GIFT OF JANE The Story of Cupid and Psyche as related by Apuleius. The Story of Cupid and Psyche as related by Apuleius EDITED, WITH INTRODUCTION AND NOTES, BY LOUIS C. PURSER, LITT.D. FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN LONDON : GEORGE BELL & SONS : 1910 c tl i> DUBLIN: PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, BY PONSONBY AND GIBBS. PREFACE As far as I know, there is no separate English edition of the Cupid and Psyche of Apuleius ; and accordingly the present endeavour to produce one must have all the defects of a first essay in a difficult field, super- added to the many failings which can justly be laid to the charge of my own deficiencies. Besides, the strange and unclassical nature of the language precluded my having the continuous assistance of my colleagues, as it would have been too great a strain on friendship to ask for their constant help in editing such an out-of-the-way book. On these grounds this edition begs for the utmost indulgence which any reader can find it in his conscience to extend to an attempt to break ground in a domain far away from the beaten track. However, it is a pleasure to express gratitude for a considerable amount of assis- tance which has been most generously given me : and I have to thank very sincerely my friends, Mr. Henry S. Macran, Fellow of Trinity College, for 239019 iv PKEFACE reading the proofs of the Introduction and offering many valuable suggestions ; and Mr. J. T. Gibbs, Manager of the University Press, whose accurate knowledge of English idiom has saved me from very many errors of expression. L. C. P. TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN, January, 1910. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION : CHAPTER I. ON THE LIFE AND WRITINGS OF APULEIUS, . CHAPTER II. THE STORY OF CUPID AND PSYCHE, . CHAPTER III. ON THE STYLE AND LANGUAGE OF APULEIUS, CHAPTER IV. THE MANUSCRIPTS AND EDITIONS, CUPID AND PSYCHE TEXT AND NOTES, . IX xliii Ixx ci . 1-123 125 EXCURSUS I. MILESIAN TALES, EXCURSUS II. ALLEGORICAL EXPLANATIONS OF THE TALE, . 128 EXCURSUS III. THE POEMS OF MELEAGER ON LOVE AND THE SOUL, 132 INDEX, 135 CORRIGENDA. Page xcix 10 lines from end. For 6. 18 read 5. 18 Page 9, line 1 ff., first column. The ms. reading infirmi, as I now see, cannot be defended. We should read Infimi. Compare a similar error of the copyist of F in Met. 1. 8 (p. 8. 11 ed. Helm), where infirmare is given for what was certainly infimare (as the preceding sublimare shows). Page 15, line 5. For Ludii read Ludium : and similarly in note. Page 21, line 15 (first col.). After semper add, ' (which he takes from the Oxford codex) ' Page 24, line 6 (first col.). For ' multitude of musicians ' read ' company singing in harmony ' Page 29, line 27 (first col.). For oculis read oculos Page 54. Add to crit. notes * 1 prouectae Bursian : porrectae F< ' Page 84, last line (first col.). For consultii read consultis Page 84, line 16 (second col.). For deorum read dearum SOME WOEKS EEFEKEED TO IN THE NOTES UNDEE THE NAMES OF THE AUTHOES ONLY BECKER (H.), Studia Apuleiana. Berlin, 1879. BEYTE (FR.), Quaestiones Appuleianae. Leipzig, 1888. GATSCHA (FR.), Quaestionum Apuleianarum capita tria (Dissertationes Philologae Vindobonenses vi, pp. 141-190). Vienna, 1898. KRETSCHMANN (H.), De Latinitate L. Apulei Madaurensis. Konigs- berg, 1865. KOZIOL (H), Der Stil des L. Apuleius. Vienna, 1872. LEKY (M.), De Syntaxi Apuleiana. Eegensburg, 1908. LUTJOHANN (CHR.), Kritische Beitrage zu Apuleius' Metamorphosen. Kiel, 1872. NEUE- WAGENER, Formenlehre der lateinischen Sprache von Friedrich Neue. Dritte sehr vermehrte Auflage von C. Wagener. Berlin and Leipzig, 1892-1902. PIECHOTTA (L), Curae Apuleianae. Warsaw, 1882. EONSCH (H.), Itala und Vulgata. Marburg, 1875. SCHALLER (W.), De fabula Apuleiana quae est de Psycha et Cupidine. Leipzig, 1901. WEYMANN (C), Apulei de Psyche et Cupidine fabula adnota- tionibus criticis instructa (Index lectionum quae in Universitate Friburgensi per menses aestivos anni MDCCCXCI habebuntur). Freiburg, 1891. latest-born and loveliest vision far Of all Olympus' faded hierarchy ! Fairer than Phoebe's sapphire -regioned star, Or Vesper, amorous glow-worm of the sky ; Fairer than these, though temple thou hast none, Nor altar heaped with flowers ; Nor Virgin -choir to make delicious moan Upon the midnight hours. KEATS, Ode to Psyche. INTEODUCTION CHAPTER I ON THE LIFE AND WHITINGS OF APULEIUS Res pertricosa est, Cotile, bellus homo. MARTIAL. THOUGH Apuleius was an important man in his day, and exercised a considerable influence on the literary style of subsequent writers, 1 very little is known about his life, except the circumstances surrounding his trial for magic and a few facts we can gather from his own writings. The references to him in later writers are mainly confined to his supposed 1 Christodorus (circ. 500 A.D.) mentions (Anth. Pal. 2. 303-5) a bronze statue of Apuleius as having been in the Zeuxippus at Byzantium, in these terms KCU voepfjs a<$ey/cTa AanviiSos opyia Movers a^ero TraTTTaiVcDV 'ATruA^ios, OVTIVO. ^va-rrjv Avtrovt? appyrov i.r)s fOpeif/aro ^ct/D^v (i.e. Muse) the reference being probably to the reputation for magic which had attached itself to Apuleius. It has been remarked that of the eighty statues mentioned by Christodorus, only four are of Romans, viz. Pompey, Caesar, Vergil, and Apuleius: also/that on the contorniates the only Latin writers whose portraits appear are Terence, Accius, Horace, Sallust, and Apuleius. See Schwabe in Pauly-Wissowa ii, 255, 256. For the imitators of Apuleius cp. Weyman, Sitzungsb. der bayerischen Akad., 1893, pp. 321ff. b x INTKODUCTION power of working miracles 1 and to his doctrine about intermediate spirits (demons). 2 The whole chrono- logy of his life is uncertain in its exact details ; but a masterly article by Erwin Rohde 3 has located within fairly narrow limits the few events of his life with which we are acquainted. 4 i. Apuleius 5 was born at Madaura, a Roman colony in the province of Africa, about 80 miles east of Cirta. To judge from its remains, it was probably among the first five towns of the province, Lambaesis, Thamugadi, and Thibursicum being perhaps greater. It was about 20 miles south of Thagaste, where St. Augustine was born ; and it was to Madaura that the latter apparently went to continue his education 1 He is often mentioned as a worker of miracles in connexion with Apollonius of Tyana : cp. St. Jerome on Psalm Ixxxi (Migne vii, p. 1066) non est grande facere signa: nam fecere signa in Aegypto magi contra Moysen, fecit et Apollonius, fecit et Appuleius. Infiniti signa fecerunt. Concedo tibi, Porpliyri, magicis artibus signa fecerunt ut diuitias acciperent a diuitibus mulierculis quas induxerant plainly alluding to Apuleius : cp. Lactantius Inst. 5. 3 : St. Augustine Epp. 3. 102. 32 : 136. 1 : 138. 18, 19 (Migne ii, 383, 514, 533, 534). 2 St. Aug., Civ. Dei 8. 12. 3 Eheinisches Museum, 1885, pp. 66-113 = Kl. Scbriften ii, p. 43ff. 4 Kohde's conclusions generally are adopted by Schwabe in Pauly-Wissowa ii, 246-258, by Martin Schanz in bis G-eschichte der rom. Litteratur (Miiller's Handbucb viii, 3), 553, 554, and by M. Paul Valette, L'Apologie d'ApuUe (1908), p. 3 ff. M. Valette, however, thinks that Apuleius did not compose his Metamorphoses until after his return to Africa. 6 No sufficient evidence can be adduced for the prenomen Lucius which is sometimes given him. It is probably due to his identi- fication with the hero of the Met. : cp. Teuffel- Schwabe, 366. 1. LIFE AND WRITINGS OF APULEIUS xi when his native town could not supply any further facilities, and from it he afterwards proceeded to Carth- age to acquire the higher branches of learning. 1 So one was able at Madaura to get what we should call a good secondary education. Apuleius was the son of an important citizen of that town, who had held the office of duumvir, which was the highest post which the municipality had to offer, and who must have been fairly wealthy, if (as is stated) he left Apuleius and his other son two million sesterces, something like 20,000. 2 He was born about 124 or 125 A.D. This is nowhere stated explicitly, but can be inferred with a considerable degree of probability by certain combinations. 3 Probably he received his early educa- 1 Confess. 2. 3 mihi reducto a Madauris, in qua uicina urbe iam coeperam litteraturae atque oratoriae percipiendae gratia peregrinari, longinguioris apud Cartliaginem peregrinationis sumptus praeparabantur animositate magis quam opibm patris, municipis Thagastensis admodum tennis. 2 Cp. Apul. Apol. 24 init. De patria mea uero, quod earn sitam Numidiae et Gaetuliae in ipso confinio meis scriptis ostendistis, quibus memet professus sum, cum Lolliano Auito CM. praesente publice disse- rerem, Seminumidam et Semigaetulum, non uideo quid mihi sit in ea re pudendum : and a little afterwards in qua colonia patrem habui loco principis duumuiralem, cunctis honoribus perfunctum', cp. also c. 23 profiteer mihi ac fratri meo relictum a patre HS uicies paulo secus, idgue a me longa peregrinatione et diutinis studiis et crebris liberali- tatibus modice imminutum : nam et amicorum plerisque opem tuli et magistris plurimis gratiam retuli, quorundum etiam filias dote auxi. 3 The trial of Apuleius for magic took place apparently in 158 A.D. The presiding magistrate was the proconsul of Africa, Claudius Maximus, who was the immediate successor (Apol. 94) of Lollianus Avitus. Now, the latter probably held the pro- consulate of Africa in 157, for he was consul in 144 ; and the usual interval between the tenure of the consulate and that of the proconsulate of -Asia or Africa in the time of the Antonines b2 xii INTRODUCTION tion and learned to read, write, and cipher at Madaura; 1 but obtained his principal school education in grammar and rhetoric at Carthage, and afterwards wentto Athens for what we should call University education. 2 We cannot be quite certain what was his age when he went to Athens; possibly he was about eighteen. 3 Assum- ing that he was born in 125 A.D., that would make his was about thirteen years : see Waddington, Pastes des Provinces asiatiques (p. 12), quoted by Mommsen St. R. ii 2 , 240. 4. Probably, then, Claudius Maximus was one of the consules suffecti in 145, and was proconsul of Africa in 158 ; for the proconsulate was generally held for one year only (cp. Flor. 9, p. 39, Oud. tuo anno), though not of course for the actual calendar year from January to December. In the same year Pudentilla was about forty-two (cp. Apol. 89 inuenies nunc Pudentillae hand multo amplius quadragensimum annum aetatis ire), and considerably older than Apuleius (c. 37 maior natu). If we suppose that Apuleius was about thirty-three at the time, all the events of his previous life such as we know them can be easily located in point of time. The thirty-third year is not at all so advanced an age as to render inappropriate such an elastic term as iuuenis, which is often applied to him (c. 37 ; 70 ; 92), especially when there is always the contrast of the greater age of Pudentilla. 1 This education (y/xx/x/xaTto-riKr/) was given by the litterator or ypa///xaTi(rr77s, who is to be distinguished from the grammarian or's who taught ypafjLfj.aTLKr}, litteratura, what we mean by * Literature.' See Hatch, Hibbert Lectures, p. 28. 2 Flor. 18, p. 86, Oud. (from an address delivered at Carthage) et pueritia apud uos et magistri uos et secta, licet Athenis Atticis con- firmata: 31, p. 91 Hanc ego uobis mercedem, Carthaginienses, ubique gentium dependo pro disciplinis quas in pueritia sum apud uos adeptus : Flor. 20, p. 97 prima creterra (sc. Musarum) litteratoris ruditatem eximity secunda grammatici doctrina instruit, tertia rhetoris eloquentia armat. Hactenus a plerisque potatur. Ego et alias creterras Athenis bibi: poeticae \commentam (commotam conj. Vliet), geometriae limpi- dam, musicae dulcem, dialecticae austerulam, iam uero uniuersae philosophiae inexplebilem scilicet et nectar earn. 3 Eunapius went to Athens when he was sixteen : Libanius, however, did not go until he was twenty-two ; but his whole education was somewhat late (Rohde, p. 74). LIFE AND WKIT1NGS OF APULEIUS xiii University career begin in 143 A.D. No doubt he fixed his headquarters at Athens ; but he appears to have made several journeys from thence, probably during the vacations. He was certainly at Samos (Flor. 15, p. 51, si recte recorder mam] and at Hierapolis in Phrygia (De Mundo, c. 17). As Apuleius was a man of means, there was no need for him to specialize in order to get a profession ; so from the extensive nature of his studies at Athens (see above, p. xii, note 2) and his travels we may infer that he remained more than the usual five years at the Univer- sity, probably till he was about twenty-five, 1 that is till 150 A.D. ; possibly he remained later. Some time towards the end of his sojourn at Athens he met young Pontianus, son of Pudentilla, who was pro- bably born about 134 A.D., 2 and in 150 A.D. would have been sixteen, the age at which Eunapius went to Athens. Though considerably his junior, he lived apparently in the same rooms as Apuleius, or at any rate in close intimacy with him. 3 But this ' chumming' 1 Gregory Nazianzenus did not finish his rhetorical studies at Athens until he was thirty (Kohde, p. 74. 2) ; and Libanius, after studying for four years till he was twenty-five, would have remained for four years more, were it not that he was hindered by special circumstances. 2 Pontianus was grown up (adultus) and living at Rome before Apuleius came to Oea in 155 ; and he married before Apuleius, whose marriage appears to have taken place towards the end of 156 or beginning of 157. It is reasonable to suppose that adultus does not apply to any one younger than nineteen. If this is so, he was born when Pudentilla was about eighteen. 3 Cp. Apol. 72, nam fuerat mild non ita pridem [ante multos annas'] Athenis per quosdam communes amicos conciliatus, et arto postta contubernio intime iunctns : cp. c. 53. That Apuleius was consider- ably the senior of Pontianus and his brother may be inferred from xiv INTRODUCTION probably did not last very long : for it cannot have been much later than his twenty-fifth year that Apuleius went to Rome. He would appear to have run through his money, whether in quite the laudable way in which he states himself (see note 2 on p. xi) or otherwise it is impossible to say. One is inclined to suppose that shortly previous to his departure from Greece he fell under the influence of the priests of Isis, and (for a time at least) was " converted," as is the experience of so many young men who are ardent and enthusiastic for ideals. 1 the assistance he gave them in their studies (c. 73 init.), and from the fact that Pontianus spoke of him as parentem suum, dominum, magistrum. 1 It is difficult to avoid thinking that Book xi of the Meta- morphoses is autobiographical at least in certain broad outlines. It is not easy to imagine that anyone who had not felt the emotions of a ' revival ' could have written the impassioned address to the goddess which is found in xi 25. But such emotions wear out in most cases, though they may leave behind a remembrance of themselves which is both easy and grateful to recall. If we give reins to our fantasy, we may be tempted to imagine that Apuleius, after many years of leisured affluence, began to feel the pinch of straitened means, and the necessity of working to gain a liveli- hood : ep. I.e. adhibendis sacrificiis tennis patrimonio ; and a year or so later he appears to be in poverty, Met. xi 27 Madauremem sed admodum pauperem : 28 uinculas patrimonii peregrinationis ad- triuerant impensae et erogationes urbicae prittinit illis prouinci- alibus antistabant plurimum. This kind of change of circumstances renders many young men, previously careless, somewhat sus- ceptible to religious impressions, which gradually lose their force when Fortune again returns to smile on them, and they begin to become successful in their professions. Such may possibly (we can of course say no more) have been the experience of Apuleius. But we are ready to acknowledge as quite possible that the imagination of Apuleius may have been able to observe in others and thus realize the emotions which attend conversion, even without Lis having in any way surrendered to these emotions. LIFE AND WRITINGS OF APULEIUS xv If we assume that the eleventh book is in a con- siderable measure autobiographical, we may take it that Apuleius reached Eome on December 12 (c. 26), and, as our reasonings have led us to conjecture, about the year 150. While according to his own account he was diligent in his religious duties to Isis and Osiris, and was advanced to positions of some importance in their service, he at the same time prospered in his work (by the favour of Heaven, he piously tells us) in the Roman law-courts, where he acted as a pleader. No very clear details are given of the special kind of work to which he devoted himself; 1 but he appears to have been tolerably successful. It was during this period that he perfected himself in Latin as it was spoken in Rome, by patient labour, and without the teaching of any master; 2 and it was during this 1 Cp. xi 28 quae res (his religious assiduity) summum peregrination^ meae tribuebat solatium nee minus etiam uictum uberiorem subministrabat, quidni, spiritu fauentis Euentus quaesticulo forensi nutrito per yatro- cinia sermonis Romani : cp. ib. 30 quidni, Liber all deum prouidentia iam stipendiis forensibus bellule fotum. 3 Met. 1. 1 mox in urbe Latia aduena studiorum, Quiritium indi- genam sermonem aerumnabili labore, nullo magistro praeeunte, aggressus excolui. The last word points to the perfecting of a study which had already begun ; and we must suppose that in his early instruc- tion, both at Madaura and at Carthage, Apuleius became acquainted to some extent with Latin ; though doubtless, during his stay in Greece, the many attractions of Greek literature and culture pre- cluded any continued study of that language : so that when he went to Rome his knowledge of Eoman Latin must have been most defective, at least for literary purposes. It is hard to say what language he spoke in his earliest years just possibly it was Punic : certainly that was the language which his precious step-son, Pudens, spoke (Apol. 98), though Apuleius notices that as a mark of commonness and vulgarity. More probably, however, it was a provincial form of Latin, which, as being the language of the administration, was xvi INTRODUCTION same time that he published the Metamorphoses. One point seems decisive as a proof that the book was written for Romans the reference to the metae Murtiae in vi. 8 ; and, if we grant this, the proba- bility is that it was written in Rome. 1 My belief adopted by the upper classes. But no doubt such Latin as Apuleius spoke in his young days was not by any means the language of Rome itself. Greek appears to have been widely used in ordinary life : all the letters of Pudentilla quoted in the Apologia are in Greek. From this it is easy to see that Apuleius can have had only a provincial knowledge of Latin, and needed much study and experience at Rome before he could have acquired such a mastery of Roman idiom as would justify him in publishing in Rome a work in that language. We may take the statement of the preface to the Metamorphoses as autobiographical ; for though that preface speaks wholly in the person of Lucius of Corinth, the hero of the whole novel, still Apuleius plainly represents Lucius as a young man like himself, who had lately left the University of Athens (op. Met. 1. 24), and was now writing his experiences in a foreign (exotici 1.1) language (Latin), and for the Roman public. In this request for indulgence in point of style, the author and hero of a novel written in the first person must become identified. Nearly all the other circumstances of the hero of the story (e.g. his relation- ship with Plutarch, and various adventures) may be regarded as pure invention. E. Norden, however (Die antike Kunstprosa, p. 595. 1), holds that this request in the preface for indulgence was a stock procedure, that many similar examples are found even Tacitus (Agricola 3) speaks of his Histories as written incondita ac rudi uoce (on which Gudeman gives many parallels) and that all that most writers mean by such requests is to draw attention to the obvious mastery which they have over the language they use. But the reference is rather to the efforts Apuleius made to acquire the specially Roman idiom (Quiritinm indigenam sermonem}. Writing at Rome for Romans, he may naturally have been afraid of making a solecism now and then, especially when he wrote with such dash and vigour ; and may accordingly have sincerely enough asked for pardon for any such occasional slips. 1 Richard Hesky (Zur Abfassungszeit der Met. des Apuleius, Wiener Studien, xxvi (1904), pp. 71-80) thinks that the novel LIFE AND WRITINGS OF APULEIUS xvii is that during his residence in Rome he published the work anonymously, 1 as the experiences of Lucius of Corinth, closely following the treatise which is published among the works of Lucian, called Aov/aos rj V O*>05, but amplifying it by the introduction of all kinds of stories (some perhaps invented by Apuleius, but mostly tales current in Greece) of robbers, witches, was written for Romans, but not written in Rome. (It is true that sacrosanctam istam ciuitatem in 11. 26 does not necessarily mean ' this of yours ' ; for the word iste in Apuleius when used as a mere demonstrative generally means ' this ' and not * that ' : see Kretschmann, p. 90 f., and my note on 6. 22 : cp., too, Flor. 1. 3.) He fixes the date within the reign of M. Aurelius, and indeed the period of his sole rule (after 169, the date of the death of Verus) for Apuleius always says Caesar, not Caesares (8. 29: 7. 6, 7 : 9. 42). M. Valette (L'Apologie d'Ap. 25.1) justly says that Apuleius, following a Greek model, may have used what he found there. In 3. 29 the parallel passage in the *Oi/os (c. 16) has Kato-ap. The reason why Hesky fixes the date in the reign of M. Aurelius is that in 1. 6 Lucius says to his friend Socrates, liberis tuis tutores iuridici prouinci- alis decreto dati, and these iuridici were instituted by M. Aurelius (Hist. Aug. c. 11). But they were really only re-instituted by that Emperor : they had been to all intents and purposes established by Hadrian, not only in Italy (Hist. Aug. c. 22 : Appian Bell. Civ. 1. 38), but also in the provinces (see Schiller, Kaiserzeit, pp. 617, 618) ; and one of their functions appears to have been the appointing of guardians (Ulpian, Vat. Frag. 205, 232, 241). We are not informed that the officials appointed by Hadrian in Italy were called iuridici, but they probably were so called for from the time of their re- institution such was certainly their name, and it is natural that from the first they should have had a name to distinguish them, a new species of judges or 'justices,' from the ordinary indices. (On these iuridici see Mommsen St. R. ii 2 , 1038-9.) The ' Caesar ' of whom mention is made in the Met. is Antoninus Pius. 1 The view that the work was published anonymously has long been held, and is based on the fact that the Florentine manuscript does not attribute the work to Apuleius, though it specifies Apuleius as the author of the Apologia and the Florida. xviii INTRODUCTION country life, love, jealousy, passion, and generally the whole range of subjects which human nature finds amusing and exciting. 1 This work is most wondrously realistic, written with a vigour and exuberance that are decidedly inspiriting, and by an author who had a very great general command of luxuriant language, and a really remarkable power of accurate and vivid observation of details ; but the general setting and tenor of the novel are pure romance. The scene is laid in what are called Thessaly and Greece, " but they are not the Greece or Thessaly of geography, any more than the maritime Bohemia of 1 The view that the work was published anonymously is approved by Schanz ( 554), but has been doubted by Eohde (p. 90. 2) on the ground of the tell-tale Madaurensem in xi 28. The "Ovos is not indeed by Lucian chronological difficulties and Cobet have settled that but it is written by a man who, like Lucian, held to common- sense, and jeered at all fantastic extravagance. The most probable view would see in it a short parody on the two first books of a writer mentioned by Photius, one Lucius of Patrae, who composed a whole volume of MTakris in which he took, or seemed to take, the subject quite seriously. The author of the *Ovos appears to have made this Lucius the hero of his own story, and to have represented all his adventures as ridiculous ; and, moreover, to have given to the world some indication of who that Lucius was, though unfortunately we cannot, with our present manuscripts and defective knowledge, discern his identity. The narrator, who is also the hero, says ("Oi/os c. 55), ' My name is Lucius, my brother's is Gaius. The other two names we have in common Kayw ia-ropi&v /cat a/XXwv et/u (Tuyypa^cv?, 6 Se Trotiyr^s cAeyeiW eoT6, KCU /xai/Tts dya$os* Trarpts Se fjjjuv Hdrpai rfjs 'Axaias.' The efforts of Kohde to discover who this author is are ingenious but futile. He thinks (Uber Lucian' s Schrift, AOVKIOS 77 "Oi/os, Leipzig, 1869) the most likely person is Aev/aos, son of Mestrius Florus (Plut. Symp. vii 4), who also appears as an interlocutor in the Plutarchean dialogue^ De facie in orbe Lunae. LIFE AND WRITINGS OF APULEIUS xix Shakespeare,'' says Mr. Glover {Conflict of Religions in the Early Roman Empire, p. 228) most justly. Thebes, we learn with some surprise, is on the sea (4.11 fin.). 1 The tales are mostly the short tales meant for entertainment pure and simple, which we find in all languages, and which in Greece were associated with Miletus (see Excursus I). A number of these Apuleius has strung together 2 on the slender thread either of their being the actual experiences of the hero turned into an ass, or of his having heard them during his period of transformation. 3 The tone of the eleventh book changes wholly, from the phantasmagoria of the realistic comedie humaine, to the religiosity of a convert i] and in that book Apuleius so awkwardly mixes himself and his hero together that not only is Lucius of Corinth our old friend Lucius of Corinth (c. 20, 26), but his native place is 1 This geography was no doubt good enough for the Romans, who had already been familiar with it from the Ampliitruo of Plautus (159). Many years ago Rohde (Griech. Roman, p. 299, note 1) and Dr. Mahaffy (Greek World under Roman Sway, p. 294 ff.) protested against such scholars as Hertzberg who took the stories of the novel as evidence of the state of northern Greece in the time of the Antonines ; and Dr. Mahaffy made merry over the brilliant society (2. 4, 19) of that splendid city Hypata (which can never have been of any importance after its destruction by the Aetolians), and over the sumptuous wild-beast and gladiatorial show which was intended to be given at empty Plataea (4. 13ff.). 2 Cp. Met. 1. 1 At ego tibi sermone isto Milesio u arias fabulas conseram auresque tuas beniuolas lepido susurro permulceam. 3 The only character who comes into two of the stories is the girl, Charite, to whom the tale of Cupid and Psyche was told when she was carried off by the robbers, and who afterwards is the protagonist in the melodramatic story of passion, constancy, and vengeance at the beginning of the eighth book. xx INTRODUCTION Mad aura (mitti sibi Madaurensem sed admodum pauper em, c. 27 fin.). 1 The difference of tone is almost inexpli- cable to modern readers. Perhaps Apuleius felt that if he had finished up his story in the very reprehensible way which the author of the y O*>os had adopted, the book would have been a complete failure in a literary society which was outwardly at least re- spectable, as being regulated in conformity with the real respectability of Antoninus Pius and his desig- nated successor Marcus Aurelius; but that by adding a 1 It has been actually proposed by Goldbacher, an excellent and accomplished scholar, to alter Madaurensem to mane Doriensem. But this emendation cannot be entertained for a moment. Nor can we assume it to be ' an obvious interpolation,' due to the popular idea that what was related in the Metamorphoses all actually happened to Apuleius himself, as Monceaux holds (Apulee, p. 299). Rohde (p. 80) thinks that Apuleius desired to be known, and considers that he published the book under his own name, and that the absence of his name from the subscriptions of the books of the Met. in the principal ms. (F) is due to accident or carelessness. Burger (Hermes 23 (1888), p. 496) thinks that the work was published anonymously, as the young writer, even with all his vanity, might well have doubted the reception it would receive; but that he inserted an indication of the real authorship which would escape the casual reader, but could be used to prove that real authorship in case the work was a success. If this is so, it is at all events a less elusive and absurd indication than the wonderful cryptograms under which more recent writers are supposed to have concealed their identity. Perhaps, however, the simpler explanation may be that Apuleius, in the eagerness with which he was reproducing the circumstances of his own conversion, forgot himself for the moment, and let the book go forth without subjecting it to any such severe scrutiny as would detect the inconsistency of his own nationality with the assumed circumstances of the hero of the story. It is surely the experience of many writers, especially those that write with vigour and dash, to have sometimes made some slip at which they marvel when it is brought up in judgment against them, and their attention becomes riveted upon it. LIFE AND WKITINGS OF APULEIUS xxi religious conversion at the end of the varied scenes of mostly disreputable life, he, as it were, gave some sort of a moral tone to what was really a series of ' realistic ' sketches. Probably the eleventh book is a tribute to the respectability and religious feelings of Roman society, and based on certain temporary emotions which Apuleius may have experienced himself. The last book would then have made amends for the reprehensible nature of some of the stories, and " given a face " to the work, which in its essence and intention was nothing more than a series of amusing and frivolous stories. But there is an argument in favour of the anony- mous publication which is far stronger than the fact that the Florentine ms. does not explicitly attribute the Metamorphoses to Apuleius, though the Apologia and the Florida are given under his name. It is that no mention whatever of this work, which contains so much about witches and magic, appears to have been made at the trial of Apuleius for magic. Rohde (op. cit. p. 89) argues that the accusers may not have known of the work, even if published under the name of Apuleius : for it was published in Rome ; and, we may add, it was published by a young and unknown writer, and there is no evidence of its having had any great immediate success, 1 so that it may not have 1 The earliest mention of it seems to be a censure by Septimius Severus of Clodius Albinus (who died in 197) that he inter milesias Punicas Apulei sui et ludicra litteraria consenesceret (Capitol. Clod. Alb. 12. 12). Albinus himself seems to have written Milesian tales, perhaps trying to imitate Apuleius, but with indifferent success (ib. 11. 8). No doubt, the writings of Pliny and Martial (see Valette, p. 13) were eagerly sought after in the provinces (Plin. Ep. 9. 11 : xxii INTRODUCTION reached Africa. Again, he says that it could not have had much weight, and for that reason may not have been mentioned by the prosecution ; for Lucius was not a practiser, but a victim, of magic ; and in any case, the book is such sheer romance that it could not have influenced any reasonable being. Recol- lecting the reputation for magic which existed to some extent at the time and which gradually developed to large proportions round the name of Apuleius, we feel some doubt on this point; and the outcry which seems to have greeted Apuleius when he named some men suspected of magic, declaring that "if one particle of self-interest in his marriage can be proved against him, they may say that he is a worse magician than Carmendas, or Damigeron, or Moses, or Jannes, or Apollobeches, or Dardanus, or any other magician from Dardanus or Hostanes onward" 1 would seem to prove that very little account was taken by popular opinion of the connexion in which any allusion was made to things magical. The names of magicians or of magical arts were mentioned by a man, and that was considered sufficient to stamp him as a magician. It appears to me most improbable that the accusers, if they could have brought forward the novel, would have refrained from doing so, as it most certainly Mart. 7. 88 ; 8. 72) ; but that was only when they were famous men. The anonymous Metamorphoses, even with the compromising Madaurensem in it, probably did not attract much immediate attention ; but later, when Apuleius became a well-known literary and scientific man, long after his trial, and a less respectable Emperor arose, the book may have begun to attain its wide reputation. 1 Apol. 91 init. vide guaeso, Maxime, quern tumultum'suscitarint, quoniam ego paucos magorum nominatim percensui. LIFE AND WRITINGS OF APULEIUS xxiii would have created prejudice against Apuleius, much more than his verses about tooth-powder and such trivialities (Apol. 6 : 9, &c.); and if they did so, it is quite inconceivable that Apuleius would not have refuted any charge which could have been based upon it, as it would have been a fairly easy point to dwell upon and to handle effectively. It is noticeable also that in the two passages of the Florida where Apuleius enumerates the variety of his writings, no mention is made of his immortal Milesia. 1 No doubt, when Apuleius had married and settled down, and become the fashionable lecturer and the Platonic philosopher of Africa, and an authority on scientific matters connected with fishes, trees, agriculture, medicine, astronomy, arith- metic, music, in short on everything in heaven and earth, 2 he was not very anxious to make any parade of his early work of unquestionable genius but most questionable respectability. So he left the work anonymous, as far as we have any knowledge of Apuleius from his own writings. The authorship of course gradually became known ; but whether it was ever publicly acknowledged during the lifetime of Apuleius, we have no certain means of determining. 1 Flor. 9, p. 37 Oud. and 20. 97 canit enim Empedodes carmina, Plato dialogos, Socrates hymnos, Epicharmus modos, Xenophon histo- rias, Crates (codd. Xenocrates) satiras : Apuleius uester haec omnia nouemque Musas pari studio colit. It is perverse of a distinguished scholar like Burger to suppose that liistorias means ' tales,' or anything else except ' histories ' ; and to hold that in respect of Xenophon the allusion is to the tale of Abradates and Panthea in the Cyropaedia. We know from Priscian (ii. 482. 2 ; cp. i. 250. 18) that Apuleius wrote an epitome historiarum. 2 See below, 5. xxiv INTRODUCTION We think it not wholly improbable that the author- ship may have been disclosed, and the work have commenced its great vogue, at the accession of Commodus. 1 For four or five years, then, Apuleius practised in the courts at Rome, and seems to have been tolerably successful. It was there probably that he came to a consciousness of his great command of language ; and with his quick sympatlry with every kind of intellec- tual interest, and his delight in exhibiting his powers, it was only natural that his ambition should direct itself to the career of a public rhetorician. We know from Philostratus the great enthusiasm and glory which attended these rhetoricians (cp. Rohde Der Griech Roman, p. 293), and we know it from Apuleius' own experience also. A successful rhetorician held a most distinguished position in general society, and was feted and honoured by States and Emperors. I believe that Apuleius had some idea of adopting this profession when he returned from Rome to Africa about 155. But he did not settle down in his old home, or even in Carthage : he could not rest from travel, 2 and we next hear of him as on his way to 1 Apuleius wrote another novel called Hermagoras, which is mentioned by Priscian 1. 85 (Keil) Apuleius in I Hermagorae " uisus est et adulescens honesta forma quasi ad nuptias exornatus trahere se in penitiorem partem domus" : cp. also 1. Ill; 1. 135; 1. 279 aspera hiems erat omnia ningue canebant: 1. 528. Fulgentius 112. 10 (Helm) Apuleius in Ermagora ait: " pollincto eius funere domuitionem paramus." 2 Apol. 73 utpote peregrinationis cupiens impedimentum matrimoni aliquantisper recusaueram. ' LIFE AND WEITINGS OF APULEIUS xxv Alexandria/ and falling ill at Oea, a town on the coast near the modern Tripoli. This was the native place of the young man Pontianus, with whom he had lived during the last period of his residence at the University of Athens (see above, p. xiii). Apuleius stayed at the house of certain of his friends called Appii. Pontianus, who was about twenty-one, had been studying at Rome, but had returned to Oea >ecause his mother, Pudentilla (who was then a widow and very rich), had told him that she proposed getting married, 2 and Pontianus considered it advis- able to see that his mother did not marry some one r ho would make away with all her money, and LUS deprive him and his brother of their legiti- tate expectations. Pontianus called on Apuleius tnd renewed their friendship. The latter seemed to Pontianus the very person whom his mother should marry, and was urged to come and stay at their house; and there is a touch of realistic humour in the ray Apuleius describes the manoeuvres of Pontianus Apol. 72) to secure that he shall pay them a long visit. [e went to their house, and remained there a con- siderable time, giving some public lectures, 3 helping 1 He plainly went to Oea from the west ; as he would not have jone to that town at all if he had gone straight from Eome to Jexandria. It is on this ground that it seems probable that he returned to his native province from Kome before he started on the 3W journey to Alexandria, 2 She had not any definite suitor in mind ; but she had been Ivised by her physicians that her health would be improved if she mtered again on the married state (Apol. 69). 3 Apol. 55 sed abhinc ferme triennium est cum primis diebus quibus Oeam ueneram publice disserens de Aesculapii maiestate. This lecture c xxvi INTRODUCTION Pontianus and his young brother in their studies, and meanwhile re-establishing his own health. About a year after his arrival at Oea he gave a public lecture (Apol. 73) which was a brilliant success; so much so, that the people of Oea begged him to accept the freedom of their city, and to settle down amongst them. In the enthusiasm of his success he was definitely asked by Pontianus to accept his mother in marriage. Though she was nearly ten years older than Apuleius, he had had many opportunities of testing her merits, "the dowry of her virtues/ 7 as he gracefully says (c. 73) ; and, though still eager for travel, he consented to the proposal. Pudentilla was equally willing, and so the marriage was arranged, and was fixed to take place as soon as Pontianus, who was engaged to a daughter of one Herennius Rufinus, was married, and his young brother Pudens had assumed the dress of manhood. Immediately after Pontianus had married, his uncle and his wife's relations began to urge him to try to have the engagement between Apuleius and seems to have won great fame and was widely read. It is just possible that it may have been the same as the lecture referred to in c. 73, which was delivered a year after his arrival; but this requires us to stretch the phrase ' the early days of my stay in Oea' to an abnormal extent, and will compel us to estimate the whole sojourn of Apuleius in Oea at four years, and not three. Still, however, it is possible. Then we must suppose Apuleius to have come to Oea in the winter of 154-155 ; to have remained in the house of Puden- tilla till the end of 155 or beginning of 156, when he delivered this great lecture and became engaged to her; to have married her probably in the latter half of 156 ; and to have been accused towards the end of 158. Thus we shall be able to explain abhinc ferme triennium. LIFE AND WRITINGS OF APULEIUS xxvii Pudentilla broken off, for fear, as would seem, that the latter, who appears to have been deeply attached to Apuleius, 1 would settle all her fortune on him. However, Apuleius behaved handsomely, and per- suaded Pudentilla to make a will leaving the bulk of her property to her sons in the event of her having no further issue 2 (c. 91), and succeeded in reconciling the mother to her children (c. 93). Pontianus is stated to have been sincerely sorry for his conduct, and to have begged pardon of Apuleius (c. 94). Apuleius and Pudentilla were then married in Pudentilla' s seat in the suburbs of Oea 3 a procedure which was looked on askance, and was made a ground of accusation in the trial. 1 It may be here said that there is some reason to suppose that the marriage was a happy one : cp. Sidonius Apollinaris ii 10. 5 sisque oppido meminens quod olim Marcia Hortensio, Terentia Tullio, Calpurnia Plinio, Pudentilla Apuleio, Rusticiana Symmacho legentibus meditantibusque candelas et candelabra tenner unt ; though of course the words Terentia Tullio would seem to show that the learned bishop's information on the domestic life of distinguished literary men was not always very minute and accurate. 2 Apol. 91 : This possibility of Pudentilla's having further issue disproves the view that would make her older than Apuleius states she was, viz. a little over forty. 3 The reasons are given in c. 88. Pudentilla had already bestowed a considerable largess on the people when Pontianus was married, and when Pudens assumed the toga virilis. She did not wish to be put to a similar expense on the occasion of her own marriage. Besides, both she and Apuleius (and it was natural, as they were not in their first youth) desired to escape all the cumbrous ceremonial and entertainments connected with a fashionable marriage in the city. But general opinion, it would seem, did not approve of marriages in villa. In the Cupid and Psyche, Venus mentions among the irregularities of Cupid's marriage the fact that it was performed in villa : cp. 6. impares enim nuptiae et praeterea in uilla sine testibus et patre non consentiente factae legitimae non possunt uideri. c2 xxviii INTRODUCTION But the relations of Pudentilla did not relax their opposition. They had lost the support of Pontianus, and accordingly could not for the moment do much, as he appears to have been a young man of good disposition and some force of character. But within about a year he died ; and then they worked on his young brother to attack his step-father. At first the brother-in-law of Pudentilla, Sicinius Aemilianus, appears to have urged his advocates to deliver a violent invective against Apuleius, when the latter was arguing some case on behalf of his wife 1 before the Assize Court at Sabrata (some 60 miles west of Oea on the coast), which was presided over by the proconsul, Claudius Maximus. They accused him of being in- strumental in bringing about the death of Pontianus, and of being addicted to the practice of magic. 2 1 Apol. 1 nam, ut meministi, dies abhinc quintus an sextus est, cum me causam pro uxore mea Pudentilla aduersus Granios aggressum de composite necopinantem patroni eius incessere maledictis et insimulare magicorum maleficiorum ac denique necis Pontiani priuigni met coepere. It is not clear who the Granii were, whether they were the parties in the case concerning Pudentilla it was doubtless a civil case about property or were counsel for Sicinius Aemilianus. The latter seems the more probable supposition. In the former alter- native, we must suppose the interests of Sicinius to have been in some way involved, and that he instructed counsel to defend those interests. 2 This was probably in 158. Claudius Maximus succeeded Lollianus Avitus, who had been consul in 144, and, according to the rule in force at this time, could hold the proconsulship of Asia or Africa about thirteen years later (see above, p. xi, n. 3). But as the interval between the consulship and proconsulship seems to have varied from ten to fifteen years, we cannot regard these dates as absolutely certain, though no other dates seem to meet all the circumstances of the case so well. This Claudius LIFE AND WRITINGS OF APULEIUS xxix Apuleius at once turned on them, and vehemently asked that he should be arraigned definitely on these charges. The accusers were frightened and dropped the former charge ; but they did arraign him on the charge of magical practices, and the trial came on within a week before the same Court. In an age when the belief in magic is rife, no charge is easier and more readily believed by the people. It is a charge which admits of invective rather than proof, as Apuleius very justly says (Apol. 2) ; and Apuleius was certainly interested in so many branches of science, had been initiated into so many mysteries and rituals during his travels, had no doubt talked so much theosophy, which he considered to be the doctrines of Plato, and, in addition, had probably made himself so obnoxious by a not too humble opinion of himself and his learning, that there was distinctly good reason that he should endeavour without delay to dispel the calumny. This is no place to give a detailed account of the able and self-confident speech, the only forensic speech which we have remaining from Imperial times, in which Apuleius refuted all the idle charges which were brought against him. It is vigorous and effective, with very few of the affectations of style to which Apuleius was addicted ; and there can be no doubt that it was successful in securing his acquittal. Maximus appears to have been legatus of Pannonia Superior in 154 (see a diploma in C.I.L. iii, p. 881). Whether he was the incom- parable Claudius Maximus, the Stoic philosopher, who helped to mould the character of Marcus Aurelius (Meditations 1. 15), must remain undecided. It seems improbable. XXX INTBODUCTION 3. But he had lost his popularity at Oea. His adversaries, old inhabitants of the district, had re- presented him as a maleficent adventurer; and, in any case, he himself must have felt that his powers called for a larger field than a comparatively small provincial town. He migrated to Carthage, and appears to have made that his home for as long as history allows us to trace his life. He continued his profession of public lecturer at Carthage, and became the most honoured and most popular literary man in the whole province. We have a large number of 1 elegant extracts ' from his lectures or orations, or whatever those elaborate compositions are to be called ; and those ' elegant extracts ' he, or some excerptor, called Florida ^avO^pd) or Flowers. 1 These * Flowers ' have about them a calm, polished stateliness and an elaborated finish which appeal to anyone who admires ornateness and care- fulness in literary execution ; but it must be said that they are quite destitute of any depth of thought, though this was but natural in compositions addressed to a popular audience. Still there are some well- worked pieces of no little descriptive power and of most artificial, yet charming, simplicity. I venture to reproduce one, on the death of the comic poet Philemon (Flor. No. 16), retaining the alliterations, assonances, and other artificialities as well as I can. Apuleius is apologizing for not having continued on 1 See Gellius Praef., 6, who mentions a number of similar fancy titles which authors gave to their miscellanies. LIFE AND WRITINGS OF APULEIUS xxxi the next day a disquisition which had been interrupted by rain. He met with an accident just after the breaking-up of the meeting, and had to go to the Persiance aquae to recruit. On his return he tells of the circumstances which followed a similar inter- ruption in a reading by Philemon : " You all know the character of his genius : let me now tell you in a few words of his death ; or perhaps you would wish me to say something about his genius." Philemon was a poet of the Middle Comedy, and composed plays for the stage at the same time as Menander. He competed with him, possibly as an inferior, but certainly as a rival, for he often defeated him one is ashamed to say. You may find in him many sallies of wit, clever complications in his plots, admirably contrived recognitions, 1 characters suited to the subject, maxims applicable to real life, the gay portions not sinking below comedy, the grave portions not soaring into tragedy. We rarely find seductions in his plays : the failings of his human characters are venial, their loves congenial. 2 In him, too, as in the other playwrights, we have the lying procurer, the sighing lover, the sly slave-boy; the cajoling mistress, the coercing wife, the indulging mother ; the uncle to scold, the friend to uphold, the soldier bold ; gorging parasites, grasping parents, saucy street-girls. By these merits he had long held an eminent position in comedy. On one occasion he had given a reading of part of a play which he had recently composed ; and it happened that he had already come to the third act, wherein, as is usual in comedies, he had delightfully quickened the interest of his hearers, when 1 Reading agnitus with Casaubon. Perhaps ' denotements.' The mss. give adynatos. Colvius read ac nodos, but ac does not suit with the general asyndefca of the passage. Leo (Archiv xii. 98) con- jectures narratus. 2 Reading with Leo tuti (for ac uti) errores, concessi amores, lit. * errors that did not bring ruin, love-affairs that were permissible.' xxxii INTRODUCTION a sudden shower of rain, just as occurred lately in my case with you, compelled an adjournment of the collected audience and the projected reading. However, he promised, at the request of many present, that without making any break he would finish the recitation on the ensuing day. Accordingly, next day an immense crowd gathers with the greatest eagerness : each one tries to get as near the front as possible : the late comer makes signs to his friends to keep a seat for him : those at the extremity complain that they are pushed out of the sitting accommodation altogether : the whole theatre is packed and there is a great crush. "When quiet was attained, 1 the people begin, those who had not been present to ask about the previous portion of the play, those that had been present to go over what they had heard, and all, when they had the beginning in mind, to await the sequel. Meanwhile the day went on. and Philemon did not come as had been arranged ; some grumbled at the poet for being late, the greater number made excuses for him. But when the delay became unreasonable, and there was no sign of Philemon, some of the more energetic members of the audience were sent to summon him ; and they found him lying dead on his couch. He had ceased to breathe and had just become stiff. There he was reposing on his reading-couch in the attitude of thought: he had his fingers still in the fold of the manuscript, his face down on the book he had been reading ; but he had no breath of life in him; he was forgetful of his book, and thought not of his audience. Those who had come in stood still for a space, moved by the marvel of such an unexpected event and such a beautiful death. Then they returned to the people, and announced that Philemon, the poet, who was being expected to finish in the theatre an unreal narrative, had at his house completed the real drama of life : his words to the world were, ' be happy ' and ' your hands/ to his friends, ' be sorry ' and ' your tears ' : yesterday's shower was a premonition of their weeping : his 1 1 venture to read quieti for qneri. LIFE AND WEITINGS OF APULEIUS xxxiii play had reached the funeral knell before it reached the marriage bell : and thus, as a most excellent poet had ceased to tread the stage of life, they should go straight from the theatre to his burying, and lay now his ashes in the grave, thereafter his poems in their hearts. 4. It is from these Florida that we obtain the few remaining notices of Apuleius, and his career at Carthage. In 16f3 A.D. he delivered a panegyric on the proconsul of the day, Scipio Orfitus, a fragment of which is contained in Flor. 17. 1 Some time before 169, the date of the death of Verus, in the fulness of his reputation, he delivered a valedictory address to a governor called Severianus, which is preserved in Flor. 9. 2 In Flor. 16 he thanks Aemilianus Strabo, 1 Apuleius speaks of it as hoc meum de virtutibus Orfiti carmen (p. 82, Oud.), and the prose is indeed ' numerous prose ' or un- metrical verse. We shall have something to say in the section on the style of Apuleius about this poetically coloured prose of the rheto- ricians of the day. Servius Cornelius Salvidienus Scipio Orfitus (to give him his full style and title) had been consul in 149, and was proconsul in 163 : see the Inscription on the triumphal arch at Oea in C.I.L. viii. 24. 2 The allusion to fauor Caesarum (p. 40, Oud.) fixes the date as prior to 169, when Verus died. The statement that the reputation of Apuleius was Integra et florens per omnes antecessores tuos would seem to suggest a time nearer to 169 than to 161 ; for Apuleius cannot have considered his connexion with proconsuls to have begun before the time of Lollianus Avitus in 157 (Apol. 94) : so this Severianus can hardly have been the P. Aelius Severianus who was governor of Cappadocia in 162, and killed by the Parthians in that year (see Schiller, Rom. Kaisergeschichte 639) ; more probably he is the M. Sedatius Severianus, of whom Mommsen gives some account in C.I.L. iii. 1575. Of his son Honorinus there does not seem to be any information. xxxiv INTRODUCTION who had held the consulship in 156, 1 and had previously been his fellow-student, 2 for the interest Aemilianus had taken in recommending that a public statue should be erected in his honour at Carthage. In support of this Aemilianus had drawn attention to the statues and other honorary distinctions which other peoples and other cities had bestowed on Apuleius, 3 and urged that the fact of his having ' undertaken' the position of sacerdos prouinciae an office which was very troublesome and expensive, on account of the games which the priest was expected to exhibit gave him a claim to receive from Carthage the honour of a statue ; and Aemilianus undertook to pay for it. 4 We 1 p. 74, Oud. Aemilianus was consul suffectus in 156 : see Acta Arualinm, C.I.L. vi, 2086. 67. In the same year Serius Augurinus was consul ordinarius, and he was proconsul of Africa in 170. So, perhaps, if the expectations of Apuleius were realized (nir consularis, breui uotis omnium futurus proconsul), which is uncer- tain, Aemilianus may have been proconsul in 171. 2 p. 73, Oud. iura amicitiae a commilitio studiorum eisdem magistris honeste incohata. If we suppose Aemilianus to have attained the consulship at the normal age of thirty-three, he would have been born in 123, and thus would have been almost an equal in age with Apuleius. 3 Flor. 16, p. 73 quin etiam commemorauit et alibi gentium et ciuita- tinm honores mild statuarum et alias decretos. We have no particulars as to what these were : but we know that Apuleius, though having his home in Carthage, often lectured elsewhere. Flor. 18, p. 86, Oud. qui penes extrarios saepenumero promptissime disceptaui; ib. 91 ubique enim me uestrae ciuitatis alumnumfero, ubique uos omnimodis laudibus celebro, &c. 4 Flor. 16, p. 73, Oud. immo etiam docuit argumento suscepti sacerdotii summum mihi honor em Carthagini adesse. Notice that Apuleius ' undertook ' the priesthood : cp. St. Augustine Ep. 138 (vol. ii, p. 534, Migne) An forte ista (honours in the State) ut Philosophus contempsit (sc. Apuleius), cui sacerdos Prouinciae pro LIFE AND WRITINGS OF APULEIUS XXXV cannot fix the date of his tenure of the priesthood, but it was probably about 165. It may have been in the course of his upward career that he under- took this duty, which his wife's great wealth would have enabled him to perform with distinction, and which, in its opportunities for display, was a post that he would have filled with splendour, and one which would serve to advance him in public estimation. We can gather nothing further about the life of Apuleius, and we do not know when he died. 5. Perhaps a word or two should be said on the philosophical works of Apuleius. That On the God of Socrates is the best known. It is really a popular lecture on the doctrine of Spirits (daemones) interven- ing between God and man. His definition of these Intermediate Spirits is famous. He says (c. 13) they are "in nature animal, in intellect rational, in mind subject to emotion (passiua), in material airy, in duration eternal. The first three characteristics they have in magno fuit, ut munera ederet uenatoresque uestiret et pro statua sibi apud Oeenses locanda, ex qua duitate habebat uxorem, aduersus contradictionem quorumdam ciuium litiyaret. This latter portion of St. Augustine's letter is interesting, as it shows that Apuleius did not deem it unworthy to solicit such honours himself ; and indeed he actually did in the concluding portion of Flor. 16, where such solicitation is couched in the most grave and courtly language. For the onerous nature of the priesthood Eohde (Bh. Mus. 40. 69) refers to Wilmanns 1233a, where in 362 lulius Festus Hymetius is praised (among other services to the province of Africa) quod studium sacerdotii prouinciae restituerit ut mine a competitoribus adpetatur quod antea formidini fuerit. XXXVI INTRODUCTION common with men; the fourth is peculiar to them- selves ; the fifth they share with the immortal gods ; but they differ from them in being subject to emotion {passione)" They are the messengers of the gods to men, and the agents by which the gods act upon men; and conversely they notify to the gods the prayers and offerings of men. Amongst these is each man's guardian angel. Such was the Sat/*wz> of Socrates. It was a Spirit of Prohibition, not of Instiga- tion, in his case ; for Socrates " as a man of singularly perfect character was himself ever ready to perform all fitting duties, and so needed no one to urge him thereto ; but it checked him when he was entering on any course under which danger lurked " (c. 21). We should then each of us worship the Spirit that directs us, qui cultus non aliud quam philosophiae sacra- mentum est (c. 22). The lecture is attractive and graceful ; but it was on a trite theme. The doctrine of Saipoves was an old one. It is found as early as Hesiod ( Works 1226), and was more fully developed by Pythagoras. It had been much in vogue since Plutarch's admirable writings on the subject. 1 The lecture is preceded in the manuscripts by two prefaces, which really belong to the Florida, and have accidentally become joined to the philosophical treatise. 2 Less interesting are the two books De Platone et eius Dogmate short popular summaries setting forth what Apuleius held were Plato's views on Nature and 1 Especially De defectu Oraculorum and De Facie in Orbe Lunae. 3 Cp. Schanz Geschiclite der rom. Litteratur, 563. LIFE AND WRITINGS OF APULEIUS xxxvii Morals. The first book begins with a brief biography of Plato, whose life had apparently by this time " won its way to the fabulous." Then follows an account of the Platonic theories of the World and the Soul, mostly based on the Timaeus. The second book, addressed to 'Faustine fill] 1 is devoted to Plato's views on Ethics and Politics^ and draws largely on the Gorgias, Republic, and Laws. Whatever merits these books may have had as popular synopses, they have practically none now, and are very dull reading. The treatise TTC/H e^/x^eias, which used to be regarded ^ as the third book, is a treatise on Formal Logic, and is Aristotelian and not Platonic. It is generally held to have been written by some grammarian who wanted to add to the two books of Apuleius a treatise on Dialectic which Apuleius had promised (1, 4, fin.). It has been suggested that the attribution of the work to Apuleius is due to the author having used his name as an example (c. 4). The treatise is mentioned by Cassiodorus. 2 The treatise De Mundo is a translation of the pseudo- Aristotelian treatise, irepl KOO-^OV. The Greek work is addressed to a certain Alexander. 3 Apuleius 1 We do not know who he was. The translation of the is also addressed to him. We suppose that he was a pupil of Apuleius, or a young friend in whom he took an interest not an actual son of his by Pudentilla. For filius as an address by an elder to a younger see note to 6. 22. 2 Cp. Hildebrand, p. xliv ; Goldbacher in Wiener Studien viz (1885), pp. 253-277 ; Schanz, 562. 3 Probably Tiberius Julius Alexander (cp. Mayor on Juv. 1. 130), nephew of Philo, who accompanied Corbulo in his Parthian War ; see Mommsen, Provinces, ii. 168. INTRODUCTION alters the dedication to Faustine fill? leaving an impression that he wished the treatise to be regarded as an original work of his own and not merely as a translation. 2 He makes a few additions, e.g. chapters 13 and 14 (on the winds), which are taken from Gellius 2.22, and the interesting personal note, which gives evidence of his travel, c. 17, uidi et ipse apud Hierapolim Plirygiae non adeo ardui mantis uicinum latus natiui oris hiatu reseratum et tennis neque editae marginis ambitu circumdatum : cp. Strabo, xiii. 629630. There has been much discussion as to whether the translation is or is not by Apuleius ; but it is generally agreed now that it is his work. The view that Apuleius wrote both the Greek and Latin versions is not any longer held. 3 Another translation by Apuleius is that of the Phaedo of Plato (Sidon. Apoll. 2. 9. 5). It is quoted twice by Priscian. Apuleius wrote many treatises on quaestiones naturales as well in Greek as in Latin (Apol. 36. 40), which were no doubt compilations and handbooks. We hear especially of his treatises on Fishes (ib. 38) ; and he seems to have made some original investigations also in Zoology (ib. 33). These compilations may possibly have been the same as the quaestiones conuiuales to which 1 So Thomas : or Faustine mi Goldbacher. The mss. give miJii. 2 Cp. the end of the Preface, where he adds the words Aristotelem . . . et Theophrastum auctorem secuti. 3 See Teuffel-Schwabe, 367. 6: Schanz, 564. On the Greek original cp. Zeller Eclectics (Eng. Trans.) 125 ff. LIFE AND WKITINGS OF APULEIUS xxxix Macrobius (7.3.23), and Sidonius (9.13.3) refer. 1 He also wrote on Medicine (Apol. 40. 45), on Astronomy, Arithmetic, Music ; a treatise De Eepublica ; and various poems. 2 The Asclepius, a translation of a Greek original, is universally rejected as having been erro- neously attributed to Apuleius. 3 Most critics reject also the Physiognomonia, published by Valentine Rose. 4 No one now dreams that either the fifth century herbal De Herlarum Medicaminibus, or the fragment of the De Eemediis salutaribus, had any connexion with Apuleius. The wide and quick sympathy which Apuleius displayed with all sorts of intellectual pursuits of course prevented any really minute knowledge of any of them. Most of his works appear to have been translations or compilations. Some of them 1 Macrob. 7. 14. 4 censet Epicurus ab omnibus corporibus iugi fluore guaepiam simulacra manare has been long ago by Brant compared with Apol. 15 (= p. 18. 7 Helm). 2 For the poems cp. Apol. 6. and 9 ; Flor. 18. 91 (hymn to ^Esculapius). Possibly hoc meum de uirtutibus Orfiti carmen (Flor. 17. 82) refers to the prose eulogy from which this is an extract rather than to a separate poem. The ' Asianic ' rhetoricians liked to represent their declamations as ' poems,' cp. Himerius, quoted by E. Norden, Kunstprosa, p. 429. There is a metrical translation (very corrupt) of an obscene passage from Menander's 'Ave^oV^os also attributed to Apuleius ; see Bahrens, Poet. Lat. Min. iv, p. 104. For the other treatises see Schanz 569. 3 It was known to St. Augustine, but he does not mention it as the work of Apuleius, and the manuscripts do not name him as the author. Lactantius did not know the Latin version, and quotes from the Greek. 4 Anecdota Graeca et Graecolatina i. 59, 170. Rose defends its genuineness. E. Kelter (Apulei guae fertur Physiognomonia quando composita sit, Kiel, 1890) has proved that it was not composed before the fourth century. xl INTRODUCTION indeed seem like popular works, or even school books, 1 written by a man who had a great name and fame I for something quite different from the subject of which the works treated ; and we may suppose that the author and the publishers knew that the mere name of the author would be safe to ensure a sale. We wonder that Apuleius was ever regarded as a Platonicus noUlis (St. Augustine, Civ. Dei 8.12, p. 374, Goldb.). He was certainly a famous rhetorician, and his Platonism may have been taken by the public on his own estimation (Apol. 10 and 65 fin.). The success of Apuleius with his age seems, as Mommsen has said of the success of Cicero, to resolve itself really into the deeper problem of language, and the effect of language on the mind. He belonged, like Favorinus, to the set of those whom Eohde calls " Theatre Philosophers" (Griech. Roman, p. 321), and Philostratus 01 ^LXocro^rjo-avTe^ iv 80^77 TOV cro(j)LcrTvcrai.. He learned a little philosophy, as he learned a little of everything else, enough to talk about it gracefully and brilliantly. But if he was little of a philosopher, he had a very wide general culture even for his own age, in which there was such a great diffusion of knowledge ; and no doubt he took an eager interest (curiositas) in those studies to which he applied himself, as long as no great difficulties presented themselves, and as far as they could be used for showy effect. But it was , distinction, glory, popular success, which were the real ends sought by this cultivated, splendid, and somewhat exotic man of the world. His philosophy and his science were, like the adornments of his LIFE AND WRITINGS OF APULEIUS xli person, little more than the stock-in-trade of the fashionable sophist. He was certainly not the man to be a martyr 1 for any philosophical or theological creed. 2 1 Cp. St. Augustine, Civ. Dei 8. 19. The saint seems to assume that Apuleius was certainly a magician, and was too cowardly to do otherwise than deny the charge, seque aliter non unit innocentem uideri, nisi ea negando quae non possunt ab innocente committi. This shows the strength of the prejudice which associated magic with his name the same spirit which saw the magician in Michael Scott, Roger Bacon, and even Pope Sylvester II. It may here be noticed that Apuleius is credited with having been bitterly hostile to the Christians, and that the ferocious description of the wife of one of the masters into whose hands Lucius fell was supposed to portray a votary of that religion, 9. 14 nee enim uel unum uitium nequissimae illae /eminae deerat, &c., especially tune spretis atque calcatis diuinis numinibiis in uicem certae religionis mentita sacrilega praesumptione del quern j)raedicaret unicum, confictis obseruationibus uacuis fallens omnis homines et miserum maritum decipiens matutino uino et continue stupro corpus manciparat. But this is slender evidence to support the charge. Apuleius may have meant a Jewess. The reference to Christianity is rightly held to be doubtful by Lightfoot, The Apostolic Fathers 11. i, p. 532. 2 The personality of Apuleius could not be better sketched than it has been in Mr. Pater's Marius the Epicurean, chap. xx. The whole dinner scene there described is a masterpiece among the guests the street-arab young prince, Commodus ; the elegant and eminent rhetorician and litterateur, Apuleius ; the anonymous tenor who chanted the (Lucianic) Halcyon; the earnest and thoughtful Marius. The perfect urbanity coupled with love for display which the man of letters exhibited during the feast, and again the readiness with which, when the company had broken up, he set forth to the sympathetic Marius his view of Intermediate Spirits, portray at once the constant mover in distinguished society, the curious pryer into the mystical and the supernatural, and the facile expounder of picturesque theory. The whole chapter is deserving of study by anyone who desires to see the complex personality of Apuleius depicted to the life by a consummate artist. d xlii INTRODUCTION PROBABLE CHRONOLOGY OF THE KNOWN EVENTS IN THE LIFE OF APULEIUS. A.D. 125 about Born at Madaura. 140 ,, Goes to school at Carthage. 143 ,, Goes to the University of Athens. 149 Meets Pontianus (born about 133). 150 ,, Goes to Rome. 152-154 ,, Between these years writes Metamorphoses. 155 (beginning) about Returns to Africa. 155 (end) ,, Starts for Alexandria. 156-158 Lives at Oea. 157 ,, Marries Pudentilla (born about 116). 158 Trial for magic. Leaves Oea for Carthage. 163 (certain date) Delivers panegyric on Scipio Orfitus (Flor. 17). 165 about Possible date of his holding priesthood. 168 Delivers valedictory address to Severianus (Flor. 9). 171 Thanks the proconsul ^Emilianus for recom- mending that he be granted a public statue (Flor. 16). CHAPTER II THE STORY OF CUPID AND PSYCHE Assem para, et accipe auream fabulam. PLINY. 1. THE names, Cupid and Psyche, applied to the chief characters in this story, seem at first sight to indi- cate that an allegorical significance is intended to be conveyed; and, true enough, from the time of Fulgentius (the fifth century) down to Zeller the story has been supposed to have some ulterior meaning, and to be something more than a mere story. Zeller says : " The longing of the fallen soul for re-union with its Good Spirit (or with the Divine) forms the theme which, in the well-known narrative of Amor and Psyche (which, however, did not originate with him), is set forth by Apuleius in the manner of a story." 1 Yet it must be allowed that the indications of any such allegory in the story, outside the names, are the very slightest. The utmost that can be adduced is that Psyche suffers reproach and punish- ment from certain abstractions called Routine (Co-nsuetudo), Anxiety, Sadness (6. 8, 9); that Sober- mindedness (Sobrietas) is an enemy of Venus (5. 30) ; l Phil. der Griechen, iii. 2*, p. 228, 1903. See Excursus II. d2 xliv INTRODUCTION and that the child of Cupid and Psyche is called Pleasure ( Voluptas, 6. 24). The chief defect in an allegorical interpretation of any story, that each interpreter explains it differently, appears in the present case. 1 Just a shadow of allegory may have hovered before the mind of Apuleius, owing to Plato and to the Alexandrine poets, It is, however, now generally acknowledged that no consistent allegorical interpretation is to be applied to the story in detail. The story is to be regarded rather as a mere fairy-tale, tricked out with all the airs and graces of Apuleian style. Look at it in that point of view, and everything becomes plain, especially the dramatic setting of the whole story an old woman 1 One has only to look through the various allegorical explana- tions of the story in Hildebrand (I. xxviii-xxxviii). To some the story merely depicts the relation of Passion and the Soul, and the purification of the Soul through suffering. Cupid thus appears as the Earthly Love : but to Hildebrand and others he is the Heavenly Love. His union with the Soul in its innocence is dissolved by the force of base desires and jealousies (the wicked sisters) ; but the Soul regains Love through suffering the cause of the suffering being Venus, who, if you please, is Fate. To Fulgentius (see Excursus II) she was Lust, and the wicked sisters were the Flesh and Free Will, and Cupid was both the Earthly and the Heavenly Love. Morbach supposes that the story inculcates conjugal fidelity, and that it is derived from the mysteries (this seems to be now held by Gruppe, Gr. Myth, 871) : and Hildebrand also thinks it is ultimately traceable to the mysteries, and especially to the mysteries of Isis : and he even goes so far as to hint that the whole Metamorphoses is a work of edification (xxxviii). In this he had in a manner been preceded by Beroaldus and Warburton, for whose fanciful speculations as to the hidden significance of the Metamorphoses as a whole the curious reader may be referred to Dunlop's History of Prose Fiction, i. 105-107, ed. Bohn. THE STORY OF CUPID AND PSYCHE xlv (delira et temulenta anicula, 6. 25) tells the tale to a girl who has been carried off by robbers, in order to amuse her and take her mind off the trouble into which she has fallen ; and the way in which at the end the whole narrative is jocularly treated, and the main thread of the novel is resumed without any indication of seriousness, 1 precludes the supposition that Apuleius regarded it as a work of edification. AndJ that the basis of the tale is one taken from fairy-land is evident from the beginning, which is a stereotyped form of fairy-tales in all languages (4. 28 init.) : " Once upon a time there were a king and queen, who had three beautiful daughters." /The basis of the tale which Apuleius adopted was perhaps something like this: A prince has by some malign power been transformed into one of the lower animals ; during the night, however, he regains his original shape. 2 He obtains the love of a girl, but under the condition that she is not to ask to see his face, or (as some forms of the story have it) to know his name. If he retains the love of this girl for a specified time, the spell that is on him will be dissolved. Or it may be that an intimacy is formed between a god and a mortal woman, or between a fairy woman and a mortal man but on the same condition, that the mortal is not to see the 1 6. 25 astans ego non procul dolebam mehercules quod pugillares et stilum non habebam qui tarn bellam fabulam pmenotarem. Ecce con- fecto nescio quo graui proelio latrones adueniunt, &c. 2 This is the feature on which the wicked sisters dwell in Mr. Morris's version of the tale in his Earthly Paradise. xlvi INTRODUCTION face or to learn the name. The mystic prohibition is the essential point. That prohibition is always broken. The union is dissolved. After many- troubles on both sides, and acts of faithfulness and devotion, the pair are re-united and live happy ever after. A familiar instance of this kind of story is " The Singing, Soaring Lark" in Grimm's " Household Tales " (No. 88, vol. ii, p. 5, ed. Bohn). Stories more or less like this are found in all lands. Mr. Andrew Lang (Custom and Myth, pp. 64-86) finds them in India, North America, Wales, Zululand, and elsewhere. It may be desirable to give two examples one taken from Mr. Lang (p. 66), and one from Friedlander (Sittengeschichte Roms, I 6 , p. 550 f.). " The oldest literary shape of the tale of Psyche and her lover," says Mr. Lang, " is found in the Rig Veda." It is a dialogue between Urvasi (a fairy) and Pururavas (a mortal man). The full story is given in the Brahmana (= prose ritual portion) of the Yajur Veda, and is thus rendered by Max Miiller : " Urvasi, a kind of fairy, fell in love with Pururavas, and when she met him she said : Embrace me three times a day, but never against my will, and let me never see you without your royal garments, for this is the manner of women 1 On the strength of this clause, and many similar examples among the most various peoples, even the Ojibways, Mr. Lang (p. 72) supposes the story of Pururavas to be an aetiological myth 'told to illustrate, or sanction, a nuptial etiquette.' Similarly, Melusine (Lang, p. 76) will only abide with her husband ' dum ipsam nudam non viderit.' It is owing to the fact that similar customs are so very widespread that Mr. Lang objects to Liebrecht's view that the clause ' for this is the custom of THE STOBY OF CUPID AND PSYCHE xlvii Mr. Lang continues the story in his own words : " The Gaiidharvas, a spiritual race, kinsmen of Urvasi, thought she had lingered too long among men. They therefore plotted some way of parting her from Pururavas ... To make Pururavas break the compact [i.e. of never being seen naked by her"], the Gandharvas stole a lamb from beside Urvasi's bed : Pururavas sprang up to rescue the lamb, and, in a flash of lightning, Urvasi saw him naked, contrary to the manner of women. She vanished. He sought her long, and at last came to a lake where she and her fairy friends were playing in the shape of birds. Urvasi saw Pururavas, revealed herself to him, and, according to the Brahmana, part of the strange Vedic dialogue was now spoken. Urvasi promised to meet him on the last night of the year : a son was to be the result of the interview. Next day, her kinsfolk, the Gandharvas, offered Pururavas the wish of his heart. He wished to be one of them. They then initiated him into the mode of kindling a certain sacred fire, after which he became immortal and dwelt among the Gandharvas." 1 Another story is that of Tulisa, in a collection of Indian stories of Somadeva Bhatta (see Dunlop, Hist, of Prose Fiction, i. 110. 2, and Friedlander 1. c.). Tulisa was the daughter of a poor wood-cutter, and women' is a mere stop-gap, introduced at a late period into the Vedic narrative to account for the prohibition, the meaning of which had been forgotten. 1 Cp. the immortalizing of Psyche in Apuleius Met. 6. 23 : porrecto ambrosiae poculo { sume ' (inquit Jupiter) ' Psyche, et immortalis esto.' xlviii INTRODUCTION was asked by a voice at a fountain three times to be his bride. At the third asking she said her father must decide. The voice promised vast wealth, and the father consented. On the marriage-day costly presents appeared in the wood-cutter's cottage ; the bride was led richly adorned to the fountain ; a ring appeared in the air, which her father was ordered to place on the bride's finger ; a palanquin with invisible bearers carried off the bride to a castle, her parents following; the palanquin entered the castle, and the parents returned home and became vastly wealthy. 1 Tulisa lived happily in her splendid palace. She had every luxury, and servants played music to her (as the invisible attendants did to Psyche), and told her stories in genuine Oriental style. Unlike Psyche, she saw her husband each night. But she was forbidden to leave the palace. One day she saved a squirrel who was pursued by a beast. But she longed for human intercourse. An old woman appeared before the castle, and Tulisa allowed her to climb in. She asked Tulisa if her husband had eaten off the same dish. She said no ; and that night she asked her husband to eat off the same dish: he pretended to do so, but ate nothing. A second old woman appeared, and asked her if her 1 The jealousy the wood-cutter's wealth excited, his persecution, the death of the inhabitants of the country by snakes, the inter- cession of the wood-cutter with his daughter's mysterious husband, who ordered the snakes to heal their own fatal bites, may be omitted, as breaking the thread of the story, and being just possibly later additions. THE STOKY OF CUPID AND PSYCHE xlix husband had chewed a betel-nut and given it to her to eat (a mark of love). She had to deny this ; and on asking her husband about it he returned an evasive answer. A third old woman appeared, and asked if her husband had ever told his name, and said he could not love her if he did not do so. She asked her husband to tell his name ; but he adjured her, as Lohengrin adjures Elsa, to desist from asking it, as it would bring trouble upon her. She persisted. He led her to a river and again begged her not to persevere in her request, but in vain. He slowly went into the river, continuing his requests, until he was up to his neck in the water ; and as she persisted in her demands, he cried, " My name is Basnak Dau"; for a moment a snake's head appeared on the surface, and then sank. Tulisa suddenly found herself back in the old cottage in her old rags, and her parents in the same poverty as in the time before their prosperity. They had to return to wood-gathering. Once falling asleep and awaking suddenly Tulisa heard two squirrels talking. One said that the mother of Basnak Dau had lost all her power when he became King of the Snakes, but had regained it when the mortal to whom he was wedded had been induced to ask persistently for his name a course to which she had been persuaded by the Queen's confederate Sarkasukis. The other squirrel (which was the one rescued by Tulisa) asked how Basnak Dau was to recover his power, and was told that Tulisa must cross a broad river full of snakes, seek 1 INTEODUCTION the nest of the bird the Huma, and carry its egg in her bosom until it is hatched: then she must go to the Queen and perform all her commands under the penalty of being eaten by snakes. Finally, when the egg of the Huma is hatched, the new bird will pick out the eyes of the green snake which is coiled round the Queen's neck, and then Basnak Dau will recover his kingdom. Tulisa faithfully carries out these injunctions, helped and encouraged by squirrels. On arrival at the Queen's palace, she is ordered to perform the following tasks: (1) In a high- walled court to collect the perfume of countless flowers bees do it for her: (2) from a bowl of seeds to make a splendid ornament squirrels bring each a jewel and take away a seed. The squirrels then inform her that Sarkasukis is at hand, and can only be prevented from entering the palace by the burning of certain herbs. Tulisa burns the incense until the young Huma is hatched. This picks out the eyes of the Queen's snake, and her power is at an end ; she and Sarkasukis fall dead ; and Basnak Dau is led in by a long train of genii, squirrels, and snakes, and he and Tulisa live happy ever after. Let one more story be added, a Welsh one, told by Prof. Ehys (cp. Lang, op. cit, p. 82) : " The heir of Corwrion fell in love with a fairy. They were married on the distinct understanding that the husband was not to know her name, and was not to strike her with iron. Unluckily the man once tossed her a bridle, the iron bit touched the THE STOKY OF CUPID AND PSYCHE li wife, and she at once flew through the air and plunged headlong into Corwrion lake." 1 These stories have been set forth at somewhat undue length, in order that it may be seen that the main theme of the tale of Cupid and Psyche is one of considerable antiquity, and that in various times and various places it assumes various forms. A story 2 on this theme Apuleius had either heard or read ; and he elaborated it in his own peculiar style, and possibly with additions from other popular tales, into the charming narrative which seems to have obtained no little popularity in his age, and has been admired ever since. It is a true gem, as Mr. Pater says, among the mockeries of the golden ' book. The writer of the model which Apuleius used is 1 This prohibition about the iron, as Mr. Lang points out, is due to the fact that the fairy bride was the representative of the Stone Age, and seems to have abhorred the metal which wrought its downfall. 2 It is uncertain whether one is justified in supposing that a single story formed the basis of the narrative of Apuleius. Friedlander (p. 544 at the end) supposes that Apuleius may have borrowed from another form of the story the fourth labour of Psyche for three is the usual number, though Tulisa has only two ; but, even supposing Friedlander is right, that does not preclude one version having been the basis, and this and other features being accretions. Mr. Pater, however (Marius i. 61), seems to hold the other view " With a concentration of all his finer literary gifts, Apuleius had gathered into it [the tale of Cupid and Psyche] the floating star-matter of many a delightful old story." lii INTRODUCTION unknown, and we may with Schaller 1 call him af. The question is How much of the Apuleian story is due to X, and how much to Apuleius ? Schaller seems to assign a very considerable portion of the merit of the work to #, whom he regards as a Greek rhetorician of the first century B.C. ; but his grounds do not seem very strong. The chief one is the reminiscences of the Alexandrine poets which appear in the tale. He holds also that we must assume some x, as he thinks that it is impossible to suppose that the mind which conceived and wrote such a coarse sentence as 5. 30, cui saepius in angorem mei paelicatus puellas propinare consuesti, or 6. 22 (Jupiter's speech), could have written the beautiful 4. 28, novo caelestium stillarum g ermine non maria sed terras Venerem aliam uirginali flore praeditam pullulasse? 1 De Fabula Apuleiana quae est de Psyche et Cupidine Glogau Dissertation, 1901. This is a learned and careful work, though in some respects it is difficult to agree with the author's deductions. 2 Schaller gives other contrasted passages. Further he says, p. 61: "Videmus his locis (5. 30: 6. 22) rhetorem frigidum sordida et impura verba misere tornantem : ceteris autem quos modo attuli locis quanto studio, quanta diligentia, quanto ut ita dicam amore singulae res excogitatae et compositae sunt, quam lepide Amor illuditur ! " This opinion is somewhat subjective : and one finds it difficult occasionally to agree with Schaller's judgments as to what is artistically excellent or the reverse. While heartily agreeing with his praise of the description of Psyche's beauty (4. 28, see above), and the lovely chapter which describes her first sight of Cupid (5. 22), we cannot subscribe to such a harsh judgment as this : " Vide enim quam stolide post Psychae orationem (4. 34) continuetur Sic profata uirgo conticuit ingressuque iam nalido pom,pae populi prosequentis sese miscuit." The words conticuit and iam ualido simply and effectively mark the courage THE STORY OF CUPID AND PSYCHE liii But the argument that two passages, because they are different in matter and style, could not have been written by one and the same literary man is an unsafe one. Never was there a more genuine sophist who could turn his pen to any conceivable theme than Apuleius. His unquestioned writings prove it. He himself speaks of his desultoria scientia (Met. 1.1), by which he was able, as a circus-rider leaps from horse to horse, to pass from one subject to another r 1 and he boasts, not quite unreasonably, of his great versatility. 2 Further when one reflects that the same man wrote Met. 10. 2022 and 11. 15, we need not be surprised at his being able to handle any variety of theme. Almost anything intellectual or artistic interested him; his curiositas* was intense ; his learning was great: of the maiden. Nor can I see any special carelessness (quam neglegenter haec sunt dicta, p. 64) in 5. 13, "His uerbis et amplexibus mollibus decantatus maritus." Not much is to be said for the clause in the way of either praise or blame. The word mollibus seems happily chosen ; and decantare l to bewitch ' (cp. 3. 18) is not too artificial. 1 This seems to be the meaning of the much-discussed phrase, see E. Norden, Kunstprosa, 603. 5. 2 See Florid. 9, p. 37, Oud. : Hippias prided himself on his skill in many handicrafts, sed pro his (says Apuleius) praeoptare mefateor uno chartario calamo me reficere poemata omnigenus apta uirgae (i.e. epic poems), lyrae, socco, cothurno, item satiras ac griphos, item historias varias rerum nee non orationes laudatas disertis nee non dialogos laudatos philosophis, atque haec et alia eiusdem modi tarn graece quam latine, gemino uolo, pari studio, simili stilo : cp. also Florid. 20, p. 98, Oud. : Canit enim Empedocles carmina, Plato dialogos, Socrates hymnos, Epicharmus modos (gnomas conj. Kohde), Xenophon historias , Xenocrates (Crates conj. Rohde) satiras: Apuleius uester haec omnia novemque Musas pari studio colit, maiore- scilicet uoluntate quam facilitate ; cp. above, xxiii note. 3 1. 2 : 2. 6 : 7. 14 : 9. 12 and often. liv INTRODUCTION his knowledge of Greek and Latin equal to that of anyone of his time : and his desire to display his gifts very considerable. In short, he had the qualities which afterwards produced the most famous rhetorician of his day : so one does not see any a priori reason why he should not have infused, not only elegance and ornament, but also a few touches of satire and mockery, into the bare outline of a household tale which attracted his fancy. 3. But what really transformed the household tale into the beautiful narrative as we have it was the application of the name Psyche to the (probably) anonymous " king's daughter" of the original. Indeed Psyche appears as merely such in the beginning of the Apuleian tale. Who thus applied the name cannot be proved. It may have been the assumed x ; but there is not any evidence that it was, even if we assume that there is some shadowy evidence for the existence of an x. The probability is that it was Apuleius himself who hit upon this happiest of happy conceptions. (See Otto Waser, in Roscher's Lex. der Mythol. vi. 3239). His Platonic 1 studies (such as they were) and his knowledge of Alexandrine literature 2 had made him familiar with the connexion 1 Cp. Plat. Phaedrus (246 B, c : 255 c, D). 2 The poems of Meleager on Eros and Psyche (see Excursus III) represent in a mythological way the power of Passion over the Soul, and the resistance the Soul at times makes thereto, but do not seem to press the allegory further. This tyranny of Passion, too, THE STOEY OF CUPID AND PSYCHE i v of Eros and Psyche : and if the thought struck him to apply to the anonymous heroine of the household tale the name of Psyche, it would at once suggest Cupid, who would bring with him Venus and all the Olympian circle. The story would, when thus elevated, lend itself to all manner of elaborate and picturesque treatment ; it would suggest subjects for his gift of pictorial representation, such as the voyage of Venus across the sea, the fairy palace, the description of the god of Love, and many such eKffrpda-eis (see below, Chapter III) ; and enable any portion of the whole range of mythology which was thought appropriate to be pressed into the service of the narrative. This introduction of the Olympian circle serves not only for elaborate description, but also (and perhaps especially) for the purpose of mockery, in which (as we may gather from Lucian's Dialogues of the Gods) the age seemed to take a pleasure. In the absence of any evidence to the contrary, it is not unreasonable to suppose that it was to a man of great talents, such as Apuleius, that this very clever and brilliant idea occurred, and that he worked it out with all his multifarious gifts of vivid imagination and elaborated style into the graceful story which has delighted all ages of culture ever since. 1 seems indicated by several works of art : see Baumeister's Denkmaler, figs. 1575, 1577; Daremberg et Saglio, figs. 5840, 5841 ; and the figures on pp. 79 and 81 of Jahn-Michaelis. There is an elaborate list of ancient works of art, representing Cupid and Psyche, in Otto Waser's article on ' Psyche,' in Boscher's Lexikon vi. 3240-3255. Apuleius' work seems to have had no effect on later Roman art. 1 The story cannot have been in circulation under the names Ivi INTRODUCTION The form of the story, as Apuleius learned it y probably represented the mysterious husband as a snake, something like Basnak Dau in the story of Tulisa 1 (see above, p. xlix). The way in which this difficulty is dealt with by Apuleius is most ingenious. Eros is often spoken of in the poets as a very formidable god, cruel as a beast Oeaiv (Alcaeus 13 B): y\VKVTrutpov a^d^avo (Sappho 40) : KCLKOV ezm TO Bypiov (Bion 4. 13) : *E/)o)ra TravTtov Sv&paytoTOLTov Oe&v (Euripides, Frag. 430). Accordingly Apollo, who was (as our author confidentially tells us) in league with both Cupid and the author of the Milesian tale (cp. ApuL Met. 4. 32), is represented as composing a terrible mock-heroic oracle, that Psyche is to be given over to the most fearsome of monsters, a winged snake saeuum atque ferum uipereumqiie malum qui pinnis uolitans super aetliera cuncta fatigat. In fact, the real snake of the original has been trans- formed into a metaphor. In accordance with the literal tenor of the oracle, the sisters (5. 17, 20) are repre- sented as suggesting that the husband is a dreadful snake (though not a winged one) ; but Psyche finds him to be omnium ferarum mitissimam dulcissimamque bestiam (5. 22). Such is the way in which the trans- formed prince of the original has been adapted to the of Cupid and Psyche in the time of Ovid, or he must surely have seized on a theme which would so admirably lend itself to that kind of artistic treatment of which he was and still remains the chief master. Hildebrand (I. xxix) notices this, but thinks the- story in Ovid's day as yet rested in ' in gremio mysteriorum.' 1 For other examples of a snake-bridegroom, see Friedlander, pp. 554, 555, and cp. Lang, Custom and Myth, p. 81. THE STORY OF CUPID AND PSYCHE Ivii change of treatment required by the introduction of Olympian divinities. No one will deny its ingenuity and attractiveness. Venus, too, has to play an unusual part ; but her transformation is also effected with no little skill. Her jealousy of Psyche comes in naturally, and may have been a motive in the original sfcory, like the Queen's in Grimm's (No. 53) " Little Snow-white." At any rate she has to take the part of the per- secuting Queen, which appears in so many fairy- tales ; and Apuleius represents her as a Roman lady of fashion, living a luxurious and i fast ' life, incapable of bearing any annoyance, ungovernable in temper, and cruel to her servants. She is much more violent than the Aphrodite in Lucian's Dialogues. Indeed her ira is so marked that it has been supposed by some commentators that Apuleius intended that her " Wrath" should be regarded as the dominating factor of the whole story. 1 But such an idea is only thought into the narrative. Apuleius did not com- pose his narrative according to any one central idea like that : he merely wished to elaborate a popular 1 See Schaller, p. 57 : " In Xenophontis fabula [i.e. the novel of Habrocomes and Anthea by Xenophon of Ephesus, who seems to have lived in the second or early third century A.D.] amantes propter Veneris iram calamitatibus obstringuntur, Apulei fabulam totam Venus irata moderatur." Similarly, Klebs most ingeniously suggested that the novel of Petronius was a comic representation of what resulted from the " Wrath " of Priapus : cp. Petron. 139 ; and see Klebs' Apollonius aus Tyros, p. 313, note : and in Philologus, 1889, p. 628. But, however ingenious this theory may be, the probability is that the novel of Petronius is a parody, in a manner which appealed to the society of Nero's court, of the regular romantic and sentimental novel : see Heinze in Hermes 34 (1899) 494-519. Iviii INTRODUCTION tale into a love-story in his own peculiar artificial way, and to add (after the fashion of the time) a certain amount of mockery of the divinities of the old religion. A good deal of the delineation of Venus seems to be taken ultimately from Apollonius Rhodius, especially her conversations with Juno and Ceres. These latter divinities are like Roman matrons of high respectability, who, quite calm and full of common sense in dealing with their fellows' troubles, take a feline delight in putting their claws into a member of the same high social circle, by giving the most aggravating good advice. 1 The ingenuity of Apuleius has used their introduction to give one of his most beautiful descriptions, that of the farm-temple, or perhaps rather farm-shed, where all the instruments of agriculture lay in disorder (6.1): to elaborate one of those stately prayers so characteristic of the religious syncretism of the age (6. 4, where see note), which none could compose better than himself : and to introduce a cynical remark on the policy of the Olympian divinities, well known from Euripides, that none will thwart his fellow's will, but always stands aloof. 2 Ceres and 1 For a most delicious example of feline amenities in the higher circles of Olympus, see the Dialogue between Hera and Leto in Lucian, Dial. Deor. 16. 2 Hipp. 1328: OeolcrL 8' iecr0' act'. M. Croiset (Lucien, p. 215) contrasts the mockery of the gods found in Lucian and in the comedians. As regards Lucian, he says: "Aufond, chacune de ses plaisanteries, jusqu'aux plus legeres, e"tait une objection, tandis que celles d'Aristophane, bien plus irreve"rencieuses souvent, n'etaient pourtant que des plaisanteries." Well, almost every- THE STOKY OF CUPID AND PSYCHE lix Juno sympathize with Psyche, but will not help her, though kindly action on behalf of the persecuted hero or heroine in popular tales generally is rewarded. 1 Cupid is represented in an attractive way as the naughty, mischievous boy of the Alexandrines just having grown to manhood, whom his mother (as parents do) still persists in regarding as a child (cp. 5. 31). When the narrative comes to the place where the: mystic prohibition is given, 2 no adequate reason can be assigned why Psyche should not see thing in the way of mockery of the Olympian gods t in Apuleius is pleasantry and ' chaff,' and not bitter or polemical. He cannot have thought them worth attack. Another example of mild cynicism is perhaps 6. 18, that Charon and even the great god Dis do nothing for nothing. x For example, in "The White Snake," Grimm, No. 17, where the hero is helped by fishes, ants, and ravens whom he had befriended ; and in Tulisa, who is helped by the squirrels. But we find elsewhere, too, in the Apuleian story, an indication that interference with other folks' business is inadvisable : thus Psyche is not to help the old ass-driver, or the drowning shade, or the weaving women in the lower world. To lend aid there would be inlicita pietas (6. 18). It is a hard, but profound and true, saying that pietas may be inlicita. 2 Mr. Lang (Introd. to Adlington's Translation, Bibl. de Carabas, p. xli) says : " In Apuleius the prohibition seems to be understood as a device of Cupid's for making love anonymously and without offending Venus": cp. Ixxxi ; " Cupid keeps himself dark, as a young marquis in a novel marries under an assumed name, that his bride may not disclose the glories of his birth and state and get him into trouble with his family." This may be so, but it hardly appears. Psyche in her mountain palace was not likely to come into contact with Venus : and Cupid's doings were enough public property in his own circle to admit of the sea-mew knowing all about them, even before the catastrophe. Mr. Lang notices many cases from different parts of the world of taboos on married people, whereby they were not allowed to see one another. e2 Ix INTRODUCTION the face of Cupid ; there is no case here of a prince transformed into a beast whose retransformation into a man cannot be effected if he is seen. So Apuleius (if he thought of the matter at all) had to steer over the difficulty as best he could. Accordingly he indicates darkly that evil will follow upon the violation of the prohibition at the hands of Fortuna (5. 5 : 5. 11), that hidden power that plays so large a part in the Romances of later Greek literature. 1 In the original tale very probably the lover himself helped his lady-love when she had to perform the tasks imposed on her by her persecutor. 2 If this is so, this feature is cleverly modified by Apuleius, who makes the help given to Psyche by the ants, the reed, and the eagle 3 to be directly influenced 1 Cp. Eohde Dergriech. Roman 276 ff. See note on 5. 5. A Greek tragedian (Wachsmuth thinks ^Eschylus) considers Fortune as lord of the gods 7rai>Ta>v rvpavvos -YJ Tv\r) T ran/ TO. S' aXA' 6v6fJLa.Ta ravra, Trpoo-Kctrat 8lOlKt yOVV ttTTttV^' y (3oV\Tdl. (Nauck, p. 938) and Fortune is the malevolent power which persecutes Lucius during the whole period in which he is concealed in the ass's form : cp. 4. 2 : 7. 2, 3 : 7. 25 : 9. 13 : 11. 15, 25 and often. 2 As in the case of " The Little White Dog," a Danish story, or " The Wolf -prince," a Swedish story cited by A. Kuhn in Friedlander 557. Conversely, when the circumstances require it, the lady helps her lover directly in his tasks, as in the case of Medea. 3 No reason is assigned why the tower ' breaks out into sudden utterance,' 6. 17. But no doubt by the time that Apuleius had got as far as the tower, he, like his readers, was ready to assume, without any explanation, the animation of everything, and thus simply reproduced the course of the original fairy-tale; though THE STOEY OF CUPID AND PSYCHE Ixi by the desire of the whole creation, including even Ceres and Juno (5. 31 fin.), to assist and stand well with Cupid. 1 Psyche has nothing of a philosophical abstraction or of the Idea of the Soul about her ; indeed she herself has a soul 5. 6 : 5.13. 2 She is simply the usual princess of fairy-tales, only perhaps more graceful and simple of surpassing beauty, of no little royal courage (cp. 4. 34, 35), but at the same time endowed naturally with the charming and affectionate trustfulness and clingingness of youth, though too prone to curiosity (6. 21 rursum perieras, misella, simili curiositate), and easily led astray by her sisters, who pretended the deepest affection for her. Till her downfall she is simplicissima (5. 24 : cp. 5. 18 ut pote simplex et animi tenella), but after that she becomes crafty enough, and assumes the spirit of a man (6. 5 Quin igitur masculum tandem sumis animwn), though retaining a most ardent and lover- like affection for Cupid. Nothing could be more natural or attractive than what she says (6. 20) doubtless his skill in composition gave the tower a clearer and more lucid speech than he may have found in his model. In fairy-tales the most unlikely things become vocal. Mr. Lang notices that in a Zulu tale the hero's spittle speaks. Mr. Morris makes the speaker the unburied ghost of one who says I was a Queen like thee long years agone, And in this tower so long have lain alone. 1 Cp. 6. 10, 11 : 6. 13 nee me praeterit huius quoque facti auctor adulterinus ; cp. 6. 12 divinitiis inspirata . . . arundo : 6. 15 the eagle had helped Cupid before. 2 In 6. 15 innocentis animae only means 'of the poor soul,' i.e. poor creature. Ixii INTBODUCTION when she thinks she has brought back from the Lower World a box containing some of Proserpine's divine beauty, and determines to open it: u Well, I am foolish to have divine beauty here in my hand and yet not take the tiniest taste of it for myself and thus become attractive to my beautiful lover " (Ecce (ingulf) inepta ego divinae formonsitatis gerula, quae nee tantillum quidem indidem mihi delibo, vel sic illi amatori meo formonso placitura). There is nothing remarkable in the way Apuleius treats of the two sisters, except the quite able rhetorical speeches he puts into their mouths, the manner in which they, like many similar strong-minded ladies, bully their parents (5. 11), and the incorrigible and amusing realism with which the author of the Metamorphoses describes the little, old, bald-headed husband of the first, who keeps his house all bolted and barred, and the rheumatic, gouty, much be-poulticed husband of the second (5. 9, 10). The minor characters of the story call for little remark. The king and queen of the tale are the usual father and mother of fairy-tales, who have no further function than to be the affectionate parents of the principal characters ; though their grief is represented by Apuleius with a self-restraint that loses nothing in intensity (cp. 4. 35). Pan (5. 25) is the kindly and experienced old god though he says he is but a " country bumpkin" (rusticanus et upilio] who is at times appealed to by lovers j 1 and he exhibits the rhetorician's knowledge of the 1 As in the pastoral Thalysia of Theocritus (vii. 103 ff.). THE STOEY OF CUPID AND PSYCHE Ixiii symptoms of love-sickness which appear elsewhere. 1 Jupiter is the genial " President of the Immortals," who keeps the company in order as well as he can, and boasts of his good fortune in love, and is anxious to spread his conquests farther in that realm. The figure is familiar from Lucian. 2 4. It would be lost labour to attempt to apply the c higher criticism ' to the story in detail, and essay to separate what is due to the original fairy-tale from what is due to the additions of Apuleius. But, perhaps, we should not err in supposing that all this mockery of the gods is due to Apuleius, the author who was contemporary with Lucian. 3 Another feature which must certainly be attributed 1 See Hildebrand's notes (p. 877) on Apul. Met. 10. 2 and Eohde, Griecli. Rom. p. 157, with the notes. 2 Deorum Concilium : Dial. Deorum 2. 3 Such is the character of Venus all through the tale. See above, p. Ivii, and especially 5. 28-31. The conclusion of the story (6. 22-24), too, is all comic, reminding one of the feast in Lucian's Icaromenippus 27. There is a genial note of quiet humour in Apollo's being represented as obliging the author by giving his oracle in Latin, though he was a Greek and an Ionian god, and at Miletus too, because (as it would seem) Apuleius was writing a Milesian tale (Apollo quamquam Graecus et lonicus, propter Milesiae conditorem sic Latina sorte respondit 4. 32). For Milesian tales, see Excursus I. Similarly genial is the business-like advertisement for the lost Psyche which Venus gives Mercury to proclaim abroad throughout all peoples (6. 7, 8), with its notice of the exact spot in Rome where Venus will give the discoverer the seven kisses as a reward, and the accurate specification of the seventh kiss. Ixiv INTKODUCTION to Apuleius is the frequent mention of terms of Eoman Law. We have seen that Apuleius studied law at Rome(cp. Met. 11.30). Most of the references to legal phraseology are given by Schaller, p. 58, e.g. 4. 32 iustitium : 5. 26 formula for divorce, toro meo diuorte tibiqiie tuas res habeto, ego uero sororem tuam confarreatis nuptiis coniugabo : 6. 4 legibus, quae seruos alienos profugos inuitis dominis uetant suscipi: 6. 9 Cupid's marriage illegal impares enim nuptiae et praeterea in uilla sine testibus et patre non consentiente factae legitimae non possunt uideri ac per hoc spurius iste nascetur : 6. 22 contraqne leges et ipsam luliam disciplinamque publicam (cp. 4. 30) . . . existimationem famamque meam laeseris : 6.23 (all through), the fine for non-attendance at Senate ; Dei conscripti Musarum albo ; . . . teneat, possideat ; . . . nee tu, filia, . . . prosapiae tantae tuae statuque de matrimonio mortali metuas. lam faxo nuptias non impares sed legitimas et iitre civili congruas : 6.24 Sic rite Psyche convenit in manum Cupidinis. 1 Most of the purely ornamental pictures, those K(j)pdcreLs which the rhetoricians loved so well, such as the voyage of Venus across the sea (4. 31) and her flight to heaven (6. 6), are probably due to the skilful and exquisite writer of so many Florida ; but it is difficult to avoid thinking that the brilliant description of Cupid's palace (5. 1) was at least in some measure delineated in the original, though doubtless the description owed much of its splendour splendour surpassed by nothing in the Arabian Nights to the genius of Apuleius. The 1 For other places in Apuleius where he refers to Roman Law, cp. 2. 24 : 4.4 (causariam missionem) : 6. 39 : 8. 24 : 9. 22, 27 : 10. 8. THE STORY OF CUPID AND PSYCHE Ixv only place in which Apuleius seems to be downright absurd and ludicrous is that untranslatable passage (5. 24init.) in which Psyche is represented as holding on to Cupid's legs and lifted off the ground by him as he flies away. 5. Such is the nature of the story of Cupid and Psyche as set forth by Apuleius. As far as I know, we cannot be sure that any of the ancient works of art, in which those youthful lovers were represented, has a reference to the Apuleian tale. Most of the statues are given in M. Solomon Reinach's Repertoire de la statuaire grecque et romaine, i. 360361 ; ii. 459-460 ( 1906-8). The most famous is the Capitoline statue (i. 361. 2) in which the lovers are embracing one another. It is well reproduced in Baumeister's Denkmaler, Fig. 1576. Another Capitoline statue (i. 361. 5 = Baumeister, fig. 1577) represents Psyche in an attitude of supplicating for mercy ; but there is no evidence that it must be referred to the Apuleian narrative. For Eros and Psyche in ancient art, detailed information may be obtained in Collignon (M.), Essai sur les monuments grecs et romains relatifs au my the de Psyche, 1877, Fiirtwangler's article on Eros in Reseller's Lexikon d. Mythologie, 1349-1372 (1886), and Waser's section on Psyche mit Eros in his masterly article on Psyche in the same Lexikon. iii. 3237-3255 (1908). Beck, in the introduction to his edition of the Cupid and Psyche, xiii.-xxi. (1902), discusses the monuments at some length. Ixvi INTRODUCTION With the Renaissance Apuleius became very popular. There were very many editions of his works between 1469 and 1650; and it was natural that the story of Cupid and Psyche should win favour with artists. As is well known, Raphael adorned the Villa Farnesina with scenes from the story. These are reproduced in an attractive volume : Raphael and the Villa Farnesina, by Charles Bigot, with engravings by Tiburce de Mare (Kegan Paul, 1884). The tale has supplied material also to later artists. Thorwaldsen has utilized some of the scenes, e.g. Psyche about to drink the nectar that is to make her immortal (6. 23) ; Cupid about to awake Psyche from her sleep (6. 21) ; Psyche just about to open the pyxis (6. 20). 1 Canova's group representing Psyche just awaking in Cupid's arms (6. 21) is a work of singular beauty: I have ventured to give a representation of it as a frontis- piece. The fortunes of the tale in literature have been carefully studied of recent years. H. Bliimner has written a long article in the Neue Jahrbucher fur das Jclassische Altertum (1903), pp. 648-673, on Das Marches von Amor und Psyche in der deutschen Dichtkunst* Among the poets who have treated the subject freely may be mentioned Wi eland (1774), Robert Hamerlings (1882), and Hans Georg Meyer (1899). Comparatively close metrical renderings of Apuleius have been made by Freiherrn von Lincker (1804), C. M. Winterling (1836), and Otto Siebert (1889). There were German 1 See J. M. Thiele's Thorwaldsen (1832), plates xix, xliii, xlix* In this latter statue Psyche is well represented as wearing the look of one just about to yield to temptation. THE STORY OF CUPID AND PSYCHE Ixvii prose translations of the tale published in 1780 and 1783 by August Rode, and in 1789 by von Schulze. In French the work of Moliere, Corneille, and Quinault, to which Lulli set music, is the most famous of the adaptations of the story. It was produced in 167L Two years earlier La Fontaine published his version, Les Amours de Psyche et Cupidon, professedly based on Apuleius, and written partly in prose and partly in verse. An exhaustive treatise on the adaptations of the story among the Latin nations has been written by Dr. Balthasar Stumfall, Das Mdrchen von Amor und Psyche in seinem Fortleben in der franzb'sichen, italienischen und spanischen Liter atur bis zum 18 Jahrhundert ( Mun- ch ener Beitrag xxxix. 1907), to which the reader is referred who wishes to know of Italian and Spanish renderings. In England a translation of the story by William Adlington was first published in 1566, and frequently reprinted during the next eighty years. It has recently been reissued in the Bibliotheque de Carabas (Nutt, 1877), and has prefixed to it one of Mr. Andrew Lang's most masterly dissertations. It also forms a volume of the Tudor Translations (Nutt, 1893), with a lively and suggestive Introduction by Mr. Charles Whibley. Stephen Gosson, an < histriomastix ' before Prynne, says in a work published in 1582 that the Golden Ass and other writings "have been thoroughly ransacked to furnish the playhouses in London"; 1 and Mr. Collier 1 The passage is quoted by Collier, History of English Dramatic Poetry, ii. 329. " In his [Gosson's] Plays confuted in five Actions, in reply to Lodge, he says, ' I may boldly say it, because I have seen it, that The Palace of Pleasure, The Golden Ass, The Aethiopian Ixviii INTRODUCTION says that Cupid and Psyche was mentioned by Gosson as one of the subjects treated by dramatists of the time. 1 We find allusions to the tale in Spenser's Faery Queene (1590) iii, 6, stanzas 50-51 and in his Muiopotmos, 126 fL Henslowe's Diary (1600) mentions a Golden Ass and Cupid and Psyche as written by Chettle, Decker, and Day. Love's Mistris, by Thomas Heywood, published in 1636, is fairly interesting. Apuleius, "with a paire of Asse eares in his hand," and Midas form a sort of chorus ; Psiche is daughter of King Admetus of Thessaly ; and Cerberus is a character, very solicitous that Charon should get his naulum and he himself his 'sopp.' Heywood says: "The Argument is taken from Apuleius, an excellent Morall, if truly understood, and may be called a golden Truth, con- tained in a leaden fable, which though it bee not altogether conspicuous to the vulgar, yet of those of Learning and judgement, no lesse apprehended in the Paraphrase, then approved in the Originall." In 1637 Shackerley Marmion published a poem in heroic couplets based on Apuleius, called "A Morall Poem intituled the Legend of Cupid and Psyche, or Cupid and his Mistris. As it was lately presented to the Prince Elector." In 1675 Shadwell wrote (in five weeks, as he tells us, not to our surprise) a Psyche which is in some slight degree founded on History [i.e. Heliodorus] , Amadis of France, and The Round Table, bawdy comedies in Latin, French, Italian, and Spanish, have been thoroughly ransacked to furnish the playhouses in London.' " 1 Collier, op. cit. ii, 328. No reference to Cupid and Psyche appears on p. 40 of Mr. Arber's ed. of The Schoole of Abuse, where Mr. Collier would lead one to expect it. THE STORY OF CUPID AND PSYCHE Ixix Apuleius. Buffet, in 1678, wrote a Psyche debauched, a travesty of ShadwelFs play. William Mason is said to have written a libretto on Psyche (as well as on Sappho) which was set to music by Giardini, but the Psyche was never published nor acted. 1 Mrs. Tighe's poem Psyche (1805), written in Spenserian stanzas, has the merit of smooth versifica- tion, but, after the first two cantos, wanders away altogether from the Apuleian tale. This poem is not wanting in imagination ; but its importance consists in its having apparently brought the story under the notice of Keats ; and thus it may have been indirectly influential in the production of his enchanting Ode to Psyche, composed in 1819. One of the most graceful stories in the Earthly Paradise of Mr. William Morris (1869) is on Cupid and Psyche; and Mr. Robert Bridges wrote a poem on the subject in 1886, follow- ing Apuleius, but with " a gentler handling of motive, and the substitution of Hellenism for Latin vulgarity." Recently (1903) Mr. Charles Stuttaford produced an elegant prose translation of the story ; but the prose rendering of the Cupid and Psyche in Mr. Walter Pater's Marius the Epicurean (18S5) (Part I., Chapter 5), such are its beauty and finish, renders any other English prose version somewhat superfluous. 1 For several of the references in this paragraph I have to thank my friend Professor Dowden, whose rich stores of learning are ever abundantly at the disposal of any inquirer. CHAPTER III ON THE STYLE AND LANGUAGE OF APULEIUS Unde Jiaec sartago loquendi ? PERSIUS. FROM the time when Thrasymachus, and especially Gorgias, set the fashion of writing an artistic, or rather artificial, prose, there never failed to be in Greece the two classes of writers those who aimed at a natural and, as we may say, ' classical ' diction, and those who strove by tricks and graces of composition to solicit the favour and applause of a wider public. That this was the case has been shown in detail in one of the master-works of present-day scholarship, Eduard Norden's book, Die antike Kunstprosa. The two different styles were known as the Attic and Asianic styles in the last two centuries before Christ, and the titles continued till the end of classical times. The elder Seneca (Contr. 1. 2. 23) speaks of the Asiani declamatores ; Strabo 14, p. 148, says that Hegesias was founder TOV 5 Acn,aj>ou Xeyo/z,eVou crruAov TrapcKpOeCpas TO KaOecTTrjKos e#os TO 'Am/coV ; and Cicero (Brut. 325) gives a clear account of the genus orationis Asiaticum. 1 1 It is not pertinent to our subject to trace the history of the rise of Asianism and its reaction, Atticism. All material can be found in Blass's Die Griechische Beredsamkeit in dem Zeitraum, von Alexander bis auf Augustus, in Jebb's Attic Orators, in E. Norden's Antike Kunstprosa, or in an admirable resume in Dr. Sandys's Introduction to his edition of Cicero's Orator. THE STYLE AND LANGUAGE OF APULEIUS Ixxi The influence of Greece on Rome was always very considerable ; but it was much more considerable in the second century of our era than in the first. All the great Latin writers of the time of the Antonines knew Greek very well, almost as well as their own language; 1 accordingly they were very susceptible to the trend of Greek ideas ; and, outside the spheres of philosophy and religion, nothing attracted the Greeks more in this age than considerations of art, and especially the art of rhetoric. 2 Indeed, there was hardly anything which Greece ever touched that she did not make artistic. Now the so-called " sophists" of the day those professors and public lecturers who formed what the Germans, after Philostratus (Vit. Soph. 1. 3), call " die zweite Sophistik " 3 were artists in language. To them the matter of their speeches was of trifling importance ; the manner and style in which they were composed and delivered almost everything. The popularity and importance with 1 Fronto wrote letters in both Greek and Latin. Gellius, Apu- leius (Flor. 18. 92), Tertullian, M. Aurelius were all good Greek scholars : and conversely, as we learn from Gellius, Greek sophists such as Favorinus were able to express opinions on the correct usage of Latin words. 3 The contest between the philosophers and the rhetoricians con- tinued in the Antonine age, as indeed it raged all through classical times : see Fronto 150 and 154, ed. Naber, and E. Norden, op. cit. 250, note 1. 3 The most masterly account with which I am acquainted of the rise and general characteristics of these public declaimers is that of Kohde, Der griechische Roman, pp. 288-360. Ixxii INTBODUCTION the public 1 of such rhetoricians as Polemo, Favorinus, and Herodes Atticus can be but imperfectly imagined from the admiration and enthusiasm which to-day greet our most popular vocalists and pianists ; and as proof we have only to think of the splendour and pride of Polemo, " who treated cities as his inferiors, Emperors as not his superiors, and the gods as his equals," 2 and to read the account which we find in Eunapius of an exhibition which the rhetorician Prohaeresios gave before the proconsul. The audience (we are told) after the performance rushed up to him and kissed him as if he were a statue instinct with divine power; and the proconsul, with all his retinue, conducted him from the hall. 3 Accordingly it is easy to understand when rhetorical display was so popular and so honoured, and had become a regular feature of city life through- out the whole Empire, that the diversities of style adopted by these great Greek masters reproduced themselves in Latin writers, and especially the most 1 The public must have had a very fair share of culture to be able to appreciate the rhetoricians (cp. Apul. Flor. 9, p. 29, Oud.), even if the utmost allowance is made for the contagion of prevailing fashion. Their enthusiasm (as is noticed by Themistius, 26, p. 31 5c) was so great that a really sympathetic listener could not endure to sit still. 2 See his Life by Philostratus, Vit. Soph. 1. 25, esp. 9 vWp yap Sr) OVTW TI 6 IloXe/xwv, ws TroXetrt /xei> OLTTO TOV TT/aov^ovros, 8vvaorats 8' (XTTO TOV fjirj v, ot Se 'Ep/Aov Aoytov rinrov . . .68' avOvTraros /cat Sopvcfropwv /xera Kat TWV Swa//.a>i/ e/c TOV OtaTpov 7rap7refjuf/. THE STYLE AND LANGUAGE OF APULEIUS kxiii markedly contrasted styles, the Attic and the Asianic. 1 We may consider Fronto, and in a less degree Gellius, as belonging to the Attic or classical style, and Apuleius is certainly at least in the Metamorphoses and the Florida the most signal representative of the Asianic manner. Of course Apuleius, who had a fine command of the Latin language, however insecure he may have felt himself as regards the special idiom of the city of Rome itself (cp. Met. init.), could write in any style. The Apologia is on the whole measured and ' sane ' ; and the so-called Platonic works rather laboured and wire-drawn, with very little ornament. Even within the Florida and Metamorphoses there are considerable diversities of style, from the colloquial earlier books of the latter to the unctuous eleventh but ' Asianism ' is the style in which those works are written from their first to their last sentences. Atticism hardly concerns us. It was always a reaction, an attempted return to the style of writing used in the good old times, the characteristics of which style its votaries held to be ' sanity/ natural- ness, manliness. 2 They were especially solicitous to use 1 Of course in all ages there were writers who adopted a middle course. Such was Cicero, who, at his best, combined the excel- lences of both schools, though he was accused by his contemporaries of being Asianic (Tac. Dial. 18 : Quintil 12. 10. 12). Also Augustus ; cp. Suet. Aug. 86 cacozelos (' affected writers ' cp. below, p. Ixxx) et antiquaries, ut diuerso genere uitiosos, parifastidio spreuit, exagitabatque nonnumquam. 2 Cic. de Opt. Gen. Or. 8 imitemur . . . eos potius qui incorrupta sanitate sunt quod est proprium Atticorum ; cp. Brut. 51 illam salu- f Ixxiv INTKODUCTION no word which had not been already used by some of those old writers whom they especially admired. For this principle of composition they could of course appeal to Julius Caesar, one of those who may be truly called Atticists, who said in his book De Analogia : " Always remember and bear in mind to avoid a new and unusual word as you would a stone in your path." 1 The strong hand of authority thus tended to fetter any boldness or originality. This veneration for precedent exhibited itself even more strongly in the time of the Antonines, when the Atticist Aristides said: " As to exposition I would say this do not use any noun or verb except those found in recognized authorities"; 2 and thus we find that the sense in which a word was used in daily life was generally stigmatized as 'EA^^i/coV. and that the word was rejected in favour of some other which had ' Attic ' authority. 3 However, wiser men of britatem Atticae dictionis et quasi sanitatem : Quintil. 9. 4. 3 Neque ignoro quosdam esse qui cur am omnem composition excludant atque ilium horridum sermonem, ut forte fluxerit, modo magis naturalem, modo etiam magis uirilem esse contendant. 1 Quoted by Gellius 1. 10. 4 habe semper in memoria atque in pectore ut tamquam scopulum sic fugias inauditum atque insolens uerbum. - Rhet. 2. 6 TTtpl Be ep/xT/veia? TOLOVTOV av euroi/At jArjre OVO/JLOLTL /XT^TC prj^ari ^pr)(rOai aAAots TrXrjv rots e/c r cu v fivfiXiuv. The question was before Horace, who answered it with his wonted wisdom, A.P. 53-72, esp. 58, 59 licuit semperque licebit signatum praesente nota producere noinen. Cp. Quintil. 1. 6. 3 utendum sermone ut nummo, cui publica forma cst. 3 See the Lucianic treatise (it is not by Lucian) Pseudologistes : and the pother there was as to whether aTropdxaos /cat 3o/a/xa>s ; and he censures no less a person than the great Polemo for using the superlative KeSei\OTxyov /cat Ka0apov a.Kpoa.TT]V TO. fj.V avOrjpa /cat Tpvfapa. T&V ovofJLULTwv /cat rwv Trpay/JLOLTdtv TO. Spa/zan/co. /cat Travi/iyvpLKa. K rj TTJ v w v j3 or dvrjv j/ -rjyov^vov eaV, avrov Se rrj Trpocro^rj /caraSvo/xevov ets TOV vovv TOV Aoyov /cat TTJV Sta0e(rti> TOV Aeyovros \KLV OLTT 1 aVT^S TO ^pljCTL/JLOV. 3 Philostratus wrote a volume of e/cao-ets of statues (et/coves) ; and Apuleius has an elaborate description of one representing Diana and Actaeon (Met. 2. 4). Cp. below, Ixxxviii. Ixxviii INTRODUCTION immense profusion and exuberance of words. There is the utmost artificiality in the actual words used, and in rhetorical devices, such as parallelisms in sense (antitheses), in structure (Tra/ncr-wo-eis), in sound (Trapo/Lioi&jcreis) the latter as well in general assonance as in words beginning or ending with the same letters (alliteration and rhyme). There is also a frequent use of piquant forms of speech like oxymora, hyper- boles, unusual metaphors, and generally daring and flashy efforts after effect. 1 The rhythms and cadences were carefully studied, and were generally soft and liquid, well suited to the chant into which recitation so frequently passed, and which almost intoxicated the auditors. 2 1 Cp. Pliny, Epp. 9. 26. 3 ut quasdam artes ita eloquentiam nihil magis quam ancipitia commendant. 2 Cp. Plutarch De recta rat. and. c. 7 at Se TWI/ TroAAwi/ StaAe'ets KO.I /AeAerat v ou JJLOVOV rots ovo/xacri 7rapa7TTa0yx,ati)vr]V e/x/xeAetats rtcri Kat /xaAaKOT^crt Kat e^Svi/ovres CK/JaK^evoucrt KOL 7rapa quern significat Demosthenes et Aeschines, cum alter alteri obicit uocis flexiones. Dio Chrys. 32 p. 686 R : "All orators and rhetoricians chant (aSouo-t) now-a-days, everything is done in song (St' wSr}s), so that if one passes a court of law you are not sure whether it is a carouse or a trial that is proceeding inside ; and if a rhetorician has a house near you, you cannot be sure of his business." See also Quintilian 11. 3. 59, Plin. Epp. 2. 14. 13. It is only fair to say that the better class of Asianic rhetoricians did not countenance this kind of procedure : thus Isaeus, the very fluent and accom- plished improvisator (Juvenal 3. 74 ; cp. Pliny Epp. 2. 3), rebuked a pupil who chanted his compositions, and said it was not singing he had taught him (Philostratus V. Soph. 1. 20. THE STYLE AND LANGUAGE OF APULEIUS Ixxix From the time of Hegesias who lived in the first half of the third century B.C., and was always deemed the founder of the specially Asianic school short, minced clauses were the fashion of the extreme " Asianics," and the stately period of the great orators was little employed 1 advisedly as would appear: for the applause which was expected, and given so re- peatedly at the recitals, could thus find freer and safer exercise, as the reciter would pause at the end of each little clause, and the audience, who followed the sound rather than the sense, would not run the risk of eyw Se ere aSetv OVK e7ratSevo-a) . Lucian (Khet. Praeceptor 19) gives satirical advice to a budding orator, that when it seems the time to break into song, if he does not happen to have a theme lending itself to such, he might just chant over the names of the jury in a proper rhythmical manner : that will do perfectly. Indeed, all the absurdities of the artificial rhetoric of his day are set out by Lucian with merciless satire in the Ehetorum Prae- ceptor, a savage attack on the eminent scholar and rhetorician Julius Pollux. 1 For Hegesias see Cic. Orat. 226 (and Dr. Sandys' learned note) quam (sc^ the rhythmical period) peruerse fugiens Hegesias diim ille quoque imitari Lysiam uolt . . . sattat incidens particulas ( seems to jump along, he cuts his sentences so into little bits ') et is quidem non minus sententiis peccat quam nerbis, ut non quaerat quern appellet ineptum qui ilium cognouerit. The example which is always quoted of the style of Hegesias is that from Strabo ix. 1. 16, p. 396, 6/ow ryv aKpoTroXiv \ Kal TO TreptTT^? Tpiaivos | tKtWi orr)ptiov' I opu rrjv 'EAevcrtva | Kdl TWV Upwv ye'yova /xvorr;?. | e/ceu/o AetOKo'pJOi/, | rovro r](T.lov. | ov Svvafiat S^A-ooo-ai | /ca#' ev Ka) of language which especially flourished at his time, and which had a great similarity to his own life, as it was boastful and frothy, and full of vain vaunting and ill-regulated love of display (KO/x7rooS)7 /cat uas dva>/x,aAov /XCO-TOK)." Dr. Mahaffy (Greek World under Roman Sway, p. 103) quotes from Josephus a letter of Antony's which is a fair specimen of this kind of tnrgidity. 3 See Horace, A.P. 25 ff. Decipimur specie recti : breuis esse laboro obscurus no : sectantem leuia nerui deficiunt animique : professus grandia turget : serpit humi tutus nimium timidusque procellae. Qui uariare cupit rem prodigialiter unam, delphinum siluis appingit, fluctibus aprum. THE STYLE AND LANGUAGE OF APULEIUS Ixxxi subject-matter may be foolish, or common-place, or contradictory, or superfluous ; but a bad style is shown in the use of unsuitable and unnecessary words, in obscurity of meaning, in a disjointed form of compo- sition (compositions fracta], and in a puerile striving after the use of words of similar sound or ambiguous meaning. All affectation is radically false, though everything false is not affectation. It is a style which violates naturalness, suitability, and measure" (dicitur aliter quam se natura habet et quam oportet et quam sat esi). Diomedes, a grammarian of the fourth century, sums the matter up in a few words : " /ca/co^Xta (he says) is a style vitiated by ill-judged striving after gracefulness (decoris), when the diction is disfigured by the very means by which the author desired to adorn it : and this is effected by excessive ornament and excessive grandiloquence" (autnimio cultuautnimio tumore) ; and he illustrates " excessive ornament ?: from a celebrated passage (Met. 2. 107 ff) of that brilliant but Asianic poet, Ovid. 1 Cicero (Brut. 325) states that there were two kinds of Asianic style, one consisting in pretty sentiments and conceits couched in neat, epigrammatic language ; the other in a headlong flow of words, distinguished not merely by its rapidity, but by an elaborate arid attractive diction and this is the style which he says 1 Diomedes, Gramm. Lat. 1. 451 Keil. See also Suet. Aug. 86, quoted above, p, Ixxiii n. Ixxxii INTKODUCTION prevailed in Asia in his day. 1 Professor Jebb's severe summary is well known, that " Asianisrn oscillates between bombast and importunate epigram.' 7 Now the epigram had had its day of glory in the first century, and had reached its highest point in Seneca; indeed, in that writer it had transcended all modera- tion in the frequency of its use, and people had become tired of its appearance at every turn; and though the epigram was still often found in the Antonine age (as it always will be in every age), it was 'fine writing/ a diffuse and exuberant luxuriance of language, degenerating too often into bombast, that was having its turn in the revolution of the wheel of fashion, and was the feature of style which won most popularity. 2 Now it is of this exuberant arid over- 1 Brut. 325 Genera autem Asiaticae dictionis duo sunt : unuin sententiosum et argutum, sententiis non tarn grauibus et seueris quam concinnis et uenustis . . . aliud autem genus est non tarn sententiis frequentatnm quam uerbis uolucre atque incitatum, quali est nunc Asia tota, necjlumine solum orationis sed etiam exornato et faceto (or facto Kuhnken. We must not be tempted to conjecture fucato, as all the adjectives in the passage are terms of moderate praise) genere uerborum. ~ In the Neronian age this tumor was of course very prevalent ; but the more intellectual side of Asianism, the epigrammatic, was the more highly esteemed. However, the meretricious and turgid style was even then working its havoc : cp. Petron. 2 grandis et lit ita dicam pudica (a cant term ; cp. the metaphor worked out in detail in Lucian's Bis Accus. 31) oratio non est maculosa nee turgida sed naturali pulcritudine exsurgit. Nuper uentosa istaec et enonuis loquacitas Athenas ex Asia commigramt animosque inuenum ad magna surgentes ueluti pestilenti quodam sidere afflauit, semelque corrupta (another cant word) regula eloquentia stetit et obmutuit. This refers to a more fluent and rushing style than that kind of ' rich ' or ' fatty ' luxuriance which Cicero found in some of the Asianics of his own day (Orat. 25 aplum auribus suis opimum quod- dam et tarn quam adipatae dictionis genus). THE STYLE AND LANGUAGE OF APULEIUS Ixxxiii ornamented style that Apuleius in his Metamorphoses and Florida is the most marked representative in Latin literature. The longest specimen we have of this style in Grreek from the Antonine age is the Oration of Favorinus to the Corinthians, printed among the works of Dio Chrysostom. 1 This style was in accordance with the taste of that and of succeeding ages; and that must be taken into account when we try to explain to ourselves the great influence which Apuleius exerted on subsequent Latin literature. 2 The present writer confesses to a certain partiality for the Asianic style, which occasionally causes him delight and more often amusement; but any continuous reading of it is wearisome and cloying. To pass from Apuleius to a writer like Cicero, who aimed at sublimity and did not fall into bombast, who was not neglectful of studied effect, but had learned to appreciate the proper limits of ornament, gives one that feeling of exhilaration and expansion which is experienced in passing from a richly furnished and perfumed drawingroom to the fresh open air of a beautiful and opulent garden. 3 1 Oratio xxxvii, vol. ii., pp. 293-307, ed. Dindorf. 2 See the very learned treatise of Weyman, Studien zu Apuleius und seinen Nachahmern, Sitzungsbericht der bayerischen Akademie, 1893, ii., pp. 321-392. 3 Pardon is asked for the ' Asianic ' comparison. It seems a fatality that no one is led on to depreciate Apuleius without himself being lured into the Asianic style. See Norden's wonderful sentence, Kimstprosa, p. 601, top. Ixxxiv INTRODUCTION 5. It is hardly necessary to refute the now generally discredited view that there was a special i African ' style, which was tumid and artificial, and which displayed itself most markedly in the writers of the latter half of the second century, such as Apuleius arid Tertullian. The fervid temperament of the Africans may have especially inclined many of them to the ' Asianic ' style which prevailed throughout the whole Empire at that time, and in very many departments of literature. 1 No doubt some plausibility is given to the above view by the accidental circumstance that the principal writers of the time came from Africa. But if we had the works of writers of other provinces, we should doubtless find very many of them using the artificial Asianic style just as much as the natives of Africa. We do find such a one in Favorinus (see p. Ixxxiii), a Gaul who lived principally in Asia Minor. The phantom of a special Latin style labelled ' Africanism ' (Africitas Vives called it), which seems to have begun to haunt literary history in the Middle Ages, may be considered as finally laid to rest by the crushing chapter of E. Norden, Kunstprosa, pp. 588 598. e. By way of illustration, a few instances may be adduced from the Cupid and Psyche of those features of Asianic style of which mention has been made. (Of 1 Its grievous effect on historical composition may be estimated, even after all deductions are made for the extravagance of the satirist, from Lucian's treatise Quomodo historia sit conscribenda. THE STYLE AND LANGUAGE OF APULEIUS Ixxxv course in most cases no attempt is made at complete- ness ; the instances given are to be regarded only as a few illustrations.) 1. Diffuseness. This is everywhere in Apuleius. It was a mark of Asianic style ; Asiatici oratores, says Cicero (Brut. 51), non contemnendi quidem nee celeritate nee copia, sed parum pressi et nimis redundantes. They are deemed empty wind-bags (inflati et inanes), says Quintilian (12. 10. 16), in downright language. Koziol devotes no less than 196 pages of his book (Der Stil des L. Apuleius, 1872) to the exemplification of this feature. One chapter of Apuleius 4. 29 may be taken as an illustration. The three ideas of the wide-spread fame of Psyche, the consequent neglect of the worship of Venus, and the substitution of the worship of Psyche are swelled up immoderately. We might very well, as far as the sense goes, have sic insulas . . . peruagatur omitted. The clause longis . . . meatibus is very diffuse for terra manque. The words templa . . . foedatae are only ornament, and both et in humanis . . . piacantur and iamque . . . adprecantur are mere surplusage. 1 The exuberance with which Apuleius displays his great mastery over the Latin language is to be seen in such accumulations of clauses as 5. 12 Nuntio Psyche laeta florebat et diuinae subolis solacio plaudebat et futuri pignoris gloria gestiebat 1 Take a sentence at the very beginning of the novel, 1.1. He wants to say * Greece, famous of old, is my native country.' Here is the way he says it, Hymettos Attica et Isthmos Ephyrea et Taenaros Spartiaca, ylebae felices aeternum libris felicioribus conditae, mea uetus prosapia est. A few lines before there does not seem to be any need for the parenthesis modo si papirum Aegyptiam argutia Nilotici calami inscriptam non spreueris inspicere. Ixxxvi INTRODUCTION et materni nominis dignitate gaudebat] 5. 28 non uoluptas ulla, non gratia, non lepos, sed incompta et agrestia et horrida cuncta sint, non nuptiae coniugales, non ami- citiae sociales, non liberum caritates, sed . . . enormis eluuies et squalentium foederum insuaue fastidium. 1 In the stately prayers found in 6. 2, arid 4 such accumula- tion is somewhat appropriate, as also in emphatic descriptions such as 6. 14 (of the rock whence flowed the Stygian water) saxum immani magnitudine procerum et inaccessa salebritate lubricum, and 6. 11 (of Cupid's imprisonment) interioris domus unici cubiculi cmtodia damns cohercebatur acriter (where note also the alliteration of c). Then there are smaller redunr. dancies such as 4. 28,profundum pelagi', 5. 4 uirginitati suae . . . metuens et pauet et horrescit ; ib. mltestae atque lugubrcs, 5. 7 et tectum et Larem ; 5. 19 tectae machinae latibulis ; 5. 20 claudentis aululae tegmine ; 5. 25 luctum desine etpone moerorem ; 6. 2 tacita seer eta ; 6. 10 dispositis atque seiugatis ; 6. 12 latenter abscondere (cp. 5. 20); 6. 17 ad Tartarum manesque ; 6. 18 nulla uoce deprompta tacita praeterito. 2. Poetical colour, especially in Descriptions (e'/cXa, symmetry of clauses, e.g. 5. 6 et imprimens oscula suasoria et ing er ens uerba mukentia et inserens membra cohibentia : 5. 28 mon- tano scortatu, marino natatu and non nuptiae coniugales, non amicitiae societies : 6. 2 et cur rum rapacem et terram tenacem et inluminarum Proserpinae nuptiarum demeacula et luminosarum filiae inuentionum remeacula ; cp. also the prayer to Juno 6. 4. (b) Alliteration and Assonance. 1 General, 5. 15 nee . . . nequitia uel ilia mellita cantus dulcedine mollita conquieuit: 5. 31 amores amare (" bitterly") coherceas: 6. 8 septem sauia suauia: 6. 19 atra atria Proserpinae. 2 Initial, e.g. 4. 28 pro v fundum pelagi peperit : 4. 29 insulas proximas et terrae plusculum prouinciasque plurimas Jama porrecta peruagatur ; ib. uerae Veneris uehementer incendit animos ; 4. 35 pompae populi prosequentis sese miscuit : 6. 11 Cupido . . . unici cubiculi custodia clausus cohercebatur acriter : and frequently. 3 Transverse, e.g. 4. 35 tanta clade defessi, clausae domus abstrusi tenebris (words beginning with cl and d follow alternately) : 5. 21 primisque Veneris proeliis uelitatis. In 5. 6 quoted on 3 (a) note the alternate assonance of the three participles all beginning with in- and ending in -ens. A good example of alternate assonance is 4. 8 estur ac potatur incondite, pulmentis aceruatim, panibus aggeratim, poculis agminatim ingestis. 4 Final. See the examples 5. 6 : 5. 28 : 6. 2 quoted under 3 (#), above : and 6. 8 : 6. 19 quoted under 1. Also passages like 5. 3 ut quamuis hominum nemo p ar er et chorus tamen esse p at er e t, and the g xc INTBODUCTION imperfects at the beginning of 5. 12 quoted on p. Ixxxv f . A passage combining several of these forms of assonant symmetry is 9. 14 mulier saeua scaeua, uirosa ebriosa, peruicax pertinax, in rapinis turpibus auara, in sumptibus foedis profusa^ inimica fidei, hostis pudicitiae. All these features of symmetrical arrangement of clauses, aided by antithesis, alliteration, assonance, and word-likeness, recall the obvious mannerisms of Euphuism, the essential character of which, according to Mr. C. Gr. Child (John Lyly and Euphuism, pp. 43, 44 : Miinchener Beitrag vii), is applied " not only to the ordering of the single sentence, but in every structural relation," and it is " the inducement of artificial emphasis through Antithesis and Repetition Antithesis to give pointed expression to the thought, Repetition to enforce it." 1 One has only to read Mr. Warwick Bond's 1 A passage may be quoted from Lyly's " The Anatomy of Wit " (quoted by Mr. Dover Wilson, John Lyly (Cambridge, 1905), p. 15) to show the general characteristics of the symmetry and assonances [I have not given the archaic spelling] " Although hitherto, Euphues, I have s/trined thee in my heart for a misty /riend, I will s/iun thee hereafter for a irothless foe ; .and although I cannot see in thee less wit than I was wont, yet dc I find less honesty. I perceive at the last (although being deceived it be too late) that musk, although it be sweet in the swell is soui in the smack, that the leaf of the cedar tree, though it be fair to b( seen, yet the syrup depriveth sight that friendship though it b( plighted by the shaking of the hand, yet it is shaken by the fraud o the heart. But thou hast not much to boast of, as thou hast won /ickle lady, so hast thou lost a /aithful /riend. How canst thoi be secure of her constancy when thou hast had such trial c her lightness?" Reference may be also made to the euphuisti THE STYLE AND LANGUAGE OF APULEIUS xei discussion on Lyly's style (The Complete Works of John Lyly, vol. i., pp. 120-134) to see the remark- able resemblance it bears to the style of Apuleius in nearly every respect even in such unusual features as transverse alliteration and rhyme ; e.g. "Euphues to Philautus" (p. 252). "If this seeme too -straight a Jyet for thy straining disease " : 241 " I will to Athens ther to tosse my bookes, no more in Naples to lyve with fair lookes" It is curious that we find even parallels to such frigid plays on words as (Apul. Met. 8. 6) inuita remansit in uita e.g. " Euphues and his England," p. 161. 12, u saying ... c at this time of yeare a Violette is better than a Rose? and so shee arose." It has been generally held that one of the principal sources from which Euphuism came into England was from a translation by Lord Berners of Guevara's Libra Aureo de Marco Aurelio, which he published in 1534, under the title, The Golden Boke of Marcus Aurelius. This view can hardly be sustained ; x but the Libra Aureo and the Golden Boke won popularity because both in Spain and in England, and indeed all over the Continent, there was already epidemic (as it were) a taste for that peculiar style the Asianic manner, the alto estilo, which naturally appealed so strongly to the re- awakening nations just renewing their youth. But the question may perhaps be raised as to whether one speech of Portia (Merchant of Venice 1. 2. 13-29) (quoted by Mr. Bond) : " If to do were as easy as to know what were good to do, chapels had been churches, and _poor men's cottages princes' palaces "; and so on down to " Is it not hard, Nerissa, that I cannot choose one nor refuse none ? " . . . 1 See Mr. Dover Wilson's John Lyly, pp. 22-26. xcii INTRODUCTION of the influential precursors of Euphuism in Spain, Italy, France, and England may not have been another Golden look, that by Apuleius, 1 whose writings were first published in modern times at Rome in 1469, and then repeatedly (certainly a dozen times) re-issued in Italy and France during the next fifty years (see Hildebrand Pref. pp. Ixxvii- Ixxix). The many editions are evidence of the wide circle of readers who were interested in Apuleius. 8. In order to carry out successfully the requirements of such a symmetrically cut and elaborately assonant form of composition, it was necessary frequently (1) to have recourse to ' padding,' 2 which was easily done in a style naturally verbose, and also (2) to coin new words. The passage generally referred to in this con- nexion is 11. 9 mulieres candido splendentes amicimine, uario laetantes gestamine, uerno florentes coronamine^ where amicimen and coronamen are due to the invention of Apuleius. Similarly in 4. 8 (quoted on p. Ixxxix) aceruatim is a coined word and agminatim is a unique usage as applied to ' wine-cups.' In 6. 2 inluminarum, demeacufaj remeacula are all from the Apuleian mint. 1 In the elaborate section on the Sources of Lyly's style and matter Mr. Child (op. cit. pp. 33-34) makes no mention of Apuleius, bat he does mention Ovid, Virgil, Homer, and Plutarch, to which he adds " Caesar, Cicero, Seneca, &c." One cannot but feel surprised at finding Caesar in this connexion, even though Lyly may have drawn his geography of Britain from that source. 2 Cp. Cic. Orator 230 apud alios autem et Asiaticos maxime numero seruientis inculcata reperias mania quaedam uerba quasi complementer numerorum. THE STYLE AND LANGUAGE OF APULEIUS xciii The following is a fairly complete list of the NEW WORDS in the Cupid and Psyche at least the words not found before Apuleius : NEW WORDS. 6. 23 alumnari : 5. 22 antependulus : 6. 9 ascalpere : 6. 13 auscultatus (subst.) : 5. 8 barbitium : 5. 13 2 ); (3) that by the latest hand of all (man. rec.). Beyte thinks that < 2 came from F after it had been corrected by its third hand, i.e. by f*. This distinguishing of corrections by hands other than the original hand is such a hazardous proceeding that I have not ventured to adopt it ; and, as this is not a critical edition, it has seemed sufficient to indicate all corrections of F other than by the first hand by the symbol f . It is right to say that I have not seen either of the Florentine codices ; and that the text and critical notes in this volume are based on the admirable critical editions of Jahn-Michaelis (ed. 4, 1895) and E. Helm (1907), especially the latter, which is in- valuable, not merely from the point of view of manuscript criticism, but also from that scholar's profound knowledge of the language of Apuleius. Helm's edition has completely superseded the editions of Eyssenhardt (1869) and Van der Vliet (1897). Helm promises that his forthcoming edition of the Florida will contain a discussion on the manuscripts of the works of Apuleius contained in F. As to the editions. Apuleius was one of the earliest authors printed. The editio princeps was published at Rome in 1469 at the instance of Cardinal Bessarion. The editor was Johannes Andreas de civ INTRODUCTION Buxis, afterwards bishop of Aleria, 1 and the printers were Sweynheym and Pannartz. During the next thirty years it was re-issued again and again at Rome, Venice, Vicenza, Milan, and Parma. In 1500 Beroaldus published his commentary on the Asinus Aureus (as he called the Met.) the first critical treatment of the book. In 1512 the first Juntine edition was issued at Florence. The second Juntine in 1522, critically edited by Bernardus Philomathes of Pisa, is rightly regarded by Oudendorp and Ruhnken as a work of great merit. The Basle edition of 1533 was printed by Henricus Petrus, and edited by Albanus Torinus. The first Belgian scholar who did good service to Apuleius was Stewechius (whose edition was published by Plantin at Antwerp in 1586). Two years later came the edition of his able young countryman Petrus Colvius, also published by Plantin. The early death of Colvius in 1591 (from a kick of a horse while he was serving in the army) was a real loss to Apuleian study, even though Price accuses him of 'iuvenilis temeritas. 7 In 1591 Vulcanius published his own edition at Leyden. Wouwer's edition came in 1606. In 1614 a great Variorum edition was published at Lyons, with the various readings of 1 Giovanni Andrea de Bussi was one of the many pupils of the gentle scholar Vittorino da Feltre. " He had," says Dr. Sandys (Hist, of Classical Scholarship, ii. 54), " the unique distinction of having been, in 1465 to 1471, the editor of the first printed editions of as many as eight works of the Latin Classics : Caesar, Gellius, Livy, Lucan, Virgil, Silius, and the Letters and Speeches of Cicero." Dr. Sandys could have added Apuleius, as he has done on p. 103. THE MANUSCRIPTS AND EDITIONS cv Roaldus. Elmenhorst issued an edition at Frankfurt in 1621, in the preface to which he says "contulimus ipsi Romanam, Aldinam, Venetam, et Basileenses editiones, semper pro regula habentes Florentinas Membranas, quarum ope aliquam multa scabie prius atque ulceribus foeda nitori pristino et nativae integritati restitui." The great edition of the much- travelled and learned Englishman, John Price, was published in Paris in 1635. His notes are given in full in the third volume of the 1823 edition of Oudendorp, and evince a really remarkable width of reading. It was republished at Gouda in 1650. The editor of the Delphin edition (1688), Julianus Floridus, is merely a compiler. But the greatest of all the editions is that of Oudendorp. The Met. was published at Leyden in 1786 with a Preface by Ruhnken. In 1823 it was re-issued with two additional volumes, the second containing the other works of Apuleius, and the third the notes of Beroaldus, Gruter, Price, and others. These last two volumes were edited by Bosscha. This stately work formed in a large degree the basis of the Leipzig edition of G. F. Hildebrand (1842). This is a diffuse but useful book; and it is still requisite for any study of Apuleius. The critical edition of the Met. by Franz Eyssenhardt (1869) was the first to discard the medley of notes of the inferior mss. ; but Eyssenhardt was not careful enough to render his own edition definitive. The Teubner text by Van der Vliet (1897)is not without itsmerits; but that versatile scholar is too bold in his emendations, and too ready to supply words and phrases where the text is not so grievously h cvi THE MANUSCRIPTS AND EDITIONS defective as to require such drastic remedies. The critical editions of the Apologia (1905) and the Met. (1907) by Rudolf Helm (also published by Teubner) have signally advanced the study of Apuleius, and are so learned and well-considered that they are destined to remain the standard text for many years. The story of Cupid and Psyche was edited separately a few times in the eighteenth century (see Hildebrand, Ixxxix f.). One of these editions appeared at Gbttingen in 1789, and is styled " Psyche, ein Feenmarchen des Apuleius." The title makes one think that possibly the writer did not regard the tale as an allegory. In 1836 Orelli published an edition of the story, but I have never seen it. The dainty edition by Jahn (1856), supplemented by Michaelis (1883: fourth edition, 1895), is a work which shows no less appreciation for the art and beauty of the tale than judicious and acute scholarship. Less judicious perhaps, but of very great learning, is Weyman's edition (1891). 1 The author is quite at home in the language of Apuleius and his imitators. The edition by J. W. Beck (Groningen, 1902), who writes his commentary in Latin, has a useful and able introduction, especially on artistic matters, and many valuable notes, principally on philology. The edition by Friedrich Norden (2 vols., Vienna and Leipzig, 1903) the first volume contains the Text, the second Introduction and Notes written in German is brilliant and attractive all through, so that we wish it had been planned on a somewhat larger scale. 1 Index Lectionuin Universitatis Friburgensis, 1891. SIGLA F Codex Laurentianus 68. 2 maims prima. f. Maims correctrices codicis F. < Codex Laurentianus 29. 2 ex F aliquantum correct o transcriptus. v. Vulgata quae ab codicibus deterioribus et ueterum uirorum doctorum coniecturis orta sunt. [ ] Litterae quae in F inuentae tamen sunt omittendae. < > Litterae quae in F non inuentae tamen sunt addendae. Litterae mutatae ex litteris in F parum recte datis impressae sunt typis inclinatis. Bien certainement, Psyche n'a ete admise dans les Metamorphoses que pour divertir le lecteur. Prenons 1' episode pour ce qu'il est, un joli conte encadre dans un roman. La fleur se fanerait a la vouloir trop expliquer. MONCEAUX, ApuUe, p. 143. CUPID AND PSYCHE IV $8 Erant in quadam ciuitate rex et regina. hi[i] tres numero filias forma conspicuas habuere. sed maiores quidem natu, quamuis gratissima specie, idonee tamen celebrari posse laudibus humanis credebantur, at uero puellae iunioris tarn praecipua, tarn praeclara pulchritudo nee exprimi ac ne suffi- 5 cienter quidem laudari sermonis humani penuria poterat. multi denique ciuium et aduenae copiosi, quos eximii spectaculi rumor studiosa celebritate congregabat, inaccessae formonsitatis admiratione stupidi et admouentes oribus suis dexteram priore digito in erectum pollicem residente ut ipsam 10 i 10 primore Colvius : pore F<. residente F : residente <>, sed linea erasa. ciuitate] cp. Enn. Fab. 291 (Ribb.) Sed citiitatem uideo Argiuom incendier : Dolabella ap. Cic. Fam. ix. 9. 3 ut tu te uel Athenas uel in quamuis qu'utam recipias ciuitatem: Gell. 7. 17. 3. tres numero] This addition of numero is common in Apuleius, both with definite numerals (Apol. 40 : 44), and indefinite words of quantity, e.g. 4. 16 multi numero. neque . . . ac ne] Helm refers to 4. 21 neque clamor e ac ne ululatu quidem Jidem sacramenti prodidit. sufficienter] a late word, first found in this passage. In Plin. Ep. 10. 18 (29) 3 the right reading is sufficientes. denique] This word has a very weakened sense in Apuleius. It is little more than a mere connecting particle, like our ' well ' : it is used even at the beginning of a narrative, cp. 1. 4. See Koziol, p. 298. studiosa celebritate] in eager crowds.' formonsitatis] For this form cp. Lindsay 'Lat. Lang.' p. 69. It occurs with n always in the Metamorphoses except 9. 17 init. In the Apologia 73 and 92 we find/onnosrt. Similarly the mss. give thensaurus in the Met., but thesaurus apparently in Apol. 55. primore digito . . . residente] The form of reverence to the gods was to kiss one's hands (irpoffKvvijffis), cp. Apol. 56 si fanum aliquod praetereat nefas habet adorandi gratia manum labris admouere. Hildebrand compares Lucian de Salt. 17 OTTOV Kal 'ivtiol tireiSav ecoQev P a KvaavTes f)yov/j.e6a elvat rrjv evx"hv. Cp. Baumeister Denkmaler, p. 592, and Mayor on Juv. 4. 118. For primoris used of parts of the body the Dictt. give CUPID AND PSYCHE [iv. 28 prorsus deam Venerem religiosis adorationibus. iamque proximas ciuitates et attiguas regiones fama peruaserat deam, quam caerulum profundum pelagi peperit et ros spuman- tium fluctuum educauit, iam numinis sui passim tributa uenia 5 in mediis conuersari populi coetibus, uel certe rursum nouo caelestium st^llarum germine non maria sed terras Venerem aliam uirginali flore praeditam pullulasse. 1 Venerem uenerebantur Crusius (uenerabantur add. dett. sed post adorationibus}. ado^onLs F ' sed crederent manu recentL 5 nouo F, sed posteriore o in ras. man. rec. : noua . 6 stillarum Jahn : stellarum F< : sphaerarum cod. Bertinianus Oud. Plaut. Bacch. 675 diffilulis duobus pri- moribus'. Cic. Gael. 28 pritnoribus labris. It refers to the tips of the fingers, not necessarily to the first or index finger. For residente Helm reads residente earn ; but probably the m was added by the copyist owing to the many adjacent words that end in that letter : cp. ambrosia\jin~\ in 5. 22. prorsus deam Venerem] For the collocation dea Venus see next chapter. Crusius alters deam into earn, comparing for the involved order of words c. 30 iam faxo huius etiam ipsam inlicitae formon- sitatis paeniteat. The description of the surpassing beauty of the heroine (or hero) is a constant feature in Greek novels, cp. Chariton 1. 1. 2 ^v yap Tb a\A.os (of Callirrhoe) OVK avdpunrivov a\\a 0eIW. Many examples are given in Rohde, Griech. Roman 152 n. 1. For a beautiful girl compared to Venus cp. Plaut. Eud. 421 : and often in the novels, e.g. Chariton 1. 14. 1 ff. italyap i\v TIS \6yos eV TO?S a.ypo'is 'Apo5tT7ji' uenerabantur] This word is found in the inferior mss. In F, Gud, and a few other mss. crederent takes its place : but in F crederent is added by a later hand. Fulgentius would seem to justify uenerabantur (67. 2 ed. Helm) illam ucro ueluti deam non quisquam amare ausus quam uenerari pronus atque hostiis sibimetplacare. The editors place the word after Venerem (a position before Venerem would perhaps account better for its loss), emphasizing the alliteration, and comparing Plaut. Rud. 305 Nunc Venerem hanc tteneremur bonam : Poen. 278 Sane equidem Venerem uenerabor. Helm thinks the word was omitted at the end of the column. Rossbach adds adorabant before adorationibus. Bahrens suggested adorationibus. attigaas] a rare word first found in Frontinus. It is used four times by Apuieius in the Met., viz. 4. 3 : 4. 12: 4.28: 6. 12. deam . . . pullulasse] ' the goddess whom the azure deep of the sea had borne, and the spray of the foaming waves had fostered, had now granted to the world the favour of her gracious presence and was mixing in the assem- blages of the people ; or in sooth, that again by a new impregnation of heavenly seed, not the sea but the earth had burgeoned forth a second Venus in all the bloom of maidenhood.' For slillarumihe mss. give stellarum, which Oudendorp thinks is a gloss on sphae- rarum a most unlikely reading which is found in the cod. Bertinianus, iv. 29] CUPID AND PSYCHE 3 Sic immensum procedit in dies opinio, sic insulas iam proxumas et terrae plusculum prouinciasque plurimas fama porrecta peruagatur. iam multi mortalium longis itineribus atque altissimis maris meatibus ad saeculi specimen gloriosum confluebant. Paphon nemo, Cnidon nemo ac ne ipsa quidem 5 Cythera ad conspectum deae Veneris nauigabant ; sacra praeter- 6 deae v. : die F<. It was natural to suppose that the fertilizing rain from heaven should by impregnation of mother Earth beget the goddess of fertility, cp. JEsch. Frag. 44 (Nauck) Stfpos 5' air' evvdevTos ovpavov irfff&v e/cutre yaiav, in a speech of Aphrodite herself. It is unusual to find pullulare used transitively. The Dictt. quote parallels from Lactantius and Fulgentius. Koziol (p. 312) quotes the following verbs ordinarily intransitive which are used transitively by Apuleius : re- sultare (b. 7) instrepere (2. 27), where the ace., however, is a cognate ace. : also oberrare (9. 4) and inerrare (11. 2), where the force of the preposition seems to condition the accusative. An un- usual transitive is recellere (7. 24) totum corporis pondm in postremos poplites recello ('jerk back') cp. 10. 22: also eiulabam fortunas meas (3. 1) oxAeiulam sese (4. 24). immensum] adverbial for in immen- sum, a usage often found in Tacitus e.g. Ann. 4. 40 (see Gerber and Greef i. p. 566). In Met. 10. 14 some mss. omit the in. In Dogm. Plat. 2. 26. (260) one inferior ms. has in immensum, but Goldbacher and Thomas omit the in. In this passage in should be omitted, not only on account of its not being found in F(/>, but also on account of in dies following. proximas] Rohde (lib. Mus. 43. 467) reads per extimas* terrae plusculum] ' a goodish bit of the continent.' fama porrecta] cp. 5. 4. There is no need with Weyman to add late or latius before porrecta, or with Draheim to read prouecta. mortalium] a somewhat stately word for ' men ' ; often used with multi or omnes, cp. Kritz on Sail. Cat. 1. 4. altissimis maris meatibus] This is a rather strong case of enallage. Oud. wishes to read altissimi or latissimis. But Apuleius is fond of this transference of adjectives : cp. 4. 3 pedum posteriori- bus calcibus iactatis in eum crebriter, and many more given by Eoziol, p. 222. Yet none seems so violent as the in- stance here. This whole passage is similar to that in Chariton i. 1. 2 i\v yap rb KOL\\OS (sc. of Callirrhoe) OVK avdpiamvov dAAo Qt'iov .... 7JjU?7 5e rov Bed/naros Tra.vTa.xov SieV /jLvrjffTripes icareppfov els 2vpa.Kov, puluinaria proteruntur,' caeri- moniae negleguntur ; incoronata simulacra et arae uiduae frigido cinere foe"datae. puellae supplicatur et in humanis uultibus deae tantae numina placantur, et in matutino progressu 5 uirginis uictimis et epulis Veneris absentis nomen propitiatur, 1 praetereuntur Hildebrand : pferuntur F< ; deseruntur Colvius : fort, post- feruntur. deformantur v. : deformant F<. proteruntur Salmasius : perferuntur F0. one to Cnidus ; they did not even go to Cythera': so that there is no need to make such a bold assumption as Ond. that nemo can he grammatically followed by the plural when there is not a re- petition of the word. Thus in Veil. 1. 16 fin. Aldus rightly altered nequi- uerint to nequitierit, though Xritz re- tains the plural. praetereuntur] This is the good emendation of Hildebrand for the mss. reading praeferuntur. He quotes Ov. Met. 8. 278 solas sine ture relictas Prae- teritae cessasse ferunt Latoidos aras. It is just possible that we should read postferuntur (p* feruntur for pferuntur') 'are held in less esteem,' a sense in which posthabere is used by the classical writers : for the tradition is all in favour of -feruntur being right, the question being what prefix should be added ; and the rhythm of the artificial sentence will be better observed, as all the verbs will be quadrisyllables. Helm reads differuntur for die pferuntur of the mss., as dia for dea is found only here in Apuleius. But i for e is a common error in F ; cp. 5. 19 corrumpit ior -pet. proteruntur] So Salmasius and Oudendorp for perferuntur of F< and proferuntur of the inferior mss. It seems a very suitable word to apply to neglected cushions. Aldus and Rohde read deseruntur, which is not so graphic, and is rather far from the tradition. Friedlander ingeniously suggests pul- uerantur. In Hautus (cp. Geli. 18. 12. 4) puluero is intransitive, but it is used with an ace. in Plm. H. N. 11. 114. Helm reads praetereuntur, and Hilde- brand perteruntur. uiduae] This word is often applied metaphorically to trees before the vine is trained to them, and conversely of the vine before it is so trained : also in the sense of 'deprived of something, which is expressed, e.g. 2. 14 mente ttiduus, necdum sutis. But this seems to be the only passage in which it is used absolutely in the sense (presumably) of 'without sacrifices,' 'unladen,' as is fixed by the context. frigido cinere] Hildebrand well compares Val. Flacc. 2. 98 Laetus adit: contra Veneris stat frigida semper Ara loco. supplicatur] Impersonal. The Dictt. quote Sail. Frag. p. 141 Kritz turn uenienti (sc. Metello) ture quasi deo supplicabatur . absentis] ' though absent,' ' who was really absent.' nomen] So the mss. Colvius, who reads numen with hesitation, is followed by Hildebrand with determination ; but the repetition of numen is unlikely, and there is no more difficulty in nomen being propitiated with victims than c. 30 the nomen being located in heaven. It is to be confessed, however, that we find nomine for numine in 5. 26 init. : but in G. 10 we have ruricula for ruricola, which shows that the con- fusion of the two letters was common. iv. 30] CUPID AND PSYCHE iamque per plateas commeantem pttpuli frequenter floribus sertis et solutis adprecantur. Haec honorum caelestium ad puellae mortalis cultum inmodica translatio uerae Yeneris uehementer incendit animos et inpatiens indignationis capite quassanti, fremens altius sic 5 secum disserit : 3O "En rerum naturae prisca parens, en elementorum origo initialis, en orbis totius alma Venus, quae cum mortal! puella O/L*-r t * partiario maiestatis honore tractor et nomen meum caelo conditum terrenis sordibus profanatur ! nimirum communi 10 numinis piamento uicariae uenerationis incertum sustinebo et imagkrem meam circumfer[r]et puella moritura. frustra me 12 circwnferet v : circumferrfy F : circumferre f <. puella moritura F : puella moritura f<. floribus sertis et solutis] flowers in wreaths and loose' cp. 2. 16 (Fotis) proximat rosa serta et rosa soluta in sinu tuber ante. For offerings of crowns cp. Plaut. Asin. 803 Turn si coronas serta unguenta iusserit Ancillam ferre Veneri nut Cupidini : Aul. 385 : Hor. Ep. 2. 1. 144. uerae Veneris uehementer] in- flames the heart violently of the verit- able Venus.' Note the alliteration. On the jealousy of Venus cp. Prop. 2. 28 (= 3. 24). 9 Nwn sibi collatam doluit Venus ipsa ? peraeque Prae se formosis inuidiosa dea est. Jealousy of the heroine as a motive for persecuting her is found in popular tales, such as " Little Snow-white " (Grimm 53). capite quassanti] cp. 6. 9 caputque quatiens. For this ahl. cp. 3. 26 : 8. 19, and probably 2. 26. It is also found in Plaulus Asm. 403, Bacch. 305; cp. Verg. G. 1. 74. This is the usual gesture of indignant thought : v /jLvOrja-aro 6v/j.6v, and its imita- tion Verg. 2En. 7. 295 turn quassans caput liaec effundit pectore dicta. 3O En rerum naturae .... Venus] This is an allusion probably to the opening of the poem of Lucretius. Aeneadum genetrix hominum diuomque uoluptas Alma Venus &c. Hildebrand says that alma is used in the sense of altrix or alumnatrix, and thus governs the genitive orbis totius. But he quotes no parallel, and the usage is improbable. Nor need alma be changed into anima or domina (cp. 11. 7) ; nor need domina be added, with Vliet. The genitive is rather possessive, 'the whole world's benign Venus.' Something similar is to be found in Riese's * Carmina in codicibus scripta ' 21. 224, p. 94 Tibi nunc, salis alme profundi, Quod dedimus, Neptune, tuum est. 1 partiario maiestatis honore tractor] ' I am dragged in the dust (like a captive slave cp. Verg. JEn. 2. 403) by having to share the honour of my great- ness with a mortal girl '; partiarius is a legal word : cp. 9. 27, where partiario is used adverbially. nimirum communi .... sustinebo] ' So indeed ! by sharing the offerings to my divinity I shall have to tolerate the precarious position of receiving devotion by deputy.' circumferet] F reads circumferre corrected from circumferrQ. gives CUPID AND PSYCHE [iv. 30 pastor ille, ciiius iustitiam fidemque magnus comprobauit luppiter, ob eximiam speciem tantis praetulit deabus. sed non adeo gaudens ista, quaecumque est, meos honores usurpa&it : iam faxo huius etiam ipsius inlicitae formonsitatis paeniteat." 3 usurpabit v : tisurpavit F(f> : usurparit Oudendorp. 4 etiam : earn Jahn. circumferre. The older editors rightly altered to circumferet. F and

. follows, prefers to alter ipsius into ipsam : and Jahn conjectures earn for etiam. For inlicitae Crusius conjectured inclitae (' notorious ' cp. Ennius, Trag. 55, Ribbeck, inchitwn indicium of the Judgment of Paris), but this is hardly necessary. For Venus asking Cupid to shoot his arrows and inspire passion cp. Apoll. Ehod. 3. 142 oiarTfiiffas eir' 'iTjcroi/t. This whole domestic scene in Apollonius (111-153) is quite charming, and well worth reading : Dilthey (De Call. Cyd. p. 45) thinks that we may perhaps regard Callimachus also as having portrayed such a scene (cp. Frag. 239). contempta disciplina publica] ' hold- ing in scorn the morals of the commu- nity ': cp. 6. 22, where Jupiter declares that Cupid acts contra leges et ipsam luliam disciplinamque publicam. quanquam genuina licentia pro- cacem] ' although forward enough from his inborn native effrontery.' perlata] 'gone through,' cp. 7. 10 Sic ille latromimjisci aduocatus nostram causam pertulerat : Juv. 7. 153 natn quaecunque sedens wiodo leyerat, haec eadem stans Perferet. gemens ac fremens] 'fretting and fuming ' alliteration. 31 deprecor] ; I earnestly pray of you': cp. 3. 24; 6.2; 8. 10; 8.20; 11. 25 the common usage of the word : Gell. 7 (6). 16. 2; also 9. 23 diras deuotiones in earn deprecata, a passage which may in some measure support Gellius' in- terpretation of Catull. 92. 3. uredines] 'stingings.' The glosses explain the word as ' calor ignis vel uermis lignorum ' or as ' urens uentus.' It is used for ' blight ' in Cic. N. D. 3. 86. But in Plin. H. N. 9. 147 it seems to mean ' a sting,' the sea-nettle (iirtica] tacta uredinem inittit. The termination is the same as in dulcedo, torpedo, teredo. sed] 'aye, a full one,' a use com- mon from the first cent. A.D., but found as early as Plautus (Rud. 799). seueriter] The mss. give reuerenter. But Brant is certainly right in reading seueriter, as it is the word found in CUPID AND PSYCHE [iv. 31 unum et pro omnibus unicum uolens effice : uirgo ista amore fraglantissimo teneatur hominis extremi, quern et dignitatis et patrimonii simul et incolumitatis ipsius Fortuna damnauit, 1 effice v : effiici F<|>. 2 fraglantissimo F : jlagrantissimo . 3 for tuna F<, sed corr. manu alt. ex fortune. Fulgentius and the Mythographus Vaticanus where they describe this re- quest of Venus. Apuleius uses the word elsewhere with uindicare 2. 27 (where F^> had originally reueriter] and 3. 3. It was already foundinTitinius67 (see Bibbeck Com. p. 143) seueriter Hodie sermonem arnica mecum contulit, and it is recognized by Priscian (ii 70 Keil), who gives many similar adverbs in -ter from adjec- tives in -us ; cp. Neue-Wagener ii 3 pp. 725 ff. id unum et pro omnibus unicum] ' this sole and special favour worth all beside' (lit. 'instead of all'). Many late mss. give prae for pro, which Oud. wrongly adopts. Helm notices that there is a similar divergence of readings in Verg. JEn. 3. 435 Unum illud tibi, note dea, proque omnibus unum Praedi- cam, on which passage the commentators quote Cic. Att. 2. 5. 1 Cato . . . . qui mihi unus est pro centum millions. For unum et unicum cp. Catull. 73. 5, 6 Vt mihi quern nemo gravius nee acerbius urget Quam modo qui me unum atque unicum amicum habuit, on which passage Bahrens refers to Gell. 18. 4. 2 cum ille se unum et unicum lectorem esse enarra- toremque Sallustii diceret. uolens] generally used in prayers to divinities in conjunction vfithpropitius. Liv. 1. 16. 3 : 7. 26. 4. fraglantissimo] Apuleius usesfrag- lans both for fiagrans (as here and 5. 9 init., 5. 23, cp. 4. 17 and perhaps 6. 22) and for fragrans (2. 5, 2. 8 fin., 3. 19, 4. 2, 10. 34). The latter is the use most commonly recognized by the glosses. Apuleius frequently uses flag- rare and its derivatives (8. 22 : 4. 14 : 3. 9), but not, so far as I know, fragrare or its derivatives. F gives fraglare, except in 6. 11, where F(/> \i&\eflagrans. Many examples of this dissimilation from the African writers are given by Wolfflin in the Archiv iv 8 ff. Fronto seems to be the first writer in whom it appears prominently. In Verg. Georg. 4. 169 the best mss. give fraglantia mella. See a very learned Excursus by Prof. Ellis on Catullus, p. 346. extremi] ' the lowest.' The dic- tionaries quote Senec. Epist. 70. 25 extrema mancipia, and Justin. 15. 1 quidam sortis extremae iuvenis. Not quite parallel is Met. 3. 5 extremes latrones, where the word rather means 1 most desperate.' For a similar vengeance of Venus cp. Hyginus Fab. 58 Smyrna Cinyrae . . . et Cenchreidis filia : cuius mater Cen- chreis superbius locuta quod Jiliae suae formam Veneri anteposuerat Venus ma- tris poenas exsequens Smyrnae infandum amorem obiecit adeo ut patrem suum amaret. Ovid seems to allude to this Met. 10. 524 lam placet (Adonis) et Veneri matrisque ulciscitur ignes. incolumitatis] 'security of life.' He should be a hunted thing. Possibly there may be a reference to his having lost the rights of citizenship, pos- session of the rights of citizenship being often described as incolumitas by Cicero. damnauit] ' amerced of,' as in the usual damnare capitis (civil status). iv. 31] CUPID AND PSYCHE 9 tamque infirmi, ut per totum orbem non inueniat miseriae suae comparem." Sic effata et oculis hiantibus filium diu ac pressule sauiata proximas oras reflui litoris petit plantisque roseis uibrantium fluctuum summo rore calcato ecce iam prof undi 5 1 infirmi F< : iiifimi v. 3 osculis v : oculis F<. 5 calcato f : calcatu F<. profundi F< : profundum Koebler. infirmi] Sothemss. Editors mostly alter to infimi, Oudendorp referring to 5. 24 (Veneris) quae temiseri extremique hominis deuinctam cupidine infimo ma- trimonio addici iusserat. There is no great objection to tarn with a super- lative ; but the word is somewhat tautologous after extremi ; and in 5. 24 infimo matrimonio sums up the whole position, infimo is the reading of the mss., and the word there is not exactly co-ordinate with the other adjectives. If the creature, in addition to all his other misfortunes, was a weakling and irresolute, ' feeble ' in body and mind, we can well imagine that the wife's misery would be complete. Accord- ingly, though with some little hesitation, the mss. reading has been retained. Sic effata . . exercitus] This is what the Greek rbetoricians would call an fictypaffis. osculis hiantibus] cp. 3. 19 for the same words : also 5. 23 patulis . . . sauiis. cp. also Gell. 19. 11. 3 dum semihiulco sauio rneiim puellum sauior. The mss. give oculis : in 5. 23 fin. there is a similar error. pressule sauiata] cp. 2. 16 me pressim deosculato : 10. 21 exosculata pressule. reflui litoris] 'the refluent shore,' a strange collocation to express the shore from which the waves recede. Rohde and Cornelissen suggest licoris i.e. liquoris, comparing Horace Carm. 3. 3. 46 qua medius liquor Secernit Europen ab Afro. The collocation litoris or am is occasionally found, Verg. Georg. 2. 44. plantisque .... calcato] 'tread- ing with her rosy steps the crests of the glancing waves.' As the mss. give calcatu, Helm conjectures that we should read en ecce, as in 8. 26 init. : 10. 9 fin.: 11. 15. For calcare cp. Anth. Pal. 6. 189 Nu/t : ei statim Jahn. 3 Nerei eorr ex medei Fd>. not only one but two exclamations in close succession ; for it is sounder to adopt Oudendorp's en for et before statim, than simply eject it with the editors. With the appearance of the marine troop came also the chariot drawn by Tritons ; but the author possibly with some picture before his mind representing such a procession which he described in order of details did not come to mention the carriage until the end. In any case it seems that Ap. wished to represent Venus as walking (plantis] some little way over the sea before she seated herself in the chariot. The passage may then be translated ' look you ! now in the deep sea she pauses on its summer surface ; and on her very first wish, lo ! straight- way, as if she had given command therefor long since, she is at once obeyed by the ocean's duteous service.' Helm follows Koehler and ejects et statim as a gloss. Hildebrand thinks incipit uelle simply equivalent to vult : but the immediate fulfilment of the first beginnings of a wish tends to dis- play the power of Venus in a more striking manner. Obsequium, the ab- stract for the concrete, like ministerium. sudo] The word sudus is generally applied to the clearness of air or wind or light; Apuleius uses it in 11. 7 nudo sudoque luminis proprii splendore : Apol. 16 cuncta specula uel uda uel suda: De Deo Socr. 2. 121 suda tempestate. In one passage (ib. 10. 143) he uses it of clouds humectiores humilius meant aquilo agmine, tractu segniore : sudis uero sub- limior cursus et, cum lanarum tielleribus similes aguntur, cano agmine, uolatu perniciore. Portunus caerulis barbis hispidus} The plural barbae .is used of the beard of one man when it is especially thick : cp. Senec. Here. 0. 1753 illi graues luxere barbae. Petron. 99 barbis horrentibus nauta. Portunus was an old god of harbours (Portunus a portu Cic. N. D. 2. 26) or gates (Paul. ap. Fest. 56 claudere et clauis ex Graeco descendit cuius rei tutelam penes Portumim esse putabant qui clauim manu tenere finge- latur et deus putabatur esse portarum). Hence his cult was connected with that of Janus. The Portunalia were held on, Aug. 17 at Rome and Ostia. Later writers (cp. Ov. Fast. 6. 547) connected him with the story of Athamas, Ino, and Melicerta, and told that Melicerta was changed into the god Portunus qui Graece Palaemon dicitiir (Serv. on JEn. 5. 241). But Apuleius here keeps them distinct, and prettily represents Palae- mon as still a little fellow (paruulus}* "Wissowa (in Eoscher's Myth. Lex. s. v. Portunus, p. 2788) thinks that, as Salacia here = Amphitrite, we should suppose that Apuleius in this passage considered Portunus as Neptune. But he speaks in Apol. 31 of Neptunus cum Salacia et Portuno et oinni choro Nerei. It is questionable if Apuleius in this * floridum ' thought much about the natures of the sea-gods he mentioned. All he desired was to accumulate a few out-of-the-common names. et grauis piscoso sinu Salacia] ' and S. heavy-laden with her bosom-load of fish.' Salacia was an old Roman iv. 32] CUPID AND PSYCHE 11 paruulus delfini Palaemon; iam passim maria persultantes Tritonum cateruae hie concha sonaci leniter bucinat, ille serico tegmine flagrantiae solis obsistit inimici, alius sub oculis dominae speculum progerit, curru biiuges alii subnatant. talis ad Oceanum pergentem Venerem comitatur exercitus. 5 3$ Interea Psyche cum sua sibi perspicua pulchritudine nullum decoris sui fructum percipit. spectatur ab omnibus, laudatur ab omnibus, nee quisquam non rex, non regius, nee 1 passim v: parsim F^>. goddess of the salt sea waves. Festus (p. 326) says she was so called because shQsaliim ciet, cp. Pacuvius 418 (Ribb.) hinc saeuitiam Salaciaeftigimus. She was celebrated in hymns (Gell. 13. 23. 2) as the wife of Neptune, cp. Serv. on ./En. 1. 144. Cicero (Tim. 39) seems to identify her with Tethyg, wife of Oceanus: cp. Serv. on Georg. 1. 31. Tritonum] Servius on JEn. 1. 144 Triton, dens marinus Neptuni et Salaciae Jilius, deae marinae ab aqua salsa dictae. ' Old Triton ' is generally represented as a man above, with a dolphin's tail below. He blows his ' wreathed horn,' a twisted sea shell, now strongly, now gently, to raise or calm the sea. In course of time it came to be considered that there were many Tritons who were regarded as attendants on other gods as they sped over the waves. concha sonaci leniter bucinat] ' blows a soft trumpet-note on his sounding shell'; cp. Ov. Met. 1. 333 Tritona uocat conchaeque sonaci Suspirare iubet. The word sonax is used else- where by Apuleius in a stronger sense (8. 4) of a boar dentibits attritu spumeus. speculum progerit] cp. 11. 9 of the priestesses of Isis aliae quae nitentibus speculis pone tergum reuersis uenienti deae obuium commonstrarent obsequium. curru biiuges alii subnatant] others swim beneath the chariot in double harness ' (lit. * under the double yoke '). reads curru according to Vliet ; and though F has currus, Vliet says that rru is a re-writing of what was originally in the ms. (' manus rescrip- toris est'), and that * is added at the end by a recent hand. Of the reading of F Helm says ' vid. f tdsse curru, sed compendio *" del. ; al. m. corr. currus. 1 It would seem that curru was the read- ing of the archetype. Vliet compares Sil. 14. 482 pars subnatat unda [should it not be tindae?'] Membrorum, pars exstat aquis. It would not be easy to quote a parallel for subnatare with the ace. ; in such a passage as Sil. 15. 130 Pectora subrepit terror, there is an idea of motion towards, and the ordinary con- struction of subrepere is certainly with the dat. In Verg. -ZEn. 3. 541 curru succedere sued Quadrupedes, we should regard curru as the dat. cp. Georg. 3. 418. cum sua sibi . . . pulchritudine] For this usage (suits sibi) so frequent in the comic writers Koziol (p. 78) quotes a dozen passages from the literary works of Apuleius. To those quoted in the Dictionaries add 7. 13 : 9. 40 : Apol. 69 : Flor. 9. 32 (Oud.): 16. 65 : 18. 87 : 23. 103. See also Archiv, 8. 43, 44. non regius] 'no prince.' The editors quote no parallel for regius used thus absolutely for regius Jilius or sponsus. 12 CUPID AND PSYCHE [iv. 32 de plebe saltern cupiens eius nuptiarum petitor accedit. mirantur quidem diuinam speciem, sed ut simulacrum fabre politum mirantur omnes. oliin duae maiores sorores, quarum temperatam formonsitatem nulli diffamarant populi, proeis 5 regibus desponsae iam beatas nuptias adeptae, sed Psyche uirgo uidua domi residens deflet desertam suam solitudinem aegra corporis, aniini sau[da]cia et quamuis gentibus totis complacitam odit in se suam formonsitatem. sic infortuna- tissimae filiae miserrimus pater suspectatis caelestibus odiis et 10 irae superum metuens dei Mile[s]sii uetustissimum percontatur 7 animi saucia v : animis audacia F<. ut simulacrum fabre politum] This is a usual simile to express beauty in the Greek novels: cp. Achill. Tat. 5. 11. 5 . , iraw KaK^v W tanto numine precibus et uictimis ingratae uirgini petit nuptias et maritum. sed Apollo, quanquam Graecus et lonicus, propter Milesiae conditorem sic Latina sorte respondit : 33 " mentis in excelsi scopulo, rex, sis be puellam ornatam mundo funerei thalami. nee speres generum mortali stirpe creatum, sed saeuum atque ferum uipereumque malum, 1 a add. Price. 3 Milesiae v : milessii F0. 5 scopulo, rex, siste Liitjohann : scopulor existe F initio : sed man. rec. eraso r ex inseruit sub : scopulo existe . 7 speres

. mortali m. rec : marcali F<. called Didymi, or more usually Bran- chidae, though in strictness this latter was the name of the priests of the oracle. It flourished certainly in the 6th century B.C. Sir Charles Newton has made interesting excavations there (Discoveries at Halicarnassus, Cnidus, and Branchidae, ii. chap. 23). a tanto numine] As petere cannot he used with the simple ahl., we have added a with Price. This is easier than attempting to find a participle in tanto, e.g. tentato (Hertz), litato (Jahn); or adding a participle, e.g. adito, after tanto (Bursian), or propitiato after uictimis (Vliet), though propitiare is a word to which Apuleius is very partial. Helm refers to 5. 10 roborta for a omitted hefore t. For tanto numine cp. 4. 29 deae tantae ; 6. 18 tantus dens. ingratae] * unfavoured,' ' unpleas- ing,' as she had no suitors. Leo in- geniously suggests inatae. propter Milesiae conditorem] This is humorous ; ' to gratify the author of the Milesian tale,' that is ' as a favour to me Apuleius.' "With Milesiae supply historiae (Ovid Trist. 2. 444) or f alulae cp. Capitol. Alb. 11. 8 Miksias non- nulli eiusdem esse dicunt: 12. 12 cum ille neniis quibusdam anilibus occupatus inter Milesias Punicas Apulei sui et ludicra litteraria consenesceret. It is disputed as to whether hy Milesia here Apuleius means to refer to his whole novel, cp. 1. 1 init. (Burger in Hermes 27 (1892), p. 353), or to the individual story of Cupid and Psyche (Rohde in Eh. Mus. 48 (1893), p. 152). The latter seems the more probahle : hut perhaps the question cannot he definitely settled. For Milesian tales see Excursus I. 33 niontis in excelsi scopulo] The whole of this description of the pro- cession to the hill recalls Grimm's Tale of the Two Brothers (No. 60). rex, siste] This is the brilliant restoration of Liitjohann. F has sub- siste, hut subs is in an erasure by a recent hand : has existe, which settles the matter. Cp. c. 34 scopulo sistite, which also shows (as Jahn pointed out) that we should have siste here. Helm says that F seems originally to have had scopulor existe. mundo] < decked in the garments of a bridal with the grave.' Price com- pares the description of the picture of Andromeda in Achill. Tat. 3. 7 Se'Sercu fj.V ovrca rbv Qdvmov e/cSexo^ueVTj* eVrTj/ce Se fv^iKtas eVroAtoyteVrj, Sxnrep 'ASwj/tSt vvfj.(pr\ KKoo~[j.7][jivr). For tmm- dus in the sense of ' paraphernalia,' 14 CUPID AND PSYCHE [iv. 33 quod pinnis uolitans super aethera cuncta fatigat flammaque et ferro singula debilitat, quod tremit ipse louis, quo numina terrificantur fluminaque horrescunt et Stygiae tenebrae." 5 rex olim beatus affatu sanctae uaticinationis accepto pigens tristisque retro domum pergit suaeque coniugi praeeepta sortis 5 pigens $ : piger F (sed er in rasura alia manu) <}> (m. rec.). ' apparel ' cp. 2. 9 : 11.8: Liv. 34. 7. 9 munditiae et ornatus et cultus, haec feminarum insignia sunt : hunc mun- dum muliebrem appellarunt maiores nostri. Apuleius also uses it in the sense of 'appliances for' 6. 1 operae inessoriae tnttndtts omnis. In Apol. 13 fin. Apuleius uses the word apparently with both the above meanings, but the first doubtless predominates maius pia- culum decernis speculum philosopho quam Cereris mundum profann videre, where mundum appears to be glossed by orgia a few lines before. quod pinnis] F0, so far as I can gather from Helm's note, seem to have read qui (q). But as in line 7 we have quod, it is much more likely that Apuleius wrote quod here, where the neuter malum was so close at hand. Confusions of abbreviations of relatives are most common. louis] an archaic form found in Ennius' well-known list of the twelve great gods, luno, Vesta, Minerua, Ceres, Diana, Venus, Mars, \ Mercurius, lovis, Neptunus, Volcanus, Apollo: and often in the Fabulae of Hyginus e.g. 195 init. louis, Neptunus, Mercurius in Thraciam ad Hyrieum regem in hospitium uener- unt : also 275 init. Compare too Petron. 47 : 58. fluminaque] The reading flumina has been retained with some hesitation. No doubt rivers, as well as all other things, cannot withstand the fires of Love, and editors refer to 5. 25 sed mitis Jluvius in honorem dei scilicet, qui et ^psas aquas were consneuit . . . earn . . . herbis exposuit. But there is little about the monster here depicted that would lead to the idea that he was a consuming fire, asjtfamwa et ferro is the stock phrase of an enemy spreading desolation in which the flainma is not emphasized : and flumina, is a very inadequate antithesis or pendant to Stygiae tenebrae. Though it has met with little favour from recent editors, I incline to the old and obvious emen- dation luminaque, and would refer the word to the lights of the upper world, the sun, moon, and stars. L. Miiller suggested fulmina and Rohde culmina. Helm retains fluminaque, as does Hildebrand. In defence of the very slight divergence from strict grammar he compares 6. 10 felix uero ego quae uocabor auia et uilis ancillae films nepos Veneris audiet. pigens] So <}> ; ' chagrined,' dis- appointed and vexed at the reply of the oracle. F has piger, but er in an erasure by a late hand. This would make tolerable sense: the king returned slowly and sadly (piger tristisque}. But the reading of (pigens) points to the same reading having been originally in F. The alteration was perhaps made on account of the extreme rarity of the present participle. We do not find it elsewhere except in a very late poem, see Bahrens P. L. M. 5. p. 358, 1. 13, where it is more than doubtful, as we should probably there read pigrens with Cuper. IV. CUPID AND PSYCHE 15 enodat infaustae. maeretur, fletur, lamentatur diebus plusculis. sed dirae sortis iam urget taeter effectus. iam feralium nuptiarum miserrimae uirgini choragium struitur, iam taedae lumen atrae fuliginis cinere marcescit, et sonus tibiae zygiae mutatur in querulum Ludii modum cantusque laetus hymenaei 5 lugubri finitur ululatu et puella nuptura deterget lacrimas ipso suo flammeo. sic adfectae domus triste fatum cuncta etiam ciaitas congemebat luctuque publico confestim congruens edicitur iustitium. 4 zygiae Beroaldus: gygie F : gigie . 5 Ludium modum Jahn (Lydium in. vulg) : ludumodum F : ludimodum ty : hidiu*odum, sed delete odum, f. enodat] * unfolds.' In 5. 30 arcum enodet means to ( unstring the bow.' maeretur, fletur, lamentatur] Im- personal ; for fletur cp. Ter. Andr. 129. Cp. Ennius Ann. 26 maerentes flentes lacrimantes ac miserantes. urget] ' becomes pressing,' cp. Cic. Att. 13. 27. 2 nihilenim urget. choragium] Strictly the bringing out of a chorus, and the ' get-up ' that was necessary for the performers. Here it means the whole arrangements and appurtenances of the ceremonial. Perhaps we might translate 'pageantry' or ' ceremonial.' Cp. 2. 20 in ipso momenta choragi faneris (or funebris), ' at the actual time of the funeral cere- monial.' The elaborate passage which follows, which blends the ideas of bridal and funeral, is suited to the artificial genius of Apuleius, and is well done. The heroine who is to be sacrificed to the monster in such tales as this is always adorned as a bride. Fulgentius in his Expositio sermonum antiquorum ( 36) has this section (Helm, p. 121) Quid sit coragium ? Coraffium dicitur uirginale funus, sicut Apuleius in metamorphoseon ait : ' Cor- agio ita perfecto omnes domuitionem par ant.' This is a mixture of three passages ; viz. this passage : 34 init. perfectis igitur feralis thalami . . . sollemnibus : 35 domuitionem parant. The interpretation given by Fulgentius is derived solely from the present passage. marcescit] ' burns faint.' Cp. Panegyr. Vet. 11. 17 marcentem iam cupiditatis meaeflammam . . . .exeitasti: A poet quoted by Diomedes (p. 450, 28, ed. Keil) has marcido dies sole pallet. zygiae] This is the fine emendation of Beroaldus for gygie of the mss. To read Gygiae (i.e. Lydian, from Gyges, King of Lydia) or Phrygiae either intro- duces tautology, or at any rate it gives no allusion to marriage, and marks no contrast with the succeeding words. ZiryiT? is an epithet often applied to Hera, as the goddess who presided over marriage; cp. 6. 4 quam (sc. lunonem] cunctus oriens Zygiam ueneratur. querulum Ludii modum] cp. Florid. 4 init. Aeolion simplex sine lastium varium seu Ludium querulum seu Phygium religiosum seu Dorium bellicosum. sic adfectae] ' in this sad plight,' cp. 1.7 utpote tiltime adfectus : 3. 27 sic adfectus : Seneca De Ira 1. 11. 5 Fabius adfectas imperil uires recreauit. The word is also used absolutely to express 'illness,' cp. Prop. 2. 28. 1 luppiter, adfectae tandem miserere puellae ; Cic. Phil. 9. 2. 16 CUPID AND PSYCHE [iv. 34 34 Sed monitis caelestibus parendi necessitas misellam Psychen ad destinatam poenam efflagitabat. perfectis igitur feralis thalami cum summo maerore sollemnibus toto pro- sequente populo uiuum producitur funus et lacrimosa Psyche 5 comitatur non nuptias, sed exequias suas. ac dum maesti parentes et tanto malo perciti nefarium f acinus perficere cunctantur, ipsa ilia filia talibus eos adhortatur uocibus : " Quid infelicem senectam fletu diutino cruciatis ? quid spiritum uestrum, qui magis meus est, crebris eiulatibus 10 fatigatis ? quid lacrimis inefficacibus ora mihi ueneranda foedatis ? quid laceratis in uestris oculis mea lumina ? quid canitiem scinditis ? quid pectora, quid ubera sancta tunditis ? haece sunt uobis egregiae formonsitatis meae praeclara prae- 13 haece sunt Michaelis : haec enmt F, quod retinet Helm, interrogationis signo post praemia addito. H-4 uiuum producitur funus] ' the living corpse is led forth.' Ftmus is used of the corpse, but generally with the accessory notion of the solemnities of hurial : cp. Prop. 1. 17. 8 Haeccine parva mcum funus arena teget ? How- ever, in Verg. JEn. 9. 491 ant quae nunc artus auolsaque membra et funus lacerum tellus habet ? There seems no further idea than ' corpse.' The regular word for conducting a funeral is producer -e (rpovtfuew) : cp. Verg. JEn. 9. 487 ; Lucan 2. 298 : Stat. Silv. 2. 1. 21. non nuptias, sed exsequias suas] The editors compare Manilius 5. 545 ff (of Andromeda) Sic Hymenaeus erat ; solataque publica damna Priuatis : lacri- mans ornatur uictima poenae, Induitur- que sinus non haec ad uota paratos, Virginis et uiuae rapitur sine funere funus. The antithesis, yet comparison, of marriage and death is common in Greek poetry : Anth. Pal. 7. 182, 188, 712, Soph. Antig. 813 ff., Eur. Heracl. 579 f., Ovid, Heroid. 21. 172 et face pro thalami fax mihi mortis adest. Naturally then it penetrated to Greek fiction, A chill. Tat. 1. 13 fin. (lament of a father over his youthful son) TTOTC p.oi, TT^TC ffov Qixrou TOVS Ta(pos fjLfv croi, TCKVOV, 6 6d\afjLos' ya.iJt.os 8' 6' Qpr^vos 8' 6 v/uLfvaios, 6 Se KUKVTOS Tuvyd/u.uv ovros (pSai .... 5 irovripas Tavrirjs SaSou^ias* f] vv/j.(f>LK-f) o-oi 5a5oux' racj)^ yivfrai. Proud Maisie asks the bonny bird : 'When shall I marry me?' 'When six braw gentlemen kirkward shall carry thee.' Indeed, the association of the bridal and the grave, as of Love and Death, is deep in the general heart of man. Cp. above, note to c. 33 init. laceratis] 'torture': cp. Cic. Tusc. 3. 27 aegritudo lacerat, exest animum planeque conficit. It was torture to the eyes of Psyche to see her parents with weeping eyes. There does not seem good reason to shift about the words in the way Bliimner and Vliet have done : quid lacrimis inefficacibus in uestris oculis mea lumina foedatis ? quid ora mihi ueneranda laceratis ? Nor is it necessary to adopt maceratis with Petschenig. Haece sunt] This is the excellent correction of Michaelis for Haec enmt iv. 35] CUPID AND PSYCHE 17 mia. inuidiae nefariae letali plaga percuss! sero sentitis. cum gentes et populi celebrarent nos diuinis honoribus, cum nouam me Venerem ore consono nuncuparent, tune dolere, tune flere, tune me iam quasi peremptam lugere debuistis. iam sentio, iam uideo solo me nomine Veneris perisse. ducite me et cui 5 sors addixit scopulo sistite. festino felices istas nuptias obire, festino generosum ilium maritum meum uidere. quid differo, quid detrecto uenientem, qui totiws orbis exitio natus est ? " 35 Sic profata uirgo conticuit ingressuque iam ualido pom- pae populi prosequentis sese miscuit. itur ad constitutum scopu- 10 lum mentis ardui, cuius in summo cacumine statutam puellam cuncti deserunt, taedasque nuptiales, quibus praeluxerant, ibidem lacrimis suis extinctas relinquentes deiectis capitibus 8 Videtur in F prior manus qjb otios orbi' correxisse ex qd otios orbi se : qd otiosorbi s . 5 uibratis v : uibrantis F<. sinu v : sino F : si u . 6 uehens , sed alia manu : ttehemem F0 priore manu. 8 In F et in $ subscriptum est Ego Sallustius legi et emendaui rome felix METHA MORPHOSEON LIB. IIII. EXPLIK. INC1P1T. V. FELICITER. domuitionem] This word is used at least five other times in the Met. viz. 1. 7 : 2. 31 fin. : 3. 19 fin. : 10. 18 : 11. 24. Opinions seem divided as to whether we should read this form or domum itio where the word occurs in the writers of the Republic. See Georges Lex. d. lat. Wortformen s. v. In Cic. De Div. 1. 68 C. F. "W. Miiller reads domum itionem in two words. et miseri . . . reclinat] 'And her wretched parents, overcome by their great calamity, shut their palace, and, buried in the depths of its darkness, consigned themselves to live -long night. But Psyche, fearing and trembling and weeping bitterly on the very top of the rock a breeze of softly breathing Zephyr, swaying hither and thither the lappets of her dress and swelling out its fold, gradually raises her up, and carrying her along with its calm breath imperceptibly over the slopes of the lofty cliff, in the valley beneath on the lap of the flowering turf, when she gently floated down, lays her to rest.' There are few more gracefully elaborated and beautifully expressed passages in Apuleius than this description of how Psyche went On the smooth wind to realms of wonderment which breathes the very breath of Zephyr, and almost baffles translation. The above bein g a literal version can of course bear no comparison with the finished paraphrase of Mr. Pater (Marius i., p. 65) : ' The wretched parents, in their close-shut house, .yielded themselves to perpetual night : while to Psyche, fear- ful and trembling and weeping sore upon the mountain top, comes the gentle Zephyrus. He lifts her mildly, and, with vesture afloat on either side, bears her by his own soft breathing over the windings of the hills, and sets her lightly among the flowers in the bosom of the valley below.' perpetuae nocti] Klebs (ApolL aus Tyros, p. 289) excellently compares Hist. Apoll. 39 (Apollonius) in luctu moratur et iacet intus in subsannio nauis in tenebris : flet uxorem et Jiliam : and Apuleius himself 8. 7 (Charite] media denique misera et incuria squalida tenebris imis abscondita iarn cum luce transegerat. deflentem] As defiere elsewhere in Apuleius (about six or seven times) is used -with an object, Soping has added se before deflentem. But the word is used absolutely once in Tacitus Ann. 16. 13, while it is used transitively six times elsewhere in that writer. deuexa rupis] partitive genit. after a neut. adj. like caerula caeli Lucr. 6. 96. Bolder usages of this construction are clausa domorum, ib. 1. 354, and strata yiarwn, Verg. JEn. 1. 422. T.I] CUPID AND PSYCHE 19 V 1 Psyche teneris et herbosis locis in ipso toro roscidi graminis suaue recubans, tanta mentis perturbatione sedata, dulce conquieuit. iamque sufficienti recreata somno placido resurgit animo. uidet lucum proceris et uastis arboribus consitum, uidet fontem uitreo latice perlucidum medio luci 5 meditullio. prope fontis adlapsum domus regia est, aedificata non humanis manibus sed diuinis artibus. iam scies ab introitu primo dei cuiuspiam luculentum et amoenum uidere te diuersorium. nam summa laquearia citro et ebore curiose auata subeunt aureae columnae, parietes omnes argenteo 10 caelamine conteguntur bestiis et id genus pecudibus occurren- V. 1 ipso] This word seems here to have no special force, and to be little more than our article. perlucidum medio luci meditullio] meditullium is a favourite word of Apuleius (always in ablative) 3. 27 : 7. 19 : 10. 32 : 11. 24. Dogm. Plat. 2. 5. The word was known in Cicero's time : certe cum reformatur (So Roaldo and Eyss. for res ortatu or ornatu] uideam. The passage in the "Ovos (c. 11) is Se^ov fiat /LLayyavevovffav % yueTa^o/j^ou^ei/rjy T^JV Sfffiroivav' TrciAat yap TTJS 7ra/>a5o|ou ravTrjs 6 cas eTriOvpw. The reading of Helm and Leo may possibly be right, invocat, certe cum res ornat u videam, as it adheres so closely to the mss. ; but it pays no regard to Lucian, or to the especial feature of magic which the book and its hero were in- terested in, viz. transformation into animals. efferauit] 'reduced to the form of beasts,' i.e. wrought in the form of beasts. This is the sole example of efferare used in this sense : it usually means 'to make like unto beasts,' 'to make savage.' There is another strange use of the word in Statius Achill. 1. 425 Mars efferat aurum, ' renders gold savage,' i.e. turns it into weapons. Oud. compares Longus 1. 20 end-rip idtxras avTov of a shepherd who dressed himself up as a wolf. enimuero] ' for, indeed ' : see note on 5. 10. pauimenta . . . discriminantur] For mosaic work (opus musiuum), attested from tbe time of Lucilius, cp. Cic. De Orat. 3. 171. It was largely used by the Romans : cp. Marquardt-Mau, pp. 625-632. For pictures in mosaic cp. ib. p. 628, and Trebell. Poll, xxx, Tyr. 25. 4 Tetricorum domus hodieque exstat . . . in qua Aurelianus pictus est; pictura est de museo. For caesim cp. 2. 15 orificio caesim deasceato. Y.I] CUPID AND PSYCHE 21 ipsa lapide pretioso caesim deminuto in uaria picturae genera discriminantur : uehementer, iterum ac saepius beatos illos, qui super gemmas et monilia calcant. iam ceterae partes longe lateque dispositae domus sine pretio pretiosae totique parietes solidati massis aureis splendore proprio coruscant, ut diem 5 suum sibi domus facia[n]t licet sole nolente : sic cubicula, sie porticus, sic ipsae balneae fulgurant. nee setius opes ceterae 6 faciat v : faciant F<. 7 balnee f : ualnee F<|>, sed in aliquot. addito supra lineam c. ualue, et ita codd. dett. uehementer . . . calcant] ' Verily, twice and more than twice are they blessed who tread beneath their feet gems and jewels.' This is a common- place of luxury : cp. below 5. 9, and Seneca De Ira 3. 35 qui nolunt domi nisi auro pretiosiora calcari : Ep. 86. 7 eo deliciarum peruenimus ut nisi gem- mas calcare nolimus. This passage of Apuleius seems to be the earliest in which calcare is used intransitively ; it is also found in St. Jerome, St. Augustine, and often in the Vulgate : see the Thesaurus iii, 139. 69. Ouden- doi'p's semper for super is clever but un- necessary; as is also Rohde's superbi or superbe. iam] A merely connecting particle, cp. Becker, p. 32. Helm refers to Apol. 22 iam cetera tarn magnified. sine pretio pretiosae] ' precious be- yond price.' Alliteration. This phrase is appropriated by Fulgentius (p. 67, 14 ed. Helm) in his account of Psyche. domus] This word has perhaps, as Rohde (Rh. Mus. 43 (1888), p. 469) has suggested, crept in from the pre- vious domus; cp. magnae artis above. The early emenders altered faciant to faciat: but the repetition of domus is somewhat awkward. If it is omitted, there is no necessity to alter faciant to faciat. ipsae balneae] See Grit. note. It is hard to choose between balneae and ttaluae. It may be agreed that the baths, as less open to view and more private, would naturally not be so adorned as the other parts of the palace. But the Romans of Imperial times seem to have been very extravagant in the adornment of their baths; see Statins Silv. 1. 5. Juvenal (7. 178) estimates HS 600,000 as a probable sum to be expended on a bath, and Fronto's baths cost 350,000 sesterces (Gell. 19. 10. 4). Seneca (Epist. 86. 6, 7) gives a rhetorical description of the ostenta- tion and luxury of the Roman baths. But Oudendorp can make a tolerable case for ualuae, the reading of the inferior rnss. Gold was lavished not only on the rooms and porticoes, but on the very doors of the palace. Hilde- brand compares Ovid. Met. 2. 1-4 Regia Solis erat sublimibus alto, columnis, Clara micante auro Jlammasque imitante pyropo ; Cuius ebur nitidum fastigia summa tegebat, A.rgenti bifores radia- bant lumine ualuae, where the doors are only of silver: and Oudendorp refers to the description of the doors of the temple of Minerva at Syracuse in Cicero Verr. 4. 124 Gonjirmare hoc liquido possum ualuas magnificentiores ex auro atque ebore perfectiores nullas wn- quam ullo in templo fuisse; the descrip- tion then follows. The palace of Cleopatra in Lucan 10. Ill ff. may be added. The doors of that palace were 22 CUPID AND PSYCHE [v.2 maiestati domus responded, ut equidem illud recte uideatur ad conuersationem humanain magno loui fabricatum caeleste palatium. % Inuitata Psyche talium locorum oblectatione propius 5 accessit et paulo fidentior intra limen sese facit ; mox prolectante studio pulcherrimae uisionis rimatur singula et altrinsecus aeclium horrea sublimi fabrica perfecta magnisque congesta gazis conspicit. nee est quicquam quod ibi non est. sed praeter ceteram tantarum diuitiarum admirationem hoc erat 10 praecipue mirificum, quod nullo uinculo, nullo claustro, nullo custode totius orbis t< h >ensaurus ille muniebatur. haec ei summa cum uoluptate uisenti offert sese uox quaedam corporis. 6 rimatur F (in marg.) < : miratur F. 11 thensaurus~\ edd. tensaunis F : thesaurus q>. elaborately wrought with tortoise-shell, inlaid with emeralds. But as balneae is hetter attested by the mss. than ualuae, it is best to retain it ; besides baths, as being distinct parts of the house, correspond better with rooms ' and 'porticoes' than would 'doors.' ad conuersationem humanam] * what time he sojourns among mankind,' lit. 4 for human intercourse': cp. 5. 5 humanae conuersationis colloquio uiduata. 2 sese facit] ' betakes herself.' I can only quote the examples given in the Dictionaries, viz. 10. 32 haec ut primum ante iudicis conspectum facta est : Petron. 62 coepit ad stelas facere (so Fried- lander : but the word there may have another meaning) : Tertull. De Pall. 3 de tempestate Osiridis qua ad ilium ex Libya Amman facit ovium dives. The sense of motion is common in facesso, meaning ' to retire.' Modius reads facessit. For this meaning, common both to sejacere and facere, Salmasiua on the passage of Tertullian compares se dirigere (Big. 47- 11. 7) and dirigere (without se} cp. Vopisc. Prob. 19. 6. Add Liv. 37. 23. 9 and Apul. Met. 2. 17 and Wolfflin in Archiv x. pp. 3, 4. rimatur] So < and F in the margin. In the text F has miratur. The same variants are stated by Yliet to occur at 5. 23. There miratur is certainly right. But here rimatur expresses the careful examination of details which was natural to the curiosity of Psyche. altrinsecus aedium] ' On the other side of the house,' cp. 3. 17. These are the only places where altrinsecus is used as a quasi-preposition. horrea . . . gazis] ' Storehouses of finished and lofty structure (lit. ' com- pleted with lofty workmanship'), and piled with vast wealth.' It is strictly the wealth that is piled in the store- houses ; for you could hardly say con- gerere horrea; but the artificial ex- pression is in accordance with the manner of Apuleius : cp. lassitudinem refoue below. totius orbis thensaurus ille] That treasure-house of the whole world.' Apuleius is fond of totus orbis, cp. 4. 30 : 4. 34. For the form thensaurus cp. Georges, Lexikon der "Wortformen s. v. corporis sui nuda] For the genitive the Dictionaries quote Sail. Jug. 79. 6 v.3] CUPID AND PSYCHE 23 sui nuda et "quid," inquit, "domina, tantis obstupescis opibus? tua sunt haec omnia. prohinc cubiculo te refer et lectulo lassitudinem refoue et ex arbitrio lauacrum pete, nos, quarum uoces accipis, tuae famulae sedulo tibi praeministrabimus nee corporis curatae tibi regales epulae morabuntur." 5 3 Sensit Psyche diuinae prouidentiae beatitudinem moni- tusque, uoces informes audiens, et prius somno et mox lauacro fatigationem sui diluit, uisoque statim proximo semirotundo suggestu, propter instrumentum cenator< i >um rata refectui suo commodum, libens accumbit. et ilicp jiini nectarei eduliumque-io uariorum fercula copiosa nullo seruiente, sed tantum spiritu quodam impulsa subministrantur. * nee quemquam tamen ilia uidere poterat, sed uerba tantum audiebat excidentia et solas 9 cenatorium Beroaldus : cenatortim F<|>. 11 nullo <(> : nulla F, sed a manu rec. loca nuda gignentium ; and Ov. Met. 12. 512 nudus arboris Othrys. The usual construction is the ablative. prohinc] 'accordingly'. This is a favourite word of Apuleius, cp. 3. 8 : 3. 12: 11. 27. lassitudinem refoue] ' refresh your weariness': cp. 2. 17 poculis inter dum lassitudinem refouentes. This is an- other artificial phrase for ' refresh your wearied limbs.' ex arbitrio] * at your discretion ' : cp. 4. 17 ex arbitrio nostro. nee corporis curatae tibi regales epulae morabuntur] ' and when you have prepared yourself (got yourself ready) a splendid banquet will be served you without delay.' Corporis is the genit. of respect, governed by curatae : lit. ' properly cared for in respect of your body.' This genitive is common after adjectives (Roby, 1320). It is rare after verbs, yet cp. 4. 5 postumae speifatigati (like the genit. after lassus or fessus}. An exact parallel to the genit. after curare is found in chapter 4, nouam nuptam interfectae uirginitatis cur ant. 3 diuinae prouidentiae beatitudinem] 'felt the blessedness of being watched over by the gods and being counselled by them, hearing voices, but seeing no man. So first with sleep, and pre- sently by a bath, she dispelled all her fatigue ; and anon seeing near at hand a raised semicircular place, thinking that, as it was laid out for a meal, it was meant for her refreshment, she gladly sat down at it.' For fatigationem sui, which use is frequent in Apuleius, compare 1. 20 sine fatigatione sui ; 6. 27 ut me pro- currentem aliquantisper tractu sui sequeretur : Dogm. Plat. 1. 9 6 199, quae natura sui immota sunt. Hilde- brand gives many more examples, among them some of nostri, e.g. Met. 2. 25, nostri vim praesentariam. The semi- rotundus suggestus was the form of dining-table called sigma (Martial 10. 48. 6) from the ancient form of that letter, which was C. For prouidentiae cp. note on 6. 15. Groslot long ago proposed rods informis, because in chapter 2 Apuleius speaks of vox quaedam in the singular. 24 CUPID AND PSYCHE [v. 4 uoces fanmlas habebat. post opimas dapes quidam introcessit et cantauit inuisus et alius citharam pulsauit, quae uidebatur nee ipsa. tune modulatae multitudinis conferta uox aures eius affertur, ut, quamuis hominum nemo pareret, chorus tamen 5 esse pateret. 4 Finitis uoluptatibus uespera 'suadente concedit Psyche cubitum. iamque prouecta nocte c/emens quidam sonus aures eius accedit. tune uirginitati suae pro tanta solitudine metuens et pauet et horrescit et quouis malo plus timet quod ignorat. 10 iamque aderat ignobilis maritus et torum inscenderat et uxorem sibi Psychen fecerat et ante lucis exortum propere discesserat. statim uoces cubiculo praestolatae nouam nuptam interfectae uirginitatis curant. haec diutino tempore sic agebantur. atque ut est natura redditum, nouitas per assiduam consue- 2 cithara : cithara F, sed forte ~ deraso. 7 elemens in margins man. rec. : demens F(J>. 14 redditum F : rerum Cod. Oxon. inuisus] 'unseen.' cp. Cic. Harusp. Resp. 57 occulta et maribus non inuisa solwn sed etiam inaudita sacra. modulatae multitudinis conferta uox] ' the combined sound of a multitude of musicians came to her ears, so that, though no human being appeared, still it was clearly a chorus.' For the ace. -without a prep, after afferturiup. c. Ilinuolauit . . cupressum. Note alliteration pareret . . . pateret. 4 suadente] cp. Verg. JEn. 2. 8 suadentque cadentia sidera somnos. prouecta nocte] cp. 2. 25 ecce cre- pusculum et nox prouecta et nox altior et dein concubia [altior a] et iam nox intem- pesta. aures accedit] Apuleius uses the accusative with great freedom after verbs expressing motion, e.g. 2. 7 fores Milonis accedo. 6. 21 Cupido Psychen accurrit suam, and often, cp. Kretsch- mann, p. 130. uirginitati suae . . . metuens] cp. note to 4. 32. pro tanta solitudine] ' naturally in her great loneliness.' et quouis malo plus timet quod ignorat] 'and fears worse than any- thing the thing she is ignorant of ' : cp. Lucan 3. 416 (quoted by Hilde- brand) tantum terroribus addit Quos timeant non nosse deos. Helm quotes Publ. Syr. 596 Semper plus metuit animus ignotum malum. ignobilis] = ignotus, ' unknown ' : often in old Latin, cp. Plaut. Pseud. 593, 964: so nobilis = notus, ib. 1112. Petschenig conjectures ignorabilis, cp. 11. 22. inscsnderat . . . fecerat . . . disces- serat] Pluperfects used in denoting events rapidly accomplished : cp. Verg. JEn. 2. 257 Jlammas cum regia puppis Extulerat. cubiculo] for in cubiculo: cp. 1. 21 guibns deuersetur aedibus: 11. 2 circuin- fiuo Paphi sacrario coleris. interfectae uirginitatis] For this genit. cp. 5. 2, note on corporis curatae. atque . . . commendarat] This is the reading of the mss., and Vliet ought to have retained it, and not altered to in dekctationem se converter at ; for Y. 5] CUPID AND PSYCHE 25 tudinem delectationem ei commendarat et sonus uocis incertae solitudinis erat solacium. Interea parentes eius indefesso luctu atque maerore con- senescebant, latiusque porrecta fama sorores illae maiores cuncta cognorant propereque maestae atque lugubres deserto 5 lare certatim ad parentuin suorum conspectum adfatumque perrexerant. 5 Ea nocte ad suam Psychen sic infit maritus namque praeter oculos et manibus et auribus fius nihil sentiebatur : " Psyche dulcissima et cara uxor, exitiabile tibi periculum 10 minatur fortuna saeuior, quod obseruaiidum pressiore cautela censeo. sorores iam tuae mortis opinione turbatae tuumque 9 ttw* (his, deinde ille f) nichil F$ : is nihilo setius Hanpt. Vide Comm. nouitas means the ' unusualness ' of Psyche's surroundings. Such surround- ings at first caused pleasure indeed, but fear also ; but when nothing ill occurred, the pleasure increased. It is not necessary to take nouitas in the sense of the state of affairs just at their inception ; indeed per assiduam consue- tudinem would render such an inter- pretation a contradiction in terms. The use of redditum is familiar to readers of Lucretius ; cp. Munro on ii. 96. The most ingenious emendations of the passage are those of Schroter, quoted by Jahn, in delectationem se commutarat ; and of Oudendorp delectatione ei se com- mendarat ; but they are unnecessary. porrecta fama] cp. 4. 29. ad adfatumque] to see and talk to their parents.' 5 namque . . . sentiebatur] See Grit. Note. The emendation of Haupt, is nihilo setius, accounts in some measure for the corruption, and gives a tolerable sense. The chief objection to it would seem to be that Apuleius does not use the phrase elsewhere. Helm notices that Apuleius has forgotten this passage when in c. 19 he makes Psyche think that her husband is aliquam bestiam. Liitjohann reads is nihil: Jahn ille nihilo minus. fortuna saeuior] cp. 5. 11. When Apuleius transferred the fairy story into the society of the gods, he had no such reason to assign why Cupid should desire that Psyche should not see him as appears in the usual fairy-tale, in which the Prince is bewitched, and cannot, if he is seen, be delivered from the shape into which he is transformed. So (if Apuleius thought of the matter at all) he may have had recourse to TV*??, which plays a great part in the Greek novel ; cp. Rohde, Der griechische Roman, 276-282 (a fine discussion on Tuxi)> andWilcken in Hermes 28 (1893), 192, 193 to supply the mysterious and malignant power which was to domi- nate the whole course of the events. pressiore cautela] ' with more con- centrated caution.' In 2. 6 the word is used with an objective genitive tantutn a cautela, Pamphiles abfui ut, { I was so far from being oil my guard against Pamphile, that,' &c. For pressiore cp. 5. 10 fin. cogitationibus pressior- ibus. 26 CUPID AND PSYCHE [v. 6 uestigium requirentes scopulum istum protinus aderunt, quarum si quas forte lamentationes acceperis, neque responde< a >s, immo nee prospicias omnino ; ceterum mihi quidem grauissi- mum dolorem, tibi uero summum creabis exitium." 5 Annuit et ex arbitrio mariti se facturam spopondit, sed eo simul cum nocte dilapso diem totum lacrimis ae plangoribus misella consumr^scTnunc maxime prorsus perisse iterans, quae beati carceris custodia septa et humanae conuersationis colloquio uiduata nee sororibus quidem suis de se maerentibus opem 10 salutarem f erre ac ne uidere eas quidem omnino posse< t >. nee lauacro nee cibo nee ulla denique refectione recreata flens ubertini decessit ad somnum. Nee mora cum paulo maturius lectum maritus accubans eamque etiam nunc lacrimantem complexus sic expostulat : 15 " Haecine mihi pollicebare, Psyche mea ? quid iam de te tuus maritus expecto, quid spero ? et pertfo'a et pernox nee inter amplexus coniugales desinis cruciatum. age iam nunc 2 respondeas , in margine : respondes F<. 10 posset v : posse F<. 16 perdia Beroaldus : perjida F<. scopulum . . aderunt] cp. 2. 10 cubiculum tuum adero ; and note on aures accedunt c. 4. ceterum] 'otherwise,' 'if not,' a constant use in Apuleius, cp. 5. 19 : 7. 28 fin. : Apol. 41 fin. The Dictt. quote for this use Terence Eun. 452 Hidiculum; nonenimcogitaras. Ceterum idem hoc tute melius quanta inuenisses, Thraso. ex arbitrio] cp. 5. 2. quidem] Michaelis thinks that this crept in from the succeeding line, like inagnae artis in 5. 1: \>\itnec . . . quidem is fairly common in Apuleius. Helm compares 1. 25: 2. 20 : 4. 12: 6. 5 : 6. 20 fin. : 9. 41. 6 nee mora cum] cp. 5. 7. paulo maturius] 'a little earlier than usual.' lectum . . . accubans] cp. 6. 24 accumbebat summum torum maritus : 2. 11 mensulam . . adcubueram : 9. 22 fin. cenam iubet paratam adcumbere. perdia et pernox] So Beroaldus for perfida et pernox, cp. Gell. 2. 1. 2 Stare solitus Socrates dicitur pertinaci statu perdius et pernox, a, summo litcis ortu ad solem alterum orientem : Symm. Epist. 1. 53 actus quos pernox et perdius curae tibi habes. In Apul. Met. 9. 5 the reading of the mss. is pernox et per diem. desinis cruciatum] For desinere with ace. cp. 4. 3 fugam desino : 4. 24 fatum desinere : 5. 7 higubres voces desinite : 5. 25 luctum desinite. It lias been considered doubtful if we can find this ace. in any prose writer before the age of the Antonines (e.g. Gell. 2. 12. 3r 15. 16. 2), for artem desinerem Cicero (Fam. 7. 1. 4) is (as Dr. Eeid has shown) very uncertain ; and in Suet. (Tib. 36) he thinks the right reading is v. 6] CUPID AND PSYCHE 27 Tit uoles, et animo tuo damnosa poscenti pareto! tantum memineris meae seriae monitionis, cum coeperis sero paenitere." Tune ilia precibus et dum se morituram comminatur extorquet a marito cupitis adnuat, ut sorores uideat, luctus mulceat, ora conferat. sic ille nouae nuptae precibus ueniam & tribuit et insuper, quibuscumque uellet eas auri uel monilium donare, concessit, sed identidem monuit ac saepe terruit, ne quando sororum pernicioso consilio suasa de forma mariti quaerat neue se sacrilega curiositate de tanto fortunarum suggestu pessuni deiciat nee suum postea contingat amplexum. 10 gratias egit marito iamque laetior animo " sed prius," inquit, "centies moriar quam tuo isto dulcissimo conubio caream. 10 pessum v : pensum F0. destituturos and not desituros. Dr. Reid thinks also that we should correct mulier telam desinit in Terence Heaut. 305, and read nere for telam, the latter having heen a gloss which supplanted the right reading ; hut this is question- able. Ihm retains desituros in Suetonius, and it appears in a fragment of Sallust (i. 25 ed. Kritz), bellum . . desineret. ora conferat] ' enjoy their conver- sation'; 'have a friendly talk.' Here we must take ora as meaning ' the mouth,' not ' the face,' owing to uideat. Conferre is then to he paralleled by such phrases as conferre sermones, consilia, not by conlata facie (6. 23), which means ' turning and looking at (Venus).' As a parallel to our passage we may compare the verse of the penta- meter poem in Martianus Capella 9. 907 et lepus immiti contulit ora cani. It might, however, mean 'kiss them,' cp. Val. Fl. 3. 309 fas tamen est conferre genas, fas iungere tecum Pectora et exsangues miscere amplexibus artus. monuit ac saepe terruit nel ' warned her, often with threats, not to be per- suaded,' cp. Tac. Hist. 3. 42 Sabinum Triaria . . . terruit ne . . . famam clemen- tiae adfectaret. suasa] For this construction, which implies suadere aliquem, cp. 5. 11 ut te suadeant ; 9. 25 turn uxorem eius tacite suasi et denique persuasi secederet : 9. 26 suadebat maritum temperius quieti dece- dere, though in similar sentences in 7. 4, and Apol. 93, we find the dative. The accusative seems to be found even in Cicero Prov. Cons. 42 nam postea me ut sibi essem legatus non solum suasit verum etiam rogavit\ but rogare may have been specially before Cicero's mind. The ace. is found in Tertullian (quoted by Hild.) De Cultu Mul. 1.1. tu es quae eum suasisti ; also in his Scorpiace 2 ut qui negant bonutn non suadeantur accommodum. sacrilega] Cupid here in some slight degree lets slip an indication of his secret that he is a god. ' This prohibi- tion,' says Mr. Lang (Introd. to his ed. of Adlington's translation, p. xli, note, cp. Ixxxi), ' seems to be understood as a device of Cupid's for making love anonymously and without offending Venus.' But it is doubtful whether Apuleius had any definite explanation of the prohibition in his mind ; he seems satisfied to take refuge in the mysterioua will of Fortune ; cp. note to 5. 5 init. CUPID AND PSYCHE [v. 6 amo enim et efflictim te, quicumque es, diligo aeque ut meum spiritum, nee ipsi Cupidini compare, sed istud etiam meis precibus, oro, largire et illi tuo famulo Zephyro praecipe, simili uectura sorores hic^ mihi sistat"; et imprimens oscula suasoria ' et ingerens uerba mulcentia et inserens membra cogentia haec etiam blanditiis astruit: "mi mellite, mi marite, tuae 1 aeque Gruter : atque F. 5 ingerens uerba ; vide Comm. 5 inserens membra Cod. Oxon. : ingerens membra F : iungens membra v. couentia F, sed initio f uit cogentia, ut Helm docet : conhibentia F marg. : cohibentia

susu< r >rus inuitus succubuit maritus et cuncta se facturum spopondit atque, etiam luce proxumante, || de manibus uxoris euanuit. y At illae sorores percontatae scopulum locumque ilium, quo fuerat Psyche deserta, festinanter adueniunt ibique d^/fle- 5 bant oculos et plangebant ubera, quoad crebris earum heiulati- bus saxa cautesque parilem sonum resultarent. iamque nomine proprio sororem miseram ciebant, quoad sono penetrabili uocis ululabilis per prona delapso amens et trepida Psyche procurrit e domo et " quid," inquit, " uos miseri< s > lamentationibus 10 necquicquam effligitis ? quam lugetis, adsum. lugubres uoces 1 Venerii susurrus Rohde, luculenter : veneris usurus F<. 3 etiam codd. : iamalii. 5 difflebant "Weyman : deflebant Fd>. 10 miseris f< : miseri F. Psychae dulcis anima] In 5. 13, and 6. 2 Psyche is also said to have an anima (cp. 4. 32: 5. 15: 5. 18, where the animus of Psyche is spoken of). These passages are adduced to show- that in the story the allegorical signifi- cation of Psyche as the soul was not before the mind of Apuleius. Such proof is indeed hardly needed. In 6. 15 in- nocentis animae only means ' the poor creature,' just as we would say ' the poor soul.' Anima is used as a term of endearment in Cic. Fam. 14. 14. 2 tfoSf meae carissimae animae. For a great collection of such terms cp. Plaut. Cas. 134 ff. ui ac potestate Venerii susurrus] Few emendations are more beautiful than this of Rohde (Rh. Mus. xxxi., p. 148) for potestate Veneris usurus of the mss. Oiiginally Rohde read potes- tati : but succumbere ' to surrender,' can be used absolutely as well as with a dative (6. 17). The Dictt. quote Nep. Eum. 5. 1 hac ille perculsus plaga non succubuit. 7 difflebant oculis] ' began weeping their eyes out ': cp. 1. 6 diffletis paene ad extremam captiuitatem oculis suis (cp. oculis captns}. "Weyman altered the ms. deflebant to difflebant. parilem sonum resultarent] < re- echoed a like sound.' It is rare to find a cognate accusative after resultare : yet cp. Calp. Eel. 4. 5 Carmina iamdudum, non quae nemorale resultent Yoluiinus. A similar accusative is found in Verg. Eel. 1. 5 formosam resonare doces Amaryllida silvas ; and the passive construction in Cic. N.D. 2. 144 (sonus] in fidibus testudine resonatur aut cornu. quoad .... Psyche] ' until, as the piercing sound of the wailing voice was carried down the slope, Psyche, all in distraction and flutter, runs forward.' uos . , . . effligitis] distract your- selves': cp. 5. 25 extremis affligebat lamentationibus animum. necquicquam] This form occurs in 1. 26 fin, and perhaps 4. 24. It is found in the Medicean ms. of Cicero Att. 4. 6. 2, and in some mss. of Lucretius (4. 1110); cp. Neue-Wagener ii. 637, 638. The word itself had become almost obsolete in the second century. quam lugetis, adsum] Helm com- pares Verg. JEu. 1. 595 coram quern quaeritis adsum. uoces desinite] For desinere with ace. cp. note to 5. 6. 30 CUPID AND PSYCHE [v.8 desinite et diutinis lacrimis madentes genas siccate tandem, quippe cum iam possitis quam plangebatis amplecti." Tune uocatum Zephyrum praecepti[s] 'maritalis admonet. nee mora cum ille parens imperio statim clementissimis flatibus 5 innoxia uectura deportat illas. iam mutuis amplexibus et festinantibus sauiis sese perfruuntur et illae sedatae lacrimae postliminio redeunt prolectante gaudio. "sed et tectum," inquit, " et larem nostrum laetae succedite et afflictas animas cum Psyche uestra recreate." 10 8 Sic allocuta summas opes domus aureae wocumque ser- uientium populosam familiam demonstrat auribus earum lauacroque pulcherrimo et inhumanae mensae lautitiis eas opipare reficit, ut illarum prorsus caelestium diuitiarum copiis affluentibus satiatae iam praecordiis penitus nutrirent inuidiam. 15 denique altera earum satis scrupulose curioseque percontari non 3 praecepti corr. ex praeceptis 10 vocumque Wower : locumq\ F. nee mora cum] cp. 5. 6 init. innoxia uectura] ' by harmless transport.' postliminio] Postliminium was origin- ally a legal term, and means the right of returning home and resuming one's former position and privileges. This right attached especially to Roman citizens captured in war, who, if they hecame free again, regained their former positions in the state : cp. Cic. De Orat. 1. 181. The ahlative is used often hy Apuleius (and apparently hy Apuleius only) in the sense of ' hack again.' The following are examples of the use, 1. 25 postliminio me in forum cuppedinis reducens ; 3. 25 in ineum JLucium post- liminio redibis : 9. 21 postliminio doiinun regressus: Flor. 19 fin. postliminio do- tnnm rettulit. Sometimes it is used with the genitive, ' hack again from,' e.g. 2. 28 corpusque istud postliminio mortis animare, cp. 10. 12 : 4. 25 postliminio pressae qidetis. A somewhat intermediate sense where postliminium simply means ' return ' to his original owner, is found in Fronto, p. 219, ed. Naber Turn Poly crates litteras ordine de casu et postliminio anuli perscribtas ad regem Amasim mittit. Tertullian uses the word more in the legal sense, with the genitive, ' right of regaining, re- turning to,' e.g. De Pudicitia 15 forni- catori postliminium largitus ecclesiasticae pads : De Anima 35 non ex postliminio vitae, f not hy a return to life ' (for Elijah never died). prolectante gaudio] * under the stimulus of joy': cp. 5. 2 prolectante studio pulcherrimae itisionis, ' allured by interest in such a spectacle of beauty'; and 11. 7 atdculae prolectatae nerno uapore, * instinct with the genial warmth of spring.' The word is a pretty one, signifying the joypus promptings of natural instinct. 8 inhumanae] 'unearthly,' cp. 11. 14 sacerdos nultu geniali et hercules in- humano. Something similar is De Deo Socratis, 5 init. post istai caelestem quidem sed paene inhumanam tuam sentcntiam. v.9] CUPID AND PSYCHE 31 desinit, quis illarum caelestium rerum dominus, quisue uel qualis ipsius sit maritus. nee tamen Psyche coniugale illud praeceptum ullo pacto temerat uel pectoris arc[h]anis exigit, sed e re nata confingit esse iuuenem quendam et speciosum, commodum lanoso barbitio genas inumbrantem, pier unique 5 rurestribus ac montanis uenatibus occupatum, et ne qua sermonis procedentis labe consilium taciturn proderetur, auro facto gemmosisque monilibus onustas eas statim uocato Zephyro tradit reportandas. O Quo protenus perpetrate sorores egregiae domum re- 10 deuntes iamque gliscentis inuidiae felle fraglantes multa secum sermonibus mutuis perstrepebant. sic denique infit altera : "En orba et saeua et iniqua Fortuna! hocine tibi com- nec . . . praeceptum . . . temerat Tiel pectoris arcanis exigit] ' does not violate her husband's injunction or drive it from the recesses of her heart.' e re nata] ' under the circum- stances,' almost * on the spur of the moment ': cp. 4. 3 e re nata capto consilio : 4. 14 Tune e re nata subtile consilium ego et iste babulus tale com- minis cimur : 9. 21 suspectisqtie e re nata quae gesta stint. Donatus on Ter. Ad. 805 (nunc demum istaec nata oratiost] says bene ^iata est* nam sic dicimus de rebus repentinis ut supra ' (295) ; but e re nata there can only mean * under the circumstances,' and has no signifi- cation of suddenness. On that passage (E re nata melius fieri haud potuit quam Jactum est, era, Quando uitiitm oblatum est} Donatus says, ' E re nata 1 sic proprie dicimus de Us quae contra uoluntatem nostram acciderunt, where, however, Eentley reads e re natae, ' for the interests of your daughter,' as that is found in many mss., but not in the Bamberg. Bentley quotes these passages from Apuleius, allowing that they refer to an action which is un- pleasant to the actor, and to a suddenly conceived plan. barbitio] cp. 11.8 qui pallia bacu- loque et baxeis et hircino barbitio philo- sophum Jingeret. These are the only two passages in Latin in which the word occurs. labe] ' slip in the course of the conversation.' The word lobes is per- haps a trifle stronger than 'slip,' but the whole idea can hardly be more adequately expressed in English. consilium taciturn] < the secret,' in 5. 11 called nostra secreta. gemmosisque monilibus] < jewelled ornaments.' 9 egregiae] * precious,' ironical; cp. 2. 29 and 9. 23 uxor egregia : 5. 24 conciliatrices egregiae. fraglantes] See note to 4. 31. multa .... perstrepebant] ' held long and excited discourse with one another.' En ... Fortuna] ' Well, Fortune is blind and cruel and unjust.' For orba in the sense of ' blind ' cp. 8. 12 Ultrices habebis pronubas et orbitatem comitem : also Corp. Gloss. Lat. ii., 139. 39 orbus injp6s cp. vii. 615 Tn]p6s caecus caecatus ; and Festus, p. 182, Miiller Orba apud oratores quae patrem amisit 32 CUPID AND PSYCHE placuit, ut utroque parente prognatae diuersam sortem sus- tineremus ? et nos quidem, quae natu maiores sumus, maritis aduenis ancillae deditae, extorres et lare et ipsa patria degamus longe parentum uelut exulantes, haec autem nouissima, quam 5 fetu satiante postremus partus effudit, tantis opibus et deo marito potita sit, quae nee uti recte tanta bonorum copia nouit ? uidisti, soror, quanta in domo iacent et qualia monilia, aut matrem nt Ser. Sulpicius alt quae liberos quasi oculos [orba est]. Paulus gives (p. 183) Orb a est quae patrem aut Jilios quasi lumen amisit. Cp. Isid. 10. 200 Orbus quod liberos non habet quasi oculis amissis', and Fragm. luris Rom. Vatic. $ 130 (= lurisprudentiae Anteiustinianae Fragmenta, p. 758, ed. Huschke) sine autem quis arthri- ticus sit siue phthisicus [rather psoricus~\ siue epilempticus siue orbits et his similia excusantur (sc. a tutela}. For orbus Huschke wishes to read uisu orbus or surdus; but neither is necessary. Of course orbus is often used with a genit. or abl. in the sense of ' blind,' e.g. Ovid. Met. 3. 517 Quamfelix esses si tu quoque luminis huius Orbus ait fieres. The Greek Dictionaries quote examples of irripoV Kr)8a\iuva. TU^)Abs &v . . . Kal 6"HAtos avels larai rrjv TrJipuffiv. Fortune is often spoken of as blind, 7. 2 subiitque me non de nihilo ueteris priscaeque doctrinae uiros jinxisse ac pronuntiasse caecam et prorsus exoculatam esse Fortunam : 8. 24 ilia Fortuna mea saeuissima . , . rursum in me caecos detorsit oculos. saeua] Elmenhorst and many older editors read scaeuai cp. 2. 13 fortunam scaeuam an saeuam uerius dixerim* Apuleius likes the word scaeuus : he uses it at least a dozen times ; but no change is necessary. utroque parente prognatae] * born from both her parents.' There is no necessity to add pari (Novik) or aeque (Leo) or eodem (Michaelis) : Helm ex- cellently compares Livy 44. 30. 2 Gentius fratres duos Platorem utroque parente, Caravantium tnatreeadem natum habuit. longe parentum] 'far away from our parents.' This is a Greek con- struction, iroppct) TU)V reKovrcav. Cp. similar Graecisms in Apuleius, Met. 8. 29 intus aedium, of/cou evSov : Apol. 50foras cnrporis, e/crbs TOV ffu>/u.aTos. On other Graecisms in Apuleius, such as Met. 9. 38 sui molliorem, cp. "Wolfiiin in Archiv vii. 120. quam fetu satiante postremus partus effudit] ' born last of our mother's offspring when child-bearing was palling upon her.' Fundere (Verg. JEn. 8. 138 quern Candida, Maia .... fudit) is more frequent in this sense than effundere ; yet the latter is used of the abundant productions of nature, Hor. Carm. 4. 7. 11 Pomifer Auctumnus fruges effuderit. Indeed effundere, which has the sense of ready and easy production is somewhat unsuitable here. uidisti . . . quanta in domo iacent] Roby, 1761, says: "In conversational or animated language a question is often put logically, though not grammati- cally, dependent on another verb or sentence, e.g. on such expletives as die mihi, loquere . . . uide, rogo, uolo scire, fac sciam ; uiden, audin, scin, &c. So frequently in Plautus and Terence, even v. 9] CUPID AND PSYCHE quae praenitent uestes, quae splendicant gemmae, quantum praeterea passim calcatur aurum. quodsi maritum etiam tarn formonsum tenet, ut affirmat, nulla mine in orbe toto felicior uiuit. fortassis tamen procedente consuetudine et adfectione roborata deam quoque illam deus maritus efficiet. sic est 5 hercules, sic se gerebat ferebatque. iam iam sursum respicit et deam spirat mulier, quae uoces ancillas habet et uentis ipsis imperitat. at ego misera primum patre meo seniorem maritum sortita sum, dein cucurbita caluiorem et quouis puero 1 splendicant v : splenditant F<. 8 imperitat F (in margine . . . rat f) : imperat . where later writers would make the question dependent and use the sub- junctive (compare English, 'Tell me, where are you ? ' and ' Tell me where you are ')." Eoby compares (among many examples) Plant. Mil. 64 uide caesaries quam decet : Ter. Andr. 878 Vide num eius color pudoris signum usquam indicat. Compare note onfaxo, 4. 30, and on 6. 5. splendicant] cp. 7. 8 depiles genae leui pueritia splendicarent. For a similarly formed verb cp. 5. 22 pinnae roscidae micanti flore candicant. calcatur aurum] cp. 5. 1 qui super gemmas et monilia calcant. fortassis] Else where in Met. forsitan. sic se gerebat ferebatque] ' Such an air she bore and wore.' For this use of se ferre cp. Conington on Verg. JEn. 1. 503. There seems to be an idea of stateliness or haughtiness about se ferre, cp. Verg. JSn. 4. 11 : 5. 373 : 8. 198 : 9. 597. sursum respicit] ' she is beginning to look on high.' The force of re- is looking away from what is ordinary ; often used of looking for assistance : Caes. B. C. 1. 1 sin Caesarem respiciant. deam spirat] 'assumes the goddess' (cp. Dryden's 'Alexander's Feast ': ' As- sumes the god'), lit. 'breathes the goddess ' ; cp. JSsch. Ag. 376 "ApT? irveovTuv : Liv. 3. 46. 2 hominem . , . tribunatum etiam nunc spirantem. I do not know of any passage in Latin where spirare is used in this sense with a personal accusative except Sil. 3. 240- Mago quatit currus etfratrem spirat in armis. cucurbita caluiorem et quouis puero pusilliorem] ' balder than a billiard- ball, and not as big as any bit of a boy.' So one may venture to translate, sacri- ficing the literal sense (i.e. ' balder than a gourd, and weaker than any boy ') to the English idiom and to an attempt to reproduce the alliteration. Fulgentius, Serin. Antiq. 17 (= 117, 2 ed. Helm), quotes this passage as follows : ' quouis puero pumiliorem et cucurbita glabriorem,' adding pumilios enim dicunt molles atque enerues, glabrum uero lenem et imberbem : but such variants are wrong, as glaber is applied to the smoothness of youth, not to tbe baldness of old age ; as Hild. says: "glaber nunquam est caluus, sed leuis, mollis, et delicatus potissimum de pueris nouacula aut resina deglabratis." The ms. pusilliorem (which is of course to be retained) can perhaps be regarded as containing the idea of strength (or rather weakness) as well as size, which would not be the case with pumiliorem, and may mean ' and any bit of a boy would be a better bedfellow.' The word cucurbita is also CUPID AND PSYCHE [v. 10 pusilliorem, cunctam domum se[r]ris et catenis obditam custodientem." 1O Suscipit alia : " ego uero maritum articular! etiam morbo complicatum curuatumque ac per hoc rarissimo uenerem 5 meam recolentem sustineo, plerumque detortos et duratos in lapidem digitos eius perfricans, fomentis olidis et pannis sordidis et faetidis cataplasmatibus manus tarn delicatas istas adurens nee uxoris officiosam faciem, sed medicae[t] laboriosam personam sustinens. et tu quidem soror uideris, quain patient! 1 seris v : serris F : ferris . 8 medicae vulg. : mediea $ F

, sed ab ipsis correctum. diuinum] Here Cupid has again half- revealed himself : cp. note on sacrilega, c. 6. 12 Nuntio] The addition of Tali before nuntio, which Oudendorp mentions as a suggestion made to him, is probable. It might have fallen out after mor- talem. Vliet compares the beginning of chapter 21. But Helm well com- pares Suet. Tib. 11 laetus nuntio : so we had better adhere to the ms. laeta . . gaudebat] 'was in the bloom of joy, and all in a flutter at the soothing solace that her child would be divine, and she was pluming herself with pride in this love-pledge that was to come, and was rejoicing in the dignity of the name of mother.' This seems the best meaning to give to plaudebat, something like Verg. J3n. 5. 515 alis plaudentem nigrafigit sub nube columbam. The assonance of the four imperfects can hardly be preserved. We confess we should like to add sibi: ' was well satisfied with,' ' congratulated herself on': cp. Apol. 74 habet in istis quod sibi plaudat. sarcinae nesciae rudimento] ' as it was her first essay in carrying this burden of which she knew nought.' This use of rudimentum is very common in Apuleius, cp. 6. 6 : 7. 14 : 8. 3 : Florid. 15. 60 (Oud.); Apol. 66: 92. In 9. 11 we should read with many inferior mss. sed mihi ne rudimentum semitii perhorrescerem scilicet, nouus dominus loco, lautia prolixe praebuit. For nesciae used passively Hildebrand compares 8. 13 dum dolore nescio crapu- lam cum somno decutit. Gellius 9. 12. 18 ' nescius ' quoque dicitur tarn is qui nescitur quam qui newit. Sed super eo qui nescit frequem huius uocabuli usus est : infrequens autem est de eo quod nescitur. Gellius quotes Plaut. Kud. 275 quae in locis nesciis nescia spe sumus ; add Tac. Ann. 1. 59 inexperta esse supplicia, nescia tributa. de breui punctulo] 'in such a short space of time': cp. 9. 39 ad istum modum puncio breuissimo dilapsae domus for tun am, quoted by F. Norden. The force of de seems to be that time is regarded as the cause of the incremen- tulum : cp. 7. 22 eius mortem de lupo facile mentiemur. This preposition in Apuleius is almost superfluous at times: cp. 9. 40 init. inuersa uite de uastiore nodulo cerebrum suum diffindere. Hilde- brand thinks that punctul/im refers to the diminutive size of Psyche before she began to be with child. tantum incrementulum] such a pretty swelling of her fertile womb.' sed iam .... nauigabant] ' but already those pests and foul furies, breathing forth their snaldsh slaver and hasting with unholy speed, were on the sea.' Note the alliteration in uiperewn uirns, which is not easy to reproduce. Perhaps 'pestilential poison.' v. 13] CUPID AND PSYCHE 39 pestes illae taeterrimaeque Furiae anhelantes uipereum uirus et festinantes impia celeritate nauigabant. tune sic iterum momentarius inaritus suam Psychen admonet: "dies ultima et casus extremus et : sexus infestus et sanguis inimicus iam sumpsit arma et castra commouit et aciem direxit et 5 classicum personauit; iam mucrone destricto iugulum tuurn nefariae tuae sorores petunt. heu quantis urguemur cladibus, Psyche clulcissima. tui nostrique miserere religiosaque con- tinentia domum maritum teque et istum paruulum nostrum imminentis ruinae infortunio libera. nee illas scelestas feminas, 10 quas tibi post interneciuum odium et calcata sanguinis foedera sorores appellare non licet, uel uideas uel audias, cum in more Sirenum scopulo prominentes funestis uocibus saxa personabunt." 1 3 Suscipit Psyche singultu lacrimoso sermonem incertans : 15 4 est Jahn : et F sed altera man. : more F< (prim. man.). momentarius] transitory.' Apu- leius uses the word elsewhere in the sense of ' for a moment,' e.g. nit a (2. 29) ; salus (9. 1). Also with uene- ninn in the sense of ' rapidlv working ' (10. 25). dies . . . extremus est] For est (Jahn) the mss. give et. For this Rohde reads en. Vliet adds en hefore dies and brackets et. Different com- mentators add some verb before dies, e.g. aduenit (Traube), imminet (Michae- lis), adest (Kronenberg). Helm sup- poses et is what remains of imminet. sexus infestus et sanguis inimicus] ' women turned cruel, your flesh and blood become your foe.' The idea is that women are generally gentle, but now are cruel : those of one's own blood generally friends, but now are enemies. classicum personauit] The ace. after personare is generally local, the place which is made to resound : see saxa personabant below and Verg. JEn. 6. 171, 417. The course of the sentence does not admit of classieum being taken as nominative. The form in -auit is very rare : see Neue-"Wagener iii 3 . 376, who quotes Manilius 5. 566 aura per extre- tnas resonauit flebile rupes, where, however, Dr. Postgate proposes to read resonabat. continentia] ' self-restraint,' in re- spect of talking about her husband : cp. in the next chapter parciloquio. infortunio] cp. note to 5. 5 (For tuna}. in morem Sirenum scopulo promi- nentes] Sirens were represented as birds with the heads of women. The celebrated vaseofVulci (cp.Banmeister's DenJtmaler iii. 1643 Fig. 1700) repre- sents two of them perched on rocks singing to the ship of Ulysses as it passes by, while the third is throwing herself into the sea. Homer represents the Sirens as only two in number (^eip-fjvotiv Horn. Od. 12. 167), and as singing in a meadow (ib. 45). 13 sermonem incertans] ( making what she said indistinct by her tearful sobbing.' For incertare = incertnin facer e Nonius (p. 123) compares 40 CUPID AND PSYCHE [v. 13 " iam dudum, quod sciam, fidei atque parciloquio meo perpen- disti documenta, nee eo setius adprobabitur tibi nunc etiam firmitas animi mei. tu modo Zephyro nostro rursum praecipe, fungatur obsequio, et in uiceni denegatae sacrosanctae imaginis 5 tuae redde saltern conspectum sororum. per istos cinnameos et undique pendulos crines tuos, per teneras et teretis et mei similes genas, per pectus nescio quo calore feruidum, sic in hoc saltern paruulo cognoscam faciem tuam: supplicis anxiae piis precibus erogatus germani complexus indulge fructum et tibi 10 deuotae Psychae animam gaudio recrea. nee quicquam amplius 6 mei F0 : meis v. 10 denote. Post hoc verbuni litura fere septem litterarum quarum prima fait d, et ultima non fuit q\ Probabiliter, ut Eyssenhardt et Helm decent, devote fuit falso repetitum ut mortalem in fine c. 11. Manus recens supra lineam scripsit dicateq; (sic Michaelis: careq\ secundum Helm): denote careq; <. Pacuvius (Dulorestes) 150 (Ribbeck) set med incertat dictio : quare expedi and Plaut. Epid. 545 long a dies tneuin in- certat animum. We have the word again in Apul. Met. 11. 16 fin. quae (navis} cursus spatio prospectum fui nobis incertat. fidei atque parciloquio meo] This is, as F. Norden rightly says, the dat. commodi : ' you have weighed the proofs I have given of my faithfulness and reticence'; lit. 'in favour of my faithfulness.' ' My reticence has gained the approval of your considered judg- ment.' Similar usages are Liv. 3. 37. 5 munimentum libertati ; Cic. Mur. 32 ut leg at us fratri proficisceretur. The old editors alter to parciloqiiii mei, an easy, but not permissible, proceeding. cinnameos .... crines] 'sweetly fragrant': cp. 10. 29 spir antes cinnameos odores . . , rosae ; 8. 9 adhuc odor cinna- meus ambrosii corporis per naves meas cucurrit. mei similes genas] This is the usual comparatio compendiaria, as it is called ; such as Horace, Carm. 3. 6. 46 aetus parentum peior avis. The older editors altered to meis. pectus .... feruidum] Cupid's breast. It is not unreasonable to sup- pose that the author intended us to conceive of Psyche stroking Cupid's locks and cheeks, and drawing close his breast to her breast as she spoke the successive clauses with the touching and beautiful variation in her endear- ments as she is reminded that she can- not see his face, and can but hope to see it in the little one when it is born. We are somewhat reminded of the wish of Dido, Verg. JEn. 4. 328 si quis iuihi paruulus aula Luderet -Aeneas qui te tamen ore referret. erogatus] ' be entreated by the prayers your troubled little suppliant feels bound to make.' The force of e- in erogalns is ' to be talked over,' to be successfully implored : cp. erogitare, Plaut. Capt. 952. To show this force of e- we may adduce Terence Hec. Prol. 2 init. Orator ad uos uenio ornatu prologi Sinite exorator sim. deuotae] In F there is a space of about seven letters : above the line is inserted by a late corrector dicateque (Michaelis) or it may be careque (Helm). Iu$ we find careque: but it would appear v. 14] CUPID AND PSYCHE 41 in tuo uultu require, iam nil officiunt mihi nee ipsae nocturnae tenebrae : teneo te, meum lumen." His uerbis et amplexibus mollibus decantatus maritus lacrimasque eius suis crinibus detergens fa. Eyssenhardt reads it in Macrob. 7. 14. 2. As gives icuctate (e being cor- rected from a), it is tempting to read with Colvius the common incunctanter : cp. 3. 8 ; 9. 36. Norden would leave out stat-lm as a gloss. This is possible ; but incunctatae rather means, ' without any hesitation.' Oud. says it means, without waiting at the door to ask permission to enter, ' ut honest as iubebat.' conferto vestigio] 'in close-joined step,' a curious phrase, found also in Tacitus Ann. 12. 35 (ferentarius grauis- q/ie miles, illl telis adsultantes, hi conferto ff radii). It well expresses the hurried way in which the two sisters, close together, stalked in step into Psyche's house. sororis nomen ementientes] I have adopted the emendation of Ch. Wolf for sorores nomine mentientes, which, with some effort, has been forced to mean, ' these sisters falsely so called '; lit. 4 false in that name.' For ementiri cp. Apol. 17 paitcitatem famulitii ego gloriae causa ementiri debuissem. Apu- leius is very fond of the word mentiri in the sense of ' falsely assume,' but he always uses the ace. with it. The following examples may be quoted : 5. 26 bestiam quae mariti mentito nomine mecum quiescebat ; 8. 2 amid Jidelissimi personam menticbatur ; 9. 23 intrepidum inentita unit um ; 11.8 incessu perfluo feminam mentiebatnr. Also 4. o ; 8.7; 9. 11 ; 9. 14; 10. 2 (where we should read with Price corporis inualetiidinem for in corporis naletudine] : 10. 5; 10. 27; Plat. 1. 18 cum eorum, quorum ignarus est, doctrinam aliquis scienti- amque mentitur. A somewhat unusual use is found in Mund. 33 et merito illis (sc. mundi luminibus) licet ordine 'per- petuo fnti nee diuersis etsi spatiis temporibusue obsernantissimam legem suorum aliquando itinerum mentiuntur ('violate,' be false to'). thensaurumque . . . adulant] 'and covering their accumulations of deep- laid treachery under a countenance of joy, they thus fawn upon (caress) her.' The active form adulo is found in Cic, Tusc. 2. 24 (in a metrical translation from the Prometheus Solutus of JEschylus) in the sense of ' wiping off,' sublime auolans pinnata cauda, nostrum adulat sanguinem. In Lucr. 5. 1070 dogs gannitu uocis adulant ' caress with a yelping sound ' (Munro). Nonius (p. 17) says ' adulatio ' est blandimentum proprie canum, quod et ad homines tractum con- suetudine est. Our passage is the first, so far as I know, in which the active form is found in a prose-writer. Psyche, non ita ut pridem paruula, et ipsa iam mater es] Editors follow Liitjohann (p. 462) in omitting ut. Of course non ita pridem ' not so long ago * is found, e.g. Apol. 72. Still perhaps ut can be defended. We might trans- late * Psyche, not as a while ago our little Psyche, why, you actually (i.e. even you, our little Psyche, as we used to call you) are already a mother * a natural address from elder sisters. The tenderness of the diminutive thus comes out. For et ipsa cp. 17 tu quidem jelix et ipsa tanti mali ignorantia beata sedes ; 22 iam et ipsum lumen lucernae uacillabat ; 23 et quasi basiare et ipsa (sc. lucernd) gestiebat. v. 15] CUPID AND PSYCHE quantum, putas, boni nobis in ista geris perula ; quantis gaudiis totam domum nostram hilarabis. o nos beatas, quas in/antis aurei nutrimenta laetabunt. qui si parentum, ut oportet, pulchritudini respondent, prorsus Cupido nascetur." 15 Sic adfectione simulata paulatim sororis inuadunt animum. statimque eas lassitudine uiae sedilibus refotas et balnearum uaporo[ro]sis fontibus curatas pulcherrime triclinio mirisque illis et beatis edulibus atque tuccetis oblectat. 2 infantisv: intantis 7 vaporosis <$> : vapororosis F : vapore j rosis f . perula] lit. ' a little reticule ' or ' pocket,' playful expression for uterus intwnescens. Probably ista is SetKT'Kws: cp. 5. 10; 6. 13 fin. aurei] 'golden,' denoting supreme excellence : cp. Plin. Ep. 2. 20. 1 assem para et accipe auream Jabulam. It is in this sense that the work of Apuleius is called Asinus aureus. In the Epistle to Octavian 6 (printed with Cicero's Epistles) we find inatris . . . partum aureum. Cp. ' Golden (i.e. princely) lads and girls' in Cymbeline. laetabunt] The active form is rare. It is found in Livius Andronicus trag. 7 iamne oculos specie laetauisti optabili and Attius trag. 513 et te ut triplici laetarem bono. There does not seem to be any other example of the active earlier than Apuleius: cp. 3. 11 sed frontem tuam serena uenustate laetabit adsidue. prorsus Cupido] ' a very Cupid ': cp. note to c. 6. inuadunt] The military metaphor is continued ; 'they take possession of,' ' win their way to.' statimque] and forthwith, after they had rested themselves in chairs from the fatigue of their journey, and had refreshed themselves with the steaming water of the bath, she regaled them most splendidly at her table, and with those marvellous and sumptuous viands and savouries.' Oud. suggests refota, comparing c. 2 lectulo lassi- tudinem re/one; 3. 17 poculis . . . lassitudinem refouentes ; 9.3 mollitie cubiculi refota lassitudine. But Helm shows that Apuleius also uses refouere with a personal accusative 1. 7 fati- gatum . . . lectulo refoueo. Something similar is 10. 35 lassum corpus . . . re- foueo. We may add 4. 8 hi simili lauacro refoti. For pulcherrime of the mss. Oud. and most editors read pul- cherrimo, which is perhaps right: cp. c. 8 lauacroque pulcherrimo et inhumanae mensae lautitiis eas opipare reficit. The same idea that appears there in inhu- manae (' unearthly ') reappears, though less emphatically, in beatis here : the viands are so delicate and choice that they are almost fit for the blessed. For beatns, applied to ' sumptuous ' food, cp. 6. 20 nee offerentis hospitae sedile delicatum uel cibum beatum amplexa. Quintil. Declam. 301 (p. 186, 8 ed. Ritter) si cenulam diuiti pauper fccisset non illam beat am. atque tuccetis] Vliet brackets these words ; but they are found in the mss. ; and it is improbable that they were interpolated. Fulgentius (Serin. Antiq., p. 122. 1, ed. Helm) explains ' edulium' ab edendo dictum, id est quasi praegusta- tiua comestio : unde et Apuleius in asino aureo ait ' eduUbns opipare excepta. 1 Immediately afterwards follows the explanation of ' tucceta ' as escae regiae. This would tend to show that Fulgentius 44 CUPID AND PSYCHE [v. 15 iubet citharam loqui : psallitur ; tibias agere: sonatur; chores canere : cantatur. quae cuncta nullo praesente dulcissimis modulis animos audientium remulcebant. nee tamen sceles- tarum feminarum nequitia uel ilia mellita cantus dulcedine .5 mollita conquieuit, sed ad destinatam fraudium pedicam sermonem conferentes dissimulanter occipiunt sciscitari, qualis ei maritus et unde natalium, secta cm'a proueniret. tune ilia 7 secta citia "Wower : seetacula Fd>. found the word tuccetis here, even though his quotation is from an unknown poet ' Callimorftts in Piseis : Ambrosio redolent tucceta fauore' [qu. uapore], It is a word of which Apuleius is fond. Fotis was making a tuccetum perquam sapidissimuin (2. 7) when Lucius hegan flirting with her : see also 7. 11. It was a kind of force-meat or haggis made very savoury : Persius 2. 42 speaks of tuccetaque crassa. In 9. 22 a woman pulinenta recentia tuccetis tem- perat. Amohius, Adv. Gentes 2. 42 speaks of glaciali condicione tucceta, from which \ve may gather that they were in some way frozen for keep- ing. The scholiast on Persius (1. c.) says Tucceta apud Gattos Cisalpinos bubula dicittir condimentis quibusdam crassis oblita et macerata et ideo totos annos durat. Solet etiam porcina eodem genere condita seruari aut ad saturarum iura. In the Corp. Gloss, the word is explained as a>/ibs Traxvs, which shows that this particular kind of savoury was used sometimes as an ingredient of gravy. Hinc Plotius Vergilii amicus in eadem regione est nominatus Tucca. In fact, it seems to have been a kind of rich extract of beef. iubet .... cantatur] ' she orders that a harp discourse : a harp is played ; that the pipes perform : the pipes are sounded ; that the chorus sing : a song is sung.' The word agere here seems to be used in the histrionic sense : cp. Cic. De Orat. 1. 124 noluit hodie agere Roscius (* was not in the humour to perform to-day'). mellita .... mollita] alliteration : * their wicked hearts (lit. ' wickedness') are not mollified by the mellifluous sweet- ness of the strains.' sed .... sciscitari] turning the conversation with apparent naturalness towards the treacherous pitfall which they had prepared.' unde natalium] ' of what family he was.' Classical Latin used the abl. : cp. Hor. Epp. 1. 7. 52 quaere et refer unde domo, qtiis, cuius fortunae, and Verg. JEn. 8. 114 Qui genus? unde domo ? In natalium we probably have a partitive genitive, like unde gentium in Plaut. Epid. 483. secta cuia proueniret] ' of what calling (walk in life) did he come,' literally, ' of what person's calling did he come.' For secta in this sense editors quote Ausonius, Pref. 1. 2 (Peiper) ego nomine eodem Qui sim, qua secta, stirpe, Lare et patria. It is often found in the same sense in Apu- leius : e.g. 4. 18 ex disciplina sectae (' in accordance with the regulations of our calling,' i.e. the trade of a robber) : 4. 24 scque ad sectae sneta confer unt : 6. 31 nee sectae collegii . . . congruit ('to the calling of our community ') : 10. 11 nee meae sectae credo-cm conuenire (' pro- fession ' as a physician) causas xlli v. 16] CUPID AND PSYCHE 45 simplicitate nimia pristini sermonis oblita nouum commentum instruit aitque maritum suum de prouincia proxiina magnis pecuniis negotiantem iam medium cursum aetatis agere, inter- spersum rara canitie. nee in sermone isto tantillum morata rursum opiparis muneribus eas onustas uentoso uehiculo 5 reddidit. 1O Sed dum Zephyri tranquillo spiritu sublimatae domum redeunt, sic secum altercantes : " quid, soror, dicimus de tain praebere mortis ; Flor. 18. 86 et secta (my ' profession,' of public lecturer) licet jithenis Atiicis confirmata, tamen hie incohataest ; Plat. 2. 8 two divisions of Rhetoric quarum una est disciplina . . . apta et conneniens cum secta ('calling') eius qui politicus milt ttideri. Of course it often means a philosophical school, a sect,' De Deo Socr. Pref., 2, Apol. 19, Met. 10. 33. piistini sermonis] cp. 5. 8. commentum] ' story ' in the sense of 'fabrication.' magnis pecuniis negotiantem] Such a large wholesale merchant is called negotiator vnagnarius in 1. 5, where we notice the Roman capitalist (Lupus) and the Greek retailer (Aristomenes). interspersum rara canitie] 'with white strewn here and there amid his hair.' We are reminded of Laius in Sophocles, Oed. Tyr. 742 x* / 0aa>' &pn \evKav6es Koipa ; and of Propertius 3. 5. 24 sparserit et nigras alba senecta comas. uentoso uehiculo] ' wind-borne wain.' 16 sublimatae] 'raised aloft,' a rare and half poetical word found in Emuus' Medea (235 Ribb.) Sol qui candentem in caelo sublimat facem (cp. Fest. 306 Cato in excelsissimam clari- tudinem sublimauit] ; but does not re- appear until Apuleius (1. 8; 3. 21), except in Vitruvius (6. 4. 4) granaria sublimata (' lofts '). secum altercantes] ' conversing to- gether,' with perhaps an additional idea of eager, interested, and earnest conversation : cp. 6. 26 : 9. 3. "Wower altered to altercantur, and Oudendorp to altercant. Apuleius, of course, also uses the word in the ordinary sense of ' disputing/ 'wrangling' (2. 29; 10. 15). In 9. 33 we have iis poculis mutuis altercanti- bus mirabile prorsus euenit ostentum ; the meaning seems to be no more than drinking and talking together. In the Vulgate (Sirach 9. 13) we find non alterceris cum ilia (muliere aliena] in uino, translating ^ avufioXoKoirnaris yuer' aurrjs eV ofay, which means, 'do not hold feast with her where the wine-cup circles ' ; but the principal idea of altercari is ' conversing,' while that of avpftoKoKoirtiv is ' giving feasts.' "We should not compare Horace, Carm. 4.1. 31 certare mero, which seems to mean trying who will drink most. Apuleius is very fond of using secum for inter se in reference to conversation : e.g. 5. 9 : also 4. 5. secum collocuti and secum colloquentes ; 6. 26 secum . . . altercant; 6. 31 secum considerare ; 10. 5 deliberant, all quoted by Beck. The word for ' said ' is omitted : cp. 6. 2 Per ego te . . . dexter am deprecor, with 4. 31 ( Per ego te' inquit . . . foedera deprecor, which seems to show that the word may be omitted or in- serted at pleasure. 46 CUPID AND PSYCHE v. 16 monstruoso fatuae illius mendacio ? tune adolescens modo florenti lanugine barbam instruens, nunc aetate media candenti canitie lucidus. quis ille, quern temporis modici spatium repentina senecta ref ormauit ? niL_aliiid repperies, mi soror, s quam uel mendacio istam pessimam feminam confingere uel formam mariti sui nescire ; quorum utrum uerum est, opibus istis quam primum exterminanda est. quodsi uiri sui faciem ignorat, deo profecto denupsit et deum nobis praegnatione ista gerit. certe si diuini puelli quod absit haec mater audierit, 5 mendada Oudendorp : mdacio F$ : mendacium v. 9 audierit : *udierit F : adierit f. monstruoso] This form seems due to a false analogy with formations from ^-sterns, e.g. aestuosus. Roby (vol. i., 814) quotes montuosus (Cic. Lael. 68 ; yet montosus, naturally on account of the metre, Verg. JEn. 7. 744) and twluptuosus (Plin. Ep. 3. 19. 2). An interesting word is curiosus, which should be curosus, but arose apparently from incuriosus (from incuria] : see Lindsay, Lat. Lang. 353. modo .... lucidus] ' just growing a beard of downy bloom, now one in middle age bright with the sheen of silver locks ' : instruens lit. ' supplying ' or ' dressing ' ; yet the word is so strange that Blumner suggests nutriens. For aetate media, cp. Ovid. Met. 12. 459 huic aetas inter iuuenemque senemque, uis iuuenalis erat. mendacia istam] So Oudendorp for mendacio istam, comparing 5. 19 init. ; 8. 28 init. If mendacio is retained, it will be taken, as would appear, adverbially, * falsely inventing,' like serio, ioco : or formam mariti sui will have to be pre- supposed in the first clause. Salmasius reads mendacio ista. utrum] for utrumcunque, which Liit- johann proposes to read. The Diction- aries quote Vitruvius 7 Praef., 9 alii enim scripserunt a Philadelpho esse in crucem fixwn (Zoilum), nonnulU Chii ei lapides esse coniectos, alii Smyrnae uiuum in pyram coniectum : quorum utrum ei acciderit ('whichever of these deaths shall be found to have happened to him ') merenti constitit poena \vhere there is the additional peculiarity that utrum is used for one of several, not merely one of two : cp. also Cic. De Div. 2. 116 Utrum igitur eorum accidisset uerum oraculum fuisset, and many other passages quoted by Xeue- "Wagener ii 3 . 540. Bittershuis suggests utrum utrum for utrum uerum, which is approved by Price ; but the com- bination is not elsewhere found. denupsit] cp. Apol. 70 at tu dum earn putas etiamnum Claro fratri tuo denupturam. Nipperdey, on Tac. Ann. 6. 27, explains the de- as referring to the Ji 'I'm tie of marriage (as in deuincere, 'to bind fast'), 'happily (or regularly) married '; Furneaux, as leaving the paternal home or town on marriage : cp. 9. 31 and enubere, Liv. 26. 34. 3. Our passage here clearly proves that it does not express the idea of a mesalliance. puelli] For the form cp. 7. 21 ; 9. 27. Used in the same sense as here, of offspring unborn, Lucret. 4. 1252. audierit] 'gets the name of,' 'be- comes famous as.' A common usage : cp. Hor. Ep. 1. 7. 38 ; 1. 16. 17; Sat. 2. 7. 101 ; and in Apuleius 2. 9 nisi v. 17] CUPID AND PSYCHE 47 statim me laqueo nexili suspendam. ergo interim ad parentes nostros redeamus et exordio sermonis huius quam concolores fallacias adtexanms." 17 Sic inHammatae, parentibus fastidienter appellatis et nocte turbate uigiliis, perditae inatutino scopulum peruolant et 5 inde solito uenti praesidio uehementer deuolaiit lacrimisque presura palpebrarum coactis hoc astu puellam appellant: "tu quidem felix et ipsa tanti mali ignorantia beata sedes 2 ccokres F (marg.) : colores F. 5 turbatae Helm conj. : turbatis F. 3 fallacias : fallacid F. 7 pret-snra : psura F. eapillunt, distinxcrit ornata non 2)ossit audire: 6. 9. The difficult passage in 10. 35 Cenchreas quod oppidum audit quidem nobilissimae coloniae Corinthi- ensium, may, perhaps, be explained by taking audit as meaning 'hearkens to,' i.e. * obeys,' ' is under the rule of: cp. Apol. 83 nefario homini . . . nee auscul- tarent, sibi potius aiidirent, and note on <3. 19 below. Scioppius emended to nobilissima colonia, and takes audit as meaning ' is called,' as does the Thesaurus. But was Cenchreae a colony, not to say a splendid one ? Strabo (p. 380) calls it KC^T? xal Ai^rjj/. But if not, we must suppose colonia, to be used in an unofficial sense, ' which the Corinthians call the finest of their colonies,' i.e. towns recognizing their authority. exordio . . . adtexamus] ' let us weave on to the story just started falsehoods that will exactly match it.' The Thesaurus quotes for this meta- phorical use of concolor Prudentius c. Symm. 2. 872 una superstitio est quamuis non concolor error. 17 fastidienter] This adverb seems to be used nowhere else. turbatae] So Helm conjectures (though he reads turbata with Bursian). The same correction had occurred to myself, as we require a pendant to perditae. The clauses would be more evenly balanced if we could sup- pose uigiliis a gloss, but no change is imperative : ' during the night agitated by the hours of sleeplessness, become quite desperate and abandoned in the morning.' There seems no reason to alter to percitae with Lipsius, or to pcrdita with Gruter. The cor- ruption of turbatae into turbatis was due to the proximity of uigiliis. solito] cp. 5. 21 init. Some inferior mss. read soliti. uehementer] Owing to the corrup- tion uehemens for uehens in 4. 35 fin., there is a temptation to alter to uehentis with Salmasius : but, as in 5. 14 init., we require some indication of the haste with which they proceeded on their evil course. For this reason the emen- dation clementer must be rejected. Some commentators raise the difficulty that they could not go down more quickly than the wind carried them. This matter-of-fact objection may be per- haps answered in a similarly prosaic way by saying that the office of the wind was protective (praesidio}, to keep them from falling heavily to the ground. They threw themselves violent^ off the cliff, in their haste. coactis] cp. Verg. JEn. 2. 196 ; Ov. Am. 1. 8. 83; Juv. 13. 133. et ipsa . . . tui] ' in ignorance of so grievous an evil, are actually sitting in a fool's paradise, in unconcern about the danger that threatens you.' 48 CUPID AND PSYCHE [v. 18 incuriosa periculi tui, nos autem, quae peruigili cura rebus tuis excubamus, cladibus tuis misere cruciamur. pro uero nam- que comperimus nee te, sociae scilicet doloris casusque tui, celare possumus immanem colubrum multinodis uoluminibus 5 serpentem, ueneno noxio colla sanguinantem hiantemque ingluuie prof un da tecum noctibus latenter adquiescere. nunc recordare sortis Pythicae, quae te trucis bestiae nuptiis- destinatam esse clamauit. et multi coloni quique circum- secus uenantur et accolae plurimi uiderunt eum uespera 10 redeuntem e pastu proximique fluminis uadis innatantem. 18 Nee diu blandis alimoniarum obsequiis te sagina<%>rum omnes adfirmant, sed, cum primum praegnationem tuam plerius maturauerit uterus, opimiore fructu praeditam deuoraturum. ad haec iam tua est existimatio, utrum sororibus pro tua cara 6 ingluvie profunda v : inglubie (-trie 9) profunde F(f>. 7 trucis F primo, sed nunc videtur esse prucis : prucis , sed man. rec. addidit supra vocabulum tnt . 11 saginatuntm 9 (ex corr. eiusdem manus) f : saginarum F. rebus tuis] dat. comm. cp. 8. 10 fin. viands.' Probably alimoniarum is sub- immanem colubrum . . . profunda] jective genitive. F. Norden compares 'a monstrous snake, winding with its (5. 21) incendio verborum. This word many coils and folds, its neck all is once used by Varro, and then blood-stained with baleful poison, its disappears from literature until the monstrous maw agape.' aangu'mare is second century ; cp. 2. 3, and Apol. a neuter verb, so that colla is not 85. the direct ace. but the ace. of closer sed, cum primum . . . devoraturum] definition. The passage of course recalls 'but when the fullness of your tim& Verg. jEn. 2. 204-211. shall have brought to ripeness the fruit Pythicae] ' of Apollo.' The oracle of your womb, after that you become was not given at Delphi, but at possessed of a more luscious food to Miletus. It is a mere oversight on eat, he will gulp you down.' Cp. the the part of Apuleius, who has only Empusa whom Apollonius of Tyana Apollo in his mind. Pythicus is used (Philostratus Vit. A poll. 4. 25. 5) com- because Apollo's principal oracle was pelled to confess iriaiveiv ^ovais rbr at Delphi, the rocky Pytho. Mevnrirov es frpwaiv rov ffca/aaros. clamauit] ' chanted forth,' ' cried tua est existimatio] ' it is for you aloud': cp. Cic. Fin. 2. 65 cto^wir^ws. to consider.' Helm compares Liv. 34. circumsecus] ' round about,' 'in 2. 5 utrum e republica sit necne id . . . the neighbourhood' a \vord only used vestra existimatio est, and Plaut. Gas. by Apuleius, 2. 14 fin. ; 11.16. 292 Optio haec tua est, in order to- 18 blandis alimoniarum obsequiis] defend est against Eyssenhardt's emen- ' with the enticing allurements of these dation esto. v. 19] CUPID AND PSYCHE 49 salute sollicitis adsentiri uelis et declinata morte nobiscum secura periculi uiuere an saeuissimae bestiae sepeliri uisceribus. quodsi te ruris hums uocalis solitude uel clandestinae ueneris faetidi periculosique concubitus et uenenati serpentis amplexus delectant, certe piae sorores nostrum fecerimus." & Time Psyche misella, utpote simplex et animi tenella, rapitur uerborum tarn tristium formidine : extra terminum mentis suae posita prorsus omnium mariti monitionum suarumque promis- sionum memoriam effudit et in profundum calamitatis sese praecipitauit tremensque et exangui colore lurida tertiata uerba 10 semihianti uoce substrepens sic ad illas ait : 19" Vos quidem, carissimae sorores, ut par erat, in officio uestrae pietatis permanetis, uerum et illi, qui talia uobis adfirmant, non uidentur mihi mendacium fingere. nee enim umquam uiri mei uidi faciem uel omnino cuiatis sit noui, sed i& *' i i hy hy 11 semihianti v : sem \ anti F (sed eraso) : semianti f : sem anti $ ( man. rec.)- bestiae sepeliri uisceribus] This recalls the powerful line of Lucretius 5. 993 Viua uidens ttiuo sepeliri uiscera busto, on which Munro gives many parallels. In Grimm's tale of Bearskin (ii. 68, ed. Bohn) the second sister says, ' Beware ! Bears like sweet things ; and if he takes a fancy to thee, he will eat thee up.' ruris huius uocalis solitude] 'the loneliness of this voiceful country-side.' uel ... concubitus] or foul and dangerous commerce in a secret amour.' piae sorores nostrum fecerimus] Possibly Bliimner is right in adding nos before nostrum. Tune Psyche . . . ait] Then poor little Psyche, in the simplicity and softness of her little mind, is swept away by the terror of this dreadful story. Driven out of her senses, she threw to the winds every single injunc- tion of her husband and promise of her own, and plunged herself into an abysm of disaster. Trembling and pale and bloodless, she pours out confusedly with half-open utterance words by terror tripled, and thus addresses them.' For simplex and tenella cp. what Cupid says, c. 11 pro genuina simplicitate proque animi tui teneritudine. tertiata] The word tertiare means ' to do for the third time '; it is especially applied to ploughing a field for the third time. Psyche says each word three times in her terror. The editors refer to Servius on JEn. 3. 314 Cato ait uerba tertiato et quartato quempiam dicere prae metu. She did not stammer a stam- merer speaks dimidiatis verbis : cp. St. Jerome, Epist. 22. 29 (balbutientem linguam in dimidiata uerba moderatus) but she spoke with confused and hysterical volubility, repeating words three times over. 19 in officio . . . permanetis] cp. Cic. Att. i. 3. 1 quod uerita sit ne Latinae in officio non manerent. cuiatis] This uncontracted form is found in ante-classical (e.g. Plautus r 50 CUPID AND PSYCHE [v. 19 tantum nocturnis subaudiens uocibus maritum incerti status et prorsus lufugam tolero bestiamque aliquam recte dicentibus uobis merito consentio. meque magnopere semper a suis terret aspectibus malumque grande de uultus curiositate praeminatur. 5 nunc si quam salutarem opem periclitanti sorori uestrae potestis adferre, iam nunc subsistite ; ceterum incuria sequens prioris prouidentiae beneficia conrumpet." Tune nanctae iam portis patentibus nudatum sororis 2 lu ci ftigam F sed ci man. sec. 7 conrumpet Rohde : "crupit . 3 merito Colvius cp. 2. 27 : marito 8 Tune v : hunc F(/>. Ennius, and Accius) and post- classical Latin (Apuleius Met. 1. 5 ; 1. 21 ; 8. 24). The classical form is cuias, the termination being the same as in optimas (optimates), nostras, Arpinas ; but it is very rarely found. I can only find the one example given in the Dictionaries, Liv. 27. 19. 9. Neue- "VVagener, ii 3 . 27, points out that the uncontracted form of many such ' gentilia ' was found in ante-classical Latin, e.g. si quis mortuus est Arpinatis (Cato, Hist. Frag. 61); Sarsinatis ecqua est (Plaut. Most. 770). nocturnis subaudiens uocibus] When we find the dative with audire (cp. note on c. 16 fin.), the meaning of ' obeying ' is implied, as in the phrase dicto audiens esse. Translate * dutifully attendant to his words only in the night season.' I do not feel sure as to the significance of sub-, but it seems to mean ' submissively attendant '; though, like subauscultare, it may mean ' to attend to secretly,' i.e. without seeing or being seen. lucifugam] afraid of the day -light.' The word (other forms are lucifugus and lucifugax) is applied to animals of the night, such as cockroaches or owls, or to swindlers or rakes who turn night into day (Lucilius 468, ed. Marx: Seneca Ep. 122. 15, an interesting passage ; cp. tenebrio}. In Cicero Fin. i. 61 it appears to mean 'misanthropic.' In the other passage of Apuleius where the word occurs, Apol. 16 fin., the meaning is sufficiently obvious, tu quidem quid ego in proiiatulo et celebri agam facile e tenebris tuis arbitraris, cum ipse humilitate abditus (so Casaubon for abdita) et lucifuga non sis mihi mutuo conspicuus. In Minucius Felix, 8, it is applied to the Christians, latebrosa et lucifuga natio, in publicum muta, in angulis garrula. merito consentio] This does not square with all Psyche knew of Cupid's fragrant curls, soft cheeks, &c., 5. 13. meque] Liitjohann reads me quippe. For quippe used not as the first word cp. 8. 21 : it is found even as the sixth word in Flor. 18, p. 87 (Oud.). Gruter suggested me quide-m; Petschenig, me quoque ; Jahn, namque magnopere me ; and Leo, me quae or me qui. But it is better to retain the reading of the mss., as there is no necessity to make Psyche speak quite logically. subsistite] cp. note to 6. 2. ceterum] ' otherwise ': cp. note to 5. 5, in which passage the future follows, justifying Eobde's correction of the read- ing of the mss. corrumpit into corrumpet. portis patentibus] Apuleius loves to represent the wicked sisters as a hostile force of soldiery : cp. conferto vestigia 5. 14. v. 20] CUPID AND PSYCHE animum facinerosae mulieres, omissis tectae machinae latibulis, destrictis gladiis fraudium simplicis puellae pauentes cogita- tiones inuadunt. *$O Sic denique altera: "quoniam nos originis nexus pro tua incolumitate ) with the inferior mss. It would be doubtful Latin to interpret ullum, as Hildebrand does, in the sense of * any danger that may threaten you.' That should be quodcunqne or omne. deducit iter] ' the road which alone leads your journey to safety.' If we retain iter, such must be the sense ; but it should possibly be ejected, as Gruter suggested. It may have arisen from a repetition of the -it of deducit. Jahn and Eyssenhardt read qua for quae : ' by which alone your journey leads to safety,' which is possible. But the mss. reading can be defended. Via and iter are occasionally found connected : cp. Hor. Carrn. 3. 2. 22 Virtus . . . negata tentat iter uia : and Lucr. 2. 626 aere atque argento sternunt iter omne uiarum, where see Munro. Ov. Am. 3. 13. 6 difficilis cliuis hue uia praebct iter. In 2. 13 fin. (quoted by Helm) et marts et ^l^ae confeceris iter, the necessary contrast of sea and land travel renders the parallel less cogent. adpulsu . . . exasperatam] ' sharpened even by the application of the softening (or 'smoothing') palm of your hand,' or ' by pressing it against your softening palm.' She is to draw the razor over the palm of her hand in the way barbers do just before using it to remove dust. It is of course extravagant to say that such pressing on the hand sharpens the steel. Apuleius uses adpulsus again, 6. 8. concinnem] neat little lamp.' This is the only place where the form con- cinnis is found. The word is usually concinnus. But Gellius (18. 2. 7) has concinniter. aululae] For this diminutive cp. 2. 7. ollulam istam . . . intorques, and the title of the play of Plautus Aulularia. The margin of F has tabule, apparently by the original copyist ; but this gives no sense : its meaning in land-surveying is a ' bed ' or ' plot ' of ground. Fulgentius says that Psyche lucernam modio contegit, which defends the ms. reading. E 2 CUPID AND PSYCHE [v. 20 tegmine omnique isto apparatu tenacissime dissimulate, post- quam sulcato intrahens gressus cubile solitum conscenderit iamque porrectus et exordio somni prementis implicitus altum soporem flare coeperit, toro delapsa nudoque uestigio pensilern 6 gradum pullulatim minuens, caecae tenebrae custodia liberata lucerna, praeclari tui facinoris opportunitatem de luminig consilio mutuare et ancipiti telo illo audaciter, prius dextera sursum elata, nisu quam ualido noxii serpentis nodum ceruicis et capitis abscide. nee nostrum tibi deerit subsidium; sed 2 sulcatos < (sed man. alt.) : snlcato F0. 9 abscide v. : abscinde F. sulcatos intrahens gressus] draw- ing along his furrowed gait ' an artificial expression for the crawling of a serpent, which leaves a furrow be- hind : cp. Ovid Met. 15. 725 Litoream tractu squamae crepitantis harenam sul- cat. For intrahens cp. 11. 23 sol curuatus intrahebat nesperam. Helm ingeniously conjectures sulcato intrans gressu : but one is loth to remove the Apuleian word which signifies the trailing gait of the serpent; sulcato intrahens se gressu would be better. et exordio . . . coeperit] * and fettered in the first toils of overpowering sleep, he had begun to breathe forth the depth of slumber.' The expression seems taken from Vergil, -3En. 9. 326 toto prqfla bat pectore sommim, itself per- haps taken from Theocritus 24. 47 Sfjiooas . . . virvov fiapvv K ; cp. 6. 10 ruricula for ruricola ; 4. 31 calcatu for calcato. But as emendation is un- certain, it is better to retain the ms. reading. The idea seems to be that Psyche should go more and more slowly, each step less than the preceding, so that there should not be any danger of a hasty action which might cause a disturbance, and so awake her victim. tenebrae] The singular is very rare. Neue-Wagener, i 3 . 712, quotes five examples, of which this is the earliest. For such an unusual singular in Apuleius, Piechotta (p. 32) compares facetia, Apol. 56 (cp. Plaut. Stich. 729). It is pro- bably an error to suppose that caulae is singular in Met. 4. 6. de luminis consilio] 'as the light may suggest to you.' For de cp. 2. 31. quam ualido] ' with ever so mighty a stroke.' This use of quam with an adjective, participle, or adverb is not infrequent in Apuleius : cp. 3. 5 (quam maribus animis) ; 4. 3 (loro quam ualido}', 5. 16 (quam concolores] ; 9. 19 (quamprocul semotus) ; 11. 30 (quam raso capillo}. noxii . . . abscide] ' cut off the joint of the baleful serpent which binds his neck and head.' The mss. give abscinde ; but as abscindo and abscido are often v. 21] CUPID AND PSYCHE cum primum illius morte salutem tibi feceris, anxiae praesto- labimus cunctisque istis ocius tecum relatis uotiuis nuptiis hominem te iungemus homini." $1 Tali uerborum incendio fiammata uiscera sororis iam prorsus ardentis deserentes ipsae protinus, tanti mail confinium 5 2 ocius v : sociis F : opibus cod. Oxon. 5 ipsae v : ipsa F : ipsam . confused, it is better to alter to the word which suits the sense ; the vertebra is to be cut, not torn away: cp. 4. 11 antesignani nostri par tern qua man us umerum subit, ictu per articulum medium temper ato, prorsus abscidimus ('cut clean off '). The word is often used of cutting through the neck and so cutting off the head : Bell. Hisp. 20. 5; Aram. 14. 11. 23; Sil. 15. 470; Lucan 8. 674. On abscido and abscindo see an exhaustive article by Fiirtner in the Archiv, 5. 520-533. In Tac. Ann. 15. 69, absdn- duntur uenae (cp. 16. 11 and interscindere 35. 5), abscindere seems to be used in the sense of ' to cut.' "What Ap. here calls nodus, Seneca, De Prov. 6. 8, calls com- missura ceruicis and articulus ille qui caput collumque committit. Price com- pares Horn. II. 14. 465 rov p' re Kal av^vos ev praestolabimus] For this active form Neue-Wagener, iii 3 . 81 only quotes, in addition to this passage, the examples given by Nonius, p. 475, from Livius Andronicus and Turpilius. But the form is recognized by the Glosses : so that we may perhaps retain it, though elsewhere (e.g. 3. 3 ; 4. 10 ; 5. 4 quoted by Helm) Apuleius seems to use the deponent form (4. 10 is doubtful). Similarly we should not reject tenebrae (singular) in this chapter, though else- where Apuleius uses the regular plural form. ocius] So some inferior mss. for sociis. For ocius cp. Hor. Sat. 2. 7. 34. It has been proposed to read copiis, and this is approved of by Oudendorp and Jahn, as there is a similar confusion in Caes. B. G. 7. 54. Hildebrand's attempt to explain sociis as applying to the wealth with which Psyche was surrounded can hardly be accepted on the strength of Vegetius 2. 7, colligatas secum fasces pertralmnt socios ; or Val. Flacc. 3. 162 soda sed disicit agmina claua. But some mss. read opibus. Helm adds manibus before sociis in the sense of ' by the hands of our friends,' comparing 4. 11 sat se beatum qui manu soda uolens occttmberet, where there is strong emphasis on manu soda; but hereit adds nothing to the strength of the pass- age, and is a violent and needless addition. uotiuis nuptiis] ' in a desirable kind of marriage we shall unite you, a human being to a human being.' For homo of a woman cp. Sulpicius ap. Cic. Fam. 4. 5. 4 quoniam homo natafuerat. 21 uiscera] Translate ' her heart': cp. Cic. Phil. 1. 36 in medullis populi ct tiisceribus hacrebant. It is used of the most inward part of a person's frame or nature. deserentes ipsae] F has ipsa and ^> ipsam. Some inferior mss. give ipsae, which is adopted by Yliet, who puts comma after confinium. This punctu- ation Helm has well shown to be improbable, quoting 4. 10 fin. pericnh conjinio territus. Helm puts no stop at deserentes, and reads ipsae. We can hardly put a full stop at ardentis, as we should then have one main verb Jlammata in the past tense, Avhile all the other main verbs in the narrative are in the present. Michaelis reads ardent : is deserentes ipsam. 54 CUPID AND PSYCHE [v. 21 sibi etiam eximie metuentes, flatus alitis impulsu solito pro- uectae super scopulum ilico pernici[o] se fuga proripiunt statimque conscensis nauibus abeunt. At Psyche relicta sola, nisi quod infestis Furiis agitata sola 5 non est, aestu pelagi simile maerendo fluctuat et, quamuis statute consilio et obstinate ammo, iam tamen facinor^ manus admouens adhuc incerta consilii titubat multisque calamitatis suae distrahitur affectibus. festinat differt, audet trepidat, diffidit irascitur et, quod est ultimum, in eodem corpore odit 10 bestiam, diligit maritum. uespera tamen iam noctem trahente praecipiti festinatione nefarii sceleris instruit apparatum. nox 2 pernici se f : perniciose F. 6 facinori f : Jacinom F< : facinori suas (ex corr. rec.) : facinorosas v. pronectae] So Bursian for porrectae of the mss. This can hardly be de- fended by 7. 7 precibus ad Caesar is numen porrectis, ' prayers being offered to the gracious will of Caesar,' this sense of ' presenting ' or ' tendering ' being fairly common (see the Dictionaries); nor by the passage quoted by Helm, 2. 10 cum sim paratus uel uno sauiolo interim recreates super istum ignem porrectus assari, where the word has its most ordinary meaning of * stretched out.' Possibly we should read porro actae. nisi quod . . . non est] ' save that no one is alone who is driven along by baleful frenzy ' no mean expression. aestu pelagi simile maerendo fluc- tuat] * is tossed to and fro in her tears like the surging sea.' For the gerund maerendo (=maerens) F. Norden admirably compares Verg. JEn. 2. 6 quis talia fando Temperat a lacrimis. It is not infrequent in Livy, e.g. 2. 32. 4 (sumendo), where see Weissenborn. On the passage from Vergil, Conington notes that in the imitation by Silius, 2. 651, the present participle is used, quis tristiafata piorum Imperet euoluens lacrimis. Simile is the ace. used as an adverb : cp. c. 1 init. suaue recubans . . . dulce conquieuit : c. 28 irata solidum. et quamuis . . . consilii titubat] ' and although her purpose is fixed and her mind determined, yet when she sets her hand to the work, still irresolute in purpose, she falters.' The logical contradiction contrived in this sentence is admirable both in rhetoric and psychology. multisque . . . maritum] ' and is distracted by the many impulses of her sad state. She hurries and postpones, is bold and fearful, is irresolute and indignant, and, what is at the basis of it all, though he is one and the same in person, she abhors the beast, but loves the husband.' uespera . . . noctem trahente] cp. 11. 23 sol curuatm intrahebat uesperam, and Ov. Met. 1. 219 traherent cum sera crepuscula noctem. nox aderat et maritus aderat] 1 Night was come and the husband was come.' Possibly we should read adierat for the second aderat. Price proposed aduenerat, which is read by Helm. Certainly we want a pluperfect, as descenderat shows. v. 22] CUPID AND PSYCHE 55 aderat et maritus aderat pri[m]usque Yeneris proeliis uelitatus altum soporem descenderat. $$ Tune Psyche, et corporis et animi alioquin infirma, fati tamen saeuitia subministrante, uiribus roboratur et prolata lucerna et adrepta nouacula sexum audacia mutatur. sed cum s primum lumini&'oblatione tori secreta claruerunt, uidet omnium i 1 priusque cod. Fuxensis : pm;q; F : primisque v. 2 in add. Vulcanius. 5 mutatur Jahn : mutauit F, sed-wt^ man. rec. in rasura : inutatu ^>, sed supra lin. add. mutauit. priusque . . . descenderat] ' and after first a slight skirmish in the field of Love, he had sunk into deep sleep.' The conceit that Love is a warfare is common : cp. Ovid. Am. 1. 9. 1 ff., esp. in the present connexion 45 Inde uides agilem noctur- naque bella gerentem : cp. Fulgentius Myth. 3. 6 (= 67. 16, ed. Helm), of Cupid and Psyche, Veneris proeliis obscure peractis ; also Apul. Met. 2. 17. The mss. give priwusque, but it can only be defended with difficulty. For primus in the sense of ' before ' another person, Weyman compares Arnobius Adv. Gentes 3. 22 sciat ipse necesse est primus id quod alterum callere constituit, where Hildebrand compares Hyginus Fab. 164 Inter Neptunum et Mineruam cum esset certatio qui primus oppidum in terra Attica conderet. But even in Cicero we find primus used for the first of two things, e.g. Sest. 44 si in prima contentione . . . concidissem. "But prius- que, which is said to be found in the Codex Fuxensis, and has been con- jectured by Kronenberg, is the simpler reading and is very common in Apuleius. Helm quotes 3. 17 ; 5. 20 ; 8. 30 ; 11. 23. in altum soporem descenderat] We must add in, as Vulcanius suggests. Colvius had proposed to add in after altum. The only parallel adduced for descendere with the simple ace. in the sense of ' descend into ' is Epitome JEneidos vi. (Bahrens P.L.M. vol. iv., p. 165) una (with the Sibyl) descendit Auernum*. but Auernus is the name of a place. Hildebrand compares escendere nauem. Colvius also suggested extenderat, com- paring Fulgentius 3. 6 (= 68. 9, Helm) cumque altum soporem maritus exten- deret. This seems to mean, ' had been fast asleep for some time.' 22 fati] Fate here takes the place of Fortune (cp. 5. 5) as the malignant power which caused all the trouble. sexum audacia mutatur] 'is unsexed in her boldness,' lit. 'is changed as to her sex'; ace. of closer definition. Helm compares 6. 20 fin. mentem capitur temeraria curiositate. We might add Verg. JEn. 1. 658 ut faciem mutatus et or a Cupido pro dulci Ascanio ueniat. Possibly we should read sexu, and take it in the sense of ' is parted from her sex,' on the analogy of mutari ciuitate (^Es Salpense, ch. 22; Cic. Balb. 31 and 42), mutari fnibus (Liv. 5. 46. 11), mutari uoluntate (Cic. Fam. 5. 21. 1), all which passages are quoted by Dr. Reid (in Wilkins's ed. of Horace's Epistles) on Ars Poet. 60 (Ut siluae foliis pronos mutantur in annos), who adds : "In all these cases the abl. is strictly one of respect, but the notion of severance comes in ": cp. Hor. Sat. 2. 7. 64 Ilia, tamen se non habitu mutatue loco; Ovid Trist. 5. 2. 73 hinc ego dum muter. 56 CUPID AND PSYCHE [v. 22 feraruin mitissimam dulcissimanique bestiam, ipsum ilium Cupidinem formonsum deuni forrnonse cubantem, cuius aspectu lucernae quoque lumen hilaratum increbruit et acuminis sacrilegi nouaeulam paenitebat. at uero Psyche tanto aspectu 5 deterrita et impos animi, marcido pallore defecta tremensque desedit in imos poplites et ferrum quaerit abscondere, sed in suo pectore ; quod profecto fecisset, nisi ferrum time-re tanti flagitii manibus temerarii delapsum euolasset. iamque lassa, salute defecta, dum saepius diuini uultus intuetur 4 nouaeulam paenitebat Lipsius : nouacula praenitebat F<. 8 temerariis f : temerarii F. ipsum . . . paenitebat] Cupid's own self, the beautiful god, lying there in all his beauty, and at the sight of him the light even of the lamp brightened in joy, and the razor felt a pang of sorrow for its wicked edge.' "We have adopted the emendation of Lipsius for the mss. reading nouacula praenitebat (' the wicked -pointed razor shone out '), not so much on account of hilaratum, which could be regarded as a semi- personification (such as, e.g., Cic. N. D. 2. 102 turn quasi tristitia quadam (sol) contrahit terrain, turn tticissim laetificat, ut cum caelo kilarata uideatur], as on account of the clause nisi ferrum timore tanti flagitii manibus temerariis delapsum euolasset, where the personification is complete. To endow everything con- nected with the principal actors with life and sympathy is in accordance with the spirit of romantic fairy tales. The emendation of Lipsius has a note of true feeling, though later Lipsius appears to have thought other- wise, as he gave up his emendation. In love-poetry the lover often addresses the lamp as a confidant: e.g. Anth. Pal. 5. 7 and 8. impos animi . . . euolasset] 'be- wildered, overcome with the pallor of exhaustion, and all trembling, sank crouching down and sought to hide the steel in her own bosom ; and this she would have done had not the steel, in alarm at the thought of such a crime, slipped and sped away from her rash hands.' For in imos poplites cp. 7. 24 totum corporis pondus in postremos poplites recello. For sedcp. note to 4. 31 sed plenam. As a parallel to this personification of the knife, we may quote from Mr. Ralston ("Beauty and the Beast" in the Nineteenth Century, Dec. 1878, p. 1002) : " In the Sup- planted Bride [a tale both Greek and Sicilian], when the heroine has been supplanted she yields to despair and thinks of killing herself. Having obtained a ' Knife of Murder ' and a "Whetstone of Patience,' she tells them her sad tale. The Greek maiden calls upon the knife to rise up and cut her throat ; and the knife tries to do so, but the stone holds it back. The Sicilian heroine addresses her remarks chiefly to the stone, and, as it listens, it swells and swells until at last it cracks. Then she seizes the knife and is about to put an end to her troubles. But in each case the prince whom the supplanted bride has rescued overhears -what she has been saying, and rushes in to pre- vent her from stabbing herself." Com- pare also Althea's log in Ovid (Met. 8. 513) when she throws it into the fire : Aut dedit ant uisus yemitus est ille dedisse stipes, ut inuitis correptus ab ignibus arsit, salute defecta] ' overcome by the v. 23] CUPID AND PSYCHE pulchritudinem, recreatur animi. uidet capitis aurei geni- <>lem caesariem ambrosia[m] temulentam, ceruices lacteas genasque purpureas pererrantes crinium globos decoriter impeditos, alios antependulos, alios retropendulos, quorum splendore nimio fulgurante iam et ipsum lumen lucernae s uacillabat; per umeros uola tills del pinnae roscidae micanti flore candicant et quamuis ali[i]s quiescentibus extimae plumulae 1 genialem (man. alt.) : genilem F0. 2 ambrosia v : ambrosiam F. 7 alis v : aliis Fd>. sense of being safe,' or ' that all was well': cp. 9. 9 argwnenti satietate iam defecti. This seems a better way than to take defect a as abl. aba. ; as * safety being enfeebled ' would be a strange expression for ' feeling lost ' or ' being unnerved.' genialem] 'joyous,' 'joy-inspiring.' A man's genius was the deification of the part of his nature which felt joy his good spirit : indulge Genio, carpamus dulcia, nostrum est quod uiuis, says Persius (5. 151): so \.\\a.t genialis is that which causes joy, eu^pavrt/cTj, as it is explained by the Glosses (Corp. Gloss, ii. 33. 1). Apuleius uses it of the countenance of the priest of Isis (11. 14 fin.), of balsam (11. 9), of the rose (4. 2), otiose et satis genialiter contorta in modum linguae postrema labia gran- dissimum ilium calicem uno haustu per- hausi (of the ass drinking at table, 10. 16 fin.), and of course of the marriage-bed (genialis torus 2. 6; 9. 26). Apuleius delights in expatiating on the beauty of luxuriant hair; cp. 2. 8. The novelists also linger on the descrip- tion of the hair of their heroes and heroines, which is represented generally as partly bound and partly loose: cp. Eohde, Griech. Roman, 153-4 n. 3. temulentam] ' soaked in ' : cp. Martial 14. 154 (lanae amethystinae) Ebria Sidoniae cum sim de sanguine conchae non uideo quare sobria lana uocer (joke on ajue'0f et puncto pollicis extremam aciem periclitabunda trementis etiam nunc articuli nisu f ortiore pupugit altius, ut per summam cutem rorauerint paruulae 10 sanguinis rosei guttae. sic ignara Psyche sponte in Ainoris incidit amorem. tune magis magisque cupidine fraglans Cupidinis, prona in eum efflictim inhians, patulis ac petulanti- bus sauiis festinanter ingestis de somni mensura nietuebat. sed durn bono tanto percita saucia mente fluctuat, lucerna ilia 15 siue perfidia pessima siue inuidia noxia siue quod tale corpus contingere et quasi basiare et ipsa gestiebat, euomuit de summa 7 sagitta f (~ alia manu). 11 fraglans F : flagrans $. glabellum] cp. Flor. 3, p. 14 (Oud.) Apollo . . . corpore glabellus. luculentum] of personal beauty, cp. 4.25 (faciem}; 10. 30 (luculentus puer nudus). propitia] gracious,' ' genial ' a conventional word applied to the graciousness of the pleasures of love. 23 satis et curiosa] cp. 5. 28 uerbosa et satis curiosa auis, and note on 6. 14. puncto pollicis] ' with the point (or 'tip') of her thumb.' There is no need to read with Floridus punctu, ' by a prick of her thumb.' It was from a wound in the hand from one of Cupid's arrows that Venus in Ovid (Met. 10. 525) fell in love with Adonis. extremam aciem periclitabunda] For this ace. cp. Apol. 72 uoluntatem rneam uerbis inuersis periclitabundus. In Met. 3. 21 it is used with the genitive sui periclitabunda, < trying herself ' (of Pamphile when she changed herself into an owl). articuli] This word includes the thumb as well as the fingers. "We may translate it * finger ' here. in Amoris incidit amorem] cp. 10. 19 in . . tnei cupidinein incidit. The phrase simply means ' to fall in love with': cp. Val. Max. 5. 7 extr. 1 : Hist. Apollon. 1 and 17 ; Hygin. Fab. 121. 16. fraglans] cp. note to 4. 31. prona . . . metuebat] gazing down on him distractedly and pouring eagerly upon him impassioned and impetuous kisses, she began to fear as to the extent of his slumber,' i.e. how long he would continue asleep, and how deep it might be. Note the alliteration in patulis et petulantibns. For patulis cp. 4. 31 med. oscutis hiantibus. saucia] applied to one wounded by love, a fairly common usage, e.g. Verg. JEn. 4. 1 At regina graui iamdudiim saucia ciira. perfidia pessima] thoroughgoing treachery ' alliteration. inuidia noxia] cp. 5. 27 init. v. 24] CUPID AND PSYCHE luminis sui stillam feruentis olei super umerum del dexterumX hem audax et temeraria lucerna et amoris uile ministerium, ipsum ignis totius deum aduris, cum te scilicet amator aliquis, ut diutius cupitis etiam nocte potiretur, primus inuenerit. sic inustus exiluit deus uisaque detectae fidei colluuie protinus ex 5 oculis et manibus infelicissimae coniugis tacitus auolauit. 24 At Psyche statim resurgentis eius crure dextero manibus ambabus adrepto sublimis euectionis adpendix miser- anda et per nubilas plagas penduli comitatus extrema consequia tandem fessa delabitur solou 10 Nee deus amator humi iacentem deserens inuolauit proxi- 3 deum v : diim F : din f : dnm 0. 6 osculis Crusius : oculis F. 8 adrepto v : nbrepto F<|>. hem . . . ministerium] 'ah! bold, rash lamp, common drudge of Love.' cupitis] 'the objects of desire' often used in this amorous sense. The Dictt. quote Ovid Fast. 3. ZlMarsuidet hanc uisamque cupit potiturque cupita. uisaque detectae fidei colluuie] 'and seeing the ruin of his trust now dis- closed.' The expression is no doubt not strictly accurate. The bond between Cupid and Psyche was broken, but not disclosed : the secret who was the mysterious husband was disclosed ; but as this disclosure was the principal and most striking result of Psyche's rash action, it is emphasized. Accordingly it seems better to adhere to the mss. reading detectae than to alter to defectae (Jahn), ' ruin of his trust which failed'; or detrectatae (Vliet), ' ruin of his sullied trust'; or deiectae (Petschenig), of his trust thus shattered'; ordeceptae (Helm), ' of his trust betrayed.' In favour of defectae, however, may be urged the partiality of Apuleius for the word; cp. chapter 22. protinus] So Rohde, introducing a word of which Apuleius is very fond, in place of prorsus of the mss. Cupid did not ' wholly ' escape from Psyche ; for, as the next sentence shows, she still grasped him by the leg. osculis] So Crusius for oculis of the mss. He and Vliet quote Gell. 3. 15. 3 Diagoras . . . in osculis atque in manibus Jiliorum animam efflauit (where one ms. reads oculis) ; also 4. 31 above, oculis for osculis. 21 sublimis euectionis . . .consequia] *a pitiable appendage to his airy flight r and forming the final attachment to him in her pendant companionship through the cloudy realms ' (with the sense that this was the last time she would follow with him). The expression is artificial even to extravagance. For appendix cp. 8. 22 seque per . . . puteum appen- dicem paruulum (i.e. her infant son) trahem praecipitat. The rare word consequia is to be compared with such forms as reliquiae, obsequiae, exsequiae : cp. 10. 18 carpentis quae . . . nouissimis trahebantur conseqttiis, * by those who followed him in the rear.' Strictly the word is an adjective. "We have the adv. consequie or consecue in Lucr. 5. 679 and adsecue in a fragment of the Astraba of Plautus. 60 CUPID AND PSYCHE [v. 24 mam cupressum deque eius alto cacumine sic earn grauiter commotus adfatur : " Ego quidem, simplicissima Psyche, parentis meae Veneris praeceptorum immemor, quae te miseri extremique hoininis e deuinctam cupidine infimo matrimonio addici iusserat, ipse potius amator aduolaui tibi. sed hoc feci leuiter, scio, et praeclarus ille Sagittarius ipse me telo meo percussi teque coniugem meam feci, ut bestia scilicet tibi uiderer et ferro caput excideres meum, quod istos amatores tuos oculos gerit. 10 haec tibi identidem semper cauenda censebam, haec beniuole remonebam. sed illae quidem consiliatrices egregiae tuae tarn perniciosi magisterii dabunt actutum mihi poenas, te uero tantum fuga mea puniuero." et cum termino sermonis pinnis in altum se proripuit. cupressum] governed by the in- of inuolarit. For other examples of this in Apuleius cp. 5. 4 init. sonus aures eius accedit ; cp. c. 3 fin. uox aures eius affertur\ and 9. 16 init.; e. 5 init. scopulum . . aderunt. On 9T 16 Hilde- brand quotes many examples of the accusative of place used without a pre- position : 7. 1 eastra nostra remeastis ; 7. 13 ciuitatem reuenimus. It is un- certain under which construction to place such usages as 9. 41 ciuitatem aduentat. te . . . addici] ' that you, enthralled with passion for a wretched and most mean wight, should be consigned to the lowest of marriages '; cp. 4. 31. amatores tuos oculos] 4 those eyes, love-lit for thee.' Norden refers to ^anam deam eamque uoculas 1 visit Ufa' vva Xfyuficv fir-rj. Pan is appealed to for succour in the case of one crossed in love in Theocritus 7. 103 T6v pot, ndv, 'Op6\as fparbv irfSov oVre \f\6yx as, aK\-r]Tov Keivoio e Tlava Anth. Pal. iv. 232. sauciam] 'heart-broken ': cp. 4. 32 animi saucia. utcunque] ' somehow or other, not ignorant of her sad life.' For this use of utcunque limiting a verb or adjective cp. 4. 13 ; 8. 31 ; Tac. Ann. 2. 14. 4 ; 12. 5. 2 ; Agric. 39. 3 ; and even Livy 29. 15. 1 : 31. 15. 10 and elsewhere. Puella scitula] ' my pretty little girl . ' prolixae] The Dictt. quote Digest 50. 6. 5 fin. prolixae aetatis homines. quod profecto . . . autumant] * which of a surety wise men do affirm to be divination.' Vliet says pleasantly that the rustic god read this statement in Cic. De Div. 2. 12, or in Nepos Att. 9 and 16. In the former passage Cicero quotes a verse of Euripides, /J.O.VTIS 5' &pi(TTOS OGTis t'/caei /, which he latinizes Rene qui coniciet uatem hunc perhibebo optimum. In Att. 16 Nepos says ut . . . facile existimari possit prudentiam quodam modo esse diuinationem. uaccillante] See note on 5. 22. suspiritu] ' sighing,' cp. 1. 7 ; 10.2. pallore] The stock feature of love-sick persons: cp. Ov. A. A. 1. 129 if. Palleat omnis amans, Me est color aptus amanti ; Theoc 2. 88. Many examples in Rohde, Griech. Roman 157. 2. maerentibus] Sothemss. One could wish that the mss. had favoured the emen- dation of Price, marcentibns, 'pining': cp. 10. 2 iam cetera salulis uultmque detrimenta et aearis et amantibus ex- amussim conuenire nemo qui nesciat : pallor deformis, marcentes oculi, lassa genua, quies turbida et suspiritus cruciatus tarditate uehementior. Also 3. 14 oculos . . . prona libidine mar- cidos. * CUPID AND PSYCHE 63 mihi ausculta nee te rursus praecipitio uel ullo mortis aecer- si[to]tae genere perimas. luctum desine et pone maerorem precibusque potius Cupidinem deorum maximum percole et utpote adolescentem delicatum luxuries unique blandis obsequiis promerere." 5 $6 Sic locuto deo pastore nulloque sermone reddito, sed adorato tantum immine. salutari Psyche pergit ire. sed aliquam multum uiae. laboranti uestigio perefrasset, inscio quodam tramite iam d<^>e labente accedit quandam ciuitatem, in qua regnum maritus unius sororis eius optinebat. qua re 10 cognita Psyche nuntiari praesentiam suam sorori desiderat; mox inducta mutuis amplexibus alternae salutationis expletis percontanti causas aduentus sui sic incipit : "Meministi consilium uestrum, scilicet quo mihi suasistis, ut bestiam, quae mariti mentito nomine mecum quiescebat, 15 1 accersitae Barth : accersito te F< : arcessito (om. te) vulg. 7 numine <, in marg. man. rec. : nomine F0. 7 cum add. Gronovius. 9 die labente Barth : delabente F<. accersitae] cp. 6. 31 mortis . . . tenebras accersere: Val. Max. 3. 2. 12 P. Crassus . . . ne in dicionem eius per- ueniret dedecus arcessita ratione mortis effugit : Plin. Ep. 1. 12. 2 quos accersita mors aufort. Oudendorp, whom Helm follows, supposes the mss. reading to have arisen from two variants having both been given, as in 1. 13 init. succus[sus]su for succusstt. "We thus escape the awkward repetition of te. et utpote . . . promerere] ' and as he is a youth who likes softness and indulgence, deserve his favour by winning- subservience ' (or ' complaisance '). 26 adorato . . . salutari] ' with only a reverence to the beneficent deity/ sed cam aliquam multum viae . . . pererrasset] Gronovius' addition of cum has been adopted. The combination aliquam multum is found somewhat frequently in Apuleius, e.g. Apol. 4 and 72; Florid. 16 init.; Met. 1. 24; 11. 26. The only other authors quoted in the Thesaurus as using the com- bination are Cic. 2 Verr. 4. 56 ; Gell. 3. 10. 17. . inscio . . . tramite] ' by an unknown track.' Vogel in the Archiv 2. 608 thinks that, as this is the only passage quoted by the lexicographers for inscius = ignotus, we should read sed ilia, quam multum uiae laboranti uestigio perer- rasset inscia. This is very ingenious ; but the fact that inscius is not elsewhere found in a passive sense is probably accidental : for neseius is so found, cp. note to c. 12. Plautus and Terence seem to use insciens in the active sense of * not knowing,' while the classical authors use inscius (see Lindsay on Plaut. Capt. 265). die labente] This is the certain emendation of Barth for delabente. mutuis . . . expletis] after the mutual embraces with which they greeted one another had ended.' AND PSYCHE priiis quam ingluuie uoraci me misellam hauriret, ancipiti nouacula peremerem. set cum primum, ut aeque placuerat, conscio lumine uultus eius aspexi, uideo mirum diuinumque prorsus spectaeulum, ipsum ilium deae Veneris filium, ipsum 5 inquam Cupidinem, leni quiete sopitum. ac dum tanti boni spectaculo percita et nimia uoluptatis copia turbata fruendi ) laborarem inopia, casu scilicet pessumo lucerna feruens oleum reBuIKuit in eius umerum. quo dolore statim somno recussus, ubi me ferro et igni conspexit armatam, ' tu. quidem/ inquit, 10 ' ob[i] istud tarn dirum facinus conf estim toro meo diuorte tibique res tuas habeto, ego uero sororem tuam ' et nomen quo 2 peremerem F^> prima man. : perimerem f (sed alt. man.). 6 voluptalis al. man. : voluntatis F(J>. 10 ob Colvius : nbi F<. peremerem] This archaic form ap- pears here and in two other places in Apuleius in which the word occurs (3. 6 ; 3. 8). In 5. 26 F give perimas. at aeque placuerat, conscio lumine] 'by my accomplice lamp, as we had together (or 'also') agreed on.' The use of the lamp was a prominent feature in the plot, and its action is personified : cp. 5. 20 praeclari tui facinoris oppor- tunitatem de luminis consilio mutuare ('as the light may suggest '). For de in that passage compare 2. 31 utinam aliquid de proprio lepore laetificum . . . comminiscaris. leni quiete sopitum] ' resting gently in sleep.' ac dum . . . inopia] 'hut when thrilled at the sight of such great happiness, and excited at the excessive abundance of my delight, I felt dis- tressed in the thought that I could not fully enjoy it.' Dum, 'while,' with subj. is very rare : cp. Roby 1666. In the parallel quoted from 9. 11 the right reading is not dum . . . perhorrescerem, but ne. rebulliuit] * spirted out.' In 9. 34 the word means to ' bubble up ' like boiling water; in 1. 13 spiritum re- bulliret seems to mean to ' gurgle out his breath.' In 2. 30 we have risus ebullit, ' bubbles over.' toro meo diuorte] a neuter verb, ' turn aside from my bed,' 'be divorced from my bed': cp. Dig. 38. 11. 1. 1 liber ta ab inuito patrono diuortit : 23. 2. 45. 5 si ab ignorante diuorterit. tibique res tuas habeto] Gaius in the Digest 24. 2. 2. Dinortium uel a diuersitate mentium dicttim est, uel quia in diuersas paries eunt qni distrahuiit matrimonium. In repudiis autem, id est renuntiatione comprobata, stint haec uerbct 'tuas res tibi habeto' ; item haec ' tuas res tibi agito '; cp. Cic. Phil. 2. 69 frugi factus est: illam mimam suas res sibi habere iussit, ex duodecim tabulis clauis ademit, exegit : Plaut. Amph. 928 ; Martial 10. 41. 1, 2 maritum deseris atque iubes res sibi habere suas. For the different tenses of the im- perative, cp. 6. 10 discerne . . . approbate : 6. 19 reside . . . esto : 6. 23 sume . . . esto. quo tu censeris] ' by which you are known,' lit. 'registered,' cp. 8. 25 fin. Philebo : hoc enim nomine censebatur iam meus dominus. The Dictt. also quote Apol. 57 fin. pro studio bibendi quo solo v. 27] CUPID AND PSYCHE 65 tu censeris aiebat 'iam mihi conf[estim]arreat[h]is nuptiis coniugabo' et statim Zephyro praecipit, ultra terminos me domus eius effiaret." Necdum sermonem Psyche finierat, ilia uesanae 1 iam mihi confarreatis Mercer : iam mihi confestim farreatis Koziol : ia m cfestl arreat his (cum lineola sub omnibus verbis praeter his quae lineola tamen postea alia manu deleta est) F : iam mihi confestim arreat his ( et alia manu) . 4 et addit Koziol. censetur ('is known,' i.e. is famous): De Dogm. Plat. 1. 11 init. Globorum omnium supremum esse eum qui inerrabili Meat it censetur. Often in Arnobius, e.g. 3. 5 nominibus appellentur his etiam quibus eos population censeri popularis uulgaritas di(cit. confarreatis] The usual term is confarreatio, and in 10. 29 Apuleius has matrimonium confarreaturus. Yet the forms farreatio and farreatae nuptiae are found : cp. Sew. on Verg. _7Rn. 4. 103 quae res ad farreatas nuptias pertinet : also on 4. 374, where one codex reads farrea- tionem. See too Gains 1. 112 Farreo in manum conueniunt per quoddam genus sacrijicii quod loui Farreo Jit et in quo farreus panis adhibetur, unde etiam confarreatio dicitur. Dionys. 2. 25 fKa.\ovv Se rovs lepovs Kal vofj.ifj.ovs oi iraAatol yd/movs P : uafre coneinnato. iubebat: cp. Apul. Met. 2. 23 Vix jftnieram, et ilico me perducit : 9. 20 commodum prima stipendia, Veneri mill- tabant nudi milites, et . . . improuisus maritus adsistit. Helm quotes 1. 19 necdum . . . rorem attigerat, et iugulo eius uulnus dehiscit; 11. 3 init. But he quotes 3. 26 fin. uix me praesepio uidere proximantem : deiectis auribus iam furentes infestis calcibus insecuntur to show that et may be omitted. How- ever, the use of the perfect tense instead of the usual pluperfect makes a differ- ence. e re coneinnato] This is the ex- cellent emendation of a late hand in the margin of for freconcinnato, * concocted for the occasion.' It is adopted by Jahn. Hertz conjectures uafre coneinnato, which Helm prints. caeca spe tamen inhians] ' with the inane craving of blind hopes ': cp. rapinarum caeca cupiditas in Cic. Pis. 57. praecipitem dedit] cp. Hor. Sat. 1. 2. 41. uel saltern mortua] 'no, not even in death.' Apuleius often uses saltern with a negative for 'even': cp. 4. 32 nee de plebe saltern ; 6. 13 nee tamen apud dominam saltern ; 7. 15 nee miki statuta saltern cibaria', 9. 19 nee saltern spatio cupido formosae pecuniae lenie- batur', ib. non modo capere uerum saltern contingere pecuniam cupiens\ 9. 36 licet non rapinis, saltern uerbis temperare noluit. On this latter passage Hilde- brand gives many more instances: cp. Koziol, 321-324. proinde ut merebatur] cp. note to 5. 11 init. Nee uindictae . . . tardauit] ' Nor was there any delay in the infliction of the next act of punishment.' For tardare used as a neuter verb cp. Cic. Att. 6. 7. 2 nuinquid putes . . . tardan- dum esse nobis. alia] for altera: cp. 5. 10, and 11. Ilex alia uero parte (so. urnulae) ; Juv. 7. 114 hinc centum patrimonial causidi- corum, parte alia solum russati pone Lacernae. fallacie germanitatis] ' by her sister's false story.' For the abstract germanitits for germana the Dictt. refer to Cic. Har. Resp. 42 quorum (sctir- v. 28] CUPID AND PSYCHE 67 tatis inducta et in sororis sceleratas nuptias aemula festinauit ad scopulum inque simile mortis exitium cecidit. $8 Interim, dum Psyche quaesitioni Cupidinis intenta populos circumibat, [at] ille uulnere lucernae dolens in ipso thalamo matris iacens ingemebat. tune auis peralba ilia 5 gauia, quae super fluctus marinos pinnis natat, demergit sese propere ad Oceani profundum gremium. ibi commodum 4 at cum punctis : at sine punctis F : delevit Scioppius. rarum) intemperantia expleta in domesticis est germanitatis stupris uolutatus. It is possible, however, that the abstract is used in the sense of 'by the artful pretence of sisterly interest' (on Psyche's part) or * by the mistaken idea of sisterly interest.' This seems to be tbe only place in Latin where the fifth declension from fallacies is found : cp. pinguitie 10. 15 \ crassitie 7. 5. inducta] * beguiled,' Cic. Rose. Am. 117 induxit, decepit, destituit, aduer- sariis tradidit, omni fraude et perfidia fefellit. in sororis . . . aemula] * a rival for the guilty possession of her sister's husband.' For in cp. 1. 4 polentae caseatae . . . offulam grandiorem in con- uiuas aemulus contruncare gestio. For this sense of sceleratas Liitjohann com- pares 10. 28 ergo certa defunctorum liberorum matres sceleratas hereditates excipere, where he takes sceleratas with hereditates in the sense that it was criminal for a mother to desire to be the heir of her children: yet that would sound as if the law guaranteed criminal inheritances ; so that it would seem as if a good case could be made for Vliet's reading: ergo certa ('assured ') defunc- torum liberorum tnatres scelerata hereditates excipere. F 2 gives mater scelerata for matres sceleratas. mortis exitium] ' deadly doom.' 28 [at]] This word is found in F, but is probably an error due to dittography ; as marks it for omission. Scioppius omits it. Though at is often used in the apodosis (cp. Thesaurus ii. 1005 ff.), no exact parallel can be found for this passage (ib. 1007. 15). For Interim dum, cp. Apol. 61. Colvius reads interdum for interim dum. For interdum = interim cp. 2. 27 ; 3. 1 fin. There is a passage very like this in 7. 26 Interim, dum puerum iflum parentes sni plangoribus Jletibusque querebantur [et] adueniens ecce rusticus, where Helm, with Colvius' alteration of our passage in his mind, proposes to read Interdum for Interim dum, and to retain et. Note quaesitio in the literal sense. In Tacitus it means ' torture.' auis] This word is bracketed as a gloss by Th. Muller (JRhein. Mus. xxiii., p. 447), perhaps rightly. This is at any rate a more probable view than Liitjohann's, who (according to Michaelis) omitted gauia. Possibly we should read auis peralba ilia, ilia gauia. For peralba cp. 1.2 equo peralbo uehens. gauia] ' the sea-mew,' who, on account of its shrieking [cp. Byron, " and shrieks the wild sea-mew "] and the way it suddenly dives into the sea, is aptly chosen as the gossiping creature that brings the news to Venus in the depths. The sea-mew here plays the same part as the crow who told Minerva of the curiosity of the daughters of Cecrops, and Apollo of the infidelity of Coronis, Ov. Met. 2. 535 ff. 68 CUPID AND PSYCHE [v. Venerem lauantem natantemque propter assistens indicat adustum filium eius, graui uulneris dolore maerentem, dubium salutis iacere iamque per cunctorum ora populorum rumoribus conuiciisque uariis omnem Veneris familiam male audire, quod 5 ille quidem montano scortatu, tu uero marine natatu seces- 3 cunctorum f : cunctarum F. Venerem lauantem natantemque propter assistens] It is most probable that propter is a preposition here and not an adverb, as it certainly is in 4. 18 qui propter sopiti quiescebant : 4. 12; 9. 23 propter iacenti. For though assistere is found in Apuleius with a simple ac- cusative (2. 15 grabatulum meum adstitit mensula ; Apol. 99 uos qui tribunal mecum adsistitis), yet that accusative is never used of a person. We could say, * he stands at the tribunal,' but not 'he stands at the judge'; and it is probably much the same with the Latin assistere. In one place, Met. 4. 4, we have propter even after a genit. which the ace. governs riuulum quendam serpentis leniter aquae propter insistens. Becker, however, pp. 45-46, takes it as an adverb, chiefly on the ground that it always comes before the verb. Apuleius likes to put propter after the word it governs : cp. 2. 23 quam (matronam} propter assistens; 8. 13 capulum Tlepolemi propter assistens ; 10. 21 lumen propter assistens : cp. Tac. Ann. 15. 47. 3 uiam propter natus est ttitulus- 4. 48. 1 translata . . castra hostem propter. When assistere means to * stand by ' in the sense of ' helping,' it takes a dative of the person, Flor. 16. 72 fin. (Oud.) ; but it can also take the dative wben there is no such idea attaching to it : cp. 3. 22. maerentem] Here Vliet alters to marcentem as Price altered maerentibus into marcentibus in c. 25, but by no means as happily. Cornelissen need- lessly alters to the Lucretian word (3. 106, 824) aegrentem. dubium salutis] cp. Ovid. Met. 15. 438 fenti dubioque salutis ; Trist. 3. 3. 25 ergo ego sum dubius uitae ; similarly certus takes a genit. 6. 10 certa difficultatis. per cunctorum ora populorum] cp. 8. 30 infamia . . . quae per ora populi facile dilapsa . . . detestabiles eos cunctis effecerat. quod ille] ' because he, with his wivings in the mountains, and you, with your divings in Ocean's fountains, have removed yourselves from mankind ; and so there is no pleasure, no grace, no charm left, but everything is un- couth, boorish, rude : there are no marriage meetings, no friendly greet- ings, no affection of children, but an unbounded foulness and unsavoury disgustingness of coarse unions.' It is well-nigh impossible to get in trans- lation the artificial alliterations of this elaborated sentence. It would seem probable, as Vliet suggests, that some words were omitted before enormis to balance squalentium foederum ; some- thing (say) like immanium sordium : cp. 1. 7 sordium enormem eluuiem. The mss. give ffluuies, altered by Beroaldus to eluuies, by Jahn to colluuies, and by "Wower to illuuies. The latter is found elsewhere in Apuleius : cp. 8. 11 iam lurore et ilhtuie paene cottapsa, and Apol 7 ; but eluuies is explained in the glosses as /ca/co0>ua, aAowata, immun- ditia, and is very near the mss., as e might easily be mistaken for g in uncials. The balance of the sentence also suggests that a clause may have been lost after caritates, something like non sodalium suauitates. It is noticeable how the oratio obliqua v. 28] CUPID AND PSYCHE 69 seritis ac per hoc non uoluptas ulla, non gratia, non lepos, sed incompta et agrestia et horrida cuncta sint, non nuptiae coniugales, non amicitiae sociales, non liberum caritates, sed . . . enormis eluuies et squalentium foederum insuaue fastidium. haec ilia uerbosa et satis curiosa auis in auribus Veneris 6 fili[um] lacerans existimationem ganniebat, at Venus irata solidum exclamat repente : " ergo iam ille bonus filius meus habet amicam aliquam? prome #gedu, quae sola mihi seruis amanter, nomen eius, quae puerum ingenum et 4 eluvies Beroaldus: gluuies F(J>, sed al. man. addit in. 6 fili Colvius : fili v F ( add. eadem manus) . 8 prome agedum al. man. : pro meo gedu F0. quae sola .... eius (linea subducta, sed alia manu postea deleta) F<. 9 ingenuum al. man. : ingenil F<. (Veneris familiam male audire] passes into the oratio recta (quod ille . . . tu . . . secesseritis). uerbosa et satis curiosa] ' gabbling and very meddling': cp. 5. 23 init. Note alliteration. fill lacerans existimationem] ' tear- ing her son's reputation to pieces': cp. 10. \QjUtm suam coram lacerari', Suet. Caes. 75 fin. carminibus maledicentis- simis laceratam existimationem. F has jili 1 ', tlie r b) r the original hand ; and so has . Pontanus suggests inlacerans, but that word is not found. Possibly the c is a remnant of male, the -le having dropped out owing to the proximity of la(cerams~) . ganniebat] ' was whispering in Venus' ear ' ; elsewhere Apuleius uses the accus. cp. 2. 2 incertum quidnam in aurem mulieris obganniit, and Afranius 283 (Ribbeck) gannire ad aurem nun- quam didici dominicam. Hildebrand on 3. 20 lightly draws a distinction between garrire and gannire. The former is 'to chatter'; but the latter originally meaning a dog's growl (cp. Lucr. 5. 1070, Varro L. L. 7. 105 mult a ab animalium uocibus tralata in homines . . . Plauti " Gannit odiosus omni toti familiae," cp. Non. 450), or the squeal of a fox, Carm. de Philomela 59 Rite canes latrant, fallax uulpecula gannit (cp. Corp. Gloss. 5. 204. 30) is used of muttered half-inarticulate utterances by human beings ; cp. Terence Ad. 556 Quid ille gannit ? quid uolt (' what's he muttering about?'); Catull. 83. 1 gannit et obloquitur ('she grumbles and rails '). Thus, 4. 1, the robbers indicate to the friendly villagers secretis gannitibus that the goods they had were stolen ; 2. 15 nocturni gannitus ; 3. 20 nobis ganni- entibuK (where, however, the reading is doubtful) ; 2. 11 talibus obgannitis sermonibus inter nos ; 10. 22 dulces gannitus of the murmuring endearments of lovers (cp. Juv. 6. 64, and the glosses : per f. inuestem] ' boy,' as opposed to uesticeps, ' a man ': cp. Apol. 98 inues- tem a nobis accepisti, uesticipem ilico reddidisti. The commentators take uestis in these words to mean ' the beard,' a sense in which it is found in one poetical passage in Lucretius 5. 674 Nee minus in certo denies cadere imperat aetas tempore et impubem molli pubescere ueste (covering); and Servius professes to find this meaning in Vergil JEn. 8. 659 (aurea caesaries illis atque aurea, uestis} " hoc est barba: unde contra inuestes dicimus imberbes, unde est [160] tune milii prima genas tiestibat flore iuuentas" (cp. his note on 6. 645) ; and this view was also held by Nonius (p. 45, 23) (nulla pars corporis pilat] and the Glosses. We must apparently acquiesce in this interpretation, though naturally we should think of the toga uirilis and the dress of grown-up years: cp. Macrob. Sat. 3. 8. 7 Romani pueros et pnellas nobiles et inuestes camillos et Camillas appellant, where the original meaning of ' beardless ' would seem to have disappeared. Nympharum . . . Horarum . . . Musarum . . . Gratiarum] For the connexion of Venus with the Nymphs and Graces cp. Hor. Carm. 1.4. 6, 7. The Horae were goddesses of the seasons (more especially of the spring- season), and we find their altars beside those of Aphrodite (Pans. 5. 15. 3). They adorned the goddess when she rose from the sea, according to the Homeric Hymn 5. 5-15 a duty else- where attributed to the Graces (Horn. Od. 8. 364). The Muses and the Graces are connected as goddesses of the chorus : cp. Horn. Hymn 27. 15, and Hesiod, Theog. 64. domina] 'madam'; cp. c. 31. puto puellam . . . efflicte cupere] The Gavia talks slowly and hesitatingly. ' I think it is a girl if I recollect rightly she is known by the name of Psyche that he is desperately in love with.' It is fairly certain that puellam is the object of cupere. We should certainly expect the subject to be expressed ; and Traube proposes to read eum perire for cupere. Perhaps we might suppose eum (ei'i) to have fallen out before cu of cupere. Rossbach adds ilium after puellam. The form efflicte is rare. Besides this passage, the only place it is found is Symmachus, Epist. 1. 90. Elsewhere Apuleius uses efflictim, e.g. 1. 8; 3. 16; 5. 6; 5. 23; Apol. 79. 100 ; and the instances are so numerous that one is tempted to suppose that the mss. reading here has arisen from efflictim eum cupere. exclamauit uel maxime] cp. c. 29 quam maxime loans. Liitjohann trans- poses uel maxime before indignata. A recent hand in F has altered uel into per. Beck suggests ut. meae formae succubam, mei nominis aemulam] ' the supplanter of my v. 29] CUPID AND PSYCHE 71 uere diligit, nimirum illud incrementum lenam me putauit, cuius monstratu puellam illam cognosceret." $9 Haec quintans properiter emergit e mari suumque protinus aureum thalamum petit et reperto, sicut audierat, aegroto puero iam inde a foribus quam maxime boans : 5 " honesta," inquit, " haec et natalibus nostris bonaeque tuae frugi congruentia, ut primum quiderii tuae parentis, immo dominae praecepta calcares nee sordidis amoribus inimicam meam cruciares, uerum etiam hoc aetatis puer tuis licentiosis 1 si uere F, sed vox si postea, fortasse eadeni manu, deleta: om. si . beauty, the rival of my name': cp. 10. 24 coepit puellam uelut aemulam tori snccubamque primo suspicari : so the Glosses, TroAAoKT], pellex. Friedlander (i 6 ., p. 531), if I understand him rightly, seems to take the word in the sense of 'changeling' (Wechselbalg) referring to supposuerant stramenticium uauatonein ('baby-kin,' 'baba') in Petronius (c. 63) ; but this is doubt- ful. si uere] cp. 6. 29 quod si uere lupiter mugiuit in bouem ; 10. 11 sed si uere puer . . . sumpsit potionem. Si had been originally in F, but for some reason was erased, and does not appear in adepifei. 72 CUPID AND PSYCHE [v. 29 et immaturis iungeres amplexibus, ut ego nurum scilicet tolerarem inimicam ? sed utique praesumis nugo et corruptor et inamabilis te solum generosum nee me iam per aetatem posse concipere. uelim ergo scias multo te meliore 5 filium alium genituram, immo ut contumeliam magis sentias, aliquem de meis adoptaturam uernulis eique donaturam istas pinnas et flammas et arcum et ipsas sagittas et omnem meam supellectilem, quam tibi non ad hos usus dederam ; nee enim de patris tui bonis ad instructioneni istam quicquam concessum 10 est. 4 mellore ify : meliore F. iungeres] governs inimicam meam. utique praesumis] ' you are especially presumptuous in supposing, you good- for-nothing, seducing, detestable boy.' Nugo seems to be an Apuleian. form for nugator : cp. next chapter. For praesumis cp. 7. 27 at utcunque se praesumit innocentem ; and for a slightly different sense 3. 15. te solum generosum] ' that there is no other prince except yourself ' (F. Norden) ; that he was the only legitimate son and heir of Venus. genituram] Even in Cicero gigno is used of the female ; cp. Tusc. 1. 102 ; N. D. 2. 129 ; cp. Tac. Ann. 12. 2. It is possible that we should add me before multo. But Apuleius often omits the subject of the infinitive 9. 41 nee uidisse quidem contendit : Apol. 2 pollicitus itafacturum : see Leky, p. 33. In 5. 13 fin. tbe parallels quoted in the note there justify the addition of the subject. ad hos usus dederam] cp. Yerg. JEn. 4. 647 ensemque recludit Dardanium, non hos quctesitum munus in usus. nec enim de patris tui bonis . . . concessum est] The property of the wife which tbe Greeks called Trapatyepva probably what the Latins called mundus muliebris (Liv. 34. 7. 9 ; cp. note to 4. 33) was distinct from tbe dowry, and was, as a general rule, scheduled, and tbe schedule signed by the husband ; cp. Ulpian in Dig. 23. 3. 9. 3 plane si rerum libellus marito detur ut Romae uolgo fieri uidemus (nam mulier res quas solet in usu habere in domo mariti iieque in dotem dat, in libellum solet conferre eumque libellum marito offerre, ut is subscribat, quasi res acceperit, et uelut chiroyraphum eius uxor retinet res quae libello continentur in domwn eius se intulisse] : Jiae igitur res an maritifiant uideamus. Et nonputo, non quod non ei traduntur (quid enim interest inferaniur uolente eo in domum eius an ei tradantur?}, sed quia non puto hoc agi inter v.irutn et uxorem, ut dommiuin ad eum transferatur, sed magis ut cerium sit in domum eius illata, ne, si quando separatio fiat, negetur : et plerumque custodiam earum maritus re- promittit, nisi mulieri commissae sunt. Cp. Codex Just. 5. 14. 8. (of the year 450 A.D.) Decernimus ut uir in his rebus, quas extra do/.cm mulier habet . . . nullam \ixore pYohibente hnbeat communionem nec aliqiiam ei necessitatem imponut. instructionem] ' outfit.' Cupid's whole outfit came from his mother's own special property ; nothing came from the property of his step -father, Mars. We are not permitted to know who was the actual father of Cupid. If, in 6. 22, fili is not merely the expression used by an elder to a youth, v. 30] CUPID AND PSYCHE 73 3O Sed male prima pueritia inductus es et acutas manus habes et maiores tuos irreuerenter pulsasti totiens et ipsain matrem tuam, me inquam ipsam parricida denudas cotidie et percussisti saepius et quasi uiduam utique contemnis nee uitricum tuum fortissimum ilium maximumque bellatorem 5 metuis. quidni ? cui saepius in angorem mei paelicatus puellas propinare consuesti. sed iam faxo te lusus huius paeniteat et sentias acidas et amaras istas nuptias. sed nunc 1 prima F : prima tua . Apuleius would seem to consider Jupiter as his father: Cicero (N. D. 3. 59) says Mercury. Cp. also Preller, Gr. Myth. i. 414, note 1. For Apnleius' predilection for references to Roman Law cp. c. 27 ; 6. 22, and often. 3O male . . . inductus es] ' you have been badly conducted'; cp. such phrases as in errorem induci. The expression is some what like the English 'misconduct.' The Dictionaries do not give any exact parallel, though they quote Cic. Rose. Am. 117, and Tibull. 1. 6. 1 for inducere, 'to cajole,' like ductare, cir- cumducere in the comic writers (see note to c. 27 fin.). But it is somewhat stronger than 'you have been misled.' "We must not alter with Hildebrand to the flat reading indoctus. Michaelis adds the prep, a after prima. acutas manus] The reference is either by enallage to Cupid's sharp arrows directed by his hands (cp. 5. 23) ; or more probably (as is suggested by Dittmann in the Thesaurus, 463. 58) to the Greek epithet 6i>x(ip, meaning 'impulsive,' 'quick (sharp) with the hands,' applied to Hercules in Theocritus, Epigr. (22) 20; cp. also the comic poet Nicomachus (see Kock iii., p. 387), 1. 33, Senrrwv 8e iras ra.\\6rpia (' on what does not agree with him ') jiver' 6!-vxeip KOVK ey/cpoTTjs, and Lucian Dial. Deor. 7. 2 of Hermes as quick at thieving. me. . .ipsam parricida denudas] 'you, a very parricide, keep exposing me.' Similar complaints in Lucian Dial. Deor. 11. 1; 12. 1 ; 19. 1. uitricum] This is Mars. In Ovid Am. 1. 2. 24 (qui deceat currum uitricus ipse dabif) the uitricus is probably, as Beck and F. Norden say, Mars, not Vulcan. The reference to the triumph (1. 25) would seem to show this. quidni ?] Apuleius often uses this word : 6. 17 ; cp. 4. 24 ; 8. 2 ; 9. 9 ; 9. 17; 11. 26; 11. 30. cui . . . consuesti] ' Of course : as you are often wont to hand over girls to him so as to embitter me with rivals.' If it is thought necessary to keep the alliteration in a translation, we might render 'to procure him paramours to provoke me to jealous passion.' For propinare, in the same sense as the Greek irpoiriveiv (used more than once in this sense by Demosthenes), 'to give freely or readily ' (as presents were given when healths were pledged at feasts). Nonius (33. 8) quotes the grand lines of Ennius, Enni poeta, salue, qui mortalibus iiersus propinas flammeos medullitus ; and Ter. Eim. 1087 Hunc comedendum uobis propino et deriden- dum. in angorem mei paelicatus] ' to embitter me with rivals,' lit. 'to the embitterment of my having rivals ': cp. 8. 22 quo dolore paelicatus uxor eius instricta (or instincta). iam faxo . . . paeniteat] cp. note to 4. 30. Note the assonance in the fivefold termination -as. >ID AND PSYCHE [v. 30 inrisui habita quid agam ? quo me conferam ? quibus modis stelionem istum cohibeam ? petamne auxilium ab inimica mea Sobrietate, quam propter huius ipsius luxuriam offendi saepius ? a[u]t rusticae squalentisque feminae conloquium prorsus [adhi- 5 bendum est] horresco. nee tamen uindictae solacium undeunde spernendum est. ilia mihi prorsus adhibenda est nee ulla alia, quae castiget asperrime nugonem istum, pharetram explicet et sagittas dearmet, arcum enodet, taedam deflammet, immo et ipsum corpus eius acrioribus remediis coherceat. tune iniuriae 4 at Jahn : ant F<. prorsus adhibendum est del. Liitjohann. quo me conferam ?] F. Norden sees in this an echo of the famous outburst of C. Gracchus (Cic. De Orat. 3. 214) Quo me miser conferam? Quo uertam? In Capitolium? At fratris sanguine madet. An domum ? Matremne ut mise- ram lamentantem uideam et abiectam ? stelionem] 'cozener.' The word stellionatus (or stelionatus) is common in Bom an law as a comprehensive term for swindling (see the Dictt.) : cp. Digest 47. 20. 3 stellionatum obici posse his qui dolo quid fecerunt sciendum est, scilicet si aliud crimen non sit quod obiciatur . . . Ubicunque igitur titulus criminis deficit illic stellionatum obicie- mus. Pliny (N. H. 30, 89) gives its derivation as from stellio, ' a lizard,' which used to devour its skin, as a lizard's skin was considered useful in medicine, quoniam nullum animal fraudulentius inuidere homini tradunt inde stelionum nomine in male translato. This is plainly i\ popular etymology. Possibly the word is connected with ' to steal.' It is probable that the word, as well as stellio, a 'lizard,' should be spelled stelio. Lachmann (on Lucr. i. 313) considers that II after a long vowel is reduced to I when t follows, unless iis a case-ending: thus tiilla, but uilicus. The niss. in Apuleius both here and Apol. 51 favour stelionem with one L The same is the case with the mss. of Verg. G. 4. 243 and Petron. 50. 5. at] So Jahn for aut. prorsus adhibendum est] Liitjohann bracketed these words, which are either a marginal gloss of an edifying moral nature, or some kind of an anticipation of the words which follow shortly after, just as magnae art is in 5. 1 is anticipated in the mss., and appears erroneously before homo. Plasberg re- tains prorsus, which occurs before adhibendum est, omitting only the latter two words, as he considers prorsus caused the error, the copyist's eye having wandered to the prorsus in the next line but one. undeunde] ' from whatever quarter it is to come': cp. Hor. Sat. 1. 3. 88 Qui nisi . . . mercedem aut nummos undeunde extricat. For the sense cp. Verg. -ZEn. 7. 310 quod si mea numina non sunt tnagna satis, dubitem haud equidem implorure quod usquam est. pharetram . . . deflammet] ' undo his quiver, disarm his arrows, unstring his bow, disfire his torch.' Note the two verbs beginning with ex- (e-} and the two verbs beginning with de-. This is plainly intentional, and an attempt has been made to reproduce it. Sagittas dearmare means ' to take the points off the arms ': dejiammare is a word invented for the occasion, and the same privilege may be allowed the translator. The et before sagittas is to be ejected, as Liitjohann proposes, having arisen from the -et of explicet. v. 31] CUPID AND PSYCHE 75 meae lita[ta]tum crediderim, cum eius comas, quas istis manibus meis subinde aureo nitore perstrinxi, deraserit, pinnas, quas meo gremio nectarei f ontis inf eci, praetotonderit." 31 Sic effata foras sese proripit infesta et stomachata biles Venerias. sed earn protinus Ceres et luno continantur s 1 litatum $ : lita \ tatum F. 5 continantur Kiessling : continuantur F. For similar threats of Aphrodite against Eros cp. Lucian, Dial. Deor. 11. 1 Stare iro\\a.Kis i}irei\T)' have continatur ; so F0 in 7. 25 continatum. But in 11. 6 they have continuare. In 11. 22 F has ctinat (sic), but

vyovs evp&v Spaireriv aiittfferai. Possibly, as Diet/e suggests (Philol. 1900, p. 143), the idea of regarding Psyche as the slave of Venus may have been sug- gested by the poem of Moschus ("Epus SpaireT-rjs). There may be in uolaticam an allusion (but an allusion of the slightest) to the representation of Psyche in art as butterfly -winged. Volaticam means springing about, now here, now there, and may be translated * elusive.' It does not simply mean 'winged' (as in Plautus Poen. 473), as may perhaps be inferred from 8. 16 where a comic rationalistic explanation of the winged Pegasus is given, denique mecum ipse reputabam Pegasum inclutum ilium metu magis uolaticum fuisse ac per hoc merito pinnatum proditum, dum in altum et adusque caelum snbsilit ac resultat, formidans scilicet igniferae morsum Chimaerae. Cicero's celebrated description of the New Academy gives the meaning exactly: Att. 13. 25. 3 Academiam uolaticam et sui similem modo hue, modo illxc. non dicendi filii] ' of my unspeak- able son.' This is a Latinization of v. 31] CUPID AND PSYCHE 77 Tune illae ignarae, quae gesta sunt, palpare Yeneris iram saeuientem sic adortae : " quid tale, domina, deliquit tuus filius, ut animo peruicaci uoluptates illius impugnes et, quam ille diligit, tu quoque perdere gestias ? quod autem, oramus, isti crimen, si puellae lepidae libenter adrisit ? an ignoras eum & masculum et iuuenem esse uel certe iam, quot sit annorum, oblita es ? an, quod aetatem portat bellule, puer tibi semper uidetur ? mater autem tu et praeterea cordata mulier filii tui lusus semper explorabis curiose et in eo luxuriem culpabis et amores reuinces et tuas artes tuasque delicias in formonso 10 filio reprehendes ? quis autem te deum, quis hominum patietur passim cupidines populis disseminantem, cum tuae 1 non ignarae uel gnarae Beroaldus : ignarae F0. 4 quoque F

aTos. F. J^orden refers to Apoll. Rhod. 3. 129 riirr' eVi^etSmas, &<$>arov KO.KOV. We should not interpret ' un- worthy to be called a child of mine.' non ignarae] Beroaldus added non : cp. 5. 25 casiis eius non inscius ; Apol. 33 medicinae non ignarus. He also suggested gnarae. From the tenor of the speech it is plain that the goddesses knew the whole story. domina] ' madam ' ; the address of formal politeness: cp. c. 28. tu quoque] So the mss. ; and it is certainly hard to explain quoque. It is possible that Apuleius has for a moment forgotten himself, and attri- butes to the goddesses the knowledge that Cupid had deserted Psyche, and that he meant by tu quoque, ' you as well as Cupid.' If this interpretation is not accepted, we must have recourse to some emendation such as tu quoquo modo (Liitjohann) : cp. 7. 19 ut me quoquo modo perditum iret ; or tu quidem (Helm) : cp. 6. 16 iam tu quidem magna uideris quaedam . . . male/lea. libenter] ' in his fancy.' adrisit] cp. Mart. 11. 45. 2 seu puer adrisit siue puella tibi. portat] Vliet suggests portas, which is deliciously feline, and, as such, suits well with mater and cordata. But the mss. reading gives a good sense. Cupid has all the attractiveness of boyhood, yet is a man : cp. Lucian Dial. Deor. 2. 1 ffv iraiSiov 6 "Epus, os apxaiorepos e? TroAu 'laTreroG / 3} SIOTI /J.TJ irwyuva. /xrjSe TroA-tas ttyvffas 5m TO.VTCL Kai fipefyos ato?s vo/jii^aQai ; For bellule cp. 10. 16; 11. 30. cordata] 'sensible.' cp.Plaut.Poen. 131 quas (res) tu sapienter docte cordate et cafe mihi reddidisti opiparas opera tua : and the well-known line of Ennius, Egregie cordatus homo, catus ^Lelius Sextus. reuinces] ' crush down.' The idea of conquering by driving back is con- veyed by the re- : cp. Cic. Sull. 1 redomiti et reuicti (according to Dr. Reid's emendation for uicti); Hor. Carm. 4. 4. 24 uictrices cateruae Consiliis in- uenis reuictae ; and Lucr. 5. 409. tuasque delicias] and your own charming ways.' formonso] cp. note to 4. 28. cum . . . officinam] ' when you cruelly curb the love-adventures of your house, and close down the public manufactory of female frailties.' For 78 CUPID AND PSYCHE [vi. 1 muliebrium domus amores amare coherceas et uitiorum publicam praecludas officinam?" Sic illae metu sagittarum patrocinio gratioso Cupidini, quamuis absent!, blandiebantur. sed Venus indignata ridicule 5 tractari suas iniurias praeuersis illis alterorsus concito gradu pelago uiam capessit. VI 1 Interea Psyche uariis iactabatur discursibus, dies noctesque mariti uestigationibus inquieta animo, tanto cupidior iratum licet, si non uxori<^>s blanditiis lenire, certe seruilibus 5 alterorsus Vollmer, cp. 9. 28 : alte rursus F< : altrorsus Eyssenhardt: altro- vorsus Traube. 6 Ego salustius legi et emendaui rome felix METHAMORPHOSEON LIB. V. Explicit. INCIP. LIB. VI. FELICITER. 9 uxoriis Beroaldus : nxoris F0. assonance of words not etymologically connected amores amare (adv. 'bitterly') compare 8. 6 inuita remansit in uita ; 6. 18 atra atria Proserpinae. gratioso] ' interested . ' praeuersis] cp. Verg. -iEn. 1. 317 uolucremque fug a praeuertitur Hebnim . alterorsus] ' sweeping by them on the other side.' This is the reading of Jahn and Eyssenhardt for alte rursus, for which Traube reads altrouorsns (cp. Plaut. Gas. 555) : cp. 9. 28 uxore alterorsus disclusa. On the whole, it is best to adopt this reading, though it is not clear what is the * one ' side to which the ' other ' side is opposed. Transpositions of words in F are very rare ; otherwise we might read rursus alte concito, or regard alte as having got out of place, and insert it before indignata'. cp. 10. 3 altius agitata ; 9. 29 altius commota atque exasperata : certainly rursus seems appropriate. Venus had just come from the sea (c. 29 init.), and now she goes back to it. 1 inquieta animo, tanto cupidior . . . propitiare] T\vo objections may be urged against this reading : (1) animo instead of the usual animi: cp. c. Ifttrens animi ; (2) the want of some correlative with tanto. Besides we require some note of contrast between the two clauses. Between uestigationibus and inquieta Vliet (followed by Helm) adds \ but this, though a clever addition (for intenta he compares 5. 28 init.), is too daring, and does not touch the question of animo for animi. The word animo is some what superfluous, as the whole sentence refers to the mental state of Psyche: she was dis- tracted by reason of her fruitless search for her husband, yet all the more eager to find him a psychological condition we all know when we are not im- mediately successful in finding what we especially desire. In place of animo (alo] I would suggest tamen eo, the loss of t being due to the -ta of irrequieta, * yet on that account being all the more eager.' licet, si] Koziol omits si, which may have been a gloss on the unusual licet, taking the latter with non uxoriis. But the old editors are right in putting a comma at licet, and taking it with TI. 1] CUPID AND PSYCHE 79 precibus propitiare. et prospecto templo quodam in ardui mentis uertice : " unde autem," inquit, " scio an istic meus degat dominus ?" et ilico dirigit citatum gradum, quern defectum prorsus adsiduis laboribus spes incitabat et uotum. iamque nauiter emensis celsioribus iugis puluinaribus sese 5 proximam intulit. uidet spicas frumentarias in acerm) et alias flexiles in corona et spicas hordei uidet. erant et falces et operae messoriae mundus omnis, sed cuncta passim iacentia et incuria confusa et, ut solet aestu, laborantium manibus proiecta. haec singula Psyche curiose diuidit et discretim 10 remota rite componit, rata scilicet nullius dei fana caerimonias neclege se debere, sed omnium beniuolam miserieordiam corrogare. 6 acertio : acerbo F. 11 ac add. Hildebrand : et add. v. 12 neclegere se v : neglegese F< : neglegese f . iratum. For licet after the word it qualifies Helm compares 3. 9 ingratis licet : we may add the fine line in Propertius 5. 11. 17 Immatura licet, tamen hue non noxia ueni. The pleon- astic licet si is only found very rarely and in little-read authors ; see Weyman, Sitzungsh. der bayer. Akad., 1893, p. 332. unde . . . scio an] ' how do I know but that ' : cp. Hor. A. P. 462 Qui scis an prudens hue se proiecerit. But I am unable to quote an exact parallel (except in this phrase, e.g. 1. 15) for unde in the sense of 'on what grounds,' though it is a natural signification. The nearest I can find is such a phrase as Plaut. Bacch. 630. Pi. Heia bonum habe animum. Mn. Vnde habeam ? dirigit . . . gradum] 'steps out quickly' : cp. 9. 17 securam dirigit pro- fectionem, 'starts off without anxiety.' Stoll adds eo after illico. proximam] Elmenhorst conjectures proximans'. cp. c. 3 sacratis foribus proxi- mat. But there does not seem to be any reason to alter the reading of the mss. Cp. -8. 26 praesepio me proximum flexiles in corona] woven in a crown ' ; flexilis seems to be used passively, as nexilis often is. Crowns of wheat-ears were dedicated in the temple of Ceres: cp. Tibull. 1. 1. 19 Flaua Ceres tibi sit nostro de rure corona spicea, quae templi pendeat ante fores ; Hor. Carm. Saec. 29 Fertilis frugum pecorisque tellus spicea donet Cereretn corona : also Tibull. 1. 6. 22. hordei uidet] Helm proposes to eject uidet with F. Norden, or to transpose it to follow corona. mundus] 'paraphernalia.' Cp. note to 4. 33. remota] Eohde admirably conjectures semota, comparing 6. 10 singvlis granis rite dispositis atque seiugatis. But Psyche may be considered not merely to have sorted out (discretim, Florid. 9. 37) the various reaping instruments, but also to have ' put them away ' (remouere] from where the original heap lay, and to have arranged them properly (rite componit}. ac] Added by Hildebrand. Apuleius does not avoid the use of ac before c. Helm quotes 1. 25 ; 11. 16 ; 11. 21. 80 CUPID AND PSYCHE [vi. 2 $ Haec earn sollicite seduloque curantem Ceres alma deprehendit et longum exclamat protinus : " am, Psyche miseranda ? totum per orbem Venus anxia disquisitione tuum uestigium furens animi requirit teque ad extremum supplicium 5 expetit et totis numinis sui uiribus ultionem flagitat : tu uero rerum mearum tutelam nunc geris et aliud quicquam cogitas nisi de tua salute ? " Tune Psyche pedes eius aduoluta et uberi fletu rigans deae uestigia humumque uerrens crinibus suis multiiugis precibus 10 editis ueniam postulabat: " per ego te frugiferam tuam dexteram istam deprecor, per laetificas messium caerimonias, per tacita secreta cistarum et per famulorum tuorum draconum pinnata 2 longum exclamat] cp. Horace A. P. 459 licet ' Succurrite ' longum clamet l lo cives,' where the commenta- tors compare Horn. II. 3. 81 avrap 6 Cp. note to 5. 28 (solidum). ain] < What ? ' ' Really ' : cp. 1 . 8 ; 3. 22 ; 7. 25. Jahn proposes , tu. uestigium . . . requirit] cp. 5. 5 and Plaut. Cist. 724 uestigium hie require. pedes eius aduoluta] cp. Sallust (Hist. Fr. inc. 60, = Kritz, p. 386) genua patrum aduohtntur, a construction adopted by Tacitus o ften, see F urneaux on A nn . 1 . 13. 7. The usual construction is with the dative ; and this is used by Tacitus also, but only twice. Apuleius also uses the ace. in Apol. 94. humumque uerrens crinibus suis] cp. Livy 26. 9. 7 matronae . . . circa deum delulra discurrunt crinibus passis aras uerrentes, nixae genibussupinas manus ad caelum ac deos tendentes orantesque ; Sil. 6. 561 Ast aliae laceris canentes crinibus alta uerrunt tecta deum. Gutscha quotes Claudian Carm. Min. 30. 223 supplice crine uerris humum, and notices (p. 158 note) that in these two passages alone is a suppliant said uerrere humum ; in all other passages it is aras or templa. multiiugis] uttering manifold prayers' : cp. Apol. 36 legisti profecto Aristotelis . . . multiiuga uolumina: also teriugum caput of Cerberus (c. 18). For this form of prayer see another example in 11. 2. per ego te . . . deprecor] cp. 4. 31 per ego te . . . foedera deprecor. This kind of separation of per from its object is common: cp. Verg. JEn. 4. 314. laetificas messium caerimonias] There was always a note of joy in harvest festivals. In August at Rome there was a sacrum anniuersarium Cereris which it was not permitted for those who were in mourning (lugentibus) to celebrate (Livy 22. 56. 4) ; and this ceremonial is stated (Paul, ad Festum, p. 97) to have come from Greece, and to have been held ob inuentionem Proserpinae. secreta] ' mysteries ' : cp. 3. 15 erae meae miranda secreta: 11. 21 fin. arcana purissimae religionis secreta. For tacita with secreta, cp. 8. 8 tacita pectoris sui secreta, 'the unuttered secrets of his heart.' cistarum] On the cistae of Demeter,. see Dr. Frazer's Pausanias (vol. iv. 292 on Paus. 8. 25. 7). They were wicker-work baskets of cylindrical shape, generally with a lid, and held some sacred food, of which the initiated at the Eleusinian mysteries partook as vi. 2] CUPID AND PSYCHE 81 curricula et glebae Siculae sulcainina et currum rapacem et terrain tenacem et inluminarum Proserpinae nuptiarum demeacula et luminosarum filiae inuentionum remeacula et cetera, quae silentio tegit Eleusin[h]is Atticae sacrarium, miserandae Psyches animae, supplicis tuae, subsiste. inter 5 istam spicariun congeriem patere uel pauculos dies delitescani, quoad deae tantae saeuiens ira spatio ternporis mitigetur uel 4 Eleusinis v : eleus In his Ftp. a sort of sacrament or communion. Dr. Frazer says : " On a fragment of sculpture which once adorned a puteal Demeter is represented handing ears of corn and poppies to Triptolemus : between them is a cista, with a serpent creeping out of it. On a terra- cotta relief Demeter appears seated en a cista, about which is twined a serpent, whose head rests on the lap of the goddess. We may hence, perhaps, infer that the cista contained one of the sacred serpents of Demeter, or an image of it." On the coins called cistophori a snake is generally represented coming out of the cista. See Lenormant in Daremberg and Saglio, ii., 1211 ; and on serpents generally in the worship of Demeter, ib., ii., 1069. per . . . pinnata curricula] cp. Ovid Met. 5. 642 geminos dea fertilis angues curribns admouit frenisque coercuit ora. This car of serpents she also lends to Triptolemus : cp. Apollodorus 1. 5. 2 e . . . 8i(ppov Kma.aKfva.aa.aa. SpUKOVTCUV KO.I TTVpOV OtaKV If /j.Vf)v Si' ovpavov aipo- /careViret/je : cp. Ovid. Met. 8. 795. glebae Siculae sulcamina] ' the furrowings of Sicilian soil.' The word sulcamen does not occur elsewhere. This may possibly mean the chasm into which Pluto carried Proserpine: but more probably it refers to the furrows in which corn was planted. Sicily "was a favoured land in respect of corn, and associated especially with Ceres as being the scene of the ravishment of Proserpine : hence it is that .Apuleius refers to it; and so we need not suppose that he was ignorant of the general legend that attributed the first growing of corn to Triptolemus and Eleusis. et currum . . . remeacula] 'the clasping car and the grasping ground, Proserpine's lampless wedlock and de- scent, thy daughter's lamp-lit invention and reascent.' There is the antithesis of demeare and remeare again in 10. 31. The word illuminus does not seem to occur elsewhere. It was probably coined by Apuleius to make a contrast to luminosarum. For the parts of the Eleusinian mysteries which were sym- bolical of these events, see Diet, of Antiquities, pp. 719 f., 723 f. subsiste] 'support,' 'be a stay to'; a word of which Apuleius makes this infrequent use elsewhere, 11. 2 tu meis iam mine extremis aerumnis subsiste. It is also to be found in 2. 27; 3. 23; 5. 19. uel pauculos dies] ' even a few short days.' spatio temporis] cp. 7. 6 exiguo temporis spatio. Spatium is also used of time without temporis being added in 9. 19 and 9. 25. uel certe] cp. 5.1; 8.28; and often. 82 CUPID AND PSYCHE [vi. 3 certe meae res diutino labore fessae quietis interuallo leniantur." 3 Suscipit Ceres : " tuis quidem lacrimosis precibus et commoueor et opitulari cupio, sed cognatae meae, cum qua 5 etiam foedus antiquum amicitiae colo, bonae praeterea feminae, malam gratia subire nequeo. decede itaque istis aedibus protinus et quod a me retenta custoditaque non fueris opthm consule." Contra spem suam repulsa Psyche et afflicta duplici maestitia 10 iter retrorsum porrigens inter subsitae conuallis sublucidum 1 meae uires <, ui ex corr. sed eadem manu : mee (corr. ex metu uel meta) * * | res F. 6 gratiam f : gratia F. 7 optimi v : optime leniantur] ' my overtaxed and ex- hausted strength may be calmed by an interval of repose.' The expression ' to calm one's overtaxed strength ' may be slightly unusual, but it is not sufficiently so to justify Rohde's emendation leuen- tur. The high -strung muscles may be said to be ' soothed ' or ' calmed ' by a period of rest. 3 malam gratiam subire] 'to get on unfriendly terms with,' lit. ' to submit to ill-favour.' For mala gratia, cp. Ter. Phorm. 620-622 'quor non,' inquam, ' Phormio, uides inter nos sic haecpotius cum bona ut componamus gratia quam cum mala ? istis] these ' virtually = his : see Kretschmann, p. 90, and note on 5. 10. optimi consule] ' take in the best part': cp. 8. 9 loni ergo et optimi consules. This was an old use of connulere = iudicare : cp. Quintil. 1. 6. 32 Sit enim Consul a consulendo uel a iudicando: nam et hoc consule re ueteres uocauerunt, unde adhuc remanet illud rogat boni consulas, id est lonum indices. The genitive optimi is explained by Roby $ 1191 as a genitive (locative) of price, 'to consider at a fair price'; Drager (Hist. Synt. i. p. 460) seems to take it as the genitive of possession, such as haec consilii fuerunt (Cic. Fam. 9. 6. 2) ; alius lucri totus est (Senec. Ben. 7. 26. 4) ; then boni consukre would literally mean, ' regard as belonging to the category of good.' That one divinity should not interfere with the actions of another is stated by Euripides Hipp. 1328 Qeolffi 8' 58' ex^t yoyos' ouSets a.Tra.vra.v &ov\eTai. Trpo6v/j.ia rrf rov Q4\ovros dAA.' afyiffrd- /ir0' det: cp. Ovid. Met. 3. 336 neque enim licet irrita cuiquamfacta deifecisse deo ; also ib. 14. 784. iter . . . porrigens] cp. 2. 14 fin. sisqiie felix et iter dextemm porri- gas. subsitae] Of course subditae has been long ago suggested (by Salmasius; as an emendation, with a reference to 4. 35 fin. ; but it is unnecessary: cp. Florid. 2 p. 7 (Oud.) homines enim neque longule dissita neque proxume adsita possumus cernere, which shows the partiality of Apuleius for words com- pounded with -situs. vi. 4] CUPID AND PSYCHE 83 lucum prospicit fanum sollerti fabrica structum nee ullam uel dubiam spei melioris uiam nolens omittere, sed adire cuius- cumque del ueniam, sacratis foribus proximat. uidet dona pretiosa [h]et lacinias auro litteratas ramis arborum postibusque suffixas, quae cum gratia facti nomen deae, cui fuerant dicata, 5 testabantur. tune genu nixa et manibus aram tepentem amplexa detersis ante lacrimis sic adprecatur: 4 " Magni louis germana et coniuga, sive tu Sami, quae partu uagituque et alimonia tua gloriatur, tenes uetusta 4 et f : hec F : f> <. 8 quae sola Salmasius : querula (u corr. ex o eadem maim) F : qrula . fanum . . . structum] ' she sees in a darkling grove of the low-set valley a shrine of artistic construction.' The Dictt. quote no other ex. of sublucidus. adire . . . ueniam]. cp. Lucr. 5 1229 non diuom pacem uotis adit. proximat] cp. note to 6. 1. In 6. 8. we have the ace. (fores] used after this verb. Apuleius is fond of the verb proximare. He uses it at least a dozen times. lacinias . . . suffixas] F. Norden admirably compares Ovid Fast. 3. 267 (of the nemus of Diana at Aricia) Licia dependent, longas uelantia saepes, et posita est meritae multa tabella deae, which custom reminds one of the rags we find fixed on bushes near ' holy wells ' in Ireland. He also compares Ov. Met. 8. 743 Stabat in his ing ens annoso robore quercus, una nemus ; uittae mediam memoresque tabellae sertaque cingebant, tioti argumenta potentis. Shipwrecked mariners constantly made offerings of their garments at temples : cp. Verg. JEn. 12. 767. For lacinia = a 'gar- ment' cp. 3. 21 omnibus laciniis se deuestit Pamphile; 11. 14 praecipit tegendo mihi linteam dari laciniam ; Petron. 12. fin. detraxitque humeris luciniam. For litter atus we may com- pare Plaut. Rud. 478 liaec (sacra urna Veneria] litteratast ; eapse cantat quoia sit, though the littera there is probably a mark stamped by the officials of the temple, and not by votaries: cp. in Apuleius 3. 17 litter atis lamminis, and 9. llfrontes litter ati. genu nixa] Oudendorp compares Plaut. Rud. 694 Tibi auscultamus et, Venus alma, ambae te obsecramus aram amplexantes hanc tuam lacrimantes* genibus nixae, &c. detersis ante lacrimis] This is a beautiful touch. Psyche steadied her- self and dried her eyes, when about to address the most stately of the god- desses. One cannot hold that in general a worshipper in tears was not permitted to approach a god : cp. c. 2, above (uberifatu) . 4: Magni louis germana et coniuga] cp. Verg. 2En. 1. 46 taken from the Iliad 16. 432 KavKvia (Pausanias 7. 4. 4). For -rula Rohde suggests insula ; but symmetry would in that case probably have urged Apuleius to add urbi after the next quae, andjluuius after qtti not to speak of the improbability of the conjecture. Conjectures which introduce the adjec- tive querulus, such as quae querula (Oudendorp) or quae querulo impair the stateliness of the address, which is as much strained as it can be by the word uagitu ('infant's cries'). Carthaginis] This refers to the goddess Tanit, who was worshipped as Dea Caelestis by the Romans. She was identified with luno, and in one inscription is styled luno Caelestis (C. I. L. viii, 1424). She is the Juno of Vergil and Horace (Carm. 2. 1. 25). On a coin of Sept. Severus, reproduced in Roscher's 'Lexikon der Mythologie,' iii, p. 613, she is represented as riding on a galloping lion. When Elagabalus married her to his god from Emesa, the only dowry he accepted was two golden lions (Dio. Cass. 79. 12). See the articles on luno Caelestis in Roscher, op. cit., and on Caelestis in Pauly- Wissowa iii, 1248 ff. (the latter by Cumont). Her shrine was in the citadel of Carthage (Ovid, Fast. 6. 45). She appears last in Ulpian's list (Frag. 22. 6, p. 597, ed. Huschke) of divinities whom it was permitted senatus consultii constitutionibus principum to nominate as heirs ; but it is uncertain when this privilege was accorded her. siue] so the old editors. F gives seues ; and (p seues. F occasionally adds s wrongly at the end of words, e.g. 5. 7. praeceptis ; 5. 20 metus ; and also puts for i ; 6.3. optitne for optimi. prope ripas Inachi] Inachus was the river of Argos, and Hera was pre-eminently ' Argive ' : cp. II. 4. 8 "H^TJ T' 'A/>7eiV The Heraeum at Argos was especially celebrated (Paus. 2. 17). reginam deorum] Juno, as wife of Jupiter Rex Deorum, is Regina deorum. Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva were the Capitoline triad of divinities. On luno Regina, see Roscher ' Lexikon ' iii, p. 600. Apuleius combines the Argive Hera and the Capitoline Juno ; as his age was the age of syncre- tism. oriens Zygiam . . . occidens Lucinam] By the East Apuleius means the eastern Mediterranean lands, which were mainly Greek-speaking, and by the West the western lands, which were Latin. For Zygia (cp. tibiae zygiae 4. 33), a fairly common epithet of Hera as goddess of marriage, cp. Apoll. Rhod. 4. 95, 96 ZeDs aurbs 'OAi^winos opmos e, "HpTf re Zvyii], Atbs evveris : Anth. Pal. 7. 188. 4 ovS' "Hpris Zvyiys Aa^uTraScs i)vrtaa-av : cp. also Sappho (if it is Sappho) frag. 133 (Bergk) vyia.v dfou apyvpodpovov "Hpav (according to West- phal's attempted restoration) : cp. also vi. 4] CUPID AND PSYCHE 85 Lucinam appellat, sis meis extremis casibus luno Sospita meque in tantis exanclatis laboribus defessam imminentis periculi metu libera. quod sciam, soles praegnatibus pericli- tantibus ultro subuenire." Ad istum modum supplicanti statim sese luno cum totius 5 sui numinis augusta dignitate praesentat et protinus : " quam uellem," inquit, " per fidem, nutum meum precibus tuis accom- modare. sed contra uoluntatem Veneris, nurus meae, quam filiae semper dilexi loco, praestare me pudor non sinit tune 2 exanclatis v : exantlatis F<. 3 praegnatibus F : praegnantibus . the Latin epithet lug a or lug alls (Paul, ad Fest. 104. 13 ; Serv. on J2n. 4. 16). The epithet Lucina is common : cp. Ter. Andr. 473 luno Lttcina, fer opem ; Ovid Fast. 3. 255 Dicite ' tu nobis lucem, Lucina, dedisti,' Dicite ' tu tioto parturi- entis ades" 1 ; ih. 6. 39. But luno Lucina is generally by the Latin writers identified with Diana: cp. Varro L. L. 5. 69 ; Cic. N. D. 2. 68 Dianam et Lunam eandem esse put ant . . . cum Luna a lucendo nominata sit, eadem est enim Lucina. Itaque ut apud Graecos Dianam eamque Luciferam, sic apud nostros lunonem Lucinam in pariendo inuocant, quae eadem Diana ( omniuaga ' dicitur (with Mr. J. B. Mayor's learned notes) ; Catull. 34. 13 ; Hor. Carm. Saec. 13. See further Roscher, 'Lexikon' iii, 581. luno Sospita] Under this title Juno was worshipped at Lanuvium as Mater Itegina: cp. C. I. L. xiv, p. 192 ff., where we find in inscriptions the titles abbreviated into I.S.M.R. See also Livy 8. 14. 2 Lanuuinis ciuitas data sacraque sua reddita cum eo ut aedes lucusque Sospitae lunonis communis Lanuuinis municipibus cum populo Romano esset. For further see Bosch er 'Lexikon' iii, 595; also Cic. N. D. 1. 82 illam uestram Sospitam quam tu nunquam ne in somnis quidem uides nisi cum pelle caprina, cum hasta, cum scutulo, cum calceolis repandis. (The inscription in Orelli 1308 is not genuine.) For representation of the Juno of Lanuvium see Hoscher op. cit. iii, 606, 608, 609. exanclatis laboribus] ' all the suffer- ings I have gone through' : cp. 1. 16; 6. 11; 8. 1; 11. 2; 11. 12; 11. 15; and Cic. Tusc. 1. 118. Philologians seem divided as to whether the word is directly derived from QavrXciv, as many early words connected with ships are derived from the Greek ("Walde, Thurneysen) ; or connected with the same root as ancilla, A.ncus Martius, the servant of Mars (Vanicek, Reid on Cic. Acad. 2. 109). For in of circumstances almost expressing a cause, cp. 2. 2 senex grauis in annis ; 2. 11 uini in aetaU pretiosi. protinus] cp. 6. 2 init. per fidem] This is rare without some intervening word or vords like deum or deum atque homiwn ; yet cp. Tac. Dial. 35; Petron. 100; also pro fidem, Plaut. Am ph. 376. contra . . . praestare me] 'to exhibit myself in opposition to.' For praestare se with an adverb, cp. Ovid Trist. 4. 5. 23 Teque, quod est gratum, praesta constanter ad omne indeclinatae munus amicitiae. For the conventional non-interference of one divinity with another, see note to c. 3 init. nurus meae] Venus had married Vulcan, the son of Juno. 86 CUPID AND PSYCHE [vi. 5 etiam legibus, quae seruos alienos profugos inuitis dominis uetant suscipi, prohibeor." 5 Isto quoque fortunae naufragio Psyche perterrita nee indipisci iam maritum uolatilem quiens, tota spe salutis 5 deposita, sic ipsa suas cogitationes consuluit : " iam quae possunt alia meis aerumnis temptari uel adhiberi subsidia, cui nee dearum quidem, quamquam uolentium, potuerunt prodesse suffragia? quo rursum itaque tantis laqueis inclusa uestigium porrigam quibusque tectis uel etiam tenebris abscon- 10 dita magnae Yeneris ineuitabiles oculos effugiam ? quin igitur masculum tandem sumis animum et cassae speculae renuntias fortiter et ultroneam te dominae tuae reddis et uel sera modestia saeuientes impetus eius mitigas ? qui scias, an etiam, quern diu quaeritas, ilh'c in domo matris repperias?" sic ad 1 profugos : p fug as F : profugas v. 8 quo rur sum (em. eadem manu) F : quo rursum (j> : quorsum Mercer. 14 illic*v: illucFty. 14 repperiasv: repperies F<. tune etiam] Apuleius occasionally uses these words where we should expect praeterea ; cp. 3. 23: 4. 27: 8. 5. See Becker, p. 28. legibus] See the whole title of the Digest (21. 1) De fugitiuis ; esp. 1, $ 1 Is quifugitiuum celauit fur est. profugos] This correction of < seems the best reading to adopt, though it is just possible that Apuleius may have used profugas on the analogy of perfuga, transfuga. But as we find in the Glosses, v. 137. 42, profuga . .fugitiua, it seems ib&tprofuga was only used as the femi- nine ofproftyus. F often has a for o, e.g. 5. 28 cunctarum for -onim ; meo gedu for -me agedum. It is undesirable to adopt the reading of F perfttgas here ; that word means ' deserters to the enemy.' 5 quiens] This is the form of the participle of qtieo, like iens from eo : cp. 9. 40; also nequiens 8. 14 : 9. 23. See Neue-Wagener, iii 3 , p. 626. nee . . . quidem] cp. note to 5. 5. quo rursum] where shall I turn my steps anew ? ' Mercer conjectures quorsum (quosum, "VVeyman), which is an easy suggestion, but unnecessary. uestigium porrigam] cp. 6. 3. iter . . . porrigens : 6. 1 dirigit. . . gradum. quin . . . animum] The phrase recurs in 6. 26. ultroneam] A word of which Apu- leius is fond, cp. 1. 19 fin. : 2. 30 : 7. 20: 8. 14: Flor. 14, p. 47 (Oud.). Also found in St. Cyprian and St. Jerome: see Eonsch, p. 123. qui scias an etiam] cp. 6. 1 unde . . . scio an. Here we have the usual qui (interrogative) ; but the potential scias ('can you know?') is somewhat exceptional. Still there is no necessity to alter it : cp. Eoby, 1538. We must read repperias with the old editors for repperies of the mss. : cp. 6. 1 (degat}. The indicative cannot be de- fended by such passages as 5. 9 uidisti quanta iacent, as Leky (p. 45) attempts. illic in domo matris] For similar redundancies, cp. c. 12 inde dejluuio: 7. 10 ibidem in hospitio. vi. 6] CUPID AND PSYCHE 87 dubium obsequium, immo ad certum exitium praeparata principium futurae secum meditabatur obsecrationis. 6 At Venus terrenis remediis inquisitionis abnuens caelum petit, iubet construi currum, quern ei Vulcanus aurifex subtili fabrica stucliose poliuerat et ante thalami rudimentum nuptiale 5 munus obtulerat, limae tenuantis detrimento conspicuum et ipsius ami damno pretiosum. de multis quae circa cubiculum dominae stabulant procedunt quattuor candidae columbae et hilaris incessibus picta colla torquentes iugum gemmeum subeunt susceptaque domina laetae subuolant. currum deae 10 dubium] ' dangerous,' in which she did not know what would happen to her. The contrast with certum shows that we must not read indubium with Vliet. principium . . . obsecrationis] This is a good artistic touch, which naturally suggested itself to a rhetorician like Apuleius. 6 terrenis . . . abnnens] ' dis- carding all earth-horn aid in her search.' abnuens] cp. 4. 13 Thebanis cona- tibus abnuentes. construi] ' put together.' The several pieces of the car had to he put together, as in Horn. 11. 24. 266 ff. Oud. and Helm read instrui. quern . . . pretiosum] < which the goldsmith Vulcan carefully finished with most exact workmanship, and before her first experience of marriage had given her as a wedding present, all beautiful by the fining of the polish- ing file, and costly by reason of the lavish use of gold itself.' For rudi- mentum cp. note to 5. 12. Detrimentum is used in its literal sense of ' rubbing off.' de multis . . . familia] 'of the many doves which have their cotes around their mistress's chamber four white ones advance, and with jocund gait, nodding their coloured necks, step under the spangled yoke ; and when they have taken up their mistress, they joyfully fly along. The car of the goddess is accompanied by a twittering chorus of sportive sparrows and other sweet songster birds, who, as they delightfully warble forth their honeyed hymns, proclaim the approach of the goddess. The clouds part asunder ; Heaven opens itself for his daughter ; and the aether to its summit bright with joy welcomes the divine power ; nor does the tuneful retinue of great Venus fear the approach of eagles or the fury of kites.' This is a beautiful passage, a sort of miniature Floridum, which can hardly be treated with justice in a translation. Scioppius well compares the noble verses at the beginning of Lucretius 6-13, esp. 9 placatumque nitet diffuse lumine caelum t and 12 Aeriae primum itolucres te, diva, tuumque significant initum perculsae corda tua ui. stabulant] For the active form, cp. Verg. G. 3. 224 ; JEn. 6. 286. columbae] cp. Romeo and Juliet 2. 5. 4 Love's heralds should be thoughts, Which ten times faster glide than the sun's beams, Driving back shadows over lowering hills : Therefore do nimble-pinioned doves draw Love, And therefore hath the wind-swift Cupid wings. 88 CUPID AND PSYCHE [vi. 7 prosequentes gannitu constrepenti lasciuiunt passeres et ceterae quae dulce cantitant aues melleis modulis suaue resonantes aduentum deae pronuntiant. cedunt nubes et Caelum filiae panditur et summus aether cum gaudio suscipit deam, nee 5 obuias aquilas uel accipitres rapaces pertimescit magnae Veneris canora familia. H Tune se protinus ad louis regias arces dirigit et petitu superbo Mercuri, del uocalis, operae necessarian! usuram postulat. nee rennuit louis caerulum supercilium. tune 10 ouans ilico, comitante etiam Mercuric, Venus caelo demeat eique sollicite serit uerba : " f rater Arcadi, scis nempe sororem tuam Venerem sine Mercuri praesentia nil unquam fecisse nee te praeterit utique, quanto iam tempore delitescentem ancillam nequiuerim repperire. nil ergo superest quam tuo praeconio praemium inuestigationis publicitus edicere. fac ergo man- gannitu] See note on 5. 28. passeres] notorious for their amor- ousness : cp. Cic. Fin. 2. 75 uoluptas quae passeribus nota est omnibus, a nobis intellegi non potest. Caelum] Servius on JEn. 5. 801, says that the god of Heaven is Caelus pater; nullus enim deus generis neutri est; but Varro L. L. 5. 57, 58, 59, speaks regularly of Caelum et Terra as divinities ; though no doubt Caelus or Caelus pater is more usual (cp. Neue- Wagener i 3 . 624). On the divinity see Caelus in Pauly-Wissowa iii, 1276 ; cp. Plat. Symp. 180 D ^ ^v 7*' irov (' AtppoSirri} vp*ff&*rp* Kal a/x^rwp, Oupavov BvyaT-rjp, ^v 8$) Kal ovpaviav firovojmd^o/j.v. // Se veurepa At&s Kal Aiwi/rjs, 1}V 8r) Tcdvo'Ti/j.ov jcaAoCyuei'. Cic. N. D. 3. 59 Venus prima Caelo et Die nata . . . altera spuma procreata, ex qua et Mercurio Cupidinem secundum natum accepimus* Cicero is the only author who mentions Mercury as the father of Cupid. Apuleius had no knowledge of such relationship. He seems to regard Jupiter as the father (dominefili 6. 22), \ifilius is not used as a kindly appella- tion addressed to one who is young by one who is old. canora familia] The songs of birds seem to have delighted Apuleius. They soothe the great goddess Isis with their sweet jargoning (blando mulcentes adfamine] in 11. 7. 7 et petitu . . . postulat] ' and in a lordly manner demands the services of Mercury, the loud-voiced god, as she may require them ' (necessariam). In this sense of ' request' petitus (in abl.) occurs in Apol. 48, Dogm. Plat. 1. 4. In Lucretius 3. 172 terraeque petitus segnis means ' a nerveless sinking to the ground.' louis caerulum supercilium] cp. Hor. Carm. 3. 1. 8 Cuncta supercilio mouentis, the idea being taken originally from Homer II. 1. 528 ^, Kal KvaveytAa/xa TO KvirpiSos' 3)v S' 0707775 viv, \ ov 90 CUPID AND PSYCHE [vi. 8 demonstrare poterit fugitiuam regis filiam, Yeneris ancillam, nomine Psychen, conueniat retro metas Murtias Mercurium praedicatorem, accepturus indicin[i]ae nomine ab ipsa Yenere septem sauia suauia et unum blandientis adpulsu linguae longe 5 mellitum." Ad hunc modum pronuntiante Mercuric tanti praemii cupido certatim omnium mortalium studium adrexerat. quae res nunc uel maxime sustulit Psyches omnem cunctationem. iamque fores ei[us] dominae proximanti occurrit una de o q; 3 indicinae v: indiciuie F : indiciuie (o et q; ut uidentur eadem manu). 9 ei Oudendorp : eius F. early editors seems the most probable. Similarly, in 7. 25, we should read solitarium ob indicinae praemium occu- passe, as Jahn reads in Seneca Contr. 9. 28. 4 (= p. 431. 11 Kiessliug) puer ad supplicium indicina patris quaeritur : cp. also Keil, Grarnrn. Lat.' i. 553. 22. Apuleius likes forms in -ina : cp. fura- trina 6. 14. Haupt, however (Opusc. 3. 443), favours indiciuae. sauia suauia] alliteration, like atra atria 6. 19 : cp. Plant. Bacch. 116 locus, Ludus, Sermo, Suauisauiatio : Pseud. 948 una aderit mulier lepida tibi sauia super sauia quae det. Hilde- brand compares Fronto p. 86 (Naber) Filiae meae iussu tuo osculum tuli, nun- quam mihi tarn suauis tamque suauiata uisa est. Translate ' seven sweetest of kisses.' The kiss of Venus as a reward for discovery of the runaway is also found in the "Epcos Spaireras of Moschus (1.4) quoted in the last chapter. unum . . . mellitum] cp. 2. 10 iam patentis oris inhulalu cinnameo et occursantis linguae illisu nectareo ; Ovid Am. 3. 7. 9 Osculaque inseniit cupide luctantia linguis; Aristoph. Nub. 51 KarayXuTTLff^aTcav. Xote the allitera- tion of the letter L For longe = ualde in Apuleius cp. 1. 21 longe opulentus. ei] So Oud. and Rohde for eius of the mss. : cp. 6. 18 cuius for cui\ 9. 23 eius again for ei (in this passage corrected by the old editors). -rb i\a/j.a, rb 5* d> |ej/e, Kal tr\eov e|?s. | effn 5' 6 Trots irepiffo.iJ.os K.T.A. metas Murtias] cp. Tertullian, De Spect. 8 Constts tit diximus apud metas sub terra delitescit Murcias, which passage shows that these metae were the southern ones in the Circus Maxi- mus. Hard by was probably the little shrine of an ancient Roman goddess called Murcia (cp. Liv. 1. 33. 5), as the lower part of the Circus seems to have been called ad Murciae : cp. Varro L. L. 5. 154, who identifies the goddess with Venus from the supposed connexion of the name with myrtea, the myrtle being sacred to Venus : see, too, Ter- tull. 1. c. Murciam enim deam amoris tioluntf and Plin. H. N. 15. 121 Veneri Myrteae quam nunc Murciam uocant. But Wissowa, in Reseller's ' Lexikon ' iv. 3233, considers this -doubtful. Wis- sowa's article contains all that is known about the goddess. Rohde (Rh. Mus., 1888, p. 471) rightly holds that this passage is a proof that Apuleius wrote the Metamorphoses at Rome and for the Roman public. For retro as a prep. I can find no example, except in the Itala, e.g. Matthew 4. 10 uade retro me (Ronsch, 399). It certainly does not appear to have been used in literature before Apuleius. indicinae] i. e. utivwrp'ov, ' reward for information.' This reading of the vi. 9] CUPID AND PSYCHE 91 famulitione Veneris nomine Consuetude statimque, quantum maxime potuit, exclamat : " tandem, ancilla nequissima, domi- nam habere te scire coepisti? an pro cetera morum tuorum temeritate istud quoque nescire te fingis, quantos labores circa tuas inquisitiones sustinuerimus ? sed bene, quod meas 5 potissimum manus incidisti et inter Orci cancros iam ipsos ha[b]esisti, datura scilicet actutum tantae contumaciae poenas." 9 Et audaciter in capillos eius inmissa manu trahebat earn nequaquam remfentem. quam ubi primum inductam oblatam- que sibi conspexit Venus, laetissimum cachinnum extollit et 10 qualem sole<^>t frequenter irati, caputque quatiens et ascalpens 7 haesisti Kohde : habesisti F<|> : adhaesisti v. 9 renitentem f$ (al. man.): retinentem F. 11 solent f : sol$ F<. frequenter F (in marg. fur enter) : fur enter $ : feruenter v. famulitione] Apuleius uses this rare form also in 2. 2. The more usual form, would he famulitio from fanmlitium (cp. 8. 22 ; Apol. 17, and famulitium Veneris in Mart. Capell. 804) ; and this is read hy Jahn. Consuetude] cp. Tristities and SolK- citudo in c. 9, and Sobrietas in 5. 30. These abstractions regarded as divinities are conceived in the style of the old Roman religion. They are the only feature in the whole story which makes it look like an allegory, which it probably is not. See Introduction, chap. ii. labores circa] cp. Apol. 99 fin. liberali- tatem circa me ; 98 circa puerumpietatem. tuas inquisitiones] searchings for you.' For the possessive pronoun equivalent to the objective genit., cp. Ter. Phorm. 1016 neque nealiaentia tua neque odio id fecit luo quoted by Koby 1315; also Cic. Att. 7. 9. 4 "Habe meam rationem." Habe tu nostrum. Orci cancros] Usually interpreted ' the claws ' of Orcus, somewhat like mediis Orci faucibus 7. 7 fin. ; cp. 7. 24 init. mediis Orci manibus extractus : and we find cancer explained in the Glosses forceps (see Index, 6, p. 172). Orcus is supposed to be some kind of a monster with claws like a crab. Hildebrand (after Beroaldus and Scaliger) takes cancros here = cancellos ' barriers ' : cp. Fest. 46 Cancri dice- bantur ab antiquis qui mine per deminu- tionem cancelli, and frequently in the Glosses (see Index to the Glosses). But this seems less satisfactory. For haesisti the mss. give habesisti, corrected by the old editors to adhaesisti, by Oudendorp to obhaesisti, and by Rohde to haesisti. 9 laetissimum cachinnum extollit] 'raises a laugh of wild joy.' Most editors adopt latissimwn, the reading of the inferior mss., as the next clause seems to contradict the idea that Venus felt joy. But surely she did, now that her rival was dragged before her. Vliet ingeniously alters et into set, which is an improvement, but not absolutely necessary. For latissimus, cp. 10. 16 risu ipse quoque latissimo adusque intestinorum dolorem redactus (where the reading is certain). frequenter irati] 'those who are often in a passion.' It is only those who are frequently in a rage who would laugh in such a case. The reading of (taken from the marg. of F) furenter (cp. Cic. Att. 6. 1. 12) is attractive, but probably is an emendation. Hildebrand conjectures CUPID AND PSYCHE [vi. 9 aurem dexteram : " tandem," inquit, " dignata es socrum tuam salutare ? an potius maritum, qui tuo uulnere periclitatur, interuisere uenisti ? sed esto secura, iam enim excipiam te, ut bonam nurum condecet"; et : "ubi sunt," inquit, "Sollicitudo 5 atque Tristities, ancillae meae?" quibus intro uocatis torquen- dam tradidit earn, at illae sequentes erile praeceptum Psychen misellam flagellis afflictam et ceteris tormentis excruciatam iterum dominae conspectui reddunt. tune rursus sublato risu Venus : " et ecce," inquit, " nobis turgidi uentris sui lenocinio 10 commouet miserationem, unde me praeclara subole auiam beatam scilicet faciat. felix uero ego, quae in ipso aetatis meae flore uocabor auia, et uilis ancillae films nepos Veneris audiet. quanquam inepta ego frustra filium dicam ; impares 9 et ecce F : ecce (om. et) omits et. It is well defended by Weyman, who compares 7. 27 et nunc (at the beginning of a speech). The other passages quoted by Helm are in narrative, not at the beginning of a speech. lenocinio] 'by an appeal to,' lit. 'by the allurement of.' This scene between Venus and Psyche may be compared with that between Juno and Callisto in Ovid Met. 2. 469 ff. audiet] ' will be called ' : cp. note to 5. 16. quanquam . . . dicam] 'yet, fool that I am, it will be vain for me to speak of "son." ' Vliet adds quae before frustra, comparing 6. 20 ecce inepta ego diuinae formonsitatis gerula quae nee tantillum quidem indidem mi hi delibo ; vi. 10] CUPID AND PSYCHE 93 enim nuptiae et praeterea in uilla sine testibus eb patre non consentiente factae legitimae non possunt uideri ac per hoc spurius iste nascetur, si tamen partum omnino perferre te patiemur." 1O His editis inuolat earn uestemque plurifariam diloricat capilloque discisso et capite conquassato grauiter affligit, et 3 perferre F0 : prof err e v. 5 uestemque f : ueste que F : ueste q . but the addition is not required, as quamquam is always followed by the subjunctive in the Metamorphoses. Becker (Studia Apuleiana, p. 27) notes that in the other works of Lpuleius both the indicative and sub- junctive are equally common, impares . . . patiemur] ' It is a lesalliance ; and such a marriage, fected in the country without wit- nesses and without the father's consent, cannot be held legal, and in consequence of this it will be a bastard that will be born, if indeed we ever allow you to be delivered at all.' For impares, cp. 6. 23 and Tac. Ann. 1. 53. 2 fuerat (lulia} in matrimonio Tiberii . . spreueratque ut imparem and the familiar si qua uoles apte nubere nube pari. We find in the Code (6. 58. 12) that the term was by some applied to the marriage of a woman who was beyond the normal time for child-bearing with a man who was still of an age capable of begetting children. But here it refers to the union of those of very different social positions ; and we know that the Lex lulia or Papia forbade marriage in some such cases, e.g. a senator or senator's children or descendants (through males) could not marry with freed persons : cp. Roby, ' Roman Private Law ' i, p. 130, for other cases. in uilla] This charge was brought against Apuleius himself as regards his own marriage : cp. Apol. 67 et quod in uilla ac non in oppido tabulae nuptiales sint consignatae tertio et quarto loco obiecere ; but he sayt, c. 88, Lex qnidem lulia de maritandis ordinibus nusquam sui ad hunc modum interdicit " uxorem in uilla ne ducito " ; and he goes on to prove that as marriage is a kind of husbandry TTCU 5 Psyche manus admolitur inconditae illi 2 confusis : confusisque v. 5 ipsa v : ipsam F<. 6 discerne v : discernere . 9 nuptiali v : nuptialis F(j> (sed in F p corr. in b). 10 nee : ne F. frumento] ' corn,' i. e. no doubt 'wheat' (triticd), as Beroaldus says. Helm compares spicas frumentarias (in .1) contrasted with spicas hordei. grumulum] 'hillock,' a rare word, but found in Pliny H. N. 19. 112 Quidam ulpicum et alium in piano seri ttetant castellatimque grumulis inponi distantibus inter se pedes ternos. In the Glosses 5. 206. 12 we find Grumulus congregatio cuiusque rei siue tnonticulus rotundus. For the simple grumm, cp. Bell. Hisp. 24. 2. Gellius quotes Laevius as calling waves multi- grumi (19. 7. 15). Vliet introduces grumulo for gremio in 10. 35 ; but it is rather in a hollow than on a hillock of sand that the runaway ass would have rested himself. The excessive redundancy of this clause, and the absence of the copula with confusis, suggest the possibility that aceruatim confusis may be a gloss. frugem tuam] ' your worth.' Cp. 5. 29, bonaeque tuae frugi congruentia. passiuam] 'indiscriminate,' 'promis- cuous' : cp. 9. 36 canes . . . feros atque immanes . . . uiatorum passiuis morsibus alumnatos (cp. also the dogs in 8. 17 passim insiliunt ac sine ullo delectu iumenta simul et homines lacerant] ; 11. 3 crines . . . per diuina colla passiue dispersi. This is a word much affected by Tertullian in the same sense. He uses it about twenty times, e.g. Adv. Hermog. 41 Haec inquies non est, haec turbulentia et passiuitas non est, sed moderatio et modestia et iustitia motationis neutram inpartem inclinantis. The general idea is absence of restric- tion, or limit, or order. The word is also used by St. Augustine, St. Jerome, Julius Firmicus, Salvianus, and others : see Du Cange. In De Deo Socratis 13, Apuleius uses the \vord in another and confessedly special sense, from patior, not from pando, viz., ' subject to passion or emotion ' : speaking of the demons, he says they are animalia . . . animo passiua, and adds quae propterea passiua non absurde, ut arbitror, nomi- naui, quod sunt iisdem, quibus nos, perturbationibus obnoxii. istam] Used by Ap. sometimes for hanc'. cp. ista . . . defers urnula. Cp. note to 6. 3 and 22. opus expeditum approbate mihi] ' have the work finished to my satisfaction.' nuptiali] This seems to mean no more than ' splendid,' ' sumptuous ' a feast like that given at a wedding vi. 10] CUPID AND PSYCHE 95 et inextricabili moli, sed immanitate praecepti consternata silens obstupescit. tune formicula ilia paruula atque ruricola, certa[ta] difficultatis tantae laborisque, miserta contubernalis magni del socrusque saeuitiam execrata, discurrens nauiter conuocat corrogatque cunctam formicarum accolarum classem : 5 " miseremini, terrae omniparentis agiles alumnae, miseremini et Amoris uxori[s], puellae lepidae, periclitanti prompta uelocitate succurrite." ruunt aliae superque aliae sepedum populorum undae summoque studio singulae granatim totum digerunt aceruum separatimque distributis dissitisque generibus e con- 10 spectu perniciter abeunt. 1 consternata v : conit nata F< : comit nata (man. rec.). 2 ruricola

. (cp. 10. 32). The Dictt. quote Martianus Capella 6 705 Venus nuptialiter laeta, 'joyful as at a bridal' ; and a Gloss gives (4. 127. 23) NuptiaUter amicti solito plus hornata aut uelata. For the dat. of the place towards which depar- ture is made, see 3. 27 angulo stabuli concesseram ; 2. 6 cum somno concederes. silens obstupescit] cp. Verg. JEn. 11. 120 Illi obstupuere silentes. certa] 'convinced of,' 'sure of the vast difficulty of the work' : cp. 4. 12 iam certus erroris ; 9. 18 certus fragili- tatis humanae fidei . Tacitus often uses certus with the genitive in the sense of 'certain of,' e.g. Ann. 1. 27 exitii certus 'sure that he would be killed.' In Dig. 37. 1. 14 certus accusationis seems to mean ' sure of his accusation,' i.e. that it would be successful. The mss. read certata: and on the whole it is best to suppose that -ta is partly dittography, and (as F originally had -ti) partly due to the first syllable of diS. ; but it may be a remnant of tune or turn (Stewecliius). Hildebrand's cordata 'wise,' ' sagacious, '~has not much to recommend it. Leo conjectures exercitata ; but it is doubtful if that word governs the genitive. The old editors read certatim. classem] 'squadron,' 'troop' a term applied in ancient times to the land army : cp. Fest. 225 Procincta classis dicebatur cum exercitus cinctus erat Gabino cinctu confestim pugnaturus. Vetustius enim fuit multitudinem homi- num quam nauium classem appellari. For accola used attributively = an adj. 'local,' 'native' cp. Liv. 10. 2. 9 accolae Galli. terrae omniparentis agiles alumnae] Is this a mock-heroic adaptation of Verg. JEn. 6. 595 Nee non et Tityon, Terrae omniparentis alumnum cernere erat? No doubt Apuleius had also before his mind the celebrated simile of the ants in JEn. 4. 402 ff. sepedum] 'six-footed.' For unda the commentators quote Verg. G. 2. 462 ; Juv. 3 243 obstat unda prior ; Ammian. 26. 3. 2 nndatim coeunte plebe. totum . . . abeunt] ' they arrange the whole heap according to the several grains, and sorting asunder and distri- buting apart the various kinds quickly 96 CUPID AND PSYCHE [vi. 11 ] 1 Sed initio noctis e conuiuio nuptiali uino madens et f?*ag/ans balsama Venus remeat totumque reuincta corpus rosis micantibus uisaque diligentia miri laboris : " non tuum," inquit, " nequissima, nee tuarum manuum istud opus, sed illius, 5 cui tuo, imrno etipsius malo placuisti": et fusto cibarii panis ei proiecto cubitum facessit. Interim Cupido solus interioris ' domus unici cubieuli custodia clausus cohercebatur acriter, I partim ne petulant! luxurie uulnus grauaret, partim ne cum 2 fraglans Vliet: flagans (r eadem manu) F : flagrans . 5 frusto f : fur to F. 8 luxurie f< : luxuria F. disappear from her sight ' : granatim appears to occur only here in Latin : dissitis is from dissero, lit. ' to plant or sow here and there'; hence to separate out. In 7. 23 fin. dissitis femoribus means ' after separating or drawing apart his thighs' (divaricatis], 11 nuptiali] See note to preceding chapter. uino madens] lit. * steeped in wine.' "We should say ' flushed with wine.' fraglans] See note to 4. Zlfraglan- tissimo. balsama] For the ace. cp. 2. 8 fin. cinnama fraglans et balsama rorans : Mart. 3. 63. 4 balsama qui semper, cin- nama semper olet. At Psyche's marriage 6. 24 Gratiae spargebant balsama. cibarii panis] * coarse ration-bread ' : bread served out wholesale as rations (cibaria) to whole companies of re- cipients, as to soldiers (cp. Vopiscus Aurel. 9. 6 panes militares inundos sedecim, panes militares castrenses quad- raffinta), slaves, &c., and accordingly of a common nature ; cp. Cic. Tusc. 5. 97. Celsus 2. 18 gives the different kinds of bread in order of excellence ex tritico Jirmissima siligo, deinde simila, deinde cui nihil demptum est, quod avro- irvpov Graeci uocant, irifirmior est ex polline, injirmissimus cibarius panis (cp. 6. 19 panem sordidum). The word is applied to other substantives besides panis, e.g. to uinum (Varro), oleum and sapor (Columella); even tuus autem ipse frater cibarius fuit Aristoxenus (Varro, Sat. Menipp. p. 182, Riese), which we may perhaps translate 'an unbolted Aristoxenus' ; cp. Shakespeare, Lear 2. 2. 61 ' this unbolted villain ' ; Henry V. 2. 2. 137 'Such and so finely bolted didst thou seem.' proiecto] ' flung,' as to a dog. cubitum facessit] This word often occurs in Apuleius in the sense of 'depart' (2. 15; 3. 5, &c.). In no- other passage have I found it with the supine. Interim . . . acriter] Note the alliteration caused by the repetition of c. For unici many emendations have been advanced : intimi (Rohde), aurei (Vliet, who compares vi. 29), gunaecei, omitting cubieuli (Traube, a reading un- deservedly praised by Weyman), muniti (Price), inuii (Heinsius), minuti (Hilde- brand). Perhaps we might read uicini. The lovers were sub uno tecto separati, as is stated a few lines further on. Similar transpositions of letters are found in F, e.g. 6. 9 retinentem for renitentem : 5. 2 miratur for rimatur. If unici is retained, it must mean ' one,' that Cupid was confined to a single room a use not infrequent in Apuleius (cp. 1. 21 ; 2. 14; 7. 14, and else where). Helm notices that this sense will explain acriter. VI. 11] CUPID AND PSYCHE 97 sua capita conueniret. sic ergo distentis et sub uno tecto separatis amatoribus tetra nox exanclata. Sed Aurora commodum inequitante uocatae Psychae Venus infit talia : " uidesne illud nemus, quod fluuio praeterluenti ripisque longis attenditur, cuius fimi gurgites uicinum 5 2 exanclata f : exanelata F. cupita] ' his loved one ' : cp. Ovid Fast. 3. 21 Mars uidet hanc iiisamque cupit, potiturque cupita. distentis] ' sundered ' : cp. Hor. Carm. 4. 5. 12 quern Notus . . . distinct a domo. exanclata] See note to 6. 4. inequitantej 'riding in,' that is, to the world. There is no need to add anything, though in 3. 1 Apuleius has caelum inequitabat. If any addition were to he made, mundum would be the more likely word to have dropped out after commodum. ripisque] Hildebrand's view, that we should read rupis 'rocks' (assum- ing a form rupa for rupes] for ripis, is satisfactorily refuted by Lutjohann (p. 481), who says there is no more tautology \i\Jluuio praeterluenti ripisque longis than in Italiam . . . Lauinaque littora in the second line of the JEneid, and few writers are more diffuse and tautological than Apuleius : see Koziol. Besides, rupa, which some glosses ex- plain ex utraque parte acuta, and to which Hildebrand seems to refer, is not ' a rock, ' but another form of rupia = romphaea, a kind of sword. cuius imi gurgites . . . despiciunt] If this reading is sound, the best meaning I can assign to it is ' whose pools at its base (i.e. the base of the nemus) look down upon (one would prefer dispiciunt 'see down into') their adjoining spring,' an artificial expression for ' whose pools at its base are formed by the spring which is beneath them.' Pliny's (Epp. 8. 8. 2) description of the source of the Clitumnus may be compared, Modicus collis adsurgit, antiqua cupresso nemo- rosus et opacus. Hunc subter fons exit et exprimitur pluribus tienis sed imparibus, eluctatusque facit gurgitem qui lato gremio patescit purus et uitreus, ut numerare iactas stipes et reluctantis calculos possis. Inde non loci deuexitate sed ipsa sui copia et quasi pondere impellitur. Fons adhuc et iam amplis- simum flumen &c. (where see Prof. Merrill's note) : cp. Verg. JEn. 8. 74 (JEneas addressing the Tiber) quo te cunque lacus miser antem incommodanostra fonts tenet, quocunque solo pulcherrimus exis. Bliimner explains the passage (Hermes xxix., p. 305) ' whose waters at the bottom look with contempt on their neighbouring spring,' i.e. the river, though only a short distance from its source, had become deep and large. Bat this metaphorical sense of despiciunt is out of place in a descrip- tion like the present. The ordinary emendation is respiciunt (Oudendorp), ' look back on,' and the emphatic word is uicinum the source is near at hand. Others again suggest uicino monte desiliunt which is quite too audacious. The objection which is urged to most of these readings is that cuius ought naturally to refer to nemus and not to Jtuuii ; and if so, it is held that the word gurgites must contain the corrup- tion. This is strongly insisted on by Lutjohann (p. 481). He reads inuiifru- tices for imigurgites, noting that the place was apparently an overgrown thicket (cp. c. 12 stirpibus connexis; so he reads), and that the additional feature of inaccessibility was in accordance with the 'monstrousness' (cp.c. IQimmanitas) 98 CUPID AND PSYCHE [vi. 12 fontem despiciuntf ? oues ibi nitentes fauriue cole florentes incustodito paatu uagantur. inde de coma pretiosi uelleris floccum mihi confestim quoquo modo quaesitum afferas eenseo." 1 Perrexit Psyche uolenter non obsequium quidem ilia 5 functura, sed requiem malorum praecipitio fluuialis rupis 1 auri * * | cole (eras, ue} F : atiriite cole . of the orders of Venus. Liitjohann further proposes to add ubi before uicinum. Hildebrand wishes to read cuius summi uertices uicinum fontem despiciunt^ referring to the high ground on each side of the valley. But it is plain that both these emendations are of a very bold nature ; and it is difficult to feel certain that gurgites is corrupt. It is quite possible to take cuius as referring to nemus, for a grove can have pools ; and it is not necessary to suppose that gurgites must mean 'eddies' (see Henry's ".^neidea," vol. i., pp. 368-384). Plasberg proposes simply recipiunt; but the meaning is doubtful. It may be 'whose [re- ferring to the nemus] pools at its foot receive a spring near at hand.' If the interpretation hazarded above is not accepted, I know nothing better ; but it is far from certain. nitentes fauriue cole florentes] This, too, is a passage which awaits emenda- tion. I have printed the reading of , which is the same as that of F, except that a later hand in F has erased ue. The ordinary reading is that of the inferior mss. aurique colore. Liitjohann (p. 465) objects to this reading as rendering nitentes superfluous ; but the phrase may contain the sort of epexegesis so com- mon in Vergil (see Henry on Italiam . . Lauinaque littora, "Aeneidea," vol. i, p. 131), in which the epexegesis is illogically introduced by et (other ex- amples in Vergil are JEn. 1. 282 ; 10. 12). As he holds that the que after auri is impossible, he reads nitentis auri decor e (the latter word for uecole], comparing 10. 15 corporis mei decor. For florentes he well compares Verg. JEn. 7. 804 florentes acre cateruas, and Apul. Met. 11. 9 mulieres . . . uerno florentes coronamine. It is just possible (but this is a mere conjecture) that the corruption may have arisen from syllables written above the line in the archetype, and wrongly placed by some subsequent copyist ; and that we should read something like nitentes, auricomo pelle florentes. If the archetype had auri' pelte como, the corruption might have arisen. For pelle one could compare Val. Flacc. 8. 113 perfertur ad ornum cuius adhuc rutilam seruabant bracchia pellem, also line 123 and Ennius 210 (Ribbeck) petebant pellem inauralam arietis, and Varro R. R. 2. 1. 6 ipsas pecudes propter caritatem aureas habnisse pelles tradiderunt (in this passage the word is used of the fleece still on the animal). It would be easier to read (with Michaelis) uellere for pelle ; but the repetition of the word in the next line seems fatal to this course. Vliet reads nitentis auriue colore florentes, relying on Fulgentius (3. 6 = p. 68. 18 ed. Helm) et Soils armenta uellercspoliauerit. "VVeyman conjectures aureo colore florentes, leaving out nitentes. afferas eenseo] This is a somewhat polite way of giving an order : cp. Pompeius in Cic. Att. 8. 12 A. 4 eenseo armetis milites. The polite form may here be used by Venus with a touch of irony : ' my proposal is that you should bring.' 12 non obsequium quidem ilia func- tura] For the accusative after fungor, which is regular in Plautus and Terence, cp. 8. 16 timorem ilium satis inanem vi. 12] CUPID AND PSYCHE 99 habitura. sed inde de fluuio musicae suauis nutricula leni crepitu dulcis aurae diuinitus inspirata sic uaticitur arundo uiridis : " Psyche, tantis aerumnis exercita, neque tua miser- rima morte meas sanctas aquas polluas nee uero isti^ <^>orae contra f ormidabiles oues f eras aditum, quoa<^> de soils 5 fraglantia mutuatae calorem truci rabie solent efferri cornuque acuto et fronte saxea et non nunquam uenenatis morsibus in exitium saeuire mortalium ; sed dum meridies solis sedauerit uaporem et pecua spiritus fluuialis serenitate conquieuerint, poteris sub ilia procerissima platano, quae mecum simul unum 10 fluentum bibit, latenter abscondere. et cum primum mitigata 2 uaticinatur f : uaticitur F. 4 istud horae Salmasius : istius orae F(f>. 5 quoad de soils v : quo adesolis F (sed e eraso) : quo ad e solis (sed ad e man. rec.). 6 mutuatae v : mutuata F. 8 seuire f

lanosum aurum repperies, quod passim stirpibus conuexis obhaerescit." 13 Sic arundo simplex et humana Psychen aegerrimam 5 salutem suam docebat. nee auscultatu paenitendo diligen- ter instructa ilia cessauit, sed obseruatis omnibus furatrina f acili flauentis auri mollitie congestum gremium Veneri reportat. nee tamen apud dominam saltern secundi laboris periculum secundum testimonium meruit, sed contortis superciliis subri- 10 dens amarum sic inquit : " nee me praeterit huius quoque facti auctor adulterinus. sed iam nunc ego sedulo periclitabor, an 1 attigui $ ex corr. : attingtd F. 2 nemoris f< man. rec. : nemori F(f>. 3 comiexis F< : conexis v. furia] This seems to be the first place where the singular furia is used in the sense of furor. It is, however, often applied to a man, as in Cic. Sest. 34; Liv. 21. 10. 11. It is also found in some mss. in Hyginus Fab. 107 (but the more usual reading is iniuria) and Fulgentius Myth. 1. 31 ; 1. 39 (16. 21 ; 21. 4 ed. Helm). For Furia in the singular of the Avenging Goddess, cp. 9. 36. conuexis] ' curved ' : cp. Aus. Mos. 248 conuexa cacumina uirgae. The inferior mss. have conexis, and this is read by the older editors and Eyssen- hardt. The chief mss. have conexa in Ausonius. 13 nee ... reportat] 'and by paying heed thereto nor had she reason to regret it she was carefully instructed, and she remained inactive ; but she observed all the injunctions, and easily appropriating the soft yellow gold she brings back to Venus her bosom filled therewith.' Petschenig reads impaenitendo (cf. 11. 28), and Koziol non paenitendo, either of which makes the sentence more regular, and gives a simpler interpre- tation to sed. Still, as temporary resting was the very best thing for Psyche to do, and in point of fact the essential thing, as the reed's advice was all directed to that consideration, it seems best to adhere to the mss. and to take nee with paenitendo. For this usage cp. Prop. 2. 3. 6 nee solifus ponto uwere toruus aper (= et insolitus) ; 2. 28#. 52 Vobiscum Europe nee proba Pasiphae (where Mr. Butler compares Caes. B. G. 7. 25. 1) : Livy 2. 30. 12 consul nee promouit aciem nee clamorem reddi passus defixis pilis stare snos iussit (= et non passus) ; and often. furatrina] lit. ' by an easy thieving/ an abstract substantive formed like doc- trina ; cp. 10. 14. In 8.3 furatrina coniugalisis used of 'conjugal infidelity' (cp. Ovid, Heroid. 17. 141). nee tamen . . . meruit] ' But the danger in this her second task did not, by any recognition on her mistress's part, second Psyche's hopes.' subridens amarum] cp. Amm. 21. 9. 8 cui amarum Inliamis subridens'. Horace Carm. 3. 27. 67 perfidwn ridens Venus: 1. 22. 23 dulce ridentem La- lag en. Also a Greek usage : cp. Horn. Odyss. 14. 465 a.ira\bv ye\dffai. auctor adulterinus] 'illicit sug- gester of this deed of thine.' The 13] CUPID AND PSYCHE 101 ; oppido forti animo singularique prudentia sis praedita. uidesne insistentem celsissimae illi rupi mentis ardui uerticem, de quo fontis atri fuscae defhmnt undae proxumaeque conceptaculo uallis inclusae Stygias inrigant paludes et rauca Coeyti fluenta nutriunt ? indidem mihi de summi fontis penita scaturrigine s rorem rigentem hauritum ista confestim defers urnula." sic 3 proxumaeque v : proxumeque F. 4 inclusa Stygias f : inclusa e ygias F : inclusa e st ygias ( st man. rec.) . 4 rauca Lipsius : pauca . 6 defers urnula Petschenig : defer surnula F< : deferes urnula f . word is often used for ' false,' of coins, seals, keys. Gellins (8. 2) speaks of verba . . . adulterina et Barbara ; and Apuleius (4. 16) litteris adulterinis ('forged'). In 8. 3 he applies the word to illicit love, an unusual sense. The reference in auetor is to Cupid, whom the reed, like the ants, prohably wished to favour. Possibly Cupid might be regarded as the divine power that inspired her (diuinitus inspirata 6. 12) to give her helpful counsel ; but this is perhaps fanciful. proximaeque conceptaculo uallis inclusae] ' and caught in the basin formed by the neighbouring valley.' For conceptaculum cp. 7. 20 pluuiae pridianae recens conceptaculum ('pool') ; Frontin. Aq. 22 nee Virgo nee Appia nee Alsietina conceptaculum , id est piscinas ('reservoirs'), habent. Stygias aquas] Rohde (Psyche 677 note 5) thinks that in the original story it was the Water of Life that the heroine was ordered to procure ; but when the persecutor of the heroine became the immortal Venus, a change had to be effected. rauca Coeyti fluenta] The mss. give patica, emended by Lipsius to rauca. Apuleius probably took the epithet from Verg. JEn. 6. 327 Nee ripas datur horrendas et rauca fluenta transportare prius. indidem . . . urnula] ' thence draw for me, from the inmost bubbling water of the top of the spring, the ice-cold liquid, and bring it here forthwith.' The adjective penitus occurs a good many times in Plautus, but does not re-appear until Gellius and Apuleius: cp. 11. plane memineris et penita mente condition semper tenebis. For scaturrig or scaturigo cp. Plin. H. N. 31. 47 in nigra (terra] scaturigines non fere sunt perennes. In Livy 44. 33. 3 scaturiges turbidae is found : cp. Varro (p. 124, ed. Riese) Ismenias Me Thebagenes fluit scaturrex. The Glosses recognize the singular scaturigo, and interpret it by Kax^afffji6s ; but I cannot find any other example of the singular. For rigentem cp. Mart. 1. 49. 17 auidam rigens Dercenna (river near Bilbilis) placabit sitim, ib. 14. 117. For the form hauritum cp. 2. 15 fin. facilis hauritum 3. 24 liaurito plusculo. Priscian (ii, 540. 3 Keil) says Haurio hausi ; inuen- itur tamen etiam hauriui et haurii: cp. Neue-Wagener, iii 3 . 406. defers urnula] The mss. give defer surnula. It looks certainly as if the s was genuine ; and examples can be quoted offers as apparently an imperative form of/m>, e.g. 1. 23. fin. profers ociter F; 2. 6 aufers (so F : aufer ) formidines : 10. 16 offers (F, but the s is afterwards erased; offer $). Ott in Jahrbuch 109 (1874), p. 840, thinks it is an African usage, and was the present indie, used as an imperative. Eonsch (pp. 294 and 521} quotes some passages in which 102 CUPID AND PSYCHE [vi. 14 aiens crustallo dedolatum uasculum, insuper ei grauiora com- minata, tradidit. 14 At ilia studiose gradum celerans mentis extremum petit umulum certe uel illic in uitae pessimae finem. sed cum primum praedicti iugi conterminos locos appulit, uidet rei uastae letalem difficultatem. namque saxum immani magnitudine procerum et inaccessa salebritate lubri- 4 tumulum v : cumulum F0. 4 inuentura uitae Beroaldus : inuite F : inuite inuite . adfers, aufers, and especially offers are found for the imperative in Latin ver- sions of the Scriptures. It is to be noted that in 5. 2 the mss. of Apuleius give refer. Prof. Lindsay (Latin Language, p. 517) denies this form of the im- perative, as fer in Plautus (he says) is always short which, however, he allows is not absolutely certain. Leo in the Index to Venantius quotes two passages where the indie, follows the imperative, e.g. ii. 9. 72 Moyses tende manus et tua castra iuuas. But in Apuleius 2. 6 and 6. 13 the form in question does not follow another im- perative. It seems better, in view of the examples quoted by Ronsch, to hold that the form -fers was an imperative. aiens] This form occurs in Cic. Top. 49, and Rabir. Post. 35, in the sense of asserting,' opposed to ' denying.' crustallo dedolatum] * hollowed out of a crystal.' The crystattina of the Romans are often mentioned in Martial and Seneca. Their excellence was de- termined by their not having any flaw (cp. Plin. H. X. 37. 28). Apuleius (2. 19) calls a cup without flaw O'ustallum impunctum. 14= studiose gradum celerans] cp. Verg. JEn. 4. 641 ilia gradum studio celerabat anili. tumulum] The mss. give cumulum ; but as no error is more common than the confusion of c and t, the alteration is a very slight one. Cumulus is generally used of a heap of separable objects, while tumulus is used of elevations of earth, either natural or artificial: cp. Lucan 3. 375 tumulus surgentis in altum telluris. It is to be noted, however, that we find in the Glosses 2. 119. 43 cumulus collis ftowos ; and cumulus is often used metaphorically in the sense of 'top,' 'summit,' as Tac. Hist. 1. 77 pontificatus honoratis iam senibus cumu- lum dignitatis addidit. But I can find no example in an author of cumulus used for the top of a hill. inuentura uitae] So the old editors for imiitae of the mss. appulit] ' when she neared the places adjoining the indicated height.' This is a rare usage in two respects as (1) of a journey by land : cp. Bell. Afr. 59. 5 ; (2) as not having the object expressed : cp. Tac. Ann. 2. 24, and often. But I know of no other case in which both peculiarities are united. It is common in Apuleius to find words compounded with ad- followed by the accusative of the place, where in Classical Latin the dative or ad with the ace. would have been used : cp. 7. 7 litus . . . appulisset ; 5. 5 scopulum . . . aderunt ; 6. 28 uoculas adhinnire (cp. Plaut. Cist. 307). inaccessa salebritate] * affording no foothold, so unscalable and rugged was it ; and from the midst of its jaws of stone it belched forth a fearsome YI. 14] CUPID AND PSYCHE 108 cum medi<2>s e /aucibus lapidis fontes horridos euomebat, qui statim proni foraminis lacunis editi perque procliue delapsi et angusti canalis exar<#>to contecti tramite proxumam conuallem la tenter incidebant. dextra laeuaque cautibus cauatis pro- serpunt et longa colla porrecti saeui dracones inconiuae 5 uigiliae luminibus addictis et in perpetuam lucem ^upulis excubantibus. j iamque et ipsae semet muniebant uocales aquae, nam et " discede " et " quid facis ? uide " et " quid 1 mediis e f aucibus al. man. : medis e raucib; F : mediis f aucibus f. 3 exarato Petschenig : exarto F : exarcto . stream. At first pouring from the cleft of sloping aperture, then flowing down a steep incline, and hidden in the narrow- channelled way which it had furrowed out for itself, it fell without heing observed into the valley hard by.' The conjecture of Petschenig exarato for exarto of the mss. has been adopted. Hildebrand defends the latter as meaning 'very narrow' (exarcto), the ex- being intensive like edurus or efferus or exacerbatus ; but that lays excessive emphasis on the narrowness of the channel, and Apuleius would more probably have written artissimo than coin a compound not otherwise used. Vliet reads extrito ; but that word has much the same meaning as exarato , and is less likely to have been corrupted into exarto. The Dictt. quote no other example of salebritas. proserpunt . . . et longa colla porrecti saeui dracones] Lutjohann (p. 495) ejects the et. He points to other cases where et is wrongly in- serted in the mss., e.g. 5. 30 quae castiget asperrime nugonem istum, phare- Iram explicet, [et] sagittas dearmet, arcum enodet, taedam deflamniet, where the asyndeton plainly cannot be broken; 5. 23 Psyche satis et curiosa, where he shows that Apuleius always joins satis closely with the adjective or adverb it governs : cp. 5. 8 satis scrupulose ; 5. 28 satis curiosa uuis, 11. 23 satis anxie ; but in 5. 23 et hardly breaks the con- nexion, and seems to be required with insatiabili animo. Psyche not only gazed rapturously at the wondrous weapons of Cupid, but (her besetting sin) was full of curiosity also to know what they were. So et should be re- tained, though it might be transposed, et satis curiosa, as 5. 28. "Weyman (p. 47) thinks that probably strepunt or stridunt is lost after et. If any verb has been omitted, it might more probably be saeniuttt before saeui. The fierce dragons crawl out of the rocks, stretch out their long necks, and exhibit whatever form of fierceness belongs to dragons. The word saeuire is applied to their teeth in the next chapter. inconiuae uigiliae luminibus ad- dictis] ' with eyes devoted to sleepless watchfulness and their pupils wakeful in unceasing vision ' : cp. 2. 22 in- coniuis oculis. ipsae semet muniebant] This reading of the mss. is unexceptionable, and is rightly defended by Hildebrand. There is no need to alter to ipsae metum incut* iebant (or iniciebant), or to ipsaemet wonebant (or mugiebant) : cp. 9. 40 nee . . . munire se potuit : Cic. Fam. 4. 14. 3 nouarum me necessitudlnum Jidelitate contra ueterum perjidiam muni- endum putaui. quid facis ? uide] Vliet prints quid facis uide ; and no doubt such construe- 104 CUPID AND PSYCHE [vi. 15 agis ? caue " et " fuge " et " peribis " subinde clamant, sic impossibilitate ipsa mutata in ktpide Psyche, quamuis praesenti corpore, sensibus tamen aberat et mextricabilis periculi mole prorsus obruta lacrumarum etiam extreme 5 solacio carebat. 15 Nee Prouidentiae bonae graues oculos innocentis animae latuit aerumna. narn premi louis regalis ales ilia repente propansis utrimque pinnis affuit rapax aquila memorque 2 lapidem $ man. rec. : lupide F0 : lapide f. 3 inextricabilis v : his extricabilis F. 7 supremi Modius : pmi F<. tions with the indicative are found in Apuleius, e.g. 2. 22 nee satis quisquam dejinire poterit quantas latebras . . . mulieres . . . comminiscuntur. Hilde- brand on 1. 25 quotes many examples from Arnobius and one from Pronto (ad Verum 1. 3 = p. 116, Naber) multtim fratrem meum obiurgani cur me non reuocuuit (which, however, Heindorf has altered to reuocarit). But the punctuation adopted is tbe usual one, and is far more picturesque. mutata in lapidem] cp. 3. IQfixus in lapideon> steti ; Ovid Heroid. 10. 50 quamque lapis sedes, tarn lapis ipsa fui ; Plaut. True. 818 Lapideus sum, commouere me miser non aitdeo. F< read lapide ; but m final is often omitted 5. 13 fin. morem; 5. 18 praegnationem; G. 3. gratiam; 6. 21 conlapsam; so we cannot agree with Leky, p. 30, in retaining the abl. It is probable that we should make a similar alter- ation in 3. 10. In 3. 13 in lectulo is to be taken with recordabar. inextricabilis] 'impracticable,' i.e. of which there was no solution, which could not be successfully coped with. The Dictionaries quote Pliny H. N. 20. 232 stomachi inextricabilia uitia * (otherwise) incurable.' 15 Prouidentiae] cp. 5. 3. We also find Ilp6voia in the Greek novels, e.g. Cbarito 3. 3. 10 and 12; 3. 4. 7. Rohde (Gr. Rom., p. 492, note 5) notes that it has a somewhat ' Christian tone.' graues oculos] 'earnest,' 'serious,' ' solemn eyes.' Prof. Ellis on Avianus 24. 9 has an excellent note. He says that the words graues oculi are found of eyes heavy, (1) with sleep, (2) or with the approach of death, (3) or with debauchery ; and he further mentions this passage of Apuleius, where he says with some hesitation that the meaning is 'serious.' In Avianus (Ille [leo] graues oculos ad inania signa retorquens in/remit et rabido pectore uerba dedit] I cannot help thinking that the sense of graues is 'solemn.' The lion's look was characterized by dignity and solemnity, as became the king of beasts ; and his speech betokens no note of shame, so that graues can hardly mean ' downcast ' from shame, as Prof. Ellis takes it. For graues oculi in the sense of ' solemn eyes ' we may perhaps com- pare with "Weyman Plin. H. N. 11. 145 contuitu quoque (oculi} multiformes, truces, torui,flagrantes, graues, transuersi, limi, summissi, blandi. The conjecture of Btirsian gnauos lacks the dignity which one would expect to attach to the epithet. i supremi] The mss. give pmi. For supremi cp. 3. 23 quamuis ipsius aquilae sublimis uolatibus toto caelo peruius et . 15] CUPID AND PSYCHE 105 ueteris obsequii, quo ductu Cupidinis loui poci//atorem P/tn/gium substulerat, oportunam ferens opem deique numen in uxoris laboribus percolens alti culminis diales uias deserit et ob os puellae praeuolans incipit : " at tu, simplex alioquin et expers rerum talium, speras^e te sanctissimi nee minus truculent! 5 fontis uel unam stillam posse furari uel omnino contingere j_ diis etiam ipsique loui formidabiles aquas istas Stygias uel fando comperisti, quodque uos deieratis per numina deorum, deos per Stygis maiestatem solere ? sed cedo istam urnulam " [s]e protinus adreptam completum <&>quae festinat libratisque 10 1 pocillatorem f : paulatorem F ut uidetur: pollicitatorem <}>. 5 sperasne Stewechius : sperasq; F<. tniculenti* F, sed eraso s : truculentis t(>. 8 deie##ratis f (ce eras.): deieceratis <. 10 et v : sed F. 10 completum aquae Hildebrand : completum aqua Oudendorp : copletdq; F. supremi louis certus nuntius uel laetus armiger. This is better than optimi of Vulcanius. It seems impossible to defend primi. As Helm rightly says, it would require that dei be added. The passages quoted by Hildebrand (Cic. Tusc. 1.81: Yerr. 3. 168) have Jiominis. ductu Cupidinis] Here again (cp. . 10) the influence of Cupid is indirectly indicated as a reason why the help was given to Psyche. pocillatorem] cp. 6. 24 ; 10. 17. alti culminis diales uias] 'Jove's pathways in the height.' The soaring flight of the eagle seems to have appealed strongly to the imagination f Apuleius : cp. Florid. 2. implex alioquin et expers rerum ium] ' a right simple-minded crea- indeed, and ignorant of such .' Alioquin is a somewhat col- al particle, which adds little, if anything, to the thought. It is very of len found in the Metamorphoses 1.11; 2.1; 9. 14 bonus alioquin uir et adprime modestus (Becker, Rtudia Apuleiana, p. 10, quotes thirteen instances) , but only once in his other writings, e.g. Flor. 18, p. 88 (Oud.). In Apol. 97 fin., we should read aliquam with 4>, not alioqui with the old editors, for aliquem of F. Becker says the passage in 9. 14 has no more force than et bonus et adprime modestus. sperasne] The mss. give sperasgue. Vliet alters to quae speras, which makes a natural and ordinary form of sentence ; but we have hesitated to accept it, as errors of transposition are very rare in the mss. of Apuleius. Jahn suggested speras quippe, and Stewechius sperasne. The latter is certainly attractive, and it is adopted by Helm. uel fando comperisti V] ' you must have been made aware, at least by hearsay.' For fando cp. Apol. 9 quis unquam fando audiuit ; also 42 and 81 ; Florid. 3 init. ut fando accepimus; Verg. Mn. 2. 81; Cic. N. D. 1. 82. For the Styx as the object by which the gods feared to s\vear falsely, cp. Verg. ^ln. 6. 323. per Stygis maiestatem] cp. Horn. II. 15. 37 /cat T& Kareifio/Aevov "2,Tvybs v$, postea manus recens correxit potantes : mirantes cod. Dorvillanus. lated. For festinare with the supine, cp. De Deo Socratis, p. 109 Oud. (= 3. 8 Goldbacher) coruus et uulpes imam offulam simul uiderant eamque raptum festinabant: cp. Sallust Hist. Frag. 3. 82, 16 (= p. 284 Kritz) ullroque licentiam in uos auctum atque adiutum properatis. Neque nunc uos til turn in- iurias hortor; ib. 5. 18 (= p. 367 Kritz) uideo indigentiam dona quaesitum gratiae proper antem. These sufficiently justify both the use of the supine and that supine governing a case: for the latter compare also Terence Eun. 752 Nam haec east quam miles a me ui nunc ereptum uenit. For the genitive after completum, cp. 9. 3 aquae recentis com- pletam peluem ; Cic. Verr. 5. 147 cum completus iam mercatorum career esset. Higtius (quoted by Oud.) and Leo propose adrepta complexaque (Higtius adding, however, eaque before adrepta}. This makes the sentence quite smooth ; but the alterations are considerable. Other conjectures are complexa ungue (Jahn), complexamque (Modius, Helm), adreptum completiimque ("Weyman). nutantium] 'balancing his vast swaying pinions ' : cp. Flor. 2 cum igitur eo sese aquila extulit nutu dementi laeuorsum uel dextrorsum tanta mole corporis Idbitur. This defends nutan- tium, and renders unnecessary the emendation of Heinsius natantium. Cp. also Catullus 66. 53 unigena iipellens nutantibus aera pennis obtulit Arsinoes Cypridos ales equus (where Bentley needlessly alters to nictan- tibus}. Heinsius changes molibus to motibus ; but the passage from the Florida justifies the reading of F 1 and <. genas] ' jaws ' : cp. Avianus 24. 16 Tune hominem aspiceres oppression mur- mure magno conderet ut rabidis ultima, fatagenis (sc. of a lion) ; and the Glosses give maxillae as explanation of genae (iv. 82. 8 ; 522. 21). Also of a boar in 8. 4 fin. genis hac illic iactatis (if we should not there read genuinis}. Note the alliteration in saeuientium dentium. trisulca uibramina] ' three-forked flickerings of the dragons' tongues': cp. Verg. G. 3. 4S9 (^n. 2. 475) linguis micat ore trisulcis. Serpents have only two prongs to their tongue. Cp. Tennyson, In Memoriam, 110. 2 " Nor cared the serpent at thy side To flicker with his double tongue." For the enallage, cp. 6. 30 pinnatam Pegasi celeritatem. remigium dextra laeuaque porri- gens] 'extending the oarage of bis flight to right and left.' The metaphor of winged creatures ' rowing ' is quite common : cp. Ovid A. A. 2. 45 Remigium iiolucrum disponit in ordinepinnas ; Verg. 2En. 1. 301 tiolat ille per aera magnum remiyio alarum, where Conington says the original author of the metaphor is supposed to be JEschylus Ag. 52 TTTepvyuv eperjjio'iaiv epeffffd/jLevoi. See also Lucr. 6. 743. uolentes . . . praestantes] See Grit, note. The reading of the inferior mss. nolentes . . . praeminantes (praemonentes, vi. 16] CUPID AND PSYCHE 107 excipit, commentus ob iussum Veneris petere eique se praeministrare, quare paulo facilior adeundi fuit copia. sic acceptam cum gaudio plenam urmilam Psyche Veneri citata rettulit. 16 Nee tamen nutum deae saeuientis uel tune expiare 5 potuit. nam sic earn maiora atque peiora flagitia comminans appellat renidens exitiabile: "iam tu quidem mag[n]a uideris 7 mag a v : tnagna F0. Beroaldus) is a very fair conjecture. It expresses in other words the warn- ings of the voiceful waters: cp. c. 14 tin. Liitjohann's enixius postulantes ' earnestly demanding ' is very flat. But it seems that the waters were willing to allow the eagle its will, en they heard that Venus required them ; and as Helm says that mm- of minantes is an alteration, and that originally the first letter was p (= prae] and the third t, it is almost certain that his reading praestantes must he right. Oudendorp, objecting to the variation in the gender of the eagle (cp. above, ales ilia), ingeniously suggests inde socius for innoxins, and for commentus he reads commenta (after the Juntina), which Jahn improves by reading com- menta se (better perhaps commenta eas sc. aquas). But such variation of gender is not infrequent. Bannier (s. v. ales in the Thesaurus i., p. 1525) notes Verg. jEn. 12. 247 fulmis louis ales ; Sil. 12. 56 ales fulua louis ; Ovid Met. 2. 544 ales Phoebeius ; Sil. 5. 79 Phoebect . . . ales ; Ovid. Am. 2. 6. 55 ales lunonia ; Anth. Lat. 199. 69 lunonius ales. The gender would, accordingly, appear to have been so undecided that it is little wonder that Apuleius varied it within the limits of a chapter. Priscian (2. 169. 11, see Neue-Wagener, i 3 . 919) says aquila is common gender, but we find it only feminine in authors. For innozius used passively, cp. Kritz on Sail. Cat. 39. 2. It is active in 5. 25 innoxio uolumine. 16 nutum deae saeuientis uel tune expiare] ' satisfy (appease) even then by her sufferings the will of the cruel goddess.' It is difficult to get an exact parallel for this expression ; but Cic. Pis. 16 poenas quibus coniuratorum manes mortnorum expiaretis is somewhat similar. comminans] We must hesitate to alter this word into commentans with Vliet, as comminari is such a favourite word with Apuleius. Hildebrand, in his fine note on 10. 5, quotes, besides this place, the following passages: 3. 16; 6. 13; 9.17; 9. 20; 10.6; 10.7; De Deo Socr. 7, in which an accusative is used after that verb. renidens exitiabile] Hildebrand compares Tac. Ann. 4. 60 Tiberius torutts ant falswn renidens unltu : cp. also c. 13 subridens amarum; 5. 28 irata solidum. tu quidem .' . . sed] av /xei/ . . . Se : cp. note to 5. 9 init. maga] This is doubtless the right reading for magna of the mss. Weyman points out a similar corruption in Ammianus 23. 6. 33. For maga . . . et malefica cp. Apol. 51 magi et malejici hominis, and possibly 96 magiae < maleficii criminibus (Bosscha adds the et} ; and a great number of cases quoted by Ronsch ' Itala und Yulgata,' pp. 316, 317. Ronseh there shows that malejicus is a regular word for witch- craft. For alta 'deep,' 'artful,' cp. Vopiscus Carin. 15. 2 denique, tit erat alttts, risit et tacuit. Suidas s. v. fia9vs has o.vr\ rov irovt]p6s pyxidem Proserpinae : " petit de te Venus," dicito, "modicum de tua mittas ei formonsitate uel ad unam saltern dieculam sufficient nam quod habuit, dum filium curat aegrotum, consumpsit atque contriuit omne." sed baud immaturius redito, quia me necesse est indidem delitam 10 theatrum deorum frequentare." 1 7 Tune Psyche uel maxime sensit ultimas f ortunas suas et uelamento reiecto ad promptum exitium sese compelli manifeste comperit. quidni? quae suis pedibus ultro ad Tartarum manesque commeare cogeretur. nee cunctata diutius 15 pergit ad quampiam turrim praealtam, indidem sese datura[m] praecipitern; sic enim rebatur ad inferos recte atque pulcherrime se posse descendere. sed turris prorumpit in uocem subitam 4 derige v : derig$ F<. 5 conferens v : conferes F<. 9 redito f< : reddito F. 15 datura v : daturam F<. 'reserve,' without a bad connotation) : Ann. 15. 35. 1 eius munus frequcntanti cp. also Sail. Jug. 95. 3 ad simulanda Neroni. negotia altitudo ingeni Iff recte atque pulcherrime] ' pro- incredibilis. perly and in the most excellent way.' pupula] 'little girlie,' an ironically Editors mostly alter to recta ' straight,' used pet term. For pupa ' a girl,' cp. i.e. by a straight road, which is of Mart. 4. 20. 2. The word is generally course very good (5. 14 init. ; 9. 40), used of the pupil of the eye, like the but not at all necessary. For pul- Greek i<6pr). For pupus as a pet term cherrime, used in this ironical sense, cp. Suet. Calig. 13. cp. 10. 1 miles qui propter eximiam im- conferens] So some inferior mss. potentiam pukherrime uapularat ; Plaut. for conferes. Helm notices chap. 19 Bacch. 793 Pendebit hodie pulere. On remeas F for remeans. this rapid method of getting down to indidem delitam] ' tinctured there- Hades, compare the comic scene in the with ' : cp. 8. 27 facie coenoso pigmento Frogs of Aristophanes 127 ff. delita ('daubed '). turris prorumpit in uocem] The theatrum deorum frequentare] to commentators compare the Door talking attend the crowded assemblage of the in Catull. 67; Prop. 1. 16; and the gods.' The word frequentare is some- "Wall being addressed in the story of times used of a single person in post- Pyramus and Thisbe (Ov. Met. 4. 73). Augustan writers : cp. Plin. Ep. 1. 9. 2 This chapter and the next should be sponsalia ant nuptias freqnentaui ; Tac. compared with Verg. JEn. 6. 400-418. vi. 18] CUPID AND PSYCHE 109 et : " quid te," inquit, " praecipitem, o misella, quaeris extin- guere ? quidque iam nouissimo periculo laborique isto temere succumbis ? nam si spiritus corpore tuo semel fuerit seiugatus, ibis quidem profecto ad imum Tartarum, sed inde nullo pacto redire poteris. mihi ausculta. & 18 Lacedaemo Achaiae nobilis ciuitas non longe sita est : hums conterminam deuiis abditam locis quaere Taenarum. inibi spiraculum Ditis, et per portas hiantes monstratur iter inuium, cui[us] te limine transmeato simul commiseris, iam 9 cui Floridus : cui; F. te praecipitem . . . extinguere] ' to do thyself to headlong death.' The expression is an artificial one, lit., ' to kill thyself headlong,' equivalent to te praecipitem dare mortij but is plainly not to be altered, as by Oudeudorp, to praecipitio, however fond Apuleius may be of that substantive (4. 25 ; 5. 25 ; 6. 12 ; 9. 19). For the infinitive after quaerere cp. 5. 22 quaerit abscondere. isto] Note isto for isti: cp. 5. 31; 7. 26 ; 11. 15 : cp. illo for illi Apol. 99, totae ciuitati Met. 11. 16, equiti totoque Romano populo 11. 17. 18 conterminam . . . Taenarum] For thefemininecp. 1. 1 Taenaros Spartiaca. For Taenarum as the entrance to the lower world, cp. Verg. Georg. 4. 467 Taenarias etiam fauces, alta ostia Ditis ; Hor. Carm. 1. 34. 10. inibi] ' therein,' fairly common in Apuleius Metam. 1. 21; 8. 23. 30; 10. 35. It does not seem to be found between the age of Cicero and that of Apuleius. It is used of circumstance in 2. 11. Sed adsidue respiciens prae- ministrantem Fotidem inibi ('therein') recreabar animi. The phrase inibi esse is used of anything being ' close at hand ' Cic. Phil. 14. 5 ; and inibi without esse is used with a verb in the sense of ' just,' 'almost': Gell. 1. 3. 1 cum eum iam inibi mors occuparet. spiraculum] cp. Verg. JEn. 7. 568 Sic specus horrendum, saeui spiracula Ditis. Apuleius also uses it of the place at Hierapolis in Phrygia, where mephitic vapours ascended (De Mundo c. 17), sine ilia, ut poetae uolunt, Ditis spiracula dicenda sunt. iter inuium] This reminds one of Verg. JEn. 3. 383 Longa procul longis uia dividit inuia terris. In both places inuium implies not absolute impass- ableness, but that the way is difficult and trackless, * a pathless road.' limine] A variant is limite, ( boundary,' properly a balk or ridge of land between two fields. Author- ities differ as to whether F< read limine or limite. Hildebrand and Helm say limine. Eyssenhardt, Jahn, and Vliet say limite. Either will suit the sense ; but limine is the easier. Helm is doubtless right. Floridus rightly altered cuius (cui;) of the mss. into cui, as the dative is required after commiseris. simul commiseris] Apuleius often uses simul for simul ac; 4. 3 simul . . . despexit ; 7. 7 simul . . . percepit ; 8. 26 simul . . . conspexit ; 9. 36 simul wflammati sunt. In 2. 5 Oudendorp alters conspexerit to conspexit, for in independent sentences simul. (atque) is generally followed by the perfect in- dicative ; but Novak sees in conspexerit an iterative sense, ' as soon as on any occasion she may have seen,' and compares 7. 21 init. ut quemque . . . - CUPID AND PSYCHE fvi. canale directo perges ad ipsam [h]0rci regiam. sed non actenus uacua debebis per illas tenebras incedere, sed offas pol[l]entae mulso concretas ambabus gestare manibus, at in ipso ore duas ferre stipes, iamque confecta bona parte morti- 5 ferae uiae contina&eris claudum asinum lignorum gerulum cum agasone simili, qui te rogabit decidenti sarcinae fusticulos aliquos porrigas ei, sed tu nulla uoce deprompta tacita 1 directo v : direpto F. horci F<, corr. v. 2 hactenus man. alt. : acten ; F<. 3 polentae sed man. alt. : pollente F<. 5 continaberis v: continaueris F< (sed contingueris man. alt.). 6 decidentis Gruter : decidenti F>. prospexerit . . . furens incurrit (where, however, Haupt alters to prospexif). We must not alter to commisisti in the passage before us, as the future perfect is quite regular when a future follows : cp. Cic. Sest. 146 nee, quotienscutique me uiderit, ingemescet. canale] heaten track ' (lit. * pipe ' or ' channel ' for conveying fluids) : cp. 9. 11 propellor ad incurua spatia jlexuosi canalis. hactenus] Somewhat unusual in prose when expressing actual distance in space, yet cp. Tac. Germ. 35 ; also Ov. Trist. 1. 10. 22. offas polentae mulso concretas] * lumps of barley meal stiffened with mead.' Apuleius, following Verg. 2En. 6. 420 (Cerbero) melle soporatam et medicatis frugibus offam obicit, is thinking of the honey-cake (V.\LTOVTTO) placed at the side of a corpse by the Greeks : cp. Suidas /neXiTovTra eSi'Soro TO?S VKpo"is us 4s rbf Kepfiepov, though others supposed that it was to appease the dogs that accompanied Hecate. stipes] 'contributions.' The"obolus to pay the Stygian ferry " (Browning) ; cp. Lucian Charon 11, and Juv. 3. 267 nee habet quern porrig at ore trientem. bona parte] a good part.' This is a quite common phrase, used even by Cicero (De Orat. 2. 14) : cp. Hor. Sat. 1. 1. 61. continaberis] see note to 5. 31. It has been proved by a vase-painting which is older than Polygnotus that Apuleius is not referring to Ocnus and his ass : see Furtwangler in Archaeo- logische Zeitung (1870, Taf. 31, 32), and Introduction (chapter ii) . agasone] This word can mean either a groom or a driver of stable animals. In 7. 18 and 7. 25 Apuleius uses it of the driver of an ass, as here. In 6. 20 he is called asinaritis. Livy 43. 5. 8 uses it of a driver of horses. For the sense of ' groom,' cp. Curt. 8. 6. 4. qui te rogabit . . . ei] This is quite different from the description of Ocnus, the ass-driver who is usually represented in the lower world. According to the representation which was depicted by Polygnotus (see Pausanias x. 29. 1 ; a similar painting by Nicophanes, a pupil of Pausias: Plin. H. N. 35. 137), Ocnus plaits a rope which is being eaten by the ass who is behind him : cp. Propertius 4. 3. 21 (of the inventor of warlike instruments, whose restless energy should ever prove fruitless) dignior obliquo funem qui torqueat Ocno aeternusqtie tuam pascal, aselle, fameni. Such a representation is given in [. 18] CUPID AND PSYCHE 111 )raeterito. nee mora cum ad flumen mortuum uenies, cui >raefectus Charon, protenus expetens portorium, sic ad ripam ilteriorem sutili cumba deducit commeantes. ergo et inter mortuos auaritia uiuit nee Charon ille f Ditis et pater, tantus deus, quicquam gratuito facit, set moriens pauper 5 lumeister's Denkmdler (Fig. 2041), >m a marble well-head now in the r atican. There are other representa- tions of the same theme which are mentioned by Dr. Frazer in Ids note >n the passage from Pausanias. Among these is a vase-painting from Palermo, which is no doubt a caricature, but represents the ass, not as eating a rope, but with its load having fallen off. Dr. Frazer is hardly right in supposing that the lines in the vase-painting represent the rope : they are rather the fusticulos of Apuleius. According to Rossbach (Eh. Mus. 48 (1893), p. 598) the Palermo vase is certainly as old as the sixth century B.C., and indirectly serves as evidence of the antiquity of the original tale which Apuleius adopted ; for if Apuleius was himself the author of the description of Hades, he would most probably have represented Ocnus in the way which was traditional from the time of Polygnotus. A scholion on 'Ofou TTO'/COU in Cratinus (Kock, No. 348) by Photius and Suidas says, eTri rwv}vvT(t)v Kal /*}/ ovruv \eyerai 77 ira.poiij.ia., and compares it to Tr\iv9ov fiv. It continues 'Apiarapxos 5e Sia. TO Kparwov viroQsaQai ev "Ai5oi> iov TrAe/covTo, ovov 8e rb TrAeKO- ^vov aireffdiovTa, which looks, as Kock says, as if Cratinus read "OKVOV irAo/cas: and it seems as if the right reading in Aristoph. Ran. 186 (where Charon is calling for passengers) were rts els rb ATJ^TJS TreSioj/ ^ eis"OKVov Tr\OKas % els Kspfiepiovs f) els nopaicas f) tirl Taivapovj not ovov TroKoy, which the Schol. ex- plains (apparently ad hoe), first as &Xpr] textrices orabunt anus telam struentes manus paulisper accommodes, 10 nee id tamen tibi contingere fas est. nam haec omnia tibi et multa alia de Veneris insidiis orientur, ut uel unam de manibus 6 tr alias v : tradas F<. 8 progressam F< ambo ex corr. musthavehad some definite consideration in his mind relative to the King of the Shades. The reference cannot he to the name n\ovruv : for he bears that name ore 7rA.ouTo5oTT?s Kai fj.eya\65wpos &v (Lucian Tim. 21). uiaticum] cp. Plaut. Poen. prol. 71 ipse abiit ad Acheruntem sine uiatico. Lucian Catapl. 18 ou5e rbv ofto\bv ex 6 * TO iropQiJLtla. KaTaj3aA.etV. prae manu] ' in hand.' This phrase is found in Plautus (Bacch. 624) and Terence (Ad. 980) ; but does not seem to reappear until the Antonine age. nemo . . . patietur] That is, no one will let him die without giving him the coin. If the dying man has it not himself, common charity will give it. This seems to be the meaning, though it is not well expressed. nauli] Taken, like many sea-faring words, direct from the Greek vavXov: cp. Aristoph. Ran. 270 fKfiaiv', atroSos rbv vavXov. See Juv. 8. 07, where the word seems used of passage-money in the upper world, though it would be quite possible to take it even there of Charon's obolus. For the word undoubtedly used of ordinary passage - money cp. Xen. Anab. 5. 1. 12; Digest 20. 4. 6. 1. de tuo sumat ore] cp. Lucian De Luctu 10 7rej5cti/ TIS airoQavri T&V oiiceiuv irpooTa /xev epovres o&oAbv els rb ot> : and many corpses have been found with this coin in their mouths : cp. Marquardt - Muu ' Privatleben der Eomer,' i. p. 349, and Mayor on Juvenal 3. 267 (nee habet quern porrig at ore trientem}. This burial custom appears to be first mentioned in Aristophanes, Ean. 140, 270. fluentum] This word is rare in the singular; cp., however, 6. 12 platano quae mecum simul unum fluentum bibit ; De Deo Socr. 19 Ilissi amnis modicum fluentum \ Ausonius Mos. 419. adflectare] This is the only place M r here this word is used except in a geographical signification. 19 modicum te progressam] 'having advanced a little': cp. 8. 21 (of time) modicum commoratus', 1. 22 modico sectis progressits, 'a little farther/ manus . . . accommodes] 'assist,' 1 lend a hand ' : cp. 9. 6 mihique mannm tantisper accommodas ; Senec. De Ira 2. 23. 1 ejfecit ira ut tyrannus tyrannicidae manus accommodaret et praesidia sua gladio suo caederet. de Veneris insidiis] A difficulty has been raised as to how Yenus had vi. 19] CUPID AND PSYCHE 113 )mittas offulam. nee putes futile istud polentacium damnum me ; altera enim perdita lux haec tibi prorsus denegabitur. mis namque praegrandis, teriugo et satis amplo capite iditus, immanis et formidabilis, Conantibus oblatrans Lucibus mortuos, quibus iam nil mali potest facere, frustra 5 jrritando ante ipsum limen -et atra atria Proserpinae semper ixcubans seruat uacuani Ditis domum. hunc offrenatum unius offulae praeda facile praeteribis ad ipsamque protinus Proser- pinam introibis, quae te comiter excipiet ac benigne, ut et molliter assidere et prandium opipare suadeat sumere. sed tu 10 humi reside et panem sordidum petitum esto, deinde 4 tonantibus Lipsius : conantibus Fc/>. >\ver in the lower world. T-WO answers iay be made to this : either that in >pular tales the power of the perse- cutor is very extended, and such power is assigned to Venus without much thought as to how far it squares with her usual attributes as an Olympian and terrestrial divinity: or the words de Veneris insidiis may only mean that Venus knew the temptations that would assail Psyche, and thus by craft sub- jected her to them. futile] * paltry loss of a barley cake' : cp. 3. 23 specta denique quam paruis quamque futilibus tanta res procuretur herbulis. For polentacium damnum cp. 5. 8. coniugale praeceptum : 6. 20 Veneriam legationem. teriugo] 'threefold': cp. Verg. JEn. 6. 417 latratu . . . trifauci. territando] cp. Verg. ^n. 6. 400 licet ing ens ianitor antro aeternum latrans exsangues terreat umbras. atra atria] ' pallid palaces ' alliteration. uacuam Ditis domum] Verg. JEn. 6. 269 Perque domos Ditis tiacuas et inania regna. offrenatum . . . praeda] ' wlien quieted (lit. muzzled) by your letting him seize one of your lumps.' This is a common feature in fairy-tales, and is one of the incidents from fairy-tales which have been used by Vergil in his account of the lower world ; cp. Verg. JEn. 6. 421 Ille (Cerberus] fame rabida tria guttura pandens corripit obiectam. Other examples of features of fairy- tales in Vergil are the golden bough and the doves which guide the steps of JSneas (ib. 190 ff.).' For offrenatum cp. Apol. 77 iuuenem simplicem, prae- terea nouae nuptae illecebris offrenatum, suo arbitratu de uia deflectit ; Plaut. Capt. 755 Usque offrenatum suis me ductarent dolis (*lead by the nose'). molliter assidere . . . sumere] Rossbach (Khein. Mus. 48 (1893), p. 598) notices that the invitation of, Proserpina to Psyche to sit down to a banquet is not to be explained with Ettig (' Acheruntica ' = Leipziger Studien xiii, 385. 2) as an allusion to the supposed danger attaching to eating the food of the gods of the lower world : for Psyche is bidden to ask for some of that food, though it is only common bread. He thinks the danger lay in the possibility of some trick, such as was practised on Theseus whereby he had to sit for ever : cp. Verg. ^n. 6. 617. panem sordidum] called panis eibarius in the next chapter: cp. note to 6. 11. 114 CUPID AND PSYCHE [vi. 20 mmtiato, quid adueneris, susceptoque quod offeretur rursus remeas canis saeuitiam offula reliqua redime ac deinde auaro nauitae data quam reseruaueras stipe transi toque eius fluuio recolens priora uestigia ad istum caelestium siderum 5 redies chorum. sed inter omnia hoc obseruandum praecipue tibi censeo, ne uelis aperire uel inspicere illam quam feres pyxidem uel omnino diuinae formonsitatis a&^'tum curiosius thensaurum." $O Sic turris ilia prospicua uaticinationis munus explicuit. 1 offeretur : efferetur F. 2 re means : remeas F. 4 recolens F< : in margine F habet aliquid quod iam non dispici potest : recalcans coni. Oudendorp. 7 abditum F sed abdi ita refictum ut quid fuerit non dispici possit : addiction (p. 9 prospicua F0 : in margine eadem manu uel propilia. quid adueneris] cp. Plaut. Merc. 940 dico quid eo aduenerim (' the object of my coming '). recolens] 'retracing,* 'going over again.' This word is used in almost as many senses as our phrase ' to go over.' It means to bestow one's attention again on anything: cp. 5. 10 Venerem meam recolentem; 9. 21 recolens (' remembering ') festinationis suae delictum; 11. 7 monitionis ordinem recolebam (' I went over again in mind'). The Dictionaries quote Phaedrus 1. 18. 1 nemo libenter recolit qui laesit locum. If the mss. admitted it, we should readily accept recalcans, which Onden- dorp suggested, comparing 9. 11 mea recalcans uestigia. There is something illegible in the margin of F, which may possibly be recalcans. redies] For this form cp. Seneca. Epist. 119 20 (exiet] ; Tibullus 1. 4. 27 (transief). It is very common in ecclesiastical Latin : cp. Neue- Wagener iii 3 . 327 f. uel omnino . . . thensaurum] Some verb has been lost, which it is impos- sible to replace with certainty. It . was probably of a general nature, meaning ' to pay attention to ' : and nothing better than curare (Koziol) readily presents itself : cp.6.2init. That word also accounts for the corruption. The inferior mss. altered cttriosius into cures ; but we cannot easily dispense with the adverb which expresses so essential an idea in the story of Psyche. For abditum Helm compares 5. 14 thensaurumque penitus abditae frandis. In F abdi- is a correction, possibly of addic-, which appears in <. 2O prospicua] ' provident' : cp. 1. 21 prospicue Demeas meus in me consuluit ' r 11. 18 cum familiares . . . prospictie curassent. The interpretation ' con- spicuous,' ' far-seen ' (TTJACO-KOTTOS), is otiose here, and not in accordance with the usage of Apuleius : nor can it be defended by Statins Theb. 12 15, for the right reading there is perspicuae. But there may have been something of the meaning 'far-seeing' (TTJACO-K OTTOS paroxytone) in the literal, physical sense, hovering before the mind of Apuleius in his choice of the epither. In the margin of F the emendation propitia is suggested, which is just possible; cp. note to 5. 22 fin. t. 20] CUPID AND PSYCHE 115 morata Psyche pergit Taenarum sumptisque rite stipibus His et offulis infernum decurrit meatum transitoque per jilentium asinario debili et amnica stipe uectori data, neglecto ipernatantis mortui desiderio et spretis textricum subdolis >recibus et offulae cibo sopita canis horrenda rabie domum 5 Proserpinae penetrat. nee offerentis hospitae sedile deftcatum uel cibum beatum amplexa, sed ante pedes eius residens humilis cibario pane contenta Veneriam pertulit legationem. statimque secreto repletam conclusamque pyxidem suscipit et offulae sequentis fraude caninis latratibus obseratis residuaque nauitae reddita stipe longe uegetior ab inferis recurrit. et repetita itque adorata Candida ista luce, quanquam festinans obsequium jrminare, mentem capitur temeraria curiositate et " ecce," iquit, "inept<> ego diuinae formonsitatis gerula, quae 6 delicatum v : dedicatum F<|>. 10 obseruatis F<|>, sed u lineola delete. 14 inepta ego : inepteego F, sec go deleuit alt. manus. infernum decurrit meatum] 'hastily traversed the pathway to the Shades.' For this cognate ace. cp. Verg. JEn. 5. 862 currit Her tutum; 3. 191 currimus aequor. Bolder is decurre laborem in Georg. 2. 39. asinario] called agasone in 6. 18. amnica stipe] 'the ferry -toll.' For amnicus cp. Vopise. Aurel. 47. 3 navi- cularios Niliacos apud ^Aegyptum novos et Romae amnicos posui. nee . . . uel] This use of uel, where we should expect nee, is common in Apuleius : see 5. 19 nee . . . uiri mei nidi Jaciem uel omnino cuiatis sit noui (cp. 3. 11); 10. 10 nee rota uel eculeus . . . iam deerant ; 11. 22 ; 11. 30 (his). Less unusual are passages where uel is repeated, as 5. 11 certe de marito nil quidquam uel audias uel respondeas ; cp. 5. 12. For further see Koziol, p. 322. delicatum] luxurious," soft.' The older editors rightly corrected the mss. dedicatum: see c. 19 molliter assidere* The word delicatus is a favourite with Apuleius : cp. 5. 10 delicatas manus \ 5. 22 plumulae tenellae et delicatae ; 5. 25 ; 9. 33 ; 10. 20, 32 ; Apol. 4. 19. cibario pane] cp. note to 6. 11. offulae sequentis fraude] ' by the heguilement of the second cake.' For sequens F. Norden compares 5. 27 nee uindictae sequentis poena tardauit. longe uegetior] This gracefully expresses the sense of exhilaration we all feel when some dismal work is successfully accomplished. The word is especially used for the feeling of refreshment after sleep : cp. 9. 3. mentem capitur] We find mente captus often (e.g. Cic. Cat. 3. 21), and captus animi in Tacitus (Hist. 3. 73), but I do not know of any other ex. of the ace. Yet it is of exactly the same nature as (say) Verg. JEn. 5. 869- casnque animum concussus amid ; cp. Koby, 1126. i 2 116 CUPID AND PSYCHE [vi. 21 nee tantillum quidem indiclem mihi delibo uel sic illi amatori meo formonso placitura," et cum dicto reserat pyxidem. $1 nee quicquam ibi rerum nee formonsitas ulla, sed infernus somnus ac uere Stygius, qui statim coperculo reuelatus 5 inuadit earn crassaque soporis nebula cunctis eius membris perfunditur et in ipso uestigio ipsaque semita conlapsa possidet. et iacebat immobilis et nihil aliud quam dormiens cadauer. sed Cupido iam cicatrice solida reualescens nee diutinam suae Psyches absentiam tolerans per altissimani 10 cubiculi quo cohibebatur elapsus fenestram refectisque pennis aliquanta quiete longe uelocius prouolans Psyclien accurrit suam detersoque somno curiose et rursum in pristinam pyxidis 5 crassaque v : crassoque F. 6 collapsamv: collapsa Fc/>. 9 Post altissimam in F lacuna quattuor litterarum. Hanc lacunam < complevit addito partem. nc tantilium quidem] For nee . . . quidem see note to 5. 5. uel sic] ' at least in this way ' a pretty trait of modest self -depreciation. Psyche implicitly disdains the possession of any beauty, but thinks that from the casket she will get a little beauty to attract her lover and match in some way his beauty. For uel sic Weyman com- pares Firmicus Err. 25 fin. reliqua persequatmir ut uel sic pollutarum aurium sordes purificans possit sermo purgare. et cum dicto] This method of con- necting a speech with the succeeding narrative is much used by Apuleius: cp. 1. 16, 17, 18, 22 (bis), 23, and about a dozen more times ; see Koziol 318. A variation is 5. 24 et cum termino serinonis(vip. 3. \lcumisto fine sermonis). 21 coperculo reuelatus] 'when the lid disclosed it.' The word reuelare often occurs in Apuleius, 2. 24, 26 ; 3. 9, 15 ; 9. 22 (luminibus reuelatis, ' when my eyes were unbandaged '), 26, 42 ; 10. 18. The expression is a little unusual, ' disclosed by the lid,' i.e. ' by the lid's being taken off': but there is no need to alter with Eohde to releuatus. in ipso uestigio] ' on the very spot.' Hildebrand notices that in this sense, unless some word like loci or temporis follows uestigio (cp. Cic. Pis. 21), in Classical Latin we find a preposition added, such as in or e. In Apuleius, however, we find uestigio without a preposition used in the sense of illico (4. 27). solida] ' as the wound had become hard,' 'had cicatrised.' Rohde reads solidata for solida. The Dictionaries quote Pliny 24. 152 nemos abscisos . . . solidari, and of broken limbs setting, 28. 227. But the adjective gives the sense satisfactorily. aliquanta] For this adjective cp. 8. 18 aliquanto denique uiae permenso spatio : Apol. 71 aliquantam pecuniam . . . debebat. It seems to be first found in Sallust, e.g. Jug. 105. 4 ; cp. also Bell. Afr. 21. 1. Psychen accurrit] For absence of a preposition cp. note to 5. 4. detersoque] For the soporis nebula was crassa ; see above. curiose] 'carefully.' cp. Petron. 135 detersisque curiose manibus and granaque . . . curiosa manu segrego. This sceue r.22] CUPID AND PSYCHE 117 lem recondito Psyches innoxio punctulo sagittae suae iscitat et " ecce," inquit, " rursum perieras, misella, simili mriositate. sed interim quidem tu prouinciam, quae tibi itris meae praecepto mandata est, exsequere nauiter, cetera unet uidero." his dictis amator leuis in pinnas se dedit, 5 Psyche uero confestim Veneri munus reportat Proserpinae. ^ Interea Cupido amore nimio peresus et aegra facie, latris suae repentinam sobrietatem pertimescens, ad armillum jdit alisque pernicibus caeli penetrato uertice magno loui ipplicat suamque causam probat. tune luppiter prehensa 10 ipidinis buccula manuque ad os suum relata consauiat atque ad ilium: "licet tu," inquit, "domine fili, numquam mihi 3 prouinciam F : tu prouinciam addidit alia aut eadem manu in lacuna. quae~\ que F : que fy : quod, f . 4 mandata F< : mandatum f . 8 armillum F : armile f et F in margine. has been selected by both Thorwaldsen and Canova for statues. perieras] This is the same kind of hypothetical indicative as is found, e.g., in Hor. Carm. 2. 17. 29 me truncus . . . sustulerat nisi Faunus ictum dextra leuasset ; Ovid Fast. 2. 434 utilius fuerat non habuisse nurus, ' you would have perished (if I had not helped you).' simili] i.e. as on the occasion when you were curious as to my appearance (5. 23). sed interim . . . tibi] This use of prouincia for duty,' function,' is quite common in the comic writers, and is used by Cicero (Sull. 52 and else- where). The word interim is charming and full of significance : ' meanwhile,' i.e. until I can arrange everything for a renewal of our union. amator leuis] her airy lover.' For in pinnas se dedit cp. 2. 29 me in meam quietem permit te. 22 amore nimio peresus] cp. Verg. -ZEn. 6. 442 quos durus amor crudeli tabe peredit; Catull. 55. 23 et multis langori- bus peresus essem. matris suae repentinam sobrietatem] ' his mother's sudden reformation.' ad armillum redit] ' returns to his old ways,' lit. ' to the wine-jar '; cp. 9. 29 ilia . . . exasperata ad armillum reuertitttr. The proverb is found in Lucilius 767 (ed. Marx) onus russum ad armillum, ' the old woman returns to the bottle,' armillum being, according to Paulus on Festus 2, teas uinarium in sacris dictum quod armo id est humero deportetur. This derivation is only a popular etymology. The word is possibly a diminutive of anna. One of the Glosses (CGL v.6. 13) gives armillum uas uinarium wide anus (antis Codd.) ad armillum. prehensa . . . buccula] cp. Suet. Galb. 4 Augustum puero . . . apprehensa buccula dixisse. In 2. 13 Ap. uses the deponent form consauiatus eum. These are the only two places in Lat. where the word occurs. For the double form cp. altercare (6. 26) and -cari: percon- tare(il. 19) and -ari. domine fill] On the use of the address * domine ' in ordinary life 118 CUPID AND PSYCHE [vi. 22 concessu deum decretum seruaris honorem, sed istud pectus meum, quo leges elementorum et uices siderum disponuntur, conuulneraris assiduis ictibus crebrisque terrenae libidinis foedaueris casibus contraque leges et ipsam luliam disciplinam- 5 que publicam turpibus adulteriis existimationem famamque meam laeseris in serpentes, in ignes, in feras, in aues et gregalia pecua serenos uultus meos sordide reformando, at tamen modestiae meae memor quodque inter istas meas maims creueris, cuncta perficiam, dum tamen scias aemulos tuos.cauere Friedlander (Sittengeschichte Horns i 6 . 442 ff.) has a learned discussion. He notices (p. 449) that brothers and sisters were accustomed to use the word some- times when speaking of or to one another: cp. Seneca Ep. 104. 1 illud mihi erat in ore domini mei Gallionis, ['my respected Gallio '] ; and that though the address of Jupiter is here somewhat jocular, yet we find Sym- machus in seriousness addressing his daughter as dominafilia (Ep. 6. 40, 67). For Cupid nsjilius of Jupiter cp. note to 5. 29 fin. istud pectus meum] For iste used for hie cp. below istas meas mantis and 5. 10 init. : 5. 30 fin. ; and see note to 6. 10 istam uesperam. Apuleius uses hie iste in 2. 13 hie iste Chaldaeus. Of course he often uses iste in the usual connexion with the second person, 5. 6 tuo isto . . . concubio ; cp. Kretschmann 90, 91. casibus] 'incidents,' 'casualties' of gallantry upon earth : cp. 7. 4 fortissi- tmim quemque nariis quidem sed impigris casibus oppetisse. ipsam luliam] The Lex lulia de adulteriis coercendis \vas passed by Augustus in 737 (= 17 B.C.), and formed throughout Roman times the basis of procedure in the matter of adultery: cp. Digest 48. 5, the whole of which Title is devoted to the Julian law. disciplinamque publicam] cp. 4. 30 contempta disciplina publica. in serpentes . . . gregalia pecua] Ovid. Met. 6. 103 ff. relates how Arachne pourtrayed the loves of Jupiter, Maeonis elusam designat imagine tauri Europam . . . fecit et Asterien aquila luctante teneri : fecit oloriuis Ledam recubare sub alis. Addidit . . . aureus ut Danaen, Atopida (i.e. JEgina) luserit ignis, Mnemosynen pastor, uarius Deoidu (i.e. Proserpina) serpens. in ignes] Juhn alters to in imbres, as we should expect some allusion to Danae; and Rohde reads in cygnos, in feras immanes (for in aues}. But Jupiter appeared in fire to JEgina (see above), and also to Semele. In the enumeration of Jupiter's amours in Lucian Dial. Deorum 2. 1 there is no mention of fire ; but in Achilles Tatius, 2. 37, SeyueArjj' 5' e : sit f. Cupid must remember, now that he is to be married, that he has responsibilities. For cauere cp. Ovid. A. A. 1. 753 Cog- natum fratremque caue carumque sodaUm. puella praepollet pulcritudine] Alli- teration. ' if any lass lives excellent in rveliness.' praesentis beneficii uicem . . . debere] ' that in return for this kindness you are bound to make recompense to me by means of her.' As no certain example of the genitive after uicem when it is a direct accusative and not used adverbially is forthcoming, it seems necessary to take repensare as intransitive. The Dictionaries refer to Lactantius Inst. 7. 1 fin. 25 ea quae legunt et non in- telleyunt Deo repensante patientur. 23 in poenam . . . conuentum iri] 'to be sued for a penalty of ten thousand sesterces.' This use of conueniri is frequent in the Digest, e.g. 3. 5. 31 : 4. 3. 13. For fines on senators cp. Varro in Gellius 14. 7. 10 de pignore quoqiie capiendo disserit deque mult a dicenda senatori qui cum in senatum uenire deberet non adesset ; cp. Dio Cass. 54. 18. 3; 55. 3. 2. theatre] 'assembly room'; cp.6. 16fin. pro sede sublimi sedens] ' aloft on his lofty throne': cp. pro rostris, pro tribunals. Note the alliteration. procerus luppiter] ' tall Jupiter ' an unusual epithet. Dei conscripti] cp. Seneca Apocol.9init. Musarum albo] 'in the register of the Muses.' The Muses, as presiding over writing and literature, keep the roll- of the divinities. Generally the genit. after album (* list,' ' register') is objective, e.g. album senatorum, itidicum (list of names of the senators, judges); here, however, it is possessive (' kept by the Muses '). Erasmus notices that the Muses are rightly the registrars of the gods, for they inspire the poets, who alone bring the gods into honour and notice. Hildebrand quotes Fulg. Myth. 1. Prol. 15 (=p. 8. 22 Helm), where Calliope says una . . . sum e uirginali, Eliconiadum curia louis albo conscripta as an example of facetious reference to registers in Olympus. quod . . . alumnatus sim . . . scitis] For scire quod F. Norden compares Plaut. Asin. 52 scio iam filius quod amet meus istanc, which Lindsay (Syntax of Plautus, p. 112) thinks doubtful. A similar use is also found in Apuleius Met. 4. 5 animaduerteram eolloquentes quod in proximo nobis esset habenda mansio ; 10. 24 mittit seruulutn . . . qui puellae nuntiaret quod earn iuuenis . . . uocaret ad sese. For alumnati used actively cp. 8. 17 canes . . . quos ad tutelae praesidia ctiriose fuerant alumnati. In 9. 36 canes . . . transeuntium . . . passiuis mor^ibus alumnatos it is used passively ; cp. 10. 23. 120 CUPID AND PSYCHE [vi. 23 primae iuuentutis caloratos impetus freno quodam cohercendos existimaui ; sat est cotidianis eum fa&ulis ob adulteria cunc- tasque corruptelas infamatum. tollenda est omnis occasio et luxuria puerilis nuptialibus pedicis alliganda. puellam elegit 5 et uirginitate priuauit : teneat, possideat, amplexus Psychen semper suis amoribus perfruatur." et ad Venerem conlata facie, " nee tu," inquit, " filia, quicquam contristere nee prosapiae tantae tuae statuque de matrimonio mortali metuas. iam faxo nuptias non impares, sed legitimas et iure ciuili 10 congruas," et ilico per Mercurium arripi Psychen et in caelum perduci iubet. porrecto ambrosiae poculo, " siime," inquit, et 8 prosapie f : piosa pie F. 11 iubet F : iubet . caloratos impetus] < the heated im- petuosity of youth': cp. 10. 23 caloris iuuenalis impetu lapsus. For caloratus in this sense the only other passage quoted in the Thesaurus is Fulg. Myth. 3. 4 (= 63. 22 Helm) omne enim caloratae iuuentutis igniculum torpidae ueternositatis algescit in senio. teneat, possideat] cp. Justinian Institutes 3. 29. 2 quodue tu meum habes tenes possides, on which Sandars says habes refers to dominium, tenes to physical detention, possides to possession (cp. Dig. 41. 4. 49. 1 possessio non tan turn corporis sed et iuris est) : also Pliny Ep. 1. 16. 1 nunc enim totum me tenet habet possidet. There is no need to add habeat, as has heen suggested, owing to the legal formula, though it might have easily heen lost after teneat. Jupiter, heing a lordly personage, would not trouble to speak with the full exact- ness of a lawyer. amplexus Psychen] Dietze (p. 138) thinks it possible that Apuleius may be alluding to the celebrated Capitoline statue (Baumeister, DenJcmdkr, Fig. 1576). conlata facie] cp. note to 5. 6. Here it means simply ' turning to,' and is rare when thus used of a single person: cp. Senec. Epist. 71. 34 nt possit cum ilia (Fortuna] conferre -uultum. nee prosapiae tantae tuae statuque . . . metuas] ' do not be afraid for your grand lineage and social position by. reason of the marriage bejng one with a mortal ': statu is dative ; for the dat. cp. Verg. Georg. 1. 186 inopi metuens formica senectae; and JEn. 10. 94. For de of the cause of fear, 7. 16 de me metuentes sibi. Apuleius is fond of the word prosapia, cp. 1. 1 ; 8.2; 9. 35 ; 10. 18 ; De Deo Socr. 23 ; Apol. 18. impares] cp. note to 6. 9. iure ciuili congruas] ' suitable accord- ing to civil law.' This word congruus is found in Plautus (Mil. 1116), but does not reappear until Apuleius, and is frequently in use after him. Jahn alters iure to iuri (cp. De Dogm. Plat. 2. 13); but this is unnecessary, as congruus is often used absolutely : cp. 7. 1. ambrosiae] Ambrosia is generally regarded as the solid food of the gods, while nectar is the liquid (Serv. on JEn. 12. 419). Here ambrosia is loosely used for nectar. For another sense of vi. 24] CUPID AND PSYCHE 121 "Psyche, et immortalis esto, nee umquam digredietur a tuo nexu Cupido, sed istae uobis erunt perpetuae nuptiae." $4 Nee mora cum cena imptialis affluens ex<^>ibetur. accumbebat summuin torum maritus, Psychen gremio suo complexus. sic et cum sua lunone luppiter ac deinde per & ordinem toti del. tune poculum nectaris, quod uinum deorum est, loui quidem suus pocillator ille rusticus puer, ceteris uero Liber ministrabat, Vulcanus cenam coquebat ; Horae rosis et ceteris floribus purpurabant omnia, Gratiae spargebant. balsama Musae fquoque canora personabant ; Apollo cantauit i& 3 exhibetur al. man. : exibettir F. ambrosia see 5. 22. In Ovid Met. 14. 607 Venus ambrosia cum dulci nectar e mixta contigit os (sc. of jEneas) fecit que denm. No parallel can be adduced for the meaning of 'immortality,' assigned to ambrosia by Rodius, though Mart. Cap. 2. 141 (cp. 1. 34) has immortali- tatis poculum. nuptiae] With the whole scene Hildebrand well compares the marriage of Philologia and Mercury in Martianus Capella 2, 140 f. 24 Nee mora cum . . . exhibetur] cp. 6. 18. This phrase is generally found with the present indicative, e.g. 4. 10 ; 5. C ; 11.7; but it is followed by the perfect twice in 3. 2 cuncta compkta (but the present occipiunt follows): populus compleuit; and once by the future 6. 18 uenies. For another parody of a banquet of the gods, cp. Lucian Icarom. 27. The model is at the end of Iliad i. cena nuptialis] Here used in its literal sense. For the general sense of 'banquet,' not necessarily 'marriage feast,' see 6. 11. affluens] 'abundant': 2. 19 ristis affluens; Tac. Ann. 15. 54 adfluentiits solito conuiuium. summum torum] This seems to have been the right corner seat (dextrnm cornu) of the sigma: cp. note to 5. 3. It was the place of honour. The second place of honour was the sinistrum cornu, and here Jupiter and Juno had their places. See some interesting examples quoted by Marquardt-Mau, 'Privatleben der Homer,' i., 307, 308. toti del] = omnes dei : cp. 8. 2 fin. ; 9. 36 med. pocillator] cp. 6. 15. Vulcanus cenam coquebat] We do- not find Vulcan engaged in this duty elsewhere ; but it is appropriate to the god of fire, in so far as that element was employed for useful purposes. purpurabant] ' crimsoned all things.' The word is neuter in 10. 22 labias ambroseo rore purpur antes. Gellius (18. 11) quotes a fine passage from Furius Antias, in which occurs the line spiritus Eurorum uiridis cum pur - purat nndas. fquoque] This word is probably in error, as it breaks the asyndeton. Gulielmus suggests voce, which has a certain similarity of sound to quoque. Possibly the original M f as choro : cp. Val. Flacc. 5. 693 Tune adsuetus adest Phlegraeas reddere pugnas Musarum chorus et citharae pulsator Apollo ; and Mart. Capella 2. 117 Ecce ante fores quidam dulcis sonus . . . cietur quein 122 CUPID AND PSYCHE [vi. 24 ad c[h]it^aram, Venus suaui musicae superingressa formonsa saltauit, scaena sibi si concinnata, ut Musae quidem chorum canerent tibias inflarent, Saturus et Paniscus ad fistulam dicerent. sic rite Psyche conuenit in manum Cupidinis et 1 cither am fy : chiteram F. sugingressa

: wflaret v. 4 dicerent : diceret v. Musarum conuenientium chorus impen- dens nuptialibus sacramentis modulations doctae tinnitibus concinebat. Helm reads Musaeque voce. At the union of Cadmus and Harmonia ' tlie gods had to their marriage come, and at the banquet all the Muses sang ' : cp. Eur. Phoen. 822 ; Pind. Pyth. 3. 90 (160). Apollo] Before this word Helm places a lacuna, in v/hich he supposes some words like inter dopes or post dapes, and compares 5. 3, and Lucian Icaromenipp. 27 ev Se T< 5f'nrv(f> o re fKtOdptfff Kal 6 SeiArjfbs KopSaKa vfjivwv T&V Htvtidpov. superingressa] Scaliger and most editors read suppari gressu, ' with step in time to the soft music,' which of course makes excellent sense. But the reading of the mss. is quite defensible, though the word does not seem to be found elsewhere. 'Entering upon the soft music,' i.e. the music was already in progress when Venus entered. In a ballet the premiere danseuse generally waits to make her entry until the music has continued for some time : cp. in the formal description of the ballet in 10. 31 super has introcessit alia . . . designans Venerem. formonsa] ace. plur. of cognate idea After saltauit'. cp. Copa 2 Ebriafamosa saltat lasciua taberna. We must not alter toformose with Passerat. scaena sibi sic concinnataj abl. abs. ' the exhibition having thus ar- ranged itself.' For concinnare cp. 7. 11 tucceta conc'mnat\ 10. 13 mellita con- cinnabat edulia (cp. Plaut. Men. 102 Tantas struices concinnat patinarias] ; 7. 26 cadauer . . . disiectis partibus . . . totum repertum aegreque concinnatum. For dancing exhibitions among the Romans, see art. Fantomimus in Diet. Antiq. tibias inflarent] The Muses played upon the tibia: cp. Hor. Carm. 1. 1. 33 si neque tibias Euterpe cohibet. Oudendorp adds ant before tibias. ad fistulam dicerent] ' chanted to his Pan-pipe.' The tibia was a straight pipe like our clarionet : the fistula was the Pandean pipe (jruptyl), which con- sisted of seven hollow reeds (calami] of different lengths and diameters : cp. Verg. Eel. 2. 36. conuenit in manum Cupidinis] ' \vas regularly married to Cupid' : cp. 8. 2; 8. 8; Cic. Top. 14 Si ea in manum non conuenerat nihil debetur (this refers to the special point Cicero is discussing) . Genus enim est uxor : eius duae formae : una matrutn familias, eae sunt quae in manum conuenerunt ; altera eantm quae tantummodo uxores habentur: see also Guius 1. 108 ff. vi. 24] CUPID AND PSYCHE 123 nascitur illis mature partu filia, qua Voluptatem nomina- mus. 1 quam f0 : qua F. nominamus : no * * * * | minam; F (" o ex M alia man us ut uidetur refingendo effecit : uoluerat scribere nuncupamus " Helm). fabula explicit F in marg. : explicit fabula in marg. Voluptatem] cp. Cic. N. D. 2. 61 ; Varro L. L. 5. 164 in Noua Via ad Volupiae sacellum. Cupid had spoken of his and Psyche's unborn child as a boy (5. 13 in hoc paruulo) ; so Apuleius is supposed here, having lapsed into allegory, ' to nod.' But it is the critics who dream. Cupid did not necessarily know the future in every respect. Parents always assume that their first- born will be a boy ; and when the sex is unknown, it is allowable to use the masculine. Besides Julianus, in full wig and gown, assures us (Digest 50. 16. 201) appellatione ^filii' Jiliamfam- ilias contineri saepe respondimus. EXCURSUS I MILESIAN TALES MILESIAN tales are associated with the name of a certain Aristides, who lived in the second century B.C., and wrote a book called MtXrjo-LOLKd. It consisted of a series of stories of an erotic, even indecent, nature, 1 which are supposed by Aristides to have been related to himself, 2 and were probably joined together by no other bond. They obtained their title from the fact that the scene was laid at Miletus, or in the vicinity. 3 That the Milesiaca was one continuous regular novel (as contradistinguished from a series of stories) is maintained by Burger (Hermes 27. 345 ff.), but his contention lacks proof ; and though it is possible that the realistic novel in this sense may have existed in the late Alexandrine time that age of science and all things positive and though we have evidence that the romantic novel did exist much earlier than is generally thought, 4 proof is still wanting of the existence of the * realistic ' novel. 5 1 This peculiar kind of 'risky ' short story no doubt existed at all times. We can see one clearly through the speech of Mnesilochus in the Thesmophoriazusae, 498 ff. : cp. a similar story in the Gesta Romanorum, No. 123. 2 The author of the Lucianic Amores says, c. 1 : ttd. 8-f] /j.e virb r'bv opdpov T) TU>V aKoXaffruv ffov Snfjyf]fj.drcav aifj.v\r) ical 7 Av/ceTa irsiOb) Ka.Tfvtyp0.vsv OXTT' o\iyov 8eIV 'ApiffTeiSrjs ev6/juov elVat TO?S Mi\r]ffiaKo7s \6yois virepKri\ov/u.e}sos. The Fragments of Aristides' Histories are given in Miiller, F H Gr iv, 320-7- Of these Nos. 6, 9, 10 are of the nature of love-stories. 3 All classical examples of this kind of story which we have seem to come from "Western Asia Minor. 4 The Story of Ninus, found in the Papyri, is referred hy Wilcken to the first century B.C., and Heinze (Hermes 34. 494-519) has adduced many strong reasons to lead us to suppose that the Satiricon of Petronius is a parody of the romantic novel. If this is so, the antiquity of the latter is greater than is supposed by those scholars who follow Rohde (Griech. Roman 358 if.) in assigning it to the Sophists of the Roman Empire. 5 The nearest reference to such that is quoted is Ovid Trist. 2. 41 o Nee qui descripsit carruinpi semina matrum Eubius impurae conditor historiae. But historia (which can mean any kind of a * narrative ' or 'story,' fictitious or 126 EXCUESUS I The MtX^o-iaKa of Aristides appear to have been rather a collection of short stories which attained a great popularity (like the Arabian Nights), and were translated into Latin by the Roman historian Sisenna : cp Ovid Trist. 443 Vertit Aristiden Sisenna, nee obf uit illi historiae turpes inseruisse iocos. 1 It is hard to know what Ovid means. Probably it is that Sisenna translated both the Milesiaca of Aristides, and also his Histories, inserting in the latter indecent jokes two offences against morality. Burger thinks the historiae must be the Milesiaca, and supposes that Sisenna actually added to the indecency of these. Rohde seems to hold that Sisenna composed indecent stories in the intervals of his- torical composition a most improbable explanation. He gives also (p. 129) a forced explanation of Trist. 2. 413 lunxit Aristides Milesia crimina secum, that Aristides strung together a series (= iunxit inter se, cp. Thielmann in Archiv. 7. 381) of indecent stories the enormity consisted in the number ; a few would have been pardonable. May it not rather mean associated with himself,' i.e., put his name to the collection? He represented the stories as being told to him, and he published them under his name. For crimina = the stories of which crimina were the themes, cp. Trist. 2. 508. They appear to have had the effect of giving the name milesia (sc. historia ovfabeUa) to a special kind of story, or series of stories, the main feature of which would seem to have been originally an erotic element ; though later the term milesia extended itself to include themes which, if not always erotic (though usually so), were at any rate of a frivolous and merely amusing nature. 2 Apuleius calls his Cupid and Psyche a milesia ; and it is indeed a love-story, but it cannot be called erotic. However, it was written merely to amuse his readers, and seemed frivolous to true) may refer to a series of narratives, as, e.g., the Nattiralis historia of Pliny, which his nephew calls (Epp. 3. 5. 6) naturae historiarum triginta septem libri: the Sacra historia of Ennius; the iravToSaTrr] Iffropia of Favorinus; the iroiKiKt] tcrropia of Aelian : cp. Rohde Rh. Mus. 48. 132, 133; and the plural matrum will lend some support to this view. 1 The Fragments of Sisenna's Milesiue in Biicheler's Petronius, pp. 237-8. No. 8 has a Petronian flavour, and No. 10 may apply to such a story as Apuleius Met. 10. 22. 2 For a single collection of stories giving its name to a kind of narrative we may compare the Arabian Nights : e.g. R. L. Stevenson's New Arabian Nights. MILESIAN TALES 127 serious men. 1 Indeed, the first ten books of Apuleius' work may be regarded as a series of milesiae (cp. 1. 1 init. At ego tibi sermone ('style') isto Milesio uarias fabulas conseram 'string together '), which have the slight thread of connexion that they come within the cognizance of the hero. If this is so, there are several of these stories which have no love motive at all (such, for example, as that of Diophantus, the supposed Chaldaean (2. 13)) ; but they all agree in being directed merely towards amusement, and do not aim at instruction or edification. 2 But in the early times the stories seem to have been frankly indecent, and were apparently written in an alluring style (cp. (Lucian) op. cit. at/xvA^). The Parthian vizier spoke with contempt of the Roman officer Roscius, in whose baggage were found ctKoAao-ra /?i/?Ata r&v 'Apio-reioW MiA^o-taKwv (Plutarch, Crassus 82). As examples of Milesian tales may be taken Babrius 116: Phaedrus 3. 10: Petronius 85-87: 111-112 : 140 : and Apuleius 9. 5-7 : 9. 17-21 : 9. 26-28. Collections of these kinds of stories in the Middle Ages, some- times with edifying " morals," are to be found in the Gesta Romanorum and the Decameron. 1 Cp. Capit. Albin. 12. 12 : Tertullian, De Anima 23, calls the Valentinian theories of the generations of the Aeons historias et Milesias ('fairy-tales'). Aeonum. 2 Cp. Met. 1. 1 fin. fabiilam Graecanicam incipimus. Lector, intende : laetaberis. Also St. Jerome, quoted by Biicheler, op. cit. 241 nulltu tarn imperitus scriptor est qtii lectorem non inueniat similem sui, multoque pars maior est Milesias fabellas reuoluentium quam Platonis libros. In altero enim Indus et oblec- tatio est, in altero difficultas et sudor miztus labori. EXCUESUS II ALLEGORICAL EXPLANATIONS OF THE TALE. FULGENTIUS Planciades, a writer of the fifth century, in the third book of his work called Mytliologiarum libri ires gives the following summary of the story of Cupid and Psyche (p. 66, ed. Helm) ; and the influence of both the language and style of Apuleius on it is obvious : " VI. FABULA DEAE PSICAE ET CUPIDINIS. " Apuleius in libris metamorfoseon hanc fabulam planissime designauit dicens esse in quadam ciuitate regem et reginam, habere tres filias, duas natu maiores esse temperata specie, iuniorem uero tarn magmficae esse figurae quae crederetur Venus esse terrestris. Denique duabus maioribus quae temperata erant specie conubia euenere ; illam uero ueluti deam non quisquam amare ausus quam uenerari pronus atque hostiis sibimet deplacare. Contaminata ergo honoris maiestate Venus succensa inuidia Cupidinem petit, ut in contumacem formam seueriter uindicaret. Hie ad matris ultionem aduentans uisam puellam adamauit ; poena enim in affectum conuersa est, et ut magnificus iaculator ipse se suo telo percussit. Itaque Apollinis denuntiatione iubetur puella in mentis cacumine sola dimitti et uelut feralibus deducta exequiis pinnato serpenti sponso destinari ; perfecto iamque coragio puella per mentis decliuia zephiri -flantis leni uectura delapsa in quandam domum auream rapitur, quae pretiosa sine pretio sola consideratione laude deficiente poterat aestimari, ibique uocibus sibi tantummodo seruientibus ignoto atque mansionario utebatur coniugio ; nocte enim adueniens maritus, Veneris proeliis obscure peractis, ut inuise uespertinus aduenerat, ita crepusculo incognitus etiam discedebat. Habuit ergo uocale seruitium, uentosum dominium, nocturnum commercium, ignotum coniugium. Sed ad huius mortem deflendam sorores adueniunt montisque conscenso cacumine germanum lugubri uoce flagitabant uocabulum, et quamuis ille coniux lucifuga sororios ei comminando uetaret aspectus, tamen consanguineae caritatis inuincibilis ardor maritale obumbrauit imperium. Zephyri ergo ALLEGORICAL EXPLANATIONS OF THE TALE 129 flabrantis aurae anhelante uectura ad semet sororios perducit affectus, earumque uenenosis consiliis de mariti forma quaerenda consentiens curiositatem, suae salutis nouercam, arripuit et facillimam credulitatem, quae semper deceptionum mater est, postposito cautelae suffragio arripit : denique credens sororibus se marito serpenti coniunctam uelut bestiam interfectura nouaculam sub puluinal abscondit lucernamque modio contegit. Cumque altum soporem maritus extenderet, ilia ferro armata lucernaque modii custodia eruta Cupidine cognito, dum inmodesto amoris torretur affectu, scintillantis olei desputamento maritum succendit, fugiensque Cupido multa super curiositate puellae increpitans domo extorreni ac profugam derelinquit. Tandem rnultis iactatam Veneris persecutionibus postea loue petente in coniugio accepit." As the text of Fulgentius has afforded, and may possibly afford, still further assistance in emending the text of Apuleius, the narra- tive has been given in Latin. Fulgentius then continues : "I might here relate the whole course of the story, how she descended to the Lower World, and filled an urn with Stygian water, and took spoil of their fleece from the flocks of the Sun, and separated a commingled heap of different seeds, and took prema- turely a portion of Proserpine's beauty and came near to death (moritura praesumpserit) : but because in abundant wise Apuleius in almost two whole books has related these heaps of unrealities (falsitatum), and Aristophontes of Athens in his work called Dysarestia [or Dissatisfaction] has narrated this legend at enormous length for those who want to learn it, I have thought it superfluous for this reason to insert in my book what has been systematically related by others, lest I should remove myself from my proper work, and devote myself to the subjects treated by others ; but that the reader of the story may come to my point of view, and learn what all this unreality pretends to signify [here is the explanation]. " They have considered that the ' city' is as it were the World, and the King and Queen to be God and Matter. To them they assign three daughters, the Flesh, Spontaneity (uLtronietatom), which we call Free Will (libertatem arbitrii), and the Soul Psyche in Greek means the Soul. The latter they assumed to be the youngest, for (they say) the body is already made when the soul is inserted into it ; and it is the most beautiful, as it is superior to Free Will and nobler than the Flesh. Venus, that is Lust, envies her, and sends Desire to work her ruin. But whereas Desire is both of the good and of the bad, Desire falls in love with the 130 EXCURSUS II Soul, and mingles therewith in a kind of union, and persuades the Soul not to look upon his face, that is, come to an under- standing of the delights of Desire (whence it was that Adam, although seeing, did not see that he was naked until he had eaten of the tree of concupiscence), nor yield to her sisters, that is, the Flesh and Free Will, in completely gratifying her curiosity about his shape. But, terrified by their insistence, she takes 1 the lamp from beneath the bushel, that is discloses the flame of desire hidden in her breast, and when she sees it so delightful, regards it with love and passion : and it is said to have been burned by the spirting of the lamp, because every desire burns in proportion as it is loved, and affixes the stain of sin (peccatricem maculam) to its own flesh. Then inasmuch as she is in a sense rendered naked by desire (quasi cupiditate nudata),* she is deprived of her mighty fortune, and is tossed about by perils and expelled from herpalace. But as it would be tedious, as I said, to go through all details, we have given the lines on which the signification can be appre- hended ; and if anyone reads the story itself in Apuleius, by means of my course of explanation, he will understand the remaining points of the story which I have not mentioned." Another more modern explanation of the story is given by Hildebrand, who seems to think that Apuleius obtained this allegory from some mystic worship into which he had been initiated (p. xxviii. ff.). Psyche is the pure soul as it descended from Heaven. It is beloved by the Heavenly Love. Venus is Fate, who envies this blessedness, and sends base desires and envy ings these are the sisters to thrust Psyche from her high estate. Persuaded by them, she does injury to Pure Love (Amorem castuin uiolat), who flies from her. She wanders forth, and meets with many trials, in all of which she is both upheld by the longing for union with Love, and is assisted by that Love, until at last she is translated to Heaven, and dwells in eternal bliss with her former spouse. But in the case of allegory quot homines tot sententiae. Nearly every one has a different explanation often indeed with features of rare beauty, e.g.,Lange (quoted by Hildebrand, xxxiif.) interprets the voices that wait upon Psyche, the unseen music that delights her, 1 Possibly we should read elicit for eicit of the niss. Michaelis conjectures emit; cp. above lucemaque . . . eruta. '* I am not at all sure that this is what Fulgentius means. ALLEGOEICAL EXPLANATIONS OF THE TALE 131 as indicating the music of the spheres, heard only by the pure soul when divested of its * muddy vesture of decay.' A vast number of such explanations are 'given by Hildebrand. The allegorical method has, however, since Friedlander's essay (Sittengeschichte Roms i 6 , 522-563) gone out of fashion ; and it may suffice to mention the last example of it in a first-rate scholar, that of Zeller, who says that Apuleius in his Cupid and Psyche has treated in the manner of a story the longing of the fallen Soul for reunion with its good Spirit, or even with God (Phil, der Griechen iii. 2 4 , p. 228). 1 1 The long book of .Dr. Adolf Zinzow Psyche und Eros, ein milesisches Mdrchen in der Darstellung und Auffassung des Apuleius beleuchtet und auf seinen mytho- logischen Zusamtnenhang, Gehalt und Ursprung zuriickgefiihrt, Halle, 1881, seeks to demonstrate that there is a mystical meaning in the narrative as told by that great pryer into mysteries, Apuleius. The work seems to exhibit great erudition ; but as I felt it would not be likely to convince me, 1 have never had the courage to do more than glance at it. EXCUESUS III THE POEMS OF MELEAGEK ON LOVE AND THE SOUL MELEAGER was a native of the Syrian town of Gadara, and lived early in the first century B.C. He composed the first Anthology of Greek poems and called it his Crown. The principal poets are enumerated in Anth. Pal. 4. 1. One hundred and thirty-four epigrams of his still exist. He influenced many Eoman poets, especially Propertius. Mr. Mackail (Select Epigrams from the Anthology, pp. 37-39) has an eloquent estimate of his genius. In Meleager Mr. Mackail sees the Greek spirit touched by Oriental passion. Love is no longer a mere emotion, it has become a religion. His art is not the restrained and severe Greek art, but " the touch of Asiatic blood creates a new type, delicate, exotic, fantastic "; but withal " the beauty of his rhythms and the grace of his language never fail." i. TT)I> TrepivrjxojJifvyv \f/v^r]V r/v TroAAdVt Anth. Pal. 5. 57. ii. Nat rav KvTrpLV, "Epoos, TO. era Travra Toftt T KCU ^KvOlKrjV loBoKOV , vat' rt /xarata yeA.a;pcos /av^i^et? ; ra^a TTOU crap8avtov yeAacreis. rj yap crtv TO. TroS^yd ZIo^wv w/cvTrrcpa KOi//a?, ^a/VKoSerof cr^'y^to crot? irepl TTOO-O-I Tre'Sr^v. Katrot KaS/xetoi/ /coa'ros otcro/xev, et (re W^J*, \vyKa. Trap' aiVoAt'oi?. ra^tvas cts erepovs Anth. Pal. 5. 179. POEMS OF MELEAGER ON LOVE AND THE SOUL 133 3. 0-t/x.a o-ec-^ptbs, with contemptuous grin,' lit., grinning a snub-nosed grin.' Meleager also has o-i/xa ycAwv, 'pertly laughing' (5. 177. 4). On the passage generally cp. Theocritus 20. 13 /cat TL o-eo-apos /cat o-o/?apoV /x' eyeAaev, 'laughed at me with a sneer disdainfully,' and such Latin phrases as Hor. Sat. 1. 6. 5 naso sus- pendis adunco. 5. TO, TToSryya TLoOw wKUTrrepa, * thy wings, swift harbingers of fond Desires,' lit. ' guides of the Desires.' m. SvS, o{'K ^8et? ws CTTI trot rpe^ero; OVK 8et9/ vvv va> Trvp />ia Kat i/ V@' et'Aou* TTOVOV' e'Spa?, OTTTW /cato/xev^ Anth. Pal. 12. 132. 7-14. INDEX [The references are to the pages. Many of the words given in this Index occur in the text only, and are not commented on in the notes.} ablative after mutari 55 n. : without a prep, where you would expect one (meo gremio for in meo gremio} 75 abnuere 87 abscindere and abscidere 52 n. abscondere, reflexive 99 abstract for concrete 10 abstrusi, ' having hidden themselves ' 18 accersita mois 63 accipiter 88 accola, ' local ' 48, 95 accommodare manus 112: a. nutum 85 accumbere, with ace. 26, 121 accusative governed by preposition in compound verb xcvii : cognate ib. : closer definition ib. after fungi and desineve ib. : cognate after rest/Hare 29 : governed by prep, in compound verb, e.g. cupressum inuolare 60 : cp. 24 (bis), 26, 47 and under ad of closer definition ftfterflMfloN 55 : of exclamation 21 aceruatim 94 acidae nuptiae 73 actutum 60, 91 acumen 56 acutas manus 73 ad omitted after verbs compounded with ad- 102, 116: cp. 24 addici 60 adfatus (subst.) 25 adfectus sic adfectus, ( in this plight ' 15 adflecti 112 adipata (oratio) Ixxxiin. aditum ferre 99 adjective neuter for adverb (dulce con- quieuit] 19, 100 for genitive of substantive 41 Adlington (William) Ixvii admoliri 94 adorare 63 ; a. lucem 115 adoriri 77 adpendix 59 adpulstis (subst.) 51, 90 adridere 77 adsecue 59 n. adtexere, ' to weave on to ' 47 adulare 42 adulterinus auctor 100 aduolare 60 aduolui pedes 80 adurere 34 : adustus 68 adverbs in -ter from adjectives in -ns 8 aegra corporis 12 Aemilianus, see Sicinius Aemilianus Aemilianus Strabo xxxiii f . aemulam mei nominis 70 aemulus in (with ace.) 67 aerumna 104 Aesculapius lecture of Apuleius on, xxv note affatus (subst.) 14; cp. adfatus affectus (subst.) 54 aflligere 93 affluens 121 Africa proconsulship of xi n. 136 INDEX Africanism (Africitas}not a special Latin style, Ixxxiv agaso 110 agere medium aetatis cursvm agere 45 : tibias agere 44 aiens, pres. part, of aio 102 ain 80 album Musarum, 'the register of the Muses' 119 Alexander Tiberius lulius, the Pseudo- Aristotelian '~ ire pi i(6ap.ov addressed to him xxxvii n. alimonia 83 : alimoniarum obsequia, 48 alioquin xcix, 55, 105 n. aliquam multum 63 aliquantus, adj. 116 alius = alter'xcvii, 66 allapsus (fontis) 19 allegorical treatment of the story xliii, xliv f., and Excursus n alligare 120 alliteration, its various kinds Ixxxix : examples of 2, 5, 17, 19, 21, 24, 27, 28, 33, 34, 38, 44, 45, 46, 55, 58, 60, 68, 69, 73, 76, 78, 79, 81, 88, 90, 96, 106, 113, 119 . alte altius fremens 5 altercare and altercari 117 altercari 45 alterorsus 78 altrinsecus, with genit. 22 altus, ' deep,' ' artful,' 107 alumnari deponent 119 : passive ib. note amare, adverb 78 amatores oculi 60 ambrosia 57 : = nectar 120 amnica stips, 'the river- or ferry-toll' 115 amor Amoris, cp. cupido Cupidinis 58 : incidere in amorem, * to fall in love' 58 anceps nouacula, two-edged razor' 64 : cp. 52 ancipitia, 'daring ' expressions Ixxviii n. anima Psyches 29, 40 animi (locative) 57 antependulus 57 antitheses^lxxxix Antonius, the triumvir, his style Ixxx ants called terras omniparentis ngiles alumnae 95 Apollonius Ehodius Iviii : his descriptive passages Ixxxvi : his scene between Venus and Cupid 7 Apollonius of Tyana mentioned with Apuleius as a worker of miracles x note : his literary style Ixxv : casts out an evil spirit 48 n. Apuleius his life and writings, Intro- duction, Chapter i ; his birth x, xi ; goes to Carthage for higher school education xi ; his parentage xi ; left considerable means by his father xi ; goes to the University at Athens xii ; his travels in Grecian lands xiii ; was at Samos and Hierapolis ib. : meets Pontianus ib. ; possibly falls under the influence of the priests of Isis xiv ; goes to Rome in 150 B.C. xv ; works in tbe law- courts ib. ; perfects himself in Eoinan idiom ib. ; publishes his Meta- morphoses in Home xvi ; characteristics of that work xvii ff ; its vigour xviii ; its unhistorical nature xviii, xix note ; its relation to Lucian xviii note ; the preface (xvi note) and the eleventh hook autobiographical xiv, xvi note ; possible reason for altered tone of eleventh book xx, xxi ; published in Rome ; probably anonymously xvi, xvii, xxi ; his reputation as a ma- gician x, xxii, xli note ; makes no mention of Metamorphoses in his subsequent writings xxiii ; authorship possibly became known on accession of Commodus xxiv Returns to his home in Africa xxiv ; sets out for Alexandria ib. ; falls ill at Oea xxv ; renews his acquaintance with Pontianus ib. ; is induced to stay at the home of Pontianus and his mother Pudentilla xxv; gives lectures at Oea xxv, xxvi; teaches Pontianus and Pudens xxvi; becomes engaged to Pudentilla ib. ; marries her xxvii ; generous conduct towards her children ib. ; the marriage apparently happy ib. : on death of Pontianus accused by INDEX 137 the relations of Pudentilla xxviii ; the speech de magia, the only forensic speech we have from Imperial times xxix; leaves Oea and goes to Car- thage xxx ; and elsewhere xxxiv n. ; becomes a rhetorician or ' sophist ' there ib ; his Florida xxx ; delivers u panegyric on Scipio Orfitus in 163 xxxiii : delivers a valedictory address to Severianus ib. ; thanks Aemilianus Strabo for proposing that a statue be erected in his honour xxxiv ; acts as sacerdos provinciae xxxiv f. The variety of his works xii n., xxiii n., liii, Ixxiii ; his work De Deo Socratis xxxv f. ; his theory of Intermediate Spirits ib., cp. x. ; his work De Platone et eius Dogmate xxxvi f .; his Tre/)i ep^veias xxxvii : his De Mundo ib. ; his translation of Plato's .P/tfl^oxxxviii ; his other woi'ks ib. ; his novel Hermagoras xxxiv n. ; general character of his miscellaneous works xxxix f . ; his curiositas ib. liii; his rhetorical eminence xl ; his philo- sophical attainments ib. ; his complex personality admirably sketched by Mr. Pater xli note ; chronological table of the known events in his life xlii His great versatility and quick sym- pathy with intellectual questions liii; probably gives name of Psyche to the heroine of a household tale liv ; sketch of his recognition since the Renaissance Ixvi ff. ; a writer in the Asianic style Ixxiii, Ixxxiii, and Introd. Chap, in passim, but could write in any style Ixxiii ; had influence on subsequent writers Ixxxiii ; detailed account of his style Ixxxiv ff . ; his descriptive passages Ixxxviif. ; his Euphuism xcff. aquila, gender of 107 arbitrium ex arbitrio 23, 26 Arcadius (deus) 88 archaic words xciii f. : archaic forms xeiv Aristides the rhetorician, Ixxiv Aristides, writer of Milesian tales, 125 to re- Aristophontes of Athens 129 armillum ad armillum redire, turn to his old tricks '117 articularis morbus 34 articulus 58 arundo simplex ethumana 100 ascalpere aurem dexteram, gesture of irritation 92 Asia proconsulship of xin. Asianic opposed to Attic style Ixx and Introduction chap, in, passim Asianism its characteristics Ixxvii ff . ; its rhetorical devices Ixxviii ; its followers chanted portions of their speeches ib. ; its straining after effect Ixxx ; lacked judgment ib. ; two kinds of, according to Cicero Ixxxi ; Prof. Jebb on Ixxxii ; nature of, in Nero- nian and Antonine ages ib. ; it& diffuseness and verbosity Ixxxv asinarius 115 asinus claudus 110 I asperrime 74 assistere, with accusative of thing 68 assonance and alliteration Ixxxix : see alliteration astu 47 Attic opposed to Asianic style, Ixx and Introduction, chap. IIT, passim Atticism its characteristics Ixxiii attiguus 2, 110 audaciter 52 audire, 'to be called' 46, 92 audire, ' to be ill-spoken of ' i obey ' with dat. 50 n. Augustine (St.) supposes Apuleius was a magician, but was too cowardly to acknowledge it xli n. : on Apuleius as sacerdos prouinciae xxxiv n. Augustus, the Emperor, rejects the extremes of Atticism and Asianism Ixxiii n. Auitus, see Lollianus Auitus aulula 51 auolare 59 aureum caput (of Cupid) 57 aureus, denoting supreme excellence 43 auricomo, possible reading 98 aurifex 87 male ; 'to 188 INDEX aurum factum 31 :auscultatus (subst.) 100 -aut, occurs only twice in whole Meta- morphoses xcix f . autem, in parentheses, 37 antumare 62 balneae for ualneae (in 5. 1) 21 : adornment of ib. balsama 121 : balsama fraglans 96 banquets of the gods parodies of 121 n. barbae in plural 10 barbitium 31 basiare 58 Basnak Dau, the serpent bridegroom xlix beatus beata sedes, ' you are living in a fool's paradise ' 47 : beata edulia 43 beauty of heroine 2 : compared to a statue 12, cp. Anth. Pal. 5. 15 Beck (J. W.) his edition Ixv, cvi ' Becker (H.) his chapter on the particles xcix bellule 77 bene for bene est 91 Bernardus Philomathes civ Berners (Lord), his translation of Guevara xci Beroaldus his edition civ bestiae, opp. to pecudes 19 Beyte (Fr.) his careful examination of the Apologia cii Bigot i Charles) Ixvi biles Veneriae 75 birds songs of, delighted Apuleius 88 n. Blass (Fr.) Ixx Bliimner (H.) Ixvi boare 71 bona pars, ' a good (i.e. considerable) part' 110 Bond (Mr. Warwick) his edition of Lyly xci Bridges (Mr. Robert) Ixix buccula 117 bucinare 11 Burger supposes the Metamorphoses was published anonymously xx n. : his view of the historine of Apuleius xxiii n. cachinmis laetissimus (or lutissimus) 91 cacozelia Ixxiiin.: definition of, by Quintilian Ixxx f . : by Diomedes Ixxxi cadauer dormiens 116 caelamen 19 Caelestis Dea 84 Caelum or Caelus 88 Caesar (Julius) his dictum about the use of new words Ixxiv caesaries 57 caesim deminuto lapide, ' stone cut into small blocks' 21 calcare, ' to tread ' 9 : c. aurum 33 : c. foedera, ' to trample on ' 39 : c. pre- cepta 71 : used intransitively 21 Callimachus his influence on the Greek novels 3, cp. 7 calorati impetus 120 canale, ' beaten track '110 cancri Orci 91 candens canities 46 candicare 57 canities 16, 45, 46 Cannam (false reading in 5. 25) 61 canora familia 88 Canova Ixvi cantatur, impersonal 44 cantitare 88 capella 62 capessere uiam 78 capi mentem, ' to be overcome in mind ' 115 carmen applied to Asianic prose xxxii n. . xxxixn. cassus 86 castigare 74 casus ' incidents ' 118 cataplasma 34 Caussin parodies Apuleius Ixxxviin. cautela 25 cautes 29 : cautium saxa 66 cedo 'give me' 105 celerare gradum 102 cena nuptialis 94, 96 cenatorium (instrumentum) 23 censeo, with subjunctive, gives a polit order 98, 114 censeri (nomine), ' to be known by name,' lit ' to be registered ' 64 f . INDEX 139 centies indefinite 27 Ceres Iviii ; 75 ff. ; 80 ff. certare mero, 45 n. certus with genit. 95 ceterum, ' but if not' xlix 26, 50 Charite girl to whom the story of Cupid and Psyche is told xix n. Child (Mr. G. C.) Ids work on Lyly and Euphuism xc choragium, ' pageantry ' 1 5 chorus siderum 114 Christian use -of Providentia, noticed by Rohde, 104 n. Christians supposed allusion to, in Met. xli n. Christodorus mentions statue of Apuleius ix note ci hanus panis 96, 115 cibus beatus 115 cicatrix solida 116 cicer 94. Cicero his style Ixxiii n. : parodies Hegesias Ixxix n. : his account of Asianism Ixxxiti cinnamei crines 40 circa, ' in respect of ' xcviii circumsecus 48 eistae of Ceres 80 cistophorus 81 citatus ' quickly ' 107 : citatus gradus 79 citrus 19 ciuitas ' city ' 1, 63, 66 clarescere 55 classic um 39 classis, of a ' squadron ' of ants 95 Claudius Maximus xi note, xxviii note 2 Clodius Albinus, a reader of Apuleius xxi Cnidos 3 codices of the Metamorphoses ci n. coercere (uenustatem oculonnu) 76 cogere lacrimis coactis 47 ; cogentia membra 28 cobibentia membra 28 note collapsa (fortuna) ' falling in a hea>> on' 35 Collierlxvii f. Collignon (M.) Ixv colluuies 59 Colvius his edition civ coma fluuii 62 coma (uelleris) 98 commeare 84, 108 commendare 25 comminari 27, 102 : a favourite word of Apuleius 107 comminisci 107 commodum (adv.) 'just ' 31, 67 comparatio compendiaria 40 complacere 32 complere with genitive 105 concedere 'to go to ' 24, 36, 91 conceptaculum 101 conciliatrix 60 concinnare 66, 122 concinnitas neatness in style Ixxxviii eoncinnis (nom.) a unique form 51 concitus gradus 78 concolor xcvi, 47 condecere 92 confarreatae nuptiae 65 conferre faciem 120 : conferre ora 27 : conferre se 74 : conferre sermonem 37, 44 conferto uestigio 42 confinium 53 congeries 94, cp. 81 congruens 15 congruus 120 coniectare 62 coniuga 83 coniugalis 69 coniugare 65 conquassare caput 93 consauiare 117 conscium lumen 64 consecue 59 n. consenescere 25 consequia 59 consiliumlumims, 'suggestion given by the light ' 52 conspondere 41 constrepere 88 construere 87 consulere boni (optimi) 82 Consuetudo 91 conterere 108 consternare 95 conterminus 102 continari 75, 110 140 INDEX continentia 39 contortis superciliis 100 contristari 120 conueniri ' to be sued' 119 conuersari 2 conuersatio humana 22, 26 commlnerare 118 conuexae stirpes 100 copiosus 1 coperculum 116 cordatus 77, 95 n. corrogare 95 : c. misericordiam 79 corrupta (oratio) applied to Asianism Ixxxiin. Corwrion story of the heir of 1. criers use of 89 crimina = stories telling of crimina 126 Croiset (M.) Iviiin. crustallum 102 : crustallum impunctum 102 n. cucurbita 33 cuias, a rare form 50 cuiatis, form of cuias, 49 cuius-a-um secta cuia 44 culminis diales uiae 105 cumulus may perhaps mean ' top ' of a hill 102 cupere cttpita (sing.) one's inamorata,' 59 n., 97 : (plu.) desires ' 27 Cupid and Psyche story of, Introd., Chap. ii. : allegorical treatment of xliii f. and Excursus n. cp. Ixviii: was its basis one or more stories ? li : it was probably Apuleius who gave the heroine the name of Psyche liv : the minor characters in Ixii : the story in art liv, Ixv f . : in European litera- ture Ixvi-lxix Cupid how depicted Hx : his prohibi- tion about not being seen ib. 27 : half- reveals himself to be a god 27, 38 : all things favour himlx, 61: beautiful description of 56 ff. : his father 73, 88, 93: Cupido, ' a Cupid ' i.e. like Cupid 43 cupido Cupiclinis, cp. amor Amoris 68 curare, with genit. of respect e.g. cor- poris 23, cp. 24 curiosa auis 69 curiose ' carefully' 19, 79, 116; < with curiosity ' 30, 77 curiositas 27, 50, 115, 117: the curiasi- tas of Apuleius xl curiosius, comparative of adv. 114 curriculum 81 Cythera 3 daimon De deo Socratis xxxvi damn are, ' to -amerce of ' 8 damnum, ' lavish expenditure of 87 dare se in pinnas 117: dare se praeci- pitem 61, 66 dative, of advantage where one would expect a genitive 40 : of place to, 95 de, general use of xcviii : almost superfluous use of, 38 : after peter e 108 dea Venus 2 Dead River 111 dear mare 74 Decameron 127 decantatus 41 decoriter 57 decurrere meatum 115 dedolatus 102 defectus 79 defers, possibly imperative 101 deficere (defectae possible reading in 5. 23 fin.) 59: 'to be overcome' 56, 62 deflarnmare 74 deflere, with and without an object 18 (note) Dei con scrip ti 119 deierare 103 delfinus 11 delibare 116 delicatum sedile 115 deliciae 77 delitescere 81, 88 delitus * tinctured ' 108 demeaculum 81 demeare 88 denique, use of xcix : connecting par- ticle 1 : at length ' 30 denubere 46 denudare 73 deprecor ' I earnestly pray ' 7 depromere uocem 110 INDEX 141 deradere 75 descendere soporem, hardly possible : in must be supplied 55 desinere with accus. xcvii, 26, 29 destringere 39 desultoria scientia liii detecta fides ' trust disclosed ' (not strictly accurate expression 5. 23 fin.) 59 detergere 41, 83; detergere soninum 116 deterrere 36 detrectare 17 detrimentum ' rubbing off' 87 deuexa rupis 18 deuolare 47 deuotae dicataeque 41 n. diales . . . uiae xcvi, 105 dicere non dicendus (bfyaTos] 76 dicium et cum dicto 116 diecula 108 diflfamare * to noise abroad ' 12 differre praeconium 36 difilere oculos 29 diffuseness (cp. Koziol pp. 1-196), some examples of Ixxxv f . digerere 95 diloricare 93 diminutives xcv Dio Chrysostom Ixxviii Diomedes his definition of KaKofrxia Ixxxi dirigere gradum 79 Dis pater represented as rapacious 111 discindere capillum 93 disciplina publica 7, 118 discretim 79 discriminari 21 discursus (subst.) 78 disquisitio, ' search ' 80 disseminare 77 dissimulanter 44 dissipata membra 66 dis^itus, participle of dissero 95 distentus 97 Ditis, nominative 111 dittography 67 diuersorium 19 diuinatio what ? 62 divinities do not inteii'eie with one another 82 divorce formula of 64 diuortere 64 domina, ' madam ' 70, 77 domiue use of this term of address 117 f. domuitio 18 doves draw the car of Venus 87 Dowden (Professor) Ixix n. draco 80, 103 dubius, ' dangerous ' 87 : with genit. ' uncertain about ' 68 Buffet Ixix ilum, 'while ' with subjunctive 64 Dunlop xliv, xlvii duratos in lapidem digitos, of gouly fingers, 34 e re nata 31 eagle, gender of, doubtful in Latin 107 : soaring of, appealed to Apuleius 105 Echo montanam (the brilliant emenda- tion of Jahn in 5. 25 for hec homo canam) 61 ; cp. Cannam edere preces 80 editions of the Metamorphoses ciii ff edulia 23 efferare argentum, 'to make silver into the forms of beasts ' xcvi, 20 efferri(rabie), 'to be carried away with madness' 99 efflare 65, cp. 35 efflicte and efflictim 70, cp. 58 : efflic- tim diligere 28 effligere 29 effundere 32 : effundere memoriaiu 49 egregius, ironical, 31 e/c^/jcto-ets lv : Ixiv : Ixxxvi ff . : their origin ib. : examples in Cicero Ixxxvi : desciiptions of early morning in Apuleius ib. : other examples in Apnleius Ixxxviii Elmenhorst his edition cv Eleusinian mysteries 81 eluuies 69 ementiri sororis nomen, ' falsely assum- ing the name of sister ' 42 eminus, opp. to comminus 37 enallage 3 142 INDEX enimuero, ' for indeed ' 20 : ' but ' 35 enodare, ' to unfold ' 15 : 'to unstring ' a bow 74 equidem, different uses of, in Met. , and Other works xcix ergo in indignant question 69 ergo igitur xcix, 37 erile praeceptum 92 erogare 40 Eros his cruelty as represented by Alcaeus, Sappho, and Bion Ivi ; cp. Cupid errabundo gradu 66 estofor edito, 'eat' 113 et, at beginning of a sentence 92: = ' when ' after the pluperfect 65 : wrongly inserted in mss. 103 : et cetera 89 Eubius 125 note 5 euectio 59 Eunapius xii note, xiii, Ixxii Euphuism its characteristics xc if. Euripides Iviii : lx n. euolare 56 exanclare labores 85 ; noctem 97 exanguis color 49 exaratum can ale 103 exartus ' very narrow ' 103 note exasperare 51 excidentia verba, ' words dropping from the air' 23 excruciare 92 excubare 48, 103 exhibeii ' to be prepared '121 exist imatio iam tua est existimatio, 'it is for you to consider ' 48 exitium mortis 67 expedire opus 94 expiare ' to appease ' 107 explicare munus 114 exsibilari 35 exterminare 46 extimus 57 extorris 32 extremus homo ' of the lowest rank ' 60 Eyssenhardt (F.) his edition cv faba 94 fabrica 22, 83 facere sese facere, '' to betake oneself * 22 nostrum facere, ' to do our part ' 49 iam faxo with subj. 6, 73 facessere, with supine 96 facinerosus 51 fairy-tales, reminiscences of, in Virgil 113- fallacies 66 falx 79 famulitio 91 famulus 80 fando, ' by hearsay ' 105 fastidienter 47 fastidium 69 fatigare 14 f atuus 46 ' Faustine fili ' xxxvii Favorinus Ixxi f . : his Oratio ad Corinthios Ixxxiii faxo with subjunctive in threats 6 : cp. facere fel invidiae 31 ferales nuptiae 15 : feralis thalarnus 16 : ferales penates 108 ferre se ferre 33 : uentus ferens 41 festinare with supine 105, 106 note fides per fidem, without intervening words 85 filius used by an elder to a younger xxxvii n. : in legal phraseology embraces daughters 123 n. fire, lupiter transformed into when appearing to Aegina and to Semele 118 firmiter 37 fistula opposed to tibia 122 n. : ad fistulam dicere 122 flammare 53 flammeum 15 flare somnum 52 flexilis 79 floccus 98 flores serti et soluti 5 fluctuare 54, 58 fluentum 99, 101, 112 fluuialis spirit us 99 flying metaphor of rowing applied to 106 foraentum, 'a poultice' 34 INDEX 143- foramen 103 formicula 95 formidabilis 105, 113 formonsitas 1 formonsus 33 fortassis 33 Fortuna the malevolent power in Greek Romance Ix, 25, 37 fraglantia 99 fraglare and flagrare 8 : cp. 31, 58 ; fraglare balsama 96 frequentare, of a single person, 108 frequenter (orfurenter) irati 91 Friedlanderxlvif., 131 frigidus cinis 4 Fronto, his style Ixxiii, Ixxv : on Cicero's style Ixxvi frugi bonaetuaefrugicongrnentia 71 ; frugem tuara perk-litabor 94 frugifer 80 frumentum = triticum 94 frustum 96 frutices possible reading iov gurgites^l fugitiua 76 Fulgentius Planciades, his allegorical explanation of the story of Cupid and Psyche xliii f. : Excursus n p. 128 f. fulgurare 21, 57 fuligo 15 fundere, of productions of nature 32 n. fungi with accus. xcvii, 98 funus uiuum, ' living corpse ' 16 furatrina 100 furenter (or frequenter) irati 91 furia = furor 100 Furiae 54 Fiirtwangler Ixv fusticulus 110 futilis, 'paltry '113 future perfect, used in putting off the consideration of a thing, 34 : for simple future, 60 Gains tbe jurist Ixxv gannire 69 : differs from garrire 69 gannitus 88 gauia the sea-mew ' 67 gaza 22 Gellius, his style, Ixxiii gemmeum iugum 87 gemmosa mouilia 31 genae = 'jaws' 106 generosus 72 genialis caesaries 57 genitive Greek xcvi : after adjectives ib. : Greek material or local genitive 75- genuinus 7 genus id genus 19 : quod genus 20 gerere se gerere 33 germanitas 66 gerula 115 gerulus lignorum 110 gerund, abl. of, much used by Apuleius 118; cp. 54. * Gesta Romanorum,' The 127 gignere, of the female 72 glabellus 58 gliscere, of envy, 31 globi crinium 57 Glover (Mr. T. R.) on the Greece and Thessaly of Apuleius xviii f . gods, mockery of Iviii f . ; different in Aristophanes and in Lucian ib. : prob- ably introduced by Apuleius into the tale Ixiii Gorgias Ixx Gosson (Stephen) Ixvii Graecisms 6, 17, 32 : cp. xcvi ypau-iJiaTiffriK^ preliminary to ypa./*- H.O.TIKT] ' literature ' xii note granatirn 95 Granii xxviii granum 94 gratia malam gratiam subire 82 gratiae 70, 121 gratiosus 78 giauare 96 grauari 35 graues oculi 104 Greek, considerably used in ordinary life in the West in the age of the Antonines xvi note : Greek genitive xcvi : (ireek words xcv Gregory Nazianzenus xiii note gremium caespitis 18 : Oceani 67 Grimm's Household Tales xlvi, lvii r lixn., 5, 13, 49 grumulus 94 Guevara xci gurges 97 : need not mean ' an eddy ' 98- 144 INDEX Hadrian, his archaizing xciv hair Apuleius likes to describe luxu- riant hair 57 Hamerlings (Eobert) Ixvi harvest festivals 80 hauritus pass. part, of haurio 101 Hegesias Ixx, Ixxix Heinze Ivii n. ht'iulatus (subst.) 29 Helm (R.)> his edition cvi Hera born at Samos 83 He>ky (R.) thinks Met. composed for Romans, but not at Rome xvi note Hey wood (Thomas) Ixviii: adopts the allegorical view of the story ib. hiure 48 : hiantia oscula 9 : hiantes portae 109 hilarare 43, 56 hilnrus 87 Hildebrand his edition cv : his allego- rical explanation of the story 130 Hippias his versatility liii Hippodromus Ixxxvii n. hircuosus 62 hispidus 10 hi&toria meaning xxiii note, 125 honey -cake placed by side of corpse 110 Horae 70, 121 Horace Ixx n. : Ixxvi n. : Ixxx n. humour in the story Ixiiii n. iam, a merely connecting particle, 21 ifim inde a 71 idonee 1 ignobilis ' unknown ' 24 Imbrasus river 84 ininianitas (praecepti) 95 immaturius 108 imniensum, for in immensum 3 im pares nuptiae 93, 120 imperative tenses of 64 impersonal use of verbs supplicatur 4: maeretur, fleiur, lamentatur 15: psallitur 44 : sonatur ib. iinpos animi 56 impos^ibilitas 104 in, use of xcviii : omitted 24,93: almost expresses cause 85 -ina, substantives with this termination affected by Apuleius 90 inaccessus 1, 102 inacescere with dat., ' to embitter 35 Inachus river 84 inamabilis 72 iucertare sermonem 39 incessus (subst.) 87 incolumitas 8 inconditus 94 inconiuae uigiliae 103 iucrebrescere 56 incrementulum 38 incremeutum < limb ' 7 1 incunctatus ' Avithout hesitation ' 41 incuria 50, 79 incuriosus 48 indicative in dependent interrogative* 32, 103 : pluperfect indicative where the subjunctive might have been expected 117 indicina or indiciua 90 indidem 108, 116 indipisci 86 inducere male inductus es, ' you have been badly conducted ' 73 : inductus, ' beguiled ' 67 inequitare, used absolutely 97 ineuitabiles oculi 86 inextricabilis moles 95 : periculum 104 infamare 120 infantilis 37 inferre se proximam 79 infimum matrimonium 60 ; infinitive, exclamatory 6 after uenire xcviii, 92 infirmus [The MS. reading injirmi in 4. 35, p. 9, cannot be sustained as has been attempted in the note : cp. Corri- genda. We must read iiifimi : cp. Met. 1. 9. manes sublimare, deos infimare, where F give infirmare] iiitbrmis, ' without visible shape' xevi, 23 infortunium 39 ingemere 67 iugerere uerba 28 ; sauia 58 ingluuies 48, 64 ingrains, ' unfavoured' 13 inhiare 58 : inhiare spe 66 inextricabile cp. infirmus of purpose INDEX 145 inhumanus xcvi, 30 inibi 'therein' xcix, 109: inibi esse ' to be close at hand ' 109 n. initialis 5 inlicita pietas 112 inlu minus 81 innatare 48 innoxius, active 61, 117: passive 106, 107 inopinata uerba Ixxvi inquisitio tua, ' searching for you ' 91 inrigare 101 inscius, passive, ' unknown ' xcvi, 63 insperata uerba Ixxvi instructio, ' outfit ' 72 instruere barbam, 'to grow a beard ' 46 : instruere commentum ' to fabricate a stoiy ' 45 insuuuis 69 interduin, different uses of, in Met. and other writings xcix interim dum 67 interneciuum odium 39 interuisere 92 intrahere 52 intransitive verbs used transitively 3 intrusion of words 20, 21, 74 inuadere 43 inuentio (Proserpinae) 81 inuestis, of a boy, without a beard, xcvi, 70 inuisus, ' unseen ' 24 inuium iter 109 inumbrare 31 inuolare 59 ; with simple accus. 93 louis, archaic nominative 14 ipse = et ipse 42 : with no special force 19 * irony ' (in Greek sense) 28 irreuerenter 73 Isaeus, the improvisator, Ixxviii n. iste, use of, xvii n., xcvii : = hie 82, 94, 118; cp. its use SCIKTIKUS 34, 43 : isto dative of iste 76, 109 : istud horae 99 iter and uia combined 51 luga or lugalis, epithet of luno 85 iugum sororiurn 41 lulia, Lex de adulteriis 1 18 luno Iviii: 75 8.: 83 ff . : 121: luno Lucina 85 : luno Sospita 85 lupiter Ixiii : transformations of, in his love-adventures 118 : transformed into fire ib. iuridici xvii n. iustitium 15 Jahn, his edition, edited by Michaelis cvi Jebb (Prof.) on Asianism Ixxxii Jerome (St.) on the miracles of Apuleius x note Jurists, their style Ixxv. , Q,uintilian's definition of, Ixxx : Diomedes' description of Ixxxi Keats Ixix Klebs ivii n. labes sermonis, ' slip in talk' 31 lacerare, 'to torture' 16: lacerare existimationem, ' to pull a reputation to pieces ' 69 lacinia, ' lappet ' 18 : ' garment ' 83 lacrimarum extremum solacium 104 Lactantius on the supposed miracles wrought by Apuleius x n; lacteae ceruices 57 laetare, active form 43 laetificus 80 laetissimus (or latissimus) cachinnus 91 La Fontaine Ixvii lamia 37 Lang (Mr. Andrew) xlvi, 1, li, Ivi, lix n., Ixi, Ixvii Lange his explanation of the invisible music 130 lanosum aurum 100: barbitium 31 lanugo 46 lapis mutata in lapidem 104 laquearia 19 laqueus 47 lasciuire, of feathers ' playing ' 58 ; 'to gambol' 62 latibulum 51 latenter 48, 51 latratus (subst.) 115 Laurentian Codex (F) ci S. lautitiae 30 146 INDEX law references to Roman law in the story Ixiv and ib. note : probably introduced by Apuleius ib. leges elementorum 118 lenire nouaculam 51 : uires 82 lenocinium, appeal to ' 92 lens, ' lentil seed ' 94 letalis 17, 102 leuis amator, ' her airy lover ' 117 Lex lulia de adulteriis 118 Libanius xii f. notes libellus 89 libenter, ' in his fancy ' 77 Liber 121 librare pinnas 105 licentiosus 41, 71 licet si 79 n. lima 87 limite, variant for limine 109 litari 75 litteratus 83 Lollianus Auitus xi n. longe, 'from a distance' 37: longe parentum, ' far from,' a Graecism 32 longum exclatnare 80 loqui iubet citharam loqui 44 lost property proclamations about 89 love symptoms of 62 Lucian xvii; his DialogiDeortim Iv, Ivii; his Rhetorum Pr acceptor Ixxix n., xciv : his Bis Accmatus Ixxxii ; his Quomodo historia sit conscribenda Ixxxiv : parodies the banquets of the gods 121 cp. Ixiii : his allusion to Milesian tales 125 : cp. Pseudo-Lucian lucidus 46 lucifuga 50 Lucretius probably alluded to 5 luculentus, of personal beauty 58 Ludii modus, ' chant of the Lydian ' (Helm's reading in 4. 33) 15 [We should probably read Ludium modum~] Lulli, the musician, Ixvii luminosus 81 lupula 37 luridus 49 Liitjohann his careful examination of F cii : his Kritische Beitrdge 97 and often luxuries 96 Lyly and Euphuism xc ff. of his style xcii n. the sources m, final, often omitted 104 nmchina tecta 51 Madaura, a considerable town x 4 Madaurensem ' (Mot. xi, 27) xx madere uino 96 maerentes oculi 62 maga et maletica 107 magisterium 60 magna, for maga 107 magnarius 45 n. Mabaffy (Dr.) shows that the Met. affords little or no evidence as to the social state of Greece xix n. : on the contrast of Attic and Asianic style Ixxix : quotes a letter of M. Antonius Ixxx n. maleficus, applied to witchcraft, 107 manus accommodare ' to lend a hand ' 112 manus conuenire in manum, of mar- riage 122 : prae manu esse 'to be at hand' 112 marcescere * to burn faint ' 15 marcidus pallor 56: marcidi oculi Met. iii. 14 Marmion (Shackerley) Ixviii marriage and death, associated ideas 15, 16 Mars, step -father of Cupid 73 Martianus Capella imitates Apuleius 121 n. masculus 77 : masculum sumere animum 86 Mason (Wiiliam) Ixix massae aureae, 21 Mater Regina, title applied to luno 85 maturare mandatum 89 maturius ' earlier ' 26 matutino, adverbial, 47 Maximus, see Claudius Maximus meatug 3 : nieatum decurrere 115 medica, ' a nurse ' 34 meditullium 19 Meleager, his poems on Love and the Soul liv f. note: Excursus in 132 f. melleus 88 INDEX 147 mellita dulcedo 44 : mellitum sauium 80 Melusine xlvi n. mendacio, adverbial, 46 n. [erroneous reading] mentiri ' to assume falsely ' 42 Mercurius 119, 120 mereri proindeutmerebatur 66 ; cp. 36 messis 80 messoria opera 79 metae Murtiae 90 Metamorphoses, character of, see Apuleius metaphors, military 42, 43, 50 metuens, with genitive 12 metuere, neuter, with dat. 120 Meyer (Hans Georg) Ixvi micantes oculi 76 : rosae 96 Milesian tales xix, Excursus i, 125 : short stories, not a regular novel ib. : the Met. of Apuleius a series of milesiae 127 : not necessarily erotic ib. : examples of ib. Milesia (sc. fabella) applied to a special sort of story 126 f. Milesius deus 12 milium 94 ministerium (abstract for concrete) 59 } 70 mirari and rimari confused 22 misellus 16, 26, 49, 64, 92, 117 mockery of the gods Iviii f., see gods, mockery of : probably introduced by Apuleius Ixiii modicum, 'a little' 108, 112 modulata multitude, ' a company singing in harmony ' 24 : see Corrigenda, modulus 44, 88 Moeris, the lexicographer Ixxv Moliere Ixvii moilire 44 molliter assiderellS mollities flauentis auri 100 momentarius xciii, 39 monstratus(subst.) 71 monstruosus 46 montanus 68 mora nee mora cum 111, 121 Moms (William) xlv, Ixi, Ixix naortales, ' men ' 3 mortifera uia 110 mortuum flumen 111 mosaic work 20 Moschus imitation of 89 Moses regarded as a magician (Apol. 90) xxii mucro 39 mulso concretus 110 multigrumi fluctus (in Laevius) 94 note multiiugus 80 multinoda uolumina 48 mundus, * apparel ' ' paraphernalia ' 13, 14, 79 : mundus muliebris 72 Musae 70, 119, 122 musiuum opus 20 m atari, with ace. of closer definition 55 : with abl. ib. note mutuari 52 natales, ' family ' lineage ' 44, 71 natatus (subst.) 68 naufragium fortunae, 86 nauiter 79, 95 naulum 112 nebula soporis 116 nee goes with adj. and not with verb 100 nee = ne . . . quidem 35 (ep. 41 nee ipsae nocturnae tenebrae) nee . . . quidem 86, 116 nee . . . saltern = nee . . quidem xcix necquiquam 29 nectareum uinum 23 nedum ut 36 nemo, cannot be followed by plural 4 nescius, passive, 38 neuter singular of adj. used adverbially 54: similar use of neuter plural o7, 58 new words in Apuleius xciii nexilis 47 JSTicagoras Ixxxvii n. Ninus story of 125 nitor 75 nixa genu 83 nobilis 'known' 24 n. nodus ' binding joint ' 52 nomen and numen 4 148 INDEX Norden (E.), his Antike Kunstprosa, Introduction, Chap.iii, passim: Ixxf.: Ixxix : on so-called * Africanism ' Ixxxiv Norden (Fr.), his edition cvi nouacula 51, 55, 56 novel romantic novel found earlier in classical literature than is usually supposed 125 nouitas ' unusualness ' 24, 25 ( nubilae plagae 59 nudus, with genit. 22 nugo (subst.) 72, 74 nu men and nomen 4 numero with words of quantity 1 nuncupare 7 nuptiae im pares 93, 120 : sceleratae 67 nuptialis = * sumptuous ' 94, 96 : nup- tialis cena, literally ' marriage feast ' 121 nurses in medical cases, 34 u. nutantes pinnae 106 nutricula musicae, of the reed, 99 nutrimentum 43 Nymphae 70 obdere 34 obhaerescere 100 oblatio In minis 55 oblatrare 113 oblectare 43 obsequiuum qmittere 89 : obsequium, abstract for concrete, of obedient servants 10 obserare latratus 115 obstupescere 23, 95 occultatio 89 ocius (for sociis 5. 20 fin.) 53 Ocnus, representation of 110 oculi amatores 60 : oculis and osculis confused 59 Oea Apuleius' stay at xxv ff. ofFa polentae 110 officere 41 officiosus 34 officium in officio permanere 49 offrenare 113 offula 113, 114, 115 olini, ' some time before ' 12 omission of verb of saying 45 omnimodus 62 omniparens 95 uvov ir6Kai 111 n. 'Oj/os of Pseudo-Lucian in relation to Met. of Apuleius xvii f. opes opibus (for sociis in 5. 20) 53 n. opipare (adv.) 30 opiparis (adj.) 113 opitulari 82 oppido (adv.) 101 optimi consulere 82 ora conferre 27 oracular tone 13, 14 : 37 orbus, ' blind ' 31 Orcus Orci cancri 91 Orfitus xxxiii os in ora populorum 68, 89 : ore consono 17 osculis and oculis confused 59 ouare 88 Oudendorp his edition cv Ovid probably did not know of the story of Cupid and Psyche Ivi : his Asianic style Ixxxi oxymora 7, 16 pabulum 66 paelicatus 73 paenitere nouaculam paenitebat (the reading of Lipsius for nouacula, praenitebat in 5. 22) 56 Palaemon 10 pallor, of lovers 62 palmula 51 palpare 77 palpebrae 47 Pan Ixii : Pan and Echo 61 pauculus 81 panis sordidus 113 Paniscus 122 pannus 34 papauer 94 Paphos 3 parciloquium 40 parilis 29 Paris pastor ille 6 purricida 73 purricidium, of the murder or ruin of a relation, 37 partiarius honor 5 INDEX particles use of xcix partum perferre 93 piu-uulus 40, 42, 58 passer 88 passiuus 94 Pater (Mr. Walter), his admirable delineation of Apuleius in Marius the Epicurean xli n. ; cp. li. Ixix, 18 patrocinium 78 patula sauia 58 pecuda, collateral form for pecua 99 note pecudes, opposed to bestiae 19 pedica fraudium 44 : nuptialis 120 pendulus 59 penetrabilis 29 penitus adjective 101 pensilis gradus 52 per for super 61 : separated from its object in adjurations 80 peralbus 67 percieo percitus 58, 64 percontari 29 perdius, ' all day long ' 26 perediamore 117 peremere (archaic for perimere) 64 perfect subjunctive used iteratively 109 perfricare 34 periclitabundus governs ace. 58 perniciter 95 per nix 117 perpetrare 76 perpetua nox 18 personare personauit, rare form, 39 : accusatives after 39, 121 personification in fairy-tales 57 perstrepere 31 perstringere 75 peruicax 77 peruigil (or peruigilis) 48 perula 43 peruolare 47 pessum deicere, 27, 35 petere, requires a, to ask from ' 1 3 Petronius various views as to aim of Ids Satiricon Ivii n. : on Asianism Ixxxii petulans luxuries 96 petulantia sauia 58 Philemon account of his death given by Apuleius xxxi ff. Philostratus on Atticism Ixxv n. ; his Imagines Ixxvii n. Phrynichus the grammarian Ixxv n. piamentum 5 picta colla torquentes (of doves) 87 pietas inlicita 112 pigens, ' chagrined ' 14 pinnae nutantes 106 pinnatus 80 piscosus sinus 10 plangor 26 platanus 99 plaudere, perhaps ' to plume oneself on r 38 Plautus represents Thebes as on the sea, as does Apuleius xix Pliny on the source of the Clitumnus 97 n. plumula 57 pluperfect used of rapidly accomplished events, 24 plurifariam 93 plusculus 3, 15 Plutarch on the sophists of his day Ixxvii f . notes : on the style of M. Antonius Ixxx n. : assumed as progenitor of the hero of the Meta- morphoses xvi n. pocillator 105, 121 poenitere used personally 6 n. poetical colour Ixxxvi ff. poetical words xciv f . polenta 110 polentacium damnum 113 Polemo the rhetorician Ixxi, Ixxiv n. Pollux the rhetorician Ixxix n. Polygnotus, his representation of Ocnus 110 Pontianus xxv ff. poplites 56 populosa fain ilia 30 porrigere iter 82 : uestigium 86 : por- i ecta fama 25 : porrecti longa colla 103 portare aetatem 77 portorium (= naulum), 'toll' 111 Portunus 10 postlirninio, ' back again ' 30 150 INDEX praeacutus 51 praealta turns 108 praecipitem se dare 108 : praecipitem te extingtiere 109 praecipitium 63, 98 praecludere 78 praeconium 36, 88 praedicatio 89 praedicator 90 praedictum iugum ' the aforesaid hill ' 102 praegnas 85 praegrandis 113 praelucere 17 praemicave 51 praenitere 33 praesentare 85 praestare me contra 85 praestolare, active form, 53 praestolari 24 praesumere, to be presumptuous ' 72 praeteriri 4 praeterluere 97 praetotonderit 75 praeuertere 41, 78 praeuolare 105 prepositions use of xcviii : omitted after verbs compounded with a prepo- sition xcvii present subjunctive in prohibitions 37, 39 pressule sauiari 9 pressure (subst.) 47 pressus pressior25 : cogitationes pres- siores 36 Price his edition cv prirnoris digitus 1 primus (wrong reading for prim in 5. 21 fin.) 55 procc-ritas spatii 61 procerus xcvi : procerae arbores 19 : procerum saxum 102 : procerus lupiter 119: procerissimus 99 proci reges, 'royal suitors ' 12 proclamations about lost property 89 proconsulship of Asia and Africa held ten to fifteen years after consulship xin. producere, of a funeral 15 prof ugus 86 Prohaeresios Ixxii prohibitions in fairy-tales xlvi ff. : no satisfactory explanation of the prohi- bition in the Cupid and Psyche lix, Ix prohinc 'accordingly ' xcix, 23 proinde ut merebantur 36 ; cp. 66 prolectare 30 prolixa senectus 62 promereri amatores 94, cp. 63 pronouns usages of xcvii propansis pennis 104 properiter 71 propinare xcvi, 73 propitia tela (of Cupid) 58 propter (preposition), placed after the word it governs 68 proripere se 60 prorumpere in uocem 108 prosapia 120 proserpere 103 prospicua 'provident' xcvi, 114 proteri 4 protinus 59, 80, 85 prouectae (Bursian's reading forporrectaa in 5. 21) 54 : prouecta nocte 24 Prouidentia 104 prouidentia, ' being watched over ' 23 prouincia, ' duty '117 prouolans 116 proximare 29, 79, 83, 90 proxime with ace. 62 psallitur, impersonal 44 Pseudo-Lucian the Pseudokglstes Ixxi v n. : the "Ovos xvii ff. Psyche how depicted in the story Ixi publicitus 88 Pudens younger son of Pudentilla xxvi Pudentillu xxv ff. pudica (oratio) term applied to Atti- cism Ixxxii n. puellus 46 pulcherrime, ironical, 108 pullulare, transitive 3 pullulatim 52 pulsare citharam 24 puluerare, transitive 4 n. puluinar 79 pumilior 33 n. punctulum 38, 117 INDEX 151 punctum pollicis 58 pupula, 'pupil' of the eye 103 : < little girlie' 108 Pururavas and Urvasi, story of xlvi f . purpurare 121 pusillus 33 putres manus 112 Pythica sors 48 pyxis 108, 114, 116 quaerere with infin. 109 quaesitio, ' searching for ' 67 quum with positives xcix, 52 quasi mendacium . . . quasi 60 quassare capite quassanti 5, the gesture of indignant thought ib. querulus 84 qui, ' wherehy ' 89 quidem nee . . . quidem 26 quidni ? 73, 108 quiens, from queo 86 quippe, not first word 50 n. quiritare 71 quod genus 20 r for s in Cod. F 17 Eaphael Ixvi raptim 36 rebullire 64 reccinere 62 reclinare 18 recolere meam uenerem 34 : uestigia 114 recordari with genitive 48 recreare animam 40 redditum, of the property of a thing, used without a dative expressed, 24, 25 rediam, future of redire 114 redintegrare 36 redulcerare dolorem 36 reduplicated perfect in compound verb 75 refectus (subst.) 23 refluum lit us 9 refouere, with personal accusative 43 [It is questionable if in this passage 5. 15 init. we should not read with Price eas lassitudine uiae sedilibus refotas] : cp. refouere lassitu- dinem 23 regalis ales 104 regius, prince ' 1 1 Reinach (1C. Solomon) Ixv remeaculum 81 remeare 96 remigium plumae 61 : remigium porrigens 106 remdnere 60 remulcere 44 renidens exitiabile 107 reniti 91 rennuere 88 repensare, intransitive 119 requirere fugiduarn 76 : uestigium 80 res e re, ' for the occasion ' 66 : res uasta 102 reserare 116 resultare, with cogn. ace. (sonum) 29 retro, used as a preposition xcix, 90 retropendulus 57 reuelare 116 reverence, gesture of 1 reuincere 77 rhetoric greater than tragedy according to Himerius Ixxxvii rhetoricians compared themselves to singing birds Ixxxvii Rhys (Prof.) 1 rhythms of Apuleius not discussed c. n. rigare 80 rimari and mirari confused 22 roborare affectionem 33 Rode Ixvii Rohde (E.) his article on Apuleius in Rh. Mus. (1885) x: his Dissertation on the "Ovos of Pseudo-Lucian xvii : holds that the Metamorphoses affords little or no evidence of the social state of Greece xix n. : on the probable circumstances of the com- position of that work xxi f. : on " Theatre Philosophers " xl : on Fortune in Greek fiction Ix, 25 : on the sophists of imperial times Ixxi : on the model of the descriptive passages in the rhetoricians Ixxxvi : on Psyche's third task 101 Roman Law references to, in Apuleius Ixiv, cp. 73, 86 152 INDEX rorare 58 ros fluctuum 2, 9 : ros rigens, ' ice-cold liquid' 101 rosae micantes 96 roscidae pinnae 57 rowing metaphor of, applied to flying 106 rudimentum, 38, 87 rupa, supposed collateral form of rupes 97 note rurestris 3 1 ruricola 95 rusticanus 62 Sabrata assize court at xxviii sacerdotium Africae xxxiv sacrarium 81 acrilegus 27, 56 saeuus and scaeuus 32 saeuiens ira 77, 81 : impetus 86 saginare 48 Sagittarius (of Cupid) 60 Salacia 10 salebritas 102 saltare formonsa 122 saltern after negatives = quidem xcix Samos birthplace of Hera 83 sanguinare, a neuter verb, 48 ' sanity ' claimed by the Atticists Ixxiii n., Ixxvi Sarkasukis xlix atis closely joined with adjectives 103 Saturus 122 saucius, * love-sick ' 58 : 'heart-broken ' 62 sauia festinantia 30 saxea frons 99 saying, verb of, omitted 45 scaeuus 32 n. scaturrigo 101 Schaller (W.), his Dissertation on the tale Hi f . : Ivii n. oilicet governs infin. 5 n. cire qui scias an 86 : scire quod 119 : quod sciam ' as far as I know ' 85 scitulus 62 scortatus (subst.) 68 scrupulose curioseque 30 secedere domum 89 secreta cistarum 80 secta 44 secum = inter se 45 secundus, play on word 100 -secus (enclitic), its use xciii n. sed, intensifying, ' aye and ' 7, 36 sedulo 80 seiugare 94, 109 semideus 20 semihianti uoce 49 semirotundus 23 semota (for remota) conj. Rohcle 79 Seneca, the philosopher, on concinnitas Ixxxviii Seneca, the rhetorician, on Asianism Ixxvii n. senecta 46 sepeliri (bestiae uisceribus) 49 sepes populus, ' six-footed folk ' (of ants) 95 sera ' a bar ' 34 serere uerba 88 sericum tegmen 11 serpents in worship of Demeter 81 : serpents' tongues 106 Seuerianus xxxiii seueriter 7 sexus infestus 39 Shadwell Ixviii si uere 71 sic, uses of, xcix : = ovrw, ' on this con- dition' 111: 'under these circum- stances ' 12 Sicily associated with Ceres 81 Sicinius Aemilianus xxviii siderum uices 118 Sidonius refers to Apuleius xxvii n. Siebert (0.) Ixvi signia, a kind of dining-table 23 simul et simul dicens 89 : for simul ac, construction of 109 s.'ng i 1 ar forms where plural is more common 52 singultus 39 Sirenes 39 Sisenna 126 sitting, in the lower world 113 snake-storyhow transformed into the Cupid and Psyche Ivi Sobrietas 74 socialis 69 INDEX 153 socrus 92, 95 solida cicatrix 116 solidari 21 solidum, adverb 69 Sollicitudo 92 somnus infernus et tiere Stygius 116 sonatur, impersonal 44 sonax 11 sophists of the second century Ixxi : great masters of language xl : their great splendour xxiv sordes terrenae 5 spatium, used without temporis 81 specimen ' sight ' 3 . specula ' glimmer of hope ' 86 speculum 11 Spenser Ixviii spicae frumentariae 79 spiraculum Ditis 109 spirare deam 33 Spirits intermediate xxxvi splendicare 33 spurius 93 squalens 74 stabulare, active form, 87 statues beautiful human beings com- pared to 12 [cp. Anth. Pal. v. 15] status, ' nature ' ' condition ' 50 stelio 74 stilla 105 stips 110, 112, 114, 115 stomach ari 75 Stumfall (Dr. Balthasar) Ixvii Stuttaford (Mr. Charles) Ixix Stygiae aquae, 101 Styx, oath of gods, 105 suadere, with ace. 27, 37 subaudire 50 subdita uallis 18 subinde, ' repeatedly ' 75, 104 subire malam gratiam 82 subjunctive present in prohibitions 26, 63 sublimare 45 sublucidus 82 subnatare 11 subridens amarum 100 subsistere, ' to be a stay to ' 50, 81 subsitus 82 substrepere 49 subuolare 87 succuba 70 succuinbere, used absolutely without dat., to yield ' 29 sudus 10 sufficienter 1 suggestus (subst.), 'raised platform* 22 : fortunarum 27 sui, instead of possessive pronoun xcviii, 23 sulcamen 81 sulcati gressus 52 summus torus 121 supellex 72 supercilium undae 61 : louis cserulum supercilium 88 superingredi 122 supernatare 115 supine governs a noun 105 suppar gressus 122 n. supremus, correction for primus 104 sursum respicere 33 suspiritus 62 susurrus Venerius potestate Venerii susurrus (Rohde's emendation 5. 6) 29 sutilis cumba 111 suus sibi xcviii, 1 1 syntax, irregularities in xcvi ff. tabulae (false reading for aululae in 5. 20) 51 tacita secreta 80 Taenarus, feminine 109 : entrance to lower world ib. Tanit Carthaginian luno 84 n. tantillus 45, 116 tantum, ' only,' admonitory xcix tantus tanta dea 4 : tantum numen 13 tardare, neuter 66 temerare praeceptum 31 temerarius 56 temeiitas 41 temperata formonsitas 12 temulentus xcvi, 57 tenacissime 52 teneat, possideat legal phrase 120 tenebra (singular) 52 tenellus 49, 58 teneritudo 37 tenuans lima 87 154 INDEX teriugus 113 terminus extra terminum mentis posita 49 : et cum termino sermonis 60, cp- mora terrena libido 118 terrificare 14 tertiare lit. ' to repeat three times * 49 textrix anus 112 ; cp. 115 Thagaste birthplace of St. Augustine x thalamus 67 theatrum, ' assembly-room ' 119, cp. 108 Thebes represented in Met. as on the sea xix thensaurus orbis 22 : fraudis 42 : for- monsitatis 114 Thrasymachus Ixx tibia opp. to fistula 122 tibias inflare 122 Tighe (Mrs.), her Psyche Ixix titubare 54, 62 ton antes fauces 113 torus summus torus 121 Tower helps Psyche Ix n. : speaks 108 : parallels in Roman literature 108 trahere comam ' to tear one's hair ' 36 : noctem ' to drag'through the night ' 54 transmeare 109, 112 transverse alliteration Ixxxix tremule resultare 58 triclinium 43 Tristities 92 trisulca uibramina 106 Tritones 11 trux bestia 48 : supercilium 76 tucceta 43 Tulisa, story of xlvii ff. tune etiam = praeterea 86 turgidus 36 turris praealta 108 tutelam gerere 80 uacillare or uaccillare 57, 62 uagitus 83 ualuae, 21 n. Van der Vliet his edition cv uaporosus 43 uasculum 102 uber fletus 80 ilbertim 26 uectura 28, 30 : uectura leonis 84 uegetus 115 uel for nee 115: uel certe 20, 81 : uel maxime 70 : uel saltern 66 : uel sic 116 uelamentum 108 uelitari37, 55 uenenati morsus 99 uenia numinis 2 : ueniani adire 83 uentosum uehiculum 45 uentus ferens 41 Venus how depicted Ivii ff. : Ixiii n. : her ira Ivii : jealousy of 5 : her power in the lower world 113 : beautiful girl compared to 2 : kisses from her as a reward 90 uenustas 76 Vergil adaptation of 95 ; incidents from fairy-tales used by Vergil in his Sixth Book 113 uernula 72 uerrere humum 80 uertices, possible reading for gurgltes 98 uesania turgidae 36 uesticeps, opp. to inuestis 70 n. uestigatio 78 uestigium in ipsouestigio 116 uia and iter combined 51 uiaticum, coin put into mouth of dying man, 112 uibramen 106 uibrare uibrantes fluctus 9 : uibratis laciniis 18 uicem, use of 119 uidero 34 n. uiduare 26 uiduus uidua ara, ' altar without sacri- fice ' 4 : uidua, applied to a maid 12 uilla marriages in uilla looked on with disapproval xxvii n., 93 uiolentia 76 uipereum malum 13 uirginalis flos 2 uiscera, 'heart' (metaphorical) 53 uitreus (latex) 19 uitricus 73 ultroneus 86 ululabilis 29 INDEX 155 unda applied to a crowd 95 unde scio an 79 undeunde 74 unicum cubiculum 96 unus et unicus 8 uocales aquae 103 uocalis deus (i.e. Mercury) 88 : uocalis solitudo 49 uocula 61 uolaticus 76 uolatilis maritus 86 nolens in prayers 8 uolentia 76 n. Voluptas 123 von Lincker Ixvi von Schulze Ixvii nor ax 64 uox uoces famulae 24: cp. uoces ancillae 33 ; uoces seruientes 30 : uox conferta 24 upilio 62 uredo 7 urgere, ' to become pressing ' 15 Urvasi and Pururavas, story of xlvi f . usura 88 usus ad hos usus dederam 72 ut omitted after verbs of ordering, xcviii, 27, 40, 65 utcunque, ' somehow or other' 62 utique xcix, 76 utpote with adj. xcix 49 utroque parente prognatae, 32 utrum, for utrumcunque, 46 Vulcanus cooks the banquet of gods 121 the Waser (Dr. Otto), his article on Psyche in Reseller's Lexikon der Mythologie liv, Ix, Ixv. Water of Life 101 n. "Weyman (C.) his edition cvi Whibley (Mr. Charles) Ixvii "Wieland Ixvi ^Vilcken his account of the story of Ninus 125 "Wilson (Mr. Dover), his work on Lyly xcf. Winterling (C. M.) Ixvi witnesses at marriages 93 words used by Apuleius ; new words xciii : archaic words xciv : poetical words xcv ; Greek words xcv : words with altered meanings xcvi Zeller xliii, 131 Zephyrus 18, 28 Zinzow (Dr. A.) 131 Zygia 84 zygia tibia, * the marriage pipe ' 15 Printed by PoNSONBY & GIBBS, University Press, Dublin. RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO ^ 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS t-month loans may be renewed by calling 642-3405 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing the books to the Circulation Desk Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due dale DUE AS STAMPED BELOW ObJM,r^ ..nw Vt iQft? A Wift fl)<^- |U Mil IK MAY 1 in J** IV JAN 111989 KM AUTO WSaOK 03*88 Jjy 16 Oc+ 16 AUTO. DISC. SEPSn 1986 ftpPlfitSW 2 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6, 60m, 1 783 BERKELEY, CA 94720 YC 5191 1 GENERAL LIBRARY - U.C. BERKELEY BOOQ7M0007 1910 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY