LJ UC-NRLF $B 71 2D4 Sljpta of ^m fork 1BB2-1012 A CATAL.OQUE OF THE CORNELL CHAPTER PHI BETA KAPPA [THEXA OF NEW YORK) 1882-1912 COMPII_ED BY CLARK S. NORTHUP, SECRETARY ITHACA, NEW YORK 13 12 ?^ ^ (f' CONT^ENTS PAGE I. A Brief History of the Society 5 II. The Constitution of the United Chapters 6 III. By-Laws of the United Chapters 8 IV. Officers and Senate of the United Chapters 9 V. List of Chapters : 10 VI. History of the Theta of New York 12 VII. Charter of the Theta of New York : . . . 13 VIII. The Chapter Constitution 14 IX. The Chapter By-Laws 14 X. A Catalogue of the Chapter 16 53 {630 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofcorneOOphibrich I. A Brief History of the Society. Tlje Phi Beta Kappa Society was organized at the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia, on December 5, 1776. The founder and first president was John Heath, with whom were associated Thomas Smith, Richard Booker, Armisted Smith, and John Jones. It was a secret literary and fraternal organization, having "Friendship for its basis. Benevolence and Literature for its pillars." At the meetings there were debates, essays, and declamations. The regulations were very strict. In the first five years fifty members were received. In 1781, owing to the fortunes of war, the Society became inactive and so continued until 1849, when William Short, the last president in 1781, presided at' its resurrection. In 1861 the chapter was again broken up by the- war, but it was revived in 1895. Of the original fifty members one was Elisha Parmele, of the Harvard class of 1779, who had gone south apparently for his health. On December 4, 1779, permission was granted him to establish the Society at Harvard and Yale, to be known as the Alphas of Massachusetts Bay and Connecticut respectively. In 1787 the two Northern Alphas united in voting a charter to Dartmouth; and thirty years later (May 1, 1817) the fifth chapter was organized at Union College. Other charters were granted by the various Alphas, at considerable intervals, to Bowdoin, Brown, Trinity, Wesleyan, Western Reserve, Vermont, Alabama (1851, extinct in 1860), Amherst, Ken- yon, New York, Marietta, Williams, the College of the City of New York, Middlebury, Rutgers, Columbia, Hamilton, Hobart, Colgate, and Cornell. The ideals and degrees of literary activity varied among the different chapters. The Dartmouth chapter, for example, in 1852 became a graduate society; at Yale, on the other hand, emphasis has been placed on the under- graduate side of the society. At the time of the anti-Masonic craze in 1831, the Harvard chapter, under the influence of President John Quincy Adams, Judge Story, and others, became non-secret, and the other chapters were induced to follow its example. In 1881 the Harvard chapter, in celebrating its centennial anniversary, led a movement to form a national organization. At Saratoga Springs in September, 1882, a constitution was adopted, to become binding when ratified by fourteen chapters. The first National Council was held in September, 1883, and a council has been held once in three years, ever since. In these twenty-nine years the number of active chapters has grown from twenty-four to seventy-seven and the number of living mem- bers to something like twenty thousand. The original badge was a square silver medal bearing on one side the letters S. P., which stood for Societas Philosophiae, the original name of the Society, and on the other side three stars, the letters Phi Beta Kappa, and a hand pointing upward. In the standard gold key the Society has returned to the original three stars. The Society now publishes a quarterly magazine, The Key, which contains matter of interest to all members. The subscription price is one dollar for three years. e PHI BETA KAPPA II. The Constitution of the United Chapters. {As amended 'by the National Council, 1892.) COMPOSITION OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL. I. The National Council of the Phi Beta Kappa Society shall consist of the Senators hereinafter spoken of, and of delegates from the several Chapters of the Society. Each Chapter shall be entitled to send three delegates, who shall be graduates of at least five years' standing and members of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, but not necessarily of the Chapter by which they are chosen. THE SENATE. II. The Senate shall originally consist of twenty Senators, chosen by the delegates at the first session of the National Council, from the Society at large. These shall be divided into two classes, whose terms of office shall expire at the adjournment of alternate regular sessions of the National Council. At every subsequent regular session the places of the outgoing class shall be filled by election as follows: On the day preceding the first day of each regular session of the National Council, the Senate shall meet, and shall nominate fifteen candidates in addition to the mem- bers of the outgoing class for the ten vacant seats, and also two candidates for the unexpired term of each Senator who may have died or resigned since the last regular session. Other persons not nominated by the Senate may be presented as candidates at the time of the election. Of every ten members whose term of office shall expire, one may be elected by the Council Senator for life. In every election of Senators a majority of the votes cast shall be required to elect, and in such elections the outgoing Senators shall have no vote. The Senate may fill vacancies in its own body till the next meeting of the National Council. OFFICEBS OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL. III. The officers of the National Council shall be a President, a Vice- President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, and such others as may be found necessary from time to time. The President shall be chosen from among the Senators. SESSIONS AND FUNCTIONS OF THE COUNCIL. IV. The National Council shall meet every third year at such place and time as shall have been determined by the officers of the United Chapters, and shall proceed at once to the election first of its officers and next of the Senators. The National Council shall make such rules as may be found necessary for the carrying out of any provision of this Constitution. THETA OF NEW YORK THE SENATE AND ITS FUNCTIONS. V. During the sessions of the National Council the Senate shall have no separate existence, but its members shall take their places with the delegates as members of the National Council, voting with the delegates, as well upon all other matters as upon the election of officers and Senators, except as provided in Article II. When the National Council is not in session the Senate shall constitute an independent body, charged with the duty of representing the Phi Beta Kappa Society and speaking in its name, and exercising, in addition, the functions of a permanent Executive Com- mittee of the National Council. It shall hold its meetings at such times and places as it shall determine, being first called together by that Senator who, at the original election of the Senate, shall have been elected by the largest number of votes. It shall recommend candidates for election as Senators. It shall also have power to call an extra session of the National Council. It shall furthermore prepare and recommend to the consideration of the National Council such matters as it may deem proper. It shall transmit its lists of candidates and of matters recommended for discussion, by the hands of the Secretary, to the presiding officer of the National Council, immediately upon its organization being completed. It shall also transmit, in the same manner, to the National Council, a report of its doings between the sessions of the Council. Nothing herein shall be so construed as to derogate from the right of the National Council to appoint Committees to sit between sessions, independently of the Senate, and to report at the next session. NEW CHARTERS. VI. Applications for charters shall, in all cases, be made to the Senate, at least six months before the regular session of the National Council; the Senate shall at once notify all the chapters of such applications, and such applications shall be reported to the National Council with the recommendation of the Senate at the next meeting of the Council, and shall be passed upon by the Council, which shall have exclusive power to grant charters. But no charter shall be issued without the consent of delegations representing a majority of the chapters. BY-LAWS AND RULES OF ORDER. VII. The National Council at any of its sessions, and the Senate at any time, may respectively make such By-Laws and Rules of Order as may be thought expedient for their use, provided the same be not incon- sistent with any of the provisions of this Constitution. A quorum of the National Council shall consist of delegates from a majority of the chapters and not fewer than three Senators; the Senate shall determine the number which shall constitute its quorum. [The present number is five.] RIGHTS OF CHAPTERS. VIII. Nothing contained in this Constitution shall be construed as empowering the Senate or the National Council to restrict or abridge the rights or privileges now exercised by existing Chapters, except as ex- pressly provided herein. 8 PHI BETA KAPPA AMENDMENTS TO THIS CONSTITUTION. IX. No change shall be made in this Constitution unless the same shall have been proposed at the session of the National Council next preceding the session at which the proposed change is voted for; and no vote shall be had upon any such proposed change except at a stated hour previously ordered by the meeting, — and no amendment shall be made without the concurrence of the delegations of two-thirds of the Chapters represented in the Council. ADOPTION OF THE CONSTITUTION. X. This Constitution shall take effect when ratified by fourteen Chapters. [Sixteen chapters ratified it before July, 1883.] III. The By-Laws of the United Chapters. ELECTIONS AND OFFICERS. I. All elections shall be by ballot. The President shall preside over the meetings of the Council. In his absence the Vice-President shall per- form his duties. When both are absent a president pro tempore shall be chosen viva voce. The Secretary shall keep the records of the Council, conduct its correspondence, and send to the Senate and to each chapter a certified report of the proceedings of each session. The Treasurer shall collect and disburse all funds of the Council, and report at each session thereof. [At the Council of 1892, the treasurer requested that the financial report be submitted to an auditor appointed by the president after its presentation.] ORDER OF BUSINESS. II. (1) Calling the roll. (2) Reading the minutes. (3) Report of 'Officers. (4) Communication from the Senate on nominations. (5) Election of officers. (6) Election of Senators. (7) Communications from the Senate on new chapters and other matters. (8) Miscellaneous business. VOTING. III. In all cases not otherwise provided for by the Constitution each Senator and delegate present shall be entitled to cast one vote. [In estab- lishing new chapters the Constitution requires a vote by delegations, each delegation having one vote.] ASSESSMENTS. IV. Each chapter shall pay to the Treasurer a triennial assessment of ten dollars. [The Council of 1883 voted that the first assessment should be due in 1884. The successive assessments have become due at Intervals of three years from that time, 1887, 1890, 1893, 1896, and so on.] THETA OF NEW YORK 9 PBOCEDUBE. V. The proceedings of the Council, in all cases not provided for in the Constitution, or the By-Laws, shall conform to the rules laid down in Cushing's Manual. ENDORSEMENTS OF APPLICATIONS FOB CHARTERS. VI. All applications for future charters shall have the endorsement of at least five existing chapters prior to presentation to the Senate. No charter shall be issued until those applying for the same have paid to the Treasurer of the National Council fifty dollars as a franchise fee. AMENDMENTS. VII. These By-Laws, or any of them, may be suspended, altered, or amended at any meeting of the Council by a two-thirds vote of the mem- bers of the Council present and voting. IV. Officers and Senate of the United Chapters. OFFICERS. President, Professor Edwin Augustus Grosvenor, Amherst, Mass. Vice-President, Colonel John James McCook, New York [died September 17, 1911]. Secretary and Treasurer, Rev. Oscar McMurtrie Voorhees, 350 East 146th St., New York. SENATORS, 1907-13. Elected Pres. Nicholas Murray Butler, Columbia 1907 Prof. Henry L. Chapman, Bowdoin 1895 Prof. Edwin A. Grosvenor, Amherst 1901 Pres. George E. MacLean, Iowa 1907 Prof. Augustus T. Murray, Stanford. 1907 Prof. James M. Page, Virginia 1910 Prof. Bliss Perry, Harvard 1910 Pres. Charles F. Thwing, Western Reserve 1895 Rev. Oscar M. Voorhees, Rutgers 1901 Pres. Mary E. Woolley, Mount Holyoke 1907 SENATORS, 1910-16. Dean Edward A. Birge, Wisconsin 1904 Prof. Samuel Hart, Trinity 1892 Pres. A. Lawrence Lowell, Harvard 1910 Dr. Hamilton W. Mabie, Williams 1898 Hon. John J. McCook, Kenyon [died September 17, 1911] 1904 10 PHI BETA KAPPA Prof. Clark S. Northup, Cornell 1910 Pres. Ellen F. Pendleton, Wellesley 1910 Prof. Edward B. Reed, Yale 1907 Pres, James M. Taylor, Vassar 1907 Prof. Talcott Williams, Columbia 1904 V. List of Chapters. 53. Allegheny, Eta of Pennsylvania February 18, 1902 12. Amherst, Beta of Massachusetts August 9, 1853 77. Beloit, Beta of Wisconsin June 19, 1911 45. Boston, Epsilon of Massachusetts February 8, 1899 6. Bowdoin, Alpha of Maine February 22, 1825 7. Brown, Alpha of Rhode Island July 31, 1830 42. California, Alpha of California December 23, 1898 50. Chicago, Beta of Illinois July 1, 1899 47. Cincinnati, Delta of Ohio April 11, 1899 38. Colby, Beta of Maine January 3, 1896 23. Colgate, Eta of New York June 19, 1878 54. Colorado, Alpha of Colorado October 18, 1904 58. Colorado College, Beta of Colorado Nov. 11, 1904 20. Columbia, Delta of New York April 22, 1869 24. Cornell, Theta of New York May 28, 1882 4. Dartmouth, Alpha of New Hampshire August 20, 1787 73. Denison, Theta of Ohio January 18, 1911 28. De Pauw, Alpha of Indiana December 17, 1889 25. Dickinson, Alpha of Pennsylvania April 13, 1887 68. Franklin and Marshall, Theta of Pennsylvania January 30, 1908 63. Goucher, Beta of Maryland February 24, 1905 69. Grinnell, Beta of Iowa April 11, 1908 21. Hamilton, Epsilon of New York May 24, 1870 3. Harvard, Alpha of Massachusetts September 5, 1781 43. Haverford, Zeta of Pennsylvania January 20, 1899 22. Hobart, Zeta of New York : July 6, 1871 66. Illinois, Gamma of Illinois November 11, 1907 74. Indiana, Gamma of Indiana January 20, 1911 35. Iowa, Alpha of Iowa September 30, 1895 36. Johns Hopkins, Alpha of Maryland October 10, 1895 30. Kansas, Alpha of Kansas April 2, 1890 13. Kenyon, Beta of Ohio June 29, 1858 31. Lafayette, Gamma of Pennsylvania , April 5, 1890 26. Lehigh, Beta of Pennsylvania April 15, 1887 15. Marietta, Gamma of Ohio June 9, 1860 76. Miami, Iota of Ohio June 14, 1911 THETA OF NEW YORK 11 67. Michigan, Alpha of Michigan November 13 18. Middlebury, Beta of Vermont August 17 34. Minnesota, Alpha of Minnesota December 13 52, Missouri, Alpha of Missouri December 5 61. Mount Holyoke, Theta of Massachusetts..; January 30 37. Nebraska, Alpha of Nebraska December 23 17. College of the City of New York, Gamma of New York. . .July 24 14. New York University, Beta of New York December 23 57. North Carolina, Alpha of North Carolina November 7, 29. Northwestern, Alpha of Illinois February 18 64. Oberlin, Zeta of Ohio November 8 60. Ohio State, Epsilon of Ohio December 8 65. Ohio Wesleyan, Eta of Ohio November 9 33. Pennsylvania, Delta of Pennsylvania December 9, 48. Princeton, Beta of New Jersey." , June 7, 27. Rochester, Iota of New York April 20 19. Rutgers, Alpha of New Jersey February 22 49. St. Lawrence, Lambda of New York June 24 55. Smith, Zeta of Massachusetts October 19, 56. Stanford, Beta of California November 1 40, Swarthmore, Epsilon of Pennsylvania June 9 39. Syracuse, Kappa of New York February 10 62. Texas, Alpha of Texas February 2 8. Trinity, Beta of Connecticut July 2 32. Tufts, Delta of Massachusetts November 18 71. Tulane, Alpha of Louisiana February 26 5. Union, Alpha of New York May 1 51. Vanderbilt, Alpha of Tennessee November 5 40. Vassar, Mu of New York April 7 11. Vermont, Alpha of Vermont March 7 70. Virginia, Beta of Virginia June 16^ 41. Wabash, Beta of Indiana November 7 75. Washington and Lee, Gamma of Virginia May 5 59. Wellesley, Eta of Massachusetts November 14 9. Wesleyan, Gamma of Connecticut July 7 72. West Virginia, Alpha of West Virginia December 5 10. Western Reserve, Alpha of Ohio October 28 1, William and Mary, Alpha of Virginia December 5 16, Williams, Gamma of Massachusetts July 30 44, Wisconsin, Alpha of Wisconsin February 2 2. Yale, Alpha of Connecticut November 13 1907 1868 1892 1901 1905 1895 1867 1858 1904 1890 1907 1904 1907 1892 1899 1887 1869 1899 1904 1904 1896 1896 1905 1845 1892 1909 1817 1901 1899 1848 1908 1898 1911 1904 1845 1910 1847 1776 1864 1899 1780 12 PHI BETA KAPPA VI. History of the Theta of New York. On March 5, 1880, a petition was drawn up to be sent to the Union chapter, the Alpha of New York, asking for a charter of Phi Beta Kappa for Cornell. It was signed by President White and Professors Flagg (Greek), Oliver (mathematics), Peck (Latin), Perkins (Latin and Greek), Shackford (rhetoric and general literature), Wait (mathematics), and H. S. White (German). On March 15, 1880, President Potter of Union College acknowledged the receipt of the petition and added that it would be "cordially furthered." On June 12 Professor H. S. White wrote to the president of the Union chapter asking for information regarding the ap- plication. No answer having been received up to May 11, 1881, it was then decided to inform the Union chapter that in default of action by them the Cornell petitioners were ready to apply to Harvard. On June 1, 1881, however, the petitioners were informed that Union had granted the petition in 1880, but that through some oversight the Cornellians had not received the information. In the spring of 1882 the matter was again taken up, and the charter, dated May 20, 1882, was transmitted to Ithaca by mail. Cornell was thus the last chapter established before the forma- tion of the United Chapters. It is the twenty-fourth in the order of es- tablishment. The traditional date of organization is May 28, 1882. The following were then added to the list of original members: Professors Hale (Latin), Tuttle (international law), and M. C. Tyler (American history and literature). The object of the Society was declared in the original constitution to be "the promotion of literature and friendly intercourse among scholars." Its motto was "to indicate that Philosophy (which is understood to indi- cate Religion as well as Ethics) is worthy of cultivation as the guide of life." There were to be graduate, undergraduate, and honorary members. No injunction of secrecy was to be imposed. Both men and women were eligible for membership; Cornell was thus the second chapter to admit women. High scholarship, with a generally good character, was the basis of election. Only Juniors and Seniors in whose courses a knowledge of Latin was required were eligible for membership. Not more than ten undergraduates could be chosen from one class; not more than five of these could be Juniors. In 1888 the maximum number of students was raised from ten to twelve. In 1900, in consequence of the introduction of the elective system, all undergraduates were made eligible whose work had been done for the most part in languages, history, political science, and philosophy (including education) ; in 1906 mathematics was added to this list. The number that could be elected was in 1900 made one-fifth of ail those eligible, of whom one-fifteenth could be Juniors; in 1906 the maximum number of Juniors was made one-tenth. In the same year graduate students of the humanities were also declared eligible for mem- bership. The first election of undergraduates was held on April 80 and May 10, 1883. In 1884-5 sixty-five members were elected from the classes of THETA OF NEW YORK 13 1869-82. Five members have also been elected from the Faculty: Professors Goldwin Smith (1880), Crane (1888), Schurman (1888), J. M. Hart (1891), and McMahon (1891). The following are the present statistics of the Cornell Chapter: Elected by the Chapter 545 Members of other chapters who have at any time been mem- bers of the Theta of New York 218 Total 763 Deceased 38 Resident at present in Ithaca 149 The chapter has published the following: The Cornell Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa (Theta of New York). 1906. The constitution, with a catalogue, by J. McMahon and C. S. Northup. Academic Freedom. By Charles William Eliot. 1907. An address de- livered at the quarter-centennial anniversary of the chapter, May 29, 1907. Address to the Initiates, April 21, 1909. By James McMahon. 1909. The Function of the Leader in Scholarship. By Lane Cooper. 1911. Delivered May 30, 1911. VII. Charter of the Theta of New York. To President Andrew D. White and Professors Isaac Flagg, James E. Oliver, Tracy Peck, William R. Perkins, Lucien A. Wait, Charles C. Shackford, Horatio S. White, brethren of the Phi Beta Kappa, the Alpha of New York sends greeting: Whereas, By a resolution of the Alpha of New York it has been deemed expedient to establish a branch of the Phi Beta Kappa, in connec- tion with Cornell University, at Ithaca, in the State of New York, now^, therefore, by virtue and in pursuance of the aforesaid resolution, we do hereby incorporate and establish you, the above Andrew D. White, Isaac Flagg, Charles C. Shackford, James E. Oliver, Tracy Peck, William R. Perkins, Lucien A. Wait, and Horatio S. White, with such others as you may associate with yourselves, in conformity with the laws of the Phi Beta Kappa, herewith transmitted, into a separate and distinct branch of said Society, to be known and called by the name of the "Theta of New York" ; hereby granting unto you and your successors . all the powers, privileges, and benefits thereunto appertaining, in as full and ample a manner as we enjoy the same. In testimony whereof, We have hereunto set our hands, and affixed the seal of the Society, at Schenectady, in the State of New York, this Twentieth day of May, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two. J. A. De Remer, President, Cady Staley, Treasurer, Thos. Featherstonhaugh, Secretary. 14 PHI BETA KAPPA VIII. The Chapter Constitution. (Substantially as recommended ty the National Council, 1889.) I. This Society is one of the co-ordinate branches of the body known as The United Chapters of the Phi Beta Kappa, and shall be called the Theta Chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa Society in the State of New York. II. The object of the Phi Beta Kappa Society is the promotion of scholarship and friendship among students and graduates of American colleges. The members of the Chapter shall be elected primarily from the best scholars of the graduating classes of the college, secondly from those graduates of any college whose post-graduate work of this university en- titles them to such honor, and lastly from any persons distinguished in letters, science, or education; provided, however, that the selection from each graduating class shall not exceed one-fourth of the number graduated. But the Chapter may make further limitations or restrictions. [See the By-Laws, II, III.} IV. In addition to scholarship, good moral character shall be a quali- fication of membership, and any member who is found to have lost this qualification may be expelled from the Society by a four-fifths vote of the members present at a regular annual meeting of the Society. V. This Chapter shall send a delegation to represent it at each National Council of the United Chapters, shall contribute its equal part to the financial support of the United Chapters, and shall conform to the Constitution of the United Chapters and all the lawful requirements of the National Council, VI. This Chapter shall, by the enactment of suitable by-laws, provide for its election of officers, the initiation of members, the conduct of its meetings, and for such other matters as it may deem wise so to regulate. IX. The Chapter By-Laws. (As amended to May, 1912.) AIMS OF the chapter. I. The chief purpose of the Cornell Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa is the promotion of liberal scholarship. It interprets the motto of the Society to indicate that Philosophy is worthy of cultivation as the guide of life. QUALIFICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP. II. Membership in this Chapter may be conferred upon persons of high character and good general scholarship who belong to any of the four following groups: (1) undergraduates in the College of Arts and Sciences THETA OF l^EW YORK 15 of Cornell University the major part of whose work shall have been de- voted to the study of the languages, philosophy, education, history, political science, and pure mathematics, and who shall have given promise of ability to do independent work in any of these subjects; (2) resident graduate students of any of these subjects who shall have made actual contributions to the advancement of knowledge or thought; (3) graduates of Cornell University of not less than five years' standing who shall have made valuable contributions to scholarship in the same departments of study; (4) professors and instructors in the University who shall have rendered service in the advancement of liberal scholarship. ELECTIONS TO MEMBERSHIP. III. The election of new members shall rest with those members who are connected with the Faculty, but the electors may invite nominations or information from others. The regular elections of undergraduate members shall be held annually in February.^ All elections shall be by ballot, and three-fourths of the votes cast shall be necessary and sufficient for a choice. In the election of undergraduates, not more than one-fifth of those who satisfy the prescribed condition regarding the distribution of their work may be chosen in any one class, and in the Junior year not more than one- tenth. [See Art. II, 1.] OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. IV. The officers of the Chapter shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Registrar; and they shall be chosen annually by ballot. These five officers, with two other members to be elected by the Chapter, shall constitute the Executive Committee, to whom the general management of the Chapter shall be committed. BUSINESS MEETINGS. V. There shall be a regular meeting in October of each year, for the election of officers and the transaction of such other business as may be necessary. Special meetings may be called at any time by the President or the Executive Committee. [As to meetings for the election of members, see Article III.] LITERARY MEETINGS. VI. During each year there shall be at least three meetings the main purpose of which shall be the promotion of the general aims of the Society, including the discussion of literary, political, or social questions; and it shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to arrange a suitable pro- gram. At any of these meetings new members may be initiated into the Chapter, and any necessary business may be transacted. ^ It is proposed, by an amendment to be voted on in the fall, to change this to March. 16 PHI BETA KAPPA NOTICE OF MEETINGS. VII. Due notice of every meeting of the Chapter, and of its purpose, shall be sent to every resident member. MEMBERSHIP FEES. VIII. The membership fee, due annually on November 15 from every resident member of the Chapter, shall be one dollar. RESIDENT MEMBERS OF OTHER CHAPTERS. IX. Any member of Phi Beta Kappa resident in Ithaca may during such residence be considered as a member of this Chapter. AMENDMENTS TO BY-LAWS. X. Amendments to these By-Laws may be made by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any regular meeting of the Chapter, notice in writing having been given at a previous meeting and communicated to every member of the Chapter. X. A Catalogue op the Chapter. A. OFFICERS. Presidents. 1883-5. Charles Chauncy Shackford. 1886-8. James Edward Oliver. 1889-91. Horatio Stevens White. 1892. James Edward Oliver. 1893. Samuel Gardner Williams. 1894. George Lincoln Burr. 1895. Charles Mellen Tyler. 1896. Charles Edwin Bennett. 1897. Charles Henry Hull. 1898. Walter Francis Willcox. 1899. Herbert Charles Elmer. 1900. James Morgan Hart. 1901. Thomas Frederick Crane. 1902. Horatio Stevens White. 1903. John Robert Sitlington Sterrett. 1904. Walter Francis Willcox. 1905. Andrew Dickson White. 1906. Jacob Gould Schurman. 1907. Ralph Charles Henry Catterall. 1908. James McMahon. 1909. George Prentice Bristol (resigned). Madison Bentley. 1910. Alfred Hayes, Jr. (resigned) Lane Cooper. 1911. Lane Cooper. THETA OF NEW YORK 17 Vice-Pbesidents. 1883-6. Moses Coit Tyler. 1887. William Gardner Hale. , ^ 1888-9. Charles Herbert Tuttle. 1890. Francis Marion Burdick. "" 1891. James Edward Oliver. 1892. Samuel Gardner Williams. ' 1893. George Lincoln Burr. 1894. Charles Mellen Tyler. 1895. Lucien Augustus Wait. 1896. Charles Henry Hull. 1897. Walter Francis Willcox. 1898. Herbert Charles Elmer. 1899. James Morgan Hart. 1900. Frederick Bedell. 1901. Lucien Augustus Wait. 1902. John Robert Sitlington Sterrett. 1903. Walter Francis Willcox. 1904. Henry Augustus Sill. 1905. James McMahon. 1906. Ralph Charles Henry Catterall. . 1907. George Prentice Bristol (resigned). 1908. Alfred Hayes, Jr. 1909. Madison Bentley. 1910. Lane Cooper. 1911. Frank Thilly. Secretaries and Treasurers. 1883-5. Horatio Stevens White. 1886. Lucien Augustus Wait. 1887-91. Benjamin Ide Wheeler. 1891. George Lincoln Burr. 1892-1906. George Prentice Bristol. 1906. Clark Sutherland Northup. Secretaries.^ 1906-11. Clark Sutherland Northup. Treasurers. 1906-7. Edwin Walter Kemmerer. 1908-11. Walter Buckingham Carver. Registrars. 1906-7. Henry Crane Hasbrouck. 1908. George Frederick Rogalsky. 1909. Frederic Corss Church. 1910-11. Joseph Vance McKelvey.- ^ In 1910-11, during the Secretary's absence in Europe, Benton Sullivan Monroe was acting secretary. In 1911-12 Albert LeRoy Andrews acted informally as assistant secretary. 18 PHI BETA KAPPA Executive Committee, (With the Officers.) 1906. Henry Augustus Sill. Ernest Albee. 1907. Frank Thilly. Isabel Stone. 1908. Ervin Louis Phillips. Henry Augustus Sill. 1909. Lane Cooper. Elfrieda Hochbaum Pope. 1910. William Wistar Comfort. Elfrieda Hochbaum Pope. 1911. Elfrieda Hochbaum Pope. Albert Bernhardt Faust. Orators. June 16, 1885. Goldwin Smith, "British Rule in India." October 28, 1907. George Edward Woodberry, "Poetry and Philosophy." May 19, 1909. Jeremiah Whipple Jenks, "Preparation for Old Age." December 13, 1909. John Robert Sitlington Sterrett, "The Judgment of Paris." May 2, 1912. John Dewey, "Humanism, New and Old." B. MEMBERS. Note. — The year given in two figures is that in which the baccalau- reate degree (A.B. except as otherwise indicated) was taken. A year given in parenthesis means the date when the person was elected as a graduate student. A star indicates election in the junior year; this information is given only of members elected by the Cornell Chapter. All post offices not otherwise indicated are in New York State. D. means died. Elected by the Chapter. Bertha Louise Alexander, '01. See Mrs. Bertha A. Smith. Elbert James Allendorf, Ph.B., '87, U. S. Custom House, New York. Asa Ailing Ailing, Ph.B., '83. D. in New York Apr. 14, 1900. Charles Wilberforce Ames, B.Lit., '78, Pres. West Publ. Co., 501 Grand Ave., St. Paul. Minn. Charles Henry Anderson, B.Lit., '83, 808 Chestnut St., St. Louis, Mo. Eugene Plumb Andrews, '95, Asst. Professor of Classical Archeology, Cornell. Grace Andrews, '03, 1153 Boston Road, New York. Grace Mead Andrus. See Mrs. Grace A. DeLaguna. THETA OF NEW YORK 19 Ernest George Atkin, '04, Instructor in French and Spanish, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. George Francis Atkinson, Ph.B., '85, Professor of Botany, Cornell. Louise Harriet Atwater, '09, Clear View. Millard Van Marter Atwood, '10, Groton. Elizabeth Avery, Ph.D., '97, Teacher of English, Flushing H. S.; 154 Franklin Place, Flushing. Philip Wheelock Ayres, Ph.D., '84, Forester of the Soc'y for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests, Concord, N. H. Clinton LeRoy Babcock, '95, Bureau of University Travel, Trinity Place, Boston, Mass. ♦Jessie Ruth Bahringer, '13, Cattaraugus. Alice Mary Baldwin, '00, The Baldwin School, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Dane Lewis Baldwin, '09, Instructor in English, Cornell. Winifred Ball, '91. See Mrs. Winifred B. Humphrey. ♦Arthur William Barber, '95, 32 Nassau St., New York. ♦Anna Violet Barbour, '06, care Mrs. Elizabeth H. Barbour, Sage College, Ithaca. ♦Sarah Elizabeth Barnholt, '10, Girls' Normal School, Philadelphia, Pa. ♦George Silk Barnum, '11, Instructor in Romance Languages, Cornell. ♦Hymen Max Barr, '10, 475 Luther Ave., Brooklyn. Anna Frances Barrett. See Mrs. Anna B. Fox. ♦Marjorie Latta Barstow, '12, 138 Giles St.,. Ithaca. Mrs. Lucy Murray Barto, '92, 919 W. Nevada St., Urbana, 111. Emma Neal Bassett, Ph.B., '84, Painted Post. Fred Orlando Bates, '92, High School, Detroit, Mich. William Oscar Bates, Ph.B., '75, 764 Middle Drive, Woodruff Place, In- dianapolis, Ind. Roy Amos Baum, '95, 416 W. Fourth St., Oil City, Pa. Rev. George Frederick Behringer, '69. D. at Nyack March 31, 1909. Mrs. Rachel Meyer Bendix, Ph.B., '86, 249 W. 107th St., New York. James Eugene Bennett, '11, Asst. in English History, Cornell. Lawrence Gale Bennett, '09, 1 Grove Place, Ithaca. Martha Crosby Bennett, '02, 281 Lafayette Ave., Passaic, N. J. Edith Naomi Bentley, '08, 245 S. 28th St., Lincoln, Neb. ♦Frank Crane Bentley, '91, Springfield, Mo. Ruth Bentley. See Mrs. Ruth B. Shreve. George Alden Benton, '71, Court House, Rochester. ♦Emma Louise Berry, '90, 1541 N. Bouvier St., Philadelphia, Pa. William James Berry, '76, Forestville. ♦Josephine Edna Bessey, '02, 345 Grand Ave., Brooklyn. Mabel Abbott Bessey, '06, 64 Monroe St., Brooklyn. ♦Florence Estelle Bibbins, '09, Teacher of History, Utica Free Academy. ♦Chauncey Howard Bickford, '85, Adams. ♦Edith Mae Bickham, '99, R. D. 1, Narvon, Pa. Anna Eleanora Biddle, '10, 1333 N. 56th St., Philadelphia, Pa. ♦Harriet Nebe Bircholdt, '11, Teacher of History, Corry H. S., Corry, Pa. Albert Alexander Bird, '91, Otto. 20 PHI BETA KAPPA Arthur George Blackstein, '82, 14 Genthiner Strasse, Berlin, W., Germany. John Hamilton Blair, '01, Instructor in History and Economics, Wesleyan Univ., Middletown Conn. Helen Elizabeth Elake, '08, 270 Walnut St., No. Adams, Mass. Mary Marcus Blitzstein, '10, 431 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Clara Smith Blood, B.Lit, '83, Warren, Pa. Donaldson Bodine, Ph.B., '87, Prof, of Zoology, Wabash College, Crawfords- ville, Ind. Mattie Durell Bodine, '11, The Normal School, Indiana, Pa. *George Gleason Bogert, '06, Acting Asst. Prof, of Law, Cornell. Jessie Mary Boulton. See Mrs. Jessie B. Thorp. Leona Bowman, '95, East Hickory, Pa. Margaret Fursman Boynton. See Mrs. Margaret B. Windsor. Howard Solomon Braucher, '03, 9 Livingston Place, New York. *Maurice Charles Braveman, '12, 17 W. First St., Corning. Charles Temple Brewer, Ph.B., '76, Cooperstown. Alice Haverstick Bricker, '98. D. in Brooklyn Nov. 12, 1906. Josephine Britton, '07, Teacher of English, Milwaukee Normal School; 610 Benson St., Camden, N. J. ♦Mrs. Mary Widman Bronson, Ph.B., '88, 11 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. Mrs. Jane Cavarly Brooks, '01, Dewey Ave., New Rochelle. Gay Harbin Brown, '12, 28 Marigold Ave., Buffalo. Mrs. Harriet Connor Brown, '94, 3401 Newark St., Cleveland Park, D. C. Louise Fargo Brown, '03 (1909), Instructor in History, Wellesley Coll., Wellesley, Mass. Charles Ross Browning, Ph.B., '83, Llewellyn Park, W. Orange, N. J. Ida Bruce, '77, 5314 Washington Ave., Hyde Park, 111. *Mary Magdalen Bruckheiser, '12, 736 George St., Baltimore, Md. Morris Lyon Buchwalter, '69, 3315 Reading Road, Cincinnati, O. ♦Llewellyn Morgan Buell, '10, 305 1/^ Waverly Ave., Syracuse. ♦Gilbert Potter Bullis, '00, 401 Laurens St., Olean. Jessie Maria Bunting. See Mrs. Jessie B. Huestis. ♦Mrs. Nellie Reed Burnett, '95, 410 University Ave., Ithaca. Sara Frances Burns, '10, 127 Danforth St., Portland, Me. George Lincoln Burr, '81, Prof, of Medieval History, Cornell. Mrs. Mattie Martin Burr, '02. D. at Ithaca Jan. 31, 1909. ♦Millar Burrows, '12, 686 Potomac Ave., Buffalo. Christiana Busbee, '05, 104 W. Hargett St., Raleigh, N. C. Anne Browning Butler. See Mrs. Anne B. Sturgis. ♦Clayton Joseph Buttery, '12, Ripley. Rose Hannah Cahill, Ph.B., '86, 427 Nostrand Ave., Brooklyn. ♦Francis Cary Caldwell, '90, Prof, of Elec. Engineering, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, O. Grace Wilmarth Caldwell. See Mrs. Grace C. Chamberlain. ♦Wallace Everett Caldwell, '10, The Preparatory School, Bethlehem, Pa. Ethel Beatrice Callahan, '12, 13 Chestnut St., Binghamton. Charles Raymond Cameron, '98, Zamboanga, Moro Province, P. I. John James Carney, '08, The Newman School, Hackensack, N. J. THETA OF NEW YORK 21 ♦Florence Marguerita Carpenter, '13, 1600 Morton Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Kathryn Elizabeth Clare Carrigan, '02, 350 Genesee St., Utica. Mrs. Harriet Heyl Cary, '81, 2935 Indiana Ave., Chicago, 111. Jane Day Cavarly. See Mrs. Jane C. Brooks. *Mrs. Grace Caldwell Chamberlain, '92, 11 Central Ave., Ithaca. *Mrs. Lucia Musson Chamberlin, '03, Susquehanna, Pa. James Julius Chambers, Ph.B., '70, 312 W. 109th St., New York. Frances Elizabeth Chapman, '99, The High School, Flushing. Benson Brush Charles, '06, So. Main St., Salamanca. ♦Frederic Corss Church, '09, 63 Pringle St., Kingston, Pa. Emily Anna Clark, '05, 262 Delaware Ave., Toronto, Can. Gertrude Eliza Clark. See Mrs. Gertrude C. Powell. John Powell Clark, '06, Eastern District H. S., Brooklyn. ♦Mabel Adelaide Clark, '97, Hollenbeck St., Rochester. Robert Clauson, '02, Angeles, Pampanga, P. I. Frederick Aldrich Cleveland, '99, Lecturer in History, Bryn Mawr College; 15 Elliott Ave., Bryn Mawr, Pa. ♦Jacob Cohen, '11, Albay, Albay, P. I. Dorothy Colby, '10, 5876 VonVersen Ave., St. Louis, Mo. ♦George Perrigo Conger, '07, Owego. Harriet Chedie Connor. See Mrs. Harriet C. Brown. ♦Margaret Connor, '12, 308 Stewart Ave., Ithaca. Elizabeth Ellsworth Cook, '08, care Harris, Forbes & Co., Pine & William Sts., New York. Charles Edwin Cooke, Ph.B. D. at Albany March 8, 1899. Mrs. Mary Roberts Coolidge, Ph.B., '80, 3001 Dwight Way, Berkeley, Calif. Laura Turner Cooper, '10, 150 Washington Terrace, Bridgeport, Conn. Inez Corcilius, '00, 108 Stuyvesant Place, New Brighton. Robert Earl Coulson, '09, Cosmos Club, Washington, D. C. Frederick Vernon Coville, '87, Department of Agriculture, Washington^ D. C. Frank Byron Crandall, '06, 3319 Ward St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Thomas Frederick Crane, Princeton '64, Professor of the Romance Lan- guages and Literatures, Emeritus, Cornell. Charlotte Holmes Crawford, '06, Eastern District High School, Brooklyn. Eugene Casson Crittenden, 05, Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. Rev. Frank Monroe Crouch, '00, 157 Montague St., Brooklyn. Leonard Callender Crouch, Ph.B., '89, Dillaye Bldg., Syracuse. Harold Bartlett Curtis, '07, Instructor in Mathematics, Columbia Univ., New York. George Irving Dale, '10 (1911), Instructor in French, Cornell. Vernon Llewellyn Davey, '75, 32 Munn Ave., East Orange, N. J. George Millard Davison, '92, Principal Public School No. 72, Brooklyn. ♦Mrs. Frances Flint Dean, '92, care Philip R. Dean, Curtis High School, New York. ♦Rev. John Pitt Deane, '90, Prof, of Biblical Literature, Beloit College, Beloit, Wis. Delbert Harvey Decker, Ph.B., '84, 900 F St., N.W., Washington, D. C. 22 PHI BETA KAPPA Mabel Grace de Forest, '12, 461 W. 155th St., New York. *Mrs. Grace Andrus DeLaguna, '03, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Charles Henry Deuchler, '90, 204 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Charles Lemuel Dibble, '03, 1007 Tacoma Bldg., Chicago, 111. Henry Montgomery Dibble, B.Lit., '82, Aiken, S. C. Samuel Byron Dicker, '11, Statistician, Dept. of Labor; 238 Clinton Ave., Albany. ♦Annetta Marie Dieckmann, '09, 415 Vermont St., Buffalo. *Agnes Marie Dobbins, '13, 388 Classon Ave., Brooklyn. Mary Doherty, '99, Madison Road, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio. Edgar Arnold Doll, '12, 1590 Grace Ave., Lakewood, Ohio. Grace Neal Dolson, '96, Instructor in Philosophy, Smith College, Northamp- ton, Mass. Katharine Agnes Donlon, '12, 1306 Catherine St., Utica. ♦Elizabeth Pearl Donnan, '07, 426 Sixth St., Toledo, Ohio. Herbert Darius Augustine Donovan, '03, Instructor in History, Commer- cial H. S.; 66 Quincy St., Brooklyn. Julia Louise Doubleday, Ph.B., '83, 915 N St., N. W., Washington, D. C. John Hurd Drown, Ph.B., '89, care Special Agent, The Treasury, Boston, Mass. Clyde Augustus Duniway, '92, President of the University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming. Mrs. Elnora Palmer Dunlap, '05, 111 Ninth St., Merra, Ark. ♦Esther Cloudman Dunn, '13, 19 Eastern Promenade, Portland, Me. Alice Oakey Durland, '05, 87 Union Hall St., Jamaica. George Matthew Dutcher, '97, Prof, of History, Wesleyan University, Mid- dletown, Conn. Mary Helen Eagan, '08, 42 King St., New York. Emma Sheffield Eastman. See Mrs, Emma E. Foster. ♦Franklin Edgerton, 2d, '05, Johnston Scholar, Johns Hopkins Univ., Bal- timore, Md. ♦Henry White Edgerton, '10, 2852 Ontario Road, Washington, D. C. August Hjalmar Edgren, Ph.B., '71. D. at Stockholm, Sweden, Dec. 9, 1903. Roscoe Claudius Edlund, '09, 35 Hawthorne St., Brooklyn. Katherine May Edwards, '88, Assoc. Prof, of Greek and Comparative Phi- lology, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass. Ethel Freda Elliott. See Mrs. Ethel E. Rhodes. ♦Orrin Leslie Elliott, Ph.B., '85, Registrar, Stanford Univ., Calif. Herbert Charles Elmer, '83, Prof, of Latin, Cornell. ♦James Strode Elston, '11, Teacher of Mathematics, Cascadilla School, Ithaca. Fred William Ely, '90, 521 Massachusetts Ave., Buffalo. ♦Rosalie Cecile Eschenbrenner, '13, 828 Quincey St., Brooklyn. Beatrice Eschner, '10, with The Consumers' League, 2004 N. Park Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Clarence Houghton Esty, '76, Addington Road, Brookline, Mass. Austin Patterson Evans, '11, Asst. in Medieval History, Cornell. Mildred Evans, '11, 1847 Willington St., Philadelphia, Pa. THETA OF NEW YORK 23 *Mary Anita Ewer, '12, Sodus. Jessie Redmona Fauset, '05, 1812 13th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Fritz Fernow, '09, 16 Admiral Road, Toronto, Canada. Frank Sydney Fielder, Ph.B., '89, 1 West 81st St., New York. William Albert Finch, '80. D. in Brooklyn March 31, 1912. George Egbert Fisher, '87, Prof, of Mathematics and Dean of the College Faculty, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. *Willard Clark Fisher, '88, Prof, of Economics and Social Science, Wes- leyan Univ., Middletown, Conn. Mary Ransom Fitzpatrick, '93, Principal of Public School No. 59, Brooklyn. Frances Elizabeth Holeman Flint. See Mrs. Frances F. Dean. William Hasty Flint, '74, Yucaipa, Calif. Joseph Benson Foraker, '69, Traction Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. John Ford, '90, County Court Houses New York. Herbert Latham Fordham, Ph.B., '94, 111 Broadway, New York. Mrs. Emma Eastman Foster, Ph.B., '73, 23 School St., Watertown, Mass. William Silliman Foster, '08 (1909), Asst. in Psychology, Cornell. ^ -^ Charles Sumner Fowler, '88, 165 Broadway, New York. .' f Mrs. Anna Barrett Fox, Ph.B., '93, 262 Delaware Ave., Buffalo. j John Frankenheimer, Ph.B., '73, 25 Broad St., New York. ■: 'Mm *Nora Blanding Eraser, '07, 16 N. Coalter St., Staunton, Va. Eugene Frayer, '76, 323 W. 104th St., New York. William Alley Frayer, '03 (1909), Instructor in History, Univ. of Michi- gan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Abraham Abbey Freedlander, '05, 205 Glenwood Ave., Buffalo. *Janet Ray Frisch, '12, 144 Schenectady Ave., Brooklyn. Ada Catherine Fritts, '04, 145 Bullman St., Phillipsburg, N. J. '. *Ethel Doreen Frost, '11, The Gilbert Cottage, Elizabethtown. Raymond Henry Fuller, '11, Asst. in American History, Cornell. *Herbert Hume Gadsby, '86, Drury High School, North Adams, Mass. William Wallace Gail, '05, 802 Cache la Poudre, Colorado Springs, Colo. Benjamin Strauss Galland, '10, 78 N. Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. William John Gardinier, Ph.B., '93, 437 Prospect St., Herkimer. Charles Robert Gaston, Ph.B., '96, Teacher of English, Richmond Hill H. S., New York. John Sedgwick Gay, '01, 3 Prospect St., Seneca Falls. Mrs. Myrta Goodenough Genung, '96, Worcester. Emma Louise George, '06, 149 Madison Ave., Flushing. Edward Henry Germann, '05. D. in Brooklyn Jan. 7, 1906. Roswell Clifton Gibbs, '06, Asst. Prof, of Physics, Cornell. Kasson Stanford Gibson, '12, Norwich. ♦Allan H. Gilbert, '09, Instructor in English, Cornell. Emma Large Gilbert. See Mrs. Emma G. Shorey. Laura May Gildner, '06, 1425 Broadway, New York. George Washington Gillette, Ph.B., '77. D. Dec. 12, 1904. *William Henry Glasson, Ph.B., '96, Prof, of Political Economy, Trinity College, and Editor of The South Atlantic Quarterly, Durham, N. C. James Eraser Gluck, '74. D. in New York Dec. 15, 1897. 24 PHI BETA KAPPA Alice Goddard. See Mrs. Alice G. West. Myrta Lillian Goodenough. See Mrs. Myrta G, Genung. Harold Plympton Goodnow, '95, 5328 Calumet Ave., Chicago, 111. Melvin Biggs Goodwin, '08, 904 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa. Arthur Gordon, '04 (1909), Assistant Professor of the Romance Lan- guages and Literatures, Cornell. James Henry Gould, '00. D. at Flushing March 26, 1905. Mrs. Susan Moses Graham, '03, Chapel Hill, N. C. Susan Philippa Graham, '04, New Rochelle H. S.; Fulton. Arthur Hastings Grant, Ph.D., '87, 339 Bay Way North, Elizabeth, N. J. Edith Grant, Ph.B., '82, 534 Madison Ave., New York. "^Helen Sayre Gray, '96, Box 692, Station E., Portland, Ore. Albert Rowland Greene, '70. D. at Warwick, R. L, Jan. 27, 1901. Mrs. Amy Jennings Greene, '99, Panama. Antoinette Greene, '06 (1909), Associate Prof, of English and English Literature, Elmira College, Elmira. Heber Emlyn Griffith, '11, Asst. in Economics, Cornell. Elsie Lindsay Gwyn, '09, Mary Baldwin Sem., Staunton, Va. Percy Hagerman, Ph.B., '90, 1306 Wood St., Colorado Springs, Colo. James Augustus Haight, '79, 828 Broadway, Seattle, Wash. Mabel Hale, '02, Teacher of Latin, The Baldwin School, Bryn Mawr, Pa. *James Parker Hall, '94, Dean of the School of Law, University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. Samuel Dumont Halliday, '70. D. at Ithaca Oct. 2, 1907. Reuben William Hamlet, '11, Sheridan. ^ Thomas Hampson, B.Lit., '74. D. at Washington, D. C, April 23, 1888. Georgia Elma Harkness, '12, Harkness. Ada May Harrington, '12, 762 Putnam Ave., Brooklyn. Clarence Owen Harris, '98, Prof, of Greek and Latin, Illinois College, Jack- sonville, 111. George William Harris, Ph.B., '73, Librarian, Cornell. ♦Gilbert Dennison Harris, Ph.B., '86, Prof, of Paleontology and Strati- graphic Geology, Cornell. Joseph Porter Harris, '01, care N. W. Harris & Co., 602 Cuyahoga Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Lena Harris, '01, 1990 Seventh Ave., New York. Rollin Arthur Harris, Ph.B., '85, 49th and Albany Sts., Washington, D. C. James Morgan Hart, Princeton '60, Prof, of English, Emeritus, Cornell. ♦Carrie Zoe Hartman, '08, 115 S. Sixth St., Livingston, Mont. Flora Madge Hartman, '09, 9557 Howard Court, Longwood, Chicago, 111. Henry Crane Hasbrouck, '04, Confidential Sec'y to the Chairman, Public Service Com., 2d District of New York; Peoples Ave. and Twelfth St., Troy. *Royal Storrs Haynes, '99, Instructor in Diseases of Women and Children, Columbia Univ.; 267 W. 79th St., New York. *Mary Stearns Heffenger, '10, Portsmouth, N. H. ♦Stella Heilbrunn, '11, 331 McDonough St., Brooklyn. Gertrude Clapp Hemingway, '07, 805 N. J St., Tacoma, Wash. Louise Hempstead, '00, 660 N. Main St., Meadville, Pa. THETA OF NEW YORK 25 Mrs. Sarah Pearson Herzburg, '93, Claverack. Harriet Heyl. See Mrs. Harriet H. Gary, Vesta Vernon Heywood. See Mrs. Vesta H. Milliken. Elijah Clarence Hills, '92, Prof, of Romance Languages, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colo. Pauline Eshner Hirsh, '09, 1844 N. 16th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Jessica May Hitchcock, '97, 5 Grove Place, Ithaca. Helen Elizabeth Hoag, '94, Assoc. Prof, of Latin, Mt. Holyoke College, So. Hadley, Mass. *Mrs. Anna Moon Hodder, '91, 1115 Louisiana St., Lawrence, Kan. *Ruth Bertha Hoffsten, '10, Teacher of Latin, Girls' H. S., Philadelphia, Pa. Fox Holden, '72, North Lansing. *Clinton Thomas Horton, '98, 906 D. S. Morgan Bldg., Buffalo. Mildred Alice Horton, '11, Whitehall." Queenie Northrop Horton. See Mrs. Queenie N. H. Sailor. Sarah Blanche Houston, '12, 160 Third St., Beaver, Pa. Bertha Howell. See Mrs. Bertha H. Mailly. Arthur Charles Howland, '93, Prof, of Medieval History, Univ. of Pennsyl- vania, Philadelphia, Pa. William Ballard Hoyt, Ph.B., '81, 841 Delaware Ave., Buffalo. *Tunfu Hu, '10, Wusieh, China. Mrs. Jessie Bunting Huestis, '94, 279 Highland Ave., Buffalo. Charles Roland Hugins, '11, 610 E. Seneca St., Ithaca. ♦Charles Henry Hull, Ph.B., '86, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and Professor of American History, Cornell. Ida Lucena Hull, Ph.B., '97, 43 Hawkins St., Boston, Mass. Mrs. Florence Yost Humphries, Ph.B., '88, 310 York Ave., Towanda, Pa. John Henry Humphries, B.Lit., '83, 310 York Ave., Towanda, Pa. Myrta Eleanor Hunn, '99, Winona Lake, Ind. Helen Pollock Hutchinson, '12, 924 W. State St., Trenton, N. J. Florence Dora Ingham, '05, 302 College Ave., Ithaca. Mrs. Julia Thomas Irvine, '75, care Munroe & Co., Rue Scribe, Paris, France. Eugene Jackson, '09, 453 Decatur St., Brooklyn. Joseph Moore Jameson, Ph.B., '93, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn. Amy Jacqueline Jennings. See Mrs. Amy J. Greene. *Harold Manson Jennings, '13, Cincinnatus. Henry Clark Johnson, '73. D. in New York May 10, 1904. Laura Katherine Johnson, '10, 45 Park Ave., Auburn. Alfred Harrison Jones, '07 (1910), Instructor in Philosophy, Cornell. Jane Louise Jones, '12, Poultney, Vt. Loring DeLacy Jones, '09, 1054 Bergen St., Brooklyn. Raymond Watson Jones, '05, Instructor in German, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H. Mary Douglass Judd. See Mrs. Mary D. J. Mann. Katherine Berry Judson, '04, Public Library, Seattle, Wash. Arthur William Herman Kaiser, Ph.B., '92. D. at El Paso, Texas, Dec. 9, 1894. 26 PHI BETA KAPPA Agnes Marie Kalmbach, '11, S. E. Corner Marvine and Norris Sts., Phila- delphia, Pa. Mrs. Florence Molthrop Kelley, B.Lit., '82, 105 E. 22d St., New York. Robert James Kellogg, '91, Prof, of Modern Languages, Milliken Univ., Decatur, 111. Horace Milton Kennedy, B.Lit., '74. D. at Oneida April 24, 1885. John Curtis Kennedy, '07, 4630 Gross Ave., Chicago, 111. Henry Thomas Kent, Jr., '08, Burmont, Pa. Ralph Sherlock Kent, '02, 917 Chamber of Commerce, Buffalo. *Mrs. Anne Morse Kerr, '89. D. at El Paso, Tex., Sept. 16, 1894. Anna Elsa Kirchner, '07,^ 108 W. Sharpnack St., Germantown, Pa. *Freda Kiso, '09, 195 N. Henry St., Brooklyn. *Anna Schubert Kleegman, '13, 40 E. 98th St., New York. John Frederick Klein, '12, 433 E. 145th St., New York. Claude William Klock, '00, Teacher of Latin and History, Eastern District H. S., Brooklyn; 123 Elmwood St., Woodhaven. John R. Knipfing, '10, 58 Alabama Ave., Brooklyn. Daniel Chauncey Knowlton, '98, 168th St. and Tinton Ave., New York. Mrs. Elizabeth Parry Kraatz, '01, R. D. 1, Brighton. *Charles Clifford Kuh, '13, 1212 Sterling Place, Brooklyn. .John Llewelyn Kuschke, '09, Instructor in Modern Languages, Collegiate School, New York. Benjamin Kuykendall, Jr., Ph.B., '87, 210 Second St., Towanda, Pa. *Carlton Eastman Ladd, Ph.B., '93, 159 Highland Ave., Buffalo. Mary Holman Ladd, '75, 407 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass. Jerome Barker Landfield, '94, Crocker Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. *Mary Corwin Lane, '98, The High School, Flushing. Ida Langdon, Bryn Mawr '03 (1911), Reader in English, Bryn Mawr Col- lege, Bryn Mawr, Pa. George Andrew Larkin, '00, Clean. John Kasson Lathrop, '94, Minnewaska. Antoinette Lawrence, Ph.B., '89, 391 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn. ♦Florence Daisy Lefferts, '03, 12 Place St., Gloversville. Ignace Hart Levinson, '10, 1101 Gates Ave., Brooklyn. Joseph Alexander Lindquist, '89. D. near Huntington, Ind., April 5, 1894. Erma Campbell Lindsay, '11, 269 Payne Ave., North Tonawanda. *Ernst Gustav Lorenzen, Ph.B., '98, Prof, of Law, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. *Lingard Loud, '12, 309 Norwood Ave., Buffalo. *Anne Louise Loudon, '07, Upper Troy. Edith Taylor Loux, '10, 5235 Catherine St., Philadelphia, Pa. Herbert Marlow Lovell, '87, 405 Robinson Bldg., Elmira. *Elias Avery Loew, '02, 15 E. 99th St., New York. William Edward Lucas, Ph.B., '77, 1531 Railway Exchange Bldg., Chicago, 111. Mildred S. McArthur, '08 (1909), Instructor in German, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. 1 Elected as of the class of 1906 ; completed her course in three years. THETA OF NEW YORK 27 Mary Elizabeth Macauley, '98, 19 Pinnacle Road, Rochester. *James McCall, '85, Bath. Mariana McCaiilley, '12, 3130 N. Camac St., Philadelphia, Pa. Edith Florence McCully, '12, 13 Van Buren St., Brooklyn. Willis Gaylord McDowell, '76. D. at Syracuse Jan. 26, 1908. Nannie Witherspoon McFarland, '12, Broad St., Sumter, S. C. DeWitt Hiram McGraw, '83, 3 Chenango St., Binghamton. "Vera May McGrew, '11, New Athens, Ohio. Marguerite Eileen McGuire, '12, 167 Himrod St., Brooklyn. Joseph Vance McKelvey, '06 (1909), Instructor in Mathematics, Cornell. George Harley McKnight, '92, Prof, of English, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. *Ross Hanlin McLean, '11, Asst. in English History, Cornell. James McMahon, Dublin '81, Professor of Mathematics, Cornell. Cornelia Aurora McMaster, '10, 176 Chestnut St., Rochester. Mrs. Bertha Howell Mailly, Ph.B., '94, 112 E. 19th St., New York. Mrs. Mary Douglass Judd Mann, '04, 410 Dryden Road, Ithaca. Harry Wheeler Martin, '06, The Horace Mann School, New York. Mattie Alexander Martin. See Mrs. Mattie M. Burr. *Vojta Frank Mashek, '89, Vice-Pres. Pilsen Lumber Co., 2201 Laflin St., Chicago, 111. ♦Grace Elna Merrick, '13, Homer. Hiram John Messenger, B.Lit., '80, Travelers Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn. Rachel E. Meyer. See Mrs. Rachel M. Bendix. Emma Adams Miller, '07, Union Bldg., Washington, D. C. Ransford Stevens Miller, Jr., '88, State Dept., Washington, D. C. Herbert Eugene Millholen, Ph.B., '89, 195 Broadway, New York. Mrs. Vesta Heywood Milliken, '97, 319A 20th Ave., N., Seattle, Wash. Rhoda Grace Mix, '09, 11 Church St., Cortland. Edmund Judson Moffat, B.Lit., '79. D. at Denver, Colo., April 6, 1899. Karen Elise Monrad, '07, care Karl J. Monrad, Armour & Co. Laboratories, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. Benton Sullivan Monroe, '96, Asst, Prof, of English, Cornell. Elmon L. Monroe, '84, Columbus, Pa. Anna Florence Moon. See Mrs. Anna M. Hodder. William Everett Moore, '12, 241 Monroe St., Brooklyn. Bertha Louise Morgan, '11, Scholar in Archeology and Comparative Phi- lology, Cornell. ♦Frank Millett Morgan, '09, Asst. in Mathematics, Cornell. Thomas Wenceslaus Morrisey, '00, Caledonia. Anne Elizabeth Morse. See Mrs. Anne M. Kerr. Susan Williams Moses. See Mrs. Susan M. Graham. John R. Mott, Ph.B., '88, 124 E. 28th St., New York. Fayette Ehle Moyer, Ph.B., '96, DeWitt Clinton H. S., New York. ♦Isadore Gilbert Mudge, Ph.B., '97, Librarian, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. ♦Edith Josephine Munsell, '10, 229 BrinckerhofiE Ave., Utica. 28 PHI BETA KAPPA ♦Chester Murray, '99, Asst. Prof, of Romance Languages, The Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. Lucy Murray. See Mrs. Lucy M. Barto. *Lucia Birdsall Musson. See Mrs. Lucia M. Chamberlin. Fritz Andrew Nagel, '12, 2335 Stout St., Denver, Colo. Marvin Nathan, '00, 2213 N. Natrona St., Philadelphia, Pa. Lewis Edwin Neff, '12, 40 Park St., Walton. *Morris Neifeld, '13, 163 Bay 34th St., Bensonhurst, L. I. Ruth Augusta Nelson. See Mrs. Ruth N. Wetzel. *May Childs Nerney, '02, The Library, Newark, N. J. Benjamin Haff Newell, '93, 45 Cedar St., New York. Irene Campbell Newhouse. 'See Mrs. Irene N. Noyes. Ida Ethelstone Nightingale, '10, 9 Decatur St., Brooklyn. Mary Normile, '01, Girls' H. S., Brooklyn. Clark Sutherland Northup, '93, Asst. Prof, of English, Cornell. Algernon Sidney Norton, '86, 2567 Broadway, New York. Francis Leonard Norton, '92. D. at Blacksburg, S. C, March 18, 1895. Frederick William Noyes, Ph.B., '76, Dansville. ♦George Wallingford Noyes, '92, Kenwood. Mrs. Irene Newhouse Noyes, '95, Kenwood. ♦Mrs. Mabel Reid Nussey, '00, 21 The Terrace, Spalding, England. James Cyril O'Brien, '10, Sec'y to the Dean, Coll. of Arts and Sciences, Cornell. Philip Ogden, '91, Prof, of Romance Languages, The Univ. of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. Albert Ten Eyck Olmstead, '02, Asst. Prof, of Ancient History, The Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. Henry Collier Olmsted, '85, 501 Savings Bank Bldg., Binghamton. ♦Margaret Otis, '93, Prof, of Psychology and Greek, Wells College, Aurora. Anna Maria Paddock. See Mrs. Anna P. Wing. Elnora May Palmer. See Mrs. Elnora P. Dunlap. Anna Helene Palmie, Ph.B., '90, The College for Women, Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, Ohio. Elizabeth Parry. See Mrs. E. P. Kraatz. Charles Henry Parshall, '89, Sioux Falls, S. D. ♦Charles Wesley Darwin Parsons, '97, 1215 Ridge Ave., Evanston, 111. Winifred Llewellyn Paskett, '07, Bound Brook (N. J.) H. S.; Palmyra. Henry Jay Patten, Ph.B., '84, 220 Western Union Bldg., Chicago, 111. ♦John Calder Pearson, '03, 10831 Olivet Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Sarah Pearson. See Mrs. Sarah P. Herzburg. Mildred Alice Peck, '12, Southampton. Hannah Sharpless Pennell, '06, Westtown, Pa. Charles Perrine, '93, Manual Training High School, Brooklyn. Leroy Levi Perrine, '00, care Haskins & Sells, 30 Broad St., New York. Ervin Louis Phillips, '91, Captain of Cavalry, U. S. Army, War Dept., Washington, D. C. Mary Merrill Pitcher, '79, 616 N. Aurora St., Ithaca. THETA OF NEW YORK 29 Ira Adalbert Place, '81, Vice-Pres. N. Y. Central and Hudson River R. R. Co., New York. Mrs. Gertrude Clark Powell, '95, care Citrous Protective League, Los An- geles, Calif. Sara Davis Provost, '09, 191 Grace Church St., Port Chester. Louise Margarita Puig, '01, 40A Hampton Place, Brooklyn. Adolphus Lafayette Rader, Ph.B., '72, 1116 Delaware Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Charles Henry Rammelkamp, Ph.B., '96, Pres. Illinois College, Jackson- ville, 111. John Andrew Rea, '69, Tacoma, Wash. Bertha Prichard Reed, '91, 704 Congregational House, 14 Beacon St., Bos- ton, Mass. Nellie Marie Reed. See Mrs. Nellie R. Burnett. Mabel Douglass Reid. See Mrs. Mabel R. Nussey. Charles Myron Rexford, '78, 10 Massey Ave., Watertown. ♦Ezra Pierce Reynolds, '94, 91 Erie Co. Savings Bank Bldg., Buffalo. James Irving Reynolds, '00, Boys' H. S., Brooklyn. Leonard Jesse Reynolds, '00, Phenix Bldg., 16 Court St., Brooklyn. Rev. Dudley Ward Rhodes, '69, 2047 Auburn Ave., Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, Ohio. Mrs. Ethel Elliott Rhodes, '05, Etna. ♦Frederick Adolph Rice, '08,^ with Ginn & Co., 717 Market St., San Fran- cisco, Calif. ♦Harry Ames Richards, '08, 145 E. 149th St., New York. William Carrington Richardson, '99, Manual Training H. S., Brooklyn. Ernest Henry Riedel, '02 (1909), Instructor in Latin, The Univ. of Mis- souri, Columbia, Mo. Raleigh Schuyler Rife, Doane '09 (1912), Crete, Neb. ♦Margaret Hallowell Riggs, '10, 3624 Baring St., Philadelphia, Pa. Mary Louise Robbins, Ph.B., '91, 1804 Wyoming Ave., Washington, D. C. Edith Pierce Roberts, '12, 86 Cochituate St., Saxonville, Mass. Mrs. Emma Sellew Roberts, '77, 424 DuQuesne Way, Pittsburgh, Pa. Floy Howell Roberts, '08, 418 Cascadilla St., Ithaca. Mary Elizabeth B. Roberts. See Mrs. Mary R. Coolidge. John Clement Robertshaw, '04, 586 Maple St., Elmira. Minnie Aucelia Robertson, Ph.B., '96, Cherry Creek. George Frederick Rogalsky, '07, care N. W. Halsey & Co., 49 Wall St., New York. Agnes Adelaide Rogers, Ph.B., '88, 87 Prince St., Rochester. William Woolard Rogers, '05, Boys' H. S., Brooklyn. Harold Joseph Roig, '07, 27 William St., New York. Helen Isabel Root, '96, Port Byron. Frederick William Rope, '04, 208 Woodward Ave., Buffalo. Eva Winifred Rorty, '09, 19 Beacon St., Middletown. Mabel Estey Rose, '00, 950 Marcy Ave., Brooklyn. Joseph Rosenbaum, Ph.B., Yale '07 (1912), New Haven, Conn. Earle Dudley Ross, Syracuse '09 (1912), Smithboro. ^Elected as of the class of 1909 ; completed his course in three years. 30 PHI BETA KAPPA Clara Gertrude Rowley, Ph.B., '97, 278 Alexander St., Rochester. *Kennedy Furlong Rubert, '90, 15 John St., Owego. *Minchen Rusack, '12, 204 Grandview Ave., Catskill. Sarah Jackson Russel, B.Lit., '79, 179 N. Broadway, Yonkers. William Channing Russel, Jr., '80, The Record, Philadelphia, Pa. Ernest Emory Russell, Ph.B., '84. D. at El Paso, Texas, March 31, 1904. Isaac Howard Russell, Ph.B., '86, North East, Pa. James Earl Russell, '87, Dean of Teachers College, Columbia, New York. William Fletcher Russell, '10, R. F. D. 1, Peekskill. ♦George Arlin Ruyter, '88. D. at St. Armand, Quebec, Can., July 19, 1890. *George Holland Sabine, '03, Asst. Prof, of Philosophy, Stanford Univ., Calif. *Mrs. Winifred Sprague Sabine, '04, Stanford Univ., Calif. Felix Sachs, '12, 1546 Myrtle Ave., Brooklyn. Henry Woodward Sackett, '75, 154 Nassau St., New York. Mrs. Queenie Northrop Horton Sailor, '09, 6111 Washington Blvd., Oak Park, 111. Robert Warren Sailor, '07, 6111 Washington Blvd., Oak Park, 111. Robert Eugene Samuels, '08, 1116 Van Buren St., Brooklyn. Frederick Palen Schoonmaker, '91, City Hall, Bradford, Pa. *Glendon Austin Schubert, '13, 48 Stone St., Oneida. Jacob Gould Schurman, London '77, President of Cornell. Edson Aloysius Hamilton Scofield, '73, 549 So. Broadway, Los Angeles, Calif. Florence Corinne Seeley, B.Lit., '85, 8 Joslyn Park, Rochester. ♦Henry George Seipp, '11, 88th St. and Dahlgren Park, Brooklyn. ♦Rachel Selecter, '10, 323 S. Sixth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Emma Jane Sellew. See Mrs. Emma S. Roberts. Mary Edward Shanly, '06, 165 Madison Ave., Flushing. Amelia Shapleigh, '91, West Lebanon, Me. ♦Maud Miriam Sheldon, '10, Teacher of Latin and German, Bolton H. S. ♦Isabel Shepard, '10, Honeoye Falls. ♦Vera Louise Shepherd, '05, 1614 Arch St., Little Rock, Ark. Helen Olga Shollenberger, '11, Girls' High School, Philadelphia, Pa. ♦Mrs. Emma Gilbert Shorey, '90, 5516 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, 111. ♦Mrs. Ruth Bentley Shreve, '02, Euclid Ave., Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y. Seward Adams Simonds, '79, 812 Security Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. ♦Harriet Margaretta Thompson Skerrett, '12, 1705 Wallace St., Philadel- phia, Pa. Melita Hamilton Skillen, '11, 407 W. Sullivan St., Clean. Emma Frances Skinner, '08. D. at Rochester, Sept. 30, 1910. Mrs. Bertha Alexander Smith, '01, 442 Sanguinet St., Montreal, Can. ♦Charlotte Smith, Ph.B., '85, 194 Joralemon St., Brooklyn. Clara Maria Smith. See Mrs. Clara S. Blood. Donald Eugene Smith, '01, Asst. Prof, of History and Geography, The Univ. of California, Berkeley, Calif. ♦Florence May Smith, '07, Trumansburg. Goldwin Smith, Oxford '45. D. at The Grange, Toronto, Canada, June 7, 1910. THETA OF NEW YORK 31 Jacob George Smith, '03, 405 Emerson Ave., Syracuse. Lucy Gilson Smith, '04, 257 W. Third St., Oswego. Rufus Daniel Smith, '07, The Associated Charities, Montreal, Canada. Theobald Smith, Ph.B., '81, Prof, of Comparative Pathology, Harvard Medical College; Forest Hills, Boston, Mass. William Hazlitt Smith, '73, 116 Oak Ave., Ithaca. Florence Krum Snyder, '12, Box 265, Schoharie. *Sarah Frances Southwick, '02, San Ysidro, Calif. ♦Alice Marilla Southworth, Ph.B., '96, 253 S. Ninth St., Mt. Vernon. *Claire Louise Southworth, '08, Mineola. Bessie Frances Speed, '06, 911 E. State St., Ithaca. *Emma Romelia Speed, '11, 911 E. State St., Ithaca. Andrew Spencer, Ph.B., '88, Milford. Mary Winifred Sprague. See Mrs. Winifred S. Sabine. ♦Henry Clay Stanclift, Ph.B., '89, Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, la. Elizabeth Alice Steer, '12, Brookside Ave., Menands, Albany. Harold Montelle Stephens, '09, 580 Broadway, Paterson, N. J. *Mary Mosby Stephens, '13, Cambria, Va. Bessie Cleveland Stern, '09, 580 Broadway, Paterson, N. J. *Jeanette Amalie Stern, '10, 580 Broadway, Paterson, N. J. *Edward Livingston Stevens, Jr., '99, Tribune Building, New York. Stoddard More Stevens, Ph.B., '85, 321 W. Thomas St., Rome. Christina Mills Stivers, '11, 62 Highland Ave., Middletown. Imogen Stone, '03, Newcomb College, Tulane Univ., New Orleans, La. ♦Margaret Atwell Stone, '09, 116 Ferris Place, Ithaca. Mrs. Anne Butler Sturgis, '02, 404 Stewart Ave., Ithaca. Caroline Harder Swartout, '92, Morris H. S., New York. Charles August Taussig, '02, 220 Broadway, New York. Harry Leonard Taylor, '88, City and County Hall, Buffalo. Harry Leroy Taylor, '98, Hamburg. Mary Snyder Taylor, '02, Leonia, N. J. Perry Post Taylor, Ph.B., '89, 1645 Pierce Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. James Percy Templeman, Bridgewater '07 (1912), Clarksburg, W. Va. Mary Rebecca Thayer, '08 (1912), Fellow in English, Cornell Univ. Julia Josephine Thomas. See Mrs. Julia T. Irvine. Martha Cary Thomas, '77, Pres. of Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Kennington Leaning Thompson, '00, Principal Public School No. 11, Jersey City, N. J. Vera Mae Thompson, '00, 155 Hamilton St., Albany. Charles Monroe Thorp, Ph.B., '84, 821 Frick Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. Jessie Boulton Thorp, B.Lit., '83, 326 Maple Ave., Edgewood Park, Pa. ♦Charles Herbert Thurber, Ph.B., '86, care Ginn & Co., Boston, Mass. ♦Harland Bryant Tibbetts, '04, 37 Wall St., New York. Daniel James Tompkins, Ph.B., '75, 111 Broadway, New York. Eliza Tonks, '03, 1331 Columbia Road, Washington, D. C. Esther Toor, '10, 708 St. Paul St., Rochester. ♦Lucy Pansy Torrance, '99. D. at Gowanda Sept. 8, 1899. ♦Stiles Albert Torrance, '94, 100 Washington Square, New York. 32 FHl BETA KAPPA Edward Candee Townsend, '93, 1009 Harrison Ave., Olympia, Wash. Lewis Henry Tuthill, '84, Principal of Public School No. 16, Brooklyn. John Raymond Tuttle, Stanford '09 (1911), Fellow in Philosophy, Cornell. Elizabeth McJimsey Tyng, '03, Teacher of Latin, Packer Collegiate Insti- tute, Brooklyn. Frank Parker Ufford, Ph.B., '96, 501 W. 113th St., New York. ♦Elizabeth Undritz, '11, Fellow in Germanic Languages, Cornell. Elizabeth Hacker Valentine, '02, 99 Madison Ave., New York. Lizzie Edith Van Denburgh, '10, Charlton. Walter August Verwiebe, '11, Instructor in Geology, Cornell. Arthur Ludwig Karl Volkmann, '78, 415 Newbury St., Boston, Mass. *William Cantwell Frank Thorpe Vreeland, '13, World Bldg., New York. Mary Violet Waite, '05 (1909), 17 Lansing Ave., Troy. Arthur Cooper Wakeley, B.Lit., '78, National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Alma Tiedemann Waldie '08, 46 E. Washington Lane, Germantown, Pa. Sara Catharine Walsh, '10, 2318 Seneca St., Buffalo. Nora Louise Warner, '02, Box 102, Glendale, Calif. George Pendleton Watkins, '99, Public Service Com., Tribune Bldg., New York. ♦Louise Electa Watrous, '04, R. F. D. 1, Montrose, Pa.; Elmira College, Elmira. Avice Mcintosh Watt. See Mrs. Avice W. Whiton. Homer Andrew Watt, '06, Instructor in English, The Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. ♦Harrison Ray Weaver, '09, 418 Classon Ave., Brooklyn. ♦Henry Earle Weaver, '08, Asst. to the Registrar, Cornell. Adna Ferrin Weber, Ph.B., '94, Chief Statistician Public Service Commis- :;ion, 1st District; 464 Elm Ave., Richmond Hill. Oscar Dillwyn Weed, '84, 160 Broadway, New York. ♦Victor Herman Werner, '12, 2592 Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn. Mrs. Alice Goddard West, '81, 4 Homestead Ave., Worcester, Mass. Mrs. Ruth Nelson Wetzel, Ph.B., '97, 505 W. 142d St., New York. Frank Curtis Whitney, '80, 211 S. Fourth St., N. Yakima, Wash. Mrs. Avice Watt Whiton, '04, 472 E. 16th St., Brooklyn. Mary Anna Widman. See Mrs. Mary W. Bronson. Royal Edwards Wilbur, Ph.B., '87, 61 S St., N.W., Washington, D. C. Gladys Willard, '98, Girls' H. S., Brooklyn. Charles Spencer Williams, '98, Supt. of Schools, Hudson. Roger Henry Williams, Ph.B., '95, 31 W. 12th St., New York. Charles Bundy Wilson, '84, Prof, of German, Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, la. ♦Mrs. Margaret Boynton Windsor, Ph.B., '95, 704 S. Lincoln Ave., Urbana, 111. Mrs. Anna Paddock Wing, B.Lit., '86. D. at Palo Alto, Calif., Jan. 30, 1905. George Tayloe Winston, B.Lit., '74, Asheville, N. C. Edith May Wolfe, '03, Boulder, Mont. George Morris Wolfson, '11, 322 87th St., New York. Romeyn Wormuth, '01, Port Leyden. Thomas Worthington, Jr., Ph.B., '73, Jacksonville, 111. THETA OF NEW YORK 33 Jesse Erwin Wrench, '06, Instructor in History, The Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. ♦Ellsworth David Wright, '87, Prof, of Latin, Lawrence College, Appletou, Wis. Florence Lincoln Yost. See Mrs. Florence Y. Humphries. Letitia Eloise Young, '97, 149 Adams St., Rochester. Lou E. Young, '98, 35 Prospect St., Gloversville. Wesley Daniel Zinnecker, Ph.B., German Wallace College '03 (1911), in- structor in German, Cornell. Mabel Ford Yeomans, '07, Oxford. Elected by Other Chapters. Note. — The following list contains the names of most of the persons elected by other chapters who have at any time been members of the Theta of New York. The list is probably incomplete, because of imperfect records; the compiler has tried to make it as full and accurate as possible, and will be grateful for additions and corrections. Charles Kendall Adams, Michigan '61. D. at Redlands, Calif., July 26, 1902. Ernest Albee, Vermont '87, Prof, of Philosophy, Cornell. Joseph Allen, Harvard '92, Asst. Prof, of Mathematics, Coll. City of New York, New York. Albert LeRoy Andrews, Williams '99, Instructor in German and Scandi- navian, Cornell. Elisha Benjamin Andrews, Brown '70, Chancellor of the Univ. of Nebraska, Emeritus, 1848 Prospect St., Lincoln, Neb. Rev. Charles Babcock, Union '47, Prof, of Architecture, Emeritus, Cornell. Rev. Elmer James Bailey, Ph.B., Rochester '94, Instructor in English, Cornell. Alvin Lester Barton, Chicago '00, Hinsdale, 111. John Bauer, Yale '06, Asst. Prof, of Economics, Cornell. Frederick Bedell, Yale '89, Prof, of Applied Electricity, Cornell. Charles Edwin Bennett, Brown '78, Prof, of Latin, Cornell. Charles Ernest Bennett, Amherst '05, Instructor in Latin, Amherst College, Amherst, Mass. Madison Bentley, Nebraska '95, Asst. Prof, of Psychology, Cornell. Eleanor Bertine, Vassar '08, 157 W. 122d St., New York. Mary Katharine Birch, Ph.B., DePauw '99, Greencastle, Ind. Mrs. Harriot Stanton Blatch, Vassar '78, 99 Madison Ave., New York. Albert Wilhelm Boesche, Hamilton '97, Asst. Prof, of German, Cornell. Julian Pleasant Bretz, Chicago '06, Prof, of American History, Cornell. Grace Hannah Brewster, Kansas '96, 716 Herkimer St., Pasadena, Calif. George Prentice Bristol, Hamilton '76, Prof, of Greek and Director of the Summer Session and of the School of Education, Cornell. Frank Melville Bronson, Brown '84, Prof, of Greek, Morgan Park Acad., Chicago, 111. Fred Clark Gallup Bronson, Yale '92. D. at Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 13, 1906. Walter Cochrane Bronson, Brown '87, Prof, of English Literature, Brown, Providence, R. I. M PHI BETA KAJPPA Leslie Nathan Broughtoii, Union '00, Instructor in English, Cornell. George Griswold Brower, Syracuse '87, Teacher of Mathematics, Cascadilla School, Ithaca. Arthur Wesley Browne, Wesleyan '00, Prof, of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Cornell. Francis Marion Burdick, Hamilton '69, Prof, of Law, Columbia, New York. Frank Pores Bussell, Colgate '01, 636 21st St., San Diego, Calif. Walter Buckingham Carver, Dickinson '99, Asst. Prof, of Mathematics, Cornell. Mrs. Helen Honor TunniclifE Catterall, Vassar '89, 5 Central Ave., Ithaca. Ralph Charles Henry Catterall, Chicago '02, Prof, of Modern European History, Cornell. Clement Dexter Child, Rochester '90, Prof, of Physics, Colgate University, Hamilton. Mrs, Catherine Suydam Clark, Vassar '90, Point Pleasant, N. J. Helen Maude Clarke, Kansas '03, Instructor in Correspondence Study, Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. John Augustus Cleveland, Williams '01, Saginaw Valley Traction Co., Bay City, Mich. Theodore Frelinghuysen Collier, Hamilton '94, Buffalo. Charles Avery Collin, Yale '66, 5 Nassau St., New York. George Tilden Colman, Williams '08, 14 Gates Circle, Buffalo. William Wistar Comfort, Haverford '94, Professor of the Romance Lan- guages and Literatures, Cornell. Elizabeth Conrow, Swarthmore '94, 235 Lefferts Ave., Richmond Hill. Lane Cooper, Rutgers '96, Asst. Prof, of English, Cornell. James Ray Craighead, Williams '95, 39 Hough Ave., Schenectady. Kirk Peter Crandall, Hamilton '69. D. at Ithaca April 5, 1910. Frederic Cutts, Wesleyan '93, 294 Wayland Ave., Providence, R. I. Hans H. Dalaker, Minnesota '02, Asst. Prof, of Mathema'tics, Univ. of Min- nesota, Minneapolis, Minn. Benton Dales, Nebraska '97, Prof, of Chemistry, Univ. of Nebraska, Lin- coln, Neb. Charles Loomis Dana, Dartmouth '72, Prof, of Diseases of the Nervous System, Cornell Med. Coll., New York. Lucy May Day, Mt. Holyoke '08, West Newton, Mass. Thomas G. Delbridge, Union '03, 6605 Greenway Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Louis Monroe Dennis, Michigan '85, Prof, of Inorganic Chemistry, Cornell. Alexander Duane, Union '78, 49 E. 30th St., New York. Alice May Durand, Oberlin '06, 2614 Woodley Place, Washington, D. C. Louis Dyer, Harvard '74. D. at Oxford, England, July 20, 1908. Charles Eugene Edgerton, Hamilton '82, Bureau of Corporations, Washing- ton, D. C. Homer James Edmiston, Nebraska '92, care Am. School of Classical Studies, Rome, Italy. George Vail Edwards, Hamilton '91, Instructor in Latin, Coll. City of New York, New York. THETA OF NEW 70RK 35 Eloise Ellery, Vassar '97, Assoc. Prof, of History, Vassar College, Pough- keepsie. Perry G. Ellsworth, Union '38. D. at Ithaca May 5, 1901. James Ewing, Amherst '88, Prof, of Pathology, Cornell Medical Coll., New York. Albert Bernhardt Faust, Johns Hopkins '89, Prof, of German, Cornell. William Fendrich, Jr., B.S., Coll. City of New York '04, 730 Tenth Ave., New York. Rev. John Soren Festerson, Colgate '85, 369 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn. Frank Albert Fetter, Indiana '91, Prof, of Political Economy, Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. Francis Miles Finch, Yale '49. D. at Ithaca July 30, 1907. Willard James Fisher, Amherst '92, Instr. in Physics, Cornell. Rev. Asa Severance Fiske, Amherst '55, Ithaca. Isaac Flagg, Harvard '64, Prof, of Greek, Emeritus, Univ. of California; 1200 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley, Calif. Hasseltine Reynolds Fletcher, Vassar '95, Suffield, Conn. Ferdinand Courtney French, Brown '84, Prof, of Philosophy, Colgate Univ., Hamilton. Almon Homer Fuller, Lafayette '97, Prof, of Civil Engineering and Dean of the Coll. of Engineering, The Univ. of Washington, Seattle, Wash. Otis Amsden Gage, Rochester '99, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Rev. Edward Augustus George, Yale '85, 611 E. Seneca St., Ithaca. William Frederic Giese, Harvard '89, Assoc. Prof, of Romance Languages, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Rev. William Elliot Griffis, Rutgers '69, Glen Place, Ithaca. Hervey DeWitt Griswold, Union '85, Forman Christian College, Lahore, India. Alfred Gudeman, Columbia '83, Franz Joseph Str. 12, Munich, Germany. Elizabeth Hazelton Haight, Vassar '94, Associate Professor of Latin, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie. Robert Sever Hale, Harvard '91, Tennis and Racquet Club, Boston, Mass. William Gardner Hale, Harvard '70, Head Prof, of Latin, Univ. of Chicago, 111. Joseph Henry Hathaway, Grinnell '94, Professor of Anatomy and Embry- ology, The Univ. of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. Alfred Hayes, Jr., Princeton '95, Prof, of Law, Cornell. Samuel Perkins Hayes, Amherst '96, Prof, of Psychology, Mt. Holyoke College, S. Hadley, Mass. Leonidas Raymond Higgins, Brown '84, Prof, of Greek and Latin, Grand Island College, Grand Island, Neb. John Edward Hill, Rutgers '84, Prof, of Civ. Eng., Brown, Providence, R. I. Elfrieda Hochbaum. See Mrs. Elfrieda H. Pope. Charles Wesley Hodell, DePauw '92, lately Prof, of English, Goucher Col- lege, Baltimore, Md. Bert Raymond Hoobler, B.S., Wabash '01, 131 E. 67th St., New York. James Bryant Hopkins, Hamilton '99, Asst. Prof, of Romance Languages, Lafayette College, Easton, Pa. 36 PHI BETA KAPPA Charles Evans Hughes, Brown '81, Supreme Court Chambers, Washington, D. C. Clarence John Humphrey, Nebraska '06, Woodbine, la. Wallie Abraham Hurwitz, Missouri '06, Instructor in Mathematics, Cornell. Harry Burns Hutchins, Ph.B., Michigan '71, Pres. of the Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Carl Henry Ibershoff, Michigan '99, Instructor in German, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. Clyde Ray Jeffords, Nebraska '98, Boys' H. S., Brooklyn. Clayton Louis Jenks, Hamilton '06, Waterville. Jeremiah Whipple Jenks, Michigan '78, Prof, of Economics and Politics, Cornell. George Wesley Johnston, Johns Hopkins '95, Lecturer in Latin, Toronto Univ., Ontario, Can. Harold Eddy Johnston, Williams '99, 546 Third Ave., Upper Troy. George William Jones, Yale '59. D. at Ithaca Oct. 29, 1911. Edwin Walter Kemmerer, Wesleyan '99, Prof, of Economics and Finance, Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. James Furman Kemp, Amherst '81, Prof, of Geology, Columbia, New York. Robert Russ Kern, Missouri '05, Instructor in Economics, The George Washington University, Washington, D. C. Richard Ray Kirk, Michigan '03, Instructor in English, Cornell. James Laurence Laughlin, Harvard '73, Head Prof, of Polit. Economy, Univ. of Chicago, 111. Henry Edmund Lawrence, Rochester '89, Prof, of Physics, Univ. of Rochester. Duncan Campbell Lee, Hamilton '91, Vanity Fair, London, England. William Ross Lee, Hamilton '00, 66 Arcade, Utica. Jacob Goodale Lipman, Rutgers '98, Assoc. Prof, of Agriculture, Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J. Albert Arthur Livingston, Amherst '04, Assistant Professor of the Romance Languages and Literatures, Columbia University, New York. John Brainerd MacHarg, C.E., '93, Hamilton '00, Prof, of Modern Lan- guages, Hamilton College, Clinton. Eugene West Manning, Wesleyan '77. D. in Philadelphia Sept. 26, 1904. William Judson Marsh, Amherst '08, Assistant in Chemistry, Cornell. James Frederick Mason, Johns Hopkins '11, Asst. Prof, of the Romance Languages and Literatures, Cornell. Alexander Meiklejohn, Brown '93, President of Amherst College, Amherst, Mass. Arthur Renwick Middleton, Rochester '91, Asst. Prof, of Chemistry, Pur- due Univ., Lafayette, Ind. Rev. Edmund Mead Mills, Wesleyan '72, Syracuse. Herbert Elmer Mills, Rochester '83, Prof, of Economics, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie. Lynn Boal Mitchell, Ohio '03, William and Vashti College, Aledo, 111. Mary Aloysia Molloy, Ohio '03, The College of St. Teresa, Winona, Minn. THETA OF NEW YORK 37 Addison Webster Moore, DePauw '90, Prof, of Philosophy, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, 111. Alfred Austin Moore, Hamilton '90, Wampsville. Vida Frank Moore, Wesleyan '93, Prof, of Philosophy and Pedagogy, El- mira College, Elmira. Charles Church More, Lafayette '98, Assoc. Prof, of Civil Engineering, The Univ. of Washington, Seattle, Wash. John Lewis Morris, Union '56. D. at Ithaca Nov. 19, 1905. Richard Morris, Rutgers '99, Prof, of Mathematics and Graphics, Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J. Carleton Chase Murdock, B.S., Colgate '07, Instructor in Physics, Cornell. Daniel Alexander Murray, Johns Hopkins '93, Prof, of Mathematics, Mc- Gill Univ., Montreal, Can. James Allen Nelson, Ph.D., Kenyon '98, Urbana, Ohio. James Edward Oliver, Harvard '49. D. at Ithaca March 28, 1895. Martha Ornstein, Barnard '99, 315 Second Ave., New York. Roscoe Milliken Packard, Western Reserve '99, U. S. Geol. Survey, Wash- ington, D. C. Shirley Gale Patterson, Amherst '06, Instructor in French, The University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. Tracy Peck, Yale '61, Professor of Latin, Emeritus, Yale Univ., 124 High St., New Haven, Conn. Bertha Caroline Peirce, Swarthmore '06, West Chester, Pa. William Rufus Perkins, Western Reserve '68. D. at Erie, Pa., Jan. 27, 1895. Clarence Albert Pierce, Wesleyan '02, Asst. Prof, of Physics, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Mass. Walter Bowers Pillsbury, Nebraska '92, Prof, of Psychology, The Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Mrs. Elfrieda Hochbaum Pope, Northwestern '99, Cayuga Heights, Ithaca. Paul Russel Pope, Western Reserve '98, Asst. Prof, of German, Cornell. David Wight Prall, Michigan '09, Instructor in English, Cornell. Frank Rice Pront, Trinity '11, Deposit. Lawrence Pumpelly, Williams '02, Instructor in the Romance Languages and Literatures, Cornell. Arthur Ranum, Minnesota '92, Asst. Prof, of Mathematics, Cornell. Ethel Zively Rather, Texas '02, Gonzalez, Texas. Perley Orman Ray, Vermont '98, Prof, of History and Political Science, Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pa. Henry Stephen Redfield, Amherst '77, Prof, of Law, Columbia Univ., New York. Ida Louise Reveley, Ph.B., Syracuse '05, Prof, of Biology, Wells College, Aurora. William Albert Riley, B.S., DePauw '97, Asst, Prof, of Entomology, Cornell. Edward A. Ross, Johns Hopkins '91, Prof, of Sociology, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Christian Alban Ruckmich, Amherst '09, Instructor in Psychology, Cornell. Rasmus S. Saby, Minnesota '07, Asst. Prof, of Economics, Cornell. 3S PHI BETA KAPPA Martin Wright Sampson, Cincinnati '88, Prof, of English, Cornell. Carla Fern Sargent, Northwestern '95, 1625 Judson Ave., Evanston, 111. Paul Louis Saurel, Coll. City of New York '90, Assoc. Prof, of Mathematics, Coll. City of New York, New York. Frederick Adolphus Sawyer, Harvard '44. D. at Sewanee, Tenn., July 31, 1891. Charles Chauncy Shackford, Harvard '35. D. at Brookline, Mass., Dec. 25, 1891. Frederick Elisha Shapleigh, Wesleyan '08, East Rochester, N. H. Clayton Halsey Sharp, Hamilton '90, care Elec. Testing Laboratories, 80th St. and E. End Ave., New York. George M. Sharrard, Kansas '01, 910 Kansas Ave., Atchison, Kan. Henry Augustus Sill, Columbia '88, Prof, of Ancient History, Cornell. Brainard Gardner Smith, Hamilton '72, Ridgewood, N. J. Frederick M. Smith, Indiana '99, Instructor in English, Cornell. Gertrude Smith, Vassar '97, Instructor in Latin, Vassar College, Pough- keepsie. Harry Edwin Smith, DePauw '06, Marshall, 111. Lillian Scoresby Smith, Syracuse '91, Prof, of Latin, Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Ga. Ray Burdick Smith, Yale '91, 1200 E. Genesee St., Syracuse. Mrs. Ruby Green Smith, Stanford '02, 15 East Ave., Ithaca. Mrs. Elizabeth Hill Spalding, Vassar '74, 80 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn. Ernest RadclifCe Spedden, Dickinson '04, Instructor in Political Economy, Cornell. Benjamin Franklin Stelter, Kansas '05, Instructor in English, Cornell. John Robert Sitlington Sterrett, Ph.D., Munich '80, Prof, of Greek, Cornell. Louisa Stone Stevenson, Vassar '01, Stone Hall, Wellesley, Mass. George Walter Stewart, DePauw '98, Prof, of Physics, Univ. of N. Dakota, Grand Forks, N. D. Oscar Milton Stewart, DePauw '92, Prof, of Physics, The Univ. of Mis- souri, Columbia, Mo. Isabel Stone, Wellesley '05, Needham, Mass. Frederick William Storrs, B.S., St. Lawrence '00, Instructor in Chemistry and Physics, St. Lawrence Univ., Canton. Mrs. Amelia Esty Stowell, Vassar '71, 303 N. Aurora St., Ithaca. Harley Lord Stowell, Hamilton '05, 96 Broadway, New York. Charles Augustus Strong, Rochester '84, Prof, of Psychology, Columbia, New York. Wendell Melville Strong, Yale '93, Actuary Dep't, Mutual Life Ins. Co., New York. William Strunk, Jr., Cincinnati '90, Prof, of English, Cornell. Catharine Suydam. See Mrs. Catharine S. Clark. Earl Vincent Sweet, Colgate '01, Phoenix. Alfred Ernest Taylor, Wesleyan '92, U, S. Food Laboratory, Savannah, Ga. Frank Thilly, Cincinnati '87, Prof, of Philosophy, Cornell. Mrs. Katharine Nash Thomas, Stanford '95, care Prof. C. C. Thomas, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. THETA OF NEW YORK 39 Mrs. Isabel Nelson Tillinghast, Vassar '78, Asst. to the Lady Principal, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie. Ira Winthrop Travell, Williams '90, Supt. of Schools, Morristown, N. J. Radoslav Andrea Tsanoff, Oberlin '06, 56 W. 96th St., New York. Charles Herbert Tuttle, Vermont '69. D. at Binghamton June 21, 1894. Rev. Charles Mellen Tyler, Yale '55, The Oaks, Ithaca. Rev. Moses Coit Tyler, Yale '57. D. at Ithaca Dec. 28, 1900. Abbott Payson Usher, Harvard '04, Instructor in Economics, Cornell. Newton Foster Vail, Hobart '90, Teacher of Latin, Cascadilla School, Ithaca. Lucien Augustus Wait, Harvard '70, Prof, of Mathematics, Emeritus, Cor- nell. Edward Hardenbergh Waldo, Amherst '88, Asst. Prof, of Elec. Engineer- ing, The Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, 111. Margaret Floy Washburn, Vassar '91, Prof, of Psychology, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie. Ulysses Grant Weatherly, Colgate '90, Prof, of Economics, Univ. of Indi- ana, Bloomington, Ind. Lewis Hart Weld, Rochester '00, 501 W. Center St., Medina. Frederick William Welsh, Hamilton '93, 34 Chestnut St., Binghamton. Benjamin Ide Wheeler, Brown '75, Pres. of the Univ. of California, Ber- keley, Calif. Herbert Hice Whetzel, Wabash '02, Prof, of Plant Pathology, Cornell. Andrew Curtis White, Hamilton '81, Asst. Librarian, Cornell. Andrew Dickson White, Yale '53, 27 East Ave., Ithaca. Mrs. Helen Magill White, Swarthmore '73, 27 East Ave., Ithaca. Horatio Stevens White, Harvard '73, Prof, of German, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. Walter Porter White, Amherst '87, Geophysical Lab., Carnegie Inst., Wash- ington, D. C. Henry Freeman Whiting, Dickinson '89, Prof, of Latin and Greek, Dickin- son College, Carlisle, Pa. George Washington Tapley Whitney, Vermont '97, Asst. Prof, of Philos- ophy, Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. Ralph Claude Willard, Hobart '04, St. Paul's School, Garden City, L. I. Walter Francis Willcox, Amherst '84, Professor of Economics and Statis- tics, Cornell. Arthur Perry Williams, Hobart '11, Winter Park, Fla. Charles Hamilton Williams, Missouri '07, Asst. Prof, of Education, The Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. John Tainsh Williams, Wisconsin '97 (non-grad.) (1906), Asst. Prof, of Machine Design, Cornell. Roger Butler Williams, Yale '68, 306 N. Cayuga St., Ithaca. Samuel Gardner Williams, Hamilton '52. D. at Ithaca May 19, 1900. James Albert Winans, Hamilton '97, Asst. Prof, of Oratory, Cornell. John Dorsey Wolcott, Wisconsin '95, Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C. George Edward Woodberry, Harvard '77, Beverly, Mass. Otto Wortmann, B.S., Coll. City of New York '03, 436 E. 156th St., New York. Elizabeth Zeilitz, Wesleyan '10, 610 N. 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