" * 0J" PRESENTED TO The UNIVERSITY of MLrailil EDMONI) J, GOOLD. G "FG8UTM.Ce.Tt BROACW*Y WONDERS OF THE HUMAN BODY. PROM THE FRENCH OF A. LE PILEUR,- DOCTOR OF MEDICINE. ILLUSTRATED BY FORTY-FIVE ENGRAVINGS BY LEVEILLE, NEW YORK: CHARLES SCRIBNER AND CO. 187 i. 3 BIOLOGY V Illustrated library of Wonders. PUBLISHED BY 654 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Each one volume 12mo, Price per volume, $1.50. Titles of Books. No. of Illustrations THUNDER AND LIGHTNING, ....... 39 WONDERS OF OPTICS, . TO WONDERS OP HEAT, ...... .90 INTELLIGENCE OP ANIMALS, ... GKEAT HUNTS, . . . .22 EGYPT 3,300 YEARS AGO, ..... 40 WONDERS OP POMPEII, . . .22 THE SUN, BY A. GUILLEMIN, . ... 53 SUBLIME IN NATURE, ..... .50 WONDERS OP GLASS- MAKING, . ... 63 WONDERS OP ITALIAN ART, . . . . . . .28 WONDERS OP THE HUMAN BODY, . 45 WONDERS OP ARCHITECTURE, . . .50 LIGHTHOUSES AND LIGHTSHIPS, ...... 60 BOTTOM OP THE OCEAN, ...... 6S WONDERS OP BODILY STRENGTH AND SKILL, . . TO WONDERFUL BALLOON ASCENTS, ... .30 ACOUSTICS, ......... 114 WONDERS OP THE HEAVENS, ....... 48 THE MOON, BY A. GUILLEMIN. . ... 60 WONDERS OP SCULPTURE . . .... 61 WONDERS OP ENGRAVING, ..... ->'2 WONDERS OP VEGETATION, .... 45 WONDERS OP THE INVISIBLE WORLD, ..... 97 CELEBRATED ESCAPES, ...... 26 WATER. ....... ,77 HYDRAULICS .... ... 40 ELECTRICITY, ....... 71 SUBTERRANEAN WORLD, .... 27 * In Press fur early Publication. ITie above work* sent to any address, postpaid, upon, receipt of the price by the publishers. PUBLISHERS' PREFACE. THERE is an increasing tendency in the present day to make common property of special knowledge. Even such infor- mation as formerly belonged to certain professions alone is, at least in its rudiments, becoming more generally diffused; and on the part even of those professions the tendency is recognized as within reasonable bounds deserving of encour- agement. To take "the human body" as an illustration, medical men find that the useful feature of their art is facilitated by the dissemination of information regarding its structure and functions. On the other hand, the public daily see more and more clearly that " prevention is better than cure," and that to prevent derangements of the wonderful machine, with the guidance of which each individual is intrusted, more ac- quaintance with its mechanism and laws of normal action is indispensable. Apart from its utility, a knowledge of \ anatomy and physiology is gradually becoming a necessary : part of a liberal education. To meet these requirements the Publishers now present this translation from the French of a book which, in the original, has attained to great popularity. While sufficiently VI PREFACE. minute in anatomical and physiological details to satisfy those who desire to go deeper into such studies than many may deem necessary, this work is nevertheless written so that it may form part of the domestic library. Mothers and daughters may read it without being repelled or shocked; and the young will find their interest sustained by incidental digressions to more attractive matters. Such are the pages referring to phrenology and to music, which accompany the anatomical description of the skull and of the organs of voice; and the chapter on artistic expression which closes the book. Attention may also be directed to the numerous accurate and also simple engravings, which have been introduced in the hope of elucidating the verbal descriptions in the text. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE Introduction. Opinions of the ancients concerning the human body. Summary of general anatomy. Substance of the body or organized matter. Anatomical elements. Nutrition. Fluids. Tissues, I CHAPTER II. Form of the body. Its beauty. The master-pieces which it has inspired. Description of the skin its functions, 13 CHAPTER III. Structure of the body. Bones, cartilages, joints. Muscles, ten- dons, aponeuroses, 25 CHAPTER IV. Spinal column. -^Thorax. Upper limb; shoulder, arm, fore-arm, hand. Lower limb; hip, thigh, leg, foot, 41 CHAPTER V. Motion. Effort. Locomotion; standing, walking, running, jump- ing, swimming, 57 CHAPTER VI. The head. The skull, bones of the skull, sutures, arch of thc skull, base of the skull. Measurement of the skull; facial angle, angle of Daubenton; comparison of the superficies of the skull and of the face. System of Gall. The face, bones of the face, upper jaw, lower jaw, 67 CHAPTER VII. Digestion. Waste of the organism repaired by alimentation. Hunger. Thirst. Organs of digestion; abdominal cavity, peri- toneum. Digestive apparatus. Mouth, lips, cheeks, teeth, palate, soft palate, tongue. Pharynx. (Esophagus. Stomach. Intestinal canal; small intestine, large intestine, intestinal con- Vlll CONTENTS. PAGE volutions, mesentery, omen turn. Mucous membrane. Liver. Pancreas. Spleen. Kidneys. Mechanism of digestion. Di- gestion of the stomach, gastric juice, peristaltic movement, chyme. Intestinal digestion, bile, pancreatic juice, chyle. Absorption; endosmosis, exosmosis, functions of the veins and lymphatic vessels in absorption, rapidity of absorption, 73 CHAPTER VIII. Respiration. Thoracic cavity; pleura. Organs of respiration: lungs, trachea, bronchia. Respiration; influence of respiration on the blood, Lavoisier's theory, theory of catalytic phenomena; mechanism of respiration, respiratory sounds, frequency of re- spiration; capacity of the lungs; modification of the air in the lungs. Influence of atmospheric pressure. 6n respiration; moun- tain-sickness, 89 CHAPTER IX. Circulation. Organs of the circulation; heart, pericardium; arteries, capillaries, principal arteries; veins, principal veins; portal sys- tem; lymphatic vessels and ganglia. Mechanism of the circula- tion; discovery of the circulation, action and sounds of the heart, arterial circulation, pulse, capillary circulation; venous circula- tion, valves of the veins; discharge of chyle and lymph into the veins. Sanguification; circulation in the pulmonary artery, capillaries, and pulmonary veins. Influences which accelerate or retard the beating of the heart, IO2 CHAPTER X. Nervous system. Cerebro-spinal nervous centre. Cerebrum. Cerebellum. -^-Isthmus of the encephalon. Medulla oblongata. - Spinal cord. Membranes; dura mater, arachnoid, pia mater. Nerves; cranial nerves, spinal nerves, great sympathetic. Func- tions of the nervous system; functions of the spinal nerves of motion and of sensation; function of the cranial nerves; functions of the spinal marrow. Functions of the encephalon; medulla oblongata, pons Varolii, peduncles of the cerebrum and cere- bellum, corpora quadrigemina, pineal gland, optic thalami, cerebrum and cerebellum. Functions of the great sympathetic. Reflex power. Nerve force. Memory, 119 CHAPTER XI. Sense of sight. Organ of vision. Globe of the eye; sclerotic; cornea; choroid ; ciliary ring; ciliary body ; ciliary process; iris; Eupil ; uvea; pigment; retina; vitreous body; hyaloid mem- rane ; crystalline ; anterior and posterior chambers ; aqueous humour. Muscles of the eye. Conjunctiva. Eyelids, eyelashes. CONTENTS. , IX PAGE Lachrymal apparatus. Vision; functions of the retina, .re- versed images ; functions of the iris ; optic centre, visual angle, visual impressions, single or mixed, adaptation of the eye to dis- tances, myopia, presbyopia ; achromatism ; single and double vision with two eyes, stereoscope; alternation in the action of the eyes ; persistence of impressions on the retina ; accidental images ; irradiation ; accidental aureola ; Daltonism ; apparent motion of objects! Optic nerve. Movements of the eye. Ex- tent of vision, 152 CHAPTER XII. Sense of hearing. Organ of hearing. External ear; pavilion of the ear, auditory canal. Middle ear; tympanum, drum, or membrana tympani, fenestra ovalis, fenestra rotunda, Eustachian tube, the small bones of the ear, muscles and movements of the small bones. Internal ear; labyrinth, vestibule, semicircular canals, cochlea, membranous labyrinth. Auditory nerve. Noises and sounds; duration, pitch, intensity and quality of sound ; passage of sound through air, water, solid bodies ; gravity, sharpness of sound. Mechanism of hearing; functions of different parts of the ear; movement of sounds in the ear; propagation of sounds to the auditory apparatus by the vibrations of the bones of the skull. Opinions of physiologists on the functions of different portions of the labyrinth ; theory of Helm- holtz. Fineness and delicacy of hearing. Correctness of the ear. Estimation of the intensity, the distance, and the direction of sounds; ventriloquism. Duration of auditory impressions. Sensations having an internal origin. Parallel between the eye and ear, 182 CHAPTER XIII. Sense of smell. Olfactory organs. Nose; nasal fossae, turbinated bones, pituitary membrane. Olfactory nerve. Odoriferous principles ; their development, their action on the nervous sys- tem. Smell, its seat ; duration of olfactory impressions. Uses, and acuteness of smell, 203 CHAPTER XIV. Sense of taste. Organ of taste. Special nerves of the organ. Flavours. Taste, 210 CHAPTER XV. Sense of touch. Difference between touch and feeling. Tactile sensibility and general sensibility. Organ of touch. Sensation of contact ; difference in the sensibility of different regions of the body; simple contact, shock, vibration. Sensation of pressure; X CONTENTS. PAGE relative aptitude of different regions in appreciating it; \ariable sensation according to the form of the body and the extent of its surface. Sensation of temperature, variable according to the temperature of the skin, the density of bodies, and the surface in contact ; identical sensation from contact with a body very hot and very cold ; relative sensibility of different regions to tem- perature. The touch; its delicacy. The touch compared with the other senses ; illusions of touch ; persistence of tactile impres- sions, sensations from internal or subjective causes ; causes which modify feeling, .217 CHAPTER XVI. Voice and speech. Organ of voice; larynx, cavity of the larynx, glottis, vocal cords ; the larynx at different ages and in different sexes. Physiology of the larynx ; mechanism of the voice ; opinions as to the formation of the voice. Galen, Fabricius Acquapendente, Dodart, Ferrein, Biot, Miiller, Savart, Masson, and Longet. Theories founded on laryngoscopic observations. Formation of sounds in whistling. Voice; speaking voice, mechanism of articulate sounds, vowels, consonants, timbre of the vowels; the tongue as an organ of pronunciation. Singing; chest voice, falsetto voice, mixed voice ; different theories on the formation of the falsetto : Miiller, M. Segond, M. Longet, M. Fournie, M. Bataille, M. Mandl. Timbres of the voice : high pitch, grave pitch. Compass of voices: bass, baritone, tenor, contralto, mezzo-soprano, soprano. Ventriloquy, 228 CHAPTER XVII. Physiognomy ; study of it in works of art. Movements of expres- sion, their seat. Colouring of the skin ; paleness, redness. Ex- pression of the muscles; effort, muscles of the face. Physiognomy of the senses. Expression of the eyes, vision, easy or difficult, blindness. Expression in the act of hearing, easy or difficult, hearing of an orator, musical hearing. Expressions of smell and taste. Expressions relating to the touch 247 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. rAG3 1. Blood seen under the microscope, 4 2. Bony tissue as seen with the naked eye, 8 3. Osseous and cartilaginous tissues as seen through the micro- scope, 8 4. Laminated fibres in the first stage of development, .... 9 5. Stripped muscular tissue as seen under the microscope, . . 10 6. Nervous tissue seen under the microscope, 1 1 7. A nerve and its ramifications seen by the naked eye, ... 12 8. Apollo Belvedere, 15 9. The Venus of Milo, 17 10. The Skin, 21 11. Skeleton, 27 12. Elbow-joint, 33 1 3. Biceps muscle of the arm, 35 14. Lower portion of the leg, 37 15. The hand, palmar aspect, 46 1 6. The hand, dorsal aspect, 46 17. Knee-joint, 52 1 8. Skeleton of the foot, 54 19. The foot, 55 20. The leg in standing, 61 21. Section of the trunk and its cavities in the median line, . 74 22. Section in the median line through the inferior portion of the nasal fossne, the mouth, pharynx, larynx, oesophagus, and trachea, /6 23.. Transverse section of the thoracic and abdominal cavities, . Si 24. Lungs and heart, 9 1 Xll LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. PAGE 25. Section showing the ramifications of the bronchi in the lungs, 93 26. Heart and principal arterial and venous trunks, 103 27. Transverse section of the heart, 105 28. Imaginary diagram of the course of the blood in the circula- tion, 116 29. Cerebro-spinal nervous centre, 120 30. Nervous system, 121 31. Upper surface of the brain, 123 32. Lower surface of the brain, . 124 33. Section of the encephalon in the median line, 126 34. Vertical section of the eye on the median line, 153 35. Rods of Jacob under the microscope, 156 36. Diagram illustrating "blind point " in retina, 161 37. Course of the luminous rays in the eye, 162 38. Diagram illustrating the visual angle, 164 39. Accommodation of the eye to different distances, . . . . 167 40. Diagram illustrating single vision with two eyes, . . . . 1 70 41. Irradiation, 176 42. Section showing the different parts of the ear, 183 43. Experiment on the sensations of touch, 226 44. Section of larynx in the median line, 229 45. The glottis and vocal cords, 242 THE HUMAN BODY. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. Opinions of the ancients concerning the human body. Summary of general anatomy. Substance of the body or organized ?natler. Anatomical elements. Nutrition. Fluids. Tissues. IT has been said with truth, that the human mind, which can survey the heavens and calculate the motion and density of the stars, finds itself confounded when, returning from these distant journeyings, it enters its own proper dwelling- place. Man's own organization is still among those mysteries of nature which he is least able to penetrate, in spite of his incessant efforts to lift the veil which hides it. In all ages he has sought to know himself; in all times he has studied the relations between his own existence and that of the world; and those universal influences which, though evident to him, are nearly all inexplicable in their action upon living beings. Carried by their imagination into this way of comparing the human body with the rest of creation, Aristotle and some other philosophers saw in man an epitome of the wonders of the universe. He was for them the microcosm, the dimi- nutive and summary of the entire world. Paracelsus and the astrological doctors developed from their stand-point the ideas of the Greek philosophers, and pushed to its extreme limits the doctrine of sidereal influence 2 THE HUMAN BODY. upon man. According to them, the body had, like the earth, an axis and two poles ; the head, the seat of the soul, corres- ponded to the heavens where divinity resided, &c. Since that time, and especially in our own day, the ima- gination has given way to a rigorous method of study and to positive ideas. But whether we venturously follow Aris- totle and Paracelsus, or whether we prefer the exact results of science to their poetic theories, we shall always see in the human body the highest and most perfect creation of nature among living beings, and we shall admire the efforts and the discoveries which the study of its organization has enabled the mind to make from the time of the masters of antiquity down to our own day. In the human body, as in animals and in the vegetable kingdom, the organized matter is composed of what are termed proximate (or immediate) principles and anatomical elements. Of these proximate principles some are of mineral origin, as oxygen, water, the carbonates, the chlorides, the phosphates, &c. They penetrate the organism, and there furnish the materials, by the aid of which other principles of a different order are formed. These last essentially consti- tute the body, hence the name organic substances is specially applied to them. There is nothing in the mineral kingdom analogous to these organic substances, though they borrow their original elements from it. They are solid or semi-solid (globuline, musculine), liquid or semi-liquid (fibrine, albu- men, caseine), colouring or coloured (hematosine, biliver- dine). They decompose where they are formed, and give birth to another class of proximate principles. These last are of very different natures, and possess different attributes; they are acids, salts, alkaloids, fatty bodies; they are urea, creatine, stearine, cholesterine, and the sugar of the milk and of the liver, lactic acid, uric acid, &c. This double and continuous movement of combination and resolution of proximate principles results in the forma- tion of the anatomical elements. This is the term applied to very minute bodies, free or attached, which present special geometrical, physical, and chemical characters, as well as a structure which has no analogy to that of minerals. They NUTRITION HUMOURS. j are the smallest organic subdivisions of which the tissues and fluids are capable by anatomical analysis. Their reunion and combination form the solids and liquids of the organism. By assimilation they borrow their substance from the molecules of the proximate principles, while at the same time and in equal proportions they abandon other molecules of these same principles by a process of separation. This assemblage of phenomena is termed nutrition. In this manner water, carbon, lime, phosphorus, iron, and the other principles, co-operate in forming globuline, fibrine, musculine, and the other organic substances, which by their combination constitute the anatomical elements of the blood, the muscles, the bones, the nerves, the body in a word; this is assimilation. At the same time other molecules of the same principles, in equal proportions, abandon by a separatory process the substance of the organism, and unite to form the milk, saliva, tears, bile, and the other secretions, which are to be completely excreted as improper for nutrition, or partially thrown oft and partially returned to the system. As to the anatomical elements, some of them have a form which may be described, as globule, fibre, tube, and cell; others are amorphous, and serve to fill the spaces between those first-named. We see therefore that the immediate or proximate prin- ciples and the anatomical elements constitute all organized matter whether solid or fluid. The fluid portions of the human body greatly exceed the solid ; they are computed at nine-tenths of the whole weight. Water enters largely into the composition of these fluids, a portion of which only is contained in the vessels or reservoirs specially set apart for each of them, while the remainder penetrates the solid parts and forms part of their substance. The term humours fluids is applied to the liquid or semi-liquid portions of the organism formed by the mingling and dissolution of immediate principles, and they ordinarily hold the anatomical elements in suspension. The solid portions are called tissues. 4 THE HUMAN BODY. These fluids are classed, according to the part they play in the human economy, into constituent fluids, secreted fluids or secretions, excretions, and intermediate products, which partake of the nature of the other three. The constituent fluids are three in number the blood, chyle, and lymph. The blood is the nutritive fluid of the body; it contains all the immediate principles that are found in its organism. In- cessantly renewed by digestion and respiration, it supplies to each organ assimilable matter, and to the special labora- tories the materials for the secretions, and carries off the results of disassimilation which are to be thrown out of the organism. It is therefore at once a reparative and a purify- ing fluid. The term " fluid flesh," which has been applied Fig. i. Blood seen under the microscope. to it, is incomplete, for it contains not only the muscular tissue, but the essential elements of all the other tissues are found in its mass. The blood is heavier than water, its specific gravity being 1052 to 1057, while that of water is 1000. In the blood- vessels the blood is composed of ist. anatomical elements, red and white corpuscles. 2d. Of a fluid, of which 779 parts in weight in 1000 are water in men, and in women 791 parts in 1000. This fluid is the plasma, the plastic substance, the nourishing juice in which are found all the immediate BLOOD, g principles of the blood. Among these, principles are lime, ammonia, soda, potash, phosphorus, magnesia, iron and other metals in the form of salts; chlorides, sulphates, carbonates, phosphates, &c.; and mingled with these are the principles of the secretions and organic substances, of which the most important, from their quantity, are fibrine, 2-5 parts in 1000, and albumen 69 to 70 in 1000. The blood owes its colour to the red corpuscles, which are themselves coloured by a substance which De Blainville has named hematosine, and which contains 7 parts in i oo of iron. These corpuscles are round flattened disks of *oo6 to '007 of a millimetre in diameter, and a thickness of '002 milli- metre. Under the microscope they appear grouped together without order, or piled one upon another like pieces of money, and are of a red colour in reflected light. The white corpuscles are smooth, spherical, of a yellowish-white colour in a reflected light, and from '008 to "014 of a millimetre in diameter. The colour of the blood is a beautiful crimson red in the arteries, but of a darker colour in the veins. We shall have occasion to examine it from this point of view in treating of the circulation. When blood which has been drawn is allowed to stand in the vessel, it separates into two distinct parts : the one, semi- solid, is called the crassamentum the clot; the other fluid, is called serum. The clot is the coagulated fibrine which carries with it the red globules which were held in suspension in the blood. When the coagulation is delayed, these glob- ules, being heavier than the other portions of the blood, fall toward the lower part of the vessel; and the fibrine, freed from them, coagulates and retains its own proper colour, and the clot is composed of two layers the superficial layer is of a grayish or white colour and semi-transparent, and is termed the "buffy coat." It is formed of pure fibrine mingled with the white globules; the other is composed of fibrine and of the red globules which give it its colour. The serum is a transparent, greenish-yellow fluid, sometimes a little whitened by minute fatty specks; from which circumstance, and from some other points of analogy between them, it has 6 THE HUMAN BODY. been called the whey. It is a little less dense than the clot, and contains among other principles a great deal of albumen. The serum is the plasma without the fibrine. The chyle is a white opaque fluid closely resembling milk, which is separated from the food during the process of diges- tion, and is drawn by the chyliferous vessels from the surface of the smaller intestine, and serves to form the blood. As it advances toward the point where it mingles with the blood, it resembles this fluid more and more in its composition; it takes a roseate tint, and, if left to itself, it separates into fibrinous clot and albuminous serum. The lymph is a clear, transparent fluid, slightly tinted with green or yellow. Drawn from the organs by the lymph- atic vessels, and especially from the skin and the surface of the mucous and serous membranes, the lymph is poured into the mass of blood by two principal canals. Like the chyle it contains white globules and minute specks of fat. When extracted from the lymphatic vessels, it also separates into fibrinous clot and serum, containing a little albumen. We see therefore that chyle and lymph are imperfect blood. The chyle leaves the digestive apparatus in a crude state, and goes to the blood-making laboratories for its perfection. The lymph comes from the extreme limits of the organs to these same laboratories, and, uniting with the chyle, is poured into the blood the constituent fluid par excellence. The secreted fluids or secretions are produced by special apparatus from the materials furnished by the constituent fluids. They differ from these last in being only a medium for the elements which they hold in suspension, these elements not being essential to them, as the globules are to the blood, for example. They all contain one or several organic fluid substances, to the nature of which the secreted fluid owes its essential properties. These humours are very numerous, and play a very distinct part in the human economy. They are normal or morbid, as they owe their origin to the regular function of the organs or are modified by the action of disease. We shall mention only milk, which resembles the blood by composed largely of serum, and which cannot be CHYME TISSUES. 7 replaced by any substance for the alimentation in the first stages of infancy; the aqueous and vitreous humours of the eye, the synovia which bathes and lubricates articulated sur- faces, the tears, and the saliva, which we shall see later takes a part in digestion, and in which Mons. Longet has shown the existence of minute and therefore harmless proportions of sulpha-cyanide of potassium, one of the most virulent poisons. In popular language the term humour is applied exclusively to the purulent fluids, morbid products which differ in some particulars according to the conditions under and the organs in which they are formed. It is unfortunate that they should monopolize a term which belongs to all the organic fluids. We shall merely point out the intermediate products, among which figures the chyme, a semi fluid substance formed in the stomach during digestion, and the excretions which the system rejects, after having separated from them nearly all assimil- able principles. The tissues are the solid parts of the body, formed of anatomical elements either bound together or simply in juxtaposition. The tissues are classed according to the elements peculiar to them, according to their texture, that is to say the mode in which these elements are arranged; and according to their essential properties, which are either physico-chemical, such as consistence, extensibility, retrac- tility, elasticity, and hygrometricity, or organic, like the properties of absorption, of secretion, of development, of regeneration, of contractility, and of innervation. These properties are variable according to the tissues, which are more or less tenacious, more or less extensible, and so forth. Or they are peculiar to certain tissues, and independent, for a tissue may be retractile and not extensible or elastic, and vice versa. Constituent tissues are those which, composed of the fundamental elements, fibre, cell, and tube, form the essential organism. Produced tissues are those which eman- ate from the first, and may be detached from them without destroying them, and are only accessory or complementary parts. These products are normal or morbid, according to their nature and substance. THE HUMAN BODY. Air.ong the numerous tissues which exist in the economy we cite the following: Fig. 2. Bony tissue as seen with the naked eye. Fig- 3- Osseous and cartilaginous tissues as seen through the microscope. A, Cells of cartilaginous tissue. B, Section of a canal of Havers, showing the disposition of the s tarty cells in the substance of a bone. C, Starry cells magnified. Osseous or bony tissue, which is composed principally of an anatomical element called osteoplasm. It is compact in CELLULAR, ADIPOSE, MUSCULAR TISSUE. some parts of the bones, and spongy in others. This tissue is traversed by infinitely ramified conduits, called the canals of Havers, which contain the blood-vessels and the medullary substance or marrow. Cartilaginous and fibre-cartilaginous tissue. Cellular or connective tissue, more exactly named laminated tissue, formed of laminated fibres, long, flattened, undulated filaments in bundles, and of fibres appertaining to elastic tissue. In nearly every part of the body this substance fills the spaces between the tissues or between the bundles of the fibres of which they are made up : on the surface of the body and of its cavities, and around the organs, it is disposed in enveloping membranes. Adipose tissue is formed of cells or vesicles containing fat. It is never found except in the cellular tissue and at the points where this last is least dense. These two tissues united are com- monly designated by the term fat, or fatty layer, but they are distinct notwithstanding, and neither wasting nor increase of fat causes any change in the mass of the cellular tissue, but only in the quantity of fat contained ,-,. ; "_ J _. . Fig. 4. Laminated fibres in the 111 the Cells Of the adipose tiSSUe. first stage of development. Epithelial tissue has for its ana- tomical elements, cells or free nuclei, which form by juxta- position either a very thin single layer, or several superposed layers. It is of this tissue that the epidermis and the epithelium, a kind of internal epidermis, are essentially com- posed. Muscular tissue. This constitutes the muscles, or. the flesh, properly speaking. It is composed of elements called muscular fibres, which are of two sorts, the smooth, formed of fibre-cells, and the striped, formed of bundles of fibrils. The fibrils are the fundamental element of the muscular tissue; their primitive microscopic bundles unite in secon- dary bundles visible to the naked eye, and are known in 10 THE HUMAN BODY. descriptive anatomy under the name of fibres of the muscles. The fibrils are contractile but not elastic, and their primitive bundles have a homogeneous envelope of elastic but not contractile tissue called sarcolemma. Fibrous tissue has the same ele- ments as the cellular tissue, united in compact bundles visible to the naked eye, strongly adherent among themselves, and interlaced in every direction. Fibrous tissue is found especially in the articulating and inter- osseous ligaments and in certain en- veloping membranes, as the sclerotic, for example, which forms the white of the eye. Tendinous and aponeurotic tissue is made up of a variety of very thin laminated fibres, with puckered edges, undulated and adhering directly at one extremity to the sarcolemma of the striped muscular fascicles, and to the osseous substance at the other. These fibres unite in little flattened polyhedral bundles, from 'ooi to "002 of a millimetre in breadth, from which the tendons and aponeuroses, which are of a tendinous nature, are formed. Tendinous tissue is in extensible lengthwise, and inelastic. Nervous tissue is essentially formed of tubes, which are large and small. They have homogeneous, thin, trans- parent walls, and contain a viscous, fatty fluid, which is the medullary substance or the whitr substance of Schwann, in which there is a sort of stem the axis-cylinder. In the spinal marrow and in the brain the walls of the tube are wanting, and only the medullary sub- stance and the axis-cylinder remain. As we approach the outside of the body we find, on the contrary, that the tubes Fig. 5. Striped muscular tis- sue as seen under the microscope. A, Fibril deprived of the sar- colemma, to show the disks of which it is composed. A', One of these disks. B, Several fibres less magni- fied. NERVE-TISSUE. II become more homogeneous in structure, until at their ex- tremity they are reduced to a filament in which the walls, the Fig. 6. Nervous tissue seen under the microscope. a. b, SpJierical nerve-cells. c, Bi-polar cell. />, Multi-polar cells. h, Cells of the ganglia and nen>e-jib*'es. i, Nerve-tube and axis-cylinder. k, Termination of a nerve-fibre in an organ. cylindrical axis, and medullary substance are not distinguish- able At certain points of the nervous system the tubes differ anatomically, according as they belong to the nerves of sensation or the nerves of motion. Other elements also are found in the nervous tissue (he ganglionic cells or corpuscles* and the fibres of Remak. The ganglionic corpuscles , so called because they are found in the substance of the ganglia, receive the sensitive tubes as they come from the brain or spinal marrow. These tubes unite with the walls of the corpuscle at one of the points or poles of its periphery, and emerge from it at the opposite pole. 12 THE HUMAN BODY. The ganglionic corpuscles are divided into bi-polar or multi-polar, according as they receive one or several tubes. Fig. 7.- A nerve and its ramifications seen by the naked eye. The fibres of Remak appear to be one of the constituent elements of the filaments of the nerves of motion. CHAPTER IT. Form of the body its beauty. The master-pieces which it has inspired. Description of the skin its functions. Nature, in modelling animals, has marvellously adapted their forms to the functions and to the mode of life to which .she has destined them; but no creature has received in the same degree as man, that mingling of strength and of elegance in contour, of grandeur and delicacy in the lines, and in no other has she taken such care to distinguish the two sexes in bestowing upon them her most precious gifts. It is of the human race alone that BufTon could say: "Man has strength and majesty; beauty and the graces are the dowry of the other sex." The fabulist, using the poet's privilege, makes the lion say ''Lions might hold the upper hand, If they but had the art to paint." Doubtless in comparing himself with certain animals, man cannot ignore his inferiority in muscular strength and in the arms which nature has given him; but what matters it? He feels his superiority to these beings, though they are stronger and better armed than he. He knows how to avoid their attacks and to triumph over their brute force. He constrains them to his service, and disposes of their lives and of their bodies, by obeying not a blind instinct but the voice of reason. If he believes himself first among the dwellers on his planet, it is not his vanity which persuades, but his intelligence that proves it to him, and gives him the right to treat all other creatures as their master. We admire the majestic bearing of a tree, the elegance of 14 THE HUMAN BODY. a flower, the plumage and flight of a bird, the stately tread of some huge mammal, but nothing impresses us so much as the human form. It is not from sympathy with beings of our own species that we find them more beautiful; the judgment that we pronounce upon their beauty is not due to the inclination of one sex to the other; this sympathy and this inclination are common to most of the superior animals, but man alone appreciates the difference between individuals as between species; it belongs to him only to class them according to their merits, and to distinguish perfection from deformity ; he alone possesses the sentiment of the beautiful, that faculty which permits him to admire the Creator in his works, and givqs him the right to place himself in the first rank of animated beings. The plastic arts receive their most elevated inspirations from the human form, and it is to the efforts of painters and sculptors to reproduce it in its perfection that we owe the treasures of our museums. It is often said of these master-pieces that they are the ideal of beauty, but we are not to understand from that something superior to nature itself. The artist may appreciate the relative beauty of the models which offer themselves to his eyes, but in ceasing to follow nature and in endeavouring to become her superior, he could only bring forth an imaginary product, a monstrosity. Ana- tomy, should be his first study; if he forgets its precepts he becomes incorrect, like the musician who offends against the laws of harmony. The ideal is not therefore a forin more perfect, it is the perfection of the natural form itself which the arlist strives to attain, either by drawing inspiration from a single model, or by uniting in a single figure all the details which he has borrowed from different individuals. Far from seeking to surpass nature he feels that his hand is powerless to render completely the impression which his practised eye receives. Within certain limits he may nevertheless exaggerate or weaken some detail of form, and that too without ceasing to imitate nature, who shows him in this manner how he may embody the character and the physiognomy. The painter and the sculptor therefore may rightly allow themselves a certain latitude in lines and proportions; it is a poetical Fig. 8.- Apollo BjlvcAere, Fig. 9. The Venus of Milo. THE HUMAN FORM SKIN. 19 license, analogous to that which allows a musician to obtain grand effects by momentary discords. To us then it seems that in questions of this nature the critic should proceed with a great deal of reserve. The right of the anatomist to point out an irregularity cannot be contested, and the artist should be warned that to genius alone can such be permitted ; but even if we admit that all the criticisms addressed to painting or to sculpture in the name of the natural sciences are well founded, who could, in the presence of a master-piece, obstinately dwell upon a fault of detail? As regards the inspiration drawn from the human form, the beauty of Raphael's Madonnas and the admirable paintings, of the Venetians impress us perhaps still more than statuary. Under the pencil of the great masters it is man himself that we see. What is more beautiful than the "Vierge a la Chaise," or than that "Violante" painted by Giorgione, of which Venice formerly possessed the glowing figure? In sculpture the form alone is seen, painting adds the illusion of colour and the transparency of tone; the figures of the statuary have exactness in movement and flexibility of form, the painter vitalizes his creations, gives light and life to the eye, and makes the blood circulate through the skin, which he seems to steal from the living model. The skin is a membraneous tissue, resistant and flexible, varying in density and thickness according to locality, which covers the whole body and completes the form by softening the contours. It adheres to, and is intimately united with, the subcutaneous cellular tissue by fibrous prolongations. At some points it receives aponeurotic insertions, as in the palm of the hand and the sole of the foot; at others, as on the neck, for instance, the muscular fibres are attached to the skin, and mingle with the fibres of its deeper layer. There are folds in the skin, sometimes temporary and ai others constant, which result from the flexion of the parts or from the contraction of the muscles, becoming more marked with age, and more or less numerous and profound as the subject is inclined to leanness or to obesity. The skin slides over the organs within certain variable 26 THE HUMAN BODY. limits, according as the cellular tissue which it carries with it is more or less relaxed, and as it is itself thick or thin. Thus it is movable on the back of the hand and top of the foot, on the front of the neck and on the surface of the joints; it is almost immovable on the cranium, on the palm of the hand, and on the sole of the foot. Elastic, very extensible, and very resistant, it sustains, without being torn, violent shocks and great compression; as in certain wounds by firearms, for instance, the projectile will penetrate the clothing to the skin, and injure the organs which it covers without itself being broken. The skin is the organ of feeling, its surface is endowed with a sensibility which becomes extremely delicate at several points. Being constantly in more or less intimate contact with the atmosphere, it transmits to the economy the influ- ence of external agents ; and it is partly by its tissues that the fluids and gases are eliminated, which have done their office, and are to be thrown off as the ultimate and abandoned products of nutrition. This function of continual exhalation makes the skin the regulator of the temperature of the body. When the tern-, perature of the organism is elevated either by motion or any other internal or external cause, the sweat immediately appears, and the cooling or loss of heat caused by its evapo- ration reduces the temperature to its normal standard. Lavoisier was the first who clearly explained this function, so important from its utility, and from the serious conse- quences which result from its disturbance. Almost entirely deprived of the covering which nature has given to animals, the colour of the human skin exhibits the richest and greatest variety of shades. This colour is inces- santly modified by the sensations, the movements, by moral or physical emotions; and the transparency of its tissues give as much delicacy as vigour to the tones which animate it; it is not, as in the plumage of birds or in the shells of molluscs, an assemblage of brilliant colours, often without transition, but it is a blending at once the most harmonious and the most striking; it is light in its softest changes, w its most dazzling splendour. THE SKIN -EPIDERMIS. 21 On examining the thickness of the skin, we first find on the surface a thin transparent membrane, a sort of organic varnish, designed to receive the contact of the air and of external objects. This is the epidermis. Elastic and very Fig. io. The Skin. A. Section of skin under the microscope. a b. Superficial and deep layers of epidermis. c. Dermis true skin. (/. Fatty areas of the deeper portions of the dermis. d. Muscular layer subjacent to t)ie skin. t e' . Sweat glands and ducts. f. Hair-follicle and sebaceous gland. B. Hair seen under the microscope. flexible, it lends itself to every movement of the skin, pro- tecting its exquisite sensibility and modifying its property of rapidly absorbing gases and soluble bodies. Although this membrane is so thin, we can discover a superficial or horny layer and two deeper layers. The first, the true epidermis, thickens and becomes callous under the influence of rubbing or pressure, as for instance on . the heel. The other two layers are the mucous network of Malpighi and the pigmentary layer. It is in the substance of this last especially that the//w/z/, the colouring matter of the skin, is developed. 22 THE HUMAN BODY. It is a black or brownish substance, more or less abundant according to the region of the body, individual, or race, but constantly existing in normal conditions, alike in Europeans and in the people of Soudan and Australia. The presence of this pigment and its unequal distribution contribute to the variety of complexion exhibited in the white race. Under the pigmentary layer is the dermis, the thickest and most resistant part of the skin ; it is white, semi-transparent, and is composed of fibres of cellular tissue, fasciculated and very dense; of elastic fibres, ramified and disposed in net- work ; and of contractile fibre cells. Immediately under the epidermis the surface of the dermis is covered with papilla, little conical or rounded elevations formed by the extremities of the nerves and vessels, which are divided into nervous papillae and vascular papillae. Each nervous papilla is surmounted by an organ, which from its function and its microscopic dimensions is called a tactile corpuscle or corpuscle of touch. They are much less numerous than the other papillae, and are not found everywhere on the skin. They are seen on the palm of the hand and on the lateral and palmar surfaces of the fingers, on the sole of the foot, on the tongue, the lips, and some other points. The epidermis follows exactly the shape of these papillae, and thus forms, in tracing the furrows which separate them, those graceful meandering lines and elegant curves which we see especially on the palm of the hand. Very dense at its thickest portion, the structure of the dermis grows more relaxed on approaching its lower face, and forms spaces or areolae in which adipose tissue is developed, and at last it intimately unites itself to the subcutaneous cellular tissue, from which the dermis receives, and to which it sends, fibrous prolonga- tions. Gratiolet is inclined to admit that these so-called nervous papillae are almost entirely wanting in nerves. He compares them to little keys, so to speak, pressing lightly on a very sensitive surface; and leaving there only very limited impres- sions. Other connections also exist between the tegument and the subcutaneous cellular tissue: these are the nerves and SWEAT-FOLLICLES SEBACEOUS GLANDS. 23 the lymphatics and blood-vessels, which arise from the skin or terminate in it ; and the follicles or glands, which are situated in the substance of the dermis, according to most authors, but in the subcutaneous adipose tissue, according to Robin. These send the product of their secretions by special ducts to the epidermis. These ducts traverse the substance of the skin sometimes in straight and sometimes in twisted lines, and give passage, some to hairs, to the beard and to products of this nature which are formed in the bulb of the hair-follicles ; and others, to the secretions of the swsat-follicles and the sebaceous glands. The orifices of the sweat-follicles, situated at the base of the papillae, exhale the secretion in the form of insensible perspiration, or in the form of little drops on the surface of the skin. Those of the sebaceous glands open, some into the hair-ducts, and others on the surface of the epidermis, and furnish to that membrane and its dependencies a fatty substance which seems to be designed to preserve the softness of the skin, and to protect it from injury or change from the sweat; we find them therefore in the greatest abundance at those points where the transpiration is most active. Of these glands and follicles of which the microscope shows us the details, some attain the size of a grain of millet, but most of them hardly reach a millimetre in diameter. Their orifices are on the surface of the epidermis, a point long disputed, but now admitted by anatomists. But these orifices are not what were formerly denominated pores. It was supposed that there were gaps or spaces in the skin analogous to those in a sieve, and that the cutaneous secre- tions issued from these gaps; but neither in the epidermis nor in the skin are there any such gaps, and it will be seen from the preceding description wherein the doctrines of the ancients differ from, and wherein they resemble, those of our own day. The epidermis is regarded by anatomists as impermeable, and yet experiment proves that even the perfect skin allows gases and fluids to penetrate the organism. If we do not admit that this absorption takes place through orifices at the surface of the epidermis, and if we suppose it to take 24 THE HUMAN BODY. place by imbibition or endosmosis, it is plain that the skin is permeable, at least under certain conditions. But it is not equally so throughout its whole extent; the thicker the epidermis the slower and more difficult is the absorption ; in short, the skin, like all the other tissues, absorbs certain sub- stances to the exclusion of others. We shall have occasion to discuss these phenomena in treating of absorption. After enveloping the body, the skin folds back upon the openings which give access to its cavities, and modifying its nature, becomes, under the name of the mucous membrane, an internal skin, analogous, as we shall see further on, to the external skin in its structure, its functions, and in the intimate connection which is established by their reciprocal influence and unity. CHAPTER III. Structure of the body. Bones, cartilages, joints Muscles, tendons, aponeuroses. Bones. The bones are the framework of the human body. They are formed of a hard and extremely resistant tissue, and they surround more or less completely with solid walls the cavities containing delicate organs; they provide attachments and support for the soft parts, and furnish a fulcrum for the movements of the body; and lastly, by their resistance they permanently maintain the propor- tions between its different parts. The osseous substance is composed of calcareous salts phosphate or carbonate of lime intimately combined with organic principles, the decomposition of which produces gelatine. If the bone is immersed for a length of time in hydro- chloric acid, the calcareous matter will be dissolved, and the isolated gelatine will retain perfectly the form of the bone; and in the same manner if the gelatine be destroyed by combustion, the lime which remains will show the normal form and dimensions of the bone. In a gelatinous state the bone is soft and flexible; in the calcareous state it is hard, rigid, and brittle ; in a normal condition each of these con- stituent substances serves as a corrective to the other; and their properties united give to bone its solidity and its elastic resistance. In the osseous tissues, as in all those of the body, we re- cognize a movement of composition and of decomposition, of molecules assimilated and again rejected after a certain time; but in none of the organs so well as in the bones has it 26 THE HUMAN BODY. been possible to demonstrate this double movement of nutri- tion. If we mingle madder with the food of an animal, the bones soon become red, and they regain their original colour when the colouring matter ceases to form part of the food. Or, more conclusive still, if the madder be given for a while and then omitted, and after a time be again given, the bones show a white layer between two red ones, which proves that they grow from the circumference toward the centre, by the ossification of the deepest layers of the periosteum. The bones are divided according to their form into long, flat, and short bones. The long bones, which are first and most rapidly developed, are more dense in the middle or body of the bone than at their extremities. This body is formed principally of a compact bark or rind of ivory-like tissue, and is pierced throughout its length by the medullary canal; the extremities are composed of spongy tissue en- veloped by a thin layer of ivory tissue. The long bones combine to form the limbs and the thorax; designed to serve as levers or columns, they are twisted on their axes or bent so as to offer the greatest possible resistance in exert- ing a force or supporting a weight. The flat bones form the walls of the cavities of the cranium, of the chest, and of the pelvis; they are thinner in the middle than at the edges, and are composed of two leaves or tables of ivory tissue resting upon and confounded with each other at some points, and separated at others by a layer of spongy tissue. The short bones are very irregular in form and difficult to describe; very spongy in texture and relatively light. They develop later and more slowly than the others, and they are placed in groups in parts of -the body where the bony frame must possess a limited power of motion,- and yet be very firm, as in the foot, in the hand, and in the spinal column. There are 198 bones in the human skeleton when it has reached its perfect development. On the surface of the bones, and especially at the extremities of the long ones, there are prolongations of different forms, designed either to join the bones together, or to serve for the attachment and insertion of muscles or ligaments. These prolongations are Fig. it. Skeleton. EPIPHYSIS PERIOSTEUM CARTILAGE. 29 the apophyses, which are distinguished by anatomists by names suggested by their position, by their use, or borrowed from objects of which they recall more or less exactly the form. The body of the long bones and the central part of the large bones are developed % before the extremities and the edges. The extremities of the long bones are cartilaginous in early life, their articulating surfaces are formed of cartilage adherent to, but not continuous with, the bone to which it belongs. This is the epiphysis, which afterward becomes ossified, but is not perfectly united to the bone till about the age of twenty. Some of the large bones also present epiphyses on their edges or borders. A white fibrous membrane, resistant in youth and reduced to a thin layer of cellular tissue in the adult and aged, which is called the periosteum, envelops every part of the bones, except where they are covered with cartilage and where the tendons and ligaments are attached. The periosteum adheres closely to the bone, and distributes a network of vessels through its substance. Recent surgical investigations have shown that the periosteum plays an important part in the partial reproduction of the bone after certain operations. Cartilage. To the bony system belong the cartilages, which are formed of what might be termed tissue in a state of transition between fibrous and bony substance. This tissue, homogeneous in true cartilage, mingled with fibrous substance in the fibre-cartilaginous parts, is elastic and flexible, and in colour either yellowish or pearl-white. The cartilages unite the bones at those points where, as in the chest, the bony frame must yield to expansive movements; they furnish a flexible skeleton to certain organs, as the external ear, for example, the nose, the eyelids, and the larynx; and lastly, they play an important part in the joints. No part of the organism shows more clearly than the bony system the care which nature has taken to provide during infancy the gifts of which she is so prodigal in maturity, and which she withdraws little by little in old age. During in- fancy, when protected by maternal care and when the growth should be rapid, the gelatine predominates in the bones; 30 THE HUMAN BODY. they are flexible and have only a resistant power propor- tionate to the movements and efforts of infancy; it is the branch full of sap, but of which the woody portion is not yet developed. In youth, as the muscular power augments, the bones gradually become more solid; the extremities, at first cartilaginous, become ossified; the epiphyses unite with the body of the bone; and the articulating cartilages gain more consistence. In the adult at last the bones are complete. They are able to resist the muscular efforts of maturity, and perform their functions perfectly, like all other parts of the organism which are fully developed. But age approaches, the strength decreases, nutrition falls off, the bones become more solid, their power of resistance lessens, the medullary canal enlarges, the proportion of calcareous salts in the osseous substance augments, the bones are harder but they are also more brittle. Thus, as each phenomenon of life is linked with every other, we find the bones of a child quickly and easily restored if broken; in the adult the process may be longer, but is generally easy and complete; in the old man the reunion of the fragments takes place slowly, and sometimes cannot be effected at all. The deli- cate twig, which afterwards became a vigorous branch, is now dry and destined to speedy decomposition. Joints. The bones are attached to each other, either by their extremities or their sides, in such a manner as to per- mit freedom of motion to a greater or less extent between the different parts of the skeleton and of the body. Held together by a sort of cog-wheel system, by the fitting of a projection into an appropriate cavity, or by juxtaposition, they are maintained in connection either by the reciprocal attachments of these projections, or by envelopes the articular capsules and by ligaments, constant in their nature, but varying in form and disposition, according to the dif- ferent movements which they are designed to permit and insure. This assemblage, this connection of the bones, is termed a joint. Joints are classed according to the form of the articulating surfaces, and according to the extent and variety of the movements produced by them. The bones of the SUTURES VARIETY OF FORM IN JOINTS. 31 skull are attached by the notches on their edges; these are termed the sutures of the skull. They ossify with age, and may be considered temporary joints, or rather a transition between the separation of the bones and their unification. The other joints, on the contrary, are permanent, and de- signed to leave to the bones which they unite a mobility which continues during life. In some of the joints the surfaces are nearly plane or flat; others present projections with corresponding depressions; sometimes there is a segment of a spheroid upon which the cavity which receives it moulds itself; sometimes a cylinder which turns upon its axis in a ring, or a pulley-groove around which slides an apophysis, or a mortise in which a tenon is set. Here, as in all the works of nature, we admire the inex- haustible variety of form and of mechanism. Doubtless there exists between certain articulations resemblances which per- mit them to be classed together; but all are as distinct as the bones which they unite, and like them present diversity of character. Separately considered they astonish us no less by the multiplicity of detail in their mechanism, whether we examine the most complex or those whose surfaces pre- sent the least irregularity. In fact we nowhere mid a uniform plan, and the projections as well as the depressions are curved in the most capricious manner. These details of the general outline belong to no precise geometrical form ; they are neither cubes nor spheres, neither cylinders, cones, nor pyramids, although in anatomical language these terms are applied to them. There is an assem- blage in the same apophysis, or in the same cavity, of curved surfaces borrowed from the most widely differing solids, united under angles the most varied, and modelled on sinu- osities which defy geometrical description. In addition to these distinctive characters of the joints, we may mention others which are common to them all. All the joints have cartilages covering the bones which form them; all are kept together by special ligaments, and are lined with a sy no vial membrane, whose functions we shall subsequently describe. 32 THE HUMAN BODY. The polish on the articular cartilages facilitates their sliding over each other, and lessens the friction of the bony ex- tremities, while their elasticity diminishes the pressure and deadens the shocks to which the joints are subject. The thickness of these cartilages is proportioned to the motion and the pressure which they are designed to support, and it is greatest at the centre of the convexity of protuberances and on the borders of cavities. The articular cartilages never ossify, differing in this respect from those which, as in the thorax for example, maintain continuity and play the part of flexible bones. These last are ossifying cartilages. The others differing in structure, being without vessels, have been compared to the enamel on the teeth. In fact, they are composed, like that enamel and some other analogous productions, of an almost inorganic substance, and mechani- cal injuries are the only ones which they have to fear. Wherever in the organism surfaces move over each other, they are covered with a membrane which secretes a fluid, differing in quality according as there is a sliding or rubbing of the organs. In the interior of the joints the membranes are termed synovial membranes, and secrete a fluid called synovia, because its physical characters resemble those of the white of an egg. The synovia is to the joints what oil is to the wheels of a machine; incessantly poured out upon the surfaces, it lubricates them, and renders the movement, already so easy owing to the polish of the cartilages, still more so; it increases the suppleness and elasticity of these last, which if they were not supplied with this oily fluid would soon be worn out, and motion would be impossible. This sometimes results from certain diseases, and sometimes also in old age. We have said that the joints are united by ligaments. This term is applied to the bands or membranes com- posed of fibrous tissue, flexible and inextensible. The liga- ments, which are in the form of bands, are sometimes parallel and sometimes interlaced, and placed either between the articular surfaces or around them. In the latter case their internal face is covered with intimately adherent synovial membrane. The ligaments are attached to the bones at a CAPSULAR LIGAMENTS. 33 greater or less distance from the articular cartilage, and they adhere so strongly that it is easier to break the bone or the ligament than to tear it from the spot where it is planted. The membranous ligaments capsulary ligaments or fibrous capsules are like a circular band of which the two openings are fastened to the bones which they unite. The fibrous pads or cushions which run round the circumference of cer- tain articular cavities are also considered as ligaments. They increase the depth of these cavities, and give greater Fig. 12. Elbow-joint. A. H-umerus. B. Ulna. C. Radius. solidity to their borders, upon which the osseous extremity received there exerts considerable pressure. Such is the assemblage of apparatus comprised in the joints. The most perfect machine which man has ever been able to construct bears no comparison to the admirable mechanism of which we have just endeavoured to give a general idea, in the precision, delicacy, and variety of their organs or of their movements. Even in their most com- plicated parts, machines invented by man offer nothing but 34 THE HUMAN .BODY. a simple mathematical precision, impossible to mistake, be- cause all the surfaces are conceived and traced out geometri- cally. In the joints, on the contrary, all the lines and surfaces .are vague and uncertain; and when we examine an articular extremity, the inferior extremity of the humerus for example, we shall at first be tempted to believe that the unsymmetrical projections and depressions, the incomplete grooves, and the undefmable irregularity of the whole, belong to a work spoiled or modelled at hazard by a confused mind; but on seeing the action of the elbow-joint when laid open by the anatomist, we discover that it is to this very irregularity of the bony extremities, to the multiplicity of detail, to the absence of symmetry, and to the more or less limited extent of their articulating surfaces, that the variety of movement is due, and we cannot sufficiently admire this assemblage, so complex, but yet so justly calculated to give to the move- ments of the fore-arm the greatest precision, strength, and rapidity, and to combine these movements with those of the arm and the hand. And if we pass from the most mobile of these joints to those not at all or only slightly movable, the perfect coapta- tion of their surfaces, their powerful methods of union, the unity of movement of the bones, whether they take part in the motion or serve only as fulcrums, all seem to be as simple as possible in function, although the whole as well as the details presents the most delicate application of the laws of mechanics and statics. We may add that here as well as everywhere in the study of the works of nature, we see the organs develop themselves from the embryonic state to that of perfection, under the influence and in the exercise of their functions. . But leaving out the inimitable results produced by life in natural creations, and considering them as inor- ganic bodies, the mechanism of the joints leaves far behind all the most ingenious productions of art or science. The distance appears to us greater still when, instead of a combination of surfaces and the method of their union, we .study, the action of the muscles and the transformations which are incessantly taking place in the organs of digestion and. respiration. In unveiling a part of these mysteries to MUSCLES. 35 man, the progress of science only increases his admiration. What would it be if life, that force of which he is conscious, and which he shares with all organized beings, should cease to be to him an impenetrable secret! Muscles. United by the joints, the bones of the skeleton, taken as a whole, approach the form of the body. But in order to put these bones in motion, and to bring these joints into play, we must call to our aid an external force. By itself, if we may be per- mitted a very familiar comparison, the skeleton is a puppet of which the different parts are put in motion by threads. The threads by which the skeleton is moved are the muscles. The name muscles is given to the masses of red tissue which constitute the flesh. We have already described the ele- ments of the muscular tissue; how the primitive microscopic bundles, united into secondary ones', become muscular or fleshy fibres easily dis- tinguished by the naked eye. These fibres are parallel or divergent ac- cording to the muscle, and assume different forms. Sometimes it is that of a ribbon (sartorius, sterno- hyoid, &c.); sometimes a broad web-like tissue of a texture more or less firm, like the transverse muscles of the abdomen; in one region the muscle, swollen in the centre, and drawn out like a thread at the ends, resembles a spindle in form (biceps, straight muscle of the thigh); in another it is fan-shaped (temporal, obturator), or like a ring (orbicular muscle of the lips and eyes) ; or the fibres converge like the radii of a circle (the diaphragm); or are disposed in parallel lines like Fig. 13. Biceps muscle of the arm. A. Body of the muscle. B. B. Superior tendons. C. Inferior tendons. 36 THE HUMAN BODY. the feathers of a pen (extensor muscles of fingers). Lastly, certain organs, the heart for example, are nothing but muscle, or rather an assemblage of muscles intimately united. The muscles determine the form and volume of the body, and especially of the limbs. The outline depends upon their projection, and changes incessantly as they are in action or in repose. They are disposed in layers, deep or superficial, and united in groups or separated by sheaths and mem- branous partitions. Their colour varies from deep red to pale rose, 'according to the region of the body they occupy, age, sex, the constitution and richness of the blood. The stronger the muscle the redder it is, and it becomes still brighter under the influence of exercise. The muscles of the human body number about 350, and they are distinguished by names suggested by their form, their locality, their functions, or their attachments. Some are fixed to the skin, as several of the muscles of the face ; others to muscles in their vicinity, as in the face and tongue; others still to the cartilages, but the largest number to the bones by means of the tendons or the aponeuroses, of which we proceed to speak. Tendons, aponeuroses. In most of the muscles we can dis- tinguish a fleshy portion, which is essentially the muscle, and a fibrous portion, which is called either tendon or aponeurosis according to its form. The tendons are fibrous cords of variable length, rounded or flattened, of a pearl-white colour, attached to the bones by one of their extremities and united to muscular fibres by the other. The aponeuroses are nothing but large thin tendons, a kind of fibrous web or band which accompanies the muscles, separating them by partitions or enveloping and uniting them in bundles. The tendinous fibres are generally developed in the substance of the fleshy part of the muscle, or on the surface, which they cover to a certain extent. In the first instance they are inclosed, as it were, by the muscle; in the second, they envelop it like a sheath. This reciprocity gives great solidity to the whole. The muscles and tendons are united together by the direct adherence of the extremities of their fibres, which takes place TENDONS, APONEUROSES. 37 in right lines ; or by the insertion of the fleshy fibres at some point in the length of the tendon, at various angles, but never exceeding 45 degrees. Such is the force of this adhesion between the two tissues that rarely if ever does external violence or the greatest effort succeed in overcoming it, the tendon or the muscle breaks before separating at their points of union. We have already pointed out, in speaking of the articular ligaments, the remarkable fact that the adhe- sion of two organic tissues is strong- er than the cohesion of either of the respective tissues. The tendons and the aponeur- oses, though very flexible, are en- tirely inextensible, and offer there- fore great resistance to force applied to their length. This is one of the conditions necessary for the part which they play in uniting the organ of motion and the object to be moved. Like the ossifying cartilages, the tendons may be considered as a transition tissue. They partially ossify with age at their points of insertion into the bones, but they are never entirely transformed in the human race, as in some animals, the Gallinaceae for example, into a bony trunk. Suppleness and variety of movement would not accord with this transforma- tion; and among the differential marks which Plato might have added to his famous definition of man, this would have sufficed to prevent Diogenes from saying, as he exhibited the cock stripped of its feathers, "Behold Plato's man!" A relatively slender tendon suffices to transmit a motive force developed by a certain amount of contractile fibre, and the fleshy portion of the muscles far surpasses in volume the tendons and the aponeuroses. If the muscular fibres attached themselves directly to the bones the surface of the bones Fig. 14. Lower portion of the leg. A. Tendon of Achilles. 38 THE HUMAN BODY. would not be sufficient to supply space for them ; this direct attachment to large surfaces is confined to a few only, the others being attached by their aponeuroses or tendons to limited spaces. The muscles are at the same time contractile and exten- sible. The muscle shortens by contraction and increases in thickness at the same time that its' length diminishes; in .repose it is soft and yielding to touch, in contracting it becomes hard and resistant. These successive changes are easily demonstrated by applying the hand to the course, of a superficial muscle, on the front of the arm for example, on the biceps. When the fore-arm is extended it projects but slightly and yields to pressure; it swells, on the contrary, becomes resistant, and forms a marked protuberance, when contracting in order to flex the fore-arm. The contraction of a muscle may also take place without its being shortened. When, for example, the fore-arm is extended upon the arm, if the extensors oppose the flexion by contracting, the biceps and anterior brachial, both flexor- muscles, may contract without their ends approaching each other. Glisson, Borelli, and other anatomists have supposed that the muscle increases in volume during contraction; but further experiment, confirmed also by those of Provost and Dumas, has demonstrated that it gains in thickness only what it loses in length, and that there is no change in the absolute volume. In contracting, the muscular fibres become tortuous and wavy, wrinkles are formed on the surface, a sort of trembling pervades the whole mass, and its temperature is raised. Becquerel and Breschet have observed this increase to reach half a degree centigrade. To the contraction of certain muscles must correspond the inertia or even lengthening of the antagonistic muscles, as for instance when the fore-arm is flexed upon the arm or the leg upon the thigh, the extensors of the fore-arm and of the leg take part in the movement and lengthen by means of their extensibility. In like manner the muscular texture which forms the walls of certain organs, as of the stomach and intestines, is expanded by the fluids and the aliments, or by MUSCLES, THEIR ACTION. 39 the gases which are developed in them. The flute-player of antiquity kept his cheeks distended by means of a leather strap. Thus there is a constant struggle between the con- tractility and the extensibility of the muscles. But if, during the contraction of certain muscles, as the flexors of the arm, the antagonistic muscles, the extensors, are relaxed and do not oppose the movement, they regulate it nevertheless by virtue of a property named muscular tonicity, which gives to their tissues even when not contracted a certain power of resistance. Thus when a group of muscles is paralyzed, the antagonistic muscles cause by their contraction a jerking movement which has no regularity. In contracting, the muscles act like levers upon the. bones, and therefore just so much less powerfully as they are placed obliquely to the bone. Notwithstanding the larger part of the muscles are attached to the bones at an acute angle, and their direction is very oblique in regard to the lever they are to move. The result is a great loss of force, but this loss is compensated by an increase of volume in the muscles, that is in the number of fibres of which they are composed. Most of the muscles are subject also to deviations or reflections around the joints. Some even take a direction perpendicular to their original one in turning round bony hooks or in the grooves of the pulleys. The apophyses, or the protuberances to which they are attached, permit them to move at a greater angle and a more favourable one than the initial angle, and this angle gradually increases as the bone obeys the force applied to it; and lastly, the relative direction of the muscle as regards the bone varies according to the attitude. These dispositions of the muscles are always adapted to the kind of movement to be executed, to the extent or rapidity required, or to the force demanded; and they are always so combined as to produce the maximum of useful result. So in flexing the fore-arm, in elevating the arm, the bones act as levers of the third order. The biceps, anterior brachial, and deltoid muscles act as very short levers upon the arm, and their initial direction is almost parallel to the bone, but it soon becomes almost perpen- dicular to it. In this case extent and rapidity of movement 40 THE HUMAN BODY. are important, force is only a secondary consideration. If we wish to raise the body on the toes, motion is more limited but a great amount of force is necessary. The gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, which form the calf of the leg, are inserted by the tendon of Achilles the largest in the body to the posterior extremity of the calcaneum (or heel-bone), and perpendicular to its axis ; the posterior tibial muscle and the flexors of the toes pass behind the internal malleolus under the calcaneum and under the astragalus, as in the groove of a pulley, and are inserted into the plantar surface of the scaphoid and to the last phalanges of the toes, and these muscles act upon the foot, which serves as a lever of the second order; that is to say, under conditions the most favourable to the power represented by the muscular con- traction. CHAPTER IV. Spinal column. Thorax. Upper limb ; shoulder ; arm, fore-arm, hand. Lower limb; hip, thigh , leg, foot. Spinal column. The spinal column is the foundation to which all the other parts of the skeleton are adapted. It is composed of seven cervical vertebrae, twelve dorsal and five lumbar vertebrae, and is terminated by the sacrum and coccyx. Throughout its whole length runs the vertebral canal, which holds the spinal marrow, and communicates with the cavity of the skull. Each vertebra is composed of a body, two articular processes, two transverse processes, and a spinous process. The body, the anterior portion of the vertebra, is cylindrical, and forms a layer of the column. The articular processes, placed at the sides, serve to unite the vertebrae together; and \hetransverseprocesses give attachment to the ligaments, muscles, and in the dorsal regions to the ribs. The spinous process, the posterior portion of the verte- bra, forms that series of projections which has given to the vertebral column the name of the spine. The spinous process bifurcates into two plates which complete the ring or verte- bral orifice formed by each vertebra, and the open space in which forms a segment of the vertebral canal. Numerous and powerful ligaments combine to unite the vertebrae. Be- tween their bodies fibrous disks in the form of lentils are placed, which adhere intimately to the articular surfaces ; they are formed of concentric layers, and near the centre there is a spongy substance saturated with a fluid analogous to the synovia. These disks or intervertebral ligaments, besides binding together the bodies of the vertebrae, serve 42 THE HUMAN BODY. to diminish the shocks and the pressure to which they are subjected from the weight of the parts of the trunk above them. They sink down and become thinner while the body is erect, so that there is a difference in the height between morning and evening of about "02 or '03 of a millimetre; but repose in bed restores to the fibrous disks their primi- tive thickness. Between the vertebral plates stretch the yellow ligaments, remarkable for being formed of an elastic tissue which yields to the movements of the spinal column. Other inextensible ligaments envelop the spine at every point, and give great solidity to the whole. The spinal column has three curves two backward in the cervical and lumbar regions, and one forward in the dorsal region. The ligaments which unite its layers permit only a slight degree of flexibility in the upper dorsal region, but this is a little more extended at the neck and loins, and powerful muscles give it at need great rigidity. And lastly, to its curves, and to the complicated mechanism of its articulations, it owes its great power of vertical re- sistance. The head is balanced upon the first cervical vertebra, which is called the atlas; the manner of its articulation with the spinal column permits great extent and freedom of move- ment, while powerful ligaments and muscles give it great strength. Thorax. The ribs are attached by the transverse pro- cesses to the dorsal vertebrae, and in front by cartilages to the sternum or breast-bone. They are twelve in number on each side. The interstices of this bony cage are filled with muscles ; they cover and form with it the walls of the chest, called also the thorax or thoracic cavity, which contains the lungs and heart. The flexibility of the costal cartilages, and the mobility of the articulations of the ribs with the spinal column, allow the thorax to expand and to -contract in re- spiration. Upper limb. Near the apex of the cone formed by the chest the upper or thoracic limbs are attached. They are composed of four parts the shoulder, arm, fore-arm, and hand. The two bones of the shoulder are the scapula^ which SHOULDER-JOINT, ELBOW-JOINT. 43 is attached by muscles to the upper part of the back, and the clavicle or collar-bone, which extends from the sternum to the scapula, embracing the top of the chest. At the angle formed by the superior border and the external edge of the scapula an articular surface, called the glenoid cavity, receives the upper extremity or head of the humerus, the bone of the arm, which articulates at the elbow with the ulna and the radius, the two bones of the fore-arm; these form with the carpus the wrist-joint, which unites the fore- arm to the hand. The deltoid, the great dorsal and great pectoral, and other less powerful muscles, combine to form the shoulder, and give motion to the humerus. The triceps and biceps of the arm, &c., which surround the humerus, flex or extend the fore-arm and turn it on its axis; and numerous muscles cover the fore-arm and move the hand. The articulation of the humerus with the scapula or the shoulder-joint is, of all joints, the one that permits the most extended movement. The shallowness of the glenoid cavity permits great freedom of motion to the rounded head of the humerus. Thus the arm, which hangs parallel with the body in a state of repose, can be raised vertically to the head, laterally forward so as almost to enfold the chest, and also backward, though in a more limited degree; it can be turned on its axis in all these positions, and in the movement of circumduction it describes a very flat cone, the base of which, especially in front, approaches the apex. The elbow-joint is one of the most complicated in the whole system. The lower extremity of the humerus, and the upper extremities of the ulna and the radius, are adapted to, and interlock with each other by a series of rounded surfaces and pulley -grooves, which permit the fore-arm to flex itself forwards upon the arm; while a protuberance of the ulna, the olecranon, which forms the projecting part of the elbow, limits the backward movement by resting in a cavity of the humerus. It is into the olecranon that the tendon of the triceps of the arm, the principal extensor of the fore-arm, is inserted, and we shall see the analogy farther on between this process and the knee-pan. The movements of the fore-arm singularly multiply by 44 THE HUMAN BODY. their application those of the arm. The radius and ulna may be placed in contact with the humerus by flexion, and again the radius turns on its own axis, without either the ulna or the humerus taking part in this movement, which is called pronation or supination, according as the palm of the hand is turned outward or inward. But what renders the thoracic limb a perfect organ, that which explains the variety and extent of its movements, and which gives them all their value, is the hand ; that admirable instrument which in its perfection belongs only to the human race. The hand is elegant and beautiful in form. Its isolation, its contour defined without stiffness the delicacy of its mould, the mobility of its different parts, and the variety in their tints, make of it a being by itself in the human body, and give it an expression and a physiognomy. Completely developed even in infancy, it presents a most attractive model and an inexhaustible subject of study to the artist. Its structure has led many philosophers to think that it is to it alone that man owes his superiority to the animals, and to attribute to it the greatest influence over the intellectual faculties. But the study of man shows that we must reverse this proposition. The hand is only the instrument of the intellect, the perfection of the one is necessarily dependent upon that of the other, and the hand of man, like every other part of his being, has no equal in the animal kingdom. As for seeing in the greater or less perfection of the hand a sign of the degree of intelligence, and carrying it so far as to distinguish between the hand of a man of talent and genius, and that of a fool or a man of moderate ability this is a theory which, speciously presented, might perhaps be entertained as a subject having curious aspects, but on no other ground. In short, if the hand of the idiot is alike badly developed with the brain if we believe that an arrested development of the fingers, or the presence of supernumerary ones, are signs of degeneration in the race are we to con- clude that perfection of the thoracic limbs is the rule, as has been said, in men of eminence? We need not go so far back as Esop for an example of a great mind in a deformed THE HAND WRIST-JOINT. 45 body. Concte, Luxembourg, Pope, and other illustrious and celebrated men, were victims of rickets. They had long and knotty hands, one of the most constant signs of this malady. If men of inferior intelligence often have thick and inflexible hands, it is because they are often born under conditions which impose rough work upon them. They receive as a heritage, with the toil of their fathers, this clumsiness of form, which is the consequence of this toil. The hand of the man who is not forced by his position to manual labour is always finer and more delicate than that of the workman, and he trans- mits to his children this detail of conformation as well as the general resemblance. The delicacy of the limbs, the prin- cipal element of their elegance, is therefore a sign of race rather than of intelligence, and belongs especially to the oriental. The hand of a European cannot enter the guard of an Indian sword or poniard. Shall we conclude from that that the Anglo-Saxon or the Norman has less intelligence than the Arab or the Hindoo? De Blainville relates that Re'camier attached a certain importance to the form of the hand, and was accustomed to examine those of his pupils with this idea. "Mine," he adds, "were, like the others, sub- mitted to the inspection of the master, and the result was not unfavourable to me." Re'camier being present, confirmed the statement of the former pupil of the Hotel-Dieu, now become an eminent naturalist. But the hand of De Blain- ville was neither fine nor elegant; it was a well-made, vigorous, and muscular hand, like the body to which it belonged; equally skilful, in fact, in holding a sword, a pencil, or a scalpel. The wrist-joint, which unites the hand to the fore-arm, resembles in its mechanism that of the shoulder. Eight bones of different and very complicated forms constitute the wrist or carpus. Three of these form the articulation with the fore-arm, the others are united to the five bones of the metacarpus^ the palm, or middle part of the hand, to which the fingers are attached. These are composed of two pha- langes in the thumb, three in the index, middle, ring, and little fingers. The first three bones of the carpus are grouped in such a manner as to present an ellipsoid surface on the 4 6 THE HUMAN BODY. side of the fore-arm; a condyle which is received by the elliptic cavity formed by the inferior extremity of the radius and ulna. The hemispheric head of the humerus turns oh its axis in the glenoid cavity, but this movement is prevented in the hand by the elongated form of the condyle of the carpus. The rotation of the ulna supplies this want, and the hand turns with the bones which are attached to it in Fig. 15. The hand, palmar aspect. A. Short abductor muscle of tlie thumb, above and outside of ivliich is seen the opposing muscle (opponenspollicis]. B. Slwrtjlexor of thujnb. C C. Tendons of the superficial flexor of the fingers. D. Sheath of the tendons. E E. Tendons of the deep flexor. Fig. 1 6. The hand, dorsal aspect. A. Annular ligament of the inrist. B B. Tendons of the common extensor of the fingers. C C. Tendinous expansions fastening tlie tendons together. supination and pronation. Further, it has a separate move- ment in flexing the hand forward, backward, or sidewise. In circumduction it describes a cone, and makes many other movements in common or singly. The numerous muscles which determine these movements form a very complicated mechanism. Their tendons are ACTIONS OF THE HAND. 47 interlaced and bound together by bands and aponeurotic fibres, and from this results a more or less complete unity of action. It is sometimes difficult to make a movement with a single finger without the others taking part in it, as in executing instrumental music, for instance ; but practice gives to these movements perfect independence. The mechanism of the movements of the hand has been made singularly clear by the recent experiments of M. Duchenne of Boulogne, who has succeeded in distinguishing by means of electricity, the action not only of different orders of muscles, but also of each particular one. Gerdy counts thirty-four distinct move- ments of the hand, and if we include the combinations of these different movements we shall reach a much higher number. The opposition of the thumb to the other fingers, alone or united, is of all these movements that which especially characterizes the human hand, in which alone it exists in its perfection. This action of the thumb results from its length, from the first metacarpal bone not being placed on the same plane as the other four, as is the case in the monkey, and from the action of a muscle the long flexor of the thumb peculiar to the human hand. This muscle completes the action of the other motor of the thumb, and permits man to hold a pen, a graver, or a needle ; it gives to his hand the dexterity necessary in the execution of the most delicate work; it is the attribute of his intelli- gence. In repose the hand of man is presented in an attitude half opposed to the thumb; but it is not so in the monkey, even in the species most resembling man. It is opposable in these animals, but much less so than in man; and the five bones of the metacarpus being on the same plane, the fingers or toes can be placed flat upon the ground in walking, in which the four limbs always take part. Properly speaking, then, the hand belongs to man alone, and its conformation does not permit us to consider it as a nor- mal organ of locomotion. It can by turns form itself into a plane, round itself into a cylinder, hollow itself into a gutter^ make the fingers spread like so many diverging rays, and form, in the words of De Blainville, a compass with five branches; it collects the fingers in the form of a cone, of a 48 THE HUMAN BODY. spheroid, &c.; and lastly, it can reach every portion of the body. The hand is essentially the organ of touch and of prehen- sion. These functions devolve principally upon its anterior or palmar face. The nervous papillae with which it is pro- vided abound specially at the ends of the fingers, where they form furrows in elegant curves under the epidermis. The tendons in it are very numerous, and bound together by multiplied connections. Strong aponeuroses and sheaths, through which the tendons slide, make the skin compact, and combine to give unity to the general movements of the dif- ferent parts of the organ, and independence to partial ones. A layer of adipose tissue, very close in texture, protects, with- out lessening its power or its delicacy, that network of muscles, vessels, and nerves, this apparatus which sometimes barely touches an object, and sometimes grasps it with such violent pressure. The hand, in fact, is either a delicate pincer or a powerful vice; it guides the burin of the en- graver, which leaves behind it the finest trace, the hatchet of the carpenter and the axe of the woodman, whose blows are given with as much strength as skill. The fingers of the sailor knot the heavy cordage, and those of the optician stretch a spider's thread, without breaking it, across the field of an astronomical telescope. The same organ can hold a switch, a club, a sword, a hammer, or a pen. It moulds itself to a body to ascertain its form ; it comes to the aid of the eye in completing or rectifying its impressions, and in some cases even supplies its place. Thus the finger of the physician perceives on the surface of an organ the slightest inequality in relief; and the hand of Michael Angelo fol- lowed with enthusiasm the contour of the antique torso, which the eyes of the great artist could no longer contem- plate. But nothing gives a more complete idea of the perfection of the mechanism of the hand, than the execution of instru- mental music. Examine an artist while he plays on a violin. His fingers rest upon the strings so as to leave them exactly of the length necessary for the tones they are to give. The half of a millimetre, more or less, greatly changes the true- ACTIONS OF THE HAND. 49 ness of the note; and a cord a millimetre out of place pro- duces a note which even the unpractised ear recognizes as false. But the fingers fall upon the strings at precisely the point required. They run over them, succeeding each other with giddy rapidity, following every imaginable combination, and yet the hand gliding over the instrument incessantly changes its position. Sometimes a single finger produces an isolated note; sometimes two or three act simultaneously to produce a concord; while a fourth, striking the string with increasing rapidity, produces a trill which rivals that of the nightingale. And even this is not all. The other hand holds the bow, and the movements of the right arm must be in correspondence with those of the left hand; the coincid- ence between the movements of one hand and that of the other must be mathematically exact. Add to these all the modifications necessary to produce the piano and the forte, to swell the sound or to let it die away all, in a word, that constitutes musical expression, and it will be admitted that this mechanism is allied to the wonderful, and that it sur- passes the most perfect productions of human art. The agility and flexibility of the hands, the concordance and independence of their movements, is not less remarkable in the playing of the pianist. How is it possible not to ad- mire those two hands, both oftenest occupied together, and the action of which alternates or coincides with so much pre- cision and rapidity; together they produce on an average from six to eight notes at a time separating, approaching, crossing, and mingling their fingers, which move over the keys as if each one were completely independent of all the others? A skil- ful pianist produces about 640 notes a minute in medium time, and 960 in extremely quick time. These numbers give us an idea of the rapidity of movement which can be attained by the hand of man. The devoted servant of the body, the hand which nourishes it knows also how to defend it. It has been said that man is created without arms. What then is the hand which en- ables him to construct and employ for his defence those in- genious and terrible machines, that hand which can at need itself become a formidable weapon? The poets have sung 4 So THE HUMAN BODY. the praises of Pollux defending his own life and that of his companions with the arms which nature gave him ; but if we admire Pollux battling with the Sicilian giant, we turn our eyes from the arena ensanguined by the gauntlet of Enteilus. The soldier considers it an honour to employ with skill in the defence of his country the sword which she has intrusted to him; but he despises the arms and the trade of the gladiator. The principal function of the upper limb is to remove objects from the body, and to draw them to it; but it can also remove the body from a fixed point, or approach it to one. It is in this way that the sailor raises himself on the rigging, or the gymnast on the trapeze ; but the weight of the body is not in proportion to the strength of the limbs which raise it, and although exercise renders this effort less difficult by increasing the power of the muscles, it is evident that here the arm performs a function which does not devolve upon it chiefly, and which belongs to a more powerful mem- ber, of which we will now speak. Lower or abdominal limb. It is composed, like the upper limb, of four parts the hip, thigh, leg, and foot. The two bones of the hip, or pelvic bones, articulate together and with the sacrum; this last, placed between the two like a wedge, transmits by their means the weight of the body to the lower limbs, which are the pillars of the human edifice. On the external face of each pelvic bone we see a deep, hemispheri- cal, articular cavity. This is the cotyloid cavity, which receives the head of the thigh-bone, and forms with it the articulation of the hip. The femur or thigh-bone is the longest and strongest bone in the skeleton ; it is almost cylindrical, and is curved outward, which gives it greater strength. At its upper extremity we see the head of the femur, supported by a neck which is united to the body of the bone at an ob- tuse "angle.' This obliquity has the effect of increasing the distance between the two femurs, and in consequence be- tween the two lower extremities, thus giving to the body a larger base and greater stability. Another result is, that the weight of the. body is transferred to the femur, but not directly and in a right line; the necks of the two femurs HIP-JOINT, KNEE-JOINT. 5! form by their union part of an arch upon which rests the upper portion of the cotyloid cavity, and thus divides the force acting upon the lower limbs. The head of the femur represents nearly two-thirds of a sphere. It exactly fills the cotyloid cavity, but is not itself all inclosed in it, as the depth of the cavity does not exceed half the diameter of the sphere to which it belongs. A very elastic, circular, fibro-cartilaginous ring surrounds the edge of the cotyloid cavity, increasing its size, embracing the head of the femur; and acts as a valve and hermetically closes the articular cavity in which the head of the femur is retained by atmospheric pressure alone. In fact, if we place this articu- lation, properly prepared, under the receiver of an air-pump, we shall see, as a vacuum is produced, the head of the femur gradually slip down and leave the cotyloid cavity as far as the ligaments will permit, and when air is again ad- mitted into the receiver, it resumes its place in the cavity. This beautiful experiment of E. Weber shows in a striking manner the direct and constant influence of external agents on the functions of the organism. The inclosing of the head of the femur in the cotyloid cavity gives the articulation of the hip great solidity, which is augmented by the muscles and ligaments which hold the parts together as well as give them motion, so that it is only by the greatest violence that the head of the femur can be forced out of this cavity. This articulation, which is of the same nature as that of the shoulder, permits the movement of the lower limb in every direction, though to a less ex- tent than that of the arm. We shall again have occasion to discuss this movement. The lower extremity of the femur ends in two oblong, rounded masses, which are called the condyles of the femur, which rest in two cavities in the superior portion of the princi- pal bone of the leg, or tibia, and form with them the articula- tion of the knee. The semi-lunar cartilages, in terposed between the two bones, diminish the pressure of the femur on the tibia, and prevent the displacement of the former by increas- ing the surface and depth of the articular cavity. In front of the knee-joint is placed fas patella or knee-pan, the largest S3 THE HUMAN BODY. of the sesamoid bones, which adapts itself by two articular facets to those presented by the condyles of the femur, and gives attachment by its upper border to the tendon of the extensors of the leg, while by its lower border it is intimately united to the ligament of the knee-pan, which fastens it to the tibia. In comparing the elbow with the knee, we per- ceive the striking similarity of the knee-pan to the olecranon. The knee-pan serves as a pulley for the extensor-muscles, the action of which upon the leg is increased by the change of direction given to them, while the olecranon is a powerful lever, by means of which the fore-arm is extended. Fig. 17. Knee-joint. Front view. Side view. A. Femur. A. Femur. D, t>. Condyles of femur. B. Knee-pan. d. Upper extremity of fibula. C. Tibia. C. Tibia. D. Fibula. D. Fibula. The second bone of the leg is \hefibula, which is parallel to the tibia, and with it forms the articulation of the foot. This bone, which takes no part in the articulation of the knee, yet represents the ulna, which plays so important a part in the formation of the elbow, while the tibia corre- ANKLE-JOINT. 53 spends to the radius. Nature, by one of those transforma- tions of which she furnishes numerous examples, has united the two extremities of the ulna and radius in one, allowing the first of these bones to exist only as a rudiment in its upper portion. This blending of two organs is termed by naturalists a coalescence. The resemblance of the tibia to the radius was remarked by De Blainville, and has been demonstrated by M. Martins in his beautiful work on the pelvic and thoracic limbs. The lower extremities of the tibia and fibula united form a mortise, in which the astragalus, one of the bones of the tarsus, is received, and thus constitute the tibio-tarsal articula- tion, or articulation of the foot. The foot moves upon the leg in such a manner as to form with it a straight line when extended. The movement in an opposite direction, or flexion, is much more limited, the two mallcoli which embrace the astragalus not permitting lateral movements in the foot, those which do take place being made by the articulation of the astragalus with the other parts of the tarsus, though a limited movement of circumduction can be made by the foot. It has been said that the foot is another hand -pes alter a manus and if the hand completes the arm, so does the foot complete the leg. Without it locomotion could not be effected except by movements quite different from those of walking, and under conditions of equilibrium much less favourable, and with much greater fatigue; running, and consequently jumping, would be impossible. But if the foot and the hand are varieties of the same type of organization, they present differences in regard to their respective uses; the foot, designed to support the body, is especially remark- able for its solidity; in the hand mobility is the predomi- nating quality. The foot of man, exclusively designed for the support of the body, is not an organ of prehension, and cannot, like the foot of the monkey, take hold of objects by opposing the thumb to the other fingers ; the toes, disposed upon the same plane, have neither the length of the fingers nor the extent and variety of their movements; in a word, it is a foot and not a hand, as it is in the quadrumana. 54 THE HUMAN BODY. The foot is composed of twenty-six bones, seven of which constitute the tarsus, which articulates with the leg and Fig. 18. Skeleton of the foot. A. Internal malleolus, lower ex tr em- E. Cuboid, ity of tibia. B. Astragalus. C. Calcaneum. D. Scaphoid. F. First metatarsal. G, H. First and second phalanx of the great toe. corresponds to the carpus. Five bones form the metatarsus, which corresponds to the metacarpus, and articulates with the tarsus behind and with the toes in front. The foot is narrow and thick in its posterior part, thinner and broader anteriorly ; it forms a right angle with the leg, and rests upon the ground at the extremities only. The middle portion is in the form of an arch, and in consequence resists shocks and supports pressure much better than it could if it were flat and touched the ground throughout its whole length. And although the parts are very firmly united together, there is sufficient mobility to give great elasticity to the whole, and this elasticity is augmented by the toes. The foot thus supports the weight of the body like an arch and spring combined, giving it in this way great advantage in resistance. And lastly, in jumping from a height it extends itself instinctively, and touches the earth first at its point only, so as to break the shock. This distribution of force, which results from the form and the elasticity of the foot, not only UPPER AND LOWER LIMBS. 55 protects its mechanism, but also avoids the grave injuries which might be produced in certain organs, such as the brain and the liver, by the rebound. Fig. 19. The foot. If we compare the upper and the lower limbs taken as a whole, we shall remark among their principal distinguishing characteristics, that the flexion of the fore-arm upon the arm takes place in a forward direction, while that of the leg is backward. M. Martins has demonstrated that this opposi- tion in their movements, necessitated by their destination to different functions, is due to the twisting of the humerus. The femur is a straight bone and not twisted upon its axis. The humerus, on the contrary, is turned on itself 180, or half the circumference. This is not the result of the me- chanical action of the muscles and of the function of the upper limb ; although the form of the bone does not permit this peculiarity to be anatomically recognized till about the second year, it exists virtually as soon as the bone is developed. Muscles, vessels, and nerves all follow this rotating movement indicated by the spiral disposition of the humerus, and most anatomists have pointed it out without hinting at the physiological consequences which M. Martins has shown result from it. This learned observer has shown that the humerus, artificially untwisted, corresponds in all points with the femur of the same side, and by this manoeuvre 56 THE HUMAN BODY. in an opposite direction to the work of nature, he has explained the proceeding by which she bent the articulation of the elbow forward and that of the knee backward. The articulations of the lower limb permit to it a great variety and extent of movement. Under the action of powerful muscles it folds back upon itself or becomes a rigid column, raising or lowering with rapidity and facility the body of which it supports the weight. In walking it is carried forward or backward, and by turns extended or bent; it turns on its axis or changes from the vertical in order to maintain the equilibrium by the direction of the foot or to enlarge the base of support. It can raise itself laterally almost to a right angle with the body, and in front it approaches it still more nearly. In fencing it bends or is extended, raises and lowers the body, and carries it backward and forward by movements which succeed each other almost as rapidly as those of the arms. But it is especially in the varying steps of a skilful dancer that we can admire the perfection of this mechanism, and all the suppleness, strength, and agility that exercise can give to it. CHAPTER V. Motion. Effort. Locomotion; standing, walking, running, jumping, swimming. Motion. Physiologists remark several varieties of motion which may be grouped in two voluntary and involuntary movements. Among the involuntary movements, which ars also called automatic, some result from the impression pro- duced by an idea, a passion, or a scene, gay or sad, or by a movement identical with that which is produced. Such art, laughing, and the motions of the face expressing sadness, anger, fear, and other moral or physical impressions; trem> bling of the limbs in consequence of deep emotion, yawning, and so forth. Others proceed from the excitement of ths, sensitive nerves, such as sneezing, coughing, winking, chat- tering of the teeth, or shivering after a cold bath. In certain cases, in fact, impressions transmitted from th& organs to the brain, either directly by the nerves of sensa- tion or indirectly by the spinal cord, without any sensation taking place, or what amounts to the same thing, without our being conscious of any, occasion an excitement which is transmitted to the motor-nerves, and causes movements in which the will has no part. These movements are generally executed by the muscles of organic life, which are not under the control of the will ; but they can also be made by those which are under its control. These are called reflex movements. Some of them are undoubtedly automatic; as for the others, it has not been demonstrated that a sensation and an act of the will do not precede the muscular contrac- tion. Thus sneezing and coughing are independent of the 58 THE HUMAN BODY. will, it can neither prevent them nor arrest their develop- ment. It is the same with the chattering of the teeth, with shivering and winking of the eyelids on contact with the air, with the tears, or only when a foreign body menaces the eye. In this last case, although the muscular contraction is in- stantaneous and seems to be involuntary, it is evidently pre- ceded by a sensation which the eye has transmitted to the brain. This may even be considered as voluntary, since if the attention is excited, the will can oppose the instinctive movement. Other movements take place in the organism of which we have more or less perception; when a carriage threatens to overset, for example, we throw ourselves to the side opposite the inclination ; or when suddenly coming on the edge of a precipice the body stiffens or is thrown backward; and when a player at ball or billiards inclines or turns in the same direc- tion in which he wishes to direct his ball. Analogous phenomena are caused by a sort of attraction or instinctive imitation. When, for example, the eyes follow the move- ment of a great waterfall into a gulf, the body very soon fol- lows the oscillations, though we do not perceive them until the motion becomes so great as to threaten to drag us into the abyss. We are indebted to M. Chevreul for the obser- vation and explanation of effects of this nature, of which charlatanism avails itself in table-turning. If the elbow be placed upon a table, and a pendulum formed of a string and a ring be held in the hand, and we fix the eyes on the ring, we shall soon see it begin to oscillate, although the arm ap- parently remains immovable; the oscillations may keep the same direction, or change according to the mental desire, and this without any bad faith or a consenting movement on the part of the person holding the pendulum. But if we place a support under the hand near the end of the fingers, or a bandage over the eyes of the experimenter, the oscilla- tions cease. They were caused by an almost imperceptible and involuntary movement of the fore-arm and hand, under the influence of the eyes looking at the ring and the direc- tion that it takes. And again it is a similar movement or series of movements which gives the impulse to the turning VOLUNTARY MOTION EFFORT. 59 table; in the unconsciousness of the muscular contraction lies all the merit of this phenomenon, which loses its mar- vellous character as soon as you show the too credulous per- formers that they themselves are the involuntary movers. Voluntary movements, as their name indicates, are produced under the influence of the will, but not under its direct or immediate action. The volition of the movements of loco- motion, for example, emanate from a certain part of the brain, from the cerebral lobes; but in order that the move- ment may be executed, the muscles must contract, and this muscular contraction owes its origin to a force which ema- nates from the occipital protuberance, a different part of the brain from that which gives birth to thought. Observations on paralytics prove that the will is insufficient to produce movement. In order that movements may be executed in the order and with the unity necessary to the accomplishment of the will, they must be co-ordinate. Several physiologists, and especially Flourens, have regarded the cerebellum as the organ essential to this co-ordination of movement. A lesion of this part of the brain produces a disturbance in locomo- tion similar to that caused by drunkenness ; but pathological observation has demonstrated that there is sometimes absence of co-ordination when the cerebellum is not affected. The muscles unite in the voluntary movements, some as motors, and others, antagonistic to these, as the moderators of movement. M. Duchenne (of Boulogne) has shown that in the voluntary movements of the limbs and the trunk these two systems of muscles, impulsive and modifying, are simul- taneously contracted by a double nervous excitation; one to produce the movement and the other to modify it. Without this unity of intention between the antagonistic muscles, the movements would lose their precision and their certainty. Effort. When one or several groups of muscles contract themselves strongly in order to perform a function requiring force, or to overcome an obstacle, to draw or push away a body, the name effort has been given to this action of the muscles. There is effort in walking, climbing, running, and a great number of other functions. Whatever muscles take \ 60 THE HUMAN BODY. part in effort they must have a point of support or fulcrum, directly or indirectly upon the skeleton of the trunk, that is on the spinal column and the bones of the thorax. An effort is always preceded by an inspiration which dilates the thorax, thus rendering the bones of which it is composed immovable by the contraction of the inspiratory muscles, and furnishing a fixed point to the muscles attached to these bones. Thus, one after another, the greater part of the muscles of the system joins in a movement of which sometimes the arm or the hand only is the immediate instrument. The proof of this is the impossibility of making a movement distinct from that which is the immediate object of the effort, without this effort ceasing or diminishing. When it is at its highest point, respiration is suspended, the glottis closes or remains slightly open, according to the nature and the degree of intensity in the effort ; the inspired air distends the lungs, and if a part escapes it is too small to lessen the expansion of the chest; the abdominal viscera are compressed from above by the diaphragm in front, and laterally by the muscles of the abdo- men. During certain efforts the air is expelled slowly through the glottis, and when the movement terminates suddenly with redoubled force, the expiration is accomplished rapidly and sometimes in the form of a cry. The sailor who hauls in a rope, or the baker as he with difficulty raises the dough to throw it back into the kneading-trough, accompanies the movements which he executes with a cry of which the rhythm expresses the different periods of the effort. Locomotion. Man moves over the surface of the ground by three principal methods of progression walking, running, and leaping ; but the point of departure is always the vertical position. In this attitude, which characterizes the human race, the equilibrium of the head upon the vertebral column, and that of the trunk upon the coxo-femoral articulations, and of the thighs on the legs, is independent of all muscular contraction, the ligaments being sufficient to insure it. And farther, the muscles of the neck, of the trunk, and of the thigh maintain the rigidity of the spinal column, oppose or prevent the flexion of the knee, and restore the equilibrium when it is compromised, while the muscles of the leg prevent THE ERECT POSITION. 61 the flexion, anterior or posterior, of the tibio-tarsal articula- tion, the surfaces and ligaments of which only permit an un- stable equilibrium of the body upon the feet. Lastly, the feet, separated from each other by a distance equal to that Fig. 20. The leg in standing. The foot resting the toes on The foot resting flat on the ' the ground. ground. which divides the heads of the femurs, complete the mechan- ism by which man alone, among all living beings, stands erect with his face placed vertically, and on a plane parallel to that of the body, but not turned toward heaven, as has been poetically said. In the attitude of a soldier without arms, with the heels touching each other, and the feet forming nearly a right angle, a stronger contraction of the muscles of the leg is 62 THE HUMAN BODY. necessary, and consequently fatigue is sooner induced. When resting on one foot only the body departs laterally from the vertical and leans a little backward, the leg which supports only its own weight rests on the ground, with the muscles completely relaxed, acting as a support and counterpoise. This attitude when standing is the least fatiguing, firmest, and also the most elegant; it is the one preferred by painters and sculptors, and was considered by Leonardo de Vinci as the most natural. When the body moves it is divided into two quite distinct sections: the one, comprising the head, trunk, and upper limbs, representing the mass to be transported; the lower limbs are at once the movable supports of the superior parts of the body, and the agents of propulsion which communi- cate to them the movement of translation. In all move- ments of this nature the trunk inclines forward at an angle which varies according to the quickness, from 5 7' in the slowest walk to 22 5' in the fastest running. From this position there is a constant tendency to fall forward, which is neutralized by the moving of the lower limbs in such a direction as that the heads of the femurs shall always serve as the point of support for the body. M. Longet compares this unstable equilibrium of the body upon the femurs to that of a rod on the end of a finger, so inclined that the only means to prevent its fall is to carry the finger forward in the same direction as the inclination, more rapidly as this inclination becomes greater. By their alternate flexion and extension the lower ex- tremities give an impulsion to the trunk, they lengthen and contract in a direction inclined to the horizon, since it is forward and not vertically that they push the body; the re- sult is that the centre of gravity sinks toward the ground just in proportion to the rapidity of the mode of progression. Each extremity props itself by turns on the ground, and then the impulse being given the knee bends, the heel rises, the foot is lifted, the limb, shortened by flexion and sus- pended from the pelvis, is directed from behind forward, and is again placed upon the ground. In this movement the leg, according to the brothers WALKING. 63 Weber, represents a pendulum which bends and oscillates by its weight alone; according to M. Duchenne (of Bou- logne), it obeys the contraction of the flexor-muscles. The experiments of the Webers having demonstrated, as stated above, that the head of the femur is retained in the cotyloid cavity by atmospheric pressure alone, these skilful observers conclude that in the second movement in walking the weight of the thigh alone determines the flexion of the joints and the oscillation of the three segments of the pendulum, which is then represented by the lower extremity. Basing his opinion on pathological observation, M. Duchenne thinks that the contraction of the flexors of the thigh, leg, and foot is the real cause of the second movement of the extremity in walking, and that the action of weight contri- butes very little to it. According to M. Beclard, the tonicity of the flexor-muscles, developed by extension, suffices for seconding the pendulum movement of the lower limb. In walking the body advances without ceasing to rest upon the ground, and by effecting a succession of move- ments, which are divided in each step into two principal ones. First, the body rests upon the two lower limbs ; the right leg, placed behind and inclined to the horizon, touches the ground at the extremity of the metatarsus and at the toes, it stretches out, and the foot is raised to an angle of forty-five degrees; now the left limb is placed forward, rest- ing on the ground on its sole, the knee is a little bent, the heel exactly under the head of the femur, and the trunk slightly inclined forward. Secondly, the left leg alone sup- ports the weight of the body; it lengthens by extending the knee and straightening the foot; its direction inclines to the horizon, and the body pushes itself forward, while the right leg is raised from the ground by bending the knee, follows the movement of translation given to the body, executes half an oscillation, and touches the ground, first at the heel, which places itself exactly under the head of the femur, and then on the sole of the foot on which the body rests. To accelerate his movement man inclines more forward, the centre of gravity falls nearer to the earth, and the flexion of the limb placed behind is greater, the pendulum is shorter 64 THE HUMAN BODY. and its oscillation more rapid; at the same time the greater flexion gives more force to the extension, and the impulsion forward is increased; and more still, extension acts in a direc- tion still more inclined, which results in a lengthening of the step. The motion is also increased by the extension of the leg resting on the ground while the other oscillates, in such a way that when the latter touches the ground the former detaches itself in order to swing in its turn. In walking quickly the body rests upon the ground only by one foot at a time. When walking, and especially when walking rapidly, the arms accompany with their isochronous oscillations the movements of the lower limbs, and contribute to maintain the equilibrium: indeed it is next to impossible to walk quickly when the arms, from any cause whatever, cannot oscillate. According to the experiments of the brothers Weber, the speed of a man of ordinary stature is, in rapid walking, about 10,267 yards per hour. This speed could not long be main- tained, and must be considered as exceptional. In ordinary walking the speed is nearly four miles an hour, and can be kept up for a long period But exercise and a special aptitude for it enable some men to walk great distances in a relatively short space of time. Trained walkers have gone seventy-five miles in twenty hours, and walked the distance of thirty-seven miles at the rate of five miles an hour. The moun- taineers of the Alps are generally good walkers, and some of them are not less remarkable for endurance than for speed. Jacques Balmat, who was the first to reach the sum- mit of Mont Blanc, at sixteen years of age could walk from the hamlet of the Pe'lerins to the mountain of La Cote in two hours a distance which the best trained travellers re- quired from five to six hours to get over. At the time of his last attempt to reach the top of Mont Blanc, this same guide, then twenty years old, passed six days and four nights without sleeping or reposing a single moment. One of his sons, Edward Balmat, left Paris to join his regiment at Genoa; he reached Chamonix the fifth day at evening, having walked 340 miles. After resting two days he set off again for Genoa, where he arrived in two days. WALKING TROTTING. 65 Several years afterward this same man left the baths at Loueche at two o'clock in the morning, and reached Cha- monix- at nine in the evening, having walked a distance equal to about seventy-five miles in nineteen hours. In 1844 an old guide of De Saussure, eighty years old, left the hamlet of Prats in the valley of Chamonix in the afternoon, and reached the Grands Mulets at ten in the evening, then after resting some hours he climbed the glacier to the vicinity of the Grand Plateau, which has an altitude of about 13,000 feet, and then returned without stopping to his village. We will cite in addition the performance of a man from Thun, who walked in September, 1867, a distance estimated at forty Swiss leagues in twenty-three hours, representing at least thirty-four hours of walking for ordinary travellers. Running differs from walking principally in the fact that at a given moment the body leaves the ground, and passes through space in the same manner as a projectile. The body is inclined more forward, and the centre of gravity is lower than when walking. The lower limbs execute the same alternate movements as in the first mode of progres- sion; but at the moment when the right leg leaves the ground and commences its demi-oscillation, the left, which is bent and only touches the ground at the extremity of the foot, pushes rapidly forward, and with sufficient force to throw the body upward and forward, and the two legs oscil- late together during an instant, then the one which left the ground first falls before the other on the point of the toes. The body has made a spring, and the same manoeuvre takes place alternately on each side, and the result is a succession of springs which constitute running. Trotting is running when the impulsion forward is not so strong, and the movements are less rapid, which renders it more applicable to uneven ground, where it is necessary to choose the place where the foot is to be placed at each step. The greatest attainable speed for a man is, according to the brothers Weber, seventeen miles in an hour; but if this speed has ever been maintained for one hour, which is doubtful, it could not certainly be continued much longer. The maximum of speed attained in the gymnasium of 66 THE HUMAN BODY. Amoros was twenty-five miles in two hours and forty-five minutes, that is, about nine miles an hour. Leaping is, properly speaking, nothing but a step of run- ning taken singly. A man can jump with his feet joined, that is to say, the two feet quit the ground at the same in- stant, and the body is thrown vertically upward and forward, or backward. The jump may be preceded by running seve- ral steps in order to get under way, as it is termed. In this case the speed acquired during the first steps is added to the impulse given to the body by the last one. By exercise men have succeeded in jumping vertically a height of two metres, and horizontally over a space of five or six metres. Amoros speaks of an Englishman who jumped across a ditch ten metres in width. Swimming. Man can sustain himself upon the water, and traverse it for a considerable space by swimming; but this is not an instinctive method of locomotion for him he must learn to swim, while walking and the other modes of pro- gression are natural to him, and are not acquired by study. Man walks, runs, and jumps just as an amphibious animal swims without having learned to do so; but to swim he must study the attitudes and the movements which neutralize the effect of his specific gravity, which prevent him from sinking into the water, and permit him to gain a resting-point in order to displace it. The quadruped swims as if walking in the water, that is, by making just the same movements as in walking on the ground. Man can, it is true, swim as animals walk, striking the water with his four members ; but he is soon overcome by fatigue, and to swim for any length of time he must exe- cute other movements considerably complicated in their combinations. It is from that modest amphibian, the frog, from which he borrows in this case the method of progres- sion, and this loan is certainly the most inoffensive of all those which he makes from the animals. Although he seems to turn his members quite away from their normal functions, he soon attains the power of prolonging this exercise, which is eminently healthful and very precious, since he finds in it a means of saving his own life and the lives of his fellowmen. CHAPTER VI. The head. The skull, bones of the skull, sutures, arch of the skull, base of the skull. Measurement of the skull; facial angle, angle of Daubenton; comparison of the superficies of the skull and of the face. System of Gall. The face, boms of the face, upper jaw, loiver jaw. The Head. The head is the most important part of the body, and to it and to the organs which it contains our attention is most particularly attracted. The heart and lungs support life by the respiration and the circulation, the digestive apparatus nourishes the body, but the head is the seat of intelligence, the centre in which all the nervous impressions meet and from which radiates the will. In the head are united the organs of sight, of hearing, of smell, and of taste ; the face, almost entirely formed by the grouping of these organs, expresses by the aid of numerous muscles the impressions transmitted to the brain, the passions, calmness or agitation of mind, and, within certain limits, the phases of thought. In other regions of the body life is unconscious, and the functions in their performance, whether healthy or diseased, are executed mechanically; the head alone perceives sensations and interprets their meaning, it is by it that man knows himself, by it he feels that he lives, and is able to say, "I think, therefore I am." The head is formed of two distinct parts : first, the skull, a bony case which envelops the brain, and incloses in the thickness of one of the bones of which it is formed the organ of hearing; secondly, the face, in which are united the organs of sight, of smell, and of taste. The skull is composed of eight bones: the frontal or coronal, which corresponds to the forehead or sinciput; the 68 THE HUMAN BODY. occipital in the posterior part of the skull or occiput; the two parietal bones, which form the side walls of the skull, and contribute, with the frontal and occipital, to form its arch; the two temporal bones occupy, as their name shows, the region of the temples; the ethmoid, which owes its name to the sieve-like plate of its upper surface ; and the sphenoid, so called because it is wedged in between all the other bones with which it articulates, and which rest upon it as upon the keystone of an inverted arch, thus forming the base of the skull on which the brain rests. The frontal, occipital, pari- etal, and temporal bones are flat, formed of two plates of ivory tissue internal and external tables between which is a more or less thick layer of spongy tissue. The bones of the cranium are united by means of sutures formed by the junction of the teeth of their serrated borders, almost precisely like what is termed in architecture dove- tailing. At birth the bones which form the arch of the skull are united only by a membranous tissue, and their borders overlap each other even on slight pressure in such a way as to lessen the diameter of the head ; but although the sutures are not yet developed, a part of the tooth-like processes already exists in a rudimentary state. The membranous intervals are greater at the point of union of the occipital and frontal with the parietal bones; these spaces are called the fontanelles. They are soon filled with bony tissue, and at four years of age not a trace of them remains. About the end of the third year the borders of the bones are cut into fine notches or teeth, which increase in number till the period of adolescence. Before this the suture which unites the two halves of the frontal bone begins to disappear; and later still, when the brain is fully developed, the other bones gradually close together. The internal surface of the skull presents a series of depressions, portions of the arch which have been called fossa, and according to the bones which constitute them, the frontal, occipital, and temporal fossce, and which correspond to the projections which we see on the external surface. There are also a great number of projections and depressions, which to a certain extent are modelled to the surface of the THE SKULL THE FACIAL ANGLE. 69 brain, but which form no relief on the outside of the skull. There is no opening in the arch of the skull, but there are several in its base through which the nerves and blood- vessels pass; the most important of these is the foramen magnum, which is the communication between the cavity of the skull and the vertebral canal. The skull is oval in form flattened at the base, with the larger end at the back. It is never perfectly symmetri- cal, and differs in shape and size according to age, the in- dividual, and the race. It is larger in proportion in the infant than in the man, and in the white race than in the other races. But whatever may be the varieties which it presents, they appear exclusively in the arch. Starting from the principle that the skull is modelled upon the brain, in measuring its dimensions we seek to ascertain that of the organ which it incloses. To attain this object, Camper drew two straight lines, the one starting from the first in- cisors of the upper jaw and passing over the median line of the forehead ; the other starting from the auditory canal and carried horizontally till it encountered the first, formed with it an angle called the facial angle, which is from 80 to 85 degrees in the European, 75 in the Mongolian race, and 70 in the Negro. This anatomical character, considered as an expression of intelligence, did not escape the notice of the artists of antiquity. The statues which they have bequeathed to us prove this ; among their gods, the facial angle of Jupiter Trophonius, for example, is 90 degrees. Daubenton proposed to measure the occipital angle to com- plete the measurement of Camper, which applied only to the anterior portion of the skull; but these angular measure- ments would not give the extent of a solid nor of a cavity; the thickness of the bones at certain points, and the varying development of the cavities or sinuses comprised between the internal and external tables, would take from these measurements much of their signification. In order to be more exact, Cuvier, dividing the head by a section from front to back, compared the area of the skull with that of the face, leaving out the lower jaw: he found that in Europeans, the area of the skull was four times that of the face, and in 70 THE HUMAN BODY. the Negro the area of the face is greater by a fifth, that of the skull being proportionally less. This last method of measurement, even though it gives an idea of the relative intelligence within narrow limits only, is at least founded upon certain facts, and it expresses the law of the proportional development of the face and skull in the superior animals. And even in measuring by the facial angle the causes of error may be avoided to a certain extent, and this measurement is an expression of an incontestable anatomical fact. But this is not the case with a doctrine which was received with enthusiasm about the beginning of this century, though now almost forgotten. We speak of phrenology. Gall pro- fessed to discover the degree of development of the faculties by exploring the cranium. According to his theory, the skull is moulded upon the brain, and presents protuberances corresponding to those of that organ, and thus gives the measure of the development of the intellectual and emotional faculties. These faculties, which he localized in the ence- phalon, were composed, according to him, of a series of conoid bundles, the base of which corresponded to the sur- face of the brain and the apex to the medulla oblongata. Each one of these cones was the seat of a faculty, of which he numbered twenty-seven, placing all the intellectual faculties in the anterior portion of the brain, the animal faculties in the posterior portion, and the moral faculties in the middle portion over the ear : the first confined for the most part to a very small space, and the others distributed over larger surfaces. The pupils of Gall added eleven faculties to those which he had classed. Among the latter, the sense of right and wrong or as they termed it, conscientiousness did not appear. To this system it was objected that if the principal projec- tions of the exterior of the skull, the frontal and parietal protuberances, for example, correspond to the depressions or fossae of the interior, no external relief indicated the digital impressions and the small cavities which correspond to the surface of the brain ; that at several points an external projection corresponded to one on the inner surface; that THE SYSTEM OF GALL THE FACE. 71 the arch of the brow (the superciliary ridge), where six faculties are located, is more or less prominent, not from the cerebral relief, but from the development of the frontal sinuses; a,nd that there is no resemblance between the form of the internal table and the external table in the frontal region. Gall was therefore wrong in tracing upon the brain the seat of each faculty according to the elevations which he found upon the skull. It was added also, that, even admitting the localization of the faculties and the divisions of the brain, it was very irrational to unite all the faculties in corresponding portions of the cranial arch, and to attri- bute none at all to those portions of the brain which are not in contact with the skull, or which rest laterally and in front on its base. This exclusive grouping was unjustifiable, and is to be considered as purely arbitrary. Gall and his school invoked the aid of the comparative anatomy of the brain in support of his system. Leuret gave them a death-blow by showing that the study of the brain in the animal scale proves the facts to be in entire disagree- ment with the theory of the German savant, and that it dis- proves at all points the propositions of phrenology. The face is composed of fourteen bones, which form, by their union with each other and with the bones of the skull, the cavities in which the organs of sight, of smell, and of taste are placed. Twelve of these bones are in pairs, and placed symmetrically on each side: these are the superior maxillary, the malar or cheek bones, the nasal bones, the lachrymal bones, the superior turbinated bones, and the palatine bones. Two are not paired: these are the vomer and the inferior maxillary. The superior maxillaries, with the lachrymal and malar bones, combine to form the inferior portion of the orbit; they are united to the temporal bones by the malar bones, the protuberances of which form the cheek-bones. At their alveolar border the teeth are placed, and the space included in the dental arch is called the pala- tine arch, which is prolonged backward by the palatine bones. The nasal bones form the upper portion or root of the nose ; below these, and between the superior maxillaries, is the nasal cavity, which is divided into two parts by a partition, 72 tHE HUMAN BODY. of which the vomer forms a portion. The superior turbinated bones articulate with the maxillaries and contribute to mul- tiply the nasal sinuses, in which are the ramifications of the olfactory nerves. The inferior maxillary is at first composed of two bones, which are early joined together at the point called the sym- physis of the chin. The branches of this bone form a right angle with its body, called the angle of the jaw> and at their superior extremity they divide into two apophyses; namely, the condyle, which articulates with the glenoid cavity of the temporal bone, and the coronoid process, where the tendon of the temporal muscle is inserted. This is one of the muscles which draw the lower jaw to the upper one in chew- ing the food. This skeleton, with its strange and imperfect outlines, this type of Death, disappears under the muscles and teguments, which cover it with an elegant envelope. The eyelids veil the orbit and protect the eye, the watchful sentinel and inves- tigator of the exernal world, the admirable instrument which enables the brain to contemplate the works of creation and to express its most vivid impressions. The nose covers the organs of smell, while it completes them by protecting their sensibility; the lips are placed before the mouth, and they are at once an organ of prehension, a docile and indefatig- able guard, a necessary instrument in articulating sounds, and one of the most expressive of the features which com- bine to form the physiognomy. The concha, or external ear, surrounds the auditory canal, and serves to collect the sonorous waves, and to give expression to the head. The hair, the eyebrows, and eyelashes protect the skull and the eye against external objects, and at the same time their dif- ferent shades, and curves, and undulations, greatly contri- bute to the beauty of the whole. Lastly, the skin of the face is animated with the most delicate tints, or is clothed in the vigorous tones and that admirable carnation which has been so well rendered by the Venetian painters. CHAPTER VII. Digestion. Waste of the organism repaired by alimentation. Hunger. Thirst. Organs of digestion ; abdominal cavity, peritoneum. Diges- tive apparatus. Mouth, lips, cheeks, teeth, palate, soft palate, tongue. Pharynx. (Esophagus. Stomach. Intestinal canal; small intestine, large intestine, intestinal convolutions, mesentery, omen turn. Mucous membrane. Liver. Pancreas. Spleen . Kidneys. Mechanism of digestion. Digestion of the stomach, gastric juice, peristaltic movement, chyme. Intestinal digestion, bile, pancreatic juice, chyle. Absorption; endosmosis, exosmosis, functions of the veins and lymphatic vessels in absorption, rapidity of absorption. Digestion. The human body loses every day through vari- ous channels, by exhalation or excretion, about 310 grains of nitrogen, an essential principle of animal matter, and 6^2 Ibs. of water, and burns io*/2 ounces of carbon in contact with the oxygen of the atmosphere. A very short time, therefore, is sufficient to exhaust the organism if it does not find in the alimentation the new elements by which it is reconstructed. Of this unceasing necessity of repairing the loss which the organs sustain by the action of life, man is imperiously reminded by hunger and thirst; hard condi- tions of existence. He can support the first of these wants for a time, which varies according to age and individual strength; it is a sensation agreeable at first, but it soon becomes a torture, a succession of atrocious pains, and moral and physi- cal destruction follow. The annals of hunger are terrible in science and in history; it has been called, with too much reason, an evil counsellor, and he who has the means to appease it each day should be thereby reminded of those less fortunate than himself. 74 THE HUMAN BODY. Thirst is a sensation painful from the first, and can be borne for a shorter time than hunger ; for it necessarily im- plies the privation of all liquid aliment, and exhaustion super- venes much sooner than when a man is deprived of solid food, but is able by the aid of a little water to prolong his life for some days. The organs of digestion, of which we will give a summary idea, are, for the most part, contained in the abdomen. Abdominal cavity. This ca- vity is the largest in the body; it is situated below the chest, from which it is separated by the dia- phragm, and extends to the lower ' extremity of the trunk. It is divided into several parts or re- gions, which are ist. In the upper portion, the epigastrium, corresponding to what is called the pit of the stomach, and the two hypochonders (hypo, under; chondros, cartilage), which rise up from each side of the epigastrium, under the double arch of the Fig. si. Section of the trunk and its diaphragm and under the car- tilages of the ribs. 2d. In the middle, the umbilical region, and the flanks or sides. 3d. In the lower portion, the hypogastrrum or lower belly, and the iliac fossa, inclosed by the bones of the same name. The walls of the abdomen are formed principally by muscles and apon- euroses, combined with the vertebral column and the bones of the pelvis. The lower or false ribs have only an in- direct connection with the abdominal cavity, resulting from its being set into the. bottom of the chest cavities in the median line. A. Cavity of the chest. B. Diaphragm. C. Abdominal cavity. D. Vertebral column. E. Spinal canal. ABDOMINAL CAVITY ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 75 The abdominal cavity is lined with a serous membrane called the peritoneum. Like all the membranes of this nature, it is formed of cellular or laminated tissue and elastic fibres; its free surface is covered with an epithelium, a sort of epidermis, which resists the continual friction result- ing from the movements of the organs; and lastly, like all its congeners, it is a sac without an opening, folded on itself, and consequently with double walls. The space between these walls is empty, their corresponding surfaces rub freely against each other, and are moistened by a fluid analogous to the serum of the blood, a secretion peculiar to these membranes, and from which they derive their name. The internal wall of the sac covers all the organs which it con- tains, and the external wall is attached throughout its whole extent to the cavity which it lines. We shall, by-and-by, have occasion to return to the disposition of the peritoneum. The digestive apparatus is one of the most complex and extensive in the organism; it is accessible to our investiga- tions in all its parts, and we are able to follow the working of the functions which devolve upon it. We can observe the metamorphosis which the food undergoes; we can repro- duce in our laboratories a part of these transformations; a step farther, and, as Fontenelle has said, we should surprise nature in the very act; but this impossible step is the immense distance which separates inert matter from organized sub- stance, physical and chemical phenomena from the vital functions. The organs of digestion are the mouth, the pharynx, the oesophagus, the stomach, the liver, and the pancreas. The spleen and kidneys are appendages of the digestive apparatus, but belong rather to the circulatory or excretory. The mouth forms the entrance to the digestive apparatus; it contains the organ of taste, and serves in eating and in articulating sounds. Bounded above by the palatine arch, below by a muscular wall and by the tongue, on the sides and in front by the cheeks and the lips, the mouth presents in front the opening of the lips, behind, the isthmus of the throat by which it communicates with the pharynx and over which the soft palate falls. 7 6 THE HUMAN BODY. The lips form the anterior wall of the mouth, and are com- posed principally of the orbicular muscle of the lips, to whose LLVEILLt DEL. C. LAPLANTE Fig. 22. Section in the median line through the inferior portion of the nasal fossae, the mouth, pharynx, larynx, oesophagus, and trachea. A. Mouth. H. Superior vocal chord. B. Soft palate. I. Inferior vocal chord. C. Tongue. K. Ventricle of the larynx. D. Tonsil. L. Larynx. E. Epiglottis. M. N. Trachea or windpipe. F. Thyroid cartilage. O. Pharynx, before which is seen the G. Arytenoid cartilage. cricoid cartilage. concentric fibres are attached nearly all the muscles of the face ; a very thick skin intimately united with the orbicular THE LIPS THE CHEEKS. 77 muscle, a layer of small salivary glands subjacent to it, and the mucous membrane, complete these two movable, extensible, and contractile veils. The lips are an organ of prehension and suction; they prevent, especially the under lip, the escape of saliva; they assist in the articulation of sounds and in playing upon wind-instruments; and lastly, they take an extensive part in the expression of the physiognomy. Abundantly provided with nerves and vessels, the lips are extremely sensitive, especially on their borders, where the skin grows thin, takes a carnation tint, and is insensibly transformed into mucous membrane. Although the orbicular muscle limits them in a measure, and imposes upon them certain functions and a distinct region, they are in reality only the anterior portion of the cheeks, with which they are in constant communication by movement and function. The cheeks form the sides of the face and the lateral walls of the mouth. They embody in their substance the muscles intrusted with the performance of the complex functions of the mouth. One of these muscles, peculiar to that part of the cheek which forms the buccal wall, brings the food between the jaws and reacts against the distension of the cheeks by the air. Its action in playing on wind-instru- ments has given it the name of buccinator; it contributes also to the expression by drawing the commissure of the lips backward, while the great and small zygomatic muscles raise it. The triangular muscle of the lips, on the contrary, lets it fall ; and lastly, the masseter, a thick muscle of great power, brings the lower jaw against the upper one, and with the temporal muscle performs mastication. The internal face of the cheeks is covered with mucous membrane, and its whole surface is scattered over with little openings, which give pas- sage to the saliva, which is secreted by a great number of glandules analogous to those in the lips. Near the middle is the opening of the canal of Stenon, through which the saliva secreted by the parotid gland is poured into the mouth. This gland is situated, as its name indicates, in front of the ear, and is the most important of the salivary glands. The teeth are implanted in the alveolar border of the upper and lower jaw, forming two symmetrical arcades, and when the 78 THE HUMAN BODY. mouth is closed they circumscribe its limits like an internal wall. They are twenty in number in the child, and thirty-two in the adult. They are divided into eight incisors, four canine, and twenty molars. The last four molars are called the "wisdom teeth." A tooth is composed of three distinct parts: the pulp, the ivory, and the enamel. Vessels and nerves penetrate the pulp, but do not go beyond; the ivory which envelopes the pulp constitutes the root and the crown of the teeth. That part of the tooth where the crown joins the root is called the neck. This last is covered with a layer of bony tissue. The crown commences at the neck, and is overlaid with the enamel, a tissue very poor in animal sub- stances, and almost inorganic. The teeth are not bones; though their roots have an osseous covering, they do not present either in their essential parts the ivory and the enamel or in their mode of development and their physio- logical conditions, any connection with the osseous system; they are considered as analogous to the epidermic productions, the hair, nails, &c., which they resemble in many respects. Palate. The palatine arch is formed, as we have already seen, by the upper jaw-bones and the palatine bones. It is circumscribed in front and on the sides by the upper teeth. It is covered with a thick mucous membrane, very hard, and presenting transverse ridges. Behind, it is continued by a musculo-membranous partition, called the veil of the palate the soft palate covered anteriorly by the mucous, buccal, posteriorly by the pituitary membrane. Its inferior border is free and floating, presenting on the median line an appen- dage called the uvula. Each of its lateral borders forms a continuation with the tongue and the pharynx by two folds, which are called the pillars of the soft palate, and be- tween which on either side lie the tonsils. In a state of repose the soft palate closes the back part of the mouth; but when raised prevents the food and drink, and the voice also, from passing into the nasal fossae. The tongue is a fleshy body, symmetrical, longer than it is broad, flattened from above downwards, thicker toward the middle than at its extremities, larger behind than in front, and rounded on the edges. The posterior extremity of the THE TONGUE. 79 tongue is called its root, and the anterior the point or tip. Its upper surface or back, and a part of its edges, are covered over with papilla, which are divided into conical, fungiform, and cup-shaped papillae. Its lower surface is free for about one-third of its length anteriorly : at the point of attachment we observe a mucous fold called the frcenum lingua or bridle of the tongue. Its two posterior thirds receive the muscles which fasten it to the neighbouring parts. The base or root of the tongue is fixed to the hyoid bone, an osseous semi- circle bifurcated at its extremities, placed between the tongue and the larynx, and bound to these two organs by muscles, which gives unity to their movements in rising and falling. The tongue is formed of muscles, some of which are proper to itself, and others attach it to the hyoid bone, to the lower jaw, and to the styloid process of the temporal bone. All these muscles interlace their fibres in an inextricable manner, especially towards the upper portion of the tongue. At the median line and in the centre they are fixed to a cartila- ginous plate, a sort of indirect prolongation of the hyoid bone, which gives greater solidity to the whole. The buccal mucous membrane covers the tongue, and is remarkably dense on its dorsal face. The complex interlacement of the muscular fibres of the tongue permits a great variety of motion. It can raise or lower itself, lengthen or shorten, shrink or expand, diminish the end to a point, bend itself upwards and downwards, hollow itself into a canal lengthwise or breadthwise, carry its point and its edges to the parts of the mouth into which mastica- tion has dispersed the food ; in short, it exhibits in its move- ments and changes of form great force and the most subtle dexterity. The tongue receives three nerves; the great hypoglossal, the lingual, and glosso-pharyngeal ; the first gives motion, and the last two are the sensitive nerves of taste. Under the influence of the first it takes part in the functions of diges- tion and in the articulation of sounds, and endowed by the others with a special sensibility, it is the principal organ of taste. The bottom of the buccal cavity communicates with the 80 THE HUMAN BODY. pharynx, a canal with elastic walls formed by muscles, and lined with mucous membrane. It extends from the back of the mouth to the oesophagus, and is the vestibule of this passage, a sort of funnel, the upper part of which shares in deglutition, and adds to the resonance of the voice. The anterior wall of the oesophagus is formed by the larynx, the superior orifice of which, surmounted by the epiglottis, opens into the pharyngeal cavity, so that it is only the half of a canal completed in front by the larynx. The pharynx is continued below by the oesophagus, a tube formed by two membranes, the external muscular and the internal mucous. It is extensible and very contractile; it descends between the spinal column and the trachea, which it overlaps a little to the left, and on reaching the thorax it follows the posterior mediastinum, and at last traverses the diaphragm and opens into the stomach. The stomach. The form of the stomach has been com- pared to that of a bagpipe. It is a large pouch, an expan- sion of the digestive tube, placed transversely across the upper portion of the abdomen. Its left extremity or great cul-de-sac, lying in the hypochondriac region, is rounded and larger than the right, which corresponds to the epigastrium. Above, it forms a concave curve the lesser curvature; be- low, a convex curve the greater curvature. The opening by which it communicates with the oesophagus is to the right of the great cul-de-sac, and is called the cardiac orifice; and that which opens into the intestine, the pylorus, or pyloric orifice. The walls of the stomach are formed of four membranes, which, proceeding from without inwards, are a serous the peritoneum a muscular, a fibrous, and a mucous membrane. The muscular membrane is composed of three layers of fibres, some longitudinal, others circular. These fibres are slender and open for the most part, but near the pylorus they are closer and stronger, and around this orifice they form a muscular ring, which has been named the pyloric valve. The intestinal canal is a continuation of the stomach; its walls, like those of that organ, are composed of four mem- THE INTESTINAL CANAL. 8l branes a serous, muscular, fibrous, and mucous membrane. It is divided into the large and small intestines. The smaller intestine is composed of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. The duodenum is so named because it measures Fig. 23. Transverse section of the thoracic and abdominal cavities. A. Heart B. Lungs separated to show the heart. C. Diaphragm. D. Liver. E. Gall-bladder. F. Stomach. G. Small intestine. H. Transverse colon. nearly twelve finger-breadths in length; it extends from the stomach to the jejunum, from which no line of demarcation separates it, nor is the jejunum separated from the ileum. These names indicate a purely arbitrary distinction, drawn by the ancient anatomists between these three parts of the intestinal canal. The large intestine differs from the small one externally in size, and because it presents a series of more 6 82 THE HUMAN BODY. marked enlargements. The coscum is its upper portion, of a, larger calibre than the ileum, and separated from it by the ileo-c&cal valve, a fold of the internal membranes designed to prevent the reflux of fluids. It opens into the ileum, not at its extremity, but by a lateral orifice; below this orifice, it forms a sort of ampulla, terminated by the appendix vermi- formis. The ccecum is followed by the colon, from which it is separated only by an artificial division. It is the largest and longest portion of the large intestine; it forms a curve called the arch of the colon, and is divided into the ascending, transverse, and descending colon, to which succeeds the rectum, the extremity of the intestinal canal. The total length of the intestine is about nine yards. It occupies a large portion of the abdomen, in which it is folded in numerous convolutions. The peritoneum (peri, around; teinein, to stretch) enve- lops the intestinal canal, attaches it to the vertebral column by a double membranous fold, called the mesentery, and par- tially covers it by a floating fold or epiploon. Imagine a membrane doubled back so as to form a long broad fold. At the bottom of and within this fold lies the intestine, which we may suppose to be stretched in a straight line. The membrane adheres closely to three-quarters of the surface of the intestine, and then folds back on itself. The two leaves of this peritoneal covering are united by cellular tissue, which permits their separation by distension of the intestines. If now we pucker the fold at its root, the border which contains the intestine will form numerous sinuosities, and this is really the arrangement of the intes- tinal convolutions. In the region of the colon, the fold formed by the peritoneum is very much broader, the in- testine lies in the middle of its breadth, and the rest falls like a veil in front of the intestinal mass, and rises to the stomach, which it partially covers as well as the liver and spleen. This moving veil is the epiploon (epi, upon; pleo, I float). That part of the fold behind the intestine fastens it- self to the front of the vertebral column, and takes the name of mesentery (niesos, middle, and mteron, intestine). The mucous membrane. This membrane is to the cavities MUCOUS MEMBRANE LIVER. 83 which it lines, what the skin is to the surface of the body. It is an internal skin, which is a continuation of the external. Like the skin, it is an organ of absorption and secretion. It is composed of a corium or true skin and a sort of epi- dermis, named the epithelium, variable in its texture and in its elements according as it is to offer more or less resistance. A peculiar fluid mucus is secreted by this membrane and preserves its softness. The mucous membrane is covered, throughout the digestive canal, even to the end of the small intestine, with great numbers of papillae or villi, and espe- cially on the tongue. In the stomach it has numerous folds, which are effaced when the organ is distended; and through- out the smaller intestine it forms the valvitla conniventes, wrinkles or folds designed to increase the extent of absorbing surface. The liver is an organ of a glandular nature, arid, like all the glands, is designed to secrete a peculiar fluid. It separates from the blood the elements which constitute bile. Situated in the right hypochonder, it enters the arch of the diaphragm ; and it occupies also a portion of the epigastrium, and then comes in contact with the stomach, the arch of the colon, &c. ; behind, it corresponds to the vertebral column, the aorta, and the descending vena cava ; in front to the base of the chest. It is held in its place by ligamentous folds of the peritoneum; the most important of these is the suspen- sory ligament. The form of the liver is difficult to describe : its upper surface is convex, its lower slightly concave. It is divided into the right and left lobes; to the latter is attached an appendage named lobus Spigelii or Spigel's lobe. The under surface of the liver is marked by the longitudinal and transverse fissures. Through this last the portal vein enters. Examined en masse, the liver is of a reddish-brown colour. Its substance is yellowish, granular, and contained in an envelope of cellular tissue called Glissorfs capsule. Several kinds of vessels are found in it: the hepatic artery, which carries the blood which nourishes the organ; the portal vein, which carries the blood to the liver which is to be purified; the hepatic vein, which transmits to the descending vena cava the blood elaborated by the gland; and lastly, the bile-ducts^ 84 THE HUMAN BODY. which secrete or transport the fluids extracted from the blood by the liver to the gall-bladder, situated under the right lobe. The tissue proper of the liver is essentially constituted by the secretory canals of the bile, each one of which ter- minates in an acinus or lobule ; a net-work of capillaries of the portal vein surrounds these lobules, which by their union in clusters form the liver, and which are so many diminu- tives of that gland. The secretory ducts are continuous with the hepatic ducts, and the capillaries of the portal vein with those of the hepatic veins, which transmit to the inferior vena cava the blood from which the bile has been separated. The liver secretes sugar also, which, formed in this gland at the expense of the blood from the portal vein, is immediately decomposed, and in health disappears in the process of nutrition. Pancreas. This is an elongated gland situated behind the stomach : it secretes the pancreatic juice a fluid analogous to the saliva, and which the pancreatic canal pours into the ductus choledochus, near its orifice in the duodenum. Spleen. This is a spongy vascular body situated in the left hypochonder, between the stomach and the false ribs: it serves as a reservoir in over-fulness of the portal vein. Its special use and purpose are unknown. The kidneys are two in number, and are placed on the right and left of the lumbar vertebrae in the lowest part of the hypochonders. They are glands of a peculiar and very complicated structure. They separate the urea from the blood, and transmit to the bladder the urinary secretion by two canals called ureters. The upper portion of the kidneys is covered by the supra-renal capsules, the use of which is not known. Mechanism of digestion. This function consists in the decomposition, liquefaction, and absorption of alimentary substances; it prepares the nutriment by separating the assimilable portions which are to be mingled with the blood from those which are not fit to enter into the organism. The aliments undergo in the mouth the first change neces- sary to their introduction into the digestive canal, which is also no less important in relation to their chemical trans- DIGESTION IN THE STOMACH AND INTESTINES. 85 formation. They are here mixed with the saliva, which penetrates them thoroughly, softens and dissolves them in part, and thus renders their mastication, taste, and degluti- tion more easy. The saliva also transforms the amylaceous substances contained in the food first into dextrine and then into glycose or sugar; it reduces a portion of the fatty bodies to an emulsion that is to say, it separates them into particles held in suspension in the salivary fluid, and begins the decomposition which is completed in the digestive canal. Digestion in the stomach. From the mouth the alimentary mass descends through the pharynx and oesophagus to the stomach, where it mingles with the gastric juice, one of the most powerful agents of digestion. The gastric juice is secreted by glandular tubes situated in the mucous mem- brane of the stomach. It is a colourless fluid, saltish as well as acid to the taste. It contains, among other elements, alkaline chlorides, lactic acid, and an organic substance called pepsine, which is peculiar to it. The gastric juice pours into the stomach in considerable quantities when food is introduced into it, mingles there with the mass, softens it, and induces a fermentation which results in their ultimate liquefaction. During digestion a characteristic movement takes place in the stomach and intestinal canal the circular fibres of the muscular membrane contract successively from above downwards, and push the alimentary substances in the same direction. Gradually as the lower fibres contract the upper ones relax in order to contract anew. This is called the peristaltic movement. Under its influence the contents of the stomach are kept incessantly in motion, mixed with the gastric juice, and directed toward \htpylorus. This orifice is so named because it is like a door-keeper to the stomach, allowing the aliments which have been sufficiently elaborated to pass out while the others are retained in the organ. After a time, which varies from three to five hours in dif- ferent individuals and at different ages, the alimentary mass is converted into a grayish paste, acid, and almost fluid; it then takes the name of chyme, and the function of the stomach, chymification, is accomplished. Intestinal digestion. In proportion as the chyme reaches 86 THE HUMAN BODY. the duodenum through the pyloric orifice, the bile and the pancreatic juice mingle with it, as the gastric juice does in the stomach. They both aid in liquefying the chyme by the water which they contain, and by their special action upon the substances of which it is composed: the pancreatic juice continues with even more activity than the saliva to trans- form the amylaceous matter into glycose. The bile assists the digestion of the animal matter by reducing the fatty bodies to an emulsion, and it appears also to act as an excitant to the function of the intestine; and lastly, a fluid secreted by the mucous membrane of the intestine, as the gastric juice is by the stomach, co-operates with the biliary and pancreatic secretions. Under the influence of these agents, of the fermentation induced by the pepsine and of the peristaltic movement, the chyme is liquefied during its advance through the smaller intestine, and is transformed into a white milky fluid the chyle which the chyliferous vessels draw from the surface of the mucous membrane, and carry to the thoracic duct, from whence it goes to be mixed with the blood. Absorption. The moment chyle is formed .digestion proper may be considered as accomplished, though on this function also depends the absorption of the chyle, which must still be perfected in its course through the smaller intestine and the veins before it mingles with the blood. The mechanism of absorption is still unknown. It has been explained as taking place by endosmosis a phenomenon dis- covered by Dutrochet, which results from the property which tissues possess, under certain conditions, of permitting fluid or gaseous bodies to pass through their capillary canals. If, for example, two fluids which may be mixed, though they may be of different natures and different densities, are separ- ated by a membrane, two currents are established through this membrane in opposite directions, and of unequal force, tending to mix the two fluids, the stronger current is gener- ally produced by the fluid the least dense; and this is called endosmosis the feebler current exosmosis. In this experi- ment the substances mingle without changing their nature; but it is not so in absorption. The substances absorbed by ABSORPTION. 87 the organic tissues change incessantly during their progress, borrowing or lending elements to each one of the molecules through which they pass. And farther, the different tissues absorb more or less of the same substance by virtue of pro- perties which are unknown. In this way a poison which remains inert on the mucous membrane of the stomach is rapidly absorbed by the lungs. The mucous membranes absorb more rapidly than the skin, and this tissue is more or less permeable according to its thickness, its density, as the epidermis which covers it is thick or thin. Absorption is therefore very rapid in inocula- tion that is, when the substance to be absorbed is intro- duced into the substance of the tissues. Wherever the point of absorption may be, it takes place by the lymphatic vessels, and especially by the veins. The veins absorb a greater number of substances than the lymphatics, and carry them more quickly into the circulation; they charge themselves especially with the materials which are to be rejected from the economy, while the lymphatics absorb from preference those that can still be assimilated. The veins and the chyliferous vessels, which are a variety of the lymphatics, draw from the mucous membrane of the intestine the useful products of digestion ; but the lymphatics take possession of fats, while the veins prefer fluids, albumen, sugar, and salts. It is well known with what rapidity certain substances taken into the alimentary canal, or into the lungs, pass into the other organs, and exhale, or are eliminated. Thus the presence of the ferro-cyanide of potassium has been recog- nized in the urine within one minute after its ingestion into the stomach. Indigo, gallic acid, and other colouring matters, or those possessing a characteristic odour, pass in the course of fifteen or twenty minutes through all the wind- ings of the circulation. As has already been stated, absorption takes place much more rapidly by the skin when it has been deprived of its epidermis. Five or six minutes are generally a sufficient time for the alkaloids of opium or belladonna to manifest their action on the nervous system, and in some cases this action is produced in a few seconds. Other substances, especially 88 THE HUMAN BODY. sulphate of copper, are almost as rapid in their effect on the stomach as chloroform and several gases when placed in contact with the mucous membrane of the lungs; they pro- duce phenomena which develop themselves with terrible rapidity. Medicine derives great assistance from this ab- sorbent property of the tissues; thanks to which, humanity is daily spared a vast amount of suffering. CHAPTER VIII. Respiration. Thoracic cavity; pleura. Organs of respiration: lungs, trachea, bronchia. Respiration; influence of respiration on the blood, Lavoisier^- theory, theory of catalytic phenomena; mechanism of respira- tion, respiratory sounds, frequency of respiration; capacity of the lungs; modification of t/ie air in the lungs. Influence of atmospheric pressure on respiration; mountain-sickness. Thoracic cavity . The thorax or chest, as we have already seen, is formed by the vertebral column, the ribs, and the sternum. The shoulder-blades and collar-bones belong to the arm, which is an appendix of the thorax. The thorax resembles a bony cage (fig. 1 1, p. 27), the interstices of which are filled with the muscles; the interior of this cage is the thoracic cavity (fig. 21, p. 74). It is the second cavity in point of size in the body; it has the form of a cone, slightly flattened from before backwards, with the base turned down- ward, and hollowed out in front. It is bounded at its apex by the sternum, the clavicles, the first rib on the right and left, and the seventh cervical vertebra; at its circumference by the sternum, the ribs, and the dorsal vertebrae; at its base by the false ribs, the costal cartilages, and the xyphoid car- tilage. The diaphragm corresponds to this base (fig. 21, p. 74); this is a muscular partition, the fibres of which radiate from a central aponeurosis ; it closes the chest at the bottom, into which it rises like an arch, a little depressed in the centre. The diaphragm is attached to the cartilaginous border of the false ribs, to the xyphoid process, and to the lumbar vertebrae. This last attachment is effected by mus- cular fasciculi, which are called the pillars of the diaphragm. The central aponeurosis of this muscle is in the form of a 90 THE HUMAN BODY. clover leaf; it was considered a nervous centre by the ancients, perhaps because of the pain and the peculiar sen- sations induced in the epigastrium by strong emotions, or because they confounded the tendinous fibres with the nervous tissue. Pleura. The cavity of the chest is lined with a serous membrane, called the pleura, which forms in each half of this cavity a sac without an opening. There are therefore two pleurae, a right and a left. Proceeding from the edges of the sternum and the costal cartilages, the pleurae cover the lateral walls of the chest and a portion of the body of the vertebrae. They then approach each other, leaving a space between them called fas posterior mediastinum. On reaching the root of the lungs, they turn from within outward, covering a portion of the pericardium and of the internal surface of the lungs, their posterior borders and external surface ; they then penetrate the interlobular fissures, and fold back upon the anterior border of the lungs and upon their internal surface quite to their roots; then turning again forward, they cover the sides of the pericardium, in front of which they turn back to back, and then separating anew, they reach the borders of the sternum from whence they sprang. The space left between the pleurae behind the sternum is the anterior medi- astinum, separated, as is seen, from the posterior mediastinum by the heart and the root of the lungs. At the top of the chest the pleurae form a conical cavity, which receives the apex of the lung; at the bottom they cover the superior surface of the diaphragm. In the posterior mediastinum are the oesophagus, the aorta, the azygos vein, the thoracic duct, and the lower portion of the trachea. In the anterior mediastinum are the pericardium the envelope of the heart and the thymus gland, an organ whose uses are unknown. That part of the pleurae which envelops the organs of the chest, and that which lines the walls of this cavity, are thus in contact with each other without adhering, in a normal condition, and they allow the expansion and contraction of the lungs and the walls of the chest. The serous nature of the pleurae insures freedom of movement, and prevents all roughness in the constant friction of the surfaces. LUNGS. 9 1 Organs of respiration. Lungs. As their name indicates (pneumon, from pneo, I breathe), the lungs are the essential organs of respiration. They are two in number, though they Fig. 24. Lungs and heart. A. Lungs ivith the anterior edges turned back to show the heart and bronchia. B. Heart. C. Aorta. D. Pulmonary artery. E. Ascending vena cava. F. Trachea. G, G. Bronchia. H, H. Carotid arteries. I, I. Jugular veins. J, J. Subclavian arteries. K, K. Subclavian veins. P, P. Costal cartilages. Q . An tcrior ca rdiac a rtery. R. RigJit auricle. receive the air by one canal and the blood by a single vessel ; they maybe considered as the terminal expansion of the rami- fications of the trachea, or as the two heads of a single tree. Placed in the chest, of which they occupy the larger part, 92 . THE HUMAN BODY. and to the shape of which they are moulded (fig. 23, p. 81), they represent two irregular cones, resting their bases on the diaphragm, filling with their apices the two conical spaces lined by the pleura at the top of the chest, and separated by the heart and the mediastinum. The right lung is divided in its length into three lobes by two oblique clefts, and is shorter and larger than the left, which has but two lobes. The internal face of the lungs is concave; about the middle the bronchia unite with the pulmonary vessels to form the root of the lungs ; their base takes the form of the convexity of the diaphragm; their edges, thin in front and at the bottom, thick and rounded behind, partially cover the heart, and fill the space which separates the diaphragm from the walls of the thorax, as well as the groove between the ribs and the vertebrae. The entire surface of the lungs is smooth and moistened with serous secretion. The tissue proper of the lungs, or pulmonary parenchyma, is of a grayish rose colour, soft, spongy, elastic, crepitating under pressure in consequence of the air it contains. It is divided into polyhedral lobules, very variable in form and in the disposition of their facets, which permit exact juxtaposi- tion without intervals; and they are separated by partitions of cellular tissue, independent and without communication with each other. Each one of these lobules is formed of a cluster of little cavities called pulmonary vesicles, constituting a cul- de-sac, and receiving the air from the bronchial ramifications of which they are the terminal expansions. The diameter of these pulmonary vesicles is from one-seventieth to one hun- dred and fiftieth of an inch; from this we can judge of the tenuity of their walls, in the substance of which notwithstand- ing ramify the capillary vessels. Each lobule represents a little lung, a diminutive of the entire organ. A bronchial twig and minute artery run into it, veins and lymphatic vessels leave it. On the surface the lobules appear bounded by their interme- diate partitions, and they form a mosaic of which the mottled colouring varies from rose to black. These black particles are principally composed of a carboniferous substance which penetrates the lung either with the air or with the blood, and which is called pulmonary carbon. LARYNX TRACHEA. 93 The lungs are supplied with air through the larynx, trachea, and bronchia. The larynx, the organ of the voice, of which we shall speak later, is continuous below with the trachea. This is a cylindrical tube flattened behind; it is composed of a series of cartilaginous rings united by a fibrous membrane, Fig. 25. Section showing the ramifications of the bronchi in the lungs. A. Trachea. B, C. Bronchi. D, D. Bronchial tubes. and lined with a mucous membrane; it is placed in the an- terior portion of the neck, and passes vertically from above downward. The rings of the trachea do not extend quite round it; interrupted in their circuit towards the posterior fourth of the tube, they are, properly speaking, only segments of a circle. They number from sixteen to twenty, and pro- duce a corresponding number of protuberances on the surface of the trachea, which is thereby rendered rough and wavy to the touch. It is from this circumstance that it derives its 94 THE HUMAN BODY. name (trachys, rough). Formerly it was confounded with the arterial vessels, which were supposed also to be designed to contain air. At the height of the third dorsal vertebra, the trachea divides into two portions, which are called bronchi, which on reaching the root of the lungs divide into numerous rami- fications designated bronchia or bronchial tubes, and be- coming more and more slender. Of the two principal bronchi, the right is larger than the left, and the left is twice the length of the right. They are both, as well as their rami- fications, up to a certain limit, composed of fibrous membrane and incomplete cartilaginous rings. When their diameter has decreased to less than one-fiftieth of an inch, they no longer have the cartilaginous rings, and the mucous membrane cannot be separated from their walls. They continue to subdivide, and terminate, as already stated, in the pulmonary vesicles, the agglomeration of which in clusters forms the lobules of the lung. Independently of the artery and pulmonary veins by which the venous blood reaches the lung, and, transformed into arterial blood, is returned to the heart that is, besides those which serve for the sanguification and circulation the bronchial veins and arteries carry the blood through the lungs which is destined to nourish the organ itself, and it is probable that the tissue proper of the lung uses for itself part of the red blood formed in its cavities. Numerous lymphatic vessels are also found in the lungs. The nerves which are distributed through the lungs come from the pneumogastric and the ganglion ic nervous system. Respiration. Respiration is a function by which the oxygen of the air is introduced into the blood, and by which part of the useless and hurtful materials are expelled, in a gaseous form, from the organism. It is divided into two parts : inspiration, during which the atmospheric air penetrates the pulmonary cells; and expiration, which expels the air which has been changed during its stay in the lungs. On reaching the cells of the lungs, the blood is separated from the air by their walls and those of the capillaries, which ramify over them. However thin these membranes may be, RESPIRATION. 95 they suffice to confine the air and the blood in distinct cavities; but like the other organic tissues, they have the property of allowing themselves to be penetrated by endos- mosis and exosmosis. The oxygen of the air therefore passes through them in order to combine with the blood; while those gases contained in this fluid, which should be eliminated, separate from it and mingle with the air, which carries them away with it during expiration. It is an interchange of gases between the air and the blood, the air giving up oxygen to the blood, and receiving from it other gaseous fluids, among which carbonic acid gas predominates in volume. This being in excess in the venous blood is exhaled from the lungs, while the oxygen of the air combines with the blood which is carried to the heart by the veins, which has been deprived of a part of its nutritive elements, and has become unfit to support life. On coming in contact with the oxygen, the venous blood loses its dark colour, becomes a brilliant red, and returns to the heart transformed into arte- rial blood. This group of phenomena is called sanguifi- cation. On the one hand the oxygen of the atmosphere burns carbon in the lung, on the other the lung exhales carbonic acid gas, nitrogen, and the vapour of water. From whence are these gases and this water derived? The carbonic acid gas is not produced in the lungs alone. The venous blood reaches the organ of respiration poor in oxygen, and charged relatively with the carbonic acid gas which it has received in its course from all the tissues ; everywhere this acid has been produced by the combination of the carbon with the oxygen, which in the lung is borrowed from the air, but everywhere else it comes from the arterial blood. In a word, the oxygen combined with the blood by respiration, is separated from it little by little in the capillaries throughout the whole body in order to produce numerous products, among others car- bonic acid gas. On leaving the heart and in the arteries, the blood contains 24 parts of oxygen per 1000, in the veins it contains only n per 1000. As for the nitrogen and the vapour of water, one is disengaged, and the other produced during this same process of nutrition, and both are drawn 96 THE HUMAN BODY. from the principles in the organism which are introduced into it by digestion or respiration. Lavoisier was the first to demonstrate the absorption of oxygen by respiration, and to show by experiment the analogy existing between combustion and respiration. " Respiration," said he, " is nothing but a slow combustion of carbon and hydrogen, which resembles, iri every respect, that which takes place in a lamp. ... In respiration, as in combustion, it is the atmosphere that furnishes the oxygen. . . . But since, in respiration, it is the substance of the animal itself, it is the blood which furnishes the combustible, if animals do not regularly repair by alimentation that which they lose by respiration the oil in the lamp will soon be wanting, and the animal will perish as the lamp will go out for the want of nourishment." Most physiologists have admitted Lavoisier's theory, and they consider respiration a slow combustion of the materials of the blood by the oxygen of the atmosphere, and as the source of animal heat. We have just seen that this combustion takes place, not only in the lungs, but through- out the whole extent of the organs where the arterial blood carries the oxygen which presides over the phenomena of nutrition, that is, over the assimilation of the elements of which the blood is formed, and over the decomposition of some of these principles of which certain parts only remain in the system, while others return to be burned in the capillaries of the lungs, or to be exhaled in the form of gas or vapour of water. Some authors again do not admit that combustion takes place in respiration, the phenomena of which, of quite a dif- ferent order according to them, may be attributed to a reac- tion induced by the contact of organized substances. The decomposition and disassimilation of these are due to a series of acts of which very little is known, and which are compared to what has been termed by Berzelius u catalytic phenomena" But we confine ourselves to a mention only of this doctrine, which is not generally accepted. Mechanism of respiration. We have seen that respiration is divided into two movements inspiration and expiration. In inspiration, the diaphragm contracts and sinks down, push- MECHANISM OF RESPIRATION. 97 ing the abdominal organs downward. The ribs rise by the contraction of numerous muscles ; at the same time with the sternum, which is carried forward, the intercostal spaces en- large, and the chest is developed in all its dimensions, verti- cally, antero-posteriorly, and transversely. In expiration, the inspiratory muscles relax, and others, especially those of the abdomen, lower the ribs and the sternum by contracting the chest; while the lungs, distended by the air inspired, collapse under the pressure of the thoracic walls and their own proper elasticity. The experiments of Duchenne of Boulogne tend to prove that this contraction of the lungs is due to the muscular fibres which accompany the bronchia down to their minutest ramifications. Nearly all the inspirations are effected by the movements of the diaphragm and the inferior ribs only. From time to time a deeper and more complete inspiration causes the thorax to rise, not simultaneously but successively at the base, then at the apex. In the first case the respiration is dia- phragmatic; when the lower and middle ribs are raised it is termed lateral; and lastly, when the first rib and clavicle take part in the movement, it is costo-superior or clavicular. In diaphragmatic respiration, as M. Mandl has observed, the larynx is immovable, the inspiration is easy, without effort, and permits exertion in singing or in gymnastics for a long time and without fatigue. On the contrary, persons who respire principally by the upper ribs are easily fatigued, and very soon out of breath. This is seen in women when the corset compresses the base of the chest, and in singers who adopt, on erroneous principles, the bad habit of clavicular respiration. In this last method of inspiration the larynx is drawn down by the contraction of the external muscles, and its action becomes painful. The effort of the inspiratory muscles rapidly induces fatigue, and the inspiration, always incomplete, becomes also more frequent. Diaphragmatic respiration is practised by mountaineers, gymnasts, and skilful singers a habit induced either by instinct, or a well-directed education. The respiratory movements are not completely under the control of the will. It is not possible long to suppress the 7 98 THE HUMAN BODY. contrary movement after an inspiration, and when expiration has taken place the need of inspiration soon makes itself im- periously felt. It is impossible, in fact, to retain the breath except for a very short space of time, two or three minutes at the longest: the most thoroughly trained divers not being able to exceed this limit. Respiratory sounds. In a normal condition, and when awake, respiration takes place without noise when the move- ment is moderate; but when inspiration and expiration are strong and deep, it is accompanied by a noise caused by the air passing through the nasal passages or the mouth. During sleep the column of air breaks against the soft palate and produces snoring. Besides these sounds, which are exterior to the chest, there are others produced by the passage of the air through the bronchial tubes; and when the ear is applied to the chest of a person in good health, a soft and regular murmur is heard in rhythm with the respiration; this is called the vesicular murmur. Several morbid causes change the nature of this murmur, suppress it, or produce others. These are so many signs which enable the physician to determine the condition of the respiratory organs. Frequency of respiration. In an adult in a condition of repose, respiration takes place about eighteen times a minute, in the infant it is more frequent. As is well known, it be- comes very active under the influence of bodily exertion, or under excitement from any cause whether physical or moral. When, on the other hand, the attention is fixed on a laborious effort, the breath is held so that it very soon becomes necessary to take long and deep inspirations to compensate for the insufficiency of those which preceded. This result of hard work or great strain of mind should be guarded against in children, as their constitution suffers greatly under the influence of incomplete respiration. Capacity of the lungs. It is estimated that the lungs of a man from thirty-five to forty years old will contain about 225 cubic inches of air; it is less before that age, and falls to a little less than 200 cubic inches at sixty years of age. The capacity is smaller in women, and varies also according to the individual. It is only possible to obtain approximate CHANGES ON THE AIR IN THE LUNGS. 99 experimental results, as the lungs are not completely emptied at each expiration, and the cells always retain a quantity of air, and this quantity is greater in proportion as the respiration is calm and shallow. Changes on the air in the lungs. It is clear from the fore- going, that the air which is expired has neither the same volume nor the same proportion of constituent elements as the air which is inspired. In fact, an adult man absorbs by respiration from 450 to 550 grains of oxygen in an hour. He exhales in the same time 632 grains of carbonic acid; a less quantity of nitrogen, amounting to about a hundredth of the oxygen absorbed; and lastly, about 9720 grains of water in the form of vapour. This exhalation of water by the lungs constitutes the pulmonary perspiration, a function analogous to the perspiration of the skin. The expired air, as already stated, is deprived of a portion of its oxygen, and is charged with carbonic acid gas. The proportion of this gas is about 4 parts in 100. From 350 to 400 cubic feet of air are taken into the lungs in 24 hours, and rapidly changed, and the gravest consequences result from placing a man under condi- tions in which the air cannot be renewed. During the Eng- lish war in India in the last century, one hundred and forty- six prisoners were shut up in a room scarcely large enough to hold them, into which the air could only enter by two narrow windows; and at the end of eight hours only twenty-three remained alive, and these were in a most deplorable condi- tion. Percy relates that after the battle of Austerlitz, three hundred Russian prisoners were confined in a cavern, and two hundred and sixty of these unfortunates perished in a few hours from asphyxia. Influence of the pressure of the atmosphere on respiration. Mountain-sickness. It is well known that the density of the air diminishes with the atmospheric pressure, that is, in the lower regions of the air, on the sea-coast for example, the air is denser than in elevated regions. Thus in order to absorb the quantity of oxygen necessary for sanguification, it is necessary to respire oftener upon high mountains than when on plains, but this acceleration of respiration is perceptible only when the height is considerable and the 100 THE HUMAN BODY. distance rapidly passed over. Gay-Lussac, who in his balloon ascension rose to a height of 22,956 feet in six hours, found his respiration disturbed, and greatly accelerated; and having made no movement requiring exertion, he could only attribute this condition to the diminution of the pressure of the atmosphere. But in climbing mountains the move- ment and efforts of walking are added to the influence of the height; and when the difference in altitude in one day amounts to 6560 feet, a notable acceleration of respiration and quickening of the pulse is observed, which in many instances is accompanied by a peculiar sense of uneasiness, which has been termed mountain-sickness. The most remark- able symptoms are fatigue or rather partial paralysis of the muscular system, and especially of the muscles of locomotion. This paralysis of the legs increases with every step until, having gone a certain distance with increasing difficulty, it is impossible to take another step. A rest of a few seconds is sufficient for the muscles to regain their power, and it seems as if the traveller could go on without fear of a recurrence of the difficulty; but very soon it returns, and a fresh halt is necessary. The higher one goes the shorter the distance that can be passed without resting from one hundred and fifty steps the distance falls-off to one hundred to fifty and at last to twenty or thirty. Inclination to sleep, oppression of the heart, and loss of spirit are sometimes added to this periodic exhaustion of strength, and in some persons mountain- sickness is closely analogous to sea-sickness. In others the symptoms are such as are always induced in the respiration, circulation, and in consequence in the muscular system, by violent exercise. Thirty steps in climbing a high mountain cause as much fatigue as a forced march or run on a plain. Respiration, quickened by motion and disturbed by succes- sive efforts, is no longer sufficient for sanguification; the pro- portion between the venous and the arterial blood is no longer normal; and, above all, sanguineous congestion, which is inseparable from violent exertion, takes place in the lungs, in the brain, and other organs. But as soon as the muscles have relaxed for a few moments, two or three full in- spirations rapidly relieve the congestion, while a flood of MOUNTAIN -SICKNESS. IOI arterial blood proceeds from the heart to revive the whole organism. Up to a height of 16,400 feet, man can easily acclima- tize himself to the rarefied air. Baron Humboldt saw Peru- vians cultivating the land at Antisana, situated 13,454 feet above the level of the sea; and agricultural labour requires the development of an amount of force incompatible with mountain-sickness, even though an energy like that of our European cultivators may not be found. Jacquemont visited villages in Thibet at a height of 16,400 feet. La Paz is situated on the Andes at a height of 12,195 feet, but the inhabitants suffer no inconvenience from the rarity of the atmosphere; though strangers can walk only a short distance without stopping, and they are specially uncomfortable if the young Peruvian ladies mischievously invite them to a few turns in a waltz. It is hardly necessary to remark that these symptoms are not equally urgent in all those who expose themselves to this rarefied air. Some individuals scarcely feel them, and are soon acclimatized, while others suffer greatly for a long period. A host of circumstances and special conditions contribute also to render these symptoms more or less marked, and mountaineers themselves some- times experience them as well as the inhabitants of less ele- vated countries. CHAPTER IX. Circulation. Organs of the circulation; heart, pericardium; arteries, capillaries, principal arteries; veins, principal veins ; portal system; lymphatic vessels and ganglia. Mechanism of the circulation; dis- coz'ery of the circulation, action and sounds of the heart, arterial circu- lation, pulse, capillary circulation; venous circulation, valves of the veins; discharge of chyle and lymph into the veins. Sanguification; circulation in the pulmonary artery, capillaries, and pulmonary veins. Influences which accelerate or retard the beating of the heart. Circulation. The blood is carried by the arteries from the heart to all the organs, and it returns by the veins from all the organs to the heart. This movement of the blood to and from every portion of tire body, from the heart as the point of departure, is called the circulation. The transportation of chyle and lymph by the lymphatic vessels, which are the tributaries and purveyors of the sanguiferous system, is con- nected also with the circulation. Organs of the circulation. The heart is a hollow muscular organ, nearly in the form of a cone, of which the base is equal to the height, and about the size of the fist in the adult. It is situated towards the middle of the chest, a little to the left (fig. 24, p. 91), and between the pleurae, which contribute to form its covering. Its apex is directed down- ward, forward, and towards the left, at about the level of the fifth rib; its base looks upward, and slightly backward, and is protected by the sternum. Its anterior face, turned upward and to the right, is marked by a longitudinal furrow, as is also its posterior face, which is turned downward and to the left. Internally the heart is divided by a muscular par- tition into two nearly equal halves, placed back to back, and THE HEART. 103 these are each again divided laterally into two cavities, the superior called the auricle, and the inferior the ventricle. The auricles take their name from a flattened appendage which Fig. 26. Heart and principal arterial and venous trunks. A. Rigiit ventr'cle. B. Left ventricle. C. RigJit auricle. D. Left auricle. E. Aorta. F. Pulmonary artery. G. Brachio-cephalic trunk. H. Carotid, right and left. I, I. Subclavian arteries. K. Superior vena cava. L. Pulmonary veifis. falls down upon their external face. The right auricle com- municates with the right ventricle, and the left auricle with the left ventricle. There is no communication between the ven- tricles, but before birth the two auricles communicate by an orifice, which is obliterated during the first months of life, 104 THE HUMAN BODY. leaving as the only trace of its existence a depression called the fossa ovalis. The superior and inferior vena cava open into the right auricle, and at the orifice of the latter is the Eustachian valve. The orifices of the right and left pulmonary veins are in the left auricle. The opening by which the auricles and ventricles commu- nicate with each other is called the auriculo-ventricular opening. These orifices are furnished with valves; that on the right is called the tricuspid valve, from the three angles which are formed by its leaves; and that on the left is called the mitral valve, from the slight resemblance which it bears to a bishop's mitre. The cavities of the heart are lined by the endocardium, a very fine, smooth membrane, which has been compared to the serous membranes. These cavities present numerous inequalities, which result from the projection of the bundles of muscular fibre which point in every direction. In the ven- tricles these fascicles form fleshy columns (columna camece), disposed in a net-work running from one point of the walls to another, and several which take part in the movement of the valves, send out to these valves a crowd of little tendons. The walls of the left ventricle are much thicker and more resistant than those of the right ventricle. Pericardium. This is the term applied to the covering which envelops the heart; it is a sac composed of two layers, a fibrous membrane on the outside, and a serous membrane on the inside. This last covers the external surface of the heart, and is reflected back upon itself in order to form, like all the membranes of this nature, a sac without an opening. The heart is thus covered by the pericardial sac, but not contained inside its cavity. A correct idea may be formed of the disposition of the pericardium around the heart by recalling a very common and very convenient, though now discarded head-dress, the cotton night-cap. The pericardium incloses the heart exactly as this cap covered our forefathers' heads. Arteries. The vessels which carry the blood from the right ventricle to the lungs, and from the left ventricle to the ARTERIES. whole system, are called arteries. The first-named, the rami- fications of the pulmonary artery, contain the dark blood which is carried to the lungs to be oxygenized by contact with the air. It is on the contrary red blood which runs in the aorta, the original trunk of all the arteries distributed A- 1 Fig. 27. -Transverse section of the heart. A. Right ventricle. B. Left ventricle. C Right auricle. D. Left auricle. E. Right auricula-ventricular orifice and tricuspid valve. F. Left auriculo-ventriciilar orifice and mitral valve. G. Origin of tJie pulmonary artery and sigmoid valves. H. Origin of tJie aorta, and valves. I. Orifice of inferior vena cava. K. Superior vena cava. L, L. Orifice of the pulmonary veins. through the body. There are two classes of arteries, one pertaining to the pulmonary system or lesser circulation, and the other to the aortic or general circulation. We will first consider the last-named. The ancient anatomists, finding the arteries empty after death, believed that they were designed to contain air, and from this circumstance they derive their name (aer, air, and 106 THE HUMAN BODY. terein, to contain). For the same reason, and with more accuracy, they named the tube which conveys the air to the lungs the trachea-artery. Galen discovered the presence of blood in the arteries, but he retained the name, and others have continued it, although it does not accord with their functions. The walls of the arteries are composed of three superposed coats. The outer one is nbro-cellular, vascular, and very resistant; the middle one, the membrane proper or elastic, is less resistant, and changes its texture under the influence of age or other causes. The inner is extremely thin, and is analogous in texture to the endocardium. When a ligature is applied to an artery, the internal and middle coats are broken through by the pressure, but the external one resists it. The arteries communicate with each other in their course through the body, and especially toward the extremities by numerous anastomoses that, is, they join each other either by means of branches, or by forming a net-work, the meshes of which, rounded and in arches, are closer in proportion as the twigs are smaller. They terminate in innumerable microscopic ramifications, called the capillary vessels, which are intermediate between the ends of the arteries and the veins. The walls of the arteries are nourished, like all other parts of the body, by the vasa vasorum, or vessels of the vessels. And lastly, the arteries are enveloped in their course by numerous nervous filaments from the great sympathetic nerve, and by lymphatic vessels. The arteries which penetrate the substance of muscles, like those of the thigh and leg, are protected by an aponeu- rotic sheath, and by fibrous rings which prevent them from being pulled out of place or compressed during the contrac- tion of the muscles which surround them. Principal arteries. The aorta, which is the main trunk of the arterial system which carries the red blood, is the largest artery in the system. It commences at the upper portion of the left ventricle, not far from the ventriculo-aortic orifice; it has three valves, called the sigmoid or semi-lunar valves, PRINCIPAL ARTERIES. 107 which serve to prevent the reflux of the blood, and which completely close the vessel when expanded. The aorta runs upward and to the right, and is here the ascending aorta; then it turns to the left, passing in front of the spinal column, and taking a new turn downward, it forms the arch of the aorta; it runs along and to the left of the spine through the posterior mediastinum, and is called the descending aorta, and passes through the opening in the dia- phragm. On reaching the abdomen it becomes the abdo- minal aorta, up to about the fourth lumbar vertebrae, where it bifurcates and forms the two primitive iliac arteries. From its upper portion the aorta throws off important branches, of which the principal are the following: The brachio-cephalic or innominate artery, which springs from the arch, and is its representative on the right side of the chest. This trunk gives off the right common carotid and subdavian; the left common carotid and subdavian spring directly from the arch of the aorta. The common carotid arteries run upward along the outside of the neck on a level with the upper border of the thyroid cartilage, and each divides into the external and internal carotid. The external carotid gives off the superior thyroid, the facial, lingual, and occipital arteries. At the level of the con- dyle of the jaw it divides into the temporal and internal maxillary. The internal carotid runs upward along the cervical ver- tebrae, enters the skull, gives off the ophthalmic artery, and is distributed through the brain. The subdavian runs outside, behind and below the clavicle, as its name indicates, and gives off, among other branches, the vertebral artery, and the internal mammary; and on reaching the arm-pit (axilla) it takes the name of the axillary artery, and gives off important vessels to the shoulder and chest; and then descending along the humerus under the name of the brachial artery, it divides below the elbow, and forms the radial and ulnar arteries, which furnish the vessels of the fore-arm and those of the hand. Among the arteries arising from the descending aorta we 108 THE HUMAN BODY. will mention only the coeliac trunk, which divides into three branches, destined to the liver, the stomach, and the spleen; the superior and inferior mesenteric, which go to the mesentery and intestines; and the renal or emulgent arteries. Iliac arteries. The common iliac arteries, formed by the bifurcation of the aorta, run obliquely downward to the right and left. After attaining a length of about two and a half inches, each one divides into the internal iliac, which ramifies on the inside and on the outside of the pelvic cavity, and the external iliac, which at the point where it leaves the pelvis gives off the epigastric artery. This artery runs upward behind the anterior wall of the abdomen, and unites by anastomosis with the lower extremity of the internal mammary artery. On leaving the pelvis the external iliac takes the name of \hzfemoral artery, gives off large branches to the muscles of the thigh, and on reaching the lower third of this region, becomes the popliteal artery, or artery of the ham. This last gives off the anterior tibial, and then divides into the posterior tibial and the peroneal artery. The anterior tibial at the point of the articulation of the foot with the leg takes the name of dorsal artery of the foot, and ramifies over the upper surface of the foot; while the peroneal and posterior tibial, after having, like the anterior tibial, distributed branches to the leg, terminate in the plantar, region, or sole of the foot Veins. The veins carry the blood from the extremities to the heart. They are divided like the arteries into two classes, according as, filled with red blood, they run from the capil- laries of the lungs to the trunks of the pulmonary veins which is the lesser circulation; or as they carry the black blood to the venae cavae which is the general circulation. The veins of the liver and their principal trunk, the portal vein, have sometimes been considered as also a separate system; and this distinction has also been extended to those of the kidneys and other organs. The walls of the veins are much thinner than those of the arteries, and are formed of four tunics, of which the fourth or internal one is like that of the arteries; the others are formed of elastic or cellular fibres, longitudinal in the third, circular in the second, in such a manner as to present the PRINCIPAL VEINS. IOQ greatest resistance. The third and fourth coats form folds, which when extended partially close the vessel. These valves are disposed in such a manner as that when the blood moves toward the heart it presses them close to the walls of the veins, and they are no obstacle to its course; while, if it moves in the contrary direction, they close and prevent its return toward the extremities. The veins are disposed in two planes. Some are deeply placed, and accompany the arteries, of which they are called the companions (vena comites arteriaruni)\ others are superficial, and creep along under the skin without any coincidence with the direction of the arterial vessels. Springing from the capillaries, by means of which they com- municate with the arteries, the venous radicles unite more rapidly than those of the arteries into considerable branches, superior in numbers and total capacity to the arterial trunks. Many of the arteries, in fact, are accompanied by two veins as satellites, of at least equal calibre; and the superficial veins show still greater disproportion. In the interior of the cranium the veins are transformed into sinuses or canals formed by the dura mater, which receive the venous branches of the brain. The veins are enveloped in their course by numerous lymphatic vessels. Principal veins. The superior and inferior vena cava are to the venous system what the aorta is to the arterial system. The superior vena cava receives the blood from the head, neck, the upper extremities, and the walls of the chest; it opens into the right auricle of the heart. It is formed by the two brachio-cephalic trunks and the azygos vein. Each of these brachio-cephalic venous trunks unites, like the arterial trunks of the same name, all the principal veins of the head and the arms, which are the two jugulars, internal and ex- ternal, and the subclavian. The internal jugular corresponds to the carotid artery; it receives the blood from the sinuses of the dura mater, from the veins of the head, of the neck, and part of the shoulder. The external jugular carries the blood from a part of the superficial veins of the head to the subclavian vein. The subclavian vein corresponds to the artery of the same name, and receives the companion veins, and veins corre- IIO THE HUMAN BODY. spending in name to the arteries of the upper limb; it is also the common trunk of the superficial veins of the hand, fore- arm, and arm, the principal of which are the cephalic and basilic. This last vein crosses the radial artery in the bend of the elbow, and is separated from it by a tendinous expan- sion of the biceps muscle. The cephalic and basilic veins are those most commonly opened in blood-letting; this operation is rendered delicate by the situation of the basilic, which ex- poses the artery to the danger of being wounded. The azygos vein (azygos, without a fellow) forms the com- munication between the superior and inferior vena cava. It rises vertically in the posterior mediastinum and to the right of the spine, and about the level of the seventh rib it receives the lesser vena azygos, which comes from the abdomen. The inferior vena cava opens into the right auricle under the superior vena cava. It is the common trunk of all the veins coming from the parts below the diaphragm, and is formed by the union of the two iliac trunks, companions of the iliac arteries; it runs up vertically to the right of the spine as companion vein to the aorta, and receives the veins of the abdomen. Its primitive branches, the iliac trunks, are formed by the union of the veins of the pelvic cavity and of the lower extremities, companions of the arteries of the same name. Among the superficial series of veins, which are also tributaries to the main iliacs, are the external and internal saphenons veins, which run from the foot to the top of the thigh. These two veins are plainly visible on the front of the ankle and on the calf. Portal system. An arrangement of veins peculiar to the abdomen, and especially to the liver, is designated by this term. The portal vein is formed by the union of the veins of the mesentery, spleen, stomach, and intestine; it trans- mits the blood from these organs to the liver, from whence it is poured into the inferior vena cava. Lymphatic vessels and ganglia. This is the name given to a special circulatory apparatus composed of very delicate vessels with transparent walls and Q{ ganglia or glands, which appear to be formed by these vessels, some of which ter- minate in and others spring from them. MECHANISM OF THE CIRCULATION. Ill The lymphatic vessels have a very irregular ^course, and exhibit numerous swellings which are owing to valves. They exist in every part of the body, and transport the chyle and the lymph, drawn by their microscopical roots from the surface of the mucous membrame of the intestines, or from the tissues of the organs. They accompany the blood-vessels in their course, especially the veins, and they are also found in great numbers at the surface of the body in regions abounding in subcutaneous veins, as in the limbs, face, and neck. They are very numerous in the mesentery and around the intes- tines; they unite in two principal trunks or reservoirs, one of which is the thoracic duct, which rises through the chest at the left of the spine, and opens into the left subclavian vein, the other is called the great right lymphatic vessel (ductus lymphaticus dexter), which runs parallel with the first, and opens into the right subclavian vein. Mechanism of the circulation. Galen was the first to dis- cover that the arteries contained blood and that they com- municated with the veins, but he went no farther than this. In 1553 Michael Servetus, guessing, so to speak, the pheno- mena of the pulmonary circulation, indicated very exactly the course of the blood and its elaboration in the lungs by contact with the air. But the doctrine of Servetus rested neither upon proof nor experiment, it resulted from a sort of intuitive perception of the facts, and he was not aware either of the impulsive force of the heart or the action of its valves. Other physiologists, like Servetus, had glimpses of the truth and added new discoveries to his ; in fact, most of the phenomena of the circulation had been suspected or indi- cated at the commencement of the seventeenth century, but all the knowledge on the subject was but a chaos of facts and reasonings without unity, and often contradictory. It required the genius of Harvey to extract from this chaos a simple and irrefutably demonstrated system. Movements and sounds of the heart. The heart, the prin- cipal agent of the circulation's the source of movements which are not under the control of the will, but which are constantly influenced by moral impressions and by sensations. These movements consist in the alternate contraction and relaxa- 112 THE HUMAN BODY. tion of the walls of the heart, that is in the opening and shutting of its cavities. The ventricles contract simultane- ously, then to this contraction succeeds a period of relaxa- tion, during which the auricles in their turn contract, to relax during a new contraction of the ventricles. The dilating movement is called the diastole, and the contracting the systole. During the diastole the blood flows into the cavities of the heart, to be expelled by the systole; the contraction cf the auricles forces it into the ventricles, that of the ventricles throws it into the aorta and the pulmonary artery. The contraction of the ventricles modifies the form of the heart. Its transverse circumference is ellipsoid during the diastole, and becomes circular during the systole; the antero-posterior diameter being thus greater, the point of the heart strikes the anterior wall of the chest, and if the ear be applied to this point, a dull sound will be heard at the moment of the shock, and about half a second after, a clearer sound is heard, coincident with the relaxation or the diastole of the ventricles. The mechanism of these sounds has been variously explained; they seem to be owing, the first to the sudden closing of the tricuspid and mitral valves at the moment when the ventricular systole throws the blood into the aorta and pulmonary artery; the second to the closing of the sigmoid valves during the ventricular diastole, under the influence of the elasticity of the arteries, which tends to cause a reflux of the column of blood. The alternation of the systole and diastole constitute the rhythm and regularly marked beating of the heart which makes itself heard and felt through the walls of the chest. We will follow these movements in their evolution and the blood in its course. Arterial circulation. The left ventricle, in contracting, pushes the red blood which it contains in the direction of the auriculo-ventricular orifice and toward the orifice of the aorta, but the mitral valve is so placed that it closes under the impulse of the moving blood, which is thus forced into the aorta and from thence into all the arteries, in which its motion is caused by the triple action of ventricular contrac- tion, and of the elasticity and contractility of the arterial ARTERIAL CIRCULATION. 1 13 walls. In vessels of a certain calibre this movement is jerk- ing and rhythmical, precisely like that of the heart, and if we place the finger on the course of an artery we feel the shock of the blood, or the pulse. The pulse and the beating of the heart are synchronous, that is, they take place simultane- ously, or rather with an interval so short as to be impercep- tible. But in proportion as the blood advances through the arterial ramifications, the numerous changes of direction which it undergoes and the friction between it and the walls of the vessels diminish the force of its impulsion; and at last, on reaching the capillary vessels it flows continuously and with- out shock. In examining, under a microscope, a vascular membrane belonging to a living animal, the circulation of the blood through the capillaries is plainly visible. The largest of these canals allow the column of blood to pass rapidly, in the smallest ones its course is slow and the blood-globules can only pass one by one; they float in a transparent fluid, and sometimes a globule becomes entangled obliquely across the calibre of the vessel and stops until another comes to push it forward. Malpighi was the first to verify in this manner the accuracy of Harvey's theory, forty years after it had been propounded by the illustrious English physiologist. The different causes, therefore, which accelerate or retard the contractions of the heart, influence the motion of the blood in the arteries; and farther, the contractility of these vessels may be influenced by local causes, and the movement of the blood is modified so as to be either retarded or quickened, as they are contracted or relaxed. In the first case the afflux of blood is not sufficient to excite the organs, which become sluggish and partially paralyzed; in the second it is so great as to cause an abnormal activity of the function. And lastly, we all know that the repose or action of the muscles has the effect of retarding or accelerating the circula- tion, general or local, which, in the course of time, results in the diminution or increase of the muscular strength. It is in the capillaries, in fact, that arterial blood yields to the tissues the elements of which it is composed, and which it delivers to them for assimilation, in order to receive in 3 114 THE HUMAN BODY. exchange the disassimilated particles which are to be rejected from the system or submitted to a fresh elaboration. A living and nourishing fluid, it carries to the organs life, heat, and the elements of nutrition. Venous circulation. After passing through the capillary vessels, the blood passes into the venous radicles. At its entrance into the aorta and during its course through the arterial system, it was of a brilliant red colour, now it has become dark; the arterial or red blood is changed to venous or black blood; deprived of the greater portion of its constituent elements it returns to their source for a fresh supply. The blood moves in the veins from the impulsion received originally from the heart; this force is designated by the term vis a tergo, because it is exerted behind the fluid column. The elasticity of the veins, and their contractility also, con- tributes to urge the blood along in its return towards the heart, but it is the valves which most effectually second the cardiac impulse by opposing the reflux of the blood toward the arteries. If a moderately tight ligature be placed around the arm, the veins begin to swell because of the afflux of blood, which can neither go on toward the heart because of the ligature, nor return toward the arteries because of the valves which oppose it in that direction. If the finger be now passed lightly over the course of a vein in a direction op- posed to the circulation, the little nodules which mark the projections caused by the distended valves are easily dis- tinguished. Thanks to the play of these valves, any pressure upon the veins, from muscular contraction, or whatever cause, can only carry the blood toward the heart, while with- out them it would be impelled indiscriminately one way or the other. Therefore the valves are more numerous in the veins which are connected with the muscles; in the deep veins of the limbs, for example, than in those which creep along under the skin. Gravitation affects the movement of the venous blood, which is much less rapid than that of arterial blood. When the hands hang down for a long time as in walking, they swell so much that the flexion of the fingers is difficult, and VENOUS AND PULMONARY CIRCULATION. 115 it is the same with the feet and legs after long-continued standing, and varicose veins appear on the limbs of persons whose profession obliges them to remain on their feet. In following the course of the blood on its return to the heart, we mid a venous system belonging to the liver and intestines; the portal system to which reference has already been made which carries the venous blood from the diges- tive canal and from the spleen to the liver. This system is remarkable from the fact that it is ramified at both ex- tremities; at the intestinal extremity the radicles or roots, and at the hepatic the branches, are found. From this it has been inferred that the bile is secreted from the blood of the portal vein and not from the blood of the hepatic artery; but this question still remains unsettled. The inferior vena cava, after receiving the blood from the lower regions of the body, turns toward the heart like the superior vena cava, but before reaching it, the blood receives by the subclavian veins the lymph and chyle which have been brought to it by the two grand trunks of the lymphatic system; the elements of nutrition drawn from the intestine come to replace those which have just been given up for assimilation. Thus partially reconstituted, the blood pours back through the venae cavae into the right auricle of the heart, and the auricle by contracting throws it into the right ventricle. At last the blood has returned to the heart, and although it is enriched by the assimilable products of digestion, it is still incomplete, and must be transformed in order to become perfect arterial blood, while at the same time the combustion of a portion of its principles will produce the heat which is soon to be distributed to the organism. It is in the lungs that this elaboration of the blood is to take place hematosis or sanguification. Pulmonary circulation. The right ventricle contracts, and the flood of venous blood closes the tricuspid valve, and passes into the pulmonary artery. This artery and all its ramifications contain black or venous blood, while the pul- monary veins, as we shall soon see, convey red or arterial blood ; it is therefore to their direction, from the heart to the THE HUMAN BODY. lungs, or from the lungs to the heart, that the vessels of the pulmonary circulation owe their names. The pulmonary artery, like the aorta, is provided at its orifice with three valves, called sigmoid or semi-lunar valves. From the right ventricle to the ramifications of the pulmonary artery the blood has but a short distance to pass, and it meets with no resistance at all comparable to that encountered in the sys- temic arterial circulation. The walls of the right ventricle therefore are much thinner than those of the left, and con- sequently have less power. In the ca- pillaries of the lungs the motion of the blood varies in quickness according as the respiration is easy, or retarded by any obstacle, or by the presence of air unfit for the performance of the respi- ratory functions. The capillaries are distributed through the substance of the lungs in such a manner that they cor- respond to the pulmonary cells. (See Respiration, p. 92.) It is in these ulti- mate divisions of the lungs that the oxy- gen of the air combines with the venous blood charged with carbonic acid, and transforms it into arterial blood. The reddish-brown globules of the venous _____ o ____^ _._ blood take a vermilion colour from gram of the course 'of the CO ntact with the oxygen, and charged blood in the circulation. . . 1111 with oxygen, the blood penetrates into , ,'. , r -\ the radicles of the pulmonary veins, obeying the original impulse, the vis a tergo, as in the general venous system, but with greater quickness. It is now carried back to the left auricle, which immediately transmits it to the ventricle, where its circular course ends, only to commence again immediately. The circulation may be divided into two simultaneous periods, or, as has been already stated, the ima- ginary circle through which the blood passes is composed of two unequal segments described by the fluid column. The Fig. 28. Imaginary dia- gram of the course of th ilood in the circulation. A. Course of the venous of arterial ACCELERATION AND RETARDATION OF PULSE. II J upper segment indicates the pulmonary or lesser circulation, the lower the general or systemic circulation. Influences which retard or accelerate the beating of the heart. In an adult in a normal condition, the heart beats about sixty times a minute, and the pulse consequently indicates the same number of pulsations, but diverse causes may augment or diminish the frequency of these movements. They become more frequent during digestion, and under the influence of alcohol, coffee, or other excitants; abstinence, on the contrary, retards them. Intellectual labour also accel- erates the action of the heart, but the heart is calmer during sleep, and shares in a measure the repose of the other organs. An unlocked for sight, a word striking the ear, or a thought crossing the mind, will cause strong and rapid pulsations. Eristratus discovered the cause of the malady which threat- ened the life of Antiochus, by placing his hand on the heart of the young prince at the moment that Stratonicea appeared before him. The pulse is accelerated also by muscular exercise, and by violent efforts. But in this case the cause is complex, for the respiration is also more frequent, and this function is one of those which have most influence on the circulation. In ordinary breathing, each inspiration gives more force to the blood in the arteries, and if the respiration becomes more hurried it is recognizable in the pulse. If, on the contrary, respiration is suspended or imperfect, the circu- lation is retarded, and the pulse beats with less force; in a word, in most physiological conditions there is a constant relation between the respiratory movements and the beating of the heart. The alternate expansion and contraction of the walls of the chest are therefore one of the principal causes which affect the circulation, by facilitating the afflux of blood to the thoracic cavity and insuring its expulsion from it. The pressure of the atmosphere also influences the beating of the heart, but only under certain conditions. It is not un- common to find in the high valleys among the Alps men whose pulse beats between fifty and sixty times a minute this infre- quency is perhaps more common among mountaineers who live at an altitude of 3280 feet or more, than in less elevated Il8 THE HUMAN BODY. countries. We may consider therefore that the altitude has no influence upon persons who have long lived at a given level. But if we rise rapidly to a great height, the pulse quickens very sensibly. Aerostatic ascensions and mountain journeys furnish the proof of this. It is not to locomotion or to muscular effort that this quickening of the pulse can be attributed in the aeronaut or the traveller on horseback, but it is chiefly due to the greater frequency of respiration in an atmosphere of lesser density. The diminution of the pressure of the atmosphere conduces also to the same effect by relaxing the vessels; but the fall in temperature in pro- portion to the rise in elevation seems to neutralize this last effect by the contraction of the tissues which it induces. (See Respiration, p. 99.) The establishment of the fact, that an increase in the pressure of the atmosphere diminishes the frequency of the pulse is due to the observations of Pravaz and Tabarie. Both these authors state that the pulse falls to fifty and even to forty-five pulsations per minute when the subjects are placed in an apparatus for compressing air, and the pressure is increased to that of two atmospheres and over. Results entirely contrary were observed by M. Francois in the tubes containing compressed air which he used in building the bridge at Kehl in 1860. This physician observed that the pulse invariably quickened in the labourers employed upon this work under a pressure of about two atmospheres. Other observations by M. Hermel establish the fact that the pulse is sometimes retarded, and sometimes quickened in compressed air to one hundred and fifty in a minute. The phenomena observed in men who work in compressed air seem to be due to complex causes, among which we must note the vitiation of the air from deficient renewal. We shall not here discuss the numerous causes which may, in pathological conditions, influence the circulation. CHAPTER X. Nervous system. Cerebro-spinal nervous centre. Cerebrum. Cere- bellum. Isthmus of the encephalon. Medulla oblongata. Spinal cord. Membranes; dura mater, arachnoid, pia mater. Nerves; cranial nerves, spinal nerves, great sympathetic. Functions of the nervous system; functions of the spinal nerves of motion and of sensation; func- tion of the cranial nerves; functions of the spinal marrow. functions of the encephalon ; medulla oblongata, pons Varolii, peduncles of the cerebrum and cerebellum, corpora quadrigemina, pineal gland, optic thalami, cerebrum and cerebellum. Functions of the great sympathetic. Reflex pouter. Nerve force. Memory. / The nervoiis system comprises the cerebrum and cerebellum, ( the spinal cord, and the nerves. It is divided into two por- tions, the one central, and the other external or peripheric. The first has received the name of the cerebro-spinal nervous centre, because it is constituted by the organs which form the , encephalon and by the spinal cord. The second is the whole of the nerves proper. Starting from the nervous centre, of which they are the expansion, they are distributed to the whole body. They transmit motive or functional impulses from the nervous centre to every part of the organism; and the impressions of sensibility from the periphery, that is to say from the different points of the body to the nervous centre. The cerebro-spinal nervous centre appears in the form of a soft pulpy symmetrical trunk. Its upper portion is an oval enlargement contained within the cranium, and is called ths encephalon or brain. The lower portion is elongated on leaving the cranium in the form of a spindle it is the spinal marrow, and is contained in the vertebral canal. Brain. This is the term commonly applied to all the 120 THE HUMAN BODY. Fig. 29. Cerebro-spinal nervous centre. parts of the encephalon, which are the brain proper, or cerebrum; the cerebellum, or little brain; the isth- A mus of the encephalon, or the at- tachment which joins the differ- ent parts together; and the bulb of the spinal cord, or medulla ob- longata. The brain occupies nearly all the cavity of the cranium, which fits it like a mould. ( It is oval in form, flattened on its inferior sur- face, which rests on the base or floor of the skull; its anterior or frontal extremity is smaller than the posteriory Its greatest trans- verse diameter is the space be- tween the temporal fossae. It is divided in the median line by the great fissure running from behind forward vertically through part of its depth into two portions, called the hemispheres of the brain. This j division is complete in front, at / the back and on the top, but the / two parts are united at the middle and lower third by the corpus cal- losum, the peduncles, and some other parts situated in the middle line. A lateral fissure, called the fis- A. Cerebrum- or brain proper. B. Cerebellum lesser brain. C. Pons l-'arolii. D, D. Spinal marrow, shoiving the origin of the spinal nerves. E, E. Spinous processes of the vertebra. F. Seventh cervical vertebra. G. Twelfth dorsal vertebra. H. Fifth lumbar vertebra. I. Sacrum. Fig. 30. Nervous System. THE BRAIN. 123 sure of Sylvius, divides each hemisphere obliquely into two lobes, the anterior and posterior. The surface of the hemispheres is broken with deep irregular suld or furrows, which define the oblong rounded winding ridges, themselves subdivided by secondary furrows, and called, from their analogy to the windings of the smaller Fig. 31. Upper surface of the brain. A, A. Great fissure. B, B. Cerebral hemispheres. intestine, the convolutions of the brain. Some of these are always present, and appear symmetrically in both hemi- spheres; others are variable, not found on both sides, differing in length, breadth, and in projection. These convolutions cover the external, superior, and inferior surfaces of both hemispheres, and are continued also on their internal surface the whole length of the great fissure, and of the fissure of Sylvius. 124 THE HUMAN -BODY. The lower surface or base of the brain presents an ex- tremely complicated relief. In front, and on the sides, there are numerdus convolutions. Towards the centre we find. Fig. 32. Lower surface of the brain. A. Anterior lobe. A'. Fissure of Sylvius. A". Middle lobe. A'". Posterior lobe. C. Cerebellum, or little brain. M<7. Medulla oblongata. PV. Pans Varolii. T/. The pitrdtary body. i-i. First pair, or olfactory nerves. 2-2. Second pair, or optic nerves. 3-3. Third pair, or common motor nerves of the eye. 4-4. Fourth pair, or pathetic nerves. 5-5. Fifth pair, or trigeminal. 6-6. Sixth pair, or abducent nerves of the eye. 7-7. Seventh pair a, Facial nerve. b, A uditory net ve. 8-8. Righth pair- a.,. Glosso-pharyngcal nerve. b, Pneumo-gastric nerve. c, Spinal-accessory nerve. 9-9. Ninth pair, or hypoglossal nerves. among other important details, the olfactory nerves on each side of the great fissure ; the chiasma, or crossing of the optic nerves; $h& pituitary body; the tuber cinereum, or ash-coloured body; the corpora mammillaria, or mammillar bodies; and the STRUCTURE OF THE BRAIN. 125 peduncles of the brain, which are, as it were, the roots of that organ uniting it to the .other parts of the encephalon; the pons Varolii, or annular protuberance; the medulla oblongata; and the origins of the cranial nerves. The brain, as well as all the divisions of the cerebro- spinal nervous centre, is composed of two distinct sub- stances : the gray or cortical substance, the first on account of its colour, and the second because it is on the surface of the brain, like a bark (cortex); and the white substance, which is everywhere completely surrounded by the gray. The gray substance is pulpy and less consistent than the white. It is disposed around the principal organs of the ence- phalon in a superficial layer, and enters into their substance in masses varying in form and volume. The white substance is filamentous in texture, and exhibits, according to the region, bundles, cords, or layers, composed of slender fibres, which are alike in the nervous centres and in all the nerves of the body. The white greatly exceeds the gray substance in total amount. On laying open the brain we find it is composed of a central nucleus or knot unique and symmetrical, a sort of terminal enlargement of the nervous axis, and of two hemi- spheres united by this central portion, of which they are, as it were, a sort of double expansion. This central nucleus comprises parts very complicated in their structure and in their relative positions. The principal ones are the thalamus opticus'Qi optic bed, the corpora striata or striated bodies, and the corpus callosum or hard body. All these subdivisions of the cerebral centre are united to each other, to the peduncles, and to the hemispheres. Thus the corpus callosum, which serves as an envelope of the cerebral centre, receives fibres from the peduncles and from the optic bed, prolongs its edges into the substance of the hemispheres, between which it is, as already stated, the principal means of union. In the substance of the cerebral centre there are three cavities, called the ventricles of the brain; two are lateral, and the third or middle is placed on the median line; they communicate with each other, and are bathed with a serous fluid analogous to that which lubricates the spinal cord. On 126 THE HUMAN BODY. the median line and behind the posterior commissure of the middle ventricle is a little body nearly conical, which anato- mists have named the pineal gland or conarium, from its re- semblance to a pine-cone. A mass of white substance forms the central portion of Fig- 33. Section of the cncephalon in the median line. A. Plane of the great fissure. B. Corpus callosum. C. Optic bed. D. Pans Varolii, wider which is seen the medulla oblongata. E. Spinal cord continued, from the me- dulla oblongata. F. Section of cerebellum, showing tJie "tree of life" G. Left hemisphere of the cerebellum. both hemispheres, and this is covered over in every part by the gray or cortical substance. The brain is composed then, essentially, of a central nucleus, and two great lobes or hemispheres. The several parts of this nucleus differ in their texture, in the proportion of the gray and white substances, and in the disposition of these two substances in their tissues; but they all present fibres which are common to all, which penetrate and unite them before extending to the two hemispheres. The mass of the entire encephalon is proportionally greater WEIGHT OF BRAIN CEREBELLUM. 127 in some species of animals, but none approaches man in the size of the brain proper. If man holds the first rank in creation, he owes his position to this admirable instrument of the soul, to this mysterious medium between the external world and the thinking being. The volume of the brain is considerable from the first stages of existence, and larger in proportion in the new- born infant than in the adult. It is independent of sex and of the size of individuals. The weight of the brain in the adult varies, according to Cruveilhier, from 35 oz. to 52 oz. The brain is symmetrical, but less constantly so than some other portions of the nervous centre, and there is often a notable disproportion between the two hemispheres without there having been any indication whatever of it during life. This want of symmetry was very marked in the brain of Bichat, and this is a striking proof that such a conformation does not necessarily have an unfavourable influence on the intellectual faculties, as was thought by this illustrious anatomist. The cerebellum or little brain lies in the inferior occipital fossae, that is to say, in the posterior and inferior portion of the cranium, and it is covered by the posterior lobes of the cerebrum. It is an ellipsoid in form, flattened from the top downward, with its large extremity behind, and its greater diameter transverse. It is symmetrical, and is composed of a middle lobe and two lateral lobes or hemispheres. On the upper surface of the cerebellum is a protuberance, extending from the front backwards ; it is formed by the middle lobe, and named from its peculiar appearance the superior vermiform process. The lateral lobes form an in- clined plane on either side. The lower surface fits into the occipital fossae, and forms two rounded lobes separated by a furrow, which widens in- front to receive the spinal bulb. About the middle of it is seen the inferior vermiform process, the lower surface of the middle lobe which unites the two hemispheres. The whole surface of the cerebellum is furrowed with curved and projecting lines, which give it a wrinkled appear- 128 THE HUMAN BODY. ance (fig. 32, p. 124). These lines or folds are all of about the same width, and are parallel through a portion of their course, and then they form acute angles, and are collected in fascicles, which point transversely downward or backward, and divide the hemispheres into segments, which are divided and subdivided into layers. The cerebellum is composed, like the cerebrum, of white and gray substance, with the addition of a yellowish substance interposed in layers between the two others. Each hemi- sphere is formed of a central nucleus, around which the seg- ments develop themselves. The layers of these segments are in juxtaposition like the leaves of a book; the white sub- stance is in the centre; then comes a layer of the yellow matter, and over these the gray substance. If we make a vertical section of the cerebellum, the alternating layers of the three substances of which it is composed are seen forming a series of ramifications which spring from a common trunk : this has been named the arbor vita or tree of life (fig. 33, p. 126). At the nucleus or knot, the peduncles of the cere- bellum terminate ; they are three in number on either side, and serve to attach it to the other parts of the encephalon. Near the point where these different parts unite, there is a cavity which is partly circumscribed by the peduncles of the cerebellum; this is called the fourth ventricle, or ventricle of the cerebellum. It communicates with the third ventricle of the cerebrum by the canal of Sylvius. Isthmus of the encephalon. This is the term applied to that portion of the encephalic mass which unites the cerebrum, cerebellum, and the spinal bulb. It is the point of union of the three great divisions of the nervous centre. It comprises the pons Varolii, the peduncles of the cerebrum and cere- bellum, the corpora quadrigemina, and the valve of Vieussens. At the base of the encephalon there is a convex projection which surrounds the peduncles of the cerebrum and cerebel- lum like a large ring, and which covers the expansions of the spinal bulb toward these peduncles like a bridge. This is the pons Varolii, or bridge of Varolius. This projection is the centre of convergence or of emergence of the nervous fascicles or bundles which it seems to cover. It is joined to MEDULLA OBLONGATA. SPINAL CORD. 129 the bulb behind, and in front to the peduncles of the cere- brum, and on the sides to the peduncles of the cerebellum. Its inferior surface, which rests on the basilar apophysis of the occiput, shows fibres running transversely. It is grooved along the median line, and is perfectly symmetrical. On its upper face there are four mammillar projections; these are the corpora quadrigemina. Behind these, and between the superior peduncles of the cerebellum, stretches a thin layer of nerve substance, which has been called the valve of Vieussens, and which forms part of the boundaries of the fourth ventricle. The bulb of the spinal cord or medulla oblongata. This is the term applied to the enlargement of the upper extremity of the spinal cord. Pointing upward and forward, its anterior surface corresponds to the basilar groove of the occiput; pos- teriorly it rests in a depression of the cerebellum. Although it is within the cranium, the bulb should be studied at the same time as the spinal marrow, of which it forms a part. Spinal cord. This name is applied to the spinal portion of the nervous centre. It is a nervous stem, white, cylindrical, and symmetrical, and lies in, but does not completely fill, the vertebral canal; it is held in place by the denticulated ligament at each side. It is united with the encephalon by the med- ulla oblongata. Terminating in a point at its lower extremity, it rapidly increases in diameter, and forms the lumbar enlarge- ment, so called from the region which it occupies; in the dorsal region it diminishes in size; augmenting anew as it approaches the neck, so as to form the cervical enlargement, it shrinks again about the middle of the cervical region, and then enlarges a third time at its superior extremity, and forms the medulla oblongata. The spinal marrow is marked in front and behind, throughout its entire length, by a fissure or median furrow, which divides it into two distinct halves, excepting a layer of white substance, which unites both the two fissures and the medullary fascicles to right and left. This layer, sprinkled with holes, designed to give passage to vessels, is the perforated commissure. The anterior median furrow is covered at the top by the interlacing of the nervous fascicles which run obliquely from 9 130 THE HUMAN BODY. one-half of the spinal marrow to the other, and of which we shall speak presently. The posterior furrow, like the anterior, disappears insensibly toward the inferior extremity of the spinal cord; at its upper extremity it opens at an acute angle where the medulla oblongata commences. Its form re- sembles the point of a pen hence the name calamus scrip- torius which has been given to this part of the medulla oblongata. Each half of the spinal cord, separated from the other by the fissures indicated above, is composed of two cords or bundles; one, the posterior, giving origin to the posterior roots of the nerves, and the other, the anterior, to the anterior roots. These cords are attached to, and are con- tinuations of, the pyramids of the medulla oblongata. This latter is marked in front by the median furrow which extends beyond the interlacing of the fibres, of which men- tion has been made; on each side of this furrow there is an oblong elevation, these are the anterior pyramids ; outside of which are two projections still more marked, called olives or the olivary bodies. Laterally there is a depression, grayish in colour, in which terminate the posterior roots of the spinal nerves; behind this we find a bundle of distinct fibres, the restiform or cord-shaped bodies ; and lastly, outside of these bodies are fat posterior pyramids > defining the calamus scrip- torius on either side. The cerebellum, as we have already seen, covers the posterior surface of the bulb, to which it is united by the restiform bodies or inferior peduncles of the cerebellum, and which contribute with the cavity of the calamus scriptorius to form the fourth ventricle. The anterior pyramids terminate by the interlacing of their nervous fascicles, and this interlacement may be considered as the lower boundary of the medulla oblongata. These pyramids are contracted at the apex and at the base, and are inserted into the pons Varolii by a sort of neck or contraction. The anterior and posterior roots of the spinal nerves form two parallel lines on the sides of the spinal marrow. The roots spring from the spinal cord, but it cannot be ana- tomically demonstrated that their fibres return to it beyond the point where they originate and where they constitute by MEN1NGES OR MEMBRANE OF THE BRAIN. 131 their reunion the medullary fascicles. Opinions are not fixed on the mode by which union is effected between the nervous roots and the spinal cord, and we confine ourselves to the simple statement that the cord appears to consist of a greater number of nervous fibres than the nerves which spring from it. The isthmus of the encephalon is formed by the expansion of the superior portion of the spinal cord; it is the central point of the greater and lesser brain, of which the hemispheres of the cerebrum and cerebellum are but the terminal de- velopments. Meninges or membranes. The three membranes, placed one above the other, which line the cranium and the vertebral canal, which envelop the encephalon and the spinal cord, and extend to all their inequalities, are designated by this term. They are divided into the dura mater, the arachnoid, and the pia mater* The name mater, which is given to the external and internal meninges, appears to have been derived from the Arabs, who thus designated the covering of any body whatever. The dura mater is a resistant, fibrous membrane, which lines the cavity of the skull and of the spinal canal. It adheres very slightly to the walls of this canal, but more strongly to the arch of the skull, and closely to its base. The arachnoid and the pia mater are interposed between the dura mater and the nervous centre. It is separated from the spinal cord by a space filled with the fluid peculiar to the spinal column ; but it is, on the contrary, directly in contact with the encephalon, some portions of which it holds in place. On the median line of the cranial arch is a triangular canal, circumscribed by the dura mater, called the superior longitudinal sinus, which performs the functions of a large vein. Below this sinus it forms a fold or vertical partition, which is called \hzfalx cerebri (falx, a sickle), which descend- ing into the great fissure, separates the cerebral hemispheres. In its lower border is the inferior longitudinal sinus. Between the posterior lobes of the cerebrum and the cerebellum the dura mater covers the latter with the tentorium or tent of the 132 THE HUMAN BODY. cerebellum, which isolates it from the cerebral lobes. It also forms the falx cerebelli, which springs from the base of the skull between the two hemispheres of the lesser brain ; and, lastly, it extends beyond the cranium, and furnishes the covering of the optic nerve, and the periosteum of the cavity of the orbit. These folds and partitions formed by the dura mater around and between the organs of the encephalon, serve to maintain the different parts in place, to prevent their collision 'in shocks received on the body, and to prevent the parts from falling upon each other in certain positions; as, for instance, in lying on one side the falx cerebri prevents the weight of one hemisphere from resting on or compressing the other. The disposition of the sinuses of the dura mater is not less remarkable; they are, as already stated, venous canals with inextensible walls, through which the circulation is easy, and in no danger from obstruction or suspension ; and when there is an afflux of blood it cannot compress the brain, as would be the case if the sinuses were replaced by veins with exten- sible walls. Arachnoid. This membrane has been compared to a spider's web from its extreme tenuity, and from this it derives its name. It is a serous membrane, and lines the dura mater throughout its whole extent. Like the other serous membranes, it is a sac without an opening, the walls of which, placed back to back, secrete a fluid. It adheres very strongly, by its external wall, to the dura mater, to which it moulds itself, and which it accompanies throughout its whole extent. Its internal wall is united to the pia mater, which separates it from the nervous substance at many points. This union is so intimate that many have thought the arach- noid has no existence except where it is detached from the pia mater, as at the level of the fissure of Sylvius, and in the cerebral sinuses, &c. In fact, the arachnoid does not enter those intervals where the dura mater does not penetrate, but is strictly confined to it. At these intervals there is a cavity between the serous membrane and the nervous centre which it surrounds, but does not touch, as is well illustrated by the spinal cord. PI A MATER. NERVES. 1 33 All the cavities formed by the arachnoid are filled with a serous fluid called the sub-arachnoid or cerebro-spinal fluid. The ventricles of the brain also contain, as has been stated, a quantity of serous fluid. The use of this fluid seems to be to protect the organs against the effect of blows and shocks. The brain and spinal cord being, as it were, suspended in the arachnoid, are held in place in the gentlest possible manner by the sub-arachnoid fluid, and by that in the ven- tricles which moistens the surfaces and prevents all friction. Pia mater. This is the name given to the membrane which immediately surrounds the nervous centre. It is a vascular net-work of extreme delicacy and fineness of texture, and may be considered as the nutritive membrane of the cerebro-spinal organs. In its tissue, the arteries running to the brain are ramified with infinite minuteness, and inosculate with the radicles of the veins which spring from it. It follows closely all the cerebral convolutions; penetrates the furrows, and into the ventricles, and covers even the thin layers of the cerebellum. It becomes denser and more fibrous around the spinal cord, of which it forms the neuri- lemma or envelope, as well as at the origin of the nerves. To recapitulate, the greater and lesser brain, and the spinal cord, contained in the skull and spinal canal inclosed in three superposed membranes, are united by a common centre, the isthmus of the encephalon. Nerves spring from the brain and spinal cord. Nerves. This is the name given to white or grayish threads which are attached by one extremity to the cerebro-spinal nervous centre, and at the other are distributed to the organs. The nerves are composed of very fine filaments, united at the point at which they spring from the nervous centre in bundles called the roots of the nerves; these roots unite and form the trunks which ramify and disappear, as it were, in the tissues of the body. A sheath of cellular tissue called neurilemma or perineurium, envelops the nerves, and pene- trates between the fibres formed by the union of the nerve- tubes spoken of in treating of the tissues. The ramifications of the nerves unite and seem to be confounded at certain points where they form a very complicated net-work, which is 134 THE HUMAN BODY. termed a plexus; but this union is effected solely by the neurilemma. One nerve-fibre properly speaking never is confounded with another. It runs without interruption, and always distinct, through the most intricate net-work, from the nervous centre to the organ which it serves. From the analogy with the union of the blood-vessels, we speak of the anastomosis of the nerves, and we shall soon see that if the union of the vessels with each other is an essential condition of the circulation of the blood, the distinct and absolute in- dependence of the nerves, even to their minutest ramifica- tions, is no less necessary to the integrity of the nervous functions. We may therefore compare the union of the nerves by juxtaposition during their course to a bundle of electric wires which, though united, are always distinct, because of their isolating covering. The isolating covering of the nerves is the neurilemma. M. Sappey has recently described, under the name of the nervi nervornm, or nerves of the nerves, the filaments which run to the neurilemma, and which stand in precisely the same relation to the nerves that the nerves themselves do to the entire organism. There are two orders of nerves: the one, under the influ- ence of the will, causes motion in the organs ; these are the nerves of animal life: the other presides over the functions of the viscera without our consciousness, and without any effort of will; these are the nerves of organic life. The first are cranial or spinal nerves, and spring directly from the nervous centres, they are white and generally of a resistant texture; the second, ganglionic or visceral nerves, although connected with the nervous centre, form a system apart, which is called the great sympathetic. These nerves are for the most part soft, and of a grayish colour. Cranial and spinal nerves. These nerves are all disposed in twos, and form a series of pairs to the number of forty, of which nine pairs are cranial or cerebral, and thirty-one pairs are spinal. The cranial nerves are classed as follows : ist pair. Olfactory nerves, which are ramified in the organ of smell. ENUMERATION OP CRANIAL NERVES. 135 2d pair. Optic nerves, which preside over the organs of sight. Its terminal expansion forms the retina. 3d pair. The common oculo-motor nerves, which are dis- tributed to most of the muscles which move the eyeball. 4th pair. Pathetic nerves, so called, because they give the power of motion to the great oblique muscle, the action of which, upon the eyeball, is one of the principal elements in the expression of the face. 5th pair. The trigeminal or trifacial nerve forms on either side three nerves, the ophthalmic and the superior and inferior maxillary; they are distributed over the face, and to the organs which constitute it. 6th pair. The external oculo-motor nerves. These go to the external straight muscle of each eyeball. The yth pair is divided into the hard portion or facial nerve, which goes to the face, and the soft portion or auditory nerve, which goes to the internal ear. The 8th pair is divided into three branches: i. the glosso-pha- ryngeal, the nerve of taste, running to* the tongue and pharynx, and furnishing branches to several muscles of the neck, to the tonsils, &c. 2. The pneumo-gastric nerve, which branches out to the cervical region, to the pharynx, the larynx, the lungs, and the stomach. 3. The spinal accessory of Willis, which sends branches to several muscles of the neck, to the pharynx, and to the larynx. 9th pair. The great hypoglossal nerves, which give move- ment to the tongue. The spinal nerves form eight cervical pairs, twelve dorsal, five lumbar, and six sacral. They all spring from the spinal cord in two bundles of roots, called the anterior and posterior roots, according to the portion of the cord from which they emerge. These roots are enveloped in a membranous sheath, and unite to form the trunk of the nerve at a point more or less distant from their origin, according to the region from which they proceed. The roots of the lumbar and sacral nerves form a bundle of independent cords in the inferior portion of the spinal canal, which, from their peculiar dis- position, has been named the cauda equina or horse-tail. On a level with the openings through which the nerves 136 THE HUMAN BODY. pass from the spinal canal, the posterior roots form a ganglion on each side to which the anterior roots unite themselves, and from which the nerve is distributed to the organism, by three classes of spinal branches, anterior ', posterior , and gan- glionic; the latter unite with the great sympathetic. The first four pairs of cervical nerves form by the con- tiguity of their branches the cervical plexus ; the ramifications of which distribute themselves to the surface, and to the deep portions of the neck, to the outside of the head, to the shoulder, and to the upper portion of the back. The last four pairs constitute the brachial plexus, which, after furnishing numerous branches to the shoulder and back, go to the arm as the brachio-cutaneous, musculo-cutaneous, median, radial, and ulnar nerves. The twelve pairs of dorsal or intercostal nerves, as well as the five pairs of lumbar nerves, are ramified in the walls of the thorax and abdomen, and in the muscles of the back and loins. The lumbar plexus furnishes, among other principal branches, the crural nerve, which ramifies into the musculo- cutaneous of the leg, and the external and internal saphenous nerves, &c. The six pairs of sacral nerves are distributed to the pelvis and to the lower limbs. The first four pairs with the last lumbar pair form the sacral plexus, the principal terminal branch of which is the sciatic nerve. This is the largest nerve in the body; it descends through the posterior portion of the thigh, to the muscles of which it furnishes several branches; and a little above the knee it divides into two trunks the internal popliteal we tibial, and the external or peroneal, which distribute themselves by numerous ramifica- tions to the muscles of the leg and foot. The great sympathetic. The nervous apparatus designated by this name consists of a double cord placed on either side of the spinal column, the whole length of the neck, and in the interior of the thoracic and abdominal cavities. It is, as has ajready been stated, the nervous system of organic, vege- tative, or nutritive life. Extending from the first cervical vertebra to the last vertebra of the sacrum, the great sym- pathetic enlarges at the level of each vertebra, and forms FUNCTIONS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 137 nervous ganglia, which communicate by external filaments with all the cranial or spinal pairs, and constitute by their internal filaments all the visceral nerves. This string of ganglia gives the great sympathetic the name of the ganglionic nervous system. The great sympathetic forms the pharyngeal, the cardiac, the solar or coiliac and the hypogastric plexuses. These are the nervous centres of organic life. The nerves emanating from the great sympathetic surround the arteries like a sheath, and penetrate with them into the organs. Some of these nerves, as has already been stated, are soft and of a grayish colour, and others are white and firm. Functions of the nervous system. The nervous system is the seat of intelligence, of sensation, and of motion; it is the centre of action for the organism, and it presides over all the phenomena which together constitute life. Its spinal and superficial portions the cord and the nerves take part only in the functions of sensation, of motion, and of organic life: but the encephalon contributes at once to the material and mental functions. Observers have succeeded in distinguishing in the nerves and spinal cord the apparatus which is specially devoted to sensation, from that which presides over motion. But the knowledge which we have attained concerning the special functions of the different parts of the encephalon is as yet very limited, and for the most part hypothetical. Compara- tive physiology teaches us that some portions are extremely sensitive and irritable, while others are not affected by- external agents. The medulla oblongata, the pons Varolii, and quadrigeminal bodies, are most allied to the spinal cord, and anatomy can follow thither the medullary fascicles en- dowed with sensibility, but beyond them these same fascicles become insensible in the greater and lesser brain, the optic beds, &c. It appears that after having transmitted the external impression, they change their nature, becoming an integral portion of the organ in which the sensation is produced, and submitted to the apprehension of the intelligence. We are no less embarrassed if we attempt to specify the portions of 138 THE HUMAN BODY. the encephalon which preside over motion. As for the seat of the intellectual faculties, we cannot doubt that it is situated in the encephalon, but science possesses no exact data regarding the part played by the different organs con- tained in the cranial cavity in the elaboration of thought, and the soul cannot perceive the mysterious tie which unites it with these organs. The nervous system, which gives motion and sensibility to every part of the body, is itself absolutely dependent on the circulation. It determines ' and regulates its progress by exciting the action of the heart, but it must itself be excited by the afflux of blood which the arteries bring to it; and just as the heart slackens or even stops its action under the in- fluence of certain impressions, the functions of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves are inevitably suspended when the blood does not come to awaken the nervous energy. Any impediment to circulation of the blood induces paralysis, more or less complete, in the parts beyond the obstacle, and no sooner does the nourishing fluid stop its motion, or even slacken, in. its course toward the brain, than syncope or fainting supervenes; that is to say, the functions of the encephalon are weakened or cease altogether. In giving a summary description of the nervous system, we have proceeded from centre to circumference, but in describing the nervous functions the reverse course seems preferable. Functions of the sensitive and motor spinal nerves. Sensa- tion may be destroyed in a portion of the body while it still possesses the power of motion, and conversely a limb may lose the power of motion and still remain sensitive to ex- ternal impressions. This independence of motion and of sensation revealed to the physiologists of antiquity the exist- ence of two orders of nerves, one sensitive the other motor. Boerhaave and other modern anatomists accepted these doctrines, on which Lamarck based and promulgated theories nearly approaching the truth; but Sir Charles Bell was the first to distinguish, by actual experiment, the nerves of sensation from those of motion, and to show that they sprang from two distinct portions of the spinal cord. FUNCTIONS OF SPINAL NERVES. 139 The anterior fascicles of the cord and the anterior roots of the nerves which proceed from them are insensible, and produce muscular contraction. The posterior fascicles of the cord, and the posterior roots of the nerves, have no motor power, but they are sensitive. Each spinal nerve, formed by the union of the anterior and posterior roots, contains sensi- tive filaments and motor filaments placed side by side in its trunk and its ramifications. It follows, therefore, that these nerves and their subdivisions are mixed; as regards the composition of their fascicles, they are at once sensitive and motor. They are sensitive to mechanical irritation, and they excite muscular contraction under the influence of galvanism, for both these agents meet in the same nerve-filaments subject to their power. These filaments, separately con- sidered, come from the centre to the periphery without division and without anastomosing, in the exact sense of the word, for what is called anastomosis of the nerves is a simple juxtaposition, proximity without exchange of their proper substance, and without intimate fusion. It is to the continuity of the nervous filaments, and to their independence, that distinctness of tactile sensation and pre- cision of motion is due. It is clear, therefore, that if two sensitive filaments should unite their proper substance, the impressions perceived by them previous to their union would be confounded, and would not be referred by the brain to distinct points. If, for example, two filaments running to the index and middle fingers, were united, instead of being simply placed side by side, at any point between the finger- tips and the brain, they would carry to the brain but one single sensation for both fingers, and it would be impossible to tell upon which one the impression had been made. The result would be the same if two filaments of a motor nerve running to these fingers were united, instead of isolated in their proper substance; the motor impulse would be trans- mitted to both fingers alike, and the brain could not move either expressly. In persons who have suffered amputation, phenomena are produced which are explained by the fact that all the fila- ments of a nerve exist at its origin which are found at its 140 THE HUMAN BODY. extremity. The man who has lost an arm or a leg, feels pains, which he refers not to the stump which remains, but to the hand or the foot which he has lost. It is the nervous filaments primitively destined to these parts which are the seat of the pain, and which now transmit it as coming from the organ to which they formerly gave sensibility. The same effect is produced when a piece of skin has been transplanted from the forehead to the nose by autoplasty; if the patient be touched on the nose he feels the impression on his fore- head. We shall see in treating of the senses, that tactile impres- sions may be distinct on the tips of the fingers, at a distance of one-fiftieth of an inch from each other; which implies that there are two filaments at this interval from each other, running directly to the brain, but we err if we reckon in this way the extent of nerve subdivision, for every point in the skin, how- ever small, is sensitive to the touch. It is by innumerable ramifications, each of which contains at least one nervous filament, that the nerves terminate in the organs, those of motion to excite muscular contraction, and those of sensa- tion to receive and transmit impressions. Functions of the cranial nerves. Like those which spring from the spinal cord, the nerves of the brain are divisible into motor and sensory nerves. Among these last some are endowed with a special sensibility, as the olfactory, the optic, and auditory nerves; the others transmit general sensations. Several of the cranial nerves are made up of filaments of different orders, and are formed by the union of nerves of general sensation, of special sensation, or of motion. Like the spinal nerves after the union of their roots, they form cords, mixed in their functions as a whole, but distinct in those of their several filaments. The analogy between the cranial and the spinal nerves is completed by the branches which go from the cranial nerves of sensation to the great sympathetic, and by the gray fibres which are seen near the origin of the cranial nerves, and also near the posterior roots of the spinal nerves. In the cranium the motor nerves emerge from the prolongation of the anterior fascicles of the cord in which the spinal motor nerves originate, FUNCTIONS OF SPINAL CORD. ENCEPHALON. 141 Functions of the spinal cord. We have already seen that the anterior fascicles of the spinal cord are insensitive, and that they give motor power to the anterior roots of the nerve, while the posterior portions are sensitive, like the nerves which emerge from them. These properties of the medul- lary fascicles were for a long period disputed, but they have been clearly demonstrated by M. Longet's experiments. The spinal cord imparts to the nerves of the trunk and limbs the power of voluntary and respiratory motion. It is also the source of nervous energy in the action of the heart, and in the circulation of the blood, in the phenomena of nutrition and of secretion; lastly, it seems to have only an indirect in- fluence on the production and maintenance of animal heat. When there is any lesion of one of the lateral halves of the cord, it is on the corresponding side of the body that motion and sensation are disturbed or destroyed. The action therefore of the spinal cord is direct on the organs to which it sends nerves, and not crossed like that of the encephalon. Functions of the encephalon. Medulla oblongata. The me- dulla is the central source and regulator of the respiratory movements. It is in a limited portion of this enlargement of the cord, near the origin of the eighth pair of nerves, that, as Flourens has demonstrated, the organ which he calls the prime mover, or vital node, of the respiratory mechanism has its seat. This organ, according to M. Longet, does not comprise all the substance of the bulb, but is only a fascicle, composed of gray substance between the pyramidal and restiform bodies. The medulla transmits impressions from the cord to the brain, and the impulse of the will from the brain to the cord; its anterior and posterior portions are prolongations of the corresponding medullary fascicles, and we may conclude therefore that they share their functions as they do their substance; and that the medulla by its ante- rior portion controls movement, and by its posterior portion sensation. In point of fact, all the nerves which spring from the anterior portion are sensitive, and from the posterior motor. The anterior fascicles of the medulla cross their fibres, and from this results a cross action on the motor nerves, which originate from these fascicles; the posterior 142 THE HUMAN BODY. fascicles, on the contrary, do not cross each other, and their action is direct. Pons Frtn?///. -The movements of locomotion are origi- nated specially, according to M. Longet, in the pons Varolii. This portion of the encephalon has a cross action on motion. It is a centre of perception for tactile sensations, but nothing authorizes us to believe that it can appreciate sensation by itself alone, and without the aid of the cerebral lobes. Peduncles of the brain. These organs unite the greater and lesser brain to the isthmus of the encephalon, and to the spinal cord, and seem to be solely devoted to the transmis- sion of motion and sensation. An injury to one of the middle peduncles of the cerebellum causes the body to turn on its axis; a phenomenon which has been variously explained by different writers. Corpora quadrigemina, or quadrigeminal bodies. These bodies take an essential part in vision, either by inducing the contractions of the iris, or in contributing to visual per- ceptions. Pineal gland. The hypothesis of Descartes has popular- ized, so to speak, this organ, whose functions are entirely unknown. The illustrious philosopher believes the pineal gland to be "the source from whence the most subtle parts of the blood, the spirits, flow to all parts in the brain, and are directed to a particular point, according as the gland is in- clined one way or the other." This idea of Descartes has been parodied, by making the pineal gland the seat of the soul, from whence it directs the impulses of the brain by two nervous prolongations, called the " reins of the mind " (habena animi). The optic beds. In spite of the name which has been given them, these portions of the encephalon do not seem to have any appreciable action on the sense of vision; but they act upon the voluntary movements in such a manner that the influence of the right half is felt on the left, and vice versa; this is called cross action, which is caused, as already stated, by the crossing of the cerebral fibres. The optic beds seem to have no influence over the movements of the upper extremities, as has been thought by several physiologists. FUNCTIONS OF CEREBRUM. 143 It is unnecessary to enumerate the other portions of the encephalon, of which the functions are doubtful, or entirely unknown. Cerebrum. Observation has enabled physiologists to dis- tinguish in the spinal cord and spinal nerves, and even in the cranial nerves, the sensitive and motor portions; and we must admit from the results of experiment in comparative ana- tomy, that certain regions of the encephalon are endowed with sensibility, while others are insensible; but we have not yet been able to recognize in the encephalic mass the central organs, which preside over sensation and over motion. No- thing authorizes us to think that the insensible portions of the brain do not take a part in the motor and sensatory functions, and we are still less able to point out in the en- cephalon the seat of intelligence. We see the intellectual faculties develop themselves in the child, at the same time with, and in proportion to, the development of the brain; and we know that these faculties continue imperfect, or changed, when the normal development of the organ is arrested, and when it suffers from certain lesions; but these facts, incontestable in principle, have no absolute applica- tion. The brain may be wounded, and even a portion of it may be destroyed, without any sensible change in the intel- lectual faculties; a man of genius may have an ill-developed brain, as Bichat, for example, whose cerebral lobes were not of equal volume. On the other hand we see the intellect clouded under the influence of alcohol, of certain poisonous substances, or an attack of fever, and no trace is left in the encephalon of the temporary disturbance ; sleep produces an analogous effect; dreams are only a succession of false ideas, a real delirium which ceases on awaking. And, indeed, in the insane, science can in many cases prove nothing but their misfortune, of which no part of the brain suggests in the slightest degree the organic cause. Physiology, therefore, is very reserved in regard to the cerebral functions, and most of its theories concerning them are disputed and uncertain. The cerebral lobes do not seem to be essentially necessary to the perception of sensitive impressions, general or special. Thus, pathological observation has established the fact, that 144 THE HUMAN BODY. vision may be equally good in both eyes, although one hemi- sphere may be atrophied, or may have suffered, as from wounds, a great loss of substance. It is, on the contrary, exclusively in the cerebral lobes that the perception of sen- sations lies, and that the ideas are formed which these sensa- tions create. It is also from the hemispheres that the im- pulse emanates, which results in voluntary motion. Some physiologists have referred this impulsion to the white, and others to the gray substance of the brain. Wherever may be the seat of the motor principle, we know that the brain exercises a cross action on the muscles; that is, the left hemi- sphere induces the movements of the right side, and the right hemisphere those of the left. But in certain cases the action is direct notwithstanding; this has been explained by an exceptional incompleteness of the crossing of the cerebral fibres. Physiologists have sought in vain to localize the source of motion in the brain, and the difference of opinion on this point does not permit us to consider it a settled question. The encephalon controls the intellectual phenomena, and most authors consider the cerebral lobes the seat of the soul. In the superior animals the most complete development of the brain proper coincides, in fact, with the greatest degree of intelligence, and the proportions of the brain of man unite with his intellect in placing an immense interval between him and animals the most gifted in this respect. And lastly, the encephalon in idiots is specially characterized by atrophy of the cerebral lobes, of their convolutions, and of the gray or cortical substance. Several authors, from repeated observa- tion of this latter fact, have considered the gray substance as the seat of the intellectual faculties. We have already stated, in speaking of the skull, that Gall and his school have placed the intellectual faculties in the anterior lobes of the brain, the moral qualities or tendencies of the mind in the middle lobes, and the animal faculties or instinctive propensities in the posterior lobes. This doctrine seems to be the rational consequence of that which recog- nizes one portion of the encephalon as specially designed for the functions of the intellect; but if we admit the possible FUNCTIONS OF GREAT SYMPATHETIC. 145 existence in the brain of distinct and multiplied apparatus in the explanation of psychological phenomena, it is simply a hypothesis of which it is out of our power to furnish a single proof. It is objected, and with reason, to the phrenological theory, that it groups all the faculties in those portions of the brain which correspond to the arch of the skull, to the exclusion of those resting on its base; and besides, patho- logical anatomy is not in accord with the theory of Gall, and comparative anatomy does not permit its admission. The cerebellum. Among the various functions which physi- ologists have attributed to the cerebellum, one only has been generally admitted in latter times; that is the co-ordination of movement. The repeated experiments of Flourens, con- firmed by those of MM. Bouillaud and Longet, seem to prove that the injury or absence of the cerebellum causes a confusion in the movements similar to that induced by intoxi- cation, and that this organ is, in fact, the regulator of motion. Still pathological anatomy does not agree in this respect with the experiments made upon animals. Perfect integrity of function, and especially of locomotion, has been observed in congenital absence of the cerebellum. A great number of observations made by M. Andral prove that the cerebellum may be diseased while movements do not cease to be co- ordinated. The recent investigations of M. Duchenne, of Boulogne, also contradict the theory of Flourens, and it is now perfectly well known that the greatest disorder may exist in the movements without the slightest indication of lesion in the cerebellum. Functions of the great sympathetic. The nervous apparatus designated by this name is formed, as we know, by the sensi- tive and motor filaments coming from the cranial nerves, or from the roots of the spinal nerves. That is, its ramifications are, at the same time, sensitive and motor. The movements excited by the great sympathetic are not under the influence of the will. The motor impulse springing from this system differs also from that which determines voluntary movements, in that it travels less rapidly. Experiments upon animals also prove that the ganglia and ramifications of the great sympathetic continue their functions some time after they 10 146 THE HUMAN BODY. cease to be in communication with the nervous centre. The movements they induce are then executed under the influence of the nervous force pre-existing, and stored up irr their substance. The great sympathetic gives motion and sensation to the machinery of organic life; it controls the nutritive functions, the circulation, the secretions, &c. Reflex power. Besides the voluntary movements which result from the transmission of impressions by the nerves of sensation, and from the perception of these impressions, others are produced in which the will has no part, and which result from the impulse directly reflected upon the motor nerves, without any sensation having necessarily taken place, or at least without our having any consciousness of it. These are called reflex movements, and the force which determines them, and is considered as peculiar to the nervous centre, is called reflex power or the excito-motor faculty. Several physi- ologists have considered the phenomena classed under the name of recurrent sensibility as belonging to this reflex action, but upon the origin of this sensibility authors are not agreed. Lastly, there is another reflex action which gives rise to sympathy, that is the particular influence which certain organs exercise upon others, such as the sensation called setting the teeth on edge, produced by the grinding of metal against stone or glass, and the sneezing provoked by tickling the pituitary membrane, or by snuff, &c. (See Movements, p. 59.) Nervous force. The almost instantaneous transmission of sensation and the motor impulse, by the different parts of the nervous system, is one of the mysteries of the organism. This class of phenomena has been compared to those pro- duced in nature by electricity or magnetism, and the ques- tion has been raised whether the nervous system is not under the influence of an imponderable fluid produced in its substance, or drawn from the same source as all the elements of animate matter. Various names, such as nervous fluid, nervous force, the active principle of the nerves, have been given to the agent whose hypothetical existence permits us to explain the nervous functions, as we explain the action of the galvanic pile or the movements of the magnetic needle. The admirable discovery of Galvani seemed to NERVOUS FORCE. MEMORY. 147 prove the analogy, if not the identity, of the electric and nervous fluids. Naturalists and physicians have striven to establish by the aid of experiment, that electricity is de- veloped in the nervous centres and circulates in the nerves. But up to the present time, the most delicate instruments in the hands of the most skilful observers have failed to detect in the nerves the slightest electric current, and nothing authorizes us to consider the nervous force as identical with electricity. May we not consider them as at least analogous? They may both be developed by friction, by chemical com- binations, by heat, &c. ; both are rapidly transmitted, and both cause an elevation of the temperature, and the composi- tion or decomposition of certain products. But while it is true that motor impulses are transmitted with great speed, comparable to that of the electric fluid, the nervous system contributes only indirectly to produce animal heat, and nothing here suggests a current heating a metallic wire. In fact it is only by hypothesis that we assume the influence of nervous force on the chemical operations of life, otherwise than in giving activity to the organs intrusted with these operations. But we must, notwithstanding, admit a certain analogy between nervous phenomena and electrical phenomena. Further research will doubtless throw light upon this ques- tion, which is so eagerly studied, and which would perhaps have already been solved if we could compare the reactions of inert matter to the transformations of organized matter, and the phenomena which are purely physical with those in which life takes part. The memory. The Greeks made Mnemosyne the mother of the Muses, and for us, under a less poetical form, me- mory is the indispensable bond of union of the intellectual faculties. The senses reveal to us the external world, the intellect apprehends the sensations, and rising from material notions to abstract conceptions, embraces all that man is permitted to learn or to know; but it is the memory which enables us to record, as in a book, facts and results, to compare and to judge, to express thought by language, and to share the thoughts of others. Without memory man would not recog- 148 THE HUMAN BODY. nize the ties of blood, of friendship, or of gratitude; the past would have no existence for him, his life would only embrace the present moment, and would flow on like the period immediately succeeding birth. Deprived of experi- ence, impelled by blind instinct, isolated in creation, he could not exist with organs which render necessary every- thing of which he would be deprived. We cannot therefore imagine the human race without memory, and in order to find an organization without this faculty we must descend to the lowest grades of animal life. Memory is of a compound nature : partaking of body and of spirit, it is a reflection, an image of ourselves, since it carries us back to every moment that has impressed our lives. An exact and enthusiastic historian of the facts which she recounts to us, she seems to add to our existence the hours already passed, but as she approaches epochs she rudely makes us sensible of the flight of time. It may be happiness that makes us recall hours of pleasure, or in mis- fortune we may remember them with that pain of which the poet sings. She shows us the faces of all who have had a part in our existence, sometimes an isolated portrait, and at others a crowded gallery; a minute object, a plant, a rock, or the grandest scenes in nature; a word, or the entire work of a writer; a fact, or the history of a people. She carries us back in an instant to the most vivid impressions, or to the most abstract conceptions, whether of the senses or the in- tellect. In taking the form of sensation or of thought, she makes us traverse time and space with a swiftness of which nothing material can give us an idea; we might indeed say, that time and space have no existence for the memory, if she did not in surmounting them awaken the idea of the one and the other. Obeying the behests of the will, memory retraces a scientific doctrine as a whole and in detail, the nicest distinctions of the most violent dispute, the series of systems of philosophy, all, in a word, that science or the most profound erudition has been able to classify in the mind. We find everywhere the records of extraordinary memories, great numbers of which come down to us from antiquity. MEMORY. 149 Mithridates spoke twenty-two languages or dialects accord- ing to Aulus Gellius, and forty according to Pliny. Scipio the Asiatic knew most of his legionaries by name; Julius Caesar, Hortensius, Lucullus, Adrian, and many others, prove that a powerful memory is not incompatible with a superior mind. Pic de la Mirandole was a fresh example in the fifteenth century, as were also Leibnitz and Haller in the eighteenth. The last-mentioned cites a German, named Miiller, who spoke twenty languages, and in our day we have Cardinal Mezzofanti, who spoke nearly fifty, exclusive of dialects, conversing with the pupils of the College of the Propaganda, who had come from every quarter of the globe. It is related also that Scaliger learned Homer by heart in twenty-one days, and the other Greek poets in four months; and we are assured that Magliabecchi could dictate whole books after having read them once; and if some of these examples of prodigious memory are not verified, they are at least rendered very probable by those which are incontest- able. It was an extraordinary memory which, enabled the young Sicilian shepherd, Mangiamele, to calculate mentally with such rapidity, that the members of the Academy of Sciences could scarcely follow him even by the aid of the most expe- ditious processes. But the very ordinary intellect of this young man proves that in his case memory was a faculty out of all proportion to the others, a circumstance often observed especially in children. Memory is sometimes awakened by a sensation which carries us back to the time and place where such or a similar sensation was produced. This memory of the senses acts upon us with extraordinary power, it is one of the most effective means which writers possess of touching the human heart. Eneas wept on beholding a picture on the walls of Carthage, which recalled the misfortunes of his country. "En Priamus" Behold Priam! said he, addressing his companions in exile. Andromache watered with her tears the grassy mound she had consecrated to the memory of Hector on the banks of another Simois; and the Florentine 150 THE HUMAN BODY. accent of Dante made the Ghibeline Farinata forget the tortures of hell. In former times the musicians of the Swiss troops in the service of France were forbidden, under severe penalties, to play their national airs, and especially the "Ranz des Vaches," as it caused the soldiers to desert, or made them home-sick. Taste and smell are not less powerful in awakening memory, even after many years have passed. The seat of memory has been vainly sought in the brain. Gall and several other physiologists have placed it in the anterior lobes, and the phrenological school assigns certain circumscribed portions to the memory of words, of places, of numbers, and of persons, &c. But this localization is not justified by observation, and it is no more required by the memory than by the other faculties. Indeed, the impossi- bility of attributing to the brain the projections which vary solely according to the dimensions of the frontal sinus, was one of the objections to the doctrine of Gall. It is remark- able, also, that contrary to the opinion of phrenologists, the greater or less prominence of the eye (that is, the greater or less depth of the orbit) bears no relation to the development of the memory. There is more foundation for the observa- tion of particular aptitudes of memory, specially to retain words, facts, numbers, &c. We may go still further, if we observe the changes induced by disease, for in certain cases the memory fails to retain substantives, or verbs, or other classes of words only, while all others are retained without difficulty. We may therefore suppose that certain parts of the brain are devoted specially to each detail of the memory as to the other faculties, as to the sensation of every nervous filament which transmits a tactile impression from any point of the body. This almost infinitesimal division of the brain will not astonish us in view of analogous facts derived from observation, or which reason imposes upon us, although no material demonstration is possible; yet we must also admit that the brain, as an organ of apprehension, acts as a whole, and that if a distinct apparatus exists for the memory, its action is at once single and multiform, each of its parts re- ceiving with equal aptitude the impression of the ideas which MEMORY. 151 are assigned to it. Is it not thus that the innumerable divisions of the retina perceive with equal distinctness degrees of light? and is it not rational to suppose that it is the same with the region of the brain, 'which receives the nervous filaments which spring from every portion of the retina? Very feeble in the first stages of life, the memory is deve- loped along with the cerebral convolutions, and the gray or cortical substance. It loses its facility as mature age succeeds to youth, and retains with more difficulty the facts confided to it in proportion as years accumulate. In the aged it retains the impressions acquired during the first half of life, though in some fortunately endowed organizations it con- tinues to increase its stores. Cato learned Greek in his old age; and Baron Humboldt at fourscore embodied in his Cosmos the whole circle of the sciences, and their most recent discoveries. CHAPTER XI. Sense of sight. Organ of vision. Globe of the eye; sclerotic; cornea; choroid ; ciliary ring ; ciliary body; ciliary process; iris; pupil; nvea; pigment; retina; vitreous body; hyaloid membrane; crystalline; anterior and posterior chambers; aqueous humour. Muscles of the eye. Con- junctiva. Eyelids, eyelashes. Lachrymal apparatus. Vision ; func- tions of the retina, reversed images; functions of the iris; optic centre, visual angle, visual impressions, single or mixed, adaptation of the eyt to distances, myopia, presbyopia; achromatism; single and double vision with two eyes, stereoscope; alternation in the action of the eyes; persist- ence of impressions on the retina; accidental images; irradiation; acci- dental aureola; Daltonism; apparent motion of objects. Optic nerve. Movements of the eye. Extent of vision. Organ of vision. The visual apparatus consists of the globe of the eye and its appendages, which are the eyelids and eyebrows, the motor muscles of the eye, and the lach- rymal apparatus. The globe of the eye. The globe of the eye is generally described as a spheroid, to which the segment of a smaller sphere is applied in front, and this definition is exact to the senses if it is not so mathematically. The walls of the globe of the eye are formed principally of two fibrous membranes; one white and opaque the sclerotic (sderos, hard)- which envelops the two posterior thirds of the globe; and the other transparent, and resembling a horny plate, from whence its name, cornea. The sclerotic is one of the strongest fibrous membranes in the body; it is white on its external surface, and of a brownish-red colour internally; it is thicker at the posterior portion of the eye, where it opens to allow the pas- sage of the optic nerve, than in front, where it terminates in a circular hollow or slope, into the border of which the cornea is set like a watch-glass. The two membranes are united by CHOROID. 153 intimate adherence, so strongly as to seem but one. The cornea is thicker than the sclerotic, and is composed of superposed layers perfectly translucent; it is convex in front, and concave behind, and appears to be circular, although its transverse diameter is a little greater than the other. Choroid. On the internal surface of the sclerotic is a vas- Fig. 34. Vertical section of the eye on the median line. A. Cornea. B. Anterior chamber. C. Pupil. D. Iris. E. Crystalline. F. Zone of 2 'inn, forming the an- terior wall of canal of Petit. G. Ciliary processes and circle. H. Sclerotic. I. Choroid. K. Retina. L. Vitreous body. M. Optic nerve. N. Right inferior imtscle. O. Right srtperior imtscle. P. Leitator muscle of eyelid. Q. Lachrymal glands. R. Lachrymal canal. cular membrane called the choroid, which lines it closely from the bottom of the eye to the circumference of the cornea, and is attached to it by a very fine cellular tissue. The choroid is composed of two layers, of which the external corresponds to the sclerotic, and the internal, or membrane 154 THE HUMAN BODY. of Ruysch, corresponds to the retina. These two layers, attached to each other by their internal surfaces, are covered externally with a layer of pigment, which is thicker next to the retina than on the side toward the sclerotic. The choroid is pierced behind by an opening, which gives passage to the optic nerve; in front, near the circumference of the cornea, it separates in order to form the ciliary circle and ciliary processes. The ciliary circle, ring, or muscle, is a little band, vascular, like the choroid, slightly adherent by its external surface to the sclerotic, and united by its lesser circumference to the cornea, at the point where the latter attaches itself to the sclerotic. Behind the ciliary circle a series of membran- ous rays are seen joined together, and forming a crown; these are the ciliary processes (from processus, prolongation, ray), the whole of which constitute the ciliary body or disk. These rays, which are attached to the choroid, like the ciliary circle, are of two kinds; one into which the crystalline is set, and which gives attachment to its capsule, termed the ciliary processes of the vitreous body; the others extend to the iris, behind which they form a sort of circular curtain, by folding back on themselves, and adhering to the larger cir- cumference of this membrane. Thus fixed by one border, the ciliary disk floats by the other, like a fringe behind the iris, yielding to the slightest impulse which may be com- municated to it. The ciliary processes are covered with a thick layer of pigment. Iris. In the space between the ciliary circle and the ciliary process the larger circumference of the iris is fixed. This is a muscular membrane, according to some writers, and vascular according to others, forming a vertical partition behind the cornea. The iris is pierced in the middle by a circular opening called the//////. It represents exactly what is called a diaphragm in optical instruments. Its anterior surface is coloured in different shades according to the indi- vidual, but always remarkable for their delicacy or their intensity; the variety of which has given to the membrane the name of iris, or the rainbow. Its posterior face is covered with a layer of pigment, which is called the uvea. It is well known that the pupil dilates in the dark, and IRIS. RETINA. 155 contracts on the contrary in a bright light, only allowing that quantity of luminous rays to enter the eye which is neces- sary to vision. Certain substances also when taken into the system act similarly on the iris; such are opium and the Calabar bean, which cause the pupil to contract; belladonna, on the contrary, dilates it. Changes in the diameter of the pupillary opening also result from certain affections of the eye and brain. Physiologists consider the dilatation and contraction of the pupil as belonging to muscular move- ments; in fact the microscope demonstrates the existence of muscular fibres in the iris; it contracts also under the influ- ence of electricity. It has been remarked that the posterior surface of the iris, the ciliary processes, and the choroid were covered with a layer of pigment. This name is also given to a dark brown substance, appearing black in a mass, which colours certain portions of the skin in the white man, and the whole tegument of the negro. In the eye this pigment plays the same part as the lamp-black in the interior of certain optical instruments, as the telescope and magic-lantern; it absorbs the luminous rays, and prevents them from being reflected, which would confuse the vision. Retina. The internal surface of the choroid, or rather the pigmentary layer which covers it, is lined by the retina, a nervous membrane, upon which the objects are depicted that we see. It appears to be formed by the expansion of the optic nerve, which enters the eye at its posterior part, and forms at the bottom of the globe an enlargement, which is called the papilla of the optic nerve. The retina develops itself from the papilla, around which it forms a fold, and ex- tends over the cavity of the eye to the circumference of the ciliary processes of the vitreous body, where, according to Cruveilhier, it abruptly terminates. It is of an opaline white colour, semi-transparent, and easily torn. Its centre, which corresponds to the antero-posterior axis of the eye, is to the outside of the papilla of the optic nerve, where there is a yellow spot (macula luted) and a depression (fovea centralis). The yellow spot seems to be the point in the eye where vision is most distinct. Microscopists describe the retina as being composed of five, or even eight layers, of which the 156 THE HUMAN BODY. external one is vascular, and in contact with the choroid; the internal one, very important in a physiological point of view, is the membrane of Jacob. It is composed of cylinders, or rods, joined together like the stakes of a palisade, perpendi- cular to the plane of the membrane, and forming by their free extremities a mosaic, each microscopic division of which Fig. 35- Rods of Jacob under the microscope. A. Rods of Jacob. D. Points of the retinal mosaic receiv- B. Their extremities forming surface of ing different luminous rays. retina. E. Points receiving each two different C. Retinal mosaic formed by the rods. rays. is about o'ooi of a line in diameter according to Robin, and 0*0008 of a line according to Helmholtz; and repre- sents a section of a rod. We shall see what part these ter- minal points play in vision. Vitreous body. The cavity of the globe of the eye in its three posterior quarters is occupied by a substance completely translucent, the vitreous humor. According to most anatom- ists, it is contained in an envelope called the hyaloid mem- brane. The vitreous humor and the hyaloid together consti- tute what is called the vitreous body, which is perfectly adapted to the retina throughout its whole extent, and in front takes the form of the posterior surface of the crystalline. According to those anatomists who admit the existence of the hyaloid, CRYSTALLINE. CHAMBERS OF THE EYE. MUSCLES. 157 it folds back on a line nearly corresponding to the border of the crystalline, and is continuous with the ciliary zone of Zinn, or the ciliary processes of the vitreous body; this zone embraces the border of the crystalline, around which it forms the cajial of Petit, and adheres intimately to its capsule. Crystalline. This is the name given to a double convex lens, more curved posteriorly than anteriorly, translucent, and placed vertically in the axis of the eye, so that the axis of the lens corresponds to the centre of the pupil. The crystalline is formed of superposed layers, which are less con- sistent outside than towards the centre; it is contained in a capsule, which applies itself closely without adhering to it. The greater or less convexity of the surfaces of the crystalline modifies the power of the eye, determining whether the vision is long or short, i.e. presbyopic or myopic. The opacity of the lens, or of its capsule, forms the disease called cataract. We have already stated that its edge is set into the zone of Zinn, to which its capsule adheres. Anterior and posterior chambers of the eye. Formerly a certain space was supposed to exist between the crystalline and the iris ; this was called the posterior chamber of the eye. We now know that the posterior surface of the iris is in direct contact with the anterior surface of the crystalline, and the posterior chamber is only an imaginary space. The interval which divides the iris from the cornea is the anterior chamber, which is filled with a fluid called the aqueous humor, translucent like the vitreous but less dense ; it is secreted by the ciliary processes. Muscles of the eye. Conjunctiva. The globe of the eye is situated in the anterior portion of the orbit, beyond which it extends, and its axis, which is on the plane of that of the orbit, is directed inwards towards the centre of the base of the cranium. The eye is fixed in the orbit by an aponeurotic capsule, the optic nerve, and by six muscles which turn it in every direction. A mucous membrane, the conjunctiva, so named because it unites the eye to the lids, spreads over the anterior portion of the globe, as is proved by the injec- tion of its vessels in some ophthalmic affections, and then folds back on itself, and lines the internal surface of the eye- 158 THE HUMAN BODY. lids. According to some anatomists, it is not the conjunctiva, but only an expansion of its epithelium, which covers the cornea. Eyelids. An elliptical muscle extends in front of the orbit, which is formed of concentric fascicles, and which presents a transverse chink closed during contraction, and open in the shape of an almond when its fibres are relaxed. This is the orbicular muscle of the eyelids. Its ocular surface is covered by the conjunctiva, its external face by the skin, its opening is circumscribed by the edge of the lids, which are made firm by the tar sal cartilages. The upper lid is larger than the lower, and is raised by a special muscle, the contraction of which alternates with that of the orbicularis, which is its antagonist. The points where the eyelids are united by their commissures are called the angles of the eye. At the internal or greater angle of the eye, the conjunctiva forms a fold, the semi-lunar fold, which is in fact a rudimentary repre- sentative of the third eyelid (membrana nictitans) of certain animals. Inside of this fold is the lachrymal caruncle, a small glandular body of a rose colour, which is covered by the conjunctiva. The edges of the lids are ornamented with a fringe of silky hairs which protect the eye, and add greatly to its beauty. The greater or less extent of the opening of the lids makes the eye appear larger or smaller; the confor- mation of the palpebral muscles and the tarsal cartilages gives to the eye an elongated and languishing form as in the East, or round and bold as among the Occidentals; but the dimen- sions and form of the globe are the same in all countries and in all individuals. The upper lid, which is attached to the arch of the orbit, is surmounted by the eyebrow, which is designed to protect the eye like a visor, and its movements play an important part in the expression of the face. Lachrymal apparatus. This is composed of, firstly, the lachrymal gland, which lies in a depression of the orbital arch, and of little glands of the same nature, which form a granular layer in the substance of the upper lid; secondly, of the lachry- mal canals, by which the tears are poured out upon the con- , junctiva, a little above the border of the upper lid; thirdly ', TEARS. VISION. 159 the lachrymal ducts, which are destined to receive the tears after they have bathed the eye, and of which the orifices or lachrymal points are seen near the internal commissure of the lids; fourthly, the lachrymal sac, in which the lachrymal ducts terminate, and which empties the tears into the nasal canal. The tears by running over the surface of the conjunctiva render it supple and facilitate the movements of the globe and eyelids by lessening the friction. They serve the same purpose in the eye as the synovia does in the articulations. The influence of moral or physical causes increases their secretion, and the lachrymal ducts do not suffice to carry them off when they run over the lids. Vision. Among the phenomena, all of which constitute the sight, some belong to the domain of physics, and may be submitted to investigation, many may even be demon- strated by experiment; while others, on the contrary, are patent to the observation, but little known as to their cause or their mechanism, and await from the progress of science an- explanation which physiology has as yet been unable to give. Even in those phenomena which at first seem purely physical, we must not forget that the refracting media of the eye are organized, and cannot be compared except by approximation to inorganic bodies, on the form and density of which physicists base their calculations. This is necessarily the cause of the differences in the theories promulgated in regard to vision; for although the eye may in some respects be considered as an optical instrument, we can never arrive at exact deductions by comparing organs analogous or even similar in their construction, but different in their nature. Physicists claim as belonging to their proper province the visual phenomena produced between the cornea and retina; everything on the other side of that membrane belongs to physiology. The retina renders the eye sensible of light, and we may therefore consider it as the essential organ of vision. The function of the other portions is to convey the luminous rays to its surface under conditions necessary to a nervous im- pression, which all combine to insure, but which is accom- l6o THE HUMAN BODY. plished in the retina alone. Other causes besides the contact of luminous waves may excite the retina; thus the pressure of the finger on the eye for example, and the disturbance re- sulting from a fall or a blow on the head, the action of elec- tricity, and certain affections of the eye and brain, give rise, in the absence of natural or artificial light, to luminous images varying in form and intensity. Light produced under these conditions is called "retinal light." Like the optic and the other special nerves of the organs of sense, the retina has a special sensibility; it receives the impression from the light and transmits it to the brain, but it is not itself sensitive to touch. No mechanical irritation causes it the slightest pain. In a normal condition, the action of a too brilliant light, and in certain affections of the eye and brain, the least ray will cause a painful sensation, but this pain must be referred either to the encephalon or to the nerves of the iris or of the ciliary circle, independent of the retina and the optic nerve. Punctum cctcum or blind point. Mariotte was the first to recognize that all parts of the retina were not equally sensi- tive. According to most authors, a limited portion of this membrane, corresponding to the papilla of the optic nerve, is totally insensible to light. M. Longet admits that there it has, at any rate, a very obtuse sensibility. This "blind point" is the only one on the internal surface of the eye which is not covered with pigment. If we trace two figures on a horizontal line on a piece of paper placed vertically (fig. 36, p. 161), and then shut the right eye, and fix the left on the right figure, at certain dis- tances we can see both of them more or less distinctly; but varying the distance of the paper from the eye, there is a point when we only see the figure upon which the eye is fixed ; the other disappearing entirely, but it reappears when we change the position of the paper, or cease to look fixedly at one figure. The greater the distance between the two figures, the greater must be the distance of the paper from the eye, in order to render one of them invisible. The image of the invisible one is then projected on the blind point, and it reappears, when by the displacement of the paper the angle which its ENTOPTICS. REVERSED IMAGES. 161 rays form with those from the other becomes more or less open. Ent optics. The eye perceives not only external objects, but certain details of its internal organization. This portion of the visual phenomena is called interior vision, or entoptics. A bruise of the cornea through the lids, or a scar or foreign body on its surface, the vascular ramifications of the retina, and other causes of that nature, sometimes throw images on the retina of different forms, such as striae, spots, globules, dark or luminous circles which appear to move in the eye. Certain of these images are called ilies, or motes (musccR voliiantes\ because they traverse the field of vision from one side to the other. Their ap- pearance results from nothing abnormal, and they cannot be confounded, when there is no other disturbance of the visual functions, with the analogous signs which accompany and denote some diseases of the eye and brain. A. lateral movement of the eye is sufficient to displace them or cause them to disappear. Reversed images. The eye may be compared to an optical instrument known as the camera obscura. It is well known that the image of objects appears re- versed on the screen of the camera; in the same manner the luminous rays which spring from every point of an object at which we look, traverse the cornea, the aqueous humor, the crystalline, and the Fig. 3 6. vitreous body, in order to reach the re- tina ; and are refracted in this transit, so that the image which they form appears reversed at the bottom of the eye. In examining the eye of an ox, of which the sclerotic has been previously made thin or the eyes of albinoes, such as white 11 1 62 THE HUMAN BODY. rabbits, for example, which are destitute of pigment, and in which the sclerotic and choroid are transparent, we may see, as Magendie pointed out, the flame of a candle reversed upon the retina. How then are we able to see objects in their real position? BufTon and others have asserted that reason enables us to restore the image depicted on the retina to its real position, that touch enables us to rectify the visual sensation. But Cheselden, having by an operation enabled a patient born blind to see, does not state that the young man first saw objects otherwise than in their real position; and the careful observations made by this skilful surgeon do not permit us Fig. 37. Course of the luminous rays in the eye. H, M, P. Luminous rays emanating from an object, h, m, p. Lviminous rays refracted, forming the inverted image on the retina. to suppose that a circumstance of such importance could escape his notice. According to M. Lame, we know that objects are upright although we see them inverted, from the consciousness of the movements which we give to the optical axes of our eyes in looking successively at the different points of objects from top to bottom. Miiller avers that we see the objects inverted, but that all presenting themselves to us under the same relative condi- tions of position, nothing can appear inverted because we see everything in the same position, and that our notions of uprightness or inversion only exist by opposition. THEORY OF UPRIGHT VISION. FUNCTIONS OF IRIS. .163 M. Longet explains upright vision by supposing that every external luminous point is felt in the eye according to the direction it takes relative to us. We must, says this eminent physiologist, consider the concave spherical surface of the retina as formed of a mosaic, each elementary part of which is a sort of eye designed to perceive the different luminous impressions in a determinate direction. Every pencil of light emanating from a luminous point, and forming a cone of which the apex and the normal axis correspond to one of these portions, will be perceived in the direction of a line joining the centre of the spherical surface to the object looked at. If we reason in this way for every one of the points which constitute the whole of a visible object, the perception of each of these points will be in the real direc- tion, and that of the whole will also be felt under the same conditions, in regard to the observer. The image therefore is not seen as a complete whole ; each luminous point assist- ing in its formation milking a separate impression on the brain, each one is felt according to the primitive direction of the ray of light, and the whole is seen in its real position. Functions of the iris. In order that vision may be distinct, it is necessary that the rays should enter the eye in the direction of what is termed the visual axis, and the various movements of the organ tend unceasingly to place it in a position to fulfil this condition, and it is necessary, also, that the light should be neither too strong nor too weak, and that the rays shall traverse the central portion only of the crystalline, and not its borders. In order to obtain an analogous result in some of their instruments, opticians divide them by means of a partition pierced by a hole in the centre, which is termed a diaphragm. We find a similar arrangement in the eye, " an intelligent diaphragm," to use the expression of M. Longet, that is the iris, which dilates or contracts the pupil in such a manner as to measure the quantity of light necessary to vision, and which only allows those rays to pass which are directed toward the central portion of the crystalline lens. In the dark, or if we look at an object but slightly illuminated, the pupil dilates in order to admit the greatest possible number of rays which are 164 THE HUMAN BODY. refracted by the cornea; it is the same if we look at a distant object, the rays from which are less divergent; if this object becomes more luminous, or if we approach it, the pupil contracts in proportion. Optic centre, visual angle, appreciation of the size of objects. The rays emanating from two points of an object, p H (fig. 38), converge toward the optic centre o, at a point in the eye a little behind the crystalline, and thus form an angle P o H, which is called the visual angle. From the optic centre these rays diverge to the retina, and form an angle, / o //, equal to the first, the base of which, corresponding to the retina, measures the size of the image which they form upon it. The visual angle therefore gives us an idea of the size of objects, and enables us to compare them, but in order that our ideas may be exact, they must be confirmed by our notions of dis- tance. In fact, several objects of unequal size, P H, P'H', P"H", may be placed at such distances, ABC (fig. 38), as to subtend the same visual angle; we must therefore estimate their relative distance, in order to judge correctly of their size. We can also obtain a knowledge of their size, if we know that of any portion of the object which we see, or the size of another object placed at an equal distance. Thus, when we look at a ship at sea, we can judge of its size by that of the men whom we see upon it; the height of a balustrade enables us to calculate approximately that of the building of which it forms a part. When the means of comparison fail ESTIMATION OF SIZE. VISUAL IMPRESSIONS. 1 05 us, it is very difficult to avoid errors, the very causes of which escape us. Thus, the sun and the moon when they are near the horizon, seem to present a much greater diameter than when high in the heavens. The atmosphere causes objects to appear near or distant, according as it is pure, or charged with mist. These illusions are frequent, especially among mountains, and the inexperienced traveller should not count too much upon the exactness of his impressions. Bravais points out a very common error in drawing a rough hill-side in relief, or a mountainous horizon. In veri- fying a sketch mathematically, the horizontal distances of the different points in the landscape are found to be suffi- ciently exact, while the height of the summits, or of inequalities of surface, is in double proportion. But we must add, that the design adjusted mathematically seems incorrect in an opposite sense, and does not give the impression of the natural relief. If a rainbow is formed over a cascade when the sun is near the horizon, and the circle of this bow is nearly com- plete, we seem to see not a circle, but an ellipse, of which the principal axis is vertical; the same illusion is produced when we look at a halo. Visual impressions, separate or mixed. If we look at a print placed at a certain distance, the details of the engraver's work disappears, the dots and the shading are confounded with the white lines which separate them, and the eye per- ceives only a grayish tint more or less distinct; so also, if a red and blue powder be mingled together, the mixture gives us the impression of a violet colour, although every grain of each powder preserves its own proper colour. This is ex- plained as follows. We have already stated that the internal surface of the retina presents a mosaic of extremely small terminal divisions, each one of which acts separately, and transmits to the brain one single impression at a time. If the image of a trace of the burin or of a grain of powder covers one of these divisions, the impression is single (see % 35? P- J 56); but if two lines, one white and the other black, or two grains, one red and the other blue, are so small and so near together, that their images are in juxtaposi- tion on the same division of the retina, the impression is 1 66 THE HUMAN BODY. mixed, and the brain perceives the sensation of gray or of violet. Or, in other words, in order that two minute luminous objects may be distinctly seen, the angle subtended upon the retina by their images must not be greater than the diameter of one of the retinal divisions. The distance of the two objects from the eye being determined, the measure of the angle subtended by them enables us to estimate the size of these divisions. Accommodation of the eye to distances. When we make use of the camera obscura, in order that the image may be dis- tinct the screen must be placed in the focus of the instru- ment, that is at the point where all the rays refracted by the objective converge. If the objects recede or approach, the screen must be placed at a proportionate distance from the object-glass, so that its surface may correspond to the apices of the refracted luminous cones. And yet we see with equal distinctness the images of objects at very unequal distances, without any variation in the form of the eye, or the relative conditions of its media, or at least without our consciousness of anything but a scarcely perceptible effort. This power of accommodation of the eye has long been the subject of inves- tigation, and the question is not yet settled. The most generally received explanation is, that in order to see objects at different distances, and especially very near to the eye, it modifies its form, or that of its media, and adapts itself to the distance in such a manner, that the retina is always in the focus. According to some authors, the length of the axis of the eye varies, the retina approaching or receding from the crystalline. Others maintain that it is the crystalline which changes its place, or that the curves of the refracting media modify themselves in such a manner, as always to make the apices of the luminous cones coincide with the immovable retinal surface. This theory of adaptation or accommodation is denied by some eminent savants, though a few of them approach it in attributing this phenomenon to the contrac- tion and dilatation of the pupil; while others have endeavoured to demonstrate that the distance of objects from the eye may vary to a great extent, without the image undergoing any appreciable modification. ACCOMMODATION. 167 Helmholtz maintains that the anterior surface of the crys- talline increases in convexity in looking at objects near at hand, and flattens when looking at a distance; the pupil contributes also to the accommodation by contracting in looking at objects near at hand, and dilating to see at a great distance. Nothing positive is known regarding the manner in which this change of form in the crystalline is effected. M. Helmholtz inclines to the opinion that the diameter of the lens is increased or diminished, and conse- quently it becomes more convex, or more flattened, accord- ing as the zone of Zinn, which is inserted into the crystalline capsule, is distended or relaxed by the action of the ciliary muscle. Some simple experiments prove that the eye cannot see distinctly, without an effort of adaptation, two objects placed at unequal distances, and that the image distinctly perceived by the retina when placed in the focus, is so no longer when the focal distance is changed. i. If we look with one eye at the heads of two black pins, placed in a line at the same level, but at different distances, we shall see one of them distinctly and the other vaguely. If we Fig. 39. Accommodation of the eye to different distances. look at the nearest one the image is perfectly clear, while the one farthest away is enveloped in mist; but if we look at the latter we see it easily without change of position, but when its image is well denned that of the other pin becomes confused. 2. In looking at a pin through a small hole pierced in a card, we can see either the pin or the edge of the hole dis- tinctly; but when the image of one is distinct the other is confused. 3. By making two pin-holes through a card, at a distanc \ 1 68 THE HUMAN BODY. less than the diameter of the pupil, that is, not more than one- twelfth of an inch from each other, then look through these two apertures at a small object on a bright ground, at a black point, for example, on a sheet of white paper. At a certain distance the point is single, but if the head be moved back- ward or forward it will appear double. In the first two experiments the eye is compelled to adapt itself to the distance, in order to see distinctly and succes- sively two objects at unequal distances, and of which the images are not distinct, except when the apex of the cones formed by the refracted rays of light exactly corresponds to the surface of the retina, that is, when the retina is exactly in the focus. And also, the experiment of looking through a pierced card at an object, and seeing it distinctly, that is, looking at it through an immovable artificial pupil, seems to prove that the movements of the pupil are not necessary to accommodation. The third experiment proves, that in order to see a single image the retina must be in focus. In this case, in fact, the rays coming from the external object converge and meet on the same retinal divisions, hence there is but a single sensa- tion; if the eye approaches or recedes, they reach the retina either before their convergence is effected, or not until, having converged, they cross each other, and diverge beyond the focus, in either case in such a manner as to fall upon different divisions of the retina, and in consequence produce a double sensation. The accommodation of the eye therefore seems to be in- contestable, in spite of the want of accord in the opinions of savants upon its mechanism. A very little attention enables us to recognize the effort which accompanies it, especially if the adaptation is prolonged without variation at a short dis- tance, as in looking through a microscope. Then, in fact, the eye loses sometimes for several hours the faculty of adapting itself to great distances; it becomes myopic for a certain time. Persons who are in the habit of using a glass for one eye, as watchmakers and engravers for example, are generally myopic in that eye; and this effect is very marked in infants, who acquire the habit of looking at objects near MYOPIA. PRESBYOPIA. 169 at hand. Short-sightedness is thus much more common in towns than in the country. Sailors, mountaineers, and in- habitants of deserts are generally very long-sighted; the habit of looking at great distances doubtless develops this faculty. Myopia, presbyopia. The range of sight at which we read or write is, in a normal condition, about 12 to 14 inches; this point in myopia is much nearer, and in presbyopia much farther off; but for the latter, distinct vision does not go beyond 28 to 32 inches, that is, about double the dis- tance considered normal; in myopia, on the contrary, this distance may diminish to within an inch. This condition of the sight is the result of modifications of the media of the eye. In myopia the cornea or the crystalline is more, and in presbyopia less, convex than in the normal condition. In myopia, therefore, the focus is in front of the retina for objects which, not being very near the eye, send to it rays which diverge but slightly; in presbyopia, on the con- trary, the slight refraction caused by the flattening of the cornea, or the crystalline, tends to place the focus behind the retina, the point of convergence of rays coming from objects near at hand. The faculty of accommodation is rather limited in myopia, as well as in presbyopia, and is necessarily almost entirely wanting in the very near-sighted. To remedy these modifications of the eye, the short- sighted person requires double concave glasses, which increase the divergence of the rays in proportion to the refraction by the media of the eye; the long-sighted person requires double convex glasses, which produce the opposite effect. It is not uncommon to find persons who can only read and write at a very short distance, but who can notwith- standing see objects at a distance perfectly well. In this case only one eye is myopic, the other is normal. A slight inequality in the eyes is very common, and often unper- ceived. This is undoubtedly the reason that many persons use but one eye even when looking with both, without being conscious of it, and this inequality, which is either the cause or effect of this exclusive action, can only be augmented by it. 1 70 THE HUMAN BODY. Short-sightedness, even when slight, is an infirmity from which its subjects suffer all their lives, and it may be aggra- vated by the use of too strong glasses, and, as we have already stated, by the use of the microscope. Long-sighted- ness, on the contrary, does not make itself felt much before the age of forty, and then only in persons whose sight is good. It is, as the name presbyopia indicates, a mark of age, and a little philosophy enables us to resign ourselves to it, and wear the glasses which were useless in youth. Achromatism. In ordinary vision objects appear to us in their natural colours distinctly defined, and not surrounded with the iris-like fringe which results from the decomposition Fig. 40. <7, a. Globes of the eye. bb, b' b' . Objects placed in front of or beyond the point of convergence of tJie two axes, c. Point of convergence. of light. It would seem therefore that the eye is achromatic. But the experiments of Arago, Frauenhofer, and other scien- tific men, prove that it does not absolutely possess this pro- perty, though it is only when placed under abnormal condi- tions that we discover this. If, for example, we look at an object, and adapt the eye to an imaginary point, either in front of or beyond it, the image both becomes indistinct, and its edges become rainbow-like. If a body is placed near the cornea, in such a way as to cover a portion of the pupil, the same effect is produced. Single or double vision with two eyes. Although a separate image is produced in each eye when we look at an object, the object appears single under normal conditions of the SINGLE VISION WITH TWO EYES. STEREOSCOPE. 171 sight, that is to say, when it is placed at the point at which -the optical axes converge; but if the direction of one of these axes is changed, from pressing lightly with the point of the finger on the external angle of one of the eyes, for in- stance, the object appears double, and the images are sepa- rated more and more as the pressure is increased, and as it changes the direction of the axis more and more. On the other hand, two objects, one placed in front, and the other beyond the point of convergence of the two axes, but in the same direction, give but one impression, and we see but one. Double or single vision with two eyes is explained by the correspondence of the terminal divisions of the retina in each eye. These are called the identical points. When the rays of light strike corresponding divisions in each eye, the sensa- tion is single, but when they strike portions which do not correspond, it is double. This correspondence of the parts of the retina is shown by pressing lightly with the fingers on the closed eyes. If the internal or external angle of the eyes be pressed simultaneously, luminous images will be formed at the points directly opposite those which are pressed, and if the pressure be applied to the internal angle of one eye and the external angle of the other, or if we press the upper por- tion of one and the lower portion of the other, we see but a single image. From this we conclude that in the first ex- periment the two points pressed upon do not coincide because we see two distinct images, and that in the second they do correspond because we see but one. According to Miiller, if we consider the retina as a sphere, the pole of which is the middle of the membrane or at some point in the same direc- tion and at the same distance from the middle, the corres- ponding or identical points, on a section of this sphere, occupy the same meridian and the same parallel. Thus, in seeing with two eyes, the two images cause but a single sensation when they are formed on the corresponding por- tions of the retina, and consequently we receive a double sensation when they are placed on divisions which are not identical. Stereoscope. From what has been already stated it would 172 THE HUMAN BODY. seem that in order to give but a single impression, the images perceived by both eyes should be exactly alike. But experi- ment demonstrates that two images differing in some respects, do notwithstanding give but a single sensation to the brain. When we look at a solid like the pedestal of a column or a monument, a moment's attention shows us that the outlines corresponding to the right of the spectator give a larger image to the right eye than to the left, and that each image differs from the other; the combination of the two sensations gives us the idea of relief. If now we obtain by photography, or if we trace by a single white line on a black ground, the projection of this monument or pedestal, in conditions identical with those under which our eyes receive a double impression, the two images placed in the direction of the optical axes, as the surfaces would be which they represent, will give us the impression of the solid in question by a single image. We owe to Mr. Wheatstone the demonstration of this phenomenon, and the invention of an instrument which renders the proof very easy and simple. This is the stereoscope, the application of which is so widely known. When the eyes are first applied to the instrument, in pro- portion as the optic axes converge, the two images are seen one over the other, and when at last we perceive but one, instead of a plane surface we have a relief under our eyes, which, in certain cases, produces a complete illusion. But as M. Longet observes, the unity of the image does not prove that there is but a single sensation, and the two dif- ferent images do not give birth to a simple sensation, but are the source of one complex though indefinable one, that of solidity. How this blending of two different impressions is effected, is one of the mysteries of our organization ; but the sensation of relief evidently arises from a combination of conditions different from those which determine single vision by means of two eyes. When vision embraces a certain extent of space, as a land- scape or a gallery of pictures for instance, the objects appear single to us, although for the most part they are out of the direction of the optical axes, but on observing closely we find ALTERNATION IN ACTION OF THE EYES. 173 that we never fix the eyes except on a very limited portion of the space spread out before us; the objects thus normally seen occupy our whole attention, and turn it away from the other images of which the vagueness or duplication passes unperceived. When we endeavour to determine these facts we find that the boundary lines of the objects and the borders of the pictures appear double, but dim and confused, when outside of the point of convergence of the ocular axes. Alternation in the action of the eyes. When we look at two circles in the stereoscope, alike in size but of different colours, or if they are traced on white paper, and contain two different letters, we distinguish alternately one image and then the other, and when after a longer or shorter time we succeed in seeing them superposed, very soon they again alternate. The two eyes do not act simultaneously in experiments of this nature, and it is sometimes the impression produced on the right eye, and sometimes that of the left, alone which reaches the brain. This periodicity is especially regular in persons whose sight has the same range in both eyes. And we remark also that the distinct image is covered with spots of the same colour as that which is invisible. This last phenomenon seems to indicate that the retina is not equally sensitive throughout its whole extent. The alter- native preponderance of one eye over the other in vision is due to causes not thoroughly known, though it may be attributed, partially at least, to the fact that the eyes are . unequal in extent of vision, or rather in skill in seeing. We ostly all of us use one eye more than the other in ordinary vision, and especially when we look attentively at an object. It is with the eyes nearly the same as with the hands in this respect, one is exercised more than the other, and it is generally the right eye. We have seen that the difference between the two eyes may amount to myopia in one while the other is perfectly normal. This inequality, even if slight, must tend to a difference in the power of accommodation and to discord in action which constantly inclines to cease and then to again reproduce itself. As for the inequality in sensibility of the different portions of the retina outside of the blind point (punctum ccecum) the 174 THE HUMAN BODY. displacement of the spots proves that it is not permanent. We know also that this partial insensibility may be induced by a brilliant light, and particularly by the rays of the sun. It is an experiment we all make involuntarily, and which will be discussed in another place. Persistence of retinal impressions. The impressions made by the luminous rays remain for a certain time, and are then gradually effaced; it is plain then, that if the action is repro- duced at shorter intervals than the duration of the impres- sions, the brain perceives, not a series of sensations, but a continuous one. Thus in the rapid rotary movement of a burning coal, the eye perceives only a luminous circle, and when a wheel revolves rapidly, the spokes seem to approach each other and form a continuous surface. The impression of colour persists as well as of form ; and if we cause a circle divided into party-coloured sections to revolve rapidly, they produce the sensation formed by a blending of them together; reel and blue, for example, look like violet, and a great variety of different shades produce an impression as of gray. According to M. Plateau, the duration of impressions on the retina is about half a second. This persistence of impressions has given rise to the con- struction of an apparatus, which is at the same time an object of amusement and a curious philosophical instrument. Such is, for example, the phcnakistiscope. It was upon the same principle that the beautiful experiments were founded, by the aid of which Wheatstone measured the duration of lightning flashes. Accidental images. We may compare to a certain extent the action of light on the retina to that of pressure on an elastic surface. When the rays of any colour strike the retina, it resists the impulse of the luminous wave, and strives to regain a state of repose. When the action of light abruptly ceases, as when we close the eyes, for example, after a very short time, which is measured by the duration of the impression produced, the retina returns to its normal state by a reaction which is more energetic in proportion to the length or duration of the action. It passes by a sort of oscillation from the condition in which it was placed by the ACCIDENTAL IMAGES. 175 luminous rays, that is to say, from the positive condition of impression to a negative one, and then forced by the re- action, it passes the point of repose, and recedes in an opposite direction. These oscillations continue for a variable time, growing feebler and feebler. The reaction of the retina, and the negative phases of impression, give rise to a new sensation independent of any external agent, by pro- ducing what are termed accidental or consecutive images. We know that two colours are complementary to each other, which when mingled together produce white; but the accidental images have the peculiarity of presenting them- selves in the colour complementary to that of the luminous rays which have excited the retina; thus, if we look steadily for a certain length of time in a very clear light at a wall painted red, the accidental image is green, and if the wall is orange, the image will be blue, &c. If, on going into a dimly lighted gallery, we fix our eyes for a minute or two on a window which receives the diffused light, and then shut them suddenly and cover them so as to place them in complete darkness, the primitive impression of the window, with the panes lighted and the sashes dark, remains for a time, but very soon the consecutive image appears with the frame luminous and the glass obscure. This last image will appear sooner if a little light be admitted through the closed lids; but in all experiments of this kind, the eyeballs must be kept perfectly still under the veil with which they are covered, for the slightest change in the direc- tion of the optic axes will cause the images, whether primi- tive or accidental, immediately to disappear. One of the most important facts in this portion of the history of the eye, we owe to the observation of M. Plateau. It is that the duration of the uniform intensity of the retinal impression, up to the moment when it begins to decrease, is short in proportion to the intensity, that is in proportion as the light which produced it was brilliant and white ; so the impression is less and less durable in its first intensity ac- cording as it is produced by looking at a blue, red, yellow, or white disk; if, on the contrary, we measure the impression not only in its period of uniform intensity, but from its i 7 6 THE HUMAN BODY. maximum to its minimum, it is long in proportion to the brilliancy of the light, that is to say, as the disk is white, yellow, red, or blue. Several physiologists explain the formation of accidental images by persistent excitation of the retina with diminution of sensibility. They think that the light proper of the retina plays a part in this phenomenon. Fig. 41. Irradiation. Irradiation, accidental fringes of light. When one portion of the retina is excited by the luminous rays, the vibration is extended to the neighbouring portions, and more strongly in proportion as the light is white ; the result of this is, that of two objects of equal dimensions but of different colour, the lighter one in colour appears the larger in size. If a black circle is traced on a sheet of white paper, and a white circle of the same size on a sheet of black paper, and both placed at an equal distance from the eye, the white one appears larger than the black. In the same way, if we make a disk half white and half black, the white half appears the larger. In both cases the white encroaches upon the black, because the impression made by it upon the retina is more vivid, and the longer the experiment is continued the greater appears the difference in diameter. The name of irradiation has been given to the group of phenomena of this nature. It is the same cause which produces a ring of complementary colour around an image impressed on the retina by a coloured object. If a square of red be placed upon a white ground, DALTONISM. APPARENT MOTION. 177 and the eyes are fixed upon it for a time, a border of pale green forms itself round the red ; and in the same way a yellow square on a white ground produces a blueish crown round the yellow image: these are called accidental fringes of light. M. Chevreul has discovered some remarkable laws which govern the contrast of colours, and the mutual influence which two colours placed in juxtaposition have upon each other. The investigations of the eminent professor are not more important for the arts than for science, for the pheno- mena of irradiation are produced constantly in vision, and artists should not forget them for a moment in painting or in architecture. It is unnecessary to remark that the harmonious or discordant effect produced by the association of colours in these two arts is of the utmost importance, and although in general the spectator troubles himself very little about the law of contrasts, yet he is notwithstanding very sensible of the impressions which result from its observance. Daltonism The effects of a disturbance in vision described for the first time by an English chemist who was attacked by it, are commonly designated by this term. It consists of a difficulty, more or less great, of distinguishing colours, some of which are entirely confounded although very different, as rose and gray, red and green, &c. Very marked cases of Daltonism are rarely met with, but in a slight degree the affection is not uncommon. Apparent motion of objects. Among the most common optical illusions we may cite those which consist of the apparent motion of external objects. When on a boat, for example, or in a carriage which is in motion, we seem to be at rest while the shore or the sides of the road seem to be in motion. We have no consciousness of the movement of external objects except by being ourselves at rest, and when the image of an object moves across the retina while the eye and the body are in repose, the object seems to change its position relative to us. Carried along by the boat or carriage, without our bodies taking any active part in the movement, we judge of the relative displacement instinctively, and from habit we refer to external objects the movements which we d-^ not ourselves feel. 12 178 THE HUMAN BODY. Sometimes there is an apparent displacement of objects, although neither the objects nor the eyes are in motion, but in a normal condition it is always after a movement of the body that this phenomenon appears. As when the body is whirled round rapidly and then suddenly stopped, every- thing seems to turn in an inverse direction. It is probable that the illusion then depends on the impulse to movement in a certain direction imparted to the brain; in fact, if we stop after turning round, the sensation of turning persists for some moments, especially in the head; and if we refer it instinctively to external objects, it is in consequence both of the persistence of the previous sensation, and of the idea of our actual immobility. We turn still, just as after having laid down a burden we continue to feel its weight upon us. Gratiolet ascribes the apparent motion of objects under these circumstances to insensible oscillations, which displace to a limited extent the ocular axes, but he does not indicate the cause of these oscillations. Optic nerve. The visual impressions are transmitted from the retina to the brain by means of the optic nerve, of which that membrane appears to be the expansion. The two optic nerves converge from the base of the orbit toward the centre of the base of the skull, where there is an interlacement of their fibres in such a manner, that a portion of the right nerve goes to the left side of the brain, and a part of the left nerve to the right side; this is called the chiasma, or commis- sure of the optic nerves. Physiological theories, which are no longer tenable, have been deduced from this crossing of the nerves, and nothing positive is yet known of the relation between this disposition and the visual function. Mechani- cal irritation of the nerve seems to develop luminous impres- sions as in the retina, but it causes no pain whatever. Movements of the eye. The ocular globe is put in motion in the orbit by six muscles, grouped two by two, which raise or lower the eye, turn it inward or outward, or on its antero- posterior axis. In these movements the centre of the globe is immovable, and the eye moves around its transverse and vertical diameters. These, three orders of movements are independent of each other, and may be made singly, or in MOVEMENTS OF EYE. RANGE OF VISION. 179 combination, in such a manner as to direct the pupil towards all points of the circumference of the orbit. The straight, supe- rior, inferior, external, and internal muscles move it upward, downward, inward, and outward, and their successive action gives it a movement of circumduction. The two oblique muscles turn the eye on its antero-posterior axis, in such a manner as always to maintain the horizontal position of its transverse diameter, when the head or the body inclines to the right or the left. All these muscles take a direct or indi- rect part in every movement of the eye; if looking up or down, for example, the straight, superior, or inferior acts alone ; the other muscles assure the movement, and confine it to the transverse axis. Such is the perfection of this mechanism, that the cornea is raised or lowered without the least lateral deviation, like the objective of a meridian glass; and the eye perceives by this succession of movements if the image of a line on the retina deviates o '00002 of an inch from the vertical. The eyelids follow the movements of the globe when it is raised or lowered, obeying the action of the muscles of which they receive the aponeurotic prolongations. The movements of the two eyes are always symmetrical, and of the same kind; both are raised or lowered at once, directed to right or left, or around their axes; they can be turned inwards simultaneously to see an object very near at hand, or slightly outwards, when they turn from such a point to one in the distance. Even when one eye is closed, the globe turns in the same direction as that of the open eye. This unity and variety of movement contribute to make the eye the most important feature of the physiognomy. Extent and delicacy ' of vision. As regards the distance at which man can distinguish objects, he is less gifted than many other animals; but in every other respect his visual powers are at least equal to that of inferior beings. We know very little of the sensations produced in animals by colours; it seems probable that they have a relative perception of them to a certain extent, as the sight of red irritates the bull, for example; and we know that birds of prey from a great height in the air distinguish the colour as well as the form of I So THE HUMAN BODY. a lark or a quail hiding in the ploughed fields, although it so closely resembles that of the soil. But if we should suppose them endowed with sensitive faculties, useless within the limits of their instinct, could we find anything in animals more perfect than the organs to which man owes the prodi- gies of painting? We must, however, distinguish here between that which pertains to the visual apparatus, and that which proceeds from the intellect. The eye perceives the tints which nature offers in almost infinite variety; the mind com- pares them, and recognizes the elementary colours of which they are composed; the eye reflects in turn the model, the palette, and the picture; the mind perceives the relation of shades, and combines them in such a manner, that by mingling or contrasting them such a result is produced as conforms to the first impression; but in order that an artist may judge whether red or blue predominates in a violet tint, in order to appreciate the shade, the retina must transmit it to the brain in its purity. At the manufactory of the Gobelins, we see the wools used in the fabrication of the tapestries arranged according to their shades. The number of these shades exceeds 28,000, and yet when we compare two approximate shades we distinguish them with facility, and perceive the interval which separates them. The people who live in the country, seamen, and especially men living in a savage state, generally have sharper sight than the residents of cities. May not the habit of seeking to distinguish objects at a distance give the eyes a power which is not acquired when they always act within a limited hori- zon? Without assimilating exactly the effects of exercise on the eye to those which result from exercise of a muscle, we are justified in thinking that an almost incessant accommo- dation to great distances must influence the eye in that respect, and if, as is very probable, the accommodation takes place by the contraction of muscular fibres, the explanation of the increased range of the eye from exercise is very simple; but facts are wanting which verify and measure this increase in individuals. There is no doubt, however, that men from whom the horizon is habitually distant distinguish certain RANGE OF SIGHT. l8l objects at a point where they are confused to other persons, although within the reach of their vision. A ship appears on the horizon, a man unacquainted with the sea can hardly distinguish the sails of this white cloud springing from the waters; but a sailor will tell you that is a brig or a three-master, a war vessel or a merchant ship, and often he will even come at its tonnage, its lading, its nation- ality, and its name. The Arab and the European in the midst of the sands of Sahara see on the horizon an object, which to the European is only a black point without appre- ciable form ; the Arab sees a camel distinctly, and declares that it is at such or such a distance, without ever being de- ceived. The inexperienced mountain traveller sees before him a chaos of slopes and abrupt walls, of elevations and windings, among whicn he can distinguish neither route nor practicable passage; but the mountaineer sees at once the accessible points, and the turns which he must take to reach the summit of the apparently impassable barrier. This proves not that the sailor, the mountaineer, or the Arab have sharper sight than the stranger to their country; but that they have learned to know the signification of such and such details of form, such a particularity of colour and the like, which are for them distinguishing marks, which seem to trace before their eyes the description which they give to their fellow-voyager of objects that are either confused or imperceptible to him. It is therefore to acquired notions, and skill in seeing objects, rather than to extent of vision, that they owe the faculty of distinguishing objects at great distances. We find also in all countries, and in all climates, men who have extraordinary powers of vision. Wrangel speaks in his voyage to the Polar seas, of a Yakoute who related having seen a great star swallow little ones, and then vomit them up again. That man, says Wrangel, had seen the eclipses of the satellites of Jupiter. Humboldt tells, in his Cosmos, of a tailor in Breslau, named Schcen, who also had seen the satellites of Jupiter with the naked eye. No examples of a greater range of vision are known. CHAPTER XII. Sense oj hearing. Organ of hearing. External ear; pavilion of the ear, auditory canal. Middle ear; tympanum, drum, or membrana tympani, fenestra ovalis, fenestra rotunda, Enstachian tube, the small bones of the ear, muscles and movements of the small bones. Internal ear; labyrinth, vestibule, semicircular canals, cochlea, membranous labyrinth. Auditory nerve. Noises and sounds; duration, pitch, in- tensity and quality of sound; passage of sound through air, water, solid bodies; gravity, sharpness of sound. Mechanism of hearing ; functions of different parts of the ear; movement of sounds in the ear; propagation of sounds to the audilory apparatus by the vibrations of the bones of the skull. Opinions of physiologists on the functions of different portions of the labyrinth; theory of llelmholtz. Fineness and delicacy of hearing. Correctness of the ear. Estimation of the intensity, the distance, and the direction of sounds; ventriloquism. Duration of auditory impres- sions. Sensations having an internal origin. Parallel between the eye and ear. The ear. The organ of hearing is not placed on the face, like those of sight, smell, and taste; but in the thickness of the base of the skull. But we may say it belongs to the face as one of the elements of the physiognomy, by its external apparatus, which contributes to the expression of the head. The ear is divided anatomically into three regions the exter- nal, middle, and internal ear. External ear. This is the least complicated portion of the organ; it is composed of the pavilion, or projecting part, and the auditory canal. T}\e pavilion of the ear is similar, as the name implies, to the open portion of wind-instruments or a speaking-trumpet. It is an acoustic horn, which gathers the sonorous waves, and conducts them to the intricacies of the auditory apparatus. It consists of an elastic cartilaginous layer covered with a EXTERNAL EAR. delicate skin, and is curiously modelled. Its border, rounded in its upper portion, and folded back on itself, forms the rim or helix, and terminates at the lower portion in the lobe. The concha is in the centre, and is bounded behind by the Fig. 42. Section showing the different parts of the ear. A. Pavilion, or projecting ear. B. External a^^ditory canal. C. Meinbrana tympani. I). Tympanum. E. Incus, or anvil. M. Malleus, or hammer. G. Semicircular canal. H. Cochlea, or shell. I. Ettstachian tube. antihelix, and terminates in the auditory canal. The pro- jections of the tragus and antitragus, separated by an ellip- tical slope, protect the orifice of this canal, and a down, which might be called the lashes of the ear, sifts the air as it passes into the organ. The pavilion of the ear is directed forward, projects from the head, and its lines are in beautiful harmony with the oval of the face. 184 THE HUMAN BODY. De Blainville compares the curves and the surface of the pavilion of the ear to those of the head. According to this naturalist the curve of the superior portion of the pavilion corresponds to that of the cranium, and the free border of the rim describes a curve parallel to that which marks the temporal fossa. When the head is not prominent .in its middle region, and the temporal fossae are slightly marked, " the rim is absent; it is, on the contrary, broad and prominent when the arch of the skull overhangs the temporal fossae. The concha corresponds to the upper jaw, and is propor- tional to it; and the prominence of the origin of the helix represents that of the zygomatic arch; and lastly, the profile of the lobe is like that of the upper jaw. It is remarkable that this lobe exists only in man, and that man only has also a prominent and angular chin. The auditory canal, which represents the tube of the acoustic trumpet formed by the external ear, is cartilaginous next the concha, and the remaining part is excavated in the petrous or stony portion of the temporal bone. This canal is about one and a fifth inch in length, and its entire disposition is such that foreign bodies suspended in the air cannot pass with it to the membrana tympani. It is bent near the concha in such a manner that the air, in transmitting sound to the middle ear, does not penetrate in right lines, thus protecting the sensibility of the membrane. The middle ear. The membrana tympani (membrane of the drum), of which the name indicates the function, is a membranous partition stretched obliquely across the bottom of the auditory canal, which it separates from the middle ear or drum. This membrane is semi-transparent and very thin, although it is composed of three layers; it vibrates under the impression of the sonorous waves, and transmits the vibratory movement to the little bones of the ear. Between the membrana tympani and the internal ear is the drum or the tympanum, a cavity hollowed out, like all those of the middle and internal ear, in the petrous portion of the bone. Among the details of its form and organization, we remark the fenestra ovalis, which communicates with the vestibule, and \\\zfenestra rotunda, which leads to the cochlea. The drum SMALL BONES OF EAR. INTERNAL EAR. 185 also communicates with the mastoid cells, numerous sinuses which are found in the mastoid process of the temporal bone, containing air, and designed to multiply the vibratory surfaces; and lastly, it unites by a sort of funnel with the Eustachian tube, a canal about one inch and a third in length, which opens into the upper portion of the pharynx, and admits the air into the middle ear. The ossicles or small bones of the ear. These are four in number; they are articulated together, and form a bony chain which runs from the membrana tympani to the fenestra ovalis, following a broken line. They have been named the hammer (malleus), the anvil (incus), the lenticular\)QK hist ling. The study of the for- WHISTLING. 237 mation of sounds in the glottis includes that faculty which man possesses of producing the sounds of whistling. This .is certainly a much less important and less elevated function; but it is nevertheless very interesting to the physiologist, as it evidently nearly resembles that of the voice in its me- chanism. In order to produce the sound of whistling, the lips form a real glottis, which Dodart has named the labial glottis. The opening between the lips varies in form; in the grave tones it is nearly round in shape, and at its maximum in diameter ; in the acute sounds it becomes elliptic, and is reduced to a narrow slit; the tongue regulates the intonation, by approach- ing more or less to the lower front teeth, touching them in the acute sounds, and withdrawing itself in the grave sounds. The space which separates the lips from the teeth varies also, in the same relative degree, for the same reason. The tongue sharpens the notes as in flute-playing; the grave sounds may be produced in drawing in the air, as in breathing; in short, the sound is acute or intense in proportion to the impulsion of the air by the lungs. If a disk of cork be placed between the lips, about one- fifth of an inch in thickness, with a hole about one line in diameter in the centre, the sound of whistling can be pro- duced through this aperture, and modulated the same as with the lips. Cagniard de la Tour, to whom we are in- debted for this experiment, concludes from it that the sound does not proceed from the vibrations of the lips; but has its origin in those of the air, excited by an intermittent friction against their walls. Longet and Masson compare the appar- atus for whistling in man to the whistle of a bird-catcher, and they find a close analogy between the labial and the laryngeal glottis. Fournie' rejects this theory, and supposes the sound of whistling to be produced by mechanism analogous to that of an organ-pipe, the air breaking against the stop, which is represented by the upper incisors. Whichever doctrine we may accept, it is certain that the lips, or the perforated disk which replaces them, play an important part in the produc- tion and modification of sound in ordinary whistling, for 238 THE HUMAN BODY. when these sounds are made without the aid of the lips, by a peculiar disposition of the tongue, it is only a single sound. It is the same in whistling through the teeth with the lips drawn apart, or when the tongue being doubled, and the ringers placed in the mouth, we produce an intensely acute sound, but which cannot be modulated. In the apparatus for whistling, as in that of the voice, the functional disposition, and its modifications in relation to the sounds emitted, takes place by movements under the control of the will, although they are, so to speak, instinctive. The changes in the dimensions of the orifices and of the buccal tube, in the tension of the walls of the mouth, the impulsion of the air, &c., are all effected instantaneously, and in such a manner as to produce all the notes. No instrument of music equals the perfection of this apparatus. Voice. Voice is a sound produced in the throat by the passage of the air through the glottis, as it is expelled from the lungs. It is grave and strong in man, soft and higher in woman; it varies according to age, and is developed simul- taneously with the larynx, as has already been stated. It is alike in both sexes in infancy, but is modified in youth; then the voice is said to "change." In the young woman it de- scends a note or two, and becomes stronger. In the young man the change is much more strongly marked. At the fourteenth or fifteenth year the voice loses its regularity, be- comes harsh and unequal, the high notes cannot be sounded, while the grave ones make their appearance, and the mascu- line character of the voice is established. A year is gene- rally sufficient for this change to be complete, and the voice of the child gives place to that of the man. Exercise of the voice in singing should be very moderate, if not entirely sus- pended, while this change is going on. Speaking voice. Voice is divided into singing and speaking voice. One differs from the other almost as much as noises do from musical sounds. In speaking, the sounds are too short to be easily appreciable, and are not separated by fixed and regular intervals, like those of singing; they are linked together generally by insensible transitions; they are not united by the fixed relations of the gamut, and can only be noted with MECHANISM OF ARTICULATE SOUNDS. 239 difficulty. That it is the short duration of speaking sounds which distinguishes them from those of singing, is proved by this, that if we prolong the intonation of a syllable, or utter it like a note, the musical sound becomes evident. And if we pronounce all the syllables of a phrase in the same tone, the speaking voice closely resembles psalm-singing. Every one must have noticed this in hearing school-boys recite or read in a monotone, and the analogy is complete when the last two or three syllables are pronounced in a different tone. Spoken voice is moreover always a chant more or less marked, according to the individual and the sentiment which the words express. The accentuation peculiar to certain lan- guages also gives the speech the character of a chant : to a French ear an Italian preacher seems always to sing. It is a chant also which is caused by all those inflections of the voice, which express our sentiments and our passions, and which vary with every thought. They extend from the feeble murmur, which the ear scarcely perceives, to the piercing cry of pain. Affectionate, sympathetic, imperious, or hostile, they sometimes charm, sometimes irritate, and always move us. It is related of Gretry, that he amused himself by noting as exactly as possible the "Bonjour, mon- sieur!" (Good day, sir!) of the persons who visited him; and these words expressed by their intonation, in fact, the most opposite sentiments, in spite of the constant identity of the literal sense. Baron, the comedian, moved his audience to tears by his recitation of the stanzas of the song, "Si le roi m'avait donne Paris sa grand* ville" If the king had given me Paris his great city. Mechanism of articulate sounds. Writers are not in accord in explaining the pronunciation of letters, that is, the me- chanism of articulate sounds; but, whether grammarians or physiologists, they all class the letters according to the parts of the vocal apparatus which co-operate in their pronuncia- tion, as labials, dentals, gutterals, &c. The division of the signs of the alphabet into vowels and consonants expresses the universal idea that a vowel is a voice, a sound perfect in itself, while a consonant cannot be sounded without the help of a vowel associated with it. The consonants, indeed, do 240 THE HUMAN BODY. not make even a noise, a murmur; but they give a peculiar character to a vowel sound. We find something in the playing of an instrument analogous to this function of a con- sonant. If we pinch the string of a violin, or strike a bell with a hammer, a sound is produced which we imitate with the voice by prefixing a / or d, as dinn, tinn; if the string or the bell be made to vibrate with the bow, the sound as re- produced by the vocal organ is preceded by the letters cr, whence the imitative French word crin-criu. The hammer and bow are the consonants, the note of the bell or the violin is the vowel. Helmholtz has demonstrated, as we have already observed in speaking of hearing, that the timbre of sounds is deter- mined by the harmonics. He was able by means of ingeni- ous instruments to decompose the sounds which only produce a single sensation, and which seem to us simple, though they are really composed of elementary sounds more or less numerous. This analysis enabled him to discover the laws under which the quality of the sounds is constituted which are emitted by the glottis, and resound in the vocal tube under the form of vowels. Among the elementary sounds composing the sound emitted by the glottis, the vocal tube exalts a particular one by preference, and it is this one which gives to the vowel its characteristic timbre. The vocal tube disposes itself in a special form for each vowel. It lengthens or shortens, dilates or contracts; it places itself, in a word, in conditions essential to the strengthening of the sound which determines the timbre. Each vowel is there- fore characterized by a note, but each one has a particular affinity for certain notes; it is sometimes difficult, or even impossible, to give such a note on another vowel than that with which it corresponds, and thus singers are sometimes forced to substitute one vowel for another. In seeking in the different qualities of the voice, and especially in the vowels, for the seat of the resonance of sounds in the buccal tube, and the parts which co-operate in this resonance, Fournie has made a classification of the letters, which he claims to have rendered more exact and more anatomical than any of his predecessors. The tongue, THE VOWELS. THE TONGUE IN SPEECH. 241 the teeth, the lips, and the throat, are the parts by which most of the letters are formed. To these Fournie adds the palate for some of them, and the glottis for the 7z, which, until recently, was classed among the gutturals. It is un- necessary to remark that in the study of the vowels in their relation to the mechanism of articulate sounds, the laryngo- scope has given invaluable aid. The manner of forming the vowels differs from that of the consonants in this respect : the parts which co-operate in the formation of the vowels must be fixed during the utterance of the vowel, while the articulation of the consonants is effected by a movement of the parts essential to their forma- tion. Thus "/," is enunciated by suddenly opening the lips which have been previously closed; and in the same way the other consonants are pronounced by some movement; and this movement is in accordance with the disposition of the parts necessary to the utterance of the vowel which precedes or follows the consonant. Of all the parts which serve for the articulation of sounds, the tongue is the one which plays the principal part, and therefore it gives its name to the whole group of modulations of the voice which constitute language, or as we sometimes say, a tongue. And yet observation teaches us that the volume of the tongue may be greatly diminished, or may even exist only in a rudimentary state, without its being im- possible to speak. De Jussieu relates that he saw a girl fifteen years old, in Lisbon, who was born without a tongue, and yet she spoke so distinctly as not to excite the slightest suspicion of the ab- sence of that organ. The Transactions of the Royal Society of London (1742) contain a report of the commission which was appointed to investigate a case of a similar nature. It was a woman who had not the slightest vestige of a tongue, but who could, notwithstanding, drink, eat, and speak as well and as dis- tinctly as any one, and even articulate the words in singing. Other instances have been known where individuals, after losing a portion of the tongue by accident or disease, have again been able to speak after a longer or shorter time. lo 242 THE HUMAN BODY. Singing. We generally recognize two series of sounds in the voice in singing, one comprising the grave and semi-acute notes, and the other the high notes; this is called the register of the voice, one is the chest register or voice, and the other the head register or voice, or falsetto. Some writers admit a third series or mixed voice, which resembles a diminutive chest-voice, in quality and in the disposition of the glottis when it is produced. We have indicated already the principal physiological theories on the formation of the voice in general: there is no less diversity in opinion in regard to the falsetto. Accord- ing to Miiller, it results from the vibrations of the edge only of the vocal cords; other authors incline to the notion that the glottis no longer vibrates like a reed, but like the mouth- piece of a flute. M. Segond makes the falsetto voice to come from the superior glottis exclusively, that is to say, from the vibration of the superior thyro-arytenoid ligaments. This opinion has been refuted by the experiments of M. Longet. And lastly, Weber and Longet attribute the origin of the falsetto notes to the harmonics of the vocal cords. The laryngoscope enables us to study the glottis during the emission of the chest-notes, and even of the falsetto notes, but observers are not agreed upon the phenomena which they have observed. According to Fournie, the chest, the falsetto, and the mixed Fig. 45. The glottis and vocal cords. A, E. Glottis in the chest-voice. C. Glottis in thefalse-tto voice. voice, are all produced by the vibration of the mucous fold which covers the free border of the vocal corcb. CHEST-VOICE. FALSETTO VOICE. 243 In the chest-voice the larynx descends very low and the vocal cords are horizontal and stretched simultaneously in length and thickness; the superior thyro-arytenoid ligaments project, and partly hide the external border of the vocal cords; the epiglottis is slightly inclined over the opening of the larynx; the transverse diameter of the glottis is very small and linear, and the edges of the vocal cords are very thick and rigid. The larynx rises in proportion as the tone grows higher, the epiglottis straightens again little by little; the plane of the vocal cords inclines; the orifice of the glottis shuts progressively from behind forward, and consequently the vibrating portions diminish in length, while at the same time the tension increases. In the falsetto, the larynx is carried upward and backward against the spinal column, the soft palate rises, and its posterior pillars approach each other, the ventricles of the larynx are obliterated, the vocal cords are wholly visible, and their borders are in contact for half their length at least. The glottis is therefore closed behind, and its orifice, very much smaller than it was during the utterance of the chest- notes, diminishes progressively as the notes grow higher. In the mixed voice the glottis is open throughout its whole length, and its transverse diameter is greater than for the other registers. According to M. Battaille, in the chest-voice the cords vibrate throughout their extent, the opening of the glottis is rectilinear, there is less tension in the walls of the vestibule and glottis, and on the contrary more in the vocal cords, than in the falsetto voice. In the falsetto voice, the arytenoid cartilages embrace each other by a sort of reversion in the two upper thirds of their internal surface, the glottis then being ellipsoid in form and more open behind than in the chest-voice. This form of the glottis, which is attributed by the eminent artist to the falsetto voice, is precisely the same that M. Fournie has seen in the mixed voice, which requires less effort. M. Battaille is the only author who notes the joining of the arytenoid cartilages by their internal surface: others 244 T HE HUMAN BODY. admit that they approach each other at their borders only so as to close the hollow which separates them behind, and to cause the vocal cords simultaneously to face each other through part of their length. M. Mandl has kindly communicated to us the result of his numerous observations on this subject; according to his opinion, in producing the chest-voice the arytenoid cartilages are separated behind; in the falsetto, in a normal condition, they approach and join each other on their posterior border, which causes the vocal cords to face each other as M. Fournie also says behind, while they remain separated in front by the slit of the glottis, which has become elliptic and much shorter; in certain persons, however, we observe something analogous to the joining of the arytenoid cartilages which M. Battaille describes, and which belongs to the normal condi- tion of the larynx. In fact, when one of these cartilages is anchylosed at its point of union with the cricoid, and does not move to meet its congener, the latter supplies the defect and covers it by a sort of overlapping. Timbres (the distinctive quality of voices). Besides that quality which is peculiar to each individual, the voice may have several others, some of which, as purity, are due to the perfection of the entire vocal apparatus, and others, as the hoarse nasal or guttural quality, arise either from the unskil- fulness of the singer or from some change in the organ. There are two forms, however, remarkable because they may be produced at the will of the artist, these are the muffled voice and the clear voice. Their names indicate their nature. In the muffled, the sound is rounder, more velvety, and re- sembles less the sound of a reed; the pronunciation of the letters is less distinct and sharp, and the noisy vowels, like the a and e, incline 4o the timbre of o and u. In the clear voice the sound is piercing, somewhat noisy, and less agree- able to the ear. This high key is more common among the northern nations of Europe, while the graver one is ordinarily adopted by the singers of the south. It is generally admitted that the muffled voice is caused principally by the immobility of the larynx when as low as possible, and in fact the larynx is usually in that position in DIAPASON OF VOICES. 245 singing in this tone : though M. Segond has occasionally seen the larynx as high as possible when this voice was produced. This voice seems to depend on the narrowing of the buccal orifice and the isthmus of the throat, coincident with as great 'a dilatation of the mouth as possible, a disposition which mufiles and veils the resonance of the sound in the cavities of the pharynx and vocal tube. If in singing the letter a, with the mouth wide open, the lips be made slowly to approach each other, and pressing them together without extending them, the sound passes from the clear to the muffled tone, and the vowel a sounds like o. This move- ment of the lips was very apparent in Mademoiselle Giulia Grisi in certain high notes, but even her admirable voice was insufficient to make us pardon her for thus marring features worthy the pencil of Raphael. Diapason of voices. Male voices are divided into bass, baritone, or singing bass, and tenor. The voices of women are the contralto, which corresponds to the baritone, mezzo- soprano, and soprano. The extreme limits of these voices are, for the base the G below the CC; for the soprano, the F in alt. or the F of the last octave but one of the piano.' Mozart heard a singer at Parma who gave the C above. Ordinary voices do not go beyond two octaves, but celebrated artists have compassed three and even three and a half octaves. Fortunately the prodigious compass of such a voice is not necessary to entrance a real lover of music. The artist is always sure to triumph when to correct intonation he joins sympathetic quality, and, what is rare, that good taste which will not permit him to sacrifice the expression and the charac- ter of the music to a desire to shine. Instrumental music awakens in us the most profound emotions; we are transported by Baillot's violin or the orchestra of the Conservatory, but no instrument can equal the impression produced by a beautiful voice; no instrument can pretend to those sounds, soft or sharp, passionate or purely peaceful; none has that variety in quality, those accents which fascinate us and plunge us into ecstasy. In- struments and their voices are prodigies of art, but the human 246 THE HUMAN BODY. voice is living sound, as the glance of the human eye is animated light. Ventriloquy. Those who created the word ventriloquy evidently believed in a voice produced by some other organ than the larynx. But in these days every one knows that what is called ventriloquy consists in concealing the origin and nature of the voice. The ventriloquist speaks with his lips nearly closed, and he so modifies the sound of his voice as to make it seem like that of a child, or a woman; he makes us believe that it comes from a chimney or a cavern, from the far distance, from the sky, or from the bowels of the earth. In the last century the French Academy of Sciences appointed a commission to study the phenomena of ven- triloquy in a man exceedingly skilful in the art, but acting in good faith and making no mystery of his power. It is to the uncertainty as to the direction of the sounds, and to the errors into which we are easily led by the organ of hearing, more than to anything else, that the ventriloquist owes his success. They may deceive ignorant and credulous people, but they are generally content to amuse their auditory, and in that they succeed. CHAPTER XVII. Physiognomy; study of it in works of art. Movements of expression, their seat. Colouring of the skin; paleness, redness. Expression of the muscles; effort, muscles of the face. Physiognomy of the senses. Ex- pression of the eyes, vision, easy or difficult, blindness. Expression in the act of hearing, easy or difficult, hearing of an orator, musical hear- ing. Expressions of smell and t.iste. Expressions relating to the touch. Physiognomy is generally considered as the expression of the features of the face, but it is not so limited in its elements. Attitude, repose or action, fulness or slenderness of form, proportion, bold or graceful relief, and lastly, health or disease have, in the entire contour of the body, a significa- tion which completes that of the face. Physiognomy, there- fore, is the expression which form and motion give to the body. In the Caryatides of the temple of Erectheus, we admire the calmness and grandeur, the majesty of the draperies, the simple and grave lines of the figures which support without effort the marble that seems not to weigh upon them. In the Caryatides of Puget at Toulon, we see the display of power in the violently contracted muscles, in the arms which seek to relieve the head from the burden, under which the whole body stiffens, and is about to succumb ! Compare a Silenus to the Farnese Hercules. In the old friend of Bacchus, the form is heavy, obese, and flaccid; it is the abjectness of drunkenness; in the other, the powerful muscles, the firm proud attitude, the noble bearing, declare the tamer of monsters and of vices. The Diana Huntress, with her sure and rapid step, is the enemy of idleness and repose ; her manner is severe, and human passion has never 248 THE HUMAN BODY. throbbed in her virgin breast. The Venus Anadyomene, graceful, timid, uncertain in manner, shows much more of feeble humanity. It is to this profound sense of physiognomy in the great artists that we owe the lively emotion which the sight of their master-pieces produces, and the ancients do not, in our judg- ment, merit the reproach cast upon them for the want of expression in their heads. The Greeks, for whom statuary was especially a monu- mental art, gave* to their faces the calm and dignity of gods, rather than human passions; therefore the action was quiet, the lines simple, and the expression of the head in harmony with that of the body; but when they turned to dramatic subjects, the few examples which remain enable us to judge that they were not less admirable in works of this nature. They no doubt guarded against empty grimaces, and it was principally in action that they placed the expression; but can we not read disdainful anger on Apollo's lip? and is not pride stamped on the features of the Venus of Milo? does not watchfulness careless of danger look from the eyes of the Gladiator, and love, almost paternal, rest on the simple, spiritual head of the Faun and Child? Do we not feel a mother's pain in the Niobe, see the suffering and the prayer in the look of the Laocoon? The sculptors of the Renais- sance imposed the same rule upon themselves before the works of antiquity were revealed to them. They were fol- lowed also by the painters, although for them these rules were less inflexible, and yielded more to details in an art more nearly allied to living nature. The artist finds in anatomical physiology, and in physi- ognomy, useful hints and precise principles; but he rightly abstains from a rigorous and servile application of them, for though the physician may find it important to know the exact function of a certain muscle, the sculptor and the painter must confine himself to the true but not realistic expression caused by its contraction. To go beyond this, which is very easy, is to arrive at that repugnant reality which certain masters of the Spanish school have not hesitated to adopt. MOVEMENTS OF EXPRESSION. 249 Caught from nature by photography, physiological expres- sion belongs to science, and is invaluable to it: but the artist, like the poet, remembers that his task is to suggest only, leaving that to be divined which could not be said or de- lineated without revolting the spectator. The movements from which the physiognomy results are always harmonious, and it is to their unity and concordance that our impressions are due. The least negligence in this respect shocks us in a picture like a false note in an orchestra, while our admiration is unbounded for a work of art in which nothing is forgotten. Lethiere paints Brutus at the execution of his sons; the face and attitude of the consul express only merciless severity, the folds of the toga are faultless, but the contracted hands reveal the agony of the father under the inflexibility of the judge. David represents him to us at the moment when the bodies of his sons are brought to him. The expression of the head is fierce, the feet, the left hand, and the whole body are strongly contracted; the right hand alone is carelessly bent, and takes no part in this convulsive state. Movements of expression. Gratiolet, in his treatise on physiognomy, groups under this term all the modifications of form, of colour, &c., which manifest themselves on the sur- face of the body, under the influence of the most widely dif- ferent causes. These movements are direct, sympathetic, or symbolic. In looking at an object, the action of the eyes, and the animation which they give to the expression, are direct move- ments; but if we fix the attention, the body takes part in the action of the eyes, inclines forward, and seems to wish to move toward the object observed; these are sympathetic movements, and when thinking of extreme cold we shiver, this is a symbolic movement. The limbs, the trunk, and the head, that is to say, the gestures and attitude, contribute greatly to complete the physiognomy, as has already been remarked ; the cavities, on the contrary, take no part in it, the seat of expression is in the skin, the muscles, and the eyes. Colour of the integuments. The skin, parti cularlv on the 250 THE HUMAN BODY. face, takes the greatest variety of tints, from a violet red to a livid pallor, under the influence of physical or moral causes, which quicken or retard the circulation of the blood; but besides the colouring of the face, it is the movement of the muscles, and the expression of the eyes, which gives it a definite signification. In a feeble man the motion of the heart is retarded, or sometimes hurried, as if to make up in the number of its beats for their want of energy; the blood is not sent to the surface in sufficient quantity, and the face is pale; but the languor of form and look denote the cause of the pallor. Cold causes contraction of the tissues, the circulation is impeded on the surface of the body, the features seem pinched, the lips, nose, and cheeks take a livid leaden hue; chills sometimes shake the limbs and the lower jaw; on the face, as well as over the whole body, the integument is the seat of a painful constriction, but the eyes only express suf- fering. When an assassin reproached Bailly with being afraid, he replied, "No, my friend, I am cold." Violent exercise, joy, confusion, fury, all quicken the action of the heart, and precipitate the movement of the blood through the teguments, which relax or yield to the impulsion of the fluid; but the open mouth, the dilated nostrils, the heaving chest, the strong and rapid respiration, express, as well as the features, an agitation purely physical, and we are not tempted to assign a moral cause for the flush which follows muscular effort. The serenity and expansion of the features, the smile, the brightness and happiness ex- pressed in the eye when the face is flushed with joy, have nothing in common with the downcast eyes, the falling lip, the muscular weakness, and embarrassed manner of the man who reddens with confusion. We easily recognize also the haggard and threatening eyes, the knitted brow, the com- pressed lips, and the violently contracted or strongly agitated muscles of a man who is a prey to anger, and in whom the blood, at first impeded in its course, now in its reaction forcibly injects the integuments. We see by these few examples that the colouring of the skin, varying under the influence of the most diverse causes, EXPRESSION OF THE MUSCLES. 251 is an important element in physiognomy, though its significa- tion is doubtful, and must be completed by the expression of all the other features, or of the body. Expression of the muscles. The action of the muscles and the movements resulting from it, have, on the contrary, a special character, whether taken as a whole or individually, in certain muscles of the face. In making an effort, these movements embrace the whole muscular system, and the expression which results is more characteristic. When re- produced by the plastic arts, it strongly impresses the spec- tator, who feels a sort of sympathetic contraction, but which soon fatigues and irritates like all inconstant attitudes. The muscles of the face by their single or combined con- traction cause the most widely differing expressions, and correspond to all the sentiments, whether simple or complex. Thus, the muscle of the forehead raises the brow in attention, admiration, or astonishment; that of the eyebrow contracts it with pain ; the great zygomatic raises the angle of the lips in laughing; the triangular muscle of the lips draws them downward in weeping; other muscles co-operate in expres- sing combativeness, fear, anger, irony, &c., in short, the slightest phase of feeling is reproduced in the features, by the slight or energetic contractions of the muscles, which carry with them the skin to which they are intimately united, wrinkling or distending it. An eminent physiologist, M. Duchenne of Boulogne, particularized the action of these muscles in expressive movements. But though some of them may play a distinct part in the mimicry of the face, others always join in the movements when the sentiment or sensation acquires a certain vivacity; thus the muscle of the eyebrow alone may express a certain degree of suffering, but when it becomes intense the eyelids close, the nostrils dilate, and other signs beside prove the simultaneous action of the different muscles. For the physiologist and the physician, rigorously exact facts of this sort have the greatest value; but they are of less consequence to the artist, who must repre- sent not only the muscle but the whole of the parts, near or distant, to which its action extends. If it is necessary for him to understand anatomy and the function of the muscles 252 THE HUMAN BODY. in order to reproduce exactly their projection during move- ments of the body and limbs, it is much more the study of the living model which guides him when endeavouring to render the expression of the features; and if he fails in this, it is less from ignorance of anatomy than from lack of senti- ment or incapacity. It is remarkable also how much opinion varies in regard to works of art. Each individual brings to their examination the predisposition of his studies; and if the naturalist may sometimes criticize justly, sometimes also in his judgments the artistic sentiment is replaced by the rigorous formulas and exact notions of science; he does not consider that the artist should avoid being as exact as a Chinese copy, anci that a profound artistic sentiment should be completed in its expression by its' counterpart in the spectator. And lastly, a savant may be a man of genius, and still lack all artistic sentiment. Gratiolet, that fine and noble mind, could see nothing in Raphael's "Creation" but a "deplorable work a furious old man striving with feet and hands to separate two thick clouds." The man who criticized one of the most admirable master-pieces of art in these terms, was a scholar of the first order, a great physiologist, and has left a w r ork on physiognomy itself marked by the most delicate percep- tions and the most profound study. Physiognomy of the senses. The more the mind predomin- ates over matter, and separates itself from it, the more elevated will be the expression of the physiognomy. Faith and prayer transport man into an order of ideas purely intellec- tual, and give to the features a character in which sense has no part. Resignation attaches itself to the terrestrial affec- tions, and mingles with them an element of pain which, whether moral or physical, is always expressed by the marks of suffering. The recital of a dishonourable action adds a shade of disgust to indignation, and the moral impression seems to affect our organs as they are affected by material impressions. This indirect and, as it were, figurative action of the senses on the physiognomy, mingles incessantly with movements of another order, and often expresses itself with as much energy EXPRESSION OF THE EYE. 253 as the real sensations. When these latter are acute they govern the expression almost as completely as the most violent passions, and may, like them, impress upon the features the sign of an infirmity, a fault, or a vice. Our senses, as has been already stated, are united by the constant relations of complementary or sympathetic functions, as the sight and the touch, the sight and the hearing, the taste and the smell frequently control or complete each other by their simultaneous action, and often all the senses are in action at once. This coincidence of the sensations reflected by the physiognomy is a source of varied and complex expres- sions, as much so as the nervous impressions transmitted to the brain can be, and to describe the physiognomy of any one sense it is necessary almost to draw all the features of each of the other senses. The eye gives an expression of intelligence to the physiog- nomy, and reflects the thought more than any other organ of the senses. It is especially through the eye that the passions reveal themselves that joy or sorrow, courage or fear, envy, love, or hate, frankness or duplicity, are expressed on the features; therefore, says one, if you would know a man's sentiments, read them in his eyes. The movements of the globe of the eye, its fixity, and the contraction or dilatation of the pupil, infinitely vary the ex- pression of the face, and give to the whole of the features a decided meaning; but to the mimic language of the globe the eyelids bring an important and often decisive addition. When sight is good, attention is expressed without effort: the face is calm; the eyelids, moderately open, show the globe of the eye, which fixes itself on the object, follows it in space, and acts, in short, as do all the organs in a normal condi- tion, without any consciousness; but if, on the contrary, it is necessary to distinguish an object which is perceived with difficulty, the eyelids approach each other, the eyes twinkle, and the immobility of the body, the suspended respiration", denote more marked attention; the brow contracts, and the features wear an expression of pain, which sometimes gives short-sighted persons a forbidding character. The face of a blind man is rarely sad, but the immobility 254 THE HUMAN BODY. of the features, which are so animated by vision, produces a painful contrast. In hearing the attention is also more or less characteristic. If we wish to distinguish a distant noise, or perceive a sound, the head inclines and turns in such a manner as to present the external ear in the direction of the sound, at the same time the eyes are fixed and partially closed. The movement of the lips of his interlocutor is the usual means by which the deaf man supplies the want of hearing; the eyes and the entire head, from its position, have a peculiar and painful expression of attention. In looking at the portrait of La Condamine it was easily recognized as that of a deaf person. Even when hearing is perfect the eyes act sometimes as auxiliaries to it; in order to understand an orator perfectly, it seems necessary to see him the gestures and the expres- sion of the face seem to add to the clearness of the words. The lesson of a teacher cannot be well understood if any obstacle is interposed between him and the eyes of the listen- ing pupil. That species of intoxication which we term ecstasy is ex- pressed on the features of a musical amateur on hearing a master-piece; all the powers of attention are concentrated on one organ; the features are slightly contracted by the smile or other expression in accordance with the character of the music; the eyes are half shut or closed, though sometimes they are fixed agonizingly on the singer in some difficult pas- sage, or enthusiastically on some leader, like Habeneck, leading his orchestra with a passionate gesture. If a piercing, harsh, or discordant sound strikes the car, the eyes close, and at the same time the lips, the nose, and the whole face contract as if the other senses were combining to protect the hearing from the pain it endures, and against which its immovable organ cannot defend it. It is impatient suffering, and no longer the charm of a delicious sensation. Under the influence of the smell and the taste the expres- sion of the physiognomy is extremely varied, and reflects perfectly the delicacy or the force of the sensation, the degree of pleasure which accompanies it, or the horror and repugnance which it excites in us. Here, as in hearing, EXPRESSION OF TOUCH. 255 sympathetic movements are combined with the direct move- ments produced in the affected organs. When taste is con- cerned, it is very rare that they are not confounded, for almost always the aroma is combined with the taste, and either perfects its excellence or renders it still more insup- portable. But whether it expresses satisfaction or antipathy, the play of the physiognomy in sensations of this nature has nothing elevated in it, rather it unveils a certain abasement of the individual; hearing and sight are in immediate con- nection with the most precious faculties of the mind, while taste and smell appeal specially and directly to our material appetites. But we must not therefore judge too severely the elation- of a gourmand seated at a well-spread table. The best compliment he can oifer to his host is to show a worthy appreciation of an exquisite repast. We shall see the spirit of our guest, vivified by the sweet influence, shine from his eyes with a light which will easily enable us to pardon what little of sensuality there is in his mouth. It is by the sense of touch that we acquire clear ideas of the form of bodies, of the distance, resistance, weight, tempera- ture, &c. It confirms the testimony of our eyes, and joins its impressions to those of sight often in an effective manner, and always through the mind. The touch produces expressive movements in us then, in connection with our tactile or visual sensations; and these movements are sometimes direct, as in effort, and sometimes sympathetic and an indication of the impressions produced on the skin. Lastly, touch is the origin of symbolical move- ments by which we express the thought of bringing an ob- ject near, or putting it away from us. To this sense are re- lated the gestures which accompany our words. W T e affirm a fact by so placing the hand as if we would rest it firmly on a body; we deny by a gesture putting the false or erroneous proposition away from us; we express doubt by holding the hand suspended, as if hesitating whether to take or reject. When we part from dear friends, or greet them again after long absence, the hand extends towards them as if to retain, or to bring them sooner to us. If a recital or a proposition is revolting, we reject it energetically in gesture as in thought. 256 THE HUMAN BODY. In a friendly adieu we wave our good wishes through space to him who is the object of them; but when it expresses enmity, by a brusque movement we sever every tie. The open hand is carried backward to express fear or horror, as well as to avoid contact; it goes forward to meet the hand of friendship; it is raised suppliantly in prayer toward Him from whom we hope for help; it caresses lovingly the downy cheek of the infant, and rests on its head invoking the bless- ing of Heaven; in a word, the touch, real or imaginary, is constantly adding a feature to the physiognomy. THE END, 642-2531 LePilaur. wonaers bodv. 3f the human QF34 L36 uvu^ , BIOLOGY LIBRARY G \ "; G Aug. 31 f 16 Holmes ^ . ' L 9 U ^ 70^ UEFARY 34 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY