%^ # a zxxffx/fxiatiaijfiifnii T H I I CALIFORNIA STATE TEXT BOOK jRBlT IS THE DUTY OF PUPILS TO ASSIST THE STATE BY GUARDING AND USING THIS BOOK WITH CARE. SO THAT IT MAY YIELD GOOD SERVICE. ONLY ONE BOOK CAN BE GIVEN TO A PUPIL. HE SHOULD COVER IT WITH PAPER OR OTHER PROTECTIVE MATERIAL. AND SHOULD HE LOSE. DAMAGE, OR DESTROY THE BOOK HE SHOULD REPLACE IT AT HIS OWN EXPENSE. ^ IT IS THE DUTY OF TEACHERS TO ENCOURAGE AND ENFORCE THESE PROVISIONS. Book No. School District in County I Date of issue L .192..^ I BELIEVE in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sover- eign states; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of Freedom, Equality, Justice, and Humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes. J THEREFORE believe it is my duty to my coun- try to love it; to support sts Constitution; to obey its laws; to respect its Flag; and to defend it against all enemies. Authorized Version. < z K O u u. o b: u a u K 3 CALIFORXIA STATE SERIES A Beginner's History by WILLIAM H. MACE Professor of History in Syracuse University, Author of "Method in History," "A Working Manual of American History," "A School History of the United States," "Lincoln: The Man of the People," and "Washington: A Virginia Cavalier" Illustrated by HOMER W. COLBY Portraits by JACQUES REICH and P. R. AUDIBERT RF.VISED AND ADOPTED BY THE CAIJFORNIA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION California State Printing Department John E. King, State Printer Sacramento Copyright 1916, By the People of the State ok California Mace's Primary History Copyright, IQ09, By William H. Mace All rights reserved Mace's Elementary History Copyright, IQ14, By William H. Mace Mace's Beginner's History Copyright, 191 4. By William H. Mace Copyright, IQIO, By William H. Mace ' ■^■W^^i'f^ . ..... In the compilation of this book certain matter from A Beginner's History, by William H. Mace, has been used. All such matter is protecteci by the copyright entries noted above. r7r / -> C l^O THE. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE The NortHxMen Discover the New World Leif Ericson, Who Discovered Vinland i Early Explorers in America Christopher Columbus, the First Great Alan in American History 2 Ponce de Leon, Who Sought a Marvelous Land and Was Disappointed 17 Cortes, Who Found the Rich City of Mexico . . . . . 18 Pizarro, Who Found the Richest City in the World . . . 2S Coronado, Who Penetrated Southwestern United States but Found Nothing but Beautiful Scenery 24 De Soto, the Discoverer of the Mississippi 24 Magellan, Who Proved that the World Is Round .... 28 The Men Who Made America Known to England and Who Checked the Progress of Spain John Cabot also Searches for a Shorter Route to India and Finds the Mainland of North America 34 Sir Francis Drake, the English "Dragon," Who Sailed the Spanish Main and Who "Singed the King of Spain's Beard". 37 Sir Walter Raleigh, the Friend of Elizabeth, Plants a Colony in America to Check the Power of Spain 42 The Men Who Planted New France in America, Founded Quebec, Explored the Great Lake Region, and Penetrated the Mississippi Valley Samuel de Champlain, the Father of New France .... 49 Joliet and Marquette, Fur Trader and Missionary, Explore the Mississippi Valley for New France ...... 53 What the Dutch Accomplished in the Colonization of the New World Henry Hudson, Whose Discoveries Led Dutch Traders to Colonize New Netherland 54 FAJtous People in Early Virginia John Smith the Savior of Virginia, and Pocahontas its Good Angel 60 I iii iv The Table of Contents PAGE Lord Baltimore, in a Part of Virginia, Founds Maryland as a Home for Persecuted. Catholics and Welcomes Protestants 68 Industries, Manners, and Customs of First Settlers of Virginia 71 Pilgrims and Puritans in New England Miles Stan dish, the Pilgrim Soldier, and the Story of "Ply- mouth Rock" 73 John Winthrop, the Founder of Boston; John Eliot, the Great English Missionary; and King Philip, an Indian Chief the Equal of the White Man ....... 81 Industries, Manners, and Customs 85 The Men Who Planted Colonies for Many Kinds of People Peter Stuyvcsant, the Great Dutch Governor 87 Manners and Customs of New Netherland 91 William Penn, the Quaker, Who Founded the City of Brotherly Love 92 Quaker Ways in Old Pennsylvania 98 John Oglethorpe, the Founder of Georgia as a Home for English Debtors, as a Place for Persecuted Protestants, and as a Barrier against the Spaniards 100 Industries, Manners, and Customs of the Southern Planters . 103 Robert Cavelier de la Salle, Who Followed the Father of Waters to its Mouth, and Established New France FROM Canada to the Gulf of Mexico La Salle Pushed Forward the Work Begun by Joliet and Marquette 106 The Men of New France 113 George Washington, the First General and First President of the United States The "Father of His Country" 115 The Man Who Helped Win Independence by Winning the Hearts of Frenchmen for America Benjamin Franklin, the Wisest American of His Time . . .147 Patrick Henry and Samuel Adams, Famous Men of the Revolu- tion, Who Defended America with Tongue and Pen Partick Henry, the Orator of the Revolution 158 Samuel Adams, the Firebrand of the Revolution . . . .167 The Men Who Fought for American Independence with Gun and Sword Nathan Hale 179 The Table of Contents v PAGE Generals Greene, Morgan, and Marion, the Men Who Helped Win the South from the British 182 The Men Who Helped Win I ndependence by Fighting England ON THE Sea John Paul Jones, a Scotchman, Who Won the Great Victory in the French Ship, Bon Homme Richard 194 John Barry, Who Won More Sea Fights in the Revolution than Any Other Captain 199 The Men Who Crossed the Mountains, Defeated the Indians AND British, and Made the Mississippi River the Western Boundary of the United States Daniel Boone, the Hunter and Pioneer of Kentucky . . . 202 John Sevier, " Nolichucky Jack " 210 George Rogers Clark, the Hero of Vincennes 216 Development of the New Republic Eli Whitney, Who Invented the Cotton Gin and Changed the History of the South 226 Thomas Jefferson, Who Wrote the Declaration of Independ- ence, Founded the Democratic Party, and Purchased the Louisiana Territory 229 Lewis and Clark, American Explorers in the Oregon Country 238 Oliver Hazard Perry, Victor in the Battle of Lake Erie . . 244 Andrew Jackson, the Victor of New Orleans 245 The Men Who Made the Nation Great by Their Inventions AND Discoveries Robert Fulton, the Inventor of the Steamboat 257 Samuel F. B. Morse, Inventor of the Telegraph 264 Cyrus West Field, Who Laid the Atlantic Cable between America and Europe 268 Thomas A. Edison, the Greatest Inventor of Electrical Machinery in the World 272 The Men Who Won Texas, the Oregon Country, and California Sam Houston, Hero of San Jacinto 276 David Crockett, Great Hunter and Hero of the Alamo . . 284 John C. Fremont, the Pathfinder of the Rocky Mountains . 285 Spanish Missions in the Southwest 292 The Three Greatest Statesmen of the Middle Period Henry Clay, the Founder of the Whig Party and the Great Pacificator 296 vi The Table of Contents PAGE Daniel Webster, the Defender of the Constitution .... 302 John C. Calhoun, the Champion of Nullification .... 308 Abraham Lincoln, the Liberator and Martyr A Poor Boy Becomes a Great Man 315 Two Famous Generals Ulysses S. Grant, the Great General of the Union Armies . 331 Robert Edward Lee, the Man Who Led the Confederate Armies 337 The Beginning of Expansion Abroad William McKinley and the Spanish- American War .... 342 Westward Expansion and Development The Westward Movement of Population and the Develop- ment of Transportation 350 George Washington Goethals, Chief Engineer of the Panama Canal 354 Heroines of National Progress Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, Who Were the First to Struggle for the Rights of Women .... 358 Julia Ward Howe, Author of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic," and Harriet Beecher Stowe, Who Wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin 36^ Frances E. Willard, the Great Temperance Crusader; Clara Barton, Who Founded the Red Cross Society in America; and Jane Addams, the Founder of Hull House Social Settlement in Chicago 366 Resources and Industries of Our Country How Farm and Factory Helped Build the Nation .... 374 Mines, Mining, and Manufactures 379 A Pronouncing Index 383 The Index 386 California The Story of Our State (follows Index) ff / , J ,->i.