SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF NEW SOUTH WALES, SYDNEY, FOR THE YEARS 1893-95 REFERENCE DEPARTMENT. SYDNEY : WILLIAM APPLEGATE GULLICK, GOVERNMENT PRINTER. V'fi— !>7 1897. Supp£.2 SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE-1893-95. A A.C. [See Essai de la Langue de Viti.] A.M. [See Ayame-San.] MK 1 R4S J4U 14 A.E. [See Designs for Church Embroidery.] A 12 S 17t AAEON, Dr. E. Murray-. The Butterfly-hunters in the Caribbees. Svo. New York, 1891 D 17 S 10 ABBEY, E. A. She stoops to conquer. Illustrated. [See Goldsmith, Oliver.] II 40 T 3+ ABBOTT, Dr. Chas. C. The Birds about us. Illustrated. 8vo. Philad., 1895. A 27 S 22 ABBOTT, Rev. Dr. Edwin A. Latin prose through English Idiom : Eules and Exercises on Latin Prose Com- position. 12mo. Lond., 1887. K 10 P 11 ABBOTT, Dr. Evelyn. Pericles and the Golden Ago of Athens. Svo. New York, 1S92. B 27 Q 8 ABBOTT, John. Correspondence on the Claim of John Abbott to a Pension. Svo. Hobart, 1802. MF 1 Q 35 ABDUR E AH MAN, Ameer of Afghanistan. [Life of] ; by S. Wheeler. 12mo. Lond., 1895. C 22 P 8 A'BECKETT, Gilbert A. Quizziology of the British Drama. 1 2mo. Lond., 184G. II 4 P 39 A'BECKETT, Thos. T. The Legislative Council : its Past and Future, considered with reference to proposals for its reform. Svo. Melb., 1874. MJ 3 Q 10 The Power of the Purse considered constitutionally. Svo. Melb., 1807. MF 2 T 71 ABELAED. [See Compayre, G.] G IS Q 6 ABEE, Prof. Win. M. The Oswego State Normal School. Svo. New York, 1893. G 18 11 25 ABERCEOMBIE, Dr. John. Inquiries concerning the Intellectual Powers and iho Investigation of Truth. 14th cd. 12mo. Lond., 1853. G 7 U 3L Philosophy of the Moral Feelings. 8th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1849. G 9 V 23 Portrait of. [See Lowe, Dr. J. — Medical Missions.] G3 P25 ABERDEEN, Earl of. [Life of] j by the Hon. Sir A. Gordon. (Prime Ministers of Queen Victoria.) 8vo. Loud., 1893. C 13 P 28 ABNEY, Capt. Win. de W. Colour Vision : being the Tyndall Lectures, 1894. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1S95. A 21 T 35 ABORIGINES in the British Colonies, Information respecting. Svo. Lond., 1838. MG 1 R 77 Aborigines of Australia and Pacific Islands. Photographs. MA 45 % Fol. Sydney, 1895. ABOUT, Edmond. Masonic Reform. 12mo. Melb. (n.d.) MJ 3 P 10 ABRAHAM, Felix. The New Era of the Goldmining In- dustry in the Witwatersrand [S. Africa], Translated bv II. C. Simonsen. With an authentic Map of the Fields. Svo. Lond., 1891. A 24 S 12 ABU SALIII, the Armenian. Churches and Monasteries of Egypt and some neighbouring Countries. Trans- lated by B. T. A. Evetts ; with notes by A. J. Butler. 8m. 4to. Oxford, 1895. G 10 U 20 Another Copy, with Arabic Text. [See Anecdota Oxon- iensia, Sem. ser., 7.] E ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES, Comptes Eendus Hebdo- madaires des Seances. Tomes 114-119. 4to. Paris, 1S92-94. E ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, PHILADEL- PHIA. Proceedings, 1892-1894. Svo. Philad., 1893-1895. E ACCLIMATISATION SOCIETY OF N.S.W. Annual Reports, 1801-1SG7. 8vo. Sydney, 1802-1808. MA 2 T 30 ACCLIMATISATION SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. Ecport for 1878. Svo. Brisb., 1879. ME 5 Q ACORN. The Future of Victoria. [See Victoria.] MF 2 P 47 ACTON, E. Hamilton. Physiology of Plants. [See Darwin, P.] A 20 Q 13 ACUNA, R. A. Leves Constitucionales. [See Ovalle, E. O.] F 7 U 17 ACWORTII, W. M. The Siate in relation to Railways. (A policy of Free Exchange.) 8vo. Lond., 1804. F 14 S 20 113820 Sujip lemen fart/ Ca fa logue — 1893-95 . ADAM, G. Mercer. Sandow on Physical Training. [See Sandow, E.] A 29 U 32 ADAMNAN, Abbot of Iona. Vita S. Columbae. Edited, with Notes and Glossary, bv Dr. J. J. Fowler. [Latin Text.] 8vo. Oxford, 18W. G 2 U 1 ADAMS, B. Tlie Law of Civilization and Decay. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 11 U 21 ADAMS, Dr. Chas. K. Manual of Historical Literature, comprising brief Descriptions of the most important Histories in English, French, and German. 3rd ed. 8vo. New York, 18S9. K 19 E 10 ADAMS, Estelle Davenport. The Poets' Praise, from Homer to Swinburne. 8vo. Lond., 1894. II 7 S 42 ADAMS, Francis W. L. The Australians : a social sketch. 8vo. Lond., 1893.* MF 1 Q 40 A Child of the Ago. 8vo. Lond., 1S94. MJ 3 Q 14 John Webb's End: Australian Bush Life. 12mo. Lond., 1891. MJ 3 Q 41 The New Egypt : a Social Sketch. 12mo. Lond., 1893. D14PG Songs of the Army of the Night. 12mo. Lond., 1894. MH 1 U 58 ADAMS, Prof. George B. Civilization during the Middle Ages, especially in relation to Modern Civilization. 8vo. Lond., 1891. B 25 E 4 ADAMS, Dr. Henry Carter. Taxation in the United States, 1789-181G. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 2.) Svo. Baltimore, 1884. B 18 S 2 ADAMS, Dr. Herbert B. Account of E. A. Freeman's Visit to Baltimore. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 1.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1882. B 18 S 1 The Germanic Origin of New England Towns ; with Notes on Co-operation in University Work. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 1.) Svo. Baltimore, 1882. B 18 S 1 Maryland's Influence upon Land Cessions to the United States ; with Minor Papers on George Washington's Interest in Western Lands, the Potomac Company, and a National University; Origin of the Baltimore and Ohio Eailroad. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 3.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1SS5. B IS S 3 Methods of Historical Study. (Johns Hopkins Univer- sity Studies, 2.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1881. B 18 S 2 Norman Constables in America. (Johns Hopkins Uni- versity Studies, 1.) Svo. Baltimore, 1883. B 18 S 1 Notes on the Literature of Charities. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 5.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1887. B18S5 Saxon Tithing-men in America. (Johns Hopkins Uni- versity Studies, 1.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1883. B IS S 1 Seminary Libraries and University Extension. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 5.) Svo. Baltimore, 1887. B 18 S 5 ADAMS, Dr. II. B., VINCENT, Dr. J. M.,and SCAIFE, Dr. W. B. Seminary Notes on recent Historical Literature. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 8.) Svo. Baltimore, 1890. B 18 S 8 and WOOD, Dr. Henry. Columbus and his Discovery of America. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 10.) Svo. Baltimore, 1892. B 18 S 10 ADAMS, Capt. II. E. G. Korea. [See Cavendish, Capt. A. E. J.] D 17 U 21 ADAMS, John. Sketch of. [See Thompson, E. W.— Eecollections of Sixteen Presidents.] C 18 T 21, 22 Sketch of. [See Wilson, J. G. — Presidents of the United States.] C 2 V 30 ADAMS, John Quincy. Sketch of. [See Thompson, E. W. — Eecollections of Sixteen Presidents.] C 18 T 21, 22 Sketch of. [See Wilson, J. G. — Presidents of the United States.] C 2 V 30 ADAMS. Philip F. Hand-book for Determination of the True Meridian by Observation of Circumpolar Stars at their greatest elongations. 4to. Sydney, 187G. MA 9 P 31 t Sending and Judging of Wine Samples in conrection with the Competition for National Prizes. Svo. Sydney, 1893. MA 1 Q 73 ADAMS, Samuel, the Man of the Town Meeting. [See Hosmer, Prof. J. K.] B 18 S 2 ADAMS, Sebastian C. Chronological Chart of Ancient, Modern, and Biblical History synchronized. Fol. Cincinnati (n.d.) B 8 P 22 + ADAMS, W. M. The House of the Hidden Places: a clue to the Creed of Early Egypt from Egyptian sources. 12mo. Lond., 1S95. G 2 U 7 ADAMSON, D. B. Improvements in the Construction of Curre's Di-electric Machine. (Trans. Eoy. Soc., S. Australia, G.) Svo. Adelaide, 1883. ME 1 S ADAMSON, Prof. Eobert. Fichte, Philosopher. [Set Fichte, J. G.] G 9 V 4 ADAMSON, T. Index to Acts of Parliament, Sessions 21-24, Vict., 1858-G1. Sm. fol. Melb. (n.d.) ME ADAMSON, Win. Australian Gardener : an Epitome of Horticulture for Victoria. 13th cd., revised by W. Elliott. 8vo. Melb., 1891. MA 1 E 53 ADDISON, G. C. Digest of Criminal and Magistrates' Cases decided in New South Wales, 1840-91. Eoy. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MF 3 E 58 _ Supplementary Catalogue — 1S93-9* 3 ADDISON, Joseph. Cato i a Tragedy. [See London I Stage, 2.] H 2 S 31 Essays, Moral and Humourous. 8vo. EJinb., 1839. J8V8 Sir Roger do Coverley ; with Notes and Illustrations. 8vo. Loud., 1850. J 4 Q 37 Ton Essays from The Spectator. [See Harlin, T.] MJ 2 T 28 — and STEELE, Sir Eichard. The Spectator: Selected Essays, with Notes by A. C. Ewald. 8vo. Loud., 1887. J 12 T 20 ADDIIE3S on ignorance of the Scriptures and of the power of God, the true cause of religious error. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MG 2 Q 23 ADDEESS on the Necessity of Erec Inquiry and Plain Speaking. [See Religious Pamphlets, 1.] GOV 10 DELAIDE OBSERVATORY. Meteorological Obser- vations made under the direction of Sir Chas. Todd, 1876-90. Sm. fol. Adelaide, 1878-92. ME ADELAIDE UNIVERSITY. Calendars, 1893 and 1894. Svo. Adelaide, 1893-94. ME ADELER, Max. [See Clark, C. H.] ADENEY, Prof. Walter E. Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther. [See Expositor's Bible.] G 19 R and S ADLER, Dr. Hermann. Alternating Generations : a Biological Study of Oak Galls and Gall Flies. Trans- lated and edited by C. R. Straton. Illustrated. Svo. Oxford, 1894. A 27 Q 41 ADOLPIIUS, F. Some Memories of Paris-. Svo. Edinb, 1895. B 20 R 16 DVANCED BUILDING CONSTRUCTION: a Manual for Students; by the Author of " Notes on Building Construction." 12mo. Loud., 1892. A 19 P 3 ADVICE to the ladies of Great Britain : a New Court Ballad. Sm. fol. [d. and p. torn out.] II 39 Q 13 J ADY, Mrs. Henry. (Julia Cartwright.) Jules Bastieu Lepage. (Portfolio Monograph, 4.) Boy. Svo. Loud., 1894. E Madame : a Life of Henrietta, Daughter of Charles I. and Duchess of Orleans. 8vo. Lond., 1891. C 15 P 6 ADYE, Gen. Sir John. Recollections of a Military Life. - Svo. Lond., 1895. B 31 T 9 iESCHYLUS. Agamemnon. [Greek Text and Latin Notes.] Svo. Cantabrigise, 1818. H 10 S 11 Septem contra Thebas. [See Trollope, W.] H 3 S 37 Tragedies of. Translated by R. Potter. Newed. Lond., 1809. II 2 T 27 I [See Westcott, Rt. Rev. B.F.— Religious Thought in the AFFLECK, T., & Cj. The Border Post (Albury) Al- manac for 18J3. 12m j. Albury, lS'.tS. ME 1 Q AGASSIZ, Alexander. Exploration of the Surface Fauna of the Gulf Stream. 4to. Camb., 1833. A5P21f Bibliography of Echiuoilerinat:i. [See Harvard Univer- sity. — Bulletins of Museum of Comparative Zoologv.] A 30 U 37 On the young stages of some Osseous Fishes. Parts I and 3. Svo. (up.) 1877-82. A 30 U 22 The Development of Lepidosteus. Part 1. Svo. (n.p.) 1878. A 30 U 23 Report on Echinoidoa. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J. — Voyage of II. M.S. ChaUem/cr.] A0f and WHITMAN, C. (). Development of some Pelagic Fish Eggs. Svo. (up.) 1881. A 30 U 25 AGASSIZ, Prof. Jean Louis Rodolphe. Contributions to the Natural History of the Acalephaj of North America. 4to. Boston, IS 19. A 15 Q I f Part 1. On the naked-eyed Medusa: of the shores of Massa- chusetts, in their perfect state of development. Part 2. On the Beroifl Medusa: of the shores of Massachu- setts, in their perfect state of development. Plaster Casts of. [Sec Ilutton, L. — Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 AGE, The. Sept., 1892— April, 1895. 10 vols. fol. Melb., 1892-95. ME AGE ANNUAL, The: a Political and Statistical Register of Victoria, 1876, 1877, 1879, 1883, 1885, 1889, 1890, 1892-93. 9 vols. 8vo. Melb., 1877-93. ME AGESILAUS. Life of. [See Plutarch.] MC 1 R 45 ACLEN, Rev. Anthony S. Selection from the Writings of Dean Stanley. Svo. Lond, 1894. G 15 P 29 AOOGOS. [See Day, C. W.] AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Vols. 1-4. Rov. Svo. Sydney, 1890-91. ME 9 R AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE [a Journal of General Agriculture]. Vols. 1-7. Svo. New York, &c, 1887-93. E AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND. [See Roval Agricultural Society.] AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF N.S.W. [See Royal Agricultural Soc] AGRICULTURE. E«ay on Present Condition and Future Prospects of Agriculture in New South Wales; by "A Farmer." 8vo. Sydney, 1878. MA 1 Q 71 Agriculture in South Australia ; by the Special Reporter of The Leader. 8vo. Melb., 1874. MA 1 Q 72 Agriculture in New South Wales: an Essay. 8vo. Sydney, 1878. MA 1 Q 53 4 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893 -95. AIRMAN, Prof. C. M. Johnston's Agricultural Chemistry. [See Johnston, J. P. W.] A 18 R 30 AITCEIISON, Sir Chas. [Life of] Lord Lawrence. (Rulers of India.) 8vo. Oxford. 1892. C 18 P 15 AITKIN, G. A. [Plays of] R. Steele. [See Steele, It.] H 3 P 49 A'KEMPIS, Thos. [See Kempis, T. a.] AKENSIDE, Mark. Pleasures of the Imagination, and other Poems. Illustrated. 18mo. Lond., 1853. H 10T31 AKHURST, W. M. The Battle of Hastings; or, the Earl, the Duke, the "Witch, the "Why and the Where- fore : a Historical Burlesque. 12mo. Mclb. (n.d ) Mil 1 U 71 ALABAMA. Geological Map of, with explanatory Chart. Folded 8vo. Montgomery, 1894 A 22 V 5 Hand-book of. 8vo. Richmond, 1893. D 15 T 5 ALBERONI, J. M. Lettres intimes do, addressees au Comte I. Rocca. (Anuales do l'Universito do Lvon, 4.) Eoy. 8vo. Paris, 1893. C 16 U 13 ALBERT, Prince Consort. Sketch of. [See Bagehot, W.— Biographical Studies.] C 22" P 10 ALBERT EDWARD, Prince of "Wales. Marriage of, with Alexandra, Princess of Denmark. Pol. Lond. (n.d.) CGP3 + ALBERT, Dr. Maurice. Le culte de Castor et Pollux en Italie. Svo. Paris, 1883. B 35 R 13 ALBINUS, Peter. Treatise of Foreign Languages and Unknown Islands. (Bibliotheca Curiosa.) 12mo. Edinb., 18S4. J 18 Q 3 ALBUQUERQUE, Affonso de. [Life of] ; by H. Morse Stephens. (Rulers of India.) 8vo. Oxford, 1892. C 13 P 12 ALCOCK, Peter C. The Ladies' Companion and Family Year-book for 1875-7G. Svo. Melb., 1875. ME 5 Q ALCORN AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE, near Rodney, Miss. Catalogue, 1802- 1893. Svo. Jackson, Miss., 1S92. B ALCOTT, Amos Bronson. His Life and Philosophy; by P. B. Sanborn and "W. T. Harris. 2 vols. 8vo Lond, 1893. C 13 P 2G, 27 ALDEN, Prof. Edmund K. The World's Representative Assemblies of To-day: a Study in Comparative Legislation. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 11.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1893. B 18 S 11 ALDEN, P. The University Settlement in relation to local administration. [See Knapp, J. M. — The Uni- versities and the Social Problem.] F 8 U 22 ALDEN, Wm. L. Shooting Stars, as observed from the sixth column of the Times. 12mo. Melb., 1878. MJ 1 P 53 ALDRICU, C. First Biennial Report of the Historical Dcpartmcntof Iowa, 1893. Svo. Dcs Moines, 1891. E ALDRICH, Thos. B. A Chat with ; with Portrait. [See Blathwayt, R.— Interviews.] J 10 U 34 ALEXANDER OF LYCOPOLIS. Writings of. [Ante- Niccne Christ. Lib., 14.] 8vo. Edinb., 18G9. G 14 U 14 ALEXANDER 111 OF RUSSIA. [Life of] ; by C. Lowe. Svo. Lond., 1895. C 21 P 12 ALEXANDER, A. Healthful Exercises for Girls. 4th ed., illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1893. G 18 R 4 Musical Drill for Infants. 5th cd., illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1893. G18R5 Musical Drill for use in Schools and Calisthenic Classes. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1892. G 18 R G Modern Gymnastic Exercises. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1890. G 18 R 7, 8 Physical Drill of All Nations. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894. G 18 R 9 ALEXANDER, Jas. The Unemployed Settled on tlio Land. 8vo. Sydney, 1881. MF 1 Q 3G ALEXANDER, W. F. [See Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, P.] ALEXANDER, Rt. Rev. Wm. Primary Convictions. Svo. Lond., 1893. G 14 S 19 Epistle of St. John. [See Expositor's Bible.] G 19 R 5 ALEXANDER LYCEUM, ST. PETERSBURG. Short Sketch of the History of. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1893. G 18 R 29 ALEXANDRA, Princess of Denmark. Marriage of, with Albert Edward, Prince of Wales. Pol. Lond. (n.d.) CGP3 t ALFIERI, Count V. [See Elliot, Frances — Roman Gossip.] C21Q10 ALGER, J. G. Glimpses of the French Revolution: Myths, Ideals, and Realities. I2mo. Lond., 1894. B 37 Q 2 ALGERIA. Statistiquc Generalo de l'Algerie, 1SS5-90. 2 vols. fol. Alger, 1889-91. E Expose de la Situation Generate de l'Algerie, 1S93-94. 2 vols. Svo. Alger, 1893-94. E ALISON, Rev. A. Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste. 8vo. Lond., 1853. J 4 U 1 ALL ABOUND THE WORLD. Illustrated Record of A T oyagcs, Travels, and Adventures in all parts of the Globe. Illustrated. 2 yols. 4to. New York (n.d.) D 12 U 9, 10 t ALL THE EARTH ROUND: a Nautical Poem; by "A Wanderer." 8vp. Lond,, 1892. H 9 U 41 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 5 ALL THE WORLD. Monthly Record of the Work of the Salvation Army. No. 6, vol. 12. Roy. Svo. Melb., 1893. ME ALL THE YEAR ROUND: a weekly journal. 3r.l series, vols. 8-13. 8vo. Lond., 1892-95. E ALLAN, Dr. Win. Strength of Beams under Transverse Loads. 2nd ed. [illustrated.] ISmo. New York, 1893. A 22 P 35 ALLARDYCE, W. L. Rotooma and the Rotoomans. (G-eograph. Soc. of Australasia, Q. Branch, 1.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1886. ME 20 P ALLDAY, J. L. Gossi])iug Guido to Birmingham. lGmo. Birm , 1S93. D 18 P 9 .LLEGRE, Dr. P. Etude sur la Deesso Grecnuc Tycho. 8vo. Paris, 1889. B 27 V 9 Melanges Grecs. [See Cucucl, C] J 7 U 4 t ALLEN", A. G. [Life oF] T. G. Wainewright, Poisoner, 1794-1852. (Lives of twelve Bad Me O Svo. Lond., 1894. C18T9 ALLEN, Alfred H. Commercial Organic Analysis : A I treatise on the properties, proximate analytical examination, and modes of assaying the various organic chemicals and products employed in the arts, manufactures, medicine, &c. 2nd edition. Vols. 1-3. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1885-92. A 21 T 22-25 ALLEN, Chas. D. American Book-plates: a Guide to their Study ; with a Bibliography by Eben N. Hcwius. Svo. Lond., 1895. J 8 U 6 ALLEN, Chas. Grant B. Grant Allen at Home : with Portrait. [See Blathwayt, R. — Interviews.] J 10 U 31 The Lower Slopes : Reminiscences of Excursions round the base of Helicon. 8vo. Lond., 1891. H 8 S 40 Science in Arcady. Svo. Lond., 1892. A 17 T 31 ALLEN, Rev. D. The City, its Sins and Sorrows ; or, the Dark-doing of Svdney: a lecture. Svo. Sydney, 1873.* MG i Q 40 ALLEN. Edward Heron-. Dc Fidiculis Bibliographia : being an attempt towards a Bibliography of the Yiolin and all other Instruments played with a bow in ancient and modern times. 2 vols. sin. 4to. Lond., 1890-94. K 19 R 8, 9 Manual of Cheirosophy: being a Practical Hand-book of Cheirognomy and Cheiromancy. Gth ed., illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1892. A 24 R 20 Violin-making, as it was and is: being a Historical, Theoretical, and Practical Treatise on the Science and Art of Violin-making. 2nd cd., illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1885. A 25 T 3 ALLEN, Sir Geo. W. Debate on the Prerogative of Pardon. [See Parkes, Sir H] MF4Q40 ALLEN", Dr. II. B. Report on Hospital Construction and Management. Sin. fol. Melb., 1891. MA 9 Q 19 t ALLEN, J. W. [Life of] Simon Eraser, Lord Lovat, 1GG7-1747. (Lives of TwelvoBad Men.) 8vo. Lond, 1894. C 18 T 9 [Life of] E. Kelly, Bushranger, 1855-80. (Lives of Twelve Bad Men.) 8vo. Land., 1894. C 18 T 9 ALLEN, John. [See Calvin, John.] G 19 Q 3, 4 ALLEN, John P. Practical Building Construction. Svo. Lond., 1893. A 19 T 7 ALLEN, Thos. G., and SACIITLEBEN, Wm. L. Across Asia on a Bicycle. 8vo. Lond., 1895. D 17 Q 20 ALLEN'S NATURALIST'S LIBRARY. Marsupialia and Monotremata. [See Lydekker, R.] MA 3 U L ALLGEMEINE DEUTSCHE BIOGRAPIliE. Bando 31-38. 8vo. Leip., 1892-93. C 20 Q ALLIDONE, Dr. Samuel A. Poetical Quotations from Cliaucer to Tennyson. Roy. 8vo. Philad., 1892. II 4 V 13 ALLINGHAM, J. Till. Fortune's Frolic : a Farce. [See London Stage, 2.] II 2 S 31 ALLINSON, Edward P., and PENROSE, Boies. The City Government of Philadelphia. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 5.) Svo. Baltimore, 1887. B 18 S 5 Philadelphia, 1G81-1887 : a History of Municipal Devel- opment. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, extra vol 2.) 8vo. Philad., 1887. B 18 T 2 ALLMAN, Prof. G. J. Hydroidn. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J.— Voyage of II.M.S. Chal- lenger —Zoology .] A f ALLSOP, P. C. Electric Bell Construction. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond , 1890. A 22 P 38 Practical Electric Bell-fitting. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1892. A 22 P 40 Practical Electric-light Fitting, including the Phcenix Fire Office Rules. Svo. Lond., 1S92. A 21 Q 40 ALLSTON, Washington. Life and Letters of; by J. B. Flagg. Svo. Lond., 1893. C 12 U 30 ALMANACH DE GOTHA. Annuairo Genealogique, Diplomatique et Statisque, 1893-95. 3 vols. 18mo. Gorha, 1S93-91. E ALTHAUS, Dr. Julius. The Value of Electrical Treat- ment. 8vo. Loud., 1S95. A 33 S 10 ALTHORP, Lord. Sketch of. [See Bagehot, W— Bio- graphical Studies ] C 22 P 13 AMANS, Dr. P. Essai sur le Vol de3 Insectes. 4to. Montpellier, 1883. A 5 P 17 f G Supplementary Catalogue — 1S93-95. AMERICA ■. a Journal for Americans. Vols. 3-5. sm.fol. Chicago, 18SG-91. E AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST, The, Vols. 51-54. Sm. fol. New York, 1892-91. E AMERICAN- ANTIQUARIAN AND ORIENTAL JOURNAL. Vols. 14-16. 8vo. Chicago, 1892-01. E AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF STATE WEATHER SERVICES. Report of third annual meeting. 8vo. Wash., 18S4. E AMERICAN CATALOGUE, The Annual, 1S92-91. E07. 8vo. New York, 1893-95. E AMERICAN FORESTRY ASSOCIATION. Proceed- ings. Vol. 10, 1891-93. 8vo. Wash., 1831. E AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Report of, 1893. 8vo. Wash., 189k E AMERICAN HISTORY, Magazine of. [See Magazine.] AMERICAN INSTITUTE OP MINING ENGINEERS. Transactions. Vols. 20-21. 8vb. New York, 1892- 95. E AMERICAN IRON AND STEEL ASSOCIATION. Directory of the Iron and Steel Works, to which is added a complete list of the Iron and Steel Works of Canada and Mexico. 12th ed. 8vo. Philad., 1894. E AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ARCIIsEOLOGYsmd of the History of the Pine Arts. Vols. 8-9. Roy. 8vo. Princeton, 1893-91. E AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INSANITY. Vol. 51. 8vo. Chicago, 1891-95. E AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, The. 3rd series. Vols. 43-48. 3 vols. 8vo. New Haven, 1892- 94. E AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Catalog of 5,000 vols, selected by. [See United States — -Bureau of Education.] AMERICAN MAHOMET, The. [See Smith, Joseph.] AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. Bulletin, 1. Museums. 8vo. New York, 1881. E AMERICAN ORIENTAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at New Haven, October, 1881. 8vo. (n.p.) 1881. E AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Proceed- ings. Vols. 1-10. 8vo. Philad., 1838-69. E AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. Constitution and List of Members, 1895. 8vo. New York, 1895. E Transactions, July to December, 1893. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1893. E AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGI- NEERS. Transaction?. Vol. 14. Svo. New York, 1893. H AMERO, C. Aux Antipodes. [See Tiaaofc, T.] MD5V5) AMES, John G. Comprehensive Index of thepublications of the United States Government, 1SS9-93. II >. Wash, 1891. C 15 Pit OmVial Register of the United States, containing a list of the "officers and employes in the Civil, Military, and Naval Service on the 1st July, 1893. Voi. 2. Post Office Department. Imp. Svo. Wash., 1891. E AMHERST, Wm. Pitt Amherst, Earl. Lord Amherst and the British advance eastwards to Burma ; by Anno Thackeray Ritchie and R. Evans. (Rulers ot India.) 12mo. Oxford, 1891. CUP 26 AMHERST STATE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Reports of the Board of Control, 1892- 93. 8vo. Boston, 1893-9 1. E AMICIS, Edmondo de. Holland. Translated by Helen Zimmern. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Philad., 1891. B 25 R in, 11 AMUNATEGUI, Don Miguel L. Don Andres Bello v el codigo civil. 8vo. Santiago, 1885. F 11 U 8 Las primers 8 representaciones Dramaticas en Chile. Roy. Svo. Santiago, 1888. H 5 U 36 La Alborada Poetica en Chile despues del 18 de Setiem- bre de IS 10. Svo. Santiago, 1892. II 5 U 37 Vida de Don Andres Bello. 8vo. Santiago, 18S2. C21 T7 Don J. J. de Mora, apuntes Biograficos. Svo. Santiago, 18S8. C 21 T 6 [Vida de] C. Henriquez. 2 vols. Svo. Santiago, 1889. C 21 T 4, 5 Don M. J. Ramos. 8vo. Santiago, 1889. C 21 T 3 El Cabildo de Santiago desde 1573 hasta 1581, 3 vols. Svo. Santiago, 1890-91. B 16 S 20-22 Salvador Sanfuentes, apuntes Biograficos. Svo. San- tiago, 1892. C 21 T 8 Amunategui, 1828-S8, por C. M. Vicuna. Svo. Paris (n.d) C21T1 AN, L', deux: Mille Quatre Cent Quarante. [See Mercicr, L. S.] P 12 P 32 ANACREON. [Greek text,] With Thomas Stanley's Translation. Edited bv A. II. Bullen. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1893. II 7 U 9 Odaria, 8vo. Lond., 1813. II 9 U 27 Works of. [See Fawkes, F.] II 9 U 28 ANCIENT FRATERNITY OF FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS under the United Grand Lodge of New South Wales. Constitutions. 12mo. Sydney, 1889. MJ 1 P 33 ANDERSEN, Hans C. Story of my Life ; and In Sweden. 12mo. Lond., 1852. C 17 P 7 1 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. NDBESON, Dr. Alex. Life and Works of, the first American Wood Engraver; by P. M. Burr. Illustra- ted. Roy. 5vo. New York, 1S93. C 19 S 3 ANDERSON, D. Patent for improvements in contri- vances for varying the guage of the wheels of rolling stock for rail and other permanent ways. (Rov. Soc, Vict., 19.) 8vo. Melb., 1883. ME 1 P ANDERSON, Edward L. Curb, Snaffle, and Spur: a Method of Training Young Horses for the Cavalry Service, and for general use under the Saddle. Illus- trated. 8vo. Edinb., 1891. A 29 T 30 ANDERSON, Ernest, and SPRY, Frank P. Victorian Butterflies, and how to collect them. 8vo. Melb., 1893. MA 3 S 15 ANDERSON, G. The Agnostic, and other Poems. 8vo. Paisley, 1894. II 9 TJ 15 ANDERSON, Henry Chas. Lennox. How to Increase the Percentage of Butter Fat in Milk. 8vo. Sydney, 1S93. MA i Q 08 Orchard Manures. 8vo. Sydney, 1890. MA 1 Q Gl Dried Blood as a Manure. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MA 1 Q 61 ANDERSON, J. [See Great Brit, and Ireland. Col. Offi.] E IANDERSON, J. Corbet. Catalogue of the Hartley Library. [See Hartley Library.] " K 7 U 33 NDERSON, J. S. Australian Historv. 12mo. Sydney, 1891. MB 1 P 43 ANDERSON, James. A Pocket Guide to the Watereure. 82mo. Sydney, 1868. MA 2 P 81 ANDERSON, Prof. W. C. F. Atlas of Classical An- tiquities. [See Schreiber, Th.] B 7 R 8 f ANDERSON, Dr. Wm. Interdependence of Abstract Science and Engineering. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 22 S 23 ANDERSON, Win. J. La Mission Franco-Australienne ; Cantiques choisis par le Missionaire. 18mo. Sydney, 1886. Mil 1 P 75 ANDRADE, David A. The Melbourne Riots, and how Harry Holdfast and his friends emancipated the workers. 8vo. Melb., 1892. MJ 3 Q 12 ANDRE, George G. Rock Blasting. 8vo. Lond., 1878. A 24 T 22 ANDREWS, C. M. The River Towns of Connecticut : a Study of Wethersfield, Hartford, and Windsor. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 7.) 8vo. Balti- more, 1889. B 18 S 7 ANDREWS, Clement W. Periodicals and Society Publi- I cations in the Libraries of the Massuchusetts Institute of Technology. 8vo. Camb., Mass., 1893. K 7 Q 30 ANDREWS, E. B. Outline of the Principles of History. [See Droysen, J. G.] B 36 Q 9 ANDREWS, F. W. Notes on some rare Birds inhabiting South Australia. (Trans. Rov. Soc, S. Australia, 6.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1883. ME 1 S Notes on the Night Parrot. (Trans. Roy. Soc., S. Aus- tralia, 6.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1883. ME 1 S ANDREWS, M. P. Better Late than Never. [See London Stage, 3.] H 2 S 35 ANDREWS, Mrs. T. R. A Glimpse of Hell. 870. Melb., 1895. MG 2 R 32 ANDREWS, Wm. Bygone England. Social Studies in its Historic Byways and Highways. 8vo. Lond., 1892. B 5 T 42 Bygone Leicestershire. Edited by Wm. Andrews. 8vo. Leicester, 1892. B 5 T 43 Bygone Warwickshire. Edited by Wm. Andrews. 8vo. Hull, 1893. B 5 T 44 ANECDOTA OXONIENSIA. Aryan Series. Vol. 1, pt. 7. The Buddha-Karita of Asvaghosha. Edited by Prof. E. B. Cowell. [Sanskrit Text.] Sm. 4to. Oxford, 1893. E Classical Series. Vol. 1, part. 6. Collation with the Ancient Armenian Versions of tho Greek Text of Aristotle's Categories, De Interpretatione, De Mundo, De Vertutibus et Vitiis, and of Porphyry's Introduc- tion. By F. C. Conybeare. Sm. 4to. Oxford, 1892. E Mediasval and Modern Series. Vol. 4, Part 8. Hibernica Minora : being a Fragment of an Old-Irish Treatise on the Psalter. Sm. 4to. Oxford, 1894. E Mcdiasval and Modern Series. Vol. 4, Part 9. The Elucidarium and other Tracts in Welsh [and Latin] from Llyvyr Agkyr Llandewivrcvi, 1345. Sm. 4to. Oxford, 1894. E Mediaeval and Modern Series. Vol. 4, Part 10. The Earliest Translation of the Old Testament into the Basque Language ; by Pierre D'Urte. Sm. 4to. Oxford, 1894. E Semetic Series. Vol. 1, pt 5. The Palestinian Version of the Holy Scriptures. The Syriac Text with English Translation. Edited by G. H. Gwilliam. Sm. 4to. Oxford, 1893. E Semetic Series, part 7. The Churches and Monasteries of Egypt, and some neighbouring Countries ; attribu- ted to Abu Salih, the Armenian. Translated by B. T. A. Evetts ; with Notes by A. J. Butler. [With Arabic Text.] Sm. 4to. Oxford, 1895. E Semetic Series, part 8. The Ethiopic version of the Hebrew Book of Jubilees. Edited from four manu- scripts by R. H. Charles. Sm. 4to. Oxford, 1895. E ANGAS, J. II. On the Merino in South Australia. (Proc. Roy. Agricult. and Horticult. Soc, S. Australia, 1881.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1884. ME 1 S Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. ANGEL, Henry. Practical Plane and Solid Geometry. 8vo. Lond., 189?. A 23 E 15 ANIMAL VACCINATION: being Information supplied by the Government of Bombay to that of New South AVales on the subject of Animal Lymph and Vaccina- tion. 8vo. Sydney, 1882. MA 2 S 54 ANIMAL WOULD, The. Vols. 22, 23. Pol. Lond., 1892. E ANNALES DES MINES. Lois, Doerets, efc. 9th serie. Tomes 1-3. 8vo. Paris, 1892-91. E Memoires. 9th aerie. Tomes 3-7. Svo. Paris, 1893- 95. E ANNALS AND MAGAZINE OF NATURAL HIS- TORY, including Zoology, Botany, and Geology. Oth series, vols. 10-14. 8vo. Lond., 1892-94. E ANNANDALE, Dr. Chas. [See Popular Encyclopedia.] K4 T 11-24 Blackic's Modern Cyclopedia. [See Blackie's.] K7T 11-18 ANNE, Queen of England. Historical Sketches of the Eeign of; by Mrs. M. O. Oliphant. Svo. Lond., 1 894. B 30 Q ANNUAL AMEEICAN CATALOGUE, The. [See American Catalogue.] ANNUAL LITEEAET INDEX, 1892-94. 3 vols. Svo. New York, 1893-95. E ANNUAL REGISTER, The: A Review of Public Event*. 1892-94. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1893-95. E ANNUAL SUMMARIES, roprin'.ed from Hie Times. [See Times, The.] E ANNUARIO GENERALE per la Viticollura e la Eno- logia. Svo. Eoma, 1893. E ANSELM, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1093-1109. Sketch of. [See Fowler, Rev. M. — Notable Archbishops.] C 13 V 12 ANSON, Sir Wm. E. Principles of the English Law of Contract and of Agency in its relation to Contract. 8th cd. Svo. Oxford, 1895. F 11 U 20 ANSON BROS. Settlement of Port Arthur (Penal Set- tlement), past ar.d present. Photographed by Anson Bros. Pol. Hobait (n.d.) MD2P23J ANTANANARIVO ANNUAL: The Madagascar Maga- zine. Pt. 4 of vol. 4. Svo. Antananarivo, 1892. E ANTE-NICENE CHRISTIAN LIBRAEY. Transla- tion of the Writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325. Edited by the Rev. Dr. A. Eoberts and Dr. J. Donald- son. 21 vols. 8 vo. Edinb., 1807-72. G 14 U 1-24 ANTHONY, Rev. A. S. Lenape-English Dictionary. [See Brinton, Dr. D. G.] J 10 U 32 ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, Journal of. Vols. 22-21. Svo. Lond., 1893-95. E Index to Publications of, 1813-91, by G. W. Bloxam Svo. Lond., 1893. E ANTIPHON. (Euvres completes de l'oratcur Antiphon, [See Cucuel, C. — Melanges Grecs.] J 7 U 44 ANTIPODEAN, The: an Illustrated Annual. Edited bv G. E. Evans and J. T. Ryan. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1893. ME 1 U ANTIPODES. [See Revelations of Common Sense.] G19P3I ANTIQUA1RES DU NORD, Societe Rovale des. [See Kongeligt Nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab.] " ANTIQUARIES OF LONDON, SOCIETY OF. [See Society of Antiquaries of London.] ANTIQUART, The. Vols. 25-28 and 30. Sin. 4to. Lond, 1892-91. E ANTONELLT, Cardinal. [See Elliott, Frances— Roman Gossip.] C 21 Q 10 ANTROBUS, Rev. Frederick I. History of the Popes. [See Pastor, Dr. L] G 15 S 2 1, 25 APOCRYPHAL GOSPELS, Ac. [See Bibles, Ac] G14U10 APOSTATE OP THE AGE reproving Sin ; by " A Pro- testant Watchman." Svo. Melb., 1850. MG 1 S 75 APOSTOLIC FATHERS, The. Writingaflf. Translated by Rev. Dr. Eoberts, Dr. Donaklson, and Eov. F. Crombie. (Ante-Nicenc Christ. Lib., 1.) 8vo. Ediub., 1807. G 14 U 1 APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS, The. Edited by Dr. J. Donaldson. (Anle-Nicene Christ. Lib., 17.) Svo. Edinb., 1870. G 14 U 17 APPEARANCE IS AGAINST THEM: A Farce. [See London Stage, 4.J H 2 S 30 APPLEGARTfT, Dr. A. C. Quakers in Pennsylvania. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 10.) 8vo. Balti- more, 1892. B 18 S 10 APPLETON, D., & Co. Annual Cyclopaedia and Eegister o!' Important Events of 1887-93. [Illustrated.] Vols. 12-1 i. Eoy. Svo. New York, 1891-94. E Cyclopaedia of American Biography. Edited by J. G. Wilson and J. Fiske. [Illustrated.] vols. imp. Svo. New York, 1894. C 10 U 1-0 APRES DE MANNEVILLETTE, J. B. N. D. d'. Neptune Oriental. Fol. Paris (n.d.) D 8 P 23 % APTHORP, Win, F. Cyclopedia of Music and Musicians. [See Champlin, .J. D.J K 18 S 9-11 Supplemen ta ry Ca ta logue — 1 893 -95 . 9 ARABIAN NIGHTS' ENTERTAINMENTS; or, the Thousand and One Nights. Translated by B. W. Lane. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1S50. J 5 S 33-35 Plain andliteral translation of, with Supplemental Nights. By Sir R. F. Burton. 1G vols. Svo. Benares [Lond.] 1885-88. Bibr. One Hundred Illustrations to above, from paintings by 8. L. Wood. Svo. Loud, (n.d.) Libr. ARAGO, Francis. History of my Youth. Translated by the Rev. Baden Powell. 12mo. Lond., 1855. C 17 P 1G ARAGO, Jacques E. V. Narrative of a Voyage Round the World in the Uranie and JPhi/sicienne Corvettes. 4to. Lond., 1823. MD 1 Q. 39 t ARAUJO, O. Geografia Nacional, Fisica, Politica, y Corografica. Svo. Montevideo, 1892. D 15 T 23 ARBER, Edward. Transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers of London, 1551-1610 a.d. Vol. 5. Index. 4to. Birm., 1891. B 12 S 22 t ARBOUSSET, Thos. Tahiti et les lies adjaeentes. Svo. Paris, 1807. MB 1 P 4(5 ARCHjEOLOGIA. '[See Society of Antiquaries of London.] ARCILEOLOGIA CAMBRENSIS. [See Cambrian Archaeological Assoc] ARCILEOLOGIA CANTIANA. [-S« Kent Arcbaso- logical Soc] ' RCHyEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Papers. American Series, 4. Final Report of Investi- gations among the Indians of the South-western United States, 1880-85. Part 2; By A. F. Bandelier. 8vo. Camb., 1892. E Papers. American Series, 5. Hemenway South-western Expedition. Contributions to the History of the South-western Portion of the United States, by A. F. Bandelier. 8vo. Camb., 1890. E ARCHBOLD, W. A. J. [Life of] George Jeffreys, Un- just Judge, 1G1S-89. (Lives of Twelve Bad Men.) 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 18 T 9 ARCHELAUS. Works of. (Ante-Nicene Christ. Lib., 20.) 8vo. Edinb., 1871. G 14 U 20 ARCHER, T. A., and KINGSFORD, C. L. The Crusades: The Story of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Svo. Lond., 1894. B 3G Q 5 ARCHER, Thos. Our Sovereign Lady Queen Victoria: Her Life and Jubilee. 4 vols. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1S88. C 9 V 1-4 ARCHER, Wm. The Theatrical World, 1894. Svo. Lond., 1895. H 9 U 21 B ARCHER, Wm. II. Facts and Figures; or, Notes of Progress, Statistical and General. Sm. 4to. Melb., 1S58. MF 1 U 23 Statistical Notes on the Progress of Victoria in relation to Agriculture and Live Stock, to March, 18G3. 4to. Melb., 18G3. MF 3 U GO Victoria Patents and Patentees, 1854-66. 4to. Melb., 1868. ME ARCHIBALD, J. Notes on the Ancient Wreck dis- covered near Warrnambool. (Roy. Geog. Soc. Aus- tralasia, Vic. Branch, 9.) 8vo. Melb., 1S91. ME 20 Notes on the Antiquity of the Australian Aboriginal Race, founded upon the collection in the Warrnambool Public Musem. (Roy. Geog. Soc. Australasia, Vic. Branch, 11.) 8vo. Melb., 1894. ME 20 ARCHITECT AND CONTRACT REPORTER, The. Vols. 48-50. Sm. fol. Lond., 1892-93. E ARCHITECTURAL PUBLICATION SOCIETY. Dic- tionary of Architecture, with illustrations. 11 vols, fol. Lond., 1853-92. K 37 P 11-21 J ARCHITECTURAL SOCIETIES OF THE COUNTIES OF LINCOLN, NOTTINGHAM, YORK, &c. Reports and Papers read, 18S9-91. Vols. 20, 21. 8vo. Lincoln, 1890-93. E ARCIIIV FUR MIKROSKOPISCIIE ANATOMIE. Bande, 40-41. Svo. Bonn, 1892-94. E Namen— and Sacbregister zu Bande 31-40. 8vo. Bonn, 1S93. E ARE CATHOLIC CLAIMS REASONABLE? Svo. Melb., 1875. MJ 3 Q 10 ARENA, The. Vols. 10-12, 1894-95. Svo. Boston, 1894-94. . E ARGENSOLA, Bartolome Leonardo de. Conquista do las Islas Malucas. Sm. fol. Madrid, 1609. D 39 Q 27 + ARGENSON, Marquis d'. A Study in Criticism ; being the Stanhope Essay, Oxford, 1893; by A. Ogle. 12mo. Lond., 1893. C 19 Q 1(5 ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. The Province of La Rioja : its Mines, Agricidture, and Stock-breeding. 12mo. Buenos Aire?, 1895. A 18 P 2 J Message of the President of the Republic on opening the Session of Congress, 1895. Svo. Buenos Aires, 1895. F 3 V 14 ARGLES, T. E. [See Grey, Harold.] AROUS, The. July, 1885-June, 1890. 109 vols. fol. Melb., 1855-90. ME { ARGYLL, George Douglas Campbell, Duke of. Irish Nationalism : an appeal to history. Svo. Lond, 1S93. B 29 Q 19 The Unseen Foundations of Society ; an examination of the fallacies and failures of economic science due to neglected elements. 8vo. Lond., 1893. F 14 S 22 10 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. ARIAS, Rev. E. P. El Beato Sanz y Campaiieros Martires del Ordcu de Predieadores. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1893. G 3 R 20 ARIOSTO, Lodovico. Orlando Furioso. Con note e dilucidazione grammaticali, da R. Zotti, ad uso degli Lingua Italiana. 4 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1814. H 10 IT 10-13 ARISTOPH ANES. A Metrical Version of the Acharnians, the Knights and the Birds. With occasional com- ment by J. H. Prere. 3rd cd. 12mo. Lond., 1890. H 9 U 23 Une Scene des " Grenouilles." [See Cucuel, Ch.] J7U44 Les Scolies du Manuscrit d'Aristophane a Eavenne. [See Martin, A.] J 7 U 18 ARISTOTELES. Aristotle's Constitution of Athens: A revised Text, with notes, &c, by J. E. Sandys. 8vo. Lond., 1893. F 4 P 23 Aristotle's Categories. [See Anecdota Oxoniensia.] Aristotle's Theory of Poetry and Fine Art, with a Critical Text and a Translation of the Poetics, by Dr. • S. H. Butcher. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 4 T 25 Politics of. [See Susemihl, Prof. P.] P 7 R 30 ARKANSAS— General. Arkansas in 1S92-93, from Census Returns 1890. 8vo. Little Rock, Arkansas, 1893. D 15 V 18 Beskrivelse af Staten Arkansas. 8vo. St. Louis, 1893. D 15 T 21 Description of the State of. (1 and 2.) Svo. St. Louis, 1893. D 15 T 21 Eino genauc und zuverlassige Schilderuug des Staates Arkansas. 8vo. St. Louis, 1893. D 15 T 21 Port Smith : what it is, what it has, and what it offers. 8vo. Port Smith, 1893. D 15 T 21 Hand-book of. 8vo. Richmond, 1893. D 15 T 5 Pine Bluff and Jefferson County, Ai-kansas, full Descrip- tion. Imp. 8vo. (n.p.) 1893. D 19 V 20 Something of interest to all : the South Land. 12mo. St. Louis, 1893. D 15 P 11 Statistics and Information showing the Agricultural and Mineral Resources, the opportunities for successful Stock and Fruit Raising, Manufacturing, Mining, and Lumbering, &c. 8vo. (n.p.) 1893. D 15 Q 23 [See also Pine Bluff Coloured Industrial Institute.] G- 18 R 30 ARKANSAS — Superintendent of Public Instruction. Report, 1891-92. 8vo. Little Rock, 1893. E ARKANSAS INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY. Catalogue, 1892-93. 8vo. Little Rock, 1892. E ARLOING, Dr. Saturnin, RODET, A., and COUR- MONT, J. Etude Experimental sur les Proprietes attributes a la Tuberculine de M. Koch. (Annales de l'Universite de Lyon, G.) Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1892. A 33 U 24 ARLOT, M. Complete Guide for Coach Painters. Trans- lated from the French by A. A. Fesquet. 12mo. Philad., 1888. A 25 Q 38 ARM ATAGE, George. Everv Man his own Cattle Doctor. Oth ed. 8vo. Lond., 1890. A L8 T 18 The Sheep Doctor. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1895. A 30 R 13 ARMIT, W. E. Notes on the Philology of the Islands adjacent to the south-eastern extremity of New Guinea. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 1.) Svo. Brisbane, 1885. ME 1 T The Papuans. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 2.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1886. ME 1 T ARMOUR, Philip D. Biographical Sketch of. [See Stoddard, Win. 0.— Men of Business.] C 10 R 19 ARMSBY, Dr. Henry P. Manual of Cattle-feeding : a Treatise on the Laws of Animal Nutrition and tho Chemistry of Feeding-stuffs in their application to tho feeding of Farm Animals. 5th ed., illustrated. 12mo. New York, 1893. A 18 R 39 and JENKINS, Dr. E. H. The Farmer's Annual Hand-book for 1883. 12ino. Now York, 1883. A 18 P7 ARMSTRONG, Rev. Dr. Geo. Dodd. The two Books of Nature and Revelation collated. 8vo. New York, 188G. G 19 P 24 ARMSTRONG, Robert. Chimneys for Furnaces and Steam Boilers. 3rd. ed. With an Appendix on tho Theory of Chimney Draught, by P. E. Idell. 18mo. New York, 1894. A 19 P 4 ARMSTRONG, W. [See Corroyer, E.] A 19 R 2 ARMSTRONG, Walter. Thomas Gainsborough. (Port- folio Monograph, 9.) Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. E ARMSTRONG, Sir Wm. Portrait of. [See Johnson, R. W— The Making of the Tyne.] B 21 V G ARMY AND NAVY CALENDAR, 1891-94. 8vo. Lond., 1891-93. E ARMY AND NA VY MA GAZINE. [See United Service Magazine.] ARNOBIUS. Tho Seven Books of Arnobius Adversus Gentes. Translated by Dr. A. H. Bryce and II. Campbell. (Ante-Nicene Christ. Lib., 19.) 8vo. Edinb., 1871. G 14 U 19 ARNOLD, Sir Edwin. Adzuuia ; or, the Japanese Wife: a play in four acts. 8vo. Lond., 1893. II 1 It 33 Pearls of the Faith ; or, Islam's Rosary ; being the Ninety-nine beautiful Names of Allah. Oth ed. 12mo Lond., 1891. H9Q18 The Tenth Muse, and other Poems. Svo. Lond., 1895. II 9 U 26 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 11 ARNOLD Eev. Frederick H. Sussex Tokens. [See Warren, J. L.] A 27 Q 45 ARNOLD, Matthew. A French Eton; or, Middlo Class Education and the State. 12uio. Loud., 1861. G 18 P 15 God and the Bible : a Sequel to " Literature and Dogma." 12mo. Lond., 1881. G 9 V 20 Isaiah of Jerusalem, in tho authorised English Version. 8vo. Lond., 1883. G 19 P 26 Mixed Essays. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1880. J 1 1 T 25 St Paul and Protestantism ; with other Essays. 12mo. Lond., 1887. GOV 21 Arnold's Criticism. [See Burroughs, J.— Indoor Studies.] J 16 T 40 Sketch of the Work of. [See Dawson, W. J.— Makers of Modern English.] H 10 S It 4 ARNOLD, Richard A. New South Wales Parliamentary Handbook. 8vo. Sydney, 1891. MP 2 T 53 II ARNOLD, Robert Arthur. The Lords as Landlords. [See Subjects of the Day, 4.] F 7 U 29 ARNOLD, Samuel G. History of the State of Rhode Island, 1636-1790. 4th ed. 8vo. Providence, R.I., 1891. B 20 S 7, 8 ARNOLD, T. K. [See Fradersdorff, Dr. J. W.] K 14 P 10 ARNOLD, Thomas. Sketch of; with Portrait. [See Bo!ton, Sarah K.— Famous Leaders.] C 17 P 27 ARNOLD, Mrs. William. [See Brentano, L.] F 5 Q I ' ENOULD, Sir Joseph. On the Law of Marine Insur- ance. 6th ed.; by D. MacLachlan. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1887. F 6 V 28, 29 A BRIAN", Flavins. Anabasis of Alexander, and Indica ; translated bv Rev. E. J. Chinnock. 12mo. Lond., 1893. B 14 P 36 ARROWSMITH, Aaron. Chart of Rio de la Plata. Fol. Lond., 179S. MD 1 P 15 % Chart of the Marquesas. Fol. Loud., 1798. MD 1 P 15 % Chart of several Harbours in the S.E. part of Van Die- man's Land. Fol. Lond., 1798. MD 1 P 15 % Chart of the Southern Promontory of America from the Spanish Survey, 1789-95. Fol. Lond., 1802. MD 1 P 15 % Plan of the River Oregan. Fol. Lond., 1798. MD 1 P 15 X Reduced Chart of the Pacific Ocean. Fol. Lond., 1798. MD 1 P 15 X Survey of the Harbour of Panama by the Sloops Dcs- cuh'ierta and Atrivida, 1791. Fol. Lond., 1S00. MD 1 P 15 X ART JOVRNAL, The, 1892-91. 8 vols. 4to. Lond., 1S92-94. E ART OF PREACHING; in imitation of Horace's Art of Poetry. Sin. fol. Lond. (n.d.) II 39 Q 13 X ART OP PRESERVING THE FEET. Practical In- structions for the Prevention of Corns, Bunnions, ce ad antiquissimos testes denuo recensuit apparatum criticum apposuit C. Tischendorf. 8vo. Lipsi», 1894. G 14 E 17 BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS— contd. Hebrew. Biblia Hcbraica ex recensione Aug. Hahnii cum Vulgata interpretatione Latina. 12mo. Lipsia;, 1838. G 9 V 28 Phonographic. The Holy Bible in easy reporting style of Phonography (Pitman's). 8vo. Lond., 1890. G2 S31 Proyencal. Le Nouveau Testament ; traduit au XIII Siecle en Languo Proveneale suivi d'un Eitual Cathare. 8vo. Paris, 1888. G 16 U 21 Svrtac. The Four Gospels in Syriac. [See Bensly, Prof. E. L.] G 6 V 24 Fourth Book of Maccabees. [See Bensly, Prof. E. L.] G 14 Q 32 Torkish. The Four Gospels. Sm. 4to. (n.p.n.d.) Gl E29 BIBLIOGBAPHICA. Vol. 1. Sm. fol. Lond., 1895. J 15 Q 23 t BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL, CHILE. [See Chili.] BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL DO EIO DE JANEIEO. [See Brazil.] BIBLIOTHECA AECANA, seu Catalogus Librorum Penetralium. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1885. J 6 T 31 BIBLIOTHECA CUEIOSA. 50 vols. 12mo. Edinb., 1883-88. J 18 Q 1-50 Ballad Book ; by C. K. Sharpo. King Charlea IPs Escape from Worcester; by Charles II. Origin of the Native Races of America ; by H. Grotius and P. Albinus. Counter Blast to Tobacco ; by James I. A North Countrie Garland ; by J. Maidment. History of Reynard the Fox. Political Songs of England, from the Reign of John to Edward II ; by T. Wright. Miraculous Escape of the Young Chevalier from the Battle of Culloden. King Haco's Expedition against Scotland, 1263. Trans- lated by Rev. J. Johnstone. New Book of Old Ballads. Edited by J. Maidment. The Apology of George Brisset. The Maner of the Tryumphe of Caleys and Bulleyn. Political Satires of the 17th Century ; from the Writings of the Earl of Rochester. The Pretty Gentleman ; or, Softness of Manners vindicated. Journey round my Room ; by Count Xavier de Maistre. A Nocturnal Expedition round my Room ; by Count Maistre. The Ballad Book ; by G. R. Kinloch. Trial of Francis Bavaillac for the Murder of Henry the Great. A Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle ; by Dame Juliana Berners. Speech on American Affairs ; by Governor Johnston, 1776. Edward Webbe, chief Master Gunner: his Trauiles, 1590. Crito ; or, a Dialogue on Beauty ; by Sir H. Beaumont. The Secrets of Angling ; by J. Dennys. Catalogue of the Publications of the Elzevier Presses. The Mystery of Iniquity as it is now practised among the Jesuits ; by Titus Oates, 1679. A Commonwealth of Women ; by Mr. D'Urfey. Conspiracy of the Count de Fieschi against the Republick of Genoua, in the year 1547. Chancellor's Voyage to Muscovy, 1550. Magic Plants ; by M. J. H. Heucher. Treatise of Magic Incantations. Translated by C. Pazig. The Last Fight of the Revenge and the Death of Sir Richard Grenville. 28 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. BIBLIOTHECA CUEIOSA— contd. The Hearse of the Et. Hon. the Earl of Essex ; by Richard Vines. Love's Mistress ; or, the Queen's Masque ; by T. Heywood. Dissertation on the Druids ; by E. l'ufendorff. The Famous Historic of Fryer Bacon. Conspiracy of the Normans against William the Bastard ; by the Abb6 le Cointe. The Chieftains of Vendee ; by Baron de Barante. Thespis on Tryal ; or, the Moralitie of Players considered; by J. Geier. A King's Mistress ; or, Charles VII and Agnes Sorel ; by B. H. R. Capefigue. Voyage to the Canaries, Cape Verd, and the Coast of Africa, under the command of M. Dancourt, 1682 ; by J. Le Maire. The Life and Times of Christopher Columbus ; by A. M. L. P. de Lamartine. Sketch of the Aldine Press at Venice ; by A. A. Kenouard. Chronological History of New England, in the form of Annals ; by T. Prince. BIBLIOTHECA OENOLOGICA. Zusammenstellung des gesammten Weinliteratur des in-und Auslandes. 8vo. Heidelberg, 1875. J 5 S 30 BIBLIOTHEQUE EOYALE DE BELGIQUE. [See Belgium.] BICKELL, Dr. L. Bookbindings from the Hessian His- torical Exhibition, illustrating the Art of Binding from the 15th-l8th Centuries. Pol. Leipzig, 1893. A6S 3 % BICKEESTAFF, Isaac. The Hypocrite: a Comedy. [See London Stage, I.] II 2 S 33 Lionel and Clarissa : an Opera. [See London Stage, 1.] H2 S33 Love in a Village : an Opera. [See London Stage, 1.] II 2 S 33 The Maid of the Mill : an Opera. [See London Stage, 1.] II 2 S 33 Tho Padlock: a Comic Opera. [See London Stage, 1.] II 2 S 33 The Kccruiting Sergeant : a Musical Entertainment. [See London Stage, 8.] H 2 S 35 The Eomp : a Comic Opera. [See London Stage, 4.] II 2 S 3G The Sultan ; or, a Peep into the Seraglio : a Farce. [See London Stage, 3] II 2 S 35 BICKERSTETH, Mary. Japan as we saw it. 8vo. Lond., 1893. D 17 7 2 BICKERTON, Prof. Alexander Wm. Copies of Letters on Partial Impact. 8vo. Canterburv, N.Z., 1879. MA 3 E 56 The Immortality of tho Cosmos : being an attempt to show that the theory of dissipation of energy is limited to finite portions of space. 8vo. Canterbury, N.Z., 1894. MA 2 T 71 New Story of the Stars. 1894. 12mo. Christchurch, N.Z., MA 3 U 20 Oversight in Croll's Method of lengthening the age of the Sun's heat. 8vo. Canterbury, N.Z., 1894. MA 2 T 71 BICKERTON, Prof. Alexander Wm.— contd. Partial Impact, Paper No. 4 — General Problem of Stellar Collison. 8vo. Christchurch, N.Z., 1879. MA 3 E 56 Eeply to Critics on a New Story of the Stars. 12mo. Christchurch, N.Z , 1895. MA 3 U 20 Some recent evidence in favour of Impact. Svo. Wel- lington, 1891. MA 2 T 70 Synoptic Statement of the Principles and Phenomena of Cosmic Impact. 8vo. Wellington, 1891. MA 2 T 71 BICKHAM, George. The Universal Penman ; or, the Art of Writing. Pol. Lond., 1743. G 40 T 15 % BICKMOKE, Albert S. Travels in the East Indian Archi- pelago. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 18C8. D 19 E 3 BIDDER, A. de. Catalogue des Bronzes de la Societe Archeologique d'Athenes. Svo. Paris, 1894. K8 E25 BIDDULPH, C. E. Four Months in Persia, and a Visit to Trans-Caspia. Svo. Lond., 1892. D 16 V 3 BIEWEND, A. B. C. About Gymnastics in the Schools. 8vo. Milwaukee (n.d.) G 18 E 35 Nature of Gymnastics, and Gymnastics in School. 8vo. Milwaukee (n.d.) G 18 E 35 Teaching Gymnastics : a State Affair. 8vo. Milwaukee (n.d.) G 18 R 35 BIGELOW, Capt. John. Principles of Strategy, illus- trated maiuly from American Campaigns. 2nd ed. Eoy. 8vo. Philad., 1894. A 29 V 24 BIGELOW, Poultney. Tho Borderland of Czar and Kaiser. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1895. D 17 Q 23 BIGGE, L. A. S-. [See Hume, D.] G 16 Q 41 BIGGS, C. H. W. Electrical Distribution. [See Kilgow, M. H.] A 21 Q 39 BIGNOLD, Thos. F. Leviora: being the Ehymes [Indian Subjects] of a successful competitor. 8vo. Calcutta, 1888. II 10 S 13 BILLINGS, Eobt. Wm. The Infinity of Geometric Design exemplified. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) A12T15t BILLINGTON, Mary Frances. Woman in India. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 14 U 7 BINNET, Eev. Dr. Thomas. Objections to Theatrical Amusements. Svo. Melb., 1877. MG 2 Q 20 BINNY, J. Criminal Prisons of London. [See Mayhew, H.] F 6 V 20 BIOLLEY, Paul. Costa Eica and her Future. Trans- lated from the French by C. Charles. With Map. 8vo. Wash., 1889. D 12 T 16 ir Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 29 BIOLOGISGHES GENTBALBLATT. Bande 12-15. Roy. 8vo. Leipzig, 1892-94. E BION. Works of. [See Fawkes, P.] H9U28 ■ BIECII, Samuel. The Adopted Child : a Musical Drama. [See London Stage, 1.] H 2 S 33 IED IN A GOLDEN CAGE, A; by " Cleofas." 18mo. Melb., 1867. MJ 3 P 8 BIEDS. [Colored plates of.] Fol. (n.p.n.d.) MA 2 P 31 1 Birds of Chili, New Guinea, and New Ireland. [Illus- trations to accompany " Vovage de la Goquille" and " Historia de Chile."] Pol. " (n.p.n.d.) MA 2 P 29 I IBIEDWOOD, Sir Geo. [See East India Co.] B 29 V 2 BIRDWOOD, Dr. George C. M. Industrial Arts of India. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1880. A 23 E 36, 37 BIEKMYEE, Win. Tin : its Chemistry and Commercial Value. 8vo. Melb., 1877. MA 2 Q 53 BIRKS, Eev. Thos. E. The Uncertainties of Modern Physical Science. 8vo. Lond., 1876. G 1 E 32 I BIRMINGHAM, John. The Red Stars. (Trans. E.I. Academy— Cunningham Memoirs, 5.) 4to. Dublin, 1888. E BIRMINGHAM MUSEUM AND ART GALLERY. Catalogue of Photographs of the Photographic Survey of Warwickshire. Sm. 4to. Birmingham, 1892. K7R55 BIRKELL, Augustine. Essays about Men, Women, and Books. 12mo. Lond., 1894. C 19 P 2 BISHOP, A. English and Hawaiian Words and Phrases for the use of learners in both languages. 12mo. Honolulu, 1854. MK I P 43 BISHOP, Maria C. Memoir of Mrs. Augustus Craven (Pauline de la Perronnays). 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 21 P 3, 4 BISMARCK-SCHONHAUSEN, Prince von. Prince Bismarck at Home. [See Kingston, W. Beatty-. — Men, Cities, and Events.] C 22 R 4 [Life of] ; by C. Lowe. 12mo. Lond. 1895. C21P17 Sketch of. [See Smalley, G. W- Studies of Men.] C 19 R 20 BJORNSON, B. Account of. [See Tweedie, Mrs. A.] D 18 T 15 BLACK, Adam and Chas. General Atlas of the World. Pol. Lond., 1895. D 8 P 25 J Guide to the English Lakes. 12mo. Edinb., 1856. ID 18 Q 16 BLACK, Alex., C.E. First Principles of Building. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 19 Q 3 BLACK, Alex. Photography, Indoor and Out: a Book for Amateurs. 12mo. Boston, 1894. A 23 Q 45 BLACK, George. Labor in Politics. The New South Wales Labor Party ; what it did and what it prevented. 2nd ed. 8vo. Sydney, 1893*. MF 2 R 48 BLACK, Helen C. Notable Women Authors of the Day. Biographical Sketches. 8vo. Glasgow, 1893. C15R23 BLACK, J. The Mysteries of Revelation revealed. 8vo. West Maitland, 1883. MG 1 S 4 BLACK, Dr. J. W. Maryland's Attitude in the Struggle for Canada, (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 10.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1892. B 18 S 10 BLACK, Reginald. New South Wales Land Laws. 12mo. Sydney (n.d.) MP 4 P 15 BLACK, Robert. Horse-racing in Engand. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 29 T 15 BLACK AND WHITE: a Weekly Illustrated Record and Review. Vols. 1-10. Fol. Lond., 1891-95. E BLACKBURN, A. H., and STEVENS, James. Engineer- ing Telegraph Code for the use of Engineers, Contrac- tors, Manufacturers, Merchants, &c. 4to. Lond., 1892. K 9 S 11 BLACKBURN, Chas. P. Rambles in Books. 12mo. Lond., 1893. J 5 P 49 BLACKBURN, Henry. Academy Notes, 1875, 1877-81, 1893-95. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1875-95. E Academy Sketches, 1893-94. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893-94. E Art of Illustration. Illustrated. Sm.4to. Lond., 1894. A 23 U 19 Artistic Travel in Normandy, Brittany, the Pyrenees, Spain, and Algeria. 8vo. Lond., 1892. D 9 S 33 The New Gallery, 1893-95 ; a complete illustrated catalogue. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893-95. E BLACKBURN, Rev. Thos. New Genera and Species of Australian Coleoptera. (Trans. Roy. Soc, S. Aus- tralia, 17, 18.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1895. ME 1 S BLACKIE, Prof. John Stuart. A Biography ; by Anna M. Stoddart. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1895. C 13 V 18, 19 Lyrical Poems. 8vo. Edinb., 1860. H 9 U 9 BLACKIE'S Modern Cyclopedia of Universal Information. Edited by Dr. C. Annandale. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1889-90. K 7 T 11-18 BLACKLEY, Prank. Notes of Interest : " On Change." 4to. Sydney, 1889. MP 3 U 63 BLACKMAN, R, D. Dictionary of Foreign Phrases. [See Deacon, C. W.] K 12 Q 48 30 Supp lemen tary Ca ta logue — 1893-95 . BLACKMAR, Dr. F. W. Spanish Colonization in the Southwest. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 8.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1890. B 18 S 8 BLACKMORE, Edwin G. The Law of the Constitution of South Australia. Sm. 4to. Adelaide, 1894. MF 3 U 62 BLACKTOWN LAND CO. Memorandum and Articles of Association. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MF 4 B 85 BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. Vols. 152-15G. 8vo. Edinb., 1892-94. E BLADEN, Frank M. Growth of the Australasian Colonies and their present relation to the Mother Country. (Rosebery Prize Essay, 1885.) 8vo. Svdnev, 1886. " MB 2 R 40 History of New South "Wales. [See New South Wales.] MB 2 S 33 BLADES, "Win. Books in Chains, and other Bibliographi- cal Papers. 12mo. Lond., 1892. K 19 P 12 BLAIKIE, Eev. Dr. ¥m. G. Joshua, and 1st and 2nd Samuel. [See Expositor's Bible.] G 19 R and S BLAINE, Jas. G. Sketch of. [See Brooks, N.— States- men.] C 16 R 20 BLAIB, Edward T. Henry of Navarre and. the Religious "Wars. Roy. 8vo. Philad., 1895. B 26 V 14 BLAIR, Dr. John. Remarks on Diphtheria. 8vo. Melb., 1868. MA 1 V 73 The Chinese Specifics for Diphtheria. 8vo. Melb., 1874. MA 3 S 64 BLAKE, Hon. E. Address at the Convocation of the University of Toronto, 1892. Roy. 8vo. Toronto, 1892. G 18 S 6 BLAKE, Rev. G. L. Yachting. [See Sullivan, Sir E.]. A 29 Q 40, 41 BLAKE, "Wm. Works of; Poetic, Symbolical, and Critical: Edited by E. J. Ellis and W. B. Teats. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1893. J 4 U 11-13 Selections from the Writings of ; with an Essay by L. Housman. 12mo. Lond., 1893. II 10 P 30 Wm. Blake, his Life, Character, and Genius ; by A. T. Story. 12mo. Lond., 1893. C 14 P 12 BLANCHARD, Jas. T. Essays and Addresses on Educa- tional and Social Subjects. 8vo. Melb., 1881. MG 1 R 73 BLANCHE OF CASTILLE, Queen of France. History of. [See Bcrger, Elie.] B 26 V 19 BLANCHE, John F. The Prince's Visit, and other Poems. 2nd ed. 8vo. Melb., 1881. Mil 1 S 31 BLANCIIERE, R. de la. Terracene: essai d'histoiro localo. 8vo. Paris, 1884. B 35 R 17 BLANFORD, Henry F. Physical Explanation of the inequality of the tw r o semidiurnal oscillations of Baro- metric Pressure. [See Journal of Asiatic Society, Bengal, vol. 45, part 2.] E BLATHWAYT, Raymond. Interviews; with Portraits. 8vo. Lond., 1893. J 10 U 34 BLAVATSKY", Mme. Helene Petrovna. The Theosophical Glossary. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1892. G 2 T 27 The Secret Doctrine. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1S88. G 16 U 5, 6 A Modern Priestess of Isis. [See Solovyoff, V. S."J G2 U12 Madame Blavatsky and her Theosophy. [See Lillie, A.] G 2 U 13 BLAXLAND, Gregory. Journal of a Tour of Discovery across the Blue Mountains in New South Wales. {Reprint:) 8vo. Edinb., 1893.* MD 5 Q 50 BLEASDALE, Rev. Dr. John Ignatius. Practical Edu- cation : its present condition on the Continent of Europe, and in Great Britain. 8vo. Melb., 1869. MJ 3 Q 15 BLENNERHASSETT, Lady. [Life of] Talleyrand. Trans- lated from the German by F. Clark. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 17 S 18, 19 BLENNERHASSETT, Rose, and 3LEEMAN, Lucy. Adventures in Mashonaland. Svo. Lond., 1893. D 14 S7 BLESSINGTON, Marguerite Power, Countess of. Con- fessions of an Elderly Lady. Svo. Paris, 1841. J 10 U 30 Confessions of an Elderly Gentleman. 8vo. Paris, 1841. J 10 8 30 BLEW, William C. A. Brighton and its Coaches. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. B 24 V 16 BLIND, Mathilde. Journal of Marie Bashkirtseff. [See Bashkirtseff, Marie.] C 22 P 1 BLISS, W. D. P. Hand-book of Socialism. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 8 U 47 BLISSARD, Rev. W. The Ethic of Usury and Interest : a Study in Inorganic Socialism. Svo. Lond., 1892. F 14 Q 40 BLOCH, Prof. Gustave. Les origines du Senat Romain ; recherches sur la Formation et la Dissolution de Senat Patricien. 8vo. Paris, 1883. F 1 R 10 BLOCKMAR, Dr. F. W. Federal and State Aid to Higher Education in the United States. Svo. Wash., 1890. G 18 R 20 BLOCKX, Jacques. A Compendium of Painting. Trans- lated by H. Gordon. 12mo. Lond., 1894. A 23 P 4 BLOOMFIELD, Capt. Harry. The Sea Spray. Svo. Lond., 1875. MJ 3 Q 7 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 31 BLOOMFIELD, Eobert. The Farmer's Boy. 8vo. Lond., 1857. H 9 U 7 BLOTJET, Paul, " Max O'Eell." La Maison John Bull & Cie. les Grandes succursales : le Canada, l'Australie, la Nouvelle Zelande, l'Afrique du sud. 12mo. Paris, 1894. MD 7 T 57 John Bull & Co. : the Great Colonial Branches of the firm — Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. 8vo. Lond., 1891. MD 7 T 58 BLOW, Susan E. Symbolic Education. 8vo. New York, 1894. G 18 P 13 I LOXAM, Chas. L. Chemistry, Inorganic and Organic. 8th ed., revised by Prof. J. M. Thomson and A. G. Bloxam. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 21 U 4 ■ BLOXAM, G. W. Index to Publications of the Anthro- pological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. [See Anthropological Institute.] E BLUMLEE, M. E. History of Amulets. [See Collectanea Adamantsea.] J 18 E 27 3LUNDELL, Jas. J., & Co. Street Guide and Index to the Distance Map of Melbourne and Suburbs. 12mo. Melb. (n.d.) MD 1 P 35 BLUNT, T. P. The influence of Light on Bacteria. (Eoy. Soc, Vict., 20.) 8vo. Melb., 1881. ME 1 P OADEN, Jas. Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons, interspersed with Anecdotes of Authors and Actors. 12mo. Lond., 1893. C 19 Q 2 BOAEDING-OUT SYSTEM in Victoria, Extension of. Protest on behalf of the Abbotsford Convent Indus- trial School, with the Official Eeplv. 8vo. Melb., 1881. MF 2 Q 09 BOAS, Franz. Chinook Texts. Svo. Wash., 1894. J7U39 BOCCACCIO, Giovanni, as Man and Author; by J. A. Symonds. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 18 T 18 BODDAM, Lieut.-Col. F. B. Harbour Defences. [See United Service Inst.] BCEHME, Henry. Scriptural, Historical, and Experi- mental Facts. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) Mil 1 S 27 B BOHEMIAN. [See Industrial Schools.] MF 1 P 73 OITO, Arrigo. Sketch of. [See Streatfeild, E. A.— Masters of Italian Music] C 22 P 13 BOLDEEWOOD, Eolf. [See Browne, T. A.] BOLINGBEOKE, Henry St. John, Viscount. Sketch of. [See Bagehot, W.— Biographical Studies.] C 22 P 10 BOLLAND, Simpson. The Iron-founder: a compre- hensive treatise on the Art of Moulding. 8vo. New York, 1892. A 25 E The Iron-founder Supplement : a complete Illustrated Exposition of the Art of Casting in Iron. Svo. New York, 1893. A 25 E 14 BOLLES, Frank. Harvard University : a brief Statement of what Harvard University is, how it may be entered, and how its Degrees may be obtained. 8vo. Camb., Mass., 1892. G 18 E 46 Students' Expenses, Harvard University. 8vo. Camb., Mass., 1893. G 18 E 47 BOLTON, Eeginald. Motive Powers and their Practical Selection. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 25 Q 21 BOLTON, Sarah Knowles. Famous Voyagers and Ex- plorers. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 18 P 10 Famous Leaders among Men. 12mo. New York, 1894. C 17 P 27 BONANZA. [See Gold-fields Eeminiscences.] MA 3 S 58 BONAE, Eev. Dr. Andrew Alex. Diary and Letters. Transcribed and edited by his daughter, Marjory Bonar. 8vo. Lond., 1S93. C 19 E 7 Eeminiscences of ; edited by his daughter. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 19 E 21 BONAE, Marjory. [See Bonar, Eev. Dr. A. A.] BONA VI A , Dr. E. The Flora of the Assyrian Monuments and its Outcomes. 8vo. Westminster, 1894. A 20 S 11 Studies in the Evolution of Animals. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1895. A 28 U 11 BOND, Chas. G. Cast Away, and other poems. Svo. Sydney, 1893. Mil 1 P 08 BONHAM, John M. Secularism ! its Progress and its Morals. 8vo. New York, 1894. G 19 P 21 BONNAE, Thos. Biographical Sketch of G. M. Kemp. 8vo. Edinb., 1892. C 21 E 5 BONNAED, H. Eeport on the Amsterdam International Exhibition, 1883. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1884. ME BONNEE, Hypatia Bradlaugh. Life and Works of Chas. Bradlaugh. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 21 E 1, 2 BONNEE, T. D. Life and Adventures of James P. Beck- wourth, Mountaineer, Scout, Pioneer, aud Chief of the Crow Nation of Indians. Svo. Lond., 1892. C 16 E 12 BONNEY, Eev. Dr. Thos. Geo. Charles Lyell and Modern Geology. 12mo. Loud., 1895. C 19 V 9 The Story of our Planet. 8vo. Lond., 1893 [See Year-book of Science.] A 24 U 20 E 32 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. BONSAL, Stephen, junr. Morocco as ib is, with an account of Sir C. Euan Smith's Mission to Fez. 8vo. Lond., 1893. D 14 P 9 BONWICK, James. Astronomy for Young Australians. 18mo. Melb., 1866. MA 1 P 83 Climate and Health in Australasia, to which is added a Chapter on the Land Laws of the Colony of New South "Wales. 12mo. Lond., 1886. MA 3 TJ 2 Egyptian Belief and Modern Thought. 8vo. Lond., 1878. G 2 P 32 Geography for the Use of Australian Youth. 2nd ed. 18mo. Launceston, 1850. MD 1 P 37 Geography of Australia and New Zealand. 3rd ed. 18mo. Melb., 1855. MD 1 P 45 Irish Druids and Old Irish Beligions. 8vo. Lond., 1864. G 16 R 47 [Life of] John Batman, the Pounder of Victoria. 12mo. Melb., 1867. MC 1 P 59 Header for Australian Youth. Parti. 12mo. Adelaide, 1852. MJ 1 Q 48 The Besources of Queensland. 8vo. Lond., 1883. MD 8 P 19 Western Victoria ; its Geography, Geology, and Social Condition. 8vo. Geelong, 18-38. MD 1 Q 42 BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER, The. [See Liturgies.] G 13 T 49 BOOK FOR THE FARM, A: or, Bones and Bone Dust; their use and application as a Manure. 8vo. Hobart, 1851. MA IP 63 BOOK OF ENGLISH SONGS, The. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) 119 U 8 BOOK OF MORMON, The. Translated by Joseph Smith, jun. 12mo. Laraoni, 1874. G 13 V 31 BOOK OF RIDDLES, The. 18mo. Lond., 1851. A 29 S 14 BOOK OF THE DEAD, The. Fac-simile of the Papyrus of Ani, in the British Museum. Fol. Lond., 1894. B 8 Q 14 + Papyrus of Ani, &c. Egyptian Text, with Translation by Dr. E. A. W. Budge. 4to. Lond., 1895. B8Q2f The Egyptian Book of the Dead. [See Davis, Dr. C. H. S.] G 37 Q 10J BOOKWORM, The: an Illustrated Treasury of Old- time Literature. Vols. 5-7. 8vo. Lond., 1892-94. E BOORE, F. A. Description of the Exploration of the Aird River, New Guinea. (Roy. Geogr. Soc. of Australasia, Q. Branch, 3.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1888. ME 20 BOOSE, J. R. Crozet's Voyage. [See CrozetV] MD 8 Q 43 BOOT, W. H. J. Trees, and how to Paint them in Water- colours. 2nded. Ob. 8vo. Lond., 1883. A 23 Q 35 BOOTH, Mrs. Catherine. Life of ; by F. de L. Booth- Tucker. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1892. C 15 R 21, 22 BOOTH, Charles. Life and Labour of the People in London. Vols. 5, 6. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 10 U 12, 13 The Aged Poor in England and Wales. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 8 P 29 BOOTH, Edwin. Life and Art of; by W. Winter. 12mo. Lond., 1893. C 19 Q 6 [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L. — Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 BOOTH, Prof. Jas. C, akd MORFIT, Campbell. On Recent Improvement in the Chemical Arts. 8vo. Wash., 1852. A 21 U 2 BOOTH, Rev. Wm. General Booth at Home at Hadley Wood ; with Portrait. [See Blathwayt, R. — Inter- views.] J 10 U 34 BOOTH-TUCKER, F. de L. [See Tucker, F. de L. B.-] BOOTHBY, Benjamin. Correspondence between the Governor of South Australia and the Secretary of State, relative to Mr. Justice Boothby. Sm. fol. Lond., 1862. MF 3 U 6 BOOTHBY, Guy. A Lost Endeavour. 18mo. Lond, 1895. MJ 3 P 32 The Marriage of Esther : a Torres Straits Sketch. 8vo. Lond, 1895. MJ 3 Q 20 On the Wallaby: or, Through the East and across Australia. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud, 1894. MD7S40 BORDEAUX WINE EXHIBITION, 1882. Official Catalogue of the Wines of New South Wales, for- warded to the Philomatic Society of Bordeaux for the Exhibition of 1882, 8vo. Sydney, 1882. MK2R4 BORGEAUD, Chas. Adoption and Amendment of Constitutions in Europe and America. Translated by Prof. C. D. Hazen. 8vo. Lond, 1895. F 2 V 10 The Rise of Modern Democracy in Old and New England. Translated by Mrs. Birkbeck Hill. 8vo. Lond, 1894. F5 Q2 BORLASE,Wm. C. The Age of the Saints. 8vo. Truro, 1893. G 6 S 31 BORNET, E, et GRUNOW, A. Mazjea: Nouveau Genre d'algue de l'ordre des Cryptophycees. 8vo. (n p.n.d.) A 30 U 27 BOSANQTJET, Bernard. Aspects of the Social Problem ; by various writers. 8vo. Lond, 1895. F 8 U 31 The Social Contract. [See Rousseau, J. J.] F 8 U 42 BOSCAWEN, Wm. St. C. The Bible and the Monu- ments : the Primitive Hebrew Records in the Light of Modern Research. 8vo. Lond, 1895. G 3 It 18 Mummies of the Priests of Ammon, discovered at Thebes. [See Boy. Soc. of Lit, 2nd series, 16.] E A Chat with ; with Portrait. [See Blathwayt, R. — Interviews.] J 10 U 31 ■ UNIVEf Supplementary Catalogue— 33 BOSE, Pramatha Nath. History of Hindu Civilization during British Kule. 2 vols. 12mo. Calcutta, 1894. F 7 V 7, 8 BOSTON CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY, Eeport 1891. 8vo. Boston, 1893. E BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. Annual Reports of Trustees, 1854, 1856-57, 18G0-G1, 1S60-67, 18G9-72, 1875-75, 1877-78, 1880-87, 1889-93. 29 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1854-93. E Bulletins, 1890-91. 1890-94. Hand-book for Readers, containing the Regulations of the Library, with an Account of the Catalogues, &c. 9th ed. 12mo. Boston, 1890. J 12 S 40 17 vols. Roy. 8vo. Boston, Libr. B OSWELL, Chas. S. The Yita Nuova and its author. [See Dante Alighieri.] J 9 R 29 BOS WE LL, .las. Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson, LL.D. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) D 18 R 20 BOTH WELL, James Hepburn, Earl of. [Life of], 1536-78 ; by G. G. Smith. (Lives of Twelve Bad Men.) 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 18 T 9 BOTSFORD, Dr. G. W. Development of the Athenian Constitution. (Cornell Studies.) 8vo. Boston, 1893. F 14 U 10 BOTTONE, S. R. Electric Bells and all about them : a Practical Book for Practical Men. 4th ed. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1892. A2LP35 B OUCIIOT, Henri. The Book : its Printers, Illustrators, and Binders, from Gutenberg to the Present Time ; with a Treatise on the Art of collecting and describing early printed Books, edited by II. Grevel. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1890. B 36 TJ 9 BOUCICAULT, Dion. [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L.— Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 18 BOUCICAITT, Marechal. Expeditions du. [See Delaville le Eoulx, J. — La France en Orient au XI Ve sieele.] B 26 V 20, 21 BOUGAINYILLE, Baron de. Journal de la Navigation autour du Globe, de la Fregate La Thetis et de la Corvette L'Esperance, pendant les annees 1824-26. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1837. MD 2 Q 37, 38 t Atlas [to the above]. Fol. Paris, 1837. MD 5 Q 15 % BOUGAINVILLE, Louis A., Comte de. Essai Historique sur la vie et les travaux de Bougainville. [See Pascal, M.] MD 8 Q 18 Histoire d'un Voyage aux Isles Malouines, 1768-64 ; avec des Observations sur le Detroit de Magellen, et sur les Patagons. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1770. D 20 S 10, 11 BOULENGER, G. A. The Geckos of New Caledonia. 8vo. Lond., 1883. MA 3 R 38 BOULGEE, Prof. G. S. The Country Month by Month. [See Visgar, Mrs.] A 29 S 9-11 BOULLENOIS, Frederic de. Conseils aux Nouveaux Educateurs de Vers a Soie. 3' edition. 8vo. Paris, 1875. A 18 S 16 BOULNOIS, H. Percy. Construction of Carriageways and Footways. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond , 1895. A 22 S9 BOULTBEE, Jas. Wm. Report respecting Artesian Boring. Fol. Sydney, 1891-92. MF 2 U 40 BOULTON, Samuel B. Preservation of Timber by the use of Antiseptics. 18mo. New York, 1885. A 22 P 37 BOURBON, Marie C. F. L. dc. [See Berry, Duchess of.] BOURGADE LA DARDYE, Dr. E. de. Paraguay : the Land and the People, Natural Wealth, and Commercial Capabilities. English edition, edited by E. G. Raven- stein. With Map and Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 1892. D 15 R 10 BOURGEOIS, Dr. Emile. Neuchatel et la Politique Prussienne en Franche-comte, 1702-13. 8vo. Paris, 1887. B 31 V 1 BOURGET, Paul. Outre-mer Impressions of America. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 1 U 15 BOURGOING, Dr. D. Tragedy of Fotheringay. [See Scott, Hon. Mrs. M.] B 32 T 16 BOURINOT, Dr. John G. Federal Government in Canada. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 7.) Svo. Balti- more, 1889. B 18 S 7 Local Government in Canada : an Historical Study. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 5.) 8vo. Balti- more, 1887. B 18 S 5 Parliamentary Procedure and Practice ; with a Review of the Origin, Growth, and Operation of Parliamentary Institutions in the Dominion of Canada. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1891. F 14 E 17 BOURKE, Hon. Algernon. Correspondence of J. Jekyll. [See Jekyll, J.] C 16 S 16 BOURKE, E. M. Little History of New Zealand, pro- gressive from discovery to 1880, for children. 12mo. Melb., 1883. MB 1 P 17 BOUVIER, J. le. Recovery of Normandy from the English, 1449. [See Collectanea Adamantaea.] J 18 E 30 BOWDEN, John E. Life and Letters of the Eev. Dr. F. W. Faber. Svo. Lond., 18G9. C 18 P 17 BOWDEN, Thos. A., and HECTOR, Sir Jas. Manual of New Zealand Geography ; with Maps and Examination Questions. 12mo. Lond., 1869. MD 2 W 48 BOWDICH, Mrs. New Vegetarian Dishes. 12mo. Lond., 1892. A 6 Q 29 34 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. BOWEN, Lord. Sketch of. [See Smalley, G. W.— Studies of Men.] C 19 R 20 BOWER, Capt. Hamilton. Diary of a Journey across Tibet. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1891. D 17 T 9 BOWIE, Augustus J., jun. Practical Treatise on Hydraulic Mining in California. 5th ed. [with Map and Illustrations]. Boy. 8vo. New York, 1893. A 21 V 28 BOWIE versus WILSON. Beport of the Inquiry into the Management of the Yarra Bend Lunatic Asylum, as detailed in the nine days Trial of the action for libel, Bowie v. Wilson. 8vo. Melb., 1862. MF 2 Q 74 BOWLES, Caroline. [See Southey, Mrs. C] BOWLEY, Arthur L. Short Account of England's Foreign Trade in the 19th Century. Svo. Lond., 1893. F 11 Q 27 BOWMAN, Mrs. William. Sermon preached on the Life and Character of ; by the Bev. Dr. W. Woolls. 8vo. Sydney, 1885. MO 2 Q 29 BOWRING, Lewin B. Haidar AH and Tipvi Sultan. 12mo. Oxford, 1893. C 13 R 29 BOWRING, W. B. Home Rule in Newfoundland. [See Subjects of the Day, 3.] F 7 IT 28 BOX, T. H. The Silver Question. [See Jamieson, G.] F9T19 BOYD, A. J. The Earth's History for Boys ; or, Geology in Verse. 12mo. Brisb., 18S9. MA 2 P 28 Ocean Currents. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Q. Branch, 6.) Svo. Brisbane, 1891. ME 20 Reminiscences of the Chincha Islands. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of South Australasia, Q. Branch, 8.) 8vo. Bris- bane, 1893. ME 20 BOYD, Rev. Dr. Andrew K. II. Twenty-five Years of St. Andrews, 1865-90. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1892. C 16 S 3, 4 BOYD, Lieut.-Col. J. A. Supply Handbook for the Army Service Corps. Svo. Lond., 1892. A 29 Q 1 8 BOYD, R. Nelson. Coal Mines Inspection ; its History and Results. 8vo. Lond., 1879. A 21 T 23 Coal Pits and Pitmen : A Short History of the Coal Trade and the Legislation Affecting it. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 21 Q 18 BO YESEN, Hjalmar H. Commentary on the Writings of Henrik Ibsen. 8vo. New York, 1891. J 4 Q12 Essays on Scandinavian Literature. Svo. Lond., 1895. J 9S25 BOYLE, Frederick. The Orchid Seekers. [See Eussan, A.] D17Q31 BOYLE, Robert. Sketch of. [See Thorpe, Dr. T. E.— Historical Chemistry.] C 17 R 2 BOYNE, Wm. Tokens issued in the 17th, 18th, and 19th Centuries, in Yorkshire ; also the Seals of all the Corporations in that County. 4to. Headingly, 1858. A 13 S 51 ' Trade Tokens issued in the 17th Century in England, Wales, and Ireland. New and revised edition by G. C. Williamson. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1S89-91. A 27 T 5, 6 BOYS' BRIGADE. Annual Report, 1892-93. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. ME 6 S BRABANT, Arthur B. Colonisation of Indo-China. [See Bert, J. Chailley-.] F 11 R 31 BRACKEN, Thos. Behind the Tomb, and other Poems. 12mo. Melb., 1S71. MH 1 U 65 Musings in Maoriland ; with an Historical Sketch, by Sir R. Stout, dto. Dunedin, 1890. MH 1 T 14 BRACKETT, Dr. Jeffrey R, The Negro in Maryland : a Study of the Institution of Slavery. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, extra vol. 6.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1889. ' B 18 T 6 Notes on the Progress of the Colored People of Maryland since the War. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 8.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1890. B 18 S 8 BRADDON, Sir Edward. Thirty years of Shikar. Illus- trated. Svo. Edinb., 1895. D 17 V 19 BRADFORD, Dr. Thos. L. Life and Letters of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. Roy. 8vo. Philad., 1895. C 16 U 10 BRADFORD, Rev. Wm. Sketches of the Country, Character, and Costume, in Portugal and Spain, in 1808 and 1809. (Eng. and Fr.) Fol. Lond., 1812. D 29 Q 10J BRADLAUGH, Charles i a Record of his Life and Work : by his daughter, Hypatia Bradlaugh Bonner. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1891. C 21 R 1, 2 Catalogue of the Library of. 8vo. Lond., 1891. K 7 R 56 Force or Conciliation in Labour Disputes. [See Subjects of the Day, 2.] F 7 U 27 BRADLEE, Rev. Dr. Caleb D. Recollections of a Ministry of forty years, 1854-91. 8vo. Boston, 1895. G4T15 BRADLEY, A. G. [Life of] Wolfe. 12mo. Lond., 1895. C 21 P 20 BRADLEY, Very Rev. George G. Life of Dean Stanley. [See Prothero, R. E.] C 19 R 3, 4 BRADSHAW, J. The Future of North Australia. (Roy. Geogr. Soc. Australasia, Vic. Branch, 9.) 8vo. Melb., 1892. ME 20 Notes on a recent Trip to Prince Regent's River. (Boy. Geogr. Soc. Australasia, Vic. Branch, 9.) 8vo. Melb., 1892. ME 20 Supplementary Cata logue — 1893-95. 35 BRADSHAW, Dr. John. A Concordance to the Poetical Works of John Milton. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1891. K 17R 30 Sir Thomas Munro and the British Settlement of the Madras Presidency. (Rulers of India.) 8vo. Oxford, 1891. C 11 P 13 BRADY, Dr. G-. Stewardson. Ostracoda, Zoology, 1 ; Copepoda, Zoology, 8. [See Thomson, Sir C. W, and Murray, Dr. J. — Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger.] AGf BRADY, Hy. Bowman. Forarninifera. [See Thomson, Sir C. W, and Murray, Dr. J.— Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger.'] A Gt BRADY, Dr. N. Psalms of David. [See Liturgies.] MG1 P54 BRADY, Rev. Dr. Wm. M. Rome and Penianism : the Pope's anti-Parnellite circular. 8vo. Lond., 1883. G 15 P 43 BRAHMS, Johannes. Studies in Modern Music. [See Hadow, W. H.] C 21 Q 15 BRAINNE,C. La Nouvelle-Caledonie, 1774-1854. [With Map.] 12mo. Paris, 1851. MD 7 T 11 BRAITHWAITE, Dr. Robt. Mosses. [See Taylor, Dr. J. E. — Collecting Natural History Objects.] A 29 Q 38 BRANDES, Dr. G-. Account of. [See Tweedie, Mrs. A.] D 18 T 15 BRANDRAM, Samuel. Selections from Shakespeare, suitable for Recitation, with an Essay on Elocution. 8vo. Lond , 1893. J 4 R 2 Selected Pieces in Prose and Verse. 8vo. Lond., 1893. J4R2 BRANNT, Wm. T. The Manufacture of Vinegar and Acetates, Cider, and Fruit Wines ; Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables by Canning and Preserving ; Preparation of Fruitbutters, Jellies, Marmalades, Catchups, Pickles, Mustards, &c. 8vo. Philad., 1890. A22T 2 The Metallic Alloys : a Practical Guide for the Manu- facture of Alloys, Amalgams, and Solders, used by metal-workers. 8vo. Philad., 1889. A 21 S 4 Petroleum : its History, Origin, &c. Svo. Philad., 1895. A 21 V 31 Practical Scourer and Garment Dyer, and the Manu- facture of Soaps and Fluids for cleansing purposes. Illustrated. Svo. Philad., 1893. A 25 R 11 Electro-deposition of Metals. [See Langbein, Dr. G.] A 21 V 13 Raw Materials and Distillation of Alcohol. [See Stammer, Dr. K.] A 25 Q 39 -, and WAHL, Dr. Wm. H. Techno-Chemical » Receipt-book. Illustrated. 8vo. Philad., 1895. A 21 R 23 BRASSEY, Thomas. Biographical Sketch of . [See Smith, C. B.— Leaders of Modern Industry.] C 14 P 14 BRASSEY, Thomas, Baron. Papers and Addresses by. Naval and Maritime, 1872-93. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1891. F 12 P 36, 37 Papers and Addresses : Imperial Federation and Coloni- sation, from 1890-91. Svo. Lond , 1895. F 10 U 2 Papers and Addresses : Work and Wages. 8vo. Lond., 1891. F 2 V 17 Papers and Addresses : Mercantile Marine and Naviga- tion. 8vo. Lond., 1S91. F 2 V 18 Papers and Addresses: Political and Miscellaneous, 1861- 91. Arranged and edited by A. H. Loring. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 2 V 14 Voyages and Travels, 1862-94. Edited by Capt. S. Eardley-Wilmot. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893. D 20 S 8, 9 Yachting. [See Sullivan, Sir E.] A 21 Q 40, 41 BRASSEY, Thos. Allnutt. [See Naval Annual.] E BRASSINGTOX, W. S. History of the Art of Book- binding ; with some account of the Books of tho A 36 S 22 % Ancients. Sm. fol. Lond., 1894. BRAYBROOKE, Lord. Notes to Pepys' Diarv. [See Pepys, S.] C 14 V 1-4 BEAYLEY, Edward W. Journal of the Plague Year. [See De Foe, Daniel ] B 23 R 22 BRAZIER, John. Australian Museum. Catalogue of the Marine Shells of Australia and Tasmania. Part 3, Gasteropoda, Murex. 8vo. Syd., 1893. MA 2 U 46 Trochidie and other Genera of South Australia, with their synonvms. (Trans. Roy. Soe., S. Australia, 9.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1887. ME 1 S BRAZIL. Balanco da Receita e Despeza do Imperio no Exercicio de 1888. Sm. fol. Rio de Janeiro, 1891. E Bibliotheca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, Annaes da, 1886-88. Vols. 14-16. 3 vols, (in 4.) Imp. Svo. Rio de Janeiro, 1890-93. E Regulamento para a Bibliotheca Nacional approvado pelo Decreto 1195 de 28 de Dezembro do 1892. Svo. Rio de Janeiro, 1893. J 10 S 23 Camara dos Deputados. Reforma do Ensino secundario e superior. Parecer e Projecto. Sm. fol. Rio de Janeiro, 1892. G 36 P 10 J Relatorio e Synopse dos Trabalhos da, 1891-92. 3 vols. Sm. fol. Rio de Janeiro, 1892-93. E • Annaes da, 1890-92. 13 vols. Svo. Rio de Janeiro, 1891-93. E Regimento iuterno da. 32mo. Rio do Janeiro, 1893. F 12 S 14 Congresso Nacional ; Annaes do Senado Federal, 1891- 92. 12 vols. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1891-93. E Immigracao e ColonisacSo. Contratos para Introduccfio e Localisacilo de Immigrantes. Ob. fol. Rio de Janeiro, 1891. E Message adressu au Congres National par le Marechal Floriano Peixoto a l'occasion de 1'ouverture de la l e Session ordinaire do la 2 e Legislature. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1894. F 10 TJ 20 36 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. BRAZIL — continued. Ministro da Fazenda. Relatorio, 1891-92. 3 vols. 8vo. Eio de Janeiro, 1891-92. E Ministro do Interior. Eelatorio, 1891. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1891. E Ministro da Justica. Relatorios, 18S8 e 1892. Sm. fol. and 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1889-92. F Ministro da Marinha. Relatorios, 1888 e 1892. Sm. fol. and 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1889-92. E Ministro dos Negocios Estrangeiros. Relatorio, 1888. Sm. fol. Rio de Janeiro, 1889. E Ministro dos Negocios do Imperio. Relatorio, 1888. Sm. fol. Rio de Janeiro, 1889. E Ministro do Instruccao Publica, Correios e Telegraphos, Relatorios, 1889-92. 5 vols. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1891-92. E Ministro dos Negocios da Agricultura, Comniercio e Obras Publicas, Relatorios, 1888, 1891-92. 4 vols. 8vo., 3 vols. sm. fol. Rio de Janeiro, 1880-92. E Corroio Geral. Relatorio, 1888. Sm. fol. Rio de Janeiro, 1889. E Orcamento da receita e despeza, 1891. Sm. fol. Rio de Janeiro, 1893. E Primeiro e Segundo Congresso Brazileiro de Medicina e Cirurgia do Rio de Janeiro. 4 vols. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1889-92. E Regimento Interno de Senado Federal, e Additamento ao. 12mo. Rio de Janeiro, 1891. E Relatorio apresentado ao Chefe do Governo Provisorio. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1890. D 18 V 21 Relatorio apresentado ao Vice-Presidento da Republiea dos Estados Unidos do Brazil, 1892-93. G vols. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1892-93. E Relatorio do Tribunal de Contas, 1893. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1893. F 9 T 32 Relatorio do Yice-Presidente do Senado Federal para ser apresentado na Sessao ordinaria de 1894. 4to. Rio de Janeiro, 1894. E Senado Federal. Manual do Scnador. 12mo. Rio de Janeiro, 1893. ■ F 12 S 12 BREIL, C. du, Marquis de Rays. Nouvelle-France. [See Groote, P. de.] MD 7 8 38 BRENCHLEY, J. May Bloom and Wattle Blossoms. 12mo. Melb., 1876. MH 1 P.61 BRENTANO, Lujo. Hours and Wages in relation to Production. Translated by Mrs. William Arnold. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 5 Q 1 BRETT, Edwin J. Pictorial and Descriptive Record of the Origin and Development of Arms and Armour. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1894. B 5 S 18 f BRETT, Henry. Brett's New Zealand and South Pacific Pilot, with Nautical Almanac for 1887-88. Compiled by Capt. Tilly. 8vo. Auckland, 1886. ME 6 R BRETT, Reginald B. Footprints of Statesmen during the 18th Century in England. 8vo. Lond., 1892. B 21 R 16 BREWER, Chas. B. Australian Colonies Better Govern- ment Act, with Notes. 8vo. Hobart, 1850. MF 2 Q 75 BREWER, R, F. Voice, Speech, and Gesture. [See Campbell, Dr. H.] J 8 T 36 BREWERS' EXHIBITION. Fifteenth Annual National Exhibition and Market: Catalogue. 8vo. Lond., 1893. K 7 R 53 BREWERY COMPANIES. A reprint from the Statist of a series of articles furnishing full particulars and authentic data concerning all Brewery Companies ; by "H.S." Svo. Lond., 1895. F 9 Q 28 BREWSTER, Sir David. The Home Life of ; by Mrs. Gordon. 2nd cd. Svo. Edinb., 1870. C 13 P 25 BREYTON, A. Melanges Carolingiens. [See Bardot, G.] B 26 Y 22 BRIALMONT, Col. A. Hasty Intrenchments. Trans- lated by Lieut. C. A. Empson. With Plates. 8vo. Lond., 1872. A 29 T 23 BRIDGES, Robert. Poetry of. [See Dowden, Dr. E.] J 5 S16 BRIDGES, Capt. W. T. Modern Coast Defence. (United Service Institution, N.S.W., 5.) 8vo. Sydney, 1891. ME BRIDGMAN, J. B. Elymenoptera. [See Taylor, Dr. J. E.— Collecting Natural History Objects.] A 29 Q 38 BRIGGS, Robert. Steam Heating. ISmo. New York, 1888. A 22 P 29 BEIGHAM, Wm. T. Notes on the Yolcauic Phenomena of the Hawaiian Islands, with a Description of the Modern Eruptions. 4to. Boston, 1868. MA9P34f BRIGHT, Chas. Debate on the Divine Origin of Chris- tianity. [See Green, Rev. M. W.] MG 1 P 67 The Crows and their "Caws": a Fable founded on facts. (Pam.) 8vo. Sydney, 18S0. MG 1 Q 53 BRIGNOLE, Atilio C. El Derecho Intemacional Pri- vado y sus Fundamentos. 8vo. Montevideo, 1894. F 9 R 31 BRINE, Vice-Adm. Lindesay. Travels amongst American Indians : their Ancierit Earthworks and Temples ; including a Journey to Guatemala, Mexico, and Yucatan, and a Yisit to the Ruins of Patinamit, Utatlan, Palenque, and TJxmal. Illustrated 8vo. Lond., 1894. D 15 S 23 BRINTON, Dr. Daniel G., and ANTHONY, Rev. A. S. Lenape-English Dictionary. 8vo. Philad., 1888. J 10 IT 32 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 37 BRISBANE. Views of Brisbane, Queensland. Folded 12mo. (n.p.n.d.) MD 8 P 18 BEISSET, George. The Apology of. [See Bibliotheca Curiosa.] J 18 Q 15 BRISTOW, Henry Wm. Portrait of. [See Ramsay, Sir A. C— Memoir of.] C 21 R 20 BRITISH ALMANAC AND COMPANION, 1893-95. 3 vols. 12mo. Bond., 1893-95. E BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. Report of the Geelong Auxiliary of, 1875. 8vo. Geelong, 187C. MEGS (BRITISH ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. Jour- nal, vols. 47-50. Svo. Lond., 1S91-94. E BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCE- PMENT OF SCIENCE. Address by Sir H. E. Roscoe, 18S7. [See Roscoe, Sir H. E.] A 21 S 33 Birmingham Meeting, 1886 : Programme of Excursions. 8vo. Birm., 1886. E Exhibition of Local Products and Industries in Bingley Hall, Birmingham, 1886. Official Catalogue. 12mo. Birm., 1886. K 7 P 7 Index to the Reports and Transactions of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1861-90 inclusive. 8vo. Lond., 1893. E Reports of the 62nd, 63rd, and 64th Meetings, 1892-91. 8vo. Lond., 1893-94. E Souvenir of the Birmingham Meeting. Sm. 4to. Birm., 1883. A 30 U 38 RITISH ASTRONOMICAL ASSOCIATION. Journal, vols. 1-3, 1890-93. Svo. Lond., 1890-93. E . BRITISH AUSTRALASIAN, The, 1892-91. Fol. Lond., 1892-94. E BRITISH COLUMBIA. The Kootenay District. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) D 15 R 15 BRITISH DAIRY FARMERS' ASSOCIATION. Journal of. Vol. 9. 8vo. Lond., 1894. E BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, New South Wales Branch. Proceedings, Feb -Dec, 1880. 8vo. Sydney, 1880. ME 7 T Report of the Annual Meeting, 1891. 12mo. Sydney, 1891. ME 7 T BRITISH NEW GUINEA. [See New Guinea, British.] BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. [See Great Britain and Ireland.] BRITISH NORTH BORNEO CO. Report, 1883. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1883. E BRITISH RECORD SOCIETY (with which is incorpor- ated the Index Society). Publications. Index Lib- rary, Edited by W. P. W. Phillimore. 11 vols. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1888-95. E Abstracts of Gloucestershire Inquisitiones Post Mortem. Part 1. I -ii. Charles I, 1625-36. Calendar of Chancery Proceedings : Bills and Answers, temp. Charles I. Vols. 1-3. Calendars of Wills and Administrations in the Consistory Court of the Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, 1516- 1652; also those in the "Peculiars" at Lichfield, Birmingham, and Derby, 1529-1652, 1675-1790, 1753- 1790. Calendar of Wills proved in the Consistory Court of the Bishop of Gloucester, 1541-1650 ; edited by W. P. W. Phillimore and L. L. Duncan. Calendar of Wills relating to Northampton and Rutland, 1510-1652. Index Nominum to the Royalist Composition Papers. Vol. 1. Index to Bills of Privy Signet, commonly called Signet Bills, 1584-1596, 1603-1624; with a Calendar of Writs of Privy Seal, 1601-1603. Index to Wills proved and Administrations granted in the Court of the Archdeacon of Berks, 1508-1652. Index to Wills proved in the Prerogative Court of Canter- bury, 1363-1558. BRITTEN, Emma H. Nineteenth Century Miracles j or, Spirits and their Work in every Country of the Earth. Svo. New York, 1884. G 2 T 26 On the Road ; or, the Spiritual Investigator. 12mo. Melb., 1878. MG 1 P 63 BRITTEN, Jas. Flowering Plants and Ferns. [See Taylor, Dr. J. E.— Collecting Natural History Objects.] A 29 Q 38 BRITTON, Alexander. History of New South Wales. [See New South Wales.] MB 2 S 33 BROADBENT, K. Birds of Central Queensland. (Proc. Roy. Soc., Queensland, 5.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1888. ME IT Birds of the Chinchilla District. (Proc. Roy. Soc., Queensland, 2.) Svo. Brisbane, 18S6. ME 1 T On the Migrations of Birds at the Cape York Peninsula. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 1.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1884. ME 1 T BROADER BRITAIN. Photographs depicting the Scenery, Cities, and Industries of the Colonies and Dependencies of the Crown, as well as of certain countries which, although not politically a part of the Empire, are by their Language, their Customs, or their History, associated with Great Britain. Ob. imp. 8vo. Chicago, 1895. A 3 R 21 f BROADHURST, Rev. Thomas. Funeral Orations in praise of Military Men. Translated from the Greek of Thucydides, Plato, and Lysias, by the Rev. T. Broad- hurst. 8vo. Bath, 1811. * G 1 R 30 BROCK, Robt. Wm. Mihawhenua: the Adventures of a party of Tourists amongst a tribe of Maoris discovered in Western Otago, New Zealand. 12mo. Dunedin, 1888. MJ 3 P 18 38 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. BROCKETT, John T. Glossary of North Country Words in use. 8vo. Newcastle, 1829. K 14 P 8 BEODHEAD,J. M. N. Slav and Moslem. 8vo. Charles- ton, South Carolina, 1894. B 31 S 3 BRODRIBB, T. Manual of Health and Temperance; with an Appendix on Infectious Diseases and Ambu- lance Work ; by Dr. J. W. Springthorpe. 12mo. Melb., 1891. MA 3 TJ 4 BRODRIBB, W. A. Results of Inquiries and Corres- pondence during the year 1874, in regard to the Wool Trade in London, the Continent, and the Colonies. Svo. Melb., 1875.' MF4Q21 BRODSKY, Maurice. Historical Sketch of the two Melbourne Synagogues. Svo. Melb., 1877. MG 1 S 1 BROFFERIO, Prof. Angelo. Per lo Spiritismo. 2a. edizione. 8vo. Milano, 1893. G 7 U 22 BROINOWSKI, Gracius J. The Birds of Australia. 6 vols. fol. Melb., 1890-91.* MA 7 Q 16-21J BROKEN HILL PROPRIETARY BLOCK 10 CO. Reports and Statement of Accounts, 1892. Sm. 4to. Melb., 1892. ME 7 R BROKEN HILL PROPRIETARY COMPANY. Reports and Statement of Account, 1892-95. 4to. Melb., 1892-95. ME 7 Q Barrier Ranges Silver Field, New South Wales. Reports, Schedules, and Statement of Account, for half-year ending 31st May, 1894. 4to. Melb., 1894. ME BROMFIELD, James. Brittany and the Chase. 12mo. Lond., 1853. A 29 S 15 BRONN, Dr. H. G. Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier- Reichs, wissenschaftlich dangestellt in Wort und Bild. Band 2, Ab. 3. Echinodermen (Staclielhauten) von Dr. II. Ludwig. Buch 1. Die See Walzen. Band 4, Ab. 1. Vermes. (Mionelminthes, Trichoplax und Trematodes.) Roy. 8vo. Leipzig, 1879-93. E BRONTE, Charlotte. Life of; by E. C. Gaskell. Svo. Lond., 1858. C 21 Q 4 BROOK, George. Antipatharia. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J., Voyage of II. M.S. Challenr/er.] AGf BROOKE, Mrs. Frances. Eosina : an Opera. [See London Stage, 2.] H 2 S 34 BROOKE, Gustavus Vaughan. Life of; by W. J. Lawrence. Roy. Svo. Belfast, 1892. C 13 V 5 BROOKE, Henry. Gustavus Vasa ; or, the Deliverer of his Country : a Tragedy. [See London Stage, 3.] . II 2 S 35 BROOKE, Sir Jas. Letter from Borneo ; with Notices of the Country and its Inhabitants. 8vo. Lond., 1842. B33R2 Private Letters of, narrating the Events of his Life to 1838. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1853. C 22 P 4-G BROOKE, Rev. Stopford. The Development of Theology as illustrated in English Poetry, 1780-1830. 12mo. Lond., 1893. G 7 U 2 History of Early English Literature ; being the History of English Poetry from its Beginnings to the Accession of King Alfred. 2 vols. Lond., 1892. B 5 T 46, 47 Tennj'son : his Art and Relation to Modern Life. Svo. Lond., 1894. H 5 T 42 BROOKE, Sir Victor, Sportsman and Naturalist: a Memoir; by 0. L. Stephen. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1894. C 17 S 15 BROOKER, A. Electrical Engineering. [See Slingo, W.] A 21 R 22 BROOKS, Charles Shirley. The Russians of the South. 12mo. Lond., 1854. D 19 P 8 BROOKS, Chas. W. Early Migrations : Arctic Drift and Ocean Currents illustrated by the discovery on an ice- floe off the Coast of Greenland of relics of the Ameri- can Arctic steamer Jcannette. Svo. San Francisco, 1884. D1GT13' BROOKS, E. J. Constitutional Antiquities of Sparta and Athens. [See Gilbert, Dr. G.] F 9 T 22 BROOKS, Edward. Course of Instruction in Cookery for the Public Schools of Philadelphia. Svo. Philadelphia, 1893. A 22 R 4 Course of Instruction in Modelling for the Primary and Secondary Schools of Philadelphia. 8vo. Philad., 1892. G 18 S 10 Course of Instruction in Sewing, including Pattern Drafting for the Girls of the Public Schools of Phila- delphia. 8vo. Philad., 1893. G 18 R 24 Course of Study in Arithmetic for the Public Schools of Philadelphia. Svo. Philad., 1892. G 18 R 13 Syllabus of a Course in Pedagogy. Svo. Philad., 1892. G 18 R 26 BROOKS, J. P. Victoria Spring, Western Australia, revisited. (Roy. Geog. Soc. Australasia, Vic. Branch, 8.) Svo. Melb., 1891. ME 20 BROOKS, Noah. Statesmen. (Men of Achievement.) 8vo. Lond., 1894, C 16 R 20 BROOKS, Rt. Rev. Phillips. Essays and Addresses. 8vo. Lond., 1894. J 6 S 38 Sketch of; with Portrait. [See Bolton, Sarah K. — Famous Leaders.] C 17 P 27 BROOKS, S. W. Grammarial and Glossarial Similarities of the Languages of Now Guinea and Fiji. (Roy. Geog. Soc. of Australasia, Q. Branch, 8.) Svo. Brisbane, 1893. ME 20 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 39 BEOOKS, Dr. Wm. K. The Genus Salpa. 2 vols. 4to. Baltimore, 1893. A 15 Q 7, 8 t Stomatopoda. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray Dr. J. Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger, Zoology, 10.] AGt BBOOME, Eev. A. Duty of Humanity to Inferior Creatures. [See Primatt, Eev. Dr. H.] G7U 3G BEOOMFIELD, Fred. J. Ode to Victor Hugo. [See Villeval, A— Victor Hugo.] MC 1 S 17 rt BEOTIEE, G. Taciti Opera. BEOUGII, Louisa. The Alps. [See Tacitus, C. C] B 30 T 24-27 [See Umlauft, Prof. F.] D 18 V13 BEOTJGH, Wm. York, 1894. Natural Law of Money. Svo. New F 8 U 26 " BOUGH AM, Henry, Lord 18mo. Lond., 1844. Plaster Cast of. [See Hutton, L. Dialogues on Instinct. A28P7 -Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 Sketch of. [See Bagehot, W. — Biographical Studies.] C 22 P 10 BEOUGHTON, Thos. Duer. Letters written in a Mahratta Camp during the year 1809, descriptive of the Character, Manners, Domestic Habits, and Eeligious Ceremonies of the Mahrattas. 8vo. Lond., 1892. D 17 Q 13 BEOUGHTON, W. E. Sketch of Port Stephens, New Holland, 1795. Fol. [MS.] (n.p.) 1795. MD 1 P 10 + " EOUGHTON, Et. Eev. Wm. Grant. The Farewell Address of. 8vo. Sydney, 1853. MG 1 S 7 Speech in the Legislative Council, on the Eesolutions for Establishing a System of General Education. Svo. Sydney, 1839. MG 1 S 6 " Take Heed": a Sermon. 12mo. Sydney, 1844. MG 1 P 52 BEOUN, Capt. Thos. Manual of the New Zealand Coleoptera. Pts. 5-7. Svo. Wellington, 1893. MA 2 U 29 BEOWEE, J. V. Prehistoric Man at the Basin of the Mississippi, and references concerning the succeeding races of humanity. Svo. St. Paul, Minn., 1895. A 30 U 36 EOWN, Alex. Coffee Planter's Manual; including a Summary of Opinions on Manuring of Coffee Estates. 8vo. Colombo, 1872. A 18 S 32 . BEOWN, D. Kinnear. Almanac and Guide to New South Wales, 1886. 12mo. Sydney, 1886. ME 6 T BEOWN, Edward. Poultry Fattening. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1S95. A 19 P 7 BEOWN, G. P. Drainage Channel and Waterway : an effort to secure an effective and harmless method for the disposal of the Sewage of the City of Chicago, and I to create a navigable channel between Lake Michigan and the Mississippi Eiver. Svo. Chicago, 1894. BEOWN, George A., and IIUTSON, B. Does the Bible teach conditional immortality ? 8vo. Auckland, 1883. MG 1 S 74 BEOWN, Geo. Wm. Baltimore and the 19th of April, 1861 : a Study of the War. (Johns Hopkins Univer- sity Studies, extra vol. 3.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1887. B18T3 BEOWN, Glenn. Healthy Foundations for Houses. Illustrated. 18mo. New York, 1885. A 19 P 28 BEOWN, Henry Y. L. Catalogue of South Australian Minerals, with the Mines and other localities where found, and brief remarks on the mode of occurrence of some of the principal Metals and Ores. 8vo. Adelaide, 1893. MA 2 U 61 A Eecord of the Mines of South Australia. 2 vols. 8vo. Adelaide, 1887-90. MA 2 U 62, 63 BEOWN, Horatio F. Venice: an Historical Sketch of the Eepublic. Svo. Lond., 1893. B 30 T 23 J. A. Symonds: a Biography. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1S95. C 16 U 6, 7 BEOWN, J. Moray. Stray Sport. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1S93. A 29 E 9, 10 BEOWN, Dr. James. The Forester: being Plain and Practical Directions for the Planting, Bearing, and General Management of Forest Trees. 12mo. Lond., 1847. A 18 E 32 Another copy. 5th ed. Boy. 8vo. Edinb., 1882. A IS U 25 Another copy. 6th ed., edited by Dr. J. Nisbet. 2 vols, roy. Svo. Edinb., 1894. A 32 T 9, 10 BROWN, John. Barbarossa : a Tragedy. [See London Stage, 2.] ' H 2 S 34 BEOWN, Dr. John. Horse Subseciva;. 2nd series. 8vo. Edinb., 1861. J 12 T 2 Eecolleetions of ; with a Selection from his Correspond- ence by Dr. A. Peddie. Svo. Lond., 1893. C 13 Q 28 BEOWN, Eev. Dr. John [of Bedford]. [Life of] G. Herbert. (In Masson's Footsteps of the Poets.) 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 6 E 43 BEOWN, Dr. John C. People of Finland in Archaic Times. 8vo. Lond., 1892. B 31 Q 2 BEOWN, John Ednie. Eeports on planting Olives and Mulberries on Mallee Lands, and Dates in the Far North ; also, Wattle Cultivation generally in the Colony [South Australia]. Sm. fol. Adelaide, 1884. MA 9 P 15 t Progress Eeport of State Forest Administration in New South Wales, 1S90. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1891. ME BEOWN, N. E. English Botany. [See Sowerby, J.] A 32 U 15 40 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. BROWN, P. Hume. Scotland before 1700, from contem- porary documents. 8vo. Edinb., 1893. B 31 T 23 John Knox : a Biography. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 22 R 5, 6 BROWN, R. New Zealand Mosses {Genus Pot Ha). (Trans. N.Z. Inst., 20.) 8vo. Wellington, 1893. ME2R New Zealand Mosses {Gen. Grimmia and Ortholricfaim). (Trans. N.Z. Inst., 27.) 8vo. Wellington, 1894. ME2R BROWN, Dr. Robert. Our Earth and its Story: a Treatise on Physical Geography. Vols. 2,3, illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1888. A 9 V 28, 29 The Story of Africa and its Explorers. 4 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1892-94. D 15 V 24-27 BROWN, T. Craig-. History of Selkirkshire; or, Chron- icles of Ettrick Forest. 2 vols. 4to. Edinb., 1880. B 15 S 2, 3 t BROWN, Walter Lee. Manual of Assaying Gold, Silver, Copper, and Lead Ores. 2nd ed. 8vo. Chicago, 1880. A 24 Q 10 BROWN UNIVERSITY, Rhode Island. Catalogue of the Officers and Students, 1892, 1893. 8vo. Provi- dence, 1893. E BROWNE, C. Wade. Overlanding in Australia. 18mo. Melb., 1808. MD 2 W 50 BROWNE, Edward G. A Year amongst the Persians. 8vo. Lond., 1S93. D 18 T 8 BROWNE, Rev. Edward Geo. K". History of the Tractarian Movement. 2nd cd. 8vo. Dublin, 1850. G 15 R 25 BROWNE, Rt. Rev. Edward Harold: a Memoir; by Very Rev. G. W. Kitchin. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C21R11 BROWNE, Gordon, illustrator of the Irving Shakespeare. [See Shakespeare, William.] H 4 V 1-8 BROWNE, Henry. English-Greek Lexicon. [See Fradersdorff, Dr. J. W.] K 14 P 10 BROWNE, Hugh J. The Religion of the Future ; or, the Higher Law of Truth and Right. 8vo. Melb., 1883. MG 1 P 85 BROWNE, Dr. Lennox. Anatomy of Vocal Organs. [See Miles, A. H. — New Standard Elocutionist.] J8T33 Diphtheria and its associates. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 33 U 19 ; and BEHNKE, Emil. Voice, Song, and Speech : a practical guide for singers and sjieakers. 14 ed. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 13 Q 32 BROWNE, Phyllis. [See Diet and Cookery.] A 22 Q 14 BROWNE, Sir Thos. Religio Medici. Edited by Dr. W. A. GreenhM. 12mo. Lond., 1881. G 4 V 12 BROWNE, Thos. Alex. "Rolf Boldrewood." The Crooked Stick; or, Pollie's Probation. 12mo. Lond., 1895. MJ 3 Q 40 BROWNE, Mrs. W. C. Encora. 8vo. Parramatta, 1892. MJ 1 T 30 BROWNING, Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett. Aurora Leigh. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1857. H 7 Q 24 Life of; by the Lord Bishop of Ripon. [See Masson, Prof. D— In the Footsteps of the Poets.] J R 43 Records of; by Anne Ritchie. 8vo. Lond., 1892. C 10 R 17 Sermon on. [See Fletcher, Rev. W. R,] MC 1 S 10 Sketch of the Work of. [See Dawson, W. .L— Makers of Modern English.] H 10 S 14 BROWNING, Oscar. The Ago of the Condottieri: a short History of Mediaeval Italy, from 1409-1530. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 30 R 9 The Citizen, his Rights and Responsibilities. 12mo. Lond., 1893. F 9 TJ 50 Guelphs and Ghibellines : a Short History of Mediaeval Italy from 1250-1409. 12mo. Lond., 1893. B 16 P 7 BROWNING, Robert. Browning Studies : being Select Papers bv Members of the Browning Societv. Edited* by Dr. E. Berdoe. 8vo. Lond., 1895. " J 6 U 14 Essay on. [See Bagehot, W. — Literary Studies.] J 9P23 How the Browning Society came into being. [See Fur- rival], P. J] J 15 S 28 Life of ; by W. Sharp. 12mo. Lond., 1891. C 17 P 14 Life of ; by It. II. Hutton. [See Masson, Prof. D. — In the Footsteps of the Poets.]' J 6 R 43 Records of; by Anne Ritchie. 8vo. Lond., 1892. C 16 R 17 Selections from. [See Harlin, T.] MJ 1 TJ 24 Sketch of the Work of. [See Dawson, W. J. — Makers of Modern English.] II 10 S 14 BROWNRIGG, Rev. M. B. The British Nation : the Lost Ten Tribes. 8vo. Launceston (n.d.) MG2R19 BRUCE, Alexander. Judging Sheep by Points. 8vo. Sydney, 1890. MA 1 Q, 58 The Meat Trade of Australia and its Prospects. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MA 3 It 41 Points of Stock and their Relative Value. 8vo. Sydney, 1891. MA1Q58 Report on the Frozen Meat Trade of New Zealand. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MA 1 Q 58 Stock Breeding and Fattening in New Zealand. Svo. Sydney, 1893. MA 1 Q 58 Treatment of Sheep for Worms. Svo. Sydney, 1S93. MA 1 Q. 58 BRUCE, Rev. Dr. Alexander B. St. Paul's Conception of Christianity. Svo. Edinb., 1894. G 19 Q 7 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 41 3BUCE, J. Hints for the teaching of the accompanying system of Penmanship. Sin. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) MG 2 Q 44 JEUCE, J. V. A. Cornish and Bruce v. the Queen. [See Cornish.] MF 4 T 40 mUCE, Eohert. The New Kreuz Polka Winifred. [See Milbourn, S.] MA 7 Q 81 1 5BUNEB, Dr. J. Juan. La Substancia Immortal del Organismo Humano. 8vo. Santiago, 1879. G 2 U 9 JEUNEE, Lawrence. The more Destructive Locusts of America, North of Mexico. Illustrated. 8vo. "Wash- ington, 1893. A 27 U 14 BBUNNOW, Dr. Francis. Spherical Astronomy. 8vo. Berlin, 1865. A 3 T 39 3EUNO, Capt. A. E. New Caledonia. 8vo. San Fran- cisco, 1882. MD 8 E 41 BEUNO, Giordano. Bruno and his Time. [See Whittaker, T.— Essays.] G 3 E 9 Sketch of. [See Owen, Eev. J. — Skeptics of Italian Eenaissance.] G 2 S 33 BEUNOE, Martin. The Practical Electroplater. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1894. A 25 T 23 BRUNOT, Ferdinand. La Doctrine de Malherh?, d'apre3 son Commentaire sur Desportes. (Annales de l'Universite de Lyon, 1.) Eoy. 8vo. Paris, 1891. J 12 V2 BEITNT, Ilenrv van. Greek Lines and other Architectural Essays. 8vo. Boston, 1893. A 19 S 1 BEUNTON, Dr. Thos. L. The Bible and Science. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1881. G 2 U 5 BEY, Theodore de. Emblemata Ssecularia: Life and Manners of the 16th Century. Fac-simile of original edition of 1G11 by F. Warnecke. 4to. Berlin, 1895. A 39 P 16 % Emblemata Nobilitatis: Album Amicorum. Eepro- duced after the original of 1593. Edited by F. War- necke. 4to. Berlin, 1895. A 39 P 17 % BEYAN, C. W. Modern Framed Structures. [See Johnson, J. B.] A 36 P 5 + BEYAN, E. A. The Mark in Europe and America: a Eeview of the Discussion on Early Land Tenure. 8vo. Boston, 1893. F 6 T 11 BEYANT, Edwin. What I saw in California, 1816-47 ; with an Appendix containing Accounts of the Gold- mines, Eoutes, Outfit, &c. 8vo. New York, 1849. D 15Q21 BEYANT, Sophie. Short Studies in Character. (Ethical Library.) 12mo. Lond., 1894. G 16 Q 34 BEYANT, Wm. Cullen. Life and Writings of. [See Curtis, G. W.] F 14 U 3 BEYCE, Dr. A. H.— Trans. [See Arnobius.] G 14 TJ 19 [See Yirgilius Maro, P.] J 11 E 24 BRYCE, Eev. Dr. George. Early Days in Winnepeg. (Hist, and Scientific Soc. of Manitoba.) 8vo. Winne- peg, 1891. B 18 E 7 BRYCE, Jas. The Predictions of Hamilton and De Tocqueville. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 5.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1887. B 18 S 5 BEYCE v. EUSDEN [Action for Libel] in the High Court of Justice [England], Queen's Bench Division, March, 1886. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) MF 3 T 49 BEYDEN, II. Anderson. Gun and Camera in Southern Africa : a Year of Wanderings in Bechuanaland, the Kalahari Desert, and the Lake Eiver Country, Ngami- land, with Notes on Colonisation, Natives, Natural History, aud Sport. 8vo. Lond , 1893. D 14 T 17 BEYN MAWR COLLEGE. Program, 1893. 8vo. Philad., 1893. E BEYSON, Mrs. Mary I. F. C. Eoberts, of Tientsin; or, for Christ and China. Svo. Loud., 1895. C 22 P 19 BUCHAN, Dr. Alexander. Eeport on Oceanic Circula- tion. [See Thomson, Sir C. W, and Murray, Dr. J. — Scientific Eesults of Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger.] A6S f Eeport on Atmospheric Circulation. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J. — Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger.'] A 6 t BUCHANAN, J. Y. Narrative of the Cruise of H.M.S. Challenger. [See Thomson, Sir C. W.. and Murray, Dr. J.— Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger.] A 6> Specific Gravity of Ocean Water. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J. — Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger.] A 6 f BUCHANAN, James. Sketch of. [See Thompson, E. W. — Eecollections of Sixteen Presidents.] C 18 T 21, 22 Sketch of. [See Wilson, J. G. — Presidents of the United States.] C 2 V 30 BUCHANAN, N. History of Dogma. [See Harnack, Dr. A.] G 15 E 31 BUCHANAN, Eobert Williams. The Wandering Jew : a Christmas Carol. 8vo. Lond., 1893. II 10 Q 27 BUCKALEW, Chas. E. Proportional Eepresentation. Svo. Philad , 1872. F 12 Q 39 BUCKINGHAM, Duchess of. Glimpses of four Conti- nents : Letters written during a Tour in Australia, New Zealand, and North America, in 1893. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. MD 1 E 32 BUCKLAND, Very Eev. Wm. Life and Correspondence of ; by Mrs. Gordon. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 17 E 16 42 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. BUCKLAND, Dr. Francis T. The Acclimatisation of Animals. 8vo. Melb., 18G1. MA 2 T 30 BUCKLEE, AV. Larvae of the British Butterflies and Moths. Edited by G. T. Porritt. (Bay Soc. Pubs.) 8vo. Bond., 1893-95. E BUCKLEE, "W. H. The Origin and History of Contract in Soman Law down to the end of the Eepublican Period. 8vo. Loud., 1895. F 8 V 1 BUCKLEY, Dr. J. M. Travels in three Continents: Europe, Africa, Asia. Eoy. 8vo. New York, 1895. D20U2 BUCKLEY, Eobert B. Irrigation "Works in India and Egypt. Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 22 V 15 BUCKMAN, Prof. J. Grasses, &c. [See Taylor, Dr. J. E.— Collecting Natural History Objects.] A 29 Q 38 Natural and Artificial Grasses, their variations in form and quality : a Lecture. (Inst, of Agricult., Lond.) 8vo. Lond., 18S4. A 18 E 28 BUDDIVENT, P. Lucien. The Centennial; or Simple Ehymes of an Idle Ehymster. 8vo. Sydney, 1888. Mil 1 S 40 BUDGE, Dr. Ernest A. T. W. The Mummy: Egyptian Funeral Archaeology. 8vo. Camb., 1893. B 21 T 6 [See Book of the Dead, The.] B 8 Q 2 t BUEL, Clarence Clough. Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. [See Johnson, E. U.] B 11 Q 12-15 f BUEL, J. W. America's Wonderlands. Obl.Svo. Philad. (n.d.) D 42 S 19 J BUFFEN, F. Forster. Musical Celebrities. 2nd series. 4to. Lond., 1893. C 12 S 14 f BUFTON, John. The Light of Eden, and other poems. 12mo. Melb., 1890. MH 1 Q 21 BUGBEE, Jas. McKellar. The City Government of Boston. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 5.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1887. B 18 S 5 BUILDER, The: an Illustrated Weekly Magazine for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Contractor, Sanitary Eeformer, and Art -lover. Yols. C3-G7. Fol. Lond., 1892-94. E BUILDING AND ENGINEERING JOURNAL of Australia and New Zealand, July, 1890-Dec, 1893. 14 vols. fol. Sydney, 1890-93. ME BUILDING NEWS AND ENGINEERING JOUR- NAL, The. Yols. 03-67. Fol. Lond., 1892-93. E BULA N'ZAU. [See Bailey, H.] BULFINCII, Thos. The Age of Fable; or, Beauties of Mythology. 8vo. Boston, 1894. B 36 E 5 Age of Chivalry; or, Legends of King Arthur. 8vo. Boston, 1895. B 36 It 6 BULLEN, Arthur Henry. [See Anacreon.] H 7 U 9 BULLEE, Sir Walter Lawry. Illustrations of Darwinism. (Trans. N.Z. Inst., 27.) 8vo. "Wellington, 1894. ME2E Notes on the Ornithology of New Zealand. (Trans. N.Z. Inst., 27.) 8vo. "Wellington, 1891. ME 2 E On Birds observed during a Voyage from New Zealand to England. (Trans. N.Z. Inst., 26.) 8vo. Welling- ton, 1894. ME 2 B BULLETIN MONUMENTAL, publie sous les auspices de la Soeiete Francaise d'Archeologie, 1893. 8vo. Paris, 1893. E BULLETIN, The. 22 vols. fol. Sydney, 1881-95. ME BULLEY, Agnes Amy, and "WHITLEY, Margaret. "Women's Work. 12mo. Lond., 1891. F 14 E 23 BULMBE, Eev. J. Some Account of the Aborigines of the Lower Murray, "Wimmera, Gippsland, and Maneroo. (Eoy. Geog. Soc. Australasia, Yic. Branch, 5.) 8vo. Melb., 1888. MB 20 P BUNBUEY, Major W. St. P. Notes on Armour and the Artillery Defence of a Coast Fortress. Eoy. 8vo. Sydney, 1888. MA 2 Y 36 Notes on Elementary Gunnery. 12mo. Sydney, 1888. MA 2 P 52 BUNCE, Daniel. Language of the Aborigines of Victoria, and other Australian Districts. 2nd ed. 12mo. Geelong, 1859. MK 1 P 17 Australian Manual of Horticulture. 3rd ed. 12mo. Melb., 1851. MA 1 P 79 BUNGENEE, L. F. France before the Eevolution ; or, Priests, Infidels, and Huguenots in the Eeign of Louis XV. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1854. B 26 & 14, 15 BUNKER, E. View of Northern Islands, New South Wales, 1803. Fol. [MS.] MD 1 P 15 t BUNSEN, Christian C. J., Baron von. [Sketch of.] [See Muller, F. Max. — Chips from a German Workshop.] J 9 E 32 BUNSTER, Grosvenor, and THATCHEE, Eiclimond. It Euns in the Blood : a colonial serio-comicality. 12mo. Bathuret, 1872. MJ 1 S 29 BUNYAN, John. A new Pilgrim's Progress, purporting to be given by John Bunyan through an impressional writing medium. 8vo. Melb., 1877. MG 2 E 44 Sketch of ; with Portrait. [See Bolton, Sarah K. — Famous Leaders.] C 17 P 27 BUONAEEOTI, Michael Angelo. [See Michael Angelo Buonarroti.] BUEBIDGE, F. AV. The Narcissus, its History and Culture. Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1875. A 4 U 18 BUECH, George J. Manual of Electrical Science. 12mo. Lond., 1S93. A 21 Q 38 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 43 BUEDE, Lieut. J. Problems in Applied Tactics. [With Map.] 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 29 T 25 SUKDETT, Henry C. Hospitals and Asylums of the World : their Origin, History, Construction, &c. ; with Plans of the Chief Medical Institutions accurately drawn to a uniform scale. 5 vols. roy. Svo., and Atlas, fol. Lond., 1891. A 27 V 7-10, and 32 P 18 % UREATJ DE3 LONGITUDES, PARIS. Annuaire pour 1895. 18mo. Paris, 1894. E BUREAU INTERNATIONAL DES POIDS ET ME- SURES. Travaux et Memoires du. Tome 10. 4to. Paris, 1894. E BURGE, Chas. O. Light Railways for New South Wales. (Journal Roy. Soc, N.S.W., 27.) Svo. Sydney, 1893. ME 1 R E URGER, Gottfried August. Gedichte von. 18mo. Leipzig (n.d.) II 10 U 14 BURGESS, Dr. John "W. Political Science and Compara- tive Constitutional Law. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1893. F 11 U 18, 19 BURGH, Nicholas P. The Slide Valve practically considered. 14th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1S90. A 22 Q 37 BURGHERSH, Lady. Letters of, from Germany and France, 1813-14." Lond. - , 1893. 13 Q 11 BURGIS, E. Perils to British Trad.-, how to avert them. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 8 U 32 BURGOYNE,Lieut,-Gen.John. The Heiress: a Comedy. [See London Stage, 3.] II 2 S 35 Richard Coour de Lion : an Historical Drama. [See London Stage, 3.] H 2 S 35 The Maid of the Oaks : a Dramatic Entertainment. [See London Stage, 3.] II 2 S 35 Surrender of. [See Curtis, G. W.] • F 14 U 3 BURKE, Rt. Hon. Edmund. Answer to his Attack on the French Revolution. [See Paine, T. — Rights of Man.] F 4 P 27 Character of. [See Hazlitt, W.— Wintorslow.] J 12 S 33 [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L. — Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 BURKE, Sir Bernard (in full John Bernard). Family Romance; or, Episodes in the Domestic Annals of the Aristocracy. 3rd ed. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 8 U 7 Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage, together with Memoirs of the Privy Councillors and Knights. 3 vols. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893-95. E Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland. 8th ed. 2 vols. Roy. I8vo. Lond., 1894. K 10 U 3, 4 Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial BURlvE, Peter. Romance of the Forum ; or, Narratives, Scenes, and Anecdotes from Courts of Justice. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) F 8 U 7 BURKE, Robert O'Hara, and WILLS, W. J. Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the circum- stances connected with the sufferings and death of Burke and Wills, the Victorian Explorers. Sm. fol. Melb., 1862. MD 9 P 11 t BURKE, Ulick Ralph. History of Spain, from the earliest times to the death of Ferdinand the Catholic. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 31 R 10, 1L BURKITT, F. C. Gospels in Syriac. [See Bensly, Prof. R. L] GOV 24 BURLINGTON VOLUNTARY RELIEF DEPART- MENr. Report, 1892. Svo. Chicago, 1892. E BURN, David Will. M. CantilenosoB Nuga>. Svo. Oamaru, 1891. Mil 1 S 33 BURN, Robt. Scott. Mechanics and Mechanism : being Elementary Examples of the leading principles of Mechanics. 7th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 25 T 36 BURNABV, Evelyn. Ride from Land's End to John O'Groats. 12mo. Lond., 1893. D IS Q BURNE-JONES, Sir E. [See Jones, Sir E. Burne-.] BURNET, John. Practical Hints on Portrait Pa ; nting. 4to. Lond., 1850. A 8 U 35 BURNEY, Frances. [See D'Arblay, Mme. F.] BURNS, David. Scottish Echoes from New Zealand : Poems. 12mo. Ediub., 1883. Mil 1 U 20 BURNS, Sir George. [Biographical Sketch.] [See Smith, G. B. — Leaders of Modern Industry.] C 14 P 14 BURNS, John, the Mind of him ; with Portrait. [See Blathwayt, R.— Interviews.] J 10 U 34 BURNS, Robert. Works of. 6 vols. Imp. 8vo. Edinb., 1877-79. J 2L U 1-0 Address on the unveiling of the Statue of, in New York. [See Curtis, G. W.] F 14 U 3 Burns iu a new aspect. [See Haliburton, H. — Furth in Field.] B 32 R 5 Burnsiana: a Collection of Literary Odds and Ends relating to Robert Burns. Compiled by J. D. Ross. Vols. 2-4. Sm. 4to. Paisley, 1893-94. J 6 U 30-32 [Outline of his Life and Work] ; by T. Carlyle. 12mo. Lond., 1854. C 17 P 18 [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L. — Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 23 Sketch of the Work of. [See Dawson, W. J.— Makers of Modern English.] H 10 S 14 BURNS, PHILP & CO. British New Guinea. 4to. Sydney, 1886. MD 7 U 19 u Siipp lemen tary Ca ta logue — 1 893-95. BUEE, Aaron. [Plaster Portraits in Plaster.] Cast of.] [See Hutton, L. — A 23 V 13 BUEE, Frederic M. Life and "Works of Alexander Anderson, M.D., the first American Wood Engraver. Illustrated. Eoy. 8vo. New York, 1893. C 19 S 3 BUEE, Thos. Chart of Flinders'-Lake and Franklin- Harbour [South Australia]. Pol. (n.p.) 1840. MD 3 Q7J Remarks on the Geology and Mineralogy of South Australia. 12mo. Adelaide, 1846. MA 3 U 28 BUREELL, Rev. Dr. David Jas. The Religion of the Future. 8vo. New York, 1894. " G 2 V 41 BURROUGHS, John. Birds and Poets; with other Papers. 12mo. Boston, 1894. J 10 T 38 Fresh Fields. 12mo. Boston, 1893. J 1G T 35 Indoor Studies. 12mo. Boston, 1891. J 1G T 40 Locusts and "Wild Honey. 12tno. Boston, 1895. J 16 T 33 Prefacton. 12mo. Boston, 1891. J 16 T 41 Riverby. 12mo. Boston, 1894. J 16 T 34 Signs and Seasons. 12mo. Boston, 1895. J 16 T 37 Wake Robin. 12mo. Boston, 1894. J 16 T 36 Winter Sunshine. 12mo. Boston, 1894. J 16 T 39 BURROWS, Prof. Montagu. Commentaries on the History of England, from the earliest times to 1865. 8vo. Edinb., 1893. B 24 R 3 BUESTON, J. J. The New State School Grammar. 12mo. Mclb., 1886. MK 2 P 10 BURTON, Eev. H. St. Luke. [See Expositor's Bible.] G 19 S 3 BURTON, Isabel, Lady. Life of Captain Sir Richard F. Burton ; by his Wife. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 14 U 20, 21 BURTON, Dr. John Hill. History of Scotland, from Agrieola's Invasion to the Examination of the last Jacobite Insurrection. 8 vols. 12mo. Edinb. (n.d.) B 32 Q 2-9 BURTON, Sir Eichard Francis. 11 Pentamerone. [See Basile, G. B.] J 5 T 31, 32 Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian Nights' Entertainments, now intituled the Book of the Thou- sand Nights and a Night, and Supplemental Nights; with notes, &c; by Sir E. F. Burton. 16 vols. 8vo. Benares [Lond.], 1885-88. Libr. One Hundred Illustrations to above, from Paintings by S. L. Wood. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) Libr. Life of; by his Wife, Isabel Burton. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 14 U 20, 21 BUETON, Eobert. The Anatomy of Melancholy. Edited by Eev. A. It. Shillcto. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893. G 19 Q 9-11 BUETON, Prof. W. K. Earthquake in Japan, 1891. [See Milne, Prof. J.] A 37 P 10 J The Water Supply of Towns and the Construction of Waterworks ; to which is appended a paper on the effects of Earthquakes on Waterworks, by Prof. J. Milne, F.E.S. Illustrated. Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 22 T 19 [See Ayame-San.] J 4 U 14 BUETON, Sir Wm. W. The Insolvent Law of New South Wales, with Practical Directions and Forms. 8vo. Sydney, 1842. MF 2 E 54 BUSBY, Jas. Catalogue of Vices in the Botanic Garden, Sydney, introduced into the Colony of New South Wales in the year 1832. Sm. 4to. Sydnev, 1842. MA 1 V 76 BUSCH, Dr. Wilhelm. England under the Tudors. Vol. 1. Translated by Alice M. Todd. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 21 U 1 1. Henry VII, 1135-1509. BUSH, Dr. George Gary. History of Higher Education in Massachusetts. 8vo. Wash., 1891. G 18 E 10 BUSH ET FILS ET MEISSNEE, MM. Catalogue illustre et descriptif des Vignes Americaines. 2 e edition. Eoy. 8vo. Montpellier, 1885. A 36 P 9 t BUSHILL, T. W. Profit-sharing and the Labour Question. 8vo. Lond., 1893. F 6 S 40 BUSHMAN, A. [See Sidney, S. & J.] BUSHNAN, Dr. John S. Misa Martineau and her Master. 12mo. Lond., 1851. G 9 V 24 BUSK, George. The Polyzoa. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J. — Voyage of II.M.S. Challenger.'] A.e.t BUSSEY INSTITUTION. Bulletins of, 1874-84. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1874-81. E BUSTALL & CAMPBELL, Messrs. Steam Communi- cation with England, as it has been, and as it ought to be. 8vo. Melb., 1862. MF 2 E 47 BUTCHER, Dr. Samuel H. Aristotle's Theory of Poetry and Fine Art. [See Aristoteles.] J 4 T 25 Life and Works of Demosthenes. [See Demosthenes.] J 16 P 32 BUTCHERS, Rev. B., and HALEY, J. J. Christian Baptism : an Authentic Report of Debate. 8vo. Geelong, 1882. MG 1 S 5 BUTLEE, Alfred. The Castaway, &c. 8vo. Melb., 1886. MG 1 P 86 BUTLER, Alfred Joshua. Churches and Monasteries of Egypt. [See Abu Salih.] G 16 U 20 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 45 BUTLER, Arthur John. Life and "Work of Dante Alighieri. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 21 P 9 Count Cavour and Mme. de Cireourt. [See Cavour, Conto di ] C 14 V 14 Select Essays of Sainte-Beuve. [See Sainte-Beuve, C. A.] J9S10 BUTLER, Chas. Contingent Remainders. [See Fearne, F7U20 BUTLER, Edward A. Our Household Insects : an Account of the Insect- Pests found in Dwelling Houses. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 28 Q 30 BUTLER, Most Rev. Dr. J as. Third Catechism. 18mo. Sydney, 1884. MG- 2 P 52 BUTLER, Rt. Rev. Joseph. Essay on. [See Bagehot, W. —Literary Studies.] J 9 P 22-24 [Life and Works of Butler] ; by the Rev. W. L. Collins. (Philosophical Classics.) 12mo. Edinb., 1881. G9 V2 Sketch of. [See Bagehot. W. — Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen.] J 10 V 32 BUTLER, Dr. Nicholas M. The Effect of the War of 1812 upon the Consolidation of the Union. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 5.) 8vo. Baltimore, 18S7. B 18 S 5 BUTLER & BROOKE, Messrs. Butler's Wood's Point and Gippsland General Directory, 1866. Compiled by Henry Young and John Dixon. 8vo. Melb., 1866. ME6S BUTTERS, R. "Old Testament Scriptures": History from Alexandrian Translation to Oxford and Cam- bridge revision. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MG 1 R 40 BUTTERWORTH, Arthur R. The Vagliano Case in Australia. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. MP 3 R 57 BUXTON, E. N. Short Stalls; or, Hunting Camps, North, South, East, and West. 8vo. Lond., 1892. D 10 S 37 BUXTON, Sydney Chas. Hand-book to Political Ques- tions of the Dav, and the arguments on either side. 9th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1892. J 9 T 9 BYERLY, Dr. Wm. E. Elementary Treatise on Fourier's Series, and Spherical, Cylindrical, and Ellipsoidal Harmonics; with applications to problems in Mathe- matical Physics. 8vo. Boston, 1893. A 25 U 24 BYRNE, Oliver. First Six Books of Euclid. [See Euclides.] A 25 V 24 BYRNE, W. Antiquities of Great Britain. Illustrated in Views of Monasteries, Castles, and Churches now existing, from Drawings made by T.- Hearne, with Descriptions in English and French. 2 vols. fol. Lond., 1807. B 2 P 29, 30 J BYRNE, W. E. The Ode of Federation. Sm. 4to. Sydney (n.d.) MH 1 P 74 BYROM, John. Poems of. (Chatham Soc. Pubs ) Sm. 4to. Manchester, 1894. E BYRON, Anna Isabella, Lady. Lady Byron vindicated ; by Harriet Beecher Stowe. 12mo. Lond., 1870. C 14 P 35 BYRON, George Gordon, Lord. Poetical Works of. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1852. H 7 V 32 Tales and Poems. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond , 1855. H7 V9 Selections from the Writings of. New ed. 2 vols, (in 1.) 12mo. Lond., 1857. J 6 P 42 Childe Harold's Pilgrimage : aRomaunt. 18mo. Lond., 1848. H 10 T 4 Childe Harold's Pilgrimage; [with autograph of Lady C. Bacon, " Ianthe," and some notes by Sir Henry Parkes.] 12mo. Lond., 1853. H 10 U 3 The Island ; or, Christian and his Comrades. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1823. MH 1 V 4 Journal of Conversations with the Countess of Blessing- ton. Svo. Lond , 1893. C 17 T 17 Life of ; by Thomas Moore. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1844. C 12 U31 Sketch of the Work of. [See Dawson, W. J. — Makers of Modern English.] H 10 S 14 BYRON, Commodore John. Byron's Narrative of the Loss of the Wager, with an Account of the great distresses suffered on the Coast of Patagonia, 1740-46. 12mo. Lond., 1832. D 15 P 5 BYSTANDER, A. [See Whitworth, R. P.] c C, A. [See Essai de la Langue de Viti.] MK 1 R 48 C.J.S. [See Sketch of Turkish History.] MB 1 R 43 CABLE, Geo. W. Famous Adventures and Prison Escapes of the Civil War. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. B 19 V 1 CABOT, J. [See Hakluyt Soc, 86.] E CADIER, Leon. Essai sur i'administratiou du Royaume de Sicile sous Charles I et Charles II d'Aujou. 8vo. Paris, 1891. B 35 R 15 CESAR, Caius Julius. Caesar de Bello Gallico. Books I— III. An interlinear Translation by E. D. Grove. 12mo. Sydney, 1870. MB 1 R 32 — et HIRTIUS, Aulus. De rebus a C. Julio Csesare gestis Commentarii, cum C. J. Ca?saris fragmentis. 12mo. Lond., 1772. B 33 P 12 CAFFYN, Dr. S. Mannington. How, when, and what to eat : a Guide to Colonial Diet. 8vo. Melb., 1883. MA 3 T 20 Opals. [See Praed, Mrs, Campbell. — Under the Gum Tree.] MJ 2 T 44 46 Supplementary Cat a loyue — 1893-95 . CAIN, Prof. Win. Maximum Stresses in Framed Bridges. 18mo. New York, 1878. A 22 P 23 Practical Designing of Retaining "Walls. 18mo. New York, 1893. A 22 P 21 Theory of Solid and Braced Elastic Arches. 18mo. New York, 1879. A 22 P 20 Voussoir Arches applied to Stone Bridges, &c. ISmo. New York, 1879. A 22 P 19 Theory of Voussoir Arches. 18mo. New York, 1893. A 22 P 22 CAINE, Thos. Hy. Hall. Hall Caine at Home; with Portrait, [See Blathwayt, R. — Interviews.] J 10 U 34 CAINE, Marv E. Mathematical Geography. Svo. Gympie, 1893. MA 1 T 59 CAIRD, Prof. Edward. The Evolution of Religion. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1894. G 2 U 2, 3 Hegel, Philosopher. 12mo. Edinb., 1886. G 9 V 6 CAIRD, Rev. Dr. John. Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion. Svo. Glasgow, 1880. GUT 13 CAIRNES, Earl. Sketch of. [See Bagehot, W.— Bio- graphical Studies.] C 22 P 10 CAIRNES, Dr. John Elliott. Character and Logical Method of Political Economy. 12mo. Lond., 18S8. E 7 V 18 CAIRNS, Rev. Dr. Adam. The Jews, their Fall and Res- toration. 8vo. Melb., 1854. MG 1 S 68 CAIRNS, Rev. Dr. John. Life and Letters of ; by Rev. Dr. A. R. MacEwen. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 22 R 1 CAJORI, Prof. F. Teaching and History of Mathematics in the United States. 8vo. Wash., 1890. G 18 R 23 CALDWELL, Geo. S. Is Sir Walter Raleigh the Author of Shakspere's Plays and Sonnets ? 8vo. Melb , 1877. MJ 2 S 41 CALDWELL, Major II. Invasion of Canada in 1775. 8vo. Quebec, 1887. B 17 T 14 CALDWELL, Rt. Rev. Dr. Robert. Comparative Grammar of the Dravidian or South-Indian Family of Languages. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1875. K 12 V 31 CALHOUN, John C. [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L. — Portraits in Plaster.] " A 23 V 13 Sketch of. [See Brooks, N.— Statesmen.] C 16 R 20 CALIFORNIA— State Mining- Bureau. Annual Re- ports of the State Mineralogist, 1885-92 7 vols. Svo. Sacramento, 1886-92. E CALIFORNIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Transactions, 1881-85, 1888-89. 9 vols. Svo. Sacra- mento, 1885-94. E CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY. Register, 1892, 1S93. 8vo. Berkeley, 1893. E Reports of the University Agricultural Experiment Stations. [See Hilgard, E. W.] E CALLCOTT, Dr. John W. Musical Grammar. 3rd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1817. A 23 P 7 CALLISTIA ; or, the Prize of Beauty : a Poem. Sm. fol. Lond., 1738 H 39 Q 13 + CALVERT, Albert F. The Aborigines of Western Aus- tralia. 12mo. Lond., 1892. MA 1 P 85 Another copy. 12mo. Lond., 1894. MA 3 U 3 The Discovery of Australia. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893 MD3 V4i The Exploration of Australia. Roy. 8vo. Loud., 1895. MD 7 U 21 The Gold-fields of Western Australia. (From the Pall Mall Budget.) Obi. 12mo. Lond., 1892. MDl P48 The Mineral Resources of Western Australia. 12mo. Lond., 1893. MA 2 P 24 Pearls, their origin and formation. 12mo. Lond., 1892. MA 2 P 33 Sketch Plan and Plates to illustrate Calvert's Exploring Expedition into the Interior of North-western Aus- tralia, 1891. Obi. 12mo. Lond,lS92. MD1P48 West Australian Mining Investors' Hand-btmk. Svo Lond., 1894. MA 3 U 14 Western Australia and its Gold-fields. 12mo. Lond 1393. MD 1 P 21 [See Maps relating to Australia.] MD 7 Q 29f CALVERT, Mrs. (Caroline Louisa Waring Atkinson.) Gertrude, the Emigrant : a Tale of Colonial Life. Svo. Sydney, 1857. MJ 1 V 17 CALVIN, John. Institutes of the Christian Religion. Translated bv J. Allen. 3rd ed. 2 vols. Svo. Lond 1311- G 19 Q 3, 4 Life and Work. [See Bettany, G. T.— Popular History of the Reformation.] G 14 Q 33 CAMBRIAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. Annual Meeting, 1893. Routes of Excursions and Notes of Chief Places of Interest to be visitod. Svo. Lond., 1893. E Archroologia Cambrensis : Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association. 5th Series, vols. 9-1 L. Lond., 1892-94. E CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS. Annual Report of the School Committee, prepared by the Superintendent of Schools, 1892. 8vo. Camb., Mass., 1893. E CAMBRIDGE PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Transac- tions, vol 3, 1886-93. 8vo. Lond., 1894. E Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 47 .'AM BRIDGE UNIVERSITY. Complete Collection of the English Poems which have obtained the Chancel- lor's Gold Medal in the University of Cambridge. Vol. 2, 1859-93. 12mo. Lond., 1894. II 7 Q 44 Calendars for 1892-95. 3 vols. 12mo. Camb., 1892-94. E CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY OBSERVATORY. As- tronomical Observations, 1828-69. 22 vols. 4to. Camb., 1829-80. E CAMDEN SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS. 4 vols. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1894-95. E Camden Miscellany, vol. 9 :•-- Visitation of Churches in the Patronage of St. Paul's Cathedral. " The Spousells " of Princess Mary, 1508. Original Letters from the Bishops to Privy Council, 1564. Papers relating to Thomas Wentworth, 1st Karl of Strafford. Hamilton Papers. Addenda. Memoirs of Nathaniel, Lord Crewe. Journal of Major R. Ferrier, M.P., 1687. The Clarke Papers. Edited by C. H. Firth. Vol. 2. Expeditions to Prussia and the Holy Land, made by Henry, Earl of Derby, 1390-93. Edited by Lucy T. Smith. Visitations of Churches belonging to St. Paul's Cathedral, 1297 and 1458 ; by the Kev. Dr. W. S. Simpson. CAMERON, Alexander M. Light as the interpretation of the law of gravity. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MA 3 T 57 Light phenomena of the atmosphere. 8vo. "Walgett, 18SG. MA 1 U 64 CAMERON, Sir Chas. A. Agricultural Chemistry. [See Johnston, A. E. W.] A 18 R 30 CAMERON, Rev. Chas. Innes. Poems and Hymns. 12mo. Geelong, 1S70. MH 1 U 66 CAMERON, Rev. J. My two Servants ; or, Incidents in the Earlier Years of my Ministry in Australia. 12mo. Edinb., 1867. MG 2 E 46 CAMERON, Dr. 3. B. Sir William Macgregor's Ascent of Mount Owen Stanley. (Roy. Geog. Soc Austra- lasia, Vic. Branch, 7.) 8vo. Melb., 1889. ME 20 P CAMERON, K. The Gull ,• a weekly newspaper published on board the Otago during a four months' voyage from Glasgow to Brisbane. 8vo. Brisbane, 1884. MJ3R10 CAMERON, P. British Phytophagous Hymenoptera. [See Ray Society.] E CAMERON, Hon. "VV. E. History of the World's Colum- bian Exposition. 2nd ed. Eol. Chicago, 1893. B6S5 CAMPBELL, A. J. The OymnorMnw or Australian Mag- pies. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Vict., n.s. 7.) 8vo. Melb., "1895. ME 1 P CAMPBELL, Ada. Christianity v. Ereethought. [See Turnbull, Rev. A.] MG 1 R 67 CAMPBELL, Alexander. Letter to the Queensland In- vestment Sheep Company. 8vo. Sydney, 1866. ME 1 R 49 CAMPBELL, Rev. Colin. Henry George and his remedies analysed. 8vo. Melb., 1895. MF 4 R 26 CAMPBELL, Lieut.-Col. Colin Fred. Letters from Camp to his Relatives during the Siege of Sebastopol. 8vo. Lond., 1894. B 31 R 3 CAMPBELL, Dr. Francis. On the Cultivation of Flax and Hemp. 8vo. Sydney, 1864. MA 1 P 48 CAMPBELL, Fred. A. Some Coral and Volcanic Islands of the Western Pacific ; with an Account of the active volcano of Tana. (Roy. Geog. Soc. Australasia, Vic. Branch, 6.) 8vo. Melb., 1889. ME 20 P Tensile Strength of a few of the Colonial Timbers. (Roy. Soc, Vict., 16.) 8vo. Melb., 1880. ME 1 P Experiments upon the Hardwoods of Australia. (Roy. Soc, Vict., 19.) 8vo. Melb., 1883. ME 1 P CAMPBELL, Sir Geo. Memoirs of my Indian Career. Edited by Sir C. E. Bernard. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 15 P 16, 17 CAMPBELL, H. [See Arnobius.] G 14 U 19 CAMPBELL, Dr. Henrv Johnstone. The Cell. [See Hertwig, Dr. O.] A 28 U 12 CAMPBELL, Dr. Hugh, BREWER, R. F.,and NEVILLE, Henry. Voice, Speech, and Gesture : a Practical Handbook to the Elocutionary Art ; including Essays on Reciting and Recitative by C. Harrison, and on Recitation with Musical Accompaniment by F. Corder. 8vo. Lond.. 1895. J 8 T 36 CAMPBELL, Jas. Dykes. Samuel Taylor Coleridge; a Narrative of the Events of his Life. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 19 R 10 CAMPBELL, John, Lord. Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England. 10 vols. 12mo. Lond., 186S. C 19 T 1-10 Lives of the Chief Justices of England, from the Norman Conquest to the Death of Lord Tenterton. 3rd ed. 4 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1874. C 19 T 11-14 CAMPBELL, Rev. John Gregorson. Waifs and Strays of Celtic Tradition : Clan Traditions and Popular Tales of the Western Highlands and Islands. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 32 T 71 CAMPBELL, Dr. John P. Biological Teaching in the Colleges of the United States. 8vo. Washington, 1891. G 18 R 11 CAMPBELL, Rev. Joseph. The Amateur Photographer's Primer. 12mo. Sydney, 1884. MA 2 P 30 Norfolk Island and its Inhabitants. Svo. Sydney, 1879. MD 1 Q 39 Physical and Political Geography of Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand. 12mo. Sydney, 1876. MD 1 P 26 Simple Tests for Minerals ; or, every Man his own Analyst. 3rd ed. 12mo. Sydney, 1895. MA 3 U 15 48 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. CAMPBELL, Dr. Lewis. Guide to Greek Tragedy for English readers. 8vo. Lond., 1891. H 9 1124 Plato's Eepublic. [See Plato.] P 14 V 26-28 Seven Plays of Sophocles. [See Sophocles.] II 10 S 10 CAMPBELL, Rev. Peter. [See Wasp, The.] MG 1 Q 53 CAMPBELL, Thos. Poetical Books of. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1854. H 10 T 27 Poetical Works of. 8vo. Lond., 1852. II 7 U 34 The Pleasures of Hope, Gertrude of Wyoming, and other Poems. 18mo. Lond., 1852. II 10 U 4 Life of. 18mo. Lond., 1852. II 10 U 4 CAMPBELL, Walter Scott, Flowering Plants and Perns of New South Wales. [See Maiden, J. H.] MA 8 E 49 Eeport on Sericulture. Fol. Sydney, 1893. MA 10 T 49 f Eeport on Silk Culture. 8vo. Sydney, 1893.* MA 1 S 31 CAMPBELL, Wm. India in six and Australia in sixteen days. 8vo. Lond., 1883. MP 4 E 18 CAMUS, N. Terentii Coincedioo sex. [See Terentius, P.] H3S40 CANADA— Ge neral. Manuscripts relating to the early History of. 8vo. Quebec, 1867-75. B17T13 Memoires sur le Canada, 1749-60. 8vo. Quebec, 1873. B 17 T 15 [See also Great Britain and Ireland — British North America.] CANADA — Government Departments, Reports, and Publi- cations. Confederation. Parliamentary Debates on the subject of the Con- federation of the British North American Provinces. Roy. 8vo. Quebec, 1865. P 7 U 26 Department op Agriculture. Eeport of the Dairy Commissioner for the Dominion of Canada, 1892-93. 8vo. Ottawa, 1894. E Experimental Farms : Eeports, 1893-94. 2 vols. 8vo. Ottawa, 1891. E Eeport of the Minister of Agriculture for the Domi- nion of Canada, 1893. 8vo. Ottawa, 1894. E Statistical Year-book of Canada, 1892, 1893. 2 vols. 8vo. Ottawa, 1893-94. E Western Canada and its great resources. 8vo. Ottawa, 1893. D 15 V IS Department of tiie Interior. Eeport for 1893. 8vo. Ottawa, 1894. E Official Handbook of information relating to the Dominion of Canada. 8vo. Ottawa, 1893. D 15 E 15 Another copy. 8vo. Ottawa, 1894. D 15 S 21 CANADA— cont d. Geological and Natural History Survey. Eeports of, 1835-87, 1S92-93. 6 vols. 8vo. Ottawa, 1886-95. E Mineral Productions of Canada, 1892. [See Ingall, E. D.] E Catalogue of a stratigraphical collection of Canadian Eocks ; by W. F. Ferrier. 8vo. Ottawa, 1S93. E Patents' Office. The Canadian Patent Office Eecord and Eegister of Copyrights and Trade Marks, 1890-91. 5 vols. Imp. 8vo. E Eules and Forms of, 1892. Eoy. Svo. Ottawa, 1892. F 14 V 14 Statutes. An Act respecting the sale of intoxicating liquors and the issue of licenses therefor. Fol. Lond., 1884. F 39 U 22 % Intoxicating Liquors Act, 1882-83. 4 vols. Svo. (n.p., n.d.) F7U 21-21 CANADIAN INSTITUTE. Eeports, 1892, 1894: Ar- chaeology. 2 vols. 8vo. Toronto, 1893-95. E Transactions, vol. 4, pt. 1. [See Morice, Eev. A. G.] A 30 V 12 CANAWAT, A. P. Eeal Property Law ; with Notes and Cases. Svo. Sydney, 1887. ' MF 2 E 62 CANDIDUS. [See Inglis, C] CANDLEE, C. Koch's Proposed Cure for Consumption ; with Suggestions on the Prevention of Consumption. 8vo. Melb., 1891. MA 3 S 53 CANDLOT, E. Ciments et Chaux Hydrauliques. Fabri- cation, Propriety's, Emploi. Svo. Paris, 1891. A 25 V 6 CANDOLLE, Alphonse P. de, and Casimer de. Mono- graphic Phanerogamarum Prodromi. Vol. 8. Eoy. 8vo. Parisiis (n.d.) A 32 T 23 CANEL, A. History of the States-General of Normandy. [See Collectanea Adamantaea.] J 18 E 38 CANNAN, Edwin. History of the Theories of Production and Distribution in English Political Economy, 1776- 1848. Svo. Lond., 1S93. F 14 S 21 CANNEY, Edward 11. The Land of the Dawning. 12mo. Lond., 1894. MD 7 T 59 CANNING, Charlotte, Countess. Memorial of ; by A. J. C. Hare. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond , 1893. C 19 Q 23-25 CANNING, Et. Hon. George. Poetical Works of. 32mo. Lond , 181S. Libr. CANOVA, Antonio. [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L.— Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 [See Elliott, Frances— Eoman Gossip.] C 21 Q 10 Supplementary Catalogue — 1S93-95. 49 CANSDELL, C. Stuart-. A new European-Australian Eoute : Proposals for a new Eoute which will enable Passengers, Mails, Light Goods and Produce to be carried between London and Sydney in sixteen, and Heavy Goods and Cattle in twenty-three days, com- bined with a system of Canals, to be used for Transit, Irrigation, and General Water Supply throughout Central Australia. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. ME 4 Q 29 Federation, Colonial and "British. 8vo. Sydney, 1891. MF 2 Q 42 CANTERBURY ASSOCIATION. Copy of Correspon- dence between the Colonial Office and the Canterbury Association since the date of the Charter of Incorpo- ration of that body. Sm. fol. Lond., 1853. MF 3 U 15 CANTERBURY COLLEGE, NEW ZEALAND. Calendars, 1893-95. 12mo. Christchurch, 1893-95. ME 5 S II CANTERBURY COLLEGE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Catalogue of Books in the Circulating Department, 1895. 8vo. Christchurch, 1895. MK 1 T 34. CANTLIE, Jas. Beri-Beri. [See Pekelharing, C. A.] A 33 T 21 , CANTON, Wm. [Life of] Tennyson. [See Masson, Prof. D.— Footsteps of the Poets.] J G R 43 • CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, Notes on, made during an Excursion in that Colony, 1820. 8vo. Loud., 1821. D 14 S 8 APEFIGUE, Jean B. TI. R, A King's Mistress. [See Bibliothcca Curiam.] J 18 Q. 4G CAPGRAVE, Rev. Dr. J. Life of St. Katherine of Alexandria. [See Early English Text Soc] E CAPPER, John. The Three Presidencies of India. Illus- trated. Svo. Lond., 1853. B 29 U 6 CAPPER, Richard. Dramatic Illustrations of Ancient History. 12mo. Melb., 1868. MH 1 P 65 Judith : an Historical Drama. 12mo. Melb., 1867. MH 1 U 69 CARANGARA COPPER-MINING CO. Deed of Settle- ment and Act of Incorporation. 8vo. Sydney, 1854. MF 4 R 55 CARDEW, J. H. The Australian Municipal Pocket-book of Engineering for the use of Laymen. 12mo. Sydney, 1895. MA 3 P 41 CAREY, Chas. Nicholas. The Australian Miners' Guide. 12mo. Sydney, 1892. MA 2 P 36 CAREY, Henry. Chrononhotonthologos : a Burlesque Opera. [See London Stage, 3.] H 2 S 35 The Dragon of Wantley : a Burlesque Opera. [See London Stage, 2.] H 2 S 34 The Contrivances : a Ballad Opera. [See London Stage, 4.] II 2 S 36 CAREY, Dr. Henry Chas. Manual of Social Science ; being a condensation of the " Principles of Social Science ;" by Kate M'Kean. 8vo. Philad., 1888. F 14 R 11 CARHART, Prof. Daniel. Field-book for Civil Engineers. 12mo. Boston, 1893. A 22 Q 17 CARLISLE, Geo. Win. Fred. Howard, Seventh Earl of. Lectures and Addresses in aid of Popular Education. 12mo. Lond., 1852. J 12 S 26 CARLISLE INDIAN INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. Re- port, 1893. 8vo. Carlisle, Pa., 1893. E CARLYLE, Thomas. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1857. J 4 R 43—46 The French Revolution : a History. 8vo. Lond., 1888. B26R7 Latter-day Pamphlets. 8vo. Lond., 1858. J 5 R 39 Life of John Sterling. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1852. C21 Q3 Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches; with Elucida- tions. 5 vols, (in I.) 8vo. Lond., 1888. C21Q2 On the Choice of Books : the Inaugural Address of, to the University of Edinburgh ; with a Memoir of the Author. 12mo. Lond., 1866. J 11 T 38 Robert Burns. 12mo. Lond , 1854. C 17 P 18 Translations from Musa?us, Tieck, and Richter. 8vo. Lond., 1858. J 5 R 42 Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship and Travels. Trans- lated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond , 1858. J 5 R 40, 41 Goethe and Carlvle. [See Miiller, F. Max. — Chips from a German Workshop.] J 9 P 31—33 The Humourist as Prophet. [See Lilly, W. S. — Four English Humourists.] J 5 T 30 In Carlyle's Country. [See Burroughs, J. — Fresh Fields.] J 16 T 35 CARMAN, Ezra A. Special Report on Sheep Industry, U.S.A. [See Salmon, Dr. D. E.] A 30 U 7 CARMICHAEL, G. E. Jennings. Hospital Children: Sketches of Life and Character in the Children's Hospital, Melbourne. 12mo. Melb., 1891. MA3U8 CARNARVON, Henry J. G. Herbert, Earl of. Depu- tation to, on the subject of Acts passed in the Colonies for legalizing Marriage with a Deceased Wife's Sister. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) MF 4 Q 38 CARNEGIE, Andrew. A Chat with ; with Portrait. [See Blathwayt, R.— Interviews] J 10 U 34 CARNOT, Marie Francois Sadi, President of France. Sketch of. [See Smallev, G. W.— Studies of Men.] C 19 R 20 CAROLINA, NORTH, AGRICULTURAL EXPERI- MENT STATION. Bulletin No. 92. Culture of Orchard Fruits. Svo. Raleigh, 1893. A 32 R Reports, 1880-83, 1890-93. 3 vols. 8vo. Raleigh, 1880-93. E 50 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. CAROLINA, SOUTH. Hand-book of. 8vo. Richmond, 1893. D 1ST 5 CAEPENTER, Edward. From Adam's Peak to Elephants : Sketches in Ceylon and India. 8vo. Lond., 1892. D17 V5 CAEPENTER, J. E. The Popular Elocutionist and Reciter. New edition, thoroughly revised, by L. Wagner. 8vo. Lond., 18S9. J 4 R 37 CAEPENTER, P. Herbert. Crinoidea. [See Thompson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J.— Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger. - ] A 6 f CARPENTER, Dr. Wm. Benjamin. Specimens of the Genus Orbitolites. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J. — -Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger, Zoology, 7.J A 6 f CARPENTER, Rt. Rev. Wm. Boyd. [Life of] Mrs. Brown- ing. [See Masson, Prof. D. — In the Pootsteps of the Poets.] J C R 43 Lectures on Preaching. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 3 P 27 CARR, A. B. Three Months in a Workshop. [See Gohre, P.] F 6 T 37 CARR, George S. Social Evolution and the Evolution of Socialism. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 14 Q 31 CARR, Most Rev. Thos. J. Origin of the Church of England : three Lectures. 8vo. Melb., 1893. MG 1 R 39 CARR, Wm. Wilkins. Judicial Interpretation by the United States Courts of the Acts of Congress relating to the Tariff. Roy. 8vo. Philad., 1894. F 14 U 20 CARRASCO T JELVES, Rosendo. Cristobal Colon. 2a ed. 12mo. Santiago, 1888. II 9 P 17 CAEEICK, Eobert. New Zealand's Lone Lands. 8vo. Wellington, 1892. MD 8 E 31 Romance of Lake Wakitipu ; being Episodes of Early Gold-fields Life in New Zealand ; with Itinerant, Statistical, Historical, and other Notes. 8vo. Wel- lington, 1892. MB 1 R 50 CARROLL, Edward. Principles and Practice of Finance. 8vo. New York, 1895. P 10 U 21 CARRUTHERS, Dr. Robt, Pope's Poetical Works. [See Pope, A.] H 2 U 10-13 CARRUTHERS, W. Farm Seeds and their Adultera- tions : a Lecture. (Inst, of Agricult., Lond.) 8vo. Lond., 1881. A 18 R 28 CARSON, Enoch T. Historical Sketch of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States ; also, a Historical Sketch of the Formation of the General Grand Encampment of Knights Templars of the United States in 181(3. 8vo. Dayton, 1892. B 17 R 16 Roport on Foreign Communications to the Grand Commandery of Knights Templars of Ohio, 1892. 8vo. Dayton, 1892. E CARSON, Hampton L. The Supreme Court of the United States, its History. 2 vols. sin. 4to. Philad., 1S92. B 30 S 17, 18 J CARSTAIRS, R. Human Nature in Rural India. Svo. Edinb., 1895. D 17 Q 24 CAETAULT, A. La Triere Athenienne : etude d'Arche- ologio Navale. Svo. Paris, 1881. B 35 E 22 CARTER, George B. Laws of Wisconsin concerning the Organization and Government of Towns. 8vo. Madison, 1885. F 2 V 8 CARTER, Thos. War Medals of the British Army, and how they were won. Revised, enlarged, and continued by W. H. Long. Svo. Lond., 1893. B 7 R 17 CART WRIGHT, John R. Cases decided on the North American Act, 1807, in the Privy Council, the Supreme Court of Canada, and the Provincial Courts. 4 vols. 8vo. Toronto, ] 882-92. F 10 U 22-25 CART WRIGHT, Julia. [See Ady, Mrs. Henry.] CARUS, Dr. Paul. Fundamental Problems. 8vo. Chicago, 1891. G 3 P 30 CARVER, Jonathan, the Explorer of Minnesota. Sketch of. [See Greeley, Gen. A. W. — Explorers.] C 17 R 4 CARY, Edward. [Life of] Geo. Wm. Curtis. (Am. Men of Letts.) 12mo. Boston, 1894. C 17 P 24 CARY, Henry. The Common Law Procedure Acts, and the Law of Evidence Amendment Act. 8vo. Sydney, 1868. MP 1 Q 45 CARY, Rev. Henry Francis. Poetical Works of W. Cowper. [See Cowper, W.] H 7 V 8 CASANOVA, Jacques. Memoirs of. 12 vols. 8vo. (n.p.) 1894. Libr. CASEY, Dr. John. Cubic Transformations. (Trans. R.T. Academy — Cunningham Memoirs, 1.) 4to. Dublin (n.d.) E CASKET OF GEMS, The ; by " Mona Marie." Svo. Ballarat, 1882. Mil 1 Q 27 CASSELL & CO. Cassell's Universal Portrait Gallery. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 23 U 28 Cassell's History of England. Jubilee ed. 8 vols. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) B 20 V 13-20 New Technical Educator. 6 vols. Svo. Lond., 1893-95. H 7 U 26-31 Pictorial New Zealand. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. MD 7 U 22 CASTANHEDA, Fernao Lopez do. Historiado descobri- mento e conquista da India per los Portuguese. 8 vols, (in 5.) sm. fol. Coimbra, 1552-61. D 8 S 2-6 t The First Booke of the Historie of Discoverie and Con- quest of the East Iudias enterprised by the Portugales. Now translated into English by M.L. [Nicolas Litch- field.] 12mo. Lond., 1582. Libr. Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 51 CASTELLA, F. de. Arguments in favour of Vine Cul- ture. (Victorian Dept. of Agriculture. — Lectures.) 8vo. Melb., 1892. MA 3 V 15 Points requiring consideration by intending planters. (Victorian Dept. of Agriculture. — Lectures.) 8vo. Melb., 1892. ' MA 3 V 15 CASTLE, Edward W. and Robert. Sullivan, Sir E.] Yachting. [See A 29 Q 41 1 CASTLE, Egorton. English Book : plates : an illustrated handbook for Students of Ex-Libris. 8vo. Lond., 1892. K 19 Q 9 Schools and Masters of Fence, from the Middle Ages to the end of 18th Century. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1893. A 29 Q 34 CASTLE, Lewis. Elower Gardening for Amateurs in Town, Suburban, and Country Gardens, with a chap- ter on the Greenhouse. Svo. Lond., 1888. A. 18 E 18 Orchids: their Structure, History, and Culture. 12mo. Lond., 1887. A 20 Q 6 6 CASTLEMAINE MINING BOAED. Bve-laws, 18G4-5. 12mo. Castlemaine, 1864. MF 1 P G9 CASTLEMOATE SILVER-MINING CO. Rules. 8vo. (n.p.) 1889. MF 4 R 35 CASTRACANE, Conte Abate Francesco. Marine Diato- maceffi. [See Thomson, Sir C, W., and Murray, Dr. J.— Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger^ 'A 6 f 'ASWELL, Rev. Alexis. Meteorological Observations made at Providence, R.I., 1831-00. 4to. Wash., I860. A 15 Q 10 f CATALOGUE ILLUSTRE de l'Exposition Historique de l'Art Beige et du Musee Moderno de Bruxelles, 1S30-80. Svo. Bruxelles, 1880. K 7 T 19 CATCII-A-CATCH. [See Comical Cricket.] MH 1 U 48 CATECHISM on the History of the Presbyterian form of Church Government, with more especial reference to the Church of Scotland. 12mo. Maitland (n.d.) MG 2 R 24 CATHCART, Rev. Dr. ¥m. The Ancient British aud Irish Churches, including the Life and Labour of St. Patrick. With Maps and Illustrations. Roy. 8vo. Philad., 1894. G14Q27 CATHERINE II, Empress of Russia. Romance of an Empress ; from the French of R. Waliszewski. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1894. C 19 R 8, 9 The Story of a Throne ; from the French of K. Waliszewski. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1895. C 17 S 13, 14 CATHOLIC CLERGYMAN, A. [See Instruction on the Duty of Prisoners.] MG 2 R 53 CATHOLIC DIRECTORY AND ALMANAC, for the Clergy and Laity in Victoria, 1863. 12mo. Melb., 18G3. ME 5 Q CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA. Year- book, 1893, 1894. 8vo. Wash., 1893. E CATTLEY, Rev. Stephen R. Acts and Monuments of John Foxe. [See Fox, J.] G 16 U 9-16 CATULLUS, Caius Valerius. The Attis of; Translated into English Verse, with Dissertations on the Myth of Attis, on the Origin of Tree- Worship, and on the Galliambic Metre, by Grant Alien. 8vo. Lond., 1892. II 9 Q 21 CAUNT, Ben. [Plaster Cast of. "I [See Hutton, L — Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 CAUVIN, Dr. Charles. Memoire sur les Races de 1' Oceanic Roy. Svo. Paris, 1881. MA 3 R 17 CAVAN, Earl of. With the Yacht, Camera, and Cycle in the Mediterranean. 8vo. Lond., 1895. D 18 R 28 CAVE, Henry W. Picturesque Ceylon : Colombo and the Kelani Valley. 4to. Lond., 1893. D 19 V 8 Picturesque Ceylon : Kandy and Peradeniya. 4to. Lond., 1894 D 36 S 23 J CAVENDISH, Capt. A. E. J. Korea and the sacred White Mountain, being a brief Account of a Journey in Korea in 1891 ; with an Account of an Ascent of the White Mountain by Captaiii II. E. Goold-Adams. 8vo. Lond., 1891. D 17 U 21 CAVENDISH, Henry. Sketch of. [See Thorpe, Dr. T. E.— Historical Chemistry.] C 17 E 2 CAVENDISH, Thomas. Sketch of. [See Southev, R.— English Seamen.] B 23 S 15 CAVOUR, Camillo Benso, Conte di. Count Cavour and Madame de Circourt : Some unpublished Correspon- dence. Edited by Count Nigra. Translated by A. J. Butler. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 14 V 14 [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L. — Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 CAWTHORNE, W. A. The Legend of Kuperree ; or the Red Kangaroo : an aboriginal tradition of tho Port Lincoln Tribe. 2nd ed. Adelaide (n.d.) MH 1 Q 37 CECIL, Evelyn. Primogeniture: a short History of its Development in various countries, and its practical effects. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 1 R 5 CECIL, Sir Robert, Earl of Salisbury. Secret Correspon- dence of, with James VI. [See Collectanea Adaman- tea.] J 18 R 28 CENTENARY OF SUNDAY SCHOOLS, 18S0. A Memorial of the Celebrations held in London, the Provinces, and the Colonies. 12mo. Lond., 1881. G7U32 CENTENNIAL MAGAZINE, The. August, 1888— Bee, 1S89, and July-Sept., 1890. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1888-90. ME 6 U 52 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. CENTENNIAL POETFOLIO. Views of New South Wales. 40 plates. 4to. Sydney, 1888. MD 3 Q 12 + CENTLIVRE, Mrs. Susannah. A Bold Stroke for a Wife. [See London Stage, 1.] H 2 S 33 The Busybody ; a Comedy. [See London Stage, 2.] H2 S31 The Wonder a Woman Keeps a Secret : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 2.] II 2 S 34 CENTRAL BROKEN HILL SILVER-MINING- CO. Reports and Statements of Accounts, 1891. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1891. ME 7 R CENTURY, The: Illustrated Monthly Magazine, N.S. Vols. 1-27. Svo. New York, 1881-95. E CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, Miguel de, his Life and Works; by H. E. Watts. Svo. Lond., 1805. C 13 V 17 Leben und That en des scharfsinnigen Edlen Don Quixote von la Mancha. 5 vols. 12mo. Wien,1818. J 9 P 41-15 CESARESCO, Countess Evelyn M. The Liberation of Italy, 1815-70. 8vo. Lond., 1893. B 30 S 11 CHADWICK, Very Rev. Geo. Alex. Exodus and St. Mark. {See Expositor's Bible.] G 19 R and S CHAILLEY-BERT, J. {See Bert, J. Chailley-.] CHALMERS, D., & Co. The Aberdeen Almanac and Northern Register for 1811. 12mo. Aberdeen, 1811. E CHALMERS, George. Caledonia: Historical and Topo- graphical Account of North Britain. Vol. 7. 4to. Paisley, 1894. B 31 V 18 CHALMERS, J. A. The Gold Miues of the Rand. (See Hatch, F. II.] A 24 V 15 CHALMERS, James. Adventures in New Guinea. 18mo. Lond., 1886. MD 1 P 27 Pioneer Life and Work in New Guinea, 1877-91. Svo. Lond., 1895. MG 2 Q 40 CHALMERS, Robert, History of Currency in the British Colonies. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893. MF 1 S 04 The Jataka. Vol. 1. [See Cowell, Prof. E. B.] G 5 T 20 CHALMERS, Rev. Dr. Thos. Christian Revelation, viewed in connection with Modern Astronomy. 8vo. Edinb. (n.d.) G 2 V 33 Thomas Chalmers, Preacher, Philosopher, and Statesman ; by Mrs. Oliphant. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 13 Q 26 [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L. — Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 CHAMBERLAIN, Basil Hall. Things Japanese. 8vo. Lond., 1890, B 33 P 2 CHAMBERLAIN, John. Memoirs of; by W. Yates Svo. Lond., 1826. C 2 V 31 CHAMBERLAIN, Montague. Popular Ornithology of the United States and Canada. Illustrated. 2 vols. Svo. Boston, 1891. A 28 U 3, 4 CHAMBEES, C. Haddon. Thumb-nail Sketches of Aus- tralian Life. 8vo. New York, 1891. MJ 3 Q 82 CHAMBERS, Edmund K. English Pastorals. 8vo. Lond., 1895. H 9 U 38 CHAMBERS, Wm. and Robt. Chambers's Concise Gazetteer of the World ; with Atlas. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. D 11 S 18, 19 Chambers's Encyclopaedia : a Dictionary of Universal Knowledge. New edition. Vol. 10. Imp. Svo. Lond., 1892. K 4 T 10 CHAMBERS'S JOURNAL, 1892 and 1691. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1892-94. E CHAMIER, Geo. Philosopher Dick: Adventures and Contemplations of a New Zealand Shepherd. Svo. Lond., 1891. M J 2 P 13 CHAMPION, H. H. The Root of the Matter ; being a series of Dialogues on Social Questions. 12mo. Melb., 1895. MF 4 P 18 CHAMPLIN, John D., Jan., and APTHORP, AVm. E. Cyclopedia of Music and Musicians. Illustrated. 3 vols. roy. Svo. New York, 1S93. K 18 S 9-11 CHANCELLOR, Richard. Voyage to Muscovy, 1G30. [See Bibliotheca Curiosa.] J 18 Q 35 CHANNING, Dr. Edward. Town and Country Govern- ment in the English Colonies of North America. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 2.) Svo. Balti- more, 1884. B 18 S 2 The Narragansett Planters : a Study of Causes. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 4.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1886. 13 18 S 4 CHANSON DE ROLAND, La ; Traduction Archaiquo ct Rj thmce, accompagnee de notes explicatives par L. Cledat. Svo. Paris, 1887. 11 5 U 40 CHANUTE, O. Progress of FIving Machines. Svo. New York, 1894. A 25 U 7 CHAP-BOOKS. Lond., 1885. J6P45,4G The History of Thomas Hickathrift. History of the seven Wise Masters of Rome. Mother Bunch's Closet newly broke open. History of Patient Grisel, 1619. History of Sir Richard Whittington. CHAPMAN, C. M. Digest of Reported Decisions. [See Fisher, R, A.] F 12 V 3-9 CHAPMAN, George. Homer's Iliad. {See Homer.] H 15 P 11 t Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 53 CHAPMAN, Henry S. The New Zealand Portfolio. No. 1- — Letter to the lit. Hon. Lord Stanley, on the Administration of Justice in New Zealand. No. 2 — Letter to John Abel Smith, on the Advantages which would accrue to English Capitalists from the Esta- blishment of a Loan Company for New Zealand. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) MF 2 R 45 CHAPPELSMITH, J. Account of a Tornado near New Harmouv, Ind., April, 1852, with a Map of the Track. 4to. Wash., 1853. A 15 Q 11 f CIIARBONNET, Mdlle. [See Kellerman, Mme. C-.] CHARITIES REGISTER AND DIGEST. A Classified Register of Charities, 1895. 8vo. Lond., 1895. E CHARITY ORGANIZATION SOCIETY. 11th Peport of. Sydney, 18S9. ME G S " HARLES I, King of England. Life and Reign of. [See Disraeli, I.] B 21 U 7, 8 t CHARLES II, King of England. King Charles II's Escape from Worcester. [See Bibliothcca Curiosa.] J 18 Q2 Charles II and Scotland in 1G50. [See Scottish History Society, 17.] E Conspiracy to assassinate Charles II at the Rye House, 1GS1. [See Collectanea Adamanta-a.] J 18 R 22 Tryal of E. Coleman for conspiring the Death of. [See Collectanea Adamantsa.] J 18 R 37 CHARLES I, Emperor of Germany.— Charlemagne. Life of the Emperor Karl the Great. Translated from Eginhard, by Win. Glaister. 8vo. Lond., 1877. C 13 P 18 CHARLES V, Emperor of Germany. History of the Reign of. [See Robertson, Rev. Dr. AY] B 25 Q 21-23 CHARLES XII, King of Sweden. Histoire do Charles XII. [See Voltaire, P. M. A. de.] B 25 P 8 [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L. — Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 CHARLES, Cecil. Costa Rica. [See Biolley, P.] D 12 T 16 CHARLES, R. H. Ethiopic version of the Hebrew Book of Jubilees. (Anecdota Oxoniensia, Semitic series, part 8.) Sm. 4to. Oxford, 1895. E CHARLEY, Sir Wm. T. The Crusade against the Con- stitution : an Historical Vindication of the House of Lords. 12mo. Lond., 1895. E 8 U 14 CHARTERIS, Col. Erancis, Libertine. [Life of], 1675- 1732 ; by A. Vincent. (Lives of Twelve Bad Men.) 8vo. Lond , 1894. C 18 T 9 CHARTERS TOWERS GOLD-FIELD, Queensland: its Rise and Progress. 8vo. Lond., 1886. MD 8 Q 42 CHARTIST CIRCULAR, The. Vols. 1 and 2 (in 1 vol.) Fol. Glasgow, 1841-42. E CHASE, Salmon P. Biographical Sketch of. [See Brooks, N— Statesmen.] C 16 R 20 CHATEAUBRIAND, Francois A., Vicomte de. The Genius of Christianity. 8vo. Baltimore, 1884. G3 P31 CHATELAIN, Emile. Notice sur les Manuscrits des Poesies de St. Paulin de Nole. 8vo. Paris, 1880. J7U37 CHATHAM, Rt. Hon. Wm. Pitt, Earl of. Character of. [See Hazlitt, W.— Winterslow.] J 12 S 33 CHATWOOD, Arthur B. Photography. [See JohnsoD, Robt.] A 8 Q 40 CHAUCER, Geoffrey. Complete Works of . Edited by Rev. Dr. W. W. Skeat. \ r ols. 1-5. Svo. Oxford, 1894. H 9 S 27-31 CHAUCER SOCIETY. Publications. 11 vols. Svo. Lond., 1868-92. E Chronology of Chaucer's Writings ; by Dr. J. Koch. Essays on Chaucer, parts 5, 6. Life-Records of Chaucer, part 3. Observations on the Language of Chaucer's Troilus ; by G. L. Kittredge. Originals and Analogues of some of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, parts 4, 5. The Romaunt of the Rose. Edited by Max Kaluza. Specimens of all the accessible imprinted MSS. of the Can- terbury Tales. Temporary Preface to the six-text edition of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, part 1 . Trial-Forewords to my Parallel-text edition of Chaucer's minor Poems ; by F. J. Furnivall. CHAUVENET, Prof. Wm. Manual of Spherical and Practical Astronomy : embracing the General Pro- blems of Spherical Astronomy, the Special Application to Nautical Astronomy, and the Theory and Use of Fixed and Portable Astronomical Instruments. 2 vols. Roy. Svo. Philad., 1893. A 31 Q 4, 5 CHEETHAM, Rev. Dr. S. History of the Christian Church during the first six centuries. 12mo. Lond., 1894. G 2 V 8 CHEMICAL INDUSTRY, SOCIETY OF. [See Society of Chemical Industry.] CHEMICAL SOCIETY, The. Journal of. Vols. 61-66. 8vo. Lond., 1892-94. E CHENEY, W. T. An Apocalypse of Life. 8vo. Boston, 1893. G 19 Q 5 CHENNELLS, Ellen. Recollections of an Egyptian Princess; by her Egyptian Governess: being a Record of Five Years' Residence at the Court of Ismael Pasha, Khedive. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1893. D14S10.11 CHERRY, Andrew. The Soldier's Daughter : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 1.] H 2 S 33 54 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. CHESHIEE, Frank E, Bees in relation to Flowering Plants and Fruit Production : a Lecture. (Inst, of Agricult., Lond.) 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 18 E 28 CHESNAYE-DESBOIS, F. A. A. de la. [See Desbois.] CHESNET, Gen. Sir George T. The British Empire. [See Eoy. Col. Inst., Proc, 25.] E Indian Polity : a Yiew of the System of Administration in India. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F14U19 CHESTEEFIELD, Phillip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of. Some Advice on Men and Manners. 18mo. Edinb., 1776. G 18 P 23 Life, Character, and Opinions ; by A. Hay ward. 12mo. Lond., 1851. C 18 P 21 Memoirs of the Life of; bv W. Ernst. Svo. Lond., 1893. C 15 P 13 CHETHAM SOCIETY. Publications. New Series. Yols. 23-33. Sm. 4to. Manchester, 1892-95. E 26, 31. Materials for the History of the Church of Lancas- ter; by W. O. Roper. Vols. 1, 2. 27. Notes on the Churches of Lancashire ; by Sir S. R. 28. Lancashire and Cheshire Wills and Inventories, 1572- 1696. 29, 30. Poems of John Byrom. 32. Notes on the Churches of Cheshire ; by Sir S. R. Glynne. 33. Note-book of the Rev. T. Jolly, 1671-93. General Index to the Eemains, Historical and Literary, Published by the Chetham Society. Vols. 31-114. Sm. 4to. Manchester, 1893. E CHEVEON, Pero Joseph. Les Tonga. [See Monfat, Pere A.] MD 7 S 39 CHEWINGS, Dr. C. Notes on Sedimentary Eocks. (Trans. Eoy. Soc, S. Australia, 18.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1894. ME 1 S CHEYNE, Dr. Wm. Watson. Tuberculous Diseases of Bones and Joints. Illustrated. 8vo. Edinb., 1895. A 33 IT 16 CHICAGO. Annual Eeport of the Trade and Commerce of Chicago for 1893. Eoy. 8vo. Chicago, 1894. E Eeports of the Fire Marshal to the City Council of the City of Chicago, 1892 and 1894. 2 vols. 8vo. Chicago, 1893-95. E CHICAGO COLLEGE OF PHAEMACY. Announce, ment of Eegular Course, 1893-94. 8vo. Chicago, 1893. E CHICAGO EXHIBITION, 1893. Amtlicher Katalog der ausstellung des Deutsehen Eeiches. Eoy. 8vo. Leipzig, 1893. K 7 U 4 Board of World's Fair Managers of tho State of Montana : Eeports. 8vo. Helena, 1892. K 7 U 9 Catalogo de la Seccion Espanola. 8vo. Madrid, 1S93. K7 S40 Catalogo Oficial de la Exposicion del Impcrio Aloniiin. Eoy. 8vo. Leipzig, 1893. K 7 U 6 CHICAGO EXHIBITION, 1893— confd. Catalogue of Educational Exhibit of Massachusetts. 8vo. Chicago, 1893. K 7 S 38 Catalogue of the Exhibits of the State of Pennsylvania. Eoy. 8vo. Philad., 1893. K 7 U 3 Catalogue of the Eussian Section. Eov. Svo. St. Petersburg, 1893. " K 8 E 20 Catalogue of the World's Columbian Exposition, 1S93. Eoy. Svo. Sydney, 1893. MK 1 S 34 Christianity Practically Applied. The Discussions of tho International Christian Conference held at Chicago, 1893. Svo. New York, 1894. G 6 T 28 Classification of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Svo. Chicago, 1891. K 7 S 39 Details of Industrial Specimens exposed at Ihe World's Columbian Exposition by Japan. Svo. Tokvo, 1803. "K 7 T 2 Details of the Weights and Measures by the Bureau of Commerce, Japan. 8vo. Tokyo, 1893. A 25 S 23 Engineering Education ; being the Proceedings of Section E of the World's Engineering Congress. 8vo. Columbia, 1S94. G 18 E 60 Explanatory Notes on the Exhibits [Astronomical- Japan.] Svo. Tokio, 1893. A 19 T 33 Exposition Internationale de Chicago. Section Fran- chise : Catalogue Officiel. (French and English.) Eoy. 8vo. Paris, 1893. K 7 U 2 General Eegulations, with Classification of Exhibits, Customs Begulations, &c, also copy of New South Wales Commission. Eov. Svo. Sydney, 1891, MK 1 S 13 History of the World's Columbian Exposition. [See Cameron, Hon. W. E] B 6 S 5 Hospitals, Dispensaries, and Nursing : Papers and Discussions in the International Congress of Charities, Correction, and Philanthropy. Eoy. Svo. Baltimore, 1894. A 33 IT 13 New York and the World's Fair. Svo. Chicago, 1892. J2 S7 Official Catalogue. Svo. Chicago, 1S93. K 7 E 59 Official Catalogue: Exhibition of the German Empire. Eoy. Svo. Leipzig, 1893. K 7 U 5 Official Catalogue issued by the Eoyal Danish Commis- sion. Svo. Copenhagen, 1893. " K 7 U 32 Official Catalogue of the British Section. 12mo. Lond., 1893. K7P1 Official Catalogue of tho British Section. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1893. K 7 E 54 Official Manual and Minutes of the World's Columbian Commission, lst-Sth Sessions. 2 vols. Svo. Chicago, 1892-93. K 7 IT 21,22 Proceedings of the International Conference on Aerial Navigation, held in Chicago, August, 1893. 8vo. New York, 1894. A 22 T 9 Proceedings of the International Engineering Congress Division of Marine and Naval Engineering and Naval Architecture. Edited by G, W. Melville. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1894. " A 22 T 10, 17 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 55 CHICAGO EXHIBITION, 1898— contd, Bepnrt of the Executive Commissioner for New South Wales. Eoy. Svo. Sydney, 1884. MK 2 It 1 Eeport of the President of the New South Wales Com- mission. Eol. Sydney, 1894. MK 3 P 25 t Some Artists at the Pair : F. D. Millet, W. H. Low, J. A. Mitchell, W. II. Gibson, P. II. Smith. 8vo. New York, 1893. A23TJ21 The Sunday Problem: ils present day aspect, Physio- logical, Industrial, Social, Political, and lieligious — Papers presented at tbe Congress on Sunday Eest. Chicago, 1893. Svo. New York, 1893. G 17 Q 49 Trabajos Escolares. 8vo. Buenos Aires, 1893. G18E3 Yerzeichniss der in Deutschland erschienenen wissen- schaftliclien zeitschriften fur die Universititts-Ausstel- lung in Chicago, 1893. Eoy. 8vo. Berlin, 1893. K 11 E 12 World's Congress of Bankers and Financiers. Eoy. 8vo. Chicago, 1893. F 2 T 16 World's Fair Appropriations. Svo. Chicago, 1893. K7T1 World's Fair Expenditure : United States Eeport. 8vo. Wash., 1892. K7T7 World's Fair Photographed. [See Shepp, J. W. and D. B.] B 15 V 17 CIIICHELE or CHICHELEY, Henry, Archbishop of Canterbury. Sketch of. [See Fowler, Eev. M. — Notable Archbishops.] C 13 V 12 IIICO STATE NOEMAL SCHOOL, California. Cata- logue and Circular for year ending June 30, 1893. Svo. Sacramento, 1893. E CHILD, Prof. Francis James. English and Scottish Popular Ballads. Parts 5-9. 3 vols. imp. Svo. Boston, 1888-94. II 1 V 1G-18 CHILD, Jacob T. The Pearl of Asia : lteminiscences of the Court of a Supreme Monarch ; or, Five Years in Siam. 8vo. Chicago, 1892. D 17 V 7 CHILD, Lydia Maria. Fact and Fiction : a Collection of Stories. Eoy. Svo. (n.p., n.d.) J 4 U 2 CHILL Acontecimientos en Chile, 1891. Eoy. Svo. I Valparaiso (n.d.) B 17 U 14 Acusacion a los ei-Ministros del Despacho. Eoy. 8vo. Santiago, 1893. F1LV8 Anuario do la Prensa Chilena, 1886-91. 6 vols. 8vo. Santiago, 1887-92. E Biblioteca Nacional. Catalogo de los Manuscritos relativos a los antiquos Jesuitas de Chile. Eoy 8vo. Santiago, 1891. K 7 U 11 BBoletin de las Sesiones Especiales en 1893. Imp. Svo. Santiago, 1893. E Constitucion Politica de la Bepublica de Chile. Svo. Santiago, 1893. F 9 E 35 Cuente Jeneral do las Entradas y Gastos Fiscales de la Eepublica de Chile, 1891. 3 vols. roy. Svo. Santiago, 1893-94. E CHILI— could. Disposiciones Yegentes en Chile sobre Policia Sanitaria y Beneficeucia Publica. 8vo. Santiago, ] 889. F 14U21 Documentos de la Guenta Jeneral de Entradas y Gastos. 1891. 2 parts (in 1.) Fol. Santiago, 1893. E Estadistica Comercial de la Eepublica de Chile, 1893. Eoy. Svo. Valparaiso, 1895. E Fomento de la Industria Salitrera. 8vo. Santiago, 1889. F 9 T 30 Lei de Organizacion i Atribuciones de los Tribunales. Eoy. 8vo. Santiago, 1875. F 3 V 13 Memoria del Superiutendente de Aduanas, 1893. 8vo. Santiago, 1893. E Ministro del Interior. Itecopilacion de Leyes y Decre- tos de Interes General, vigentes en 21 de Mayo, 1888. 8vo. Santiago, 1888. E Sinopsis Estadistica de Chile, 1876-92. 8 parts (in 1.) 8vo. Santiago, 1877-93. E CHILTON-YOUNG, F. [See Young, F. C-.] CHINIQUY, Eev. Chas. A series of Lectures delivered by, in the Protestant Hall, Sydney. 2nd ed. 8vo. Sydney, 1878. MG 2 Q 26 The Chiniquy Lectures. 35th thousand. 8vo. Melb., 1879. MG I E 66 Papal Idolatry. 8vo. Sydney, 1879. MG 2 S 2 The Perversion of Dr. Newman to the Church of Borne. Svo. Melb. (n.d.) MG 2 Q 26 [See Hobart Town Eiots.] MG 1 S 25 CHINNEB, G. F. 'Twixt Shadow and Shine: a Volume of Poems. 12mo. Adelaide, 1890. MH 1 P 52 CHINNOCK, Eev. E. J. Arrian's Anabasis of Alexander. [See Arrian, F.] B 14 P 36 CHIP1EZ, Charles. History of Art in Primitive Greece. [See Perrot, Prof. G.] A 22 T 16, 17 CHIPS ; by " An Old Chum "; or, Australia in the Fifties. Svo. 'Lond. (n.d.) MJ 3 P 39 CHISHOLM, James. Medical Hand-book of Life Assur- ance. [See Pollock, Dr. J. E.] A 33 S 6 CII1TTY, Joseph. The Practice respecting Amendments of Variances, pending a Trial at Nisi Priui or before a Sheriff ; and observations upon the necessity for ex- tending liberality in such amendments, or for altera- tions iu allowing several Counts, Pleas, &c. 8vo. Loud., 1835. F 2 V 16 CHOPIN, Frederic Francois. [Life of] ; by C. Willebv. 8vo. Lond., 1S92. C 12 Q 49 Sketch of. [See Heine, II. — Heine in Art and Letters.] J 11 T 39 Studies in Modern Music. [See Hadow, W. H.] C 21 Q 15 56 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893- 95. CHKIST CHURCH, GEELONG. 8vo. Geelong, 1855. Historical Sketch of. MG 2 Q 27 CHRISTIE, Thos. North. Cinchona Cultivation. 8vo. Colombo, 1883. A 18 S 38 CIIRISTISON, J. Breeding and Rearing of Horses. (Proc. Roy. Agricult. Soe. of S. Australia, 1885.) Svo. Adelaide, 1885. ME 1 S CHRIST'S COLLEGE LIBRARY. Sm. 4to. Hobart, 1848. Catalogue, Pt. 1. MK 1 P 1G CHRISTY, F. C. Improvement of the Water Communi- cation between Melbourne and llobson's Bay. 8vo. Melb., 1879. MA 1 V 43 CHRISTY, M. A'oyages of Capt. L. Foxe and Capt. T. James in search of a North-west Passage, in 1031-32. (Hakluyt Soc, 88, 89.) 2 vols. Svo. Loud., 1894. E CHRONICLES AND MEMORIALS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. [See Great Britain and Ireland. — Chronicles and Memorials.] CHUBB, P. Select Writings of R. W. Emerson. [See Emerson, R. W.] J 12 S 3G CHURCH, Prof. Arthur Herbert. English Earthenware. 8vo. Lond , 1884. A 23 R 20 English Porcelain. Svo. Lond., 1885. A 23 R 9 Food : some Account of its Sources, Constituents, and Uses. Svo. Lond., 1870. A 20 R 10 Josiah Wedgwood. (Portfolio Monograph, 3.) Rov. Svo. Lond., 1S94. E Precious Stones, considered in their scientific and artistic relations. Svo. Loud., 18S3. A 23 R 31 CHURCH, E. M. Sir Richard Church in Italy and Greece. 8vo. Edinb., 1895. C 10 T 40 CHURCH, Gen. Sir Richard, in Italy and Greece ; bv E. M. Church. 8vo. Edinb., 1895. C 10 T 40 CHURCH, Very Rev. Richard Wm. Life and Letters of. Edited by his daughter. Svo. Lond., 1894. C1GU4 CHURCH, S. II. Oliver Cromwell: a History. Svo. New York, 1894. C 10 U 9 CHURCH OF ENGLAND. Diocese of Christchurch. Proceedings of the First Session of the Ninth Synod, 1875. 8vo. Christchurch 1875. ME Q Diocese of Melbourne. Acts of the Assembly, to which are prefixed the Church Constitution Acts, the Trusts Corporation Act, &c. 8vo. Melb., 1888. MF 2 R 53 Statistics of, 18S9. 8vo. Melb., 1890. ME Q Diocese of Newcastle. Ordinances, Rules, and Resolu- tions of the Synod, 1880. Svo. Sydney, 1880. MF 2 Q 40 CHURCH OF ENGLAND— contd. Diocese of Sydney. Proceedings of the Synod, for filling up the Vacancy of the See, 1882. Svo. Sydney, 18S3. M E 6 Q Papers read at the Conference, 18S5. Svo. Sydney, 1885. MG 1 S 73 Report of the Church Society for 1892. Svo. Sydney, 1893. ME Q Diocese of Tasmania. Digest of Acts and Resolutions passed in the Synod. 8vo. Hobart, 1870.* MF 2 Q 55 Another copy. Svo. Hobart, 1S83. ME Q Report of the Church Society, 1880. Svo. Hobart, 18SL ME Q Official Record of the Proceedings of the Synod, 1S83. Svo. Hobart, 1884. MF 2 Q 50 Year-book of the Church of England in Tasmania, for 1892-93. 2 vols. Svo. Hobart, 1892-93. ME Q General Conference and Synod of the Dioceses of Australia and Tasmania, 1872. 12mo. Sydney, 1872. MEGQ CHURCH OF ENGLAND GRAMMAR SCHOOL, MELBOURNE. Liber Melburniensis : the Book of the Church of England Grammar School, Melbourne, its History, Register, and various Memoranda. Svo. Melb., 1S79. MB 2 R 40 CHURCH OF ROME. Second Provincial Council of Australia, 1809. Proceedings. Svo. Melb., 1809. MG 1 T 31 CHURCH PARTIES : an Essay. 12mo. Lond., 1S54. G 4 V 14 CHURCH SENTINEL, The. Vol. 1, 1858-59. Sm.4to. Sydney, 1858-59. ME 20 S CHURCHILL, John. [See Marlborough, Duke of.] CHURCHILL, Lord Randolph. Randolph Spencer Churchill as a Product of his Age : being a Personal and Political Monograph bv T. II. S. Escott. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 19 V 11 Sketch of. [See Smalley, G. W.— Studies of Men.] C 19 R 20 CHURCHMAN'S AUSTRALIAN ALMANAC, 18SG. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1886. ME 4 R CIBBER, Collcy. A Careless Husband : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 3.] II 2 S 35 Love makes a Man ; or, the Fop's Fortune : a Comcdv. [See London Stage, 3.] H 2 S 35 She would and she would not ; or, the Kind Impostor : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 3.] II 2 S 35 The Provoked Husband: a Comedy. [See London Stage, 2.] II 2 S 34 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 57 CICERO, Marcus Tullius. Select Letters ; with English Introductions, Notes, and Appendices, by A. Watson. (Clar. Press.) 4th ed. 8vo. Oxford, 1891. C 14 U 24 Speech of, in defence of Clueutius. Translated into English, with an Introduction and Notes, by W. Peterson. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 9 S 21 Cicero and the Fall of the Roman Republic ; by J. L. Strachan-Davidson. 8vo. New York, 1894. C 16 R 22 CINCINNATI PUBLIC LIBRARY. Bulletin of Books in the various departments of Literature and Science added during 1892 and 1893. 2 vols. imp. Svo. Cincinnati, 1893-94. Libr. CIRCOLO ENOPILO ITALIANO. Annuario Generale per la Viticoltura e la Enologia, 1892, 1893. 2 vols. 8vo. Roma, 1892-93. A 30 T 21, 22 CIRCOURT, Mme. de. Correspondence with Cavour. [See Cavour, Conte.] C 14 V 15 CITY NIGHT REFUGE AND SOUP KITCHEN. 20th Report of. 8vo. Sydney, 1887. ME G S CIVIL ENGINEERS, AMERICAN SOCIETY OF. [See American Society of Civil Engineers.] CIVIL ENGINEERS, INSTITUTION OF. [See Insti- tution of Civil Engineers.] CIVIL SERVICE. Political Influences, 4c. ; by " Corvus." Complete ed., with Map. 8vo. Svdnev, 1883. MF 4R 41 CLAFLIN, Horace B. Sketch of. [See Stoddard, W. O. —Men of Business.] C 1G R 19 CLAMPITT, John "W. Echoes from the Rocky Mountains. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1888. B 17 U 17 CLANCY, Jas. J. The " Castle " System, and its Opera- tion. [See Subjects of the Day, 3 ] F 7 U 28 CLAPIN, Adolphus P., and ARNOLD, Richard A. New South Wales Parliamentary Hand-book. 5th ed. Svo. Sydney, 1894. MF 2 T 53 CLARE, George. The ABC of the Foreign Exchanges. 8vo. Lond., 1893. F 14 Q 16 CLARENCE AND AVONDALE, II.R.H. Duke of: a Memoir ; bv J. E. Vincent. 12mo. Lond., 1893. C19Q8 CLARENCE AND NEW ENGLAND S. N. CO. Deed of Settlement and Act of Incorporation of. 8vo. Grafton, 18GG. MF 1 R 48 CLARK, Chas. Hcber. Out of the Hurly-Burly ; or, Life in an Odd Corner; by "Max Adeler." 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 12 T 3 CLARK, Charles H. Practical Methods in Microscopy. 12!no. Boston, 1894. A 29 R 22 CLARK, Daniel Kinnear. Manual of Rules, Tables, and Data for Mechanical Engineers, based on the most recent investigations. Cth edition. 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 6 U 23 The Steam Engine : a Treatise on Steam Engines and Boilers. Illustrated. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1890. A 22 T 20, 21 CLARK, Henry Jas. Iere, the Land of the Humming Bird ; being a Sketch of the Island of Trinidad. 8vo. Trinidad, 1893. D 15 R 14 CLARK, J. H. Field Sports of New South Wales Natives. 4to. Lond., 1813. MA 10 P 8 f CLARK, J. W. Libraries in the Medieval and Renaissance Periods. (TheRedeLecture,1894.) 12mo. Cambridge, 1894. J 6 P 24 CLARK, John B., and GIDDINGS, Franklin H. The Modern Distributive Process: Studies of Competition and its Limits, of the Nature and Amount of Profits, and of the Determination of Wages. 8vo. Boston, 18S8. F 12 R 2 CLARK, Robt. Golf, a Royal and Ancient Game. Svo. Loud., 1893. A 29 T 1G CLARK, Capt. Wm. Expedition to the Sources of the Missouri River, 1804-G. [See Coues, E.] D 1G V 12-15 Sketch of. [See Greeley, Gen. A. W. — Explorers and Travellers.] C 17 R 4 CLARK, Wm. Geo. Review of a Pamphlet entitled " The Present Dangers of the Church of England." [See Religious Pamphlets, 1.] G 9 V 16 CLARK-RUSSELL, W. [See Russell, W. Clark-.] CLARKE, A. W. On the Mineral Scolecite occurring on Granite, Charters Towers. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queens- land, 4.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1887. ME 1 T Queensland Minerals. 8vo. Brisbane, 188G. MA 2 V G3 CLARKE, Col. Alexander Ross. Geodesy. 8vo. Oxford, 1880. A 25 V 22 CLARKE, Alfred. Simple Treatise on Spectacles and Defective Vision. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MA 2 S 66 CLARKE, Mary C. Instrumentation and Orchestration. [See Berlioz, H.] A 23 V 12 CLARKE, Rev. George. Objections to the Policy of Perpetuating State Aid to Religion in Tasmania. Svo. Hobart, 1867. MG 1 S 8 CLARKE, Maj. Sir George S. Imperial Defence. [See Labilliere, F. P. De.] F 9 U 47 CLARKE, H. Butler. Spanish Literature : an Elementary Handbook. 8vo. Lond., 1893. B 34 Q 4 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. CLARKE, Rev. Henry Win. History of Tithes. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1894. F 8 U 10 CLARKE, Hyde. On the Yarra Dialect and the Langu- age of Australia in connection with those of the Mo- zambique and Portuguese Africa. (Rov. Soc, Vict., 1G.) 8vo. Melb., 1880. ME 1 P CLARKE, J. Livingstone. The Bulli Disaster ; the Mignonette Disaster ; Loss of the Dunbar. Fol. Sydney (n.d.) MJ 2 P 30 J CLARKE, J. R, Road Map of the Colonies of New South Wales and Queensland. Folded 12mo. (n.p.n.d.) MD8P4 CLARKE, Marcus A. H. The Austral Edition of the Selected Works of, together with a Biography and Monograph of the Deceased Author. Compiled and Edited bv H. Mackinnon. 8vo. Melb., 1890. MJ2S14 Goody Two Shoes and Little Boy Blue ; or, Sing a Song of Sixpence, Harlequin Hey-diddle-diddle-'em,and the Kingdom of Coins. 12mo. Melb., 1870. Mil 1 P 71 'Tsvixt Shadow and Shine : an Australian Story. 8vo. Melb., 1875. MJ 1 S 12 The Future Australian Race. 8vo. Melb., 1877. MJ 2 S 18 Mystery of Major Molineux, and Human Repetends. 8vd. Melb., 1881. MJ 1 S 30 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star; or, Harlequin Jack Frost. [See Strachan, J.] Mil 1 U 47 CLARKE, Percy. The Valley Council. 8vo. Lond., 1891. MJ 2 T 45 CLARKE, W. The Clarke Papers. Vol. 2. Edited by C. IT. Firth. (Cam. Soc. Pubs.) Sm.4to. Lond., 1894. E CLARKE, Dr. W. B. Wreck of The Favourite. [See Nunn, J.] D 4 S 42 CLARKE, Wm. Water Supply for Sydney. [See Manning, J.] MA 2 V 48 CLARKE, Rev. Wm. B. The claims of. 8vo. Sydney, 1800. . MA 2 V 55 CLARSON, Wm. The Fruit Garden : a Guide to the Planting and Managing in Victoria of the Chief Fruit- yielding Plants of Temperate Zones. Parts 1, 2. 3rd ed. 12mo. Melb. (n.d.) MA 3 P 48 The Flower Garden and Shrubbery. 5th ed. 12mo. Melb. (n.d.) MA 3 P 49 The Kitchen Garden and Cottagers' Manual. 5th ed. 12mo. Melb. (n.d.) MA 3 P 50 CLASSICAL REVIEW, The. Vols. 6-8. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1S82-94. E CLAUSON-THUE, W. [See Thue, W. C-.] CLAY, Henry. Sketch of . [See Brooks, N. — Statesmen.] C 10 R 20 Plaster Cast of. [See Hutton, L. — Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 CLAYTON, Reginald. His Chinese Cook. [See Praed, Mrs. R. M.— Under the Gum Tree.] MJ 2 T 44 CLEAVE, A., & Co. Auckland City, Suburban, Provincial, Commercial, Municipal, and General Directorv, 1889 and 1894. 2 vols. 8vo. Auckland, 1889-94." ME New Zealand Bradshaw and ABC Commercial Guide and Trades Directory, 1894. 3 vols. 18mo. Auck- land, 1891. ME 4 P CLEDAT, Prof. Loon. Role Historique de Bertrand de Born, 1175-1200. [See Bertrand de Born.] B 35 R 25 La Chanson de Roland. [See Chanson de Roland.] H5TJ40 CLEGG, Thos. B. Manual of the Trade Disputes Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1892. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MF 1 S 41 CLEMENS, Samuel Langhorue. "Mark Twain." An Interview with ; with Portrait. [See Blathwayt, R.— Interviews.] J 10 TJ 34 CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA. Writings of. Trans- lated by Rev. W. Wilson. (Ante-Nicene Christ. Lib., 4, 12.) 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1867-09. G 14 TJ 4, and 12 CLEMENT OF ROME. Recognitions of. Translated by Rev. Dr. T. Smith. (Ante-Nicene Christ. Lib , 3.) 8vo. Edinb., 1867. G 14 U 3 The Clementine Homilies. Translated by Rev. Dr. T. Smith, P. Peterson, and Dr. J. Donaldson. (Ante- Nicene Christ. Lib., 17.) 8vo. Edinb., 1870. G 14 TJ 17 CLEMENT, ClaraErskine. Naples, the City of Parthenope, and its Environs. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1S91. 13 30 S 10 The Queen of the Adriatic ; or, Venice, Mediaeval and Modern. 8vo. London (n.d.) D 18 S 4 CLEOFAS. [See Bird in a Golden Cage.] MJ 3 P 8 CLERC, Michel. Les Meteques Atheniens : etude sur la Condition Legale, la Situation Morale, et le Role Social, et Economique des Etrangcrs domicilies a Athenes. 8vo. Paris, 1893. F 1 R 9 CLERCQ, F. S. A. de. Het Eiland Wiak of Biak, benoor- den de Geelvinkbaai. Roy. 8vo. Leiden, 1888. MD 3 V 4 De baai van Wandameu in het zuidwesten der Geelvink- baai. Roy. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) MD 3 V 4 Langs dc Zuidkust der Maccluer-golf. Roy. Svo. (n.p. n.d.) MD3V4 CLERGY, WIDOW, AND ORPHANS' FUND, Mel- bourne. Fourth Annual Report, 1869. 8vo. Melb., 1870. MG 2 Q 48 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 59 CLERK, Dugald. Theory of the Gas Engine. 12mo. New York, 1891. A 22 P 31 CLERK, Sir John. Life of. [See Scottish History Soc, 13.] E CLERKE, Miss Agnes Mary. The Hersehels and Modern Astronomy. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 19 Q 19 CLEVELAND, Chas. B. Mexico. [See Cubas, -A. G.] P 14 U 13 CLEVELAND, Grover. Sketch of. [See Wilson, J. G — Presidents of the United States.] C 2 V 30 Sketch of. [See Brooks, N.— Statesmen.] C 16 R 20 CLIFFORD, Edward. Father Damien : a Journey from » Cashmere to Hawaii. 12mo. Loud., 1S90. MC 1 S 10 CLINCH, George, and KERSHAW, S. W. Bygone Surrey. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 21 T 10 CLIVE, Robert, Lord. Essay on ; by Lord Macaulay. [See Macaulay, Lord.] MJ 3 P 21 Life of; by Col. G. B. Mallesou. (Rulers of India.) 8vo. Oxford, 1893. C 13 P 16 CLOUD, T. C. Catalogue of South Australian Minerals. (Trans. Roy. Soc, H. Australia, 6.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1883. ME 1 S ° LOUD, Mrs. T. C. Drift ; a volume of stray verse ; by " Lindsay Duncan." 12mo. Adelaide, 1891. Mil 1 Q 31 CLOUGH, Albert L. What an Engineer should know about Electricity ; also, the Rules and Requirements of the Underwriters' International Electric Association for the installation of Electric Light and Power. 12mo. Boston, 1894. A 21 P 37 CLOUGH, Arthur Hugh. Essay on. [See Bagehot, W.— Literary Studies.] J 9 P 22-24 CLOWES, Alice A. Charles Knight: a sketch. 8vo. Lond., 1892. C 15 R 14 CLUTTERBUCK, Dr. Jas. Bennett. Essay on the Nature and Treatment of Australian Diseases, including more especially Dysenterv and Fever. Svo. Melb., 1868. MA 1 V 75 CLYDE, Colin Campbell, Lord. [Life of] j by A. Forbes. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 21 P 8 COATES, Dandeson. The New Zealanders and their Land : the Report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons on New Zealand considered in a letter to Lord Stanlev. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1845. MB 2 R 57 Coatcs and the New Zealand Association. [See Wake- field, E. G.] MB 2 R 57 COATS, Dr. Joseph. Manual of Pathology. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond, 1895. A 26 T 22 COBB, James. The Doctor and the Apothecary : a Musi- cal Entertainment. [See London Stage, 2.] H 2 S 34 The First Floor : a Farce. [See London Stage, 3.] H 2 S 35 The Haunted Tower : a Comic Opera. [See London Stage, 2.] II 2 S 34 Paul and Virginia: a Musical Entertainment. [See London Stage, 4.] II 2 S 36 The Siege of Belgrade : a Comic Opera. [See London Stage, 4.] II 2 S 36 COBB, Dr. Nathan Augustus. Cold Storage for Apples from the Vegetable Pathologist's Point of View. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MA 1 Q 62 Dialogue concerning the manner in which a Poisonous Spray does its work preventing Blight. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MA 1 Q 67 Diseases of the Sugar-cane. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MA 1 Q 67 Host and Habitat Index of the Australian Fungi. [See Cooke, M. C] MA 1 R 50 Plant Diseases and how to prevent them. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MA 1 Q 67 COBBE, Miss Frances Power. Life of; by herself. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond, 1894. C 14 S 20, 21 COBBETT, Wm. Sermons. 12mo. Lond, 1822. G9 V14 1. Hypocrisy and Cruelty. 2. Drunkenness. 3. Bribery. 4. Oppression. 5. Unjust Judges. G. The Sluggard. 7. Murder. S. Gaming. 9. Public Robbery. 10. The Unnatural Mother. 11. Forbidding Marriage. 12. Parson's Tithes. Sketch of [Thomas] Paine. [See Conway, M.D.] C 8 U 3S COBDEN, Richard. 1793-1853, in three letters. 8vo. Lond, 1853. F 14 T 41 An English Hero ; by Frances E. Cooke. 12mo. Lond, 1890. C 21 P 1 Reminiscences of; by Mrs. S. Schwabe. 8vo. Lond, 1895. C 21 T 13 Sketch of. [See Bagehot, W. — Biographical Studies.] C 22 P 10 COBDEN CLUB. Reports of Annual Meetings, 1884-85. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond, 1884-85. F 10 U 6 Annual Dinner. Special Report, 1884-85. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond, 1884-85. F 10 U 6 COCHIN, Henri. Oluvres. 6 vols. 4to. Paris, 1771-80. J 12 V 2-7t COCKBURN, John. A Journey overland from the Gulf of Honduras to the great South Sea. 8vo. Lond, 1735. D 15 S 29 CO Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. COCKBUEN, Rev. Dr. John. History of Duels. [See Collectanea Adamantsea.] J 18 B 3G CODLIN', James. The Transported Smuggler. 12mo. Sydney, 1893.* Mil 1 Q 35 CODMAN, John Thos. Brook Farm: Historical and Bersonal Memoirs. 8vo. Boston, 1894. F 8 U 38 CODRINGTON, Bev. Dr. Bobt. Henry. Notes on the Customs of Mota, Banks Islands. (Boy. Soc, Vict., 16.) 8vo. Melb., 1880. ME 1 P Lecture on the Melanesian Mission. 8vo. (n.p.) 1863. MG 2 S 4 The Melanesians : Studies in their Anthropology and Folk-lore. Illustrated. 8vo. Oxford, 1891. MD 8 E 19 COELLA, Francisco. Nota sobro los pianos de las bahias descubiertas en cl ano de 1600 an las islas del Espiritu Santo y de Nueva Guinea. (Boletin de la Sociedad Geografica de Madrid.) Svo. Madrid, 1S78. MD 7 U 20 COFFEY, C. The Devil to Pay : a Ballad Farce. [See London Stage, 1.] H 2 S 33 COFFEY, W. H., and ELLES, Herbert L. Supplement to the District Courts Acts, containing Notes of the Beported Cases, Rules, &c. 8vo. Sydney, 1893.* MF 2 Q 6 COGHLAN, Timothy Augustine. New South Wales Statistical Register, 1889-93. [See New South Wales.] ME8R Results of a Census of New South Wales, taken on the 5th April, 1891. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1894. ME Report on the Census of New South Wales. [See New South Wales.] MF 3 U 54 Sheep and Wool in New South Wales. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MA 1 P 51 Statistical Account of the Seven Colonies of Australasia. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. M E Statistical Survey of New South Wales, 1893-91. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MF 3 T 46 Vital Statistics, 18S8. Annual Report from the Govern- ment Statistician. Fol. Sydney, 1890. ME The Wealth and Progress of New South Wales, 1893 and 1894. 2 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1893-95. ME 5 R COGLEY, Thos. S. The Law of Strikes, Lockouts, and Labor Organizations. Roy. 8vo. Washington, 1891. F2T 17 COHATJSEN, John Henry. Hermippus Redivivus. [See Collectanea Adamantsca.] J 18 R 12-14 COHEN, Philip. The Marine Fish and Fisheries of New South Wales, past and present, in their commercial aspect. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MA 2 U 41 COLBURN, George. Poems on Mankind and Nature. 8vo. Glasgow, 1891. H 9 IT 25 COLE, E. W. Advice of Ten Doctors. Cole. 8vo. Melb., 1892, Edited by E. W. MA 2 P 42 Cyclopaedia of Short Prize Essays on the Federation of the Whole World. First series. Edited by E. W. Cole. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MF 1 P 70 COLE, Prof. Grenville A. J. The Gypsy Road: a Journey from Krakow to Coblentz. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1894. D 18 Q 10 Open-air Studies : an Introduction to Geology Out-of- doors. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 21 R 16 COLE, H. S., and MORRIS, Thos. Health Act, Infant Life Protection Act, Margarine Act ; with Regulations, Notes of English and Victorian Cases, and Index. 8vo. Melb., 1894. MF 3 T 26 COLE, Timothy, and STILLM AN, Win. Jas. Old Italian Masters. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 8 D 38 COLEBROOKE, Henry Thos. [Sketch of.] [&«Miiller, F. Max. — Chips from a German Workshop, 2.] J 9 R 32 COLEMAN, Edward. Tryal of, for Conspiring the Death of the King [Charles II]. [See Collectanea Adaman- ta>a.] J 18 R 37 COLENSO, Rt. Rev. John Wm. Bishop Colenso's Criti- cisms answered. [See Morison, Bev. A.] MG 1 S 31 Moses and Colenso : ten Lectures. [See Ewing, Bev. R. K.] MG 2 R 43 Trial of. [See Wirgman, Rev. A. T.— Church of England in South Africa,] G 2 V 42 COLENSO, Rev. Wm. Notes and Reminiscences of Early Crossings of Lake Waikaremoana. (Trans. N. Z. Inst., 27.) 8vo. Wellington, 1894. ' ME 2 R Phamogams. (Trans. N. Z. Inst , 27.) Svo. Welling- ton, 1894. ME 2 R COLERIDGE, E. P. Tragedies of Sophocles. [See Sopho. cles] II 2 Q 50 Essay on. [See Bagehot, W. — J9P22 COLEEIDGE, Hartley Literary Studies.] Sketch of. [See Bagehot, W. — Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen.] J 10 V 32 COLERIDGE, Samuel Tavlor. Dramatic Works of. 12mo. Lond., 1852. H 1 Q 43 The Golden Book of Coleridge. 12mo. Lond., 1895. H 10 TJ 15 Anima Poeta\ Edited by Ernest Hartley Coleridge. Svo. Lond., 1S95. J 10 R 26 Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit. 18mo. Lond , 18S6. J7P47 The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1857. H 9 Q 10 A Sailor's Fortune. 18mo. Lond., 1886. J 7 P 47 Coleridge as a Poet. [See Dowden, Dr. E.] J 5 S 16 Coleridge's Criticism, &c. [See Wylie, Laura J. — Evolu- tion of English Criticism.] J 9 S 8 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 61 COLERIDGE, Samuel Taylor— contd. Letters of. Edited by E. II. Coleridge. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 6 TJ 39, 40 Narrative of the Events of his Life ; by J. D. Campbell. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 19 R 10 [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L. — Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 Sketch of [See Bell, Rev. Dr. C. D.— Some of our English Poets.] C 21 P 11 Sketch of the Work of. [See Dawson, W. J. — Makers of Modern English.] H 10 S 14 Spiritual Philosophy. [See Green, J. H.l J G14Q25, 26 COLLECTANEA ADAMANTJEA. Edinb, 1884-88. 39 vols. 12mo. J 18 R 1-39 Ancient Popular Poetry. Charitable Remonstrance to the Wives and Maidens of France touching their dissolute adornments ; by An- toine Esteenne. The Chronicles of London, Henry III to Edward III. Collection of Epitaphs and Inscriptions. Conspiracy against James I, commonly called the Gun- powder Treason. Cottoni Posthuma : divers choice pieces of Sir W. Cotton. The Devils of Loudun and the Execution of U. Grandier. An Essay on Gaming; by Jeremy Collier. The Field of Bloud. Hermippus Redivivus ; by J. H. Cohausen. Historical Documents illustrative of the Reigns of the Tudors and Stuarts. History of Amulets ; by M. P. Blumler. History of Duels ; by the Rev. Dr. J. Cockburn. History of Manon Lescaut and the Chevalier des Grieur ; by the AbbC Prevost. History of the States-General of Normandy ; by A. Canel. Horrid Conspiracy to assassinate Charles II at the Rye- house. Kcmpes Nine Daies Wonder. Lucina sine Concubitu ; by the Rev. H. Coventry. Memoirs of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester. Memoirs of the Bastile ; from the French of Mr. Linguet. Papers relating to the first settlement of New York by the Dutch, 1657. Pathomachia ; or, the Battell of Affections. Quaint Gleanings from Ancient Poetry. Rare Tracts relating to the state of New York, 1609-15. The Recovery of Normandy from the English in 1449 ; by J. le Bouvier. Secret Correspondence of Sir Robert Cecil with James VI. The Siege of Lyons. Tryal of E. Coleman for conspiring the death of the King [Charles II]. Unnatural History of Myths of Ancient Science. Works of Anacreon and Sappho : by the Earl of Winchelsea. COLLIE, Prof. George L. The Geology of Conanicut Island. Roy. 8vo. Beloit, "Wis., 1895. A 25 V 2 COLLIER, Adm. Sir George. France, Holland, and the Netherlands a century ago. 8vo. Loud., 1865. B25 S21 COLLIER, Jeremy. Essay on Gaming. [See Collectanea Adamantaea.] J 18 R 16 COLLIGNON, Maxime. Catalogue des Vases, Peints, au Musee de la Societe Archeologique d'Athenes. 8vo. Paris, 1877. K 7 T 4 Essai sur les Monuments Grecs et Romains relatifs au Mythe de Psyche. 8vo. Paris, 1877. B 35 R 18 COLLING, James Kellaway. Art Foliage, for Sculpture and Decoration. 2nd ed. 4to. Lond., 1878. A 39 Q 14 J Examples of English Mediaeval Foliage and Coloured Decoration. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1874. A 39 Q 15 J COLLINGRIDGE, George. The Discovery of Australia : a critical, documentary, and historic investigation concerning the priority of discovery in Australasia by Europeans before the arrival of Lieut. James Cook, in the Endeavour, in 1770. 4to. Sydney, 1895. MD 9 P 5 t The Fantastic Islands of the Indian Ocean and of Australasia in the Middle Ages, and their significance in connection with the early Cartography of Australia. (Roy. Geog. Soc. Australasia, Vic. Branch, 11.) 8vo. Melb., 1894. ME 2 Q COLLINGS, George. Roof Carpentry : Practical Lessons in the Framing of "Wood Roofs. (Weale's series.) 12mo. Lond., 1893. A 17 R 27 COLLINGWOOD, "Win. G. Life and Work of John Ruskin. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893. CUP 20, 21 Toems of Ruskin. [See Ruskin, J.] H 5 V 31, 32 COLLINS, A Keith. Lecture on New Guinea. 8vo. Sydney, 1867. MD 3 S 46 COLLINS, F. Howard. An Epitome of the Synthetic Philosophy. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1S90. G 16 S 52 COLLINS, John. Portrait of. [See Gammage, R. G.— Chartist Movement.] F 7 R 24 COLLINS, John Churton. Jonathan Swift : a Biograph- ical and Critical Study. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 13 P 22 COLLINS, Wm. Poetical Works of ; with Life of the Author and Critical Observations by Dr. Langhorne. 18mo. Lond., 1815. H 10 TJ 7 Poetical Works of. 12mo. Loud., 1827. H 7 TJ 35 Poetical Works of. 18mo. Lond., 1839. H 10 T 28 COLLINS, Rev. Wm. Lucas. Butler, Philosopher. [See Butler, J.] G 9 V 2 COLLINS, Wm. Wilkie. Anecdotes of. fSee Fitzgerald, P. —Memoirs.] C 21 R 15 COLLINS-STREET INDEPENDENT CHURCH, Melbourne. Manual of. 12mo. Melb., 1888. MG 2 R 25 COLLINSON, John. Rainmaking and Sunshine. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 19 Q 30 COLMAN, George. Broad Grins. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) H9 Q12 Clandestine Marriage : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 1.] H 2 S 33 The Deuce is in him : a Farce. [See London Stage, 3.] H2 S35 The Jealous Wife : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 1.] H2S33 Polly Honeycombe s a Dramatic Novel. [See London Stage, 2.] H 2 S 34 62 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. COLMAN, George, Junior. Ways and Means : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 3.] II 2 S 35 COLNETT, Capt. James. Plan of the Island Cocoa, 1793. Fol. Lond., 1798. MD 1 P 15 J Chart of the Galapagos, 1793-94. Pol. Lond., 1798. MD 1 P 15 % Plan of the Islands Felix and Ambrose, 1793. Pol. Lond., 1798. MD 1 P 15 % Plan of the Islands of Revillagigedo. Fol. Lond., 1798. MD 1 P 15 % COLOMB, Vice-Adm. Philip Howard. Essays on Naval Defence. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 29 Q 30 [See Great War of 189-.] J 2 Q 21 COLOMBO MUSEUM. 1st Eeports. 8vo. Colombo (n.d.) A 29 J 31 1. Collection of Lizards. 2. Collection of Batrachia. 3. Collection of Snakes. 4. Collection of Moths. 5. Coins, and List of Minerals. COLONIAL AND AUSTRALIAN BANKING COM- PANIES. Copies of the Charters granted. Sm. fol. Lond., 1838. MF 3 U 7 COLONIAL CIIUECH ATLAS, arranged in Dioceses. 4to. Lond , 1845. G 15 Q 19 t COLONIAL MILTTAB Y GAZETTE. Yols. 6, 7, 1892- 94. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1892-91. ME 19 T COLONIAL OFFICE LIST. [See Great Britain and Ireland — Colonial office.] COLONIAL SUGAR REFINING CO. OF SYDNEY. Reply to a pamphlet published by, entitled, "Remarks on the Bill to authorise the Establishment of Bonded Distilleries and Bonded Sugar Houses." 8vo. Sydney, 1862. MF 4 Q 35 COLORADO. — State Departments, Reports and Publica- tions. Adjutant- General. Report, 1891-92. 8vo. Denver, 1893. E Agricultural College. Course of Study and Work. 8vo. Fort Collins, 1893. E Report of Agricultural Experiment Station, 1889. 8vo. Fort Collins, 1889. E Agricultural Department. The Resources, Wealth, and Industrial Development of Colorado. 8vo. (n.p.) 1893. D 15 T 20 Auditor. Report, 1891-92. 8vo. Colorado Springs, 1892. E Board of Charities and Corrections. Report, 1892. 8vo. Denver, 1893. E Bureau or Labor Statistics. Laws of the State of Colorado relating to Labor. 8vo. Denver, 1893. F 14 T 16 Engineer. Irrigation Laws and Instructions to Super- intendents and Water Commissioners, Colorado. 8vo. Denver, 1893. F 14 T 16 COLORADO— contd. Fisn Commission. Game and Fish Laws as amended by the 9th Session of the General Assembly of the State of Colorado. 8vo. Denver, 1893. F 14 T 16 General Assembly. School Law of the State of. 8vo. Denver, 1893. G 18 R 12 Institution for the Education of td:e Deaf and the Blind. Proceedings of the 7th National Con- ference of Superintendents and Principals of Insti- tutions for the Deaf, held at Colorado Institution, August 7th to 11th, 1892. 8vo. Colorado Springs, 1893. E Report, 1892. 8vo. Colorado Spriugs, 1893. E Normal School. Annual Catalogue, 1892-1893. 8vo. Denver, 1893. E Penitentiary. Report, 1892. 8vo. Denver, 1893. E Reformatory. Report, 1892. 8vo. Denver, 1893. E School of Mines. Catalogue, 1892-93. 8vo. Denver, 1892. E Secretary of State. Report, 1891-92. 8vo. Colorado Springs, 1893. E Superintendent of Insurance. Report, 1892. 8vo. Denver, 1893. E Colorado Insurance Laws. Conditions of Admission to Colorado for all Companies other than Co- operative or Assessment Life and Casualty. 8vo. Denver, 1893. E Treasurer. Report, 1891-92. 8vo. Colorado Springs, 1892. E COLORADO UNIVERSITY. Summer Bulletin, 1893. 8vo. Denver, 1893. E COLQUHOUN, Archibald Ross. Matabeleland. [See Roy. Col. Inst., Proc, 25.] E COLSON, C. Notes on Docks and Dock Construction. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 22 S 32 COLUMBA, St. Yita. [See Adamnan.] G 2 U 1 COLUMBAN, St. Life of St. Columban in France. [See Stokes, Margaret.] G 3 R 15 COLUMBIA COLLEGE, NEW YORK. Historical Sketch and Present Condition. 8vo. New York, 1893. B 20 S 5 COLUMBUS, Christopher. First Letter to Raphael Sanchez announcing the Discovery of America, fac- simile from the copy of the Latin version of 1493 now in the Boston Public Librarv ; with a new translation. Fol. Boston, 1891. B 39 P 15 { The Latin Letter of Columbus, printed in 1493, and announcing the Discovery of America. Reproduced in fac-simile. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1893. D 15 S 12 The Spanish Letter of Columbus to Luis de Sant' Angel, dated 15 February, 1493. Reprinted in reduced fac- simile, and translated. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1893. D 15 S 12 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 63 COLUMBUS, Christopher— con td. Columhus and his Discovery of America ; by H. B. Adams and H. "Wood. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies, vol. 10.) • 8vo. Baltimore, 1392. B 18 S 10 Life and Times of; by A. M. L. P. de Lamartine. [See Bibliotheca Curiosa.] J 18 Q 48 Life of j by C. E. Markham. 8vo. Lond., 1892. C 13 P 20 Story of the Life of ; by P. Cundall. [See Journal, Inst, of Jamaica, Vol. 2, No. 1.] E 1, 16 Journal of. [See Hakluyt Soc, 86.] E [See Isabella I, Queen of Spain.] C 14 S 25 [See Eamusio, Gr. B. — Navigation! et Viaggi.] D 36 T 5-7 J COLV1LE, Zelie. Bound the Black Man's Garden. 8vo. Edinb., 1893. D 14 S 12 II COLVILLE, Col. Sir Henry. The Land of the Nile Springs : being chiefly an account of how we fought Kabarega. 8vo. Lond., 1895. 1) 14 S 21 COLVIN, Sir Auckland. John Eussell Colvin, the last Lieutenant-Governor of the North-west under the Company. 8vo. Oxford, 1895. C 21 P 7 COLTMBIA. 12mo. Lond., 1873. MJ 3 Q 26 COMAN, Prof. Katharine, and KENDALL, Elizabeth. The Growth of the English Nation. 8vo. New York, 1894. B 23 S 12 ° 0, OMBE, Dr. Andrew. Management of Infancy. 8th ed., with Appendix by Dr. J. Coxe. 8vo. Edinb., 1854. A 26 R 20 COMBE, George. Moral Philosophy; or, the Duties of Man. 8vo. Edinb., 1816. G 15 T 24 OMBES, Edward. Eeport on Technical Education and Manual Training at the Paris Exhibition, 1889, and in Great Britain, France, and the United States. Pol. Sydney, 1891. MG 7 Q 10 f COMICAL CRICKET in Rhyme and Picture : by " Catch- a-Catch." Obi. 18mo. Melb. (n.d.) Mil 1 U 48 COMMENTATORS AND HIEROPHANTS; or, the Honesty of Christian Biblical Interpreters. [See Religious Pamphlets, 3.] G 9 V 18 COMMERCIAL BANK OP AUSTRALIA, LTD., Melbourne. Opinions of the City and Country Press. 8vo. Melb., 1866. MF 1 Q 56 COMMODIANUS. Works of. [See Tertullianus, Q. S. P.] G 14 U 11-18 COMMONS, John R. Higher Education in Ohio. [See Knight, Dr. G. W.] G 18 R 15 COMPARETTI, Domenico. Yergil in the Middle Ages. Translated by E. P. M. Btnecke. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 12 R 3 COMPAYRE, Gabriel. Abelard and the Origin and Early History of Universities. 8vo. Lond., 1893. G18Q6 COMPLETE EAST INDIA PILOT, or Oriental Navi- gator : being a Collection of Charts of the Indian and China Seas, New Holland, the British Isles, and the Cape of Good Hope. 2 vols. fol. Lond., 1799. D 8 P 27, 28 X COMPTON, Herbert. A Particular Account of the European Military Adventurers in Hindustan, 1784- 1803. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 16 R 15 COMSTOCK, Anna B. Manual for Study of Insects. [See Comstock, J. H.] A 15 Q 22 COMSTOCK, John Henry. Report upon Cotton Insects. 8vo. Wash., 1879. A 30 U 8 and Anna B. Manual for the Study of Insects. Roy. 8vo. Ithaca, N.Y., 1895. A 15 Q 22 COMTE, Auguste. Comte, Mill, and Speucer. [See Watson, Dr. J.] G 2 U 14 CONDELL, Claude F. New South Wales. 12mo. (n.p.n d.) MB 1 P 47 CONDER, Edward, jun. Records of the Holy Craft* and Fellowship of Masons ; with a Chronicle oi the History of the Worshipful Company of Masons of the City of London. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. B 36 U 10 CONGREVE, Wm. The Double Dealer: a Comedy. [See London Stage, 4.] H 2 S 36 Love for Love : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 3.] II 2 S 35 The Mourning Bride : a Tragedy. [See London Stage, 4.] H 2 S 36 The Way of the World : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 4.] ' H 2 S 36 CONIGRAVE, J. Fairfax. The City of Adelaide: Historical Sketch of the Municipality, &c. 8vo. Adelaide, 1871. MB 2 R 51 CONKLING, A. R. Citv Government in the United States. 12mo. New York, 1894. F 7 V 20 CONN, H. W. Milk Fermentations and their Relations to Dairying. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MA 1 Q G8 CONNECTICUT.— State Departments, Reports, and Pub- lications. Agricultural Experiment Station. Report, 1879-94. 16 vols. 8vo. New Haven, 1880-95. E Board of Agriculture. Reports, 1879-94. 16 vols 8vo. Hartford, 1880-95. E Board of Education. School Document, No. 9. Cata- logue of Connecticut Educational Exhibit [Chicago Exhibition.] 8vo. (n.p.) 1893. G 18 S 16 Normal Training School. Catalogue of, 1892, 1893. Svo. Hartford, 1893. E Work in Model Schools, First District, Willimantic, Conn., 1893. 8vo. Hartford, 1893. G 18 R 17 Storrs School Agricultural Experiment Station. Reports, 1888-94. 7 vols. Svo. Hartford, 1889-95. E 61 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. CONNECTICUT HISTOEICAL SOCIETY. Collections of. Vols. 2 and 4. 8vo. Hartford, 1870. E CONNELL, J. Aitken. The Difficulties of Evolution. 8vo. Dunedin, 1881. MA 3 T 28 CONEOT, J. M. False, and other Tales. 12mo. Melb., 1872. MJ 3 P 11 CONSERVATIVE. Settlement of the Country. [See Victoria.] ME 3 Q 83 CONTEMPORARY REVIEW, The. Vols. C2-66. Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1892-94. E CONWAY, Moncure Daniel. George "Washington and Mount Vernon ; a Collection of Washington's un- published Agricultural and Personal Letters. (Memoirs of Long Island Hist. Soc.) Eoy. 8vo. Brooklyn, N.Y., 1889. C 21 S 16 Life of Thomas Paine ; to which is added a sketch of Paine, by Win. Cobbett. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1892. C 8 TJ 37, 38 Writings of Thomas Paine. [See Paine, T.] J 6 T 22, 23 CONWAY, Sir Wm. Martin. Climbing and Exploration in the Karakoram-Himalayas. Illustrations and Map. Eoy. 8vo. New York, 1894. D 15 V 15 Climbing and Exploration in the Karakoram-Himalayas. Scientific Eeports and Maps. Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1S94. D 18 V 15 The Alps from end to end. Illustrated by A. D. M'Cormick. 8vo. Lond., 1895. D 18 V 20 CONYBEAEE, Ered. C. Aristotle's Categories. [See Anecdota Oxoniensia.] E Contemplative Life. [See Philo Judanis.] J 5 T 27 COO-E-E : an illustrated Shorthand Magazine of General Literature. Vols. 1 and 2. 12mo. Melb., 1878-80. ME 15 P COOK, Albert John. Birds of Michigan. Illustrated. Eoy. 8vo. Lansing, 1893. A 30 U 11 COOK, Dr. Albert 8. What is Poetry? [See Hunt, Leigh.] II 9 Q 17 COOK, Mme. Charles. Arguments on Education. 8vo. Sydney, 1876. MG 1 S 50 COOK, C. J. Bowen. British Locomotives, their history, construction, and modern development. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 22 Q 24 COOK, Capt. Jas. Captain Cook's Journal during his voyage round the World, made in H.M. Bark Endeavour, 1768-71. Edited by Capt. W. J. L. Wharton. Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1893. MD 6 P 18 f Discovery of Australasia, before the arrival of Cook in 1770. [See Collingridge, G. — Discovery of Australia.] MD 9 P 5 t Life of. 18ino. Dublin, 1820. MC 1 P 67 Life, Voyages, and Discoveries of. 5th ed. 18mo. Lond., 1855. MC 1 P 68 Photograph of. [See Photographs of New South Wales Scenery, 4.] MA 45 J COOKE, Eev. A. II. Molluscs. 8vo. Loud., 1895. A 30 U 19 COOKE, Alfred E. Wellington : the Story of his Life. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) ' C 17 P 13 COOKE, Frances E. An English Hero: the Story of Eichard Cobden, written for young people. 12mo. Lond., 1890. C 2L P 1 Story of Father Damien. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1890. MC 1 S 15 COOKE, G. W. China, 1857-58. 8vo. Lond, 1858. B 16P27 COOKE, Dr. Mordecai Cubitt. Hand-book of Australian Fungi ; with Host and Habitat Index [by Dr. N. A. Cobb]. 8vo. Lond, 1892. MA 1 E 50 Hand-book of British Ilepatica?. 12mo. Lond, 1894. A 20 P 19 Introduction to Freshwater Algae ; with an Enumeration of all the British Species. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond, 1890. A 20 Q 14 Eomance of Low Life amongst Plants: Facts and Phenomena of Cryptogamic Vegetation. 8vo. Lond, 1893. A 20 S 15 COOKE, S. J. A Letter addressed to the Shareholders and Bondholders of the Geelong and Melbourne Kail- way Co. Svo. Lond, 1858. MF 4 Q 10 COOKE, W. Ernest. Eemarks about Weather Fore- casting for South Australia. (Trans. Eoy. Soc, S. Australia, 8.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1886. ME 1 S A few Notes on Jupiter. (Trans. Eoy. Soc , S. Aus- tralia, 9.) Svo. Adelaide, 1887. ME 1 S COOKE-TAYLOE, E. W. [See Taylor, E. W. C-.] COOLEY, Dr. Le Eoy Clark. Laboratory Studies in Elementary Chemistry. 12mo. New York, 1894. A 21 E 18 COOLGAEDIE AND YILGAEN GOLD-FIELDS. Map of the Eoutes of, containing particulars as to Wells, Tanks, and Halting-places on the York-Yilgarn Eoad. Folded 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MD 1 E 34 COOLIDGE, H. D, and McLAUGHLIN, E. A. Com- monwealth of Massachusetts. Manual for the use of the General Court, containing the Eules for the two Branches. 12mo. Boston, 1893. E COOPEE, Dr. C. D. Notes on the Skull of an Aboriginal Australian. (Anthrop. Inst, 23.) 8vo. Lond, 1893. E COOPEE, Sir Daniel. A Federal British Empire the best Defence of the Mother Country and her Colonies. 8vo. Lond, 1880. MJ 3 Q 16 COOPEE, Dr. J. G. Catalogue of Californian Fossils, parts 2-5. 8vo. Sacramento, 1894. A 27 T 14 COOPEE, James Fenimore. The Centenary of. [See Matthews, B.— Books and Play-books.] J 8 T 34 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 65 COOPEE, Peter. Sketch of. [See Stoddard, W. O.— Men of Business.] C 16 E 19 COOPEE, Thos. The Atonement and other discourses ; being a second series of "Plain Pulpit Talk." 12mo. Lond., 1880. G 7 U 18 The Bridge of History over the Gulf of Time : a popular view of the historical evidence for the truth of Christianity. 12mo. Lond., 1892. G 7 U 14 Evolution, the Stone Book, and the Mosaic Eecord of Creation. 12mo. Lond., 1884. G 7 U 13 God. the Soul, and a Future State. 12mo. Lond., 1892. G 7 U 19 Life of, written by himself. 12mo. Lond., 1886. C 13 P 30 Old-Fashioned Stories. 8vo. Lond., 1S80. J 4 E 35 Plain Pulpit Talk. 8vo. Lond., 1886. G 7 U 17 Poetical Works of. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond., 1886. H 10 Q 25 Thoughts at Fourscore, and earlier. 8vo. Lond., 1885. J4E36 The Verity and Value of the Miracles of Christ. 12mo. Lond., 1887. G 7 U 15 The Verity of Christ's Eesurrection from the Dead. 12mo. Lond., 1892. G 7 U 12 Portrait of. [See Gammage, E. G. — Chartist Move- ment.] F 7 E 24 COOPEE, "Walter II. Debate on the Prerogative of Pardon. [See Parkcs, Sir II.] MF 4 Q 40 ° JOOPEE, The: his Work, and how it is dono. 5th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1883. A 25 P 8 CO-OPEEATIVE CONGRESS, 1890, held May, 1890. in the City Hall, Glasgow. 4to. Manchester, 1890. E COOTE, Henry Chas. The Practice of tho High Court of Admiralty of England. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond., 1869. F 9 S 12 COPING EE, Walter Arthur. Law of Copyright in Works of Literature and Art ; together with Inter- national and Foreign Copyright, with the Statutes relating thereto. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1893. F 14 T 20 COPLESTON, Et. Eev. Eeginald S. Buddhism, primitive and present, in Magadha and in Ceylon. 8vo. Loud., 1892. G 13 P 36 COPLIN, Dr. W. M. L., and BEVAN, Dr. D. A Manual of Practical Hygiene ; designed for Sanitary and Health Officers, Practitioners, and Students of Medi- cine. Illustrated. Eoy.8vo. Philad., 1893. A 26 V 15 COEA, Prof. G. [See Cosmos.] E COEBETT, Francis A. The conjugal condition of the people of Victoria considered in relation to the laws of divorce. 8vo. Melb., 1862. MF 4 Q 16 COEBETT, Miss Maud. Mayfield House. [See Knapp, J. M. — The Universities and the Social Problem.] F 8 U 22 COEBETT, E. Sydney. Universal Mining Code. [See Stevens, J.] K 9 S 12 COEBETT, W. J. Fontenoy : an Historical Poem. 8vo. Melb., 1888. MH 1 V 5 COEBIAU, Dr. Jean. De lActe d Accusation. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1892. F 9 R 20 CORBIN, J. The Elizabethan Hamlet : a study of the sources of, and of Shakspere's environments, to show the mad scenes had a comic aspect, now ignored. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1895. J 5 E 47 COEDEIL, Paul. Origines et Progres de la Nouvelle- Caledonie. 12mo. Noumea, 18S5. MD 8 Q 26 COEDELL, H. Queenscliffe : how to see it. 8vo. Queenscliffe, Vic, 1876-77. MD 1 S 48 COEDEB, F. Eecitation with Musical Accompaniment. [See Campbell, Dr. H. — Voice, Speech, and Gesture.J J8T36 COEFIELD, Prof. Wm. Henry. Sewerage and Sewage Utilization. 18mo. New York, 1875. A 22 P 33 Water and Water Supply. 2nd ed. 18mo. New York, 1890. A 22 P 36 COEK, J. F. Education in West Virginia. [See Morgan, B. S.J G 18 E 18 COELETTE, Eev. Dr. J. C. The Final and Sustaining Cause of Creation : a Sermon. 8vo. Hobart, 1892. MG2S1 CORNELL UNIVERSITY, Register, 1892. 12mo. Ithaca, N.Y., 1892. E COENELL UNIVEESITY AGEICULTURAL EX- PERIMENT STATION. Reports, 1892-93. 2 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1893-94. E COENRILL MAGAZINE. New Series, vols. 19-23. 8vo. Lond., 1892-94. E COENISH, C. J. The New Forest. (Portfolio Mono- graph, 8.) Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. E COENISH and BEUCE v. The QUEEN. Trial at Bar, 1866. Fol. Melb., 1866. MF 4 T 40 CORNWALL, Barry. [See Procter, B. W.] CORROYEE, Edouard. Gothic Architecture. Edited by W. Armstrong. Svo. Lond., 1893. A 19 R 2 CORSALI, Andrea. [See Ramusio, G. B. — Navigationi et Viaggi.] D 36 T 5-7 J CORSON, Dr. Hiram. A Primer of English Verse. 12mo. Boston, 1893. H 9 Q 16 66 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. COETEZ, M. F. [See Eamusio, G. B.— Navigationi et Viaggi.] D 36 T 5-7 J COEVCTS. [See Civil Service.] MF 4 E 41 COSMOPOLITAN GOLD-MINING CO. Eules and Eegulations. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MF 4 E 35 COSMOS. Comunicazioni sui Progress! piu recenti e notevoli della Geografia e delle Scienze Affini del Prof. G. Cora. Vol. 11, 1892-93. Imp. 8vo. Torino, 1893. E COSSA, Dr. Luigi. Taxation: its Principles and Methods. Translated by Horace White. 8vo. New York, 1893. F8 IT 21 COSTA, A. F. da. O Ensino Publico Primario na Italia, Franca, e Belgica. 8vo. Eio de Janeiro, 1893. G 18 E 50 COSTE, F. Derecho Penal. 8vo. Montevideo, 1894. F9E36 COSTEE, Frederick. Land System for Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1857. MF 2 Q 77 COTGEAVE, Eandle. Dictionary of the French and English Tongues. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1632. J 7 V 15 COTTEEELL, J. II. Map of the City of Bath. [Folded] 8vo. Bath, 1852. D 18 Q 17 COTTEEILL, Et. Eev. Henry. On the relation between Science and Eeligion through the principles of Unity, Order, and Causation. 8vo. Lond., 1880. G 15 P 43 COTTEEILL, James H. Applied Mechanics: an Ele- mentary Genera] Introduction to the Theory of Struc- tures and Machines. 3rd ed. [illustrated]. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 25 S 27 COTTON, Chas. Montaigne's Essays. [See Montaigne, M. de.] J 8 P 41-46 COTTON, Sir Eobert. Posthuma. [See Collectanea Adamantam.] J 18 E 3-6 COUCH, Arthur Thos. Quiller. The Story of the Sea; edited by " Q." Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 21 V 7 COUCH, M. and L. Quiller. Ancient and Holy Wells of Cornwall. 8vo. Lond., 1894. G 2 U 18 COUES, Dr. Elliott. History of the Expedition under the command of Lewis and Clark to the sources of the Mis- souri Eiver, thence across the Eocky Mountains and down the Columbia Eiver to the Pacific Ocean, 1801- 6 ; with new Maps and other Illustrations. 4 vols. Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1893. D 16 V 12-15 Handbook of Field and General Ornithology: a manual of the structure and classification of birds, with in- structions for collecting and preserving specimens. 8vo. Lond., 1890. A 13 T 34 COULSON, W. [See Australian Colonies Government Bill]. MF 1 U 25 COUPLAND, W. C— Trans. Personal Eecollections. [See Siemens, W. von.] C 13 S 23. COUEMONT, J. Proprietes attributes a Tuberculine [See Arloing, S.] A 33 U 24 OOURRIER AVSTRALIEN. April— Dec, 1892. Fol. Sydney, 1892. ME Almanach du Courrier Australien, 1895. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. ME 4 U COUETHOPE, Wm. John. History of English Poetrv. Vol. 1. 8vo. Lond., 1895. H 4 V'9 COUETNEY, Dr. Win. L. Life of J. S. Mill. 12mo. Lond., 1889. C 17 P 19 COUETNEY, Wm. Prideaux. English Whist and English Whist Players. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 29 T 29 COUSINS, G. From Island to Island in the South Seas. 12mo. Lond., 1893. MD 4 E 42 The Story of the South Seas. With Map and Illustra- tions. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1891. MD 7 S 6 COUSINS, Eev. W. E. Madagascar of to-day i with Map. 12mo. Lond., 1895. B 16 P 22 COUTO, Diogo de. Asia. 15 vols. 12mo. Lisboa, 1778. D 17 P 14-28 Asia. [See Barros, J. dc.] D 17 P 5-13 COUVEEUE, E. Sur le Pneumogastrique des Oiseaux. (Annales de l'Universite de Lyon, 2.) Eoy. 8vo. Paris, 1892. A 27 V 17 COUVEEUE, Mme. Jessie Catherine. "Tasma." In her earliest youth. 8vo. Lond., 1891. MJ 1 U 41 John Grantley's Conversion. [See Praed, Mrs. E. M. — Under the Gum Tree.] MJ 2 T 44 The Penance of Portia James. 8vo. Lond., 1891. MJ 1 U 42 A Sydney Sovereign, and other Tales. 8vo. Lond., 1890. MJ 1 U 40 Uncle Piper, of Piper's Hill : a novel. 8vo. Lond., 1892. MJ 1 U 39 COVEL, Dr. J. Extracts from the Diaries of, 1670-79. (Hakluyt Soc, 87.) 8vo. Lond., 1893. E COVENTEY, Eev. H. Lucina sine Concubitu. [See Collectanea Adamantaa.] J 18 E 15 COWAN, A. M. Flower Gardening. 12mo. Brisb., 1888. MA 1 Q 69 COWAN, E. M., and POWNALL, S. Beaty-. Fast Day and Vegetarian Cookery. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 22 Q 38 COWAED, W. M. Advantages of Gas for Lighting, Cooking, and Warming. 18mo. Sydney, 1883. MA 2 P 81 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. G7 COWDEROT, Benjamin. Notes of a Holiday Tour round the World in 1883-84. 8vo. Melb., 1884. MD 8 Q 22 COWELL, Prof. Edward Byles. The Buddha-Karita. [See Anecdota Oxoniensia.] E Buddha Karita of Asvaghosha. [See Miiller, F. Max — Sacred Books, 49.] G 3 S 36 The Jiitaka ; or, Stories of Buddha's Eormer Births. Translated from the Pali by various hands. Vol. 1, translated by It. Chalmers. Eov. 8vo. Camb., 1895. GST 20 COWIE, St. Rev. ¥m. G-. Notes of a Visit to Norfolk Island, the head of the Melanesian Mission, 1872. 8vo. Auckland, 1872. MB 2 E 59 ° OWLET, Mrs. Hannah. The Belle's Stratagem: a Comedy. [See London Stage, 2.] H 2 S 34 A Bold Stroke for a Husband: a Comedy. [See London Stage, 3.] II 2 S 35 Which is the Man ? a Comedy. [See London Stage, 2.] H2S34 Who's the Dupe ? a Farce. [See London Stage, 1.] H2 S 33 COWPEE, H. Swainson. Through Turkish Arabia: a Journey from the Mediterranean to Bombay by the Euphrates and Tigris Valleys and the Persian Gulf. 8vo. Lond., 1894. D 17 IMS COWPfiR, Wm. Poetical Works of. Edited by Rev. H. F. Cary. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1851. 117 V8 Essay on. [See Bagehot, W. — Literary Studies.] J9P22-24 Life of ; by Thomas Wright. 8vo. Lond., 1892. C 15 P9 [Life of] ; by the Rev. Canon Benham. [See Masson, Prof. D.— In the Footsteps of the Poets.] J G R 43 » Sketch of. [See Bagehot, W. — Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen.] J 10 V 32 Sketch of. [See Bell, Rev. Dr. C. D.— Some of our English Poets.] C 21 P 11 COWPER, Very Rev. Wm. M. Sermon preached on the occasion of the Death of the Rev. G. W. Richardson. [See Richardson, Rev. G. W.] MG 2 Q 23 The Christian Training of Children by their Parents : a Sermon, 1852. 8vo. Sydney, 1852. MG 2 S 1 The Lord's Day viewed in three lights : Religious, Moral, and Social. 8vo. Sydney, 1880. MG 2 S 6 COWPERTHWAIT, J. Howard. Money, Silver, and Finance. 2nded. 8vo. New Tork, 1892. F8U23 COX, Frank P. Continuous-current Dynamos and Motors: their Theory, Design, and Testing. 12mo. New Tork, 1893. A 21 P 30 COX, Harding, and LASCELLES, Hon. Gerald. Coursing and Falconry. (Badminton Library.) 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 17 IJ 46 COX, Harold. Land Nationalization. 12mo. Lond., 1892. F 14 Q 32 COX, J. Chas. How to do Business ; or, the Royal Road to Success ; also How to Remember, and How to do Figures. 8vo. Sydney (n.d ) MJ 3 Q 31 COX, M. R. Cinderella. [See Folk Lore Society— Pubs, vol. 31.] E COX, Rev. Dr. Samuel. Ecclesiastes. [See Expositor's Bible.] G 19 R 18 COX, Walter Gibbons. Artesian Wells as a means of Water Supply. 8vo. Brisbane, 1895. MA 3 S 65 COXE, Dr. Jas. Management of Infancy. [See Combe, Dr. J.] A 26 R 20 COXEN, Mrs. C. Notes on the Cyprseae. (Proc. Rov. Soc, Queensland, 10.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1893. ME IT COXHEAD, Mrs. A. Heart Gleanings : a Collection of Poems. 12mo. Ballarar, 1884. MH 1 U 46 CRABB, George. Auswahl vorziiglicher Stellen, aus den besten Deutschen Schriftstellern. 12mo. Lond., 1820. J9P40 CRAIG, Thos. On the Motion of a Solid in a Fluid. 18mo. New Tork, 1879. A 25 P 33 Wave and Vortex Motion. 18rao. New Tork, 1879. A 25 P 34 CRAIG-BROWN, T. [See Brown, T. Craig-.] CRAIK, Dr. George Lillie. Bacon : his Writings and Philosophy. 12mo. Lond., 1860. J 12 S 31 English Causes Celebres ; or, Eeports of Remarkable Trials. 12mo. Lond., 1844. F 6 S 42 CRAIK, Henry. English Prose : selections, with critical introductions ; edited by Henry Craik. Vols. 1-3. 14th-17th Century. 8vo. Lond., 1893-94. J 6 Q 35-37 CRAMP, W. B. Narrative of a Voyage to India, and a Description of New South Wales. 8vo. Lond., 1823. MD 8 R 26 CRANBROOK, Rev. James. God's Method of Govern- ment. [See Religious Pamphlets, 1.] G 9 V 16 Tendencies of Modern Religious Thought. [See Reli- gious Pamphlets, 1.] G 9 V 16 CRANDALL, C. L. Tables for the Computation of Rail- way and other Earthwork. Roy. 8vo. New Tork, 1893. A 22 T 18 The Transition Curve by offsets and deflection angles. 12mo. New Tork, 1893. A 22 Q 21 CRANE, W. J. E. Bookbinding for Amateurs : being descriptions of the various Tools and Appliances required, and minute Instructions for their effective use. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 25 R 9 68 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95 . CEANE, Walter. The Claims of Decorative Art. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1892. A 23 T 17 CEANE, CEANE, & CO. Crane's Universal Directory of Manufacturers and Merchants of the United Kingdom, and Buyers' Guide, with Colonial and Continental Appendix, 1892-93. Imp. 8vo. Fakenham, 1892. E CRANMEB, Most Eev. Thos. Sketch of. [See Fowler, Eev. M.— Notable Archbishops.] C 13 V 12 CEANSTOUN, James. Satirical Poems of the Time of the Eeformation, Vol. 2. (Scottish Text Society.) 8vo. Edinb., 1893. E CEAVEN, A. "VV. Remarks on a proposed improvement in the method of suspending the plummet from theodo- lites. 8vo. Melb., 1884. MA 3 T 14 CEAVEN, Mine. Augustus. (Pauline de la Ferronnays). Le Pere Damien. 12mo. Paris, 1890. MC 1 S 11 Memoir of ; by Maria C. Bishop. 1891. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., C 21 P 3, 4 CRAVEN, H. T. Our Nelly : a Domestic Drama. 18mo. Sydney, 1855. Mil 1 U 54 CEAWFOED, Mrs. Emily. Education and Status of Women. [See Subjects of the Day, 1.] C 18 S 18 CEAWFOED, Francis Marion. Constantinople. Illus- trated by E. L. Weeks. 8vo. Lond., 1895. D 18S12 CEAWFOED, Frazer S. Insect and Fungoid Pests. (Proc. Eoy. Agricult. and Horticult. Soc, S. Aust., 1882-81-.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1882-81. ME 1 S Report on the Fusicladiums, the Codlin Molh,and other Fungus and Insect Pests attacking Apple and Pear Trees in South Australia. Svo. Adelaide, 1880. MA 2 U G5 The Apricot Disease. (Trans. Eoy. Soc, S. Australia, 8.) Svo. Adelaide, 18S6. ME 1 S CEAWFOED, Jas. Coutts. The Reform of English Spell- ing. 12mo. Lond., 1883. J 11 U 27 CRAWFORD, John Martin. Industries of Russia. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1893. F 3 V 3, 4 CE AWFUED, John. History of the Indian Archipelago ; with Maps and Engravings. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1820. . B 33 Q 3-5 Descriptive Dictionary of the Indian Islands and the Adjacent Countries. 8vo. Lond., 1856. D 17 V 21 CEAWFUED, Oswald. A Year of Sport and Natural History. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1895. A 12 U 17 t CREAK, E. W. Magnetical Results obtained by H.M.S. Challenger. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J.— Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger.'] A 6 f CREED, Dr. John Mildred. Cremation. 8vo. Sydney, 1890. MA 2 V 49 CRBHORE, Dr. Albert C. Alternating Currents. [See Bedell, Dr. F.] A 21 V 17 CEEIGHTON, Dr. Charles. History of Epidemics in Britain. Vol. 2. 8vo. Camb., 1894. A 20 T 20 2. From the Extinction of Plague to the present time. Jenner and Vaccination : a strange chapter of Medical History. 8vo. Lond., 1889. A 26 Q 29 CEEIGHTON, J. E. Psychology. [See Wundt, W.] A 26 V 12. CEEIGHTON, Et. Eev. Mandell. History of the Papacy during the period of the Eeformation. Vol. 5. The German Eevolt, 1517-27. 8vo. Lond., 1894. G 14 T 21 CREPAZ, Adele. The Emancipation of Women and its probable consequences. 8vo. Lond., 1893. F 14 Q 37 CEEPIEUX-JAM1N, J. Handwriting and Expression. Translated and edited by J. H. Schooling. Svo. Lond., 1892. A 13 E 17 CRESWELL, A. W. Additional Notes on the Lilydalo Limestone. (Proceedings Roval Society, Victoria, n.s., 6.) Svo. Melb., 1891. MB 1 P CREWE, Nathaniel, Lord. Memoirs of. [See Camden Soc. Pubs., 53.] • E CRICHTON, David Alex. The Australasian Fruit Cultu- rist, containing full and complete information about all Useful Fruits. 8vo. Melb., 1893. MA 1 Q 78 Fruit Cultivation. (Victorian Department of Agricul- ture.— Lectures.) 8vo. Melb., 1892. MA 3 V 15 History, Uses, and Culture of the Orange, and other species of the Citrus Familv. 8vo. Melb., 1875. MA 1 P 71 [See Australian Horticultural Magazine.] ME 3 S CRIMP, W. Santo. Sewage Disposal Works: a Guide to the Construction of Works for the prevention of the pollution by sewage of Rivers and Estuaries. 2nd ed., illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 22 S 17 CRIPPS, Wilfred Joseph. College and Corporation Plate : a Handbook to the Reproduction of Silver Plate in the South Kensington Museum. 8vo. Lond., 1881. A 23 R 27 Old French Plate : its Makers and Marks. 2nd edition. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1893. A 25 U 4 CRISP, Frederick A. Visitation of England and Wales. [See Howard, Dr. J. J.] K 12 U 4 t CRISPI, Francesco : a Modern Italian Statesmen. [See Kingston, W. Beatty. — Men, Cities, and Events.] C22R4 CRITIC, The, in Church ; or, Melbourne Preachers and Preaching. 8vo. Melb., 1872.* MG 1 P 64 CRITICISM, the Restoration of Christianity. [See Reli- gious Pamphlets, 8.] G 9 V 18 L Supplementary Catalogue — 1893 -95. 69 CRITO. [See Launcestou and Western Railway.] MF 2 Q 58 CROAL, D. O. The Silver Question. [See Jamieson, G.] POT 19 CROCKETT, S. R. The Stickit Minister and some Com- mon Men. Illustrated. Imp. Svo. Lond., 1894. J8Y3 CROFTON, Denis. Genesis and Geology. 8vo. Glasgow (n.d.) G 2 U 4 CEOKER, Et. Hon. John Wilson. History of the Guillotine. 12mo. Lond.. 1853. B 26 P 5 CEOKEE, W. II. Masonic Lodge of Sorrow: Ceremony in memory of Brother W. H. Croker. 8vo. Melb., 1885. MG2Q37 CEOLT, Rev. Dr. George. Works of A. Pope. [See Pope, A.] H 9 IT 29-32 CEOMBIE, Chas. M. Guide to Property Assessment Act, 1879. 8vo. Wellington, 18S0. MF 2 Q 7G CEOMBIE, Eev. Frederick. [See Apostolic Fathers.] G14U 1 [See Origen.] G 14 U 10, 23 CEOMBIE, Rev. James M. Lichens. [See Taylor, Dr. J. E.— Collecting Natural History Objects.] A 29 Q 38 A Monograph of Lichens found in Britain, being a Des- criptive Catalogue of the species in the Herbarium of the British Museum. Part 1. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 20 S 12 CROMWELL, Oliver. Letters and Speeches ; by T. Carlyle. 3 vols, (in 1.) 8vo. Lond., 1888. C21Q2 [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L. — Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 [Life of.] A History; by S. 11. Church. 8vo. New York, 1894. C 16 U 9 CROOKE, Wm. The Financial Crisis : Suggestions for Financial Reform, and the Removal of the Existing Depression. 8vo. Melb., 1892. MF 2 Q 35 CEOOKES, Wm., F.RS. Chemical Technology. [See Wagner, E. von.] A 2 1 V 10 CROSLAND, Mrs. Newton. Landmarks of a Literary Life. 12mo. Lond., 1893. C 13 Q 12 CEOSS, C. F., BEVAN, E. J., and BEADLE, C. Cellu- lose : an Outline of the Chemistry of the Structural Elements of Plants. Svo. Lond., 1895. A 20 S 17 CEOSS, J. C. The Purse ; or, the Benevolent Tar : a Musical Entertainment. [See London Stage, 4.] H2 S36 CROSS, J. W. Impressions of Dante and of the New World, with a few words on Bimetallism. 8vo. Edinb., 1893. J 4 Q 4 CROSS, Mrs. Mary Ann. " George Eliot." Works of. 20 vols. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 21 P 1-20 Adam Bede. 2 vols. Daniel Deronda. 3 vols. Felix Holt. 2 vols. Impressions of Theophrastus Such. Jubal, and other Poems. Middlemarch. 3 vols. The Mill on the Floss. 2 vols. Romola. 2 vols. Scenes of Clerical Life. 2 vols. Silus Marner ; The Lifted Veil ; Brother Jacob. The Spanish Gypsy. Selections from. [See Harlin, T.] MJ 1 U 24 Adam Bede. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. (n.d.) J 17 V 1, 2 Felix Holt, the Radical. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. (n.d.) J 17 V 3, 4 Middlemarch. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 17 V 7-9 Romola. 8vo. Edinb. (n.d.) J 12 Q 25 Scenes of Clerical Life. 2 vols. Svo. Edinb. (n.d.) J 17 V 5, 6 " George Eliot ": the Humourist as Poet. [See Lilly, W. S.— Four English Humourists.] J 5 T 30 CROSSE, Mrs. Andrew. Red Letter Days of my Life. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1892. C 13 Q 24, 25 CROSSKEY, R. The Soil in relation to Health. [See Miers, H. A.] A 13 P 4 CROSTON, Jas. History of Lancaster. [See Baines, E.] B 23 V 12 CROWE, Eyre. With Thackeray in America. 8vo. Lond., 1893. B 17 R 35 CROWE, Sir Joseph. Reminiscences of thirty-five years of my Life. Svo. Lond., 1895. C 22 R 7 CROZET'S Voyage to Tasmania, New Zealand, the Ladrone Islands, and tho Philippines in 1771-72. Translated by II. L. Roth ; with a brief reference to the Literature of New Zealand. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1891. MD 8 Q 43 CEOZIEB, A. A. Cultivated Easpberries of the United States. (Michigan State Agricultural College, Bulletin 3.) 8vo. Michigan, 1894. A 30 R 26 CRTJIKSHANK, George. Dibdin's Sea Songs illustrated. [See Dibdin, C] H 7 U 37 CRUISE OF THE WAIBABAPA. 4to. Auckland, 1884. MD 1 P 29 t CRULS, L. Instruccoes para as Commissoes Brazileiras que tern de observar a Passagem de Venus pelo disco do Sol, em 5-6 de Dezembro de 1882. 4to. Rio de Janeiro, 1882. A 5 P 19 f CRUMP, M. H. Kentucky Highways : Historv of the Old and New Systems. Svo. Wash., 1895. A 22 V 10 CRUNDEN, Frederick M. The Free Public Library, its uses and value. 8vo. St. Louis, 1893. J 2 Q 25 70 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. CEUTTWELL, Rev. Chas. Thos. Literary History of Early Christianity, including the Fathers and the Chief Heretical Writers of the Ante-Nicene Period. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893. G 2 Q 34, 35 CEUWELL, G-. A. Letters on Liberia. [See Liberian Coffee in Ceylon.] A 18 P 27 CTJBAS, Antonio Garcia. Mexico, its Trade, Industries and Resources. Translated by W. Thompson and C. B.Cleveland. 8vo. Mexico, 1893. F 14 U 13 CUCUEL, Chas., et ALLEGEE, P. Melanges G-recs. (Euvres completes de l'orateur Antiphon (traduction) ; line Scene des " Grenouilles " d'Aristophane. 8vo. Paris, 1888. ■ J 7 TJ 44 CTJDMOEE, P. Buchanan's Conspiracy, the Nicaragua Canal and Eeciprocity. 8vo. New York, 1892. F8U44 CUITT, George. Wanderings and Pencillings amongst Euins of the Olden Time. Fol. Lond., 1855. B 2 P 27 f CULCHETH, W. W. Floods on the River Barwon. (Roy. Soc, Vict., 18.) 8vo. Melb., 1882. ME 1 P The Drainage of Melbourne. (Roy. Soc, Vict., 18.) 8vo. Melb., 1882. ME 1 P Quantity of Water consumed in Irrigation. (Roy. Soc, Vict., 19.) 8vo. Melb., 1883. ME 1 P Shingle on the East Coast of New Zealand. (Eoy. Soc, Vict., 21.) 8vo. Melb., 1885. ME 1 P CULLEN, Wm. Practical Treatise on the construction of Horizontal and A r ertical Watersheds. 2nd edition. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1871. A 6 U 25 CULLET, John L. Theory of the Construction of Helicoidal Oblique Arches. 18mo. New York, 1886. A 22 P 32 CUMBEELAND, Earl of. Sketch of. [See Southey, R, —English Seamen.] B 23 S 15 CUMBERLAND, Richard. The Brothers: a Comedy. [See London Stage, 2.] II 2 S 31 The Carmelite : a Tragedy. [See London Stage, 4.] H 2 S 36 False Impressions : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 4.] H 2 S 30 The Fashionable Lover : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 2.] ■ II 2 S 34 First Love j a Comedy. [See London Stage, 3.] II 2 S 35 The Jew : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 1 .] II 2 S 33 The Mysterious Husband : a Tragedy. [See London Stage, 3.] II 2 S 35 The West Indian : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 1.] H 2 S 33 The Wheel of Fortune: a Comedy. [See London Stage, 1-] H 2 S 33 CUMING, E. D. In the Shadow of the Pagoda. 12mo. Lond., 1893. D 14 Q 11 CUMMING, Miss Constance Frederika Gordon. A Lady's Cruise in a French Man-of-war. New ed., illustrated. 8vo. Edinb., 1882. MD 8 Q 38 CUNDALL, Frank. The Story of the Life of Columbus and the Discovery of Jamaica. (Journal of Inst. of Jamaica, Vol. 2, No. 1.) Imp. 8vo. Kingston, Jamaica, 1894. E 1, 16 CUNDALL, Joseph. Brief History of Wood-engraving, from its invention. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 23 R 42 CUNINGHAM, Granville C. A Scheme for Imperial Federation. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 8 U 52 CUNNINGHAM, A. Poems and Songs. 18mo. Lond., 1847. II 10 U 2 CUNNINGHAM, Prof. D.J. Anatomy of the Thylacine, Cuscus, and Phascogale ; with an Account of the Com- parative Anatomy of the Intrinsic Muscles and Nerves of the Mammalia pes. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J. — Voyage of II. M.S. Challenger. Zoology, 5.] A t Contribution to the Surface Anatomy of the Cerebral Hemispheres ; with a Chapter upon Cranio-Cerebral Topography, by Dr. V. Horsley, F.R.S. (Trans. R.I. Academy. — Cunningham Memoirs, 7.) 4to. Dublin. 1892. . E Tli3 Lumbar Curve in Man and the Apes. (Trans. R. I. Academy. — Cunningham Memoirs, 2.) 4to. Dublin, 1886. E Manual of Practical Anatomy. Vols. 1 and 2. 8vo. Edinb., 1893-94. A 26 Q 20, 21 CUNNINGHAM J. T. Organic Evolution. [See Eimer, Prof. G. II. T.] A 13 T 36 CUNNINGHAM, T. J. Blue Book of the State of Wisconsin. 8vo. Madison, 1893. E CUNNINGHAM, Eev. Dr. Wm., and Mc ARTHUR, Ellen A. Outlines of English Industrial History. 8vo. Cainb., 1S95. F 2 U 38 CUQ, Edouard. De quelques inscriptions relatives a l'Administration de Diocli'tien. 1. L' " Examinator per Itaiiam." 2. Le " Magister Sacrarum Cogni- tionum." 8vo. Paris, 1881. B 35 R 26 CURLEW IS, H. R. Statutes (England-New South Wales.) [See Mclntyre, W. D.] MF 3 P 60 CURNOW, J. Cultivation of the Orange. (Proc Roy. Agricult. and Horticult. Soc. of S. Australia, 1881* ) 8vo. Adelaide, 1881. ME 1 S CURRAN, E. J. Secrets of Cutting [Tailoring] revealed. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MA 2 Q 69 Supplementary Ca ta logue — 1893-95 . 71 CUBEAN, Eev. J. Milne. Structure and Composition of a Basalt from Bondi. (Journal Eoy. Soc, N.S.W., 28.) 8vo. Sydney, 1894. ME 1 E Natural Mineral Spring at Bungonia. (Journal Eoy. Soc, N.8.W., 28.) 8vo. Sydney, 189 1. ME 1 E CUEEAN, Et. Hon. John Philpot. [Plaster Cast of] [See Hutton, L.— Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 CUEBY, J. L. M. The Southern States of the American Union. 8n>. New Tork, 1895. B 17 Q 14 CIJEEY, W. T. Eural Water Supply. [See Greenwell, A.] A 22 Q 42 CUETICE, Cooper. Animal Parasites of Sheep ; to which is added an article on Worms in Sheep, by "A Pastoralist." 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MA 1 S 30 CUETICE, E. Index to The Times, the London Morning and Evening Papers, 120 Weeklies, and 31 Provincial Newspapers, July-Sept., 1893. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1893. E CUBTIN, Jeremiah. Hero-tales of Ireland. 8vo. Lond., 1894. J 12 T 36 Tales of the Fairies and the Ghost World, collected from Oral Tradition S.W. Munster. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 30 Q 7 CUETIS, Geo. Wm. Orations and Addresses of. Edited I by C. E. Norton. 3 vols. 8vo. New York, 1894. F 14 U 1-3 1. American Institutions, and the Duties of American Citizens, 1856-91. 2. Reform of the Civil Service of the United States. 3. Historical and Memorial Addresses. [Life of]; byE. Gary. (Am. Men of Letts.) ]2mo. Boston, 1894. C 17 P 24 Sketch of. [See Smallev, G. W.— Studies of Men.] C 19 E 20 CUETIS, John. Farm Insects; being the Natural History and Economy of the Insects injurious to the Eield Crops of Great Britain and Ireland. Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1883. A 18 U 23 CURTIS'S BOTANICAL MAGAZINE, comprising the Plants of the Eoyal Gardens of Kew and of other Botanical Establishments in Great Britain. 3rd series, vols. 48-50. Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1892-94. E CUETISS, Eev. Dr. Geo. L. Arminianism in History; or, the Eevolt from Predestinationism. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1894. G 17 Q 50 CUETIUS, E., und KAUPEET, J. A. Karten von Attika. 10 parts (in 2 vols.), fol. Berlin, 1881-83. D 15 E 16 t, and D 8 P 30 J CUEZON, Hon. George N. Problems of the Ear East : Japan, Korea, China. [Maps and Illustrations.] 8vo. Loud., 1894. D 17 T 12 CUST, Lionel. Albert Diirer's Engravings. (Portfolio Monograph, 11.) Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. E CUTHBEET, A. A. Questions on the Holy Scriptures. 8vo. Glasgow, 1893. G 2 Q 29 CUTHBEETSON, W. E. Exploration of the Highlands of South-Eastern British New Guinea. (Eoy. Geog. Soc. Australasia, Vie. Branch, 5.) 8vo. Melb., 1887. ME 20 P CUTTEE, Charles. Guide to Hot Springs of Arkansas. 35th ed., illustrated. 8vo. St. Louis, 1893. D 15 P 15 CUTTS, Eer. Dr. Edward L. History of Early Christian Art. (Side-lights of Church History.) 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 23 S 9 CUZENS, Eev. Benjamin. The Footprints of Jesus: a Poem. 12mo. Geelong, 1861. MH 1 P 72 CYPEIAN. Writings of, together with the Writings of Novatian and Minucius Felix, &c Translated by Eev. Dr. E. E. Wallis. (Ante-Nicene Christ. Lib., 8, 13.) 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1868-69. G 14 U 8, and 13 D.M. [See Mary, a Tale, and other Poems.] MH 1 8 71 DACOSTA, John. Articles on Legal and Administrative Difficulties in India. [See Law Magazine and Review, 1893-94.] E DADANT, G, and SON. The Hive and Honey Bee. [See Langstroth, L. L.] A 18 S 29 DADD, Dr. G. H. American Cattle Doctor : Directions for preserving the health and curing the disease of Oxen, Cattle, Sheep, and Swine. 8vo. New York, 1890. A 18 E 20 DADELSZEN, E. J. von. The New Zealand Official Year-book, 1893-94. 2 vols. Svo. Wellington, 1893- 94. MK6S Eeport on the Eesults of a Census of New Zealand, 1891. 8vo. Wellington, 1893. MF 2 Q 59 DAFFOENE, James. Biographical Sketch of C. Stanfield. [See Stanfield, C] A 39 Q 16 t DAFT, Eichard. Kings of Cricket: Eeminiscences and Anecdotes, with Hints on the Game. 8vo. Bristol, 1893. C 18 P 1 DAHLEN, Heinrich Wm. Die Weinbereitung. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1882. A 18 S 15 DAHLGEEN, Bear-Admiral John Adolph. Memoir of; by his widow. 8vo. Boston, 1882. C 19 S 9 DAHLSTEOM, Karl P. Hoisting Machinery. [See Weisbach, Dr. J.] A 25 S 26 DAILY COMMERCIAL NEWS, April, 1891-June, 1895. 13 vol. fol. Sydney, 1891-92. ME 72 Supplementary Co talogue — 1893-95. DAILY TELEGRAPH, The (formerly the Sydney Daily Telegraph). Oct., lS92-Dec, 1895.'l. ME DAKYNS, H. G. [See Xenophon.] JUS 40, 41 DALE, John. Eound the "World by Doctors' Orders, being a Narrative of a year's Travel in Japan, Ceylon, Australia, China, New Zealand, Canada, the United States, &c. 8vo. Lond., 1891. D 17 T 6 DALE, Lieut. B. Panoramic View of King George's Sound, Swan Eiver. Obi. 8vo. Lond., 1834. MD 8 E 23 DALE, Eev. Dr. Eobt. Wm. Christian Doctrine : a series of Discourses. 2nd thousand. 8vo. Lond., 1894. G 13 S 4G DALLAM, T. Diary of, 1599-1600. (Hakluyt Soc, 87.) 8vo. Lond., 1893. E DAL LET, Et. Hon. Wm. Bede. Opinions of, from March, 1875, to Jan., 1877. 4 vols. am. fol. Sydney, 1875-77. . MF 4 S 44, 45, 47, 48 Sydney Platforms and European Cabinets : an address to the Catholics of New South Wales on the Educa- tion Question. 8vo. Sydney, 1879. MG 1 S 13 DALEYMPLE, Alexander. Collection of Plans of Ports in the East Indies. 4to. Lond., 1775. D 15 E 8 f Oriental Eepertorv. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1793-1808. D 15 E 6, 7 f Voyages dans la Mer du Sud, par les Espaguols et les Hollandois. Svo. Paris, 1774. MD 8 Q 39 DALEYMPLE, D. II., and NELSON, Wallace. For and against Socialism : an epistolary debate. 8vo. Brisbane, 1895. MF 4 E 31 DALEYMPLE, Sir Hew, at Gibraltar and in Portugal, 1808 : by Adin. Sir E. G. Fanshawe. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 13 V 11 DALTON, Lt.-Col. J. C. Army Book for British Empire. [See Goodenough, Lt.-Gen. W. H] B 23 T 18 DALTON, John, and the Eise of Modern Chemistry ; by Sir H. E. Eoscoe. 12mo. Lond., 1895. C 17 P 28 D'ALVIELLA, Count Goblet. The Migration of Sym- bola. Illustrated. Eoy. Svo. Lond., 1894. B 37 S 2 DAMIEN, Eev. Father Joseph. A Journey from Cash- mere to his home in Hawaii ; by E. Clifford. 12mo. Lond., 1890. MC 1 S 10 Le Pere Damien ; par Mine. Augustus Craven. 12mo. Paris, 1890. MC 1 S 11 Life and Letters. Edited by Father Pamphile. 12mo. Lond., 1889. MC 1 S 13 An Open Letter to Eev. Dr. Hyde. [See Stevenson, E. L.] MC 1 S 14 Story of; written for young people by Frances E. Cooke. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1890. MC 1 S 15 DANTE ALIGHIEEI. A Companion to Dante j by G. A. Scartazzini. Svo. Lond., 1893. C 13 P 21 Impressions of. [See Cross, J. W.] J 4 Q 4 Influence of, on Modern Thought. [See Oelsner, H] J 12 S 41 Life and Work ; by A. J. Butler. Svo. Lond., 1895. C21 P9 Les Manuscripts de Dante. [See Auvray, L.] K 19 S 4 [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L. — Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 Eeadings on Inferno of. [See Vernon, Hon. W. W.] H 9 Q 5, 6 Sketch of. [See Oliphant, Mrs. M. — Makers of Florence.] B 30 Q 20 The Vila Nuova and its author. Translated by C. S. Boswell. 8ro. Lond., 1895. J 9 E 29 DANVEES, Frederick Chas. The Portuguese in India. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1891. B 29 TJ 4, 5 D'ANVEES, N. [See Bell, Mrs. Nancy E. B.J DANVERS LUNATIC HOSPITAL, Mass. Eeport for year ending September, 1892. 8vo. Boston, 1893. E DAPTO AGRICULTUEAL AND HOETICULTUEAL SOCIETY. Annual Show, 1882 and 18SG. Prize List. 2 vols. Svo. Kiania, 1881-85. ME 15 Q D'AEBLAY, Mine. Frances (Frances Burney). Diary and Letters of. Edited by Charlotte Barrett. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) C 17 E 10-13 D'AEC, Jeanne. Joan of Arc ; bv Lord E. Gower. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 1G T 18 DAEIUS EITT. [See Uninhabitable House.] MJ 3 P 2 DAELEY, Cecil West. Notes on Drilling and Boring Artesian Wells, as practiced in the United States of America. 8vo. Sydney, 1884. MA 3 E 47 DAELEY, George. The Works of Beaumont and Fletcher. [See Beaumont, F.] H 2 U 2G, 27 DAELING, Lieut. Gen. Sir Enlph. Letter to, by J. Hume. [See Hume, J.] MB 2 Q 53 DAELINGTON, T. Edwin Bainbridge : a Memoir. 12mo. Lond., 1887. MC 1 P 52 DAEMESTETEE, James. Selected Essays of. Trans- lated from the French by Helen B. Jastrow. Svo. Lond., 1895. J 9 S 20 Sketch of the AYork of. [See Ecole Pratique, Annuaire, 1895.] E DAETNELL, G. E. and GODDAED, Eev. E. II. Glossary of Words used in the County of Wiltshire. (English Dialect Soc.) Svo. Lond., 1893. E Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 73 DARWIN, Charles. Life of ; by G. T. Bettany. 12mo. Lond., 1887. 17 P 19 Darwin and Hegel. [See Ritchie, D. G.] G 10 S 30 DARWIN, Erasmus. Zoonomia ; or, the Laws of Organic Life. 2 vols. 8vo. Philad., 1818. A 33 S 1, 2 DARWIN, Francis, and ACTON, E. Hamilton. Practical Physiology of Plants. Illustrated. Camb., 1894. A 20 Q 13 DASENT, Sir George Webbe. The Orkneyingers' Saga, Saga of Hacon and Magnus. [See Great Britain and Ireland — Chrons. and Moms.] E DASENT, J. R. Acts of the Privy Council. [See Great Britain and Ireland.] E DAUDET, Alphonse. Biographical and Critical Study ; by R. H. Sherard. Roy. 8vo. Loud., 1891. C 16 IT 8 DAVENPORT, Samuel. Some New Industries for South Australia. 12mo. Adelaide, 186*. MA 3 IT 6 DAVID, A. J. Notes on Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act, 1893. [See Dyer, D.] A 18 Q 4G DAVID, Prof. Tannatt Wm. Edgeworth. Artesian Water in New South Wales and Queensland. (Journal Roy. Soc, N.S.W., 27.) 8vo. Sydney, 1893. ME 1 R Barytes at Five Dock, Pennant Hills, and Hawkesbury. (Journal Roy. Soc, N.S.W., 27.) 8vo. Sydney, 1893. ME 1 R Occurrence of a Calcareous Sandstone allied to Font- ainebleau Sandstone at Rock Lily, near Narrabeen. (Journal Roy. Soc, N.S.W., 27.) 8vo. Sydney, 1893. ME 1 R -, and PITTMAN, Edward Fisher. Notes on the Cremorne Bore. (Journal Roy. Soc, N.S.W., 27). 8vo. Sydney, 1893. ME 1 R -, SMEETH.Wm. F., and WATT, John A. Pre- liminary note on the occurrence of a Chromite-bearing Rock in the Basalt at the Pennant Hill Quarry, Parra- matta. (Journal Roy. Soc, N.S.W., 27.) 8vo. Sydney, 1893. ME 1 R DAVIDS, Prof. Thos. Wm. Rhys. The Questions of King Milinda. [See Miiller, F. Max — Sacred Books, 30.] G3R30 DAVIDSON, Dr. George. The Discovery of Humboldt Bay, California. 8vo. San Francisco, 1891. D13 V2 Shoaling of the Bar at the Entrance to San Francisco Harbour. 8vo. San Francisco, 1884. A 20 TJ 4 DAVIDSON, Jas. Leigh Strachan-. Cicero and the Fall of the Roman Republic. Svo. New York, 1894. C 1G R 22 DAVIDSON, John. Plays by, being an TJnhistorical Pastoral ; a Romantic Farce ; Bruce, a Chronicle Play ; Smith, a Tragic Farce ; and Scaramouch in Naxos, a Pantomime. 8vo. Lond., 1894. II 2 R 41 DAVLDSON, Thos. Report on tho Brachiopoda. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J. — Voyage of II.M.S. Challenger.] A 6 f DAVIDSON, Thos. The Education of the Greek People and it influence on civilization. 12mo. Lond., 1895. G 18 P 27 DAVIE, Oliver. Methods in the Art of Taxidermy. En- gravings by Dr. T. Jasper. Roy. Svo. Columbus, 1894. A 30 V 11 DAVIES, A. C. Fox. Fairbairn's Book of Crests. [See Fairbairn, J.] K 10 V 2G, 27 DAVIES, Dr. A.M. Hand-book of Hygiene. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 26 P 17 DAVIES, Arthur. Thoughts on Colonization, with the view of suppressing the Slave Trade ; containing pro- posals for the forming an association to aid and assist the Government in founding a Colony in New Holland directly from the Mother Country. 8vo. Lond., 1850. MF 2 Q 67 DAVIES, Mrs. Christian. Life of. [See Dowie, M. M.— Woman Adventurers.] C 15 S 24 DAVIES, D. Christopher. Yachting. [See Sullivan, Sir E.— Yachting.] A 29 Q 41 DAVIES, John. Act to regulate the sale of Liquors, with explanatory notes. Svo. Hobart, 1854. MF 2 Q 6G DAVIES BROS. v. HENN & CO. Action for Libel, tried at Hobart, 1875. 8vo. Hobart, 1875. MF 2 Q 68 DAVIS, C. O. Life and Times of Patuone, the celebrated Ngapuhi Chief. 12mo. Auckland, 1876. MC 1 P 48 DAVIS, Dr. Chas. H. S. The Egyptian Book of the Dead : the most ancient and the most important of the extant Religious Texts of Ancient Egypt. 4to. New York, 1894. G 37 Q 10 J DAVIS, George E. Practical Microscopy. 3rd ed., illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1895. A 30 T 13 DAVIS, Horace. American Constitutions. The Relations of the three Departments as adjusted by a Century. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 3.) 8vo. Balti- more, 1885. B 18 S 3 DAVIS, Mrs. J. W. Memoirs of Duchesse de Gontaut. [See Gontaut, Duchesse de.] C 18 T 12, 13 DAVIS, Sir John Francis. The Chinese : a General Description of China and its Inhabitants. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1840. D 17 P 4 DAVIS, Dr. John Francis. Seven Years' Civil Service Examinations for second-class Clerkships. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1893. K 9 IT 30 n Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. DAVIS, John P. The Union Pacific Railway: a Study in Railway Politics, History, and Economics. 8vo. Chicago, 1884 E 14 S 36 DAVIS, Dr. Jos. Barnard. On the peculiar Crania of the Inhabitants of certain Groups of Islands in the Western Pacific. 4to. Haarlem, I860. MA 9 P 32 f DAVIS, Peter Stevenson. An Analytical Digest of the Cases decided in the Supreme Court of Victoria in 1873. 8vo. Melb., 1874. MF 1 P 53 DAVIS, Hichard Harding. Our English Cousins. Illus- trated. 12mo. Lond., 1894. D 1ST 20 The Eulers of the Mediterranean. 12mo. New York, 1894. D 18 Q 9 DAVIS, Prof. Wm. M. Elementary Meteorology. Eoy. 8vo. Boston, 1894. A 19 T 15 DAVISON, John. Sketch of. [See Newman, Cardinal.— Essays.] G1UC DAVITT, Michael. Speech delivered in Defence of the Land League. {Times — Parnell Commission.) 8vo. Lond., 1890. E 7 V 5 DAVY, Dr. John. The Angler and his Eriend ; or, Piscatory Colloquies and Eishing Excursions. 8vo. Lond., 1855. A 29 E 18 DAWE, W. C. The Golden Lake ; or, a Marvellous His- tory of a Journey through the Great Lone Land of Australia. 12mo. Lond., 1894. MJ 3 P 24 DAWSON, Sir John Wm. The Canadian Ice Age, being Notes on the Pleistocene Geology of Canada, with especial reference to the Life of the Period and its Climatal Conditions. 8vo. Montreal, 1894. A 24 R 11 The Meeting-place of Geologv and History. 12mo. Lond., 1894. A 24 Q 2G Some salient points in the Science of the Earth. Illus- trated. 8vo. New York, 1894. A 24 R 12 DAWSON, W. J. The Makers of Mordern English : a Popular Hand-book to the Greater Poets of the Cen- tury. 8vo. Lond., 1893. II 10 S 14 The Making of Manhood. 8vo. Lond., 1894. G 18 R 34 DAWSON, Wm. H. Germany and the Germans. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894. D 18 T 12, 13 DAWSON, Dr. Wm. Richard. Pathological Histology. [See Weichselbaum, Dr. A.] A 33 U'9 DAY, Chas. Wm. Hints on Etiquette and the Usages of Society, with a Glance at Bad Habits; by " Agogos." 9th edition. 12mo. Hobart, 1838. MJ 1 P 2 DAY, S. H. Elections. [See Rogers, F. N.] F 14 R 33 DAY, Wm. The House of the Forest of Lebanon ; or, the Proverbs of Solomon : a political commentary, with notes and dissertations. 8vo. Hobart, 1862. MG 1 T 21 DAYET, Chas. Eecherches pour servir a l'liistoirc de la Peinture et de la Sculpture Chretiennes en Orient avant le querelle des Iconoclastes. 8vo. Paris, 1879. A 23 U 8 DAYOT, Armand. Napoleon raconte par l'lmage d'apres les Sculpteurs, les Graveurs, et les Peintres. 8m. fol. Paris, 1895. C 15 R 14 t DAYSPRING AND NEW HEBRIDES MISSION. Reports, 1870-71, 1874, 1877, 1880, 1882-80, 1888-91. 8vo. Melb. and Sydney, 1871-92. ME 6 S DEACON, C. W., & Co. Dictionary of Foreign Phrases and Classical Quotations. Edited by R. D. Blackman. 12th ed. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) K 12 Q 48 DEAKIN, Hon. Alfred. Irrigated India: an Australian View of India and Ceylon, their Irrigation and Agri- culture. 8vo. Lond., 1S93. MA 1 R 40 Temple and Tomb in India. 8vo. Melb., 1893. MD 5 Q 53 Water Supply and Irrigation. 8vo. Melb., 1886. MA 3 T 14 DEAN, Dr. Bashford. Fishes, Living and Fossil : an outline of their forms and probable relationships. 8vo. New York, 1895. A 28 U 14 Physical and Biological Characteristics of the Natural Oyster Grounds of South Carolina. Imp. 8vo. Wash- ington, 1892. A 12 S 16 f Report on the European Methods of Oyster-culture. Roy. Svo. Washington, 1893. "A 13 P 21 t Report on the Present Method of Oyster-culture in France. Roy. Svo. Washington, 1892, A 13 P 20 f DEASY, J., M.P. Report: Tampering with Letters. [See New South Wales.] M F4T3 DEBATEB, The: a AVeekly Liberal Newspaper for the free discussion of all subjects. Sin. fol. Sydnev, 1882. ME18T DE BAYB, Baron J. [See Baye, Baron J. de.] DEBEETT, John. Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage, and Companionage, 1893-95. 8vo. Lond., 1893-95. E DE BRY, Theodore. [See Bry, T. de.] DECAISNE, J. Botany. [See Le Maout, E.] A 20 V 29 DE CASTELLA, F. [See Castella, F. de.] DE COQUE, John V. Timbers of New South Wales. (Journal Eoy. Soc, N.S.W., 28.) Svo. Sydney, 1894. ME 1 R DEEP WATERWAYS CONVENTION. Proceedings of, held at Toronto, 1894. Roy. Svo. Toronto, 1894. F 1 T 18 Sapp lemen tary Ca la log ue — 1893-9 5 . 75 DE FOE, Daniel. A Journal of the Plague Year. Ee- vised ed., by E. W. Brayley; with soaae Account of the Great Eire in London, by Dr. G. Harvey. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) B 23 E 22 Life of, by T. Wright. 8vo. Loud., 1891. C 18 T 11 DEG-ONTATTT,Duchessede. [See Gontaut, Duchesse de.] DE GEOOTE, Dr. Paul. Nouvelle France : Colonie libre de Port Breton, Oceania. (Euvre de Colonisation, Agricole, Chretienne et libre de C. du Breil, Marquis de Eays. 8vo. Paris, 1880. MD 7 S 38 DEIGHTON, K. [See Dryden, J.] II 10 Q 29 DELABAUME, P. La Nouvelle-Caledonie devant la France. 8vo. Paris, 1886. MD 7 E 40 D E LA BECHE, Sir Henry T. Portrait of. [See Eamsay, A. C— Memoir of.] C 21 E 20 DELABOEDE, H. Francois. Chartes de Terre Sainte provenant de FAbbaye de Notre Dame de Josaphat. 8vo. Paris, 1880. B 35 E 14 La Chronique en Prose de Guillaume le Breton. [See Guillaume le Breton.] J 7 U 19 DELAMBEE, Jean Bapt. Jos. Histoirc de l'Astronomie Ancieune. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1817. A 19 V 13, 14 Histoire do l'Astronomie Moderne. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1821. A 19 V 15, 16 D ELAND, Margaret. Sketch of; with Portrait. [See Blathwayt, E— Interviews.] J 10 U 34 DELANO, W. IT. Practical Experience of Natural Asphalt and Mineral Bitumen. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 22 Q 33 DELAVILLE LE EOITLX, Joseph. La France en Orient au XlVe siccle. Expeditions du Marochal Boucicaut. 8vo. Paris, 18S6. B 26 V 20, 21 DELAWAEE COLLEGE AGEICULTUEAL EX- PEEIMENT STATION. Eeports, 1890-92. 3 vols. Svo. Wilmington, 1891-93. E Texas Fever. Bulletin, 23. Svo. Newark, 1894. A 30 E 9 DE LESSEPS, Ferdinand. [See Lesseps, F. de.] DELESSERT, Eugene. Souvenir's d'un Voyage a Sydney, 1845. Svo. Paris, 1S47. MD 5 Q 52 DE L'ISLE, G., ct BAUCHE, P. Hemisphere Meridional pour voir plus distinctement les Terres Australes. [Folded] 12mo. Paris, 1782. MD 8 P 28 DE LISSA, Alfred. Companies' Work and Mining Law in New South Wales and Victoria. Svo. Lond., 1894. MF 1 P 82 Protection and Federation. 12mo. Sydney, 1890. MF 4 P 16 DE LONG, George W., and the Siberian Arctic Ocean" [See Greeley, Gen. A. W. — Explorers and Travellers.] C17E4 DELOEME, Eene, " Saint Juirs." The Tavern of the Three Virtues. Translated by D. Vierge ; with a Critical Essay on the Art of Vierge by E. Gosse. Sm. fol. Lond. (n.d.) J 15 R 13 t DEM BO, Dr. J. A. The Jewish Method of Slaughtering compared with other methods from the humanitarian, hygienic, and economic points of view. Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A33U-1 D'EMDEN, H. J. The Parliamentary Guide : a Manual for the Electors of both Houses of the Parliament of Tasmania. 8vo. Hobart, 1856. MP 2 Q 9 DE M AEI A, Isidoro. Paginas Historicas de la Eepiiblica o. del Uruguay. 8vo. Montevideo, 1892. B 17 E 39 Compendio de la Historia de la Eepiiblica o. del Uruguay. 12mo. Montevideo, 18S9. B 19 P 4 Geografia Elemental de la Eepublica Oriental del Uruguay. 8vo. Montevideo, 1890. D 15 S 32 DEMAEE, James. Adventures in Australia fifty years ago, 1839-41. 8vo. Lond., 1893. MD 5 E 39 DEMONAX. [See Transformations.] MJ 2 T 37 DE MORGAN, Sophia Elizabeth. Threescore years and ten : Eeminiscences. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 22 E 9 DEMOSTHENES. Life and Works of; by Dr. S. H. Butcher. 12mo. Lond., 1895. J 16 P 32 DE MOUNCEY, Wm. A. Catalogue of the Colonial Secretary's Library. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MK 1 E 42 DENDY, Prof. Arthur. The Hatching of a Peripatus Egg. (Proceedings of Eoyal Society, Victoria, n.s., 6.) Svo. Melb., 1894. ME 1 P Monaxonida. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J.— Voyage of H.M.8. Challenger.'] A 6 f A new variety of Peripatus Novce-Zelandias, Hutton. (Trans. N.Z. Inst., 27.) 8vo. Wellington, 1894. ME 2 E New Zealand Land Nemertine. (Trans. N.Z. Inst., 27.) Svo. Wellington, 1891. ME 2 E New Zealand Land Planarians. (Trans. N.Z. Inst.. 27.) Svo. AVellington, 1891. ME 2 E Non-calcareous Sponges collected in the neighbourhood of Port Phillip Heads. (Proc. Eoy. Soc, Victoria, n.s., 7.) Svo. Melb., 1895. ME 1 P Note from the Biological Laboratory of the Melbourne University : On a Crayfish with abnormally developed appendages. (Proc. of Eoy. Soc, Victoria, n.s., 6.) Svo. Melb., 1894. ME 1 P Notes on some new or little-known Land Planarians from Tasmania and South Australia. (Proceedings Eoyal Society, Victoria, n.s., 6.) 8vo. Melb., 1894. J ME IP 76 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. DENDY, Helen. Logic. [See Sigwart, Dr. C] G6T21, 22 DENIEHT, Daniel Henry. Papers on the Reliques of. [See Donohue, F. J.] M J 3 S 2 DENIS, A. Oceanie : de l'oceupation des iles Marquises, et de l'ile de Taiti. Svo. (n.p.n.d.) MD 8 E 16 DENISON, Maj.-Gen. Sir Wm. Thos. Two Lectures on Colonisation. 8vo. Richmond, 1870. MF 3 T 51 Another Copy. (Vic. Pams.) Eichmond, 1870. MJ 3 Q 15 DENNANT, J. Marine Tertiaries of Australia. [See Tate, Prof. E.] ME 1 S DENNEY, Eev. J. 2nd Corinthians and Thessalonians. [See Expositor's Bible.] G- 19 S 10, 11, 15 DENNIS, John. The Age of Pope. 12mo. Lond., 1894. .T 11 U 2 Eobert Southev : the Story of his Life. 12mo. Lond., 1891. C 17 P 10 [Life of] Sir W. Scott. [See Masson, Prof. D— In the Footsteps of the Poets.] J 6 E 43 DENNISS, E. W. Practical Gas-fitting. [&«Edwmson, G.] A 25 E 10 DENNTS, John. The Secrets of Angling. (Bibliotheca Curiosa.) 12mo. Edinb., 1885. J 18 Q 28 DENT, John Chas. The last forty years : Canada since the Union of 1841. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Toronto (n.d.) B 1 V 19, 20 DENT, Eobt. K. The Making of Birmingham. 4to. Birm., 1894. B 11 Q 16 f DENTON, Wm. The Deluge in the Light of Modern Seience. 12mo. Wellesley, Mass., 1882. G- 9 V 15 DENVER BOAED OF EDUCATION. Eeport of School District No. 1, 1890, 1893. 2 vols. 8vo. Denver, 1893. E Exhibit of the Condition of Music in the Public Schools of Denver. 8vo. Denver, 1893. A 23 U 23 DEPEW, Chauncey M. Life and Later Speeches of. 8vo. New York, 1894. C 21 Q 18 Orations and After-dinner Speeches. 8vo. New York, 1890. J 8 T 31 Sketch of. [See Stoddard, \V. O.— Men of Business.] C 16 E 19 DE QUINCET, Thomas. Confessions of an English Opium-eater. Eoy. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 4 U 2 DEEBY, Edward Henry, 15th Earl of. Speeches and Addresses of. Edited by Sir T. H. Sanderson and E. S. Eoscoe. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 14 E 19, 20 DEEBY, Henry, Earl of. [See Henry IV, King of England.] DEEECHEF, Ealph. The Anarchist Peril. [See Dubois, F.] F 5 Q 49 DE EOOS, J. D. C. Linkages : the different Forms and Uses of Articulated Links. 18mo. New York, 1879. A 25 P 35 DE EOS, Georgiana, Lady. Sketch of the Life of; by the Hon. Mrs. J. E. Swinton. 8vo. London, 1893. C 13 Q 29 DE EOSNY, L. [See Eosny, L. de.] DESBOIS, Fr. Alex, de la Chenaye. Dictionnaire de la Noblesse, avec Supplement. 15 vols. 4to. Paris, 1770-86. K 6 E 9-23 DESCAETES, Rene; by Prof. J. P. Mahaffy. (Philo- sophical Classics.) l2mo. Edinb., 1884. G 9 V 1 DESCEMET, Ch. Inscriptions Doliaires Latines : M arques de Briques relatives a \me partie de la Gens Domitia. 8vo. Paris, 1880. B 35 E 12 DES CHANEL, A . Privat. Elementary Treatise on Natural Philosophy; by Prof. J. D. Everett, F.E.S. 13th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 28 U 10 DESIGNS FOE CHURCH EMBROIDERY ; by " A.R." Letterpress by Alethea Wiel. 4to. Lond., 1894. A 12 S 17 f DESPEISSIS, J. Adrian. Hand-book of Horticulture and Viticulture of Western Australia. 8vo, Perth, 1895. MA 3 W 13 Silos, Ensilage, and Silage. Svo. Sydney, 1891. MA 1 Q 68 Mechanical Application of Insecticides. 8vo. Sydney, 1891. MA 1 Q 66 Sugar-cane Disease on the North Coast. Svo. Sydney, 1892. MA 1 Q 67 The Vineyard and the Cellar. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MA 1 Q 73 DESSAR, Dr. Leonard A. Home Treatment for Catarrhs and Colds. Illustrated. 12mo. New York, 1894. A 26 R 10 DES V(EUX, Major C. IT. Hints for Rifle Clubs. 12mo. Brisb., 1890. MA 2 P 54 DEUSSEN, Dr. Paul. Elements of Metaphysics, being a Guide for Lectures and private use. Translated by C. M. Duff, with an appendix "On the Philosophy of the Vedanta in its relations to Occidental Metaphysics." 12mo. Lond., 1894. G2V7 DEUTSCHEN GEOLOGISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT. Zeitschrift der. Biinde 1-45. 8vo. Berlin, 1849-93. E DEUTSCHER LANDWIRTIISCHAFTSRATH. Be- richt fiber die Verhandlungen der zwanzigsten Versammlung des Deutschen Landwirthschaftsraths, 1892. 8vo. Berlin, 1892. E DENEY, J. Works of Lord Bacon. [See Bacon, Lord.] G2 V32 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 77 I DEVIL IN SYDNEY, The; or, Barmaids, Baldheads, Mashers, &c. 12mo. Sydney, 1895. MF 4 P 35 DE VIS, Chas. W. Apparently new species of Halmaturus. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 1.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1884. ME L T Australian ancestry of the Crowned Pigeon of New Guinea. (Proc. Eoy. Soc, Queensland, 5.) 8vo. Brisbane, 18 8G. ME 1 T Colhtrincia sibila. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland. 5.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1889. ME 1 T A conspect of the genus Heteropus. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 1.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1884. ME 1 T Description of a species of Eleotris from Rockhampton. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 1.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1885. ME 1 T Description of new Snakes, with a synopsis of the genus Hoplocephaltts. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 1.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1884. ME L T * Fossil Birds. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, G.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1889. ME 1 T Further Account of Prionodura Neiotoniana. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, G.) Svo. Brisb., 1889. ME IT The Moa in Australia. (Proc Roy. Soc, Queensland, 1.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1884. ME 1 T New Australian Lizards. (Proc. Rov. Soc, Queensland, 1.) 8vo. Brisbane, 18S4. MB 1 T New Fish from Moreton Bay. (Proc Roy. Soc, Queens- land, 1.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1984. ME 1 T New species of Hyla. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 1.) 8vo. Brisbane,' 1884. ME 1 T New Birds from Ilerberton. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queens- land, 6.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1889. ME 1 T Notes on the Fauna of the Gulf of Carpentaria. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 1.) 8vo. Brisb., 1884. ME IT Notice of a Fish apparently undescribed. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 2.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1886. ME IT On a bone of an extinct Eagle. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 6.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1889. ME 1 T On a Fossil Saurian. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 2.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1886. ME 1 T On a Lizard and three species of Salarias. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 1.) Svo. Brisbane, 1885. ME 1 T On a new form of the genus Therapon. (Proc. Eoy. Soc, Queensland, 1.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1884. ME 1 T On a Naked-eyed Scink, apparently new. (Proc. Rov. Soc, Queensland, 5.) 8yo. Brisbane, 1889. ME 1 T On an extinct Monotreme, Ornilhorliynchits At/Ms. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 1.) Svo. Brisb., 1885. ME 1 T On an extinct Mammal of a genus apparently new. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 4.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1S87. ME 1 T On an extinct genus of Mammals. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 5.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1889. ME 1 T On Bones and Teeth of a large extinct Lizard. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 1.) 8vo. Brisb., 1884. ME 1 T DE VIS, Chas. W.—contd. On Ceratodus Post-Pliocene. (Proc. Roy. Sec, Queens- land, 1.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1884. ME 1 T On Diprotodon Minor — Hux. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queens- land, 5.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1888. ME 1 T On Megalania and its allies. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queens- land, 6.) Brisbane, 1889. ME 1 T On New Queensland Lizards. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queens- land, 1.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1884. ME 1 T On the genera Nototherium and Zyqomaturus. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 5.) 8vo. Br'isb., 188S. ME 1 T On the Phalangistidce of the Post-tertiary Period in Queensland. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 6.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1889. ME 1 T The Ribbon Fish. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 8.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1892. ME 1 T DE VIT, Dr. V. Totius Latinitatis Lexicon. [See For- cellini, A.] K 3 R 26 t DEVON, Earl of. Letter to, on the late massacre at Wairau. [See Stokes, R.] MB 2 R 58 DEVONSHIRE, Duke of. Sketch of. [See Smalley, G. W.— Studies of Men.] C 19 R 20 DEVONSHIRE DOMESDAY, The, and Geld Inquest : Extensions, Translations, and Indices. 2 vols. 8vo. Plymouth, 1884-92. B 21 T 13, 14 DE WAR, D. Gardeners' Dictionary. [See Johnson, C. W.] A 20 T 8 DEWAR, J. Cumming. Voyage of the Nyanza, R.N.Y.C.; being a Record of Three Years' Cruise in the Atlantic and Pacific, and her subsequent shipwreck. 8vo. Edinb., 1892. D 10 S 36 DEWAR, Dr. Jas. On the Application of Sulphurous Acid, to the Prevention, Limitation, and Cure of Contagious Diseases. 8vo. Sydney, 1868. MA 2 S 65 DEWAR, Thos. R. A Ramble round the Globe. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1891. D20Q13 DE WITT, Henry C. Lucinda and the Queen of the Fairies : an operetta in two acts. 12mo. Sydney, 1S92. Mil 1 P 64 DE WITLF, Dr. Maurice. La Valeur esthetique de la Moralite dans 1' Art. Svo. Bruxelles, 1892. G 3 R 19 DIAMOND, Arthur. Prince Enterprise. [See Lazar, S.] MH 1 Q 28 DIBDIN, Chas. Songs of ; with a Memoir, illustrated by G. Cruikshank. 3rd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1850. H 7 IT 37 The Deserter : a Musical Drama. [See London Stage, 1 ] H 2 S 33 The Quaker : a Comic Opera. [See London Stage, 1.] H 2 S 33 The Waterman ; or, the First of August : a Ballad Opera, [See London Stage, 4.] H 2 S 36 78 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. DIBDIN, Charles, jun. The Farmer's Wife i a Comic Opera. [See London Stage, 4.] II 2 S 3G The Lord of the Manor : an Opera. [See London Stage, 2.] H 2 S 34 My Spouse and I : an Operatical Farce. [See London Stage, 4.] II 2 S 3G DIBDIN, J. C, and AYLING, John, boat. Sm. 4to. Edinb., 1894. Book of the Life- F 14 T 33 DIBDIN, Thos. Stage, 4.] What Nest? a Farce. [See London H2S3G D'IBERVILLE, Pierre Le Moyne, Sieur, Founder of Louisiana. Sketch of. [See Greeley, Gen. A. W. — Explorers and Travellers.] C 17 R 4 Voyage d'lberville. Journal du Voyage fait par deux Pregates du Roi La Badine et Le Marin. Svo. Montreal, 1871. D 14 V 3 DICET, Edward. The Peasant State : an Account of Bulgaria in 1894. 8vo. Lond., 1894. D 18 U 11 DICK, Rev. Jas. The authority of Christ over the indi- vidual, the Church, and the nation. 8vo. Sydney 1893. MG 2 Q 23 DICKENS, Charles. Works of. Illustrated Librarv Edition. 30 vols. 8vo. Lond.,1874-S9. J 21 R 1-30 1. Sketches by Boz. 2, 3. Pickwick Papers. 4. Oliver Twist. 5, 6. Nicholas Nickleby. 7, 8. Old Curiosity Shop. 9. Barnaby Pudge. 10. Barnaby Budge ; Hard Times. 11. American Notes and Letters from Italy. 12. 13. Martin Chuzzlewit. 14, 15. Dombey and Son. 16, 17. David Copperfield. 18, 19. Bleak House. 20. A Child's History of England. 21, 22. Little Dorrit. 23. A Tale of two Cities. 24. Uncommercial Traveller. 25. Great Expectations. 26. 27. Our Mutual Friend. 28, 29. Christmas Stories. 30. Edwin Drood. Speeches, Literary and Social. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 12 S 19 Anecdotes of. [See Fitzgerald, P. — Memoirs.] C21R 15, 1G Essay on. [See Bagehot, W. — Literary Studies.] J 9 P23 The Humourist, as Democrat. [See Lillv, W. S. — Four English Humourists.] J 5 T 30 DICKERS, Charles, jun. Dictionary of London, 1884 : an Unconventional Handbook. 12mo. Lond., 1884. D 18 P 23 DICKENS, Frederick V. [See Poole, S. L-.] DICKENSON. Sidney. 1889. Life of Sir Harry Parkes. C 13 V 9, 10 Art Lectures. 8vo. Sydney, MA 3 V 39 DICKINS, C. Australasian Bee-keeper's Guide-book for Amateurs. 8vo. Adelaide, 1887. MA 1 U 52 DICKINSON, G. Lowes. Revolution and Reaction in Modern France. 8vo. Lond., 1892. B 2G R 9 DICKINSON, Rev. Jonathan. Familiar Letters to a Gentleman on several important subjects in Religion. 18mo. Lond., 1835. G9U21 DICKINSON, Rev. R. B. Scripture and Science: a Lecture in reply to the Lecture of Mr. Justice Higin- botham on Science and Religion. 8vo. Melb., 1883. MG 2 Q 23 DICKSON, W. K. L. and A. Life and Inventions of T. A. Edison. [See Edison, T. A.] C 17 U 18 DICTIONARY of the English and German Languages, compiled from the best authorities. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipsic, 1813. J 5 S 34, 35 DIEHL, Prof. Charles. Etudes sur l'Administration Byzantine dans l'exarchat de Ravenne, 5G8-751. 8vo. Paris, 1888. B 30 T 30 L'Eglise et les Mosa'iques du Convent de Saint-Luc en Phocide. Svo. Paris, 18S9. B 35 R 27 Excursions in Greece to recently explored sites of clas- sical interest. Translated by Emma R. Perkins. Svo. Lond., 1S93. D IS R 12 DIET and Cookery for Common Ailments ; by " A Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians " and Phyllis Browne. 12mo. Lond., 1894. A 22 Q 41 DIGGINGS, The, the Bush, and Melbourne ; or, Reminis- cences of Three Vears' Wanderings in Victoria. 8vo. Glasgow, 1864. MB 1 R 51 DILKB, Sir Charles W. Against Reformed Upper Houses. [See Subjects of the Day, 4.] F 7 U 29 Problems of Greater Britain. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1S90. F 3 R 22, 23 DILLON, Prof. E. J. Sceptics of the Old Testament : Job, Koheleth, Agur. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G15Q33 DILLON, Dr. John F. Laws and Jurisprudence of England and America : being a series of Lectures delivered before the Yale University. Roy. Svo. Lond , 1894. " F 12 Q 41 DINGEY, P. S. Machinery Pattern Making. 8vo. New York, 1891. A 25 R 5 DINGLER'S JPOLTTEOHNISOnES JOURNAL. Band 27S. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1890. E DIODORUS SICULUS. [See Ramusio, G. B.— Naviga- tion! et Viaggi.] D 3G T 5-7 J DIONYSIUS, the Areopagite. [See Westcott, Rt. Rev. B. F— Religious Thought in the West.] G 2 U 37 Supplementary Qata logue — 1893-95 . 79 D I0NYS1US of Alexandria. Works of. (Ante-Nicene Christ. Lib., 20.) 8vo. Edinb, 1871. G 14 U 20 DISRAELI, Rt. Hon. Benjamin. [See Bcaconsfield, Earl of.] ISRAELI, Isaac. Commentaries on the Life and Reign of Charles I, King of England. 2 vols. Svo. Lond, 1851. B21U7, 8 DITCHFIELD, P. II. Books Patal to their Authors. 12mo. Lond, 1895. J 10 P 10 D1TTMAR, Prof. ¥m. Composition of Ocean Water. [See Thomson, Sir C. AV, and Murray, Dr. J. —Voyage of II. M. S. Challenger.'] A 6 f I VI NIT r HALL RECORD, No. 1, December, 1879. 8vo. Brisbane, 1879. ME 15 Q DIXON, Charles. The Game Birds and Wild Fowls of the British Islands ; being a Handbook for the Naturalist and Sportsman. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 13 T 35 DIXON, D. B. Vade Mecum : a Work of Reference, with a comprehensive Treatise on Electricity by T. G. Grier. 8vo. Chicago, 1893. K 18 P 33 ° IXON, John. Wood's Point Directory, 1866. [See Butler and Brooke, Messrs.] ME 6 S DIXON, Samuel. Notes on the supposed Coal-beds of I the Fitzgerald River. (Trans. Roy. Soc, S. Australia' 7.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1885. ME 1 S Indigenous shrubs of South Australia suitable for culti- vation as fodder. (Trans. Roy. Soc, S. Australia, 8.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1886. ME 1 S DIXON, W. A. Artesian Water in connection with Irri- gation. (Journal Roy. Soc, N.S.W, 27.) 8vo. Sydney, 1893. ME 1 R Tables of Qualitative Analysis. 4th edition. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MA 1 R 47 Analyses of Soils. [See Mackay, A.] MA 1 P 67 DIXON, W. M. English Poetry, from Blake to Browning. 12mo. Lond, 1891. H 8 Q 47 DIXON, Rev. Wm. Henry. Fasti Eboracenses. Lives of the Archbishops of York. Edited and enlarged by Rev. J. Raine. Vol. 1 (all published). 8vo. Lond, 18G3. C 16 S 15 DIXON, Wm. Hepworth. Story of Lord Bacon's Life. 12mo. Lond, 1862. C 17 P 11 DOBBIE, A. W. Rough Notes of a Traveller. 2nd series. Svo. Lond, 1890. MD 1 Q 59 DOBSON, Henry Austin. Eighteenth Century Vignettes. 1st and 2nd series. 8vo. Lond, 1892-94. J 14 T 15, 16 Horace Walpole : a Memoir ; with an Appendix of Books printed at the Strawberry Hill Press. Roy. 8vo. Loud, 1890. C 13 V 6 DOCHNAHL, Friedrich Jacob, and RAWALD, Gustav" Dcr Weinkeller: Praktische Mittheilungon iiber Weinbau, Obst-und Trauben-Weinbereitung, Keller- wirthschaft und Weinhandel. 2 vols. 8vo. Frank- furt a.m., 1873-76. A 18 S 12, 13 DOCUMENTS and Correspondence connected with the Royal Commission on a Federal Union of the Austra- lian Colonies. 8vo. Melb, 1871. MJ 3 Q 15 DOD, It. P. Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage of Great Britain and Ireland, 1893-95. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond, 1893-95. E DODD, George. History of the Indian Revolt, 1856-58. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond, 1859. B 29 V 3 DODDRIDGE, Rev. Dr. Philip. Life of Col. Jas. Gardiner. 32mo. Halifax, 1851. C 19 P 8 DODGE, Prof. Chas. W. Elementary Practical Biology. 8vo. New York, 1891. A 27 T 20 DODGE, J. It. Reports of the Division of Statistics of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1892. Svo. Wash, 1893. E DODS, Rev. Dr. Marcus. Genesis, Gospel of St. John, vols. 1 and 2, and 1st Corinthians. [See Expositor's Bible.] G 19 R and S Writings of Justin Martyr. [See Justin Martyr.] G14U2 Writings of Thcophilus. [See Theophilus.] G 14 U 3 DODSLEY, Robt. The Miller of Mansfield : a Dramatic Entertainment. [See London Stage, 4.] H 2 S 36 DODWELL, E. S. The Carnation : its history, properties, and management ; with a descriptive list of the best varieties in cultivation. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond, 1888. A 18 R 19 DOLLTNGER, Prof. John I. von. Addresses on Historical and Literary Subjects. Translated by Margaret Warre. Svo. Lond, 1891. B 35 R 8 Conversations of ; recorded by Louise von Kobell. 8vo. Lond, 1892. C 18 P 4 DOLMAN, Frederick. Municipalities at Work : the Municipal Policy of Six Great Towns, and its influence on their social welfare. 12mo. Lond, 1895. F8U11 D'OMBRIAN, Rev. Henry H. Roses for Amateurs ; a practical guide to the selection and cultivation of the best roses for exhibition or mere pleasure. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 18 R 11 DOMESDAY BOOK. [Facsimile copy of .] 2 vols. 4to. (n.p.n.d.) B 37 Q 17, 18 J DONALDSON, Prof. Henry II. The Growth of the Brain : a Study of the Nervous System in relation to Education. 12mo. Lond, 1895. A 25 R 23 DONALDSON, Dr. Jas. [See Ante-Nicene Christian Library.] G 14 U 1-24 80 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. DONALDSON, Dr. Thos. L. Hand-book of Specifications. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 19 T 16 DONALDSON, ¥ra. Principles of Construction and Efficiency of Water-wheels. 8vo. Lond., 1876. A 22 S 19 DONAN, P. Utah : a Peep into a Mountain-walled Treasury of the Gods. 8vo. Buffalo, N.Y., 1891. D 15 T 13 DONAT, Lieut. Karl von. Tactical Problems. [See Moltke, Count von.] A 29 V 22 DONCKER, H. Oosterdeel van Oost Tndien. Fol. Amsterdam (n.d.) D 8 P 31 J DONISTHORPE, AVordsworth. Law in a Free State. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F8U1 DONKIN, B. A text-book on Gas, Oil, and Air Engines ; or, Internal Combustion Motors without Boilers. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 22 S 18 DONNE, Dr. John. Poetry of. [See DowdeD, Dr. E.] J5S16 Life of. [See Walton, Izaak.] C 19 V 6 DONNE, Wm. Bodham. Tacitus. [See Tacitus, C. G] B30Q2L DONOHUE, Francis J. Stray Leaves : a Republication of two Literary Papers on the Reliques of the late Henry Kendall and Daniel Henry Deniehy. 8vo. Tamworth, 1883. MJ3S2 DORAN, Dr. John. Bentlev Ballads. [See Bentley Ballads.] II 7 U 32 DORE, Paul Gustave. The Legend of the Wandering Jew : a series of 12 designs. Fol. Lond. (n.d.) B 41 P 23 + DORMAN, Marcus R. P. From Matter to Mind. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 1 R 28 D'ORSEY, Rev. Alex. Jas. Donald. Portuguese Dis- coveries, Dependencies, and Missions in Asia and Africa. 12mo. Lond., 1893. B 17 P 25 DOUGAL, F. H., and Co. Index to Advertisements for Next-of-kin, Heirs-at-law, Legatees, &c. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) K 10 T 29 DOUGHTY, Henry M. Our Wherry in Wendish Lands : from Friesland, through the Mecklenburg Lakes, to Bohemia. 8vo. Lond., 1893. D 8 U 39 DOUGLAS, Dr. Chas. John Stuart Mill : a Study of his Philosophy. 12mo. Edinb., 1895. G 9 V 25 DOUGLAS, James. Canadian Independence, Annexation, and British Imperial Federation. 8vo. New York, 1891. F 8 U 6 DOUGLAS, James. Bombay and Western India: a Series of Stray Papers. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893. B 29 V 8, 9 DOUGLAS, Hon. John. The Islands of Torres Straits. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Q. Branch, 1.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1896. ME 20 Sudest and the Louisiade Archipelago. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Q. Branch, 4.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1S89. ME 20 DOUGLAS, Prof. R. K. Chinese Stories. 8vo. Edinb., 1893. J2Q22 [Life of] Li Hungchang. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 22 P 12 DOUGLASS, Henry M. Change of Mexican Axolotl to an Amblystoma. [See Weismann, Dr. A ] A 30 R G DOVE, Patrick Edward. Elements of Political Science ; with an Account of A. Yarranton. 8vo. Edinb., 1854. F 7 R 28 DOWDEN, Dr. Edward. Introduction to Shakespeare. 8vo. Lond., 1S93. C 13 Q 31 New Studies in Literature. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 5 S16 DOWIE, Menie Muriel. Women Adventurers : Lives of Madame Velazquez, Hannah Snell, Mary Ann Talbot, and Mrs. Christian Davies ; edited by M. M. Dowie. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 15 S 24 DOWLING, Edward. Australia and America in 1892 : a Contrast. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MF 1 S 62 DOWLING, Dr. F. The Turkish Bath, its use in Health and Disease. 12mo. Melb., 1861. MA 3 P 57 DOWLING, James P., and M'CAFFREY, Frank. Practical Dairying for Australia. Roy. Svo. Sydney, 1893. MA 1 S 43 DOWN, Richard. Second Thoughts : a Collection of Ballads, Poems, and Fugitive Pieces. 12mo. Emerald Hill, 1872. MH 1 U 50 DOWNES, Dr. A., and BLUNT, T. P. The influence of Light on Bacteria. (Roy. Soc, Vict., 20.) 8vo. Melb., 1884. ME 1 P DOWNES, John. Occultations visible in the United States during 1848 and 1851. 2 vols. 4to. Philad. and Wash., 1848-51. A 15 Q 12, 13 t DOWNEY, A. J. The Australian Grapegrowers' Manual. 8vo. Melb., 1895. MA 3 U 24 DOWSE, Dr. Thos. Stretch. Lectures on Massage and Electricity in the Treatment of Diseases. 2nd ed. 8vo. Bristol, 1S91. . A 33 S 3 DOWSING, H. J. Griffin's Electrical Engineer's Price- book. [See Griffin, C, & Co.] A 21 Q 42 DOZY, Ch. M. Abel Janszoon Tasman. Roy. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) MC 1 R 55 DRAGE, Geoffrey. The Unemployed. 12mo. Lond., 1894. F 9 U 49 The Problem of the Aged Poor. Svo. Lond., 1895. F 7 V 40 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 81 )EAKE, Sir Francis English Seamen.] Sketch of. [See Froude, Prof. J. A Sketch of. [See Southey, R — B 23 S 15 -English Seamen.] B21TJ9 DRAKE DEL CASTILLO, E. Eemarques sur la Flore de la Polynesie. 4to. Paris, 1890. MA 10 P 11 t DEAPEE, Prof. John Wm. History of the Intellectual Development of Europe. 2 vols. 12ino. Lond., 1875. G 7 TJ 34, 35 DRAYTON, Michael. The Battaile of Agincourt ; with introduction and notes, by E. Garnett. 8vo. Lond., 1893. H 10 Q 28 DRAYTON, Marian. Ephemeris ; or, Leaves from ye Journall of. 12mo. Lond., 1592. G 2 V 38 DREAM OF THE PAST, A ; or Valerian, a Dramatic Poem ; by " Unda." 8vo. Melb., 1874. MH 1 Q 20 DEEDGE, James. A Record of the Transportation Exhibits at the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893 4to. Lond., 1894. A 40 U 1 J DREVAR, George. The Great Sea Serpent and Sperm Whale Conflict. 8vo. Sydney, 1889. MA 3 V 38 DRIVER, Richard. Debate on the Prerogative of Pardon. [See Parkes, Sir H.] MF 4 Q 40 DROYSEN, Prof. Johann G. Outline of the Principles of History. Translated by E. B. Andrews. 8vo. Boston, 1893. B 35 Q 9 DRUMMOND, Prof. Henry, the Ascent of Man. 8vo The Lowell Lectures on Lond., 1894. A 27 T 33 Natural Law in the Spiritual World. 30th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1893. G19P17 A Talk with, on Science and Religion ; with Portrait. [See Blathwayt, D— Interviews.] J 10 U 31 DRUMMOND, Wm. Poems of. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1894. Edited by W. C. Ward. H 9 P 15, 16 DEURY, G. Thorn. [Life of] J. Maclaine, " The Gentle- man Highwayman," 1724-50. (Lives of Twelve Bad Men.) 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 18 T 9 Waller's Poems. [See Waller, E.] H 3 P 37 DRYDEN, John. All for Love; or the World well Lost : a Tragedy. [See London Stage, 3.] H 2 S 35 Annus Mirabilis, 1G66. [See Morris, E. E.] MJ 1 S 11 Aureng-zebe, a Tragedy ; by John Drydeu : and Book II of the Chace, a poem ; by Wm. Somcrville. Edited with Biographical Memoirs and Notes by K. Deighton. 8vo. Lond., 1892. H 10 Q 29 Works of. Illustrated with notes, &c, by Sir W. Scott. Revised by G. Saintsbury. Vols. 15-18. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1892-93. H4U 15-18 [See Wylie, Laura, J. — Evolution of English Criticism.] J 9 S8 DRYSDALE, Dr. J. H. Elementary Practical Bacteri- Hologv. [See Kanthack, Dr. A. A.] A 26 R 11 DUANE, Dr. Alexander. Student's Dictionary of Medicine and the allied Sciences. 8vo. Philad., 1893. K 9 R 16 DUBLIN REVIEW, The. 1892-94. Vols. 111-115. 8vo. Lond., E DUBLIN UNIVERSITY. Calendar, 1893-95. 3 vols. 12mo. Dublin, 1893-95. E DU BOIS, Dr. Augustus Jay. Elementary Principles of 1st ed. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1894. A 25 U 22, 23 1, Kinematics. 2. Statics. DUBOIS, Rev. E. My Pocket-book; or, Hints for " A Ryghte Merrie and Conceitede Tour, in Quarto, to be called ' The Stranger in Ireland.' " 12mo. Lond., 1808. D 20 P 4 DUBOIS, Felix. The Anarchist Peril. Translated, edited, and enlarged with a supplementary chapter by R. Derechef. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 5 Q 49 DUBOIS, Marcel. Les Ligues Etolienne et Acheenne. 8vo. Paris, 1885. B 35 R 20 DUBOIS, Dr. Raphael. Anatomie et Physiologie com- parees de la Pholade Dactyle : Structure, Locomotion, Tact, Olfaction, etc. (Annales de l'Universite de Lyon, 2.) Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1892. A 27 V 16 DU BREUIL, A. Principes Generaux d'Arboriculture : anatomie et physiologie vegetales, agents de la vegcta- tion-pepinieres greffes. 8vo. Paris, 1884. A 18 Q 41 DU CAMP, Maxime. Literary Recollections. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 16 T 16, 17 [Life of] Theophile Gautier. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 19 Q 10 DU CHAILLU, Paul Belloni. Sketch of. [See Greeley, Gen. A. W. — Explorers and Travellers.] C 17 R 4 DUCHESNE, L'Abbc Louis. De Codicibus MSS. Grsecis Pii II in Bibliotheca Alexandrino-Vaticana. 8vo. Paris, 1880. K 7 T 5 Etude sur le Liber Pontificalis. 8vo. Paris, 1877. J 7 U45 DUCKETT, Sir Geo. Floyd. Visitations and Chapters- General of the Order of Cluni, from 1269-1529. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893. G 16 U 1 DUCKWORTH, A. A comparison of populations and rates of mortality in New South Wales and Victoria, in Sydney and Melbourne. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1894. MF 3 R 56 DUCKWORTH, W. Laurence Henry. Study of Collec- tion of Crania of Aboriginal Australians in the Cam- bridge University Museum. (Anthropol. Inst., 23.) 8vo. Lond., 1893. E Notes on Skulls from Queensland and South Australia. (Anthropol. Inst., 23.) 8vo. Lond., 1893. E 82 Supplemen tary Ca talogue — 1 893-9 5 . DUDEVANT, Mme. Amandine Lucile Aurre. " George Sand." Letters of a Traveller. Translated by Eliza A. Ashurst. 12mo. Lond., 1847. C 17 P 22 Essay on. [See Arnold, M. — Mixed Essays.] J 11 T 25 DUDLEY, B. The Woodman: a Comic Opera. [See London Stage, 4.] H 2 S 36 DUDLEY, Mrs. Lucy B. Contribution to the knowledge of the Termites. 8vo. Wellesley Hills, 1893. A 30 T 14 DUDLEY, Eobt. Marriage of the Prince of Wales. Illustrated. [See Russell, W. H.] C 6 P 3 J DUDLEY, Sir Eobt. Life of; by J. T. Leader. Eov. 8to. Florence, 1895. C 19 U 13 DUFF, C. M. Metaphysics. [See Deussen, Dr. P.] G2 V 7 DUFF, E. Gordon. Information for Pilgrims unto the Holy Land. Edited by E. Gordon Duff. 8vo. Lond., 1893. D 17 T 1 Early Printed Books. 8vo. Lond., 1893. B 14 Q 30 DUFF, J. W., Consul at Gothenburg. Copy of a Letter from, with Statistics [of Crimes and Liquors]. Fol. Lond., 1877. F 39 U 1 J DUFF, Rt. Hon. Sir Mountstuart E. Grant-. Ernest Eenan, in Memorian. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 12 Q 47 Sir Henry Maine : a Brief Memoir of his Life, with some of his Indian Speeches and Minutes. 8vo. Lond., 1892. C 15 E 16 DUFFERIN, Helen, Lady. Songs, Poems, and Verses. Edited, with a Memoir and some Account of the Sheridan Family, by the Marquess of Dufferin and Ava. 8vo. Lond., 1894. H 7 E 28 DUFFERIN AND AVA, Marq. of. Memoir of Helen, Lady Dufferin. [See Dufferin, Lady.] II 7 R 28 Yachting. [See Sullivan, Sir E] A 29 Q 41 DUFFIELD, Alex. Jas. Notes on the Inhabitants of New Ireland and its Archipelago, their Fine and In- dustrial Art, Customs, and Languauc. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 1.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1881. ME 1 T DUFFUS, R. D. L. The Financial Depression, its cause and remedy. 8vo. Auckland, 1886. MF 4 R 37 DUFFY, Bella. The Tuscan Republics (Florence, Siena, Pisa, and Lucca) with Genoa. (Story of the Nations.) 8vo. Lond., 1892. B 30 Q 15 DUFFY, Sir Chas. Gavan. Policy of the New Govern- ment: a Speech. 8vo. Melb., 1871. MJ 3 Q 15 1 S1GERSON, Dr. George, and HYDE, Dr. Douglas. The Revival of Irish Literature. 12mo. Lond., 1894. J 7 P 45 DUFFY, Frank Gavan, and EAGLESON, J. C. Transfer of Land Act of 1890, with Notes thereon, and a Com- parative Table of the whole of the Australasian Land Transfer Acts. 8vo. Melb., 1895. MF 3 T 59 and MacHUGH, Alfred. The Insolvency Act, 1890, with Notes, Rules, and Index. 8vo. Melb., 1893. MF 2 R 50 DUFFY, Susan G. The English Abroad. 8vo. Lond., 1894. MD 8 P 1 DUGDALE, Mrs. H. A. Few Hours in a Far-off Age. [On Woman's Rights.] Svo. Melb., 1883. MF 1 P 71 DUKES, Dr. Clement. Health at School, considered in its Mental, Moral, and Physical Aspects. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 26 Q 40 DUMAS, Alexandre. Celebrated Crimes. 8vo. Lond., 1843. J 4 T 24 [Life of] Napoleon. Translated by J. B. Earner. 8vo. New York, 1891. C 17 S 7 DUMAS, G. Sunshine and Showers. 12mo. Melb. (n.d.) MJ 3 P 27 DUMAS, Jean B. A. Sketch of. [See Thorpe, Dr. T. E. — Historical Chemistry.] C 17 R 2 DUN, Finlay. Veterinary Medicines, their Actions and Uses. 8th ed. 8vo. Edinb., 1892. A 30 R 19 DUNBAR, Prof. Chas. F. Chapters on the Theory and History of Banking. 8vo. New York, 1894. F8U33 DUNBAE, Wm. Poems of. [See Scottish Text Society.] E DUNBAR, The. A Narrative of the melancholy Wreck of the Dunhar, 1857. Svo. Sydney, 1857. MD 8 R 29 DUNCAN, Edward. Marino Painting [in water-colours]. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) A 8 U 34 DUNCAN, George. Prof. Koch on the Bacteriological Diagnosis of Cholera. [See Koch, Prof.] A 33 T 20 DUNCAN, Miss L. J. The Sailor of the Istar j by " El Jady." 8vo. Lond., 1893. MJ 1 T 40 DUNCAN, L. L. Gloucester Wills, 1541-1650. [See British Record Society.] E DUNCAN, Lindsay. [See Cloud, Mrs. T. C] DUNDEEDALE, George. Prairie and Bush. Svo. Lond., 1891. MD 7 T 38 DUNMOEE, Earl of. The Pamirs. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893. D 14 R 9, 10 DUNN, E. J. Glaciation of the Western Highlands, Tasmania. (Proceedings Royal Society, Victoria, n.s., 6.) 8vo. Melb., 1894. ME 1 P I Dl Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 83 u UNN, Jacob Piat. The Libraries of Indiana. 8vo. Indianapolis, 1893. J 4 S 28 Slavery Petitions and Papers. 8vo. Indianapolis, 1894. F11U7 Documents relating to the French Settlements on the Wabash. 8vo. Indianapolis, 1894. B 19 E 37 DUNN, Malcolm. Eeport of the Apple and Pear Congress, held by the Eoyal Caledonian Horticultural Society, Edinburgh, from 25th to 28th November, 1885. 8vo. Edinb., 1887. A 18 S 27 Horticultural Hand-book. [See Williamson, W.] A 32 E 10 DUNN, Mrs. Sara H. The World's Highway, with some first Impressions whilst journeying along it. 8vo. Lond., 1894. D 20 S 2 DUNNING-, Eev. Dr. Albert E. Congregationalists in America, their Origin, Polity, Growth, and Work. Eoy. 8vo. New York, 1894. G 8 U 28 DUNSTAN, B. Occurrence of Triassic Plant Eemains in a Shale Bed near Manly. (Journal Eoy. Soc, N.S.W., 27.) 8vo. Sydney, 1893. ME 1 E DUNSTAN, Eev. E. Tremayne. Facts and Fancies of Prior Vaughan and Cardinal Moran. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MG 1 T 3"4 DUPLAIS, P., Aine et Jeune. Manufacture and Distilla- tion of Alcoholic Liquors. Translated by Dr. M. McKennie. Illustrated. Svo. Philad., 1871. A 25 V 23 DUPEE, A., and HAKE, H. "Wilson. Short Manual of Inorganic Chemistry. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 21 E 5 DUEEE, Albrecht. Engravings of; by L. Cust. [See Portfolio Monograph, 11.] E D'UEFEN, Mr. A Commonwealth of Women. [See Bibliotheca Curiosa.] J 18 Q 33 DUEHAM, Earl of. [See Great Britain and Ireland- British North America,] F 9 Q 18, F 36 Q 22-2 It DUEEANCE, F. J. Edwinson, G.] Brass Casting at Home. [See A 25 E 10 DUEEIEU, Paul. Les Archives Angevines de Naples : Etude sur les registres du Eoi Charles I, 1265-85. 8vo. Paris, 1886. B 35 E 16 DUEEIEU, Xavier. Present State of Morocco : a Chapter of Mussulman Civilisation. 12mo. Lond., 1854. F7 V19 D'UETE, Pierre. Earliest Translation of the Old Testa- ment into the Basque Language. (AnecdotaOxonien- sia.) Sm. 4to. Oxford, 1894. E DUEUY", George. Memoirs of Barras. [See Barras, Paul.] C 21 T 15, 16 DUTHIE, J. F. Fodder Grasses of Northern India, [Illustrated.] 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Eoorkee, 1888. A 20 V 28 DUTHIE, J. F., and FULLEE, J. B. Field and Garde 11 Crops of the North-western Provinces and Oudh. Illustrated. Parts 1 and 2. 4to. Eoorkee, 1882. A 12 S 11, 12f DUTT, Eomesh Chunder. Lays of Ancient India: Selec- tions from Indian Poetry rendered into English Verse. 8vo. Lond., 1894. H 5 T 43 DUTTON, Capt. Clarence Edward. Tertiary History of the Grand Canon District. (U.S. Geol. Survey, 2.) 4to. Wash., 1882. E DUTTON, Dr. Thos. Food and Drink rationally discussed. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 26 E 22 DVOEAK, Antonin. Studies in Modern Music. [See Hadow, "W.H.] C21Q15 DWYEE, Major Francis. Seats and Saddles, Bits and Bitting, Draught and Harness, and the Prevention and Cure of Ee3tiveness in Horses. 4th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1886. A 29 E 20 DWYEE, Eev. P. Siege of Londonderry, 1689. [See Walker, Eev. G.] B 29 T 21 DYCE, Eev. Alex., and FOESTEE, John. Hand-book of the Dyce and Forster Collections in the South Ken- sington Museum. 8vo. Lond., 1880. A 23 E 38 DYEE, B. Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs s their Proper- ties and Uses ; with full text of the Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act, 1893, the Eegulations of the Board of Agriculture, and Notes on the Act by A. J. David. 12mo. Lond., 1894. A 18 Q 46 Some scientific aspects of Cheese-making : a Lecture. (Inst, of Agricult., Lond.) 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 18 E 28 DYEE, Dr. Henry. Tho Evolution of Industry. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 9 T 23 DYEE, Eev. Thos. F. T. Strange Pages from Family Papers. 12mo. Lond., 1895. J 12 T 38 DYKES, Eev. Dr. Jas. Oswald. The Written Word, and other Essays. 12mo. Melb., 1868. MG 1 P 66 E E., J.W. [See Sketches from Life.] E.P.R. [See Eomance of the Bush.] E.W.Y. [See Want of Lucidity.] MJ1Q1 MJ 1 P G4 G 16 S 51 EAGLESON, J. G. Transfer of Land Act of 1890. [See Duffy, F. G.] MF 3 T 59 Liability of Employers : Statutes and Forms. Svo. Melb., 1895. MF 3 T 54 and "WASLEY, J. S. Digest of Eeported Cases in the Supreme Court, Court of Insolvency, and the Courts of Mines in Victoria, 1885-90. Eoy. 8vo. Melb., 1893. MF 1 S 63 84 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. EAEL, Alfred. Practical Lessons in Physical Measure- ment. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1894. A 25 P 24 EAELE, J. The Psalter of the Great Bible of 1539 : a Landmark in English Literature. 8vo. Lond., 1894. G 13 P 38 EAELE, Eev. John. English Prose, its Elements, History, and Usage. 8vo. Lond., 1890. K 18 E 33 EAELT BALLADS, illustrative of History, Traditions, and Customs. Edited by E. Bell. 12mo. Lond., 1861. H 10 T 32 EAELY ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY. Publications. 8 vols. Lond., 1874-94. E Cursor Mundi (The Cursur o the World) : a Northumbrian Poem of the XlVth Century in four versions. Edited by Rev. R. Morris. Vols. 1-3. The Earliest English Translation of De Imitatione Christi. Edited by Dr. J. K. Ingram. History of the Holy Rood-tree. Edited by A. S. Napier. Life of St. Katharine of Alexandria ; by Rev. Dr. J. Capgrave. Lydgate and Burgh's Secrees of Old Philisoffres : a Version of the " Secreta Secretorum." Edited by R. Steele. Romance of Sir Beues of Hamtoun. Edited by Prof. E. Kolbing. EAELY VENETIAN PEINTING ILLITSTEATED. Sm. fol. Venice, 1895. A 36 T 18 % EARWAKEE, John Parsons. The Constables' Account of the Manor of Manchester, 1612-47, and 1743-76. Edited by J. P. Earwaker. 3 vols. Eoy. 8vo. Manchester, 1891-92. B 22 V 13-15 EASDOWN, "W. E. Editha: a Poetical Tale, founded on certain Kentish Legends. 8vo. Sydney, 1883. MH 1 S 36 EAST, J. J. On a Geological Section from the Head of St. Vincent Gulf Eastward across the "Wakefield and Light Eiver Basins. (Trans. Eoy. Soc, S. Australia, 8.) 8vo. Adelaide, 18S6. ME 1 S EAST INDIA CO. Eegister of Letters, &c, of the Gov- ernour and Company of Merchants of London trading into the East Indies, 1600-19. Edited by Sir Geo. Birdwood and W. Poster. Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1893. B29 V2 EASTEE MANOEUVRES of 1885, together with an Account of the Naval Attack on the Heads. 8vo. Sydney, 1885. MA 2 V 59 EATON, ¥m. L. Account of the Movement in Massa- chusetts to close the Eural Schools. 8vo. Boston, 1893. G 18 Q 21 ECCLES, Dr. A. Symons. The Practice of Massage, its Physiological Effects and Therapeutic Uses. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 26 S 22 ECCLESTON, E. H. Handbook for the Tasmanian Artil- lery Volunteers. 12mo. Hobart, 1868. MA 2 P 48 ECHO, The. Oct., 1892-July, 1893. 3 vols. fol. Sydney, 1892-93. ME ECKSTEIN, Ernst. The Art Treasures of Italy. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) A 23 E 23, 24 J ECLECTIC, An. [See Human Life.] ME 4 E 2 ECOLE PEATIQUE DES HAUTES ETUDES. An- nuaire, 1893-95. 8vo. Paris, 1893-95. E ECONOMIC! JOURNAL, The. The Journal of the British Economic Association. Vols. 1-4. 8vo. Lond., 1891-94, E ECONOMIC REVIEW, The. Vols. 1-4. 8vo. Lond., 1891-94. E EDDY, Edward Millar G. Report of the Eoyal Commission appointed to inquire into the charges against E. M. G. Eddy, preferred by W. E. Schey. Fol. Sydney, 1892. ME 2 U 48 EDDY, Dr. Henry Turner. Thermodynamics. 18mo. New York, 1879. A 21 P 17 EDELEELT, E. G. Notes on New Guinea. (Eoy.Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Q. Branch, 2, 3.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1887-89. ME 20 Customs and Superstitions of New Guinea Natives. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Q. Branch 7.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1892. ME 20 EDELMAN, Henry. School History of Peter the Great, Czar of Eussia. 8vo. Melb., 1871. MB 1 P 20 EDGAE, P. S. Map of the Aboriginal Settlement at Flinders Island, surveyed by the Commandant, G. A. Robinson, and copied by F. S. Edgar. Fol. Hobart, 1838. MD 5 Q 16 % EDGAR, Lieut. Thomas. Chart of the West Falkland Islands, 1786-87. Fol. Lond., 1797. MD 1 P 15 J EDGEWORTH, Maria. Life and Letters of. Edited by A. J. C. Hare. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 21 P 5, 6 EDINBURGH, H.R.H. Duke of. Record of the Visit of, to Australia. [See Tulk, A. H.] MD 2 P 24, 25 J EDINBURGH AND LEITH P.O. DIRECTORY, 1893-94. 8vo. Edinb., 1894. E EDINBURGH ARCHITECTURAL ASSOCIATION. Sketch-book, 1875-79. 2 vols. fol. Edinb. (n.d.) A 6 U 3, 4 t EDINBUEGH HOSPITAL REPOETS. Vols. 1 and 2. Roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1893-94. E EDINBUEGH PUBLIC LIBRARY. Catalogue of Books added to the Lending Library, 1890-93. 8vo. Edinb., 1893. K 8 E 22 Catalogue of Books in the Juveniles' Library. 8vo. Edinb., 1893. K 8 E 23 EDINBURGH REVIEW, The: or, Critical Journal. Vol. 176. 8vo. Lond., 1892. E n Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 85 EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY. Calendar, 1892-95. 3 vols. 12mo. Edinb., 1892-94. E EDISON, Thos. A. Life and Inventions of; by W. K. L. and A. Dickson. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 17 U 18 Sketch of. [See Hubert, P. G.— Inventors.] C 17 R 3 EDMONDS, H. H. Sydney Nautical Almanac and Postal Guide, 1893 and 1894. 2 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1893-94. ME6R EDMUND, St., of Canterbury. Life of, from original sources ; by Dr. W. "Wallace. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 16 T 14 EDNIE-BROWN, J. [See Brown, J. Ednie-.] EDUCATIONAL GAZETTE, The, Literary Companion and General Review. Vol. 1. Roy. 8vo. Melb., 1862. ME 8 R EDWARD I., King of England. .[Life of] ; by Prof. T. F. Tout. (Twelve English Statesmen.) 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 13 Q 30 EDWARDS, C. The Witness of Assyria ; or, the Bible contrasted with the Monuments. 12mo. Lond., 1893. G 16 R 46 EDWARDS, Dennis, & Co. The Gold Fields of South Africa. 8vo. Capetown, 1890. A 24 V 11 EDWARDS, Henry. [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L.— Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 EDWARDS, Miss Matilda Barbara Betham-. France of To-day; a Survey Comparative and Retrospective. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894. D 18 R 21, 22 EDWARDS, Rev. Thos. Chas. Hebrews. [See Expositor's Bible.] G'l9 S 17 EDWINSON, George, DENNISS, E. "W., and DUR- RANCE, F. J. Metal Working for Amateurs. Part 1. Brazing and Soldering. Part 2. Practical Gas- fitting. Part 3. Brass Casting at Home. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 25 R 10 EDWORDS, Clarence E. Camp-fires of a Naturalist. 12mo. Lond., 1893. D 14 P 2 EELKING, Capt. M. von. The German Allied Troops in the North American War of Independence, 1776- 83. Translated and abridged by J. G. Rosengarten. Sm. 4to. Albany, 1893. B 17 R 24 EERELMAN, 0. Horses and Dogs. Translated from the Dutch by Clara Bell. 4to. Lond., 1895. A 40 U 4 t EGAN'S TOWN ST. PATRICK'S SOCIETY. Rules and By-laws. 8vo. Daylesford, 1869. MF 2 R 55 EGGELING, Julius. Satapatha-Brahmana. [See Miiller, F. Max.— Sacred Books.] " G 3 S 36 EGINARD. Life of the Emperor Karl, the Great. Translated by Wm. Glaister. 8vo. Lond., 1877. C 13 P 18 EGLESTON, Melville. The Land System of the New England Colonies. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 4.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1886. B 18 S 4 EGLESTON, Dr. Thos. Catalogue of Minerals, with their Formulas, &c., prepared for the Smithsonian Institu- tion. 8vo. Wash., 1863. A 20 V 17 EGLINTON, "Wm. 'Twixt Two Worlds : a Narrative of Life and Works of ; by J. S. Farmer. 4to. Lond., 1886. C 1 W 7 EGYPT EXPLORATION FUND. Ahnas el Medineh (Heracleopolis Magna) with Chapters on Mendes, the Nome of Thoth, and Leontopolis; by Dr. E. Naville. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1894. B 12 T 5 t Archaeological Report, 1892-93. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) E An Atlas of Ancient Egypt. Sm. fol. Lond., 1894. D 13 P 18 t Beni Hasan ; by P. E. Newberry. 4to. Lond., 1893. B 12 T 2, 3 t El Bersheh. Pt. 1. The Tomb of Tehuti Hetep ; by P. E. Newberry. 4to. Lond., 1894. B 2 P 22 f The Festival Hall of Osorkon II. in the Great Temple of Bubastis, 1887-89 ; by Dr. E. Naville. 4to. Lond., 1892. B 12 T 1 1 The Temple of Deir el Bahari ; by Dr. E. Naville. 4to. Lond., 1894. B 2 P 26 f EHA. [See Naturalist on the Prowl.] A28U2 EH RICH, L. R, The Question of Silver. 8vo. New York, 1892. F 8 U 27 EIGENMANN, Dr. Carl H. and Rosa S. A Revision of the South American Nematognathi, or Cat-fishes. 8vo. San Francisco, 1890. A 30 U 14 EIMER, Prof. G. H. T. Organic Evolution as the result of the Inheritance of Acquired Characters according to the Laws of Organic Growth. Translated by J. T. Cunningham. 8vo. Loud., 1890. A 13 T 36 EISSLER, M. The Cyanide Process for the Extraction of Gold. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 24 R 15 ELDER SCIENTIFIC EXPLORING EXPEDITION, 1891-92, Journal of the. 2 vols. 8vo. Adelaide, 1893. MD 8 Q 44, 45 ELECTORS BEWARE; by "Veritas." 8vo. Melb., 1861. MF 4 Q 22 ELECTRIC UNIVERSE, The. Flashing Thoughts and Facts from Many Sources ; by " Torpedo." 8vo. Auckland, 1883. MA 1 V 41 ELECTRICAL WORLD, The. Vols. 23, 24, 1894. Fol. New York, 1894. E 86 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. ELGER, Thos. Gwyn. The Moon : a full Description and Map of its Principal Physical Features. Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 19 V 23 ELIAS, N. The Tarikh-i-Rashidi : or, Mirza Muhammad Haidar DughMt : a History of the Moguls of Central Asia. Translated by E. D. Eoss. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 33 E 1 ELIOT, George. [See Cross, Mrs. M. A.] ELIZABETH, Queen of England. Catalogue of Portraits [See O'Donoghue, E. M.] K 11 E 11 ELIZABETH, Saint, of Hungary. Chronicle of the Life of ; written in French by the Count do Montalembert ; translated by Ambrose Lisle Phillipps. 4to. London, 1839. C 2 "W 24 EL JADY. [See Duncan, Miss^L. J.] ELLEEY, Eobert L. J. A Description of a new Pendulum Apparatus, with half-seconds Pendulums. (Proceed- ings Eoval Society, Victoria, n.s., 6.) 8vo. Melb., 1894. " ME 1 P An improved Ombrograph, or self-registering Bain-gauge. (Eoy. Soc, Vic, 17.) 8vo. Melb., 1881. MB 1 P Monthly Eecord of Results of Observations in Meteoro- logy, Terrestrial Magnetism, &c, during November, 1872, and April, 1874. 8vo. Melb., 1872-74. MEG Q The new Chain Test Range at the Melbourne Observa- tory. (Proceedings, Royal Society, Victoria, n.s., 6.) 8vo. Melb., 1894. ME 1 P Notes on the Eainfall Map recently issued by the Government of Victoria. (Roy. Soc, Vict., 20.) 8vo. Melb., 1884. ME 1 P Eelation between Forest Land and Climate in Victoria. (Eoy. Soc, Vict., 1G.) 8vo Melb., 1880. ME 1 P Tidal Datum of Hobson's Bay. (Eoy. Soc, Vict., 1G.) 8vo. Melb., 1880. ME 1 P ELLES, Herbert L. Supplement to District Court Acts. [See Coffey, W. H.] MF 2 Q G ELLICOTT, Rt. Rev. Chas. John. New Testament Com- mentary for English Eeaders. 6th ed. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1883. G 13 V 33 ELLIOT, Frances. Diary of an Idle Woman in Constanti- nople. 8vo. Lond., 1893. D 18 R 8 Roman Gossip. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 21 Q 10 ELLIOT, Eobert Henry. Gold, Sport, and Coffee Planting in Mysore. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 29 E 11 ELLIOT, S. F. The Canadian Controversy : its Origin, Nature, and Merits. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1838. F 14 E 10 ELLIOTT, Maud Howe. Art and Handicraft in the "Woman's Building of the World's Columbian Exposi- tion, Chicago, 1893. Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1893. A 23 V 9 Sketch of, with Portrait. [See Blathwayt, R. — Inter- views.] J 10 U 34 ELLIOTT, Wm. Australian Gardener. [See Adamson, Wm.] MA IE 53 ELLIS, Lieut.-Col. Alfred Burdon. History of the Gold Coast of West Africa. 8vo. Lond., 1893. B 16 S 3 The Voruba-speaking peoples of the Slave Coast of West Africa, their Religion, Manners, Customs, Laws, Language, &c. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 18 S 24 ELLIS, Annie E. Sylvestra : Studies of Manners in England, 1700-1800. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1881. F 7 V 41, 42 ELLIS, Edwin John. Works of William Blake, poetic, symbolic, and critical. [See Blake, Wm.] J 4 IT 11-13 ELLIS, Havelock. Man and Woman : a Study of Human Secondary Sexual Characters. Illustrated. 8vo. Loud., 1894. A 28 P 3 The Nationalisation of Health. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 12 Q 29 ELLIS, J. H. Chess Sparks ; or, Short and Bright Games of Chess. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 29 T 32 ELLIS, Smith. Preventive for Eust in Wheat. 8vo. Melb., 1890. MA 3 V 23 ELLIS, Wm. A. Wagner's Prose Works. [See Wagner, R.] J 4 S 14, 15 ELLISTON, Eobt. Wm. Life and Enterprises of ; by G. Raymond. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1857. C17P6 ELLOV, Rev. Mgr. Louis. Le Missionnaire des Samoa ; par le Pore A. Monfat. 3rd ed. Svo. Lyon (n.d.) MC 1 T 19 ELSASSER, Chas. Life of Handel. [See Handel, G. F.] MC 1 T 20 ELSNER, Dr. F. Raw Materials and Distillation of Alcohol. [See Stammer, Dr. K.] A 25 Q 39 ELTING, Irving. Dutch Village Communities on the Hudson Eiver. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 4.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1886. B 18 S*4 ELTON, Ch'as. Isaac. Account of Shelley's Visits to France, Switzerland, and Savoy, in 1814 and 1816 ; with extracts from " The History of a six weeks' Tour," and " Letters descriptive of a sail round the Lake of Geneva and of the Glaciers of Chamouni," first pub- lished in 1817. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1894. D 18 Qll and Mary Augusta. The Great Book-Collectors. 8vo. London* 1893. B 14 Q 29 ELTON, O. Danish History of Saxo Grammaticus. [See Folk-lore Society, 33.] E ELVIN, Chas. Norton. Handbook of the Orders of Chivalry, War Medals, and Crosses, with their Clasps and Eibbons, and other Decorations. 4to. Lond., 1893. K 10 T 5 II Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 87 £4, LWELL, Thos. D. An Official Guide to the National Park of New South Wales. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1893. MD 5 E 49 EL WIN, E. F. Bones. [See Taylor, Dr. J. E.— Collect- ing Natural History Objects.] A 29 Q 38 . ELWIN, Eev. Eountain. Sermons preached at the Octa- gon Chapel, Bath. 12mo. Lond., 1842. G 17 Q 51 LY, Dr. Eichard T. The Past and the Present of Poli- tical Economy. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 12.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1884. B 18 S 2 Eccent American Socialism : Early American Com- munism ; Henry George and the Beginnings of Ecvolutionary Socialism; International WorkingMen's Association ; Propaganda of Deed and the Educational Campaign; Socialistic Labor Party; Strength of Eevolutionary Socialism ; Eemedies. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 3.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1885. B18S3 ELYAED, Samuel. Explanation of a Portion of the Prophecies relating to the Jews and the Eomish Papacy, Eoy". 8vo. Nowra, 1887. MG 1 T 20 E MBDEN, Baron Ludwig von. Eamily Life of Heine. [See Heine, H.] . C 16 E 10 EMERSON, Edward Waldo. Emerson iu Concord: a Memoir. 8vo. Lond., 1889. C 21 Q 1 1MEESON, Dr. George B., and FLINT, Chas. L. Manual of Agriculture for the School, the Farm, and the Fireside. New Edition, revised by Prof. C. A. Goessmann. 8vo. New York, 18S5. A 18 Q 34 EMERSON, Dr. 0. F. History of the English Language. 8vo. New York, 1894. J 8 E 12 EMERSON, Ralph Waldo. Select Writings of; with an Introduction by P. Chubb. 12mo. Lond., 1888. J 12 S 36 Essays and Orations. 8vo. Lond., 1853. J 4 U 1 Natural History of Intellect. 8vo. Lond., 1S91. J 9 S 20 Representative Men : Seven Lectures. 12mo. Lond., 1850. C 17 P 10 Emerson in Concord : a Memoir. 8vo. Lond., 1889. C 21 Q 1 Life of; by Dr. E. Garnett. 8vo. Lond., 1888. C 17 S 17 Sketch of. [See Burroughs, J. — Birds and Poets.] J 16 T 38 EMERTON, Dr. Ephraim. Mediaeval Europe, 814-1300. 8vo. Boston, 1894. B 25 Q 24 EMINENT PERSONS : Biographies reprinted from The Times. Vols. 1-4, 1870-90. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1S92-93. C 19 Q 17-20 EMMET, Wm. Le Roy. Alternating Current Wiring and Distribution. 12mo. New York, 1894. A 21 P 44 1 EMMONS, S. F. Geology and Mining Industry of Lead- ville, Colorado ; with atlas. (U.S. Geol. Survey, 12.) 4to. Wash., 1886. E EMPLOYERS, SERVANTS, and REGISTRY OFFICES; or, The Little. Wonder ; by a Great Fool ; and Both Sides of the Question, by W.M. 12mo. Melb., 1865. MF 1 P 77 EMPORIA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Kansas. Catalogue, 1892, 1893. 8vo. Emporia, 1893. E EMPSON, Lieut. Chas. A. Hasty Intrenchments. [See Brialmont, Col. A.] A 29 T 23 ENCYCLOPAEDIA BEITANNICA. Supplement to the 9th ed. 4 vols. 4to. Philad., 1885-92. K2T 16-19 ENC YKLOP^EDIE DEE NATUEWISSENSCHAFTEN Abtheilung 2, Theil 3. Handworterbuch der Chemie ; von Prof. Dr. A. Ladenburg. — Abtheilung 3, Theil 1. Handbuch der Physik ; von Prof. Dr. A. Winkelmann. 2vols. Eoy. 8vo.' Breslau, 1893-94. E ENDICOTT ROCK. Roport of the Commissioners for the preservation, protection, and appropriate designa- tion of the Endicott Rock [Mass., U.S.] 8vo. Con- cord, Mass., 1893. D 18 R 13 ENDLICH, F. M. Manual of Qualitative Blowpipe Analysis and Determinative Mineralogy. 8vo. New York, 1892. A 24 U 19 ENGEL, Carl. Musical Instruments. 8vo. Lond., 1875. A. 23 R 29 ENGINEER, The. Vols. 74-78. Fol. Lond., 1892-94. E ENGINEERING : an Illustrated Weekly Journal. Vols. 54-58. Fol. Lond., 1892-94. E ENGINEERING AND MINING JOURNAL. Statistical Supplement. The Mineral Industry : its Statistics, Technology, and Trade, in the United States and other countries, from the earliest times to the end of 1893. Edited by R. P. Rothwell. Vols. 1 and 2. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1893-94. E ENGINEERING ASSOCIATION OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Minutes of Proceedings. Vols. 6 and 7. 2 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1891-92. ME 1 T ENGINEERING MAGAZINE, The. Vols. 4, 5, Oct., 1892— Nov., 1893. Vol. 7, Apr.-Sept., 1894. Vol. 9, Apr.-Sept., 1895. Fol. New York, 1893-95. E ENGINEERING RECORD, The, Building Record, and the Sanitary Engineer. Vols. 26-29. Fol. New York, 1892-94. E ENGLISH, John. [See Norton, John.] ENGLISH CHARTIST CIRCULAR, The, and Temper- ance Record for England and Wales, 1841-42. Fol. London, 1841-42. E 88 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. ENGLISH DIALECT SOCIETY. Publications of. 9 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1886-94. E Folk-phrases of four Counties : Gloucester, Stafford, War- wick, Worcestershire ; by 6. F. Northall. Glossary of the Lancashire Dialect ; by J. H. Nodal and G. Milner. Glossary of Words used in the County of Chester ; by R. Holland. Glossary of Words used in the County of Northumberland and on Tyneside ; by R. 0. Heslop. 2 vols. Glossary of Wiltshire Words. Northumberland Words ; by Rd. 0. Heslop. Surrey Words ; by G. L. Gower. S.E. Worcestershire Words ; by J. Salisbury. Reports, 1877, 188*, 1887. 3 vols 8to. Manchester, 1877-88. • E ENGLISH EOEESTS AND FOREST TEEES, His- torical, Legendary, and Descriptive. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1853. B 23 T 20 ENGLISH HISTORICAL REVIEW, The. Vols. 7-10. Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1892-95. E ENGLISH ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE. Vols. 1-13. Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1883-95. E ENGLISH MECHANIC AND WORLD OF SCI- ENCE. Vols. 56-59. Sm. fol. Lond., 1893-94. E ENGEAVINGS AND WOOD-CUTS BY OLD MASTEES, reproduced in fac-simile and published under the direction of Dr. P. Lippman. 6 vols. fol. Lond., 1889-95. A 41 P 29-34 J ENKO, Dr. P. Sketch of the St. Petersburg Alexander Institution. 8to. St. Petersburg, 1893. G 18 Q 17 ENLAET, C. Origines Francaises de l'Architecture Gothique en Italic 8vo. Paris, 1894. A 19 V 26 ENEIQUES, E. De Zayas. Los estados unidos Mexi- canos sus condiciones naturales y sus elementos de prosperidad. 4to. Mexico, 1893. D 12 U 7 f ENTOMOLOGIST'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE, The. 2nd Series, vols. 3-5. 8vo. Lond., 1892-94. E EPICTETUS. [Life of.] [See Farrar, Archdeacon F. W. —Seekers after God.] C 21 Q 6 EPILEPTIC AND CRIPPLED, The, Child and Adult : a Report on the Present Condition of these Classes of Afflicted Persons, with Suggestions for their better Education and Employment. (Charity Organisation Series.) 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 12 Q 40 EPISTLE from a Nobleman to a Doctor of Divinity, in answer to a Latin Letter in verse. Sm. fol. Lond., 1733. H 39 Q 13 J EPISTLE from S— r S- fol. Lond., 1727. -o to S- -a E a. Sm. H 39 Q 13 X EPISTLE to a Lady who desired the author to make verses on her in the heroick stile. Sm. fol. Dublin, 1734. H 39 Q 13 + EPISTLE to a young Nobleman from his Preceptor. Sm. fol. Lond., 1736. H 39 Q 13 $ EPPS, Wm. Land Systems of Australasia. 12mo. Lond., 1894. MF 3 P 5 EQUAL LEGAL STATUS, The, of all Churches in the Australian Colonies : Result of the meeting of the Presbyterian inhabitants of Van Dietnen's Land, held in St. Andrew's Church, Hobart Town, on August, 12th, 1846. 8vo. Hobart, 1851. MG 2 Q 25 ERASMUS ROTERDAMUS, Desiderius. Life and Letters of; by J. A. Froude. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 18 T 10 ERCILLA I ZUNIGA, Don. A. de. La Araucana de. [See Konig, A.] H 5 U 38 EEICHSEN, Sir John Eric. The Science and Art of Surgery. 10th ed., by Drs. M. Bock and E. Johnson. 2vols."8vo. Lond., 1895. A 33 T 25, 26 ERICSSON, John. Sketch of. [See Hubert, P. G.— Inventors.] C 17 R 3 EEMAN, Adolf. Life in Ancient Egypt. Translated by Helen Mary Tivard. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond , 1894. B 27 V 17 ERNEST, J. A. Gracum Lexicon Manualc. [See Hede- rich, B.] J 12 V 1 t ERNST, "W. Memoirs of the Life of Philip Dormer, fourth Earl of Chesterfield. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 15 P 13 ERRERA, Leo. The Russian Jews, Extermination or Emancipation ? Translated by Bella Lowy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. B 31 T 10 EESKINE, Hon. J. Journal of, 1683-87. (Scottish History Society, 14.) 8vo. Edinb., 1893. E ESCOTT, Thos. Hay Sweet. Randolph Spencer Churchill as a Product of his Age. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 19 V 11 Platform, Press, Politics, and Play : being Pen and Ink Sketches of Contemporary Celebrities from the Tone to the Thames, via Avon and Isis. 8vo. Bristol, 1895. C 19 V 5 ESP1NASSE, Francis. Life of Ernest Renan. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 21 T 12 Literary Recollections and Sketches. 8vo. Lond , 1893. C 18 T 3 ESPINOZA, E. Geografia descriptiva de la Eepiiblica de Chile. 8vo. Santiago, 1892. D 15 P 16 ESSAI de Grammaire de la Langue de Viti, d'apres les Manuscrits des Missionnaires Maristes Coord onnes ; par. le p. A.C. s.m. 8vo. Paris, 1884. MK 1 R 48 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 89 ESSEX, Earl of. The Hearse of the renowned the Et. Hon. Eobert Earl of Essex. [See Bibliotheca Curiosa.] J 18 Q 39 ESTIENNE, Antoine. Charitable Eemonstrance addressed to the Wives and Maidens of Prance, touching their » dissolute adornments. [See Collectanea Adainantsea.] J 18 E 32 ETHEBIDGE, Eobert, jun. An Australian Aboriginal Musical Instrument. (Anthropol. Inst., 23.) 8vo. Lond., 1893. E Australian and Tasmanian Aborigines. [See N. S. Wales Geological Survey, Memoirs.— Palaeontology, 8.] ME The Geology and Palaeontology of Queensland and New Guinea. [See Jack, E. L.] MA 2 E 46-48 A highly ornate " sword " from the Coburg Peninsula, North Australia. (Anthropol. Inst., 24.) 8vo. Lond., 1894. E The largest Australian Trilobite hitherto discovered. (Proceedings Eoyal Society, Victoria, n.s., 6.) 8vo. Melb., 1894. ME 1 P On a modification of the Australian Aboriginal Weapon, termed the Leonile, Langeel, Bendi, or Buccan. (An- thropol. Inst., 23.) 8vo. Lond., 1893. E The Mirrn Tong Heaps at N.W. Bend, Eiver Murray. (Trans. Bov. Soc, S. Australia, 17.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1893. ME 1 S An Operculum from the Lilydalc Limestone. (Proceed- ings Eoyal Society, Victoria, n.s., 6.) 8vo. Lond., 1894. ME 1 P Eush Basket from the Northern Territory of South Australia. (Anthropol. Inst , 23.) 8vo. Lond., 1893. E Melb., 1869. MA 3 S 62 ETLEE, Chas. What is Electricity ? 8vo. ETTEICK SHEPHEED, The. [See Hogg, James.] EUCLIDES. Pirst Six Books of the Elements of Euclid, in which coloured diagrams and symbols are used instead of letters; by 0. Byrne. 4to. Lond., 1847. A 25 V 24 EUMENES. Life of. [See Plutarch.] MC 1 E 45 EUEIPIDES. Euripides tho Eationalist. [See Verrall, Dr. A. W.] G 14 Q 28 Euripides as a Eeligious Teacher. [See Westoott, Rt. Eev. B. P. — Eeligious Thought in the West.] G 2 U 37 Life and Works of; by J. P. Mahaffy. 12mo. Lond., 1879. J 16 P 37 Phcenissae. [See Trollope, W.] H 3 S 37 EVANS, Arthur J. History of Sicily. [See Preeman, Dr. E. A.] B 30 U 11 EVANS, Chas. H. Table of the average ad valorem rates under the tariff of 1883 ; Mills Bill of 1888 ; Tariff of 1890; House Bill 4861 as it passed the House and also as amended by the Senate and passed July 2 ; computed on the basis of the import values of 1893. 8vo. Wash., 1894. P 11 TJ 5 EVANS, Elwood. The State of Washington. 8vo. Wash., 1893. B 18 E 11 EVANS, G. E. [See Antipodean, The.] ME EVANS, Eev. G. W. D. The Classic and Connoisseur in Italy and Sicily. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1835. D 18 V 6-8 EVANS, Howard. " Noblesse Oblige." Our Old Nobility. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) C 17 P 17 EVANS, J. G. Book of Llan Dav. [See Welsh Text Society.] E EVANS, Maria Millington. Chapters on Greek Dress. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 23 T 18 EVANS, Eichardson. Lord Amherst, &c. [See Eitchie, Anne.] C 14 P 26 EVENING HOUBS; or, Unpublished Gatherings and Experience of a Lifetime ; by " A Freemason." Vol. 2. 12mo. Melb., 1869. MJ 1 P 57 EVENING MAIL, The. Oct., 1881— Aug., 1882. Pol. Melb., 1881-82. ME EVENING NEWS. Oct., 1882-Dec., 1895. 13 vols, fol. Sydney, 1892-95. ME EVEEETT, Prof. Joseph David. Treatise on Natural Philosophy. [See Deschanel, A. P.] A 28 TJ 10 EVETTS, Basil Thos. A. Churches and Monasteries of Egypt. [See Abu Salih.] G 16 U 20 New Light on the Bible and tho Holy Land ; being an Account of some Eecent Discoveries in the East. 8vo. Lond., 1892. G 2 S 32 EWALD, Alex. Chas. The Spectator: Selected Essays, with Notes. [See Addison, J.] J 12 T 26 EWAET, Henry C. [Life of] William Wordsworth. [See Masson, Prof. D. — In the Footsteps of the Poets.] J 6E43 EWAET, Lieut. J. S. Historical Eecords of the 79th Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders. [See Mackenzie, Capt. T. A.] B 22 E 5 EWING, Prof. J. A. The Steam Engine and other Heat Engines. 8vo. Cambridge, 1894. A 22 S 14 EWING, Eev. E. K. [Lecture replying to objections against Phrenology. 12mo. Launceston, 1852. MA 2 P 29 Moses and Colenso : ten Lectures. 8vo. Hobart, 1864. MG 2 E 43 EWING, Eev. T. C. Dr. Vaughan answered by the highest historical authorities. The Ancient Church and Faith of England not Eomish, but Apostolic. 8vo. Sydney, 1875. MG 1 S 15 EXAMINATION of some recent writings about immor- tality. [See Eeligious Pamphlets, 1.] G 9 V 16 90 Supplementally Catalogue — 1893-95. EXERCISES on the parallel bars from a medical point of view. 8vo. Milwaukee (n.d.) G18R35 EX- MEMBER of the National Anti-Corn Law League, An. [See Our National Duties.] MF 2 Q 78 EXPERIENCED AUSTRALIAN COOK, An. [See May, Mrs. Walter.] EXPERIENCED CHIROPODIST, An. [See Art of Preserving the Eeet.] A 33 P 2 EXPOSITOR'S BIBLE, The. Edited by Rev. Dr. W. R. Nicoll. 42 vols. 8vo. Lond.; 1887-94. G 19 R and S. Acts of the Apostles ; by Rev. Dr. G. T. Stokes. Chronicles ; by Prof. W. H. Bennett. Colossians ; by Rev. I). A. MacLaren. 1 Corinthians ; by Rev. Dr. M. Dods. 2 Corinthians ; by Rev. J. Denney. Ecclesiastes ; by Rev. Dr. S. Cox. Ephesians ; by Rev. G-. G. Fiudlay. Esther ; by Prof. W. F. Adeney. Exodus; by Rev. Dr. Gr. A. Chadwick. Ezra ; by Prof. W. F. Adeney. Galatians ; Rev. G. Findlay. Genesis ; by Rev. Dr. M. Dodds. Hebrews ; by Rev. Dr. T. C. Edwards. Isaiah, 1-66 ; by Rev. Dr. a. A. Smith. Jeremiah ; by Rev. C. J. Ball. Job ; by Rev. Dr. R. A. Watson. Joshua ; by Rev. Dr. W. Gr. Blaikic. Judges; by Rev. Dr. R. A. Wa'son. 1 Kings ; by Archdeacon Farrar. 2 Kings ; by Archdeacon Farrar. Leviticus ; by Rev. Dr. S. H. Kellogg. Nehemiah ; by Prof. W. F. Adeney. Numbers; by Rev. D. R. A. Watson. Pastoral Epistles ; by Rev. Dr. A. Plummer. Philemon ; by Rev. Dr. A. MacLaren. Philippians ; by Rev. Dr. R. Rainy. Proverbs ; by R. F. Horton. Psalms, 1-150 ; by Rev. Dr. A. MacLaren. Revelation ; by Rev. Dr. W. Milligan. Romans ; by H. C. Gr. Moule. Ruth ; by Rev. Dr. R. A. Watson. St. James ; by Rev. Dr. A. Plummer. St. John, Gospel of ; by Rev. Dr. M. Dods. St. John, Epistle of; by Wm. Alexander, Bishop of Derry. St. Jude; by Rev. Dr. A. Plummer. St. Luke ; by Rev. II. Burton. St. Mark ; by Rev. Dr. G. A. Chadwick. St. Matthew; by Rev. Dr. J. M. Gibson. St. Peter ; by Rev. Dr. J. R. Lumbv. 1 Samuel ; by Rov. Dr. W. G. Blaikie. 2 Samuel ; by Rev. Dr. W. G. Blaikie. Thessalonians ; by Rev. J. Denney. E NA'S ANSWER TO S- fol. London, 1727. -NO'S EPISTLE. Sm. II 39 Q 13 J FABER, Rev. Francis Atkinson. Brief Sketch of the Early Life of Rev. Dr. F. W. Faber. 12ino. Lond 18G9. C 18 P 16 FABER, Rev. Dr. Frederick Wm. Life and Letters of ; by J. E. Bowden. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1869. C 18 P 17 Brief Sketch of the Early Life of; by F. A. Faber. 12mo. Lond., 1869. C 18 P 16 FABRE, Paul. La Biblioteque du Vatican au 15 l Siecle. [See Muntz, E.] J 7 TJ 34 Etude sur le Liber Censuum de l'Eglise Romaine. (Bibliotheque des Ecoles Franyaises d'Athenes et de Rome, 62 e . Fascicule.) 8vo. Paris, 1892. G13P35 FAIRBAIRN, James. Fairbairn's Book of Crests of the Families of Great Britain and Ireland ; revised and brought down to the present date, by A. C. Fox- Davies. 2 vols. 4to. Edinb., 1892. K 10 V 26, 27 FAIRBAIRN, Sir Peter. Sketch of. [See Smith, G. B.— Leaders of Modern Industry] C 14 P 14 FAIRBAIRN, Sir Wm. Sketch of. [See Smith, G. B.— • Leaders of Modern Industry.] C 14 P 14 FAIRCHILD, D. G. Bordeaux Mixture as a Fungicide. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1894. A 32 T 13 FAIRHOLT, Frederick Wm. Eccentric and Remarkable Characters. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1853. C 14 P 33 FAITH AND DUTY OF A CHRISTIAN, The. 12ino. Hobart, 1851. MG 1 P 69 FALCONER, J. Queensland Gold Deposits. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 1.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1884. ME 1 T FALKLAND, Lord. Essay on. [See Arnold, M.— Mixed Essays.] JUT 25 FALLOWS, Rev. Dr. Samuel. Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms. 12mo. Lond., 1895. J9P25 FAMILY JO MILLER, The; a Drawing-room Jest- book. 12mo. Lond., 1848. J 7 R 57 FAMOUS PAINTINGS OF THE WORLD j a Collec- tion of Photographic Reproductions of great Modern Masterpieces. Ob. imp. 8vo. New York, 1894. A3 R22 f FANNING, J. T. Practical Treatise on Hydraulic and Water-Supply Engineering. 8vo. New York, 1882. A 22 S 7 FANSHAWE, Adrn. Sir E. G. Sir Hew Dalrymple at Gibraltar and in Portugal, 1808. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 13 V 11 FARADAY, Michael. Sketch of. [See Thorpe, Dr. T. E. — Historical Chemistry.] C 17 R 2 FARMER, A. Present Condition of Agriculture in N.S.W. [See Agriculture] MA 1 Q 71 FARMER AND STOCK-BREEDER, The. New Series. Vols. 5-7. Pol. Lond., 1892-94. E FARMER, John S. 'Twixt Two Worlds > a narrative of the Life and Work of William Eglinton. 4to. Lond., 1886. C 1 W 7 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 91 FARMER, John 8., and HENLEY. Wm. Ernest. Slang and its Analogues, Past and Present : a Dictionary, Historical and Comparative, of the Heterodox Speech of all Classes of Society for more than 300 years. Vol. 3. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1893. Libr. FARQUHAE, George. The Beaux' Stratagem : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 2.] H 2 S 34 The Constant Couple ; or, a Trip to the Jubilee : a Comedy. [See Loudon Stage, 2.] H 2 S 34 The Inconstant : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 1.] H2 S33 The Eecruiting Officer : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 1.] H 2 S 33 FAEQUHAE, II. New Zealand Echinoderms. (Trans. N.Z. Inst., 27.) 8vo. Wellington, 1894. ME 2 E 1st and 2nd Kings. G 19 E 9, 10 FAEEAE, Ven. Frederick Wm [See Expositor's Bible.] The Life of Christ as represented in Art. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 23 TJ 22 An Interview with, on Poets and Preachers ; with Portrait. [See Blathwayt, E. — Interviews.] J 10 U 34 Seekers after God. 8vo. Lond. (u.d.) C 21 Q 6 FAEEEE, Eev. Edmund. Tho Church Heraldry of Norfolk. 3 vols. 8vo. Norwich, 1887-93. B 23 T 15-17 FATJCON, Maurice. La Librairio des Papes d' Avignon, 1316-1420. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1S8G-87. J7IT21, 22 FAVENC, Ernest. The Last of Six : Tales of the Austral Tropics. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MJ 2 S 47 The Secret of the Australian Desert. 12mo. Lond., 189G. MJ 3 Q 42 FAVILLA NUNES, J. P. Eio de Janeiro, 1893. 1893. Eecenseamento do Estado do Eoy. 8vo. Eio de Janeiro, E FAWCETT, Mrs. Millicent G. Life of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 17 P 31 FAWCETT, W. Economic Plants: an Index to Economic Products of the Vegetable Kingdom in Jamaica. 8vo. Jamaica, 1891. A 20 S Hi FAWKES, F. The Works of Anacrcon, Sappho, Bion, Moschus and Muswus. Translated from the original Greek. 12mo. Lond., 1700. II 9 U 28 FAXON, Chas. E. Silva of South America. Illustrated. [See Sargent, C. S.] A 40 S 24 X FAXON, Walter. Bibliography of Crustacea. [See Harvard University. — Bulletins of Museum of Comparative Zoology.] A 30 U 37 Descriptions of new species of Cambarus, to which is added a synonymical list of the known species of Cambarus and Astacus. 8vo. (n.p.) 1881. A 30 U 24 FEAENE, Chas. Essay on the Learning of Contingent Eemainders and Executory Devises. 9th ea\; by C. Butler. Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1831. F 7 U 20 FEDEEAL ASSOCIATION of the Australian Colonies. [See Great Britain and Ireland — Federation.] FEEBLE-MINDED, The, Child and Adult: a Eeport on an Investigation of the Physical and Mental Condition of 50,000 School Children. (Charity Organisation Series.) 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 13 P 2 FEILDEN, Henry St. Clair. History of England. 2nd ed Short Constitutional 12mo. Oxford, 1887. B24Q7 FEISTMANTEL, Dr. Ottokar. Relations of the Coal and Plant-bearing Beds of Palaaozoic and Mesozoic Age in Eastern Australia and Tasmania. [See N. S. Wales Geological Survey, Memoirs. — Palaeontology, 3.] ME FEITII, J. A., en HEERES, J. E. Groningsche Volks- almanak voor het jaar 1893. 8vo. Groningen, 1892. D 18 R 25 FELIX, M. Minucius. Writings of. (Ante-Nicene Christ. Lib.) 8vo. Edinb., 1869. G 14 U 13 FELKIN, Henry M. and Emmie. Introduction to Herbart's Science and Practice of Education. 8vo Lond., 1895. G 18 P 33 FELLOW OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSI- CIANS, A. [See Diet and Cookery.] A 22 Q 14 FEMALE SCHOOL OF INDUSTRY. [See Sydney Female School of Industry.] FENN, Chas. The Civil Jurisdiction of the Local Courts of South Australia. Svo. Adelaide, 1872. MF 2 R 37 FENNELL, Chas. A. M. The Stanford Dictionary of Anglicised Words and Phrases. Svo. Camb., 1892. K 16 U 24 FENTON, F. W. This Side Up : a Hamper of Holiday Fare. Svo. Mclb. (n.d.) MJ 3 Q 5 FENTON, James. Bush Life in Tasmania fifty years ago. 12mo. Lond., 1891. MD 1 Q 36 FENTON, James J. Calculating Slide-rule. (Roy. Soc, Vict., 22.) Svo. Melb., 1886. ME 1 P Public Finances, Loans, and Statistics of Australia and Tasmania. 8vo. Melb., 1888. MF 4 Q 15 FEN WICK, Lieut. Extracts from my Diary, being tho Accouut of the preparation for, and successful accom- plishment of, an attack on Sydney Harbour ; by a Russian Naval Captain. Svo. Sydney, 1883. MA 1 U 53 FERGUSON, A. M. & John. All about Tobacco, in- cluding Practical Instructions for Planting, Cultiva- tion, and Curing of the Leaf. 8vo. Colombo, 1889. A 18 T 32 Tropical Agriculturalist. [See Tropical Agriculturalist.] E 92 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. FEBGUSON, C. Sailing Directions for Port Phillip, in the Colony of Victoria, including the Ports of Melbourne and Geelong. 8vo. Melb., 1854. MD 6 E 24 FERGUSON, Prof. Henry. Essays in American History. 12mo. New York, 1894. B 18 Q 8 PEBGUSON, John. Ceylon in 1893, describing the Progress of the Island since 1803, its present Agri- cultural and Commercial Enterprises, and its un- equalled Attractions to Visitors. Map and Illustra- tions. 8vo. Lond., 1893. D 17 B 15 The Ceylon Hand-book and Directory, 1893-91. 8vo. Colombo, 1893. E All about Tobacco. [See Ferguson, A. M.] A 18 T 32 FEBGUSON, B. Swiss Men and Swiss Mountains. 12mo. Lond., 1853. D 19 P 6 FEBGUSON, Eichard Saul. History of Westmorland. 8vo. Lond., 1894. B 22 E 3 FEBGUSSON, James. History of Architecture in all Countries, from the earliest times to the present day. Edited by E. P. Spiers. 3rd ed. Vols. 1, 2. Boy. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 19 T 11, 12 History of Indian and Eastern Architecture. Illus- trated. Boy. 8vo. Lond., 1876. A 19 T 12 FEBGUSSON & MITCHELL, Messrs. Tasmanian Scenery. Obi. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MD 4 P 7 t FEBNIQUE, Emmanuel. Inscriptions inedites du Pays des Marses. 8vo. Paris, 1879. B 35 B 10 Etude sur Preneste ville du Latium. 8vo. Paris, 1880. B35B9 FEENOW, B. E. Eeports of the Chief of the Division of Forestry. [See United States — Department of Agriculture.] E What is Forestry P 8vo. Wash., 1891. A 32 E 2 FEEBEIBA DA SILVA, Dr. Antonio A. A capital do estado do Bio do Janeiro, estudos de Demographia Sanitaria durante 34 annos. 8vo. Bio de Janeiro, 1893. F 11 U 9 FE REE RO, Wm. The Female Offender. [See Lombroso, Prof. C] F 2 V 5 FEEBIER, Dr. David. Forensic Medicine. [See Guy, Dr. W. A.] F 11 U 14 FEEBIER, Major E. Journal of, 1087. [See Camden Socs. Pubs., 53.] E FEREIEB, W. F. Catalogue of a Stratigraphical Col- lection of Canadian Bocks. (Geol. Survey of Canada.) Boy. 8vo. Ottawa, 1893. E Another copy, prepared for the World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Roy. 8vo. Ottawa, 1893. A 24 TJ 23 FEERONNAYS, Pauline de la. [See Craven, Mrs. Augustus.] C 21 P 3, 4 FESQUET, A. A. Guide for Coach Painters. [See Arlot, M.] A 25 Q 38 FETHERSTONHAUGH, Cuthbert. The Meat Export Trade. 8vo. Sydney, 1894. MF 3 Q 86 FEUILLET, Octave. (Euvres Completes. Theatre Complet. Tomes 1-4. 8vo. Paris, 1892-93. J 11 Q 52-55 FEWKES, J. Walter. Bibliography of Acalephs. [See Harvard University. — Bulletins of Museum of Comparative Zoology.] A 30 U 37 On the Development of Agalma. 8vo. Camb., Mass., 1885. A 30 U 26 FICHTE, Johann Gottleib ; by Prof. E. Adamson. (Philosophical Classics.) 12mo. Edinb., 1881. G9 V4 FIDLEE, Prof. T. Claxton. Bridge Construction : being a Text- book on the Design and Construction of Bridges in Iron and Steel. 2nd ed., illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 23 S 13 FIELD, Cyrus West. Sketch of. [See Stoddard, W. O.— Men of Business.] C 16 B 19 FIELD, George. Chromatography. [See Taylor, J. S.] A 23 B 39 FIELD, Henry M. The Barbary Coast. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1893. D 14 S 17 FIELD, Marshall. Sketch of. [See Stoddard, W. O.— Men of Business.] C 16 B 19 FIELD, Michael. Stephania : a trialogue. 8vo. Lond., 1892. H 1 Q, 2 FIELD, The, the FARM, the GARDEN: the Country Gentleman's Newspaper. Vols. 80-84. Fol. Lond., 1892-93. E FIELDE, Adele M. A Corner of Cathay : Studies from Life among the Chinese. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. New York, 1894. D 17 Q 20 FIELDEN, J. C. Freetrade v. Beciprocity. 8vo. Man- chester, 1891. F 10 U 8 FIELDING, Henry. The Miser : a Comedy. [See Lon- don Stage, 1.] 112 S 33 The Mock Doctor; or, the Dumb Lady Cured. [See London Stage, 2.] H 2 S 34 The Virgin Unmasked : a Musical Farce. [See London Stage, 3.] H 2 S 35 FIENNES, Gerard. Federation of Working Men's Social Clubs : what it is, and what it may be. [See Knapp, J. M. — The Universities and the Social Problem.] F8U22 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 93 FIESCHI, Count dc. Conspiracy of, against the Bepub- lick of Genoua, 1547. [See Bibliotheca Curiosa.] J 18 Q 34 FIGUIEB, Louis. L'Annee Scientifique et Industrielle, 1890-93. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1891-94. E FIJNJE VAN SALVEEDA, J. G. W. Aerial Navi- gation. Translated by G. E. Waring. 12mo. New York, 1894. A 22 Q 16 E1LLMOEE, Millard. Sketch of. [See Thompson, E. W. — Eecollections of Sixteen Presidents.] C 18 T 21, 22 Sketch of. [See Wilson, J. G. — Presidents of the United States.] C 2 V 30 FILMOBE, Lewis. Faust. [See Goethe, J. W. von.] II 1 S 45 FINANCIAL EEFOEM ALMANACK, 1893-95: a Vade Mecum for Fiscal Eeformers, Free-traders, Politicians, Public Speakers, and Writers. 3 vols, roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893-95. E FINCK, Henry T. Lotos Time in Japan. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. D 17 T 18 FINDLAY, Lieut. C. Historical Eecords of the 79th Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders. [See Mackenzie, Capt. T. A.] B 22 E 5 FINDLAT, Eev. G. G. Galatians and Ephesians. [See Expositor's Bible.] G 19 S 11, 12 FINDLAY, Sir George. The Working and Management of an English Eailway. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 8 TJ 2 ' INLAND in the 19th Century ; by Finnish Authors. Illustrated by Finnish Artists. 4to., Helsingfors, 1894. B 40 T 1 J FIN LAY, A. K. The Phylloxera : a short treatise on the Vine Destroyer, with a Eeport upon the Bi-sulphide of Carbon Treatment, by M. Marion. 12mo. Melb., 1880. MA 1 P 51 FINLEY, Lieut. John P. Certain Climatic Features of the two Dakotas. Illustrated. 4to. Washington, 1893. A 15 Q 3 t FINN, Edmund. Der Eggsberiences ov Hans Schwartz. 8vo. Melb., 1878. MJ 1 Q 49 FINNAMOEE, John. Enderby : a tragedy. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MH 1 Q 25 Francesca Vasari : a tragedy. 8vo. Melb., 18G5. MH 1 S 32 FINSCH, Dr. O. Birds collected in Tongatabu, Fiji, New Hebrides, and Tahiti. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J.— Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger.'] A 6 f FIRESIDE JOURNAL, The, and Oddfellow: a Miscellany of Literature, Amusement, and Eomance. Fol. Lond., 1842-43. E FIEMINGEE, Walter K. Eeligion. [See Moliuari, G. de.] G 16 Q 40 FIETH, C. H. The Clarke Papers. [See Camden Society.] E Memoirs of Lieut-Gen. E. Ludlow, 1625-72. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1894. C 17 S 8, 9 Scotland and the Commonwealth : Letters and Papers relating to the Military Government of Scotland, from 1651-Dec. 1653. (Scottish Historv Soc, 18.) 8vo. Edinb., 1895. E FISCHER, Kuno. Francis Bacon of Verulam : Eealistic Philosophy and its Age. 8vo. Lond., 1857. G 13 S 43 FISCHER, Dr. Paul. Manuel de Conchyliologie et de Paleontologie Conchyliologique, ou Histoire Naturelle des Mollusques vivants et fossiles. [Illustrated.] Eoy. 8vo. Paris, 1887. A 30 TJ 4 FISHEE, Eobt. Alex. Digest of the Eeported Decisions of the Courts of Common Law, Bankruptcy, Probate, Admiralty, and Divorce, together with a selection from those of the Court of Chancery and Irish Courts, 1756-1883 ; founded on Fisher's Digest, by John Mews, assisted by C. M. Chapman, H. H. W. Sparham, and A. H. Todd. 7 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1884. F 12 V 3-9 FISHER'S Drawing-room Scrap-book. [See Norton, Hon. Mrs. C. E. S.] H 2 V 7, 8 PISKE, John. The Critical Period of American History, 1783-89. 8vo. Lond., 1891. B 17 Q 15 Cyclopaedia of American Biography. [See Appleton & Co.] C 16 TJ 1-6 Life and Letters of E. L. Youmans. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 16 E 21 FISON, E. Herbert. Flocks and Fleeces ; being a concise History of the Sheep and its Wool in all Countries, with a special chapter on the Frozen M utton Industry. 8vo. Lond., 1894. MA 2 V 50 FISON, Eev. L. Notes on the Customs of Mota, Banks Islands. (Eoy. Soc, Via, 16.) 8vo. Melb., 1880. ME 1 P FITZGEEALD, Edward. Letters of, to Fanny Kemble, 1871-83. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 19 T 15 FITZGERALD, G. P. President's Address delivered by, at the distribution of prizes, Board of Technical Edu- cation, Hobart, Tasmania ; also, ceremony in connec- tion with the laying of the foundation-stone of the Hobart Technical School, 1889. Svo. Hobart, 1889. MG2S3 FITZGEEALD, George Eobt. "Fighting Fitzgerald." [Life of], 1748-86: by G. Le G. Norgate. (Lives of Twelve Bad Men.) Svo. Lond., 1894. C 18 T 9 FITZ GEEALD, Mrs. P. F. A Protest against Agnosticism j the Eationale or Philosophy of Belief. 8vo. Lond., 1890. G 18 Q 2 Treatise on the Principles of Sufficient Eeason : a Psychological Theory of Eeason. 8vo. Lond., 1887. G2T28 94 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. FITZGERALD, Percy H. Henry Irving : a Record of Twenty Tears at the Lyceum. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C8P2 London City Suburbs as they are to-day. 4to. Lond., 1893. D 19 V 9 Principles of Comedy and Dramatic Effect. 8vo. Lond., 1870. H 4 TJ 27 Memoirs of an Author. 2 vols. Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 21 11 15, 16 Stonyhurst Memoirs ; or, Six Tears at School. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 18 Q 28 The World's own Book, or the Treasury of a'Kempis. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 15 S 25 FITZGERALD, E. D. In Memory of ; Poem by Eev. Dr. W. Woolls. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MA 1 It 1 % FITZGIBBON, Edmond Gerald. Government by Com- mittees : all Members all Ministers. 8vo. Melb., 1872. MF 2 T 74 Parliamentary Reform. 8vo. Melb., 1875. MJ 3 Q 1G Party Government and Suggestions for Better. 8vo. Melb., 1893. MF 3 Q 82 FITZGIBBON, Col. James. A Veteran of 1812; by Mary A. Fitzgibbon. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 18 P 24 FITZMATTRICE, Edmond, Lord. Life of Sir W. Petty. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 21 S 17 FITZPATRICK, John. The Australian Cricket Record. 1894-95. 12mo. Sydney, 189G. MA 3 U 25 FITZ-STMON, James A. Report upon the State of Secondary and Normal Education in the Argentine Republic. 8vo. La Plata, 1893. G 18 S 15 FITZ-STUBBS, Madeline. The Cicada Gavotte. Fol. Sydney, 1893. MA 7 Q 31 t FLAGG, J. B. Life and Letters of Washington Allston, 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 12 TJ 30 FLAMMARION, Camille. La Planete Mars, et ses conditions d'habitabilite. Imp. 8vo. Paris, 1892. A 19 V 17 Popular Astronomy. Translated by J. E. Gore. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 19 V 22 FLAXMAN. John. Illustrations of the Odyssey and Iliad of Homer. [See Homer.] H 9 U 4, 5 ; H 9 P 13, 14 FLEISCHMANN, Dr. Wilhelm. Das Molkereiwesen. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1876. • A 18 U 15 FLEMING, Prof. J. A. Electric Lamps and Electric Lighting. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 21 S 27 FLETCHER, John. Works of. [See Beaumont, P.] II 2 TJ 26, 27 FLETCHER, Rev. Joseph H. The Second Century of Australian History and the Christian Principles most likely to influence it. 8vo. Melb., 1888. MG 2 Q 28 FLETCHEE, Joseph J. The Macleay Memorial Volume. [See Linnean Soc. of N.S.W.] MA 2 Q 1 f FLETCHER, Price. Hints to New-comers. [St* Wright, T.— The Queensland Horticulturist.] MA 1 P 59 FLETCHER, Dr. Robt. Index Medicus. [St* Index Medicus.] E FLETCHER, Wm. The Steam Jacket. 2nd ed., illus- trated. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 22 Q 39 FLETCHER, Rev. Dr. Wm. Works of Lactantius. [See Lactantius.] G 14 TJ 21, 22 FLETCHER, Wm. I. Public Libraries in America. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1894. J 5 P 18 Index to General Literature. Imp. 8vo. Boston, 1893. Libr. Index to Periodical Literature. [See Poole, W. F.] Libr_ FLETCHER, Rev. Wm. Roby. Buddha and Buddhism, with some sketches of the Rock Temples of Damboola and the Ruins of Anuradhapura in Ceylon. 12mo. Adelaide, 1893. MG 1 P 68 Biographical Sketch of; with Selections from his Lectures, Sermons, &c, by the Rev. J. J. Halley. 12mo. Adelaide, 1895. MC 1 S 16 FLETCHER, Wm. T. Bookbinding in France. (Port- folio Monograph, 10.) Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. E FLEURI, G. From Number to Quaternion. (Journal Roy. Soc, N.S.W., 28.) 8vo. Sydney, 1894. ME1R FLEURT, Lame. L'Histoire Moderne, 1434-1763, racontee a la jeunesse. 2 vols. 18mo. Paris, 1875. B 25 P 6, 7 FLINDERS, Capt. Matthew. Chart of part of the Coast of New South Wales, from Ram Head to Northumber- land Isles, 1800. Fol. Lond., 1801. MD 1 P 15 + Chart of Bass's Strait. Fol. Lond., 1800. MD 1 P 15 t [Charts of] Port Dalrymple, on the Coast of Van Die- men's Land, Furneaux's Islands, Twofold Bay, on the EasJ Coast of New South Wales. Fol. Lond., 1801 . MD 1 P 15 J Plan of the Settlement of New South Wales. [See Grimes, C] MD 1 P 15 J FLINT, Chas. L. Manual of Agriculture. [See Emerson, G. B.] A 18 Q 34 FLINT, Prof. Robert. Vico. (Philosophical Classics for English Readers.) Svo. Edinb., 1884. G 9 V 9 Socialism. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 14 TJ 8 UN IV Supplementary Ca ta logue — 1893-95 . 95 FLINT, Weston. Statistics of Public Libraries in the United States and Canada. 8vo. Wash , 1893. J 5T28 FLORIDA. Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture, 1891-92. 8vo. Tallahassee, 1893. E FLORIDA STATE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the sixth Annual Meeting, held at Pensacola, Florida, April, 1893. 8vo. Tallahassee, 1893. E FLOWERS of Australia. Fol. (n.p.n.d.) MA 2 P 31 X FLUGEL, Dr. F. Universal English-German and Ger- man-English Dictionary. Second Part. German and English. Imp. 8vo. Brunswick, 1894. J 7 V 25 FOCK, Dr. Andreas. Introduction to Chemical Crystallo- graphy. Translated by W. J. Pope. 8vo. Oxford, 1895." A 21 R 32 FOELSCHE, Paul. Notes on the Aborigines of North Australia. (Trans. Roc. Soc, S. Australia, 5.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1882. ME 1 S FOLK-LOBE : a Quarterly Review of Myth, Tradition, Institution, and Custom. Vols. 3-5. 8vo. Lond., 1892-91. E FOLK-LORE SOCIETY. Publications, vols 29, 31, 33, 35, and 37. 8vo. Lond., 1892-95. E 29, 35. The Denham Tracts. Edited by Dr. J. Hardy. Vol. 1. 31. Cinderella ; with notes, &e. ; by M. R Cox. 33. Saxo Grammaticus. 37. County Folk-lore, vol. 1. Gloucestershire, Suffolk, Leicestershire, and Rutland. FOLLOW THE TRACK: an Australian Novel, written by "Twig." 8vo. Melb., 1861. MJ 3 Q 8 FONTAINE, Wm. M. Older Mesozoic Flora of Virginia. (U.S. Geol. Survey, 6.) 4to. Wash., 1883. E The Potomac or Younger Mesozoic Flora. (U.S. Geol. Survey, 15.) 4to. Wash., 1889. E FOOTE, Samuel. The Liar: a Farce. [See Loudon Stage, 2.] II 2 S 34 The Mayor of Garratt : a Farce. [See London Stage, 1.] H 2 S 33 FORBES, Archibald. Czar and Sultan : Adventures of a British Lad in the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78. [Illustrated.] 8vo. Bristol, 1894. B31T4 Great War of 189—. [See Great War of 189—.] J2 Q21 [Life of] Colin Campbell, Lord Clyde. 8vo. Loud., 1895. C 21 P 8 Memories and Studies of War and Peace. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 2G V 17 FORBES, Edward. Portrait of. [See Ramsav, Sir A. C— Memoir of.] " C 21 R 20 FORBES, Dr. Henry O. Hand-book to the Primates. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 28 P 24, 25 FORBES, Rt. Rev. Robert. The Lyon in Mourning; or, a Collection of Speeches, Letters, Journals, &c, rela- tive to the affairs of Prince Charles Stuart. Vols. 1, 2. (Scottish History Soc, 20, 21.) 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1S95. E FORBES, W. A. Birds collected at Cape York and the Neighbouring Islands. [See Thomson, Sir W. C, and Murray, Dr. J. — Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger. — Zoo- logy, 3.] A G f Anatomy of the Petrels. [See Thomson, Sir W. C, and Murray, Dr. J.— Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger.— Zoo- logy, 4.] A 6 t FORCELLINI, A. Totius Latinitatis Lexicon: Ono masticon opera Dr. V. De Vit. Tomus X. 4to. Prati, 1887. K 3 R 26 t FORD, Isaac N. Tropical America. 8vo. Lond., 1893. D4P52 FORD, R. Thistledown: a Book of Scotch Humour, Character, Folk-lore, Story, and Anecdote. 8vo. Paislev, 1895. J 9 S 18 FORD, Wm. Wilbraham, and RATHBONE, John. Practical Suggestions as to Instruction in Farming in Canada, and the United States and Tasmania. 14th ed. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) MA 1 P 2 FORD, Worthington Chauncey. The American Citizen's Manual. 12mo. New York, 1892. F 7 V 10 FOREIGN OFFICE LIST, The. [See Great Britain and Ireland — Foreign Office.] FOREMAN PATTERN-MAKER, A. [See Helical Gears.] A 22 Q 23 [See Plating and Boiler-making,] A 25 R 16 FOREST PARK UNIVERSITY FOR WOMEN. [Calendar and Register, 1893.] 8vo. St. Louis, Mo. (n p n.d.) E FORLONG, Wm. aud A. Copies of Papers relative to the claim of [to grants of land]. Sm. fol. Lond., 1837. MF 3 U 18 FORMAN, Harry Buxton. Letters of John Keats. [See Keats, John.] C 19 V 13 FORNAN'DER, Abraham. Legendes des lies Hawaii. [See Lesson, Dr. A.] MB 2 U 2 FORREST, Prof. George W. Selections from Letters, Despatches, and other State Papers in the Foreign Department of the Government of India, 1772-85. 3 vols. sm. fol. Calcutta, 1890. B 15 R 10-12 J The Indian Mutiny, 1857-58 : Selections from Letters, Despatches, and other State Papers preserved in the Military Department of the Government of India, 1857-58; with Maps and Plans. Vol. 1. Roy. 8vo. Calcutta, 1893. B29V4 96 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. FORREST, Sir John. The Kimberley District. [See Royal Geographical Society, Victoria, 1885-8(5.] ME 20 Notes on Western Australia, with Statistics for 1885. 8vo. Perth, 1886. MD 8 Q 32 FORRESTER, Lieut.-Col. James. The Polite Philoso- pher. 18mo. Edinb., 1776. G 18 P 23 FORRESTER, Mrs. John. Myrtle: a Novel. 8vo. Melb., 1891. MJ 1 S 48 FORSTER, Henry L. Australian Essays. No. 1 "What is man ? No. 2. The Soul : what is it ? 8vo. Sydney, 1894. MG2Q31 FORSTER, John. Hand-book of the Dyee and Forster Collection. [See Dyce, A.] A 23 R 38 Life and Adventures of Oliver Goldsmith. 8vo. Lond., 1848. C 21 R 6 FORSTER, Wm. Australian Federation: a Review of Mr. Forster's Paper " Fallacies of Federation." 8vo. Sydney, 1879. MF ] Q 37 FORSYTH, Archibald. Free, Fair, and Protected Trade : which is the best for England, New South Wales, and Australia? 8vo. Sydney, 1885. MF4R5 FORTESCUE, Hon. J. AV. State Socialism and the Collapse in Australia. (A Policy of Free Exchange.) 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 14 S 26 FOBTNIGRTLT REVIEW, The. New Series, vols. 52-56. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1892-94. E FORTNUM, Chas. Drury Edward. Bronzes. 8vo. Lond., 1877. A 23 R 17 Maiolica. 8vo. Lond., 1875. A 23 R 24 FORTUNATE MEN" i How they made Money and won Renown : a curious Collection of Rich Men's Mottoes and Great Men's Watchwords ; their Financial Tests and Secrets, &c. 12mo. Lond., 1875. J 8 Q 48 FORUM, The. Vols. 14-17. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1892-94. E FOSS, Sam. Walter. Black Country Poems. Illustrated. 8vo. Boston, 1894. H 10 S 9 FOSTER, Clement Le Neve. Text-book of Ore and Stone Mining. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 24 S 8 FOSTER, Dr. Frank P. An Illustrated Encyclopaedic Medical Dictionary. 4 vols. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) K 18 T 16-19 FOSTER, John. Reminiscences of. [See Fitzgerald, P.— Memoirs.] C 21 R 15 FOSTER, Joseph. Index Ecclesiasticus ; or, Lists of all Ecclesiastical Dignitaries in England and Wales since the Reformation. Roy.8vo. Oxford, 1890. G15T23 Oxford Men, 1880-92 ; with a Record of their Schools, Honours, and Degrees. 4to. Lond., 1893. C 17 U 1 Oxford Men and their Colleges. 4to. Lond., 1893. C17U2 FOSTER, L. L. Annual Report of the Agricultural Bureau, Texas, 1887-88. [See Texas.] E FOSTER, Dr. Michael. [See Journal of Physiology.] E FOSTER-MELLIAR, Rev. A. [See Melliar, Rev. A. Foster-.] FOSTER, Wm. Register of Letters, 1600-19. [See East India Co.] B 29 V 2 FOSTER, Wm. Eaton. Town Government in Rhode Island. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 4.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1886. B 18 S 4 FOSTEK, Wm. John, and MURRAY, Chas. E. R. Practice of the District Courts of New South Wales. 8vo. Sydney, 1870. MF 1 Q 47 FOULIS, Sir John. Account Book of. (Scottish History Society, 16.) 8vo. Edinb., 1894. E FOUR GOSPELS, The, as Historical Records. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 16 U 18 FOURNIER, Prof. Marcel. Les Statuts et Privileges des Universites Francaises depuis leur Fondation jusqu'en 1789. Tomes 3, 4. 4to. Paris, 1892-94. F 36 V 3, 4 + FOURTH UNION BENEFIT BUILDING AND IN- VESTMENT SOCIETY. Rules. 8vo. Melb., 1867. MF 4 Q 34 FOWKE, Gerard. Archasologic Investigations in James and Potomac Valleys. 8vo. Wash., 1894. B 17 R38 FOWLE, Rev. Thos. W. The Boarding-out System as applied to neglected and destitute children ; a criticism with reply. 8vo. Melb., 1888. MF 4 R 8 FOWLER, Dr. George R. A Treatise on Appendicitis Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Philad., 1894. A 33 T 18 FOWLER, Dr. J. J. Adamnani Vita S. Columbae. [See Adamnan.] G 2 U 1 FOWLER, J. K. Echoes of Old Country Life, being Recollections of Sport, Politics, and Farming in the Good Old Times. 8vo. Lond., 1892. C 16 S 1 FOWLER, Rev. Montague. Some Notable Archbishops of Canterbury. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 13 V 12 FOWLER, Rev. Dr. Thos. Progressive Morality: an Essay in Ethics. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 2 U 44 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 97 FOWLER, W. Warde. The City State of the Greeks and Romans. 8vo. Lond , 1893. B 27 Q 9 FOX, Caroline. Memories of Old Friends, 1835-71. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1882. C 22 P 16, 17 FOX, Rt. Hon. Chas. James. Character of [See Hazlitt, W.— WinterBlow.] " J 12 S 33 • FOX or FOXE, John. Acts and Monuments of; with a preliminary dissertation by the Rev. G. Townsend; edited by Rev. S. R. Cattley. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1837-41. G L6 V 9-16. FOX or FOXE, Capt. Luke. Voyage of. [See Hakluyt Soc, 88.] E FOX, T. W. Mechanism of "Weaving. 12mo. Lond., 1894. A 25 R 15 FOX, Dr. Tilbury. Atlas of Skin Diseases. 4to. Lond., 1877. A 12 T 16 X FOX, Wm. War in New Zealand. 8vo. Lond., 1860. MB 2 Q 52 FOX, Wm. Johnson. Lectures addressed chiefly to the Working-classes. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1845. J 12 T 31-34 Memorial edition of collected Works. 12 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1805-68. J 11 V 31-42 1. Lectures and Sermons. 2. Christ and Christianity. 3. Miscellaneous Lectures and Sermons. 4. Anti-Corn Law Speeches. 5. Letters on the Corn Laws. 6. Miscellaneous Essays. 7-12. Reports of Lectures. OXALL, E. W. The Claims of "Capital," involving an Enquiry into the subjects of Currency and Banking. 12mo. Sydney, 1894. „ MF 1 P 83 FOXALL, W. S. The Southern District Weather Almanac, Business Guide, and Local Electoral Directory for 1896. 8vo. Goulburn, 1892. ME 1 S FRADERSDORFF, Dr. J. W. Copious Phraseological English-Greek Lexion. 6th ed. Revised by T. K. Arnold and H. Browne. 8vo. Lond., 1882. K 14 P 10 FRAENKEL, Prof. Carl. Text-book of Bacteriology. 3rd ed. Roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1891. A 26 TJ 21 8 vols. roy. 8vo. E F< FRAGMENTA GENEALOGICA. Lond., 1894. Vol. 2. Imp. 8vo. K 12 S 24 f FRANCE. Album de Statistique Agricole: resultats generaux de l'enquete decennale de 1882. 8vo. Nancy, 1887. E Bulletin de 1' Administration Penitentiaire, 1886. 8vo. Melun, 1886. F 11 IT 31 Code des Prisons, 1600-1890. 12 vols. 8vo. Paris and Melun, 1845-90. E Code Penitentiaire. [See France — Code des Prisons.] E Conseil Superieur de l'Assistance PuMique. 2 vols. 4to. Paris (n.d.) E H FRANCE— contd. Les Conseils Generaux, 1887-93. Paris, 1887-94. Decret portant Reglement du Service et du Regime des Prisons de Courtes Peines affectees a l'emprisonnement en Commun. 8vo. Melun, 1885. F 11 U 30 Denombrement de la Population, 1891. 8vo. Paris, 1892. F 11 U 23 Enquete Parlementaire sur le Regime des Etablissements Penitentiares. Tomes 1-5, 7, 8. 7 vols. 4to. Versaills, 1873-75. F 12 V 8-15 t Expose General concernant la mise en pratique du systeme de la Liberation Conditionnelle. 8vo. Melun, 1890. F 11 U 28 Lois et Reglements sur l'Enseignement Superieur, 1789-1889. 4 vols. imp. 8vo. Paris, 1880-89. F 11 V 23-26 Note sur l'application du Systeme de la Liberation Con- ditionnelle, 1888. 8vo. Melun, 1888. F 11 U 29 Rapport sur 1' Application dela Loi de Relegation, 1890- 92. 8vo. Melun, 1891-93. F 11 U 31 Rapport sur la Situation Financiere et Materielle des Communes en 1877. 4to. Paris, 1881. E Rapport sur les Operations des Societes de Secours Mutuels, 1886, 1888-89, 1892. 4 vols. 4to. Melun, 1889-94. E Rapport sur l'Enseignement Agricole en France. 2 vols, imp. 8vo. Paris, 1894. A 32 U 22, 23 Recueil des Travaux du Comite Consultatif d'Hygiene Publique de France etdes Actes Officiels del' Adminis- tration Sanitaire, 1884, 1886. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1885-87. E La Relegation des Recidivistes, 1886-88. 8vo. Melun, 1889. F 11 U 32 Service Vicinal. Compte rendu general des operations effectuees, 1869-82. 14vols.4to. Paris, 1870-71. E Situation des Recettes et Depenses des Communes en 1885 et des Emprunts et Dettes au 31 Dec , 1886. 4to. Melun, 1888. E La Situation Fiuanciere des Communes de France et d'Algerie, 18a3. 4to. Melun, 1894. E Societes de Secours Mutuels : Statuts-Modeles, Lois et Decrets. 8vo. Melun, 1893. F 2 V 19 Statistique Agricole Annuelle, 1892-93. 2 vols 8vo. Paris, 1893-94. E Statistique Agricole de la France. Imp. 8vo. Nancy, 1887. A 32 IT 24 Statistique de l'Enseignement Superieur, 1878, 1888. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1878-89. G 12 W 7, 8 f Statistique de l'lndustrie Minerale et des Appareils a Vapeur en France et en Algerie pour l'annee 1893. 4to. Paris, 1894. E Statistique des Etudiants, 1890-93. 4to. Paris, 1893. E Statistique Penitentiaire, 1891-92. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Melun, 1894. E Statistique Sanitaire des Villes de France et d'Algerie, 1891-92. 2 vols. 8vo. Melun, 1893-94. E 98 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. FKANCESCO DA BAEBEEINO et la literature Pro- vencale en Italie au Moyen Age ; par A. Thomas. 8vo. Paris, 1883. J 7 U 32 FEANCIS, St., of Assisi. Life of ; by P. Sabatier. Trans, lated by Louise Seymour Houghton. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 14 S 19 FRANCIS, George Wm. The Acclimatisation of Animals and Plants. 8vo. Adelaide, 1862. MA 2 T 30 FEANCIS, Henry. Public Warning on Life Insurance. 4 nos. Svo. Sydney, 1882. MF 4 E 45 Eeport upon the Eeport of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Australian Mutual Provident Society. Svo. Sydney, 1872. MP 4 E 45 The Railwavs and Tramways. (Pam. 2.) 8vo. Sydney, 1885. " MF 4 E 42 FRANCIS, J. G. The New Electoral Bill: a Speech. 8vo. Melb., 1873. MJ 3 Q 10 FRANCKLIN, Prof. Thomas. The Earl of Warwick: a Tragedy. [See London Stage, 3.] H 2 S 35 FEANKLAND, Dr. Percy Faraday. Agricultural Chemical Analysis. Svo. Lond., 1889. A2LP28 Our Secret Friends and Foes. 12mo. Lond., 1893. A 26 P7 •and FEANKLAND, Mrs. P. Micro-Organisms in Water: their Significance, Identification, and Eemoval; specially designed for the use of those connected with the sanitary aspects of Water-supply. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 26 V 14 FRANKLIN, Benjamin, and the University of Pennsyl- vania. [See Thorpe, Dr. F. N.] G 18 S 8 Autobiography of. Edited by Prof. J. Sparks. 12mo. Lond., 1850. C 17 P 10 [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hatton, L. — Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 Sketch of. [See Hubert, P. G.— Inventors.] C 17 E 3 FEANKLIN, Frederick Augustus. Description of the Upper Ganges Canal and other systems of Irrigation in India. Eoy. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MA 1 V 56 FEANKLIN, Julia. Five Lectures on Shakespeare, by B. Ten Brink. [See Ten Brink, B.] J 10 E 28 FEASEE, Prof . Alexander Campbell. Berkeley. (Philoso- phical Classics.) 12mo. Edinb., 1884. ' G 9 V 3 Locke. (Philosophical Classics.) 12mo. Edinb., 1890. G 9 V 13 FEASEE, C. Fruits cultivated in the Botanic Garden, Sydney. 8vo. Sydney, 1828. MA 2 T 31 FEASER, G. W. Beni Hasan, Part 2. Measurement, Ac, of the Tombs. [See Newberry, P. E.] B 12 T 3 1 FEASEE, Dr. John. The Aborigines of New South Wales. Eoy. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MA 1 E 46 An Australian Language. [See Threlkeld, L. E.] MK 1 E49 FEASEE, Joseph. Melbourne and Mars: myMvsterious Life on two Planets. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MJ 2 T 27 FEASER, Col. Malcolm. Extract >from a MS. Journal, relating to the Operations before Quebec in 1759. Svo. Quebec (n.d.) B 17 T 18 FRASER, Malcolm A. C. Western Australian Tear-book for 1892-94. 8vo. Penh, 1893-95. ME 6 S FRASER, Marie. In Stevenson's Samoa. 12mo. Lond., J895. MD8P8 FRASER, Simon. [See Lovat, Lord.] FEASER, Sir Wm. HicetUbique. 12mo. Lond., 1893. J4P1 FEAZAO, Manoel Jose P. O Ensino Publico Primirio na Ital a. Suissa, Suecia, Belgica, Inglaterra, e Franca. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1893. G18R51 FREAM, Dr. Wm. The Complete Grazier. [See Touatt, W.] A 18 U 18 Farm Crops, their H ibits and Requirements : a Lecture. (Inst, of Agricult., Lond.) Svo. Lond., LS84. A 18 R 28 FREDERIC, Harold. The New Exodus: a Study of Israel in Russia. Svo. Lond , 1892. B 31 T 3 FREDERICK II, King of Prussia. GSuvres de. [See Menzel, A ] Illustrations des B 38 Q 8-11 J Plaster Cast of. [See Hutton, L. — Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 FREDERICK III, Emperor of Germany. The Second German Emperor. [See Kingston, W. Beatty-. — Men, Cities, and Events.] C 22 R 4 FREDERICK WILLIAM II, King of Prussia. Secret History of the Court of Berlin. [See Mirabeau, Count.'] B 25 T 19, 20 FEEDEEICQ, Prof. Paul. The Study of History in England and Scotland. Authorized Translation from the French by Henrietta Leonard. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 5.) Svo. Baltimore, 1S87. B 18 S 5 The Study of History in Germany and France. Authorized Translation from the French by Henrietta Leonard. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 8.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1S90. B 18 S 8 The Study of History in Holland and Belgium. Authorized Translation from the French by Henrietta Leonard. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 8.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1890. B 18 S 8 FEEE CHURCH NARRATIVE, The: an Account of Negotiations for Union from October, 1853, till April, 1857. Svo. Melb., 1857. MG 1 S 16 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 99 FREELAND, Mary de Witt, The Records of Oxford, Mass. ; including Chapters of Nipmuck, Huguenot, and English History, from 1630 ; with Manners and Fashions of the Time. Sm. 4to. Albany, New York, 1894. B 18 R 9 FREEMAN, Prof. Edward Augustus. History of Federal Government in Greece and Italy. 2nd ed. Kvo. Lond., 1893. B 27 Q 10 History of Sicily, from the Earliest Times. Vol. 4. Edited by A. J. Evans. With Maps and Plate. 8vo. Oxford, 1894. B 30 U 11 An Introduction to American Institutional History; with an Account of his Visit to Baltimore, by H. 15. Adams. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 1.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1882. B 18 S 1 Life and Letters of ; by the Very Rev. Dean Stephens. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 19 V 1, 2 Origin and Growth of the House of Lords. [See Subjects of the Day, 4.] F 7 TJ 29 Sicily, Phoenician, Greek, and Roman. (Story of the Nations.) 8vo. Lond., 1892. B30 Q 16 Studies of Travel : Greece. 18mo. New Vork, 1 893. D 18 P 13 Studios of Travel : Italy. 18mo. New York, 1893. D 18 P 12 FREEZIAN'S JOURNAL, The. 1892. 2 vols. fol. Sydney, 1892. ME FREEMANTLE, Very Rev. W. F. College Sermons by Rev. Dr. B. Jowett. [See Jowett, Rev. Dr. B-l G ITT 24 FREEMASON, A. [See Evening HourB.] MJ 1 P 57 FREESE, J. H. Orations of Isocrates. [See Isocrates.] J 16 R 24 FREMONT, John Charles, the Pathfinder. Sketch of. [See Greeley, Gen. A. YV. — Travellers and Explorers.] C 17 R 4 FRENCH, C. Hand-book of the Destructive Insects of Victoria. Parts 1 and 2. 2 vols. 8vo. Melb., 1891- 93. MA 3 T 5, 6 FRERE, Sir Henry Bartle Edward. Life and Correspon- dence of ; by John Martineau. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C2LR13, 14 FRERE, J. H. Aristophanes. [See Aristophanes.] H 9 U 23 FRERE-ORBAN, Hubert Joseph W. De l'Abus des Boissons Enivrantes. Imp. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1868. F 11 V 22 FREUDENREICH, Dr. Ed. von. Dairy Bacteriology. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 19 P 5 FREYCINET, Capt. Louis. Voyage autour du Monde, execute sur les corvettes VUranie et la Pht/sicienne, 1817-20. 10 vols. 4to., and 4 vols. fol. Paris, 1824- 44. f MD 8 Q 1-10 1, and MD 2 P 19-22 + FRIAS, Ricardo F. Resistencia de Materiales. Imp. 8vo. Santiago, 1886. A 22 V 12 FRITTS, Charles Edgar. The Watch Adjuster's Manual. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 25 T 5 FROGGART, Walter W. Notes on Brachyselida. (Trans. Roy. Soc, S. Australia, 18.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1894. ME 1 S Report on a Beetle destroying Boots and Shoes in Sydney. 8vo. Sydney, 1891. MA 2 T 32 FROISSART, Sir John. Chronicles of. Translated by Lord Berners, and edited by G. C. Macaulay. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 23 S 14 FROM STJAKIM TO THE NILE ; with list of the New South Wales Contingent. 12mo. Sydney, 1885 MD 1 P 22 FRO NT AURA Y AR\NA, Jose M. Historia del Con- victorio Caroline 8vo. Santiago, 1889. B 16 S 23 FROST, C. The Lizards indigenous to Victoria. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Vic, 6.) [See Lucas, A. H. S.] ME 1 P New Species of Lizards. [See Lucas, A. H. S.] ME 1 P FROST, Edwin Brant. Astronomical Spectroscopy. [See Scheiner, Prof. Dr. J.] A 19 V 20 FROST, Jehn. Portrait of. [See Gammage, R. G.— Chartist Movement.] A 7 R 24 FROST, T. Secret Societies of the European Revolution, 1776-1876. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1876. B 25 R 5, 6 FROCDE, Prof. James Anthony. England and her Colonies. 8vo. (n.p.) 1870. MJ 3 Q 15 English Seamen in the 16th Century. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 2L U 9 Life and Letters of Erasmus. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 18 T 10 Reminiscences of. [See Skelton, Dr. J. — Table-talk of Shirley.] C 19 V 10 Sketch of. [See Smalley, G. W— Studies of Men.] C 19 R 20 A Talk with ; with Portrait. [See Blathwayt, R. — Interviews.] J lu TJ 34 FRY. Rev. Dr. Henry Phibbs. Scriptural Evidence of the Apostolic Ministry and Tradition of the Church Catholic. Roy. 8vo. Hobart, 1843. MG 1 T 19 Sermons on the Nature and Design of Heresy, &c. 12mo. Hobart, 1846. MG 1 P 57 FRYAR, W. The Temperature of the Earth as exhibited in Mines, with special reference to observations in some of the deepest mines on the Gympie Gold-field. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 7.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1891. ME 1 T 100 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. FULL REPORT of the Pour Great Trials at Hokitika. James Wilson, alias Murray, for the murder of Mr. Q-eorge Dobson ; George Henry Chamberlaine, for perjury ; William de Laeey, for conspiring to rob ; and John Carr, for larceny. 12mo. Hokitika (n.d.) MP 4 P 11 PULLER, Andrews. The Small Pruit Culturist. 8vo. New York, 1891. A 18 Q 39 PULLER, J. B. Field and Garden Crops of the N.W. Provinces and Oudh. [See Duthie, J. F.] A 12 T 11, 12 t FULLER, Thos. Essay on the Life and Genius of. [See Rogers, H.] J 12 S 38 FULLERTON, Wm. Architectural Examples in Brick, Stone, Wood, and Iron. 4to. Lond., 1890. A 12 T 13 f FULTON, James Alexander. Peach Culture. 8vo. New York, 1892. A 18 Q 37 FULTON, Robert. Illustrated Book of Pigeons, with Standards for Judging. Edited by Lewis Wright. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) A 12 T 14 t FULTON, Robert. Sketch of. [See Hubert, P. G.— Inventors.] C 17 R 3 PUNK, Dr. B. Samoanischen Sprache : Grammatik und Vokabularium. 8vo. Berlin, 1893. MK 2 Q 1 FUNKE, W. Verauche fiber das Verdauungsvermogen, Ac. [See Wolff, Dr. E.] # A 32 T 6 FURMAN, H. Van F. A Manual of Practical Assaying. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 24 U 21 FURNAS, R. W. Annual Report of the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture, 1892. 8vo. Lincoln, 1893. E PURNEAUX, W. British Butterflies and Moths. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 28 U 8 FURNIVALL, Frederick James. How the Browning Society came into being ; with some words on the Characteristics and Contrasts of Browning's early and late work. 12mo. Lond., 1884. J 15 S 28 Temporary Preface to Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, Part 1, and Trial-Forewords to Chaucer's Minor Poems. [See Chaucer Society.] E Shakspere's England. [See New Shakspere Society.] E FURSE, Col. George Armand. Information in War : its acquisition and transmission. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 29 V7 FURTWANGLER, Adolf. Masterpieces of Greek Sculp- ture. Edited by E. Sellars. Sm. fol. Lond., 1895. A 39 R 5 X FUSSELL, J. C. Squatting Directory of New South Wales. Compiled by J. Vann. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1865. ME 4 V FYFFE, Charles Alan. The Land Question. 8vo. Lond., 1885. F 2 V 15 G G.F.W. [See Glance of Life.] H 10 Q 26 G.H. [See Lecture on Capital Punishment.] MP 4 R 9 GADD, W. Lawrence. Soap Manufacture : a practical treatise on the fabrication of hard and soft soaps. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 25 P 7 GADEA, Juan. Unidad y Pluralidad de Sucesiones. 8vo. Montevideo, 1891. F 9 R 31 GAINSBOROUGH, Thomas. [Sketch of] j by Walter Armstrong. [See Portfolio, Monograph, 9.] E GAISPORD, H. Steam Machinery. [See Langmaid, J.] A6S34 GALE, Albert. Judge's Report on Apiculture. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MA 1 Q 60 GALLIENNE, R. Le. [See Le Gallienne, R.] GALLOIS, L. Les Geographes Allemands de la Renais- sance. 8vo. Paris, 1890. D 13 V 1 GALLOWAY, Prof. B. T. Some Practical Results of the Treatment of Plant Diseases. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MA 1 Q 67 GALTON, Arthur. Military Art of the Romans, as illustrated by the Wars of Caesar. (Uuited Service Institution, N.S.W., 5.) 8vo. Sydney, 1894. ME GALTON, Francis. Finger Prints. [Illustrated.] 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 29 V 23 Finger-print Directories. 8vo. Lond., 1895. P11U1 GALTON, Prank W. Workers on their Industries. 12mo. Lond., 1895. F 8 U 9 GAMA, Vasco di. [See Ramusio, G. B. — Navigationi et Viaggi.] D 36 T 5-7 % GAMBLE, Eliza Burt. The Evolution of Woman: an inquiry into the dogma of her inferiority to man. 8vo. New York, 1894. A 27 R 1 GAMGEE, Dr. Arthur. Text-book of the Physiological Chemistry of the Animal Body, including an Account of the Chemical Changes occurring in Disease. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1880-93. A 26 U 24,25 GAMLIN, Hilda. George Romney and his Art. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 17 R 20 GAMMAGE, R. G. History of the Chartist Movement, 1837-54. Illustrated. 8vo. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1894. F 7 R 24 GANNETT, Henry. Manual of Topographic Methods. 4to. Wash., 1893- D 15 S 4 t Supplemen tary Catalogue — 1893-95. 101 GANOT, Prof. Adolphe. Elementary Treatise on Physics, Experimental and Applied. Translated and edited by Dr. E. Atkinson. 14th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 29 E 12 GAECELON, G. W. Preparation of the Lemon for Market. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MA 1 Q 62 GARDEN, The: an Illustrated Weekly Journal of Horti- culture in all its branches. Vol. 45. 4to. Lond., 1894. E GARDENERS' CHRONICLE, The: a Weekly Illus- trated Journal of Horticulture and allied subjects. 3rd series. Vols. 12-16. Sm. fol. Lond., 1892-94. E GARDENERS' MAGAZINE, The, for Amateur Culti- vators, Exhibitors of Plants, Flowers, and Fruits, &c. Vols. 35-37. Sm. fol. Lond., 1892-91. E GAEDINEE, Col. James. Life of ; by Eev. Dr. P. Doddridge. 32mo. Halifax, 1851. C 19 P 8 GABDINER, Dr. Samuel E. History of the Common- wealth and Protectorate, 1819-60. Vol. 1,1849-51. 8vo. Lond., 1891. B 24 E 13 Letters and Papers illustrating the relations between Charles II and Scotland in 1650. (Scottish Hist. Soc. 17.) 8vo. Edinb., 1891. E Personal Government of Charles 1, 1028-37. 2vols. 8vo. Lond., 1877. B 24 E 16, 17 GAEDNEE, Mrs. Alan. Rifle and Spear with the Eaj- poots : being the Narrative of a Winter's Travel and Sport in Northern India. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1895. D 15 P 8 t GABDNER, Alice. Julian: Philosopher and Emperor, and the last struggles of Paganism against Christianity. 8vo. New York, 1895. C 14 S 23 GAEFIELD, President James A. Address on the day of the burial of. [See Curtis, G. W.] F 14 U 3 Sketch of. [See Brooks, N.— Statesmen.] C 16 E 20 Sketch of. [See Wilson, J. G. — Presidents of the United States.] C 2 V 30 GARIBALDI, Giuseppe. [See Elliot, Frances — Roman Gossip.] C 21 Q 10 GAENEAU, F. X. History of Canada, from the time of its discovery till the Union Tear, 1810-41. Trans- lated by A. Bell. 3 vols. 8vo. Montreal, 1860. B 16 Q 38-40 GAENETT, Dr. Richard. Life of Ralph Waldo Emerson. 8vo. Lond., 1888. C 17 S 17 GARNIER, Edward. French Pottery. [See Gasnault, P.] A 23 E 22 GAENIER, Jules. Mines de Nickel, Cuivre, et Platine du District de Sudbury (Canada). 8vo. Paris, 1891. A 24 V 23 GARNIER, Russell M. Annals of the British Peasantrv. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 9 T 21 History of the English Landed Interest ; its Customs, Laws, and Agriculture. (Modern Period.) 8vo. Lond., 1893. F 9 S 30 GAEEAN, Hon. Dr. Andrew. Australasia Illustrated. 3 vols. fol. Sydney, 1892. MD 8 Q 13-15 t GAERETT, E. Isis very much unveiled : being the Story of the Great Mahatma Hoax. 12mo. Lond., 1895. G2U21 GAEEETT, Thos. W. The Ecclesiastical Practice, with Standing Bules and Notes thereon. 8vo. Sydney, 1889. MF 1 S 1 - and W ALKEE, W. A . The Probate Act of 1890, and the Probate Act of 1890 Amendment Act, and the Rules of Court issued thereunder. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MF 1 S 37 GAERICK, David. [Life of] ; by J. Knight. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C18T4 Bon Ton ; or, High Life Above Stairs : a Fa-ce. [See London Stage, 3.] H 3 S 35 The Chances : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 4] H2S36 The Country Girl : a Comedy (altered from Wvcherly.) [See London Stage, 1.] H 2 S 33 Cymon : a Dramatic Romance. [See London Stage, 3.] H2S35 Every Man in his Humour : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 3.] H 2 S 35 The Guardian : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 3.] H2S35 The Irish Widow : a Farce. [See London Stage, 3.] H 2 S 35 The Lying Valet : a Farce. [See London Stage, 1.] H2S33 Miss in her Teens : or, the Medley of Lovers : a Farce. [See London Stage, 2.] H 2 S 34 Rule a Wife : a Comedy (altered from Beaumont and Fletcher.) [See London Stage, 1.] H 2 S 33 [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L. — Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 and COLMAN, George. Clandestine Marriage : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 1] H 2 S 33 GAETENLAUBE, Die. Illustrites familienblatt, 1884- 85. 2 vols. fol. Leipzig, 1881-85. E GASCOIGNE, George. Life and Writings of ; with three poems hitherto not printed, by F. E. Schelling. Svo. Boston (n.d.) C 21 E 7 GASKELL, George Edward. The Voyage out : a Poem. 8vo. Geelong, 1856. MH 1 S 71 GASNAULT, Paul, and GAENIEE, Edouard. French Pottery. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1881. A 23 E 22 102 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. GASQUET, Rev. Dr. Frauds Aidan. The Great Pestilence (a.d. 1348-49), now commonly known as the Black Death. 8vo. Lond., 1893. B 23 T 19 First Divorce of Henry VIII. [See Hope, Mrs.] B 21 Q6 GATKE, Heinrich. Heligoland as an Ornithological Ob- servatory: the result of fifty years' experience. Trans- lated by Eudolph Rosenstock. Boy. 8vo. Edinb., 1895. A 30 U 31 GAUDARD, Jules. Foundations. 2nd ed. 18mo. New York, 1891. A 22 P 18 GAUHAROU. Leon. Geographie de la Nouvelle- Caledonie, avec une Carte. 2' ed. 8vo. Noumea, 1892. MD 8 Q 27 GAUTIER, Theophile. [Life of] ; by Maxime Du Camp. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 19 Q 10 GAT, John. The Beggars' Opera : an Opera. [See Lon- don Stage, 1.] H 2 S 33 Poetical Words of ; edited with a Life and Notes by John Underbill. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1893. H 10 P 31, 32 GAT, Wm. Walt Whitman : his relation to Science and Philosophy. [See Whitman, W.] : MJ 3 P 37 Walt Whitman, the Poet of Democracy. 8vo. Melb., 1893. MC 1 S 2 GAYLEY, Prof. Charles Mills. Classic Myths in English Literature. 2nd ed. 8vo. Boston, 1894. B 35 Q 8 GAZETTE DES BEAUX- ARTS. 3 e Periode, Tomes 8-12. 5 vols. Imp. 8vo. Paris, 1892-94. E GEARY, J. Mrs. Sloper's Bundle of Holidav Stories. 8vo. Melb., 1870. Mj 2 S 39 GEAEY, Nevill. The Law of Marriage and Family Eelations : a Manual of Practical Law. 8vo. Lond., 1892. F 5 Q 4 GEDDE3, Prof. Patrick. Chapters in Modern Botany. 12mo. Lond., 1893. A 20 P 18 and THOMPSON, J. Arthur. The Evolution of Sex. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) A 28 P 4 GEELONG AND MELBOURNE RAILWAY CO. Reports, 1855-56, 1858. 4 vols. 8vo. Geelong, 1855- 68. ME 6 S GEELONG AND WESTERN DISTRICT AGRICUL- TURAL AND HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Rules and Regulations of the Society, and Annual Reports 1-3. 4 vols. 8vo. Geelong, 1855-58. ME15Q GEELONG CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Report, 1854. 8vo. Geelong, 1854. ME 15 Q GEELONG ECLECTIC MAGAZINE, October to Decem- ber, 1853. (AH published.) 12mo. Geelong, 1853. ME 3 Q GEELONG INFIRMARY. Reports of the Committee of Management, 1852-5G. 5 vols. 8vo. Geelong, 1853-57. ME 6 S GEGENBAUR, Prof. C. [See Jahr- bucb.] E GEIER, John. Thespis on Trial; or, the Moralitie of Playes considered. (Bibliotheca Curiosa.) 12mo. Edinb., 1887. J 18 Q 45 GEIKIE, Sir Archibald. Memoir of Sir A. C. Ramsay. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 21 R 20 Text-book of Geology. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 24 U 22 GEIKIE, Prof. James. The Great Ice Age and its relation to the Antiquitv of Man. 3rd ed., illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. " A 24 U 27 Fragments of Earth Lore : sketches and addresses, geo- logical and geographical. Roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1893. A 24 V 19 GEISLER, Capt. Die Oster-Insel : eine Stiitte prahis- torischer Kultur in der Siidsee. 8vo. Berlin, 1883. MB 2 U 24 GELL, Philip L. The Work of Toynbee Hall in East London. [See Montague, F. G] B 18 S 7 GELLIBRAND, J. F. Tracking. 8vo. Hobart, 1868. MG 1 S 22 GEMS of the Granite State. [See New Hampshire.] D 15 Q 25 GENEALOGICA CURIOSA. 12mo. Loud., 1885. J 11 P 46 8. The Burning of St. Paul's, 1561. GENEALOGIST, The: a Quarterly Magazine of Genea- logical, Antiquarian, Topographical, and Heraldic Research. Vols. 8-10, n.s. 8vo. Lond., 1892-94 E GENTET, Frederick A., and KERR, Washington C. Minerals and Mineral Localities of North Carolina. 8vo. Raleigh, 1885. A 24 U 29 GENTLEMAN, F. The Tobacconist: a Farce. [See London Stage, 2.] H 2 S 34 GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, The. Vols. 273-275, and 277. 8vo. Lond., 1892-93. E GEOGHEGAN, J. Some account of Silk in India. Sm. fol. Calcutta, 1872. A 12 R 15 f GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL, The. [See Royal Geo- graphical Society.] GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF AUSTRALASIA. [See Royal Geographical Society of Australasia.] Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 103 GEOGEAPHICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC. Transactions and Proceedings of, January, 1883-July, J 891. 2 vols. 8vo. San Francisco, 1883-91. E GEOGRAPHY AND READER. (Burra School.) 8vo. Kooringa, 1891. MD 1 Q 46 GEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE; or, Monthly Journal of Geology, with which is incorporated " The Geologist." New series, Decade 3, vols. 9 and 10, and Decade 4, vol. 1. 8vo. Lond., 1S93-94. E G GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AUSTRALASIA. Trans- actions of. Vol. 1, Parts 1-6. Sm. 4to. Melb., 1886-92. ME 16 S GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY F LONDON, The. List of, 1879. 8vo. Lond., 1879. E Quarterly Journal of. Vols. 48-50. 8vo. Lond., 1892- 94. E GEOLOGISCHEN REICHSANSTALT, K.K. [See Kaiserlich-Kon. Geo! Reichsanstalt.] GEOLOGIST, The. [See Geological Magazine, The.] GEORGE, Henry, and the Beginnings of Revolutionary Socialism. [See Ely, Dr. R. T.] B 18 S 3 A Perplexed Philosopher ; being an examination of Mr. Herbert Spencer's various utterances on the Land question. 8vo. Lond., 1893. F 14 Q 35 The Land Question : what it is, and how only it can be settled. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MF 4 Q 14 Single Tax Theory as propounded by. [See White, Rev. Dr. J. S.] MF 4 Q 14 His remedies analysed. [See Campbell, Rev. C] MF 4 R 26 Henry George and his Utopia. [See Renniek, C] MF3 R55 GERARD, Rev. John. Stonyhurst College, 1592-1894. 4to. Belfast, 1894. B 12 U 8 t GERMAN LANGUAGE. A series of Progressive Les- sons. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1828. J 7 P 51 GERRALD, J. A Convention the only means of saving us from ruin. 2nd. ed. 8vo. Lond., 1794. F 9 Q 28 GESCHICHTE DER WISSENSCHAFTEX in Deutsch- land. Band 22. — Geschichte der Medicinischen Wissenschaften. 8vo. Munchen, 1893. A 17 V 38 GIBBINGS, Alfred H. Dynamo Attendants and their Dynamos. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 21 R 16 G1BBINS, H. de B. British Commerce and Colonies, from Elizabeth to A'ictoria. 8vo. Lond., 1893. F 14 Q 47 The Economics of Commerce. 12mo. Lond., 1894. F5 Q10 A Shorter Working Day. [See Hadfield, R. A.] F 14 Q 39 GIBBON, Edward. Essay on. [See Bagehot, W — Literary Studies.] J 9 P 22-24 Proceedings of the Gibbon Commemoration, 1794-1894. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 19 U 15 [See Bagehot, W. — Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen.] J 10 V 32 GIBBONS, James, Cardinal. The Faith of Our Fathers, being a plain exposition and vindication of the Church founded by our Lord Jesus Christ. 44th ed. 18mo. Baltimore, 1893. G 19 P 29 GIBBONS, Sydney. Notes on Diet. (Australian Health. Soc.) 8vo. Melb., 1879. MA S S 33 GIBBS, Henry Hucks. A Colloquy on Currency. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 2 V 9 GIBBS, Richard. Portrait of. [See Ramsay, Sir A. 0.— Memoir of.] £ 21 R 20 GIBBS, SHALLARD & CO. Plan of the City of Sydney and Suburbs, with Port Jackson and Soundings. Folded imp. 8vo. Sydney, 1879. MD 6 V 1 GIBERNE, Miss Agnes. Radiant Suns. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 19 S 22 GIBLIN v. AIKENHEAD & BUTTON. The libel - case, Attorney-General of Tasmania v. Launceston Examiner. 8vo. Launceston, 1874. MF 4 R 51 GIBSON, Andrew. Epidemic Catarrh among Sheep. [See Bennett, Dr. G] MA 1 P 47 GIBSON, Dr. Frank M. Amateur Telescopist's Hand- book. 12mo. New York, 1894. A 19 Q 21 GIBSON, George Herbert. " Ironbark." Ironbark Chips and Stockwhip Cracks. Illustrated. 870. Melb., 1893. MH 1 V2 GIBSON, Herbert. History of the Sheep-breeding Industry in the Argentine Republic. 8vo. Buenos Aires, 1893. A 18 S 11 GIBSON, Rev. Dr. John M. St. Matthew. [See Expositor's Bible.] G 19 S 1 GIBSON, T. Phillips. Medicinal Plants. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MA 1 Q 65 GIBSON, Wm. Hamilton. Some Artists at the Fair. [See Chicago Exhibition, 1893.] A 23 U 21 GIDDINGS, T. F. Insurance Laws of Michigan, 1893. 8vo. Lansing, 1893. E GIFFORD, John. The complete English Lawyer ; or, Every Man his own Lawyer. 8vo. Lond., 1822. F7R27 GIFFORD, Wm. Baviad and Maeviad : Pasquin u.Faulder: Epistle to Peter Pindar ; with the Author's Memoir of his own Life. 32mo. Lond., 1848. Libr. 104 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. GILBERT, Dr. The Grandeur of True Manhood. 8vo. Wanganui (n.d.) MA 2 S 56 GILBERT, E. Address to the Colonists of Van Diemen's Land on the Tea Trade. 8vo. Hobart, 1848. MA 1 P 77 GILBERT, Grove Karl. Lake Bonneville. (U.S. Geol. Survey, 1.) 4to. Wash., 1890. E GILBERT, Dr. Gustav. Constitutional Antiquities of Sparta and Athens. Translated by E. J. Brooks and T. Nicklin. 8vo. Lond., 1895. E 9 T 22 GILBERT, Dr. John Thos. Documents relating to Ireland, 1795-1804. 4to. Dublin, 1893. B 29 V 10 Narratives of the Detention, Liberation, and Marriage of Maria Clementina Stuart. [See Stuart, Maria Clementina.] C 19 U 11 GILBERT, ¥m. The Inquisitor; or, the Struggle in Ferrara : an Historical Romance. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1870. J 6 P 17-19 GILBERT, Dr. Wm. On the Loadstone and Magnetic Bodies, and on the Great Magnet, the Earth. Trans- lated by P. Fleury Mottelay. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 21 V5 GILBERT, Wm. Schwenck. Original Plays. 3rd series. 12mo. Lond., 1895. H 1 Q 46 GILCHRIST, Rev. Dr. A. Attachment to the House of God : a Sermon preached at the opening of the Union Memorial Church, North Melbourne. 12mo Melb., 1879. MG 2 R 45 Preparation for Death : a Funeral Sermon preached after the death of Mrs. Isabella Morrison. 8vo. Sydney, 1863. MG 2 R 45 GILCHRIST, W. J. Hand Book on the Laws relating to Public Health. Svo. Melb., 1876. MF 1 P 56 Manual of Borough Law. 4to. Melb., 1870. MF 3 U 59 Local Government Manual. 4to. Melb., 1875. MF 3 U 58 GILES, Dr. Arthur E. Moral Pathology. Svo. Lond , 1895. G18Q29 GILES, Fayette S. Shadows before, or a Century onward. Svo. New York, 1893. F 8 U 15 GILES, P. A Short Manual of Comparative Philology. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 11 TJ 4 GILFILLAN, George. Letters and Journals, with Memoir; by Robert A. and Elizabeth S. Watson. 8vo. Lond., 1892. C 15 R 9 GILL, Harry P. Elementary Design. 4to. Adelaide, 1892. MA2Q34f GILL, W. B. The Yellow Dwarf. [See Banks, S. H.] MH 1 P 53 GILL, Rev. Dr. Wm. Wyatt. From Darkness to Lightin Polynesia ; with Illustrative Clan Songs. 8vo. Lond., 1894. MD 1 R 31 GILLIES, Dr. H. Cameron. Theory and Practice of Counter-irritation. Svo. Lond., 1895. A 33 TJ 17 GILLINGHAM, B. Visions in the Isle of Patmos ; their symbolical meaning shown in a chronological, consecutive, and harmonious scheme. 8vo. Sebastopol, Vic, 1869. MG 1 S IS GILLMORE, Capt. Parker. Leaves from a Sportsman's Diary. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 17 T 61 Gun, Rod, and Saddle : A record of personal experiences. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 17 T 60 OILMAN, Dr. Daniel Coit. The Johns Hopkins University (1876-91) ; with Supplementary Notes on, University Extension and the University of the Future, by R. G. Moulton. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 9.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1891. B 18 S 9 GILMAN, Nicholas S. Socialism and the American Spirit, Svo. Lond , 1893. F 14 R 8 GILMORE, Hugh. Sermons by the late, 1889-91. Roy. 8vo. Adelaide, 1892. MG 1 S 21 G1LMOUR, James. Diaries, Letters, and Reports. Edited by R. Lovett. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 15 P 38 More about the Mongols : selected and arranged by R. Lovett. 8vo. Lond., 1893. D 17 Q 12 GILPIN, Dr. Edwin. Minerals of Nova Scotia. 8vo. Halifax, N.S., 1893. A 24 S 13 GIOLLA. [See Weale, J. C. M.] GIOTTO, Angiolotto Bondone. Sketch of. {See Oliphant, Mrs. M— Makers of Florence.] B 30 Q 20 GIPPSLAND LAKES AND RIVERS, Our Guide to the ; by "Tanjil." 12mo. Melb., 1886. MD 1 Q 35 GIPPSLAND SPORTING CASE, The. 8vo. Melb., 1867. MF 4 Q 20 GIRARD, Maurice. F. Peron, Naturaliste, Voyageur aux Terres Australes. [See Peron, F.] MA 3 R 34 GIRARD, Paul. L'Asclepieion d'Athenes d'apres de recentes decouvertes. Svo. Paris, 1881. B35R23 GIRDLESTONE, Dr. F. M. Under the Floor. [See Australian Health Soc, Melb.] MA 3 S 33 GIRDLESTONE, Rev. Robert Baker. Deuterographs : Duplicate Passages in the Old Testament 8vo. Oxford, 1894. G 4 Q 36 GIVOVICH, A. El Rigor de la Corneta. Roy. 8vo. Valparaiso, 1887. J 8 V 24 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 105 GLADDEN, Rev. Dr. Washington. Social Problems in the United States. [See Subjects of the Day, 2.] F7U27 GLADSTONE, Et. Hon. Wm. Ewart. England and her Colonies : a Lecture delivered at Chester, Nov. 12, 1855. 12mo. Melb., 1870. MJ 3 Q 15 Financial Statements of 1853, 1860-63. 8vo. Lond., 1861. F 11 U 25 Home Eule for Ireland. [See Subjects of the Day, 3.] F 7 U 28 Odes of Horace. [See Horatius Flaccus, Q.] II 7 TJ 27 [Life of] ; by G. W. E. Eussell. (Prime Ministers of Queen Victoria.) 8vo. Lond., 1892. C 18 P 3 Early Public Life of; by A. F. Bobbins. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 17 E 17 Sketch of. [See Bagehot, W. — Biographical Studies.] C 22 P 10 A Study from Life; by H. W. Lucy. 12mo. Lond., 1895. C 2 R 37 GLAISHER, Dr. John. Dr. W. Smellie and his Contem- poraries : a Contribution to the History of Midwifery in the 18th Century. 8vo. Glasgow, 1894. C16TJ3 GLAISTEE, Wm. Life of Emperor Karl. fSee Eginhard.] C 13 P 18 GLANCE OF LIFE, and other Poems ; by " G. W. P." 8vo. Lond., 1892. II 10 Q 26 G LASGOW POST OFFICE DIRECTORY, 1893-94. 2 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1893. E GLASS, Chas. E, Miner's Companion for 1857. 2nd ed. 8vo. Castlemaine, Vic, 1857. MA 3 P 56 Pocket Eoad Guide to the Gold Fields [of Victoria]. 18mo. Castlemaine, 1858. " MD 1 P 47 GLAVE, B. J. Six Tears of Adventure in Congo-Land. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893. D 14 V 5 GLAZE BROOK, R. T. Laws and Properties of Matter. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 29 Q 4 GLENELG, Lord. Mr. D. Coates and the New Zealand Association. [See Wakefield, E. G.] MB 2 R 57 GLENNIE, Col. F. Eecords of 24th Regiment. [See Paton, Col. G.] B 22 R 4 GLIDDON, J. Chart of Coast on East side of St. Vincent's Gulf, South Australia. Fol. Lond. (n.d.) MD 3 Q 7J GLOBE, The. Jan.-March, 1894. 8vo. Chicago, 1894. F9R37 GLOUCESTER FISHERMEN'S INSTITUTE. First Annual Report. 8vo. Gloucester, Mass., 1893. E GL0VER,Chas.W. National Airs. [See Moore, Thomas.] A 23 V 11 GLOVER, John R. Napoleon's Last Voyages. [See Napoleon Bonaparte.] C 22 R 3 GLYDE, Miss Ethel L. Blanchewater to Cooper's Creek. (Roy. Geog. Soc. Australasia, Vic. Branch, 6.) 8vo. Melb., 1889. ME 20 P GLYNN, P. McM. The Irish State Trials. [See Sullivan, A. M.] MF 4 Q 20 GLYNN, M. S. Victorian Rowing Register and Oars- man's Companion, 1878. 8vo. Melb., 1878. ME 5 Q GLYNNE, Sir Stephen Richard. Notes on Churches of Cheshire. [See Chetham Soc. Pubs., n.s. 32.] E Notes on the Churches of Lancashire. [See Chetham Soc. Pubs., n.s., 27.] E GNEIST, Dr. Rudolf von. History of the English Parlia- ment through a thousand years, 800-1887. 3rd. ed. 8vo. Lond., 1889. B 23 S 9 GOAD BY, Edwin. The Gothenburg Licensing System. • 12mo. Lond., 1895. F 7 V 25 GODDARD, Rev. E. H. Glossary of Words used in Wiltshire. [See Dartnell, G. E.] E GODEY, Chas. Tablettes d'un ancien fonctionnaire de la Nouvelle-Caledonie: comprenant la relation du Voyage par les Caps de Bonne-Esperance et Horn ; avec t'artes de la route et une Carte de la Nouvelle-Cale- donie. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1886. MD 7 T 35, 36 GODFREY, Edgar James. Literary Curiosities : a Series of Letters to the New South Wales Public Newspapers. 8vo. Sydney, 1882. MJ 3 Q 4 GODKIN, Lawrence. Legal Medicine. [See Hamilton, Dr. A. M.] F 1 V 5, 6 GODMAN, F. Ducane. Persian Ceramic Art. [See Wallis, H.] A6P11J GOESSMANN, Prof. C. A. Manual of Agriculture. [See Emerson, G. B.] A 18 Q 34 GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang von. Poetische und Prosaische Werke. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Stuttgart, 184*). J 7 V 28, 29 Faust: a Dramatic Poem. Translated by A. Hay ward. 7th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1860. H 1 U 1 Faust ; with Critical and Explanatory Notes by Dr. G. G. Zerffi. 8vo. Lond., 1862. H 1 U 4 Faust: eine Tragodie. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1863. H 1 U 5 Faust : a Tragedy. Translated by L. Filmore. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) H 1 S 45 Faust : a Tragedy ; with Notes by Dr. F. Labahn. 8vo. Lond., 1853. H 2 U 28 Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship and Travels. Translated by T. Carlyle. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1858. J 5 R 40, 41 106 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang von — contd. A French Critic on. [See Arnold, M. — Mixed Essays.] JUT 25 Goethe and Carlyle. [See Miiller, F. Max.— Chips from a German Workshop.] J 9 fi 31-38 Goethe's Wilhelm Meister, &c. [See Dowden, Dr. E.] J5S 16 Goethe ; or, the Writer. [See Emerson, B. W. — Eepresentative Men.] C 17 P 10 Goethe reviewed after sixty years ; by J. E. Seeley. 12mo. Lond., 1894. C 19 Q 15 GOHEE, Paul. Three Months in a Workshop. Trans- lated by A. B. Carr. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 6 T 37 GOLDEN CLAD GOLD-MINING CO. Memorandum and Articles of Association. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MF 4 E 35 GOLDEN GATES OF ATJSTEALIA, with its Tempta- tions and its Perils; by "An Australian." 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) MD 7 T 64 GOLD-FIELDS, Ancient and Modern. 8vo. Melb., 1855. MA 3 S 61 GOLD-FIELDS EEMINISCENCES, 1851-84; by "Bonanza." 8vo. Melb., 1884. MA 3 S 58 GOLDSMITH, Oliver. Selections from. [See Harlin.T.] MJ 1 TJ 34 Essays. 8vo. Lond., 1853. J 4 U 1 Goldsmith's Traveller, edited and annotated by C. H. Pearson and Prof. H. A. Strong. 8vo. Melb., 1877. MH 1 Q 23 The Good-natured Man : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 2.] H 2 S 34 Letters from a Citizen of the World. 8vo. Lond., 1853. J 4 TJ 1 Poetical Works of. 8vo. Lond., 1852. H 7 U 34 She Stoops to Conquer : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 1.] H 2 S 33 She Stoops to Conquer ; with Drawings by E. A . Abbey. Fol. New York, 1887. H 40 T 3 J Life and Adventures of ; by J. Forster. 8vo. Lond., 1848. C 21 E 6 Sketch of. [See Bell, Eev. Dr. C. D.— Some of our English Poets.] C 21 P 11 GOLDSTEIN, J. E. T. Some new Species of Bryozoa from the Marion Islands, with Notes on Bicellaria Grandis. (Eoy. Soc, Vict, 18.) 8vo. Melb., 1882. ME1 P GOMME, Alice Bertha. Traditional Games of England, Scotland and Ireland, with Tunes, Song-rhymes, and Methods of Playing according to the variants extant and recorded in different parts of the Kingdom. [Illustrated.] Vol. 1. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 30 T 9 GONCOUET, Edmond and Jules de. [Lives of] ; with Letters and Leaves from their Journals. Compiled and translated bv M. A. Belloc and M. Shedlock. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C21E3.4 GONNESSI AT, F. Eecherches sur l'Equation Personnelle dans les Observations Astronouriques de Passage. (Annales de l'Univ. de Lyon, 3.) Eoy. 8vo. Paris, 1892. A 19 V 28 GONTAUT, Duchesse de. Memoirs of 1773-1836. Translated from the French, by Mrs. J. W. Davis. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 18 T 12, 13 GONZALEZ, J. A. y. Fundamento de la Extradicion. 8vo. Montevideo, 1894. F 9 E 19 GOOD TEMPLAES, Independent Order of. Journals and Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of N.S.W. 8vo. Sydney, 1880. ME GOOD WORDS, 1892-94. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1892-94. E GOODALE, Dr. George Lincoln. The Wild Flowers of America ; with coloured Plates by I. Sprague. 4to. Boston, 1894. A 15 Q 22 f GOODCHILD, K. Who are vou ? A volume of verse; by " Keighley." 12mo. Echuca, 18S3. MH 1 P 57 GOODE, George Brown. Classification of the Collection to illustrate the Animal Eesources of the United States. 8vo. Wash., 1876. K 7 U 8 GOODENOUGH, Lt.-Gen. W. H, and DALTON, Lt.-Col. J. C. The Army Book for the British Empire : a Eecord of the Development and Present Composition of the Military Forces, and their Duties in Peace and War. 8vo. Lond., 1893. B 23 T 18 GOODNO W, Prof. Frank J. Comparative Administrative Law : Analysis of the Administrative Systems, National and Local, of the United States, England, France, and Germany. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1893. F 8 P 33, 34 1. Organisation. 2. Legal Regulations. Municipal Home Eule : a Study in Administration. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 8 U 46 GOODWIN, George Augustus. The Land Selector's Guide. 2nded. 8vo. Melb., 1873. MF2E41 GOOD YE AE, Chas. Sketch of. [See Hubert, P. G.— Inventors.] C L7 E 3 GOODYEAE, Wm. H. Eenaissance and Modern Art. 8vo. New York, 1894. A 23 E 14 GOOLD, Most Eev. James Alipius. Biographical Sketch of ; by Jas. F. Hogan. With Portrait. 8vo. Melb., 1886. MC 1 T 20 Supp lem en tary Ca ta logue — 1 893-95 . 197 GOOLD-ADAMS, Capt H. E. [See Adams, Capt. H. E. G-.] GOOS, Pieter. De Zee-Atlas ofte Water- Weereld, waer ia vertoontwerden alle de Zee-Kusten vanhet bekende des Aerd Bodems. Fol. Amsterdam, 1066. D 8 P 26 % GOEDAT, Prof. J. P. Eise and Growth of the Normal School Idea in the United States. 8vo. Wash., 1891. G IS E 16 GOEDON\ Adam Lindsay. Poems: Sea Spray and Smoke Drift — Bush Ballads and Galloping Ehymes — Miscellaneous Poems — Ashtaroth, a dramatic lyric — The Eoll of the Kettledrum. 8vo. Melb., 1892. MH 1 Q 16 A Memoir of the Life of ; by J. H. Eoss. 8vo. Lond., 1892. MC1Q29 Eeminiscences and unpublished Poems. 4to. Sydney (n.d.; MH 10 PlOt GOEDON, Alexander. Freedom of Thought in Matters of Eeligious Belief, its use and abuse. 8vo. Sydney, 1880. MG 1 P 71 and KNOX, G. Joint Opinion of, re Bishop of Sydney. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1882. MG9 P9f and STUAET, Sir Alexander. Speeches [on Church Property] at the Meeting of the General Conference of the Church of England in New South "Wales, April 12-17, 1866. 8vo. Sydney, 1866. MG1 S 19 GOEDON, Hon. Sir Arthur. The Earl of Aberdeen. (Prime Ministers of Queen Victoria.) 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 13 P 28 GOEDON, Gen. Charles George. Gordon Memorial Statue : an Account of the Gordon Memorial Meeting, at Melbourne, May, 1885. 8vo. Melb., 1885. MC 1 T 18 Tribute to the Memory of. {See Tucker, Eev. H. F.] MG 1 E 69 GOEDON, E. A. Clear Eound : Seeds of Story from other Countries. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. D 20 Q 17 GOEDON, George. Amateur's Eose Book. {See Hibberd, S.] A 32 E 9 GOEDON, H. Compendium of Painting. [See Blockx, J.] A 23 P 4 GOEDON, Henry A. Mining and Engineering, and Miners' Guide. Eoy. 8vo. "Wellington, 1894 MA 3 E 35 GOEDON, Jas. Edward Henry. Practical Treatise on Electric Lighting. 8vo. New Tork, 1891. A 21 S 21 GORDON, Prof. Joseph C. Notes and Observations upon the Education of the Deaf. Eoy. 8vo. Washington, 1892. G 17 E 27 GOEDON, Mrs. Life and Correspondence of Very Eev. Dean Buckland. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 17 E 16 GOEDON, Mrs. Margaret Maria. The Home Life of Sir David Brewster. 2nd ed. 8vo. Edinb., 1870. C 13 P 25 GOEDON, P. E. The Drover's Guide: a summary of such clauses of various Acts of Parliament as relate to the Passage of Stock in Queensland and New South Wales. 2nd ed. 12mo. Brisb., 1886. MF 2 P 49 GOEDON & GOTCH, Messrs. The Australian Hand- book for 1893-95. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893-95. ME 13 E GOEE, Eev. Chas. Thoughts on Eeligion by G. J. Eomanes. [See Eomanes, G. J.] G 1 U 23 Dissertations on subjects connected with the Incarnation. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 3 E 17 An Astronomical Glossary. 12mo. A 19 P 24 GOER, J. Ellard Lond., 1893. Popular Astronomy. [See Flammarionj C] A 19 V 22 The Visible Universe : Chapters on the Origin and Construction of the Heavens. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 19 S 23 GOEGAS, Dr. Ferdinand J. S. Dentistry. [See Harris, Dr. C. A.] A 26 V 12 GORST, Et Hon. Sir John E. Settlements in England and America. [See Knapp, J. M. — The Universities and the Social Problem.] F 8 U 22 GOSCHEN, Et. Hon. George Joachim. Theory of the Foreign Exchanges. 16th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F14T40 GOSMAN, Eev. Alexander. Mr. Justice Higinbotham on the Orthodox Fuith. 8vo. Melb., 1887. MG 2 Q 23 GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM, The. [See Eeligious Pamphlets, 1.] G 9 V 16 GOSSE, Edmund Wm. Letters of Thcs. L. Beddoes. [See Beddoes, T. L.] C 19 P 5 Essay on Georgian Sculpture. [See Nollekens, J. — Nollekens and his Times.] C 12 R 18 The Jacobean Poets. 12mo. Lond., 1894. C 18 P 9 The Tavern of the Three Virtues. [See Delorme, E.] J 15 R 13 t GOSTWICK, Joseph, and HAERISON, Robert. Out- lines of German Literature. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1883. J 8 Q 43 GOTHAISCHEE GENEALOGISCHEE HOFKAL- ENDEE nebst diplomatisch-statistischen Jahrbuch, 1893-95. 3 vols. 18mo. Gotha, 1893-95. E GOTHAISCHES GENEALOGISCHES TASCHBN- BUCH der Griiflichen Hauser, 1893-85. 3 vols. 18mo. Gotha, 1893-94. E 108 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. GOTHAISCHES GENEALOGISCHES TASCHEN- BUCH der Freiherrlichen Hauser, 1893-95. 3 vols. 18mo. Gotha, 1893-94. E GOTO.Seitara. On Diplozoon nipponicum. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) A 30 V 16 GOUIN, Francois. The Art of Teaching and Learning Languages. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond., 1892. K 20 Q 43 GOULD, A. C, "Ealph Greenwood." Modern American Pistols and Revolvers. New ed., illustrated. 8vo. Boston, 1894. A 25 S 4 GOULD, Benjamin Apthorp. Resultados del Observatorio Nacional Argentino en Cordoba. Catalogo General. 4to. Cordoba, 1886. A 14 S 17 t Uranometria Argentina : Brightness and Position of every fixed star, down to the seventh magnitude, within one hundred degrees of the South Pole. (Spanish and English.) 4to. Buenos Aires, 1879. A 14 S 12 f Atlas to above. Fol. Buenos Aires, 1877. A 12 P 23 J Zone Catalogue: Mean Positions for 1870 of Stars observed in the Zones at the Argentine National Observatory. 2 vols. 4to. Cordoba, 1884. A 14 S 14, 15 f GOULD, Dr. E. R. L. Local Government in Pennsyl- vania. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 1.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1883. B 18 S 1 The Social Condition of Labour. Johns Hopkins University Studies, 11.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1893. B18S11 Popular Control of the Liquor Traffic. 12mo. Lond., 1894. F 7 V 31 GOULD, Dr. George M. Illustrated Dictionary of Medicine, Biology, and allied Sciences. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 33 V 14 GOULD, John. Analytical Index to the "Works of, with a Biographical Memoir ; by R. B. Sharp. 4to. Lond., 1893. A 12 S 7 f GOULD, Nat, " Verax." On and off the Turf in Australia. 12mo. Lond., 1895. MA 3 U 26 GOULD, Robert Freke. The History of Freemasonry : its Antiquities, Symbols, Constitutions, Customs, &c. 3 vols. 4to. Lond., 1885-87. B 12 S 2-4 t GOULD, Rev. S. Baring-. [See Baring-Gould, Rev. S.] GOUVEA, Dr. H. de, and LIMA E CASTRO, Dr. J. C. de. O Contracto de Saneamento do Solo do Rio de Janeiro. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1891. A 26 U 22 GOVE, A. Teachers' Hand-book, Denver, 1893. 12mo. Denver, 1893. G 18 P 20 GOVETT, Win. Romaine. Manuscript Note-book of; including Copies of some Letters written by him, 1835-37. Notes on the Aborigines of New South Wales, and an Account of Govett's Leap, with a description of the scenery on the Blue Mountain Road, forming the basis of Govett's " Sketches of New South Wales," in the Saturday Magazine, 1836-37; with extracts on Oil Painting, from " The Compleat Gentle- man, bv H. Peacham." Sm. 4to. (n.p.) 1828-37. Libr. GOW, Wm. The Apocalypse unveiled, and a Fight with Death and Slander. 12mo. Perth, 1888. G 17 Q 52 Legends of Strathmore. 12mo. Perth, 1886. J 11 U 28 GOW, Dr. Wm. Marine Insurance. 12mo. Lond., 1895. F7 V33 GO WEN, Rev. H. H. The Paradise of the Pacific: Sketches of Hawaiian Scenery and Life. 12mo. Lond., 1892. MD 7 T 56 GOWER, Hon. F. L. Letters of Harriet, Countess Granville. [See Granville, Countess.] C 16 S 18, 19 GOWER, G. L. Glossary of Surrey Words. (Eng. Dialect Soc.) 8vo. Lond., 1S93. E GOWER, Ronald Chas. Sutherland Leveson, Lord. Joan of Arc. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 16 T 17 GOWER, Wm. H. The Orchid Album. [See Warner, R.] A 14 P 10 t GOWERS, Dr. Wm. R. Clinical Lectures on Diseases of the Nervous System. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 13 Q 35 GRAAF, Dr. L. von. Myzostomida. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J.— Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger.] A 6 t GRACE, Joseph. The End of the World, containing wonderful historical facts. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MG 1 P 70 GRACE, Dr. W. G. Batting, Bowling, Fielding. 18mo. Bristol (n.d.) A 29 S 16 GRAHAM, Andrew J. Standard or American Phono- graphy. 8vo. New York, 1894. J 12 T 46 GRAHAM, Gabriela C. Santa Teresa; being some Ac- count of her Life and Times, together with some pages from the History of the last great Reform in the Religious Orders. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894. G3R10, 11 GRAHAM, Dr. J. Hydatid Disease in its Clinical Aspects. 8vo. Edinb., 1891. A 13 Q 34 GRAHAM, Robt. C. The Carved Stones of Islay. 4to. Glasgow, 1895. B 15 P 3 t GRAHAM, Thos. Sketch of. [See Thorpe, Dr. T. E.— Historical Chemistry.] C 17 R 2 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 109 GRAHAM, Dr. Thos. J. On the Diseases of Females, including the Diseases and Management of Pregnancy and Confinement. 6th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1855. A 33 T 15 GRAMMONT, Count Philibert. Memoirs of; by Count Anthony Hamilton. 4to. Lond., 1793. C 18 U 5 GRAND MAGAZINE OP MAGAZINES, October, 1759. 8vo. Lond., 1759. J 4 U 8 GRANDIER, Urbain. History of the Devils of Londun. [See Collectanea Adamantsa.] J 18 R 31 GRANDJEAN, J. M. Melanges de Philologie Indo- Europeenne. [See Regnaud, P.] J 7 U 40 GRANT, A. J. Greece in the Age of Pericles. 12mo. Lond., 1893. B 16 P 1 GRANT, Rev. Dr. George M. The Religions of the World. 8vo. Lond , 1895. G 1 IT 21 GRANT, Gen. Sir Hope. Life of, with Selections from his Correspondence. Edited by Col. H. Knollys. With Portraits, and Maps and Plans. 2 vols. 8vo. Ediub., 1894. C 17 R 5, 6 GRANT, M. Porsyth. Scenes in Hawaii ; or, Life in the Sandwich Islands. 12mo. Toronto, 1888. MD 8 P 2 GRANT, Gen. Ulysses S. [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L.— Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 Sketch of. [See Wilson, J. G. — Presidents of ihe United States.] C 2 V 30 GRANVILLE, Harriet, Countess. Letters of, 1810-45. Edited by the Hon. P. L. Gower. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1891. C 16 S 18, 19 GRANVILLE, Lord. Sketch of. [See Smalley, G. W.— Studies of Men.] C 19 R 20 GRAPHIC, The: an illustrated weekly newspaper. Vols. 46-50. Pol. Lond., 1892-91. E GRASBT, W. CaUon. Our Public Schools. 2nd ed. 8vo. Adelaide, 1891. MG 1 S 43 GRATTANN, W. H. Seaweeds. [See Taylor, Dr. J. E. —Collecting Natural History Objects] A 29 Q 38 GRAU, Rev. Dr. R. F. The Goal of the Human Race ; or, the Development of Civilisation, its Origin and Issue. 8vo. Lond., 1892. G 2 P 33 GRAY, Prof. Andrew. Theory and Practice of Absolute Measurements in Electrity and Magnetism. 2 vols, (in 3). 8vo. Lond., 1883-93. A 21 Q 16-18 and MATHEWS, Prof. G. B. Treatise on Bessel Functions and their Applications to Phvsics. 8vo. Lond., 1895. . A 25 U 21 GRAY, Rev. James Cowper. The Sunday School World. 12mo. Lond., 1871. G 2 V 43 GRAY. Dr. John Edward. Supplement to Catalogue of Seals and Whales in the British Museum. 8vo. Lond., 1871. A 27 U 34 GRAY, John M. Life of Sir John Clerk. [See Scottish History Soc, 13.] E GRAY, Capt. R., the Discoverer of the Columbia River. Sketch of. [See Greeley, Gen. A. W. — Explorers and Travellers] C 17 R 4 GRAY, Roderick. Tongariro, the Sacred Mountain of the Maori. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) MG 2 R 51 GRAY, Samuel. Pamphlets on Poultry : — Table Birds, Australian Game, the Plymouth Rock, Egg Pro- ducers and Experiments in Egg Production, Soft Food, Fowls on the Farm. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MA 1 Q 60 GRAY, Thomas. Designs by R. Bentley for six Poems by T. Gray. Fol. Lond., 1765. II 40 T 8 J Poetical Works of. 12mo. Lond , 1863. H 10 T 3 Poetical Works of. 18mo. Lond., 1839. H L0 T 28 Sketch of. [See Bell, Rev. Dr. C. D.— Some of our English Poets.] C21 Pll GRAY, Wm. Works of Sir Philip Sidney. [See Sidney, Sir P.] J 2 Q 23 GRAY, Rev. Win. Presbyterian Church of South Aus- tralia, Home and Foreign Missions. 12mo. Adelaide, 1888. MQ 2 R 51 GRAYSON, L. Boiler Explosions. 8vo. Adelaide, 1886. MA 2 V 57 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND:— . Army List. [See War Office.] Bbitish North America. Report on the Affairs of, from the Earl of Durham. 2 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1839. F 36 Q 22, 23 % Copies of Extracts of Correspondence relative to the Affairs of. Sm. fol. Lond., 1839. F 36 Q 24 J Report and Despatches of the Earl of Durham. 8vo. Lond., 1839. F 9 T 18 Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland. 6 vols. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1892-94. E Historians of the Church of York and its Archbishops. Vol. 3, edited by Rev. Dr. J. Kaine. Icelandic Sagas and other Historical Documents relating to the Settlements and Descents of the Norsemen on the British Isles. Vol. 3. The Orkneyingers' Saga. Trans- lated by Sir G. W. Dasent. Vol. 4. The Saga of Hacon, and a Fragment of the Saga of Magnus. Trans- lated by Sir G. W. Dasent. Cartularium Monasterii de Bameseia. Vol. 3. Memorials of St. Edmund's Abbey. Vol. 2. Records of the Parliament holden at Westminster, 28th February, 1305. 110 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— contd. Civil Service. Report of the Civil Service Inquiry Commission, with Correspondence. Sm. fol. Lond., 1875. E Report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the Civil Establishments of the different offices of state at home and abroad. 3 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1887-89. E Rules and Regulations for Her Majesty's Colonial Ser- vice. 8vo. Lond., 1807. P2V7 Rules and Regulations respecting Examinations. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1804. E 8 T 2 Colonial Office. The Colonial Office List, 1893-95, compiled by J. Anderson. 8vo. Lond., 1893-95. E Colonial Possessions. Annual Colonial Reports, Nos. 35-132, 1889-95. 8vo. Lond., 1892-95. E Statistical Abstract for the several Colonial and other Possessions of the United Kingdom, 1877-91 and 1878-92. 2 vols. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1892-93. E Contract Packets. Report of the Committee on. Sm.fol. Lond., 1853. F 39 U 26 % Convicts. Copies of Correspondence with the Colonial Office, relative to Convicts who were Holders of Con- ditional Pardons. Sm.fol. Lond., 1846. MP 3 U 13 Copies of Correspondence with the Governor of Tas- mania, connected with the Institution of an Inquiry into the Working of the Convict Department. Sm. fol. Lond., 1856. MF 3 IT 14 Return of the Number of Convicts in New South Wales, 1826-28 ; Expense of the Department of the Superin- tendent in 1829 ; and the Number of Applications for Female Convicts as Servants. Sm. fol. Lond., 1832. MF 3 IT 11 Co-operation. Reports by Her Majesty's Representa- tives abroad on the system of Co-operation in Foreign Countries. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1886. F 1 T 12 Electric Powers. Report on Electric Powers (pro- tective clauses). Fol. Lond., 1893. A 39 U 24 % Estimates. Army Estimates, 18J3-95. 2 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1893-94. E Estimates for Revenue Departments, 1894-95. 2 vols, sm. fol. Lond., 1893-94 E Estimates for Civil Services, 1894-95. 2 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1893-94. E Navy Estimates, 1893-95. 2 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1893-94. E Federation. Copy of Correspondence between the Australian Colonists in London and the Colonial Office on the subject of a Federal Association of the Australian Colonies. Sm.fol. Lond., 1857. MF3U19 Foreign Office. The Foreign Office List, 1893-95. 8vo. Lond., 1893-95. E Friendly Societies. Reports from the Select Com- mittee, 1888 and 1889. 2 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1888-89. F 36 P 11, 12 J GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— contd. Historical MSS. Commission. 13th Report and Ap- pendices 2, 4-8; 14th Report, Appendices 1-10 ; and Calendar of the MSS. of the Marquis of Salisbury, at Hatfield House, Pts. 4 and 5. 18 vols. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1892-95. E India Office. The India List, Civil and Militarv, 1893- 95. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893-95. E The India Office List, containing an account of the services of officers in the Indian Service, and other information, 1893-95. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893-95. E Identification of Criminals. Report of a Committee to enquire into the best means for identifying habitual Criminals. Sm. fol. Lond., 1894. F 36 T 1 % Intoxicating Liquors. Act for regulating the Sale of Intoxicating Liquors. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1872. F 11 V 14 Act to amend the Laws relating to the sale and con- sumption of Intoxicating Liquors. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1874. F 11 V 15 Beer Dealers' Retail Licences. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1882. Fll V20 Habitual Drunkards Act. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1879. F 11 V 17 Imposition and Restrictions upon the sale of Intoxicating Liquors in the Colonies, 1872, 1882-83. 3 vols. fol. Lond., 1872-83. MF 4 I 9-11 Index to Report on Sale of Liquors on Sunday Bill. Fol. Lond., 1868. F 39 U 18 J Index to the Report on Sale of Intoxicating Liquors on Sunday (Ireland) Bill. Fol. Lond., 1877. F 39 U 19 % Inland Bevenue Act. Imp.8vo. Lond., 1880. F11V19 Payment of Wage3 in Public-houses Prohibition Act. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1883. F 11 V 21 Permissive Prohibitory Liquor: a Bill, 1870-77. 7 vols, fol. Lond., 1870-77. F 39 H 4-10 J Public-houses : Returns, 1875. Fol. Lond., 1875. F 39 U 20 + Publicans' Certificates, Scotland. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1876. F 11 V 16 Report from Select Committee on Public-houses, Scotland : Evidence, Appendix, and Index. Fol. Lond , 1846. F 39 U 23 J Report of Committee on Intemperance, 1878-79, and Indexes 1877-78. 3 vols. fol. Lond., 1877-79. F 39 U 15-17 X Report of Inspector of Retreats under the Habitual Drunkards Act, 1879. Fol. Lond., 1885. F39U21 J Reports on the Sale of Beer, 1817, 1819, 1855. 4-vols. fol. Lond., 1817-55. F 39 U 11-14 J Spirits Act. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1880. F 11 V 18 Kew Royal Gardens. Bulletin, 1893. 8vo. Lond., 1893. E Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. Ill GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— conld. Labour, Royal Commission on. The Employment of Women. Sm. fol. Lond., 1893. E 39 U 25 J Foreign Reports, vol. 2. The Colonies and the Indian Empire, with an Appendix on the Migration of Labour. Sm. fol. Lond., 1893. E 36 Q 26 J Minebal Statistics of the United Kingdom, with the Isle of Man, for 1892-93. 2 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1893-94. E Murray Riveb. Copies of Despatches from the Governor of South Australia, on the Navigation of the River Murray. Sm. fol. Lond , 1854. MF 3 TJ 37 New South Wales. Abstract of the Expenditure of the Colonial Revenues of New South Wales, 1825-38, including the Disbursements made both from the Colonial Treasury and by the Colonial Agent-General in London. Sm.'fol. Sydney, 1840. ME 4 T 23 Charter establishing Courts of Justice in New South Wales, 1823. 8vo. Sydney, 1875. MF 2 Q 40 Copies or Extracts of a Despatch relative to the Condi- tion of the Licensed Occupiers of Crown Lands in Port Phillip and New South Wales. Sm. Fol. Lond., 1844. MF 3 U 12 Despatch on the Subject of Quit Rents. Sm. Fol. Lond., 1849. MF 3 U 35 Electoral Act, passed bv the Legislature of New South Wales, 1858. Sm. fol. Lond., 1859. MF 3 U 17 Instructions relative to the Division of Ihe Territory into Counties, Parishes, and Districts. Sm. fol. Lond., 1853. MF 3 U 33 Papers relating to [Distillation, Convicts, &c. in] His Majesty's Settlements at New South Wales, 1811-14. Sm. fol. Lond., 1816. MF 3 U 26 Returns of the Revenues arising from Crown Lands, in New South Wales, from 1831 to the latest period. Sm. fol. Lond., 1840. •MF3U8 New Zealand. Copies of Communications relative to an Expedition sent from New South Wales to New Zealand, for the Recovery of British Subjects who had been detained by the Natives. Sm. fol. Lond., 1835. MF 3 U 31 Copies of Correspondence relating to the Political Institutions of [New Zealand]. Sm. fol. Lond., 1852. MF 3 U 34 Correspondence with the Secretary of State relative to New Zealand. Fol. Lond., 1840. MF 4 T 2 Copies of Correspondence relative to the New Zealand Estimates. Sm. fol. Lond., 1813. MF 3 U 27 Copies of Papers relating to the Appointment of, Members to the Upper House of Representatives in New Zealand and the Colonies. Sm. fol. Lond., 1893. MF 3 U 49 Copies of Correspondence relative to an Attack on the British Settlement at the Bay of Islands by the Natives of New Zealand. Sm. fol. Lond., 1845. MF 3 U 28 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— contd. New Zealand — contd. Copy or Extracts from any recent Despatch from the Governor of New South Wales, respecting Outrages by the Natives in the Bay of Islands. Sm. fol. Lond., 1845. MF 3 U 29 Copy of a Despatch from Governor Sir R. Bourke relative to the Affairs of New Zealand. [Native Troubles at Bay of Islands.] Sm. fol. Lond., 1838. MF 3 U 29 Copies of the Laws and Ordinances passed by the Governor and Council of New Zealand. Sm. fol. Lond., 1844. MF 3 U 22 Copies of Letters from Mr. Shortland and Mr. Busby. [On Natives and New Zealand Co.] Sm. fol. Lond., 1845. MF 3 U 30 New Zealand Company. Report of the Select Committee on Loan for defraying the debt of the Colony to the New Zealand Company. Sm. fol. Lond., 1857. MF3U22 Copies of Despatches from the Governor, enclosing or having reference to Reports and Awards made by Mr. Spain, Commissioner of Land Claims, upon the Titles to Land of the New Zealand Company. Sm. fol. Lond., 1846. MF 3 U 21 Pabliament. Parliamentarv Debates. Vols. 1-59, 3rd series (1830-41) and vols. 6-29, 4th series (1893). Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1831-94. E Peivy Council. [See Public Record Office.] Public Recobu Officio. List of original Ministers' Accounts preserved in. Pt. 1. Sm. fol. Lond., 1894. E Acts of the Privy Council. Vols. 1-12, ] 542-81 ; edited by John R. Dasent. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1890-9(5. B 38 T 1-12 Rotuli Scaccarii Regum Scotorum — The Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. Vol. 14, 1513-22. Roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1893. B 33 U 2 Queensland. Further Correspondence relating to Polynesian Labour. Sm. fol. Lond., 1893. MF 2 Q 39 t Recobd Commissioners' Publications. Annals of Ulster, otherwise Annals of Senat : a Chronicle of Irish Affairs, 431-1131, 1155-1541. Vol. 3, 1379- 1541. Edited by Rev. Dr. B. MacCarthy. Imp. 8vo. Dublin, 1895. B 30 V 18 Secondary Punishment. Copies or Extracts of Corres- pondence between the Secretary of State for the Colonial Department and the Governors of the Aus- tralian Provinces on the subject of Secondary Punish- ment ; also, Copies or Extracts of Correspondence between the Secretaries of State for the Home and Colonial Departments on the subject. Sm. fol. Lond., 1834. MF 4 T 45 South Australian Colonization Commissioners. Second and Fourth Annual Reports of, 1K37 and 1839. Sm. fol. Lond., 1838-40. MF 3 U 9, 10 112 Supp lementary Ca ta logue — 1 893-95 . GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— contd, State Trials, Reports of. New Series, vols. 1-3, edited by John Macdonell ; vols. 4-6, edited by J. E. P. Wallis. 6 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1888-94. E 3 T 4-9 Statutes. The Statutes. 2nd revised ed. Vols. 6 and 8,1837-42,1817-52. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893-94. E Chronological Table and Index of the Statutes. 11th edition. 1235-1889. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1890. E Steam Communication. Copies of Despatches from the Governors of the Australian Colonies and New Zealand, on Steam Communication. Sm. fol. Lond., 1851. MF3IT36 Tahiti. Correspondence relative to the proceedings of the FreDch at Tahiti, 1825-43. Eol. Lond., 1843. MB 12 P 26 t Tasmania. Copies of Despatches and Petitions relating to the Passing and Operation of the Act 5 Vic. c. 3. " To confirm an Act of the Legislature of Van Diemen's Land, for authorizing the Levy of certain Duties of Customs and on Spirits." Sm. fol. Lond., 1845. MF 3 U 39 Return of the Population, Revenue and Expenditure, Exports and Imports, from the 1st January, 1836. Sm. fol. Lond., 1846. ME 3 U 43 Tbanspoetation. Copy of a Communication upon the Subject of Transportation ; by the Lord Bishop of Tasmania. Sm. fol. Lond., 1847. ME 3 U 40 Copies of Despatches from the Governor of New South Wales, and the Lieutenant-Governor of Van Diemen's Land, relative to Transportation and the Assignment of Convicts. Sm. fol. Lond., 1839. MF 3 U 38 Copy of a Letter from Mr. E. S. Hall, and the Reply thereto, on Transportation and Convict Discipline. Sm. fol. Lond., 1850. MF 3 U 41 Convict Discipline and Transportation, copies of Petitions on, since 1838. Sm. fol. Lond., 1851. MP 8 TT 42 Twenty-eighth Report from the Select Committee on Finance, 4c; Police, including Convict Establish- ments. Sm. fol. Lond., 1810. E 39 U 35 + Pirst Report from the Select Committee appointed to iiquire into the execution of the Criminal Law, especi- ally respecting juvenile offenders and transportation. Sm. fol. Lond., 1847. MF 7 Q 28 f Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on an Act to substitute, in certain cases, other punish- ments in lieu of transportation. Sm. fol. Lond., 1856. E 39 V 34 J Victoria. Copy of the Electoral Law of Victoria passed by the Colonial Legislature, 1S56. Sm. fol. Lond., 1857. MF 3 U 16 War Office. The Monthly Army List, 1894-95. 8 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1894-95. E Aido-Mcmoire for the use of Officers of Royal Engineers. Vol. 2. 12mo. Lond., 1883. A 29 P 41 Army Service Corps — Drills and Exercises, 1891. 16mo. Lond., 1891. A 29 P 42 Cavalry Drill. Vols. 1 and 2. 12mo. Lond., 1891. A 29 P 33, 34 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— contd. "War Office— contd. Field Artillery Drills. Vols. 1 and 3. 16mo. Lond. r 1889. A 29 P 37, 39 Garrison Artillery Drill. 2 vols. 16mo. Lond., 1891-92. A 29 P 35, 36 Infantry Drill, 1893. 16mo. Lond., 1893. A 29 P 32 Instruction in Military Engineering. Parts 2, 3, and 5, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1887-90. A 29 T 19-22 Manual of Field Range-finding, 1890. Rov. 8vo. Lond , 1890. A 29 V 15 Manuals for Field Service — Cavalry, Infantry. 8vo. Lond., 1888. A 29 Q 22 Manual for Field Service — Royal Artillery. 8vo. Lond., 1889. A 29 Q 23 Manual for Field Service — Army Service Corps. 8vo. Lond., 1889. A 29 Q 20 Manuals for Field Service — Army Signallers, Army Post Office Corps, Bearer Companies and Field Hos- pital. . 8vo. Lond., 1888. A 29 Q 21 The Queen's Regulations and Orders for the Army, 1892. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 29 Q 19 Regimental Transport — Saddling and Loading Pack Mules and Camels. 8vo. Lond., 1889. A 29 Q 24 Regulations and Field Service Manual for Mounted Infantry. 8vo. Lond., 1889. A 29 Q 27 Regulations for Army Service Corps Duties, 1889. 8vo, Lond., 1889. A 29 Q 31 Regulations for Army Medical Service, 1890. 8vo. Lond., 1890. A 29 Q 32 Royal Warrant for the Pay, Appointment, Promotion, and Non-effective Pay of the Army, 1892. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 29 Q 28 Text-book of Fortification and Military Engineering. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 29 V 19, 20 Treatise on Ammunition, 1892. 5th edition, Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 29 V 13 Trumpet and Bugle Sounds. 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 29 Q 33 GREAT EXPLORERS of Africa. Illustrated. 2 vols, roy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. D 15 V 21, 22 GREAT GIPPSLAND RAIL WAT, Melbourne to Sale : Outline of Project. 8vo. Melb., 1871. MA 1 V 68 GREAT PROBLEM of Substance and its Attributes, The, involving the relationship and laws of matter and of mind as a phenomena of the World, derived from the absolute. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G2TJ11 GREAT WAR OF 189—, The : a Forecast ; by Rear- Adm. P. Colomb, Col. J. F. Maurice, Capt. F. N. Maude, Archibald Forbes, Charles Lowe, D. C. Murray, and F. Scudamore. 8vo. Lond., 1893. J 2 Q 21 GREELEY, Gen. Adolphus Washington. Explorers and Travellers. (Men of Achievement.) 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 17 R 4 Supplementary Catalogue— 1893-95. 113 GEEEN, Arthur G. Organic Colouring Matters. [See Schultz, Dr. G-.] A 25 V 8 GEEEN, J. L. Eural Industries of England. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 25 S 5 GEEEN, Mrs. J. E. Town Life in the 15th Century. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894. B 22 T 10, 11 GEEEN\ Joseph' Henry. Spiritual Philosophy: founded on the teaching of the late S. T. Coleridge ; edited by John Simon. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1865. G 14 Q 25, 26 GEEEN, Eev. M. W, and BRIGHT, Chas. The Divine Origin of Christianity : Debate. 8vo. Dunedin, 1879. MG 1 P 67 GEE EN, Thos. Hill. Lectures on the Principles of Politi- cal Obligation. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 11 TJ 3 GEEENE, G. A. Italian Lyrists of To-dav. 12mo. Lond., 1893. *H8T48 GEEENE, Dr. Wm. H. Modern Chemistry. [See "Wurtz, C. A.] A 21 E 34 GEEENHILL, Prof. Alfred George. Treatise on Hydro- statics. 12mo. Lond., 1894. A 25 Q 23 GEEENHILL, Dr. "W. A. Sir T. Browne's Religio Medici. [See Browne, Sir T.] G 4 V 12 GEEENIDGE, A. H. J. Infamia: its Place in Eomau Public and Private Law. 8vo. Oxford, 1894. F 14 S 27 GEEENWELL, Allan, and CUEEY, W. T. Eural "Water Supply : Practical Hand-book on the Supply of Water and Construction of "Waterworks for small Country Districts. 8vo. Lond., 1896. A 22 Q 24 GEEEN WICH EOTALOBSEEVATOEY. Astronomical and Magnetical, and Meteorological Observations, 1892. 4to. Lond., 1894. A 13 S 4f GEEENWOOD, P. The Lover's Lexicon : a Hand-book for Novelists, Playwrights, Philosophers, &c 12mo. Lond., 1893. J 8 Q 49 GEEG, E. P. Comparative Philology of the Old and New "Worlds in Eelation to Archaic Speech. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1893. ' K 16 U 23 GEEGOEOVIUS, Pedinand. History of the City of Eome in the Middle Ages ; translated by Annie Hamilton. Vols:l-3. 8vo. Lond., 1894. B 30 E 10-12 GEEGOET THAUMATUEGUS. Works of; trans- lated by Eev. S. D. P. Salmond. (Ante-Nicene Christ. Lib., 20.) 8vo. Edinb., 1871. G 14 U 20 GEEGOEY, Hon. Augustus C. The Brisbane Eiver Ploods of 1893. (Boy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Q. Branch, 8.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1893. ME 20 Notes on the Geographical Conditions of the Catch- ment Area of the Brisbane Eiver : the Ploods and their origin. (Eoy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Q. Branch, 8.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1893. ME 20 Observations on occurrence of Gold at Mount Morgan. (Proc. Eoy. Soc, Queensland, 1.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1884. ME 1 T GEEGOEY, J. "W. Jurassic Pauna of Cutch : the Echin- oidea of Cutch. [See India, Geological Survey, series 9, vol. 2.] E GEEGOEY, Sir Wm., formerly M.P., and sometime Governor of Cevlon : an Autobiography. 8vo. Lond., 1891. C 18 T 14 GEENSIDE, Dr. F. C. Dropping after Calving. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MA 1 Q 58 GEENVILLE,Sir Eichard. Thelast fightof the Revenge, and the death of Sir Eichard Grenville. [See Biblio- theca Curiosa.] J 18 Q 38 GEESSWELL, Dr. D. Astley. Eeport on the Sanitary Condition of Melbourne. Sm. fol. Melb., 1800. MA 9 Q 14f GRESWELL, Eev. Wm. Parr. Outlines of British Colonisation. 8vo. Lond., 1893. MB 1 P 21 GEE YE L, H. The Book. [See Bouchot, H.] B 36 U 9 GEEVILLE, Edward. Year-book of Australia, 1893-95. 3 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1893-95. ME Legal Year-book of Australasia. 8vo. Svdnev, 1893.* " ME 6 E The Year-book of New South Wales for 1888. [MS. List of Governors and several memos, by Sir A. Stephen, Lieut.-Governor of New South Wales.] 8vo. Sydney, 1888. ME GEEV1LLE-NUGENT, Hon. Mrs. [See Nugent, Hon. Mrs. G] OBEVIL LEA s A Quarterly Eecord of Cryptogamic Botany audits Literature. Vols. 21,22. 8vo. Lond., 1891-94. E GREY, E. Travels of P. della Valle in India. [See Hakluyt Soc, 84, 85.] E GEEY, Sir George. The Irish Land Question : A Eeprint of Letters to the London Daily News in 1868. 8vo. Auckland, 1889. MF 4 E 46 The Great Pro-Consul. [See Eeee, W. L.] MJ1U 37, 38 114 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. GEE Y, Harold. (T. E. Argles.) HauDted Sydney ; by " The Pilgrim." (Pam.) 8vo. Sydney, 1878. MG 1 Q 53 My Unnatural Life : an Autobiographical Apology. No*. 1 and 2. 8vo. Sydney, 1878. MJ 2 S 46 The Pilgrim : a Sensational Weekly Pamphlet. 16 Nos. 8vo. Sydney, 1877. MJ 2 S 43 Scenes in Sydney by Day and Night : a series of Social Sketches;' by "The Moocher." No. 1. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MJ 2 S 45 Te Prodigal : a Weekly Social and Moral Pamphlet. [5 odd Nos.] 8vo. Sydney, 1879. MJ 2 S 44 GEET, Henry M. Lloyd's Yesterday and To-day. 8vo. Lond, 1893. P 6 U 3 GEEY, Dr. Eichard. Memoria Technica j or, Method of A rtificial Memory, applied to and exemplified in Chronology, History, Geography, Astronomy ; also, Jewish, Grecian/and Eoman Coins, Weights, Measures, &e. ; to which are subjoined Lowe's Mnemonics delineated. New ed. 12mo. Oxford, 1880. G 19 P 22 GEIEE. Thos. G. Treatise on Electricity. {See Dixon, D. B.— Vade Mecum.] K 18 P 33 GEIFFEN, Prof. W. Hall. English Writers. [See Morley, Dr. H ] B 21 E 35 GEIFFIN, Chas., & Co. Griffin's Electrical Engineer's Price-book ; edited by H. J. Dowsing. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 21 Q 42 GEIEFIN, Gerald. Poetical Works of. 8vo. Lond., 1851. H 10 T 14 GEIFFIN, John. Memoirs of Capt. James Wilson ; con- taining an account of his enterprise and sufferings in India, his conversion to Christianity, his missionary Voyage to the South Seas, and his Peaceful and Triumphant Death. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) MC 1 E 44 GEIFFIN, E. B., and LITTLE, A. D. Chemistry of Paper-making. Eoy. 8vo. New York, 1894. A 21 V 16 GEIFFIS, Eev. Dr. Wm. Elliott. Corea, the Hermit Nation. 3rd ed. [Map and Illustrations.] 8vo. New York, 1888. B 35 E 4 T. Harris, first American Envoy in Japan. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 13 V 20 Massachusetts : a typical American Commonwealth. Sm. 4to. Camb., 1893. B 18 E 14 The Eeligions of Japan. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 2 TJ 20 GEIFFITH, F. L. Tomb of Paheri, at El Kab. [See Naville, E.] B 12 T 5 f GEIFFITH, M. India's Princes : Short Life Sketches of the Native Eulers of India. 4to. Lond., 1894. C18TJ1 GEIFFITH, Sir Samuel Walker. The Political Geography of Australia. (Boy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Q. Branch, 6.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1891. ME 20 GEIFFITHS, Arthur. Secrets of the Prison-house ; or, Gaol Studies and Sketches. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 3 E 19, 20 GEIFFITHS, Dr. A. B. Manual of Bacteriology. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 26 E 2 GEIFFITHS, George Samuel. Evidences of a Glacial Epoch in Victoria during Post-Miocene Times. (Eoy. Soc, Vict, 21.) 8vo. Melb, 1885. ME 1 P Eecent Earth Tremors, and the conditions which they indicate. (Eoy. Soc, Vict, 22.) 8vo. Melb., 1886. ME1 P Eeport of the Antarctic Committee of the Eoyal Society of Victoria. (Proceedings Eoyal Society, Victoria, 6; new series.) 8vo. Melb, 1891. ME 1 P Eeporls of the Tarawera Outbreak, with objections to some of the conclusions drawn by Dr. Hector. (Eoy. Soc , Vict.) 8vo. Melb, 1886. MA 3 S 47 GEIFFITHS, J. Alfred. New Velocity Eecorder and its application to Anemonv try and other purposes. (Journal Eoy. Soc, N.S.W, 23.) 8vo. Sydney, 1891. ME 1 E GEIFFITHS, Thos. Propulsion of ships by steam direct from the boiler. 12mo. Solva, 1884. " MA 2 P 79 GEIMALDI, Jacques. Eecherches sur les Manuscrits Archeologiques de Grimaldi. [See Duchesne, l'Abbe L. — Etude sur le Liber Pontificalis.] J 7 U 45 GEIMES, C, and FLINDEES, Capt. Matthew. Plan of the Settlements of New South Wales. Fol. Lond, 1799. MD 1 P 18 X GEIMES, Samuel. Arrowroot Cultivation and Manu- facturing in Queensland. 8vo. Brisb, 1888. MA 1 Q 69 GEIMM, JBev. George. The Bulwarks of our Faith. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MG 1 Q 49 The Plenary Inspiration of the Bible : a Defence and Eeply. 8vo. Sydney, 1894. MG 1 Q 50 Twelve Lectures on the Immortality of the Soul and the Life Everlasting. 8vo. Sydney," 1892.* MG 1 S 26 GEIMM, Dr. Jacob L. and Wilhelm K. Deutsches Worterbuch. Band 8. Imp. 8vo. Leipzic, 1893. K 14 E 25 Kinder und Hausemarchen gesammelt durch die Briider Grimm. 12mo. Berlin, 1853. J 7 P 50 GEIMSHAW, Eobert. A Supplement to " Grimshaw on Saws." Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Philad, 1882. A 25 V7 GEINGO, A. [See Mexico.] GEOOTE, Dr. Paul de. [See De Groote, Dr. P.] Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95 . 115 GROSART, Rev. Dr. Alexander Balloch. " Thoughts that Breathe and Words that Burn," from the Writings of Fiancis Bacon. 18mo. Lond., 1893. J 7 P 46 GROSSET, J. Melanges de Philologie Indo-Europeenne. [See Regnaud, P.] J 7 U 40 GROTIUS, Hugo. Origin of the Native Races of America. (Biblotheca Curiosa.) 12mo. Edinb., 18S4. J 18 Q3 GROUSSET, Rene. Etnde sur l'Histo : re des Sarcophages Chretiens. 8vo. Paris, 1885. B 35 R 29 GROUVELLE, E. New Genus and five Species of Aus- tralian Nitidulidw and Colydiidae. (Trans Roy. Soc, S. Australia, 17.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1893. ME 1 S GROVE, E. D. Cassar de Bello Gallico. [See Casar, C. J.] MB 1 R 32 GROVES, Chas Edward, and THORP, Wm. Chemical Technology ; or Chemistry in its applications to Arts and Manufactures. Vols. 1, 2. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1889-95. A 21 V 6, 7 1 . Fuel and its Applications ; .by E.J. Mills and F. J. Rowan. 2. Lighting. GROVES, Lieut.-Col. Percy. History of the 42nd Royal Highlanders (the Black Watch), 1729-1893. 4to. Edinb., 1893. B 12 T 9 f History of the 2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys), 1678- 1893. 4to. Edinb., 1893. B 12 T 8 f History of the 79th Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, now the First Battalion Queen's Own Cameron High- landers, 1794-1893. Illustrated. 4to. Edinb., 1893. B 12 T 7 f GRTJBB, Rev. G. C. Mission Tour of. [See Millard, E. C] MG 1 S 20 GRTJBER, Dr. August. Neue Infusorien. 8vo. Frei- burg, 1879. A 30 U 27 Kleine Beitrage zu Kentniss der Protozoen. 8vo. Freiburg (n.d.) A 30 U 27 GRUEL, Leon. Catalogue des Reliures de Style et Objets Artistiques en Cuir Cisele. 12mo. Paris, 1893. K7P6 GRUNOW, A. Vorliiufige Bemerkungen zu einer sys- tematischen Anordnung der Schizonema-und Berke- leya-Arten. 8vo. Berndorf, 1880. A 30 U 27 TJeber die Arten der Gattung Grammatophora mit Bezug auf die Tafeln 53, und 53 B in van Heurck's Synopsis der belgischen Diatomeen. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) A 30 U 27 Mazaaa. [See Bornet, E.] A 30 TJ 27 GRTE, A. Bouquet de la. Mission de 1'Ile Campbell : Memoires, Rapports et Documents relatifs a l'Observa- tion du Passage de Venus sur le Soliel, Dec, 1874. 4to. Paris, 1875. MA 3 P 8 t GSELL, Stephane. Essai sur le regne de l'Empereur Domitien. 8vo. Paris, 1894. B 35 R 32 GTJENON, F. On Milch Cows: a Treatise on the Bovine Species in General; translated by T. J. Hand. 8vo. New York, 1888. A 18 R 22 GUERIN, Leon. Histoire Maritime de France. Nouvelle ed. 6 vols. imp. 8vo. Paris, 1851-62. B 26 V 8-13 Les Navigateurs Francais : Histoire des Navigations, Decouvertes, et Colonisations Franchises. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1847. D 18 V 14 GUEST, E. Classified List of Geometrince found round Balhannah: with Notes on Species. (Trans. Roy. Soc, S. Australia, 9.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1887. ME IS List of Diurnal Lepidoptera about Balhannah. (Trans. Roy. Soc, S. Australia, 5.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1882. ME IS Remarks on the nomenclature of some South Australian Butterflies. (Trans. Roy. Soc, S. Australia, 8.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1886. ME I S GUILD, Reuben A. The Librarian's Manual : a Treatise on Bibliography, comprising a select and descriptive list of Bibliographical Works ; to which are added, Sketches of Public Libraries. Sm. 4to. New York, 1858. J 6 U 28 GUILFOYLE, W. R. Fibres from Plants eligible for in- dustrial culture and experiment in Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1894. MA 3 V 20 GUILLAUME, Ch. Ed. Traite Pratique de la Thermo- metrie de Precision. 8vo. Paris, 1S89. A 21 V 21 GUILLAUME LE BRETON. La Chronique en Prose de ; par H. F. Delaborde. 8vo. Paris, 1881. J 7 U 19 GUILLAUME DE LORRIS. Roman de la Rwe. [See Langlois, E.] J 7 U 38 GU1ZOT, Francois Pierre Guillaume. History of Civilisation from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution. Translated by Wm. Hazlitt. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1890-93. B 25 P 2-4 Sketch of. [See Bagehot, W. — Biographical Studies.] C 22 P 10 GUM MERE, Dr. Francis B. Hand-book of Poetics for Students of English Verse. 12mo. Boston. 1892. H9Q 15 GUN, RIFLE, AND HOUND in East and West; by "Snaflle." Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 29 V 27 GUNDRY, R. S. China and her Neighbours : France in Indo-China ; Russia and China ; India and Thibet ; 8vo. Lond., 1893. D 17 V 3 China, Present and Past. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 20 S 9 GUNTHER, Dr. Albert. Shore Fishes ; Deep-sea Fishes ; Pelagic Fishes. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J. — Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger."] A 6 t 116 Siipplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. GUNTIIER, Rev. W. J. The Church of England in Australia, 1788-1829 : a Lecture. 8vo. Parramatta, 1888. MG 1 S 17 GUTHRIE, F. B. Comparison of American and Australian Maize. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MA 1 Q 65 Experiments with Babcock's Milk-tester. [See McCaffrey, F.] MA 1 Q 68 Supposed Poisonous Plant (Darling Pea) . 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MA 1 T 56 GUTTMANN, O. Manufacture of Explosives. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 25 U 10, 11 GUY, A. P. Electric Light and Power, giving the result of Practical Experience in Central-station Work. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 21 R 14 GUY, Dr. Wm. A., and PERRIEB, Dr. David. Principles of Forensic Medicine. 7th ed., revised by Dr. W. R. Smith, F.R.S. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 11 U 14 GUYAU, J. M. Education and Heredity: a Study in Sociology. 8vo. Lond., 1891. G 18 Q 5 GUYOT, Yves. Principles of Social Economy. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1892. F 14 Q 36 The Tyranny of Socialism ; edited by J. H. Levy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 9 U 42 GWILLIAM, G. H. Palestinian Version of the Holy Scriptures. [See Anecdota Oxoniensia.] E H., G. [See Lecture on Capital Punishment.] MF 4 R 9 H.R.H. [See McKellar, Campbell.] H.S. [See Brewery Companies.] F 9 Q 28 H., W. [See Labour's Rest.] MH 1 U 74 HACON, Earl of Norway. The Saga of. [See Great Britain and Ireland — Chrons. and Mems.] E HADCOCK, A. G. Artillery. [See Lloyd, E. W.] A 29 V 21 HAD DON, Prof. Alfred C. The Decorative Art of British New Guinea. (Trans. R.I. Academy. — Cunningham Memoirs, 10.) 4to. Dublin, 1894. E Polyplacophora. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J.— Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger.'] A 6 f HADDON, James. Elements of Algebra. 8th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1890. A 25 P 36 Key and Companion to the Rudimentary Algebra. 12mo. Lond., 1859. A 25 P 37 HADFIELD, R. A., and GIBBINS, H. de. B. A Shorter Working Day. 8vo. Lond., 1892. F 14 Q 39 HADOW, W. H. Studies in Modern Music. 2nd series. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 21 Q 15 2nd series. — Frederick Chopin, Antonin Dvorak, Johannes Brahms. HAECKEL, Dr. Ernst. Die Tiefsee-Medusen der Challenger — Reise und der Organismus der Medusen. Band 2. 4to. Jena, 1881. A 40 T 20 % Deep-sea Medusae ; Radiolaria ; Siphonophora? ; Deep- sea Keratosa. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J. — Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger, Zoology.] A6f HAGA, A. Nederlandsch Nicuw Guinea en dePapoesche eilanden, 1500-1883. 2 vols. 8vo. Batavia, 1884. MB 2 Q48, 49 H AGAR, C. Die Marshall-Inseln in Erd-und Volkerkunde Handel und Mission ; mit einem Anhang, die Gilbert-inseln. 8vo. Leipzig, 1886. MD 7 S 13 HAGEX, O. von. Die Forstlichen Verhaltnisse Preussens 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1894. A 33 U 25, 26 HAGUE, Arnold. Geology of the Eureka District,. Nevada. (U.S. Survey, 20.) 4to. Wash., 1892. E HAHNEMANN, Dr. S. Life and Letters of ; by Dr. T. L. Bradford. Roy. 8vo Philad., 1895. C 16 U 10 HAIG, Major-Gen. M. R. The Indus Delta Country : a Memoir, chiefly of its ancient Geography and History ; with Maps. Boy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. ' D 18 V 16 HAILEYBURY COLLEGE, OLD. Memorials of. With Illustrations and Plans. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1894. B 21 U 16 HAKE, C. Napier. Explosives and their power. [See Berthelot, M.] A 21 S 14 HAKE, G. Memoirs of Eighty Years. 8vo. Lond., 1892. C 16 T 15 HAKE, H. Wilson. Inorganic Chemistry. [See Dupre, A] A 21 R 5 HAKLUYT SOCTETY. Publications of. Vols. 84-91. 8vo. Lond., 1892-95. E 84, 85. Travels of Pietro Delia Valle in India. Edited by E. Grey. 86. Journal of Christopher Columbus, 1492-93 ; and Documents relating to the Voyages of J. Cabot and G. C. Real. 87. Early Voyages and Travels in the Levant ; by T. Dallam and Dr. J. Covel. 88. 89. The Voyages of Capt. Luke Foxe and Capt. Thomas James. 90. Letters of Amerigo Vespucci and other Documents illustrative of his career. 91. Narratives of the Voyages of Pedro Sarmiento de Gainboa to the Straits of Magellan; translated by C. R. Markham, F.R.S. HALE, Col. L. What to observe, and how to report it. 6th edition. 16mo. lond., 1883. A 29 P 31 1 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 117 HALE, Sir Matthew. On the Knowledge of Christ Crucified, and other Divine contemplations. 8vo. Glasgow, 1828. G 2 U 42 HALEVT, K. Mythology. Fol. Philad. (n.d.) B 44 Q 11 J HALFER, Josef. The Progress of the Marbling Art. 8vo. New York, 1894. A 23 U 26 HALFOED, Prof. George Britton. Not like man, bimanous and biped, nor yet quadrumanous, but cheiropodus. 8vo. Melb., 1863. MA 1 R 44 » Thoughts, Observations, and Experiments on the Action of Snake Venom on the Blood. 8vo. Melb., 1894. MA 3 T 11 H ALIBURTON, Hugh. [Life of] James Thomson. [See Masson, Prof. D. — In the Footsteps of the Poets.] J 6 R43 Furth in Field : a Volume of Essays on the Life, Language, and Literature of Old Scotland. 8vo. Lond., 1894. B 32 E 5 HALL, Capt. Basil. The Lieutenant and Commander : being autobiographical sketches. 18mo. Lond., 1862. D 20 P 3 Voyage to Corea and the Island of Loo-Choo. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1820. D 17 P 30 HALL, Capt. Chas. Francis, and the North Pole. [See Greeley, Gen. A. W. — Explorers and Travellers.] C 17 R 4 HALL, Edgar, and STOKES, Henry G. Asbestos. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 8.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1892. ME 1 T HALL, Edward Smith. Transportation and Convict Dis- cipline. [See Great Britain and Ireland.] ]VjF3U41 HALL, Dr. Edward Swarbreck. Who translated the Bible? or, Biblical Memoranda concerning the Holy Scriptures, showing the part taken by the Catholic Church in their translation and dissemination. 12mo. Hobart, 1875. MG 2 E 39 HALL, Frederic. History of San Jose and Surroundings ; with Biographical Sketches of Early Settlers ; with Map and Illustrations. 8vo. San Francisco, 1871. B19S21 HALL, Dr. John E. Clark. A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1894. K 14 P 35 HALL, Kate Emily. Attempted Murder of. [See Hall, T.] MF 1 S 47 HALL, Eupert. The Universal Telegraphic Abbreviation and Confidential Correspondence Guide for business and private purposes. Eoy. 8vo. Sydnev (n.d.) MF 3 E 63 HALL, T., aud HOUSTON, Margaret G. Report and Narrative of the Trial of, charged with attempting to murder Kate Emily Hall. Roy. 8vo. Christchurch, 1886. MF 1 S 47 HALL, Thos. Bartlett. The Infringement of Patents for Inventions, not Designs; with sole reference to the opinions of the Supreme Court of the United States. Roy. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1S93. F 2 T 15 HALL, Thos. Sergeant. The Geology of Castlemaine, Victoria. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Victoria, n.s., 7.) 8vo. Melb., 1895. ME 1 P and PEITCHARD, G. B. Notes on the Eocene Strata of the Bellarine Peninsula ; with brief reference to other deposits. (Proceedings, Royal Society, Victoria, n.s., 6.) 8vo. Melb., 1894. ME 1 P The Older Tertiaries of Maude, with an indication of the sequences of the Eocene Rocks of Victoria. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Victoria, n.s., 7.) 8vo. Melb., 1895. ME IP HALL, Vm. Edward. Treatise on the Foreign Powers and Jurisdiction of the British Crown. 8vo. Oxford, 1894. F 8 P 30 HALL'S DIRECTORY OF NEW SOUTH WALES, ■ 1895. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. ME HALLE, Ernst von. Trusts or Industrial Combinations and Coalitions in the United States. 8vo. New York, 1895. F 7 V 22 HALLEY, Eev. J. John. Biographical Sketch of Eev. Wm. Roby Fletcher. 12mo. Adelaide, 1895. MC 1 S 16 HALLIBURTON, Prof. W. D. The Essentials of Chemical Physiology. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 12 S 25 HALLIWELL-PHILLIPS, James Orchard. Letters of the Kings of England. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1846. B 16 P 2, 3 List of Works illustrative of the Life and Writings of Shakespeare, printed 1850-66. 8vo. Lond., 1867. K 19 Q 13 HALLOEAN, Henry. Jubilee Ode. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1886. MH 1 S 4 HAM ANN, Dr. Otto. Beitriige zur Histologic der Echino- dermen. 8vo. Leipzig (n.d.) A 30 U 27 Stud ien iiber Caelenteraten. 8vo. Jena (n.d.) A 30 U 27 HAMERTON, Philip Gilbert. Drawing and Engraving: a brief Exposition of Technical Principles and Practice. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 23 U 24 Human Intercourse. 12mo. Lond., 1886. J 6 R 32 Man in Art: Studies in Religious and Historical Art, Portrait, and Genre. 4to. Lond., 1892. A 8 U 40 Rembrandt's Etchings. (Portfolio, Monograph, 1.) Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. E HAMILTON, Dr. Allan M., and GODKIN, Lawrence. A System of Legal Medicine. Vols. 1 and 2. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1894. F 1 V 5, 6 HAMILTON, Annie. City of Rome in the Middle Ages. [See Gregorovius, F] ' B 30 R 10, 11 118 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. HAMILTON, Anthony, Count. Memoirs of Count Phili- bert Grammont. 4to. Lond., 1793. C 18 U 5 HAMILTON, Augustus. Materials for a Bibliography of the Dinornithidw, usually called Moas. (Trans. N.Z. Inst., 26.) 8vo. Wellington, 1893. ME 2 R Notes on a Visit to Macquarie Island. (Trans. N.Z. Inst., 27.) 8vo. Wellington, 1894. ME 2 R HAMILTON, Prof. David James. A Text-book of Pathology. Vol. 2, Parts 1 and 2. 1 vol. (in 2). 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 26 U 11, 12 HAMILTON, General Douglas. Eecords of Sport in Southern India, 1841-70. 4to. Lond., 1892. A 15 RIO HAMILTON, Edward B. Manual of the Law and Practice of Banking in Australia and New Zealand. 8vo. Melb., 1880. ME 1 P 54 HAMILTON, Rt. Rev. Dr. Hugh. Four Introductory Lectures in Natural Philosophy. 8vo. Dublin, 1774. A 29 R 34 HAMILTON', Janet. Poems, Sketches, and Essays. 8vo. Glasgow, 18S5. H 9 Q 13 HAMILTON, Peter J. Eambles in Historic Lands: Travels in Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, France, and England. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1893. D 18 R 24 HAMILTON, Capt. Thos. Men and Manners in America. New ed. L2mo. Edinb., 1843. D 15 P 7 HAMILTON, Rev. W. Practical Discourses, intended for circulation in the interior of New South Wales. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1843. MG 1 T 18 HAMILTON, Walter. French Book-Plates. 8vo. Lond., 1892. K 19 Q 10 HA MILTON, Sir Wm.; by Prof. J. Veitch. (Philosophical Classics.) 12mo. Edinb., 1882. G 9 V 5 HAMLET, Wm. Mogford. Cement Analyses. (Journal Roy. Soc.,N.S.W.,28.) 8vo. Sydney, 1894. ME 1 R Handbook of Sydney ; for the use of the Members of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science. 12mo. Sydney, 1888. MA 1 P 73 HAMLEY, Gen. Sir Edward Bruce. Life of; by A. I. Shand. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1895. C 13 V 15, 16 HAMMARSTEN, Prof. Olof. Text-book of Physiological Chemistry; translated by John A. Mandell. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1893. A 33 T 6 HAMMOND, Basil E. The Political Institutions of the Ancient Greeks. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 1 R 6 HAMMOND, John. Poetical Works of; with Bio- graphical Sketch. 18mo. Lond., 1818. H 10 II 7 HANBURY, Ada. Advanced Studies of Flower Painting in Water Colours. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) A 8 U 33 HANCE, Edward M. Elementary Education in England. [See Subjects of the Day, 1.] G 18 S 18 HANCOCK, Anson Uriel. History of Chile. (Latin- American Republics.) [With Maps and illustrations.} 8vo. Chicago, 1893. B 16 S 24 HANCOCK, Gen. Winfield Scott. [Life of] ; by Gen. Francis A. Walker. 8vo. New York, 189 i. C 14 S 24 HAND, Thos. J. Milch Cows. [See Guenon, F.] A 18 R 22 HANDEL, George Frederic. Life of: a Sketch compiled by C. Elsasser. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MC 1 T 20 HANDY, Major M. P. Vistas of the Fair : a Portfolio of familiar Views of the World's Columbian Exposition. Fol. Chicago, 1893. D 1 P 18 % HANDYSIDE, Dr. F. D. Portrait of. [See Lowe, Dr. J. — Medical Missions.] G 3 P 25 HANNA, Geo. B. Ores of North Carolina. [See Kerr, W. C] A 24 V 27 HANNAFORD, Samuel. Sea and River-side Rambles in Victoria. 12mo. Geelong, 1860. MA 2 P 34 H ANN AY, James. Characters and Criticisms : a Book of Miscellanies. 12mo. Edinb., 1865. J 11 T 27 HANNEN, James C. Digest of Admiralty Law. [See Pritchard, W. T.] F 8 T 18, 19 HANS BREITMANN. [See Leland, C. G.] HANSARD, T. C. Parliamentary Debates. [See Great Britain.] E HANSEN, Dr. G. Armauer, and LOOFT, Dr. Carl. Leprosy, in its clinical and pathological aspects. Translated by Dr. Js'orman Walker. 8vo. Bristol, 1895. A 33 S 13 HANSON, Sir Richard Davies. Science and Theology. [See Religious Pamphlets, 2.] G 9 V 17 HANSON, Wm. Geographical Encyclopaedia of New South Wales. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MK I S 21 HAPGOOD, Isabel Florence. The Epic Songs of Russia. 8vo. New York, 1885. H 9 T 3 Russian Rambles. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B31 R5 HARASZTHY, A. Grape Culture, Wines, and Wine- making. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1862. A 18 V 28 HARCOURT, Sir Wm. Geo. Granville Venables Vernon-. Sketch of. [See Smalley, G. W. — Studies of Men.] C 19 R 20 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 119 HARCTTS, Wm. Hand-book for Emigrants proceeding to South Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1873. MD 2 Q 58 HARDING, Hon. George Rogers. The Acts and Orders relating to Joint Stock Companies. 8vo. Brisb., 1877. MF 2 R 49 Acts and Orders relating to Joint Stock Companies. 2 vols. 8vo. Brisbane, 1887-95. MF 3 T 60, 61 and MACPHERSON, Hon. P. The Acts and Rules Relating to Insolvency. 8vo. Brisb., 1887. MF 2 R 30 HARDING, J. D. Lessons on Art. 10th ed. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1880. A 8 U 36 Principles and Practice of Art. Fol. Lond., 1845. A 38 Q 13 X HARDING, Rev. John. Letter to a Member of the Committee of the Church Pastoral-Aid Society, in reference to certain Animadversions upon that Society recently published by the Rev. Dr. Molesworth. 12mo. Lond., 1841. G 4 V 14 HARDINGHAM, George G. M. The Adumbration of Inventions. 8vo. Lond., 1893. F 12 P 30 Patents for Inventions, and How to Procuce them. 8vo. Lond., 1891. F12P31 HARDWICKE, Mrs. Poems. 12mo. Melb., 1894. MH 1 U 40 HARDWICKE' S SCIENCE GOSSIP. Vols. 28-30- Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1892-94. E HARDY, Dr. J. The Denham Tracts. [See Folk-lore Society— Pubs. vol. 29.] E HARDT, Thomas. A Chat with j with Portrait. [See Blathwayt, R.— Interviews.] J 10 t) 34 [Criticism of his Works] ; by Annie MacDonnell. 18mo. Lond., 1894. J 7 P 30 Art of. [See Johnson, L.] J 6 S 37 HARDY, W. J. Book-plates. 8vo. Lond., 1893. K19Q 8 HARE, Augustus John Cuthbert. The Gurneys of Earl- ham. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 19 V 7, 8 Life and Letters of Maria Edgeworth. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1891. C 21 P 5, 6 The Story of Two Noble Lives, being Memorials of Charlotte, Countess Canning, and Louisa, Marchioness of Waterford. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1893. C 19 Q 23-25 HARE, Rt. Rev. Francis. Difficulties which attend the Study of the Scriptures. [See Religious Pamphlets.] G9V16 HARE, Dr. Hobart Amory. A System of Practical Thera- peutics. 3 vols. Roy. 8vo. Edin., 1892. A 27 V 4-6 HARE, Julius Charles and Augustus Wm. Gusses at Truth. 5th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1859. G 11 P 42 HARE, Dr. Robert. Experimental Investigations of the Spirit Manifestations. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1855. G6T20 HARGRAVE, John Fletcher. Introductory Lecture on General Jurisprudence. 8vo. Sydney, 1860. MF 2 Q 33 HARGRAVE, Lawrence. Flying Machine Motors and Cellular Kites. (Journal, Roy. Soc, N.S.W., 27.) 8vo. Sydney, 1893. ME 1 R HARGEAVES, Edward Hammond. Address on the sub- ject of the Gold Discovery of February 12, 1851. 8vo. Sydney, 1882. MF 2 Q 32 HARIOT, Thomas. Narrative of the First English Planta- tion of Virginia. Sm.4to. Lond., 1893. B17R22 HARKER, Alfred. Petrology for Students. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 24 Q 29 HARLRIAN SOCIETY. Publications. Vols. 33-39, and Eegisters — vols. 17-20. 10 vols. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1S91-95. E 33, 34. Allegations for Marriage Licences issued by the Vicar-General of the Archbishop of Canterbury, 1660-79. 35, 36. Hampshire Allegations for Marriage Licences, 1689-1837. 37-39. Families Minorum Gentium, diligentia J. Hunter. Registers — vols. 17, 19, 20. Register of Christeninges, Mar- iages, and Burialles in Parish of St. James, Clarken- well. Vols. 4-6— Burials, 1551-1754. Registers— vol. 18. Registers and Monumental Inscriptions of Charterhouse Chapel. HARLIN, Thomas. Milton's Comus ; to which are added ten Essays from The Spectator. Prepared with Notes for Matriculation Examination, Melbourne Uni- versity. 8vo. Lond., 1890. M.I 2 T 28 Selections from Goldsmith, Wordsworth, and Macaulav, with notes. 8vo. Melb., 1885. MJ 1 TJ 34 Selections from Lord Macaulay, Robert Browning, George Eliot, and James Russell Lowell, with notes. 8vo. Melb., 1891. M J 1 U 24 HARNACK, Dr. Adolph. History of Dogma; trans- lated from the German by N. Buchanan. Vol 1. 8vo. Lond., 1894. G 15 R 31 HARNEY, George J. Portrait of. [See Gammage, R. G.— Chartist Movement.] F 7 R 24 HAROLD, J. Judge's Report on English Fruit Orchards. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MA 1 Q 64 HARPER, Andrew. State Schools and Religion: The Canadian System. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MG 1 S 23 HARPER, Charles G. The Brighton Road : Old Times and New on a Classic Highway. 8vo. Lond., 1892. D18S5 From Paddington to Penzance. 8vo. Lond., 1893. D 14 S 5 Revolted Woman; Past, Present, and to Come. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 14 U 5 120 Supplementary Ca talogne — 1893-95 . HAEPEB, Eev. Francis Whaley. What is the Meaning of the Ornaments Eubric ? 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1879. G 1 E 33 HAEPEE'S CYCLOPEDIA of United States History. [See Lossing, Dr. B. J.] B 17 U 11, 12 HARPER'S MA GAZ1NE. The Story of ; with Portraits of the Harper Brothers. [See Blathwayt, E. — Inter- views.] J 10 U 34 HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Dec, 1877-Nov., 1880, and June, 1892-May, 1895. 12 vols. Eoy. 8vo. New York, 1878-80. E HAERINGTON, Eose M. Eousseau's Social Contract. [See Eousseau, J. J.] F 5 Q 15 HARRIS, Dr. Chapin A. Principles and Practice of Dentistry. 12th ed., edited by Dr. F. J. S. Gorgas. Illustrated. Eoy.8vo. Manchester, 1885. A 20 V 12 HAEEIS, Charles H. Variation of the Compass in South Australia. (Trans. Eoy. Soc, S. Australia, 7.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1885. ME 1 S HAEEIS, James Eendel. Bensly, Prof. E. L.] Gospels in Syriac. [See G6 V24 HAERIS, John. Fac-simile of Map of Terra Australis from Harris's " Voyages and Travels." Folded 4to. Melb., 1886. MD 8 E 22 HAEEIS, Joseph. On the Pig : Breeding, rearing, management, and improvement. 8vo. New York, A 18 E 23 HAEEIS, Townsend. First American Envoy in Japan ; by W. E. Griffis. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 13 V 20 HAEEIS, "Walter B. A Journey through the Yemen. 8vo. Edinb., 1893. D 14 S 6 HAERIS, Wm. T. A. Bronson Alcott, his Life and Philosophy. [See Sanborn, F. B.] C 13 P 26, 27 HARBISON", Benjamin. Sketch of. [See Wilson, J. G. —Presidents of the L T nited States.] C 2 V 30 President Harrison at Home ; with Portrait. [See Blathwayt, E.— Interviews.] J 10 U 34 HAEEISON, Clifford. Chapter on Elocution. [See Miles, A. H— New Standard Elocutionist.] J 8 T 33 Eeciting. [See Campbell, Dr. H. — Voice, Speech, and Gesture.] J 8 T 36 HAEEISON, Frederic. Annals of an Old Manor House, Sutton- place, Guildford. 4to. Lond., 1893. B6 V32 The Meaning of Historv, and other Historical Pieces. 8vo. Lond., 1891. B 35 E 5 HARRISON, George. Culpable Compulsion [Vaccina- tion] : a condemnation by competent authorities. 8vo. Hobart, 1889. MA 2 S 67 HAEEISON, J. E., and MacCOLL, D. S. Greek Vase Paintings. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1894. A 6 P 2 J HAEEISON, Eobt. Outlines of German Literature. [See Gostwick, J.] J 8 Q 43 HAEEISON, William. England in Shakspere's Youth. [See New Shakspere Society. — Shakspere's England.] E HAEEISON, Wm. H. Biographical Sketch of. [See Thompson, E. W. — Recollections of Sixteen Presi- dents.] C 18 T 21 Sketch of. [See Wilson, J. G. — Presidents of the United States.] C 2 V 30 HAEEISON, Wilmot. Memorable Paris Houses. 12mo. Lond., 1893. B 14 P 3 HAERISSE, Henry. Americus Vespuccius. [See Ves- pucci, A.] C 13 V 14 HAEEOP, Joseph. Monograph on Flavoring Extracts ; with Essences, Syrups, and Colorings, also Formulas for their preparation. 12tno. Columbus, Ohio, 1891. A 22 Q 15 HAET, Dr. Albert Bushnell. Practical Essays on American Government. 12mo. Lond., 1893. F5 Q6 Studies in American Education. 8vo. New York, 1895. G18P31 HAET, Dr. Ernest. The Truth about Vaccination ; being a Eeport on Vaccination as a Branch of Preventive Medicine. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 33 S 11 HAET, Mrs. Ernest. Diet in Sickness and in Health. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 26 T 7 HAET, Francis. Miner's Hand-book and Invertor's Guide to Western Australia ; with Maps and Illus- trations. 8vo. Melb., 1894. MA 3 T 25 Western Australia in 1893. 8vo. Lond., 1893. MD4U9 HAET, Lieut.-Gen. H. G. The New Annual Army List for 1894-95. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1891-95. E HART, J. Hinchley. Cacao. 8vo. Trinidad, 1892. A 18 S 35 HAET, T. S Notes on the Trawling Expedition off Lake Entrance. (Proceedings Eoyal Society, Victoria, 6, new series.) 8vo. Melb., 1894. ME 1 P HART, Thos. Poems. 12mo. (n.p.n.d.) MH 1 Q 30 HAETIG, Prof. E. Text-book of the Diseases of Trees ; translated by Prof. W. Somerville ; revised and edited by Prof. H. M. Ward, F.E.S. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 18 V 31 HAETLAND, Edwin Sidney. English Fairy and other Folk Tales. 12mo. Lond., 1890. J 11 Q 7 Legend of Perseus. Vols. 1, 2. 8vo. Lond., 1894-95. B 36 P 6, 7 HAETLAUB, Dr. Clemens. Entstehung der Sexual- zellen bei Obelia. 8vo. Leipzig, 1881. A 30 U 27 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 121 HAETLET, L. L. Catalogue of the Library of. Com- piled by J. C. Anderson. Parti. 8vo. Lond., 1885. K7TJ33 HAETZEE, Eev. Fernand. Cinq Ans parmi les Sauvages de la Nouvelle-Bretagne et de la Nouvelle-Guinee. 8vo. Issoudun, 1888. MG 2 Q 32 HAEVAED UNIVERSITY. Bulletins of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. 8vo. Camb., Mass., 1882— 84. A 30 U 37 9, No. 6. Bibliography of Crustacea ; by W. Faxon. 10, No. 2. Bibliography of Echinodermata ; by A. Agassiz. 11, N 10. Bibliography of Acalephs ; by J. W. Fewkes. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Vols. 23 and 25. Eoy. 8vo. Camb., Mass., 1892-94. E Catalogue, 1892-93. 8vo. Camb., Mass., 1892. E Die Abteilung fur Deutsche Litteratur und Philologie an der Harvard Universitat. 8vo. Camb., Mass., 1893. G 18 Q27 Harvard Law School. Sm.4to. Camb., Mass., 1893. E Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. 4 vols. 8vo. Boston, 189C-93. J 6 U 24-27 Instruction and Equipment in the Department of Geol- ogy, 1893. 8vo. Camb., Mass., 1893. G 18 B 48 List of Students, 1892-93; Circular of the Graduate School, 1892-94 ; Announcement of the Department of Erench, 189^-94 ; Announcement of the Depart- ment of German, 1893-91 ; Announcement or the Department of Zoology, 1892-94 ; Courses in History, Government and Law, and Economics, 1893-94 ; Announcement of the Departments of Classical Phil- ology and Indo-Iranian Languages, 1893-94; Courses of Instruction in the Divinity School ; Announcement of the Department of Music, 1893—94 ; Opportunities provided for Eeligious Worship, Instruction, and Fellowship. 8vo. Camb., Mass., 1892-94. E The Medical School of Harvard University. 8vo. Camb., Mass., 1893. G 18 E 49 Eeport of the Curator of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 1886-87. 8vo. Camb., Mass., 1887. E Eeport of the Trustees of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 1870. 8vo. Boston, 1871. E HAEVAED UNIVERSITY ASTEONOMICAL OB- SEEVATORY. Annals of. 7 vols. 4to. Camb., Mass , 1884-95. E Vol. 14, pts. 1, 2. Observations with the Meridian Photo- meter, 1879-82. Vol. 23, pt. 1. Discussion of observations made with the Meridian Photometer, 1882-88. Vol. 24. Results of observations made with the Meridian Photometer, 1882-88. Vol. 26, pt. 1. Preparation and Discussion of the Draper Catalogue. Vol. 27. The Draper Catalogue of Stellar Spectra. Vols. 32, pt. 1. Investigations in Astronomical Photo- graphy. [Description of.] Eoy. 8vo. Camb., Mass. (n.d.) A 19 U 23 [List of] Publications and Photographic Illustrations issued by. 8vo. Camb., Mass., 1893. K 7 U 32 Eeport of the Director, 1894. 8vo. Camb., Mass., 1894. E I HAEVEN, Emile de. Mission Commerciale en Nouvelle- Zelande. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1887. MP 3 T 44 HAEVEY, E. J. The Teacher's Manual of Physical Exercises. Ob. 18mo. Lond., 1894. G 18 P 18 HAEVEY, Dr. Gideon. Great Fire in London, 1666. [See De Foe, Daniel — Journal of the Plague Year.] B 23 E 22 HAEVEY, Eev. Dr. Moses. Newfoundland as it is in 1894 : a Hand-book and Tourists' Guide. With Map. 12mo. Lond , 1894. D 11 S 9 HAEVEY, E. W. Handy Eegister of Mining Companies. [See Trickett, O.] ME 10 S HAEVEY, Dr. Wm. Henry. Seaside Book j being an Introduction to the Natural History of the British Coasts. 4th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1857. A 28 P 8 HASLAM, John. A Glimpse of Australian Life : Facts and Experiences. 12mo. Sydney, 1890. MD 1 P 30 House Sanitation. (Trans. Eoy. Soc, S. Australia, 6.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1883. ME 1 S HAS LUCK, Paul N. Woodworker's Handy book of Manual Instruction. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1894. A 25 P 39 HASSALL, A. Louis XIV and the zenith of the French Monarchy. Svo. New York, 1895. C 21 P 19 HASSALL, Eev. Thomas. Funeral Sermon on Death of. [See King, Eev. E. L.] MG 1 S 11 HASSINGEE, John A. Catalogue of the Hawaiian Exhibits at the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889. 8vo. Honolulu, 1889. MK 1 T 18 HASTIE, Eev. Thos. A Voice from the Bush : Sermons, 8vo. Edinb., 1877. MG 1 P 73 HASTINGS, Francis Eawdon-, Marquess of. [Life of] ; by Major J. Eoss. (Rulers of India.) 8vo. Oxford, 1893. C 13 P 17 HASTINGS, Eev. Fred. This Life ; or, Great Questions affecting Man's Present State. 12mo. Adelaide, 1891. MG 1 P 74 HASTINGS, Warren. Life of; by Col. G. B. Malleson. Svo. Lond., 1894. C 16 U 5 Private Life of ; by Sir C. Lawson. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C22E8 HASWELL, George H. The Maister: a Century of Tyneside Life, being the Life of Thomas Haswell. Dlustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 22 E 2 HASWELL, Thomas. Life of. [See Haswell, G. H.] C22E2 HATCH, Frederick H., and CHALMEES, J. A. The Gold Mines of the Band : being a Description of the Mining Industry of Witwatersrand, South African Eepublic. Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 24 V 15 122 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95 . HATTON, Kichard G. Figure Drawing and Composition. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 23 U 27 HAUG, H. Auch ein Kulturbild. 12mo. Gotha, 1894. G2U41 HAUGHTON, Rev. Dr. Samuel. New Researches on Sunheat, Terrestrial Radiation, &c. (Trans. R.I. Academy. — Cunningham Memoirs, 3.) 4 to. Dublin, 1886. E HAUFT, Prof. Lewis M. Manual of Engineering Specifi- cations and Contracts. 2nd edition. 8vo. Philad., 1881. A 22 S 22 HAUSSOULLIER, Bernard. La Vie Municipale en Attique. 8vo. Paris, 1884. F1E8 HAUVETTE-BESNAULT, Am. LesStrateges Atheniens. 8vo. Paris, 1885. B 28 U 9 HAVEXS, B. F. Indiana at the World's Columbian Ex- position, 1893. 8vo. Chicago, 1893. K7U7 HAWAIIAN ALMANAC AND ANNUAL, 1893-95. 3 vols. 8vo. Honolulu, 1892-95. ME 3 S HAWIE3, Rev. Hugh Reginald. Rev. H. R. Haweis at Home ; with Portrait. [See Blathwayt, R. — Inter- views.] J 10 U 34 Sir Morell Mackenzie, Physician and Operator : a Memoir. 8vo. Lond., 1883. C 16 R 11 My Musical Life. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1891. C18P2 HAWKER, Col. Peter. The Diary of, 1802-53. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 15 P 1, 2 HAWKESBURT AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE AND EXPERIMENTAL FARM. Prospectus, Regula- tions, Reports, &c, 1892-94. 8vo. Sydney, 1893-95. ME 7 S HAWKES WORTH, Alfred. Illustrations of types of Wool ; with Notes on their Formation, Qualities, &c. With coloured plates depicting ninety-two different Wools. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MA 1 S 47 Raw Wools, and Specimens to illustrate the uses of Wool. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1892*. MA 1 S 35 HAWKINS, C. C, and WALLIS, F. The Dynamo ; its Theory, Design, and Manufacture. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 21 P 21 HAWKINS, E. J. The Fitzdolphus Papers. 12mo., Melb., 1878. MJ 1 Q 51 HAWKINS, H. S. Elementary Exercises in Algebra. 8vo. Sydney, 1859. MA 1 U 61 HAWKINS, Dr. Herbert P. On Diseases of the Vermi- form Appendix ; with a consideration of the Symptoms and Treatment of the resulting forms of Peritonitis. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 33 T 23 HAWKINS, Sir John. Sketch of. [See Froude, Prof. J. A.— English Seamen.] B 21 U 9 Sketch of. [See Southey, R. — English Seamen] B 23 S 15 HAWKINS, S. The Waqga Express Riverine Directory, 1887, 1893-95. 4 vois. 12mo. Wagga, 1887-95. ME6T HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel. Mosses from an Old Manse. 12mo. Lond., 1894. J 12 S 8 HAWTREY, Rev. Montague J. G. An Earnest Address to New Zealand Colonists with reference to their intercourse with the Native Inhabitants. 12mo. Lond., 1840. MB 1 P 33 Justice to New Zealand, Honour to England. 12mo. Lond , 1861. G 4 V 14 HAY, Prof. George W. Catechism of Practical Agri- culture. 8vo. Hobart, 1856. MA 1 Q 75 HAY, John. Abraham Lincoln. [See Lincoln, A.] F 8 T 25, 26 HAY, Robt. Geology and Mineral Resources of Kansas, 1891-92. 8vo. Topeka, 1393. A 21 U 24 HAY CRAFT, Dr. John B. Darwinism and Race Progress. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 28 P 17 HAYDON, Benjamin Robt. [Plaster Cast of] [See Hutton, L— Portraits ill Plaster.] A 23 V 13 HAYES, Alice M. The Horsewoman : a Practical Guide to Side-saddle Riding. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 29 R 8 HAYES, Dr. Isaac I., and the Open Polar Sea. [See Greeley, Gen. A. W. — Explorers and Travellers.] C 17 R4 HAYES, Rutherford B. Sketch of. [See Wilson, J. G.— Presidents of the United States.] C 2 V 30 HAYNES, Capt. Alfred E. Man-hunting in the Desert, being a Narrative of the Palmer Search-Expedition (1882-83) ; with an Introduction by W. Besant. [Illustrated.] Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. D 14 V 14 HAYNES, G. H. The State of Maine in 1893. Ob. 12mo. New York, 1893. D 15 P 10 HAYNES, Dr. George H. Representation and Suffrage in Massachusetts, 1620-91. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies, 12.) Roy. 8vo. Baltimore, 1894. B 18 S 12 HAYNES, John. Popular Election of United States Senators. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 11.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1893. B 18 S 11 HAYS, Rev. Dr. George P. Presbyterians : a popular Narrative of their origin, progress, doctrines, and achievements. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1892. G 6 T 27 Supplementary Catalogue — 1 893-95 . 123 HAYTER, Henry H. General Eeport of the Census of Victoria, 1891. 4to. Melb., 1893. ME Hand-book to the Colony of Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1884. MD 8 Q 29 Victorian Year-book. [See Victoria.] ME HATVVAED, Abraham. Faust. [See Goethe, J. W. von.] H 1U1 Life, Character, and Opinions of Lord Chesterfield. 12mo. Lond., 1854. C 18 P 21 Life and Times of G. Selwyn. 12mo. Lond., 1854. C18P21 HAY WOO D, Howard. Colonists' Advertiser and Visitors' Guide to Tasmania. 8vo. Latrobe, 1888. MD 5 Q 54 HAZELL'S ANNUAL for 1893-95 : a Cyclopedic Eecord of Men and Topics of the Day. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893-95. E HAZEN, Allen. The Filtration of Public Water-supplies. 8vo. New York, 1895. A 22 S 8 HAZEN, Prof. Chas. D. Constitutions in Europe and America. [See Borgeaud, C] F 2 V 10 HAZLITT, Win. Guizot's History of Civilisation. [See Guizot, F. P. G.] B 25 P 2-4 Lectures on the English Poets. 3rd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1841. J 12 S 34 Liber Amoris ; or, the New Pygmalion : with an Intro- duction by E. Le Gallienne. 12mo. Lond., 1893. J4P11 Another Copy, with additional matter now printed for the first time from the original manuscripts. Sm. 4to. Privately printed, 1894. J 4 U 3 The Bound Table [Essays.] 18mo. Lond., 1869. J 7 P49 Selected Essays. [See Morris, E. E.] M.J 1 S 11 Table-Talk ; or, Original Essays on Men and Manners. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1824. J 2 Q 15, 16 Winterslow : Essays and Characters written there. 12mo. Lond., 1850. J 12 S 33 HAZLITT, Wm. Carew. Coinage of the European Continent. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 27 T 4 Montaigne's Essays. [See Montaigne, M. E. de.] J 8 P 41-46 HEAD, N. Mabel : a Tale of Filial Love. 12mo. Lond., 1894. MH 1 U 61 HEADLAM, A. C. Ecclesiastical Site in Isauria. [See Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies.] E HEADLEY, F. W. The Structure and Life of Birds, Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 28 TJ 13 HEALEY, Daniel. The Cornstalk, his Habits and Habitat; by " Whaks Li Kell." 12mo. Sydney, 1893. MJ 1 S 33 HEAEN, Lafcadio. Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894. D 17 E 16, 17 Out of the East : Eeveries and Studies in New Japan. 12mo. Boston, 1895. B 35 Q 10 HEAEN, Prof. Wm. Edward. Payment by Eesults in Primary Education. 8vo. Melb., 1872. MG 2 Q 30 HEAENE, Thos. Antiquities of Great Britain. [See Byrne, W.] B 2 P 29, 30 J HEAETWELL, Henry. The Castle of Sorrento: a Musical Entertainment. [See London Stage, 4.] H2S36 HEATH, H. A. Special Eeport on Sheep, U.S.A. [See Salmon, Dr. D. E.] A 30 U 7 HEATH, Eichard. The English Peasant : Studies, His- torical, Local, and Biographic. 8vo. Lond., 1893. F 14 Q 43 HEATH, Dr. Eichard. Deafness, its Causes and Cure. 2nd ed. 12mo. Geelong, 1859. MA 2 P 41 HEATHEE, J. F. Mathematical Instruments: their Construction, Adjustment, Testing, and Use, com- prising Drawing, Measuring, Optical, Surveying, and Astronomical Instruments. Illustrated. 3 vols, (in 1). 12mo. Lond., 1888-92. A 25 P 38 HEAVISIDE, Oliver. Electrical Papers. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 21 S 18, 19 Electro-magnetic Theory. Vol.1. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 21 T 17 HEBEE, Rt. Eev. Eeginald, Poet and Chief Missionary to the Eabt, 1783-1826; by Dr. G. Smith. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 13 V 31 HECKETHOEN, Chas. Wm. The Secret Societies of all Ages and Countries. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond , 1875. B 35 P 22, 23 HECTOR, Sir James. Catalogue of the Colonial Museum, Wellington. 12mo. Wellington, 1870. MA 2 V 29 Meteorological Report, 1868 : together with Abstract of all Meteorological Beturns'for New Zealand prior to that date. Roy. 8vo. Wellington, 1869. ME New Zealand Geography. [See Bowden, T. A.] MD 2 W 48 Phormium Tenax as a Fibrous Plant ; edited by [Sir] J. Hector. Eoy. 8vo. Wellington, 1S72. MA1U28 3rd, 8th, 17th, and 27th Annual Reports on the Colonial Museum and Laboratory. Roy. 8vo. Wellington, 1868-93. ME Geological Survey of New Zealand. Eeports of Geo- logical Explorations during 1870-74, 1876-77, and 1881. 5 vols. roy. 8vo. Wellington, 1871-82. ME Index to Eeports of the Geological Survey of New Zealand, 1866-85 inclusive. Roy. 8vo. Wellington, 1887. ME On the anatomy of flight of certain birds. (Trans. N.Z. Inst. 27.) 8vo. Wellington, 1894. ME 2 R Tarawera Eruption. [See Griffiths, G. S.] MA 3 S 47 124 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. HEDERICH, Benjamin. Graecum Lexicon Manuale, primum a B. Hederico institutum ; dein auctum cura J. A. Ernesti ; auctum A. T. Morell, Thesauri Graecaa Poeseos autore. 4to. Lond., 1790. J 12 V If HEDGEE-WALLACE, E. [See Wallace, E. H.-] HEDLET, Chas. List of Land Shells recorded from Queensland. (Proc. Boy. Soc, Queensland, 5.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1888. ME 1 T Aneitia Grqffei and its allies. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queens- land, 5.) Svo. Brisbane, 1889. ME 1 T Uses of some Queensland Plants. (Proc. Eoy. Soc, Queensland, 5.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1888. ME 1 T Description of a new Slug, with notes on other Terres- trial Mollusca. (Proc. Eoy. Soc, Queensland, 5.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1888. ME 1 T Notes on Queensland Land-shells. (Proc. Eoy. Soc, Queensland, 6.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1888. ME I T Anatomical Notes on the Helicidce. (Proc. Eoy. Soc, Queensland, 6.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1889. ME 1 T On a Molluscan Genus new to, and another forgotten, from Australia. (Proc. Eoy. Soc, Victoria, n. s., 7.) 8vo. Melb., 1895. ME 1 P HEDLEY, Harry W. At the Wickets : New South Wales versus Victoria. 12mo. Melb., 1888. MA 3 U 11 HEEEES, J. E. Groningsche Volksalmanak, 1893. [See Feith, J. A.] D 18 E 25 HEGEL, Georg Wm. Friedrich. Lectures on the History of Philosophy. Vol. 1. Svo. Lond., 1892. G 12 Q 29 Hegel ; by Prof. E. Caird. (Philosophical Classics.) 12mo. Edinb., 1886. G 9 V 6 Philosophical Study of. [See Eitchie,D. G.] G 10 S 30 HEIDEN, Dr. Eduard. Lehrbuch der Diingerlehre. 2 vols. 8vo. Hannover, 1879-87. A 18 S 30, 31 HEINE, Heinrich. Works of. Vols. 1-8. 8vo. Lond., 1891-93. J 8 E 34-41 1. Florentine Nights ; Memoirs of Herr von Schnabele- wopski ; the Rabbi of Bacharach ; and Shakespeare's Maidens and Women. 2, 3. Pictures of Travel. 4. The Salon ; or Letters on Art, Music, Popular Life and Politics. 5, 6. Germany. 7, 8. French Affairs. The Family Life of. Edited by Baron L. von Embden. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 16 E 10 Heine in Art and Letters ; translated with a Prefatory Note, by Elizabeth A. Sharp. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 11 T 39 Heine on Shakespeare : a Translation of his Notes on Shakespeare Heroines ; by Ida Benecke. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 10 E 27 HEINEICH, G. A. Histoire de la Litterature Allemaude. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1889-91. J 7 U 41-43 HELICAL GEAES. A Practical Treatise ; by "A Fore- man Pattern-maker." 12mo. Lond., 1893. A 22 Q 23 HELLENIC STUDIES, Society for the Promotion of. [See Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies.] HELLER, Robert, his Doings. 12mo. Melb. (n.d ) MJ 3 P 26 HELLMUTH COLLEGE, London, Ontario, Canada. [Calendar and Eegister, 1893, 1894.] Svo. (n.p. n.d.) E HELM, E. The Joint Standard : a plain Exposition of Monetary Principles and of the Monetary Controversy. 12mo. Lond., 1894. F 9 U 46 HEMSLEY, Wm. B. Report on the present state of knowledge of various Insular Floras ; Report on the Botany of the Bermudas and various other Islands of the Atlantic and Southern Oceans; Report on the Botany of Juan Fernandez, the South-eastern Moluccas, and the Admiralty Isles. [See Thomson, Sir C. W. and Murray, Dr. J. — Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger.] A 6 1 HENDERSON, Dr. Ebenezer. Annals of Dunfermline and Vicinity, 1069-1878. 4to. Glasgow, 1879. B24V7 HENDERSON, Ernest F. Select Historical Documents of the Middle Ages ; translated and edited by E. F. Henderson. 8vo. Lond., 1892. B 25 P 5 HENDERSON, George G. Increase in the Produce of the Soil. [See Wagner, Prof. P.] A 29 T 5 HENDEESON, Prof. J. E. Anomura. [See Thompson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J.— Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger.'] A 6f HENDEtiSON, W. J. Story of Music. 12mo. New York, 1893. A 23 Q 48 HENDRIX COLLEGE. Annual Catalogue, 1893. 8vo. Conway, Ark., 1893. E HENLEY, William Ernest. Slang and its Analogues. [See Farmer, J. S.] Libr, and WHIBLEY, C. A Book of English Prose Character and Incident, 1387-1649. 8vo. Lond., 1894. J 5 P 17 HENN & CO. Action for Libel. [See Davies Bros.] MF 2 Q 68 HENN ELL, C. C. Christian Theism. 8vo. Lond., 1853. G 19 P 32 HENNESSEY, J. D. The Dis-Honourable. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MJ 3 Q 29 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 125 IIENNESSY, Capt. J. M. A few Months' Experience in New Guinea. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Q. Branch, 1.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1886. ME 20 Eeport of a Trip to the Western Part of the South Coast of British New Guinea. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Q. Branch, 3.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1889. ME 20 Notes made in the Fly River, British New Guinea. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Q. Branch, 5.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1890. ME 20 HENNESSY, Sir John Pope. Colonial Home Rule. [See Subjects of the Day, 3.] F 7 U 28 HENRICUS. [See Ignorant Learned.] MJ 2 S 9 [See Masonic Signs.] MJ 2 S 8 HENRIETTA, Princess. Life of; by Julia Cartwright. 8vo. Lond., 1894 C 15 P 6 : ENRIQUEZ, Camilo. [Vida de] ; par M. L. Amuna- tegui. 2 vols. 8vo. Santiago, 18*9. C21T4, 5 HENRY IV, King of England. Expeditions to Prussia and the Holy Land made by Henry, Earl of Derby. (Camden Society Pubs.) Sin. 4to. Lond , 1894. E HENRY IV, King of France. [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L.— Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 Henry of Navarre and the Religious "Wars ; by E. T. Blair. Roy. 8vo. Philad., 1S95. B 26 V 14 HENRY VIII, King of England. First Divorce of. [See Hope, Mrs.] B 24 Q 6 H ENRY, Prof. Joseph. Eulogy on Prof. A. D. Bache. 8vo. Wash., 1872. C 19 S 5 HENRY, T. Shekleton. Spookland : Spirit Materialisa- tion, and Hints and Illustrations as to the possibility of artificially producing the same. 8vo. Sydney, 1894. MG 2 Q 35 HENRY, William. Swimming. fSee Sinclair, A.] A 17 IJ 47 HENRY ANCRUM: a Tale of the Last New Zealand War. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1872. MJ 1 T 50, 51 HENSLOW, Rev. George. The Origin of Plant Struc- tures by self-adaption to the environment. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 20 Q 19 HEPBURN, James. [See Bothwell, Earl of.] HEPBURN, Rev. James D. Twenty Years in Khama's Country, and Pioneering among the Batauana of Lake Ngami. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 3 P 34 HERALD VICTORIA ALMANAC for 1854. 8vo. Melb., 1854. ME 4 U HERBART, Johann Friedrich. Introduction to Herbart's Science and Practice of Education. [See Felkin, H. M. and E.] G 18 P 33 HERBERT, George. Life of. [See Walton, Izaak.] C19 V6 Life of. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C15P5 Life of ; bv the Rev. Dr. J. Brown. [See Masson, Prof. D.— In the Footsteps of the Poets.]' J 6 R 43 Poetical Works of. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1856. H5U35 HERBERT, William V. Defence of Plevna, 1877. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 31 T 8 HERBERT-PERCY, Major A. [See Percy, Major. A.H-.] HERDMAN, Prof. W. A. Tunicata. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J.— Voyage of H.M.S. Chal- lenger, Zoology.] A 6 t HEREFORDSHIRE POMONA, The, containing Colored Figures and Descriptions of the most esteemed kinds of Apples and Pears. 2 vols. 4to. Hereford, 1876- 85. A 6 P 6, 7 % HERFORD, Dr. Charles Harold. Ibsen's "Brand." [See Ibsen, H.] H 4 P 38 HERNDON, William H, and WEIK, Jesse W. Abraham Lincoln : the True Story of a Great Life. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 13 P 36, 37 HERNSHEIM, Franz. Beitrag zur Sprache der Mar- shall-Inseln. 12mo. Leipzig, 1880. MK 2 Q 4 HERODOTUS. Textus J. Schweighameeri. [Greek Text aud Latin Notes.] 4 vols. 8vo. Glasguas, 1818. B 28 U 3-6 Dictionarium Ionicum Gran:o-Latinum, quod indicem in omnes Herodoti hbros continet. [See Portus, E.] B28U7 HERON-ALLEN. [See Allen, E. II-.] HERRERA, Antonio de. Descripcion de las Indias Occi- dentales. 5 vols. sm. fol. Madrid, 1725-26. B 36 T 8-12 % HERRESHOFF, Lewis. Yachting. [See Sullivan, Sir E.] A 29 Q 41 HERRICK, C. L. The Mammals of Minnesota. Roy. 8vo. Minneapolis, 1892. A 13 T 39 HERRMANN, Prof. Gustav. Hoisting Machinery. [See Weisbach, Dr. J.] A 25 S 26 HERSCHEL, Caroline L. The Herschels and Modern Astronomy. [See Clerke, Agnes M.] A 19 Q 19 HERSCHEL, Sir Friedrich Wilhelm. The Herschels and Modern Astronomy. [See Clerke, Agnes M.] A 19 Q 19 HERSCHEL, Sir John F. W. The Herschels and Modern Astronomy. [See Clerke, Agnes M.] A 19 Q 19 HERSCHELL, Dr. George. Indigestion : an Introduction to the Study of the Diseases of the Stomach. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 26 R 8 126 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. HERTWIG, Dr. Oscar. The Cell : Outlines of General Anatomy and Physiology ; edited by Dr. H. J. Camp- bell. 8vo. Lond., 1805. A 28 U 12 Text-book of the Embryology of Man and Mammals. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 13 T 38 HERTWIG, Prof. Eichard. Actiniaria. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J.— Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger — Zoology, 6.] A 6 f HERTZ, Dr. Heinrich. Electric Waves, being Researches on the Propagation of Electric Action with finite velocity through space. Authorised English transla- tion by D. E. Jones. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 21 T 21 HERVEY, Rev. Jame3. Meditations and Contemplations. New ed. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) G 4 V 11 HERVEY, Lord. Poetical Works of, with Biographical Sketch. 18mo. Lond., 1818. H 10 TJ 7 HESLOP, R. O. Northumberland Words. (Eng. Dialect Soc. Pubs.) 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893-94. E HESSELL, Rev. William. The Connexional Financial Economy of Wesleyan Methodism. 8vo. Lond., 185C. G 1 R 34 HETHERINGTON, Henry. Portrait of. [See Gammage, R. G.— Chartist Movement.] E 7 R 24 HETLEY, Mme. Ch„ et RAOUL, E. Eleurs Sauvages et Bois Precieux de la Nouvelle-Zelande. 4to. Lond., 1889. MA 9 Q 2 f HEUCHER, M. J. H. Magic Plants. [See Bibliotheca Curiosa.] J 18 Q 36 HEWINS, Eben Newell. American Book-plates. [See Allen, CD.] J 8 U 6 HEWISON, Rev. James King. The Isle of Bute in the Olden Time. Vol. 1. Roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1893. B 13 S 21 HEWITT, J. F. The Ruling Races of Pre-historic Times in India, South-western Asia, and Southern Europe. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1894-95. A 30 Q 6, 7 HEYSINGER, Dr. I. W. Source and Mode of Solar Energy throughout the Universe. Illustrated. 8vo. Philad., 1895. A 19 S 21 HEY WOOD, Thomas. Love's Mistress ; or, the Queen's Masque. [See Bibliotheca Curiosa.] J 18 Q 40 HIBBEKD, Rev. F. Baptismal Regeneration the Corol- lary of the Prayer-book, and the Teaching of the Church Clergy. Svo. Sydney, 1874. MG 2 Q 24 HIBBERD, Shirley. The Amateur's Greenhouse and Conservatory. New ed., revised by T. W. Sanders. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1894. ' A 18 P 10 The Amateur's Rose Book. New ed., by G. Gordon. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1894. A 32 R 9 Familiar Garden Flowers. [See Humle, F. E.] A 20 Q 7-11 HICKS, R. D. Politics of Aristotle. [See Susemihl, Prof. F.] F 7 R 30 HICKSON, Dr. J. B. Medical Reform : Homoeopathy vindicated as a Necessary and Scientific Reform in Medical Practice. 8vo. Melb., 1850. MA 1 V 71 HICKSON, J. C. Notes on Travels from Pacific to Atlantic. 12mo. Parramatta, 1894. MD 7 T 65 HICKSON, Robt. R. P. Sewage Purification and Disposal. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, IS95. MA 2 U 59 HICKSON, Dr. Sydney J. The Fauna of the Deep Sea. 12mo. Lond., 189 1. A 27 Q 22 HIDALGO, Dr. Wenceslao. Medicina Domestica de la Infancia. 2nd ed. Svo. Santiago, 1885. A 33 T 24 HIGGINS, C. A. The Land of Sunshine. Illustrated. 12mo. Chicago, 1892. D 15 P 12 HIGGINS, J. Frederick. Sewage Matters: their treat- ment and application. Svo. Melb., 1868. MA 1 V 44 HIGGINSON,Thos.W. Atlantic Essays. 12mo. New York, 1894. J 12 T 39 HIGHLAND AND AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF SCOTLAND. Transactions, 1829-94, and Indexes, 1799-18S8. 47 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1829-94 E HIGINBOTHAM, George. Science and Religion; or, the Relations of Modern Science with the Christian Churches. 8vo. Melb., 1883. MG 1 S 24 Speech addressed to the Electors of the District of Brighton. 8vo. Brighton, 1865. MJ 3 Q 15 Mr. Justice Higinbotham on the Orthodox Faith. [See Gosman, Rev. A.] MG 2 Q 23 Memoir of ; by E. E. Morris. 8vo. Lond., 1895. MC 1 T 22 [See Dickinpon, Rev. R. B. — Scripture and Science.] MG 2 Q 23 HIGINBOTHAM & ROBINSON, Messrs. Yachting and Excursion Map of Port Phillip and the surround- ing Country, Melbourne, and Suburbs. Folded 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MD 8 R 40 HILARION. [See McKellar, Campbell.] HILDEBRAND, Dr. Hans. Industrial Arts of Scandi- navia in the Pagan Time. 8vo. Lond., 1883. A 23 R 33 HILGARD, Prof. Eugene W. Reports on the Agricultural Experiment Stations of the University of California, 1888-94. 4 vols. 8vo. Sacramento, 1890-94. E Reports of Examinations of Waters, Water Supply, and related Subjects, 1886-89. 8vo. Sacramento, 1889. A 18 V 21 Alkali Lands : Irrigation and Drainage in their Mutual relations. 8vo. Sacramento, 1892. A 18 V 22 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 127 HILGARD, Prof. Eugene W.—contd. Reports of Experiments in Methods of Fermentation and related subjects, 1886-87. 8vo. Sacramento, 1888. A 18 V 29 University of California, College of Agriculture Experi- ment Station. Report of the Viticultural Work during the seasons 1887-89, with data regarding the Vintage of 1890. Part 1. Red Wine Grapes. Part 2. Record of Work in the Viticultural Laboratory for the season 1887-89 ; by L. Paparelli. Part 3. Pre- servative and Remedial Processes applied to Wines of Warm Countries. 8vo. Sacramento, 1892. E HILL, Aaron. Zara : a Tragedy. [See London Stage, 4] H2S36 HILL, A. Eraser. The Land and Wealth of New South Wales. 8vo. Sydney, 1894. MP 1 Q 62 . ILL, Mrs. Birkbeck. Rise of Modern Democracy. [See Borgeaud, C] F 5 Q 2 HILL, Constance. Autobiography of Frederic Hill. [See Hill, P.] C 19 R 17 HILL, Frederic. An Autobiography of fifty years in Times of Reform ; edited by his daughter, Constance Hill. 8vo. Lond., 1893 C 19 R 17 HILL, Dr. George Birkbeck. Harvard College ; by an Oxonian. 8vo. New York, 1894. B 19 Q 13 HILL, Georgiana. History of English Dress, from the Saxon period to the present time. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 23 T 12 HILL, Rev. J. Hamlyn. Diatessaron of Tatian. [See Tatian.] G 13 P 44 HILL, Rev. James. The Attitude of the Church to Modern Life and Thought. 8vo. Sydney, 1886. MG 1 R 74 HILL, Rev. Pascoe G. Fifty days on board a Slave Vessel in the Mozambique Channel, 1813. 12mo. Lond., 1844. D 14 P 7 HILL, Hon. Richard, and THORNTON, Hon. George. Notes on the Aborigines of New South Wales. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MA 1 R 45 HILL, Robt. T. Clay Materials of the United States. 8vo. Wash., 1893. A 20 V 16 HILL, S. P. Letter to the Members of the Congregational or Independent Church, under the pastoral care of the Rev. Dr. R. Ross. 8vo. Sydney, 1846. MG 2 S 16 HILL, Thos. Padmore. The Toung Speaker : a Series of Short Selections in Prose and Verse. 12mo. Melb., 1867. MJ 3 P 6 HILL, W. H. F. Entomogenous Fungi of Victoria. [See Royal Soc, Vic, Proa, n.s. 7.] ME 1 P HILL, Walter. Botanic Gardens, Brisbane : Collection of Economic and other Plants. Brisb., 1880. MA 1 T 60 and THOZET, M. Specimens of Queensland Woods. 8vo. (n.p. n.d.) MA 2 T 31 HILLER, H. Croft. Rhythmic Heredity : Matter a pro- perty of energy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. G 1 U 2 HILLHOUSE HIGH SCHOOL, New Haven, Conn. Catalogue, 1892. 8vo. New Haven, 1892. E HIMMELSTIERNA, H. von Samson-. [See Samson- Himmelstierna.] HINDE, Dr. George J., and HOLMES, W. H. On the Sponge-remains in the Lower Tertiary Strata near Oamaru, New Zealand. [See Linnean Society, London, Journal 24.] E HINDS, Allen B. The Making of the England of Eliza- beth. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 23 S 13 HINDS, Rt. Eev. Samuel. A Reply to the Question, "Shall I seek Ordination in the Church of England?" [See Religious Pamphlets, 1 .] G 9 V 16 Reply to the Question, "Apart from Supernatural Reve- lation, what is man's prospect of living after death ?" [See Religious Pamphlets, 1.] G 9 V 16 Reply to the Question, " What have we to rely on, if we cannot rely on the Bible ?" [See Religious Pamphlets, 1.] G 9 V 16 HINE, Edward. Forty-seven Identifications of the British Nation with the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) G 4 P 26 HINKINS, John T. Life amongst the Native Race [Vic- toria]. Sin. 4to. Melb., 1884. MA 3 S 36 HINKSON, H. A. Dublin Verses ; by Members of Trinity College. Sm. 4to. London 1895. H 10 R 20 HINTON, A. Horsley. Hand-book of Illustration. 8vo. Lond. (n.d ) A 23 T 21 HIORNS, Arthur H. Metal Colouring and Bronzing. 12mo. Lond., 1892. A 25 P 6 HIPPOLYTUS, St. Writings of. Fragments of Writings of 3rd Century ; translated by Rev. S. D. F. Salmond. (Ante-Nicene Christ. Lib., 9.) Edinb., 1869. G14U9 The Refutation of all Heresies ; with Fragments from his Commentaries on various Books of Scripture. Translated by Rev. J. H. MacMahon and Rev. S. D. F. Salmond. (Ante-Nicene Christ. Lib., 6.) 8vo. Edinb., 1868. G 14 U 6 HIROI, Isami. Plate-Girder Construction. 12mo. New York, 1893. A 22 P 17 HIRSCH, Max. The Fiscal Superstition. 12mo. Melb., 1895. MF 4 P 17 128 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. HIRSCHFELD, Dr. Eugen. Prevalence of Cancer in Austialasia. (Proc. Eoy. Soc, Queensland, 10 ) 8vo. Brisbane, 1893. ME 1 T HIRST, Prof. Barton Cooke. Systems of Obstetrics ; by American Authors. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1888- 89. A 33 U 5, 6 . and PIEESOL, Prof. George A. Human Mon- strosities. Illustrated. Fol. Edinb. and Lond., 1892 -93. A 6 P 4 % HIRST, Edith H. Round the Camp Fire, and other Aus- tralian Poems. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) MH 1 U 41 HISLOP, Rev. Alexander. The two Babylons, or the Papal worship proved to be the worship of Nimrod and his wife. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d ) G-4P27 HISLOP, Dr. John. History of the Knox Church, Dunedin. 8vo. Dunedin, 1892. MG 2 S 5 HISSEY, James John. Through ten English Counties. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. D 18 U 13 HISTOIRE LITTERAIRE DE LA FRANCE. Tome 31. 4to. Paris, 1893. B 11 S 11 t HISTORIC CHURCHES OF AMERICA, their Ro- mance and their History; with full letter text. Fol. Philad. (n.d.) B 44 Q 10 % HISTORICAL MSS. COMMISSION. [See Great Britain and Ireland.] HISTORICAL REPRINTS. 2 vols. 12mo. Edinb., 1885-80. J 10 P 42, 43 1. Political Creed of a Tory Malecontent. Duke Hamilton's conditions for surrendering himself. A Remonstrance ; or, the Declaration of the Lords and Commons, 1042. A Letter from the Rt. Hon. Ferdinando Lord Fairfax, to His Excellency Robert Earle of Essex. No Blinde Guides, in answer to a seditious pamphlet of J. Milton's. Affairs of Scotland in 1089. News from Dublin in Ireland. The Rye House Plot. The Impostor painted in his own colours. The Reign of William the Conqueror. 2. Genealogy of the Kings of Britain, from Brutus to the Death of Alfred. Four original Documents relating to the marriage of Henry VIII to Anne of Cleves. Instructions of Henry VIII for the general visitation of the Monasteries and Nunneries. Four curious Documents. Two important State Papers, 1569. Earl of Hereford's Expedition against Scotland, 1544. Exact and certaine newes from the Siege at Yorke. Answer to second manifesto of the Pretender's eldest son. HISTORY OF MUSIC ; with Methods employed in the New Haven Public Schools. Obi. 12mo. New Haven, Conn., 1893. A 23 P 5 HITCHCOCK, Chas. Henry. Geology of New Hampshire, 3 vols. imp. 8vo., and 1 vol. atlas fol. Concord, 1878. A 12 S 9-11 f HITCHCOCK, Rev. Dr. Edward. The Religion of Geology and its connected Sciences. 8vo. Glasgow (n.d.) A 24 Q 23 HITCHCOCK, Harvey R. An English-Hawaiian: Dictionary. 12mo. San Francisco, 1887. MJ 2 T 47 HITTELL, John S. History of the Mental Growth of Mankind in Ancient Times. 4 vols. 8vo. New York, 1893. A 30 Q lnfc 1. Savagism. 2. Heathen Barbarism. 3. Judea and Greece. 4. Rome and Early Christianity. Physical and Commercial Geography of Western Washington. Imp. 8vo. (n.p.) 1890. D 15 V 23 | HITTELL, Theodore H. History of California. 2 vols 8vo. San Francisco, 1885. B 17 T 11, 12 HOADLY, Dr. Benjamin. The Suspicious Husband: a Comedy. [See London Stage, 2.] H 2 S 34 HOARE, Benjamin. Some Comments on Crime : Irish Catholics and Criminal Statistics. 12mo. Melb., 1888. MF 4 P 5 HOARE, Chas. The Slide-rule, and how to use it. 6th ed. 8vo. Loud., 1890. A 25 S 22 HOARE, E. Wallis. Manual of Veterinary Therapeutics- and Pharmacology. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 33 P 6 HOBART. The Right of the Inhabitants of Hobart Town to an Independent Supply of Pure Water. Roy. 8vo. Hobart (n.d.) MF 1 S 54 HOBART TOWN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Rules. 8vo. Hobart, 1874. ME 6 Q HOBART TOWN RIOTS. Full Account of the, in connection with Pastor Chiuiquy's Lectures, together with correspondence from Rev. H. E. M. Watson, suppressed by the Lyttelion Times. 8vo. Dunedin, 1879. MG 1 S 25 HOBBES, R. G. Reminiscences of 70 years' Life, Travel, and Adventure ; Military and Civil ; Scientific and Literary. Vol. 1. Soldiering in India. 8vo. Lond., 1893. D 14 T 13 HOBBES, Thos., by Prof. G. C. Robertson. (Philosophical Classics.) 12mo. Edinb., 1880. G 9 V 8 HOBHOUSE, L. T. The Labour Movement. 8vo. Lond., 1893. F 14 Q 38 HOBSON, J. A. Co-operative Labour upon the Land. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 8 U 45 The Evolution of Modern Capitalism : a Study of Machine Production. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 9 U 43 HOCKINGS, Albert John. The Flower Garden in Queensland. 12mo. Brisb., 1875. MA 1 P 74 Queensland Garden Manual. 3rd. ed. 12mo. Brisb., 1888. MA IP 75 Supplementary Cata logue — 1893-95 . 129 HODDER, Edwin. The History of South Australia. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893. MB 1 R 44, 45 [Life of] John Macgregor, " Rob Rov." Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1891. C 15 P 18 HODGE, Frederick Webb. List of Publications of the Bureau of Ethnology, with Index to Authors and Subjects. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1894. A 30 U 17 HODGKIN, Dr. Thos. Italy and her Invaders. Vols. 5, 6. 8vo. Oxford, 1895 B 11 S 13, 14 5. The Lombard Invasion, 553-600. 6. The Lombard Kingdom, 600-744. HODGSON, J. The Destiny of the World : an Enquiry concerning the teaching of Scripture relative to the punishment of those who neglect the great salvation. 8vo. Sydney, 1874. MG 2 S 1 HOEK, Dr. P. P. C. Pyenogonida; Cirripedia. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J. — Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger] A 6 f HOERNING, Charles Ad. Causes and Cures of our growing Distress. 12mo. Sydney, 1893. MF 1 P 81 HOFFMAN, Prof. Frank Sargent. The Sphere of the State ; or, the People as a Body Politic. 8vo. New York, 1894. F1JR29 HOFFMAN, Dr. Waller Jas. The Beginnings of Writing. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 23 R 41 HOFFMANN, G. Christian. Catalogue of Section One of the Geological Survey, Canada, embracing the Systematic Collection of Minerals and Rocks and Specimens, illustrative of Structural Geology. Roy. 8vo. Ottawa, 1893. A 24 U 17 HOFMAN, Prof. H. O. The Metallurgy of Lead and the Desilverization of Base Bullion. 2nd ed. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1893. A 24 V 21 HOGAN, Jas. F. Biographical Sketch of the late Most Rev. J. A. Goold ; with Portrait. 8vo. Melb , 1886. MC 1 T 20 The Convict King ; being the Life and Adventures of Jorgen Jorgenson. 12mo. Hobart, 1893. MC 1 P 58 Life of Robert Lowe, Viscount Sherbrooke, 8vo. Lond., 1893. MC 1 P 53 HOGG, E. G. Geological Notes. [See Officer, G.] ME1 P HOGG, James. "The Ettrick Shepherd." Songs and Ballads. 12mo. Glasgow, 1852. H 10 T 24 The Queen's Wake : a Legendary Poem. 32mo. Lond., 1841. H 10 T 30 HOHNEL, Lieut. Ludwig von. Discovery of Lakes Rudolf and Stefanie : a Narrative of Count Samuel Teleki's Exploring and Hunting Expedition in Eastern Equa- torial Africa in 1887 aud 1888 ; translated by Nancy Bell (N. D'Anvers). 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. D 14 V 11, 12 HOKOR. [See Rusden, H. K.] HOLCOMB, Dr. Wm. P. Pennsylvania Boroughs. (Johns . Hopkins University Studies, 4.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1886. B 18 S 4 HOLCOMBE, Chester. The Real Chinamau. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 33 Q 2 HOLCROFT, Thos. Deaf and Dumb; or, the Orphan Protected : an Historical Drama. [See London Stage, 1.] H 2 S 33 The Deserted Daughter : a Comedy. [See London Stage, O] H 2 S 35 Duplicity s a Comedy, [See London Stage, 4.] H 2 S 36 The Follies of a Day : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 2.] H 2 S 34 He's Much to Blame : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 4.] H 2 S 36 The Road to Ruin : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 1.] H2 S33 The School for Arrogance : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 4.] H 2 S 36 Seduction : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 4.] H 2 S 36 HOLDEN, Dr. Edwin S. The Mogul Emperors of Hin- dustan, 1398-1707. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 29 T 6 HOLDEN, Frances Gillam. Trained Nursing. 12mo. Sydney, 1882. MA 2 P 78 HOLE, Very Rev. Samuel Reynolds. Book about Roses ; how to grow and show them. 12th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1892. A 18 R 12 The Memories of Dean Hole. 8vo. Lond., 1892. C8 Q 14 More Memories : being Thoughts about England spoken in America. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 14 U 4 HOLE, Wm. Auld Licht Idylls. Illustrated. [See Barrie, J. M.] J 2 U 26 HOLLAND, Philemon. Plutarch's Romane Questions. [See. Plutarch.] B 30 Q 18 HOLLAND, Robt. Glossary of Words used in the County of Chester. (Eng. Dialect Soc, 16.) 8vo. Lond., 1836. E HOLLANDER, J. II. The Cincinnatti Southern Railway : a Study in Municipal Activity. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies, 12.) Roy. 8vo. Baltimore, 1894. B 18 S 12 HOLM, Adolph. History of Greece, from its commence- ment to the close of the independence of the Greek Nation; translated from the German. Vol.1. 8vo. Loud., 1894. B 27 S 21 HOLMAN, J. G. Abroad and at Home: a Comic Opera." [See London Stage, 4.] H 2 S 36 The Votary of Wealth : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 4.] H 2 S 36 130 Supplementary Catalog ue — 1893-95 . HOLMES, James. [Life of]; by A. T. Story. 8vo. Lond, 1894. C 21 E 17 HOLMES, Oliver Wendell. At my Fireside; with Portrait. [See Blathwavt, E. — Interviews.] J 10 U 34 [Life of] ; bv W. Jerrold. 12mo. Lond., 1893. C 19 P 4 Sketch of. [See Noble, J. Ashcroft. — Impressions and Memories.] J 10 Q 19 Sketch of. [See Smalley, G. W.— Studies of Men.] C 19 E 20 HOLMES, Dr. P. Writings of Tertullian. [See Tertul- lianus, Q. S. P.] G 11 U and 14 U HOLMES, Wm. Henry. An Ancient Quarry in Indian Territory. Eoy. 8vo. Wash., 1894. A 30 U 18 HOLMES, W. M. Sponge-remains, New Zealand. [See Hinde, Dr. G. L.] E HOLEO YD, Arthur Todd. Prickly Comfrey; its History, Cultivation, &c. 8vo. Sydney, 1876. MA 1 Q 54 HOLT, Thos. Two Speeches on Education in New South Wales. 8vo. Sydney, 1857. MG 1 E 19 The Water Supply of the City of Sydney. 8vo. Svdney (n.d.) MA 3 T 31 HOLTJB, Emil. The Zambesi Eegion. [See Great Ex- plorers.] D 15 V 21, 22 HOLYOAKE, George Jacob. Co-operation and Socialism. [See Subjects of the Day, 2.] F 7 U 27 History of the Eockdale Pioneers. 12mo. Lond., 1S93. F 14 Q 28 Public Speaking and Debate. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J4P34 Sixty Years of an Agitator's Life. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1892. C 14 T 24, 25 HOMBEON, J. B. Australie et Papouasie: Comparaison de la cote de la Nouvelle-Hollande et de la cote de la Nouvelle-Guinee ; des races noires qui les habitent. 8vo. (n.p.) 1846. MD 8 Q 31 Malaisie. Les Montagnes d'Amboine. Des Eaces Malaise et Polynesiennes. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) MA 3 E 39 HOME, Hon. Henry. [See Kames, Lord.] HOME AND TEAINING SCHOOL FOE NUESES FOE THE SICK, SYDNEY. 5th and 6th Annual Eeports. 12mo. Sydney, 1887-89. ME 5 Q HOME VISITING AND BELIEF SOCIETY. 26th and 27th Annual Eeports. 12mo. Sydney, 1888-89. ME 5 Q HOMEE. Homer and the Epic. [See Lang, A.] J 4 Q36 Iliad, Book 1. (Greek Text.) Melb., 1876. MH1U36 Iliad of Homer. Translated by A. Pope, and illustrated by J. Flaxman. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1853. H 9 IT 4, 5 The Iliad of. Translated by A. Pope ; with Notes by the Eev. J. T. Watson. Illustrated with Flaxman's Designs. 12mo. Lond., 1866. H 9 P 14 Iliad. Translated by G. Chapman. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1887. H 15 P 11 t The Odyssey of. Translated by A. Pope ; with Notes by the Eev. J. S. Watson. Illustrated with Flaxman's Designs. 12mo. Lond., 1866. II 9 P 13 HOMOLLE, Theophile. Les Archives de l'intendance sacree a Delos, 315-166 B.C. 8vo. Paris, 1887. G 16 TJ 24 HONE, Wm. Some Account of the Conversion from Atheism to Christianity of. 12mo. Lond., 1847. G4 V14 HONEY, W. E. Glaucus: a drama. 8vo. Hobart, 1870. MH 1 Q 29 HONORE, Carlos. Loi du Eayonnement Solaire et ses Principales Consequences. Imp. 8vo. Montevideo, 1894. A :i0 V 17 Polaires Thermiques du Soleil. Imp. 8vo. Montevideo, 1895. A 30 V 17 HOOD, J. T. Manual of the Law and Practice of Trade Marks Registration in Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1892. MF 3 T 42 HOOD, Thomas. Poems of Wit and Humour. 8th ed. 2mo. Lond, 1358. II 10 T 23 Whims and Oddities in Prose and Verse. 12mo. Lond, 1857. J 11 Q 2 Sketch of the work of. [See Dawson, W. J. — Makers of Modern English.] H 10 S 14 HOOD, Thomas. [Son of the preceding.] Practical Guide to English Versification 4th ed. 12mo. Lond, 1892. H 10 T 17 Pen and Pencil Pictures. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond, 1857. J8U5 HOOD, Thomas Cockburn. Observations and Suggestions regarding the Pacific Eegion in the Past and Present. Lond, 1880. MA 1 S 27 HOOK, Eev. Dr. Walter F. Hear the Church : a Sermon. 12mo. 5th ed. Lond, 1838. G 4 V 14 Another Copy. 12mo. Sydney, 1839. MG 2 E 56 HOOKEE, Sir Joseph Dalton. Botany. [See Le Maout, E.] A 20 V 29 On the Cedars of Lebanon, &c. 8vo. Lond, 1862. MA 2 T 31 HOOKEE, Eichard. Life of. [See Walton, Izaak.] C19 V6 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 131 HOOKER, Sir Wm. Jackson, and BAKER, John G-. Synopsis Filicum ; or, a Synopsis of all known Ferns. 2nd ed. 8vo. Loud., 1883. A 20 T 13 HOOPER, Miss M. S. Synopsis of the History of Geo- graphy. (Roy. Geog. Soc. Australasia, Vic. Branch, 7.) 8vo. Melb., 1889. ME 20 HOOPER, Miss S. H. Paris International Geographical Congress. (Roy. Geog. Soc. Australasia, Vic. Branch, 7.) 8vo. Melb., 18S9. ME 20 ! H HOOPER, Wynnard. The Influence of State Borrowing on Commercial Crises. (A Policy of Free Exchange.) 8vo. Lond, 1894. E 14 S 26 HOOS, Conrad. The New Zealand Practical Agriculturist. 8vo. Dunedin, 1882. MA 1 P 55 H HOPE, Mrs. The First Divorce of Henry VIII, as told in the State Papers. Edited by Rev. F. A. Gasquet. 8vo. Lond., 1894. B 24 Q (5 HOPE, I. [See Bromfield, James.] HOPE, Robt. C. The Legendary Lore of the Holy Wells of England. 8vo. Lond., 1893. B 21 T 16 HOPKINS, F. R. C. The Australian Ladies' Annual. 4to. Melb., 1878. M J 2 S 40 Confessions of a Cynic. 12mo. Echuca, 1S82. MG 1 P 76 HOPKINS, George M. Experimental Science ; Elemen- tary, Practical, and Experimental Physics. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1890. A 29 V 26 HOPKINS, Manley. A Manual of Marine Insurance. 8vo. Lond., 1867. F 7 R 21 HOPKINS, Matthew, Witchfinder. [Life of] ; by J. O Jones. (Lives of Twelve Bad Men.) 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 18 T 9 HOPKINS, Prof. W. J. Telephone Lines and their Pro- perties. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 5 R 44 HOPKINSON, Dr. Joseph. Dynamo Machinery and allied subjects. 12mo. New York, 1893. A 2i R 28 HORACE MANN SCHOOL. Brief Circular of Infor- mation. 8vo. New York, 1893. E HORATIUS FLACCUS, Quintus. Odes of. Translated by W. E. Gladstone. 8vo. Lond., 1894. H 7 U 27 [Works of] translated. [See Lytton, Lord.] H 9 TJ 1 HORDEN, Rt. Rev. J. Indians and Eskimo. [See Batty, Beatrice.] D 15 Q 20 HORDER, W. Garrett. The Hymn Lover : an Account of the Rise and Growth of English Hymnody. 8vo. Lond., 1889. G 8 S 35 ORE, Capt. Edward C. How I went to Lake Tan- ganyika. (Roy. Geog. Soc. Australasia, Vic. Branch, 8.) 8vo. Melb., 1891. ME 20 H HORN, H. Yacht Racing in 1893. [See Sullivan, Sir E.] A 29 Q 41 HORNBROOK RAGGED SCHOOL ASSOCIATION. Seventh Annual Report. 8vo. Melb. (n,d.) MG 2 Q 48 HORNE, Herbert P. The Binding of Books : an Essay in the History of Gold-tooled Bindings. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 25 P 9 HORNE, Richard Henry Hengist. Ballad Romances. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) H 3 P 40 Bible Tragedies : John the Baptist ; or, the Valour of the Soul. — Rahman, the Apocryphal Book of Job's Wife. — Judas Iscariot, a mystery. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) H I Q3 Cosmo de' Medici : an Historical Tragedy, and other Poems. 8vo. Lond., 1875. H 2 S 32 The Dreamer and the Worker : a Story of the Present Time. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1852. " J 6 P 22, 23 Exposition of the False Medium and Barriers excluding Men of Genius from the public. 12mo. Lond., 1833. J 6 Q 39 The Good-natured Bear, &c. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J 6 P 20 . The Great Peace-maker : a sub-marine dialogue. 12mo. Lond., 1871. H 8 Q 31 Gregory VII: a Tragedy. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1840. H 2 T30 Laura Dibalzo ; or, the Patriot Martyrs : a Tragedy. 12mo. Lond., 1880. H 8 R 30 New Spirit of the Age. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1844. C 13 Q 15, 16 Orion : an Epic Poem. 12mo. Lond., 1872. H 8 Q 44 The Poor Artist ; or, Seven Eye-sights and One Object, 2nd edition. 12mo. Lond., 1871. J 6 P 21 Spirit of Peers and People : a National tragi-comedy. 8vo Lond., 1834. H 1 Q 4 HORNE, Thos. Hartwell. Introduction to the Study of Bibliography, to which is prefixed a Memoir on the Public Libraries of the Antients. Illustrated 2 vols. 8vo. Lond, 1814. K 17 R 25, 26 HORS BURGH, E. L. S. Waterloo : a Narrative and a Criticism. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 23 S 18 HORSLEY, Dr. Victor A. H. Chapter upon Cranio- cerebral Topography. [See Royal Irish Academy. — Cunningham Memoirs, 2.] E HORT, Rev. Dr. Fenton J. A. Prolegomena to St. Paul's Epistles to the Romans and the Ephesians. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 1 II 20 HORTENSE, Queen. [See Elliot, Frances — Roman Gossip.] C 21 Q 10 HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE AND GARDENERS' AND AMATEURS' CALENDAR. Parts 31 and 33, July and Sept., 1866. 8vo. Sydney, 1866. ME 3 R 132 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. 2nd and 3rd Annual Reports. 8vo. Spdney, 1888-89. ME 6 S Grand Autumn Show of Emit, Plants, and Flowers, 1889. Prize Schedule. 8vo. Sydney, 1889. ME 6 S Schedule of Prizes for the Spring Rose Show, 1890. 8vo. Sydney, 1890. ME 6 S Schedule of Prizes for the Autumn Chrysanthemum Show, 1891. 8vo. Sydney, 1891. ME 6 S Official Catalogue, Autumn Exhibition and Flower and Fruit Show, 1890. 8vo. Sydney, 1890. ME 6 S HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF SYDNEY. Transac- tions of. [See Horticultural Magazine.'] ME 8 S HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF VICTORIA. Re- port for 1884. 8vo. Melb., 1884. ME 6 S List of Fruits grown at the Gardens, Richmond Park. 8vo. Melb., 1884. MA 1 P 60 HORTON, R. F. Proverbs. [See Expositor's Bible.] G 19 R 17 HOSKING, Rev. John. God's Aristocracy in Rags, and Stray Thoughts for Spare Moments. 8vo. Ballarat, 18S7. MG 1 P 75 HOSMER, Prof. Jas. Kendall. Samuel Adams, the Man of the Town-Meeting. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 2.) Svo. Baltimore, 1884. B 18 S 2 HOTHAM, Sir Charles. Copy of Despatch [Report on Financial State of Victoria on the Proclamation of the New Constitution.] Sm. fol. Lond., 1856. MF 3 U 20 HOTTEN, John C. History of Signboards. [See Lar- wood, J.] B 35 Q 4 HOUDIN, Jean E. R-. Memoirs of ; written by himself. 3rd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1860. C 21 P 2 HOUFE, Chas. A. The Question of the Houses. 12mo. Lond., 1895. F 12 S 8 HOUGHTON, Louise Seymour. Life of St. Francis of Assisi. [See Sabatier, P.] C 14 S 19 HOUGHTON, Robert, Lord. Stray Verses, 1889-90. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1893. H 8 P 45 HOUSMAN, Laurence. Essay on Blake. [See Blake, Wm.] H 10 P 30 HOUSTON, Prof. Edwin J. Electric Transmission of Intelligence, and other advanced Primers of Electricity. 12mo. New York, 1893. A 21 P 29 Electrical Measurements and other advanced primers of Electricity. 8vo. New York, 1893. A 21 P 31 Electricity and Magnetism. 12mo. New York, 1893. A 21 R 26 Electricity 100 years ago and to-day. 12mo. New York, 1894. A 21 R 25 Dictionary of Electrical Words, Terms, and Phrases. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1894. A 21 V 19 HOUSTON, Mrs. M. C. A Woman's Memories of World-known Men. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1883. C21 Q7 HOUSTON, Margaret G. Trial of. [See Hall, T.] MF 1 S 47 HOUTMAN, Frederick. Gebleven op de Abriulhos. [See Pelsaert, F. — Ongeluckige Voyagie van't schip Baiavia.] D 20 R HOVELL, Joseph. Practical Manager's Slide-rule Com- panion. l2mo. Dundee, 1886. A 25 P 23 HOVELL, Capt. Wm. II., and HUME, Henry. Journal of Discovery to Port Phillip, New South Wales, in 1824 and 25. [Reprint.] (Rov. Geog. Soc. Austra- lasia, Vic. Branch, 11.) 8vo. Melb., 1894. ME 20 HOW, Wm. Field. Treatment of Manufactured Iron and Steel for Constructional Purposes. (Journal Roy. Soc, N.S.W., 27.) Svo. Sydney, 1893. ME 1 R HOW to relieve the Poor of Edinburgh and other great cities without increasing pauperism. Svo. Melb., 1868. MG 2 Q 48 HOWARD, B. Douglas. Life with Trans-Siberian Savages. 8vo. Lond., 1893. D 17 Q 30 HOWARD, Dr. G. S. New Royal Encyclopaedia and Cy- clopaedia or Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. 3 vols. fol. Lond., 1788. K 6 P 8-10 % HOWARD, Lord George. Sketch of. [See Southey, R. —English Seamen.] B 23 S 15 HOWARD, Prof. George E. An Introduction to the Local Constitutional History of the United States. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, extra vol. 4.) Svo. Baltimore, 1889. B 18 T 4 HOWARD, John Eliot. Examination of the Belfast Address of the British Association, 1874, from a scientific point of view. 8vo. Lond., 1875. A 29 T 33 HOWARD, Dr. Joseph J. [See Miscellanea Genea- logica.] E and CRISP, Frederick A. Visitation of England and Wales. Vol.2. Sm. fol. Lond., 189k K 13 T 6 t HOWARD, Maj.-Gen. Oliver O. [Life of] Isabella of Castile. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1894. C14S25 HOWARD ASSOCIATION. Pamphlets issued by. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) F 11 U 35 HOWCHIN, Walter. Fossil Foraminifera from the Government Boring at Hergott, with General Remarks on the Section, and on other forms of Microzoa observed therein. (Trans. Roy. Soc, S. Australia, 8.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1886. ME 1 S Tarkauinna and Mirrabuckinna Borings. (Trans. Roy. Soc, S. Australia, 17.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1S93. ME 1 S Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 133 HOWE, E. G. Systematic Science Teaching. 12mo. New York, 1895. G 17 Q 48 HOWE, Elias. Sketch of. [See Hubert, P. G — Inventors.] C17E3 HOWE, H. M. The Metallurgy of Steel. Vol. 1. 3rd ed. 4to. New York, 1894. A 38 P 21 J HOWE, Joseph. A Letter to the Et. Hon. C. B. Adderley, M.P., on the Eelations of England with her Colonies. 8vo. Lond., 1863. MJ 3 Q 15 HOWE, Mrs. Julia Ward. Interview, with Portrait. [See Blathwayt, E.— Interviews.] J 10 U 34 HOWE, W. W. Plan of the Town and Suburbs of Melbourne. Pol. Melb., 1843. MD 3 Q 7 J I HOWE, Wm. W. Municipal History of New Orleans. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 7.) Baltimore, 1889. B 18 S 7 HOWELL, Andrew. The General Statutes of the State of Michigan to 1890. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Chicago, 1882-90. F 7 U 2-4 HOWELL, H. Spencer. An Island Paradise, and Reminis- cences of Travel. 8vo. Toronto, 1892. MD 5 S 24 H HO WELLS, Wm. D. A Talk with; with Portrait. [See Blathwayt, E— Interviews.] J 10 tf 34 OWITT, A. W. The Diorites and Granites of Swift's Creek and their contact zones, with Notes on the Auriferous Deposits. (Roy. Soc, Vic, 10) 8vo. Melb., 1880. ME 1 P Notes on the Diabase Eocks of the Buchan District. (Eoy. Soc, Vict., 18.) 8vo. Melb., 1882. ME IP The Eocks of Noyang. (Roy. Soc, Vict., 20.) 8vo. Melb., 188 k ME IP Sedimentary, Metamorphic, and Igneous Eocks of Ensay, (Eoy. Soc , Vkt., 22.) Melb., 1886. ME 1 P The Eocks of Noyang. 8vo. Melb., 1883. MA 3 S 46 HOWLEY, Most Eev. Wm. Sketch of. [See Fowler, Eev. M.— Notable Archbishops.] C 13 V 12 HOWOETH, Sir Heury H. The Glacial Nightmare and Flood: a second appeal to common sense, from the extravagance of some recent Geology. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond, 1893. A 24 T 16, 17 HOYLE, Wm. Evans. Cephalopoda. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J— A r oyage of H.M.S. Challenger.] A 6 t HUBEET, Philip G. Inventors. (Men of Achievement.) 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 17 E 3 HUBEECHT, Prof. A. A. W. Nemertea. [See Thomson, C. W., and Murray, Dr. J.— Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger. — Zoology.] A 6 t HUDSON, W. H. Idle Days in Patagonia. 8vo. Lond., 1893. D 4 P 53 The Naturalist in La Plata. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 28 V 29 HUDSON, Wm. Henry. Introduction to the Philosophy of Herbert Spencer. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 2 U 8 HUFELAND, C. W. Art of Prolonging Life j edited by E. Wilson, F.E.S. 12mo. Lond., 1853. A 26 P 10 HUGGINS, Samuel. The Course and Current of Architec- ture : being an Historical Account of the Origin, successive and simultaneous Developments, Eelations, Periods, and Characteristics of its various known styles. 8vo. Lond., 1863. A 19 E 3 HUGHAN, F. M. Ambition : a sarcastic Poem. 8vo. Geelong, 1855. MH 1 S 71 HUGHES, D. A. Statement of facts respecting negotia- tion and agreement for lease of wharf premises between the Government and D. A. Hughes. 8vo. Melb., 1854. MF 4 Q 19 HUGHES, Herbert W. Text-book of Coal-mining, for the use of colliery managers and others. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 24 T 19 HUGHES, John [1677-1720]. The Siege of Damascus: a Tragedy. [See London Stage, 3.] H 2 S 35 HUGHES, John. Ceylon Coffee Soils and Manures. 8vo. Lond., 1879. A 18 S 37 HUGHSON, Shirley C. The Carolina Pirates and Colonial Commerce, 1670-1740. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies, 12.) Eoy. 8vo. Baltimore, 1894. B 18 S 12 HUGO, Victor Marie, Vicomte. Napoleon the Little. 12rao. Lond., 1852. C 17 P 12 Notre-Dame de Paris. Imp. 8vo. Paris (n.d.) J 7 V 13 A Biographical Sketch ; by A. Villeval. With an Ode to Victor Hugo, by F. J. Broomfield. 12mo. Sydney, 1895. MC 1 S 17 HUISH, Marcus Bourne. The Year's Art, 1893-95 : a concise Epitome of all matters relating to the Arts of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893-95. E HULL, A. A. Queensland, as it was and as it is. (Eoy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Q. Branch, 1.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1886. ME 20 HULL, Prof. Edward. Volcanoes, Past and Present. 8vo. Lond, 1892. A 24 Q 21 HULL, Hugh M. The Statute Index, Tasmania, 1877. Sm. fol. Hobart, 1877. ME The Statute Index, Tasmania, 1880. Sm. fol. Hobart, 1880. ME 134 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. HULL, Nora. Official Records of the Centennial: Bath, Steuben County, New York, June, 1893. 8vo. Bath, N.Y., 1893. B 20 S 6 HUMAN LIFE : an Inquiry touching the duty of the State in relation to pauper children ; by " An Eclectic." 8vo. Sydney, 1877. MF 4 E 2 HULME, F. Edward. The Birth and Development of Ornament. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 23 Q 38 — and HIBBERD, Shirley. Familiar Garden Flowers. 1st — 5th Series. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 20 Q 7-11 HUME, David. An Enquiry concerning the Human Under- standing, and an Enquiry concerning the Principles of Morals. Reprinted from the posthumous edition of 1777, and edited by L. A. Selby-Bigge. 12mo. Oxford, 1894. G 16 Q 41 Life and Philosophy of. [See Huxley, Prof. — Essays, 6.] J 11 P 40 HUME, Fergus AY. Professor Brankel's Secret : a psycho- logical study. 12mo. Melb. (n.d.) M J 1 Q 52 HUME, Henry. Journal of Discovery, . Lond., 1893. C 15 R 12, 13 JEANNENEY, A. La Nouvelle-Caledonie, Agricole, Nature, Mineralogique et Geologique du Sol. 12mo. Paris, 1891, MF 2 P 77 ' EANS, James S. Trusts, Pools, and Corners, as affect- ing Commerce and Industry. 12mo. Lond., 1894. F9U44 JEBR, John Gladwyn. A Strange Career: Life and Adventures of; by his Widow. 8vo. Edinb., 1894. C 17 R 18 JEBB, Dr. Richard C. The Growth and Influence of Classical Greek Poetry. 12mo. Lond , 1893. J 10 P 41 Sophocles. [See Sophocles.] H 1 S27 JEFFERIES, Richard. A Study ; by H. S. Salt. 12mo. Lond., 1894. C 19 P 3 Thoughts from the Writings of ; by H. S. H. Waylen. 12mo. Lond., 1895. J 8 TJ 10 JEFFERSON, Thos. Writings of. Edited by P. L. Ford, 1760-87. 5 vols. roy. 8vo. New York, 1892- 95. J 4 U 16-20 Sketch of. [See Wilson, J. G. — Presidents of the United States.] C 2 V 30 Sketch of. [See Thompson, R. W. — Recollections of Sixteen Presidents.] C 18 T 21, 22 JEFFRAY, R. J. Address delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Melbourne Chamber of Commerce held on the 10th May, 1876, and containing comments on the Revenue and Expenditure of Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1876. MJ 3 Q 16 JEFFREY, Francis, Lord. .Contributions to the Edinburgh Review. 8vo. Lond., 1853. J 10 U 29 Contributions to the Edinburgh Beview. 8vo. Lond., 1855. J 12 U 8 JEFFREYS, George, Lord. [Life of], 1648-89; by W. A. J. Arehbold. (Lives of Twelve Bad Men.) 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 18 T 9 JEFFREYS, Archdeacon J. Intoxicating Stimulants; their Primary and Secondary Effects upon the Human System. 12mo. Melb., 1860. MA 3 P 52 JEKYLL, Joseph. Correspondence of, with his sister-in- law, Lady Gertrude Sloane Stanley, 1818-38. Edited by the Hon. A. Bourke. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 16 S 16 JENAISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURWISSEN- CHAFT. Biinde, 27, 28. 8vo. Jena, 1892-91. E JENKINS, Dr. E. H. The Farmer's Annual Hand-book for 1883. [See Armsby, Dr. E. P.] A 18 P 7 and WINTON, A. L. Compilation of Analyses of American Feeding Stuffs. Roy. 8vo. Washing- ton, 1892. A 32 T 11 JENKINS, R. L. Universal Education : a Lecture. 8vo. Sydney, 1860. MG1R21 JENKINS, Wm. Stitt. long, 1864. The Lost Children. 8vo. Gee- MH I S 69 JEXKS, Prof. Edward. History of the Australasian Colonies, from their foundation to the year 1893. 8vo. Canib., 1895. MB 2 P 56 An Outline of English Local Government. 12mo. Lond., 1894. F 8 U 13 JENKS, T. The Century World's Fair Book for Boys and Girls: being the Adventures of Harry and Philip with their tutor, Mr. Douglass, at the World's Colum- bian Exposition. Illustrated. 4to. New York, 1893. J4U15 JENNER, Dr. Edward. Jenner and Vaccination : a strange chapter of Medical History ; by Dr. C. Creigh- ton. 8vo. Lond., 1889. A 26 Q 29 JENNINGS, Rev W. The Confucian Analects. 12mo. Lond., 1895. G 3 P 26 JENSEN, F. Liisberg. The Strawberry, its History and Cultivation. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MA l" Q 62 JENVEY, H. W. Practical Telegraphy : a Guide for the use of Officers of the Victorian Post and Telegraph Department. Vol. 1. 8vo. Melb., 1891. MA 3 W 14 JEPHCOTT, Sydney. The Secrets of the South: Aus- tralian Poems. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) MH 1 U 39 142 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. JEPHSON, Robert. Braganza : a Tragedy. [See London Stage, 4.] H 2 S 36 Count of Narbonne : a Tragedy. [See London Stage, 3.] H 2 S 35 The Law of Lombardy : a Tragedy. [See London Stage, 4.] II 2 S 36 Two Strings to your Bow : a Farce. [See London Stage, 3.] H 2 S 35 JERNINGHAM, Frederick. Steam Communication with the Cape of Good Hope, Australia, and New Zealand suggested as the means of promoting Emigration to those Colonies. 8vo. Lond., 1818. MF 3 T 45 JEEOME, Armand. Australian Boys and Girls : an Illus- trated Annual of Stories by Australian Writers. No. 1. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1895. MJ 1 V 18 A Counterblast to Spookland ; or, Glimpses of the Marvellous. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MG 2 Q 53 JERROLD, Douglas. The Catspaw : a Comedy. 12mo. Lond., 1850. H 3 P 51 Hand-book of Swindling, and other Papers. 12mo. Lond. (n.d ) J 11 T 26 The Wit and Opinions of. 12mo. Lond., 1859. J 11 T 42 JEREOLD, Walter. [Life of] Oliver Wendell Holmes. 12mo. Lond., 1893. C 19 P 4 JERSEY, Countess of. Eric, Prince of Lorlonia; or, the Valley of Wishes : a Fairy Tale of the days of chivalry. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 8 S 31 Maurice ; or, the Red Jar : a Tale of Magic and Adven- ture for Boys and Girls. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. J 6 S 36 JERVOIS, Sir William F. D. Anniversary Address of the President of the New Zealand Institute, Sir W. F. D. Jervois. Roy. 8vo. Wellington, 1883. MA 2 U 57 JESPERSEX, Dr. O. Progress in Language, with special reference to English. 8vo. Lond., 1894. J 11 T 12 JESSE, Edward. Windsor Castle. [See Ritchie, L.] B 21 U 12 JESSOPP, Rev. Dr. Augustus. Studies by a Recluse, in Cloister, Town, and Country. 8vo. Lond., 1893. B 23 R 15 JEUNE, Lady. Ladies at Work. [See Ladies at Work.] F9T 24 Lesser Questions. 4th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1895. J 12 T 40 JEVONS, Frank Bjron. Plutarch's Romane Questions. [See Plutarch.] B 30 Q 18 JEVONS, William. Claims of Christianity to the charac- ter of a Divine relevation considered. [See Religious Pamphlets, 3.] G 9 V 18 The Book of Common Prayer examined in the light of the present age. [See Religious Pamphlets, 3.] G9 V18 The Prayer Book adapted to the age. [See Religious Pamplets, 3.] G 9 V 18 JEWETT, Charles Coffin. Notices of Public Libraries in the United States of America. 8vo. Wash., 1851. J 6 T 30 JEWISH WOMEN'S CONGRESS, CHICAGO, 1893. Papers of. 8vo. Philad., 1894. G 2 T 29 JEWITT, Llewellyn F. W. The Wedgwoods : being a Life of Josiah Wedgwood ; with Notices of his Works and their Productions, Memoirs of the Wedgwood and other Families, and a History of the early Potteries of Staffordshire. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1865. C 21 S 13 JOAN OF ARC. [See D'Arc, Jeanne.] JOANNA I, Queen of Naples, Sicily, and Jerusalem : an Essay on Her Times; by St. Clair Baddeley. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 16 T 13 JOBSON, Dr. David Wemyss. Hand-book for Bathers ; or, Hints on the various kinds of Baths. 12mo. Melb. (n.d.) MA 3 P 51 Metrical Version of the Sermon on the Mount. 8vo. Melb., 1864. Mil 1 S 35 JOCELTN, Major Julian R. J. Notes on Electricity, for the use of the Garrison Artillery. 12mo. Lond., 1891. A 29 Q 26 JOCHIM, John W. Official Directory and Legislative Manual of the State of Michigan for 1893-94. 8vo. Lansing, 1893. E Township Officers' Guide, Michigan. 8vo. Lansing, 1893. F 1 T 17 JOFFILT, Dr. Ireneo. Notas sobre a Parahyba. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1822. D 15 V 8 JOHNS HOPKINS' UNIVERSITY. Register, 1892, 1893. 8vo. Baltimore, 1893. E JOHNS HOPKINS' UNIVERSITY STUDIES in Historical and Political Science. Vol. 1-12, and extra vols. 1-5. Roy. 8vo. Baltimore, 1883-91. B 18 S 1-12, B 18 T 1-5 JOHNSON, Andrew. Sketch of. [See Wilson, J. G.— Presidents of the United States.] C 2 V 30 JOHNSON, C. The Rifle, and how to use it. 12mo. Sydney, 1888. MA 2 P 56 JOHNSON, Cuthbert W. Gardeners' Dictionary. New ed., revised by C. H. Wright and D. Dewar. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 20 T 8 JOHNSON, J. A. Dairying. (Proc. Roy. Agricult. and Horticult. Soc, S. Australia, 1884.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1884. ME ] S JOHNSON, J. B., BRYAN, C. W., & TURNEAURE, F. E. The Theory and Practice of Modern Framed Structures. 4to. New York, 1893. A 36 P 5 J JOHNSON, J. C. F. An Austral Christmas. 8vo. Melb., 1888. MJ 1 R 31 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 143 JOHNSON, James C. Introduction of the Study of Music into the Public Schools of America. 8vo. Chicago, 1893. A 23 E 13 JOHNSON, John. Old Maryland Manors; with the Records of a Court Leet and a Court Baron. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 1.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1883. B 18 S 1 Rudimentary Society among Boys. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 2.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1884. B 18 S 2 JOHNSON, Lionel. The Art of Thomas Hardy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. J 6 S 37 I" OHNSON, Miss Nora. Questions on Australian and General Geography, with other useful facts for Junior Classes in Schools. 12th ed. 12mo. Sydney, 1894. MD 8 P 16 JOHNSON, R. U, and BUEL, C. C. Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. 4 vols. imp. 8vo. New York, 18S7-88. B 11 Q 12-15 t JOHNSON, R. W. The Making of the Tyne ; a Record of 50 Years' Progress. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1895. B21 V6 JOHNSON, Dr. Ravmond. Surgery. [See Erichsen, Sir J. E.] A 33 T 25, 26 JOHNSON, Rev. Richard. Address to the Inhabitants of the Colonies established in New South Wales and Norfolk Island. 12mo. Lond., 1794. MG 1 P 58 JOHNSON, Robert, and CHATWOOD, Arthur B. Photography, Artistic and Scientific. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 8 Q 40 JOHNSON, Dr. Samuel. Tour to the Hebrides with. [See Boswell, J.] D 18 R 26 [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L.— Portraits inPlaster.] A 23 V 13 London : a Poem. Sm. fol. Lond., 1738. H 39 Q 13 J Poems of, to which is prefixed a Life of the Author. 18mo. Lond., 1820. 11 10 U 7 The Rambler. 18th ed. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1820. J 4 S 25-27 The Wisdom of the Rambler, Adventurer, and Idler. 12mo. Lond., 1848. J 11 T 41 JONHSON, Prof. Samuel Wm. How Crops Grow. 8vo. New York, 1893. A 18 Q 24 How Crops Feed. 8vo. New York, 1892. A 18 Q 23 JOHNSON, Sun. The Self-educator. [Chinese-English.] 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MJ 3 P 38 JOHNSON, T. The Culture of the Rose. 12mo. Melb., 1866. MA 1 P 84 JOHNSTON, Dr. Alexander. The Genesis of a New England State (Connecticut). Johns Hopkins Uni- versity Studies, 1.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1883. B 18 S 1 1 JOHNSTON, Alexander W. Strikes, Labour Question, and other economic difficulties. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F8U20 JOHNSTON, Governor. Speech on American Affairs. [See Bibliotheca Curiosa.] J 18 Q 25 JOHNSTON, J. F. W. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry. From the edition of Sir C. A. Cameron, by Prof. C. M. Aikman. 17th ed. 8vo. Edinb., 1894. A 18 R 30 JOHNSTON, Dr. James. Reality versus Romance in South Central Africa. 8vo. Lond., 1893. D 14 V 8 JOHNSTON, R. M. Hand-book of Tasmania for 1893. Roy. 8vo. Hobart, 1894. ME Tasmanian Official Record, 1892. Roy. 8vo. Hobart, 1892. ME JOHNSTON, Rev. Samuel Fulton, Missionary on Tanna (New Hebrides). Memoir of; by Rev. G. Patterson. 8vo. Philad., 1864. MC 1 8 4 JOHNSTON, W". and A. K. Atlas of Phvsical Geography. Imp. 8vo. Edinb., 1892. A 15 S 12 t New Map of the Crimea. 8vo. Edinb., 1854. D 12 T 18 New Plan of Edinburgh, Leith, and Portobello ; with index. Folded 8vo. Edinb. (n.d.) D 12 T 17 Portable Wall Map of New Zealand. Folded 4to. Edinb., 1864. MD 9 P 4 f JOHNSTON, Wm. Agriculture. The Art of Farming adapted to the Colonies. 8vo. Sydney, 1873. MA 1 R 43 JOHNSTONE, Chev. A Dialogue in Hades : a Parallel of Military Errors during the Campaign of 1759, in Canada. 8vo. Quebec, 1887. B 17 R 12 The Campaign of 1760 in Canada. 8vo. Quebec, 1887. B17R13 JOHNSTONE, C. L. The Historical Families of Dum- frieshire and the Border Wars. 2nd edition. 8vo. Dumfries, 1889. B 31 Q 14 JOHNSTONE, Rev. James. King Haco's Expedition against Scotland, 1263. [See Bibliotheca Curiosa.] J 18 Q 13 JOINVILLE, F. F. P. L. M. d'Orleans, Prince de. Memoirs of. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 18 T 20 JOLIET, Louis, Re-discoverer of the Mississippi. Sketch of. [See Greeley, Gen. A. W.— Explorers.] C 17 R 4 JOLLY, Rev. T. Note-book of. (Chetham Soc. Pubs., 33.) Sm. 4to. Manchester, 1894. E JOLLY, "Wm. Ruskin on Education : some needed but neglected Elements ; restated by "W. Jolly. 12mo. Lond., 1894. G 17 Q 46 JOLY, Charles. Note sur les Eucalyptus Geants de l'Australie. 8vo. Paris, 1885. MA 2 V 58 144 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. JONES, Alex. J. Sketch of Win. M. Springer. [See Springer, W. M.] F4P24 JONES, Benjamin. Co-operative Production. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1894. P 12 P 38, 39 JONES, D. E. Electric Waves. [See Hertz, Dr. H.] A 21 T 21 JONES, Sir E. Burne-. Sketch of. [See Smallev, G. W. —Studies of Men.] C 19 E 20 JONES, Ernest. Portrait of. [See Gammage, E. G.— Chartist Movement,] P 7 E 24 JONES, Frederic. Labour Town : an Address. 8vo. Sydney, 1891. MF 4 E 2 JONES, H. I. Shilling Almanack and Directory for 1877. 8vo. Wanganui, 1877. ME 1 S JONES, Dr. H. Lewis Medical Electricity. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 21 E 31 JONES, H. Stuart. Select Passages from Ancient Writers, illustrative of the History of Greek Sculpture. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 23 S 10 JONES, Henry. The Earl of Essex: a Tragedy. [See London Stage, 3.] H 2 S 35 JONES, Henry. The New Valuations ; or, the case of the South Australian Squatters fairly stated. 8vo. Melb , 1864. MP 4 E 14 JONES, Henry Arthur. The Eenascence of the English Drama. 8vo. Lond., 1895. H 9 TJ 22 JONES, Inigo, and Wrrn. [See Loftie, W. J.] A 19 V 6 JONES, .J. O. [Life of] M. Hopkins, Witchfinder, died 1047. (Lives of Twelve Bad Men.) 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 18 T 9 JONES, John. Hand-book of the Jones Collection in the South Kensington Museum. 8vo. Lond., 1883. A 23 E 23 JONES, Eichard. Peasant Eents. 8vo. New York, 1895. F 7 V 39 JONES, W. A. Notes on the Crepuscula Glimmer, or the Eed Glow. (Trans. Eoy. Soc, S. Australia, 7.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1885. ME 1 S JONSON, Ben. [Dramatic Works' of.] Vols. 1-3. (Best Plays of the Old Dramatists.) 8vo. Lond., 1893-94. H1Q 40-42 Poetical Works. Edited by E. Bell. 12mo. Lond., 1856. H 10 T 1 JORGENSEN, Alfred. Micro-organisms and Fermenta- tion. Translated by Dr. A. K. Miller and E. A. Lennholm. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A28TJ9 JORGENSON, Jorgen. The Convict King; being the Life and Adventures of. Eetold by J. F. Ilogan, 12mo. Hobart, 1893. MC 1 P 58 JOSEPH, Alfred. A Bendigonian Abroad, being Sketches of Travel. 12mo. Melb., 1892. MD 8 P 6 JOSEPH, R. E. Electric Fire Alarms. (Eoy. Soc, Vict. 18.) 8vo. Melb., 1882. ME 1 P Electric Lighting. (Roy. Soc, Vic, 19, 20.) 8vo. Melb., 1883-84. ME 1 P Incandescent Lamps for Surgical and Microscopical purposes. (Roy. Soc, Vict., 20.) 8vo. Melb., 1884. ME 1 P Induction Currents Balance and Sonomoter. (Roy. Soc, Vict. 16.) 8vo. Melb., 1880. ME 1 P Recent Improvements in Electric Lighting. (Eoy. Soc. Vic , 17.) 8vo. Melb., 1881. ME 1 P JOSEPHINE, Empress of France. Historical and Secret Memoirs of ; by Mdlle. M. A. Le Norman. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1S95. B 26 V 15, 16 JOUET, Eev. Pere Victor. La Societe des Missionnairea Sacre-Cceur dans lea Vicariate Apostoliques de la Melanesie et de la Microuesie. Roy. 8vo. Issoudun, 1S87. MG1U3 JOUBERT, Jules. Shavings and Scrapes. 12mo. Dunedin, 1890. MJ 3 Q 36 JOURNAL ASIATIQUE. 8 e Serie. Tomes 19 et 20, et N.S. tomes 1-3. 8vo. Paris, 1892-94. E JOURNAL DES ECONOMISTES. 5 e Serie. Tomes 11-20. Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1892-94. E JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE (formerly The Quarterly Journal of Agriculture), 1828-63. 26 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1829-63. E JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, 1872, July 1873, Feb., Aug., Oct., Dec, 1875, April 1878. 4 vols. Svo. Lond., 1872-78. E JOURNAL OF INDIAN ART. Vol. 5, 1894. Fol. Lond., 1894. E JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY AND BACTERI- OLOGY. Edited by Dr. G. S. Woodhead. Vol. J. Eoy. Svo. Edinb., 1893. A 31 P 5 JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY. Edited by Dr. M. Foster. 16 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1878-79. E JOWETT, Rev. Prof. Benjamin, Master of Baliol. College Sermons. Edited by the Very Eev. W. H. Fremantle. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G I IT 24 Passages from Plato for English Readers. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 18!)5. G 3 P 35, 36 Plato's Republic [See Plato.] F 14 V 26-28 [Life of] ; by the Hon. L. A. Tollemache. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 19 V 14 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95 . 145 JOYCE, Herbert. History of the Post Office, from its establishment down to 1836. 8vo. Lond., 1893. B 16 S 4 JUDD, Prof. John W. Microchemical Analysis. [See Behrens, Prof. H.] A 21 P 26 JUDSON, Dr. H. P. Europe in the 19th Century. 8vo. New York, 1894. B 23 S LI „ GLAR, Clement. Brief History of Panics and their periodical occurrence in the United States. Englished and edited with an Introductory Essay setting forth the indications of approaching panics by De C. W. Thorn. 8vo. New York, 1S93. F 14 E 9 JUKES, Joseph 'Beete. Portrait of. [See Eamsay, Sir A. O— Memoir of.] C 21 R 20 JULIAN, C. St. Essay on the Future Land Policy of New South Wales. 8vo. Sydney, 1870. MF 4 Q 30 JULIANUS, Flavius Claudius. Julian, Philosopher and Emperor, and the last struggle of Paganism against Christianity. 8vo. New York, 1895. C 14 S 23 JULIUS, Dr. P. Organic Colouring Matters. {See Schultz, Dr. G.] A 25 V 8 JULLIAN, Camille. Les Transformations Politiques de l'ltalie sous les Empereurs Eomains, 43 B.C.-330 a.d. 8vo. Pari?, 1884. B 35 E 11 JUL LI EN, Emile. Histoire de L. Munatius Plancus, le Fondateur de Lvon. (Annales de l'Universite de Lyon, 5.) Eoy. 8vo. Paris, 1892. C 16 U 12 JUNOE, C. Mental and Material Existence. 8vo. Lond., 1885. MG 2 S 14 Thoughts and Theories. 8vo. Lond., 1885. MF 4 E 61 JUSSEEAND, J. J. Piers Plowman (W. Langland) : a Contribution to the History of English Mysticism. Translated from the French by " M.E.E," Illustrated. Lond., 1894. J 9 T 27 JUST, Thos. C. Leading Facts connected with Federation. [With Bibliography.] Sm. fol. Hobart, 1891. MF 3 U 45 Tasmania ! A Description of the Island of Tasmania and its Eesources. 8vo. Sydney, 1879. MD 5 E 44 Official Handbook of Tasmania. Hobart, 1887. 3rd edition. 8vo. MD 5 S 48 JUSTIN MAETYE. Writings of. Translated by Eev. M. Dods, Eev. G. Eeith, and Eev. B. P. Pratten. (Ante-Nicene Christ. Lib., 2.) 8vo. Edinb., 1867. G14 U2 JUVENALIS, Decimus Junius. Satyr*. 8vo. Amst., 1684. H 9 U 34 E KADEN, Woldenar. Italia. [See Stieler, C] D 37 P 23 J KAISEELICH-KONIGLICHEN GEOLOGISCHEN REICHSANSTALT, Jahrbuch der. Bande 40-44, 1890-94. Eoy. 8vo. Wien, 1891-95. E Verhandlungen der, 1892-94. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Wien, 1S92-94. E KAISEBLICHEN AKADEMIE DEE WISSEN- SCHAFTEN, WIEN. Sitzungsberichte der. Mathe- matisch-naturwissenschaftliche Classe. Bande 1-102 102 vols, (in 210). 8vo. Wien, 1848-93. E KALUZA, Max. The Romaunt of the Hose. [See Chaucer Society Pubs.] E KAMBOOLA and other Tales; by " Voyageur." 12mo. Sydney, 1891. MJ 3 Q 38 KAMES, Hon. H. Home, Lord. The Gentleman Farmer : being an attempt to improve Agriculture by subjecting it to the test of rational principles, to which is added, a Supplement containing an account of the present state of Agriculture, and of the improvements recently introduced. 6th ed. 8vo. Edinb., 1815. A 18 S 28 KANDT, Dr. Moritz. Uebur die Entwickelung Aus- tralischen Eisenbahnpolitik. 8vo. Berlin, 1894. MF 2 T 54 KANE, Dr. Elisha Kent. Tidal Observations in the Arctic Seas. 4to. Wash., 1860. A 15 Q 15 f Sketch of. [See Greeley, Gen. A. W. — Explorers and Travellers J C 17 E 4 KANSAS- General. Columbian History of Education in Kansas. Illustrated. 8vo. Topeka, 1893. G 18 S L KANSAS — State Departments, Reports and Publications. Agricultural College. Experiment Station Report, 1894. 8vo. Manhattan, 1895. E Board of Agriculture. World's Fair Eeport. 8vo. Topeka, 1893. A 30 E 3 KANSAS CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Eeport, 1891, 1892. 8vo. Kansas City, 1892. E KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Biennial Report of the Board of Directors, 1892-94 ; also, Proceedings of the Meeting, 1895. 8vo. Topeka, 1895. E KANSAS STATE HOETICULTURAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Vol. 17, 1887-88. 8vo. Topeka, 1889. E KANSAS UNIVERSITY. [Hietorv and Description of, 1866-93] Ob. 18mo. Topeka,'l893. D 15 P 14 KANTHACK, Dr. A. A., and DRYSDALE, Dr. J. H. Course of Elementary Practical Bacteriology. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 26 R 11 146 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. KAPOSI, Dr. Moriz. Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of the Skin. Rov. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 33 U 22 KAPP, Gisbert. Dynamos, Alternators, and Transformers. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 21 P 20 KAEL, Emperor. [See Charles I, Emperor of Germany.] KAROLY, K. Guide to the Paintings of Elorence. 12mo. Lond., 1893. A 7 P 38 Raphael's Madonnas and other Pictures ; with a Life of Raphael. Sm. fol. Lond., 1894. A 36 S 16 J KATTFMANN, Johann Heinrich. Gedichte briefe und tageblatter. 12mo. Frankfurt, 1821. H10U9 KAUFMAN N, Rev. Moritz. Charles Kingsley, Christian Socialist and Social Reformer. 8vo. Lond , 1892. C 13 P 24 Pre-scientific Socialism. [See Subjects of the Day, 2.] F 7 U 27 Scientific Socialism. [See Subjects of the Day, 2.] F7TJ27 Socialism and Modern Thought. 12mo. Lond., 1895. F 7 V 43 KATJPERT, J. A. Karten von Attika, [See Curtius, E.] D 15 R 16 f, and D 8 P 30 J KAVANAGH, Mrs. M. Fruit-Preserving. Melb. (n.d.) MA 3 T 9 KATSER, Prof. E. Text-book of Comparative Geology. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 24 T 18 KEAN, Edmund. [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L — Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 KEANE, Prof. Augustus H. Africa. Vol. 1. North Africa. (Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travels.) Maps and Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 1895. D 14 R 14 KEATE, George. Account of the Pelew Islands, composed from the Journals of Capt. H. Wilson, 1783. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1789. MD 8 Q 37 Relation des lies Pelew, composee sur les journaux et les communications du Capitaine Henri Wilson. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1788. MD 8 Q 35, 36 KEATING, Dr. John M. Cyclopaedia of the Diseases of Children, Medical and Surgical. 4 vols roy. 8vo. Edinb., 1889-90. A 27 V 11-14 KEATS, John. Poetical Works of. Roy. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) J4U2 The Eve of St. Agnes. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1856. •H9U2 The Letters of John Keats. Edited by H. B. Forman. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 19 V 13 [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton.L.— Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 Sketch of the Work of. [See Dawson, W. J.— Makers of Modern English.] H 10 S 14 KEBBEL, Thos. Edward. Conservative Estimate of the House of Lords. [See Subjects of the Day, 4.] F 7 IT 29 KEBLE, Rev. John. The Christian Tear : Thoughts in Verse. 18mo. Oxford, 1829. H 10 P 29 John Keble : a Biography ; by Walter Lock. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 13 P 23 Sketch of. [See Newman, Cardinal. — Essays, 2.] G1IT6 KECHT, J. S. Verbesserter praktischer Weinbau in Garten und auf Weinbergen. 8vo. Leip. (n d.) A 18 Q 42 KEELER, Chas. A. Evolution of the Colors of North American Land Birds. Roy. 8vo. San Franc, 1893. A 15 R 11 KEELY, John Worrell, and his Discoveries : Aerial Navi- gation ; by Mrs. Bloomfield Moore. 8vo. Lond. ,1893. A 29 T 17 KEENE, Henrv George. Oriental Biographical Diction- ary. [See Beale, T. W.] C 18 T 2 History of India. Yds. land 2. 12mo. Lond., 1893. B 29 V 15, 16 KEIGHLEY. [See Goodchild, K.] KEITH, Rev. Dr. Alexander. Evidence of the truth of the Christian Religion derived from the literal fulfil- ment of prophecv. 30th ed. 8vo. Edinb., 1818. G 15 S 21 KELLER, Dr. C. Mittheilungen iiber Medusen. 8vo. Geneva, 1881. A 30 T 15 KELLER, Dr. Harry F. Modern Chemistry. [See Wurtz, C. A.] A" 21 R 34 KELLERMAN, Mme. Charbonnet-. Principles of the Method Le Couppey [How to play the Pianoforte]. 12mo. Melb., 1880. MA 3 P 43 KELLEY, Sir Edward, Necromancer. [Life of], 1555-95; by A. F. Pollard. (Lives of Twelve Bad Men.) 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 18 T KELLOGG, Rev. Dr. Samuel H. Leviticus. [See Exposi- tor's Bible.] G19R3 KELLY & CO. Post Office London Directory, 1894-95. 4 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1894-95. E KELLY, Edmond. Evolution and Effort, and their relation to Religion and Politics. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 1 TJ26 KELLY, Edward, Bushranger. [Life of], 1855-80 ; by J. W.Allen. (Lives of Twelve Bad Men.) 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 18 T 9 KELLY, Hugh. The School for Wives : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 4.] H 2 S 36 KELLY, J. Report on the Prospects of Trade with India. [See Rowe, S. H.] MF 4 R 3 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 147 KELLY, Rev. ¥m, Aleilat ; or, the Challenge : a Drama in three acts. 12mo. Dublin, 1870. MH 1 U 47 KELTIE, John Scott. History of the Scottish Highlands, Highland Clans, and Highland Eegimonts. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Edinb., 1885. B 8J V 10, 11 The Partition of Africa ; with maps. 8vo. Lond., 1893. B 1G R 10 Another Copy. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 16 R 12 KELVIN, Baron. Popular Lectures and Addresses. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1889-94. A 29 R 1-3 [For earlier works see Thomson, Sir Win., in earlier catalo- gues.] and TA1T, Prof. P. G. Treatise on Natural Philosophy. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1890. A 30 T 7, 8 KEMBLE, Fanny. Letters of Edward Fitzgerald to, 1871-83. Svo. Lond., 1895. C 19 T 15 KEMBLE, John Philip. Lodoiska: a Melo-dramatic Opera. [See London Stage, 2.] H 2 S 34 The Panel : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 4.] H 2S36 KEMP, George Meikle. Biographical Sketch of; by T. Bonnar. 8vo. Edinb., 1892. C21R5 KEMP, Dr. T. Lindley. Indications of Instinct. 12mo. Lond., 1854. A 28 P 6 Natural Historv of Creation. 12mo. Lond., 1852. A 26 P 12 KEMP, Wilfred. The Practical Plasterer. (Weale's Series.) 12mo. Lond., L893. A 17 R 26 KEMP, William. Nine Daies Wonder. [See Collectanea Adamantasa.] J 18 R 2 KEMPE, Harry Robt. Engineers' Tear-book of Formula;, Rules, Tables, Data, and Memoranda in Civil, Mechani- cal, Electrical, Marine, and Mine Engineering, 1895. 8vo. Lond., 1895. E KEMPIS, Thos. a. The Imitation of Christ. A fac-simile Reproduction of the 1st edition, 1471-72 ; with an Introduction by Canon W. J. K. Little. 8m. fol. Lond., 1893. Gr 5 U 28 The World's Own Book. [See Fitzgerald, P.] J 15 S 25 KENDALL, Elizabeth. Growth of the English Nation. [See Coman, Katherine.] B 23 S 12 KENDALL, Henry. Papers on the Reliques of the late Henry Kendall and Daniel Henry Deniehy. [See Donohue, F. J.] MJ 3 S 2 KENDALL, J. D. The Iron Ores of Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 24 S 3 KENNEDY, Dr. John. Sydney, 1883. Instrumental Music. 8vo. MA 2 V 56 KENNEL CLUB CALENDAR AND STUD BOOK. Vols. 19-21. 8vo. Lond., 1892-91. E KENT, Wm. Mechanical Engineer's Pocket-book. 12mo. New York, 1895. A 22 P 7 The Strength of Materials. 18mo. New York, 1890. A 22 P 15 KENT, Wm. Saville-. The Great Barrier Reef of Australia, its products and potentialities. 4to. Lond., 1893.* MA 7 Q 13f Preliminary Observations on a Natural History Collec- tion. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 6.) Svo. Bris- bane, 1889. ME 1 T Notes on the Embryology of the Australian Rock Oyster. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 7.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1891. ME 1 T Description of a new species of true Barramundi, Osteo- glossum Jardinii, from North Queensland. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 8.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1892. ME 1 T KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Archseologia Cantiana : being Transactions of the Kent Archaeo- logical Society. Vols. 20, 21. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893-95 E KENTUCKY. Facts and Figures to show how Lexing- ton, Kentucky, maintains her Matchless Supremacy. Obi. 12mo. Lexington, 1893. D 15 P 13 Report of the Inspector of Mines, 1892. 8vo. Frank- fort, 1892. E KENTUCKY STATE GJLLEGE. A. and M. College, Lexington, 1893, 1891. 8vo. Lexington, 1893. E KEOPUOLANI, Queen of the Sandwich Islands. Memoir of, and other Tracts. 18mo. Lond., 1825. MG 2 P 53 KERN, H. De Fidjitaal vergeleken met hare verwanten in Indonisie" en Polynesia 4to. (n.p.n.d.) MJ 1 V 13 KERN DELTA, The. Location, Resources, Attractions, and Development of the Kern Delta, California. 8vo. Bakersfield, Cal , 1893. D 16 V 11 KERNER VON MARILAUN, Prof. Anton. Natural History of Plants. From the German, by Dr. F. W. Oliver. Vol. 1. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 22 V 2 KERNOT, Prof. Wm. Chas. Best form for a Balance Beam. (Roy. Soc, Vict., 17, and n.s., vol. 7.) Svo. Melb., 1881-95. ME 1 P Experiments on Model Girders. 8vo. Melb., 1882. MA 3 S 49 Floods on the River Barwon. (Boy. Soc, Vict., 19.) 8vo. Melb., 1883. ME 1 P Notes on small Motors. (Roy. Soc, Vict., 16.) 8vo. Melb., 1890. ME 1 P The Tay Bridge. (Roy. Soc, Vict., 17 ) 8vo. Melb., 1881. ME L P KERR, Dr. Norman Shanks. Inebriety or Narcomania, its Etiology, Pathologv, Treatment, and Jurisprudence. 3rd ed. 8vo. New York, 1894. F 10 U 3 148 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95 . KERR, Walter M. Through Zambesi. [See Great Explorers.] D 15 V 21, 22 KERR, Prof. "Washington C. Minerals and Mineral Localities of North Carolina. [See Genth, F. A.] A 24 U 29 and HANNA, George B. Ores of North Caro- lina. (Geo. Survey of North Carolina.) Roy. 8vo. Raleigh, 1888. A 24 V 27 KERSHAW, S. Wayland. Bygone Surrey. [See Clinch, G] B 21 T 10 KESWICK, and its Neighbourhood: a Hand-book for the use of Visitors. 12mo. Windermere, 1852. D 18 P 26 KETTLEWELL, Rev. John Life and Times of, with Details of the History of the'Nonjurors. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 19 V 17 KEULEN, Joannes van. Nieuwe Pascaert van Oost Indien. Fol. Amsterdam, 1680. D 8 P 34 J KEVIN, John W. Poetic Selections for the use of Schools. 12mo. Sydney, 1894. MH 1 U 63 KEW, Harry Wallis. The Dispersal of Shells. 12mo. Lond., 1893. A 27 P 24 KEW ROYAL GARDENS. [See Great Britain and Ireland.] KEYS, J. Contribution to the Flora of Mount Perry. (Proc. Roy. Soc., Queensland, 1.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1885. ME 1 T KEYSER, Leander S. In Bird Land. 8vo. Chicago, 1894. A 27 P 23 KHAME, African Chief. [See Lloyd, Rev. E.— Three Great African Chiefs.] B 1 P 21 KIDD, Benjamin. Social Evolution. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 14 T 18 KIDDLE, Hugh Chas. Small Whirlwinds. (Journal Roy. Soc, N.S. W., 27.) 8vo. Sydney, 1893. ME1R KIEPERT, Heinrich. Forma? orbis antiqui. Part 1. Fol. Berlin, 1»94. D 8 P 24 J KIERSTED, Wynkoop. Prevailing Theories and Practices relating to Sewage Disposal. 12mo. New York, 1894. A 22 Q 41 KILBORNE, F. L. Texas Fever. [See Smith, Dr. T.] A30R4 KILGOTTR, Martin H., SWAN, H., and BIGGS, C. H. W. Electrical Distribution : its Theory and Practice. 12mo. Lond., 1893. A 21 Q 39 KILLEN, Rev. Dr. Wm. D. The Ecclesiastical History of Ireland from the earliest period to the present times. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1875. G 15 S 22, 23 KILLWORTH, Rev. Arthur. The Federation of Aus- tralasia. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MF2R46 Papers on the Christian Life. 12mo. Sydney, 1892. MG 1 P 87 KIMBEft, Diana C. Text-book of Anatomy and Physi- ology for Nurses. 8vo. New York, 1895. A 33 T 22 KING, Lieut.-Col. Cooper. [Life of] George Washing- ton. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 17 R 19 KING, F. H. The Soil, its Nature, Relations, and Fun- damental Principles of Management. 12mo. New York, 1895. A 19 P 6 KING, Georgina. The Palaeozoic Carboniferous Forma- tion in New South Wales and the occurrence of our Mineral Wealth. 12mo. Sydney, 1895. MA 3 U 30 KING, Haniet E. H. Cardinal Manning. [See Manning, Cardinal] G9U2G KING, John Chas. Acts of Council relating to the Cor- porations of Melbourne and Geelong ; with Bye-laws and Market Regulations of the City Council of Mel- bourne. 8vo. Melb., 1850. MF 3 T 33 KING, Rev. Joseph. In Memoriam, a Veteran Mission- ary of the London Missionary Society, the late Rev. A. W. Murray : a Sermon. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MG 2 Q 29 Ten Decades : the Australian Centenary Story of the London Missionary Society. 12mo. Lond., 1895. MG 2 R 58 KING, Moses. Hand-book of New York City ; an Outline History and Description of the American Metropolis. 2nd ed., illustrated. Svo. Boston, 1893. D 15R9 KING, Capt. Philip Gidley. Description of Norfolk Island. [See Philip, Capt. A. — Extracts of Letters.] MC 9P1 t KING, Rev. Robt. L. Farewell : a Sermon preached at Broughton Chapel, Moore College. 12mo. Sydney, 1878. MG 2 R 31 The Path of the Just : a funeral sermon preached on the occasion of the death of the Rev. Thos. Hassall. 8vo. Sydney, 1868. MG 1 S 11 Letter addressed to the Jews in Sydney. 12mo. Sydney, 1877. MG 1 P 55 Farewell Sermon, preached in St. Philip's Church, Sydney, June 10th, 1855 ; also a Sermon preached in the Temporary Church, Parramatta, June 17th, 1855. Svo. Sydney, 1855. MG 1 S 12 Plea for the Baptism of Infants. 8vo. Sydney, 1867. MG 1 S 10 Guide to the Study of the Prophecies which relate to "The Kingdom and Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." 8vo. Sydney, 1854. MG 1 S 9 KING, Rufus. Life and Correspondence of. Edited by his grandson. Vols. 1 and 2, 1755-95. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1894. C 16 U 14, 15 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 149 KING-, Thos. Lovers' Quarrels; or, Like Master Like Man : an Interlude. [See London Stage, 3.] H 2 S 35 KING, The ! The KING ! VIVE LE KOI ! Seventh pamphlet of the second manifestation and personal reign on earth of the Lord Jesus Christ in flesh. 12mo. Melb., 1889. MG 2 K 23 KINGLAKE, Alexander ¥m, Eothen. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1851. D 20 Q 15 KINGLAKE, Edward. The Australian at Home : Notes and Anecdotes of Life at the Antipodes, including Useful Hints to those intending to settle in Australia. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) MD 7 T 37 KING'S COLLEGE, London. Calendars for 1892-93 and 1893-91. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1892-93. E KING'S SCHOOL MAGAZINE. Nos. 1-9, June, 1887- Oct., 1889. 8vo. Sydney, 1887-89. ME 15 Q KINGSBURY, J. J. The Financial Position of the Colo- nies in relation to Banking. 8vo. Brisbane, 1894. MF 4 K 20 KINGSFORD, C. L. The Crusades. [See Archer, T. A.] B36 Q5 KINGSFORD, Wm. History of Canada. Vols. 6, 7, 1770-1807. 8vo. Toronto, 1893-94. B 17 R G, 7 K INGSLEY, Rev. Charles. Selections from some of the Writings of. 8vo. Lond, 1873. J 11 S 6 Glaucus ; or, the Wonders of the Shore. 12mo. Camb., 1855. A 28 P 14 [Life of] ; by Rev. M. Kaufmann. 8vo. Lond., 1892. C 13 P 24 Sketch of. [See Muller, F. Max. — Chips from a German Workshop.] J 9 R 32 Sketch of ; with Portrait. [See Bolton, Sarah K. — Famous Leaders.] C 17 P 27 KINGSTON, Alfred. Hertfordshire during the Great Civil War and the Long Parliament. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1894. B 21 U 14 KINGSTON, Wm. Beatty-. Men, Cities, and Events. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 22 R 4 KINLOCH, George Ritchie. The Ballad Book. [See Bibliotheca Curiosa.] J 18 Q 22 KINNAIRD, D. The Merchant of Bruges ; or, Beggar's Bush : a Play. [See London Stage, 4.] H 2 S 36 KINNS, Rev. Dr. Samuel. Moses and Geology ; or, the Harmony of the Bible with Science. Revised ed. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 3 R 16 KIPLING, Rudyard. Barrack-Room Ballads and other verses. 5th ed. 8vo. Lond , 1893. H 10 Q 24 Departmental Ditties and other Verses. 7th ed. 12mo. Calcutta, 1892. H 8 T 56 KIRB Y, Capt. J. Narrative of a Voyage from Melbourne to the Gulf of Carpentaria. 12mo. Melb., 1862. MD 1 P 28 KIRBY, Wm. Cultivation of the Soil in Ancient and Modern Times. 8vo. Melb., 1862. MA 1 Q 55 KIRBY, Wm. F. A Hand-book to the Order Lepidoptera. Part 1.— Butterflies. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 27 S 23 The Hero of Esthonia, and other Studies in the Romantic Literature of that country. With a Map of Esthonia. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 35 R 6, 7 KIRCHNER, E., & Co. Saw-mill and Wood-working Machinery. Illustrated. 4to. Leipzig, 1893. A 12 T 6 t KIRK, H. B. A Knowledge of the New Zealand Sponges. (Trans. N.Z. Inst., 27.) 8vo. Wellington, 1894. ME2R KIRK, John Foster. History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella. [See Prescott, W. H] B 34 Q 8-10 History of the Conquest of Mexico. [See Prescott, W. H.] B 19 Q 8-10 History of the Conquest of Peru. [See Prescott, W. H.] B 19 Q 11, 12 History of the Reign of Philip II. [See Prescott, W. H.] B 34 Q 5-7 KIRK, Rev. Robt. The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns, and Fairies. Comment by A. Lang. 12mo. Lond., 1893. B 37 P 6 KIRK, T. Preparation and Preservation of Botanical Specimens. (Trans. N.Z. Inst., 27.) 8vo. Welling- ton, 1894. ME 2 R , BALFOUR, J. M, and WARD, Capt. E. W. Report on the Durability cf New Zealand Timber in Constructive Works, &c. Roy. 8vo. Wellington, 1875. MA 1 V 58 KIRKMAN, Rev. Thos. Penyngton. Church Cursing and Atheism. [See Religious Pamphlets, 2.] G 9 V 17 Orthodoxy from the Hebrew point of view. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) G 9 V 34 Church Cursing and Disestablishment. 12mo. War- rington, 1874. G 9 V 34 KIRKPATRICK, T. S. G. Simple Rules for the dis- crimination of Gems. 18mo. Lond., 1895. A 24 R 17 KISKINOUYE, K. On the Development of Araneina. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) A 30 V 17 KISSACK, A. H. The Savo Meqapode. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 1.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1885. ME 1 T KITCHIN, Very Rev. Geo. Wm. Memoir of Bishop E. H.Browne. 8vo. Lond, 1895. C21R11 KITTREDGE, G. L. Language of Chaucer's Troilus. [See Chaucer Soc. Pubs.] E 150 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. KLEIN, Augusta. Among the Gods : Scenes of India, with Legends by the way. Illustrated. 8vo. Edinb., 1895. a 1 P 28 KLOSSOVSKY, A. Distribution annuelle des orages a la surface du globe terrestre. 4to. Odessa, 1894. A 15 Q 18 f Organisation de l'etude Climaterique Speciare de la Eussie et Problemes de la Meteorologie agricole. 4to. Odessa, 1894. A 15 Q 18 f KNAGGS, Dr. Henry. Butterflies and Moths. [See Taylor, Dr. J. E.— Notes on Collecting.] A 29 Q 38 KNAGGS, E. C, & Co. Newcastle Nautical Almanac, Directory, and Guide to the Port of Newcastle, with Sailing Directions for Torres Straits for 1893-95. 3 vols. 8vo. Newcastle, 1892-94. ME 3 S KNAGGS, Dr. Samuel Thos. An analysis of the mechanism producing flexion of the Human Finsers. 8to. Sydney, 1875. MA 1 U 59 Dr. De Lion, Clairvoyant: Confessions of a Vagabond Life in Australia. 12mo. Sydney, 1895. MJ 3 P 30 Eecreations of an Australian Surgeon. 8vo. Sydney, 1888. MA 3 T 55 Some Observations on Medical Ethics. 8vo. Sydney, 1890. MA 3 T 20 Slade and the Spirits. Spiritualism considered as an infectious mental disease. [See Mediums and their Dupes.] MG 2 Q 3G KNAPP, John M. The Universities and the Social Problem : an Account of the University Settlements in East London. 8vo. Lond., 1895. P 8 U 22 KNAUFF, T. C. Athletics for Physical Culture. 12mo. New York, 1894. G 18 Q 16 KNEASS, Strickland L. Practice and Theory of the Injector. 8vo. New York, 1891. A 25 U 9 KNECHT, Dr. Edmund, BAWSON, Christopher, and LOEWENTHAL, Dr. Eichard. Manual of Dyeing. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 11 E 28-30 KNEIPP, Eev. Sebastian. Thus shall thou live : Hints and Advice for the Healthy and the Sick on a simple rational mode of Life" and a natural method of cure. Translated from 19th German ed. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 26 Q 32 KNIES, Dr. Max. Eelations of Diseases of the Eye to General Diseases. Edited by Dr. Henry D. Noyes. Eoy. 8vo. New York, 1895. A 33 U 10 KNIGHT & VON EIEBEN, Messrs. Barrier Miner Business Directory, 1892. 8vo. Broken Hill, 1892. ME10S KNIGHT, C. Description of a new species of Parmelia from Victoria. (Proc. Eoy. Soc, Queensland, 1.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1884. ME 1 T KNIGHT, Charles. Shadows of the Old Booksellers. 8vo. Lond., 18G5. C 21 Q 13 Works of Shakespeare. Imp. ed. [See Shakespeare, William.] H 40 T 7, 8 J Sketch of. [See Smith, G. B. — Leaders of Modern Industry.] C 14 P 14 A Sketch ; by Alice A. Clowes. 8vo. Lond., 1892 C 15 E 14 KNIGHT, Edward Frederick. The Cruise of the Falcon : a Voyage to South America in a 30-ton yacht. 6th ed. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) D 15 Q 27 Where Three Empires Meet : a narrative of recent travel in Kashmir, Western Tibet, Gilgit, and the adjoining Countries. 8vo. Lond., 1893. D17V4 Yachting. [See Sullivan, Sir E.] A 29 Q 40 KNIGHT, George H. Patent-office Manual, including the Law and Practice of Cases in the U.S. Patent Office. Eoy. 8vo. Boston, 189 4. F 4 E 13 KNIGHT, Dr. Geo. W., and COMMONS, John E. History of Higher Education in Ohio. 8vo. Wash., 1891. G 18 E 15 KNIGHT, J. J. In the Early. Days: History and Inci- dent of Pioneer Queensland. With Dictionary of Dates in chronological order. Illustrated. 8vo. Brisbane, 1895. MB 2 P 57 KNIGHT, Joseph. Crystallized or Glaced Pruits. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MA 3 T 9 The Castor Oil Plant. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MA 3 T 9 Cultivation of Flax and its after treatment. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MA 3 T 9 KNIGHT, Joseph. Theatrical Notes. 8vo. Lond., 1893. J2T28 [Life of] David Garrick. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 18 T 4 KNIGHT, Thos. The Honest Thieves : a Farce. [See London Stage, L] H 2 S 33 KNIGHT, Prof. Wm. The Philosophy of the Beautiful. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1891-93. G 7 U 24, 25 KNIGHT, Wm. Henry. Western Australia, its history, progress, condition, and prospects. 8vo. Perth, 1870. MD 4 Q 22 KNIGHTON, Dr. Wm. Sporting Literature of Ancient Greece and Rome. [See Eoy. Soc. of Lit., 2nd series, 16.] E KNIGHTS TEMPLAES OP MASSACHUSETTS AND EHODE ISLAND. Proceedings, 1S92. 8vo. Central Palls, 1892. G 14 T 24 KNIGHTS TEMPLAES OF OEEGON. Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conclave, 1892. 8vo. Eugene, 1892. G 14 T 29 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 151 KNOLLYS, Col. Henry. Life of Gen. Sir H. Grant, with Selections from his Correspondence; with Portraits, Maps, and Plans. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1894. C 17 R 5, 6 KNOWLEDGE. Vols. 14-16. 4to. Loud., 1891-93. E KNOWLES, James Sheridan. The Elocutionist : Pieces in prose and verse, with principles of elocution. 28th ed. 8vo. Lond. Cn.d.) J 4 R 3 KNOX, E. F. V. The Irish Parliament of the Past. [See Subjects of the Day, 3.] F 7 U 28 KNOX, G. Opinion re Bishop of Sydney. [See Gordon, A.] MG 9 P 9 t KNOX, John. A Biography; by P.H.Brown. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 22 E 5, 6 [Life of] ; by Florence A. Maccunn. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C19V4 The Scottish Reformation. [See Bettany, G. T. — Popular History of the Reformation.] G 14 Q 33 KOBELL, Louise von. Conversations of. Dr. Dollinger. 8vo. Lond., 1892. C 18 P 4 KOCH, C. P. Courage, Independence, Presence of Mind, and a Cheerful Disposition as a result of Gymnastic Exercise. 8vo. Milwaukee (n.d.) G 18 E 35 KOCH, G. Die Indo-Australische Lepidopteren-Fauna. 8vo. Leipzig, 1865. MA 2 U 66 KOCH, Dr. J. Chronology of Chaucer's "Writings. [See Chaucer Society Pubs.] E KOCH,Prof.Robert. Bacteriological Diagnosis of Cholera, Waterfiltration and Cholera, and the Cholera in Germany during the Winter of 1892-93. Translated by G. Duncan. 8vo. Edinb., 1894. A 33 T 20 Treatment of Tubercular Disease. [See Springthorpe. Dr. J. W.] MA 3 S 32 Proposed Cure for Consumption. [See Candler, C] MA 3 S 53 Proprietes attributes a la Tuberculine. [See Arloing, Dr. 8.] • A 33 U 24 KOETAIMIO TONGA. Nos. land 2. 4to. Nukualofa, 1882. ME9Q29t KOLBING, Prof. E. Eomance of Sir Beues of Hamtoun. [See Early English Text Society.] E KOLLIKER, Prof. Albert von. Pennatulida. {See Thom- son, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J. — Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger.'] A 6 f KONGELIGT NORDISK OLDSKRIFr-SELSKAB. Aarboger for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie, 1892-93. 2 vols. 8vo. Kjobenhavn, 1892-93. E KONIG, Abraham. La Araucana de Ercilla. Eoy. 8vo. Santiago, 1888. H 5 U 38 KONINCK, L. G. de Faune du Calcaire Carbonifere de Belgique. [See Musee Eoyal d'Histoire Natural de Belgique, Annales du.] A 6 V and W % KONINKLIJKE ACADEMIE DEE SCHOONE KUN- STEN VAN ANTWERl'EN, 1892-93. Jaarlijksch Verslag en plechtige prijsuitdeeling. 8vo. Anvers, 1894. E KOPP, Hermann. Sketch of. [See Thorpe, Dr. T. E.— Historical Chemistry.] C 17 E 2 KOSMOS. [See Euiu of the Turf.] MJ 1 Q 22 KOSSUTH, Louis. Authentic Life of His Excellency. 8vo. Lond., 1851. C 14 E 15 Memoirs of my Exile. 8vo. Lond., 1880. C 13 V 13 KOTTMAN, Dr. G. The Sereh Cane Disease. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MA 1 Q 67 The Sugar Cane Disease. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MA 1 Q 67 KOVALEVSKY, Sonya. A Biography; by Anna C. Leffler, Duchess of Cajanello, and Sisters Eajevsky : being an Account of her Life ; by Sonya Kovalevsky. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 19 S 8 KOWALSKI, Henri. Festal Lyric, composed and dedi- cated to His Holiness Leo XIII. [Music] Fol. Sydney, 1S93. MA 7 Q 31 f KRETJZHAGE, C. Versuche iiber das Verdauungever- mogen, &c. [See Wolff, Dr. E.] A 32 T 6 KUENEN, Dr. A. Three Notices of the Speaker's Com- mentary. [See Religious Pamphlets, 2. J G 9 V 17 KUZ. [See Trial Four, The.] MJ 3 Q 37 L LABILLIERE, Francis Peter de. British Federalism, its rise and progress. 8vo. Lond. 1893. F 12 P 12 The Constitutions of the Australian Colonies. 8vo. Lond., 1872. MJ 3 Q 16 Federal Britain; or, Unity and Federation of the Empire; with Chapter on Imperial Defence, by Major Sir G. S. Clarke. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 9 U 47 LABOUE LEAGUE OF SOUTH AUSTEALIA, Rules for the Government of. 12mo. Adelaide, 1 877. MF 1 P 80 LABOUR TROUBLES and the result of Co-operative Associations in the year 1900; by "A Railway Porter." 12mo. Sydney, 1892. MF 1 P 66 LABOUR'S REST : an Ode to the day commonly called Sunday ; by " W.H." 12mo. Melb., 1871. Mil 1 U 74 152 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. LACOITPERIE, A. E. J. B. Terrien de. [See Terrien de Lacouperie, A. E. J. B.] LACOUR, Pierre. Manufacture of Liquors, Wines, and Cordials, without the aid of distillation ; also, the Manufacture of Effervescing Beverages and Syrups, Vinegar,andBitters. Prepared and arranged expressly for the trade. 8vo. New York (n.d.) ' A 25 Q 37 LACRETELLE, Chas. Histoire de France pendant le 18 e siecle. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1844. B 26 S 3-8 LACTANTIUS. Works of. Translated by Rev. Dr. W. Fletcher. (Ante-Nicene Christ. Lib., 21, 22.) 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb,1871. G 14 U 21,22 LADENBURG, Dr. A. Handworterbuch der Chemie. (Encyklo. der Naturwissenschaften.) Bande 11, 12. Roy. 8vo. Breslau, 1893-91. E LADIES AT WORK. Papers on paid employment for ladies ; by experts in the several branches. With an Introduction by Lady Jeune. 8vo. Lond., 1893. P9T24 LADIES' GUIDE TO ARCHERY ; by " A late member of a Toxopholite Club iu London." 12mo. Melb., 1859. MA 3 P 39 LADY, A. Seven Years Residence at the Mauritius. [See Mauritius.] D 17 Q 29 LAFARGUE, H. The Study of Languages. 8vo. Melb., 1857. MK 2 P 11 LAFAYE, Georges. Histoire du culte des Divinites d' Alexandrie : Serapis, Isis, Harpocrate et Anubis. 8vo. Paris, 1884. G 16 U 22 LA FAYETTE, Marquis de. In the American Revolu- tion. [See Tower, Dr. C] B 20 V 7, 8 LAFOND, G. Des lies Marquises et des Colonies de la Prame. Roy. Svo. Paris, 1841. MD 6 U 18 LAGRANGE, Joseph Louis, Comte de. (Euvres de. Tome 14. 4to. Paris, 1892. A 32 U 11 LAING, Dr. David. Early Metrical Tables. 12mo. Edinb., 1826. H 7 U 38 LAING, Robt. M. The Algae of New Zealand. (Trans. N.Z. Inst.,27.) Svo. Wellington, 1891. ME 2 R LAMARTINE, Alfonse M. L P. de. History of the Constituent Assembly, 1789-90. 4 vols, (in 2). 12mo. Lond., 1858. B 8 P 35, 36 Memoirs of my Youth. 12mo. Lond., 1850. C 17 P 7 The Wanderer and his Home, being a continuation of "Memoirs of mv Youth." 12mo. Lond, 1851. C17P7 LAMB, Charles. Eliana : being the hitherto uncollected Writings of. 12mo. Loud., 1807. J 11 T 16 The Adventures of Ulysses, to which is added Mrs. Leicester's School ; or, the history of several young ladies, related by themselves. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1841. J4U2 The Essays of Elia. 1st and 2nd series. Roy. 8vo, Lond., 1840. J 4 U 2 Memoirs of ; by Sir T. N.jTalfourd. 8vo. Lond., 1892. C 13 P 33 LAMB, Prof. H. Cause of the Luminosity of Flame. (Trans. Roy. Soc, S. Australia, 8.) Svo. Adelaide, 1886. ME 1 S LAMB, John. Practical Hints for Agriculturists on Remedies for Rust in Wheat, Phylloxera in Vines, the Codlin Moth in Apples, the Feeding of Cattle, How to grow Beetroot. 8vo. Melb., 1893. MA 3 W 17 LAMB, Samuel. Tobacco : Cultivation in Queensland. Svo. Brisb., 1890-92. MA 1 Q 69 Tobacco Growing in New South Wales. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MA 1 Q 65 and SUTHERLAND, George Frederick. Re- port on the Tobacco-growing Industry in the Tumut District. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MA 1 Q 65 LAMBROS, Prof. S. P. Catalogue of the Greek Manu- scripts on Mount Athos. Vol.1. 4to. Camb., 1895. K 12 T 19 f LAMING, Jas. Steam Communication with Australia. (Bound ivith Waghorn on Emigration.) 8vo. Lond., 1856. MF 2 Q 83 LANCE, Mrs. Jack Hanmer's sad storv. [See Praed, Mrs. Campbell.— Under the Gum Tree'.] MJ 2 T 44 LANCET, The : a Journal of British and Foreign Medi- cine, Surgery, Obstetrics, Physiology, Chemistry, Phai macology, Public Health and News. July, 1892- June, 1895. 6 vols. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1895. E LANdANI, Prof. Rodolfo. Pagan and Christian Rome. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1892. B 30 U 17 .Roman Antiquities. [See Ramsay, W.] B 30 S 12 LAND NATIONALISATION LEAGUE OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Manifesto and Rules of. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MF 2 Q 39 LAND QUESTION, The. Svo. Sydney, 1873. MF4P22 LAND REFORM LEAGUE. Tracts, Nos. 1 and 2. Svo. Melb., 1870-71. MF 2 Q 51, 52 LANDAU, Dr. Wilhelm. Reisen in Asien, Australien, und Amerika. Svo. Berlin, 1889. D 20 Q 12 LANDMANN, Col. George. Universal Gazetteer ; or, Geographical Dictionary of the World. 8vo. Lrds, Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, and Peerage Cases, 1875-91. 25 vols. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1866-94. E Probate and Divorce Cases, Vols. 1-3, 1865-75 ; and Probate Division Cases, 1875-94. 22 vols. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1865-94. E Public General Statutes, 1866-94. 29 vols. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1866-94. E Queen's Bench Division Cases, 1865-95. 44 vols. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1866-95. E Scotch and Divorce Appeal Cases, Vols. 1, 2 ; 186J-75. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1869-75. E The Weekly Notes : being Notes of Cases heard and determined by the House of Lords, the Court of Appeal, the Chancery, Queen's Bench, and Probate, Divorce, and Admiralty Divisions of the High Court of Justice and Cuses in Bankruptcy, 1893 acd 1894. 2 vols. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1893-94. E LAWRENCE, John Laird Mair, Lord. [Life of] ; by Sir Charles Aitchison. (Rulers of India.) 8vo. Oxford, 1892. C 13 P 15 LAWRENCE, Sir Thos. [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L.— Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 LAWRENCE, W. J. Life of Gustavus Vaughan Brooke, tragedian. Roy. 8vo. Belfast, 1892. C 13 V 5 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 155 LAWRENCE, Walter R. The Valley of Kashmir. Illus- trated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1895. D 19 V 23 LAWSON, Sir Charles. Private Life of Warren Hastings. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 22 R 8 LATARD, George Somes. Tennyson and his Pre- Raphaelite Illustrators. 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 28 T 19 LAYMAN, A. [See Thoughts on Religion.] G 19 P 34 LAZAR, Samuel, and DIAMOND, Arthur. Prince Enterprise ; or Harlequin Ogre and the Kangaroo, Cockatoo, and 'Possum-too : Extravnganza and Panto- mime. 12mo. Adelaide, 1874. MH 1 Q 2S LAZARUS, Henry. The English Revolution of the 20th Century: a Prospective History. 8vo. Lond., 1891. J6T26 LEA, Dr. A. Sheridan. The Chemical Basis of the Animal Body. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 26 T 15 LEACH, Sir George. The American Cup Races, 1893. [-See Sullivan, Sir E.— Yachting, 2.] A 29 Q 41 LEADER, John Temple. Life of Sir Robt. Dudley. Roy. 8vo. Florence, 1895. C 19 U 13 LEAF, Dr. Walter. A Modern Priestess of Isis. [See Solovyoff, V. 8.] G 2 U 12 LEANE, Caroline Agnes, (Agnes Neale.) Shadows and Sunbeams. 18mo. Adelaide, 1893. MH 1 TJ 49 LEASK, A. Ritchie. Breakdowns at Sea, and how to repair them. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1894. A 22 P 39 Refrigerating Machinery. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 25 R 17 LEAVITT, T. W. H. The Jubilee History of Tasmania. 2 vols. 4to. Melb., 1887. MB 1 U 18, 19 LEBAHN", Dr. Ealck. Faust. [See Goethe, J. W. von.] H2U28 LE CARON, Major Henry, (Thomas Beach). Twenty- five Years in the Secret Service : the Recollections of a Spy. 8vo. Lond., 1892. C 16 R 18 LE COINTE, Abbe. Conspiracy of the Norman Barons against William the Bastard. [-See Bibliotheca Curi- osa.] J 18 Q 43 LECONTE, Dr. John L. List of the Coleoptera of North America. Part 1. 8vo. Wash., 1863. A 27 U 18 New Species of North American Coleoptera. Part 1. 8vo. Wash., 1866. A 30 R 7 LECTURE on Capital Punishment; by "G.H." 8vo. Orange, 1871. MF 4 R 9 LECRIVAIN, Chas. A. Le Senat Romain depuis Diocle- tien a Rome et a Constantinople. 8vo. Paris, 1888. Fl R7 LEE, Miss Harriet. The Chapter of Accidents : a Comedy. [-See London Stage, 2.] H 2 S 34 LEE, Nathaniel. Alexander the Great : a Tragedy. [See London Stage, 1.] H 2 S 33 LEE, Rawdon B. History and Description of the Modern Dogs of Great Britain and Ireland. (Non-sporting Division.) 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 28 U 1 LEE, General Robt. E., of the Confederate Army. [Life of] ; by F. Lee. Svo. Lond., 1895. C 21 Q 12 LEE, S. Dictionary of National Biography. [-See Stephen, L.] C 11 R LEE, Susan P. Memoirs of W. N. Pendleton, D.D., and Brig.-Gen., Confederate States of America. Roy. 8vo. Philad., 1893. C 18 U 3 LEECH, H. J. The Life of Mr. Gladstone, told by him- self in Speeches and Public Letters. 12mo. Lond., 189:L C 14 Q 29 LEES, Rev. Dr. Jas. Cameron. St. Giles', Edinburgh, Church, College, and Cathedral, from the earliest times to the present day. [Illustrated.] 4to. Edinb , 1889. B32V9 LEE-WARNER, W. [See Warner, W. L.] LE FANU, W. R. Seventy Years of Irish Life : being Anecdotes and Reminiscences. Svo. Lond., 1893. J 10 S 22 LEFEVRE, A. Race and Language. 12mo. Lond., 1894. K 19 P 17 LEFFLER, Anna C, Duchess of Cajanello. Sonya Kova- leysky : a Biography. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 19 S 8 LE GALLTENNE, Richard. Prose Fancies. 12mo. Lond., 1891. J 6 Q 40 Religion of a Literary Man. 12mo. Lond., 1893. G 16 R 44 Liber Amoris. [-See Hazlitt, W.] J 4 U 3 and J 4 P 11 LEGGE, Alfred O. Sunny Manitoba : its peoples and its industries. 8vo. Lond., 1893. D 3 T 31 LEGGE, Hugh. The Repton Club. T-See Knapp, J M. — The Universities and the Social Problem.] F8 U22 LEGGE, Rev. J. Lawlessness and Lust; or, Absalom and Ammon : a Sermon. 8vo. Melb., 1870. MG 1 R 68 LEGGE, Prof. James. Chinese Classics ; with Translation and Notes. Vols. 1-5 (in 8) roy. 8vo. Hongkong, 1861-72. J 6 V 15-22 LEGOUVE, Ernest. Sixty Years of Recollections; trans- lated, with notes, by A. D. Vandam. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 16 R 13, 14 156 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. LEHMANN, Prof. K. B. Methods of Practical Hygiene. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 26 T 13, 14 LEHMANN, R. Lond., 1894. An Artist's Reminiscences. 8to. D 19 U 2 LEIBNITZ, Gottfried Wilhelm ; by J. T. Merz. (Philo- sophical Classics.) 12mo. Edinb., 1884. G 9 V 7 LEICESTER, Eobert Dudley, Earl of. Memoirs of. [See Collectanea Adamantaea.] J 18 R 25 LEICESTER, Simon de Montfort, Earl of. Life of, with special reference to the Parliamentary History of his Time ; by G-. W. Prothero. 8vo. Lond., 1877. C 22 P 15 LEIGH TON, Rev. W. A. A Guide, Descriptive and Historical, through the town of Shrewsbury'. 4th ed. 18ino. Shrewsbury (n.d.) "D 18 P 25 LEll'ZIGER STUDIED ZUR CLASSISCHEN PHILO- LOGIE. Bande, 14-10. 8vo. Leip., 1893-94. E LEITC1T, Richard P. Course of Water-colour Painting. 11th edition. Obi. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 23 Q 31 Course of Sepia Painting. 1st and 2nd series. Obi. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 23 Q 32 Course of Painting in Neutral Tint. 3rd edition. Obi. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 23 Q 33 LELAND, Chas. Godfrey, " Hanns Breitmann." Memoirs. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 15 P 3, 4 Etruscan Roman Remains in Popular Tradition. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1892. B 30 V 13 Hans Breitmann's Party, with other Ballads. 12mo. Melb., 1869. MH 1 U 75 Hans Breitmann in Politics. 12mo. Lond., 1869. H 10 U 17 Hans Breitmann's Ballads. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) H9U36 LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY. Register for 1892-93, 1894-95. 2 vols. 8vo. Palo Alto, 1893-95. E LELONG, B. M. The Olive in California. 8vo. Sacramento, 1889. A 18 V 27 LE MAIRE, Jakob. Speculum orientalis occidentalisque India} Navigationum. [See Speculum.] MD 8 P 9 Voyage to the Canaries, Cape Verd, and the Coast of Africa, 1682. [See Bibliotheca Curiosa.] J 18 Q 47 LEMAITRE, Jules. Sketch of. [See- Matthews, B.— Books and Playbooks.] J 8 T 34 LE MAOTJT, E., and DECAISNE, J. General System of Botany. Translated by Mrs. Hooker and arranged by J. D. Hooker. 2nd thousand. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1876. A 20 V 29 LE MOYNE, Pierre. [See D'Iberville, Sieur.] LENDENFELD, Dr. R. von. Australische Reise ; mit Ulustrationen. Roy. 8vo. Innsbruck, 1892. MD7TT17 ] Der Tasman-Gletscher und seine Umrandung. (Erganzungsheft 75 zu Petermann's Mitteilungen.) 4to. Gotha, 1884. E LENDON, Dr. Alfred A. Hydatid Disease. [See Thomas, Dr. J. D.] - MA 2 Q 66 LENNHOLM, E. A. Micro-organisms and Fermentation. [See Jorgensen, A.] A 28 U 9 LE NORMAN, Mdlle. M. A. Historical and Secret Memoirs of the Empress Josephine. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1S95. B 28 V 15, 16 LENTZNER, Dr. Karl. Dictionary of the Slang-English of Australia, and of some Mixed Languages. Roy. 8vo. Halle, 1892. MK 1 S 22 LEO XIII, Pope. His Life and Letters; edited and compiled bv Rev. J. F. Talbot. Roy 8vo. Boston, 1836, C 12 V 16 Sketch of. [See Elliot, Frances. — Roman Gossip.] C21 Q10 Sketch of. [See Kingston, \V. Beatty. — Men, Cities, and Event*.] C 22 R 4 LEONARD, Major Arthur G. The Camel, its Uses and Management. 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 27 T 22 LEONARD, E. A. Some Remarks upon the Cardwell District. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia. Q. Branch, 3.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1888. ME 20 LEONARD, Henrietta. Fredericq's Study of History. [See Fredericq, Prof. P.] B 18 S 5 and 8 LEONARD, Isabella S. The Power of Grace; or, Memorials of Harriett Mosely. 12mo. Sydney, 1886. MC 1 P 49 LEONCAVALLO, Ruggiero. Sketch of. [See Streatfield, R. A.— Masters of Italian Music] C 22 P 13 LEOPARDI, Giacomo. [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L.— Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 LEPSIUS, Prof. Carl R. [Sketch of.] [Set Muller, F. Max. — Chips from a German Workshop.] J 9 R 31-33 LERMOLIEFF, Ivan. [See Morelli, G.] LEROY-BEAULIEU, A. [See Beaulieu, A. Leroy.] LE SAGE, Alain Rene. Histoire de Gil Bias de Santillane. Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1855. J 2 U 27 LESLIE, Chas. Robt. Hand-book for Young Painters. 3rd ed., illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1887. A 23 Q 47 LESLIE, Fred. Recollections of ; by W. T. Vincent. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 19 R 11, 12 Supplemen tary Catalogue — 1893-95. 157 LESLIE, Eobt. C. A Waterbiography. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1894 C 18 T 8 LE SOUEF, D. Australian Birds* Eggs and Nests col- lected at Bloomfield, Queensland. (Proc. Eoy. Soc, Victoria, n.s. 7.) 8vo. Melb., 1895. ME 1 P LESQIJEREUX, L. Flora of the Dakota Group. (U.S. Geol. Survey, 17.) 4to. Wash., 1891. E LESS EPS, Ferdinand, Comte de. The Great Frenchman. [See Kingston, W. Beatty-. — Men, Cities, and Events.] C 22 K 4 Life and Enterprises of ; by G. B. Smith. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 13 P 29 LESSING, Gotthold Ephraim. Fabeln. 18mo. Stuttgart, 1871. J9P35 Sketch of. [See Lowell, J. E.] J 6 P 10 LESSING, 0. Architectural Ornaments in Berlin. [100 Plates.] Fol. Lond., 1880. A 6 S 4 J LESSON", Dr. Pierre Adolphe. Legendes des lies Hawaii, tirees de Fornander et commentees avec uue reponse k M. de Quatrefages. Eoy. 8vo. Niort, 1881. MB 2U2 LESTER, A. Trial of. [See Parramatta Eiver Murders.] MG 1 Q 53 LESTER, Miss Mary, "Maria Soltera." A Lady's Ride across Spanish Honduras. Illustrated. 8vo. Edinb.. 1884. D 15 R 13 ' ETIIABY, W. R., and SWAINSON, Harold. The Church of Sancta Sophia, Constantinople : a Study of Byzantine Building. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 19 V 19 LETII BRIDGE, Sir Roper. The Golden Book of India : a Genealogical and Biographical Dictionary of the Ruling Princes, Chiefs, Nobles, &c. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 12 V 18 LETOURNEAU, Ch. Property, its Origin and Develop- ment. 8vo. Lond., 1892. F 14 Q 42 LETTER, A, from a lady to her husband abroad. Sm. fol. Lond., 1728. " H 39 Q 13 J LEVERMORE, Dr. Chas. H. The Town and City Govern- ment of New Haven. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 4.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1886. B 18 S 4 The Eepublic of New Haven : a History of Municipal Evolution. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, extra vol. 1.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1886. B 18 T 1 LEVEY, G. C. Korte beschrijving der Kolonie Victoria. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MF 3 E 53 LEVI, Sylvain. La Science des Eeligions et les Eeligions de l'Inde. 8vo. Paris, 1892. G 13 P 31 LEVY, Arthur. The Private Life of Napoleon ; from the French, by L. S. Simeon. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 19 R 15, 16 LEVY, J. H. Tyranny of Socialism. [See Guyot, Y.] F 9 U 42 LEWES, Dr. L. The Women of Shakespeare. Translated from the German by Helen Zinynern. 8vo. Lond., 1891. J6T5 LEWIS, Dr. Dio. Chastity ; or, Our Secret Sins. 8vo. New York, 1894. Libr. LEWIS, E. A. M. Templars in Cyprus. [See Werner, F. L. Z.] H 2 Q 51 LEWIS, Sir George C. Essay on the Government of Dependencies. Edited, with an Introduction, by C. P. Lucas. 8vo. Oxford, 1891. F 8 P 31 Sketch of. [See Bagehot, W. — Biographical Studies.] C 22 P 10 LEWIS, Matthew Gregory. The Castle Spectre: a Dramatic Romance. [See London Stage, l.J H 2 S 33 LEWIS, Capt. Meriwether. Expedition to the Sources of the Missouri Eiver, 1804-6. [See Coues, E.] D 16 V 12-15 Sketch of. fSee Greeley, Gen. A. W. — Explorers and Travellers.] C 17 R 4 LEWIS, Prof. Thos. Haytcr. Byzantine Sculptures. [See Naville, E.] B 12 T 5 t LEWKOWITSCH, Dr. J. Chemical Analysis of Oils, Fats, and Waxes. [See Benedikt, Prof. Dr. R.] A21U3 LEY, Eev. Wm. Clement. Cloudland : a Study on the Structure and Character of Clouds. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 189 i. A 19 U 20 LIBEAIRIE FRANCAISE, Catalogue de la. Tome 12, 1886-90. Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1892. Libr. LIBBART, The : a Magazine of Bibliography and Litera- ture. Vols. 4-6. 8vo. Lond., 1893-91. E LIBRARY ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KING- DOM. Report of the Proceedings of the Meeting held September, 1893. 8vo. Lond., 1895. E Library Association Year-book, 1895. 8vo. Lond, 1895. E LIBBABY JOURNAL; chiefly devoted to Library Economy and Bibliography. Vols. 17, 18. 4to. New York, 1892-93. E LIBER MELBURN1ENSIS. [See Church of England Grammar School, Melbourne.] MB 2 R 46 LIBERIAN COFFEE IN CEYLON. History of the Progress of the Cultivation up to 1878 ; with Letters on Liberia, by G. A. Criiwell. 12mo. Colombo, 1878. A 18 P 27 LIDDON,Eev. Dr. Henry Parry. Life of Edward Bouverie Pusey. Vols. 1-3. 8vo. Lond., 1893-94. C 16 S 5-7 158 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. LIEBIG, Justus von; his Life and Work, 1803-73. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 21 E 33 LIGHT, Col. W. Survey of the Coast on the East side of St. Vincent's Gulf. Pol. Lond. (n.d.) MD 5 Q 16 J [Plan of] the District of Adelaide, South Australia. Pol. Lond., 1839. MD 5 Q 16+ LIGHT OP EGYPT ; or the Science of the Soul and the Stars. 8vo. Lond., 1889. G 2 P 31 LIGHTNING TIMBER CALCULATOR, for round or square logs, exhibiting at one view the superficial con- tents. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1885. MA 2 P 82 LIGUORI, Saint Alfonso Maria di. Theologia Moralis. 2 vols. 8vo. Augusta? Taurinorum, 1 874. G 3 R 2, 3 LI HTJNGCHANG. [Life of] ; by Prof. R. K. Douglas. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 22 P 12 LTLLIE, Arthur. Madame Blavateky and her Theosophy. 12mo. Lond., 1895. G 2 U 13 LILLIE, Rev. John. Advantages of Science: a Lecture. 8vo. Hobart, 1839. MA 3 T 27 LILLO, George. Arden of Peversham : an Historical Tragedy. [See London Stage. 2.] H 2 S 34 Fatal Curiosity : a Tragedy. [See London Stage, 3.] H 2 S35 LILLY, Arnold. Gabo Island. 1881. On some curious effects of Lightning at (Roy. Soc, Vict., 17.) 8vo. Melb., ME I P LILLY, ¥m Samuel. The' Claims of Christianitv. 8vo. Lond., 1894. G 12 Q 39 Pour English Humourists of the 19th Century. 8vo. Lond,, 1895. J 5 T 30 The Great Enigma. 8vo. Lond., 1892. G 2 Q 20 LIMA E CASTRO, Dr. J. C. de. Saneamento do Rio de Janeiro. [See Gouvea, Dr. H. de.] A 26 U 22 LINCOLN, Abraham. Complete Works, comprising his Speeches, Letters, State Papers, and Miscellaneous Writings. Edited bv J. G. Nicolay and J. Hay. 2 vols. Svo. New York, 1894. P 8 T 25, 26 The True Story of a Great Life ; by Wm. H. Herndon and J. W. Weik. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 13 P 36, 37 [Life of] ; by J. T. Morse, jun. (American Statesmen.) 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1893. C 13 P 34, 35 [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, E. — Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 Sketch of. [See Brooks, N.— Statesmen.] C 16 R 20 Sketch of. [See Thompson, R. W. — Recollections of Sixteen Presidents.] C 18 T 21, 22 Sketch of. [See Wilson, J. G. — Presidents of the United States.] C 2 V 30 LINCOLNSHIRE NOTES AND Q UERIES : a Quar- terly Journal. Illustrated. Vol. 3. 8vo. Horn- castle, 189-3. E LINDON, E. B. Catalogue of such Minerals as are at present known in Queensland, with their principal associations and places of occurrence. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 4.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1887. ME 1 T LINDSAY, David. Brief Notes on the Aborigines met with by the Elder Expedition of L891-92. (Roy. Geog. Soc. Australasia, Vic. Branch, 11.) 8vo. Melb., 1894. ME 20 LINDSAY, W. M. The Latin Language : an Historical Account of Latin Sounds, Stems, and Flexions. 8vo. Oxford, 1894. K 14 P 25 LINDT, J. W. Ascent of the Tanna Volcano, and a Tour through the New Hebrides Group. (Roy. Geog. Soc. Australasia, Vic. Branch, 8.) 1891. The Fire Ordeal at Bega, Fiji Islands. Soc. Australasia, Vic. Branch, 11.) 1894. Notes on Modern Photography. 12mo. 8vo. Melb. ME 20 (Roy. Geog. 8vo. Melb., ME 20 Melb., 1888. MA 2 P 32 Reminiscences of Travel in British New Guinea. (Roy. Geog. Soc. Australasia, Vic. Branch, 9.) 8vo. Melb., 1892. ME 20 LINEHAM, Ray S. The Street of Human Habitations. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1894. A 19 Q 7 LINEHAM, Wilfred J. A Text-book of Mechanical Engineering. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 22 S 12 LINGUET, Simon Nicolas Henri. Memoirs of the Bastille. [See Collectanea Adamantsea.] J 18 R 7-9 LINNEAN SOCIETY, LONDON. Journal of. Vol.21. 8vo. Lond, 1894. Journal of. Botany. Vol. 29. 8vo List of, 1881. 8vo. Lond., 1881. Transactions of. 2nd Series. Botany. 4to. Lond., 1894. Transactions of. 2nd Series. Zoology. Lond., 1888-94. Zoology. E Lond., 1893. E E Vol. 4, pt. 2. E Vol. 5. 4to. E LINNEAN SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Act of Incorporation, Rules, List of Members, <&c, 1893. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MP 2 R 1 Catalogue of, 1886. 8vo. Sydney, 1886. MK 1 T 35 The Macleay Memorial Volume, edited by J. J. Fletcher. 4to. Sydney, 1893. MA 2 Q 1 f Proceedings. 2nd series. Vols. 7-9. 8vo. Sydney, 1893-94. ME 2 Q Record of Proceedings, October 31st, 1885. 8vo. Sydney, 1885. ME 2 Q Rules, with List of Members and Catalogue of the Library, 1882. 8vo. Sydney, 1882. ME 2 Q Rules and List of Members, 1885. 8vo. Sydney, 1885. ME2Q Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 159 LINNELL, John. Life of; by A. T. Story. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1892. C 15 R 19, 20 LINSTOW, Dr. O. von. Entozoa. [See Thomson, Sir C. W.,and Murray, Dr. J. — Voyage of H. M.S. Challenger.] A6 t LINTON, Wm. Jas. European Republicans : Recollec- tions of Mazzini and his Friends. 8vo. Lond., 1892. C 12 S 33 Memories. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 21 S 18 LION, J. C. Concerning the Method of Teaching Gymnastics in our Gymnastic Schools. 8vo. Mil- waukee (n.d.) G 18 R 35 Why is the German System of Gymnastics entitled to recognition. 8vo. Milwaukee (n.d.) G 18 R 35 LIPPINCOTTS MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Vol. 53, Jan.-Juue, 1891. 8vo. Philad., 1894. E LIPPMANX, Dr. E. Engravings by Old Masters. [See Engravings.] A 41 P 29-31 J LIRA, Jose B. Proyecto de Codigo de Enjuiciamiento Criminal. 8vo. Santiago, 1888. P 7 U 16 LISTER, John. Cotton Manufacture. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 25 S 3 LISZT, Abbe Franz. The Abbe Liszt. [See Kingston, W. Beatty-.— Men, Cities, and Events.] C 22 R 4 Sketch of. [See Heine, H. — Heine in Art and Letters.] J 11 T 39 LITCHFIELD, Nicolas. Historie of Discoverie and Con- quest of the East Indias by the Portugales. [Set Castanheda, F. L. de.] Libr. LITER ARISOHES CENTRALBLATT far Beutsch- land, 1892-94. 3 vols. 4to. Leipzig, 1892-94. E LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUKBEC. Fifth Series of Historical Documents ; published under the auspices of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec. 8vo. Quebec, 1877. B 16 S5 Index of the Lectures, Papers, and Historical Documents published by the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, 1829-91. 8vo. Quebec, 1891. E Manuscripts published under the auspices of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec. — Trade and Shipping, 1793. 8vo. Quebec, 1889. B 16 S 2 Transactions of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec. Sessions of 1864-92. 14 parts. 8vo. Quebec, 1865-92. E LITERARY CHATELAINE, The. 1858. 12mo. Launceston, MJ 1 Q 50 LITHGOW, Dr. R. A. Douglas. Early English Allitera- tive Poetry. [See Roy. Soc. of Lit., 2nd series, 16.] E LITTLE, A. D. Chemistry of Paper-making. [See Griffin, R. B.] A 21 V 16 LITTLE, Rev. Wm. John Knos. Introduction to the Imitation of Christ. [See Kempis, T. a.] G 5 U 28 LITTLE ROCK PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Eeport of, for year ending June, 1825. 8vo. Little Rock, Arkansas, 1892. E LITTLE SNOWWHITE, or Harlequin King Kokahoop ; or, the Damsel who never saw a Glass. 12mo. Sydney, 1875. MH 1 U 70 LITTLEDALE, Prof. Harold. Essays on Lord Tennyson's " Idylls of the King." 8vo. Lond., 1893. J 4 Q 35 The two Noble Kinsmen. [See New Shakspere Society.] E LITURGIES. The Book of Common Prayer and Adminis- tration of the Sacraments, and other Rites and Cere- monies of the Church of England. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1639. G 13 T 49 Liturgies and other Documents of the Ante-Nicene Period ; translated by W. Macdonald, G. R. Merry, and Dr. Donaldson. (Ante-Nicene Christ. Lib., 24.) 8vo. Edinb., 1872. G 14 U 24 Psalter of the Great Bible of 1539 : a Landmark in English Literature ; edited by Prof. J. Earle. 8vo. Lond., 1894. G 13 P 38 Select Portions of the Psalms of David, according to the version of Dr. N. Brady and N. Tate ; to which are added Hymns. 12mo. Sydney, 1853. MG 1 P 54. Whole Booke of Psalmes. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1637. G 13 T 49 LIVERMORE, E. P. Prospectus of the Land League. 8vo. Rockhampton, 1865. MP 3 R 35 LIVERPOOL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Report of the Council, 1894. 8vo. Liverpool, 1895. E LIVERSIDGE, Prof. Archibald. Australasian and other Stone Implements. (Journal Roy. Soc, N.S.W., 28.) 8vo. Sydney, 1891. ME I R Boleite, Nantokite, Kerargyrite, and Cuprite from Broken Hill. (Journal Roy. Soc, N.S.W., 28.) 8vo. Sydney, 1894. ME 1 R Gold in the Hawkesbury Rocks. (Journal Roy. Soc, N.S.W., 28.) 8vo. Sydney, 1894. ME 1 11 On the Origin of Moss Gold. On the condition of Gold in Quartz and Calcite Veins. On the Origin of Gold Nuggets. On the Crystallization of Gold in Hexagonal Forms. Gold Moire-Metallique. A Combination Laboratory Lamp, Retort, and Filter Stand. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MA 2 Q 50 Reports on certain Museums for Technology, Science, and Art. Fol. Sydney, 1880. MG 10 P 14 t LIVING AGE, The: a Journal devoted to Social, Politi- cal and Religious Comment, Criticism, and Contro- versy. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1879. ME 17 T 160 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. LIVING ENGLISH POETS. 8vo. Loud., 1893. II 8 Q 45 LIVINGSTONE, Rev. Dr. David. Missionary Travels and Eesearches in South Africa. Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1857. D 14 V 16 Sketch of his Work. [See Great Explorers.] D15 V21.22 The Crossers of Africa. [See Brown, Dr. R. — Story of Africa.] D 15 V 24-26 LIVIUS, Titus. La Langue et la Grammaire de Tite-Live. [See Eiemaun, 0.] J 7 U 33 LLOYD, Eev. E. Three Great African Chiefs: Khame, Sebele, and Bathoeng. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 1 P 21 LLOYD, E. W., and HADCOCK, A. G. Artillery : its Progress and Present Position. Eoy. 8vo. Ports- mouth, 1893. A 29 V 21 LLOYD, Henry Demarest. Wealth against Common- wealth. 8vo. New York, 1891. F10D4 LLOYD, Wm. Watkyss. On the Central Groups of the Eastern frieze of the Parthenon. [See Eoy. Soc. of Lit, 2nd series, 16.] E LOBO, Americo. Poemas de Longfellow. [See Long- fellow, H. W.] H 10 Q 23 LOCK, Chas. G. Warnford. Economic Mining. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 24 T 24 LOCK, Walter. John Keble : a Biography. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 13 P 23 LOCKE, James. Analytical Chemistry. [See Menschutkin, M.] A21U5 LOCKE, John; by Prof. A. C. Eraser. (Philosophical Classics.) 12mo. Edinb., 1890. G 9 V 13 The Reasonableness of Christianity. 8vo. Lond , 1853. J4IT L LOCKEYEAR, J. R. "Mr. Bunyip ;" or, Marv Somer- ville's Eamble. Svo. Melb., 1891. MJ 3 P 28 LOCKHAET, Chas. Draft Act and Eegulations for the erection of Darns on the Billabong. Svo. Deniliquin, 1859. MF 3 E 34 LOCKHAET, J. H. Stewart. A Manual of Chinese Quotations, being a Translation of the Ch'eng Yu K'ao. Svo. Hongkong, 1893. K 14 Q 38 LOCKWOOD, C, & Son. Catalogue of Scientific and Technical Books. Svo. Lond., 1893. K 7 E 57 LOCKWOOD, Edward. Early Days of Marlborough College ; or, Public School Life between 40 and 50 years ago ; to which is added, a Glimpse at Old Haileybury, Patna during the Mutiny, a Sketch of the Natural History of the Biviera, and Life in an Oxford- shire Village. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1893, B 23 S 10 LOCKYER, Joseph Norman. The Dawn of Astronomy : a Study of the Temple- Worship and Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A i9 U 24 LODD, Prof. G. T. Psychology, Descriptive, and Ex- planatory. Eoy. 8vo. New York, 1894. G 15 S IS LODGE, Edmund. The Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire, 1893-91. 2 vols. Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1893-91. E LODGE, James Lee. Coffee, history, growth, &c. 12mo. Birm., 1894. A 19 E 4 LODGE, Eev. Samuel. Scrivelsby, the Home of the Champions. Eoy. 8vo. Horncastle, 1893. B 21 V 19 LOEWENTHAL,Dr.Eichard. Dyeing. [See Knecht. E.J A 11 E 28-30 LOFTIE, Eev. Wm. John. Inigo Jones and Wren; or, the Eise and Decline of Modern Architecture in England. 4to. Lond., 1893. A 19 V 6 LOFTUS, Et. Hon. Augustus Wm. Frederick Spencer, Baron. Diplomatic Eeminiscences of, 1862-79. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 14 V 17, 18 LOGAN, Alexander. Lays o' Hame an' Country. 12mo. Edinb. (n.d.) H 7 U 40 LOGAN, Wm. E. Portrait of. [See Eamsay, Sir A. C— Memoir of.] C 21 E 20 LOGIC of the Sabbath Controversy. 8vo. Melb., 1883. MG 1 T 32 LOGIEE, J. B. Logier's System of Science of Music, Harmony, and Practical Composition. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) A 7 V 25 LOMBEOSO, Prof. Ctesar, and FERRERO, Wm. The Female Offender ; with an Introduction by W. Douglas Morrison. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1895. F2 V5 LONDON, Chronicles of: Henry III to Edward III. [See Collectanea Adamantiea] J 18 R 18 LONDON" INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF MINING AND METALLURGY, 1890. Eeport of the Executive Commissioner of New South Wales. Eoy. 8vo. Sydney, 1891. MA 2 Q 59 LONDON STAGE, The. A Collection of the most re- puted Tragedies, Comedies, Operas, Melo-dramas, Farces, and Interludes. 4 vols. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) H 2 S 33-36 1. Adopted Child. The : a Musical Drama ; by S. Birch. Alexander the Great : a Tragedy ; by N. Lee. All the World 's a Stage : a Farce : by I. Jackman. Beggars' Opera, The : an Opera ; by J. Gay. Bold Stroke for a Husband : a Comedy ; by Mrs. Cent- livre. Castle Spectre, The : a Dramatic Romance ; by M. G. Lewis. Citizen, The : a Farce ; by A. Murphy. Clandestine Marriage, The : a Comedy ; by G. Colman and D. Garrick. Country Girl, The : a Comedy ; by D. Garrick. Critic, The : or, a Tragedy Rehearsed : a Dramatic Piece ; by R. B. Sheridan. Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-05. 161 LONDON STAGE, The— contd. Deaf and Dumb ; or. The Orphan Protected : an Historical Drama ; by T. Holcroft. Deserter, The : a Musical Drama ; by C. Dibdin. Devil to Pay, The ; or, The Wives Metamorphosed : a Ballad Farce ; by C. Coffey. Duenna, The : a Comic Opera; by R. B. Sheridan. Gamester, The : a Tragedy ; by E. Moore. High Life Below Stairs : a Farce ; by R«v. J. Townley. Honest Thieves, The : a Farce ; by T. Knight. Hypocrite, The : a Comedy ; by I. Bickerstaff. Inconstant. The : a Comedy ; by George Farquhar. Jealous Wife, The : a Comedy ; by G. Colman. Jew, The : a Comedy ; by R. Cumberland. Lionel and Clarissa : an Opera ; by I. Bickerstaff. Love in a Village : an Opera ; by I. Bickerstaff. Lying Valet, The : a Farce ; by D. Garrick. Maid of the Mill, The : an Opera ; by I. Bickerstaff. Man of the World, The : a Comedy ; by C. Macklin. Mayor of Garratt, The : a Farce ; by S. Foote. Midas : a Burletta ; by K. O'Hara. Midnight Hour, The : a Petite Comedy ; by Mrs. Inchbald Miser, The : a Comedy ; by H. Fielding. Padlock, The : a Comic Opera ; by I. Bickerstaff. Pizarro : a Tragedy ; by R. B. Sheridan. Quaker, The : a Comic Opera ; by C. Dibdin. Recruiting Officer, The : a Comedy : by G. Farquhar. Revenge, The : a Tragedy ; by E. Young. Rivals, The : a Comedy ; by R. B. Sheridan. I toad to Ruin, The : a Comedy ; by T. Holcroft. Rule a Wife and have a Wife : a Comedy ; by D. Garrick. She Stoops to Conquer : a Comedy ; by O. Goldsmith. Soldier's Daughter, The : a Comedy ; by A. Cherry. Such Things are : a Play ; by Mrs. Inchbald. Three Weeks after Marriage : a Comedy ; by A. Murphy Way to keep him. The : a Comedy ; by A. Murphy. West Indian, The : a Comedy ; by R. Cumberland. Wheel of Fortune, The : a Comedy ; by R. Cumberland. Who's the Dupe : a Farce ; by M> s. Cowley. 2. All in the Wrong : a Comedy ; by A. Murphy. Ardeu of Feversham : an Historical Tragedy ; by G. Lillo. Barbarossa : a Tragedy ; by. J. Brown. Beaux' Stratagem, The : a Comedy ; by G. Farquhar. Belle's Stratagem, The : a Comedy : by Mrs. Cowley. Brothers, The : a Comedy ; by R. Cumberland. Busybody, The : a Comedy ; by Mrs. Centlivre. Cato : a Tragedy ; by J. Addison. Chapter of Accidents, The : a Comedy ; by Miss Lee. Child of Nature : a Drama ; by Mrs. Inchbald. Comus : a Masque, altered from Milton. Conscious Lovers, The : a Comedy ; by Sir R. Steele. Constant Couple, The ; or a Trip to the Jubilee : a Comedy ; by G. Farquhar. Cross Purposes : a Farce ; by Mr. O'Brien. Doctor and the Apothecary, The : a Musical Entertain- ment ; by J. Cobb. Dragon of Wantley, The : a Burlesque Opera ; by H. Carey. Duke of Milan, The : a Tragedy ; by P. Massinger. Everyone has hi? Fault : a Comedy : by Mrs. Inchbald. Fair Penitent, The : a Tragedy ; by A. Rowe. Fashionable Lover, The : a Comedy ; by E. Cumberland. Follies of a Day, The : a Comedy ; by T. Holcroft. Fortune's Frolic : a Farce ; by J. T. Allingham. Good-natured Man, The : a Comedy ; by Dr. Goldsmith. Haunted Tower, The : a Comic Opera ; by J. Cobb. Isabella ; or, the Fatal Marriage : a Tragedy ; by T. Southern. Know your own Mind : a Comedy ; by A. Murphy. Liar, The : a Farce ; by S. Foote. Lord of the Manor, The : an Opera ; by C. Dibdin, jun. Lodoiska : a Melo-dramatic Opera ; by J. P. Kemble. Miss in her Teens ; or, the Medley of Lovers : a Farce ; by D. Garrick. Mock Doctor, The ; or, the Dumb Lady Cured ; by H. Fielding. New Way to Pay Old Debts, A : a Comedy ; by P. Mas- singer. Oroonoko : a Tragedy ; by T. Southern. -contd. a Tragedy ; by A. Murphy. LONDON STAGE, The- Orphan of China, The : Polly Honeycombe : a Dramatic Novel : by G. Colman, the Elder. Provoked Husband, The ; or, a Journey to London : a Comedy ; by Vanbrugh and Cibber. Rosina : an Opera ; by Mrs. Brooke. Suspicious Husband, The : a Comedy ; by Dr. Hoadly. Trip to Scarborough, A : a Comedy ; by R. B. Sheridan. Tobacconist, The : a Farce ; by F. Gentleman. Wedding Day, The : a Farce ; by Mrs. Inchbald. Which is the Man ? : a Comedy ; by Mrs. Cowley. Wives as they were, and Maids as they are : a Comedy; by Mrs. Inchbald. Wonder a Woman keeps a Secret, The : a Comedy ; by Mrs. Centlivre. 3. All for Love ; or, the World Well Lost : a Tragedy ; by J. Dryden. Better Late than Never : a Comedy ; by M. P. Andrews. Bold Stroke for a Husband, A : a Comedy ; by Mrs. Cowley. Bon Ton ; or, High Life Above Stairs : a Farce ; by D. Garrick. Careless Husband, The : a Comedy ; by C. Cibber. Chrononhotonthologos : a Burlesque Opera ; by H. Carey. Confederacy, The : a Comedy ; by Sir J. Vanbrugh. Count of Narbonne : a Tragedy : by 11. Jephson. Cymon : a Dramatic Romance ; by D. Garrick. Deaf Lover, The : a Farce ; by F. Pilon. Deserted Daughter : a Comedy ; by T. Holcroft. Deuce is in Him, The : a farce ; by G. Colmau, the Elder. Earl of Essex, 'I lie : a Tragedy ; by H. Jones. Earl of Warwick, The : a Tragedy ; by Dr. T. Franklin. Every Man in his Humour : a Comedy ; by D. Garrick. Fatal Curiosity : a Tragedy ; by G. Lillo. First Floor, The : a Farce ; by J. Cobb. First Love: a Comedy ; by R. Cumberland. Foundling, The ; a Comedy ; by E. Moore. Giovanni in London ; or, the Libertine Reclaimed : an Operatic Extravaganza ; by W. T. Moncrieff. Grecian Daughter, The : a Tragedy ; by A. Murphy. Guardian, The : a Comedy ; by D. Garrick. Gustavus Vasa ; or, the Deliverer of his Country : a Tragedy ; by H. Brooke. He would be a Soldier : a Comedy ; by F. Pilon. Heiress, The : a Comedy ; by Gen. Burgoyne. Hero and Leander : an Operatic Burletta ; by I. Jackman. Irish Widow, The : a Farce ; by D. Garrick. Lady Jane Grey : a Tragedy ; by N. Rowe. Love a la Mode : a Farce ; by C. Macklin. Love for Love : a Comedy ; by W. Congreve. Love makes a Man ; or, the Fop's Fortune : a Comedy ; by C. Cibber. Lovers' Quarrels ; or, Like Master Like Man : an Inter- lude ; by T. King. Lovers' Vows : a Play ; by Mrs. Inchbald. Maid of the Oaks, The : a Dramatic Entertainment ; by J. Burgoyne. Monsieur Tonson : a Farce ; by W. T. Moncrieff. Mysterious Husband : a Tragedy ; by R. Cumberland. Orphan, The ; or, the Unhappy Marriage : a Tragedy ; by T. Otway. Provoked Wife, The : a Comedy ; by Sir J. Vanbrugh. Recruiting Sergeant, The : a Musical Entertainment ; by I. Bickerstaff. Richard Cceur De Lion : an Historical Romance ; by Gen. Burgoyne. Roman Father, The : a Tragedy ; by W. Whitehead. She would and She would not ; or, the Kind Imposter : a Comedy ; by C. Cibber. Siege of Damascus, The : a Tragedy ; by J. Hughes. Stranger, The : a Drama ; by B. Thompson. Sultan, The ; or, a Peep into the Seraglio : a Farce ; by I. Bickerstaff. Tamerlane : a Tragedy ; by N. Rowe. Tender Husband, The : or, the Accomplished Fools : a Comedy ; by Sir R. Steele. Two Misers, The: a Musical Entertainment; by K. O'Hara. Two Strings to your Bow : a Farce ; by R, Jephson. 162 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. LONDON STAGE, The— contd. Virgin Unmasked, The : a Musical Farce ; by H. Fielding. Ways and Means : a Comedy ; by G. Colman, the Younger. 4. Abroad and at Home : a Comic Opera ; by J. G. Holman. Animal Magnetism : a Farce ; by Mrs. Inchbald. Appearance is against Them : a Farce. Bashful Man, The : a Comic Drama ; by W. T. Moncrieff. Braganza : a Tragedy ; by R. Jephson. Carmelite, The : a Tragedy ; by R. Cumberland. Castle of Sorrento : a Musical Entertainment ; by Henry Heartwell. Chances, The : a Comedy ; by D. Garrick. Cheats of Scapin, The : a Comedy ; by T. Otway. Contrivances, The : a Ballad Opera ; by H. Carey. Curfew, The : a Play ; by J. Tobin. Distrest Mother, The : a Tragedy ; by A. Philips. Double Dealer, The : a Comedy ; by VV. Congreve. Duplicity : a Comedy ; by T. Holcroft. Edward the Black Prince ; or, the Battle of Poictiers : an Historical Tragedy ; by W. Shirley. False Impressions : a Comedy ; by R. Cumberland. Farmer's Wife, The : a Comic Opera ; by Charles Dibdin, jun. He's Much to Blame : a Comedy ; by T. Holcroft. Law of Lombardy, The : a Tragedy ; by R. Jephson. Mahomet, the Imposter : a Tragedy ; by the Rev. Mr. Miller. Merchant of Bruges, The ; or, Beggar's Bush : a Play ; by D. Kinnaird. Miller of Mansfield, The : a Dramatic Entertainment ; by R. Dodsley. Mogul Tale, The ; or, the Descent of the Balloon : a Farce. Mourning Bride : a Tragedy ; by W. Congreve. My Spouse and I : an Operatic Farce ; by C. Dibdin, jun. Panel, The : a Comedy ; by J. P. Kemble. Paul and Virginia : a Musical Entertainment ; by J. Cobb. Purse, The ; or, the Benevolent Tar : a Musical Entertain- ment ; by J. C. Cross. Register Office, The : a Farce ; by J. Reed. Romp, The : a Comic Opera ; by I. Bickerstaff. School for Arrogance : a Comedy ; by T. Holcroft. School for Wives, The : a Comedy ; by H. Kelly. Seduction : a Comedy ; by T. Holcroft. Siege of Belgrade, The : a Comic Opera ; by J. Cobb. Tancred and Sigismunda : a Tragedy ; by J". Thomson. Thomas and Sally ; or, the Sailor's Return : a Musical Entertainment. Votary of Wealth, The : a Comedy ; by J. G. Holman. Waterman, The ; or, the First of August : a Ballad Opera ; by C. Dibdin. Way of the World, The : a Comedy ; by W. Congreve. What Next ? a Farce ; by T. Dibdin. Woodman, The : a Comic Opera ; by B. Dudley. Zara : a Tragedy ; by Aaron Hill. LONDON TJNIVEKSITY. Calendar, 1893-96. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893-95. E LONG, James. Dairy-farming : a Lecture. (Inst, of Agricult., Lond.) 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 18 E 28 Handbook for Farmers and Small Holders. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 18 E 24 LONG, W. H. War Medals. [See Carter, T.] B 7 E 17 LONGEELLOW, Henry Wadsworth. of. 12mo. Lond., 1851. Prose Works. 12mo. Poetical Works H10T9 Lond., 1851. J 12 S 24 Poemas Norte- Americanos de ; [translated into Spanish by Americo Lobo]. 8vo. Eio de Janeiro, 1887. H 10 Q 23 Hyperion: a Eomance. Illustrated. 8yo. Lond., 1853. J7S9 LONGFOED, John Walter. The Black Book : Under Lock and Key — Darlinghurst Gaol in 1849 and 1894. 8vo. Sydney, 1894. MF 4 E 58 LONGLEY, Et. Eev. Chas. Thos. (Archbishop of Canter- bury). Life of. [See Fowler, Eev. M. — Notable Archbishops.] C 13 V 12 LONGMAN, C. J., and WALEOND, Col. H. Archery. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 29 E 17 LONGMAN'S MAGAZINE. Vols. 4, 13-26. 8vo. Lond., 1884-95. E LONGMOEB, Surg.-Gen. Sir Thos. Gunshot Injuries i their History, Characteristic Features, Complications, and General Treatment. 2nd ed., illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 33 S 9 LOOFT, Dr. Carl. Leprosy. [See Hansen, Dr. G. A.] A 33 S 13 LOOMIS, Prof. Elias. Elements of Astronomy. 8vo. New York, 1889. A 3 S 40 LOPEZ, Thome. [See Eamusio, G. B. — Navigationi et Viaggi.] D 36 T 5-7 t LOED, E. P. G., and EUSH, J. and W. The Veterinary Vade Mecum. 8vo. Lond., 1875. A 18 S 40 LOEING, Arthur H. Political and Miscellaneous Papers and Addresses of Lord Brassey. [See Brassey, Lord.] F2 V 14 LOETET, L., et VIALLETON, L. Etude sur le Bilharzia Haematobia et la Bilharziose. 8vo. Paris, 1894. A 33 TJ 23 LOSSING, Dr. Benson John. Harpers' Popular Cyclo- paedia of United States History, from the Aboriginal Period. Eevised ed., illustrated. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. New York, 1893. B 17 U 11, 12 LOTTO, Lorenzo. An Essay in Art Criticism ; by B. Berenson. 8vo. New York, 1895. C 21 E 12 LOTZE, Hermann. Mikrokosmus: Ideen zur Naturges- chichte und Geschichte der Menschheit. 3 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1884-88. G 15 P 23-25 LOUGHEAN, Edward Booth. 'Neath Austral Skies: Poems. 8vo. Melb., 1894. MH 1 U 21 LOUIS XIV, King of France. Life and Times of; by G. P. E. James. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1851. B 26 E 12, 13 Louis XIV and the zenith of the French Monarchy ; by A. Hassall. 8vo. New York, 1895. B 16 E 19 LOUIS, Henry. Hand-book of Gold Milling. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 24 Q 22 LOUISE, of Prussia. [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L.— Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 163 L( LOUISIANA. [A Hand-book.] 8vo. New Orleans, 1888. D15T18 South-west Louisiana. [A Hand-book.] 8vo. Chicago, 1893. D15T18 Some late words about. 8vo. New Orleans, 1891. D 15 T 18 LOVAT, Simon Fraser, Lord. Life of, 1667-1747 ; by J. W.Allen. (Lives of Twelve Bad Men.) 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 18 T 9 LOVE, E. F. J. Observations with Kater's Invariable Pendulums, Sydney, 1894 ; with an Appendix on the stability of the Pendulum Stand. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Victoria, n.s. vol 7.) 8vo. Melb., 1895. ME 1 P Eeport of the Gravity Survey Committee of the Royal Society of Victoria. (Proceedings Roy. Soc, Victoria, n.s. vol. 6.) 8vo. Melb., 1894. ME 1 P Value of Gravity at the Sydney Observatory. (Journal Roy. Soc, N.S.W., 28.) 8vo. Sydney, 1894. ME I R LOVELESS, George. The Victims of Whiggery j being a statement of the Persecutions experienced by the Dorchester Labourers ; also, Reflections upon the present system of Transportation, with an account of Van Dieman's Land. 8vo. Lond., 1837. MF 2 P 48 LOVETT, Richard. Diaries, Letters, and Reports of James Gilmour. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 15 P 38 LOVETT, Wm. Portrait of. [See Gammage, R. G.— Chartist Movement.] F 7 R 24 LOW, Lieut. Chas. Rathbone. History of the Indian Navy, 1613-1863. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1877. B 29 T 4, 5 LOW, Sampson, & Co. English Catalogue of Books for 1892-94. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893-95. Libr. English Catalogue of Books. Index of Subjects. Vol. 4, 1881-89. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893. Libr. LOW, Will H. Some Artists at the Fair. [See Chicago Exhibition, 1893.] A 23 U 21 LOWE, Charles. Great War of 189-. [See Great War of 189-.] J 2 Q 21 [Life of] Alexander III of Russia. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 21 P 12 [Life of] Prince Bismarck. 12mo. Lond., 1895. C 21 P 17 LOWE, Edward Joseph. Fern-growing : Fifty Tears' Experience in Crossing and Cultivation. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 22 V 1 LOWE, Dr. John. Medical Missions, their place and power. 8vo. Edinb., 1895. G 3 P 25 LOWE, Rt. Hon. Robt. [See Sherbrooke, Viscount.] LOWE, Solomon. Mnemonics delineated. [See Grey, Dr. R.] G 19 P 22 LOWE- WARREN, J. [See Warren, J. L-.] LOWELL, James Russell. A Conversation with ; with Portrait. [See Blathwayt, R.— Interviews.] J 10 TJ 34 Address on. [See Curtis, G. W.] F 14 U 3 The English Poets ; Lessing ; Rousseau : Essays. 12mo. Lond., 1888. J 6 P 10 Letters of. Edited by C. E. Norton. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1894. C 17 S 11, 12 The Old English Dramatists. 8vo. Lond., 1892. C 13 P 19 Recollections and Appreciations of ; by F. H. Under- wood. 12mo. Lond., 1893. C 13 Q 23 Selections from. [See Harlin, T.] MJ 1 U 24 LOWELL, Percival. Occult Japan. 8vo. Boston, 1895. G3P23 LOWER, Oswald B. New Australian Meterocera. (Trans. • Roy. Soc, S. Australia, 17, 18.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1894-95. ME 1 S New Australian Lepidoptera. (Trans. Roy. Soc, S. Australia, 17.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1893. ME 1 S On Australian Rhopalocera. (Trans. Roy. Soc, f. Aus- tralia, 18.) 8vo\ Adelaide, 1894. ME 1 S South Australian Rhopalocera. (Trans. Roy. Soc, S. Australia, 17.) 8vo. Adelaide," 1893. ME 1 S LOWRY, Rev. S. C. The Work of the Holy Spirit. 12mo. Lond., 1895. G 3 P 33 LOWTH, G. T. Around the Kremlin; or, Pictures of Life in Moscow. 8vo. Lond., 1868. D 19 R I LO WY, Bella. The Russian Jews. [See Errera, L.] B 31 T 10 LOYAU, George E. Notable South Australians; or, Colonists, past and present. 12mo. Adelaide, 1885. MC 1 P 56 LOYSON, Rev. Charles. Peace : an Address ; by the " Rev. Father Hyacinthe." 8vo. Lond., 1870. F 12 P 13 LUBBOCK, Gertrude. Some Poor Relief Questions. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 8 U 51 LUBBOCK, Rt. Hon. Sir John. The Beauties of Nature and the Wonders of the World we live in. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 16 P 16 The Use of Life. 12mo. Lond., 1894. G 18 P 14 LUCANUS, Marcus Annams. Pharsalia ; sive De Bello Civili, libri decern. 18mo. Lond., 1S15. H 10 U 5 LUCAS, A. H. S., and FROST, C. The Lizards indi- genous to Victoria (Proceedings Royal Society, Vic- toria, n.s., 6.) 8vo. Lond., 1894. ME 1 P New species of Lizards from Central Australia. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Vict., n.s., 7.) 8vo. Melb., 1895. ME 1 P 164 Supplementary Catalogtie — 1893-95. LTJCAS, Chas. Prestwood. Essay on the Government of Dependencies. [See Lewis, Sir G. C] F 8 P 31 Historical Geography of the British Colonies. Vol. 3. 8vo. Oxford, 1891. D 11 S 15 LUCAS, John. Paper and Letters upon the Sydney Water Supply. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1876. MA 3 V 32 LTJCAS, E. B. On the British Standards. (Trans. Eoy. Soc, S. Australia, 9.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1887. ME 1 S LUCAS, Samuel. Biography and Criticism. 12mo. Lond., I860. J 12 S 7 Eminent Men and Popular Books. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1860. J 12 S 25 The Sandwich Islands : a Prize Poem. 12mo. Oxford, 1841. MH 1 U 67 LUCAS, Dr. Thos. P. My Hospital Campaign ; or, Eeasons against prescribing indiscriminately alcoholic beverages for the sick. 8vo. Melb., 1883. MA 3 T 18 New species of Queensland Butterflies. (Proc. Eoy. Soc, Queensland, 6.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1889. ME 1 T Six new species of Bhopalocera. (Proc. Eoy. Soc. Queensland, 6, 7.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1889-91. ME 1 T On thirty -four new species of Australian Lepidoptera. (Proc. Eoy. Soc, Queensland, 8.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1892. ME IT LUCY, Henry W. Diary of the Salisbury Parliament, 1886-92. 8vo. Lond., 1892. B 7 Q 35 W. E. Gladstone, a Study from Life. Lond., 1895. C2E37 LUDLOW, Lieut.-Gen. Edmund. Memoirs of, 1625-72. Edited by C. H. Firth. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1894. C 17 S 8, 9 LUDWIG, Dr. H. Echinodermen. [See Bronn, Dr. G. H.— Their-Eeichs, Band 2, Ab. 3.] E LUFF, Dr. Arthur P. Text-book of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 2 V 12, 13 LUFFMANN, C. Bogue. A Vagabond in Spain. 8vo. 1895. D 18 R 27 LUGAED, Capt. Frederick D. Eise of our East African Empire : Earlv Efforts in Nyasaland and Uganda. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1893. D 14 T 7, 8 LUKIS, Eev. Wm. C. Account of Church Bells; with some notices of Wiltshire Bells and Bell-founders. 8vo. Lond., 1857. B 21 T 15 LUMBY, Eev. Dr. Joseph E. St. Peter. [See Expositor's Bible.] G 19 E and S LUMMIS, Chas. F. The Land of Poco Tiempo. 8vo. Lond., 1893. D 14 T 4 The Man who married the Moon, and other Pueblo Indian Folk-stories. 8vo. New York, 1894. J10E2 The Spanish Pioneers. Illustrated. 8vo. Chicago, 1893. B 18 Q 7 LUMMIS-PATEESON, G. W. [See Paterson, G. W. Lummis-.] LUPLAU, Wm. The Sebastopol Plateau, being a section of the Ballarat Gold-field proper. 8vo. Ballarat, 1887. MA 2 V 51 LUECY, Capt. Gabriel Lafond de. Quelques Semaines dans FArehipel de Samoa, les lies deB Navigateurs de Lapey rouse. 8vo. Paris, 1845. MD 8 E 18 LUEZ, Dr. Albin. Aphorisms of Electricity in Medical Science. 8vo. Melb., 1886. MA 3 S 42 On combined EJectric and Eubbing Treatment (Massage) in Nervous, Bheumatic, and Joint Affections. 8vo. Melb., 1889. MA 2 S 61 LUS1TANIA LUCIFER, The: an Illustrated Journal, written on board the s.8. Lusitania while on her passage from London to Melbourne, 1S78-79. 8vo. Melb., 1879. MJ 3 Q 13 LUTHEE Martin, his History to the Diet of Worms. [See Bettany, G. T. — Popular History of theEeforma- tion.] G 14 Q 33 Address on. [See Brooks, Et. Eev. P.] J 6 S 38 LUTWYCHE, Alfred J. P. Narrative of the Wreck of the Meridian on the Island of Amsterdam. 12mo. Sydney, 1854. MD 2 W 26 LYALL, Sir Alfred Comyns. The Eise of the British Dominion in India. 8vo. Lond., 1893. B 29 Q 10 LYDE, Lionel W. Commercial Geography of the British Empire. 12mo. Lond., 1894. D 14 P 4 LYDEKKEE, Eichard. Hand-book to the Carnivora. Part 1. Cats, Civets, and Mungooses. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 28 P 27 Hand-book to the Marsupialia and Monotremata. (Allen's Naturalist's Librarv.) 8vo. Lond., 1894. MA3U1 Indian Tertiary and Post-Tertiary Vertebrata ; Siwalik Mammalia ; the Fauna of the Karnul Caves ; Eocene Chelonia from the Salt Eange. [See India, Geological Survey, ser. 10, vol. 4.] E The Eoyal Natural History. Vols. 1—4. Illustrated. Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1893-95. A 28 V 21-24 LYELL, Sir Charles, and Modern Geology; by Dr. T. G Bonney. 12mo. Lond., 1895. C 19 V 9 Principles of Geology. 9th ed., illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1853. A 20 T 15 LYMAN, Dr. Henry Munson. Artificial Anaesthesia and Anaesthetics. 8vo. Lond., 1883. A 26 T 16 LYMAN, Theodore. Ophiuroidea. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J. — Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger —Zoology, 5.] A 6 1 LYNCH, Arthur. A Koran of Love, the Caliph, and other Poems. 32mo. Lond. (n.d.) H 10 T 18 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 165 I LYNCH, Rev. Monsignor J. T. Letters on the Education Bill of New South Wales, 1880. 8vo. Sydney, 1880. MG2 S3 LYNDHURST, Lord. Sketch of. [See Bagehot, W.— Biographical Studies.] C 22 P 10 LYNN,Wm.T. Remarkable Comets. 12mo. Lond., 1893. A 19 P 27 Brief Lessons in Astronomy. 16mo. Lond., 1892. A 19 P 26 LYONS, Joseph A. Dramatic Reader. The American Elocutionist and 7th edition. 8vo. Philad. (n.d.) J4R4 LYSIAS. Funeral Orations in Praise of Military Men. [See Broadhurst, Rev. T.] G 1 R 30 LYSONS, Gen. Sir Daniel. The Crimean "War from first to last. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 31 S 4 LYTTELTON, Hon. Alfred. The Law of Trade Combi- nations. (A Policy of Free Exchange.) 8vo. Lond., 1894. E 14 S 26 LYTTON, Sir Edward G. E. L. Bulwer, Baron. Works of ; Schiller and Horace translated. 8vo. Lond., 1875. H9TT1 Criticisms of the Works of. [See Senior, N. W. — Essays on Eiction.] J 6 S 40 M M., A. [See Ayame-San.] M., D. [See Mary : a Tale, &c] M.E.R. [See Jusserand, J. J.] M., J. K. [See Mary Ira, The.] J4TJ14 MH 1 S 71 MD 1 Q 32 M., W. [See Employers, Servants, and Registry Offices.] ME1 P77 MACALISTER, Capt. Norman. Historical Memoir relative to Prince of Wales Island. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1803. MD 6 V 2 Best Eorage Plants. [See A 36 T 4 X McALPINE, Prof. A. N. Stebler, Dr. E. G.] McALPINE, D. Report on Rust in Wheat experiments, 1892-93. 8vo. Melb., 1894. MA 1 U 56 Systematic arrangement of Australian Eungi, together with host-index and list of works on the subject. 4 to. Melb., 1895. MA 2 R 45 Australian Eungi. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Victoria, n.s., 7.) 8vo. Melb., 1895. ME 1 P and HILL, W. H. F. Entomogenous Eungi of Victoria. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Vict., n.s., 7.) 8vo. Melb., 1895. ME 1 P McALPINE, D., and McALPINE, A. N. Biological Atlas ; a Guide to the Practical Study of Plants and Animals ; with accompanying Text, containing Arrangement and Explanation, Equivalent Terms, Glossary, and Classification. 4to. Edinb., 1881. A5R21 t and TEFPER, J. G. O. New Australian Stone- making Fungus. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Victoria, n.s., 7.) 8vo. Melb., 1895. ME 1 P Mac ART HUE, Dr. A. Biography of the English Lan- guage. 8vo. Washington, 1893. J 8 T 28 McARTHUR, Ellen A. Outlines of English Industrial History. [See Cunningham, Rev. Dr. W.] F 2 U 38 MACARTNEY, Very Rev. Hussey Burgh. Education in Victoria for the Future : a Lecture delivered at the Mechanics' Institute on the 1st Oct., 1*60. 8vo. Melb., 1860. MJ 3 Q 15 State Aid to Religion and Education. 8vo. Melb., 1856. MG 2 Q 22 MACARTNEY, Wm Ellison. A Plea for the Union. [See Subjects of the Day, 3.] F 7 U 28 MACAULAY, Thos. Babington, Lord. Essay on Lord Clive ; with Notes, &c, by J. M. Taylor. 12mo. Sydney, 1865. MJ 3 P 21 Lays of Ancient Rome ; with Ivry and the Armada. New ed. 12mo. Lond., I860. H 9 Q 18 Anecdotes of his Life and Literary Labours; with some Account of his early and unknown Writings. 12mo. Lond., 1860. C 17 P 8 Essay on. [See Bagehot, W. — Literary Studies.] J 9 P 22-24 Sketch of. [See Bagehot, W. — Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen.] J 10 V 32 Selections from. [See Harlin, T.] MJ 1 U 24. McCAFFREY", Frank. The Chemistry of Cheese-making. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MA 1 Q 68 Cheese-making. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MA 1 Q 68 Practical Dairying. [See Dowling, J. P.] MA 1 8 43 and GUTHRIE, F. B. Experiments with Bab- cock's Milk-tester. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MA 1 Q 68 MacCALLUM, Prof. Mungo W. Tennyson's Idylls of the King and Arthurian Story from the 16th Century. 12mo. Glasgow, 1894. H 8 Q 29 McCANDLISH, John M. Ryley, G. B.] Scotland's Free Church. [See G 13 P 37 MacCARTHY, Rev. Dr. B. Annals of Ulster. [See Great Britain and Ireland. — Record Commissioners' Publications.] B 30 V 18 MacCARTHY, Rev. E. F. M. Western State Education. [See Subjects of the Day, 1.] G 18 S 18 Notes on Education in Canada and Australia. [See Subjects of the Day, 1.] G 18 S 18 16(i Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. MCCARTHY, Justin. Irish Statesmen and Self-Govem- ment. [See Subjects of the Day, 3.] F 7 U 28 MacCARTHY, Major E. H. Defence of North-western Provinces of India. [See United Service Inst.] MA 2 V 38 MacCARTIE, Justin Charles. The Darleys of Dingo Dingo ; a modern Australian Story. 8vo. Lond., 1895. MJ 3 Q 27 McCAETHY, L. P. The Statistician and Economist, 1893-94. 2 vols. 8vo. San Francisco, 1893-94. E M'CAW, M. Cheese-making: being a Practical Explana- tion^ the Cheddar System. 8vo. Melb., 1871. MA 3 S 60 M'CAY, Eev. A. E. Boyd. Marriage with a Deceased Wife's Sister scripturally unlawful. 8vo. Melb., 1874. MF 2 Q 38 McCLELLAN, Dr. George. Eegional Anatomy in its relation to Medicine and Surgery. 2 vols. sm. 4to. Edinb ., 1891-92. A 12 T 17, 18 f McCLELLAND, James. Social Science and Social Schemes. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 14 E 21 McCLINTOCK, Sir Francis Leopold. Meteorological Observations in the Arctic Seas, 1857-59. 4to. Wash , 18(51. A 15 Q 16 t McCLUEE, M. L. Dawn of Civilization. [See Maspero, G-] B 17 U 15 McCLTJRE'S MAGAZINE. Vols. 2-6. 8vo. New York, 1893-96. E MacCOLL, D. S. Greek Yase Paintings. [See Harrison, J. E.] A 6 P 2 % McCOOK, Eev. Dr. Henry Christopher. Tenants of an Old Farm : Leaves from the Note-book of a Natualist. 6th ed, illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 27 Q 42 McCONNELL, Primrose. Note-book of Agricultural Facts and Figures for Farmers and Farm Sludents. oth ed. 18mo. Lond., 1894. A 18 P 8 McCOEMACK, Thos. J. Mechanics. [See Mach, Dr. E.] A 25 8 24 M'COEMICK, A. D. The Alps from end to end. [See Conway, Sir W. M.] D 18 V 20 McCORMICK, Cyrus Hall. Sketch of. [See Hubert, P. G.— Inventors.] C 17 E 3 McCOEMICK, P. D. A Temperance Tale for Boys. 12mo. Sydney, 1894. MJ 3 P 9 MACCEACKAN, W. D. Eise of the Swiss Eepublic: a History. 8vo. Boston, 1892. B 25 T 13 Swiss Solutions of American Problems. 8vo. Boston, 1894. F 8 U 37 McCREATH, Andrew S. Mineral Wealth of Virginia. 8vo. Harrisburgh, Pa., 1884. A 24 U 32 M'CRIE, Rev. Charles Greig. The Public Worship of Presbyterian Scotland, historically treated. 8vo. Edinb., 1892. G 2 Q 33 McOHLLOCH, Rev. C. The Outlook. (Divinity Hall Record.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1879. ME 15 Q Religion and Science. (Divinity Hall Record.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1 879. ME 15 Q McCULLOCH, sir James. The Ministerial Policy. 8vo. Melb., 1877. MJ 3 Q 16 McCULLOCH, J. H. London in 1850-51. 12mo. Lond., 1851. D19P5 McCULLOCH, R. W. Coffee-growing, and its preparation for Market. 8vo. Brisbane, 1893. MA 1 Q 69 Sericulture. 8vo. Brisbane, 1893. MA 1 Q 63 M'CULLOUCB, John. [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L— Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 MACCUNN, Florence A. [Life of] John Knox. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 19 V 4 MACCUNN, Prof. John. Ethics of Citizenship. 12mo. Glasgow, 1894. F 6 T 38 McCURDY, Dr. James Frederick. History, Prophecy, and the Monuments. Vol. 1, to the Downfall of Samaria. 8vo. New York, 1894. B 27 V 18 M'CURE, John Bunyan. My Log-book ; or, a Voyage from Australia to England in 1867 in the Great Britain. (Pam.) 8vo. Sydney, 1867. MG 1 Q 53 McDERMOTT, P. L. British East Africa or Ibea : a History of the Formation and work of the Imperial British East Africa Company. 8vo. Lond., 1893. B 16 R 9 MACDONALD, A. Abnormal Man. [See United States Bureau of Educat.] F 14 T 15 MACDONALD, A. C. Adelaide to Blanchewater. (Roy. Geog. Soc. Australasia, Vic. Branch, 6.) 8vo. Melb., 1889. ME 20 Notes on the Early Discovery of Australia. (Roy. Geog. Soc. Australasia, Vic. Branch, 1885-86.) 8vo. Melb., 1886. ME 20 MACDONALD, A. Fraser-. Our Oceau Railways ; or, the Rise, Progress, and Development of Ocean Steam Navigation. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 19 R 1 MACDONALD, Rev. Alexander Hugh. A paper on Santo, New Hebrides. (Roy. Geog. Soc. Australasia, Vic. Branch, 9.) 8vo. Melb., 1.891. ME 20 Supplementary Catalogue — 1 893-95 . 167 MACDONALD, Rev. D. Asiatic Origin of the Oceanic Languages : Etymological Dictionary of the Language of Efate (New Hebrides). 8vo. Melb., 1894. MK2Q2 The Historical and Commercial Aspects of the New Hebrides. (Roy. Geog. Soc. Australasia, Vic. Branch, 6.) 8vo. Melb., 1889. ME 20 The Labour Traffic versus Christianity in the South Sea Islands. 12mo. Melb., 1878. MO 2 R 37 The Oceanic Languages Shemitic : a Discovery. (Roy. Soc. Vict., 19.) 8vo. Melb., 1883. ME 1 P MACDONALD, Capt. D. Narrative of the Early Life and Services of. 3rd. ed. 8vo. "Weymouth (n.d.) C 15 P 19 McDONALD, Donald. Sweet-scented Flowers and » Fragrant Leaves. Hlustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 20 Q 15 MACDONALD, J. M. Mineralogy. (Divinity Hall Record.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1879. ME 15 Q MACDONALD, Rev. J. Middleton. Thunderbolt: an Australian Story. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) MJ 2 T 40 M'DONALD, Rev. John. Pamphlet on "The Paraphrases." 8vo. Sydney, 1887. MG 1 R 75 MACDONALD, Rt. Hon. Sir John Alexander. Memoirs of ; by J. Pope. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 21 S 14, 15 MACDONALD, John Graham. Journal of, on an Expedi- tion from Port Denison to the Gulf of Carpentaria and back. 12mo. Brisbane, 1865. MD 2 P 3 MACDONALD, W. Liturgies, Ac, of the Ante-Nicene Period. [See Liturgies.] G 14 TJ 24 MACDONALD, W. A. Science and Ethics. 12mo. Lond., 1895. F8T8 MacDONELL, Annie. [Criticism of the Works of] Thomas Hardy. 12mo. Lond., 1894. J 7 P 30 MACDONELL, John. State Trials. [See Great Britain and Ireland.] F 3 T 4-9 MACDONNELL, Rev. G. A. Knights and Kings of Chess. 12mo. Lond., 1894. A 29 S 13 M'DOUALL, Dr. Peter Murray. Portrait of. [See Gammage, R. G. — Chartist Movement.] E 7 R 24 McDOUGALL, Mrs. Harriett. Letters from Sarawak : an Account of the Manners, Customs, and Religion of the Inhabitants of Borneo. 12mo. Lond., 1854. D 17 P 29 MACE, Mrs. Thrift and Social Intercourse. [See Knapp, J. M. — The Universities and the Social Problem.] F 8 17 22 MACEDO, Dr. Joaquim Teixeira de. O Ensino Normal Primario na Prussia. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1875. G 17 R 26 Breves Apontamentos para o Estudo das Questoes re- lativas as Ensino Normal Primario. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1876. G 17 R 28 MacEWEN, Rev. Dr. Alexander R. Life and Letters of Rev. Dr. John Cairns. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 22 R 1 MacEA DDEN, C. K., and RAT, W. D. Dynamo Electric Machinery. 18mo. Chicago, 1894. A 21 P 45 McFALL, Capt. Crawford. With the Zhob Field Force, 1890. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. D 18 V 18 McFARLANE, Rev. Dr. Samu«l. Among the Cannibals of New Guinea. 12mo. Lond., 1888. MD 7 T 61 MACPARLANE, W., & CO. Illustrated Catalogue of Castings. 6th ed. 2 vols. fol. Glasgow (n.d.) A 29 Q 17, 18 t McFERRAN, James. Royal Yachts and English Yacht Clubs. [See Sullivan, Sir E.— Yachting.] A 29 Q 41 MACFIE, Matthew. Cardinal Dogmas of Calvinism. [See Religious Pamphlets, 1.] G 9 V 16 MACFIE, R. A. Colonial Questions pressing for imme- diate solution in the interest of the Nation and the Empire. 8vo. Lond., 1871. MF 4 Q 8 MACGAHAN, Januarius A. The Turkish Atrocities in Bulgaria. 8vo. Lond., 1876. B 25 R 12 MACGEORGE, G. W. Ways and Works in India : being an Account of the Public Works in that country from the earliest times to the present day ; with Map and Illustrations. 8vo. Lond., 1894. ' A 22 R 24 McGILLIVRAY, M. The Commerce of New Hebrides- Planting and Trading. (Roy. Geog. Soc. Australasia, Vic. Branch, 9.) 8vo. Melb., 1891. ME 20 MacGILLIVRAY, Dr. P. H. Australian species of Amathia. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Vict., n.s., vol. 7.) 8vo. Melb., 1895. ME 1 P On two new genera of Polyzoa. (Roy. Soc , Vict., 17— 22.) 6 parts. 8vo. Melb., 1881-86. ME 1 P On some new species of Catenicella and Dictyopora; and. on Ureeolipora, a new genus of Polyzoa. (Roy. Soc, Vict., 17.) 8vo. Melb., 1881. ME 1 P JCotes on the Reproduction of the Ornithorhynchus. (Roy. Soc, Vict., 21.) 8vo. Melb., 1885. ME 1 P M ACGREGOR, Dr. John. Toil and Travel ; being a true story of roving and ranging when on a voyage home- ward bound round the world. 8vo. Lond., 1892. D 10 S 35 MACGREGOR, John, " Rob Roy." [Life of] ; by E. Hodder. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 15 PIS 168 Supplemen tary Catalogue — 1893-95. MacGEEGOE, Samuel. Observations on extinct Vol- canoes. (Proc. Eoy. Soc, Queensland, 10.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1893. ME 1 T MACGEEGOE, Sir Win. Handbook of Information for Intending Settlers in British New Guinea, 8vo. Brisb., 1892. MD 5 E 46 MACH, E. Handbuch der Weinbaues, &c. [See Babo, A. von.] A 18 U 16, 17 MACH, Dr. Ernst. The Science of Mechanics. Trans- lated from the 2nd German edition by T. J. McCormack. Illustrated. 8vo. Chicago, 1893. A 25 S 24 MacHUGH, Alfred. Bills of Sale. 8vo. Melb., 1895. MF 3 T 53 Insolvency Act, 1890. [See Duffy, F. G.] MF 2 E 50 McILVAIN 1 , Eev. J. Wm. Early Presbyterian ism in Maryland. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 8.) 8vo. Baltimore, 189l>. B 18 S 8 McILWAINE, Dr. Henry E, Struggle of Protestant Dissenters for Eeligious Toleration in Virginia. (Johns Hopkins TJniv, Studies, 12.) Eoy. 8vo. Baltimore, 1894. B 18 S 12 MacINNES, Eev. George. The Death of the Verbal Theory and the Unveiling of Christ ; or, the Bible a " Sufficient Witness " to the " Self-evidencing Christ." 8vo. Sydney, 1894. MG 1 Q 48 M'INTOSH, Prof. Wm. C. Annelida Polychasta ; Cephalodiscus Dodecalophus ; Phoronis Buskii, n. sp. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J. — Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger.'] A 6 f McINTYEE, A. G. The Plebiscite historically considered. 8vo. Melb., 1880. MF 4 E 41 MACINTYRE, Maj,-Gen. Donald. Ilindu-Koh : Wander- ings and Wild Sport on and bevond the Himalayas. Illustrated. Eoy. 8vo. Edinb., 1889. D 17 V 14 McINTYRE, Eev. Wm. Faith, its Nature and the Warrant and Motive to exercise it. 18mo. Sydney, 1869. MG 2 P 51 Union of the Presbyterian Church of Eastern Australia in erecting a Presbyterian College within the University of Sydney. 12mo. Sydney, 1857. MG 1 E 24 The Heathenism of Popery proved and illustrated : a Lecture. 8vo. Maitland, 1860. MG 1 E 23 McINTYEE, Wm. D. Legal Tables, Memoranda, and Precedents. 32mo. Sydney, 1893. Libr. , and CUELEWIS, H. E. Statutes (England- New South Wales), Comparative Tables. 8vo. Sydney, 189 L MF3P60 MacIVOE, Clarence. The History and Development of Sheep Farming. 8vo. Sydney, 1893* MA 1 E 37 MACKAIL, John Wm. Latin Literature. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 12 Q 19 MACKAY, A. H. Eeport on the Public Schools of Nova Scotia, 1892. 8vo. Halifax, 1893. E MACKAY, Angus. Bee-keeping as a business in Aus- tralia. Illustrated. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MA 3 U 17 Grazing, Farm, and Garden Soils of New South Wales ; with quantitative analyses, bv W. A. Dixon. 12mo. Sydney, 1888. MA 1 P 67 Steam : its Properties and Uses. (Divinity Hall Eecord.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1879. ME 15 Q MACKAY, Dr. C. The Mormons or Latter Day Saints ; with Memoirs of the Life and Death of Joseph Smith, the '' American Mahomet." 8vo. Loud., 1852. G15 P28 Poetical Works of. 12mo. Lond., 1857. H 10 T 7 MACKAY, Capt. John. Discovery of the Pioneer River, and Early Settlement of Mackay, Queensland. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Q. Branch, 3.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1888. ME 20 P Tucopia. (Eoy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Q. Branch.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1887. ME 20 P MACKAY, M. Speech in the Synod of Eastern Australia, relative to the erection of a Presbyterian College in connection with the University of Sydney. 8vo. Sydney, 1857. MG 1 E 25 MACKAY, Eobt. Wm. The Eternal Gospel. [See Ee- ligious Pamphlets, 1.] G 9 V 16 MACKAY, Thos. Manual of Grasses and Forage Plants useful to New Zealand. Pt. 1. Eoy. 8vo. Welling- ton, 1887. MA 1 S 40 MACKAY, Thos. A Policy of Free Exchange: Essays by various writers on the economical and social aspects of free exchange and kindred subjects. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 14 S 26 The Interest of the Working Class in Free Exchange. (A Policy of Free Exchange.) 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 14 S 26 M'KEAN, James. Act to amend the Law relating to Divorce and Matrimonial Causes. 8vo. Melb., 1861. MF 4 E 13 Eeal Property Act of Victoria, 1862. 8vo. Melb., 1S62. MF 4 Q 13 M'KEAN, Kate. Social Science. [See Carey, Dr. II. C] F 14 Ell M'KEAN, Eev. Thos. S. Memoirs of; by Eev. Joseph A. Miller. 12mo. Lond., 1847. MC 1 P 47 Supplementary Catalogue— -1893-95. 169 McKELLAE, Campbell, "Hilarion." Greece, her Hopes and Troubles. 8vo. Glasgow, 1895. MB 2 P 55 Griifin Einsky, and otber Tales. 12mo. Lond., 1892. MJ 2 T 48 A Jersey Witch. 12mo. Lond., 1S92. MJ 2 T 50 Lothair's Children. 12mo. Lond., 1890. MJ 2 T 51 The Old Stradivari, and other Dramatic Sketches. 8vo. Lond., 1894. Mil 1 V 1 Prince Maurice of Statland ; by " H.E.II." 12mo. Lond., 1890. MJ 2 T 49 MACKELLAE, Dr. Charles Kinnaird. Federal Qua- rantine. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MA 2 S CO M'KENDEICK, Prof. John Gray, and SNODGEASS, ¥m. Physiology of the Senses. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 2b' Q 14 McKENNIE, Dr. M. Alcoholic Liquors. [See Duplais, P.] A 25 V 23 McKENZIE, Fred. A. Sober by Act of Parliament. 12mo. Lond., 1894. E 7 V 2 MACKENZIE, John S. Introduction to Social Philo- sophy. 8vo. Glasgow, 1890. E 14 T 42 MACKENZIE, Sir Morell. Physician and Operator: a Memoir ; by Eev. H. E. Haweis. Svo. Lond., 1893. C 16 Ell MACKENZIE, Eev. P. Ealconer. In Memoriam of John Dunmore Lang. [See Lang, Eev. Dr. J. D.] MG 2 S 8 MACKENZIE, Capt. T. A., EWAET, Lieut. J. S., and EINDLAY, Lieut. C. Historical Eecords of the 79th Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders. [Illustrated.] 8vo. Lond., 1887. B 22 E 5 MACKILLOP, Eev. Donald. Aboriginal Tribes of the Daly Fiver. (Trans. Eoy. Soc, S. Australia, 17.) Svo. Adelaide, 1893. ME 1 P MACKIN, Charles T. Constitutional Origin of Nervous Disorders. 12mo. Melb., 1875. MA 2 P 80 MACKINLAY, Major G. Text-book of Gunnery, 1887. Eoy. Svo. Lond., 1887. A 29 V 16 Gunnery Tables. Eoy. Svo. Lond., 1887. A 29 V 17 MACKINLAY, James M. Eolk-lore of Scottish Lochs and Springs. 8vo. Glasgow, 1893. B 32 T 8 McKINNEY, Hugh Griffen. Irrigation. (Dept. of Agriculture, N.S.W., The National Prize Competition, 1892.— Eeport of the Judge.) 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MA 1 Q 04 Progress and Position of Irrigation in New South Wales. (Journal Eoy. Soc, N.S.W., 27.) 8vo. Sydnev, 1893. M'E 1 E , and WAED, E. W. Eeport on utilisation of the Eiver Darling. Eol. Sydney, 1893. MA 10 P 50 t MACKINNON, Hamilton. Selected Works of Marcus Clarke. [See Clarke, M.] MJ 2 S 14 MACKINTOSH, Sir James. Miscellaneous Works of. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1851. J 6 T 4 MACKINTOSH, Mary. Catholic Socialism. [See Nitli, F. S.] F 11 U 17 MACKINTOSH, Eev. Dr. Wm. The Natural History of the Christian Eeligion : being a study of the doctrine of Jesus as developed from Judaism and converted into dogma. 8vo. Glasgow, 1894. G 13 P 40 MACKLIN, Charles. Love a la Mode : a Farce. [See London Stage, 3.] II 2 S 35 The Man of the World : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 1.] H2S33 M'KONOCHIE, Captain. [See Maconochie, Capt. A.] MACLACHLAN, David. Law of Marine Insurance. [See Arnould, J.] F G V 28, 29 MACLA1NE, Eev. Dr. A. Ecclesiastical History. [See Mosheim, Eev. Dr. J. L.] G 4 P 28-33 MACLAINE, James. "The Gentleman Highwayman." [Life of], 1724-50 ; by G. T. Drury. (Lives of Twelve Bad Men.) 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 18 T 9 MACL AEEN, Eev. Albert A . A Visit to the North-East Coast of British New Guinea. (Eoy. Geog. Soc. Aus- tralasia, Vic. Branch, 9.) 8vo. Melb, 1891. ME 20 MacLAEEN, Eev. Dr. Alexander. Psalms, 1-150, Colos- sians and Philemon. [See Expositor's Bible.] G 19 E and S MACLAEEN, Archibald. The Fairy Family : a series of Ballads and Metrical Tales illustrating the Fairy Mythology of Europe. 8vo. Lond., 1857. II 9 U 3 MACLAEEN, Archibald. Physical Education. Illus- trated. 8vo. Oxford, 1895. G 18 Q 2G McLAUGHLIN, A. C. History of Higher Education in Michigan. Svo. Wash., 1891. G 18 B 45 McLAUGHLIN, E. A. Manual for the use of the General Court, Massachusetts. [See Coolidge, H. D.] E MacLAUEIN, Dr. Henry Norman. Eeport on Sanitary Legislation and Administration in England. 4to. Sydney, 1893. MF 2 S 35 MACLAY, Edgar Stanton. History of the United States Navy, 1775-1891. [Illustrated.'] 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894. B 19 S 19, 20 MACLEAN, C. W. An improved Grab Crane. (Eoy. Soc, Vic, 19.) 8vo. Melb., 1883. ME 1 P 170 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. MACLEAY, Sir Win. Description of Twenty New Species of Australian Coleoptera. 8vo. Sydney, 1802. MA 2 T 33 The Macleay Memorial Volume. [See Linnean Society of N.S.W.] MA 2 Q 1 t McLEOD, Anne C. [See Wilson, Anne C] MacLEOD, Henry Dunning. Ei-metalism. 8vo. Lond., 1894. P 10 Q 27 The Science of Economics and its relation to Free Exchange and Socialism. (A Policy of Free Exchange.) 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 14 S 20 Theory of Credit. 2nd ed. Vols. 1 and 2, part 1. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893-94. F 8 S 30, 31 M'LEOD, Dr. John. Voyage of H.M.S. Alceste along the Coast of Corea to the Island of Lewchew, with an Account of her subsequent shipwreck. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1818. D 17 T 19 McLEOD, Thos. Tables of Towns. 12mo. Brisb.,1890. MD 1 Q 40 MACLISE, Daniel. Maclise Portrait Gallery. [See Bates, W.] C17 R21 MacMAHON, Maj.-Gen. Alexander Ruxton. Far Cathay and Farther India, 8vo. Lond., 1893. D 17 U 16 MacMAHON, Eev. J. H. Eefutation of all Heresies. [See Hippolytus, St.] G 14 U McMASTER, John Bach. Bridge and Tunnel Centres. 18mo. New York, 1892. A 22 P 13 High Masonry Dams. 18mo. New York, 1870. A 22 P 14 History of the People of the United States, from the Revolution to the Civil War. Vol. 1-3. Svo. New York, 1891-93. B 18 It 1-3 MACMILLAN, Prof. Michael. The Globe Trotter in India 200 years ago and other Indian Studies. 8vo. Lond., 1895. 13 29 Q 20 McMILLAN, Robt. The Woolly Festival : a Record of the Sydney Stud Sheep Sales, July, 1895. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MA 3 T 58 M'MILLAN, Thomas. Cultivation and Management of the Melon, Cucumber, Gourd, and Vegetable Marrow. 12mo. Melb. (n.d.) MA 1 P 00 Rule's Economical Gardening for Cottagers; being concise Rules for cultivating useful Culinary Vege- tables. 8vo. Melb., 1859. MA 3 S 55 MAC MILL AN' S MAGAZINE. Lond., 1892-95. Vols. 06-72. 8vo. E MACNAB, Wrn. Explosives. [See Bcrthelot, M.] A 21 S 14 McNABB, Dr. D. Diseases in the New Hebrides. (An- thropol. Inst., 23.) 8vo. Lond., 1893. E MACNABB, J. D. The Image of War. [Set Newland, Surg.-Capt. A. G. B.] D 12 S 15 t McNEIL, J. Report of Inspector of Coal-mines, Colorado, 1889-90. 8vo. Denver, 1890. E McNEILL, Dr. Roger. Prevention of Epidemics, and the Construction and Management of Isolation Hospitals. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 33 T 17 M'NEILL, Rev. John. Australasian Addresses. 8vo. Melb., 1894. MG 2 Q 29 " OfE the Line"; the Life Story of. With Portrait. 12mo. Sydney, 1894. MC 1 S 9 MACONOCHIE, Capt. Alexander. Report on the State of Prison Discipline in Van Diemen's Land, &c. Sm. fol. Lond., 1838. MF 3 U 23 Summary View of the Statistics and existing Commerce of the principal Shores of the Pacific Ocean. 8vo. Lond., 1818. MF 3 T 27 MACPIIAIL, Myles. National Directory of Tasmania, 1807-08. 8vo. Hobart, 1807. ME 12 U MACPHERSON, Rev. II. A. Vertebrate Fauna of Lake- laud, including Cumberland and Westmorland with Lancashire north of the Sands. Svo. Edinb., 1893. A 13 T 37 MACPHERSON, Rev. II. A., and others. The Partridge. Natural History ; by Eev. H. A. Macpherson. Shoot- ing ; by A. J. Stuart- Wortley. Cookery ; by G. Saintsbury. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1894. A 28 Q 29 The Grouse. Natural History ; by Rev. II. A. Mac- pherson. Shooting ; by A. J. Stuart- Wortley. Cookery ; by G. Saintsbury. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1894. A 29 Q 43 MACPHERSON, James. Life and Letters of ; by Bailey Saunders. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 14 V 19 McPHEESON, Dr. J. H. T. History of Liberia. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 9.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1891. B 18 S 9 MACPHERSON, T. A. Sketch of the Southern Districts of South Australia. Fol. Adelaide, 1838. MD 5 Q 10 J MacRITCHIE, David. Fians, Fairies, and Picts. 8vo. Lond., 1893. B 17 R 14 Scottish Gypsies under the Stewarts. Svo. Edinb., 1894. B 32 T 15 The Testimony of Tradition. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1890. B 34 T 14 MACVICAE, Dr. M. Principles of Education. 12mo. Boston, 1894. G 18 P 10 MACY, Prof. Jesse. Institutional Beginnings in a Western State. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 2.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1884. B 18 S 2 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95 . 171 LAD AN, Falconer. Books in Manuscript. 8vo. Lond., 1S93. B14Q42 Summary Catalogue of Western MSS. in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. Vol. 8. 8vo. Oxford, 1895. K7U25 MADDEN, Dr. Eiehard Eobert. Life aud Martyrdom of G. Savonarola, illustrative of the History of Church and State Connexion. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1864. C 14 V 20, 21 MADDEN, Dr. Thomas More. Clinical Gynaecology; being a Hand-book of Diseases peculiar to Women. Illustrated. Eoy. 8vo. Philad., 1893. A 2G V 1G MADDOCK, Win. Illustrated Guide to Sydney, com- prising Description of the City and its Institutions, with which is incorporated tho Tourists' Hand-book, and Description of the Eesources of New South Wales. 12mo. Sydney, 1892. MD 3 P 45 MADISON, James. Sketch of. [See Thompson, E. W. — Eecollections of Sixteen Presidents.] C 18 T 21, 22 Sketch of. [See Wilson, J. G. — Presidents of the United States.] C 2 V 30 MADEAS GOVEENMENT OBSEEVATOEY. Eesults of Observations of the Fixed Stars, made with the Meridian Circle at the Government Observatory, Madras, 1802-87. 8 vols. am. 4to. Fort St. George, Madras, 1887-91. ' E MADEAS PEES1DENCY. Manual of the Administra- tion of. 8 vols. sm. fol. Madras, 1885-93. D 39 U 31-33 * Eeport of the Administration of, 1891-91. 3 vols. sm. fol. Madras, 1892-94. E Eeport on Public Instruction, 1891-94. 3 vols. em. fol. Madras, 1892-94. E Eeport of the Lunatic Asvlums in the Madras Presidency. 1879-87. 9 vols. sm. fol. Fort St. George, 1880-88! E Eoports of the Madras Government Lying-in Hospital, 1879-80. 2 vols. sm. fol. Fort St. George, 1880-81. E Manual of Standing Information, 1893. Sm. fol. Madras, 1893. E MAFFEI, Giovanni Pietro. Ilistoriarum Iodicarum Libri, XVI. Fol. Florenti®, 1588. B 6 P 1 J MAGAL1IAES, Damingos Jose Goncalves de. Con- foderacilo dos Tamoyos : Poema. 4to. Eio de Janiero, 185G. II 5 V 33 MAGAZINE OF AMEBIC AN III STORY. Vols. 28, 29. Sm. 4to. New York, 1892-93. E MAGILL, Wm. E. Laws of the State of Michigan relating to Fire and Marino Insurance Companies iu force July, 189 L. 8vo. Lansing, 1891. F 1 T 15 MAGINN, Dr. W. Shakespeare Papers ; Pictures Grave and Gay. 12mo. Lond., 1859. J 11 T 29 MAGNAED, Francis. Sketch of. [See Smalley, G' W.— Studies of Men.] C 19 E 20 MAGNUS, Sir Philip. Technical Instruction ; and Pay- ment on Eesults. [See Subjects of the Day, 1.] G 18 S 18 MAGNUSSON, Am. Saga of Magnus. [See Groat Britain and Ireland. — Chrons. and Mems.] E MAGNUSSON, Eirikr. Stories of the Kings of Norway. [See Snorro Sturlcson.] J 14 Q 29, 30 MAGUIEE, John Francis. Father Matthew : a Biography. 8vo. Now York, 1871. C 21 Q 9 MAHAFFY, Prof. John Pentland. Descartes, Philosopher. [See Descartes, E.] G 9 V 1 Euripides. [See Euripides.] J 10 P 37 Tho Flinders Petri© Papyri ; with Transcriptions, Commentaries, aud Index. (Trans. E.I. Academy. — Cunningham Memoirs, 8, 9.) 2 vols. 4to. Dublin, 1891-93 E MAHAN, Capt. Alfred Thayer. Influence of Sea Power upon the French Devolution and Empire, 1793-1812. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1892. B 8 U 3, 4 MAHON, Hugh. The Land League : a Narrative of four years of Irish agitation. 8vo. Melb., 1883. MF 4 Q 45 MAHON, John. Butter and Cheese Making. 8vo. Brisb., 1893. MA 1 Q G9 MAIDEN, Joseph Henry. Notes on the Commercial Timbers of New South Wales. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MA 2 U 60 Notes on the Eesins of two species of Araucaria. (Proc. Eoy. Soc, Queensland, 7.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1891. ME 1 T On the Oleo-Eesin of Oanarium Mulleri. (Proc. Eoy. Soc, Queensland, 8.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1892. ME 1 T ■ and CAMPBELL, Walter Scott. The Flowering Plants and Ferns of New South Wales. Parts 1-3. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1895. MA 3 E 49 MAIDMENT, James. A North Countrie Garland. [See Bibliotheca Curiosa.] J 18 Q 5 New Books of Old Ballads. [See Bibliotheca Curiosa.] J 18 Q 14 MAIL, The. Jan., 1892— June, L893. 3 vols. fol. Lond., 1892-93. E MAIN G. M. The Newspaper Press of Auckland [New Zealand], Svo. Auckland, 1894. MB 2 U 20 MAIN, Eev. Eobert. Practical and Spherical Astronomy, for the use chiefly of Students in tho Universities. 8vo. Camb., 18G3. A 20 U 7 172 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. MAINE, Sir Henry James Sumner. A brief Memoir of his life ; by the Et. Hon. Sir M. E. Grant Duff; with some of his Indian Speeches and Minutes. 8vo. Lond., 1892. C 15 E 16 MAINE DE BIEAN, F. P. G. Science et Psychologie ; nouvelles oeuvres inedites do Maine de Biran par A. Bertrand. 8vo. Paris, 1887. G 16 U 27 MAINE STATE COLLEGE AGRICULT. EXP. STATION. Annual Eeports, 1888-91. 4 vols. 8vo. Augusta and Bangor, 1889-92. E MAISET, Gen. E. C. Sanchi and its Remains. 4to. Lond., 1892. B 23 E 9 J MAISTEE, Count Xavier de. Journey round my Boom, and a Nocturnal Expedition Bound my Boom. Boy. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J 4 U 2 Journey round my Boom. (See Bibliotheca Curiosa.] J 18 Q 20 Nocturnal Expedition round my Eoom. [See Bibliotheca Curiosa.] J 18 Q 21 MAITLAND, Edward. How to complete the Eeformation. [See Beligious Pamphlets, 1.] G 9 V 1G MAITLAND, Dr. Frederick Wm. History of English Law. [See Pollock, Sir F.] F 3 V 9, 10 MAITLAND, Win. The Coming Industrial Struggle. (A Policy of Free Exchange.) 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 14 S 2G MAJEEONT, Giulia, A Living Statue : a novel. 8vo. Lond., 1893.* MJ 1 TJ 35 MAKOWEE, Felix. The Constitutional History and Constitution of the Church of England. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 14 Q 34 MALABAEI, Behramji M. The Indian Eye on English Life ; or, Bambles of an Indian Eeformer. 2nd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1893. D 17 T 11 MALDEN, Henry Elliot. Eights and Duties of the English Citizen. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 8 U 18 MALHEEBE, Francois de. La Doctrine de. [See Brunot, F.] . J 12 V 2 MALIBEAN, Maria. [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L. — Portraits in Plaster.] " A 23 V 13 MALLESON, Col. George Bruce. History of Afghanistan, to the Outbreak of the "War of 1878. 8vo. Lond., 1878. B 20 S 4 [Life of] Lord Clive. (Bulers of India.) 8vo. Oxford, 1893. C 13 P 1G Life of Warren Hastings. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C1GU5 The Eefounding of the German Empire, 1S18-71. 8vo. Lond., 1 893. B 9 E 5 MALLET, Bernard. The Principle of Progression in Taxation. (A Policy of Free Exchange.) 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 14 S 26 MALLET, Chas. Edward. The French Eevolution. 8vo. 1893. B 8 P 38 MALLET DU PAN, Jacques. The British Mercury ; or historical and critical views of the events of the pre- sent times. 5 vols. Svo. Lond., 1798-1800. F 9 T 11-15 MALLOCH, Christian A. Natural Value. [See Wieser, F. von.] F 9 T 10 MALLOCK, Wm. Hurrell. Labour and the Popular Welfare. 8vo. Lond., 1893. F 9 U 48 Letters, &c, of Edward Adolphus Seymour, Twelfth Duke of Somerset. [See Somerset, Duke of.] C 13 S 24 Studies of Contemporary Superstition. Svo. Lond., 1895. G 3 P 21 MALTHUS, Rev. Thos. Eobt. Parallel Chapters from the 1st and 2nd editions of an Essay on the Principlo of Population. 12ino. New York, 1895. F 7 V 32 Essay on. [See Bagehot, W. — Economic Studies.] F 7 V 35 MAN OF TASTE, The: an Epistle. Sm. fol. Lond., 1733. II 39 Q 13 % MANAKAU NEW ZEALAND COMPANY,' Corres- pondence relating to. Sm. fol. Lond., 1845. MF 3 U 24 MANCHESTER NATIONAL SOCIETr FOE WO- MEN'S SUFFRAGE!. Annual Reports of the Executive Committee, 1880-82. 2 vols. 8vo. Man- chester, 1880-82. E MANCHESTER QUARTERLY, The: a Journal of Literature and Art. Vols. 11-13. Svo. Manchester, 1892-94. E MANDELL, John A. Physiological Chemistry. [See Hammarsten, O.] A 33 T G MANG1N, Arthur. Voyage a la Nouvellc-Caludonio, suivi de les Botes criminelles au inoyen age. 8vo. Paris, 1883. MD 7 S 41 MANITOBA. 200 millionen Acker zu Ansiedlungszwecken in Manitoba, Svo. (n.p.) 1893. D 15 E 15 MANITOBA HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SO- CIETY. Transactions, Nos. 45-47. 3 vols. 8vo. Winnipeg, 1894. B 18 R 6- 8 45. The Old Crow Wing Trail ; by Hon. J. Schultz. 4(>. Early Days in Winnipeg ; by Dr. Q. Bryce. 47. A Forgotten Northern Fortress ; by Hon. J. Schultz. MANN, Dr Matthew Darbyshirc. A System of Gyne- cology ; by American Authors. 2 vols. roy. Svo. Edinb., 1887-88, A 33 U 7, 8 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 173 MANNING, Misa Anne. [See Kathbone, Mrs.] MANNING, Henry Edward, Cardinal ; a Character Sketch, or Foreshadowings. Edited by E. H. King. 12mo. Lond., 1895. G 9 V 26 Personal Reminiscences of ; with Portrait. [See Blath- wayt, R. — Interviews.] J 10 U 34 MANNING, James. Eeview on the Eeport of "Win. Clarke on the question of Water Supply for Sydney. 8vo. Sydney, 1877. MA 2 V 48 MANSEL, Very Rev. Henry Longueville. Metaphysics ; or, the Philosophy of Consciousness. 8vo. Ediub., 18G0. G 15 P 32 MANSERGH, James. Eeport on the Sewerage and Sewage Disposal of the proposed Melbourno Metro- politan District, Fol. Melb., 1890. MA 2 Q 42 f MANSFIELD, Robert Blachford. Log of the Water Lily during two cruises, 1851-52, on the Ehine, Neckar, Main, Moselle, Danube, and other streams of Germany. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1851. D 20 Q 1G MANTELL, Dr. Gideon Algernon. Thoughts on a Pebble; or, a First Lesson in Geology. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1849. A 24 P 16 MAOEI. [See Inglis, Jas.] MAPLESTONE, C. M. Observations on some living Polyzoa. (Eoy. Soc, Vict., 18.) 8vo. Melb., 1882. ME1 P MAPS relating to Australia, Five Reproductions by A. F. Calvert. Sm. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) MD 7 Q 29 f MARAT, Jean Paul. [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L. —Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 MARBLE, Albert P. Sanitary Conditions for School- houses. 8vo. Washington, 1891. A 19 T 32 MARCH, Dr. Francis Andrew. The Spelling Reform. 8vo. Wash., 1893. J 5 T 29 MARCHMONT and the Humes of Polwarth. [See War- render, M.] C 17 S 6 MAREY, Etieime Jules. Movement; translate by E. Pritchard. 8vo. Lond., 1895. -^ a R 31 MARGARET DE VALOIS, Queen of Navarre. Memoirs of, containing the Secret History of the Court of France, L565-82. Svo. Lond., 1895. R 26 V 18 MARGAROT, Maurice. Trial of Maurice Margarot, Delegate from London to the British Convention, at Edinburgh, on the 13th and 14th January, 1794, for sedition. 8vo. Edinb., 1794. F 14 E 14 MARGESSON, Lady Isabel. Hand-book to the Study of Natural History, for the use of Beginners. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 28 P 5 MARILLTER, L. La Survivance de lAmo et l'Idee de Justice chez les Peuples non civilises. Svo. Paris, 1891. G 16 U 28 MARIN, Aylic. [See Petit, Edouard.] MAEION, M. Bi-sulphide of Carbon Treatment of the Phylloxera. [See Finlay, A, K.] MA 1 P 51 MARITIME NOTES AND QUERIES. Vol. 8. 4to. Lond., 1892. E MARK LANE EXPRESS, The,and Agricultural Journal, 1892-94. 3 vols. fol. Lond., 1892-91. E MARK TWAIN. [See Clements, S. L.] MARKHAM, Clements Robert. Life of Christopher Columbus. Svo. Lond., 1892. C 13 P 20 Major J. Rennell and the rise of Modern Geography. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 17 P 30 Narratives of the Voyages of Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa. [See Sarmiento, P.] E MARKS, Edward Lloyd. New and economical method for the scientific production of some acids. (Roy. Soc, Vict., 17.) Svo. Melb., 1881. ME 1 P MARKS, Henry Stacy. Pen and Pencil Sketches. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1894. C 18 T 16, 17 MARLBOROUGH, John Churchill, Duke of. Life of, to the accession of Queen Anne ; bv General Viscount Wolseley. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 14 V 15, 16 MARQUIS, D. Views around Brisbane. [See Wright, G. P.] MD 3 Q 11 X MARRTOTT, II. P. F. Facts about Pompei, its Masons' Marks, Town Walls, Houses, and Portraits. Illus- trated. 4to. Lond. (nd.) B 36 T 17 J MARRYAT, Frank. Mountains and Molehills ; or, Re- collections of a burnt Journal. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1855. D 15 U 5 MARSDEN, Kate. On Sledge and Horseback to outcast Siberian Lepers. Svo. Lond., 1893. D 17 U 17 MARSH, M. II. Letter to the Colonists of Queensland. 8vo. Salisbury, 1859. MB 2 Q 52 MARSH, Dr. Othniel Chas. Dinocerata : a Monograph of an extinct order of Gigantic Mammals. (U.S. Geol. Survey, 10.) 4to. Wash., 1886. E MARSHALL, Dr. Arthur Milnes. Biological Lectures and Addresses. Edited by Dr. C. F. Marshall. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 27 R 24 Lectures on the Darwinian Theory. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 30 U 6 and HURST, Dr. C. Herbert. A Junior Course of Practical Zoology. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 28 P 31 174 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. MAESHALL, Dr. C. R Biological Lectures. [See Marshall, Dr. A. M.] A 27 E 24 MAESHALL, Frances and Hugh. Old English Embroidery ; its Technique and Symbolism. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 22 V 13 MAESHALL, Frank A. The Irving T Shakespeare. [See Shakepeare, William.] H 4 V 1-8 MAESHALL, Henry. Depression and Superstition. 8vo. Adelaide, 1886. MF 4 E 50 Gold and Mining. 8vo. Adelaide, 1885. MA 2 V C2 MAESHALL, Henry Eutgers. ./Esthetic Principles. 8vo. New York, 1895. G 3 P 28 MAESHALL, Hugh. Old English Embroidery. [See Marshall, Frances.] A 22 V 13 MAESHALL, Prof. John. Description of the Human Body, its structure and functions ; with plates. 4th edition. 1 vol. 4to ; 1 vol. fol. Lond., 1882. A 37 Q 5, G + MAESHALL, John. Boply to the Misrepresentations which have been put forth respecting Femalo Emigration to Australia. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond., 1882. MF 1 P 52 MABSON, Charles L. Faery Stories. 12mo. Adelaide (n.d.) MJ 1 P 63 MAESTON, John W. The Patrician's Daughter: a Tragedy in five acts. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1842. II 10 S 8 MAESTON, E. B. Walton and some Earlier Writers on Fish and Fishing. 12mo. Lond., 1894. J 6 P 35 MAETELLT, A. The Silkworm and its Food. 12mo. Melb., 1863. MA 1 P 68 MAETENS, Frederick. Observations made in Greenland. [See Narbrough, Sir J.] MD 5 P 23 MAETHA, Jules. Les Sacerdoces Athenians. 8vo. Paris, 1882. G 16 U 23 MAETIN, Albert. Les Cavaliers Atheniens. 8vo. Paris, 1886. B 35 E 19 Le Manuscrit dTsocrato Urbines III de la Vaticane. 8vo. Paris, 1881. J 7 U 20 Les Scolies du Manuscrit d'Aristophane a Eavenne. 8vo. Paris, 1882. J 7 U 18 MAETIN, Arthur Patchett. Bush Bandits. [See Praed, Mrs. Campbell.— Under the Gum Tree.] MJ 2 T 44 Life and Letters of the Et. Hon. Eobert Lowe, Viscount Sherbrooke. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893. MC 1 E 46, 47 True Stories from Australasian History. 12mo. Lond., 1893. MB 1 Q 34 MAETIN, George H. Brief Historical Sketch of the Massachusetts Public School Systems. 8vo. Boston, 1893. G18Q20 MAETIN, Mrs. H. Patchett. A Night in a Custom-house. [See Praed, Mrs. Campbell. — Under the Gum Tree.] M J 2 T 44 MAETIN, Dr. K. Die Fossilien von Java. 4to. Leiden, 1891. A 40 T 10 X MAETIN, Eobt. Montgomery. History of Southern Africa, the Cape of Good Hope, Mauritius, Seychelles, &c. lStao. Lond., 1836. B 16 P 6 History of the British Possessions in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans. 12mo. Lond., 1837. B 16 P 5 History of the West Indies. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond, 1836. B 18 P 3, 1 History of the British Possessions in the Mediterranean. 12mo. Lond., 1837. B 25 P 9 History of Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, the Sable Islands, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, the Bermudas, Newfoundland, &c. 12mo. Lond., 1837. B 18 P 6 History, Statistics, and Geography of Upper and Lower Canada. 12mo. Lond., 1838. B 18 P 5 Historv of the Possessions of the Hon. East India Co. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1837. B 29 P 1, 2 MAETIN, Dr. Sidney. Functional and Organic Diseases of the Stomach. Illustrated. 8vo. Edinb., 1895. A 12 T 33 MAETIN, Sir Theodore. Madonna Pia: a Tragedy, and three other Dramas. 12mo. Edinb, 1894. II 4 E 38 MAETIN, Thomas Commerford. Inventions, Eesearches, and Writings of Nikola Tesla ; with special reference to his work in Polyphase Currents and High Potential Lighting. 2nd ed. 8vo. New York, 1894. A 21 V 14 MAETIN, Sir Win, England and the New Zealauders. Parti. 12mo. Bishops' Auckland, 1847. MF4P20 MAETIN, Lieut.-Col. Win. G. Wood-. Pagan Ireland : an Archaeological Sketch ; a Hand-book of Irish Pre- Christian Antiquities. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 29 E 10 MAETINEAU, Miss Harriet. Life in the Sick Eoom. 3rd ed. 12mo. Lond., 1849. A 33 P 3 Society in America. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1837. F 14 E 31-36 Miss Martiueau and her Master. [See Bushuau, Dr. J.S.] G 9 V 24 MAETINEAU, Eev. Dr. James. A Study of Spinoza. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 3 P 32 The Eationalo of Eeligious Enquiry ; or, the Question stated of Eeason, the Bible, and the Church. 4th ed. 8vo. Loud., 1853. G 15 P 35 MAETINEAU, John. Life and Correspondence of Sir Bartle Frere. 2 vols.8vo. Lond., 1895. C 21 E 13, 14 II Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 175 MARVIN, Arthur Tappan. The Olive, its Culture in Theory and Practice. Illustrated. Roy. 8to. San Francisco, 188S. A 18 V 25 MARVIN, Prof. C. F. Barometers and the Measurement of Atmospheric Pressure. Roy. 8vo. "Wash., 189-1. A 31 Q 2 MARWICK, John G. Spare Moments in Australia. 8vo. Sydney, 1877. M J 3 Q 32 MARY: a Tale, and other Poems; by " D.M." 8vo. Kilmore, 1872. MH 1 S 71 MARY IRA, The; being the Narrative Journal of a Yachting Expedition from Auckland to the South Sea Islands; by J.K.M. 8vo. Lond., 18G7. MD 1 Q 32 MARY STUART, Queen of Scots. Tragedy of Fotherin- gay. [See Scott, Hon. Mrs. M.] B 32 T 1G Life of; by J. Skelton. 4to. Lond., 1893. C1W8 MARY TUDOR, Queen of France, Daughter of Henry VII of England. « The Spousells " of. [See Camden Soc. Pubs., 53.] E MARYBOROUGH (Q.) CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Annual Report and Proceedings of, 1883. 8vo. Maryborough, 1883. ' ME G S MARYLAND, its Resources, Industries, and Institutions. -Ito. Baltimore, 1893. F 2 T 21 MAEZIALS, Frank T. Life of Thackeray. [See Merivale, H.] C 14 P 31 MASCAGNI, Pietro. Sketch of. [See Streatfeild, R, A. — Masters of Italian Music] C 22 P 18 MASKELL, Alfred. Russian Art, and Art Objects in Russia. 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 23 R 32 MASKELL, Win. Ivories, Ancient and Mcdiicval. 8vo. Lond., 1875. A 23 R 30 MASKELL, W. M. Further Coccid Notes, &c. (Trans. N.Z.Inst., 27.) Svo. Wellington, 1894. ME 2 R History of the Warfare against Insect Pests. (Trans. N.Z. Inst., 27.) 8vo. Wellington, 1894. ME 2 R Synoptical List of Coccidai reported from Australasia and the Pacific Islands, up to Dec, 1894. (Trans. N.Z. Inst., 27.) 8vo. Wellington, 1894. ME 2 R MASKELYNE, John Nevil. "Sharps and Flats": a complete revelation of the Secrets of Cheating at Games of Chance and Skill. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 29 Q 37 MASKELYNE, Prof. Mervin H. N. Story-. Crystallo- graphy : a Treatment on the Morphology of Crystals. 8vo. Oxford, 1895. A 25 S 21 MASON, George Champlin. Life and Works of Gilbert Stuart. Imp. 8vo. New York, 1879. C 15 P 1 t MASON, Rev. George II. Life with the Zulus of Natal, South Africa. 8vo. Lond., 1855. D 14 P 10 MASON, Sir Josiah. [Biographical Sketch.] [See Smith, G. B. — Leaders of Modern Industry.] C 14 P 14 MASON, Dr. Otis T. Educational Aspect of the United States National Museum. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 8.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1890. B 18 S 8 Origins of Inventions. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 25 Q 20 Woman's State in Primitive Culture. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 2 U 37 MASON, Walter G. The Australian Picture Pleasure Book. 4to. Sydney, 1857. MD 10 P 9 t MASONIC BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE, Canterbury, New Zealand. Rules and Regulations. 12mo. Christchureh, N.Z., 1883. MG 2 T 18 MASONIC SIGNS AND SYMBOLS: by " Henricus." 8vo. Sydney (n.d.)* MJ 2 S 8 MASPERO, Prof. Gaston. Dawn of Civilization : Egypt and Chahtea. Edited by A. H. Sayce, and translated by M. L. McClure. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1894. B 17 U 15 MASSACHUSETTS— -Store Departments, Report* and Publications. 8vo. Boston, E Report, 1892. Adjutant-General 1893. Almshouse at Tewksbury. Report, 1892. 8vo. Boston, 1893. E Attorney-General. Report for the year ending January, 1893. 8vo. Boston, 1893. E Auditor of Accounts. Report, 1892. Svo. Boston, 1893. E Board of Aoriculture. Report, 1892. 8vo. Boston, 1893. E Comparative Statistics concerning the Agriculture of Massachusetts. 8vo. Chicago, 1893. A 30 Q 5 Board of Abhitbation. Report, 1892. 8vo. Boston, 1893. E Board of Commissioners of Prisons. Report, 1892. 8vo. Boston, 1893. E Board of Commissioners of Savinos Banks. Report, 1892. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1893. E Supplementary Report relating to Unclaimed Deposits, 1892. 8vo. Boston, 1893. E Board of Education. Report, 1891-92. 8vo. Boston, 1893. E Board of Gas and Electric Light Commissioners. Report, 1893. 8vo. Boston, 1893. E Board of Harbor and Land Commissioners. Report, 1892. 8vo. Boston, 1893. E 176 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. MASSACHUSETTS— cotitd. Board of HEALTH. Experimental Investigations upon the Purification of Sewage by Filtration and Chemical Precipitation, and upon the Intermittent Filtration of Water, 1888-90. Eoy. 8vo. Boston, 1890. E Board of Lunacy and Charity. Report, 1892. 8vo. Boston, 1893. E Massachusetts' Care of Dependent and Delinquent Children. 8vo. Boston, 1893. F 14 U 1G Board of Rah/road Commissioners Beport, 1892. 8vo. Boston, 1893. E Board of Registration in Dentistry. Report, 1892. 8vo. Boston, 1893. E Board of Registration in Pharmacy. Report, 1892. 8vo Boston, 1893. E Bureau of Statistics of Labor. Annual Statistics of Manufactures, 1892-93. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1893-94-. E Reports, 1892-93. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1893-94. E Analysis and Index of all Reports issued by Bureaus of Labor Statistics. 8vo. Washington, 1893. E Chief of District Police. Report, 1892. 8vo. Boston, 1893. E Commissioner of Foreign Mortgage Corporations. Report, 1892. 8vo. Boston, 1893. E Commissioners on Inland Fisheries and Game. Report, 1892. 8vo. Boston, 1893. E Farm at Bridgewater. Report, 1892. 8vo. Boston, 1893. E Free Public Library Commission. Reports, 1892-93. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1892-93. E General Court. Abstract of Certificates of Corporation for 1892. 8vo. Boston, 1893. E Acts and Resolves, 1892, 1893. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Boston, 1892-93. E [Consolidated] Public Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to 1882. Roy. 8vo. Boston, 1882. F3 VG Statutes relating to Public Instruction. 8vo. Boston 1892. F 14 U 14 General Superintendent of Prisons. Report relating to Prison Labor, 1892. 8vo. Boston, 1893. E Insurance Commissioner. Roport, 1892. 8vo. Boston 1893. E Library. Report, 1892. 8vo. Boston, 1893. E Primary and Reform Schools. Report, 1892. 8vo. Boston, 1893. E School for the Feeble-Minded at Waltham. Report, 1892. 8vo. Boston, 1893. E Secretary of State. Report, 1892. 8vo. Boston 1893. E Treasurer and Receiver-General. Report, 1892 8vo. Boston, 1893. E MASSACHUSETTS AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Report for 1892, 8vo. Boston, 1893. E MASSACHUSETTS HOSPITAL FOR DIPSO- MANIACS AND INEBRIATES. Report, March, 1893. 8vo. Boston, 1893. E MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. [Lists of Officers and Courses of Instruction in the different Schools.] 8vo. Boston, 1892-93. E MASSEY, Gerald. The Ballad of Babe Christabel ; with other Lyrical Poems. 5th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1855. II 10 T 2 MASSINA, A. II., & CO. Guide to Melbourne, with Map of the City. 12mo. Melb., 188G. MD 1 P 24 Weather Almanac and General Guide and Hand-book for Victoria for 1891. 8vo. Melb., 1894. ME4U MASSINGER, Philip. The Duke of Milan: a Tragedy. [See London Stage, 2.] II 2 S 34 A New Way to pay Old Debts: 'a Comedy. [See London Stage, 2.] II 2 S 34 MASSON, Prof. David. British Novelists and their Styles. 8vo. Camb., 1859. J 12 Q 1 Edinburgh Sketches and Memories. 8vo. Lond., 1S92. B 81 U 18 In the Footsteps of the Poets ; by Prof. D. Masson and others. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J OR 43 1. Milton ; by Prof. D. Masson. 2. Herbert ; by Rev. Dr. J. Brown. 3. Cowper ; by the Rev. Canon Benhani. 4. Thomson ; by Hugh Haliburton. 5. Wordsworth ; by H. C. Evvart. 6. Scott ; by J. Dennis. .7. Mrs. Browning ; by the Lord Bishop of Ilipon. 8. Robert Browning ; by R, H. Hutton. 9. Tennyson ; by W, Canton. Life of John Milton. Index vol. 8vo. Lond., 1894. 8 R 38* MASSON, Frederic. Napoleon and the Fair Sex. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 17 S 10 MATHER, Dr. George R. Two Great Scotsmen, the Brothers W. and J. Hunter. Sm. 4to. Glasgow 1893. C 13 S 25 MATHER, Helen. One Summer in Hawaii. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1891. MD 8 P 3 MATHESON, A. Scott. The Church and Social Problems. 2nd ed. 8vo. Edinb., 1894. F 14 R 38 MATHESON, Ewing. Works in Iron. Bridge and Roof Structures. 2nd ed. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1877. A 22 T 22 MATHESON, Rev. John William, Missionary on Tanna (New Hebrides). Memoirs of ; by Rev. G. Patterson. 8vo. Philad., 18G4. MC 1 S 4 MATHESON, Mrs. Mary J., Missionary on Tanna (New Hebrides). Memoirs of ; by Rev. G. Patterson. 8vo. Philad., 1864. MC 1 S 4 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 177 MATHEW, Rev. John. Cave Paintings of Australia. (Anthropol. Inst., 23.) 8yo. Lond., 1893. E MATIIEW, Father Theobald. A Biography ; by J. F. Maguire. 8vo. New York, 1871. C 21 Q 9 MATHEWS, Prof. G. B. Bessel Functions and Physics. [See Gray, Prof. A.] A 25 U 21 MATHEWS, R. II. Aboriginal Bora held at Gundabloui in 1894. (Journal Eoy. Soc, N.S.W., 28.) 8vo. Sydney, 1891. ME 1 E Aboriginal Eock Paintings and Carvings in New South Wales. (Proc. Eoy. Soc, Victoria, n.s., 7.) 8vo. Melb., 1895. ME 1 P The Bora ; or, Initiation Ceremonies of the Kamilaroi Tribe. (Anthropol. Inst., 24.) 8vo. Lond., 1894. E Eock Paintings near Singleton. (Journal Eoy. Soc, N.S.W., 27.) 8vo. Sydney, 1893. ME 1 E Stone Implements used by the Aborigines of New South Wales. (Journal Eoy. Soc, N.S.W., 28.) 8vo. Sydney, 1894. ME 1 E MATIVET, M., " Monchoisy." La Nouvelle Cythere [Tahiti]. 12mo. Paris, 1888. MD 7 T 10 MATRIMONIAL CHRONICLE, July, 1879-April, 1880. 8m. 4to. Tumut, N.S.W., 1879-80. ME 19 E MATSON, Henry. Ecferences for Literary Workers ; with Introductions to Topics and Questions for Debate. 8vo. Chicago, 1892. K 19 Q 11 MATSON, Sarah Ann. St. George and the Dragon. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1893. B 22 Q 29 MATTHEW, St. Oracles ascribed to, by Papias. [See Papias.] G 1G Q GO MATTHEWS, D. Eeport of the Echuca Aboriginal Mission School, Murray Eiver, New South Wales. 8vo. Echuca, 1879. ME 15 Q MATTHEWS, James Brander. Books and Play-books ; Essays on Literature and the Drama. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 8 T 34 Pen and Ink. 12mo. New York, 1894. J 11 P 44 MAUD, Constance. Wagner's Heroes. 8vo. Lond., 1895. H 10 S 15 MAUDE, Col. Francis Cornwallis. Five Years in Mada- gascar ; with Notes on the Military Situation. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 1 P 22 Memories of the Mutiny ; with which is incorporated the personal Narrative of J. W. Sherer. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1S94. B 29 U 2, 3 MAUDE, Capt. F. N. Great War of 189-. [See Great War of 189-.] J 2 Q 21 MAUGHAN, Wm. Chas. Eoseneath, Past and Present. Sm. 4to. Paisley, 1893. B 31 U 10 MAUGRAS, G. Due de Lauzun and the Court of Louis XV. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 34 R 8 MAUEICE, Col. John Frederick. Great War of 189-. [See Great War of 189-.] J 2 Q 21 MAURITIUS. Account of the Island of Mauritius and its dependencies. 8vo. Lond., 1842. D 17 V 20 Eecollcctionsof Seven Years' Residence at the Mauritius, or Isle of France ; by " A Lady." 12mo. Lond., 1830. D 17 Q 29 MAX ADELER. [See Clark, C. H.] MAX O'EELL. [See Blouet, Paul.] MAXWELL, Eev. Andrew. Christ's Headship. 8vo. Sydney, 1855. MG 2 S 1 Eeview of Recent Proceedings in the Free Presbyterian Synod respecting Letters on Union. 8vo. Melb., 1869. MG 1 S 32 MAXWELL, Sir Herbert. Life and Times of the Rt. Hon. W. H. Smith. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1893. 19 R 1, 2 Post Meridian : Afternoon Essays. 8vo. Edinb., 1895. J 7 S 11 Scottish Land-names, their Origin and Meaning. 8vo. Edinb., 1894. K 12 Q 47 MAXWELL, James Clerk. Matter and Motion. 18mo. New York, 1892. A 29 P 30 MAY, Dr. S. P. Catalogue of School Appliances, Pupils' Work, &c, exhibited by the Education Department of Ontario, Canada, at the World's Columbian Exposi- tion, 1893. 8vo. Toronto, 1893. K 8 R 2G MAY, Mrs. Walter. The Economic Housewife's and Bee- keeper's Guide to Cookery ; by " An Experienced Australian Cook." 18mo. West Maitland, 1894. MA 3 U 31 MAY, W. J. Greenhouse Management for Amateurs. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 18 R 10 MAYCOCK, W. Perren. Electric Lighting and Power Distribution: an Elementary Manual. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1894. A 21 R 15 MAYEE, Gertrude Townshend. Women of Letters. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 18 P 14 MAYES, Chas. The Australian Builders' Price-book. 8vo. Melb., 1891. MA 3 U 16 MAYET, Prof. P. Agricultural Insurance in organic connection with Savings Banks, Land Credit, and the Commutation of Debts. 8vo. Lond., 1893. F4Q33 MAYIIEW, Henry, and BINNY, J. Criminal Prisons of London and Scenes of Prison Life. Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1862. F 6 V 20 178 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. MAYO, Rev. Amory Dwight. (Southern Women in the recent Educational Movement in the South. 8vo. Wash., 1892. G 18 E 21 MATOUX, Mdlle. A. Recherches sur la Production et la Localisation du Tannin, chez les Fruits Comestibles fournis par la Famille des Pomacees. 8vo. Paris, 1894. A 30 E 24 Eeeherchea sur la Valeur Morphologique des Appendices Superstaminaux de la Pleur des Aristo- loches. (Annales de l'Universite do Lyon, 2.) Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1892. A 20 V 30 MAZZINI, Giuseppe. Scritti. Vols. 10-18.— Politica. 12mo. Eoma, 1888-91. F 4 U 17, 18 Recollections of. [See Linton, W. J.] C 12 S 33 MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, American Society of. [See American Society of Mechanical Engineers.] MECHANICAL ENGINEEES, Institution of. [See Institution of Mechanical Engineers.] MEDICAL ANNUAL, The, and Practitioner's Index, 1895. 8vo. Bristol, 1894. E MEDICAL EEGISTEE, The. 1894 and 1895. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1894-95. E MEDINA, J. T. Ensayo acercade una Mapoteca Chilena, 8vo. Santiago, 1889. K 7 P 8 MEDIUMS and their Dupes. 8vo. Sydney, 1879. MG 2 Q 3G MEDIUMS and- their Dupes: a complete exposure of the Chicaneries of Professional Mediums, and explana- tion of so-called Spiritual Phenomena. 8vo. Sydney, 1879. MG 2 Q 3G 1. The World of Dupes ; by " The Vagabond." 2. Slade and the Spirits ; by Samuel T. Knaggs, M.D. 3. Another Seance with Slade ; by T. T. Wilton. 4. Hindoo Juggling and Christian Credulity ; by " Maori." 5. Spiritualism considered as an Infectious Mental Disease ; by Samuel T. Knaggs, M.D. 6. The Spirits at Albury. MEECH, W. W. Quince Culture. 12mo. New York, 1888. A 18 Q 38 MEEHAN, Wm. E. Eish, Fishing, and Fisheries of Penn- sylvania. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1893. A 30 E 1 MEESTER DE EAVESTEIN, E. de. Musee Eoyal d'Antiquites et d'Armures, Bruxelles. Musee de Eavestein. 12mo. Bruxelles, 1884. K 7 P 9 MEGGY, Percy E. From Sydney to Silverton. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MD 5 E 43 MEIKLE, Robt. The Fencer's Manual: a practical treatise on Small Sword Exercises. 8vo. Melb.,1859. MA 2 V 28 ME1SSNEE, M. Catalogue des Vignes Americaines. [See Bush et Fils et Meissner.] A 3G P 9 J MELANESIAN MISSION. Report and Accounts for 1891. 8vo. Auckland, 1892. ME G S MELBOURNE. Melbourne as it is and as it ought to be ; with Remarks on Street Architecture generally. 8vo. Melb., 1850. MA 3 T 15 Melbourne Building Act. An Act for regulating Buildings and Party AValls, and for preventing mischief by fire in the City of Melbourne, 1849. 8vo. Melb., 1849. MF 4 Q 18 Pen and Pencil in Collins-street; by "Wayfarer." 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MH 1 S 63 MELBOURNE AND IIOBSON'S BAY UNITED RAILWAY COMPANY. 17th Report. 8vo. Melb., 1873. MF 2 R 44 MELBOURNE EXHIBITION, 18GG. Guide to the Intercolonial Exhibition of I860. 8vo. Melb., 18GG. MK 2 Q 5 MELBOURNE GENERAL CEMETERY. Rules and Regulations of. 8vo. Melb., 18G0. MF 4 Q 17 MELBOURNE GUIDE-BOOK ; with Pictorial Map of the City and Bird's-eve A^iews of the Streets. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MD 8 P 27 MELBOURNE HARBOR TRUST COMMISSIONERS. Regulations of, 1878. 8vo. Melb., 1878. MF3P30 MELBOURNE INDUSTRIAL AND TECHNOLOGI- CAL MUSEUM. [See Victoria— Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery.] MELBOURNE OBSERVATORY. Astronomical Obser- vations, 18G1-S4. 7 vols. 8vo. Melb., 18G9-88. ME 16 E First and Second Melbourne General Catalogues of Stars, reduced from Observations extending from 1863-87. 2 vols. 4to. Melb., 1874-89. MA 9 P 28, 29 t MELBOUENE PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEUMS, AND NATIONAL GALLERY. [See Victoria,] MELBOUENE UNIVERSITY. Calendar, 1858-77, 1881-82, 1891-96. 25 vols. 12mo. Melb., 1858-91. MESS Calendar of Ormond College, 1886. 12mo. Melb., 188G. ME5T Examination Papers, 1876. 12mo. Melb., 187G. ME 5 T Proceedings on laying the Foundation Stone of the Wilson Hall by the Hon. Sir Samuel Wilson, October, 1879. Roy. 8vo. Melb., 1879. MB 2 S 31 MELLIAR, Rev. A. Foster-. Book of the Rose. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 32 R 12 MELSHEIMER, Dr. Fredrich Ernst. Catalogue of the described Coleoptera of the United States. Roy. Svo, Washington, 1853. A 27 U 19 Snjiplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 179 MELVILLE, Dr. A. G-. Tho Dodo and its kindred. [See Strickland, H. E.] A 15 R 9 t MELVILLE, Herman. Typee ; or a Narrative of a Four Months' Residence among the Natives of a valley of the Marquesas Islands. 8vo. Lond., 1801. MD 4 R 46 Oinoo ; a Narrative of Adventures in the South Seas : a Sequel to " Tvpee." 8vo. Lond., 18G1. MD 4 R 47 MENDELEEFF, Dmitri Ivanowitsh. The Principles of Chemistry. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 21 T 14, 15 Sketch of. [See Thorpe, Dr. T. E. — Historical Chemistry.] C17 R2 MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY, Felix. An Improvi- sation by. [See Kingston, W. Beatty. — Men, Cities, and Events.] C 22 R 4 Plaster Cast of. [See Hutton, L. — Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 Selected Letters of. Edited by W. P. Alexander. 12mo. Lond., 1894. C 19 P 6 MENEVAL, Baron Claude Francois de. Memoirs to serve for the History of Napoleon I, 1802-15. Trans- lated by R. H. Sherard. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 17 R 7-9 MENNELL, Philip. Dictionary of Australasian Biography, 1855-92. 8vo. Lond., 1892. MC 1 Q 27 The Coming Colony : Practical Notes on AVestern Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1892. MD 5 Q 40 MENSCHUTKIN, Prof. N. Analytical Chemistry; trans- lated from the German by J. Lock. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A2LU5 MENZEL, A. Illustrations des (Euvros de Frederic- le- Grand. 4 vols. 4to. Berlin, 1882. B 38 Q 8-11 J MENZIES, Rev. Dr. Allan. History of Religion. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 3 P 24 MERCANTILE NAVY LIST AND MARITIME DIRECTORY for 1893. Svo. Lond., 1893. E MERCATOR'S TELEGRAPHIC POCKET CODE. 12mo. Loud, 1886. K7P3 MERCER, Rev. Dr. P. Once a Month. [See Once a Month.] ME 7 Q MERCHANT, C. E. Manual of Mining on Geological Principles. 8vo. Melb, 1SG7. MA 3 T 13 MERCIER, Dr. Chas. Lunatic Asylums, their Organiza- tion and Management. Roy. 8vo. Lond, 1894. A 19 V8 MERCIER, Louis Sebaslien. L'An deux mille quatre MEREDITH, George. Ballads and Poems of Tragic Life. 12mo. Lond, 1891. II 9 Q 7 Poems and Lyrics of the Joy of Earth. 12mo. Lond, 1891. H 9 Q 8 Poems : The Empty Purse. 12mo. Lond, 1892. II 9 Q 19 Meredith in his Poems. [See Dowden, Dr. E.] J 5 S 16 MEREDITH, Mrs. Louisa A. Grandmamma's Verue- book for Young Australia. 12mo. Hobart, 1878. Mil 1 Q 24 Waratah Rhyme3 for Young Australia. 4to. Lond, 1891. Mil 1 T 11 MEREJKOWSKV, C. de. Development dc la Mcdusc Obelia, 8vo. Paris, 18S3. A 30 U 27 Zoonerythrine et autres pigments animaux. 8vo. Paris, 1883. A 30 U 27 MERIMEE, Prosper. Sketch of. [See Pater, N.— Mis- cellaneous Studies.] J 7 S 10 MERIVALE, Herman. Historical Studios. 8vo. Lond, 1865. B 25 T 14 and MARZIALS, Frank T. Life of W. M. Thackeray. 8vo. Lond, 1891. C 14 P 31 MERIWETHER, Lee. Afloat and Ashore on the Mediter- ranean. 8vo. Loud, 1892. D 18 Q 8 MERRALL, Edwin. An unknown portion of Victoria. (Roy. Geog. Soc. Australasia, Vic. Branch, 5.) 8vo. Melb, 1888. ME 20 MERRIAM, Dr. Clinton II. Monographic revision of the Pocket Gophers. 8vo. Wash, 1895. A 30 U 30 MERRIAM, George S. Noah Porter: a Memorial by Friends. 8vo. Lond, 1893. C 14 S 17 MERRIAM, Dr. Lucius Salisbury. Higher Education in Tennessee. 8vo. Wash, 1893. G 18 R 38 MERRILL, Chas. A. Supplement to the Public Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1882-88. Roy. 8vo. Boston, 1890. F 3 V 7 MERRIMAN, Prof. Mansfield. Text-book of Retaining- walls and Masonry Dams. Roy. Svo. New York, 1892. A 22 S 21 MERRUAU, Paul. Les Convicts en Australie, 1851-52. 8vo. Paris, 1853. MD 1 P 46 MERRY, George Row. Trans. — Liturgies. [See Litur- gies.] G 14 U 24 MERRY ENGLAND. 1892-91. Vols. 19-23. Svo. Loud, E MERZ, Dr. II. Bilder-Atlas zur Weltgeechichte. [See Weisser, Prof. L.] B 6 S 6 % 180 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. MERZ, John Theodore. Leibniz, Philosopher. [See Leibnitz, G-. W.] G9V7 MESSEE, Dr. A. B. An Enquiry into the reputed poison- ous nature of the arrows of tho South Sea Islanders. Eoy. 8vo. (n.p.) 1876. MA 3 E 36 MESTON, Archibald. Geographic History of Queensland. 8vo. Brisbane, 1895. MB 2 Q 55 On tho Australian Cassowary. (Proc. Eoy. Soc, Queens- land, 10.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1893. ME 1 T Queensland Railway and Tourists' Guide. 8vo. Brisb., 1892. MD 5 E 40 METCALFE, G. Australian Zoology. 12rao. Sydney, 1895. MA 3 U 21 METHODIUS. Writings of, and several Fragments. (Ante-Nicence Christ. Lib., 14.) 8vo. Fdinb., 1869. G 14 U 14 METEOPOLITAN STBEET TRAMWATS. Explana- tory Statement of the advantages of Street Tramways as applied to the traffic of the Metropolis. 8vo. Lond., 1869. A 22 E 21 MEUEISSE, Mdlle. The difficulties of the " Consent de 1813 " removed. 12mo. Melb., 1875. MJ 3 P 33 MEWS, John. Digest of all the Eeported Decisions of the Superior Courts, 1884-88, inclusive. Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1889. F 12 V 10 Digest of Eeported Decisions. [See Fisher, R. A.] F 12 V 3-9 , and TODD, A. H. Annual Digest of all tho Reported Decisions of the Superior Courts, 1889-92. Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1890-93. F 12 V 11 MEXICO. Ley Minora y ley de Impuesto a la Mineria Con sus respectivos reglamcntos. 8vo. Mexico, 1893. F 3 E 21 Through tho Land of tho Aztecs ; or Life and Travel in Mexico ; by " A Gringo." 8vo. Lond., 1892. D4P51 METEE, A. B. Uber die Fiirbung der Nestjungen von Eclectus. 8vo. Leipzig, 1882. A 30 TJ 27 METEE, Prof. Franz Sales. Handbook of Ornament. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 23 T 15 METER, Dr. Kuno. Aislinge Meic Conglinne : The A T isionofMacConglinne: a Middle-Irish Wonder Tale. (Irish and English.) 8vo. Lond., 1892. B 29 E 13 The Voyage of Bran, son of Febal, to the Land of tho Living; an old Irish Saga now first edited, with Translations, Notes, and Glossary, by Kuno Meyer ; with an Essay upon the Irish Vision of the happy otherworld and the Celtic doctrine of re-birth, by Alfred Nutt, 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 36 P 9 METERBEEE, J. Sketch of. [See Heine, H.— Heine in Art and Letters.] J 11 T 39 METNELL, Alice. The Ehythm of Life, and other Essays. 12mo. Lond., 1893. J 4 P 26 Poems. 12mo. Lond., 1893. H 3 P 38 METEICK, E. List of South Australian Micro-Lcpidop- tera. (Trans. Eoy. Soc, S. Australia, 7.) 8vo. Ade- laide, 1885. ME 1 S Hand-book of British Lepidoptera. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 27 S 20 MIALL, Prof. Louis C. The Natural History of Insects. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 28 P 32 MICHAEL, W. H. Official Congressional Directory for the use of the United States Congress. 8vo. Wash., 1891. E MiClIAEL ANGELO BUONARROTI. Life of; by J. A. Svmonds. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., 1893. C 16 T 19, 20 Life of. [See Emerson, E. W. — Natural History of Intellect.] J 9 S 20 Sketch of. [See Oliphaut, Mrs. M. 0. W.— Makers of Florence.] B 30 Q 20 MICHAEL APOSTOLIUS. Leltres ineditcs de Michel Apostolis; par II. Noiret. 8vo. Paris, 1889. J 7 U 36 MICHIGAN— General— Early History of Michigan ; with Biographies of State Officers, Members of Congress, Judges and Legislators. 8vo. Lansing, 1838. C 21 R 9 Michigan and its Resources. 8vo. Lansing, 1893. D 1ST 14 MICHIGAN — State Departments, Eeports, and Publica- tions — Ageicultural College — Experiment Station. Horti- cultural Department. Bulletin III. 8vo. Lansing, 1894. A 30 R 26 3. The Cultivated Raspberries of the United States ; by A. A. Crozier. Horticultural Department Bulletins, 103-106. Fruit Growing. 8vo. Lansing, 1894. A 32 R 1 Auditob-Genebal. Report, 1894. 8vo. Lansing, 1895. E Tax Law of the State, 1893. 8vo. Lansing, 1893. F 1 T 14 Board of Ageicultuee. Eeports of the Secretary, 1872, 1879, 1881-94. 15 vols. 8vo. Lansing, 1873-94. E Boaed or Fish Commissionebs. Report, 1892-94. Svo. Lansing, 1895. E Boaed of Health. Reports, 1881-91. 11 vols. roy. Svo. Lansing, 1882-94. E BuBEATT OF TiABOE AND INDUSTRIAL STATISTICS. Eeports, 1889 and 1891. 2 vols. 8vo. Lansing, 1890-92. E Commissioner of the Bankino Department. Eeports, 1889, 1S91, 1S92. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Lansing, 1890- 93. E Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95 . 181 MICHIGAN— eontd. Commissioner of Insurance. Eeport, 1894. 2 vols. 8vo. Lansing, 1895. E Commissioner of Mineral Statistics. Michigan Mines and Mineral Statistics. Eeport for 1893 ; by J. B. Knight. 8vo. Lansing, 1895. E Dairy and Eood Commissioner. Eeport, 1891. 8vo. Lansing, 1894. E Horticultural Society. Eeports, 1880-S8, 1890-91, 1893. 6 vols. roy. 8vo. Lansing, 1887-94. E Legislature. Acts of the Legislature, 1857, 1859, 1861, 1862, 1865, 1867, 1869-74, 1877, 1879, 1881- 83, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893. 36 vols, 8vo. Detroit and Lansing, 1857-93. E Library. Eeport, 1S92-91. 8vo. Lansing, 1894. • E Normal School; its plan and purpose, and an outline of its work. 8vo. Grand Eapids (n.d.) G 18 P 21 Pomological Society. Eeports, 1878 and 1880. 2 vols, roy. 8vo. Lansing, 1879-81. E Salt Inspector. Eeport, 1891. 8vo. Lansing, 1895. E Secretary of State. Annual Eeport relating to Earms and Farm Products, 1892-94. 2 vols. 8vo. Lansing, 1894. E Census of the State of Michigan, 1884. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lansing, 1886. E Official Directory and Legislative Manual of the State of Michigan, 1895-96. 8vo. Lansing, 1895. E Eeports relating to Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1881-91,1893. 12 vols. roy. 8vo. Lansing, 1884-95. E MICHIGAN DAIRYMEN'S ASSOCIATION. Annual Eeports, 1892-93. 8vo. Lansing, 1893. E MICHIGAN PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SO- CIETY. Collections and Researches made by. Vols. 1-20, 23. Roy. 8vo. Lansing, 1877-95. E MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY. Calendar for 1892-93. 12mo. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1893. E MIDDLETON, Prof. John Henry. The Remains of Ancient Rome. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1892. B 20 T 28, 29 MIDDLETON, T. B. Irish Clubs. [See Sullivan, Sir E. —Yachting.] A 29 Q 41 MIDGLEY, Alfred. Helen Young, and other Poems. 12mo. Toowoomba, Q., 1873. Mil 1 U 76 MIERS, Edward J. Brachyura, [See. Thomson, Sir C. \Y., and Murrav, Dr. J. — Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger^] A6f MIERS, H. A., and CROSSKEY, R. The Soil in Relation to Health. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 13 P 4 MIKKELSEN, Dr. Michael A. Bishop Hill Colony: a Religious Communistic Settlement in Henry County, Illinois. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 10.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1892. B 18 S 10 MILAN, Bona Sforza, Duchess of. Miniatures and Borders from the Book of Hours of. 4to. Lond., 1894. A 22 V 14 MILBOURN, S. The New Kreuz Polka Winifred. AYords by R. Bruce. Eol. Adelaide (n.d.) MA7Q31f MILES, Alfred H. The Aldine Speaker : an Encyclo- paedia of Poetic and Dramatic Literature. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) J 6 U 1 New Standard Elocutionist, comprising Anatomy of the Vocal Organs by L. Browne, and a Chapter on the Art of Elocution by C. Harrison. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 8T 33 Poets and Poetry of the Century. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) H 10 T 19 MILES, L. Soger-. [See Roger-Miles, L.] MILES, Dr. Manly. Silos, Ensilage, and Silage : a Prac- tical Treatise on the Ensilage of Fodder Corn. 12mo. New York, 1892. A 18 Q 40 Stock-breeding: a Treatise on the Application of the Laws of Development and Heredity to the Improve- ment and Breeding of Domestic Animals. 8vo. New York, 1893. A 18 T 17 MILES, "W. J. Modern Practical Farriery ; a Complete Guide to all that relates to the Horse. 4to. Loud, (n.d.) . A5P15t MILL, Dr. Hugh Eobt. The Realm of Nature : an Out- line of Physiography. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1894. A 24 Q 27 MILL, John Stuart. Considerations on Representative Government. 8vo. Lond., 1861. F 8 R 1 Utilitarianism. 12th ed. 8ro. Lond, 1895. F11U11 A Study of his Philosophy ; by Dr. C. Douglas. 12mo. Edinb., 1895. G 9 V 25 Life of ; by W. L. Courtney. 12mo. Lond., 1889. C 17 P 19 Comte, Mill, and Spencer. [See "Watson, Dr. J.] G2U14 MILLAR, J. Educational System of the Province of Ontario, Canada. 8vo. Toronto, 1893. G 18 S 3 MILLAR, "Wm. J. Modern Steam Practice. [See "Winton, J. G.] A 22 T 14 MILLARD, Edward C. The Same Lord : an Account of the Mission Tour of the Rev. George C. Grubb in Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand. 8vo. Loud., 1893. MG 1 S 20 MILLARD, G. W. Appendix to "Williams' Law of Real Property for the use of New South "Wales. 8vo. Sydney, 1894. MF 3 T 28 MILLENN1US. [See Zahel, C. P.] MILLER, Dr. Alexander K. Micro-organisms and Fer- mentation. [See Jorgensen, A.] A 28 U 9 182 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. MILLER, Rev. E. K. Reminiscences of forty-seven years' Clerical Life in South Australia. 12mo. Adelaide, 18D5. MG 2 R 36 MILLER, Ellen, and "WHITING, Margaret Christine. Wild Flowers of the North-eastern States. 4to. New York, 1895. A 15 S 1 t MILLER, George. The Prison System of New South Wales. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MF 1 S 48 MILLER, Rev. James. Mahomet, the Imposter: aTragedy. [See London Stage, 4.] II 2 S 3G MILLER, Rev. Joseph A. Memoir of the Rev. Thomas S. M'Kean, Missionary at Tahiti. 12mo. Lond., 1847. MC 1 P 47 MILLER, Mrs. Mary H. Catalogue of the State Library of Iowa. [See Iowa.] K 7 T 6 MILLER, Thomas. History of the Anglo-Saxons from the earliest period to the Norman Conquest. 8vo. Lond., 1848. B23R21 Picturesque Sketches of London Past and Present. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) D 19 Q 30 MILLET, Francis Davis. Some Artists at the Fair. [See Chicago Exhibition, 1893.] A 23 U 21 MILLIGAN, Rev. Dr. William. Revelation. [See Exposi- tor's Bible.] G 19 S 21 MILLS, Dr. Edmund J. Fuel. [See Groves, C. E.] A 21 V G MILLS, II. E. Australasian Federal Pastoral Directory, 1893. 4to. Sydney, 1893.* ME MILLS, John. On the right state of the Heart. 8vo. Parramatta, 1887. MG 2 R 31 MILN, Louise J. When we were Strolling Players in the East. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. D 17 V 18 MILNE, Prof. John. Effects of Earthquakes on Water- works. [See Burton,W.K.— Water Supply.] A 22 T 19 The Miner's Handbook : Mineral Deposits, Mining Operations, Ore Dressing, &c. lGino. Lond., 1893. A 24 P 11 and BURTON, Prof. W. K. The Great Earth- quake in Japan, 1891. 2nd edition. Obi. imp. 8vo. Yokohama, 1892. A 37 P 10J MILNER, Alfred. England in Egypt. Svo. Lond., 1892. F 8 P 23 MILNER, George. Glossarv of the Lancashire Dialect. [See Nodal, J. H.] J 2 T 19 MILNER, Rev. Thomas. Astronomy and Scripture; or, some illustrations of that science, and of the solar, lunar, stellar, and terrestrial phenomena of Holy Writ. 12mo. Lond., 1843. G 9 V 27 MILNES, Alfred. When Doctors disagree: a Vision of Vaccine. 12mo. Lond., 1880. A 20 R 19 MILTON, John. English Prose Writings of. Edited by Prof. Henry Morley. Svo. Lond., 1889. J 8 T 30 The Poetical Works of . 12mo. Lond., 1853. H 7 U 31 Prose Works of. 5 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1S89-94. JGP 37-41 1. Defence of the People of England. Second Defence of the People of England. Eikonoklastes. •2. Tenure of Kings and Magistrates. Areopagitica. Tracts on the Commonwealth. Observations on Ormond's Peace. Letters of State. Brief Notes on Dr. Griffith's Sermon. Of Reformation in England. Of Prelatical Episcopacy. The Reason of Church Government urged against Prelacy. Of True Religion, Heresy, Schism, Toleration. Of Civil Power in Ecclesiastical Causes. 3. The Likeliest Means to remove Hirelings out of the Church. Animadversions upon the Remonstrants' Defence against Smectymnuus. Apology for Sinectymnuus. The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce. The Judgment of Martin Bucer concerning Divorce. Tetrachordon. Colasterion. Tractate on Education. Declaration for the election of John III., King of Poland. Familiar Letters. 4. Treatise on Christian Doctrine. 5. Treatise on Christian Doctrine. History of Britain. History of Moscovia. Accedence Commenced Grammar [Latin.] Index to the five volumes. L' Allegro. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1859. II 9 U 14 The Fall of Satan : Selections from Milton's Paradise Lost, Books V. and VI. Edited, with notes, by A. B. Piddington. 12mo. Sydney, 1893.* MH 1 P 62 Lycidas, analysed, with notes, by W. Powning. 4th edition. 12mo. Melb., 1873. MH 1 Q 22 Paradise Lost : Selections from Books V. and VI., with notes by G. Thornton. 12mo. Sydney, 1893. MH 1 P 37 Comus. [See Ilarliu, T.] MJ 2 T 28 Comus : a Masque (altered from Milton). [See London Stage, 2.] H 2 S 34 Concordance to AVorks of. [See Bradshaw, Dr. J.] K 17 R 30 Essay on. [Set Bagehot, W. — Literary Studies.] J 9 P 22-21 A French Critic on. [Bee Arnold, M. — Mixed Essays.] J 11 T 25 Life of; by Prof. D. Masson. Index vol. Svo. Lond., 1891. C 8 R 38* [Life of] ; by Prof. D. Masson. [See Masson, Prof. D. — In the Footsteps of the Poets.] J R 43 [Life of.] [See Emerson, R. W. — Natural History of Intellect.] J 9 S 20 Milton as an Educator. [See Brooks, Rt. Rev. P.] J G S 38 Milton's Poetry. [See Seeley, Sir J. R. — Lectures and Essays.] J 9 S 24 MILTON, Mrs. Mary. The Maiden and Married Life of Mary Powell, afterwards Mistress Milton. 3rd ed. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) C 21 Q 5 MILWAUKEE. Rules and Regulations for Normal School for Teachers of Gymnastics. 8vo. Milwaukee (n.d.) G 18 R 35 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 183 MINI) : a quarterly review of Psychology and Philosophy. New Scries, vols. 1-3. 8vo. Loud., 1892-94. ' E MING-AYE, John C. H. Notes and Analysis of a Metallic Meteorite from Moonbi, New South Wales. (Journal Roy. Soc, N.S.W.,27.) 8vo. Sydney, 1893. ME 1 E MINING AND METALLURGY, INSTITUTION OF. [See Institution of Mining and Metallurgy.] MINING ENGINEERS, American Institute of. [See American Institute of Mining Engineers.] MINING MANUAL for 1893 and 1891. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1892-93. E MINNEAPOLIS. Trade and Commerce, 1892. 8vo. Minneapolis, 1892. E MINNESOTA. Geological and Natural History Survey. Reports, 1881-85, 1891. 3 vols. 8vc. St. Paul and Minneapolis, 18SC-93. E MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections of. Vols. 1-7. 8vo. St. Paul, 1872-93. E Report of, 1895. 8vo. St. Paul, 1895. E MINNESOTA UNIVERSITY. Agricultural Experiment Station, 1893, Annual Report. 8vo. Minneapolis, 1S91. E Catalogue for the year 1892, 1893, and Announcement for 1893, 1894. 8vo. Minneapolis, 1S93. E School of Mining and Metallurgv. Obi. 18mo. Minne- apolis, 1893. G 18 P 24 MINTO, John. Special Report on the Sheep Industry of the United States. [See Salmon, Dr. D. E.] A 30 U 7 MINTO, Prof. William. Logic, inductive and deductive. 8vo. Lond., 1893. G 7 U 20 Autobiographical Notes of William Bell Scott. [See Scott, W. B.] C 14 U 22, 2-3 MINUCIUS EELIX. [See Felix, M. M.] MIRABEAU, Honore Gabriel Riquctti, Comte de. Secret History of the Court of Berlin ; or the Character of the King of Prussia, his Ministers, Mistresses, Generals, and the Royal Family of Prussia. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 25 T 19, 20 [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L.— Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 MIRROR, The. Vol. 1, 1888-89. Sin. fol. Sydney, 1888-89. ME 16 T MISCELLANEA GENEALOGICA ET HERALDICA. Edited by Dr. J. J. Howard. Illustrated. Vols. 4, 5. 2nd series. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1892-94. E MISKIN, W. II. Further Notes on Australian Splting- idai. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 8.) 8vo. Brisbanp, 1892. ME 1 T New Species of Australian Hcspcridw. (Proc. Rov. Soc, Queensland, 6.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1889. ME IT New species of Australian Micro- Lepidoptera. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 8.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1892. ME1 T Notes on some undoscribed Australian Lepidoptera, (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, G.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1889. ME 1 T Revision of the Australian species of Terias, with descrip- tion of some new species. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queens- land, 6.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1889. ME 1 T Revision of the Australian Sphiwjidce. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 8.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1891. ME 1 T The Upper South Johnstoue River. (Roy. Geographical Soc. of Australasia, Queensland Branch, 1.) 8vo. Brisbane, 188G. ME 20 MISSING FRIENDS ; being the Adventures of a Danish Emigrant in Queensland, 1871-SO. 8vo. Lond., 1892. MD 5 R 41 MISSION to the Working-men of Paris. Report, 1879. 8vo. Sunderland, 1880. G 2 P 40 MISSOURI. Missouri at the World's Fair. Imp. 8vo. St. Louis, 1893. D 19 V 20 Public Schools Report for year ending June, 1892. Roy. 8vo. Jefferson City, 1893. E School Laws of, 1891-93. Roy. 8vo. Jefferson City, 1893. F 2 T 19 MISSOURI UNIVERSITY. Catalogue, 1892-93. 8vo. Jefferson City, 1893. E MITCHELL, Dr. Hubbard Winslow. The Evolution of Life; or, Causes of change in Animal Forms: a Study in Biology. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1891. A 27 Q 41 MITCHELL, J. A. Some Artists at the Fair. [See Chicago Exhibition, 1893.] A 23 U 21 MITCHELL, O. M. The Orbs of Heaven; or, the Planetary and Stellar Worlds. 8vo. Lond., 1851. A 19 R 23 MITCHELL, Lieut.-Col. Sir Thomas L. The Australian Geography, with the Shores of the Pacific and those of the Indian Ocean. 12mo. Sydney, 1851. MD 1 P 25 MITCHELL, W. Forbes-. Reminiscences of the Great Mutiny, 1857-59, including the Belief, Siege, and Capture of Lucknow, and the Campaigns in Rohilcund and Oude. 8vo. Lond., 1893. B 29 R 1 MITFORD, E. R, Pasquin: the Pastoral Advocate. [See Pasquin.] ME MITRE, Gen. B. The Emancipation of South America ; being a condensed translation, by Win. Pilling, of "The History of San Martin," by General Don B. Mitre. 8vo. Lond., 1893. B 17 R 30 181 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. MTTSTTKURI, Prof. K. On the Fcetal Membranes of Chelonia. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) A 30 V 1G MITTEN, "William. Australian Mosses. (Roy. Soc, Victoria, 19.) Svo. Melb., 1883. ME 1 P MIVART, St. George. Types of Animal Life. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 28 Q 31 MITOSHI, M. Notes on the irritability of the Stigma. 870. (n.p.n.d.) A 30 V 17 MODERA, J. Verhaal van eene Reize naar en langs de Zuid-Westkust van Nieuw-Guinea, 1828. 8vo. Haar- lem, 1830. MD 7 S 12 MOELLER, Dr. AVilhelm. History of the Christian Church, A. D. 1-600. 8vo. Lond., 1892. G 6 Q 35 History of the Christian Church in the Middle Ages. 8vo. Lond., 1893. G 13 P 33 MOFFETT, S. E. Suggestions on Government. Svo. Chicago, 1894. E 8 IT 40 MOFFETT, S. L. Population of the Towns and Munici- palities of the seven Colonies of Australasia, 1894. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1894. ME MOFFITT, Dr. A. Papers on Typhoid. Svo. Sydney, 1883. MA 1 U 54 MOGUL TALE, The; or, the Descent of the Balloon : a Farce. [See London Stage, 4.] H 2 S 36 MOTIL, Prof. Julius. [Sketch of.] [See Miiller, F. Max.— Chips from a German Workshop.] J 9 R 32 MOHR, Edward. The Region South of the Zambesi. [See Great Explorers.] D 15 V 21, 22 MOIIR, Dr. Fredr. Der Weinbau und die Weinbereitung- skunde. Svo. Braunschweig, 1865. A 18 S 14 M01R, Dr. George. Magic and Witchcraft. 12mo. Lond., 1852. G 18 P 25 MOLESCHOTT, Jac. Untersuchungen zur Naturlehre des Menschen und der Thiere. Band 12. Drittes und viertes heft. 8vo. Giessen, 1880. A 30 V 10 MOLESWORTII, Rev. Dr. I. E. N. Letter to the Lord Bishop of Chester upon certain symptoms of sectarian designs in the Pastoral Aid Society ; and upon the Catholic, Comprehensive, and Church Regulations of the Society for promoting the employment of additional curates in populous places. 12mo. Lond., 1840. Letter in reference to Rev. Dr. Molesworth's Animad- versions. [See Harding, Rev. J.] G 4 V 14 MOLINARI, G. de. Religion. (Philosophy at Home Series.) Translated from the second (enlarged) edition by W. K. Firminger. 12mo. Lond., 1894. G 16 Q 40 MOLINIER, Emile. Le Tresor de la Basilique de Saint Marc a, Venise. Roy. 8vo. Venise, I88S. A 19 V 18 MOLL, G. Verhandeling over eenige vroegere zentogten der Nederlanders. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1825. MD 8 R 39 MOLLOY, Dr. C. H. Accidents and Emergencies : what to do till the Doctor comes ; with Hints on Nursing. Illustrated. 12mo. Melb. (n.d.) MA. 3 P 63 MOLLOY, Rev. Dr. Gerald. Gleanings in Science : a Series of Popular Lectures on Scientific Subjects. 8vo. New York, 1894. A 21 R 19 MOLONEY, Dr. Joseph A. With Captain Stairs to Katanga. Svo. Lond., 1893. D 14 P 8 MOLTKE, Field-Marshall Hellmuth, Count von. A Biographical and Critical Study ; by W. O'C. Morris. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 13 S 19 Essays, Speeches, and Memoirs of. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893. J 10 S 26, 27 Tactical Problems, frDm 1858-82 ; translated by Lieut. K. von Donat : with Plans and Maps. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 29 V 22 MOMERIE, Rev. Dr. Alfred Williams. Agnosticism: Sermons preached 1883-84. 4th ed. 12mo. Edinb., 1891. G 19 P 25 The Basis of Religion. 3rd ed. Svo. Edinb., 1890. G 19 P 36 Inspiration, and other Sermons. 2nd ed. 8vo. Edinb., 1890. G 19 P 35 Origin of Evil, and other Sermons. 7th ed. 12mo. Edinb., 1S91. * G 19 P 27 The Religion of the Future and other Essays. 12mo. Edinb., 1893. G 19 P 28 MONA MARIE. [See Casket of Gems, The.] Mil 1 Q 27 MONCHOISY. [See Mativet, M.] MONCRIEFF, W. T. The Bashful Man : a Comic Drama. [See London Stage, 4,] H 2 S 36 Giovanni in London ; or, the Libertine Reclaimed. [See London Stage, 3.] H 2 S 35 Monsieur Tonson : a Farce. [See London Stage, 3.] IT 2 S 35 MONDE DRAMATIQUE, Le. Revue des Spectacles Anciens et Modernes. Roy. Svo. Paris, 1835. II 5 V 34 MONEY, C. L. Knocking about in New Zealand. 12mo. Melb., 1871. MD 8 P 20 MONEY : how the Banks make it scarce and dear ; the Remedy, the Banks and their stability ; by " Sigma." 8vo. Melb., 1871. MF 2 Q 45 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 185 MONFAT, Pere A. Dix annees en Melauesie : etude historique et religieuse. 8vo. Lyon, 1891. MG 2 Q 13 Mgr. L. Elloy, le Missionnaire des Samoa. 3 e ed. 8vo. Lyon (n.d.) MC 1 T 19 Les Samoa ou Archipel des Navigateurs ; etude his- torique et religieuse. 8vo. Lyon, 1890. MD 8 E 15 Les Tonga ou Archipel des amis et le Pere Joseph Chevron. 2" ed. [Illustrated.! 8vo. Lyon, 1893. MD 7 S 39 MONBO, David Binning. Modes of Ancient Greek Music. 8vo. Oxford, 1891. A 23 U 20 MONEOE, James. Sketch of. [See Wilson, J. G.— Presidents of the United States.] C 2 V 30 Sketch of. [See Thompson, E. W. — Eecollections of Sixteen Presidents.] C 18 T 21, 22 M' ONTAGU, Basil. Works of Francis Bacon, with Life. [See Bacon, Francis.] J 9 V 26-28 MONTAGU, Mary Wortley, Lady. Letters from the Levant during the Embassy to Constantinople, 1716-18. 12mo. Loud., 1838. D 19 P 9 Essay on. [See Bagehot, W. — Literary Studies.] J 9 P 22-24 MONTAGUE, Francis Chas. Arnold Toynbee ; with an Account of the Work of Toynbee Hall in East London, by P. L. Gell ; also an Account of the Neighbourhood Guild in New York, by C. B. Stover. (Johns Hopkins B University Studies, 7.) 8vo.' Baltimore, 1889. B 18 S 7 The Old Poor-law and the New Socialism ; or, Pauperism and Taxation. 12mo. Lond., 1880. V 7 V 45 MONTAGUE, Major-Gen. Win. Edward. Military Topo- graphy. 8vo. Eclinb., 1893. A 29 Q 29 MONTAIGNE, Michel Eyquem de ; or, the Sceptic. [See Emerson, E.W. — Eepresentative Men.] C 17 P 10 The Essays of. Translated by C. Cotton, and edited by W. C. Hazlitt. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1892. J 8 P 44-46 MONTALEMBEET, Charles Forbes, Comte de. Chronicle of the Life of St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Duchess of Thuringia. Translated by Ambrose Lisle Phillipps. 4to. Lond., 1839. C 2 W 24 MONTANA. — General. Historv, Eesources, Possibilities. 12mo. Butte, Mont., 1893. D 15 P 11 MONTANA. — State Departments and Publications. Adjutant-General. Eeport, 1891-92. 8vo. Helena, 1892. E Attorney-General. Eeports, 1890-92. 8vo. Helena, 1892. E Auditor. Eeports, 1892-93. 2 vols. 8vo. Helena, 1892-94. E Board op Equalisation. Eeports, 1891-92. 8vo Helena, 1892. E 2a MONTANA— contd. Board op Land Commissioners. Eeport, 1892. 8vo. Helena, 1892. E Board of Medical Examiners. Eeport, 1892. 8vo. Helena, 1892. E Board of Pardons. Eeports, 189L-92. 8vo. Helena, 1892. E Board of State Prison Commissioners. Eeport, 1891- 92. 8vo. Helena, 1892. E Board of Stock Commissioners and the Eecorder of Marks and Brands. Eeports, 1892. 8vo. Helena, 1893. E Boiler Inspector. Eeport, 1891-92. 8vo. Helena, 1892. E Bureau of Agriculture, Labor, and Industry In- formation relating to the State of Montana. 12mo. Helena, 1893. D 15 P 11 Land Agent. Eeports, 1891-92. 8vo. Helena, 1892. E Secretary of State. Eeport, 1891-92. 8vo. Helena, 1892. E Superintendent of Public Instruction. Eeport, 1892. 8vo. Helena, 1893. E Treasurer. Eeport, 1892-93. 2 vols. 8vo. Helena, 1892-94. E MONTBAED, Georges. Among the Moors : Sketches of Oriental Life. Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. D 14 V 13 The Land of the Sphinx. Illustrated. Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. D 14 V 15 MONTEAGUDO, Don J. de Mendoza. Las Guerras de Chile: Poema Ilistorico. 8vo. Santiago, 1888. II 9 U 20 MONTEFIOEE, Arthur. Editor.— The Great Frozen Land. [See Jackson, F. G.] D 18 V 19 MONTEFIOEE, C. G. Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Eeligion, as illustrated by the Eeligion of the Ancient Hebrews. (Hibbert Lectures, 1892.) 8vo. Lond., 1892. G 2 Q 31 MONTEFIOEE, Eliezer Levi. Art Criticism. 8vo. Sydney, 1880. MA 1 U 62 MONTEFIOEE, J. A. A few words upon the Finance of New South Wales. 8vo. Sydney, 1856. MF 4 E 48 MONTEEO Y VIDAL, J. El Archipielago Filipino y las Islas Marianas, Carolinas y Palaos. 8vo. Madrid, 1886. D 17 E 21 MONTFOET, Simon de. [See Leicester, Earl of.] MONTGOMEEY, E. E. M. The Tohunga, and Incidents of Maori Life: Poetry. Sm. 4to. Wanganui (n.d.) Mil 1 S 41 The Land of the Moa : a poem. Sm. 4to. Wanganui (n.d.) MH 1 S 42 The Story of Hiuemoa. Sm. 4to. Wanganui (n.d.) MH 1 S 43 1S6 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. MONTGOMERY, Et. Rev. Hcury Hutchinson. Abo- rigines of Tasmania — photos. L. 4to. (n.p.n.d.) MA 1 R 18 + Views in Melanesia — 58 photos. Obi. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) MD 4 P 21 f Views in Norfolk Island and Bass' Straits— GO photos. Obi. Svo. (n.p.n.d.) MD 4 P 20 f MONTGOMERY, James. The Pelican Islands, and other Poems. 12mo. Lond., 1827. MH 1 U 59 MONTH, The ■. a Catholic Magazine and Review. Vols. 76-82. 8vo. Lond., 1892-94. E MONTOYA, Antonio R. de. Gramatica y Diccionarios de la Lengua Tupi 6 Guarani. 8ro. Viena, 1876. K14P 1 MONTPELLIER UNIVERSITY. Cartulaire de l'Uni- versite de Montpellier. Tome 1, 1181-1400. 4to. Montpcllier, 1890. G 15 S 9 f MONTREAL. Account of the Schools controlled by the Roman Catholic Board of School Commissioners of the City of Montreal. 8vo. Montreal, 1893. G 18 R 32 Histoire du Montreal, 1640-72. (Publie sous la direc- tion de la Societe Littcraire et Historique de Quebec.) Roy. 8vo. Montreal, 1871. B 16 V 2 MONTROSE, James, Marquis of. Memoirs of, 1639-50 ; by the Rt. Rev. G. Wishart. Translated by the Rev. A. D. Murdoch and H. P. M. Simpson. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1893. B 31 V 9 MONTT, Luis. Poesias. 12mo. Santiago, 1882. II 9 P 18 MOOCHER, The. [See Grey, II.] MOODIE, Duncan Campbell Francis. History of the Battles and Adventures of the British, the Boers, and the Zulus, in Southern Africa, 1195-1879; also a short sketch of South Australia. 8vo. Adelaide, 1879. MB 1 P 22 MOON, Miss A. C. Preservation of the Teeth. [See Aus- tralian Health Soc, Melb.] MA 3 S 33 MOONEN, L. Australian Wines. 8vo. Melb., 1883. MA 1 U 60 MOOR, C. G. Analysis of Food and Drugs, [See Pear- main, T. H.] A 26 P 19 MOOR, Lieut. II., and BALLARD, Capt. V. V. New General Chart of the Moluccas and Eastern Islands. Fol. Lond., 1801. D 1 S 18 J MOORE, A. W. Sodor and Man. (Diocesan Histories.) 12mo. Lond., 1893. G 18 P 5 MOORE, Mrs. Bloomfield. Keely and his Discoveries : Aerial Navigation. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 29 T 17 MOORE, Chas. Plants with their habitats, discovered to be indigenous to this colony since the publication of the Hand-book of the Flora of New South "Wales. (Journal Roy. Soc, N.S.W., 27.) 8vo. Sydney, 1893. ME1 R , and BETCHE, Ernst. Handbook of the Flora of New South Wales. 8vo. Sydnev, 1893.* MA 1 T 63 MOORE, Cunninghame Wilson. A Practical Guide for Prospectors, Explorers, and Miners. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 24 T 14 MOORE, Edward. The Foundling: a Comedy. [See London Stage, 3.] II 2 S 35 The Gamester : a Tragedy. [See London Stage, 1.] H2S33 MOORE, George, Merchant and Philanthropist ; by Dr. S. Smiles. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1878. C 21 S 12 MOORE, Harold E. Back to the Land. 8vo. Lond., 1893. F 14 Q 34 MOORE, J. J. Australian Almanac and Country Direc- tory, 1890-94. 5 vols. 12mo. Svdney, 1890-94. ME4S MOORE, Joseph West. The American Congress, 1774- 1895. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 17 R 36 MOORE, T. B. Western Tasmania. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Q. Branch, 1.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1880. ME 20 MOORE, Thomas. The Epicurean : a Tale. Svo. Lond., 1850. J 11 U 16 History of Ireland, from the earliest Kings of that Realm down to its last Chief. 4 vols. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) B 29 P 14-17 Irish Melodies. New cd. 12mo. Lond., 1848. II 10 T 6 National Airs ; with wordfi by Thos. Moore. Edited by C. W. Glover. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1860. A 23 V 11 Life of Lord Byron. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1814. C12U31 [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L. — Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 MOORE, Thos., F.L.S. Gardener's Assistant. [^Thomp- son, R.] A 32 T 4 MOORE, Rev. Wm. Handbook of the Fijian Language. 12mo. Ilobart, 1866. MK 1 P 43 MOOREHEAD, Warren K. Primitive Man in Ohio. 8vo. New York, 1892. A 18 S 20 MOORHOUSE, Rt. Rev. James. Address of, to the Church of England Assomblv, Melbourne, September, 1885. Svo. Melb., 1885. MG 2 Q 38 The Galatian Lapse : six lectures. 8vo. Melb., 1885. MG 1 S 31 Supplementary Catalogue — 189 187 MOORS, II. Ou the Sea-coll as a possible source of danger in torpedo experiments. (Roy. Soc, Vict., 18.) 8vo. Melb., 1882, ME 1 P MORA, Jose Joaquin do. Aputites Biograficos ; por M. L. Ainundtegui. 8vo. Santiago, 1888. C 21 T 6 MORALEDA I MONTERO, Joso do. Esporaciones Jeograficas e Hidrograficas. 8vo. Santiago, 18S8. D 15 T 24 MORAN, Most Rev. Patrick Francis, Cardinal. The Analecta of David Rothe, Bishop of Ossory. 12rao. Dublin, 1881. G 7 U 33 Tho Civilization of Ireland before the Anglo-Norman Invasion. 8vo. Sydney, 1885. MB 2 R 60 History of the Catholic Church in Australasia. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1895. MO 1U5 Letters on the Anglican Reformation, and other Papers. 12mo. Sydney, 1890. MO 2 R 50 Tho Mission Eield of the 19th Century. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MO 2 Q 45 Occasional Papers. 12mo. Dublin, 1890. MO 2 R 5 Pastoral Letter of, to the Clergy and Faithful of the Diocese on the Perpetuity of the Church. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MO 2 Q 45 The Reunion of Christendom. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MO 2 Q 45 Spicilegium Ossorieuse : being a Collection of original Letters and Papers illustrative of tho History of the Irish Church from the Reformation to 1800. 3 vols, roy. 8vo. Dublin, 1874-84. O 16 IT 2-4 MORANDI, Luigi. Prose e Poesie Italiane. 8vo. Castello, 1892. J 6 P 9 MORE, Hannah. Edinb. (n.d.) Sacred Dramas. New ed. 18mo. H3U15 MORE, Sir Thomas. Tho Household of ; by Miss Annie Manning. 4th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1860. C 17 P 5 The Household of ; with an Introduction by the Rev. "W. II. Hutton. 8vo. Lond., 1896. C 19 V 15 Utopia ; or, the Happy Republic ; to which is added tho Now Atlantis, by Lord Bacon ; with an Analysis of Plato's Republic, by J. A. St. John. 12mo. Lond., 1852. F 15 Q 7 MOREL, E. Oraviug Docks in Hobson's Bay. 8vo. Melb., 1863. MA 1 V 54 MORELL, A. T. Ilederich, B.] Grxcum Lexicon Manuale. [See J 12 VI f MORELLI, Giovanni. " Ivan Lermolieff." Italian Painters : Critical Studies of their Works. (The Galleries of Munich aiid Dresden.) 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 23 T 11 MORETON, S. II. Milford Sound aud the Scenery of the Middle Island of New Zealand. 8vo. Invercargill, 1882. MD8R28 MORFILL, Win. Richard. Poland. (Story of the Nations.) 8vo. Lond., 1893. B 25 R 3 MORFIT, Campbell. Improvements iu the Chemical Arts. [See Booth, Prof. J. O] A 21 U 2 MORGAN, Benj. S., and CORK, J. F. Columbian His- tory of Education in West Virginia. 8vo. Charleston, 1893. O 18 R 18 MORGAN, C. L. An Introduction to Comparative Psy- chology. 8vo. Loud., 1894. G 19 P 30 MORGAN, Dr. Cosby W. Citizenship : an Address. 8vo. Newcastle, 1887. MF 3 T 56 MORGAN, Edwin Denisou. Sketch of. [See Stoddard, W. O.— Men of Business.] C 16 R 19 MORGAN, George 0. Settlors in Australia : a Prize Poem. 12mo. Oxford, 1846. Mil 1 Q 20 MORHANGE, Salvador. Etude sur l'Australie, 1802-69. 12mo. Bruxelles, 1869. MD 7 T 9 MORI ARTY, G. P. Dean Swift and his Writings. 8vo. Lond., 1S93. C 16 R 9 The Paris Law Courts : Sketches of Men and Manners. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 14 V 2 MORI ARTY, James. Arbitration Act, 1892, with the Rules of 24th March, 1893. Svo. Sydney, 1893.* MF 2 R 31 MORICE, Rev. A. G. Notes Archajological, Industrial, and Sociological on the Western Denes, with Ethno- graphical Sketch of same. (Trans. Canadian Inst., March, 1894.) Roy. 8vo. Toronto, 1894. A 30 V 12 MORIN-HHMPHREYS, H. [See Humphreys, H. M-.] MORISON, Rov. A. Bishop Colcnso's Criticisms on tho Pentateuch and the Book of Joshua answered. 2nd ed. 8vo. Melb., 1803. MG 1 S 31 MORISON, G. S. The Memphis Bridge. Fol. New York, 1894. A 8 Q 13 J MORISON, James Augustus Cotter. Tho Service of Man : an Essay towards tho Religion of tho Future. 3rd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1888. G 15 P 31 MORLAND, George. [Life of] George Morland, painter, 1763-1804 ; by R. Richardson. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 16 U 11 MORLEY, Dr. II. Forster. Watts' Chemistry, vol. 4. [See Watts, H.] K 9 R 8 188 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. MOELEY, Prof. Henry. English Writers : an attempt towards a History of English Literature. Vols. 9-11. 8vo. Lond., 1892-95. B 21 E 33-35 9. Spenser and his Time. 10. Shakespeare and his Time under Elizabeth. 11. Shakespeare and his Time under James I. Completed by Prof. W. H. Griffin. English Prose "Writings of John Milton. [See Milton, John.] J 8 T 30 Swift's Tale of a Tub, and other "Writings. [See Swift, Eev. J.] C 18 IT 2 MOEMONISM. 12mo. Lond., 1851. G2 V40 MOEPHOLOGISCHES JAHEBTJCH, eine Zeitschrift fiir Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte, heraus- gegeben von C. Gegenbaur. Biinde 19-21, und Namen — und Sachregister, biinde 1-20. Svo. Leipzig, 1893-95. E MOEEIS, Dr. Beverley E. British Game Birds and Wild Fowl. 4th ed., by W. B. Tegetmeir. Illustrated. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 30 V 6, 7 MOEEIS, D. Campaign of 1879 against Coffee Leaf Disease (Hemileia Vastatrix). 12mo. Colombo, 1879. A 18 P9 MOEEIS, Prof. Edward Ellis. Dry den's Annus Mirabilis, 1G66 ; an historical poem ; together with Hazlitt's Selected Essays ; with notes and other help for students, by E. E. Morris. 8vo. Melb., 1882. MJ 1 S 11 Memoir of George Higinbotham, an Australian Politician and Chief Justice of Victoria. 8vo. Lond., 1895. MC 1 T 22 MOEEIS, G. S. Convicts and Colonies: Thoughts on Transportation and Colonization with reference to the Islands and Mainland of Northern Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1853. ME 3 T 50 MOERIS, J. Advance Japan : a Nation thoroughly in earnest. Svo. Lond., 1895. B 33 Q. 7 MOEEIS, Lewis. Poetical Works of. 5 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1889-92. II 9 P 1-5 A Vision of Saints. 12mo. Lond., 1890. II 9 P 6 MOEEIS, E. Anna. Physical Education in the Public Schools : an eclectic system of Exercises, including the Delsartean principles of execution and expression. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1 892. G 17 E 30 MOEEIS, Eev. Dr. Eicbard. Cursor Mundi. [See Early English Text Society.] E MOEEIS, Thos. Health Act [Victoria] . [See Cole, II. S.] MF 3 T 26 MOEEIS, Wm. Sketch of. [See Dawson, W. J.— Makers of Modern English.] II 10 S 14 Stories of the Kings of Norway. [See Snorro Sturleson.] J 14 Q 29, 30 , and BAX, Ernest Belfort. Socialism, its Growth and Outcome. 12mo. Lond., 1893. F 14 Q 29 MOEEIS, Wm. O'Connor. Memoirs and Thoughts of a Life. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 21 S 19 Moltke : a Biographical and Critical Study. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 13 S 19 MOEEISON, Dr. G. E. An Australian in China. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. MD 8 E 32 MOEEISON, Miss Isabella. Preparation for Death: a Funeral Sermon after the death of; by the Eev. Dr. A. Gilchrist, 18G3. Svo. Sydney, 186a MG2E45 MOEEISON, J. Trans.— Eussia under Alexander III. [See Samson-Himmelstierna, H. von.] B 31 T 2 MOEEISON, Samuel. New South Wales Public School Arithmetic for Third Class. 12mo. Sydney, 1S95. MA 3 U 29 MOEEISON, W. Douglas. Introduction to "The Female Offender." [See Loinbroso, Prof. C] F2 V MOEEOW, John T., and EEID, Thorburn. Arithmetic of Magnetism and Electricity. 12mo. Lynn, Mass., 1893. *A21P38 MOEEOW, Dr. Prince A. A System of Gemto-urinary Diseases : Syphilology and Dermatology. Vol. I, Parts 1 and 2. Eoy. 8vo. Edinb., 1893. A 26 V 17, 18 MOESE, John Torrey. [Life of] Abraham Lincoln. (American Statesmen.) 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1893. C 13 P 34, 35 MOESE, Samuel F. B. Sketch of. [See Hubert, P. G.— Inventors.] C 17 E 3 MOESHEAD, Edmund Doidge A. The Ajax and Eleclra of Sophocles. [See Sophocles.] II 9 U 39 MOETIMER, John. Cotton-spinning: the Story of the Spindle. Illustrated. 8vo. Manchester, 1895. A 25 T4 MORTLOCK, J. Sketch of the New Caroline Islands, and Sketch of Hunter's Islands. Sm. fol. Lond., 1796. MD 1 P 15 X MOETON, Alexander. Handbook for the use of the Members of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science. Hobart meeting, 1892. 12mo. Hobart, 1891. MA 1 P 72 MOETON, John. The Hobart Coffee Palace Visitors' Guide to Hobart and Suburbs. Svo. Hobart, 1891. MD 5 Q 49 The Launceston Coffee Palace Visitors' Guide to Laun- ceston and Suburbs. Svo. Launceston (n.d.) MD 5 S 49 MOETON, John Chalmers. Cyclopedia of Agriculture, Practical and Scientific, in which the Theory, the Art, and the Business of Farming are thoroughly and prac- tically treated by upwards of fifty of the most eminent practical and scientific men of the day. Illustrated. 2 vols. roy. Svo. Lond., 1875. A 18 V 19, 20 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 189 MORTON, Levi Parsons. Sketch of. [See Stoddard, W. O.— Men of Business.] C 16 R 19 MOSCHUS. Works of. [See Fawkes, P.] II 9 U 28 MOSELT, Harriett. The Power of Grace; or, Memorials of Harriett Mosely ; by Isabella S. Leonard. 12mo. Sydney, 1886. MC 1 P 49 MOSELET, Prof. II. JS T . Narrative of the Cruise of II.M.S. "Challenger." [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J. — Eeport on the Scientific Eesults of the Voyage of II.M.S. " Challenger."] A G f Ilydroid, Alcyonarian, and Madreporanian Corals. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J. — Voyage of II.M.S. " Challenger."] A G f MOSES, Dr. Alfred J., and PAESON3, Prof. Chas. L. Elements of Mineralogy, Crystallography, and Blow- pipe Analysis, from a practical standpoint. 8vo. New York, 1895. A 24 V 34 MOSES, Prof. Bernard. The Establishment of Municipal Government in San Erancisco. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 7.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1889. B 18 S7 MOSES, Dr. Henry. Sketches of India. 8vo. Lond., 1850. D 17 E 19 MOSIIEIM, Eev. Dr. Johann Lorentz von. An Ecclesias- tical History, Ancient and Modern. Translated by the Eev. Dr. A. Maclaine. G vols. 8vo. Lond., 1826. G 4 P 28-33 MOSLEY, M. New Zealand Illustrated Annual. [See New Zealand Illustrated Annual.] MJ 3 S 4 MOSSMAN, Samuel E. Railways in Victoria : a safe, sound, cheap, and expeditious system for their con- struction. 8vo. Melb., 1857. MA 1 V 55 MOTTELAY, P. Floury. Trans.— On the Loadstone, &c. [Set Gilbert, Wm.] A 21 V 5 MOULE, Eev. Handley Carr Glyn. Eonians. [See Expositor's Bible.] G 19 S 8 MOULTON, Louise C. Arthur O'Shaughnessy, his Life and Work, with Selections from his Poems. 12mo. Lond., 1894. C 14 P 32 MOULTON, Dr. Eichard Green. Four Years of Novel Eeading. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 12 Q 8 Notes on University Extension. [See Gilman, Dr. D. G] B18 S9 MOUNCEY, Wm. A. de. [See De Mouncey, W. A.] MOUNT MORGAN GOLD-MINING COMPANY. Eeport of the Extraordinary General Meeting, held on Dec. 23, 1890. 12mo. Eockhampton, 1890. ME5Q MOUNTAIN, A. C. The City Eailway Extension. Sin. fol. Sydney, 1889. MA 9 P 6 t Hyde Park Destruction. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1889. MA 9 P 6 t MOUZE, Major. Traite de Fortification Souterraine suivi de quatre Memoires sur les Mines. Sm. 4to. Paris, 1804. A 30 V 8 MOXOM, P. S. The Aim of Life : Plain Talks to Young Men and Women. 2nd ed. 8vo. Boston, 1894. G 18 Q 14 MUDDOCK, J. E. For Valour, the Victoria Cross : a record of the brave and noble deeds for which Her Majesty has bestowed the Victoria Cross. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 23 S 17 MUDIE, J. An Historical and Critical Account of a grand series of National Medals. 4to. Lond., 1820. A 11Q 8 f MUELLER, Dr. A. On Snake Poison, its action and its antidote. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1893.* MA 2 S 71 MUELLER, Sir Ferdinand von, Baron. Account of some New Australian Plants. 8vo. Melb., 1857. MA 2 T 31 Additions to Lists of Timber Trees, &c, eligible for Victorian Culture. 8vo. Melb., 1872. MA 2 T 31 Additions to the Extra-Tropical Flora of South Aus- tralia. (Trans. Roy. Soc, S. Australia, 9.) Svo. Adelaide, 1887. ME 1 S Dendrobium cincinnatiim, Sp. Nov. (Proc. Roy. Soc., Queensland, 1.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1884. ME 1 T Description and Illustrations of the Mvoporinous Plants of Australia. Vol.2. 4to. Melb., 1836. MA9P21f 2. Lithograms. Description of a new Tilliaceous Tree from N.E. Aus- tralia. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 2.) 8vo. Bris- bane, 1886. ME 1 T Descriptive Notes on Papuan Plants, parts G-9. 8vo. Melb., 1885-90. MA 1 V 2 Diagnoses of a new genus of Verbenacea; from Arnheim Land. (Trans. Roy. Soc, S. Australia, 6.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1883. ME 1 S Diagnoses of some New Plants from South Australia (Trans. Roy. Soc, S. Australia, 6.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1883. ME 1 S Forest Culture in its relation to Industrial Pursuits. 8vo. Melb., 1871. MA 3 S 35 Geological Survey of Victoria. — Observations on New Vegetable Fossils of the Auriferous Drifts. 1st and 2nd Decade. Roy. 8vo. Melb., 1874-83. ME Iconography of Australian Salsolaceous Plants. Decades 1-9. 4to. Melb., 1889-91. MA 8 Q 24 f Iconography of Candolleaceous Plants. 1st decade. 4to. .Melb., 1892. MA9P17t On a new Acanthaceous Plant from Arnheim Land. (Trans. Roy, Soc., S. Australia, 5.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1882. . ME 1 S 190 Sirpp lenien tcmj Ca talog ue — 189 3-9 5 . MUELLER, Sir Ferdinand von, Baron— conld. On tho Advancement of the Natural Sciences through Ministers of the Christian Church. 8vo. Melb., 1S77. MG 1 S GO Second Systematic Census of Australian Plants, with Chronologic, Literary, and Geographic Annotations. Parti. Vasculares. Obl.8vo. Melb., 1889. MA1R58 Select extra-tropical Plants readily eligible for Industrial Culture or Naturalisation. 8th cd. 8vo. Melb., 1801. MA 3 T 24 Suggestions on the Maintenance, Creation, and Enrich- ment of Forests. 12mo. Melb., 1870. MA 3 U G , and TATE, Prof. E. On a new Diileniaceous Plant from Arnheim Land. (Trans. Roy. Soc., S. Australia, 5.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1882. ME 1 S On a new Rhamnaccous Plant from South Australia. (Trans, Roy. Soc, S. Australia, 5.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1882. ME 1 S MUENCH, H. Physical Culture: a National "Want. 8vo. Milwaukee, 1800. G 18 R 35 MUIR, John. The Mountains of California. 8vo. Lond., 1894. D15R12 MUIR, Dr. John. [Sketch of.] [Am Miiller, P. Max.— Chips from a German Workshop.] J 9 R 31-33 MUIR, Matthew M. P. Tho Chemistry of Fire. 12mo. Lond., 1803. A 21 P 18 Watts' Chemistry. [See Watts, II.] K R 8 MULHALL, Michael G. and E. T. Hand-book of tho River Plate, comprising the Argentine Republic, Uruguay, and Paraguay. Gth ed. 12mo. Buenos Ayres, 1802. D 4 P 50 MULLENTIOFF, Dr. Karl. Die Ortsbewegungen der Tierc. 4to. Berlin, 1885. A 30 V 10 Die Grosse der Flugftiichen. 8to. Bonn, 1884. A 30 U 27 MULLER, Prof. F. Max. Chips from a German Work- shop. New ed. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1804. J 9 R 31-33 India, what can it teach us ? 8vo. Lond., 1883. J 2 Q28 Sacred Books of the East. Vols. 36, 41, 45, 49. 8vo. Oxford, 1891-95. G 20 8 2, 7, 11, 15 36. The Questions of King Milinda ; translated from the Pali by T. W. R. Davids. Part 2. 41. Satapatha-BWihmana ; translated by Julius Eggeling. Part 3. 45. Gaina Sutras ; translated by II. Jacobi. Part 2. 49. Buddhist Mahayana Texts. Part 1. The Buddha- Karita of Asvaghosha ; translated by Prof. E. B. Cowell. Theosophy ; or Psychological Religion. (The Gifford Lectures, 1892.) 8vo. Loud., 1803. G 10 P 18 Three Lectures on the Vedanta Philosophy, delivered at the Royal Institution, 1894. 8vo. Lond., 1804. G 13 P 30 MULLER, Wilholin. [Sketch of.] [See Miiller, F. Max. — Chips from a German Workshop] J 9 R 32 MULLINS, Dr. George Lane. Epidemic Diseases and their Prevention in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1805. MA 3 R 55 Notes on Hydatid Disease in New South Wales. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1805. MA 3 R 55 Notes on Phthisis in New South Wales and other Aus- tralasian Colonies. Sm.4to. Sydney, 1895. MA 3 R 55 MUMMERY, A. F. My Climbs in the Alps and Caucasus. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1805." D 10 V 22 MUN, Thos. England's Treasure by Forraign Trade 12mo. New York, 1805. F 7 V 38 MUNATIUS PLANCUS, L. [See Plancus, L. Muuatius ] MUNICIPAL ASSOCIATION OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Proceedings at Fourth, Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Sessions. 4 vols. 12mo. Sydney, 1SSI ! -!)L. ME G R MUNRO, Colin. Fern Vale ; or, the Queensland Squatter. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1862. MJ 3 Q 21-23 MUNRO, Sir Thos., and the British Settlement of the Madras Presidency. (Rulers of India.) 8vo. Oxford, 1804. C 14 P 13 MUNROE, Kirk. The White Conquerors of Mexico : a Tale of Toltec and Aztec. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1804. J 4 R 30 MUNTZ, Eugene. Les Arts a la Cour des Papes pendant le XV° et le XVP Siecle, 1417-1521. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1878-82. A 23 U 30-32 , et FABRE, Paul. La Bibliotheque du Vatican au 15" Siecle. 8vo. Paris, 1877. J 7 U 34 MURCHISON, Sir Roderick Impey. Portrait of. [See Ramsay, Sir A. C— Memoir of.] C 21 R 20 MURDOCH, Rev. Alexander D. Memoirs of Montrose. [See Montrose, Marquis of.] B 31 V 9 MURDOCH, W. G. Burn. Edinburgh to the Antarctic : an Artist's Notes during the Dundee Antarctic Expedition of 1802-1893. 8vo. Lond., 1891. D 16 T 12 MURDOCK, A. From Australia to Japan. 8vo. Lond., 1892. MJ 2 T 24 MURPHY, Arthur. All in the Wrong : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 2.] H 2 S 34 The Citizen : a Farce. [See London Stage, 1.] II 2 S 33 Tho Grecian Daughter: a Tragedy. [See London Stage, 3.] H 2 S 35 Know your own Mind : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 2.] II 2 S 31 The Orphan of China : a Tragedy. [See London Stage, 2.] H 2 S 34 Three Weeks after Marriage': a Comedy. [See London Stage, 1.] II 2 S 33 The way to keep him : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 1.] II 2 S 33 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 191 MURPHY, G. "Read. History of Federation. 8vo. Mel b., 1894. MF3T47 MURPHY, Dr. Shirley F. Hygiene and Public Health. [See Stevenson, Dr. T.] A 33 U 2-4 Our Homes, and how to make them healthy. Edited by S. F. Murphy. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1883. A 3 P 2 MURRAY AND OVENS DISTRICT DIRECTORY for 1882-83. 12mo. Albury, 1882. ME 10 S MURRAY, Rev. A. W. In Meinoriam : a Veteran Missionary of the London Missionary Society : Sermon preached by Rev. Joseph King, July, 1892. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MG2Q29 MURRAY, Andrew. Economic Entomology: Aptera. 8vo. Lond., 187G. A 28 P 22 MURRAY, Chas. E. R. Practice of District Courts, N.S.W. [See Foster, W. J.] MF 1 Q 47 MURRAY, Dr. David. Japan. 8vo. Lond., 1894. D 17 R 14 MURRAY, David Christie. Great War of 189—. [See Great War of 189—.] J 2 Q 21 MURRAY, George. Introduction to the Study of Sea- weeds. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 27 P 22 MURRAY, Rt. Rev. Dr. James. Pastoral Letter to the Catholic Clergy and Laity of the Diocese of Maitland, on Catholic Education and the Public Schools Act of New South "Wales. 8vo. W. Maitland, 18G8. MG 1 R 22 MURRAY, Dr. James A. II. New English Dictionary on Historical Principles. Consignificant — Crouching, D — Dec, Dep-Dev, Everybody — Fee, Fee-Fei. 5 parts. 4to. Oxford, 1893-95. K 20 V MURRAY, John. Hand-book of Rome and its Environs. 15th cd. 12mo. Loud., 1894. D 12 S 15 Hand-book for Travellers in Constantinople, Brugft, and the Troad. 12ino. Lond., 1893. D 12 S 8 Hand-book for Travellers in Denmark, with Schleswig and Holstein, and Iceland, (ith edition. 12mo. Lond., 1893. D 12 S 9 Hand-book for Travellers in New Zealand ; by F. W. Pennefather. 12mo. Lond., 1893. MD 4 R 45 Hand-book for Travellers in Scotland. Gth ed., with Maps and Plans. 12mo. Edinb., 1894. D 12 S 14 MURRAY, Dr. John. How to Live in Tropical Africa : a Guide to Tropical Hygiene. The Malarial Problem : Cause, Prevention, and Cure. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 2G R 6 MURRAY, John, F.R.S.E. Scientific Results of Voyage of II.M.S. Challenger, 1872-7G. [See Thomson, Sir C. W.] A 6 S t Summary of the Scientific Results obtained at the Sounding, Dredging, and Trawling Stations of II.M.S. Challenger, [See Thomson, Sir C. W. — Scientific Results of Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger:] A 6 S t MURRAY, John, F.R.S.E., and RENARD, A. Volcanic Ashes and Cosmic Dust and their Distribution in Deep Sea Deposits. 8vo. Edinb., 1877. A 20 T 16 Nomenclature, Origin, and Distribution of Deep Sea Deposits. 8vo. Edinb., 1877. A 20 T 10 MURRAY, Lieut. John. Charts of Bass's Strait. Fol. Lond., 1803. MD 1 P 10 % MURRAY, Dr. John O'Kane. The Prose and Poetry of Ireland. 10th ed. 8vo. New York, 1882. J G U 2 MURRAY, K. L. Corrosion and Incrustation iu Steam Boilers. 8vo. Melb., 1885. MA 3 S 63 MURRAY, Pembroke L. Volunteer Act, Regulations, Orders of Dress, Standing Orders, and General Orders of Permanent Series. 3rd edition. 12mo. Svdney, 1892. MA 2 P 51 MURRAY, T. Douglas, and WHITE, A. Silva. Sir Samuel Baker: a Memoir. 8vo. Loud., 1895. C 21 T 10 MURRAY, Rev. Thos. Boyle. Pitcairn: the Island, &c. ; to which is added, a short Notice of Norfolk Island. 12mo. Lond., 1885. MB 2 P 52 MUS/EUS [Greek Poet]. Works of . [See Fawkes, F.] II 9 IT 28 MUS/EUS, Johann Carl August. Translations of Works of. [See Carlyle, T .] J 5 R 42 MUSEUM FLORENTINUM: Statua Antique Deorum et Vive-rum illustrium. Fol. Florentia, 1734. A 1 Sll t MUSEE ROYAL D'HISTOIRE NATURE LLE DE BELGIQUE. Annates du. 24 vols. fol. Bruxelles, 1878-86. A 6 V and W J Description des Ossements Fossiles des environs d'Anvers ; par P. J. Van Beneden. Faune du Calcaiie Carbonifere do Belgique ; par L. G. do Koninck. Couchyliologie des Terrains Tertiaires de la Bclguiue ; par P. H. Nyst. Bulletin du, 1882-SG. 4 vols. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1882-86. E MUSKETT, C. Australasian Almanac, 1877. 8vo. Melb., 1877. ME 6 S MUSKETT, Dr. Philip E. Art of Living in Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1893. MA 1 V 59 An Australian Appeal : the evil — the cause — the remedy. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MA 2 S G3 Prescribing and Treatment in Diseases of Infants and Children. 3rd ed. 18mo. Edinb., 1894. MA 3 P 31 MUSSON, Chas. T. Book-keeping for Farmers and Orchardists. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MA 1 Q 62 MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALASIA. Proceedings at Annual General Meeting, 1877. 8vo. Sydney, 1877. ME G P 192 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. MY NOTE-BOOK. Vol. 3, January-June, 1858. 4to. Melb., 1858. MJ 1 V 2* MYERS, Francis. Botany Bay, Past and Present. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1885. ' MD 7 U 1 Irrigation; or, the New Australia. 8vo. Melb., 1891. MA 1 U 66 MYLNE, Eev. Dr. A. Elementary Treatise on Astronomy. 2nd ed. 8vo. Ediub., 1819. A 20 U 1 MYSTERIES OF MELBOURNE LIFE, a story ; by the author of " Scripopolis." Roy. 8vo. Melb., 1873. MJ 2 S 36 N NABER, IT. A. Standard Methods in Physics and Elec- tricity criticised, and a test for electric Meters pro- posed. 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 21 S 28 NADEN, Miss Constance C. W. Complete Poetical Works of. 8vo. Lond., 1891. H 9 Q 9 NADIRIAN, The. Vol. 1, 1894. Sm. 4to. Brisbane, 1894 ME 15 Q NAIRNE, Rev. Alexander Kyd. Flowering Plants of Western India. 12mo. Lond., 1891. A 20 P 20 NAIRNE, Caroline, Baroness, the Scottish Songstress; by her great grand-niece, M. S. Simpson. 8vo. Edinb"!, 1894- C 17 Q 14 NANGLB, James. Notes on Bricks and Brick-making in and around Sydney. 8vo. Sydney, 1891. MA 3 U 12 NANSEN, Dr. Fridjof. Eskimo Life. 8vo. Lond., 1893. D 14 Til Account of. [See Tweedie, Mrs. A.— Winter Jaunt to Norway.] D 18 T 15 NANSON, Prof. E. J. Proportional Representation. (Roy. Soc, Vict., 17, 19.) 8vo. Melb., 1881-83. ME 1 P NAPIER, A. S. History of the Holy Rood-tree: a 12th Century Version of the Cross Legend ; with Notes on the Orthography of the Ormulum and a Middle English Compassio Marise. (Early English Text Society, Original Series, 103.) 8vo. Lond., 1891. E NAPIER, George G. Homes and Haunts of Alfred, Lord Tennyson. 8vo. Glasgow, 1892. C 15 P 11 NAPOLEON I , Emperor of the French. An Aide-de- camp of. [See Scgur, Gen. Count de.] B 25 S 20 Decline and Fall of ; by Viscount Wolseley. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1895. B 26 R 10 [Life of] ; by A. Dumas; translated by J. B. Earner. 8vo. New York, 1891. C 17 S 7 NAPOLEON I., Emperor of the French— contd. Memoirs to servo for the History of, from 1802-15 ; by Baron C. F. de Meneval ; translated by R. II. Sherard. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1891. C 17 R 7-9 Napoleon and the Fair Sex ; translated from the French of Frederic Masson. Svo. Loud., 1891. C 17 S 10 Napoleon Bonaparte ; or, the Man of the World. [See Emerson, K. W. — Representative Men.] C 17 P 10 Napoleon raconte par l'lmage d'apres les Sculptours, les Graveurs, et les Peintres. Sm. fol. Paris, 1895. C 15 R 14 f Napoleon's last Voyages ; being the Diaries of Admiral Sir T. ITssher and J. R. Glover. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 22 R 3 [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L. — Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 The Private Life of Napoleon ; by A. Levy. From the French of S. L. Simeon. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 19 R 15, 10 Sketch of ; with Portrait. [See Bolton, Sarah K. — Famous Leaders.] C 17 P 27 NAPOLEON III. Napoleon the Little ; by Victor Hugo. 12mo. Lond., 1852. C 17 P 12 [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L.— Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 NARBROUGH, Sir J. Account of Several Late Voyages and Discoveries : 1, Sir John Narbrough's Voyage to the South Sea ; 2, Capt. J. Tasman's Discoveries on the Coast of the South Terra Incognita ; 3, Capt. J. Wood's Attempt to Discover a North-East Passage to China ; 1, F. Marten's Observations made in Green- land and other Northern Countries. Svo. Lond., 1711. MD5P23 NARES, Sir George S. Scientific Results of Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger, 1872-76. [See Thomson^ Sir C. W.] A 6 S f NASH, George V. American Ginseng, its Commercial History, Protection, and Cultivation. 8vo. Wash., 1896. A 30 U 32 NASMITH, John W. The Slide Rule, its Principles and Application. 8vo. Manchester (n.d.) A 25 R 24 NASON, Frank L. Report on the Iron Ores of Missouri. (Geological Survey of Missouri.) 8vo. Jefferson City, 1892. A 9 U 35 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Memoirs of. Vol. 5. 4to. Wash., 1891. E NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF VIC- TORIA. Second Annual Spring Exhibition: Cata- logue of Exhibits. Svo. Melb., 1872. MK 1 R 4L NATIONAL AUSTRALASIAN CONVENTION. Ban- quet to Members. Menu Card. 8vo. Sydney, 1891. MA 1 V 37 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 193 NATIONAL CYCLOPEDIA OF AMERICAN BIOG- EAPHY, being the History of the United States ; [with Portraits of all distinguished characters.] 5 vols. imp. 8vo. New York, 1891. C IS U G-10 NATIONAL EDUCATION: a Series of Letters in Defence of the National System ; by the Teachers of the National Schools of Sydney. 8vo. Sydney, 1857. MO 1 E 18 NATIONAL GALLEEY, VICTOEIA. [See Victoria, Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery.] NATIONAL REVIEW, The. Vols. 15-21 Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1890-95, E NATIONAL EIFLE ASSOCIATION. Proceedings of, 1882-93. 12 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1882-93. E NATIONAL TEMPERANCE SOCIETY, NEW YOEK. Eeport, 1892. Svo. New York, 1892. E NATUEALIST ON THE PEOWL, A; or, in the Jungle; by"Eha." Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1891. A28U2 NATURE: a Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science. Vols. 46-50. 4to. Lond., 1892-91. E NAUTICAL ALMANAC, The, and Astronomical Ephc- meris for 1896-9S. 3 vols. roy. Svo. Lond., 1893-91. E NAUTICAL MAGAZINE, The, and Journal of the. Royal Naval Reserve. Vols. G1-G3. 8vo. Lond., 1892-91. E NAVAL ANNUAL, Tho. Edited by T. A. Brassey. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. Portsmouth, 1893-95. E NAVILLE, Dr. Edouard. Ahnas el Medineh (Hera- cleopolis Magna), with Chapters on Mendes, the Nome of Thoth, and Leontopolis ; appendix on Byzantine Sculptures ; by Prof. T. II. Lewis ; the Tomb of Paheri, at El Kab ; by J. J. Tylor and F. L. Griffith. (Egypt Exploration Fund.) [Illustrated.] 4to. Lond., 1891. B 12 T 5 t The Festival Hall of Osorkon II. in the Great Temple of Bubastis, 1887-89. (Egypt Exploration Fund.) 4to. Lond., 1892. B 12 T 1 f Tho Temple of Deir el Bahari, its Plan, its Founders, and its Explorers. (Egypt Exploration Fund.) 4to. Lond., 1891. B2P2Gt NAVY EECOED SOCIETY. Lond., 1894. Publications of. 8vo. E 1, 2. Defeat of (he Spanish Armada j edited by Prof. J. K. Laugliton. NAYLEE, B. S. Commonsense Observations on the exist- ence of rules regarding the English Language ; fol- lowed bv, Pronunciation made Easy. Svo. Melb., 18G9. MK 1 Q 36 NEALE, Agnes. [See Leane, Caroline Agnes.] 2b NEBEASKA. Information concerning. 12mo. St. Louis, 1893. D 15 Q 23 Eesources. Advantages, and Development. 12mo. Omaha,' Neb., 1893. D 15 P 11 Great Opportunities for Farmers and Investors in. 12mo. Chicago, 1893. D 15 Q 23 NEBEASKA — State Boaiid op Agbicultuke. Eeport, 1892. 8vo. Lincoln, 1892. E NEBEASKA UNIVERSITY. Reports of the University Agricultural Experiment Station, 1888-93. G vols. 8vo. Lincoln, 18S9-91. E NEED HAM, John, sen. Lecture on Writing. 12 mo. Melb. (n.d.) MG 2 It 21 NEIL, Eev. James. Pictured Palestine. Illustrated. 8vo. New York (n.d.) D 16 V 9 NEILD, Dr. James Edward. Address delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Victorian Branch of the British Medical Association, 1882. 8vo. Melb., 1882. MA 1 V 72 On the Advantages of Burning the Dead. 8vo. Melb , 1873. MA 2 S 62 NELSON, Adm. Horatio, Viscount, Duke of Bronte. [Life of] ; by J. K. Laughton. 12mo. Lond., 1895. C 22 P 14 Sketch of ; with Portrait. [See Bolton, Sarah K. — Famous Leaders.] C 17 P 27 NELSON, O. N. History of the Scandinavians and suc- cessful Scandinavians in the United States. Vol. 1, parts 1 aud 2. Svo. Minneapolis, 1893. B 25 E 7 NELSON, Wallace. For and against Socialism. [See Dalrymple, D. U.J MF 4 It 31 NEEEVY, J. F. The Silkworm. 8vo. Melb. (n d.) MA 3 S 56 The Torrent of the French Eevolutions ; or, a Guide to the reading of tho History of France from 1789-1873, with Chronological and Genealogical Maps of the different Dynasties. 2 vols. 8vo. Melb., 1873. MB 2 E 61, 62 NERNST, Dr. Walter, and PALMEE, Dr. Chas. Skeele. Theoretical Chemistry. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1895. A21U1 NETTLESHIP, Henry. Lectures and Essays. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1885-95. J 10 E 40, 41 NETTLETON, C. Photo-Views of Victoria. [GO Photo- graphs.] 4to. Melb. (n.d.) MA9P13t NEUE3 JAHEBUCfl fur Mineralogie, Geologie, und Palaeontologie, 1830-91. 95 vols. 8vo. Heidelberg and Stuttgart, 183C-94. E 194 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. NEVADA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STA- TION. Reports, 1889, 1891-93. 4 vols. 8vo. Car- son City and Reno, 1889-91. E NEVADA STATE UNIVERSITY. Report, 1890. 8vo. Reno, 1891. E NEVILLE, Henry. Voice, Speech, and Gesture. [See Campbell, Dr. H.] J 8 T 36 NEW BOOK OF SPORTS. 12mo. Lond., 1885. A 29 R 30 NEW BRUNSWICK. Report on Agriculture, for the Province of New Brunswick, for 1893. Eredcricton, 1894. E NEW CHUM'S ADVICE to Public Speakers and Public Readers. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MJ 3 Q 11 NEW EEDERATION MOVEMENT, The, from the Corowa Conference, 1893, to the A. N. A. Conference, 1891. 8vo. Bcndigo, 1891. ME 2 T 56 NEW GUINEA, British. Reports on, 1888-94. 4 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, Brisbane, and Melb., 1882-91. ME NEW HAMPSHIRE- State Departments, Reports, and Publications. Adjutant-General. Reports for 1866 and 1868. 3 vols. 8vo. Concord, &c, 1866-68. E Board op Agriculture. Gems of the Granite State. Obi. 8vo. Concord (n.d.) D 15 Q 25 Board op Library Commissioners. Report, 1892. 8vo. Concord, 1892. E Forestry Commission. Second Report. 8vo Concord, 1893. E General Court. Annual [Departmental] Reports, 1890- 92. 9 vols. 8vo. Manchester and Concord, 1S91-93. E Adjutant-General, Reports, 1890-1892. Asylum for the Insane, Reports, 1890-1892. Bank Commissioners, Reports, 1890-1S92. Board of Agriculture, Reports, 1890-1892. Board of Equalization, Reports, 1891, 1892. Board of Health, Reports, 1890-1892. Commissioners of Lunacy, Reports, 1890-1892. Fish Commissioners, Reports, 1890-1892. Forestry Commissioners, Report of, 1890. Industrial School, Reports, 1890-1892. Insurance Commissioner, Reports, 1890-1892. Normal School, Reports, 1890-1892. Railroad Commissioners, Reports, 1890-1892. State Librarian, Reports, 1890-1892. State Prison, Reports, 1890-1892. State Treasurer, Reports, 1890-1892. Superintendent of Public Instruction, Reports, 1890-1892. Vital Statistics, Reports, 1S90-92. Library. Reports of the State Librarian, 1892-94. 2 vols. 8vo. Concord, 1S92-94. E NEW HAMPSHIRE— contd. Provincial, Town, and State Papers ; edited by Albert S. Batchellor. Vols. 2-20. Manchester, &c, 1808- 91. E Journals of the Senate and House of Representatives, Special Session, December, 1890, and January Session, 1891. 2 vols. 8vo. Manchester, 1891. E Laws of the State of New Hampshire, 1891, 1893. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Concord, 1891-93. E Public Statutes of New Hampshire. Roy. 8vo. Man- chester, 1891. E Secretary op State. Manual for the General Court, 1891 and 1893. 2 vols. 8vo. Concord, 1891-93. E Soldiers' Home. Report for 1891-92. 8vo. Concord, 1893. E Supreme Court. Reports, 1888-89. Vol. 65. 8vo. Concord, 1891. E NEW HEBRIDES. Description of. 8vo. Lond., 1846. MD 8 R 30 NEW JERSEY— State Departments, Reports, and Pulli- cations. Agricultural Experiment Station. Reports, 18S4, 1887-92, and 1894. 7 vols. 8vo. Trenton, 1885-95. E Board of Education. Report, 1892, part 1. 8vo. Trenton, 1893. E NEW MEXICO. Mineral and other Resources of Sierra County. [See Robin, G. E.] D 15 T 19 Colfax County, its resources and opportunities. 8vo. Denver, 1893. D 15 T 19 NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE, The. Part 3, 1842, 1843, 1844. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1842-44. E NEW REVIEW, The. Vols. 7-13. 8vo. Lond., 1892- 95. E NEW SHAKSPERE SOCIETY. 8vo. Lond., 1881-89. Publications. 5 vols. E Plays : The Two Noble Kinsmen, edited by If. Littledale. Shakspere's England : Harrison's Description of England in Shakspere's youth. Edited by F. J. Furnival. Transactions, 1887- 92. NEW SOUTH WALES- General. District Maps, compiled by Messrs. Higinbotham and Robinson. Fol. Sydney, 1882-87. MD 1 P 13 % Ashfield. Balmain. Bourke. Burwood. Canterbury. Clarence, New England, and Macleay River Districts. Cook's River and George's River. Hunter's Hill. North Shore. Pennant Hills Districts. Petersham. St. Leonards. St. Peters to Liverpool. Historical Records of New South Wales. Vols. 1-3. 1762-1799. 8vo. Sydney, 1892-95. MB 2 T 20-23 Facsimiles of Charts to accompany Vol. 1, pt. 1 [of the above]. 4to. Sydney, 1893. MB 8 P 6 f II Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 195 NEW SOUTH WALES— General— contd. History of New South Wales, from the Becords. Vol. 2, by A. Britton; edited by F. M. Bladen. 8vo. Sydney, 1894. MB 2 S 33 2. Phillip and Grose, 1789-1794. Map of New South Wales, showing Boads, Gold, Tin, and Copper Districts, Distances, &c. Folded 12rno. Sydney, 1871. MD 2 W 53 New South Wales, its Past, Present, and Future Con- dition. 12mo. Lond., 1819. MB 1 P 48 Papers respecting New South Wales [relating to Police and Gaol Establishments, Discovery and Occupation of the Colony, and Immigration]. 8m. fol. Sydnoy, 1811. MF 3 U 48 Photographs of the Heads of the People during the Governorship of Sir W. T. Denison, 1855-G1. Fol. [Framed.] Libr. Photographs of Scenery, Views, &c. 8 vols. fol. Sydney, 1895. MA 45 % Belieious Wants of New South Wales. 8vo. Lond., 1840. MG 1 S 3(5 NEW SOUTH WALES— Government Departments, Re- port!, and Publications. Acts of Pabxiamext. [See Statutes.] AOEICULTTJEE. Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales. Vols. 1-4. Boy. 8vo. Sydney, 1890-91. ME 9 B Annual Beport of Department of Agriculture, 1S91. 8m. fol. Sydney, 1892. ME Bulletin of the Conference of Delegates of Agricultural Societies, 1895. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MA 1 S 48 Bulletin of the Proceedings of the Conference of Vine and Fruit-growers, 1895. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MA 1 S 49 Hawkesbury Agricultural College and Experimental Farm. Prospectus, Begulations, Beports, &c. 8vo. Sydney, 1892-94. ME 6 S Beport from the Select Committee on Disease in Fruit Trees. Sm. fol. Sydney, I860. MA 2 Q 31 f Pamphlets on Commercial Crops. 8vo. Sydney, 1892-93. The Cultivation of the Australian Nut. MA 1 Q 05 Sorghum. Report on the Tobacco-growing Industry in the Tumut District ; by S. Lamb and G. F. Sutherland. Cultivation and* Extraction of the Fibre from Sisal Hemp riant. Flower-farming for Perfumes and Medicines. The Cultivation of the Black or Green Wattle ; by F. Turner. 3rd edition. The Cultivation and Uses of the Bael or Bengal Quince. Comparison of American and Australian Maize ; by F. B. Guthrie. Report on Maizs Crop grown at Hawkesbury Agricultural College Farm. Cultivation and Uses of the Thousand-Headed Kale. Cultivation and Uses of the "Catiang-Bean" or "Cow-pea." Tobacco as a Farmer's Crop in N.S.W. ; by G. F. Suther- land. Olive Culture ; by J. L. Thompson. The Cultivation of Rape : The advantage of alternate Crops ; by J. L. Thompson. Medicinal Plants [Dandelion, Squill,' Jalap, Dill]; by T. Phillips-Gibson. Tan Substances — CafiaignS. Olive Culture and the Manufacture of Olive Oil, Flower-farming for Perfumes. Report on the Yield of Maize, April, 1S93. NEW SOUTH WALES- Aobicultuee — contd. -contd. Pamphlets. Beports on Condition of Growing Crops, Nos. 1-7. Oct. 1892— Apl., 1893. 8vo. °Sydnev, 1892-93. MA 1 Q 59 Pamphlets. Beport of Conference of Delegates from Agricultural Societies, March, 1891. 8vo. Sydney, 1891. MA 1 Q 70 Pamphlets on Dairying. 8vo. Sydney, 1892-93. MA 1 Q C8 Cheese-making ; by F. McCaffrey. Silos, Ensilage, and Silage ; by J. A. Despeissis. The Chemistry of Cheese-making ; by F. McCaffrey. Milk Fermentations and their Relations to Dairvinc : bv H. W. Conn. ° ' How to increase the percentage of Butter-fat in Milk j by H. C. L. Anderson. Economical Silage Stack. The Milking Machine at Bodalla. Cheese-making by small fanners. Pamphlets on Fruit-growing. 8vo. Sydney, 1890-93. MA 1 Q G2. Temperatures for Fruit Export. Cold Storage of Fruit. Cold Storage for Apples, from the Vegetable Pathologist's Point of View ; by N. A. Cobb. Prune-growing aud Curing ; by A. H. Benson. The Strawberry ; its History and Cultivation ; by F. L. Jensen. Grafting. On Budding ; by F. Turner. Canning and Preserving Fruits ; by Prof. E. M. Sheltou. The English Market for New South Wales Fruit : Report by F. W. Ward. Book-keeping for Farmers and Orchardists ; by C. T. Musson. Curl-leaf in Peach, Nectarine, and other Stone Fruits. Spraying Fruit-trees. Preparation of the Lemon for Market ; by G. W. Garcelon. Report of Conference of Fruit-growers and Vine-growers, Oct., 1890. Report of Conference of Fruit-growers, Feb., 1891. Pamphlets on Insects injurious to Fruit-trees and Farm Crops. 8vo. Sydney, 1890-93. MA 1 Q (50 The Codling Moth, its Life-history and Habits ; by A. S. Olliff. Directions for Collecting, Packing, and Forwarding Speci- mens of Insects, Plants, Fungi, and Soils. 3rd edition. Insect Pests : the Maize Moth ; by A. S. Olliff. How and When to Spray for Codling Moth and Aphides on Fruit-trees ; by A. H. Benson. Woolly Aphis or American Blight ; by A. S. Olliff. The Bronzy Orange Bug ; by A. S. Olliff. Principal Insect and Fungus Pests, on Fruit and Fruit-trees, found in New South Wales, with a few well-known and tested remedies ; by A. H. Benson. Report on a visit to the Clarence River District for the pur- pose of ascertaining the nature and extent of Insect Ravages in the Sugar-cane Crops ; by A. S. Olliff. Entomological Notes ; by A. S. Olliff. Two little known Scale-insects affecting Fruit-trees. The Banded Pumpkin Beetle and Two-spotted Monolepta. The Cabbage Moth in the New Hebrides. The Potato Moth destroying Tobacco at Tamworth. Suggestions for Observations and Experiments : Life-history of the Potato Moth and its Ravages. The Migratory Locust in Egypt. The Use of Paris Green as an Insecticide ; by A. H. Benson. The Hessian Fly. Quotations for the various mixtures recommended for the treatment of Insect Pests and Plant Diseases. Mechanical application of Insecticides ; by J. A. Despeissis. 196 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. NEW SOUTH WALES— cowtf. Ageicultitee — contd. Pamphlets on Live Stock. 8vo. Sydney, 1891-93. MA 1 Q 58 The Pig, its Breeding, Management, and Commercial Value; by J. L. Thompson. Pig Raising and Pork Making ; by Prof. E. M. Shelton. The Clydesdale Horse ; by J. L. Thompson. The Frozen Mutton Industry ; by A. B. Suttor. Stock Breeding and Fattening in New Zealand ; by A. Bruce. Report on the Frozen Meat Trade of New Zealand ; by A. Bruce. Dropping after Calving ; by Dr. F. C. Grenside. The Treatment of Sheep for Worms ; by A. Bruce. Breeding Sheep for the Frozen Mutton Industry ; by A. B. Suttor. Judging Sheep by Points ; by A. Bruce. The Points of Stock and their Relative Values ; by A. Bruce. Description and Explanation of Sj'stem of Sheep Ear-marks in N.S.W. since 1878. Explanation of System of Horse and Cattle Brands in New South Wales. Pamphlets on Manures and Fertilisers. 8vo. Sydney, 1890-93. MA 1 Q CI Farmers' Guide to Manuring ; by A. N. Pearson. Orchard Manures : by H. C. L. Anderson. Analyses and Values of Commercial Fertilisers. How are Nitrogen and Phosphoric Acid to be obtained in the cheapest way 'I by Prof. I*. Wagner. Dried Blood as a Manure ; by H. C. L. Anderson. Pamphlets on Plant Diseases, Fungi, &c. 8vo. Sydney, 1892-93. MA 1 Q G7 Some Practical Results of the Treatment of Plant Diseases ; by Prof. B. T. Galloway. Plant Diseases and How to Prevent them ; by N. A. Cobb. Arrowing and its Relation to the present Disorder in the Sugar-cane ; by E. de P. O'Kelly. The Sereh Cane Disease ; by Dr. G. Kottman. The Sugar-cane Disease ; by Dr. G. Kottman. Sugar-cane Disease on the North Coast ; by J. A. Despeissis. Dialogue concerning the manner in which a Poisonous Spray does its work in preventing or checking Blight ; by N. A. Cobb. Smut in Oats and Wheat : Jensen or Hot- water Treatment. Rust in Wheat. Plant Diseases and their Remedies — Diseases of the Sugar- cane ; by N. A. Cobb. Pamphlets on Supposed Poisonous Plants. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MA 1 T 5G Supposed Poisonous Plant [Darling-pea, Indigo, Cranky- pea] ; by F. B. Guthrie and F. Turner. The Zamia Palm and its Relation to the Disease known as Rickets in Cattle ; by F. Turner. Pamphlets on Poultry and Bees. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MA 1 Q GO Plants visited by Bees. Heredity in Bees. Poultry — Fowls on the Farm. Poultry — Soft Foods. Poultry — Egg-producers and Experiments in Egg-produc- tion. Poultry — Table Breeds ; by S. Gray. Poultry — The Australian Game ; by S. Gray. Poultry— The Plymouth Rock. Judge's Report on Apiculture ; by A. Gale. Pamphlets. — Reports on Orchards, Farms, Ac. 8vo. Sydney, 1892-93. MA 1 Q G4 Citrus Orchards — Vineyards and Wine Cellars. Irrigation : Report by H. G. M'Kinney. The Western Districts ; by A. B. Suttor. Clearing Land by the aid of a Team of Bullocks. Judge's Report on English Fruit Orchards ; by J. Harold. Mixed Farms. National Prizes for District Agricultural Shows, 1S92. NEW SOUTH WALES— contd. AOBJCULTUEE — COIltd. Pamphlets on the Vineyard and Cellar. 8vo. Sydney, 1892-93. MA 1 Q 73 The Vineyard and the Cellar ; by J. A. Despeissis. Remarks on the sending and judging of Wine Samples in connection with the competition for National Prizes and cognate matters ; by P. F. Adams. The Australian Wine Trade ; by H. W. Irvine. Rust in Wheat. Report of Proceedings of Conference held in Sydney, June, 1891. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1891. MA 7 Q 32 f Auditob-GtENEeal. Public Accounts, 1893. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1894. ME Babque Ellen LyouiBY Boaed. Report. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1891. MF 4 U 1 Bills. [See Statutes.] Boaed foe the Pbotection of the Aboeioines. Report, 1891. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1892. ME Blue Book. [See Public Seevice.] Boaed of Health. Publications. Fol. Sydney, 1883- 92. MA7Q30f Directions for Restoring the Apparently Drowned. Australian Maritime Quarantine ; by J. A. Thompson. A District Hospital, its Construction and Cost ; by J. A. Thompson. Record of the Sanitary State of New South Wales ; by J. A. Thompson. Directions for Collection and Transmission of Samples of Water for Chemical Examination. Report on Sanitary Condition of Public Schools in Sydney and Suburbs. Quarantine Station, North Head, Report on, 1883. Report upon the late Epidemic of Small-pox, 1SS1-82. The late case of the M. M. S.S. Oeeanien. Quarantining of the S.S. Preiissen. Recent Importation of Small-pox by the S.S. Oroya. Vessels arriving at, and leaving, Ports of New South Wales : Return, 1801-02. Comparative View of the Mortality of the different Colonies. The Lactometer : directions for using. Dairies' Supervision Act, Administration of, 1S87-S9. Treatment of Typhoid Fever at the Coast Hospital. Report upon the Outbreak of Typhoid Fever in Leichhardt, due to Polluted Milk, lS8(i. Typhoid Fever in Sydney and Suburbs, 1S76-88. Report upon the Outbreak of Typhoid Fever in Newtown and Macdonaldtown, 1889. Report on an Outbreak of Fever at Balranald, caused by Polluted Water, 1S89. Report on Outbreak of Typhoid Fever at Waverley and Randwick, 1890. Returns : Number of Persons suffering from Typhoid Fever, 1888. Leprosy in the Australian Colonies. Report, 1800. Leprosy in New South Wales. Report, 1891. Bovine Tuberculosis, in the South Coast District, 1890. Eureka Patent Sanitary Burning Works, Newcastle, Report on. 18S9. Tapers relating to the Collection and Disposal of Night-soil in Unsewered Municipal Districts. Report on Deposit of Garbage in Kcdfern on Site for Building Purposes. Epidemic of Influenza. Reports, 1890-91. Maintenance of Sick Paupers : Reports on Votes for 18S7-S9. Government Laboratory : Reports, 1890-91. Coast Hospital, Little Bay : Report, 188-4. Rabbit Destruction. Vaccination : Report, 1882. Views of Board of Health in regard to Compulsory Vacci- nation. [Parliamentary] Report upon Management of the Quarantine Station, North Head, and the Hulk Far- away. Fol. Sydney, 1882. MA 10 P 15 f Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 197 NEW SOUTH WALES— contd. Board of Technical Education. [See Public Instruction*.] Charities and Charitable Institutions. Department of Charitable Institutions. Report, 1890. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1891. ME Public Charities, Second Report of the Commission on. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1874. MF 4 T 49 State Children's Relief Department. Reports, 1884-87, 1890 and 1894. 2 vols. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1881-94. ME Civil Service. [See Public Service.] Collieries. Report on Working of Collieries. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1894. MA 3 P 23 t Colonial Conference, Ottawa. Report on. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1894. MF 4 U 5 Costa Rica Packet Case. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1891. MF 4 U 4 Council of Education. [See Public Instruction.] Crown Lands. [See Lands.] Customs. Customs Handbook to May, 1893. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MF 1 S 68 Defence Forces. Description and Drill of the Maxim Automatic Rifle-Calibre Machine Gun, 1892. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MA 2 V 34 Description and Drill of the 80-pr. R.M.L. Converted Gun of 5 tons. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MA 2 V 34 Drill for 6-inch Breech-loading Gun on Casemate Carriage and Slide. 32mo. Sydney, 1892. MA 2 P 53 Drill for 6-inch Breech-Loading Gun on H.P. Mounting 32mo. Sydney, 1892. MA 2 P 53 Drill for Nordenfelt 45-inch 3-Barrelled Guu mounted on Travelling Carriage with Limber. 32mo. Sydney, 1892. MA 2 P 53 Gun Drill. 32mo. Sydney, 1891. MA 2 P 53 Handbook for "40-pounder" Rifled Breech-Loading Armstrong Gun. 8vo. Sydney, 1872. MA 2 V 31 Handbook of 10-iuch 18-ton R.M.L. Gun — Land Service. Svo. Sydney, 1892. MA 2 V 34 Handbook for Watkin's Field Range-Finder (Artillery and Infantry). 18ino. Sydney, 1892. MA 2 P 53 Instructions for 6-inch Rifle Breech-Loading Armstrong Gun and Casemate Carriage and Platform. Svo. Sydney, 1891. MA 2 V 34 Instructions for 6-inch Rifle Breech-Loading Armstrong Gun and Hydro-pneumatic Disappearing Carriage Svo. Sydney, 1891. MA 2 V 34 Instructions for 8-inch Rifled Breech-Loading Arm- strong Gun with Hydro-pneumatic Disappearing Carriage. 8vo. Sydney, 1891. . MA 2 V 34 Instructions for use of, and Drill with, 10-inch Rifled Muzzle-Loading Armstrong Gun of 25 tons weight. Svo. Sydney, 1890. MA 2 V 34 Manual or Drill for 6-inch and 8-inch B.L. Guns on Hydro-pneumatic Disappearing Carriages. 12mo. Sydney, 1S90. ' MA 2 P 53 NEW SOUTH WALES— con Id. Defence Forces — contd. Nordenfeldt Quick-firing and Machine Guns ; Instruc- tions and Drill. 8vo. Sydney, 1891. MA 2 V 34 80-pr. R.M.L. Gun on Traversing Slide, and 9-inch and 10-inch R.M.L. Guns in Casemate or open Batteries. 18mo. Sydney, 1893. MA 2 P 53 Report of Royal Commission appointed to enquire into the Military Service of New South Wales, 1892. Fol. Sydney, 1892. MF 4 T 4 Report of the Royal Commission on Defence Works, 1890. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1891. MA 10 P 58 t Standing Orders and Regulations for the New South Wales Commissariat and Transport Corps. 8vo. Sydney, 1891. MA 2 V 35 Watkin's Depression Range-Finder : Depression and Instructions for Use. 8vo. Syduev, 1891. MA 2 V 34 District Courts. Annual Returns under the District Courts Act of 1858. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1891. ME Education. [See Public Instruction.] Electoral Rolls, 1893-95. 8 vols. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1893-95. ME Estimates. [See Finance.] Exhibitions. Centennial International Exhibition, Mel- bourne, 1888. Report of the President of the New South Wales Commission. 8vo. Sydney, 1890. MF2 Q35 International Exhibition of Mining and Metallurgy, London, 1890. Report, sm. fol. Sydney, 1891. MK 10 P 53 f New Zealand and South Seas Exhibition, 18S9-90. Report. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1891. MK 10 P 51 t World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1S93. Report of the Executive Commissioner for New South Wales to. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1894. MK 9 Q 5 t Finance. Estimates, 1891-95. 6 vols. fol. Sydney, 1890-94. ME Estimates of Expenditure, 1894, as passed. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1891. ME Schedule to the Military and Naval Esiimates, 1894. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1S94. ME Financial Statement, 1891. Speeches. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1891. MF 1 S 40 Report on the Creation, Inscription, and Issue of Stock, 1892. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1892. MB Speeches in Parliament on the Inscribed Stock Bill. Roy. Svo. Sydney, 1893. MF 1 S 45 Fire Brigades' Board. Reports, 1891 and 1893. 2 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1882-94. ME Fisheries of the Colony, 1891. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1892. ME Forestry. State Forest Administration. Annual Pro- gress Report for 1892. sm. fol. Sydney, 1893. ME Friendly Societies. Friendly Societies Act Inquiry Commission, Report, 1883. Fol. Sydney, 1883. MF 4 T 39 198 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. NEW SOUTH AVALES— contd. Geological Survey. Memoirs of the Geological Survey. Geology, No. 5. Geology of the Broken Hill Lode and Barrier Eanges Mineral Eield, New South "Wales: with Maps, Plates, and Sections by J. B. Jacquet. 4to. Sydney, 1894. ME Memoirs of the Geological Survey. Palaeontology. INio. 3. Geological and Palaeontological relations of the Coal and Plant-bearing beds of Palaeozoic and Mesozoic Age in Eastern Australia and Tasmania, with special reference to the Eossil Elora; by Dr. O. Eoistmantol. 4to. Sydney, 1890. ME Memoirs of the Geological Survey. Palaeontology, No. 8. Contributions to a Catalogue of Works, Reports, and Papers on the Anthropology, Ethnology, and Geological History of the Australian and Tasmanian Aborigines ; by R. Etheridge, jun. Parts 1-3. 4to. Sydney, 1890-95. ME Memoirs of the Geological Survey. Palaeontology, No. 9. The Fossil Fishes of the Talbragar Beds ; by A. S. Woodward. 4to. Sydney, 1895. ME Records of the Geological Survey. Vols. 3, 4. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1892-95. ME 15 T Gold Discovery. Report on Claims of AV. Tom, J. Tom, and J. H. A. Lister as the First Discoverers of Gold in Australia. Sm. fob Sydney, 1890. MA 3 P 57 t Government Gazette, 1892-95. 24 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1892-95. ME Harbours and Rivers. Report on Dredging. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1891. MA 9 P 24 f Insane. Report of the Inspector-General of the Insane, 1890. Fol. Sydney, 1891. ME Justice. Handbook for 1892. 8vo. Sydney, 1S92. MF 2 Q 78 Lands. Cases determined in the Land Appeal Court. Vol. 1, pt. 7 and Index, and vols. 2-4. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1893-95. ME G U Conditional Purchases of J. Smith, J. M. 1). Sullivan, and A. Campbell, Land District of Lismore. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1890. MF 4 U 3 Handbook of the Crown Lands Acts. Rov. 8vo. Sydney, 1890. " MF 1 S 50 List of Crown Lands that may be selected at the upset price, in terms of section 25 of the Lands Act Further Amendment Act of 1880, Nos. 1 and 2, 1882. 2 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1882 MF4T41.42 List of Pastoral Leases, 1895-90. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. ME 3 R List of Runs ; showing the Rents for the year 1884, pay- able on or before 31st December, 1883. 8vo. Sydney, 1883. MF 3 R 64 Measured Lands open to Conditional Purchase and Con- ditional Lease, and Special Areas in the Eastern and Central Divisions. Sm. 4to. Syduev, 1891. MF 2 Q 43 Measured Lands open to Conditional Purchase within Special Areas. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1893. MF 2 Q 44 Proclaimed Gold-fields in the Colony, also the reserves from conditional purchase on account of gold. 8vo. Sydney, 1878. MA 2 Y 62 NEW SOUTH WALES-con^. Lands — contJ. Report of Inquiry into the state of the Public Lands. Fol. Sydney, 1883. MP 4 T 15 Reports of the Department of Lands, 1888-89, 1891-93. 2 vols. fol. Sydney, 1890-94. ME Synopsis of subjects relating to Crown Lauds, compiled from Sydney Gazettes from 1803-32. Svo. Sydney, 1895. ' MF 3 R 05 Report on the Resumption of Land, Woolloomooloo Bay, 1895. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1895. MF 4 T 43 Legislative Assembly. Report upon the Proposed Standing Orders. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1888. MF 4 U 8 Standing Rules and Orders, 1S94. Svo. Svdney, 1894. "Ml' 4 R 38 Votes and Proceedings of, 1891-95. 32 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1S92-93. MB Lead-poisoning at Broken Hill. Prevalence and Prevention of Lead-poisoning at Broken Hill Silver- lead Mines. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1893. MA 10 P 45 f Legislative Council. Journal of, 1856-74, 1892-95. 42 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1850-95. ME Mines. Annual Reports, 1882-84, 1891-94. 7 vols, sm. fol. Sydney, 1883-95. ME Extracts from the Annual Report for 1892. Roy. Svo. Sydney, 1S93. MA 2 Q 58 Noxious Trades. Report of the Noxious and Offensive Trades Inquiry Commission. Sm, fol. Sydney, 1883. MAUQSf Parliamentary Debates, 1892-95. A r ols. 59-78. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1S92-95. ME Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public AVorks. General Reports, 1890-92 and 1891. 4 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1890-94. E Patents. Index to Letters of Registration of Inventions, 1854-87. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1891. ME6U Index to Letters Patent, 1887-91. Boy. Svo. Sydney, 1892-93. ME 6 U Name Index of Applicants for Certificates of Provisional Protection and Letters Patent, 1887-88. Roy. Svo Sydney, 1889. ME 6 U Police. Report on W. Stafford, ex-mounted Sergeant of Police. S in. fol. Sydney, 1893. MF 4 T 17 Rules for the Government and Discipline of the Police Force. 8vo. Sydney, lN/7. MF4R29 Post and Telegraphs. Map showing Eoads and Postal Stations, prepared for the use of the Post Ofllco Department. Folded 12mo. Sydney, 1871. MD 2 W 39 Post and Telegraph Conference. Reports of Proceedings of the Conferences, 1890, 1892, 1894. 3 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1890-94. ME Report of Commission on alleged tampering with letters of J. Dcasy, M.P. Sm.fol. Sydney, 1889. MF4T3 Reports of the Postmaster-General, 1891, 1893. 2 vols, fol. Sydney, 1892-93. ME Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 199 NEW SOUTH WALES-cok/,/. Public Instruction. Board of Technical Education. Tlio Sydney Technical College and Suburban and Provincial Technical Schools. 8vo. Sydney, 18S8. MG 2 S 3 Board of Technical Education : Report for 1885; and Calendars of Sydney Technical College for 1887, 1889. 2 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 188G-88. ME G Q Common School System of the United States and Canada. Sm. fol. Sydney, 18G8. MG 3 P 21 t Council of Education. Beports upon the Condition of the Public Schools, and of the Certified Denomina- tional Schools, 1870. Boy. 8vo. Sydney, 1871. ME6Q Education Regulations framed under the Public Instruc- tion Act of 1880. Sin. fol. Sydney, 1891. MG- 10 P 55 t Proposed College for the Training of Teachers of Public Schools. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1891. MA 10 P 29 t The Public Instruction Act of 1880, and Begulations. Boy. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MG- 1 T 17 Public Schools. Beading Books. 15 vols. 12mo. Glasgow, London, and Sydney (n.d.) MG 2 T 1-15 Begulations for the establishment and conduct of National Schools in New South Wales. 8vo. Sydney, 1853. ME 2 S 3 Beports of the Minister for Public Instruction, 1889-91. 3 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1890-92. ME Beports of the Minister of Public Instruction upon the Condition of Public Schools, 1893-91. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Sydney, 189-1-95. ME Sydney Technical College : Annual Meeting for presen- tation of prizes and certificates. 8vo. Sydney, 1889. ME 6 Q Technical Education Branch : Calendars, 18S9, 1892, and 1893. 3 vols. roy. Svo. Sydney, 1892. ME G Q Begulations and Directions to be attended to in making application to the Commissioners of National Educa- tion for aid towards the building of School-houses, or for the support of Schools. 8vo. Sydney, 1819. MG 2 S 13 {See also under Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts.] Public Library. Eeport from the Trustees of the Sydney Free Public Library, 1892. Sin. fol. Sydney, 1893. ME Public Service. Blue Book, 1890-94. 5 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1891-95. ME Civil Service Board. Eeport, 1893. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1894. ME Civil Service Commission. Eeport, IS 95. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1895. ME 4 T 21 Public Service Inquiry Commission. Beport. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1890. ME 4 U 2 NEW SOUTH WALES— conbl. Public Works. Annual Beports, 1892-94. 2 vols sm fol. Sydney, 1893-94. ME Preliminary Catalogue of the Library of the Depart- ment of Public Works. Boy. 8vo. Sydney, 1894. 'MK 1 T 1 Proposod Bridge over the Hunter Biver at Jerry's Plains. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1890. MA 9 Q 11 f Proposed Bridge to connect Bullock Island with the mainland at Newcastle. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1890. MA 10 P 30 f Proposed Hospital Building, Macquarie-street. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1891. MA 10 P 28 t Proposed Improvements at Darling Island. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1892. MA 10 P 34 t Proposed Lunatic Asylum at Kenmore, near Goulburn. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1892. MA 10 P 35 f Beport relating to the proposed Removal of the Pyrmont and Glebe Island Bridges. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1894. MA 9 Q G t Beport, together with Minutes of Evidence and Appen- dix, relating to the proposed Dredge and Plant for Sydney Harbour. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1890. MP 2 U 44 Babbits. Boyal Commission of Inquiry into Schemes for Extermination of Babbits in Australasia. Progress Eeport, &c. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1890. MF 2 U 27 Bailways a?;d Tramways. Act to make better provision for the Management of the Government Bailways and Tramways. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MP 1 S 53 Inquiry into the alleged defectiveness and unsuitability of the Baldwin Locomotives, 1892. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1892. MA 10 P 37 f Peat's Ferry Bailway Accident, Beport. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1888. MF 4 U 9 Proposed Deviation to avoid the Lithgow Zigzag. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1894. MA 3 P 22 t Proposed Extension of Kiama-Nowra Bailway into the townofNowra. Sm.fol. Sydney, 1891. MA7Q33f Proposed Bailway Extensions, Eeport on. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1891. MA 9 Q 10 t Proposed Bailway from Culcairn to Corowa. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1S89. MA 10 P 18 t Proposed Bailway from Eden to Bega. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1892. MA 10 P 20 t Proposed Bailway from Glen Iunes to Inverell, Second Beport. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1893. MA 10 P 23 f Proposed Bailway from Goulburn to Crookwell. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1889. . MA 10 P 19 t Proposed Eailway from Grafton to Lismore. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1892. MA 10 P 21 f Proposed Bailway from Jerilderie to Berrigan, Beport. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1895. MA 10 P 56 t Proposed Bailway from Jerilderie to Deniliquin.' Sm. fol. Sydney, 1892. MA 10 P 22 f Proposed Eailway from Marrickville to Burwood Boad. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1890. MA 10 P 25 t 200 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. NEW SOUTH WALES— contd. Railways and Tramways — contd. Proposed Railway from Narrabri to Moree. Sm. fob Sydney, 1894. MA 3 P 24 Proposed Railway to connect North Shore Railway with Port Jackson at Milson's Point, Reports. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1890. MA 10 P 24 f Railway Bridges Inquiry Commission. Sm. fol. Sydney, 188G. MA 10 P 26 f Report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the Charges against E. M. Gr. Eddy, preferred by W. P. Sehev, M.L.A. Sm. fol. Sidney, 1892. ME 2 U 48 Reports of the Commissioners, 1890—94. 3 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1890-94. ME Registrar-General. Report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the working of the Deeds and Search Branch, 1893. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1894. MF 4 T 47 Report on Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1886. ME 4 TJ 6 Savings Bank. Post Office Savings Bank — National Bank. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1893. ' MF 4 T 19 Sewerage. Proposed Sewerage Works at Cottage Creek. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1892. MA 10 P 36 t Proposed Sewerage Works for Parramatta. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1892. MA 10 P 48 t Second Report relating to the proposed Sewerage Works for Parramatta. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1894. MA 9 Q 30 t Proposed Storm-water Sewer discharging into Johnston's Bay. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1892. MA 10 P 47 t Report, together with Minutes of Evidence, relating to the proposed Reticulation of the Western Suburbs Drainage Scheme. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1890. MF 2 U 42 Statistics. General Report on the eleventh Census of New South Wales ; by T. A. Coghlan. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1891. MF 3 U 51 Results of a Census of New South Wales, taken on 5th April, 1891. Part 3 -Conjugal Condition. Part 4— Religions of the People. Part 5 — Birthplaces. Part — Sickness and Infirmity. Industrial Returns — Fire and Marine Insurance, Life Assurance, Investment and Finance Companies receiving Deposits. 4to. Sydney, 1893. ME The Statistician's Report on the Eleventh Census of New South AVales ; 1st Instalment. 4to. Sydney, 1893. ME Statistical Register, 1889-93 ; by T. A. Coghlan. 5 vols, roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1890-94. ME 8 R Statistics of the Seven Colonies of Australasia, 1861-94. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. • MF 4 R 57 Statutes and Bills. An Act for the speedy recovery of the possession of Tenements, to which is added the amended Court of Requests Act. (Tarn.) Svo. Sydney, 1853. MG 1 Q 53 An Act to consolidate the Laws relating to Medical Practitioners, 1871. Svo. Sydney, 1872. MF 4 R 56 An Act to provide for Trial by Jury. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MF 3 R 60 NEW SOUTH WALES— contd. Statutes and Bills — contd. Acts and Ordinances of New South Wales, 1841-50. 5 vols. sm. 4to. Sydney, 1844-50. ME A Bill to consolidate and amend the Laws relating to the Corporation of the City of Sydney. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1877. ' MF 4 T 5 Commons Regulation Act of 1873. Commons Regu- lation A ct A mendment Act of 1886, with Regulations. Roy. Svo. Sydney, 1892. ME I S 51 Crown Lands Act of 1889. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1889. MF 4 T 6 Improvement (Sydney). An Act to make better provi- sion for the construction of the Buildings, and for tho safety and health of the inhabitants within the City of Sydney. (Pam.) 8vo. Sydney, 1879. MG 1 Q 53 Land Boilers' Inspection Bill. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1893. MA 10 P 51 t Law of Evidence Acts. Svo. Sydney, 1873. MF 4 R 40 Menindie Irrigation Bill. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1893. MF 4 T 22 Metropolitan Water and Sewerage Act ; Metropolitan Water and Sewerage Act Amendment Acts. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MF 1 S 52 Mining on Private Lands Act, 1891. Svo. Sydney, 1894. MF 3 R 61 Municipalities Acts. Roy. Svo. Sydnev, 1S92. MF 1 S 49 Rabbit Act of 1890, with Regulations. Roy. 8vo. Syduey, 1891. MF 1 S 55 Statutes, 1892-95. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1893-95. ME Sydney Electric Lighting Bill, Report on. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1891. MA 10 P 59 f Stock and Brands. Quarantine Regulations for Stock and Outbreak of Scab in Sheep. Sin. fol. Sydney, 1881. MA 10 P 16 f Report of the Meeting of the Chief Inspectors of Stock, 1891. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1891. MA 9 Q 7 f Report of the Stock and Brands Branch, 1891. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1892. ME Sheep Brands and Marks Directory for 1891. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1892. ME Supreme Couet. Rules and Orders of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, for the District of Port Phillip. 8vo. Melb., 1841. MF 2 Q 71 In Equity : Consolidated Standing Rules of 29 June, 1883. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1883. MF 1 S 60 Technological, Industrial, and Sanitaet Museum. Reports, 1883 -S6, 1S88-90. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1883- 90. ME Theatres. Report of Commission on. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1887. ME Water Conservation. Locking of the Eiver Darling: Reports, Plans, &c. Sin. fol. ' Syduey, 1890. MA 9 Q 3 J Royal Commission — Conservation of Water. 3 vols, sm. fol. Sydney, 1885. MA 10 P 31-33 f Supplemen tary Catalog tie- — 1893-95. 201 NEW SOUTH WALES— contd. Water Supplt. Board of Water Supply and Sewerage. Reports, 1889-91, 1893. 2 vols. sm. fol. Sydney, 1890-91. ME Broken Hill and District Water Supply Co. : Corres- pondence respecting. 8m. fol. Sydney, 1891. "MA 10 P 42 f Broken Hill Water Supply Act Amendment Bill, Eeport on. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1892. MF 4 U 7 Proposed Reservoir at Centennial Park for Sydney Water Supply. Report. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1892. MA 9 Q 9 f Proposed second pipe-line from Walka to Buttai, for Hunter River District Water Simply. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1892. ' MA 10 P 41 f Proposed Water Supply for Armidale. Sm.fol. Sydney, 1S92. MA 10 P 38> Proposed Water Supply for Lithgow. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1302. MA 10 P 40 t Proposed Water Supply for Tamworth. Sm. fol Sydney, 1892. MA 10 P 39 t Proposed Water Supply for Wollongong and surrounding districts. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1892. MA 10 P 43 f Proposed Waterworks for the Town of Junee. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1893. MA 10 P 44 f Report, together with Minutes of Evidence, Appendices, and Plans, relating to the proposed Offices for Board of Water Supply and Sewerage. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1890. MF 2 U 43 Report, together with Minutes of Evidence and Plan, relating to the proposed Extension of Sydney Water Supply to Southern Suburbs — Hurstvillc and Rock- dale. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1890. M F 2 U 45 Wetuiits axd Measures. Report, 1893. Sm.fol. Syd- ney, 1893. MF 4 T 13 Wood Pavement Board, Report. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1884. MA 2 Q 33 f NEW SOUTH WALES ABORIGINES PROTECTION ASSOCIATION. Report, 1881. Sm. fol. Sydney, 1881. M'E Our Black Brethren, their Past, Present, and Future; being the Annual Report for 1891. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. ME 15 Q NEW SOUTH WALES AUXILIARY BIBLE SO- CIETY. The Jubilee Memorial, 1807. 8vo. Sydney, 1807. MG2S11 Sixty-second and Sixty-third Reports, 1878-79. 2 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1879-80. ME G S NEW SOUTH WALES BANKRUPTCY, COMPANY, AND PROBATE CASES. Vols. 3-5. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1893-95. ME 7 R 2 c NEW SOUTH WALES CREMATION, FUNERAL, AND SANITARY REFORM REVIEW. June, 1890. 8vo. Sydney, 1890. ME 3 S NEW SOUTH WALES EDUCATIONAL GAZETTE, June, lS91-May, 1891. 3 vols. 4to. Sydney, 1891- 91. ME NEW SOUTH WALES INSTITUTION FOR THE DEAF AND DUMB AND THE BLIND, Re- ports, 1861-GG, 1869, 1875-82, 1884-94. 17 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 18G4-91. ME 6 S NEW SOUTH WALES LAW ALMANAC, for 1881, 1880, 1891, 1S93-91. 5 vols. 18mo. Sydney, 1891. ME NEW SOUTH WALES LAW REPORTS. Vols. 13-15, 8vo. Sydney, 1892-91. ME 21 NEW SOUTH WALE3 MEDICAL GAZETTE. Vol. 5. 8vo. Sydney, 1875. ME 7 T NEW SOUTH WALES MUNICIPAL ASSOCIATION; by " Iconoclast." Sm. 4to. Redfern, 1892. MF 2 Q 41 NEW SOUTH WALES MUNICIPAL DIRECTORY AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT BLUE BOOK, 1893-94. 12mo. Sydney, 1893. ME 6 T NEW SOUTH WALES NAVAL BRIGADE WIDOWS AND ORPHANS PROVIDENT SOCIETY. Rules and Regulations. 12mo. Sydney, 1893. MF1P72 NEW SOUTH WALES POLITICAL ASSOCIATION for the SUPPRESSION OF INTEMPERANCE. Report for 1868. 12mo. Sydney, 1809. ME 15 P NEW SOUTH WALES RELIGIOUS TRACT AND BOOK SOCIETY. Report for 1S62. 8vo. Sydney, 1862. ME 6 8 NEW SOUTH WALES RIFLE ASSOCIATION. Reports, 1884-93. 8vo. Sydney, 1885-94. ME NEW SOUTH WALES SOCIETY FOR THE PRE- VENTION OF CRUELTY TO CHILDREN. Fifth Annual Report, 1891. 12mo. Sydney, 1894. ME G R NEW SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NOTES. Vols. 9-11. Sm. 4to. Syduey, 1893-95. ME 7 R NEW SYDENHAM SOCIETY. Report, 1893. 8vo. Lond., 1893. E NEW YEAR'S DAY ON THE MOUNTAIN: a Tas- manian Christinas Book. 8vo. Hobart (n.d.) MJ 1 S 10 NEW YEAR'S GIFT, A: Miscellaneous Poems; by "A Tasmanian." 12mo. Hobart, 1865 MH 1 R 62 202 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-93. NEW YOllK— State Departments, Reports, and Publica- tions. Agricultural Experiment Station. Reports of the Board of Control, 1885, 1S87-88, 1890-93. 7 vols. 8vo. Albany, N.Y., 1S86-94. E Board or Health. Eeports for 1883-85, 188S-93. 11 vols. roy. 8vo. Albany, 1888-93. E Bureau of Statistics of Laror. Beport, 1892. 2 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1893. E Museum. Annual Report, 1893. 8vo. Albany, 1891. E Normal and Training School. Circular. 8vo. New York, 1893. E NEW YORK CATHOLTC SUMMER SCHOOL. Official - Prospectus. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1893. G 18 S 7 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY. Catalogue and Announce- ments, 1892, 1893. 12mo. New York, 1892. E NEW YORK UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF PEDA- GOGY. Catalogue and Circular, 1S93, 1891. 8vo. New York, 1893. E NEW ZEALAND. — General. Descriptive Guide to Lakes Wakatipu and Wanaka, and the Southern Alps of Otago. 12mo. Dunedin, 1881. MD 7 T G2 Domestic Scenes in New Zealand. 16mo. Lond., 1845. MD 1 P 36 New Zealand: a Lecture; by "A Young Missionary." 8vo. Lond., 1819. MD 5 S 51 New Zealand Tourists' Vade Mecum. 3rd ed. 12mo. Dunedin, 1885. MD 1 P 38 New Zealand War of I860 ; an inquiry into its origin and justice, together with some remai-ks on the land question in relation to the Natives. 8vo. Lond., 1861. MB 1 R 41 Notes of a Tour through various parts of New Zealand, including a Visit to the Hot Springs ; by " A German Lady." 8vo. Sydney, 1877. ML) 3 S 50 Plain Pacts relating to the late War in New Zealand. 8vo. Auckland, 1817. MB 1 Q 47 NEW ZEALAND.— Government Departments, Reports, and Publications. Acts. [See Statutes.] Blue-Book, 1890. Sin. fol. Wellington, 1891. ME Bureau of Industries. Report. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1892. ME Census. Results of a Census of the Colony of New Zealand, 1886, pts. 1-3; and 1891. 3 vols. sm. fol. Wellington, 1887, 1891-92. ME Civil Service. Act to reform the Civil Service, 1886. 4to. Wellington, 1886. MP 3 U 65 Act to amend the Civil Service Reform Act, 18S6. 4to. Wellington, 1887. MP 3 U 65 NEW ZEALAND— contd. Colonial Museum. Reports on the Colonial Museum and Laboratory, 1879-SS. 7 vols. 8vo. Wellington, 18S0-89. ME 16 (J Meteorological Reports, 1883 and 1885 ; iucludiug Re- turns for 1881-S1, and averages for previous vcars. 2 vols. 8vo. Wellington, 18S1-8G. ME"lG Q Lands. Crown Lands Guides. Nos. 13, 11. 2 vols, sm. fol. Wellington, 1891. MB Department of Lands and Survey. Reports, 1891, 1391. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1891-91. ME Particulars respecting the Native Lands in the Colony. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1891. MP 4 U 12 Surveys of New Zealand : Report, 1890-91. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1S91. ME Customs. Customs, October, 1893. Svo. Wellington, 1894. ME 4 14 32 Education. Report of the Minister of Education, 1891. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1892. MB Report of the Education Commission, 1863. Svo. Christchurch, 1861. MG 1 S 29 Estimates. ' [See Pinance.] Finance. Appropriations chargeable on tho Consolidated Fund and other Accounts, March, 1895. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1895. ME Correspondence relating to the 3k per cent, loan, 1891. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1891. MF 4 U 11 Financial Statements, 1891, 1894. 2 vols. sm. fol. Wellington, 1891-95. ME Public Accounts, 1889-91. 2 vols. sm. fol. Welling- ton, 1890-91. ME Public Accounts Committee, 1892 Sm. fol. Wellington, 1892. MF 4 T 14 Friendly Societies. Friendly Societies. Sm. fol. Wel- lington, 1894. ME Harbour and Quarantine Regulations for the Ports of New Zealand. 12mo. Wellington, 1868. MF 1 P 63 Hospitals. Dunedin Hospital Commissson. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1891. MA 2 Q 12 f Report on Hospitals and Charitable Institutions in tho Colony. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1892. MA9Q12f Marine Department : Report, 1891-92. Sm. fol. Wel- lington, 1892. ME Min'es. General and special rules for Coalmines under the Coalmines Act, 1891. Roy. 8vo. Wellington, 1891. MA 3 R 62 Goldfields, Roads, Water-races, and other Works in connection with Mining. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1891. ME The Mines Statement ; by the Hon. R. J. Soddon ; and Report on the Goldfields of Now Zealand. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1893. ME Mining Machinery and Treatment of Ores in Australian Colonies. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1889. MA2Q32f Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 203 NEW ZEALAND— contd. MlN KS — CO II hi. Papers and Reports relating to Minerals and Mining. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1S91. ME Report of the Commissioners upon the Grey Valley Coal- mines. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1891. MA2Q5f Report on Coal-mines of New Zealand, 1891. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1892. MB Reports on the Mining Industry in New Zealand, 1893- 92. 3 vols. sm. fol. Wellington, 1890-92. ME Native Affairs. Report on Middle Island Native Claims. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1891. MP 4 U 14.. Report on the Claims of Natives to Wairarapa Lakes and adjacent lands. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1S91. MF4U16 Parliamentary Debates. Vols. G4, 65, 71-74, 83-86. 10 vols. 8vo. Wellington, 1SS9-91. ME Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks. Sm. fol. Welling- ton, 1891. ME Post and Telegraphs. Papers on the Ocean Mail Seivices. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1892. MP 4 U 17 Report of the Department, 1891. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1591. MB Report of the Postal and Telegraph Conference, 1894. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1891. MP 4 T 1 Puislic Wobks. Public Works Statement, 1892. Sm fol. Wellington, 1893. ME Railways. North Island Main Trunk Railway Com- mittee. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1892. MA 2 Q f Railway Works under the Co-operative System. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1892. MP 4 U 10 Report on Working Railways, 1891, 1894. 2 vols. sm. fol. Wellington, 1891-94. ME Representation Commission. Report of. Sm. fol. Wellington, 1892. MP 4 IT 15 Statistics. Report on the Statistics of New Zealand, 1SS9-90. 2 vols. 8vo. Wellington, 1S91. ME Statistics of the Colony, 1891 and 1893. 2 vols. sm. fol. Wellington, 1892-91. ME Statutes. Coal Mines Act of 1891. 4to. Wellington, 1592. MP 3 IT 53 The Labour Laws of New Zealand. 8vo. Wellington, 1891. MF4R21 Mining Act of 1891. 4to. Wellington, 1892. MF 3 U 52 Ordinances of New Munster, 1839, and of the Province of Nelson, 1 853-03 ; to which are added, the Imperial Acts relating to the Constitution of New Zealand. 8vo. Nelson, 1864. MF 3 T 36 Stock and Brands. Annual Sheep Returns, 1891-93. 3 vols. sm. fol. Wellington, 1S91-93. ME NE W ZEALAND ALMANAC, COMMERCIAL HAND- BOOK, AND DIRECTORY, 188S and 18S9. 2 vols. 8vo. Auckland, 1888-89. ME 1 S NEW ZEALAND CO. Copies of Despatches from the Governor, enclosing or having reference to Reports and Awards made by Mr. Spain, Commissioner of Land Claims, upon the Titles, to Land of the New Zealand Company. Sm. fol. Loud., 1816. MP 3 U 21^ Reports of the Directors of, 1841-15. 2 vols 8vo. Lond., 1844-45. ME 15 Q Report of the Select Committee on Loan for Defraying the Debt of the Colony to the New Zealand Company. Sm. fol. Lond., 1.857. MF 3 U 22 NEW ZEALAND ILLUSTRATED ANNUAL, 1881. 8vo. Christchurch, 1881. MJ 3 S 4 NEW ZEALAND INSTITUTE. Anniversary Address of the President, 1883. [See Jervois, Sir W. F. D.] MA 2 U 57 Transactions and Proceedings of. Vols. 25, 26. 8vo; Wellington, 1S93 -91. ME 2 R NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND MERCANTILE AGENCY CO. Annual Review of the Victorian Wool and Grain Markets, 1892-93. 8vo. Melb , 1893. MF1S61 NEW ZEALAND UNIVERSITY. Calendar, 1875, 1877. 2 vols. 8vo. ChrUtchurcb, 1875-77. ME 5 U Minutes of Proceedings of the Session of the Senate of the University of New Zealand, 1876-77. 2 vols. 4to. Christchurch, 1876-77. ME NEWBERRY, John S. Fossil Fishes and Fossil Plants of the Triassic Rocks of New Jersey and the Connecti- cut Vallev. (U.S. Geol. Survey, 14.) 4to. Wash., 1888. E Paleozoic Fishes of North America. (U.S. Geol. Sur- vey, 16.) 4to. Wash., 1S89. E NEWBERRY, Percy E. Beni Hasan, Parts 1 and 2, with Appendix, Plans, and Measurements of the Tombs; by G. W. Fraser. (Egypt Exploration Fond.) Illus- trated. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1893. B 12 T 2, 3 t El Bershch. Part 1. The Tomb of Tehuti Iletep. (Egvpt Exploration Fund.) 4to. Loud., 1891. B 2 P 22 f NEWBERY, J. Cosmo. Notes on the Dressing of Tin Ore. 8vo. Melb., 1S83. MA 3 S 45 Some new localities for Minerals in Victoria. (Roy. Soc, Vict., 16.) 8vo. Melb., 1880. ME 1 P Dressing of Tin Ore. (Rov. Soc, Vict., 20.) 8vo. Melb., 18S4. ME 1 P The Examination of Waters. (Roy. Soc, Vict., 22.) 8vo. Melb., 1886. ME 1 P NE WCOMB, Prof. Simon. Astronomical Papers prepared for the use of the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac. Vols. 2 and 3. 4to. Washington, 1S91. E Observations of the Transit of Venus, December 8-9, 1874. 4to. Washington, 1880. A 39 Q 17 J Principles of Political Economy. 8vo. New York, 18S5. F 10 Q 28 20 fc Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. NEWELL, Rev. E. J. History of the Welsh Church to the Dissolution of the Monasteries. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 15 S 28 NEWINGTONIAN, The, Nos. 5-9, 11, 12, 23, 39, 40-42 8vo. Sydney, 1885-94. ME 15 Q NEWLAND, Surg.-Capt. A. G. E. The Image of War; or, Service on the Chin Hills ; with an Introductory Historical Note by J. D. Macnabb. Illustrated. 4to. Calcutta, 1894. D 12 S 15 t NEWLAND, S. Paving the Way : a Romance of the Australian Bush. 12mo. Lond., 1893. MJ I U 33 NEWMAX, Edward. Illustrated Natural History of British Butterflies and Moths. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1884. A 30 V 13 NEWMAN, Prof. Francis Wm Against Hero-making in Religion. [See Religious Phamphlets, 2.] G 9 V 17 Ancient SacriBce. [See Religious Pamphlets, 2 ] G 9 V 17 Oiuses of Atheism. [See Religious Pamphlets, 2.] G 9 V 17 The Controversy about Prayer. [See Religious Pamph- lets, 2.] G 9 V 17 Defective Morality of the New Testament. [See Religi- ous Pamphlets, 2.] G 9 V 17 Phases of Faith ; or, Passages from the History of my Creed. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1853. G 19 P 32 Relations of Theism to Pantheism and on the Gal la Religion. [See Religious Pamphlets, 2.] G 9 V 17 Religious Weakness of Protestantism. [See Religious Pamphlets, 2.] G 9 V 17 The true Tempta'ion of Jesus. [See Religious Pamph- lets, 2.] G 9 V 17 NEWMAN, G. M. The Northern Territory and its Gold- fields. 8vo. Adelaide, 1875. MA 2 V G2 NEWMAN, John Henry, Cardinal. Discussions and Arguments on various subjects. 8vo. Lond., 1878. G1U8 Essays : Critical and Historical. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1877. G 1 U 5, G Essays on Biblical and on Ecclesiastical Miracles. 8vo. Lond., 1875. G 1 U 7 Fifteen Sermons preached before the University of Ox- ford. 8vo. Lond., 1872. G 1 U 10 History of my Religious Opinions. 8vo. Lond., 18G5. G 15 P 33 Loss and Gain. 8vo. Lond., 187G. G1U9 Parochial and Plain Sermons. Vols. 2-5, 7, 8. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1873-78. G 1 U 13-1G, 18, 19 Sermons bearing on Subjects of the Day. Svo. Lond., 1879. G 1 U 11 The Via Media of the Anglican Church. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1877. G 1 U 3, 4 Verses on various occasions. 8vo. Lond., 1889. H9U35 Sketch of. [See Smalley, G. W— Studies of Men.] C 19 R 20 NEWSHOLME, Dr. Arthur. Treatise on Public Health [See Palmberg, Dr. A.] A 33 T 19 NEWTON, Sir Isaac. T Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutlon, L. —Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 NICHOL, Prof. John. Life and Philosophy of Francis Bacon. [See Bacon, Francis.] G 9 V 11, 12 NICHOLAS, Wm. The Coolgardie Gold-fields, Western Australia. Illustrated. 8vo. Melb., 1895. MD 8 P 17 New System of Winding in Deep Mining Shafts. Svo. Mclb., 1884. MA 3 T 19 NICIIOLLS, Dr. II. A. Alford. Text-book of Tropical Agriculture. 12mo. Lond., 1892. A 18 Q 33 NICHOLS, Prof. Edward L. Laboratory Manual of Physics and Applied Electricity. Vol. 1. Junior Course in General Physics. Vol. 2. Senior Course and Outlines of Advanced Work. Svo. New York, 1894. A 21 S 25, 2G NICHOLS, George Robt. Trial of. [See Parramatta River Murders.] MG 1 Q 53 NICHOLS, Thos. Handy-book of the British Museum for Every-day Readers. Svo. Lond., 1S70. K 7S43 NICHOLS, Wm. Ripley. Publications of the Massachu- setts Institute of Technology, 18G2-93. Svo. Boston, 1893. K7S37 NICHOLSON, George. Illustrated Dictionary of Garden- ing. 4 vols. roy. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) K 11 R 18-16 NICHOLSON, Gilbert. Notes on a visit to North Hulla- bor Plains. (Roy. Geog. Soc. Australasia, Vic. Branch, 9.) Svo. Melb., 1892. ME 20 NICHOLSON, John II. Hubert, and other Poems. 12mo. Brisb., 1871. Mil 1 P 5G NICHOLSON, Dr. Joseph Shield. Historical Progress and Ideal Socialism. Svo. Lond., 1894. F 8 U 49 Principles of Political Economy. Vol. 1. 8vo. Lond., 1 1893. F 8 Q 34 NICHOLSON, Renton. The Lord Chief Baron Nicholson : an Autobiography. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) C 17 P 29 NICKLIN, T. Trans.- Constitutional Antiquities of Sparta and Athens. [See Gilbert, Dr. G.] F 9 T 22 NICOL, John. Life and Adventures of. I2mo. Edinb., 1822*. MC 1 P 50 NICOLAY, John George. Abraham Lincoln. [See Lin- coln, A.] F8T25, 20 NICOLL, Rev. Dr. Wm. Robertson. Expositor's Bible. [See Expositor's Bible.] G 19 R and S Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 205 NICOLLS, C. F. Eise and Progress of Quartz Mining at Clunes. 12mo. Ballarat, 1869. MA. 3 P 55 NICOLSON, Eev. Dr. Wm. Review of the Eev. Dr. Guthrie's Letter on the Organ Question. 8vo. Sydney, 1883. MG- 1 E 71 NIEBUHR, Barthold Georg. [Sketch of.] [See Miiller, F. Max. — Chips from a German Workshop .] J9E32 NIELSEN, A. E. The Vortices Demonstration of Nature ; or, the Philosophy of Observant Astronomy. 8vo. Melb., 1882. MA 1 T G2 NIETNEE, J. The Coffee Tree and its Enemies ; being Observations on the Natural History of the Enemies of the Coffee Tree in Ceylon. 8vo. " Colombo, 1880. A 18 S 34 NINETEENTH CENTURY, The. Vols. 32-30. Eoy. Svo. Lond., 1892-9*. E NISBET, Hume. A Face at the Window. [See Praed, Mrs. Campbell— Under the Gum Tree.] M.T 2 T 41 The Savage Queen : a Romance of the Natives of Van Diemen's Land. 12mo. Lond., 1892. MJ 3 P 10 NISBET, Dr. John. British Forest Trees and their Sylvieultural Characteristics and Treatment. Svo. Lond., 1893. A 18 Q. 22 The Forester. [See Brown, Dr. J.] A 32 T 9, 10 Studies in Forestry : being a short Course of Lectures on the Principles of Sylviculture. l'Jmo. Oxford, 1891. A 18 E 33 NISH, Eev. James. Is Marriage with a Deceased Wife's Sister forbidden in Scripture ? 8vo. Melb., 1873. MG 2 Q 23 NISSER, Pedro. The Patent Gunpowder invented by Pedro Nisser. 8vo. Melb., 1805. MA 2 P 40 NITTI, Prof. Francesco S. Catholic Socialism. Trans- lated by Mary Mackintosh. Svo. Lond., 1895. F 11 V 17 Population and the Social System. 12mo. Lond., 1891. F 11 P72 NIVEN. F. W., & Co. Niven's Guide Book and Souvenir of Ballarat. 12mo. Ballarat, 1885. MD 1 Q 49 NIXON, Rt. Rev. Francis Russell. Aborigines of Tas- mania. 4to. Hobart (n.d ) MA 45 % NOBLE, James Ashcroft. Impressions and Memories. Svo. Lond., 1895. D 14 S 9 The Sonnet in England, and other Essays, Lond., 1893. J P 8 NOBLE, John. Illustrated Official Handbook of the Cape and South Africa. Svo. Lond., 1893. D 14 S 9 NOBLESSE OBLIGE. [See Evans, II.] NODAL, John H., and MILNER, George. Glossary of the Lancashire Dialect. 8vo. Manchester, 1875. J2T 19 NOEHDEN, Dr. G. H. Grammar of the German Language. Svo. Lond., 1843. J 9 P 29 NOICE, C. S. Trades Directory of City and Suburbs, 1893-95. 3 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1893-95. ME NOIRET, Hippolyte. Lettrcs inedites de Michel Apos- toiis. [See Michael Apostolius ] J 7 IT 30 NOLASCO, Jose Antonio. Recopilacion de Leyes, Decretos, Reglamentos, ordenes i circulares do canicter jeneral que se refieren especialmente a la Guardia Nacional de Chile. Roy. 8vo. Santiago, 1S90. F7U 19 NOLLEKENS, Joseph, and his times; by J. T. Smith; edited, with Essay on Georgian Sculpture, bv E. Gosse. 8vo. Lond., 1S95. C 21 R 18 NORDAU, Max. Conventional Lies of our Civilization. Svo. Lond., 1895. F 11 V 13 Paradoxes. Svo. Chicago, 1880. F S 41 XORGATH, G. Le G. [Life of] G. R, Fitzgerald, "Fighting Fitzgerald," 1748-SG. (Lives of Twelve Bad Men.) 8vo. Lond., 189 k C18T9 NORMAN, Henry. Peoples anl Politics of the Far East : Travels and Studios in the British, French, Spanish, and Portuguese Colonics, Siberia, China, Japan. Korea, Siam, and Malaya. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. D IS V 17 NORMAN, Philip. London Signs and Inscriptions. Svo. Lond., 1893. B 21 R 4 NORTH, Rev. A. Some Chapters of Baptist History. 12mo. Dunedin, 1894. MG 2 R 49 NORTH, Alfred John. Description of Eggs of three species of South Australian Parrakeets. [See Ibis, The, 1894.] E NORTH, Marianne. Some further Recollections of a Happy Life, 1839-39. Svo. Lond., 1893. D20R3 NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW. Vols. 155-100. 8vo. New York, 1893-95. E NORTH BRITISH AGRICULTURIST, 1892-91. 3 vols. fol. Edinb., 1892-0 i. E NORTH CAROLINA.— State Departments, Reports, and Publication*. Agricultural Experiment Station. North Carolina Weather during 189*. Svo. Raleigh, 1895. E Report of the Meteorological Division, 1892. 8vo. Raleigh, 1893. E Work during 1894. 8vo. Raleigh, 1895. E 206 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. NORTH TERRIBLE DICK SILVER-MINING CO. Memorandum and Articles of Association. 8vo. Sydney (n.i.) ME 4 E 35 NORTH-WESTERN UNIVERSITY, Chicago. Cata- logue, 1892, 1893. 8vo. Chicago, 1892. E NORTHALL, G-. E. Folk-phrases of Gloucestershire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, "Worcestershire. (Eng. Dial. Soc. Pubs.) 8vo. Lond., 1894. E NORTHAMPTON LUNATIC HOSPITAL, Mass. Re- port for year ending September, 1893. Svo. Boston, 1893. E NOETHEEN AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION, SINGLETON, N.S.W. Members' Pamphlet, 1881- 82, 1881-85, 1895. 5 vols. Svo. Singleton, 1881-95. ME 9 P NORTON, A. Tuberculosis. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queens- land, 10.) Svo. Brisbane, 1893. ME 1 T NORTON, Chas. Eliot, Orations and Addresses of G. W. Curtis. [See Curtis, G. W] E 14 U 1-3 Letters of J. E. Lowell. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1894. C 17 S 11, 12 NORTON, Hon. Mrs. Caroline E. S. Fisher's Drawing- room Scrap-book, 1847-18. 2 vols. sm. to. Lond., 1817-48. II 2 V 7, 8 NORTON, John. Reid, the Wriggler; or, the False Prophet of Freetrade tried and convicted on his Pro- fessions, Promises, and Performances ; by " John English." Svo. Sydney, 1895. MF4E52 NORWAY. The Fisheries of Norway and their Products. Svo. Chicago (n.d.) A 30 R 2 NOTES AND QUERIES: a Medium of Intercom- munication for Literary Men, General Readers, &c. 8th series. Vols. 2-0. Sm.4to. Lond., 1892-94. E NOTTAGE, Charles G. In search of a Climate. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1894. MD G U 21 NOVA SCOTIA. Education : a Conspectus of the Public Free School System. Svo. Halifax, 1S93. G IS S 4 NOVATIAN. Writings of. (Ante-Nicene Christian Library.) 8vo. Edinb., 1809. G 14 U 13 NOVY, Dr. Frederick G. Directions for Laboratory Work in Bacteriology. Roy. 8vo. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1894. A 27 U 20 NOYES, Rev. Dr. George R. Collection of Theological Essays from vaiious Author?. 2ndcd. Svo. Boston, 1837. G 8 S 34 NOYES, Dr. Henry D. Diseases of the Eye. [See Knies, Dr. M.] A 33 U 10 NUGENT, Hon. Mrs. Greville-. A Land of Mosques and Marabouts. 8vo. Lond., 1S94. D 14 S 13 NUMBER ONE. [See Tynan, P. J. P.] NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOC1EY OP PHILADELPHIA. Report of the Proceedings of, 1880-81. 2 vols. Svo. Philad., 1SS1-S2. E NUNN, John. Narrative of the Wreck of the Favorite on the Island of Desolation : an Historical Account of the Island, and its Whale and Seal Fisheries. Edited by Dr. W. B. Clarke. Svo. Lond , 1850. D4 S42 NUTT, Alfred. The Irish Vision of the Happy Other- world. [See Meyer, Kuno. — The Voyage of Bran.] B3G P9 NYST, P. H. Conchyliologie des Terrains Tertiaires de la Belgiflue. [See Musee Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique, Annales du.] A G V and W t OAHSPE : a new Bible in the words of Jehovah and his angel ambassadors. Sm. 4to. Boston, 1891. G 1 T20 Selections from. 4to. (n.p.n.d.) G 1 T 21 OATES, John. The Teaching of Tennyson. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) J S T 35 OATES, Rev. Dr. Titus. [Life of], 1649-1705; by T. Seccombc. (Lives of Twelve Bad Men.) Svo. Lond., 1891. C18T9 An Exact Discovery of the Mystery of Iniquity as it is now practised among the Jesuits. [See Bibliotheea Curiosa.] J 18 Q 32 OBALSKI, J. Mines and Minerals of the Province of Quebec. Roy. Svo. (n.p.n.d.) A. 24 V 1G O'BRIEN, Mr. Cross Purposes : a Farce. [See London Stage, 2.] H 2 S 34 O'BRIEN, James Bronterrc. Portrait of. [See Gammage, R. G.— Chartist Movement.] F 7 R 24 O'BRIEN, R, Barry. The Autobiography of Theobald Wolfe Tone, 17G3-93 ; edited, with an introduction, by R. B. O'Biien. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 19 S 1,2 OBSER VA TOR Y, The : a Monthly Review of Astronomy. Vols. 1-17, 1877-94. Svo. Lond., 1878-94. E OCEAN CAVERN 1 , The: a tale of the Tonga Isles, in three cantos. Svo. Lond., 1819. Mil 1 S 39 O'CONNOR, Feargus. Portrait of. [See Gammage, R. G— Chartist Movement.] F 7 R 24 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 207 O'CONNOR, Richard Edward. Digest of Criminal and Magistrates' Cases. [See Watkins, J. L] MF 1 Q 01. O'CONNOR, Tlios. Power. Irish Representation in the Imperial Parliament. [See Subjects of the Day, 3.] F 7 U 28 ODE to His Royal Highness on his Birthday. Sm. fol. Lond., 1739. H 39 Q 13 $ O'DONNELL, Capt. II. Historical Records ot the 14th Regiment, now the Prince of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire Regiment), from its formation in 1685 to 1892. [Illustrated.] 8vo. Devonport, 1893. B22 R7 O'DONOGHUE, D. J. Humour of Ireland. 8vo. Lond., 1894. J 9 S 2S O'DONOGHUE, Freeman M. Descriptive and Classified Catalogue of Portraits of Queen Elizabeth. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1891. K 11 R 11 OELSNER, IT. Influence of Dante on Modern Thought. 12mo. Lond., 1895. J 12 S -11 OFFICER, Graham. Further Note on the Glacial Deposits of Bacchus Marsh. (Proceedings Royal Society, Victoria, d.b., 6.) 8vo. Mclb., 189-1. MEl'P BALFOUR, L, and HOGG, E. G. Geological Notes on the Country between Strahan and Lake St. Clair, Tasmania. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Vict., n.s., 7.) 8vo. Melb., 1895. ME 1 P OFFORD, Joseph, jun. Recent Discoveries in Classical Literature. [See Roy. Soc. of Lit., 2nd series, 1G.] E Recent Discoveries in Patristic Literature. [See Roy. Soc. of Lit., 2nd series, 16.] E OGG, Rev. C. The Institution. (Divinity Hall Record.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1879. ME 15 Q OGILBY, J. Douglas. Catalogue of Australian Mammals. (Australian Museum.) Rov. 8vo. Sydnev, 1892. MA 2 U 44 Edible Fishes and Crustaceans of New South AVales. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MA 2 U 42 OGLE, Arthur. The Marquis d'Argenson : a Study in Criticism ; being the Stanhope Essay, Oxford, 1893. 12rao. Lond., 1893. C 19 Q 16 O'GORMAN, Edith. [&>« Auffray, Mrs.] O'HARA, John Bernard. Songs of the South. 2nd Series. 8vo. Lond., 1895. "" MH 1 V 8 O'HARA, Kane. Midas: aBurletta. [See London Stage, 1.] II 2 S 33 Tom Thumb : a Burlesque Opera. [See London Stage, 1.] II 2 S 34 The Two Misers : a Musical Entertainment. [See London Stage, 3 ] II 2 S 35 O'HARA, P. K. The Maid of Millewa: an Australian Poem. 12mo. Melb., 1878. MH 1 U 53 O'HEA, fin. Joseph. Tiie Introduction of New Rural Industries into Victoria, and the Utilisation of Juvenile Labor at the disposal of the State. 8vo. Melb., 1871. MA 1 Q 57 OHIO AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Bulletin of, for May, 1890. 8vo. Columbus, 1890. E Reports for 1889, 1890. 2 vols. 8vo. Columbus, 1889-91. E OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY. Catalogue for 1892, 1893. 8vo. Columbus, 1893. E OHM, George Simon. Scientific Work of. [See Smith- sonian Institution. — Report, 1891.] E OHRWALDER, Rev. Joseph. Ten Tears' Captivity in the Mahdi's Camp, 1882-92 ; from the original manu- scripts of Father Joseph Ohrwalder, by Major F. R, Wingate. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond,, 1892. D 14 T 20 OKA, A. Observations on Fresh-water Polyzoa. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) A 30 V 17 O'KELLY, E. de P. Arrowing and its Relation to Dis. order in Sugar-cane. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MA 1 Q 67 OLD COLONIST, An. [See Battle of the Yarra.] MJ 1 P 60 OLD HOUSEKEEPER, An. [See Australian House- wives' Manual.] MA 3 P 60 OLD ROAD AND NEW ROADS. 12mo. Lond., 1852. J 10 T 31 OLD SALT, An. [See Situation, The.] MF3 Q81 OLDEN, Rev. Charles. Immorality, its fascinating temptations, its awful consequences, and the way to avoid it. 8vo. Sydney, 1885. MG 1 8 75 OLESON, Prof. W. B. Picturesque Hawaii. [See Stevens, Hon. J. L.] MB 2 Q 4 f OLDHAM, Thos. Portrait of. [See Ramsay, Sir A. C— Memoir of.] C 21 R 20 OLIN, W. M. Polls, Property, Taxes, &c, Massachusetts, May 1, 1892. 8vo. Boston, 1893. E Number of Polls, Voters, and Persons who voted, Massachusetts, 1892. 8vo. Boston, 1893. E OLIPHANT, Mrs. Margaret O. W. The Makers of Florence : Dante, Giotto, Savonarola, and their City. 8vo. Lond., 1892. ' B 30 Q 20 Historical Sketches of the Reign of Queen Anne. 8vo. Lond., 1891. B36Q6 Thomas Chalmers, Preacher, Philosopher, and Statesman. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 13 Q 26 208 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. OLIVE CULTURE, reprinted from S. A. Advertiser. 8vo. Adelaide, 1877. MA 1 P 70 OLIVER, Dr. Chas. A. The Comparative Action oE Sulphate of Daturia and of Sulphate of Hyoscyamia upon the Iris and Ciliary Muscle. 8vo. Philad., 1882. A 2G U 20 Description of a Revolving Astigmatic Disk. 8vo. Philad., 1883. A 2G U 20 A New Series of Berlin Wools for the scientific detection of subnormal Color-perception (Color-blindness). Svo. Philad., 1886. A 20 U 20 Third Annual Report of the Ophthalmologic^ Depart- ment of the State Hospital at Norristown, Pa., for 18S8. Svo. Philad., 1888. A 20 U 20 OLIVER, Dr. Daniel. Illustrations of the principal natural orders of the A'cgelable Kingdom, prepared for the Science and Art Department of the Council of Education. Imp. Svo. Loud., 1893. A 31 P 1 OLIVER, Dr. E. W. Natural History of Plants. [See Kerner von Marilaun, A.] A 22 V 2 OLIVER, John. Milk, Cheese, and Butter: a Practical Hand-book on their Properties and the Processes of their Production, including a Chapter on Cream and the methods of its separation from Milk. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 18 R 34 OLIVER & BOYD. Edinburgh Almanac and National Repository, 1893-95. 3 vols. 12mo. Edinb., 1893- 95. E OLLIFF, Arthur Sidney. The Codlin Moth, its Life- history and Habits. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MA 1 Q GO Insect Pests : The Maize Moth. Svo. Sydnev, 1890. Ma i q gg Woolly Aphis; or, American Blight. Svo. Sydnev, 1S92. MA 1 Q GO Entomological Notes: Bronzy Orange Bug; Two little- known Insects affecting Eruit Trees; Potato Moth, Migratory Locust, &c. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MA 1 Q GG Report on a Visit to the Clarence River District for the purpose of ascertaining the nature and extent of Insect Ravages in the sugar-cane crops. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. MA 1 Q GG OMAN, Chas. Europe, 47G-918. (Periods of European History, Period 1.) 12mo. Lond., 1893. B 25 Q 13 ON EITHER SIDE OE THE RED SEA; with Illustra- tions of the Granite Ranges of the Eastern Desert of Egypt and Sinai. 8vo. Lond., 1895. D 14 S 20 ON POETRY : a Rapsodv. Sm. fol. Dublin, 1733. H 39 Q 13+ ONCE A MONTH : a Magazine of Australasia ; con- ducted by Rev. Dr. P. Mercer. Vols. 1-4, 1884-8G. Svo. Melb., 1884-8G. ME 7 Q ONE OP THEM. [See Seven Rovers.] MD 5 R 47 ONG ANIA, Eerd. Streets and Canals in Venice. L. fol. Venezia, 1893. D 34 Q 18$ La Basilica di San Marco in Venezia. Eol. Venezia, 1881. A 40 R 18 t ONSLOW, Earl of. State Socialism and Labour Govern- ment in Antipodean Britain. [See Roy. Col. Inst., Proc, 25.] E Yachting in New Zealand. [Sec Sullivan, Sir E. — Yacht- ing ] A 29 Q 41 ONTARIO. — Stale Departments, Reports, and Publications. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE AND ExPERIMAKTAL FARM. Report 1SS9-93. 4 vols. roy. Svo. Toronto, 1890- 94. E Agriculture and Ahts Association. Report, 1892. Svo. Toronto, 1893. * E Bureau of Industries. Reports, 1S90, 1891. 2 vols, roy. Svo. Toronto, 1891-92. E Bureau of Mines. Report, 1891. 8vo. Toronto, 189?. E Catalogue of tho Mineral Exhibit of the Province of Ontario. [Chicago Exhibition, 1893.] Roy. 8vo. Toronto, 1893. K 7 U 10 Report of Royal Commission on the Mineral Resources of Ontario, and Measures for their Development. Roy. 8vo. Toronto, 1890. A 24 V 30 Commission on the Dehorning of Cattle. Report. Svo. Toronto, 1892. A 32 T 15 Dairymen's and Creameries' Associations. Reports, 1892. Svo. Toronto, 1S93. E Department of Agriculture. Report, 1892. Roy. 8vo. Toronto, 1893. E Education Department. Acts relating to the Educa- tion Department : Public and High Schools and Truancy. Roy. Svo. Toronto, 1891. F 2 T 20 Examination Papers. 8vo.~ Toronto, 1893. G 18 R 44 Regulations and Correspondence relating to French and German Schools in the Province of Ontario. 8vo. Toronto, 18S9. G 18 S 2 Fruitgrowers' Association. Reports, 1885-87, 18S9- 91. 6 vols. 8vo. Toronto, 1830-92. E Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb. Report, 1692. Roy. 8vo. Toronto, 1893. E Veterinary College. Annual Announcement, 1S93-9J. 8vo. Toronto, 1893. E OPPERT, Dr. Gustav. On the Original Inhabitants of Bharatavarsa, or India. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 18 S 21 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 209 ORANGE FREE LAND CO. Memorandum and Articles of Association. 8vo. Svdney (n.d ) MF 4 R 35 ORANGE INSTITUTION OF N.S.W. Laws and Regulations of. (Pain.) Svo. Sydney, 1SG8. MG 1 Q 35 ORDISH, T. Fairman. Early London Theatres. 8vo. Lond., 1894. H 1 S 30 OREGON — General. Resources of the State of. 8vo. Salem, 1893. D 15 T 17 Resources of Eastern Oregon. 8vo. Salem, 1892. D 15 R 15 Arbor Day, 1891. Svo. Salem, 1^91. G 18 R 31. OREGON — State Boaud of Horticulture. First and Second Biennial Report?, 1891 and 1892. 2 vols. 8vo. Portland, 1891-93. E Bulletin No. 8. Svo. Portland, 1894. A 32 R7 O'REILLY, John Boyle. [Plaster Cast of.] {See Button, L.— Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 O'RELL, Max. {See Blouet, P.] ORFORD, Earl of. {See Walpole, Horace.] ORIGEN. Beginnings of Christian Philosophy. {See Westcott, Rt. Rev. B. F.— Religious Thought in the West.] G 2 U 37 Writings of ; translated by Rev. F. Crombie. (Ante- Nicene Christ. Lib., 10, 2 S.) 2 vols. Svo. Edinb.. 18G9. G 14 U 10, and 23, ORLEANS, Prince Henri d' Around Tonkin and Siam. 8vo. Lond., 1S94 D 14 T 12 OEMEROD, Eleanor A. Letter from. (Proc. Roy. Agricult. and Horticult. Soc, S. Aust., 1882). Svo. Adelaide, 1882. ME 1 S A Manual of Injurious Insects, with Methods of Pre- vention and Remedy for their attacks to Food Crops, Forest Trees, and Fruit. Svo. Lond., 1890. A 27 T 24 Report of Observations of Injurious Insects and Common Farm Pests, 1892, 1894. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893-95. E OSBORN, Dr. Henry Fairfield. From the Greeks to Darwin : an Outline of the Development of the Evolution Idea. 8vo. New York, 1894. A30TJ5 OSBORN, Prof. Henry Stafford. The Prospector's Field- Book and Guide. 8vo. Philad., 1892. A 24 Q 17 OSBORNE, W. H. Digest of the Questions set by the Boards of Examiners for Barristers and Solicitors, 1887. 12mo. Brisbane, 1888. MK 1 P 44 2d OSBOURNE, L. The Ebb-tide The Wrong Box {See Stevenson, R. L.] MJ3Q31 {See Stevenson, R. L.] J 12 R 31 OSFIANASSY, Sir John. Primary Education in Victoria: Speeches by, together with his Amending Bill and the Imperial Act recently passed upon the same question with reference to intermediate education in Ireland. 2nd ed. 8vo. Melb., 1878. MG 2 Q 30 O'SHAUGHNESSY, Arthur; his Life and Work ; with Selections from his Poems, by Louise C. Moulton. 12mo. Lond , 1891. C 14 P 32 OSMOND, Sophie. Dulgabeena : an Australian Story. 12mo. Melb., 189 1. MJ 3 P 20 OSTEOGORSKI, M. The Rights of Women: a Com- parative Study in History and Legislation. 12mo. Lor.d , 1893. F 14 Q 30 OST WALD, Prof. Wilhelm. Manual of Physico-Chemical Measurements. Translated by Dr. J. Walker. Svo. Lond., 1894. A 29 V 25 O'SULLIVAN, Edward W. Social, Industrial, Political, and Co-operative Associations, etc., in New South Wales. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MF 1 S 42 OSWEGO NORMAL SCHOOL. Washington, 1891. [History of.] 8vo. G IS R 27 OTAGO. The Province of Otago, in New Zealand: its Progress, Present Condition, Resources, and Prospects. 8vo. Dunedin, 18GS. MD 8 R 33 OTAHEITEAN ISLANDS. History of; with an Account of the Society, the Friendly Islands, and the Marquesas ; with an Historical Sketch of the Sandwich Islands. 12mo. Edinb., 1800. MB 1 P 45 OTXEN, Dr. Charles H. The Ills of the South, or related causes hostile to the general prosperity of the Southern People. Svo. New York, 1891. F 14 R 27 OTTAWA EXPERIMENTAL FARMS. Reports of Director, Entomologist and Botanist, Chemist, Horti- culturalist, Poultry Manager, &e., 1887-93. 7 vols. 8vo. Ottawa, 18S8-91. E OTTERSON, H. Index to Principal Resolutions passed by, and Motions negatived, withdrawn, and lapsed in the House of Representatives, 1854-9.'. 12mo. Wellington, 1892. MF 1 P 78 OT WAY, Thos. The Cheats of Scapin : a Comedy. {See London Stage, 4.] II 2 S 36 The Orphan ; or, the Unhappy Marriage : a Tragedy. {See London Stage, 3.] ' H 2 S 35 OUIDA. {See Rame, L. de la.] 210 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95 . OUR ALMA MATER : a School Journal edited by the Students of St. Ignatius' College, Biverview, 1880-37, 1890, 1893-95. 7 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 18SG-95. MB 15 Q OUE CELEBRITIES: an Art Annual of Australian Favourites. No. 1. 4to. Sydney, 1895. ME 19 II OUE COAL AND OUE COAL PITS : the People in them and the Scenes around them. 12mo. Lond., 1853. A 24 P 14 OUE NATIONAL DUTIES hi relation to Population, Protection, and Legislation; by "An Ex-member of the National Anti-Corn Law League." 8vo. Melb., 1884. MF 4 E 5 OVALLE, E. ()., and ACUNA, E. A. Eecopiiacion de Leves Constitucionales y Administrativas. Boy. 8vo. Santiago, 1893. F 7 U 17 OVERLAND MONTHLY. 2nd Series, vols. 19-25. 8vo. San Francisco, 1892-95. E OVIDIUS NASO, Publius. Opera. 3 vols. 8vo. Argentorati, 1807. H 10 E 21-23 OWEN, J. A. [See Visgar, Mrs. H.] OWEN, Eov. John. The Skeptics of the French Eenais- sanco. 8vo. Lond., 1893. G 4 P 25 The Skeptics of the Italian Eenaissance. 8vo. Lond., 1893. G 2 S 33 OWEN, Eev. John W. Some Australian Sermons. 8vo. Lond., 1892. MO 2 Q 15 What the Colonies need : a Plea for a National Church of Australasia, 8vo. Adelaide, 1880. MG- 1 S 70 OWEN, Mary A. Old Eabbit, the Voodoo, and other Sorcerers. 8vo. Lond., 1893. J 4 P 14 OWEN, Sir Eichard. A Talk with ; with Portrait. [See Blathwayt, E— Interviews.] J 10 U 34 Life of; by Eev. E. Owen. Also an Essay on Owen's position in Anatomical Science ; by Et. Hon. T. If. Huxlev, F.E.S. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1891. C 21 Q 10, 17 OWEN, T. C. Cinchona Planter's Manual. 8vo. Colombo, 1881. A 18 S 36 Tea Planter's Manual. 8vo. Colombo, 1S8G. A 18 S 33 OXENFOED, John. Trans.— Francis Bacon of Verulam. [See Bacon, Francis.] G 13 S 43 OXEOED UNIVEESITY. Oxford Honours, 122C-1894. 12mo. Oxford, 1894. B 23 Q 10 Calendar, 1893-95. 3 vols. 12mo. Oxford. 1892-94. E PACIFIC ISLAND TRADING CO. Memorandum and Articles of Association of. 8vo. Melb., 1807. MF1 Q31 PACKAED, Dr. Alphcus Spring. Guide to the Study of Insects, and a Treatise on those injurious and bene- ficial to Crops, for the use of Colleges, Farm-schools, and Agriculturists. 9th el. Illustrated. Eoy. 8vo. New York, 1889. AS0U3 The Hessian Fly: its Eavages, Habits, Enemies, and means of preventing: its increase. [Map and Illustra- tions.] 8vo. Washington, 1880. A 32 T 1 Eeport on the Bocky Mountain Locust and other Insects now injuring or likely to injure Field and Garden Crops. Illustrated. 8vo. Washington, 1877. A 27 U 10 Insects injurious to Forest and Shade Trees. Illustrated. 8vo. Washington, 1881. A 27 U 15 PAGE, David. Geology for General Eeaders. 8vo. Edinb., 1800. A 20 Q 10 Eudiments of Geology. 12mo. Edinb., 1851. A 24 P 15 The Past and Present Life of the Globe. 12mo. Edinb., 1801. A 24 E 13 PAGE, Jesse. Among the Maoris; or, Daybreak in New Zealand. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) MG 2 E 41 PAGE, John Lloyd W. The Eivers of Devon, from Source to Sea. 8vo. Lond., 1893. D 18 E 11 PAGES, Leon. Fac-simile reprint of Bibliographic Japonaise. [See Wenckstern, F. von.] J 8 V 23 PAGES, Pierre M. F., Vicomte de. Voyages autour du Monde, et vers les Deux Poles, par Terre et par Mer. 1707-70. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1782. MD 8 Q 40, 41 PAIN, A. Queensland Statutes. [See Queensland.] MF 3 S 24-28 PAINE, Thomas. Writings of, 1774-92. Collected and edited by M. D. Conway. Vols. 1-3. 8vo. New York, 1891-95. JOT 22-24 The Age of Eeason ; being an Investigation of True aud Fabulous Theology. 8vo. Paris, 1791. G 2 P 28 Common Sense. 8vo. Philad., 1770. F 4 P 20 A Letter addressed to the Abbe Eaynal on the Affairs of North America, in which the Mistakes in the Abbe's Account of the Eevolution of America are corrected, and cleared up. 8vo. Dublin, 1782. B 19 V 2 Eights of Man ; being an Answer to Mr. Burke's Attack on the French Revolution. 8vo. Dublin, 1791-92. F 4 P 27 Life of ; by Moncure D. Conway : to which is added a sketch of PaiDe, by Win. Cobbett. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1892. C 8 U 37, 38 [Plaster Cast of.] [See- HuttoD, L. — Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 211 PAINE, Rev. Dr. Timothy O. Solomon's Temple and Capitol Ark of the Flood, and Tabernacle or the Holy House?. 4to. Loud., 1898. 1? 40 U2J PALAZ, Dr. A. Treatise on Industrial Photometry; with special application to Electric Lighting; trans- lated by G. W. and M. B. Patterson. Poy. Svo. New York, 1894. A 21 V 15 PALiEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Facsimiles of Ancient Manuscripts, &e. 2nd series, pt. 9. Folio. Lond., 1892. E PALAEONTOGRAPIIICA. Biinde 39,40. 4to. Stuttgart, 1892-93. E PALEONTOLOGIE FEANUAISE. Description des Fossiles de la France. Livraisons, 10, 13, 19, 29-33. 8 vols. Svo. Paris, 1873-84. E PALESTINE EXPLORATION FUND. Index to the Quarterly Statement, 1SG9-92 inclusive. Svo. Lond., 1893. E Quarterly Statement for 1892-91. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1892-94. E PALGRAVE, R, H. Inglis. Dictionary of Political Economy. Vol 1. A-E. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 7 S 27 PALL MALL MAGAZINE. Vols. 3-G, May, 1^9 1- Aug., 1S95. Svo. Lond., 1894-95. E PALMBERG, Dr. Albert. Treatise on Public Health and its application in different European countries; translated by Dr. A. Newsholme. Illustrated. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 33 T 19 PALMER, Dr. Chas. Skeele. Theoretical Chemistry. [See Nernst, Dr. W.] A 21 U 1 PALMER, E. Bovine Pleuro-Pneumonia in Queensland. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 4.) Svo. Brisbane, 1887. ' ME 1 T Hot Springs and Mud Eruptions of the Lower Flinders River. (Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland, 1.) Svo. Bris- bane, 1884. ME 1 T Notes on a great Visitation of Rats in the North and North-western Plain Country of Queensland. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 2.) Svo. Brisbane, 188G. ME 1 T PALMER, Prof. Edward Henry. Search-Expedition. [See Haynes, Capt, A. E.] D 14 V 14 PALMER, John R, National Credit, how to use it. Svo. Syd'ney, 1895. MF 4 Q 40 PALMER, Julius A. Memories of Hawaii and Hawaiian Correspondence. Svo. Boston, 1S94 MB 2 U 21 PALMER, Ray. Book of Praise, from the Best English Hymn Writers. 12mo. Lond., 18G2. H 10 T 5 PALMER, Samuel. Index to The Times Newspaper, 1832- 38, 1S92-94. 8 vols. sin. 4to. Loud., 1892-94. E PALMER, Thos. Derivations of Words selected from English Text prescribed for Matriculation Examina- tion, 1891-2. 12mo. Melb., 1891. MJ 3 P 29 l'AI.MERSTON, Henry John Temple, Third Viscount. [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L. — Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 Sketch of. [See Bagehot, W.— Biographical Studies.] C 22 P 10 Life of; by L. C. Sanders. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) C 17 P 32 PAMPHILE, Father. Life and Letters of Father Damien. 12mo. Lond., 1889. MC 1 S 13 PAOLI, Cesare. Colleziono Fiorentina di Facsimili Paleo- grafici Greci e Latini. [See Vitelli, G\] J 41 P 24-27 t PAPAL DOMINATION, embracing the present claims of the Papacy, the famed syllabus of intolerant dogmas, the proceedings of the late Vatican Council, and the culmination of apostacy in the assumed infallibility, with the repressive measures needed in Australia to check a revived energy to secure the universal supremacy. 8vo. Sydney, 1879. MO 2 S 15 PAPARELLI, L. Report of Viticullural Laboratory Work [Cal.] 1887-89. [See Ililgard, Prof. E. W.— Univ. of California, College of Agriculture, Experiment Station.] E PAPIAS, Bishop of Hierapolis. The Oracles ascribed to Mathew by : a Contribution to the Criticism of the ^Scw Testament; with Appendix on the Authorship of the De Vita Contemplative, Date of the Crucifixion, and Date of the Martvrdom of Polycarp. Svo. Lond., 1891. G 10 P 52 PARIS ILLUSTRE. Nouveau Guide des Voyageurs, avec 18 plans. 12mo. Paris (n.d.) D 18 P 27 PARIS SALON. Catalogue illustie, 1893-94. 2vols.8vo. Paris, 1S93-94. E The Salon, 1S92 and 1894: Plates, Photogravures, and Etchings ; with Text in English by H. Bacon. 2 vols, fol. Paris, 1894. E 1 R 50 PARK, Mungo. Seekers after Timbuctoo. [See Brown, Dr. R— Story of Africa.] D 15 V 24-20 PARKE, Dr. Thos. Heazle. Guide to Health in Africa, with notes on the country and its inhabitants. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 12 P 40 PARKER, E. H. A Thousand Years of the Tartars. Svo. Lond., 1895. B 33 R 3 PARKER, E. R. A Plain Book for Plain People, and a Warning to the Churches. Svo. Melb., 1894. MG 2 Q 39 212 Supplemetitary Catalogue — 1893-95. PARKER, Francis Wayland. Talks on Pedagogics. 8vo. New York, 1891. G 18 Q 25 PARKER, J. Thermodynamics treated with Elementary Mathematics, and containing applications to Animal and Vegetable Life, Tidal Friction, and Electricity. 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 21 E*9 PARKER, J. A. Destruction of Rabbits and other noxious animals. 8vo. Sydney, 1885. MA 1 TJ 51 PARKER, Rev. Dr. Joseph. An Interview with ; with Portrait. [See Blathwayt, R. — Interviews.] J 10 IT 31 PARKER, Leonard F. Higher Education in Iowa. Roy. 8vo. Wash., 1893. G- 18 S 11 Teachers in Iowa before 185S. 8vo. Iowa City, 1891. B 17 R 34 PARKER, Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury. Sketch of. [See Fowler, Rev. M. — Notable Archbishops.] C 13 V 12 PARKER, Theodore. Theism, Atheism, and the Popular Theology: Sermons. 8vo. Lond., 1S53. G 15 P 31 PARKER, ¥m. Kitchen. On the Morphology of the Duck and Auk Tribe. (Trans. R.T. Academy.— Cun- ningham Memoirs, G.) 4to. Dublin, 1890. E Development of the Green Turtle. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J.— Voyage of II.M.S. Challenger. ,] A 6 f PARKES, Sir Harry. Life of, sometime Her Majesty's Minister to China and Japan ; by S. Lane-Poole and F. V. Dickens. With a Portrait and Maps. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1891. C 13 V 9, 10 PARKES, Sir Henry. Debate on the Prerogative of Pardon, as involved in the release of Gardiner and other prisoners : Speeches by the Hon. Sir Henry Parkes, Hon. G. W. Allen, and Messrs. R. Driver, J. Stewart, and W. H. Cooper. 8vo. Sydney, 1874. MF 4 Q 40 The English Press on the Policy of the Parkes Adminis- tration. 8vo. Sydney, 1874. MF 4 Q 41 Fifty Tears in the Making of Australian History. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1875* MB 1 T 35, 3G Irish Immigration. (Pam.) 8vo. Sydney, 18G9. MG 1 Q 53 The English Press on the Policy of the Parkes Adminis- tration. (Pam.) 8vo. Sydney, 1873. MG 1 Q 53 Public Education : a Speech. 8vo. Sydney, 18G6. MG 1 R 2G Sonnets, and other Verse. 12mo. Lond., 1895. MH1U GO PARKES, Varney. Many funny absurdities in the labours of a patriotic Parliamentary Committee. 12mo. Sydney, 1895. MF 4 P 21 PARKHURST, C. D. Dynamo and Motor-building for Amateurs; with Working Drawings. 12mo. New York, 1893. A 21 P 27 PARKIN, Dr. George R. The Great Dominion : Studies of Canada; with Maps. 12mo. Lond., 1895. D 15 Q 20 PARKINSON, John. The Equity Practice Procedure Act, 1880, with Rules and Regulations. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1880. MF 1 S G6 PARMENTIER, Prof. Paul. Histologie compare des Ebenacees dans ses rapports avec la Morphologie et l'llistoire genealogiquo do ces Plantes. (Annales de 1'ITnivorsite de Lyon, G.) Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1892. A 20 V 18 PARNELL, Col. the Hon. Arthur. British Policy from social, home, and imperial points oE view. 12mo. Lond., 1895. F 12 S 9 PARNELL, Chas. Stuart. Sketch of. [See Smaller, G' W.— Studies of Men.] C 19 R 20 PARR AM ATT A RIVER MURDERS. Exciting Trial of Nichols and Lester, the notorious Parramatta River murderers. (Pam.) 8vo. Sydney, 1872. MG 1 Q 53 PARRY, Chas. Hubert Hastings. The Art of Music. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 23 T 14 PARRY, Rev. Edward. Memoirs of Rear-Admiral Sir W. Edward Parry. 3rd edition. 12mo. Lond., 1867. MC 1 P57 PARRY, Oswald IT. Six months in a Syrian Monastery. Svo. Lond., 1895. G 15 S 27 PARRY, Sir W. Edward. Memoirs of; by the Rev. E- Parry. 3rd ed. 12mo. Lond, 1SG7. MC 1 P 57 PARSONS, Prof. Chas. L. Elements of Mineralogy. [See Moses, Dr. A. J.] A 24 V 31 PARSONS, Harold G. A Hand-book to Western Aus- tralia and its Gold-fields : being a Guide to the Resources (Agricultural, Mineral, and Miscellaneous) of the Colony ; and a Collection of Hints to the in- tending Immigrant. 12mo. Lond., 1891. MD5Q48 PARSONS, Samuel, Jr. Landscape Gardening. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1891. A 18 V 9 PARSONS, Dr. Theophilus. Treatise on the Law of Marine Insurance and Average. 2 vols. roy. Svo. Boston, 1SG8. F 3 V 11, 12 PARSONS, Thos. Fifth Letter to the Duke of Bucking- ham. 8vo. Melb., 1808. MJ 3 Q 15 PARTHENON, The, 1889-91. 3 vols. sm. 4to. Sydney, 1889-91. ME20S PARTRIDGE, Wm. Ordway. Art for America. 12mo. Boston, 1891. A 23 Q 4G PARV1N, Hon. Theodore S. Early Bar of Iowa. Svo. Iowa City, 1891. B 17 It 31 Supplemen tary Catalogue — 1893-95. 213 ' ASCAL, "Blaiso. Sketch of. [See Pater, W.— Miscella- neous Studies.] J 7 S 10 PASCAL, M. Essai Historique sur la vie et les travaux de Bougainville, suivi do la relation de son Voyage autour du Monde. 8vo. Marseille, 1831. MD 8 Q 18 PASCO, Crawford. Proposed Antarctic Exploration. (Roy. Geog. Soc. Australasia, Vic. Branch, 8.) 8vo. Melb., 1891. ME 20 PASQUIEE, Chancellor. Memoirs of : a History of my Time ; edited by the Due D'Audiffret-Pasquier, and translated by C. E. Eochc. Vos. 1-3. 8vo. Lond., 1893-91. C 14 S 11-10 PASQUIN : the Pastoral, Mineral, and Agricultural Advocate; edited by E. K. Mitford. Vols. 1-3, 1807-69. 4to. Lond., 1892. ME 7 Q PASTIME: a Weekly Journal of Cricket and Sports generally. Vol. 1, No. 1, January, 1883. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1885. ME 7 P PASTOR, Dr. Ludwig. History of the Popes from the close of the Middle Ages; edited by P. I. Antrobus. 8vo. Lond., 1S91. G 15 S 24, 25 PASTOR1US, Franz Daniel. Literary Work of. [See Seidensticker, 0.] K 17 R 29 PATCHETT-MARTIN, II. A. [See Martin, II. A. P.] PATER, Walter Horatio. Greek Studies : a series of Essays. 8vo. Lond , 1895. J 8 T 32 Plato and Platonism : a series of lectures. Svo .Lond., 1893. G 2 P 30 Marius, tho Epicurean : his Sensations and Ideas. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1892. G 15 P 36, 37 Miscellaneous Studies. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 7 S 10 PATERSON, A. B. The Man from Snowy River, and other Verses. Svo. Sydney, 1895. M1I1U 02 PATERSON, G. W. Lummis-. The Management of Dynamos. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 5 S 18 PATERSON, R, S. Flowers and Insects. (Divinity Hall Record.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1879. ME 15 Q PATON, Col. G., GLENNIE, Col. F., and SYMONS, Col. W. P. Historical Records of the 24th Regiment, from its formation in 1089. [Illustrated.] 8vo. Lond., 1892. B 22 R 4 PATON, James. British History and Papal Claims. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893. B 23 T 10, 11 PATON, Maggie Whitecross. Letters and Sketches from the New Hebrides. 8vo. Lond., 1894. MD 8 Q 16 PATRICK, St. Life and Labour of. [Set Cathcart, Rev. W.] G 14 Q 27 PATRIOTIC SENTIMENTS on the Chinese and Poly- nesian Questions ; by " A Future Legislator and probable Premier." Svo. Sydney, 1881. MF 4 R 30 PATTEN, Dr. Simon Nelson. The Premises of Political Economy. 8vo. Philad., 1885. F0T21 Theorv of Dynamic Economics. Roy. 8vo. Philad., 1S92. F 14 U 18 PATTERSON, Rev. George. Memoirs of Rev. S. F. Johnston, Rev. J. AV. Matheson, and Mrs. Mary J. Matheson, Missionaries on Tanna (New Hebrides). 8vo. 1'hilad., 1804. MC 1 8 4 PATTERSON, George W. and Merib R. Trans.- Indus- trial Photometry. [See Palaz, Dr. A.] A 21 V 15 PATTESON, Rt. Rev. John Coleridge. Lecture on the Melanesian Mission. 8vo. (n p.) 1863. MG 2 S 4 Sketch of. [See Miiller, F. Max. — Chips from a German Workshop.] J 9 R 31-33 Sketches of the Life of, in Melanesia. 12mo. Lond , 1883. MC 1 S 3 PATTON, Dr. Jacob Harris. Natural Resources of the United States. Svo. New York, 1S9K F 10 Q 29 PATTON, W. M. Practical Trealiso on Foundations. 5th ed., illustrated. Roy. Svo. New York, 1S93. A 19 V 7 TATUONE, the Celebrated Ngapuhi Chief. Life and Times of ; by C. O. Davis. 12mo. Auckland, 1870. MC 1 P 43 PAUL, Win. The Pose Garden. 9th edition. Imp. Svo. Lond., 1888. A 5 Q 29 Observations on the Cultivation of Roses in Pots, includ- ing tho Autobiography of a Pot-Rose. 7th edition. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) A 18 R 13 PAULIN DE NOLE, St. Notices sur les Manuscrits des Poesies de ; par E. Chatelain. 8vo. Paris, 1880. J 7 U 37 PAULSEN, Prof. Friedrich. The German Universities, their Character and Historical Development ; translated by E. D. Perry. 8vo. New York, 1895. G 18 Q 23 PAULUS, Edward. Italia. [See Stieler, C] D 37 P 23 % PAYNE, Edward J. History of European Colonies ; with Maps. 18mo. Lond., 1889. F 12 S 10 PAZIG, Christianus. A Treatise of Magic Incantations. (Bibliotheca Curiosa.) 12mo. Edinb., 1880. J 18 Q 37 PEABODY, Prof. Andrew Preston. The Scientific Education of Mechanics and Artizans. 8vo. Wash., 1873. G 18 R 43 PEABODY, Dr. George L. Supplement to Ziemssen's Cyclopaedia of the Practice of Medicine. Roy. Svo. New York, 1881. K 9 Q 21 214 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. PEACH AM\ llonry. Oil Painting: Extracts from "The Com pleat Gentleman." [See Govett, W. P.] Libr. PEAKE, R. B. HB: a Dramatic Caricature. 8vo. Loud, (n.d.) H 4 P 40 PEARMAN, T. H., and MOOR, C. G. Aids lo the An- alysis of Pood and Drugs. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 26 P 19 PEARSON, A. N. Complete List of Manures, with current values and prices in the Melbourne Market. 8vo. Melb., 1894. MA 3 T 9 Cultivation of Sugar Beet. 8vo. Melb., 1893. MA 3 T 9 The Farmer's Guide to Manuring. 8vo. Melb., 18S8. MA 3 T 9 Another Copy. (From New South Wales Agricultural Gazette.) '8vo. Sydney, 1890. MA1QG1 The Future of Australian Agriculture. Svo. Melb. (n.d.) MA 3 T 9 Soils and their Cultivation. (Vict. Dept. of Agricult. — Lectures.) 8vo. Melb., 1892. MA 3 V 15 PEARSON", Charles Henry. Brief Statement of the Constitutional Question in Victoria. 8vo. Melb. (n.d.) MJ 3 Q 10 National Life and Character : a forecast. Svo. Lond., 1S93. F G U 27 Goldsmith's Traveller. [See Goldsmith, 0.] MH1Q23 Report on the state of Public Education in Victoria, and suggestions as to the best means of improving it. Roy. Svo. Melb., 1878. MG 1 T 36 PEARSON, Prof. Karl. History of the Theory of Elasticity, &c. [See Todhunter/Dr. I.J A 11 U 21-23 PEARY Josephine Diebitsch. My Arctic Journal j with an Account of the Great White Journey across Greenland, by R, E. Pearv. 8vo. Lond., 1893. D 1GS3 PEARY, Robert E. The Great White Journey across Greenland. [See Peary, J. D.] D 1G S 3 PEASE, Alfred E. Biskra and the Oases and Desert of the Zibans. 12mo. Lond., 1893. D 14 P 14 PEDDIE, Dr. Alexander. Recollections of Dr. John Brown. J2mo. Lond., 1893. C 13 Q 28 PEEL, Rt. Hon. Arthur Wellesley, Speaker of the House of Commons. Decisions of, on Points of Order, Rules of Debate, and the General Practice of the House, 1884-90. 3 vols. 12mo. Adelaide, 1887-92. MF 4 P 29-31 PEEL, Helen. Polar Gleams : an Account of a Voyage on the Yacht Btencathra : with Contributions by Capt. J. Wiggins and F. G. Jackson. Illustrated. 8 vo. Lond., 1891. D 16 T 11 PEEL, Sir Robt. Sketch of. [See B.igehot, W.— Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen.] J 10 V 32 Sketch of. [See Bagehot, W. — Biographical Studies.] C 22 P 10 PEKELHAR1NG, Prof. C. A., and WINKLER, C. Beri-Beri : Researches concerning ils Nature and Cause, and the Means of its Arrest ; translated by J. Cantlie. Illustrated. Svo. Edinb., 1893. A 33 T 21 PELSAERT, Francois. Ougeluckige Voyagie van't schip Batavia, na Oost-Indien ; Uyt-gevaren onder de E. Francois Pelsaert. Gebleven op de Abriolhos van F. Houtman, 1G2S-29. Sm. 4to. Utrecht, 1G49. D 20 R 6 PELSENEER, Prof. Paul. Pteropoda ; Anatomy of the Deep-sea Mollusca. Specimen of the Genus Spirula. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J. — Voyage of II .M.S. Challenger.] A 6 t PEMBER, Austen. Ivan the Terrible, his Life and Times. 12ino. Lond., 1S95. C 21 P 10 PEMBER, G. II. Earth's Earliest Ages and their connec- tion with Modern Spiritualism and Theosophy. Svo. Lond., 1891. G 15 P 39 PEMBERTON, T. Edgar. Life and Writings of T. W. Robertson. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 15 R 15 PEMBROKE, Earl of. Conservative Reform of the House of Lords. [See Subjects of the Dav, 4.] " F 7 L T £9 Yacht's Sailing Boats. [See Sullivan, Sir F.— Yachting.] A 29 Q, 40 PENDLETON, J. Our Railways, their Origin, Develop- ment, Incident, and Romance. [Illustrated.] 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1894. A 22 S 15, 10 PENDLETON, Rev. Dr. Wm. Nelson. Memoirs of ; by Susan P. Lee. Roy. Svo. Philad , 1893. C 18 U 3 PENLEY, Aaron. Sketching from Nature in Water Colours. Fol. Lond. (n.d.) A 22 P 19$ PENNEFATHER, Dr. F. W. Hand-book for Travellers in New Zealand. (Murray's Hand-book.) 12mo. Lond., 1S93. MD 4 R 45 PENNELL, Elizabeth Robins. To Gipsyland. 12mo. 1S93. D 14 P 5 PENNELL, Joseph. English Cathedrals. [See Rensselaer, Mrs. S. van.] A 2 U 3G PENNSYLVANIA.— General, Statement of Work done by Women in Instruction, Reform, Philanthropy, and Missions during one vear in Pennsylvania. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1803. F 14 U 23 _ Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 211 PENNSYLVANIA.— State Departments, Seports, and Publications. Adjutant-General. Annual Report, 1891. Boy. Svo. llarrisburg, 1802. E Auditor-General. Report on the Finances, 1801. Roy. Svo. Harrisburg, 1892. E Reports of the several Banks and Savings Institutions and Banks organized under the Free Banking Laws. 8vo. llarrisburg, L892. E Board op Agriculture. Reports of State Board of Agriculture, State Agricultural Society, State Dairy- men's Association, State Horticultural Association, and the State College, for 1893. Rov. Svo. llarrisburg, 1893. E Board or Commissioners of Puislic Charities. 22nd Annual Report. Roy. 8vo. llarrisburg, 1S92. E Board of Health. 7th Annual Report. Roy. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1892. E Commissioners of Fisheries. Report, 1889-91. Roy. Svo. Harrisburg, 1892. E Department of Internal Affairs. Annual Report, 1891. 4 vols. roy. Svo. Harrisburg, 1892. E Ft. 1. Land Office, State Weather Service, Vital Statistics. Pt. 2. Assessments, Taxes. Pi 3. Industrial Statistics. Pt. 4. Railroad, Canal, Navigation, Telegraph, and Telephone Companies. Tt. 5. Reports of Inspectors of Mines. State College. Annual Report for 1S92. Tart 1. Department of Instruction. Part 2. Agricultural Experiment Station. [Illustrated.] Rov. Svo. Harris- burg, 1693. E Agricultural Experiment Station. Reports, 1891-94. 2 vols. roy. Svo. Harrisburg, 1S92-95. E State Librarian. Report, 1S9 1. Roy. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1892. E Superintendent of Puislic Instruction. Report, 1891. Roy. Svo. Harrisburg, 1892. E Treasurer. Report of, 1S91. Rov. 8vo. Hamburg, 1892. E PENNSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY. Catalogue and Announcements, 1892-93. Svo. Philad., 1893. E The Courses in Civil Engineering, 1892-93, and Rights of Graduates. 12mo. Philad., 1893. E Catalogue and Announcement,Department of Veterinary Medicine, 1892-01. Svo. Philad , 1893. E PENNY, Isabel B. God's Way of Healing. 18mo. Melb. (u.d.) MG 2 P 50 PENNF MAGAZINE, The, 1832-38. Imp. Svo. Lond., 1832-38. E PENNY READINGS, both what they unfortunately now arc in Melbourne and its vicinity, and what they "ought to be — namely, Institutions for elevating the unlet- tered masses. 8vo. Melb., I860. MJ 3 Q 24 PENROSE, Lieut.-Col. Modern Infantry Fire. [See United Service List.] MA 2 V 3S PENROSE, Boies. The City Government of Philadelphia. [See Allinson, E. P.] B 18 S 5 Philadelphia, 1681-1887. [See Allinson, E. P.] B 18 T 2 PEPPIN, T. S. The Clubs of the Club and Institute Union. [See Knapp, J. M. — The Universities and the Social Problem.] F 8 U 22 PEPYS, Samuel. Diary of; with Lord Braybrooke's Note. Edited by H. B. Wheatley. Vols. 1-G. 8vo. Lond., 1893-95. C 1 1 V 1-G PERCY, Major A. Herbert-. Visit to Bashan and Argob. 8vo. Lond., IS95. D 17 S 12 PERIAM, Jonathan. The Pictorial Homo and Farm Manual. 4to. Sydney, 1885.* MA 1 S 28 PERICLES and the Golden Age of Athens. [See Abbott, E.] B 27 Q 8 PERKINS, Arthur J. Vine-pruning, its Theory and Practice. 8vo. Adelaide, 1695 MA 1 S 50 PERKINS, Edward T. Na Motu ; or Reef-RoviDgs in tho South Seas: a Narrative of Adventuresat the Hawaiian, Georgian, and Society Islands. 8vo. Now York, 1851. MD 5 S 47 PERKINS, Emma R. Trans. — Excursions in Greece. [See Diehl, Prof. C] D 18 R 12 PERKINS, Frederic Beecher. The Best Reading : Hints on tho selection of Books ; on the formation of Libraries, public and private ; on Courses of Read ng, &c. ; with a classified Bibliography for easy reference. 8vo. New York, 1877. K 7 R 58 PERKINS, J. Scheme of Taxation for Tasmania, in lieu of Customs' and other Duties. 12mo. Hobart, 1872. MF 1 Q 43 PERKINS FAMILY, History of. [See Sharp, A. M.] B21 V21 PERKINS INSTITUTION, Boston, Massachusetts. Re- port of the Trustees of tho Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind, 1892. 8vo. Boston, 1893. E PERL, Henry. Venezia; from the German, by Mrs. A. Bell. 4to. Lond., 1894. D 42 Q 11 J PERON, Francois Aug. Naturaliste, Voyageur aux Terres Australes, sa vie appreciation dc ses Travaux analyse raisonnee de ses recherches sur les Animaux vertebres et invertebres, par M. Girard. Svo. Paris, 1857. MA 3 R 34 PERPErUAL TRUSTEE, EXECUTOR, and AGENCY CO. Memorandum aud Articles of Association. 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MF 4 R 35 21G Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-93. PERROT, Prof. Georges, and CIIIPIEZ, Chas. History of Art in Primitive Greece. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Loud , 1864. A 22 V 16, 17 PERRY, Rev. Dr. Chas. The Doctrine of the Lord's Supper, as taught in Holy Scripture and by the Church of England. 12mo. Loud., 1884. G 2 V 40 Science and the Bible. 8vo. Mclb., 1SG9. MG 2 Q 40 PERRY", Prof. Edward D. Trans. — German Universities. [See Paulsen, P.] G 18 Q 23 PERRY, J. Tavcnor. Chronology of Mediaeval and Renais- sance Architecture. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 3 P 3 PERRY, Sampson. An Historical Sketch of tho French Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 179G. B 8 U 1, 2 PERRY'S MANUFACTURERS' AND MERCHANTS' DIRECTORY of Great Britain and Ireland, and Con- tinental, Colonial, and American Mercantile Guide, 1893 and 1894. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1893-91. E PERSIUS FLACCUS, Aulus. Satym 8vo. Amst., 1081. H9U31 PETER, St. L'Evangile do Pierre. [-8m Sabatier, A.] G 12 P2;) PETER, Bishop of Alexandria. Writings of. (Ante- Nicene Christ. Lib., 14.) 8vo. Edinb., 1869. G 11 U 14 PETER THE GREAT, Emperor of Russia. Histoire do Russie sous Pierre le Grand. [See Voltaire, F. M. A. dc.— Histoire de Charles XIL] B 20 P 8 School Historv of; by II. Edelman. 8vo. Melb., 1871. MB 1 P 20 PETEEMANN, Dr. A. Mitteilungen aus Justus Perthes' geographischer Anstalt, 81, 32, 35-39, crgnnzungs- bands 16-18, 22, 23. Erganzungsheft Nr. 113. 13 vols. 4to. and imp. 8vo. Gotha, 1884-94. E PETERS, Dr. Edward. Modern American Methods of Copper Smelting. 5th ed. 8vo. New York, 1892. A 24 V 20 Another copy. 6th ed. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1891. A 21 V 12 PETERSIL1E, Dr. A. Die Volks- und die Mittelschulen im prcuszischen Staate, 1891. [See Schneider, Dr. K.] G 12 U 2 f PETERSON, P. Clementine Homilies. [See Clement of Rome.] G 14 U 17 PETERSON, Dr. W. Trans.— Speech of Cicero in Defence ofCluentius. [See Cicero, M. T] J 9 S 21 PETIT, Edouard. " Aylic Marin." En Oceanie. 18mo. Paris, 1888. MD 2 W 52 PETRIE, Prof. George. Church and State in Early Mary- land. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 10.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1892. B18S10 PETRIE, Prof. W. M. Flinders. Coptic Manuscripts 1 rough t from the Favyum. 4to. Lond., 1893. G 5 U 27 Egyptian Decorative Art. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 23 R 43 Egyptian Tales ; translated from the Papyri. 1st and 2nd series. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 16 R 14, 15 History of Egypt, from the earliest times to the 16th Dynasty. Vol. 1. 8vo. Lond., 1894. B 21 R 3 Tell el Amarna. 4to. Lond., 1894. B 14 S 4 f PETTIT, James S. Modern Reproductive Graphic Pro- cesses. 18mo. New York, 1894. A 23 P 3 PETTY, Sir William. Life of, 1623-87 , by Lord Edmond Fitzmaurice. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 21 S 17 PFEFFER, D. Revivals: are they in accordance with tho "revealed purpose" of the great and glorious Majesty of the Heaven to mankind ? (Pam.) 8vo. Wi-rrnambool (n.d.) MG 1 Q 53 PFEIL, Major Richard Graf von. Experiences of a Russian Officer in the Russian Service, during the Turkish War of 1877-78. 8vo. Lond., 1893. D 18 R 9 PHJ5DRUS. Extracts from, for tho use of the Lower Forms in the Sydney Grammar School. 12mo. Sydney, 1863. MH 1 P 67 PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN. Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions. 3rd series. Vols. 22-25. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1892-93. E PHELPS, William Walter. W. — Studies of Men.] Sketch of. [See Smallev, G. C 19 R 20 PHILIP. G., and SON. County Maps [England]. 42 vols. Folded 18mo. Lond. (n.d.) D 12 P 16-57 Bedford. Berks. Buckingham. Cambridge. Cheshire. Cornwall. Cumberland. Derby. Devon. Dorset. Durham. Essex. Gloucester. Hampshire. Hereford. Hertford. Huntingdon. Kent. Lancashire. Leicester and Rutland. Lincoln. Middlesex. Monmouth. Norfolk. Northampton. Northumberland. Nottingham. Oxford. (Shropshire. Somerset. Stafford. Suffolk. Surrey. Sussex. Warwick. Westmoreland. Wiltshire. Worcester. Yorkshire, N.W. Yorkshire, N. E. Yorkshire, S. W. Yorkshire, S.E. Map of the English Lakes. Folded 18mo. Lond. (n.d.) D 12 P 58 Map of the Isle of Man, with its Railways. Folded 18mo. Loud, (n.d.) D 12 P 59 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95 . 217 PHILIP, G., aud SON— contd. Map of the Isle of Wight. Folded 18mo. Lond. (n.d.) D 12 P 60 Map of the Channel Islands. Folded 18mo. Lond. (n.d.) D 12 P Gl Maps of North and South AVales. 2 vols. Folded l8mo. Lond. (n.d ) D 12 P 62, 63 PHILIPS, Ambrose. The Distrest Mother: a Tragedy. [See London Stage, 4.] II 2 S 3G PHILIPS, Nathaniel G-corge. Views in Lancashire and Cheshire of Old Halls and Castles. Imp. 4to. Lond., 1893. D 22 P 18 % PIIILLIMORE, Sir Robert Joseph. The Ecclesiastical Law of the Church of England. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1873. F 10 T 22, 23 PIIILLIMORE, "William P. W. Index Library. [See British Record Society.] E PHILLIP, Capt. Arthur. Extracts of Letters from, to Lord Sydney ; to which is annexed a Description of Norfolk Island, by Philip Gidley King, and an Ac- count of Expenses incurred in transporting Convicts to New South Wales. 4to. Lond., 1791. MC 9 P 1 f PHILLIPPS, Ambrose Lisle. Trans.— Life of St. Eliza- beth of Hungary. [See Montalembert, Comte de.] C2 W24 PHILLIPPS-WOLLEY, C. [See Wolley, C. P.] PHILLIPS, Claude. [Life of] Sir Joshua Reynolds. 8vo. Loud., 1894. CHS 13 Frederick Walker and hiR Works. (Portfolio Mono- graph, 6.) Roy. 8vo. Loud., 1894. ' E PHILLIPS, J. Encyclopedia Comercial, 18S8. Fol. Valparaiso, 1888. K 40 T 18 J PHILLIPS, Major J. Scott. A Paper on some curious and original discoveries concerning the Re-settlement of the Seed of Abraham in Syria and Arabia. 12mo. Dunedin, 1877. MG 1 P 78 PHILLIPS, Maberley. His'ory of Banks, Bankers, and Banking in Northumberland, Durham, and North Yorkshire, 1755-1894. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1S94. F3 V5 PHILLIPS, Maurice. The Teaching of the Vedas ; what light does it throw on the origin and development of Religion ? 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 2 U 10 PHILLIPS, Robt. E. One Thousand Patent Facts. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) F 8 U 16 PHILLIPS, Wendell. Eulogy on. [See Curtis, G. W.] F14U3 Sketch of; with portrait. [See Bolton, Sarah K. — Famous Leaders.] C 17 P 27 2e PHILO JUD^EUS. Contemplative Life ; or, the Fourth Book of the Treatise concerning Virtues. Edited by F. C. Conybeare. 8vo. Oxford, 1895. J 5 T 27 PHILOLOGICAL MUSEUM, The. 2 vols. 8vo. Camb., 1832-33. J 6 T 28, 29 PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Transactions, 1891-94. 8vo. Lond., 1891. E PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE AND JOVBNAL OF SCIENCE, The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin. 5th Series. Vols. 34-39. 8vo. Lon'd., 1892-95. E PHIPSON, Evacuates A. How to establish Australia's Prosperity. 8vo. Sydney, 18S4. MF 1 Q 32 PHONETIC JOURNAL, The. Vols. 51-53. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1892-94. E PHOSPHO-GUANO : Scientific and Practical Proofs of its Value and Importance as a Permanent Fertiliser. 8vo. Hobart, 1864. MA 1 P 56 PHOTOOBAM, The. Vol. 1, 1894. 8vo. Lond., 1894. E PHYLLOXERA and other Diseases of the Grape-vine. 8vo. Wellington, 1881. MA 1 U 67 PHYSICIAN, A. [See Seventy Years of Life in the Victorian Era.] MD 1 Q 34 PICK, Dr. Edward. On Memory, and the rational means of improving it. 2nd ed. 12ino. Lond., 1862. G9P51 PICKARD, Dr. J. L. Early Clergy of Towa. 8vo. Iowa City, 1894. B 17 R 34 PICKERING, Win. Henry. Investigations in Astrono- mical Photography. (Harvard University Astronomical Observatory, Annals, 32, pt. 1.) 4to. Camb, 1895. E PICTON, Sir James A. A Biography; by his son, J. Allanson Picton. 8vo. Lond., 1891. C 15 P 15 PICTORIAL HAND-BOOK OF LONDON. Illus- trated. 12mo. Lond., 1854. D 18 Q 14 PICTURESQUE TASMANIA. [Photographs.] 8m. fol. Hobart (n.d.) MD 9 P 2 f PIDDINGTON, Albert Bathurst. The Fall of Satan. [See Milton, J.] MH 1 P 62 PIDDINGTON, Wm. Richman. Manhood Suffrage: Report of the Speech delivered in the Legislative Assembly on 30th July, 1858. 8vo. Sydney, 1858. MF 1 Q 33 PIDGEON, Henry. Memorials of Shrewsbury. 2nd. ed. 8vo. Shrewsbury, 1851. B 23 S 16 213 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. PIEBCE, Franklin. Sketch of. {See Thompson, E. W — Eecollections of Sixteen Presidents.] C IS T 21, 22 Sketch of. [See Wilson, J. G-. — Presidents of the United States.] 2 V 30 PIERS PLOWMAN. [See Jusserand, J. J.] JOT 27 PIEESOL, Dr. George A. Human Monstrosities. [See Hirst, Dr. B. G] A G P 4 + PIEESON, Eev. Dr. Arthur T. The New Acts of the Apostles; or, the Marvels of Modern Missions, with Map showing Eeligions of the World. 8vo. Lond., 1894. G 17 Q 47 PIESSE, Chas. Henry. Art of Perfumery, and the Methods of obtaining the Odours of Plants, the Growth and General Pl'»wer Farm System of raising Fragrant Herbs. 5th ed. Svo. Loud., 1891. A 11 E 27 PIETSCH, L. Contemporary German Art at the Centen- ary Festival of the Eoyal Academy of Arts, Berlin ; translated by N. D'Auvers. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1888. A 33 Q 18, 19 + PIGGOTT, F. T. Music and Musical Instruments of Japan. 4to. Lond., 1893. A 8 U 37 PIKE, G. Herbert. Digest of all Cases determined in the Land Appeal Court of New South Wales, 1890-91. Eoy. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MF 3 E G9 PIKE, Luke Owen. Constitutional History of the House of Lords. Eoy. Svo. Lond , 1894. F 12 E 80 PIKE, Zebulon M., Explorer of the Sources of the Miss- issippi and Arkansas Eivers. Sketch of. [See Greeley, Gen. A. W.— Explorers.] C 17 E 14 PILCHEE, Chas. E. Common Law Procedure Acts, 1853-57, and other statutes and enactments relating to the practice of the Supreme Court of New South Wales iu its Common Law Jurisdiction. 2nd ed., compiled and arranged by F. J. Smith. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MF 3 T 5G PILGRIM, The. [See Grey, H] PILLAES, Eev. James. Short Eeligious Services for Sunday Schools and the Home Circle. Svo. Syduey, 1869. MG 1 P 77 PILLING, Wm. Emancipation of South America. [See Mitre, Gen. B.] B 17 E 30 PILON, Frederick. The Deaf Lover: a Farce. [See London Stage, 3.] 11 2 S 35 He would be a Soldier : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 3.] H 2 S 35 PILSBEY, Prof. Henry A. Manual of Conchology. [See Tryon, G. W.] A 32 P-Q PINE BLUFF COLOEED INDUSTEIAL INSTI- TUTE, Ark. Catalogue of. 8vo. Arkansas, 1893. G 18 E 30 PINEEO, A. W. The Amazons: a Farcial Eomance. l8mo. Lond., 1895. H 10 V 11 The Cabinet Minister : a Farce. 18mo. Lond., 1S92. H 10 V 1 Dandy Dick : a Farce. ISmo. Lond., 1893 II 10 V 2 The Hobby Horse : a Comedy. ISmo. Lond., 1892. H 10 V 3 Lady Bountiful : a Play. ISmo. Lond., 1891. II 10 V 4 The Magistrate : a Farce. 18mo. Lond., 1892. H10V5 The Proflgate : a Play. 18mo. Lond., 1892. II 10 V G The Schoolmistress. 18mo. Lond., 1S91. 11 10 V 9 The Second Mrs. Tanqucray. 12mo. Lond., 1895. II 10 V 10 Sweet Lavender : a Drama 12mo. Lond., 1893. II 1J V 7 The Times : a Comedy. 18mo. Lond., 1801. II 10 V S The Weaker Sex : a Comedv. 18mo. Lend., 1894. II 10 V 13 PINK, J. A Plea for the Hybridisation of Plants. (Proc. Eoy. Soc, Queensland, 1.) Svo. Brisbane, 1885. ME 1 T PIN KEETON, John. Modern Geography : a Description of Empires, States, and Colonies ; with the Oceans. Seas, and Isles in all parts of the World. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1802. D 15 P G, 7 f P1NSON, II. The Contrast; or, Our Saviour and St. Paul, St. Peter, St. James, St. John, and St. Jude. 8vo. Durban, 1884-85. G 15 P 45 Good News. Svo. Durban, 18SG. G 1 E 35 Fraud and Falsity: attempted Destruction of the Scrip- tures by Priests. Svo. Pietermaritzburg, 1889-90. G 15 P 44 PINTO, Major Alexandre de Serpa. Between Angola and the Zambesi. [See Great Explorers.] D 15 V 21, 22 PIONEEE, A. [See Eeminiscences of Australian Early Life.] MD 1 Q 33 PIONEER, The : a Weekly Newspaper published on board the s.s. Queen of the Thames. 8vo. Melb., 1871. MJ 3 Q 17 PIEANI, Frederic Joy. Method of measuring the resis- tance of a Battery. (Eoy. Soc, Vie., 18.) Svo. Melb., 1882. ME 1 P PIEEIE, Wm. Technical Dictionary (English-French and French-English) of Sea Terms, Phrases, and Words in the English and French Languages for the use of Seamen, Engineers, and others. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 19 P 23 PISSIS, A. Geografia Fisica de la Eepublica do Chile, 2 vols. 8vo. and fol. Paris, 1875. A. 24 S 16, and 2 P 31 + PITMAN, Isaac. Complete Phonographic Instructor. Eevised cd. 12mo. New York, 1894. K 20 P 19 PITT, Christopher. Poetical Works of. 18mo. Edinb , 1782. II 10 P 28 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 219 : TITT, St. Hon. William. Character of. [See Hazlilt, W.— Winterslow.] J 12 S 33 Sketch of. [See Bagehot, W. — Biographical Studies.] C 22 P 10 PITTMAN, Edward Fisher. Occurrence of a now Mineral at Broken Hill. (Journal Eov. Soc, N.S.W., 27) 8vo. Sydney, 1893. ME 1 E Notes on the Cremorne Bore. [See David, Prof. T. W. E.] ME 1 E PIUS IT. De Codicibus MSS. Grrecis Pii II in Bibliotheca Alexandrino-Yaticana. [See Duchesne, L.] K7T5 PIUS IX. The Great Aggregate Meeting held in the Cathedral Church, Dublin, 1867, to sympathise with His Holiness. 8vo. Hobart, 1868. MG 1 S 28 Sketch of. [See Elliot, Frances — Roman Gossip.] C 21 Q 10 [Plaster Cast of.] [Set Hutton, L— Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 Y 13 A Soman Pontiff. [See Kingston, W. Beatty-. — Men Cities, and Events.] C 22 B 4 PIZASfiO, Francisco. Viaggi. [See Eamusio, G. B. — Navigationi et Viaggi.] D 36 T 5-7 J PIZET, S. V. Flax Culture: an appeal for its adoption in South Australia. (Proc. Roy. Agricult. and Iforti- cult. Soc, S. Aust., 1882.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1882. ME 1 S LANCUS, L. Munatius. Histoire de; par E. Jullien. (Annalcs de 1' University de Lyon.) Rov. 8vo. Paris, 1802. " C 16 U 12 PLARR, Victor G. Men and Women of the Time. 14th cd. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C2LT14 PLATING AND BOILER-MAKING; by "A Foreman Pattern-maker." Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1S95. A 25 R 16 PLATNER, Prof. S. B. Selections from Pliny. [See Plinius Secundus, C] J 11 P 45 PLATO. The Parmenides of Plato ; with Introduction by W. W. Waddell. 4to. Glasgow, 188*. J 15 Q 21 t Republic. The Greek Text, edited by Prof. B. Jowett and Prof. L. Campbell. 3 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1894. F 14 V 26-28 Funeral Orations in Praise of Military Men. [See Broadhurst, Rev. T.] Myths of. [See Westcott, Rt. Rev. B. F.— Religious Thought in the West.] G 2 U 37 Passages from Plato for English Readers. [See Jowett, Prof. B.] G 3 P 35, 36 Plato ; or, the Philosopher. [See Emerson, R. W. — Representative Men.] C 17 P 10 Platonism. [See Strong, T. B.] G 4 V 15 Republic of. Analysis ; by J. A. St. John. [See More, Sir, T.— Utopia.] F 15 Q 7 Plato and Platonism. [See Pater, W.] G 2 P 36 PLAUTUS, Marcus Accius. Comcedire ; ad prrestantium librorum fidem recensuit, versus ordinavit, difficiliora interpretatus est C. II. Weise. 2 vols. 8vo. Quedlin- burgi, 1847-18. H 3 8 38, 39 PLEA FOR SEPARATION, A; or, the Freedom and Independence of Australia. 8vo. Melb., 1888. MF 4 R 10 PLINIUS SECUNDUS, C. Selections from Pliny ; by Prof. 8. B. Plainer. 12mo. Boston, 1895. J 11 P 45 PLUMMER, Rev. Dr. Alfred. Pastoral Epistles, St. James and St. Judo. [See Expositor's Bible.] G 19 R and S PLUNKETT, John Hubert. The Magistrate's Pocket Book. 12mo. Sydney, 1859. MF 1 P 59 PLUTARCH. Plutarch's Lives of Serlorius, Eumenes, Agcsilaus, and Poinpey ; reprinted from Langhorne's Translation. 8vo. Sydney, 1868. MC 1 R 45 Plutarch's Romane Questions; translated by P. Holland, and edited by F. B. Jevons. 8vo. Lond., 1892. B 30 Q 18 PLYMLEY, Peter. [See Smith, Rev. S.] POCHET, Leon. Steam Injectors, their Theory and Use. 18mo. New York, 1S90. A 22 P 11 POCOCK, Frank. Death of. [See Great Explorers.] D 15 V 22 PODMORE, Frank. Apparitions and Thought-trans- ference : an Examination of the Evidence for Telepathy. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1894 G 17 Q 45 POE, Edgar Allen. Tales of Mystery, Imagination, and Humour; and Poems. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) J11U26 Works of, newly collected and edited by E. C. Stedman and G. E. Woodberry. Vols. 1 and 2. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 14 E 1, 2 POISSON, J. Eecherches surles Casuarina et en particu- lier sur ceux de la Nouvelle-Calcdonie. 4to. Paris (n.d.) MA 10 P 12 f POLE, S. The Queensland Turf Guide and Racing Calendar fori? 9 1-92. 12mo. Brisb., 1S92. ME 6 T POLE, Dr. Win. Evolution of Whist. 12tno. Lond., 1895. A 29 S 17 POLEJAEFF, Dr. N. Uber das Sperma und Spermato- genese bei Sycandravaplianus H reck el. 8vo. Wein, 18S2. A 30 U 37 Keratosa; Calcarea. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and, Murray, Dr. J. — Voyage of II. M.S. Challenger Zoology, 8.] A 6 t POLETA1E W, Nicolas. Speicheldriisen bei den OJonaten. 8vo. St, Petersburg, 1879. A 30 U 27 Du dcveloppemont des muscles d'ailes chez les Odonates. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1879. A 30 U 27 POLITICAL SCIENCE QUABTEBLT. Vols. 7-9. 8vo. New York, 1892-94. E 220 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. TOLK, James Knox. Sketch of. [See Wilson, J.G.— Presidents of the United States.] C 2 V 30 Sketch of. [See Thompson, E. W. — Eecollections of Sixteen Presidents.] C 18 T 21, 22 POLLAED, A. F. [Life of] Sir E. Keller, Necromancer, 1555-95. (Lives of Twelve Bad Men.) 8vo. Lond., 1891. C 18 T 9 POLLAED, Alfred Win. Early Illustrated Books: a History of the Decoration and Illustration of Books in the 15th and lGth Centuries. 12mo. Lond., 1893. B 17 Q9 Italian Book Illustrations. (Portfolio Monograph, 12.) Eoy. 8vo Lond., 1894. E POLLEN, John Hungerford. Ancient and Modern Fur- niture and Woodwork. 8vo. Lond., 1875 A 23 E 25 Gold and Silversmith's Work. 8vo. Lond., 1879. A 23 E 18 POLLOCK, Sir Frederick, and MAITLAND, Prof. Frederic Win. History of English Law before the time of Edward I. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Camb., 1895. F 3 V 9, 10 POLLOCK, Dr. James Edward, and CHISHOLM, James. Medical Handbook of Life Assurance. 4th cd. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 33 S G POLLOK, Eobert. The Course of Time: a Poem. 22nd cd. 12mo. Edinb., 1858. II 10 T 31 POLO, Marco. Viaggi. [See Eamusio, O. B.— Navigation! ct Viaggi.] D 3G T 5-7 J POLYNESIA. Progress of the OoBpcl in Polynesia (Southern Group), Georgian, Society, and Ilarvev Islands. ISmo. Edinb., 1831. MG 2 E 30 POLYNESIAN SOCIETY Journal of. Vols. 1-3. Svo. Wellington, 1892-94. ME G S POMFEET, Eev. John. Poems upon several occasions, with Life of the Author. 18mo. Lond., 1819. II 10 U 7 POMPETUS, Cneius. Life of. [See Plutarch.] MC 1 E 45 POOLE, Mrs. Hester M. Fruits, and how to use them. 8vo. New York, 1890. A 22 Q 12 POOLE, Stanley Lane-. Aurangzib. (Eulers of India.) 8vo. Oxford, 1893. C 13 P 11 Cairo: Sketches of its Historv, Monuments, and Social Life. 8vo. Lond., 1893. D 14 T 18 The Mohammadan Dynasties. 8vo. Lond., 1891. B 35 P 21 Social Life in Egypt : a Defcriptiun of the Country and its People. 4to. Lond., 1884. D 12 E 21 f and DICKENS, Frederick V. Lifo of Sir Harry Parkes, sometime Her Majesty's Minister to China and Japan;with a Portrait and" Maps. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1894 C 13 V 9, 10 POOLE, Dr. William Frederick. Poole's Index to Periodical Literature ; the Second Supplement, 18S7- 92, by W. I. Fletcher. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1893. Libr. The University Library and the University Curriculum. 12ino. Chicago, 1894. G 18 P 12 POOEE, Dr. George Vivian. Essays on Eural Hygiene. 8vo. Lond., 1S93. A 20 E 14 POPE, Alexander. Works of. G vols. 12mo. Lond., 1764. J 8 U 34-39 Works of ; with Commentaries and Notes by Mr. Warburton. 9 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1751. J 9 T 28-3G Works of ; with a Memoir of the Author, Notes, and Critical Notices on each Poem by the Eev. Dr. G. Croly. 4 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1835. H 9 U 29-32 Poetical Works of ; edited by E. Carruthers. 4 vol*. 8vo. Lond., 1853. H 9 U 10-13 The Female Dunces ; inscribed to Mr. Pope. Sm. fol. Lond., 1733. H 39 Q 13 J State Dunces ; inscribed to Mr. Pope. Sm. fol. Lond.. 1733. H 39 Q 13 } An Epistle to, occasioned by Theobald's Shakespear and Bentley's Milton. Sm. fol. Lond., 1733. H39Q13J The Odyssey and Iliad of Homer. [See Homer.] II 9 P 13, 14 ; H 9 U 4, 5 POPE, Joseph. Memoirs of the Et. Hon. Sir John Alexander MacDonald. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1S91. C 21 S 14, 15 POPE, Eev. Win. Burt. The Abiding Word : a Sermon. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) G 15 P 43 POPE, Wm. J. Tram— Chemical Crystallography. [See lock, Prof. A.] A 21 E 32 POPOWSKI, Josef. The Eival Powers in Central Asia ; or, the Struggle between England and Eussia in tho East. 8vo. Lond., 1893. F 8 S G POPULAE ENCYCLOPEDIA j or, Conversations Lexi- con. 7 vols. roy. 8vo. Glasgow, 1850. K 7 U 14-20 POPULAE ENCYCLOPEDIA : a General Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature, Biography, and History ; edited by C. Annandale. 14 vols. roy. Svo. Illus- trated. Lond., 1892. K 4 T 11-21 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Vols. 41-46. Eoy. 8vo. New York, 1892-95. E POEKITT, Edward. The Englishman at Home, his responsibilities and privileges. 8vo. Lond., 1893. F 14 E 12 POEE1TT, G. T. Larvae of British Butterflies and Moths. [See Buckler, W.] E POET AETIIUE. Eogulati ns for tho Pauper ar.d Invalid Depot for Males. Svo. Hobart, 1870. MF 2 Q 79 POETAL, Sir Gerald. The British Mission to Uganda in 1893 ; edited by Eennell Eodd ; with the Diary of tho late Capt. E. Portal. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. D 14 S 19 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 221 PORTAL, Capt. Raymond. Diary of. [See Portal, Sir G.] D 14 S 19 PORTER, D. A. Minerals and Mineral Localities in the Northern Districts of New South Wales. (Journal Roy.Soc.,N.S."W. f 28.) 8vo. Sydney, 1894. ME 1 R PORTER, J. Hampden. Wild Beasts : a Study of the Characters and Habils of the Elephant, Lion, Leopard, Panther, Jaguar, Tiger, Puma, Wolf, and Grizzly Bear. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1894. A 27 S 21 PORTER, John Addison. The City of Washington, its Origin and Administration. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 3.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1S85. B 18 S 3 PORTER, Noah : a Memorial by Friends ; edited by G. S. Morriam. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 14 S 17 PORTFOLIO, The: an Artistic Periodical, 1892-93; edited by P. G. Hammerton. Roy. 4to. Lond., 1892-93. E Monographs, Nos. 1-12, 1891. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. E 1. Rembrandt's Etchings ; by P. G. Hamerton. 2. Malta and the Knights Hospitallers ; by W. K. Bedford. 3. Josiah Wedgwood ; by Professor Church. 4. Jules Bastien-Lepage ; by Julia Cartwright (Mrs. Henry Ady). 5. Dante Gabriel Rossetti ; by F. G. Stephens. 6. Frederick Walker and his Works ; by Claude Phillips. 7. Fair Women in Painting and Poetry ; by VVm. Sharp. 8. The New Forest ; by C. J. Cornish. 9. Thomas Gainsborough ; by Walter Armstrong. 10. Bookbinding in France ; "by Wm. Y. Fletcher. 11. Albert Durer's Engravings ; by Lionel Cust. 12. Italian Book Illustrations ; by A. W. Pollard. PORTLAND. [See Whist Table, The.] A 29 T 28 PORTUS,^Emilius. DictionariumIonicumGra?co-Latinum, quod indicem in oinnes Herodoti libros continet. 8vo. Oxonii, 1810. B 28 U 7 POSSE, Baron Nils. The Special Kinesiology of Educa- tional Gymnastics. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Boston, 1894. G 15 S 19 POTT, August Friedrich. Sketch of. [See Miiller, F. Max. — Chips from a German Workshop.] J 9 R 32 POTTER, Beatrice. The Co-operative Movement in Great Britain. New ed. 12mo. Lond., 1S93. F 7 V 12 POTTER, M. C. An Elementary Text-book of Agricul- tural Botany. 12mo. Lond., 1893. A 19 P 1 POTTER, Rev. Robt. Trans.— Tragedies of vEschvlus. [See yEschylus.] II 2 T 27 POTTER, Rev. Robt. Two Essays on the Coming of Christ. 1. The Spiritual Bod v. 2. Forever with the Lord. 8vo. Melb., 18GG. MG 2 Q 23 An Examination of Secularism. 8vo. Melb., 1883. MG 1 S G9 POTTIE, John. The Science of Scripture. 12mo. Sydney (n.d.) MG 2 R 23 POTTIER, Edmond. Etudes sur les Lecythes Blaccs Attiques a Representations Funeraires. 8vo. Paris, 18S3. B 35 R 28 et REINACU, Salomon. La Necropole de Myrina. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1887. B 15 R 2, 3 t POUZET, P. Melanges Carolingiens. [See Bardot, G.] B 20 V 22 POWELL, Arthur. Practical Printing. [See Southward, J.] A 24 Q 14, 15 POWELL, Rev. Baden. Autobiography of F. Arago. [See Arago, F.] C 17 P 10 POWELL, B. P. S. Baden-. In Savage Isles and Settled Lands, Malaysia, Australasia, and Polynesia, 1888-91. 8vo. Lond.," 1892. MD 5 S 23 POWELL, Frederick York. Saxo Grammaticus. [See. Folk-lore Soc, 33.] E POWELL, Dr. John Wesley. Seventh-Twelfth Annual Reports of the Bureau of Ethnology. [See U.S. — Buivau of Ethnology.] E POWELL, Mary. [See Milton, Mrs. Mary.] POWELL, Maurice. Elections. [See Rogers, F. N.] F 14 It 32 POWELL, Lieut.-Col. Wm. II. The Army Officer's Examiner; containing questions and answers on all subjects prescribed for an officer's examination ; together with Rules to guide Boards of Examination. 8vo. New York, 1894. A 29 R 21 POWER, T. P. The Footballer : an Annual Record of Football in Victoria and the Australian Colonies. 8vo. Melb., 1875-70. ME 5 Q POWERS, Hiram [Plaster Cast of.] [&•« Ilutton, L.— Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 POWERS, Stephen. The American Merino, for Wool and Mutton. Svo. New York, 1887. A 18 It 21 POWNALL, S. Beaty- Fast Day and Vegetarian Cook- ery. [See Cowan, E. M.] A 22 Q 38 POWNING, Wm. Lycidas. [See Milton, J.] Mil 1 Q 22 PO YNTING, Prof. J. II. The Mean Density of the Earth. (Adams Prize Essav, 1893.) Illustrated. Svo. Lond, 1891. A 24 S 11 POYSER, Arthur Wm. Magnetism and Electricity; a Manual for Students in advanced classes. 12mo. Lond., 1892. A 21 It 10 222 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. PRAED, Mrs. B. M. (Campbell.) Under the Gum Tree : Australian Bush Stories ; edited by Mrs. H. P. Martin. 12mo. Lond., 1890. MS 2 T 44 1. A Disturbed Christmas ; by Mrs. Campbell Praed. 2. Broken Billy ; by H. B. Marriott Watson. 3. John (Jrantley's Conversion ; by "Tasma." 4. A Night in a Custom-house ; by Mrs. Patchett Martin. 5. A Face at the Window ; by Hume Nisbet. 6. Jack Hammer's Sad Story ; by Mrs. Lance. 7. Opals ; by Dr. M. Caffyn. 8. His Chinese Cook ; by R. Clayton. 9. Old Shilling's Bush Wedding ; by Mrs. Campbell Praed. 10. Jerry, and a Close Shave ; by E. S. Bav.-son. 11. Interviewed by a Bushranger ; by R. Richardson. 12. Bush Bandits ; by A. Patehett Martin. PRAIRIE FARMER, The: a Weekly Journal for the Farm, Garden, and Rural Home. 3 vols. fol. Chicago, 1892-94. E PRAT, Arturo. La Apotedsis dc ; por J. A. Rosales. 8ro. Santiago, 1888. C 21 T 9 PRATT INSTITUTE, Brooklyn, NY. Hand-book of Information, 1892, 1893. 8vo. New York, 1893. E Catalogue, 1893-94. 8vo. New York, 1893. E PRATTEN, Rev. B. P. Trans.— Writings of Justin Martyr. [See Justin Martyr.] G 14 U 2 Trans.— Writings of Tatian. [See Tatian.] G 14 U 3 PREECE, Wm. Henry, and STUBBS, Arthur J. Manual of Telephony. 8vo. Loud., 1893. A 21 P 22 PRESBYTERIAN CALENDAR of Australasia for 1894. Svo. Melb., 1894. ME PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Victoria. Proceedings of the General Assembly, 18(5(5. Rov.Svo. Melb., 18(56. MG 2 T 16 Business of General Assembly, 18GG. Svo. Melb., I860. MG 1 S 30 Rules and Eorms of Procedure in the Courts and Congregations of. 12mo. Melb., 1877. MG 2 R 24 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES OF AUSTRALIA AND TASMANIA. Proceedings of the Fourth Conference. June, 1883. Roy. 8vo. Melb., 1S83. MG 1 T 15 PRESCOTT, Wm. H. History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic ; edited by J. F. Kirk. 3 vols. 12mo. Philad. (n.d.) B 34 Q 8-10 History of the Conquest of Mexico ; edited by J. F. Kirk. 3 vols. 12mo. Phiiad. (n.d.) B 19 Q 8-10 History of the Conquest of Peru ; edited by J. F. Kirk. 2 vole. 12mo. Philad. (n.d.) B 19 Q 11, 12 History of the Feign of the Emperor Charles V. [See Robertson, Eev. Dr. W.] B 25 Q 21-23 Life of ; by G. Ticknor. 12mo. Philad. (n.d.) C 18 P 22 Biographical and Critical Miscellanies. 12mo. Philad. (n.d.) J 12 Q 2 History of the Reign of Philip II, King of Spain ; edited by J. F. Kirk. 3 vols. 12mo. Philad. (n.d.) B31Q5-7 PRES3EY, George Shaddack. Teeth in Australia, 4to Melb., 1883.* MA 2 R 36 PREST, Rev. C. Letters on the Home Work of Weslcyan Methodism, its Susteutation and Extension. Svo. Lond., 1850. G 1 R 31 PRESTON, Prof. Thomas. The Theory of Heat. Svo. Lond., 1891. A 21 S 20 PRESTWICH, Prof. Joseph. Collected Papers on some controverted questions of Geology. Svo. Lond., 1895. A 24 U 33 On certain phenomena belonging to the close of the last geological period, and on their bearing upon the tradi- tion of the flood. Svo. Lond., 1S95. A 21 U 35 PREVOST, Antoine F. History of Manon Lescaut and the Chevalier des Grieur. [See Collectanea Adamantea.] J 18 R fJU PRICE, J. S. Early History of the Suez Canal. Svo. Lond. (u.d.) B 21 R 12 PRICE, W. R Mesmerism, its use and abuse. 8vo. Melb., 1888. MA 2 S 73 PRICE, Win. Arthur. Treatise on the Measurement of Electrical Resistance. 8vo. Oxford, 189k A 21 S 23 PRICE WARUNG. [See Astlcy, Wm.] PRIDEAUX, Frederick. Precedents in Conveyancing; with Dissertations on its Law and Practice. 15th ed., by J. Whitcombc. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1893. F 8 T 23, 24 PRIDEAUX, S. T. An Historical Sketch of Bookbinding. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 25 Q 1U PRIEST OF THE LIVING TEMPLE, A. [See Spiritual Bombshell, The.] MG 1 S 41 PRIEST, The ; the Publican j and the Strange Woman. Svo. Geelong, 1867. MP 4 Q 9 PRIESTLEY, Herbert. Bankrupts' Accounts, New South Wales. Svo. Sydney, 1891. MF 3 T 55 PRIESTLEY, Dr. Joseph. Sketch of. [See Thorpe, Dr. T. E.— Historical Chemistry.] C 17 R 2 PRIMATT, Rev. Dr. Humphrey. Duty of Humanity to Inferior Creatures ; by Rev. A. Broome. 12mo. Lond., 1831. G 7 U 36 PRINCE, Thos. History of New England in the form of Annals. [See Bibliotheca Curiosa.] J 18 Q 50 PRINCE ALFRED HOSPITAL, Sydney. Reports, 1887-89. 8vo. Sydney, 1888-90. ME 6 S PRINCESS, The : a Drama of Woman's Future : adapted from Tennyson's Princess. 8vo. Melb., 1876. MH 1 S 68 PPJNG, Ratcliffe. Criminal Statutes in force in the Colony of Queensland. Rov. Svo. Brisbane 1863. MF 3 R 54 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 223 PRINSEP, Augustus. Illustration to Prinsep's Journal of a Voyage from Calcutta to Van Diemen's Land, 1829-30. 4to. Lond., 1833 MD 10 P 13 t PRIOR, \V. D. Roses and their Culture. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond., 1S92. A 18 R 14 PRITCHARD, Eric. Trans.— Movement. [See Marey, E. J.l A 29 R 31 PRITCHARD, G. B. Eocene Strata of the Bellarine Peninsula. (Roy. Soc. Vic., n.s., 6.) 8vo. Melb., 1891. ME 1 P Occurrence of Fossil Bones at Werribee. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Vict., n.s., 7.) 8vo. Melb., 1895. ME 1 P Palaeontology of the older Tertiary of Victoria. Lamel- librarichs. (Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict., n.s., 7.) 8vo. Melb., 1895. ME 1 P Lancefield Graptolites. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Vict , n.s., 7.) 8vo. Melb., 1895. ME 1 P Older Tertiaries of Maude. (Rov. Soc. Vict., n.s., 7.) 8vo. Melb., 1895. ME 1 P PRITCHETT, R, T. Yachting. [See Sullivan, Sir E. ] A 29 Q 40, 41 PRITCHARD, W. Tarn, and HANNEN, James C. Digest of Admiralty and Maritime Law ; including cases on Average, Carriage of Goods, and Marino Insurance. 3rd cd. 2 vols, roy 8vo. Lond., 1887. F 8 T 18, 19 PROBYN, John Webb. L'ltalia, dalla Caduta di Napo- leonc I all' anno 1S92. Svo. Fircuze, 1892. B 30 Q 17 PROCTER. Adelaide Anno. Legends and Lyrics. Vol. 2. 12mo. Lond., 1892. II 10 V 15 Legends and Lyrics. 8vo. Lond., i895. H 9 U 37 PROCTER, Bryan Waller, " Barry Cornwall." Dramatic Scenes, with other Poems. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1857. II 4 R 39 Memoir of Shakespeare. [See Shakespeare, Win. — Works of.] II 2 V 1-3 PROCTOR, Richard A. Lectures on Astronomy : Comets and Meteors — Life in other Worlds than ours — Star Depths. (3 parts). 8vo. Sydney, 18S0. MA 1 Q 56 and RANYARD, A. C. Old and New As- tronomy. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 3 U 34 PROCTECTION AGA IN. Reprinted from the Financial Reformer. 8vo. Liverpool, 1881. F 10 U 8 PROTESTANT WATCHMAN. The Apostate of the Age reproving Sin. [See Apostate of the Age.] MG 1 S 78 PROTHERO, George Walter. The Life of Simon de Montforfc, Earl of Leicester. 8vo. Lond., 1877. C 22 P 15 Select Statutes and other Constitutional Documents illustrative of the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I. 8vo. Oxford, 1891. F 4 T 14 PROTHERO, Richard E., and BRADLEY, Very Rev. George G. Life and Correspondence of Arthur P. Stanley, late Dean of Westminster. Illustrated. 2 vols. Svo. Loud., 1893. C 19 R 3, 4 PROWSE, D. W. A History of Newfoundland, from the English, Colonial, and Foreign Records. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 17 U 16 PSALMS, The : God's Book of Praise ; has He authorised a Supplement? Svo. Sydney, 1890. MG 2 S 9 PSALTER, The. [See Liturgies.] PSYCHICAL RESEARCH, Society for. [See Society for Psychical Research.] E PTOLEMY, Claude. Supplement to Ptolemy's Descrip- tion of the Earth. [See Wytftiet, C] D 19 V 10 PUBLIC OPINION, 1892-93. 4 vols. sm. fol. Lond., 1892-93. E PUBLICANS' QUESTION, The; by "Traveller." 8vo. Sydney (n.d.) MF 4 R 23 PUCCINI, Giacomo. Sketch of. [See Streatfeild, R, A. —Masters of Italian Music] C 22 P 13 PUFENDORFF, Esaiaa The Druids. [See Bibliotheca Curiosa.] J 18 Q 41 PUGH'S QUEENSLAND ALMANAC, Law Calendar, Directorv, and Coast Guide, for 1869, 1876, and 1895. 3 vols. 12mo. Brisb., 1869-95. MK4P PULLEX, Rev. Henry Wm. Hand-book of Ancient Roman Marbles. 12mo. Lond, 1894. A 23 P 6 Modern Christianity, a Civilized Heathenism. 12mo. Salisbury, 1873. G 9 V 19 PULLING, A. The Law Reports: Index to Orders in Couucil, &c, published in the London, Gazette, 1830- 83. Imp. Svo. Lond., 1885. K 11 R 9 PULLMAN, George Mortimer. Sketch of. [See Stoddard, W. O.— Men of Business.] C 16 R 19 and WICKES, T. H. The Strike at Pullman. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) F 10 Q 31 PULSFORD, Edward. Free-trade and Protection: an answer to Mr. Forsythe's pamphlet. 8vo. Sydney, 1885. MF 4 R 49 The Rise, Progress, and Present Position of Trade and Commerce in New South Wales. Roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1892. MF 1 S 43 Special Record of the Proceedings of Geographical Society of Australasia, in fitting out and starting the Exploratory Expedition to New Guinea. Svo. Sydney, 18S5. MD 5 R 48 224 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-93. PUNCH; or, the London Charivari. Vols. 103-108. 4to. ' Loud., 1892-95. E rUECELL, IT. B. Aborigines of Australasia. (Roy. Geog Soc, Vic. Branch, 11.) 8vo. Melb., 1891. ME 20 PURCHAS, A. Book of Reference to Map of the Settled Districts around Melbourne, Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 1853. MD 8 P 22 PURDUE UNIVERSITY, Lafayette, Indiana. Register, J 892-91. 8vo. Indianapolis, 1893. E PURVES, James L. A Young Australian's Log; being tho Narrative of a Voyage from Melbourne to London, in The Pacific, 1855. 12mo. Lond., 1856. MD 1 P 33 PUSEY, Rev. Dr. Edward Bouverie. Life of; bv Rev. Dr. Henry P. Liddon. Vols. 1-3. 8vo. Lond." 1893- M. C 1G S 5-7 PUTNAM, George Haven. Authors and the Public in Ancient Times. 8vo. New York, 1894. J 8 R 18 PUTNAM, Ruth. William the Silent. 2vols.8vo. New York, 1895. C 22 P G, 7 PUTNAM-JACOBI, Dr. Mary. [See Jacobi, Dr. Mary PYCROFT, Rev. James. Ways and Words of Men of Letters. 8vo. Lond., 1861. J 9 S 38 PYKE, Vincent. Gold-miners' Guide : a handy book of Mining Law. Svo. Wellington, 1892. ME 4 R 34 a Q. [See Couch, A. T. Quiller-.] QUAIFE, Dr. Barzillai. The Intellectual Sciences. Vol. 1, Mental Philosophy or Psychology, and Metaphysical Science. Vol. 2, Moral Philosophy and Logic. 2 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1872. MG 1 P 79, 80 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. New Series, vols. 33 and 36. Roy. Svo Lond., 1892-91. E QUARTERLY REVIEW. Vols. 174-180. Svo. Lond, 1892-95. E QUATREFAGES, Armand de. The Pygmies; trans- lated by E. Starr. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1S95. A 19 Q5 Legendes des lies Hawaii. [See Lesson, Dr. P. A.] MB 2 U 2 QUEBEC. Commissioner of Railways. Report for the year 1881-82. 8vo. Quebec, 1882. E QUEENSLAND— General. The Colony of Queensland : with the New Land Act and Extracts from the Immi- gration Bill of 1869. Svo. Lond., 1870. MD 1 P 42 The Queensland Guide, for the use of Farmers, Fruit- growers, Vignerons, and others. 8vo. Brisb., 1888. MD 5 Q 37 The latest political device for partitioning Queensland among Southern land sharks and squatting rings. 8vo. Brisbane, 1883. MF 4 R 4 Prospects of tho Lsnd League. 8vo. Roekhampton (n.d.) MF 4 Q 30 Queensland, Australia: its Territory, Climate, and Pro- ducts, Agricultural, Pastoral, and Mineral ; with Emi- gration Regulations. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) MD8R38 QUEENSLAND. — Government Departments, Reports, and Puhlications. Acts. [See Statutos.] Agriculture. Annual Report for 1892-93 Sm fol. Brisb., 1893. E Bulletin 3, 2nd series. Manures. [See Shelton, E. M.J MA 8 8 61 Botany abridged. [See Bailey, F. M.] MA 1 T 55 Notes for Amateur Fruit-growers. [See Bailey, F. M.] MA 1 T 55 Gumming of Cane. [See Tryou, II.] MA 1 T 55 Pamphlets on Commercial Crops, Dairying .fee. 8vo. Brisbane, 1889-93. MA 1 Q 69 Rice-growing and its Preparation for Market. Recent Experiments made at the American Agricultural Experiment Stations ; edited by E. M. Shelton. Tobacco, its Cultivation in Northern Queensland ; by S. Lamb. Guide to the Culture of Broom Corn. Wheat-growing in Queensland ; by E. M. Shelton. Tobacco, its Cultivation in Southern Queensland ; by S. Lamb. Tree-planting for Shade and Ornament ; by E. M. Shelton. Sugar-planting in Queensland. Coll'ee-growing and its Preparation for Market ; by R. W. McCullocTi. Cultivation of Maize ; by E. M. Shelton. Our Stock Foods, and how to use them ; by E. M. Shelton. Pig Raising and Pork Making ; by E. M. Shelton ; with an appendix on Ham and Bacon Curing ; by W. Watson. Establishment of Creameries ; Insecticides ; Manures and their Preservation ; llamie Culture ; Clarifying re-agent in Sugar-making ; and Potato Trials ; by E. M. Shelton. Cheese-making Simplified. Suggestions for Building a Cool Dairy. Butter and Cheese-making, including the Canadian System of Cheese-making ; by J. Mahon. Canning and otherwise Preserving Fruits for the Home and Market ; by E. M. Shelton. Cultivation of Wheat in Queensland ; by E. M. Shelton. Arrowroot Cultivation and Manufacturing in Queensland ; by S. Grimes. Flower Gardening ; by A. M. Cowan. Pamplets on Botany. 8vo. Brisbane, 1890-93. MA 1 T 55 Official Guide to the Museum of Economic Botany ; by F. M. Bailey. Contributions to the Flora of Queensland ; by F. M. Bailey. Bulletins, Oct., 1890; March, May, Dec., 1891 ; May, 1892; Jan., Feb., Dec, 1893. Companion for the Queensland Student of Plant Life ; by F. M. Bailey. 1 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 225 QUEENSLAND— contd. Agriculture — contd. Pamphlets. Reports of Conferences. 8vo. Brisbane, 1891-93. MA 1 Q74 Report of Agricultural Conferences held at Maryborough, Rockhampton, and Buudaberg. Report of Agricultural Conferences held at Bceuleigh, Bun- daberg, Rockhampton, and Maekay. Pamphlet on Sericulture. 8vo. Brisb., 1893. MA 1 Q 63 Sericulture ; or, Silkworms and how to rear them ; by R. W. McCulloch. Blue Book. [See Civil Service.] Civil Service. Index to List of Officers. 8m. fol. Brisbane, 189k MP 3 Q 14 J Blue Book for 1891. 8m. fol. Brisb., 1895. ME Friendly Societies. Report of the Eegistrar, 1888-89, 1892. 2 vols. sm. fol. Brisbane, 1890-93. ME Friendly Societies, Building Societies, and Trade Unions, 18S7. Sm. fol. Brisbane, 1887. MB Polynesian Labour, Further Correspondence relating to. [See Great Britain and Ireland — Queensland.] MF 2 Q 39 f Statistics of the Colony of Queensland, 1893. Sm. fol. Brisbane, 1891. ME Statutes. The Queensland Statutes ; edited by A. Pain and J. L. Wooleock. 5 vols. roy. 8vo. Brisb., 1889. MF 3 S 21-28 Acts and Regulations relating to Waste Lands. 8vo. Brisb., 1861. MF 2 Q 81 Acts of the Parliament of Queensland, 55°, 56°, 58°, Vic, and a Selection of Acts of the Imperial Parliament, 55°-58° Vie. 7 vols. roy. Svo. Brisbane, 1890-95. ME Merchant Shipping Act, 1894. Sm. fol. Brisbane., 1895. MF 4 U 19 Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Acts, 1884-90. 4to. Brisb., 1881-90. MF 3 U 61 Water Supply. Report of the Hydraulic Engineer, 1891-92. Sm. fol. Brisb., 1893. Mi 3 Q 39 f QUEENSLAND POST OFFICE DIRECTORY, 1895- 96. Svo. Brisb., 1895. ME QUELCII, John J. Reef Corals. [See Thomson, S : r C. W., and Murray. Dr. J.— Voyage of the II.M.S. Challenger, Zoology, 16.] A 6 f QUESNAY, F. Tableau (Economique (fac-simile of 1758 edition). 4to. Lond., 1894. F 39 Q 20 J QUESTIONS OF THE DAY: a series of Papers on, the Revised New Testament, Modern Objections to Christianity, Everlasting Punishment, Parochial Missions, Sympathy as a Power in Church Work. Svo. Sydney, 1882. MG 1 S 38 QUICK, Dr. John. History of Land Tenure in the Colony of Victoria. 8vo. Sandhurst, 1883. MF 4 Q 14 2f QUILLER-COUCH. [See Couch.] QUILTEK, Harry. Preferences in Art, Life, and Literature. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1S92. A 8 U 39 QUIROS, Capt. Pedro Fernandez do. Historia del descu- brimicnto de las Regioncs Austriales ; publicada por Don J. Zaragoza. 3 vols. Svo. Madrid, 1876-82. MB 2 R 47-49 Jornada y Nuevo Descubrimicnto. [See Torquemada, F. J. de.] B 36 T 13 J R R., A. [See Designs for Church Embroidery.] A12S17f R., E. P. [See Romance of the Bush.] MJ 1 P 61 RABBENO, Prof. Fgo. The American Commercial Policy. Svo. Lonl., 1695. F 11 U 12 RABELAIS, Dr. Francois. The Five Books and Minor Writings,- together with Letters and Documents illustrating his life ; a new translation with notes, by W. F. Smith. 2 vols. roy. Svo. Lond., 1893. J 4 T 3, 4 Works of. Translated by Sir T. Urquhart. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1864. J 11 U 5, 6 RADET, G. La Lydie et le Monde Grec au temps des Mermnades. (Bibliotheque des Ecoles Franchises d'Athenes et dc Rome, 63" Fascicule.) 8vo. Paris, 1893. B 27 U 10 RADFORD, Lewis B. Thomas of London before his Consecration. (Carab. Hist. Essays, 7.) Svo. Camb., 1S94. C 18 P 18 RAE, John. Eight Hours for Work. Svo. Lond., 1894. F5Q9 Life of Adam Smith. Svo. Lond., 1895. C 21 T 2 RAE, W. F. Egypt To-day : the first to the third Khedive. 8vo. Lond., 1892. B 21 T 7 RAFFLES, Sir Thos. Stamford. History of Java; with Maps and Plates. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1817. B 36 S 19, 20 % RAFTER, George W. Mechanics of Ventilation. 18mo. New York, 1878. A 22 P 10 . and BAKER, M. N. Sewage Disposal in the United States. [Illustrated.] Imp. Svo. New York, 1894. A 22 V 18 RAGOZIN, Mme. Zenaide A. The Empire of the Tsars. [See Beaulieu, A. Leroy-.] B 31 T 5, 6 Vedic India, as embodied principally in the Rig- Veda. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 29 R 4 II 226 Supplementary Catalog ne — 1893-95 . KAIL WAY PORTER, A. [See Labour Troubles.] MF1 P6G RAINE, Eev. Dr. James. Historians of the Church of York. [See Great Britain and Ireland — Clirons. and Mems.] E York. ( Historic Towns.) Svo. Lond , 1S93. B 22 Q 27 Easti Eboracenses. [See Dixon. Eev. W. II.] C 16 8 15 RAINY, Eev. Dr. Eobt. Philippians. [See Expositor's Bible.] G 19 S 13 BAKE, Chas. Silos and Ensilage. (Proc. Eoy. Agricult. and Horticult. Soc, S. Aust., 1834.) Svo. Adelaide, 1884. ME 1 S EALEIGH, Sir Walter. Is Raleigh the Author of Shakspere's Plays. [See Caldwell, G. 8.] M J 2 S 41 EALEIGH, Prof. Walter. The English Novel ; being a short Sketch of its History from the earliest times to the appearance of Waverlev. 12mo. Lond., 1894. J5P9 [Life of] E. L. Stevenson. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 19 V 10 EALPH, T. S. Bacteria in Living Plants. (Eoy. Soc, Vict., 20.) 8vo. Melb., 1884. ME 1 P EALPH GREENWOOD. [See Gould, A. C] RALSTON, A. G. Divorce Law, with all the Acts and Eules now in force relating to Marriage, Divorce, and all matters Matrimonial. Svo. Sydney, 1893.* MF 2 E 35 EAM, Gilbert S. The Incandescent Lamp and its Manu- facture. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 21 S 13 EAMAGE, B. James. Local Government and Free Schools in South Carolina. (Johns Hopkins Univer- sity Studies, 1.) Svo. Baltimore, 1883. B 18 S 1 EAMBAITT, Eev. W. H. Trans.— Writings of Ireineus. [See Irenseus, St.] G 14 U 5 & 9 EAME, Louise de la, "Ouida," Views and Opinions. Svo. Lond., 1895. J 9 E 22 EAMOS, Don Melchor Jose. [Vida de] ; per M. L. Amumitegui. Svo. Santiago, 1889. ' C 21 T 3 EAMSAY, Allan. The Gentle Shepherd: a Pastoral Comedy. 18mo. Edinb., 1851. II 10 U 1 EAMSAY, Sir Andrew Crombie. Memoir of; by Sir A. Geikie ; with Portrait. Svo. Lond., 1895. C 21 E 20 EAMSAY, Dr. Edward Pierson. Catalogue of the Aus- tralian Birds in the Australian Museum. Part 4. PicaricB, Sub-order Halci/ones. 8vo. Svdney, 1894. MA 1 S 26 Fisheries Exhibition, London, 1883 : Catalogue of the Exhibits in the New South Wales Court. 8vo. Lond., 1883. MK 2 E 3 EAMSAY, John. Trans.— Trans-Pacific Cable. [See Trans-Pacific Cable.] MF 1 E 54 EAMSAY, Prof. W. M. The Church in the Eoman Empire, before a.d. 170. Svo. Lond., 1393. G2 S31 EAMSAY, Prof. Wm. Manual of Eoman Antiquities; revised by Prof. E. Lanciani (University of Eome). 15th ed. Svo. Lond., 1894. B 30 8 12 EAMSAY, Wm. G. Useful Information for Practical Men. 12mo. Wilmington, Del., 1S93. A 22 Q 20 EAMSDEN, Lady G. Letter.*, &c, of the 12th Duke of Somerset. [See Somerset, Duke of.] C 13 S 24 EAMUSIO, Giovanni Battista. Navigationi et Viaggi. 3 vols. sin. fol. Venetia, 1556-83. D 80 T 3-7 J EAND, Addison C. The Use of Compressed Air. Illus- trated. Obi. 12mo. New York, 1891. A 29 S 12 EANDALL, C. D. Fourth International Prison Con- gress, St. Petersburg, Eussia. 8vo. Wash., 1891. F 14 U 17 EANDALL, Dr. Daniel Eichard. A Puritan Colony at Annapolis, in Maryland. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 4.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1886. B 18 S 4 Cooperation in Maryland and the South. (Johns Hop- kins University Studies, 6.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1888. B 18 S G EANKEN, George. Windabyne: a Record of By-gone Times in Australia. 8vo. Lond., 1895. MJ 3 Q 33 RANKIN, Daniel J. The. Zambesi Basin and Nyassaland. Svo. Lond., 1893. D 14 E 11 EANNIE, Douglas. New Ireland. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Q. Branch, 3.) Svo. Brisbane, 1889. ME 20 P The Torres Group : the Natives and their Ways. (Roy Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Q. Branch, 5.) 8vO' Brisbane, 1890. ME 20 P Notes on the New Hebrides. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Q. Branch, 6.) Svo. Brisbane, 189 L. ME20P Among the South-east Solomons. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Q. Branch, 0.) Svo. Brisbane, 1891. ME 20 P RANYARD, A. C. Old and New Astronomv. [See Proctor, R. A.] A3 U 34 RAOUL, E. Fleurs Sauvages et Bois Precieux de la Nou- velle-Zelande. [See Hetley, Mine. C] MA 9 Q 2 f RAPHAEL SANZIO, on SANTI, DA URBINO. Raphael's Madonnas and other great Pictures, repro- duced from the original Paintings ; with a Life of Raphael and an Account of his Chief Works ; bv Karl Karoly. Sm. fol. Lond., 1894. A 36 S 16 J Sketch of. [See Pater, W.— Miscellaneous Studies.] J 7S 10 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 227 RATH BONE, Mrs. (Anne Manning.) The Colloquies of Edward Osborne, Citizen and Cloth-maker of London. 8rded. 12mo. Lond., 18G0. J 16 T 30 The Household of Sir Thomas More. 4th ed. 12mo. Loud., 18G0. C 17 P 5 ItATHBONE, John. Farming in Canada. [See Ford, W. W.] MA 1 P 2 PiATTE, A. Felix. Hints for collecting Geological and Mineralogical Specimens. 1st and 2nd eds. Svo. Sydney, 1886-87. MA 2 V 6G EAVAILLAC, Francis. Trial of, for the Murder of King Henry the Great. [See Bibliotheca Curiosa. ] J 18 Q 23 EAYENSTEIN, E. G. Paraguav. [See Bourgade la Dardye, Dr.] D 15 R 10 EAWLE, Edwin John. Annals of the Ancient Royal Forest of Exmoor. 4to. Taunton, 1893. B 23 V 13 EAWLINGS, Thos. Confederation of the British North American Provinces. Eoy. Svo. Lond., 1865. F7 Ul RAWLINSON, Prof. George. Parthia. (Story of the Nations.) 8vo. Lond., 1S93. B 20 E 1 EAWL1NSON, Thos. E. Notes on the Discovery of some Keys in the Shore Formation of Corio Bay, near Geelong. (Eoy. Soc. of Vic.) 8vo. Melb , 1874. MA 3 S 41 RAWNSLEY, Eev. Ilardwieke Drummond. Literary Associations of the English Lakes. 2 vols. 12mo. Glasgow, 1894. D 18 Q 12, 13 RAWSON, Christopher. Dyeing. [See Knecht, E.] A 11 E 28-30 RAWSON, E. S. Jerrv, and a Close Shave. [See Praed, Mrs. Campbell— Under the G urn Tree.] MJ 2 T 44 EAY, Sidney H. Language of the New Hebrides. (Journal Eoy Soc, N.S.W., 27.) Svo. Sydney, 1S93. ME 1 R Languages of British New Guinea (Anthropol. Inst., 24.) Svo. Lond., 1894. E EAT, W. D. Dynamo Electric Machinery. [See Mac- Fadden, C. K.] A 21 P 45 EAY SOCIETY. Publications of. Vols. 4-6. Svo. Lond., 1893-95. E 4. Monograph of British Phytophagous Ilymenopteia (Cy- nipida?, and Appendix), by P. Ccmcion. 5, G. Iaivcc of British Butterflies ur.d Moths; t y W. Buckler. RAYLEIGH, (John "Win. Strutt), Baron. Theory of Sour.d, vol. 1. 2nd ed. Eoy. Svo. Lond., 1894. A 21 T 28 RAYMOND, G. Life and Enterprises of R. W. Elliston, Comedian. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1857. C 17 P G EAYMOND, Prof. George Lansing. Art in Theory: an Introduction to the Study of Comparative ^Esthetics. 8vo. New York, 1891. " A 23 R 12 RAYNAL, F. E. Les Naufrages on vingt mois sur un Recif des lies Auckland. Uiustre. Imp. 8vo. Paris, 1870. MD 6 U 26 RAYNAL, Win. Thomas, Abbe. Letter on the Affairs of North America. [See Paine, T.J B 19 V 2 REAGAN, II. O, jun. Locomotive Mechanism and Engi- neering. 1st ed. Svo. New York, 1894. A 22 Q 34 EEAL, G. C, Documents relating to Voyages of. [See Hakluyt Soc, 86.] E RECHABTTES, INDEPENDENT ORDER OF. Jubilee Celebration. Proceedings of the First Intercolonial Convention, held at Melbourne, 1855. 12mo.- Melb., 188G. MG 1 P 72 RECKEXZAUN, Anthony. Electric Traction on Eail- ways and Tramways. 8vo. Lond , 1892 A 5 S 5 1 EECLU3, Jean Jacques Elisi'e. Nouvelle Geographie Universello : la Terre et les Homines. Tome 19. Imp. 8vo. Paris, 1894. D 10 V 19 Primitive Folk : Studies in Comparative Ethnology. 8vo. Loud, (u.d.) A 18 R 27 RECORDS OF THE PAST, being English Translations of the Ancient Monuments of Egypt and "Western Asia. New Series. Vol. 6. Edited by Prof. A. H. Sayce. Svo. Lond., 1892. B 21 Q 19 REDGRAVE, Chas. A. II. Guide to the Police Acts of New South "Wales : comprising a collection of Cases relating thereto ; with a General Index of Offences thereunder. Eoy. 8vo. Sydney, 1895. MF 3 R G6 REDGRAVE, Gilbert E, Calcareous Cements, their Nature and Uses. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 19 S 2 REDGRAVE, Richard. Manual of Design. Svo. Lond., 1876. A 23 R 26 and REDGRAVE, Samuel. A Century of Painters of the English School. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A23R7 REDWOOD, BovertoD. Petrolum, its Production and Use. 18mo. New York, 1887. A 24 P 13 REDWOOD, lltvd I. Ammonia Refrigeration. 18mo. New York, 1893. A 18 P 24 REED, Elizabeth A. Persian Literature, ancient and modern. 8vo. Chicago, 1893. ■ B 20 R 2 228 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. EEED, F. E. C. Branchiopods (Fossil). 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 30 U 19 EEED, Dr. Henrv. Lectures on the British Poets. 8vo. Lond., 1859.* J 12 T 35 EEED, J. E. Gallery of Contemporary Art. [See Sil- vestre, A.] A 6 S 8, 9 J EEED, Joseph. The Eegister Office: a Farce. [See London Stage, 4.] II 2 S 3(5 EEES, Bowland. Customs Comparative Duties of the Australasian Colonies and Fiji, 1890-91. Sm. fol. (n.p.n.d.) MF 9 P 27 t EEES, "VV. L. Sir Gilbert Leigh; or Pages from the History of an Eventful Life ; with an Appendix — the Great Pro-Consul. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond , 1878. MJ 1 U 37, 38 EEEVE, Edward. Eailway Guide of New South AVales. 4to. Sydney, 1879. MD 5 V 44 EEEVE, Wvbert. From Life: selected, and re-published by request, from The Atistralasian and other journals. 8vo. Lond., 1891. Mil 1 U 42 EEEVES, Dr. Chas. Evans. On the Cure of Fluke in Sheep ; with Observations on Fluke in Man. 8vo. Melb., 1878. MA 3 T 17 EEEVES, Edward. Homeward Bound after Thirty Years ; a Colonist's Impressions of New Zealand, Australia, Tangier, and Spain. Illustrated, 8vo. Lond., 1S92. MD5E42 EEEVES, Dr. Jesse Siddall. International Beginnings of the Congo Free State. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies, 12.) Eoy. 8vo. Baltimore, 1891. B 18 S 12 EEFOEM CLUB LIBEAEY, NEW YOEK. Cata- logue, 1892. 8vo. New York, 1892. K 7 S 42 EEFUGE, The, Melbourne. Thirteenth Annual Eeport. 8vo. Melb., 1870. MG 2 Q 48 EEGAMEY, Felix. Japan in Art and Industry, with a Glance at Japanese Manners and Customs. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 25 E 8 EEGISTEE OF AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING, 1874-80, 1882-81. 7 vols. 8vo. Melb., 1874-83. ME OR EEGNAUD, Paul, GROSSET, J., et GRANDJEAN, J. M. Melanges de Philologie Indo-Europeenne. 8vo. Paris, 1888. J 7 U 40 EEGO, Dr. J. P. Memoria Historica dis Epidemias da Febrc Amarelle e Cholera-morbo que torn reinado en Brazil. 8vo. Eio de Janeiro, 1873. A 20 U 23 EEID, A. Vox Clamantium : the Gospel of the People ; by Writers, Preachers, and Workers. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 14 T 19 EEID, Surg.-Lieut.-Col. A. Scott. Chin-Lushai Land. With Maps. 8vo. Calcutta, 1833. D 17 T 7 EEID, Andrew. The New Party, described by some of its members. Svo. Lond., 1891. F 11 T 17 EEID, J. Arbuckle. The Australian Eeader: Selections from Leading Journals on Memorable Historic Events. Roy. Svo. Melb., 18S2. MB 1 U 17 EEID, S. J. [Life of] Lord John Eussell. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C21P2L EEID, Thorburn. Arithmetic of Magnetism and Elec- tricity. [See Morrow, J. T.] A 21 P 38 EEID, William Fcrgusson. Draft of Measure for the Alienation, Settlement, and Utilisation of Crown Lands in the Australian Colonies, in 10 clauses 8vo. Sydney, 183*. MF 4 E 40 The First of Hays. Svo. Ipswich, Q., 1SS1. Mil 1 V 7 EEIGNS of the Kings and Queens of England ; put into Ehvmo by " A Tasmanian Lady." 8vo. Hobart, 18(37. Mil IS 31 EEINACH, Salomon. La Necropole de Myrina. [See Pottier, E.] B 15 E 2, 3 f EF.ITII, Rev. G. Tr/rns.— Writings of Justin Martyr. [See Justin Martyr.] G 11 U 2 REIZEN IN MIDDEN-SUMATRA, 1S77-79. G vols, (in 11). Imp. 8vo. and fol. Leiden, 1881. D 12 V 10-21 f, and U 4, 5 J RELIGION. On Eeligion ; by " A Former Elder in a Scotch Church." [See Eeligious Pamphlets, 3.] G9 V18 EELIGIOUS PAMPHLETS. 3 vols. 12mo. Eamsgato and Lond., 1804-74. G 9 V 10-18 1. Reply to the Question, " Shall I seek Ordination in the Church of England ?" by Bishop Hinds. Reply to the Question, ' ' Apart from Supernatural Revela- tion, what is man's prospect of living after death?" by Bishop Hinds. Reply to the Question, " What have we to rely on, if we cannot rely on the Bible?" by Bishop Hinds. Difficulties which attend the study of the Scriptures ; by Bishop Hare. The Opinions of Prof. D. F. Straus?. The Eternal Gospel ; by Rev. R. W, Mackay. Basis of a New Reformation. How to complete the Reformation ; by E. Maitland. Spiritual Pantheism. The Gospel of the Kingdom. Examination of some recent Writings about Immortality. Necessity of Free Inquiry ami Plain Speaking. Review of a Pamphlet entitled, " The Present Dangers of the Church of England ;" by W. G. Clark. Cardinal Doctrines of Calvinism ; by M. Macfie. Tendencies of Modern Religious Thought ; by Rev. J. Cranbrook. The Story of the Garden of Eden ; by W. Stone. God's Method of Government ; by Rev. J. Cranbrook. Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 229 RELIGIOUS PAMPHLETS— contd. 2. The true Temptation of Jesus ; Religious Weakness of Protestantism ; Defective Morality of the New Testa- ment ; Against Hero-making in Religion ; the Contro- versy about Prayer ; Causes of Atheism ; Relations of Theism to Pantheism, and on the Galla Religion ; Ancient Sacrifices ; by Prof. F. W. Newman. Sacred History as a Branch of Elementary Education. Science and Theology ; by R. D. Hanson. Three Notices of the Speaker's Commentary ; by Dr. A. Kuenen. Church Cursiug and Atheism ; by Rev. T. P. Kirkman. A Critical Catechism ; by T. L. Strange. 3. The Book of Common Prayer ; by W. Jevons. Church of England Catechism examined ; by J. Bentham. Physical Resurrection of Jesus ; by T. Scott. Commentators and Ilierophants. The Christian Society ; by T. Scott. Claims of Christianity to the Character of a Divine Revela- tion considered ; by W. Jevons. On Religion. Criticism the Restoration of Christianity. RELIGIOUS TKACT SOCIETY OP VICTORIA. 10th, 12th, 13th, 18th, 20th Annual Reports. Svo. Melb., 1860-70. ME G Q REMARKABLE MAPS of the 15th, lGth, and 17th Centuries, reproduced in their original size. Pol. Amsterdam, 1894. D 8 P 22 J 1. The Bodel Nyenhuis Collection at Ley den. REMBRANDT VAN BYN, ITerrr.anzoon. Etchings. [See Portfolio Monograph, 1.] E REMFRY & REM FRY, Messrs. Patents and their relation to the wants of India. 8vo. Calcutta, 18S1. P 7 V 37 REMINGTON, Prof. Joseph Price. Dwpensatorjr of the United Stales. [See Wood, Dr. G. P.] A 2G V 13 REMINISCENCES of Australian Early Life; by "A Pioneer." Svo. Lond., 1893. MD 1 Q 33 REMSEN, Daniel S. Primary Elections: a study of methods for improving the basis of party organisation. 12mo. New York, 1894. P 5 Q 8 RENAN, Ernest. Avcrroes ct l'Avcrroiisme, cssai historique. 4° ed. 8vo. Paris, 1882. G 12 U 2 L'Avenir de la Science. T ed. 8vo. Paris, 1890. G 12 U 10 Lo Cantiquc des Cantiques, traduit de l'Hebreu, avec une etude sur le plan, V age et le caractere du poeme. G c ed. Svo. Paris, 1891. ' G 12 U 4 Conferences d'Angleterre. Pome et le Christianisme, Marc-Aurele. 3 e ed. Svo. Paris, 18S0. G 12 U 1 Dialogues et Fragments 'Philosophiqucs. 3 e ed. 8vo. Paris, 1880. G 12 U 11 - Discours et Conferences. 2° ed. 8vo. Paris, 1887. G 12 U 12 Drames Philosophiques. 8vo. Paris, 1888. G 12 U 3 L'Ecelesiaste, traduit de l'Hebreu, avec uno etude sur l'age et le caractere du livre. 3' ed. Svo. Paris, 1890. G 12 U 5 RENAN, Ernest — contd. Essais do Morale et de Critique. 1889. 4 e ed. 8vo. Paris, G 12 U 13 Etudes d'Histoire Religieuse. T ed. 8vo. Paris, 1880. G12U7 Feuilles Detachees, faisant suite aux Souvenirs d'Enfanee et de Jeunesse. Svo. Paris, 1892. C 2 V G Ilistoire des Origines du Christianisme. 8 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1873-9 L. G 12 U 1G-23 Vie de Jesus. 20"' &L Les Apotres. 12" 6J. Saint Paul. 12' dd. LAntechrist. 3' 6d. Les Evangiles. 3 e 6d. L'Eglise Chrdtienne. 4' 6d. Marc Aurcle et la Kin du Monde Antique. 6 e £d. Index General. Ilistoire du Peuplc d' Israel. Tomes 1-5. 8"o. Paris, 1SS7-93. G 12 U 24-28 Le Livre de Job, traduit de l'Hebreu, avec une etude sur l'age et le caractere du poeme. 4" ed. 8vo. Paris, 18S2. G 12 U Melanges d'Histoire et dc Voyages. 8vo. Paris, 1890. G12U9 Nouvelles Etudes d'Histoire Religieuse. 10 e ed. Svo. Paris, 1884. G 12 U 8 Questions contemporaires. 3° ed. Svo. Paris, 1870. G 12 U 11 Recollections of my Youth. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1892. C 12 Q 48 La Reforme iiitellccluellc ct morale. 4° ed. Svo. Paris, 1875. G 12 U 15 Souvenirs d'Enfanee et do Jeunesse. Svo. Paris, 1883. C 2 V 5 Studies of Religious History. Svo. Lond., 1893. G 12 U 31 The Book of Job, translated from the Hebrew, with a study of the plan, the age, and the character of the poem. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) G 12 U 29 The Song of Songs, translated from the Hebrew, with a study of the plan, the age, and the character of the poem. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) G 12 U 30 Ernest Renan (in memoriam) ; by the Rt. Hon. Sir M. E. G. Duff. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 12 Q 47 Life of; by F. Espinasse. Svo. Lond., 1895. C21T12 [Sketch of.] [See Darmesteter, J. — Selected Essays.] J9S2G RENARD, A. Volcanic Ashes and Cosmic Dust. [See Murray, J.] A 20 T 10 Deep Sea Deposits. [See Murray, J ] A 20 T 10 Deep Sea Deposits. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J.— Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger.'] A f Rock Specimens collected on Oceanic Islands. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J. — Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger.'] A Of RENDLE, Dr. R, Notes on Snake-bitc : what to do, in- cluding the use of strychnia. 8vo. Brisbane, 1892. MA 3 V 43 230 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. RENEY, Win. A Narrative of the Shipwreck of the Corsair in the month of January, 1S35, on an unknown reef near the Kingsmill Islands in the South Pacific Ocean. 12mo. Lond., 1836. MD 7 T GO EENNELL, Major James, and the rise of Modern English Geography; by C. E Markham. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 17 P 30 EENNICK, Chas. Henry George and his Utopia : a Lecture delivered at Melbourne, October, 1890. Eov. 8vo. Melb., 1890. MF 3 E 55 EENNIE, Edward Alexander. Outline of the History of St. George's Church, Sydney. 8vo. Sydney, 1881. MG1 S77 EENNIE, Prof. Dr. Edward Henry. Colouring Matter from Lomatia IUcifolia and lomatia Longifolia. 8vo. Adelaide, 1895. MA 2 T 72 Poisoning by Tinned Pish. (Trans. Roy. Soc., S. Aus- tralia, 9.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1887. ME 1 S and TURNER, E. F. Poisonous Constituents of Stepliania hernandifolia. (Trans. Boy. Soc, S. Australia, 17.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1892. ME 1 S EENNIE, Eev. James. Insect Architecture. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1857. A 28 P 9 EENNIE, John and George. [Biographical Sketches.] [See Smith, G. B. — Leaders of Modern Industry.] C 14 P 14 EENOUAED, Ant. Aug. Bibliographical Sketch of the . Aldine Press at Venice, 1494-1597. 12mo. Edinb., 1889. J 18 Q 49 RENSSELAER, Mrs. Schuyler van. English Cathedrals : illustrated by J. Pennell. Imp. Svo. Lond., 1892. A2U3G RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE. Hand- book of Information. Courses in Civil Engineering and Natural Science. 8vo. Troy, N.Y., 1893. E Annual Eegistcr, 1893. Eegister of Graduates, 1876- 92. 8vo. Troy, N.Z., 1893. E Eecords of Work of Graduates. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) E EENTON, Wm. Outlines of English Literature. Svo. Lond., 1893. B 23 Q 14 EENWICK, Dr. Arthur. The Realm of Knowledge and the Realm of Faith : a lecture. 8vo. Sydney, 1882. MG 1 8 37 REPPLIER, Agues. Books and Men. 12mo. Lond., 1893. J6Q33 Essays in Idleness. 12mo. Lond., 1893. J 6 Q 34 REQUENA, M. del C. Validez do los Actos de dis- posicion do Ileridero Aparente respecto dc tercero de buena fe. 8vo. Montevideo, 1894. F 9 R 33 RESEARCH. [See Beilby, J. W.] EliULEAUX, F. The Constructor: a Hand-book of Machine Design ; translated by H. H. Suplee. 4to. Philad., 1893. A 12 IT 1 t REUNERT, Theodore. Diamonds and Gold in South Africa. Svo. Lond., 1893. A 24 S 2 EE-TJNION OF CHEISTENDOM, The. 4to. Svdnev, 1895. MG 9 P 16 f EEVELATIONS OF COMMON SENSE, The; by " Antipodes." 12mo. Lond., 1884. G 19 P 88 REVIEW OF REVIEWS. Vols. 6-8, 10. 4to. Lond., 1892-94. E Australasian edition. Vols. 1,3,4. 4to. Lond., 1892-91. ME6U Annual Index of Periodicals and Photographs for 1S90- 92. 4 vo'.s. sin. 4to. Lond., 1891-93. E Two and two make four ; being the Review of Reviews Annual, 1893. [See Stead, W. T.] E REVILL, Alfred. American Plumbing. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1894. A 25 R 13 RE VISTA DE DERECHO Y JURI3PRUDENCIA. 4 vols. Svo. Montevideo, 1887-90. E REVUE DES DEUX MONDES. Vols. 1 12-129. 8vo. Paris, 1S92-95. E Table. Troisieme Poriode, 1886-93. Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1893. E REVUE DES QUESTIONS IIISTOIQUES. Tomes 52-56. Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1892-94. E REVUE irETIINOGRAPHIE. Tomes 1-8. Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1882-89. E REYER, Prof. Edward. Die Eugancen: Bau und Geschichte eines Vulcanes. Svo. Wien, 1877. A 24 TJ 18 Beitrng zur Fysik der Eruptionen und der Eruptiv- Gesteine. 8vo. Wien, 1877. A 24 T 15 Die Culturentwicklung Australieus. 8vo. Berlin, 1894. MG 1 T 35 Granit und Schiefer von Schlaekenwald. Roy. 8vo. Wien, 1880. . A 24 V 22 Entwicklung und Orgadisation der Volksbibliotheken. Roy. Svo. Leipzig, 1893. J 7 U 28 REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua. [Life of]; by C. Phillips. Svo. Lond., 1S94. C 14 S 13 REYNOLDS, Dr. J. Russell. A System of Medicine. 3rdcd. 5 vols. Svo. Lond , 1876-79. A 33 T 1-5 EHEAD, E. L. Metallurgy ! an Elementary Text-book. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 24 Q 24 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 231 RIIEES, Win. John. Catalogue of Publications of tho Smithsonian Institution, 1816-82. 8vo. Wash., 1582. E EHO, Dr. Filippo. Le Tsjle della Societa o gl' indigeni della Polincsie. Boy. 8vo. Roma, 1889. MD 5 V 45 RHODE I8LA.MD— Stale Departments, Reports, and Publications. AOBTCtFLTtTBAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Reports, 1892- 93. 2 vols. 8vo. Providence, 1S92-93. E COLLEGE OP AaKICULTURE AND MECHANIC AllTS. Report of the Corporation, 1895. 8vo. Providence, 1S95. E RHODES, J. P. History of the United States, from the compromise of 1850. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893-95. B 17 R 25-27 RHYS, Prof. John. Book of Llau Dav. [See Welsh Text Society.] E RIANO, Juan P. Industrial Arts in Spain. 8vo. Lond., 1879. A 23 R 34 RICARDO, David. Sketch of. [See Bagehot, W.— Economic Studies.] P 7 V 35 RICE, Dr. Win, North. Twenty-five years of Scientific Progress, and other Essavs. 12tno. New York, 1894. A 29 S 18 RICHARD LE POITEVIN. Notice sur divers Manu- scrits de la Bibliotheque Yaticanc : Riclard le Poitevin ; par E. Berger. 8vo. Paris, 1879. J 7 U35 RICHARDS, T. II. Hattou-. Travels with the Hon. Sir William MacGregor, K.C.M.G., Administrator of British New Guinea. (Hoy. Geog. Soc. Australasia, Vic. Branch, 8.) 8vo. Melb., 1891. ME 20 RICHARDS, Col. W. H. Text-book of Military Topo- graphy. Roy. 8vo. Loud., 1888. A 29 V 14 RICHARDSON, Rev. George Walter. Two Sermons preached in St. Marks Church, Darling Point, January, 1864, on the occasion of the Death of the Rev. G. W. Richardson ; by the Very Rev. W. M. Cowper and the Rev. W. II. Walsh. 8vo. Sydney, 1864. MG 2 Q 23 RICHARDSON, Sir John, Description of Australian Pish. 4to. Lond., 1811. MA 2 Q 2 f RICHARDSON, John. How it can be done; or, Con- structive Socialism. Svo. Lond., 1S95. P 8 IT 19 RICHARDSON, Major Sir John L. C. Employment of Pemales and Children in Factories and Workshops. 8vo. Dunedin, 1881. MF 4 R 39 RICHARDSON, M. T. Practical Blacksmithing. Vols. 1-4. 8vo. New York, 18S9-91. A 25 R 1-4 RICHARDSON, R, Interviewed by a Bushranger. [See Praed, Mrs. Campbell. — Under the Gum Tree ] MJ 2 T 44 RICHARDSON, Ralph. Ireland in 1880 ; with an Agri- cultural Map of Ireland. Stn. 4to. Lond., 1881. F 2 V 11 [Life of] G. Morland, Painter, 1763-1801. Svo. Loud., 1895. C 16 U 11 RICHARDSON, Win. Analysis and Illustration of some of Shakespeare's Romarkablc Characters. 2nd ed. 18mo. Lond., 1774. J 11 U 35 RICHE, Dr. A. Etude Stratigraphique sur le Jurassique Inferieur du Jura Meridional. Svo. Paris, 1893. A 25 V9 RICHMOND, AY. D. Colour and Colour-printing as ap- plied to Lithography. 3rd ed. 12mo. Lond. (n d.) A 25 Q 34 RICHTER, Eugene. Pictures of the Socialistic Future. Svo. Lond., 1893. F 14 Q 44 RICHTER, H. E. How may we preserve our youth? Svo. Milwaukee (n.d.) G 18 R 35 RICHTER, Jean Paul F. Translations of Works of. [See Carlyle, T.] J 5 R 42 RICKS, George, and VAUGHAN, Joseph. Haul and Eye Training : Designing with Coloured Papers. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. G 18 S 14 Hand and Eye Training : Modelling in Cardboard. Rjy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. G 18 S 13 Hand and Eye Training: Colour- work. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 18 S 12 RIDEAL, Dr. Samuel. Disinfection and Disinfectants; together with an Account of the Chemical Substances used as Antiseptics and Preservatives. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 33 U 18 RIDGE, G. H. Experience of the Barque W. H. Besse in the Java Earthquake, 18S3. (Roy. Soc, Vict, 21.) 8vo. Melb., 1885. ME 1 P RIDLEY, Stuart 0. Monaxonida, [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J.— Voyage of H.M.S. Chal- lenger.] A 6 f RIDPATH, Dr. John Clark. Royal Photograph Gallery. Sm. 4to. Philad., 1893. A 15 P 10 t RIEMANN, Othon. Etudes sur la Langue et la Gram- maire de Tite Live. 8vo. Paris, L879. J 7 U 33 Recherches Archeologiques sur les lies Ioniennes. 8vo. Paris, 1879-80. B 35 R 21 RIGGS, Dr. Stephen Return. Dakota Grammar, Texts, and Ethnography. 4to. Wash , 1893. J 15 S 6f 232 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-05. El LEY, Dr. Charles Valentine. Cotton Worm and the Boll Worm. [See U.S. Entomological Commission, 4th Report.] E 'J he Cotton Worm: Summary of its Natural History, with an Account of its Enemies, and the best means of controlling it. [Illustrated.] 8vo. Wash , 1880. A32T2 Destructive Locusts : a popular consideration of a few of the more injurious Locusts [or " Grasshoppers "] of the United States, together with the best means of destroying them. [Illustrated.] 8vo. Wash., 1891. A27U 14 General Index and Supplement to the Nine Eeports on the Insects of Missouri. 8vo. Wash., 1881. A 27 U 13 Potato Pests : being an illustrated Account of the Colorado Potato-beet'e and the other Insect foes of the Potato in North America; with suggestions for 1 heir repression and methods for their destruction. 8vo. New York, 1876. A 18 Q 45 Eeports on the damage by Destructive Locusts during the Season of 1891. 8vb. Wash., 1892. A 27 U 14 United States Department of Agriculture : Division of Entomology. Practical Work of the Division. 8vo. Wash., 1S94. A 32 T 12 EINGEOSE, E. C. Establishment of a Geological Survey in Queensland. (Proc. Eoy. Soc., Queensland, 2.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1880. ME 1 T EIPLEY, Ecv. George. Brook Farm. [See Codman, I, T.] F 8 U 38 EITCIIIE, Anne. Eccords of Tennyson, Buskin, and Browning. 8vo. Lond., 1892. C LG E 17 EITCIIIE, Anne (Thackeray), and EVANS, Eichardson. Lord Amherst and the British advance eastwards to Burma. (Rulers of India.) 12mo. Oxford, 1894. C 14 P 26 RITCHIE, Daniel. The Voice of our Exiles; or, Stray Leaves from a Convict Shi]). 12mo. Edinb., 1854. MG 1 P61 EITCIIIE, Prof. David G. Darwin and Hegel, with other Philosophical Studies. 8vo. Lond., 1893. G 15 S 26 Natural Eights: a Criticism on some Political and Ethical Conceptions. Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1895. P14U 12 E1TCHIE, Leitch. Travelling Sketches on the Sea-coast of France. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1834. D 18E29 Scott and Scotland. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1835. B32E6 Windsor Castle and its Environs, including Eton Col- lege. 2nd ed., with additions by E. Jesse. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1848. B 21 U 12 EIVEEINE DISTRICT. Independence of the Eiverino District of Australia. 8vo. Deniliquin, 1863. MF4E6 EIVEEINE QUESTION, The: Speeches in the Legisla- tive Assembly of Now South Wales. 8vo. Melb., 1864. MF 2 Q 82 EIVIEEE, Jules. My Musical Life and Recollections. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 12 Q 46 ROACH, John. Sketch of. [See Stoddard, W. O.— Men of Business.] C 16 E 19 EOB EOY. [See Macgregor, J.] BOBBINS, Alfred Farthing. Early Public Life of W. E. Gladstone. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 17 E 17 ROBERT I., King of Scotland. [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton L. — Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 KOBEET-HOUDIN, J. E. [See Houdin, J. E. E-.] EOBERTS, Rev. Dr. Alexander. [See Ante-Nieene Christian Library.] G 14 U 1-24 ROBERTS, Fred. C, of Tientsin; or, for Christ and China; by Mr?. Bryson. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 22 Pit) ROBERTS, General Lord Frederick Sleigh. The Rise of Wellington. 12mo. Lond., 1895. C5P22 Addiscombe. [See Vibart, Col. II. M.] B 21 U 15 EOBEETS, Dr. Isaac. Photographs of Stars, Star- clusters, and Nebula?. 4to. Loud., 1S93. A 14 S 16 t EOBEETS, Marshall O.ven. Sketch of. [See Stoddard, W. O— Men of Business.] C 16 E 19 EOBERTS, E, D. The Earth's History: an introduction to modern geology. Svo. Lond., 1S93. A 24 Q 19 EOBERTS, Dr. Richard L. Illustrated Lectures on Ambulance Work. 4th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A26E9 EOBERTS, Robert. Lectures on the Religious Errors of the Times. 1. The Bible, what it is, and how to interpret it. (Pam.) Svo. Sydney (n.d.) MG 1 Q 53 ROBERTS, W Printers' Marks: a Chapter in the History of Typography. Svo. Lond., 1893. B17Q10 ROBERTS, Prof. W. Rhys. The Ancient Boeotians: their Character and Culture, and their Reputation. 8vo. Camb., 1S95. B 28 U 8 ROBERTS, W. S. de L. Testing of Cement. (Journal Roy. Soc.,N.S.\V.,28.) Svo. Sydney, 1894. ME1R ROBERTS- AUSTEN, W. C. [See Austen, W. C. R-.] ROBERTSON, — . The Parson and the Pedlar : a dia- logue in verse, &c. ; by "Ingonyama." 12mo. (n.p.) 1879. Mil 1 P 53 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 233 ROBERTSON, A. Behring Sea Award and Regulations. [See Law Magazine and Review, 1893-9-1.] E ROBERTSON, Dr. Alexander. Colloquia Anatomies, Physiologica, atque Chemica,qusestionibus et responsis ; ad usum itigcnuas juventutis accommodata. 12mo. Edinb., 1810. A 20 P 18 ROBERTSON, Rev. Alexander. Era Paola Sarpi, the greatest of the Venetians. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 22 P 18 ROBERTSON, Rev. Andrew. Essavs on various subjects. 12mo. Meib., 1874. MJ 1 P 61 ROBERTSON, Andrew. Nuggets in the Devil's Punch- bowl, and other Australian Tales. 12mo. Lond., 1894. MJ 2 T 52 ROBERTSON, Eric S. The Children of the Poets: an Anthology from English and American Writers of Three Centuries. 18mo. Lond., 1886. II 10 T 10 ROBERTSON, Prof. Goorge Croom. Hobbes, Philoso- pher. [See Hobbes, T.] G 9 V 8 EOBERTSON, George Wm. Tho South Australian Protestant Emigration Community. 8vo. Lond., 1837. MB 2 R G3 ROBERTSON, John A. Chatham Islands. (Roy. Geo- graph. Soc. of Australasia, Q. Branch, 5.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1890. ME 20 ROBERTSON, John M. The Eight Hours' Question. 8vo. Lond., 1893. E 14 Q 45 Thomson's Poems, &c. [See Thomson, Jas.] II 10 Q 22 ROBERTSON, T. W. Life and Writings of ; by T. E. Pemberton. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C15R15 ROBERTSON, Rev. Dr. Wm. History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V ; with an Account of his Life after his abdication, by W. II. Prescott. 3 vols. 12mo. Philad. (n.d.) B 25 Q 21-23 ROBESPIERRE, Maximilien M. I. de. [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L— Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 ROBIN, C. E. A Scribbler's Scrap Book. 8vo. Syduev, 1893. MJ 1 S 51 ROBIN, George E. Mineral and other Resources of Sierra County, New Mexico. 8vo. St. Louis, 1893. D 15 T 19 EOBINET, Edouard. Manuel pratique d'Analyse des Yins. 5' ed. 12mo. Paris, 1888. A 18 Q 43 ROBINS, Edward, jun. Echoes of the Play-house : Remi- niscences of some past glories of the English Stage. 8vo. New York, 1895. H 10 S 12 ROBINSON, A. Mary F. The End of the Middle Ages. Svo. Lond., 1889. B 30 U 20 2 ft ROBINSON, Commander Chas. N. The British Eleet: the Growth, Achievements, the Duties of the Navy of the Empire. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. B 23 R 19 ROBINSON, Edward Eorbes. The Early History of Coffee Houses in England ; with some account of tho first use of Coffee and a Bibliography of the subject. Svo. Lond., 1893. B 22 Q 28 ROBINSON, G. A. Aboriginal Settlement at Elinder's Island. [See Edgar, P. S.] MD 3 Q 7 J ROBINSON, H. A. Manual of Instructions to Crop Correspondents. 8vo. Wash., 1895. A 30 U 33 ROBINSON, Henry Crabb. Essay on. [See Bagchot, W.— Literary Studies.] J 9 P 24 ROBINSON, Et. Hon. Sir Hercules G. R. Speech on Border Treaties and Australian Federation, delivered at a Banquet at Albury on the 31st October, 1876. 8vo. Melb., 1876. MJ 3 Q 16 A Speech on Culture and Education, delivered at the University of Sydney, 24th June, 1876. 8vo. Melb., 1876. MJ3Q10 ROBINSON, John Robert, The Last Earls of Barrymore, 1769-1824. Svo. Lond., 1894. C 10 U 47 ROBINSON, Vincent J. Eastern Carpets. Second series. Folio. Lond., 1893. A 1 P llf ROBINSON, Mrs. W. Zermatt and the Valley of the Viege. [See Yung, Emile.] D 36 T 2J ROBINSON, Wm. The English Flower Garden : Design, Arrangement, and Plans. Illustrated. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 30 R 23 ROCCA, Comte I. Lettres a. [See Alberoni, J. M.] C 16 U 13 ROCHAS, Dr. Victor de. La Nouvelle Calodonio et scs Habitants. 8vo. Paris, 1862. MD 7 T 5 ROCHE, C. E. Trans.— Memoirs of Chancellor Pasquier. [See Pasquier, Chancellor.] C 14 S 14-16 Memoirs of Barras. [See Barras, Paul.] C 21 T 15, 16 ROCHER, Charles A. W. The Tasmanian Criminal Law Consolidation and Amendment Acts of the 27th Vic- toria, with notes, observations, and decisions. 8vo. Hobart, 1864. MF 1 Q 43 Analysis of the Criminal Law of England as applicable to this Colony [Tasmania], 12tno. Hobart, 1839. MF 1 P 74 Analysis of the Criminal Law of Van Diemen's Land. 8vo. Launceston, 1848. MF 1 Q 59 ROCHESTER, Earl of. Some Political Satires of the 17th Century. [See Bibliotheca Curiosa.] J 18 Q 43 ROCHESTER, NEW YORK Public Schools of. 18mo. Rochester, N.Y., 1893 G 18 P 19 234 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-93. EOCHESTER UNIVERSITY, NY. Annual Catalogue, 1892, 1893. 8vo. Eochester, 1892. E EOCHFOBT, .1. Adventures of a Surveyor in New Zea- land and the Australian Gold Diggings. 8vo. Lond., 1S53. MD 8 P 13 EOCK, Very Eev. Dr. Daniel. Textile Fabrics. 8vo. Lond., 1876. A 23 E 28 EOCK, Gilbert. Colonists ; illustrating gold-fields and city Life in Australia, 1851-70. 12mo. Dunedin, 1888*. MJ 1 Q 28 By Passion Driven : a Story of a Wasted Life. 12mo. Dunedin, N.Z., 1888. MJ 2 T 26 BOCK WELL, Julius E. Shorthand Instruction and Practice [U.S.] 8vo. Washington, 1893. G 18 E 19 EODD, Eennell. Editor. — British Mission to Uganda. [See Portal, Sir G.] D 14 S 19 EODET, A. Proprietes attributes a la Tuberculine. [See Arloing, Dr. 8.] A 33 U 24 EODGEB, Ella H. B. Aberdeen Doctors, at Home and Abroad : the narrative of a medical school. 8vo. Edinb., 1893. C 15 E 10 EODEIGUES, J. Barbosa. Plantas Novas cultivadas no Jardim Botanico do Eio de Janeiro. [Parts 1-3.] Imp. 8vo. Eio de Janeiro, 1891-93. A 1 Q lSf Vocabulario Indigena com a orthographia correcta. Imp. 8vo. Eio do Janeiro, 1893. J 2 U 14 EODWAT, James. Handbook of British Guiana. 8vo. Georgetown, 1893. D 4 P 54 History of British Guiana, from 16G8 to the present time. Vol. 3. 8vo. Georgetown, Demerara, 1894. B 1 U 26 In the Guiana Forest. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. D 15 S 27 EOGEES, Alexander. The Land Eevenue of Bombay. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1892. F 4 Q 31, 32 EOGEES, Clara Kathleen. The Philosophy of Singing. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 23 E 9 EOGEES, F. N. Elections. Part 1. Eegistration, 15th ed. ; by M. Po ell. Part 2. Elections and Petitions, 16th ed. ; by 8. H. Day. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1890- 92. F 14 E 32, 33 EOGEES, Fairman. The Magnetism of Iron Vessels, with a short Treatise on Terrestrial Magnetism. ISmo. New York, 1877. A 22 P 12 EOGEES, Frederick. Specifications for Practical Archi- tecture : a Guide to the Architect, Engineer, Surveyor, and Builder. 2nded. 8vo. Lond., 1SSG. A 19 U 22 EOGEES, Henry. Essay on the Life and Genius of Thos. Fuller ; with Selections from his Writings. 12mo. Lond., 1856. J 12 8 38 ROGERS, Prof. James E. Thorold. The British Citizen, his Rights and Privileges. 12mo. Lond., 188!?. F 6 T 39 Socialism and Land. [See Subjects of the Dav, 2.] F 7 U 27 Socialism and Labour. [See Subjects of the Day, 2.] F 7 U 27 Work and Wages ; being a popular edition (abridged) of Six Centuries of Work and Wages. 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) F 7 V 11 ROGERS, Walter Thos. Manual of Bibliography : being an Introduction to the knowledge of Books, Library . Management, and the Art of Cataloguing. New od., illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1891. J 6 S 34 ROGERSON, Col. Wm. Historical Eecords of tho 53rd (Shropshire L.I.) from the formation of tho Regiment in 1755, down to 1889. [Illustrated.] Svo. Lond., 1800. B 22 E 6 EOGGEVEEN, A. Paskaerte beschreven door A. Boggc- veen. Fol. Amsterdam (n.d.) D 8 P 34 J [See Moll, G.— Verhandeling.] MD 8 E 39 EOLF BOLDEEWOOD. [See Browne, T. A.] EOLFE, A. J. A Sheaf of Sonnets. Svo. Maitland, 1892. MH 1 Q 33 EOMANCE OF THE BUSH, A ; by " E. P. R." 12mo. Edinb., 1855. MJ 1 P 61 EOMANES, Dr. George John. An Examination of Weis- mannism. Svo. Lond., 1893. A 28 Q 35 Darwin and after Darwin. Vol. 2. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 1 U 28 Thoughts on Eeligion ; edited by tho Eev. C. Gore. Svo. Lond., 1895. G 1 U 23 Mind and Motion, and Monism. 12mo. Lond., 1895. G 2 U 43 EOMANES LECTUEE, 1893. Evolution and Ethics. [See Huxley, Prof. T. II.] A 27 T 19 EOMILLY, Hugh Hastings. New Guinea. (Eoy. Geo- graph. Soc. of Australasia, Q. Branch, 1.) Svo. Brisb., 188G.) ME 20 EOMISH EECUSANT, A. [See Laud, Archbishop.] EOMNEY, George, and his Art ; by Hilda Gamlin. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 17 E 20 EONNEE, Hcnriette. The Painter of Cat Lifo and Cat Character; by M. H. Spielmann. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1892. A 40 U 3 J EOOS, J. D. C. de. [See De Eoos, J. D. C] EOPER, Mary W. L. Agnes Goldthwaitc, and other Poems. Sm. 4to. Sydney, 1883. MH 1 U 77 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 235 ROPER, W. O. History of the Church of Lancaster. [See Chetham Soc. Pubs., n.s., 31.] E ROPES, John Codman. The Story of the Civil War, 1861- G5. Parti. Roy. Svo. New York, 1894, B 17 R 31 RORER, Mrs. S. T. Canning and Preserving. 12rao. Philad., 1887. A 22 Q 13 ROSA. S. A. The Coming Terror; or, the Australian Revolution : a Romance of the 20th Century. 8vo. Sydney, 1894. MJ 1 S 39 ROSALES, J. A. La Apoteosis de Arluro Prat. Svo. Santiago, 18S& C 21 T 9 Le Caiiidilla de Santiago su Historia i bus Tradiciones, 1541-1887. Svo. Santiago, 1887. B 1G S 17 ROSALES, V. Perez. Ensavo sobre Chile. Svo. Santi- ago, 1859. D 15 T 1G ROSCOE, E. S. Speeches of the Earl of Derby. [See Derby, 15th Earl of.] F 14 R 19, 20 ROSCOE, Sir Henry E. Address by Sir H. E. Roscor, President of the British Association for the Advance- ment of Science, 1887. Svo. Loud., 18S7. A 21 S 33 John Dalton and the Rise of Modern Chemistrv. 12mo. Lond., 1895. 17 P 28 ROSE, J. U. The Revolutionary and Napoleonic Era, 1789-1815. 8vo. Camb., 1894. B 26 R 6 ROSE, Joshua, Complete Practical Machinist. 19th ed. Svo. Philad., 1893. ■ A 22 R 22 Modern Machine-shop Practice. Illustrated. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) A 15 R 4, 5 f Modern Steam Engines. Illustrated. 4to. Philad., 1893. A 14 S if ROSE, T. Kirke. Metallurgy of Gold. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1894. A 24 S 10 ROSEBERY, Earl of. Sketch of. [See Smalley, G. W.— Studies of Men.] C 19 R 20 Speeches delivered at a dinner given in honour of, Sydney. 1883. [See Barton, E.] MF 3 T 57 ROSENBUSCH, H. Microscopical Physiography of the Rock-making Minerals ; translated by J. P. Iddings. Illustrated. 3rd ed. Roy. Svo. New 1'ork, 1893. A 24 Y 29 ROSEN'GARTEN, Joseph George. Trans.— The German Allied Troops in the North American War of Inde- pendence. [See Eelking, Captain M. von.] B 17 R 24 ROSENSTOCK, Rudolph. Heligoland as an Ornitho- logical Observatory. [See Giitke, H.] A 30 U 31 ROSNEY, Leon de. Education des Vers a soie au Japon. [See Sira-Kawa.] A 18 S 17 ROSS, E. Denison. Trans.— The Tarikh-i-Rashidi. [See Elias, N.] B 33 U 1 ROSS, P. Ruined Abbevs of Britain. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) B 40 T 4, 5 + ROSS, Major J. [Life of] Marquess of Hastings. (Rulers of India.) Svo. Oxford, 1893. C 13 P 17 ROSS, J. II. Memoir of the Life of Adam Lindsay Gordon, the "Laureate of the Centaurs." 8vo. Lond, 1892. MC 1 Q 29 ROSS, James. The Yan Diemen's Land Anniversary and HobartTown Almanack, 1831. 18ino. Hobart, 1831. ME4P ROSS, John D. Burnsiana: a Collection of Literary Odds and Ends relating to Robert Burns. Vols. 2-4. Sm. 4to. Paisley, 1893-94. J 6 U 30-32 ROSS, M. Aorangi ; or the Heart of the Southern Alps, New Zealand. 8vo. Wellington, 1892. MD 8 R 25 ROSS, Martin. In the Vine Country. [See Somerville E. (E.] D 9 P 13 ROSS, Rev. Dr. R. Letter to the Members of the Con- gregational or Independent Church under the pastoral care of ; by S. P. Dill. [See Hill, S. P.] MG 2 S 16 ROSS, Hon. R, D. Wine 'and Brandy. (Proc. Roy. Agricult. and Horticult. Soc, S. Aust., 1882.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1882. ME 1 S Scrub Land Cultivation in South Australia. (Proc. Roy. Agricult. and Horticult. Soc, S. Aust., 1882.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1882. ME 1 S ROSS, W. J. C. Geology of Limekilns, Bathurst District. (Journal Roy. Soc, N.S.W., 28.) Svo. Svdney, 1894. " ME1R ROSSETTI, Dante Gabriel. [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L.— Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 Reminiscences of. [See Skelton, Dr. J. — Table-talk of Shirley.] O 19 Y 10 [Sketch of] ; by F. G. Stephens. [See Portfolio Mono- graph, 5.] E Rossetti and the Pre-Raphaelite Movement, [See Wood, E.] A 23 R 10 ROSSINI, Gioacchino A. Sketch of. [See Heine, II.— Heine in Art and Letters.] J 11 T 39 Sketch of. [See Elliot, Frances — Roman Gossip.] C 21 Q 10 ROTH, II. L. Crozct's Vovage to Tasmania. [See Cro- zet's.] MD 8 Q 43 ROTHE, Rt. Rev. David. The Analecta of ; edited by Bishop Patrick P. Moran. 12mo. Dublin, 1884. G7U33 236 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. ROTHWELL, Eichard P. Gold and Silver. Extract from Report on Mineral Industries in the United States at the eleventh Census, 1890. 4to. Washing- ton, 1800. F 12 R 16 t The Mineral Industry. [See Engineering and Mining Journal. .] E Universal Bimetallism and an International Monetary Clearing House, together with a Eecord of the World's Monev, Statistics of Gold and Silver, . [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J. — Voyage of II.M.S. Challenger.] A G f SAMSON-HIMMELSTIERNA, II. von. Russia under Alexander III and in the preceding period; trans- lated by J. Morrison. 8vo. Lond., 1893. B 31 T 2 SAMUELL, Mrs. H. J. Household Cookery Book. 8vo. Sydney, 1894. MA 1 V 34 The Ladies Home Companion. Illustrated. 12mo. Sydney, 1S94. MA 3 U 10 SAMUELS, L. A. Origin of the Bendigo (Victoria) Saddle Reefs, and the Cause of their Golden Wealth. Illustrated. 8vo. Bendigo, 1893. MA 3 S 13 SAMUELSON, J. German and French Labour Move- ments. [See Subjects of the Day, 2.] F 7 U 27 The Lords and the Labourers. [See Subjects of the Day, 4.] F 7 U 29 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 241 SANATOKIUM FOR HEBREW CHILDREN. Report-, 1893. 8vo. New York, 1803. E SANBORN, Franklin Benjamin. Familiar Letters of Henry D. Thoreau. Svo. Boston, 1895. C 19 V 3 and HARRIS, Win. T. A. Branson Alcott: his Life and Philosophy. 2 vols. 8vo. Lonrl., 1893. C 13 P 26, 27 SANCHEZ, R, Fac-simile of Letter from Columbus to. [See Columbus, C] B 39 P 15 J BANCROFT, Most Rev. Win. Sketch of. [See Fowler, Rev. M.— Notable Archbishops.] C 13 V 12 SAND, George. [See Dudevant, Mine. A. L. A.] SANDEMAN, Fraser. Angling Travels in Norway. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 30 T 16 SANDEMAN, Sir Robt., his Life and Work on the Indian Frontier; by Dr. T. II. Thornton. Svo. Lond., 1895. C 19 S 7 SANDER, Frederick. Reichonbachia: Orchids illustrated and described. 2 vols. fol. Lond., 1883-90. A 45 PI. 2 t Reiehenbachia. 2nd scr., vols 1 and 2. Fol. Lond., 1892-94. A 45 P 3, 4 J SANDERS, Lloyd Chas. Life of Viscount Palmerston 12mo. Sydney (u.d.) C 17 P 32 SANDERS, T. W. Amateur's Greenhouse and Conser- vatory. [See Hibberd, S.] A 18 P 10 SANDERSON, Dr. Robert. Life of. [See Walton, Izaak ] C 19 V 6 SANDERSON, Sir T. II. Speeches of the Earl of Derby. [See Derby, 15th Earl of.] F 14 R 19, 20 SAN DOW, Eugene. Physical Training: a Study in the perfect type of the human form. Compiled and edited by G. M. Adam. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1804. A 29 U 32 SA*NDS, John. Landscape Scenery illustrating Sydney, Parramatta, Richmond, Newcastle, Windsor, and Port Jackson, New South Wales. Obi. 12mo. Svdney, (n.d.) MD 8 P 12 Sydney and Suburban Directory, 1893-95. 3 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1893-95. ME SANDS & KENNY. Melbourne Directory, 1854, 1858- 74, 1877-92. 33 vols. roy. 8vo. Melb.*, 1854-92. ME 11 SANDS & McDOUGALL. Melbourne and Suburban Directory, for 1894. 8vo. Melb., 1894. ME South Australian Directory, 1894-95. 2 vols. 8vo. Adelaide, 1891-95. ME SAN DYS, Dr. John E. Aristotle's Constitution of Athens. [See Aristoteles.] F 4 P 23 2h SANFORD, Prof. E. Some Observations upon the Con- ductivity of a Copper Wire in various Dielectrics. 8vo. Palo Alto, 1892. A 21 T 16 SANFUENTES, Don Salvador. Apuntes Biograficos ; por M. L. Amunategui. 8vo. Santiago, 1892. C 21 T 8 SAN GERM ANO, Father Yinccntius. The Burmese Empire a hundred years ago. 8vo. 'Westminster, 1893. B 17 R 10 SANTLEY, Charles. Student and Singer : Reminiscences. 3rd ed. Svo. Lond., 1892. C 8 P 1 SANZ, Pedro Martir. El Beato Sanz y Compaiieros Mar- tires del Orden de Predicatores. [See Arias, Rev. E. P.] G 3 R 20 SAPPER, Dr. C. Grundziigo der physikalischcn Geojr- raphie von Guatemala. (Dr. A. Petermann's Mitteil- ungen, crganzungsheft, Nr. 113.] Imp. 8vo. Gotha, 1S9L E SAPPHO. Works of. [See Fawkes, P.] H9U28 SARCEY, Francisque. Recollections of Middle Life. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 15 R 11 Sketch of. [See Matthews, B. — Books and Play-books.] J8T34 SARGENT, Chas. Sprague. The Silva of North America. Vols. 5-7. Illustrated by C. E. Faxon. 4to. Boston, 1893-95. A 40 S 22-24 + SARGENT, Epos. Communications from another World. 12mo. Melb., 1869. MG 1 P 81 SARMIENTO, Pedro. Narratives of tho Voyages of Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa to the Straits of Magellan. (Hakluyt Soc, 91.) 8vo. Lond., 1895. E SARPI, Fra Paola, the greatest of the Venetians ; by the Rev. A. Robertson. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 22 P 18 SARS, Prof. G. O. Crustacea of Norway. Imp. 8vo. Kristiania, 1890-94. A 12 U 20 f Schizopoda; Cumacea ; Phyllocarida. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray Dr. J. — Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger.] A 6 f SATIRIST, The ; in imitation of the fourth satire of the first book of Horace. Sm. fol. Lond., 1733. H 39 Q 13 * SATO, Dr. Shosuke. History of the Land Question in the United States. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 4.) Svo. Baltimore, 1886. B 18 S 4 SATURDAY REVIEW. Vols. 74-78. sm. fol. Lond., 1892-94. E SAUNDERS, Bailey. Life and Letters of James Mac- phersoD. 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 14 V 19 242 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. SAUNDEES, Howard. Laridrc. [See Thomson, Sir C. AY, and Murray, Dr. J.— Voyage of II. M.S. Challenger,] AC f SAUNDEES, Trelawny. Geographical Account of the Survey of Western Palestine. 8vo. Lond., 1882. D 14 T 22 SAUSSUEE, T. de. Beeherches chimiques sur la Vegeta- tion. 8vo. Pari?, 1804. A 18 S 19 SAUVIN, G-. TTn Eoyaume Polynesien: lies Hawai. 12mo. Paris, 1893. MD 7 T 7 SAVILLE-KENT, AY. [See Kent, AV. Saville-.] SAVONAEOLA, Fw, Girolamo Maria Francesco Matteo. Life and Martyrdom of, illustrative of the History of Church and State connexion ; by E. E. Madden. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud., 185*. C 14 V 20, 21 Sketch of. [See Bettany, G. T.— Popular History of the Eeformation.] G 14 Q 33 Sketch of. [See Oliphant, Mrs. M. — Makers of Florence.] B 30 Q 20 SAWEE, J. Ch. Odorographia : a Natural History of B«W Materials and Drugs used in the Perfume Industry, including the Aromatics used in flavouring. 2nd series (illustrated). 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 21 S 24 SAXO GEAMMATICUS. The First Nine Books of the Danish History of ; translated by O. Elton ; with some considerations on Saxo's Sources, Historical Methods, and Folk-lore, by F. V. Powell. (Folk-lore Soc., 33.) 8vo. Lond., 1894. E SATCE, Prof. Archibald Henry. Dawn of Civilization. [See Maspero, G.] B 17 U 15 The " Higher Criticism " and the Verdict of the Monu- ments. 8vo. Lond., 1894. G 8 E 27 Principles of Comparative Philology. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond., 1S92. K 11 TJ 25 Eecords of the Past. [See Eecords.] B 21 Q 19 SCAIFE, Dr. W. B. Seminary Notes on recent Historical Literature. [See Adams, Dr. H. B.] B 18 S 8 SCAELETT, Hon. Peter Campbell. South America and the Pacific : comprising a Journey across the Pampas and the Andes, from Buenos Ayres to Valparaiso, Lima, and Panama. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1838. D 15 S 30, 31 SCAETAZZINI, G. A. A Companion to Dante. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 13 P 21 SCHAFF, Eev. Dr. Philip. Ecligious Encyclopaedia; or, Dictionary of Biblical, Historical, Doctrinal, and Practical Theology. 3 vols. imp. Svo. Edinb., 1883- 84. G 15 P 17-19 J SCHAFFLE, Dr. A. The Theory and Policy of Labour Protection. 12mo. Lond., 1893. F 14 Q 48 SCHATJEEMANN, Francois Louis. Theory and Analysis of Ornament, applied to the work of Elementary and Technical Schools. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 23 TIG SCHAW, Major-Gen. The last Glacial Epoch. (Trans. N.Z. Inst., 27.) 8vo. Wellington, 189*. ME 2 E On soto peculiar cases of the reflection of light. (Trans. N.Z. Inst., 27.) 8vo. Wellington, 189i. ME 2 E SCHEELE, Carl Wilhelm. Sketch of. [See Thorpe, Dr. T. E.— Historical Chemistry.] C 17 E 2 SCHEINEE, Prof. Dr. J. A Treatise on Astronomical Spectroscopy ; being a Translation of Die Spectral Analyse der Gestirne ; translated and enlarged by Prof. E. B. Frost. 8vo. Boston, 1S94. A 19 V 20 SCIIELL, A. von. The Tactics of Field Artillery. Svo. Lond., 18S7. A "^9 Q 25 SCHELLING, Prof. Felix E. Life and Wi kings of George Gascoign. Svo. Boston (n.d.) C 21 E 7 SCTIEEEE, Edmond. Sketch of. [See Dowden, Dr. E.] J 5 S 10 SCHEY, AVm. Francis. Charges against E. M. G. Eddv. [See New South Wales.] MP 2 TJ 48 SCHIAPAEELLI, E. Una Tomba Egiziana Inedita della VI" Dinastia. 4to. Eoma, 1893. B 12 S 8 t SCHILLEE, Johanu Christoph Fiiedrich von. Sammtliche AVerke. 10 vols. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1844. J 10 T 33-42 [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L. — Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 Sketch of. [See Miiller, F. Max. — Chips from a German Workshop.] J9E31-33 AVorks of, translated. [See Lytton, Lord.] II 9 U 1 SCHIVENOE, Harry. History of the Iron Trade. New ed. Svo. Lond., 1854. F 14 T 39 SCHLEIERMACHER, Friedrich. On Eeligion : Speeches to its Cultured Despisers. Svo. Lond., 1893. G2P37 SCHLICH, Dr. Wm. Manual of Forestry. Vols. 3, 4. 8vo. Loud., 1895. A 32 E 15, 10 SCHLOSSEE, F. C. History of the 18th Century, and of the 19th till the Overthrow of the French Empire. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1843-52. B 25 S 12-19 SCHMIDT, Dr. Adolf. Atlas der Diatomaceenkunde. 2 vols. fol. Leipzig, 1870-90. A 40 T 13, 14 J SCHMIDT, Maj.-Gen. Carl von. Instructions for the Training, Employment, and Leading of Cavalry. Eoy. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) A 29 V 18 SCHMIDT, J. S. Hermann. English Extracts for German Prose, with General Instructions, Annotations, and a Dictionary of AVords required. 12mo. Brisb., 1885. MK 1 P 57 Guide through the Difficulties of the German Declen- sions. 2nd ed. 12mo. Brisb., 1889. MK 1 P 45 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 243 SCIIMITZ, L. Dora. The Buchholtz Family. [See Stindc, J.] J 9 Q. 45 SCHNEIDER, Dr. K, und PETEESILIE, Dr. A. Die Yolksunddie Mitlelschulensowie dieeonstigenniedcren Schuleu iin preuezischen Staato im Jahic 1891. 4to. Berlin, 1833. G 12 U 2 f SCHOENHOF, Jacob. The Economy of High Wages. 8vo. New York, 1893. F 8 U 4 SCHOFJELD, E. Eeporfc of Grand Annual Committee of the Manchester Unity of Oddfellows Friendly Societies in New South Wales. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. ME9P SCHOOLING-, John H. Trans.— Handwriting and Ex- pression. [See Crepieux-Jamin, J.] A 13 It 17 SCHOPENHAUER, Arthur. Life of ; by W. Wallace, liino. Lond., 1890. C 18 P 20 SCIIORLEMMEE, Dr. Carl. Eise and Development of Organic Chemistry. Eevised edition, by Prof. A. Smithells. 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 21 E 13 SCIliJTTGEN, Chr. Novum Lexicon Grseco-Latinum in Novum Testamentum. Svo. Lipsife, 1790. J 15 S 31 SCHBETBEE, Th. Atlas of Classical Antiquities, edited by Prof. W. C. F. Anderson. Obi. imp. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 7 E 8 t SCIIEEINEB, Alfred. La Nouvclle-Caledonie depuis sa Decouverte, 1774, jusqu'a nos jours. 8vo. Paris, 1S82. MB 2 P 53 SCHROEDER VAN DEE KOLK, J. L. C. Pathology and Therapeutics of Menial Diseases; translated from the German by J. T. Eudall. 8vo. Melb., 1SG9. MA 2 U 58 SCIIEOTEE, Dr. C. Best Forage Plants. [See Stebler, Dr. F. G.] A 30 T 4 J SCHUBERT, E. Eaw Materials and Distillation of Alcohol. [See Stammer, Dr. K.] A 25 Q 39 SCIIUEEMANS, H. Catalogue des Collections de Gres- Ceraines. (Musee Eoyal d'Antiquites et d'Annures, Bruxelles.) 12mo. Bruxelks, 1883. K7P2 SCHULENBUEG, A. C. Graf v. d. Grammatik der Sprache von Murray Island. Svo. Leipzig (n.d.) MK 1 T 14 SCHULTZ, Dr. G., & JULIUS, Dr. P. Systematic Sur- vey of the Organic Colouring Matters ; translated by A. G. Green. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 25 V 8 SCHULTZ, Hon. J. A Forgotten Northern Fortress [Fort Prince of Wales, Hudson's Bay]. (Hist. ai.d Scientific Soc. of Manitoba.) 8vo. Winnipeg, 1894. B 18 EG The Old Crow Wing Trail. (Hist, and Scientific Society of Manitoba.) Svo. Winnipeg, 1891. B 18 E 8 SCHULZB, Dr. F. E. Hexactinellida. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J.— Voyage of II .M.S. Challenger.] A 6 t SCHULZE-GAEVEENITZ, Dr G. von. Social Peace: a Study of tho Trade Union Movement in England ; translated by C. M. Wicksteed. Svo. Lond., 1893. F 14 Q 49 SCHWA AB, Ernest F. The Secrets of Canning : a com- plete Exposition of the Theory and Art of the Canning Industry. 8vo. Baltimore, 1890. A 25 E 12 SCHWABE, Mrs. Salis. Eeminiscences of Richard Cobden. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 21 T 13 SCHWANEB, Dr. C. A. L. M. Borneo. 2 vols. imp. Svo. Amsterdam, 1853-54. D 19 V 26, 27 SCHWEITZER, Paul. Mineral Waters of Missouri. Svo. Jefferson City, 1892. A 9 U 36 SCIENCE GOSSIP (Ilarduncke's). [See Hardwicke's Science Gossip.] E SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, The. Vols. G7-71. Fol. New York, 1892-91. E Supplemknt. Vols. 31-38. Fol. Now York, 1892-94. E Architects asd Buildees' Edition. Vols. 13-18. Fol. New York, 1892-94. E SCLATEE, P. L. Birds collected during tho Voyage of H.M.8. Challenger. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J. — Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger.] A6f SCOLLAED, Clinton. On Sunny Shores. Illustrated. Svo. New York, 1893. D 20 Q 14 SCOEESBY, Eev. Dr. Win. Life of; by E. E. Scoresby- Jackson. Svo. Lond., 18G1. C 22 P 3 SCOTCH COLLEGE, MELBOUENE. Annual Eeport, 1S70. Svo. Melb., 1870. ME G Q SCOTLAND. [See Great Britain and Ireland.] SCOTS' CHUECH CASE. Svo. Melb., 18S4. MG 2 Q 18 SCOTT, A. W. Australian Lepidoptera, with their Trans- formations. Fol. Sydney, 1893. MA 1 E 8 J SCOTT, Prof. Austin. The Influence of the Proprietors in founding the State of New Jersey. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 3.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1885. B18 S3 SCOTT, Mrs. David. Pearl and Willie: a Tale; by "Spray." 12mo. Sydney, 1880. MJ 1 P G5 SCOTT, George. Acts relating to District Court, Queens- land. [See Woolcock, J. L.] MF 1 S 44 SCOTT, II. J. South Australia in 1887-8. Svo. Ade- laide, 1888. MD 5 S 35 SCOTT, John. How to become Quick at Figures. 8vo. Melb., 1892. MA 2 P 45 24 J. Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. SCOTT, Dr. John H. Macquarie Island. (Trans. N.Z. Inst., 15.) 8vo. "Wellington, 18S3. ME 2 R Osteology of the Aborigines of New Zealand and of the Chatham Islands. (Trans. N.Z. Inst., 23.) 8vo. Wellington, 1894. ME 2 E SCOTT, Leader. [See Baxter, Mrs. Lucy K] SCOTT, Hon. Mrs. Maxwell. The Tragedy of Fotheringay, founded on the Journal of D. Dourgoing, Physician to Mary Queen of Scots, and on unpublished MS. docu- ments. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 32 T 10 SCOTT, Eev. Thos. The Force of Truth. Svo. Lond., 1798. a 1 Q 15 SCOTT, Thos. English Life of Jesus. Svo. Lond., 1872. & 19 P 37 Everlasting Punishment. 12mo. Lond., 1873. G 2 V35 Tactics and Defeat of the Christian Evidence Society. [See Religious Pamphlets, 3.] GOV 18 Challenge to the Members of the Christian Evidence Society. [See Religious Pamphlets, 3.] G 9 V 18 The Physical Resurrection of Jesus in its bearing on the truth of Christianity. [See Religious Pamphlets, 8.] G 9 V 18 SCOTT, Sir Walter. Poetical Works of. Rov. Svo. Edinb., 1841. II 4 U 22 Familiar Letters of. 2 vols. Svo. Edinb., 1891. C 19 R 5, Criticisms of the Works of. [See Senior, N. W. — Essays on Fiction ] J S 40 Essay an. [See Bagchot, W. — Literary Studies.] J 9 P 22-21 [Life of] ; by J. Dennis. {See Mason, Prof. D.] J R 43 Notes to Dryden's Works. [See Dryden, J.] 11 4 U 15-18 [Plaster Cast of.] {See Hutton, L. — Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 Sketch of the Work of. [See Dawson, W. J.— Makers of Modern English.] II 10 S 14 Sketch of. [See Bell, Rev. Dr. C. D.— Some of our English Poets.] C 21 P 11 SCOTT, Wm. B. Autobiographical Notes of ; edited by W. Minto. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1892. C 14 U 22, 23 SCOTTISH HISTORY SOCIETY. Publications. Vols. 12-18, 20, 21. 8vo. Edinb., 1892-95. E 12. Court Book of the Barony of Uric, 1604-1747 ; edited by Rev. D. G. Barron. 13. Memoirs of the Life of Sir John Clerk of Penicuik ; edited by J. M. Gray. 14. Erskine of Carnock's Journal, 16S3-87. 15. Miscellany. 16. Account Hook of Sir J. Foulis, of Ravelston, 1671-1707. 17. Charles II and Scotland in 1650. 18. Scotland and its Commonwealth ; edited by C. H. Firth. 20, 21. The Lyon in Mourning, vols. 1 and 2 ; by Bishop Forbes. SCOTTISH REVIEW, The. Vols. 3-7, and 15-24. Svo. Paisley, 1883-94. E SCOTTISH TEXT SOCIETY. Publications. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb., 1893. E Poems of Wm. Dunbar. Vol. 3 ; edited by J. Small. Satirical Poems of the Time of the Reformation ; edited by J. Cranstoun. Vol. 2. SCOULAR, Gavin. Past Climatic Changes, with special reference to the occurrence of a Glacial Period in Australia. (Trans. Roy. Soc, S. Australia, 8.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1860. ME 1 S Geology of the neighbourhood of Gawler. (Trans. Roy. Soc, S. Australia, 5.) Svo. Adelaide, 1882. ME 1*S Notes relating to the Geology between the Burra and Farina. (Trans. Roy. Soc, S. Australia, 5.) 8vo. Adelaide, 1882. ME 1 S Geology of the Southern and Western Parts of the Lake Eyre basin. (Trans. Rov. Soc, S. Australia, 9.) Svo. Adelaide, 1887. ME 1 S SCOULLEB, John. Practical Book-keeping. 8vo. Melb., 1SS0. MA 2 P 44 Spiritualism: what and whence it came? Svo. Melb., 1S95. MG 2 R 42 SCO VI L, Elizabeth P. The Care of Children. Revised, ed. 12mo. Phihul, 1895. A 20 P 15 S CRIB NEKS MAGAZINE. Vols. 1-17. Svo. New York, 1SS7-95. E SCRYMGOUR'S SIXPENNY GUIDE TO ADELAIDE; edited by D. Gall. 12mo. Adelaide, 1S87. MD 1 P 29 SCUDAMORE, Frank. [See Great War of 189-.] J 2 Q21 SEA SPRAT, The. [See Bloomfield, Capt. II.] MJ3Q7 SEALY, H. B. A Key to the Stamp Act, being a Digest of Stamp Duties payable in New Zealand. 12mo. Napier, 1S72. MF 4 P 4 SEAMAN, Susie. Thoughts by the Way. Svo. Auckland, 1884. Mil 1 Q 38 SEABIGIIT, Wm. In Memoriam. Sm. 4to. Richmond (Ind.), 1893. C 19 Q 1 SEASONABLE REPROOF: a satire in the manner of Horace. Sm. fol. Lond., 1735. 11 39 Q 13 J SE ATON, A . E., & ROUNTII WAITE, II. M. A Pocket- book of Marine Engineering Rules and Tables, for the use of Marine Engineers, Naval Architects, Designers, Draughtsmen, Superintendents, &c 12mo. Lond., 1891. A 22 P 9 SEBELE, African Chief. Sketch of. [See Lloyd, Rev. E.— Three Great African Chiefs.] B I P 21 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 245 SECUOMBE, Thos. Editor— Lives of twelve Bad Men : Original Studies of Eminent Scoundrels, by various hands. [Illustrated.] 8vo. Lond., 1894. C 18 T 9 SECRET MEMOIRS of the Court of St. Petersburg. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 31 U 1 SEDDING, John D. Art and Handicraft. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 19 T 8 SEDDON, Col. Henry Cooper. Builders' Work and the Building Trades. [Illustrated.] Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1889. A 19 U 2L SEDGWICK, Major Gen. John. Oration delivered at the Dedication of Statue of. [See Curtis, G. W.] F 14 U 3 SEE, John. Financial Statements, 1891 and 1892. 2 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1891-92. ME 1 Q 57, 5S SEEBOHM", Hugh E. Structure of Greek Tribal Society. 8vo. Lond., 1895. E 11 U 1G SEEBOHM, Dr. P. The Tribal System in Wales: being part of an inquiry into the Structure and Methods of Tribal Society. 8vo. Lond., 1895. E 11 U 10 SEEGER & GUERNSEY, Messrs. Cyclopaedia of the Manufactures and Products of the United States. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1894. E SEELEY, Sir John Robt. Lectures and Essays. 12mo. Loud., 1895. J 9 S 24 Goethe reviewed after sixty years. 12mo. Loud., 1894. C 19 Q 15 SEGUR, Gen. Count do. An Aid. -de-camp of Napoleon : Memoirs of, 1800-12. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 25 S 20 SEIDENSTICKER, Oswald. The first century of German Printing in America, 1 728-1830 ; preceded by a Notice of the Literary Work of F. D. Pastorius. 8vo. Philad., 1893. K 17 R 29 SEISMOLOGICAL JOURNAL OP JAPAN. {Formerly Transactions of the Seismolor/ical Society of Japan.) Vols. 1G-19. 8vo. Tokyo and Yokohama, 1892-93. E SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OE JAPAN. [See Seismoloffical Journal of Japan.'] SELBY-BIGGE, L. A. [See Bigge, L. A. S.] SELENKA.Dr.Emil. Gephyrea. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J. — Voyage of II. M.S. Challenger.] AGf SELL, Henry. Telegraphic Code. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) K9S8 SELLARS, E. Greek Sculpture. [See Furtwangler, A.] A 89 R 6 t SELOUS, Frederick Courtney. Travel and Adventure in South-east Africa. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1893. D 14 V 6 SELWYN, Dr. Alfred Richard Cecil. Colonial and Indian Exhibition, 188G ; Descriptive Catalogue of a Collec- tion of the Economic Minerals of Canada. 8vo. Lond., 188G. K8R21 Portrait of. [See Ramsay, Sir A. C. — Memoir of.] C 21 R 20 and ULRICH, George H. F. Notes sur la Geographie Physique, la Geologie, ot la Mineralogie de Victoria. 8vo. Melb., 18GG. MA 2 V 30 SELWYN, G. Life and Times of; by A. Hay ward. 12mo. Lond., 1854. C 18 P 21 SELWYN, Bt. Rev. George Augustus. Sermon preached, June, 185G. 8vo. Sydney, 1856. MG 1 R 72 SELWYN, lit. Rev. John Richard.^on. The Islands of the Western Pacific. [See Roy. Col. Inst., Proc , 25.] *E SEMON, Dr. Richard. Zoologische Forschungsreisen in Australien un 1 dem Malayischcn Archipel. Band 1. 4to. Jina, 1893. MA 9 P 35 t SEMPER, Dr. Carl. Reiscn im Archipel der Philippincn. Zweiter theil. Wissenschaftliche Resultate. Dritter band. Landmollusken. 4to. Wiesbaden, 1S9 4. A9Q7t SEMPERS, F. W. Manures: how to make and how to use them. 3rd ed. 12mo. Philad., 1894. A18R43 SENECA, Lucius Annaius. TragcedisB. 12mo. Lond., 1S23. II 10 U [Life of] [See Farrar, Archdeacon F. W. — Seekers after God] C 21 Q SENEUIL, J. G. Courcelle. Estudio de los Principios del Dereeho 6 preparacion para el estudio del Dereeho. Obra traducida y armonizada con la lejislacion Chilena por M. S. Lavaqui. Roy. 8vo. Santiago, 1887. F9T28 SENIOR, Col. Criticism of the Works of. [See Senior, N. W.— Essays on Fiction.] J 6 S 40 SENIOR, Nassau W. Essays on Fiction. 8vo. Lond., 18G4. J G S 40 Historical and Philosophical Essays. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 18G5. J8U1, 2 SERRURE, Raymond. Catalogue de la Collection do Poids et de Mesures. (Musee Royal d'Antiquites et d'Armures, Bruxelles.) 12mo. Bruxelles, 1883. K7P4 SERTOR1US, Q. [Life of.] [See Plutarch ] MC1R45 SERVIC3, James. Federation of Australasia. Roy. 8vo. Melb., 1884. MF 1 S 58 SETII, Prof. James. Study of Ethical Principles. 8vo. Edinb., 1894. G12Q41 SETH-SMITH, C. E. [See Smith, C. E. S-.] 216 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. SEVEN EOVEHS, The: a Rollicking Record of Pleasure, Privation, and Peril, afloat and ashore ; by " One of Them." 8vo. Hobart, 18S4. MD 5 R 47 SEVENTY TEARS OF LIFE IN THE VICTORIAN ERA, embracing a Travelling Record in Australia, New Zealand, and America, &c. ; by " A Physician." 8vo. Lond., 1863. MD 1 Q 34 SEWALL, May W. World's Congress of Representative Women. Roy. 8vo. Chicago, 1894. F 7 R 29 SEWARD, Theodore F. The School of Life: Divine Providence in the Light of Modern Science. 8vo. New York, 1895. G 19 Q 8 SEWARD, Win. Henry. Sketch of. [See Brooks, N.— Statesmen.] C 16 R 20 SEWEL, Wm. History of the Christian People called Quakers. Roy. 8vo. Philad. (n.d.) G- 2 T 25 SEXTON, Prof. A. Humboldt. An Elementary Text-book of Meiallurgv. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1865. A 24 R 14 SEYMOUR, Edward Adolphus. [See Somerset, Duke of.] S1IAKESPEAR, R. II. Lighting Country Towns by Electricity or Gas. Svo. Melb., 1883. MA 3 S 62 SHAKESPEARE, William. Works of; with a memoir by Parry Cornwall. Illustrated. 3 vols imp. 8vo. Lond., 1846. II 2 V 1-3 Works of; edited by Henry Irving and F. A. Marshall. Illustrated by G. Browne. 8 vols. sin. 4to. Lond., 1887-93. H 4 V 1-8 Works of. Imp. edition ; edited by C. Knight. Illus- trated. 2 vols. fol. Lond. (n.d.j H 40 T 7, 8 J The Bankside Shakespeare, vols. 19, 20, 22. Second and Third Parts of Henrv VI ; The Comedie of Errors. Svo. New York, 1892-94. H 9 R 19-22 Heine on Shakespeare ; translated by Ida Benecke. Svo. Lond., 1895. J 10 R 27 Plays of. Edited by II. Staunton. 3 vols. Imp. Svo. Lond., 1858-60. H 2 V 4-6 Poems of. 18mo. Lond., 1843. H 10 T 13 Selections from, with an Essay on Elocution; by S. Brandram. 8vo. Lond., 1893. J 4 R 2 Shakespearian Anthology ; comprising the Choicest Passages and entire scenes. 12mo. Lond., 1830. II 7 U 36 Books on Shakespeare ; by S. Timmins. [See Timmins, S.] J 15 S 30 Concordance to the Works of. [See Bartlett, J.] K 17 S 21 The Elizabethan Hamlet. [See Corbin, J.] J 5 R 47 Eeaay on. [See Bagehot, W. — Literary Studies.] J 9 P 22-24 Five Lectures on. [See Ten Brink, B.] J 10 R 28 Introduction to. [See Dowden, E.] C 13 Q 31 [See Hutton, L. — Portraits in A 23 V 13 SHAKESPEARE, William— contd. Is Sir Walter Raleigh the author of Shakespere's Plays ? [See Caldwell, C. S.] MJ 2 S 41 List of Works illustrative of the Life of. [See Halli- well, J. O.] K 9 S 16 Papers on, by Douglas Jerrold. [See .Tcrrold, D.] J 11 T 26 [Plaster Cast of.] Plaster.] Shakespeare and his Time under Elizabeth. [See Morley, Henry.] B 21 R 34 Shakespeare in Romance and Reality. [See Thomson, Wm.] MJ 2 S 49 Shakspeare ; or, the Poet. [See Emerson, R. W. — Representative Men.] C 17 P 10 Sketch of. [See Bagehet, W. — Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen.] J 10 R 32 A Study of ; by A. C. Swinburne. [See Swinburne, A. C] J 12 R 6 Women of Shakespeare. [See Lewes, Dr. L.] J 6 T 5 SHAKSPERE SOCIETV, NEW. [See New Shakspere Society.] SHALER, Prof. Nathaniel S. Sea and Land: Features of Coasts and Oceans ; with special reference to the Life of Man. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1895. A 30 TJ 9 The United States of America. Illustrated. 2 vols. Roy. 8vo. New York, 189*. B 20 V 5, SHAN AHAN, Patrick. The Exile: a Poem. 8vo. Melb., 1869. Mil 1 S 37 SHAND, Alexander Lines. Life of Gen. Sir E. B. Hamley. 2 vols. Svo. Edinb., Ib95. C 13 V 15, 16 SHARP, A. Mary. History of Ufton Court, in the County of Berks, and of tho Perkins Family. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1892. B 21 V 21 SHARP, Elizabeth A. Heine in Art and Letters. [See Heine, H.] J 11 T 39 SHARP, Wm. 1890. Life of Robert Browning. 12mo. Lond., C 17 P 14 Fair Women in Painting and Poetry. (Portfolio Monograph, 7.) Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. E SHARPE, Chas. K. Curiosa.] Ballad Book. [See Bibliothcca J18Q1 SHARPE, Dr. Richard Bowdler. Analytical Index to the Works of the late John Gould, F.R.S., with a Biographical Memoir. 4to. Lond., 1893. A 12 S 7 t and WYATT, Claude W. A Monograph of tho Hirun din idee or Family of Swallows. Illustrated. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1SS5-91. A 13 P 22, 23 t SHARPE, Dr. Reginald Robinson. London and the King- dom : a History. Vols. 1 and 2. Svo. Lond., 1894. B 24 R 5, 6 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 217 SHAW, Dr. Albert. Locsil Self-Government in Illinois. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, I.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1883. B 18 S 1 Co-operation in the Northwest. (Johns Hopkins Uni- versity Studies, G.) Svo. Baltimore, 1888. B 18 S 6 Municipal Government in Great Britain. Svo. New York, 1895. F 10 Q 30 SHAW, Mi^s Flora L. The Australian Outlook. [See Boy. Col.,, Proe., 25.] E Letters from Queensland; by " The Times' Special Corres- pondent." 12mo. Lond., 1893. JVID1Q31 SHAW, John. Concise History of New South Wales, from the Earliest Times to the Winning of Responsible Government. Svo. I'arramalta, 18S3. MB IE 42 SHAW, E. Norman, and JACKSON, T. G. Architecture, a Profession or an Art ; thirteen short essays on the qualifications and training of architects. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 3 P 4 SHAW, Thos. Practical Treatise on Sheep-breeding and Wool-growing. 8vo. Sydney, 18G0. MA 2 V 67 SHAW, Capt. Yero-Kemball. Illustrated Book of tho Dog; with an Appendix on Canine Medicine and Surgery, by W. G. Stables. 4to. Lond., 1890. A 5 P 1G f SHAW, W. A. History of Currency 1252-189 4. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) F 7 E 23 SHEAESTON, J. S. H.M.S. Calliope : an account of the visit to Apia, Samoa ; compiled bv J. S. S. Obi. 12mo. Sydney, 18^9. MB 1 P 18 SHEDLOCK, M. Lives of E. and J. do Goucourt. [See Goncourt, E. and J. de ] C 2L E 3, 4 SHEEHY, Father Joseph Aloysius. In Memoriam. Svo. Hobart, 1892. MC 1 E 42 SHEEP HUSBANDEY for small Wool-growers; by " Waupmelta," 8vo. Adelaide, 1S85. MA 2 V G7 SHEHADI, B. Tho Confession of Pontius Pilate ; trans- lated from the Arabic, by B. Shehadi. 12mo. Sydney, 1893. MG 1 P GO SHELDON, Prof. J. P. Dairy Management : a Lecture. (Inst, of Agricult., Lond.) Svo. Lond., 1884. A 18 E 28 SHELDON, M. French—. Sultan to Sultan : Adventures among the Masai and other Tribes of East Africa. • Sm. 4to. Lond., 1892. D 14 V 7 SHELLEY, A. C. British and Colonial Union. Confer- ence of Delegates from the various Chambers of Com- merce of the British Colonies and Possessions on the subject of British and Inter-Colonial Tariffs, held at the Westminster Palace Hotel, 21th Feb., 29th March, 5th April, 1831. 8vo. Lond., 1881. MJ 3 Q 1G SHELLEY, Percy Bvsshe. Account of Yisits to France, &c. [See Elton, 0. 1.] D 18 Q 11 Essay on. [See Bagehot, W. — Literary Studies.] J 9 P 22-24 Sketch of. [See Bagehot, W. — Estimates of some English- men and Scotchmen.] J 10 V 32 Sketch of the Work of. [See Dawson, W. J.— Makers of Modern English.] II 10 S 14 Sketch of the Works of. [See Raine, L. do la] J 9 E 22 Study of. [See Todhuntcr, J.] H 3 P 50 SHELLSHEAE, Walter. Light Eailways. Svo. Sydney, 18S3. MA 2 T G9 SHELTON, E. M. Canning and otherwise Presening Fruits for the home and market. Svo. Brisb., 1891. MA 1 Q G9 The Cultivation of Maize, with facts and suggestions as to its utilisation. 8vo. Brisb., 1890. MA 1 Q CO The Cultivation of Wheat in Queensland. Svo. Brisb., 1893. MA 1 Q G9 The Establishment of Creameries ; Insecticides; Manures and their preservation ; Eamie Culture ; Clarify ing Re-agent in Sugar-making; and Potato Trials. Svo. Brisb., 1892. MA 1 Q G9 Manures : their Management and Use ; with special reference to Queensland Conditions. ( Bulletin 3, 2nd series, Department of Agriculture, Queensland.) Svo, Brisbane, 1S91. MA 3 S 54 Our Stock-foods and how to uso them. 8vo. Brisb., 1S93. MA 1 Q G9 Pig-raising and Pork-making. Svo. Brisb., 1891. MA 1 Q GO Recent Experiments made at the American Agricultural Experiment Stations. Svo. Brisb., 1891. MA 1 Q G9 Tree-planting for Shade and Ornament. Svo. B;isb, 1892. MA I Q G9 Wheat-growing in Queensland. Svo. Brisb., 1892. MA 1 Q G9 SHENSTONE, W. A. Justus von Liebig, his Life and Work, 1803-73. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 21 R 33 SHEPP, James W. and Daniel B. World's Fair Photo- graphed. Obi. 8vo. Chicago, 1S93. D 15 V 17 SHEPPARD, Rev. Edgar. Memorials of St. James's Palace. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1691. B 21 U 10, 11 SHERARD, Robert Harborough. Alphonse Daudet : a Biographical and Critical Study. Roy. Svo. Lond., 1894. C 16 U 8 Emile Zola : a Biographical and Critical Study. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 19 R 18 Memoirs to serve for the History of Napoleon I. [See Napoleon Bonaparte.] C 17 R 7-9 Chin-Chin. [See Tcheng-ki-Tong.] D 17 Q 24 SHERATON, T. The Cabinet-maker and Upholsterer's Drawing-book. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1802. A 15 Q 20 t 2J8 Supplementary Ca lalog ue — 1 893-95 . SHERBROOKE, Robert Lowe, Viscount. [Life of] ; by J. P. Hogan. 8vo. Lond., 1893. ' MC 1 P 53 Life and Letters of ; by A. P. Martin. 2 vols. 8\ o. Loud., 1893. MC 1 R 4G, 47 Sketch of. [See Bagehot, W. — Biographical Studies.] C 22 P 10 Speeches and Letters on Reform, lsted. 12mo. Lond., 1867. F 5 Q 13 Speeches and Letters on Reform. 2nd. ed. 8vo. Lond., 1837. F9U5 Wentworth's Rerly to, o:i New South Wales Constitu- tion Bill. [See Wcntworth, W. C] MF 3 T 52 SHERER, John W. Narrative of the Mutiny. [See Maude, Col. F. C] B 29 U 2, 3 SHERIDAN FAMILY, Some Account of [See Dufferin, Lady.] II 7 R 28 SHERIDAN, Rt. Hon. Richard Brinsley Butler. The Critic; or, a Tragedy Rehearsed: a Dramatic Piece. [See London Stage, 1.] II 2 S 33 The Duenna: a Comic Opera. [See London Stage, 1.] II 2 S 33 The Rivals : a Comedy. [See London St 'ge, 1] II 2 S 33 A Trip to Scarborough : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 2.] H2S31 Pizarro : a Tragedy. [See London Stage, 1.] H 2 S 33 [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L. — Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 SHERMAN, Prof. L. A. Analytics of Literature: a Manual for the Study of English Prose and Terse. 8vo. Boston, 1S93. " J 8 Q 42 SHERMAN, General William T. Correspondence between, and Senator Sherman, 1837-91. [See Thorn like, Rachel 8.] C IS T 15 [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L.— Portraits in Plaster] A 23 V 13 Sketch of; with Portrait. [See Bolton, Sarah K — Famous Leaders] C 17 P 27 SIIERRARD, James E. Illustrated Official Hand-book to the Aquarium, Picture Galleries, and Museum Collec- tions under the control of the Exhibition Trustees. 8vo. Melb., 1S91. MA 2 Q 51 SHERWIN, William. Epidemic Catarrh in Sheep. [See Bennett, Dr. G.] MA 1 P 47 SHIELD, William. Principles and Practice of Harbour Construction. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 22 T 10 SHIELDS, G. 0. American Book of the Dog: the Origin, Development, special Characteristics,L T tility, Breeding, Training, Points of Judging, Diseases, and Kennel Management of all Breeds of Dogs. 8vo. Chicago, 1891. A 27 U 17 SHIELS, William. Speech on the motion to condemn the action of the Trustees of the Public Library, Museum. and Picture Gallery, in opening a portion of those institutions on Sundays. Roy. 8vo. Melb., 1883. MF 3 R 37 SIIILETTO, Rev. Arthur R. Editor— Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy. [See Burton, R.] G 1G T 38-40 SHINN, Charles Howard. Land Laws of Mining Districts. (JohnsIIopkins University Studies, 2.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1884. B 18 S 2 Cooperation on the Pacific Coast. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, G.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1888. B 18 S G SHIPLEY, A. E. Branchiopods (Recent). 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 30 U 19 SHIPLEY, Lieut. Cor.way. Sketches in the Pacific. 4to. Lond., 1851. MD 2 P28+ SHIPPING GAZETIE, Thr, and Sydney General Trade List, 1858-59. Fol. Sydney, 1858-59. ME 8 T SHIPPING GUIDE, The, 1891-92. 4 vols. Fol. Sydney, 1891-92. ME SHIRLEY, John. Additions to the Lichen Flora of Queensland. (Proc. Roy. Soc , Queensland, 5.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1888. ME 1 T Lichen Flora of Queensland, with Description of Species. (Proc. Roy. Soc., Queensland, 6.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1889. ME 1 T Lichens from Warwick and Neighbourhood. (Proc. Roy. Soc , Queensland, 8.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1892. ME IT Native Grape Vines of America and Australia. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 8.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1892. ME IT Review of recent Botanical Woik in Australia. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 9.) Svo. Brisbane, 1893. ME IT Some Victorian Lichens. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 10.) Svo. Brisbane, 1893. ME 1 T SHIRLEY, William. Edward the Black Prince: an Historical Tragedy. [See London Stage, 4.] H 2 S 3G SHIRREFF, Patrick. Improvement of the Cereals and an Essay on the Wheat-fly. 12mo. Edinb., 1873. A 18 R 38 SHOLL, Martin. Handy Book to Tasmanian Mining and General Investment, 1882-83. 8vo. Launceston, 1882. MF 2 R 52 Handy Book to Tasmanian Mines and Mining, 1881. 8vo. Launceston, 1881. MA 2 Q 55 SHORTLAND, F. Port Phillip (Charts.) [See Symonds, Lieut. T.] MD 5 Q 1GJ SHUCKBURGH, Evelyn S. History of Rome,753-30B.c.; with Maps and Plans. Svo. Lond., 1894. B 30 Q 19 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95 . 249 II SIIUMWAY, Henry L. Hand-book on Tuberculosis nmoug Cattle, with considerations of the relation of the Disease to the health and life of the Human Family, and of the facts concerning the use of Tuberculin as a Diagnostic Test. 12mo. Lond., 1895. A 12 P 48 SHUTTLEWORTII, Rev. Prof. Henry C. At Home; with Portrait. [See Blathwayt, R. — Interviews.] J 10 U 34 SIDDONS, Mrs. Sarah. Memoirs of; by J. Boaden. 12mo. Lond., 1893. C 19 Q 2 [Plaster Cast of.] [See Hutton, L. — Portraits in Plaster.] A 23 V 13 SIDNEY, Sir Philip. Miscellaneous "Works of; with a Life of the Author, by William Gray. 8vo. Lond., 1893. J 2 Q 23 [Life of] ; by Anna M. Stoddart. Sm. 4to. Edinb., 1304 C 18 T 19 SIDNEY, Samuel. The Book of the Horse. New edition. 4to. Lond., 1S93. A 5 P 20 f SIDNEY", Samuel and John. Sidney's Australian Hand- book. How to Settle and Succeed in Australia ; by "A Bushman." 18mo. Lond., 18J8. MD 1 P 31 SIEMENS, Sir Charles William. [Biographical Sketch.] [See Smith, G. B. — Leaders of Modern Industrv.] C 14P14 SIEMENS, Dr. Werner von. Personal Recollections ; translated by W. C. Coupland. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 13 S 23 Scientific and Technical Papers. Vol. 2. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 21 S 11 SIENBA, Jorge. Dereeho Comercial de los Comercianles. Svo. Montevideo, 189*. F 9 B 80 SIGERSON, Dr. George. Revival of Irish Literature. [See Duffy, Sir C. G.] J 7 P 45 SIGHTS AND SCENES in England and Wales. Illus- trated. Obi. roy. 8vo. Lond. [1895.] A 8 Q 21 f SIGMA. [See Money.] ME 2 Q 45 SIGOURNEY, Mrs. Lydia Huntley. Poetical Works of. 18mo. Lond., 1851. II 10 T 11 SIGWART, Dr. Christoph. Logic ; translated by Helen Dendy. 2nd ed. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1895. GGT21.22 SILYESTRE, Armand. Gallerv of Contemporary Art; edited bv J. E. Reed. 2 vols. fol. Philad., 1881-88. A G S 8, 9 t SIMCOX, E. J. Primitive Civilizations; or, Outlines of the History of Ownership in Archaic Communities. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1891. P 14 T 31, 32 SIMEON, Stephen Louis. Napoleon Bonaparte. [See Levy, A.] C 19 R 15, 16 2 i SIMMONDS, J. H. Plants seen in Plower by Eield Naturalists on Excursion to Peechey's Scrub. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 5.) 8vo. Brisb., 18S8. ME IT SIMMONDS, Thos. C. Art of Modelling in Clay and Wax. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond., 1892. A 23 Q 44 SIMON, John. Editor.— Spiritual Philosophy. [See Green, J. H.] G 14 Q 25, 2(5 SIMON, Menno. The Amisli Mennonites. [See Wick, B. L.] G 14 Q 29 SIMONDS, A. B. American Song : a Collection of repre- sentative American Poems. 8vo. New York, 1891. H7TJ11 SIMONDS. Dr. W. E. Introduction to the Study of English Fiction. 12mo. Loud., 1695. J 8 Q 44 SIMONSEN, 11. C. Goldmining in the Witwatersrand, S. Africa. [See Abraham, P.] A 24 S 12 SIMPKINSON, Rev. C. H. Life and Times of William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury. 8vo. Lond., 1891. C21 Q19 SIMPSON, G. Exploration of South- Western Australia. Account of a Trip from York to Hampton Plains. (Roy. Geog. Soc. Australasia, Vic. Branch, 8.) 8vo. Melb., 1891. ME 20 SIMPSON, H. P. Morland. Memoirs of Montrose. [See Montrose, Marquis of.] B 31 Y 9 SIMPSON, J. The Wild Rabbit in a new aspect; or, Rabbit-warrens that pay. 12mo. Edinb., 1893. A 28 P 10 SIMPSON, Margaret S. [Life of] Caroline, Baroness Nairne. [See Nairne, Caroline, Baroness.] C 17 Q 14 SIMPSON, Wm. The Seat of War in the East. 4 vols, fol. Lond., 1855. B 11 P 24-27 J SIMPSON, Rev. Dr. Wm. Sparrow. St. Paul's Cathedral and Old City Life. 8vo. Lond., 1894. B 22 U 21 Visitations of Churches belonging to St. Paul's Cathedral, 1297 and 1450. (Camden Soc. Pubs., 55, n.s.) Sm. . 4to. Lond., 1895. E SINCLAIR, Archibald and Henry Wm. Swimming. (Badminton Library.) 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 17 U 47 SINCLAIR, Arthur. In Tropical Lands : Recent Travels to the sources of the Amazon, West Indian Islands, and Ceylon. Illustrated. 8vo. Edinb., 1895. D20S7 SINCLAIR, George. Hortus Gramineus Woburnensis ; or, an Account of the Results of Experiments on the Produce and Nutritive Qualities of different Grasses 5 ed., illustrated. 8vo, Lond., 18G9. A 20 S 18 250 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-93. SINCLAIR, James M. Eeport on the Hog-raising and Pork-packing Industry in the United States, and on the Live Stock and Frozen Meat Exportation of the Argentine Republic 8vo. Melb., 1895. MA 3 V 2S Preservation of Fruit for Shipment. 8vo. Melb., 1895. MA 3 V 2D Eeport on Wheat Production in the United States, Canada, and the Argentine Republic ; also the Hand- ling and Shipment of Grain in the United States. 8vo. Melb., 1S95. MA 3 V 21 SINGLETON, Dr. John. Alcohol as a Medicine. 12mo. Melb. (n.d.) MA 3 U 13 Narrative of Incidents in the Eventful Life of a Physician. Svo. Melb., 1891. MC1R4L SIRA-KAWA DE SENDA i'. Traile de l'Education des Vers a Soie au Japon ; traduit par L. De Rosny. Svo. Paris, 18G8. A 18 S 17 SISCA, Dr. N. Chronic Indigestion, Biliousness, and Management of Children. 12mo. Ballarat, 1889. MA 2 P 40 SITUATION, The. Peace or War ? by " An Old Salt." Svo. Brisbane, 1878. MF 3 Q 84 SKAMP, R. B. The Wool Trade, its History and Growth in Australia and Tasmania. 8to. Melb. (n.d.) MF 4 R 17 SKEAT, Rev. Dr. Walter Wm. Editor.— Chaucer's Works. [See Chaucer, G.] II 9 S 27-31 SKELTON, Dr. John. Table Talk of Shirley : Reminis- cences of, and Letters from Froude, Thackeray, Disraeli, Browning, Rossetti, Kingsley, Baynes, Huxley, Tyn- dall, and others. 8vo. Edinb., 1895. C 19 V 10 [Life of] Mary Stuart. 4to. Lond., 1893. C 1 W 8 SKETCH of Turkish Historv, A; by " C. J.S." Svo. Hobart, 1877. MB 1 R 43 SKETCHES from Life; or, Charmed to Death; by "J. W. E." 8vo. Melb., 1877. MJ 1 Q 1 SKETCHES of Life in the Bush ; or, Ten Tears in the Interior. 12mo. Sydney, 1872. MB 1 P 51 SKINNER, W. R. The Mining Manual for 1895 ; con- taining full particulars of Mining Companies, together with a List of Mining Directors. 8vo. Lond., 1894. E SLADEN, Douglas W. B. On the Cars and off : being the Journal of a Pilgrimage from Halifax to Vancouver's Island. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1895. D 15 T 22 The Japs at Home. Svo. Lond., 1892. D 17 T 2 SLADEN, W. Percy. Asteroidea, [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J.— Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger'] A 6 t SLANG DICTIONARY. Etvmological, Historical, and Anecdotal. Svo. Lond., 1889. K 12 P 45 SLATER, John Herbert. Early Editions : a Bibliographical Survey of the Works of some popular modern Authors. Svo. Lond., 1894. K 19 S 29 SLEEMAN, Lucy. Adventures iu Mashonaland. [See Blennerhassctt, R.] D 14 S 7 SLEEMAN, Maj.-Gen. Sir Wm. Henry. Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official. 2 vols. 12mo. Wcstm., 1S93. D 14 Q 13, 14 SLINGO, W., and BROOKES, A. Electrical Engineer- ing for Electric Light Artisans and Students. New ed., illustrated. 12mo. Loud., 1S95. A 21 R 22 SLOAN E, T. O'Conor. The Standard Electrical Diction- ary. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 21 P 19 SLOANE, Prof. Wm. Milligan. The French War and the Revolution. Svo. Lond., 1893. B 17 P 33 SMALL, Dr. Albion Woodbury. The Beginnings of American Nationality: the Constitutional Relations between the Continental Congress and the Colonies and States from 1774-89. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 8.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1890. B 18 S 8 SMALL, Annie II. Suwarta, and other Sketches of Indian Life. 12mo. Lond., 1894. J 7 P 44 SMALL, Evan W. The Earth: Introduction to the Study of Inorganic Nature. 12ino. Lond., 1894. A 29 R 1G SMALL, J. K. Monograph of the North American Species of the genus Polygonum. 4to. Lancaster, Pa., 1895. A 15 Q 2 f SMALL, Dr. John. Poems of Dunbar. [See Scottish Text Soc] E SMALLEY, Geo. W. Studies of Men. Svo. Loud., 1S95. C 19 R 20 SMART, Dr. W. Editor.— Natural Value. -[See Wieser, F. von.] F 9 T 10 SMEDLEY, A. M. Nara Hodu : Sketches in Japan. Svo. Sydney, 1884. MD 4 T 40 SMEETH, Wm. Frederick. Perlitic Pitchstone from the Tweed River, with some remarks on the so-called Perlitic Structure in Quartz. (Journal Rov. Soc N.S.W., 28.) Svo. Sydney, 1894. ME 1 R Chromite-bearing Rock. [See David, Prof.] ME 1 R SMELLIE, Dr. Wm., and his Contemporaries : a Contri- bution to the History of Midwifery in the 18th Century ; bv Dr. J. Glaishcr. Svo. Glasgow, 1894. C 1GU3 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 251 SMILES, Dr. Samuel. George Moore, Merchant and Philanthropist. Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1878. C 2L S 12 Josiah Wedgwood, his Personal History. 12mo. Lond., 1891. C 17 P 21 S MILLIE, J. Descriptive Australia and Federal Guide. 8vo. Adelaide, 1890. MD 1 Q 43 Original Poems. 8vo. Adelaide, 1890. Mil 1 Q 31 SMITH, Dr. A. On Ventilation. 8vo. Melb., 1875. MA 2 S GO SMITH, Adam, and our Modern Economy. [See Bagehot, W.— Economic Studies.] F 7 V 35 Sketch of. [See Bagehot, W. — Biographical Studies.] C 22 P 10 Life of ; by J. Eae. 8vo. Lond., 1S95. C 21 T 2 Select Chapters and Passages from " The Wealth of Nations." 12mo. New York, 1895. F 7 V 23 SMITH, Albert. The Ballet Girl : her Natural History. 18mo. Sydney, 1895. MH 1 U 73 Gavarni in London : Sketches of Life and Character. Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1819. D 19 V 19 SMITH, B,ev. Alex. C. Kanaka Labour Question, with special reference to Missionary Efforts in the Planta- tions of Queensland. 8vo. Brisbane, 1S92. MG 2 Q 51 SMITH, Eev. Alfred Chas. The Autobiography of an old Passport : chiefly relating how we accomplished many Driving Tours with our own English horses over the roads of Western Europe, before the time of railways. Illustrated. Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1893. D 20 U 4 SMITH, Arthur II. Chinese Characteristics. 8vo. Lond., 1895. B 33 Q 8 SMITH, Benjamin E. Cyclopedia of Names. 4to. Lond., 1891. K 15 E 1 f SMITH, Bruce. Free-trade and Liberal Associations, their true province. 8vo. Sydney, 1889. MF 1 Q 27 Strikes and their cure. 8vo. Sydney, 188S. MF 4 Q 27 SMITH, C. McKay. Capital, Labour, and Taxation ; some pleas for common sense. Svo. Sydney, 1891. MP 4 E 1G Free-trade and its influence on national prosperity. 8vo. Townsville, 1888. MF 4 E 49 Trade Depression and wasted resources ; with some remarks on popular Government in New South Wales. 8vo. Sydney, 1887. MF 4 E 50 The Taxation of Property. Svo. Sydney, 1888. MF 4 E 48 SMITH, Sir C. Euan. Mission to Fez. [See Bonsai, S.] D 14 P 9 SMITH, C. E. Seth-. Corinthian Deep-sea Cruising. [See Sullivan, Sir E.— Tachtiug.] A 29 Q 40 SMITH, C. M. The Eejected Gifts: a Commercial Drama. 12mo. Townsville, 1888. MH 1 H 72. SMITH, Edgar A. Lamellibranchiata; Heteropoda. [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J. — Voyage of II.M.S. Cliallenge,:~] A G f SMITH, Veterinary-Captain F. Manual of Veterinary Physiology. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 30 E 22 SMITH, Francis Gould. The Australian Protectionist. 8vo. Melb., 1887. MF 1 Q 5G SMITH, Francis Hopkinson. Some Artists at the Fair. [See Chicago Exhibition, 1893.] A 23 U 21 SMITH, Frank J. Common Law Procedure Acts, New- South Wales. [See Pilcher, C. E.] MF 3 T 58 SMITH, G. Gregory. [Life of] J. Hepburn, Earl of Bothwell, 153G-78. (Lives of Twelve Bad Men.) Svo. Lond., 1891. C 18 T 9 SMITH, Dr. George. The Conversion of India, from Pantamus to the Present Time, a.d. 193-1893. 8vo. Lond., 1893. B 8 E 2G Bishop Heber, Poet and Chief Missionary to the East, 1783-1826. 8vo. Lond., 1S95. C 13 V 31 SMITH, Prof. Goldwin. E says on Questions of the Day, Political and Social. 8vo. New York, 1893. - F14E7 Essays on Questions of the Day. 2nd ed. 8vo. New York, 1894. F 14 E 26* Lectures on Modern History. Svo. Oxford, 1861. B37 S3 Oxford and her Colleges ; a View from Badeliffe Library. 18mo. Lond., 1894. B 24 P 9 The United States : an Outline of Political History, 1492-1871. 8vo. Lond., 1S93. B 17 E 21 SMITH, Eev. Dr. George Adam. Historical Geography of the Holy Land. With Maps. Svo. Lond., 1891. D 17 T 8 Isaiah, 1-GG. [See Expositor's Bible.] G 19 E 19, 20 SMITH, George Barnett. History of the English Parlia- ment, together with an Account of the Parliaments of Scotland and Ireland. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1892. B 23 T 13, 14 Life and Enterprises of Ferdinand de Lesseps. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 13 P 29 Leaders of Modern Industry : Biographical Sketches. Svo. Lond., 1894. C 14 P 14 Women of Benown : 19th Century Studies. Svo. Lond., 1893. C 19 Q 3 SMITH, Sir Jas. Edward. Account of two new Genera of Plants from New South Wales. 4to. Lond., 1793. MA 1 TJ 17 252 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. SMITH, Henry G. Occurrence of Evansite in Tasmania. (Journal Eoy. Soc, N.S.W., 27.) 8vo. Sydney, 1893. ME 1 E Almandine Garnets from the Hawkesbury Sandstone at Sydney. (Journal Eoy. Soc, N.S.W., 28.) 8vo. Sydney, 1894. ME 1 E SMITH, Dr. J. B. Catalogue, Bibliographical and Sy- nonymical,of the species of Moths of the Lepidopterous superfamily Noctuidce found in Boreal America. 8vo. "Wash., 1893. A 30 U 13 SMITH, James. From Melbourne to Melrose. 8vo. Melb., 1888. MD 7 T 43 The Nervous System, its use and abuse. 8vo. Melb., 1881. MA1VG9 Presidential Address delivered at the inauguration of the Kalizoie Society cf Victoria. 12mo. Melb., 1884. MG 2 E 31 SMITH, Eev. Jas. E. "Shepherd" Smith, the Univer- salist: the Story of a Mind; by W. A. Smith. 8vo. Lond., 1892. C 13 P 31 SMITIIj Dr. James Walter. Handy-book on the Law concerning Owner, Builder, and Architect. 8vo. Sydney, 1894. ME 3 P 59 SMITH, Joseph. "The American Mahomet." Biogra- phical Sketches of, and his Progenitors for many generations; by Lucy Smith. 12mo. Piano, 1880. C 13 P 8 Memoirs of; by Chas. Mackay. 8vo. 3rd ed. Lond., 1852. G15P28 SMITH, Joseph, jun. Trans. — The Book of Mormon. [See Book of Mormon.] G 13 V 31 SMITH, John Thomas. Nollekens and his Times. [See Nollekens, J.] C 21 E 18 Streets of London ; with Anecdotes of their more cele- brated residents. New ed. 8vo. Lond., 1854. B 23 Q 15 SMITH, Dr. Louis L. Means of Prolonging Life and avoiding Diseases. 12mo. Melb., 1864. MA 3 P 40 Discoveries in the Nature and Treatment of Gout, 12mo. Melb., 1878. MA 3 V 13 SMITH, Lucy. Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith, the Prophet, and his Progenitors for many generations. 12mo. Piano, 1880. C 13 P 8 SMITH, Lucy T. Expeditions to the Holy Land. [See Camden Soc. Pubs.] E SMITH, Dr. Nathan D. Meteorological Observations made near Washington, Ark., 1840-59. 4to. Wash., 1860. A 15 Q 14 f SMITH, Dr. P. W. Bassett-. Aborigines of North-west Australia. (Anthropol. Inst., 23.) 8vo. Lond., 1893. E SMITH, Percy C. Irrigation for Queensland. 8vo. Brisb., 1889. MA 1 E 41 SMITH, Philip. History of the World from the Earliest Eecords to the Present Time. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1864. B 37 S 4-G SMITH, E. A. H. Bickford-. Greece under King George. 8vo. Lond., 1893. F 6 V 26 SMITH, E. Murray. The Finances and Public Debt of the Colony of Victoria. 8vo. Lond., 1882. MJ 3 Q 16 SMITH, Eobt. H. Forty-three Graphic Tables or Dia- grams for the Conversion of Measurements in different units. 4to. Lond., 1895. A 8 Q 1 t SMITH, Sir Eobt. Murdoch. Persiau Art. 8vo. Lond., 1876. A 23 E 21 SMITH, Eev. Sydney. Works of. New ed. Svo. Lond., 1854. J 8 T 29 Elementary Sketches of Moral Philosophy. 12mo. Lond., 1854. G 9 V 22 Letters of "Peter Plymley," Essays, and Speeches. 12mo. Lond., 1852. J7E58 Wit and Wisdom of. 2nd ed. Svo. Lond., 1660. J6S41 A Visit to. [See Kingston, W. Beatty-. — Men, Cities, and Events.] C 22 E 4 SMITH, T. A. Life Assurance, its Practical and Moral Value, and how to get business. 12mo. Sydney, 1895. MF 4 P 33 SMITH, Dr. Theobald, and KILBOENE, F. L. Nature, Causation, and Prevention of Texas or Southern Cattle Fever. 8vo. Washington, 1893. A 30 E 4 SMITH, Eev. Dr. Thos. The Clementine Homilies. [See Clement of Eome.] G 14 U 17 The Clementine Eecognitions. [See Clement of Eome.] G14TJ3 SMITH, Dr. Sir Wm. Classical Dictionary of Greek and Eoman Biography, Mythology, and Geography; re- vised and in part rewritten bv G. E. Marindin. 8vo. Lond., 1894. K 7 Q 33 SMITH, W. Anderson. "Shepherd" Smith, the Uni- versalist : the Story of a Mind ; being a Life of the Eev. Jas. E. Smith. Svo. Lond., 1892. C 13 P 31 SMITH, W. F. Trans.— Eabclais. [See Eabelais, F.] J 4 T 3, 4 SMITH, W. P. Haskett. Climbing in the British Isles. I.England. Illustrated. ISmo. Lond, 1891. A 29 P 44 SMITH, Eev. Wm. A Synopsis of the British Diato- macea> ; with Plates by T. West. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond., 1853-56. A 30 V 14, 15 Supplementary. Catalogue — 1893-95. 253 SMITH, Et. Hon. Wm. Henry. Life and Times of; by Sir H. Maxwell. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 19 El, 2 SMITH, Wm. Henry, & SON. Plan of Liverpool ; by J. Bartholomew; with Index. Folded 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) D 12 P 15 Plan of London ; with Index. Folded 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) D 19 P 7 Plan of Manchester ; by J. Bartholomew ; with Index. Folded 12mo. Lond. (n.d.) D 12 P 14 SMITH, Dr. Wm. E., F.E.S. Forensic Medicine. [See Guy, Dr. W. A.] F 11 U 14 SMITH, Dr. "Wm. Bobertson. Lectures on the Eeligion of the Semites. 1st series. The Fundamental Insti- tutions. Newed. 8vo. Lond., 1891. G 15 S 20 The Old Testament in the Jewish Church : Lectures on Biblical Criticism. 8vo. Edinb., 1SS1. G 15 P 27 The Prophets of Israel and their place in History to the close of the 8th Century B.C. 8vo. Edinb., 1882. G 15 P 20 SMITH, Worthington G. Fungi. [See Tavlor, Dr. J. E.— Collecting Natural History Objects.] " A 29 Q 38 Man, the Primeval Savage : his Habits and Eelics, from the Hilltops of Bedforshirc to Blaekwall. 8vo. Lond., 1891. A 18 S 23 The two Mildews of Corn : a Lecture. (Inst, of A gricult., Lond.) 8vo. Lond., 1881. A 18 E 28 SM1THELLS, Prof. Arthur. Organic Chemistry. [See Schorlemmer, Dr. O] A 21 E 13 SMITHSON, David J. Elocution and the Dramatic Art. 8vo. Lond., 1889. J 4 E 38 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Catalogue of Publi- cations of Societies and of other Periodical Works in the Library, 1850. 8vo. Wash., 1850. K 7 U 13 Directory of Officers, Collaborators, Emplo3'es, &c, of the Smithsonian Institution, National Museum, Geo- logical Survey, and Fish Commission. 8vo. Wash., 1882. E Index to Papers on Anthropology, published by the Smithsonian Institution, 1817-78. 8vo. AVash., 1881. E List of Foreign Correspondents, 18G2 and 18S2. 2 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1802 and 1882. E List of the Institutions, Libraries, Colleges, aud other establishments in the United States in correspondence with the Smithsonian Institution. 8vo. Wash., 1872. E List of the Principal Scientific and Literary Institutions in the United States, 1879. Svo. Washington, 1879. E SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION— conUL Meteorological Stations and Observers of the Smith- sonian Institution in North America and adjacent Islands, 1819-08. 8vo. Wash., 1809. E Publications of Learned Societies and Periodicals in the Library. Part 1. 4to. Wash., 1855. K 15 Q 17 t Eeport of Prof. S. F. Baird, Secretary of the Smith- sonian Institution, for 1879. Svo. Wash., 1880. E Eeports of the Board, 1891-93. 3 vols. 8vo. Wash., 1893-94. E Bureau of Ethnology. [See U.S. — Bureau of Ethnology.] National Museum. [See United States.— National Museum.] SMYTH, F. L. Victoria, Legislative Assembly, Standing Orders and Eules. Svo. Melb., 1871. MF 1 P OS SMYTH, Dr. Herbert Weir. The Sounds and Inflections of the Greek Dialects : Ionic. 8vo. Oxford, 1894. JGU9 SMYTH, Eobt. Brough. [See Victoria.] Geological Survey of Victoria. SMYTH, Sir Warrington Wilkinson. Portrait of. [See Eamsay, Sir A. C— Memoir of.] C 21 E 20 SMITHIES, Capt. E, II. Raymond. Historical Records of the 40th (2nd Somersetshire) Regiment, now 1st Batallion the Prince of Wales's Volunteers, from its formation in 1717, to 1893. 8vo. Devonport, 1R9J-. B22 S5 SNAFFLE. [See Gun, Eifle, and Hound.] A 29 V 27 SNELL, Albion T. Electric Motive Power. Svo. Lond., 1891. A 21 S 29 SNELL, Hannah. Life of. [See Dowie, M.M. — Women Adventurers.] C 15 S 24 SNODGRASS, William. Physiology of the Senses. [See M'Kendrick, Prof. J. G.] A 20 Q 14 SNORRO STURLESON. Stories of the Kings of Nor- way, called the Round World ; done into English by W. Morris and E. Magnusson. Vols. 1, 2. (The Saga Library, vols. 3, 4.) 8vo. Lond., 1S93-91. J 14 Q 29, 30 SNOW, Prof. Marshall S. The City Government of St. Louis. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 5.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1987. B 18 S 5 SNOWY RIVER. Road Map to. Folio (folded), (n.p. n d.) MD 4 P t SOCIALITIES, 1887. 4to. Sydney, 18S7. MJ 1 V 10 SOCIEDAD DE FOMENTO FABRIL. Boletin de la, 1884-93. 10 vols. imp. 8vo. Santiago, 1881-93. E SOCIEDAD GEOGEAF1CA DE MADEID. Boletin de la. Tomo 4, Num. 1, 1S78. Eoy. 8vo. Madrid, 1878. MD 7 U 20 254 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95 . SOCIEDAD NACIONAL DE MINERIA. Boletin de Mineria. Vols. 1-5. 4to. Santiago, 1883-93. E SOCIETA ITALIANA DI SCIENZE NATUEALI. Atti della, 1890-92. Vols. 33, 31. 8vo. Milano, 1800-92. E SOCIETE DE GEOGRAPHE. Bulletin de la. 7 C ser., tomes 13-15. 8vo. Paris, 1892-91. E Compte Rendu des Seances de la Societe de Geographie et de la Commission Centrale, 1892-93. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1892-93. E SOCIETE ROYALE DES ANTIQUAIRES DU NORD. (See Kongeligt Nordisk Oldskrift Selskab.] SOCIETY. Vols. 4-G, 1887-88. 3 vols. fol. Sydney, 1887-88. ME 1GT SOCIETY FOR PSYCHICAL RESEARCH. Proceed- ings. Vols. 8-10. 8vo. Lond., 1892-91. E SOCIETY FOR THE ASSISTANCE OF PERSONS OF EDUCATION IN DISTRESSED CIRCUM- STANCES. First Annual Report. Svo. Melb., 18G9. MG 2 Q 48 SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF HELLENIC STUDIES. Journal, vols. 13, 14. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1893-94.. E Supplementary Paper, No. 1. Ecclesiastical Sites in Isauria ; by A. C. Headlam. Fol. Lond., 1S93. E Supplementary Papers. No. 1. Excavations at Megalo- polis, 1890-91. Fol. Lond., 1892. E SOCIETY FOR THE RELIEF OF DESTITUTE CHILDREN, Randwick. 3Gth-38th Annual Reports. Svo. Parramatta and Sydney, 188S-90. ME G S SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF LONDON. Archseo- logia; or, Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity. Vols. 53, 54. 4to. Lond., 1893-91. E SOCIETY OF BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY. Trans- actions. Vol. 9. 8vo. Lond., 1893. E SOCIETY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY, Journal of. Vols. 10-12. 4to. Lond., 1891-93. B SOLLAS, Prof. William J. Tetractinellida. [See Thorn- Bon, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J. — Voyage of II. M.S. Challenger.'] A G t SOLLY, Henry. " These Eighty Years" ; or, the Story of an "Unfinished Life. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1893. ' C 19 Q 4, 5 SOLLY, R. H. Elementary Introduction to Mineralogy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A 24 U 28 SOLOMON, D. L. Northern Territory Times Almanac and Directory, 1887. 8vo. Palmer'ston, S.A., 1887. ME4U SOLOMON, V. L. Guide to Yv T estern Australia and its Goldfields, 1894; with Map of Goldfields, Ac. 8vo. Adelaide, 1894. MD 7 S 1 SOLON, M. L. The Ancient Art Stoneware of the Low Countries and Germany. 2 vols. 4to. Lond., 1892. A 38 Q 14, 15 % SOLOVYOFF, Vsevolod S. A Modern Priestess of Isis; translated by Dr. W. Leaf. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G2TT 12 SOLTERA, Maria. [See Lester, Miss Mary.] SOME MINOR ARTS as practised in England. Fol. Lond., 1894. A 32 P 20 $ SOMERSET, Edward Adolphus Seymour, 12th Duke of. Letters, Remains, and Memoirs of; by W. II. Mallock and Lady G. Eamsden. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 13 S 24 Christian Theology and Modern Scepticism. 8vo. Lond., 1872. G 15 P 30 SOMERSET, II. Somers. The Land of the Muskeg. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1895. D 15 T 25 SOMERVILE, William. Book II of the Chnce. [See Dryden, J.] H 10 Q 29 SOMERVILLE, E. 05., ar.d ROSS, Martin. In the Vino Country. 8vo. Lond., 1893. D 9 P 13 SOMERVILLE, Mary. Phj sical Geographv. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1858. " A 29 R 19 SOMERVILLE, Prof. William. Diseases of Trees. [See Hartig, Prof. R.] A 18 V 31 SONS OF TEMPERANCE, Victoria Grand Division, Friendly Society. Rules. 8vo. Geelong, 18G9. MF 1 P 57 SOPHOCLES. The Plays and Fragments ; with Critical Notes, Commentary, and Translation in English Prose by Dr. E. C. Jebb. Part G. 8vo. Camb., 1894. H9T22 The Seven Plays of ; by Dr. L. Camobell. Svo. Lond., 1883. H 10 S 10 The Tragedies of; translated into English Prose from the Text of Jebb by E. P. Coleridge. 12mo. Lond., 1893. H 2 Q 50 The Ajax and Electra of ; translated by E. D. A. More- head. Svo. Lond., 1895. II 9 U 39 Gulipus Tyrannus, Gidipus Coloneus, et Antigone. [See Trollope, W.] ' II 3 S 37 SORAUER, Dr. Paul. Popular Treatise on the Physiology of Plants, for the use of Gardeners; translated by Prof. F. E. Weiss. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 20 T 12 SOTHEBY, W. Oberon. [See Wieland, C. M. von.] II 10 T 2G Siip}ilementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 255 SOUDAN. Map shewing Routes between Suakini, Khar- toum and Dongola, in the Soudan, with Diagrams of the Seat of War. Folded roy. 8vo. Sydney, 1885. MD GUI SOUTH AFEICA. The Gold-fields of. [See Edwards and Co.] A 24 V 11 SOUTH AFRICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Transactions of, 1881-85. 8vo. Cape Town, 1884-83. E SOUTH AUSTRALIA.— General. Photographic Views. 2 vols. 4to. (n.p.n.d.) MA 3 P 17, 18 % Sketch of South Australia, 1880 ; with maps and statis- tical diagrams. 8vo. Adelaide, 18S0. MD 8 Q 31 South Australia: its history, progress, and present con- dition. Svo. Lond., 1848. MD 8 Q 25 SOUTH AUSTRALIA.— Government Departments, lie- ports, and Publications. Acts. [See Statutes.] Agbicultural Reports, 1800-94. 5 vols. sm. fol. Adelaide, 1890-94. ME First to Sixth Congress held in Adelaide, 1890-94. G vols. 4to. Adelaide, 1890-94. ME Conference of Northern Branches, held at Gladstone, 1893. 4to. Adelaide, 1893. ME Proceedings of Conferences of Brandies held at Mount Gambicr, Gladstone, Quorn, Kadina, and Strathalbyu. 4to. Adelaide, 1894. ME Rust in Wheat. Report of Proceedings of Conference held in Adelaide. March, 1892. Sm. fol. Adelaide, 1892, MA 7 Q 32 t Botanic Garden and Government Plantations. Re- ports, 18S0-S9. Sm. fol. Adelaide, 1881-90. ME Education. Acts and Regulations. Svo. Adelaide, 1892. MG 2 Q 49 Finance. The State Advances Bill : Speech of the Treasurer, to which is appended a copy of the Bill. Svo. Adelaide, 1895. MF 1 S 71 House of Assembly. Standing Rules and Orders. 12mo. Adelaide, 1887. MF 4 P 28 Legislative Council. Standing Rules and Orders. 12mo. Adelaide, 1878. MF 4 P 27 Marine Boaed. By-laws and Regulations of. 8vo. Adelaide, 1883. MF 4 Q 25 Muebat Riveb. [See Great Britain and Ireland.] Observatory. [See Adelaide Observatory.] Parliament, Proceedings of, 1892-94. 8 vols. sm. fol. Adelaide, 1893-95. ' ME Public Libeabt, Museum, and Art Gallery. Reports, 1889-90. Sm. fol. Adelaide, 1890. ME School of Mines and Industries and Technological Museum. Annual Report, 18S9. 8vo. Adelaide, 1890. ME 15 Q Statutes. Acts of the Parliament, 1S92-94. 3 vols. 4to. Adelaide, 1893-95. ME SOUTH AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE. Reports, 1879- 84. 5 vols. sm. 4to. and fol. Adelaide, 1880-S4. ME 15 Q SOUTH AUSTRALIAN LAND NATIONALIZATION SOCIETY. The Manifesto of. 2nd edition. Svo. Adelaide, 1884. MF2Q57 SOUTH AUSTRALIAN NEWS, 1841-45. 8vo. Lond., 1841-45. ME 15 Q SOUTH END INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL, ROXBURY. Report for 1892. Svo. Roxbury, Mass., 1893. E SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. Conferences held in connection with the Special Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus, 187G. Chemistry, Biology, Physical Geography, Geology, Mineralogy, Meteor- ology, Physics, and Mechanics. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. (n.d.) A 29 R 26, 27 Examples of the Works of Art in the Museum, and of the Decorations of the Building. Fol. Lond., 1880. A 39 R 6 % Hand-book to the Special Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus, 1876. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) A 29 R 28 SOUTH-WEST and New Mexico for Phthisis, Weak Lungs, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c. Svo. Chicago, 1892. D 15 S 23 SOUTHAM, A. D. Electrical Engineering as a Profes- sion : how to enter it, and Guide to the Engineering Profession. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1895. A 21 R 21 SOUTHERN, Thos. Isabella ; or, the Fatal Mariage : a Tragedy. [See London Stage, 2.] H 2 S 34 Oroonoko : a Tragedy. [See London Stage, 2.] 112 S 34 SOUTHERN PROVINCES ALMANAC, Directory, Diary, and Year-book, for 1887. 12mo. Christ- church, 1886. ME 12 Q SOUTHERN TASMANIAN FOOTBALL ASSOCIA- TION. 8th Annual Report. 12mo. Hobart, 1887. ME 5 Q SOUTHEY, Mrs. C, (Caroline Bowles). The Birthday: a Poem in three parts, to which are added Occasional Verses. 12mo. Edinb., 1836. H 10 T 21 SOUTHEY, Robert. Poetical Works of. New ed. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1853. H 4 U 23 English Seamen : Howard, Clifford, Hawkins, Drake, Cavendish. 8vo. Loud., 1895. B 23 S 15 A Love Story ; edited by Rev. J. W. Warter. 12mo. Lond., 1853. J 12 T 15 Thalaba the Destroyer. 12mo. Lond., 1853. II 10 U 8 Story of his Life written in his Letters ; edited by J. Dennis. 12mo. Lond., 1894. C 17 P 20 Life of H. K. White. [See White, H. K.— Poetical Works.] H 10 T 25 Sketch of the Work of. [See Dawson, W. J. — Makers of Modern English.] H 10 S 14 256 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. SOUTHEY, Thos. Observations addressed to the Wool- growers of Australia and Tasmania respecting im- provements in the breed of Sheep. Svo. Lond., 1830. MA 2 V 67 SOUTHWARD, John. Practical Printing: a Hand-book of the Art of Typography. 4th ed., by A. Powell. 2 vols. Svo. Lond., 1S92. A 25 Q 14, 15 Artistic Printing. 8vo. Lond., 1892. A 25 Q. 13 SOUTHWELL, T. Birds' Eggs. [See Taylor, Dr. J. E. — Collecting Natural History Objects.] A 29 Q 38 SOUTTER, W. Geographical Distribution of Plants. (Roy. Geograph. Soc. of Australasia, Q. Branch, 4.) Svo. Brisbane, 1889. ME 20 SOUVESTRE, Emile. An Attic Philosopher in Paris. 12mo. Lond., 1853. J 12 S 32 SOWERBY, James. English Botany. Supplement to the third edit ion, vols. 1-4; by N. E. Brown. Imp. Svo. Lond., 1892. A 32 U 15 SOWERBY, Win. Thorough Cultivation. 12mo. Lond., 1S95. A 32 R 11 SPACEMAN, W. H. Trout in New Zealand : where to go and how to catch them. 8vo. Wellington, 1892. MA 3 T 50 SPALDING, Prof. Ered P. Notes on the Testing and Use of Hydraulic Cement. 12mo. Ithaca, N.Y., 1893. A 25 P 11 SPALDING, Thos. Alfred. The House of Lords: a Retrospect and a Forecast. Svo. Lond., 1894. F 14 S 23 SPANTON, J. Humphrey. Science and Art Drawing: complete Geometrical Course. Svo. Lond., 1895. A 23 U 29 SPARIIAM, II. II. W. Digest of Reported Decisions. [See Eisner, R, A.] E 12 V 3-9 SPARKES, W. E. How to shade from models. 3rd ed. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1S92. A 23 R 16 SPARKS, Prof. Jared. Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. 12mo. Lond., 1850. C 17 P 10 S PAULDING, Rev. Solomon. The "Manuscript Found "; or, " Manuscript Story " of the late Rev. S. Spaulding. 12mo. Lamoni (la ), 1S85. G 8 P 37 SPECTATOR, The: a Weekly Review of Politics, Literature, Theology, and Art. Vols. 09-73. Sm. fol. Lond. ,-1892-94. E SPECTRUM, The .• an Australian Journal of Science, 1S91. 4to. Sydney, 1891. ME 19 R SPECULUM orientalis occidentalisque India) naviga- tionum ; quarum una G. a Spilbergen classis cum potestate Prrafecti. altera J. le Maire auspiciis im- perioque directa, annis 1614-18. Obi. 12mo. Lugd. Bat,, 1019. MD 8 P 9 SPEECH of Man and Holy Writ. Svo. Lond., 1894. J9P12 SPENCE, Miss Charlotte II. The Laws we live under. 12mo. Adelaide, 1880. MF 4 P 26 SPENCE, Very Rev. Henry Donald Maurice. Cloister Life in the Days of Cceur de Lion. Imp. Svo. Lond., 1892. B 21 V 22 The Dean of Gloucester at Home : with Portrait. [See Blathwayt, R.— Interviews.] J 10 U 34 SPENCE, Joseph. Crito; or, a Dialogue on Beauty; by Sir Harrv Beaumont. (Bibliotheca Curiosa.') 12mo. Edinb., 1885. J 18 Q 27 SPENCER, Prof. Baldwin. New species of Marsupials from Central Australia, (Proc. Roy. Soc, Vict , 7.) 8vo. Melb., 1S95. ME 1 P Peripalus insiqnis in Tasmania. (Proc. Rov. Soc, Vict., 7.) 8vo. Melb., 1895. ME 1 P Tasmanian Earthworms. (Proc. Roy. Soc , Vict., 7.) Svo. Melb., 1895. ME 4 P SPENCER, David E. Local Government in Wisconsin. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, S.) Svo. Balti- more, 1890. B 18 S 8 SPENCER, Herbert. Principles of Ethics. Vol. 1. 8vo. Lond., 1892. G 19 Q 12 The Right to the use of the Earth. 8vo. Melb.. 1872. MF 2 Q 50 Comte, Mill, and Spencer. [See Watson, Dr. J.] G2U14 Correspondence with. [See Youmans, E. L.] C 10 R21 A Perplexed Philosopher. [See George, H.] F 14 Q 35 Philosophy of. [See Hudson, W. II.] G 2 U 8 SPENER, Philipp Jacob. [Life of] ; by Rev. F. F. Wal- rond. 12mo. Lond., 1S93. C 13 P 9 SPENSER, Edmund, and his time. [See Morley, Prof. H.] B21 R33 SPICEE, Rev. E. On a sense of Hearing in Ants. (Proc Roy. Soc, Queensland, 1.) Svo. Brisk, 1881. ME 1 T SPIELMANN, M. H. Henrietto Ronner, the Painter of Cat Life and Cat Character. [See Ronner, H] A 40 U 3 t SPIERS, R. Phone. Orders of Architecture: Greek, Soman, Italian. Fol. Lond., 1890. A G U 1 J History of Architecture. [See Fergusson, J.] A 19 T 11,12 SPIERS, Prof. V. J. T. History of Literature of Franco in Synoptic Tables. 8vo. Lond., 1894. B 20 R 8 SPILBERGEN, Georg van. Speculum orientalis occi- dentalis que Indira navigationum. [See Speculum.] MD 8 P 9 SPINOZA, Benedict do. A Study of ; by the Rov. Dr. J. Martineau. Svo. Lond., 1895. G 3 P 32 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 257 SPIRITUAL BOMBSHELL, The ; or, Popery and Pro- testantism exhibited in their relation to Judaism, Christianity, and each other ; by l; A Priest of the Living Temple." 8vo. Hobart,1871. MG 1 S 41 SPIRITUAL PANTHEISM ; by " F.H.J." [See Religi- ous Pamphlets, 1.] GOV 16 SPON, Ernest. Water Supply : the Present Practice of Sinking and Boring Wells ; with Geological Con- siderations and Examples of Wells exet uted. 2nd ed. Svo. Loud., 1885. A 22 Q 10 SPRAGUE, Isaac. Wild Flowers of America. I See Goodale, Dr. G. L.] A 15 Q 22 f SPRAY. [See Scott, Mrs. David.] SPRINGALL, Percy W. A Trip through the Hot Lake District, New Zealand. (Roy. Geogr. Soc. of Austra- lasia, Q. Branch, 3.) 8vo. Brisbane, 1889. ME 20 SPRINGER, Wm. M. Tariff Reform, the Paramount issue ; with a Sketch of the Author, by A. J. Jones. Svo. New York, 1892. F 4 P 24 SPRINGTHORPE, Dr. J. W. Manual of Infectious Diseases and Ambulance Work. [See Brodribb, T. — Manual of Health.] MA 3 U 4 Report on Koch's Treatment of Tubercular Disease. Svo. Melb., 1891. MA 3 S 52 SPRY, Frank P. Victorian Butterflies. [See Anderson, E.] MA 3 S 15 SPURGEON, Rev. Charles Haddon. Personal Reminis- cences of; by Rev. W. Williams. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 19 V 12 Sketch of; with Portrait. [See Bolton, Sarah K. — Famous Leaders.] C 17 P 27 Sketch of. [See Smalley, G. W.— Studies of Men.] C 19 R 20 SPURR, J. Edward. Iron-bearing Rocks of the Mesabi Range. Minnesota. Svo. Minneapolis, 1894. A 24 V 33 SPYBEY, F. G. Annual Register of Nottingham County Cricket Matches, 1880-80. 7 vols. 12mo. Notting- ham, 18SC-86. E SPYERS, T. G. The Labour Question : an Epitome of the Evidence and the Report of the Royal Commission on Labour. 12mo. Loud., 1894. F 4 T 15 SQUAREY, Chaa. Popular Treatise on Agricultural Chemistry. Svo. Philad., 1842. A 21 Q 28 SQUATTERS' DIRECTORY, containing a list of all occupants of Crown Lands in the intermediate and un- settled districts of Port Phillip, the names, estimated area, and grazing capabilities of their respective runs. 8vo. Melb., 1849. ME 11 S 2k SQUIRE, Dr. J. Edward. Hygienic Prevention of Con- sumption. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 20 Q 35 SQUIRE, Peter. Companion to the latest edition of the British Pharmacopoeia. 8vo. Lond., 1894. A33S8 STABLES, Dr. Wm. Gordon. Canine Medicine and Surgery. [See Shaw, V.] A 5 P 1G t STACK, Frederick Rice. Views in the Province of Auck- land, New Zealand. Fol. Lond. (n.d.) MD5Q14 + STAFFORD, Wm. Report on. [See New South Wales, Police.] MF 4 T 17 STAIRS, Capt. W. G. With Capt. Stairs to Katanga. [See Moloney, J. A.] D 14 P 8 STALEY, Rt. Rev. Thos. Nettleship. Five Years' Church Work in the Kingdom of Hawaii. 8vo. Lond , 1S68. MG 1 P 83 STAMBULOFF, Stepan. [Life of] ; by A. H. Beaman. Svo. Loud., 1895. C 22 P 11 STAMMER, Dr. K., ELSNEE, Dr. P., and SCHUBERT, E. Treatise on the Raw Materials and the Distilla- tion and Rectification of Alcohol, and the Preparation of Alcoholic Liquors, Liqueurs, Cordials, and Bitters ; • translated by W. T. Brannt. Illustrated. 12mo. Philad., 1885. A 25 Q 39 STANDARD DICTIONARY of the English Language. 2 vols. 4to. New York, 1895. K 20 V 30, 31 STANFIELD, Clarkson. Pictures by; with a Bio- graphical Sketch of the Painter, by J. Dafforne. 4to. Lond. (n.d.) A 39 Q 10 + STANFORD, Edward. Australasia. [See Wallace, Dr. A. R.] MD 8 Q 23, 24 Compendium of Geography: Africa. [See Keane, A. H. —Africa.] D 14 R 14 Library Map of London and Suburbs. Folded 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) Libr. STANFORD, Leland. Sketch of. [See Stoddard, W. O. —Men of Business.] C 10 R 19 STANLEY, Very Rev. Dr. Arthur Penrhyn. The Life and Correspondence of A. P. Stanley, D.D.,late Dean of Westminster; by R. E. Prothero, with the co- operation and sanction of the Very Rev. G. G. Brad- ley, Dean of Westminster. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1893. C 19 R 3, 4 Essay on. [See Brooks, Rt. Rev. P.] JOS 38 Selection from the Writings of ; edited by Rev. A. S. Aglen. 8vo. Lond., 1894. G 15 P 29 Sermons and Essays on the Apostolic Age. 8vo. Lond. (n.d.) G 11 P 43 STANLEY, Rt. Hon. Edward John, Lord. The People's Day. [See Arthur, W.] G 15 P 43 25S Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. STANLEY, Lady Gertrude Sloane. Correspondence with Jos. Jekyll. [See Jekyll, J.] C 16 S 16 STANLEY, Henry Morton, and the Congo Free State. [See Greeley, Gen. A. W. — Explorers and Travellers.] C17R4 My Dark Companions and their Strange Stories. 8vo. Lond., 1S93. B 16 E 8 My Early Travels and Adventures in America and Asia. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. D 17 Q 27, 28 Livingstone and Stanley on Lake Tanganika. [See Great Explorers.] D 15 V 21, 22 Sketch of. [See Brown, Dr. E. — Story of Africa.] D 15 V 24-26 STANLEY, Hiram M. Studies in the Evolutionary Psy- chology of Peeling. 8vo. Lond., 1895. G 3 E 12 STANLEY, Thos. Trans. — Anaereon. [See Anacreon.] 1I7U9 STANNAED, Mrs. Arthur, "John Strange Winter." Mrs. A. Staunard at Home ; with Portrait. [See Blathwayt, E.— Interviews.] J 10 U 34 STAPF, Dr. 0. Plora of Mount Kinabalu, in North Borneo. [See Trans. LinneauSoc., Lond., 4, pt. 2.] E STAEEEEN, T. L. M. van. Mijne Reisontmoetingen op den Grooten Oceaan. Svo. Dordrecht, 1843. MD 8 Q 11 STAEK, Gen. John. The Statue erected by the Senate of New Hampshire in honor of: a Sketch of its incep- tion, erection, and dedication. Sm.4to. Manchester, N.H., 1890. C 19 S 4 STAEE, Frederick. Trans.— The Pygmies. [See Quat- refages, A. de.] A 19 Q 5 STATE EDUCATION FOE THE PEOPLE in America, Europe, India, and Australia ; with Papers on the Education of "Women, Technical Instruction, and Pay- ment by Eesults. Eoy. 8vo. Syracuse, N.Y., 1895. G 15 T 22 STATE TEIALS, Eeports of. [See Great Britain and Ireland.] STATESMAN'S YEAE-BOOK, The: Statistical and Historical Annual of the States of the World for 1893-95. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1893-95. E STATHAM, H. Heathcote. Architecture for general readers. 8vo. Lond., 1895. A 20 U G STATISTICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Journal of, 1838-92. Vols. 1-55, with Indexes and Jubilee vol. 8vo. Lond., 1839-92. E STAUNTON, Howard. The Chess-player's Hand-book. 8vo. Lond., 1890. A 17 U 8 The Plays of Shakespeare. [See Shakespeare, W.] H2 V4-6 STEAD, Richard. Bygone Kent, Svo. Canterbury, 1892. B5T45 STEAD, Win. Thos. An Interview with, on the Church of the Future ; with Portrait. [See Blathwayt, E. — Interviews.] J 10 U 34 If Christ came to Chicago : a Plea for the union of all who love in the service of all who suffer. 8vo. Lond., 1894. F 5 Q 14 Two and two make four : being the Eeview of Reviews Annual, 1893. Sin. 4to. Lond., 1893. E [See Review of Reviews.] E STEAM TO AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND: a Collection of Letters. Svo. Loud., 1850. MP 4 Q 21 STEANE, G. R. B. Notes on Hydrology. (Roy. Soc, Vic, 20.) Svo. Melb., 1881. ME I P STEBBING, Rev. Thos. B. R, History of Crustacea- Recent Malacostraca. Svo. Lond., 1893. A 23 Q 3G AmDhipoda, [See Thomson, Sir C. W., and Murray, Dr. J —Voyage of II.M.S. Challenger.'] A 6 f STEBLER, Dr. F. G., and SCHROTER, Dr. 0. The best Forage Plants fully described and figured ; translated by Prof. A. N. McAlpine. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., 1889. A 36 T 4 % STECHER, Wm. A. Gerinau System of Physical Educa- tion. 8vo. Milwaukee (n.d.) G 18 R 35 STEDMAN, Edmund Clarence. Works of Edgar Allen Poe. [Set Poe, E. A.] J 14 R 1, 2 STEELE, Sir Richard. [Plays of.] Edited by G. A. Aitken. 12mo. Lond., 1894. II 3 P 49 The Conscious Lovers : a Comedy. [See London Stage, 2.] H 2 S 34 The Tender Husband ; or, the Accomplished Fools : a Comedy. [St* London Stage, 3.] H 2 S 35 The Spectator. [See Addison, J.] J 12 T 26 STEELE, Robert. Medieval Lore : an Epitome of the Science, Geography, Animal and Plant Lore, and Myth of the Middle Age ; being the classified gleanings from the Encyclopedia of Bartholomew Anglicus. Eoy. Svo. Lond., 1893. A 30 T G Secrees of old Philisoffres. [See Early English Text Society.] E STEELE, W. Huey. A new Thermo-electric Phenomenon. (Proceedings Royal Society, Victoria, n.s. 6.) Svo. Melb., 1894. ME 1 P STEINER, Dr. Bernard C. History of Education in Con- necticut. 8vo. Wash., 1893. " G 18 R 37 History of University Education in Maryland. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 9.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1891. B 18 S 9 History of Slavery in Connecticut. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 11.) 8vo. Baltimore, 1893. B18S11 History of Education in Maryland. Svo. Wash., 1894. G 18 R 40 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 259 STENHOUSE, Andrew. Anatomy of the Pig-Fish (Agriopns Icucopcecilus). (Trans. N.Z. Inst., 20.) Svo. Wellington, 1891. ME 2 E STEPHEN, Sir Alfred. Addresses to Sir A. Stephen in Tasmania and New South Wales, 1839 and 1873. 8vo. Sydney, 1874. MC 1 Q 26 Divorce Extension Bill Speeches. Svo. Sydney, 1880. MF 1 11 59 Introduction to the law Reform Commissioners' Eeport on Criminal Law Consolidation. Svo. Sydney, 1876. MF 4 E 30 Matrimonial Causes Acts and Divorce Law : Letters on the Indissolubility Question and transfer of the divorc- ing power from Parliament. 8vo. Sydney, 1887. ME 4 11 60 St. Mary's Public School, South Creek ; Address on opening. Svo. Sydney, 1878. MG 2 Q 30 Speech of, at the dinner given to him on his departure for Europe. 8vo. Sydney, .1881. MJ 3 Q 30 Supreme Court Practice : the Eules of Court and Enact- ments affecting Actions and other Proceedings at Law, 1850. 8vo. Sydney, 1850. MF 1 Q 45 STEPHEN, Sir George. Insolvency Abuses exposed by. 8vo. Melb., 1868. ME 4 E 1 STEPHEN, Harold W. H. Our Exhibition Annual, con- sisting of Talcs, Sketches, Poetry, &c. 8vo. Sydney, 1878. MJ 3 S 1 STEPHEN, Sir Jas. Eitzjames. Essays ; by " A Barrister." 8vo. Loud., 1802. J 6 S 39 Hora; Sabbaticffi ; reprint or articles contributed to The Saturday Beview. 1st — 3rd series. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond., 1S92. G 16 Q 35-37 Life of ; by his brother. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 19 S 6 STEPHEN, Leslie. An Agnostic's Apology, and other essays. Svo. Lond., 1893. G 2 P 35 Hours in a Library. New edition. 3 vols. Svo. Lond., 1892. J 4 P 5-7 and LEE, Sidney. Dictionary of National Biography. Vols. 32-41." Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1893-95. CUE STEPHEN, M. H. Supplement to the Supreme Court Practice, with Acts of Council, and Notes of Cases. Svo. Sydney, 1851. MF 2 E 51 STEPHEN, Oscar Leslie. Sir Victor Brooke, Sportsman and Naturalist : a Memoir. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 1S94. C 17 S 15 STEPHENS, A. G. A Queenslander's Travel Notes. 12mo. Sydney, 1S94. MD 7 T 4 Why Queensland wants Separation. 8vo. Townsville (u.d.) MF 4 E 50 STEPHENS, Frederic George. Dante Gabriel Rossetti. (Portfolio Monograph, 5). Eoy. 8vo. Lond., 1894. E STEPHENS, Jas. Bruuton. The Godolphin Arabian : the Story of a Horse. 18mo. Brisbane, 1891. MH 1 U 57 STEPHENS, Eev. Joseph Eayner. Portrait of. [See Gammage, E. G.— Chartist Movement ] E 7 E 24 STEPHENS, II. Morse. Albuquerque. (Rulers of India.) Svo. Oxford, 1892. C 13 P 12 STEPHENS, Very Eev. W. R. W. Life and Letters of Dr. E. A. Freeman. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 19 V 1, 2 STEPHENS, W. Walker. Life and Times of A. R. J. Turgot. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 21 T 11 STEPHENSON, Dr. Andrew. Public Lands and Agrarian Laws of the Soman Eepublic. (Johns Hopkins Uni- versity Studies, 9.) Svo. Baltimore, 1891. B 18 S 9 STEPHENSON, George. Sketch of. [See Smith, G. B. — Leaders of Modern Industry.] C 14 P 14 STEPHENSON, Eobert. Sketch of. [See Smith, G. B. — Leaders of Modem Industry.] C 14 P 14 STEPNIAK, Sei'gius Dragamanoff. Nihilism as it is; being Stepniak's pamphlets translated by E. L. Voyuich, and Felix Volkhovsky's claims of the Eussian Liberals; with an Introduction by Dr. R. S. Watson. 8vo. Lond., 1895. F 8 U 34 Socialism and Nihilism in Russia. [See Subjects of the Day, 2.] F 7 U 27 STERLING, John. Life of; by Thomas Carlyle. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lond., 1852. C 21 Q 3 STERNBERG, Dr. George Miller. Manual of Bacterio- logy. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1893. A 26 V 9 STERNE, Laurence. Essay on. [See Bagehot, W.— Literary Studies.] J 9 P 22-24 STEVENS, Dr. C. Ellis. Sources of the Constitution of the United States. Svo. New York, 1894. F14R22 STEVENS, Chas. John. The Barrier Silver and Tin Mines in 1888. Svo. Adelaide, 1888. MA 2 U 61 STEVENS, Jas. Engineering Telegraph Code. [See Blackburn, A. H.l K 9 S 11 and COEBETT, E. Sydney. Universal Mining Code for the use of Mining Companies, Mining Engineers, Merchants, &c. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1894. £ 9 S 12 STEVENS, Hon. John L., and OLESON, Prof. W. B. Picturesque Hawaii. Obi. imp. 8vo. (n.p.n.d.) MB 2 Q 4 t STEVENS, W. B. Handbook of Freemasonry. 12mo. Brisbane, 1868. MJ 1 P 41 2G0 Supplementary Gatalogtie — 1893-95. STEVENSON, Eobt. Louis. Father Daraien : an open Letter to Eev. Dr. Hyde. 12mo. Lond., 1890. MC 1 S 14 Island Nights Entertainments, consisting of the Beach of Falesa, the Bottle Imp. the Isle of Voices. Svo. Lond., 1893* M.I 2 S 15 [Life of]; by.W. Ealeigh. 8vo. Lond., 1895. C 19 V 10 Sketch of. [See Matthews, B. — Books and Play-books.] J ST34 The Merry Men, and other Tales and Pables. 4th ed. 8vo. Lond., 1894. J 12 E 20 The Suicide Club and the Ea jab's Diamond. Svo. Lond., 1894. J 12 E 27 Kidnapped. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 12 E 28 Catriona. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 12 E 29 The Dynamiter. Svo. Lond., 1895. J 12 E 30 The Black Arrow. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 12 E 32 The Master of Ballantrae. Svo. Lond., 1895. J 12 E 33 Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. If vde. 8vo. Lond., 1895. J 12 E 31 An Inland Voyage. 12mo. Lond., 1895. .1 12 E 35 Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes. 12mo. Lond., 1895. J 12 E 3G and OSBOUENE, L!oyd. The Ebb-Tide. Svo. Lond., 1S94. MJ 3 Q 34 The Wrong Box. Svo. Lond., 1S93. J 12 E 31 STEVENSON, Dr. Thos., and MURPHY, Dr. Shirley P. Treatise on Hygiene and Public Health. 3 vols. roy. Svo. Lond., 1892-94. A 33 U 2-4 STEWART, A. P. Hand-book for Bank Clerks. 12mo. Sydney, 1887. ME 4 P 34 STEWAET, Eev. Dr. Alexander. Handbook of Christian Evidences. Svo. Lond., 1895. G 1 U 22 STEWART, Alexander T. Sketch of. [See Stoddard, W. O.— Men of Business.] C 10 R 19 STEWART, Dr. G. N. Manual of Physiology. Illustrated. Svo. Lond., 1895. A 26 T 21 STEWART, Henry. Irrigation for the Farm, Garden, and Orchard. 8vo. New York, 1892, A 18 Q 44 STEWAET, Hubert. Poems and Plavs. 12mo. Melb., 1894. MH 1 IT 38 STEWART, Hon. John. Debate on the Prerogative of Pardon. [See Parkes, Sir H.] MF 4 Q 40 STEWAET, Prof. Wm. University of Glasgow, old and new, illustrated with views and portraits. 4to. B4P5 X Glasgow, 1894. STIELEE, Carl, PAULUS, Edward, and KADEN, Woldemar. Italia : Viaggio pittoresco dall' Alpi all' Etna, 4a. edizione. Eol. Milano, 1890. D 37 P 23 % STILLE, Dr. Chas. Jane way. Maj.-Gen. A. Wayne and the Pennsylvania Line in the Continental Army. [See Wayne, Maj.-Gen. A.] C 18 TJ 2 STTLLMAN, Wm. Jas. Old Italian Masters. [See Cole, T.] A 8 TJ 38 STINDE, J. The Buchholtz Family : Sketches of Berlin Life ; translated by L. Dora Schmitz. Part 1. 5th ed. 12mo. Lond., 1890. J 9 Q 45 STIELING, Dr. E. C. Note on the Osteology of Noto- ryctes typhlops. (Trans. Roy. Soc, 8. Australia, 18.) Svo. Adelaide, 1894. ME 1 S STIELING, James. On the Caves perforating Marble Deposits, Limestone Creek. (Roy. Soc, Vict., 20.) 8vo. Melb., 1884. " ME 1 P Cryptogamia of the Australian Alps. (Eoy. Soc, Vict., 22.) 8vo. Melb., 1888. ME 1 P Evidences of Glaciatiou in the Australian Alps. (Eoy. Soc, Vict., 22.) Svo. Melb., 1880. ME I P Notes on a Geological Sketch-section through the Aus- tralian Alps. (Trans. Eoy. Soc, S. Australia, 7.) Svo. Adelaide, 1886. ME 1 S I hanerogamia of the Mitta Mitta Source Basin and their Habitats. (Roy. Soc, Vict., 19, 21.) Svo. Melb, 1883-85. ME 1 P The Physical Features of the Australian Alps. (Eov. Soc, Vict, 18.) Melb, 18S2. ME 1 P Physiography of Mount Hotham and surroundings, embracing Notes on the Physical Features, Geology, Botany, Meteorology, &c (Roy. Geog. Soc Austra- lasia, Vic Branch, 8'.) Svo. Melb, 1890. ME 2 Q Proteacem of the Victorian Alps. (Trans. Eoy. Soc, S. Australia, 6.) Svo. Adelaide, 1883. ME 1 S The Victorian Coal-fields. Sm. fol. Melb, 1893. MA 9 Q 21 f STIRTON, Dr. James. Additions to the Lichen Flora of Queensland. (Roy. Soc, Vict., 17.) Svo. Melb, 1881. ME IP STOCK EXCHANGE OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Memorandum and Articles of Association. 8vo. Sydney, 1890. MF 1 Q 53 STOCKDALE, Harry. The Legend of the Marble Man. Svo. Sydney, 1889. MA 3 Q 35 STOCKHOLM, The Technical School of. Svo. Stock- holm, 1893. G 18 Q 19 STOCKTON, Francis Eichard ; with Portrait. [Set Blath- wayt, E. — Interviews .] J 10 U 34 STOCKWELL, G. 8. The Republic of Liberia. 12mo. New York, 1S08. B 17 P 34 STOCQUELEE, Joachim Hayward. Familiar History of the British Army, including a Description of the Volunteer Movement. Sm. 4to. Lond, 1871. B2L V20 Supplementary Catalogue — 1893-95. 261 STODDARD, Anna M. John Stuart Blackie: a Biography. 2 vols. 8vo. Ediub , 1895. C 13 V 18, 19 STODDARD, Chas. Augustus. Beyond tho Rockies : a Spring Journey in California. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond., 189 t. D 15 R 11 Spanish Cities, with Glimpses of Gibraltar and Tangier. 8vo. Lond., 1892. D 18 R 10 STODDARD, Chas. Warren. South Sea Idyls. 12mo. New York, 1892. ' M J 3 P 25 STODDARD, John L. Glimpses of the World : a port- folio of the marvellous works of God and man. 4to. Chicago, 1894. A 8 Q 25 f Portfolio of Photographs of famous Scenes, Cities, and Paintings. Obi. imp. Svo. Chicago (n.d.) A7R18 + STODDARD, Wm. Osborn. Men of Business. (Men of Achievement.) Svo. Lond., 1891. C 1G R 19 STODDART, Anna M. [Life of] Sir Philip Sidney. Sm. 4to. Edinb., 1891. C 18 T 19 STOKES, Anson Phelps. Joint-metallism. Svo. New York, 1891. E 14 T 38 STOKES, Rev. Dr. George Thos. Acts of the Apostles, vols. 1 and 2. [See Expositor's Bible.] G 19 S G, 7 I STOKES, II. G. On the occurrence of a Green Mineral in the Schists of Adelaide-street, Brisbane (Pro. Roy. Soc., Queensland, 10.) Svo. Brisbane, 189 t. MBIT Asbestos. [See Hall, E. — Proc. Roy. Soc, Queensland, 8.] ME 1 T STOKES, Margaret. Three Months in the Forest of Erance : a Pilgrimage in search of vestiges of the Irish Saints in France. Illustrated. Sm. 4to. Lond., 1895. G 3 R 15 STOKES, R. Letter to the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Devon, on the late massacre at Wairau. Svo. Lond., 1844. MB 2 R 58 STOKES, Dr. Whitley. On the Calendar of Oengus. (Trans. R I. Academy. — Irish MS., scries I.) 4to. Dublin, 18S0. E STOKVIS, A. M. II. J. Manuel d'Histoire, de Genealogie, et de Chronolgie de tous les Etats du Globe. Tomes 2, 3. Imp. 8vo. Leide, 1889-93. B 15 IT 15, 1G STOLBERG, John S., and STUART, Charles Edward. The Costume of the Clans, with observations on the literature, arts, manufactures, and commerce of the Highlands and Western Isles during the Middle A