Collection of Rsscx Baker, ! Institute, i, 151-53. Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, ' Balch, New England Hist(jrical ami Genealogical Register, ix, 233- 238. Balch, Poor's Historical and (Jenea- logical Researches, S(;-M. 78. 79. Balch, Savage's (Jenealogical Did ion- ary, i, 101. Balch, Stone's History "f ;r..\.r]\. Mass., 23,21. 110-12. Baker, Hollister's Pawlet, Vt., for One Hundred Years, 102, 1G3. Baker, Hudson's History of Marlboro', Mass., 311. Baker, Leland Magazine; or Leland Genealogy, 57, 58. Baker, Lewis andNewiiall's History of p , i Lynn, Mass., and adjoining -l^illCH, Towns, 110-18. Weaver's Hist. .n ,.n.> ...y,.., Baker, ' logy of W mdham. Conn. .U. mteU's Passaic Valley Genea-Balclt,^^^^^ ^^_^^^^^ .fScituaie, -n 1 ° ■ ' Mass., 215. Baker, , , ' Morse's Gencalotry of Shcrborn, I J^'^^'COln^ , and Holliston, Mass., 11, 12. Daggrtt's H. . story ol AltlelH>. Baker, ' rough, .M«us.s., 8H, S9. Otis's Genealogy of Otis Family, I l^alcolm, of Dover, N. H., and Collateral Savai,'es (.cnealogirni DuIium Branches. ary. i, 101. Baker, 15alcohii, Savairc's Genealogical Diction- i Weaver's History and <.nH-u ar>', i>5-101. I logy of Win.llmm. Conn., r.x.m 20 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Baldridge, Hollister's Pawlet, Vt., for One Hundred Years, 163. Baldwin, Barry's History of Hanover, Mass., 206. Baldwin, Bond's Watertown History and Genealogy, 11. Baldwin, Caulkins's History of New Lon- don, Conn., 303-5. Baldwin, Caulkins's History of Norwich, Conn., 97. Baldwin, Caulkins's History of Norwich, Conn., Ed. 1867, 161-3. Baldwin, Cope's Record, of Cope Family of Pennsylvania, 40, 63, 144. Baldwin, Drapers History of Spencer, Mass., 174-6. Baldwin, Goodwin's Foote Family Genea- logy, 340. Baldwin, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 113-17. Baldwin, Judd and Boltwood's Historj^ and Genealogy of Hadley, Mass., 449-50. Baldwin, Littell's Passaic Valley Genea- logies, 26-30. Baldwin, Savage's Genealogical Diction- aiy, i, 101-5. Baldwin, Sewall's History of Woburn, Mass., 388, 389, 593. Baldwin, Walworth's Hyde Genealogy, i, 338-47. Baldwin, Ward's History of Shrewsbury, Mass., 246-47. Baldwin, Ward's Genealogy of Itice Fa- mily, 354-56. Baldwin, Washburn's History of Leices- ter, Mass., 350. Baldwin, Weaver's History and Genea- logy of Windham, Conn., 70-3. Ball, Barry's History of Framingham, Conn., 171-3. Ball, Blood's Hist, of Temple, N. H., 303. Ball, Bond's Genealogies and History of Watertown, 11-13. Ball, Dodd's History of E. Haven, Conn., 104. Ball, Draper's History of Spencer, Mass., 177-9. Ball, Hill's History of Mason, N. H., 200. Ball, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 122,123. Ball, Littell's Passaic Valley Gene- alogies, 31-4, 491, 492. Ball, Meade's old Churches and Fa- mihes of Virginia, ii, 136-8. Ball, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, ix, 158-9. Ball, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 105-7. Ball, Ward's History of Shrewsbury, Mass., 334. Ballantiue, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, vi, 371. Ballantine, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, 1, 107-8. INDEX T(> AMKKH'AN 21 Ballard, Abbot's Ilistoiy of Aiulover, >Iass., 27. Ballard, Adams's IIuvlmi Genealogy, 28. Ballard, Barry's History of Framiiii^ham, Cotm., 172-5. Ballard, Boutoii' History of Concord, N. H., 633, G34. Ballard, Locke's Genealogy of Locke and Allied Familics,oG, 105, 106. Ballard, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 108, 109. Ballard, "Weaver's History and Gene- alogj' of AVindham, Conn., 73. Ballentiue, Hinman's Conuecticnt Settlers, 117-21. Balstone, Baulston, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 109,110. Bancroft, Butler's History of Groton, Pep- perell and Siiirley, Mass., 385. Bancroft, Fox's Hist, of Dunstable :Mass., 240. Bancroft, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 123-5. Bancroft, Kellogg's Memorial of Elder J. AVhite and Descendants, 57. Bancroft, Locke's Genealog}^ of Locke and allied Families, 29, 51. Bancroft, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 110, 111. Ban dell, Brown's Genealogy of West Sinisbury, Conn., Settlers, 29, 30. Baiiijj.s, Baylies lli.storiial« of New Plyn\outh,imrt ii,220. Bani]js, Freeman's Historv of Capr CmI, ^lass., i, 6;«» ; ii, .'Jl-J, TtlJ, Tiiil. Ban«(8, New Kngland Ili.Ktorical and Genealogical Kegisler, viii, ;MH(; X, 157-9. Banu^s, Pierce's Ilislorv of Corliani, Mc, 155. Bangs, Savage's ({eneal<>i;i«al Diclinn- ary, i. 111, 112. Banks, Hinman's Puritan Setllcrs of Conn., 125. Banks, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, 112. Bannister, Barry's History of Framingham, Mass., 175. Bannister, Bland Papers, i, 27. Bannister, Iludstrn's Ilistorv of Maribom'., 312. Bannister, Savage's (Jeiiealogical Dirtion- ary, I, 112, 113. Barber, Brown's Genealogv of West Simsbury, Conn.,Setllers, 1H-21». Barber, Hinman's Connecticul Slllir-. 12(i-9. Barber, Hockwood's (tcnealogj- of |{«Kk- wood Family, 23-(J. Barber, Savui.'i''H Geneal<>i.'i(al Didicii- ary, 113, 111. Barber, Stiles's History of Wind-.r. Conn., 528-32. 22 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Barbour, Journals of Smith and Dean of Portland, Me., 57-8. Barbour, Moore's Genealogy of Sherborn and Holliston, Mass., 13-18. Barclay, Holgate's American Genealogy, 122. Barclay, Riker's Annals of Newtown, Long Island, N. Y., 319. Barden, Essex. Institute Collections vii, 213-15. Barden, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 114. Barding, Porter's Genealogy of Hartford, Conn., Settlers, 13. Bard well, Doolittle's Historical Sketches of Belchertown, Mass., 266,267. Bardwell, Hollister's Pawlet, Vt., for One Hundred Years, 164. Bardwell, Judd and Boltwood's History and Genealogy of Hadley, Mass., 450. Bardwell, Savage's Genealogical Register, i, 114. Bardwell, Temple's Ecclesiastical History ofWhately, Mass.,26. Barkeloo, Bergen's Genealogy of Bergen Family, 153-5. Barker, Abbot's History of Andover, Mass., 20-1. Barker, Barry's History of Hanover, Mass., 206-7. Barker, Blood's History of Temple, N. II., 203. Barker, Bolton's History of Westchester County, N. Y., 501. Barker, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 216. Barker, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 139. Barker, Goodman's Foote Family Ge- nealogy, 189. Barker, Hanson's History of Gardner, Pittston, and W. Gardner, Me., 156. Barker, Kellogg's Memorials of Elder John White, 90. Barker, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 115, 116. Barker, Winsor's History of Du.Kbury, Mass., 223, 224. Barlow, Bolton's History of Westchester County, N. Y., ii, 209. Barlow, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 73. Barlow, Hinmau's Connecticut Settlers, 131, 132. Barlow, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 116, 117. Barnaby, New England Historical and Ge- nealogical Register, xviii, 361 - 363. Barnaby, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 117, 118. Barnard, Abbot's History of Andover, Mass., 20, 21. Barnard, Barry's History of Framing- ham, Mass., 175. INDEX TO AMERICAN I'EDKilUlES. 28 Barnanl, Bond's Genealoirics and History of Wiitertowu, l^Iass., 14-10. " Barnard, Eaton's History of Thouiaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 139. Barnard, Heraldic Jonnial, iii, 1867, 5. Barnard, Hinnuvn's Connecticut Settlers, 133-41. Barnard, Hudson's History of ^larlboro', Mass., 313, 314. Barnard, Judd and Boltwood's History and Genealogy of Iladley, Mass., 450, 4.51. " Barnard, Xew England, Historical and Genealogical Register, xy, 200. Barnard, I Barnes, Hinmnn's C<)nn«'\t Family, 132, 133. ' Barnes, Hud.son's Histon- of Mnrllxin/ Mass., 314-20, " Barnes, :\Iit(liell's Historj- of Hridgi-- water, Mass., :J5i'-357. Barnes, Savage's Genealogical |>.. .;... arj', i, 121-23. ! Baruett, Savage's Genealogical Dictinii ary, i, 123. Savage's Genealogical Diction- | Barney, ary, i, 118-121. " I Savage's Genealogical Diction- Barnard, ary, 1,123,124. Smith's History of Dela^varc, Barnuni, Co., Penu., 44. Hinnian's r,,iui.'. li. ,,i s, ,ii, r. Barnard, | i-^-^. Stiles's History of Windsor, ' Barnnin, Conn., 532. Savage's Geneuloginil Di.iim,. Barnard, I ary, i"; 124. Temple's Ecclesiastical History ' Barradal ofWiiately,Mass.,32. ^l',.^,,,,,; ^Id Churct..^ and Barnes, ! Families of Va., i, IIH Dodd's History of East Haven, Rnrrp ^ t.'onn., 104-0. j BnWs (ienenlogv of ..... Van Barnes, Ikimt Family, 44. Draper's History of Spencer, i?,,rroll Mass., 173, 174. l>arrtii ' ' Dcancs History ol Siiiiatr, Barnes, .Mass., 217. Eaton's History of Tliomaston, ,. n Rockland, etc.," Me., 139, 140. l>iHrtll, ....... T-, Savace s Gcn«'aloi,'iiaI Dietion Barnes, i ,^ry i. 124. Hanson's History of Gardiner, ■ ^ . I'ittston and W. Gardiner, Me., I i^ai'l'^'ii' „ . . Ill I Harry's llisl<.rv <>l Hr:iiiimL'li:im, ,> ' ! .Mass., 175, 170 Barnes, H(Mlg.-'s Aniiivcrsarv Address, | Barrett, etc., East Hampton, L. 1., X. Y., Eaton's nist<.rA- oi 1 i.. .„,:,-(..„. 1S.50. I IJockland, etc.. Me.. HO 24 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Barrett, Hill's History of Mason, N. H., 200. Barrett, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 145, 146. Barrett, Hudson's History of Lexington, 10. Barrett, Kidder's History of New Ips- wich, N. H., 330-34. Barrett, Locke's Genealogy of Locke and Allied Families, 107. Barrett, Mitchell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 108,"109. Barrett, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 134-6. Barrett, Shattuck's History of Concord, Mass., 362, 363. Barrett, Sibley's History of Union, Me., 431, 432. Barron, Bond's Genealogies and History of Watertown, Mass., 17. Barron, Butler's History of Groton, Pep- perell and Shirley, Mass., 386. Barron, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, 1,136,127. Barrows, Daggett's History of Attlebo- rough, Mass., 87, 88. . Barrows, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 140-2. Barrows, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 146. Barrows, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 125. Barrows, Thurston's History of Winthrop, Me., 173. Barrows, Weaver's History and Gene- alogy of Windham, Conn., 74, 90. Barsham, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 127, 128. Bar stow, Barry's History of Hanover, 208-43. Barstow, Deane's History of Scituate Mass., 218, 219. Barstow, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, 1,128,129. Barstow, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 224. Bartholomew, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 129, 130. Bartin, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 225. Bartlett, Chase's History of Haverhill, Mass., 620, 621. Bartlett, Coffin's History of Newbury, Mass., 295. Bartlett, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 142, 143. Bartlett, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 147-51. Bartlett, Hudson's History of Marlboro', Mass., 320. Bartlett, Jackson's History of Newton, Mass., 238-40. Bartlett, Judd and Boltwood's History and Genealogy of Hadley, Mass., 451. INDEX TO AMEinCAN I'KDKiltKKS. or. liartlett, Kidder's History of Now Ips- wich, N. II., SU, 3a.-). Bartlett, ^litchcll's History of Bridgcwa- ter, Mass., 109, 110, 357, 358. Bartlett, Norton's History- of Knox Co., I Ohio, 320. Bartlett, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 130-3. Bartlett, Stilos's History of "Windsor, j Conn., 532-T. Bartlett, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 225, 22G. Bartlett, "Worcester Magazine and Histo- rical Journal, ii, 184, 185. Bartol, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 133,134. Barton, Barn''s History of Framiugham, Mass., 17G. Barton, Drai Mas< Barton, Jackson's History of Newton, :Mass., 236. Barton, Washburn's History of Leices- ter, 3Iass.,345. Bartrani, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 134. Bartram, Smith's History of Delaware Co., Penn., 44, 45. Bascom, Freeman's History of Cai)e Cod, Mass., ii, 727. Bascom, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 134, 135. 4 Draper's Historj' of Spencer, Mass., 173. Bass, Harry's Iliston- of Hnnnvrr. Mass., 244, 245. " Bass, Hinman's Connecticut Srtilcn* 15!>. Bass, Mitcliell's Historv of IJrid-.wu ter, Mass., 110, 111. Bass, Savage's Gonealoginil Diction- ary, i, 135. Bass, Mayer's Memorial of Karlv S«'t- tlers, 53-(J(). Bass, Washburn's Histor}- of Leices- ter, Mass., 344. Bassett, Andrews's Genealogical and Ecclesiastical History of New Britain, Conn., Ii80, :isi. Bassett, Freeman's History of Cuim- C.kI, Mass., \,:]:\:i; ii,"l42. 1 IC, 2(W. 217, 22S, 332, 4()7, ()04, 7(«». Bassett, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 159-02. Bassett, Lewis and Newiiall's Historj- of Lynn,, and adjoining Towns, 184-5. Bassett, 31itchell's History ol Bridge- water,, Ill-'l3. Bassett, Savage's (Jcnealogical Diction- ary', i, 130. Bassett, Walker's Memorials of Walker Family, I7!l. Bassett, Weaver's Hi^lo^v and (Scncii logy of Windhani, Conn.,U:M. Bass, Weaver's Hi.^lory and (frnm logy of Windliiun, Conn., IW 3 26 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Batch elder, risk's Genealogy of Fisks of Amherst, N. H., 135, 136. Batchelder, Kidder's History of New Ips- wich, N. H., 335. Batchelder, Leland Magazine ; or Genea- logy of Leland Family, 88, 89, 125, 136. Batchelder, Morse's Genealogy of Sher- born and Holliston, Mass., 14. Batchelder, Morse's Memorial of Morse, Appendix No. 24. Batcheller, Cushing's Genealogy of Batch- eller Family. Batcheller, Leland Magazine; or Genea- logy of Leland Family, 81, 83. Batchelor, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 179. Batchelor, Batchelder, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 87-9. Bate, Chapman's Genealogy of Chap- man Family, 354-7. Bateman, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 151. Bateman, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 157. Bates, Barry's History" of Hanover, Mass., 245-58. Bates, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 219. Bates, Field's History of Haddam and East Haddam, Conn., 45. Bates, Hinman's Puritan Settlers of Connecticut, 152-5. Bate, Hudson's History of Lexing- ton, 10. Bates, Leland Magazine ; or Genea- logy of Leland Family, 161. Bates, Mitchell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 113. Bates, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 137-9. Batson, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 139. Batt, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 140. Battel], Cothren's History of Woodbury, Conn., 508. Battelle, Leland Magazine ; or Genea- logy of Leland Family, 178,179. Battelle, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 140, 141. Batter, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 141. Batterson, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 155-7. Battles, Kingman's History of North Bridgewater, Mass., 457-60. Battles, Mitchell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 113. Baxter, Bradburjr's History of Kenne- bunkjjort. Me., 325. Baxter, Draper's History of Spencer, Mass., 181-3. Baxter, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 163. INDKX TO AMHUkAN rKDhiliKK Baxter, New I]inj;liuul Ilistoricjil anil Genealogical ReLcister, xx, l.")7, lo8. Baxter, Savatre's Genealogical Diction- ary, fil, 142. Bay, Willanl's Albany Mcilical An- nals, 213-17. Bayard, Bolton's History of Westchester Conuty, N. Y.,'ii, 501. Bayard, Valentine's New York Com- mon Conucil Manual lor 1853, 390. Bayley, , Bradbury's History of Kcnne- bunkport, :Me., 220,' 227. Bayley, Gara's History of Rowley, Mass., 438! Bayley, Porter's Genealogy of Hartford, Conn., Settlers, 2. Bayley, Redfield's Genealogical History of Redfield Family, 7. Bayley, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 142, 143. Baylor, Meade's Old Churclics and Fa- milies of Virginia, ii, 4G4-0. Beach, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 163, 164. Beach, Littell's Passaic Vulley Gene- Bcarce, alogies, 35-7. Beach, Savage's Genealogical Diction ary, 1,144. Beach Beaille, Savage's (teneiilo^jicfll Diction- ary, i, 144, 145. Beal, llobart's Ilistor)- of Ahineton. iMass.,34;i-51. Beal, Kingman's History of North Bridgewater,",447, 4H. Beal, Mitchell's lUi^torvof Bridgcwa ter, Mass., 113-15.' Beal, Redfield's GeiicaloLMcal IIisi4>ry of Redtield Family, !K}. Beale, Jackson's History of Newlon, Mass., 240, 341. Beals, Hudson's History of Lexinirtuu. 11. Beats, Savage's Genealogical Diciictii ary, i, 145-7. Beamau, Hudson's History of Marlbon/, 3Iass , 323. Beaman, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, 1, 147. Beamsley, Savage's (Jcncalnjiral ary, i, 147, 148. Bean, Eaton's History of Thitma.-«tt)n. Rockland, etc.; Me., 143 Bean, Olis's fJenealogy of Uidinrd Otis and collateral brant lies. ! Mitchell's History of Hri.lijewu- ter, Mass., 115. Beard, Savage's C}eneal"'i' ■' l>i'ii"ii ary, i, 148. AValker's Memorials of Walker Beardsley Family, 103, 104. Beadle, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 1(;4. io.->. Beardsley Family Giiitiilu^y. Beardsley, Norton's llisli.rv of Knox (' Ohio. :;.v.) 28 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Beardsley, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, 148, 149. Bearse, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 297-300, 691. Bearse, Bierce, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, 149. Beattie, Eaton's History of Tbomaston, Eockland, etc., Me., 143. Beauchamp, Hinman's Puritan Settlers, 168, 169. Beauchamp, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 149, 150. Bebout, Littell's Passaic Valley Gene- alogies, 37, 38. Beck, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, xi, 256. Beck, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 150, 151. Becket, Essex Institute Collections, viii, 139-44. Becket, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 151. Beckford, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, v, 451. Beckford, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary,!, 151. Beckley, Andi-ews's Genealogical and Ecclesiastical History of New Britain, Conn., 297. Beckley, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 175, 176. Beckley, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, xvi, 20, 21. Beckley, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, 151. Beckwitli, Caulkins's History of New Lon- don, Conn., 298. Beckwith, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 151, 152. Beckworth, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 177. Bedell, Littell's Passaic Valley Genea- logies, 39-44. Bedell, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 152. » Bedford, Littell's Passaic Valley Genea- logies, 45. Beebe, Caulkins's History of New Lon- don, 338-40. Beebe, Field's History of Haddam and East Haddam, Conn., 47. Beebe, GriiBn's Journal, Southold, L. L, 200, 201. Beebe, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 172, 173. Beebe, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 153. Beebe, Wilbraham, Mass., Centennial Celebration, 1863, 292, 293. Beecher, Goodwin's Foote Family Gen- ealogy, 155. Beecher, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 153, 154. Beede, Otis's Genealogy of Otis Family of Dover, N. H., and Collateral Branches. LNDHX TO AMEKU'AN I'KDHiKKKS Boeford, IJabsou's History of Gloucester, Mass., (51, G2. Bcekmaii, lI()lL!;atos American Genealoiry, m. Beers, Bond's Genealogies and llistory of Watertowu, Mass., 19, 20. Beers, Cothren's History of Wood- biuy. Conn., 513-lG. Beers Draper's History of Spencer, | Beldillg, Boldeu, Mass., 180. '"" ' " " Bcldon, Hiiunan'.s Cunnerliiiu ScHlen*. lT!l-82. Beldon, Nasli's (;ciieal(.i.'V(.f Na.sli Fa- niily, (>7. Belden, New Enirland Historical junl Genealogical K<'iristir, w, •.MC, 2!).")-7. Belden, I Savage's Genealogical Dictioii- I ary, i, l.J7, l"»,s. Judd and IJoltwttod's History and (lenealogy of lladlcy, Miu>,h' 452, 4r,a. Bel ding, Temide's Ecclesiastical History of Wiiatcly, Mass., 2G, 27. Belknap, Barry's History of Fnuning- ham" Mass., 178-80. Belknap, Leonard's History of Dublin, N. H., 31«. Belknap, New England Historical and Genealogical Uegi.sler, .\iii, 17- 1!». Belknap, Kiittenber's Hi.storv of New- l.urgh, N. Y., 267-72. Genealogical liegislcr, .\i, 3;J5, Belkliup, Savage's (W-nealogical Diction- ary, i, I'jH, 151). Beers, I Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 174, 175. j Beers, j Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 154, 155. I Beers, Washl)urn's History of Leices- ter, Mass., 344. Belcher, Barry's History of Framing- ham, Mass., 177, 178. Belcher, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 177, 178. Belcher, New England Historical and 33G. Belcher Savage's Genealogical Diction- Belknap, ary, i, 155, 157. Belcher, Thornton's Tabular Pediirree of Belknap, Wells, Gilbert, and othcr'^F^imi- lies, 1850. Belden, Andrews's Genealogical and Ec- clesiastical History of New Bri- tain, Conn., 184, 23G. Belden, Goodwin's Genealogy of Foole Family, 40. Stiles's History of Wiiid^or, Conn., 537, 53S. Whitney's (;ene»Ioj;y of .»< Whit IK y, and Di-^endHntH, Appeiuiix. Bell, Ellis's Hi-ton- of Hoxlmrv, Mass., !»1. Bell, IlininanV roimtciMui .-«. iii< r-. isG.y. 30 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Bell, Kilbourae's History and Genea- logy of Kilbourne Family, 441. Bell, Parker's History of London- derry, N. H., 263-4. Bell, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 159, 160. Bellamy, Cotliren's History of Woodbury, Conn., 507. Bellamy, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 183-5. Bellamy, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 160-1. Bellingham, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 161, 163. Bellows, Barry's History of Framing- ham, Mass., 180. Bellows, Bellows's Historical Account and Genealogy of Col. B. Bel- lows. Bellows, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 533-9. Bellows, Hudson's History of Marlbo- rough, Mass., 333-4. Bellows, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 163. Bellows, Ward's History of Shrewsbury, Mass., 344, 345. Bemas, Caulkins's History of New Lon- don, Conn., 383. Bement, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 188-90. Bemis, Barry's History of Framing- ham', Mass., 180. Bemis, Bond's Genealogies and History of Watertown, Mass., 30-6. Bemis, Draper's History of Spencer, Mass., 161-73. Bemis, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 190. Bemis, Leonard's History of Dublin, N. H., 316-18. Bemis, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i. 163. Bemis, Westminster, Mass., Centennial Celebration, 17, 18. Bendall, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 163, 164. Bender, Hudson's History of Marlljoro', Mass., 335. Benedict, Benedict's Short Genealogy of Benedicts. Benedict, Bolton's History of Westches- ter Co., N. Y., ii, 501. Benedict, Bronson's History of Water- bury, Conn., 463-6. Benedict, Hall's Ancient Historical Ee- cords of Norwalk, Conn., 184, 308-30. Benedict, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 190-5. Benedict, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, r, 164. Benliam, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 195, 196. Benhara, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 1.55. INDEX TO AMKinCAX lM:i)l(JHi:i> Benson, 'M Benjamin, Bond's Gencaloirios and History of AVatertown, '^G-D, ()80, GSl. ' Benjamin, JJoutollc's, Burke aiul Alvord Genealogy, 187-94. Benjamin, Hinnian's Connecticut Settlers, 100, 197. Benjamin, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 165, 1C6. Bennett, Babson's History of Gloucester, 3rass., 63. Bennett, Barry's History of Franiingham, Mass., 180, 181. Bennett, Buckininster's Genealogj'^ of Hastings Family, 101-6. Bennett, Butler's Historj^ofGroton, Pep- perell and Shirley, Mass., 386, 387. Bennett, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 143, 144. Bennett, Hinnian's Connecticut Settlers, 198-200. Bennett, Hollister's Pawlet, Vt., for One Hundred Years, 16o. Bennett, Hudson's History of Lexington, Bennett, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 166-8. Bennett, Smith's History of Delaware Co., Peun., 44, 4.1. Bennett, Ward's History of Shrewsbury, Mass., 229, 230. Bennett, Weaver's History and Genea- logj' of Windham, Conn., 94-6. Barry's History of Fninuiu;luun. Mass.. 181. Benson, Bergen's Gcncaloiry nf Bergen Faniily, 80, 81. Benson, Bradbury's History of K.inir- bunkport, 3Ie., 227. Benson, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 220. Benson, Mitchell's History of Bridge- water, :Mass., Xl'}, iKi. Benson, Savage's Genealogical Di.iiMi,. ary, i, 108-9. Bent, Barry's History of Franiiui^liam, Mass., 181-4, 4.j3. Bent, Hudson's History of Marllioro', Mass., 324, 325. Bent, Savage's Genealogical Dinidii ary, 169. Bentley, Eaton's History of Tlionia.«»t<»n, Rockland, etc." Me., H-k Bentley, Savage's Gencaloirical Diction- ary, 169. Benton, Hinman's t •minrdK iil S. ttl.r-. 201-3. Benton, Matthe\v's Ili>l<.rv u| Cornwall. Vt., 284. Benton, Ne\v Kndand Hi.sloricnl iiiui Genealogical Hcgi(*ler, xvi. 1«. Benton, Savage's <;ciiiali>gi< al Di«lioii- ary, i, 169-7(J. Bersren, Bergen's (iciiealngy of Ilcrgen Family. 32 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGEEES. Bernard, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 145. Bern on, Rhode Island Historical Society Collection, iii, 315. Bern on, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 170. Berrian, Bolton's History of Westches- ter Co., N. Y., ii, 501-2. Berrien, Riker's Annals of Newtown, L. I., N. Y., 338-44. Berry, Barry's Histoiy of Framingham, Mass., 184. Eaton's History of Thomaston, Berry, Eat Rockland, ^c. Me., 145, 146. Berry, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 198, 207, 216. Berry, Hanson's History of Gardiner, Pittston and West Gardiner, Me., 79-81. Berry, Hinmau's Connecticut Settlers, 204. Berry, ;Machias, Me., Centennial Cele- bration, 154. Berry, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 170, 171. Bertine, Bolton's Historv of Westchester Co., N. Y., ii, 503. Besbedge, Bisbee, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 171, 172. Besse, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 74. Bessee, Mitchell's History of Bridgwa- ter, Mass., 116, 117. Betts, Hall's Ancient Historical Re- cords of Norwalk, Conn., 274- 277. Betts, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 205-7, 440. Betts, Hollister's Pawlet, Vt., for One Hundred Years, 166. Betts, Riker's Annals of Newton, L. Island, N.Y., 373-8. Betts, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 172, 173. Beve ridge, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 146, 147. Beverley, Meade's old Churches and Fa- miles of Va., ii, 481, 482. Bevin, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 207. Bibbins, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 207, 208. Bibbins, Weaver's History and Gene- alogy of Windham, Coim., 96-9. Bickford, Bradbury's History of Kenne- bunkport. Me., 227. Bickwell, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 174. Biddle, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, 1,174,175. Biddlestone, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 187, 188. Bidlack, Weaver's History and Gene- alogy of Windham, Conn., 99, 102. Bidlake, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, INDEX Tl) AMKUICAN I'KDKi lUlKS. :18 Bidwell, Andrews's Genealogical and Ecclesiastical Ilistorv of New Britain, Conn., ;J48, 'Md. Bidvvell, Brown's Genealoint;liiini, .Malt li'>Hi40. Bissell, Kellogg's Memorials of Elder John White and descendants, 30, 31. Bissell, O.Kford, N. H., Centennial Cele- bration, 103. Bissell, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 186, 187. Bissell, Stiles's Genealogy of Bissell Fa- mily. Bissell, Stiles's History of AV'indsor, Conn., 540-54. Bixby, Adams's Haven Genealogy, 37. Bixby, Barry's History of Framingham, Mass*., 188, 189. Bixby, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 78-83. Bixby, Dudley's Genealogy of Dudley Family, 115. r.ixby, Leonard's lli«*i.»iv of Duhlin N. H.,31S. Bixby, Savage's (Jencaloi^'ical Ditiion- ary, i, IKS. Black, Barry's History of Framingham, Mass., 1S!I. Black, I^aton's History of Thomastnn, Rockland, elc.^ Me., 147, 14M. Black, Savage's Geneuloglu»l Diction- ary, i, 188, 189. Blackford, Freeman's History of Cape CtMl, Mass., ii, 29.S. Blackington, Daggett's History of Attlcltri)' ^lass., 88. Blackington, Eaton's History of Tliomaston, Rockland, etc,," Me., 148-50. Blackbeach, Savage's Geneal<>I(iUKl> V Blatehford, Savaaje's Gi'iiealoirical DU-tion- ary, i, 198. Blatchley, lliiiman's C'onncctuul Sottlers, Bliitcliley, Savage's Gcaealogical Diction- ary, i, 198. Blaxton, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 198, 199. Bleecker, Bolton's History of Westches- ter, Co., New York, ii, 502, 503. BloGcker, Holgate's American Geuealogv, 87. °"^' Bleecker, i\Iunsell's Annals of All)anv, N. Y., i, 277. Bliu, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 250. Blinman, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 199, 200. Blinn, Hudson's Histoiy of Lexington, 12. Blinn, New England Historical and Genealogical Kegister, xvi, 19, 20. Blish, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 200. Bliss, Caulkins's History of Norwich, Conn., 98, 99. Bliss, Caulkins's History of Norwich, Conn., edition, 1867, 167, 168. Bliss, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 270, 292, 298. Bliss, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 25:5-8. Blis.s Kellogg's Memorial of KMer •loliii Wiiile and Desoriidants 47, ()(). Bliss, Sjivas^f's Genealogical i>i.ii.,ii ary, i, 20(1 2. Bli-ss, Stilcs's History of \Viii.lM)r, Conn., 554, 555. Bliss, Wilhraham, Ma.>*s.. (Vnlennial Celebration, lM(i:{, 'JiMi. •J!i7, ;{(>4. Blodgett, Hinman's Connecticut Siillcrs 258, 259. Blodgett, Hudson's History of Lexington, Mass., 1:M.5. Blodgett. Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, \, 202, 203. Blodgett, Sewall's Historv of Wohurn, Mass., 593, 594. " Blodgett, Stilcs's History of Conn., 555-7. Blois, Savage's Genealogical l)ii lion ary, i, 203. ! Blom'ticld, I SavaiTc's (iencaloirjcal Diclion ary, 203, 204. IJlood, Blood's Ilislorv of T. ni|.le, X. H., 203-6. i Blood, I Butler's Historv of (;n)ton, Tep p.nll and Shirlev, Mm.h«., :{h7-U, 4(;s, mil. Blood, Eaton's Historv r>f ThoninjI( i UKKS. 39 Bolton, Bolton's Gonoalojry of liolton Family. Bolton, Bolton's History of ^Yl'Stchcster Co., N. Y.,ii, 504-G. Bolton, Heraldic Journal, ii, 18G6, 110- 113. Bolton, Mitchell's History of Bridgcwa- tcr, Mass., 118, 119. Bolton, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 208. Boltwood, Hiuman's Connecticut Settlers, 288, 289. Boltwood, Judd and Boltwood's History and Genealogy of Amherst, Mass., 4.J.J-8. Boltwood, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 208, 209. Bond, Bond's Watertown, Mass., His- tory and Genealogy, 45-83,086-9. Bond, Bradbury's History of Kenne- bunkport,Me.,228. Bond, Buckminister's Genealogy of Hastings Family, 6, 7. Bond, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 7, 288-90. ; Boosey, Iliiiinan's Coiuiccticut Silllcrs Bonnoll, Littell's P»s.^aic ValUy (ifniiilo gies, 40-.');{. Bonner, New England llistorictil nnd Genealogical Register, v, 174. Bonnett, Bolton's IlistorvofW.siilHsi.r Co., N. Y., ii, .-.Of). Bonney, Barry's History «>f Ilaiiuvtr, Mass., 2o9. Bonney, Miteiiell's History of Hridge\ya ter, Mass., 119. Bonney, Savage's Genealoirical Diction- ary, i, 211. Bonney, Thurston's History of Wintliron, Me., 175. Bonney, Winsor's History- of Duxhury, Mass., 228, 229. Bon sail. Smith's History of Delaware Co., Penn., 447.' Bonythan, Folsom's History of Saco and Biddeford Mc., Ul! Hi. Booije, Field's History of Maddam and East Haddam^ C'onn., 47. Booo^e, Hinman's Connecticut Sradslia\V 50, 233-45; ix, 127, 218; .\iv, 174. Dodd's Historv of Eiust Haven Conn., 106-10. " Bradley, Fiske's Gcnealoiiv of Fiskes of Amherst, N. II., 736-8. Bradley, Hinman's Connecticut Setlleis, 316,317. Bradley, Kilhourn's Litchfield, (Conn.), Biographical History, 154, l.Vi. Brad lev, Mitchells History of Bridge- water, Mass., 120. Bradley, liedtield's (Jenealoijieal lli.slnrv of R<(llield Family. 19. Bradley, Savage's Genealogical Dielinn- ary, i, 233, 234. Bradshaw, Brook's Ili«. Brewer, Barrv's Ilislurv of Fnmiinj,'- ham, Mass., I'.M, 1".»2. Brewer, Bolton's History of Wfsi(lii-.sler County, N. Y.,"ii, 'Mi, 504. Barry's History of Framing- Brewer, ham, Mass., 190. Breck, Hudson's History of Marlboro,' Mass., 332. Breck, Morse's Genealogj- of Sberborn and Holliston, Mass., 16-18. Breck, Bond's Historjand ( Jenealnjjics of Watertown, Mass., 92-3. Brewer, Draper's History of Si)eneir, Mass., 179, 180. Brewer, Ellis's History of Hoxluirv, Mass., 92. New England Historical and Brewer, Genealogical Register, v, 396, 397. Brack, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 240. Brecken ridge, Collins's Historical Sketches of Brower, Kentucky, 214 Breed, Savage's Genealogical Diction- Brcwer, ary, i, 241. Brenton, Hinnian's Connecticut Scttifrs, 322-7. Brewer, Kcllogir's Memorial of Elder John Wliitf and Dcscendantj*. 73. 74. Locke's (ienealogv of Lockt Allied Families, U"), 36. Savage's (Jciiealogical Ditli iry, i, 243, 244. Heraldic Journal, iii, 1867, 173, I'>rewer, 174. Brenton, Ward's Genealogj- of Hue Ka mily, 11, 12. Rhode Island Historical Society Brewer, Collections, iii, 295-8. Brenton, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 243, 243. Brett, Kingman's History of North Bridgewater, Mass., 452-7. Will)raiianj, Ma.s.H., Cmteimiul Celehnilion, Itm, 2U3-6. Brewster, Brewster Family jj-. Brewster, Caulkins's Hislork' of New I.on- ' don, Conn., 276. 277 46 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Brewster, Caulkius's History of Norwich, Conn., 115. Brewster, Caulkins's History of Norwich, Conn., edition, 1867, 211-13. Brewster, Eaton's History of Thomaston , Rockland, etc.. Me., 156, 157. Brewster, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 327-31. Brewster, Mitchell's History of Brids;e- water, Mass., 361, 362. Brewster, Savage's Genealogical Diction- i, 214. Brewster, Wetmore's Genealogy of Wet- more Family, 568-72. Brewster, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 234-7. Bricker, Norton's History of Knox, Co., Ohio, 348, 349. Bridge, Allen's History of Worcester, Mass., Association, 86-8. Bridge, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 93-5. Bridge, Bridgmau's King's Chapel Bu- rial Ground, 260-3. Bridge, Iliidson's History of Lexington, Mass., 21-6. Bridge, Whitney's Genealogy of S. Whitney's Descendants, Appen- dix. Bridgen, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 250, 251. B ridge r, jVIeade's Old Churches and Fa- milies of Virginia, i, 305. Bridges, Barry's History of Framingham , Mass., 193, 194. Bridges, D^-aper's History of Spencer, Mass., 179. Bridges, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 157, 158. Bridges, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, viii, 252. Bridges, Rockwood's Genealogy of the Rockwood Family, 129-34. Bridges, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 247-9. Bridgham, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 249, 250. Bridgman, Doolittle's Historical Sketches of Belchertown, Mass., 255,256. Bridgman, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 336. Bridgman, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, xvi, 135. Bridgman, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 250. Briggs, Barry's History of Hanover, Mass., 259, 260. Briggs, Clark's History of Norton, Mass., 77, 78. Briggs, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 225, 226. Briggs, Essex Institute Collections, vi, 171, 174, 175. Briggs, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 68, 608. INDEX TO AMKUICAN I'KDKi Hi;i: 17 Brings, lliuuian's Connecticut SettU-rs, 337. Brings, Savas>:e's Genealogical Diction- ary, i", 251, 252. Briggs, Winsor's Ilistoiv of Duxburv, Mass., 237, 238. * Brigham, Iliulson's History of Lc.\in<,non, 2G. Brififham I Brill lo}', I Hriiii;man"s KinRs ("hu|)rl Itu 1 rial (J round, 2H»-2.s. |BrinK'y, Heraldic Journal, ii. IsCC, :(i, Brill ley, Savage's (Jenealoi^ical Diction- ary, i, 255. Brinsniade, Cotliren's History of Woodtiury, Conn., 511. Brinsniade, Hudson s History ot Marlboro , i, . \, .. ^. , Arn« •AHO.ia •' ' HMiinaus Connecticut Settlers. 33!s, ;!;{<». Brinsmead, Brinsniade, Savaire's Genealoj;ic!il Diction- ary, i, 254. Brintnal, Barry's Hi.story of Frainini,'iiani , Mass., Wi. Brintnall, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 255. Mass., 332-4G Brigham, ;>Iorse's Genealogy of Brigham Family. Brigham, ^lorse's Genealogy of Grout Family, 15-20. Brigham, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 252, 253. Brigham, 't> • Ward's Genealogy of Rice Fa- J>nntnall, milv, 11. " AV'illard's and Cu-nea mily, 11. Brigham, Ward's History of Shrewsburv, r> • ^' n Mass., 234-8. " Brintnell, Brigliam, ^'^''''^''' Worcester Magazine and Ilisto rical Journal, ii, 151. Briffht loi,'V of Willanl Family, 2sit, :m, 3!>I. Historv of Norton, Mass.. 78, 7'J. Brinton, Cope's Record of Cope Family, -r^---' I 24''-4 Bond's History and Genealogies ' . of Watertown, Mass., 96-115, ; Brinton, Smitii's History of Dduwure Co., Peiin.. 44il." 706-19 Bright, ! ^ ;•--• Bright Family Genealogy. \ Briscoe, Biscoe, hf I Savage's Geneulogicai Bright, Heraldic Journal, i, 1865,81-3. i Savage's i, 255, 250. logical Diction- Bright, Briscoe, Savage's Genealogical Diction- Stone's History of lUv.rly. ary i 253 254. Mass., 36, 37. Bristol, Redfield's (Jeni-nlogical History ofRrdfirj.i Fan.ily.36. Brimmei, Sigourney's Genealogy of Si- gourney JFamily, 22-4, Briiickerhoft". Riker's Annals of Newtown, L. I., N. Y.. 290-9. Britten, Scwall's History of Wobimi. .V.U. 48 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Brittin, Littell's Passaic Valley Genea- logies, 55-9. Broadwell, Littell's Passaic Valley Genea- logies, 59-61, 493-5. Brock, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i,257. Brockenbrough, Meade's Old Churches and Fa- milies, ii, 474-7. Brockett, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 357, 258. Brocklebank, Gage's History of Rowley, Mass., 439. Brocklebank, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 258. Brockway, Andrews's Genealogical and Ecclesiastical History of New Britain, Conn., 309. Brockway, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 340, 341. Brockway, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, 258. Brodhead, Heraldic Journal, iii, 1867, 1-4. Bromfield, Bridgman's King's Chapel Bu- rial Ground, 254, 255. Bromfield, Heraldic Journal, iii, 1867, 187, 188. Bromfield, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, xiii, 35, 36. Bromfield, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 258, 259. Bromley, Hollister's Pawlet, Vt., for One Hundred Years, 171. Bronson, Andrews's Genealogical and Ec- clesiastical History of New Bri- tain, Conn., 184, 185, 340. Brouson, Bronson's History of Water- bury, Conn., 469-77. Bronson, Brown's Genealogy of W. Sims- bury, Conn., Settlers, 12. Bronson, Cothren's History of Wood- bury, Conn., 504-7. Bronson, Goodwin's Genealogy of Olcott Family, 25. Bronson, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 341-7. Bronson, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 279, 801. Brooks, Barry's History of Hanover, Mass., 260-3. Brooks, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 719-27. Brooks, Brooks's History of Medford, Mass., 506-9. Brooks, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 223, 224. Brooks, Field's History of Haddam and E. Haddam, Conn., 44. Brooks, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., i, 666. Brooks, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 348-50. Brooks, Locke's Genealogy of Locke and Allied Families, 37, 73. Brooks, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, v, 355-7. INDEX Tl) AMEUU'AN PKhKi |;i:i> \'.) Brooks, Brooke, Savage's CTcnoaloi;;ical Diction- Cliaso's History of Ilavi-rliill ary, i, 259-0:3. ' i Mass., ils, (i2-l. ary Brooks, Brown, Sewall's Histoiv of WoluirnJ Cariet tiers, 14-18. Brown, Brown's Tabular Pedigree of Brown Family. 7 Eaton's History of I'andia, N. I H., 53-5. I Brown, I Eaton's History of Tliomaston, Rockland, etc., ^le., 15s, HV*. Brown, Esse.x Institute Collections, viii, 33-48. Brown, Fisher's Brown Genealogy. Brown, Fiskc's Genealogj' of Fiski-s of Amherst. N. H.,' 1:58. Brown, Foote's Historical and Bio- graphical Sketciics of Virdnia, ■2d series, 99. BrowHy Freeman's HLstory of Caiw C[, 357-(M». Brown, Hfddcn's (}en<'alogy of Cnpniii P'anuly, |.art 7, pp. 1S7 5H). Brown, Hollisler's I'awlel. Vt.. for One Hundred Years, 171. IT'J. Brown, Hudson's HisUiry of I.K'.\ing1on., 27-;M>. 50 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Brown, Hudson's History of Marlboro', Mass., 346, 347. Brown, Jackson's History of Newton, Mass., 245, 246. Brown, Kidder's Historj' of New Ips- wich, N. H., 339-42. Brown, Littell's Passaic Valley Genea- logies, 61-4. Brown, Brown, Washburn's Historj^ of Leices- ter, Mass., 345-7. Brown, Wis^ht's Genealogy of Wight Family, 114. Brown, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 238. Browne, Bond's Historj^ and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 120-47, 127-32. Maine Historical Society CoUec- i Browne. tions, iv, 280. Brown, Mitchell's History of Bridge- Brownell water, Mass., 122,'l23. Brown, Essex Institute Collections, viii, 225 Morse's Genealogy of Sherborn and Holliston, Mass., 18, 19. Brown, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 279. Browning, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 279. Nash's Genealogy of Nash Fa- ! Bruce, mily, 81, 82. Brown, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, vi, 232-4 ; vii, 312, 313 ; ix, 219 ; XX, 243. Brown, Rockwood's Genealogy of Rock- wood Family, 104-8." Brown, Ruttenber's History of New- burgh, N. Y., 303, 304. Brown, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 264-79. Brown, Stark's History of Dunliarton, N. H., 252. Brown, Stilcs's History of Windsor, Conn., 558-61. Brown, Temple's Ecclesiastical History of Whately, Mass., 27. Brown, Thurston's History of Winthrop, Mo., 176. ^ ^ Barry's History of Framing- ham, Mass., 197, 198. Bruce, Blake's Genealogy of Blake Fa- mily, 47, 48, 69-71. Bruce, Hudson's History of Marlboro', Mass., 347, 348. Bruce, Locke's Genealogy of Locke and Allied Families, 43, 151-8, etc., Bruce, Savage's Genealogical Diction- aiy, i, 280. Bruce, Washljurn's History of Leices- ter, Mass., 344, 345. Bruen, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 65-7. Bruen, Davenport's Genealogy of Da- venport Family, 251, 252. Bruen, Ilinde's Bruen Family History. INDEX TO A.MKKICA.N I'KDlti I!1;K .".I Uracil, lliinnan's Conn. Sotllcrs, 331- 334. Bruen, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 280, 281. Brinisou, Andrews's Genealogical and Ec- clesiastical History of New Bri- tain, Conn., 225, 22G. Crush, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 281. Brush, Sewall's History of Woburn, Mass., 595. Bryan, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary,!. 281, 282. Bryant, Deaue's History of Scituatc, Mass., 227, 228. Bryant, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 1G2. Bryant, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 3G0-2. Bryant, Hudson's History of Lexington, 30. Bryant, Kingman's History of N. Bridge- water, Mass., 448-51. Bryant, Machias, Me., Centcuuial Cele- bration, 150. Bryant, Mitchell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 123-5. Bryant, Savage's Gcnealoiiical Diction- ary, i, 282, 283. Bryant, Wiusor's History of Dnxlmry, Mass., 238, 231). Bryer, Brian], Savag(!'s (ieneali);;)* al Diction- ary, 1, 283. nuehaiian, Buchanan's Buchanan Funiily Genealogy. Buck, Deane's Historv of Sl..ii. i Hoc klniitl, i-tc, .Ml-., 1(;:{. I Bunker, Savage's Genealogical Diclidn- ary, i, 298, 299. Buim, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 299. Bunnel, Hinnian's Connecticut Settlers, 405, 400. Buntcn, Stark's Histor}' of Diinhartoii, N. 11., 2l;J. 200. Bullard, Leland ;Maa;aziiic ; or Genealogy of Lclaud Family, 181, 182. Bullard, Morse's Geuealog}^ of Settlers of Slierborn and Holliston,Mass., 22, 578. Bullard, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 29^4-0. BuUen, Barry's History of Framing- ham, Mass., 205. Bulleu, Hinnian's Connecticut Settlers, 402, 403. Bullen, Morse's Genealogies of Slierborn t t>„,.i,o..L- and HoUistou, Mass., Settlers ' ^""^^"'^ 19-21. Bulleu, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 290. Bullock, Eaton's HLstory of Tliomaston, Bockland, etc.. Me., 1C:J. Bullock, p , , Savag(;'s Gcneahjgical Diction- i> "••>>:>" '"^j ary, j, 297. Bumpas, Savage's Genealogical Diction- 1,297,298. Bumpus, ^Vinso^s History of Du.xinirv, Mass., 239. Bum stead. New England iiislorical and Genealogical Kesristcr, .\v, 193, I'M. Bradbury's History of Kcnm-- bunkport. Mi., 231, 232. Burbank, llinniaii's Coinicc lit ill SiMlers, 40(i-S. Burhank, Hudson's Hislorvof Er\iii''lon. ilass., 32. Savage's (Jcncalo^it ;d Huimmi ary, i, 3(K). Burbeen, Scwall's History of Wobiini. Ma.Hs.,595. Burden, Savage's GenenloL'i«-al Di on'.imsvlv:iMi:i,!»2. 192 54 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Burdick, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, xiv, 24. Burdick, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 301. Burding, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.,"j\Ie., 147. Burdoo, Hudson's History of Lexington, 33. Burge, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 303. Burgess, Burgess Family Genealogy. Burgess, Freeman's Hist, of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 91, 150, 228, 773. Burgess, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 409. Burgess, Burges, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 302, 303. Burgess, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 239. Burke, Boutelle's Genealogy of De- scendants of Richard Burke. Burkett, Eaton's History of Tliomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 164. Burlesou, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 409, 410. Burlinghaui, Burlingame, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 303. Burnap, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 410, 411. Burnap, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 303, 304. Burnell, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 304. Burnet, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 411. Burnett, Dod and Burnet's Dod Genea- logy, 88, 89. Burnett, Howell's Histoiy of Southamp- ton, L. I, N. Y., 208, 209. Burnham, Andrews's Genealogical and Ec- clesiastical History of New- Britain, Conn., 23. Burnbam, Bariy's History of Framingham, Mass., 204. Burnham, Bradbury's History of Kenne- bunkport, Me.,231, 232. Burnham, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 164. Burnham, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 412-18. Burnham, Huntington's Genealogy of the Huntington Family, 149. Burnham, j Kellogg's Memorials of Elder John White, 118, 119. I Burnham, Leland Matrazine : or Genealogy j ofLelandFamil3^181. Burnham, Machias, Me., Centennial Cele- bration, 156. Burnham, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, xvi, 22. Burnham, Savage's Genealoirical Diction- ary, i, 304-5. Burnham, Stark's Histoiy of Dunbarton, N. H., 238, 239. Burnham, Stiles's History of Windsor, Conn., 563, 564. INDEX TO AMKIMCAN IM-.DKi KKK Bums, Eaton's Ilistoiy of Thoniaston, KocklaiKl, etc., Mv., KM, IGo. Uunis, Lancaster's History of Rowley, Mass., 258. Burpee, Eaton's History of Candia, N. H., oG. Burpee, Eaton's History of Thomaston Rockland, etc., Me., 1G5. Burr, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., i, G-y. Burr, Goodwin's Genealogy of Olcott Family, 57. Burr, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 42T-3G. Burr, ^Mitchell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 125, 126. Burr, jSTew England Historical and Genealogical Register, v, 472. Burr, Redfield's Genealogical History of Redfield Family, 5G. Burr, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 305-8. Burr, Stiles's History of AVindsor, Conn., 564. Burrage, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 308. Burrall, Hinman's Connect icnl Settlers, 418-24. Burrill, Andrews's Genealogical and Ec- clcsiastical History of New Bui't Britain, (^onii., 1!»!>, 22G, 227. 314,351,352. Burrill, Lewis and Newliall's History of Lynn, .'Sla.'Js., and adJninin(T Towns, IIG, 117, «".t2-5. Burrill, Savage's (tenealngieal Dicijon- ary, i, 308, 301). Burrit, Cothrcn's Hi.storv of Wnod- Imiy, C(mn., 510, 511. Burrit, Hinman's Conneelicul S<-tlI«rs 436, 437. Burritt, Savage's Genealo^'ical Diction- ary, i, 308, 300, 310. Burroughs, Caulkins's'Hislorv of New Lon- don, Conn., 301, 302. Burroughs, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 424-7. Burroughs, :Maine Historical Society Collec- tions, i, 175, 176. Burroughs, Riker's Annals of Newtown, L. I., N. Y., 283-5. Burrouglis, Stiles's History of Windsor, Conn., 564,56.5. Burrows, LittcU's Passaic Valley Genea- logies, 64, 65. Burrows, Burroughs, Savage's Gen.'l.«''i'- -i hi.ti.... ary, i, 310-12 Bursley, Freeman's History ol t ;ii-r t ud, ii, 26(1, 200-6. Bursley, Savage's Gc'nealngi<-al Diction- ary, i, 312. Burt,' Bnller'sllislorvoi Crnion. INp IMiellan.! Sliiflry, Mass.. :mi Kager's History of Onmtre ('« N. V, 125. 56 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Burt, Kellogg's Memorial of Elder John Wliite and Descendants, 118, 316. Burt, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 312-14. Burton, Eaton's Annals of Warren, Me., 381, 382. Burton, Eaton's History of Thomaston. Kockland, etc., Me., 165, 166. Burton, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 437. Burton, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 314-16. Burwell, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 438-40. Burwell, Meade's Old Churches and Fa- miUes of Virginia, i, 353 ; ii, 290. Burwell, Savage's Genealogical Diction- aiy, i, 316. Busby, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 316. Bush, Bolton's History of Westchester Co., N. Y., ii, 509. Bush, Caulkins's History of Norwich, Conn., edition 1867,213-5. Buah, Draper's History of Spencer, Mass., 182. Bush, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 441-3. Bush, Hudson's History of Marlboro', Mass., 349, 350. Bush, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, 1, 316, 317. Bush, Ward's Histoiy of Shrewsbur}^, Mass., 242, 243. Bushnell, Caulldus's Hist.Norwich,C., 120. Bushnell, Caulkins's Hist. Norwich, edi- tion, 1867, 213-15. Bushnell, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 444-52. Bushnell, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, iv, 19. Bushnell, Norwich, Conn., Jubilee, 202. Bushnell, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 317-18. Buss, Savage's Gen. Diet., i, 319. Buswell, Eaton's History of Candia, N. H., 57. Buswell, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i. 319. Butler, Andrews's Genealogical and Ecclesiastical Hist. New Britain, Conn., 275, 276, 280, 281. Butler, Barry's History of Framiugham, Mass., 205. Butler, Bridgmau's Granary Burial Ground, 260-71. Butler, Butler's Genealogy of Butlers. Butler, Caulkins's History of New Lon- don, Conn., 342, 243. Butler, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 166-70. Butler, Freeman's Histoiy of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 68, 485,772. INDEX TO AMKHUAN I'Khhi UKK r.T Butler, Uuttolpl Hinnian's ConiUMliciit Srttlcis. lliiimnn's (•..nncclinil S.-lll.-i I(il,4(i2. 4:)4-(;0 r,iitler, IIowcll's History ofSoulliamp- ton, L. I., N. Y., 20'J. Butler, New Englaml Historical and Genealogical Register, i, 1G7-70; ii, 355-GO; iii, 73-G, 355-8; xvi, 17, 18. Butler, Butt()li>li, Savage's (Jcnealoginil Picliitn- ary, i, 323. Button, Savage's (tenealogica! Diriion- ary, i, 324. Buttrick, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 324, 325. Savage's Genealogical Diction- t>.,<.x„ arv. i. 330-2. ' \ -^^tts, ,..,..• Savage s Geuciilogicnl Diction- ary, i, 322. Buxton, ary, i, 330-2 Butler, Sibley's History of Union, Me., 435-8. Butler, Stiles's History of Windsor, Conn., 565. Butler, Walworth's Hyde Genealogy, i, 522-8. Butler, Ward's History of Shrewsbnry, :\Iass., 341, 343. Batman, . j Babson's History of Gloucester, ■ :Mass., 66. Butrich Shattuck's History of Concord, ; '^O'- '- •^~''' Pierce's Historv •>f (Jorliani, Me., 157. Buxton, Sa value's (Jcncaloi,Mcal Diction- ary, i, 325. jByfield, ; Savage's Genealogical Diction- I ary, i, 325, 326. Byles, } Babson's Hislor}- of (Jlouccslcr. ■Mass., 66. Bylcs, Savage's Genealogical Di<-I ion- Mass., 366. Buttertield, By ram, Hanson's History of (Jardiner, Locke's Genealogy of Locke TJ^'^l"" '">'• ^^^- <•'"••'"»•■•• '^''•■• and Allied Famili'es, 78. Buttcrfield, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, o23, 323. Buttertield, Sewall's History of Woburn, Mass., 597. Butters, Hudson's History of Lexington, Savage's (k'neajogical Di«-lion Mass., 34. ary, i, 326. Butters, Byrd, Sewall's History of Woburn, Bah-ii's I'rovnicial lli.l..n- of Mass., 596. i'cnnsyivaniu, 12H-3I. 156. By ram, Littell's Passaic Valley (Jeneu- logies, 65, 66. By ram, Mitchell's History of Bridge- water,, 127-9. By ram. Butterworth i;ynl, Savage's Genealogical Sk.-lches and "••j;''"';;!'""" "' an^ i 323. JAnchliurg. \ a.. 299-30.). 58 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. c. Cabell, Meade's Old Churches and Fa- milies of Virginia, ii, 60-3. Cabell, Sketches and Recollections of Lynchburg, Va., 306-19. Cables, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rocldand, etc.. Me., 170. Cadwell, Andrews's Genealogical and Ec- clesiastical History of New Bri- tain, Conn., 353, 353. Cadwell, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 465, 466. Cadwell, Kellogg's Memorials of Elder John White, 103. Cadwell, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 337, 338. Cady, Butler's History of Groton, Pep- perell and Shirley, Mass., 391, 393. Cady, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 337. Calderwood, Eaton's History of^ Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 170. Caldwell, Hudson's Historj' of Lexington, Mass., 34. Caldwell, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 338, 339. Caldwell, Stark's History of Dunbarton, N. H.. 349. Calef, Drake's Witchcraft Delusions, ii, 38, 39. Calef, Savage's Qenealogical Diction- ary i, 339. Calkins, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 67. Call, Maiden, Mass., Bi-Centennial Celebration, 340. Call, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 339, 330. Calleuder, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 330. Calvert, Heraldic Journal, iii, 1867, 18-31. Camp, Andrews's Genealogical and Ec- clesiastical History of New Bri- tain, Conn., 307, 308, 376. Camp, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 470, 473. Camp, Littell's Passaic Valley Genea- logies, 66, 67. Camp, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 331. Campbell, Barry's History of Framingham, Mass., 305. Campbell, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 170, 171. INDEX 'lU) A.MKUICAN I'KhKi UKKS. ;V.» Campbell, Footc's Historical ami Bio- craphical SkutclR's of Virginia, '2d scries, 117, 118-ei. Campbell, Heraldic Journal, iii, 1S(J7, 151. Campbell, Meade's Old Churches and Families of Virginia, ii, IGO, IGl. Campbell, Savage's Genealogical Kegister, i, 331, 333. Canada, Ilinmau's Connecticut Settlers, 472. Candage, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 171. Caufield, Cotliren's History of Woodbury, Conn., o29, 530. Caiilield, , n^ Hinman's Connecticut Settlers,' „v 474-83. Canfield, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 333. Canney, (Kinney), New England Historical and Genealogical Register, v, 453, 453. Canterbury, Capen, \Vaslil)uru's History of l^i«i-j*. ter, .Miuss., ;r)0. Cajiron, Daggett's History of Atll.l...- rough, Mass., sy. Capron, Holden's(Jeneal()L'y ol' Dcxcinl ants of IJ. Cajiron." Card, Haltson's History of (Jloucoiir, Mass., (J7, 08. Carder, Savage's Genealogical Diet inn ary, i, 334, 3^35. Carey, Alden's Collection of American Epitaphs, ii, 351-3. Carey, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 485, 480. Ward's History of Siirewshurv, ^lass., 303, 303. Carle, Littell's Pa.ssaic Valley Genea- logies, 07, 08. Carleton, Eaton's Hi.story ot Tliomastuii, Rockland, etc.; Me., 171.073 Carleton, Savage's Genealogical Diction- i Poor's Historical and (Jem-alngi ary,i>33. ! cal Researches, 8<.», IM), 134-0. Capell, Hudson's History of Lexington, Mass., 35. Capen, Draper's History' of Spencer, Mass., 180, 187. Capen, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, v, 397; XX, 340-8. Capen, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 333, 334. Capen, Thayer's Memorial of Early Settlers, 75-80. Carney, Ealim's History of 'riiomasloM. Rockland, etc.; Mc, 173. Cari)onter, Andrews's Genealogical an. Carpenter, New England Hmlorirul ami (Jenealogical Regi.Hlcr, Ix, .V2-4. 60 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Carpenter, Ruttenber's History of New- burgli, N. Y., 393, 294. Carpenter, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 335-8. Carpenter, Vinton Memorial and Allied Families, 480-4. Carr, Bradbur3''s History of Kcune- bunkport. Me., 233. Carr, Eaton's History of Candia, N. H., 58-60. Carr, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 172. Carr, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 489, 490. Carr, Kingman's History of N. Bridge- water, Mass., 469, 470. Carr, Mitchell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 129. Carr, New Hampshire Historical Society Collections, vii, 377. Carr, Otis's Genealogy of Otis Family of Dover, N. H., and Collateral Branches. Carr, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 338, 339. Carriel, (Carroll), Sibley's History of Union, Me., 439, 440. Carrier, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 490. Carrier, Nash's Genealogy of Nash Fa- mily, 75. Carrington, Andrews's Genealogical and Ec- clesiastical History of New Britain, Conn., 338. Carrington, Campbell's History of Virginia, 024, 625. Carrington, Foote's Historical and Bio- graphical Sketches of Virginia, 2d series, 575. Carrington, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 491, 492. Carrington, Meade's History of Old Cliurches and Families of Virginia, ii, 29. Carter, Andrews's Genealogical and Ec- clesiastical History of New Britain, Comi., 200. Carter, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 150. Carter, Bouton's History of Concord, N. H., G36-8. Carter, Cope's Record of Cope Family of Pennsylvania, 30, 38, 39, 40, 57-62, 130-44. Carter, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 492-6. Carter, Kellogg's Memorial of Elder John White and Descendants, 40. Carter, Meade's Old Churches and Fa- milies of Virginia, ii, 110-13, 120. Carter, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, xvii, 51, 52. Carter, Ruttenber's History of New- burgh, N. Y., 297-300. Carter, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 340-2. Carter, Sewall's History of Woburn, Mass., 124-7, 597, 598. INDKX •!'(» AMKKICAN IM'.DIti i;i;i : lil Cartwriii;lit, Case, ^iivage's Gcnoaloiiical Diction- , Savai,'»-'s (Jfiicaloi^i.-al Dittioii- I ary, 1, a-l.-), :M([. I Case, I SliU's's History ..f Wi.i.lM.r, Conn., .")(»(!. Casli, Savagi'V (u-neaio-xical Diction- ary, i, ;J47. ! Cash, ! Slickncv's History of llif Mini- I siniv KcVion, N. \\, 17(1, ITI. ary, i, 343. Carver, Ilollister's PaAvlct, Vt., Ihv Ono lliuulrea Years, 173, 174. Carver, Mitclicir.s History of Bridu^c- Ayalcr, Mass., 12y,'l30, 302, 3(i3. Carver, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 343, 344. Carver, C as ley. Winsoi^s History ,.f Duxbury, F.4mans History of Cape r... I :Mass., 24(1 Cary, Kingman's History of jS^. Bridge- water, Mass., 403-9. Gary, ]Meade's Old Churches and Fa- milies of Virginia, i, 455. Gary, Mitchell's HistxM-y of Bridge- i ^""ciark's Hist, of Norton. M \yater, Jlass., 130-4. -.,, Garv, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 344, 345. Cary, Mass., ii, 20S, 2S(I. Cass, I Eaton's History of Candia, N H.,00, 01. ' Cass, Savage's Genealogical Diction- I ary, i, 347. Caswell, Hist, of Norton, Mas.s. 7'J. Caswell, Savage's GeneaIoi:ical Diction- iiry, i, 34.S. Castle, Wmsor;s History of Du.xbiiry, , Bronson's Hist, of Wafrhnry Mass., 241. Case, Brown's Genealogy (jfW Sims bury Connecticut Settlers, 35- 55, "187, 188. Case, Conn., 481-3. Castle, Cothren's History of Woodbury. Conn., 528, .-)2!». Gates, Eaton's History of Tlioniaslon, Eaton's History of Thomaston, ' ^f'!" ^ "'^ •"•>'" i.'.'""''" liockland. etc.. Me.. 173. Koekland. .•t.„ Mc. 1 .3. Catlaiid, Eaton's History of Tlioina.p Me., 177,17b. • MitrhcH's Hislorv of HridKr water, .Mass.. 13(!." (.■handler, Nash's (JeiiealoL'v of Nash Ka niily, 14!). Chandler, New England Ilistoriciil and Genealogical Heirister, .xv, IHW- 344. Chandler, Savage's Genealogical Dictiim- arv, i, 35fi-!l. Chandler, Thurst.i Me., 17^ Chandler, Winsor's History of Duxluirv, Mass., 241-4. Chapin, ('hai)in'sDe.scenf 'riiomaston, Rockland, .-le.,' Ml.. 171. 17.'.. Chaplin, (;a.:i's Historv nl'Hnw lev. .Mai«»» 4311. Chaplin, poor's Historical ami f Diuiiaiu, Conn., 110, 111." Cluiuneey, Fowler's ^loniorials of tlio Chaunceys. Chauuce}', Goodwin's Goncalog}- of Olcott Family, 53. Chauncey, Ileraklic Journal, i, 1805, 187- 190. Chauncey, Ilinnian's Connecticut Settlors, 524-30. Cliauncey. Jutld and Bollwood's History and Genealogy ofHadlcy, Mass'., 45J), 4G0. Chauncey, xscw England Historical and Genealogical Register, x, 105, 257-63 ; xi, 148-53. Chauncey, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 366-9. Chauncey, ' Stiles's Histoiy of Windsor, Conn., 567. Checkley, Drake's Genealogy of Checkley. Checkley, Drake's Historj'^ and Antiqui- ties of Boston, Mass., 459. Chcoiicy, Ilinmun's Connecticut S«-itler>.. Chcesobrouij^h, Savage's Geuealoirieal Dirlion ary, 1, ;?7:{, :{7I. Cheever, Bill's Geneal()i:v of Hill Faniilv. 68, 69. Cheever, Kssex Institute Collections, v 2;!(;, 2:!7. Cheever, Freeman's I Il.storv of CaiwCo*!. Mass., il, 403. Cheever, Savaire's Genealoirical I)i^1)l:x to amkuh'an i'i:i»i(iiii:i:s Chirk, Draper's HistoiT of Spoiurr, Mass., 183. Clark, Eutou's History of Caiulia, N. , '-^'l^l'^i II., 01. Clark, Kclloiru's Moninritils «if Kl.lir .lolin Whitr and l)«"*<(ii«luiil«, 27, r,l,70. 111. Clark, Eaton's Hisforv of Tliomaston, Kockland, etc.,' Me., 17G, 177. Clark, Field's llistorj' of Iladdam and East Iladdam, Coun., 44. Clark, Freeman's Ili.story of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 524, 756, 771. Clark, Gage's Hist, of Rowley, Mass., 440. Clark, Goodwin's Genealogieal Notes, 23-89. Clark, Hanson's History of Gardiner, \ (JJrj,.]^ Pittston and West Gardiner, Me., 137. Kidder's llist..i\ ot Nrw Ips wieh, N. II., :!.->;!. Clark, Lnneasli-r's History df Gilinan ton, N. H., 2(»U. Clark, Leland Maira/.iiie ; or (hiu-u- logy of Lelaiid Family, KM. Clark, Leonard's liislorv «it Diiltliii, X. n.,:!22-4. Clark, Littell's I'assjiie Valliy G.iua- logies, 75-80. Clark, Locke's Genealog\' of I^xkr jind Allied Families, 5«, 141-4, 300,301. Clark, Hinman's Conneetieut Settlers, 000-10. Clark, Hollister's Pawlet, Vt., for One Hnndred Years, 175-7. Clark, Howell's Histor}- of Soullianip- ton.L. L, N. Y., 210. Clark, Hudson's History of Le.xington, Mass., 42-5. Clark, Huntington's Genealogy of tlic Huntington Family, 80. Clark, Jackson's History of Newton, Mass., 257-00. Clark, Ju(ld and IJoltwood's Hi.story and Genealniiv ol'lladli-v, Mass., 402, 403. Lyman's History of Eustliamp- ton, Ma.s.s., 152-01. ' Clark, ' Mitehell's History of nridg.wn- ' ter, Mass., 305. , Clark, Morse's (;cneulo!,'v ot Slnrliorn and Holli,slon,MaW.,5".IO"i. C^laik, Morse's .Memorial of .Mors«- Fa mily. Appendix No. I5i. Clark, ' New f^ngland Historical and I Genealogical |{e^'i.«*ler, \i\ , 2'» . ; xvi, 140. Clark, Parker's Hi.Hlorv of London derry, N. H., 2(H'-0. Clark, Pierce's History of Gorhuni. Me., 101. Clark, l{|iod.- Islan.l lllMoii. ... .- ('o||.n. iil. 3i:t 70 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Clark, Robinson's Genealogy of Robin- son,SafFord and Clarke Families. Clark, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 388-91. Clark, Savage's Genealogical Dictiou- i, 391-405. Clark, Se wall's History of Woburn, Mass., 599. Clark, Stickney's History of Miuisiuk, Region, N. Y., 121, 132. Clark, Stiles's History of Windsor, Conn., 5G9-71. Clark, Stoddard's Genealogy of Stod- dard Family, edition, 1865, 13, 26-32. Clark, Wiusor's History of Duxbury Mass., 246, 247. Clarke, Heraldic Journal, ii, 1866, 75-7. Clarke, Voyage of Geo. Clarke to America, etc., Preface, 71-81. Clary, Judd and Boltwood's History and Genealogy of Hadley, Mass., 463, 464. Clary, Kidder's History of New Ips- wich, N. H., 351, 353, 385, 386. Clary, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 405. Clauson, Stickney's History of the Mini- sink Region, N. Y., 139. Clay, Colton's Life and Speeches of H. Clay, i, 17-19. Clay, Hanson's History of Gardiner, Pittston and West Gardiner, Mo., 170. Clay, Walker's Memorials of Walker Family, 131, 132. Clement, Chase's History of Haverhill, Mass., 275. Clemeut, Poor's Historical and Genea- logical Researches, 143. Clement, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 407, 408. Clement, Stark's History of Dunbartou, N. H., 341. Clemmons, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 617. Cleveland, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 618-24. Cleveland, Hollister's Pawlet, Vt., for One Hundred Years, 177. Cleveland, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 406, 407. Cleveland, Sewall's History of Woburn, Mass., 599-605. Cleveland, Walworth's Hyde Genealoc:}', i, 399-410. Clifford, Lancaster's History of Gilman- ton, N. H., 259. Clifford, Stark's History of Dunbartou, N. H., 249. Clift, Mitchell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 137. Clinton, Alden's Collection of American Epitaphs, V, 37^, 277. Clinton, Campbell's Life of Gov. DeWitt Clinton, 19-39. INDKX lO AMKKICAN I'KhK; i;i:i Clinton, Eager's History of Oiauire Co.. N.^^, 628-33. ' Clinton, Vak-ntiue's New York City Council Manual for 1S."»;5, 41.'). 410. Cloptou, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, xviii, 184. Close, Bolton's History of AVestchester County, N. Y., ii, 510. Eaton's History of Tliouuiston, Rockland, etc.^ Me., 177, 178. Cloiigh, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, viii, 71). Clough, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 410, 411. Cloutman, Pierce's History of Goriuun, Me., 101, 103. Clojes, IJarry's History of Franiinghain, Mass., 310-13. Coates, Pierce's History of Gorhani, Me., 157. Coates, Savage's Genealogical Diction- aiy, 1, 413. Cobb, Clarke's History of Norton, Mass., 79, 80. Cobb, Deane's History of Scituatc, ]\rass., 338. Cobb, Eaton's Annals of Warren, Me., 383, 384. Cobb, Eaton's History of Tlioniastori, Rockland, etc., ^Iv., 17s, 17!». Cobb, Freeman's History of Cai)e Cod, ii, 374, 381, 201, 340, 703, 700. Col.b, Hol)art's Ilisturv of Al.inL'lmi • Mass., 300-3. " Cobb, Hollistn'.s Pnwicl. Vl.. for (Mir Hundred Years, 170. 1S(). Cobb, ' Kingman's N'nrth Hridgrwatcr >Iass., 47."). Cobb, ^[orsr's Genoalogj- of Slitrhorn and Ilolliston, Ma.>*s., 02. Cobb, New PIngland llislorjcul ami Genealogical Rcgisti-r, ii, 3si». Cobb, Pierce's History of Goriiam, Me., 158. Cobb, Savage's Genealoijical Dirtiou- ary, i, 412-14. Cobb, "s Gencal. of Cohl. Family. Cobbett, llinman's Connecticut Settlers, 020, 027. Cobbett, Savage's Genealogical Dietion- ary, i,414. Cobourno, Smilli's History of Delaware Co., Penn., 4.54. Coburn, Eaton's Historv >>( Tlioma^ton, Rockland, etc.," .Me., 17!t. Cobnrn, Hiiiman's Conneeli< lit Sitllen*. 027, 028. Cocliruii, Cotlircn, Colhrin's Hi.xlory of W.hmI Inirv, Conn., 510-25. Cocliran, Eaton's History ol TIiohiiihIiih, Kockland. .U-.'M.-, 17!». !•*<» Cuddil), .Miner's History of Pliel|>M iinclesia.>*liral History of Whately, Miuw., 27. Coles. Meade's Old Chuniies and F:i milies of Virginia. Coles, Thompson's Hi.«*t<)rv of l,oiii: Isla-id, \. Y..i, 510,511. Colesworthy, New England lli.-l. and (mi,.:i1 Register, .\v, 3;M). Colfax, Hinman's Conn. ScUl.r-.i»k siastical History of New Britain, Conn., 249. Cone, Field's History of Hiwldiun and East lladdani". Conn., 14, t'l. Cone, Hinman's Conn. Seiilrrs. (W.U). Cone, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 441, 442. Conklin, Eittclfs I'assaic Valli v (Jenen- logics, S:!-!), l!t!t-r.(tl. Conklin,^:, Hedges Anniversary Addretw, etc., at East Hampton, L. I., N. Y., 1850. Conner, Savage's Genealogical Diclion- ary, i, 443. Connett, Littell's Pa.ssaic VaiKv Genea- logies. 89, 90. Conover, Bergen's Genealogy of Bergen Family, 175. Constable, Hough's History of Lewis Co., N. Y., 238-42. Con vers, Sewall's Hislorv of Wohurn, Mass., 72, 17«, (R>5,OtM5. Converse, Draper's History of Spencer, Mass., IHH. Converse, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 443-5. Converse, Wa.shluirn's History "i \.v\rrH- ter, Mass., '.iii:i, 354. Conway, Norton's History <»f Ki.u\ C... Ohio, 207. Cook, Andrews's (Jeneul. and Va\\c siastical History of New lirituhi. Conn., 207. Baltson's History <.r (ilniice*- r, Ma.H.s., 74. 76 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Cook, Bronson's History of Water- buiy, Conn., 485-7. Cook, Cope's Record of Cope Family of Pennsylvania, 44, 78, 79-82, 157, 175, 176. Cook, Fox's History of Dunstable, Mass., 242. Cook, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., 11, 366, 389, 634, 642, 643. Cook, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 698-703. Cook, Hobart's History of Abiugton, Mass., 363, 364. Cook, Hollister's Pawlet, Vt., for One Hundred Years, 179, 180. Cook, Howell's History of Southamp- ton, L. I., N. Y., 210-12. Cook, Judd and Boltwood's History and Genealogy of Hadley, Mass., 465-471. Cook, Kellogg's Memorials of Elder John White and Descend., 77. Cook, Kidder's History of New Ips- wich, N. H., 352. Cook, Mitchell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 141. Cook, Nash's Genealogy of Nash Fa- mily, 33, 34. Cook, Stiles's History of Windsor Conn., 572-4. Cook, Cooke, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 445-51. Cooke, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 163, 164 Cooke, Jackson's History of Newton, Mass., 247-50. Cooke, Kellogg's Memorial of Eld. J. White and Descendants, 48. Cooledge, Hudson's Hist, of Lexington, 47. Cooledge, Morse's Memorial of Morse, Ap- pendix, No. 30i. Cooledge, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, 451-3. Cooley, Chapman's Genealogy of Chap- man Family, 53. Cooley, Goodwin's Genealogy of Olcott Family, 26, 27. Cooley, Hinman's Conn. Settlers, 704. Cooley, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 453. Coolidge, Barry's History of Framing- ham, Mass., 215. Coolidge, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown. Mass., 165-86, 743-9. Coolidge, Clark's Geneal. Hist. Clark Fa- mily of Watertown, 73, 124, 125. Coolidge, Jackson's History of Newton, Mass., 251. Coolidge, Leland Magazine ; or Genealogy of Leland Family, 270,271. Coolidge, Morse's Genealogy of Sherbom and HoUiston, Mass., 62-4. Coombs, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 184-6. INDEX TO AMKIMlAN IM-.DKilJKKS Cooper, Bolton's History of Westchester Coimty, N. Y., ii, 511. Cooper, Eaton's History of Tlioniaston, Rockland, etc.," Me., 18G, 187. Cooper, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 276. Cooper, Hanson's History of Gardiner, Pittstou and West Gardiner, Me., 1^7. Cooper, Hinman's Conn. Settlers, 705-8. Cooper, Howell's History of Southamp- ton, L. I., N. Y., 213-lG. Cooper, Hudson's Hist, of Lexington, 47. Cooper, Leland Magazine ; or Genea- ^^^^y'y logy of Leland Family, 117-19. ^""'^' Copohiml, Mitch.Hs nistorv of Hridpwn- ter. .Mass., 141. l\2. Co{>olaiul, Savage's (Jencalogicnl Dlctioti ary, i, 455, 45(1. Copeland, Thaver's .Memorial ol Eiirlv Settlers. 81-1». Copley, Hinman's ("oniieniciil Settlers 70!», 710. Copp, New Englanil Historical and Genealogical Register, x, :if'.l(. Copp, Savage's Genealogical Diction ary, i, 4.5G, 457. Corbin, Meade's Old Churches and Fa- milies of Virginia, ii, 145, 140. Cooper, Littell's Passaic Valley Genea- logies, 90-2. Cooper, Machias, Me., Centennial Cele- bration, 158. Cooper, Savage's Genealogical Diction- Corev ary, i, 453-5. a*-. Coote, Heraldic Journal, i, 1865, 106-8; i Coriell Bond's History and Genealogies of "Watertowii, 3Ia.*s., 18.-8, 749, 750. Corey, Leonard's History of Duhlin, N. U., 325. Corey, Savage's Genealogical Diction ary, i, 4.59, 460. Walker's Memorial^ nf Walk, r Family, 52. iii, 1867, 24-6. I Littell's Pa.>;.saic Valley (Jciiea Cope, ' logics. 92, 93. Cope's Record of Cope Family Corlew, """ Deiuie's History of S«ituale, Ma*.s., 243. of Pennsylvania Copeland, Deane's History of Scituate Mass., 242. Copeland, Eaton's Annals of Warren, Me. 384-6. Copeland, Corliss, Oxford, N. H.CrntcnniuiCel. bralion, I(»5-n Corliss, PtMjr's ami Geiu-a logical RtvearcheH, KM, lu') Kingman's History olN. Bridge- ! Corly, water, Mass., 470-3. IlndsiMi's lli'ii. of Lexington. :i.*i 78 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Cornell, Bolton's History of Westches- ter, N. Y., ii, 552-7. Corning, Hinman's Coiiuecticut Settlers, 713-23. Cornish, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 722-4. Cornish, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 458, 459. Cornwall, Andrews's Geneal. and Eccle- siastical History of New Britain, Conn., 229, 258. Cornwall, Goodwin's Foote Family Genea- logy 245. Cornwall, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 724, 725. Cornwell, Kellogg's Memorials of Elder John White and Descend., 27. Cornwell, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 459. Cortelyou, Bergen's Genealogy of Van Brunt Family, 18. Cortelyou, Bergen's Genei\logy of Bergen Family, 90, 128, 129, 150, ISi. Corthell, Hobart's Historj^ of Abington, Mass., 305. Cortlandt, Heraldic Journal, iij, 1867, 70, 71, 150. Corwin, Curwin, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 788, 789. Corwith, Howell's History of Southamp- ton, L. I., N. Y., 216, 217. Cory, Littell's Passaic Valley Genea- loo;ies, 94-8. Cosmore, Hinman's Cgnnecticut Settlers, 727-9. Cost, Miller's History of Phelps and Gorham's Purchase, 228. Cothren, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 730-3. Cotting, Hudson's History of Marlboro', Mass., 351, 352. Cottle, Poor's Historical and Genea- logical Researches, 169, 170. Cotton, Allen's History of Worcester, Mass., Association, 154, 156. Cotton, Dudley's Genealogy of Dudley Family, 121. Cotton, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., i, 361 ; ii, 276. Cotton, Heraldic Journal, iv, 1868, 49-54. Cotton, Hinman's Conn. Settlers, 734-6. Cotton, Jackson's History of Newton, Mass., 251-3. Cotton, Kellogg's Memorials of Elder John White and Descend's, 52. Cotton, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, i, 164-6 ; iv, 92. Cotton, Norton's History of Knox Co., Ohio, 297. Cotton, Pierce's History of Gorliam, Me., 158. Cotton, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 462-5. Cotton, Sewall's History of Woburn, Mass., 337-40. INDEX TO AMKUUAN I'KDUi lU'.KS. Cotton, Wc'tiiiore's Genealogy of Wet- more Family, 327, 328. Couch, Ilinmau's Conn. Settlers, 737. Conch, Cowlcs, Morse's Mcnioriiil of Mors*-* KM). Cowl 08, Savai^e's Genealogical Diition- arv. i. 4t!ti. Xasli's Genealogy of Nash Fa- I Cox, mily, 117, 118, Counce, Eaton's Annals of Warren, Me., Cox 38(5. 387. Counce, Eaton's History of Thomaston ' Cox, Coxe, Rockland, etc., Me., 188. Coa.r Newton, Mas.-v, JtKJ, 2«M. Craft, Jnddand BoHw.mhIs IliM. itni;x To AMi:i:u'.\.N im;i>1(;i;i:i: Creiii-hton, Eaton's Annals of Wanvn. :\Ic., ;>^S, :)80. Croiohton, P^aton's History of Tliomaston, Crocker, Savai^c's (tcncnlnjfiful I)i|Mn(,i, Mass., 1H3. Curtis, Eaton's Historv of Thonia>tnn. Uockland, etc." Mr., 1S)7. Curtis, Kllis's Hislc.rv <»f !{n\bnrv., !)1 Curtis, lliinnan's t uiuh < ik m .-. mI- i-, 770-HS. Curti.s, Kiiiguian's North HriilgiwiUrr. .Mass., 47fPWO- ter, Mas.s., 144. Curti.s, New KiiKhuid Hixloimil i""I ({.iicalngical Uojfi»tcr, xvl, 137 84 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Curtis, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 484-8. Curtis, Winsor's Histoiy of Duxbuiy, Mass., 249. Curtiss, Andrews's Geneal. and Eccle siastical History of New Britain, Conn., 247. Curtiss, Barry's History of Hanover, Mass., 272-88. Curweii, Heraldic Journal, i, 1865, 143-9. Curwen, Historical Collections of Essex Institute, ii, 228-30. Curwen, Vinton's Giles Memorial and Other Families, 339-44. Curwin, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, x, 304, 305. Curwin, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 488, 489. Cushing, Barry's History of Hanover, Mass., 288-90. Cushing, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 189. Cushing, Bridcman's Copp's Hill Burial Ground, 223, 324. Cushing, Bridgman's Granary Burial Ground, 13, 14. Cushing, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 254-60. Cushing, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 628. Cushing, Heratdic Journal, ii, 1866, 123 124, iv, 55-7. Cushing, Mitchell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 366-72. Cushing, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, viii, 41 ; xix, 39-41. Cushing, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 489-91. Cushing, Sumner's History and Trask's Genealogy of Sumner Family, 57, 58. Cushing, Turner's Geneal. of H. Turner and Descendants. Cushing, Ward's History of Shrewsbury, Mass., 2524. Cushing, Winsor's History of Duxburv Mass., 249. Cushman, Adams's Genealogy of Adams Family of Kensington, Mass., 23-6. Cushman, Cushman's Genealogy of De- scendants of R. Cushrnan. Cushman, Mitchell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 372. Cushman, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 491. Cushman, Thurston's History of Winthrop, Me., 179. Cushman, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 249, 250. Custis, Meade's Old Churches and Fa- milies of Virginia, 1, 262. Cutler, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 189-92. Cutler, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 197. Cutler, Hinman's Conn. Settlers, 790-3. INDKX 'lO AMKliU'AN I'KDKi KKK Mfi Cutler, Iliulson's Ilistorv of Lcxiiii^toii, 3Iass., 48-04. Cutler, .Iiuld and BoltwooiVs Hist, ami ; Cutler, WliiliU'v's (tnical. of lU^M-riul- ants of S. "Wliilni'v. AppnuUx. I Cutter, liniid's lli.><|»)ry anliliiirn's History of lA-it-esi- tir, Mass., 351. Cutting, Westminster, Mass., ('cnteiiiiiul Celebration, 29, 30. Cutts, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, ii, 270. Cutts, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, i, 494, 495. 86 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. D. Dabuey, Sketches and Recollections of Lynchburg, Va., 245, 246. Dade, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 1. Dadmun, Barry's History of Framingham, Mass., 317, 218. Dag^^et, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 793, 794. Daggett, Daggett's History of Attle- borough, Mass., 89, 90. Daggett, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 197, 198. Daggett, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 2. Daggett, Sibley's History of Union, Me., 443-6. Dakin, Hill's Hist, of Mason, N. H., 201. Dale, Coffin's History of Newbury, Mass., 300, 301. Dalton, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 3. Daman, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 260, 261. Dame, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, v, 456. Dame, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 3, 4. Damon, Barry's History of Hanover, Mass., 291-4. Damon, Fiske's Genealogy of Fiskes of Amherst, N. H., 141-5. Damon, Hudson's History of Lexington, Mass., 55. Damon, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 4. Dana, Dana's Geneal. of Dana Family. Dana, Hinman's Conn. Settlers, 795. Dana, Jackson's History of Newton, Mass., 264, 265. Dana, Leland Magazine or Leland Ge- nealogy, 21, 22. Dana, Orford, N. H., Centennial Cele- bration, 110-16. Dana, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 4, 5. Dandridge, Campbell's Genealogy of Spotts- wood, Ya., 23, 24. Dane, Abbott's History of Andover, Mass., 96, 97. Dane, Babson's Historj^ of Gloucester, Mass., 324. Dane, Dean's Pedigree of Dane Fa- mily, 16. IXDKX To AMKKMfAN I'K Dane, Daiiiols, New Eniilantl TTistorical and I Savatr«-'s (;on('al<>;jio«l l)|«ti".. 219. ■ Bradbury's Hist, of Kennebunk- port. Me'., 2;17. Darlinc:, Hudson's History of MarllMtro", Mass.. :j.->:], :j.-)4. " Darlinu^ Farmer an[airazine ; or G<-neal. of C ollectious, 11, 2(.9- , 1. l^.j-^..^, Family, H9, 90. Danforth, Hudson's Hist. Lexington, 55 Danforth, New England Historical and Ge- j Darlington, nealogical Register, vii, 315-21. j Danforth, i Darliiii^ton, Coi)e's Record of Cope Family of I'enn.,(5H, 14.s,20S. Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 7-9. Dan^erfielcl, , Meade's Old Churches and Fa- Darrow mihesofVa., i,405, 400. Daniel, y. Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, -L'ai'^<^^^y5 79(;-9. Darlington's Account of Centen- nial Celebration and Genealogy. Darliiiijton, Smiiii's History of DelawareCo., Penn., 4.').""), Ar,h. Caulkins's History of New Lou- don, Conn., :{47, IMS. Daniel, Morse's Geneal. of Sherborn and Holliston, Mass., 71-4. Daniels, Caulkins's History of New Lon- ^ don, Conn., 351, 352. Daniels, Leland 3Iagazine ; or (ieneal. of Leland Family, 215, 210, 271. Daniels, Norton's History of Kiuix Co., Ohio, 320, 327. Dod's History of Ka-t Hayen. C(mn., IKi. Dart, Savage's (Jenealogiral Dieiion ary, ii, 10, 11. Dassett, Savage's (}enenIogi«-nl Diction ary, ii, II. Davenport, Molton's IliM. \V,.M.I,.--.rr.. N. Y.,ii, 51:1, 514. Daveiijiort, Dayetiport'H HIhI. ttnd Gmeal. of Davenporlh. INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Davenport, Dod's Hist. East Haveu, Conu., IIG, 117. Davenport, Goodwin's Genealogical Notes, 306, 307. Davenport, Heraldic Journal, i, 1865, 36-8. Davenport, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 1st edition, 205. Davenport, Houtrli's Historv of Lewis Co., N. Y., 148. Davenport, Huntington's Genealogy of Huntington Family, 96, 97. Davenport, Jackson's History of Newton, Mass., 265, 267. Davenport, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, iii, 351 ; , iv, 111-16; i.x, 146-8. Davenport, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 11-14. Davenport, Thurston's History of Wiuthrop, Me., 179, 180. Davenport, Ward's History of Shrewsbury, Mass., 265. Davie, Caulkins's History of New Lon- don, Conn., 415, 416. Davie, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 14, 15. Davis, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 75-9, 253. Davis, Bouton's History of Concord, N. H., 641. Davis, Bradbury's History of Kenne- bunkport. Me., 237"! Davis, Butler's History of Groton, Pep- perell and Shirley, Mass., 394. Davis, Chase's History of Haverhill, Mass., 276. Davis, Cope's Record of Cope Family of Pennsylvania, 102, 200-2. Davis, Eaton's Annals of Warren, Me., 390, 391. Davis, Eaton's History of Thomaston. Rockland, etc., Me., 198. Davis, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., i, 578, 630, 641 ; ii, 280, 294, 302, 321-6, 331, 332, 335, 475, 486. Davis, Hanson's History of Gardiner, Pittston and W. Gardiner, Me., 67, 68. Davis, Hill's Hist. Mason, N. H., 201. Davis, Hudson's Hist. Lexington, 55. Davis, Hyde's Historical Address at Ware, Mass., 48. Davis, Kidder's History of New Ips- wich, N. H., 356, 357. Davis, Littell's Passaic Valley Genea- logies, 110-12. Davis, jVIorse's Genealogy of Richards Family, 121, 122^131, 132. Davis, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, iii, 84, 85; ix, 195; xx, 212-17, 299- 307; xxi,65-8. Davis, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 15-24. Davis, Sewall's History of Woburn, 608. INDEX TO AMKinCAN I'KDKilJKK 89 Davis, Shattuck's History of Concord, Mass., 308. Davis, Stirkney's History of Minisink Kegioii, N. Y., Uil, KIS. Davis, Worcester Mai^^nzine and His- torical Journal, ii, 1S2. Davis, Wvman's Hunt Faniilv (^lenca- logy, 103. Davison, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 24. Dawes, Bridguian's King's Chapel 3Ie- niorials, 293, 294. Dawes, Mitchell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 145, 14(5. Dawes, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 24, 25. Dawes, Winsor's Historj' of Du.xburv, Mass., 251. Dawson, Dod's Historj^ of East Haven, Conn., 115. Dawson, ary, ii, 25. Day, Bay, Litlell's Passaic Valley (irnea- logics, 113-2:!. Day. Poor's Historical and (;.nra- K)gical He.searciiis, s.-.-nlhani|)- ton, L. I., N. Y.' 21S, 219. Dayton, I Orford, N. H., Centennial Cele- bration, 109, 110. I Dean, Scwall's History of Wohurn, Mass., (i09. Deane, Dean's Genealogy of .1. and \V. Deaue. Deane, Eaton's History of Tli<>nia.xt4in, Rockland, etc.," Me., 199, 200. Deane, Freeman's History of Cape Cod,, ii, (i29. Deane, Hinnian's Connecticut Settlers, 1st Edition, 2()(i. Deane, Babson's History of Gloucester, Morse's Memorial of MonM-s, Appendi.x No. OOA. Deane, New England Ili.storical and Genealogical Hi-risler, ill. 375- 3H7; i.\,93; .\yiii, 2(U, 2il». Mass., 79, 80, Day, Day's Genealogical ]\Iemoir of R. bay, etc. Dav, Dod's History of East Haven. DcanC, Conn., 115, IK!. Day, Savage's (Jenealogi' -ii l>i ary, ii, 28-31. Eaton's History of Tiioniaston, Deane, Rockland, etc., Maine, 198, 199. Ward's History of Slir« w^llur^ , Ma.>*s., 2(t9, 27<' Day, ^^ , Leland Magazine, or Genealogy ! Dearborn, , .. ,, of Leland Family, 178, 179. I Adams's Hayen Geneal., II. l.». 12 90 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Dearborn, Eaton's History of Candia, K H., 64. Dearborn, Hanson's History of Gardiner, Pittston and West Gardiner, Me., 340. Dearborn, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, ii, 81-98, 297-305. Dearborn, New Hampshire Historical So- ciety Collections, vii, 382. Dearborn, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 31-3. Dearing, Bradbury's History of Kenne- bunkport. Me., 237, 238. Death, Barry's History of Framingham, Mass., 220, 221. Death, Morse's Genealogy of Slierborn and Holliston, Mass., 74, 75. Death, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 33. Debevoise, Riker's Annals of Newtown, L. I., N. Y., 406, 410. Decker, Stickney's History of tlie Mini- sink Region, N. Y., 136. Deering, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 33. DeForest, Bronson's History ofWaterbury , Conn , 487-91. De Graaf, Holgate's American Genealo- gies, 99 102. Degrove, Ruttenber's Hist of Newburgh, N. Y., 294, 295. De Hart, Bergen's Genealogy of Bergen Familv, 108, 109. Delamater, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, xiv, 41-7. Delamater, Willard's Albany Medical An- nals, 272. DeLancey, Bolton's Hist. Westchester Co., N. Y., i, 297. DeLancey, Holgate's American Genealo- gies, 114. Deland, Winsor's History of Duxburv, Mass., 251-5. Delano, Mitchell's History of Bridgewa- ter, Mass., 373. Delano, Delauny, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 33, 45. Delano, Thurston's Hist, of Winthrop, Me., 180. Delaplaine, Alden's Collection of American Epitaphs, V, 173-5. Delavan, Bolton's Hist. Westchester Co., N. Y., ii, 514. Delhonde, Essex Institute Collections, vii, 205-7. Deming, Andrews's Geneal. and Eccles. Hist. New Britain, Conn., 308. Deming, Glastenbury, Conn., Centennial Celebration, 162, 163. Deming, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, xvi, 264-8. Deming, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 35. Demond, Hyde's Historical Address at Ware, Mass., 52, 53. INDEX TO AMKIMCAN I'KDUiUKi: JDomuth, Doiiton. Eaton's History of Tliomaston, [ Eajrer's History o( OnwKv C.i . Rockland, etc., Mo., 201 Denison X. Y., 411. Denton, Savage's Genoalojrital Diction- i Savajre's (}(>nt>a1o<;ical Diction- ary, ii. 3G-8. .Donilil)g, Babson's Histor}- of Gloucester, Mass., 80, 81. Demiis, Caulkins's History of New Lon- don, Conn., 351. Dennis, Eaton's Hi.>;torv of Tiiomaston, Rockland, etc.; Me., 201. Dennis, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, 3Iass., ii, 700. " . Dennis, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 38, 39. Dennison, Caulkins's History of New Lon- don, Conn., 332-5. Dennison, Dod's Hist, of E.Haven, Conn., 117, 118. Dennison, Ellis's Hist. Roxbury, Mass., 95. Dennison, Walworth's Hvde Genealogy, i, 19(3-201 ; ii, 1015-20. Denniston, Eairer's History of Orange Co., N. v., 017. Denii}', AVasliburn'sHistoryof Leicester, Mass., 354-8. Denny, "Worcester Mairazine and Histo- ricalJournal, ii, 100,. 101. Den slow. Savage's Genealogical Dicliou- ary, n, 39. Denslow, ary, n, 39, 40. Denton, Stickney's Historv ofMinisinlJ Region, N. v., \V>H, 1(19. De Pey.stei*, Valentine's Common Conni-il Manual for l.S."33, 3S(2, 393; for 18(51, 55(i-7(). Derby, Historical Collections c.f Ks,sex Institute, iii, 154-07, 201-7, 2H:M). Derby, Locke's Genealoirv of I,<»cke and Allied Families, (](i, 122, 123. Derby, Savage's Genealoirical Diction- ary, ii, 40, 41. Derinor, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 41. Desborougli, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 41, 42. Devotion, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 42, 43. Dewey, Andrews's Goncal. and Jx'cle- .siastical History of Ni'W Britain. Conn., 159. KMI, Km, 2.h4. Dewey, Savage's Genealogical Diction ary, ii, 434. Dewey, Sliles's Hi.story of Windsor. Conn., 578. De Witt, Eairer's Historv ol Dninu'cCo, N. Y, 39((. 397.' De Witt, Stickney's nistor>- of iln- Mini sink Region. N. V., 1 'T Dcwolf, Stilcs's History of Windsor, ' Savage's Genealogical Di< lim, Conn., 577, 578. ' ary. ii, 44. 92 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Dexter, Brook's History of Medford, Mass., 510, 511. Dexter, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 78, 446. Dexter, Hudson's History of Marlboro', Mass., 354, 355. Dexter, Maiden, Mass., Bi-Centennial Celebration, 246, 247. Dexter, New England Historical and i Geneal. Register, viii, 248, 249. Dexter, Newman's Dexter Gen., 108. Dexter, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 44-7. Dexter, Stiles's History of Windsor, Conn., 578,579. Diamond, Hudson's Hist. Lexington, 56. Dibble, Stiles's History of Windsor, Conn., 580, 381. Dicke, Eaton's AnualsWarren, Me., 391 . Dickerman, Kingman's History of N. Bridge- water, Mass., 487, 488. Dickerman, Mitchell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 146.' Dickerman, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 47. Dickey, Parker's Historv of London- derry, N. H., 267-9. Dickinson, Dickinson's Genealogy of Dick- inson and other Faniiiies. Dickinson, Gage's History of Rowley, Mass., 441. Dickinson, Goodwin's Foots Family Ge- nealogy, 270-5. Dickinson, Judd and Boltwood's History and Genealogy of Hadley, Mass., 475-88. Dickinson, Kellogg's Memorial of Elder John White and- Descendants, 32, 103. Dickinson, Morse's Genealogy of Sherborn and Holliston, Mass., 75-7. Dickinson, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, xvi, 263-4. Dickinson, Redfield's Genealogical History of Redfield Family, 45. Dickinson, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 47-9. Dickinson, Temple's Ecclesiastical History of Whately, Mass., 27, 28, 33. Dickson, Savage's Genealogical Diction- aiy, ii, 49, 50. Diltenderfer, Fahnestock's Memorial of Wolf! Family of Pennsylvania, 101. Digby, Heraldic Journal, ii, 1866, 92, 93. Digges, Meade's Old Churches and Fa- milies of Virginia, i, 238. Dike, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 81. Dike, Kingman's History of N. Bridge- water, Mass., 488-90. Dike, Noyes's Genealogy of Noyes and other Families, 3-6. Dill, Brown's Genealogy of W. Sims- bury Connecticut Settlers, 59. LNDKX TO AMKlMiAN I'KDli.l i»a Dillaway, Dixoy, Eaton's History of Thomaston, ! Suvajic's Gein'alojri(-aI Diitiiiii- arv, u..'»4. Rockland, etc., Mo., 201 Dilling-ham, Ilollistt'i-'s Pawlot. Vt., for One Hundred Years, 1S:J. Dilliiigliam, Savage's Genealogieal Diction- ary, i1, 50. Dimick, Turner's Gencal. of II. Turner's Descendants. Dimmick, Freeman's Hist, of Cape Cod, Mass., i, G18, 647. Dimmock, Savai^e's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 51. Dimond, Bouton's Historv of Concord, X. II., G41-3. Diugley, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 52. Dingley, Winsor's History of Du.xbury, Mass., 255. Dinsmore, Dinsniore's Family Genealogy. Dinsmore, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Kockland, etc., Mc, 202. Disbrow, Bolton's Historv of Westchester County, N. Y.,'i,;310. Disbrow, Porter's Genealogy of Hartford, Conn., Settlers, 5.' Disbrow, Savage's Genealogical Dicti(ni- ary, ii, 52. Dix, Bond's Hist, and Gencal. of Wa- tertown, Mass., iy«-201, 75;J. Dix, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 53, 54. Dixon, Savage's Genealogicid Dirlinn- ary, ii, 54. Dixwell, Savagt-'s (Jeneaiogicai Diction- ary, li, 54, 55. Doano, ("ha|)man's (Jenealogy of ('hti|t '' man Family, 52, 53. i Doane, ■ Savage's (Jrn. Dodge, Savage's Genenlogicnl Diction- ary, ii, 50, 57. Dod.'^OM, Dennc's Historv "f S«ilUiUr. .Mass., 2(W. Dod.soii, Savage'H (tcnealoLfnal DiJtinn ary, ii, 57, 5k. Dole, Savage'H Gencido^K al l»irii">h ar)-, ii, 5H, 51». 94 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. DolHver, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 81, 82. Dolsen, Stickney's History of the Mini- sink Region, N. Y., 167. Dominy, Hedge's Anniversary Address, E. Hampton, L. I., N. Y., 1850. Donahue, Eaton's History of Thoniaston, Rockland, etc.,'3Ie., 303. Donaldson, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 467. Donnell, Barry's History of Hanover, Mass., 294, 295. Donnell, Dunnell, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 59. Donovan, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 203. Doolittle, Andrews's Geneal. and Eccles. Hist, of New Britain, Ct., 324. Doolittle, Doolittle's Historical Sketch of Belchertown, Mass., 273-7. Doolittle, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, vi, 293-6. Doolittle, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 59. Door, Hanson's History of Gardiner Pittston, and West - Gardiner! Me., 75, 76. Dorchestei', Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 60. Dorman, Bradbury's History of Kenne- buukport. Me., 239, 2,40. Dorman, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 61. Dorr, Hudson's Hist. Lexington, 56. Dorr, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 61. Dorr, Walworth's Hyde Genealogy, i, 194-6 ; ii, 960-98. Dorse J, Miner's History of Phelps and Gorham's Purchase, 392, 393. Doty, Littell's Passaic Valley Genea- logies, 139-44. Doty, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 61, 62. Dougherty, Barry's History of Framing- ham, Mass., 221, 222. Doughty, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 62. Douglas, Caulkins's History of New Lon- don, Conn., 300,301. Douglas, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 1st edition, 209. Douglas, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 63. Dow, Bouton's History Concord, N.H. Dow, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 204. Dow, Hudson's Hist. Lexuigton, 278. Dow, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 63, 64. Dowd, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 64. Downer, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 65. INDKX ru A.MKinCAN l'KI>l(i IMI . Bowniiig-, Draper, Braillmry's History of Kcnnc- Huilsi.irs llwi. I.(\in;;tnn. DrapvT, Imnkport, Me., "341), 04 1 Downing, Poor's Historical and Genealo- gical K(.'soarchcs, 82, S'S. DowninsT, Nivagcs (Jcncaloiiical DiclinM- ary, ii, 71. 72. Dresser, I Gage's Hi^torv nf |{..wl.v. bavago s Genealogical Diction- j Mass., 441. Dresser, Savage's Gencaloi^'ical Diction- i»ry, ii, 12. Drew, ary, ii, (5o-7. Downs, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 05. Dowse, Morse's GenealogA' of Sherborn and Holliston, 3iass., 78, 79. Dowse, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 08, 69. Drake, Bolton's Histoiy of Westchester Co., N. Y., 514, 515. Drake, Drake's Genealogical and Bio- grapiiical account of Drakes. Drake, Drake's Tabular Pedigree of Drakes of Hampton, N. H. Drake, Eaton's llislon- of Thonia.'^ton, Rockland, etc.. Me., 205. Drew, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 73, 73. Drew, Winsor's Historv of Diixbnrv. Mass., 25(), 257. ' Drinker, Savage's Gcncaloiri. mI Dicilon- ary, ii, 7:5. Drinkwater, Eaton's Historv nt 'llmiiiaston, liockland, etc." Me., 2<».'i. Drody, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Freeman's History of Cape CikI, Mass., ii, 145. Drowne, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 74. Druce, .Jack.son's Historv of Niwion,,271-:3. Druce, Savage's Geni-alogical Diction ary, ii, 74. Driiry, Stiles's Historv of Windsor, JJarrv's Historv nf Franiingiiain. -'- - ' Mao"., 222-5. Driiry, Draper's Hi.«l(try of Spmcer, Rockland, etc., Me., 204 Drake, Kingman's History of N. Bridge water, Mass., 490, 491. Drake, Littell's Passaic Valley Genea logics, 145, 140. Drake, Savage's Genealogical Diction ary, ii, 69-71. Drake, Conn., 581-7. Drakely, Cotiiren's Historv of \Vooi«ii>ii ary, ii, 75. Drury, Turner's (ieni.'y <>i ii lur ner and DefRonduiilJt. 96 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Drury, Ward's Genealo2:y of Rice Fa- mily, 13, 14. Drury, . Ward's HistoiT of Slirewsbiiry, Mass., 266-9. Duane, Valentine's New York Common Council Manual for 1853, 410- 412 ; 1861, 547-9. Du Bois, Du Bois's Record of Patterson and Du Bois Families. Dudley, Adlard's Genealogy of Dudleys. Dudley, Barry's History of Framing- ham,' Mass., 225", 226. Dudley, Dudley's Genealogy of Family of Dudley. Dudley, Heraldic Journal, i, 1865, 185-7. Dudley, Hudson's Hist. Lexington, 58. Dudley, Lancaster's History of Gilman- ton, N. H., 260, 261. Dudley, Moore's Memoir of American Goyernors, i, 273, 294-6, 402. Dudley, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register,""i, 71, 72; x, 130-42. Dudley, Duncan, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 75-8. Chase's History of Haverhill, Dudley, Mass., 628. Savage's Winthrop's' Hist. New Duncan, England, i, 61 . Eaton's Hist. Candia, N. H., 65. Dudley, Duncan, Shattuck's History of Concord, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Mass., 369. j Rockland, etc.. Me., ^06. Dumaresq, Duncan, Dumaresq, Perkins's Sketch of the Family of Dumaresq. Dummer, Coffin's History of Newbury, Mass., 301. Dummer, Heraldic Jour., ii, 1866, 34, 35. Dummer, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 79, 80. Dunbar, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 264, 265. Dunbar, Eaton's Annals of Warren, Me., 392. Dunbar, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 205, 206. Dunbar, Hobart's History of Abiugton, Mass., 366, 367. Dunbar, Kingman's History of North Bridgewater, Mass., 481-7. Dunbar, Mitchell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 147-50. Dunbar, Washburn's History of Leices- ter, Mass., 358. Duncan, Babson's History of Glouces- ter, Mass., 82. Heraldic Jour., iii, 1867, 97-104. Dumaresq, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, xvii, 316-20. Parker's History of London- derry, N. H., 269-72. Duncan, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 80. INDEX TO A.MKUICAN PKDKii;!.!: Dureii. Dunbam, Andrews's Genoaloirical ami Er- i lludsoirs llisiorv <.f I.iviiiLM clesiastical llisioiv of New Britain, Conn., 1.j7,"158, 232. Dunham, Hanson's History of (lardincr, Pittston ami West Gardiner, Me., l.-)S. Mass.. (!(). Dureii, Locke's (J.Micaloirv of I.ockf and Allied Families. S»(l. Dunham, Holiart's Historv of Abimrton, Mass., 307-72. " Dunham, Littell's Passaic Vallev Genea- loi^ies, 140, 147. Durfee, -Miner's History of Plulp-* ami Gorham's Pureiuuse, :W2, :iXi. Durfoe, Walker's Memorials of Wiilk.r Family, I.m.7. Dur^ee, IJabson's Historv of (Jloucester, >Iass., 82, K;i. Durgin, Lancaster's History of Giltnan- Dunham, Savage's Geueal. Diet., ii, 80, 81. Dunklee, Hudson's History of Lexington, ton, N. H., 201 Mass., 59. Dunn, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 200. Dunnel, Dunnel's Genealogy of Dunnel and Dwinell Famify. Dunning, Eatoiis Histoiy of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 207. Dunning, Stickuey's Hist, of the Minisink Region, N. Y., 120, 121. Dupee, Hudson's Hist, of Lexington, 00. Dunster, Freeman's Historv of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 522. Dunster, Savage's Gen. Diet, ii, 82, 83. Dun ton, liarrv's Historv of Framiiiirham, Mass., 220. Dupuy, Meade's Old Churches and Fa- milies of Virginia, i, 407. Durant, Jackson's Historv of Newton, Mass., 208-70. 13 Durland, Stickney's Historj' of the Mini- sink Region, N. Y., 172. Durrell, Bradhurv's Historv of Kmne- bnnkport. Me., 242] 213. Durrie, Durrie's Genealogy of Sie«'li- Fa- mily, 41, 42. Dustin, "Eaton's Historv of Candia, N. H., 00,07. Dutch, Babson's History of (Jlouce.Hter, Mass., m. Dutch, Savage's (ieneal. Diet., ii, M. Dutton, Hills Hist. Ma.-.on, X. H.. 201. Dutton, Savages Geneal. Diil. ii. H4. M. D we I Icy, Barry's History of Hanover, Mass., 2!tO, 3(M». ■ Dwelley, Deane's History of Situate. Mass., 2. Dwelley, Savage's (lonenl. Diet. 11, KV INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Dwelley, Wiusor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 257. Dwight, Doolittle's Historical Sketches of Belcliertown, Mass., 260-3. Dwight, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rocklaud, etc., Me., 207. Dwight, Goodwin's Geneal. Notes, 40-7. Dwight, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 85-7. Dwinell, Dunnel's Genealogy of Dunnel and Dwinell Family, 84. Dwinnell, Poor's Historical and Genealo- gical Researches, 117, 118. Dwinnell, Dunnell, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 87. Dyckman, Bolton's History of Westchester Co., N. Y., ii, 515. Dyer, Brown's Genealogy of W. Sims- bury, Conn., Settlers, 57-9. Dyer, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 208. Dyer, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 551. Dyer, Hobart's History of Abington, Mass., 372-8. Dyer, Mitchell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 150, 151. Dyer, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 88, 89. Dyke, Mitchell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 146, 147. Dymond, Diamond, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 50, 51. INDEX TO A.MKUU'A.N I'KltKi liKK E. Eager, Caulkins's History of Norwicli, Coun., edition 18(57, 174, 175. Eager, Eager's History ot Orange Co., N. Y., 302, 303. Eames, Morse's Memorial of Morsrs*. Appt-nilix No. oO. Eanu\s, Einnic-^, Savage's (Hiical. Diet, ii, W'Jl. Eames, Eager, Hudson's History of Marlbo- rough, Mass., 355-7. Eager, Pierce's History of Gorhani, Me , 163, 164. ' Eager, Sayage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 105. , ^ Eaeer I ^^^*' s»^ ' ,, TT. . -. t,, , Sayage's Geneal. Did., ii, 1>2. \V ard s History of Shrewsbury, \ ° Mass., 272-4. " Eastman, J]go-er Bouton's History i' CIass., 301, 302. Emery, Dudley Genealogy of Dudley Families. 122, 123. Emery, Eaton's History of TliomiLstoii, Rockland, etc.,"Me., 211-13. Emery, Freenum's History- of Cupe Vw\, Mass., ii, 605. John White and Descend., 6i Ely, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 116, 117. Ely, Walworth's Hyde Genealogy, ii, 838-47. ' Emerson, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 197, 198. Emerson, .Maine Historical Srl. Me.. 242. 243. 104 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Endicott, Moore's Memorials of American Governors, 1, 363-6. Endicott, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, i, 263-75, 335. Endicott, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii; 120-3. English, "Savage's Gen. Diet., 123, 124, Eno, Andrevps's Genealogical and Ec- clesiastical History of New Bri- tain, Conn., 127,128. Eno, Euno, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 124. Enos, Stiles's History of Windsor, Conn., 607. Ensign, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 266, 267. Ensign, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 124, 125. Ensign, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 257. Eppes, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, xiii, 115. Eppes, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 125. Estabrook, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 204, 205. Estabrook, Fowler's Channcey Memorials, 299, 300. Estabrook, Hudson's History of Lexington, Mass., 61-04. Estabrook, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 126. Estabrook, Westminster Centennial Cele- bration, 32. Estes, Barry's History of Hanover, Mass., 307-10. Estes, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 126, 127. Esty, Morse's Memorial of Morses, Appendix No. 20. Esty, Thurston's History of Wintlirop, Me., 181. Evan, Smith's History of Delaware Co., Penn., 459, 460. Evans, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 127, 128. Evarts, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 128, 129. Eveleth, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 91-3. Eveleth, Leonard's History of Dublin, N. H, 331. Eveleth, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 129, 130. Everest, Brown's Genealogy of West Simsbury, Ct., Settlers, 59, 60. Everett, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 213, 214. Everett, Everett's Genealogy of Everett Family. Everett, Morse's Genealogy of Sherborn and Holliston, Mass., 81. Everett, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, xiv, 215-19. Everett, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 130, 131. Everton, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 132. Ewell, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 267. Ewell, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 257. INDEX TO AMKUUAN I'KDKiKKi: lo: Ewell, Savage's Gcuoal. Diet., ii, 132. Ewer, Freeman's History of Cape Coil, Mass., ii, 151, 1(54. Ewer, Savage's Gen. Diet., 182, 133. Ewing, DuBois's Reeords of Patterson, Ewing and Du Bois Families. Eyro, McacU-'s ()l«l ('luinln-s and Kn- niilii's of Virjiiniii, i, 2.')y. Eyre, New Eni^land Hi.storical nntl Genual. Kegi.slcr, .\v, 13, TiH. Eyre, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 133. 134. Eyre, Smith's History of Delaware Co , Penn., 4(i2. 14 106 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. F. Fairbanks, Barry's Historj' of Framingliam, 3Iass., 239-41. Fairbanks, Lelaud Magazine ; or Leland Genealogy, 239-41. Fairbanks, Leonard's History of Dublin, N. H., 331, 332. Fairbanks, Morse's Geneal. Register of Sher- born and Holliston, Mass., 82-5. Fairbanks, Rockwood's Genealogj' of Rock- wood Family, 109-27. Fairbanks, Savage's Geneal. Diet, ii, 135-7. Fairbanks, Thurston's Historj' Winthrop, Me., 181-3. Fairchild, Hall's Ancient Hist. Records of Norwalk, Ct., 222, 226, 290. Fairchild, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii. 137. Fairfax, Fairfaxes in England and Ame- rica, 44, 208. Fairfax, Meade's Old Churches and Fa- milies of Virginia, ii, 106-10. Fairfield, Bradburj^'s History of Kenne- buukport, Me., 243. Fairfield, Hudson's Hist. Lexington, 64. Fairfield, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 137, 138. Fairweather, Savage's Geneal. Dict.,ii, 138. Falconer, Bolton's History of Westchester Co., K Y., ii, 517. Fales, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 214-21. Faneuil, Heraldic Jour., ii, 1866, 121, 122. Fanning, Caulkins's History of New Lon- don, Conn., 306, 307. Fanning, Dorr's Life of John Fanning Watson, 60-2. Fanning, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 140. Fargo, Caulkins's History of New Lon- don, Conn., 373. Farley, Hudson's Hist. Lexington, 65. Farley, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 140, 141. Farley. Sew all's History of Wobum, Mass., 611. Farmer, Farmer's Regs. Farmer Family. Farmer, Hudson's History of Lexington, Mass., 65. Farmer, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, i, 22-34, 360. Farmer, . Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 141, 142. Farnbam, Eaton's Historv of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.,'Me., 221. INOKX TO AMKincAN I'l ;i)hi i;i;i:s. 107 Fanilumi, Kcatiold's (Jonoaldirical llistorv of Kodtk'Kl Family, (i4, 07. Farnliam, Savage's Gen. Diit., ii, 14-2, 14:i. Farrington, Abbot's History of Aiulover, .Mass., 39. Farns worth, Fanar, N«\v Knirlaiul llislorinil nnd Gen. Hesister.iii.wM'i; vl,:u:J2«. Farrar, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, U4, 1 1.'). Farrar, Sewali's Hisloiv of NV..hiirn.,(;i1 Farren, Butler's History of Groton, Pep- , Dmld's Hist. K. Haven, Cl., 11.' perell and Shirley, Mass., 395-i). | FarrilH^ton, Fanisworth, Savage's Geu. Diet,, ii, 143, 144. Farnum, Abbot's History of Andover, Mass., 34. Fannim, Boiiton's History of Concord, X. H., 655-01. Farnuni, Leonard's Histor}- of Dublin, N. H., 333, 334. Farr, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 222. Farr, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 144. Farrand, Cothren's History of Woodbury, Conn., 544. Farrar, Barry's History of Franiingliani, Mass., 241. Farrar, Blood's History of Temple, N. H., 218. Farrar, Bond's History and Genealogies of WatertoAvn, Mass., 728. Farrar, Farrar's Memoir of Farrar Fa- mily. Farrar, Kidder's History of New Ips- wich, N. H., 358-73. Farrar, Lancaster's History of (Jilnian- ton, N. H., 204. I Bolton's History of \V. ,i. |,.^i.r Co., X. Y., ii, 5:«».J Farrington, 1 Eaton's Annals of \\ arr« ii, .Mi., I 393, 394. ' Farrington, Haion's History of TlioniuHton j BoeUland. ete.,'Me., 222. Farrington, I Savage's (ien. Diet., ii, 145, 140. Farrow, Deane's History of Seituute. ' Mass., 20S. Farwoll, Butler's Hist.Groton, IVpinrfll and Shirley, Mass., 399, 400. Farwc'll, Eaton's History of Tliomoxton, I Koekland, et»-.,' Me., 222, 223. Far well, ! F(..\s History i>i i)UM>tn»»le. i Mass., 242, 243. ! Farwell, Savage's (Jeneal. Diet., ii. 147. Fast*ett, Hudson's Hislorj- of L<\inirl..n. Ma.'^s.,00. Faulkner, Savage's (Jen. Diet . n. i i.. i i->. Fail nee, Freeman's History of Cii|m'('«kI, Mass.. ii, 153. Fan nee, .MiieheU's niHtory of HriclRi-w*- ter, Mas.x., 373. FaiHice, Savage's Geneal. Die«., II. H». 108 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Fauntleroy, Meade's Old Churches and Families of Virginia, ii, 478-81. Fawcett, Norton's History of Knox Co., Ohio. Faxon, Durric's Genealogy of Steele Family, 66. Faxon, Faxon's Genealogical Register of R. Faxon and Descendants. Faxon, Kingman's History of North Bridgewater, Mass., 509, 510. Faxon, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 149. Faxon, Vinton Memorial and Allied Families, 311-17. Fay, Buckminster's Genealogy of Hastings Family, 116-18. Fay, Hill's Hist, of Mason, N. H.,203. Fay, Hudson's History of Marlboro', Mass., 359-61. Fay, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 149, 150. Fay, Ward's History of Shrewsbury, Mass., 381. Fearing, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 150. Fearne, Smith's History of Delaware Co., Penn., 463, 463. Fears, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 381. Felch, ■ Babson's History of Gloucester, Fellows, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 151. Felt, Blood's History of Temple, N. H., 319, 330. Felt, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 151. Felton, Hudson's History of Marlboro', Mass., 361-4. Felton, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 151, 152. Fenn, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 153. Fenner, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 153. Fenton, Wales, Mass., Centennial Cele- bration, 20, 31. Fenton, Weaver's Genealogy of Fenton Family. Fenwick, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 153, 154. Ferrand, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 234. Ferris, Bolton's History of Westchester Co., N. Y., ii, 517, 518. Ferris, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 155. Ferry, Lyman's History of East Hamp- ton, Mass., 185, 186. Ferry, Felch, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 150, 151. Fellows, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 323. s Geneal. Diet., ii, 155. Fessenclen, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 234, 225. Fessenden, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., 1,461,601, 618; ii,154. Fessenden, Hudson's History of Lexington, Mass., 66-9. INDKX TO AMKinCAN I'KDKiHKKS. lo;» Fesscnclen, Locke's Gencalosrv of Locke and Allied Families, 27, 43-(l, 89-91, 140, 147, 313-10. Fesseiulen, Elaine Historical Society Collec- tions, iv, 289. Fessendeii, Morse's Memorial of Morse, IfiC). Fesseiideii, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 155. Feyler, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Eaton's History of ThoniiLsion, Rockland, etc., Me., 225. Field, Bolton's History of Westches- Filer, I)oolittl«'B HislctricHl Skrt« h.-u of HelchtTlowii. Miusg., IU7. Filer, Hodjre's Ann. Addrcs.«*. etc., FjihI Hampton. L. I., N. V., 1h.V». Filer, Savage's (Jen. Diet., ii, l.'iS. l.^i. Filer, Stiles's Histor>- nf Windsor, Conn., 609, «ilO." Files, ter Co., X. Y., ii, 51G, 517. Field, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 207. i Field, Field's Geucal. of Field Family. Field, Judd and Boltwood's History & Gen. of Hadley, Mass., 492-4. Field, Kingman's History of X. Bridge- water, Mass., 409-503. Field, ^litchell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 158, 159. Field, Xew England Historical and Genealogical Heirister, xvii, 10(i- 12; xviii, 2(iO, 201 ; x.\ii, 100-73. Field, Savffge's Gen. Diet., ii, 155-7. Field, Temple's Ecclesiastical History of Whately, Mass., 34. Fields, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 225. Fifield, Rockland, etc., Me., 22.1 Files, Pierce's Histon' <>f Giirli.nii. Me., 105, 100. Filley, Savage's Geneal. Di< t , ii, iV." Filley, Stiles's History of Wiml.sor, Conn., 010-18. i Fillmore, Canlkins's History* of Norwich, Conn., edition 1M07, 229, 200. ; Fillmore, I Xew England Historicul anrt, Mc, 244" ! Fletc-liof, j Hutlcr's History of (;n>tnn, l'.|.- I pi-nli anil Sliirlcy, .Mass.. KH. I Fletcher, ' Ealons History of Tlioniaston. Ro(kland,(tc.,"M...22T. Fletcher, Fox's History of Dinistahlc, Mass., 243. Fletcher, Kidder's History of New Ips- wich, N. H., 374-(5. ' Fletcher, j Leland Magazine, or Ltlaiul ' Genealogy, 61-3. Fletcher, Morse's Memorial of Morses, Ajjpendix, No. 51 \. Fletcher, Sayage's Gen. Diet., ii, 172-4. Flagg siastical History of New Britain, FHu n Conn., 218, 219, 248. 266. ! Lit'tell's Passaic Valley Gen.-a- logics, 153. Barry's History of Framingham, Ji"'liiit Mass., 244, 245. Flagg, Bond's Hist, and Geneal. of Wa- tertown, Mass., 219-25, 762-4. Flagg, Draper's History of Si)encer, Mass., 197. Flaffg, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 171, 172. Flagg, Sewall's History of Woburn, Mass., 611, 612. Flanders, Bouton's History of Concord, X. H., 705, 706. Flanders, Poor's Historical and Genealo- gical Researches, 122. Flanders, Sayage's Gen. Diet., ii, 172. Eaton's Hislon' of Tlioniaston, Rockland, etc.' Me., 22T, 22M. Flint, Flint and Stone's (Jenealogical Register of Flint Family. Flint, New England Historical iind Geneal. Register, .\iv, 5h.(]0. Flint, Sayage's Gen. Diet., ii. 174, I7.*». Flint, Sliattuck's Hi.Htory of Concord.,371. Flint, Ward's Hi.story of Sliri«».lmrv, 3IUS8..275, 27«". Flint, Waslihiirn'.H History of Leices- ter. Ma.'*H , JMW. 112 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Flintner, Hanson's History of Gardiner, Pittstou & W. Gardiner, Me., 82. Flood, Floyd, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 175, 176. Flower, Smith's History of Delaware Co., Penn., 463. Floyd, Thompson's History of Long Is- land, N. Y., ii, 431-37. Fobes, Mitchell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 159-63. Fobes, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 176, 177. Fobes, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 258. Fogerty, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 228. Fogg, "Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 228, 229. Fogg, Fogg's Genealogical Account of Early Settlers of Eliot, Me., 1-9. Fogg, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 177. Folger, New England History and Gen. Register, xvi, 269-78. Folger, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 177, 178. Follett, Morse's Memorial of Morses, Appendix No. 60. Folsom, Lancaster's History ofGilman- ton, N. H., 262. Folsom, New Hampshire Historical Society Collections, vi, 191. Folsom, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 178. Fones, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 179. { Fontaiue, Maury's Memorial of Huguenot Family. Fontaine, Meade's Old Churches and Fa- milies of Virginia, i, 465, 466. Foote, Brown's Genealogy of W. Sims- bury, Connecticut Settlers, 53-6. Foote, Caulkins's Historv of New Lon- don, Conn., 308. " Foote, Goodwin's Foote Family Gen. Foote, Judd and Boltwood's History and Gen. of Hadley, Mass., 494. Foote, Matthews's History Cornwall, Vt., 285. Foote, Nash's Gen of Nash Family, 42. Foote, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, ix, 272. Foote, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 179-82. Forbes, Dodd's History of East Haven, Conn., 119, 120. Forbush, Hudson's History of Marlbo- rough, Mass., 364, 365. Forbush, Ward's Genealogy of Rice Fa- mily, 21, 22. Ford, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 269. Ford, Hobart's History of Town of Abington, Mass., 378-83. Ford, Kingman's History N. Bridge- water, Mass., 503, 504. Ford, Mitchell's History of Bridgewa- ter,Mass., 163, 373,374. INDEX TO AMKUICAN PKDIiJItKKS 11 Ford, Savage's Gen. Dirt., ii, ISO -4. Ford, Winsor's History of Diixbiirv, Mass. 359. Fordham, Howell's History of Sonthanip- ton, L. I.,X. Y.; 200, 221. Fordham, Sayage's Geiieal. Diet., ii, 184. Forster, Caulkins's History of New Lon- don, Conn., 313, 313. Forsyth, Cope's Record of Cope Family ofPenu.,39, 61, 63, 141, 143. Forth, Xe\y England Hist, and Geneal. Kegister, xxiii, 184. Fosdick, Caulkinss History of New Lon- don, Conn., 343, 344. Fosdick, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 185. Foss, Machias, Me., Centennial Cele- bration, 161, 163. Foster, Abbot's History of Andover, Mass., 38. Foster, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 94. Foster, Barrj-'s History of P'ramingliam, Mass., 345, 246. Foster, Blood's History Temple, X. H., 331 232. Foster, Daggett's History Attleborougli, Mass., 90. Foster, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 270, 371. Foster, Eaton's Hist. Candia, X. H., 80. 15 Foster, Eaton's History »f Tli.iin..»st,,„. Kocklund, etc., .Mc, 23i», -'.m. Foster, Freennin's iristorv of ('ii|M'Cotl Mass., ii, 111, 7(l.V' Foster, (toothvin's Genealogy 2. Foster, Howell's History Soutliamptmi. L. I., X. Y., 221-4. Foster, Kidder's History Xew Ipswidi N. H.,376,377." Foster, Kilbonrn's History and Anliipii- ties of Kilbonrn Pamily, 12(i. Foster, Locke's (Genealogy of Locke and Allied Families, 64, 145, 3()0, 301 . Foster, Maciiias, Me., Centennial Cele- bration, 160. Foster, Morse's Gen. R<'gister of SImt- ))orn and UoUiston, Masis., HV. Foster, Xew England Hist, and Geneal. Kegister, i, 352-4 ; .\.x. 227, MtH. Foster, Savage's (Jen. Diet, ii, IH.")'.)!. Foster, Sewall's Hi>t. W'.. burn. 612. Foster, Sliles's History of Winilnor, Conn., 622. Foster, St«Mldard's(ienenl, of Si«Mldaril Fannly, edition 1Htabie, I N. H., 243 5. " I French, i Kell(.-g's Memorial o| Elder .loliii While and Di-scend's, 44. , French, Kingman's History of N. Hridge- water, Mass., rM-7. French, Lanca.ster's History of Gilman ton, N. H., 2(W. 2n4. French, Leonard's Hi^lorv of Diddin, N. H., :WH, 3.!;i l.-)9, 1(53, 370, 380-5, 4G5, 555, 559, .5(59, 029, 033, 730, 757-65, j French, "". ^^1- I.iltell's Pa.ssaie S an. \ iienea- Freeman, lodes. 157. I5H. Ilolden's Genealogy of Capron Freiidl, Family, part xi, 252-03. Freeman, Huntington's Geneal. of Hunt- 1 French, ington Family, 103, 104. » .Mitchell's Hi.Htory <»f lirhltfi-WB- ter, -Ma.xs., l0:i-5. Savage's (Jeniiil. Diet., II, 201 U 116 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. French, Thayer's Memorial of Early Settlers, 90-9. French, Valentine's New York City Council Manual 1853, 400, 401. French, Vinton Memorials and AHled Families, 88-91, 193-6, 317-22. French, Walker's Memorials of Walker Family, 140-7. Frizell, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 209, 210. Frizzell, Barry's History of Framing- ham, Mass., 246. Frost, Barry's History of Framingham, Mass., 246-8. Frost, Essex Institute Collect's, vi, 113. Frost, Leland Magazine, or Genealogy of Leland Family, 172, 173. Frost, Leonard's History of Dublin, N. H., 339. Frost, Morse's Geneal. Reg. of Sher- born and Holliston, Mass., 90. Frost, New England Historical and Geneal. Reg., v, 165-70 ; x, 45, 46. Frost, Parsons's Gen. of Frost Family. Frost, Pierce's History of Gorham, Me., 167, 168. Frost, Redfield's Genealogical History of Redfield Family, 12. Frost, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 210-12. Frost, Thurston's History of Win- throp, Me., 185. Frothingham, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 212, 213. Frye, Abbott's History of Andover, Mass., 23-5. Frye, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 231, 232. Frye, Maine Historical Society Col- lections, iv, 284. Frye, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, viii, 226, 227. Frye, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 213, 214. Fryer, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 94. Fulham, Bond's Hist, and Geneal. of Wa- tertown, Mass., 227. Fuller, Andrews's Genealogical and Ecclesiastical History of New Britain, Conn., 194. Fuller, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 362, 363. Fuller, Bond's History and Genealogies ofWatertown, Mass., 227, 228, 761-66. Fuller, Eaton's Annals of Warren, Me., 395. Fuller, Eaton's History of Thomaston Rockland, etc.. Me., 232, 233. Fuller, Field's History of Haddam and East Haddam, Conn., 47. Fuller, Fiske's Genealogy of Fiskes of Amherst, N. H., 136. Fuller, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 154, 485. Fuller, Fuller's Historical and Genealo- gical Notices of Fuller Family. INDEX TO AMKUU'AN l'Kl)I(ii:i:K W Fuller, Hanson's History of Gardiner, Pittston and West Gardiner, Me., 133. Fuller, Jackson's History ot" Newton, Mass., 278-88. Fuller, Kingman's Hist, of N. Bridge- water, Mass., 507, 508. Fuller, :Miteliell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 1G5. Fuller, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, iii, 85, 86 ; xiii, 351-63. Fuller, Noyes's Genealogy of Noyes and other Families, 10. Fuller, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 215-20. Fuller, Se wall's History of Wobuni, Mass., 614. Fullor, Tliurston's Hi.storv of Win- tlirop, Me., 185. Fuller, Wight's (J.-nealngy of Wiglii Family, 115. Fuller, Winsor's History <>f I)uxhur\-, Mas.s.,261. FuUertoii, Eater's Hislorv of Omngc Co., N. Y., 413, 414. Fullerton, Kingman's History of N. Hridgr- water, Mass., 50S,"5()J). Furbish, Eaton's History of Thonm.ston, Bockland, etc., Me.,233. Furnell, Savage's (Jeneal. Diet., ii, 220. Fyler, Ilinman's Connecticut Settlers, 1st edition, 212. 118 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. G. Gachet, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, i, 344. Gage, Gage's Hist. Rowley, Mass., 442. Gafi^e, Heraldic Jour., iii, 1867, 148-51. Gage, "Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 220, 221. Gager, Caulkins's History of Norwich, Conn., 103, 104. Gager, Savage's Geneal. Diet, ii, 221. Gale, Barry's History of Framingham, Mass., 249. Gale, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 229-331. Gale, Bouton's History of Concord, N. H., 662-4. Gale, Gale's Gen. of Gale Family. Gale, Gale's Records of Gale Family. Gale, Lancaster's History of Gilman- ton, N. H., 265. Gale, Morse's Genealogy of Grout Fa- mily, 24, 34. Gale, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, xviii, 189-97. Gale, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 221, 222. Gallaudet, Bolton s History of Westchester Co., N. Y., ii, 519. Gallop, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 94. Gallop, Caulkins's History of New Lon- don, Conn., 291. Gallop, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 233. Gallaway, Balch's Provincial History of Pennsylvania, 75, 76. Gallup, Barry's History of Framingham, Mass., 249. Gallup, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 223, 223. Galpin, Cothren's History of Woodbury, Conn., 544, 545. Galpin, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 223. Galusha, Huntington's Geneal. of Hunt- ington Family, 99. Gamble, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 234. Gamblin, Ellis's Hist, of Roxbury, Mass., 118, 119. Gammell, Hudson's History of Lexington, Mass., 75, 76. Gannett, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 273. INDEX TO AMKIUCAN PKKI. , UKI', 11 'J GaniiPtt, ^litcheirs History of liridgcwa- ter, Mass., 1G«, 107. Gannett, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 224, 225. Gardiner, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 95. Gardiner, Barrv's History of Ilauover, ^ Mass., 311, 312. '- Gardner, Historical Collections of V]mm'X Institute, i, HtO, 1<.M. Gardner, Machias, M<'., ("nil.-iminl (Vie- I bration, 102, lo:;, Gardner, Morse's (Jenealoirical UiLri-.i«r of Sherborn and llolli.sion, Mass., !>0. Gardiner, Hanson's History of Garduier, Gardner, Hiiode Island MisLirical Collections, iii, ;{(is. Pittston and West Gardiner, Gardner, Me., 83, 105, 106 Gardiner, Hedge's Anniversary Address, etc., at E. Hampton, L. I., N. I Y., 1850. [ Gardiner, | Heraldic Journal, iii, 1867, 81, 82; iv, 1868, 97-102. Gardiner, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 1st edition, 212, 213. i Gardiner, Holgate's American Geneal.,58. Gardiner, ' Judd and Boltwood's History Mass., 290-2 and Gen. of Hadley, Mass., 497. p o plof,/] Gardiner Savage's (nil. Diet , ii, 22burv, Savage's Geueal. Diet., ii, 232. Rutteuber's History of New p „ 1.1.^.01- burgh, N. Y.. 301-3. >ainse}, I Andrews s (Jeneal. and r^«-lo- sia.stieal History of New Britain , Conn., 208. Garrett, Brown's Genealogy of W. Sinw- bury Connecticut Settlers, iWH. Garrett, Gardiner, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 225, 220. Gardiner, Thompson's History of Lcuig Is- land, N. Y., ii, 378-81. Gardner, Allen's History of AVorcester, 1 Deane's History of .S iinat Mass., Association, 52, 53. I Gardner, I Blood's History of Temple, X. i H., 222. Gardner, Essex Institute Col., vi, 101-3. Gardner, Greenough's Descendants of Richard Gardner. I Mass., 274. Garrett, Savage's (Jen. Did., ii, 2;U. 234. Garrett, Smith's llistorv of Deluware Co., I Villi., 104.' 4»i.-, Gassett, Morse's Memorial of .Morf«-*, Appendi.x No. 53. 120 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Gassett, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, i, 344. Gatchell, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 234, 235. Gates, Barry's History of Framingham, Mass., 250-2. Gates, Drapers History of Spencer, Mass., 198. Gates, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.,' Me., 234. Gates, Field's History of Haddam and East Haddamll Conn., 45. Gates, Goodwin's Foote Family Ge- nealogy, 78, 79. Gates, Hudson's History of Marlboro', Mass., 366, 367. Gates, Miner's Historj' of Phelps and Gorham's Purchase, 206. Gates, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 235, 236. Gay, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 235. Gay, Hanson's History of Gardiner, Pittston and West Gardiner, Me., 156, 157. Gay, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, vi, 373. Gay, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 236, 237. Gay, Sibley's Hist, of Union, Me., 451. Gaylord, Judd and Boltwood's History and Genealogy of Hadley, Mass., 497, 498. Gaylord, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 238, 239. Gaylord, Stiles's History of Windsor, Conn., 623-7. Geary, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 240. Gedney, Savage s Gen. Diet., ii, 240, 241. Geer, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., 235. Geer, Geer's Hist. Sketch and Geneal. of George and Thomas Geer. Geer, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 1st edition, 178. Geer, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 239, 240. Gellston, Howell's History of Southamp- ton, L. I., N. Y., 225. Geniu, Griffin's Journal, Southold, L. I, 183, 184. George, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 242, 243. Germaine, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 236. Gerrish, Coffin's History of Newbury, Mass., 302, 303. Gerrish, Essex Institute Col., v, 27-30. Gerrish, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, vi, 258, 259. Gerrish, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 243, 244. Gerry, Alden's Collection of American Epitaphs, V, 25, 45. Getchell, Eaton's Historv of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.," Me., 236. Gheen, Cope's Record of Cope Family of Pennsylvania, 66, 146, 147. INDKX To A Mi; nil -AN I'KDl.i i;i: Gilloid, I J I Gibbaril, Gobliard, Savage's Gi'iioal. DUt., ii, i44 Gibbins, Folsom's History of Saco and Gifl'dnl BiiUlefora, Me., 112-113. Gibbous, Cope's Record of Cope Family Gilbert, of Peimsylvauia, 55, 0(5, 120,127. Aiulrew-s's Geiieal. and VavU KreeinanV History •>r('n|»oCod Mass., ii, KU, .|2(j; Il..llist,i-s Paui.i. Vi. fnr Oil, I Hundred Years, I'll, P.IJ Gibbous, Savage's Geiieal. Diet., ii, 245. Gibb siastieal History of New Hritnin, Conn., IHl, 182" :{.■>(). Gilbert, Rmy-s History of Franiinghani, ^i^!^%!^'"'"'^ -f Gl.u.e.-Mer, 3Iass., 252-G. ^./ ' •<■• Gibbs, Bond's History and Genealogies ol Walertowu, Mass., 23G. Gibbs, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 147, loG, 158, 1G4. Gibbs, Gibbs's Genealogy of Gibbs. Gibbs, Gilbert, Cope's lU-eord of Cop.- Funiilv of Peuusylvania, IK), lit2. Gilbert, Kellogg's Memorials of Klder John White tk Descend., 24, 2o. Gilbert, 2sew Kngland Hislorieal and Ge- nealogical Hei,M.-.ier, iv. 22;{-;J2. 3;i'J-4'J. Heraldic Journal, iii, 18G7, 12- Gilbert, 14, IGG, 1G7. Gibbs, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 24;t Gilbert, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, \ Thornton's Geneulogieai Me- 1st edition, 213, Gibbs, Jackson's History of Newton Mass., 292, 293. Gibbs, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 245-8. Gibbs, . Smith's Account of Gibbs Fa- Gllclirist, mily. Gibbs, Stiles's History of Windsor Conn., 627, G28. moir of Gilbert Family, 23. Gilbert, Tiiornton's Tabular Pedigree of Gilbert. Gilchrist, Katon's History of Thonuuston, Koekland, eic." Me., 2;J<5, 237. Leonard's Hi.-;torv -f Dublin, N H.. 340. 341. Gibsou, Giles, Savage's Gencal iMil , n, •.'•);i Giles, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 248. | Vinton's Giles and other Fumi Giddiugs, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 95. Giddiugs, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 249. Gilibrd, Caulkins's History of Norwich, Conn., edition 18G7, 175, 176. 16 lies. Gill, Savage's (Ji-n. Diet., ii, 2.V1. 25.'i. Gillam, New England HiKtorieHJ and Geneal. Uegihler, \\\, 'M4. Gilluni, Savage's (lenenl. Dl«t., ii,2. 122 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Gillett, Judd and Boltwood's Hist, and Gen. of Hadley, Mass., 498. Gillett, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 255, 25G. Gillett, Stiles's History of Windsor, Conn., 628-34. Gillsoii, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 275. Gilman, Gilman's Gilman Family. Gilmau, Heraldic Jour., i, 1865, 150, 151. Gilman, Lancaster's History of Gilman- ton, N. H., 267-72. Gilman, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, xviii, 258, 259. Gilman, New Hampshire Historical So- ciety Collections, vi, 189, 190. Gilman, ■ Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 257, 258. Gilmore, Parker's History of London- derry, N. H., 278. Gilmore, Sibley's History of Union, Me., 452-4. Gilson, Butler's History of Groton, Pep- perell and Shirley, Mass., 402, 408, 471. Gilscm, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 258, 259. Gladden, Andrews's Geneal. and Eccle- siastical History of New Britain, Conn., 219, 220, 818, 841. Glass, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 259, 260. Glass, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 262, 268. Glazier, Buckminster's Geneal. of Hast- ings Family, 95-101, 164, 165. Glazier, Se wall's History of Woburn, Mass., 615. Gleason, Barry's History of Framing- ham, Mass., 256-60. Gleason, Bond's Jlistory and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 236, 287. Gleason, Clark's History of Clarke Fa- mily of Watertown, Mass., 44, 45, 79-81. Gleason, Draper's History of Spencer, Mass., 205. Gleason, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 237, 288. Gleason, Hudson's Hist, of Lexington, 76. Gleason, Hudson's History of Marlboro', Mass., 367-9. Gleason, Leonard's History of Dublin N. H., 841, 342. Gleason, Morse's Geneal. Reg. of Sher- born and Holliston, Mass., 90, 91. Gleason, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 260. Gleason, Sibley's History of Union, Me., 455-7. Gloninger, Fahnestock's Memorial of Wolff" Family of Penn., 99, 100. Glover, Babson's History of Glouces- ter, Mass., 96. Glover, Barry's History of Framinghani, Mass., 260, 261. IXDKX TO AMKHICAN I'KMKiltKK (JodtVov, 123 Glover, Eaton's History of Thomaston, liocklaiul, etc.'Mf., 238. Glover, Essex Institute Collections, v, 130-3. Glover, Glover's Memorials and Genea- logies of Glovers. Glover, Xew England Historical and Geneal. Register, xix, 213. Glover, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 2G1-3. Gloyd, Eaton's History of Thoniaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 238, 239. Goddard Freeman's llistorv of Ca|)«! (". IMW. (Jit). Godfrey, Savage's (icn. Dirt., ii, 2«W. 2«WV God fro V, Walker's McnmriaK ..f Walk, r Family, 2"». Goft*, New England l!i>t. ami (Jennd. Register, xviii, .').'», 'ti]. Goffe, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, Hu, 2»W, Gold, Hinman's Connecticut S«'IIUt», 1st edition, 220. Golden, Moi-se's Gen. Register of Slur- Barry's History of Framing-, bornand Ilollisiun, Ma.s>..Ul,y2. ham, Mass., 261-3. Goddard, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 237-56. Goddard, Goldiiig, Savage's (Jen. Diet , ii, 2(iy. Goldsmith, Savage's (ien. Diet., ii, 26l»,2T0. Goldstone, Goddard's Genealogy of E. God- , Uoiid's History and Gen.-alogic* dard etc. Goddard, Hudson's History of Lexington, Mass., TG, 77. Goddard, Hudson's History of Marlboro',, 307-401. Goddard, Kelloirg's Memorials of Elder John White and Descendants, 112, 113. Goddard, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 264, 26.1 Goddard, Ward's History of Shrewsbury, Mass., 283-90. Godding, Eaton's History of Thoma.ston, Rockland, etc., Maine, 239. Godding, Hudson's Hist. Lexington, 78. I QQ,„lelI Godding, Savage's (ieneal. Dict.,ii, 2(!6. of Watertown, .Mjiss., 774, 77.'). ! Gooch, ! .Machias, Me., Cmtmnial Cele- bration, 168 Goocli, Savage's (}en. Diet, ii, 270. Goodale, Barry's HisU)ry of Fruniinghani. Mas-s., 26;5, 264. Goodale, Savage's (Jen. Diet., ii. 27U, 271. .. I Goodale, Ward's History of Sliriwt»bur>-. Ma^.-.., 294, 20.j. Goodall, Howell's History of S.ulhnmp- ton, L. I., N. y.". -226. Go<)(U'll, 1 .JikM and Holtwo.>d'» Ili-l. nml I (Jrneal. ..f lladley,MiiiMi.,4ttM. )dell, Leland .Maga/im-; «)r I<<-lniul (ieneulugy. H>2. 103 124 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Goodenow, Draper's History of Spencer, Mass., 203, 304. Goodenow, Hudson's History of Marlboro', Mass., 372, 373. Goodenow, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 271, 272. Goodenow, Ward's History of Shrewsbury, Mass., 293-4. Goodhow, Barry's History of Framingham, Mass., 264, 205. Goodhue, Goodhue's Geneal. of Goodhue. Goodhue, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 272, 273. Gooding, Walker's Memorials of Walker Family, 39. Goodman, Judd and Boltwood's Hist, and Gen. of Hadley, Mass., 499, 500. Goodman, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 274. Goodrich, Andrews's Geneal. and Eccles. History of New Britain, Conn., 154, 156-9, 215-17. Goodrich, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 777. Goodrich, Fowler's Chauncey Memorials, 167, 168. Goodrich, Glastenbury, Conn., Centennial Celebration, 171. Goodrich, Goodrich's Recollections of a Life Time, i, 523-33. Goodrich, Goodwin's Genealogical Notes, 69-85,308,309. Goodrich, Heraldic Journal, ii, 1866, 81, 82. Goodrich, Kellogg's Memorial of Elder J. White and Descendants, 78. Goodrich, Leland Magazine ; or Genealogy ofLeland Family, 143-5. Goodrich, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, xvii, 357, 258; xviii, 53-5. Goodrich, Poor's Historical and Genealo- gical Researches, 128-30. Goodrich, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 274, 375. Goodridge, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 275, 276. Goodsell, Dod's History of East Haven, Conn., 120, 121. Goodspeed, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 479. Goodspeed, HolUster's Pawlet, Vt., for One Hundred Years, 192. Goodspeed, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, iii, 86. Goodspeed, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 276, 277. Goodwin, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 96. Goodwin, Bradbury's History of Kenne- bunkport. Me., 246. Goodwin, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., i, 634. Goodwin, Goodwin's Genealogical Notes ofConn., Preface, 14-20. Goodwin, Hudson's Hist. Lexington, 78. Goodwin, Porter's Genealogy of Hartford, Conn. Settlers, 5. INDEX TO AMKinCAN PKDliJUKKS. 12-) Goodwin, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 277, 278. Goodwin, Walker's Memorials of AValker Family, 23, 2-i. Goodyear, Fiske's Genealosry of Fiskes of Gott, Habson's Hislnrv <.f <;i\ Knin.- bmikport, .Me., 24;". Morse's Geu. Register of Slier- Gould, born and Ilolliston, Mass., 92, 93. Cleaveland's Topslirld Annivrr- Gookin, Xew England Hist, and Geneal. ' Gould, Register, i, 345, 346 ; ii, 167-74 ; Eaton iv,l85-8. Gookin, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 278-80, Gore, Ellis's History of Roxburv, Gould, Mass., 119. Gore, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii Gorges, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, xv, 18. Gorham, sary Celel)rali()n, 52, 53. torv of Tliunia.sloa Rockland, etc., Me., 24(». Goidd, Hudson's Historv of Lrxington, Mass., 78. Ilvde's Historical Address at AVare, Mass., 51. 281. Gould, Kidder's Historv of New Ipn- wich, N. H., 379-83. Gould, M(jrse's Gencjilogv of Siierlxirn »encjiloffv iston. Ma: Freeman's History of Cape Cod, '"»' Ilolliston, Ma.ns., 93, 94. Gould, Savage's Gen. Did., ii, 2H4-7. Goodwin's Genealogy of Oleott Qould Stark's Historv of Duiilmrton, Mass., ii, 273. Gorham, Family, 25 Gorham, N. H., 256. New England Hist. and Geneal. rjonlj Register, iii, 86, 87 ; x, 293. Gorham, Pierce's History of Gorham, r4r.iil^s., 615, 616. Green, Sticknev's Histctry of the Mini- sink Region, N. Y., 159. Green, Stiles's History of Wind.s4>r, Conn., 63H. Green, Vinton .Menioriul and .Mlird Families, 394-456. Green, Ward's History «)f Slin\v»ltury. Mass., 295, 296. Green, Waslduirn's History of Ix'U"*-*- ter,, 366-73. ] Greene, 1 Greene's DewentianlH of Tbt»». Green of Maiden. Ma.HH.. MO. Greene, New En^dand Hi»»t and (ienral Register, iv. 75. Greeiilmlgli, Eaton's History of Thoiim^ion, Rockland, etc.,' Me.. 24.V 128 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Greenleaf, Bridgman's Granary Burial Grouud, 383. Greenleaf, Brooks's History of Medford, Mass., 515, 516. Greenleaf, Coffin's History of Newbury, Mass., 303, 304. Greenleaf, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 214. Greenleaf, Greeuleafs Geneal. of Family. Greenleaf, Hudson's Hist, of Lexington, 79. Greenleaf, New England Hist, and Geneal, Kegister, x, 152 ; xxi, 88, 89. Greenleaf, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 308, 309. Bridgman's Granary Burial Ground, 366, 367. Greenough, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 674. Greenough, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, xvii, 167-9. Greenough, Poor's Historical and Genea- logical Researches, 79. Greenough, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 309, 310. Greenough, Sumner and Trask's Hist, and Gen. of Sumner Family, 63, 64. Greenwood, Barry's History of Framing- ham, Mass., 266, 267. Greenwood, Jackson's History of Newton, Mass., 289-91. Greenwood, Leonard's History of Dublin, N. H., 344-8. I Greenwood, Morse's Genealogy of Sherborn and Holliston, Mass., 94. Greenwood, New England Historical and Gen. Reg., xiv, 171 ; xv, 239, 240 ; xxii, 303. Greenwood, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 311. Greenwood, Ward's Genealogy of Ward Fa- mily, 29, 30. Gregg, Brooks's History of Medford, Mass., 517. Gregg, Parker's Historv of London- derry, N. H., 274''-6. Gregory, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 262, 263. Gregory, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc,. Me., 245, 246. Gregory, Hall's Ancient Hist. Records of Norwalk, Ct., 186-99, 234-46, etc. Gregory, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 312. Gregson, Dodd's History of East Haven, Conn., 123. Gridley, Andrews's Genealogical and Ec- clesiastical History of New Bri- tain, Conn., 210, 211, 259-63. Gridley, Kellogg's Memorials of Elder John White and Descend., 84. Gridley, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 312. Griffin, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 239. Griffin, Draper's History of Spencer, Mass., 204. Griffin, Griffin's Journal, Southold, L. I, 84-101, 168, 169. INDEX TO AMKKICAN I'l'.DKI lll-.KS. 12l» Griffin, IIuntino;ton's Gonciil. of Hunt- ington Family, 17'2. Griffin, Litlt'U's Passaic Vaili'v Genea- logies, 158, 15y. Griffin, Nash's Genealogy of Nash Fa- mily, Go. Griffin, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, xiii, 108-10. Griffin, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 313, 314. Griffin, Walworth's Hyde Genealogy, ii, 998-1008. Griffith, Freeman's Historj- of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 524. Griggs, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 314, 315. Grimes, Hudson's History of Lexington, Mass., 80. Grimes, Meade's Old Churches and Fa- milies, i, 370. Grinnell, Sibley's Hist. Union, Me., 457-9. Griswokl, Andrews's Geneal. and Eccles. History of New Britain, Ct., 142. Griswold, Caulkins's History of Norwich, Conn., 104. Griswold, Caulkins's History of Norwich, Conn., edition 18(J7, 17(i, 177. Griswold, Griffin's Journal, Southokl, L. I., 203-5. Griswold, Hollister's Pawlet, Vt., 195. Griswold, Huntington's Genealogical Me- moir of Huntington Family, 72. 17 (ii-isw.)j(l, K.ilugus M.innrial ..f Kl.!»«r .1. While and I)e.«*cemliiMl,H, 43, 14. Griswold, New England Hisl. and (Jrnnil. Hcgister, xvii, 3.V> 7. Griswold, Savages Gen. Diet., ii. 3in-18. Griswold, Stiles's Ilistitry of WiMd.>*83", 772. Gross, New England Hist, and (kiieal. Register, .\i, 51. Gross, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 31H, 319. Grosvenor, Clark's (ieneal. of Clark Kaniily of Watertown, Mass.. 39, 40. Grout, Barry's History of Frnniing- ham, Mass., 207, 208. Grout, Bond's History and lU-nealoKif-H ot Watertown",, 20;{. Grout, Draper's Historv ol Spencer, Mass., 202, 203. Grout,'s (Jen. Register of Slii-r- hornand llollislon, Ma.s.'*., W. Grout, Mor.Hc's Gen. of Grout Family. Grout, Savage's (ien. Diet., ii. 310. :K0. G rover, IJahson'rt Historv of GlomcHUT., 273. 130 INDEX TO AMEEICAN PEDIGREES. Grover, Clarke's Hist, of Norton, Mass., 82, 83. Grover, Hudson's Hist Lexington, 81. Grover, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 320, 321. Grubb, Smith's History of Delaware Co., Penu., 465, 466. Grymes, Meade's Old Churches and Fa- milies of Virginia, i, 370, 371. Guernsey, Bronson's History of Water- bury, Conu., 491-5. Guild, Guild's Genealogy of Guild. Guilford, Draper's History of Spencer Mass., 203. GuiOD, Bolton's History of "Westches- ter Co., N. Y., ii, 519, 520. Gulliver, Walker's Memorials of Walker Family, 77. Gulliver, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 249. Gumaer, Stickney's History of the Mini- sink Region, N. Y., 130-33. Gunu, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 323, 324. Gunnison, Savage's Geueal. Diet., ii, 324. Guptill, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 246. Gurley, Goodwin's Gen. Notes, 86-96. Gurley, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 324, 325. Gurney, Hobart's History of Abington, Mass., 383-6. Gurney, Kingman's History of N. Bridge- water, Mass., 211-15. Gurney, Mitchell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 168, 169. Gusshee, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, i, 344. Gluy, Goodwin's Genealogy of Foote Family, 185. Guy, Morse's Memorial of Morses, Ap- pendix, No. 45^. Ouy, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 325. Gyles, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 325, 326. IXDHX TO AMKHUAN I'KDhUtKK! 181 II. Ilackett, Lancaster's History of Gilnian town, N. H., 373. Ilackett, Savage's Geueal. Diet., ii, 32(). Hadley, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 967. Hadley, Bolton's History of Westchester, Co., N. Y.,ii, 521. Hadley, Hudson's History of Le.xintjtou, Mass., 81, 82. Hadley, Machias, Me., Centennial Cele- bration, 104 Hadlock, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 97. Hadlock, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 327. Hagaman, Cope's liecord of Cope Family of Pennsylvania, 83-7. Hagar, Barry's History ot Franiingliani, Mass., 268, 269. Hagar, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 264-9. Hagar, Hudson's History of Marlboro', Mass., 373-5. Hagar, Savage's Gcncal. Diet., ii, 328. Hahn, Eaton's History of Tlioniaslon, Rockland, etc., Me., 247. Hale, J5al)sou's History of L»-ico.mcr. Mass., 324. Hale, Barry's Hislorv of Fraininu'iinni, Mass., 269. Hale, Bridgman's (Jranary Huriiil Ground, 343-5. Hale, Coffin's History of Ncwbiirv, Mass., 304. Hale, Glastenbury, Conn.. Cenlenniul Celebration, 166, 167. Hale, Hale's Lawrence Gun., 8-11. Hale, Kcllogg's Memorial of KldiT John White and Desiend.j.W.o?. Hale, Kill)ournc's History and Anli- (|uitic3 Kilboiirn Familv, .Vt. Hale, Morse's (iiMH-aluiiv of (Jnnit Fii milv. 48 55. Hale, ■ New Englaufl Historical and Genealogical Hcgi.sttT, vii, 271. Hale, Savage's (Jen. Diit . ii, :!•.".• it.' Hale, Stone's Hi>li>rv of J{(vcrlv., 3S, 39. Hale, Stuart (I. W.). Life of Cnpl. Naliian Half, with (Ji-m-alnfO' of Hale Familv, liV.»oa. Hale, Vinton's (i'lU-H Memorial and oilier Familifs. U«, UK). 132 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Halenbeek, I Hall, Munsell's Collections on History Lewis and Newhall's History of Albany, N. Y., ii, 415, 416 Haley, Bradbury's History of Kenne- bunkport. Me., 248. Hall, Adams's Haven Genealogy, 2d part, 27, 28. Hall, Bouton's History of Concord, N. H., 707, 708. Hall, Brooks's History of Medford, Mass., 517-27. Hall, Clarke's History of Norton, Mass., 82, 83. Hall, Draper's History of Spencer, Mass., 211, 212. Hall, Eaton's Annals of Warren, Me., 396, 397. Hall, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 247 50. Hall, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 137, 202, 209, 214, 507, 589, 707-9, 717. Hall, Goodwin's Genealogy of Foote Family, 107, 108. Hall, Hill's Hist, of Mason, N. H., 203. Hall, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 1st edition, 170-8. Hall, Hudson's Hist. Lexington, 83. Hall, Jackson's History of Newton, Mass., 295-7. Hall, Kellogg's Memorials of Elder John White and Descend's, 33. Hall, Kingman's History of North Bridgewater, Mass., 529, 530. of Lynn, Mass., and adjoining Towns, 120. Hall, Littell's Passaic Valley Genea- logies, 160-4. Hall, Matthews's History of Cornwall, Vt., 286. Hall, Mitchell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 169, 170. Hall, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, vi, 259, 260 ; xiii, 15, 16 ; xv, 59, 238, 239. Hall, New Hampshire Historical So- ciety Collections, vii, 381, 382. Hall, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 332-9. Hall, Sewall's History of Woburn, Mass., 616. Hall, Stiles's History of Windsor, Conn., 651. Hall, Thurston's History of Win- throp. Me., 186. Hall, Ward's History of Shrewsbury, Mass., 304, 305. Hall, Whitmore's Genealogy of Hall Family. Hall, Winsor's History of Duxbury, :\Iass., 263, 264. Hallam, Caulkins's History of New Lon- don, Conn., 358, 359. Hallam, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 339, 340. Hal let, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 340. INDEX TO AMKUU AN I'l.lMt, ItKF.S. 133 Hallett, llamMiii, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Aii.lrew's ( m-ii. un.l VahU-h Hint Mass., ii, 199, 233, 340. of N.w Hnluin, Ct., 27:1. 274. Ilallett, Ilaniblin, Hiker's Annals of Newtown, Fniinan's History of Cain' C> ii Halstead, 1 tertown, .Mass., 2(I»-72, 77»-S.-('.Ml. Hudson's Hist, of Lexington, 83. Mass.. ii, 72. Ham, Hammond, Otis's Geneal. of Otis Family of N. II., and Collateral Branches. Ham, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 342. Jackson's History of N.wlon. Mass., 29S.305. Hammond, Savage's (Miieal Diit . 11. 'MUH. 134 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Hammond, Stark's History of Duubarton, N. H., 224. Hammond, Washburn's History of Leices- ter, Mass., 375. Hanaford, Hall's Ancient Hist. Records of Norwalk, Conn., 183-7, 225-8, 250-3, 296-301, etc. Hancock, Bridgman's Granary Burial Ground, 384-9. Hancock, Heraldic Jour., 18G6, ii, 99, 100. Hancock, Hudson's Historj^ of Lexington, Mass., 83-88. Hancock, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, ix, 352. Hancock, Savage's Gen. Diet i, 348, 349. Hand, Howell's History of Southamp- ton; L. I. N. Y., 233, 234. Hand, Littell's Passaic Valley Genealo- gies, 170-9. Handley, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 251. Hanford, Bolton's History of Westchester Co., N. Y., ii, 521. Hanford, Chapman's Genealogy of Chap- man Family, 226. Hanford, Savage's Gen. Diet., i, 349, 350. Hanks, Hollister's Pawlet Vt. for One Hundred Years, 196, 197. Hanks, Walker's Memorials of Walker Family, 150. Han ley, Eaton's Hist, of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 252. Hanmer, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 278. Hanmer, Mitchell's Hist, of Bridgewater, Mass., 170. Hannah, R. I. Hist. Soc. Col., iii, 294. Hannahs, Kilbourne's Hist, and Antiq. of Kilbourn Family, 204. Hannum, Doolittle's Hist. Sketches of Bel- chertown, Mass., 267, 268. Hannum, Lyman's Hist, of East Hampton, Mass., 190. Hannum, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, vol. 2, 351. Hanscom, Machias, Me., Centennial cele- bration, 164, 165. Hauset, Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary, ii, 351, 352. Hanson, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 252, 253. Hanson, N. E. Hist, and Geneal. Register, 329-32. Hanson, Savage's Geneal. Dictionary, vol. ii, 352. Hapgood, Hudson's Hist, of Marlboro', Mass., 375, 377. Hapgood, Morse's GeneaJ. of Grout Fami- ly, 65-69. Hapgood, Savage's Geneal. Dictionary, vol. ii, 352, 353. Hapgood, Ward's Hist, of Shrewsbury, Mass., 306, 307. Haradeu, Babson's Hist, of Gloucester, Mass., 98, 99. INDEX TO AMKKICAN I'KDKi UKi;; ur, Harden, Eaton's llistorj' of Thoniaston, Kocklaud, etc., Me., )i~rs. Harden, :\Iiteheirs Hist, of Bridijcwater, Mass., 170, 171. Harding-, Barry's Hist, of Hanover, Mass., 310,317. Harding, Bradbiuy's History of Kenne- bunkport. Me., 249. Harding, Eaton's Hist, of Thomaston, ; Kockland, etc., Me., 253. Harding, Freeman's Hist, of Cape Cod, Mass., vol. ii, 366, 599. Harding, Morse's Geneal. Reg. of Sber- born and HoUiston, Mass., 95-98. Harding, Pierce's Hist, of Gorbani, Me., 172, 173. Harding, Sayage's Genealogical Diction- ary, vol. ii, 353, 354. Hardy, Freeman's Hist, of Cape Cod, Mass., vol. ii, 157. Hardy Harlow, New England lli^t. and lii-iiiul Kegistcr, .\iv, 'J^Ta:!. Harlow, Ward's History of Slir.w>l,urv, 329, :{;iO. Harlow, Winsor's History of Dnxbiirv Mass., 264, 205. Harnian, Savage's (Jen. Did,, 11, .•l.-,7. Harmon, llollister's Paul.I. Vl.. 197-0. I Harmon, Macliias, Me., Cmtennial Cele- bration, 105. Harper, Freeman's Hislorv *.,209. 110. Harrington, Eaton's History of Tlurtnu-ston, Rockland, etc.,' Me., 2.'>4, 2'».'». Harrington, Hudson's History of Le.\in»ft«ii, Mass.,M9-99. Harrington, Hudson's History of'., 397-401. Harrington, I.elaiid Magiiziiu- ; or I^liind (Jenealogv, 52. 136 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Harringtoi], Locke's Geueal. of Locke and Allied Families, 47, 93, etc. Harrington, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 359, 360. Harrington, Ward's History of Shrewsbury, Mass., 317-23. Harrington, Worcester Magazine and Histo- rical Journal, 327. Harris, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 240, 241. Harris, Barry's History of Framing- ham, Mass., 271. Harris, Bond's History and Genealogies Watertown, Mass., 284, 787, 788. Harris, Brown's Geneal. of W. Sims- bury, Conn., Settlers, 70. Harris, Caulkins's History of New Lon- don, Conn., 269, 270. Harris, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 255. i Harris, Gage's Hist. Rowley, Mass., 443. Harris, Harris's Genealogy of Robert Harris and Descendants. Harris, Howell's History of Southamp- ton, L. L, N. Y., 234,235. Harris, Hudson's Hist. Lexington, 99. Harris, Kingman's Hist, of N. Bridge- water, Mass., 522, 523. Harris, Mitchell's History of Bridgewa- ter, Mass., 171-4. Harris, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, ii, 218. Harris, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 360-6. Harris, Stark's History of Dunbarton. N. H., 207. Harrison, Balch's Provincial History of Pennsylvania, 131-33. Harrison, Bronson'sHistory of Waterbury, Conn., 495, 496. Harrison, Campbell's Hist. Virginia, 654-5. Harrison, Meade's Old Churches and Fa- milies of Va., i, 311. Harrison, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 366, 367. Harrison, Sketches and Recollections of Lynchburg, Va., 94-96. Hart, Andrews's Geneal. and Eccle- siastical History of New Britain, Conn., 149-51, 163, 164, 170-8, 188-91. Hart, Davis's Gen. of Hart Family. Hart, Lewis and Newhall's History of Lynn, Mass., and adjoining Towns, 227. Hart, Littell's Passaic Valley Gene- alogies, 179. Hart, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 367, 368. Hart, Siblej-'s Hist. Union, Me., 459. Hartborn, Hudson's History of Marlboro', Mass., 378, 379. Hartvvell, Butler's Histoiy of Grotou, Pep- perell and Shirley, Mass., 405 406. Hartwell, Hudson's Hist. Lexington, 99. INOKX TO AMKKICAN I'l.DKiUKKS. 137 Ilartwell, Kingman's Historv X.Bridgi'wa- ter, Mass., 530, .5;^. Hartwell, Mitchell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 174.' Hartwell, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, :]{')[). Harve}', Babson's History of Gloucester Mass., 99-104. Harvey, Haskrll, Hi.stnry of \ViniU«.r. Conn., (».-)'J. Haskell, Vinton's M.Mnorial and Aili.d Faniilies, 2:,l^ 'j.V.V Hassell, Fo.x's History of'. Mass., 24"), 24(i. Hassell, Savage's Genenl. I)iet.,ii, '.il-i. Hastillifs, Mitchell's History of BriJge^va- i Barry's History ot Kraniingimni, ter, Mass., 174, 17.5. Harvej Conn., 271. Hastiiiirs New England Historical and i Bond's History and Genenlogi Geneal. Register, xii, SVi. Harvey, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 3(59, 370. Harwood, Fox's History of Dunstable, Mass., 245. Harwood, Robinson's Genealogy of Rob- inson, Safford and Harwood Families. Harwood, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 370, 371. Harwood, Washburn's History of Leices- ter, Mass., 374, 375. Hasbrouck, Ruttenber's History of New- burgh, K Y., 278-81. Hascall, Hollister's Pawlet, Vt., 199, 200. Haseltitie, liouton's History of Concord, N. H., 709. Ha.skell, Eaton's History of Thomasfon, Rockland, etc.," Me., 25(i, 257. Haskell, Babson's History of (iloucester, Mass., 99-104. Haskell, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 371, 372. ! 18 of Walcrlown, .Ma.>«., 2^-95 789-93. Hastings, liuckminister's Genealogical Account of Descendants of Thos. Hastings. i Hastings, Eaton's History of Thonutston, Rockland, etc.,' Me., Ii57. Hastings, Hudson's History of Lexington, Mass.. 100-3. Hastings, Jack.son's History of Newton, Mass., 305-7. Hastings, Judd and Boltwood's HiHt. un«l Geneal. of lladley, Miuw., .'MW-U. Hastings, KelloLrg's Mi-nioriuls of KIdir John While, 100. Hastings, New Kngland Hist, and (iriieu! Regi.Mcr; .xiii, 134; x.xi, :J.'i0 2. Hastings, iA)or's Historical and Uniea- logical K4-seur(-licM, lUU-1, lfi2-8. Hastings, Savage's Gen. Did., II, •.il'iry Hastings, Ward's History of Shrewubury. Mass., 301-4. 138 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Hatch, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 279, 280. Hatch, Draper's History of Spencer, Mass., 210. Hatch, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 258. Hatch, Freeman's Hist, of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 438, 473, 474. Hatch, Lancaster's History of Lancas- ter, N. H., 272. Hatch, Mitchell's History of Bridge wa- ter, iMass., 175, 176. Hatch, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, xiv, 197-9. Hatch, Pierce's Historj^ of Gorbam, Me., 174. Hatch, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 375, 376. Hathaway, Ricketson's History of New Bedford, Mass., 185. Hathaway, Ruttenber's History of New- burgb, N. Y., 313, 314. Hathaway, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 376. Hathaway, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 266. Hatherly, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 280-2. Hathorn , Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 260. Haughton, Caulkius's History of New Lon- don, Conn., 299. Haughton, Hudson's Hist. Lexington, 106. Haughton, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 378. Haven, Adams's Geneal. of R. Haven. Haven, Barry's History of Framing- ham, Mass., 272-81. Haven, Leland Magazine, or Genealogy of Leland Family, 49, 50. Haven, Morse's Geneal. Reg. of Sher- born and Holliston, Mass., 99. Haven, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 378, 379. Haven, AVard's History of Shrewsbury, Mass., 330-62. Havener, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 259. Hawes, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 202. Hawes, Leland Magazine, or Genealogy ofLeland Family, 268. Hawes, Morse's Geneal. Reg. of Sher- born and Holliston, Mass., 99. Hawes, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 379, 380. Hawes, Sibley's Hist, of Union, 459-64. Hawk, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 259. Hawke, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 380-2. Hawkes, Judd and Boltwood'.s Hist, and Geneal. of Hadley,Mass., 509. Hawkins, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 295. Hawkins, Norton's History of Knox Co., Ohio, 360. INDKX TO AMKinCAN I'KIMiiltKKS llaviU'S, 180 llowclls History of Soiulminp Ion, I.. I., N. Y.'. 'iX\ •.':»«. Hawkins, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 382-4. llawley, Freeman's History of Cape Coil, I llavilCS, ^^='''' '' ^^~- ; Moore's M..n,oirs of Am,. ri,.n Hawley, I Governors, i. Ull. Jiuld and lioltwooiVs History { Haviies and Genealoi^ies of Iladlev, V„,"' i? i i n . • , . Ain** ^K? ^^'^^!ind IIl^lon^Ill lunl .uas^., oi)J, olU. GQXwnl Hepsler, i.x. :i4»..-.l . ^'^\^'l^y', ^ Ilayncs bavage s Gen. Dut., n, 384, 385. •p,,,,,.^., (;ene«lo,rv ..f Hurtfor.i. Hawthorne, Conn., Settlers, (i, 7. Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 377. Hliynes, Havden, Savage's ;s., 517-21. Mitchell's History of Bridge- Haywai'd. Howard's Short (;rneali.i;y <>f Havward. water, Mass., 17G. Hayden, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, v, 472. Hayden, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 386, 387. Ha^'den, Stiles's Genealogy of Hayden. Hayden, Stiles's Hi.story of Wind.-ior, Leonard's History of Dublin, N. H., 351,352. " Haywai'd, Mitchell's History of Hrhl^e- water, Mass., 17*;-S.-). j Hayward, ^lorse's Memorial of MorHfs, Appendi.v, No. 51^. Haywai'd, Savage's (Wn. Diet , il. 3!il-.y Conn., 653-63. tt i XT 1 Hayward, nayflen, Shattmks History of Concord \ inton Memorial and Allied M'lss 373 Families, 323-30. - . ■ ■^■, Haves Hazard, xLuy^a, _ Andrews's (Jeneal. nnd FahU-h II. New England Historical and , Jlistorv of New nritnin.Cl.i.'UI Geneal. Register, vi, 333, 334. Hazard, Rhod<; I.>«land liislorical SK-iuty Coliertions, iii, 312. Hazard, Siivuge's Ui II. Dill . ii. :w't Hazen, Coj)es Record n\ ('o|m' Fniiiily of rennsylvaniii, IMl. Ml.'*. Hazletino, Hnzleton, Savage's ( ;i-iifuloj:v of Hill Fuiiiilv. 141. 1J2. Ilen.sliaw, Ni'w Kniilmul IlisiorirnI tiiul (u'lu-al. l{(L:istir, wii. lu."( l.'. Ilensliaw, SavairtV (iinial. Diet., ii, |u| lloiisliaw, Scwall's History uf Wuhiini, Mass., (11(1. don, Conn., 272-4. Hempstead, Sayage's Geneal. Diet, ii, 401. : Ileiisliaw, Ward's (Jentnlogiy of Wiinl Family, 14(5. Heiicber, Miner's History of Phelps and Gorliam Purchase, 410, 411. Henchman, Deane's History of Seituate, tt , Mass., 282, 283. llorhert. Henchman, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 402, 40:i Henderson, Eaton's IHstory of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 264, 265. Henderson, Judd and Bolt\yood's Hist, and Geneal. of Hadley, Mass., 510. Henderson, Meade's Old Churches and Fa milies of Virginia, ii, 233. Hendley, ,, . , Hudson's Hist. Lexington, 10:{. IK-'rncK, Hendrich, Ward's History of Shrt\\>lMirv, :\Iass., :52H, :{2!t. He 1 1 si 1 aw, Washburn's History of Lein-H ter, -Mass., 378, 37St. Bouton's llisiurv i>t' ('(■iKiird, N. H., «ti.V7(i. Herbert, Sayage's (ieiieul. Diet., ii, ;{");!. Herkimer, Benton's History of H-:)2. Herrirk, Cleayeland's Topslield. MnsH. Anniversary Celehriition, (M. ■ Herrick, Herrick's ( ;eiieul()gicul Uejjihler. Lyman's History of East Hanip- tj ^„..;^l- Howtirs History Soutlmnipton. L. I, N. Y.,23<.t', 240. ton, Mass., 102. Hendrickson, Smith's History of Deknvare tt^" ;,.i, Co., Penn.,467,468. llerricK, ' Savages (.en. Hendy, Caulkins's History of Norwalk, Conn., 178. Henery, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.,' Me., 205. Henrahan, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 205. Poor's llisloriciil and (;«nj;v, ii,!l2s:{7. Eaton's History of Candia, N. Hilliilfd, H., 81, 82 Hill, Essex Institute Collections, viii 118-23. Hill, Savage's (Jen. I)i(t., ii, IJI. Hillier, Savage's (Jen. I)i< t , ii, 422 Hillier, Stilus's History of WimUor, Fogg's Genealogical Account of Conn., (JG4. Hills, Eati Ill's Hi.Htor>' of Thomnntuii J{uckland,ctc.,'Me..2(iM. Hills, GreiMie's Cfcm-nlojfv of ])«'>w*cntl- ants of TiioH. (Jreene of .Mnlilni, Mass., Appciullx. Settfers, Eliot, fie., 10-12 Hill, Kilbonrn's History and Geneal. of Kiihouni Faiuily, 1H9, 190. Hill, Leland .Magazine, or Genealogy of Leland Family, 209, 270. 144 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Hills, Kidder's History of New Ips- wich, N. H., 388-90. Hills, Maiden, Mass., Bi-Centenuial Celebration, 231, 233. Hills, Poor's Historical and Genealogi- cal Researches, 152. Hills, Sibley's History of Union, Me., 464, 465. Hills, Vinton Memorial and Allied Families, 459-61. Hilton, Coffin's History of Newbury, Mass., 805. Hilton, Dudley's Genealogy of Dudley Family, 125, 126. Hilton, New England Historical and Gen. Register, vii, 50-2, 155. Hilton, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 422-4. Hilton, Savage's Winthrop's History of New England, i, 116. Hilton, Woodman's Descendants of Joshua Woodman of Kingston, N. H., Appendix C, 42-48. Hinckley, Deane's Historv of Scituate, Mass., 284, 285. " Hinckley, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., i, 343, 655 ; ii, 574. Hinckley, Messinger's Genealogy of por- tion of Hinckley Family. Hinckley, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, xiii, 208-12. Hinckley, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 424-6. Hind, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, xviii, 267, 268. Hinds, Ward's History of Shrewsbury, Mass., 305. Hinkley, Eaton's History of Thomaston Rockland, etc.. Me., 268. Hinkley, Moore's Memoirs of American Governors, i, 231, 232. Hinkley, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, iii, 135, 136. Hinman, Brown's Genealogy of W. Sims- bury Connecticut Settlers, 72. Hinman, Cothren's History of Woodbury, Conn., 556-64. Hinman, Hinman's Descendants of Ed- ward Hinman. Hinman, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 426, 427. Hinsdale, Andrews's Geneal. and Eccle- siastical History of New Britain, Conn., 185, 186. Hinsdale, Judd and Bolt wood's History and Gen. of Hadley, Mass., 511, 512. Hinsdale, Kellogg's Memorials of Elder John White and Descend., 32,33. Hinsdale, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 427. Hitchcock, Dodd's History of East Haven, Conn., 126, 127. Hitchcock, Kellogg's Memorials of Elder John White and Descend., 121. Hitchcock, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 428, 429, Hitchcock, Wilbraham, Mass., Centennial Celebration, 1863, 298, 299. Hix, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 269. INDEX TO AMKIUCAN PKDKiltKKS. 14/ Hoadly, Savage's Gvn. Diet., ii, 4t3il. VM. j Hoar, I Andrews's Gencul. ami Eccle- siastical History of New Britain, Conn., 343-5. Hoar, Bond's History and Genealosjies of Watertown, Mass., 297-9. " Hoar, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass.. 285, 286. Hoar, Hudson's Hi-story of Lexiui^ton, Mass., 104, 105. Hoar, Kidder's History of Xcw Ips- wich, N. H., 391. Hoar, Xew England Hist, and Geneal. Register, xvii, 149. Hoar, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 430-2. Hoar, Shattuck's History of Concord, Mass., 374. Hoar, Westminster, Mass., Centennial Celebration, 19, 20. Ho bar t, Butler's Hist, of Groton, Pepper- Hobart, Saviigi's Wintl>rii|t'!« lliHlon nf New Eni,'laiul, ii, 272, 27;J. Hobart, Thavcr's Mrniorial of Karlv Sclticrs, KM) s. Hobart, Washburn's History of U-ict*- ter, Mass., 377. Hobbs, Bond's Hist, and Goneal.or Wa- tertown, Mass., 300, ;i01. Hobbs. Hobbs's Gen. of Ilobbs Fauuly. Hobbs, Hudson's Ilislorv of Lcxinj^on, Mass.. IOC). Hobbs, New England Hist, and (Jeneal. Register, ix, 2o5-()3. Hobbs, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii. 4315. 437. Hobby, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 437. 4;W. Hobson, Gage's Hist, of IJ.iwliv. Ma.Hs.. 443, 444. Hobson, Savage's Geneal. Dirt., ii. 4;JH, 4«3. 4G4. .'11 and Shirley, Mass., 406, 407. | jj^j,],,,} Hobart, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 286. Hobart, Griffin's Journal, Southold, L. I.,X. Y., 201,202. Hobart, Hobart's History of Town of Abington, Mass., 380-401. Hobart, 3Iitcheirs History of Bridge- water, Mass., 374-9. Hobart, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, x, 149. Hobart, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 432-6. 19 on. New England Historical and Geneal. Register, vii, l.'i.'i, 150. Hodge, Judd and Boltwood'H Uhlory and (ien. of Hadley. M»uw., ')l'i. Hodges, Clark's Historv <'f Norton. Mass., 83, Hi. Hodges, Dean's (Jcneulo^'V of I^Hinard Family, 19. Hodges, lIotli:es's (Jenealopirai Ri-conl of Hodge.-j Kuiully. 2 work*. Hodges, Savage's (}en. Dkt . li.4:». 440 146 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGKEES. Hodgkins, Babson's History of Gloucester. Mass., 104, 105. Hodgkins, Savage's Geu. Diet., ii, 438, 439. Hodgmai), Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 270. Hodgmai), Hill's Hist. Mason, K H., 203. Hodgmaii, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 440. Hodgson, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 440, 441. Hodsdou, Bradbiny's Histoiy of Kenne- buukport. Me., 250. Hoftman, Holgate's Am. Genealogies, 103. Hoffman, Rutteuber's History of New- burgh, N. Y., 300, 301. Hoge, Foote's Historical and Bio- graphical Sketches of Virginia, 2d series, 23. Hogg, Stark's History of Dunbarton, N. H., 221. Hoit, Bouton's History of Concord, N. H., 671, 672. Hoit, Machias, Me., Centennial Cele- bratiou, 167. Hol brook, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 286, 287. Hol brook, Dodd's History of East Haven, Conn., 129. Hol brook. Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 678. Holbrook, Holbrook's Gen. of Holbrook. Holbrook, Hudson's Hist. Lexington, 279. Holbrook, Kingman'sjHistoryofN. Bridge- water, Mass., 526, 527. Holbrook, Morse's Genealogical Register of Sherborn and Holliston, Mass., 107-154. Holbrook, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 441-3. Holbrook, Vinton Memorial and Allied Families, 185-8, 330-40. Holcomb, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 443, 444. Holcomb, Stiles's History of Windsor, Conn., 665, 666. Holden, Barry's History of Framlngham, Mass., 291. Holden, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 301, 302. Holden, Butler's History of Groton, Pep- perell and Shirley, Mass., 407, 408, 491, 492. Holden, Hill's Hist. Mason, N. H., 203. Holden, Kidder's History of New Ips- wich, N. H., 390. Holden, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 444, 445. Holden, Westminster, Mass., Centennial Celebration, 14-17. Holdridge, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 446. Hole, Littell's Passaic Valley Genea- logies, 187, 188. Holland, Barry's History of Framingham, Mass., 291, 292. Holland, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 302. INDHX TO A.MIIIMCAN IMlDKiltKKS. 147 Holland, Savage's Goneal. Diet., ii, 117. Holland, AVanVs Historv orsiiicwshuiv, Mass., 323, 324. Ilollaway, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 4.")0. Ilollaway, Worcester ^lagaziiic and His- torical Jonrnal, ii, \y.]. Hollingwoi'tli, ] llohnos, ! Katon's History of Tluiiim>«lon, Hockland. t-tc, .Me., 2TI. 272. Ilolnios, Fields IIisl.>r\- of Iliiddam mid Kast Iladdani, Conn., 17. Ilolnios, Hudson's I list, (if T,,.xintton,10rt. Hi>hnos, Kingman's Historv of N. Hridm«- wattr,, Tm!).?!. Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 44S, 44l». i nolnics, I Macliias. Mr.. Centennial {'i-Ic- I bration, 10(5. IIol lings worth Smith's History of Delaware i Co., Penn., 469, 470. Ilollister, Cotliren's History of Woodbury, Comi., 583-7. Hollister, Glastenbnry, Conn., Centennial Celebration, 183, 184. Hollister, Goodwin's Genealogical Notes, 97-lOG. Hollister, Ilollister's Pawiet, Yt., 202-4. Hollister, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 449. Holman, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 450, 451. Holman, Mitchell's History of Bridg&wa- ter, Mass., 188. Holmes, Adams's Geu. of Adams Family Holmes, .'Mitchell's Hi.ston- of Bridp-- water, Mass., 1SH,"lsn. Holmes, New England Historical and Geneal. Kegi.stcr, xix, 3(52, 3(53. Holmes, Parker's Histon* of London- derry, N. H., 277", 278. Holmes, Patterson's Holmes (Jenenloiry. Holmes, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, j:.l-J, Holmes, Stark's Historv of Dunbartnn, N. H, 241,242. Holmes, Vinton's (Jiles .Mcniorial and Allied Fandli.s, lsl.-j;U Holmes, Winsor's Historv of Duxlnirv, of Kingston, Mass., 3C, 37, 43. | Mass. 2(57,2(58. Holmes, Bliss's History of Keiioboth, Mass., 207. Holmes, Bolton's Histon' of "Westchester Co., N. Y., ii, 521. Holmes, Bridgman's Granarv Burial Ground, 339. Holmes, Deane's History of Scituale, Mass., 287. 288. Holstciii, linck's Historv of .Monl^iiinrry Co., I'enn, 25/2(5. Holt, Abbot's Historv «f Andovc-r, Mass., 22. Holt, Caidkin.s'rt Historv of N. w I^m- (Inn, Conn., 314. 31"- Holt, Dodd's History of K:.»i llax.n. Conn.. 127. 12h. 148 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Holt, Durrie's Genealogical History of Holt Family. Holt, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 454, 455. Holten, Goodwin's Genealogy of Olcott Family, 28. Holton, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 453-6. Holway, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 161. Holyoke, Historical Collections of Essex Institute, iii, 57-61. Holyoke, Lewis and Newhall's History of Lynn, Mass., and adjoining Towns, 121, 122. Holyoke, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 456, 457. Homer, Bridgman's King's Chapel Epi- taphs, etc., 199-203. Homer, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 713. Homer, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 457. Hood, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 457. Hood, Smith's History of Delaware Co., Penn., 469. Hook, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 457, 458. Hooker, Cothren's History of Woodbury, Conn., 569-77. Hooker, Morse's Gen. Reg. of Sherbom and Holliston, Mass., 105, 106. Hooker, Porter's Genealogy of Hartford, Conn., Settlers, 14, 15. Hooker, Robinson's Memorial and Ge- nealogy of Robinson Family, Appendix. Hooker, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 458-60. Hooper, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 302. Hooper, Mitchell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 189-91. Hooper, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, xxii, 287. Hooper, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii,460. Hoopes, Cope's Record of Cope Family ofPenn.,49, 105, 118,207-9. Hopkin s, Br on son's History of Water- bury, Conn., 502-5. Hopkins, Durfee's Memorial of Rev. Mark Hopkins, with Genealogy. Hopkins, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 272. Hopkins, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 384, 508. Hopkins, Goodwin's Gen. Notes, 107-18. Hopkins, Historical Collections of Essex Institute, ii, 115-23. Hopkins, Hollister's Pawlet, Vt., 204. Hopkins, Hooker's Thompson Family Memorials, 103-6. Hopkins, Judd and Boltwood's Hist, and Gen. of Hadley, Mass., 513, 514. Hopkins, Meade's Old Churches and Fa- milies of Virginia, i, 460. Hopkins, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, v, 43. Hopkins, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 461-3. IM>KX TO A.MKinCAN IM'-HKi IJKK! 14l» lIo})kiiison, Pdoi's Historical and Genealoji cal Kesearchcs, 88, 120, 121. Ilotrl.kiss, C'olhnirsIIi^inrvt.rWaJirliun-. Conn., TiTJl, .*»so. " Horn, Ilott'likiss, Barry'sIIistoiy ofFraniindiam, I Dodtls Histon- of Kn.HtlliiMM Mass., 2U2. ^ " Horn, Savage's Gcu. Diet., ii, 4fi4. Horne, New England Historical and J£oji,rli Genealogical Register, vii, 156. j ^^'^,_^ Horton, Bolton's -Historj' of Westches- Hoil""!! Conn., rj!t. noil.,^11, Andrcw.s's Gcncal. and Krrlr- siastical History of New Hrilain, Conn.. 'A'}'2. Balisons History of (;iou«-i-xt»T. M;.ss.. 111.-,. ter Co., N. Y., ii, 522. Horton, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 4G5. Hosford, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 4G5, 4GG. Hosford, Stiles's Historv of "Windsor, Couu., 667, 6G8'. Hoskins, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 466. Hoskins, Caulkins's History of Nrw Lon- don, Conn., ;{02,ao;{. Hough, Caidkins's Histor>- of Norwieli, Conn., edition, 1H67, 'i,V.i. Hough, Savage's Gin. l)i(t..ii, 4r>M, 409. Hough, Walworth's Hyde GciiealogA-, ii, 1100-11,1152-9. Houghton, liongliton Association Re|>ort. Smith's History of Delaware Jlouflitoil Savaire'.-; (ien. Diet., ii, 4(t». Co., Penn., 470 Hoskins, Stiles's Ilistoiy of "Windsor, Conn., 668, 6G9. Hosmer, Hill's History of Mason, N. II., 203, 210. Hosmer, Hosnier's Genealogj- of Hosmer Family. Hosmer, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 466, 467. Hosmer, Shattuek's History of Concord, Mass., 375. Hotchkiss, Andrews's Geneal. and Ecde- Hovey, siastical History of New Britain, Ct., 155, 156, 171, 172, 224, 295. Hotchkiss, Bronson's History of Water- 1 Hovey, bury, Conn., 605-8. Houghton, Worcester Magazine and HIh- lorical .I..nrnal. 2S1, :{42. House, Deanc's History of Scilnatt-, Mass., 2S!». Hovey, Bradl)nry"s History of Kcnm- hiinki)orl, Mc. 251,' 252. Hovey, Eaton's Annals of Warn ii, .Mr . '.mi riovey, .lackson's History of Ncwion, Ma.s.s., :ni,312. In«ld and Ho1iwof li«TLMii Kaniily. Ii7. \'2H, l.W niil)l)ard, Blakr's (Jcn.aloirv ..fHlakr Fa niih. 71. 7J. nubi>anK Honil's History aiiiHtcnnil<>g{H, !)!(. Sayage's Geueal. Dict.,ii, 385. , Hubbard, Hoyt, Sayage's Geneal. I)i«t., ii,4H-J Hall's Ancient Hist. Records of Hubbard, Norwalk, Conn., 183-90, 193-9, 215, 218, 224, etc. Hoyt, Hoyt's Geneal. History of Hoyt Family. Hoyt, Huntington's Gen. of llunling- tou Family, 77. Hoyt, Judd and Boltwood's Hist, and Gen. of Hadley, Mass., 514, 515. Hoyt, Sayage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 480-2. Hoyt, Starks's History of Dunbarton, N. H., 247. Hoyt, Stiles's History of Windsor, Conn., 671. Shattnck's Hi.story ■■! ( ■•■■.i, 376. Hubbard, Stiles's Hist«)ry of \Viii.lMt()n, Rockland, etc.," .Mc.,'.i7."). Htuit, Hobart's History of Abington, Mass., 404, 405. Hunt, Hudson's History of Lexington, Mass., 110. Hunt, Morse's Gcneal. Register of Shcr- born and Holliston, Mass., lOG. Hunt, Pierce's History of Gorliam, ^le., 175, 176. Hunt, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 499-502. Hunt, Smith's History of Delaware Co., Penn., 472. Hunt, AVinsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 271, 272. Hunt, Wyman's Gen. of Hmit Family. Hunter, Hudson's History of Marlboro', Mas.s.,401,402, Hunter, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 502. Hunting, Hedj£e's Anniversary Address, etc., E. Hampton, L, I., N. Y. Hunting, Howell's Hist, of Southampton, L. I., N. Y.,250,251. Hunting, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 502,50;J. Huntington, Caulkins's History of Norwich, Conn., 100-8. Huntington, Caulkins's Historv of Norwicli, Conn., edition 1807, 179-80. Huntington, Huntington's Genealogy of Huntington Family ,Two work.s. 20 Huntington, New Kngliind Historinil nml (nnt'aloi:u!il Uogistcr, v, IftS. Ifi4; x,2h:{; xi, 150. 157. Huntington, Norwicli. Conn.. .IiiMlec, 2(W. Huntington, Savage's (icn. Diet., ii, 503. 504. Huntington, Walworth's Hvdc (Jeneulofn'. \, 2«7-y3, 428-;i.5;" ii, 1(K»2- 11(10." Hurd, Freeman's History of Cnpi- Cod,, ii, ;i75. Hurd, Kilbourn's Sermon on tin- di-atli of Mrs. Reber N.w doii, Conn., 358. " Hurl but, Cothren's Histor>' of WimmI- bury, Conn., 580-2. Hurl but, Hall's Historical l{«Tord!» «if Norwalk, Conn., 243, 281. 2H4 Hurlbut, Iliiunan's Conneclicut Sttli-r^. Ir-t (dilion. 170. Hurlbut. Hiiliisler's Pu«Kl. Vt.. 207. llurlbtit, Hurlbut Faniih M.. tin- Nvlth Gencalogn-> Hurlbut, Vt.. 2M11. Hurlbut, New EnKluiid lIlHtorinil •nil Geneal. UeglHter. xvlll. W. .Itt. 154 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Hurst, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 506, 507. Huse, Hu,2:lies, Coffin' sHist.Newbury,Mass.,305. Huse, Eaton's Ann. Warren, Me., 400. Huse, Hughs, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 507. Huse, Stark's History of Dunbarton, N. H., 217. Hussey, I^.Eng.Hist.anaGen.Reg.,vii,157. Hussey, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 507, 508. Huston, Pieree's History of Gorham, Me., 176, 177. Hutchins, Bouton'sHist.Concord,N.H.,670. Hutchins, Bradbury's History of Kenne- bunkport, 252-4. Hutchins, Hutchin's Family Genealogy. Hutchins, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 508. Hutchinson, Chester's Gen. of Hutchinson. Hutchinson, Drake's History and Antiquities of Boston, Mass., 227. Hutchinson, Heraldic Journal, ii, 1866, 171-6 ; iii, 1867, 104-7. Hutchinson, Hutchinson's Geneal. of Family. Hutchinson, Lancaster's History of Gilman- ton, N. H., 273. Hutchinson, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, xix, 13 ; xx, 355-67. Hutchinson, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, xxii, 236-54. Hutchinson, Savage's Gen. Dict.,ii, 508-13. Hutchinson, Whitmore's Account of Hutch- inson Family. Hyatt, Hall's Ancient Hist. Records of Norwalk, Conn., 183, 223, 255, 261, 290. Hyde, Bliss's History of Rehoboth, Mass., 207. Hyde, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 304, 305. Hyde, Caulkius's History of Norwich, Conn., 104, 105. Hyde, Caulkins's History of Norwich, Conn., edition 1867, 186-9. Hyde, Goodwin's Genealogy of Olcott Family, 61. Hyde, 'Huntington's Geneal. of Hunt- ington Family, 81, 82, 90. Hyde, Jackson's History of Newton, Mass., 313-26. Hyde, Norwich, Conn., Jubilee, 203, 206-12. Hyde, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 514-16. Hyde, Walworth's Geneal. of Descend- ants of WilUam Hyde, 2 vols. Hyde, Ward's Gen. of Rice Fam., 352. Hyland, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 290. Hyler, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Maine, 275, 276. Hyslop, Bridgman's Granary Burial Ground, 95, 96. Hyslop, Sumner and Trask's Hist, and Geneal. of Sumner Family, 66-8. INDEX TO AMKIUCAN I'llDItiUKK L Tde. Daggett's History of Attleho- rough, Mass.,91,92. Ilsley, Journals of Smith and Dean of Portland, Me., 128, 129. Ilsley, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, ol7, 518. luii^alls, " Abbot's Hist. Andover,:Mass.,;J3. luguUs, Lewis and Newhall's History of Lvuu, Mass., and adjoining Towns, 111, 113. lugalls, New Hampshire Historical So- ciety Collections, vii, 375, 376. Ingalls, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 519. Ingersoll, ^Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 106, 107. lugersoll, Goodrich's Recollections of a Life Time, i, 516, 517. Ingersoll, Goodwin's Gen. Notes, 119-28. Inger-soll, ^Historical Collections of Essex Institute, i, 12, 13, 153, 154. Ingersoll, Hudson's Hist. Lexington, 111. Ingersoll, ^Journals of Smith and Dean of Portland, 3Ie., 54. Ingersoll, Maine Historical Society Collec- tions, i, 210, 211. Ingersoll, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 519-22. Ingham, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 522. Ingraham, Eaton's History of Tliomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 276-9. Ingraham, (Tladding's Report on Ingriiliiun Estate, and (t«'rienl«)gy. Ingraham, Hedtield's (Jenealoijiral Ili-lorv of Kedfield Family, 61. Ingraham, "Savage's Gcii. Diet., ii, 523. Ingram, Judd and Holtwood's Hisl. imd Gen. of Iladley, Ma.s»., 519.520. Ingram, New England Hist, and Gemal. RegisleK xiii, 90. Innis, Rutteuber's Hist, of Newburgh, N. Y., 28:^, 284. Iredell, McRee's Life and Corre^jmnd- ence of Judge Iredell, i, 1-3. Irish, Pierce's History of (Jorliain, .Me., 177, 178. Irish, Savage's Geneal. Diet, ii, 524. Irish, Siblev's History of Inion, .Me . 465, 466. Irvine, Sketches and Hecollection.s of Lyncliburgh, Va.. H4-93. Irving, Hollon's History of \Vr> Co., N. Y., ii,52l-6 Isaacs. Hall's Ancient Hi.M. Heeonl-. ol Norwaik, Conn.. 212, 240. Isham, Goodwin's Foote Family (Jenni- ogy, <>:{, 67. Ives, Savage's (Jen. Diet., ii. 525. Ivory, Savage's (Sen Diet., II. 526 156 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Jackman, Savage's Geu. Diet., ii, 536. Jackman, Walker'.s Memorials of Walker Family, 193. Jackson, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 107. Jackson, Balcb's Provincial History of Pennsylvania, 109-21. Jackson, Barry's History of Framiueham, Mass., 300. Jackson, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 291. Jackson, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 279, 280. Jackson, Hanson's Hist. Gardiner Pitts- ton, and West Gardiner, Me., 180, 131. Jackson, Jackson's History of Newton, Mass., 326-53. Jackson, Jackson's Tabular Pedigree of Jackson Family, 1839. Jackson, Kingman's Hist. North Bridge- water, Mass., 546-8. Jackson, Mitchell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 202-3. Jackson, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 526-32. Jackson, Smith's History of Delaware Co., Penn., 473, 474. Jackson, Thayer's Memorial of Early Settlers, 109-14. Jackson, Thompson's Hist, of L. Island, N. Y.,ii, 37. Jackson, Washburn's History of Leices- ter, Mass., 379. Jacob, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 291, 292. Jacob, Hobart's History of Abiugton, Mass., 405, 406. Jacobs, Barry's History of Framingham, Mass., 319-35. Jacobs, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 280, 281. Jacobs, Historical Collections of Essex Institute, i, 52-5. Jacobs, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 532-4. Jacqueline, Meade's Old Churches and Fa- milies of Virginia, i, 97, 103-6. Jacques, Poor's Historical and Genealo- gical Researches, 120. Jacques, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 538, 539. JafFrey, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, xv, 14. Jaffrey, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 534. Jagi2:er, Howell's History of Southamp- ton, L. I, N. Y., 251-3. James, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass.. 107. IXDKX To AMKUICAN I'KDKlUKKS James, Deaue's History of Se-itiiatc, Mass., 292-4. ' James, Eaton's Auuals of WariTi), M(\, 401. James, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 5;?.")-?. James, Smitli's History of Delaware Co., Penn., 474, 475. James, Willaril's Albany ^leilical An- nals, 283. Jameson, Eaton's Annals of AVarren, Me., 400-1. Jameson, Eaton's Hist, of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 281-4. Jameson, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 537. Jameson, Stark's History of Dunbarton, X. H., 240. Janes, Lyman's Histor}' of East Hamp- ton, :Mass., 173-9. Janes, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 538. Janse (Aiiiieke), MunscUs Collections on History of Albany, N. V., ii, 422-7. Jansen, Prime's History of Long Island, N. Y., 3G0, 3GL Jaquith, Sewall's History of Wobnrn,, G18. Jarvis, Hall's Ancient Historical He- . cords of Norwalk, Conn., 211, Jenkins, 234,257,269,270. Jay, Alden's Collection of American Epitaphs, V, 24G-50. Jay, Bolton's History of Westchester Co., N. Y., ii, 8'1. .lay, Flanders'.s Liv.-s of Chlrf .Iii-l ices of New York.l. 11 IM. Jay, Holpate's, 1518. Jejg^ii^les, Savage's (Jen. Diet , ii, 511 Jenkins, I)ean<''s History of Silimtr, Mass.,294-G. Jenkins, F'reeman's History of Cap.' ChI. Mass , ii, S7. .K-nkins, Hobart's History of Aliiiigtoii,, 4(Miii. Mitcheirs HiMorv ,.l H.,.i'. ui ter, Ma.s.s., 2«;; Jenkins, Savage's (Jen. Diet., ii, 511, 542 Jenks, Draper'H MiMon of SiMn»iT. 213, 214 158 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Jennison, Jenks, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 384. Jenks, Essex lustit. Collect., vi, 253-4. Jenks, N.Engl.Hist.andGeu.Reg.,ix,301. Jenks, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 543-4. Jenks, Turner's Geneal. of H. Turner and Descendants. Jenks, Wyman's Hunt Fam. Gen., 114. Jenner, Appleton's Geneal. of Jenner. Jenner, Cothren's History of Woodbury, Conn., 603. Jenner, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, xix, 346-9. Jennings, Barry's History of Framingham, Mass., 300-3. Jennings, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 87. Jennings, Hall's Ancient Hist. Records of Nor walk, Ct., 366, 394, 301, 303. Jennings, Howell's Hist, of Southampton, L. I., N. v., 353, 354. Jennings, Judd and Boltwood's Hist, and Gen. of Hadley, Mass., 519,530. Jennings, Littell's Passaic Valley Genea- logies, 190, 191. Jennings, Mitchell's Hist, of Bridgewater, Mass., 303. Jennings, Mors'e's Gen. Reg. of Sherborn and Holliston, Mass., 155. Jennings, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 544-6. Jennison, Bond's Hist, and Geneal. of Wa tertown, Mass., 306-10, 800-14. Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 384. Jennison, Fiske's Genealogy of Fiskes of Amherst, N. H., 147. Jennison, Hudson's Hist. Lexington, 111. Jennison, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, vii, 71. Jennison, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 545, 546. Jennison, Vinton's Giles Memorial and other Families, 334-78. Jennison, Ward's History of Shrewsbury, Mass., 337, 338. Jessop, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, x, 357. Jessop, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 547. Jessup, Howell's History of Southamp- ton, L. I., N. Y., 354-6. Jewell, Hudson's History of Marlboro', Mass., 403. Jewell, Jewell's Reg. of Thomas Jewell. Jewell, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, xxii, 43-6. Jewell, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 547, 548. Jewett, Andrews's Geneal. and Eccles. History of New Britain, Ct., 316. Jewett, Blood's History of Temple, N. H., 239, 330. Jewett, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 903-5. Jewett, Butler's Hist, of Groton, Pepper- ell and Shirley, Mass., 409, 473. Jewett, Gage's Hist. Rowley, Mass., 445. INDEX TO AMKUU'AN IM'.DKiUKKS l.'.O Jewctt, Hanson's History of Gardiner, Pittston and West Gardiner, - Me., 187, IW. Jewett, Hudson's Hist. Lexington, 279. Jewett, Pierce's Hist. Gorbam, Me., 179. Jewett, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 548,549. Jewett, Wahvortli's Hyde Genealogy, i, 175-80 ; ii, 858-73. Jocelyn, Dodd's Historj' of East Haven, Conn., 131. John, Cope's Record of Cope Familv of Penn., 48, 101-4, 199-204. Johnson, Abbot's History of Andovcr, Mass., 35, 36. Johnson, Barry's History of Framinsr- ham,' Mass., 303"; 304. Johnson, Bond's Historj^ and Genealogies Watertown, Mass., 539-42. Johnson, BroAvn's Geneal. of W. Sims- bury Connecticut Settlers, 88, 89. 1 T 1 T 1 Job Johnson, Chase's History of Haverhill, Mass., 276, 634-37. Johnson, Cope's Record of Cope Familv of Pennsylvania, 52, 115, IK!. " Jolu>«on Johnson, John.sion, (luge's Hist. U<.wl.y, Mush . .| ui Johnson, HeraUiie Jnurnal. iii, 1WJ7, 4;t-r». 1S2, 183. Johnson, Iloliiaii 's Ameriean G«'nenlo>fv, 22. N. H. This prdiiTT U utterly fallaei(>u.>i. Johnson, Hudson's History of Le.\in^;tuii,, 111,112. ■ Johnson, Hudson's History of Mnrlln)- rough, Mass., 403-0. Johnson, KcUogg's Memorial nf Klder John White and Diseeiid., 37. Johnson, Leland Masazine or fJenoalogy of Leland Family, 249, 250. Johnson, Littell's Passaic Vall-, Ma.H.s., :m-0. Johnson, Waslilaim'K Hi'ior\ • Fox's Hist. DunstabIe,Mass.,246. I ler, Ma.s.-., 379. .m 160 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Johnston, McRee's Life of Jas. Iredell, i, 35-7. Johonnot, Bridsman's Granary Burial Ground, 181. Johonnot, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, vi, 357-66 ; vii, 141-44. Johonnot, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 559, 560. Joice, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 273. Jones, Andrews's Geneal. and Eccle- siastical History of New Britain, Conn., 311, 313. Jones, Babsou's History of Gloucester, Mass., 107, 108. Jones, Barry's History of Framingliam, Mass., 304-7. Jones, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 310-22. Jones, Chapman's Genealogy of Chap- man Family, 53, 330. Jones, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 297, 298. Jones, Draper's History of Spencer, Mass., 214, 215. Jones, Eaton's Annals of Warren, Me., 402. Jones, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 285, 286. Jones, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 208, 476. Jones, Goodwin's Genealogical Notes, 129-36. Jones, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 1st edition, 179. Jones, HoUister's Pawlet, Vt., 208. Jones, Howell's History of Southamp- ton, N. Y., 250. Jones, Hudson's Hist. Lexington, 280. Jones, Jones's Genealogy of Jones Fa- mily of Long Island. Jones, Jones's Stockbridge, Mass., Past and Present, 148-50. Jones, Jones's Tabular Pedigree (2 sheets) of Jones Family 1834. Jones, Kidder's History of New Ips- wich, N. H., 393. Jones, Kingman's History of N.Bridge- water, Mass., 549, 550. Jones, Lancaster's History of Gilmau- ton, N. H., 273. Jones, Leonard's History of Dublin, N. H., 355, 356. Jones, Littell's Passaic Valley Genea- logies, 196, 197. Jones, Locke's Geneal. of Locke and Allied Families, 34, 64, 65, 117- 122, 120-2. Jones, Memorial of Hon. David S. Jones and Genealogies of Jones Family of Queens Co., N. Y. Jones, Morse's Gen. Reg. of Sherborn and Holliston, Mass., 156, 157. Jones, Morse's Memorials of Morses, Appendix, No. 66. Jones, New England Hist, and Geneal. Reg., vi, 300, 379-82 ; xiii, 34. Jones, New York Historical Society Coil's, New Series, ii, 490, 491. INDKX To AMKIMCAN I'l :i>|. ■ i;i .1 s I'll Joues, ,l,„l,l, Pierce's Hist. (Jorli.un.M..,!:!!. IJn.nson's Ilistnn- ..f Wai.r Jones, I'liiT. ('oiin.,:.OH.i':». Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, ."itJO-H. j Judd, Joues, .Iiidil ami Hnllwonil's IliM utul Shattuck's History of Concord, ?'. . ,. „. . .. .,., , -r T ' • ' !>avages (icn. Diet., n,.»7:W. Jordan, ' . Walker'sMem.WalkerFam.,153. ^ "deviue. Joslin, Hudson's History- of Marlboro', Mass., 406. Josljn, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 108, 109. Joslyn, Mitchell's Hist, of Bridgewater, Mass., 206. Josselyn, Barry's History of Hanover, Mass., 335-47. Josselyn, Deane's Hist. Scituate.Mass.,299. Judkins, Savage's (ten. Diet., ii, 575. Judson, Cothren's History of WoiMJliiiry, Conn., 587- -w Register, ii, 306-10 ; .xiv, 15, 16. * '^"- ' ''"' *"• Josselyn, Morse's Genealogy of Grout Family, 48. Judkin, Babson's History of tJloucr^trr, Mass.. 109. 110. Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 570-2. Joy, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 572, 573. Joyce, Joice, Savage's (»en. Diet., ii, 573. Judd, Andrews's Gen. and Eec. Hist. , Jumper, of New Britain, Conn., 140, 141, Kalon's llislorj- of Tin. 146-8, 176, 190, 196, 197, 269, 295. I Uo, Mass., 300. Kent, Goodwin's (Jen. Noti-x, WtV Leonard's History of Dul)lin,N. ' t/'niif n., 350, 357. Kendall, Locke's Genealogical Record of Locke and Allied Families, 20, 20. 2!), Kendall, MorM-'s (Jenealogieal H<'i:istnr of Sherborn and lloJIiston, Mass , 157, 15H. Morse's Mcnjorials of Mi>rM-i». Api)endi.v No. 101. Kent, New Englanil Hi-t..ri. il ami Genenl. Ui). 'Ml Kip, Bolton's History of Westches- ter Co., N. Y., ii, 52(5-8. Kip, IIol<:ate's Anurican (Jen., \m ;t(i. King, Jackson's History of Newton Mass., 359, 360. King, Maine Hist. Soe. C.)ll.,iii,214,215. King, N.E.Hist.and (;en.Reg.,xi,357-9. King, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 23-7. King, Stilcs's nist."Winds()r,Conn.,07( Kingman, Kingman's Ili.story of N. Bridge water, Mass., 559-71. Kingman, Mitchell's Hi.storv of Bridgwa ter, Mass., 210-20": Kingman, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 27, 28. Kingsbury, Blood's History of Temple, .\ H., 230, 231. Ki rk. Smith's Hist. Delaw.Co.,I'u.,47({. KirklaiKl, Brown's (Jenealogy of \V. Sims- iMirv Connecticut Selllcrs. sit. Kii-khmd, Yountr's Discourse on Uev. Dr J. T. Kirkland. Kirkpatrick, Eaton's Annals of Wurren. .Me., 405, 4(M5. Kirkpatrick, Katoii's History «if Th«>MiiMttiiii. Rockland, etc.," Me.. 301, ;«r.». Kirkiiiitrick, Iatleli'> I'assjiic Valley JJeneulo gies, lilS-2(»4. I Kirtland, Cliai)ni«irs (Jeni-al. of Chnpiiinn Kaniily, 71.72, IMl.l.Ul Kirtland, I » Lewis and N'ewhuU'h ni»t,I.VMn. .Ma-s.. and adjoin. T«iwiii», I.>4. Kirtland, .New Knirlan«l Mitt and (Jenenl Hei,'ister, xiy. 211 '» 166 Kirtland, INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. i's Gen. Diet., iii, 31 Kitchell, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 32. Kittredge, Draper's History of Spencer, Mass., 217. Kittredge, Savage's Geneal. Diet., iii, 33. Knapp, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown. Mass., 327, 328. Knapp, Draper's History of Spencer, Mass., 215, 216. Knapp, Jacli;son's History of Newton, Mass., 360, 361. Knapp, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 33, 34. Kneale, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 35. Knight, Coffin's History of Newbury, Mass., 307. Knight, Draper's History of Spencer, Mass., 216. Knight, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 1st edition, 220. Knight, Historical Collections of Essex Institute, i, 186, 187. Knight, Hudson's Hist. Lexington, 280. Knight, Kidder's History of New Ips- wich, N. H., 415. Knight, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, xv, 269. Knight, Pierce's History of Gorliam, Me., 180. Knight, Poor's Historical and Genealo- gical Researches, 148-50. Knight, Savage's Geneal. Diet., iii, 35-40. Knight, Se wall's History of Woburn, Mass., 624, 625. Knowles, Cothren's History of Woodbury, Conn., 604, 605. Knowles, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 393, 736. Knowles, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 41, 43. Knowles, Walker's Memorials of Walker Family, 46. Knower, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 40, 41. Knowlton, Barry's History of Framingham, Mass., 311. Knowlton, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 302. Knowlton, Hill's Hist. Mason, N. H., 204. Knowlton, Kidder's History of New Ips- wich, N. H., 415. Knowlton, Leonard's History of Dublin, N.H., 357-9. Knowlton, Morse's Geneal. Reg. of Sher- born and Holliston, Mass., 160. Knowlton, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, xv, 344-6. Knowlton, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 42, 43. Knowlton, Ward's History of Shrewsbury, Mass., 348-55. Knox, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 303. Krause, Fahnestocu's Memorial of Wolff Family of Penn., 108,109. INDKX To AMKUliAN l'KI)|(JHKF> I'M Labbertse, | Lamb, Bergen's Genealogy of Bergen I Liltell's Pnssjiic Vullev (Jinea Family, 53,54. Lac J, Littell's Passaic Valley Genealo- iiies, 204-7. Ladd, Lancaster's History of Gihnan- ton, N. H., 274. Ladd, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 4:i Ladd, Walworth's Hyde Genealogy, i, 652-5. Ladd, Wilson's Historj' of Dunbarton, N. H., 241. Lake, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 44, 45. Lakeman, Pierce's History of Gorliani, Me., 181. Lakin, Butler's Hist. Grotou, Pepperell, and Shirley, Mass., 410-12, 473. Lakin, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii,4.j, 40. logies, 207. Lamb, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii. 4fl«. Lambert, Blake's Genealogy of Blake Family, 42, 43. Lambert, Cothren's History of W(MMU>ur>-, Conn., 007-12. Lambert, (iage's Hist, of Howlev, .Mn.o«»., 440. Lambert, Littell's Pas.«uic Vallev Genea- logies, 208-11. Lambert, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 48. Lambert, Timrston'^ \\\-u,r\ Wiiiil.r,,., Me., im. Lambert, Winst)r's Hiitury nl l)u\l»iir\, Mass., 274. Lamberton, Hvde's Ilistorienl Adtire.-is iit Ware, .Mass., 52. Lamb, Barry's Histon' of Franung- ' LambertOIl, ham, Mass., 311-13. I Savage's (Jen. Dirt., iii, -In, .|i» Lamb, ' Lamotnl, Caulkins'9 History of New Lon- Draper's History of S|K-mrr, don. Conn., 327, 328. ! Lamb, Lampliear, Draper's History of Spencer, Savage'.-, (Jen. Diet., iii, .%. Mass., 217-20. I LamprtOll, Lamb, l Kalon's Histxry of Thoinit^lMii, Eaton's History of Thomaston, ' Rockland, etc., Me., m'l. JM. liockland, etc.. Me., 303. Lamson, Lamb, Bond's HiM and CJenmiliijrli-* of Ellis's History of Ho .xl.iiry. Mass. Watertowii. Ma«...:R'«.;WO. 168 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Lamson, Dod and Burnet's Dod Genea- logy, 112. Lamson, Leland ^Magazine, or Genealogy ot'Leland Family, 163. Lamsou, Savage's Gen. Dict.,iii, 49, 50. Lancaster, Lancaster's HistoiT of Giliuan- ton, N. H., 274, 27b. Landon, Wynian's Hunt Family Genea- logy, 116. Lane, Babson's Histoiy of Gloucester, Mass., Ill, 112, 257, 258. Lane, Clark's History of Norton, Mass., 84, 85. Lane, Eaton's Hist. Candia, N. H.,86. Lane, Hobart's History of Abington, Mass., 411-14. Lane, Lane's Geneal. of Lane Family. Lane, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, ii, 360 ; x, 356, 357. Lane, Savage's Geneal. Diet., iii. 504. Lane, AVhitmore's Memoranda relat- ing to Lane Family. Lang, Essex Institute Colls., vi, 257. Langdon, Savage's Geneal. Diet, iii, 54, 55. Langdon, Wilbraham, Mass., Centennial Celebration, 1863,299-301. Langhorue, Sketches and Recollections of Lynchburg, Va., 164-7. Lankton, Andrews's Geneal. and Eccle- siastical History of New Britain, Conn., 166, 167. Lankton, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 56. Lapham, Deane's Historj- of Scituate, Mass., 302. Lapham, Hanson's Hist, of Gardiner, Pitts- ton and W.Gardiner, Me., 138. Lapham, Lapham's Tabular Pedigree of Lapham Family, 1864. Lapham, Savage's Geneal. Diet., iii, 56. Larkin, Savage's Geneal. Diet., iii, 57. Larrabee, Eaton's History of Thomastou, Rockland, etc.. Me., 304. Larrabee, Machias, Me., Centennial Cele- bration, 168. Larrabee, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 57, 58. Larry, Pierce's Historv of Gorham, Me., 181. Lash, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 305. Lassell, Bradbury's History of Kenne- bunkport. Me., 256. Lassell, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 305. Latane, Meade's Old Churches and Fa- milies of Va., i, 393. Latham, Caulkins's History of New Lon- don, Conn., 312-13. Latham, Mitchell's Historv of Bridgewa- ter, Mass., 222-4." Latham, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 58, 59. Lathrop, Bill's Genealogy of Bill Family, 182, 183. I 1N1M:.\ to .\MI:I!1C.\.\ I'l-Dl.iUKKS Liiihrop, Bridirman's liianarv Groiuid, 391-8. LauTi'iioo. Hurial Hoiids History and ( Jonraloci.M, I of Wutcrtown. Mn.s«» . .•t;;(i ;i 817-50. Lathrop, Caulkiiis's History of [Norwich, Lawroiice, Conn., 116, 117. " I Brouiis's History of M.df.Td Lathrop, I ^t"«>^-«».MO. • Canlkins's History of Nor\yich. i Lfiwrence, Butler's Histon- of Oroton. INp- IH-rcll and Slijrlt-y,, II.'J- 1«, 474, 475. Lawrence, Eaton's Annals of Warnn, Mc. 400. Law fence, Eaton's History of Thonukston, Rockland, Mc, etc., m"). Lawfcnce, Lathrop, Freeman's History of Cape Cod. AYinsor's History of Duxbury, ^Iii««-, ii, 164, 475", 4»3. Lawrence, Conn., edition 1867,217-21. Lathrop, ^Iltchell's History of Brid2;e\ya- ter, Mass., 224-7. Lathrop, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 119-22. Lathrop, Wahvorth's Hyde Genealogy, i, 246-55. ]\Iass., 274, 275, Latimer, Brown's Genealogy of W. Sims- bury, Conn., Settters, 90. Latimer, Caulkins's History of New Lon- don, Conn., 288. Latimer, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 590. Latimer, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, xix, 243, 317. Latimer, Latimore, Savage's Geneal. Diet., iii, 59. Laut^hton, Hudson's Hist. Lexington, 114. Law, Kilbourn's History and Anti- quities of Kilbourne Family, 39-41. Law, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 60. Lawrence, Bergen's Genealogy of Bergen Family, 140. Lawretice, Bolton's History of Westches- ter Co., N. Y., i, 155. Hale's Genealogical Memoirs of John Lawrence and Descend. Lawrence, Hanson's History of tJardiner, Pittston and W. Gardiner, Me., 106, 107, 161, 162. Lawrence, Heraldic Journal, iv, iMChS. ;{,-i m. Lawrence, Hill's History of Mason, N. II.. 196-198,204." Lawrence, Ilinman's Connt'ctieut S«ttl, 16!>-70. Lawrence, Holgate's American (Jenealo gres, 201-27. Lawrence, Hudson's History of Ix-.\inglon., 114-18. Lawrence, Lawrence's Genealogy of Fu mily of I>awrence. Lawrence. New England llifttorieal and Genealogical HrgiwUT, x, *i«7. Lawrence, Pca-se'» AnccMlry ami I'twtfrily of Ihuuc Lawrence. 170 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Lawrence, Riker's Annals of Newtown, L. I., N. Y., 281-90. Lawrence, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 60-3. Lawrence, Smith's History of Delaware Co., Penn.,476, 477. Lawrence, Somerby's Tabular Pedigree of Lawrence Family. Lawrence, Thompson's History of Long Island, N. Y., ii, 362-7. Law^son, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 63, 64. Lawton, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 64. Lay, Chapman's Genealogy of Chap- man Family, 106. Lay, Savage's Geneal. Diet., ii, 64, 65. Lay, Walworth's Hyde Genealogy, ii, 880-4. Lazell, Mitchell's History of Bridgewa- ter, Mass., 227-9. Lazell, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 65, 66. Lazell, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 275. Leach, Hollister's Pawlet, Vt., 209, 210. Leach, Kingman's Hist, of N. Bridge- water, Mass., 573-5. Leach, Mitchell's History of Bridgewa- ter, Mass., 229-34. Leach, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 66, 67. Leach, Stone's Hist. Beverly, Mass., 29. Leader, Savatre's Gen. Diet., iii, 67, 68. Leadbetter, Barry's History of Framingliam, Mass., 316. Leadbetter, Savage's Geneal. Diet., iii, 67. Leake, Valentine's New York City Council Manual for 1861, 624-8. Learned, Barry's History of Framiugham, Mass., 314-16. Learned, Bond's Hist, and Geneal. Water- town, Mass., 333-7, 850, 851. Learned, Leonard's Historv Dublin, N. H., 359-61. Learned, Morse's Gen. Reg. of Sherborn and Holliston, Mass., 170, 171. Learned, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 68. Learned, Se wall's History of Wobum, Mass., 624. Leavenworth, Bronson's Historj^ of Water- bur}'. Conn., 515-18. Leavenworth, Cothren's Hist. Woodbury, Ct. Leavitt, Cothren's History Woodbury, Conn., 614, 615. Leavitt, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 69-71. Leavitt, Torrey's Genealogy of Jacob Leavitt and Descendants. Lechmere, Heraldic Jour., iv, 1868, 43, 44. Leek, Richardson's Leek Genealogy. Le Compte, Bolton's Historv of Westches- ter Co., N. Y., ii', 529. Lee, Andrews's Geneal. and Eccles. Hist, of N. Britain, Conn., 141-5, 187, 188, 243-5, 254, 327, 328, 337. I INDKX TO AMKUICAN I'KDItiUKKS 171 Lee, Bolton's History of Wi-stolicstiT Co., N. Y., ii, WS, .V3!). Lee, Hill's Gcnealoiiiciil Tal.k- of Lcc Family. Lomiii,^\V(ll, Sava)?f's (toiM-nl. Dirl.. Hi, Til LettillifWcll, Sowall's History of Wol.iini. Mass.. (JSo. Legare, Writinus of Hon. llim'li S I..- gari", y, 7. Legtjett, Bolton's History of Wi-sIcIuh- ti'r Co., N. Y.. ii. 'JT'i. Leiifhton, Savaj,M''s[orse's Gen. Reg. of Slierlxiru and llolliston, Mass., lW>-70. j Leland, Savage's Geneal. Diet. iii. 7«J, 77. I Lent, I Bolton's Hi.stor\-of Westch«-s(«T ] Co., N. v.. ii. 5-»9. ' Lent, Kikirs Amials of .N. \Mo«ii, I. !., N v., ;:i.VI'.t. LcM.nard, Blake's (Jenealogy ..f Hhik.- Kii- niiiy, 55, 50. Leonard, Clark's History of XorU.n. Miuss.. K(5. H7. Leonard, Deniie's (feneiiloijieal Memoir of i,eonard Kantilv. M.i«.-*.,i. «m 172 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Leonard, Hough's History of Lewis Co., N. Y., 150, 151. Leonard, Massachusetts Hist. Society Colls., 1st series, ii, 173, 174. Leonard, Mitchell's History of Bridgewa- ter, Mass., 235-8. Leonard, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, v, 403-13. Leonard, Savage's Gen. Diet.,iii, 78-80. Leonard, Thayer's Memorial of Early Settlers, 160, 161. Leonard, Vinton's Giles Memorial and other Families, 279-310. Leonard, Walker's Memorials of Walker Family, 31. Leonard, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 275. Lepingwell, Sewall's History of Woburn, Mass., 624. Lermond, Eaton's Annals of Warren, Me., 407, 408. Lermond, Eaton's History of Thomaston, and Rockland, Me., 306. Le Roux, Bolton's History of Westchester Co., N. Y., ii, 529, 530. Lester, Caulkins's History of New Lon- don, Conn., 286,287. L even sal er, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 307, 308. Leverett, Leverett's Biographical and Ge- nealogical Account of Sir John Leverett, etc. Leverett, Moore's Memorial of American Governors, i, 374-6. Leverett, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, iv, 121-36 ; xii, 288, 289. Leverett, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 82-4. Leverett, Shurtleff' s Geneal. Memoir of Leverett Family, 20. Leverich, Hiker's Annals of Newtown, L. I., N. Y., 350-4. Leveridge, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 84. Levering, Jones's Geneal. Account of W. and G. Levering of Penn. Levins, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 81. Levis, Smith's History of Delaware Co., Penn., 477. Lewes, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, iii, 271, 272. Lewis, Alden's Collection of American Epitaphs, V, 68-70. Lewis, Andrews's Gen. and Ecclesiasti- cal History of New Britain, Ct., 160, 161, 167, 277, 306, 307, 332, 354. Lewis, Bradbury's History of Kenne- bunkport, Me., 257. Lewis, Bronson's History of Water- bury, Conn., 518, 519. Lewis, Caulkins's History of New Lon- don, Conn., 295, 296. Lewis, Deane's Historj' of Scituate, Mass., 303, 304. INDEX TO AMKIJUAN I'KlHt.lJKKS 17;; Lewis, Field's Hist, of Iladilani and E. Haddam, Conn., 4(3. Lewis, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., i, 614; ii," -^S."). 404, 460, 471, 480,481,507, (501, GTd. Lewis, Howe's Historical Collections of Virginia, 181-;l Lewis, Hudson's Hist. Lexington, 281 Lewis, Lil.hy, .Maine Ilistorii-al Stn-lety C«)1Um- tions, iii, 210, 217. Libhy, Pierce's Mist. (H.rlciiu, .M< ,IM,'{ Lilloy, Savage's (Jen. Diti.. iii, \H), \n /, Lincoln, Andrews's (Jeneul. and KxtIch. Hist. New Britiiin, Ct.. 22a. Lincoln, Deanes llistorv of Srv of Tlmnin.stn Kockland, etc.' Me., :«»s. Gen. of Hadley, Mass., 580, 531. ; Lewis, Lewis and Newhall's Hist, of Lincoln, Lynn, Mass., and Adjoining Towns, 180-2. Lewis, Meade's Old Churches and Fa- milies of Va., ii, 231-3, 325, 326. Lewis, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, xvii, 162-6. Lewis, Pierce's History of Gorham, Me., 181-3. Lewis, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 84-90. Lewis, Sheppard's Account of Lewis Jjiiicoln, Family. Lewis, Smith's History of Delaware Co., Penn., 478-80. Freeman's History of Cupe CimI,, i, 609 ; ii, 75U, 757. Lincoln, Holland's Lifeof Al.rah.-.m I. in coin, 18-21. Lincoln, Huntington's fJen. <>t liiiiiimic- ton Family, S2. Lincoln, Kingman's Hist. North Hridgt-- water, Mus.s., 571-3. Lincoln, Lincoln's Notes on the Lincoln Familii's of Massachns«'tt.H. Lewis, Virginia Historical Uegister, v, 24,25. Libbey, t- i Eaton's Annals of Warren, Me., Lincoln, 408-10. I Savage's (fcneal. Diet. Ill, «I -5. Libbey, Lincoln, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Wa.Hlihnrne's Mi.-lorv of I^-lri-» Rockland, etc., Me., 308. ' Mitchells lli>l(.ry <.f Uritlp- water, Mass., 2;W. Lincoln, New England Ili.sloriciil and Geneal. Register. .\i.\, '.I'lliM Lincoln, Rohliiii.s'.s Sermon on Dcuth n( Noah Lincoln with (ien., Xti\t. Libby, Machias, Me., Centennial Cele i bration, 168. • ter. ."W, Linchill, .New England llixi. imd (Miintl Kegister, vii. 15-24. 174 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Lindall, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 95, 96. Lindall, Vinton's Giles Memorial, and other Families, 311-38. Lindall, Winsor's History of Duxbvary, Mass.. 276. Lindsay, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 96. Lindsey, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 309. Lindsley, Cothren's History of Woodbury, Conn., 605, 606. Lindsley, Matthews's Historj' of Cornwall, Vt., 287. Linzee, Heraldic Jom-., iv, 1868, 38-41. Lippencott, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 98. Liscomb, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.,'Me., 310. Lispenard, Bolton's History of Westchester Co., N. y., ii, 530. Lister, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 112. Litchfield, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 305, 306. Litchfield, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 310. Litchfield, Morse's Genealogy of Descend- ants of Lawrence Litchfield. Litchfield, i New England Hist, and Geneal. Registerj^ix, 181-8,209-18. Litchfield, Savage's Geneal. Diet., iii, 98. Lithgow, Maine Historical Society Collec- tions, V, 418-23. Littell, Little, Littell's Passaic Valley Genealo- gies, 213-61. Little, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 306, 307. Little, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 99. Littlefield, Barry's History of Framingham, Mass., 317. Littlefield, Bradbury's History of Kenne- bunkport, Me., 257, 258. Littlefield, Mitchell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 238, 239. Littlefield, Morse's Geneal. Reg. of Sher- born & HoUiston, Mass., 171-3. Littlefield, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 99, 100. Livermore, Barry's History of Framingham, Mass., 318. Livermore, Bond's History and Genealogies of AVatertown, Mass., 338-52, 852-4. Livermore, Clarke's Geneal. of Watertown, Mass., Family of ClarKe, 44, 79. Livermore, Draper's Historj" of Spencer, Mass., 221-4. Livermore, Hudson's History of Lexing- ton, Mass., 118. Livermore, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 101. Livermore, Washburne's History of Leices- ter, Mass., 381,382. Livingston, Alden's Collections of American Epitaphs, V, 265-8. Livingston, Caulkius's Histoiy of New Lon- don, Conn., 364, 365. INDEX TU AMKliUAN I'KIUti UKKS Livingston, Holgatc's Am. Geii., IT)") Livingston Lombard, Nfw En.uliiinl lU.siorirnl hikI Gencul. Ucirislcr, xii, '.MW-.VI Sedgwick's Life ot Win. Liv- Lonjhard, ingston, 17-24. Livingston, Washburn's History of Leices- | LonibanI, tor, Mass., 380, 381.' Livingstone, Heraldic Jour., iii, 1807, 76-8. Lloyd, Heraldic Journal, iii, 1867, 73. Lobdell, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 102. Lock, Morse's Geneal. Register of Sher- born and Holliston, Mass., 173. Locke, Adam's Haven Gen., 367. Locke, Barry's History of Framiugham, Mass., 318. Locke, Hudson's History of Lexington, Mass., 119-26. Locke, Picrie's History of (uirlui Me., ISl, IHTi. Savages (Ji-ii. Diet , lu, l()."(-7. Long, Eaton's History of Thoma.xton, Kockland, etc.; Mc, 310. 311. Long, Lancaster's History ol (Jilinnn- ton, N. H., 27.'). Long, Littell's Passaic Viiilcy (icinu- logies, 262, 263. Long, Siivage's Gen. Diet., iii, 107 '.». Longfellow, Machias, Me., Centennial Cele- bration, 161», 170. Longfellow, Pierce's History of Gnrhani, Me., 18.-), 186. Longfellow, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 110. Locke's Book of the Lockes. Longley, Locke, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 102-4. Locke, Sewall's History of AVoburn, Mass., 177, 625-7. Lockwood, Bolton's History of Westchester Co., K Y., ii, 530. Lockwood. Hall's Historical Kecords of , Nor\valk, Conn., 184, 180, 192. , LoonitS 194, 201, 203, 206, 215, 218, 222, 236, 238, 246, 260, 265, etc. Lockwood, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 104. Lombard, Deane's Historj' of Scituute, iMass., 307, 308. Lombard, Freeman's History of ( 'ai)c Cod, Mass., ii, 330, 567. Butler's History of (Jrotoii. P.p- l)erell and Shirley, Mas.-*., 416, 417,493. Longley, Chase's History of Hiiycrliili., 637-9. Longley, Savage's Gen. Did., iii, 110. 111. Loo mis, Holllster's Pa\yl.t, Vt.. 211.212. Kellogg's Memorials (.f Kldir John While and nii««cn«l.,:W.3l. Loomis, Savuge'B (Jen. Did., ill. UILV Loomis, Stiles's Hi.xton- of WinilM)r. Conii..67K.H45. Lord, Hradbiiry's Hi.Hlorv of Keiiiu- biink|.orl, Me., iVi-W). 176 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Lord, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 596. Lord, Goodwill's Geneal. Notes, 347. Lord, Kellogg' s Memorial of Elder John White and Descend., 82. Lord, Locke's Genealogy of Locke and Allied Families, 109. Lord, Porter's Genealogy of Hartford, Conn. Settlers, 8-12. Lord, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 115-17. Lord. Stiles's History of Windsor, Conn., 686, 687. Lord, Walworth's Hyde Genealogy, i, 159-63, 593-600 ; ii, 733-43,759-64. Lorino^, Bridgman's Copp's Hill Burial Ground, 221-3. Loring, Bridgman's Granaiy Burial Ground, 350-7. Loring, Draper's History of Spencer, Mass., 221. Loring, Hudson's History of Lexington, Mass., 126-8. Loring, Hudson's History of Marlbo- rough, Mass., 410-12. Loring, Mitchell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 239, 380-2. Loring, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, vii, 163, 326. Loring, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 117-19. Loring, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 276-80. Lothrop, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 311, 312. Lothrop, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., i, 209. Lothrop, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 262. Lothrop, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, ii, 195. Lothrop, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, iii, 273. Lothrop, Stone'sHist.Beverly,Mass.,27,28. Lott, Bergen's Genealogy of Bergen Family, 121, 122, 131, 132, 137, 138, 158, 159. Lott, Bergen's Genealogy of Van Brunt Family, 25, 53. Lott, Thompson's History of Long Island, N. Y., ii, 469-72. Louden, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 280, 281. Loveit, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 313. Lovejoy, Abbot's History of Andover, Mass., 37, 28. Lovejoy, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 312. Lovejoy, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 122. Lovell, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 123, 124. Loverain, Morse's Geneal. Register of Sher- born and HoUiston, Mass., 173, 174. Lovering, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, xviii, 336. INDEX TO AMKlMiAN I'KHKilSKK: Lovett, Stone's History of IJovt-rlv, Mass., 31,32. Lovewell, Bond's History and Gcncalojjies of AVatertown, Mass., 353, 354. Lovewell, Fox's History of Dunstalile, Mass., 246, 247. Low, Babson's Histor}- of Gloucester, Mass., 113-15. Lowden, Bridgewater's Historvof Bridi^e- water, Mass., 240. Lowden, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 125, 126. Lowe, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc. "Me., 313. Lowe, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 125. i Lowell, Bridgnian's Granary Burial Ground, 304, 305. Lowell, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 313, 14. Lowell, Heraldic Journal, i, 18(i5, 25-7. Lowell, Savage's Geu. Die., iii, 126. Luddeii, Draper's History of Spencer, Mass., 224, 225. ^ Luddinojton, Ludlow, Savages (Jen. Did., iii, f.M» Ludwi'll, Meailes Old tlnirrlH« mid Families of Va. Lndwii^, Katun's History ..f, Rockland, etc.. Me., 314, :I15, Ludwi>;^, Ludwig's (;......! ... h,„|„ijj Families. Lufkin, Babson's llislorv i>l GIouch-sUt, Mass., 112, 113.' Lufkin, Poors Historical and Genealo- gical Researches, 113, 114. Lum, Littell's Passaic Vall.y G. ii.a- logies, 273. Lumbard, Hollister's Pawlet. \t., ,'i.' I Liinibai-t (Lombard) New England Hist, and (leneal. Register, iii. 272. 273. Lund, Fo.x's Histor)' of Diini«tabU', Mass., 247, 24H. Lunt, Coflin's History of Newlmn*., 30H, 30U. Lunt, New England lli?.lnriral and Geneal. Hegisler, x.vii, 2;J2 I. Lunt, Savage's (Jen. Diet., iii, 131. Dodd's History of East Haven, r ,,,.*,,,, nnnn. 1S2-:U ^^"' . '„. ,,. ,- ^ , Howell s Hist, ol S<)Uthiiiii|.l. Conn., 132-34. Ludington Andrews's Geneal. and Ecdes tical Historj' of N. B., Conn., 1H5. Ludkm, Savage's Gen. Did., iii, 12H, 12!). Ludlow; Howell's History of Southamp- ton, L. I.,N. Y., 256, 257. Ludlow, Littell's Passaic Valley Gen., 264-72. 23 L. 1. N. Y., 257.2M. ■ Lusk, Andrews's (Jen- History of New 1: 161, 162, 2(Mi. 20: Lunk, .Miner'H Umlnrx of l'he||Mi mid I (lorliam's Purchatf, 4Ti. 42JJ. ! Lutlier, Draper's HUton' of Si»ciirrr. Mass.. 221. 178 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Luyster, Riker's Annals of Newtown, L. I., N. Y., 858-63. Lyman, Dickinson's Geneal. of Lyman and others. Lyman, Doolittle"s Sketches of Belcher- town, Mass., 253, 254. Lyman, Huntington's Geneal. of Hunt- ington Family, 131. Lyman, Juckl and Boltwood's History and Gen. of Hadlej, Mass., 432. Lyman, Kellogg's Memorials of Elder John White, 101, 102. Lyman, Lyman's History of East Hamp- ton, Mass., 161-8. Lyman, Savage's Gen. Dict.,iii, 134. Lynch, Sketches and Recollections of Lynchburg, Va., 9-21. Lynde, Draper's History of Spencer, Mass., 225, 226. Lynde, Maiden, Mass., Bi-Centennial Celebration, 232-4. Lynde, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, ix, 323. Lynde, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 135-7. Lynde, "Washburn's History of Leices- ter, Mass., 382, 383. Lyon, Bolton's History of Westchester Co., K Y., ii, 530, 531. Lyon, Littell's Passaic Valley Genea- logies, 274-6. Lyon, Redtield's Geneal. History of Redfield Family, 49, 50. Lyon, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 137. Lyon, Ward's History of Shrewsbury, Mass., 857, 358. INDEX TO AMKIUC.W IJKKS. M. Macarty, Allea's History of Worcester, Mass., Association, 82,83. Maccarty, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 11$!). Macgregor, Parker's History of London- derry, N. H., 380-3. Mack, Lancaster's History of Gilman- ton, N. H., 278. Mack, Parker's History of London- derry, N. H., 278-80. Mackie, Howell's History of Southamp- ton, L. L, N. Y.^ 258. Macy, Huntington's Genealogy of Huntington Faiuilj', 92. Macy, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 142. Maddocks, Eaton's History of Thoniaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 321. Maddox, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 142. Madison, Meade's Old Churches and Fa- milies of Virginia, ii, 96-8. Magaw, Bergen's Genealogy of Bergen Family, 151, 152. Magoon, Hyde's Historical Address at Ware,, 47. Magoon, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 143. Magoon, Winsor's History of Diixlmry, ; Mass., 281. 1 Mai Her, Kultcnher's Historv of Nrw hurgh, N. Y., 314, 31.'). Makepeace, Makcpcacp's Gciii'al()i;y of ihi- Makepeace Family. Makepeace, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 1 Jl. Maker, Eaton's History of Thoiniustoii, Rockland, etc., Me., 321. Maiconibe, Eaton's Annals of Warrtii, Me., 412. Mai lory, Cothren's History of Woodljiirv, Conn., 015-18. Mallory, Dodd's History nf" Ka-t Il:i\. n Conn., 134, 13"V Mallory, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 1 II, 1 J.V Maltby, Davenport's (Jenealogy <>f Da- venport Family, 207, 218. Manly, Kingman's Histor)' of N. Hri«l,i?«- water, Mas.s., 578,' 57U. Manly, Mitchells Hi.-.t..ry <.f Hri-k'.- water,, 240. Mann, Barry's History "i liim'^tr, Mass., '.ir,02. Mann, Deane's History of Stiluatr. Mas.'*., :J0«, 310. Mann, lliir> Hist. Miis-.n. -N ii.nyi. Mann, liiid-oii's Hist. I.fxlnRlnn. I'JM 180 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Mann, New Enffland Hist, and Geneal. Eegister^xiii, 325-8, 364. Mann, Pierce's History of Gorliam, Me., 193. Mann, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 145, 146. Manning, Bond's Histoiy and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 527-29. Manning, Eaton^s Histor}^ of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 333. Manning, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 147, 148. Mansfield, Kidder's History of New Ips- wich, N. H., 416. Mansfield, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 148, 149. Mansfield, Stiles's History of Windsor, Conn., 691, 692. Man son, Barry's History of Framing- ham, Mass., 319. Mansur, Blood's Historj' of Temple, N. H., 231, 233. Manwaring, Caulkins's Historv of New Lon- don, Conn., 366, 367. Walworth's Hyde Genealogy, ii, 1009-15, 1111-18. Marbury, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, xxi, 383. March, Bradbury's History of Kenne- bunkport, Me., 361. March, Coffin's History of Newbury, Mass., 309. March, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 150, 151. Marchant, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., ii, 373, 274. Marcy, Walker's Memorials of Walker Family, 81, 83. Marion, Bridgeman's King's Chapel Bu- rial Ground, 263-9. Marion, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 153. Maris, Smith's History of Delaware Co., Penu., 483. Markham, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 1st edition, 171. Markham, Locke's Geneal. of Locke and Allied Families, 23. Markham, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 152. Marrett, Hudson's History of Lexington, Mass., 128-30. Marrett, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 153. Marsh, Draper's History of Spencer, Mass., 233, 234. Marsh, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 323. Marsh, Hyde's Historical Address at Ware, Mass., 50. Marsh, Judd and Boltwood's History and Genealogies of Hadley, Mass., 533-5. Marsh, Morse's Hist, and Gen. of Sher- born and Holliston, Mass. Marsh, Savage's Gen. Diet, iii, 154, 155. Marsh, Temple's History of Wliately, Mass.. 35. INDKX TO ami: UK AN I'KlMtiUKK.S 1^1 Marshall, Barry's History of Fraininir- ham' Mass., 320, 301. Marshall, Cothron's History of Wootll)ury , Conn., G31-3;l Marshall, Eaton's History of Tlioniaston, Rockland, etc.', Me., 323. Marshall, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 444. Marshall, HovyoU's History of Southamp- ton, L. I., X. Y., 258. Marshall, Kingman's Hist. Xorth Bridge- water, Mass., 579, 580. Marshall, Leonard's History of Dublin, X. H., 361,302. Marshall, Littell's Passaic Valle}' Genealo- gies, 277. Marshall, Morse's Hist, and Gen. of Sher- boru and Holliston,Mass., 175. Marshall, Morse's Memorial of Morse Fa- rail}, Appendix 21. Marshall, Sayage's Gen. Diet., iii, 155-9. Marshall, Marstoii, Sayiigfs iivn. Ditt ,lil. lrt(), irti Afarteiise, liorgcn's (JincaloKy of H.rKfn Family, 123. Martin, Hal)stni'> History of ({|ou(i-)»I«t. 11,-,. Martin, Cotlircn"s|Iisi<.r\ ..( w Ilmrj-, Conn., (!J(i ::i Martin, Eaton's History of 'rhoiniuslon. Rockland, etc..' Mo.. ;tt4. Martin, Hou-h's lli.story of Ijwi.h Co., N. v., 172-4. Martin, Littell's Passaic Vallrv (fcnciilo- gies, 278. Martin, Sayage's Gen. Did., iii, \i\\ i Martindale, Nash's Genealogy of Na.-*!! Fa- mily, 80-4. Marty n, Allen's Histor>- of Worrt-^tcT, Mass., As.sociation, (KJ, M. Marvin, Hall's Ancient Hist. Records of Norwalk. Conn., IKl. 1K2. MM. 215, 242, 222, 23(», 242, 24'i, 2.Vi. 254, 2H5. Smith's History of Delaware v». ,,...; Co., Penn., 482. AiaiM Marshall, Stark's History of Dunharton, N. H., 253. Marshall, Stiles's History of AVindsor Conn., 692-98. Marshall, , vfarvrW. Vinton's Giles Memorial and i -^Aar\ m other Familes, 221, 222, 344-62. Marshfiekl, Sayage's Gen. Diet., iii, 159,160. Marston, Freeman's History of Cape C'od, Mass.,i, 373;ii, 324. Marvin's (Jen. of. Marvin Fiuiiily. Marvin, New Kngland Hist, and JJciirnl Register, xvi, 2:{.'». 2.V> 54. Marvin, Porter's Gciieal. of lliirifonl. Conn., Sfltlcrs, 12. HI. Savage'H (Jen. Dirt.. Hi. 104. I« Masearene, Heraldic Jour. ii. iww. rw. lae. Ma.scarene, New Knglan"*^^^\ ;; < . 6 . > ) . Savage s G May, Snvngi's(ien. Diet , Hi, 1H3. IM May, Walkir's Mcnmrials nf Wnlkrr Family, 'i't. Mavliew. Harrv's ilisiorv ofFraminuimm. .Mass., :{•.>•.'. Mayhew, Caulkins's Hi.stnry of New I/«in- don, Coiui., 336. " Mayhew, Kellosrir's Memorial of Elder John White and De^-end., H7. ii,44, Maverick, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 179-82. age's Gen. Die, iii, 1H4, 145. Maynard, Harry's Histon,- of Fniuiinghnm, Mi Maverick, , , , , Sumner's Historv of East Bos- iMaynard ton, Mass., 161-77. Mawney, Rhode Island Historical Society Collections, iii, 314. Maxcy, Daggett's History of Attlcbo- rough, Mass., 92. ' Maxcy, Sibley's Hi.story of Union, Mc. 469, 470. Maxey, Eaton's Annals of Warren, Me., 414. Maxey, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 326. Maxon, Cope's Record of Cope Family of Pennsylvania, 80, 81, 179. Maxwell, Littell's Passaic Valley Genealo- gies, 279-81. I Maxwell, Phcrni.x's Geneal. of PhfenLv I Family of Me. ,17. May, Draper's Historv of Spencer, Mass., 232, 233. " 322- Caulkins'sIIist. N. L..C'onn.,3.'>4. Mayiiard, Hudson's Historv of MarHMiro'. Mass., 413-l(i. Mayiuird, Savage's (ien. l)i<-l.,iii, 1X5, \Hi\. Maynard, Ward's Historv of Shn'W>bun-., :«8-G.5. " Mayo, Freeman's Historv of rtti>o C- of Ttiiimn»(<>ii, U.K-kian.l. etc.. Me . 315, 310 I M'Oall, BnUirH Provlmiiil Hi»l«>r) of IVnn , SO ». McCallister. McAIIiHtor, Pierre'H Ui^lon* of (ioriinni, .Me., IHOH. 184 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. McCalley, Stark's History of Dunbarton, N. H., 232. McCallum, Eaton's Annals of Warren, Me., 410. McCausland, Hanson's Hist. Gardiner, Pitts- ton, and West Gardiner, Me., 69, 70. McClellaii, Pierce's History of Gorliam, Me., 189-93. McClure, Eaton's History of Candia, N. H., 89. McCollom, Parker's History of London- derry, N. H., 283, 284. McCorkell, Howell's History of Southamp- ton, L. I., N. Y., 250-9. McCulloch, McRee's Life and Correspond- ence of Judge Iredell, i, 4-6. McDonald, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 317. McDonald, Pierce's History of Gorham, Me., 189. McEwen, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 189-90. McFarland, Rockwood's Genealogy of Rock- wood Family, 20, 21. McFarland, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 281. McGown, Norton's History of Knox Co., Ohio, 358, 359. McGuire, Meade's Old Churches and Fa- milies of Virginia, ii, 149,150. Mcintosh, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 317. Mclntyre, Eaton's Annals of Warren, Me., 410-12. McKeen, Parker's Hist, of Londonderry, N. H., 284-9. McKellar, Eaton's Historj^ of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 318. McKenney, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Maine, 318. McKinster, Chapman's Geneal. of Chapman Family, 111. McKinstry, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, xii, 231-7, 321-6 ; xiii, 39-47. McKinstry, Willis's Geneal. of McKinstry. McLaughlin, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 319. McLaughlin, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 281, 282. McLellan, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 319, 320. McLoon, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 320. McNall, Brown's Genealogy of W. Sims- bury, Conn., Settlers, 109. McNamara, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 321. Meacham, Savage's Geneal. Diet., iii, 190. Mead, Bolton's History of Westchester Co., N. Y., ii, 531-5. Mead, Bond's History and Genealogies ofWatertown, Mass., 364-66. INOKX 'lO AM Kin* AN IM'.DltiUKKS. IH.' Mead, Buckminster's Gencalojiy of Hastings Family, ;{0. Mead, Hudson's History of Loxinirton, Mass., 132-G. Mead, Stickuev's History of Minisink Kegion,'N. Y., 171, 172. Meade, Meade's Old Clmrclu's and Fa- milies of Virginia, i, 21)1-8. Meade, Sayage's Gen. Diet., iii, 190, 191. Mears, Sayage's Gen. Diet., iii, 192, 193. Meeker, Littell's Passaic Valley Genea- logies, 2824. Meekins, Judd and Bolt\yood's Hist, and Gen. ofHadley, Mass., 530, 537. Meekins, Sayage's Gen. Diet., iii, 191, 192. Mehurin, Mitchell's Hist, of Bridge\yater, ' MerriaiU, Mass., 241. Meigs, Andrews's Genealogical and Ecclesiastical History of New Britain, Conn., 381, 382. Meigs, Ne^v England Historical and Geneal. Register, iv, 91. Meigs, Sayage's Gen. Diet., iii, 193, 194. Meigs, Scranton's Genealogy of Scran- ton Family, 28, 29. Mel 1 en, Allen's History of AVorcester, Mass., Association, 78, 79. Mel 1 en, Barry's History of Framingliam, 3Iass., 325-30.' Mellen, Leland ^lagazine; or Genealogy of Leland Family, 182. 24 Mi'llon, Morses (ien. Hi.xl. of SluTlM.m anil noHiston, Miuw., ITrt. Moilon, I Hockwood's (Jennil. ..f U,„k- I \y(H>d Family, !l5-l(ll. I Mellen, I Sayage's Gen. Diet., iii. 19 J. Mellows, ! Sayage's Gen. Diet., iii, 195, V.h\. • Melvin, Leland Maira/ine, or Lrlaiid (iencalDgy, 95,9(1. ,MendenlialI, I Smitli's History of Dehiware Co., Penn., 484." Mei-edith, Smith's History of Di-lawan- Co., Penn., 4S5." Mei'iani, Locke's Genealogy of Linke, and Allied Families, 2(J, 42, 82-5. Mero, Sibley's History of Union, .Mr., 471, 472. Hale's La\vri'ne<' (itiicalogy, 11. Merriani, lliU's History of Mason. X. H . 204, 205. Merriani, Hudson's History of L«\in-tcin. Mass., 130-40. Merriani, New England Hisloriial itixl Gen. Ueg.,.\xii. lOO.IOl. Mcrriain, Sayage's (;rn. Dirt., iii. 197. lUX. Merriani, Shaltuck's Hi.'ilory of Coiironl, Mass., 37S. 37U. Merrick, Eaton's Hi.xlorv of Thonia«toii, Itoeklaiul. elc..'Mi'..a27. Merrick, Freenum'H IlUtorv of CniH'Cod, Mass., ii, :v\.\ :wi,".'»07, 7:w. 186 INDEX TO AMf:RICAN PEDIGREES. Merrick, Merrick's Genealogy of Merrick Family. Merrick, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 198. Merrick, Wilbrabam, Mass., Centennial Celebration, 301-4. Merrick, Winsor's History of Duxbiirj^ Mass., 282. Merriiield, Morse's Genealogical History of Sberborn and Holliston, Mass., 176. Merrill, Andrews's Geneal. and Eccle- siastical History of New Britain, Conn., 226. Merrill, Bouton's History of Concord, N. H., 679. Merrill, Bradbury's History of Keune- biinkport, Me., 262, 263. Merrill, Brown's Genealogy of W. Sims- bury, Conn., Settlers, 109-11. Merrill, Chase's History of Haverhill, Mass., 276, 377. Merrill, Coffin's History of Newbury, Mass., 309, 310. Merrill, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 327, 328. Merrill, Nash's Genealogy of Nash Fa- mily, 48. Merrill, Oxford, N. H., Centennial Cele- bration, 122. Merrill, Poor's Hiet. and Genealogical Researches, 115, 116, 132, 133, 169. Merrill, Redfield's Genealogical History of Redtield Family, 32. Merrill, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 199. Merritt, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 311, 312. Merritt, Ruttenber's Hist, of Newburgh, N.Y., 272-4. Merritt, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 200. Merry, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 200, 201. Merwin, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 201. Meserve, Macliias, Me., Centennial Cele- bration, 171. Meservey, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 328. Messenger, Brown's Gen. of W. Simsbury, Conn., Settlers, 112-14. Messenger, Chipman's History of Harring- ton, Mass., 106, 107. Messenger, Messenger's Gen. of Family of Messenger. Messenger, Morse's Gen. Hist, of Sherborn and Holliston, Mass., 177. Messenger, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, ix, 59 ; xvi, 308. Messenger, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, xvi, 308-14. Messenger, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 201, 202. Messer, Sibley's History of Union, Me., 472, 473. Metcalf, Adams's Haven Geneal., 26, 47. Metcalf, Barry's History of Framingham, Mass., 331. Metcalf, INDEX To A.MKUh-AN I'KDltllJKKS Miller, is"; »)imki)<)rt. Ml'.. '.'nn.,;K7. xMiller, liockliuul, etc., Mc, 32y. Metcalf, Freeman's History of Cape I 'oil, ^lass., ii, 442. Metcalf, Goodwin's Gen. Notes, 1.jT-G2. Metcalf, Harris's Gen. of R. Harris and Descendants. Metcalf, Metealf's Geuealoiry of Metcalf Miller, Family. Metcalf, New Enirland Hii?t. and Genenl. Reg., vi, 171-8; xvi, 180, 181. Metcalf, Savage's Geu. Diet., iii, 202-4. Metcalf, Walworth's Hyde Geuealogj', Kiiton's HLstorv «.f Tlir.nmMnn. RcH-kland, etc., M... .Vi\i, :tW i, 348-54; ii, 1055-63. Mi2:bi Falinestark's Woltf Funiily (IVnn.) .Memorial, l>«i.U7. Miller, Freeman's Hist, of Cn|M- Cod., i,2.">(»; ii, 1k2, 1H(5,2I(>-14. Miller, Heraldic Jonrnal, i, mv,, :{y-42. Miller, Hongh's History <»f Lewis Co.. N. Y.. 2:50. Gage's Hist. Rowley, Mass., 447. Miller. Miles, Allen's History of Worcester, Mass., Association, 165, 166. Miles, Hill's Hist, of Mason, N. H..205. Miles, Miles's Geneal. of Miles Family. Miles, Savage's Gtneal. Diet., iii. 206-8. Miles, Smith's History of Delaware Co., Penn., 485. Miles, Jackson's History of Newton,, 30.5. Miller, Killionrn's Histor)- and Anti- (liiities of Killxjuni Family, 131. Miller, J/Hlcll's Fa.ssaie Vallry (J. mm- logics. 2N5-JJ3. Miller, M!icliia>. .Mr, C.-nl.iinial C.I.- hralion. 170. Miller, Savage's (J. II. Diet. iii. 2(IH|2 Miller, Ward's History of Siirewsbury, Wpstminster, Milhs., ('ciilfiiiiial Mass., 368-70. Miles, Celebration. 20.21. Millett, Westminster, Mass., Centennial j Hidison'i* History of (JIoihh-kUt. Celebration, 30. Milk, Journals of Smith and Dean of Portland, Me., 223. Miller, Blood's History of N. H., 233. 237. I Ma.-is., 110, 117. Millett, Savage's (Jen. Dirt . iii. 212.218 Mills, AndrewVn Grm-nl. iiiul F^fk siasticnl HiMorv of New llrtlnin. Conn., <), iViO. 188 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Mills, Brown's Genealogy of W. Sims- bury, Conn., Settlers, 91-104. Mills, Eaton's Hist, of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 330, 331. Mills, Groodwin's Genealogy of Foote Family, 135. Mills, Hudson's Hist. Lexington, 140. Mills, Miner's History of Phelps and Gorliam's Purchase, 351, 352. Mills, Robinson's Memorial and Gen- ealogy of Robinson Family, Ap- pendix. Mills, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 313-15. Mills, . Stark's History of Dunbarton, K H., 212. Mills, Stickney's History of the Mini- sink Region, N. Y., 138, 139, 158, 159. Mills, Stiles's History of "Windsor, Conn., 704, 705. Mills, Vinton Memorial and Allied Families, 341-4. Milner, Cope's Record of Cope Family ofPenn., 58, 135-7. Minard, Leland Magazine, or Genealogy ofLelandFamily, 60, 61. Miner, Heraldic Jourual.i, 1865,168-76. Miner, Matthews's Historyof Cornwall, Vt., 287. Miner, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, xiii, 161-4. Miner, Minor, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 215, 216. Miner, Whitmore's Genealogy of Miner Family. Minor, Caulkins's History of New Lon- don, Conn., 326, 327. Minor, Cothren's History of Woodbury, Conn., 642-57. Minot, Bridgman's Granary Burial Ground, 284-99. Minot, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, i, 171-3, 256-62. Minot, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 216-18. Minot, Shattuck's History of Concord, Mass., 379, 380. Mirick, Jackson's History of Newton, Mass., 366. Mitchell, Bradbury's History of Kenne- bunkport. Me., 264. Mitchell, Cothren's History of Woodbury, Conn., 033-42. Mitchell, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 331. Mitchell, Howell's History of Southamp- ton, L. I., N. Y., 259. Mitchell, Hudson's Hist. Lexington, 140. Mitchell, Mitchell Family Anniversary at S. Britain, Conn. Mitchell, Mitchell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 241-7. Mitchell, Poor's Historical and Genea- ical Researches, 85, 86, 155, 156. Mitchell, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 219-21. INDEX To AMKUKAN IMlDhilf KK: I-'.' Mitohell,, Tliompson's Ilistorv of L. 1., ( Kalons Ilistorv of Tin N. Y., .-)08-10. j H.ukhiiul. vu.: M... :i:tt. Mitchell, Moody, Winsor's History of l)uxl)uiy, FoC'ir's (Jfiii-iiloiricul Arnmnt nf M.,.. o^o o^., Srltlnx..rKli<.t. Mr, i:». Ill Moody, .Iiu*l(l mill HnltwtMMl'.H IIiMt. nixl (iinnil. i>rilu(lh'v, MiMt.. .MU-a. Mass., 282, 2S:j Mix, Savage's Gvn. DicL.iii, 202, '22:5 Mixer, Barn's llisiorv ()rFiaiirnn,Miam, ' Moodv, Mass., ;j;ji-:j Mixer, Bond's History and Genealogies Moody, of Watertown, Mass., 367-70". Mixer Laiu aslcr's llislorv of (filiiiuii- ton, N. II., 27C.. Moody's Hioirniphinil Skrtrln-3» )!' Moody Fanuly. Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 223, 224. Moodv, Mixer, Nash's Gtn. Nasli Fan.ilv, HW. Ward's History of Shrewslniry, Moody, Mass., 366 Monroe, HoUister's Pawlet, Vt., 216, 217. Moody MoiitacfLie New England und<{«ii(-al. Register, iv, 17U. Savage's Geneul. Diet., iii.aiVl Jndd and Boltwood's History < Mooil, & Gen. of Hadley, Mass., 537-40. Montao^ue, Walker's Menxtrials of Wulker Faniilv, 170. Kellouu's Memorials of Elder Moore, John White ct Descend., 36^ Montaojue, New England Hist, and Geueal. Moore Register^xi.v, 318,319. Montague, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 224,225. Montgomery, Eaton's Annals of Warren, Me., 451, 516. Montgomery, Eaton's History of Thomaslon, Roekland, etc.,'Me., 332. Montgomery, Hel-aldic Jonrnal, ii, IHlJii, (i3-6. Montgomery, Montgomery's Geneal. History of Montgomery. Moody, Alden's Collection of American Epitaphs, ii, 120, 121. Moody, Barry's Hislon* of Knuninjjhnm, Mass.,;i34, 3:rl. ('ampitell's (leneul. S|)otnw«MKl Famiiv of Viru'inia. 203. Collin's Ilistorv of Newltiiry, Mass., 310. Moore, Canlkins's History of New l^m- forton, I''s Hi^tcrvoftiorliiuii, Mc. 1113. 11(4. Morton, Savage's (nn. Diet., iii. 24a-.V Morton. Stiles's History of Win , (.mil., hWUli-m. 104 H. |)irl.ili.34;i.3'lort, Me.,2«.V Murray, Al.l.n's C'oIl.etion.H ofAiurrirnn Kpilaplis, j, m», UK). Murray, .Iiul.l and Holtwo«Hl'tt IIlMur)- and Gen. ot'Hndley, Miuw., .VliJ. Murrell, Skelelies and UeeolltK-tlnni* of Lyneid)uru, Va., 20T-U. Mus.«. Hudson's History of Lexington, Muzzcy, Mass., 144-Gl. " ^ Harrj's Historv of Frannnj;lium. Munroe, Mas8.,3:}y. Locke's Genealogy of Locke and ^iU ''^''^ey, Allied Families. 3G, (5G-8. 123-8, Draper's Historv of SiM-m-er 3U2-13. Mas.s., 227-30. ' Munroe, Monroe, ' Muzzy, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 2r)G,2o7. ' Hn'dson's Hi>torv of Le.vington. Munroe, Mass., ir,2-7. Ward's History of Shrewsbury, MuzZ}-, Mass., 374, 375. ' ^lorse's Memorial of Monw-jt, Munsell, ! A|.peudi.v No. 52*. Stiles's History of Windsor, Muzzy Conn., 711-18 Munsell, Stiles's Windsor Family of Munsell. Munson, My^^att, Machias Centennial Celebra tiou,171. Munson, Monson, Myiratt, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii. 257. ' Hinman's CnnMeelieul S-tlliTi* M„^,^„ 1 St edition, 223. unson. Temple's Ecclesiastical History Myi,Mtt, ofWhately, Mass., 3«. " "' Murch, Ward's Hi.story of ShrewHliun-,,373,374. My^^'ate, My^att, Savage's (ieneal. Did., iii, 'i'tV. (Joodwin's (tenealogical Notiit. I(i3. 104. .Mvgall's Desrendnnt.^ of Jiw. .Mygatl. Pierce's History of Gorliam, Myriok, ■ " " " Bond'.H Hi.Htory andiifnittlitfc'i"-* of Walertown", .Ma.'w.. 374. ^T.*). Myrick, Mass., 309, 371. ' : Suvuge's Gen. Diet., Ul. 218. 819. Me., 194, 195 Murdock Jackson's History of Newton, 194 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. N. Kash, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 313, 314. Nasli, Hall's Ancient Hist. Records of Norwalk, Coun., 198, 227, 234, 264, 268, 270, 273. Na?h, Hobart's History of Abingtou, Mass., 414-22. Nash, Hudson's History of Lexington, Mass., 167. Nash, Jones's Stockbridge, Mass., Past and Present, 151, 152. Nash, Judd and Boltwood's Hist, and Gen. of Hadley, Mass., 543-9. Nash, Nash's Records of Thos. Nash and Descendants. Nash, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 260-3. Nash, Stiles's Hist, of Windsor, Conn., 718-20. Nash, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 284. Nason, Bradbury's History of Kenne- bunkport. Me., 266. Nason, Caldwell's Gen. Richard Nason. Nason, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, xvi, 182. Nason, Pierce's Hist, of Gorham, Me., 195, 196. Nason, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 263. Neal, Andrews's Geneal. and Eccles. Hist, of New Britain, Ct., 255. Neal, Neal's Record of Descendants of John Neal. Neal, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 263-5. Needham, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 265, 266. Needham, Wales, Mass., Centennial Cele- bration, 8, 9. Neill, Cope's Record of Cope Family ofPenn., 99, 101, 196. Nelson, Campbell's History of Virginia, 653, 654. Nelson, Gage's Hist, of Rowley, Mass., 448. Nelson, Heraldic Journal, i, 1865,94. Nelson, Hudson's History of Lexington, 167. Nelson, Lancaster's Hist, of Gilmantou, N. H., 279. Nelson, Meade's Old Churches and Fa- milies of Virginia, i, 205. Nelson, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iii, 267, 268. Nelson, Ward's History of Shrewsbury, Mass., 390, 391. INDKX To AMKKMAN PKUKilCKKS i!»: Nesmith, Parker's History of l^oiulon- dcrry, N. H., 2iH)'2. Neubert, Eaton's Ilistorj' of Tliomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 338. Nevers, Sewall's History of Woburn, Mass., ()27. I Nevinson, i Bond's History and Genealogies of Watcrtown, Mass., 375, 376. Newberry, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii. 2(;8-70. Newbury, Stiles's History of Windsor, Conn., 720-4. Newcomb, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 98, 37"), "(534. Newcomb, ^Yvman's Hunt Family Genea- logy, 119. Newcorabe, XowoU. Siivuffc's (fcncnlog. DlrllonarT. iii. 270-3. ' Newell, Stiles's Hl.-»l<)r>- of Wln.Uir. Conn., 721. Newlmll, DniiuTs Hisiorv »( S|Htiiir. Mass., 234, 2;j.'j. Newhall, Eaton's Hi.'Jtorv of Thonm.Htnn. Rockland, etc.,' .Me., :tW Newhall, Lewis and Newliair« IIlHtor}' of Lvnn, Ma.'is., and adjninin'p town's, 484-9. Newhall, Sava-re's (Jenealojj. l>ii ti>.M:ir\ . iii, 273, 274. Newhall, AVashbnrn's History «>f I^>iec»- ter, Mass.IKi, 3Mrt." \ Newlaud, I Clark's Hi-l. Norton, Miuw.. H7. Bond's History and Genealogies Newland, of WatertOAvn, Mass., 549. Newcombe, i vr i Eaton's Annals of Warren, Me., ' Newland, 416, 417. Newcombe, Sayage's Geneal. Diet., iii, 270. Newell, Adams's History Hayen Family, -^ ewiliail, 2d part, 23. , Newell, I Allen's History of Worcester, -Ne\yjlian Mass., Association, 100. Newell, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 703. Newell, Kidder's History of New Ips- ^vicb, N. H.,417. Newell, Morse's Geneal. Reg. of Sher- born and Holliston, Mass., 184. Freeman's Ilistorj'of Ca|K' Cotl, Ma.'is , ii, 69. Sayage's Gen. Diet., iii, 274. Newlin, Smilli's History <•! Dtlawan' Co., Penn., 4.SH. Locke's Genealogy- of I^M-ku, and Allied Fauiilii-s, 42. Newell, O.xford, N. H., Centennial Cele- I brati(m, 129, 130. ! Newman's Hi.xlorlnil Ornlion at Rehobotli, Mn.s.H.. INK). rW M. Newman, Reed's tinmi\ogy of H«>«tl Kb mily, •'>46, 547. Newman, Savage's Gen. Diet . iii. 274 « Newton, Barry's IIi>»lor>- nfFniminKhaiii. Miuw., -.m, 'Mi). Newton, DniiHT'x Hittliin ..l S|« tii-rr. Maw*.. 'HV,, 2;W. 196 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Newton, Hudson's History of Marlbo- rough, Mass., 421-6. Newton, Meade's Old Churches aud Fa- milies ofVa., ii, 151, 152. Newton, Morse's Genealogy of Grout Fa- mily, 36. Newton, Otis's Genealogy of Otis Family of N.H.,and Collateral Branches. Newton, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 276-8. Newton, Ward's Genealogy of AVard Fa- mily, 28. Newton, Ward's History of Shrewsbury, Mass., 381-7. Newton, Worcester Magazine and His- torical Journal, ii, 136. Nichols, Barry's History of Framingham, Mass., 340-2. Nichols, Cothren's History of Woodbury, Conn., 657-62. Nichols, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 316. Nichols, Eaton's Historj^ of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 339. Nichols, Historical Collections of Essex Institute, iii, 29-32. Nichols, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, xiv, ^7, 28. Nichols, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iii, 278-83. Nicholson, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 339. Nicholson, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 283. Nickerson, Andrews's Gen. and Ecc. Hist, of New Britain, Conn., 356. Nickerson, Freeman'sHistory of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 207, 606, 611, 638, 707- 710, 717, 756, 769, 772. Nicoll, Thompson's History of Long Island, N.Y.,ii, 390-7. Niles, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 284,285. Niles, Stiles's History of Windsor, Conn., 725, 726. Niles, Vinton Memorial aud Allied Families, 344-51. Nims, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 285. Nixon, Barry's History of Framingham, Mass., 342, 343. Noble, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 285, 286. Noe, Littell's Passaic Valley Genea- logies, 301-3. Norcross, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 376'^80, 860. Norcross, Hudson's ' History of Lexington, Mass., 168. Norcross, Jackson's History of Newton, Mass., 372-3. Norcross, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iii, 286, 287. Norman, Historical Collections of Essex Institute, i, 191-3. Norman, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 288. Norris, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 82. INDF.X To AMi;i;i( AN l'KItl< J1{KI> i"-; N'orris, Savage's Gen. Dict.,iii, 288, 289. North, Andrews's Geneal. and Eccle- siastical History of New Britain, Conn., 180-2, 217, 2.-)7, 258, 272- 4, 348. North, Anniversary of Marriage of .las. Xorwood and Marv North, with^Gencal. Norton, Savages Ctvu. Did.. HI, 290 4 Norton, Wiiilinore's CJpncnl<>g\- Norton Family. 10. Norvell, Sketclies and He<-n|l(TlionH of Lynchburg. Va.. 2J{i>-4. North, ]}al)son's Hislorv nf <;i< Mas.s., ns-20. Huntington's Genealogy of NorWOOd Huntington Family, 175. " ' o •!. /- North, Kellogs's ^Memorial of Elder John AVhite and Descend., 80. North, Savage's Geneal. Diet., iii, 289. North end, Gage's Hist. Rowley, ^lass, 449. Norton, Andrews's Geneal. and Eccle- siastical History of New Britain, Conn., 287. Norton, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 118. Norton, Fowler's Hist. Durham, Ct., 87. Norton, Goodwin's Footc Family Genea- logy, 239, 240. Norton, Heraldic Journal, ii, 18(U!, 1-5. Norton, Jones's Geneal. of Nortons. Norton Savage's Gen. Diil., iii. JIM. Nott, Goodwin's Geneal. Notr«». UV>-9. Nott. New England Historical an«l Geneal. Reiiister, xx, lU, 14. Nott, Savage's (ten. Diet., iii. 294. Nourse, Barry's History of Framinghnm. Mass., 344-7. ' Nourse, Fiske's Genealogy of Fi.'ikc!* of Amherst, N. H., 'llW. u. b. Nourse, Ward's Hi.story of ShrewHburv, Mass., 379, :W0. Nowell, Savage's Gen. Did., iii, 2y.'i,2ttfl. Noyes, Coffin's History <>f Nf Portland, Me., 15H. res, Kingnian's llift. of N. IlritlKc water, MaKs.,.Vn»4. jyes'i* (Jonenlngj- U other Famlllfii. P.Mir's Hist-andGtii H« « ;»rrln-., 119. 120, i;WH40. JOM. 109 198 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 296-9. Noyes, Ward's History of Shrewsbury, Mass., 388-90. l!^oyes, Wyman's Hunt Family Genea- logy, 119, 120. Nurse, Savage's Geneal. Diet., iii, 300. Nutt, Cope's Record of Cope Family of Pennsylvania, 73, 159. JS'utt, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 340. Nutter, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, vii, 259, 260. Nutting, Bond's Hist, and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 381. Nutting, Butler's Hist. Groton, Pepperell & Shirley, Mass., 418-20, 475,476. Nutting, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 341. Nutting, Hudson's History of Lexington, 168. Nutting, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iii, 301. Nye, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 143, 151,' 155, 158, 468, 481. Nye, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iii, 301. Nye, Sibley's History of Union, Me., 482, 483. Nye, Vinton's Giles Memorial and other Families, 209-11. Nyssen, Bergen's Genealog}' of Bergen Family, 40. IXDKX TO .\.Mi:itl( AN IM-.DIiiUKKS 1!»1» o, Oakes, i Olcott, ^Freeman's History of Cape Cod, I Sava^'c's (;en..aI..L'. Dinloniin- Mass., 11,380. I iii. 30(5.807. Oakes, Oldha Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 302-4. Oakes, AVoreester Magazine and His- torieal Jx)urual, ii, l.Vi. Oakley, Littell's Passaic Valley Genea- logies, 304-6. Oates, Xew England Hist, and Geneal. Register, vi, 150. O'Brien Oliver, Eaton s History of Tiioniaston, VpnlHon-^ I)es4-,.n.laiitH of Rockland, etc., Me., 341, 342 :M>l>Hions jJ.>4ui.lanl.H of O'Brien, Hi.Htorv of .Mi-^lfonl, .J31. Oldham, Deauc's Ili.slorv of Stltualr, Mas.««., 317. Oldham, Savage's (Jon. Diet., iii, ;{07, :iOH. Oldham, Winsor's Historv of Dii.\hurv. Mas.-;.. 2H.-5. Pope's Geneal. of Popes, 51-8 Odell, I 3Iary Oliver. j Oliver, Drake's Historv ami Ariliqiii- ties of Boston, ilu-*!* , 21»3. Bolton's History of "Westchester Oliver Co., N. Y., ii, 536, 537. yj^^^,^ „i^,,,^^. ^^ Tho„.;«lo„. Oden, Uockland, el»-., Me., 342. :M3. New England Hist, and Geneal. Oliviir Register, xii, 223,224. wii\ci, ° ' ' ' .Fatkson s Hir-lorv ol N.«toii. Omtt,, 373, 37 J Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 30."), 30(i. Oliver Ogden, N,.\v KoKland nimnri.:d lui.l Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 3()(i. (Ji-iieal. Krgisier. xlx. lUOil Ogden, OlivL-r, Smith's Historv of Delaware Savage's Gen. Din., iii. . 'WD II Co., Penn, 480.' j OIn.steud, Olcott, Caulkin.s'n lilMtorA- of Nomirli. Goodwin's Descendants ofTlios. I Conn., edition IM« AniliMi lli«i U«<^>rtUof Kellogg's Memorial of Elder Norwalk. Conn . \*<-': IW. '-M«. John White and Descend., 41 ,42. 243, 2(J«. 'iO?. 27H. 201 200 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Olmstead, Hyde's Hist. Address at Ware Mass., 46, 47. Olmstead, Kellogg's Memorial of Elder J. White and Descendants, 41. Olmstead, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary iii, 311, 312. Olmsted, Field's Hist, of Haddam and E. Haddani, Conn., 47. Olney, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, ui, 312-14. Onderdonk, Riker's Annals of Newtown, L. I., N. Y., 275. O'Neill, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 343. Orbeton, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 343. Orcut, Mitchell's History of Bridgewa- ter, Mass., 249-52. Orcutt, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iii, 314, 315. Ordway, Coffin's History of Newbury. Mass., 312,313. Ordway, Savage's Geneal.Dict., iii, 315. Ormes, Draper's History of Spencer, Mass., 236. Oroisby, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 315, 316. Orris, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 316. Orton, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 316, 317. Or vis, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 317. Osborn, Cope's Record of Cope Family of Pennsylvania, 74, 164-6. Osboru, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 89. Osborn, Hedge's Anniversary Address, etc., E. Hampton, L. I., N. Y., 1850. Osborn, Littell's Passaic Valley Genealo- gies, 306-11. Osborn, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iii, 317-19. Osborn, Stiles's History of Windsor, Conn., 728-30. Osborne, Kellogg's Memorial of Elder J. AVhite and Descendants, 54. Osborne, Mitchell's History of Bridgewa- ter, Mass., 252. Osborne, Norton's History of Knox Co., Ohio, 298, 299. Osgood, Abbot's History of Andover, Mass, 19, 20. Osgood, Andrews's Geneal. and Eccle- siastical History of New Britain, Conn., 324. Osgood, Bouton's History of Concord, N. H., 081. Osgood, Holgate's American Genealo- gies, 228-34. Osgood, Lancaster's History of Gilman- ton, N. H., 279. Osgood, Maine Historical Society Col- lections, iv, 278, 279. Osgood, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, xiii, 117-24, 200-2 ; xx, 22-28 ; xxii, 81. Osgood, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 320-22. 1NI>KX 'I'O AMKIiH AN HOI Otis, Ott, Dcnne's History of Scituato, Katon's Ilistnrv of Tlion,ni,|.,i, Mass., 317, 31H. Hocklaii.l, H..,' M«. . :tu. Otis, Ott, Fioenian's History of Capo Cod, on Fainilv liririMiT Mass., i, 271, 547, 593 ; ii, 88, 89, • 337. I Ovorini?, Q|.jg I Hudson'!* I.cxinijton, UV* MitchclVs Hist, of Bridgewater, Oweil Mass., 252. , Brown's (M«ntiiloiry of W. Slm»- Qtis Iniry, Conn., S^-iiIi'th, II.'k New England Historical and Qweil Genealoscical Register, ii, 281-96; iv, 143, 177-223 ; v, 177-223. Otis, Otis's Genealotry of Otis Family of Dover, N. H. Otis, Otis's Genealogy of Otis Family of Hingham, 3Iass. Otis, Savasre's Gcuealog. Dictionary, iii, 323-5. Nash's (Jcnculojo- of Nanli Fii- mily, 81. Owen, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii. :ttO. Owen, Stilcs's Histor>- of Wind!M)r, Conn., 731-:«. ' Owens, Sketclies and Hecollrclions of Lynchburg, Va., 145-8. 20 202 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. P. Packard, Allen's History of Worcester, Mass., Association, 146-8. Packard, Draper's History of Spencer, Mass., 246. Packard, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 345, 346. Packard, Hudson's History of Marlboro', Mass., 426-8. Packard, Kingman's History of N. Bridge- water, Mass., 585-619. Packard, Mitchell's History of Bridgwa- ter, Mass., 253-64. Packard, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 327. Packer, Caulkins's History of New Lon- don, Conn., 324,325. Packer, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 327, 328. Paddleford, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 328. Paddock, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 214, 709. Paddock, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, xii, 220-3. Paddock, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 328. Paddock, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 286. Paddy, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 328-30. Padelford, Newman's Tabular Pedigree of Padelford Family, 1859. Page, '"Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 120. Page, Bond's Hist, and Geneal. of Wa- tertown, Mass., 383. Page, Butler's Hist, of Groton, Pep- perell and Shirley, Mass., 420, 421. Page, ""Eaton's Annals of Warren, Me., 417, 418. Kellogg's Memorial of Elder J. White and Descendants, 81. Page, Lancaster's Hist, of Gilmanton, N. H., 279, 280. Page, Meade's Old Churches and Fa- milies of Virginia, i, 147, 195, 331, 339, 340, 349, 351. Page, Poor's Historical and Genealo- gical Researches, 288, 289. Page, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 330, 331. Page, Stark's Hist, of Duubartou, N. H., 186-91. Paige, Hyde's Historical Address at Ware, Mass., 51. Paige, Reed's Geneal. of Reed Family, 114-19. Paige, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 332. I INI>KX TO AMI-.lih AN 203 Paine, I'alijruvo, Brown's Gen. of W. Simslniry, Shvucos (;onml..K. nirti..nan Conn., Families, 117 Paine, Palmer, Clark's Genealogical History of Bolton's ni.stor\- of W**^!. |,. ,t,.r Clark Family of Waterlown Mass., 102, 1G"7, KJS. Paine, Eaton's History of Thomaston Rockland, etc.. Me., 84(5, ;547. Paine, Freeman's Plistorj' of Cape Cod Mass., i, 635, ii; 378, 553, 570-3. Pnlrnpt. Co., N. Y., 11. M?. Palmer, (lark's nistor>- of ^. ..,..., Mas."*., 15St -01. Palmer, Deanc's History of S«llnatr, Mass., 3U», 3-20. " Paine, Griffin's Journal, Soutliold, L. I., N. Y, 224, 2-25. Paine, Heraldic Journal, iii, 1867,189. Paine, KelloETs's Memorials of Elder John White «fc Descends., 60, 61. Paine, Xew England Historical and Geneal. Register, xxii, 291-5. Paine, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, xv, 235-7; xxii, 60-4, 187^-91. Paine, Paine's Family Register ; Notes and Queries, 1857-9. Paine, Eaton's History of CiiniJitt. N. H., 94. 95. ■ Palmer, Eaton's History of Tiiomn-Hton. Rockland, etc.,' .Mc. ;M7, 34H. Palmer, Freeman's Histor^• of Ca|»o C«hI, Mas.s., i, 565 ; ii, 449. MVi. Palmer, Kello[ri:'s Memorials of Elder J. Wliitc and Descend.. 129. VM. Palmer, New England Historiml and Geneal. Register, .\vi. 171. 172. Palmer, Orford, N. H.. Centennial C.Ic- 1 nation. 126-8. Palmer, Savage's (Jen. Diet., iii, :t40-.'{. Pierce's History of Gorham, Me., i >.,l,,,pr 196,197. ' Laimci, Paine, Stiles's History >>f \Vi...!-»,r, Conn., 73JJ, 7',U. Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 332-8. , p^lnies Paine, Canlkins's Histor\ ui Ntw I^»n- Thayer's ilemorial of Ejirly I don, Conn., 3(M). Settlers, 115-18. Paine, Pantry, Porter's (Jencnlogy ofUitrtford, Wa.shburn's History Leicester, | Conn., S«-ltl«-r.H, 15. HI Mass., 389. Painter, Cope's Record of Cope Family Pardee, Dodt<. Parsons Parkhurst, Wvman's Hunt Faniilv Gonea-, 121. Parknian, Allen's History of Worcester, 3Iass., Association, 56, 57. Parkman, Barry's History of Franiinij- hani,' Mass., 352, 353. Parknian, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 358,359. Parnieiiter, Barrv's History of Franiiniihani, Mass., 353-6. Parnienter, Draper's History of Spencer, Mass., 236, 237. Parnienter, Jtuld and IttiltwiNNrtt IliM. anil I Gen. of Ha.l|« y. Mas»., MU.MO. I Parsons, I Laneastcrs Histon- <>f Glltmin I ton, N. n., 'jMi.esa'. Parsons, Littell's Piissnir Valley Gfiii-m- 1 lojtries, 315-lH. ' Parsons, I Lyman's Hi.ston- of Kji.-^t Hnmp ' tcin, Mass., IKI-.k I Parsons, Xe\v Knpland Ilistnrical nml ; Geneal. Heg., i, 2«W-7:); .\ii. I7rt. I Parsons, ] Parsons's Talmliir IViliirn-<- i Parsons, I Savage's Gen. I)i< t. lii. :ttJI 4 Ruttenber's History of Xcw- p, burgli, N. Y., 318, 319. Parnienter, i Stiles's History of Winil-u'r. Conn., 73.'»-7. Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 359, 3(!0. Parsons Parris, Deane's History of Seituate, Mass., 320, 321. Parris, Vinton's (iiles Menu trial nnKX TO AMKinrAN 1'K1)1(JHKK:S. 207 I'oaso, Wiirtl's IlisUirv of Slirrwulxir^ Mass., 4071I. Peaboily, Savaire's Gen. Diet., iii, ;{7-l-(), Peabotly, Winsor's nistmv of Duxbury, \ i easloe Mass., 385, 28t]. " Peacock, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii,;57r., 377. ; Peaslct Peake, . Iludsou's Hist. Lexington, 177 Peake, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 377. Peaks, Deane's History of Scituate, Peck Mass., 321, 322. " ■ MatthewsMli>t..rv ,.i ( ,.rM«..ll Pearce, Vt., 28n Babsou's History of Gloucester, I Peek Morse's Miinurial of Mur.t*.-., Cliascs Mi-lorv ..f II.iv.rt. III. Mas.s.,27J, f.n' Lan<'a.Hl»T's lli«tnrv <>l ttiim:iii I lon.N. II.,2,S2.2KJ.' ; Peck, -Vnilrews's (inicul. ami FUrlm. Hist, of N. Hritain. ('onn..:Wl. 3■• Pcirson, Sewall's Hi.Ht. "'I >\MiM,rn •..- New England Historical and • •- ' f " ' . , ._, . ,,, ,„-' HiB Geneal. Register, iii. 27-30, IG!.- Heraldic Jonnml. ill. IW.. ^ » 75, 233-8,300-8; ix, 01. iV-lliHIll, Pease .laek.'^on'H HUlory of NrwW.n. Ph'enix's Geneal. of Pluenix Mus.h.. JWM. Family of Maine, IG, 17. Pclhain, pgase SavoKP'H (ivnn\oK- I)l«tJ»n«0'. Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 370, :W0. •", :«•"'. =»«»• 208 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Pell, Bolton's History of "Westches- ter Co., N. y., i, 541. Pell, Heraldic Journal, iii, 1867, 75,76. Pell, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 386. Pelletreau, Howell's History of Southamp- ton, L. I., K Y., 360-3. Pemberton, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 387. Pendleton, Alden's Collections of Ameri- can Epitaphs, V, 19, 20. Pendleton, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 351. Pendleton, Meade's Old Churches and Families of Va., ii, 298,299. Pendleton, New England Historical and Gen. Register, xv, 63. Pendleton, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 388. Penfield, Andrews's Geneal. and Eccle. History of New Britain, Ct., 170, 190, 203, 210, 238, 240-2. Penn, Heraldic Journal, iii, 1867,135-9. Penn, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 389. Penuell, Smith's History of Delaware Co., Penn., 492. Penniman, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 351. Penniman, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iii, 389, 390. Penniman, Vinton Memorial and Allied Famihes, 76-8, 351-4. Pennock, Cope's Record of Cope Family, Penn., 83,185,186. Pennock, Smith's History of Delaware Co., Penn., 492. Penny, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 98, 99. Penny, Hudson's Hist. Lexington, 177. Penny, Ruttenber's Hist, of Newburgh, N. Y., 281. Pepper, Barry's History of Framiugham, Mass., 357, 358. Pepper, Ellis's Hist, of Roxbury, Mass., 126. Pepper, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass.,ii, 153. Pepper, Hollister's Pawlet, Vt., 221, 222. Pepper, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 391,392. Pepperell, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, xiii, 138, 139 ; XX, 1-6. Pepperell, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iii, 392, 393. Pepperill, Parsons's Life of Sir Wm. Pep- perill, 335-41. Percival, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 155, 339. Percy, Cothren's History of Woodbury, Conn., 674. Perkins, Adams's Geneal. of Adams Fa- mily of Kingston, Mass., 22, 25. Perkins, Boutelle's Burke and Alvord Genealogy, 71, 72. Perkins, Bradbury's History of Kenne- buukport. Me., 267-71. 1M>1:\ lO AMKKkAN IM'.lHt.UKK.s Perk ins, Ciiulkins's History of Norwich, Conn., edition 18(i7, 44;$, 444. Perkins, C'leavelancVs Bi-Ccntennial An- niversary ut Topstield, Mass., GO-2. Perkins, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.* Me., 352. Perkins, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 1st edition, 180. Perkius, Hollister's Pawlct, Vt., 222, 223. Perkins, Kins:man's Hist, of X. Bridge- Avater, Mass., U 19-23. Perkins, 3Iitcliell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 2(j.j-G9. Perkins, New England Historical and Geneal. Keirister, x, 211-1(5; xi, 315 : xii, 79-83 ; xiv, 113-20; xvii, G3, 64. Perkins Collm-ns Hisicir) of \V«ioilburv Coun., «{««.«. Porry, Dcaiif's Hisi.irv of Silnnl.- Mass.. 322. Perry, Eaton's Hislnrv of Tlionm.-li.n, ' Rockland, etc. " Mr., ;tt2-,V Perry, Fiskc's (u-nealojTV of Kixkca «»r Andiorst, N. H.. 14l». l.V) Perry, Fox's Miston- of Mas.-*., 24«. Perry, Freeman's History of Ciipc ('•hI. Mass., ii. l.->:{. " Perry, Hudson's Hist. Lexinjjton. 177 ! Perry, [ Leland Majpizin*- ; or Ldnnd I Gencalou'y, 2(17-10,212 14, 217- 218,247, 24M. Perry, Leonard's Hi.story of Diililin, N. H., 378-80. Perkins's Genealogy of Perkins Pel'rv, Family Perkins, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 394-8. Perry, Per ley Morse's Gen. Hog. of SlicrlMtm nd lluUiston, Miisn., lUU-.'i Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, :HW 401. (Cage's History of Rowley, Perry, Mass., 451. Perley, Savage's Gen. Diet., ii, 398. Perley, Starks's History of Dunlcirton, N. H., 254. ' Perrin, | Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 399. Perry, Adams's Haven Genealogy, 40. Perry, Barry's History of Hanover, Mass., 354-8. Perry, Bond's Historj' and(Jcnealoiri"s of Watertown, Mass., 402, 403. Walker's Memorials of r Family, 141 Peters, Abbot's lli-torv <>i .Vipimmt. Mass., 37. Peters, Buckminsler's (ivnnkl of IIm- tings Family, 1«7, lOH. Pt'tors, lleraldii .lounuil,1885, i. lBO-9. Peter-s, New Knglnnd niwloriml ai»l (Jeneul. UeiflM.r. »..Vi«M Peters, IVlen«'» HlHlor)- of KfV Hujjh I'lien* with (Jfiutilogj- of IVlir* i-'amily, I'm. 210 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Peters, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 401-3. Peterson, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 289, 290. Pettibone, Brown's Genealogy of W. Sims- bury, Conn., Families, 115, 116. Pettingell, Coffin's History of Newbury, Mass., 313, 314. Pettiugell, Kingman's History of N. Bridge- water, Mass., 625, 626. Pettingell, Mitchell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 269, 270. Pettingell, Savage's Geneal. Diet., lii, 403. Pettiiigill, Poor's Historical and Genealo- gical Researches, 131. Petti t, Littell's Passaic Valley Genea- logies, 319, 320. Peyton, Meade's Old Churches and Fa- milies of Virginia, ii, 466, 467. Phelps, Abbot's History of Andover, Mass., 3S. Phelps, Brown's Genealogy of W. Smis- bury. Conn., Families, 116-18. Phelps, Doolittle's Historical Sketches of Belchertown, Mass., 263, 264. Phelps, Hall's History of Eastern Ver- mont, 689-94. Phelps, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 1st edition, 175, 176. Phelps, Hudson's History of Lexington. Mass., 178, 179. Phelps, Hudson's History of Marlboro', Mass., 428, 429. Phelps, Judd and Boltwood's Hist, and Gen. of Hadley, Mass., 550, 551. Phelps, Lelaud Magazine : or Genealogy of Leland Family, 269. Phelps, Miner's History of Phelps and Gorham's Purchase, 150, 151. Phelps, Nash's Gen. Nash Family, 88, 89. Phelps, Orford, N. H., Centennial Cele- bration, 134. Phelps, Phelps's Gen. of Othniel Phelps. Phelps, Phelps's History of Simsbury, and Granby, Conn., 172. Phelps, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 404-8. Phelps, Stiles's History of Windsor, Conn., 738-45. Philbrick, Philbrook, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 408, 409. Philbrook, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 356. Philips, Deane's Hist. Scituate,Mass.,323. Phillips, Barry's History of Framingham, Mass., 358, 359. Phillips, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown, ]\Iass., 904, 905. Phillips, Bridgman's Granary Burial Ground, 275-77. Phillips, Butler's Hist. Groton, Pepperell, and Shirley, Mass., 426, 427. Phillips, Leonard's History of Dublin, N. H., 380. Phillips, Meade's Old Churches and Fa- milies of Virginia, ii, 482, 483. INDK.X lO AMKUMAN I'KlMtiUKKj* JII Phil MittlR'H's History «>! Hiitl.^r- water, Mass., 270,' 271. IMiiiuioy, Sava;;.-.. innDul ,iU,4l7. 4IH. lMli|i|»on, Sava-. H (;,,,. Diet, 111, 418,419. IMiips,<.I(.urnal. i. IWI*,, l.v.> | lM,i,.s, Morse's (M-nealo^ru-ul IliHi.irv of Slierhoni and H.illisinn. Mium.. l!l.")-2()2. Phips. Savaiies (mm. Die . iil, •IIU-'J-J. Plui'iiix, Phu'iiix De-Mi-Jxlitnl- ..f J..Jm Plueiiix. Pliillips, -Morton's New England's Me- morial, 457, 458. Phillips, New England Hist, ami (Jmcil. Kegister, vi, 27^5; .\v, 270. Pliillips, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 40!»-17. Phillips, Taylor's Memoir of 1 Ion. Samuel PlHllil)s,y4.-)-7. Phillips, Thompson's Historj- of' Long. r>:„i, „ i Island! N.y.,ii,45'J-Gl. " Pickllfd, -r>i .,,. Ga'.res Hi^tni Phillips, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 291, 292. " Pliillipse, Bolton's History of Westches- ter Co., K Y., i, :322. Phillipse, Heraldic Jour., iii, 1867, 78-81. Philipse, New England Hist, and Geneal. Kegister, x, 25-8, 198. Phiiinev, Mass., 451. Pickering;, Savage's Gen. Diet . iii. 422.423. Picket, Savage's Gen. Dirt., iii, 42.'l, 424. Pickman, Heraldic Jonrnul, ii. iNi*;. 2iJ Pickman, N'inlon's (iil«>s Menioriul nnd other Families. 3:«),;W I. Pickworth, Savage's (ien. Did., iii,42.'i.426 Pierce, Blake's (;oneu!. of Hhikr Fiimily. 4(>. 47, (12-9. Pierce, BIoikI's Hist nf T.-mplr. N II. 2:{9. I'iel'ci', IJond's Hi>t. and (mh of WuUt town, MiiKH., :JWJ-402. tumii Pierce, Butler's Ilisturv orGroUm. Pi-p- Nash" Genealogy of Nash Fa- V'.u 'l-.t'"' ^''"''■^■' *'*" ' ■**'' mily, 120, 121. 4-,M. 4.U. Pierce, Colhren'H Hi-lorv Wowlliury. Conn., (Miy-?-'. Pierce, Draper's Ili-ton" of Hpmi-rr. .Mas*,'-M(( Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, mS. Phinney, Hudson's History of Lexington,, 179-81. Phinney, Machias, Me., Centennial Cele- l)ration, 172,173. Phinney, Mitchell's History of Bridge- water, Mas.s., 271," 272. Phinney, Phinney, New England Historical ami Geneal. Register, iii, 274, 275. Phinney, Pierce's History of Gorham, Me., 198-200. 212 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Pierce, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 325, 326. Pierce, Eaton's History of Tliomaston, Rocklaud, etc., Me., 357, 358. Pierce, Hudson's History of Lexington, Mass., 181-5. Pierce, Judd and Boltwood's Hist, and Geneal. of Hadley, Mass., 552, 553. Pierce, Locke's Geneal. of Locke and Allied Families, 32, 56, 57, 86-9, 317-20. Pierce, Mitchell's History of Bridgewa- ter, Mass., 272. Pierce, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, vi, 276-9; xxi, 61-5, 157-62, 257-64, 340-50 ; xxii, 73- 79, 174-85. Pierce, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 426-32. Pierce, Sewall's History of Woburn, Mass., 628, 629. Pierce, Walker's Memorials of Walker Family, 206, 207. Pierpout, Ellis's Hist, of Roxbuiy, Mass., 126. Pierpont, Savage's Gen. Dict.,iii, 432, 433. Pierrepont, Hollister's History of Connecti- cut, i, 459. Piersol, Cope's Record of Cope Family ofPenn., 43, 73-7, 161-72. Pierson, Howell's History of Southamp- ton, L. I., N. Y.; 263-6. Pierson, Sewall's History of Woburn, Mass., 629. Pigeon, Jackson's History of Newton, Mass., 396, 397. Pike, Barry's History of Framingham, Mass., 359-63. Pike, Morse's Gen. Reg. of Sherborn and Holliston, Mass., 202. Pike, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iii, 435-7. Pillsbury, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 358, 359. Pillsbury, Poor's Historical and Genealo- gical Researches, 136, 137,150. Pilsbury, CoiBn's History of Newbury, Mass., 314. Pilsbury, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iii, 437. Pim, Cope's Record of Cope Family of Penn., 48, 104, 105, 204,205. Pincin, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 324, 325. Pinckney, Bolton's History of Westchester Co., N. Y., i, l66. Pines, Machias, Me., Centennial Cele- bration, 173, 174. Pinkerton, Parker's Histoiy of London- derry, N. H., 295, 296. Pinkham, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, vii, 353-5. Pinkbam, Otis's Geneal. of Otis Family of New Hampshire and collateral Branches. Pinks, Andrews's Geneal. and Eccle- siastical History of New Britain, Conn., 377, 378. INHKX To AMi:i{|< AN n hl.,|{Ki:s, Piuuey, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, J;{s, J:! Pinuey, Stik's's History of Windsor. Piatt Conn., 745-58. PlllSOll, .Mitclull's Historv oniridircwa- ; Piatt tor, .Mass., 272, 27:5. Piper, Blood's History of Teiuplo, N. Pluillbe H., 239-41 Piper, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Plnililte Rociiland, etc., Me., 359. Piper lli.impsi.n'rt lIlMon- i.t I^.n- Inland. N. Y..ii. 4?i-.V Ksscx In«stitut«- C"oll«itinn«, ^ 15, l(i. Poor's Historical nnd (;en. Diet., ill, N.".. H(V Plunu'r, Coffin's History of Newl.iin-. Mass., 315. PliiiiK'r, (Jages Hist. Rowley, Ma.H,s . 4.VJ. Plunier, Hudson's Hi.-torv of F,< \inL't<>n, \m. Plunuuer, Proceedings at ali>>n o( Phininier Hall, Salem, MttMt., 1H.5H. Savage's Gen. Diet., iii,41(t, Ml. IMuiiiiner, Pitman, S.ivage'sfHii. Did . iii, 4lrt. N? Savage's Geneal. Diet., iii, 424, I'lyinpton, 425, 441. Pitts, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii. 442, 44:!. Pixley, Savage's Geneal. Diet., iii, 443. Plaisted, Hanson's Hist. Gardiner, Pitts- ton and West Gardiner, .Me., 13G, 137. Plaisted, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 444, 445. 1 <>ll»r(l, Savage's (;en. Diet., iii. 447, 44m J'lyiMl»te»ii. " Ward's History of Slirtn^ibuiy, .Ma.v^., 41(), 41i: Pollicnnis, Hiker's AnnuN of Nrwt..n. I. f N. Y., 34H-.'iO. rdhird, Fo.x's Historv "i l>iiii-.i:i.-i. , Ma.-is.. 24M. Piatt, Hall's Ancient Historical He- i, ii i cords of Norwalk, Conn., 1H«, A oliani, 88, 92-7, 200, 249, 251. Piatt, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii. 444. 445, Kidder's HUtnn- "I N«'W Il»- wich, X. H., 4'.»*i. 4'.n» SavtiKe's Gen. Diet., Ill Pollv, SaviiKi'H Ocn. nirt.. III. 4.W 214 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Polly, Sewall's History of "Woburn, Mass., 629. Pomeroy, Jucld and Boltwood's History and Geu. of Hadley,Mass., 553. Pomeroy, Kellogg's Memorial of Elder John White and Descend., 66. Pomeroy, Lyman's History of East Hamp- ton, Mass., 188-90. Pomeroy, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 450-2. Pond, Adams's Haven Genealogy, 2d part, 10, 11. Pond, Morse's Genealogical Register of Sherborn and Holliston, Mass., 208. Pond, Savage's Geneal. Diet., iii, 452. Pool, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 126-9. | Pool, Hobart's History of Abington, Mass., 427-30. Poole, Bridgman's Granary Buria Ground, 157. Poole, Mitchell's History of Bridge- | Porter, water, Mass., 273. Poole, Savage's Geneal. Diet., iii, 454-6. Poole, Vinton's Giles Memorial and other Families, 324, 325, 538-40. Poor, Abbot's History of Andover, Mass., 26, 27. Poor, Gage's Hist. Rowley, Mass., 452. Poor, Poor's Historical and Genealo- gical Researches, 92, 93, 115. Poore, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 456,457. Pope, Draper's History of Spencer, Mass., 245, 246. Pope, Eaton's History of Thomaston. Rockland, etc.. Me., 360. Pope, Essex Institute Collections, viii, 104-18. Pope, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 152. Pope, ]\[itcheirs History of Bridge- water, Mass., 273, 274. Pope, Pope's Genealogy of a portion of the Pope Family. Pope, Ricketson's Historj' of New Bedford, IMass., 205-7. Pope, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 457-9. Pope, Wheatland's Genealogy of Pope Family. Porter, Bronson's History of Water- bury, Conn., 519-24. , Porter, Brooks's History of Medford, ! Mass., 534, 535. Cleaveland's Top.sfield 200th Anniversarv Celebration, Ap- pendix, 23, 24. Porter, Cothren's History of Woodburv, Conn., 668. Porter, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc." Me., 360, 361. Porter, Goodwin's Genealogical Notes, 170-4. Porter, HoUister's Pawlet, Vt., 224, 225. Porter, Huntington's Gen. of Hunting- ton Faniilv, 200. INDKX To A.MKinCAN I'KIMt.lU'.K rorter. Post, Jmkl and Roltwood's Hist, ami j Hvd.-'H IIUt..rM-nl Addrr*. «i Gen. of Iladley, Mass., oM-T. j W'tirr, Mu.h.>;.. 47. roi-trr, Kiiiirnian's Historj- of North Blidm'watcr, Mass., (>2(l, (i'27. Porter, Leonard's History of Dublin, N. U., 384, 385. Porter, Mitcliell's History of Hridgewa- tcr. Conn., 274, 275. Porter, Nash's Gen. of Nasli Fannly, 7'2. Porter", New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, ix, 54. Porter, Osgood's Historical Sketch of No'rth Danvers, 17, 18. Porter, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 45!»-(i4. Porter, Post, Norwich. Conn , .Itihilr*-, 304 n I SavngeV (icn. Did , ill. 4rt:i, { Post, Scwalls Hisiorv ..f Wohum. ' Mass., (VMl Post, Walwurths Hvdfr..n.-,il..j:v.ll. 1():{:{-S. Potter, Rontons itistiirv <>t (ntxiird N. 1I.,(W:{. Potter, Doild's Hisiorv of hji.-t Havrn, Conn., 142-4. " Potter, Littcll's Pa.ssjiic Valley fJcnnilo- gics, ;{2i-;j.-.. Potter, Stiles's jHistorj' of AViiulsor, New England Hi^inriral nnil Gen. Hegirtter, .wiii. l.V>-.'{ Potter, Turner's Geneal. of H. Turner HIkmIc Island HislorimlSotirty ' "^ ' Collections, iii. 2ti4. Potter, Savaire's (icneulof". Dirtinniirv, iii, 400 H. ! Potter, Washburn's Hi'-I"i\ "i i.' xii.iTtnn, .Ma-s.. 1H7. 1 'owe 1 1, Jlabson's Hiwlorv <.| «;iun< ■ •!• r Mas.s., 12t). ' Powell, M< adc'n Old Cliiin hi-n anil Fa niilir, of Vtt.. ii. 2T7. 27H : Powell, Ituii.nlxr^ HIhI »i .\.»l.urKli. N. V ..KM 0. Powell, Savajrc'ft (JcMcahit; Dit thtnar) . iii, 4«U, 470 Conn., 753-7 Porter, Turr and Descendants. Porterfield, Eaton's History of Thoniaston Rockland, etc.," Maine, 301. Post, Bolton's History of Westchester Co., N. Y., ii, 537, 538. Post, Cmdkins's History of Norwich, Conn., 110. Post, Caulkins's History of Norwich, Conn., edition 1807, VJUi. ^ Post, Chapman's Geneal. of Chai>niaii Fannly, 81. Post, : Eaton's History of Tlioniaston, I Rockland, ete.,"Me., :!(il,3(J2. ! Post, I Howell's History of Southamp- ton, L. I., N. Y., 2liG, 2(J7. I 216 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Powell, Smith's History of Delaware Co., Penn., 493. Power, Savage's Geu. Diet., iii, 470, 471. Powers, Blood's Hist, of Temple, N, H., 241, 243. Powers, Fox's History of Dunstable, Mass., 249. Powers, Leland Magazine, or Leland Genealogy, '104-7, 111-15, 117. Powers, Mitchell's Historj^ of Bridge- water, Mass., 275. Pownal, Heraldic Journal, iii, 1867, 56-8. Pratt, Andrews's Geneal. and Eccle- siastical History of New Britain, Conn., 242, 243, 287. Pratt, Barry's History of Framing- ham, Mass., 363-9. Pratt, Barry's History of Hanover, Mass., 359, 360. Pratt, Blood's Historv of Temple, N. H., 242-5. Pratt, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 551. Pratt, Chapman's Genealogy of Chap- man Family, 257-62. Pratt, Clark's Historv of Norton, Mass., 88. Pratt, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 326, 327. Pratt, Hollister's Pawlet, Vt., 226. Pratt, Ketchum's History of Buffalo, N. Y., ii, 174, 175. Pratt, Kidder's History of New Ips- wich, N. H., 419. Pratt, Kingman's History of N. Bridge- water, Mass., 623-5. Pratt, Mitchell's History of Bridgewa- ter, Mass., 275-9. Pratt, Morse's Genealogical Register of Sherborn and Holliston, Mass., 203, 204. Pratt, Porter's Genealogy of Hartford, Conn., Settlers, 17-19. Pratt, Pratt's MemorialofPrattFamily. Pratt, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 471-6. Pratt, Walker's Memorials of Walker Family, 54. Pratt, Ward's History of Shrewsbmy, Mass., 392-9. Preble, Journals of Smith and Dean of Portland, Me., 251, 252. Preble, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, xxii, 311. Preble, Preble's Genealogy of Preble Family. Preble, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 477. Prence, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iii, 477, 478. Prence, Wiusor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 293. Prentice, Allen's History of Worcester, Mass., Association, 55. Prentice, Binney's Genealogy of Prentice Family. INDEX TO AMKKK'AN lM:i)l(il{KI> Preiitioe, BdikI's History and (It'iu'iilogies olWatertowii, Mass., 407. Prentice, Caulkins's History of New Lon- don, Conn., 328-30. Prentice, Cotliron's History of Wood1)urv, Conn., G72, (>7;5. " Prentice, Fox's Hist, of Dunstable, Mass., 248. Prentice, Jackson's History of Newton, Mass., 389-95. Prentice, Kidder's History of New Ips- wich, N. H., 420', 421. Prentice, Leland Masjazine ; or Genealogy of Leland Family, 98-100. Prentice, Morse's Gen. Eeg. of Sliei-born and Ilollistou, Mass., 204,205. Prentice, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, vii, 74; viii, 333. Prentice, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iii, 478-80. Prentiss, i Binney's History and Geneal. j of Prentiss Family, 280. [ Prentiss, Morse's Genealoiry of Kichards Family, 99, 100." i'rentiss, Pierce's History of t Hintfiry of Gllinan- ton. N. a, 2»4. Prescott, Price, Eaton's History of Tliomaston, I Milrhell'« HUtorj- of llntlRi-WB- Rockland, etc., .Ale., 3(;3. ! HT. Muivn.. 27U 28 218 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Price, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 484,485. Pri chard, Bronson's History of Water- bury, Conn., 524-6. Prichard, Kidder's History of New Ips- wicli, N. H., 424-8. Priest, Bond's History and Genealogies ofWatertown, Mass., 408, 409. Priest, Brown's Genealogy of W. Sims- bury, Conn., Families, 118, 119. Priest, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 486. Prime, Cothren's History of Woodbury, Conn., 674. Prince, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 129. Prince, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 327. Prince, Eaton's History of Tliomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 364, 365. Prince, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., i, 357, 366 ; ii, 363. Prince, Gage's Hist. Rowley, Mass., 453. Prince, Mitcliell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 384-6. Prince, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, v, 375, 383. Prince, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 487, 488. Prince, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 293, 294. Prior, Littell's Passaic Valley Genea- logies, 338. Prior, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 488, 489. Prior, Stiles's History of Windsor, Conn., 758. Prior, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 294, 295. Pritchard, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 485, 486. Proctor, Bridgeman's Kings Chapel Bu- rial Ground, 270,271. Proctor, Journals of Smith and Dean of Portland, Me., 204, 205. Proctor, L(*cke's Genealogy of Locke and Allied Families, 106. Proctor, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 489, 490. Proud, Howell's History of Southamp- ton, L. I., N. Y., 267. Prout, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 490, 491. Pronty, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 328. Prouty, Draper's History of Spencer, Mass., 237-45. Prudden, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 491, 492. Prj'or, Mitchell's History of Bridgewa- ter, Mass., 280. Puffer, Barry's History of Framingham, Mass., 369, 370. Puffer, Hudson's Hist. Lexington, 188. Puffer, Morse's Memorial of Morse Fa- mily, No. 41. Puffer, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, xxii, 288-90. Puffer, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iii, 492, 493. I IXDKX 'I'o .\Mi:i!IC.\N IM'.DI.iUKKS, •Jl'.» rulciver, Piittiam, Babson's History of! Jl.nucstor, NMntoii Mminrliil nn.J AIllcl 3liiss., 130. Fiimilu's, 477 s«>. Pullen, Putney, Tlmrston's History of Win- StarK's Hi.tnrv nf DuMlMrlnn throp, Me., 19-2, 1!);5. N. II..-JI: Pulsifer, i Pycrau, Ldaml Ma^r,,in, or Qonoalogy \'H„iui„,s IhMurv m .NVw I.,.,,- of Lcland Family. !.., 98. , ^j,,,,^ t'oiu... ;UI.;M2. bavagesGen.Dut., iii.4!):i " 'p,.,i«;, i r . <• . i t i m . => HctllU'liI s (.<'m«nl(»j:lrnl llUlon- PundersOU, of Family. II. 12. Savage's Geu. Diet. , iii, 4!):{, 4!t 1 . 1 >y],^. Purchas, " Cop.V l{ (.r Coih- Fftinlly Savage's GcnealoiT. Dictionary, <•!' I'. .,...,... iii, 509, 510. " i^''.^"<». 111. 512. 51 a. Rayni()nf S|Hnrrr, i Mass., 248, 249. ' j Read, Foote's Hist, and IVutg. SkricUr* of Virginia. 2d seriw, I, MH-^i. Read, Meade'8 Old Chnnln-j. uml F«- j niilics of Virginia, ii. 2J*. Rea.l, Mitcli.ll'rt Hi.ston- of HridRc- water,*., 280. Read, Reed, Savage's (;en. Did. iii.:il.V2<) Reeor, ! Andrews'n (tenj-nl. nnd VUfk^ { siasticul History of NcH Kniaiti. , Conn., 2><1, 290. :M7 Redding, Savage'.s (Jt neiil. Diet., ill, hW RedHeld, Cunlkins's Hiitlon' of New Loo- dun. Conn.. 279. iw. Redfi.-ld, Itidtiild'H (ffiical of Kninrld cords of Norwalk, Conn., 184, _ lij i i 180, 193, 195, 205, 210, 214, 223- ; KeiHielU, 5, 228, 230, 237, 238, etc. ' Say «>;.• s (..-n Diet, UI,«I. Raymond, rKt?diiiKl«>i'. Hudson's History of LcxinL'ton, liond's Hi«tnni- nntl r,vnn,Vfif Mass., 188-90. r •-'. Hudson's Hist. Li-xington. 081. , Andn-ws's Rhodes, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, oOd, .•)27. Rice, Barry's Historv orFraniiniiliani, Mass., 371-80.' Rice, Draper's Histor}- of Spencer, Mass., 246-8. Rice, Hudson's Historv of ^lariboro", Mass., 431-41. Rice, Kellogg's Memorials of EUler John AVhite, 131, 130. Rice, Leland Maicaziue, or Leland Genealogy, 88, 89, 98, lUU-3. Rice, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, x, 171, 172. E«'cl«>iastical llislorv nf (imil Hritaiii. ('!., 134-7." HW. MM. 223, 2H(;, 2X7. Richards, liarrv's Hiiinrv i>f Fniniii(i:linni. Mas;..3S2. " Richards, Brown's (Jcnralojn'of W Shnn- hury. Conn., Fanulit"!*, \'Hl Ricliards, Butler's Histon- ofGmion. IN|»- perell and Shirley, Mh-hj... 40.'i. Richards, Caulkins's History of New Iahi- don, Conn.,31H. Richards, Dudley's (ienealouy of Dudley Family, 131. Richard.s, P^aton's History of Tlu>mii*l<>n. Kockland, etc..'Mr.370 Rice, Rice's Tabular Pedigree of I)c scendants of Edward liicc. Rice, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, o27-32. Richards, Rice, Richards, Halls Ancient Jlisl Hi-<«.nU ..f Norwalk, Conn., 2l(», 242. 24.-., 2."»2. 2.V.I. Ward's Genealogical History of E. Rice's Descendants. Rice, Ward's History of Slirewsburv, Mass., 415-20. Rice, Westminster Centennial Cele- bration, 30, 38. Rich, Andrews's Genealogical and f,. . , Ecclesiastical History of New liiclianls, Britain, Conn., 231. Rich, Freeman's History of ('a|ieCod Mass., ii, 375. Ilinnian's ('<.iiMf. .Vlrt Ring, Babson's History of Gloncester, Mass., 182, 138. Ring, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, o4'2,543. Ripley, Mitchell's History of Bridgewa- ter, Mass., 285, 286. Ripley, Ripley's Genealogy of part of Ril)ley Family. Ripley, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 548. Sihlev's 4S(;.5.' Robbins, Winsor's llistorv of Diixliiin-, Mass., 2!)7. Roberts, Babson's History of (;iouooi»lrr. Mass.. l;W, 184. " Roberts, Brown's (Jenenl«»(0' of W. Sltiu- i)nry. ('. \\V Winsor's History of Duxbury, Roberts, Mass., 290 Rivers, Eaton's History of Tlionuistcni, Roberts, Rockland, etc.'Me., 878. Roades, Smith's History of Delaware Roberts, Co., Penn., 490,497. 1 New Knuliim: Robbins, Dodd's History of FJiM Hin.n. Conn.. 144. Leland Maga/iiir or (•••nrnl«»jjv f Leland Fanuly. Oil. 70. I'.M ' 1 IliMorienl and (ieneal. KegiHter, yiii. (ta, (M Barry's History of Hanover, | Roberts, .ALass., 864, 80 Robbins, Deane's Histoiy of Scituate, Mass., 888. Robbins, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 878-6. Robbins, Fox's Historj' of Dunstable, Mass., 249. I'ierce'.H HiKlory of (iorlwin, ! Me., ew. ! Roiiert.-^, j SavagiVGvn. Dirt, III. 54tt.H ' Roberts, ! StiUV« lllNlon- of Wiii.!~.r I Conn.. 7. Hni.Vi •«4 Rodi^ers, :ni-:{0; xu.:w7.43; xUl,51-». ' New f:nglaiul Historical ami KoiTOrs, Goiu'al. KeyisttT, wii, 4;t-r)0. Rodman, Orfor.l. N. II . CinUnnliil ToIp. Iiralion. i;ii"i-7. Bolton's Ilistorv of Westclicslor , Koi;crs, Co., N. Y., ii, 541 Roe, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii. ."i.V.t. Roff, Littell's Passaic Valley Genealo- gies, 345-8. Rogers, Alden's Collection of American Epitaphs, ii, 70-4. Rogers, Babson's History of Glonccstcr. Mass., 314, 31.-). " Rogers, Savage's Goiirnio};. DicUoimn-, iii, rM»-«». Ro<;or.'<, Walworth's Hvdr (Jin. alojrx . i 374 84, r>{WH().' Rogers, Winsor's History ol Dnxl.ur^, 207 . "iJlM. Rokes, Locke's (tencnl. of Iah\i- ;uul Allied Families, HI. Rolfe, Bouton's Hi.>»tory of ConrortI, N. H., ({K>7. ' Rolfe, New England Hist and Gcm-ai. Hegister, iii, 14U-.V.'. Rolfe, Savage's (Jeneulog. Dietiunun', iii, 570, 571. Caulkins's History of Now Lon- i>_ii don, Conn., 201-3, 337. , ^^®'''. ,., „ . , gies, 341I-.M. Barry's History of Hanover, Mass., 366, 367." Rogers, Bond's Histoiy and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 412, 413. Rogers, Rogers, Chester's Gen. Rogers Family, i T>,^n;,,j Rogers, Dcane's Histoiy of Seituatc Mass., 331. Rogers, Dudley's Gencal. of Roger Fa- mily, 131, 132. Rogers, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 92, 361, 369, 733. Rogers, ^Howell's Hist, of Southampton, L. I., N. Y., 269-73. Kogei's, Jackson's Ilistorv of Newton, ]\[ass., 402, 403. Rogers, "AlitcheH's History of Bridgewa- I ter, Mass., 288, 289. I Leonard's Hi>lorv of Dublin, N. H..3M'J. Rollins, New England Hiiit. nnd (ifni*iil K4'gi.ster, viii, 25.1. Ronieyn, Stickney'H HiHiory of MiuWiik Region,' X. Y., 48,44. Roosevelt, Holgate'H Anierii-nn Grm-alt^- giex, \'.U\. Root, .\n of N. « Hritaiu, Conn., -•: : Root, Cothn-n'MlIUlon "i U.--ii.ur> Conn.. «74« 228 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Eoot, Doolittle's Historical Sketches of Belchertown, Mass., 100, 101. Root, Kilbonnie's Hist, and Awtiqui- ties of Kilbouru Familj% 42, 43. Root, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 572-4. Roper, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, • iii, 574, 575. Ropes, Essex Institute Collections, vii, 25-34, 91-4, 133-40, 150-67, 198- 205, 248-55 ; viii, 49-62. Rose, Barry's Hist, of Hanover, Mass., 367, 368i Rose, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 332, 333. Rose, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 383, 384. Rose, Howell's Hist, of Southampton, L. I., N. Y., 273-5. Rose, Meade's Old Churches and Fa- milies of Va., i, 402. Rose, Miner's History of Phelps and Gorham's Purchase, 236. Rose, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, xx, 18, 19. Rose, Savage's Genealog. Dictionar}', iii, 575, 576. Rose, Walker's Memorials of Walker Family, 43. Rosel, Sims's Genealogy of Rosel. Ross, Littell's Passaic Valley Genea- logies, 356-61. Ross, Pierce's History of Gorham, Me., 203, 204. Ross, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 577. Rosseter, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 577-9. Rossiter, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, ix, 337, 338. Rotch, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 630. Rotch, Ricketson's History of New Bedford, Mass., 108, 109. Rounseville, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, xix, 47-52. Rouse, Savage's Geneal. Diet., iii, 579. Rouse, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 299. Rowe, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 143-6. Rowe, Dodd's History of East Haven, Conn., 145, 146. Rowe, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 580. Rowell, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 384. Rowell, Stiles's History of Windsor Conn., 767, 768. Rowland, Savage's Geneal. Diet., iii, 581. Rowlandson, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iii, 581, 582. Rowley, Andrews's Geneal. and Eccle- siastical History of New Britain, Conn., 378. Rowley, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 582. Royal, Brooks's History of Medford, Mass., 538. INDF.X TO .\Mi:i!lc.\N I'KltHMtKFj*. Royal, Uii_iri;los, Maine Historical Society C'ollec- 'Ocant-'s lllst.irv tious, i, I'J."). Mass., XU. Silualr, Katon's History of Tliomiwliin. H.M-klaiul. .tr.. Ml-.. ;&<•) Kllis's History «t I{<.\lnin, 121). Freeman's History. .| (aiM ('•«« :«. 33. nr.» 9 230 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Russell, Hill's History of Mason, N. H., 205. Russell, Hudson's History of Lexington, Mass., 206-10. Russell, Kilbourne's Hist.ancl Antiquities of Kilbourn Family, 114, 115. Russell, Leonard's History of Dublin, N. H., 390, 391. Russell, Locke's Geneal. of Locke and Allied Families, 28, 29, 50, 78, 96. Russell, Morse's Gen. Register of Slier- born and Holliston, Mass., 231, 232. Russell, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, vi, 274 ; xx, 19, 20. Russell, Ricketson's History of New Bedford, Mass., 153-6. Russell, Savage's Gen. Diet., iii, 589-95. Russell, Sewall's Hist. of Woburn, Mass., 157-61, 636. Russell, Sims's Stemmata Rosellana Avith Genealogy of N. J. Family, 8. Russell, Stiles's Hist, of Windsor, Conn., 768. Russell, Walker's Memorials of Walker Family, 185, 186. Russell, Wilbraliam's Centennial Cele- bration, 305. Russell, Winsor's Historj^ of Duxbury, Mass., 299, 300. Rutan, Littell's Passaic Valley Genealo- gies, 366, 367. Ryder, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 630. Ryder, Stark's History of Dunbarton, N. H.,242. INDEX TO AMl-.KIt AN I'l I .l.-IU-KS S. Sabiu, Savaae's Gencalou;. DiitionaiT, iv, 1^2. Sackett, Rikers Annals of Xiwlown. L. I., X. Y., 844-58. Sackett, Savage's Geu. Diet., iv, 2. Sadd, Stilcs's History of Windsor, Conn, 7(59. Sadler, Babson's Historv of Gloucester, Mass., 14G. Sadler, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 3. Saffin, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 335. Saffin, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, :>, 4. Saffbrd, Kidder's Historv of New Ips- wich, N. H., 42y: Safford, Robinson's Genealoiry of Robin- son, Satlbrd and otliers. Satford, Vinton Memorial and .Vlliid Families, 477. Sage, Kellogg's Memorial of J]lder J. White and Descendants, 52. Salisbury, Bridgeman's King's Ciiapel Bu- rial (Ground, 2!)1. Salmon, Barry's History of Han(»ver, Mass., 3C«-70. Salmon, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, <». Salter, Savages <;en. Din., iv. (1,7. S;i]tuiar.>*li, MondV Historv nnd (leni>nli>|^ni of Walerlown, Mi».hh,.4I4. -II.V Sidtonstall, Brmds Hist, and (ii-n. ofWiiUT- town. Mass., 415, 41(i. UU-iW. Saltonstall, Ciiase's History of HnviTliill, .Mass.,(>45-7. Saltonstall, Drakes Historv and Antiqiiilicn of Boston, Mass., «W. Salton.stall, DudlevsG.neal. of Diidl.\ Ka mily, "liW, i;W. Salton.stall, Heraldic Journal, ». IWV). KM 4 Saltonstall, Phip|.en'8((;. I).). Tubular 1»ihII- gree of Fumilv uf SalluitnUill. Saltonstall, Savage's Gon. Did., Iv. 7-9. Sa!M|ison, 15abs4>n's Historv of Glouri"«t«r. .Ma.-^s., .J.55, 25(5. ' SaiM|'son, Hraillturv'h Historv of Krnnr- bunkpori, .Me. 27*y. 273. Sampson, Freeman's Hi.sti»r>- <.r < Ma.s.s.. ii. 7;. •; iv, 2S, 2;t I Savill, Savapi''s (icnraio^. l)i«livs., 2H4, 2M.-». ' Saville, IJudson's History of Kfxiiu'tnri. Mass., 211. 212. ■ Sawin, Bond's Hi.storyand «i< ncnliigim of Wateriown, .Mu.'Ut., 42^1. Sawin, Hudson's Hi.-it. of MarllRtrough, 3Ias.s., 442, 443. Sawin, MitchoH's History of Hri.lRfw«. ter. Mass.,2«U. Sawin, Morse's Gen. Hepi.Hter of Shrr- I lioni and Holli.-ton, Mium., 2:tU. I Sawin, Morse's Mi-niuriul of .MorM>», Appendi.x 16. Sawin, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv. 21). Norwalk, Conn., 226, 236, 242, gjj^in I Srtwin's N'olcn concfrnlng Sn J51 Saunders, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 20-2. Sauntlerson, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 22, 23. Saunderson, Washlnirn's Hi ' Seabury, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 305, 300. Seager, Draper's^ History of Spencer, | ggjivern, ^oars, Diane's llistnrv ..f Sltii«i.., 'XW. Sears, Kal«>n's History <»f Tlii>iiiiii«tou. HtH-kland, i«lf.,'Me.. ;»HM. Sear."^, Krecnjan'.s Histon* «»f ('n|M* (VmI. Mas,s.. i, i:J7: ii.IlM. "HKi, 2«U>, 2!(i, 2:U. r.JM. .'ilMt, IJOI. «)?. dUV. 702. 7(Ml-14. Sears, Heraldic. I. mr.ii. IHOO. l.TT. IJW Scars, Milcliell's History of HHiIri'Wk- ter, Ma.s.^.,2S9. Sears, Savage's (Jen. Diet., iv, -IH. Sears, Sears's Pictiin-s of tin- Olden Time and Genealogy. Sears, Thurston's Hist, of Winthro|t, Me., 1!)5. Sears, Walker's Memorials of Wulkrr Family. 40, 41. Harry's History of FnuiilnKliani,;., :wo. '.m. Seaver, Savage's Onn al..,- Di. tionarj-. iv, 4«, 47 Mass., 250. Searle Blood's History of Temi.le, N. j Se^verIlH. H., 245-9. Searle, Seavv Gage's Hist. Rowley, Mass., 454. j „i'.„...„.. Searle Hill's Hist. :^Iason, X. H.. 200. | ^Seccoinb Bond's ili«t..i\ :,ii.i ('.irlr of Watertown, Ma-v*.. 42.'i. 420. Savage's (Jen. Diet , iv. V. Bradbury's Histor)- of Kcnnr bnnkporl. Me.. 278. Searle, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 45. Searles, Fo.\'s History of Dunstable, Mass., 249. Sears, .Vdams's Haven Genealogy, 2S. Hrookxs Mi.i Ma.'is.. .'hlO, .VII Secor, B<»H«»iri» III«tonr of We*clir» ttrCo. X.Y..U.M1.M1 Sedirwitk, (' J.Mxlwin'ii Octi. }iiAim, I7JV-* 236 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Sedgwick, Hiuman's Connecticut Settlers, 1st edition, 232-5. Sedgwick, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, xx, 236. Sedgwick, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 48, 49. Seeley, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 49, 50. Seelj, Mitchell's History of Bridgewa- ter, Mass., 289. Seger, Jackson's History of Newton, Mass., 403-5. Seger, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 44. Segur, Brown's Genealogy of W. Sims- bury, Conn., Families, 122. Seirs, Sewall's History of Woburn, Mass., 637. Selden, Field's Hist, of Haddam and E. Haddam, Conn., 46. Selden, Judd and Boltwood's Hist, and Gen. of lladley, Mass., 560, 561. Selden, Meade's Old Churches and Families of Virginia, i, 140. Selden, Walworth's Hyde Gen., i, 581-7. Seldon, Selden, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 50. Selleck, Hall's Ancient Hist. Records of Norwalk, Conn., 249, 265, 280 281, 301. Selleck, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 50, 51. Severance, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 52. Sevey, Machias, Me., Centennial Cele- bration, 175, 176. Sewall, Alden's Collections of Ameri- can Epitaphs, ii, 116-18 ; iii, 149. Sewall, Bridgman's Granary Burial Ground, 128-32. Sewall, Dudley's Genealogy of Dudley Family, 133, 134. Sewall, Heraldic Journal, i, 1865, 68-70. Sewall, Sewell, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 53-7. Sewall, Transactions of American Anti- quarian Society, iii, 144. Seward, Andrews's Genealogical and Ecclesiastical History of New Britain, Ct., 383. Seward, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 57. Sexton, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 1st edition, 180. Seymour, Andrews's Geneal. and Eccles. Hist. New Britain, Conn., 139, 257, 258, 264, 265, 328. Seymour, Hall's Ancient Historical Re- cords of Norwalk, Ct., 181, 182. Seymour, Judd and Boltwood's Hist, and Gen. of lladley, Mass., 561. Seymour, Kilbourn's Litchfield, Conn., Biographical History, 304-6. Seymour, Ruttenber's History of New- burgh, N. Y., 292, 293. Seymour, Savage's Gen. Dict.,iv, 58. Shackman, Cope's Record of Cope Family of Pennsylvania, 42, 68, 69. Shailer, Field's Hist, of Haddam and E. Haddam, Conn., 45. IXUKX I'O AMKIJUAN I'r.HKiWKKS 23" Shannon, Nt.'w Kni^liunl Hist, ami Gciiciil. \ Iti'gistcT,' V, ~4."). 04(i. Shapleigh, New England Hist, niul (Ji-ncal. I Kcgistei, V, ;54")-!). I Shapleigh, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv. .")!•, (10. Shapley, Caulkins'sIIist.olNew London, Conn., ;3.jO. Sharp, ' Cope's Reeord of Cope Faniilv Peuu., 79, ITS-o. Sharp, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, (iO, (51. Sharpies, Sharple.s's Record of Sliarple.s Family. Sharp less. Smith's Historv of Delaware, Co., Penn., 500.' Sharswood, Canlkins's Hist, of New London, ' Conn.,:347, 348. Shattuck, Barry's History of Framinijliani, Mass., 390. Shattuck, !Sh:i\v, KaioM >. ili-iorv ..I 1 1, Hoekland. etr.; M.V. :i^- Slunv, Freeman's IliHinn- of < "(iim- i '•■1. Ma.«v<.. i.-lST; il. ■;ti7, XW. M\. 410. .-.!»ti. Shaw, llanxtn's lli-l..rv of Cnnlilirr, riitMoii and W.'GBnHniT. Ml-.. i:!s. SI law, Kinirman's Hif»i. of X. Ilri«l)j«' water, Ma.«i< i . i\ , •>.* '. Shaw, Tiinrslnn'slli>' of Mcdfunl, Mus.s., 540. 541. ShtMJ, Buller'H IIl»t. (Jroton. I'cwwrrll ami Shirley, Mm*. 4a«. 4^. Siied, niir« Ilifil. Miwon, N. H ,3W» Siicd, _ Savat?t'H(Seii. Diet . Iv «' «»* 238 IXDEX TO AMERICAX PEDIGREES. Sheffield, Barry's Historj- of Framingliam, Mass., 391. Sheffield, Morse's Genealogical Register of Sherbom and HolUston, Mass., 240, 241. Sheffield, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iv, 68, 69. Shekell, Miner's Histoiy of Plielps and Gorham's Purchase, 229. Sheldon, Hollister'sPawlet, Vt., 235, 236. Sheldon, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 69-71. Sheldon, Sheldon's Magazine. Shelton, Dixon's Geneal. Shelton Family. Shelton, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, xi, 272. Shepard, Clark's Hist. Xorton, Mass., 88. Shepard, Dodd's History of East Haven, Ct., 148. Shepard, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 1st edition, 235. Shepard, Jackson's History of Newton, Mass., 489, 490. Shepard, Lancaster's History of Gilman- ton, N. H., 287. Shepard, Leland Magazine, or Genealogy of Leland Family, 149, 150. Shephard, Sibley's History of Union, Me., j gl^erman 494, 495: ' ' Shepherd, Alden's Collection of American Epitaphs, i, 62, 63. Shepherd, Sheppard, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 71-7. 68- Sheple, Butler's Hist, of Groton, Pep- perell and Shirley, Mass., 437. Sheppy, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 87, 88. Sherburn, New England Historical and Geneal. R"eg.,ix, 180; xvii, 352. Sherburne, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 77, 78. Sherer, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.; Me., 389. Sherman, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 429-32. Sherman, Cothren's History of Woodbuiy, Conn., 679-88. Sherman, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 390. Sherman, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 1st edition, 235. Sherman, Hollister's History of Connecti- cut, ii, 450, 451. Sherman, Hudson's History of Marlboi-o', Mass., 444-6. Sherman, H}-de's Historical Address at Ware, Mass., 50. Sherman, Jackson's History of Newton, Mass., 409, 410. Sherman, Mitchell's History of Bridgewa- ter, Mass., 293. Sherman, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 78-86. Sewall's History of Woburn, Mass., 355-7. Sherman, Stoddard's Geneal. of Stoddard Family, edition 1865, 15, 46, 47, INHKX TO AMKIJUAN I'KDIflHKKS Sherman, Ward's Ilistorv of Slircwsbiiry, Mass., 4;58, m. Sherrill, Ilcdije's AnnivcrsaiT Address, E. Hampton, L. I., N. Y., 1850. Sherwin, Blood's History of Tomple, N. II., 249, 250. ■ Sherwood, Shotwoll, I LiUclls I'liHMii. Villi. ' lojfics, :177H1. i Shove, I HayluVs Ilisturirnl Miinolr t.f I Now PIviiioiitli, part 4. >. TV [ Shove, j Savajr('s(Mn. Dirt., iv, 80, Oa I Shriiniifoii, I Savairc's rd. N. H., 0H7. Shute, Chase's History >>f H:i\.rliill. Mass., 278. Shippen, leraldic Journal, ii. lH»Ml.S2-4. Balch's Provincial Ilistorv of ShutC, Pennsylvania, preface 5, 138. Shippen, Heraldic Journal, iii, 1867. 10-18 ; iv, 1-20. Shippen, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 87. Shirley, Heraldic Jour., ii, 1800, 117-18. Sibley, Savage's Gen. Dirt., iv. 02. 93 Shute, Sumner's History of K lUxtlnn, Mass., 2^4. Sibley, Draper's Hi?*tor)- of S|ifin^r, Mass., 253, 254. Shirley, Xew England Historical and Geneal. Register, x, 47. Shiverick, Freeman's History of Cai)e Cod, Mass., ii, 475, 717". Short, Poor's Historical and Genea- logical Researches, 123. Short, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iv, 88, 89. Shotswell, Savage's Gen. Diet., iy, 01. Lcland Matrnzlnc-, or Grn«il««|{y of Lelund Family. 80,81. Sibley, .Morse's Mriiiorinl of ,Mur»rt. .\ppfndix No. 21. Sibley, Savagi-'s ({cnnil«»g IMctlotwry. Iv, 1»:J. 04. Sibley, Sihliv's lllMor)' of Inloo, Mp . 49.V.'i(>7. SiboutHL-n, Rik. t'h .Vnnnlji of Ncwiown. I. I N V . :Jlfl 240 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Sigourney, Hinman's Conn. Settlers, 171. Sigourney, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 94, 95. Sigourney, Sigourney's Genealogy of Si- gourney Family. Sill, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 96, 97. Sill, Sill's Genealogical Chart of Sill Family, 13 sheets folio. Sill, Sill's Geneal. of Descendants of John Sill, 1637, 106. Stiles's History of Windsor, Conn., 771-3. Si] Walworth's Hyde Genealogy, i, 163-70 ; ii, 768-824. Sillirnan, Huntington's Geneal. of Hunt- ington Family, 181. Sillirnan, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 97. Silsbee, Silsby, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 98. Simcock, Smith's History of Delaware Co., Penn., 501, 503. Simmons, Barry's Historj^ of Hanover, Mass., 371-4. Simmons, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 392. Simmons, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 1st edition, 176. Simmons, Mitchell's History of Bridgwa- ter, Mass., 386. Simmons, Savage's Gen. Dict.,iv, 100, 101. Simmons, Winsor's Plistory of Duxbury, Mass., 307-9. Simms, Essex Institute Collections, vi, 160, 161. Simms, Kellogg's Memorials of Elder John White, 97. Simonds, Hollister's Pawlet, Yt., 237,238. Simonds, Hudson's History of Lexington, Mass., 212-18. Simonds, Sewall's History of Woburn, Mass., 637-40. Simons, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 338, 339. Simonton, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 393. Simpkiiis, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 760. Simpson, Barry's History of Framingham, Mass., 391, 393. Simpson, Littell's Passaic Valley Genea- logies, 384-6. Simpson, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iv, 101. Sinclair, Cope's Record of Cope Family ofPenn., 98, 195. Sinclair, Draper's History of Spencer, Mass., 255. Singer, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 394. Singleterry, Barry's History of Framingham, Mass., 393, 393. Singletery, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 103. Skeel, Cothren's History of Ancient Woodbury, Conn., 709. IN1>K.\ To AMl'.UHAN I'KIUiJUKh-S Skellin, Sl.H-nn.l.. liabsoii's llistiirv «>r (;inii(csifr, Mass., ir,8. Wanl's lli*t.irv ..I Sl.i Mass.. 44i. U:i Skelton, Slocum, Durric's Genealoiiv oi' Steoli' Savniri-'s isj»ii" Valley (fi-ii<>a- logies. 3«7-yi. Smead, Savage's Genraloi: Dii . j iv, lOS. 10'.» ! Smedley, Cope's ( .-!« K.m.iu of IVniu, 49. KWU. Smedley, Smith's History of Dilnwarr Co.. Penn.. 502." Smith, Aldens CoIIetlion of Aim-rican Epitaphs, i. '.H«-,V Sntith, Andrews's (Jeneal. iiml F^-^U"*. Hist of NUJUKF-S. !4.1 Smith, Morse's (n'lifiilogical lirsjisler of Slu'rborn and lIoULslon, Mass, 241, •24-2. Smith, New Eiiirlaml Ilistoiical and Geneal. lie-iister, vii, 1:12, 275», 280 ; viii, G(i, 07 : xii, 185 ; xiv, 28-30; xx, 125, 12(5. Smith, Otis's Genealogy of Otis Family Siiollini;. HeniltU«- JoMrnal. ii, \m^, |0, 1 1 Siiolliiu;, Sav«p<"s <'•«■» I>i.l . Iv.irtT Snow, Draper's Ilislon* of Siicnrrr. Mass., iVi, SXi ' Snow, Eaton's Histon- of Tlmmiiotnn. Koiklnnd, etc' Me.. 4(X^4. of New Hampshire, and Collate- SllOW, Freeman's History of C'apr (*o»I, Ma-ss., ii, :MJ.-,, :{71; liTi. .■««•». TSS. 759. ral Branches. Smith, Pierce's History of Gorham N. H , 205. Smith, Snow, .Tudd and lJoltw.)~ I Gen. of Hadley , Mh-m . .>1. ."iXJ Savages Gen. Diet., IV, 109-3 (. I c,.^... Smith Smith's Genealogy of Smiths of New Hampshire. Smith, Smith's History of Delaware Co., Penn., 502, 503. Smith, Temple's Ecclesiastical History of Whately, Mass., 30. Smith, Thompson's History of Long Island, N. Y., ii, 442-8. Smith, Thurston's Hist, of Wiiitlirop, Me., 19G. Sniitli, Ward's History of Shrewshury, Mass., 430-7. Smith, Winsor's History of Diixbury, , Mu.s.s.. 040-2. Kinsman's Histnrj- of X. Bridge- water, Mass., tt;}7-41. Snow, Leland Magazine, or Gone«I«»for ofLeland Family, lOH-ll. Snow, Leonanl's Histor}- of Dublin, N. H., 394, Mi. Snow, Lm-ke's Genealojfy of I^N-kr, and Allied Familini, 27, 4«-.1l. 91.92. Snow, Mileliell's History of Bridijr. water, Mass., 300-4. Snow, Savage' .s Gen. Dirt.. Iv. 13H. 1^ Snow, Bewall's History of \V..l.uni. Mass , 309, Smith, Wyman'sHiint Fam. Hist., 12(;. Snediker, Bergen's Geneal. of Van Brunt Family, 15. SncU, Kingman's Hist, of N. Bridge- water, Mass., i'A'.U). Suell, Mitchell's Hist, of Bridgewater, Mass., 295-300. I Snow, WiLshhurns lli-il..ry F" ', 401. Snow, Winsor's Hii.ior)- of Duxliiif). yUixH., 309. i SiiowdiMiI, FjiIom'h Hbtor)- <»f Tlioni»^.ifi. H.Hkland. i-tr.Mr. 404 Sonierhy, , ,, Hiirkes Tabular Pwllirrre of S»nurby Family. IhM 244 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Somerb}^ Savage's Gen. Diet, iv, 139, 140. Somes, Savage's Gen. Dict.,iv, 140. Sommes, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 160-2. Soper, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 647. Soper, Hanson's Hist. Gardiner, Pitts- ton and W. Gardiner, Me., 128. Soule, Mitchell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 304, 386, 387. Soule, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 140, 141. Soulice, Bolton's History of Westchester Co., N. Y., ii, 542. Souther, Southac, Heraldic Journal, ii, 1866, 139. Southgate, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, xix, 252, 253. Southgate, Washburn's Historv of Leices- ter, Mass , 396-8. Southgate, Worcester Magazine and Histo- rical Journal, Ii, 100. Southmayd, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 162, 163. Southmayd, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 141, 142. Southworth, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 404. Southworth, Kingman's Hist, of N. Bridge- water, Mass. Southworth, Mitchell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 304," 305. Southworth, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 143, 144. Southworth, Thatcher's History of Plymouth, Mass., 127. Southworth, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 314-17. Spalding, Butler's History of Groton, Pep- perell and Shirley, Mass., 437, 479, 480. Spalding, Eaton's Historj' of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 405, 406. Sparhawk, Appleton's Genealogy of Spar- hawk Family. Sparhawk, Bond's Hist, and Gen. of Water- town, Mass., 545-7. Sparhawk, Leland Magazine ; or Leland Genealogy, 22. Sparhawk, Morse's Genealogical Register of Sherborn and Holliston, Mass., 242. Sparhawk, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, xix, 125-7. Sparhawk, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 144, 145. Sparks, Cope's Record of Cope Family ofPenn., 80, 177-9. Sparrow, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 361, 733. Sparrow, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 145. Spaulding, Hill's Hist, of Mason, N. H., 206. Spaulding, Hudson's History of Lexington, Mass., 229. Spaulding, Kidder's History of New Ips- wich, N. H., 430'-2. Spaulding, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 145, 146- INDF.X TO AMKIMiAN I'KDHJIIKKS Spear, Spi.tlonl. Bridgeman'j, Copps Hill iSurial Kal,.,,-. llU.nrv ..f Thorn.....,, Grouiul, 2^i.^-,. U.HkluM.I. .u- .' Mr . 410. 411 Spear, Spottord, Eaton's Annals of Wairc-n, Me.. (}«p,.-« Hinlorv H..wlrv. M»- •i2o-'. 4.W. 4.-»(J. Spear, Spottonl, Eaton's History of Tlioinaston, N.w Eniiliind Hiit nnil <;.nr«| Rockland, etc., .^le., 400-10. H.-.. viii.;i;i.V44 ; ix.«U 7. •.»::» m Spear, Spollurtl, Freeman's History of ('ap<- Cod, Savac-'s Oi-ni-ah.i;. Dinimun- Mass., ii, 628. iv, l.")!. Spear, Spoilord, New England Historical and Sjioironl's Kanniv !{.•». .r.l ..f Geneal. Register, xviii, 158-()1. Spolfords Spear, Spooiier, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 14(5, 147. Bond's HL-Jion- and « Jrin^loRii-* Spencer, "^ Wat.rtown. Mas.H . {HiT,. WW Brown's Genealogy of W. Sims- Spoon er, burj. Conn., Famflies, 123. Savage's (u-ii. Dirt., iv, I. •>l-;j. Spencer, Spottswood, Field's Historv of Haddam and , Meade's Old CIiuitIh-.. tnd Vn E. Haddam, Conn., 45. | i""''''^ of Virginia, i. KV.'.. IIW Spencer, Spraifue, Goodwin's Genealogical Notes, I I)ra|M'r*s Ilistor)- of S|M-iiirr, 197-210,310-23. : Mass., 2.-)0, 251. Spencer, Spraofne, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, Eaton's ni»tor>- of Tlii)mn*l<>n, 1st edition, 237, 238. KocklamI, etc.. Me.. 411. 41'.' Spencer, Sprairne, Littell's Passaic Vallev Genea- (Jcnealogy of the Spnipii-* i.f logics, 394, 395. " Hingiiain, Ma.v- . «H» Spencer, Spraijuo, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 147-50. Maiden. Ma^* . Hi CrnlmnUI Sperry. ^ ('elel,ra,in„. ..:.7. •.•:»>* Matthews's History of Cornwall, Spnitjue, Vt., 290. ' I Mitcliell's Hi.«lorv of liridgr. Sperry water, Ma..s.. :«<:«.: Miner's Hist, of Phelps and Gorham's Purchase, 190, 191. Sprjii^iic, Savage'.H (Jen Dirt., Iv. IMfl. Spicer, Caulkins's History of New Lon don. Conn., 335. Spinninfi:, Littell's Piussaic Valley Genealo- gies, 396. I Spottord, Sprairue Blood's Historv of Tcmii>1c, N H., 251,252. Spraijiif, Siiule'H Memorial <»f SprwkMir Family. Sprsitjue, NVashhurn'*. Mi-t of I.4i. .-.irr. .Mass.. 40;j. 4(M \Vin.H<»r'!« Hi-iti^r)- of Diulnirj. Ma^H. 317 20 246 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Spring, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 441-9, 936. Spring, Jackson's History of Newton, Mass., 415-18. Spring, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 156, 157. Springer, Hanson's Hist. Gardiner, Pitts- ton and West Gardiner, Me., 151, 152. Sproat, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 340. Spurr, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 158. Squier, Littell's Passaic Valley Genea- logies, 397-402. Squier, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 158, 159. Squire, Cotliren's History Woodbury, Conn., 709-11. Squires, Howell's Historv of Southamp- ton, L. I., N. y.; 280. St. Clair, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 385. St. John, Hall's Ancient Historical Re- cords of Nor walk, Conn., 185, 190-5, 204, 223, 231, 245-7, 251, 256, 251, 259, 263, 269, 273, 286, 291, 295, 300-4. St. John, Ketchum's Historv of Buffalo, N. Y., ii, 234. St. John, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, xiv, 59-61. Stackpole, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 412, 413. Stackpole, Hanson's History of Gardiner, Pittston, and West Gardiner, Me., 109. Stackpole, Otis's Genealogy of Otis Family of New Hampshire, and collate- ral Branches. Stacy, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 285, 286. Stacy, Barry's History of Framingham, Mass., 393, 394. Stacy, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 159, 160. Stafford, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 160. Stainwood, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 163, 164. Stallion, Caulkins's Historj- of New Lon- don, Conn., 346. Stancliffe, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 161. Standish, Eaton's Annals of Warren, Me., 427, 428. Standish, Mitchell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 307-9. Standish, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 161-3. Standish, AYetmore's Genealogy of Wet- more Family, 607-10. Standish, Winsor's History of Du.xbuiy, Mass., 320-2. Standlake, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 344, 34.5. Standley, Andrews's Geneal. and Eccle- siastical History of New Britain, Conn., 137, 138, 168-70, 194,195, 259, 265-72. Standley, Porter's Genealogy of Hartford, Conn., Settlers, 20, 21. Stanford, Morse's Gen. Reg. of Sherborn and HoUiston, Mass., 242. INDKX To A.MKinCAN l>KI)mKKH>i -17 I'" 1 . IV I , 1 I7.> Stanford, WinsorV History o( Duxhurv Mass., 322. Stanley, Andrews's (Jcm-iil. aiul Ecolc- si:isti(;il Historv ofNcw Hritain, Conn., :K)l,;!02,;ni,;J12-l.-), 331- 334, 372-5, 382, 383, 389, 31)0-2. Stanley, , Daggett's History of Attlebo- Starkweather. rough, Mass., 94, 1)5. Wttniorrs (Miu-nlnirv of \V«l Stanley mor.. Family. 71. r../ Starhuck. Snvap-'sif Stark, Starkss History of DunUrtun. N. H.. 17(5. Stark, Walwortlis Hvdc G<>npii|oir) | 514-22. ' Judd and Boltwood's History and Gen. of Hadley,Mass., 582. Stanley, Starr, Caulkinss History of Xi-w I^m don, Conn., 31H-2i». Leonard's History of Dublin, Starr, K H., 396, 397. Eaton's History of Tliomiwi„n. Stanley, Hoyater, Mass., aou.'aio. Ho\yeirs Hist, of Southampton, 04., L. I., X. v., 280, 281. iiturr, <-,, , , Savage's Gen. Diet., iy, UJy 71. Stanton, ' ^, Caidkins's History of New Lon-^^^''f;. . „. don, Conn., 290, 297. ^^ '"^•"■>* History ot I>n\ . c,^ ' ' ' Ma.s.s.,323, Stanton, ^ Leland Magazine : or Genealogy ^tarreir, of Leland Family, 65. f'"";" '^ n««l<>rv of Tl.omiwlnn. c,, , ^ Rockland, etc.. Me. 415. Stanton, ^ , . Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, ' \, ' '. „. , ... ., iv 166 167. " Katon s History of \\ urn 11. .M. , Stanwood, ^, ." ' ' Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 107, 168. ^"'":,, . ... .. t . ^ , " ... Kidder s Ili-tnry N.« Ip-HK li. Staples, N. H., 432 Eaton's History of Thomaston, Stcjiriig Rockland, etc.. Me., 414. „ ', ,, , l'«., i„. .11 Hurry's Hisli>rv of Frnmiinj Staples, ; ham.'Ma.Hi*.. :«»4.:tt».v Hudson's Hist. Lexington, 230. gfearMH les, I Bond's Hint, nnil ({cnnilitrlr« of Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 108, 109. j Waiirii.wn. .Muw . 450 .Vjo Starbuck, Stearn.s, New England Hist, and Geneal. 1 liond's llMnry und < Ji-nr«I..Kir« Register, viii, 129, 130. I of Watertown. Miumi . 5M W 248 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Stearns, Eatou's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 415. Stearns, Hudson's History of Lexington, Mass., 230-3. Stearns, Kidder's History of New Ips- wich, N. H., 433. Stearns, Savage's Gen. Dict.,iv, 173-5. Stebbings, Draper's History of Spencer, Mass., 255, 256. Stebbins, Caulliins's History of New Lon- don, Conn., 314. Stebbins, Doolittle's Historical Sketches of Belchertown, Mass., 256, 257. Stebbins, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, v, 71-8, 351-4, Stebbins, Porter's Genealogy of Hartford, Conn., Settlers, 2l, 22. Stebbins, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iv, 175-8. Stebbins, Stebbins's Genealogy of Family of Stebbins. Stebbins, Wilbraham Centennial Cele- bration, 305-9. Stedman, Andrews's Genealogical and Ecclesiastical History of New Britain, Conn., 178, 179, 238, 239, 374. Stedman, Caulkins's History of New Lon- don, Conn., 342. Stedman, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, xiv, 69-74 : xx, 126, 127. Stedman, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iv, 178, 179. Steele, Andrews's Geneal. and Eccle. History of New Britain, Conn., 179, 180, 213, 214, 231, 232, 249, 252, 260, 261, 285, 291, 292, etc. Steele, Cothren's History of Woodbury, Conn., 688-93. Steele, Durrie's Genealogical History of John and George Steele. Steele, Huntington's Geneal. of Hunt- ington Family. Steele, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 179, 180. Stelle, Littell's Passaic Valley Genea- logies, 403. Stephens, Heraldic Journal, i, 1865, 111. Stephens, Hough's History of Lewis Co., N. Y., 139. Stephens, Howell's History of Southamp- ton, L. L, N. Y., 281, 282. Stephenson, Pierce's History of Gorham, Me., 207, 208. Stephenson, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 183. Stetson, Adams's Geneal. of Adams Fa- mily of Kingston, Mass., 58-62. Stetson, Barry's Genealogy of Stetson. Stetson, Barry's History of Hanover, Mass., 378-83. Stetson, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 340-2. Stetson, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 416. Stetson, • Hobart's History of Abington, Mass., 437-40. INDKX lO A.MKUICAN I'KIHUUKKj*. :i!» Stetson, Hudson's llislorv of l,.\iiiirt„n. Mass., 2[U. Stetson, Mitclu-ll's History of IJii.iu'fwa- tor, Mass., 310. Stetson, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 18:5, 184. Stetson, Mt'Vt'MS, Williir.l'H Mfniorlnlnn.i « ol Williird Fuinlly, itnl V. Stewart, A.ianiss Hiiv.n (J.iictiIokv. 3»I pari, H. Stewart, Fret man's IIImI of Va\H' Ma.«vs., vol. ii,»;J :,i»7. "Wyman's Hunt Faniilv Genea- i Stewart, logy, 141. Stevens, Abbot's History of Andover, Mass., 21, 22. Stevens, I Littdl'.s PiuHsair V.ill. v fl. l()gi«-.s, 4(MV Stewart, Piene'.s Ili.Hl. <...rii:iiii, Vi. Stewart, Babson s History of Gloucester, i bavnge'sGen. Diet.. Iv. 100 101 StU'kney, Bonlon's Hist, of Concord. N. I H., ()S7-1I. I Stickney, Gage's History- of ItowNv. Mass., 450-8. I Stickney, Poor's Historieal and Gfiit-alu- I gical Ilescarchfs*, 2U4, 2y.'i. 1 Stickney, ' Savage's Gen. Dirt., iv. ll»l. IW Eaton's History of Tlioniaston, Sf;,.L-,w.v Rockland, etc., Me., 417, 418. ""'^^J^^^., ,n,,,, ,.f Mass., 164-9 Stevens, Barry's History of Framingliani Mass., 395, 390. Steven.^, BracUniry's History of Kenne- bunkport. Me., 276. Stevens, Chapman's Genealogy of CUap- niau Family, 96. Stevens, Stevens, •kney'H History of the Mini- sink Hegion, N. v., 171. Freeman's History of Cape Cod, gtieknev Mass., ii, 683, 773. Wa.sid.nrn s History of U-icr^ Stevens, ler, Ma.s.s., 404. HoUister's Pawlet, Vt., 243-5. Stilcniail, Stevens, Savage's (ien. Diit . iv, IW, 198. Hudson's Le.xington, 234. Stiles Stevens, Hudson's History of Marlljoro', Mass., 447-50. Collirens llislorv nfWix-ll.iiry Conn, «l»3 7UI Stiles, Stevens, ' Litnll's Piuwuir Vnll.y Grn.-« Littell's Passaic Valley Genea- logics, 407- 10. logics, 404, 405. StilcH, Stevens, Savagi sGcn. I) Pierce's Hist. Gorham, .Me.,207. fcjtilcs. Stevens, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 184-90. Stevens, Thurston's Hist, of Wiiithrop Me., 197-9. Stil«-H'» ConncTikul FbiuIIx of Slilin. SlilcH, Hiilc«'» HUiory of WloiUor, 250 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Stillman, Goodwin's Foote Family Genea- logy, 281-8. Stillmau, Hin man's Connecticut Settlers, 1st edition, 239-42. Stillman, Judd and Boltwood's Hist, and Geueal. of Hadley, Mass., 582. Stillman, New England Historical and Gen. Register, xx, 128. Stillman, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 196. Stimpson, Barry's History of Framing- ham, Mass., 396. Stimpson, Bond's Hist, and Geneal. of Wa- tertown, Mass., 583, 584. Stimpson, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 418. Stimpson, Savage's Gen. Dict.,iv, 196,197. Stinson, Stark's History of Dunbarton, N. H., 196, 197. Stirling, Balch's Provincial Historj' of Pennsylvania, 124-8. Stith, Meade's Old Churches and Fa- milies of Virginia, i, 137, 138. Stockbriclge, Barry's "History of Hanover, Mass., 384-392. Stockbridge, Deane's "" History of Scituate, Mass., 342-4. Stockbriclge, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iv, 197, 198. Stockbridge, Temple's Ecclesiastical History ofWhatelj^Mass.,37. Stockbridge, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 323. Stocking, Goodwin's Genealogy of Olcott Family, 53. Stocking, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 198, 199. Stockwell, Morse's Gen. Grout Fam., 47, 48. Stoddard, Cothren's History of Wood- bury, Conn., 713-21. Stoddard, Draper's History of Spencer, Mass., 249, 250. Stoddard, Goodwin's Foote Family Genea- logy, 269, 270. i Stoddard, i Kilbourn's History and Genea- I logyofKilbourne "Family, 172. Stoddard, Kingman's History of North Bridgewater, Mass., 658, 659. Stoddard, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, v, 23-6 ; xx, 124, 125. Stoddard, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 199-201. Stoddard, Stoddard's Geneal. of Stoddard. Stoddard, Sumner and Trask's Hist, and Geneal. of Sumner Families, 63. Stoddard, Sumner's History of East Bos- ton, Mass., 226. Stodder, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 345, 346. Stodder, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 201,202. Stone, Adams's Haven Geneal., 29, 30. Stone, Barry's History of Framingham, Mass., 396-413. Stone, Bond's Historj' and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 521-7, 584- 591, 950-5. INDKX To A.MKIUCAN I'KIHUHKK: ^tonc, IStOIlr. Bradlniry's History of Kcmiiic- ' Siix ui.'- - <..i„:U..- |)mi..i,»n buiikport. Mc, '277, '^TS. iv, 2o:MO. Stone, Stone, Butler's History of Groton. Stones JJrncnI. -if Sl«>nc K»mllr Pcpperell and Shirley, Mass., q»,^„,, 438-40. ' ' OIOIU , _,, ^\arcrH Uistorv of Slir««»l.ur> Stone, I Masj... 4-.»:i iM). ■ Eaton's History ot' Tliomiuston, Stono Rockland, etf.,\Mt'., 418, 4iy. \v\, • „■ ,, , Stone, tcr. Mass.. :WH. Fowler's History of Durham, Stootlloot" ^ ^^•' ^"^^ Ker^en's' C.n.alojry ..f IWr^n Stone, Family. iM)loi. lift, \h\ Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Storei* Mass., 1, 390 ;ii,22b, 704, 713, 745). v .!• v i i ii . • i • ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ;scw hnirland iliHtonrnl and Stone, CJencal. Uoj;i«*UT. vi, •.»7.'i. Goodwin's Genealogical Notes, gtorer SftVrtuo's (ti-nfaloj;. Dirtiniiiin-. iy, 210.211. 211-14. Stone, Hanson's History of Gardiner, Stori'S . Pittston and W.' Gardiner, Me., (i„o,hvin's Gnu N..t.->. 21:. 2.» U)!), 1 lU. ^ Q*.^ o Storr.s, ^'^ . XT- . ex ■ . SayagesCnn. Diet. iv. 211. Hudson s History of Lexmtrton. Mass., 235-9. Story, Qi^ Savage's (Jen. Dirt., iv.2II i:i Jackson's History of Newton, Stor}', Mass., 411-15. St^irk's History <»f I )uril»orton, Stone, , NH.2'>^'.'-'^«' Kellogg's Memorials Elder John StOU.iCllton, White and Descendants, 37, 38. ! Hinman's CnnniH-nnH Hrltlrrw, Stone, is. edition. 242. 243. Leonard's Historv of Dul)lin, Stouiflitoii, X. H., 397, 398. New En^'lund \lM, mu\ Gmif I. C3^ : Uei?ister, V. ll'iO. Stone, ^ \ Locke's Genealoiry of Locke and Motltflitoii, Allied Families,>il, 97. N.w En^rland Hliil.»rir«l aittl c, (;.ii.aloi:i*'H llintory ..f \Un.|M.r. 149, 150. ^'"""•. *^'^ Stone Stover, New England llist..rical an.l Halmonn HUtory of Oloucrrtrf . Geneal. Register, .\, 2'JJ, 230. -M"*^^ . >•»• Stone 1 Stover, Reed's Genealogy of Reed Fa- I EatonV Ili.m.y of Th»in..«.m. niily, lOH, 109. " I Roeklnnd. vie , \U . 419. 252 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Stow, Hough's History of Lewis Co., N. Y., 139. Stow, Hudson's History of Marlboro', Mass., 450-4. Stow, Kellogg's Memorials of Elder John White and Descend., 39. Stow, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 216-19. Stowe, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 419. Stowe, Ellis's History of Roxbury, Mass., 130. Stowe, Hudson's History of Lexington, Mass., 239. Stowell, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 591, 592. Stowell, Jackson's History of Newton, Mass., 405, 409. Stower, Washburn's History of Leices- ter, Mass., 399, 400. Stowers, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 219, 220. ' Strange, i New England Historical and Geneal. Register, xix, 324-9. Strangs, Bolton's History of Westches- ter Co., N. Y., ii, 385. Stratton, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 592-6. Stratton, Hudson's History of Marlbo- rough, Mass., 454, 455. Stratton, Morse's Genealogical Register of Sherborn and Holliston, Mass., 244, 245. Stratton, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 220-2. Straw, Fiske's Genealogy of Fiskes of Amherst, N. H.", 176-8. Street, Dodd's History of East Haven, Conn., 153. Street, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iv, 222, 223. Streeter, Adams's Haven Genealogy, 2d part, 7. Streeter, Bany's History of Framingham, Mass., 414. Streeter, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 223. Strickland, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 224. Strong, Andrews's Genealogical and Ecclesiastical History of New Britain, Ct., 345, 346. Strong, Cothren's History of Woodbury, Conn. Strong, Fowler's Chauncey Memorials, 91. Strong, Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, 1st edition, 243, 244. Strong, Hollister's Pawlet, Vt., 246-8. Strong, Huntington's Gen. of Hunting- ton Family, 167, 168. Strong, Judd and Boltwood's Hist, and Gen. of Hadley, Mass., 583. Strong, Kellogg's Memorials of Elder J. White and Descend., 83, 84. Strong, Lyman's Sermon on death of Gov. Caleb Strong with Geneal. Strong, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, viii, 181-3. i TNDKX '1(1 AMKIUCAN l'KI»I(iHKI->« r^\ Strong, : Sullivati, Olford, X. II., Cont.'iiuial Cclc- ' KjUoh's lli.i..r\ ..i i i„.i, ,».•.• bration, 143, 143. I Itockliuul. .•«<•.. Mi- . -I'.M' Stronif, Sullivan, Hobinson's ^Memo. ami (Joiical. Nt-w Knjiliiiul llint miil iiiiu-«l of Robinson Family, Appemlix. Uciristor, \ix. aHU-;RW Strong, SimuuT, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv,0-24-S. Hn(li.''s (;ninan- IliirUl Strong, (ir..un.l.lH,..,.lH,. StiWs History of Winihor, SuiniHT, Conn.. H09-11. " [ Draju-r's nisi..r> ..i •"-•.•■''-•>.«-• Thompson's Historv of Lontr Suninor. Island, N. Y., ii, 448-.J8. " Eaton's Annals ui W «r,. .,, M. . Strout, ■*=*'• Freeman's Hist, of Cape Cod, Sunnier, Mass., ii, 630. liii.l-nns lli-t I,.-xlnK't<»n. 240 Stryker, Sunnier, Bergen's Genealogv of Bergen New Enjrland Hisiuriml iinil Family, 49, 79, 80, 185, 18(5. | Geneal. lU-g.. viii, Vin, ix. ;<000. Studley, Snmner, BaiTv's Hist, of Hanover, Mass., Savage's (Jen. Dirt., iv. 230 •.' ^^-'^- Sumner, Studley, Sunner and Tni.'»k'H M«n>iiri*l Deane's Ifistory of Scitnate, and (Jent-al. of Sumner Fimdly. Mass., 339, 340. Suniner, Studley, Snmner's History r.f Fju*t »«•- Hobart's History of Abington, ton, Miuw., 291. Mass., 441-3. Sunnier, Sturges, Wanl's Hist<>r% (.1 Slinwubury. Freeman's Hi.storv of Cape Cod, Mass.. 439, 44o'. .Mass., ii, 203, 210, 299. Siinderhilid, Sturges, Freeman'.- Hi!*l«>ry <>f C'B|»r CVmI, Pierce'sHistorvoftiorliani, Mr. Mass.. ii. 377. 209,210. ' SunderlaiKl, Sturges, Savage's (Jenenloc l>l«ti<>iinr> , Savage's Gen. Diet , iv, 229. iv. 232, 2;W. Sturtevant, Sutton, Mitchell's History of Hridgcwa- Billion's II i-<. Sylvester, Synimos, Kingman's History oIN. Hridije- water, .Mass., G49 "OoO. Sylvester, MitolR'U's History of Bridge- Ay ater, :Mass., 2m' Sylvester, Sayaire's Geucalog. Dictionary, iy, 'J:?-100. Sylvester, Washburn's History of Leices- ter, Mass., 402, 40a.' Sylvester, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 324. Symmes, Brooks's History of ^Medford, Mass., 542, 543. and Allitil FMndlU^. Uy, 4U. 71 Synimes, Nfw KuRlnnd HlM. Rndftrnml Rfgistir, xiii. i;»-7. Syninu's, Saya>;f's(;«n. Diil., Ir. 242-4. Symoiulf^, Babson's MiHton' of (tlourmirr,,l(;», 170. ' Syiuonds, GtHidwin's (tcni'nlof:^- of OUott Family, 32. Symoiuls, Heraldic Jour., I, IfMVi, 42*i Symonds, Savage's Gen. Did., iv. 244-7. 256 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Taber, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 180. Taber, Griffin's Journal Southold, L. I., N. Y., 143-7. Tabor, Taber, Savage's Genealog. Dictionarj-, iv, 247, 248. Tainter, Bond's History and Genealogies ofWatertown, Mass., 596-8. Tainter, Hudson's History of Marlboro', Mass., 456, 457. Tainter, Tainter's Descend's of J. Tayn- ter of Watertown, Mass., 100. Tain tor, Goodwin's Foote Family Ge- nealogy, 52, 53, 178, 196. Taintor, New England Historical and Gen. Reg., iii, 155, 156. Taintor, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iv, 248, 249. Taintor, Taintor's Geneal. and History of Taintor Family. Talbot, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 529-32. Talbot, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, ix, 129, 130. Talbot, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 249,250. Talcot, I Huntington's Geneal. of Hunt- i inaton Familv, 174. I Taleott, Glastenbury, Conn., Centennial Celebration, 168, 169. Taleott, New England Hist, and Gen. Reg., XX, 129, 130 ; xxi, 215, 216. Taleott, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 250-2. Talmadge, Hedge's Anniversary Address, etc., at East Hampton, L. I., N. Y., 1850. Talmadge, Savage's Gen. Dict.,iv, 252. Tallmadge, Howell's Historv of Southamp- ton, L. I., N. Y.; 282-5. Tallmadge, Nash's Genealogy of Nash Fa- mily, 23, 24. Tallmadge, Thompson's History of Long Island, N. Y., ii, 461-3. Tallman, Savage's Gen. Dict.,iv, 252, 253. Tambling, Matthews's History Cornwall, Yt., 290. Taplej, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 253. Tapley, Wyman's Hunt Family Genea- logy, 299. Tappau, Bridgman's Granary Burial Ground, 371-7. Tappan, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 253-6. Tarbell, Bond's Historj- and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 598-601. INDl'X rt) .\Mi:iMf.\N I'KDItJIlKKS Tarhell, Hiitlcr's Hist. <»f (Jroti.ii, l',|.. pcnll and hiliirk-v. Mass., » Id, 44l,4f^0. Tarl.ell, Hill's Ilisloiv of Mason. N. H.. 2l)li, 207. Tarhox, Eaton's Ilistorv of Tlioniaston, Kockhuul, otc.;Mt'.,40:!. ^ Tarbox, Hanson's History of Gardiner, Pitt>ton and W. Gardiner, Me., 108, lO'J. Tai-hox, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 'i'tii. Tai-lton, Savasre's Genealog. Dictionarv, iv, 2m, 2.57. TaiT, Babson's Historv of Gloueesler, Mass., 170,171. ' Tarr, Eaton's Historj' of Tlioniaston, Rockland, etc.,' Me., 423. Tarr, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 2.j7. Tarr, Vinton's Giles Memorial and other Families, 536, 537. Tavlor. K.iinnV llUlorv ..f M U.M-klan.I. H* ■; M.- . I TavN.r, Koxs llUlorv ..r .Mas-*.. 2.VK Tavlor, Fn-eninn'H IliMlorv of (*npr(Vw1. Ma.>vs., ii, H)!. Tavlor, (JiMMhvin's Fir Finn ti..i..ii Tavlor, nail's Anciint IlUmrkal Hr cords of Norwnlk. Conn., IM, 1S5, 117, 120. 12H. 177. Taylor, Hudson's History of M:trllM>ri>'. Mas.s.. 4.M. Taylor, '.liiddand HoltwiMMrit ili*t nml (Jen. of lladlev, M«.is.. .V<1 ."» Taylor, Kidder's Hislorv of New I|»» wicli. N. H.. AM. W.. Taylor, Leiand Maira/ino; oriifOmlitK^- of Leiand Fandly, 7.'», 76. Taylor, MeadesOld ('iinnlH-« nml Fk niilies of Virginia, ii.UH. Tate, Eaton's Historv of Tlioniaston Kockland, etc.," .^le., 423. Tavloe, \Meade's Old Cliurclies and Fa niilies of Virginia, ii, 181,182. Taylor, Alden's Alden Family Memo rials, 54, 55. Taylor, Andrews's Geneal. and Eccle siastical Historv of New Britain Conn., 230, 237. Taylor, "Brown's Genealogy of W. Sims- liury, Conn., Settlers, 124, 125. 1 ''.\V'\' „ rn I Tavlor K Taylor, ' Darlington — Sescini-Ceirten nial (Jatliering of the Chin of Dar- rmi,^ton, 2.5, 20. Taylor, New Kncrland Hint, and (Srnral. Ueg.,ii,:w.'j,:M»fl;xx,l2»,ia».8»7. Taylor, Parker's Histon* of I>m.hw! Co., Penn., :.07 ■ Tliateher's Hi>l..n i'm,,.. .. Mass., 5M). Thayer, Mitchell's History of IJrid water, Mass., 312^ 313. Thayer, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, xiii, 335, 33(). Thayer, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 275-8. Xliomi Tliomas (lenealoi^j- — TnhnUr I Pedignu', 2 sheets. -*^" Thomas, Winsor's HiMorv of l)n\lnir\, Miuss., 325, 32«. ' Thomes. Pierce's Hi.nlon- >>( Gnrlntii, Me, 211,212. •soil. Andrews's Giiwal and \."\<- siasliiid Hist. irv of New liriuin. Conn., l(i:{, 2:{2. Thompson, IJarrvVs Hi-storv of H:»ii«'*" r. Mas>., 40y. 410.' Thayer, Tliayer's Memorial of Early Settlers, ll'J-54. Thayer, Vinton Memorial and Allied Families, 355-G5. Thing, - ' ... Dudley's Gencalogv of Dudley Mradbury « "»'.«/'7 ."[, '^'•'""' Family, 135, 136. bunkpuri. Me.. 2.U. 'im Thomas I Thompson, Bolton's History of Westches- C:«ll'"'V "i"."'^ "^ ^^ '"""""^ terCo., N. Y., i;254. Conn.. ..•-■.«.. Thomas ' Thompson, Bm^l's Genealogy of W.Sims-! .....Ids Hi.u.ry »f V^^i lU-... Tliomjtson, bury. Conn., Settfers, 124 Thomas, Cothren's History of Woodbury . Conn., 722, 723. Conn.. l'>4«. TliompHon, 260 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. ThompsoQ, j Hooker's Memorials of Jas. and I Aug. Thompson. \ Thompson, I Journals of Smith and Dean of I Portland, Me., 68. Thompson, Kingman's History of N. Bridge- water, Mass., 668-72. Thompson, ;>[itcheirs History of Bridgewa- ter, Mass., 314, 315. Thompson, New England Hist, and Gen. Thrall, Reg., iv, 180 : xiii, 112-16, 318-20. Thornton, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 200. Thornton, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 291-3. Thornton, Thornton's Tabular Pedigree of Thorntons, 1845. Thorpe, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 293. Thrall, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 293, 294. Thompson, , mi i Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 283-90. Throckmorton^ Thompson, Sewall's Hist, of Woburn, Mass., 390-402, 643-5. Thompson, Stiles's History of Windsor, Conn., 815. Thom.pson, Thompson's Genealogy Thomp- son Family. Thompson, Thompson's History of Long Island, N. Y., li, 425-31. Thorley, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iv, 295,296. Thorn, Stiles's History of Windsor, Conn, 813-15. Cope's History of Cope Family Tihljcilg of Penn., 71, 155. ' Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 294. Throop, Walker's Memorials of Walker Family, 44. Thurber, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 295. Thurston, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 296, 297. Thurston, Thurston's Geneal. of Thurston Family. Thwing, Jackson's History of Newton, Mass., 427. Thwing, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 298. Thorn, Savage's Gen. Dict.,iv, 289, 290. Thorn dyke, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 429-32. Thorndyke, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 290. Thornhill, Heraldic Journal, i, 1865,52-4. Thorning, Hudson's Hist. Lexington, 240. Thornton, Bond's Hist, and Geneal. of Wa- tertown, Mass., 602-4. Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 298. Tibbets, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, viii, 130. ^ Tibbets, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 299, 300. Tibbetts, I Eaton's History of Thomaston, I Rockland, etc., Me., 433. I Tibbetts, I Hanson's Hist. Gardiner, Pitts- ton and W. Gardiner, Me., 74. Tice, Locke's Geneal. of Locke and Allied Families, 82. INDKX TO AMKliUAN PKDltJHKFX .ji'.I Tiekner, Tilton, Doano's History of SnUiali-, l-anrasUTi. liiM..n ..( . Hudson's History of Lexin^'ton, sries, 4'J-I, •12.V Mass., 240-5. " ' rp- , Tidd, I KaK.ns HiMorv of Tlini««M..ii. Sewall's History of Wohurn, Uis., 32(>. Allied Families, 'Jo. Titconili Tileson, Coflln's History ul N.v»!.iir>. New England Hist, and Geneal. .Mass.. JIIU. Register, xiii, 121, 122. Titconibe, Tileston, SavaL'e's Oenenlog. I)M-tinnai,^ , Sayage's Gen. Diet., iy, :502. iv. -W', :«>H. Tillinirhast, Titns, Bond's and (iI:X To AMKi; Tow no, Hnull.unV History of K.nn,- biinkport, Mo., :iS(). Towiie, CK'uvelamrs 200lli Aimivci-saiv :1'. J:>P*tifliJ. ^^lass., appnulix, Towiie, Doolittle's Ilislorical Ski'tches ot'Belelieituwn, Mass., 2.j8-()0. Towne, Kidder's History of New In.s- wioh, X. II., 4;jr)-7. Towne. Locke's Geneal. of Locke and Allied Families, 72, 145. Towne, Xew En-land Hist, and Geneal. liegister, x.x, ;JlJ7-71 ; .\.\i, 12-22 217-22. Towne, ! Savage's Genealog. Dictionary iy, 316-18. Towne, , To\yue's Genealogy of Towne Family. ' I Town ley, j Littell's Passaic Valley Genea- ' logics, 433-4:1 Town send, Barry's History of Framlnghani, Mass., 420. Townsend, Bolton's History of Westchester Co.,N. Y., ii,.543. , Townsend, Bond's History and Genealogies I of Waterto\vn", Mass.,G04, fiO",. Townsend, Eager's History of Orange Co., N. Y., 507. Townsend, Hill's History of Ma.son, N. II., 207. Townsend, Kellogir's Memorial of Elder John White, 'JO. Townsend, Leonard's History of I)iil)liii, N. H., 401. 402. I' A.\ I'KIMtillKF^S Towns, .11, 1, Su\ap\(;,.„. Dirt I, Townsoiid, i« iiuion I>land.N. Y..n.»4;l.v I Town.'v«i., I.')2. Tozor, Barry'.s History of Knunintflum. .Ma.s.s., 420. 421. Tozer, New Knglnnd IIIhI. and (ii-nral Hegisler, xvi, i:j;l. l.-M. Trai-y, Andrews's (JenniloinnU mu\ Ecelesia.sticul Ilimorv of NVw Britain, C<.nn., :H7, i'jW.yTS Tracy, Caulkins's Ilistun- of N'orwlrh Conn., 112-14. Tracy, Caulkins's Hision- of Nnrwirh, Conn., edition 1WJ7, 2u>.,V Tracy, Eaton's History of TliomaM.m. Rockland, etc, Me.. 4;W. Tracy, Huntington's «Jene-al. of lluiil- ington Family, IU7. ISA, 144 6 Tracy, Savage's (mil Did , iv. ICIi ;t.»! Tracy, Walworth's Hvtlr Grnralofn. i, 4:tt-«l ; ii. lojtf WI. Tracy, Winwir'.s lliittorv of Dutimn-,,a2«. Trail, Hi raldic Juunial, ii. IMM. IN. |9 Train c, Harry's l!i»Uir>- of Fniiuiiif han. Mas^'. 421.4W. Traiiic, Bond's Ilisi. and HilM-|-S J«;6 Triiosdale, Tutk« r, JacksDu's History of Nt-wiun ]\[ass., 420, 427. ' Ni\ii«.-, .„M. I)...: in. u..i.(»rv iv. :KW-4». riu'kor, Sktt«l»-s iind UiTullii li.iii. nf I.yiHlilniru. Vtt., MK',. Barry's History orFraiuinghani. Turkor, Tiu ki r\ (iturnl. of il. Tilrkrr. and I)isi-<*ii(lni)tji. Truesdell, SavauTs Gen. Diet., iv, ;{:r). Tmiiibull, Mass., 425. Ti-umbull, Savage's Gencalog. Dictionary, Tucker, iv, 33G, 33 Trnssell, Eaton's Ilistorv of Tlioiuast Kockland, etc.," 31('., 4:j!». Wanl'H Hlston- of .min»»l.uM. Mas.>«., 4.-);J. Tiu-ker, Wa.slilinrn's IlUlorv of I^in-« 'Pryon '•■'■• ^'»'*'*-. ••*>•'». •*<•'»•' Xew EnL^lantl Ilist. and (»cncal. Tlldor, Kccister, xx, l;!0. Tubbs, Winsor's History of Duxburv. Tudor Mass., 327. ■ Tuck, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 337, 338. Tudor, Tueke, New England Hist, and (ieneal. Register, x, 197. Tucker, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 171, 172. Tucker, Draper's History of Spencer, 3Iass., 2.57, 2.58. Tucker, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, 3Iass., ji, .507. Tucker, Hudson's Hist. Lexington, 24(J. Tucker, .Journals of Smith and Dean of Portland, Me., 22.5. Tucker, (Joodwin".-* (tcnnil. of K.5. Tufts Hud.>ion'» History <>f I^-niii^ttun, Conn., 247. Tufts, Maldt-n. . HiCrnti'iiiiiMi C»lebnition.24U.5l. Tufts, New Kn^lHud HiAl iiikI '••"• 'i Hegister. Xi. 223. 'AM Tufts, SavagcN HJHKh-»* Tyl>bot, Tvl.'c. ' lln.U..i.\ Mim. I^v,,,;;,.,,, r«l Mass., 17;j. »p I TvIm. ^•^■''''*' ^ } '*^ ' » Siiviiv'"''* % < •.iinil. HojfUUT. vill. a»U Kriil'jft'inan's Kin-^s Cliain'l liii- Ti.ii.r rial GroinuT, 28J)-!»1. '' CA .,.,., _, , Aldon s ( olltviiun i4^ Aiurrraa lyler, Kpimpiw. ii.«7.n«. Dajrgett's History of Alllclio- Tvii"- rough, Mass., 95. • "" Tyler, r.y, •j.'si Eaton's History of Thomaston, Tvii"^, Kocklaml, etc.; Mc, 440. ' yl}^„^ UUuincul .S«4r«y loj Tyler, l.nioi.s. Field's History of Haddam and Tyui;, E. Haddani,Conu., 4G. IW.-'s Hi.m..rv..r •;..rl.4ui Tyler, Me.,jij,>io. Heraldic Journal, iii, 18(57, 1S4. Tyiiir, rp..ip.. Savago's (ft'ii. I>ni . iv, ;t'ifl .'« Holden's Gcncaloirv of Capron lyreli. Family, part 8, 191.' .Sava.!,'c'.s G.-ii. iJicl.. Iv.JUO. .-So: 268 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. U, Ulmer, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 440-4. Underhill, Bolton's History of Westchester Co., N. Y., ii, 228. Underhill, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iv, 358, 359. Underwood, Barry's Historj- of Framing- bam, Mass., 426, 427. Underwood, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 610, 611. Underwood, Draper's History of Spencer, Mass., 258. Underwood, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., i, 642. Underwood, Hudson's History of Lexington, Mass., 250, 251. Underwood, Morse's Gen. Reg. of Sherborn and Holliston, Mass., 251, 252. Underwood, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iv, 3o9, 360. Updyke, Rhode Island Historical Society Collections, iii, 311. Uphani, Barry's History of Framingham, Mass., 427. Upham, Bond's Hist, and Gen. of Water- town, Mass., 611-16. Uphana, Draper's History of Spencer, Mass., 258. Upham, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 569. Upham, Maiden, Mass., Bi-Centennial Celebration, 247, 248. Upham, Savage's Genealog. Dictionaiy, iv, 360, 361. Upham, Upham's Family History of Uphams. Upham, Washburn's History Leicester, Mass., 406, 407. Upson, Bronson's History of Water- bury, Conn., 534-36. Upson, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iv, 362. Upton, Essex Institute Collections, vii, 247, 248. Usher, Brooks's History of Medford, Mass., 556-8. Usher, Fox's History of Dunstable, Mass., 251. Usher, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iv, 362, 363. Ussell, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 327. INDKX To AMKIUCAN I'KDhi KKF». '^ail' 'Van haiii. Griffin's Journal -SoutlmKl.L. I Valnuim's X.-u- York Cllr ^•' ~'"""- I (""llinUMI ('nun. il,! l-l'. Vail, ! 'i^-'*' Littell's Passaic Vallov Genoa- i Vauderldlt. logics, 453-4. Yail, Fauiik. i:Jo. i:ii Re(lficlcVsGen.Redficl(lFani.,GT. VjUl DorheNMlcli, Yail Woodwnriir-. U. niinl«rnrr« i.r IliTirj-nV Giii(al.)j{> of lUrs'v Vails Preliminary sheets of Troy, N. Y., 7(M. Geneal. of Vail Family, 1857, 8. I VaudervecT. Valentine, ' . JJi''->:.Y''=* ;;|'n«-a!opA ..r IJ. r,-. t. Bolton's History of Wcstches- ,, ^ »"'">. HO- ter Co., N. Y., ii, 544. V an Driest, IkT;rcn's (Jcneai. ni \ im Uruiit Fainilv, •-»!». ;«». Valentine, Littell's Passaic Valley Genea- .^ .^ logics, 455-8. ■ Van Duyn, Valentine, I Hikv^'^ AnnalH of X.-wtow,,. I. New England Ili.storical and ! , ^- '^- »• •"»•*••»■ Geneal. Register, x.\, 221-G. \ an DycK, Van Alst Hirgni's (imfnl. of Van Hninl Riker's Annals of Xewtowi Family, 11-ia. L. I., N. Y\, 380-3. Vane, Van Arsdale •**'"^\ K"f-'!'.'"'' Ili-'i iin.h;.ni.ii Riker's Annals of Newton, L. I., Hcgist.r, ii, 14'.', 1 « : N. Y., 307. ' Van Kerken, Van Brunt, Famii" V''"'"' "' ^ '" """" Boriren's Genealogy of Bergen __ ""'^• Family, 117-19, 148, 149. Van Leer, Van Brunt, f."'"''.''* "'r,':^' °' tk>i»wn Bergen s Geneal. of \ ;iii Brunt Family. Van > iiyHf. Van Cortlandt, l^•^^T"■^lV•";:l'"«> "' **•''»''*' Bolton's Historj- of ^\ estclicater _, , • , Co., N. Y., i, 51, 449. | v an KenrtM'Iacr, Van Cortlandt, : n«^- •I«"«rnal.l.l868.M.»i Heraldic .Journal, iy, 1868, 20-2. Van RenH«elaor, Van Cortlandt, ]^^[' •^""^'•^" ''"'"*'" Valentine's New York City _ . '\ . , Common Council Manual, 18.J3. Van bchaick. 385, 38G ; 1854, 402, 403. Ilolpit.-V .\m. r n. •. . *.. 270 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Van Sickle, Littell's Passaic Valley Genea- logies, 383, 383. Van Stone, Eaton's History of Thomastou, Rockland, etc., Me., 444. Vansyoc, Cope's Record of Cope Family ofPenn., 84, 85, 188. Van Tassel, Bolton's History of Westchester Co., N. Y., ii, 545. Van Voorhies, Bergen's Genealogy of Bergen Family, 144, 145, 172. Van Voorhies, Bergen's Geneal. of Van Brunt Family, 10, 11, 17. Van Wart, Bolton's History of Westchester Co., N. Y., ii, 545. Varick, Valentine's New York City Council Manual, 1853, 413, 414. Varney, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 173. Varney, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, ix, 55. Varney, Otis's Memoir of Otis Family of New Hampshire, and collate- ral Branches. Varney, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv,366. Varnum, Farmer and Moore's Historical Collections, ii, 371,273. Varnum, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, v, 79-83, 350. Vassal 1, Bridgman's King's Chapel Bu- rial Ground, 238-31. Vassall, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 366-70. Vassall, Ellis's History of Roxbury, Mass., 133. Vassall, Harris's Vassalls of New Eng- land. Vassall, Heraldic Journal, ii, 1866, 17, 18. Vassal], New England Historical and Geneal. Reg., xvii, 56-61, 113-38. Vassall, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 367. Vaughan, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 445. Vaughan, Eaton's History of Warren, Me., 433. Vaughan, New England Hist, and Geneal. Reg., V, 345; xix, 343-56. Vaughan, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 368,369. Vaughn, Sheppard's Reminiscences of Vaughn Family. Veazie, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 445. Veazie, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 369. Veits, Andrews's Geneal. and Eccle- siastical History of New Britain, Conn., 394, 395. Ventres, Field's History of Haddam and E. Haddam, Conn., 45. Veren, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 370, 371. Vermilye, Bolton's History of Westchester Co., N. Y., ii, 545. Vernon, Smith's History of Delaware Co., Penn., 509." INDKX lO AMKUUAN n:i>l<,U| | s 271 Vorrill, ViU-s. Rockland, etc.; M.., 44.-,. ' "llu^ ii>. Si." '^*'"*:»""- Very, , Viiml, Babson's History of (Jloucfstrr, ! Oraiif's HUum- of S.ii«i«ir Mass., 173. I Mass., :m n Very, Vinintj, Historical ('ollcctions of E^^fx ^^HIcs'.m Ilistorv <.f Wln.l^.r Institute, i. Ill); ii, 'M-H. Conn.. SIT. Very > Vii)!. .INI Vinton, .Sivap"s(;(n. Dirt., iv. U7.'i. New PZn.i^land Historical and V:,,t,.n Geneal. Kegister, xviii, 18G-H. ^ "' V.* .' . „ \ niton s Memornilti of \ wiIK.\ lo A.MKIJUAN l'KI>|t}HKh> Wakeley, Porter's Gont'iiloi^v i>r llarll'ord. Conn., Settlors, "Je. Wakeley, Savasje's Genealoij. Dieiidiiarv iv, 38G, 387. Wakoinati, Hcdiitld's (Jenealoijieal History of Hcdtiekl Family; 4!>. Wal.ln.n, Savat'fV i;.M Hi, t . i\. I'^j'jx WaMroii, Walkir's MiiuuriaU of Wnlkrr Family. +ri. 4«. Wales, Savage's (Jen Di.i.. iv.:K»I. Wales, W-ikennn Tliav.r's M.mormI ..f Fjirly wdiveniai), s.iil,-rs. iv.-u-j. ' Wales, Wahs. MuKH., (VntennUI (Vlc- Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, ;jS7,;iss Walcot, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv,;?8H. '• l»rati«)ii, iF, 24 Walcott, Walker,' ^\ alker's Memorials of Walker Harry's Hist«.rv of FrumlnK- Family, 148. l,a,„; Mft.H.s., 4:M». 4ai. Waldo, Walker, Bridgman's King's Chapel Me- Hond's History iin«H;«-ni-sil..i;>.-* morials, 293, 293. ,.t" Watertuwn', Mii.h.-., «1k, «|W Waldo, Walker, Fox's History of Dunstable, Rmilon's History of Coneord. Mass., 251. N. H., (W» 99. Waldo, Walker, Historieal Colleetions of Esse.\ Hradluirv'-i lli>.t<»r>* of Ki-nnr- Institute, iv, 131. l.inikporl. M... 2^1'. 2«2. Waldo, Walker, Jones's Genealogy of Waldo ("olhren's inst«»r\ WiMNllnirv. Family. ' j Conn., 744-7. Waldo, Walker, Kingman's Hist, of X. Bridge- Doolittle's llislorinil Sk.i< li.» water, Mass., «7G, G77. «»f Helehertown. Miuu... UH. W Waldo, Walker, Mitchell's History of Bridge- Katon's HisUirj- of Tln.iiuwlon. water, Mass., 320." U.Mklaiid. elr.. Me.. 44**. Waldo, Walker, New England Historical and Fisk.-'» (}eiu-nlopy of KUk«-« of Geneal. Register, .wiii, 17(i, 177. Amherst. N. U., I.'iO. 151. Waldo, Walker, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 389. Fr.rman's History .'( ( jum ( .«!. ^,r 1 1 Mass., ii, IMMJ VValdroii, , Gale's li.eord of Gale Family, , >> alker, 1^4 IIol.Hrf>i HlKlory of Al.n.ift.m. TTT I 1 C«»nn.. 44H. Waldroii, ..,. ,, Ne\y England Hist, and Geneul. >> »'"^^'|"' . „. r v - i^ Reg., viii, 78 ; i.x, 5.-, ; .xix. 223. K dder h "'",«•;:>■ "^ •^'•* '•* Waldron, W IL- Oti-s'sGeneal. of Otis Family of ""'.''.!, I. I V II »f2...».L. Dover, N. H., and collafral LiiiHIM Wc \ .Ilcy «m«lo. Branches. »»'''•«• **^^^ 274 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Walker, Morse's Genealogical Register of Sherborn and Hollislon, Mass , 253. Walker, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 392-8. Walker, Sewall's History of Wobiiru, Mass., 169-74, 647. Walker, Sibley's Hist, of Union, Me., 514. Walker, Waliier's Memorials of the Walkers. Walker, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 322. Walkley, Field's Histoiy of Haddam and E. Haddam, Conn., 45. Walkup, Barry's History of Framingham, Mass., 431-3. Wall, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 449. Wallace, Bolton's Historj' of Westchester Co., N. Y., ii, 545, 546. Wallace, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 449. Wallace, Heraldic Journal, iii, 1867, 185, 186. Wallace, Parker's History of London- derry, N. H., 302-7. Waller, Caulkins's History of Norwich, Conn., edition 1867, 206. Waller, Cothren's History of Woodbury, Conn., 754. Waller, New England Historical and Geneal. Reg., xii, 74. Waller, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 399. Walley, Bridgman's Granary Burial Ground, 33-6. Walley, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., i, 290, 292 ; ii, 274, 774. Walley, Savage's Geuealog. Dictionary, iv, 399-401. Walley, Willard's Memorial and Genea- logy of Willard Family, 400. Wallis, Babson's Histoiy of Gloucester, Mass., 175, 176. Wallis, Maine Historical Society Col- lections, i, 214. Wallis, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iv, 401, 402. Wallingford, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, xx, 335. Wallingford, Otis's Geneal. of Otis Family of N. H., and collateral Families. Walsh, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 449, 450. Walsh, Ruttenber's Hist, of Newburgh, N. Y., 296, 297. Walter, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, viii, 209. Walter, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 403. Walton, Blood's History of Temple, N. H., 252, 253. Walton, Kidder's Historv of New Ips- wich, N. H., 438": Walton, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, ix, 57, 58. Walton, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 405. INDKX To AMKlilCAN I'KDIUHKKS Walworth, Caulkins's History of Nrnv Lon- don, Conn., :54."). Wahvortlu Wahvortli's Hyde (Jencalov'v, i, 5;jO-4G. Wanton, Dcanc's History of Scituato, Mass., 371-7. Wanton, Savage's Gen. Dict.,iv, 40(i. Wai'd, Barry's History of Franiinjrliani, Mass., -133. Ward, Bolton's History of Westches- ter Co., N. Y., i, 161. Ward, Cothren's History of Woodbuiy, Conn., 755. Ward, Esse.v Institute Coil's, 207-19. Ward, Good^vin's Genealogical Notes, 237-41. Ward, , Hudson's History of Marlboro', ; Ware Mass., 459-62. Ward, Jackson's History of Newton, Mass., 428-37. Ward, Judd and Boltwood's History and Gen. of Hadley, Mass., 5H7. Ward, CoJhvtlonM. Hi. .ilO. :ill I Ward, Savai;i -s (Mil Diet., k. 4(M 1% : Ward, Wanr.-* Fiimilv (mij ..f W»n| i Ward, ; Ward's Mi.Hlorv of ShrrwitliurT. : Ma.HH.. 4.->7«W. ' Wardle, Savajfe'.-* (Jen. Dirl.iv. ll*». 4lrt Ward well, I Adams's Haven (JenrnloRr. 'J«l i part, 21 j Ware, I Clark's (tenealopy of CUrk K»- inily of WaliTlinvn. Mmw.. »5, 140-4. I Ware, Lrland Magazine, or (;«-n«*nl Oiirlin-. I 1775, with (leni-nlogy ««f Warr Family, 24 i Warinsr, Hall's Atui.-nt HlMnriral It*- Miner's Hist, of Phelps and cords of Nurwalk. Conn . lUl. Gorham's Purchase, .j;j8. AVard, 'i'iii, 'i-W, 2ai. 241. 24U. iW Warner. New England Hist, and Geneal. IJal.-on's History of GlourrMrr . Register, .vvii, :53i)-42. Ward .Ma»r..2.'W. J«')0. Warner, Norton's History ot Kmo.n Co., I Hronson's HlM of Walrtlnir). Oliio, 362. I <''»»". ■'»'''^-" 276 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Warner, Cothren's History of Woodbury, Conn., 752-4. Warner, Doolittle's Historical Sketches of Belchertown, Mass., 264,265. Warner, Field's Hist, of Haddam and E. Haddam, Conn., 48. Warner, Fox's History of Dunstable, Mass., 252. Warner, Goodwin's Foote Family Genea- logy, 201, 202. Warner, Hollister's Pawlet, Vt., 253. Warner, Judd and Boltwood's Hist, and Gen. of Hadley, Mass., 588-91. Warner, Nash's Genealogy of Nash Fa- mily, 36, 37. Warner, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, xiv, 125-32; xv, 135, 136; XX, 64-8,318,319. Warner, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iv, 418-22. Warner. Wilbrahara, Mass., Centennial Celebration, 1863, 310, 311. Warren, Barry's History of Framingham, Mass., 433,434. Warren, Bond's History and Genealogies of Watertown, Mass., 619^26, 961-3. Warren, Bridgman's Granary Burial Ground, 223-37. Warren, Buckminster's Geneal. of Hast- ings Family, 56-62. Warren, Hanson's History of Gardiner, Pittston and W. Gardiner, Me., 84, 85. Warren, Hudson's History of Marlboro', Mass., 462, 463. Warren, Kellogg's Memorials of Elder John White and Descends., 76. Warren, Kingman's History of N. Bridge- water, Mass., 677-980. Warren, Leland Magazine, or Genealogy of Leland Family, 53. Warren, Leonard's History of Dublin, N. H., 410. Warren, Loring's One Hundred Boston Orators, 45. Warren, Mitchell's History of Bridgewa- ter,Mass.,321,322. Warren, Pierce's History of Gorham, Me., 213, 214. Warren, Ruttenber's History of New- burgh, N. Y., 284-6. Warren, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 423-8. Warren, Warren's Geneal. of Warren. Warren, Washburn's History Leicester, Mass., 408, 409. Warriner, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iv, 428, 429. Warriner, Wilbraham, Mass., Centennial Celebration, 311-13. Warwick, » Sketches and Recollections of Lynchburg, Va., 235-8. Washburn, Eaton's History of Thomastou, Rockland, etc.. Me., 450, 451. Washburn, Mitchell's History of Bridgewa- ter, Mass., 322-33. INIM'.X TO AMKIMCAN |•KI)I^MlK^>^ Washburn, Siivajro's G(>n. Diet.. iv,4'J!l, J:U». Washburn, ' Wasliburn's Hist, of Li'icostor ' 3I:iss., 412-15. Wiishi!iii:ton, AUlrn's Collection of American Epitaphs, V, 71-:$. Wa!5hino;ton, Clu'stor's (Jrn. of Wasiiinirton. Washini^ton, lU'ialdic Journal, ii, 1866,66-74, ^ 14r,-G.-). Washiiiijton, Irvini^'s Life of George Wash- ington, i, 1-17. Washington, ^leade's Old Churches and Fa- milies of Virginia, ii, 166-71. Washington, i New Euijland Historical and Geneal. Reg., vi, 384; xvii,248; x.\i, 25-35. Washington, j Simpkinson's Washington Ge- > nealogy. Washington, Sparks's Life and Writings of^ Washington, i, 539-54. Watcher, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, xiv, 11, 12. Waterhouse, Machias, Me., Centennial Cele- bration, 178. Waterhouse, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 431. Waterman, Caulkins's History of Norwich, Conn., edition 1867. 206-8. ' Waterman, Deane's History of Sciluatc, , Mass., 377-9. Waterman, ' Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 328. Waterman, Mitchell's History of Hriilgewu- • ter, Mass.. 333. I ^\'at^■IIll:lll. Niviijr. V G.n IMcL. I».4ai4 Wuterninn, 4114 71 ^ Watonnan. Winsor's llintorv ><( Diixhanr. .Mass.. ;{23. Waters, Savage's (ivu Dlrl., Iv. l.lSn Wat kins, Meades Old ChiirrlHii Miil Ft milies of Vlrglnlii, I, VU\ 4.M Watkins, N!urse's Gi-n. HeiHAUT of Shrr- l)orn and noin.Hlon, Momi . '.».Vi Watkins, Morse's Meniorinl of .M<>rM-«. Appendi.v No. 37|. Watkins, Watkins's Genralof^- of Wel- kins Family. Watrous, Caulkins's Hist, of New I^mdon. Conn., 295 Watson, Bradhiirv'.^ Ili^^ton' <>f Kmi,. lMink|H.rt, Mr.. 2Kj" Watson, Dean's WattMin Gcncalug^. Watson, Dorr's Life of John FanninK Wat.Hon, 12 14. Watson, Drai)er'H Ilinton* of Sprnrrf. Ma>i«.. 2JH-H. Watson, Eaton's History of Thi)iiia*ii>ii. UcK^^kland, tlf.'. Mc. iS4 6. Watson, LiK-ke's GcnfalfMnr of Locke. and Alii.-.! Fainlllw. 7». Watson, New Knglnnd lIUl anil CrtirAl IteU'Wlrr. XVin.lWM Watson, Olih'H GenealotfV of (UU Kamllir of New llniii|>oiiire. ami « ••lUir- lid liruiiriu-*. 278 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Watson, Pierce's History of Gorliam, Me., 214, 215. Watson, Rhode Island Historical Society Collections, iii, 315. Watson, Savaj^e's Gen. Diet., iv, 436-8. Watson, Stiles's History of Windsor, Conn., 818-20. Watson, Washburn's Hist, of Leicester, Mass., 411, 412. Watson, Watson's Gen. of John Watson. Watson, Wetmore's Wetmore Genea- logy, 64, 65. Wattles, Gould's History of Delaware Co., N. Y., 143-8. Watts, Eaton's Annals of Warren, Me., 434, 435. Watts, Eaton's History of Thoniaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 451-4. Watts, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 438, 439. Way, Caulkins's History of New Lon- don, Conn., 362. Way, Dodd's History of East Haven, Conn., 159. Way, Rik^r's Annals of Newtown, L. I., N. Y., 378-80. Way, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 439-41. Weare, New Hampshire Historical So- ciety Collections, viii, 380, 381. Weare, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 441,442. Weaver, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, xviii, 257. Webb, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 393. Webb, Pierce's History of Gorham, Me., 215-17. Webb, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 443-6. Webb, Vinton's Giles Memorial and other Families, 497-532. Webber, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 176-8. Webber, Maine Historical Society Col- lections, 215. Webber, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 446, 447. Webber, Walker's Memorials of Walker Family, 341. Weber, Brooks's History of Medford, Mass., 560. Webster, Andrews's Genealogical and Ecclesiastical History of New Britain, Conn., 188, 235. Webster, Bouton's History of Concord, N. H., 699. Webster, Chase's History of Haverhill, Mass., 79. Webster, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 456. Webster, Goodwin's Geneal. Notes, 242-9. Webster, Judd and Boltwood's Hist, and Gen. of Hadley, Mass., 592. Webster, Kilbourne's Hist, and Antiqui- ties of Kilbourn Family, 111. Webster, Lancaster's History of Gilman- ton, N. H., 288. IXDKX TO AMKlMiAN I'KDIUUKKS '27ft AVebster, New Eiij^^laiul Ilisi. ami ( Register^ vii, lO'J ; i.\, IM, lt!(». Webster, Webster, Poor's Historical and Gt-nca- loffical Resoarciies, 107-i;{. 14(i 147, 170, 2%, :297. Webster, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 447-.">l». Webster, Stiles's History of Windsor Ooun., 821. Webster, Webster's Geueal. of Wel)ster. Weed, Eaton's History of Tliomaston, Katon- lllMorv of Th..ti>a.!..ii Unrkland.rtr. Mr.. 4:i7 WeKh, Wel.l, Aldtn.H {"i.IliTiliin of Ainrrimn Kpilaplis. i. n-J. llH. 4 Wi'l.l. Kliiss Ili-tMr. .,f Hoxhury. Mas... i:; ; Wold, Fovs Hi>l..r\ ..I IhinnUlilr. .Mas..*., 2.VJ. ■ Wel.l, New Enu'land llii«tjt<«n, Ilud)M>n')i ilinlun- odj'tingltm. Mh.hh , J.W 9. Siiv:i.j.^<;.iJ Dirt . Iv W <-' 280 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Wellman, Goodwin's Genealogical Notes, 32-2-7. Wellman, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 481, 482. Wellman, Wellman's Geneal. of "Wellman. Wells, Adams's Haven Genealogy, 2d part, 22. Wells, Andrews's Geneal. and Eccle. History of New Britain, Ct., 229. Wells, Caulkins's Hist, of New London, Conn., 355, 356. Wells, Field's History of Haddam, and East Haddam, Conn., 45. Wells, Goodwin's Geneal. of Olcott Fa- mily, 35. Wells, Judd and Boltwood's Hist, and Geneal. of Hadley, Mass., 592-4. Wells, Kellogg's Memorials of Elder John White, 99. Wells, Kilbourne's Hist, and Antiqui- ties of Kilbourn Family, 215. Wells, New England Hist, and Geneal. Kegister, xii, 157-60 ; xx, 131-3. Wells, Welles, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 474-80. Wells, Thornton's Tabular Pedigree of "Wells and other Families, 1850. Wells "Wells's Geneal. of Wells Family. Welton, Bronson's History of Water- bury, Conn., 541-51. Wendell, Bridsman's Kind's Chapel Bu- rial Ground, 234-8. Wendell, Heraldic Journal, i, 1865, 49, 50. Wendell, Journals of Smith and Dean of Portland,Me., 28, 29. Wensley, Savage's Genealos. Dictionary, iv, 482, 483. Went worth, Caulkins's Historv of Norwich, Ct., edition 1867, 252. W^entworth, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.^ Me., 458. Wentworth, Heraldic Journal, iii, 1 867, 170-2. Wentworth, New England Historical and Geneal. Register, iv, 321-38; vi, 212-14, 291, 292 ; vii, 265, 304 ; viii, 48, 246 ; xvih, 49 ; xix, 65- 69; xxii, 120-39. Wentworth, New Hampshire Historical So- ciety Collections, v, 238-43. Wentworth, Otis's Genealogical Hist, of Otis Family, and collateral Branches. Wentworth, Savage's Geneal og. Dictionaiy, iv, 484-6. Wentworth, Vinton's Giles Memo, and other Families, 168. Wentworth, Weutworth's Geneal. of Went- worth Family, 20. Wertmuller, Alden's Collection of American Epitaphs, V, 156, 157. Wescott, Pierce's History of Gorham, Me., 217. Wescott, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iv, 486, 487. Wesley, Mitchell's History of Bridgewa- ter, Mass., 333. Wesson, Adams's Haven Genealogy, 2d part, 6. INDKX To AMKUICAN I'KKIUUKhX Bouton's History of ('..iicord N. II., TOO. West, Freeman's Hislorvol'l. ape ('dd, Mass., ii, 229. West, Machias, Mc, Centennial Cele- bration, 178. West, Norton's Illstorv of Knox Co., Ohio, mi. West, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 487, 4S8. West, Wetl.erill. Saviip'.H «Jrn Diil . l».4D|. iVi An.ln'ws'H Ofniiil anti Krrlr Hisiory of Xiw HriUin.lonn . :J7ii. :wo. Wetinore, HiMiliiijrton'H (;»ne«! of iliiiii- infjtiin Kauiily. 1»7. Wotmore, Krilogg's Mrnmrinl of tt.Irr .lolin White. H8. Wt'tmore, New p}n^lu^li IliNt. and (m-ii Hejrister, xiv, \M\. Wiusor's History of Diixlniry, Wetmore, Mass., 334. Westcott, Bolton's History of Westchester Wevboril Co., N. Y., ii, .i4<;. Westcott, Hudson's Hist. Le.xington, 2G0. | WevnioUth Weston, W«'lniore'!* <;enenli»>jy of W.t more Family. i)eane's lliston' of SiiUmlr, Mass.. :jh:{. 3H4. ' .Savage's Gen. Diet.. Iv, 4W. 4W Hill's Hist, of Mason, N. II., 207. Wlwile Weston, Pierce's Hist. Gorliam, Me., 217. Weston, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 489, 490. Weston, WMn.sor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 334-0. AVestover, Andrews's Geneal. and Eecle. ,,;•. ^.. Hist. New Britain, Ct., 334, ;W.J. >> "^'J'^f'; Westover, Rhode Island HiAlorical Horirty Coller, ... t ,,_ . ... Miuw, H.2-J7. Whito, llrtll'H Andrnt HUi. Il«^.rl. ..f Norwiilk. Conn.. Wl. •.'70. '^i Whito, Howeirs ni*it of SiultiMuplon. I.. I.. N. Y . 2>*« «. White, liiidi^on's lliftorv .if I,* xitiiTt-'n, .Miu-vH., 2««). White, .Jackson's Ilisturv "i N<\»iltw> Hint. kikI (Jen. of Hadhy, .Mium» . .'iJM «»r.> White, Kellogg's Mcnw>rinlii of KIdrr J. Wliitcan tdn.Mass., 1H. Whitney, liutlcf's Hist, of Groton, Pop- perell and Shirley,, 444 481,497. Whitney, DraiHM"sHist.SiK'n(er,Mass.,','(;i. AVhitney, Eaton's History of Tlioinaston, Koc-kland, etc.," Me., 4(iO. Whitney, Hall's Ancient Hist. Records of Norwalk. Conn., 189, 1!)2-!».'J0>>, 208, iMl 217, 227, 2:34, 236, 201, 287, 288, 298. Whitney, , Harris's Branch of the AVhitney i W hitteniore. Family. "' " '" '" " W^hitney, Hudson'sHist. of Lexington, 2(M Whitney Whit II. 'v. rimrilnnH lli.i ..f \V,„U.i..,. .Mc.,201. ' Whitiii'v, W«rd*!« IliHiorv of .Shrr».i«,r» Miuw.. 474 77. ' Whitney. Wi-siniinMer. M«i*«.. (VnlrttnUI <'n. Ma-.s..2f'H4-«. ' Jackson's History of Newton. Whitti"rnr)ri- Mass.. 463, 464. Whitney, Leland Magazine or Leland WhittPinoro Genealogy, 59, 196, 197. 261-4. AVhitney, Locke's Hist, of Locke and Allied W 1 1 i 1 1 emore. Families, 75, 76. Whitney, Morse's Geneal. of Sherborn and Wliittenioro, Holliston, Mass., 257-<;0. Whitney, New England Hist. andiJcneal. Whittfliiort' Register, xi, 113-21,225-30; .\ii, 215-19. Whitne}', Petersham, Mass., Centennial Celebration, 107, 108. Kidder'.s Ili.-torv New Itr.wi(-Ii, N. 11, 441.442" LcKke's ( M-n)-ulot,'y f»f Fytxk* and allied Fitniili«ii. .'M. 1 14 .Maiden. Mum*.. Ki-Crnit-iinUI C.l.bnilion. 240-4. New Kn^daiid IliM ■ndm. Wild Kinsman's History of N.Hiidjro- ' Willard, water, Mass., G82,'Gy;J AVilde, Bradbury's History of Kenne Williird, bunkport, Me., 28o, 280. Wildei-, Leonard's History of Dublin, Willard N. H., 4l:j, 414. HolHsur'H Pswln. Vi.fcirOnr HinidriMl Y.-an. iSn^a Iii(k>i..n'>« Hininn of NmtMn Mas.- , 444 ' L«<.nan|.. \\\*u>n >.{ Dublin N. n.,414. 41.-. ■ Wilder, Nr\v Kngliind ili«t nrxi «.ri,r»l. Hijnster, lv,:UC»: xx.XHi Locke's Geneal. of Loeke and Willard, '"" ' ^ " ' ' " Sayai:<''>« Gen. Diet. iv..W2-.V Willard, Allied Families, .J2, !)T-1(K», ete, Wilder, Ne\y England Historical and Geneal. Keg'ster, xxi, 120. Wilder, Savage's Gen. Diet., iy, .j4it,.'>50. Wilder, Shepard's Biography and Gene- alogy of Wilder. Wilder, AVillard's Mtnioir and (Jmr- alogy of Willard. Willett, Bolton's History of W»itt«l»n.trr Co.,N. Y, ii,.'>47, .%4M. Willett, Dajr),'ett'HHist.of AtU.lN.r.MijjIi. Mass., VM), i:n. Wild Worcester Magazine and Hist. "\Vi||(^.tt Journal, ii, 340-2. New EnRland HiM. und ... n- .1 Keji^isUr, ii, :JTii. Wyman's Hunt Family History, ^Vil|t>tt ^'^^ l{lio,i'» (Jin. Diet .lir.M7, MH Sayage's Gen. Diet., iy,551, 552. ^ViHiamx, Willard, Allen's Historj' of Worcester, Mass., Association, 93, 94. Willard. Barry's History of Fraininghani, Mass.,4:j9-41. Antlnwit'i* (Jenral and FVrlr itiaitlinil HUtorj- of Nr m liriuin. Conn., aas WilliainH, Blak. !• (;cn«-«J( Thi>tn»«t<>n. water, Mass., 684-6. KtM-kliinil, t-tr ,' Mr.. 4n, N || .-.iiu Geneal. Reg., xx, 6, 7 ; xxii, 180. Wi] jj,^„ Willis, I Hudson's Hist. L.-xlDgton. V» Ricketson's History of New I -iTr-i Jark.son's Hi.stor)- of N- Bedford, Mass., 187-9, 193, 194. Willis, j Mass., 44.'>-7. Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 573-8. "Wilson Willis, I Kidders Historj- <.f N»w Ij.^ AVinsor's History of Duxbury, wich, N. H.. 44*J, 443. Mass., 837, 338. Wilson, Williston, I Lancaster's H|story of Gilmui- Lyman's History of East Hamp- ton, N. H.,2H7. to'n,Mass., 179-80. Wilson, AVillman, Mopm-'s MomoriHl of MontcB, Howell's History of Soutliamp- Appendix Xo. 42. ton, L. L, N. Y., 303. Wilson, Willouo:hby, Rhode Isbnd HiMorie*! SuciHjr Savage's Gencalog. Dictionar}-, Collections, Hi. '.MKJ. •JW. iv, 578, 579. ' .Wilson, Willoughbv, Savage's Genedog. DlfU«m«fy. Smith's Report of Willoughby ! iv. 5H1-IK). Association, with Genealogy. "Wilson. ^Yills^ Siwall's History of Wobufu. Deane's History of Scituute, Ma-ss.. «4M. 049 Mass., 384. , Wils.n, Wilraarth, Stark's History- of I)unl«rt.«. Daggett's History of Altlebury, N. H . -40. Mass., 95. Wilson, Wilmot, siii.Vs Hist nrwind»..r «•-- Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 580, 581. «3. KJ4. Wilson Wilrton, Abbo'tt's History of Andover. I W.ishb»m's IlUtory of Uu<. Mass., 37. tor. MwMk. MM. Wiknn Winch, Bany'sHistory ofFranunghan.. H«rr>s IIl^rtoryufKnuuioicb-u. Mass, 441, 442. Mu- H. . 290 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Winchell, Andrews's Geneal. aud Eccle- siastical History of New Britain, Conn., 269, 304, 305. Winche]], Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 591. "Winchell, Stiles's History of Windsor, Conn., 824, 825. Winchester, Barry's History of Fraiuingbam, :Mass., 447, 448. Winchester, Hollister's -Pawlet, Vt., for One Hundred Years, 264. j Winchester, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iv, 591, 593. i Window, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 179. Windship, Leland Magazine, or Genealogy of Leland Family, 177. Windsor, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 603-5. Wing, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 100, 159-64, 200-5. Wing, Winship, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iv, 597, 598. Winslow, Bariy's History of Hanover, Mass., 443, 444. Winslow, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 388-390. Winslow, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 465. Winslow, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., i, 302 ; ii, 764. Winslow, Hanson's Hist. Gardiner, Pitts- ton andW. Gardiner, Me., 65, 66. Winslow, Mitchell's History of Bridge- water, Mass., 352^ 353, 387-90. Winslow, Moore's Memorial of American Governors, i, 131-8. Winslow, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, iv, 297-303; xvii, 159- 62; xxi, 209-11. Winslow, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 598-603. Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 593-5. I Winslow, Wingate, Alden's Collection of American Epitaphs, iii, 205. Wingate, New England Hist, and Geneal. Register, ix, 143, 144. Wingate, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 595, 596. Winn, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 596, 597. Winn, Sewall's History of Woburn, Mass., 649-51. Winship, Hill's Hist, of Mason, K H., 208. Winship, Hudson's History of Lexington, Mass.. 267-74. Thatcher's Hist orvof Plymouth, i Mass., 90, 94-7, 143. Winslow, Winsor's History of Duxbury, I Mass., 338. Winsor, Winsor's Genealogical Account of Winsor Family. Winsor, Winsor's History of Duxbuiy, Mass., 339-46. Winston, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv,605. Winston, Sketches and Recollections of Lynchburg, Ya., 220-9. Winter. Savage's Genealog. ' Dictionary, iv, 605, 606. 1M>1:\ To AMKinCAN I'KUKJIIKF!}* Winthrop, j Wi,|,„,„, l) Ihsiory an,l Anti-iuilics Hali^nnH niM..r^ of r,\„u.^ut ot Huston, Mass., TO. Mass.. ITO^I. ' • ^«r. Wiiithrop, Dudley's Gcnoaloirv of Dudlov Family, l;J8. Winthrop, Hollistci's History ot'ConiLTti- ciit, i, osx;. Winthrop, Moore's ^Memorial of Ameriean Governors, i, 2(iS-7'i. Winthrop, New Eni^land Historiortl and Geneal. Register, xviii, 182-4. Winthrop, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, (iOti-U. Winthrop, Savage's Winthrop's Hlstor}' of Xew'^England, i, 7G-82. Winthrop, Whitmore's Gen. of Winthroj). -ryj^i. Winthrop, Winthrop's Life, etc., of Gov. John Winthrop. Wise, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iv, 614, 615. Wis wall, Bradbury's History of Kenne- bunkport, Me., 286. 287. Witluiin, ¥'MUm\ IliHion- of Tltoin»iMon. Umkland. eir.. Mf , iM WithfO. Hill's HiM. N II. .Hw Witiu'rlu' '. liudsnn's lli^iorv uf Marllniro'. Mass.. 4?J, 4Ta. ■ WitliiniTton, Hill's Hisi. Mftj-.n. N, H . 3»*. Withinjrton, Locke's (tencal. of I/orkr and Allied Faniilic^i, 40, Ki, TV. Withitiijtoil, Savage's (Jen. Diet.. Iv. «tH,fll». Witt, Hudson's Ili-ston- of Marltmro', Ma.-vs.. 473-.*.. Lewis and Newliall'-* HiHtti>r> of ('n|H-('; Ilistorv ofTliomaslon, Kocklaiul, etc.,"3If., 4G8. Woodhull, Ilt'iaklic Journal, ii.lSOO. 113-ir). Woodhull, Kill)ouriK''s Hist, and Goncal. of Kilbonrn Familv, 181. Woodhull, ' [ Thompson's Ilistorv of Long Island, ii, 397-402. Woodman, Collin's Descendants of Ed. "Woodman. Woodman, Coffin's Historv of Newbury, 3Iass., 322. Woodman, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, IV, 640, 641. Woodman, Woodman's Descendants of J. Woodman. Woodmansey, Savage's Genealog. Dictionaiv. iv, 041. 042. Woodruff, Andrews's Geneal. and Eccle siastical Ilistorv of New Britain, Conn., 138, 139, ir,3, 1.",}. 2.V2. 300. Woodruff, Hinnmn's Connecticut Settlers, 1st edition, 246, 247. i Woodruff", I IIowcH's History of Southamp- ton, L. I., 303, 304. Woodruff, Kill)ourne's Hist, ami .\nti«|. of Kilbonrn Familv, 113. Woodrtitr, Snvniri'"H Grtiinliu; Dtrttunan iv. rJr» Ili.Hi.Mr NrwIlritAin. Conn . I. penll iiMr%- of (iliiiirf«tm>nl«»irini of WatjTlown, Muji-M . tt:i7. ivi, 90S.7.*». Woodward, Bron.s«)n's History of Wotrr- bury. Conn., Wl, .V»2. Woodward, Dodds Hi-ston- of fJiM H«».n. ('..iin., l.->9, HJO Woodward, •lack.siin'.s Hlfton' of Ncwion. .Mass., 404. 40.1. Woodward, .\)\v Knt;lun\ (Minal Ueiji»t«r. xvlll. '.»6:» Woodward, SayageV Gen. Diet . Iv. ft«-7 Woodward, Slickncy'H IliiitnrT of llir Mini- Kink lUu'um. N. V . 157. 14* Wooilward, KUHldnnr* GfnimUnry nf }*l«l dnni Family, ttlUUHi IM&. II. IW. 19. Wojulwortb, nrani> llUlon- of SriliMlr. .Mu*.H,. :wi.;iV2 ' Woodworth, SaviiKi'H G.n l>M . i».*M7.«V4'» 294 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Wooley, Howell's Hist, of Southampton, L. I., N. Y., 304. Woolsey, Bolton's History of Westches- ter Co., N. y., ii, 548, 549. Woolsey, Thompson's History 'of Long Island, N. Y., ii, 437-42. Woolson, Barry's Histoiy of Framingham, Mass., 448, 449. Woolson, Bond's Hist, and Geneal. of Wa- tertown, Mass., 668, 669. Woolson, Kidder's History of New Ips- wich, N. H.,444. Wooster, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 468, 469. Wooster, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 98. Wooster, Hollister'sPawlet, Vt., 266. Wooster, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iv, 649, 650. Worcester, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 650, 651. Worcester, Worcester's Genealogy of Rev. W. Worcester. Wormall, Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass., 347. Wormell, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc.. Me., 469. Wormsted, Alden's Collection of American Epitaphs, iii, 122, 123. Worrall, Smith's History of Delaware Co., Penn., 515, 516. Worster, Draper's History of Spencer, Mass., 264. Worth, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 652, 653. Worthington, Fiske's Genealogy of Fiskes of Amherst, N, H., 24a, 24c. Worthington, • Goodrich's Recollections of a Lifetime, 537-9. Worthington, Goodwin's Foote Family Gene- alogy, 87. Worthington, Goodwin's Genealogical Notes, 264-74. Worthington, Heraldic Journal, iv, 1868,69-75. Worthington, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iv, 653. Worthington, Stoddard's Geneal. of Anthony Stoddard, 19, 20. Wright, Andrews's Geneal. and Eccles. Hist, of New Britain, Ct., 175-8, 212, 213, 216, 3^3, 302-4. Wright, Barry's History of Framing- ham, Mass., 449, 450. Wright, Deane's History of Scituate, Mass., 393. Wright, Draper's History of Spencer, Mass., 270. Wright, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 44. Wright, Hollister's Pawlet, Vt., for One Hundred Years, 267. Wright, Hudson's History of Lexington, Mass., 275. Wright, Kelloffg's Memorials of Elder John White, 100. Wright, Lancaster's History of Gilnian- ton, N. H., 290. INDKX Ti) AMKUHAN PKDIiiKKKS 21«ri ^V^irllt, . Wyllis, Loc-kr's(n'iual<>i:y<.rL.).>.„.„.. Alliod Fainilios, 5<5. iiU, 70. (Vh-bnill«>n. HW Wright, Wylli», Lyman's History of East Mump- I*«»rlrr'!» (Sm. of Ilartfiml ( onn ton, Mass., 1G8-73. S«>Uh>n«. 2;J. Wright, Wyninn. :N(\v England Hist, and (W-noal. ' Ut>iuV> History mid (;■ Htgistir^iv, 355-i< ; xx, 20H-1(). , of Wutcrtown. Miw* , <• . ■ Wright, Wyiimn, Savaso's Geuealog. Dictionan-, ' Br(M)ks"» Hislon of iv, G.54-(il. I Ma-Hj*.. M», Wi-ight, I Wynian, Sewall's History of Wohurn, Jjudson's HiMory ..i l^jingtnij. Mass., 175,050. " Ma>.«*..-.'..V7. Wyatt, Wyinan, Saya!.Vs Gencalog. Dictionary, '/Vr'^'i'o '•T'"'.^•^f'•T« '"„?''•' iy, 0(51, 662. " -^""^^' Fiiuului*. 42. 4U. .10. M Wyborne Wyinaii, Sayage's Gencalog. Dictionary, i ^:*'"' K'>k1"."'> ''i-*«'iJ*-»l •«"' iy OC"' Gonial. I{fjfi»tiT. iii. 38, H4, M Wyckoft" i Wynian, Bcr.^on's Genealogy of Bergen J.;!'*;;"? l^!";;^ "^ »"•'• ••'•'""> • Family, 120, 121."^ I W«.«'.«^W»- Ty 1- ff Wynian, vvycKon, , ^ ,. „ . ^SayaRc's<;tn. Diet., iv.oam Bcri,'en s Gencal. of \ an Brunt ..,. Family, 35, 36. NN y man, T\"x'£.<-Vi Sewiill's Hi^t.of^V<>IMl^l. Ma.»» . \\_)eLn, .,y^ ,^^ (>';i.7 ^lorse's Gen. Reg. of Shcrborn -„r ' ' and Holliston, Mass., 264. VV y man , -TXT „4.i, Tliiirston's History- of Win- Wyeth, , ^. .,..Me..2(W Sayage's Genealog. Dictionary, iy, 063. Wyman, xir 11- \VardVHi»t. Shrfw»bun.4Ki 4 Wyihe, Eaton's Annals of \Varren, Mc, >> ythf, 430 437. > CuinptKll s Hist. Virginia. M7-A 296 INDEX TO AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Yale, Poor's Historical and Genealo- gical Researches, 106. Yale, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 6G6, 6G7. Yale, Yale's Descendants of David Yale. Yarn all, Smith's History of Delaware Co., Penn., 517, 518. Yeamans, Sumner and Trask's Hist, and Geneal. of Sumner Family, 64-6. Yeamaus, Sumner's History of East Bos- ton, Mass., 231. Yelverton, Eager's History of Orange Co., N.'Y., 487. Yerrington, Bill's Genealogy of Bill Family, 219-33. Yocum, Buck's History of Montgomery Co., Penn., 26. York, Babson's History of Gloucester, Mass., 182, 183. Young, Deane's History of Scituate, 393, 394. Young, Dudley's Genealogy of Dudley Family, 140. Young, Eaton's Annals of Warren, Me., 437. Young, Eaton's History of Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me., 470-3. Young, Freeman's History of Cape Cod, Mass., ii, 371, 378. Young, Gale's Record of Gale Family, 184, 185. Young, Griffin's Journal — Southold, L. I., N. Y., 90-5, 211-13. Young, Hanson's Hist. Gardiner, Pitts- ton and West Gardiner, Me., 133, 133. Young, Kellogg's Memorials of Elder John White, 88. Young, Mitchell's History of Bridgewa- ter, Mass., 354, 355. Young, Savage's Genealog. Dictionary, iv, 669-71. Younglove, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 671. Youngs, Savage's Gen. Diet., iv, 672. Youngs, Thompson's History of Long Island, N. Y., ii, 381-5. Ml^ 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. RENEWALS ONLY— TEL. NO. 642-3405 This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. ErO-CH.' 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