2 jf, // /< taken from the Library. ? THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF John S.Prell * ii L. M. Clement. THE THEORY OF STRAINS. A COMPENDIUM FOB THE CALCULATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGES, ROOFS AND CRANES, WITH THE APPLICATION OF TRIGONOMETRICAL NOTES. CONTAINING THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE INFORMATION IN REGARD TO THE RESULTING STRAINS FOR A PERMANENT LOAD, AS ALSO FOR A COMBINED (PERMANENT AND ROLLINGS LOAD. IN TWO SECTIONS. ADAPTED TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PRESENT TIME, BY ?, J*S a. j^- 1 &A CIVIL AND MKCHAMCAL ENGINEER. rOv ILLUSTRATED BY NUMEROUS PLATES AXD DIAGRAMS \- i- BALTIMORE: SCHMIDT & T E O W E . 1871. PRELL Civil 6- Mechanical Engineer. SAN FBAN CISCO, CAL. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1871, by JOHN H. DIEDR1CHS, In tne Office of the Librarian of Congress, at "Washington. WESTCOTT & THOMSON, Stereotypcrs, Philada. Engineering Library INSCRIBED TO WENDEL BOLLMAN, ESQ., IN TESTIMONY OF HIS INTEREST IN SCIENCE AND ART. - l\ k 713709 Library CONTENTS. PREFACE .. ....... 7 EXPLANATION OF CHARACTERS USED IN THE CALCXTLATIONS 11 SECTION I. A. INTRODUCTION 13 I. THE LEVER 15 II. SUSPENDED WEIGHTS AND THE RESULTING STRAINS 18 III. TRUSSES WITH SINGLE AND EQUALLY-DISTRIBUTED LOAD 21 Suspension Truss Bridge , 23 Suspension Bridge 27 B. ROOF CONSTRUCTION 31 C. SEMI-GIRDERS 43 I. SEMI-GIRDERS LOADED AT THE EXTREMITY... 43 Cranes . , 44 II. SEMI-GIRDERS LOADED AT EACH APEX 45 D. GIRDERS WITH PARALLEL TOP AND BOTTOM FLANGES 48 I. STRAIN IN DIAGONALS AND VERTICALS .. 48 II. STRAIN IN FLANGES , ... 51 III. TRANSFORMATIONS .. 53 IV. GENERAL REMARKS...... ..... 53 Directions for the Calculation of Complex Systems 54 E. COMPARATIVE TABLES OF RESULTING STRAINS FOR A " PERMANENT LOAD ., 56 I. SYSTEM OF RiGicr-ANu;r> TRIAVGI.KS , 50 II. SYSTKM OF ISOSTRI.KS BHACIXO.... oS i * t> CONTENTS. SECTION II. GIRDEKS CALCULATED FOR COMBINED (.PERMANENT AND ROLLING) LOAD. PAG* A. GIRDERS WITH PARALLEL TOP AND BOTTOM FLANGES 59 I. THE RIGHT-ANGLED SYSTEM 5!) II. ISOSCELES BRACING 66 1. Triangular Truss 66 Calculation of Strains y and u in Diagonals 67 2. Isometrical Truss 69 a. Calculation of Diagonals 70 b. Calculation of Top and Bottom Chords (Flanges) 72 B. CAMBER IN TRUSSES, WITH PARALLEL TOP AND BOT- TOM CHORDS 73 TABLES CONTAINING THE LENGTH OF ARCHES FOR DEGREES, MINUTES AND SECONDS, FOR A RADIUS AS UNIT 77 0. PARABOLIC GIRDER OF 48 FEET, OR 16 METRES, SPAN 80 D. THE ARCHED TRUSS 86 Calculation of Strain y in the Diagonals 88 Calculation of Strain in the Verticals V. 90 Transformations 93 E. THRUST CONSTRUCTION 94 I. GIRDER 20 FEET IN LENGTH (WITH A SINGLE WEIGHT AT THE CENTRE). II. GIRDER 72 FEET IN LENGTH (CALCULATED FOR PERMANENT AND ROLLING LOAD). Definition of Strain x in the Horizontal Flanges 97 Definition of Strain y in the Diagonals 98 Calculation of the Tensile Strains z in the Lower Flanges 99 Calculation of the Verticals u 101 III. CALCULATION OF A TRUSS SUSTAINING A DOME 102 Calculation of Strains x of the Outside Arch 104 Calculation of Strains z of the Inside Arch 10o Calculation of the Diagonals y 106 PREFACE. THE want of a compact, universal and popular treatise on the construction of Hoofs and Bridges especially one treating of the influence of a variable load and the unsatisfactory essays of different authors on the subject, induced me to pre- pare the following work. Bridge-building has been and always will be an important branch of industry, not only to engineers, but also to the masses for the purposes of travel and trade, and, as Colonel Merrill in his recent essay on Bridge-building remarks, " important to railroad companies on account of the large amount of capital invested in their construction." Bridge literature has often been used by rival parties for the purpose of advancing their own private interests, their motive being competition. Imposing upon the faith and credulity of those whom they pretend to serve, there is no guarantee that worthless structures will not be erected. Thoroughly independent of any such motive, my aim is to give, especially to bridge-builders and to engineers and archi- tects, the results of my investigation on the subject of calcu- lating strains, in order that capitalists and the public may be benefited and protected. _J PREFACE. These calculations will also unable those who have but a limited knowledge of mathematics to acquire the necessary information. For this reason special attention is paid to the arrangement of the work, the whole being made as plain ami simple as possible, in order to meet the wants of the common mechanic as well as the experienced engineer. Though there are many valuable treatises of this kind, there has as yet been no work published serviceable to the degree desired by the practical builder or mechanic most of the dis- sertations being too theoretical and hard to comprehend by one not versed in the higher mathematics; and some are so ar- ranged that a clear understanding of the calculations is very difficult.* The most valuable work in the language is doubtless Mr. Stoney's " Theory of Strains," though the Method of Moments is not developed to that degree which I think necessary for the practical man. We owe to the renowned German engineers Hitter and Von Kaven the universal application of this Method in the work entitled "Dach und Brucken Constructionen," in which it is fully explained by examples and illustrated by diagrams, these being often carelessly neglected in other works. The above-mentioned work served me very much in the arrangement of this, which I hope will be kindly received. The work being expressly prepared, as aforesaid, for the use of beginners in the study of mathematics, as well as for the * As an exception, may be named Mr. Shreve's brief but popular treatise in Van Nostrand's "Engineering Magazine," No. 3 x., August, 1870; Vol. III. PliEI'ACJE, more advanced practical engineer, it will enable them, after a short perusal, to acquire all the necessary information, for which even the trigonometrical notes accompanying the general results are not really required. The higher classes of colleges and other institutions of learn- ing will find the work very valuable. On account of the expense, 'an intended Appendix, contain- ing a rational and concise investigation on " The Strength of Materials," had to be dispensed with; yet I hope with this volume to gratify not only the desire of friends, but to be able with great satisfaction to assist engineers in the pursuit oi' their high and noble calling* THE AUTHOR, OCTOBER, 1870. EXPLANATION OF CHAKACTEES USED IN THE CALCULATIONS. = Equal, or the sign of equality. -f- Plus, or the sign of addition; also, the symbol of positive (tensile) strain. Minus, or the sign of subtraction ; also, the symbol of negative (compres- eive) strain. X or . Sign of multiplication. : or -5- Sign of division. , Sign of decimals ; also, of thousands, oo Sign of infinite. < Sign of angle, signified by the Grecian cyphers oc, /?, y, 6 f e. 2 Sign of square of a number. 1/~~ Sign of square root of a number. Sign of degrees. ' Sign of minutes; also, of feet. ff Sign of seconds; also, of inches. ( ) or [ ] Brackets, to enclose the mathematical expression bound to the same operation. TT The number 3, 14, or periphery for a unit of the diameter. E Eight angle, or 90. J_ Vertical. II THE THEORY OF STRAINS. SECTION I. A. INTRODUCTION. To enable the student to comprehend the work, and have a thorough knowledge of certain conditions and examples without studying the whole, it is necessary for him to understand the arrangement of the following pages. On the first few pages and the appertaining figures at the close of the chapter is found a short description of the lever in its differ- ent appliances, the application being only a key to the calculations of strains which follow. The trigonometrical notes are in many cases almost superfluous. Still, it may be advantageous in this way to accustom the reader to their use. The " Suspended Weights and Resulting Strains" are developed by the parallelogram of forces, and for a plain illustra- tion the results are appended to the figures, which will also be observed on figures of "Trusses with Single and Distributed Load." In the "Suspended Weights and Resulting Strains" a more elaborate calculation was thought necessary, and therefore an Intro- duction to the calculation by the " Method of Moments" may be found in its proper place. This Introduction presents the beginner with a clear and com- prehensive knowledge of the formation of Moments; and the equa- tions for Figs. 20, 21, etc., explain the equilibrium of force and leverage. At the close of this chapter is found the explanation of maxi-v mum compressive and tensile strain in the top and bottom chords of a parallel-flanged truss or girder. On "Roof Construction" (B), Plates 6 to 11, remarks are u-i- 2 13 14 THE THEORY OF STRAINS. necessary. The builder can with ease find from the figures a system to suit his purpose. (See also " Arched Trusses," D, Sec- tion II.) ' On "Semi-Girders" (C) the calculation of strains is treated in the way heretofore generally known (determining from the centre toward the abutment), after which the "Method of Moments" is applied to the same example, followed by a more elaborate expla- nation of the principles of Moments on the crane skeleton (Plate 14), whose single members are altogether divergent. The thorough calculation of a truss with horizontal top and bottom flanges (right-angled system D, Sect. I.), with the resulting strains for a system of braces, all of which are inclined ii^ the same direction, shows how easily by transformation of the strains a system of bracing just reversed can be formed. (Comp. D, Sect, II.) From the comparative tables, E, L, II. (Plate 18, 19) those who are not mathematicians can find, by a little study (for an assumed load " W" a variable load not considered), the strains in flanges, braces and ties. (See D, IV., Sect. I.) The progress of panels, and by this the increase of stress in the different members, are ad libitum to be extended (are optional). Where no composite strains appear, in the skeletons double lines make the compressive ( ) strains more obvious, the tensile (+) strains being always represented by single lines. The assumed load in the calculations is equally divided on the apexes ; but in general some attention may be paid to a peculiar load say from a single locomotive at a certain apex, this being observed in exam- ples on "Suspension Truss" (III., Sect. I.). The calculations in Sect. II. with regard to the influence of a variable load are more difficult to understand. Still, by the results of strains in the skeletons it js easy enough to form an idea about this matter, and to see the importance of counter-bracing or tying at centre of railroad-bridge trusses. What experience and observation have already taught to the practical railroad man is here/w% shown by figures. Information is given on parallel-flanged trusses for the so-called " Camber in Bridges" at B, Sect. II., which to many builders has heretofore been only a matter of experiment. Yet it is to be remarked that for the calculations E, Sect. II., Plates 29 to 34, a variation in will be perceived, the being the horizontal vertex (centre), an' ments. Farther expl referred to. The calcuh nectioris at relieving tf~~ " strain. T] ture are ;_J * / r i i 1 f ; p. -f * - ur) (*>-) W ^ 5 * f ^ ^ ' 'STRAIN 'necessary. The builder can with east the fulcrum eq ual system to suit his purpose, (bee also A tion II.) On "Semi-Girders" (C) the calculation of the way heretofore generally known (determine toward the abutment), after which the " Method applied to the same example, followed by a more < nation of the principles of Moments on the crane s. 14), whose single members are altogether divergent. is divided in The thorough calculation of a truss with horizont bottom flanges (right-angled system D, Sect. I.), with th strains for a system of braces, all of which are inclin same direction, shows how easily by transformation of th a system of bracing just reversed can be formed. (Co) Sect, II.) From the comparative tables, E, I., II. (Plate 18, 19) thosi are not mathematicians can find, by a little study (for an assu load "\V" a variable load not considered), the strains in flanpad, braces and ties. (See D, IV., Sect. I.) The progress of panels, and by this the increase of stress in thi different members, are ad libitum to be extended (are optional). Where no composite strains appear, in the skeletons double lines make the compressive ( ) strains more obvious, the tensile (-(-) strains being always represented by single lines. The assumed load in the calculations is equally divided on the apexes ; but in general some attention may be paid to a peculiar load say from a single locomotive at a certain apex, this being observed in exam- ples on "Suspension Truss" (III., Sect. I.). The calculations in Sect. II. with regard to the influence of a variable load are more difficult to understand. Still, by the results of strains in the skeletons it |s easy enough to form an idea about this matter, and to see the importance of counter-bracing or tying at centre of railroad-bridge trusses. What experience and observation have already taught to the practical railroad man is here/M/ shown by figures. Information is given on parallel-flanged trusses for the so-called " Camber in Bridges" at B, Sect. II., which to many builders has heretofore been only a matter of experiment. Yet it is to be remarked that for the calculations E, Sect. II., Plates p- a, *S /r* * 7 * > 1 * /' t / r- f r * ^) (?r) (S) ' ^ 5 THE LEVER. 17 In every triangle the sum of enclosed angles, 2 R. = 2 X 90, g-j so in the right angled triangle ABC, Fig. 6, the angles A and C together = 90 = R, because angle B = 90. In Trigonometry we say b b c - sine oc ; = tangent ] from Fig. 9, od , " i o s& ab . ~ tci === 0/1 + the vertical strain at d for the string ad ; in the second equation is F. f ' the vertical strain at d for the string ^-equal to the shearing strains 7 and 7, on the supports. Example. When, again, W -. 5000 Ibs., L 100 feet, ab '=* 10', be 90', and bd = 8', ad = 12,84', and c >:^ n ' 1 f7 rrrz OOUw x\ '~ i/\ ' ioo t> then the result* for the horisoiitel .train x and the vertical strain Fat the right support are- eft Trr a6 **'. - 5000 X X = 5625 Ib, ; 20 THE THEORY OF STRAINS. V = 5000 X - = 500 Ibs. The results for the horizontal strain Xi and the vertical strain 7, at the left support are be ab *i = "-T-rj' L bd he and \\ = W.~; lj thus x, = 5000 X - ': X -\ = 5625 IKs., 100 o on and }\ = 5000 . == 4500 Ibs. ; therefore, also, x = x lt ... ab be Trr be ab ,^. 1 - , for W.~-. r =W. T -.- (Fig, 17.) I, M L Id 1Q , For Fig. 10, when IF = 5000 Ibs. ; aft, ad and bd the same as before /if? 1 '> .H4 F = IF. = 5000 X - - = 8025 Ibs., bd 8 and Y l IF. f 6 7 = 5000 X - 3 =' 6250 Ibs. bd o 11.] In Fig. 12, P : Q : R sin . fdb : sin . ac/6 : sin adc. 12.] In general, for every triangle, y = x-\-z, (Fig. 12.) and, as here, x -f- y = 2 -j- m = J?, or, m = 2x. Also, from similarity of triangles ABC, ADC and DRC, c b b> - =-- -, ore = - ; o a a t* and as -4.B = c -f- the diameter = - -f- a; a t. e., the diameter equals the square of one-half tjie chord divided by the height of the arc added to the height of the arc. The height, of the arc CH results from the chord CD in the arne way. TRUSSES WITH SINGLE AND EQUALLY-DISTRIBUTED LOAD. 21 Application in " Camber in Bridges," B, Sect. II. There, also, the geometrical rule, arc angle at centre circumference ' 360 [Plate 2 Figs. 8 to 12.] III. TRUSSES WITH SINGLE AND EQUALL ^-DIS- TRIBUTED LOAD. Plate 3,1 A most frequent structure is the trussed benm (Fig. Fig. 13J 13). The post at the centre is called the king-post. The whole is a combined system, in which the horizontal beam, according to its stiffness, relieves the tie-rods from an aliquot amount of strain. For the greatest exertion to which the tie-rods in the most un- favorable case could be exposed, we 1 may use the result from Fig. 8 b , under the supposition that the horizontal beam counteracts only the horizontal forces. (For instance, when butted at the centre.) To compute the stress we have the following: W ac W p = n = -- sec . ac, 2 be 2 for a single weight at centre. Example. The assumed weight 20000 Ibs. ; between, supports, 24 feet. The length be = 5/>9', and ac 13,24 (which can be measured near enough for most purposes from a skeleton) ; W rir 1 ^ 24- P = q = ~-r= : 10,000 X ^- = 23,700 (appror.). 2 be 5,59 The angle < = 168000 * 10 The compression in the top chord is the same all over. For the result we have as momentum one-half of the entire weight on posts at one-fourth the length of truss as leverage, Q L or Mom. = X ' 2 4 which, when divided by the depth of truss, gives the compression = 168000 Ibs. as before. For a single load, P, tit the centre would be P L Mom. X iy > which, when divided by the depth of truss, gives for the compres- sion twice as much, or 336000 Ibs. ; but for an addition of the re- sults of each single truss with its single load, according to x and #! in Fig. 9, it would be P '} L Mom. = x 2 8 this being one-half of the result for a single load, P, at the centre, added to one-half of the result for an equally-distributed load, Q. 18.] The Fink truss (Fig. 18) is different in principle. Whilst in the Bollmann system there are as many independent trusses as there are posts, in the Fink all the trusses are dependent on each other and transfer the load toward the centre. The centre post (king-post) has to sustain the compression of one-half of the entire load on the truss, including one-fourth of the weight of the rib, the main suspenders (tie-rods) depending again, as before, on the depth of the truss. * For a simple compressive strain an area of section of stretcher = 9 square inches would be sufficient (18000 Ibs. safe load fur cast iron) the actual dimensions to be taken by Hodgkinson's formula ou the strength of hollow cast-iron pillars: JJ3.6 J3,6 W = breaking weight in tons = 44,3 ; therefore, when for a pillar, (he external diameter, 7), in inches, and the length, /, in feet, are known ; and for six times security, with the weight, W, multiplied by 6, we can define the internal diameter, d, consequently the thickness of metal. 3 26 THE THEORY OF STRAINS. The calculation of an example in its simplicity will give the best explanation. Taking the same dimensions and the same load as in the calcu- lation for the preceding (Fig. 17), according to Fig. 8 b we have, Strain inA.N or IN = ~ X 2 80000 ^, 49 i.e., X 196000 IDS., the section of wlHch for a value of iron 10000 Ibs. per square inch = 19,6 square inches. Thus, when two rods are applied, the size of each = 2 X 5 inches. Strain in kc, Ak or cm =? - X = 26000 Ibs. 2 5 Section of a single rod = 1 X 2$ in. (full). Strain in Alor IE= - - ~ = 52000 Ibs. Zi JLv/ Section of a single rod = 2 X 2J in., or 1 X 5 in. For a single locomotive (weight 84000 Ibs.), resting at cd on a wheel-base of 12 feet, the vertical force for one post at c or d = 42000 2 = 21000 Ibs. = W\ then, Strain in tie-rods -- X = 27300 Ibs. ; 2 5 so the size of rod kc- Ak or cm should be corrected to 1 X 2J in. For the compressive strain on the top chord (stretcher), accord- ing to Fig. 14, . W AE = . , 2 EN and for a vertical strain W = 80000 Ibs. in the centre post, us before mentioned, 2i LO In this truss, as in the Bollmann, the compression in the top chord is the same all over. For this truss, when applied for an over-grade railroad-bridge, a safe longitudinal connection (bracing or tying) will be essential on account of the variable load. ?<., ovvfit. *ff TT~R i SUSPENSION BRIDGE. 27 To the same category of bridges belongs the SUSPENSION BRIDGE, though, in regard to mathematics, very different. The curve formed by a chain or cable lies between the parabola and the catenary, and is very nearly an ellipse. The curve in a loaded state approaches the parabola ; in an unloaded state, the catenary. (Weisbach, vol. II.) In the following example the curve may be considered a parabola or the bridge in its loaded state. The thesis is The vertical force at every point of the chain equals the weight on the chain from the point in consideration unto the vertex. Plate 4,1 So, when y in Fig. F = 25 feet and the length of Fig. F.J bridge = 150 feet, Width = 4 feet ; load, 50 Ibs. per square foot, or 200 Ibs. per lineal foot ; maximum load = 200 X 150 30000 Ibs. ; the vertical force at D 200 X 25 = 5000 Ibs. Further, the horizontal force at every point of the chain is equal, and therefore equal to the horizontal strain in the vertex. Thus, when by p is represented the weight pro unit of horizontal projection = 200 Ibs., for our example, pi 2 I. // = ( ' which is at the same time the horizontal force in ~ f I A and C, to overturn the towers, and amounting here to 200 X 75' 20 = 56250 Ibs. II. 8 = j~ Y# + 4 A - ^~ X 77,6 = 58500 Ibs. III. * = *-.*, k The length, L, of chain results by the formula, L = 2 I + i X f = 151,75.* o t * For more specifications I ought to refer to Weisbach and other authors. 28 THE THEORY OF STRAINS. For a trussed system with two posts (queen-posts), between sup- ports 36 feet, and an assumed load = 30000 Ibs., equally dis- p, f. -j tributed, the distribution of forces 7. 5,59 The compression on the vertical posts 10000 Ibs. ; the vortical pressure on supports 15000 Ibs. ; find, reduced by lliose 5000 Ibs. directly sustained (comp. Fig. 16), the reactive force of supports, signified by D = 10000 Ibs. Upon this structure, the Metfiod of Moments being applied (see Preface), we suppose a section separated from the original by a cut, */. Considering the forces acting upon such a section, we form the equation of equilibrium for a suitable point of rotation, by solution of which we find the strain in the member in question ; and observe the rule, that, for a strain, Y, the point of rotation ought to be chosen, in the intersection of x and z, making their lever 0, when these are. the members of the structure, separated by a cut, x_i2 = + 23700, ' '; and because in the following the form of equation always will be kept similar to I., the forces in their aim to turn to the left, like Y round b, will be signified by , the same as a compressive stniin ; and the forces to the right, like the hands on a watch, or D round b, will be Dignified by -(-, the same as a tensile strain. SUSPENSION BRIDGE. 29 21.] According to this we have for Z, Fig. 21, Q = Z. 5,59 + D . 12 (rot. r . d\ MOOOXI2 5,59 and for F,, Fig. 22, 22.] = Fj.5,59 + Z>.12(rot. r.6); Fi= 10000X12 5,59 When a diagonal, s, sustains the parallelogram, so that by a cut, $1, three members, Z 1? Y l and s are separated, we have for the defi- nition of s the point of rotation, as before mentioned, in the inter- section of Z l and Y l ; but Z v and F, in their direction are parallel, and therefore without intersection at all. In this case (the same as for diagonals in girders with parallel top and bottom flanges) we OQ -] suppose a point of rotation, 0, at any distance in the direc- tion (axis) x, and find thus from Fig. 23, where x = oo , or in- finite i.e., the lever of all forces, acting in a vertical direction upon the section = cc . = * . oo sin

-i For a reversed structure (Fig. 2(i) the strains will be the same, but of reversed signs. In the following calculations of rooTs and bridges it will be shown 30 THE THEOEY OF STRAINS. that the Method of Moments is thoroughly applicable, leading di- rectly and in the most comprehensive manner to distinct results ; but for a preliminary estimate of strain in the top and bottom chords at the centre of the structure the most simple way to define this strain may be stated by the following: As the flanged girder in Fig. 27, charged with an equally-dis- tributed load, O, will be exposed at its centre to the same 27 1 on'l exertion as the girder in Fig. 28, fixed at the centre, the moments will be for both, when V= depth of girder and I = length (the load being equally distributed). Mom = -- - = V. x (rot. r . o) ; ~ TC ' 2 4 IQ.l - = compression or tension in flanges ; so Q = 30000 Ibs. ; V == 5,59'; and I = 36'. - and - 24150 Ibs., the strain in the chords. 5,o9 It is to be observed that the result is rather too high wtien ap- plied upon a truss with few panels, as in Fig. 26, on account of the reactive pressure of the support, diminished by the partition of the direct load on this place. On account of its being a very convenient method we recommend it; and in the following bridge skeletons we refer to it very fre- quently. (See D, Example I., and Sect II., note.) 29.] ^ or a 8 ir<3er Charged with a single weight at the centre (Fig. 29), we make a comparison with Fig. 30, and find for both .1 p i 30.] and -f = horizontal strain ; t. e., compression or tension in the top or bottom chords, the for- mation of moments for a point of rotation, o, being very compre- hensive. When P= 15000 Ibs., e>.. B. ROOF CONSTRUCTION. 31 but V = 5,59, and I = 36 (as before), so the Mom = * f = 135000 > 15000 36 22 and - = 24150 Ibs., the strain in flanges ; 5,59 showing that, for the same exertion, a beam loaded with a single weight, P, at the centre can bear only one-half of an equally- distributed load, Q. [Plates 3, 4 and 5 embracing Figs. 13 to 30.] B. EOOF CONSTRUCTION. For small and not complicated roofs, experience is a common and in general, also, a sufficient guide. But experience is very limited, and not every constructor has opportunity and time to acquire it. The true and acceptable guide for a safe practice will always be the calculation ; and since, especially for complicated and more extensive combinations, the application of mechanical science luis become unavoidable, the following compendium, leading from the simplest to the most complicated structures, will give for almost every purpose sufficient information. By construction, when EG represents the weight at the centre of gravity, G (Fig. 31"), the body will be at rest when Fi^Sl* J the plane DF is ri g llt - {ln g led to tlie line DE 'i GE being horizontal i. e., right-angled to the vertical line EG. Let EG be an assumed length, then in the parallelogram of forces the intensity of EK and EH is measured in proportion by the same rule. For an angle, 13 = 25 of a rafter with the horizontal line op -i (Fig. 31 b similar to Fig. 16 reversed) leaning with the top end against a wall, the heel at A being morticed ; we then have - = 0,422; sin 2 13 = 0,17; sin 2/3 = bin 50 =0,766; 32 THE THEORY OF STRAINS. ^ = cos t = -i|- = 0,906; ac 13,24 cos 2 ;? = 0,82. When W is an equally-distributed load of 20000 Ibs., then *= ffl = ]r x d goooo x =21467 lbs . 2 A 2 o,o9 The vertical force, F, at the top of the rafter = 0, and the ver- tical pressure F 2 of the heel = 20000 lbs., or equal to the entire load. Also the vertical force, FI at the centre = 20000 lbs. The pressure in the rafter itself (compression) = W 1 1 3 24 - X - = 10000 X - = 23685 (23700 lbs.). 2 h 5,59 The entire pressure, ^R, df rafter toward the support, R = Vvf+H? = 29300 lbs. Its direction can be constructed in making K 2h 11,18 feet, HI and F 2 forming the sides of the parallelogram. When P 10000 lbs., a single weight at centre of rafter, TT TT * ** -I n7Q . Jtl = Xli . _ lyjidfj 2 h K=o, and V, F, = 10000 lbs. When in Fig. 31", by FM the weight of the body AB CD is rep- o-jo -i resented, then FN, the force toward the wall, results in the horizontal and vertical forces CH and (7F. FL, the force acting perpendicular to the plane SI, in the direc- tion BF. G, the centre of gravity. GF, vertical. GFl CB, or < FCB = 90. BI l FB, then BI is the direction of the plane required to make the body at rest. Also FN = P = *-Q CM * H P sin oc = i G sin 2 . M=JVilZs* or x = - - = 15625, J,o In regard to the vertical V, we use for its definition the strain of the joining brace, ^ 10412, and make st a curved line ; then we have, for a rot. r . D (Fig. 36 b ), = V. 10 ( 10412) . 10,9, or = F. 10 + 113490; 36 THE THEORY OF STRAINS. _ 113490 t.., V= -\ -- = + 11349. 37.] The results are combined in Fig. 37. For Fig. 38, the entire load (equally distributed) again being 20000 Ibs., the depth 15', and between the supports 40'. When here the cut st separates the line %$&, we have for #j (rot. in the intersection of t/jZi, or F, Fig. 39), = Xl . 9,1 5000 X 5* + 7500 X 15* ; 39.] Il= _ 9752 . y,i For yi (rot. r . A\ = y l . 15 -f 5000 X 10, y ,= + 522p = +3,333; and for z, (rot. r . C), = -^. 15 5000 X 10-^7500 X 20; 2 , = -f- 6,666. 40.] For a section, st, through x and z, we have for x (Fig. 40), = x. 9,1 + 7500 X 151 (rot. r.F}; 116250 TOT " 12774; and for z (rot. r . D\ = 2 . 7,4 -f 7500 X 10 ; 8 For y (rot. r . A) is, = y . 12,5 + 5000 X 10 ; , = -^ = -4000. ' 41.] The results combined in Fig. 41. 42.] When the figure before is changed in the depth, like Fig. 42, we have the following equation : = Xl . 5,8 5000 X 3,25 + 7500 X 13,25 (rot. r . F, Fig. 43) 43.] For tlic definition of y\, the intersection of a* and \ will be in G, and it is for G as rotation, = y, . 8,25 4- 5000 X 6 -f 7500 X 4 ; (Fig. 43.) -l^rT'i B. ROOF CONSTRUCTION. 37 H yi =+?2 00 5 8,25 For Zi (rot. r . (7) we have = z, . 12 5000 X 10 + 7500 X 20; ooooo J. ^J 44.] For a section, s, through # and z (Fig. 44), it i = x . 5,8 + 7500 X 13,25 (rot. r . F) ; 993750 5,8 and = z . 5,2 + 7500 X 10 (rot. r . D) ; 75000 ~5j~ ' ; and for y, = y . 12,5 + 5000 X 10 (rot. r.A); 50000 y = 4000. 12,5 45.] The results combined in Fig. 45. Plate 9,1 For the definition of X in Fig. 46, the point of rotation Fig. 46. J i n E, or in the intersection of Y and Z, will be from Fig 47. 47.] = X. x P.CE+ D.AE; P.CED.AE or X= x For Y we choose A, or the intersection of X and Z, as the point of rotation, and the equation will be = Y. y + P. AC + Q . AE, or Y= y and in the same way for Z, rot. r . H. z -^ It will tiot be necessary to show, by repetition of the foregoing, the equations i'ur the other parts of the structure. 38 THE THEORY OF STRAINS. 4S -, In more complicated systems (Fig. 48), it may happen that by a cut, st (which can be made curved as \vell as straight), different braces or rods are spared, like FG, D G and DE. In this case it is possible to come to a direct result when st only can be laid so that all the braces or rods cut by st meet at one point, except that one whose strain is in question. 49.] So for the strain V in FG (rot. r . H, Fig. 49), E.r; V- FH 50.] In the same manner the strain U in DG (rot. r . H, Fig. 50), Q= U.u E.r; u thus we find also the strain in KT and LT. . r-i -i Being by the foregoing in possession of a value for U in 1 DG, we find for the strain X in DF, Y in DE, and Z in CE the following equations from Fig. 51 : = X.DE + U.v Q. NO P. MO + W. AO (rot. r . E} ; = Y. AD + U. I + Q . AN+ P. AM (rot. r . A) ; = Z . z + W. AN P. MN (rot. r . D) ; each 6ne enabling us to obtain a direct result for the strain in question. Plate 10,1 For a roof (Fig. 52), the weight of which, 11,3 Ibs. Fig. 52. J p er square foot of its horizontal plan, may be calcu- lated 20 Ibs. for wind pressure and snow, making together 31,3 Ibs. per square foot. The distance of rafters being 15J feet, the width, 100 feet, makes for each rafter 15 J X 100 X 31,3 = 48000 Ibs. (approx.). The load at each apex, therefore, will be = 6000 Ibs., the 8 distribution of which is shown by the skeleton. For the reactive force on the supports is again D = 24000 3000, or D = 21000 Ibs. There are, in all, seven times 6000 Ibs. acting downward, and twice 21000 Ibs. acting vertically upward upon the system. B. ROOF CONSTRUCTION. 39 go -j The section, A, s, t (Fig. 53), kept in equilibrium by the replaced forces, x, y and z, may be regarded first as a lever with the fulcrum at D ; then the strain in x for the middle sec- tion is 0= x . 18,6 + 21000 X 50 6000 X 12,5 6000 X 25 6000 X 37,5, or x = 32300 Ibs. ; and in y, when A is the point of rotation, = y . 38,4 + 6000 X 12,5 + 6000 X 25 + 6000 X 37,5 (rot. A) ; y = 1 1700 Ibs., and 0^ 2.15+21000x37,5 6000X12,5 6000X25 (rot. r.E.), Z = + 37500 Ibs. 54.] For V in Fig. 54 the rotation also round A is = V. 37,5 + 6000 X 12,5 a 6000 X 25 ; V= + 6000 Ibs. For the other members in Fig. 52, == a?, . 13,9 + 21000 X 37,5 6000 X 12,5 6000 X 25 (rot. r.F*); x l = 40400 ; = y l . 23,5 + 6000 X 12,5 + 6000 X 25 (rot. r.A); yi = 9570; = z, . 10 + 21000 X 25 6000 X 12,5 (rot. r.G); Zl = + 45000 ; = Fi . 25 + 6000 X 12,5 (rot. r.A); F, = + 3000 ; = x 2 . 9,3 + 21000 X 25 6000 X 12,5 (rot. r . H ) ; x 2 = 48400 ; = y, . 9,3 -f 6000 X 12,5 (rot. r.A)', y* -=-8100; = z, . 5 + 21000 X 12,5 (rot. r . /) ; z, = + 52500. For the strain in x 3 we choose a convenient point for rotation in the line z, per Example D, Fig. 55. 40 THE THEORY OF STRAINS. 55.] The equation in this case will be Q = x 3 .18,Q + 21000 X 50; jT 8 56500. The only strain not directly deducible is U in the vertical line CD at the centre. As in Fig. 36, we use the strain of the joining brace, x = 32300 Ibs. 56.] For B as the point of rotation (Fig. 56), our equation is = U. 50 6000 X 50 ( 32300) . 37,2 ; U= 18000 Ibs. 67.] The results combined in Fig. 57. The weight and load of a roof (Fig. 58) being estimated, in- f-ft -. k eluding wind-pressure and snow, to 50 Ibs. per square foot of its horizontal plan, the distance of rafters being 12 feet, and the space between the walls 99 feet, which gives 50 . 12 . 99 59400 Ibs. for one rafter, or, in round figures, 60000 Ibs. The calculation of the top structure can be made as in the pre- ceding example (Fig. 36). In the main construction are six supporting points, charged as P-o-i in Fig. 58. The top structure transmits one-third of the entire load, or on each post 10000 Ibs. to the apexes, ff. Each wall has to bear 30000 Ibs. ; and after subtraction of the direct load the reactive force is 26666 Ibs., or, by calculation, _ 6666 (11 + 22) 13333 (33 + 66) 6666 (77 + 88) t 99 99 99 ; D = 26666 Ibs. 59.] For the strain x 3 we have in Fig. 59, = *, . 21 13333 X 161 6666 (27* + 381) -f- D. 491 (rot. r . /i) ; or, also, = x, . 21 6666 (11 + 22) + 26666 X 33 (rot. r ./) ; 659967 Further, = Z t . 21 13333 X 161 6666 (271 + 381) + D . 491 (rot. r . g). %.jr */ I %* .ir| .^-^Q^ V;/': B. ROOF CONSTRUCTION, 659967 and 0=y 3 . 39,5 -f 13333 X 33 -f 6666 (11 + 22) (rot. r . o) ; y ? = _ 16708. The tie-rod, gh, transmits the strain to the top flange, and is herg sustained by the counter-brace, eh. 60.] From Fig. 60 is == x 3 . 14 6666 X 11 + D . 22 (rot. r , ef) ; 513304 x t = - = ooboo ; = z 3 . 171 6666 (11 + 22) -f 26666 X 33 (rot. r . ) j II s ;:"; :; : = 2/ 2 . 26,7 + 6666 X 11 + 6666 X 22 (rot. r . o) ; 7/ 2 = 8223. 61.] Fig, 61 gives the equations, = Xl , 7 + 26666 X 11 (rot r , 6) ; ^ = + 41902 ; = 2 2 ,13 6666 X 11 + 26666 X 22 (rot. r.c); 2 2 = 39485 ; = y, , 13 + 6666 X 11 C rot - f ^ a ) 5 j/,^ 5640; nd for i we find from the same figure, = .! . 13 + 26666 X 22 ; z l = 45125. 62.] For the strain in tie-rods we find from Fig, 62. = F, , 33 + 6666 . (11 + 22) (rot. r , a) ; V 3 = + 6666 ; (Comp. Fig. 68.) = V. . 22 + 6666 X 11 (rot. r . a) ; F 2 = + 3333 ; Q = Fi.11 + (rot. r.a); Fi = (and is therefore not egsential)^ 42 THE THEORY OF STRAINS. ^ go -i The strain in V t at the centre rod, according to 8 b , can be defined thus : 01 V< = 2 X -=?- X 16708 =.26200 Ibs. The results are combined in Fig. 63. When in Fig. 64 the rafters are trussed i. e., stiffened by a A -i king-post at b there will be only four supporting points in the main construction, because the load in this case is trans- ferred to the wall. 9999X22 13333(33 + 66). 9999X77 9qqq9 ~99~ ~~99~ ~99~~ Plate 12,1 Further in Fig. 65, Fig. 65.J == x z . 21 13333 X 16J 9999 X 27 + 23332 X 49* (rot. r . Ji) ; x, 31427 ; = z 3 . 21 13333 X 16J 9999 X 27* + 23332 X 49* (rot. r . g) ; s 3 31427 ; = y, . 39,5 -f 9999 X 22 + 13333 X 33 (rot. r . a) ; y , = 16708. 66.] And from Fig. 66, = *! . 14 + D. 22 = s, . 14 + 23332 X 22 (rot. r . d) ; X! = + 36665 ; = 2 . 171 + 23332 X 33 9999 X 11 (rot. r.e}-, z t = - 37180; = y, . 26,75 + 9999 X 22 (rot, r . a) ; y,= -8223. 67.] For Z we have from Fig. 67, = ^ . 13 + 23332 X 22 (rot. r.e); Z,= -39485. 68.] See the results in Fig. 68 combined. The strain F 4 = 26200 Ibs. can be defined independently of the Method of Moments by the parallelogram of forces, as in Fig. 63, already shown, F 4 =2( 16708). cos oc; x., >' \ ^SV 9 SEMI-GIRDERS LOADED AT THE EXTREMITY. 43 and when by means of counter-braces, e, h, the top chord is re- lieved from the strain, so that one-half to each side is transported to the tie-rods, e,f, then here the strain will increase to 13000 -f- 6666 = 19666 Ibs. In a combination of rafters (Figs. 69, 70), the pressure of Y^' I the end rafters upon the wall results in an outward horizontal and vertical force. Different from this is the action of the intermediate rafters, being similar to an oblique bridge-truss, sustained at the top chord. The horizontal force at the heels of the intermediate rafters is opposed to the horizontal force of the end rafters. [Plates 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 embracing Figs. 31 to 70.] C. SEMI-GIRDERS. I. SEMI-GIRDERS LOADED AT THE EXTREMITY. pi , i o -| As the most simple presentation for a weight, W, the Fijr. 7lJ stress in struts and tie- rods is inscribed in Figs. 71 to 74, and the parallelogram of forces connected. 73.] To compute in Fig. 73 the stress- in the lower flange, we have Z de 2 = sec QC, and = sm oc, df W. sec cc & or - = W. sec oc. sin cc ; Z= W. sec a. since W. sec cc sin QC, or Z = 2 W ' . sec cc . sin QC ; , . tang oc and since sin cc a , sec a Z^ -2TF.seca^^ =-2W. tang oc sec oc (much easier determined in Fig. 77 by the Method of Moments). From 'Fig. 73 and the following we see that, for a load at the extremity, the diagonals are strained equally and alternately with tensile (-J-) and compressive ( ) strains. (Comp. Fig. 23.) 44 THEORY OF STRAINS; But the strain in the flanges increases toward the support ift each, 2 W. tang : , where : is the angle of diagonals with a vertical line* 75.] For a better presentation of this, see Fig. 7o, and for the calculation apply the Method of Moments. g -i When by a cut, st, a section of the structure is separated; 77* J we nave f r the flanges as equation of equilibrium (Figst 76 and 77), = - Xi . cb -f- W. ca (rot. r . i), or for cb A v and ac = I ; x= + W. l - = + l h 78] and by Figs. 76 and 79 : 79] = x 2 . h + W. 3 f (rot. r . e) ; a- 2 = -f 3TF- - = 3TT. tang oc. In the same tnanner is ,0 = a?, . h + W. 5 1 (rot. r. $0 ; , i = + 2, . h + IT". 2 / (rot. r . d) = = 4-F;k\ '^. *v^* TV / > ?: X ^ LOADED AT EACH Affix. 45 = ^. 1,8 + P. 4 (rot./); 30000.4 1,8 = z, . 1,99 + P. 4 (rot. r . e, Fig. C) ; 120000 2, = - + oOdOi ; 1,99 = 2/ 2 . 4,4 P% 1,2 (rot. r . /O J >.8 (rotr.d); :r 2 = 80000 ; ft.] = e s . 3,2 + P. 8 (rot. r . c, Fig. D) { 2 3 = 75000 ; = fc, . 4,2 + P. 12 (rot. r. 6) J a- 3 =r 85700. ' For $, the intersection of rc 3 and z 3 is to the left of the sus- pended weight, and the symbql reversed. = y, . 7,25 + P. 2,6 (rot. r . I) } y, = 10758, which would be = when the intersection is in the vertical line of the suspended weight, as the lines oe and pc in Fig, A indicate. For the verticals, V, we have from Fig. D, = Fi -. 10,1 P. 6,1 (rot. r . m) ; F, = 18118 ; = F 2 . 26,5 P. 18,5 (rot. r.n)\ V, = 20943; E.] The results combined in Fig. E.* II. SEMI-GIRDERS LOADED AT EACH APEX. In Fig. 25 is occasionally explained how to compute the stress irt diagonals, as there is no intersection of joining flanges, x and z, and fcs in the case here considered the diagonals receive at each loaded * For most purpose? the above will be sufficient. In Giynn's rudimentary 'treatise on the Construction of Crnncs we find valuable and complete drawings 46 THE THEORY OF STRAINS. PI 1^1 a P ex an increment of strain, prior to the calculation pj gQj may be given the general thesis that the strain in two diagonals whose intersection is at an unloaded point is the same in numerical, value, but of opposite character. (Fig. 80.) (See IV. General Remarks.) The strain in diagonals, meeting at a loaded point, is in numeri- cal value different. The strain in flanges increases from apex to apex in geometrical progression. * -. In Fig. 81 suppose the angle