ttP;NRLF E *** ' B 4 001 37b ksn ■r <-■"■',/ ■ ■■*'" > t ■ ' <•' '' ; *- " ■ ■•»■*'/'-.■.-;■•"■♦■•■;•■ aaEg ■ i ■. . . WJ jQC ^mij: V ; --< -- ~- ■* ' » r >-' ■' "l '"*'" *» ' "' ■ ' / .*■-'••"'#■■ ' ' ' Bui L '-"' •'•■ ffl ra Bl .■''■•"'■ ■■.•'■'••'■ ^yfy iff '■■■'■■- '■■ jQ '' "'V '^HwHaanVt'yni " k • TOBttS **vv* J> \r Hi u ' oi Gorgon, prow mi: Pediment <>r nn- Temple of Svl Minerva at Hath ($). See page V3. frontispiece THE ROMANIZATION OF ROMAN BRITAIN ■?■ BY R HAVERFIELD THIRD EDITION, FURTHER ENLARGED, WITH TWENTY-SEVEN ILLUSTRATIONS OXFORD AT THE CLARENDON PRESS 1915 OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON EDINBURGH GLASGOW NEW YORK TORONTO MELBOURNE BOMBAY HUMPHREY MILFORD M.A. PUBLISHER TO THE UNIVERSITY tl • | 4-' o PREFACE The following pages are based on a paper which I read to the British Academy in 1905 and which, according to the custom of the Academy, was issued both in its general ; Proceedings ' (ii. 185-217) and separately. In its separate form it soon ran out of print, and in 1912 the Delegates of the Clarendon Press published a new edition, revised and enlarged to about twice its original size. This second edition is now in turn exhausted ; in issuing a third, I have revised and in places recast the text, and I have again increased considerably both text and illustrations. I have tried to preserve the character of the work as a treatise on a definite subject which seems to possess quite real interest and importance ; I have also endeavoured so to word my matter that the text, though not the footnotes, can be read easily by any one who is interested in the subject, without special knowledge of Latin. I have to add one regret. Last June my friend Franz Cumont told me that he was writing a volume somewhat similar to mine, which would describe the Romanization of his own country, Belgium. In the Roman age Britain and northern Gaul, which includes the area of Belgium, were so closely akin in many ways that such a volume from Cumont 's pen could not fail to cast strong new light on Romano- British problems : I hoped to learn much from it for the betterment of this edition. War has come between. His oon < iui PREFACE volume has hccn completed ; it is brilliant, erudite, instruc- tive, and in addition excellently illustrated [Comment la Belgique Jut romanisSe, Vromant, Paris and Brussels, witl sixty-nine illustrations). Bui it reaches me at the very latest stage of my printing, and I can refer to it only here, in ; Preface which is a postscript, and in a few footnotes. Oi most matters common to the two books our views agree There is. indeed, only one point of nionn nt on which the\ do not agree. In discussing the types <>r houses used ii Roman Britain and in northern Gaul, M. Cumonl is inclincc to admit more <>f Mediterranean influence in reaped of tin so-called ' corridor house ' than I can do (below, p, 1*2). I have to thank Mr. I). Atkinson, Research Felloe of Reading University College, for various efficient helj in preparing this edition. II. Oxford. February 9, 1915. CONTENTS chap. page List of Illustrations ..... 7 1. The Romanization of the Empire !) 2. Preliminary Remarks on Roman Britain . 23 3. Romanization of Britain in Language . . 29 4. Romanization in Material Civilization . . 3(5 5. Romanization in Art . . . . .48- 0. Romanization in Town-Life, Local Govern- ment and Land-Tenure . . . .57 7. Romanization in Religion . . . .67 8. Chronology of the Romanization . . . 74 1). The Sequel, the Celtic Revival in the Later Empire ....... 80 Index 81) LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. PAGE Head of Gorgon from Bath. (From a photo- graph) ...... Frontispiece 1. The Civil and Military Districts of Britain . . 25 %j 2, 3, and 4. Inscribed tiles from Silchcster. (From photographs) ..... facing p. 30 5. Inscribed tile from Silchcster. (From a drcaving by Sir E. M. Thompson) ..... 30 0. Reconstruction of the Plaxtol Inscription from various fragments ..... 33 7. Inscribed tile from Plaxtol, Kent. (From a photo- graph) ...... facing p. 33 8. Fragment of inscribed jar, from Ickleton. (From a photograph) .... facing p. 33 9. Ground-plans of Romano-British Temples. (From Archaeologia) ...... 37 10a. Ground-plan of House at Brislington . . 38 10b. Ground-plan of House at Clanville. (From Archaeo- logia) ........ 38 11. Ground-plan of Courtyard House at Northleigh 41 12. Plan of a part of Silchcster, showing private houses, the Forum, and the Christian Church. (From Archaeologia) ..... 43 13. Painted pattern on wall-plaster from Silchcster. (Restoration by G. E. Fox, Archaeologia) facing p. 44 1-1. Plan of British Village at Din Lligwy. (From Archaeologia Cambrensis) .... 4(3 15. Plan of House at Frilford ..... 47 1(5. Late Celtic Metal Work (From a photograph) facing p. 48 8 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PIG. PAGE 17. Fragments of New Forest pottery with leal patterns. [From Archaeologia) . . . 19 18. Castor Ware. [From photographs) . facing p. ."><) 19. Hunting Scenes from Castor Ware. (From Artis, Durobrivae) ..... facing p. 50 ■_'<>. Fragment of Castor Ware showing Hercules and Hesione. (After C. R. Smith) .... ~>\ •_' l . Dragon-brooches. {From a drawing by C. ./. Praetoriu8) ....... 0- '-'•_\ The Corbridge Lion. (From a photograph) facing p. .">•*'» 28. Inscription from Caerwent, illustrating cantonal government. (From a drawing) . . . 59 24. Plan of Silchester. (From the author's 'Ancient Town-planning \ Fig. 81) ... . 68 25. Relief of Diana and Hound from Nettlcton, (From a photograph) .... Joeing p. ?:3 20. Relief of Mercury and Rosmerta from Gloucester. (From a photograph) . . . facing p. ?U 27. Ogam inscription from Silchester. (From a drawing by C, J. Praetorius, Archaeologia) . . . ^- , Not€. For the blocks of tlw* rrontispieoe and ol Pigs. •".. 5, 18, 19, I am indebted to the editor and publishers of the Victoria Count) History. For t In- block of Pijr. 12 I have to thank the Royal Institute of British Architects. The block of Pur. 25 has been kindly lent l»\ * • the Bath Branch ol the Somersetshire Archaeological Society. CHAPTER I The Romamzation of tiie Empire Historians seldom praise the Roman Empire. They regard it as a period of death and despotism, from which manly vigour and political freedom and creative genius and the energies of the speculative intellect were all alike ex- cluded. There is. unquestionably, much truth in this judge- ment. The world of the Empire was indeed, as Momnisen has called it, an old world. Behind it lay the dreams ancl experiments, the self -convicted follies and disillusioned wisdom of many centuries. Before it lay no untravelled region such as revealed itself to our forefathers at the Renaissance or to our fathers fifty years ago. No new con- tinent then rose up beyond the western seas. No forgotten literature suddenly flashed out its long-lost splendours. No vast discoveries of science transformed the universe and the interpretation of it. The inventive freshness and intellectual confidence that are born of such things were denied to the Empire. Its temperament was neither artistic, nor literary, nor scientific. It was merely practical. Yet if practical, it was not therefore uncreative. Within its own sphere of everyday life, it was an epoch of growth in many directions. Even art moved forward. Sculpture was enriched by a new and noble style of portraiture and by a school of historical narrative in stone. Architecture found new possibilities in the aqueduct of Segovia and the Basilica of Maxentius. 1 But it was only practical ends — the erection of buildings or the historical representation of men and deeds — that woke the artistic powers of the Romans. The greatest work of the imperial age must be sought in its 1 Wickhofi, Wiener Genesis, p. 10 ; Riegl, Stilfragen. p. 272. ■c THE KOMANIZATION OF THE EMPIRE provincial administration. The significance of this we have conic to understand, as not even Gibbon understood it, through the researches of Mommsen. By his vast labours our horizon has broadened beyond the backstairs of the Palace and the benches of the Senate House in Home to the wide lands north and east and south of the Mediterranean. and we have begun to realize the true achievements of the Empire. The old theory of an age of despotism and decay has been overthrown, and the believer in human nature can now feel confident that, whatever their limitations, the men of the Empire wrought for the betterment and the happiness of the world. Their efforts took two forms. They defended the fron- tiers against the barbarians and secured internal pea* > : they developed the civilization of the provinces during that peace. The first of these achievements was but for a time. In the end the Roman legionary went down before tin Gothic horseman. The barbarians were many : * they were also formidable fighters ; perhaps, without railways and explosives, no generalship could have wholly kept them back. But they won no rapid entrance. From the middle of the second century, when their assaults became violent, two hundred years passed before they won a real footing, and the Roman lines were still held in some fashion even in the beginning of the fifth century. Despotism did not destroy, nor case steal away, the manly vigour of the Empire. Through battles without and tumults within, through the red carnage of uncounted wars, through the devastations of great plagues, through civil discord and sedition dud domestic treachery, the work went on. It was not always marked by special insight or intelligence. Tin- nun who carried it out were not. for tin- most pari first-rate statesmen or first-rate generals. Even in the art of war they were slow lo learn : they clung to an obsolete infantry, they neglected Some recent writers, like l)ui>«>i>> iii MHangu Cagnai, pp. 84/2 67, ir\ to minimise theii numbers, but tiny do not seem t<> me quite t<> prove t heir cm-' , THE ROMANIZATION OF THE EMPIRE 11 new tactics and new engines. Their successes were those (rf character, not of genius. But their phlegmatic courage saved the Empire through many years and secured for the lands within the frontiers an almost unbroken quiet. The age of the Empire is the longest interval — indeed, it is the one long interval — of peace which has yet been granted to any large portion of our world. The long peace made possible the second and more lasting achievement of the Empire. The lands which the legions sheltered were not merely blessed with quiet. They were also given a civilization, and that civilization had time to take strong root. Roman speech and manners were diffused ; the political franchise was extended ; city life was estab- lished ; the provincial populations were assimilated in an orderly and coherent culture. A large part of the world became Romanized. The fact has an importance which, even to-day, we might easily miss. It is not likely that any modern nation will soon stand in quite the place which Rome then held. Our civilization seems firmly set in many lands ; our task is rather to spread it further and develop its good qualities than to defend its life. If war destroy it in one continent, it has other homes. But the Roman Empire was the civilized world ; the safety of Rome was the safety of all civilization. Outside roared the wild chaos of barbarism. Rome kept it back, from end to end of Europe and across a thousand miles of western Asia. Had Rome failed to civilize, had the civilized life found no period in which to grow firm and tenacious, civilization would have perished utterly. The culture of the old-world would not have lived on, to form the groundwork of the best culture of to-day. The Empire did not, of course, grow into a nation, in the sense in which we now use that word. It resembled modern Austria rather than France or Germany. But it gained — what Austria has missed — a unity of sentiment and culture which served some of the purposes of national feeling. Late in its days, about a.d. 400, a Greek from Egypt, who was also the last great Latin poet, wrote a remarkable praise 12 THE ROMANIZATION OF THE EMPIRE of Rome. She (he sang) alone of conquerors had taken bo her bosom the world which she had subdued ; she had been mother, not mistress, and to her men owed it that from Rhone to Orontes — from the Atlantic to the sands of the Arabian desert — they were all one people. 1 Claudian was probably echoing here an earlier Greek litterateur. But that neither makes him insincere nor his words untrue. He felt, and felt rightly, that Ixomanizat ion was a real thing. The Empire had passed out beyond the narrower ideal of military dominion, which at its birth Vergil had set forth in famous verses. 8 Rulers and ruled had assimilated ; a civilized life had grown up which even its barbarian assailants learnt to honour and accept and which they passed on to later ages. . This Romanization was real. But it was. necessarily, not altogether uniform and monotonous throughout all the wide Roman lands. Its methods of development and its fruits varied with loeal conditions, with racial and geographical differences. It had its limits and its characteristics. First, in respect of place. Not only in the further east, where (as in Egypt) mankind was non-European, but even in the nearer east, where an ancient Greek civilization reigned, the effect of Romanization was inevitably small. Closely as Greek civilization resembled Roman., easy as the transition might seem from the one to the other. Rome nut here that most serious of all obstacles to union, a race whose thoughts and affections and traditions had crystallized into definite cohe- rent form. That has in all ages cheeked Imperial assimila- tion ; it was the decisive hindrance to the full Romanization "I the Greek east. A few Italian oases were created l>\ the establishment of coloniac lure and there in Asia Minor and in Syria. Such, for example, were Alexandria Troas, close by ancient Troy, or Antioeh in Pisidia, lately explored 1 Quod cuncti gens mm sutnus, Claudian, de cons. SHHcfionis, iii. L50-9. The idea seems taken From Aelius Aristides, who in his • Praise of Rome' called Iter vdtrw /«t)t;;/' and Bpeaks i>t the Empire as (.tin \wpa , a. in provinciia imperii eonsittenHbus. For an example take an inscription from Bourgea in Aquitania, /n<> salute Caesarum ef />. /?., Minenne rl diVM Drusillue siniuin in />, r/n tuinn. ('. AgUetUS PritMU ;i. :ir Aug. t e(urnliir) c(ivium) r(oinanonun). dating from \.i». 88—40 (C. xiii. 1. 1194). : H. F. Kaindl, QeschichU .->. takes the same \ iew as I have given ah<»v. , K. I lull. //, , ,„, s. \Iiii. •_> lit ;, | : W. M. K.unsax . f> Hen. .lain, theft*. THE ROMANIZATION OF THE EMPIRE 10 at the time as exceptional, and counting in the scales of history for no more than the survival of Croatian in a few villages of the Italian Abruzzi or of Wendish (Sorb) fifty miles from Berlin. Others are more serious facts. But they do not alter the main position. In most regions of the west the Latin tongue obviously prevailed. It was, indeed, powerful enough to lead the Christian Church to insist on its use, and not, as in Syria and Egypt, to encourage native dialects. 1 In material culture the Romanization advanced quickly. One uniform fashion spread from the Mediterranean through- out central and western Europe, driving out native art and substituting a conventionalized copy of Graeco-Roman or Italian art, which is characterized alike by technical finish and neatness, and by lack of originality and dependence on imitation. The result was inevitable. The whole external side of life was lived amidst Italian, or (as we may perhaps call it) Roman-provincial, furniture and environment. Take by way of example the development of the so-called ' Samian ' ware. The original manufacture of this (so far as we arc here concerned) was in Italy, chiefly at Arczzo. Early in the first century south Gaulish potters began to copy and compete with it ; before long, the products of the Arretine kilns had vanished even from the Italian market. Western Europe henceforward and even Italy were supplied with their ' best china ' from provincial and mainly from Gaulish sources. The character of the ware supplied is significant. It was provincial, but it was in no sense unclassical. It drew many of its details from other sources than Arczzo, but it drew them all from Greece or Rome. Nothing either in the manner or in the matter of its decoration recalls native Gaul. Throughout, it is imitative and conventional, and, as often viii (1905), 79-120, quoting, amongst other things, a neophrygian text of a.d. 259 ; W. M. Calder, Hellenic Journal, xxxi. 161. 1 Mommsen (Rom. Gesch. v. 92) ascrihes the final extinction of Celtic in northern Gaul to the influence of the Church. But the Church was not itself averse to native dialects : its insistence on Latin in the west may he due rather to the previous diffusion of that language. (T am glad to sec that Cumont (p. 109) agrees with me.) b2 20 THE ROMANIZATION OF THE EMPIRE happens in a conventional art, items are freely jumbled together which do not tit into any coherent story or sequence ; many Gaulish potters seem to have been mainly anxious to leave no undecorated spaces on their bowls. At its best, it is handsome enough, though its possibilities are limited l>v its brutal monochrome. But it reveals unmistakably the Roman character <>f the civilization to which it belongs. This Romanization in material things means more than is always recognized. Some scholars, in particular (perhaps) philologists, write as if the external environment of daily life, the furniture and decorations and architecture of our houses, the buckles and brooches of our dress, bear no rela- tion to our personal feelings, our political hatreds, our national consciousness. That may be true to-day of Asiatic or African who dons European clothes once or again for profit or for pleasure. It was not true of the Roman pro- vincial. When he adopted, and adopted permanently, the use of things Roman, we may say of him, firstly, that he had become civilized enough to realize their value, and further, that he had ceased to bear any national hatred against them. Such hatred must have existed here and there : Tacitus hints that it existed for a little while in Britain. Rut it was rare ; wc can argue from the spread of Roman material civilization that provincial sentiment was growing Roman. By what process the less material aspects of provincial life became Roman is less clear, because it was necessarily more subtle. We seem, however, to sec. at least in Western Europe, the same harmonious amalgamation of dominant Roman elements with native elements that have not been Wholly absorbed. In the east, of course, town-life and local government and land-tenure were mainly Hellenist ie : Ro- manization here made lit tie way. But in the west t lure were towns enough of Roman foundation and Roman character (p. 15), with yet an intersprinkling of native developments. In northern and western Gaul, for instance. Roman munici- palities (strictly so called) were wanting- Nevertheless, towns sprang up here, some through Roman official encour- THE ROMANIZATION OF THE EMPIRE 21 agement and some of spontaneous growth. These towns were a cross between Roman and Gallic. They were the v ehefs-lieux ' of native cantonal areas and their local govern- ment was native. But the titles of their magistrates were borrowed from the Roman municipal terminology and their government was assimilated to the Roman municipal pattern ; even their town-plans were in some cases ' chessboards ' of the received Italian type. 1 We shall meet some such towns in Britain. In other provinces, as in southern Spain, hardly a trace occurs of anything outside the strict Roman system. So again in the sphere of religion. The Roman Empire was generally tolerant of not-Roman worships, save in the cases of Druidism and Christianity. It was rewarded. In the western provinces the natives welcomed the Graeco- Italian pantheon, identified their own gods with one or another of its members, or, in default of identification, con- tinued t^ieir old cults under new Latin names such as deae matres. j Religion is seldom logical or uniform,jand the pre- cise value to be put on these identifications doubtless varied with every case and perhaps with every worshipper. Some- times we may think we can see the old gods living on behind their Roman masks and indeed keeping their power into the Middle Ages. More often, Roman and native coalesced, and again the exact proportions of the mingling must have in- finitely varied. Some of the native cults seem to have sur- vived more vigorously in the consciousness of the worshippers than the others ; the one thing in which they agree is that the Roman and the native are not hostile. There was nothing unnatural to the provincial in honouring a Mercury who was decked out in wholly Roman attributes — wand and winged cap and purse and the rest — but who was placed beside a provincial companion whose attributes declare her the Celtic goddess Rosmerta (p. 73). The French scholar Boissier once wrote that the civilized world was never nearer to a common creed than under the Empire. Had it been realized, it would have been a very complex creed. 1 See my Ancient Town-planning, p. 1*20 and Fig. 29. V 22 THE ROMANIZATION OE THE EMPIRE It remains true, of course-, that, till a language or a custom is wholly dead and gone, it can always revive under due con- ditions. The rustic poor of a country seldom affect the trend of its history. Hut they have a curious persistent force. Superstitions, sentiments, even language and the consciousness of nationality, linger dormant among them, till an upheaval comes, till buried seeds are thrown out on the surface and forgotten plants blossom once more. The world has seen many examples of such resurrection — not least in modern Europe. The Roman Empire offers us singu- larly few instances, but it would be untrue to say that there were none. Komanization was. then, a complex process with complex issues. It deies not mean simply that all the subjects of Rome became wholly and uniformly Roman. The world is not so monotonous as that. In it two tendencies were blended with ever-varying results. First. Romanization extinguished the difference between Roman and provincial through all parts of the' Empire' but the east, alike' in speech, in material culture, in political feeling and religion. When the provincials called themselves Roman or when we- call them Roman, the epithet is correct. Secondly, the process worked with different degrees of speed and success in different lands. It did not everywhere and at once destroy all traces of tribal or national sentiments or fashions. These remained, at least for a while- and in certain regions, Dot in ae-tive' oppo- sition, but in latent persistence, capable of resurrection under proper conditions. In such a case the provincial had become a Roman, but he- e-oulel still undergo an atavistic reversion t<» the ways of his forefathers. CHAPTER II Preliminary Remarks on Roman Britain One western province seems to break the general rule. In Britain, as it is described by many English writers, Roman and Briton were as distinct as modern Englishman and Indian, and ' the departure of the Romans ' in the early fifth centurv left the natives almost as Celtic as their coming had found them nearly four hundred years before. The adoption of this view may be set down, I think, to various reasons which have, in themselves, little to do with the subject. The older archaeologists, familiar with the wars narrated by Caesar and Tacitus, pictured the whole history of the island as consisting of such struggles. Later writers have been influenced by the analogies of English rule in India. Still more recently, the revival of Welsh national sentiment has inspired a hope, which has become a belief, that the Roman conquest was an episode, after which an unaltered Celticism resumed its interrupted supremacy. These considerations have, plainly, little value as history, and the view which is based on them seems to me in large part mistaken. As I have pointed out, it is not the view which is suggested by a consideration of the general character of the western provinces. Nor do I think that it is the view which best agrees with the evidence which we possess in respect of Britain. In the following paragraphs I wish to examine this evidence. I shall adopt an archaeological rather than a legal or a philological standpoint. The legal and philological arguments have often been put forward. But the legal arguments are almost wholly a priori, and they have led different scholars to very different conclusions. Tlie philological arguments are no less beset with difficulties. 24 ROMAN BRITAIN : PRELIMINARY REMARKS Both the lads and their significance arc obscure, and the inquiry into them has hitherto yielded little beyond con- fident and yet contradictory assertions which arc incapable of proof. The archaeological evidence , on the other hand, is definite and consistent. It illuminates, not only the material civilization, but also the language and to some extent even the institutions of Roman Britain, and supplies, though imperfectly, the facts which our legal and philo- logical arguments do not yield. I need not here insert a sketch of Roman Britain. But I may call attention to three of Us features. In the first plage, it is necessary to distinguish the two halves of the province, the northm^jui d^ western u plands occupied only by troops, and the eastern and southern lowlands which contained nothing but civilian life (Fig. I). 1 The two are marked off, not in law but in practical fact, almost as if one had been domi and the other militiac. [Wc shall not find much t race_^f_Jjoir^a nization in the uplands. There neither towns existed nor villas. Northwards, no town or count rv- house has been found beyond the neighbourhood of Aid- borough (Isurium), some fifteen miles north-west of York. Westwards, on the Welsh frontier, the most advanced towns were at Wroxeter (Viroconium), near Shrewsbury, and at Caerwent (Venta Silurum), near Chepstow, and the furthest country-houses two isolated dwellings at Llantwit Major, in Glamorgan, and Llanfrynach. near Brecon. 2 In the south- west the last country-house was near Lyme Regis, the last town at Exeter. 8 These are the limits of the fully Romanized For details Bee the Victoria County Histories <>i Northamptonshire, i. 159, and Derbyshire, i. 191 . I may sa\ here thai much of the evidence for the following paragraphs is to be round in my articles on Romano- British remains printed in various volumes <•! this History. I am indebted to its publishers for leave to reproduce several illustrations from its pages. For others I refer my readers to the History itself. See my Military Aspects of Roman Wales, notes so ami S2. There was apparently some Borl of town life at Carmarthen. West of Bxeter Roman remains are few and mostly later than \.i>. 850. No town or country-house or Earm oi stretch of roadway has ever been found here. The list of discoveries ^wsts of: one A B Birltnj *°' Fio. 1. (A) The Civil, (H) Tin: .Military Districts of Britain. i 26 ROMAN BRITAIN: PRELIMINARY REMARKS area. Outside of them, the population cannot have acquired much Roman character. Within these limits weir towns and villages and country-houses and farms, a large popula- tion, and a developed and orderly lit* . This sharp division between the military and civilian areas suggests that the garrison of Britain — the three legions at York. Chester, and Caerleon, and the ' auxiliaries " scattered in COSteUa, perhaps 80,000 or 35. 000 men in all— had little influence <>n the civilization of Britain. At York, indeed, a town grew up outside the fortress (p. 57). But neither York nor Caerleon seem to have much affected the two country-towns near them, at Aldborou^h and Cacrwent; few other traces of civilization occur near either fortress, and Chester lay wholly beyond the pale. Possibly, as M. Cumont has observed, 1 the provisioning of the troops brought landowners and farmers into contact with tin Roman system. But in general Britain must have, in this respect, differed much from northern Gaul and the- Rhine frontier. There- six legions and their * auxiliaries r watched 150 miles of frontier during the- earlier Empire, and their influence on the Romanization of the- border is very plain. Second ly, the distribution of civilian life, e\ en within these- limits, was singularly uneven. It is not merely that some districts were the- special lu>nu s of wealthier residents. We have also to conceive of some- parts as densely peopled and of some as hardly inhabited. Portions of Kent. Sussex, Essex, and Somerset are- set thie-k with ruins of country- houses and similar vestiges of Romano-British life-. Other early settlement on Plymouth harbour ; another near Bodmin, ol small size-, dating from tlu- later first century ; a third, equally small and of uncertain date, on Padstow harbour ; some- scanty vestiges e>r tin- mining, principally late' ; two milestones (if milestones they be) <»f th< early fourth century, at Tintagel church and at St. Hilary ; ami some scattered hoards and isolated hits. Portions of the country were plainly inhabited, but the inhabitants did not learn Roman ways. Iik<- those who lived east of the Exe, Even tin-mining was not pursued very actively till a comparatively late period, though the Bodmin settlement may he- connected with tin-works dose by. 1 Journal of Roman Studies, h. 118. ROMAN BRITAIN : PRELIMINARY REMARKS 27 portions of the same counties, southern Kent, northern Sussex, south-eastern Essex, western Somerset, show few traces of any settled life. The midland plain, and in par- ticular Warwickshire, 1 seems to have been the largest of these ' thin spots '. Here, among great woodlands and on damp and chilly clay, there dwelt not merely few civilized Roman-Britons, but few occupants at all. Lastly, Romano-British life was on a small scale. It was, I think, normal in quality and indeed not very dissimilar from that of many parts of Gaul. But it was, in any case, defective in quantity. \ We find towns in Britain, as else- where, and farms and country-houses. But the towns are small and somewhat few, and the country-houses indicate comfort more often than wealth. So, too, the costlier objects of ordinary use, line mosaics, precious glass, gold and silver ornaments, occur comparatively seldom, 2 and such as do occur, seem to be almost wholly imports. The great ' Lanx ', for instance, which was picked up on the bank of the Tyne near Corbridge, is not only the one eminently important piece of Roman silver found in the province ; it is also in all likelihood a product of the eastern Empire. 3 jlii Roman Britain we have before us a civilization which, like a man whose constitution is sound rather than strong, might perish quickly from a violent shock. ! A caution must be added. Geographically, Britain is an island tied closer than is always realized to the continent of Europe. The British lowlands are in the east and south ; right over against them, across a narrow sea, are the low- lands of the continent ; the rivers of island and continent How out opposite each other ; it is easy from either shore to reach the other coast and to pass up into the land behind it. Li both pre-Roman and Roman times it was constantly done. Therefore the same Celtic races dwelt on both sides of the sea : there was frequent intercourse and the same or 1 Vict. Hist, of Warwickshire, i. 228. - Sec my remarks in Traill's Social England (illustrated edition, 1901 ), i. 141-61. 1 Journal of Ho man Studies, iv (1914), 1-12, with illustration. ~i \ Y 28 ROMAN BRITAIN: PRELIMINARY REMARKS nearly the same civilization spread over northern Gaul and Britain from the Rhine to the Atlantic. In the districts of military life I his civilization was crossed by the beliefs and customs and fashions of the soldiers ; elsewhere we deal with a Romano-Celtic — originally Celtic — civilization which requires to be studied more or less as a whole. It is useless to examine Roman Britain or Roman Gaul or even much of Roman Germany without constant reference to this whole, and much good work attempted by modern French >r German or English archaeologists has failed to \ ield its proper fruit from neglect of this fact. CHAPTER III ROMANIZATION IN LANGUAGE We may now proceed to survey the actual remains. They may seem scanty, but they deserve examination. First, in respect of language. Even before the Claudian conquest of a. d. 43, British princes had begun to inscribe their coins with Latin words. These legends are not merely blind and unintelligent copies, like the imitations of Roman legends on the early English sceattas. The word most often used, rex, is strange to the Roman coinage, and must have been employed with a real sense of its meaning. After a.d. 43, Latin advanced rapidly. *Ko Celtic inscription has been detected, I believe, on aity monument of the Roman period in Britain, neither cut on stone nor scratched on tile or potsherd, and this fact is the more noteworthy because Celtic inscriptions are not unknown in Gaul (see p. 31). On the other hand, Roman inscriptions occur freely in Britain. They are less common than in many other provinces, and they abound most in the northern military region. But they appear also in towns and country-houses of the low- lands, and some of the instances are significant. The town site which we can best examine for our present purpose is Calleva Atrebatum (Silchcster), ten miles south of Reading, which has been completely excavated within the circuit of its walls. It was a small town in a stoneless country ; it can never have had many lapidary inscriptions, and such as there were must have been eagerly sought by later builders. Nevertheless, a few fairly perfect inscrip- tions on stone and many fragments have been found here and prove that the public language of the town was Latin. 1 1 For these and for the following graffiti see my accounts in the Viet, llisl. of Hampshire, i. 275, 282, and Eph. Epigr. ix. 984-8 and 1292-4 ; for the Clement inns tile see also Archaeologia, lviii. 30. no ROMANIZATION IN LANGUAGE The speech of ordinary conversation is equally well attested by smaller inscribed objects, and the evidence is remarkable, since it plainly refers to the lower class of Callevans. When a weary brickmakcr scrawls satis (enough) witli his finger on a tile, or some prouder spirit writes CLEMENTINVS FECIT TVBVL(t*wi) (Clementinus made this box-tile); when a bit of Samian is marked fvk (thief), presumably as a warning from the servants of one house to those of the next, or a brick shows the word PVELLAM, part of an amatory sentence otherwise lost, or another brick gives a Roman date, the 1 sixth day before the Calends of October \ we mav be sure ^N^t^f/7 mfo Fig. •">. Graffito on a Tile found at Silchesteb (p. 80). Pertaam per/Uhu Campester LuciKanus \ Campimus, conticuerc omnes. that the lower classes of Calleva used Latin alike at their work and in their more frivolous moments (Figs. 2, 8, 4). When we find a tile scratched over with cursive lettering possibly part of a writing Jcsson — which ends with a tag from the Aeiieid, we recognize that not even Vergil was out of place here (Fig. 5). 1 The examples are st> numerous ami remarkable that they admit of no other interpolation. 2 1 Sir I-:. M. Thompson! (ira-U and Latin Palaeography (1804), p. i»i i . first suggested this explanation : Wph. be. 1298. - I have not. of course, quoted all. To call them -as did a kindly Belgian critic ol this paper in it-> first published form ' mi norabre de Faits trop pen considerable 1 is really t<> misstate the ease. / . L /*. ^L: Fig. 2. ... puellam. \ Jk i Fig. 3. .FeciY tubul(um) Clcnicutinus. I \ V / / 30 Fig. 4. vi k(alendas) Octo\l>res. . . . Figs. 2-4. Graffiti on Tiles from Silciikstkr. (See p. 30.) ROMANIZATION IN LANGUAGE 31 I have heard this conclusion doubted on the ground that a bricklayer or domestic servant in a province of the Roman Empire would not have known how to read and write. The. doubt rests on a misconception of the Empire. It is, indeed, akin to the surprise which tourists often exhibit when confronted with Roman remains in an excavation or a museum — a surprise that ' the Romans ' had boots, or beds, or waterpipes, or fireplaces, or roofs over their heads. There are, in truth, abundant evidences that the labouring man in Roman days knew how to read and write at need, and there is reason to believe that in the lands ruled by Rome education was better under the Empire than at any time since its fall till the nineteenth century. It has, indeed, been suggested by doubters, that these graffiti were written by immigrant Italians, working as labourers or servants in Calleva. The suggestion does not seem probable. Italians certainly emigrated to the provinces in considerable numbers, just as Italians emigrate to-day. Bui we have seen above (p. 16) that the emigrants of the Imperial age were not labourers, as they are to-day. They were traders, dealers in land, money-lenders, or other ' well- to-do ' persons. The labourers and the servants of Calleva must be sought among the native population, and the graffiti testify that this population wrote Latin. It is a further question whether, besides writing Latin, the Callcvan servants and workmen may not also have spoken Celtic. Here direct evidence fails. In the nature of tilings. we cannot hope for proof of the negative proposition that Celtic was not spoken in Silchester. But all probabilities suggest that it was, at any rate, spoken very little. In the twenty years' excavation of the town, no Celtic inscription lias emerged. Instead, we have proof that its lower classes wrote Latin for all sorts of purposes. Had they known Celtic well, it is hardly credible that they should not have sometimes written in that language 1 , as the Gauls did across the Channel. In Gaul, potters of Roman date could scrawl their names and records, Sacrillos avot, ' Sacrillus potter ", .32 lH)MA\TZATTO\ IN LANGUAGE Valens avoti, ' Valens potter', on a mould. 1 No such scrawl has ever been found in Silchcstcr or indeed in Britain. In Gaul, men with Roman names, Martialis and the like, could set up inscriptions couched wholly or almost wholly in Celtic. No such inscriptions occur in Britain. The Gauls, again, could invent a special letter H to denote a special Celtic sound and keep it in Roman times. No such letter was used in Roman Britain, though it appears on earlier British coins. This total absence of written Celtic cannot be a mere accident. No other Romano-British town lias been excavated s<, fully or so scientifically as Silchester. None, therefore, has yielded so much evidence. But we have no reason to con- sider Silchester exceptional. Such scraps as we possess from other towns point to similar Romanization elsewhere. Fvr, for instance, recurs on a potsherd from the Romano- British country town at Dorchester in Dorset. London has yielded a tile on which, before it was baked hard, some one scratched in unconventional Latin the remark, 'Austalis Efoes off on his own daily for a fortnight.' Austalis— that is, Augustalis — was plainly a workman: so was his critic, and their fellow-workmen could presumably read and appre- ciate the criticism. 2 Leicester, too, supplies a tile scratched Primus- fecit x, 'Primus has made ten tiles.* The rural country-houses and farms, mostly ill-explored and ill-recorded, furnish much scantier evidence than a care- fully excavated town. Yet they are not without their Roman inscriptions cut on stone, for the most part dedica- tions or tombstones, which prove that al hast the owners or occupiers of the houses claimed to know Latin. Of the more cogenl graffiti on tiles or potsherds, examples are rare. 1 Aval oi avoHs seems td be a Gaulish term for 'potter*. One example, Saerittos avoi form., suggests a bilingual sentence such ;i> v, And in some Cornish documents of the period when Cornish WAfl definitely giving way to English. * Austalis dibits (i.e. (lit bus) iiii vagcUur silni) cotuHm. See my notes in /•;/>//. Epigr. vii. 1111 and Journal of Human Studies, i. 168, |»late xxvi. Fig. 7. [nscribed Tile prom Plaxtol, Kent. The to]> <>f the tile shows traces <>t' tlio line parietalem and most of the line Cabriabanu the Lower pari shows the former in lull ami the traces <»!' the latter. Tin' third liiil (. . . icavit) has here, as on all tlu* fragmentSj tailed to come out clearly, (p. 33.) Fio. 55. Fragment <>i [nscribed Jar from [gkletoNj Cambs. (p. 33.) ROMAXIZATION IN LANGUAGE 33 But the man who made the tiles for a house at Plaxtol in Kent thought it worth while to cover them with Roman lettering ; apparently he incised the legend in three lines on a wooden cylinder and rolled it over the tiles while soft, thus producing a recurrent inscription, ' Cabriabanus (or Cabriabantus) made this wall-tile ' which served as a sort QfrfW i i i ■ 1 i ' 1 3 i i ■ •*! ■ i ■ "i ■ i ■ J ' ■ i ■ 'l Fig. G. Reconstruction of the Plaxtol Inscription from Various Fragments. The legend is, line 1 PARIETALEM, 2 CABRIABANVs (or XTVs), 3 . . . ICAVIT ; line 1 is topsy-turvy to the rest. In the above, CAB in 2 and IT in 3 are repeated twice, to show the recurrence of the lettering. of decoration (Figs. 6 and 7). 1 Again, two pieces of a blackish urn found long ago in the Roman farm at Ickleton, in south-east Cambridgeshire, bear a graffito which may be completed ex ha]c amici bibun[t, i from this jar friends drink ' (Fig. 8). 2 Yet once more, a Roman site near Easton Grey, in north Wiltshire, has yielded a little bas-relief carved (as it seems) in local stone with the figures of a goddess and three worshippers ; the mason has roughly signed it, Civilis fecit, i Civilis made me.' 1 Proc. Soc. Antiq* LoncL xxiii. 108 and Eph. ix. 1290. ■ C. vii. 1335. 7. Now at Audley End, where I have seen it. Too little remains of the jar to fix its date ; it does not suggest the later Empire. 1751 C 34 ROMANIZATION IN LANGUAGE The general result is clear. Latin was employed freely in the towns of Britain, not only on serious occasions or by the upper classes, but by servants and workpeople for the most accidental purposes. It was also used, at least by the upper classes, in the country. Plainly there did not exist in the towns that linguistic gulf between upper class and lower class which can be seen to-day in many cities of eastern Europe, where the employers speak one language and the employed another. On the other hand, it is possible that a different division existed, one which is perhaps in general rarer, but which can, or could, be paralleled in some Slavonic districts of Austria-Hungary. That is. the townsfolk of all ranks and the upper class in the country may have spoken Latin, while the peasantry may have used Celtic. No actual evidence has been discovered to prove this. It is not, how- ever, in itself an improbable linguistic division of Roman Britain, even though the province did not. contain any such racial differences as those of German, Pole, Ruthene and Rouman which lend so much interest to towns like Czcrnowitz. It remains to cite the literary evidence, distinct if not abundant, as to the use of Latin in Britain. Agricola. as is well known, encouraged it, with the result (says Tacitus) that the Britons, who had hitherto hated and refused the foreign tongue, became eager to speak it fluently. About the same time, as Plutarch mentions in his tract on the cessation of oracles, one Demetrius of Tarsus, a 'grammarian', was teaching in Britain (a. d. SO), and his t caching is recorded as nothing out of the ordinary course. 1 Rather later, in a.d. 90, Martial boasts that he was read in Britain, and about a.d. 120 Juvenal alludes casually to British lawyers taught by Gaulish schoolmasters. It is plain that by the second century Latin must have been spreading widely in the province. We need not feel puzzled about the way in which the Callevan workman of perhaps the third or fourth century learnt his Latin. 1 Sec Eph. Epigr. i\. 560 and Dessau, Herme*, xlvi. 156. ROMANIZATION IN LANGUAGE 35 At this point we might wish to introduce the arguments deducible from philology. We might ask whether the phonetics or the vocabulary of the later Celtic and the English languages reveal any traces of the influence of Latin, as a spoken tongue, or give negative testimony to its absence. Unfortunately, the inquiry seems almost hopeless. The facts are obscure and open to dispute, and the conclusions to be drawn from them are quite uncertain. Dogmatic assertions are common. (^Trustworthy results are corre- spondingly scarce.) One instance may be cited in illustra- tion. It has been argued that the name ' Kent ' is derived from the Celtic ' Cantion ', and not from the Latin ' Cantium ', because, according to the rules of Vulgar Latin, ' Cantium ' would have been pronounced ' Cantsium ' in the fifth cen- tury, when the Saxons may be supposed to have learnt the name. That is, Celtic was spoken in Kent about 450. Yet it is doubtful whether Latin ' ti ' had really come to be pronounced ' tsi ' in Britain so early as a.d. 450. And it is plainly possible that the Saxons may have learnt the name long years before the reputed date of Hengist and Horsa. The Kentish coast was armed against them and the organization of the 'Saxon Shore' established as early as about a.d. 300. Their knowledge of the place-name may be at least as old. No other difficulty seems to hinder the derivation of 4 Kent ' from the form ' Cantium ', and the argument based on the name thus collapses. It would be impossible here to go through the list of cases which have been supposed to be parallel in their origin to ' Kent ', nor should I, with a scanty knowledge of the subject, be justified in such an attempt. I have selected this example because it lias lately been emphasized by an eminent writer. 1 1 Vino«rra be found in any house in Roman Britain. 1 The- type- of Fig. ion seems purely British. ■ Some plana of north Gaulish and German country-houses and farms are- given l>y de Caumont, Abtccduire (ed. 2, 1870), pp. •'*?{) io\\., and Kropatschek, VI. Berichi tier r6m.-germ. Kommission, inio-ii, pp. .">?-?.*$. For others mt tin- Annate* of the Namur Archaeological Society and similar journals. Nor perhaps even Trier : a hull-explored town-house at Trier is not at all Pompeian (Bonner Jakrb. e-iii. 2'M). Fig. 11. Courtyard House at Nortiileigh, Oxfordshire, as excavated in 1815-16. Room 1, chief mosaic with hypocaust ; rooms 8-18, mosaic floors ; rooms 21-7 and 38-43, baths, &c. ; the west wing had poorer rooms, perhaps for servants. Recent excava- tions show that this plan represents the house in its third and latest stage ; in the corridor (10) a part of the earlier house-front is shown by dotted lines. The pottery found in the recent excavations suggests that the first house on this spot was built not later than the early second century. L2 ROMANIZATION IX MATERIAL CIVILIZATION Probably the courtyard house has more connexion with the south than the corridor house. The town-houses of the Greek cast and the kindred houses of Timgad in Africa, of Pola and Doclca in Adriatic lands — houses that arc built round a small columned court or peristyle — offer faint parallels to our courtyard houses. Indeed, one or two houses at Silchester and Caerwent actually have such small courts. 1 More definite parallels, again to the courtyard type-, can be found in other houses, mostly country-houses, of the same Greek type, which wen- built round large peristyles comparable in size to the spacious British and Gaulish yards. 9 Perhaps we may conclude that our courtyard house owed much of its development to this originally Greek type. And if the peristyle house excavated in 1882 at Bibracte (Mont Beuvray), in mid-France, be of pre-Roman date, as Dcchelctte thought, we may further guess that (his type was spreading northwards as early as the age of Caesar. 3 Hut the corridor house remains unfathered. To it Mediter- ranean lands offer no analogies. It had neither atrium nor peristyle, and the attempts of sonic scholars to dctei t pictures of it on two African mosaics are not convincing. 4 The most southern corridor house which I can quote was dug up years 1 Silchester, insula xiv. l (Archaeologia, Iv. 221) ; Caerwent, bouse :5 (Arch, lvii, plate 40). A tew Pompeian houses have no atrium and belong to this type ; for instance, ins. v. ~> and vi. 15. Similarly, parallels may be drawn between certain l'ompeian wall-paintings of houses and certain large houses in Germany, as at Nennig, Rouhling, Wittlich (see Etostowzew, Archaol. Jahrbuch, 1904, p. 103). Bui such houses are rare in Germany and unknown in Britain. 2 For instance, the large house of Fannius Sinister near Pompeii : a large house mar Pola (Schwalb, Rcmische Villa bei Pola, Wien, lito'j), an oil-farm on the same coast (Gnirs, Jahrbuch fur AUeriurns- kunde, ii. 184) : a large house at Saint-Leu in Algeria (Revue africaine, 1804, p. 280), and the luxurious house in the town of I'thina (Oudna, in Tunis, see Fondation Piof, hi. 177). Bulliot, Fouilles (lr Mont Beuvray \ Dechelette, Manuel, ii. !».*>."5. 1 KropatSChek (see p. 40, note) assumes that the corridor house was common in Italy. But that is pure assumption ; certainly the BOSCO Reale farm is quite different. His arguments suiter also from his genera] neglect of all finds outside Germany. 50 • • ' ■ ■ I — Scale of Fect zoo ;<->? Fig. 12. Part or Silchester. Showing some private houses and shops, the Forum, and the Christian Church. (From the phut by Sir W. Hope, issued hi/ the Society of Antiquaries.) 44 ROMANIZATION IX MATERIAL CIVILIZATION ago near Pan. 1 Perhaps, after all, we may credit it with a Celtic origin. Thai is the conclusion for which we should look on genera] grounds — that the larger and richer houses copied foreign patterns, while the smaller oiks, like the Indian bungalow, tended to follow native lines. Here, as elsewhere, the Romanization of Britain combined native and Roman elements. The internal fittings of these houses show the Roman supremacy more definitely. These lit tings are wholly bor- rowed from Italian sources. If we cannot find in the Romano-British house either atrium or impluvium, iablinum or peristyle, such as we find in Italy, we have none the 1 ss tlie painted wall-plaster (Fig. 13) and mosaic floors, the hypocausts and bathrooms of Italy. The wall-paintings and mosaics may be poorer in Britain, the hypocausts more numerous ; the things themselves are those of the south. No mosaic, I believe, has come to light in the whole of Roman Britain which represents any local subject or contains any uiielassieal feature. The usual ornamentation consists either of mythological scenes, such as Orpheus charming the animals, 2 or Apollo chasing Daphne, or Actaeon rent by his hounds, or of geometrical devices like the so-called Asiatic shields which are of classical origin. 3 Perhaps we may detect in Britain a special fondness for the cable or guilloche pattern, and we may conjecture that from Romano-British 1 Archaeol. Journ. xxxvi. 17. 2 There is no reason to think the numerous Orpheus mosaics Christian. Christianity was not so ubiquitous as that. The scene, I imagine, was popular because it included various quaint animals. 3 It has been BUggested that these mosaics were laid by itinerant Italians. The idea is, of course, due to modern analogies. It does not seem impossible, since the work is in a sense that of an artist, and the pay might have been high enough to attract good decorators from tin- Continent. However, no evidence exists to prove this or even to make it probable. The mosaics of Roman Britain, with hardly an exception, are such as might easily be made in a province which could export skilled workmen to Gaul (p. 77). They have also the look of work imitated from patterns rather than of designs sketched by artists. It is most natural to suppose that, like the Gaulish Samian ware — which is Imitative in much the same fashion — they are local products. ' Fig. 13. Painted Pattern on Wall-plaster from Silchester, Showing a conventional style based on classical models (p. 44). {Restoration by G. E. Fox, in Archaeologia.) 44 ROMANIZATION IN MATERIAL CIVILIZATION 45 mosaics it passed in a modified form into later Celtic art. But the ornament itself, whether in single border or in many- stranded panels of plaitwork, occurs not rarely in Italy as well as in thoroughly Romanized lands like southern Spain and southern Gaul and Africa, and also in Greece and Asia Minor. It is a classical, not a British pattern. III. Turn now to the dwellings of the peasant poor. These we know only in one corner of southern England, but within this limit we know them well. On the chalk downs of Wilts and north-east Dorset, Colt Hoare was busy a century ago, and in 1884-90 Pitt-Rivers dug three villages wholly up — at Woodcutts, Rotherlcy and Woodyates, a dozen miles south-west of Salisbury — and later workers have continued the search. 1 In plan these villages are not Roman ; their round mud-huts and pits, their strange ditches, their shape- less enclosures, date from days before or early in the Roman occupation. But Roman civilization soon reached and absorbed them. The ditches were filled up ; hypocausts, odd but unmistakable, wall-plaster painted in Roman fashion, roofing of Roman tiles, came into use ; the villagers learnt to eat and drink from Samiamdishes and cups of glass, and even to keep their clothes in wooden chests of drawers ; some of them could read and write. 2 Meanwhile, they utterly forgot their Celtic fashions ; there is no sign of the Late Celtic art in any of Pitt-Rivers's multitudinous illustra- tions. To these men the Roman objects which they used were the ordinary environment of life ; they were no ' delicate exotic varnish ', as one eminent writer has called them. 3 Indeed, I cannot find in our Romano-British remains the 1 R. Colt Hoare, Ancient Wiltshire (1812-21); A. Pitt -Rivers, Excava- tions in Cranborne Chase, &c. (four large quartos, privately printed, 1887-98) ; M. E. Cunnington, Wilts Archaeol. Magazine, xxxvii. 42, xxxviii. 53 ; Hey wood Sumner, Excav. on liockbourne Down (London, 1914). 2 Pitt-Rivers, iii. 3-G. So Colt Hoare, Ancient Wilts, Roman Aera, p. 127 : ' On some of the highest of our downs I have found stuccoed and painted walls, as well as hypocausts, introduced into the rude settlements of the Britons.' 3 Vinogradoff, Growth of the Manor, p. 39. 46 ROMANIZATION IN MATERIAL CIVILIZATION contrast alleged by lliis writer 'between an exotic culture of a higher order and a vernacular culture of a primitive kind '. There were in Britain splendid houses and poor oiks. 1 5 1 1 1 a continuous gradation of all sorts of buildings and all degrees of comfort connected them ; there is no discernible breach in tin scale. Throughout, the dominant (lenient is the Roman provincial fashion which is borrowed from Italy. 'O 1033 +o so & to 4© qo too t-l_l 1 1 — I 1 « I | I \ * SCALC Fecr Fig. 14. Native Village at Din Lligwy, Anglesea. We find Roman influence even in the most secluded villages of tin- upland region. At Din Lligwy. on the north- easl e<»ast of Anglesea, excavation (Fig. l has uncovered the ruins of a village enclosure about three-quarters of an acre in extent, containing round and square huts or rooms, with walls of roughly coursed masonry and roofs of tile. Scattered up and down in it lay hundreds of fragments <,| Samian and other Roman or Romano-British pottery and ROMANIZATION IN MATERIAL CIVILIZATION 47 a far smaller quantity of ruder pieces, a few bits of Roman glass, some Roman coins of the period a.d. 250-350, various iron nails and hooks, querns, bones, and so forth. 1 The place lies on the extreme edge of the British province and on an island where no signs of proper Roman occupation can be detected, while its ground-plan shows little mark of Roman influence. Yet the smaller objects and perhaps also the squareness of one or two rooms show that even here, in the later days of the Empire, the products of Roman civilization and the external fabric of Roman provincial life were present and almost predominant. 1 E. Neil Baynes, Arch. Cambrcnsis, 1908, pp. 183-210. FRILFORD Fig.15. Plan oi Farmhouse at Frilford, Berks. (From plan bij Sir A. J. Evans), See p. 39. The scale is the same as that of Figs. 10a and b on p. 38. CHAPTER V Romanizahon ix Art Art shows a rather different picture. Here the definite survivals of Celtic tradition are not perhaps more numerous but are certainly more tangible. There flourished in Britain before the Claudian conquest a vigorous native art, chiefly working in metal and enamel, and characterized by its love for spiral devices and its fantastic use of animal forms(Fig. 10). This art — La Tene or Late Celtic or whatever it be styled — was common to all the Celtic lands of Europe just before the Christian era, and its vestiges are particularly clear in Britain. When the Romans spread their dominion over the island, it almost wholly vanished. For that we are not to blame any evil influence of this particular Empire. All native arts, however beautiful, tend to disappear before the more even technique and the neater finish of town manufacture The process is merely part of the honour which a coherent civilization enjoys in the eyes of country folk. Disraeli somewhere describes a Syrian lady preferring the polish of a western boot to the jewels of an eastern slipper. W "it li a similar preference the British Celt abandoned his national art and adopted the Roman provincial fashion. He did not abandon it wholly. Little local manufactures of small objects witness to sporadic survivals. Such, among pottery, are the New Forest stoneware with its curious leaf- ornament (Fig. 17), which was used a good deal in southern Britain, 1 and the better known and far more widely dis- tributed Castor ware, made on the banks of the Xen some five miles west of Peterborough. We may briefly examine t his latter instance. 1 Victoria Hist. Hants, i. 826 ; Archacnl. .fount. \\\. :U«». HVO& J ; Fig. 16. Late Celtic Metal Work (£). Boss of a shield, of perhaps the first century B.C., found in the Thames near Wandsworth, and now in the British Museum. See p. 48. ROMANIZATION IN ART 49 At Castor and Chesterton, on the north and south sides of the river, were two Romano-British settlements of com- fortable houses, furnished in genuine Roman style. Round them stretched extensive pottery works, which seem to have been active during the greater part of the Imperial period. The ware, or rather the most characteristic of the wares Fig. 17. Fragments of New Forest Pottery with Leaf Patterns. (From Archaeologia.) See p. 48. made in these works, is generally called Castor (or sometimes Durobrivian) ware. It was not, indeed, peculiar to the potters of the Ncn valley. There is evidence that, to some small extent at least, it was made elsewhere in Britain, and it must have been produced freely in northern Gaul, though none of its kilns has yet been identified there ; possibly it was produced there first and afterwards copied in Britain. But Castor is the only attested centre of its manufacture 1751 d 50 ROMANIZATION IX ART on a large scale, and the cups and jars from its potteries seem not only to be more abundant but also more varied in decoration and sometimes more directly inspired by native elements than the continental fabrics. 1 Castor ware was decorated by the method often called 4 barbotinc ' ; the ornament was in relief and was laid on by hand in the form of a semi-liquid l slip ' with the aid of a tube or other tool — just as in the later Roman Empire the orna- ment was laid on glass, 8 or as in our own day it is put on sugar-cakes. Every piece is, therefore, the individual product of a potter, not a mechanical cast from a mould. From this point of view it is noteworthy that the British Castor ware directly embodies the Celtic tradition. If it was copied from the Continent, the island potters either took over with it an element which has all but disappeared from the Gaulish work, or else they added that element. Castor ware is based, indeed, on classical patterns —foliated scrolls, hunt- ing scenes, gladiatorial combats, even now and then a mytho- logical representation. But it recasts these patterns in accordance with its own traditions and also with the vigour of a true art. Those fantastic animals with strange out- stretched legs and back-turned heads and eager eyes ; those tiny scrolls scattered by way of background above and below them ; the rude beading which serves, not ineffectively, for ornament or for dividing line ; the suggestions of return- ing spirals; the manifest delight of the artist in plant and animal forms — all these things are Celtic (Figs. IS. 10). When we turn to the scenes in which man is prominent — a hunting picture in which (exceptionally) the huntsman 1 Good illustrations of continental Castor ware arc given in SamnUung Xirssrn, Koln, 1011, plates 77, 78. Continental manufacture, possibly near Cologne, seems to be proved by the amount of the ware found in the Low Countries. North France and Germany. In Germany the production is said to have begun before a.i>. KM) and to have ceased soon after a.i>. 200. Its decoration is almost wholly confined to rather Stereotyped animals, but the Colchester 'gladiators" urn ', mentioning the Thirtieth Legion (C. R. Smith, Coil. .Int. iv. 82; C. vii. 1885. B), may be Rhenish manufacture. 2 Kisa, GUu im Altrrtumc, ii. 4175. » » ' • » I > , > ' > • 1 > > 50 • c o H o v>) i ^N ' ^Vp I ■ g : <^>*~, 1 fe 50 ROMAXIZATION IN ART 51 appears, or a chariot race, or a gladiatorial show, or Hesione fettered naked to a rock and Hercules saving her from the sea-monster (Fig. 20) x — we do not always find the same skill and vigour, i^rom of old the Celtic artist had been averse to representations of the human form. When with an initiative lacking in his continental rival — an initiative Fig. 20. Hercules rescuing Hesione. (From a piece of Castor ware found in Northamptonshire . C. R. Smith, Coll. Ant., vol. iv, PI. XXIV.) which it is fair to recognize — he added this to his repertory, he passed beyond his proper bounds. Now and then he suc- ceeded ; more often he failed ; his Hercules and Hesione are not fantastic but grotesque. In taking in new Roman elements, his Celtic art lost its power and approximated to the conventionalism of Samian ware. 2 1 This and the corresponding scene of Perseus and Andromeda were popular in Britain and Gaul. See (e.g.) a tombstone at Chester (Grosvrnor Museum Catal. No. 138), and others at Trier (Ilettncr, Sieindenkmdler zu Trier, p. 200) and Arlon (Wiltheim, Luciliburgensia, plate 57) and Igel. Whether the scenes generally conveyed any symbolical meaning in these lands, I should greatly doubt. 2 For an account of Castor and Castor ware see Vict. Hist. Xorthants, i. 100-78, 20G-13. d2 52 IIOMAMZATIOX IX ART Brooches tell much the same tale of predominant Roman fashions not unmixed with Celtic survivals. Many of those found in Britain are peculiarly British. One of the com- monest of Romano-British ' fibulae '. commoner in the north than in the south of the island, is not only directly traceable to a Celtic ancestry, but is very rare outside Britain. 1 The examples which have been found in northern Gaul and Germany can almost be counted on t he fingers of two hands ; and when a specimen once turned up near Frankfurt, it so startled the local archaeologists that they assigned it to Africa. But the most si riking example is sup- plied by the enamelled k dragon-brooches ' (Fig. 21). Both their designs and their gorgeous colour - Fig. 21. 'Dragon-brooches' found i n(r are Celtic in spirit : AT CORBRIDGE ({). (P. 52.) thev occur not seldom in Britain ; from the Continent only four instances are recorded. 2 Here certainly Roman Britain is more Celtic than Gallia Belgica or the Rhine valley. Yet a complete survey of the brooches used in Britain would show, especially in the south, a dominant army of types which were equally, common here and on the Continent and belong to the Roman provincial civilization. The 'Aucissa 1 and 'knee' and 'cross-bow' varieties may serve as examples. 1 For iIk- origin <>f the type see A. .T. Evans, Archaeol. Iv. 182 : for illustrations and f<»r the distribution, my note, Arch. AeHana^ 1009, l». 400, anil Curie, Newstead, p. :5'_>i. * I have given a list in Arch. Aelimna, it>0!>. p. 120 : see also Curie, Newstead, j». 810, and R. A. Smith. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Lond. xxii. 61. In all about twtntx examples have been noted in Britain. ^. t Fio. 22, The Corbridge Lion (p. 53.) 53 ROMANIZATION IN ART 53 Perhaps it is to this survival of the Celtic spirit in a Romanized Britain that we should ascribe two remarkable sculptures found at Bath and at Corbridge. The Spa at Bath (Aquae Sulis) contained a stately temple to Sul or Sulis Minerva, goddess of the hot springs. The pediment of this temple, partly preserved by a lucky accident and unearthed in 1790, was carved with a trophy of arms —in the centre a round wreathed shield upheld by two Victories, and below and on either side a helmet, a standard (?), a cuirass, besides other details now lost. It is a classical group, such as occurs on other Roman reliefs. But its treatment breaks clean away from the classical. The sculptor placed on the shield a Gorgon's head, as suits alike Minerva and a shield (see Frontispiece). But he gave to the Gorgon a beard and moustache, almost in the manner of a head of Fear, and he wrought its features with a fierce virile vigour that finds no kin in Greek or Roman art. I need not here discuss the reasons which may have led him to add male attributes to a female type. For our present purpose the important fact is that he could do it. Here is proof that, for once at least, the supremacy of the dominant conventional art of the Empire could be rudely broken down. 1 Another example is supplied by the Corbridge Lion, found among the ruins of Corstopitum in Northumberland in 1907 (Fig. 22). It is a sculpture in the round showing a nearly life-sized lion standing above his prey. The scene is common in provincial Roman work, and not least in Gaul and Britain. Often it is connected with graves ; sometimes (as perhaps here) it served for the ornament of a fountain. But if the scene is common, the execution of it is not. Technically, indeed, the piece is open to criticism. The lion is not the ordinary beast of nature. His face, the pose of his feet, the curl of his tail round his hind leg, arc all untrue to life. The 1 For the temple and pediment see Vict. Hist. Somerset, i. 229 foil., and references given there ; I have discussed the artistic problem on p. 235 and Journal of Roman Studies, ii. 132. Quite recently, M. Adolphe Reinach has suggested that the head embodies a definite Celtic idea (Bull, du musee de Mulftouse, xxxvii). 54 UOMANIZATIOX IN ART man who carved him knew perhaps more of dogs than lions. But he* fashioned a living animal. Fantastic and even grotesque as it is. his work possesses a wholly unclassical fierceness and vigour, and nol a few observers have remarked when seeing it that it recalls not the Roman world but the Middle Ages. 1 These exceptions to the ruling Roman provincial culture are rare in Britain. But they are probably commoner here than in the Celtic lands across the Channel. In northern Gaul we meet no such vigorous semi-barbaric carving as the Gorgon or the Lion. At Trier, Mctz, Arlon, Sens, there are notable sculptures, but they are consistently classical in style and feeling, and the value of this fact is none the less if (with some writers) we find special geographical reasons for the occurrence of certain of these sculptures.' 2 Exceptions are always more interesting than rules — even in grammar. But the exceptions pass and the rules remain. The Castor ware and the Gorgon's head are exceptions. The rule stands that the material civilization of Britain was pre- dominantly Roman. Except the Gorgon, every worked or sculptured stone at Bath follows the classical conventions. Except the Castor and New Forest pottery, all the better earthenware in use in Britain obeys the same law. The kind that was most generally employed for all but the meaner purposes, was not Castor but Samian. 3 This ware is charac- 1 Arch. AeKana, 1908, p. 20,"> ; Journal of Roman Studies, ii. Ms. - Michaelis, Loeschke and others assume an early intercourse between the Hose] basin and eastern Europe, and thereby explain both a statue in Pergamene style, which was found at Metz and appears t<> have been carved there, and also the Neumagen sculptures. As all these pieces were produced in Roman times, early intercourse seems an inadequate cause. Moreover, Pergamene work, it rare in Italy, occurs in Aquitaniu and Africa, and may have been popular in the provinces. 3 I may protest against the attempts made from time to time to dispossess the term ' Samian '. Nothing better has been proposed, and it has the merit of perfect lucidity, of the substitutes suggested, ■ Pseudo-Arretine ' is clumsy, 'Terra Sfgillata " is a1 least as incorrect, and 'Gaulish " covers only part of the held (Proc. Soc. Antiq. Loud. wiii. 120). ROMANIZATION IN ART 55 teristic of Roman provincial art. As I have said, it is copied wholesale from Italian originals (p. 19). It is purely imita- tive and conventional ; it reveals none of that delight in ornament, that spontaneousness in devising decoration and in working out artistic patterns which can clearly be traced in Late Celtic work. It is simply classical, in an inferior degree. The contrast between this Romano-British civilization and the native art which preceded it can readily be seen if we compare for a moment a Celtic village and a Romano- British village. Examples of each have been carefully excavated in the south-west of England, hardly thirty miles apart. The Celtic village was close to Glastonbury in Somer- set. 1 Of itself it was a small, poor place — just a group of pile-dwellings rising out of a marsh and dating from the two centuries immediately preceding the Christian era. Yet, poor as it was, its art is distinct. There one recognizes all that delight in decoration and that genuine artistic instinct which mark Late Celtic work, while technical details in the ornament (as, for example, the returning spiral) reveal their affinity with the same native fashion. On the other hand, no trace of classical workmanship or design intrudes. There has not been found anywhere in the village even a 'fibula ' with a hinge instead of a spring, or of an Italian (as opposed to a Late Celtic) pattern. Turn now to the Romano-British villages excavated by General Pitt-Rivers and already mentioned in these pages (p. 45). Here you may search in vain for vestiges of the native art or of that delight in artistic ornament which characterizes it. The ground-plans of the villages, the forms of the poor cottages, are native ; the art is Roman. Every- where the monotonous Roman culture meets the eye. To pass from Glastonbury to Woodcutts is like passing from 1 The Glastonbury village was excavated in and alter 1892 at intervals ; a full account of the finds is now being issued by Bulleid and Gray (The Glastonbury Lake Village, vol. i, 1911, with a preface by Dr. R. Munro). The finds themselves are mostly at Glastonbury. 56 ROMAXIZATIOX IX ART some old timbered village of Kent or Sussex to the uniform streets of a modern city suburb. Life at Woodeutts had, no doubt, its barbaric side. Out- writer who has discussed it with a view to the present problem l comments on ' dwellings connected with pits used as storage rooms, refuse sinks, and burial places' and ' corpses crouching in un-Roman positions'. The first feature has its parallels in modern countries and was doubtless common in ancient Italy. The second would be more significant if such skeletons occupied all or even the majority of the graves in these villages. Neither feature really mars the broad result, that the material life was Roman. Perhaps the villagers knew little enough of Roman civilization in its higher aspects. Perhaps they did not speak Latin fluently or often. They may well have counted among the less Romanized of the southern Britons. V. t round them too clung the heavy inevitable atmosphere of the Roman material civilization. 1 Yinogradoff, Growth of the Manor, p. 30. A parallel to the non- Roman burials found by General Pitt-llivers may be found in the will of a Lingonian Gaul who died in the latter part of the first century. He was a Roman citizen, and his will is drawn in strict Roman fashion. Hut its last clause orders the burning of all his hunting apparatus, spears and nets, &c, on his funeral pyre, and thus betrays the Gaulish habit (Dessau, Inscr. sel. 8379). That earlier native forms of burial were used in Roman Britain is shown by the remarkable burial mounds of the first and second centuries at Rartlow Hills in NW. Essex [Archaeol. XXV, xxvi, xxviii, xxix), Mersea Island {Trans. Essex Arch. Soc. xiii. 110), Rougham (1/(7. Hist. Suffolk, i. 315), Gorsley Woods in East Kent (Arch. Can- liana, XV. 311 , Thornborough in Rucks remains at Audlcv Mud), and Youngsbury, in Herts Archaeol. Hi. 287 ■ They occur also in Belgium; sec Annates dc In Soc. arch. (), and now Cuinonf Belgiqut romanisie, p. 88. CHAPTER VI romanization in town-llfe, local government am) Land-Tenure I have now dealt with the language and the material civilization of the province of Britain. I pass to a third and harder question, the administrative framework of local Romano-British life, the town-system and local government, and the land-tenure. Here we have to discuss especially the extent to which the Roman coloniae and municipia penetrated the province and the substitutes which arose instead of them, and the diffusion and influence of the Roman ' villa '. In respect to the towns and the local government, it has to be remembered that Roman, like Greek, towns were each the head of a dependent district, and therefore what we might now call the town and the county government more or less coincided. I. First, the towns. Britain, we know, contained five municipalities of the privileged Italian type. The colonia of Camulodunum (Colchester) and the municipium of Veru- lamium (St. Albans), both in the south-east of the island, were established soon after the Claudian conquest of a. d. 43. The colonia of Lindum (Lincoln) was probably founded in the early Flavian period (a.d. 70-80), when the Ninth Legion, hitherto at Lincoln, seems to have been pushed forward to York. The colonia at Glevum (Gloucester) arose in a.d. 96-98, as an inscription definitely attests. Lastly, the colonia at Eburacum (York) must have grown up during the second or the early third century, under the ramparts of the legionary fortress, though separated from it by the intervening river Ouse. 1 Each of these five towns had, 1 The fortress was situated on the left or cast bank of the Ohm- ; the present cathedral stands wholly within its area. Tarts of the 58 ROMAXIZATIOX IX TOWN-LIFE doubtless, its dependent territory, which may have been as large as an average English county, and each provided the local government for its territory. 1 That implies a definitely Roman form of local government for a considerable area — a larger area, certainly, than received such organization in northern Gaul. Yet it accounts, on a liberal estimate, for barely one-eighth of the civilized part of the province. Throughout most of the rest of the British province, or rather of its civilized area, the local government was probably organized on the same cantonal system as obtained in northern Gaul (p. 21). According to this system, the local unit was the former territory of the independent tribe or canton, and the local magistrates were the chiefs or nobles of the tribe. That may appear at first sight to be a native system, wholly out of harmony with the Roman method of govern- ment by municipalities. Yet such was not its actual effect. The cantonal or tribal magistrates were classified and arranged just like the magistrates of a municipality. They even used tlie same titles. The cantonal civtias had its duoviri and quaestors and so forth, and its ordo or senate, precisely like any municipal colonia or municipium. So far from wearing a native aspect, this cantonal system became one of tin influences which aided the Homanization of the country. It did not, indeed, involve, like the municipal system, the substitution of an Italian for a native institution. Instead, it permitted the complete remodelling of the native institu- tion by the interpenetration of Italian influences. We can discern the cantonal system at several points in Britain. Hut the British cantons were smaller and less Roman walls can still be traced, especially at the Multangular Tower. The municipality lay 00 the Other hank of the Ouse, mar tin railway station, where mosaics indicate dwelling-houses. IN outline and plan arc, however, unknown. Even its situation has not been generally recognized. 1 If the evidence Of milestones may be pressed, the territory of Khuracum extended southwards at least twenty miles to ( astleford, and that of Lincoln at least fourteen miles to LittleborOUgfa [Eph. Epigr. vii. i 105 i.\. rj."»:{, and vii. i<>*.'?). The general size of these municipal ' territoria ' is proved hy Continental inscriptions. LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND LAND-TENURE 59 wealthy than those of Gaul, and therefore they have not left their mark, either in monuments or in nomenclature, s<> m % ;X LEG-LEG^,,, L^YD¥^BN L » &• T* )EC TO , !iPVBI?CIV.I 1 %ILVfWM r 2 %. '/7777TT/T7TTTTT rr 7 MPM »*p*», 2 ^ * * ^ Fig. 23. Inscription found at Caerwent mentioning a Decree of the Senate of the Canton of Silures. See p. 00. dearly as we might desire. Many inscriptions record the working of the system in Gaul. Many modern towns- Paris, Reims, Amiens, and thirty or forty others -derive GO ROMAXIZATIOX IX TOWX-LIFE their present names from those of the ancient cantons, and not from those of the ancient towns. Britain has hitherto yielded only one such inscription (Fig. 28), 1 on a monument erected at Caerwent (Venta Silurum) by the cantonal senate of the Silures to some genera] of the Second Legion at Isca Silurum, twelve miles off. Only one British town was called in antiquity by a tribal name and that is a doubtful instance.- Xo single case occurs in which a modern town- name is derived from the name of a British t ril>c :{ _>^ We have, however, some curious evidence from another source. There is a late and obscure Gvugruplnf "I the Roman Empire which was probably compiled at Ravenna somewhere about a.d. 700, and which, as its author's name is lost, is generally ([noted as the work of i Ravennas \ It consists for the most part of lists of names, copied from sources far earlier than the seventh century, and very carelessly copied. In general it adds very few details. But in the case of Britain it notes the municipal rank of three of the four coloniae, and it further appends tribal names to nine or ten town-names, which are thus distinguished from all other British place-names. For example, we have Venta Belgarum (Winchester), not Venta simply, and Corinium Dobunorum (Cirencester), not Corinium simply. The towns thus specially marked out are just those towns which are also declared by 1 Found in 1908 : . . . leg. leg. [/]/, Aug. procon8ul(i) provinc. Nar~ bonensie, leg. Ana. pr. }>r. proui. Lugudunen(sis) : ex decreto ordinis respubl{i<(i) ().'{; ArchaeOlogia, lix. 120; Kpfi. ix. 1012). Other inscriptions mention a ciris Cuntius, a civitas CotUVeUaunorum and the like, hut their evidence is less distinct. J Icinoe in Kin. Ant. t? 4. (» may be Venta [cenorum [Victoria Hist. of Norfolk, i. 286, 800). In its Gaulish section the [tin, uses these tribal town-names ahont as often as not. * Canterbury may seem an exception. Bui its name comes ultimately from the Marly English Form of Cantium, not from the Cantii. In the south-west and in Walts, tribal names like Dnninonii (Devonshire), Demetae, Ordovices, have lingered od in one form or another ; accord- ing to Prof. Hh\s, Hernieia is derivable from Brigantes, Hut these cases differ widely from the Gaulish instances. LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND LAND-TENURE 61 actual remains to have been the chief country towns of Roman Britain. This coincidence can hardly be chance. We may infer that the towns to which the Ravennas appends tribal names were the cantonal capitals of the districts of Roman Britain, and that a list of them, presumably muti- lated and imperfect, has been preserved by some chance in this late corrupt compilation. 1 In other words, the larger part of Roman Britain was divided up into districts corresponding to the territories ^ of the Celtic tribes ; each has its capital, and presum- ^ ably its magistrates and senate, as the above-mentioned inscription shows that the Silures had at Venta Silurum. We may suppose, indeed, that the district magistrates — the county council, as it would now be called — were also the magistrates of the country town. The same cantonal system, then, existed here as in northern Gaul. Only, it was weaker in Britain. It could not impose tribal names on the towns, and it went down easily when the Empire fell. In northern Gaul, Nemetacum Atrebatum became Atrcbatis and is now Arras. In Britain, Calleva Atrebatum (Silchester) remained Calleva, so far as we know, till it perished altogether in the fifth century. Municipalities and cantonal capitals furnish nearly all the— known examples of Romano-British towns. Two or three lesser places may have been secondary country-towns. 2 A spa, rather than a town proper, flourished at Bath, and attracted invalids from Britain and from northern Gaul. There is only one important addition to be made to our list. Londinium sprang up in the earliest Roman period, on a spot marked out by trade advantages rather than by 1 Ravennas (ed. Parfhey and Pinder), pp. 425 foil. ; my Appendix to Mommsen's Provinces of the Empire (English trans., 1909), ii. .'J.">2. The places are those now known as : Exeter, Winchester, Caerwent, Cirencester, Silchester, Canterbury, Wroxeter, Leicester, Castor by Norwich, and probably Chichester : to these we may add from other sources Aldborough (Yorks) and Dorchester in Dorset. 2 Rochester, in Kent and Kenchestcr near Hereford are the only ones which merit mention here. 62 ROMANIZATION IX TOWN-LIFE any noteworthy native settlement ; it quickly #rew to be the largest and richest town in the provinee. But we never hear that it won municipal rank, and its civic constitution rested perhaps on a different basis. \V< know from Taeitus that it began as a gathering of traders round a convenient centre. We know also that the Roman provinces contained many such clubs or communities of Roman traders, ruling themselves on a quasi-municipal pattern (16, note 1). We may think that London was, at the outset, one of these communities, and that, while most of them grew into muni- cipalities, it kept its original status unaltered. The Empire was as full of irregularities as the Greek accidence, and Roman opportunism loved to let well alone. London in the fourth century gained the title — honourable, if not rare — of Augusta, but remained in its quasi-municipal * position. 1 On paper this represents much Romanized town-life in Britain. Did the facts bear out the theory ? On the whole, we may say that they did. The Romano-British towns were of fair size. Silchester was by no means the biggest. Roman London, perhaps even Roman Cirencester, were larger than Roman Cologne or Bordeaux : Verulam and others were not so far behind. 2 They possessed, too. the buildings proper to a Roman town town-hall, market-place, public baths, 'chess-board 5 street-plan, all of Roman fashion ; they had also shops and temples, and even here and there a hotel ; and it is to be noted that these were present not only in the municipalities, as it seems, but in 1 Londinium is often credited with wonderful features— territory, pomerium, citadel, jurisdiction to a mile outside its ^ates, and s,> forth. No true view of it can be got, unIe8S these he put aside. 2 Within the walls, London was about 825 acres, Cirencester a little over 240, Cologne 2 10, Verulam 2()0, Silchester, Colchester and Leicester iio-ioo acres. Comparisons, however, arc difficult, even where the walled ares is known, since sometimes (at London. Silchester, Trier. Cologne) the walls seem to have enclosed the town at near its largest, while elsewhere the walled area is hut a fragment left after Teutonic invasion. Foi Bordeaux see Jullian, laser, de Bordeaux, h. .">r 200 acres. LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND LAND-TENURE 63 the cantonal capitals as well. Whether and how far the municipalities had a stronger Roman colouring than the other towns, we do not know. But we can sec that their Roman constitutions were realities ; witness the tiles of Roman Gloucester, with their stamp RPG (respublica Glevensmm) and their dating by municipal magistrates, the ' duovin ' and ' quinqucnnalcs '. NORTH GATE SILCHESTER kgt gate BOO 4O0 MO SOUTH GATE Fig. 24. (p. 04. ) Other details point somewhat the other way. We should have expected the British municipalities, like those of other provinces, to have helped in supplying the Roman army with legionaries and the Roman administration with officials. But, so far as present evidence goes, few Britons served in> 64 ROMANIZATION IN TOWN-LIFE tin- legions and hardly any won official rank. Again, the plans of the towns known to us reveal a significant feature, which I have noted already (p. 40). The dwelling-houses in them are not town-houses, fitted to stand side by side and to form regular streets ; they are country-houses, such as neither did nor could combine in continuous rows; they are dotted about like cottages in a village (Figs. 12. 2-1). One recognizes that the town-planning of Silehcster or Caerwent was introduced amid surroundings not fully urban and that it represents an attempt at municipalization for which the dwellers in Calleva and Venta were not ready. These men learnt town-life from Rome. They did not learn it in its highest form. Indeed, through all the rebuildings which the spade reveals in these towns, they clung till the end to their older rural fashion. 1 Those who weigh these facts against one another will eon- elude, I think, that the Roman town-system of Britain was a real thing. It contained native as well as Roman elements ; here, as elsewhere, Romanization was a subtler and more complex process than mere absorption in Rome. The towns. too, were neither many nor very large ; here, as elsewhere, Romano British life was on a small scale. Hut in one way or another and to a real amount. Britain shared in that expansion of town-life which formed a special achievement of the Roman Empire. The towns and the districts connected witli them occupied most of the British lowlands. Whatever was over, fell prob- ably within the Imperial domains, which covered wide tracts in every province and were administered by local* procura- tors ' of the Emperor. The lead-mining districts — Mcndip in Somerset, the neighbourhood of Matlock in Derbyshire, the Shelve Hills south-west of Wroxeter, the llalkvn region in Flintshire, the moors of south-west Yorkshire — must have belonged to these Domains, and for the most part an- actually attested by inscriptions on lead-pigs as Imperial property. Of other domain lands we meet what stems to be one early 1 See further my .iiirirnl Town-pkmntng, pp. 127-33. \-^ LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND LAND-TENURE 05 instance at Silchester in the reign of Nero 1 — perhaps the confiscated estates of sonic British prince or noble -and though we have no further direct evidence, the history of other provinces suggests that the area increased as the years went by. Yet it is likely that in Britain, as indeed in Gaul, 2 the domain lands were comparatively small in extent. Moreover, if we may trust analogies from Asia Minor, they probably contributed little to Romanization (p. 18). II. It remains to say what little can be said as to the land-tenure of the province. Evidence on this point is un fortunately very scanty. We know next to nothing about either the size or the character of the estates which corre- sponded to the country-houses and farms of which remains survive. The ' villa ' system of demesne farms and serfs or colonic which obtained elsewhere, was doubtless familiar in Britain. Indeed, the Theodosian Code definitely refers to British colonic But whether it was the only rural system in Britain is beyond proof, and previous attempts to work out the problem have done little more than demonstrate the fact. 5 It is quite likely that here, as indeed in any 1 Tile inscribed NEHCIX.EA^GGiH, Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (Ej>h. ix. 1267). It differs markedly from the ordinary Silchester tiles, and plainly belongs to a different period in the history of the site. Possibly the estate, or whatever it was. did not remain Imperial after Nero's fall ; compare Plutarch, Galba, 5. The Combe Down principia (C. vii. 02), which arc not military, may supply another example, of about A.D. 210 (Vict. Hist. Somerset, i. .'Ill ; Epfi. ix. .510). - Ilirschfckh Klio, ii. .'J07, :508. Much of the Gaulish domain land appears to date from confiscations in A.D. 197. 1 The term ' villa ' is now generally used to denote Roman count rv- liouscs and farms, irrespective of their legal classification. The use is so firmly established, both in England and abroad, that it would be idle to attempt to alter it. Hut for clearness I have in this paper employed the term 'villa' only where I refer to the definite -villi ' system. 4 Cod. Tlieod. \i. ?. 2. 5 For instance, Seebolun {English Village Community, pp. 254 loll, connected the sullix ' ham' with the Roman ; villa' and apparently argued that the occurrence of the sullix indicated in general the former existence of a ' villa \ But his map. showing the percentage of local 1751 E 66 ROMANIZATION IN TOWN-LIFE province, othei forms <>f estates and of land-tenure may have existed beside the ' villa "- 1 The one thing needed is evidence. Unfortunately, the sizes and relative positions of the country dwellings do not, <>f themselves, reveal much in tins respect. In some Rhenish districts the houses are so uniform in plan and so evenly dist ributed as to suffffesl settlements of veteran soldiers. In Britain the evidence at present known points to a system which has grown up of itself bu1 does not show the exact nature of that system. In any ease, the net result appears fairly certain. The bulk of British local government must have been carried on through Roman municipalities, through imperial estates, and still more through tribal civitates using a Romanized constitution. The bulk of the landed estates must have *y conformed in their legal aspects to the ' villas ' of other pro- vinces. Whatever room there may be for the survival of native customs or institutions, we have no evidence that thev survived, within the lowlands, either in great amount or in any form which conflicted with the genera] Romanized character of the country, names ending in ' ham * in various counties, disprove- his view. For the distribution o! the Buffix * ham ' and the frequency of Roman country-houses and farms do not coincide. In Norfolk, for instance, 1 ham is common, but there is hardly a Roman count rv-house or farm in the county (Victoria Hist, of Norfolk, i. 294-8). Somerset, on the othei hand, is crowded with Roman country-houses, and has hardly any ' hams \ 1 Prof. Vinogradoff, Growth of the Manor, chap. ii. argw a for the existence of Celtic land-tenures besides the Roman 'villa*. 'There was room (he suggests) for all sorts of condition,, from almosl exact copies ol Roman municipal corporations and Italian country-houses to tribal arrangements scarcely colon red by a thin sprinkling of imperial administration ' (p. «:{). This i> very probable, lint 1 find no definite proof of it. It northern Gaul were better known it mighl provide a decisive analogy. Bui the Gaulish evidence itsrli seems disputable. CHAPTER VII ROMANIZATION IN RELIGION Tile current l^li^po^, of the modern world, monotheistic in character and (easTekn in origin, are exclusive ; no man can be in any real seTlse Mahometan and Jew at once. The polytheisms of ancient Europe contained little to hinder combinations of creeds, and the Romans, being politic as well as polytheistic, encouraged the process. They had easily equated their own Italian gods with the gods of Greece ; the provincials found it no harder to combine native provin- cial cults with the Graeco-Roman religion. The western half of the Empire thus became a blending-vat of worships, western and eastern and Roman. The ruling element was Roman. The native cults of western origin survived — at least on the surface — mainly as appendages of Roman deities, and even the far stronger eastern cults, Mithraism and the rest, took on somewhat of Roman dress. The out- come was too vague and ill-defined, and too various in different lands, to be called a Roman provincial religion. Rather, an equation of worships was established under Roman primacy, by which a man who changed his town or province, could change his gods as easily as he changed his washerwoman. This happened also in Britain. The inscriptions and sculptures of our province show a mass of diverse cults which were united in their use of Latin and in their common Roman colouring. In detail, however, the military districts differ widely, as so often, from the districts of civilian life, in which the Romanized provincials dwelt. We may best group our survey into (1) cults which seem strictly Roman, (2) others which may be- called Komano-lVltic. and (.'$) E 2 6s R0MAN1ZAT10N IN RELIGION others again which came to Britain from sources neither Roman nor Celtic, but either Teutonic or Oriental. I. Purely Roman dedications, such as an Italian mighl have set up in Italy, arc common enough in the military v area. There we meet altars to luppiter Optimus Maximus and other true gods of Rome, without any intermixture of non-Roman religion. But they arc altogether rare in the towns and country districts. A few exceptions can be noted. At Chichester in the middle of the first century a Roman- izing native princelet set up a monument to Neptune and Minerva. In the midlands, near Stony Stratford, a man with a Celtic name. Vassinus, made some sort of offering to Jove and Vulcan. A shrine in the Cotswolds contained a figure of a god in lull armour, carved in stone, with tin superscription deo Romtdo, 'to the- god Romulus. 1 In a few places we meet altars set up simply to Mars or Mer- cury or Aesculapius or Diana. Rut the total list of these plain Roman dedications is short. Nor do we hear more of the official worship of the Emperor. Dedications to his Divinity (numina Augustorum, &c.) are frequent in forts and fortresses. Elsewhere they are .scanty. In the colonia of Camulodunum was a temple lor tin official cult of Rome and the Emperor ; some years ago a boy fished (Hit of a Suffolk stream a bronze head which was probably pillaged from it in the rising of Boudicca. But we hear next t<> nothing about the cult. It not only had no religious value ; it had not even the social importance which it enjoyed in Gaul. II. Far commoner are Romano-Celtic and native dedi- cations. 1 Many of these arc dedications to Roman gods with Celtic epithets, to Mars Belatueader. Mars Cocidius. Mars Corotiacus, not to Mars simply. It does not appear that the varieties of Mars which were thus created wielded different powers, or that you prayed to Mars Belatueader lor one sort of favour and to Mars Cocidius for another ; that doubtless happened to some extent, hut it does not seem to have been common. We may say rather that scattered, mostly local, 1 Anwyl's article in the Cambridge Medieval History, ii. 473-9, i?, I fear, unsatisfactory. ROMAXIZATIOX IN RELIGION CO cults crystallized round Roman names. It was, however, only a few Roman gods — in Britain and in north Gaul Mars and Mercury — who attracted Celtic epithets to them- selves "at all freely. Apollo, Diana, Juno, Neptune, and the rest appear comparatively seldom or even never with them. On the other hand, a long series of dedications concern gods whose names are purely Celtic except for their Latin terminations. These are many. But they do not greatly differ from those just described ; indeed, many Celtic deities appear now with, now without, the Roman prefix. If we now proceed to classify the Celtic cults of which we meet remains in Britain, we must note first the absence of v any hierarchy of great gods. Of Esus, Taranis and Teu- tatcs, sometimes styled the Celtic Trinity, no sign emerges. 1 Instead, a crowd of lesser deities reveals a primitive religion in much the same rudimentary state as were the religions of Greece and Rome before the Olympian gods had become acknowledged as supreme. Some bear names which seem descriptive of character. Such was Belatucader, ' good Jit war ', who was worshipped in the north and coupled with Mars. Such, too, Maponus, kin somehow to the Welsh ' Mabon ', a child, and habitually yoked with Apollo. Others belonged to natural features. Verbeia at Ilklcy was patron saint of a stream still called Wharfe ; the Northumberland Cocidius (often Mars Cocidius) may have begun as god of the Coquet. Others with less intelligible names were clearly connected with special spots ; such were Ancasta at Bittern (near Southampton), Coventina, 1 Teutates occurs oner, possibly twice, identified with Mars ; the others are absent. A Chester altar (C. vii. 108) is said to read IOM TANARO, but the reading is uncertain ; even if it be rii»i — . from Gloucester, (p. 73.) (From a photograph.) ROMANIZATION IN RELIGION 73 In Britain, therefore, as in other western lands, Roman- ization in religion meant, within the military area, a sentiaa numinum, a kitchen-midden of all sorts of cults heaped up from all quarters of the Empire. Outside that area it meant a mixture of Roman and native deities. The proportions of the mixture no doubt varied, as I have said above (p. 21). But we find little, if anything, to suggesl thai non-Roman elements were consciously preserved as being non-Roman. Even in the countryside, even in the shrines with ' Celtic ' plans (p. 36), dedications are uniformly couched in Latin. At Nettleton, ten miles north-east of Bath, chance finds seem to have revealed a ' Celtic ' temple witli two reliefs of Diana. Both were fully Roman in style (Fig. 25). Though no inscription survives to illuminate the cult, we need not doubt that here the passers-by — whether they knew it or not — worshipped Diana of the Romans. At Lydney, in the sanctuary of the Celtic god Nodens (p. 70), the temple-plan is Roman, the graffiti are in Latin, and a representation of Nodens himself (as it seems) might pass for a rude sketch of Neptune. In all such cases Roman and native seem to be harmoni- ously intertwined, but the Roman is supreme. It was. no doubt, limited ; the mixture included, as a rule, only a few of the Roman dominant gods. But it may be worth adding that, while in northern Gaul a Roman god sometimes appears along with a distinct Celtic companion. Mercury (for instance) with Rosmerta, that particular manner of mixing Roman and native is rarer in Britain. Here tin native element asserted itself less definitely beside the Roman. Now and then it occurs, as on a relief found in Gloucester ' (Fig. 20). on which Mercury stands beside a goddess who seems not to be Rosmerta but some other Celtic deity. 1 Catal. of Museum formed ok Gloucester . . . I860, p. «. CHAPTER VIII Chronology of the Romanization From the survey of the evidence which illustrates the RomanizatioD of Britain, I pass to inquire how Ear history helps us to trace the chronology of the process. A few facts and probabilities emerge. Intercourse between Britain and the Roman world began when Caesar conquered Gaul. It had lasted nearly a century when Claudius invaded the island in a.i>. 43. During thai age south-eastern Britain learnt much from Home. Latin words, as I have said above (p. 29), now appeared on British coins. Arretine ware found its way. at hast in stray pieces. to London (or South wark), to Colchester, to Foxton in Cambridgeshire, to Alchester in Oxfordshire, to Purbeck in Dorset and some similiar sites, and it was well known and freely used at Silchester; the tribal capital of the Atrebates, which grew into the Romano-British Calleva, must have undergone some sort of Romanization Ion" before a.i>. 48. 1 The establishment of a Roman municipium at Verulam (St. Albans) before A.D. 60, and probably before a.d. 50.- points the same way. For the status of municipium w;is granted in the earlier Empire especially to native provincial towns which had, so to say. Romanized themselves, with- out Roman official action or official settlement of Roman soldiers or citizens, and had thus merited municipal privi- 1 For Southwark and London Bee Journal of Roman Studies, i. 146 ; i he accounl of the Soul hwark piece lis Walters, Proc, Cambridgeshire Antiq. Soc. \ii. 10T, is incorrect. The total amount ol Arretine (bund in London is small compared with thai from Silchester and suggests thai pre-Roman London a Southwark) was unimportant. For Foxton & <• Babington, .inc. Cambridgeshire, i>. 64. For Alchester seem} note Proc. Soc. Antiq. hand. \\i. nil. it is very much more suitable to Claudius than to Nero, and more suitable n. the earlier than t<> tin- later years <»f Claudius. CHRONOLOGY OF THE ROMANIZATION 75 leges. It is quite likely that such Romanization had com- menced at Verulam before the Claudian conquest and formed the justification for the early grant. [ After the conquest, the lowlands as far west as Exeter and Shrewsbury, and as far north as the Humbcr, were subdued by a.d. 50. Romanization may therefore have marched on at once. About a.d. 60 certainly, the insurgent Britons under Boudicca (Boadicca) were able to massacre an enor- mous number of Romans and ' friendlies ' -a number esti- mated at the time as 70,000 — and many of the victims must have been Romanized Britons; it is not impossible thai this disaster arrested the civilizing process awhile. The real advance seems to have come a little later, in the Flavian period (a.d. 70-95). In that age many provinces stepped Forward on the path to Roman culture. In Britain, towns like Silchester, Caerwent, Wroxeter, 1 now take definite shape, perhaps with official encouragement ; now, as we may conjecture, tribal capitals were deliberately converted into civilized towns, with street-plans and public buildings of Roman type. Now, too, the spa at Bath developed. 2 Now, as Tacitus tells us, Latin began to be spoken, the toga to be worn, temples, town-halls and private houses to be put up in Roman fashion. Now also civil judges, legati iuridici, were appointed, presumably to deal with litigation arising out of the advancing civilization. 3 Tacitus states that Agricola, as governor in Britain in 78-85, openly encouraged this Romanization, and that his efforts met with great 1 Silchester was plainly laid out all at once, and though it certainly existed in some form long before a.d. 70, the evidence of coins and pottery implies that it took a big step forward soon alter 70 ; we may connect that step with the laying out. At Caerwent and Wroxeter. coins, pottery and brooches suggest that there was little, it any. town life before the Flavian age and a good deal soon after. 2 At Bath the earliest datable stone belongs to A.D. 76, just before Agricola came out (Vict. Hist. Somerset, i. 222, 269 ; Eph. Epigr. ix. 99C). 3 A. v. Domaszewski, Rhein. Mus. xlvi. ."><)<) ; (II.. ix. :>:>:'>:',. inscr. of Salvius Liberalis, iii. 2864 9960, inscr. of Iavolenus Prisons, both <>r the Flavian period. < ll ( IIROXOLOGY OF THE ROMANIZATION success. We know, however, thai the movement began before he reached Britain, and it would seem that he was rather carrying out the policy <>f his age than his own. Anyhow, the policy succeeded. In a. i>. 85 it was thought safe to reduce the garrison of the province by a legion and some 1 auxilia '- perhaps a quarter or a fifth of its hitherto st rength. 1 Of further progress during the second century we have little exact information. On the one hand we find thai serious risings vexed northern Britain at three points in this century, about 115-120. again about 155-168, a and once more about 175-180, when Caledonia was abandoned, while the years which ended the second and opened the third century were full of trouble. All this must have kepi even the civilian area somewhat in disturbance. It was perhaps at some crisis in this period that the nourishing county-town of Isurium, a dozen miles north of York, had to shield itself with stone wall and ditch. 3 On the other hand, the development of the countryside by means of farms and country-houses must have already begun. We meet early traces of it in Kent and the south-eastern part of the island generally, and sometimes outside these limits. Even in Oxfordshire a site such as Xorthleigh (p. 11) has yielded pottery which can hardly be later than the first half of the second century. Even in tin- villages excavated by Pitt- Rivers (p. 55), the use of Samian ware had spread before the end of the first century. Peace certainly set in after the opening of the third cen- tury. It was then. I think, that country-houses and farms 1 Classical Review, 1904, p. 158 : 1905, p. 58, withdrawal of Batavian cohorts. The withdrawal of Legio II AdintiK is well known. J Archaeologia Aeliana, xxv. ( L904) 142 ? ; Proc. Soc. . intiq. Scotland, wwiii. 1.11. The town-wall of Lsurium, partly visible to-day, is buill in a fashion which suggests the second century rather than the late third or the fourth century, when most of the town-walls in Britain ami Gaul wtr<' probabl} put up. 'rims, its masonry shows the 'diamond brOOChing 1 which also OOCUrS On the Wall ol Pius ill Scotland and which iiiuvt have therefore been in usejduring the second century. CHRONOLOGY OF THE ROMAN IZATIOX 77 became common in all parts of the civilized area. The statistics of datable objects discovered in these buildings seem conclusive on this point. Except in the south-eastern region, coins and pottery of the first century are infrequent, and many sites of rural dwellings have yielded nothing earlier than about A. D. 250. Despite the ill name that attaches to the third and fourth centuries, they were perhaps for Britain, as for parts of Gaul, 1 a period of progressive prosperity. Certainly, the number of British country- houses and farms inhabited during the years A. d. '280-350 must have been very large. Prosperity culminated, it seems, in the Constantinian Age. Then, as Eumenius tells us, skilled artisans abounded in Britain far more than in Gaul, and were fetched from the island to build public and private edifices as far south as Autun.- Then, also, and, indeed, as late as 3G0, British corn was largely exported to the Rhine Valley, 3 and British cloth earned a notice in the eastern Edict of Diocletian. 4 The province at that time was a pros- perous and civilized region, where Lai; in speech and culture might be expected to prevail widely. V_No golden age lasts long. In 343 Constans had to cross the Channel and repel the Piets and other assailants. 5 Alter 360 such aid was more often and more urgently required. 1 Mommsen, Rom. Gesch., v. 97, 100, and Ausonius, passim. - Eumenius, Paiteg. Constantio Caesari, 21 civitas Aeduorum . . . plurimo8 quibus Mae provinciae (Britain) redundabant accepit artifices, el nunc exstruelionc veterum domorum el refectione operum publicorum it templorum instauratione consurgit. 8 Ammianus, xviii. 2, 3 annona a Brittaniis sueta transferri ; Zosimus, iii. .*>. 4 Edict. Diocl. xix. :J0. Compare Eumenius, Paneg. Constantino Aug. 1) pecorum innumerabilis multitudo . . . onusta velleribus, and Constantio Caesari, ll tanto taeta munere pastionum. Traces <»r dyeing works have been discovered at Silchester (Archaeologia, liv. Mio. &c.) and of lulling in rural dwellings at Chedworth in Gloucestershire] Darenth in Kent, and Titsey in Surrey (Fox. Archaeologia, lix. 207). 6 Ammianus, xx. 1. The expedition was important enough to be recorded on coins which show Constans on a galley, recrossing the Channel after his victory (Cohen, 9-18, *.V:e.). On the history of the whole period for Britain sec Cambridge Medieval History, i. 878. 78 ( KRONOLOGY OF THE ROMAMZATIOX Significantly enough, the lists of coins found in sonic country- houses close about 850-60, while other houses remained occu- pied till al>out 885 or even later. The rural districts, it is plain, began then to be no longer safe: some houses were burnt by marauding bauds, and some abandoned by their owners. 1 In the crisis of ;3(>7-<>.">. j». 87) may be due to the same cause. 1 Ainniian. xxvii. 8, (>. It is hard to believe him Irish (Rhys, Cumbrian Arckoeol. Assoc.. Kerry Meeting, 1801). The one ancient authority, Aurelius Victor (xxxix. 'jo), describes him simply as Menapiae civie. The Gaulish Menapii were well known ; the Irish \h naph were very obscure, and the brief reference can only denote the former. * Mommsen, /»'"///. Gesch., v. 177. Zosimus, vi. ■"> (a.d. 108), in a puzzling passage describes Britain as revolting from Home when Constantine III was tyrant ( \.i>. 107—11). it is generally assumed that when Constantine tailed to protect these regions, they set up for themselves, and in thai troubled time Buch a step would i>e natural enough. Bui Zosimus, a little later on (vi. in, a.d. U0), casually states, in the middle Of B chapter about Italy, that HonoriuS wrote to Britain, bidding the provincials defend themseryes, so that the act of i os cannot have been final. l'ossii»i\ . however, as tin' contexl suggests CONCLUSIONS 79 Such is, in brief, the positive evidence, archaeological, linguistic, and historical, which illustrates the Romaniza- tion of Britain. The conclusions which it allows seem t<> be two. First and mainly : the Empire did its work in our island as it did generally on the western continent. It Romanized the province, introducing Roman speech and town-life and culture. Secondly, this Romanization was not uniform throughout all sections of the population. Within the lowlands the result was on the whole achieved. In the towns and among the upper class in the country Romanization was substantially complete — as complete as in northern Gaul, and possibly even more complete. But both the lack of definite evidence and the probabilities of the case require us to admit that the peasantry may have been less thoroughly Romanized. It was covered with a superimposed layer of Roman civilization. But beneath this layer the native element may have remained potentially, if not actually, Celtic, and in the remoter districts the native speech must have lingered on, like Erse or Manx to-day, as a rival to the more fashionable Latin. How far this hap- pened within the civilized lowland area we cannot tell. But we may be sure that the military region, Wales and the north, never became thoroughly Romanized, and Cornwall and western Devon also lie beyond the pale (p. 24, note 3). Here the Britons must have remained Celtic, or at least capable of a reversion to the Celtic tradition. and as Gothofredus and others have thought, the name ' Britain ' is here a copyist's mistake for ' Bruttii '. In any case the * groans of tli< Britons 1 recorded by Gildas, show that the island looked to Rome lonji alter 410. On Constantino see Freeman, Western Europe in tin Fifth Centura, pp. is, 148, and Bury, Life of St. Patrick, p. 829. CHAPTER IX The Sequel, the Celtic Revival in the Lateb Empire So far we have considered the province of Britain as it was while it still remained in nal fad a province. Let "us now turn to the sequel and ask how it tits in with its antc- cedents. The Romanization, we find, held its own for ;i while after loo. The sense of belonging to the Empire had not quite died out even in sixth-century Britain. Roman names continued to he used, not exclusively, but freely enough, by Britons. Roman 'culture words * seem to occur in tlie later British language, and some at Kast of these may he traceable to the Roman occupation of the island. Roman military terms appear, if scantily. Roman inscriptions are occasionally set up. The Romanization of Britain was plainly no mere interlude, which passed without leaving a mark behind. 1 But it was crossed by two hostile forces, a Celtic revival and an English invasion. I. The Celtic revival was due to many influences. Wc may find one cause for it in the Celtic environment of tin province. After 107 the Romanized area was cut off from Home. Its nearest neighbours were now the less-Romanized Britons of districts like Cornwall and the foreign Celts of Ireland and the north. These were weighty influences in favour of a Celtic revival. And they were all the more potent because, in or even before the period under discussion. tin opening of the lifth century, a Celtic migration seems to have set in from the Irish coasts. The details of this migra- 1 Much of the ornamentation used by post-Roman Celtic art comes from Roman sources, in particular the interlaced or plaitwork, which has been well studied by Mr. Romilly Allen, lint how far it was borrowed From Romano-British originals and li<>\\ far from similar Roman provincial \\<>rk on the c ontinent, is not very clear (see p. i.~>). CELTIC REVIVAL IN THE LATER EMPIRE 81 tion are unknown, and the faint traces which survive of it arc not altogether intelligible. The principal movement was that of the Seotti from North Ireland into Caledonia, with the result that, once settled there, or perhaps rather in the course of settling there, they went on to pillage Roman Britain. There were also movements in the south, but apparently on a smaller scale and a more peaceful plan. 1 At a date given commonly as a. d. 265-70 — though there does not seem to be any very good reason for it — the Dessi or Deisi were expelled from Mcath and a part of them settled in the south-west of Wales, in the land then called Demetia. This was a region which was both thinly inhabited and imperfectly Romanized. In it fugitives from Ireland might easily find room. The settlement may have been formed, as Professor Bury suggests, with the consent of the Imperial Government and under conditions of service. But we are entirely ignorant whether these exiles from Ireland num- bered tens or scores or hundreds, and this uncertainty renders speculation dangerous. If the newcomers were few and their new homes were in the remote west beyond Car- marthen (Maridunum), formal consent would hardly have been required. Other Irish immigrants probably followed. Their settlements were apparently confined to Cornwall and the south-west coast of Wales, and their influence may easily be overrated. Some, indeed, came as enemies, though per- haps rather as enemies to the Roman than to the Celtic elements in the province. Such must have been Xiall of the Nine Hostages, who was killed — according to the 1 Rhys, Cambrian Archaeol. Assoc, Kerry Meeting, 1891, and Celtic Britain (ed. 3, 1904, p. 247), minimizes the invasions of southern Britain (Cornwall and Wales). Bury (Life of St. Patrick, p. 288) emphasizes them : sec also Zimmer, Nennius Vindicatus, pp. 84 foil., and Kuno Meyer, Cipnnirodorion Translations. 18JK"j-(J, pp. .*>."> loll. The decision of the question seems to depend upon whether we should regard the Goidelic elements in western Britain as due in part to an original Goidelic population or ascribe them wholly to Irish immigrants. At present, philologists do not seem able t<» speak with certainty on this point. Hut the evidence for some amount of invasion seems adequate. 1731 1 82 THE SEQUEL. THE CELTIC REVIVAL IN traditional chronology -about a. i>. M)5 on the British coast and perhaps in the Channel itself. All this must have contributed to the reintroductiou of Celtic national feeling and culture. A Celtic immigrant, it may be, was the man who set up the Ogam pillar (Fig, 27), which was discovered ;it Sil- chester in the excava- tions of 189:3. ' The circumstances of the discovery show that tins pillar belongs to the \ cry latest period in the his- tory of Calleva. Its in- scription is Goidelic : t hat is, it does not be- long to the ordinary Callevan population, which was presumably Brythonic. It may be best explained as the work of some western Celt who reached Sil- chester before its British citizens abandoned it. We do not know the date of that abandon- ment, though we may conjecturally put it before, and probably a great many years before, a. i). .500. In any case, an Ogam monument had 1 ArchaeotogiOi Iiv. -j:;:;. in ; Rhys and Brynmoi Jones, Welsh People, pp. 15, <;.-> ; ]'i>ria llisf. of Hampshire ', i. 279 ; English Hist. Review, \i\. 628 Whether the man who wrote was [risfa or British, depends on the answer t<> the question set forth in the preceding note. Unfortunately, we do not know when the Ogam Bcript came ftrsl int o use. Professor Rh$s tells me that the Silchester example may quite conceivably belong to the fifth century. Fig. 27. Ogam Inscription from Silchester. THE LATER EMPIRE 83 been set up before it occurred, and the presence of such an objeet would seem to prove that Celtic things had made their way even into this eastern Romanized town. II. But a more powerful aid to the revival may be found in another fact — the destruction of the Romanized part of Britain by the invading Saxons. War, and especially defen- sive war against invaders, must always weaken the higher forms of any country's civilization. Here the assailants were cruel and powerful, and the country itself was some- what weak. Its wealth was easily exhausted. Its towns were small. Its fortresses were not impregnable. Its leaders were divided and disloyal. Moreover, the assault fell on the very parts of Britain which were the seats of Roman culture. Even in the early years of the fourth century it had been found necessary to defend the coasts of East Anglia, Kent, and Sussex, some of the most thickly populated and highly civilized parts of Britain, against tin pirates by a series of forts which extended from the Wash to Spithcad, and were known as the forts of the Saxon Shore. Sixty or seventy years later the raiders, whether English seamen or Picts and Scots from Caledonia and Ireland, devastated the coasts and even the midlands of the province. 1 When, in the fifth century, the English came, no longer to plunder but to settle, they occupied first the Romanized area of the island. As the Roma no-Britons retired from the south and east, as Silchestcr was evacuated in despair, 2 and Bath and Wroxeter were stormed and left desolate, the very centres of Romanized life were extin- guished. Not a single one remained an inhabited town. 1 About a. n. 4-05 Patrick was carried oil from Bannavem Taberniae. It tins represents the Romano-British village on Watting Street called Bannaventa, near \Vhilton in Northants (Vict. Hist. Northante, i. 18G), the raids must have covered all the midlands : see Engl. Hint. Review, 1895, p. 711 ; henee Zimmer, Realene. fur protestantisehe Theol. x. ( 11)01), Art. ' Keltische Kirehe ' ; Bury, Life of St. Patrick. |>. 822. There arc, however, many uncertainties surrounding this question. 2 Engl. Hist. Review, xix. C25 ; Vict, Hist. Hampshire, i. 871-2 ; Vict. Hist. Shropshire, i. 217. If 2 84 THE SEQUEL, THE CELTIC REVIVAL IN Destruction fell even on Canterbury, where the Legends tell of intercourse between Briton and Saxon, and on London. where ecclesiastical writers fondly place iifth- and sixth- century bishops. Both sites lay empty and untenanted for many years. ( )nly in the far west . at Exeter <>r at Caerwetit . does our evidence not more or less forbid us to guess at a continuing Romano-British life. The same destruction came also on the population. During the long series of disasters, many of the Romanized inhabitants <>f the lowlands must have perished. Many must have fallen into slavery^ and may have been sold into foreign lands. The remnant, such as it was. doubtless retired to the west. But, in doing so. it exchanged the region of walled cities and civilized houses, of city life and Roman culture, for a Celtic land. No doubt it attempted to keep up its Roman fashions. The writers may well be correct who speak of two conflicting parties, Roman and Celtic, among the Britons of the sixth century. But the Celtic element triumphed. Gildas, about a.d. 540, describes a Britain confined to the west of our island, which is very largely Celtic and not Roman. 1 Had the English invaded the island from the Atlantic, we might have seen a different spectacle. The Celtic element would have perished utterly : the Roman would have survived. As it was. the attack fell on the cast and south of the island — that is. on the lowlands of Britain. Safe in its western hills, the Celtic revival had full course. It is this Celtic revival which can best explain the history of Britannia minor, Brittany across the seas in the western How much of Britain was still British when Gildas wrote, he da - HOl tell us. Hut he mentions only the extreme west (Damnonii, Demetae) ; his atmosphere is Celtic, and his rhetoric contains no reference to a flourishing civilization. We ma\ conclude thai the Romanized part of Britain had been losl i>> his time, or that, if some of it was still British, long war had destroyed its civilization Unfor- tunately, we cannot trust the traditional Knfflish chronology of the period. For the date of Gildas, see W. II. Stevenson. Academy, October *2<'>. 1805, ftc. : I see no reason to put either Gildas or any part of the Epistula later than aboul 540 THE LATER EMPIRE 85 extremity of Gaul. How far this region had hem Romanized during the first four centuries seems uncertain. Towns were scarce in it, and country-houses, though not altogether infrequent or insignificant, wire unevenly distributed. At some date not precisely known, perhaps in the middle of the third century, it was in open rebellion, and the commander of the Sixth Legion, which was stationed at York, one Artorius Justus, was sent with a part of the British garrison to reduce it to obedience. 1 It may therefore have been, as Mommsen and Jullian think, one of the least Romanized corners of Gaul ; in it the native idiom may have retained unusual vitality. Yet that native speech was not strong enough to live on permanently. The Celtic which is spoken to-day in Brittany is not a Gaulish but a British Celtic ; it is tlie result of British immigrants. This immigration is usually described as an influx of refugees fleeing from Britain before the English advance. That, no doubt, was one side of it. But the principal immigrants, so far as we know their names, came from Devon and Cornwall,* 2 and some certainly did not come as fugitives. The King Riotamus who (as Jordanes tells us) brought 12,000 Britons in a. d. 170 to aid the Roman cause in Gaul, was plainly not seeking shelter from the English. 3 We must connect him, and the Pifth- 1 C. iii. 1919 = Dessau 2770. The inscription must be later than (about) A.i). 200, and it somewhat resembles another inscription (C. iii. :J228) of the reign of Gallienus, which mentions milites vexill. legg. Ger- manicianar. et Brittanicin. cum auxiliis earutn. Presumably it is either earlier than the Gallic Empire of 258-7:3, or falls between that and the revolt of Carausius in 287. The notion of O. Fiebiger (l)e ekurium Italicarum historia, in Leipziger Sludien, w. 304) that it belongs to the Aremoric revolts of the fifth century i-. I think, wrong. Such an expedition from Britain at such a date i> incredible. 2 The attempt to find eastern British names in Brittany seems a failure. M. de la Borderie, for instance, thinks that Corisopitum (or whatever the exact form of the name is) was colonized from Cor- stopitum (Corbridge on Tyne). But the latter, always to some extent a military site, can hardly have sent out ordinary emigres, while the former has hardly an historical existence at all, and may be an ancient error for civitas Coriosolilutn (C. xiii (1), p. 191). 3 Freeman {Western Europe in the Fifth Century, p. Kit) suggested s<; THE SEQUEL, THE CELTIC REVIVAL IN century movement of Britons into Gaul, with the Celtic revival and with the same causes that produced, for instance, the Scotic invasion of Caledonia. This destruction of Romano-British life produced a result which would he difficult to explain if we could not assign it to this cause. There is an unmistakable gap between the Romano-British and the later Celtic periods. However numerous may he the Latin persona] names and 'culture words " in Welsh, it is beyond question that the tradition of Roman days was lost in Britain during the fifth or earlv sixth century. That is seen plainly in the scanty literature of the age. Gildas wrote about a.i>. 540, three or four generations after the Saxon settlements had bcyun. He was a priest, well educated, and well acquainted with Latin, which he once calls nostra lingua, lie was also not unfriendly to the Roman party among the Britons, and not unaware of the- relation of Britain to the Empire. 1 Yet he knew substantially nothing of the history of Britain as a Roman province. He drew from some source now lost to us- — possibly an ecclesiastical or semi-ecclesiastical writer — some that a migration of Britons into (.aul had been in progress, perhaps since the days of Magnus Maximus. and that l>\ 170 there was a regular British state on the Loire, from which Riotamus lid his [2,000 men. Hodgkin (Cornwall and Brittany, Penryn, uni) thought that the soldiers of Maximus settled on the Loire about 888, and that Riotamus \sa^ one of their descendants. He quotes Gildas as saying thai the British troops of Maximus went abroad with him and never returned. That, however, is a different thing from Baying that they settled in a definite part of Gaul. For this latter statement I can find no evidence, and the Celtic revival in our islands seems t<> provides better setting for EUotamus. If Professor Bury is right [Life of St. Patrick, p. 854), EUotamus had a predecessor in Dathi, who is said to have gone from Ireland to (.aul about \.i>. i-s to help the Romans and Aetius. Zimmei (Nennitu Vind. t p. 85) rejects the tale. Hut it tits in well with the Celtic revival. 1 Mom ins. n. i'it face to Gildas (Mon, liciin. Hist.), pp. 9-10. Gildas is. however, more Celtic in tone than Mommsen seems to allow. Such i phrase as Ha at ana Britaaaia s,d Romania CetiSeretur implies a eon- Bciousness of contrast between Briton and Roman. Freeman (Western Europe, p. 1">) puts the ease tOO Btrongly the other way. THE LATER EMFlftE 87 details of the persecution of Diocletian and <>r the career of Magnus Maximus. 1 For the rest, his ideas of Roman history may be judged by his statement that the two Walls which defended the north of the province — the Walls of Hadrian and Pius — were built somewhere between A.D. 888 and IK). Tie had some tradition of a coming of the English about 450, and of a reason why they came. Hut his know- ledge of anything previous to that event was plainly mosl imperfect. The Historia Brittonum, compiled a century or two later, preserves even less memory of things Roman. There is some hint of a veins traditio seniorum. But the narrative which professes to be based on it bears little relation to the actual facts ; the growth of legend is perceptible, and even those details that are borrowed from literary sources like Gildas, Jerome, Prosper, betray great ignorance on the pari of the borrower. 2 We have got here a very long way beyond Gildas. He, after all, knew something of Maximus and understood (however dimly) the relation of Britain to Rome. The ' Historia ' goes altogether astray on both points. On the other hand, the native Celtic instinct is more definitely alive and comes into sharper contrast with the idea of Rome. Throughout, no detail occurs which enlarges our knowledge of Roman or of early post- Roman Britain. The same features recur in later writers who might be, or have been, supposed to have had access to British sources. Geoffrey of Monmouth — to take only the most famous- 1 Magnus Maximus, as the opponent of Theodosius, seems i«> have been damned by the Church writers. Compare the phrases of Orosius, vii. 85 (Theodosius) posuil in Deo spent siiain seseque adverstu Minimum tyrannum sola fide maior proripuit and ineffabili iudicip Dei and Theo- dosius victoriam Deo procurante suscepil. - The story of Vortigern and Ilengist now first occurs and is obvious legend. A prince with a Celtic name may have ruled Kent in 150. There were, indeed, plenty of rulers with barbaric names in the fourth and fifth centuries of the Empire. Bui the talc cannot be called history. 88 CELTIC REVIVAL IX THE LATER EMPIRE asserts thai he used a Breton book which told him all manner of facts otherwise unknown. The statement is by no means improbable. But, foi all that, the pages <>f Geoffrey contain no new fact about the first five centuries, which is also true 1 From first to last, the Celtic tradition preserves no real remnant of recollections dating from the Romano-British age. Those who might have handed down such memories had either perished in wars with the English or sunk back into the native environment <>f the west. 2 Bui we are moving in a dim land ofdouhts and shadows. lie who wanders here, wanders at his peril, for certainties are few, and that which at one moment seems a fact, is likely, as the quest advances, t<> prove a phantom. It is. ton. a borderland, and its explorers need to know something of the regions on both sides of the frontier. I make no claim to that double knowledge. I have merely tried, using such evidence as I can. to sketch the character of oik n gion, that of the Romano-Brit ish civilization. 1 Tims. he refers to Silehester, ami so good a judge as Stubbs once suggested that lot- this lie had some authority now lost to us. Vet the turn- fact thai Geoffrey knows only the English name Silehester dis- proves this idea. Had lie used a genuinely ancient authority, he would have (as in other eases) employed the Roman name. Another explana- tion may he given. Geoffrey wrote in an antiquarian age, when the ruins of Roman towns were being noted. JJoth he and Henry ol Huntingdon seem to have heard of the Silehester ruins, and hot h accordingly inserted the place into their pages. The English mediaeval chronieles have sometimes been thought to preserve racts otherwise forgotten about Roman times. So far as I can judge, this is not the ease, even with Henry of Huntingdon. Henry, in the later editions of his work, borrowed a few facts from Geoffrey of Monmouth, which are wanting in his first edition (see the Eiengwrt and All Souls MSS. ; the truth is obscured in the Rolls Series text, as I have pointed out. Athenaeum, April (i, 1901). He also preserves one local tradition from ( olchestei : otherwise in- contains nothing which need puzzle any inquirer. Giraldus Cambrensis, when at Home, saw some manuscripl which Contained a list of the live pro. vinces of fourth-century Britain otherwise unknown throughout the Middle \u r . Jerome (St.), cited, 18. Kent, derivation of name, :j5. Late Celtic art, 48. Latin used in the- provinces, 18 ; in Britain, 2!». Leicester, graffito I rum. :}'2. Leugae in Gaul, 17. Lincoln, 57. London — ■ Pre-Roman inhabitation, 7 t, noU. Size, 62. ConstitutioD of town. 62. Latin spoken in. :j'J. Deserted alter the Roman period, 81-. Magnus Maximns, late of his army, 86 note Mars in Roman provincial religion, 69. Mars Lenw rive Ocelus, 70. Mercury in Roman provincial religion, 69. Mercury and Rosmerta, 21, t:;. Mithraism, distribution in western Europe and Britain, ?ii. Mosaic floors in Roman Britain, 44. Nettleton (on the Fosse), shrine of Diana, ?."{. N( w Const ware, 48. Xodcns, Celtic deity of Lydney, 70, ?". Northleigh (Oxon), house at, 41, 76. Ogam at Silchester, 82. Oriental worships in Britain, ?•_». Orpheus on mosaic floors, not Christian, 44. Pergamene style in the Roman provinces, 5f //"/' Pitt-Rivers, excavations by, 45, .*>.">. Plaxtol (Kent), inscribed tiles at. :;:;. Pompeian houses compared with British, 40, 42 /mlr. Punic language, used in Roman Africa, is. Ravenna <•< ographer, 60. Religion, 'Jl ; in Britain. 68. Riotamus, British chief in Gaul, B5. Samian ware, in. 5 i . S< el)ohm"s theory Of the BUffix * ham '. 65 note. Silchester — Name. (i| . 88 /"(/- ■ Pre-Roman, 74. INDEX 91 Silchester — Imperial domains under Nero at, 05. Development as Romano-British town, 75 nolc. Houses in, 42, 64. Latin used in, inscribed tiles, 29 foil. Temples of, 37. Town-planning of, 43, 64. Dyeing works in, 77 nolr. Abandoned, 83. Tanarus, supposed Celtic god, 69. Temples in Britain, 36, 62, 73. Town-planning in Roman Britain, 64. Towns of Roman Britain, 57-65. Veter [Vheter), di veteres, 71. Vergil, tags from, known at Silchester, 30. Verulamium, municipium, perhaps pre-Roman town, 57, ?J. Villages in Roman Britain, 45, 55. Yinogradoff, 35, 66. Yortigern and Hengist, 87. Wales, Roman, 24, 46, 81. Warwickshire, few Roman remains in, 27. Wroxeter (Viroconium Comoviorutn), 24, 37, 61. York, cofonid and fortress. 26, 57. OXFORD: HORACE HART l'RINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY' HOME USE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT n. . . MAIN l, BRARY This book ls due th 'month loans may be ren.wi ! * S,am,,e,, •"»<>*• 6-month loans may he reoS e Alf me . 642 '3105. Renewals and * C, ™&* ' »"»«'»« ><* Zl ^S— ^spnor AU BOOKS flRF ■-, .-*.™^':r^a^i«cfctt ■ aw? CTCtJOOtM ■■-■".■■■■