: THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID THE MECHANICS OF LAPLACE // TRANSLATED WITH NOTES AND ADDITIONS . BY REV. J. TOPLIS, B.D., LONDON: LONGMANS BROWN & CO. 1814. / "* m THE MECHANICS OP LAPLACE. CHAP. I. Of the equilibrium and of the composition of the forces which act upon a material point. 1. A BODY appears to us to be in motion when it changes its situation relative to a system of bodies which we suppose to be at rest : but as all bodies, even those which seem to be in a state of the most absolute rest, may be in motion ; we conceive a space, bound- less, immoveablc, and penetrable to raatter : it is to the parts of this real or ideal space that we by imagination refer the situation of bodies ; and we conceive them to be in motion when they answer successively to different parts of space. The nature of that singular modification in conse- quence of which bodies are transported from one place to another, is, and always will be unknown : we have designated it by the name of force ; and we are not able 2 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. to determine any thing more than its effects, and tlie laws of its action. The effect of a force acting upon a material point is, if no obstacle opposes, to put it into motion ; the direction of the force is the right line which it tends to make the point describe. It is evident that if two forces act in the same direction, their effect is the sum of the two forces, and that if they act in a contrary direction, the point is moved by a force represented by their difference. If their directions form an angle with each other, a force results the direction of which is a mean between the directions of the composing forces. Let us see what is this resultant and its direction. For this purpose, let us consider two forces x and y acting at the same time upon a material point M, and forming a right angle with each other. Let % repre- sent their resultant, and the angle which it makes with the direction of the force x ; the two forces x and y being given, the angle will be determined, as well as the resultant % ; in short there exists amongst the three quantities #, *,. and a relation which it is required to know. Let us then suppose the forces x, and y infinitely small, and equal to the differentials dx and dy\ let us suppose again that x becoming successively dx, QdX) 3dx> &c. y becomes dy> Qdy^ Sflfy, &c. ; it is evident that the angle will be always the same, and that the resultant % will become successively dz, 2dz, 3dz, &c. ; therefore in the successive increments of the three forces #,^, and s, the ratio of x to 2 will be constant, and can be expressed by a function * of which we will re- * Every expression in which any number of indeterminate quantities enter in any manner, is called a function of the indeterminate quantities. Thus # J , a*, a-\-bx, sin. x and MECHANICS. present by $ (6) ; we shall therefore have x=z $ (S) ; an equation in which x may be changed into^, pro- vided that at the same time we change the angle 9 into -- Q 9 TT being the semi-circumference of a circle whose radius is unity. Moreover the force x may be considered as the re- sultant of two forces x 1 and #", of which the first x 1 is directed along the resultant z, and the second x 11 per- pendicular to it. The force x which results from these two new forces forming the angle 9 with the force x' and the angle with the force x", we shall have: these two forces may be substituted for the force x. In like manner two new forces y' and y" may be sub- stituted for y> the first being equal to and directed 3~?/ along s, and the second equal to -- and perpendicular logarithm of (a-\-bx) are called functions of x; and fltf-j-^j (x-\~y)*-> s i n - ( 3 J let Ax, Ay, and Az represent the three rectangular co-ordinates of #, #, and 2, and MS the line s- 9 fron? the points S and M let fall the perpendiculars Sm and MN upon tye plane ,yAx 9 join m and JV, draw SB. pcrpendi. If we resolve the force S parallel to the axes of r, of 4 y, and of z ; the corresponding partial forces will be by the preceding n. S. , S. 1 ^, and S. , * cular to MN, from m and JV, in the plane yAx, draw the perpendiculars mP and AT to ^, from m draw wzQ per. pendicular to NT ; then because Sm and .MJV are perpen- dicular to the same plane, they are parallel to each other ; also as mN meets M.N in the plane yAx 9 it is perpendicular to it, and parallel and equal to SR, as is Sm to RN ; in the rectangular figure PTQm we have PT=.mQ, and Pm=. TQ. In *he figure SM=s 9 Sm=RN=c, MN=z, MR r=MNNR=zc, AT==y, mPTQ=b, NQ=NT TQyb, ATx, APa,PTmQ:=ATAP=xa, and as MRS is a right angled triangle but SR z =mN z =, as the triangle mQN is right angled, *= PT Z +QN*, therefore or by substitution, * < (x a)*+(y b} 2 +(z c) 2 . If S coincides with A, then a, 6, and c vanish, and Let a, /3, and 7 respectively represent the angles which 5 in this case makes with the axes of #, y, and s, then it is evident from fig. 2. in which we may suppose MA~s 9 MG=x, MEy, and MB=z, that we have the following proportion 5 : x : : rad. (1) : cos. ) As this last equation has place, whatever may be the variations &r, 5y, and 5s, it is equivalent to the three preceding ones. If its second member is an exact variation of a func- tion p, we shall have F. &?/=&<, and consequently, that is to say, the sum of all the forces S, S 7 , &c. re- solved parallel to the axis oi x is equal to the partial differential ( r - V This case generally takes placa when these forces are respectively functions of the dist- ance of their origin from the force M. In order to have the resultant of all these forces resolved parallel to any right line whatever, we shall take the integral 2.f.S$$, and naming it p, we will consider it as a function of x, and of two other right lines perpendicular to x and to ech other; the partial differential ( r-J will then be LAPLACES MECHANICS. It the resultant of the forces S, S', &c. resolved parallel to the right line x.* * The following expressions of the equilibrium of a point follow from the above equations. Suppose that the powers are represented both in magnitude and direction by &, S' 9 S", &c. whose directions form the following angles, with the axis of x ... a, a', a", . . with the axis of,y . . . /3, /3'. /3", . . . with the axis of z ... y+ y', y", By resolving each of these forces into three others whose di. rections are parallel to the axes, we shall have for the com. posing forces parallel to 0? . . S. COS. #, 5'. COS. a', S". COS. a", &C. . toy . . S. cos. /3, S'. cos. /3', S". cos. /3", &c. . to Z . . S. COS. y, 5'. COS. y', S". COS. y", &C. . Each of these three collections of forces is equivalent to a single force, equal to their sum^ because these components are directed in 'the same right line. Naming P. (2, and R the three forces respectively parallel to x^ y^ and z 9 we have P S.cos lil=6\COS.y-fS >/ .COS.y / -f.^".COS.y"-|-&C. Let , 6, and c represent the unknown angles which the direction of the resultant V forms with the three axes ; F. cos. a, V. cos. 6, V. cos c will be its components in the directions of the axes ; we shall have therefore V. cos, u P 3 F. cos. 6m Q, and F. cos. cR. If we add the squares of these equations together, remembering that cos.*a-\-cos. 2 b-{- cos. 2 c 1, we shall obtain F 2 = P*+Q*+R^ which gives V\/( P 2 -f Q 2 +# Z J ; the direction of the resultant may be obtained from the equations cos. a , cos. b t=jr, cos. c nr-p. These equations determine both the magnitude and the di- 19 LAPLACfi'S MECHANICS. 3. When the point M is in eqnilibrio by the action of all the forces which solicit it, their resultant is no- thing, and the equation (a) becomes S. S. 3s ; (b) which shews, that in the case of the equilibrium of a point acted upon by any number whatever of forces, the sum of the products of each force by the element of its direction is nothing. If the point M is forced to be upon a curved surface, it will experience a re-action which we shall denote by JR. This re-action is equal and directly contrary to the pressure with which the point presses upon the surface ; for by supposing it acted upon by two forces, R and /L, it is possible to conceive, that the force R is destroyed by the re-action of the surface, and that the point M presses upon the surface with the force R / but the force of pressure of a point upon a surface is perpendicular to it, otherwise it would be possible to resolve y, and $z as independant quanti- ties. This method, which likewise results from the theory of elimination, unites to the advantage of simplifying the calculation, that of making known the pressure R with which the point JJ/acts against the surface*. * Let the point be supposed in equilibrio upon a surface whose equation is M 0, and let the forces ,9, ', &", &c. be reduced to three P, Q 9 and R acting in the directions of the 16 LAPLACF/S MECHANICS. Supposing this point to be contained in a canal. of simple or double curvature, it will prove on the part three rectangular co-ordinates ; then the sum of the moment* P.&c-l-Q.fy+jR.S* will be equivalent to S$s+S'W+S"Ss" -f-&c. and by adding %u, multiplied by the indeterminate quantity A, the equation of equilibrium becomes P.S*-f Q.fy+U.fcf-f-xSMiz: ; but u being a known function of x 9 y t and z 9 we shall have l>y differentiation %u\ f$u\ . f$u\ ^ I, I 1, ana I * I representing the co-efficients of &e, 5y, and ?. By substituting this value of $u in the pre. ceding eqnation, it becomes which gives, by equalling separately to nothing each sum of the terms multiplied respectively by ^JF, fy ? and oz 9 the three following equations e+ ,(L ;)=0 from which, by extracting A, we shall obtain the two follow ing equations that contain the conditions of the equilibrium of a ppint upon a surface. 17 of the canal, a re-action which we shall denote by /;, that will be equal and directly contrary to the pressure with which the point acts against the canal, the direc- tion of which will be perpendicular to its side; but the curve formed by this canal is the intersection of two In the case of a point acted upon by certain forces, the conditions of its equilibrium upon a surface may be found with more ease, by directly substituting in the equation the value of oz obtained from the differential equation of the surface, and then equalling separately to nothing the co-efficients of the differentials <$x and S^. By this method we shall immediately get th* 1 equations P R. which are equivalent to the equations found by the other method. In like manner, if a body is forced to be upon a line of a given description, determined by the two differential equa- tions Jyzrp&e, SzqSx of the projections of the line upon the planes of xy and a:*-, we have only to substitute these values of ly and $2, in the equation P.&e-f-Q.fy-f/OzzzO, which, on being divided by &r, gives the equation, for the condition of equilibrium 18 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. surfaces, of which the equations express its nature ; we may therefore consider the force k as the resultant of the two forces 7? and R', which re-act upon the point jl/from the two surfaces; moreover as the di- rections of the three forces /?, R l , and k are perpendi- cular to the side of the curve, they are in the same plane. By naming therefore or and r' the elements of the directions of the forces R and R', which directions are respectively perpendicular to each surface, it will be necessary to add to the equation (b) the two terms R.$r and R'3r' which will change it into the following Q==S,.S3s+R3r+R'. V. (d) If we determine the variations .r, Sy, and $z so that they may appertain at the same time to two surfaces, and, consequently, to the curve formed by the canal ; r and r' will vanish, and the preceding equation will be reduced to the equation (b) y which therefore has place again in the case where the point M is forced to move in a canal ; provided, that by means of the two equations which express the nature of the canal, we make two of the variations S v r, Sy, and $z to disappear. Let us suppose that w=0 and u'=D are the equations of the two surfaces, whose intersection forms the canal, If we make R and R 1 X' -- /()'<)'+(' the equation (d) will become 0=2. S. LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. an equation in which the co-efficients of each of the variations &r, ?/, and Ss will be separately equal to no- thing; in this manner three equations will "be obtained, by means of which the values of X and X 1 may be deter- mined, which will give the re-actions R and R' of the two surfaces ; and by composing them we shall have the re-action 7; of the canal upon the poi: t JIT, and, consequently, the pressure with which this point acts against the canal. This re-action, resolved parallel to the axis of jc is equal to the equations of condition z/zzrJ), and w'zzzO, to which the motion of the point M is subjected, express, there- fore, by means of the partial differentials of functions, which are equal to nothing because of these equations, the resistances which act upon this point in consequence of the conditions of its motion. It appears from what precedes, that the equation (b) of equilibrium has generally place, provided, that the variations o.r, Sy, and Iz are subjected to the conditions of equilibrium,, This equation may therefore be made the foundation of the following principle. If an indefinitely small variation is made in the posi- tion of the point My so that it still remains upon the surface, or the curye along which it would move if it were not entirely free ; the sum of the forces which t so- licit it, each multiplied by the space which the point moved in its direction, is equal to nothing in the case of equilibrium *. * Let the forces S, S", S" 9 &c. be supposed to act npon the point M in the directions of the Hues s, s', s", &c. r. 20 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. The variations &r, y, and $z being supposed arbi- trary and independent, it is possible in the equation spectively drawn from that point to the origins of these forces; let V iHp.-esen; rheir resuKant, aod u a line drawn from the point M in us direction ; also, let an) line AiN 9 be supposed to be drawn trom the point A/, and each of *he forces V* Si &', &c. to ue resolved into two others, one in the direction of this line, and the other perpendicular to it. Because Fis the resultant of a.11 the other forces, its compo- nent along the line MN will hf equal to the sum of the com- ponents of the other forces along the same Jine ; let m, , ', ", &c. denote the angles which the directions of the forces V) , S', &", &c. respectively make with the line ) we shall then have the following equation, Let any point N be taken upon the line MJV, then if this line be represented by 6, and its respective projections upon the lines wz, $, *', s", &c. or their continuations by AM, A*, A*', A*", &c. we shall have A// 6. cos. z, A^zz&.cos.fl, A-y'm&.cos.a', &c. If both sides of the preceding equation are multiplied by &, it will, by substitution, become V AwzuS.As-f S.'A*'-f ".A5-"-f &c. If the point M be supposed to move to*the point JV, and the line MN be regarded as representing the virtual velocity of this point, the quantities AM, As, As', &c. will denote the virtual velocitie^ of 'his point in the directions of the forces V. S, S 1 , S", &c. ; the last equation therefore shews, that the product of the resultant of any number of forces applied to the same pbint. by the virtual velocity of this point estimated in its direction, is equal to the sum of the products of these forces by their re-pective virtual velocities, estimated in the directions of the forces. It is not absolutely necessary that LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 51 (a) to substitute for the co-ordinates r, y and * three other quantities which arc functions of them, and to equal the variations of these quantities to nothing. Thus naming p the radius drawn from the origin of the co-ordinates to the projection of the point M upon the plane of x and y^ and CT the angle formed by p and the axis of x, we shall have By considering therefore in the equation (a), U 9 s, s', &c. as functions of/?, ro, and ~, and comparing the co- efficients of Jw, we shall have pfL?V-2 sf V ( j is the expression of the force F resolved ia the direction of the element p.tizs. Let V be this force resolved parallel to the plane of .r. and y, and p the per- pendicular let fall from the axis of s, upon the direction the virtual velocities should be supposed indefinitely small, if they are, the last equation becomes In the case of equilibrium, we have J^mO, and consequent]? o = s.fc+s / .a*'+,& i 'V, &c. If the point is forced to remain upon a given curve orsur^ face, this Aquation will be proper, the virtual yelocities $s 9 $.?', s", &c. being supposed indefinitely small, and S^nrO in- stead of F. The products S.$S) S'.$s f , S".W, &c. are called by some authors the moments of the powers S, S 1 , S", &c. ; and their sum being equal to nothing, which has place not only for one point, but, as will be proved hereafter, for any system what. ever in equilibrio, is called the principle of virtual ve loci ties. LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. of V 1 parallel to the same plane ; - will be a second p expression of the force V resolved in the direction of the element pfa *; we shall therefore have If we suppose the force V 1 to be applied to the extremity of the perpendicular p, it will tend to make it turn about the axis of 3 ; the product of this force by the perpen- dicular is what is called the moment of the force V with respect to the axis of s \ this moment is therefore equal to V.( ~- 1 ; and it appears from the equation (e) 9 \diyj that the moment of the resultant of any number what- ever of forces is equal to the sum of the moments of these forces * Let MB (fig* 6.J represent F', or the force V resolved along a plane parallel to that of xy 9 let be the point where this plane cuts the axis of s, join OM 9 then OM will be pa- rallel and equal to p , draw OA or p perpendicular to V or MB produced, also BD perpendicular to OM; then, as the right angled triangles MBD, MO A have a common angle at M, they are similar, consequently M0( f ) : OA(p) : : MB(V') P but the line DB represents the force V resolved in the di- rection fift perpendicular to p ? therefore that force is repre- pV seated by ~ , f LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. CHAP. II. Of the motion of a material point. 4. A POINT at rest is not able to give itself any mo- tion, because it does not contain within itself any cause why it should move in one direction rather than another. When it is solicited by any force whatever, and after- wards left to itself, it will move constantly in an uniform manner in the direction of that force, if not opposed by any resistance. This tendency of matter to persevere in its state of motion or rest, is called its inertia. This is the first law of the motion of bodies. That the direction of the motion is a right line fol- lows evidently from this, that there is not any reason why the point should change its course more to one side than the other of its first direction : but the cause of the uniformity of its motion is not so evident. The nature of the moving force being unknown, it is impos- sible to discover a priori it it ought to continue with- out ceasing. In fact, as a body is incapable of giving itself any motion, it appears equally incapable of alter* in the velocity of the earth, which is common to all the bodies upon its surface, let /"be the force by which one of these bodies M is actuated in consequence of this velocity, and let us suppose that 7izif

dy M to be solicited by a new force/ 7 , which may be resolved into three others ', b', and c' parallel to the same axes. The forces by which this body will be actuated in the directions of these axes, are a-{-a' 9 &-|-//, and c-f-c'/ naming JFthe sole resulting force, it will become, from what precedes, If the velocity corresponding to F be named U; ~rr - will represent this velocity resolved pa- specting the composition arid the resolution of forces, and those respecting the composition and the resolution of velo. cities, are satisfactorily demonstrated independent of each other. * If U represents the velocity of the body corresponding to F, we shall find that part of it relative to the axis of a-\-a r by the proportion tc+c 1 ) 2 : +' : : U : (a+a')U V a-l-tt y--t-( wfw y--f-( G-J-CV but JF f =1/faH-a / J a +r*+* / J a 4-('cH-c / JS therefore, hj Substitution the expression becomes- .-'^ > -> r< LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 27 rallel to the axis of a; also the relative velocity of the body upon the earth parallel to this axis will be ~ 9 or (a+a').+bb>+cc'}. Wf). Its relative velocities in the directions of the axes b and c will be The position of the axes a,b, and c being arbitrary, we may take the direction of the impressed force for the axis of 0, and then b' and c' will vanish ; and the pre- ceding relative velocities will be changed into the fol- lowing, does not vanish, the moving body in conse- quence of the impressed force ', wilt have a relative velocity perpendicular to the direction of this force, provided that b and c do not vanish ; that is to say, provided that the direction of this force does not coin- for a?, and -- i_ fork in the above expression, it becomes but as the quantities a', &', and c' are indefinitely small, the products and higher powers than the irst of ^ a - . C -. way be neglected. LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 29 cide with that of the motion of the earth. Thus, sup- pose that a globe at rest upon a very smooth horizontal plane is struck by the base of a right angled cylinder, moving in the direction of its axis, -which is supposed horizontal, the apparent relative motion of the globe will not be parallel to this axis in all its positions with respect to the horizon : thus we have an easy means of discovering by experiment if $'(f) has a perceptible value upon the earth ; but the most exact experiments have not shewn in the apparent motion of the globe any deviation from the direction of the impressed force ; from which it follows that upon the earth, '(f)=0 has place, whatever the force f may be, q(f) will be constant, and the velocity will be proportional to the force ; it will also be pro- portional to it if the function Q(f) is composed of only one term, as otherwise $(f} would not vanish except/" did : it is necessary, therefore, if the velocity is not proportional to the force, to suppose that in nature the function of the velocity which expresses the force is formed of many terms, which is hardly probable ; it is also necessary to suppose that the velocity of the earth is exactly that which belongs to the equation

y - TS l ) * - TS t 9 the equations of the projections of the line passed over upon the planes of xy and yz t will be, as appears by extracting t* from the two first and two last equations the line passed over will therefore be a right line, and we shall have LAPLACES MECHANICS. velocities of each body parallel to these axes to increase by the same quantity, and as their relative velocity only depends upon the difference of these partial velo- cities, it is the same whatever may be the motion com- If a, /3, and y represent the co-sines of the angles which makes with j?, y^ and z respectively, then cos . g= . _/,.., cos./3= cos.v The accelerating force in the direction of s is constant and equal to y'tf 2 -f-g" z -f g 1 " 2 ), and composed of the three given accelerating forces, as is the case with uniform motions. Retaining the foregoing notation, and supposing that v 1 , ", and v 1 " represent the initial velocities of a point acted upon by constant accelerating forces parallel to the three axes ; the equations of the impressed motion will be [x=*ft + tet*; y=v"t+g"*; *=*"'<+&"/. The projection of the curve passed over by the point upon the plane of xy^ found by extracting t from the two first equations, is A, JB, and C being constant quantities, a comparison of the co-efficients of x z and xy will shew that this projection is a parabola. The projection upon one of the other planes will also give a parabola, consequently the line passed over is a parabola, It may be proved that the curve passed over is of single curvature or upon a plane, without obtaining the equations LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 33 mon to all the bodies ; it is therefore impossible to judge concerning the absolute motion o! the system of which we make a part, by the appearances we observe, and it is this which characterises the law of the proportion- ality of the force to the velocity. Again, it results from No. 3, that if we project each force and their resultant upon a fixed plane, ihe sum of the moments of the composing forces thus projected, with resp ct to a fixed point taken upon the plane, is equal to the moment of the projection of the resultant; but if we draw a radius, which we shall call a radius vector, from this point to the moving body, this radius projected upon the fixed plane will trace, in conse- quence of each force acting separately, an area equal to the product of the projection of the line which the moving body is made to describe, into one half of the perpendicular drawn from the fixed point to this pro- jection : this area is therefore proportional to the time. of projection, by extracting t from the three equations of motion, which gives one of the form ox -f by -\- cz- Q that belongs to a plane surface. If the velocities A, and parallel to the three axes at dt at at any instant whatever, are composed into one, it will be The accelerating force in the direction of the motion, or dv -, is, as may easily be proved, 34i LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. If is also in a given time proportional to the moment of IK projection of the force ; thus, the sum of the areas which the projection of the radius vector would describe in consequence of each composing force, if it ai I a one, is equal to the area which the resultant \v i make the same projection describe. It therefore fol- lows, that if a body is projected in a right line, and afterwards solicited by any forces whatever directed fo wards a fixed point, its radius vector will always de- srribf abou this point areas proportional to the times ; because the areas which the new composing quantifies cause this radius to describe will be nothing. Inversely, ^vve may see that if the moving body describes areas proportional to the times about the fixed point, the re- sultant of the new forces which solicit it is always di- rected towards this point. 7. Let us next consider the motion of a point solicited by forces, such as gravity, which seem to act continu- ally The causes of this, and similar forces which have place in nature, being unknown, it is impossible to dis- cover whether they act without interruption, or, after successive imperceptible intervals of time ; but it is easy to be assured that the phenomena ought to be very nearly the same in the two hypotheses ; for if we repre- sent the velocity of a body upon which a force acts in- cessantly by the ordinate of a curve whose abscissa re- presents the time, this curve in the second hypothesis will be changed into a polygon of a very great number of sides, which for this reason may be confounded with the curve. We shall, with geometers, adopt the first hypothesis, and suppose that the interval of time which separates two consecutive act ions of any force -whatever is equal to the element dtot the time, which we will de- LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 35 note by t. It is evidently necessary to suppose that the action of the force is more considr rable as the interval is greater which separates its successive actions ; in order that after the same time ;, the velocity may be the same ; the instantaneous action of a force ought there- fore to be supposed in the ratio of its intensity, and of the element of the time during which it is supposed to act. Thus, representing this intensity by P, we ought to suppose at the commencement of each instant dt, the moving body to be solicited by a force P.dt, and moved uniformly during this instant. This agreed upon : It is possible to reduce all the forces which solicit a point M to three, P, (?, and /?, acting parallel to three rectangular co-ordinates x 9 y, and z, which determine the position of this point ; we shall suppose these forces to act in a contrary direction to the origin of the co- ordinates, or to tend to increase them. At the com- mencement of a new instant cfr, the moving body re- ceives in the direction of each of its co-ordinates, the increments of force or of velocity, P.dt, Q.dt, R.dt. The velocities of the point M parallel to these co-orJi- nates are ^ ^anci^ ; for during an indefinitely small time, they may be supposed to be uniform, and, therefore, equal to the elementary spaces divided by the element of the time. The velocities by which the moving body is actuated at tiie commencement of a new instant, are consequently, dt dt dt or 36 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. but at this new instant, the velocities by which the moving body is actuated parallel to the co-ordinates ,, fix . , dx dii , du x,y, and s, are evident!/ f- f +d. ; -f f +d. -,- nnd 7t+* ' Tt : the forces -*+ p '*>-*;n + Q ' dt > and d.-^-\-R.dt, ought therefore to be destroyed, so that the moving body may in consequence of these sole forces be in equilibrio. Thus denoting by &r, Sy, and s any variations whatever of the three co-ordinates x, y, and 2, variations which it is not necessary to con- found with the differentials cte, dy, and cfz, that ex- press the spaces which the moving body describes pa- rallel to the co-ordinates during the instant dt ; the equation ( b) of No. 3 will become -P.dl \ -2Q.dt (f) If the point 71/be free, we shall equal the co-efficients o* .r, y, and <$z separately to nothing, and, supposing the element dt of the time constant^ the differential equations \vill become * d* x n d 2 - y ~ , d z z n * The equations P 5 ^3=Q, and zz: .ft, are dt 2 ' dt* dt 1 sufficient to enable us t* discover the velocity, the trajectory LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 37 If the point M be not free but subjected to move upon a curve line or a surface, (here must be extracted and the place at any given time, of a point not constrained to move along a line or a surface, but continually acted upon by forces which are given every instant both in magnitude and direction. Thus supposing for greater simplicity, that thp point moves in the plane xy, P and Q being constant or variable but given ; by extracting the time from the two equations zrP, - Q> and integrating them twice, we shall find a relation between x and y which will give the trajectory of the point. In a like manner, the rela'ion between x aud , or y and t may be found, which will give the position of the point for any given value of the time t. The values of and -- will likewise give the velocities of the point in at at the directions of x and y^ from which we may obtain the real velocity v of the point ; for =:-?= i/ IGDXST The first of the two constant quantities which the above double integration requires, will be detf rmined by the value of the velocity at a given instant, such as the commence, ment of the time t. The second will depend upon the situa- tion of the point with respect to the two axes at this instant. If the moving body be atf raoted towards a fixed point by a single force, the integrals of the equations may be readily obtained in the following manner, Let the origin A of the co-ordinates be placed at this fixed point, and suppose the ir oving body m in any position, having #, j/, and z for its rectangular co-ordinates ; then its 38 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. from the equation (f), by means of the equations to the surface or the curve*, as many of the variations distance from the point A will be represented by y^z 1^2 \ z * and the force acting upon it by , which when resolved in the directions of -x } y^ and s gives The three first mentioned equations, by propermuitiplication and subtraction, evidently give the three following, If the above values of P, (2, and H are substituted in these equations, their second members Avill vanish, and their first will give by integration, the following xdy ydxcdt^ xdy ydx(Jdt y a.n&ydz zctyzzc"^, c, c', and c" being constant quantities ; these equations shew, as will be here. after demonstrated, that equal -areas are described in equal times, by the projections of the line Am upon the planes of the co-ordinates. If these integrals be added together, after having multiplied the first by a, the second by y, and the third by #, the equation cc + c^-f- 6 '"'* 0? which belongs to a plane, will be obtained. * If a point moves upon a curve line or surface, it may be supposed free, and acted upon by a force equal and op. posite to the perpendicular pressure upon the curre or sur- face. Let us, for example, .suppose that ~~f(x,y) is rji equation to a curve surface, by differentiating it, we shall have dzpdx+qdy. Let Jfe:y'( r l+p 2 +? a - ), then Jt ma 7 be easily proved that the normal of the curve surface forms with the axes x 9 y, and z 9 angles, the co.sines of which are 39 &r, cty, and $z as it will have equations, and the co-effi- cients of the remaining variations must be equalled to nothing *. P Q ^ , -TJ, an( ^17 respectively. If N represent a force in the direction of the normal, equal and opposite to the pressure upon the curve, its components in the directions of the axes p N qN N x, y^ and z will be ;~TT~? ~~~ aad ~\J respectively ; the two first forces are negative, because they tend to diminish the co-ordinates x and^y, if the curve surface have its con- vexity towards the planes of xz and jys, as can easily be proved. The point may therefore be regarded as free, and acted upon by the forces P -, Q - ~ y and which will give the following equations, P_ A P M > N * When the motion takes place in a resisting medium, the resistance of the medium may be regarded as a force which acts in a direction contrary to the motion of the body. Let /represent this resistance, then its moment will be /.Si, if i is supposed to be equal to V (& O 2 + (y m) 2 + (z n) z i /, m, and n being the co-ordinates of the origin of the force /. By differentiation x / y m z n K fe:-^. Ss-f^-r-. % y + r-.^. If the origin of the force /is supposed to be in the tangent of the curve described by the body, and indefinitely; near to 40 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 8. It is possible in the equation (f) to suppose the variations v . Naming the element of the curve described by the moving body ds, we shall have vdt=ds ; tf=|/^+//+rf s y * and by equating, dx du d z 0=*xJ.j f \*y.d.j f t.d. Tt - ; (h) by di%rentiating, with respect to ^, the expression of ds, we shall have * That ds\/(d&-\-dy* + d'z t ') is evident from consider ing that the co-ordinates of s and s^-ds are #, #, z and x -\- dx f z-\-dz -, consequently, which gives ds~ LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. . 4a The characteristics d and being independant*, we may place them one before the other at will ; the pre- ceding equation can therefore be made to take the fol- lowing form, dz -fc.rf.y-, * It 'may here be necessary to observe, that when equa- tions contain the differentials dx, dy, and dz, and the varia- tions o#, y, and oz at the same time, the differentials and variations are to be supposed constant wi(h respect to each other, in all the various processes of differentiation or inte- gration. The order in which these processes are performed is also indifferent as to the result. Thus o.r/.r f/.^r, o.f/ 2 jrm d.S.d-cd^x, S.J n jr f/ m . $.dn-xd r 'ox, also \fu-ftu, u being here supposed a function of x 9 y, z 9 dx, dy, dz y c^jr, &c., the sign /denoting the integration of the function witfe respect to the characteristics dx, &c. If u be a function- of jT y I/, and ~, the equation u-mf(x^y^z) gives atso in which we evidently have fromjjie process of differentiation (du\__r^n\ (du\__/-!>u\ Sdu\_S$u\ dxj-^xr \dyj~\lyj' \&J\*z)' As the nature of these notes will not permit me to enter fully upon the subject of variations, I shall refer the reader, who is desirous of information respecting them, to the Traite r da Calcul Differential et Integral pour S. F. Lacroix. The Traite Elementaire de Calcul Diffprentiel et de Calcul In- tegral, by the same author, contains an abridged account of f.hem frm the largo work. 45 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. by subtracting from the first member of this equation, the second member of the equation (h), we shall have This last equation being integrated by relation to tbo characteristic d, will give . If we extend the integral to the entire curve describee! by the moving body, and if we suppose the extreme" points of this curve to be invariable*, we shall have 5,/ i orfsi=3); that is to say, of all the curves along which a moving body, subjected to the forces P, Q 9 and 7?, can pass from one given point to another given point, it will describe that in which the variation of the integral feds is nothing, and in which, consequently this integral is a minimum. If the point moves along a curve surface without being acted upon by any force, its velocity is constant, and the integral feds becomes * If the point from which the body begins to move be fixed, the quantities tix, oy, and Ss are there respectively equal to nothing, therefore the constant quantity of the equation , dx.$x+dg.ty-{- dz.Sz ofv ds const. f ~ J J - dt is equal to nothing, as its other terms vanish at that point. If the quantities $,r, y, and $z are also respectively equal to nothing at the end of the motion, from the point where it dx.$x -f dy. ty -f- dz . $z y, and $s as independant quan- tities. Let therefore u= be the equation of the sur- face ; we shall add to the equation (f) the term h.^u.dt, and the pressure with which t[ie point acts against it will be, by No. 3, equal to Let us now suppose that the point is not solicited by any force, its velocity v will be constant ; if we observe lastly, that i odt=.ds 9 the element dt of the time being supposed constant, the element ds of the curve de- scribed will be so likewise, and the equation (f) aug- the surface of the second medium. The above equation shews that the ratio of the two sines depends upon that of the velocities of the ray in passing through the different mediums. If the ray in passing from one point to another is reflected at the surface of the second medium, the velocity will be constant, and the path a minimum ; in which case, it may be readily proved, that the angle of incidence of the ray in passing from one point to the surface of the second medium, 1$ equal to the angle of reflection from it to the other point. LAPLACE,'* MECHANICS. 49 mented by the terra X.Su.dt, will give the three fol- lowing, df- \dxj itt* iVom which we may obtain * ds* but asefo is constant, the radius of curvature of the curve described by the moving body is equal to ds* by naming this radius r, we shall have that is to say, the pressure exercised by the point against the surface, is equal to the square of its velocity divided by the radius of curvature of the curve which it describes. lithe point move upon a spherical surface, it will describe (he circumference of a great circle ofthtfsphere which passes by the primitive direction of its motion : for there is not any reason why it should move more to the right than to the left of the plane of this circle ; its pressure against the surface, or, what comes to the same, against the circumference which it describes, is therefore equal to the square of its velocity divided by the radius of this circumference. If we imagine the point to be attached to the end of a thread supposed without thickness, having the other ii 50 IMPLATF,** MErHANICS. extremity fastened to the mitre of (he surface ; it is evident that the prfs.su re exercised by this point against the circumference will be eaual to the tension which the thread would *xp<'rienoe if the point were retained by it alone. The effort which this point makes to stretch the thread, and to go farther from the centre of the circumference, is, what is called the centrifugal force; therefore the centrifugal force is equal 10 the square of the velocity divided by th<- radius. In the motion ot a point upon any curve whatever, the centrifugal force is equal to the square of the velo- city, divided by the radius of curvature of the curve, because the indefinitely small arc of this curve is con- founded with the circumference of the circle of curva- ture ; we shall therefore have the pressure which the point exerts against the curve that it describes, by adding to the square of the velocity divided by the ra- dius of curvature, the pressure due to the forces which solicit this point. In the motion of a point upon a surface, the pressure due to the centrifugal force, is equal to the square of the velocity divided by the ra- dius of curvature of the curve described by this point, and multiplied by the sine of the inclination ot the plane of the circle of curvature to the tangential plane of the surface * : by adding to this pressure that which * Suppose the radius of curvature RP or r, (Jig. 7.), of the poiut P of the curve described by the body upon the sur- face, to be produced to A ; let PA represent the centrifugal V* force of tke body moving in the curve ; from P draw the line PB perpendicular to the plane tangent of the surface at LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 51 arises from the action of 'he forces that solicit the point, we shall have the whole pressure which ii exerts against the surface. We have seen that if the point is not acted upon by any forces, its pressure a^ain*t the surface is equal 10 the square of its velocity divided by the radius o. cur- P; draw AB perpendicular to PB let the line DPC bo tht section of the plane tangent caused by a plane passing thro -^h the points ABP perpendicular t the plane tangent ; then as AB. CPD, are respectively perpendicular to the line P#, they are parallel to each other, therefore the angle BAP is equal to the angle DP ft, but this last angle is that which the plane of the circle of curvature makes with the plane tangent, for as the intersection of the plane of the curv< j and of the plane tangent of the surface is the tangent to the curve at P,the linePf? is perpendicular to it ; likewise the radius of curvature of the curve is perpendicular to its tangent at the same point, consequently the plane passing through the lines J5P, PR, and the line PD in it drawn from the point P, are perpendicular to the tangent of the curve ; therefore the angle DPR is the angle which the plane tangent makes with the plane of the curve. By trigonometry in the right angled triangle PAB, we have rad. (1) : sine BAP or DPR : : PA (-*} : PB, F 2 therefore P # sine DPR, but PB represents the cen. r trifu gal force of the body moving on the surface, consequently the centrifugal force of a body moving ^pon a sujjjjace, is equal to the square of the velocity divided by the radius of curvature of the curve described by this point an.? multiplied by the sine of the inclin-ri >n >f th< utan >t the circieof cr~ Tatnre to the tangential plane of the surtace. S LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. vature of the curve described, the plane of the circle of curvature, that is to say, the plane which passes by two consecutive sides of the curve described by the point, is, in this case, perpendicular to the surface. This curve relative to the surface of the earth, is called a perpendicular to the meridian, and we have proved (No. S) that it is the shortest which it is possible to draw from one point to another upon the surface. 10. Of all the forces which we observe upon the earth, the most remarkable is gravity; it penetrates into the most inward parts of bodies, and without the resistance of the air, would make them fall with an equal velocity. Gravity is very nearly the same at the greatest heights to which we are able to ascend, and at the lowest depths to which we are able to descend ; its direction is perpendicular to the horizon ; but in the motions of projectiles, we may suppose, without sensible error, that it it constant, and that it acts along parallel lines ; on account of the small extent of the curves which they describe relative to the surface of the earth. These bodies moving in a resisting fluid, \ye shall call /3 the resistance that they experience, it is directed along the side of the curve described by them, which side we will denote by cfc, we shall more- over call g the force of gravity. This agreed upon : Let us resume the equation (f) of No. 7, and sup- pose the plane of a: and y horizontal, and the origin of % at the most elevated point; the force /3 will produce in. the directions of x, y y ad 2, the three forces _.<|fe #. , and /3.~ ; we shall therefore have, s d s us by No. 7, /--*; <^-*.*; and the equation (f) will become If the body be entirely free, we shall have the three equations * *, =*-'* The two first will give dy dx ilx dy Tt~dt~TtTt- from which, by inti'graf ion, we shall obtain rfcr=r /being a constant quantity. This is the equation to an horizontal right line; therefore ihe body moves in a vertical plane. By taking for this plane that of x and s, we shall have^rzziO; the two equations will give, by making dx constant, fls.d*t d*z dz d't . dz from which we may obtain gdi*=.(l*z, and by differen- tiating 2gdt.d*t=:d 3 z ; by substituting for d*4 its value ' 7 5 and for dt* its value we shall have <** ' - $ _ ds d*z g a.C^aJ*" This equation gives the law of the resistance /3 necr*- sary to make a projectile describe a determinate curve. If the resistance be proportional to the square of the ds 1 Velocity, & is equal to /*. , h being constant in the Ctt" 54 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. case where the density of the medium is uniform. We shall then have /3 hds* h.ds* g gdi- d*z ' and from substituting the value of-, hds-=z ; which gi?'s by integration &**.* d x 2 a being a constant quantity*, and c the number whose * The value of a may he found as follows : Let g-:z:fan.0, conse- quently, fct or -- -r, By substituting in the above integral the D. a C08. 2 d.A dp g- 2hs ralue of c 2h * obtained from the equation -7- : " :.c a^ i>. a cos. 2 9 we shall have the following ~ /ilpV/l-j-^ which gives, as dz~ By the integration of these equations the values of x and s would be given in functions of p. A third equation may be obtained which would give the time in a function of the same quantity, by substituting the value of dx derived from dp.dx the equation <# 2 -- in one of the preceding equations, & and extracting the square root, which will give the following dp ? 2 >- 6 A If these three equations could be integrated so as to have a 56 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. The differential equation d'z=gdt* will pivf? , and that of a? will approximate to c' as its limit. If, therefore, on the hori- zontal axis of x, at a distance equal to c', from the origin of the co-ordinates, perpendicular be let fall, that line will be an asymtote to the descending branch of the curve. When the angle of projection of the body is very smaW with respect to the horizon, and the initial velocity not con. siderable, that part of the curve above the horizontal line of projection may be readily found by approximation,, and is applicable to th case of ricochet firing. Vide a jmemoir of Borda am augst those of the Academic des Sciences, LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 57 have * and/'=0 ; consequently /=# y' ^ and fc which give These three equations contain the whole theory of projectiles in a vacua P ; it results from the above, that the velocity is uniform in an horizontal direction, and in a vertical one, it is the same as that \vhich would be acquired by the body falling down the vertical. If the body falls from a state of rest, b will vanish, and we shall have ~r=g* >' *=$gf >' lae velocity therefore increase? as the time, and the space increases as the square of the time. It is easy, by means of these formula?, to compare the centrifugal force to th-it of gravity. It has been shewn by what precedes, that v being the velocity of a body moving in the circumference of a circle, whose v z radius is r, the centrifugal force is . J>t h be the height from which it ought to fall to acquire the velo- city v; we shall have by what precedes, v* v 2 <2h from which we may obtain =.. If ^rzr:f r, the centrifugal force becomes equal to the gravity g ; thus a heavy body attached to the extremity of a thread fastened by its other extremity to an horizontal plan", will stretch this thread with the same force as if it were suspended vertically, provided, that it moves upon this plane with the velocity which it would have acquired by falling from a height equal to halt' the length of the thread. MECHANICS. 11. Let us consider the motion of a heavy body en a spherical surface. By naming its radius r, and fixing the origin of the co-ordinates x, y, and z at its centre; we shall have r* jt? y % z*=0 ; Ihis cqnntion compared with that ofw=0, gives u=s* x* ^ s 2 : by adding there- fore to the equation (f) of No. 7, the function lu mul- tiplyed by the indeterminate \dr, we shall have an equation in which we may equal separately to no thing, the co-efficients of each of the variations 8#, ty and J, which will give the three following equations. ! I dz dt J The indeterminate X makes known the pressure which the moving body exerts against the surface. This pres- sure is b 7 No. Oequalto it is consequently equal to 2xr ; but by No. 8, we have dt 2 c being a constant quantity ; by adding this equatiom to the equations (A) divided by dt 9 and multiplied re- spectively by j?, y, and z ;N and observing, lastly, that the differential equation of the surface is Q= -f-scfs, which, by differentiation, gives LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 50 we shall find r If we multiply the first of the equations (A) by y, and add it to the second multiplied by #, we shall have from integrating their sum ' yd* , dt c? being a new constant quantity. The motion of a point is thus reduced to three differ* ential equations of the first order xdx-\-ydyn=. zdz y xdy ydjc-=x'dt y By raising each member of the two first equations to the square, and then adding them together, we shall have if we substitute in the place ot a?~\-y* its value r 2 x% and in the place of its value c+2gz we shall have, by supposing that the body departs from the vertical, rdz fit - ---- . The function under the root may be changed to (he following form, (a z).(z b).(2gz-\-f} y a y b> and f being determined by the equations f _ 60 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. It is possible thus to substitute for the constant quan- tiUe^ c and c' the new ones a and b ; the first of whu'h is the greatest value of z, and the second the least. By making afterwards sn. a b the preceding differential equation will become _ r.iAr a+b) d& 7 2 being equal to ~ The angle Q gives the co-ordinate z by means of the equation siz=a . cos .* 6-|-& . sin , 2 0, and the co-ordinate z divided by r, gives the co-sine of the angle which the radius r makes with the vertical. Let w be the angle which the vertical plane passing by the radius r, makes with the vertical plane passing by the axis of x ; we shall then have * which give xdyydx=.(r 2 - z 2 J.d&; the equation 2rdyydx=.c l dt will also give c'dt * For \/r 2 z 2 is the projection of the line r upon the plane oi xy. and if from the extremity of y r z z* a perpen- dicular be drawn to the axis of #, we shall hare V 'r 2 z* : x : : rad. (1) : cos, r, therefore x~\/r 2 s* . cos. w. In a similar manner we shall have 5/zr-y/ r z ^2 . sin. w. LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 61 by substituting fors and dt their preceding values in 9, we shall have the angle r in a function of 6; thus we may know at any time whatever the two angles andsr; which is sufficient to determine the position of the mov- ing body. Naming the time which is employed in passing from, the highest to the lowest value of s 9 the semi-oscillation. of the body ; let \ Trepresent this time. To determine it, it is necessary to integrate the preceding value of dt from Q=Q to 0=f x ; o- *.<+ - G4 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. ds' 1 tve shall cause the term multiplied by to disappear by means of the equal ion 0=V l (s')+ this equation gives by integration h and q being constant quantity's. If we make s 1 to commence with s, we shall have hq~=1 9 and if, for greater simplicity, we mak^ //=!, we shall have c being the number, th;- hyperbolical logarithm of which is unity : the differential equation (I) then be- comes dV . ds' * The integral of 0=y'(s')+n.[4<'(s f )Ym*y he readily found, by substituting for 4"(s')) and \|/' (s 1 ) their values ; f/Z g (Jig' the equation then becomes Ozz -f w^, that by in ds d s' tegration gives h.log.Js h log. ds' -\-ns~e, or h. log. , c ns zze nsy from which we may obtain f/s'm e . efo ? c being the number whose hyperbolical logarithm is unity; the inte. ,ns e gral of this equation is s 1 -{-P' lo LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. By supposing s 1 very small, we may develope Ihe last term of this equation in an ascending series, with re- spect to f he powers of s', which will be of this form, ks'-\-ls n -\-8cc., i being greater than unity ; the last equation then becomes This equation being multiplied by t c ~T.{cos. and afterwards integrated, supposing 7 equal to ifar k > will be changed into m ' C dd c ~*~.{cos.y^-4-.r/~~fsin,.7 j. < U L d t f m \ f ^ _t ^c. By comparing separately, the real and the imaginary parts, we shall have two equations, by means of which ds 1 may be extracted ; but here it will be sufficient for us to consider the following ds' mt m the integrals of C ^~' s '' \ ^sM'yTy-cos.yT^^Lfs^dt.c.-s- s'w.yt c. K 96 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. Jn the case of s' beinij indefinitely small, (lie second member of the equation \vill be reduced to nothing "when compared with the first, an:! we shall have -.sJn.yT y.cos.yT/ from which we may obtain iang.yT ^/ and as the time T is, by the supposition, independent of the arc passed over, this value of the (ang.y Triad place for any arc whatever, which will give for any value of s' m t 0=l.fs n .dt. cT.sin.yf-f &c. the integral being taken from /zzzO, to t-=.T. By supposing s' very small, this equation will be re- duced to its first term, and it can only be satisfied by making /.nnO ; for the factor cir.sin. y t being alwayg positive from fc=0 to t=:T, the preceding integral is necessarily positive in this interval. It is not there- fore possible to have tautochronism but on the suppo- sition of which gives for the equation of the tautochronous curve In a yacnum, and when the resistance is proportional te the simple Telocity, n is nothing, and this equation LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 67 becomes gdz-=ksds ; which is the equation to the cycloid *. It is remarkable that the co-rfficient n of the part of the resistance proportional to the square of (h* 1 ve'ocify, does n >f enter into the expression of the time T ; and ft is evident by the preceding analysis, that this ex- pression will he t!i3 same, if \ve add to the preceding law of the resistance, the terms ds* . If in general, 7? represents the retarding force along the curve, we shall have =+* i is a function of the time t, and of the whole arc passed * The cycloid is the only curve in a plane that is fautoch* ronoiisin a vacuum, but this property belongs to an indefi- nite number of curves of double curvature, which may be formed by applying a cycloid to a vertical cylinder of any base, without changing the altitudes of the points of the curve above the horizontal plane. This is evident from considering the equation *:z:c-f-2p of No. 8, *vhich by ds* i proper substitution becomes zzc %gz and gives d/zn lit* ds T^ ' ; the upper sign being taken if t and s increase yc^gz together, and the lower, if one increases whilst the other decreases. From this last equation it appears, that the value of t depends upon the initial velocity and the relation between the vertical ordinates and the arcs of the ?urve If therefore thii velocity and this relation be the same, vrheu the curve is changed, the above equation will not be altered any more than the law of motion which it denotes. LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. orer, which is consequently a function of t and of s. By differentiating this last function, we shall have a differential equation of the form V being a function of t and $, which by the condition of the problem ought to be nothing, when t has a value which is indeterminate and independent of the arc passed over. Suppose for example F=S. T 1 , S being a function of s alone, and Ta function of t alone ; w shall have <*^_ T action of m' upon m will in like manner be /. *i/ by equalling these two forces, in consequence of their equilibrium, we shall have vnf=.m'f ; ttiis gives the known law of the equilibrium of the kver, and at the same time enables us to conceive the reciprocal action of parallel forces. Let us now consider the equilibrium of a system of points 772, m' 9 m" 9 &c. solicited by any forces whatever, and re-acting upon each other. Let /be the distance of m from m' ; /' the distance of m from m" ; and/ /y the distance of m 1 from m", &e. ; again, let p be the reciprocal action of m upon m' ; p' that of m upon m" : //that of m' upon ra"&c., lastly, let mS,m'S f ) m"S",&c. be the forces which solicit m, m 1 , m", &c. ; and s , .v', s", &c. the right lines drawn from their origins unto the bodies m, m'^ m", &c. This being agreed upon, the point m may be con- sidered as perfectly free and in cquilibrio, in conse- quence of the force mS, and the forces which the bodies m,m' 9 m H 9 &c. communicate to it : but if it were sub- jected to move upon a surface or a curve, it would be necessary to add the re-action of the surface or of the curve to these forces. Let $s be the variation of s, and let ^/denote the variation off taken by regarding m 1 as fixed. Denoting in like manner, by S 7 f 7 , the variation off ,taken by regarding m 11 as fixed, &c. Let R and R' represent the re-actions of two surfaces, which form by their intersection the curve upon which the point m is forced to move, and Sr, $r' the variations of the directions of these last forces. The equation (d) of No. 3, will give 74 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. In like mannrr, m 1 may be considered as a point which is perfectly free and in cquilibrio, in consequence of the force m'S', of the actions of the bodies m, m", &e., and of the re-actions of the surfaces upon \yhich it is obliged to move ; which re-actions we shall denote by R" and R" 1 . Let $s' be therefore the variation of s ' 5 ^///*h e variation of'/*, taken by regarding m as fixed ; S^'the variation of/ 77 , taken by regarding m' J as fixed, &c. Moreover let W and or 11 ' be the varia- tions of the directions of R 11 and R" 1 ; the equilibrium of m' will jjive Qm'S' fc4-p.yifpU/'4-&c. . 4-j? /7 .V 7 -f 72 77 V. if we form similar equations relative to the equilib- rium of 77Z 77 , W 7 ', &c. ; by adding them together and observing that* '+ V ; *c. * The ninth diagram will serve to render this more evi. dent. Suppose that the line joining the bodies m and m 1 h represented by/y that the point m' being immoveable, the point m passes over the indefinitely small space mn. Join nm' ; from the point n let fall the perpendicular na upon the line mm' , then ma will represent the projection of the line mn upon the line mm' , see notes No. 2, and we shall have ma~mm'(f) am 1 , but am' 2 m'n 2 na z , and as na 1 is an indefinitely small quantify of the second order, it may be neglected, therefore am'nm' nearly, consequently ma mm' (f) wm/zz^/. Again, let m 1 be supposed to pass over the indefinitely short space m'n 1 \ whilst m remains im- moveable, join mn 1 , then mm 1 mw'zz^/. If m and m 1 be LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 75 $/,&/', &c. being the whole variations of/, /', &c. we shall have 0=2. m. S.^+2.p.5/+S. ft.Sr, f A'J an equation in which the variations of the co-ordinates of the different bodies of the system are entirely arbi- trary. It should here be observed that instead of m*S.$s, it is possible in consequence of the equation (a) of No. 2, to substitute the sum of the products of all the partial forces by which m is actuated, multiplied by the variations of their respective directions. It is the same with the products m'SUs', w/'SW, &c. If the bodies w,m', m' 1 , &c. are invariably connected with each other, the distances/,/', /", &o. will be con- stant, and weshall have for the condition of the connec- tion of the partsof the system, &/=0,S/':zr.O,&f ''=(), &c. The variations of the co-ordinates in the equation (k) being arbitrary, we may subject them to satisfy these last equations, and then flit- forces ;?, p', p' 1 , &c. which depend upon the reciprocal action of the bodies of the system, will disappear from this equation : we can also cause the terms /?.Sr, 7 J '.S>', &e. to disappear, by sub- jecting the variations of the co-ordinates to satisfy ihe equations of the surfaces upon whrrh the bodies are forced to move, the equation (k) flni* becomes Q=2.m.S.**; (I) from which it follows, that in the case of equilibrium, the sum of the variations of the products of the iorccs supposed to vary at thp same timp, and move respectively to n atul w', let n and n' b< j joiftfd, tlu n VVP shall have mm 1 nn'$f$ l f-\-$ li f, by neglecting iucltfiaitelv small quantities of higher orders than the first. 76 by the elements of their directions is nothing, in what- ever manner we make the position of the system to vary, provided that the conditions of the connection of its parts be observed, This theorem which we have obtained on the parti- cular supposition of a system of bodies invariably con- nected together, is general, whatever may be the con- ditions of the connection of the parts of the system. To demonstrate this, it is sufficient to shew, that by sub- jecting the variations of the co-ordinates to these con- ditions, we shall have in the equation (k) but it is evident that r, r', &c. are nothing, in con- sequence of these conditions ; it is therefore only re- quired to prove that we have OzzzS.p.S/, by subjecting the variations of the co-ordinates to the same conditions. Let us imagine the system to be acted upon by the sole forces p, p' y p", &c. and let us suppose that the bodies are obliged to move upon the curves which they would describe in consequence of the same conditions. Then these forces may be resolved into others, one part q, q'l q", &c. directed along the lines /, /S/", &c. which would mutually destroy each other, without producing any action upon the curves described ; another part T, T' 9 T", &c. perpendiculars to the curves described, laitly, the remaining part tangents to these curves, in consequence of which the system will be moved*. But * la (Jig. 10) where only two bodies m and ml are con. sidered, mm 1 is the line joining the bodies, AmB the curve upon which m is forced to remain, mp the force p that acts upon m in the direction of the line mm' or/ 5 rp or q that LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. If it is easy to perceive that these last forces ought to be nothing ; for the system being supposed to obey them freely, they are not able to produce either pressure upon the curves described, or re-action of the bodies upon each other ; they cannot therefore make equilib- rium to the forces p, />', p", &c. q, -^ < - &c. With respect to the first body whose co-ordinates are #, $u x l x $u y y .lu z' z and *> s -?= - ' r,= - ~r ' and *= - we shall therefore have Therefore the first body will be acted upon by the other bodies with a force A, the direction of which is perpendi- cular to the surface represented by the equation S / 0, supposing the quantities #, ^, and z to vary ; but it is evi- dent that this surface is that of a sphere, having / for its radius, and x',y,and z' for the co-ordinates of its centre, 9i If we suppose consequently the force A will be directed along this same radius, that is, along the thread which joins the first and second bodies. With respect to the second body whose co-ordinates are *', y, s', we have u _ x r x S u _ y y I u _ z' z is7 ^f~ ) %7 7' * *T~i f * ox of oy j o~ / therefore _ from which it follows, that the second body will also receive a force X directed perpendicular to the surface whose equa- tion is ^Mzn^/nrO, supposing a?', y' y and 2' alone to vary. This surface is that of a sphere, having/ for its radius, the co-ordinates #, #, and z of the first body corresponding to its centre ; consequently the force that acts upon the second body, will be also directed along the thread /, which joins this body to the first. With respect to the second body, we also have &/_ y 7 of 8tt'_ y y y j'_ " ** far-- ~T~' y- r/ W-" "T"/ therefore The second body will therefore be acted upon by a force qual to A', the direction of which will be perpendicular t\ ) \* ^ /\* ~ ) _ ~_ =0 , 100 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. Ssr being any variation whatever. By substituting these values in the equation (I), we shall have 0=2.mS. ? r If we add the three first of these equations to the three last, the three following will be obtained, 0, These will always have place, whatever may- be the state of the first body, as they are independent of the equations rela. tive to it. These equations contain the principle of mo- ments, with respect to the axes passing through the first body. Let us suppose a fourth body attached to the same in. flexible rod, having ,.?'% y" 1 9 and z'" for its three rectangular co-ordinates, and P' /; , Q //f , acd R" 1 for the three forces pa- rallel to these co-ordinates. It will in this case, be necessary to add the quantity P"'M"+@". S/'-fJi'".^" to the sum of the moments of the forces. As the distances between all the bodies ought to remain constant, we shall have by the conditions of the problem, not only 5/rrO, ^rzO, tMizzOj as in the preceding case, put also SfcO, S^zzO, and JwzzO ; naming the dis. tancvs of the fourth body from the three others 1 9 m, and n. The general equation of equilibrium will in this case be. come *.^ 101 If, is evident that we may in this equation change either the co-ordinates #, #', x", &c. or y^y'^y"^ &c. into The values of 5/, , and oA, are the same as before, and (hose of SJ, a??!, and Sra. or 5 v/ , &'*, and Sw v , as are m By making these substitutions, and equalling to nothing the sum of the terms of each of the differentials &*?, ^//, &c,, we shall find twelve particular equations ; (he nine first of which which will be the same as those in the case of three bodies if the following quantities were respectively added to their fir.st members. fa ii^ i' y~y 'n ~ ! '_ z , A . , \ !l / J * S x ffl x ' ty / ? //y ' z > 9 -XV . and tbe three last will be 102 I/AFLACE'S MECHANICS. , %', z", &c. which will give two other equations that re-united to the preceding, will form the following system ; (n) / As there are twelve equations in all, and six indeter- minate quantities x, A', ^", ^ 7/ 5 A iv 5 x v , to eliminate, there will only remain six final equations for the conditions of equilibrium, as in the case of three bodies ; and we shall find by a method similar to one given before, these six equations analogous to those found in that case, P+P'+P+P f "=0, Q+Q'+Q''+Q'=0, QW+pny Q"i x > =0, =0. Instead of the three last, the three following equations may be substituted, which can be found by a method given before. As they are independent of the equations relative to the first body, they possess the advantage of always having place, whatever may be the state of this body. LAPLACE'S^MECHANICS. 103 the function S.wS.y. ( ^- )Iis by No. 3, the sum of \o X J the moments of all the forces parallel to the axis of #, Q"(s'z)R'"(y'yy=S). Let us now consider the case of three bodies joined by a rod which is elastic at the point where the second body is situated, the distances between it and the other bodies being constant, but the angles which the lines form variable. Let us suppose that the force of elasticity, which tends to augment the angle formed by the lines which join the second body to the two others, is represented by J3, and the exterior angle, formed by one of these sides and the prolongation of the other, by e ; then the moment of the force E ought to be re- presented by E3e 9 or its equal rt'.W ; therefore the sum of the moments of all the forces of the system, as o/ 5 ^gzzO, will be It is now only required to substitute the values of Sw, */-, and lu" : those of JM and Sw' are the same as in the first question, but with respect to that of u" or Se, it may be observed, that in the triangle, of which the three sides are jf, g, and 7i, or the distance of the first body from the third, 180 e is the angle opposite to the side h ; therefore by 104 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. which would cause the system to revolve about the axis of s. In like manner, the function 2. mS.x.(~} is V,yy f a -f a-2 _ /jZ trigonometry cos.d - -^ - j which by differentia. tion gives the value of $eor ou" : as by the conditions of the problem 2/ 0, SginO, it will be sufficient to make e and k vary, we shall therefore have oe ^ 7/ ~ -- -' . This Jg-sin.e value being substituted in the preceding equation, it evidently become of -(he same form as the general equation of equilibrium given in the case of three bodies joined to. gether by an inflexible rod ; by supposing in it that V'zz Eh - : - : the particular equations will necessarily be the fg sm.e same in the two cases, with this sole difference, that in the rase above mentioned, the quantity A" is indeterminate, and consequently ought to be eliminated ; but in (he present case it is known, and there are only two quantities A and A 1 to eliminate, consequently there will be seven final equations instead of six. But whether the quantity X" is known or not, it may be eliminated along with the two others, X, and M ; we shall therefore have, in the present case, the same equations as were found in the case of three bodies at. tached to each other by an inflexible rod : to find the seventh equation it will only be necessary to eliminate /- from the three first, or M from the three last of the nine par. ticular equations of the above case, and to substitute for 1?7i t*u jt value -v. jg siu. e If S/ and ^=^'.^, &c. Likewise if , $, and 5x}/ about the the three axes of 2, ^j and a? ; which ought to be separately equal to nothing > when the system has liberty to turn in any direction about a point placed at the origin of the co-ordinates. The equation 2.*$*.^? 0, by substitution, gives the following in which The co-efficients of the instantaneous rotations \J/, &w, and 5, we shall have there x3tac-v$$) x.$$zM, ^.5\I/zrj?.5w, and consequently SarmO, ^i=0, and 02 0. This point and all others which have the same property, \\ill consequently be immoveable during the instant that the system describes the three angles eNJ/, 5o>, and <^>, by turning at the same time about the three axes of a?, y and *. 1C may be easily proved that all the points which have this property ar* in a right line passing through the origin of the co-ordinates. The co-sines of the angles A 5 /* ? and v which it makes with the axes of a?, y and z, are that by substitution will respectively become -/ ^o> an ^4,_j_^_j_;- This right line is the instantaneous axis of the composed rotation. If we suppose S0:=v'( r & < 4' a -{-&*+&J, may be resolved into three rotations cos.A'.$4/, cos.A".^, and cos.' V'.cNj/ about these new axes, the rotation Sw may likewise be resolved into three rotations cos. n'.'Sw, cos. /^ // .w ) and cos.j/'.Jw, and the rotation p into three rotations cos.v'Jp, cos./.^, and cos. ' /; .Sp about the same axes. By adding together the rotations about the same axis, if we name S0 T , 0", and W the complete rotations about the three new axes we shall have "' cos.x".5vI/-J-cosV.Sw4- c The rotations 5>J/, 5w> and J/, 5a/, and ^, we shall therefore have S0 2 ;n S0' z + S0"* -f ^"/ 2 H 2 H- $*>* -f 5 ?> 2 ; as this equation is identic, by substituting for^ 2 , $0 //z , S0"" 2 their values given above, the following conditional equations \\ill be obtained, cos. 2 A'+cos. 2 *"-fcos. 2 A'/ ; 1, COS.V cos.V.cos.y'-f cos.x /7 .cos.v v 4-cos x'/'.cos.,/' 7 0, COS.// The three first are the respective co-efficients of S4/, eta, and ^, which must each of them be equal to unity, and the three last the respective co-efficients of 2&0'.', COS.-Tr^ZZCOS.A.COS.^-f-COS./X.COS.^-j-COS.V.COS.y' 7 , The above proof shews that the compositions and the resolu- tions of the movements of rotation are analogous to those of rectilinear motions. For, if upon the three axes of the ro- tations of 4") ' 9 andSp' represent the three partial rotations about three rectangular co-ordinates, into which the rotation S3' has been resolved, $W 9 ow v , and p v , those about the same axis into which the rotation <^ /; has been re- solved, &c. the following equation may be obtained, -T- &c.) 2 -f (Sw'-r-Sft/'-f $ If in the formula Z/.84/+M.&ft/ + JY. in the general for. mulaS.^S'.Ss'-f^.V-f&c., the values of H, ^, and op found above be substituted, it will be changed, into the following, 4 (L.cos.x" +M.cos.j* // +iyr.cos.v' / )*6* +(L cos.*'"-f M cosV + A'.cos.v'" )Jfi' /; . The co-efficients of the elementary angles 0' ? JO", and LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 113 invariably to the system, it will destroy the forces pa- express the suras of the moments relative to the axes of the rotations 9', 59'', and $0'". From the above it appears that moments equal to L, M 9 and N, relative to three rectan- gular axes will give the moments relative to three other rectangular axes, which respectively '" make with these the angles/, ^ ' ; A", A geometrical demonstration of this theorem is given by Euler in the seventh vol. of the Nova acta of the Academy of Petersburg* If the rotations $4,, $, and $p are supposed to be pro- portional to JL, M, and N 9 and we make the following equations will have place Llf.cos.x, MH.cos.p,, A^ f,cos. y , and the three moments will be reduced to this simple form //.COS.TT', //.COS.TT", //.cos.w'". But TT', 7T 7 , and w "' are the angles which the axes of the ro. tationsSS', 59 /y , and ^ //; form with the axis of the composed rotation $0, if therefore we make the axis of rotation $ff- coincide with the axis of rotation 59, then Tr'nzO, and K" and of" are each equal to a right angle, consequently the moment about this axis will be H 9 and those about the two other axes perpendicular to it will be nothing. We may there. fore conclude that moments respectively equal to L M and A 7 , and relative to three rectangular axes #, y, and * may bo composed into one, //, equal to \/(L 2 -{-M 2 -)- N z ) relative to an axis which makes with them the angles A, p. and v ? so that L M N COS.A=:~, cos. ^zz , cos. =jf. The sum of the moments relative to this axis is a maximum Q 114: LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. rallel to the three axes ; and the conditions of the equi- the tangent of the angle that it makes with the plane x i/ is N ~* --- -, ami the tangent of the angle which the projec- tion of the axis upon that plane makes with the axis of #, is M equal to -^r-. Ju It is evident from the above that the composition of mo. ments follows the same laws as that of rectilinear motions. It may be immediately deduced from the composition of in. stantaneous' rotations, by substituting the moments for the rotations which they produce, in the same manner as forces? can be substituted for right lined motions. Vide the Me. chanique Analytique of Lagrange. Those who are desirous of further information respecting the composition and the resolution of moments, may consult the writings of Euler, Prony, Poisson, &c. also a memoir by Poinsot, in the 13th Cahier of the Journal de 1'Ecole Polytechnique. If the moments of the forces which act upon a system be taken directly with respect to a point at the origin of the co-ordinates, they will follow the same laws with respect to different planes, as the projections of areas upon them, thus for instance, %. ( ^ J r. i ^ J may No. 3 be posed into a single moment with respect to the origin of the co-ordinates. This moment will evidently be the product of the projection of the force S upon that plane multiplied by the perpendicular drawn from the origin of the co-ordi- nates to its direction, and may therefore be represented by an are& equal to twice the area of a triangle, having the pro- jection of a line representing in quantity and direction the force S for its base, and the origin of the co-ordinates for its summit. It therefore follows, that the properties of moments with rtspect to a fixed point are similar to those of plane surfaces. com. LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 115 librium of a system about this origin, will be reduced I shall mention a few circumstances concerning them, re- ferring the reader to No. 21, and the notes accompanying it, which may be read independent of the other parts of the work, from which the following properties may be deduced. Suppose a number of areas represented by A^ A', A", &c. ure in a plane passing through the origin of the co-ordinates, let Z>, &', 6 7 , &e. represent these areas projected upon three rectangular planes passing through the origin of the co-or- dinates, and c, c'j and c' 1 represent the projections of the areas upon three other rectangular planes passing through the same point, then by No. 21 2 + fr/a + V'zc* -{- C l * -f C //2 , consequently When b' and b" vanish, the value of b is evidently a maxi- mum, and the line which is perpendicular to it at the origin of the co-ordinates may be found from the following equa- tions, in which a, /3, and y represent the respective angles that it makes with the rectangular co-ordinates x, y, and of the planes containing the areas \-m >l x)*} - if both the namerator and denominator of the first quantity are multiplied by 2.* or m n , it will become which, by subtracting the last quantity, gives m z x*+Z (Z.mx)* LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. which we are able to form, from considering by two and two all the bodies of the system. We shall thus have the distance of the centre of gravity from any fixed point whatever, by means of the distances of the bodies of the system from the same fixed point, and their mu- tual distances. By determining in this manner, the distances of the centre of gravity from any three fixed points whatever, we shall have its position in space, which is a new method of determining it*. We have extended the denomination of centre of gravity to a point of any system whatever of bodies, either having or not having weight, determined by the three co-ordinates, X 9 Y, and J2Tt. * As the last term of the second member of the equation is independent of ihe given point, if the values of. the first term he determined with respect to three given points not in the same straight line taken either within or without the system, we shall have the distances of its centre of gravity from these points, and consequently its position with re- spect to them. If the bodies were in the same plane two points would have been sufficient, and if in the same line, one. If the given points be taken in the bodies of the sys. tern, the position of its centre of gravity will be given solely by the masses and their respective distances. This method of finding the centre of gravity is independent of the consi. deration of three planes. i It is evident from the principle of virtual velocities, that the" centre of gravity of a system of bodies connected together in any manner, is generally the highest or the low. est possible when the system is in equilibrio. Let m. m', m 11 , &c. be the centres of gravity of a number of bodies connected together, Mhose weights are denoted by LAPLACES MECHANICS. 16. It is easy to apply the preceding results to the the powers 5, S 7 , S", &c. acting respectively upon these cen. tres, and let *, $', $ 7 ,c. represent lines respectively drawn from them to any horizontal plane. If the position of the system he disturbed in an indefinitely small degree, we shall have, in the case of equilibrium, the eqtiaiion of virtual velocities S.$s + S'.M -f&.W-f&c. ; the quantity Ss-\-S's' + S fl !>"-\-&.c. is therefore either a max. imum or a minimum. .If the sum of the weights S, S' , S", &c. be represmted by 6r, and .the distance of the centre of gravity of the system from the horizontal plane by g-, we shall have the following equation S.s+S'.s'+S".t''+ &c.= G.g. As the first member of this equation is either a maximum or a minimum, the second is also, consequently the distance of the centre of gravity from the horizontal plane is either a maximum or a minimum when the system is in a state of equilibrium. WhcMi the distance of the centre of gravity from an hori- zontal plane is a maximum, the equilibrium of the system of heavy bodies is unstable, and if moved in an indefinitely small degree would not return to its former state; on the contrary, when the distance of the centre of gravity is a minimum, the system if moved from the state of equilibrium, would, after oscillating some time, return to it. This may be exemplified in the case of a cylinder with an elliptical base, which, wheu placed upon an horizontal plane with the edge of contact in the line passing along an extre- mity of the major axis, will have the distance of its centre of gravity from the plane a maximum and its position unsta- ble, and the contrary when placed with the edge of contact in a line passing through an extremity of the minor axis. The above are the only positions in which there can be an equilibrium. T.AP& AC*S -MECHANICS* equilibrium of a solid bcdy having 1 any figure what- ever, foy supposing it formed of an indefinite number of points in variably connected -with each other. Let dm represent one of these points, or an indefinitely small molecule of the body, and let ^r,#, and z be the rectan- gular co-ordinates of this molecule; again, let P, Q, and R be the forces by which it is actuated parallel to the axes of .r, ^, and r ; the equations ( m) and (n) of the preceding No. will be changed into the following; Q=fP.dm; the integral sign/ is relative to the molecule e//w, and ought to be extended to the whole mass of the solid*. If the body could only turn about the origin of th co-ordinates, the three last equations would be suffici- ent for its equilibrium. * It is easy to perceive that in the case of a solid body, which may be supposed to be composed of an indefinitely great number of points invariably connected together, the quantity 2. mSl j I becomes JP.dm^ for 51 r 1 is equivalent to P, and f dm to S.m ; in like manner 2,mS ~** becomes ( vT )& m * s equivalent to/P^.Jm, and 2.l r - l. m to JQx.dm. CHAP. IV. Of the equilibrium of fluids. 17, 1 o have the laws of the equilibrium and of the motion of each of the fluid molecules, it is necessary to know their figure, which is impossible; but we have no occasion to determine these laws except for the fluids considered in a mass, and then the knowledge of the forms of their molecules becomes useless. Whatever may be these figures and the dispositions which result in the integral molecules ; all the fluids taken in the mass ought to offer the same phenomena in their equi- librium, and in their motions, so that the observation of these phenomena does not enable us to learn any thing respecting the configuration of the fluid molecules. These general phenomena are founded upou the per- fect mobility of the molecules, which are thus able to give way to the slightest effort. This mobility is the characteristic property of fluids : it distinguishes them from solid bodies, and serves to define them. From hence it results, that for the equilibrium of a fluid mast; each molecule ought to be in equilibrio, in con- 126 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. sequence of the forces which solicit if, and the pressure which it sustains from the surrounding molecules. Let us clevelopc the equations which result from this pro- perty. In order to accomplish if, we will consider a system of fluid molecules forming an indefinitely small rectan- gular parallelepiped. Let #, y, and z be the three recfangkir co-ordinates of the an:le of this parallele- piped the nearest to the origin of the co-ordinates. Let dx, dy, and dz be the three dimensions of this parallel- epiped ; let p represent the mean of all the pressures which the different points of the side dy, dz of the par- allelepiped that is nearest the origin of the co-ordinates experiences, and p 1 the same quantity relative to the opposite side. The parallelepiped, in consequence of the pressure which acts upon it, will be solicited parallel to the axis of x by a force equal to (p p'^.dy.dz; p' p is the differential of p taken by making x alone to vary; for although the pressure of p' acts in a different direc- tion to that of p, nevertheless the pressure which a point of the fluid experiences being the same in all directions; p' p may be considered as the difference of two forces indefinitely near and acting in the same direction ; we shall therefore have p' p=-dr; and (p p' ) dy. dz^= - .dr. * In (fig. 14) let AX, AY, and A% represent the axes of x,y, and z respectively, and ah a molecule of the in the form of a rectangular parallelepiped, whose fa- K7 Let P 9 Q 9 and R \w three accelerating forces which also act upon the fluid molecule, parallel to the respec- tive axes of ^5^5 and z : if the density of the parallel- epiped is named p 9 its mass will be p.dx.dy.d~, and the product of the force P by this mass, will b^ the en- tire resulting force which moves it ; this mass will con- sequently be solicited parallel to the axis of #, by the force J pP | -J- J > .dx.dy.dz. It will in like man- ner be solicited parallel to the axes of y and s, by the forces $ P Q - (J) ^ .dr.dy.&,an.l ?R-(Jj) \ .dx.dy.dz ; we shall therefore have, in consequent of the equation (b) of No. 3, = \ > p - (=) {'-(')}>*> ces bh, ag, and ad are respectively parallel to the planes YAX, ZAX) and YAZ. Suppose that the co-ordinates of the angular point b of the molecule are x, y, and ~, and that ^zzf/or, bdmdy^ and ba~dz ; also, let mo represent the quantity and direction of the mean of all the forces act- ing upon the face dy, dz of the parallelogram, or (he force p, and nq the mean of all the forces acting upon the oppo- site face /g- of the molecule, or the force p'. , In this case p is supposed to be a function of the ro-ordi- nates a?, ?/, and z 9 consequently for the opposite side of the parallelepiped to that formed by dy and dz, as x becomes x + dx, the pressure p is changed into jp-f( - j.dx which - LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. The second member of this equation ought to bean exact variation like the first; which gives the following equations of partial differentials, (d.pP\_(d. P Q\ f (d.pP\fd. P R \~d~J \d -~ dz from which we may obtain for that side must necessarily act in an oppbsite direction te . It therefore follows that I ]dx* the difference of \dxj the two pressures, when multiplied by dy and f/^, gives the whole force arising from pressure that acts upon the paral. lelepiped in the direction of the co-ordinates, which should be taken negatively, as it tends to diminish them, and, in the case of equilibrium, must be equal to the moving force fP.dx.dy.dz.tbxt acts in an opposite direction. * The equation by transposition, becomes s j Page 45, therefore Jp=r 129 + The proof that if f [P.$x+Q.ty+R3z} is an exact differential, the equations fP\ fd. f Q\ /d. P P\ have place, may be given as follows. Suppose u then dupdx -\-qdy is an exact differential, if/? I I and ginl ) : by differentiating^ alone in the first, and ^* c/ -S x alone in the second of the two last equations, we shall have diiJ~\dxdijJ \dxjt \dydafj' dacdy In like matiner, if u^nf(x^y^z)^ by differentiation du $dx+qdy+rdZ) in which equation p~( j, <7=z| | and rma I ; let z be supposed constant, then du~pdx -f^rf/y, which gives! Jrzii 1 ; also if y and x are sup. posed alternately constant, the resulting equations will re. spectively give ( J)=( J)and( J)=(|)- I" (he above pP may be substituted for p, pQ f r (7? and p /t for r. By differentiating the equations dy J V dx multiplying the first by R, the second by Q, and the third by P : (hey will give by adding together, asp disappears, the s J50 This equation expresses the relation which should exist amongst the forces P, Q and 7?, that the equili- brium may be possible*. following equation 0= P - * Suppose an incompressible fluid not acted upon by the force of gravity to be contained in a vessel that has a number of cylinders attached to the sides of it, to which a number of inoveable pistons are adapted. Let the areas or bases of the cylinders or pistons be represented by A, A 1 , A", &c. also suppose $, S' 9 S 11 , &c. to denote the powers applied to the pistons having the bases A, A', A", &c. respectively, and that these powers, which act upon each other by the intervention of the fluid, are in. equilibrio. Let p repre- sent, in this case, the pressure upon the area denoted by unity of the surface of the vessel or the base of the pistons, then pA, pA' 9 pA f/ 9 &c. will denote the respective pressures of the fluid upon the bases of the pistons, but these pressures are equal to the forces which act upon the pistons, therefore S~pA 9 S~pA f , S~pA", &c. Let a part of the pistons be pushed downwards, then it is evident that the other part of the pistons must be elevated by an equal quantity of water to that depressed, so that if $s 9 Ss', 3s' 1 9 &c. represent the depressions or the elevations of the respective pistons whose bases are A, A' 9 A" 9 &c. we shall have the equation regarding the spaces through which the pistons were depressed as positive, and the spaces through which they were elevated as negative. Let this equation be multiplied by p 9 then or by substitution S.$s which is the equation of virtual velocities. LA.PLA6&'S MECHANICS. 131 If the fluid be free at its surface, or in certain parts Suppose that T, 7", T 77 , &c. represent the different pow- ers which act upon a molecule whose co-ordinates are #, y, and s these powers being directed to certain fixed centres, the distance of which from the molecule solicited aie re. spectively /, t', t" , &c. Let the co-ordinates of these fixed centres referred to the origin of the co-ordinates x, y, and s, and respectively parallel to them be , , c; a', &', c', &c. we shall then have T// &c. & c . As the equilibrium is possible, when the fluid molecules are solicited by forces directed towards fixed centres, which are functions of the distances of the points of application from these centres ; we may substitute the above values of P, Q, and R, in the equation 7= (P< which then becomes _.{ (x -f&c. and is equivalent to 139 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. of its surface, the value of p will be nothing in those parts ; \ve shall therefore have $p=0*, provided that we subject the variations ^r, ^j/, and, $z to appertain The sum L (ty) taken throughout the whole extent of any indefinitely narrow canal, which either re-enters into itself, or is terminated at two points of the exterior surface of the fluid mass, is always nothing ; on the supposition that the resistance of the sides, if the fluid be contained in a vessel is regarded, and that the canal is imagined in this case to have one of its extremities terminated at a point of its side. It may therefore be concluded, that for all the cases of the equilibrium of a fluid, the following equation has place throughout the whole extent of the mass, In this equation the products of pT, p7", &c. are propor- tional to the moving forces with which each power acts upon the molecule. Let 5, 5"'. S", &c. represent the moving forces which are the resultants of the powers which re. spectively act upon each fluid molecule, and s 9 s f . s !l 9 &c. the lines drawn respectively in the directions of the forces S 9 S' 9 S", &c. from each fluid molecule; then the above equation is equivalent to the following This equation is similar to those deduced from the principal of virtual velocities for the equilibrium of a point or a system. * This will be the case not only when jpzzO, hot likewise when p is a constant quantity, which also gives fy0. For instance when the atmosphere presses equally upon the sur- face of the fluid. LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 133 to this surface : by fulfilling these conditions we shall consequently have * Suppose for example, a fluid mass to be acted upon by a force S tending to the centre of the co-ordinates, and let one of its molecules be placed at the distance r from that centre, having #, y^ and s, for its rectangular co-ordinates, then rzzy/ a; 2^.^2_|_2"2 : the force S resolved parallel to these Sx Si/ Sz co-ordinates gives 'and for the forces m their re- r r r spective directions. These forces, taken negatively as they tend to diminish the co-ordinates, should be substitated for their respective values P, Q, and .R, in tho preceding equations. When they are substituted in the equation P.^x+Q.ty+R.fc they will give, by the suppression of the S common factor -- , ' which is an exact differential, therefore the equilibrium is possible. This equation when integrated becomes # 2 -{- t y 2 + S 2 zzc 2 , which is the equation to a sphere, consequently, the fluid will assume a spherical form. If r is very great the surface of the fluid may be regarded as a plane, as is the case with the surface of a fluid in equilibrio in a vessel when only acted upon by the force of gravity. Let the force S be supposed to vary as the nth power of its distance from the centre of the co-ordinates, and to be represented by Ar y also, let/? represent the pressure upon an area of the surface denoted by unity, then the equation P=f{ p -*x+Q'ty+R"te} will, by a proper substitution, be changed into the following but *to-f jf}y-ftiT$f 9 therefore 134 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. Jf tezd) be the differential equation of the surface, we *hall have P.$x-\-Q.ty-\-R.Sz=X.$tf, x being a func- tion of #,y, and z; from which it follows, by No. 3, that TMs is the value of the pressure referred to unity of (he sur- face which acts upon the molecule that has #, y 9 and z for its co-ordinates. The equation of equilibrium may he used to find the form which a fluid retains when it has an uniform rotatory motion round a fixed axis, by adding the centrifugarforce to the given accelerating forces which act upon the molecules. Let the axis of z be that of rotation, n the angular velocity common to all the points of the fluid mass, and r \/ '# -\-g* the distance of any point of it from the.axis of rotation ; then, as the centrifugal force of the point is equal to the square of its velocity divided by its distance from the axis of 9 it will be represented by rc 2 ;*, which when multiplied by the variation of its direction gives n*r$i n 2 .r.$r--n2yty If this value be added to the formula P.&e + Q%-f U.5s, it will not prevent it from being an exact differential, for the centrifugal force of a point may be considered as a force of repulsion, the intensity of which is a function of the distance of the point from the axis of rotation : we shall therefore have the equation for the differential equation of the surface of the laminae and of the free surface of the fluid. That the Telocity n may be uniform it is requisite that the forces P, Q, and R should arise from the mutual attraction of the molecules, or from attractions in the directions of lines joining the molecules and the axis of rotation, or from forces acting towards points which have the same motion as the fluid mass. LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 135 (he resultant of the forces P, Q, and J?, ought to be perpendicular to those parts of the surface where the fluid is free. Let us suppose that the variation P.&r-j- Q.ty-\-R.$s is exact; which circumstance has place by No. 2, when the forces P, one half that of the water contained in the vessel. The equatioa 2o- of the generating parabola is y*~~;z as appears from making # to vanish. 136 pressure p is therefore the same for all the molecules of which the density is the s:ime ; therefore %p is nothing relative to the surfaces of the laminae of the fluid mass in which the density is constant ; and we shall have by relation to these surfaces It therefore follows, that the resultant of the forces which act upon each fluid molecule, is in the slate of equilibrium perpendicular to the surfaces of these lamina ; which have been named on that account (couches de niveau,) laminae of level. This condition is always fulfilled if the fluid is homogeneous and in- compressible ; because in this case the laminae to which this resultant is perpendicular are all of the same density*. * In the case of the equilibrium of an elastic fluid, the pressure is found by experiment to vary as the density, consequently p may be supposed equal to f . If/>zzff then f , let this value of ^ be substituted in the equation dpzz and it will give adfpzzjp^p, consequently d.\og.p-.d anc * m. ~ of the body m at any instant whatever will become dt 140 in the followin dx . .dx 7 dx . n m.- \-m.d-- -- m.d. -\-mP.dt ; di/ , , dy , du . ' dz . , dz , dz m.+m.d. m.d. and as the sole forces dx . ,dx dii . du dz . , d% remain ; the forces -m.d.^j+mP.dt; -m.d.^f+mQ.dt; m.d.- \-mR.dt ; are destroyed*. * The forces which are destroyed during the motion of the system at any instant) will evidently form an equation of equilibrium for it at that instant. If in this equation of equilibrium the bodies undergo an indefinitely small change in their position, the moments of the forces according to the principle of virtual velocities will be equal to nothing; the the forces destroyed are mP, mQ, mR, m'P', &c. m. d\y d*z f m. -* m. , m . - , c. whose moments dt* dt-' dt*' are mP.fa, -mQ.ty, mlOz, &c. ~w.-.^, ~~ m 'jty> d z z w , ~. & c . the general formula of equilibrium is there- fore, when multiplied by 1, as follows LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 141 By distinguishing in these two expressions, (he let- ters ro, x, y, s, P, Q, aid R successively by one, two, Sec. marks, we shall have the forces destroyed in the bodies m 1 , m", &c. This being premised ; if we mul- tiply these forces respectively by the variations ^ Sy, 52, So:', &c. of their directions; the principle of virtual velocities explained in No. 14, will give, by supposing dt constant, the following equation ; &c*. In the equation of equilibrium of the forces destroyed, in order that they may be equal to nothing, either the forces d*x d*y rc.-r 1 -, &c. or the forces #zP, mQ, &c. taken negatively, although in the motion of the system they may tend to increase the co-ordinates. * The expression d*x.&>rk&0.foj-) + &c. 0. This equation will give as many particular ones, as we shall have independent variations, after they have been reduced to the smallest number possible by means of the conditional equations belonging to the system. LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. H5 subjected to all the conditions of tbe connection of the parts of the system, if they are supposed equal to the differentials dx, dy, dz, dx', &c*. This supposition is If the system is continuous and of an invariable figure as a solid body, or variable as flexible bodies and fluids ; by denoting its whole mass by m and any one of its molecules by dm, it may be considered as an assemblage or system of an indefinitely great number of molecules ; each represented by dm and acted upon by the accelerating forces &. &', S", &c. ; and it will be sufficient in the general equation to sub. stitute dm for m, and for the sign 2, S or the sign of inte- gration relative to the whole extent of the body, that is, to the instantaneous position of all its molecules, but indepen- dent of the successive positions of each molecule. For a fuller detail respecting solid bodies, I refer the reader to the seventh chapter of this work. * It is necessary in this case that the equations of condi- tion should not contain the time , which sometimes happens, as for instance, if one of the bodies be forced to move upon a surface which is itself moving according to some given law, there will then be an equation of condition of the co- ordinates and the time /, for the equation of the surface at any instant, which may be represented as follow s, In the equation of equilibrium of a system formed by those forces which are supposed equal to nothing when it is in motion, it is necessary, in order that the indefinitely small change in its position according to the principle of virtual velocities may be proper, that the co-ordinates of th f e bodies in the new position of the system when substituted should satisfy that equation. These co-ordinates are x-}-$x 9 ^"4"^> and s-J-Ss for the body m, s'+So/', #'+&/, and 2/-fcb' for the body m'. &c. which should satisfy the above conditional LAPLACE'S MECHANICS, therefore permitted, consequently the equation (P) will give by integration dz); (Q) c being a constant quantity introduced by the integra- tion. If the forces P, Q, and R are the results of attracting forces directed towards fixed points, and of attracting equation when respectively substituted for #, # 3 z, x' 9 y' 9 &c. ; the differential of the function F, will then be equal to nothing, t being regarded as constant and the variations of the co-ordinates x, y^ z; #', y 1 , s'; &c. denoted by the characteristic $. But as the co-ordinates of the bodies are functions of the time, the complete differentia. tion of jP with respect to /, x 9 #, 2, #', &c. being regarded as functions of t, will be equal to nothing. We shall there- fore have the following equation, >+a>+ (SMS) , 0. T.dt being the differential of F taken with respect to the time which is contained explicitly in this function. If T.dt be equal to nothing it is evident that the former equation will coincide with this, by taking ^zzc/^, ^zzti^, &c. From the above it appears, that when the time is not ex- plicitly contained in any of the equations of condition, the virtual velocities of the moving bodies along the axes of their co-ordinates may be supposed equal to the differentials of these co-ordinates, or the spaces passed over by their projections upon these axes during the time dt. LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 147 forces of the bodies one towards another, the function 2.fm.(P*dx-}-Q.dy-\-R.dx} is an exact integral. In fact, the parts of this function relative to attracting forcei directed towards fixed points, are by No. 8, exact integrals. This is equally true with respect to the parts which depend upon the mufual attractions of the bodies of the system ; for if the distance between m and m' is called /, and the attraction of m' for m, m'F, the part of m.(P.dx+Q.dy-{-R.dz) relative to the attraction of m 1 for m, will be, by the above cited No. equal to mm'.Fdf, the differential df being taken by only making the co-ordinates x, y, and 2 to vary*. * As m'F is the accelerating force of m arising from the attraction of m 1 which acts along the line /, its components x < _ x in the directions of the axes of a?, #, and x are m'F. , m ' p t ^HM^ and w'JF.^^, we shall therefore have the J J following equation with respect to this force alone In a similar manner, P', Q', and R 1 denote the components of the accelerating forces which act upon m' parallel to the same axes, we shall have relative to the force' mF the equation mF If, after having multiplied the first of these equations by m and the second by m', we add them together, they will in. troduce into the expression ? fdP-s: -fat R ) ^ C o f No. 19 is equivalent to Z.m.l -r-j or .~, . ut (It which equation if the differences A.~, A., and A. substituted for the differen changed into the following, substituted for the differentials d. , rf.^t and d ft dC dt y 'dt* 150 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. A.~, A.^, and A,^ being the differentials of^, ~ and ^r from one instant to another ; which differen- tials become finite when the motions of the bodies receive finite alterations in an instant. We may sup- pose in this equation *#=(?#+ A. dv , , dv' respect to *, becomes 2.mu.-r-i=^, or mu. -fm 'v '. +^.^.'+&c.^.| + S'.|' 4 ST. g'+ftc. which equa. lion has place for a system of bodies connected with each other in any manner whatever, which reciprocally attract or repel each other, or are attracted towards or repelled from fixed centres by any forces S 9 S f , S f/ $ &c. ; naming the mu- toai distances of the bodies which attract or repel each other, or tbeir distances from fixed centres of attraction or repulsion *, /, s", &c.; taking the quantities S, S ! , 5"'', &c. which represent the forces, positively or negatively, according as tliesc forces are repulsive or attractive ; as the first tend to increase and the second to decrease the distances s, s' 9 6 /y , &c. This principle also has place in the movement of in- elastic fluids so long as they form a coatinuous mass and there is no impact amongst their molecules. LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 153 . If in the equation (P) of No. IS, we suppose If the forces , 5', 5", &c. are respectively functions of the distances s 9 s' 9 s", &c. along which they act, which may always be supposed when these forces are independent, of each other ; or in general if the quantities S, *$", S f/ 9 &c. are such functions of*, s', s" 9 &c. that the quantity .--{- gjj fiJi $> " +$.- +&c. is the differential of a function of s, ut dt *', s" 9 &c. which can be denoted by F(s, s', s" 9 &c .) 9 the integral of the above equation will be iz>*+roV*+ifi V a +&c.=c+2F(>, s r , *'/, &c.;, c being a constant quantity. In this case the forces S 9 S f 9 S f/ , &c. which act along the lines s, /, s r/ 9 &c. will be re. ^ d.Fc*, *', * v , &c.; d.jFx*, *', ", &c .; presented by- -, ^. >&c , respectively. Let a, a', a' 7 , &c. be the respective values of s, s r , s", &c. and F, V 9 V", &c. the respective velocities of m 9 m' 9 m ff 9 &c. at a given instant; the preceding equation referred to this same instant will give m ^ + m /r /2 4-m^^4-&c.z=c-h2Ffa ? ', a", &c J ; consequently c^nmV z + m'V' z +m"V f ' 2 +&c.-~ %F(a, a', a", &cj, therefore, by substitution, we have the following general equation, < l v'"' + &c.=imV 2 +m t V'* + m f/ F f/2 + &c. + 7 , &c.J 2F(, ', a", &c J. This is the general equation of the preservation pf the living forces, from which it is evident, that the whole living force of the system depends upon the active forces, such as the forces of attraction or repulsion, or springs, &c. ; and upon the position of the bodies relative to the centre of 154 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS z+ &c. these forces ; therefore if at two instants the bodies are at the same distances from these centres, the sum of their living forces will be the same. If the bodies should strike each other, or meet with ob. stacles which cause a sudden alteration in their motions, the above formula may be applied to the bodies during these alterations, however short they may be ; thus denoting by F, V 9 F /x , &c. their velocities at the commencement of the sudden change, and by v, v' 9 v f/ 9 &c. their velocities at its termination, also by a, a', a" 9 e. the values of the distances 5, *', s" 9 &c. at the beginning, and by A, A' 9 A" 9 &c. their values at the end of the same action, the following equation will have place, m' V*+mV"* + &c.mv* m'v'* m"v'^ &c. = rt, a', a", &c.) 2F(A 9 A', A 1 , Sec.). Which shews that the difference of the living forces at the commencement, and at the end of the action will be 2-Ffa, a', a" 9 &c J - %F(A 9 A , A (f 9 ike.). This expression may have any finite value whatever, however small the difference between the respective quantities a, a', a fr , &c. and A 9 A' ', A ir 9 &c. When perfectly elastic bodies strike each other, either directly or by the intervention of levers or any machines -whatever, the compression and the restitution of the shapes of the bodies follow the same law, and the action is supposed to continue until the bodies are restored unto the same re. spective positions in which they were when the compression commenced. In this case we shall have a=A, a'~A' 9 a"~A" 9 &c. and consequently F.(a 9 a', a" 9 &c.)=:F.(A 9 A' 9 A lf , &c.) ; therefore the living force will be the same after as before the shock. The following proof in the case of two elastic bodies im- pinging upon each other, is derived from the lawi of tht LAPLACE'8 MECHANICS. 155 by substituting these variations in the expressions of the variations $/, $/', S/ 7 , &c. of the mutual distances motion of elastic bodies. Let Fand V be the velocities of two elastic bodies m and m! before the shock, v and v' their velocities after, also let u represent their common velocity at the time of contact ; then as may be seen in the elementary treatises upon Mechanics V+m'V ., 9 and the quantity by substitution becomes m(% la the shock of in. elastic bodies, the action is only sup. posed to continue, until the bodies have acquired the velocities which hinder their acting upon each other any longer. As therefore the effect of these velocities upon the mutual action of the bodies is nothing, if we had impressed these same velocities before the action it would have been the same, in consequence of the velocities composed of these, and of the velocities properly belonging to the bodies. Again therefore, it would be the same if the velocities impressed were equal and directly contrary to those above mentioned ; for the action will not be varied by supposing that these impressed velocities were destroyed by the opposite velocities. It consequently follows, that in the shock of hard bodies the velocities v 9 v f , D", &c. after the shock, ought to be such, that if we give these same velocities to the bodies m, ', i 7/ , &c. in a contrary direction, the equation mV 2 + m'V'*+ &c. mv* m'v'* m'V 72 &c. = 2F(a, a'X, c.) 2F(^, A', A" 9 &c.) given above will equally have place. But the terms which compose the second member, as they depend upon the mutual action of the bodies, will necessarily remain the same; 156 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. of the bodies of the system, of which we have given the values in No. 15 ; we shall find that the variations therefore the value of wF 2 -f wz r F'*-f i^F //8 +&c. mv* m'v' 2 wV /2 c. will not be changed by composing the velocities F, F', F", &c. and the velocities v 9 v' 9 t>", &c. with the velocities v, u', c", c. respectively. If therefore the velocity composed of Fand v is represented by M 9 the velocity composed of F' and v' by M' 9 &c. the following equation will have p!ace, M 2 -f m'M'* + m W*-f-&c. as the velocities 2 v 9 vf 1?' ? u' 7 v fl 9 Sic. vu;-*sh. Becaase F, F% F//, &c, are the velocities before the shock, and v 9 v' 9 v r/ 9 &c. the velocities after iiie sair.e, it is evident that M, M' 9 M" 9 &c. will be the velocities lest by the shock; therefore mM*+m'M'*+m lf M l/ *+ &c. will be the living force which results from these velocities, conse- quently this conclusion may be obtained. That in the shock of hard bodies, there is a loss of living forces equal to the living force which the same bodies would have had, if each of tliem should have been actuated by the velocity which it lost by the shock. Vide the Principes Fondamentaux de I/Equilibre et du Movement, par L. M. N. Carnot; and the Theorie des Fonctions Analytiques, par J. L. Lagrange. It is evident from what has been said, that when the bodies of a system move in a resisting medium, or are subjected to friction from fixed obstacles, the living forces are constantly diminished and would at length entirely cease if the bodies should not be kept in motion by other forces. The formula Z.J'm(P.djC-\-Q.dy-{-R.dz) in these cases would not be an exact integral. In the equation given in the notes at page 144, we may suppose that the variations &c, 2[y, and 5s are proportional LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 15T &r, 5y, and S. "will disappear from these expressions.* If the system be free, that is if it have no one of Hs parts connected 'with foreign Uodies ; the conditions relative to the mutual connection of the bodies depend- ing only upon their mutual distances, the variations &F, tyj and 5s will be independent of these conditions ; from which it follows, that by substituting for jr', $/, J2 ; , jjc", &c. their preceding values in the equation (PJ> we ought to equal separately to nothing the co- to the velocities x, y, and z which the bodies have received by impulsion. We shall then have the equation in which Swz(^ 2 -|-j/ 2 -J-5 2 ) represents the whole living force of the system. * At No. 15, /= &c. &c. consequently by differentiation ?/= V IV*~ &c. &c. If otf + cta/ be substituted foretr', 3(jf-H&f/ f r %/j an ^ S- for $3, in the preceding value of 5/, it will become !/=^= contain either &c, Sj/, or Ss. In like manner by making the proper substitutions, the same quantities will disappear from the values of $/', $/", &c. 158 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. efficients of the variations &r, \y^ and $2, which gives these three equations, *=*.-(-*) Let us suppose that X, F, and Z are the three co- ordinates of the centre of gravity of the system; we shall have by No. 15, j T/K13T' * , Tfi It j-i T/Yl % \7 ? nr . ^* - r v> 3 y - v> S -^> - ~^ 3 2.??2 2.WZ ' 2.?72 consequently the following equations may be obtained, _5^L. o 5^- rf 3 ^ S.^J? (he centre of gravity of the system therefore moves in the same manner, as if, all the bodies m, m', &c. were united at this centre, and all the forces which solicit the system applied to it. If the system be only submitted to the mutual action (rf s a? "\ d z x -fa t P I? then S.w. =:2.wP, but w- ~2^~~9 therefore -^ -^ ; in like manner it may be proved that -rr -r t7t _ > aT1 *"" 159 f the bodies which compose it, and to their reciprocal attractions, \ve shall hare 0=2. mP ; 0=2. Q ; Q=2.mR ; for, from expressing by p the reciprocal action of m and m' whatever may be its nature, and denoting by/ the mutual distance of these two bodies, we shall have in consequence of this sole action +, + J from which we may obtain Q=mP+i'P't ; Q=mQ+m'Q'; = m#-|-m'72' ; and it is evident that these equations have place also in the case in which the bodies exercise upon each other a finite action in an instant. Their reciprocal action will therefore make the integrals 2,.mP, 2,.mQ and 2.mR disappear, consequently they are nothing * If from one extremity of the line /a line be drawn pa. rallel to the axis of #, and from the other extremity another perpendicular to it, we shall have by No. 1. notes,/ : # x ' p(xx')- : : p : - - , or the resolved force acting in a direction^ parallel to the axis of x, therefore P ^-- in like ffianoer mQ= 160 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. when (he system is not solicited by forces unconnected with it. In this case we have t* dt* and by integrating X=za+bt ; Y=a'+Vt ; =a fl , , a', b'y a fi , b", being constant quantities. By ex- tracting the time , we shall have an equation of the first order either between X and F, or between X and ; from which it follows, that the motion of the centre of gravity is rectilinear. Moreover as its velocity is equal to ^f , or to ) it is constant, arid the motion is uniform. It is evident from the preceding analysis, that this inalterability of the motion of the centre of gravity of a system of bodies, whatever may be their mutual actions, subsists also in the case in which some of the bodies lose during an instant by this action, a finite quantity of motion*. * T/..T. V ' V " * ma 2,.mA, "2,.mb S.mB, &c. These quantities, as the system is not supposed to contain any fixed point, are respectively equal to nothing, consequently S.mn:S.m^, X.:^.wJ5, &c. therefore the values of -7-, -T-, &c. are the same after dt j dt 7 as before the impact, and the velocity of the centre of gravity f the system is the same in quantity and direction. The following is a proof of its truth in the simple case of the impact of two non. elastic bodies obtained in a very different manner. 162 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. sions S/, $f, /', &c. ; by supposing therefore (he system free, as the conditions relative to the connection Take upon the right line which the bodies describe any point whatever for the origin of the spaces described, let x and x' represent the distances of two non. elastic bodies m and ml respectively from that point at the end of the time tf, and X that of their centre of gravity, then by the known laws of the motion of non. elastic bodies given in elementary treatises mx -f- m' x' upon Mechanics JC -- ; if v and v be the respective m-\-m' velocities of the bodies m and m 1 before, and F their common. velocity or the velocity of their centre of gravity after the shock then Fzz -- r , as is well known ; but the velo- m -f m 7 V city of their centre of gravity before the shock is dx . dx' m. -- \-m. . , dx , dx dt ^ dt , therefore as n: y. and t/. the ve- ' dt dt locity of their centre of gravity is the same before as after the shock. Let the bodies which compose a free system be supposed to be acted upon only by impulses, and in the equation given in the notes page 144, let&e+r/, ^-f %//, &c. be substituted for ^', $/, &c. and the forces S, S' , S ff , &c. be reduced to the rectangular forces P, <2, R, P', &c. then the follow. ing equations may easily be proved from what has preceded, 0=2.(mi P), OzzS.CmjJ-Q), 0=2.(mz R). If the co-ordinates #, ^/, and 2 are referred to the centre of gravity of the system we shall have which being differentiated relative to *, by making (/JTzz Xdt, dY=YM, dZZdt; dv=xdt, dy^ydt, dz~zdt, dx'~x'dt, &c. we shall have LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 163 of the pads of the system, only influence the variations /, /', &c. the variation &a? is independent and arbi- trary ; therefore if we substitute in the equation (P) of No. 18, in the places of $#', &&", &c. ; fy, ty', //, &c. their preceding values; we ought to equal sepa- rately to nothing the co-efficient of #, \vhich gives from which we shall obtain by integrating with respect to the time t, c being a constant quantity. We may in this integral change the co-ordinates y^ y'^ &c. into z 9 s', &c. provided that we substitute instead of the forces **=*'Ht5i*' Intheri 5 ht angled triangle M#, as the angle Me* Y 170 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. Let x,,) y lt ) and z a be co-ordinates referred, first, to the line of the equinox of spring ; secondly, to the per- pendicular to this line in the plane of the equator ; and thirdly, to the third principal axis, then we shall have Lastly, let x lln ?/ //l9 and z in be the co-ordinates of m referred to the first, to the second, and to the third principal axis respectively ; then .r,, r //y .cos,

J/, sin.?)} .,.sin.( z. sin. 9. cos. <. These different transformations of the co-ordinates will be very useful to us as we proceed. If we place one, two, &c. marks above the co-ordinates #, y^ z, x fln y ttn and z lln we shall have the co-ordinates cor- responding to the bodies m 1 , m 1 *, &c. From the above \i is easy to conclude by substituting xdy ydx xdz c, c f , and c" in the places of S.TTZ. - ^- , S.m, zdx ydzzdy - - , and S.m. 9 that sin.-^; . cos. 9. cos. \|/. cos. cos.9.cos,-4/.8in.(p} 172 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. If we determine 4> and so that we may have sin c /y c ' which give COS. < we shall have * Let a, , and y represent the angles which a perpendi- cular to the invariable plane respectively makes with the axes #, y, and z we shall then have the following equations, cos.zz sin. 0. sin. 4^ cos./3:nsin.0.cos.4', COS.y^ZCOS.0. In order to prove that cos.arzsin.0.sin,-4/ ? let C (Jig 18) be supposed the centre of the co-ordinates, CX the axis of #, CF the line of intersection of the planes xy and tf//^///, CA the axis of z a/ which is perpendicular to the line CF from any point A of the line CA let fall the perpendicular AB upon the plane xy, join CB, then CB will be the projection of the line CA upon that plane; let the angle of the inclina- tion of the planes xy and x ja y Ul be represented by 0, then 9T its complement the angle ACE will be 9, TT being the semi. circumference of a circle the radius of which is unity. From A draw AD perpendicular to CX and join BD 9 let LAPLACE'S MECHANICS* ITS' the values of c' andc" are therefore nothing with respect to the plane of x ui and y,,, determined in this manner. There is only one plane which possesses this property, for supposing it is that of x andy, we shall have the angle FCX be denoted by 4/, then its complement the angle XCB will be -- %!/. If AC is supposed to repre- sent the radius equal to unity of a circle, then BCzzsin.5. and, as the triangle BDC is right angled, by trigonometry we have rad.(l) : sin, 4, : : JBC(sinJ) : Cflzzsin.O.sin.^ ; but CD is the cosine of the angle ACD of inclination of the axes z tll and #, therefore cos.a sin.0.sin.-4/. From the centre C of the co-ordinates draw the line CY perpendicular to CX or the axis of #, then CY will repre- sent the axis of y, from A let fall the perpendicular AY upon CK, join BY. In the right angled triangle UFCwe have rad.(l) : cos.^ : : O?(sin.d) : CFsin^.cos.^ ; but CFis the cosine of the angle ACY or /S, therefore cos. The angle formed by the axes z and z ni is equal to that formed by the planes xy and x ia y, H consequently cos, yrrcos.fi. We have therefore the following equations, cos.a:nsm.0.sin.4/ m 174 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. By equalling these two functions to nothing, we shall Lave sin.SrrrO ; that is the plane of x, n and y Hl then co- incides with that of x and y. The value of 2.m. being equal to /^j^ 7 ^^", whatever may be the plane of x and y ; it results that the quan- tity c*-{-c /2 +c //2 is the same, whatever this plane may be, and that the plane of x ltt and y in determined by what precedes, is the plane relative to which the function S.m.'i' j s the greatest* ; the plane from which the position of the plane may be readily found. It appears preferable to take c' S.w.- -- - instead of 2.w. - - - in which case cos. /3 would be affirmative. at As the quantities c, c', and c" are constant the position of the plane is invariable. * As the quantity c*-}-c!*+c f/ * * s invariable whatever may be the plane of x and ^, let a?', z/', and z' represent the co- ordinates of any other system of rectangular axes about the same point, as those of x, ?/, and z, then if a, d , and a" have the same relation to the planes formed by these co- ordinates as c, c', and c" have to those formed by the co-ordinates x, #, and z, we shall have z -{-a' 2 + a//2 c2 "f zo therefore 1/c 2 -f , and - ;.. dt* dt 2 dt z be changed into the velocities a?, y, and z and we shall have by substitution (see the beginning of this number) the following equations, '-3/<0 + 2>< for the first instant of the motion produced by the impulses. If the system is entirely free, the point may be taken any where in space and the above equations will hold true. This will also be the case if there is no fixed point and the system turns about its centre of gravity. If there are no accelerating forces, the effect of the im- pulses will be continued, the terms which depend upon the impulses P, Q, and R being regarded as constant. For, as ff, y^ and sare the velocities in directions respectively paral- lel to the axes of x 9 #, and z, we have dx~xdt, dyydt^ dzzdt, &c. and the above equations will be changed into the following, consequently c =2.(Qx '=?,. (RxPz), 178 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS, the co-ordinates is supposed to have a rectilinear and uniform motion in space. To demonstrate it, let X 9 I 7 , and Z be named Ihe co-ordinates of this origin, supposed in motion, referred to a fixed point, and let &c. &c. &c. MI! y v , s t , .I'/j &c. will be the co-ordinates of w/, m', &c. relative to the moving origin. We shall ha vg by the hypothesis but we have by the nature of the centre of gravity when the system is free 0=2^1^ X+d 2 ^} Z.m.P.dt*-, the equation ( Pj of No. 18, will also become by sub- stituting aX+fcr,, 5I4-^> &c. instead of ^, Jy, &c. ; -P an equation which is exactly of the same form as the equation (P} 9 if the forces P, Q, and /^ only depend upon the co-ordinates ^ O y, ? s,, ^/ &c. By applying The values of the constant quantities c, c', and c" may therefore be expressed by the initial impulses given to each body, and it has been shewn that these values are the sums of the moments of these impulses with respect to the axes of x, y, and s. LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 179 io it the preceding analysis, we shall obtain the prin- ciples of the preservation of living forces and of areas with respect to the moving origin of the co-ordinates. If the sys-em be not acted upon by any forces uncon- nected with it, its centre of gravity will have a right lined and uniform motion in space, as we have seen at No. 20; by fixing therefore the origin of the co- ordinates X) ?/ 9 and s at this centre, these principles will always have place, X, Y 9 and Z being in this case the co-ordinates of the centre of gravity, we shall have by the nature of this point, 0=S.m,^; 0=2. m.y^; which equations give * If X+Xv F-f^, Z+s,, &c. be substituted for x> y, z, &c. in the equations and regard be had to the equations 7-t ~\7" --. 180 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. Thus the quantities resulting from the preceding principles are composed, first, of quantities -which we shall have the following transformations, which are similar to the original equations. If the quanti- ties PytQx^ &c. disappear, we shall by integration have* the following equations, at These equations are similar to those given in the last number and the same consequences may be deduced from them. In like manner the equation may by similar substitutions be changed into the following, which only differs from it in having the co-ordinates referred LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 181 wonll have place if all the bodies of the system were united at their common centre of gravity ; secondly, of quantities relative to the centre of gravity supposed immoveable; and as the first of these quantities are constant, we may see the reason why the preceding principles have place with respect to the centre of gravity. By fixing therefore at this point the origin of the co-ordinates #, y, z, x f , &c. of the equations (Z) of the preceding No. they will always have place, from which it results, that the plane passing constantly through this centre and relative to \\hich the function xduydx , S.m. is a maximum, remains always parallel to itself during the motion of the system, and that the same function relative to every other plane which is perpendicular to it is nothing. The principles of the preservation of areas and of living forces, may be reduced to certain relations amongst the co-ordinates of the mutual distances of the bodies of the system. In fact the origin of the ,r's, of the ys, and of the s's being always supposed at the to the centre of gravity instead of a fixed point. By inte. gration, if the quantity 2*.m.(Pdx l -\-Qdy l -i- Rdz^ be in. tegrable and supposed equal to c/ .2. M=2 .^'. \ (dx'dx) > It may be observed that the second members of these equations multiplied by dt, express the sum of the pro- jections of the elementary areas traced by each right line that joins two bodies of the system, of which one is supposed to move about the other that is considered as immoveable, each area being multiplied by the pro- duct of the two masses which the right line joins. If we apply the analysis of No. 21, to the preceding equations, we shall perceive that the plane which passes constantly through any one of the bodies of the system, and relative to which the function 2mm f . f . 5 (x 1 - _ ls a maximum, re- mains always parallel to itself in the motion of the system; and that this plane is parallel to the plane passing through the centre of gravity relative to which the function 2.m.-- is a maximum. We shall perceive also, that the second members of the preceding LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 185 equations are nothing relative to every plane which passes through the same body, and is perpendicular to the plane of which we have treated*. * The positions of the invariable planes of the same system relative to two different points in space may be compared as follows -, let , /3, and y represent the co-ordinates of a new point in space, and C, C' 9 and C" the values of c, c', and

r- and dZ ~ are constant, therefore the three above mentioned quan. tides will be eqnal to nothing when (he line joining the two centres is parallel to that described by the centre of gravity of the system. The invariable planes relative to all the points of any line parallel to that described by the centre of gravity of the system are therefore parallel to each other ; and the direction of the invariable plane does not change but when it is passing from one parallel to another. It is also evident that the invariable plane relative to the centre of gravity of the system always remains parallel to itself during the motion of that centre. LAPLACE'S MECHANIC*. 18$ the equation (P) of No. 18, then becomes .x.d.~-- t d.--^z.d.l t.mdt.vdv. Let ds be (he element of the curve described by m , ds r the element of that described by m' y &c. ; we shall have vdt=ds ; i/flfer^' ; &c. z* ; &c. from which we may obtain by following the analyst* of No. 8, By integrating this equation with respect to the differ- ential characteristic and added together, making the variationg J^, S^j and ^4/, which are the same for all the bodies, pasg under the sign 2, will give by the substitution of the pre. ceding values The above equation of living forces, being differentiated with respect to , gives By the comparison of these equations it is evident that -L.mfxix 4yty -f *J=0, consequently l..mjf a fy ft +*V=0 This equation shews that the living force which the system acquires by impulsion, is always either a maximum or amin. imum with respect to the rotations relative to three axes; and as these rotations may be composed into one about the LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 189 Lastly we have seen at No. 22, that this principle has place also, when the origin of the co-ordinates is in motion ; provided that its motion be right lined and uniform and that the system be free. axis of spontaneous rotation it follows, that this axis is in such a position as to have the living force of all the system the greatest or the least with respect to it. This property of the axis of rotation with respect to solid bodies of any form was discovered by Euler, and extended by Lagrange to any system of bodies either invariably con. nected together or not, when these bodies receive any impulses whatever. LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. CHAP. VI. Of the laws of the motion of a system of bodies in all the possible mathematical relations between the force and the velocity. 24. K have before observed at No. 5, that there are an infinite number of ways of expressing the force by the velocity, which do not imply a contradiction. The simplest of them is that of the force being propor- tional to the velocity, which as we have seen, is the law of nature. It is according to this law, that we have explained in the preceding chapter the differential equations of the motion of a system of bodies ; but it is easy to extend the analysis of which we have made use, to all the mathematical laws possible between the velo- city and the force, and thus to present under a new point of view, the general principles of motion. For this purpose, let us suppose that F being the force and v the- velocity, we have F=Q( v) ; (p(v) being any function whatever of v : let us denote by

(Pdx-\-Qdy-{-Rdz) an exact differential equal to d\, \ve shall have 2.fmvdv.q>'(v)=const.-{-\ ; (T) an equation analogous to the equation (R) of No. 19, and which chanes into it in the case of nature where The principle of the preservation of living forces has place therefore, in all the mathematical laws possible between the force and the velocity, provided, that we understand by the living force of a body, the product of its mass by double the integral of its velocity multi- plied by the differential of the function of the velocity which denotes the force. If we suppose in the equation (S), fa^=j,r-f-*.r/ ; ty'=*y+ty/ ; 9z'=*z+*z/ ; *^==*ff-B*/ r ; &c.; we shall have by equalling separately to nothing the co- efficients of &r, Sy, and J, These three equations are analogous to those of No. 20, from which we have deduced the preservation of the motion of the centre of gravity in the case of nature, where the system is only subjected to the action and mutual attraction of the bodies of the system. In this LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 193 case S.raP, S.mQ, and 2.mR are nothing and we have v dx (v) const. =2.^.---. ; dt v m . . is equal to mQ('o). ) and this last quantity is the finite force of a body resolved parallel to the axis of x\ the force of a body being the product of its mass by the function of the velocity which expresses the force. Therefore the sum of the finite forces of a system resolved parallel to any axis whatever, is in this case constant whatever may be the relation of the force to the velocity ; and what distinguishes the state of motion from that of rest is, that in the last state this same sum is nothing. These results are common to all the mathematical laws possible between the force and the velocity ; but it is only in the law of nature that the centre of gravity moves with an uniform and rectilinear motion. Again, let us suppose in the equation ( S} 9 the variation Ix will disappear from the variations of the mutual distances /, /', &c. of the bodies of the system and of the forces which depend upon*these quantities. If the system is free from obstacles inde- pendent of it, we shall have by equalling to nothing the co-efficient of $#, 9m 194 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. from which \ve may obtain by integration We shall in like manner have m c, e', and c* being constant quantities. If the system is only subjected to the mutual action of its parts, we have by No. 21, 'Z.m.(Py--Qx)=Q: > ?,.m.(PzRx)=; 2.m.(Qz %;=0; also, i #. - u. V is the moment of the finite \ dt ^ dt/ v force by which the body is actuated, resolved parallel to the pjane of x and y^ to make the system turn about the axis of ,; the finite integral 2..<^fa^.?^ dt v is therefore the sum of the moments of all the finite forces of the bodies of the system, which are exerted to make it turn about the same axis ; this sum is there- fore constant. It is nothing in the state of equilibrium ; we have here therefore, the same difference between these two states, but relatively with respect to the sum of the forces parallel to any axis whatever. In the law of nature this property indicates, that the sum of the areas described about a fixed point by the projections of the radii vectores of the bodies, is always the same in equal times ; but the areas described are constant, only in the law of nature, LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 195 If we differentiate, with respect to the characteristic , the function 2.fm.q>(v).ds ; we shall have but we have ftfc^^l*^!^?*-!. 5 * AW.+. d. ds v dt dt we shall therefore have from integrating by parts, .=Ky. \ ,.^,,.+|. If the extreme points of the curves described by the bodies of the system are supposed to be fixed, the terra without the sign / will disappear from this equation; we shall therefore have in consequence of the equa- tion ( S) 9 but the equation (T) differentiated with respect to gives we have therefore This equation answers to the principle of the least action in the law of nature, m.^(v) is the entire force of the body ?w, therefore the principle comes to this, that the sum of the integrals of the finite forces of the bodies of the system, multiplied respectively by the elements of their directions is a minimum: presented 196 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. in this manner it answers to all the mathematical laws possible between the force and the velocity. In the state of equilibrium, the sum of the forces multiplied by the elements of their directions is nothing in conse- quence of the principle of virtual velocities; what therefore distinguishes in this respect, the state of equilibrium from that of motion, is, that the same differential function which is nothing in the case of equilibrium, on being integrated gives a minimum in that of motion. LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. CHAP. VII. Of the motions of a solid body ofanyfgure whatever. 25. THE differential equations of the motions of translation and rotation of a solid body, may be easily deduced from those which we have given in Chap. V ; but their importance in the theorj of the system of the world, induces us to devclope them to a greater extent. Let us suppose a solid body, all the parts of which are solicited by any forces whatever. Let x^ y, and * be the orthogonal co-ordinates of its centre of gravity ; x-\-x', y-\-y'i and z -f- *' the co-ordinates of any molecule dm of the body, then x'^ y', and z f will be the co-ordinates of this molecule with respect to the centre of gravity of the body. Let moreover P, Q 9 and R be the forces which solicit the molecule parallel to the axes of x y y, and z. The forces destroyed at each instant in the molecule dm parallel to these^axes will be by No. 18, if the element dt of the time is sup- posed constant, 198 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. It follows therefore that all the molecules acted upon by similar forces should mutually cause an equilibrium. We have seen at No. 15, that for this purpose it is necessary that the sum of the forces parallel to the same axis should be nothing, which gives the three following equations ; the letter S being here a sign of integration relative to the molecule dm, which ought to be extended to the whole mass of the body. The variables x, y, and % are the same for all the molecules, we may therefore suppose them independent of the sign S j thus denoting the mass of the body by m, we shall have , d z x , d*x ^ d* S.-.dm=m.-; S. ... We have moreover by the nature of the centre of gravity S.x'.dm=0 ; S.y'.dmQ ; S.z'.dm=0 ; which equations give we shall therefore obtain LAPLACF/8 MECHANICS. 199 ,72 r > m.^-S.Pdm; d 2 z these three equations determine the motion of the centre of gravity of a body, and answer to the equations of No. 20, relative to the centre of gravity of a system of bodiesl* We have seen at No. 15, that for the equilibrium of a solid body, the sum of the forces parallel to the axis of x multiplied respectively by their distances from the axis of z 9 minus the sum of the forces parallel to the axis of y multiplied by their distances from the axis of % 9 is equal to nothing ; we shall therefore have * As the equations ( A) do not contain the co-ordinates a/, x" 9 &c. of the different molecules of the body, they are independent of them and only indicate the motion of the centre of gravity of the body. This motion is not influ- enced by the mutual actions of the molecules upon each other, but solely by the accelerating forces which solicit them. It is evident from the above that the centre of gravity of any free body whatever, like that of a system, has always the same motion as if this body were all concentrated into one point and acted upon by the same accelerating forces as the parts of the body were, when in their natural state. This accords with what has been given at No, 20. 200 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS, c s. S.{(x+x').Q(y+y').P}.dm ; (I) but we have and in like manner S. ( QxPy).dm=x. S. Qdmy. S. Pdm ; lastly we have d*x.S.y'dm-\-x.S.d*y'.dmy.S.d*x'.dm', and by the nature of the centre of gravity each of the terras of the second member of this equation is nothing; the equation (J) will therefore become in consequence of the equations (A), S * (--^- -).dm=S.(Qx'-Py').dm ; by integrating this equation with respect to the time f ? we shall have S- .dmS.f( Qx'-Py').dt.dm ; the sign /of integration being relative to the time t. From the above it is easy to conclude, that if we make S.f( Qx'Py').dt.dm=N; S.f( Rx'Pz') . dt. dm= N 1 ; we shall have the three following equationi LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 201 these three equations contain the principle of the pre- servation of areas; they arc sufficient for determining the motion of the rotation of a body about its centre of gravity* ; united to the equations (A) they completely determine the motions of the translation and of the rotation of a body. If the body be forced to turn about a fixed point ; it results from No. 15, that the equations (R) are suffi- cient for this purpose; but it is then necessary to fix the origin of the co-ordinates x'^y'^ and z 1 at this point. 26. Let us particularly consider these equations and suppose the origin fixed at any point whatever, differ- ent or not from the centre of gravity. Let us refer the position of each molecule to three axes perpendicular to each other and fixed in the body, but moveable in space. Let be the inclination of the plane formed by the two first axes upon the plane of x and y ; let

y a > and z" fhe three co-ordinates of the molecule dm referred to these axes ; then, by No, 21, the following equations will have place, cos.-^.sin.tpj-J-^.sin. ( y==# // .{cos.9.cos.\l'.sin.

-[- JBr.cos.Q.cos.p these three equations give by differentiating them and supposing ^=0 after the differentiations, which is equivalent to taking the axis of the jr's indefinitely near to the line of intersection of the plane of x 1 and y* with that of x 11 and y 1 ^ ^.cos.Q.fjBr.cos.^-j-^^'Sin.^J-j-sin.d.^.f JBr.cos.q>)d.(Cp.cos.Q) = dN; d^.(Br.sin.

-\-Aq.sin.q>) -|- d.(Cp.s'm.Q) = dN 1 ; d.(Br.s'm.q> ^.cos.c If we make Cp=p'; Aq=q>; Br=r' ; these three differential equations will give the following n _ n dr'+ 204 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. these equations are very convenient for determining the motion of rotation of a body when it turns very nearly about one of its principal axes, which is the case of the celestial bodies. 27. The three principal axes to \vhich we have re- ferred the angles 0, 4/, and (p, deserve particular atten- tion. Let us proceed to determine their position in any solid whatever. The values of #', y, anclofV the preceding number, give by No. 21, the following equations, sn.(p; y / :=r / .(''cos.0.sin.4,.cos.p cos. 4,. sin cos.p; ^z.r'.sin.Q.si From which may be obtained Suppose then *.Q.S.xs a .dm sin.tp, S.yz tt .dm= ( a* 4/ A. sin. LAPLACE'S ML.HANICS. 205 By equalling to nothing the second members of these two equations, we shall have ~Y 2 6 2 ;.sin.4,.cos.4/4-/.(cos. 2 v}/ sin. t ^ * but we have by equalling these values of \ fang. 20, and substituting in the last instead of tang. its preceding value in ^, and then making for abridgment tang.^n^w, we shall obtain, after all the reductions, the following equation of the third degree ; 0=(gu+h) . (hu g) 2 As this equation has at least one real root, it is evidently always possible to render equal to nothing at the same time, the two quantities cos. (p. S.x"z".dm sin.Q.S.y r/ z f/ ,dm '; and consequently the sum of their squares, ( S x !l z".dm) -\-(S.y"z ll .dm)*) which requires that we should have separately S.a?V,dfw=0 ; S.y ll z'i.dm=Q. The value of u gives that of the angle 4,, and conse- quently that of the tang. 0, and of the angle 9. It is yet required to determine the angle p, which may be done by means of the condition S.z n y*.&iiK~& 9 which remains to be fulfilled. For this purpose it may be observed, that if we substitute in S-^'/.dm for x" and i/ 1 their preceding values, that function will be changed into the form, /f.sin.9(p-|~L-cos.2^, H and L being: 206 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. functiqns of the angles and 4/, and of the constant quantities a 2 , & 2 , c 2 , /, g, h^; by equalling this ex- pression to nothing, we shall have The three axes determined by means of the preceding values of 0, 4,, and tp, satisfy the th/ee equations =Q ;S.z f/ z.dm=.Q ; S.V'.feziiOt ; * If F be supposed equal to tf'cos.-^ ^'sin.4/ and 6r to a/cos.0.sin.4/-f ^/'cos.Q.cos.-v}/ s'sin.d, then .y//- R G.sin.^ and ^G. cos. p F.sin.^; consequently therefore S.x"ii'dm sin. < If the second member of this equation be equalled to nothing, as 2sin.9.cos.p sin.2p and cos, 2

>, ~ f The moments of inertia of an homogeneous ellipsoid with respect to the three principal diameters, may be readily found from the general equation to its surface a 2 6 2 2 2 + a*c z y* -f 6 2 c 2 # 2 :ira 2 & 2 c z , a, 6, and c representing the lengths of the three rectangular semi-diameters, which are respectively in the directions of the three co-ordinates #, #, and z. The inertia with re- spect to the axis of z is t> representing the density of the body. This expression when integrated with respect to the entire ellipsoid gives .abctvjtf+b*) 1 o it denoting the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle. By changing the letters a and c into each other the moment of inertia McFtj&W) 15 will be obtained with respect to the axis of x. In like man. ner by changing a and b into each other the moment of inertia LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. S13 The quantifies sin. 2 0.sin.* may then be obtained from them which will shew the position of the axis #", from which the other two may be readily found. This method like that of Laplace requires yery tedious cal. culations. LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. moments of inertia has place with respect to one of the three principal axes which pass through this centre*. * The moment of inertia with respect to any axis s f is S.(x fz -t-y' 2 ).dm) but for any other axis parallel to z 1 which has the lines a and b for the co-ordinates of any one of its points, this expression becomes Let r be equal to the distance between the axes or \/a z -\-b 2 then if the axis of 3' passes through the centre of gravity of the body, as S.x'dm0 and S.y'dm~0, No. 15, the ex. pression will become therefore the moment of inertia with respect to an axis passing through the centre of gravity of a body, is less than for any other axis, by the square of the distance of the two axes multiplied into the mass of the body, consequently the minimum minimorum of the moments of inertia of a body belongs to one of the principal axes which passes through its centre of gravity. To find those points of a body, if there he any, about which all the moments of inertia are equal. Let , by and c denote the co-ordinates of one of these points, the centre of gravity of the body being taken for the origin of the co-ordinates which are supposed to be in the directions of the principal axes passing through it, then a: , y b 9 and z c will be the co-ordinates of any molecule with respect to the point sought ; now from the nature of the question every straight line passing through this point must be a principal axis, consequently we have the following equations S.(x a)(y b LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 217 If it be supposed that by the nature of the body, the two moments of inertia A and B are equal, we shall have S.(x a)(z c).dm~S.xz.dm aS.z.dm c.S.x.dm-\-ac. S.dmQ, S,(yb)(z c),dmS.yz.dm b.S z dm c.S.y.dm + bc. S.dmQ; but S.xy.dm, S.xz.dm, S.yz.dm, S.x.dm, S.y.dm, and S.z.dm are respectively equal to nothing, therefore the above are reduced to these fl^TwrzO, acm~0, bcm~0. It is evident, that if the point sought exist, as from the last equations two of the quantities a, 6, and c are equal to nothing, it must be upon one of the principal axes belonging to the centre of gravity of the body. Suppose & c 0, then. a the distance of the point sought from the centre of gravity is indeterminate and upon the axis of x. The moment of inertia of this point with respect to the axis of x is A, but with respect to axes parallel to those of^ and z it is B-\-m a 1 and C'-j-wa 2 . The problem requires that we should have 13 -j- wza 2 nrC -f ma* A. These equations are impossible unless I? (7, which gives a _^~ g m ' therefore "J^c m consequently a has two values which, if A be greater than C, are real and upon the axis of x at equal distances on each side of the centre of gravity. It appears from the above that there cannot be any point in a body about which all the moments of inertia are equal. SIS LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. by making 6 equal to a right angle, which will cause the axis of z' to be perpendicular to that of s /7 , the equation will give C=sl. The moments of inertia relative to all the axes situated in the plane perpedicu- lar to the axis of z", will be therefore equal to each other. But it is easy to be assured that, in this case, we shall have for the system of the axis of 2 /y and of any two axes perpendicular to it and to each other for, from denoting by x 11 and y" the co-ordinates of a molecule dm of a body referred to the two principal axes taken in the plane perpendicular to the axis of z", with respect to which the moments of inertia are sup- posed equal, we shall have S. (x f i*+z fiz ) . dm=S. fy /8 +s >iz ) . dm ; if the quantities A^ B, and C belonging to the centre of gravity of the body are unequal ; if one of the three quanti. ties A, By and C is greater than either of the others, and the others equal, in this case, there are two points with respect to which all the moments of inertia are equal upon the principal axis to which the greatest of the moments A^ J?, and C belongs. If the three moments A, /?, and Care are equal, the centre of gravity of the body is the only point about which all the moments of inertia are equal. For example, ia the oblate spheroid the points are upon the minor axis of the generating ellipse, at the distance of the square root of the fifth part of the difference between the squares of the semi-major and semi. minor axes on each side from the centre of the spheroid. This last problem was first solved by M. Binet, and afterwards in a manner similar td the above by S. D. Poisson. LAPLACE'S MECHANICS, 219 or simply S.z*.dm=S.y ll *.dm ; but by naming s the angle which the axis of x 1 makes with the axis of x f/ , we have .r'uz^.cos.e-j-^.sin.e ; consequently dm . s i n . s . cos . enrzO . We shall find in like manner S.x's v .dm=0 ; S.y'z"dm -0 ; all the axes perpendicular to that of z" are there- fore principal axes, and in this case the solid has an infinite number of principal axes. If at the same time ^=B=C', we shall have gen- erally C'=A ; that is to say, all the moments of inertia of the solid are equal ; but then we have generally S.x'i/'.dm=0; S.z'z'.dm=Q; S.y*'.di=aO; whatever may be the position of the plane of x 1 andy, so that all the axes are principal axes. This is the case of the sphere : we shall find in the course of the Mechanique Celeste that this property belongs to an infinite number of other solids of which the general equation will be given. 28. The quantities p, q, and r which we have intro- duced into the equations (C) of No. 26, have this remarkable property, that they determine the position of the real and instantaneous axis of rotation of a body with respect to the principal axes. In fact, we have relative to the points situated in the axis of rotation dx'Q, dy'=Q, and cfc' 0; by differentiating the values of x' 9 y'^ and z j of No. 26, and making the sine 4cmO after the differentiation, which may be done, because we are able to fix at will the position of the axis of x 1 upon the plane of x 1 and y, we shall have LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. oF., and the third by sin.0. cos,

, the second by cos. 0. sin. -f z"* x : afl : : rad. (1) : _= or the cosine of the angle LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. This right line is therefore at rest and forms the real axis of rotation of the body. In order (o have the velocity of rotation of the body, let us consider that point in the axis of ' 7 which is a a distance equal to unity from the origin of the co- ordinates. We shall have its v iociti^s parallel to the axes of x 1 , y', and s', by making z n =fi 9 ?/ a =Q 9 and %"-=l in the } receding expressions of cfo*', dy' 9 and dz' 9 and dividing them by dt ; which gives lor these partial velocities the whole velocity of the point is therefore - - or vV-j-r z . If we divide this velocity by the distance of the point from the instantaneous axis of rotation, we shall have the angular velocity of rotation of the body; but this distance is evidently equal to the sine of the angle which the real axis of rotation makes with the axis of z" 9 the cosine of which angle is which the line makes with the axis of x !l ; by substituting rx' 1 px" for v a and z f/ their respective values and , this ex-o pression becomes / x " z .r 2 x ffz p*x" z or 1//> 2 -f ? 3 + r 2 . v "ir^^r The cosines of the other angles may be found in a similar manner. LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. nave 1/ a2 --r z for 4/ a_L allr? we sa the angular velocity of rotation*. It appears from the above, that whatever may be the movement of rotation of a body, either about a fixed point, or one considered as such ; this movement can only be regarded as one of rotation about an axis fixed during one instant, but which may vary from one in- stant to another. The position of this axis with respect to the three principal axes and the angular velocity of rotation, depend upon the variables p, q ) and r; the deiermin- * To find the angular velocity about the immoveable axis of rotation ; from the distance equal to unity upon Ihe axis of z a let fall a perpendicular upon the axis of rotation ; the perpendicular will represent the sine of the angle which this axis makes with z 11 , and is consequently equal to : the angular T elo. city about the axis of rotation at a distance represented by nity, may therefore be foand by (he following proportion If the quantities p, gr, and r are constant the axis of rotation will remain fixed in the body, the angular velocity will also be invariable ; but the converse of this is not equally true, for the axis of rotation may change its position in the body and the angular velocity remain the same, that is, the quan. tity V fP + cf + r* may continue constant although p } LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. which, by substituting the values of q' and r', becomes Aj^dp^ ^ ~ V AC. k z - llA\ir^'C' ll z BC.k*^K an equation that is only inferrable in one of the three following cases, B=A, BC, or A=*. * In the cases in which this equation can be integrated it may be made to assume ihe following forms, in which a and b are substituted for the constant quantities. a z clp' First. If A=B, ' for sine) -f const. todpf -Fourth. liAC.k*H*) dtb ~^-==== and t=b. hyp. BC.k*, dtb. Hh* , log ------- r^rkrr^ -- ~! Const/ LAPLACE'S MECHANICS, 3z5 The determination of the three quantities p', q r , and r', requires three constant quantities, // a , % and that which is introduced by the integration of the preceding equation. But these quantities only give the position of the instantaneous axis of rotation of the body upon its surface, or relative to the three principal axes and its angular velocity of rotation. To have the real movement of the body about a fixed point, it is necessary also to know the position of the principal axes in space ; this should introduce three new constant quantities rela- tive to the primitive position of these axes, and requires three new integrals, which when joined to the pre- ceding will give the complete solution of the problem. The equations (C) of No. 26 contain the three constant quantities N, N r , and N"; but they are not entirely distinct from the constant quantities H and k. In fact, if we add together the squares of the first members of the equations (C) 9 we shall have which gives k*=N*+N'*+N a *. The constant quantities N 9 N' 9 and JV", answer to the constant quantities c, e', and C H of No. 21, and the function |JvV 2 + which requires a new integration. The values of q and r of No. ^6 give from which may be obtained x a , y H ) and z ff are xO.cos.xOx", xO.co^.xOy'^ and xO cos. xO^" and those of m to the same co-ordinals are mO cos. mOx", mO.cos.mOy", and mO.cos.mOz", we therefore have, page 8, xm z ~(xO.cos.xOx fl mO. cos. m Ox" )*-{-(: O cos.xOj/ 11 m From these two values of xm 2 we shall find, by making the co-efficients of 0# a , Om* and Ox.Om in the equations equal to each other, that those of Ox.Om give cos.mOtf cos.tfCXc^.cos.wOji/ 7 -f- cos. t rCy / .cos.mOy / -f cos. xOz".cos.mOz". In a similar manner it may be proved that cos.m0^rzcos.3/O^ // .cos.mOa?''-f-cos. < yOy / .cos.wOy / -f- cos. gOz".cos.mOz", and cos.mOz cos.sC^.cos-mO^-f-cos.sO y".cos.mOy fl + cos.zOz f/ .cos.mOz f/ . (See page 111). We therefore evidently have the following equations p'.cos.xOz"-)- o'.cos xOxH + r'.cos.zOu 11 cos.mOx =.- ---- - --- --- ZL Vp' i + q i +r'* p'.cos.yOz"-}- o'.cos.wO^-f r'cos.vOy'* eos . - - - ^ y.cos.202 /7 -f T'.cos.sOa/' os. mw - LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. but by what precedes c we shall therefore have If we substitute instead of dt its value found above ; wte shall have the value of %}/ in a function ofp f ; the three angles 0,

2 -H 2 -f-r a Let MOM' be the section of the planes MBM 1 and x y Otf' ; then one of the constant quantities which belong to the values of t and \J/ in functions of p will depend upon the time when t commenced, and the other upon the line taken arbitrarily in the plane MBM' from which the angle ^ commenced. LAPLACE'S MECHANIC*. 231 This theory may serve to explain the two motions of the rotation and revolution of the planets, by one sole initial impulse. Let us suppose that a planet is an homogeneous sphere having a radius 7?, and that it turns about the sun with an angular yelocity U:_ In the case of the rotatory movement of a solid body not acted upon by any accelerating forces we evidently have, (see page 107 5 ) dxzdu yd .cos./*,, and .cos.v for ? > and (see notes page 108) the above equation will be changed into the following, dQ ( \ 2C I COS.a COS.A-f COS.j3.CO5/x-f COS.y CO C v I . In this equation , /3, and y are the ang'es which the per. pendicular axis to the invariable plane makes with the fixed axes of .r, ^, and z; and X, />/,, and v are the angles which the instantaneous axis of the composed rotation makes with dQ the same axes, - being the velocity of rotation. Let a- re- present the angle which the instantaneous axis of rotation makes with the perpendicular axis to the invariable plane, then, (notes page 227) cos. .166,25638; the parallax of the sun gives = 0,0000 42665 and consequently f=.--. J?, very nearly. As the planets are not homogeneous, they may be considered as formed of spherical and concentricai la minae of unequal densities. Let g represent the density of one of these lamina? of which the radius is jR, being a function of R; we shall then have C~ * In order to find the value of C in the case where the density p of each spherical lamina varies as some function of its radius, let us suppose (Jig. and J3r, Si _ TJ dq -J -- --.rp.dt=0 ; The solid being supposed to turn very nearly about fore, as when wzzjR, zs:0 the ahove integral for the sphere whose radius K becomes -&pR s . If R is supposed to be yariable in this last expression, its differential will be -fp-R 4 R*dR will denote the number of its molecules each multiplied into the square of its distance from the axis, therefore C=z%pfpR*dR. Now the mass m of the sphere is equal to 4pf?R 2 dR, therefore the value of p is .j, which by substitution gives 3 *fpR*.dK * LAPLACES MECHANICS. third principal axis, q and r are very small quantities*, the squares and (he products of which may be neglected: this gives dp=.Q, and consequently p a constant quan- tity. If in the two other equations we suppose we shall hav6 D _ p ' AB V B.(C-B)' M and y being two constant quantities. The angular velocity of rotation will be ^p* + q*-\-r 2 9 or simply p y by neglecting the squares of q and r ; this velocity will * If the angle lOz" (Jig. 20) is very small the angles lOx" and /Oy will be very nearly right angles, therefore their q r cosines =. -- and . --- =. and consequently ' the quantities q and r will be very small. + By substituting M.sin.fwf-j-y) for q and jl/'.cos.fw* -f y) for r in these equations, they will be changed into the following, /" _ TJ M.cos.(nt-\-y)ndt+ .M'.cos. A A _ Q M'.sin.(nt + 7 )ndt-] -- .M.sin. Consequently M'n -f M. from which n=p y ^- and Jlf = . ~~A) m |j e rea c(iiy obtained. B(CB) LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 237 therefore be very nearly constant. Lastly, the sine of the angle formed by the real axis of rotation and by the third principal axis will be ^ ... P If at the origin of the movement we have q-=:0 and and r Q ? that is to say, if the real axis of rotation co- incides at this instant with the third principal axis, we shall have M=D and M'-=$ ; q and r will be there- fore always nothing, and the axis of rotation will al- ways coincide with the third principal axis; from which it follows, that if the body begins to turn about one of the principal axes, it will continue to turn uni- formly about the same axis. This remarkable property of the principal axes, has caused them to be called the principal axes of rotation; it belongs exclusively to them ; for if the real axis of rotation is invariable at the surface of the body, we have cfy?:z=:0, dq^=Q, and cfrzzzO ; the preceding values of these quantities there- fore give B-A C-B A-C -0.r0=0; -.rp=0; ~-.pq=0. In the general case whereof, B, and Care unequal, two of the three quantities p^ q, and r are nothing in consequence of these equations, which implies, that the real axis of rotation coincides with one of the prin- cipal axes. If two of the three quantities^, JE>, and Care equal, for example, if we have^fczB; the three preceding equations will be reduced to these rpi=.0 and pq=0> and they may be satisfied by supposing p 0. The axis of rotation is then in a plane perpendicular to the third principal axis ; but we have seen, No. 27, that- all the axes situated in this plane are principal axes. 238 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. Lastly, if we have at the same time 4=zB=:C 9 the three preceding equations will be satisfied whatever may be p, q, and r, but then by No. 27, all the axes of the body are principal axes. It follows from the above, that the principal axes alone have the property of being invariable axes of ro- tation ; but they do not all of them possess it in the same manner. The movement of rotation about that of which the moment of inertia is between the moments of inertia of the two other axes, may be troubled in a sensible manner by the slightest cause; so that there is no stability in this movement. That state of a system of bodies is called stable in which, when the system undergoes an indefinitely small alteration, it will vary in an indefinitely small degree by making continual oscillations about this state. This being understood, let us suppose that the real axis of rotation is at an indefinitely small distance from the third principal axis; in this case the constant quantities Jkf and M 1 are indefinitely small ; if n be a real quantity the values of q and r will always remain indefinitely small, and the real axis of rotation will only make oscillations of the same order about the third principal axis. But if n be imaginary, sin.(nt^-y} and cos.(nt~\-y) will be changed into exponentials; consequently the expressions of q and r may augment indefinitely, and eventually cease to be indefinitely small quantities* ; there is not therefore any stability * By the rules of trigonometry jl/.sin. (w/ -}- y) zz 9 in this expression e LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 239 in the movement of rotation of a body about the third principal axis*. - The value of n is real if C is the represents the number of which the hyperbolical logarithm is unity. If n is an impossible quantity it may be supposed equal to m\/ 1 ; let this value be substituted for it in the above equation, and we shall have will become LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. /3 and X being two new constant quantities ; the problem is thus completely resolved, because the values of s and u give the angles 9 and

*-()' it is therefore necessary to substitute these forces for jP, Q, and R y in the preceding equation of equilibrium. Denoting by W the variation LAPLACE,'S MECHANICS. 245 which we will suppose exact* ; we shall have >r-f =,,()+.,.()+(> this equation is equivalent to three distinct equations, for the variations %x, oy, and Js being independent, we may equal their co-efficients separately to nothing*. * As this variation is exact in the cases in which the forces of attraction are directed towards centres that are either fixed or moveable, it comprehends all the forces in nature which can act upon the molecules of a fluid mass, and may therefore be regarded as always exact. f In places where an incompressible fluid is supported at one of its sides, the value of p shews the pressure against this side in the direction of a normal to it ; at those parts of the fluid mass Avhich are free this value is nothing. When the value of p is a known function of t, jr, y, and z, it will give, by being equalled to nothing, the equation of the surface of an incompressible fluid during its motion. If / is not contained in this value of />, the surface of the fluid will preserve the same form and the same position in space, on the contrary when p contains t it will change its form or po- sition every instant. J In order that the reader may have a correct idea of the corresponding variations of/, a?, y, and s and the total or par- tial variations of a function of them, I shall suppose .F a function of , #, y, and s, and first imagine ,r, t ?/, and z to vary, t remaining constant. In this case the contempora- neous values of Fmay be compared, which at a determinate instant answer to the different points of a system and belong to the different molecules placed at these points at the same instant. If on the contrary #, y, and z are supposed constant and t to vary, the values of jP will appertain to the different 246 The co-ordinates x 9 ?/, and z are functions of the primitive co-ordinates and of the time t ; let , 5, and c be these primitive co-ordinates, we shall then have By substituting these values in the equation ( F) 9 co-efficients of So, &, and Sc may be equalled sepa- rately to nothing ; which will give three equations of partial differentials between the three co-ordinates x 9 molecules which during successive instants pass by the same point which has x 9 y, and z for its co-ordinates. Lastly ; if we make x 9 y 9 and z to vary either partially or together and suppose t also variable ; the different values of F will belong to the same molecule, and change as it passes in successive instants from one point to another in the system. If the position of the molecule is known at the commence, ment of the motion, the constant quantities belonging to the three equations which give the values of x 9 y, and z in functions of t will be known. The values of #, y^ and z may therefore be found at any instant, which will give the position of the molecule at that instant. If the time t be eliminated from the three equations given by the values of x^ y^ and z 9 two equations of the curve described by the molecule will be known. The form and position of the curve will change by passing from one mo- lecule to another : the constant quantities in this case changing their values as the initial position of the molecule changes. LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 247 y, and z of the molecule, its primitive co-ordinates , by c 9 and the time t. It remains for us to fulfil the conditions of the con- tinuity of the fluid. For this purpose let us consider -at the origin of the motion, a rectangular fluid paral- lelepiped having for its three dimensions d, d#, and dc. Denoting by (%) the primitive density of this molecule, its mass will be (%).da.db.dc. Let this parallelepiped be represented by (A)*; it is easy to * In figure 22 the rectangular parallelepiped A is repre- sented, having da, d&, and dc for its three edges; this parallelepiped is changed after the time t into that given in figure 23, in which from the extremities of the edge fg which is composed of the molecules that formed the edge dc, two planes gn, fo, are supposed to be drawn parallel to the plane of x and y ; by the prolongation of the edges of the parallelepiped gl or (B) to these planes a new one (C) is formed equal to (B), as the parts cut of from (B) and those added to (C) respectively compensate each other. The height fg of (C) 9 as it is independent of the molecules in da and d6, is found by making c alone to vary in differen- tiating the value of z 9 it is therefore equal to t ~ l.dc. In figure 24, let tiqrp denote the section (e) having its side $p formed by molecules of the side d&, dc, and its side Hq by molecules of the side da, dc of the parallelepiped (A). From and p the lines $m and pn are supposed to be drawn parallel to the axis of a?, meeting the line qr or its continu. ation in m and w, and consequently forming a new" paral- lelogram (X) which is equal to the former ( E ) ; as it has the same base $p and is between the same parallels. The value of Sp is found by taking the differential of y in making , z 9 ^nd t constant, and the value of $m by taking the differential 248 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. perceive that after the time t, it will be changed into an oblique angled parallelepiped; for all the molecules primitively situated upon any side whatever of the parallelepiped (A), will again be in the same plane, at least by neglecting the indefinitely small quantities, of the second order : all the molecules situated upon the parallel edges of (A) will be upon the small right lines equal and parallel to each other. Denoting this new parallelepiped by ( B}, and supposing that by the ex- tremities of the edge formed by the molecules which in the parallelepiped (A) 9 composed the edge de, we draw two planes parallel to that of x and y. By pro- longing the edges of (B) until they meet these two planes, we shall have a new parallelepiped (C) con- tained by them, which is equal to (B) ; for it is evi- dent that as much as is taken from the "parallelepiped (B) by one of the two planes, is added to it by the other. The parallelepiped (C) will have its two bases parallel to the plane of x and^y: its height con- tained between its bases will be evidently equal to the differential of z taken by making c alone to vary ; which gives ( -j- J.dc for this altitude. of x in supposing y and s constant. These last values mul- tiplied/ogether give the value of the surface of the paral- lelogram (X), or that of its equal ( ) ; which value, when multiplied by ( ~T )'^ c ^ ie differential of z, gives the con. tnt of the parallelepiped (C) or (B). 219 We shall have its base, by observing that it is equal to the section off B) made by a plane parallel to that of x and y ; let this section be denoted by (s). The value of s \vill be the same with respect to the molecules of which it is formed ; and we shall have Let $p and <$q be two contiguous sides of the section fej, of which the first is formed by molecules of the side d6.dc of the parallelepiped (A), and the second by molecules of its side da.dc. If by the extremities of the side $p we suppose two right lines parallel to the axis of a.', and" we prolong the side of the parallelogram CO parallel to $p until it meets these linos ; they will intercept between themselves a new parallelogram (\) equal to (s), the base of which will be parallel to the axis of x. The side lp being formed by molecules of the face d&.dc, relative to which the value of z is the same ; it is easy to perceive that the height of the parallelogram pO, is the differential of y taken by- supposing 0, s, and t constant, which gives from which may bo obtained this is the expression of the height of the parallelogram (K}. Its base is equal to the section of this parallelo- gram made by a plane parallel to the axis of x ; this section is formed of the molecules of the parallelepiped 550 by relation to which % and y are constant, its length is therefore equal to the differential of x taken by supposing z, y^ and t constant, which gives the three equations Suppose for abridgment ^(*v*v- w-v -V, and v in functions of /, ,r, y, and z. If the incompressible fluid is homogeneous the density will be a constant quantity ; in this case we shall have only the second of the above equations and the three given by that of (II) to determine the four unknown quantities p, u 9 u, and v. If the fluid is elastic we shall have the equation (K) and the three given by that of (H) : if the temperature be the same throughout the mass, the density will be as the pres- sure, which gives p=:k ; therefore there will be only four unknown quantities which the four equations above men. tioned are sufficient to discover. If the temperature be variable and a given function of the time, the quantity k will be a function of these variables, consequently the before mentioned equations will be sufficient to determine the values of p, M, v 9 and v. It appears from the above that we shall have in every case as many equations as there are unknown quantities in the problem. But as these are equations of partial differentia. tions of , JT, #, and z 9 they have at present resisted every attempt to integrate them. In some instances they have been simplified and integrated by particular suppositions, 554 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. exact variation of r, y, and z, p being also any func tion whatever of the pressure p. If therefore &p repre sent this variation ; the equation ( H) will give* from which we may obtain by integrating it with re spect to S, It is necessary to add a constant quantity v hich is a function of t to this integral, but we may suppose that this quantity is contained in the function =^-^ this equation is consequently an exact variation in x, The integration of the equation which presented the greatest difficulties has been fortunately accomplished by Marc Antoine Parseval, a French mathe. matician. Vide the eighth Cahier of the Journal de 1 Poljtechnique, 256 y, and %; thus if the function u.<$a:-\-'0.ty-{-v.'$z ^> e ari exact variation one instant, it will also be one in the nexf, it. is therefore an exact variation at all times. When f he motions are very small ; we may neglect the squares and the products of w, v 9 and v; the equa- tion (II) then becomes therefore in this case u 3 x-\-v. \y-\-v.lz is an exact va- riation, if, as we have supposed, p be a function off ; by naming this differential t$ 9 we shall have and if the fluid be homogeneous, the equation of con- tinuity will become These two equations contain the whole of the theory of very small undulations of homogeneous fluids. 34. Let us consider an homogeneous fluid mass which has an uniform movement of rotation about the * In the case of the very small undulations of an homo. dp n geneous incompressible heavy fluid, such as water,/ =^-; if the axis of z be supposed in the direction of gravity, at dp fdos.(9 + ^), and rad.(l) : sin.(9-L aM ) : : r-f as : AB (r-f *0.sin.(0-f-*zO j also in the right angled triangle ADB we have rad.(l) : cos.(w#-f-CT-|-ay) : : (r-f .y)a -f ^)sin,(04-w)cos.(/-f CT i at') and rad.(l) : sin.(w/+^+ a y) : : (r-f *4>i. 26 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. Let us suppose the sea to be the fluid treated upon ; the variation (W) will be the product of the gravity multiplied by the element of its direction. Let g re- present the force of gravity, and ay the elevation of a molecule of water at the surface above the surface of equilibrium, which surface we shall regard as the true level (niveau) of the sea. The variation (IV) in the state of movement will by this elevation be increased by the quantity ag.^y, because the force of gravity acts very nearly in the direction of the ay's and towards their origin. Lastly denoting by a$V the part of SF relative to the new forces which in the state of move- ment solicit the molecule, and depend either upon the changes which the attractions of the spheroid and the fluid experience from, this state, or from foreign attrac- tions; we shall have at the surface The variation -~3.{(r-\- -f- x s).$in.(Q-}-au)} 2 by differentiating that variation with respect to r, neglecting the quantities s and u, which are relative to time, and supposing that $r is equal LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 263 force at the equator to gravity, is a very small fraction equal to *. Lastly, the radius r is very nearly con- 28 SP stant at the surface of the sea, because it differs very little from a spherical surface ; we may therefore sup. pose Sr equal to nothing. The equation L thus be- comes at the surface of the sea du\ J -f the variations ty and I V being relative to the two va- riables and CT. Let us now consider the equation relative to the continuity of the fluid. For which purpose, we may suppose at the origin of the movement a rectangular parallelepiped, of which the altitude is dr, the breadth rdw.sin.fi and the length rd0. Let r', 0', and w' re- present the values of r, 0, and OT after the time t. By following the reasoning of No. 32, we shall find that after this time, the volume of the fluid molecule is * *w*.fy.r.sin. 2 has the same ratio to ag.ty as r.sin. 2 has to 1, but the centrifugal force atiheequa. tor is ~ or w 2 r, and is nearly equal to - there. ?z 2 .r.sin. 2 f ore - _. - ma y |j e ne gi ec ted when compared with I. 264? LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. equal to a rectangular parallelepiped of which the altitude is .clr and the breadth by extracting dr by means of the equation lastly its length is - K? by extracting dr and dw, by means of the equations Supposing therefore V- W- "I f -Y(- / VMrV V^7 \cirj \d^ dr the volume of the molecule after the time t \vill be /3'. r /2 .sin.Q.dr.d0.dOT; therefore naming (p) the primitive density of this molecule, and p its density correspond- ing to t ; we shall have by equalling the primitive ex- pression of its mass, to its expression after the time t> p.fi'r' 2 .sin.Q'=(p).r*.sm.Q; this is the equation of the continuity of the fluid. In the present case r 7 r-|-a$ ; V=Q-\-au ; w=/rf+^+ a ^ ; we shall therefore have by neglecting the quantities of the order a 2 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 265 Let us suppose that after the time 9, the primitive den- sity (p) of the fluid is changed into (p J-^-ap'; the pre- ceding equation relative to the continuity of the fluid will give (_I | dr j 36. *Let us apply these results to the oscillations of the sea. Its mass being homogeneous we have '//=0' and consequently Let us suppose conformably to what appears to have place in nature, that the depth of the sea is very small relative to the radius r of the terrestrial spheroid ; let this depth be represented by y, 7 being a very small function of 6 and ts which depends upon the law of this depth. If we integrate the preceding equation with respect to r, from the surface of the solid which the sea covers unto the surface of the sea ; we shall * As the notes necessary to elucidate this and the follow, ing number satisfactorily would from their very great length too much increase the size of the Work, I shall refer the reader who is desirous of full information respecting them to the fourth book of the Mechanique Celeste, where all the equations are integrated and every particular explained in the fullest manner. 266 find that the value of 5 is equal to a function of 0, 37, and t independent of r, plus a v-ery small function which will be with respect to u and v of the same small order as the function - ; but at the surface of the solid which the sea covers, when the angles d and -57 are changed into 6-\-au and nt-\--&-\-av 9 it is easy to per- ceive, that the distance of the molecule of water con- tiguous to this surface from the centre of gravity of the earth, only varies by a very small quantity with respect to au and att, and of the same order as the products of these quantities by the eccentricity of the spheroid covered by the sea : the function independent of r which enters into the expression of s is therefore a very small quantity of the same order ; so that we may generally neglect s in the expressions where n and v are concerned. The equation of the motion of the sea at its surface given in No. 35 therefore becomes dt (M) the equation (L) of the same number relative to any point whatever of the interior of the mass of fluid, gives in the state of equilibrium (IV) and ($p) being the values of SP and *p which in the state of equilibrium answer to the quantities r-|-as, Q-j-aw, and tv-\-(x.'n. Suppose that in the state of mo- tion, we have the equation (L) will give LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 267 The equation f 3/J shews that wj j is of the same yu order as # or s, and consequently of the order ; the value of the first member of this equation is therefore of the same order; thus multiplying this value by rfr, and integrating it from the surface of the spheroid which the sea covers unto the surface of the sea, we 7> J shall have V equal to a very small function of the f order , plus a function of 0, w, and t independent of 7-3 which we will denote by, A; having therefore regard in the equation ( L) of No. 35 only to (wo variables 6 and w, it will be changed into the equation (M) 9 with the sole difference, that the second member will be changed into %K. But * being independent of the depth at which the molecule of water which we are considering is found ; if we suppose this molecule very near the surface, the equation (L) ought evidently to coincide with the equation (M) ; we have therefore ^=sP gty> and consequently the value of 5 V in the second member of this equation being relative to the surface of the sea. We shall find in the theory of the flux and reflux of the sea, that this value is nearly the same for all the molecules situated upon the same terrestrial radius, from the surface of the solid which the sea covers to the surface of the sea ; we 266 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. have therefore relative to all these molecules frssgjy : which gives p' equal to p .gy plus a function independ- ent of 0, 37, and r : but at the surface of level of the sra, the value of /?' is equal to (he pressure of the small column ay of water which is elevated above this sur- face, and this pressure is equal to a-p*s:y\ we have therefore in all the interior of the fluid n;ass 9 from the surface of the spheroid which the sea covers, to the surface of level of the sea, p'=pg?f ; therefore any point whatever of the surface of the spheroid covered by the sea, is more pressed than in the state of equi- librium, by all the weight of the small column of water comprised between the surface of the sea and the sur- face of level. This excess of pressure becomes negative at the points where the surface of the sea is sunk below the surface of level. It follows from what has been said, that if we only have regard to the variations of and of ts ; the equation (L) will be changed into the equation (M} 9 for all the interior molecules of the fluid mass. The values of u and of v relative to all the molecules of the sea situ- ated upon the same terrestrial radius, are therefore de- termined by the same differential equations: therefore by supposing as we shall in the theory of the flux and reflux of the sea, that at the beginning of the motion the values ^ u "> \'dt) 9 ^' \/F/' were the same for all the mo- lecules situated upon the same radius these molecules would remain upon the same radius during the oscil- lations of the fluid. The values r, u, and v may therefore be supposed very nearly the same upon the small part of the terrestrial radius comprised between the solid that the sea covers and the surface of the sea: therefore from integrating with relation to r the equation LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 26$ M.COS.0) ImTS' we shall have (r*s) being the value of r*s at the surface of the sphe- roid covered by the sea. The function r*s^~- (r*s) i? yery nearly equal to r*.{s (s)}-\-2ry(s), (s ) being the value of s at the surface of the spheroid ; the term 2ry.(s) may be neglected on account of the smallness of y and (s) ; thus we shall have r 5 (r*s)=r*.{s(s)}. Moreover the depth of the sea corresponding to the Angles Q-}" aW an d nt-\-Tz-\-a,v is y-|~ a< { 5 ( s )}i ^ we place the origin of the angles 6 and nt-\--& at a point and a meridian fixed upon the surface of the earth, which may be done as we shall forthwith see; this (dy\ fdy \ ^ J-j-a^.I - 1, plus consequently 274 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. This expression of the density of the air shews, that the laminae of the same density are throughout equally elevated above the surface of the sea, except by the quantity - ^ - nearly ; but in the exact calculation of the heights of mountains by the observations of the barometer, this quantity ought not to be neglected. Let us now consider the atmosphere in the state of motion, and let us determine the oscillations of a lamina of level, or of the same density in the state of equilib- rium. Let a$ be the elevation of a molecule of air above the surface of level to which it appertains in the state of equilibrium ; it is evident that in consequence of this elevation, the value of SF will be augmented by the differential variation &.$$; we shall therefore have 2 F=f * V) g.ty+* V ; (* V) being the value of ^V which in the state of equilibrium corresponds to the lamina of level and to the angles 0-j-aw and nt-\~ix -\-av; SF ; being the part of F arising from the new forces which in the state of movement agitate the at- mosphere. Let f=C/0+a/, (p) being the density of the lamina of surface in the state of equilibrium. If we make 1 '-= we shall have but in the state of equilibrium 0=!.S.{fr+* S ;.sin.f9+* the general equation of the motion of the atmosphere LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 275 will therefore become relative to the laminae of level, with respect to which Sr is very nearly nothing, sin. 9 O.(V (*');, being the variation of r corresponding in the state of equilibrium to the variatons aw' and at/ of the angles 9 and sr. Let us suppose that all the molecules of air situated at first upon the same terrestrial radius, remain constantly upon the same radius in the state of motion, which has place by what precedes in the oscillal ions of the sea; and let us try if this supposition will satisfy the equa- tions of the motion and of the continuity of the atmos- pheric fluid. For this purpose it is necessary, that the values of u 1 and v 1 should be the same for all these molecules; but the value IV is very nearly the same for these molecules, as will be seen when we shall de- termine in the sequel the forces from which this varia- tion results ; it is therefore necessary that the variations Sfp and ty' should be the same for all these molecules, and moreover that the quantities 2wr.CT.sin. 2 0.j j, and /z 2 r.sin. 2 O.{s' (s 1 )} may be neglected in the preceding equation. At the surface of the sea we have $=y, ag> being the elevation of the surface of the sea above its surface of level. Let us examine if the suppositions of (p equal toy, and of y constant for all the molecules of air situ- ated upon the same radius, can subsist with the equation 276 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. of the continuity of the fluid. This equation, by No. 35, is n 2 $ =>> \ \, J 1*&\ from which we may obtain /-[-$' is equal to the value of r of the surface of level which corresponds to the angles Q-\-&u and t3-\-av, plus the elevation of the molecule of air above this sur- face; the part of as' which depends upon the variation of the angles and is being of the order , may be neglected in the preceding expression of^', and con- sequently it may be supposed in this expression that V -

\ These oscillations of the atmosphere ought to produce analogous oscillations in the altitudes of the barometer. To determine these by means of the first, let us suppose a barometer fixed at any height whatever above the surface of the sea. The altitude of the mercury is pro- portional to the pressure which its surface exposed to that of the air experiences; it may therefore be repre- sented by Ig.p ; but this surface is successively exposed to the action of different laminae of level which elevate and lower themselves like the surface of the sea; thus the value of p at the surface of the mercury varies; first, because it appertains to a lamina of level which in the state of equilibrium was less elevated- by the quantity ay ; secondly, because the density of a lamina is augmented in the state of motion by ap r or by j-~. Jn consequence of the first cause the variation of p is 578 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. ^-( T" ) or ~~^~5 the ** a l variation of the den- sity p at the surface of the mercury is therefore a,(p). y-\-y r 7 . It follows from the above, that if the altitude of the mercury in the barometer at the state of equilib- rium is denoted by "A: ; its oscillations in the state of motion will be expressed by the function ~~T~ L * they are therefore similar at all heights above the sur- iace of the sea, and proportional to the altitudes of the barometer. It now only remains in order to determine the oscilla- tions of the sea and of the atmosphere, to know the forces which act upon these two fluid masses and to in- tegrate the preceding differential equations ; which will be done in the fouilh book of this work. LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. CHAP. IX*. Of the law of universal gravity obtained from phenomena* 38. AFTER having developed the laws of motion, we will proceed to derive from them and from those of the celestial motions presented in detail in the work entitled, Exposition du Systeme du Monde, the general law of these motions. Of all the phenomena that which seems to be the most proper to discover this law, is the elliptic motion of the planets and of cornets about the sun : let us see what may be derived from it. For this purpose, let x and y represent the rectangular co-ordinates of a planet in the plane of its orbit, having their origin at the centre of the sun ; also let P and Q denote the forces * This chapter which forms part of the first chapter of the second book of the Mechanique Celeste, is added in order to afford the reader some idea of the manner in which Laplace applies the rules given in the introductory treatise. 280 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS, \vhich act upon this planet parallel to the axes of x and y^ during its relative motion about the sun, these forces being supposed to tend towards the origin of the co- ordinates, lastly, let dt represent the element of the time which we will regard as constant ; we shall have by Chap. 2, r72v, (0 (2) If we add the first of these equations multiplied by y to the second multiplied by x 9 the following equal ion will be obtained, It is evident that xdyydx is equal to twice the area which the radius vector of the planet describes about the sun during the instant dt ; by the first law of Kepler this area is proportional to the element of the time, we shall therefore have c being a constant quantity ; the differential of the first member of this equation is equal to nothing, conse- quently xQ ?/P=.0. It follows from this equation tliat^P has to Q the same ratio as x has to y, and that their resultant passes by the origin of the co-ordinates ; that is by the centre of the sun. This is otherways evident, for the curve de- scribed by the planet is concave towards the sun, con- sequently the force which causes it to be described tends towards that star. The law of the proportionality of the areas to the times employed to describe them, therefore conduct? LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. 2S us to this remarkable result ; that the force which soli- cits the planets and the comets is directed towards the centre of the sun. 39. Let us now determine the law by which the force acts at different distances from this star. It is evident that the planets and the comets alternately approach to and recede from the sun, during each revolution ; the nature of the elliptic motion ought to conduct us to this law. For which purpose resuming the differential equations (1) and (2) of the preceding No., if we add the first multiplied by dx to the second multiplied by dy^ we shall have which gives by integration the constant quantity being indicated by the sign of integration. If we substitute instead of dt its value - - , which is given by the law of u the propor. tionality of the areas to the times, we shall have ^ l For greater simplicity let the co-ordinates x and y be transformed into a radius vector and a traversed angle conformably to astronomical practice. Let r represent the radius drawn from the centre of the sun to that of the planet, or its radius vector, and v the angle which it forms with the axis of .r ; we shall then have consequently 2S2 LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. If the principal force that acts upon the planet be denoted by

nc{?M.l to comets : it results, that this force if LAPLACE'S MECHANICS. tbe same for all the planets and the comets placed at equal distances from the sun, so that in this case, these bodies would be precipitated towards it with the same Telocity. Printed by H, Baroett, Long Row, Market-place, Nottingham. ERRATA. Page 11. Notes line 3, for, direc tion "by S. $c. read, direction by lines denoted by S. Sfc. Page 56. Line 1, for, dx, read, d*z. Page 135. Notes line 4 from the bottom, instead o', to on* half that, read, to that. LOAN DEPT. i . - |v . MAR 1 8 1980 ore. 5 FB 3 1983 LD 2lA-60m-3 '65 (F2336slO)476B . General Library University of California Berkeley U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES